tomorrowim gonna try itim pretty scared idk itll work idk whatll happen doesnt lots excedrin trick guess im failing classes need serious reason withdraw im thinking survive maybe allowed withdraw classes dont even know feel alone anyone spot me feel like way out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tomorrowim gonna try itim pretty scared idk itll work idk whatll happen doesnt lots excedrin trick guess im failing classes need serious reason withdraw im thinking survive maybe allowed withdraw classes dont even know feel alone anyone spot me feel like way out" ]
mañanaim va a tratar de itim bastante asustado idk itll trabajo idk Whatll suceder no lotes excedrin truco adivinar im clases fallidas necesidad de razón seria retirar im pensar sobrevivir tal vez permitido retirar clases ni siquiera se sienten solos nadie me ve como una salida
would yall wantnot want see ya romance story wanna know yall think tropes cliches elements romances like resonate with seems unrealistic opinions would want see think seen seen enough of personally detest love triangles typical bad boy everyone totally fawns over
[ "would yall wantnot want see ya romance story wanna know yall think tropes cliches elements romances like resonate with seems unrealistic opinions would want see think seen seen enough of personally detest love triangles typical bad boy everyone totally fawns over" ]
No querrás ver la historia romántica que quieres saber que crees que tropes clichés elementos romances como resonar con parece opiniones poco realistas que quieren ver pensar visto lo suficiente de los triángulos de amor detesto personalmente típico chico malo todo el mundo se afana por
yo girls actually like guys moan ive heard somewhere know true
[ "yo girls actually like guys moan ive heard somewhere know true" ]
a las chicas les gustan los chicos gemidos en algún lugar saben la verdad
tour busso considering getting passenger tour bus taking vote go every night free park lake park loaded tour bus picnic every day much per day collecting list interested people maybe happen get people
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tour busso considering getting passenger tour bus taking vote go every night free park lake park loaded tour bus picnic every day much per day collecting list interested people maybe happen get people" ]
tour busso considerando conseguir pasajeros tour bus tomando voto ir todas las noches libre parque lago parque cargado tour bus picnic todos los días mucho por día recoger lista personas interesadas tal vez sucede conseguir personas
life pointless maybe see iti see point life others see pointless is redflag consideration life pointless is live die live learn work die live serve needs society whatever die people say get lots good life see that friends family woohoo no end die lose all same earlier later maybe dying earlier even better since weaker bond separation painful get little good things life get lot bad things sadness learn eventually work thats life its pointless this even living like im negative truth others see it read this people give support reddit see pointless life is understand someone understand life pointless something pointless quit right death im missing guts braver options maybe im already gone life pointless understands
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life pointless maybe see iti see point life others see pointless is redflag consideration life pointless is live die live learn work die live serve needs society whatever die people say get lots good life see that friends family woohoo no end die lose all same earlier later maybe dying earlier even better since weaker bond separation painful get little good things life get lot bad things sadness learn eventually work thats life its pointless this even living like im negative truth others see it read this people give support reddit see pointless life is understand someone understand life pointless something pointless quit right deathim missing guts braver options maybe im already gone life pointless understands" ]
vida sin sentido tal vez ver iti ver punto vida otros ven sin sentido es bandera roja consideración vida sin sentido es vivo morir vivo aprender trabajo morir vivir servir necesita sociedad lo que la gente dice conseguir mucho buena vida ver que amigos familia woohoo no final morir perder todo lo mismo más temprano más tarde quizás morir antes incluso mejor ya más débil vínculo separación doloroso obtener pequeñas cosas buenas vida conseguir mucho mal cosas tristeza aprender trabajo que es vida su vida sin sentido esta vida incluso vivir como im verdad negativa otros ven que leer esta gente dar apoyo reddit ver vida sin sentido es entender alguien entender vida sin sentido algo derecho muerteim faltado agallas opciones más valientes tal vez im ya ido vida sin sentido entiende
thinking offingpm me need talk thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking offingpm me need talk thanks" ]
Pensando offingpm necesito hablar gracias
im smooth me hi girl hi me wanna make baby girl yeah
[ "im smooth me higirl hi me wanna make baby girlyeah" ]
im suave me higirl hola me quiero hacer bebé girlyeah
hard find heroinat rate im probably going go home depot buy rope idc painful want already
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hard find heroinat rate im probably going go home depot buy rope idc painful want already" ]
difícil encontrar heroínaat race im probablemente ir a casa Depot comprar cuerda idc doloroso deseo ya
told online friend plan today threatened follow suiti thought online would safe thought cut people real life could talk people online pass time act grew care became rather codependent realized something wrong asked me spilled beans fucked up felt peace feel conflicted again know do something simple theory difficult accomplish resisted urge find sense belonging knew along goal keep fucking things everyone around me hate live others sure know live myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "told online friend plan today threatened follow suiti thought online would safe thought cut people real life could talk people online pass time act grew care became rather codependent realized something wrong asked me spilled beans fucked up felt peace feel conflicted again know do something simple theory difficult accomplish resisted urge find sense belonging knew along goal keep fucking things everyone around me hate live others sure know live myself" ]
le dijo a un amigo en línea plan hoy amenazado seguir suiti pensamiento en línea seguro pensamiento corte personas vida real podría hablar personas en línea pase acción de tiempo creció cuidado se convirtió en algo codependiente se dio cuenta de algo mal me preguntó se derramó frijoles jodido sentir paz se siente conflictivo otra vez saber hacer algo simple teoría difícil lograr resistió buscar sentido pertenencia sabía a lo largo de la meta mantener mierda todo el mundo alrededor de mí odio vivir otros seguro saber vivir yo mismo
im tiredive written six drafts redflag note past week im wondering even worth it six years relapsed first mark however realized causing harm even worth either waste effort getting could lay bed sleep off ive trying hardmaybe little hard get someoneanyoneto see im ok gone class weeks go work get away parents make feel awful career choice im relationship going bad want cant bring hurt him im boring shitty person goals aspirations cant find pleasure art cant find creativity need make it cant even play video games anymore go dnd sundays so enjoys game dm best friend was hang close friend anymore tried found always busy j stopped trying get invited clubhouse anymore havent months kicked polyamorous relationship two liked liked me gave dream case manager parents thought would hate life make enough moneya friends also thought stupid like people comments finally wore down im art major somehow flunking college thought would give tattooing try parents conservative even like one tattoo havean armadillo wreath forearmand again think im going making enough money im tired trying meet everyones expectations failing trying thing pissing everyone off year ago well known generous kind supportive motherly thats wanted be wanted help people im even known reputation something care about like wellbeing interests disappeared everyones minds im tired time enjoy anything love feel passion think little beautiful things world know anymore im terrified time relieved im waiting trip colorado see nature spark something inside me noti around much longer one care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredive written six drafts redflag note past week im wondering even worth it six years relapsed first mark however realized causing harm even worth either waste effort getting could lay bed sleep off ive trying hardmaybe little hard get someoneanyoneto seeim ok gone class weeks go work get away parents make feel awful career choiceim relationship going bad want cant bring hurt him", "im boring shitty person goals aspirations cant find pleasure art cant find creativity need make it cant even play video games anymore go dnd sundays so enjoys game dm best friend was hang close friend anymore tried found always busy j stopped trying get invited clubhouse anymore havent months kicked polyamorous relationship two liked liked me gave dream case manager parents thought would hate life make enough moneya friends also thought stupid like people comments finally wore down im art major somehow flunking college thought would give tattooing try parents conservative even like one tattoo havean armadillo wreath forearmand again think im going making enough money im tired trying meet everyones expectations failing trying thing pissing everyone off year ago well known generous kind supportive motherly thats wanted be wanted help people im even known reputation something care about like wellbeing interests disappeared everyones minds im tired time enjoy anything love feel passion think little beautiful things world know anymore im terrified time relieved im waiting trip colorado see nature spark something inside me noti around much longer one care" ]
Im cansado escrito seis borradores rojoflag nota la semana pasada me pregunto incluso vale la pena seis años recayó primera marca sin embargo se dio cuenta de causar daño incluso vale la pena cualquier esfuerzo de desperdicio conseguir podría dormir en la cama ive tratando duro tal vez poco conseguir a alguien a ver ok se fue las semanas de clase ir a trabajar lejos padres hacer sentir horrible carrera elecciónim relación va mal querer no puede traer daño
ah yes rteenagers cesspool whatever is
[ "ah yes rteenagers cesspool whatever is" ]
ah yeah rteenagers cesspool lo que sea
yesterday disciplining son things productive hoped for looked support husband response well annoying could stop it get car drive lake would us favor know antidepressants stuff would like stop making lives miserable would hurry along responded husband notsuicidal was would tellsomeone drive car lake concerned husband plotting death know bit extreme like said suicidal think husband wants dead turn dead want people think me understand right place know turn friends confide want someone know turn dead me husband playing mind games
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "yesterday disciplining son things productive hoped for looked support husband response well annoying could stop it get car drive lake would us favor know antidepressants stuff would like stop making lives miserable would hurry along responded husband notsuicidal was would tellsomeone drive car lake concerned husband plotting death know bit extreme like said suicidal think husband wants dead turn dead want people think me understand right place know turn friends confide wantsomeone know turn dead me husband playing mind games" ]
Ayer disciplinando hijos cosas productivas esperadas para buscar apoyo respuesta marido bien molesto podría parar conseguir coche conducir lago nos gustaría saber antidepresivos cosas como dejar de hacer las vidas miserables se apresuraría a lo largo de respuesta marido notsuicidal fue decirle a alguien coche coche lago preocupado marido tramar la muerte saber un poco extremo como dicho suicida pensar marido quiere muerto volver a la muerte quieren la gente creo que entiendo lugar correcto saber volver amigos confiar en alguien saber volver muerto marido jugar mente juegos
five medical students kevin bacon david labraccio william baldwin dr joe hurley oliver platt randy steckle julia roberts dr rachel mannus kiefer sutherland nelson experiment clandestine near death afterlife experiences researching medical personal enlightenment one one medical students heart stopped revivedbr br under temporary death spells experiences bizarre visions including forgotten childhood memories flashbacks like childrens nightmares revived students disturbed remembering regretful acts committed done them experience afterlife bring real life experiences back present continue experiment remembrances dramatically intensify much so physically overcome thus probe transcend deeper deathafterlife experiences attempting find curebr br even though dvd released motion picture released therefore kevin bacon william baldwin julia roberts kiefer sutherland early stages adult acting careers besides plot extremely intriguing suspense building dramatic climax script tight convincing young actors make flatliners allstar cult semiscifi suspense knew years ago film careers young group actors would skyrocket suspect director joel schumacher did
[ "five medical students kevin bacon david labraccio william baldwin dr joe hurley oliver platt randy steckle julia roberts dr rachel mannus kiefer sutherland nelson experiment clandestine near death afterlife experiences researching medical personal enlightenment one one medical students heart stopped revivedbr br under temporary death spells experiences bizarre visions including forgotten childhood memories flashbacks like childrens nightmares revived students disturbed remembering regretful acts committed done them experience afterlife bring real life experiences back present continue experiment remembrances dramatically intensify much so physically overcome thus probe transcend deeper deathafterlife experiences attempting find curebr br even though dvd released motion picture released therefore kevin bacon william baldwin julia roberts kiefer sutherland early stages adult acting careers besides plot extremely intriguing suspense building dramatic climax script tight convincing young actors make flatliners allstar cult semiscifi suspense knew years ago film careers young group actors would skyrocket suspect director joel schumacher did" ]
cinco estudiantes de medicina kevin tocino david labraccio william callwin dr joe shumey oliver platt steckle julia roberts dr rachel mannus kiefer sutherland nelson experimento clandestino cerca de la muerte experiencias de vida posterior investigación de iluminación personal médica uno estudiantes de medicina corazón paró revivir br bajo muerte temporal hechizos experiencias visiones extrañas incluyendo recuerdos de la infancia olvidados flashbacks como niños pesadillas revivió estudiantes perturbados recordar actos lamentables cometidos experiencia después de la vida volver experiencias de vida real presente continuar recuerdos experimento dramáticamente intensificar mucho tan físicamente superar así la investigación trascender la muerte más profunda después de experiencias de la vida tratando de encontrar curabr br a pesar de dvd lanzado película foto lanzada por lo tanto kevin tocino william callwin julia roberts kierland etapas tempranas adultos actuación carreras además de trama extremadamente intrigante suspenso edificio dramático clímax escritura apretado actores jóvenes hacen flatliner todo estrella culto semiscifi suspense sabía años atrás carreras de cine jóvenes actores grupo dispararían sospechosos director joel schach
im okayive lived depression pretty much whole life past years anxiety problem too left house work morning already feel pretty bad ended putting fake practiced customer service face made work day got home got worse went pay couple bills first thing see paying bills credit card drawn couple hundred dollars make payment card bill actually going pay im completely money got paid get paid two weeks town work trip pay day without direct deposit im completely broke bills due next pay check next pay check get late credit card blessing curse me reason im mountain credit card debt bad place needed use place live food im glad needed it impossible get under know im going survive next two weeks im lowest point ive long time know everyone money issues one wants hear mine take much long ive crippling debt decade now every time start get something else comes up ill start getting bills bit car dies oh goes another couple thousand family member dies get inheritance make huge payment towards getting debt oh car dies again money got goes buying replacement money problem one thats likely break camels back today
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im okayive lived depression pretty much whole life past years anxiety problem too left house work morning already feel pretty bad ended putting fake practiced customer service face made work day got home got worse went pay couple bills first thing see paying bills credit card drawn couple hundred dollars make payment card bill actually going payim completely money got paid get paid two weeks town work trip pay day without direct deposit im completely broke bills due next pay check next pay check get late credit card blessing curse me reason im mountain credit card debt bad place needed use place live foodim glad needed it impossible get under know im going survive next two weeks im lowest point ive long time know everyone money issues one wants hear mine take much long ive crippling debt decade now every time start get something else comes up ill start getting bills bit car diesoh goes another couple thousand family member dies get inheritance make huge payment towards getting debtoh car dies again money got goes buying replacement money problem one thats likely break camels back today" ]
im okayive vivió depresión casi toda la vida años pasados ansiedad problema demasiado izquierda trabajo en la casa mañana ya se siente bastante mal terminó poner falso práctica servicio al cliente cara hecho trabajo día llegó a casa empeoró ido pagar facturas pareja primera cosa ver pagar facturas tarjeta de crédito sorteado par de cientos de dólares hacer pago tarjeta de pago factura realmente va payim completamente dinero se pagó pagar dos semanas viaje de trabajo paga día sin depósito directo im completamente roto facturas debido próximo pago cheque siguiente pago cheque obtener tarde tarjeta de crédito bendición maldigo me razón im montaña deuda tarjeta de crédito mal lugar necesario uso lugar live foodim me alegraba necesidad debajo de saber im va a sobrevivir próxima dos semanas im punto más bajo en vida largo tiempo saber todos los problemas de dinero uno quiere oír tomar mucho tiempo en vivo paraliza la deuda década ahora cada vez que empezar a conseguir algo más viene mal empezar a conseguir billetes poco coche diesoh va otro par de miles de miembros de la familia muere herencia hacer enorme pago hacia conseguir deudaoh coche muere de nuevo dinero consiguió comprar dinero va a comprar dinero problema de reemplazo uno que probablemente romper camellos volver hoy
im alive yet redflag still mindi know replied previous post hated commit hate im still alive know why really wanted people believe dead im alive much obvious still cant stop thinking killing myself want someone love me somebody hold know reason here kills know possible want hang bad im still terrified last time feel weak
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im alive yet redflag still mindi know replied previous post hated commit hate im still alive know why really wanted people believe dead im alive much obvious still cant stop thinking killing myself want someone love me somebody hold know reason here kills know possible want hang badim still terrified last time feel weak" ]
Im vivo y sin embargo Redflag todavía mindi saber respondió post anterior odiado cometer odio im todavía vivo saber por qué realmente quería que la gente cree muerto im vivo mucho obvio todavía no puedo dejar de pensar suicidarme quiero que alguien me quiera alguien me tenga alguien sabe razón aquí mata saber posible querer colgar bádim todavía aterrorizado la última vez se siente débil
feel uselessi feel like nobody likes me ive never felt suicidal several months idk whats happened service dog still feel point life future get worse here go therapy therapist vacation going vacation wont therapy long time want vent real life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel uselessi feel like nobody likes me ive never felt suicidal several monthsidk whats happened service dog still feel point life future get worse here go therapy therapist vacation going vacation wont therapy long time want vent real life" ]
Me siento inútil me siento como a nadie le gusto nunca me he sentido suicida varios meses sidk lo que pasó perro de servicio todavía siento punto vida futuro empeorar aquí ir terapia terapeuta vacaciones vacaciones no va a terapia mucho tiempo quiere ventilar la vida real
rainbow brite star stealer opinion excellent masterpiece felt warm tingly rainbow brite voice bettina krys voice david mendenhall set get revenge princess voice rhonad aldrich ask me princess absolutely bitchy diabolical me deserved rainbow brite krys seek revenge him however liked castle well rest setting addition thought lurky voiec pat fraley murky voiec peter cullen diabolical wrap up id like say everyone perfectly cast direction flawless disney scored big hit conclusion highly recommend excellent masterpiece everyone seen it especially diehard fans tv series guarantee enjoy it
[ "rainbow brite star stealer opinion excellent masterpiece felt warm tingly rainbow brite voice bettina krys voice david mendenhall set get revenge princess voice rhonad aldrich ask me princess absolutely bitchy diabolical me deserved rainbow brite krys seek revenge him however liked castle well rest setting addition thought lurky voiec pat fraley murky voiec peter cullen diabolical wrap up id like say everyone perfectly cast direction flawless disney scored big hit conclusion highly recommend excellent masterpiece everyone seen it especially diehard fans tv series guarantee enjoy it" ]
arco iris brit estrella ladrón opinión excelente obra maestra se sintió caliente hormigueo arco iris brit voz bettina krys voz david medenhall set conseguir venganza princesa voz rhonad aldrich preguntarme princesa absolutamente perra diabólica me merecía arco iris brit krys buscar venganza sin embargo le gustaba castillo bien descanso ajuste adición pensamiento lurky voiec pat fraley murky voiec Peter cullen diabólica envoltura id como decir todo el mundo perfectamente el reparto dirección impecable disney anotó gran éxito conclusión altamente recomendar excelente obra maestra todo el mundo lo vio especialmente diehard fans tv serie garantizar disfrutarlo
im still aliveim going kill week maybe tomorrow im fed everything sleepless nights everybody care never tbh kill ages ago idk done im unwanted worthless feel hopeless feel dead inside numb tried everybody reach toxic cruel mean negative horny im going end may anyways already cant least week without self harming trying commit redflag suicidal thoughts everyday even dream commitment redflag even attempt redflag times im still alive mistake world everything im better dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im still aliveim going kill week maybe tomorrow im fed everything sleepless nights everybody care never tbh kill ages ago idk done im unwanted worthless feel hopeless feel dead inside numb tried everybody reach toxic cruel mean negative horny im going end may anyways already cant least week without self harming trying commit redflag suicidal thoughts everyday even dream commitment redflag even attempt redflag times im still alive mistake world everything im better dead" ]
Im still liveim going kill week tal vez mañana i alimentado todo noches sin dormir a todo el mundo le importa nunca tbh matar hace siglos idk doed im indeseado no vale la pena sentirse muerto dentro de entumecimiento intentado todo el mundo alcance tóxico cruel media negativa cachonda im va a final puede de todos modos ya puede por lo menos semana sin autodañarse tratando de cometer pensamientos suicidas bandera roja día a día incluso sueño compromiso Redflag incluso intento Redflag veces im todavía vivo error mundo todo im mejor muerto
whenever people ask feel genuinely share feel need box ship somewhere fault mind goes bridge crossing it also significant life thinks always secret way keep guilting them lol because feel much shame guilt hard get away from drink daily fucked life up never finished college high school stranded bar industry make enough money secretly feed problem prevents saving son makes issues worse cannot sneak couple needed get chest living lie anyone besides year old think best vent to hate routine
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whenever people ask feel genuinely share feel need box ship somewhere fault mind goes bridge crossing it also significant life thinks always secret way keep guilting them lol because feel much shame guilt hard get away from drink daily fucked life up never finished college high school stranded bar industry make enough money secretly feed problem prevents saving son makes issues worse cannot sneak couple needed get chest living lie anyone besides year old think best vent to hate routine" ]
Cada vez que la gente pregunta sentir realmente compartir sentir necesidad barco caja en algún lugar culpa mente va puente cruzando también la vida importante piensa siempre manera secreta seguir culpando lol porque se siente mucha vergüenza culpa difícil escapar de la bebida diario jodido vida hasta nunca terminado universidad escuela secundaria varado industria bar hacer suficiente dinero en secreto problema de alimentación evita salvar hijo hace problemas peor no se puede colar pareja necesario conseguir cofre vivir mentir a nadie además de edad piensa mejor ventilación para odiar rutina
people sub joke youre patheticlike seriously telling life going get better saying get therapy even know im going you u fucking dont suggest people start shutting fuck im going start getting real nasty shove hotline ass go light fire it like seriously fuck you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "people sub joke youre patheticlike seriously telling life going get better saying get therapy even know im going you u fucking dont suggest people start shutting fuck im going start getting real nasty shove hotline ass go light fireit like seriously fuck you" ]
La gente sub broma eres patético como decir seriamente la vida va a mejorar diciendo conseguir la terapia incluso sé que me va u mierda no sugieren la gente comienzan a cerrar mierda im va a empezar a conseguir realmente desagradable empujada línea directa culo ir fuego ligero como en serio mierda
movie entertainment imagine friends love spending time with ones know inside becoming bit silly perhaps taking character two thats film about inventive script brilliantly performed pleasing masses one fun bunch brilliantly talented people im sure thought signed it br br the review sounds completely unfair think person wrote wrong frame mind watched film lighthearted moment great dignity care lookbr br a job well done thought great film id watch north american norm daybr br in nutshell best film ever going see hell lot moments laughed long age
[ "movie entertainment imagine friends love spending time with ones know inside becoming bit silly perhaps taking character two thats film about inventive script brilliantly performed pleasing masses one fun bunch brilliantly talented people im sure thought signed it br br the review sounds completely unfair think person wrote wrong frame mind watched film lighthearted moment great dignity care lookbr br a job well done thought great film id watch north american norm daybr br in nutshell best film ever going see hell lot moments laughed long age" ]
cine entretenimiento imaginar amigos amor pasar tiempo con los que saben dentro de ser un poco tonto tal vez tomar personaje dos ques película sobre guión inventivo brillantemente realizado agradable masas un montón de diversión brillantemente talentoso gente im seguro pensamiento firmado br br la crítica suena completamente injusto pensar persona escribió mal mente marco vio película momento alegre gran dignidad cuidado lookbr br un trabajo bien hecho pensamiento gran película id ver norte americano norma daybr br in nutshell mejor película nunca va a ver infierno muchos momentos rió larga edad
know much longer go without actually haha want okay again know could amazing life right much pain aparently everything get better eventually really hard see far future right now really hope gets better literally every day come close killing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know much longer go without actuallyhaha want okay again know could amazing life right much pain aparently everything get better eventually really hard see far futureright now really hope gets better literally every day come close killing" ]
Sé mucho más sin realmentehaha querer bien otra vez saber podría increíble vida derecho mucho dolor aparentemente todo se pone mejor eventualmente muy difícil ver lejos futuro ahora realmente la esperanza se pone mejor literalmente cada día cerca de matar
already took excedrin pms last hoursreddit need help every time get depressed start taking sleeping pills point forget many ive taken pass out forced bed first time hours im worried im going absentmindedly take many end either dead coma mean estimate well more im attention advice want someone talk to preferably someone experience sleeping pills update pm est taken since amand put bottle eyesight tempted take anymore im still pretty shaky im finding ways distract myself art class hours boss gave day tomorrow which help relax sleep naturally bit want say thank everyone replied really helped lot may update later things bf go well pm people said okay thanks guys nd update okay pm feeling much better emotionally really physically ill dizziness nausea loss direction unable make coherent conversation fine again thanks everyone positive attitudes really helped out also dumped pills going try sleep tonight you guys awesome
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "already took excedrin pms last hoursreddit need help every time get depressed start taking sleeping pills point forget many ive taken pass out forced bed first time hours im worried im going absentmindedly take many end either dead coma mean estimate well more im attention advice want someone talk to preferably someone experience sleeping pills update pm est taken since amand put bottle eyesight tempted take anymore im still pretty shaky im finding ways distract myself art class hours boss gave day tomorrow which help relax sleep naturally bit want say thank everyone replied really helped lot may update later things bf go well pm people said okay thanks guys nd update okay pm feeling much better emotionally really physically ill dizziness nausea loss direction unable make coherent conversation fine again thanks everyone positive attitudes really helped out also dumped pills going try sleep tonight you guys awesome" ]
Ya tomó excedrin pms last hoursreddit necesita ayuda cada vez que se deprime empezar a tomar pastillas para dormir punto olvidar muchos ive tomado pasar cama forzada primera vez horas im preocupado im ir distraído tomar muchos final ya sea coma muerto media estimación bien más im atención consejo quiere alguien hablar preferiblemente alguien experiencia dormir píldoras actualización pm est tomado desde amand poner la vista tentado tomar más im todavía bastante inestable im encontrar maneras de distraerme arte horas jefe dio día mañana que ayudan a relajarse sueño naturalmente poco querer decir gracias todo el mundo respondió realmente ayudó mucho puede actualizar más tarde cosas bf ir bien pm gente dijo bien gracias chicos y actualización bien pm sentirse mucho mejor emocionalmente realmente físicamente enfermo mareos dirección de pérdida de náusea no puede hacer la conversación coherente bien otra vez gracias a todos actitudes positivas realmente ayudó también tirar píldoras va a dormir esta noche chicos impresionante
goes around comes aroundhard express even computer screen used everyone hard trust anyone love anyone cant move forward anymore past still haunts me sexual physical abuse family members bullied school kid im first nation male finished high school gave up either hunger failure every subject took guess thats it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "goes around comes aroundhard express even computer screen used everyone hard trust anyone love anyone cant move forward anymore past still haunts me sexual physical abuse family members bullied school kid im first nation male finished high school gave up either hunger failure every subject took guess thats it" ]
va alrededor de todo duro express incluso la pantalla de la computadora utilizado todos duro confiar en cualquier persona amor nadie puede avanzar más pasado todavía me persigue abuso físico sexual miembros de la familia intimidado niño de la escuela im primera nación hombre terminó la escuela secundaria renunciado o hambre fracaso cada tema se supone que es
life sucks please dont itdo anything kill yourself drugs therapy excersize least something help change perspective give spark motivation way anyway people overcome redflag faith motivation believe same anyway advice get every day
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life sucks please dont itdo anything kill yourself drugs therapy excersize least something help change perspective give spark motivation way anyway people overcome redflag faith motivation believe same anyway advice get every day" ]
la vida apesta por favor no hagas nada que te mate drogas terapia excersize menos algo que ayude a cambiar la perspectiva dar chispa motivación manera de todos modos la gente supera rojo fe motivación creer igual de todos modos consejos obtener todos los días
cannot believe unknown movie isit absolutely incredible ending alone stuck almost thirty years road sign rearveiw mirror blew away liked race devil love movie
[ "cannot believe unknown movie isit absolutely incredible ending alone stuck almost thirty years road sign rearveiw mirror blew away liked race devil love movie" ]
No se puede creer película desconocida esit absolutamente increíble final solo atascado casi treinta años señalización de carretera retrovisor espejo soplado le gustó raza diablo amor película
fuck facing problems imma stand like watching everythin crumple around
[ "fuck facing problems imma stand like watching everythin crumple around" ]
mierda enfrentando problemas Imma de pie como ver everythin crumple alrededor
want start good conversation crush need tips interact crush general want keep conversation going want enjoyable us thanks advance
[ "want start good conversation crush need tips interact crush general want keep conversation going want enjoyable us thanks advance" ]
quiere comenzar buena conversación aplastamiento necesita consejos interactuar aplastamiento general quiere mantener la conversación quiere disfrutar de nosotros gracias avance
ive gay lately im bisexual im think im turning full gay girls interest anymore used love looking pictures pretty women im like ok unfollowed many girls used turn instagram dont feelings towards anymore im looking pics im like why even follow you hand ive perplexed emotions much want bf
[ "ive gay lately im bisexualim think im turning full gay girls interest anymore used love looking pictures pretty women im like ok unfollowed many girls used turn instagram dont feelings towards anymore im looking picsim like why even follow you hand ive perplexed emotions much want bf" ]
ive gay últimamente im bisexualim pensar im convertir completo interés chicas gay más utilizado amor mirar fotos mujeres guapas im como ok sin seguir muchas chicas usadas turno instagram dont sentimientos hacia más im mirando picsim como por qué incluso seguirte mano ive emociones perplejas mucho quieren bf
used thinking suicide mid mid year horrible days returning home sit behind door mental breakdown crying sleep thinking suicide past months gotten better strayed away people hurt me tried abide parents time prevent yelled at still mental breakdowns think suicide while really think option nowadays fear one day get worse worse never heal hope never happens whomever reading this things change better whomever reading this love you precious beautiful deserve world whomever reading this please hurt yourself please something good once
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "used thinking suicide mid mid year horrible days returning home sit behind door mental breakdown crying sleep thinking suicide past months gotten better strayed away people hurt me tried abide parents time prevent yelled at still mental breakdowns think suicide while really think option nowadays fear one day get worse worse never heal hope never happens whomever reading this things change better whomever reading this love you precious beautiful deserve world whomever reading this please hurt yourself please something good once" ]
uso pensar suicidio mediados de año horribles días volver a casa sentarse detrás de la puerta crisis mental llanto sueño pensar suicidio los meses pasados se extraviaron mejor la gente me lastimó trató de permanecer padres tiempo evitar gritado en todavía crisis mentales pensar suicidio mientras realmente pensar opción hoy en día miedo peor nunca peor nunca sanar esperanza nunca sucede quienquiera que lea estas cosas cambiar mejor quienquiera que lea este amor precioso hermoso merece mundo quienquiera que lea esto por favor lastimarse a sí mismo por favor algo bueno una vez
life shit dog eats dog world nobody ever cared nobody would ever carei tools disappear im sad lonely nobody understand feeling except you look bright side things bullsht me feel cant talk anyone friends everybody happy right bother them could say this mentioned suicidal things one answer sad smiley horse poop life purposes problem solve frankly dont motivation feel stupid wortheless im hipersensitive wanna cry almost time situation work shit relationship mother exists dont partner dont want want one im looking anything anyone dont wanna ruin one life nonsense dont fear afterlife fear pain succesfull attempt cause trouble dont want point im glad minimised stuff im gone dont pack crp hoarded years thought would easier less sense good every time throw give someone else something feel less connected current place wish disappear items happening friends disappearing f
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life shit dog eats dog world nobody ever cared nobody would ever carei tools disappear im sad lonely nobody understand feeling except you look bright side things bullsht me feel cant talk anyone friends everybody happy right bother them could say this mentioned suicidal things one answer sad smiley horse poop life purposes problem solve frankly dont motivation feel stupid wortheless im hipersensitive wanna cry almost time situation work shit relationship mother exists dont partner dont want want one im looking anything anyone dont wanna ruin one life nonsense dont fear afterlife fear pain succesfull attempt cause trouble dont want point im glad minimised stuffim gone dont pack crp hoarded years thought would easier less sense good every time throw give someone else something feel less connected current place wish disappear items happening friends disappearing f" ]
vida mierda perro come perro mundo perro nadie nunca le importó herramientas desaparecer im triste solitario nadie entiende sentimiento excepto que te ves lado brillante cosas bullsht me siento no puedo hablar a nadie amigos todo el mundo feliz derecho molestarse podrían decir esto mencionado suicida cosas una respuesta triste sonriente caballo caca propósitos vida resolver francamente no la motivación se siente estúpido valelessless im hipersensible querer llorar casi tiempo situación trabajo mierda relación madre existe no quiero querer una im buscar nada nadie no quiero arruinar una vida sin sentido no temer después de la vida el miedo dolor éxitointento completo causa problemas no quiero punto im contento stuffim minimizado ido dont pack crup años pensamiento sería más fácil menos sentido bueno cada vez tirar dar a alguien algo menos conectado lugar deseo desaparecer elementos sucediendo amigos desaparecer f
fuck youfuck yoy fuck whats point anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck youfuck yoy fuck whats point anymore" ]
Vete a la mierda, vete a la mierda.
soo bored bored lying bed pondering life
[ "soo bored bored lying bed pondering life" ]
soo aburrido aburrido tumbando la cama ponderando la vida
ive never actually stressed yeah ive stressed bother like right now less week decide next years classes idea whats going math essay really dont know finish keep grades c parents dont get mad lot stress before almost every night finally able go sleep around am laying thinking whats gonna happen dont get stuff done sucks ton also wake go school im able see friends minutes lunch doesnt help either probably dont even bad compared kids sucks stressed like this
[ "ive never actually stressed yeahive stressed bother like right now less week decide next years classes idea whats going math essay really dont know finish keep grades c parents dont get mad lot stress before almost every night finally able go sleep around am laying thinking whats gonna happen dont get stuff done sucks ton also wake go school im able see friends minutes lunch doesnt help either probably dont even bad compared kids sucks stressed like this" ]
En realidad nunca estresado sísico estresado molestia como ahora menos semana decidir los próximos años las clases idea lo que está pasando ensayo de matemáticas realmente no saben terminar mantener grados c padres no se enojan mucho estrés antes de casi cada noche finalmente capaz de ir a dormir alrededor de estoy tendido pensando lo que va a pasar no conseguir cosas hacer chupa toneladas también despertar ir escuela im capaz ver amigos minutos almuerzo no ayuda o probablemente ni mal comparado niños chupa estresado como esto
specific memories things never happened time theyre delightful even make playlists make vivid also arent recent like probably mid late s child im still sure never happened
[ "specific memories things never happened time theyre delightful even make playlists make vivid also arent recent like probably mid late s child im still sure never happened" ]
recuerdos especificos cosas nunca pasaron tiempo son deliciosos incluso hacer listas de reproducción hacer vívidos también no son recientes como probablemente medio tarde hijo de yo todavía seguro nunca sucedió
guys hate english teacher wants summerize something already perfectly concise like basically gotta research find words make smaller stupid
[ "guys hate english teacher wants summerize something already perfectly concise like basically gotta research find words make smaller stupid" ]
chicos odian profesor de inglés quiere veranear algo ya perfectamente conciso como básicamente tengo que investigar encontrar palabras hacer más pequeño estúpido
rd time or th know asking if know know think me reply seen posts comments tell criticism always appreciated lt
[ "rd time or th know asking if know know think me reply seen posts comments tell criticism always appreciated lt" ]
rd vez o th saber preguntar si saber saber pensar me respuesta visto posts comentarios dicen crítica siempre apreciada lt
wanna move on wanna get left behind wanna lead generation trains leave station wanna move wanna get left behind
[ "wanna move on wanna get left behind wanna lead generation trains leave station wanna move wanna get left behind" ]
quieren seguir adelante quieren quedarse atrás quieren los trenes de generación de plomo dejan la estación quieren moverse quieren quedarse atrás
dissociationi every number blocked contacts besides mom mangers girl think love who hasnt texted back week social medias people get touch via email soundcloud need want something realized people call friends dont ever really return favor comes listening trying help me feels like everyone thinks im joke always give basic response nothing say really help like help im done talking everyone older brother havent spoke seen years makes high school friend think wont them anyone relate psychotic
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dissociationi every number blocked contacts besides mom mangers girl think love who hasnt texted back week social medias people get touch via email soundcloud need want something realized people call friends dont ever really return favor comes listening trying help me feels like everyone thinks im joke always give basic response nothing say really help like help im done talking everyone older brother havent spoke seen years makes high school friend think wont them anyone relate psychotic" ]
dissociationi cada número de contactos bloqueados además de mamá Mangers chica pensar amor que no ha enviado mensajes de texto semana atrás redes sociales la gente se toca a través de correo electrónico sonidoncloud necesidad de querer algo personas realizadas llaman amigos nunca realmente volver favor viene escuchar tratando de ayudarme se siente como todo el mundo piensa im broma siempre dar respuesta básica nada decir realmente ayuda como ayuda hice hablar a todos hermano mayor no ha hablado años hace amigo de secundaria piensa que nadie se relaciona psicótico
called best friend suicidal know shell ever trust again lived best friend almost years complicated relationship romantic times others one thing sure care lot other battling depression essentially whole life mostly due things happened childhood much control over recently though difficult events made enduring pain day day lot unbearable day work getting text messages really scary talking able do anymore wanting a way pain think ive ever affriad someone must called times minute none calls picked up could think could verify safety accross town would answer calls panicked first thing could think keep safe get apartment fast enough maybe emergency services could dialled called cab home cried got there walked door two police officers standing next her we chat one said your friend agreed go voluntarily hospital honest hospital staff told seriously worried her would let leave father picked up important story understand friend traumatic experiences police past situations anything wrong knew feel guilty panniced stop think would feeling end needed safe friend feels betrayed says really knew would left alone knew calling would make everything worse feel like known better way help feel incredibly guilty says hate me never trust again wanting go behind back seemed insignificant face potentially loosing her feels like worst thing ive ever done
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "called best friend suicidal know shell ever trust again lived best friend almost years complicated relationship romantic times others one thing sure care lot other battling depression essentially whole life mostly due things happened childhood much control over recently though difficult events made enduring pain day day lot unbearable day work getting text messages really scary talking able do anymore wanting a way pain think ive ever affriad someone must called times minute none calls picked up could think could verify safety accross town would answer calls panicked first thing could think keep safe get apartment fast enough maybe emergency services could dialled called cab home cried got there walked door two police officers standing next herwe chat one said your friend agreed go voluntarily hospital honest hospital staff told seriously worried her would let leave father picked up important story understand friend traumatic experiences police past situations anything wrong knew feel guilty panniced stop think would feeling end needed safe friend feels betrayed says really knew would left alone knew calling would make everything worse feel like known better way help feel", "incredibly guilty says hate me never trust again wanting go behind back seemed insignificant face potentially loosing her feels like worst thing ive ever done" ]
Llamado mejor amigo suicida saber Shell volvió a vivir mejor amigo casi años complicado relación romántico veces otros una cosa seguro cuidado lote otra lucha depresión esencialmente toda la vida sobre todo debido a las cosas pasó infancia mucho control sobre recientemente aunque los eventos difíciles hicieron dolor duradero día día lote insoportable día trabajo conseguir mensajes de texto realmente terrorífico hablar capaz hacer más querer una forma de dolor pensar live siempre affriad alguien debe llamar veces minuto ninguna llamada podría pensar podría verificar seguridad accross ciudad responder llamadas pánico primera cosa podría pensar mantener a salvo conseguir apartamento lo suficientemente rápido tal vez servicios de emergencia podría marcar llamado taxi casa llorada llegó allí puerta caminado dos oficiales de policía de pie junto a ella charlamos uno dijo que su amigo estuvo de acuerdo ir voluntariamente hospital honesto personal hospital dijo seriamente preocupado ella dejaría dejar padre recogido importante historia entender amigos experiencias traumáticas policía situaciones pasadas cualquier cosa mal sabía se siente culpable parada paniced pensar se sentiría final seguro amigo se siente traicionado dice que realmente sabía dejar solo saber llamar haría todo peor se siente mejor como mejor manera de ayudar a sentirse
youre cool funny imitate languages ok first all im super offended triggered try imitate mock indian people get it sounds funny accent silly whatever school last year goddamned annoying hear people say beta e pronounced like emma every fucking sentence indian accent popular kids thought funniest thing entire world dont hear indian people saying beta every sentence think part fact drip report released light sketchers song might heard about was hilarious watch people blasting mundian bach ke full volume hallways thinking coolest people entire world idk maybe problem school general youd think people wouldve matured enough th grade something else hell no anyways say somewhere cringe little internally hear someone bragging theyve memorized lyrics indian song theyre sputtering gibberish goodnight edit im indian born united states shouldve put start
[ "youre cool funny imitate languages ok first all im super offended triggered try imitate mock indian people get it soundsfunny accentsillywhatever school last year goddamned annoying hear people say beta e pronounced like emma every fucking sentence indian accent popular kids thought funniest thing entire world dont hear indian people saying beta every sentence think part fact drip report released light sketchers song might heard about was hilarious watch people blasting mundian bach ke full volume hallways thinking coolest people entire world idk maybe problem school general youd think people wouldve matured enough th grade something else hellno anyways say somewhere cringe little internally hear someone bragging theyve memorized lyrics indian song theyre sputtering gibberish goodnight edit im indian born united states shouldve put start" ]
Youre cool divertido imitar idiomas ok primero todos im súper ofendido desencadenado tratar de imitar gente india burlado conseguir sonidos acentos divertidos tonta lo que sea escuela el año pasado maldito molesto escuchar a la gente decir beta e pronunciado como emma cada maldita frase acento indio populares los niños pensaron cosa más divertida todo el mundo no escuchar gente india decir beta cada frase pensar parte hecho goteo informe lanzado bocetos de luz canción podría oír hablar de es hilarante ver gente fulminando mundian bach ke full volume pasillos pensando gente más cool mundo idd tal vez problema escuela general usted piensa que la gente habría madurado suficiente th grado algo más hellno de todos modos decir en algún lugar cringe poco internamente escuchar alguien fanfarroneando canciones indias han memorizado canciones gibberish good night editar im indio nacidos estados unidos debería poner en marcha
anybody else get weird halfcrush fictional character need seek media involving them like waifu cant escape
[ "anybody else get weird halfcrush fictional character need seek media involving them like waifu cant escape" ]
cualquier otra persona consigue raro medio crush personaje de ficción necesita buscar los medios que los involucran como waifu no puede escapar
ever look instantly think yeah look like girl look mirror realise sad reality
[ "ever look instantly think yeahlook like girl look mirror realise sad reality" ]
mira instantáneamente piensa yeah look como chica mirar espejo darse cuenta triste realidad
given dylan thomas icon modern anglophone poetry expected movie would prone hagiography subject contrary poet presented sexually irresponsible drunkard bad father lier hypocrite perhaps coward course one could argue things advantage one artist especially poet since one purposes art subvert standards conventional morality still thing notredflag role model could crop bundle personality traits way found male hero story captain cillic endearing character two female roles played actresses knigtley miller truly charming especially first performed songs slim outfit inspire bombarded londoners ww another good point role sexual jealousy plays even relatively progressive milieus think ageold conventions easily surpassedthe atmosphere blitz also convincing well portrayal distinct outlooks among people experienced war opposed talk theorizing possible political outcomesi think one would recommend movie
[ "given dylan thomas icon modern anglophone poetry expected movie would prone hagiography subject contrary poet presented sexually irresponsible drunkard bad father lier hypocrite perhaps coward course one could argue things advantage one artist especially poet since one purposes art subvert standards conventional morality still thing notredflag role model could crop bundle personality traits way found male hero story captain cillic endearing character two female roles played actresses knigtley miller truly charming especially first performed songs slim outfit inspire bombarded londoners ww another good point role sexual jealousy plays even relatively progressive milieus think ageold conventions easily surpassedthe atmosphere blitz also convincing well portrayal distinct outlooks among people experienced war opposed talk theorizing possible political outcomesi think one would recommend movie" ]
dado dylan thomas icono moderno anglófono poesía se espera película propensa hagiografía tema contrario poeta presentado sexualmente irresponsable borracho mal padre más hipócrita tal vez cobarde curso se podría argumentar cosas ventaja un artista especialmente poeta ya que un propósito arte subvert normas convencionales moralidad sigue siendo notredflag modelo a seguir podría cortar paquete rasgos de personalidad manera encontrado héroe masculino historia capitán cillic carácter entrañable dos papeles femeninos actrices interpretados knigtley miller verdaderamente encantador especialmente primero interpretado canciones delgado equipo inspirar a los londoners ww otro buen punto papel celos sexuales juega incluso medios relativamente progresivos piensan convenciones seculares fácilmente superar la blitz atmósfera también convincente bien retratar perspectivas distintas entre personas experimentadas guerra oposición hablar teorizando posibles resultados políticos creo que uno recomendaría película
bruh weird want tank like imagine fun would drive around
[ "bruh weird want tank like imagine fun would drive around" ]
bruh extraño quiere tanque como la diversión imaginaría conducir alrededor
anyone wanna chat im bored kinda wanna talk someone sleep maybe tomorrow dunno yet comment dm wanna
[ "anyone wanna chat im bored kinda wanna talk someone sleep maybe tomorrow dunno yet comment dm wanna" ]
alguien quiere charlar aburrirse un poco quiere hablar a alguien dormir tal vez mañana no sé todavía comentar
six degrees hooked looked forward coming totally disappointed men trees replaced time spot thought hiatus would back early happened friends really surprised ended could relate characters real problems talked episode favorite characters anybody show like felt acting superb alway like seeing programs taped cities identify local areas one would like protest canceling show ask bring back give another chance give good time slot keep moving day day advertise people know on
[ "six degrees hooked looked forward coming totally disappointed men trees replaced time spot thought hiatus would back early happened friends really surprised ended could relate characters real problems talked episode favorite characters anybody show like felt acting superb alway like seeing programs taped cities identify local areas one would like protest canceling show ask bring back give another chance give good time slot keep moving day day advertise people know on" ]
seis grados enganchado miró hacia adelante venir totalmente decepcionados hombres árboles lugar de tiempo pensamiento hiatus volvería temprano pasado amigos realmente sorprendidos final podría relacionar personajes problemas reales episodio hablado personajes favoritos como cualquiera se siente actuando excelente siempre como ver programas grabados ciudades identificar zonas locales uno quisiera protesta cancelación show pedir traer de vuelta dar otra oportunidad dar buen tiempo ranura seguir movimiento día publicidad gente sabe en
sub covid memes anyone wants post memes covid without severe limitations pls join rcovidmemesarchive basically covid shitpost central
[ "sub covid memes anyone wants post memes covid without severe limitations pls join rcovidmemesarchive basically covid shitpost central" ]
sub covid memes cualquiera quiere post memes covid sin limitaciones severas pls unirse a rcovidmemesarchive básicamente covid shitpost central
im scared ifwhen boyfriend breaks kill myselfso boyfriend together almost four months amazing helped lot reason im still here unsure everything im scared feelings girl met week ago talking problems idea even am talkin breaking said tries fix everything still meet talk feel like avoiding me hate wondering wrong im scared alone severe anxiety attacks time now breaks me dont anyone likely kill myself trapped broken scared him means world helped many problems feel like im first priority like doesnt care anymore sorry rant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im scared ifwhen boyfriend breaks kill myselfso boyfriend together almost four months amazing helped lot reason im still here unsure everything im scared feelings girl met week ago talking problems idea even am talkin breaking said tries fix everything still meet talk feel like avoiding me hate wondering wrong im scared alone severe anxiety attacks time now breaks me dont anyone likely kill myself trapped broken scared him means world helped many problems feel like im first priority like doesnt care anymore sorry rant" ]
Im miedo si cuando novio rompe me mata a mí mismoso novio juntos casi cuatro meses increíble ayudó mucho razón im todavía aquí no estoy seguro de todo im miedo sentimientos chica se reunió hace una semana hablar problemas idea incluso estoy hablando en romper dijo intenta arreglar todo todavía encuentro hablar se siente como evitar me odio preguntarse mal im miedo solo ataques de ansiedad severa tiempo ahora me rompe no nadie probablemente me mata atrapado roto miedo significa que el mundo ayudó a muchos problemas se sienten como im primera prioridad como no le importa más
understand critics would bash movie teen movie thats actually serious rarity ill admit moments hugely sappy cmon young love gotta sappy valid biggest complaint chris klein funny american pie apparently ready switch dramatic fare yet hes uncomfortable looking mama stuff hartnett sobieski hand demonstrate remarkable amount depth believability parents although script heavily cliched lovers spouting poetry actors make work directing sports powerful images screen beautiful cinematography nice music great young actors impressed im jaded critic comes teen movies
[ "understand critics would bash movie teen movie thats actually serious rarity ill admit moments hugely sappy cmon young love gotta sappy valid biggest complaint chris klein funny american pie apparently ready switch dramatic fare yet hes uncomfortable looking mama stuff hartnett sobieski hand demonstrate remarkable amount depth believability parents although script heavily cliched lovers spouting poetry actors make work directing sports powerful images screen beautiful cinematography nice music great young actors impressed im jaded critic comes teen movies" ]
entender los críticos bash película adolescente película que es realmente grave rareza mal admitir momentos enorme sappy cmon joven amor tener sappy válida mayor queja chris klein divertido americano pastel aparentemente listo cambiar dramática tarifa sin embargo hes incómodo aspecto mamá cosas hartnett sobieski mano demostrar notable profundidad credibilidad padres, aunque guión fuertemente clichés amantes de los actores de poesía hacen trabajo dirección deportes potentes imágenes pantalla hermosa cinematografía buena música grandes jóvenes actores impresionados im jaded crítica viene adolescente películas
given soft drink days difficult first barely ever want anymore suggest anyone thinking giving
[ "given soft drink days difficult first barely ever want anymore suggest anyone thinking giving" ]
dados días de refresco difícil primero apenas quiero nunca más sugerir a alguien que piensa dar
try numb painbut never go away gonna go new year bang take care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "try numb painbut never go away gonna go new year bang take care" ]
Trata de adormecer el dolor pero nunca te vas a ir de año nuevo bang cuídate
kinda dont wanna alive anymorei undiagnosed mental illness im pretty sure borderline maybe stuff anxiety childhood trauma yknow cant afford therapist im also petrified death idea killing makes really nervous fucking suicidal breakdowns every days literally anything set off cut hit slam head wall cry hours sucks one talk to mh boyfriend says talk says im sorry whoch fine hes therapist goddamn hurts like im really hard time right close committing redflag person say im sorry like yea get isnt good way respond every single time im upset way always im sorry goddamn hurt want stay alive sake siblings boyfriend dog hate alive much stressed im basically parent siblings continue semester college home im suicidal like every days pressure already getting me hell school without extra stressors huge freakouts per week im drastically scary im becoming violent im scared ill do god sure know want alive anymore people say listen dont even anything say im fucking scared im abusive guilt trippy im scared everyone going leave cant afford therapy im scared im gonna hospitalized also redflag hotline fucking blows last time tried use told lady wrong like wow sucks yea know really sucks absolutely help all therapy awful went shitty therapist told nothing wrong even though self harm suicidal intense reactions minor things severe rejection sensitivity yea god want dead bad im scared kill basically im depressed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "kinda dont wanna alive anymorei undiagnosed mental illnessim pretty sure borderline maybe stuff anxiety childhood trauma yknow cant afford therapist im also petrified death idea killing makes really nervous fucking suicidal breakdowns every days literally anything set off cut hit slam head wall cry hours sucks one talk to mh boyfriend says talk says im sorrywhoch finehes therapist goddamn hurts like im really hard time right close committing redflag person say im sorry like yea get isnt good way respond every single time im upset way always im sorry goddamn hurt want stay alive sake siblings boyfriend dog hate alive much stressed im basically parent siblings continue semester college home", "im suicidal like every days pressure already getting me hell school without extra stressors huge freakouts per week im drastically scary im becoming violent im scared ill do god sure know want alive anymore people say listen dont even anything say im fucking scared im abusive guilt trippy im scared everyone going leave cant afford therapy im scared im gonna hospitalized also redflag hotline fucking blows last time tried use told lady wrong like wow sucks yea know really sucks absolutely help all therapy awful went shitty therapist told nothing wrong even though self harm suicidal intense reactions minor things severe rejection sensitivity yea god want dead badim scared kill basically im depressed" ]
Un poco no quiero vivir morei enfermedad mental no diagnosticadaim bastante seguro borderline tal vez cosas ansiedad trauma infantil yknow cant pagar terapeuta im también petrificado muerte idea matar hace realmente nervioso mierda ataques suicidas todos los días literalmente cualquier cosa cortada corte golpe golpe slam pared llanto horas chupa una charla a mh novio dice hablar dice habla im lamentwhoch finhes terapeuta maldito duele como im muy difícil momento cerca cometer Redflag persona decir im lo siento como yea get ist buena manera responder cada vez im molesto manera siempre lo siento maldito daño quieren mantenerse vivos sake hermanos novio perro odio vivo mucho estresado im básicamente padres hermanos continuar semestre universidad
day recommending songs swae lee thrusting httpsyoutubevqhkcjogia it
[ "day recommending songs swae lee thrusting httpsyoutubevqhkcjogia it" ]
día recomendando canciones swae lee empuje httpsyoutubevqhkcjogia it
join discord server got discord server couple people teens pm want invite link
[ "join discord server got discord server couple people teens pm want invite link" ]
unirse a la discordia servidor tiene discordancia servidor pareja personas adolescentes pm quieren enlace de invitación
must say impressed cinematography amazing frames close perfection way built tension around subject sound like dreadful bore beyond bebr br the film two narrators one seen one unseen trying explain significant series painting caused scandal long time back film theories explanations views conclusion quite shocking must say definitely film deserves votesbr br with minutes play plot film still felt like complete work fantastic direction must say far better blood poet strange reason remind bit of br br i suppose call slang word artsy pretty much lot professional talk various theories stunning visual effects crew ruiz pull off least me amazing film
[ "must say impressed cinematography amazing frames close perfection way built tension around subject sound like dreadful bore beyond bebr br the film two narrators one seen one unseen trying explain significant series painting caused scandal long time back film theories explanations views conclusion quite shocking must say definitely film deserves votesbr br with minutes play plot film still felt like complete work fantastic direction must say far better blood poet strange reason remind bit of br br i suppose call slang word artsy pretty much lot professional talk various theories stunning visual effects crew ruiz pull off least me amazing film" ]
debe decir impresionada cinematografía marcos sorprendentes cerca de la perfección manera construida tensión alrededor del tema sonido como terrible agujero más allá de bbr br la película dos narradores uno visto uno invisible tratando de explicar significativa pintura serie causado escándalo largo tiempo atrás teorías de cine explicaciones vistas conclusión debe decir definitivamente película merece votosbr br con minutos trama película todavía se sentía como trabajo completo fantástica dirección debe decir mucho mejor sangre poeta extraña razón recordar poco de br br supongo que llamar slang palabra artesa bastante profesional habla varias teorías impresionantes efectos visuales equipo ruiz sacar menos me increíble película
hatelovedont care israel zionists serious discussion please write meaningful civilised comments israel love country serve military dont want killdeport palestinians also know many people around world wish dead right or comments gal gadots recent comments choke fall stairs die why done wrong please dont use actions one man justify hate same
[ "hatelovedont care israel zionists serious discussion please write meaningful civilised comments israel love country serve military dont want killdeport palestinians also know many people around world wish dead right or comments gal gadots recent comments choke fall stairs die why done wrong please dont use actions one man justify hate same" ]
odiolovedont care israel zionists discusión seria por favor escriba comentarios civilizados significativos israel amor país servir militar no quiero killdeport palestinos también saben que muchas personas alrededor del mundo desean muerto derecha o comentarios gal gadots comentarios recientes ahogar caída escaleras morir por qué hecho mal por favor no utilizar acciones un hombre justificar odio mismo
problem lack loveweve heard get therapist go professional thing least once know therapists psychiatrists etc supposed help us whatever making us feel bad but guys lets honest ourselves times professional drug therapy solve problem origin comes lack love caring tenderness of yes love frustrating many people see supposed help feel better whats supposed help overcome pretty dark moments work find horrible professionals honest pacients keep talking shit keep prescribing drugs keep promising bright future never comes etc never say hey im sorry cant help this theres nothing fullfill empty space got so since honest ever tell truth opportunity pay expensive holidays want exist find cant help problem im going tell need hear therapy professional kind drug kind replace need never had thing love may hard hear know truth need know it start talking shit theres someone waiting there youll find person promise shit professionals do thats say
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "problem lack loveweve heard get therapist go professional thing least once know therapists psychiatrists etc supposed help us whatever making us feel bad but guys lets honest ourselves times professional drug therapy solve problem origin comes lack love caring tenderness of yes love frustrating many people see supposed help feel better whats supposed help overcome pretty dark moments work find horrible professionals honest pacients keep talking shit keep prescribing drugs keep promising bright future never comes etc never say hey im sorry cant help this theres nothing fullfill empty space got so since honest ever tell truth opportunity pay expensive holidays want exist find cant help problem im going tell need hear therapy professional kind drug kind replace need never had thing love may hard hear know truth need know it start talking shit theres someone waiting there youll find person promise shit professionals do thats say" ]
problema falta amorweve oído conseguir terapeuta ir cosa profesional al menos una vez saber terapeutas psiquiatras etc supuesto nos ayudan lo que nos hace sentir mal, pero chicos nos permite honestos nosotros mismos veces terapia de drogas profesional resolver problema origen viene falta amor cuidado ternura de sí amor frustrante mucha gente ver supuesta ayuda sentirse mejor lo que se supone ayuda superar bastante oscuro momentos trabajo encontrar horrible profesionales honestos pacientes siguen hablando mierda seguir recetando drogas mantener prometedor futuro brillante nunca viene etc nunca decir hey lo siento no puedo ayudar esto no hay nada lleno espacio vacío consiguió así que honesto siempre decir verdad oportunidad pagar vacaciones caros quieren existe encontrar no puedo ayudar problema voy decir necesidad escuchar terapia profesional tipo drogas tipo reemplazar necesidad nunca tuvo cosa amor puede difícil escuchar saber la verdad necesita saber que comienza a hablar mierda allí alguien espera te encontrarás persona promesa mierda profesionales hacer eso dicen
bf wants febi know im meeting first time we ldr late january hes rough while want lose him want faith okay finally actual good therapist psychiatrist stay together weeks feel like breakdown go im afraid want help him love much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bf wants febi know im meeting first time we ldr late january hes rough while want lose him want faithokay finally actual good therapist psychiatrist stay together weeks feel like breakdown go im afraidwant help him love much" ]
bf quiere febi saber im reunión primera vez que ldr finales de enero hes rudo mientras que quiere perder lo quiero feokay finalmente real buen psiquiatra psiquiatra permanecer juntos semanas se siente como crisis va im temberwant ayudarle a amar mucho
choccy milk ampxb httpspreviewredditkcrtvijnjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsfdaeedcafcaaabc
[ "choccy milk ampxb httpspreviewredditkcrtvijnjpgwidthampformatpjpgampautowebpampsfdaeedcafcaaabc" ]
choccy milk ampxb httpspreviewredditkcrtvijnjpgwidthampformatpjpampautowebpampsfdaeedcafcaaabc
introduction flawless august hey hey since new month want introduce new event like nonutnovember fingerfreefebruary you flawless august i know name nearly sound good two come anyways idea came german streameryoutuber named taddl btw link end post idea flawless august nothing really groundbreaking revolutionary still wanna share you soooo idea things goodbad entire month maybe even longer you pay attention correct course recommend things bad things good you idea isnt try things know motivation anyways you know pretty damn well lazy work consistently easier things things maybe think drink much cola something consider drink cola end choose yourself also push limits beyond could also make supersaiyajinseptember that little example flawles august watch porn go twitter practice french duolingo everyday write diary least week practice playing piano guitar least every two days also decide participate flawless august would happy write list comments taddls video its german httpsyoutubehppbxsmobmhttpsyoutubehppbxsmobm he also makes musichttpsopenspotifycomartistldcabctyzkrksktzusictewhq_qmcbqrwbsvw nice day
[ "introduction flawless augusthey hey since new month want introduce new event like nonutnovember fingerfreefebruary you flawless augusti know name nearly sound good two come anyways idea came german streameryoutuber named taddl btw link end post idea flawless august nothing really groundbreaking revolutionary still wanna share you soooo idea things goodbad entire month maybe even longer you pay attention correct course recommend things bad things good you idea isnt try things know motivation anyways you know pretty damn well lazy work consistently easier things things maybe think drink much cola something consider drink cola end choose yourself also push limits beyond could also make supersaiyajinseptember that little example flawles august watch porn go twitter practice french duolingo everyday write diary least week practice playing piano guitar least every two days also decide participate flawless august would happy write list comments taddls video its german httpsyoutubehppbxsmobmhttpsyoutubehppbxsmobm he also makes musichttpsopenspotifycomartistldcabctyzkrksktzusictewhq_qmcbqrwbsvw nice day" ]
Introducción impecables augusthey hey desde nuevo mes quieren introducir nuevo evento como nonutnovember dedo freefebruary usted impecable augusti saber nombre casi sonido bueno dos vienen de todos modos idea vino alemán streameryoutuber nombre taddl btw link end post idea impecable august nada realmente innovador revolucionario todavía quiere compartir soooo idea cosas bueno mal todo el mes tal vez incluso más tiempo prestar atención curso correcto recomendar cosas malas cosas bueno usted idea no intentar cosas sabe motivación de todos modos sabes bastante bien perezoso trabajo consistentemente cosas más fáciles tal vez pensar beber mucho cola algo considerar bebida cola final elegir también empujar límites más allá también podría hacer supersaiyajinseptember que poco ejemplo fawles august ver porno go twitter práctica francés duolingo diario escribir diario menos semana práctica tocar piano guitarra menos cada dos días también decidir participar impecable august feliz escribir lista comentarios taddls vídeo alemán httpsytubeppbxsmobx hebxs musicahttpssspotestadbwadkckkq
finalim drinking final drink right hot chocolate bit hot burning throat little thats okay need worry soon soon ill saying final goodbye bye older brother bye cat guess feel guilty leaving them do preoccupation death stronger that then final walk train tracks ill wait theres chance train come delay day so mind come back tomorrow need be then final breath ill relish moment feel pain million pounds steel roll me ill dead final glimpse world final heartbeat final moment worry anything writing actually kind calmed me im going go kill now im still posting this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "finalim drinking final drink right hot chocolate bit hot burning throat little thats okay need worry soon soon ill saying final goodbye bye older brother bye cat guess feel guilty leaving them do preoccupation death stronger that then final walk train tracks ill wait theres chance train come delay dayso mind come back tomorrow need be then final breath ill relish moment feel pain million pounds steel roll me ill dead final glimpse world final heartbeat final moment worry anything writing actually kind calmed me im going go kill now im still posting this" ]
finalim beber bebida final derecho chocolate caliente poco ardiente garganta poco ques bien necesidad preocuparse pronto mal decir adiós final adiós hermano mayor adiós gato adivinar sentirse culpable de dejarlos hacer preocupación muerte más fuerte que entonces final caminar tren vías mal espera teres oportunidad tren venir retraso díaso mente volver mañana necesita ser entonces último aliento mal gusto momento sentir dolor millones de libras de acero rollo me mal muerto final vislumbre mundo final latido momento final preocupación cualquier cosa escritura realmente amable me calmó im va a matar ahora im todavía publicar esto
saw the ronnie nancy show first time on austrian television time already big fan spitting image since bronze rose montreux film festival course recorded every show tape watched especially the ronnie nancy show remember scene ronnie stood front painting abraham lincoln thinking mirror said i need shave amusing all played ball dog viceversabr br its shame spitting image seems fall oblivion one fantastic intelligent made tvshows ever compared satirical broadcasts definitely best all br br well almost years passed since then wish could see show again possible purchase someone somewhere
[ "saw the ronnie nancy show first time on austrian television time already big fan spitting image since bronze rose montreux film festival course recorded every show tape watched especially the ronnie nancy show remember scene ronnie stood front painting abraham lincoln thinking mirror said i need shave amusing all played ball dog viceversabr br its shame spitting image seems fall oblivion one fantastic intelligent made tvshows ever compared satirical broadcasts definitely best all br br well almost years passed since then wish could see show again possible purchase someone somewhere" ]
vio el show de Ronnie Nancy por primera vez en la televisión austriaca tiempo ya gran fan escupiendo imagen desde bronce rosa curso del festival de cine Montreux grabó cada cinta visto especialmente el show Ronnie Nancy recordar escena ronnie se paró frente pintura abraham lincoln pensamiento espejo dijo que necesito afeitarse divertido todo jugado perro bola viceversa br su vergüenza escupir imagen parece caer olvido una fantástica inteligente tvshows nunca comparó mejor todos los br br br años pasados desde entonces deseo podría ver espectáculo de nuevo posible comprar alguien en algún lugar
fantastic whodunit early prototype soon became popular film genre happy see william powell handling detective story charisma charm without silly attitude nick charles character from thin man series story good own think really makes movie fun watch michael curtiz fantastically imaginative direction visual point view richly textured movie curtiz showing incredible command medium split screen images weird camera angles imaginative flashbacks curtiz demonstrates one best hollywood directors highly recommended fan type movie
[ "fantastic whodunit early prototype soon became popular film genre happy see william powell handling detective story charisma charm without silly attitude nick charles character from thin man series story good own think really makes movie fun watch michael curtiz fantastically imaginative direction visual point view richly textured movie curtiz showing incredible command medium split screen images weird camera angles imaginative flashbacks curtiz demonstrates one best hollywood directors highly recommended fan type movie" ]
fantástico whodunit prototipo temprano pronto se convirtió en popular género de cine feliz ver william powell manejo detective historia carisma encanto sin actitud tonta nick charles personaje de hombre delgado historia serie buen propio pensar realmente hace película diversión ver michael curtiz fantásticamente imaginativa dirección visual punto de vista ricamente texturada película curtiz mostrar increíble comando media pantalla dividida imágenes ángulos de cámara extraños flashbacks imaginativos curtiz demuestra un mejor Hollywood directores altamente recomendado tipo de película de fans
wholesome award dark post funny reached peak comedy putting wholesome award dark post hope become world famous comedian make everyone laugh like right now ok real honestly annoying even funny even dark meme annoying see find funny wholesome award post something serious like someone lost friend redflag yes happen thats crossed line extremely disrespectful jistt dick move thank you heres random pic mad tanjiro herehttpsipinimgcomoriginalsffeeceedefdgif
[ "wholesome award dark post funny reached peak comedy putting wholesome award dark post hope become world famous comedian make everyone laugh like right now ok real honestly annoying even funny even dark meme annoying see find funny wholesome award post something serious like someone lost friend redflag yes happen thats crossed line extremely disrespectful jistt dick move thank you heres random pic mad tanjiro herehttpsipinimgcomoriginalsffeeceedefdgif" ]
sano premio oscuro post divertido alcanzó pico comedia poner sano premio oscuro post esperanza convertirse en mundialmente famoso comediante hacer reír a todo el mundo como ahora ok real honestamente molesto incluso divertido oscuro meme molesto ver encontrar divertido sano premio post algo serio como alguien perdido amigo Redflag sí sucede que se cruzó la línea extremadamente irrespetuosa polla movimiento gracias aquí pic al azar loco tanjiro aquíhttpsipinimgcomorinalsffeeceefdefdgif
going really hard time lately need ventive struggled alcoholism depression poverty quite bit past quite bit present certain point blacking friends acquaintances couches place place while basically homeless basically wandering aimlessly stopped counting exact days ive sober ago years ive trouble finding aa meetings area closest area ive found reddit applies problems people whove dealt similar things ive dealt with mostly became sober pure necessity even really hard big motivator used member radical cult recruited bottom luck saw horrible things there treated horribly people managed get treated much worse managed escape easy that time got job apartment even gone apartment likely long welder recently laid due cuts make reason even utilities landlord understanding really tolerated beyond grateful towards him right now really even food quite literally food money food that feel incredibly weak numb mostly ive drunk water hungry quite bit last time low least liquor better nothing really friends lost quite friends feel suicidal much feel tired hungry urge drink badly months least maybe id distraction mostly vent id like someone talk well
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "going really hard time lately need ventive struggled alcoholism depression poverty quite bit past quite bit present certain point blacking friends acquaintances couches place place while basically homeless basically wandering aimlessly stopped counting exact days ive sober ago years ive trouble finding aa meetings area closest area ive found reddit applies problems people whove dealt similar things ive dealt with mostly became sober pure necessity even really hard big motivator used member radical cult recruited bottom luck saw horrible things there treated horribly people managed get treated much worse managed escape easy that time got job apartment even gone apartment likely long welder recently laid due cuts make reason even utilities landlord understanding really tolerated beyond grateful towards him right now really even food quite literally food money food that feel incredibly weak numb mostly ive drunk water hungry quite bit last time low least liquor better nothing really friends lost quite friends feel suicidal much feel tired hungry urge drink badly months least maybe id distraction mostly vent id like someone talk well" ]
ir muy duro tiempo últimamente necesidad ventiva lucha alcoholismo depresión pobreza bastante poco pasado bastante poco presente cierto punto negro amigos conocidos sofás lugar mientras que básicamente sin hogar básicamente vagando sin rumbo dejó de contar días exactos ive sobria hace años ive problema encontrar aa reuniones área más cercana ive ha encontrado reddit aplica problemas personas que han tratado cosas similares ive tratado mayormente se convirtió en sobria pura necesidad incluso muy duro gran motivador utilizado miembro radical culto reclutado fondo suerte vio cosas horribles allí tratado horriblemente la gente manejado conseguir tratamiento mucho peor manejado fácil escapar que el tiempo consiguió trabajo apartamento incluso apartamento pasado probablemente largo soldador recientemente puesto debido recortes razón incluso servicios públicos el propietario entender realmente tolerado más allá de agradecido hacia él en este momento realmente incluso comida bastante literalmente alimentos dinero alimentos que se sienten increíblemente débiles entumecidos en la mayoría de los casos el agua bebido hambre bastante poco menos licor mejor nada realmente amigos perdido bastante amigos se sienten suicida mucho se sienten cansado hambre
hi everyone honestly trying anything point therapy nearly decade anti depressants psychedelic therapy etc cannot seem reconcile emotional sect brain logic part brain reason issues emotional sect overreacts melodramatic always overwrite warps logic rationalization battling selfish wish stick around self help genuinely feel terrible hurt point shaken faith particular incidents miserable years battling depression tonight feels like losing night suppose need rant fair require somebody stick around misery ow amusement particularly poor night
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi everyone honestly trying anything point therapy nearly decade anti depressants psychedelic therapy etc cannot seem reconcile emotional sect brain logic part brain reason issues emotional sect overreacts melodramatic always overwrite warps logic rationalization battling selfish wish stick around self help genuinely feel terrible hurt point shaken faith particular incidents miserable years battling depression tonight feels like losing night suppose need rant fair require somebody stick around misery ow amusement particularly poor night" ]
hola todo el mundo honestamente intentar cualquier punto terapia casi década antidepresivos terapia psicodélica etc no puede parecer reconciliar emocional secta cerebro lógica parte cerebro razón problemas emocional secta exagera melodramática siempre sobrescribir urdimbre lógica racionalización lucha egoísta deseo permanecer alrededor de sí mismo ayuda genuinamente se siente terrible punto de daño sacudido fe incidentes particulares años miserables lucha contra la depresión esta noche se siente como perder la noche suponga necesidad de despotricar justo exigir alguien quedarse alrededor miseria o diversión particularmente pobre noche
want end life feel extremely alone cant stop thinking girl making mistakes herim lot things going help dwell past experience bullying even loved ones feel alone make constant mistakes find alone bedroom end every night thoughts alone well girl im love gettiong fucked someone else im afrid forward her know im victim
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want end life feel extremely alone cant stop thinking girl making mistakes herim lot things going help dwell past experience bullying even loved ones feel alone make constant mistakes find alone bedroom end every night thoughts alonewell girl im love gettiong fucked someone else im afrid forward her knowim victim" ]
quiero terminar la vida sentir extremadamente solo no puedo dejar de pensar chica cometer errores herim muchas cosas que van ayudar a vivir pasado experiencia bullying incluso seres queridos se sienten solos cometer errores constantes encontrar solo dormitorio final cada noche pensamientos solo bien chica im amor gettiong follada a alguien más im afrid adelante su knowim víctima
divorcewell looks like im ruled against doesnt matter ill dead make broke take kids me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "divorcewell looks like im ruled against doesnt matter ill dead make broke take kids me" ]
Divorcio bien parece que yo gobernó en contra de no importa mal muerto hacer que la quiebra me lleve a los niños
friendand better absolutely everything ive struggled depression since second grade know reality see it reality looks even grimmer whats head long story short anything already accomplished done twenty times better did used valedictorian came alongand shoved middle class elected secretary position student organization suddenly she presidential position took jobs even let anything everyone constantly fawning much look disdain say what doing worthless slug get ass help her tried make nhs year one friends without form filled edges activities merit mine halffull filled two im journalist model un vice president even upset bossy whiny spoiled bitch upset everyone actually logical view instead adoring blindly puberty done well gotten point im done im well aware im failure reason world sees fit rub face im done living it hope career plausible future one would even notice show school one day doubt theyd even remember existed long enough come funeral im sick invisible last choice useless hated im sick living person miss boyfriend even forget time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friendand better absolutely everything ive struggled depression since second grade know reality seeit reality looks even grimmer whats head long story short anything already accomplished done twenty times better did used valedictorian came alongand shoved middle class elected secretary position student organization suddenly she presidential position took jobs even let anything everyone constantly fawning much look disdain say what doing worthless slug get ass help her tried make nhs year one friends without form filled edges activities merit mine halffull filled two im journalist model un vice president even upset bossy whiny spoiled bitch upset everyone actually logical view instead adoring blindly puberty done well gotten pointim done im well aware imfailure reason world sees fit rub face im done living it hope career plausible future one would even notice show school one day doubt theyd even remember existed long enough come funeralim sick invisible last choice useless hated im sick living person miss boyfriend even forget time" ]
amigo y mejor absolutamente todo ha luchado depresión desde segundo grado saber realidad verit realidad se ve aún más sombrío lo que cabeza larga historia corto cualquier cosa ya logrado hecho veinte veces mejor utilizado valerictorian vino y empujó a la clase media elegido secretario posición organización estudiante repentinamente ella posición presidencial tomó puestos de trabajo incluso dejar que todo el mundo constantemente mirar mucho menosprecio decir lo que haciendo inútil babosa conseguir culo ayudar a hacer nhs año un amigo sin forma lleno bordes actividades mérito mi medio lleno dos im modelo periodista un vicepresidente incluso molesto jefe lloriqueo perra malcriada molesto todo el mundo en realidad visión lógica en lugar adorando ciegamente pubertad hecho bien hecho punto hecho im consciente im infailure razón mundo ve fit rub face im hecho vivir esperanza carrera plausible futuro uno incluso notaría show escuela un día duda incluso recordar existir lo suficiente venir funeralim enfermo invisible inútil odiado im enfermo persona viva señorita novio incluso olvidar tiempo
meor idk sign life do worry watch
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "meor idk sign life do worry watch" ]
Signo de idk, la vida se preocupa.
feel nothing anymore travelling days reason sitting bampb middle nowhere alone absolutely noone feel anything anymore nobody cared realised left come today please end suffering
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel nothing anymore travelling days reason sitting bampb middle nowhere alone absolutely noone feel anything anymore nobody cared realised left come today please end suffering" ]
No siento nada más días de viaje razón sentado bampb en el medio en ningún lugar solo absolutamente nadie siente nada más a nadie le importó se dio cuenta de que la izquierda llega hoy por favor terminar con el sufrimiento
suicidal please someone explain want end lifeplease
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal please someone explain want end lifeplease" ]
suicidas, por favor, que alguien te explique que quieres acabar con la vida por favor.
clonazepamif took enough clonazepam could kill me half bottle mg each thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "clonazepamif took enough clonazepam could kill me half bottle mg each thanks" ]
clonazepamif tomó suficiente clonazepam podría matarme mitad botella mg cada gracias
final birthdaymy st birthday coming weeks family going city next day presents excellent opportunity it wanted come too madeup work related excuse stay decade suffered depression ive kept hidden everyone planned way years ago go pain would cause loved ones especially mom depression gone worse ill take step even enjoy playing video games anymore passionate hobby since childhood bought equipment needed go painless way feel relieved ill finally saved pointless miserable existence ps throwaway account real account could tied me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "final birthdaymy st birthday coming weeks family going city next day presents excellent opportunity it wanted come too madeup work related excuse stay decade suffered depression ive kept hidden everyone planned way years ago go pain would cause loved ones especially mom depression gone worse ill take step even enjoy playing video games anymore passionate hobby since childhood bought equipment needed go painless way feel relieved ill finally saved pointless miserable existence ps throwaway account real account could tied me" ]
cumpleaños final mi st cumpleaños que viene semanas familia va ciudad al día siguiente presenta excelente oportunidad que quería venir demasiado maquillaje trabajo relacionado excusa estancia década sufrió depresión ive mantenido oculto todo el mundo planeado manera hace años ir dolor causaría seres queridos especialmente mamá depresión peor mal dar paso incluso disfrutar de juegos de vídeo más pasatiempo apasionado ya que la infancia comprado equipo necesario ir indoloro manera sentirse aliviado mal finalmente salvado inútil miserable existencia ps cuenta descargo real podría atarme cuenta
ever loved someone much leave hurts made many friends school lockdown came know many real turns love one best friend knows deepest secrets got selected different universities hurts wont able see face everyday hugged everyday
[ "ever loved someone much leave hurts made many friends school lockdown came know many real turns love one best friend knows deepest secrets got selected different universities hurtswont able see face everyday hugged everyday" ]
Alguna vez amó a alguien mucho dejar lastimado hizo muchos amigos cierre de la escuela vino saber muchos verdaderos giros amor un mejor amigo sabe secretos más profundos fueron seleccionados diferentes universidades lastimado no sería capaz de ver cara todos los días abrazado todos los días
ever feel like pissing teen years away ive never party never hugged kissed girl real life people terrify me feels like im stuck trapped
[ "ever feel like pissing teen years away ive never party never hugged kissed girl real life people terrify me feels like im stuck trapped" ]
nunca se siente como orinar adolescente años de distancia ive nunca fiesta nunca abrazado chica besada vida real la gente me aterroriza se siente como im atrapado atrapado
best thing one say film traffic brought attention superior british miniseries traffik many people noted current film suffers truncating story accommodate short attention span cinemagoers turnaround time theater owners measure films success overpriced food salesbr br i first recorded mini series shown public tv watched many times whole documentarystyle series strong element tragedy doom it characters moving toward eventual fate strongest three tales pakistani family forced city find way keep body soul together poppy crop burned army staged show force put benefit western politicians hardships family similar rickshaw pullers family city joy eventually farmer finds work compromises pride honestybr br the pakistani segment film particular relevance today fight supporters al quaeda gives understanding support movements among disadvantaged poor pakistan afghanistan rarely receive money going countries film makes point farmers see barely aid supposed encourage grow cropsbr br with american inability see anything terms black white good guys v bad guys interesting see another view black white shades grey br br possible spoiler ahead problem story rather things continuing before would real life work fiction wrap bad guys getting coming them that fine piece work kind see rarely cast outstanding german pakistani locations helped give film different feel what change made seeing germans something villains wwii film
[ "best thing one say film traffic brought attention superior british miniseries traffik many people noted current film suffers truncating story accommodate short attention span cinemagoers turnaround time theater owners measure films success overpriced food salesbr br", "i first recorded mini series shown public tv watched many times whole documentarystyle series strong element tragedy doom it characters moving toward eventual fate strongest three tales pakistani family forced city find way keep body soul together poppy crop burned army staged show force put benefit western politicians hardships family similar rickshaw pullers family city joy eventually farmer finds work compromises pride honestybr br the pakistani segment film particular relevance today fight supporters al quaeda gives understanding support movements among disadvantaged poor pakistan afghanistan rarely receive money going countries film makes point farmers see barely aid supposed encourage grow cropsbr br with american inability see anything terms black white good guys v bad guys interesting see another view black white shades grey br br possible spoiler ahead problem story rather things continuing before would real life work fiction wrap bad guys getting coming them that fine piece work kind see rarely cast outstanding german pakistani locations helped give film different feel what change made seeing germans something villains wwii film" ]
lo mejor que se dice es que el tráfico de películas llamó la atención superior británica miniserie traffik mucha gente notó que la película actual sufre historia truncante acomodar corto espacio de atención cinemagoers cambio de tiempo los propietarios de teatro medir películas éxito sobreprecios ventas de alimentos br br
long take anyone noticeim ive suicidal year im much worse year ago one noticed said anything me im really anxious say anything outright really obvious im like this ive felt suicidal since got worse ive never form help one ever said anything meant it others ive seen happen matter might well kill never worry anything ever again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "long take anyone noticeim ive suicidal year im much worse year ago one noticed said anything meim really anxious say anything outright really obviousim like this ive felt suicidal since got worse ive never form help one ever said anything meant it others ive seen happen matter might well kill never worry anything ever again" ]
largo tomar a alguien noteim ive suicida año im mucho peor año hace uno notó que dijo algo meim realmente ansioso decir algo totalmente obvio como este ive se sintió suicida ya que se puso peor ive nunca forma ayuda uno dijo algo significaba que otros vi ve a suceder materia bien podría matar nunca preocuparse nada nunca más
baseketball indeed really funny movie david zucker manages make us laugh heads again really silly many times smart comedybr br the creators south park main actors film play good surprisingly good actually first time see actors movie oftenly reminded south park one fav showsbr br its really good funny film miss itbr br vote
[ "baseketball indeed really funny movie david zucker manages make us laugh heads again really silly many times smart comedybr br the creators south park main actors film play good surprisingly good actually first time see actors movie oftenly reminded south park one fav showsbr br its really good funny film miss itbr br vote" ]
baseketball de hecho realmente divertido película david Zucker maneja hacernos reír cabezas de nuevo realmente tonto muchas veces comedia inteligente br br los creadores South Park actores principales película jugar bien sorprendentemente bueno en realidad primera vez ver actores película a menudo recordado South Park un fav showsbr br br su muy buena divertida película itbr br voto
one thinks dating stupid like put much time effort every day lmao also calling lonely argument
[ "one thinks dating stupid like put much time effort every day lmao also calling lonely argument" ]
uno piensa que salir estúpido como poner mucho esfuerzo de tiempo cada día lmmao también llamando solitario argumento
im scared ocd back go awayi depression anxiety already makes suicidal thoughts used ocd well stopped getting obsessions year ago today im starting show traits also different intrusive thoughts know whos thinking cant help still feel like im awful person know panicking like help want ocd im terrified feel trapped
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im scared ocd back go awayi depression anxiety already makes suicidal thoughts used ocd well stopped getting obsessions year ago today im starting show traits also different intrusive thoughts know whos thinking cant help still feel like im awful person know panicking like help want ocdim terrified feel trapped" ]
ocd miedo volver ir awayi depresión ansiedad ya hace pensamientos suicidas utilizados ocd bien dejó de tener obsesiones año hace hoy mi comienzo mostrar rasgos también diferentes pensamientos intrusivos saber quién piensa no puede ayudar a sentir todavía como im persona horrible saber pánico como ayudar a querer ocdim aterrorizado sentirse atrapado
quick question criticize wearing mask mask keeps things getting out getting in youre afraid spreading it wear two masks outer one inside out doesnt work way wont work way cause logic
[ "quick question criticize wearing mask mask keeps things getting out getting in youre afraid spreading it wear two masks outer one inside out doesnt work way wont work way cause logic" ]
Una pregunta rápida critica el uso de máscaras que mantiene las cosas saliendo dentro de ti. Tienes miedo de esparcirlo. Usa dos máscaras exteriores. Una de adentro no funciona.
ending soonsuicidal thoughts new me ive almost done twice feel like ive living borrowed time forever tonight im going put end forever nowhere else turn recently lost job working home live house shitty internet landlord done anything fix it led many problems eventually decided renew contract feel like big deal time theyre pretty big company figured could get another job pretty quickly couple months gone nothing cant even get retailrestaurantfast food job lot places mode transportation get city ive tried looking similar jobs work remotely far ive bunch people lie lead blow smoke ass welcome real world guess ive overdrawn bank accounts car get aroundget another job feel like leech society im burden everyone know im fuckup life would relieved got rid myself tried crowdfunding project lastditch attempt get something going get feet ground one gives shit im stuck financial hell cant move back home parasite world would better without im ready stop delaying inevitable end it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ending soonsuicidal thoughts new me ive almost done twice feel like ive living borrowed time forever tonight im going put end forever nowhere else turn recently lost job working home live house shitty internet landlord done anything fix it led many problems eventually decided renew contract feel like big deal time theyre pretty big company figured could get another job pretty quickly couple months gone nothing cant even get retailrestaurantfast food job lot places mode transportation get city ive tried looking similar jobs work remotely far ive bunch people lie lead blow smoke ass welcome real world guess ive overdrawn bank accounts car get aroundget another job feel like leech society im burden everyone know im fuckup life would relieved got rid myself tried crowdfunding project lastditch attempt get something going get feet ground one gives shit im stuck financial hell cant move back home parasite world would better without im ready stop delaying inevitable end it" ]
finding soonsuicidal thoughts new me ive casi hecho dos veces se siente como vida vida tiempo prestado para siempre esta noche im va poner fin para siempre ningún otro lugar vuelta recientemente perdido trabajo trabajo casa viva casa mierda internet casero hecho cualquier cosa arreglar llevó muchos problemas finalmente decidió renovar contrato se siente como gran negocio tiempo son bastante gran empresa se supone que podría conseguir otro trabajo bastante rápidamente par de meses ido nada puede incluso conseguir venta minoristarestaurantfast comida trabajo lote lugares modo transporte get city ive probado similar trabajo trabajo remotamente muy lejos ive grupo de personas mienten plomo humo humo asss bienvenida mundo real conjetura ive sobretirado banco cuentas coche conseguir alrededortener otro trabajo sentir como sanguijuela sociedad im carga todos saben im mierda vida aliviaría deshacerse de mí mismo probado proyecto de financiación colectiva último intento de conseguir algo va a pie tierra uno da mierda im infierno financiero cant mover de vuelta a casa mundo parásito sería mejor sin mí listo dejar de retrasar inevitable final
tips losing weight hello rteenagers ive trying lose weight dont know how tips losing weight
[ "tips losing weight hello rteenagers ive trying lose weight dont know how tips losing weight" ]
consejos perder peso hola rteenagers ive tratando de perder peso no sé cómo consejos perder peso
life sucks want overi actually hate living hate me reincarnate person friends loving family future would okay living dont person things cant imagine would like wake get talk people go downstairs able smile someone look forward new day ever feeling ive outcast since child people still treat like today im fucking tired it im tired person everyone ignores person everyone talks over person one cares about fucking awful im tired it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life sucks want overi actually hate living hate me reincarnate person friends loving family future would okay living dont person things cant imagine would like wake get talk people go downstairs able smile someone look forward new day ever feeling ive outcast since child people still treat like today im fucking tired itim tired person everyone ignores person everyone talks over person one cares about fucking awfulim tiredit" ]
La vida apesta querer overi odio vivir odio persona reencarnado amigos amar familia futuro estaría bien vivir persona dont cosas no se imaginan como despertar conseguir hablar gente ir abajo capaz sonreír alguien mirar hacia adelante nuevo día siempre se siente ive marginado ya niño la gente todavía tratar como hoy estoy cansado itim persona cansado todo el mundo ignora persona todo el mundo habla sobre persona a uno le importa mierda horrible cansado
dad really knows ruin everyones day woke morning shirtless way garage cut hair i buzz cut cut myself getting lil longer id like walk garage room greet im going garage goes put shirt cold there said its ok im cutting hair who tf wears shirt theyre cutting hair gets itchy him saying disrespectful rebuttal walk away go get shirt step mom arguing morning ruined theyre pissed other im confused
[ "dad really knows ruin everyones day woke morning shirtless way garage cut hair i buzz cut cut myself getting lil longer id like walk garage room greet im going garage goes put shirt cold there said its ok im cutting hair who tf wears shirt theyre cutting hair gets itchy him saying disrespectful rebuttal walk away go get shirt step mom arguing morning ruined theyre pissed otherim confused" ]
Papá realmente sabe arruinar todo el día todos despertaron mañana manera sin camisa garaje corte pelo me zumbido corte cortar conseguir lil más largo identificación como caminar garage sala saludo im ir garaje va poner camisa fría allí dijo su ok im cortar pelo que tf lleva camisa se están cortando pelo se le pica diciendo ir ir ir ir ir ir ir ir ir camisa paso mamá argumentando mañana arruinados están enojados otherim confundido
south east asia rn im sitting phone hand typing out got college know deserved it know ill successful ill fail feel way told feel feel suicidal ive life u may look say be happy childhood ive known nothing physical abuse stopped cause parents cant actually hurt i mean im beat shit them ever since grade abuse lifted ive less violent memories feel like shit time worthless hidden scared feel like one single leaf bouquet beautiful flowers im bi anyone know id tortured raped arrested police would help torture me may say free speech lets say im convinced hunt people like me know walking road do maybe ill skip end road one childhood friend like me zero friends general mother believe mental health thing cant tell get bed cant tell im angry waking up life expectancy farther years old im stuck shit hole bad bad feel like crying time ive become devoid emotions cant even cry want to feel like im going insane mom dad fight every day day make angry makes want repay physical abuse did makes want hurt them shut up one thing loves unconditionally thats pet bird remember last time mother father hugged said i love you unconditionally remember last time one did really hurts much seeing posts saying i got girlfriendboyfriend she said yes hate imperfect born world cant love boy girl cant girlfriend boyfriend theyll kill me id one bastard sinner right moment im im buying fire arm blowing brains away mom know meanings hateful words said me father dead naturally hes old brother well hell love mother share us ive searched god ive seen nothing witnessed love beauty however books calls people like sinners devils wants people like dead detest god life gave me detest everything am hurts stay alive pointless now call whatever want matter me
[ "south east asia rn im sitting phone hand typing out got college know deserved it know ill successful ill fail feel way told feel feel suicidal ive life u may look say be happy childhood ive known nothing physical abuse stopped cause parents cant actually hurt i mean im beat shit them ever since grade abuse lifted ive less violent memories feel like shit time worthless hidden scared feel like one single leaf bouquet beautiful flowers im bi", "anyone know id tortured raped arrested police would help torture me may say free speech lets say im convinced hunt people like me know walking road do maybe ill skip end road one childhood friend like me zero friends general mother believe mental health thing cant tell get bed cant tell im angry waking up life expectancy farther years old im stuck shit hole bad bad feel like crying time ive become devoid emotions cant even cry want to feel like im going insane mom dad fight every day day make angry makes want repay physical abuse did makes want hurt them shut up one thing loves unconditionally thats pet bird remember last time mother father hugged said i love you unconditionally remember last time one did really hurts much seeing posts saying i got girlfriendboyfriendshe said yes hate imperfect born world cant love boy girl cant girlfriend boyfriend theyll kill me id one bastard sinner right moment im im buying fire arm blowing brains away mom know meanings hateful words said me father dead naturally hes old brother", "well hell love mother share us ive searched god ive seen nothing witnessed love beauty however books calls people like sinners devils wants people like dead detest god life gave me detest everything am hurts stay alive pointless now call whatever want matter me" ]
sur este asia rn im teléfono sentado mano tipeo hacia fuera universidad sabe mereció saber mal éxito mal fracaso sentir la manera contada se siente suicida vida viva u mirada puede parecer ser feliz infancia ive conocido nada físico abuso detenido causa padres no puede hacer daño en realidad quiero decir im golpear mierda desde grado abuso levantado ive menos violentos recuerdos se sienten como mierda tiempo sin valor oculto miedo se siente como un solo ramo de hojas hermosas flores im bi
want ground open swallow mei dont want deal pain heartbreak cant deal ruined am dont want this me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want ground open swallow mei dont want deal pain heartbreak cant deal ruined am dont want this me" ]
Quiero tierra abierta tragar mei no quiero trato dolor rompecorazones no puedo acuerdo arruinado no quiero esto yo
pointless donesnt fucking matterwant anywhere world fucking pointless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pointless donesnt fucking matterwant anywhere world fucking pointless" ]
sin sentido donsnt maldita materia quiere en cualquier lugar mundo mierda sin sentido
mom took playstation away took virginity whos laughing bitch
[ "mom took playstation away took virginity whos laughing bitch" ]
Mamá se llevó a Playstation y se llevó la virginidad.
dad fulfilled peak dadness today today marching band rehearsal stadium put sousaphone away texted dad you didnt know called went found him us stuff band went back car goes phone find message sent guess hadnt looked before deadass types car sitting right next him maximum dad moment tbh
[ "dad fulfilled peak dadness today today marching band rehearsal stadium put sousaphone away texted dad you didnt know called went found him us stuff band went back car goes phone find message sent guess hadnt looked before deadass types car sitting right next him maximum dad moment tbh" ]
Papá cumplió el máximo de papá hoy día banda marcha ensayo estadio puso sousaphone lejos mensajes papá que no sabías llamó fue lo encontró nosotros banda de cosas fue de vuelta coche va teléfono encontrar mensaje enviado adivinar hadnt buscado antes tipo de muerto coche sentado justo al lado de él máximo papá momento tbh
lets stay dorm room courage kill myselfyep im piece shit guys theres denying now im bad nasty disgusting worthless person im likable anyone likes me ruin lives why dont give shit others feelings toxic disgusting thing hurt whoever im around need stay completely alone classes me lets wait til slash wrists
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "lets stay dorm room courage kill myselfyep im piece shit guys theres denying now im bad nasty disgusting worthless person im likable anyone likes me ruin lives why dont give shit others feelings toxic disgusting thing hurt whoever im around need stay completely alone classes me lets wait til slash wrists" ]
Vamos a permanecer dormitorio coraje matar melfyep im pieza mierda chicos Theres negar ahora im mal desagradable desagradable indigno persona im agradable a nadie le gusta ruina vidas por qué no dar mierda otros sentimientos tóxico cosa repugnante lastimado quien quiera que yo alrededor necesita permanecer completamente solo clases me deja esperar hasta las muñecas cortadas
basically itbeen diagnosed borderline personality disorder told wait therapy waiting months apparently get six sessions tried kill overdose two weeks ago got scammed dumb life choices quit job early redflag attempt going start another job th march know im ready money rent council tax honestly feel like jumping bridge methods could try home want something permanent know do live north east england uk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "basically itbeen diagnosed borderline personality disorder told wait therapy waiting months apparently get six sessions tried kill overdose two weeks ago got scammed dumb life choices quit job early redflag attempt going start another job th march knowim ready money rent council tax honestly feel like jumping bridge methods could try home want something permanent know do live north east englanduk" ]
Básicamente se diagnosticó trastorno de la personalidad límite dijo terapia de espera meses de espera aparentemente obtener seis sesiones intentado matar sobredosis hace dos semanas fue estafado tonto opciones de vida dejar de trabajo temprano Redflag intento de iniciar otro trabajo th march knowim listo dinero alquiler impuesto consejo honestamente sentir como saltar métodos de puente podría tratar de casa quieren algo permanente saber vivir el noreste Inglaterrauk
hey touch screen iphone broke anyone know way still use phone also merry christmas
[ "hey touch screen iphone broke anyone know way still use phone also merry christmas" ]
Hey pantalla táctil iphone roto cualquiera sabe manera todavía utilizar el teléfono también Feliz Navidad
movie really proves world often unfair place especially world motion pictures the assignment received barely attention upon release surprisingly flopped boxoffice history written movie surely receive long lost praisebr br thank god im surrounded friends knows whats good me movie buff like pal highly recommended the assignment movie even heard about decided check leonard maltin gave it surprisingly gave knowing grade gave classics like alien the usual suspects the matrix i kid not knew meaning mean diddly squat jack s without hesitating went bought dvd years ago movie still one proudest belongings dvd collection despite cover design echoes low budget stinker casper van dienbr br the assignment expertly directed delivering really intense moments hold edge seat throughout movie top boasts times brilliant story know riddled unexpected twists turns stars aidan quinn one best performances serves great support donald sutherland ben kingsley great formbr br something like user comments like movie cant seem praise enough waiting for call fan actionthrillers bought it rented it seen yesterday
[ "movie really proves world often unfair place especially world motion pictures the assignment received barely attention upon release surprisingly flopped boxoffice history written movie surely receive long lost praisebr br thank godim surrounded friends knows whats good me movie buff like pal highly recommended the assignment movie even heard about decided check leonard maltin gave it surprisingly gave knowing grade gave classics like alien the usual suspects the matrix i kid not knew meaning mean diddly squat jack s without hesitating went bought dvd years ago movie still one proudest belongings dvd collection despite cover design echoes low budget stinker casper van dienbr br the assignment expertly directed delivering really intense moments hold edge seat throughout movie top boasts times brilliant story know riddled unexpected twists turns stars aidan quinn one best performances serves great support donald sutherland ben kingsley great formbr br something like user comments like movie cant seem praise enough waiting for call fan actionthrillers bought it rented it seen yesterday" ]
película realmente prueba mundo a menudo lugar injusto especialmente películas de cine mundo recibido apenas atención al lanzamiento sorprendentemente flopeado historia boxoffice escrito película seguramente recibir largo perdido alabanzabr br gracias godim rodeado amigos sabe lo que es bueno yo película buff como amigo muy recomendable la película de asignación incluso oído sobre decidido cheque leonard maltin dio sorprendentemente grado dado conocimiento dio clásicos como extranjero los sospechosos habituales la matriz i kid no sabía significado media diddly cut jack s sin dudar fue comprado dvd años atrás película sigue siendo una orgullosa pertenencias dvd colección a pesar de cubierta diseño ecos apestoso bajo presupuesto casper van dienbr br la asignación dirigido expertamente entregar momentos realmente intensos mantener el borde asiento a lo largo de la película top cuenta con tiempos brillante historia sabe enigmas giros inesperados estrellas ayudan quinn una mejor actuación sirve gran apoyo donald sutherland ben kingsley gran formabr br algo como comentarios de usuario como película no parece suficiente alabanza espera para llamar fan actionthrillers compró lo alquilado visto ayer
yall call karma whore help im starting new account cause hate user ui_dont_clare need u know what wrong ask soooo ill tell u fortune u help trading begging
[ "yall call karma whore help im starting new account cause hate user ui_dont_clare need u know what wrong ask soooo ill tell u fortune u help trading begging" ]
Yall llamar karma puta ayudar a iniciar nueva cuenta causa odio usuario ui_dont_clare necesita u saber lo que mal preguntar soooo mal decir u fortuna u ayudar a negociar la mendicidad
wanna sleep never wake upim alcoholic im drug addict hate life much sleeping thing makes feel better motivation one motivates me cant go anywhere start new life nationality got cheated many times girls nowadays dont want loyal guys go rich ones really gave everything nothing works me wanna sleep rest peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanna sleep never wake upim alcoholic im drug addict hate life much sleeping thing makes feel better motivation one motivates me cant go anywhere start new life nationality got cheated many times girls nowadays dont want loyal guys go rich ones really gave everything nothing works me wanna sleep rest peace" ]
Quiero dormir nunca despertar upim alcoholico im adicto a las drogas odio la vida mucho dormir hace sentir mejor motivación uno me motiva no puedo ir a ninguna parte comenzar nueva vida nacionalidad fue engañado muchas veces las chicas hoy en día no quieren chicos leales ir ricos realmente dio todo nada funciona me quiero dormir descansar paz
im really craving boyfriend rn like want one boyfriend shit also silly like wrestling n fighting n fun routines basically peacefully coexisting like im rush cause im chillin mans find one day ready light fun boy walk life make laugh also kinda cold n dominant lil give free drugs maybe im mentally boyfriend ooh boy wanna puke hate writing boys suck
[ "im really craving boyfriend rn like want one boyfriend shit also silly like wrestling n fighting n fun routines basically peacefully coexisting like im rush cause im chillin mans find one day ready light fun boy walk life make laugh also kinda cold n dominant lil give free drugs maybe im mentally boyfriendooh boy wanna puke hate writing boys suck" ]
Im realmente antojo novio rn como querer un novio mierda también tonto como lucha libre n lucha divertida rutinas básicamente coexisten pacíficamente como im rush causa im chillin hombres encontrar un día listo luz diversión chico caminar vida hacer reír también un poco frío n dominante lil dar drogas gratis tal vez im mental noviooh chico quiere vomitar odio escribir chicos chupa
im feel ive lived much done much im ready goits kind melancholy type thought get dad said told tired burden world ready pass would happen kind feel way want control destiny
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im feel ive lived much done muchim ready goits kind melancholy type thought get dad said told tired burden world ready pass would happen kind feel way want control destiny" ]
Siento que he vivido mucho mucho mucho tiempo listo goits tipo amable melancolía pensamiento conseguir papá dijo dijo cansado carga mundo listo pase ocurriría amable sentir de la manera desea el destino de control