life meaningless everyone trying convince dieits month life lost meaning purpose outside im successful beautiful woman fascinating life loving friends family nailed new prestigious job colleagues would kill for would best time life ready move new beautiful house first time life started thinking family own none matters anymore person wanted share longer life leave him even though love know loves me cant find pleasure anything do friends family trying keep alive weeks trying distract me theyve grown tired blame them ive become pain cant sleep night every passing moment im thinking love tenderness life filled recently love replaced gaping void able eat properly month feel like robot everything mechanical feel detached dehumanized ive seeing therapist im pretty sure clue feel believe tell him see im always laughing making jokes misery people actually think im fine everyone keeps telling life worth living things get better pain go away something new something better come way know say want believe themselves id say bullshit shoes know myself know rare find real connection someone know utterly impossible find someone replace connection lost know words sound like cheap banality know happiness me know sun rise tomorrow want replace special place heart anything else know nothing measure up without love spoke heart reason breathe understand keep living like empty shell keep people satisfied spend every waking moment neverending nightmare work meaning ive unable focus fulfill obligations clear soon everyone see perfectionist used more keep open even humiliation point thing comforts day think dying want hear bullshit gift life would like people respect decision help exit world love dignity hold hand let go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life meaningless everyone trying convince dieits month life lost meaning purpose outside im successful beautiful woman fascinating life loving friends family nailed new prestigious job colleagues would kill for would best time life ready move new beautiful house first time life started thinking family own none matters anymore person wanted share longer life leave him even though love know loves me cant find pleasure anything do friends family trying keep alive weeks trying distract me theyve grown tired blame them ive become pain cant sleep night every passing moment im thinking love tenderness life filled recently love replaced gaping void able eat properly month feel like robot everything mechanical feel detached dehumanized ive seeing therapist", "im pretty sure clue feel believe tell him see im always laughing making jokes misery people actually think im fine everyone keeps telling life worth living things get better pain go away something new something better come way know say want believe themselves id say bullshit shoes know myself know rare find real connection someone know utterly impossible find someone replace connection lost know words sound like cheap banality know happinessme know sun rise tomorrow want replace special place heart anything else know nothing measure up without love spoke heart reason breathe understand keep living like empty shell keep people satisfied spend every waking moment neverending nightmare work meaning ive unable focus fulfill obligations clear soon everyone see perfectionist used more keep open even humiliation point thing comforts day think dying want hear bullshit gift life would like people respect decision help exit world love dignity hold hand let go" ]
vida sin sentido todo el mundo tratando de convencer a Dieits mes vida perdido significado propósito fuera de im éxito hermosa mujer fascinante vida amigos amorosos familia clavado nuevo prestigioso trabajo colegas matarían para sería mejor tiempo vida listo mover nueva hermosa casa primera vez la vida comenzó a pensar familia ninguno importa más persona quería compartir la vida más larga dejar a pesar de amor saber me no puede encontrar placer nada hacer amigos familia tratando de mantener vivo semanas tratando de distraerme han crecido cansado culpa ellos live se convierten en dolor no puedo dormir noche cada momento que pasa Im pensamiento amor ternura vida llena recientemente amor vacante vacío capaz comer adecuadamente mes sentir como robot todo sensación mecánica deshumanizado deshumanizado vida ver terapeuta
strange lights seen honolulu httpsyoutubedgcdzmhkwhttpsyoutubedgcdzmhkw
[ "strange lights seen honolulu httpsyoutubedgcdzmhkwhttpsyoutubedgcdzmhkw" ]
luces extrañas visto Honolulu httpsyoutubedgcdzmhkwhttpsyoutubedgcdzmhkw
would go hacking command console minecraft server own friend hosting minecraft server want troll them server hosted apex hosting plugins authme option bonus way could get command line connected cmd maybe could connect server using cmd way idk ampxb help would great lol
[ "would go hacking command console minecraft server own friend hosting minecraft server want troll them server hosted apex hosting plugins authme option bonus way could get command line connectedcmdmaybe could connect server using cmd way idk ampxb help would great lol" ]
iría hacking comando consola minecraft servidor propio amigo alojamiento minecraft servidor quiere troll ellos servidor ápice alojamiento plugins authme opción de bonificación manera podría conseguir línea de comandos conectadocmdtal vez podría conectar servidor usando cmd manera idk ampxb ayuda sería genial lol
happened various forms life even got physical abuse fucking fact people feel entitled including system live ininvoluntary hospitalization psychiatrymost shitholes strip rights human being acting accordance think the best you anything really spoiler nice make feel worse entitlement
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "happened various forms life even got physical abuse fucking fact people feel entitled including system live ininvoluntary hospitalization psychiatrymost shitholes strip rights human being acting accordance think the best you anything really spoiler nice make feel worse entitlement" ]
ha pasado varias formas de la vida incluso tiene abuso físico puto hecho la gente se siente derecho incluyendo sistema vive hospitalización involuntaria psiquiatría mayoría mierda agujeros strip derechos humanos actuando de acuerdo pensar lo mejor que cualquier cosa realmente spoiler agradable hacer sentir peor derecho
know want anymore ive posting since old im tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know want anymore ive posting since old im tired" ]
Ya sabes, quiero más publicaciones desde que me cansé.
nights worst distractions left alone thoughts feel empty alone purpose world never amount anything soon enough everyone hate me everyone see failure am looking forward day comes end pathetic life guilt
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nights worst distractions left alone thoughts feel empty alone purpose world never amount anything soon enough everyone hate me everyone see failure am looking forward day comes end pathetic life guilt" ]
noches peores distracciones dejadas solas pensamientos se sienten vacíos solo propósito mundo nunca cantidad nada pronto bastante todos me odian todos ven fracaso estoy mirando hacia adelante día llega fin patética vida culpa
stuckwent outside last night probably home around am planned know why around hours standing sitting staring railing back fourth kept thinking this dunno whats called stopping me wanna it really do bad get cant sure anxiety looking wondering bad itll hurt height think ending another way sure though appointment nurse wednesday dunno im supposed hold im keep thinking going back tonight actually it im stuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "stuckwent outside last night probably home around am planned know why around hours standing sitting staring railing back fourth kept thinking this dunno whats called stopping me wanna it really do bad get cant sure anxiety looking wondering bad itll hurt height think ending another way sure though appointment nurse wednesday dunno im supposed hold im keep thinking going back tonight actually it im stuck" ]
Stack se fue anoche a casa probablemente estoy planeado saber por qué alrededor de horas de pie mirando fijamente barandilla detrás cuarto se mantuvo pensando este no sé lo que se llama detenerme quiero realmente hacer mal no puedo estar seguro de la ansiedad que se ve preguntándose mal duele altura pensar terminar de otra manera segura aunque cita enfermera miércoles no se supone que tengo im seguir pensando volver esta noche en realidad im atascado
twisted ancle today jumping posts do condo evacuated due fire parking garage kept jumping non stop somewhere like fifty posts started get tired leg got hit toppled over brother pretending personal trainer thankfully managed carry way back condo issue done with bo ive lying bed hours
[ "twisted ancle today jumping posts do condo evacuated due fire parking garage kept jumping non stop somewhere like fifty posts started get tired leg got hit toppled over brother pretending personal trainer thankfully managed carry way back condo issue done with bo ive lying bed hours" ]
ancle retorcido hoy saltar postes condominio evacuado debido estacionamiento de incendios garaje se mantuvo saltando sin parar en algún lugar como cincuenta postes comenzaron a ser cansado pierna fue golpeado derribado sobre hermano fingiendo entrenador personal afortunadamente manejado llevar de vuelta problema condominio hecho con bo ive acostarse horas de la cama
sort depression slump another around years used love talking people exercising writing thing actually enjoy watching tv movies know healthy thing want anymore detached everything else see point much anything work shitty barely minimum wage job cannot even afford live think would really help situation friends anymore could keep contact regularly bc depression kind floated away one vent to barely existing shitty world trying dive deep fiction can feel wearing though comfort get fav characters really scared getting close end thing interested anymore media
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sort depression slump another around years used love talking people exercising writing thing actually enjoy watching tv movies know healthy thing want anymore detached everything else see point much anything work shitty barely minimum wage job cannot even afford live think would really help situation friends anymore could keep contact regularly bc depression kind floated away one vent to barely existing shitty world trying dive deep fiction can feel wearing though comfort get fav characters really scared getting close end thing interested anymore media" ]
tipo depresión caída otro alrededor de años utilizado amor hablar personas que hacen ejercicio de escritura en realidad disfrutar viendo películas de televisión saben cosas saludables quieren más desapegado todo lo demás ver punto mucho trabajo mierda apenas salario mínimo trabajo ni siquiera puede permitirse vivir pensar realmente podría ayudar a los amigos situación más podría mantener contacto regularmente bc depresión tipo flotado lejos de un respiradero a apenas existente mundo de mierda tratando de buceo ficción profunda puede sentirse usando aunque comodidad conseguir personajes favoritos realmente asustado conseguir cerca extremo interesado más medios
cant stop thinking redflagit feels like always way out brain hyper focuses much diagnosed earlier year bpd feel ive got worse worse constantly think ending know right it would hurt many people yet lay awake night crying eyes constantly thinking life worth it im lost know do one day fear feeling get much simply it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant stop thinking redflagit feels like always way out brain hyper focuses much diagnosed earlier year bpd feel ive got worse worse constantly think ending know right it would hurt many people yet lay awake night crying eyes constantly thinking life worth it im lost know do one day fear feeling get much simply it" ]
No puedo dejar de pensar Redflagit se siente como siempre manera de salir hipercerebro focos mucho diagnosticados a principios de año bpd siento que se pone peor constantemente pensar final sabe bien que podría hacer daño a muchas personas sin embargo yacer despierto noche llorando ojos constantemente pensando vida vale la pena me perdí saber hacer un día miedo sentimiento conseguir mucho simplemente
one favorite movies saw preview seattle tom hulce amazing words could convey feelingsthoughts actually sent mike ferrell donation money help film get distributed good system says need lines want give away plot stuff audience seattle hulce director writer think mike ferrell talked hour afterwords really dry eye house hollywood continues stupid know actually know fault look watchwell get pay guys get see someone special gem
[ "one favorite movies saw preview seattle tom hulce amazing words could convey feelingsthoughts actually sent mike ferrell donation money help film get distributed good system says need lines want give away plot stuff audience seattle hulce director writer think mike ferrell talked hour afterwords really dry eye house hollywood continues stupid know actually know fault look watchwell get pay guys get see someone special gem" ]
una película favorita vio vista previa Seattle tom hulce palabras increíbles podrían transmitir sentimientos pensamientos en realidad envió Mike Ferrell donación dinero ayuda película conseguir distribuido buen sistema dice que las líneas de necesidad quieren regalar trama cosas audiencia Seattle Hulce director escritor pensar Mike Ferrell habló horas después palabras realmente ojo seco casa hollywood continúa estúpido saber en realidad sabe mal look watchwell conseguir pagar chicos conseguir ver a alguien gema especial
need signits one nights cant keep thinking pain ive caused everyone whos left life want sign want something make feel like still worth im scared life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need signits one nights cant keep thinking pain ive caused everyone whos left life want sign want something make feel like still worth im scared life" ]
Signos una noche no puedo seguir pensando que el dolor ha causado que todo el mundo que se queda la vida quiere signo quiero algo hacer sentir como todavía vale la pena mi vida asustada
want anymore bpdpersistent depressive syndrome years unstable relationships friendships im left one good friend across ocean anyone else probs wishes well cant bothered say anything else matter hard time making friends becoming close people mainly find people interested wanting friends connectionchemistry terms social circle legit alone clearly good reason years suicidal ideation recently intense attempts firm belief always way want way always way ruins follow life evidence sort also revealing messed person am cant job effectively anymore could even that reaching incredibly hard justify reasons so hard do cant around people family job im unhappy life be cant around sake cant anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want anymore bpdpersistent depressive syndrome years unstable relationships friendships im left one good friend across ocean anyone else probs wishes well cant bothered say anything else matter hard time making friends becoming close people mainly find people interested wanting friends connectionchemistry terms social circle legit alone clearly good reason years suicidal ideation recently intense attempts firm belief always way want way always way ruins follow life evidence sort also revealing messed person am cant job effectively anymore could even that reaching incredibly hard justify reasons so hard do cant around people family job im unhappy life be cant around sakecant anymore" ]
quiero más bpdpersistente síndrome depresivo años relaciones inestables amistades im left un buen amigo a través del océano cualquier otro probs desea bien no puedo molestarse en decir nada más importa difícil hacer amigos convertirse en personas cercanas principalmente encontrar personas interesadas que quieren amigos conexiónquímica términos sociales círculo legítimo solo claramente buena razón años ideación suicida recientemente intensos intentos firme creencia siempre quieren manera siempre manera ruinas seguir la evidencia de la vida tipo también revelando persona desordenada soy trabajo cant más eficazmente podría incluso que llegar increíblemente difícil justificar razones tan difícil no puede alrededor de personas trabajo familiar im vida infeliz ser no puede alrededor sakecant más
guys help street lamp outside window got hit massive lightning youd expect stop working started turning super annoying rain makes atmosphere bed quite nice street lamp ruins it idea sleep comfortably
[ "guys help street lamp outside window got hit massive lightning youd expect stop working started turning super annoying rain makes atmosphere bed quite nice street lamp ruins it idea sleep comfortably" ]
los chicos ayudan a la luz de la calle fuera de la ventana recibió un gran rayo youd esperar dejar de trabajar comenzó a girar lluvia super molesto hace la cama de la atmósfera bastante agradable farola de la calle ruinas que idea dormir cómodamente
obsess head even though try stay positive truth really feel comes almost every time go drinking friends become extremely negative sometimes cry alone bf told unhappy weight also hates seeing unhappy summary bf complete workaholic loves death tells beautiful every day dumped times weight thinks excuse maker know commit me indian white us since ever spoke phone would never able guess indian
[ "obsess head even though try stay positive truth really feel comes almost every time go drinking friends become extremely negative sometimes cry alone bf told unhappy weight also hates seeing unhappy summary bf complete workaholic loves death tells beautiful every day dumped times weight thinks excuse maker know commit me indian white us since ever spoke phone would never able guess indian" ]
obsess cabeza a pesar de tratar de permanecer positiva verdad realmente sentir viene casi cada vez ir beber amigos se vuelven extremadamente negativos a veces llorar solo bf dijo peso infeliz también odia ver infelices resumen bf completo trabajoaholic ama la muerte dice hermoso cada día descargado veces peso piensa excusa fabricante saber commit me indio blanco nos ya que siempre habló teléfono nunca podría adivinar indio
feel bad today suicidal thoughts bad theyve ever been made tiny progress lately come crashing back feel like could call quits right nowi think im gonna probably text number feel guilty texting always seem trying push get next person feel comfortable calling redflag hotline like said made tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny progress step forward steps back live alcoholic parents terrible house got new jobs see way often triggers hell even around cant anything else ive spending lot time library friends houses stay away theres much do point id seriously consider living car cold wisconsin already tried yet another med change really recently course done nothing number million thats point im seriously considering cold turkeying meds done it almost weeks next therapy appointment im pretty sure hates anyway tried get kicked clinic accidentally noshowing appointment psychiatrist stuck said needed stay im gonna comfortable talking therapist refuse try another one hes already number cant even remember sure also fucked up totally fault excuses im gonna completely financially destitute least month account overdrawn im gonna able afford phone bill real friends live far away phone plan able talk time im home and try home little possible ive selfharming lot one injury id even consider seeing doctor could afford copay convenient care mean serious burn happened trying firstaid well can ironically still selfharming places body stuck scars life top stretch marks im stuck brings next point weight im literally obese bmi fluctuate lbs back years ago healthy liked body numbers pounds emotional binge eating absolute inability exercise consistently try get hyperaware weight stop cry probably go home hurt ironically binge eat top everything ive talking old friend finally able meet coffee we see maybe year seems great im starting feelings develop knowing theyll never reciprocated know best thing distance her one biggest support systems me theres good way handle situation yes chances feeling already this big problem top everything else feels like it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel bad today suicidal thoughts bad theyve ever been made tiny progress lately come crashing back feel like could call quits right nowi think im gonna probably text number feel guilty texting always seem trying push get next person feel comfortable calling redflag hotlinelike said made tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny progress step forward steps back live alcoholic parents terrible house got new jobs see way often triggers hell even around cant anything else ive spending lot time library friends houses stay away theres much do point id seriously consider living car cold wisconsin already tried yet another med change really recently course done nothing number million thats point im seriously considering cold turkeying meds done it almost weeks next therapy appointment im pretty sure hates anyway tried get kicked clinic accidentally noshowing appointment psychiatrist stuck said needed stay im gonna comfortable talking therapist refuse try another one hes already number cant even remember sure also fucked up totally fault excuses im gonna completely financially destitute least month account overdrawn", "im gonna able afford phone bill real friends live far away phone plan able talk time im home and try home little possible ive selfharming lot one injury id even consider seeing doctor could afford copay convenient care mean serious burn happened trying firstaid well can ironically still selfharming places body stuck scars life top stretch marks im stuck brings next point weight im literally obese bmi fluctuate lbs back years ago healthy liked body numbers pounds emotional binge eating absolute inability exercise consistently try get hyperaware weight stop cry probably go home hurt ironically binge eat top everything ive talking old friend finally able meet coffee we see maybe year seems great im starting feelings develop knowing theyll never reciprocated know best thing distance her one biggest support systems me theres good way handle situation yes chances feeling already this big problem top everything else feels like it" ]
Sientan mal hoy pensamientos suicidas malos nunca se han hecho pequeños progresos últimamente vienen estrellarse atrás se siente como podría llamar parados ahora mismo creo que probablemente voy a texto número sentir culpable mensajes de texto siempre parece tratar de empujar conseguir próxima persona se siente cómodo llamando redflag línea directa como dicho hizo diminuta diminuta diminuta progreso paso adelante pasos atrás vivo padres alcohólicos terrible casa tienen nuevos trabajos ver manera a menudo desencadena el infierno incluso alrededor de cualquier otra cosa ive gasto mucho tiempo biblioteca amigos casas permanecer lejos allí mucho punto id seriamente considerar vida coche frío wisconsin ya probado todavía otro cambio médico realmente recientemente curso hecho nada número millón que apunta im seriamente considerando frio pavoing meds hecho casi semanas próxima cita de terapia im bastante seguro odios de todos modos trató de conseguir patadas clínica accidentalmente ninguna cita psiquiatra atascado dijo que necesitaba quedarse im va a cómodo hablar terapeuta rechazo probar otro número ya número no puede recordar siquiera seguro también jodido culpa excusas im va completamente financieramente destituido menos cuenta mensual sobretirado
one way make better nowi got help waited tried everything could think of almost deluded thinking working fortunately reminded unwanted worthless am im moving date redflag december probably around christmas nice gift everyone least plenty time write note want apology sticking around long thorough record point tell awful give people false hope here get better mean say otherwise
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one way make better nowi got help waited tried everything could think of almost deluded thinking working fortunately reminded unwanted worthless am im moving date redflag december probably around christmas nice gift everyone least plenty time write note want apology sticking around long thorough record point tell awful give people false hope here get better mean say otherwise" ]
una manera de hacer mejor ahora tengo ayuda esperada todo lo que se podía pensar en casi iluso pensar trabajo afortunadamente recordado no deseado inútil am im mudanza fecha rojo bandera diciembre probablemente alrededor de Navidad bonito regalo todo el mundo menos tiempo suficiente escribir nota quieren disculpas quedarse por largo tiempo completo punto de registro decir horrible dar a la gente falsa esperanza aquí conseguir mejor media decir lo contrario
friend middle class dead silent whos stinky whore didnt realize unmuted
[ "friend middle class dead silent whos stinky whore didnt realize unmuted" ]
amigo de la clase media muerto en silencio quién apestoso puta no se dio cuenta sin mutilar
depression damn brutal add top ugly virgin extreme social redflag lower iq learning disabilities many internal issues what fk suffering could dead seriously nothing here people tell try new things get me fatigue beyond awful scared death hate religion making scared hell think awful things christians now hate existence alone dead inside gone even idk much longer last
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depression damn brutal add top ugly virgin extreme social redflag lower iq learning disabilities many internal issues what fk suffering could dead seriously nothing here people tell try new things get me fatigue beyond awful scared death hate religion making scared hell think awful things christians now hate existence alone dead inside gone even idk much longer last" ]
depresión maldito brutal añadir top fea virgen extrema redflag social menor iq discapacidad de aprendizaje muchos problemas internos lo que fk sufrimiento podría morir seriamente nada aquí la gente dice tratar nuevas cosas me dan fatiga más allá de terrible miedo muerte odio religión hacer miedo infierno pensar cosas horribles cristianos ahora odian la existencia solo muerto por dentro ido incluso idk mucho más tiempo último
cousin stupid cousin stopped eating pm girl already boyfriend this every night terribly aggressive unpleasant already quarreling almost whole family do
[ "cousin stupid cousin stopped eating pm girl already boyfriend this every night terribly aggressive unpleasant already quarreling almost whole family do" ]
primo estúpido primo dejó de comer pm chica ya novio esto cada noche terriblemente agresivo desagradable ya pelear casi toda la familia hacer
film great comedy drama christopher walken tremendous supporting role manager commentary keep laughing robin williams plays great role quick wit jon stewart amuse fans comedy central show good viewer halfabrain see needed subcultural attack policies current republican government criticism american democratic process mention means politicians get electedbr br i amused subplots found film fast paced entertaining without usual ohbrothers would agree film less comedy marketed however without question better garbage theatres present thoughtsdon
[ "film great comedy drama christopher walken tremendous supporting role manager commentary keep laughing robin williams plays great role quick wit jon stewart amuse fans comedy central show good viewer halfabrain see needed subcultural attack policies current republican government criticism american democratic process mention means politicians get electedbr br i amused subplots found film fast paced entertaining without usual ohbrothers would agree film less comedy marketed however without question better garbage theatres present thoughtsdon" ]
cine gran comedia drama christopher walken tremendo apoyo director comentario seguir riendo petirrojo williams juega un gran papel rápido ingenio jon guisart divertido fans comedia show central buen espectador medioabrain ver necesarias políticas de ataque subcultural actual gobierno republicano crítica american democratic process mention significa politics get electedbr br i divertido subplots encontrado película rápido ritmo de entretenimiento sin habitual ohhermanos aceptarían cine menos comedia comercializado sin embargo sin duda mejores teatros de basura presentes pensamientosdon
happen love show refreshing take older scifi feels styles afraid shoot people tend die far many shows afraid end pointing guns standoff farscape also comes complete large amount heartwarming characters grow till point confuses hear discuss taking animatronic ones boxs make miniseries beginning end farscape leaves feeling hope dispair new unexpected things happen people live die surprising every time worth watch even time
[ "happen love show refreshing take older scifi feels styles afraid shoot people tend die far many shows afraid end pointing guns standoff farscape also comes complete large amount heartwarming characters grow till point confuses hear discuss taking animatronic ones boxs make miniseries beginning end farscape leaves feeling hope dispair new unexpected things happen people live die surprising every time worth watch even time" ]
sucede amor show refrescante toma más viejo scifi siente estilos miedo disparar la gente tiende a morir lejos muchos programas miedo final apuntando pistolas standoff farscape también viene completa gran cantidad de personajes conmovedores crecen hasta punto confunde escuchar discutir tomar animatronic unas cajas hacer miniseries principio final farscape hojas sentir esperanza dispair nuevas cosas inesperadas pasan gente muere sorprendente cada vez que vale la pena ver incluso tiempo
losing hope fasti thought abuse would end thought pain would end moved course didnt feel like im walking fucking empty sack useless flesh would give anything give life anyone deserve die sure fuck deserve live hate im wasting it job im school make want fucking kill less medication fucked brain forever never helped doctor hospital last year trying kill myself im barely better now go class go work come home sleep im depressed anything else talking people chore barely eat love father thinks im fine heart tell im miserable everything hes done me hate like this im waste eyes hate it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "losing hope fasti thought abuse would end thought pain would end moved course didnt feel like im walking fucking empty sack useless flesh would give anything give life anyone deserve die sure fuck deserve live hate im wasting it jobim school make want fucking kill less medication fucked brain forever never helped doctor hospital last year trying kill myself im barely better now go class go work come home sleep im depressed anything else talking people chore barely eat love father thinks im fine heart tell im miserable everything hes done me hate like this im waste eyes hate it" ]
perder la esperanza fastidio pensamiento abuso terminaría pensamiento dolor terminaría movido curso no se sentía como mí caminar saco vacío inútil carne daría cualquier cosa dar vida a cualquiera merece morir seguro mierda merecer vivir odio im desperdiciar trabajoim escuela hacer querer mierda matar menos medicación follada cerebro para siempre nunca ayudó doctor hospital el año pasado tratando de matarme im apenas mejor ahora ir clase ir trabajo volver a casa dormir im depresión cualquier otra gente hablar tareas apenas comer amor padre piensa im corazón fino decirle a mí miserable todo lo que me hizo odio como este im desperdicio ojos odio
feeling really alone wrote thisits always like this everyone seems think works like grief hit waves waves pull back slowly completely get better waves stopped ill next march hear happiness said genetic family tree pretty upsetting one unfortunately true nothing mean friends those mean family found family one given dysfunctional makes life harder made life hell living has see world around me eyes woken peaceful nightmare see real painful world cant keep this cant keep giving heart people trying friend receiving agonizing pain especially always ask anything back started realized self respect something supposed pretend have days far behind me beginning life either im weary starts im sad im kind wallow seek help usually takes long whatever reason get worse start build way back stability myself im bad it usually get help along way usually therapist take look got bad work love therapy always have get better better sort of hits always different always hard times easier most always springs back me theres cure even want it i want risk would rather peace feel alone afraid like first times hit hard thing ive called help ive asked around ive done bit im therapy weight everything crushing much chronic depression doesnt always go away functions similarly grief lingers hangs air keeps you isnt simple never be
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling really alone wrote thisits always like this everyone seems think works like grief hit waves waves pull back slowly completely get better waves stopped ill next march hear happiness said genetic family tree pretty upsetting one unfortunately true nothing mean friends those mean family found family one given dysfunctional makes life harder made life hell living has see world around me eyes woken peaceful nightmare see real painful world cant keep this cant keep giving heart people trying friend receiving agonizing pain especially always ask anything back started realized self respect something supposed pretend have days far behind me beginning life either im weary starts im sad im kind wallow seek help usually takes long whatever reason get worse start build way back stability myself im bad it usually get help along way usually therapist take look got bad work love therapy always have get better better sort of hits always different always hard times easier most always springs back me theres cure even want it i want risk would rather peace feel alone afraid like first times hit hard thing ive called help ive asked around ive done bit", "im therapy weight everything crushing much chronic depression doesnt always go away functions similarly grief lingers hangs air keeps you isnt simple never be" ]
El sentimiento realmente solo escribió esto es siempre como esto todo el mundo parece pensar que funciona como dolor golpe olas tirar hacia atrás lentamente completamente mejor olas paró mal próxima marcha escuchar felicidad dijo árbol familiar genético bastante molesto uno por desgracia verdad nada significa amigos que familia media encontró familia uno dado disfuncional hace la vida más difícil vida infierno vivir ha ver mundo alrededor de mí ojos despertado pesadilla pacífica ver mundo real doloroso no puede mantener este no puede seguir dando corazón personas tratando de amigo recibir dolor agonizante especialmente siempre preguntar cualquier cosa comenzó realidad respeto a sí mismo algo supone tener días detrás de mí principio vida o im cansado comienza im triste im amable wallow buscar ayuda por lo general toma cualquier razón peor empezar construir camino atrás estabilidad yo mismo es malo generalmente conseguir ayuda a lo largo de camino por lo general terapeuta tomar mirada consiguió mal trabajo terapia de amor siempre han conseguido mejor mejor tipo de golpes siempre diferentes tiempos difíciles más fácil siempre primaveras volver cura me theres incluso quiero riesgo más bien paz se siente solo miedo como primeras veces golpeó duro uve llamado ayuda have preguntado alrededor ive hecho bit
live alone depression time high believe worth anymore finally given myself wake alone everything own fun activities truly enjoy doing nobody wants me anyone else wants something want do always it nobody me everyone else another person people walk over want genuine friendship people genuine love life seem get short end stick every time nice guys finish last happens time time again hate here want pain go away need someone talk to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "live alone depression time high believe worth anymore finally given myself wake alone everything own fun activities truly enjoy doing nobody wants me anyone else wants something want do always it nobody me everyone else another person people walk over want genuine friendship people genuine love life seem get short end stick every time nice guys finish last happens time time again hate here want pain go away need someone talk to" ]
vivir solo depresión tiempo alto creo que vale la pena finalmente me he dado a mí mismo despertar solo todo las propias actividades divertidas realmente disfrutar de hacer nadie quiere que nadie más quiere algo siempre lo nadie todos los demás personas caminan por allí quieren verdadera amistad gente genuina vida amorosa parece tener un final corto palo cada vez que chicos agradables terminan pasado tiempo otra vez odio aquí quiero dolor ir necesita alguien hablar con
college idea im doing pretty much nobodyi attend expensive college idea fuck im feel like im squandering parents money time being idea want career motivation study feel like nobody purpose world keep hearing everything right trust god cant anymore want drop kill something
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "college idea im doing pretty much nobodyi attend expensive college idea fuck im feel like im squandering parents money time being idea want career motivation study feel like nobody purpose world keep hearing everything right trust god cant anymore want drop kill something" ]
idea de la universidad estoy haciendo casi nadie asiste caro idea de la universidad mierda me siento como im derrochando padres dinero tiempo ser idea quiero carrera motivación estudio sentir como nadie propósito mundo seguir escuchando todo derecho confianza dios no puede más querer caer matar algo
favorite show kid man favorite show obsessed it still remember back seat car small dvd player different heman season disc watched like times also remember favorite character skeletor favorite show kid
[ "favorite show kid man favorite show obsessed it still remember back seat car small dvd player different heman season disc watched like times also remember favorite character skeletor favorite show kid" ]
favorito show chico hombre favorito show obsesionado todavía recordar coche asiento trasero pequeño reproductor de DVD diferente heman disco de la temporada visto como los tiempos también recordar personaje favorito skeletor favorito show kid
time favourite movie everbr br i remember seeing younger since love it used rent often one video store used carry it moved find kep going back tot far away store could watch movie againbr br finally found sale bought watched again great moviebr br since though first dvd got got dvd player ok well got time quality dvd way better believe it gotta see one
[ "time favourite movie everbr br i remember seeing younger since love it used rent often one video store used carry it moved find kep going back tot far away store could watch movie againbr br finally found sale bought watched again great moviebr br since though first dvd got gotdvd playerok well got time quality dvd way better believe it gotta see one" ]
tiempo película favorita everbr br recuerdo ver más joven ya que el amor se utiliza alquiler a menudo una tienda de vídeo utilizado llevar se movió encontrar kep ir de vuelta tot lejos tienda podía ver película de nuevobr br finalmente encontrado venta comprado ver de nuevo gran películabr br desde que aunque el primer dvd consiguió goddvd jugadorok bien consiguió tiempo calidad dvd mucho mejor creer que tiene que ver uno
spend time researching redflag methodsim unemployed refuse work job amplify depression want work walmart although im pressured family take job become leech brother would covering next months rent cant live shamebut perhaps people believe might able to im tired running around things best interest others im tired listening advice others taking it realizing never i wanted all instead use researching abilities know things im good at find effective way completely obliterating form consciousness person called ever possessed people hate me probably cant feel hate side feel anything anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "spend time researching redflag methodsim unemployed refuse work job amplify depression want work walmart although im pressured family take job become leech brother would covering next months rent cant live shamebut perhaps people believe might able to im tired running around things best interest others im tired listening advice others taking it realizing never i wanted all instead use researching abilities know things im good at find effective way completely obliterating form consciousness person called ever possessed people hate me probably cant feel hate side feel anything anymore" ]
pasar el tiempo investigando métodos Redflagim desempleados rechazar trabajo trabajo amplificar depresión quieren trabajo walmart aunque im presión familia tomar trabajo convertirse en sanguijuela hermano cubriría los próximos meses alquiler no puede vivir vergüenza, pero tal vez la gente cree que podría ser capaz de estar cansado correr alrededor de las cosas mejor interés otros estoy cansado escuchar consejos otros que se dan cuenta nunca quería todo en lugar de utilizar las habilidades de investigación saber cosas im bueno en encontrar forma efectiva completamente borrado persona llamada siempre poseído personas me odian probablemente no puede sentir lado odio sentir nada más
soo uhh umm anybody wanna play minecraft
[ "soo uhh umm anybody wanna play minecraft" ]
soo uhh umm cualquiera quiere jugar a las minas
happened watch movie chance days ago flipping channels expectations high interesting moviein a guy thing jason lee plays paul straightlaced seattlebased fellow marry fiance karen selma blair settle unchallenging life middleclass domesticity first meet paul bachelor party professes desire engage normal bachelor party type activities surprisingly few buddies encourage case hes bit naughty gets hot bother soon trouble strife course next thing paul knows morning night before hes bed naked hula dancer motherinlaw phones inform karen way over oh hula dancer karens cousin becky julia stilesbr br from small acorn potential trouble grows mighty oak frenetic misfortune paul scrabbles misadventure misadventure trying cover hes done whilst keeping appearance dutiful familyoriented good guy whos superexcited forthcoming nuptials efforts ensure karen remains none wiser potential wrongdoing part ironically forces paul closer closer funloving becky forcing question whether really wants life seems mapped him movie contains right mix comedy romance definitely worth watch
[ "happened watch movie chance days ago flipping channels expectations high interesting moviein a guy thing jason lee plays paul straightlaced seattlebased fellow marry fiance karen selma blair settle unchallenging life middleclass domesticity first meet paul bachelor party professes desire engage normal bachelor party type activities surprisingly few buddies encourage case hes bit naughty gets hot bother soon trouble strife course next thing paul knows morning night before hes bed naked hula dancer motherinlaw phones inform karen way over oh hula dancer karens cousin becky julia stilesbr br from small acorn potential trouble grows mighty oak frenetic misfortune paul scrabbles misadventure misadventure trying cover hes done whilst keeping appearance dutiful familyoriented good guy whos superexcited forthcoming nuptials efforts ensure karen remains none wiser potential wrongdoing part ironically forces paul closer closer funloving becky forcing question whether really wants life seems mapped him movie contains right mix comedy romance definitely worth watch" ]
ha ocurrido ver película oportunidad hace días canales voltear expectativas alta película interesante en un chico cosa jason lee juegos paul rightelacted beat beaching novio karen selma blair arreglo sin desafío vida clase media domestica primero conocer paul despedida de soltero profesa deseo participar normal despedida de soltero actividades sorprendentemente pocos amigos animan caso he bit traviesa se pone caliente molestia pronto problema curso siguiente paul sabe noche antes de que él cama desnuda hula bailarina madre ley teléfonos informar karen manera sobre oh hula bailarina karens prima becky julia stilesbr br de pequeño bellota potencial problemas crece poderoso roble desgracia frenética paul scrabbles misadventure misadventure misadventure intento de cubierta hes hecho mientras que mantiene apariencia dutiful familia orientado buen chico que superexcitado próximos nuptiales esfuerzos garantizar karen sigue siendo ninguna persona más sabio potencial mala parte irónica fuerzas paul más cerca funloving becky forcing pregunta si realmente quiere la vida parece mapeado película contiene derecha comedia romance sin duda vale la pena ver
fucking done bullshiti cant trust best friendand dont want talk others romantic prospects future one dream everyday fades away say fuck it fuck would keep suffering bullshit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fucking done bullshiti cant trust best friendand dont want talk others romantic prospects future one dream everyday fades away say fuck it fuck would keep suffering bullshit" ]
mierda hecho mierda no puedo confiar en el mejor amigo y no quiero hablar otros románticos prospectos futuro un sueño se desvanece todos los días decir mierda mierda seguiría sufriendo mierda
screw ittonight iti done planning seeing morning
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "screw ittonight iti done planning seeing morning" ]
A la mierda esta noche he hecho la planificación de ver la mañana
know selfdeprecate much part still lacks confidence even worked much it scared lazy stupid way overwhelmed life actually hard certain degree justified know perhaps combination said almost like want apply want anyone else either perhaps felt sure thinking opportunity always therei actually busy lot stuff college although little bit old well also gone lot trauma both mild severe throughout years understand need kind needed time heal hate unproductive lazy hate people use excuses justify shitty behavior seen ugly looks want one those seems repetitive pattern behavior deny opportunities maybe deep unconscious part feels like deserve better life bullied much recent past left filled shame guilt noticed exact thing dating too know great personality naturally deserve love loved again whenever want date keep thinking need fix life first like good enough know excuse know excuses understand life already happening between supposed perfect moment start living yet broken mentality let go despite fact keep empowering everydayhow stop break free past stop procrastinating adhd yes meds help focus selfdiscipline makes things better still am make things like better better lost amazing job opportunity procrastinated much applying it taken feel awful
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know selfdeprecate much part still lacks confidence even worked much it scared lazy stupid way overwhelmed life actually hard certain degree justified know perhaps combination said almost like want apply want anyone else either perhaps felt sure thinking opportunity always therei actually busy lot stuff college although little bit old well also gone lot trauma both mild severe throughout years understand need kind needed time heal hate unproductive lazy hate people use excuses justify shitty behavior seen ugly looks want one those seems repetitive pattern behavior deny opportunities maybe deep unconscious part feels like deserve better life bullied much recent past left filled shame guilt noticed exact thing dating too know great personality naturally deserve love loved again whenever want date keep thinking need fix life first like good enough know excuse know excuses understand life already happening between supposed perfect moment start living yet broken mentality let go despite fact keep empowering everydayhow stop break free past stop procrastinating adhd", "yes meds help focus selfdiscipline makes things better still am make things like better better lost amazing job opportunity procrastinated much applying it taken feel awful" ]
know selfdeprecate much part still still care inconfiance thought worked much it miedo perezoso estúpido way abrumado vida realmente duro cierto grado justificado saber tal vez combinación dijo casi como querer aplicar a alguien más o tal vez se sintió seguro pensando oportunidad siempre therei realmente ocupado mucho cosas universidad aunque poco viejo bien ido mucho trauma tanto leve severo a través de años entender necesidad amable tiempo necesario sanar odio improductivo perezoso odio gente uso excusas justificar comportamiento de mierda visto feo looks quieren uno esos parece comportamiento patrón repetitivo negar oportunidades tal vez parte profunda inconsciente se siente como merecer mejor vida intimidado mucho pasado reciente izquierda llena vergüenza culpa notó cosa exacta citas demasiado saben gran personalidad naturalmente merece amor amado otra vez cada vez que quiero fecha mantener el pensamiento necesidad arreglar la vida primero como lo suficientemente bueno saber excusas entender la vida ya sucediendo entre supuesto momento perfecto empezar a vivir pero mentalidad roto dejar ir a pesar de hecho sigue empoderando día cómo dejar de romper el pasado libre dejar de procrastinar adhd
guys im stuck bathroom please send help horni fuck nnn got stuck bathroom closing door keep updated looks like id sleep bath
[ "guys im stuck bathroom please send help horni fuck nnn got stuck bathroom closing door keep updated looks like id sleep bath" ]
chicos im atascado cuarto de baño por favor enviar ayuda Horni mierda nnn se quedó atascado cuarto de baño puerta de cierre mantener actualizado se ve como id baño de sueño
maybe programming spend hours day needed learn programming point is im looking handouts anything like that im ready spend countless hours work help family thoughts tl dr father passed away mother cant pay rent bills etc ask advice jobs ways increase income help mother pay rents
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "maybe programming spend hours day needed learn programming point is im looking handouts anything like that im ready spend countless hours work help family thoughts tl dr father passed away mother cant pay rent bills etc ask advice jobs ways increase income help mother pay rents" ]
Tal vez la programación pasan horas día necesario aprender punto de programación es mi mirada dádivas cualquier cosa como que im listo pasar incontables horas de trabajo ayudar a pensamientos familiares tl dr padre falleció madre no puede pagar facturas de alquiler, etc pedir consejos formas de aumentar los ingresos ayudar a la madre pagar alquileres
relationship weird relationship weird little context answer shes im started dating almost months really happy together im afraid people frown upon tell relationship far ive told people trust sets parents know mom it happy wont let explain myself honestly feel like could go long term her title asks relationship weird might delete soon friends know account didnt enough karma throwaway
[ "relationship weird relationship weird little context answer shes im started dating almost months really happy togetherim afraid people frown upon tell relationship far ive told people trust sets parents know mom it happy wont let explain myself honestly feel like could go long term her title asks relationship weird might delete soon friends know account didnt enough karma throwaway" ]
relación relación extraña relación extraña poco contexto respuesta shes im comenzó a salir casi meses realmente felices juntosim miedo a la gente fruncir el ceño sobre decirle a la relación lejos ive le dijo a la gente confianza sets los padres saben mamá feliz no me deja explicar honestamente siento como podría ir a largo plazo su título pregunta relación raro podría eliminar pronto amigos saben cuenta no suficientemente karma tirar
fucking masturbated final fantasy xiii coverart umm bored recently friends busy decided tidy room throw awaydonate old childhood things used ps back day many awesome games like lego star wars uncharted final fantasy xiii felt nostalgia looked various coverarts came across old final fantasy xiii game coverart basically main character named lightning holding swoard standing front white background nothing special that first crush idk wanted replay game badly ps got broken long time ago sitting there holding game hand got incredibly horny took shower wanked yeehaw coverart using parts imagination im good rubbing love stick imagination fucking busted nono sauce place anyway feel bad took single coverart game trigger me good day
[ "fucking masturbated final fantasy xiii coverart umm bored recently friends busy decided tidy room throw awaydonate old childhood things used ps back day many awesome games like lego star wars uncharted final fantasy xiii felt nostalgia looked various coverarts came across old final fantasy xiii game coverart basically main character named lightning holding swoard standing front white background nothing special that first crush idk wanted replay game badly ps got broken long time ago sitting there holding game hand got incredibly horny took shower wanked yeehaw coverart using parts imagination im good rubbing love stick imagination fucking busted nono sauce place anyway feel bad took single coverart game trigger me good day" ]
follando fantasía final masturbada xiii coverart umm aburrido recientemente amigos ocupados decidieron sala ordenada tirar awaydonate cosas de la vieja infancia usados ps día de vuelta muchos juegos impresionantes como lego star wars fantasía final inexplorada xiii sentido nostalgia varios coverarts se encontró con vieja fantasía final xiii juego coverart básicamente personaje principal llamado rayo que sostiene ante nada de pie frente blanco fondo especial que first machaque idk quería volver a jugar juego mal roto hace mucho tiempo ps se sentó allí sosteniendo la mano del juego se puso increíblemente caliente ducha masturbado yeehaw coverart usando partes imaginación im buen frotamiento amor palo imaginación follada nono lugar salsa lugar de todos modos se siente mal tomó un solo juego de coverart desencadenar me buen día
need help talking girl aight know may best place ask advice wateva im outside friends car passes like girls theyre like waving im one turns sees one waving back on found one girls insta hit got laugh like twice conversation finished followed me problem post pictures like casually get see face cause like saw kinda far yeah send help i use snapchatimma go sleep help plz bye tldr casually send picture face girl
[ "need help talking girl aight know may best place ask advice wateva im outside friends car passes like girls theyre like waving im one turns sees one waving back on found one girls insta hit got laugh like twice conversation finished followed me problem post pictures like casually get see face cause like saw kinda faryeah send help i use snapchatimmago sleep help plz bye tldr casually send picture face girl" ]
Necesito ayuda chica que habla aight saber mejor lugar pedir consejo wateva im amigos exteriores coche pasa como las chicas que son como agitar im una vuelta ve uno agitando de nuevo en encontrado una chica insta golpe consiguió risas como dos conversaciones terminadas me siguió problema post fotos como casualmente conseguir ver cara causa como sierra un poco faryeah enviar ayuda uso snapchatimmago sueño ayuda plz bye tldr casualmente enviar imagen cara chica
lets face it nancy drew never great literature category babysitter club magic tree house goosebumps abc mysteries fact one original formula stories nancy perfect pretty thoughtful nice internal conflicts ever never changes ned pretty much same movie true style say liked it never great movie nostalgic flavor books held right amount suspense children almost offensive language liked push conservative dressbr br corky bit annoyance little place high school campus never quite got first place
[ "lets face it nancy drew never great literature category babysitter club magic tree house goosebumps abc mysteries fact one original formula stories nancy perfect pretty thoughtful nice internal conflicts ever never changes ned pretty much same movie true style say liked it never great movie nostalgic flavor books held right amount suspense children almost offensive language liked push conservative dressbr br corky bit annoyance little place high school campus never quite got first place" ]
lets face it nancy drawn nunca gran literatura categoría babysitter club magia árbol casa gansos abc misterios hecho una fórmula original historias nancy perfecto bastante reflexivo agradable conflictos internos nunca cambia ned casi igual película verdadero estilo dicen le gustó nunca gran película nostálgico sabor libros sostenidos cantidad correcta suspense niños lenguaje casi ofensivo como push conservador dressbr br corcho bit molestance poco lugar secundaria campus nunca consiguió el primer lugar
ventingi know life perfect go bashing life saying much hate me get it words hurt im gonna get rid toxic person me im going kill myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ventingi know life perfect go bashing life saying much hate me get it words hurtim gonna get rid toxic person me im going kill myself" ]
ventingi saber la vida perfecta ir golpear la vida diciendo mucho odio me consigue las palabras dolim va a deshacerse de la persona tóxica me voy a suicidar
amazing movie clever using actors sets also shocking physical psychological torture both explicit implied mixed calm even humourous stretches horror always unexpected brutal im soft would shocking film ever seen message film definitely delivered sledgehammer film always remember actors for
[ "amazing movie clever using actors sets also shocking physical psychological torture both explicit implied mixed calm even humourous stretches horror always unexpected brutal im soft would shocking film ever seen message film definitely delivered sledgehammer film always remember actors for" ]
increíble película inteligente utilizando actores sets también tortura física psicológica explícita implicada mezcla calma incluso humorística estiramientos horror siempre inesperado brutal im suave película impactante nunca visto mensaje película definitivamente entregada película mazo siempre recordar actores para
im kill myselfim year old male ive pretty much fucked life already see anyway im going successful adult little situation well im pretty much done school im technically drop state drop gone school months school really done anything it really friends talk anyone all days sit room listen music read philosophical books play video games also really like mathematics taught calculus anyone knowledgeable math limits derivatives integration started teach differential equations going series little later master differential equations seems lot integration used solve differential equations want forget integrate genuinely like learning figure since im probably going college higher education institution probably teach stuff now also hear einstein mastered differential integral calculus even though im told myself hey want that saying im genius anything honestly anyone iq least stuff anyways really hate school though hate way everything enforced stuff useless get wrong think genuine learning going public schools like set it cant stand it need independent study prefer teach someone teach me know probably sound like typical winy angsty teen truth told probably am expressing rarely get to said before really nothing day life job drivers license actually apply job back never go back me probably low gpa is jobs looked honestly fucking ridiculous im even old enough work places like family dollar walmart seeing lot internet news prom prom stories im going junior prom one knows exist anymore besides really fucking ugly like strikingly ugly hate myself even still school girl would want go prom me gross disgusting makes want die most hate myself hate much social anxiety public hideous face made fun kid ugly words never gone away ugly smelly stupid future ill living parents basement fucked up fucked bad low life piece shit lonely feel lonely never go anywhere talk anyone eating away hate myself keep alive want die worst part is know situation fault too really thought maybe hanging overdosing maybe even jumping bridge downtown live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im kill myselfim year old male ive pretty much fucked life already see anyway im going successful adult little situationwell im pretty much done school", "im technically drop state drop gone school months school really done anything it really friends talk anyone all days sit room listen music read philosophical books play video games also really like mathematics taught calculus anyone knowledgeable math limits derivatives integration started teach differential equations going series little later master differential equations seems lot integration used solve differential equations want forget integrate genuinely like learning figure since im probably going college higher education institution probably teach stuff now also hear einstein mastered differential integral calculus even though im told myself hey want that saying im genius anything honestly anyone iq least stuff anyways really hate school though hate way everything enforced stuff useless get wrong think genuine learning going public schools like set it cant stand it need independent study prefer teach someone teach me know probably sound like typical winy angsty teen truth told probably am expressing rarely get to said before really nothing day life job drivers license actually apply job back never go back me probably low gpa is jobs looked honestly fucking ridiculous", "im even old enough work places like family dollar walmart seeing lot internet news prom prom stories im going junior prom one knows exist anymore besides really fucking ugly like strikingly ugly hate myself even still school girl would want go prom me gross disgusting makes want die most hate myself hate much social anxiety public hideous face made fun kid ugly words never gone away ugly smelly stupid future ill living parents basement fucked up fucked bad low life piece shit lonely feel lonely never go anywhere talk anyone eating away hate myself keep alive want die worst part is know situation fault too really thought maybe hanging overdosing maybe even jumping bridge downtown live" ]
me mata a mi mismo hombre de edad edad live bastante follada vida ya ver de todos modos me voy con éxito adulto poco situationwell im bastante hecho escuela
bruh many schools closing country still open every day news school shuttijg due least case covid one school actually close live thank fully aslo school clise area school case like dont go online learning fucking thing blow
[ "bruh many schools closing country still open every day news school shuttijg due least case covid one school actually close live thank fully aslo school clise area school case like dont go online learning fucking thing blow" ]
bruh muchas escuelas cierran el país todavía abierto todos los días escuela de noticias shuttijg debido menos caso covid una escuela en realidad cerca en vivo gracias totalmente a la escuela aslo zona escuela caso como no ir en línea aprender mierda cosa golpe
help im sorta panicking went website blocked internet service provider sky said blocked clicked away closed tab parents get notification telling went blocked website anything said internet service provider searched im uk btw
[ "help im sorta panicking went website blocked internet service provider sky said blocked clicked away closed tab parents get notification telling went blocked website anything said internet service provider searched im uk btw" ]
help im sorta pánico fue sitio web bloqueado proveedor de servicios de Internet cielo dijo bloqueado hizo clic en tabulación cerrada padres obtener notificación de decirle fue bloqueado sitio web cualquier cosa dicho proveedor de servicios de Internet buscado im uk btw
trying something newhey everyone name callum im live england know safe share kind information internet really care less ive diagnosed autism social anxiety severe depression im currently four different types medication make feel numb ive lived life thats privileged comfortable life really supportive mum two adorable doggies ive counselling depression anxiety always temporary fix problems feel incredibly superficial makes uncomfortable seeking help them title suggests im trying something new dad left mum im still contact him still see every then still shocked core ever experienced anything like before still adjusting secondary school life getting bullied lot life really strange me got seriously depressed im nihilist always been always be find world live absolutely disgusting everything big corporations personal gain adverts blaring tv huge boards make spend money irrelevant junk need someone sensory processing disorder courtesy autism barely leave room without subjected kind sensory battering ram world care people makes sick thats kind world want live in cant even leave room thought around people terrifies me sit desk watching youtube videos gaming thats like spend time nearly year ago yay happy anniversary broke girl loved heart relationship harmful mental health right thing hadnt would worse state tore apart same im overweight secondary school walked four miles every day two miles in two miles back meaning good shape kind ate wanted lot since used eating coping mechanism depression started college kept eating much since walking anymore burning off like that im fat cut myself often need to im addicted anything helps like said world series overbearing stimuli like whirlpool pain cutting gives like anchor me steadies me relieves me contribute this nothing failed gcses teachers get access arrangements place waste year life retaking them im computing course wanted teacher like me even gotten onto second year im waste time waste space ive contemplated redflag many times thinking ending life become perfectly normal occurrence me im incredibly lonely since broke her void life makes develop crushes girls far easily try something crushes laugh me think killing every day one day think ill it soon im pathetic terrified actually act now one day soon enough though read far im grateful incredibly grateful maybe needed vent maybe im actually looking help know thank reading seem like anyone cares anymore fact someone listening would help please read entire spiel let know sort advice all even hug please guess sums entire thing please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "trying something newhey everyone name callum im live england know safe share kind information internet really care less ive diagnosed autism social anxiety severe depression im currently four different types medication make feel numbive lived life thats privileged comfortable life really supportive mum two adorable doggies ive counselling depression anxiety always temporary fix problems feel incredibly superficial makes uncomfortable seeking help them title suggests im trying something new dad left mum im still contact him still see every then still shocked core ever experienced anything like before still adjusting secondary school life getting bullied lot life really strange me got seriously depressed", "im nihilist always been always be find world live absolutely disgusting everything big corporations personal gain adverts blaring tv huge boards make spend money irrelevant junk need someone sensory processing disorder courtesy autism barely leave room without subjected kind sensory battering ram world care people makes sick thats kind world want live in cant even leave room thought around people terrifies me sit desk watching youtube videos gaming thats like spend time nearly year ago yay happy anniversary broke girl loved heart relationship harmful mental health right thing hadnt would worse state tore apart same", "im overweight secondary school walked four miles every day two miles in two miles back meaning good shape kind ate wanted lot since used eating coping mechanism depression started college kept eating much since walking anymore burning off like that im fat cut myself often need to im addicted anything helps like said world series overbearing stimuli like whirlpool pain cutting gives like anchor me steadies me relieves me contribute this nothing failed gcses teachers get access arrangements place waste year life retaking them im computing course wanted teacher like me even gotten onto second year im waste time waste space ive contemplated redflag many times thinking ending life become perfectly normal occurrence me", "im incredibly lonely since broke her void life makes develop crushes girls far easily try something crushes laugh me think killing every day one day think ill it soon im pathetic terrified actually act now one day soon enough though read far im grateful incredibly grateful maybe needed vent maybe im actually looking help know thank reading seem like anyone cares anymore fact someone listening would help please read entire spiel let know sort advice all even hug please guess sums entire thing please" ]
intentar algo nuevohey todo el mundo nombre callum im live Inglaterra saber seguro compartir información amable internet realmente cuidado menos ive diagnosticada autismo ansiedad social depresión severa im actualmente cuatro tipos diferentes medicamentos hacer sentir vida adormecida que es privilegiada vida cómoda realmente apoyo mamá dos adorables perritos ive asesoramiento depresión ansiedad siempre temporal solucionar problemas se siente increíblemente superficial hace incómodo la búsqueda de ayuda título sugiere Im intentar algo nuevo papá dejó mamá im todavía ponerse en contacto con él todavía ver cada momento aún conmocionado núcleo nunca experimentado algo como antes todavía ajuste la vida secundaria conseguir bullied lot vida realmente extraño me quedé seriamente deprimida
currently film studies as level this love song film watched opinion film simple storyline complex backstory scratch surface find thrillerchase film two men running countryside farmers committing murdersounds quite exitingbr br however need dig deeper uncover true feeling true genre suggested love story two homosexual lovers filled trust deceit betrayal told love directly film events happen out example way heaton acts towards spike almost screams untouched love affair facesbr br overall film good example british films dismissed rubbish done low budgetbr br a good film intricate story line however definitely acquired taste possibly suitable average fan hollywood blockbusters
[ "currently film studies as level this love song film watched opinion film simple storyline complex backstory scratch surface find thrillerchase film two men running countryside farmers committing murdersounds quite exitingbr br however need dig deeper uncover true feeling true genre suggested love story two homosexual lovers filled trust deceit betrayal told love directly film events happen out example way heaton acts towards spike almost screams untouched love affair facesbr br overall film good example british films dismissed rubbish done low budgetbr br a good film intricate story line however definitely acquired taste possibly suitable average fan hollywood blockbusters" ]
estudios de cine actualmente como nivel de esta canción de amor película de opinión película simple historia complejo historia superficie rasguño encontrar thrillerchase película dos hombres corriendo granjeros del campo cometer asesinatos sonidos bastante saliente br br sin embargo necesidad de descubrir más profundo verdadero sentimiento verdadero género sugerido historia de amor dos amantes homosexuales llenos confianza traición contada amor directamente eventos de cine suceden ejemplo manera heaton actos hacia pico casi gritos intacto amor romance carasbr br buen ejemplo película británica despedida basura hecho bajo presupuestobr br una buena película historia intrincada línea sin embargo gusto adquirido posiblemente adecuado promedio fan hollywood blockbusters
barbara stanwyck plays lily powers waitress fathers speakeasy little crummy mining town also sells men escapes new york literally sleeps way topbr br originally seen minute version pretty extremefor time nowadays pretty tame movie moves quickly tons sexual innuendosome comes pretty silly but fun today moves quickly easily ignore could never happeneven theres nothing classic monumental thisits quick gleefully dirty little film thats lots fun falls apart end little moral ending censors demanded comes across unbelievable stupid i saw theatre audience laughed itone guy quite rightfully said no way saw uncut minute version different somewhat tragic much better ending version thought lost discovered mistake believe one releasebut aware br br the acting goodstanwyck jumps role plays way top makes believe enjoys cruel sleeping around also strong supporting performances handsome donald cook george brent also look prestardom john wayne hilarious bit meek mild office worker fun dirty fast give
[ "barbara stanwyck plays lily powers waitress fathers speakeasy little crummy mining town also sells men escapes new york literally sleeps way topbr br originally seen minute version pretty extremefor time nowadays pretty tame movie moves quickly tons sexual innuendosome comes pretty silly but fun today moves quickly easily ignore could never happeneven theres nothing classic monumental thisits quick gleefully dirty little film thats lots fun falls apart end little moral ending censors demanded comes across unbelievable stupid i saw theatre audience laughed itone guy quite rightfully said no way saw uncut minute version different somewhat tragic much better ending version thought lost discovered mistake believe one releasebut aware br br the acting goodstanwyck jumps role plays way top makes believe enjoys cruel sleeping around also strong supporting performances handsome donald cook george brent also look prestardom john wayne hilarious bit meek mild office worker fun dirty fast give" ]
barbara stanwyck juega lirio poderes camarera padres habla fácil poco mala ciudad minera también vende hombres escapa nueva york literalmente duerme manera topbr br originalmente vista versión minuto bastante extremopara el tiempo hoy en día bastante tambaleante película se mueve rápidamente toneladas sexual innuendosome viene bastante tonto pero divertido hoy se mueve fácilmente nunca podría suceder incluso no hay nada clásico monumental esto su pequeña película rápida alegremente sucia poco divertido cae aparte final poco moral final censores demandados viene a través increíble estúpido vi público teatro se rió un chico muy acertadamente dijo que ninguna manera uncut uncut versión minuto diferente algo trágico mucho mejor final versión pensado perdido descubierto error cree en un lanzamiento pero consciente br br br la actuación buenastanwyck saltos papel juega manera de arriba hace creer que goza de cruel dormir alrededor también fuertes actuaciones de apoyo guapo doñal cook George brent también mirar prestardom john wayne hilarante poco meek suave trabajador de oficina diversión sucio rápido dar sucio
grasping straws go farim sorry this like publicly breaking know else do im clinically depressed im driving mad thoughts redflag constant memories thimgs ive done wrong feel may end life cant convince change background guess im early twenties angst red flags firing already afraid not diagnosed clinical depression year ago gps i wanted second opinion i like everyone else experienced changes emotion throughout life longest prolonged drop mood continued today sometimes feel ive come it ive lasted five days best one point worst far ive tried number medications good ive lost faith validity antidepressants ive tried therapy could see little nuances ticking heads never seen person boring complicated puzzle solved judge it therapy work me ive tried confiding family could see hurt eyes described felt cant take anymore either cry wolf cured see them may suspect theyll never sure ive lost friends happened slowly level purpose could longer connect acquaintances every conversation felt like mentally bashing head wall unnatural uncontrollable cognitive dissonance spread like tumour even people closest felt like distant dreams accross hallucinated worlds became desperate called redflag hotline tried describe felt kept repeating rubbish like its good reached us today reached minute mark understand felt hung me told early suicidal night redflag hotline refused help me you may call bullshit thats fine care nothing gain lying now state mind feel normal consistent like rat maze often feel ive found escape find dead end ive enough intents purposes think im bad guy average joe done stupid things before even cant stop believing truly deserve this constant state mental pain human see thus cannot understand one day finally give end all want out want constant fog hours sleep followed random bouts insomnia inability hold conversation poor work ethic selfishness want fucking normal like every god damn mother fucker see arround me rredflagwatch imagine many experienced before classic case clinical depression want fucking bythebookwasteoftime answers oh family miss you it pass time im you have tried suchandsuch drug andor therapy its good reached out fuck kinds people also give shit guidelines here real fucking human being real sence want offer advice please please do get reward maybe self satisfaction stroke ego bit tell friends saved someone get upvote care im dick loser fucking human grasping straws wants someone real help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "grasping straws go farim sorrythis like publicly breaking know else do im clinically depressed im driving mad thoughts redflag constant memories thimgs ive done wrong feel may end life cant convince change background guess im early twenties angst red flags firing already afraid not diagnosed clinical depression year ago gps i wanted second opinion i like everyone else experienced changes emotion throughout life longest prolonged drop mood continued today sometimes feel ive come itive lasted five days best one point worst far ive tried number medicationsgood", "ive lost faith validity antidepressants ive tried therapy could see little nuances ticking heads never seen person boring complicated puzzle solved judge it therapy work me ive tried confiding family could see hurt eyes described felt cant take anymore either cry wolf cured see them may suspect theyll never sure ive lost friends happened slowly level purpose could longer connect acquaintances every conversation felt like mentally bashing head wall unnatural uncontrollable cognitive dissonance spread like tumour even people closest felt like distant dreams accross hallucinated worlds became desperate called redflag hotline tried describe felt kept repeating rubbish like its good reached us today reached minute mark understand felt hung me told early suicidal night redflag hotline refused help me you may call bullshit thats fine care nothing gain lying now state mind feel normal consistent like rat maze often feel ive found escape find dead end ive enough intents purposes think im bad guy average joe done stupid things before even cant stop believing truly deserve this constant state mental pain human see thus cannot understand one day finally give end all want out want constant fog hours sleep followed random bouts insomnia inability hold conversation poor work ethic selfishness want fucking normal like every god damn mother fucker see arround me rredflagwatch imagine many experienced before classic case clinical depression want fucking bythebookwasteoftime answers oh family miss you it pass time im you have tried suchandsuch drug andor therapy its good reached out fuck kinds people also give shit guidelines here real fucking human being real sence want offer advice please please do get reward maybe self satisfaction stroke ego bit tell friends saved someone get upvote care", "im dick loser fucking human grasping straws wants someone real help me" ]
Las pajitas que agarran van farim lamentan esto como romper públicamente saber más hacer im clínicamente deprimido im conducir pensamientos locos rojo flag recuerdos constantes timgs ive doeed mal feel may find life cant convence change background supge im principios de veinte años angustia banderas rojas disparos ya miedo no diagnosticado depresión clínica año hace gps yo quería segunda opinión yo como todos los demás experimentaron cambios emoción a lo largo de la vida más largo tiempo gota estado de ánimo continuado hoy a veces siento ive come itive duró cinco días mejor un punto peor lejos ive probado número medicamentosbueno
dont even know bro going day nd fucking people dont even know bought pills take get back home tonight people talking like im even nd dont even know fucking easy fool people
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont even know bro going day nd fucking people dont even know bought pills take get back home tonight people talking like im even nd dont even know fucking easy fool people" ]
Ni siquiera sé hermano yendo día y puta gente ni siquiera saben comprado píldoras tomar volver a casa esta noche la gente hablando como yo ni siquiera saben puto tonto fácil gente
feel though many people disagree know fate sooner rather later knees pain feel within core much push point literally existing peoples sake even feel benefit either feeling good feel like right thing talking people understand urge taken core thing stopping pain trying figure get past point lost love plan to cannot see without life want space want everyone else ever cared bitter heartbroken guilt regret cannot live like anymore wanted good mother loved understood left cold again again complicated story explain many details missing know think suicide selfish felt like since lost love never forgive letting go one truly loved me stand another second reality sister sorry ever wanted like make proud me thank mother love you son mummys sorry put bad situations pushed away needed most zaney always treasure curious little mind daughter sorry could strength need grown like me know always dream love sweet girl core empty
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel though many people disagree know fate sooner rather later knees pain feel within core much push point literally existing peoples sake even feel benefit either feeling good feel like right thing talking people understand urge taken core thing stopping pain trying figure get past point lost love plan to cannot see without life want space want everyone else ever cared bitter heartbroken guilt regret cannot live like anymore wanted good mother loved understood left cold again again complicated story explain many details missing know think suicide selfish felt like since lost love never forgive letting go one truly loved me stand another second reality sister sorry ever wanted like make proud me thank mother love you son mummys sorry put bad situations pushed away needed most zaney always treasure curious little mind daughter sorry could strength need grown like me know always dream love sweet girl core empty" ]
sentir aunque mucha gente no está de acuerdo saber el destino antes y más tarde rodillas dolor sentir dentro del núcleo mucho punto de empuje literalmente existente gente sake incluso sentir beneficio bien sentir como lo correcto hablar gente entender impulso tomado cosa núcleo parar dolor tratar figura conseguir más allá punto perdido plan de amor para no ver sin vida querer espacio querer a todos los demás corazón amargo roto arrepentimiento no puede vivir como más querido buena madre amado entendido frío otra vez historia complicada explicar muchos detalles que faltan saber pensar suicidio egoísta se sintió como desde perdido amor nunca perdonar dejar ir uno realmente me amaba soporte otra segunda realidad hermana lo siento siempre quería como me enorgullecer madre amor hijo momias lo siento poner malas situaciones empujado lejos necesita la mayoría zaney tesoro curioso pequeña mente hija lo siento podría fortalecerse necesidad crecer como sé siempre sueño amor dulce niña núcleo vacío
canadian homies live ontario dont feel comfortable answering obviously dont curious fellow ontarians canadians matter wonderful lads from
[ "canadian homies live ontario dont feel comfortable answering obviously dont curious fellow ontarians canadians matter wonderful lads from" ]
canadinos amigos viven ontario no se sienten cómodos contestando obviamente no curiosos compañeros ontaristas canadienses importan chicos maravillosos de
horny post second nvm theres nothing say im tired h time lemme happy
[ "horny post second nvm theres nothing say im tired h time lemme happy" ]
cachonda post segundo nvm no hay nada decir i cansado h tiempo me deja feliz
objectively pretty unlikable talks speaking you know try see best people ignored talk him claims bisexual introduced lab partner current girlfriend asked interested pursuing her stated clearly no fast forward three months winter break hanging bit frequently
[ "objectively pretty unlikable talks speaking you know try see best people ignored talk him claims bisexual introduced lab partner current girlfriend asked interested pursuing her stated clearly no fast forward three months winter break hanging bit frequently" ]
objetivamente bastante desagradables charlas hablando usted sabe tratar de ver la mejor gente ignorada hablar él afirmaciones bisexuales presentado compañero de laboratorio actual novia preguntó interesado persiguiendo claramente no ha declarado avance rápido tres meses de vacaciones de invierno colgar poco con frecuencia
always feel like everyone hates either ignored people talk me give one word replies idk really want exist anymore tired breathing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "always feel like everyone hates either ignored people talk me give one word replies idk really want exist anymore tired breathing" ]
Siempre siento que todo el mundo odia a la gente o ignorada me hablan dar una palabra respuestas idk realmente quiero existir más cansado respirar
paris je taime film made segments math segments minutes means director seven minutes tell story movie based premise can indeed tell story short amount time premise works almost segments powerful complete satisfying presents different aspect parisian experience almost every director draws forth outstanding performances cast great neargreat actorsbr br there many powerful portrayals film hard pick one two favorites probably memorable juliette binoche grieving mother segment place des victoires gena rowlands aging beauty quartier latin catalina sandino moreno maid segment loin du me margo martindale colorado mail carrier learned speak french visit paris me arrondissement segment br br special mention must given gulliver hecq probably meanest little boy ever harass american tourist parisian metro station segment tuileriesbr br this outstanding movie wife decided rent months catch subtle points surely missed however paris photographed beautifully would suggest try see large screen case miss it
[ "paris je taime film made segments math segments minutes means director seven minutes tell story movie based premise can indeed tell story short amount time premise works almost segments powerful complete satisfying presents different aspect parisian experience almost every director draws forth outstanding performances cast great neargreat actorsbr br there many powerful portrayals film hard pick one two favorites probably memorable juliette binoche grieving mother segment place des victoires gena rowlands aging beauty quartier latin catalina sandino moreno maid segment loin du me margo martindale colorado mail carrier learned speak french visit paris me arrondissement segment br br special mention must given gulliver hecq probably meanest little boy ever harass american tourist parisian metro station segment tuileriesbr br this outstanding movie wife decided rent months catch subtle points surely missed however paris photographed beautifully would suggest try see large screen case miss it" ]
paris je taime film made segments segments minutes significa director siete minutos contar historia premisa basada en película puede realmente contar historia cantidad corta tiempo premisa trabajos casi segmentos poderosos satisfacción completa presenta diferentes aspectos experiencia parisiana casi todos los directores dibuja actuaciones destacadas reparto grande cercagrandes actoresbr br allí muchas poderosas representaciones película dura selección uno dos favoritos probablemente memorable juliette binoche duelo madre segment place des victoires gena rowlands envejecimiento belleza quartier latina catalina sandino moreno sirvienta segmentaria loin du me margo martindale colorado portador de correo aprendido hablar francés visita paris me arrondisssement segment br br mención especial debe dar gulliver hecq probablemente meanest child never ascost american turist parisian metro station segment tuileriesbr br esta destacada película esposa decidió alquiler meses captura puntos sutiles seguramente perdido sin embargo paris fotografiado bellamente sugeriría intentar ver gran pantalla caso perderse
dorecently ive thoughts redflag im sure depression kicking imagine situations would easier gone life keeps dragging seems like nothing going way grades dropping work life getting worse im happy myself know talk to want parents think differently this friends im lost need guidance talk hard reach out do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dorecently ive thoughts redflagim sure depression kicking imagine situations would easier gone life keeps dragging seems like nothing going way grades dropping work life getting worse im happy myself know talk to want parents think differently this friends im lost need guidance talk hard reach out do" ]
dorcently ive thoughts redflagim seguro depresión patada imaginar situaciones más fácil ido la vida sigue arrastrando parece como nada va como las calificaciones que bajan la vida laboral cada vez peor im feliz yo sé hablar para querer padres pensar de manera diferente este amigos i perdido necesidad guía hablar duro alcance hacia fuera hacer
felt sad days thats good nevermind time consume unhealthy amounts sugar
[ "felt sad days thats good nevermind time consume unhealthy amounts sugar" ]
los días tristes que es bueno no importa el tiempo consumen cantidades insalubres de azúcar
wish someone elsei hate myself sucks cant anything im afraid time one likes me everyone bullies me cant live myself know do cant escape myself im thinking taking life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish someone elsei hate myself sucks cant anything im afraid time one likes me everyone bullies me cant live myself know do cant escape myself im thinking taking life" ]
Deseo que alguien más me odie a mí mismo chupa cualquier cosa mi miedo tiempo uno me gusta todo el mundo me maltrata no puedo vivir yo mismo saber no puedo escapar de mí mismo mi pensamiento tomar la vida
actually good dayi dont know else really post this usually days school shit thought would today minutes school started realized forgot math homework also big test th period smaller one th ib school also mile run th period test around week write notes single lined piece paper since big history test forgot home thought doomed that instead day absolute shit finished work early st period finished math homework since sub math second period thought fucked mile run managed get it felt really proud since last mile well test th period parts multiple choice online test written part paper got multiple choice missing one question google forms saw grade instantly felt like also knew stuff written part th period didnt even need notes test knew stuff felt really happy uncommon also first time years got new lego sets ive always fan lego boosted mood well maybe things change maybe wont today great day me though hope someone else feels like do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "actually good dayi dont know else really post this usually days school shit thought would today minutes school started realized forgot math homework also big test th period smaller one th ib school also mile run th period test around week write notes single lined piece paper since big history test forgot home thought doomed that instead day absolute shit finished work early st period finished math homework since sub math second period thought fucked mile run managed get it felt really proud since last mile well test th period parts multiple choice online test written part paper got multiple choice missing one question google forms saw grade instantly felt like also knew stuff written part th period didnt even need notes test knew stuff felt really happy uncommon also first time years got new lego sets ive always fan lego boosted moodwell maybe things change maybe wont today great day me though hope someone else feels like do" ]
En realidad buen día no sé más realmente publicar este día generalmente escuela mierda pensamiento hoy minutos escuela comenzó a realizar deberes de matemáticas gran prueba th período más pequeño th ib escuela también milla ejecutar th período prueba alrededor de la semana escribir notas de papel de una sola pieza forrada ya que gran historia examen olvidado casa pensamiento condenado que en lugar de día absoluta mierda terminó trabajo temprano st período terminó tareas de matemáticas ya sub matemáticas segundo período pensamiento jodido mile run manejado conseguir que se sentía muy orgulloso ya que la última milla bien prueba th período partes de múltiples opciones online prueba escrito papel papel de pieza tiene opción múltiple falta una pregunta google formas vio grado instantáneamente se sentía como también sabía cosas escritas parte th período ni siquiera necesitaba notas prueba sabía cosas se sentían muy felices poco comunes también la primera vez que tuvo nuevos conjuntos de lego siempre fan lego aumentado estado de ánimo bien tal vez las cosas cambian tal vez no me gran día aunque espero que alguien más se siente como hacer
angry want stopim sure say dropped high school work dead end job money indulge anything parents kicked let back matter much tell need move back im years old im forced adult august went hospital redflag attempt went times suicidal ideation im angry time ive tried therapy shit ive tried hard happy tried hard normal functioning part society time fighting life want live point struggling anymore want angry anymore want sad nothing works im sure
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "angry want stopim sure say dropped high school work dead end job money indulge anything parents kicked let back matter much tell need move back im years old im forced adult august went hospital redflag attempt went times suicidal ideation im angry time ive tried therapy shit ive tried hard happy tried hard normal functioning part society time fighting life want live point struggling anymore want angry anymore want sad nothing works im sure" ]
enojados quieren stopim seguro decir abandonado trabajo en la escuela secundaria callejón sin salida trabajo dinero consentir cualquier cosa padres pateados dejar atrás mucho decir necesidad de movimiento de vuelta im años de edad im forzado adulto agosto fue hospital Redflag intento ido tiempos ideación suicida im enojado tiempo iive probado terapia mierda ive probado duro feliz intentado duro funcionamiento normal parte sociedad tiempo lucha vida quiere punto de vida lucha más quieren enojado ya nada funciona im seguro
chinese class cringe oh god im going die cringe syndrome im taking chinese class test talk random subject determined dice roll see screen minutes in front entire class zoom already bad enough the topic how people teach responsibility education i even know heck is teenagers interested absolutely know heck answer speak min without whole bunch fillers cringe also like unit test grade probably going quite bit ampxb httpspreviewredditrphraulpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsfebdcbebcfcdbaeee wait sec recording im absolutely done
[ "chinese class cringeoh god im going die cringe syndromeim taking chinese class test talk random subject determined dice roll see screen minutes in front entire class zoom already bad enough the topic how people teach responsibility education i even know heck is teenagers interested absolutely know heck answer speak min without whole bunch fillers cringe also like unit test grade probably going quite bit ampxb httpspreviewredditrphraulpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsfebdcbebcfcdbaeee wait sec recording im absolutely done" ]
clase china cringeoh dios im going die cringe syndromeim tomando chino clase test charla al azar tema determinado dados rollo ver pantalla minutos delante de toda la clase zoom ya suficientemente malo el tema cómo la gente enseña educación responsabilidad incluso sé heck es adolescentes interesados absolutamente sabe heck respuesta hablar min sin montón entero rellenos cringe también como unidad grado de prueba probablemente va bastante poco ampxb httpspreviewredditrphraulpngwidthampformatpngampautowebpampsfebdcbebcfcdbaeee espera segundo grabación im absolutamente hecho
starting work next week seriously wanting end theni really dont want go back work im supposed to dont get breaks end work coworkers nothing attempts friends them hate me dont know why dont say anything controversial im nice everyone full insult face whenever bring boss doesnt care cant find new job anxiety would much im tired putting much effort job called fucking loser directly face top off redflag attempt ago arms covered scars considering judge every little thing appearance theyre gonna field day realized im likable friendship lasted week me slitting wrists messy obv didnt work plug someone could get drugs could overdose on ill probably try hang wednesday went bullied school bullied college bullied work im meant planet mistake
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "starting work next week seriously wanting end theni really dont want go back work im supposed to dont get breaks end work coworkers nothing attempts friends them hate me dont know why dont say anything controversial im nice everyone full insult face whenever bring boss doesnt care cant find new job anxiety would much im tired putting much effort job called fucking loser directly face top off redflag attempt ago arms covered scars considering judge every little thing appearance theyre gonna field day realized im likable friendship lasted week me slitting wrists messy obv didnt work plug someone could get drugs could overdose on ill probably try hang wednesday went bullied school bullied college bullied work im meant planet mistake" ]
Empezar el trabajo la semana que viene en serio querer terminar theni realmente no quiero volver al trabajo se supone que no conseguir descansos fin trabajo compañeros de trabajo nada intentos amigos ellos me odian no sé por qué no decir nada controversial im agradable todo el mundo cara insulto completo cada vez que traer jefe no importa no puede encontrar nuevo trabajo ansiedad mucho me cansaría poner mucho esfuerzo trabajo llamado maldito perdedor directamente cara superior cara hacia fuera Redflag intento hace armas cubiertas cicatrices considerando juez cada pequeño aspecto que van a campo día se dio cuenta amistad im agradable duró semana me rajando muñecas desordenado obv no trabajo enchufe alguien podría conseguir sobredosis en mal probablemente tratar de colgar miércoles fue acosado escuela acosado trabajo escolar im significa error planeta
drown alcoholi drown alcohol people around want drown lake realise difficult thoughts getting hand realise way thinking normal realised happy myself realised hated anyone ever hated me even realise drank way much drink drink drink drink hoping would never face reality but
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "drown alcoholi drown alcohol people around want drown lake realise difficult thoughts getting hand realise way thinking normal realised happy myself realised hated anyone ever hated me even realise drank way much drink drink drink drink hoping would never face reality but" ]
ahogar alcoholi ahogar alcohol personas alrededor de querer ahogar lago darse cuenta de pensamientos difíciles llegar a la mano darse cuenta de la manera de pensar normal realizado feliz me dio cuenta de que odiaba a alguien me incluso darse cuenta de mucho beber bebida bebida esperando nunca enfrentar la realidad, pero
im going kill myself im surei date soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im going kill myself im surei date soon" ]
Me voy a suicidar. Saldré pronto.
anyone want play animal crossing me anyone want play animal crossing me would nice play game someone friend code sw
[ "anyone want play animal crossing me anyone want play animal crossing me would nice play game someone friend code sw" ]
Si alguien quiere jugar a los animales que me cruzan, cualquiera quiere jugar a los animales que me cruzan, estaría bien jugar al juego de alguien amigo código sw
terrifiedthis first time months ive self harmredflag thoughts im able make go away like feeling like this want feel different
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "terrifiedthis first time months ive self harmredflag thoughts im able make go away like feeling like this want feel different" ]
Aterrado esta primera vez meses de vida uno mismo daño flag pensamientos im capaz hacer desaparecer como sentir que este deseo se siente diferente
want disappear id bored know id back minutes later
[ "want disappear id bored know id back minutes later" ]
quiero desaparecer id aburrido saber id atrás minutos más tarde
hope yall googled why pee red forget december st
[ "hope yall googled why pee red forget december st" ]
esperanza yall googled por qué orina rojo olvidar diciembre st
guilt eating aliveso couple weeks back mother episode stopped taking pills cared whole episode eventually bring hospital weeks visit presumed dad going let know going visiting cant drive btw phone good times weeks make sure ok ended getting visit hospital guilt eating alive feel like ending
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "guilt eating aliveso couple weeks back mother episode stopped taking pills cared whole episode eventually bring hospital weeks visit presumed dad going let know going visiting cant drive btw phone good times weeks make sure ok ended getting visit hospital guilt eating alive feel like ending" ]
culpa comiendo vivoso un par de semanas atrás episodio madre dejó de tomar píldoras cuidado episodio entero eventualmente traer hospital semanas visita presunto papá va a dejar saber ir de visita cant unidad btw teléfono buenos tiempos semanas asegurarse de que bien terminó de conseguir visita hospital culpa comer vivo se siente como terminar
guys lost v card today gf kind drunk hanging bed kind just happened unexepected amazing
[ "guys lost v card today gf kind drunk hanging bed kind just happened unexepected amazing" ]
chicos perdidos v tarjeta hoy gf tipo borracho colgando cama tipo acaba de pasar inesperado increíble
dont give upif think one cares youre wrong mom walk room scream cry try wake up dad run hold moms hand cry siblings school crying bathrooms something reminded you principal announces school friends break tears one kid bullied run scream unable cry boyfriendgirlfriend cry weeks unable eat sleep even shower funeral family sit living room complete silence unable say word whether know not people care you people dont expect
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont give upif think one cares youre wrong mom walk room scream cry try wake up dad run hold moms hand cry siblings school crying bathrooms something reminded you principal announces school friends break tears one kid bullied run scream unable cry boyfriendgirlfriend cry weeks unable eat sleep even shower funeral family sit living room complete silence unable say word whether know not people care you people dont expect" ]
No te rindas si piensas que uno se equivoca mamá caminar cuarto gritar grito tratar de despertar papá correr sostener mamás mano llorar hermanos escuela llorar baños algo te recordó director anuncia amigos de la escuela romper lágrimas un niño acosado correr gritar incapaz llorar novio novia llorar semanas no puede comer sueño incluso ducha funeral familia sentarse sala de estar completo silencio incapaz de decir palabra si saber no la gente se preocupan que la gente no espera
feeling worthless take years figure im addictim doctor prescribed benzos benzos since im guess im depths withdrawal keep reliving whole life new pyschiatrist cussed friday month ago messed rx reduced w refill set telehealth appt march th informed said get rx fix march th till hell friday spoke w nurse told would change called said im making look crazy wanted go scripts changes person sorry im going suffer long guess thought would pleasantly suffer silence asked cold heartedly want prescribe valium liking scolded calling cvs make sure dont pick refills told wanted prescribed years want billed two telehealth appts hung phone screaming bye moved hours away leaves office pick up anyways guess im addict keep hating im anything right addicted benzos never anything hard dealt w ignorant docs past pull shit take business streets isnt prescribed benzos doesnt know somebody knows somebody gets benzos im broke getting older dont want illegal shit whole shit questioning relationships failures like damn prescribed wrong drug chose heroin younger least help benzo addicts get fucked system making us look pyscho doc makes mistake arent feeling good even mention risk getting pegged addict losing rx sanity im really hating hour ride tomorrow make thoughts dissipate feeling hopeless anxiety anxiety thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling worthless take years figure im addictim doctor prescribed benzos benzos since im guess im depths withdrawal keep reliving whole life new pyschiatrist cussed friday month ago messed rx reduced w refill set telehealth appt march th informed said get rx fix march th till hell friday spoke w nurse told would change called said im making look crazy wanted goscripts changes person sorry im going suffer long guess thought would pleasantly suffer silence asked cold heartedly want prescribe valium liking scolded calling cvs make sure dont pick refills told wanted prescribed years want billed", "two telehealth appts hung phone screaming bye moved hours away leaves office pick up anyways guess im addict keep hating im anything right addicted benzos never anything hard dealt w ignorant docs past pull shit take business streets isnt prescribed benzos doesnt know somebody knows somebody gets benzos im broke getting older dont want illegal shit whole shit questioning relationships failures like damn prescribed wrong drug chose heroin younger least help benzo addicts get fucked system making us look pyscho doc makes mistake arent feeling good even mention risk getting pegged addict losing rx sanity im really hating hour ride tomorrow make thoughts dissipate feeling hopeless anxiety anxiety thanks" ]
la sensación sin valor toma años figura im addictim doctor recetó benzos benzos ya que supongo im profundidad abstinencia mantener reviviendo toda la vida nuevo pyschiatrist cussed viernes hace mes rx reducido w relleno conjunto telesalud appt march th informado dijo conseguir rx fijar marcha th hasta el infierno viernes habló w enfermera dijo cambiar se llama dijo im haciendo parecer loco goscripts cambio persona lament im va a sufrir larga conjetura pensamiento agradablemente sufrir silencio pedido frío corazón deseo prescribir valium gusto refrigerio llamadas cvs asegúrese de no recoger rellenos se dice buscado años prescritos quieren facturar
give someone something stupid child years later regret want back dont even use it okay ask back also lets say old ginormous golden freddy plush gave say distant dad hates
[ "give someone something stupid child years later regret want back dont even use itokay ask back also lets say old ginormous golden freddy plush gave say distant dad hates" ]
Dar a alguien algo estúpido niño años más tarde lamentar querer volver ni siquiera usar itokay preguntar de nuevo también vamos a decir viejo ginormous oro freddy felpa dio decir distante papá odia
secretly wish got universe id love pet dragon name barbecue
[ "secretly wish got universe id love pet dragon name barbecue" ]
secretamente deseo conseguido universo id amor mascota dragón nombre barbacoa
fuck lifegrew nothing one nothing me friends one wants talk me currently spent entire life playing video game barely eating game thing makes happy p family threating take stuff away get job shit even tho cant live smallest place ever ones hiring im fucking miserable nothing worth live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck lifegrew nothing one nothing me friends one wants talk me currently spent entire life playing video game barely eating game thing makes happy p family threating take stuff away get job shit even tho cant live smallest place ever ones hiring im fucking miserable nothing worth live" ]
mierda vida creció nada nada nada me amigos uno quiere hablar me actualmente pasó toda la vida jugando video juego apenas comer cosa juego hace feliz p familia amenazar quitar cosas conseguir trabajo mierda incluso tho no puede vivir más pequeño lugar siempre los que contratan im miserable nada vale la pena vivir
want live twentyonly days thereabouts th thats deadline guess maybe setting one finally make able take next step want twenty want idea theres another year ahead another year soulcrushing loneliness another year selfhatred another year wanting die want future me know ever good one im person ive met entire life truly think hopeless see nothing myself ugly toxic piece shit dead set path inevitable empty funeral days ago finally set in im getting return investment need im unlovedno family lover hardly youd call friendsand honestly pretty unlovable ugly face ugly body ugly personality trifecta considering love one things keeps going guess realized meaningless is cant keep living people care love anymore enough thats im at days either man bite literal bullet wimp keep living hell begrudgingly call life heres hoping
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want live twentyonly days thereabouts th thats deadline guess maybe setting one finally make able take next step want twenty want idea theres another year ahead another year soulcrushing loneliness another year selfhatred another year wanting die want futureme know ever good oneim person ive met entire life truly think hopeless see nothing myself ugly toxic piece shit dead set path inevitable empty funeral days ago finally set in im getting return investment need im unlovedno family lover hardly youd call friendsand honestly pretty unlovable ugly face ugly body ugly personality trifecta considering love one things keeps going guess realized meaningless is cant keep living people care love anymore enough thats im at days either man bite literal bullet wimp keep living hell begrudgingly call life heres hoping" ]
Quiero vivir veinte días solo hay alrededor de esa fecha límite supongo que tal vez establecer uno finalmente hacer capaz de dar el siguiente paso quiero veinte quiero idea hay otro año por delante otro año soulcrushing soledad otro año selfhatred otro año querer morir querer futuro sé siempre bueno oneim persona live het het het het heat heat het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het het
yooo whos wants talk especially ur south america yeah ya boy wanna speak people ur south america dont matter still pm
[ "yooo whos wants talk especially ur south americayeahya boy wanna speak people ur south america dont matter still pm" ]
Yooo Whos quiere hablar sobre todo el sur américayeahya chico quiere hablar gente u sur américa no importa todavía pm
im done care anymore im ending sooni hate myself hate world hate life supposed be ive suicidal since young least th grade always thought things would get better dont everyone everyone get happy ending life shit show shit show brief moments happiness cant seem find makes worth it cant wait old age freak accident free pain want now want know hurt most im fucking alone never special anyone never friends lovers even family closest person ever life straight told tonight never meant shit him hurts much want loved ill never enough something wrong me im cut life ill peace soon know that first time ever im crying tears happiness itll soon feel way anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im done care anymore im ending sooni hate myself hate world hate life supposed be ive suicidal since young least th grade always thought things would get better dont everyone everyone get happy ending life shit show shit show brief moments happiness cant seem find makes worth it cant wait old age freak accident free pain want now want know hurt most im fucking alone never special anyone never friends lovers even family closest person ever life straight told tonight never meant shit him hurts much want loved ill never enough something wrong me im cut life ill peace soon know that first time ever im crying tears happinessitll soon feel way anymore" ]
I m doe care more Im finding soonti odi me world odi life sususe be ive suicida desde el primer grado siempre pensé que las cosas mejorarían no todo el mundo todo el mundo conseguir feliz final vida mierda show mierda show breves momentos la felicidad no puede parecer encontrar hace vale la pena no puede esperar a la vejez extraño accidente dolor gratis quiero ahora quiero saber más yo solo nunca especial nadie nunca amigos amantes incluso familia persona más cercana nunca la vida contada esta noche nunca significó mierda él duele mucho quieren amado enfermo nunca suficiente algo mal yo im cortar vida mal paz pronto sé que la primera vez que llore lágrimas felicidad pronto se sentirá mucho más
want understand dontim posting place wanting understand im old late s understand posting want commit redflag also understand redflag phone lines ive thought redflag long remember hospitalized already constant part me never wanting die part wanting live find hard people learned blend become like outside found anytime reached learn felt one like learned caused issues seemed could ever solve stopped landed hospital shoes ive lived life got married created new living being built company helped hundreds people find happiness wearing mask mask heavy ive open close friends go managing logistics leaving life overwhelmingly attempts help find help want put mask attempt appease people important ive started seeing professional mind numbingly easy time want med talk feelings today said part must want help took step coming them seem understand never want help anything personality flaw mine reason came try make predefined eventually easier people care about question many people saying i want kill myself really saying i want kill know stop hurting adulting things needed handled die id helium tent right now like said im wanting die im wanting live different
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want understand dontim posting place wanting understand im old late s understand posting want commit redflag also understand redflag phone lines ive thought redflag long remember hospitalized already constant part me never wanting die part wanting live find hard people learned blend become like outside found anytime reached learn felt one like learned caused issues seemed could ever solve stopped landed hospital shoes ive lived life got married created new living being built company helped hundreds people find happiness wearing mask mask heavy ive open close friends go managing logistics leaving life overwhelmingly attempts help find help want put mask attempt appease people important ive started seeing professional mind numbingly easy time want med talk feelings today said part must want help took step coming them seem understand never want help anything personality flaw mine reason came try make predefined eventually easier people care about question many people saying i want kill myself really saying i want kill know stop hurting adulting things needed handled die id helium tent right now like said im wanting die im wanting live different" ]
Quiero entender dontim posting place wanting understand im old late s entending posting want commit redflag también entended redflag lines ive pensation redflag long remember hospitaled ya constante part me never want more part want live live living live living living new building company he ayudado a cientos de personas a encontrar felicidad usando máscaras pesadas ive open amigos cercanos go go manageing logística leving life afroverly trys help find would would would would put worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm worm being differ live differ.
help girl agreed meet get drink ask free wednesday im free thursday saturday says oh not say cant says oh htf response oh say available anyway actually date
[ "help girl agreed meet get drink ask free wednesdayim free thursday saturday says oh not say cant saysoh htf responseoh say available anyway actually date" ]
ayuda chica acordada encuentro conseguir bebida pedir gratis miércolesim gratis jueves sábado dice oh no decir cant saysoh htf respuestaoh decir disponible de todos modos en realidad fecha
tampai moved tampa fl good job moved becalms last job stressful cant take more want impress parents sister cant anymore decideded end it sorry spelling errors im give upn im drunk give up rthanjks reddit great time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tampai moved tampa fl good job moved becalms last job stressful cant take more want impress parents sister cant anymore decideded end it sorry spelling errors im give upn im drunk give up rthanjks reddit great time" ]
tampai movida tampa fl buen trabajo movida becalms último trabajo estresante no puede tomar más quieren impresionar a los padres hermana no puede más decidido terminar lo siento errores de ortografía im upn im borracho renunciar rthanjks reddit gran momento
jetsetting life wants dieim living peoples dreams now loving family always supportive do loving partner sacrificed much us together graduated top class travelling every months freelance job pays enough parents partner always chip afford travelling see work out planning get masters done foreign country soon live near partner friends really supportive always want hang make time have everynight still feel like kill myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "jetsetting life wants dieim living peoples dreams now loving family always supportive do loving partner sacrificed much us together graduated top class travelling every months freelance job pays enough parents partner always chip afford travelling see work out planning get masters done foreign country soon live near partner friends really supportive always want hang make time have everynight still feel like kill myself" ]
jetsetting life wants dieim living people dreams now amor familia siempre apoyo hacer amante pareja sacrificado mucho juntos graduado clase superior viajar cada mes trabajo independiente paga lo suficiente padres socio siempre chip pagar viajes ver trabajo planificación obtener maestros hecho país extranjero pronto vivir cerca amigos socios realmente apoyo siempre quieren colgar hacer tiempo todas las noches todavía siento como suicidarme
sure anymorei brothers wedding coming look forward to that yeah know give up hate planet live on hate people people self centered cruel ive even guilty times hate too im seeing shrink next month maybe help know th time ive entered therapy since first work
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sure anymorei brothers wedding coming look forward to thatyeah know give up hate planet live on hate people people self centered cruel ive even guilty times hate too im seeing shrink next month maybe help know th time ive entered therapy since first work" ]
Seguro más hermanos boda vienen mirar hacia adelante a que sí saben renunciar a odio planeta vivo en odio personas personas egocentradas cruel ive incluso culpables tiempos odio demasiado im ver encogerse el próximo mes tal vez ayudar a saber la vez que entró en la terapia desde el primer trabajo
hit certain goal probably kill myselfgiving around days complete it around th birthday tired myself tired world tired feeling like burden tired fucked up want go sleep never get again ive got windex with ammonia ammonia plastic bag options nobody probably readcare matter guess
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hit certain goal probably kill myselfgiving around days complete it around th birthday tired myself tired world tired feeling like burden tired fucked up want go sleep never get again ive got windex with ammonia ammonia plastic bag options nobody probably readcare matter guess" ]
Golpear cierto objetivo probablemente me mata dando alrededor de días completar alrededor de th cumpleaños cansado yo mismo cansado mundo cansado sentirse como carga cansado jodido quiero dormir nunca volver a tener windex con amoniaco amoniaco opciones bolsa de plástico nadie probablemente leedcare materia adivinar
telling jokes corona gone day hipster burn mouth pizza ate cool
[ "telling jokes corona gone day hipster burn mouth pizza ate cool" ]
Contando chistes corona ido día hipster quemadura boca pizza comió fresco
boyfriend cop live sweeden cops got high authority boyfriend abusive harrases infront everybody let gohe forces sex anal sex led hospital many times asleep goes in lost sleep days days wake sexual acts done mehe hits time slightest disagreement want go friends goes enraged giving black eyes every thenhe burnt fathers memory led fight tried punch pictures father memories us beautiful childhood always hits back harder breaking foot bending wrists knocks cannot anything hurt times size always threatens cut hair eyebrowsi tried contacting local police ended punished kept locked room letting go bathroom embarrassing therei cannot anything poor nobody friend phonei know life get rid nowhere else go maybe suiciding painless way would really help redditors got ideas please share them could find solutions online f scared boyfriend need help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "boyfriend cop live sweeden cops got high authority boyfriend abusive harrases infront everybody let gohe forces sex anal sex led hospital many times asleep goes in lost sleep days days wake sexual acts done mehe hits time slightest disagreement want go friends goes enraged giving black eyes every thenhe burnt fathers memory led fight tried punch pictures father memories us beautiful childhood always hits back harder breaking foot bending wrists knocks cannot anything hurt times size always threatens cut hair eyebrowsi tried contacting local police ended punished kept locked room letting go bathroom embarrassing therei cannot anything poor nobody friend phonei know life get rid nowhere else go maybe suiciding painless way would really help redditors got ideas please share them could find solutions online f scared boyfriend need help" ]
novio policía vivo sweeden policías tienen alta autoridad novio abusivo harrases frente a todo el mundo let gohe fuerzas sexo sexo anal led hospital muchas veces dormido va en pérdida de sueño días despertar actos sexuales mehe golpea tiempo más leve desacuerdo quiere ir amigos se enfureció dando ojos negros cada entonces él quemado padres memoria led pelea probado puñetazo fotos padre recuerdos nos hermosa infancia siempre golpea más duro romper pies doblando muñecas no puede nada daño tamaño veces amenaza cortar pelo cejassi intentado contactar la policía local terminó castigado mantenido cuarto de baño dejar ir embarazoso no puedo nada pobre nadie amigo fonei sé la vida deshacerse a ningún otro lugar ir tal vez suiciding manera indoloro realmente ayudaría a redditors tener ideas por favor compartir podrían encontrar soluciones en línea f novio asustado necesidad de ayuda
free ebook last chance sit act less month prep may given dream score decided apply test optional current act giving confidence well dont still one shot trust me tips personal dream score whole lot closer may think google form link free ebook registration httpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwghttpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwg know thinking this must scam i heard many different tips tricks makes different honesty would think exact thing however spare minute time assure one best decisions made comes act prep sat act february achieved good score not good enough ivies international student uk figured use apply could never compete students one friends convinced give another shot registered july act really rusty however only month prepare super stressed really thought could achieve good score but spent countless number hours reading different tips tricks majority tips completely failed use however i discovered hidden gems propelled super happy celebrated getting however seen many students able sit act due cancellations simply cannot get dream score say dream i thought could never reach let alone honesty started feel really guilty i many niche unknown tips acquired shared anyone want share help anyway can i process creating free ebook released within weeks be free amazon hours make sure download asap launches remember applying year still december act one last shot lose interested receiving ebook launches just fill linked google form you use email google one receive amazon link goes live completely free pages so contain waffling best tips acquired hope help many possible best wishes drdurak google form link free ebook registration httpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwghttpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwg
[ "free ebook last chance sit act less month prep may given dream score decided apply test optional current act giving confidence well dont still one shot trust me tips personal dream score whole lot closer may think google form link free ebook registration httpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwghttpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwg know thinking this must scam i heard many different tips tricks makes different honesty would think exact thing however spare minute time assure one best decisions made comes act prep sat act february achieved good score not good enough ivies international student uk figured use apply could never compete students one friends convinced give another shot registered july act really rusty however only month prepare super stressed really thought could achieve good score but spent countless number hours reading different tips tricks majority tips completely failed use however i discovered hidden gems propelled super happy celebrated getting however seen many students able sit act due cancellations simply cannot get dream score say dream", "i thought could never reach let alone honesty started feel really guilty i many niche unknown tips acquired shared anyone want share help anyway can i process creating free ebook released within weeks be free amazon hours make sure download asap launches remember applying year still december act one last shot lose interested receiving ebook launches just fill linked google form you use email google one receive amazon link goes live completely free pages so contain waffling best tips acquired hope help many possible best wishes drdurak google form link free ebook registration httpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwghttpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwg" ]
libre ebook última oportunidad sit act menos mes preparación puede dar la puntuación de sueño decidido aplicar prueba opcional actual acto dando confianza bien aún un tiro confiar en mí consejos personales sueño puntuación mucho más cerca puede pensar Google form enlace libre registro de libros electrónicos httpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxwghttpsformsglewcpwvqdltvxg saber que esto debe estafa he escuchado muchos trucos diferentes trucos hace diferente honestidad pensaría cosa exacta sin embargo tiempo libre tiempo libre asegurar una mejor decisión que viene acto prep sat acto february logrado buena puntuación no lo suficientemente bueno ivies internacional student uk uso calculado aplicar nunca podría competir estudiantes un amigo convencido dar otra foto registrada july actuar realmente oxidado sin embargo sólo mes de preparación super estresado realmente pensamiento podría lograr buena puntuación pero pasó un sinnúmero de horas de lectura diferentes trucos consejos mayoría consejos completamente fallidos uso sin embargo descubrí gemas ocultas propulsadas super feliz celebrado conseguir sin embargo visto muchos estudiantes capaces de sentarse acto bien cancelaciones no puede conseguir sueño puntuación decir sueño
im hopeless redflag solution end sufferingive extremely suicidal pretty long time now ive depressed around years ive made failed attempts dont want live anymore fear knowing exactly happen finally end life something worry about wont hold back ive finally enough something im constantly thinking about death seems peaceful im constantly wondering would like finally end sadness end ability feel pain death seems desirable aspect worry family friends theyll feel hurting isnt enough stay alive theyd sad finally it time werent support knew bad struggling maybe theyll say selfish end life selfish supporting needed support love theyll okay life isnt worth living youre living yourself im living myself trust me didnt want go path tried getting help depression tried everything could many things helped temporarily end im still finding hole cant get of im still completely miserable friends family dont care enough me im hopeless going far long dont know much longer take go plan last night boyfriend got it spent night crying usual always cry night usually him made feel particularly unloved uncared last night knows depression hes around see dark sides feel hopeless suicidal sad doesnt really know support right way already wanted end life pain feel daily basis maybe last night pushed closer towards ready it entire mentality lately die end ive suffering long time nothing gotten better nothing worked dont understand point living feel pain suffer die end skip part die instead going life suffering im completely hopeless cant find one reason live says lot million reasons end life cant take anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im hopeless redflag solution end sufferingive extremely suicidal pretty long time now ive depressed around years ive made failed attempts dont want live anymore fear knowing exactly happen finally end life something worry about wont hold back ive finally enough something im constantly thinking about death seems peaceful im constantly wondering would like finally end sadness end ability feel pain death seems desirable aspect worry family friends theyll feel hurting isnt enough stay alive theyd sad finallyit time werent support knew bad struggling maybe theyll say selfish end life selfish supporting needed support love theyllokay life isnt worth living youre living yourself im living myself trust me didnt want go path tried getting help depression tried everything could many things helped temporarily end im still finding hole cant get of im still completely miserable friends family dont care enough me", "im hopeless going far long dont know much longer take go plan last night boyfriend got it spent night crying usual always cry night usually him made feel particularly unloved uncared last night knows depression hes around see dark sides feel hopeless suicidal sad doesnt really know support right way already wanted end life pain feel daily basis maybe last night pushed closer towards ready it entire mentality lately die end ive suffering long time nothing gotten better nothing worked dont understand point living feel pain suffer die end skip part die instead going life suffering im completely hopeless cant find one reason live says lot million reasons end life cant take anymore" ]
No hay esperanza de que la solución de la bandera roja fin sufriente extremadamente suicida bastante mucho tiempo ahora ive deprimido alrededor de años ive hecho intentos fallidos no quiero vivir más miedo saber exactamente sucede finalmente fin de la vida algo preocuparse de no contenerse ive final suficiente algo im constantemente pensar en la muerte parece pacífico im constantemente preguntándose como fin final tristeza fin capacidad sentir dolor aspecto deseable preocupación amigos de la familia que se sentirán dolor no es suficiente permanecer con vida tend triste finalmente tiempo no se apoyaba mal lucha tal vez dicen egoísta fin de la vida egoísta apoyo necesario apoyo amor elloslokay vida no vale la pena vivir tú mismo vivir yo mismo confiar en mí no quiero ir camino tratado conseguir ayuda depresión todo podría ayudar a terminar temporalmente todavía encontrar agujero no puede obtener de im todavía amigos completamente miserables familia no me importa lo suficiente
sacha baron cohen genius movie good although film nearly reach quality tvshow still funny seriously wicked moments ive liked ali g since first time saw material show think hes one best comedy characters time say peter dragon action blues brothers biggest surprise film theyve actually got serious actors dance gambon absolutely respect even more good sense take chance nothing really bad say film funny juvenile hey what br br one thing mr g sequel pleasebr br
[ "sacha baron cohen genius movie good although film nearly reach quality tvshow still funny seriously wicked moments ive liked ali g since first time saw material show think hes one best comedy characters time say peter dragon action blues brothers biggest surprise film theyve actually got serious actors dance gambon absolutely respect even more good sense take chance nothing really bad say filmfunny juvenilehey what br br one thing mr g sequel pleasebr br" ]
sacha baron cohen genio película buena aunque la película casi alcanzar la calidad tvshow todavía divertido seriamente malos momentos ive like ali g desde la primera vez que vio el material show creo que él es uno de los mejores personajes de la comedia tiempo decir Peter dragón acción blues hermanos más grande película sorpresa heve realmente tienen actores serios danza gambon absolutamente respeto incluso más buen sentido tomar el azar nada realmente mal decir película funny juvenilhey lo br br una cosa mr g secuela pleasebr br
im starting think crush likes back meanive looked things shes like staring stuffim honestly freaking inside
[ "im starting think crush likes back meanive looked things shes like staring stuffim honestly freaking inside" ]
Empiezo a pensar que el amor le gusta las cosas mezquinas. Se ve como mirarme fijamente dentro.
know well emotionally fucking venting ranting ur professor ur weekly reflection essay true story second week
[ "know well emotionally fucking venting ranting ur professor ur weekly reflection essay true story second week" ]
sabe bien emocionalmente puta ventilación ranting nuestro profesor ur semana reflexión ensayo verdadera historia segunda semana
friend beat sure whether sad jealousjust got phone call sister let know k paramedic no paramedic bloody good paramedic funny kind would help anyone apparently problems work his sister tell kind muddled understandable k retained left opiates patients need full dose injected himself found turn shift yesterday many friends afford lose one hand guess one less person disappoint die godspeed k love you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend beat sure whether sad jealousjust got phone call sister let know k paramedicno paramedic bloody good paramedic funny kind would help anyone apparently problems work his sister tell kind muddled understandable k retained left opiates patients need full dose injected himself found turn shift yesterday many friends afford lose one hand guess one less person disappoint die godspeed k love you" ]
amigo golpeado seguro si triste celoso acaba de llamar por teléfono hermana let know k paramedico paramédico sanguinolento bueno paramédico divertido tipo ayudaría a cualquier persona aparentemente problemas de trabajo su hermana decirle tipo confuso comprensible k retenidos opiáceos pacientes necesitan dosis completa inyectado él mismo encontrado turno ayer muchos amigos se permiten perder una mano adivinar una persona menos decepcionar die godspeed k amor
broke found money drink like usual drinking problem escaping feelings problem sometimes food tv games phone but thing week important several interviews high paying jobs broke anymore instead celebrating still want die want anymore alone financially supporting bf animals love want leave deserve better know broke lol
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "broke found money drink like usual drinking problem escaping feelings problem sometimes food tv games phone but thing week important several interviews high paying jobs broke anymore instead celebrating still want die want anymore alone financially supporting bf animals love want leave deserve better know broke lol" ]
quebrado encontrado dinero bebida como habitual problema de bebida escapar de los sentimientos problema a veces comida juegos de televisión teléfono pero cosa semana importante varias entrevistas altos trabajos de pago rotos más en lugar de celebrar todavía quieren morir quieren más solo apoyo financiero bf animales amor quieren irse merecen mejor saber roto lol
guys know people named dick originally came fathers penis
[ "guys know people named dick originally came fathers penis" ]
los chicos saben que la gente llamada polla originalmente vino padres pene
saying hello languages zdravo kaixo salam prshndetje hallo
[ "saying hello languages zdravo kaixo salam prshndetje hallo" ]
diciendo hola idiomas zdravo kaixo salam prshndetje hallo
endi think im gonna try attempt month two im honestly done life shit nobody needs wants me nonstop suicidal thoughts weeks now see reason keep living im gonna get worse everything gonna keep tearing shreds life getting worse improving years month worst month idk else do im welcome here best leave wont hurt anyone else wont problem anyone elses life burden anyone else
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "endi think im gonna try attempt month two im honestly done life shit nobody needs wants me nonstop suicidal thoughts weeks now see reason keep living im gonna get worse everything gonna keep tearing shreds life getting worse improving years month worst month idk else do im welcome here best leave wont hurt anyone else wont problem anyone elses life burden anyone else" ]
Endi creo que voy a intentar intento mes dos im honestamente hecho vida mierda nadie necesita me quiere pensamientos suicidas sin parar semanas ahora ver razón seguir viviendo im va a empeorar todo va a seguir desgarrando pedazos vida cada vez peor mejora años mes peor mes idk otra cosa hago bienvenida aquí mejor leave no le hará daño a nadie más no problema a nadie más la vida carga a nadie más
wonderful gritty war film focuses inner torment blinded marine al schmid although tough unpleasant end heroic schmids triumph disability depression battle scene superb one bone pick matter many bullets fired never saw water dirt kicked impacts hurt realism live it fine performance eleanor parker again girl friend
[ "wonderful gritty war film focuses inner torment blinded marine al schmid although tough unpleasant end heroic schmids triumph disability depression battle scene superb one bone pick matter many bullets fired never saw water dirt kicked impacts hurt realism live it fine performance eleanor parker again girl friend" ]
maravillosa película de guerra arenosa se centra tormento interior cegado marine al schmid aunque duro desagradable final heroico schmids triunfo discapacidad depresión batalla escena excelente un hueso pico materia muchas balas disparadas nunca vio agua tierra pateada impactos daño realismo vivo él buen rendimiento eleanor parker de nuevo chica amiga
feel like killing thinking redflag everydayim male convinced im gonna end bottom scrapes barrel one all constant instances disrespect people whole life rejection people wanting get know im different depression kicks hard work hard cant help feel hopeless feel like im even going anywhere whats point anyway body loves need better reason live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like killing thinking redflag everydayim male convinced im gonna end bottom scrapes barrel one all constant instances disrespect people whole life rejection people wanting get know im different depression kicks hard work hard cant help feel hopeless feel like im even going anywhere whats pointanywaybody loves need better reason live" ]
se siente como matar pensar eadyflag eadylyim macho convencido im va a terminar fondo raspa barril todos los casos constantes irrespeto personas toda la vida rechazo personas que quieren conocer im diferentes depresión patadas duro trabajo duro no puedo ayudar a sentir como no tengo como incluso ir a cualquier lugar lo que cualquier persona quiere necesidad mejor razón viva
hate myselfcurrently home drunk ive wanted kill since around maybe years old im now thoughts seem come waves tried exercising eating healthy seeing doctor social none works keep coming back wanting die worst part feel like could fixed getting relationship know make things worse im lonely crave attention get wish could exceedingly happy like people see almost exhausting me year die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate myselfcurrently home drunk ive wanted kill since around maybe years old im now thoughts seem come waves tried exercising eating healthy seeing doctor social none works keep coming back wanting die worst part feel like could fixed getting relationship know make things worse im lonely crave attention get wish could exceedingly happy like people see almost exhausting me year die" ]
me odio a mí mismo actualmente en casa borracho ive quería matar ya que alrededor de tal vez años de edad Im ahora los pensamientos parecen venir olas trató de hacer ejercicio saludable ver médico social ninguno funciona sigue volviendo queriendo morir peor parte se siente como podría fijo conseguir relaciones saber hacer las cosas peor im solitario deseo atención conseguir deseo podría extremadamente feliz como la gente me ve casi agotador año morir