exactly one year th july tried failed ended snapping ligaments landing ankle unconscious since gotten surgery fix massive scar also developed arthritis multiple slipped discs hurt time days bad think killing escape physical pain really really fucking angry last year fuck hide scissors knives got interrupted mother cut perfect hanging set had minutes would peace guess what today kg heavier since day still wish free nooooooo stay bitch earth honestly see drugs help people weed occasion helped calm down would love freed worries thoughts since years old feel like suffered enough back pain bitch without honestly would still feeling suicidal excruciating physical pain is rant one year since attempt
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "exactly one year th july tried failed ended snapping ligaments landing ankle unconscious since gotten surgery fix massive scar also developed arthritis multiple slipped discs hurt time days bad think killing escape physical pain really really fucking angry last year fuck hide scissors knives got interrupted mother cut perfect hanging set had minutes would peace guess what today kg heavier since day still wish free nooooooo stay bitch earth honestly see drugs help people weed occasion helped calm down would love freed worries thoughts since years old feel like suffered enough back pain bitch without honestly would still feeling suicidal excruciating physical pain is rant one year since attempt" ]
exactamente un año que july intentó fracasado terminó chasqueando ligamentos aterrizaje tobillo inconsciente desde consiguió cirugía cicatriz masiva también desarrolló artritis múltiples discos deslizados dolor tiempo días malos pensar matar escapar de dolor físico realmente mierda enojado el año pasado mierda tijeras cuchillos se interrumpió madre corte perfecto set colgante tenía minutos paz adivinar lo que hoy kg más pesado desde el día todavía deseo gratis nooooooo estancia perra tierra honestamente ver drogas ayudar a la gente ocasión de la hierba ayudó a calmarse amar pensamientos de preocupaciones liberadas ya que años se siente como sufrido suficiente dolor de espalda perra sin honestamente todavía sentir suicidio dolor físico insoportable es despotricado un año desde intento
everywherebeen struggling depression severe anxiety whole life ive attempted times recent week ago bipolar well showing signs schizophrenia mom believes fully bought yet im seeing symptoms scarring me also recovering addict current alcoholic need words encouragement maybe someone tell gets better thanks time guys god bless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everywherebeen struggling depression severe anxiety whole life ive attempted times recent week ago bipolar well showing signs schizophrenia mom believes fully bought yet im seeing symptoms scarring me also recovering addict current alcoholic need words encouragement maybe someone tell gets better thanks time guys god bless" ]
por todas partes estar luchando depresión ansiedad severa toda la vida intentos de los tiempos hace la semana hace bipolar bien mostrar signos esquizofrenia mamá cree totalmente comprado sin embargo mi ver síntomas que me cicatrizan también recuperación adicto actual alcohólico necesidad palabras de estímulo tal vez alguien dice consigue mejor gracias tiempo chicos dios bendice
im boutta restart like windows vista hiccup sneezed farted time whats happen
[ "im boutta restart like windows vista hiccup sneezed farted time whats happen" ]
im butta reiniciar como windows vista hipo estornudado pedo el tiempo lo que sucede
neither irl dog minecraft dog die today cuz either im literally crying please give fake internet points make feel better
[ "neither irl dog minecraft dog die today cuz either im literally crying please give fake internet points make feel better" ]
ni perro irl minecraft perro morir hoy cuz o literalmente llorar por favor dar falsos puntos de Internet hacer sentir mejor
dont see purpose livingi male med school student third world country recently mi grades kibda low friends parents always yell not manly enough gf much ibto church etc recently routine consist waking up stealing food fridge avoid contact anybody hace considering redflag since long time ago like year so want belive things get better someday everything change cant see how life gets worde everyday fights parents work failuresi want end pain
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont see purpose livingi male med school student third world country recently mi grades kibda low friends parents always yell not manly enough gf much ibto church etc recently routine consist waking up stealing food fridge avoid contact anybody hace considering redflag since long time ago like year so want belive things get better someday everything change cant see how life gets worde everyday fights parents work failuresi want end pain" ]
no see proposito livingi macho estudiante escuela tercer mundo país recientemente mis calificaciones kibda amigos bajos padres siempre gritan no suficientemente varonil gf mucho ibto iglesia etc recientemente rutina consiste en despertarse robando comida nevera evitar contacto con nadie hace considerar bandera roja desde hace mucho tiempo como año así que quiero belive las cosas mejoran algún día todo cambio no se puede ver cómo la vida consigue Worde peleas diarias padres trabajo fracasos quiero acabar con el dolor
okay ppl need chill everyone salty everything need chill tf literally posted smt tired writing many college essays responses get whyd procrastinate get used kid you started earlier hold tf started frixkin novemberrrrr applied eight schools different countries never procrastinated literally submitted everything well advance wtfffff trying connect ppl like whatttt okay thanks got pissed sec lol
[ "okay ppl need chill everyone salty everything need chill tf literally posted smt tired writing many college essays responses get whyd procrastinate get used kid you started earlier hold tf started frixkin novemberrrrr applied eight schools different countries never procrastinated literally submitted everything well advance wtfffff trying connect ppl like whattttokay thanks got pissed sec lol" ]
Ok ppl necesita relajarse todos salados todo necesita frío tf literalmente publicado smt cansado escribir muchos ensayos de la universidad respuestas conseguir por quéd procrastinate conseguir chico usado que comenzó antes hold tf comenzó frixkin novemberrrrr aplicado ocho escuelas diferentes países nunca procrastinado literalmente presentó todo bien avance wtfffff tratando de conectar ppl como whattttokay gracias se enojó se lol
killed moonlord expert mode switch aw shit go
[ "killed moonlord expert mode switch aw shit go" ]
Mató a un experto señor de la luna cambio de modo aw mierda ir
nick see please dm friend back summer leave got grounded dont remember username reddit met subreddit username words guy thats remember nick see this u pls dm wanna clarify stop texting snap know good good friend me anyone knows pls tell thanks remi
[ "nick see please dm friend back summer leave got grounded dont remember username reddit met subreddit username words guy thats remember nick see this u pls dm wanna clarify stop texting snap know good good friend me anyone knows pls tell thanks remi" ]
nick see please dm friend back Summer leave got trushed no recuerdo el nombre de usuario reddit met subredit nombre de usuario guy thats recorde nick see this u pls dm want clarified stop texting snap know good good friend me all sabe pls tell thanks remi
writing thislet absolutely clear know devastate family know devastate friends know devastate community let also clear saying depression made look horrific consequences realize simply willpower live life solely benefit others tomorrow going drown lake cold painful perfect quiet end quiet life perhaps lived longer would find something live for perhaps would make something myself perhaps none would happen year line kill anyway let cruelty hope drag another painful year know problems lie intrinsically within myself simply cannot bear longer sad seventeen years old im going hurt family ways even vengeful person dream of done sad tired goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "writing thislet absolutely clear know devastate family know devastate friends know devastate community let also clear saying depression made look horrific consequences realize simply willpower live life solely benefit others tomorrow going drown lake cold painful perfect quiet end quiet life perhaps lived longer would find something live for perhaps would make something myself perhaps none would happen year line kill anyway let cruelty hope drag another painful year know problems lie intrinsically within myself simply cannot bear longer sad seventeen years old im going hurt family ways even vengeful person dream of done sad tired goodbye" ]
Escribiendo este let absolutamente claro saber familia devastato saber amigos devastato saber comunidad devastato dejar claro también decir depresión hizo ver consecuencias horribles darse cuenta simplemente fuerza de voluntad vida solo beneficio otros mañana va ahogar lago frío perfecto tranquilo final tranquila vida tal vez vivir más tiempo encontraría algo vivo para tal vez haría algo yo mismo podría pasar nada año línea matar de todos modos dejar crueldad esperanza arrastrar otro año doloroso saber problemas intrínsecamente yacen dentro de mí simplemente no puede soportar más triste diecisiete años de edad voy lastimado familiares maneras incluso persona vengativa sueño de hecho triste cansado adiós
quick storytime bc im super embarrassed feel stupid months later skip video httpsyoutube_xo_ihaap viewer asks question mine married course realize video months later due friend telling yeah
[ "quick storytime bc im super embarrassed feel stupid months later skip video httpsyoutube_xo_ihaap viewer asks question mine married course realize video months later due friend tellingyeah" ]
rápido tiempo de la historia bc im super vergüenza sentirse estúpido meses más tarde saltar vídeo httpsyoutube_xo_ihaap visor hace pregunta mi curso casado realizar vídeo meses después debido amigo tingyeah
im going crazyplease help me think im going crazy need someone talk to dont anyone help nt want risk put stationry mental hospital phone call would help much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im going crazyplease help me think im going crazy need someone talk to dont anyone help nt want risk put stationry mental hospital phone call would help much" ]
Por favor, ayúdeme a pensar que estoy enloqueciendo. Necesito que alguien hable con nadie.
diewhy tried hang instinct kicks in want die fucks sake
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "diewhy tried hang instinct kicks in want die fucks sake" ]
¿Por qué intentar colgar patadas instinto en querer morir mierda sake
fuuuuck worst first off let say never seen heard friend chatted online mom would get super mad caught talking us earlier today friends mom threw bottle her bleeding over arms legs head neck everywhere told group chat happening immediately started panicking made quick decision call mom phone house call like different phone numbers live city rush questions terrified might bleed out one point said breath felt lightheaded dizzy operator stopped asking questions wait felt like eternity replying anything sent thought dead around half later operator said able reach scene still waiting full story happened stressful event life fucking tired tldr friend attacked abusive mom call
[ "fuuuuck worst first off let say never seen heard friend chatted online mom would get super mad caught talking us earlier today friends mom threw bottle her bleeding over arms legs head neck everywhere told group chat happening immediately started panicking made quick decision call mom phone house call like different phone numbers live city rush questions terrified might bleed out one point said breath felt lightheaded dizzy operator stopped asking questions wait felt like eternity replying anything sent thought dead around half later operator said able reach scene still waiting full story happened stressful event life fucking tired tldr friend attacked abusive mom call" ]
fuuuck peor primero dejar decir nunca visto amigo hablado en línea mamá se volvería súper loco atrapado hablarnos antes de hoy amigos mamá tiró botella su sangrado sobre los brazos piernas cabeza cuello por todas partes dijo chat de grupo que estaba sucediendo inmediatamente comenzó pánico hizo rápida decisión llamar mamá teléfono casa llamada como diferentes números de teléfono ciudad vivo preguntas apresuradas aterrorizado podría desangrarse un punto dijo aliento se sintió mareado operador dejó de hacer preguntas espera se sintió como la eternidad respuesta cualquier pensamiento enviado muerto alrededor de media tarde operador dijo capaz de llegar a la escena todavía esperando historia completa sucedió estresante vida de evento cansado tldr amigo atacado abusivo mamá llamada
ok basically parents sister grandparents gone boat day yesterday we belong boat club came back sitting around table dad end grandfather from mums side told dad carrying knife whilst boat case fell could cut free life jacket kind idiot that yes think shall cut thing keeping alive apparently weather water shit faced high waves wind axopar dad still laughing grandfathers stupidity bloody hell must screw loose
[ "ok basically parents sister grandparents gone boat day yesterday we belong boat club came back sitting around table dad end grandfather from mums side told dad carrying knife whilst boat case fell could cut free life jacket kind idiot that yes think shall cut thing keeping alive apparently weather water shit faced high waves wind axopar dad still laughing grandfathers stupidity bloody hell must screw loose" ]
ok básicamente padres hermanos abuelos ido barco día ayer pertenecemos club barco volvió sentado alrededor de la mesa papá extremo abuelo de lado mamá le dijo a papá portando cuchillo mientras que barco caso cayó podría cortar libre chaleco salvavidas tipo idiota que sí pensar cortará cosa mantener vivo aparentemente agua agua mierda enfrentada altas olas viento axopar papá sigue riendo abuelos estupidez maldito infierno debe tornillo suelto
spookiest cat change mind shes black called wednesday wednesday addams hates people occasionally nice the rest time scrunch bites black collar studded glittery fish metal things it
[ "spookiest cat change mind shes black called wednesday wednesday addams hates people occasionally nice the rest time scrunch bites black collar studded glittery fish metal thingsit" ]
gato más espeluznante cambio de opinión ella es negro llamado miércoles miércoles addams odia a la gente de vez en cuando agradable el descanso scrunch mordeduras negro collar tachonado brillante pescado metal thingsit
fuck would want dieeverything terrible tried writing th fucking attempt somehow worse first im trying draw year half year old could better im terrible making friends even question goddamn sexuality time cant stand toxic behaviour matter much ive tried anxiety trauma still stuck heart brain like c waiting make go mad second now death seems like even harmreduction could possibly avoid dissapointing tiny handful people still somehow believe me im fucking embarassement cant even write proper english motherfucking fuck even mother language cant take shit anymore guns even legal cant even kill properly end me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "fuck would want dieeverything terrible tried writing th fucking attempt somehow worse first im trying draw year half year old could better im terrible making friends even question goddamn sexuality time cant stand toxic behaviour matter much ive tried anxiety trauma still stuck heart brain like c waiting make go mad second now death seems like even harmreduction could possibly avoid dissapointing tiny handful people still somehow believe me im fucking embarassement cant even write proper english motherfucking fuck even mother language cant take shit anymore guns even legal cant even kill properly end me" ]
Joder querría morir todo lo terrible tratado de escribir el puto intento de alguna manera peor primer intento de dibujar medio año de edad podría mejor im terrible hacer amigos incluso pregunta maldita sexualidad tiempo no puede soportar comportamiento tóxico materia mucho ive probado ansiedad trauma todavía atascado corazón cerebro como c espera hacer enloquecer segundo ahora la muerte parece como incluso dañoreducción podría posiblemente evitar desengañar pequeños puñados de personas todavía de alguna manera créanme im maldito embarassement no puede incluso escribir adecuado Inglés hijo de puta mierda incluso lengua madre no puede tomar mierda más armas ni legal puede incluso matar correctamente acabar conmigo
logical reason end life emotional one inferior never happy therapy optioni pretty much tired forced live every day faced nothingness despite trying find different perspectives improve myself care improving meaningless first all guy average attraction weak frail make eating healthy smooth face intelligence lower end average proven intelligence test school resulted going special class pretty bad school college interested able do special ed limited could achieve this failed college get university wanted go maths stats physics barely scraped foundation math even constant revision active reading mathematical textbooks went subject best in getting around c college got equivalent e partially due lack understanding absence interest towards it social person because whilst agreeable enjoy leaving house eating out travelling nature animalspets sports ive tried numerous occasions ive hated every second point makes depressed also little friends throughout life currently one distant friend meet every weeks want alone ive liked ive never liked friends ive kid ive pretty much forced presence ive never girlfriend likely die virgin cant get laid want girlfriend something despite trying smarts willingness involved fetish involves bodily functions least somewhat attractive me compassion willingness leader relationship good talkerarguer educated good politicsdebate plus optional sex means nothing desire intimacy relationship blame issues anybody else desires idea achieve hobbies really occasionally force write wanted writer one point hate every second always have wanted goal follow hate want give offers positive value life hobby interested politics debate history science maths linguistics general knowledge despite trying actively read interested forget try talk embarrass forgot read seconds ago despite reading over taking notes actively reading it going end life soon believe nothing live for tried find things worked little therapy therapy shit country cant afford private therapy might desire get debating politics science maths etc knowledge despite trying cant retain anything even theres nothing learn academically clubs city million involved anything similar see people younger smarter hate much know comparing necessarily good means fucking nothing choose fucking it family yes care much removing world feelings try convince live care enough spare death want talk somebody im tired keeping myself hope even die spend time talking guys go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "logical reason end life emotional one inferior never happy therapy optioni pretty much tired forced live every day faced nothingness despite trying find different perspectives improve myself care improving meaningless first all guy average attraction weak frail make eating healthy smooth face intelligence lower end average proven intelligence test school resulted going special class pretty bad school college interested able do special ed limited could achieve this failed college get university wanted go maths stats physics barely scraped foundation math even constant revision active reading mathematical textbooks went subject best in getting around c college got equivalent e partially due lack understanding absence interest towards it social person because whilst agreeable enjoy leaving house eating out travelling nature animalspets sports ive tried numerous occasions ive hated every second point makes depressed also little friends throughout life currently one distant friend meet every weeks want alone ive liked ive never liked friends ive kid", "ive pretty much forced presence ive never girlfriend likely die virgin cant get laid want girlfriend something despite trying smarts willingness involved fetish involves bodily functions least somewhat attractive me compassion willingness leader relationship good talkerarguer educated good politicsdebate plus optional sex means nothing desire intimacy relationship blame issues anybody else desires idea achieve hobbies really occasionally force write wanted writer one point hate every second always have wanted goal follow hate want give offers positive value life hobby interested politics debate history science maths linguistics general knowledge despite trying actively read interested forget try talk embarrass forgot read seconds ago despite reading over taking notes actively reading it going end life soon believe nothing live for tried find things worked little therapy therapy shit country cant afford private therapy might desire get debating politics science maths etc knowledge despite trying cant retain anything even theres nothing learn academically clubs city million involved anything similar see people younger smarter hate much know comparing necessarily good means fucking nothing choose fucking it family", "yes care much removing world feelings try convince live care enough spare death want talk somebody im tired keeping myself hope even die spend time talking guys go" ]
razón lógica fin de la vida emocional uno inferior nunca feliz terapia optioni bastante cansado vivir todos los días enfrentados a la nada a pesar de tratar de encontrar diferentes perspectivas mejoran mi cuidado mejora sin sentido primero todo chico atracción media débil frágil hacer comer saludable cara suave inteligencia menor extremo promedio probado escuela de pruebas de inteligencia resultado ir clase especial bastante mala escuela universidad interesada capaz de hacer especial ed limitado podría lograr esta universidad fallida buscarse matemáticas estadísticas física apenas raspado fundación matemáticas incluso revisión constante lectura activa libros de texto matemáticos fue mejor sujeto en conseguir alrededor de la universidad c consiguió equivalente e parcialmente debido a falta de comprensión ausencia interés hacia ella persona social porque mientras que agradable disfrutar de salir de la casa de viaje animales animales domésticos deporte he probado numerosas ocasiones he odiado cada segundo punto hace deprimidos también pequeños amigos a lo largo de la vida en la actualidad un amigo lejano se reúnen cada semana solo ive like ive liked live friends ive kid
worth anymoreshe never asks whats wrong anymore guess cause want hear it knows always care want there calls best friend think knows am know her third run antideppresants worst month life still going im fucking depressed cant even bring anything even think energy kill mmyself point living me transgender completely un passing one believes wants support me friends parents give two shits everyones forgotten fact suffer every day life think im better now im young everyone says everything left life know timeline ends here know one care glad glad to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "worth anymoreshe never asks whats wrong anymore guess cause want hear it knows always care want there calls best friend think knows am know her third run antideppresants worst month life still going im fucking depressed cant even bring anything even think energy kill mmyself point living me transgender completely un passing one believes wants support me friends parents give two shits everyones forgotten fact suffer every day life think im better now im young everyone says everything left life know timeline ends here know one care glad glad to" ]
nunca más mereció la pena pregunta lo que está mal más adivinar porque quiero escuchar que sabe siempre me importa querer hay llamadas mejor amigo creo que sé que su tercera carrera antidespertantes peor mes de vida todavía va im maldito deprimido no puede incluso traer cualquier cosa incluso pensar energía matar mmyself punto vivirme transgénero completamente un pasar uno cree que quiere apoyarme amigos padres dar dos mierdas todos los hechos olvidados sufren cada día la vida pensar im mejor ahora im joven todo el mundo dice todo lo que la vida izquierda sabe línea de tiempo termina aquí saber un cuidado contento de
feel like im going kill sooni know expand title things going okay cant deal them ruin everything becomes even impossible im tired trying want tell people know im posting guess wish id die already im piece shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like im going kill sooni know expand title things going okay cant deal them ruin everything becomes even impossible im tired trying want tell people know im posting guess wish id die already im piece shit" ]
Siento que voy a matar pronto sé expandir el título las cosas que van bien no puedo tratar de arruinar todo se convierte en imposible estoy cansado de querer decirle a la gente que estoy publicando
anyone else wanna die even though circumstances really arent badam one really wants kick bucket because sure loneliness isolation makes harder honestly dont believe utopian future solve problems often think unrealistic future might even help depression alone this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone else wanna die even though circumstances really arent badam one really wants kick bucket because sure loneliness isolation makes harder honestly dont believe utopian future solve problems often think unrealistic future might even help depression alone this" ]
alguien más quiere morir a pesar de que las circunstancias realmente no son badam uno realmente quiere patear cubo porque seguro aislamiento de la soledad hace más difícil honestamente no creo futuro utópico resolver problemas a menudo pensar futuro poco realista incluso podría ayudar a la depresión sola esto
hey guess what didnt sex neither you
[ "hey guess what didnt sex neither you" ]
Oye, adivina lo que no tuvo sexo ni tú.
idk vent guessim sitting bathroom knife im sure im gonna yet likelihood ill cause superficial damage patch up move on wish could cut chest open rip lungs done im one friends vent everyone else falling apart drifted away feel like theres one go to ive tried therapy ive tried medications doesnt work think wasnt meant exist world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "idk vent guessim sitting bathroom knife im sure im gonna yet likelihood ill cause superficial damage patch up move on wish could cut chest open rip lungs done im one friends vent everyone else falling apart drifted away feel like theres one go to ive tried therapy ive tried medications doesnt work think wasnt meant exist world" ]
idk vent guessim sentado cuarto de baño cuchillo estoy seguro de que todavía va a ser probable mal causar daño superficial parche para arriba movimiento en deseo podría cortar pecho abierto desgarro pulmones hecho en un amigo ventilación todos los demás cayendo a la deriva se siente como hay uno ir a ive probado terapia ive medicamentos probados no funciona pensar que no significaba existir mundo
wanna dieim scared try again unsuccessful redflag worst honestly reason alive matter time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wanna dieim scared try again unsuccessful redflag worst honestly reason alive matter time" ]
Quiero morir asustado tratar de nuevo infructuosa bandera roja peor honestamente razón tiempo de la materia viva
i perfected fooling everyone thinking im great unless bring something up roommates dont know me surface level friends family nowhere near me pain own loneliness own feel life worthless pointless suffer matter good circumstance is want die dont know much torture endure
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i perfected fooling everyone thinking im great unless bring something up roommates dont know me surface level friends family nowhere near me pain own loneliness own feel life worthless pointless suffer matter good circumstance is want die dont know much torture endure" ]
Yo perfeccioné engañando a todo el mundo pensando im grande a menos que traer algo para arriba compañeros de cuarto no me conocen nivel de superficie amigos familia ni mucho menos cerca de mí dolor propia soledad propia sentir vida inútil sin sentido sufrir materia buena circunstancia es querer morir no sé mucha tortura soportar
feeling psychoticim sorry im breaking rules cant seem function read rules im feeling like crap feel like bashing head wall took walk didnt seem help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling psychoticim sorry im breaking rules cant seem function read rules im feeling like crap feel like bashing head wall took walk didnt seem help" ]
sensación psicoticima lo siento mi romper reglas no puedo parecer función leer reglas me siento como mierda sentir como golpear la pared de la cabeza dio paseo no parecía ayuda
plans tomorrow includes asking crush mean already pretty late wake dumdum
[ "plans tomorrow includes asking crush mean already pretty late wake dumdum" ]
planes de mañana incluye pedir aplastamiento significa ya bastante tarde despertar dumdum
join rcult_of_fuji r bunch people havin fun getting battle fair king appleslice
[ "join rcult_of_fuji r bunch people havin fun getting battle fair king appleslice" ]
Únete a rcult_of_fuji r grupo de personas havin diversión conseguir batalla justa rey manzanilla
posting gnarly space facts run knowledge day three days remain wow three days thats insane always questions topics me let know comments ill see tomorrow fact lets talk little bit saturns lesserknown moons cool are titan enceladus iapetus cant get attention want give info on im going waste time here lets dive right in ampxb dione first moon dione like moons tidally locked parent planet however theres something odd way dione tidally locked side dione faces saturn fewer craters side face saturn exact opposite many scientists expecting could indicate point past massive impact may caused diones orientation completely reverse ampxb mimas third favorite saturnian moon one feature named herschel crater put simply massive crater likely made impact nearly obliterated mimas big makes mimas look like death star star wars ampxb rhea back nasa announced observations cassini probe suggested rhea could small ring system would marked first time moon known rings cassini observations unfortunately revealed evidence ring material ampxb tethys final moon tethys dense liquid water suggests moon may almost entirely made water ice saturnian moons super interesting loved fact little quirks
[ "posting gnarly space facts run knowledge day three days remain wow three days thats insane always questions topics me let know comments ill see tomorrow fact lets talk little bit saturns lesserknown moons cool are titan enceladus iapetus cant get attention want give info on im going waste time here lets dive right in ampxb dione first moon dione like moons tidally locked parent planet however theres something odd way dione tidally locked side dione faces saturn fewer craters side face saturn exact opposite many scientists expecting could indicate point past massive impact may caused diones orientation completely reverse ampxb mimas third favorite saturnian moon one feature named herschel crater put simply massive crater likely made impact nearly obliterated mimas big makes mimas look like death star star wars ampxb rhea back nasa announced observations cassini probe suggested rhea could small ring system would marked first time moon known rings cassini observations unfortunately revealed evidence ring material ampxb tethys final moon tethys dense liquid water suggests moon may almost entirely made water ice saturnian moons super interesting loved fact little quirks" ]
La publicación de datos espaciales gnarly ejecutar conocimiento día tres días permanecen wow tres días que es loco siempre preguntas temas me deja saber comentarios mal ver mañana hecho permite hablar poco saturns menos conocidos lunas fresco son titan enceladus iapetus cant get atention want dar información sobre im va a perder tiempo aquí permite bucear derecho en ampxb dione primera luna dione como lunas suavemente bloqueado planeta padre sin embargo hay algo extraño manera dione tidally bloqueado lado dione caras saturn menos cráteres lado cara saturn exactamente opuesto muchos científicos esperan podría indicar punto pasado impacto masivo puede causar orientación diones ampxb mimas completamente inversa ampxb tercera favorito saturnian luna una característica llamada heschel cráter poner simplemente cráter masivo probablemente hizo impacto casi obliterado mimas grandes hace que mimas parecen muerte estrella star wars ampxb rhea detrás nasa anunciada observaciones cassini sonda sugirió rhea podría pequeño anillo sistema marcaría primera vez lunares conocidos observaciones cassini anillo material ampxbthys luna final tethys agua líquida sugiere casi bien hecho agua
desperate break upim lost desperate break boyfriend months broke completlt detroyed me im year old girl good student really feel like ii reason continue living life losng hes first everything world enetered state total desperation dumped me still insistted friends remaining important part eachothers life told hard me hurtful course id never wanan miss him since still feelings him still love anything else got harder harder me felt losing him feeling replacing feeling lover friend two months friendship noticed new girl life snapped u see course cnt focus lectures anymore university one thing kept going cause evry day see much cut contact compeltely im dying im devasted hes fine absoletely fine every time see happier hes always smiling adn said me doesnt love anymore said wants friend cant friend love much never gonna able finds bbetter girl replace im sorry im really sorry know longer together know say behaviour know move byt cant parents done supporting me tell stress out glad hes longer life one reach to dont care anymore want best him obvously negative factor life rn wanna stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "desperate break upim lost desperate break boyfriend months broke completlt detroyed me im year old girl good student really feel like ii reason continue living life losng hes first everything world enetered state total desperation dumped me still insistted friends remaining important part eachothers life told hard me hurtful course id never wanan miss him since still feelings him still love anything else got harder harder me felt losing him feeling replacing feeling lover friend two months friendship noticed new girl life snapped u see course cnt focus lectures anymoreuniversity one thing kept going cause evry day see much cut contact compeltely im dying im devasted hes fine absoletely fine every time see happier hes always smiling adn said me doesnt love anymore said wants friend cant friend love much never gonna able finds bbetter girl replace im sorryim really sorry know longer together know say behaviour know move byt cant parents done supporting me tell stress out glad hes longer life one reach to dont care anymore want best him obvously negative factor life rn wanna stop" ]
Desesperate break upim perdido Desesperate break Meses Break Completlt Detroyed me im year girl good student really feeling ii race continue living life losng hes first every world enetered state total desperdiction me insistíe friends still part important each others life le dijo duro id hirful course id never wanan lo echa de menos ya que todavía siente que todavía ama cualquier otra cosa me hizo más difícil me sentí perderle sustituyendo el sentimiento de amante amigo dos meses amistad noté nueva vida cnt focus serpened u see course cunt cunt focus servers otheruniversity one going going following cause evry day evry day ver mucho corte contacto compontely im moring im hes devasted hes fine absoltely fine cada vez ver más feliz hes thing hes long life ong tost want want want obvory worful factor int want ry want want ry want will want wire want will want wish want wish want will want wish it it it it s want will want will will will will will will will will w
dont care someone rickrolls cuz love song sansrolling thats whole different story
[ "dont care someone rickrolls cuz love song sansrolling thats whole different story" ]
No le importa alguien rickrolls cuz amor canción sansrolling eso es historia completamente diferente
give hope dontmy life pain understand cant get happiness want end it worth longer stay alive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "give hope dontmy life pain understand cant get happiness want end it worth longer stay alive" ]
da esperanza no mi vida dolor entender no puedo conseguir la felicidad quiero terminar vale la pena permanecer con vida
know one movie could possibly compete opening night thats bergmans persona movies simply amazing richness ideas hard grasp first sight profound meditation relation art life one actress myrtle gordon gena rowlands finds touch character playing stage would want to accidental death one fans young girl declares love myrtle hit car leaves deep mark actress starts asking question related aging starts affect solution becomes alcohol help much myrtle one step away complete madness scene kill imaginary or not spirit dead girl one thrilling scenes found cassavets film movie ends display genius behalf director films theater scene gena rowlands improvise scene since myrtle comes drunk opening night perform part accurately scene filmed spontaneously live audience laughter genuine chemistry casavates rowlands absolutely amazing liked persona interested movie offers substantial ideas alongside great entertainment movie suit fine
[ "know one movie could possibly compete opening night thats bergmans persona movies simply amazing richness ideas hard grasp first sight profound meditation relation art life one actress myrtle gordon gena rowlands finds touch character playing stage would want to accidental death one fans young girl declares love myrtle hit car leaves deep mark actress starts asking question related aging starts affect solution becomes alcohol help much myrtle one step away complete madness scene kill imaginary or not spirit dead girl one thrilling scenes found cassavets film movie ends display genius behalf director films theater scene gena rowlands improvise scene since myrtle comes drunk opening night perform part accurately scene filmed spontaneously live audience laughter genuine chemistry casavates rowlands absolutely amazing liked persona interested movie offers substantial ideas alongside great entertainment movie suit fine" ]
sabes que una película podría posiblemente competir noche de apertura que bergmans persona películas simplemente increíble riqueza ideas difícil de entender primera vista profunda meditación relación arte vida una actriz myrtle gordon gena Rowlands encuentra toque personaje jugando escenario querría accidental muerte una fanes joven chica declara amor myrtle hit coche deja marca profunda actriz comienza a hacer pregunta relacionada envejecimiento comienza solución afecta se convierte en alcohol ayuda mucho myrtle a un paso completa locura escena matar imaginario o no espíritu chica muerta una emocionante escenas encontradas cassavets película termina exhibición genio nombre director cine escena teatro escena gena Rowlands improvisa escena desde Myrtle viene borracho noche de apertura realizar parte con precisión escena filmada espontáneamente público risa auténtica química casavates rowlands absolutamente increíble gusto persona película interesada ofrece ideas sustanciales junto a gran entretenimiento traje de película multa
went philosophy holethe thing alive completely normal feel pain matter feel happiness content pain there got thinking pain exist reason to universehuman body allowed pain exist normally case logically want life smart enough know way change properties nature would cause live im smart enough know im smart want experience pain anymore experience pretty much key understanding need out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "went philosophy holethe thing alive completely normal feel pain matter feel happiness content pain there got thinking pain exist reason to universehuman body allowed pain exist normally case logically want life smart enough know way change properties nature would cause live im smart enough know im smart want experience pain anymore experience pretty much key understanding need out" ]
Fue filosofía agujerola cosa viva completamente normal sentir dolor materia sentir felicidad contenido dolor allí consiguió pensamiento dolor existe razón al universo cuerpo humano permitido dolor existen normalmente caso lógicamente querer la vida lo suficientemente inteligente saber cómo cambiar propiedades la naturaleza causaría vida im inteligente lo suficiente saber im inteligente querer experiencia dolor más experiencia bastante clave comprensión necesidad fuera
well boys it shaved nuts without nicking skin third time always charm
[ "well boys it shaved nuts without nicking skin third time always charm" ]
Bueno chicos se afeitó nueces sin picar piel tercera vez siempre encanto
everything went hill fastlast night typical got work feeling kind depressed wanted hurt sister said could crash place ive depressed suicidal since way anyways around four sister asks watch son get nap work goes upstairs get call dad id kicked online school second year online id transfered local high school bullying im extremely socially awkward get along authority figures constant battle teachers well gotta go back highschool im supposed senior nearly credits much mental hospitals since seventh grade ive never thought redflag would best option now always just well option seems like im gonna high school drop loser life really worth it edit id talk parents father told go home pissed theyd think looking attention way get trouble
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything went hill fastlast night typical got work feeling kind depressed wanted hurt sister said could crash place ive depressed suicidal since way anyways around four sister asks watch son get nap work goes upstairs get call dadid kicked online school second year online id transfered local high school bullying im extremely socially awkward get along authority figures constant battle teachers well gotta go back highschoolim supposed senior nearly credits much mental hospitals since seventh grade ive never thought redflag would best option now always just welloption seems like im gonna high school drop loser life really worth it edit id talk parents father told go home pissed theyd think looking attention way get trouble" ]
Todo fue colina fast anoche típico consiguió trabajo sensación tipo deprimido quería herido hermana dijo podría chocar lugar ive depresión suicida ya que de todos modos alrededor de cuatro hermana pregunta ver hijo conseguir trabajo siesta va arriba llamar dadid pateó escuela en línea segundo año en línea id traslado local secundaria bullying im extremadamente socialmente incómodo conseguir a lo largo de las figuras de autoridad batalla constante profesores bien tengo que volver secundaria supuesto senior casi créditos muchos hospitales mentales desde séptimo grado ive nunca pensó Redflag mejor opción ahora siempre bien parece como im va a la escuela secundaria gota perdedor vida realmente vale la pena editar id charla padres papá dijo ir a casa enojado pensarían buscando atención manera conseguir problemas
thoughts livinghello all last sunday tried kill myself tried cut arm hard failed live aftermath honest either properly even try sucks lot attention people knew tried it died couple days im alone again seems people care enough reach see really bad spot enough friend mine realize couple people care bit more make bit happy honest still thoughts redflag mainly think actually better everyone people care would sad yes worry them fling onto everyone make couple people care start dislike me mentioned previous post girl love anything would say life thats big compliment forced things like trying meet hard person growing distant think today first day months speak all really fucked up definitely best thing happened me end do tried kill myself pushed onto her drove away stupid actions would set would questions would say good bye ask remember good things me what suffering day cant talk her think greatest time either know thinks feels quite sure talk anymore maybe wait couple weeks actually kill myself talk shell forget me best alright actually started write story ask everyone reading live for well thats say wanted pour heart friends cant keep bothering people helped much already least read want to lot better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thoughts livinghello all last sunday tried kill myself tried cut arm hard failed live aftermath honest either properly even try sucks lot attention people knew tried it died couple days im alone again seems people care enough reach see really bad spot enough friend mine realize couple people care bit more make bit happy honest still thoughts redflag mainly think actually better everyone people care would sad yes worry them fling onto everyone make couple people care start dislike me mentioned previous post girl love anything would say life thats big compliment forced things like trying meet hard person growing distant think today first day months speak all really fucked up definitely best thing happened me end do tried kill myself pushed onto her drove away stupid actions would set would questions would say goodbye ask remember good things me", "what suffering day cant talk her think greatest time either know thinks feels quite sure talk anymore maybe wait couple weeks actually kill myself talk shell forget me best alright actually started write story ask everyone reading live for well thats say wanted pour heart friends cant keep bothering people helped much already least read want to lot better" ]
pensamientos livinghello todo el domingo pasado trató de matarme a mí mismo intentó cortar el brazo duro fallida vida secuelas honestas o bien correctamente incluso tratar chupa mucha atención la gente sabía lo intentó murió dos días yo solo otra vez parece que a la gente le importa suficiente alcance ver realmente mal punto bastante amigo mío realizar pareja personas cuidado poco más hacer poco feliz honesto todavía pensamientos rojoflag principalmente pensar en realidad mejor todo el mundo le importaría triste sí preocuparse de que tirar a todos hacer pareja personas cuidado empezar disgusto me mencionó post anterior chica amor cualquier cosa diría vida que es gran cumplido cosas forzadas como tratar de conocer a persona dura creciendo distante pensar hoy primer día hablar todo realmente jodido mejor cosa me pasó final trató de matarme empujado en su coche acciones estúpidas haría preguntas diría adiós preguntar recordar cosas buenas me
whats something made cry helped realize kind patheticive pussy crybaby life think realized pretty much worthless regards cried piss poor video game mindset definitely something like wow cant even win dumb game even incompetent thought first time actually dropped tear realized pretty much lmao you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whats something made cry helped realize kind patheticive pussy crybaby life think realized pretty much worthless regards cried piss poor video game mindset definitely something like wow cant even win dumb game even incompetent thought first time actually dropped tear realized pretty much lmao you" ]
lo que algo hizo llorar ayudó a darse cuenta amable patético coño crybaby vida pensar se dio cuenta bastante inútiles saludos llorado pis pobre videojuego mentalidad definitivamente algo como wow no puede incluso ganar juego tonto incluso pensamiento incompetente primera vez realmente cayó lagrima se dio cuenta de más o menos lmmao usted
friend suicidal dohey made friend school whos extremely suicidal ive known three weeks hes talked lot hes depressed doesnt want live ive course extremely concerned tried help theres nothing really do hes therapy sent hospital multiple times not attempting cutting thoughts redflag dont really know do seems really happy sometimes hes depression years ive kind hoped itd okay im worried hes trans grandmas supportive grandpa isnt he lives grandma grandpa messaged tonight said hes genuinely considering forget him ive sent long messages hes important many people care doesnt really respond says something else doesnt matter get im saying isnt helping hes upset dont even know say anymore ive tried listening point feel like thats enough want talk hotline something like said earlier hes hospital hasnt helped do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend suicidal dohey made friend school whos extremely suicidal ive known three weeks hes talked lot hes depressed doesnt want live ive course extremely concerned tried help theres nothing really do hes therapy sent hospital multiple times not attempting cutting thoughts redflag dont really know do seems really happy sometimes hes depression years ive kind hoped itdokayim worried hes trans grandmas supportive grandpa isnt he lives grandma grandpa messaged tonight said hes genuinely considering forget him ive sent long messages hes important many people care doesnt really respond says something else doesnt matter get im saying isnt helping hes upset dont even know say anymore ive tried listening point feel like thats enough want talk hotline something like said earlier hes hospital hasnt helped do" ]
amigo suicida dohey hizo amigo escuela que extremadamente suicida ive conocido tres semanas él ha hablado mucho él deprimido no quiere vivir curso live extremadamente preocupado probado ayuda Theres nada realmente hes terapia enviado hospital múltiples veces no intentar cortar pensamientos Redflag realmente no saber hacer parece muy feliz a veces hes depresión años ive tipo esperaba itdokayim preocupado hes trans abuelas que apoyan abuelo ist él vive abuela abuelo mensajeado esta noche dijo que realmente considera olvidarse de él ha enviado mensajes largos hes importante mucha gente cuidado realmente no responde dice algo más no importa im decir es ayudar a hes molesto ni siquiera saber decir más ive probado punto de escucha se siente como que es suficiente querer hablar línea directa algo como dicho antes hes hospital no ha ayudado a hacer
im fucking tired constant problems pain sufferingso already adhd little friends got depression started struggling cant tell anybody though im scared wont believe think im looking attention im still pretty young ive considered redflag im scared family need way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im fucking tired constant problems pain sufferingso already adhd little friends got depression started struggling cant tell anybody though im scared wont believe think im looking attentionim still pretty young ive considered redflag im scared family need way" ]
Estoy cansado problemas constantes dolor sufrimiento así que ya adhd pequeños amigos tienen depresión comenzó a luchar no puedo decirle a nadie, aunque me asusta no creo que Im mirando atencionim todavía bastante joven ive considerado Redflag im familia miedo necesidad manera
yrhey im last child brothers dad got killed siblings grown im mom gave im old enough provide everything im depressed cant take anymore attempt redflag time didnt work got sick boyfriend trys talking im going try soon gun hurts wake knowing im alive situation cant wait future
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "yrhey im last child brothers dad got killed siblings grownim mom gave im old enough provide everything im depressed cant take anymore attempt redflag time didnt work got sick boyfriend trys talking im going try soon gun hurts wake knowing im alive situation cant wait future" ]
Yrhey im último niño hermanos papá fue asesinado hermanos growdim mamá le dio im edad suficiente proporcionar todo im deprimido no puede tomar más intento Redflag tiempo no trabajo se enfermó novio trata de hablar Im va a tratar pronto arma duele despertar sabiendo im situación viva no puede esperar futuro
time sleep p night yall f l l e r f l l e r f l l e r f l l e r
[ "time sleep p night yall f l l e r f l l e r f l l e r f l l e r" ]
tiempo de sueño p noche yull f l l e r f l e r l e r f l l e r
hey dude quite possibly gamer hugs
[ "hey dude quite possibly gamer hugs" ]
Hey amigo bastante posiblemente abrazos de jugador
god im tiredi want die bad know hurt horribly might fail wish could leave hope afterlife everything want perfect people damn mean here dont like live constant stress anyone know easiest way go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "god im tiredi want die bad know hurt horribly might fail wish could leave hope afterlife everything want perfect people damn mean here dont like live constant stress anyone know easiest way go" ]
Dios me cansé de morir mal saber daño horrible podría fallar deseo podría dejar la esperanza después de la vida todo quiere gente perfecta maldito significa aquí no me gusta vivir constante estrés nadie sabe más fácil manera de ir
theres really big cliff near house basically walk jumpbut want hurt family ampxb theres much pain im tired myself keep failing everything try im unlovable fat sack shit want gone wish everyone forgot existance could kill myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theres really big cliff near house basically walk jumpbut want hurt family ampxb theres much pain im tired myself keep failing everything try im unlovable fat sack shit want gone wish everyone forgot existance could kill myself" ]
Theres realmente gran acantilado cerca de casa básicamente caminar salto pero quieren daño familia ampxb Theres mucho dolor estoy cansado seguir fallando todo tratar de innoble saco de grasa mierda quieren ido desea que todos olvidado existencia podría suicidarse
someone help please ive harming years really want stopi never cut feel depressed anxiety several things cause sharp pain myself far tell feels like im addicted endorphins released start impossible stop last days even weeks main thing squeeze nose way skin inside gets pinched causes sharp pain gives huge release feels amazing calms me things drive nails side finger punching skin nail finger similar release there really want stop thanks advance advice
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone help please ive harming years really want stopi never cut feel depressed anxiety several things cause sharp pain myself far tell feels like im addicted endorphins released start impossible stop last days even weeks main thing squeeze nose way skin inside gets pinched causes sharp pain gives huge release feels amazing calms me things drive nails side finger punching skin nail finger similar release there really want stop thanks advance advice" ]
alguien ayuda por favor ive dalling años realmente quiere stopi nunca cortar sentir ansiedad deprimida varias cosas causan dolor agudo yo mismo lejos decir se siente como im adictos endorfinas liberados iniciar imposible parada los últimos días incluso semanas principal cosa exprimir nariz manera piel interior se pellizca causa dolor agudo da gran liberación se siente increíble calma me cosas conducir uñas lado dedo punzonar piel uñas dedo similar liberación allí realmente quiero detener gracias consejos de avance
school started cant really handle thingsthe reason havent killed becoase couldnt girlfriend would feel horrible loves soo much love her struggled depression since met her school started realize dont really friends also girlfriend moved away cant see anymore hour ago mom tried help prepae school got freaked touching stuff got today thought would mess up ended screaming continued help ended crying feel horrible becoase awful kid justifacation mom drugs treat whole familly horibly feel like really end myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "school started cant really handle thingsthe reason havent killed becoase couldnt girlfriend would feel horrible loves soo much love her struggled depression since met her school started realize dont really friends also girlfriend moved away cant see anymore hour ago mom tried help prepae school got freaked touching stuff got today thought would mess up ended screaming continued help ended crying feel horrible becoase awful kid justifacation mom drugs treat whole familly horibly feel like really end myself" ]
escuela comenzó no puede manejar las cosas la razón por la que no han matado Becoase no podría novia se sentiría horrible amor mucho amor su depresión luchada desde conocer su escuela comenzó a darse cuenta no realmente amigos también novia se mudó lejos no puede ver más hace hora mamá intentó ayuda prepae escuela se asustó tocar cosas consiguió hoy pensé que sería un desastre terminó gritando ayuda continua terminó llorando sentir horrible becoase horrible niño justicia mamá drogas tratar toda familly horiblemente se siente como realmente fin yo mismo
rapunzel cute hey one else hair long soft
[ "rapunzel cute hey one else hair long soft" ]
Rapunzel lindo hey uno más pelo largo suave
oops dentist appointment hours sleep goodnightttt
[ "oops dentist appointment hours sleep goodnightttt" ]
oops dentista cita horas dormir buena nochett
guys believe class rings worth itwhy not im junior high school im considering getting class ring im sure theyre worth theyre charging singular ring
[ "guys believe class rings worth itwhy not im junior high school im considering getting class ring im sure theyre worth theyre charging singular ring" ]
Los chicos creen que los anillos de clase valen la pena ¿por qué no estoy en la escuela secundaria considerando conseguir el anillo de clase estoy seguro de que valen la pena están cargando anillo singular
become extremely difficult find good horror movie anymore thought movie good thrillerbr br could better production values kept going suspense twists real reservations seeing movie because cover afraid would excessively bloody gory wrongbr br although lot scary parts lot suspense drama toobr br the acting dead line better would expect micro budget horror flick characters believablebr br the movie really thrilling quite scary moments makes grab seat ending credits rollbr br because production values the sound good example
[ "become extremely difficult find good horror movie anymore thought movie good thrillerbr br could better production values kept going suspense twists real reservations seeing movie because cover afraid would excessively bloody gory wrongbr br although lot scary parts lot suspense drama toobr br the acting dead line better would expect micro budget horror flick characters believablebr br the movie really thrilling quite scary moments makes grab seat ending credits rollbr br because production values the sound good example" ]
se vuelven extremadamente difíciles encontrar una buena película de terror más pensamiento película buen thrillerbr br podría mejores valores de producción se mantuvo suspenso giros reales reservas ver película porque cubierta miedo demasiado sangriento gordería malbr br aunque muchas partes de miedo lote suspenso drama toobr br la línea muerta mejor esperaría micro presupuesto horror personajes de película believeablebr br la película realmente emocionante momentos bastante miedo hace agarrar asiento final créditos rollbr br porque la producción valora el sonido buen ejemplo
suicide note passengerthere rules obeyed standartsliving charade thy all real purpose save mentally ill ocd non responsive meds everday lose part identity constant fight beetween two spheres brain star dust ready fulfilled life go back everthing started love friend yamur mix passion love charity anything healthy enoughi love family matter lot tolerate daily melancholic suicidal depression obsessions sake them world rules grand scale justice purpose distract mind create illusion second forget exist yes exist must bad joke walking eventual death us day us suffer us happy distractionfor example girl loved texting ilove much without even seeing face voice yet know never meet touch ever top void calls me always dreamt jumping bosphurus bridge jumping look mu childhood photos family photos photos girl deeply fell love in want lose tarnish love call coward probably right anyway sleeping pills jumping bosphurus crystsl blue current choice maybe time would free dying misery become part eternal silence maybe revorn example another big bang maybe never knows maybe simulation th grade student real day universr cease exist availi want thanks reddit full nice also weird people people shows true selvesi love yamur foreverand family morn finally freein another life brothers bye die born nothing become nothing suicide note
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicide note passengerthere rules obeyed standartsliving charade thy all real purpose save mentally ill ocd non responsive meds everday lose part identity constant fight beetween two spheres brain star dust ready fulfilled life go back everthing started love friend yamur mix passion love charity anything healthy enoughi love family matter lot tolerate daily melancholic suicidal depression obsessions sake them world rules grand scale justice purpose distract mind create illusion second forget exist yes exist must bad joke walking eventual death us day us suffer us happy distractionfor example girl loved texting ilove much without even seeing face voice yet know never meet touch ever top void calls me always dreamt jumping bosphurus bridge jumping look mu childhood photos family photos photos girl deeply fell love in want lose tarnish love call coward probably right anyway sleeping pills jumping bosphurus crystsl blue current choice maybe time would free dying misery become part eternal silence maybe revorn example another big bang maybe never knows maybe simulation th grade student real day universr cease exist availi want thanks reddit full nice also weird people", "people shows true selvesi love yamur foreverand family morn finally freein another life brothers bye die born nothing become nothing suicide note" ]
nota de suicidio pasajero hay reglas obedecidas standarts living charada thy all real propósito salvo mentalmente enfermo ocd non responsive meds everday perder parte identidad lucha constante beetween dos esferas cerebro estrella polvo listo cumplido vida volver todo comenzado amor amigo yámur mix pasión amor caridad cualquier cosa saludable lo suficiente amor familia materia lote tolera diariamente melancólica depresión suicida obsesiones sake them mundo reglas gran escala justicia propósito distraer mente crear ilusión segundo olvidar existe sí existe debe broma mala caminar muerte eventual día nos sufrimos feliz distracciónpor ejemplo chica amaba mensajes de texto ilove mucho sin siquiera ver voz pero nunca conocer toque superior vacío llamadas siempre soñado salto bosphurus puente saltar mirada mu infancia fotos familia fotos fotos niña profundamente enamorado en el deseo perder amor empanado llamar cobarde probablemente derecho de todos modos dormir píldoras saltar bosphurus crystsl azul actual elección tal vez el tiempo liberaría muerte miseria convertirse en parte silencio eterno tal vez revorn ejemplo otro Big bang tal vez nunca sabe tal vez simulación grado estudiante real universr cesar existir aprovechar gracias reddit completa agradable también extraña gente extraña
im asking someone talk it need help convincing best friend faultits fault way convince not love her keeps breaking heart knows every area life gone dogs pushed past breaking point tonight swallowed pills im going send one last text know tell
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im asking someone talk it need help convincing best friend faultits fault way convince not love her keeps breaking heart knows every area life gone dogs pushed past breaking point tonight swallowed pills im going send one last text know tell" ]
Im pidiendo a alguien hablar que necesita ayuda convincente mejor amigo culpa su culpa manera convencer no amar ella sigue rompiendo el corazón sabe cada área de la vida se han ido perros empujado más allá de romper punto esta noche se tragó píldoras voy a enviar un último texto saber decir
life going nowhere friends care me feel like nothing burden familyi lowest ive ever felt right now plans four different friends today one returned phone call text odd occurrence feel like im ignored forgotten soon leave room dropped college earlier year handle pressure classes depression live home tell parent disappointed know fix it times happy im distracted something like movie work food one source income minimum wage job feel noticed appreciated think future see nothing think im alone killing myself many people give two shits want feel way help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life going nowhere friends care me feel like nothing burden familyi lowestive ever felt right now plans four different friends today one returned phone call text odd occurrence feel like im ignored forgotten soon leave room dropped college earlier year handle pressure classes depression live home tell parent disappointed know fix it times happy im distracted something like movie work food one source income minimum wage job feel noticed appreciated think future see nothing think im alone killing myself many people give two shits want feel way help me" ]
vida yendo a ninguna parte amigos cuidado me siento como nada carga familyi lowesive nunca sentiste ahora mismo planes cuatro diferentes amigos hoy una llamada telefónica devuelto texto extraña ocurrencia se siente como yo ignorado pronto dejar la habitación caída universidad hace un año manejar clases de presión depresión vivir casa decirle a los padres decepcionados saber arreglar veces feliz distraído algo como cine trabajo comida una fuente ingresos salario mínimo trabajo se notan apreciado pensar futuro ver nada pensar im solo matarme a mí misma mucha gente da dos mierdas quieren sentir la manera de ayudarme
ask trans girl questions unless jest thou look no pity thy thought perhaps
[ "ask trans girl questions unless jest thou look no pity thy thought perhaps" ]
Haz preguntas de chica trans a menos que no mires con lástima tu pensamiento, tal vez.
using sub diary part hello scrolling new guy nice meet you nice day anyway today bit productive started working birthay gift friend sadly remembered moment drawings suck well either nothing next days try best make acceptable school begins tomorrow bit productive again teachers really handle whole lockdown situation quite questionably fuck life guess wake tomorrow posts made much earlier also means less likely anyone sees this happen see though thanks stopping by good night reddit
[ "using sub diary part hello scrolling new guy nice meet you nice day anyway today bit productive started working birthay gift friend sadly remembered moment drawings suck well either nothing next days try best make acceptable school begins tomorrow bit productive again teachers really handle whole lockdown situation quite questionably fuck life guess wake tomorrow posts made much earlier also means less likely anyone sees this happen see though thanks stopping by good night reddit" ]
usando sub diario parte hola scrolling nuevo chico agradable conocerte buen día de todos modos hoy poco productivo comenzó a trabajar Birzay regalo amigo tristemente recordado momento dibujos chupar bien o nada los próximos días tratar mejor hacer escuela aceptable comienza mañana poco productivo de nuevo los profesores realmente manejar toda la situación de bloqueo bastante cuestionable mierda vida adivinar despertar mañana postes hechos mucho antes también significa menos probable que alguien ve esto sucede ver aunque gracias parar por buena noche reddit
guys freaking right now new season pixel gun d scp themed one skins logo back new pet scp
[ "guys freaking right now new season pixel gun d scp themed one skins logo back new pet scp" ]
chicos enloqueciendo en este momento nueva temporada pixel gun d scp temated un skins logo volver nueva mascota scp
feeling completely worthless pointless rantingthe anxiety getting worse worse year goes on barely talk anyone anymore phone calls always impossible cant go doctor therapist help cant call them supposed call someone apartment finally better place obviously never really going happen redflag text helpline useless get empty platitudes go walk yeah thats gonna solve shitty personality men loved abusive assholes second one told jump front train since everyone would better off didnt say it already knew actually fucking miss despite ripping heart out need help dont know get im useless theres nothing inside me im incapable taking care myself worst kid feel like late actually kill now im forced stay suffering forever him cant break heart like that thank god good dad lord knows cant take good care him im failure every aspect life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling completely worthless pointless rantingthe anxiety getting worse worse year goes on barely talk anyone anymore phone calls always impossible cant go doctor therapist help cant call them supposed call someone apartment finally better place obviously never really going happen redflag text helpline useless get empty platitudes go walkyeah thats gonna solve shitty personality men loved abusive assholes second one told jump front train since everyone would better off didnt say it already knew actually fucking miss despite ripping heart out need help dont know get im useless theres nothing inside meim incapable taking care myself worst kid feel like late actually kill now im forced stay suffering forever him cant break heart like that thank god good dad lord knows cant take good care himim failure every aspect life" ]
Sentirse completamente inútil despotricando sin sentido la ansiedad empeorando año pasa apenas hablar nadie más llamadas telefónicas siempre imposible ir doctor terapeuta ayuda no les puede llamar supuesto llamar a alguien apartamento finalmente mejor lugar obviamente nunca realmente va a suceder redflag texto ayuda inútil conseguir vacías tópicos ir walkyeah que va a resolver mierda personalidad los hombres amaban imbéciles abusivos segundo uno le dijo saltar tren delantero ya que todo el mundo mejor no dijo que ya sabía que en realidad señorita a pesar de arrancar el corazón fuera de necesidad ayuda no sé conseguir im inútil nada dentro de meim incapaz de cuidar de mí mismo peor niño se siente como tarde en realidad matar ahora im forzado quedarse sufriendo para siempre él no puede romper el corazón como que gracias a Dios buen padre señor sabe no puede tener buen cuidado de él fallo cada aspecto de la vida
emotional support time im girl therapist try help need it information distributed ill give honest point view ill even try give advice also im help avoid problems
[ "emotional support time im girl therapist try help need it information distributed ill give honest point view ill even try give advice alsoim help avoid problems" ]
tiempo de apoyo emocional im chica terapeuta tratar de ayudar a necesitar la información distribuida mal dar punto de vista honesto mal incluso tratar de dar consejos tambiénim ayudar a evitar problemas
even like watching late night talk shows found one really interesting imagine probably close truthit feels like honest account means anything kinda feel people somewhat watch it nice movie saturday night
[ "even like watching late night talk shows found one really interesting imagine probably close truthit feels like honest account means anything kinda feel people somewhat watch it nice movie saturday night" ]
incluso como ver programas de charla nocturnos encontrados uno realmente interesante imagine probablemente cerca de la verdad se siente como cuenta honesta significa cualquier cosa como sentir a la gente de alguna manera ver una película agradable sábado por la noche
update yesterdays post da post httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentskqyi_managed_to_do_something_big_epicutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf fuck saw astolfo internet said no also thinks big gay
[ "update yesterdays post da post httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentskqyi_managed_to_do_something_big_epicutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf fuck saw astolfo internet said no also thinks big gay" ]
actualización ayer post da post httpswwwredditcomnteenagerscommentskqyi_administrated_to_do_something_big_epicutm_sourceshareamputm_mediumios_appamputm_nameiossmf mierda vio astolfo internet dijo que no también piensa gay grande
caught movie ifc enjoyed it although felt like editing job little rough though may deliberate little bit hard time figuring going first seemed going little bit pulp fictionstyle nonlinear plot presentation seemed little forced though certainly think movie worth watching think could used little cleaning up scenes seem make sense others br br im surprised see rating low is outstanding really serious problems gave movie show least laurence fishburne act wants to must told matrix movies
[ "caught movie ifc enjoyed it although felt like editing job little rough though may deliberate little bit hard time figuring going first seemed going little bit pulp fictionstyle nonlinear plot presentation seemed little forced though certainly think movie worth watching think could used little cleaning up scenes seem make sense others br br im surprised see rating low is outstanding really serious problems gave movie show least laurence fishburne act wants to must told matrix movies" ]
película capturada ifc lo disfrutó aunque se sentía como trabajo de edición poco áspera aunque puede deliberar poco tiempo difícil imaginar primero parecía ir poco pulp ficción estilo no lineal presentación trama parecía poco forzado aunque ciertamente pensar película vale la pena ver pensar podría utilizar poco limpieza escenas parecen tener sentido otros br br im sorprendido ver la calificación baja es excepcional problemas muy graves dio película show menos laurence fishburne acto quiere tener que decir Matrix películas
ok ive hours need stay another fix sleep schedule d idk it touch bed fall asleep dont wanna anything especially hw
[ "ok ive hours need stayanother fix sleep schedule didk it touch bed fall asleep dont wanna anything especially hw" ]
ok las horas de vida necesitan quedarseotro horario de sueño arreglada toqué la cama dormir no quiero nada especialmente hw
american exposed character before good disappointed nothing compare to found enjoyment mindless idiot humor american teen movies although slightly similar type humor stop laughing hardly ever laugh loud movie usually movie funny parts me movie funny start finish disappointment over im actually going buy dvd find it
[ "american exposed character before good disappointed nothing compare to found enjoyment mindless idiot humor american teen movies although slightly similar type humor stop laughing hardly ever laugh loud movie usually movie funny parts me movie funny start finish disappointment over im actually going buy dvd find it" ]
american exhibited character before good defrauded nothing compare to find disfrute descreen idiota humor americano adolescente películas aunque ligeramente similar tipo humor dejar de reírse casi nunca reír película fuerte película por lo general película divertida partes me película divertido empezar a decepción terminar sobre mí realmente va a comprar dvd encontrar
saying opinions random movie get girlfriend day honestly even though stark unlikeable times way many things going in still liked iron man much original
[ "saying opinions random movie get girlfriend day honestly even though stark unlikeable times way many things going in still liked iron man much original" ]
diciendo opiniones película al azar conseguir novia día honestamente a pesar de tiempos difíciles diferentes manera muchas cosas que van en todavía le gustaba hierro hombre mucho original
know much longer thisim aleady ussues alcohol like parents im drunk right now im drunk much often thing makes ok im fucking disappointment
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know much longer thisim aleady ussues alcohol like parents im drunkright now im drunk much often thing makes ok im fucking disappointment" ]
Sé que por mucho más tiempo esto nos da alcohol como padres estoy borracho ahora mismo estoy borracho mucho a menudo hace bien mi puta decepción
heart cant handle anymorethe loneliness ive lonely entire life im almost late twenties cant take anymore everything try never enough theres whole side human experience ill never get experience many people able understand this extremely rare imagine constantly observer peoples relationships never wanted never able experience intimacy hell ive done everything improve myself never enough im ready dieif heart could literally break sadness loneliness thats occurring me cant take anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "heart cant handle anymorethe loneliness ive lonely entire life im almost late twenties cant take anymore everything try never enough theres whole side human experience ill never get experience many people able understand this extremely rare imagine constantly observer peoples relationships never wanted never able experience intimacy hellive done everything improve myself never enough im ready dieif heart could literally break sadness loneliness thats occurring me cant take anymore" ]
corazón no puede manejar más la soledad live solitario vida entera im casi 20 años no puede soportar más todo tratar nunca lo suficiente Theres todo lado la experiencia humana enferma nunca obtener experiencia mucha gente capaz de entender esta extremadamente rara imaginar constantemente observador personas relaciones nunca quiso nunca capaz experiencia intimidad infierno hecho todo mejorar nunca lo suficiente im listo morir si el corazón podría literalmente romper la tristeza soledad que me ocurre no puedo soportar más
health class fuck homework conversation parents teen relationships premarital sexabstinence record answers why dont get needs happen teacher reason sre taught everything go talk parents fml dont wanna this
[ "health class fuck homework conversation parents teen relationships premarital sexabstinence record answers why dont get needs happen teacher reason sre taught everything go talk parents fml dont wanna this" ]
clase de salud mierda tarea conversación padres relaciones adolescentes sexoabstinencia prematrimonial respuestas registro por qué no obtener necesidades pasar profesor razón sre enseñó todo ir hablar padres fml no quieren esto
passively suicidali dont plans end life dont courage im huge wuss paindiscomfort feel like found cancer fatal disease wouldnt care got accident came would feel relief kind want die dont want one end it anyone relate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "passively suicidali dont plans end life dont courage im huge wuss paindiscomfort feel like found cancer fatal disease wouldnt care got accident came would feel relief kind want die dont want one end it anyone relate" ]
pasivo suicidai no planes fin de la vida no valor im enorme wuss dolor malestar sentir como encontrado cáncer enfermedad fatal no le importa tener accidente llegado sentir alivio tipo quieren morir no quiero un fin que cualquiera se relaciona
totally surprised good movie actually first saw mildly amused must say however still disappointed donald oconnor given bigger better role enormous talentbr br there great chemistry among main cast members matthau never funnierbr br i tremendously glad picture got made get see lemmon matthau team last time vehicle puts talent great use brent spiner proves data star trek next geeration good character playbr br the storyline really quite simple comedy characters work really well laughed heartily throughout movie highly recommend it
[ "totally surprised good movie actually first saw mildly amused must say however still disappointed donald oconnor given bigger better role enormous talentbr br there great chemistry among main cast members matthau never funnierbr br i tremendously glad picture got made get see lemmon matthau team last time vehicle puts talent great use brent spiner proves data star trek next geeration good character playbr br the storyline really quite simple comedy characters work really well laughed heartily throughout movie highly recommend it" ]
totalmente sorprendido buena película en realidad vio por primera vez ligeramente divertido debe decir sin embargo todavía decepcionado donald oconnor dado mayor mejor papel enorme talentobr br allí gran química entre los miembros principales del elenco matthau nunca funnierbr br i tremendamente alegre foto se hizo conseguir ver equipo lemmon matthau la última vez que el vehículo pone el talento gran uso brent spiner prueba data star trek siguiente geración buen personaje playbr br la historia realmente bastante simples personajes de comedia trabajan muy bien reídos a lo largo de la película muy recomendable
itwhats purpose go school get job get wife kids grow old die death catches us matter amazing life live ive suicidal thoughts since like im senior year college least another ahead grad school want pediatric occupational therapy work special needs population whats fucking point family friends dropping left right healthiest people know getting cancer scummiest dwellers continue succeed really see purpose life anymore whole life ive pushed idea away family would heartbroken fuck cares anymore selfish act theres little ones home theyd get it work go numerous times week live fulfilled life seems utterly pointless maybe im missing something here many honestly say waste time energy look stars night helps realize fucking irrelevant one us bigger picture
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "itwhats purpose go school get job get wife kids grow old die death catches us matter amazing life live ive suicidal thoughts since like im senior year college least another ahead grad school want pediatric occupational therapy work special needs population whats fucking point family friends dropping left right healthiest people know getting cancer scummiest dwellers continue succeed really see purpose life anymore whole life ive pushed idea away family would heartbroken fuck cares anymore selfish act theres little ones home theyd get it work go numerous times week live fulfilled life seems utterly pointless maybe im missing something here many honestly say waste time energy look stars night helps realize fucking irrelevant one us bigger picture" ]
itwhats propósito ir a la escuela conseguir trabajo conseguir esposa hijos envejecer muerte nos atrapa materia vida increíble vivir pensamientos suicidas, ya que como im último año de la universidad menos otra escuela de posgrado por delante quieren terapia ocupacional pediátrica trabajo necesidades especiales población lo que carajo punto amigos familia dejar izquierda derecha personas más sanas saben tener cáncer habitantes más sucios siguen teniendo éxito realmente ver vida de propósito más vida entera ive idea alejada familia corazón roto mierda más egoístas actos más allá de los pequeños en casa conseguirían trabajo ir numerosas veces semana vida cumplida vida parece absolutamente inútil tal vez faltar algo aquí muchos honestamente decir pérdida de tiempo luz estrellas noche ayuda a darse cuenta de mierda irrelevante uno de nosotros imagen más grande
anyone san antonio want chillsome fucks work obliterated emotions tonight make worse work considering harrassment persay first time life get invited bar drink coworker whove ive grown like were leave ducks bathroom piss decide too enter coworker stall taking shit talking shit guy neither notice standing right there first guy calls creep accusses killing dog convinces guy invited ditch lying bar were going go somewhere else instead finishes shit exits notices me thing says well im going sugarcoat it whatever fuck means hes never expressed displeasure me caught talking shit making pretty bad rumour hit pretty hard since give dog recently save money also coming back houston people stayed went logs caught them lied explaining themselves called out actually bitched not giving enough info even though bought groceries open book failed ask anything oh yeah bitch reditor use dog thread asked advice investing house im fucking crushed want good friend here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone san antonio want chillsome fucks work obliterated emotions tonight make worse work considering harrassment persay first time life get invited bar drink coworker whove ive grown like were leave ducks bathroom piss decide too enter coworker stall taking shit talking shit guy neither notice standing right there first guy calls creep accusses killing dog convinces guy invited ditch lying bar were going go somewhere else instead finishes shit exits notices me thing says well im going sugarcoatitwhatever fuck means hes never expressed displeasure me caught talking shit making pretty bad rumour hit pretty hard since give dog recently save money also coming back houston people stayed went logs caught them lied explaining themselves called out actually bitched not giving enough info even though bought groceries open book failed ask anythingoh yeah bitch reditor use dog thread asked advice investing house im fucking crushed want good friend here" ]
Alguien san antonio quiere chillsome folla trabajo borradas emociones esta noche peor trabajo considerando acoso persay primera vez la vida consigue invitado bar bebida coworker que ha crecido como eran dejar patos baño orina decidir también entrar coworker puesto tomando mierda hablando mierda chico ni aviso de pie derecho allí primer chico llamadas rastrero acusses matar perro convence chico invitado zanja mentira bar iban a ir a algún otro lugar en lugar termina mierda salidas me notes cosa dice bien im va azucar coatitwhatwever mierda significa que nunca se expresó disgusto me atrapados hablando mierda haciendo bastante mal rumor golpeó bastante duro ya que dar perro recientemente ahorrar dinero también volverhouston la gente se quedó troncos atrapados mentira explicando ellos mismos llamados realmente perra no dar suficiente información a pesar de comprar comestibles libro abierto falló preguntar cualquier cosaoh y sí perra reditor uso perro hilo pidió consejo inversión casa im mierda aplastado quieren buen amigo aquí
depressed several years ago thought ok seems come backlong story short fucked youth scarred pretty badly got shit together thought right track this years ago however lately past months so feeling horrible back point suicidal thoughts cannot talk people problems matter hard try tried several psychiatrists etc hate job get recognition anything do hours exhausting see change future applied several jobs reply qualified finance wise stuff going shitter well surprise costs makes savings like bucket hole it last euros moment luckily girlfriend but stupid know wrong dick towards her means well frustrations get irritated work her relationship tense weird thoughts dumping click anymore crying im alone thought leave sooner later nobody friends only drinking buddies family non existing due problemsissues first sentence feel lonely lot even though like alone really know going post apologies possible mistakes english first language sort weird back phase killing scare calms sort way knowing could end miserybe peace one little act
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depressed several years ago thought ok seems come backlong story short fucked youth scarred pretty badly got shit together thought right track this years ago however lately past months so feeling horrible back point suicidal thoughts cannot talk people problems matter hard try tried several psychiatrists etc hate job get recognition anything do hours exhausting see change future applied several jobs reply qualified finance wise stuff going shitter well surprise costs makes savings like bucket hole it last euros moment luckily girlfriend but stupid know wrong dick towards her means well frustrations get irritated work her relationship tense weird thoughts dumping click anymore crying im alone thought leave sooner later nobody friends only drinking buddies family non existing due problemsissues first sentence feel lonely lot even though like alone really know going post apologies possible mistakes english first language sort weird back phase killing scare calms sort way knowing could end miserybe peace one little act" ]
Deprimido hace varios años pensó ok parece volver atrás historia corta follada joven cicatrizado bastante mal consiguió mierda juntos pensamiento correcto este año hace años sin embargo últimamente meses pasados tan sentirse horrible back point pensamientos suicidas no pueden hablar de la gente problemas importa duro intentar probado varios psiquiatras etc odio trabajo conseguir reconocimiento cualquier cosa do horas agotador ver cambio futuro aplicar varios empleos respuesta finanzas calificados sabias cosas va mierda bien sorpresa costes hace ahorros como cubo agujero lo último euro momento afortunadamente novia pero estúpido saber mal polla hacia ella significa bien frustraciones conseguir irritado trabajo su relación tenso pensamientos extraños vertido clic más llanto solo pensamiento dejar más tarde nadie amigos sólo amigos beber familia no existentes problemas debidos problemas problemas primera frase se sienten solitarios a pesar de que como solo realmente saben ir post disculpas posibles errores Inglés tipo extraño fase posterior matar calmas clase saber podría terminar miseriabe paz un pequeño acto
bruh answered textscalls ex miss bad fjciixsomednf fine help
[ "bruh answered textscalls ex miss bad fjciixsomednf fine help" ]
bruh respondió a textscalls ex miss bad fjciixsomednf buena ayuda
first saw film seven years old completely enchanted years unable find film called twenty one stumbled upon film accident two weeks ago bought copy although memory film little hazy way disappointed saw animation film superb conjuring entire world believable well animated drawn film alone film also plot enchant entertain adults children alike floating island mad general friendly pirate granny well constructed love story film let would recommend film one
[ "first saw film seven years old completely enchanted years unable find film called twenty one stumbled upon film accident two weeks ago bought copy although memory film little hazy way disappointed saw animation film superb conjuring entire world believable well animated drawn film alone film also plot enchant entertain adults children alike floating island mad general friendly pirate granny well constructed love story film let would recommend film one" ]
película vista por primera vez siete años de edad completamente encantado años incapaz de encontrar película llamada veintiuno tropezó con un accidente de película hace dos semanas compró copia aunque película de memoria poco vaga manera decepcionado vio película de animación magnífica conjurar mundo entero creíble película bien animada dibujada solo película también trama encantar entretener a los niños adultos por igual isla flotante loco general pirata abuela bien construido historia de amor película le recomendaría película uno
usmy friend wants die cant help her want die wont talk me friend trying balance us making two us feel worthless us want die question wholl crack first
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "usmy friend wants die cant help her want die wont talk me friend trying balance us making two us feel worthless us want die question wholl crack first" ]
mi amigo quiere morir no puede ayudarla a morir no quiere hablarme amigo tratando de equilibrarnos haciendo que dos nos sintamos inútiles queremos morir pregunta puta crack primero
kinda feel terrible born later like idk anyone else really weird think everything im gonna miss ill either dead old enjoy amazing technologies well develop colonization mars crazy virtual reality kinda wish born even later feeling like im getting old lel
[ "kinda feel terrible born later like idk anyone else really weird think everything im gonna miss ill either dead old enjoy amazing technologies well develop colonization mars crazy virtual reality kinda wish born even later feeling like im getting old lel" ]
me siento terrible nacido más tarde como idk alguien más realmente raro pensar todo im va a perderse mal ya sea viejo muerto disfrutar de tecnologías increíbles bien desarrollar la colonización mars loca realidad virtual un poco deseo nacido incluso más tarde sentir como im conseguir viejo lel
cant give start ya bestselling teenage rebellion
[ "cant give start ya bestselling teenage rebellion" ]
no puedo dar comienzo ya bestseller adolescente rebelión
best way stop feelinghi ive suicidal roughly years hospitalized times since last visit actively trying improve genuinely started feel better shit hit fan life past several months ive feeling depressed suicidal sleeping become difficult lay bed sudden wave holy fuck need hits me deep dont want act thoughts want stop ive tried medication past made feel worse advice stop feeling constantly wanting drive car bridge thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "best way stop feelinghi ive suicidal roughly years hospitalized times since last visit actively trying improve genuinely started feel better shit hit fan life past several months ive feeling depressed suicidal sleeping become difficult lay bed sudden wave holy fuck need hits me deep dont want act thoughts want stop ive tried medication past made feel worse advice stop feeling constantly wanting drive car bridge thanks" ]
mejor manera de dejar de sentihi ive suicida años más o menos hospitalizados desde la última visita activamente tratando de mejorar realmente comenzó a sentirse mejor mierda golpeó vida del ventilador más o menos meses ive sentite deprimido suicida dormir convertirse en difícil lecho súbito ola santa mierda necesidad me golpea profundo no quiero actos pensamientos quieren detener ive probado medicación pasado hecho sentir peor consejo dejar de sentir constantemente querer conducir coche puente gracias
know fightin freak knuckles were pumpkin ready
[ "know fightin freak knuckles were pumpkin ready" ]
Sé que la pelea en los nudillos raros estaban preparados para calabazas.
two hollywoods great child stars elizabeth taylor mickey rooney perfectly teamed deliver one alltime family classics story determined year old girl whose adoration horses allow turn away goal win british nationals mickey rooney newly orphaned drifter looking tie follow dreamsbr br a beautiful side plot reveals girls mother ambitions young girl repeatedly overruling fathers decisions favor spirited daughter mother seems know best scene exhausted taylor rushes go school priceless father protests why let go school shell drop exhaustion noon worry shed back within half hour saturday brilliant technicolor sumptuous music score beautiful faces telling bittersweet story heres good reason old saying makem like anymore
[ "two hollywoods great child stars elizabeth taylor mickey rooney perfectly teamed deliver one alltime family classics story determined year old girl whose adoration horses allow turn away goal win british nationals mickey rooney newly orphaned drifter looking tie follow dreamsbr br a beautiful side plot reveals girls mother ambitions young girl repeatedly overruling fathers decisions favor spirited daughter mother seems know best scene exhausted taylor rushes go school priceless father protests why let go school shell drop exhaustion noon worry shed back within half hour saturday brilliant technicolor sumptuous music score beautiful faces telling bittersweet story heres good reason old saying makem like anymore" ]
dos hollywoods grandes niños estrellas elizabeth taylor mickey rooney perfectamente equipo entregar una historia clásica de la familia de todos los tiempos determinada año niña cuyos caballos de adoración permiten dar la vuelta gol ganar británicos nacionales mickey rooney recién huérfano drifter looking tie seguir sueñosbr br una hermosa parcela lateral revela niñas madre ambiciones joven chica repetidamente dominante padres decisiones favor de espíritu hija madre parece saber mejor escena agotados corridas taylor ir escuela padres protestas sin precio por qué dejar ir escuela cáscara gota agotamiento mediodía preocupación derramar de vuelta dentro de media hora saturday brillante tecnicolor suntuosa partitura hermosa caras contar historia agridulce aquí buena razón viejo decir hacer como más
teacher rold believe problems always helping others happyi overdue important papers school wrote school counseling struggles thoughts message shared everyone school parents later oral exam french done person online lessons teacher like you like find want get back home talk people like really sorry hear mental health problems hard believe it teachers like come from always seem happy helping others problems around school even noticed one talks foundation students like really talk talk people let talk problems get lost little world really say anything myself present sad around people try help me give fake empathy kinda role started exam
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "teacher rold believe problems always helping others happyi overdue important papers school wrote school counseling struggles thoughts message shared everyone school parents later oral exam french done person online lessons teacher like you like find want get back home talk people like really sorry hear mental health problems hard believe it teachers like come from always seem happy helping others problems around school even noticed one talks foundation students like really talk talkpeople let talk problems get lost little world really say anything myself present sad around people try help me give fake empathy kinda role started exam" ]
profesor rold creer problemas siempre ayudar a otros happyi atrasado importantes documentos escuela escribió escuela consejería pensamientos mensaje compartido todos los padres de la escuela más tarde examen oral francés hecho persona lecciones en línea profesor como te gusta encontrar quieren volver a casa hablar gente como realmente lo siento escuchar problemas de salud mental difícil creer que los profesores como venir de siempre parecen felices ayudar a otros problemas alrededor de la escuela incluso se dio cuenta de una charlas estudiantes de la fundación como realmente hablar personas dejar hablar problemas perderse mundo muy decir todo lo que yo presente triste alrededor de la gente tratar de ayudarme a dar falsa empatía papel comenzó examen
redflag hotlines garbagefor first time life used crisis center fucking joke is parrot emotions back like talking robot you seem frustrated im sensing lot anger so feel burden never using shit again im better deed bad im already drunk home alone would go drive train tracks wanna kill anyone else driving
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag hotlines garbagefor first time life used crisis center fucking joke is parrot emotions back like talking robot you seem frustrated im sensing lot anger so feel burden never using shit again im better deed badim already drunk home alone would go drive train tracks wanna kill anyone else driving" ]
Redflag líneas directas basura por primera vez la vida utilizada centro de crisis puta broma es emociones de loro volver como robot hablando parece frustrado im sentir mucha ira así que sentir carga nunca usar mierda de nuevo im mejor acción bádim ya borracho a casa solo iría conducir vías de tren querer matar a nadie conducir
cant handle itlet start saying im going hurt every time im feeling overwhelmed mind goes straight wanting myself wont it ive got much going it even slightest bit overwhelmed cant help start suicidal thoughts want stop dont know how cant even bring therapist ive got kids theyll report it itll turn problems need stop please help dont really want it seems like brain thinks answer problems
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant handle itlet start saying im going hurt every time im feeling overwhelmed mind goes straight wanting myself wont it ive got much going it even slightest bit overwhelmed cant help start suicidal thoughts want stop dont know how cant even bring therapist ive got kids theyll report it itll turn problems need stop please help dont really want it seems like brain thinks answer problems" ]
No puedo manejarlo empezar a decir que voy a doler cada vez que me siento abrumada la mente va derecho quererme a mí mismo no voy a tener mucho ir ni siquiera un poco abrumado no puedo ayudar a empezar pensamientos suicidas quiero dejar de no saber cómo no puedo incluso traer terapeuta Ive niños van a informar que va a dar vuelta problemas necesidad parada por favor ayuda no quiero realmente parece que el cerebro piensa problemas de respuesta
really need friendi bpd course months ive gotten heart broken lost jobs dropped credit classes hospital got cut mother sister ive thought giving never follow dream family child specifically right im debating abandoning car walking natural selection think help help please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really need friendi bpd course months ive gotten heart broken lost jobs dropped credit classes hospital got cut mother sister ive thought giving never follow dream family childspecifically right im debating abandoning car walking natural selection think help help please" ]
realmente necesito amigo bpd curso meses ive consiguió corazón roto trabajos perdidos caídas clases de crédito hospital se cortó madre hermana ive pensamiento dar nunca seguir sueño familia niño específicamente derecho im debate abandonar coche caminar selección natural pensar ayuda ayuda por favor
wanted say nice day stay hydrated check friends case hear last time friendly reminder you guys gals nonbinary pals
[ "wanted say nice day stay hydrated check friends case hear last time friendly reminder you guys gals nonbinary pals" ]
quería decir buen día estancia hidratado cheque amigos caso escuchar la última vez amistoso recordatorio ustedes chicas amigos no binarios
feel worthless hated everyonein reality two friends talking rare rest people know me thinking weird poor not people tells satanist go church try make angry later tell aggressive hobby panic disorder might get panic attack day reasons live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel worthless hated everyonein reality two friends talking rare rest people know me thinking weird poor not people tells satanist go church try make angry later tell aggressive hobby panic disorder might get panic attack day reasons live" ]
No vale la pena odiar a todo el mundo en realidad dos amigos hablando de descanso raro la gente me conoce pensando raro pobre no la gente le dice a satanista ir a la iglesia tratar de enojarse más tarde decir agresivo hobby trastorno de pánico podría conseguir ataque de pánico razones en vivo
m turning soon delete nudes girls eyes fucking weird post also typed phone theres probably spelling errors also forgive weird name made quick account ask questions ap exams shit online site actually seemed aight kept it basically gathered bunch nudes girls high school im still high school im senior year dont really know originally started collected turned competition friends far ish nudes friends arent arent deleting dont wanna delete cuz kinda holds sentimental value difficulty keeping sent principal every week checking phone friends send different phones make multiple snapchat accounts drugs issue tho dumbass friends kept pics weed dab pens dorm room im boarding school anyways dont even like jack anything like cuz competition go fuck ton shit these also like chad move kind know also got consentually like others came friends became competition in total definitely also arent different girls pic girls might know im gonna get downvoted shit ton cuz seems like fucked thing normal person fair is want advice someone isnt friend group wouldnt judgmental
[ "m turning soon delete nudes girls eyes fucking weird post also typed phone theres probably spelling errors also forgive weird name made quick account ask questions ap exams shit online site actually seemed aight kept it basically gathered bunch nudes girls high schoolim still high school im senior year dont really know originally started collected turned competition friends far ish nudes friends arent arent deleting dont wanna delete cuz kinda holds sentimental value difficulty keeping sent principal every week checking phone friends send different phones make multiple snapchat accounts drugs issue tho dumbass friends kept pics weed dab pens dorm room im boarding school anyways dont even like jack anything like cuz competition go fuck ton shit these also like chad move kind know also got consentually like others came friends became competition in total definitely also arent different girls pic girls might know im gonna get downvoted shit ton cuz seems like fucked thing normal person fair is want advice someone isnt friend group wouldnt judgmental" ]
m girar pronto eliminar desnudos chicas ojos mierda extraño post también tecleo teléfono Theres probablemente errores de ortografía también perdonar nombre raro hecho cuenta rápida hacer preguntas ap exámenes mierda sitio en línea realmente parecía correcto mantenerlo básicamente reunido grupo desnudos niñas secundaria escuela todavía secundaria im último año no sé originalmente comenzó recogidos convertido amigos de la competencia lejos ish desnudos amigos arent arent borrar no quiere eliminar cuz tipo tiene problemas de valor sentimental mantener director cada semana chequeo teléfono amigos enviar diferentes teléfonos hacer varias cuentas snapchat drogas problema tho tontos amigos guardar fotos tho hierba pens dorm room im internado escuela de todos modos no le gusta jack cualquier cosa como cuz competencia ir mierda ton mierda estos también como chad movimiento amable saber también consiguió consentual como otros amigos vinieron se convirtió en competencia en total definitivamente diferentes chicas pic niñas puede saber im va a conseguir downvoted thing ton cuz parece como follada cosa normal persona justa es querer consejo alguien es un amigo grupo de amigos wouldt juiciol
im ending tuesdayeveryone subreddit suffered alot me ive read stories abuse abandonment etc makes feel weak shitty reasons life ive happy child genuinely times parents suffered severe eczema toddler years old despite bullying ew ugly boy remarks pretty girls school fact bottom classes genuinely stupid everything seemed fine however recent years ive pushed edge developed bad anxiety hate meeting anybody even family live with it never know stand sit talk look point worth going effort anyone all got point began hallucinate auditory visual fears hid years im wierd af avoid bullying knew would emerge hid aspects created boring teenage character talk avoid mistakes hung losers school avoid get attention others listened rap others did existential crap started happening began realise life whole point meaning whatsoever let alone individual stupid little person im things getting even worse earlier parents found cutting myself freaked out mum got pissed beyond imagination ended getting help psychologists psychiatrists thought would change me would come completely fine didnt even expensive highly recommended psychologist help somehow avoid wasting parents money put happy face pretended got better stop treatment major exams coming revised shit ive sat home played video games constantly broke crying skipped necessary work day even somehow manage stumble past exams good grades future interests know barely take hour work let alone required levels let alone work whole life im bit pathetic really asked hobbies are thing say playing video games forget world means escape lie people want engineer doctor shut up ive tried getting interested topics good always end thinking useless cant bothered research anything make worse go private school everyone around achieves really high parents im always failure top know im monster ive never helped anybody mum dad love bits still snap everyday lie time internal frustration im pretty sure dad aspergers infact kinda obvious selfish evil upmost despicable thing me hate him hate hes different wierd hate fact genes within hate fact married mum made life miserable forced born whenever try communicate friends end toxic never bother talking anymore never get girlfriend want one know ill ruin life much ive ruined own lived till long afraid afterlife religion forced upon sense leave grew older fear the punishment redflag always stopped me im longer pussy end hell it deserve anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im ending tuesdayeveryone subreddit suffered alot meive read stories abuse abandonment etc makes feel weak shitty reasons life ive happy child genuinely times parents suffered severe eczema toddler years old despite bullying ew ugly boy remarks pretty girls school fact bottom classes genuinely stupid everything seemed fine however recent years ive pushed edge developed bad anxiety hate meeting anybody even family live with it never know stand sit talk look point worth going effort anyone all got point began hallucinate auditory visual fears hid years im wierd af avoid bullying knew would emerge hid aspects created boring teenage character talk avoid mistakes hung losers school avoid get attention others listened rap others did existential crap started happening began realise life whole point meaning whatsoever let alone individual stupid little person", "im things getting even worse earlier parents found cutting myself freaked out mum got pissed beyond imagination ended getting help psychologists psychiatrists thought would change me would come completely fine didnt even expensive highly recommended psychologist help somehow avoid wasting parents money put happy face pretended got better stop treatment major exams coming revised shit ive sat home played video games constantly broke crying skipped necessary work day even somehow manage stumble past exams good grades future interests know barely take hour work let alone required levels let alone work whole life im bit pathetic really asked hobbies are thing say playing video games forget world means escape lie people want engineer doctor shut up ive tried getting interested topics good always end thinking useless cant bothered research anything make worse go private school everyone around achieves really high parents im always failure top knowim monsterive never helped anybody mum dad love bits still snap everyday lie time", "internal frustration im pretty sure dad aspergers infact kinda obvious selfish evil upmost despicable thing me hate him hate hes different wierd hate fact genes within hate fact married mum made life miserable forced born whenever try communicate friends end toxic never bother talking anymore never get girlfriend want one know ill ruin life much ive ruined own lived till long afraid afterlife religion forced upon sense leave grew older fear the punishment redflag always stopped me im longer pussy endhellit deserve anyways" ]
I finaling martes todos los subredit sufrieron mucho meive leer historias abuso abandono etc hace sentir débil mierda razones vida vida feliz niño genuina veces los padres sufrieron severo eczema niño años a pesar de bullying ew feo niño comentarios chicas guapas escuela hecho clases inferiores realmente estúpido todo parecía bien sin embargo los últimos años ive empujoned borde desarrollado mala ansiedad odio conocer a nadie incluso la familia vivir con él nunca saben stand sit talk look punto vale la pena ir esfuerzo nadie todos tienen punto comenzó alucinar miedos visuales escondió años im wierd af evitar bullying sabía surgir aspectos ocultos creados aburridos conversación personaje adolescente evita errores ahorcados perdedores escuela evitar llamar la atención otros escuchaban rap otros hicieron existencia basura existencial comenzó a darse cuenta de la vida todo el punto significado de cualquier manera, mucho menos individuo estúpido pequeña persona
emotional person feel may need talking about mredflag answer something reminding myself problem something remind myself posted got great advice feel maybe address correct issue alive seeming enticing like work school never liked school know nothing anything usless material like video games magic gathering know ky family loves religion really esqued thinking how know love something must grant everyone let religion control without it know am tried discover avail ranting now need help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "emotional person feel may need talking about mredflag answer something reminding myself problem something remind myself posted got great advice feel maybe address correct issue alive seeming enticing like work school never liked school know nothing anything usless material like video games magic gathering know ky family loves religion really esqued thinking how know love something must grant everyone let religion control without it know am tried discover avail ranting now need help" ]
persona emocional sensación puede necesitar hablar de mredflag respuesta algo recordándome a mí mismo problema algo recordar a mí mismo posted gran consejo sentir tal vez dirección problema correcto vivo que parece atractivo como escuela de trabajo nunca le gustó la escuela saber nada nada inútil material como videojuegos magia reunión saber ky familia ama la religión realmente esqued pensar cómo saber amor algo debe conceder a todos dejar control de la religión sin que se sepa estoy probado descubrir aprovechar ranting ahora necesita ayuda
bruhhours life gone ive spent hours solving sudoku daysand around hour watching youtube videos solving sudokuyou ask questions something idkim really bored now
[ "bruhhours life gone ive spent hours solving sudoku daysand around hour watching youtube videos solving sudokuyou ask questions something idkim really bored now" ]
bruhhours vida ido ive pasó horas resolviendo sudoku días y alrededor de hora viendo youtube videos resolviendo sudoku usted hace preguntas algo idkim realmente aburrido ahora
idk trust apparently girl asks kiss better rush kiss theres chance atleast case using tiktok actually want kiss happened friend felt inform fellow teenagers
[ "idk trust apparently girl asks kiss better rush kiss theres chance atleast case using tiktok actually want kiss happened friend felt inform fellow teenagers" ]
idk confianza aparentemente chica pregunta beso mejor prisa beso Theres oportunidad al menos caso utilizando tiktok realmente quieren beso pasó amigo se sintió informar compañeros adolescentes
want diemy grades shit want anything future im piece shit year old exist play videogames future im planning blowing brains years now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want diemy grades shit want anything future im piece shit year old exist play videogames futureim planning blowing brains years now" ]
Quiero mis calificaciones mierda quieren cualquier cosa futuro Im pieza mierda año viejo existen juegos de videojuegos futureim planificación soplando cerebros años ahora
either love hate movies thriller set inside lonesome asylum far lonesome land much horror show concoction frightening imageries wackozoid mental patients scream best term use obviously popular drivein classic noted strange wicked behaviors notice judge whos put ax behind doctor brrrrr much else described bloody tasty goodness get chance remember familiar old saying hag lady get out get out never ever come back wish looked basement
[ "either love hate movies thriller set inside lonesome asylum far lonesome land much horror show concoction frightening imageries wackozoid mental patients scream best term use obviously popular drivein classic noted strange wicked behaviors notice judge whos put ax behind doctor brrrrr much else described bloody tasty goodness get chance remember familiar old saying hag lady get out get out never ever come back wish looked basement" ]
o amor odio películas thriller ambientado dentro de asilo solitario lejos tierra solitaria mucho horror mostrar brebaje imágenes terroríficas chiflados pacientes mentales grito mejor término uso obviamente popular drivein clásico notado extraños malos comportamientos note juez que puso hacha detrás del doctor brrrrrr mucho más descrito sanguinario sabroso bondad conseguir oportunidad recordar familiar viejo dicho hag dama salir salir nunca volver nunca volver deseo parecía sótano
know someone pause online game hes powerfulhis name isis
[ "know someone pause online game hes powerfulhis name isis" ]
alguien pausa juego en línea él es poderoso su nombre isis
year half since last tried kill myselflong story short ive severely suicidal since graduated college even that im honest constantly inpatient years recent attempt landed icu three days seizure like brain activity breathing tube shoved throat one worse experiences life really sucks im feeling suicidal again really dont want put family something like again thought past bullshit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "year half since last tried kill myselflong story short ive severely suicidal since graduated college even that im honest constantly inpatient years recent attempt landed icu three days seizure like brain activity breathing tube shoved throat one worse experiences life really sucks im feeling suicidal again really dont want put family something like again thought past bullshit" ]
año medio desde la última vez que intentó matarme historia corta y severamente suicida desde la universidad graduada incluso que soy honesto constantemente hospitalizado años recientes intento de aterrizaje ICU tres días convulsiones como actividad cerebral tubo de respiración garganta empujada una peor experiencias la vida realmente chupa mi sentimiento suicida de nuevo realmente no quiero poner a la familia algo como otra vez pensamiento pasado mierda
you tell feel im you love you every one you
[ "you tell feel im you love you every oneyou" ]
le dices a mi que te quieres a cada uno
advice boys boy tokyo drift saw two prior posts advice boysthey nailed it thought id throw hat ring story list advice theres still valuable lesson share anyways story tale begins mid december last year covid unheard of people looking new year excitement optimism working stage crew member schools production one day one breaks sitting alone flicking phone mindlessly girl sitting friends called over started asking questions hobbies were subjects did etc while left tasks teacher time really confused this barely spoken before later evening realized saw sitting myself assumed lonely called over small act kindness stuck me im certain im gonna remember rest life time watch news lose hope humanity remember kindness girl showed me moral storythis applies everyone boys girls everyone inbetween idea much tiny act kindness help someone
[ "advice boys boy tokyo drift saw two prior posts advice boysthey nailed it thought id throw hat ring story list advice theres still valuable lesson share anyways story tale begins mid december last year covid unheard of people looking new year excitement optimism working stage crew member schools production one day one breaks sitting alone flicking phone mindlessly girl sitting friends called over started asking questions hobbies were subjects did etc while left tasks teacher time really confused this barely spoken before later evening realized saw sitting myself assumed lonely called over small act kindness stuck me im certain im gonna remember rest life time watch news lose hope humanity remember kindness girl showed me moral storythis applies everyone boys girls everyone inbetween idea much tiny act kindness help someone" ]
consejo chicos chico tokyo deriva vio dos posts anteriores consejos chicos lo clavaron pensó id tirar sombrero anillo historia lista consejo hay todavía valiosa lección compartir de todos modos cuento historia comienza mediados de diciembre el año pasado covid inaudito de gente mirando nuevo año emoción optimismo trabajo etapa miembro equipo escuelas producción un día uno se rompe sentado solo parpadeando teléfono sin sentido chica sentada amigos llamados comenzó a hacer preguntas hobbies eran sujetos hizo etc mientras que las tareas de izquierda profesor tiempo realmente confundido esto apenas hablado antes de la tarde se dio cuenta vio sentado yo mismo asumido solitario llamado sobre pequeño acto bondad me metió im cierto im va a recordar descanso vida ver noticias perder esperanza humanidad amabilidad chica me mostró historia moral esto aplica a todos chicos chicos todo el mundo en medio idea mucho pequeño acto amabilidad ayuda
need someone talk to nowi feel really lonely
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone talk to nowi feel really lonely" ]
Necesito que alguien hable con ahora. Me siento muy solo.
leave interesting comments ill back morning wait sorry meant pm bc thats bad sleep scheduel plus rn
[ "leave interesting comments ill back morning wait sorry meant pm bc thats bad sleep scheduel plus rn" ]
dejar comentarios interesantes mal volver la mañana espera lo siento significa pm bc que es mal sueño scheduel plus rn
straw broke camels backlife one big pile misery me year especially hell severe social anxiety communicating people hard finding people feel comfortable around even harder even know normal conversation without awkwardness silences used three friends would actually talk hang with lost year anyone left talk feel comfortable around lonely depressed graduated cant seem find job good would like do hate everything current job whats point going work everyday hate family provide anyways even friends going spend money basically something hate survive even want discovered today receding hairline used think bad hair days lately started occurring more today realized got shit hairline losing hair twenty fucking four one family bald bad hairline like me used kind good looking basically thing holding to thought would maybe meet girl someday liked looked would look past social anxiety inability connect people actually take time get know me now im physically repulsive too one ever love like me goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "straw broke camels backlife one big pile misery me year especially hell severe social anxiety communicating people hard finding people feel comfortable around even harder even know normal conversation without awkwardness silences used three friends would actually talk hang with lost year anyone left talk feel comfortable around lonely depressed graduated cant seem find job good would like do hate everything current job whats point going work everyday hate family provide anyways even friends going spend money basically something hate survive even want discovered today receding hairline used think bad hair days lately started occurring more today realized got shit hairline losing hair twenty fucking four one family bald bad hairline like me used kind good looking basically thing holding to thought would maybe meet girl someday liked looked would look past social anxiety inability connect people actually take time get know me now im physically repulsive too one ever love like me goodbye" ]
paja se rompió camellos backlife una gran pila miseria yo año especialmente infierno severa ansiedad social comunicar gente difícil encontrar a la gente se siente cómodo alrededor aún más difícil incluso saber conversación normal sin torpeza silencios usados tres amigos realmente hablarían cuelgan con año perdido nadie izquierda hablar se siente cómodo alrededor solitario deprimido graduado no puede parecer encontrar trabajo bueno como si odiar todo trabajo actual lo que vale ir a trabajar todos los días odio familia proporcionar de todos modos incluso amigos van a gastar dinero básicamente algo odio sobrevivir incluso querer descubierto hoy reclinando línea de pelo utilizado pensar mal cabello días comenzaron a ocurrir más hoy se dio cuenta de que la línea de pelo mierda perder cabello veinte puta cuatro una familia calvo mal peinado como yo utilizado tipo bien aspecto básicamente lo que se sostiene a pensar tal vez conocer chica algún día me gustó mirada mirar más allá ansiedad social incapacidad conectar la gente realmente me conoce ahora im físicamente repulsivo demasiado uno siempre amor como yo adiós