awkward umm female classmate came house know nothing herand first thing shes house homeworkso enter room play switchbut im scared thinks impolite thatand rlly dont feel comfortable havent said single wordi dunno
[ "awkward umm female classmate came house know nothing herand first thingshes house homeworkso enter room play switchbutim scared thinks impolite thatand rlly dont feel comfortable havent said single wordi dunno" ]
Incómoda umm compañera de clase llegó casa no sabe nada ella y las primeras cosas que ella casa deberesso entrar en la habitación juego interruptor pero asustado piensa descortés que y Rlly no se sienten cómodos no he dicho una sola palabra no sé
hate texiting cuz cuz like haha becausee im extremely fucking funny like come guys stop laughing extremely intricate jokes nice conversation
[ "hate texiting cuz cuz like haha becauseeim extremely fucking funny like come guys stop laughing extremely intricate jokes nice conversation" ]
odio texiting cuz cuz como jaja porqueeim extremadamente jodidamente divertido como ven chicos dejar de reír extremadamente intrincados chistes agradable conversación
male snoo dead hes gone
[ "male snoo dead hes gone" ]
snoo macho muerto se ha ido
storyi half native half vietnamese canadian father vietnam war refugee mothers mom residential school survivor intergenerational trauma caused personality disorder insomnia depression anxiety ptsd grew two pedophiles simultaneously one side family wanted nothing heritages this dealt car accidents sexual harassment workplaces rapes vietnam family friends justice system abandoned me still yearn reconciliation however spite this choose understand forgive love
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "storyi half native half vietnamese canadian father vietnam war refugee mothers mom residential school survivor intergenerational trauma caused personality disorder insomnia depression anxiety ptsd grew two pedophiles simultaneously one side family wanted nothing heritages this dealt car accidents sexual harassment workplaces rapes vietnam family friends justice system abandoned me still yearn reconciliation however spite this choose understand forgive love" ]
storyi medio nativo medio vietnamita padre canadiense vietnam guerra madres refugiadas mamá escuela residencial sobreviviente trauma intergeneracional causado trastorno de la personalidad insomnio depresión ansiedad ptsd creció dos pedófilos simultáneamente un lado de la familia no quería nada herencias este tratado accidentes de coche acoso sexual lugares de trabajo violaciones vietnam familia amigos sistema de justicia me abandonó todavía anhela la reconciliación sin embargo a pesar de este elegir entender perdonar el amor
i uh dad catch phone middle night like bruh get heart attacks
[ "i uh dad catch phone middle night like bruh get heart attacks" ]
I uh papá coger el teléfono en medio de la noche como bruh tener ataques al corazón
people attempted hangingdid hurthow long passed outdid leave physicaly disabeled sorrt asking questionsif much answer im curious want
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "people attempted hangingdid hurthow long passed outdid leave physicaly disabeled sorrt asking questionsif much answer im curious want" ]
La gente intentó colgardo dolido cuanto tiempo pasó fuera dejó físicamente inhabilitado sorrt haciendo preguntas si mucha respuesta im curiosidad deseo
gonna check back days ill psyche ward days im bored imma leave post awile aight bye
[ "gonna check back days ill psyche ward days im bored imma leave post awile aight bye" ]
va a comprobar los días de vuelta enfermo psiquis día de guardia im aburrimiento imma dejar post awile aight bye
know america many covid cases britain stay m apart thats inches america thats why
[ "know america many covid cases britain stay m apart thats inches america thats why" ]
américa muchos casos ávidos britain permanecer m aparte que pulgadas américa por qué
want die pain go away never good enough even know job best mother still screams thinks mentally retarded feel miserable pathetic
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die pain go away never good enough even know job best mother still screams thinks mentally retarded feel miserable pathetic" ]
Querer morir dolor desaparecer nunca lo suficientemente bueno incluso saber trabajo mejor madre todavía gritos piensa mental retrasado se siente miserable patético
tried kill last nighti sitting patio imagining walking intersection could see there sudden compulsion walk there did standing sidewalk watching cars pass by almost daring walk front one also getting frustrated none going fast enough kill me minutes this broke crying punched wooden post frustration making knuckles bleed cried sidewalk while feel like shit wanted die bring it im stuck still
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried kill last nighti sitting patio imagining walking intersection could see there sudden compulsion walk there did standing sidewalk watching cars pass by almost daring walk front one also getting frustrated none going fast enough kill me minutes this broke crying punched wooden post frustration making knuckles bleed cried sidewalk while feel like shit wanted die bring it im stuck still" ]
intento matar anoche patio sentado imaginando intersección caminando podía ver allí repentina compulsión caminar allí hizo parada acera viendo coches pasar por casi atrevido caminar delante uno también se frustra ninguno va lo suficientemente rápido me mata minutos este llanto roto golpeado post frustración de madera haciendo nudillos sangrar acera llorada mientras se siente como mierda quería morir traerlo todavía atascado
got message friend saying crush likes one absolutely one but select family friends know like her either joke real im freaking fuck eaither way fuck do
[ "got message friend saying crush likes one absolutely one but select family friends know like her either joke realim freaking fuck eaither way fuck do" ]
tiene mensaje amigo diciendo aplastamiento le gusta uno absolutamente uno pero selecto amigos de la familia saben como ella cualquiera broma realim maldito mierda eaither manera mierda hacer
rickroll lofi the best rickrollhttpsyoutubexx_xnxxfa
[ "rickroll lofi the best rickrollhttpsyoutubexx_xnxxfa" ]
rickroll lofi el mejor rickrollhttpsyoutubexx_xnxxfa
anyone looking something mean trying online dating stuff wanna know happens reddit doing test
[ "anyone looking something mean trying online dating stuff wanna know happens reddit doing test" ]
cualquiera que busque algo significa probar cosas de citas en línea quiere saber que sucede reddit haciendo la prueba
people tell sleep early know damn well probably
[ "people tell sleep early know damn well probably" ]
La gente dice que dormir temprano sabe muy bien probablemente
good ideai thought killing every day while combination drugs unprescribed want them also want safe environment stabilize ive think going mental institution good idea fmla cover work days miss
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "good ideai thought killing every day while combination drugs unprescribed want them also want safe environment stabilize ive think going mental institution good idea fmla cover work days miss" ]
buena idea pensé matar todos los días mientras que las drogas combinadas no prescritas quieren que también quieren un entorno seguro estabilizar ive pensar ir institución mental buena idea fmla cubrir días de trabajo señorita
waking morning getting harder harder career place job takes huge hit mental illnessi wake early go work every single day dread dead end job deal stupidest customers every single day cant quit cause need money dont money cant move go school dont even make enough save ive looked jobs one hiring social life joke friends one talk to sometimes feel like killing would stop thoughts head think family would react
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "waking morning getting harder harder career place job takes huge hit mental illnessi wake early go work every single day dread dead end job deal stupidest customers every single day cant quit cause need money dont money cant move go school dont even make enough save ive looked jobs one hiring social life joke friends one talk to sometimes feel like killing would stop thoughts head think family would react" ]
despertar mañana cada vez más duro trabajo lugar carrera toma enorme golpe enfermedad mental despertar temprano ir a trabajar cada día miedo callejón sin salida ofertas de trabajo clientes más estúpidos cada día no puede dejar de causa necesidad de dinero no dinero no puede mover la escuela ni siquiera hacer suficiente ahorro ive look trabajos uno contratando amigos broma vida social uno habla a veces se siente como matar se detendría pensamientos cabeza pensar familia reaccionaría
funny thing mom friends europe one time talking childhoods communist countries weird ways vacations mentiones gypsies got hear rendition opinions gypsies one romanian
[ "funny thing mom friends europe one time talking childhoods communist countries weird ways vacations mentiones gypsies got hear rendition opinions gypsies one romanian" ]
Lo gracioso mamá amigos Europa una vez hablando de infancias países comunistas formas extrañas vacaciones menciones gitanos tienen escuchar opiniones de interpretación gitanos un romaniano
something woman man cannot involve sexualityi thinking putting raskwomen worried breaking rules im ftm transgender closet im desperate find theres something stupid body defile even further please something womans body mans cannot involve sexualitypregnancy orgasms flirting etc making dumb excuses get situationsblame pms something acknowledges weaknessgetting help street woman refuses get pregnant even purpose world causes much unnecessary sufferingthe reason could think someone would go things like female puberty pregnancy love babies us love purpose something man cant well better research yet find single thing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "something woman man cannot involve sexualityi thinking putting raskwomen worried breaking rules im ftm transgender closet im desperate find theres something stupid body defile even further please something womans body mans cannot involve sexualitypregnancy orgasms flirting etc making dumb excuses get situationsblame pms something acknowledges weaknessgetting help street woman refuses get pregnant even purpose world causes much unnecessary sufferingthe reason could think someone would go things like female puberty pregnancy love babies us love purpose something man cant well better research yet find single thing" ]
algo mujer hombre no puede involucrar sexualidad pensamiento poner raskwomen preocupado romper reglas im ftm transgénero closet im desesperado encontrar theres algo estúpido cuerpo contaminar aún más por favor algo mujeres cuerpo hombres no pueden involucrar sexualidad embarazo orgasmos coquetear etc haciendo tontos excusas conseguir situacionesblame pms algo reconoce debilidadobtener ayuda mujer de la calle se niega a quedar embarazada incluso propósito mundo causa mucho sufrimiento la razón podría pensar que alguien iría cosas como la pubertad embarazo amor bebés propósito algo hombre no puede mejor investigación pero encontrar una sola cosa
m anyone chat could chill perhaps play terraria
[ "m anyone chat could chill perhaps play terraria" ]
Cualquier persona chat podría relajarse tal vez jugar a la terraria
someone please please help get eveningi cant deal cycle bipolar disorder anymore coping mechanisms completely shot please talk me edit im going go sit bath bit ill check back soon thanks pming talking me really helping love community
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone please please help get eveningi cant deal cycle bipolar disorder anymore coping mechanisms completely shot please talk me edit im going go sit bath bit ill check back soon thanks pming talking me really helping love community" ]
alguien por favor ayuda a conseguir por la noche Cant tratar trastorno bipolar ciclo más mecanismos de afrontamiento completamente disparados por favor hablame edit im go go sent bath bit mal check back pronto gracias pming hablarme realmente ayudar a la comunidad de amor
know would good idea pegging asshole strapon dildo you could also use real thing want hehe
[ "know would good idea pegging asshole strapon dildo you could also use real thing want hehe" ]
sabes que sería buena idea pegging dildo strapon ano que también podría utilizar lo real quiere hehe
dont even know say girlfriend last night party slept next first time dating amazing girl extremely drunk night drunk sad personal issues basically sober helped night spooning night holding tight remember trying make feel safe wake morning day today avoiding me today talked told night touching boobs kept pushing away also told moaned night extremely uncomfortable dont remember anything happened thought asleep however says awake intentionally her feel like absolute dog shit wants take break dont know feel extremely guilty bad confused cant believe thing love girl want happy feel disgusted thing find hard believe could something like want back advice reddit begging
[ "dont even know say girlfriend last night party slept next first time dating amazing girl extremely drunk night drunk sad personal issues basically sober helped night spooning night holding tight remember trying make feel safe wake morning day today avoiding me today talked told night touching boobs kept pushing away also told moaned night extremely uncomfortable dont remember anything happened thought asleep however says awake intentionally her feel like absolute dog shit wants take break dont know feel extremely guilty bad confused cant believe thing love girl want happy feel disgusted thing find hard believe could something like want back advice reddit begging" ]
ni siquiera sé decir novia anoche fiesta dormía la próxima primera vez salir increíble chica extremadamente borracho noche borracho triste asuntos personales básicamente sobrio ayudado noche cucharar noche mantener apretado recordar tratando de hacer sentirse seguro despertar el día de hoy hoy me habla hoy dijo noche tocar tetas se mantuvo empujando lejos también dijo noche gimoteada extremadamente incómodo no recordar nada pasó pensamiento dormido sin embargo dice despierto intencionalmente se siente como absoluta mierda de perro quiere tomar descanso no sé se siente muy culpable mal confundido no puedo creer lo amor chica quiere feliz sentir asco encontrar difícil creer podría algo como querer volver consejos reddit mendigando
fellow teens please play fortnite im sweaty try hard im memer
[ "fellow teens please play fortnite im sweaty try hardim memer" ]
compañeros adolescentes por favor jugar fortnite im sudory tratar memer hardim
nothings going right me still waitingnothings going right nothing ever fucking will want die id kill tonight bothered get bed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothings going right me still waitingnothings going right nothing ever fucking will want die id kill tonight bothered get bed" ]
No hay nada que me vaya bien, todavía no hay nada que vaya bien, nada de mierda querrá morir, matar esta noche, molestarse en la cama.
need dollars publish website worked hard on hello student whose passion computer science programming spend lot time making cool website would love publish it cheapest sqldatabaseintegrateable domain hosting costs per month total yes website one month enough show friends family project ive put lot effort into ill try get money later guess could help out even would mean world me httpswwwpaypalcompaypalmenotvectorhttpswwwpaypalcompaypalmenotvector dm proof website like video showing files website itself want
[ "need dollars publish website worked hard on hello student whose passion computer science programming spend lot time making cool website would love publish it cheapest sqldatabaseintegrateable domain hosting costs per month totalyes website one month enough show friends family projective put lot effort into ill try get money later guess could help out even would mean world me httpswwwpaypalcompaypalmenotvectorhttpswwwpaypalcompaypalmenotvector dm proof website like video showing files website itself want" ]
necesidad de dólares publicar sitio web trabajado duro en hola estudiante cuya pasión informática programación pasar mucho tiempo haciendo sitio web fresco le encantaría publicarlo más barato sqldatabaseintegrable dominio costes de alojamiento por mes totalyes sitio web un mes suficiente mostrar amigos familia proyectiva poner mucho esfuerzo en mal intento conseguir dinero más tarde adivinar podría ayudar incluso significaría mundo me httpswwwpaypalcompaypalmenotvectorhttpswwwpaypalcompaypalmenotvector dm prueba sitio web como vídeo mostrando archivos sitio web sí mismo quieren
im disgusted myselfim disgusted self want kill whine im going isnt even bad many others much worse still move
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im disgusted myselfim disgusted self want kill whine im going isnt even bad many others much worse still move" ]
Yo asqueado a mí mismo asqueado a mí mismo quiero matar gimoteo a mí ir no es incluso malo muchos otros mucho peor todavía se mueven
tired everything going through unmotivated want life end thing keeping alive material purchases give temporary happiness distracting playing shooter games daymy ex keeps popping life kills me distraught keep knows hurts much went crazy emailed like accounts begging unblock simultaneously telling never talk again extra suicidal unhinged really want kill front him thinking months nowi started taking mood stabilizers two days ago sick everything think hold long enough see meds helps me dropped useless therapist last week toohow stay away someone bad also makes happy want die sleep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired everything going through unmotivated want life end thing keeping alive material purchases give temporary happiness distracting playing shooter games daymy ex keeps popping life kills me distraught keep knows hurts much went crazy emailed like accounts begging unblock simultaneously telling never talk again extra suicidal unhinged really want kill front him thinking months nowi started taking mood stabilizers two days ago sick everything think hold long enough see meds helps me dropped useless therapist last week toohow stay away someone bad also makes happy want die sleep" ]
cansado todo lo que pasa sin motivación quiere fin de la vida cosas manteniendo vivo material compras dar felicidad temporal distraer jugar shooter juegos daymy ex sigue haciendo estallar la vida me mata desconsolado mantener saber mucho dolor se volvió loco correo electrónico como cuentas pidiendo desbloquear simultáneamente diciendo nunca hablar de nuevo extra suicida desenganchado realmente quiero matar delante de él pensando meses ahora empecé a tomar estabilizadores de humor hace dos días enfermo todo pensar mantener el tiempo suficiente ver medicamentos me ayuda a caer terapeuta inútil tambiéncómo mantenerse alejado alguien malo también hace feliz querer morir dormir
id say im active ive made posts sub dont comment much might seen
[ "id say im active ive made posts sub dont comment much might seen" ]
id decir im activo ive hecho mensajes sub dont comment mucho podría ver
want stay room forever playing video games watching anime living for life hell outside that left die love friends parents worrying money homeless time what suffer life hurts much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want stay room forever playing video games watching anime living for life hell outside that left die love friends parents worrying money homeless time what suffer life hurts much" ]
Quiero permanecer en la habitación para siempre jugando videojuegos viendo anime vivir para la vida infierno fuera de que dejar morir amor amigos padres preocuparse dinero sin hogar tiempo lo que sufre la vida duele mucho
thinking killing last daysi thoughts recently getting arguments girlfriend parents secret relationship told beginning good idea talk parents disagreed dumb kept secret relationship secret part love girlfriend mom took phone read messages sending last days girlfriend said deleting everything found lie parents said stay away contact her im home think hanging myself ive tried hard last year feels like slap face im tried life crapping matter hard try seem good enough world idk im lose feel like option end point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thinking killing last daysi thoughts recently getting arguments girlfriend parents secret relationship told beginning good idea talk parents disagreed dumb kept secret relationship secret part love girlfriend mom took phone read messages sending last daysgirlfriend said deleting everything found lie parents said stay away contact herim home think hanging myself ive tried hard last year feels like slap face im tried life crapping matter hard try seem good enough world idkim lose feel like option end point" ]
pensar matar los últimos díasi pensamientos recientemente conseguir argumentos novia padres relación secreta dijo principio buena idea hablar padres no está de acuerdo tonta mantenido secreto relación parte secreto amor novia mamá tomó mensajes de lectura de teléfono enviar los últimos días novia dijo borrar todo encontrado mentira padres dijeron mantenerse alejados Herim casa pensar colgar a mí mismo he tratado duro el año pasado se siente como bofetada cara Im probado vida mierda materia duro tratar de parecer lo suficientemente bueno mundo idkim perder sentir como opción punto final
toxic relationship suicidal thoughts aftermath idk doi dont usually speak whats going life really go online tell anyone anything personal myself im usually reclusive try let life continue lately ive felt like im very dark place ive told opening forum help least help opening feel something read guess well ampxb heres big one ive never honest myself entire life battled sexuality gay straight bisexual ive bounced around entire life ive never chance explore gain comfort might be ive always relationship felt like wrong gender years ago found furry fandom accepting people felt home short started causes gaps life friends looking weird family asking questions clear never opened furry anyway hide directed me like sexuality lifestyle hobby people could relate too slowly faded away want friends family calling weirdo hid it still look lot art use help find comfort might be even begin start this year long relationship partner ftm early process hormones anything yet started dating still going well say lindsey first love nothing stopped us wanted together puppy dog stage strongest awhile fell apart partner struggled faithfulness lot relationship primarily internet friends also furry internet big part lives means internet friendships play big part well hard time remembering privateclosed relationship within first years th th year began make internet relationships making mistakes fueled mostly spite also begging attention anyone th year took break currently lived washington i taking care sick mother decided return california first week stopped talking one day sent message something forgotten me kept talking that began breakdown emotionally mother falling ill loneliness sudden change lifestyle year relationship began regret choices talked things end asked could try again distance try fixing things distance us test waters things come agreed began talking day night calls intimate videos shared still felt strong love other as year relationship you seemed like things getting better slowly months eventually moved california mother care equipped family hard first managed however never really talked months apart even though talked often lot days went without text call asked usually told family busy something eventually refusal talk happen time drew rift us one day shower decided pick phone browse chat histories time period look messages social media accounts went ultimate snoop found everything could month time sent nudes countless men stand wanted fun once lied multiple times sex another man countless times texting inbetween hours together im sick writing it remembering it but haunted years found out fought days nonstop think would mark end relationship right well no justified saying hurt break wanted get back breaking her and like idiot agreed her took blame convinced sex man me deserved abuse forced us take break ive struggled depression entire life ive never months time without feeling creep way life usually triggered something anything could big could small never really know happens fought feeling two years peroidic episodes accusing lindsey terrified would cheat again idk stayed guilt fast forward years weve together years total hate myself everything me annoy ones care cant stop talking idk why excitement eagerness ive never really known get carried away people tell jerk taking lighthearted teasing far without realizing feeling embarrassed hours even notice ass attitude towards life soured im often irritable upset roommates unreasonably dont much good say anything anymore ive gotten bad enough people around speak it used attractive cared appearance excited show off but ive gained lot weight last year nearly pounds nearing pounds even ive never disgusted myself problem im upset eat habit forever lot people im sure stop im paying it stopped wearing favorite clothes stopped taking shirt public stopped making video calls cant stand might look im constantly paranoid shell cheat again ask questions go silent ruin entire days frustration did every fight would break up get upperhand never true maybe days week spend together laugh two miserable know it cant let go coronavirus locked home last months straight ive left handful times supplies overall ive anxious leave house im scared getting sick ive depressed relationship lost job live unemployment sit around waiting next day shes picked social media again talking people hours plays apex legends every single day someone met online someone talks hours hours bed dinner everywhere never explains anything tells wants social life again stays almost year lost friends bad attitude family learned im questioning sexuality i dont know how cut entirely spend time waking am smoking weed every minutes sitting bedroom pm taking sleep aide fall asleep ive suffered nightmares regularly last year dont know anymore ive lost feeling im nub everything feel like husk autopilot thats breath air ive lost touch myself ive felt mental health suffer dont know how cant even describe whats happening anymore weeks ago sat car wondered could use kill without hurting others dont gun lindsey came garage wanting smoke weed seen sitting car trance focused dashboard staring nothing told truth without meaning too slipped accident coming whatever stuck in response was passive encourage me but didnt anything help time either laid bed hours thinking little seemed mean her little seemed mean her everyone ampxb dont even know wrote this hoped maybe saying myself typing out maybe could stop myself feel like inevitable eventually today broke again mean it idk ive sitting box days wondering theyre gone good time left read ignored entirely dont know anymore feel like control taking life dont want fight anymore dont want suffer dont want keep going everything ugly life race wars virus scares gays hated again conservatives rioting sexuality never got experience years whats point continuing life never even start write entire story attention forum people real problems im sorry post even here know else post this im desperate advice anything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "toxic relationship suicidal thoughts aftermath idk doi dont usually speak whats going life really go online tell anyone anything personal myself", "im usually reclusive try let life continue lately ive felt like im very dark place ive told opening forum help least help opening feel something read guess well ampxb heres big one ive never honest myself entire life battled sexuality gay straight bisexual ive bounced around entire life ive never chance explore gain comfort might be ive always relationship felt like wrong gender years ago found furry fandom accepting people felt home short started causes gaps life friends looking weird family asking questions clear never opened furry anyway hide directed me like sexuality lifestyle hobby people could relate too slowly faded away want friends family calling weirdo hid it still look lot art use help find comfort might be even begin start this year long relationship partner ftm early process hormones anything yet started dating still going well say lindsey first love nothing stopped us wanted together puppy dog stage strongest awhile fell apart partner struggled faithfulness lot relationship primarily internet friends also furry internet big part lives means internet friendships play big part well hard time remembering privateclosed relationship within first years th th year began make internet relationships making mistakes fueled mostly spite also begging attention anyone th year took break currently lived washington", "i taking care sick mother decided return california first week stopped talking one day sent message something forgotten me kept talking that began breakdown emotionally mother falling ill loneliness sudden change lifestyle year relationship began regret choices talked things end asked could try again distance try fixing things distance us test waters things come agreed began talking day night calls intimate videos shared still felt strong love other as year relationship you seemed like things getting better slowly months eventually moved california mother care equipped family hard first managed however never really talked months apart even though talked often lot days went without text call asked usually told family busy something eventually refusal talk happen time drew rift us one day shower decided pick phone browse chat histories time period look messages social media accounts went ultimate snoop found everything could month time sent nudes countless men stand wanted fun once lied multiple times sex another man countless times texting inbetween hours together im sick writing it remembering it but haunted years found out fought days nonstop think would mark end relationship", "right well no justified saying hurt break wanted get back breaking her and like idiot agreed her took blame convinced sex man me deserved abuse forced us take break ive struggled depression entire life ive never months time without feeling creep way life usually triggered something anything could big could small never really know happens fought feeling two years peroidic episodes accusing lindsey terrified would cheat again idk stayed guilt fast forward years weve together years total hate myself everything me annoy ones care cant stop talking idk why excitement eagerness ive never really known get carried away people tell jerk taking lighthearted teasing far without realizing feeling embarrassed hours even notice ass attitude towards life soured im often irritable upset roommates unreasonably dont much good say anything anymore ive gotten bad enough people around speak it used attractive cared appearance excited show off but ive gained lot weight last year nearly pounds nearing pounds even ive never disgusted myself problem im upset eat habit forever lot people im sure stop im paying it stopped wearing favorite clothes stopped taking shirt public stopped making video calls cant stand might look im constantly paranoid shell cheat again ask questions go silent ruin entire days frustration did every fight would break up get upperhand", "never true maybe days week spend together laughtwo miserableknow it cant let go coronavirus locked home last monthsstraight ive left handful times supplies overall ive anxious leave houseim scared getting sick ive depressed relationship lost job live unemployment sit around waiting next day shes picked social media again talking people hours plays apex legends every single day someone met online someone talks hours hours bed dinner everywhere never explains anything tells wants social life again stays almost year lost friends bad attitude family learned im questioning sexuality", "i dont know how cut entirely spend time waking am smoking weed every minutes sitting bedroom pm taking sleep aide fall asleep ive suffered nightmares regularly last year dont know anymore ive lost feeling im nub everything feel like husk autopilot thats breath air ive lost touch myself ive felt mental health suffer dont know how cant even describe whats happening anymore weeks ago sat car wondered could use kill without hurting others dont gun lindsey came garage wanting smoke weed seen sitting car trance focused dashboard staring nothing told truth without meaning too slipped accident coming whatever stuck in response was passive encourage me but didnt anything help time either laid bed hours thinking little seemed mean her little seemed mean her everyone ampxb dont even know wrote this hoped maybe saying myself typing out maybe could stop myself feel like inevitable eventually today broke again mean", "it idk ive sitting box days wondering theyre gone good time left read ignored entirely dont know anymore feel like control taking life dont want fight anymore dont want suffer dont want keep going everything ugly life race wars virus scares gays hated again conservatives rioting sexuality never got experience years whats point continuing life never even start write entire story attention forum people real problems im sorry post even here know else post this im desperate advice anything" ]
tóxico relación pensamientos suicidas secuelas idk doi generalmente no hablar lo que va la vida realmente ir en línea decirle a alguien algo personal yo mismo
day asking everyone filler filler filler kakektidb filler filler filler
[ "day asking everyone filler filler filler kakektidb filler filler filler" ]
día pidiendo a todos relleno relleno relleno relleno kakektidb relleno relleno relleno
time leave worldanother update recent depression spree girlfriend officially left me longer loves me going me parents told today leaving weekend decided kill gone choosing charcoal inhalation way go out think anyone stop feel free ask questions fortunate update thanks inspiring words guys go although one night ex called tears sadness sat bathroom almost ended it got it friends last night even though cant talk problems due pride able ignore problems good amount weekend thank again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "time leave worldanother update recent depression spree girlfriend officially left me longer loves me going me parents told today leaving weekend decided kill gone choosing charcoal inhalation way go out think anyone stop feel free ask questions fortunate update thanks inspiring words guys go although one night ex called tears sadness sat bathroom almost ended it got it friends last night even though cant talk problems due pride able ignore problems good amount weekend thank again" ]
tiempo dejar mundootra actualización reciente depresión juerga novia oficialmente me dejó más tiempo me ama me va padres me dijo hoy dejando fin de semana decidió matar ido elegir inhalación de carbón manera salir pensar que nadie se siente libre hacer preguntas afortunada actualización gracias palabras inspiradoras chicos ir aunque una noche ex llamado lágrimas tristeza baño casi terminó lo consiguió amigos anoche a pesar de no hablar problemas debido a orgullo capaz de ignorar problemas buena cantidad fin de semana gracias otra vez
first world problemshi always redflag understood people miserable feel like way out thought pretty sad living organism main goal survival depressed start going natural instincts terrifying lately started facing problems chose wrong college made life lot harder be mental completely went downhill past months im currently trying transfer also bright side met girl im currently dating love lot great also fights going college too may go different one kills me seems like like much anymore couldve avoided smarter college decisions feel suicidal mornings usually honestly want end life know peoples lives harder sound like privileged fucking piece shit realized lot harder kill thought would be seems like painless ways painless hard accomplish comment good ways end whatever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "first world problemshi always redflag understood people miserable feel like way out thought pretty sad living organism main goal survival depressed start going natural instincts terrifying lately started facing problems chose wrong college made life lot harder be mental completely went downhill past months im currently trying transfer also bright side metgirlim currently dating love lot great also fights going college too may go different one kills me seems like like much anymore couldve avoided smarter college decisions feel suicidal mornings usually honestly want end life know peoples lives harder sound like privileged fucking piece shit realized lot harder kill thought would be seems like painless ways painless hard accomplish comment good ways end whatever" ]
primer mundo problemashi siempre redflag entendido la gente miserable se siente como manera de salir pensamiento bastante triste organismo vivo principal objetivo supervivencia deprimida empezar a ir instintos naturales terroríficos últimamente comenzó a hacer frente a problemas elegido universidad equivocada hizo la vida mucho más difícil ser mental completamente fue cuesta abajo los últimos meses im actualmente tratando de transferencia también lado brillante metgirlim actualmente salir mucho amor grande también peleas ir a la universidad también puede ir diferente me parece como mucho más podría haber evitado decisiones universitarias más inteligentes sentir mañanas suicidas por lo general quieren honestamente fin de la vida saben la gente vive más duro sonido como privilegiada mierda pieza realizado mucho más duro matar pensamiento sería parece sin dolor maneras duro lograr comentario buenas maneras de terminar lo que sea
anyone says people care liarsi hate phrase much one ever cared life hate cared for would problems first place would irl friends girlfriend no ive never either im freaking meanwhile many people age younger already life set them already dates time lives meanwhile everyone else world preventing things even parents cared pusses say want kill people go dont it cause pain others wont one even fucking cares first place never
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone says people care liarsi hate phrase much one ever cared life hate cared for would problems first place would irl friends girlfriendno ive never either im freaking meanwhile many people age younger already life set them already dates time lives meanwhile everyone else world preventing things even parents cared pusses say want kill people go dont it cause pain others wont one even fucking cares first placenever" ]
alguien dice que a la gente le importa mentirososi odio frase mucho a uno nunca le importó la vida odio cuidado problemas primero lugar ir amigos novia no ive nunca o bien im mierda mientras que muchas personas envejeciendo ya la vida ya las fechas tiempo vidas mientras que todos los demás mundo prevención cosas incluso padres cuidado pusses decir quieren matar a la gente vaya no le cause dolor a otros no se le da ni puta vez primer lugar
strange cant contact therapists koreain korea people unawaware therapists practise play candles herbs thus lack psychological knowledge means therapists somewhere psychiatric docs stubborn counselors since psychology still taboo snob psychiatric docs diagnose pills want moneys conservative cpunselors try correct people others neither lgbtq friendly since snob try correct people lastly right mad people try correct person try mad want use insanity fuel
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "strange cant contact therapists koreain korea people unawaware therapists practise play candles herbs thus lack psychological knowledge means therapists somewhere psychiatric docs stubborn counselors since psychology still taboo snob psychiatric docs diagnose pills want moneys conservative cpunselors try correct people others neither lgbtq friendly since snob try correct people lastly right mad people try correct person try mad want use insanity fuel" ]
extraño cant contacto terapeutas koreain korea gente unawaware terapeutas practican jugar velas hierbas por lo tanto falta conocimiento psicológico significa terapeutas en algún lugar psiquiátrico docs consejeros obstinados ya que la psicología todavía tabú snob psiquiátrico docs diagnóstico píldoras quieren dineros conservadores cpunselors tratar de corregir a la gente otros ni lgbtq amistoso ya que snob tratar de corregir a la gente por último derecho locos tratar de persona correcta tratar de loco quiere utilizar combustible locura
oh heres something funny happened couple days ago school changing classes from nd block rd block hallway smelt bad like really bad smelled like shit know couldve caused quite bothersome next day girl class said brother bought liquid shit internet put vents something
[ "oh heres something funny happened couple days ago school changing classes from nd block rd block hallway smelt bad like really bad smelled like shit know couldve caused quite bothersome next day girl class said brother bought liquid shit internet put vents something" ]
Oh aquí algo divertido sucedió hace un par de días escuela cambiando clases de nd block rd block pasillo olía mal como realmente mal olía como mierda saber podría haber causado bastante molesto al día siguiente clase de chicas dijo hermano compró líquido mierda Internet poner respiraderos algo
want able add worldi repetitively complaint child went school like everyone work still cant anything cant make anything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want able add worldi repetitively complaint child went school like everyone work still cant anything cant make anything" ]
quieren poder añadir worldi repetitivamente queja niño fue a la escuela como todo el mundo trabaja todavía no puede nada no puede hacer nada
need someone talk to pleaseneed help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need someone talk to pleaseneed help" ]
Necesito que alguien hable con por favor. Necesito ayuda.
anybody clothing style suggestions white boy teenager tryna look good cuz current style shit
[ "anybody clothing style suggestions white boy teenager tryna look good cuz current style shit" ]
nadie ropa estilo sugerencias blanco chico adolescente tryna mirada buena cuz actual estilo mierda
ok himbos emotional intelligence hot asf
[ "ok himbos emotional intelligence hot asf" ]
ok himbos inteligencia emocional caliente asf
okay hear fnaf chance get smash cause fucking steve in like what chance big voice genre need horror character hand tf character likely game made v would rad play heavy third hand crash spyro get in think would get in
[ "okay hear fnaf chance get smash cause fucking steve in like what chance big voice genre need horror character hand tf character likely game made v would rad play heavy third hand crash spyro get in think would get in" ]
ok escuchar fnaf oportunidad conseguir smash causa mierda Steve en como qué oportunidad gran voz género necesidad de horror personaje mano tf personaje juego probablemente hecho v rad jugar pesado tercera mano choque spyro llegar en pensar que entrar
seems like woken today knowing thinking full clarity sitting desk thinking mistakes made feel calm scared lost everything lead fault manipulative second language hurt people meant everything me marriage failed held tight needed let go words say apologize take back pain caused suffocating eventually cheating her still crosses mind everyday even relationship tried everything right failed inherently bad person gaslighting without even knowing made miserable point fight air lungs get away ill never know make right you hope someday forgive meeven joined navy sense normalcy life messed left little pocket meant to stay awake night suffocating memories almost dying hope morning light bring life every part knows situation would pain now terrible person know deserve happiness life calm knowing calm knowing everything end somehow lowest ever felt also calmest ever felt anyone takes time read this thank you everything end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "seems like woken today knowing thinking full clarity sitting desk thinking mistakes made feel calm scared lost everything lead fault manipulative second language hurt people meant everything me marriage failed held tight needed let go words say apologize take back pain caused suffocating eventually cheating her still crosses mind everyday even relationship tried everything right failed inherently bad person gaslighting without even knowing made miserable point fight air lungs get away ill never know make right you hope someday forgive meeven joined navy sense normalcy life messed left little pocket meant to stay awake night suffocating memories almost dying hope morning light bring life every part knows situation would pain now terrible person know deserve happiness life calm knowing calm knowing everything end somehow lowest ever felt also calmest ever felt anyone takes time read this thank you everything end" ]
Parece que despertó hoy sabiendo pensar la claridad completa escritorio pensar errores hecho sentir calma miedo perdido todo plomo culpa manipulador segundo lenguaje lastimar a la gente significaba todo mi matrimonio fracasado mantenido apretado necesario dejar ir palabras decir disculpa tomar dolor causado asfixiar finalmente engañar todavía cruza la mente incluso la relación intentó todo correcto inherentemente mala persona gaslighting sin siquiera saber hecho miserable punto lucha pulmones de aire mal nunca se sabe hacer derecho espero que algún día me perdonen incluso se unió a la marina sentido normalidad vida desordenada poco bolsillo significado para permanecer despierto noche sofocante recuerdos casi morir luz de la mañana traer vida cada parte sabe situación dolor ahora terrible persona saber merece felicidad vida calma saber todo final de alguna manera más bajo nunca se sintió más calma nunca se sintió alguien se toma el tiempo leer este gracias todo final
health related m lately ive feeling shortness breath heavy breathing prominent lay straight back bed started happening days ago like since going go doc tomorrow anyone knows symptom cause
[ "health related m lately ive feeling shortness breath heavy breathing prominent lay straight back bed started happening days ago like since going go doc tomorrow anyone knows symptom cause" ]
Últimamente la sensación de falta de vida respiración fuerte respiración prominente yacía derecho cama de atrás comenzó a suceder días atrás como desde ir ir doc mañana alguien sabe causa de los síntomas
sick constantly wanting diei mean like people forum want die constantly even happy want die sick always feeling tired feeling like life mine work three jobs taking part graduate school best friend love much constantly feel like emotionally babysit boyfriend love honestly cant feel comfortable with fear abandoning makes hard relax enjoy relationship lost two best friends cant seem get forget father supportive parent life cancer mother complete cnt manages make feel guilty existing despite knowing full well damaged relationship fault fear friends really hate putting me feel like school worth it im busy time go see doctor therapist go gym exercise makes people feel better sometimes despite jobs money problems almost zero time want die im scared dying painfully want die peacefully hate waking up want feel way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sick constantly wanting diei mean like people forum want die constantly even happy want die sick always feeling tired feeling like life mine work three jobs taking part graduate school best friend love much constantly feel like emotionally babysit boyfriend love honestly cant feel comfortable with fear abandoning makes hard relax enjoy relationship lost two best friends cant seem get forget father supportive parent life cancer mother complete cnt manages make feel guilty existing despite knowing full well damaged relationship fault fear friends really hate putting me feel like school worth it im busy time go see doctor therapist go gym exercise makes people feel better sometimes despite jobs money problems almost zero time want dieim scared dying painfully want die peacefully hate waking up want feel way" ]
enfermo constantemente querer diei significa como la gente foro querer morir constantemente incluso feliz querer morir enfermo siempre sentirse cansado sentir como la vida mi trabajo tres trabajos que toman parte posgrado escuela mejor amigo amor mucho constantemente sentir como emocional bebé novio amor honestamente no se siente cómodo con miedo abandonar hace difícil relajarse disfrutar de la relación perdido dos mejores amigos no puede parecer olvidar padre apoyo padre vida padre cáncer madre completa cnt se las arregla hacer sentir culpable existente a pesar de conocer totalmente bien dañado relación culpa miedo amigos realmente odio me pone como escuela vale la pena ir a ver médico terapeuta ir ejercicio de gimnasio hace que la gente se sienta mejor a veces a pesar de trabajos problemas de dinero casi cero tiempo querer dieim miedo morir dolorosamente querer morir pacíficamente odio despertarse quiero sentir manera
bought rover truck im gonna flex hard get much yall even ready this im yungest flexer already know gang gang
[ "bought rover truck im gonna flex hard get much yall even ready this im yungest flexer already know gang gang" ]
compraré el camión de rover im va a flexionar duro conseguir mucho yall incluso listo este im yungest flexer ya sabe pandilla pandilla
hate subconscious dreams dreams ever seem remember incredibly lucid dreams girls like problem didnt feel real whenever get one im always wondering real wake up awful recent one last night details little hazy ill best remember im crush friends forget really important afterwards go house group disperses crush waiting parents come get her starts telling medical episode recently highly likely condition causes death basically lie april point tells scared know do moves were couch way put around slump over point basically lying top me says stuff remember wake up apparently hugging myself theyre usually sad normally theyre pretty happy cool overly realistic im loser whos never girlfriend before know talk girls guess ive felt really empty really quarantine going on able see anyone go school helped well thats now stay safe everyone
[ "hate subconscious dreams dreams ever seem remember incredibly lucid dreams girls like problem didnt feel real whenever get one im always wondering real wake up awful recent one last night details little hazy ill best rememberim crush friends forget really important afterwards go house group disperses crush waiting parents come get her starts telling medical episode recently highly likely condition causes death basically lie april point tells scared know do moves were couch way put around slump over point basically lying topme says stuff remember wake up apparently hugging myself theyre usually sad normally theyre pretty happy cool overly realistic im loser whos never girlfriend before know talk girls guess ive felt really empty really quarantine going on able see anyone go school helped well thats now stay safe everyone" ]
odio sueños subconscientes siempre parecen recordar sueños increíblemente lúcidos chicas como problema no se sentía real cada vez que conseguir uno siempre me pregunto verdadero despertar muy reciente una última noche detalles poco nebulosa mal mejor recuerdo aplastar amigos olvidar muy importante después de ir grupo de casa dispersa aplastar esperando padres vienen conseguir que empiece a contar episodio médico recientemente muy probable causa la muerte básicamente mentira april punto dice miedo saber hacer movimientos eran sofá manera puesta alrededor de punto básicamente tumbado topme dice cosas recordar despertar aparentemente abrazarme son tristes normalmente son bastante felices frío demasiado realista perdedor im que nunca novia antes de saber hablar chicas adivinar ive se sentía realmente vacío realmente cuarentena pasando capaz ver a alguien ir a la escuela ayudó bien que ahora mantenerse a salvo todos
reason get besides going workive struggling depression since fall last year awhile ok felt like going get go back happy care free self sometime early june contracted herpes genital oral gave overwhelming sense hopelessness along feel need try romantic relationships anymore want tell anyone herpes slept hours today reason wake up everyday work thing keeps killing badly think would affect mom sister words encouragement would much appreciated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reason get besides going workive struggling depression since fall last year awhile ok felt like going get go back happy care free self sometime early june contracted herpes genital oral gave overwhelming sense hopelessness along feel need try romantic relationships anymore want tell anyone herpes slept hours today reason wake up everyday work thing keeps killing badly think would affect mom sister words encouragement would much appreciated" ]
razón conseguir además de ir a trabajar lucha depresión desde otoño del año pasado ok sentía como ir a volver feliz cuidado libre yo algún día temprano junio contrajo herpes genital oral dio sensación abrumadora de desesperanza a lo largo de sentir necesidad de tratar relaciones románticas más quieren decirle a alguien herpes dormía horas hoy razón despertar trabajo diario sigue matando mal pensar afectar mamá hermana palabras de aliento mucho apreciar
whos committed spouseive done wife twice life feeling bit guilty done three time voluntarily totally foreign involuntarily always seems much worse times signed up mostly addiction issues times committed here suicidal despondentacting unusual spoke phone seems scared actually much lucid would love perspective other side someone committed spouse felt right wrong thing them
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whos committed spouseive done wife twice life feeling bit guilty done three time voluntarily totally foreign involuntarily always seems much worse times signed up mostly addiction issues times committed here suicidal despondentacting unusual spoke phone seems scared actually much lucid would love perspective other side someone committed spouse felt right wrong thing them" ]
¿Quiénes cometido cónyuge hecho esposa dos veces la vida sentirse poco culpable hecho tres veces voluntariamente totalmente extranjero involuntariamente siempre parece mucho peor tiempos firmados mayormente problemas de adicción veces cometidos aquí suicida desanimaciónactuando inusual habla el teléfono parece asustado en realidad mucho lúcido amaría perspectiva de otro lado alguien comprometido cónyuge sentía bien mal cosa ellos
post hits k likes finally get k karma im super happy huge milestone me havent reddit long guys made welcoming environment im glad part community
[ "post hits k likes finally get k karma im super happy huge milestone me havent reddit long guys made welcoming environment im glad part community" ]
post hits k likes finalmente conseguir k karma im super feliz enorme hito me havedt reddit largo chicos hizo ambiente acogedor im feliz parte comunidad
got lead know feel week ago started talking old friend invited friends discord server started talking bit developed crush one night decide ask wanted go out surprise says yes decide start dating going meet couple days first date but two days date get text saying ready relationship go back friends im really sure feel right really know happened fuck up fuck up get unlucky know im experienced dating seems odd im really upset turned vent issues attempt understand
[ "got lead know feel week ago started talking old friend invited friends discord server started talking bit developed crush one night decide ask wanted go out surprisesaysyes decide start dating going meet couple days first date but two days date get text saying ready relationship go back friends im really sure feel right really know happened fuck up fuck up get unlucky knowim experienced dating seems odd im really upset turned vent issues attempt understand" ]
get lead know feel hace una semana comenzó a hablar viejo amigo invitados amigos discordancia servidor comenzó a hablar poco desarrollado enamoramiento una noche decidir pregunta quería salir sorpresasaysyes decidir empezar a salir va a conocer un par de días primera cita pero dos días fecha conseguir texto diciendo listo relación volver amigos Im realmente seguro sentir bien realmente saber sucedió mierda hasta tener mala suerte knowim experiencia citas parece extraño im realmente molesto convertido problemas de ventilación intentar entender
think would best way commit redflagi thinking noose like cutting veins open blood seeps cuts pass pain blood loss thats me opinions best way force soul body let know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think would best way commit redflagi thinking noose like cutting veins open blood seeps cuts pass pain blood loss thats me opinions best way force soul body let know" ]
Creo que la mejor manera de cometer Redflagi pensar la soga como cortar venas se filtra la sangre cortes pasar dolor pérdida de sangre que me opiniones mejor manera fuerza alma cuerpo avisa
dont like penis like penis dont enjoy cocks attracted male genitalia pp bad
[ "dont like penis like penis dont enjoy cocks attracted male genitalia pp bad" ]
no me gusta el pene como pene no disfrutar de pollas atraído genitales masculinos pp malo
photography editing movie exceptional time period eisenstein builds upon scene movie leading sailors revolt massacre town much movie high point cinema also example szocialist realism soviet government actively used arts including film means spread message revolution eisensteins portrayal revolt battleship potempkin offers viewer insight message soviet elite marxist theory perspectives class struggle demonstrated sailors represent oppressed workers officers represent elite society much film demonstrates communist party message film used tool propaganda
[ "photography editing movie exceptional time period eisenstein builds upon scene movie leading sailors revolt massacre town much movie high point cinema also example szocialist realism soviet government actively used arts including film means spread message revolution eisensteins portrayal revolt battleship potempkin offers viewer insight message soviet elite marxist theory perspectives class struggle demonstrated sailors represent oppressed workers officers represent elite society much film demonstrates communist party message film used tool propaganda" ]
fotografía edición película excepcional período de tiempo eisenstein construye sobre escena película líderes marineros revuelta masacra ciudad mucho cine alto punto cine también ejemplo realismo szocialista realismo soviético uso activo arte incluyendo cine medios difusión mensaje revolución eisensteins retrata revuelta acorazado potempkin ofrece visión del espectador mensaje élite soviética marxista teoría perspectivas lucha de clases demostrado marineros representan oficiales de trabajadores oprimidos representa la sociedad de élite mucha película demuestra mensaje comunista partido película uso herramienta propaganda
running man viciously lampoons modernday american media complex hits target deadcenter may easy target pull none less rm effortless takes prowrestling featuring pro wrestlers hunters network television nielsen ratings american government suggesting entertainmentoriented anyway crime punishment halfdozen things along way far cry original stephen king novella arnold ben richards novella either cares basically arnie flick wellchoreographed action sequences oneliners undertaking requires
[ "running man viciously lampoons modernday american media complex hits target deadcenter may easy target pull none less rm effortless takes prowrestling featuring pro wrestlers hunters network television nielsen ratings american government suggesting entertainmentoriented anyway crime punishment halfdozen things along way far cry original stephen king novella arnold ben richards novella either cares basically arnie flick wellchoreographed action sequences oneliners undertaking requires" ]
running man viciously lampoons modern american media complex hits target deadcenter may easy target pull no menos rm toma prowrestling prowrestling propro luchadores red cazadores televisión nielsen ratings gobierno americano sugiriendo entretenimiento orientado de todos modos crimen castigo mediodozen cosas a lo largo de muy lejos ly original stephen king novella arnold ben richards novela o bien le importa básicamente arnie flick bien coreografiado secuencias de acción oneliners empresa requiere
im glad go todaycompletely shattered recent breakup woke morning called work plan get little affairs order bills rent get drunk take pills ive collecting hang myself close friend town san fransisco gave guilt trip always town went spent night three closest friends im sure know much mean me ive told think really understand saved life tonight even know it first time ive truly smiled weeks thank a j c love you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im glad go todaycompletely shattered recent breakup woke morning called work plan get little affairs order bills rent get drunk take pills ive collecting hang myself close friend town san fransisco gave guilt trip always town went spent night three closest friendsim sure know much mean me ive told think really understand saved life tonight even know it first time ive truly smiled weeks thank a j clove you" ]
Me alegro de ir hoy completamente destrozado reciente ruptura despertada mañana llamado plan de trabajo conseguir pequeños asuntos orden facturas alquiler emborracharse tomar píldoras ir coleccionismo colgar a mí mismo amigo cercano ciudad san fransisco dio viaje culpa siempre la ciudad pasó la noche tres amigos más cercanos seguro que sé mucho significa me he dicho pensar realmente entender vida salvada esta noche incluso lo sé primera vez que realmente sonrió semanas gracias a un clavo j
want diei many could wish for apartment share friends one best friends many friends truly care go way take care me parents love support however can two sisters consider friends poor ive love before yet feel despair sadness perpetually keep telling going build life stop lying myself want here ive hurt people past shouldnt get thrive thought could good world remedy past much suffering cant save everyone though wish could want die dont want see suffering dont want cause suffering think forgiven past dealings suicidal ideation since young attempted redflag before survived last attempt chance alone time plan jumping bridge feels guaranteed know family friends distraught suffer also see good come it life one live anymore harm anyone else plan ending soon want die believe god afterlife pray leave behind pray find happiness live lives better could hope make better choices faced decision selfish hope instead make choice help fellow man instead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want diei many could wish for apartment share friends one best friends many friends truly care go way take care me parents love support however can two sisters consider friends poor ive love before yet feel despair sadness perpetually keep telling going build life stop lying myself want here ive hurt people past shouldnt get thrive thought could good world remedy past much suffering cant save everyone though wish could want die dont want see suffering dont want cause suffering think forgiven past dealings suicidal ideation since young attempted redflag before survived last attempt chance alone time plan jumping bridge feels guaranteed knowfamily friends distraught suffer also see good come it life one live anymore harm anyone else plan ending soon want die believe god afterlife pray leave behind pray find happiness live lives better could hope make better choices faced decision selfish hope instead make choice help fellow man instead" ]
Querer diei muchos podrían desear para compartir apartamento amigos un mejor amigos muchos amigos realmente cuidado ir manera cuidarme padres amor apoyo sin embargo, dos hermanas pueden considerar amigos pobres vivir amor antes de todavía sentir desesperación tristeza perpetua seguir diciendo ir construir vida dejar de mentirme quiero aquí ive lastimar gente pasado no debe prosperar pensamiento podría un buen mundo remedio pasado mucho sufrimiento no puede salvar a todo el mundo aunque deseo podría querer morir no quiero ver sufrimiento no quiero causar sufrimiento pensar perdón pasado tratos suicida ideación ya joven intento Redflag antes de sobrevivir último intento oportunidad solo tiempo plan salto puente se siente garantizado saber amigos familiares angustiado sufrir también ver bueno llega vida uno vivir más daño cualquier otro plan terminar pronto querer morir creer dios después de la vida orar dejar atrás orar orar encontrar felicidad vivir vidas mejor podría hacer mejores decisiones cara decisión egoísta esperanza en cambio hacer elección compañero hombre en cambio
beluga whale ass wake one morning find beluga whale stuck ass going do
[ "beluga whale ass wake one morning find beluga whale stuck ass going do" ]
beluga culo ballena despertar una mañana encontrar beluga ballena atascada culo va a hacer
husband m got married years ago happy together fairly dark mental career states met work found happiness left work place successful place new career new city enjoy things work success place family husband got new seasonal job place used work lives best friends town hour drive away hes loving every minute new duties new coworkers amazing boss loves place is damn happy him really fills heart talk phone visit him see thrilled hes amazing gift us both means living alone weeks since left comes visit every weekends found time enough energy even put plates empty dishwasher put wrappers trash empty overflowing recycling pick dog shit yard time must strength vacuum wipe counters laundry etc many friends new city back old work husband is like coworkers far younger necessarily see eye eye everything spend time alone walked dog weeks play back yard house extremely messy standards depression pit hes coming home week days picking place suddenly energy hide shameful mess make space welcoming him kitchen clean yard picked up sheets fresh trash empty feels good clean cannot myself cannot get enough energy little things every night keep house like this instead know housekeeping chores get mad energy it makes want hide world go crawl bed watch crappy youtube videos instead get energy take care yourself realized little value myself ill bend backwards everyone else make happy cannot even gather energy toss garbage alone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "husband m got married years ago happy together fairly dark mental career states met work found happiness left work place successful place new career new city enjoy things work success place family husband got new seasonal job place used work lives best friends town hour drive away hes loving every minute new duties new coworkers amazing boss loves place is damn happy him really fills heart talk phone visit", "him see thrilled hes amazing gift us both means living alone weeks since left comes visit every weekends found time enough energy even put plates empty dishwasher put wrappers trash empty overflowing recycling pick dog shit yard time must strength vacuum wipe counters laundry etc many friends new city back old work husband is like coworkers far younger necessarily see eye eye everything spend time alone walked dog weeks play back yard house extremely messy standards depression pit hes coming home week days picking place suddenly energy hide shameful mess make space welcoming him kitchen clean yard picked up sheets fresh trash empty feels good clean cannot myself cannot get enough energy little things every night keep house like this instead know housekeeping chores get mad energy it makes want hide world go crawl bed watch crappy youtube videos instead get energy take care yourself realized little value myself ill bend backwards everyone else make happy cannot even gather energy toss garbage alone" ]
marido m se casó hace años feliz juntos bastante oscuro mental carrera estados se reunió trabajo encontrado felicidad izquierda lugar trabajo éxito lugar nueva carrera nueva ciudad disfrutar cosas trabajo éxito lugar familia marido consiguió nuevo trabajo estacional lugar uso vida trabajo mejores amigos ciudad hora de viaje él ama cada minuto nuevos deberes nuevos compañeros de trabajo increíble jefe ama lugar es malditamente feliz él realmente llena corazón charla visita telefónica
redflag hotlinei need call hotline im scared call police anybody know contact police every call somebody immediate danger also help worth time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag hotlinei need call hotlineim scared call police anybody know contact police every call somebody immediate danger also help worth time" ]
redflag lineami necesito llamar a la línea directaim miedo llamar a la policía cualquiera sabe contacto policía cada llamada alguien peligro inmediato también ayudar a la pena tiempo
know anymorehonestly really know write this ive never spoken emotions guess wanted tell someone feel im m ive felt like killing now feel like im letting everyone meet family accomplished things mom dad high ranking military brother got prestigious nasa scholarship im shit school fail half classes take thing feel like deserve feel do born good family lot friends reason kill people around me feel like killed family friends would disappointed want people remember like that wish could sacrifice save someone give life someone needs it ive looked organ donation know ill last long know ill point sorry long confusing writing mind thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know anymorehonestly really know write this ive never spoken emotions guess wanted tell someone feel im m ive felt like killing now feel like im letting everyone meet family accomplished things mom dad high ranking military brother got prestigious nasa scholarshipim shit school fail half classes take thing feel like deserve feel do born good family lot friends reason kill people around me feel like killed family friends would disappointed want people remember like that wish could sacrifice save someone give life someone needs it ive looked organ donation know ill last long know ill point sorry long confusing writing mind thanks" ]
Sabes más honestamente realmente sabes escribir este ive nunca emociones habladas adivinar quería decirle a alguien sentir im mi vida sentía como matar ahora sentir como dejar que todos conocer familia logró cosas mamá papá alto rango militar hermano consiguió prestigioso nasa becaim mierda escuela fracaso medias clases tomar la cosa se siente como merecer sentir nato buena familia lotes amigos razón matar a la gente a mi alrededor se siente como muertos amigos familiares decepcionados quieren que la gente recuerde como ese deseo podría sacrificar salvar a alguien dar vida alguien lo necesita ive mirado donación de órganos sabe mal último largo saber mal punto lo siento mucho confuso escribir mente gracias
somebody please tell apple type talk tall want say yall instead stop automatically correcting word talk yall north dont even say yall correcting automatically instead maybe suggestion tldr stop autocorrecting word talk yall fucking piece shit apple phone
[ "somebody please tell apple type talk tall want say yall instead stop automatically correcting word talk yall north dont even say yall correcting automatically instead maybe suggestion tldr stop autocorrecting word talk yall fucking piece shit apple phone" ]
alguien por favor decirle a Apple tipo hablar alto quiere decir yall en lugar de dejar de corregir automáticamente palabra hablar yall norte ni siquiera decir yall corregir automáticamente en lugar de tal vez sugerencia tldr dejar de autocorregir palabra hablar yall mierda mierda manzana teléfono
night cunt love you dont let bed bugs bite
[ "night cunt love you dont let bed bugs bite" ]
noche coño amor no dejes que los bichos de la cama muerdan
would schizophrenic deaf person hear voices head talking them im unable find answer anywhere need know
[ "would schizophrenic deaf person hear voices head talking them im unable find answer anywhere need know" ]
Esquizofrénico sordo persona escuchar voces cabeza hablar de ellos im no se puede encontrar respuesta en cualquier lugar necesidad saber
seems like logical option world cant fit intohave never fit society im much nonconformist motivation finish college grades fine absolutely hate classes cant keep interest pretty much every class ive entire life ive tried multiple types classes spanning different majors friends to benefit success finding work parents use work mcdonalds critique smh career path well im worthless highly likely bpd mdd add well gad honestly sound like subsets one another tried medication unsuccessful tried stimulants hated well cure depression im essentially screwed life imagine death worse candy compared picture close lowest point ill probably get kicked soon become homeless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "seems like logical option world cant fit intohave never fit society im much nonconformist motivation finish college grades fine absolutely hate classes cant keep interest pretty much every class ive entire life ive tried multiple types classes spanning different majors friends to benefit success finding work parents use work mcdonalds critique smh career pathwell im worthless highly likely bpd mdd add well gad honestly sound like subsets one another tried medication unsuccessful tried stimulants hated well cure depressionim essentially screwed life imagine death worse candy compared picture close lowest point ill probably get kicked soon become homeless" ]
Parece como opción lógica mundo no cabe en have nunca encajar sociedad im motivación no conformista terminar las calificaciones de la universidad bien absolutamente clases odio no puede mantener el interés prácticamente cada clase ive toda la vida ive probado clases de varios tipos que abarcan diferentes amigos para beneficiar el éxito encontrar trabajo padres utilizan trabajo mcdonalds crítica smh carrera pathwell im inútil muy probable bpd mdd añadir bien gad honestamente sonido como subconjuntos de medicamentos probados sin éxito estimulantes odiados bien cura depresiónim esencialmente jodido la vida imaginar muerte peor caramelo comparación imagen cerca punto más bajo mal probablemente ser pateado pronto convertirse en indigente
ive done nothing contributeim taking space using food water peoples time aspirations direction easier ceased exist
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive done nothing contributeim taking space using food water peoples time aspirations direction easier ceased exist" ]
No se ha hecho nada contribuyó a tomar el espacio usando el agua comida gente tiempo aspiraciones dirección más fácil dejó de existir
anyone wanna talk im bored pm ya want ill talk bout almost anything listen problems ig
[ "anyone wanna talk im bored pm ya want ill talk bout almost anything listen problems ig" ]
Si alguien quiere hablar aburrido, ¿quieres hablar mal de casi cualquier cosa? Escucha problemas.
im aloneim two hours away anyone knows im alive university friends even anyone knows name cant handle fucking alone subhuman cant even look anyone eyes speak every day panic attacks drawn fear schoolwork know wont make it please god let convenient dont disappoint family comes it ill find way cant fucking take anymore much im fucking sorry boyfriend friends family please god let finally feel peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im aloneim two hours away anyone knows im alive university friends even anyone knows name cant handle fucking alone subhuman cant even look anyone eyes speak every day panic attacks drawn fear schoolwork know wont make it please god let convenient dont disappoint family comes it ill find way cant fucking take anymore much im fucking sorry boyfriend friends family please god let finally feel peace" ]
Im aloneim a dos horas de distancia alguien sabe im vivos amigos de la universidad incluso alguien sabe nombre no puede manejar solo mierda subhumano no puede incluso mirar a cualquiera ojos hablar todos los días ataques de pánico provocados miedo escuela saber no lo hará por favor Dios dejar conveniente no decepcionar a la familia viene mal encontrar manera no puede tomar más Im puto lo siento novio amigos familia por favor Dios dejar finalmente sentir la paz
got report card grades flunked so normally im good student high grades last year lowest grade ever b however last year teacher bitch know probably respectful since hes helping learn didnt gave detention pointless reasons constantly picked reading answering questions front room much could even though knows horrible case stage fright the principal told teacher let independant work often group work care worst thing is let get beaten up yard patrol time lunch got picked every day one time early january group kids throwing big chunks ice mainly targeting facehead teacher saw instead coming break since knew defend kids stronger me walked away smiling got concussion teeth damaged im lucky need braces away weeks injuries grades year as cs dissapointed im online school year im often confused were problems focusing im really anxious good thing online teacher really nice helps catch up cant change grades best mark b lowest c feel ashamed disgusted myself heard got fired know care long leaves alone thanks listening little rant wanted get system
[ "got report card grades flunked so normally im good student high grades last year lowest gradeever b however last year teacher bitch know probably respectful since hes helping learn didnt gave detention pointless reasons constantly picked reading answering questions front room much could even though knows horrible case stage fright the principal told teacher let independant work often group work care worst thing is let get beaten up yard patrol time lunch got picked every day one time early january group kids throwing big chunks ice mainly targeting facehead teacher saw instead coming break since knew defend kids stronger me walked away smiling got concussion teeth damaged im lucky need braces away weeks injuries grades year as cs dissapointed im online school year im often confused were problems focusing im really anxious good thing online teacher really nice helps catch up cant change grades best mark b lowest c feel ashamed disgusted myself heard got fired know care long leaves alone thanks listening little rant wanted get system" ]
Sin embargo, el año pasado el profesor perra sabe probablemente respetuoso ya que él ayuda a aprender no dio detención razones sin sentido constantemente elegido lectura responder preguntas sala de frente mucho podría incluso aunque sabe horrible caso escenario miedo el director le dijo a profesor dejar trabajo independiente a menudo trabajo en grupo cuidado peor cosa es dejar que le golpeen hasta patio patrulla tiempo almuerzo fue elegido todos los días una vez temprano grupo de enero niños lanzando grandes trozos de hielo principalmente apuntando cara profesor vio en lugar de venir descanso ya sabía defender niños más fuerte caminado lejos sonrisas consiguió concusión dientes dañados im suerte necesidad frenos lejos semanas lesiones grados año como cs dissapointed im año escolar en línea im confundido a menudo eran problemas foco im muy ansioso buena cosa en línea profesor realmente agradable ayuda a ponerse al día no puede cambiar grados mejor marca b más bajo c se siente avergonzado disgusto yo oído se despidió saber cuidado hojas largas solo gracias escuchar poco rant quería obtener sistema
new hampshire friends hey guys got airbnb alton nh months since college online im freshman got people hmu around area would chill
[ "new hampshire friends hey guys got airbnb alton nh months since college online im freshman got people hmu around area would chill" ]
nuevos hampshire amigos hey chicos tienen airbnb alton nh meses desde la universidad en línea im primer año tiene gente hmu alrededor de la zona se enfriaría
nothing wrong everything feel wrongim sure start saying this im sure start hopefully short paragraph text tries explain im depressed nothing depressed about feel alone despite room full loving supporting people cant manage explain hesitate tell parents this ive pulled together list people ive ever told struggle guess there freaking parents therapist know wanna tell parents anything like why depressed queston idea stop asking wanna go therapist requires telling parents this cant handle knowing someone paid talk me pretty damn good life honest cant fine feel like this hopefully short decently detailed kinda wrote suddenly
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing wrong everything feel wrongim sure start saying this im sure start hopefully short paragraph text tries explain im depressed nothing depressed about feel alone despite room full loving supporting people cant manage explain hesitate tell parents this ive pulled together list peopleive ever told struggle guess there freaking parents therapist know wanna tell parents anything like why depressed queston idea stop asking wanna go therapist requires telling parents this cant handle knowing someone paid talk me pretty damn good life honest cant fine feel like this hopefully short decently detailed kinda wrote suddenly" ]
No hay nada malo todo se siente mal seguro empezar a decir esto estoy seguro empezar con suerte breve texto de párrafo intenta explicar im deprimido nada deprimido sobre sentirse solo a pesar de habitación completo amor apoyo gente no puede manejar explicar vacile decirle a los padres este ive reunido lista peopleive nunca dijo lucha adivinar allí padres malditos terapeuta saber querer decirle a los padres cualquier cosa como por qué deprimido idea de Queston dejar de preguntar querer ir terapeuta requiere decirle a los padres este no puede manejar saber que alguien me paga bastante buena vida honesto no puede bien sentirse como esto espero corto decentemente detallado un poco escribió de repente
question going hospitalso im incredibly depressed noone talk to call pessimistic think talking talking someone via reddit seem like would helpful go er right speak someone would entire process like suicidal thoughts everyday courage actually follow it wanted discharged would picked someone im also would discharge me last time went hospital suicidal thoughts transported psychiatric ward private clinic actually called told risk kill myself tldr want go er want held transported elsewhere do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "question going hospitalso im incredibly depressed noone talk to call pessimistic think talking talking someone via reddit seem like would helpful go er right speak someone would entire process like suicidal thoughts everyday courage actually follow it wanted discharged would picked someone im also would discharge me last time went hospital suicidal thoughts transported psychiatric ward private clinic actually called told risk kill myself tldr want go er want held transported elsewhere do" ]
pregunta ir a los hospitales im increíblemente deprimido nadie hablar para llamar pesimista pensar hablar alguien hablar a través de reddit parece como sería de ayuda ir derecho hablar alguien procesaría entero como pensamientos suicidas coraje diario seguir realmente quería dado de alta elegir a alguien im también me daría de alta la última vez que fue hospital pensamientos suicidas transportados sala psiquiátrica clínica privada en realidad llamado riesgo me dijo matar tldr quiere ir er want se mantiene transportado a otro lugar hacer
im destined shitty lifepeople always talk path life me honesty see fuckup eventually killing myself ill become drug addict live streets go jail stupid reason kill myself thats way see going motivation actually something useless life thought graduating school career starting family getting old makes sick life isnt worth living me everything pointless id rather suicidal crackhead successful fuck that successful people arent even happy anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im destined shitty lifepeople always talk path life me honesty see fuckup eventually killing myself ill become drug addict live streets go jail stupid reason kill myself thats way see going motivation actually something useless life thought graduating school career starting family getting old makes sick life isnt worth living me everything pointless id rather suicidal crackhead successful fuck that successful people arent even happy anyway" ]
im destino mierda vida gente siempre hablar camino vida me honestidad ver cagar finalmente matarme mal llegar a ser adicto a las drogas calles en vivo ir a la cárcel estúpida razón matarme esa manera ver ir motivación en realidad algo vida inútil pensamiento graduarse carrera escolar empezando familia envejecer hace la vida enferma no vale la pena vivir todo sin sentido id bastante suicida drogadicto éxito follada que la gente exitosa no son incluso felices de todos modos
mom good emotional support dad sensitive touchyfeely whereas take something face value pick subtleties think somewhat loveless marriage dad turned emotional outlet point early teens would spend hours talking lessons morality suffering hands insensitiveclueless mom love things romantic sensual mixed here kind pervy behavior
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mom good emotional support dad sensitive touchyfeely whereas take something face value pick subtleties think somewhat loveless marriage dad turned emotional outlet point early teens would spend hours talking lessons morality suffering hands insensitiveclueless mom love things romantic sensual mixed here kind pervy behavior" ]
mamá buen apoyo emocional papá sensible touchyfeely mientras que tomar algo cara valor recoger sutilezas pensar algo sin amor matrimonio papá convertido punto de salida emocional adolescentes temprano pasaría horas hablando lecciones moral sufrimiento manos insensibilidad mamá ama las cosas romántica sensual mezcla aquí amable comportamiento pervertido
ucatswithalmdudler appreciation post stalking
[ "ucatswithalmdudler appreciation post stalking" ]
ucatswithalmdudler apreciación post acoso
set failurei understand point living someone like me compare einstein poor foreign kid motivation live like them im stupid depression social anxiety physically unattractive ive spent years studying hard nothing return drop subjects chemistry physics backup am right now adults really need make minds say high school everything say best yrs life better atar make life easier past half yearlies tests im talking lowest rank average subjects cant focus im mentally sick hsc left think study anymore high school handle failure stress well would even hire job im scrawny female parents admitted burden siblings call moody pessimistic get phase whole life pls tell golden story breaking shell feel like vomitting start crying shaking near ppl point im waiting opportunity like tall building train deep water physical pain cutting last moment stop existing forever nothings holding back feel bad wasting familys time money me hate living gift me im waiting death old age come want check gets worse
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "set failurei understand point living someone like me compare einstein poor foreign kid motivation live like them im stupid depression social anxiety physically unattractive ive spent years studying hard nothing return drop subjects chemistry physics backup am right now adults really need make minds say high school everything say best yrs life better atar make life easier past half yearlies tests im talking lowest rank average subjects cant focus im mentally sick hsc left think study anymore high school handle failure stress well would even hire job im scrawny female parents admitted burden siblings call moody pessimistic get phase whole life pls tell golden story breaking shell feel like vomitting start crying shaking near ppl point im waiting opportunity like tall building train deep water physical pain cutting last moment stop existing forever nothings holding back feel bad wasting familys time money me hate living gift meim waiting death old age come want check gets worse" ]
set failurei entiendo punto vivir a alguien como yo comparar einstein pobre chico extranjero motivación vivir como ellos im estúpida depresión social ansiedad físicamente poco atractivo vida pasado años estudiando duro nada retorno gotas temas química física respaldo soy ahora mismo los adultos realmente necesitan hacer mentes decir escuela secundaria todo dicen mejor yrs vida mejor atar hacer la vida más fácil pasado medio año pruebas im hablar rango más bajo promedio sujetos cant focus im mentalmente enfermo hsc izquierda pensar estudio más escuela secundaria manejar el fracaso estrés bien incluso contratar trabajo im scrawny padres admitidos carga hermanos llaman estado de ánimo pesimista obtener fase toda la vida pls contar historia de oro romper cáscara se siente como vomitar empezar a llorar temblor cerca de ppl punto im espera oportunidad como construcción tren aguas profundas dolor físico corte último momento dejar de existir para siempre nada contención se siente mal familia tiempo dinero odio vida regalo meim espera muerte edad quieren cheque se pone peor
im suicidal found reddits big suicidal group peopleim years old im kinda fucked head thru shit sometimes dont know reality not kinda thought pathological liar genuinely thought things actually happened me get flashbacks things might never happened like overdosed something whole time ive coma
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im suicidal found reddits big suicidal group peopleim years old im kinda fucked head thru shit sometimes dont know reality not kinda thought pathological liar genuinely thought things actually happened me get flashbacks things might never happened like overdosed something whole time ive coma" ]
I suicida encontrado reddits grande grupo suicida genteim años de edad im un poco jodido cabeza a través de mierda a veces no saben realidad no un poco pensado mentiroso patológico genuinamente pensó que las cosas realmente me pasó flashbacks cosas podría nunca sucedió como sobredosis algo todo el tiempo en coma vivo
riddle uh idk im good riddling gig
[ "riddle uh idk im good riddling gig" ]
acertijo uh idk im buen giro
friend mine really needs help im ideastldr friend mine going real hard times lots trouble parents recent horrible things happened her ive close one year weve rarely seen other trusts im trying best help her already attempted commit redflag work since little better today texted saying happened last weekend ruined this guy thought friend wanted sex blocked plus honestly thinks mother hates her words come point reason live anymore ive tried tried listen keeps saying shell it ideas convice otherwise
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend mine really needs help im ideastldr friend mine going real hard times lots trouble parents recent horrible things happened her ive close one year weve rarely seen other trusts im trying best help her already attempted commit redflag work since little better today texted saying happened last weekend ruined this guy thought friend wanted sex blocked plus honestly thinks mother hates her words come point reason live anymore ive tried tried listen keeps saying shell it ideas convice otherwise" ]
amigo mío realmente necesita ayuda im ideastldr amigo mío va realmente duro tiempos lotes problemas padres recientes cosas horribles sucedió su live close un año hemos visto pocas veces otros trusts im tratar de mejor ayuda ya intento cometer trabajo de bandera roja ya poco mejor hoy mensajeado diciendo sucedió el fin de semana pasado arruinó este tipo pensó amigo quería sexo bloqueado más honestamente piensa madre odia sus palabras come point razón más ive probado escucha sigue diciendo cáscara ideas convice de otro modo
theres escapemy life meaningless im stuck someone mistreats doesnt love me im completely alone support two year old husband covert narcissist feel like fucking idiot falling shit im forgotten person havent mattered since born ive always uncared about know sounds pathetic really emo really is left homeless mom died family took in sexual abused family knew kept secret nobody cares really dont truly believe reason existence suffering
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theres escapemy life meaningless im stuck someone mistreats doesnt love me im completely alone support two year old husband covert narcissist feel like fucking idiot falling shit im forgotten person havent mattered since born ive always uncared about know sounds pathetic really emo really is left homeless mom died family took in sexual abused family knew kept secret nobody cares really dont truly believe reason existence suffering" ]
Theres escapemy life sin sentido im pegada alguien maltrata no me quiere completamente solo apoyo dos años marido encubierto narcisista se siente como puto idiota cayéndose mierda im olvidado persona no ha importado desde que nació ive siempre sin cuidado de saber suena patético realmente emo realmente se queda sin hogar mamá murió familia tomada en abuso sexual familia sabía secreto nadie se preocupa realmente no creer la razón sufrimiento existencia
day nnn went even slower day studying minecraft fun bois good luck cumrades
[ "day nnn went even slower day studying minecraft fun bois good luck cumrades" ]
día nnn fue aún más lento día estudiando minecraft diversión bois buena suerte cumrades
life fucking scam cute anime girl already smh want refund
[ "life fucking scam cute anime girl already smh want refund" ]
vida mierda estafa lindo anime chica ya smh quiere reembolso
thanks guys think may saved lifeso month ago came fully expecting last day life last thing list get flavors fucked up look old family photos put fat one right skull well came across graduation picture ranger school one old army friends decided give one last call knew something police come house ive spent last weeks involuntarily commited psych ward hey im still here dont really know since im right back started might pack bag start walking dont know im still matters rangers lead way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thanks guys think may saved lifeso month ago came fully expecting last day life last thing list get flavors fucked up look old family photos put fat one right skull well came across graduation picture ranger school one old army friends decided give one last call knew something police come house ive spent last weeksinvoluntarily commited psych wardhey im still here dont really know since im right back started might pack bag start walking dont knowim still matters rangers lead way" ]
Gracias chicos piensan que puede salvar la vida hace un mes vino completamente esperando el último día vida última cosa lista conseguir sabores jodidos mirar viejas fotos de la familia puso gordo un cráneo derecho bien llegó a través de graduación escuela de ranger foto un viejo ejército amigos decidieron dar una última llamada sabía algo policía viene casa ive pasado las últimas semanasinvoluntariamente comprometido psych warthey im todavía aquí no sé realmente desde Im derecho de vuelta comenzó bolsa puede empezar a empacar caminar no sé todavía importa Rangers lideran camino
yall ever want draw something really cool realize artistic skills
[ "yall ever want draw something really cool realize artistic skills" ]
Yall siempre quiere dibujar algo realmente genial realizar habilidades artísticas
still remember first seeing tv believe tvnz let on it lot humor lost nonnzers give go br br since finishing back series matt chris gone bigger better things nzs greatest daredevil stuntman randy campbell often appeared british tv series balls steel yes still fks stunts drunkbr br also house band deja voodoo since released albums brown sabbath back brown band consists members back team singles i would give one beers but ive got you even born s continue humorbr br the southbysouthwest film festival also featured feature length film the devil made it released early nzbr br all up find guys funny fk off
[ "still remember first seeing tv believe tvnz let on it lot humor lost nonnzers give go br br since finishing back series matt chris gone bigger better things nzs greatest daredevil stuntman randy campbell often appeared british tv series balls steel yes still fks stunts drunkbr br also house band deja voodoo since released albums brown sabbath back brown band consists members back team singles i would give one beers but ive got you even born s continue humorbr br the southbysouthwest film festival also featured feature length film the devil made it released early nzbr br all up find guys funny fk off" ]
todavía recordar primero ver la televisión creer tvnz dejar en él mucho humor perdido nonnzers dar go br br desde terminar atrás serie Matt chris ido más grandes cosas mejores nzs mayor atrevimiento stuntman randy campbell a menudo apareció británico serie bolas de acero sí todavía fks acrobacias borrachobr br también banda de la casa deja vudú desde álbumes lanzados banda marrón sabático volver marrón consta miembros equipo singles yo daría una cerveza pero le dio incluso nacido s continuar humorbr br el festival de cine sur-suroeste también contó con largo largometraje el diablo hizo lanzado temprano nzbr br todo hasta encontrar chicos divertido fk off
use washing line ropei dont proper rope dont know get one would still work use washing line use doorknob method
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "use washing line ropei dont proper rope dont know get one would still work use washing line use doorknob method" ]
uso de la línea de lavado de la cuerda no sé la cuerda adecuada no sé conseguir uno todavía funcionaría uso de la línea de lavado uso método pomo de la puerta
wait flirt always people flirt crush flirt random girls like mean
[ "wait flirt always people flirt crush flirt random girls like mean" ]
espera coquetear siempre la gente coquetear aplastamiento coquetear chicas al azar como la mezquina
feelings someone telling ones tho haha
[ "feelings someone telling ones tho haha" ]
sentimientos que alguien les dice a los tho haha
fly like paper get high like planes u catch border got visas name
[ "fly like paper get high like planes u catch border got visas name" ]
volar como el papel conseguir alto como aviones u coger frontera consiguió visas nombre
theres little hope left herethis reddit seems dead now nobody left encourage cries help now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theres little hope left herethis reddit seems dead now nobody left encourage cries help now" ]
Hay poca esperanza que quede aquí. Este reddit parece muerto. Ahora nadie se queda animando a gritos a ayudar ahora.
update still herea ago wrote talking plan make wellhere am made it regret wholeheartedly thought things get worse boy wrong i learned things always get shittier one friend decided abandon me today birthday anniversary day girl planned marry abandoned me disliked me shitty personality im depressed deal depression blame her all one thing saving every time verge have sit anniversary birth think fitting would end day know anymore want shoulder cry on want someone hug tell itll ok ive lonely want end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "update still herea ago wrote talking plan make wellhere am made it regret wholeheartedly thought things get worse boy wrongi learned things always get shittier one friend decided abandon me today birthday anniversary day girl planned marry abandoned me disliked me shitty personality im depressed deal depression blame her all one thing saving every time verge have sit anniversary birth think fitting would end day know anymore want shoulder cry on want someone hug tell itll ok ive lonely want end" ]
actualización todavía aquía hace escribió el plan de conversación hacer bienaquí me hice lamentar de todo corazón pensamiento las cosas se ponen peor chico mal aprendió las cosas siempre se ponen más mierda un amigo decidió abandonarme hoy cumpleaños aniversario chica planeada casarse me abandonó no me gusta mi mierda personalidad im depresión trato depresión culpar a ella todo lo que ahorra cada vez que borde de tiempo han sentarse aniversario nacimiento pensar encajar acabaría el día saber más quiere hombro llorar en querer alguien abrazo dill itll ok vida solitario querer final
never suicidal lifein years never thought redflag much past months like number thing mind time dont goals anymore dad doesnt understand im going really doesnt even try idea anymore look mirror dont recognize myself struggling nobody seems notice plan ready go stop pussy it cannot continue like this agony i dont care grammar punctuation
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "never suicidal lifein years never thought redflag much past months like number thing mind time dont goals anymore dad doesnt understand im going really doesnt even try idea anymore look mirror dont recognize myself struggling nobody seems notice plan ready go stop pussy it cannot continue like this agony i dont care grammar punctuation" ]
nunca suicida vida en años nunca pensé rojo bandera mucho meses pasados como número cosa mente tiempo no goles más papá no entiende que voy realmente ni siquiera tratar de idea mira espejo no me reconoce lucha nadie parece notar plan listo ir punto coño no puede continuar como esta agonía no me importa puntuación gramatical
story wishing well sam im sam wishing well call aristotle sam how get name wishing well i say thats name said call want that sam throws penny sam i wish wishing well i want grass greener sam hey wish something threw penny wishing well who wishing well you
[ "story wishing well sam im sam wishing well call aristotle samhow get name wishingwell i say thats name said call want that sam throws penny sami wish wishing well i wantgrass greener sam hey wish something threw penny wishing well who wishing well you" ]
historia deseos bien sam im sam deseos bien llamar aristotle samhow obtener nombre fazzingwell digo que ese es el nombre dicho llamar querer que sam lanza penique sami deseo desear bien quierograss verde sam hey deseo algo lanzó penique deseando bien quién desea bien usted
taking note momentim confusedand trying stay focusedon know rightim torn know wrong torn
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "taking note momentim confusedand trying stay focusedon know rightim torn know wrong torn" ]
Tomando nota de momentum confundido y tratando de permanecer enfocado en saber lo correcto lo desgarrado saber mal desgarrado
take long ban boiboiboiboi anyone unsee juice me
[ "take long ban boiboiboiboi anyone unsee juice me" ]
Toma un largo ban boiboiboiboi que nadie me vea jugo
thanks twitterive made inflammatory twitter account hoping people send death threats feel justified killing myself love internet anonymity
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thanks twitterive made inflammatory twitter account hoping people send death threats feel justified killing myself love internet anonymity" ]
gracias twitterive hizo inflamatoria cuenta de twitter esperando que la gente envíe amenazas de muerte se sienten justificados matándome a mí mismo amor a Internet anonimato
year things im grateful move parents house pillow know people might get perfect pillow pillows arent comfy stepdad hes around since hes actually really solid guy sense humour bit selfish think life little bit enjoyable kind find funny side almost anything tune tomorrow
[ "year things im grateful move parents house pillow know people might get perfect pillow pillows arent comfy stepdadhes around since hes actually really solid guy sense humour bit selfish think life little bit enjoyable kind find funny side almost anything tune tomorrow" ]
año cosas im agradecido mover padres casa almohada saber la gente podría conseguir perfecto almohadas almohadas no son cómodos stepdadhes alrededor ya que él en realidad es realmente sólido chico sentido humor poco egoísta pensar la vida poco agradable tipo encontrar lado divertido casi cualquier melodía mañana
im breaking pointim angry lonely feel like one understands me im breaking point im lose it someone says one stupid plattitude everyone says people experiencing lot emotional shit im done im longer gonna even try talk feelings open anyone im gonna end something really bad im gonna kill end it thought whole point opening people could find someone whos understanding avoid people insensitive wholl make things worse whatever dude im really close done right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im breaking pointim angry lonely feel like one understands me im breaking point im lose it someone says one stupid plattitude everyone says people experiencing lot emotional shit im done im longer gonna even try talk feelings open anyone im gonna end something really bad im gonna kill end it thought whole point opening people could find someone whos understanding avoid people insensitive wholl make things worse whatever dude im really close done right now" ]
I romper puntoim enojado solitario sentir como uno me entiende im romper punto im perderlo alguien dice una estúpida plattitud todo el mundo dice que la gente que experimenta mucha mierda emocional I m hecho más tiempo va a incluso tratar de hablar sentimientos a alguien I va a terminar algo realmente malo im va a matar fin pensó punto entero abrir la gente podría encontrar a alguien que entiende evitar personas insensibles puta hacer las cosas peor lo que sea tío im realmente cerca hecho ahora mismo
biden president probably be election mine january
[ "biden president probably be election mine january" ]
biden presidente probablemente sea elección mina enero
know may isolate friends even family romantic partners too give mine space common people depression stop reaching partners going period depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know may isolate friends even family romantic partners too give mine space common people depression stop reaching partners going period depression" ]
saber puede aislar amigos incluso parejas románticas familiares también dar espacio mina personas comunes depresión dejar de llegar a los compañeros va período depresión