get weidly ticked things even concern me know im transphobehomophobe anything think everytime see post saying fuck transphobeshomophobes feel weird almost like im mad not know guilt something else anyways day
[ "get weidly ticked things even concern me know im transphobehomophobe anything think everytime see post saying fuck transphobeshomophobes feel weird almost like im mad not know guilt something else anyways day" ]
las cosas se ponen nerviosas incluso me preocupan saben im transphobehomophobe cualquier cosa piensan cada vez ver post diciendo mierda transphobeshomophobes se sienten raros casi como im loco no saben culpa otra cosa de todos modos día
looking new friends discord know place you server growing server thats lgbtq friendly almost times active always find someone talk to wanna make application join is httpsdocsgooglecomformsdpsyqdgzr_arprccuif_lftbnwqrqxseenideditresponseshttpsdocsgooglecomformsdpsyqdgzr_arprccuif_lftbnwqrqxseenideditresponses
[ "looking new friends discord know place you server growing server thats lgbtq friendly almost times active always find someone talk to wanna make application join is httpsdocsgooglecomformsdpsyqdgzr_arprccuif_lftbnwqrqxseenideditresponseshttpsdocsgooglecomformsdpsyqdgzr_arprccuif_lftbnwqrqxseenideditresponses" ]
buscar nuevos amigos discordancia saber lugar servidor creciente servidor que es lgbtq amigable casi veces activa siempre encontrar alguien hablar para querer hacer aplicación unirse es httpsdocsgooglecomformsdpsyqdgzr_arprccuif_lftbnwqrqxseeneditresponseshttpsdocsgooglecomformsdpsyqdgzr_arprccuif_lftbnwqrqxseeneditresponses
want le burger king impossible burger uwu enough grow boobies d
[ "want le burger king impossible burger uwu enough grow boobies d" ]
quiere le hamburguesa rey hamburguesa imposible uwu suficiente crecer tetas d
boys working outside recording studio hear the voice angel would miss van doren auditioning going name miss andrews father approve radio singer however hopes certain bigwig mrs bixby friend dads hire her give approvalbr br she leaves within minutes boys running amok studio causing havoc musicians kill ruin recording session finally things calm down whew eluded them says moe yeah got away too answers curlybr br the boys fool around studio put miss van dorens record curly gets dressed womens clothes pretends hes singing mrs bixby walks in impressed hires seniorita cucacha spot extra asked come sing highsociety party night rest sayis history curly pretends opera singer funny results oh way accompanied senior mucho senior gustobr br what happens party simply truth wins out slapstick antics take place all pretty good episode enjoyed rate anything special
[ "boys working outside recording studio hear the voice angel would miss van doren auditioning going name miss andrews father approve radio singer however hopes certain bigwig mrs bixby friend dads hire her give approvalbr br she leaves within minutes boys running amok studio causing havoc musicians kill ruin recording session finally things calm down whew eluded them saysmoeyeah got away too answers curlybr br the boys fool around studio put miss van dorens record curly getsdressed womens clothes pretends hes singing mrs bixby walks in impressed hires seniorita cucacha spot extra asked come sing highsociety party night rest sayis history curly pretends opera singer funny resultsoh way accompanied senior mucho senior gustobr br what happens party simply truth wins out slapstick antics take place all pretty good episode enjoyed rate anything special" ]
chicos trabajando fuera del estudio de grabación escuchar la voz ángel faltaría van doren audición va nombre señorita Andrews padre aprobar cantante de radio sin embargo espera que cierta bigwig señora Bixby amigo papás contratar su dar aprobaciónbr br ella se va en cuestión de minutos chicos corriendo amok estudio causando estragos músicos matar arruinar grabación sesión finalmente las cosas se calmó whew eluded ellos saymoeyeah se escapó también respuestas rizado br los chicos tonto alrededor estudio poner miss van Dorens disco rizado se viste ropa femenina finge que canta señora Bixby camina en contratos impresionados seniorita cucacha lugar extra pedido venir cantar alta sociedad fiesta descanso sayis historia rizado pretende cantante de ópera divertido resultadosoh manera acompañado mayor mucho senior gustobr br lo que sucede fiesta simplemente la verdad gana bofetón travesti ánticas toman lugar todos muy buen episodio disfrutado tarifa cualquier cosa especial
hey basicly feel like fucked everything everyone went university cov work weekends take care little brother cuz mom work could go kindergarden suffer sad depressions completle lost study way practice companies etc bought car lots malfunctions poped up mom wants house cuz adult y according go live gf find self flat gf lives parents grandpa flats suuuuper expensive live even video games super unlucky luck gf super amazing problem we feel like luck cuz almost died newborns somehow still here sometimes wish died live shit af worldpower sex money hungry world hate life soooo much feel good get fucked world everything unlucky
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hey basicly feel like fucked everything everyone went university cov work weekends take care little brother cuz mom work could go kindergarden suffer sad depressions completle lost study way practice companies etc bought car lots malfunctions poped up mom wants house cuz adult y according go live gf find self flat gf lives parents grandpa flats suuuuper expensive live even video games super unlucky luck gf super amazing problem we feel like luck cuz almost died newborns somehow still here sometimes wish died live shit af worldpower sex money hungry world hate life soooo much feel good get fucked world everything unlucky" ]
Hey basicamente sentir como follada todo todo todo lo que fue universidad cov trabajo fines de semana tener cuidado pequeño hermano cuz mamá trabajo podría ir kindergarden sufrir triste depresiones completar estudio manera prácticas empresas etc compró coches lotes mal funcionamientos poped up mamá quiere casa cuz adulto y según go live gf encontrar uno mismo plano gf vidas padres abuelo pisos suuuper caro en vivo incluso videojuegos super mala suerte gf super increíble problema nos sentimos como suerte cuz casi muertos recién nacidos de alguna manera aquí a veces deseo muerto vivir mierda af mundo poder sexo dinero hambre mundo odio vida sooooo mucho sentirse bien conseguir jodido mundo todo desafortunado
feeling like worst version personlike title says feeling like absolute worm feel like ruin hurt everyone come contact with remembering words parents second grade youre mean person ones ever gonna wanna friend feeling ruin hurt everyone sad hours also quite bit drunk shfjekskfjd
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling like worst version personlike title says feeling like absolute worm feel like ruin hurt everyone come contact with remembering words parents second grade youre mean person ones ever gonna wanna friend feeling ruin hurt everyone sad hours also quite bit drunk shfjekskfjd" ]
sentimiento como peor versión título persona como dice sentir como gusano absoluto sentir como ruina lastimar a todo el mundo venir contacto con recordar palabras padres segundo grado youre persona mala que alguna vez va a querer amigo sentir ruina lastimar a todos horas tristes también bastante borracho shfjekskfjd
always mfs wanna downvote post second post wanna stay silent hate mfs
[ "always mfs wanna downvote post second post wanna stay silent hate mfs" ]
siempre mfs quieren downvote post segundo post quieren permanecer en silencio odio mfs
living worm confessionive come terms suicidal thoughts never going end sometimes whisper others deafening scream begging end suffering like worm eating sanity little little stop me stop enjoying every joy life laughing harder smiling broader whenever outrun it flee worm acknowledge accept it help others ease pain others safe affliction love
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "living worm confessionive come terms suicidal thoughts never going end sometimes whisper others deafening scream begging end suffering like worm eating sanity little little stop me stop enjoying every joy life laughing harder smiling broader whenever outrun it flee worm acknowledge accept it help others ease pain others safe affliction love" ]
Viviendo gusano confesivo vienen términos pensamientos suicidas nunca terminan a veces susurrar a otros ensordecedores gritos mendigando terminar sufriendo como gusano comiendo cordura poco poco detenerme dejar de disfrutar de cada alegría la vida riéndose más fuerte sonriente más amplio cada vez que huyen gusano reconocer aceptar ayudar a otros aliviar el dolor otros seguro aflicción amor
im going hang myselfim tired cant stand alive anymore give up hopeless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im going hang myselfim tired cant stand alive anymore give up hopeless" ]
Voy a colgarme a mí mismo. No puedo seguir vivo.
know myselfi start first year high school next monday think ill make it within single day ive almost killed multiple times people could care less existed honestly agree more
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know myselfi start first year high school next monday think ill make it within single day ive almost killed multiple times people could care less existed honestly agree more" ]
Sé que yo empiezo el primer año de la escuela secundaria el próximo lunes creo que mal lo hacen dentro de un solo día de vida casi asesinado varias veces a la gente podría importarle menos existió honestamente más de acuerdo
sometimes seems nobody caresis me seem like people used give shit understand everyones got lives live whatnot get people regard suicidal thoughts depression indifference temperature room way almost worse people care hear bullshit like just cheerful youre happy decide be like people choose depressed think switch flip off theyre ignorant hard actually trying hey lay bed day hating myself give credit know hospitalized decade ago i got accident make attempt life nurses told prayer list forty people more made feel good people happy still existed know people care me feels indescribably lonely sometimes like way people take seriously something yourself never far tell never will sucks thoughts swimming head one giving shit
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sometimes seems nobody caresis me seem like people used give shit understand everyones got lives live whatnot get people regard suicidal thoughts depression indifference temperature room way almost worse people care hear bullshit like just cheerful youre happy decide be like people choose depressed think switch flip off theyre ignorant hard actually trying hey lay bed day hating myself give credit know hospitalized decade ago i got accident make attempt life nurses told prayer list forty people more made feel good people happy still existed know people care me feels indescribably lonely sometimes like way people take seriously something yourself never far tell never will sucks thoughts swimming head one giving shit" ]
A veces parece que nadie me cuida parece que la gente usa dar mierda entender que todos tienen vidas vivir lo que no conseguir que la gente considera pensamientos suicidas depresión indiferencia temperatura ambiente manera casi peor a la gente le importa escuchar mierda como sólo alegre youre feliz decidir ser como la gente elegir deprimido pensar interruptor apagado son ignorantes duro en realidad tratando de oye cama lay día odio a mí mismo dar crédito saber hospitalizado década hace tengo accidente hacer intento de vida enfermeras dijo lista de oración cuarenta personas más hecho sentirse buena gente feliz todavía existía saber que la gente me cuida se siente indescriptiblemente solo a veces como la gente toma en serio algo nunca lejos decir nunca succionará pensamientos nadando cabeza uno dando mierda
wish could get redflag pills end life instantlyi hate government much blocking pill people keep us alive minimum wages work live steal organ die replace thier body
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish could get redflag pills end life instantlyi hate government much blocking pill people keep us alive minimum wages work live steal organ die replace thier body" ]
deseo podría conseguir píldoras de bandera roja fin de la vida al instante odio al gobierno mucho bloqueo píldora gente nos mantiene vivos salarios mínimos de trabajo en vivo robar órgano morir reemplazar su cuerpo
know theres lot going right things depressing might make happy know hamster follow instagram get surgery remove abscess complete success name vincent likes cucumbers hes super cute sounds like surgery went fine hes road recovery
[ "know theres lot going right things depressing might make happy know hamster follow instagram get surgery remove abscess complete success name vincent likes cucumbers hes super cute sounds like surgery went fine hes road recovery" ]
Sé que hay mucho yendo bien cosas deprimentes puede hacer feliz saber hámster seguir instagram conseguir cirugía quitar absceso completo éxito nombre vincent le gusta pepinos hes súper lindo sonidos como la cirugía fue bien hes carretera recuperación
friend said i dont even want im girl believes break himhi reddit really really need help friend lets call guy fallen girlfriend severe trust issues them fully believes going lose thursday next meet up told eaten slept last hours said i dont even want im girl idea help ive told needs get help said hed get thrown looney bin mind too fucked right now idea say help him know help situation im good friends guy girl reddit please help me wrong area please tell get help friend thank reading tldr check title
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend said i dont even want im girl believes break himhi reddit really really need help friend lets call guy fallen girlfriend severe trust issues them fully believes going lose thursday next meet up told eaten slept last hours said i dont even want im girl idea help ive told needs get help said hed get thrown looney bin mind too fucked right now idea say help him know help situation im good friends guy girl reddit please help me wrong area please tell get help friend thank reading tldr check title" ]
amigo dijo que ni siquiera quiero im girl cree break hishi reddit realmente necesita ayuda amigo le permite llamar chico novia caída problemas de confianza severos cree plenamente va a perder jueves siguiente reunión dijo a comer dormido las últimas horas dijo que ni siquiera quiero im chica idea ayuda ive cont necesidades conseguir ayuda dijo hed conseguir lanzado loco bin mente demasiado jodido ahora idea decir ayuda saber ayuda situación im buenos amigos chico chica reddit por favor ayúdame área equivocada por favor dime conseguir ayuda amigo gracias lectura tldr cheque título
ended toxic relationship morning thought would tell you toxic relationship everything leave it need help talk family member friend help it
[ "ended toxic relationship morning thought would tell you toxic relationship everything leave it need help talk family member friend help it" ]
find tóxico relación por la mañana pensamiento le diría relación tóxica todo lo que lo deja necesita ayuda hablar amigo miembro de la familia ayuda
wrote note babyi wrote goodbye note last night two plans figured out dying scares me dying part whatever hell comes after wanna die see nothing feel nothingnothing christian believe heaven hell obviously wanna go heaven id rather die go nowhere baby cant leave note follow
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wrote note babyi wrote goodbye note last night two plans figured out dying scares me dying part whatever hell comes after wanna die see nothing feel nothingnothing christian believeheaven hell obviously wanna go heaven id rather die go nowhere baby cant leave note follow" ]
escribió nota babyi escribió nota de despedida anoche dos planes descubiertos morir me asusta morir parte cualquier infierno viene después de querer morir ver nada sentir nada cristiano creerheaven infierno obviamente querer ir cielo id lugar morir ir a ninguna parte bebé no puede dejar nota seguir
birthday birthday today great time wanted tell sb cake
[ "birthday birthday today great time wanted tell sb cake" ]
cumpleaños cumpleaños hoy gran tiempo quería decirle pastel SB
right there good entertaining accurate erafeel scenes enough personality variations cover real people around days without story distractions exceptions credits show peralta mar vista california hill venice south malibu lived heartbreak hotel days prebeachboys next surfer kid bob cooper wasatch avenue alley used burn surfboards work old skatekey skatewheels used plywood cutouts roll sidewalk waves things different succeeding decade cool innocence fifties broke warmth sun whitewater freedom exhilaration electric sixties assertively innovative playtime inventive evolutionary madness weird seventies movie gives piece kind magic moment time place imaginary wave real source culturally significant influences btw theres another movie similarly american street edginess it genuinely unique goodness laid back realness helps refine elusively eternal sense cool two lane blacktop with one best examples freesouldoit attitude west coast california history dennis wilson like monte hellman one thanks sp right one gwr
[ "right there good entertaining accurate erafeel scenes enough personality variations cover real people around days without story distractions exceptions credits show peralta mar vista california hill venice south malibu lived heartbreak hotel days prebeachboys next surfer kid bob cooper wasatch avenue alley used burn surfboards work old skatekey skatewheels used plywood cutouts roll sidewalk waves things different succeeding decadecool innocence fifties broke warmth sun whitewater freedom exhilaration electric sixties assertively innovative playtime inventive evolutionary madness weird seventies movie gives piece kind magic moment time place imaginary wave real source culturally significant influences btw theres another movie similarly american street edginess it genuinely unique goodness laid back realness helps refine elusively eternal sense cool two lane blacktop with one best examples freesouldoit attitude west coast california history dennis wilson like monte hellman one thankssp right one gwr" ]
derecho allí buen entretenimiento precisa escenas era feel hotel días prebeachboys siguiente surfer kid bob cooper wasatch avenue callejón usado quemado surfboards trabajo viejo skatekey skatewheels usado madera contrachapado roll oleaje cosas diferente éxito década frío inocencia cincuenta años rompió calor sol blanco agua libertad exhilaración eléctrica sesentas asertivamente innovador juego tiempo inventivo evolutivo locura extraña película setenta años da pieza tipo magia momento lugar imaginario ola real fuente culturalmente significativa influencias btw theres otra película similar american street edginess que genuinamente único bondad relajado realness ayuda a refinar escurridizo eterno sentido frío dos carril blacktop con uno de los mejores ejemplos freesouldoit actitud costa oeste california historia dennis wilson como monte hellman one thankssp derecho un gwr derecha gwr
u sort new ur redditor thats ayo hows feel loser virgin cus im nauseous rn
[ "u sort new ur redditor thats ayo hows feel loser virgin cus im nauseous rn" ]
u ordenar nuevo u redditor que ayo cómo se siente perdedor virgen cus im nauseous rn
sign give up idk is nobody wants anything called doctor surgery every day week am line opens every time greeted someone really rude tells appointments booked today even though need telephone call
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sign give up idk is nobody wants anything called doctor surgery every day week am line opens every time greeted someone really rude tells appointments booked today even though need telephone call" ]
sign gift up idk es nadie quiere nada llamado cirugía médica todos los días la semana am línea abre cada vez que saludó a alguien muy grosero le dice a las citas reservadas hoy a pesar de necesidad de llamada telefónica
horribly suicidal smoked joint im casually enjoying playthrough animal crossingweird mood change quickly
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "horribly suicidal smoked joint im casually enjoying playthrough animal crossingweird mood change quickly" ]
Horriblemente suicida fumado en la articulación im casualmente disfrutando de juego a través de animal cruce cambio de humor raro rápidamente
know turn toive got much shit going wrong feel like share anybody know cares keeps getting worse want stop today made noose sturdy chord fact made fucking me feel like im letting everyone idea it seems inevitable
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know turn toive got much shit going wrong feel like share anybody know cares keeps getting worse want stop today made noose sturdy chord fact made fucking me feel like im letting everyone idea it seems inevitable" ]
sabes que turn toive tiene mucha mierda yendo mal sentir como compartir a alguien sabe que le importa cada vez peor querer detenerse hoy hecho nudo fuerte acorde hecho me hizo sentir como si dejar que todo el mundo idea parece inevitable
got viewing program first time recently hour kidnapping program know sooner james caan outstanding whollybelievable role chief honcho featured vegas complexbr br so often programs like one ensemble either outright annoying seem picked must related producer directorbr br that certainly case program along caan primary supporting cast engaging attractive believable guest actors wellchosen br br the stories ive seen interesting show presents good view city wellbr br this entertaining program one hope remain know managed miss long plan tivo on
[ "got viewing program first time recently hour kidnapping program know sooner james caan outstanding whollybelievable role chief honcho featured vegas complexbr br so often programs like one ensemble either outright annoying seem picked must related producer directorbr br that certainly case program along caan primary supporting cast engaging attractive believable guest actors wellchosen br br the stories ive seen interesting show presents good view city wellbr br this entertaining program one hope remain know managed miss long plan tivo on" ]
ver programa por primera vez recientemente hora secuestro programa saber antes James Caan excepcional totalmente creíble papel jefe honcho contó con vegas complejobr br tan a menudo programas como un conjunto o simplemente molesto parece elegido debe relacionado productor directorbr br que sin duda caso programa a lo largo de caan principal apoyo elenco atractivo actores invitados bien elegidos br br br las historias ive visto interesante espectáculo presenta buena vista ciudad br br este programa entretenido una esperanza siguen siendo saber gestionado Miss largo plantivo en
im feeling year chronic depressedalready year feel nothing hatred sadness within fueling thoughts negativity ive hope ill ever trust people feel safe loved healed feel happy never person cry year feel like im constantly holding back could cry every day wanted command feel fucked head desire destroy vanish like greatness gone ive felt fucked often became chronic undeniable feel need someone fix make shit decisions professional would expensive right cant put real person shit im always keep evolving often leads going days denying insanity dont know do feel constantly outcast thoughts impossible fit in im either foggy fucked negative spiral inside head ive short outburst happiness hour drains energy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im feeling year chronic depressedalready year feel nothing hatred sadness within fueling thoughts negativity ive hope ill ever trust people feel safe loved healed feel happy never person cry year feel like im constantly holding back could cry every day wanted command feel fucked head desire destroy vanish like greatness gone ive felt fucked often became chronic undeniable feel need someone fix make shit decisions professional would expensive right cant put real person shit im always keep evolving often leads going days denying insanity dont know do feel constantly outcast thoughts impossible fit in im either foggy fucked negative spiral inside head ive short outburst happiness hour drains energy" ]
Im sentimiento año crónico deprimido ya año sentir nada odio tristeza dentro de los pensamientos de combustible negatividad ive esperanza mal confiar en la gente se siente seguro amado sanado sentir feliz nunca persona llorar año sentir como im constantemente conteniendo hacia atrás podría llorar cada día querido comando sentir mierda deseo destruir desaparecer como grandeza ido i se sintió follada a menudo se convirtió en crónica necesidad de alguien arreglar decisiones mierda profesional derecho derecho no poner persona real mierda im seguir evolucionando a menudo lleva a cabo días negar locura no sé se siente constantemente desterrado pensamientos imposible caber en im niebla follada espiral negativa dentro cabeza i corto explosión felicidad hora drena energía
letter myselfdear self hate you hate much thought many ways ive wanted die stupid things thinking actually going change youre parents think disappointment embarrassment said many times ive practically become numb words many people tried reach out tell fine obviously werent didnt accept it didnt want burden them want good image yourself want others believe everything control stupid sounds couldnt done work done everything correctly shouldve done everything start look brothers everything control great life ahead them always get compared theyre far smarter better looking overall superior you shouldnt born family mistake reason mom dad fight always you enjoy messing peoples lives still here everyone favor leave hate you hate much die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "letter myselfdear self hate you hate much thought many ways ive wanted die stupid things thinking actually going change youre parents think disappointment embarrassment said many times ive practically become numb words many people tried reach out tell fine obviously werent didnt accept it didnt want burden them want good image yourself want others believe everything control stupid sounds couldnt done work done everything correctly shouldve done everything start look brothers everything control great life ahead them always get compared theyre far smarter better looking overall superior you shouldnt born family mistake reason mom dad fight always you enjoy messing peoples lives still here everyone favor leave hate you hate much die" ]
Carta yo mismo querido yo odio usted odia mucho pensamiento muchas maneras ive quería morir cosas estúpidas pensando realmente va a cambiar youre padres pensar vergüenza dijo muchas veces ive prácticamente se convirtió en palabras entumecidas mucha gente trató de llegar a decir bien obviamente no aceptaba no quería carga que quieren buena imagen que otros quieren todo control sonidos estúpidos no podía hacer trabajo hecho todo correctamente debería haber hecho todo empezar mira hermanos todo control gran vida por delante siempre se comparan son mucho más inteligentes mejor aspecto general superior que no debe nacer error familiar razón mamá papá lucha siempre disfrutas desordenando gente vive todavía aquí todos favor dejar odio odias mucho morir
im stupid even plan redflagand ive already failed multiple times past
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im stupid even plan redflagand ive already failed multiple times past" ]
Estupido plan incluso Redflagand ive ya ha fallado varias veces.
im losing hopehello joined subreddit need talk it cant talk friend dont want stressed whatever id rather talk and wont talk parents im crybaby recently death seems appealing everything problems im ptsd everyday mind torturing things like youre faking it youre worthless nobody would care died im going university tomorrow cant stop thinking everything ever experienced past happen university blamed friends point parents might think im unstable see state world honestly think unfair shitty world left behind even though sometime find beautiful things laying there ptsd avoid many things point ridiculous cant stop thinking none us free point think time rest die huge abandonment issues point someone doesnt act way millisecond stress think leave dont know im expecting putting here writing things way coping everything
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im losing hopehello joined subreddit need talk it cant talk friend dont want stressed whatever id rather talk and wont talk parents im crybaby recently death seems appealing everything problems im ptsd everyday mind torturing things like youre faking it youre worthless nobody would care died im going university tomorrow cant stop thinking everything ever experienced past happen university blamed friends point parents might think im unstable see state world honestly think unfair shitty world left behind even though sometime find beautiful things laying there ptsd avoid many things point ridiculous cant stop thinking none us free point think time rest die huge abandonment issues point someone doesnt act way millisecond stress think leave dont know im expecting putting here writing things way coping everything" ]
No quiero que se estrese lo que id más bien hablar y no quiero hablar padres im crybaby recientemente la muerte parece apelar a todo los problemas im ptsd mente cotidiana torturar cosas como usted está fingiendo que usted es inútil a nadie le importa morir im ir a la universidad mañana no puedo dejar de pensar que todo lo que ha pasado pasado pasar la universidad culpa amigos padres podrían pensar que es inestable ver mundo de estado honestamente pensar injusto mundo de mierda dejado a pesar de que alguna vez encontrar cosas hermosas tendido allí ptsd evitar muchas cosas punto ridículo no puedo dejar de pensar que ninguno de nosotros punto libre pensar tiempo descanso morir enormes problemas de abandono punto alguien no actúa como milisegundo estrés pensar dejar no sé es esperar que poner aquí las cosas como hacer frente a todo
living sucksim gonna it bye everyone one care
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "living sucksim gonna it bye everyone one care" ]
Vivir es una mierda. Adiós a todos.
send simple sketches ill try illustrate adobe illustrator discord gt ayan_
[ "send simple sketches ill try illustrate adobe illustrator discord gt ayan_" ]
enviar bocetos simples mal intento ilustrar adobe ilustrador discordia gt ayan_
cant afford therapy anymore insurance sucks extreme guilt anxiety im just donei cant it cant quit therapy barely even afford medication now im afraid even make another redflag attempt fail im hospitalized wont able afford bill either want slap younger face im wrecked guilt did ill probably next person get called cancelled god want die wasted entire summer dont anything dont friends anything with im outsider looking dont relate anyone cant even go social media im intensely jealous people have job sit nothing day ive new projects months think boss forgot even work here im body desk want die want dead nothing gets better summer fucking wasted it hate myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant afford therapy anymore insurance sucks extreme guilt anxiety im just donei cant it cant quit therapy barely even afford medication now im afraid even make another redflag attempt fail im hospitalized wont able afford bill either want slap younger face im wrecked guilt did ill probably next person get called cancelled god want die wasted entire summer dont anything dont friends anything with im outsider looking dont relate anyone cant even go social media im intensely jealous people have job sit nothing day ive new projects months think boss forgot even work here im body desk want die want dead nothing gets better summer fucking wasted it hate myself" ]
No puedo permitirme terapia más seguro chupa culpa extrema ansiedad im just dodei no puedo dejar la terapia apenas siquiera pagar medicamentos ahora me temo incluso hacer otro intento de bandera roja fracaso im hospitalizado no puedo pagar factura o bien quiero bofetada cara más joven im destrozada culpa hizo mal probablemente la próxima persona se llama cancelado dios quiere morir perdido todo el verano no hay nada amigos nada con im outsider buscando no se relacionan nadie ni siquiera ir redes sociales im personas intensamente celosas tienen trabajo sentarse nada día ive nuevos proyectos meses creo jefe se olvidó incluso trabajo aquí im escritorio quiero morir muertos nada consigue mejor verano jodido desperdiciado odio
here earth surprising beautiful romantic tale samantha boy problems health problems love current boyfriend jasper fades away love kelley blooms like new spring flower br br i found movie touching warm romantic touching enjoyed every bit movieand thats pretty rare highly recommend movie movie lovers one film want miss dbr br by wayif sentimental person easily cries watching movies bring tissues hand really really good movie romanticand surprisingly good dbr br
[ "here earth surprising beautiful romantic tale samantha boy problems health problems love current boyfriend jasper fades away love kelley blooms like new spring flower br br i found movie touching warm romantic touching enjoyed every bit movieand thats pretty rare highly recommend movie movie lovers one film want miss dbr br by wayif sentimental person easily cries watching movies bring tissues hand really really good movie romanticand surprisingly good dbr br" ]
aquí tierra sorprendente hermosa historia romántica samantha chico problemas de salud amor actual novio jasper se desvanece amor Kelley flores como nueva primavera flor br br i he encontrado película tocando cálido romántico toque disfrutado cada poco película y que es bastante raro muy recomendable cine amantes una película quieren señorita dbr br by wayif persona sentimental llora fácilmente ver películas traer tejidos mano realmente buena película romántica y sorprendentemente buena dbr br
this dont thinkdont think much this it find quite place youll get disturbed sit lay close eyes imagine small river flows river leaves put every mean every thought leave let flow river dont make river go faster slower observe thought flows river get distracted thought okay come back river again put thought leave let flow least mins
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "this dont thinkdont think much this it find quite place youll get disturbed sit lay close eyes imagine small river flows river leaves put every mean every thought leave let flow river dont make river go faster slower observe thought flows river get distracted thought okay come back river again put thought leave let flow least mins" ]
Esto no piensa mucho esto encuentra bastante lugar usted consigue perturbado sentarse ojos cerrados imaginar pequeños ríos ríos ríos hojas poner todos los medios cada pensamiento dejar fluir río no hacer río ir más lento observar pensamiento fluye río distraído pensar bien volver río otra vez poner pensamiento dejar dejar fluir menos minutos
tell ur crush u like them long friends ask someone out love want know people think
[ "tell ur crush u like them long friends ask someone out love want know people think" ]
Dile a tu amor que como los amigos piden a alguien amor quieren saber que la gente piensa
know anymoreapologies advance know im longwinded boringly pessimistic incubating depression coming head im nearing two months unemployed goodpaying seasonal job lined up start weeks meantime ive searching something solid temporary gig ends since goal move current lease ends next year want leave town found much success county ive lived past years job prospects low im also struggling find right direction anyway quit job two years early summer little background think might relevant later id really well company year half id gotten great performance reviews made decent sales managers found resourcefulness communication skills exceptional however parttime encouraged take fulltime lateral position nearby sister location debated ultimately applied received transfer stood offer experience good hourly raise plus bonuses sales manager ill call melissa running office crucially busy time working alone lot sacrificing days meet deadlines suit melissas scheduling needs tried stay positive burned fairly quickly melissa salaried came work late and im talking least hour often not would keep paperwork so constantly fighting keep us current one occasion found integrityhonesty questionable also really problem taking ownership workspacei desk front worked hours week melissa office large desk upon kept fresh decorations personal photos etc however would come back day find personal affects place see written desk calendar which id personally purchased know writing appointments helps memorize them melissa would insist desk computer belong me needed utilize desk gone could front store really fight that really got skin removed everything bare essentials generic emailshers managerial one mine sales per company norms wed put names signature lines respective email accounts shed use computer shed log sales user instead manager one led sending emails sales outlook account shed send emails account used would sometimes even change signature line shed go far refer third person one final straws melissa boss our regional manager decided would get bonus technically belonged me pretty big sale required regional manager authorization bonus structure rightfully mine months worked location melissa id reached teams locations needed support trying best honest state office without blatantly calling melissa shortcomings bringing personal feelings it even addressed concerns regional manager sending factual professionallyworded email started looking fallback jobs realized melissa would running show regional manager going help deeply regretting making transfer came shamefully abrupt end one saturday morning long found shed taken bonus office open daysweek funny days off came back monday really saturday find background wallpaper computer changed obnoxiously pixelated blown image pink rose i prefer stock wallpapers dark colors find desktop icons even set keys patience took hit albeit trivial annoyance great start week whatever melissa showed surprisingly early prepared make morning rounds opening shop chipper mood obviously pleased punctuality day quickly sensed irritability keep mind im monday mode anywaynot thats excuse bitch anyway latched onto mood called putting damper morning sure could probably used attitude adjustment chose right perform impromptu assessment problem is caught guard prepared launch wellformed argument problem reached quick answer mentioned desktop wallpaper melissa said another manager spent time office help must changed it followed chastising too obsessed desk needed accept people needed use it moment done clearly respect effort put work care took organization feel valued respected allowed take ownership part job wanted rip top bun stupid blonde head call selfish bitch was instead calmly dropped office keys desk told quit going argue minutia foundational issues id dealing weighing heavy collected supplies id purchased left office last time morning left voicemail hr department headquarter office theyd know quit luckily one applications temporary reception job came through quickly resumed working week later days chose hire permanently wanted stay temp longer let me feel good long commute enough pay ive unemployed since late september ive applied places im avoiding industry id last two yearsits really cliquey good feeling toward anymore either mostly retail experience belt scrapbook collegeuniversity credits degree typically aim clerical work government positions least feel like im contributing society somehow kinda fell salesoffice job stayed pay awesome often hear keep finding situation problem likely you so im owning that maybe im straightforward worker think am maybe work ethic really be maybe get along people im spectrum something working relationship pattern melissa seem new tend regularly find fault type management guess feel like put bullshit know see way fix it make work me know belong calling ive lot jobs last years live longtime partner ill call p im ashamed say p support financially month next temporary job begins feel really guilty essentially ragequitting i really rage though swear good paying job turning next job offer havewant children pets p offers moral support well really emotionally supportive seem understand im experiencing right now thats okayi get job everything times feel really alone spite someone come home to come large family mother died four years ago week slow descent opiod addiction unexpectedly turned extreme alcoholism estranged years prior understand accept choices making family negatively affected death personally im peace knowing longer selfdestructing wish still mom sure woman became longer momid lost mom years died siblings understand feel way villanized bullied it talk them dad side count him either lives nearby relationship all ties cut whether inperson social media contact siblings abusive lead toxic lifestyles lot incestual abuse moms large family auntsunclescousins life either p thinks siblings take advantage funny probably take advantage him says thats hard time making friends thinks keep guard high ive made acquaintances work years gone dinner movies coworkers years since ive really connected someone could identify friend someone flakes me tend waste time anymore early twenties id get backstabbed lot too coworkers thought friends course leads question myself kind person prone backstabbing people think so hesitate confront someone example someone im friendly workplace drops ball somehow problem reminding expectation would describe stern straightforward unkind im left assume people generally like it otherwise think im good listener trustworthy honest make effort put positive spin things workplace tear others gossip tolerate vicinity guess im unlikable maybe im annoying uninteresting dumb hard tell kind person im perceived as many people outside p socialize with ampxb past weeks ive cleaning belongings mom died deal storage unit junk want leave kind mess p went journals present ive always same listless position running narrative know work bosses little work much pay feel alone know myself clearly im problem early thirties already im stumped find work entry level guess really deserve anything that stuck anything long enough earn it today cleared old video diaries laptop yes video diariesi get lonely lose patience handwritten journaling quickly so ive tried recording try talk even myself skipping them im disgusted emptyheadedness speak well seem know anything substance look like ive done anything value frustrating thing surface seem problem ablebodied enough jog miles time eat fairly well read bit resumee strung together time hands ive job search submitted applications every waking minute im employed right picky health home car manageable debt burdens hold back cant make something happen feel dead inside why since kid ive ever wanted dead see future real goals passion sense community theres book dbt skills got outpatient program ten years ago desk distract self care hey weeks ill job keep mind plenty occupied im really tired conversation days health insurance im sorry obama aca never good even staunch liberal therapys question right now put position involuntarily committed ill need pass last background check simply posting feels like red flag is could call hotline im cups volunteer im crisis modewhat even say shit work like that id tell like profound sense fallen cracks know im shallow idiot psych drugs fix loneliness change ideology maybe everyone supposed born maybe person life better without dark presence his maybe week maybe next week maybe next year even land another sufficient job ill ever dangling thread
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know anymoreapologiesadvance know im longwinded boringly pessimistic incubating depression coming head im nearing two months unemployed goodpaying seasonal job lined up start weeksmeantime ive searching something solid temporary gig ends since goal move current lease ends next year want leave town found much success county ive lived past years job prospects low", "im also struggling find right direction anyway quit job two years early summer little background think might relevant later id really well company year half id gotten great performance reviews made decent sales managers found resourcefulness communication skills exceptional however parttime encouraged take fulltime lateral position nearby sister location debated ultimately applied received transfer stood offer experience good hourly raise plus bonuses sales manager ill call melissa running office crucially busy time working alone lot sacrificing days meet deadlines suit melissas scheduling needs tried stay positive burned fairly quickly melissa salaried came work late and im talking least hour often not would keep paperwork so constantly fighting keep us current one occasion found integrityhonesty questionable also really problem taking ownership workspacei desk front worked hours week melissa office large desk upon kept fresh decorations", "personal photos etc however would come back day find personal affects place see written desk calendar which id personally purchased know writing appointments helps memorize them melissa would insist desk computer belong me needed utilize desk gone could front store really fight that really got skin removed everything bare essentials generic emailshers managerial one mine sales per company norms wed put names signature lines respective email accounts shed use computer shed log sales user instead manager one led sending emails sales outlook account shed send emails account used would sometimes even change signature line shed go far refer third person one final straws melissa boss our regional manager decided would get bonus technically belonged me pretty big sale required regional manager authorization bonus structure rightfully mine months worked location", "melissa id reached teams locations needed support trying best honest state office without blatantly calling melissa shortcomings bringing personal feelings it even addressed concerns regional manager sending factual professionallyworded email started looking fallback jobs realized melissa would running show regional manager going help deeply regretting making transfer came shamefully abrupt end one saturday morning long found shed taken bonus office open daysweek funny days off came back monday really saturday find background wallpaper computer changed obnoxiously pixelated blown image pink rose i prefer stock wallpapers dark colors find desktop icons even set keys patience took hit albeit trivial annoyance great start week whatever melissa showed surprisingly early prepared make morning rounds opening shop chipper mood obviously pleased punctuality day quickly sensed irritability keep mind im monday mode anywaynot thats excuse bitch anyway latched onto mood called putting damper morning sure could probably used attitude adjustment chose right perform impromptu assessment problem is caught guard prepared launch wellformed argument problem reached quick answer mentioned desktop wallpaper melissa said another manager spent time office help must changed it followed chastising too obsessed desk needed accept people needed use it moment done clearly respect effort put work care took organization feel valued respected allowed take ownership part job wanted rip top bun stupid blonde head call selfish bitch was instead calmly dropped office keys desk told quit going argue minutia foundational issues id dealing weighing heavy collected supplies id purchased left office last time morning left voicemail hr department headquarter office theyd know quit luckily one applications temporary reception job came through quickly resumed working week later days chose hire permanently wanted stay temp longer let me feel good long commute enough pay ive unemployed since late september ive applied places im avoiding industry", "id last two yearsits really cliquey good feeling toward anymore either mostly retail experience belt scrapbook collegeuniversity credits degree typically aim clerical work government positions least feel like im contributing society somehow kinda fell salesoffice job stayed pay awesome often hear keep finding situation problem likely you so im owning that maybe im straightforward worker think am maybe work ethic really be maybe get along people im spectrum something working relationship pattern melissa seem new tend regularly find fault type management guess feel like put bullshit know see way fix it make work me know belong calling ive lot jobs last years live longtime partner ill call pim ashamed say p support financially month next temporary job begins feel really guilty essentially ragequitting i really rage though swear good paying job turning next job offer havewant children pets p offers moral support well really emotionally supportive seem understand im experiencing right now thats okayi get job everything times feel really alone spite someone come home to come", "large family mother died four years ago week slow descent opiod addiction unexpectedly turned extreme alcoholism estranged years prior understand accept choices making family negatively affected death personally im peace knowing longer selfdestructing wish still mom sure woman became longer momid lost mom years died siblings understand feel way villanized bullied it talk them dad side count him either lives nearby relationship all ties cut whether inperson social media contact siblings abusive lead toxic lifestyles lot incestual abuse moms large family auntsunclescousins life either p thinks siblings take advantage funny probably take advantage him says thats hard time making friends thinks keep guard high ive made acquaintances work years gone dinner movies coworkers years since ive really connected someone could identify friend someone flakes me tend waste time anymore early twenties id get backstabbed lot too coworkers thought friends course leads question myself kind person prone backstabbing people think so hesitate confront someone example someone im", "friendly workplace drops ball somehow problem reminding expectation would describe stern straightforward unkind im left assume people generally like it otherwise think im good listener trustworthy honest make effort put positive spin things workplace tear others gossip tolerate vicinity guess im unlikable maybe im annoying uninteresting dumb hard tell kind person im perceived as many people outside p socialize with ampxb past weeks ive cleaning belongings mom died deal storage unit junk want leave kind mess p went journals present ive always same listless position running narrative know work bosses little work much pay feel alone know myself clearly im problem early thirties already im stumped find work entry level guess really deserve anything that stuck anything long enough earn it today cleared old video diaries laptop", "yes video diariesi get lonely lose patience handwritten journaling quickly so ive tried recording try talk even myself skipping them im disgusted emptyheadedness speak well seem know anything substance look like ive done anything value frustrating thing surface seem problem ablebodied enough jog miles time eat fairly well read bit resumee strung together time hands ive job search submitted applications every waking minute im employed right picky health home car manageable debt burdens hold back cant make something happen feel dead inside why since kid ive ever wanted dead see future real goals passion sense community theres book dbt skills got outpatient program ten years agodesk distract self carehey weeks ill job keep mind plenty occupied im really tired conversation days health insurance im sorry obama aca never good even staunch liberal therapys question right now put position involuntarily committed ill need pass last background check simply posting feels like red flag is could call hotlineim cups volunteer im crisis modewhat even say shit work like that", "id tell like profound sense fallen cracks know im shallow idiot psych drugs fix loneliness change ideology maybe everyone supposed born maybe person life better without dark presence his maybe week maybe next week maybe next year even land another sufficient job ill ever dangling thread" ]
Ya sabes más disculpasavanzar saber im longwind aburrido pesimista incubar depresión venir cabeza im cerca de dos meses desempleados bien pagado trabajo estacional alineado semanas de inicio medio tiempo ive buscar algo sólido trabajo temporal termina desde gol movimiento actual contrato termina el año que viene quieren dejar la ciudad encontró mucho éxito condado ive vivid años pasados perspectivas de empleo bajo
pitand heavenit scary thingthat depression becomes massive affects many people gathered lot info get god finally making shit first time life sometimes feel bad even suicidal but oh boy got better used like percent know felt darkbut finally gonna change better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pitand heavenit scary thingthat depression becomes massive affects many people gathered lot info get god finally making shit first time life sometimes feel bad even suicidalbutoh boy got better used like percent know felt darkbut finally gonna change better" ]
pita y cielo es cosa aterradora que la depresión se vuelve masiva afecta a mucha gente recogida mucha información conseguir dios finalmente hacer mierda primera vez la vida a veces se siente mal incluso suicida pero oh chico se usó mejor como por ciento se siente oscuro pero finalmente va a cambiar mejor
post herewhy yell void hope someone responds wonder many us go posting here ill start last time posted different account forgot months ago post im lonely ill make effort get contact friends theyll brush go back whatever theyre doing realize much think think me pull away obviously killed yet im dealing right is lots confusion uncertainty know whether im becoming paranoid beginning see truth know am really know want life wheres motivation without goals since were least staying hands long enough post here not talk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "post herewhy yell void hope someone responds wonder many us go posting here ill start last time posted different account forgot months ago post im lonely ill make effort get contact friendstheyll brush go back whatever theyre doing realize much think think me pull away obviously killed yet im dealing right is lots confusion uncertainty know whether im becoming paranoid beginning see truth know am really know want life wheres motivation without goals since were least staying hands long enough post here not talk" ]
post aquí por qué gritar vacío esperanza alguien responde maravilla muchos nos van a publicar aquí mal comienzo la última vez publicado diferente cuenta olvidado meses atrás post im solitario mal hacer esfuerzo conseguir contacto amigosellos cepillo volver lo que están haciendo se dan cuenta mucho creo que me alejan obviamente matado pero Im trading right es mucha confusión incertidumbre saber si me vuelvo paranoico principio ver la verdad saber soy realmente saber querer vida donde la motivación sin objetivos desde eran menos permanecer las manos el tiempo suficiente post aquí no hablar
taste shiddy humor httpsyoutuberbyu_todkhttpsyoutuberbyu_todk
[ "taste shiddy humor httpsyoutuberbyu_todkhttpsyoutuberbyu_todk" ]
sabor humor oculto httpsyoutuberbyu_todkhttpsyoutuberbyu_todk
award contest ended congrats uepicwaterdrinker winning
[ "award contest ended congrats uepicwaterdrinker winning" ]
concurso de premios terminado felicidades uepicwaterdrinker ganar
best chinese movie ever seen and opinion lot better hero chrouching tiger hidden dragon movie unique combination several genres beautiful love story action movie comedy horror time amazing thing really succeeds thisbr br this movie definitely makes top enjoyable every movie lover action sequences traditional unrealistic jumping even flying way shot differs style hero lot flying always looks great usually even makes sense ghosts flybr br see movie regret it
[ "best chinese movie ever seen and opinion lot better hero chrouching tiger hidden dragon movie unique combination several genres beautiful love story action movie comedy horror time amazing thing really succeeds thisbr br this movie definitely makes top enjoyable every movie lover action sequences traditional unrealistic jumping even flying way shot differs style hero lot flying always looks great usually even makes sense ghosts flybr br see movie regret it" ]
la mejor película china jamás vista y opinión mucho mejor héroe chrouching tigre oculto dragón película única combinación varios géneros hermosa historia de amor acción película comedia horror tiempo increíble cosa realmente tiene éxito estabr br esta película definitivamente hace que la parte superior agradable cada película amante secuencias de acción tradicional salto no realista incluso vuelo manera tiro diferente estilo héroe lot volar siempre se ve muy bien, por lo general incluso hace sentido fantasmas flybr br ver película arrepentimiento
want murderedi dont know else word it want someone kill me anyone else similar experience dont know suicidal self harm problem wanted killed years used want kill lot could never family murdered wouldnt know much wanted it im even depressed anymore im happy want die days often im mostly ok things looking up still cant shake desire killed think lot ive described ideal death doped drugs thrown fight ring get ass beat conversation friends idea killed alluring dont know cant shake it escape extent guilt feel towards redflag im one pulling trigger dont feel bad dying whole process sounds amazing intense fear rush pain getting shot gut realizing oh shit im going die falling ground slow drawn painful death slowly fade consciousness dread dying intensity feeling tempting die want really feel once know really unhealthy fantasy murdered would probably actually suck still want real bad ive tried times could never finish job felt sooo good tried to feeling rope tighten around neck oxygen slowly cut brain warmth slowly encroaching numbness amazing feeling body shut piece piece ecstasy moment something ill never forget pain melted away wonderful state absolute peace last minute guilt set took away bliss quickly undid rope sat guilt awhile havent tried since part still wants to want again want feel fade intensity pain before never gonna happen dont know id find someone willing kill me want real bad days maybe happened id run away even instincts kick in hope wouldnt least wouldnt get away im safe now refuse kill myself dont want kind control die want life entirely someone something elses hand want one made die want feel good it feel bad fantasy really fucked up wish didnt cant shake it bad was think maybe times week still idk needed vent anybody insight maybe similar experience
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want murderedi dont know else word it want someone kill me anyone else similar experience dont know suicidal self harm problem wanted killed years used want kill lot could never family murdered wouldnt know much wanted it im even depressed anymore im happy want die days often im mostly ok things looking up still cant shake desire killed think lot ive described ideal death doped drugs thrown fight ring get ass beat conversation friends idea killed alluring dont know cant shake it escape extent guilt feel towards redflagim one pulling trigger dont feel bad dying whole process sounds amazing intense fear rush pain getting shot gut realizing oh shit im going die falling ground slow drawn painful death slowly fade consciousness dread dying intensity feeling tempting die want really feel once know really unhealthy fantasy murdered would probably actually suck still want real bad", "ive tried times could never finish job felt sooo good tried to feeling rope tighten around neck oxygen slowly cut brain warmth slowly encroaching numbness amazing feeling body shut piece piece ecstasy moment something ill never forget pain melted away wonderful state absolute peace last minute guilt set took away bliss quickly undid rope sat guilt awhile havent tried since part still wants to want again want feel fade intensity pain before never gonna happen dont know id find someone willing kill me want real bad days maybe happened id run away even instincts kick in hope wouldnt least wouldnt get away im safe now refuse kill myself dont want kind control die want life entirely someone something elses hand want one made die want feel good it feel bad fantasy really fucked up wish didnt cant shake it bad was think maybe times week still idk needed vent anybody insight maybe similar experience" ]
Quiero asesinado no sé más palabra que quiere que alguien me mate a alguien experiencia similar no sé suicida auto daño problema buscado años usados querer matar lote podría nunca familia asesinado no sabría mucho quería im incluso deprimido más im feliz querer morir días a menudo im mayormente ok cosas buscando todavía no puedo sacudir deseo matado pensar mucho ive descrito ideal muerte droga dopada tiro anillo de lucha conseguir culo golpe conversación amigos idea matado atrayente no sé no puedo sacudirlo escape extensión culpa sentir hacia rojoflagim uno tirar gatillo no se siente mal morir proceso entero sonidos increíble intenso miedo prisa dolor conseguir tiro tripa realización oh mierda im morir caída lento dolor muerte lentamente desvanecer conciencia miedo morir intensidad sentimiento tentador morir querer realmente sentir una vez saber realmente malsano fantasía asesinado probablemente realmente chupar todavía querer verdadero mal
th december dayso ive decided th december day years pain finally come end im tired now im always tired mind constantly ravaged thoughts ive managed destroy life greatly feel terribly parents destroy them cant go like longer complete failure im good anything constantly hurt people around letting down let one final time end it early morning th december clear dorm room ill wear favourite sweater woolen one shades red ill roll joint fine marijuana smoke listen nujabes ill rake beauty winter morning north india shall bid adieu peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "th december dayso ive decided th december day years pain finally come end im tired now im always tired mind constantly ravaged thoughts ive managed destroy life greatly feel terribly parents destroy them cant go like longer complete failure im good anything constantly hurt people around letting down let one final time end it early morning th december clear dorm room ill wear favourite sweater woolen one shades red ill roll joint fine marijuana smoke listen nujabes ill rake beauty winter morning north india shall bid adieu peace" ]
El día de diciembre se decidió el día de diciembre los años el dolor finalmente terminan estoy cansado ahora siempre cansado la mente constantemente devastado pensamientos ive manejado destruir la vida grandemente los padres terriblemente destruirlos no pueden ir como fracaso completo más largo im bueno cualquier cosa constantemente daño a la gente alrededor de defraudar dejar una última vez terminar temprano la mañana el diciembre claro dormitorio habitación mal desgaste suéter favorito lana un tonos rojo mal rollo juntas marihuana humo fino escuchar nujabes mal rastrillo belleza invierno mañana norte India debe pedir adieu paz
gonna leaving link httpsyoutubetrzpbjewhyw
[ "gonna leaving link httpsyoutubetrzpbjewhyw" ]
va a dejar el enlace httpsyoutubetrzpbjew
grownup mids even close nancy drews key demographics pleasantly surprised film afternoon so could tell pair sixtyish silverhaired ladies row me older man left theater ahead specifically praised film ish female usher who said shed seen film previous evening quite liked itbr br more point however row ahead me nine count them nine tenyearold girls lined next other passing popcorn hot dogs candy back forth giggling previewsbr br once film began promptly settled watchbr br and much peep till closing credits began rollbr br this perfect film quite pay high school subplots quite confident enough tone thugs hair far toward critically inept times adaptation source material essentially respectful plot hangs together fairly well treads deftly sins excessive cheesiness excessive modernization last least emma roberts carries movie startling grace josh flitters superb timing notwithstanding roberts movie pulls beautifully nancy drew much direct ancestor kristen bells veronica mars film also lineal descendant jodie fosters early underrated candleshoebr br in todays marketplace rarity family movie respects viewers intelligence such everyones taste is best movie kind decades
[ "grownup mids even close nancy drews key demographics pleasantly surprised film afternoon so could tell pair sixtyish silverhaired ladies row me older man left theater ahead specifically praised film ish female usher who said shed seen film previous evening quite liked itbr br more point however row ahead me nine count them nine tenyearold girls lined next other passing popcorn hot dogs candy back forth giggling previewsbr br once film began promptly settled watchbr br and much peep till closing credits began rollbr br this perfect film quite pay high school subplots quite confident enough tone thugs hair far toward critically inept times adaptation source material essentially respectful plot hangs together fairly well treads deftly sins excessive cheesiness excessive modernization last least emma roberts carries movie startling grace josh flitters superb timing notwithstanding roberts movie pulls beautifully nancy drew much direct ancestor kristen bells veronica mars film also lineal descendant jodie fosters early underrated candleshoebr br in todays marketplace rarity family movie respects viewers intelligence such everyones taste is best movie kind decades" ]
Crecedup mediados incluso close nancy dibuja claves demográficas agradablemente sorprendido tarde de cine así que podría decir a par sesenta damas de pelo plateado remame me viejo hombre dejó el teatro por delante específicamente elogiado película ish mujer usher que dijo cobert spot spot spot spot itbr br más punto sin embargo fila delante de mí nueve chicas de diez años forro next passing popcorn hot dogs candy back driggling previewsbr br br una vez que la película comenzó rápidamente establecido watchbr br y mucho peep hasta cierre créditos comenzó rollbr br esta película perfecta bastante pagar subplots de la escuela secundaria bastante confianza suficiente tono matones pelo lejos hacia tiempos críticamente ineptos adaptación material fuente parcela esencialmente respetuosa cuelgan juntos bastante bien pisadas hábilmente pecados excesivo cheesness excesivo modernización última emma roberts lleva película sorprendente gracia josh flitters magnífico momento a pesar de Roberts película jals bellamente nancy dibujó mucho directo ance kristen bells veronica mars película también línea descendiente jodie fomentas tempranamente subestimado brito br en el mercado mercado rarezas rarezas rarezas
fuck russianeastern european accent literally know nobody there accents dont carry genetics still wouldnt make sense fucking clue dont live near eitheri live ohio
[ "fuck russianeastern european accent literally know nobody there accents dont carry genetics still wouldnt make sense fucking clue dont live near eitheri live ohio" ]
mierda ruso oriental acento europeo literalmente saber que nadie hay acentos no llevan genética todavía no tendría sentido puta pista no viven cerca de olli vivir ohio
made first website let know think httpsjustdidthistiinysite copy paste google vary proud
[ "made first website let know think httpsjustdidthistiinysite copy paste google vary proud" ]
primer sitio web hecho saber pensar httpsdidthistiinysite copia pasta google varían orgulloso
first all id like say im amateur commenting movies english native language felt strong feeling compelling write movie possibly way thank congratulate c jay cox cast crew brilliant productionbr br yesterday watched latter days first timebr br at first thought might similar movie priest liked much showing gay priest closet priest maybe due restrict catholic ideological notions supply spectators needs revealing profound sad endbr br latter days hand broke concept and ones well mormons principles presenting tender cheerful story leading happy emotive end yet arousing feeling gods blessing hope great movie indeedbr br somehow latter days made feel la city angels br br i would recommend movie anyone likes astoundingly beautiful gay love stories
[ "first all id like say im amateur commenting movies english native language felt strong feeling compelling write movie possibly way thank congratulate c jay cox cast crew brilliant productionbr br yesterday watched latter days first timebr br at first thought might similar movie priest liked much showing gay priest closet priest maybe due restrict catholic ideological notions supply spectators needs revealing profound sad endbr br latter days hand broke concept and ones well mormons principles presenting tender cheerful story leading happy emotive end yet arousing feeling gods blessing hope great movie indeedbr br somehow latter days made feel la city angels br bri would recommend movie anyone likes astoundingly beautiful gay love stories" ]
primero todos id como decir im amateur comentar películas Inglés lengua materna se sintió fuerte sensación convincente escritura película posiblemente manera de gracias felicitar c jay cox elenco equipo brillante producciónbr br ayer visto los últimos días primer timebr br al principio pensamiento podría similar sacerdote película le gustaba mucho mostrar gay sacerdote closet sacerdote tal vez debido restricciones nociones ideológicas católicas suministro espectadores necesidad de revelar profundo triste endbr br últimos días mano roto concepto y unos principios mormones presentar tierna historia alegre que lleva feliz emotivo final pero despertar sentimientos dioses bendición esperanza gran película de hecho br br de algún modo últimos días hizo sentir la ciudad ángeles br br recomendaría película a cualquiera le gusta sorprendentemente hermosas historias de amor gay
what feel like life worth livingfuck everything got rejected another medical school spend years studying getting good gpa for spending thousands dollars applications countless hours dedicated extra curriculars amounted failure whats fucking point turn top soil use world unemployable skill set mom horribly financially forced move social housing cant handle change failure letting around too point fucking point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "what feel like life worth livingfuck everything got rejected another medical school spend years studying getting good gpa for spending thousands dollars applications countless hours dedicated extra curriculars amounted failure whats fucking point turn top soil use world unemployable skill set mom horribly financially forced move social housing cant handle change failure letting around too point fucking point" ]
lo que se siente como la vida vale la pena vivir mierda todo fue rechazado otra escuela de medicina pasar años estudiando conseguir buena gpa para gastar miles de dólares aplicaciones incontables horas dedicadas currículos adicionales equivalieron fracaso lo que mierda punto vuelta top suelo uso mundo inempleable habilidades set mamá horriblemente financieramente forzado traslado vivienda social no puede manejar cambio fracaso dejando demasiado punto puto punto
respected would done years agoso running time money cant work hardly leave house cant talk people social anxiety bad depression makes want try fuck cant even watch movie tv show past years everyone abandoned me spoken anyone years mean literally every months accidentally bump someone say sorry invested life savings fear going broke homeless felt choice gamble basically lost all tried working online luck enough money last years waking going sleep worse time zero hope anything better endless suffering look forward too resources running seriously debating homeless dead zero peace happiness man years social assistance help me even offer us month rent give anything money gone exactly sure person barely leave house survive homeless plan take last bit money head south weather warmer tried best everything done position fear never ended well spent years forcing situations want like engage society ended humiliation loser ending sooner knew headed way expect happen soon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "respected would done years agoso running time money cant work hardly leave house cant talk people social anxiety bad depression makes want try fuck cant even watch movie tv show past years everyone abandoned me spoken anyone years mean literally every months accidentally bump someone say sorry invested life savings fear going broke homeless felt choice gamble basically lost all tried working online luck enough money last years waking going sleep worse time zero hope anything better endless suffering look forward too resources running seriously debating homeless dead zero peace happiness man years social assistance help me even offer us month rent give anything money gone exactly sure person barely leave house survive homeless plan take last bit money head south weather warmer tried best everything done position fear never ended well spent years forcing situations want like engage society ended humiliation loser ending sooner knew headed way expect happen soon" ]
respetada haría años hace tan corriendo tiempo dinero no puede trabajar apenas salir casa no puede hablar gente ansiedad social mala depresión hace querer intentar mierda ni siquiera ver película televisión show años pasados todos me abandonaron hablar cualquiera años significa literalmente cada mes accidentalmente golpe alguien dice lo siento inversión ahorro de vida miedo ir quebrada indigente sentido elección apuesta básicamente perdido todo probado trabajo en línea suerte suficiente dinero los últimos años despertarse dormir peor tiempo cero esperanza nada mejor sufrimiento sin fin mirar hacia adelante demasiado recursos corriendo seriamente debate sin techo muerto cero paz felicidad hombre años asistencia social ayuda incluso nos ofrecen mes alquiler dar cualquier cosa dinero ido exactamente seguro persona apenas salir de casa sobrevivir sin hogar plan tomar último poco dinero cabeza sur clima caliente trató mejor todo hecho posición miedo bien pasado años forzamiento situaciones quieren como involucrar sociedad terminó humillación perdedor terminar antes sabía camino espera pasar pronto
weird watch lesbian porn like waist like hot make stuff vaginas kinda gross out
[ "weird watch lesbian porn like waist like hot make stuff vaginas kinda gross out" ]
raro ver lesbianas porno como cintura como caliente hacer cosas vaginas un poco grosera fuera
sweet intro intelegent sailor soldier sailor mercury consisted new in croud merciurios he beganing wrote love letter ami would starltling of course and now ami thiks chibieinstien attractive he ended looking like umino melvin halarios expesialy minakos its skin neck scene hot well really like bishojo senshi sailor moon series personally think best anime ever but movie nice funny adventurios sailor moon r like s movie saw sailor moon univewrse real player pretty good over all
[ "sweet intro intelegent sailor soldier sailor mercury consisted new in croud merciurios he beganing wrote love letter ami would starltling of course and now ami thiks chibieinstien attractive he ended looking like umino melvin halarios expesialy minakos its skin neck scenehot well really like bishojo senshi sailor moon series personally think best anime ever but movie nice funny adventurios sailor moon r like s movie saw sailor moon univewrse real player pretty good over all" ]
dulce intro intelegent marinero soldado marinero mercurio consistió nuevo en croud merciurios que comenzó a escribir carta de amor ami starltling por supuesto y ahora ami tiks chibieinstien atractivo que terminó luciendo como umino melvin halarios expesialy minakos su piel cuello escena caliente bien como bishojo senshi marinero luna serie personalmente pensar mejor anime pero película divertido adventurios marinero luna r como s película vio marinero luna univewrse jugador real bastante bueno sobre todo
good friend m several breakdowns distancing fh myself hes close know dofh fear one good friends close going it hes confided us long time ago hes suffered depression suicidal thoughts long time weve several scares dealt withwitnessed handful breakdowns fell radar little year ago solid day half emotional break went far breaking house check him find car there turns self harmed called ambulance himself recent break weeks ago since last break basically stopped talked fh they work together thats kind big deal think went office twice worked home times since hes also taken completely quite bit top that talk fh hes real jerk based fh told conversations ive suffered depression myself considered redflag used self harm familiar lot this recent actions dick fh basically spelled me hes ready hes pushing away order push us life therefore make easier fh giving want help know how turnaround yesterday came place couple hours now shop garage fh work coming unannounced going straight shop uncommon came home though inside watching tv fh hung another hour say much know positive want know else do lunch mentor figure yesterday discuss everything several us know hes going basically on watch asked far hes thought skip beat saying knows would it help lives alone try get come come us much possible pushing us away put hard stop that please need help know else do night last breakdown sat talked privately confides trusts fh ive told past dealings this fh is admittedly ideal person help someone state mind everyone involved aware that thats bad thing hes kind person talked able help calm really tell whys hows hes looking committed relationship long time nothing ever works know one reasons admit it thats something help either help someone dealing much hes intelligent good looking individual praised work good core group friends anything everything family intact supportive even this hes depressed thinks low himself dwells relationship status lot even drink lot does twice week gamenight guys join theyll drink home that fridays regular spot go regular group guys great guys that hes drinking heavily smoke dog home know helps im growing afraid none going enough hes closer id like believe im sorry im rambling please help us help him go see professional were has
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "good friend m several breakdowns distancing fh myself hes close know dofh fear one good friends close going it", "hes confided us long time ago hes suffered depression suicidal thoughts long time weve several scares dealt withwitnessed handful breakdowns fell radar little year ago solid day half emotional break went far breaking house check him find car there turns self harmed called ambulance himself recent break weeks ago since last break basically stopped talked fh they work together thats kind big deal think went office twice worked home times since hes also taken completely quite bit top that talk fh hes real jerk based fh told conversations ive suffered depression myself considered redflag used self harm familiar lot this recent actions dick fh basically spelled me hes ready hes pushing away order push us life therefore make easier fh giving want help know how turnaround yesterday came place couple hours now shop garage fh work coming unannounced going straight shop uncommon came home though inside watching tv fh hung another hour say much know positive want know else do lunch mentor figure yesterday discuss everything several us know hes going basically on watch asked far hes thought skip beat saying knows would it help lives alone try get come come us much possible pushing us away put hard stop that please need help know else do night last breakdown sat talked privately confides trusts fh ive told past dealings this fh is admittedly ideal person help someone state mind everyone involved aware that thats bad thing hes kind person talked able help calm really tell whys hows hes looking committed relationship long time nothing ever works know one reasons admit it thats something help either help someone dealing much hes intelligent good looking individual praised work good core group friends anything everything family intact supportive even this hes depressed thinks low himself dwells relationship status lot even drink lot does twice week gamenight guys join theyll drink home that fridays regular spot go regular group guys great guys that hes drinking heavily smoke dog home know helps im growing afraid none going enough hes closer id like believe im sorry im rambling please help us help him go see professional were has" ]
buen amigo m varias averías distanciando a mí mismo él sabe muy bien dofh miedo a un buen amigo cerca de hacerlo
dont want commit redflag dont really want wake tomorrowim done cant wait another year leave college boyfriend im tired living house toxic parents toxic divorce im exhausted able proper job stress levels high sensitivity im tired jobs right want get morning im done amam days babysitting homework dog walking homework sleep day im exhausted bored realize thats privileged thing saying want people fun interacting love much thats get stimulation life cant work two hours customer service job without close panic attack pressure insane flow people messes empathy cant anything else besides high pressure customer service job undergrad degree im tired working hard get trauma boyfriend work man emotionally abused three days week part community built business im tired job right now im tired regressing every single time goes working hard feel betrayed choice right now im tired missing actively participating community boyfriend used work together made realize boss teacher making legitimately depressed taken almost year get since quitting im done close im done back there im done want next year want across country away town away jobs want different person im exhausted want study focus classes read favorite books talk boyfriend get away parents fighting money college tuition stupid divorce im tired i probably mention im planning anything all want wake up want next year im still hopeful get here every day weeks draining much im scared im reaching inability hope also thank much listening sub incredible im really grateful opportunity post something like somewhere guys amazing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want commit redflag dont really want wake tomorrowim done cant wait another year leave college boyfriend im tired living house toxic parents toxic divorceim exhausted able proper job stress levels high sensitivity im tired jobsright want get morning im done amam days babysitting homework dog walking homework sleep day im exhausted bored realize thats privileged thing saying want people fun interacting love much thats get stimulation life cant work two hours customer service job without close panic attack pressure insane flow people messes empathy cant anything else besides high pressure customer service job undergrad degree im tired working hard get trauma boyfriend work man emotionally abused three days week part community built business", "im tired job right now im tired regressing every single time goes working hard feel betrayed choice right now im tired missing actively participating community boyfriend used work together made realize boss teacher making legitimately depressed taken almost year get since quitting im done close im done back there im done want next year want across country away town away jobs want different person im exhausted want study focus classes read favorite books talk boyfriend get away parents fighting money college tuition stupid divorceim tired i probably mention im planning anything all want wake up want next yearim still hopeful get here every day weeks draining much im scared im reaching inability hope also thank much listening sub incredibleim really grateful opportunity post something like somewhere guys amazing" ]
dont want commit redflag dont really want wake matinalim dont cant wair other year leave college novio im cansado living tóxico living house padres tóxico divorcioim agotado capaz adecuado trabajo stress niveles alta sensibilidad im cansado trabajow want get matinal im domam days babysitting tarea perro caminar tarea sueño día im agotado aburrirse darse cuenta de que es algo privilegiado diciendo que quieren la gente diversión interactuando amor mucho que consigue estimulación la vida no puede trabajar dos horas servicio al cliente trabajo sin ataque cercano presión flujo loco la gente desordena empatía no puede nada más que alta presión servicio al cliente trabajo undergrad grado im cansado conseguir trauma trabajo novio hombre emocionalmente abusado tres días parte comunidad construida negocio
hey girl job im immigrant plan this one kinda weird idc ly all
[ "hey girl job im immigrant plan this onekinda weirdidc ly all" ]
Hey chica trabajo im inmigrante plan este onekina rarito ly todo
review james bond movies evaluate them rate according well meet expectations certain things one come expect even demand bond film individual effort either delivers doesnt so ten elements make bond film bond film even though never say never technically part official bond filmography mere presence sean connery returning makes something merely honorary member series anyway heres rates scale br br title never say never again clever title apparent link actual storyline instead injoke reference sean connerys vow never play oo lured back diamonds forever whatever case catchy title pointsbr br precredit teaser perhaps trying avoid obvious parallels official eon series bond films teaser opening scenes shown behind credits even disappointing yet another ohno bond killed fakeout pointsbr br opening credits screen full tiny s even bother trying jazz credits graphics split screens interesting camera angles pointsbr br theme song written michel legrand sung lani hall never say never again would make perfectly pleasant part particularly long elevator ride bond theme merely okay pointsbr br bond james bond appropriately since film sees connery lured back service bond decades hiatus story begins facing question whether bondconnery still job happily connery proves ready bondage again though bit grayer sporting bit girth wearing slightly obvious toupee seems trouble slipping back action all one connerys best relaxed turns character pointsbr br bond babes even best bond films female characters given much dimension exist largely necessary props bonds use future oscarwinner kim basinger granted great deal leeway creating character domino petachi film benefits this nice job bad look either pointsbr br bond villain reports death obviously exaggerated blofeld back least moment showing lives prized pussycat onetime jesus portrayerturnedstereotypical villain max von sydow given lot role silky presence nonetheless overshadowed wonderful performance klaus maria brandauer maximilian largo string banal bond villains refreshing brandauer gave performance subtle yet colorfully evil funny without campy ruthless without seeming cartoonish largo ranks right auric goldfinger one bonds best villains pointsbr br bond baddies fatima blush say played bold style particularly flamboyant drag queen barbara carrera breezes film displaying mix selfamused evil tad pure psychotic insanity bond crossed paths variety femmes fatales easily disposed existed amusing eye candy characters dared exhibit flare dramatic fierce determination even untimely demise spectacular even bondian standards pointsbr br sinister plot remake sorts thunderball film seem bit beentheredonethat nuclear missiles stolen major real estate go kaboom countries world pay multikazillion dollar ransom least producer kevin mcclory lucky enough find forced remake one weakest bond adventures comparisons effort blows thunderball water despite absence many bondian trademarks film succeeds own pointsbr br production values film starts uneasy style like tv movie trying can story progress film gains momentum sense purpose making superior adventure points br br bonus points several odd changes sets bond film apart official series miss moneypenny hardly acknowledged played edward fox m cranky old grouch respect double os foreshadowing judi dench would later play part q suddenly cockney accent buddybuddy bond curious sense nostalgia throughout film replacing bonds astinmartin vintage packard tango dance number cleverly inserted story big rescue near end horseback homage raiders lost ark tribute bond films pointsbr br summary never say never mixed bag really important areas holds thanks hero connery villain brandauer assassin carrera damselindistress basinger devil details seemingly unimportant opening credits theme song seem film lacking absence comes faux bond film good substitute substitute nonethelessbr br bondometer rating points
[ "review james bond movies evaluate them rate according well meet expectations certain things one come expect even demand bond film individual effort either delivers doesnt so ten elements make bond film bond film even though never say never technically part official bond filmography mere presence sean connery returning makes something merely honorary member series anyway heres rates scale br br title never say never again clever title apparent link actual storyline instead injoke reference sean connerys vow never play oo lured back diamonds forever whatever case catchy title pointsbr br precredit teaser perhaps trying avoid obvious parallels official eon series bond films teaser opening scenes shown behind credits even disappointing yet another ohno bond killed fakeout pointsbr br opening credits screen full tiny s even bother trying jazz credits graphics split screens interesting camera angles pointsbr br theme song written michel legrand sung lani hall never say never again would make perfectly pleasant part particularly long elevator ride bond theme", "merely okay pointsbr br bond james bond appropriately since film sees connery lured back service bond decades hiatus story begins facing question whether bondconnery still job happily connery proves ready bondage again though bit grayer sporting bit girth wearing slightly obvious toupee seems trouble slipping back action all one connerys best relaxed turns character pointsbr br bond babes even best bond films female characters given much dimension exist largely necessary props bonds use future oscarwinner kim basinger granted great deal leeway creating character domino petachi film benefits this nice job bad look either pointsbr br bond villain reports death obviously exaggerated blofeld back least moment showing lives prized pussycat onetime jesus portrayerturnedstereotypical villain max von sydow given lot role silky presence nonetheless overshadowed wonderful performance klaus maria brandauer maximilian largo string banal bond villains refreshing brandauer gave performance subtle yet colorfully evil funny without campy ruthless without seeming cartoonish largo ranks right auric goldfinger one bonds best villains pointsbr br bond baddies fatima blush say played bold style particularly flamboyant drag queen barbara carrera breezes film displaying mix selfamused evil tad pure psychotic insanity bond crossed paths variety femmes fatales easily disposed existed amusing eye candy characters dared exhibit flare dramatic fierce determination even untimely demise spectacular even bondian standards pointsbr br sinister plot remake sorts thunderball film seem bit beentheredonethat nuclear missiles stolen major real estate go kaboom countries world pay multikazillion dollar ransom least producer kevin mcclory lucky enough find forced remake one weakest bond adventures comparisons effort blows thunderball water despite absence many bondian trademarks film succeeds own pointsbr br production values film starts uneasy style like tv movie trying can story progress film gains momentum sense purpose making superior adventure points br br bonus points several odd changes sets bond film apart official series miss moneypenny hardly acknowledged played edward fox m cranky old grouch respect double os foreshadowing judi dench would later play part q suddenly cockney accent buddybuddy bond curious sense nostalgia throughout film replacing bonds astinmartin vintage packard tango dance number cleverly inserted story big rescue near end horseback homage raiders lost ark tribute bond films pointsbr br summary never say never mixed bag really important areas holds thanks hero connery villain brandauer assassin carrera damselindistress basinger devil details seemingly unimportant opening credits theme song seem film lacking absence comes faux bond film good substitute substitute nonethelessbr br bondometer rating points" ]
crítica James Bond Películas evaluarlos tasa de acuerdo bien satisfacer expectativas ciertas cosas que uno viene esperar incluso la demanda bono esfuerzo individual ya sea entregas no tan diez elementos hacen enlace película enlace enlace a pesar de que nunca decir técnicamente nunca parte oficial enlace filmografía mera presencia Sean Connery volver hace algo meramente honorario miembro series de todos modos aquí tarifas escala br br título nunca decir nunca más inteligente título aparente enlace real historia en lugar de broma referencia senan Connerys voto voto nunca jugar oo atrajo de nuevo diamantes para siempre cualquier caso pegadizo título puntosbr br teaser precrédito tal vez tratando de evitar paralelismos obvios oficiales eon serie enlace películas teaser escenas de apertura se muestra detrás de créditos incluso decepcionantes otro ohno enlace muerto falso out puntosbr br créditos apertura pantalla completo minúsculos incluso molestarse en probar jazz gráficos pantallas divididas ángulos cámara interesante temas temas temas escritos michel legrand lani hall nunca más decir que nunca haría parte perfectamente agradable particularmente largo ascensor paseo enlace tema
im trying sexist anything damn bro looking cute today
[ "im trying sexist anything damn bro looking cute today" ]
Estoy tratando de machista cualquier maldito hermano que se vea lindo hoy
hate cannot talk problems friends family say want help things start get real longer want listen mention suicide longer want there worst part whenif actually go it would first people say reached help want someone try understand feel come from want family understand least attempt understand anyone else feel way families comfortable listening you hate cannot talk
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate cannot talk problems friends family say want help things start get real longer want listen mention suicide longer want there worst part whenif actually go it would first people say reached help want someone try understand feel come from want family understand least attempt understand anyone else feel way families comfortable listening you hate cannot talk" ]
odio no puede hablar problemas amigos familia dicen que quieren ayuda las cosas empiezan realmente más tiempo quieren escuchar mencionar suicidio más tiempo quieren allí peor parte cuando si en realidad ir sería la gente dice que llegó ayuda quiere alguien tratar de entender sentir venir de querer familia entender menos intento entender a nadie se siente como las familias se sienten cómodo escuchar que odio no puede hablar
mother suicidal thoughts making sad toomy mother father split almost years ago currently lives brother give shit her last week one worst fights talk then today came tell died life pay more im im deal fact mother wants kill constantly alone hand deal father also difficult person deal with also going several phases life time energy dedicate mother since im living mother hard follow know determined commit strong suicidal thoughts today deal fairly well them fear anything happens mother know could handle suicidal thoughts well time passes mother loses reason live falls redflag please help me know else do like im loop takes get mother makes sadder talk today tomorrow morning ill schedule session psychologist soon possible her else get thoughts head
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mother suicidal thoughts making sad toomy mother father split almost years ago currently lives brother give shit her last week one worst fights talk then today came tell died life pay more im im deal fact mother wants kill constantly alone hand deal father also difficult person deal with also going several phases life time energy dedicate mother since im living mother hard follow know determined commit strong suicidal thoughts today deal fairly well them fear anything happens mother know could handle suicidal thoughts well time passes mother loses reason live falls redflag please help me know else do like im loop takes get mother makes sadder talk today tomorrow morning ill schedule session psychologist soon possible her else get thoughts head" ]
madre pensamientos suicidas haciendo triste toomy madre padre dividido hace casi años actualmente vive hermano dar mierda su la semana pasada una peor charla peleas entonces hoy llegó decir more vida paga más im im acuerdo hecho madre quiere matar constantemente mano mano trato padre también difícil trato con también va varias fases vida tiempo energía dedicar madre desde im vida madre duro seguir saber determinado cometer fuertes pensamientos suicidas hoy trato bastante bien temen cualquier cosa que la madre sabe podría manejar pensamientos suicidas bien tiempo pasa madre pierde razón viva cae rojo por favor ayúdame a saber más hacer como im bucle toma madre hace hablar más triste hoy mañana mañana mañana mal horario sesión psicólogo pronto posible su otro obtener pensamientos cabeza
cant handle anymoreever since raped life went downhill everyone way shouldve handled report it tell whole school ect instead making sure okay trying make statement wanted alone cope withdrew dropped school met someone time convinced end life then unfortunately cheated ex gave std needed surgery for since ive thought obsesses old sex tapes goes friends try get go talk girls even though im guys night friend tried hire hookers feel fucking worthless hate people high expectations me heck high goals aimed let crash burn going doctor wanted work chronically ill patients works towards better pain management hopefully cure some perfect boyfriend happened dumped trauma much hold onto anything cant pretend anymore things get better years pills therapy lost everything cared fault stronger really miss ex im glad saved trouble watching turn shell person really dont see hope anymore guess days go one day finally it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant handle anymoreever since raped life went downhill everyone way shouldve handled report it tell whole school ect instead making sure okay trying make statement wanted alone cope withdrew dropped school met someone time convinced end life then unfortunately cheated ex gave std needed surgery for since ive thought obsesses old sex tapes goes friends try get go talk girls even though im guys night friend tried hire hookers feel fucking worthless hate people high expectations me heck high goals aimed let crash burn going doctor wanted work chronically ill patients works towards better pain management hopefully cure some perfect boyfriend happened dumped trauma much hold onto anything cant pretend anymore things get better years pills therapy lost everything cared fault stronger really miss exim glad saved trouble watching turn shell person really dont see hope anymore guess days go one day finallyit" ]
No puedo manejar más desde que la vida violada fue cuesta abajo todo el mundo manera debería haber manejado informar a toda la escuela ect en lugar de asegurarse de estar bien tratando de hacer declaración sólo quería hacer frente retirado abandonado escuela conoció a alguien tiempo convencido final vida entonces por desgracia engañado ex dio std necesaria cirugía para desde ive pensamiento obsesses viejas cintas de sexo va amigos tratar de ir hablar chicas incluso aunque im chicos noche amigo tratado de contratar prostitutas se sienten mierda inútil odio personas altas expectativas me heck altos objetivos dirigidos a dejar estrellarse quemado doctor quería trabajar enfermos crónicos pacientes trabaja hacia una mejor gestión del dolor con suerte cura un novio perfecto sucedió trauma mucho se aferran a cualquier cosa no puede pretender más cosas mejor años terapia píldoras pérdida todo cuidado culpa más fuerte muy señorita exim contento salvo problemas ver turno concha persona realmente no ver esperanza más adivinar días van un día finalmente
literally breathing day die day breathe seconds hold exhale
[ "literally breathing day die day breathe seconds hold exhale" ]
Literalmente respirar día morir día respirar segundos sostener exhalar
day cold war beta httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtnnduwglcampab_channelpuffpuffhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtnnduwglcampab_channelpuffpuff
[ "day cold war beta httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtnnduwglcampab_channelpuffpuffhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtnnduwglcampab_channelpuffpuff" ]
día de la guerra fría beta httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtnduwglcampab_canalpuffpuffhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvtnduwglcampab_canalpuffpuff
loved film seen philadelphia film festival march went india friends movie real related everything savored every moment characters believable story poignant ending realistic sentimental also enjoyed discussion director showing movie shows well blending complete mixing worlds east west supporting cast wonderful depicting life tourist encounters india quite realistically humor subtle times dry makes realistic woven daily escapades characters easy identify situations portrayed
[ "loved film seen philadelphia film festival march went india friends movie real related everything savored every moment characters believable story poignant ending realistic sentimental also enjoyed discussion director showing movie shows well blending complete mixing worlds east west supporting cast wonderful depicting life tourist encounters india quite realistically humor subtle times dry makes realistic woven daily escapades characters easy identify situations portrayed" ]
amor película vista Philadelphia festival de cine marcha fue India amigos película real relacionado todo sabor cada momento personajes creíble historia conmovedor final realista sentimental también disfrutado director de discusión mostrar películas shows bien mezclando mundos de mezcla completa este oeste apoyo reparto maravilloso que representa vida encuentros turísticos india bastante realista humor sutil tiempos secos hace realístico tejidos personajes escapadas diarias fácil identificar situaciones retratadas
many guys make friends girls actually want friends want fuck girl like says want friends whine moan it like guys genuinely actually want make friends women whats bad friend zone like someone enough want boyfriend enough want friend yall know tiring think making good friends person come say want fuck dissapear tell no braces incoming not guys comments people read title properly
[ "many guys make friends girls actually want friends want fuck girl like says want friends whine moan it like guys genuinely actually want make friends women whats bad friend zone like someone enough want boyfriend enough want friend yall know tiring think making good friends person come say want fuck dissapear tell no braces incoming not guys comments people read title properly" ]
Muchos chicos hacen amigos chicas en realidad quieren amigos quieren follar chica como dice quieren amigos gemir gemir como chicos realmente quieren hacer amigos mujeres lo que es mala zona de amigos como alguien lo suficientemente quieren novio lo suficiente quieren amigo yall saber cansado pensar hacer buenos amigos persona venir decir quieren mierda desapegarse decir no entra aparatos no chicos comentarios la gente lee el título correctamente
ive answered almost questions number game yeah lets go here httpimgurcomadaadhttpimgurcomadaad note question higher lower pic idk op jumped prepare sex related questions people wont like answers prefer say male idk honestly kg wont convert americans ukraine libra prefer say prefer say prefer say xx ddmmyy russian ukrainian english green black orange yellow white vegetable stew or pizza talk homemade stuff drawing idk indie glass animals sure idea many games like idea homework lol idea im worried future no hope never no again hope never cats dog idea prefer say japan probably probably one maybe think twitter pinterest much idk artists bandsmusic artists like etc many reddit mellisa pinterest youtube prefer say twitter yes uxthrowawayaccounthttpswwwredditcomuxthrowawayaccount sent hw friend lol reddit insta something youtube pinterest twitter atleast two hours day laptop mean lol dont think idea fragrance guess no laptop lol idk got wireless headphones hate wireless headphones lay around its pic reason idk answer short brown hate meme thin slavic guess pajamas brown boxers one lots body hair legsarmpitsarms dumb looking moustache bit beard gay never relationship crush girl moved away school older like years yes im gay im also biromantic romantically im attracted genders idea would never smart protective strong biiit shy funny supportive muscular belly well beard lots body hair something like this httpimgurcomatxhvyxhttpimgurcomatxhvyx nice conversation restaurant enough understanding other supporting other live love yes yes no think would get tattoo get older though talking myself yes think im attractive mean parents lol doesnt gay biromantic measured like two years idk theres lot hair there ill shave bit later like every two days yes second part httpimgurcomatxhvyxhttpimgurcomatxhvyx body similar this thick dick sex risky place turn ons smells like smelly armpitsunderwear im prepared downvotes turn offs idea idea different ways it well ive fast enough hide mom probably understood everything uhh idk often like ive sex tell sexual stories want partner rough want understand want serious it also since im vers want vers idk answer wont lots different things prefer say class teacher ukrainian language teacher actually talk like person age computer science hate sometimes highest probably pe literally give us highest grades nothing lowest biologychemistry hours it ill everything morning received yet bet math exam got bad grade since get last thing learned ukrainian poor lower class rooms kitchen bathroom living room lol prefer say small enough public wont answer last ones ok fun im prepared downvotes sexual questions get stalked woohoo good day
[ "ive answered almost questions number game yeah lets go here httpimgurcomadaadhttpimgurcomadaad note question higher lower pic idk op jumped prepare sex related questions people wont like answers prefer say male idk honestly kg wont convert americans ukraine libra prefer say prefer say prefer say xx ddmmyy russian ukrainian english green black orange yellow white vegetable stew or pizza talk homemade stuff drawing idk indie glass animals sure idea many games like idea homework lol idea im worried future", "no hope never no again hope never cats dog idea prefer say japan probably probably one maybe think twitter pinterest much idk artists bandsmusic artists like etc many reddit mellisa pinterest youtube prefer say twitter yes uxthrowawayaccounthttpswwwredditcomuxthrowawayaccount sent hw friend lol reddit insta something youtube pinterest twitter atleast two hours day laptop mean lol dont think idea fragrance guess no laptop lol idk got wireless headphones hate wireless headphones lay around its pic reason idk answer short brown hate meme thin slavic guess pajamas brown boxers one lots body hair legsarmpitsarms dumb looking moustache bit beard gay never relationship crush girl moved away school older like yearsyes im gayim also biromantic romantically im attracted genders idea would never smart protective strong biiit shy funny supportive muscular belly well beard lots body hair something like this httpimgurcomatxhvyxhttpimgurcomatxhvyx nice conversation restaurant enough understanding other supporting other live loveyes", "yes no think would get tattoo get older though talking myself yes think im attractive mean parents lol doesnt gay biromantic measured like two years idk theres lot hair there ill shave bit later like every two daysyes second part httpimgurcomatxhvyxhttpimgurcomatxhvyx body similar this thick dick sex risky place turn ons smells like smelly armpitsunderwear im prepared downvotes turn offs idea idea different ways it well ive fast enough hide mom probably understood everything uhh idk often like ive sex tell sexual stories want partner rough want understand want serious it also since im vers want vers idk answer wont lots different things prefer say class teacher ukrainian language teacher actually talk like person age computer science hate sometimes highest probably pe literally give us highest grades nothing lowest biologychemistry hours it ill everything morning received yet bet math exam got bad grade since get last thing learned ukrainian poor lower class rooms kitchen bathroom living room lol prefer say small enough public wont answer last ones ok fun im prepared downvotes sexual questions get stalked woohoo good day" ]
ive respondió casi preguntas número juego yes lets go here httpimgurcomadaadhttpimgurcomadaad nota pregunta más baja pic idk op saltó preparar sexo preguntas relacionadas con el sexo la gente no como respuestas prefieren decir macho idk honestamente kg no convertir americanos ukraine libra prefieren decir decir prefieren decir xx ddmmyy ruso ucranian inglés verde negro naranja amarillo blanco vegetal guiso o pizza hablar cosas caseras dibujo idk indie vidrio animales seguro idea muchos juegos como idea tarea lol idea im preocupado futuro
advice sneaking night yr old super bored quarantine mac keep entertained games window i building pc november next week getting longboard idea would super fun sneak ride around town late night ever snuck out advice make easier mistakes made
[ "advice sneaking night yr old super bored quarantine mac keep entertained games window i building pc november next week getting longboard idea would super fun sneak ride around town late night ever snuck out advice make easier mistakes made" ]
consejo escabullirse noche yr viejo super aburrido cuarentena mac mantener entretenido juegos ventana i edificio pc noviembre la próxima semana conseguir idea de longboard sería súper diversión snap paseo por la ciudad tarde noche nunca se escabullido consejo hacer errores más fáciles hechos
feel like going lose itwhen chest begins hurt hear heart thumping loudly ears mind begins loiter upon dark thoughts cope
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like going lose itwhen chest begins hurt hear heart thumping loudly ears mind begins loiter upon dark thoughts cope" ]
Siento como si fuera a perderlo cuando el pecho comienza a doler oiga el corazón palpitando fuerte los oídos la mente comienza a holgazanear sobre los pensamientos oscuros sobrellevar
back againhi again im graduating th grade tomorrow im really feeling it feels like sad monday night died tonight honestly mind like accidentally naturally idk ive purposely avoiding family im trying distract thoughts go away idk anymore quite surprised im still alive
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "back againhi again im graduating th grade tomorrow im really feeling it feels like sad monday night died tonight honestly mind like accidentally naturally idk ive purposely avoiding family im trying distract thoughts go away idk anymore quite surprised im still alive" ]
de nuevohi de nuevo me gradúo de la clase de mañana me siento realmente como triste lunes noche murió esta noche honestamente mente como accidentalmente naturalmente idk ive a propósito evitando familia im tratando de distraer los pensamientos se van idk ya bastante sorprendido im todavía vivo
industry dropped ball this trailer movie justice opened hand full screens people opportunity see this work mouth would made successful lead actresses give great emotional performances really draw story especially characters checked based rave recommendation richard roeper ebert roeper book example great film never got fully released except screens gave chance seen movies go video quickly good oscar worthy tragedy many levels never even hear it maybe via word mouth gain following dvd cable see movie should great performances lead actresses make movie could another formulaic teen movie school special instead stands well note worthy films girl interrupted comes mind like like this br br both girls one amazing emotional scene another without coming melodramatic even though alicia angry deanna crying movie done real way come stereotypical characters melodramatic movie move many scenes aspiring actor use real performances school erica even better traffic hope actors get roles utilize talents well let shine see movie like recommend friends get lost among blockbuster crap comes every year movie buried spiderman tops records kind word living in aghhh make world right see recommend it
[ "industry dropped ball this trailer movie justice opened hand full screens people opportunity see this work mouth would made successful lead actresses give great emotional performances really draw story especially characters checked based rave recommendation richard roeper ebert roeper book example great film never got fully released except screens gave chance seen movies go video quickly good oscar worthy tragedy many levels never even hear it maybe via word mouth gain following dvd cable see movie should great performances lead actresses make movie could another formulaic teen movie school special instead stands well note worthy films girl interrupted comes mind like like this br br both girls one amazing emotional scene another without coming melodramatic even though alicia angry deanna crying movie done real way come stereotypical characters melodramatic movie move many scenes aspiring actor use real performances school erica even better traffic hope actors get roles utilize talents well let shine see movie like recommend friends get lost among blockbuster crap comes every year movie buried spiderman tops records kind word living in aghhh make world right see recommend it" ]
La industria cayó bola este trailer justicia película abrió pantalla completa la gente oportunidad ver esta boca de trabajo hizo actrices éxito plomo realmente dibujar historia sobre todo personajes basada rave recomendación richard roeper ebert roeper libro ejemplo gran película nunca consiguió totalmente lanzado excepto pantallas dio oportunidad ver películas ir vídeo rápidamente buen oscar digno tragedia muchos niveles nunca incluso escuchar tal vez a través de boca de palabra ganar después dvd cable ver película debería grandes actuaciones actrices plomo hacer película podría otra fórmula escuela de cine adolescente especial en su lugar se mantiene bien nota digno películas chica interrumpida viene mente como este br br ambos chicas una increíble escena emocional otra sin venir melodramática melodramática a pesar de que Alicia enojado deanna llorando película hecho real manera venir personajes estereotipados melodramática película mover muchas escenas aspirar actor uso real actuaciones escuela erica mejor tráfico actores obtener papeles utilizar talentos bien dejar brillar ver película como recomendar amigos se pierden entre la mierda blockbuster viene cada año película enterrado Spiderman tops grabación clase palabra vivir en aghhh hacer mundo derecho ver recomendarlo
looking emotional representation depressionredflag feel like short film essay something less clinical gutpunch accurate feels day day anyone seen read art piece anything able use help someone close understand something show partner
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "looking emotional representation depressionredflag feel like short film essay something less clinical gutpunch accurate feels day day anyone seen read art piece anything able use help someone close understand something show partner" ]
mirada representación emocional depresión bandera se siente como ensayo de cortometraje algo menos tripa clínica precisa se siente día cualquiera visto leer pieza de arte cualquier cosa capaz de usar ayudar a alguien cerca entender algo show partner
ratio world record speedrun guys im world record speedrun see fast get ratiod go
[ "ratio world record speedrun guys im world record speedrun see fast get ratiod go" ]
relación mundo récord velocidad run chicos im mundo récord velocidad run ver rápido conseguir ratiod go
workplace training thing coming making nervous reason workplace training thing might good description basically thing go apply place work week instead school meant introduce work like places im interested in makes really nervous reason places im thinking applying are kebab restaurant grocery store hardware store feels really weird like shouldnt happening idk thing years
[ "workplace training thing coming making nervous reason workplace training thing might good description basically thing go apply place work week instead school meant introduce work like places im interested in makes really nervous reason places im thinking applying are kebab restaurant grocery store hardware store feels really weird like shouldnt happening idk thing years" ]
lugar de trabajo formación que viene haciendo nervioso razón lugar de trabajo formación cosa podría buena descripción básicamente cosa ir aplicar lugar trabajo semana en lugar de escuela significa introducir trabajo como lugares im interesados en hace realmente nerviosos lugares de la razón im pensando aplicar son kebab restaurante tienda de comestibles ferretería se siente muy raro como no debería pasar idk cosa años
know male snoo died recently joined smash
[ "know male snoo died recently joined smash" ]
sabe snoo macho murió recientemente unido smash
read helped lot artist people hate helps me hope helps many moreended crossroad try figure way go like stuck treadmill running place got hazard lights hoping somebody would slow praying miracle wholl show grace couple dollars quarter tank gas long journey ahead seen truck pull god sent angel help gave direction showed read map long journey ahead said aint oh even midst doubt life worth living life worth living live another day meaning forgiveness people make mistakes mean give life worth living relationship ski slope avalanche comin slow enough time salvage love feels like blizzard april cause heart cold skating thin ice strong enough hold us seen scream holler put us blast tearing thought god sent us angel help us gave us direction showed us make last long journey ahead said aint ever oh even midst doubt life worth living life worth living live another day meaning forgiveness people make mistakes mean give life worth living life worth living get reflection different perception world may see try crucify aint perfect deny reputations line im working better life worth living life worth living live another day meaning forgiveness people make mistakes god judge life worth living another day life worth living
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "read helped lot artist people hate helps me hope helps many moreended crossroad try figure way go like stuck treadmill running place got hazard lights hoping somebody would slow praying miracle wholl show grace couple dollars quarter tank gas long journey ahead seen truck pull god sent angel help gave direction showed read map long journey ahead said aintoh even midst doubt life worth living life worth living live another day meaning forgiveness people make mistakes mean give life worth living relationship ski slope avalanche comin slow enough time salvage love feels like blizzard april cause heart cold skating thin ice strong enough hold us seen scream holler put us blast tearing thought god sent us angel help us gave us direction showed us make last long journey ahead said aint ever", "oh even midst doubt life worth living life worth living live another day meaning forgiveness people make mistakes mean give life worth living life worth living get reflection different perception world may see try crucify aint perfect deny reputations line im working better life worth living life worth living live another day meaning forgiveness people make mistakes god judge life worth living another day life worth living" ]
leer ayuda mucho artista gente odio me ayuda esperanza ayuda muchos más extremo cruce de caminos tratar figura manera ir como atascada cinta de correr lugar tiene luces de peligro esperar que alguien retardaría la oración milagro hell show gracia par de dólares cuarto tanque gas largo viaje por delante visto camión tirón dios enviado ángel ayuda dio dirección mostró lectura mapa largo viaje por delante dijo aintoh incluso en medio duda vida vale la pena vivir vida vivir otro día significa perdón personas cometen errores significa dar vida vale la pena vivir relación pendiente de esquí avalanche comin lo suficientemente lento tiempo salvamento amor se siente como tormenta de primavera causa corazón patinar hielo delgado fuerte lo suficientemente fuerte nos visto grito grita nos ponen explosión lágrimas pensamiento dios nos envió ángel nos ayudó nos dio dirección nos mostró hacer último largo viaje por delante dijo aint nunca
anyone owns rdr finish story first playing online matter all got game im like percent story
[ "anyone owns rdr finish story first playing online matter all got game im like percent story" ]
cualquier persona posee rdr terminar la historia primero jugando en línea materia todos tienen juego im como por ciento historia
anyone know among us player named coochie man friends started egg hat gang them dont know even reddit know player named coochie man usually plays orange started egg hat gang id appreciate left comment thanks
[ "anyone know among us player named coochie man friends started egg hat gang them dont know even reddit know player named coochie man usually plays orange started egg hat gang id appreciate left comment thanks" ]
alguien sabe entre nosotros jugador llamado coochie hombre amigos comenzaron egg hat gang ellos no saben ni siquiera reddit sabe jugador llamado coochie hombre por lo general juega naranja comenzó egg hat gang id apreciar izquierda comentario gracias
make redflag least painful familyi access helium imagine could learn rig exit bag husband devastated parents spare much pain possible
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "make redflag least painful familyi access helium imagine could learn rig exit bag husband devastated parents spare much pain possible" ]
hacer que la bandera roja menos doloroso familyi acceso helio imaginar podría aprender plataforma bolsa de salida marido devastado padres ahorran mucho dolor posible
need talkim wondering redflag im wondering options im wondering consequences it telling friends effect driving away telling family effect making life harder want tell somebody im thinking redflag would cool could swap stories somebody else needs talk guess pm me post story ill reply mine sure specifics would interesting help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need talkim wondering redflag im wondering options im wondering consequences it telling friends effect driving away telling family effect making life harder want tell somebody im thinking redflag would cool could swap stories somebody else needs talk guess pm me post story ill reply mine sure specifics would interesting help" ]
Necesito talkim preguntándose edgeflag im opciones me pregunto consecuencias le dice a los amigos efecto de conducir lejos diciendo efecto familiar hacer la vida más difícil quiero decirle a alguien im pensar que edgeflag molaría podría intercambiar historias alguien más necesita hablar supina pm me post historia mal respuesta mi seguro específicos sería ayuda interesante
f ask girls sleepover questions want girls ask us anything well answer put whos answer weve got lots time ask away lt
[ "f ask girls sleepover questions want girls ask us anything well answer put whos answer weve got lots time ask away lt" ]
f hacer las chicas sueño preguntas quieren las niñas nos preguntan cualquier cosa bien respuesta puesto que la respuesta de quién tenemos mucho tiempo preguntar lt
thoughts actionive never attempted every time walk work shops wish car would swerve hit me gets worse visit therapist feel good exactly minutes gnawing thoughts seeing death grandpa he died suddenly peacefully never even got say goodbye remembering exgirlfriend she whole life kept together hates clingy due part anxiety flood back im worse bridge hospital house always hard cross want die sometimes feel like would easier nobody life cares enough listen without judging mei guess need someone talk to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thoughts actionive never attempted every time walk work shops wish car would swerve hit me gets worse visit therapist feel good exactly minutes gnawing thoughts seeing death grandpa he died suddenly peacefully never even got say goodbye remembering exgirlfriend she whole life kept together hates clingy due part anxiety flood back im worse bridge hospital house always hard cross want die sometimes feel like would easier nobody life cares enough listen without judging mei guess need someone talk to" ]
pensamientos activos nunca intentó cada vez que caminar tiendas de trabajo deseo coche swive me golpearía peor visita terapeuta se siente bien exactamente minutos mosqueando pensamientos ver muerte abuelo murió de repente pacíficamente nunca llegó a decir adiós recordar exnovia ella vida entera mantuvo juntos odio pegajosa debido a parte ansiedad inundación volver im peor casa de hospital bridge siempre cruz dura quieren morir a veces se siente como sería más fácil nadie vida se preocupa lo suficiente escuchar sin juzgar mei conjetura necesidad de alguien hablar con
ive rejected girl like well call lauren livestreaming instagram watched hoping would make lose interest obsessing her talking friend house boring far good my goal stop obsessing her one friends said something getting drunk said shouldnt underaged drinking calls cuck says well noone asked again perfect im losing romantic interest already cringey tictoc dances went matter seconds minutes later invites another friend onto live her asks things do suggest making origami swan shes baffled probably doesnt know origami is tell japanese soldiers used practice making origami swans help selfdiscipline im remembering correctly blares nerd alert im little hurt thats want thats said guy name joins stream says hey brendon fake name hang sometime long clarified wasnt talking me minute later tells leave kicks off guest enough time say look dood geekin japan soldiers weeb shit again im hurt id say success see arrogant bitch instead sentient flawlessness tldr watch crushs livestream hopes losing interest her mission accomplished edit realised didnt need give fake name never even called name oh well cant stop me
[ "ive rejected girl like well call lauren livestreaming instagram watched hoping would make lose interest obsessing her talking friend house boring far good my goal stop obsessing her one friends said something getting drunk said shouldnt underaged drinking calls cuck says well noone asked again perfect im losing romantic interest already cringey tictoc dances went matter seconds minutes later invites another friend onto live her asks things do suggest making origami swan shes baffled probably doesnt know origami is tell japanese soldiers used practice making origami swans help selfdiscipline im remembering correctly blares nerd alert im little hurt thats want thats said guy name joins stream says hey brendon fake name hang sometime long clarified wasnt talking me minute later tells leave kicks off guest enough time say look dood geekin japan soldiers weeb shit again im hurt id say success see arrogant bitch instead sentient flawlessness tldr watch crushs livestream hopes losing interest her mission accomplished edit realised didnt need give fake name never even called nameoh well cant stop me" ]
ive rechazad girl like stop me well call lauren livestreaming instagram instagram observaba la esperanza de hacer perder interés obsesionar a su amigo hablando casa aburrido lejos bueno mi objetivo deja de obsesionar a sus amigos dijo algo emborracharse dijo algo no debe ser menor de edad bebe llamadas cuck dice bien nadie preguntó de nuevo perfecto im perder interés romántico ya cringey tictoc bailes ido materia segundos más tarde invita a otro amigo a vivir le pide cosas hacer cisne origami ella no sabe probablemente origami es decir soldados japoneses uso práctica hacer cisnes origami ayuda autodisciplina im recordar correctamente blares nerd alerta im poco lastimado que quieren que dicen nombre chico se une stream dice hey Brendon nombre falso colgar algún tiempo aclarado no me habla minuto más tarde le dice que deja patadas de invitado suficiente tiempo decir mirada dood geekin japan soldados weeb mierda otra vez hirieron im id id decir éxito ver arrogante perra en lugar senient flawleness tldr watch chaps livestream espera perder interés su misión consumado edición realizado no necesita dar nombre falso
im scared call hotline afraid ofwhy call fear pain whatever now get it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im scared call hotline afraid ofwhy call fear pain whatever now get it" ]
I miedo llamar a la línea directa miedo de por qué llamar dolor miedo lo que ahora lo consigue
attitude depressionso pretty much entire life ive horrible attitude life depression doesnt help much seems make everyone want walk away makes things worse dont know aht think redflag death time im always thinking different ways kill myself tried change attitude tword life hard suggestions
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "attitude depressionso pretty much entire life ive horrible attitude life depression doesnt help much seems make everyone want walk away makes things worse dont know aht think redflag death time im always thinking different ways kill myself tried change attitude tword life hard suggestions" ]
actitud depresión así que casi toda la vida vida vida horrible actitud vida depresión no ayuda mucho parece hacer que todo el mundo quiere marcharse hace las cosas peor no sé aht pensar rojo momento de la muerte im siempre pensar diferentes maneras de matarme a mí mismo tratado cambio actitud doble vida difíciles sugerencias
homework ate dog im sad apparently give homework away cant hand dog teacher im going fail sad
[ "homework ate dog im sad apparently give homework away cant hand dog teacher im going fail sad" ]
tarea comí perro im triste aparentemente dar tarea lejos cant mano perro profesor im va a fallar triste
demon slayer op sick change mind also feel free share favourites
[ "demon slayer op sick change mind also feel free share favourites" ]
Demon Slayer op enfermo cambiar de opinión también se siente libre compartir favoritos
life interesting spend time gen x conspiracy theorists midst pandemic think government something behind scenes mom told believe government says boyfriend telling even people causes related corona virus still marked covid asked could find information said facebook so im supposed believe government im somehow supposed believe see internationalgatheringofboomerscom also used fact people died diseases werent forced live way do back argument think government wants control
[ "life interesting spend time gen x conspiracy theorists midst pandemic think government something behind scenes mom told believe government says boyfriend telling even people causes related corona virus still marked covid asked could find information said facebookso im supposed believe government im somehow supposed believe see internationalgatheringofboomerscom also used fact people died diseases werent forced live way do back argument think government wants control" ]
vida interesante pasar el tiempo gen x teorías de la conspiración en medio de la pandemia pensar gobierno algo detrás de escena mamá dijo creer gobierno dice novio diciendo incluso personas causas relacionadas virus corona todavía marcado covid preguntó podría encontrar información dijo facebookso im supuesto creer gobierno im de alguna manera supuesto creer ver reunión internacionaldeboomerscom también utilizó hecho personas murieron enfermedades no se vieron obligados en vivo camino atrás argumento pensar gobierno quiere control
ending day nowi guess would look ive got say thankful im not id burn house blow car tell friends family fuck could bring anything emptiness ive felt months now think always there ive able ignore it im alone even im around people care me im alone one person ive ever bared soul to laugh tell could still friends cant even bring eat nothing gives joy nothing gives sadness bags packed speak already final letters written stuffed labelled envelopes gave video game shit neighbor kid yesterday held gun temple hammer cocked thing keeping imagined mother would feel police showed tell son blew brains basement probably stop tonight maybe tomorrow doubt see next week
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ending day nowi guess would look ive got say thankful im not id burn house blow car tell friends family fuck could bring anything emptiness ive felt months now think always there ive able ignore it im alone even im around people care me im alone one person ive ever bared soul to laugh tell could still friends cant even bring eat nothing gives joy nothing gives sadness bags packed speak already final letters written stuffed labelled envelopes gave video game shit neighbor kid yesterday held gun temple hammer cocked thing keeping imagined mother would feel police showed tell son blew brains basement probably stop tonight maybe tomorrow doubt see next week" ]
find day now i suggest ive got say agradected im not id burn house blow car let friends family fock podría traer cualquier vacío he sentido meses ahora creo que siempre hay ive capaz de ignorarlo im solo incluso im alrededor de la gente me importa im solo una persona ive siempre desprovisto de alma para reír decir podría todavía amigos ni siquiera traer comer nada da alegría nada da tristeza bolsas empacadas hablar ya cartas finales escritas rellenas sobres etiquetados dio video juego mierda niño vecino ayer sostenido pistola sile maza machacada cosa manteniendo imaginada madre se sentiría la policía mostró decir hijo sople cerebro sótano probablemente parada esta noche tal vez mañana duda ver la próxima semana
crippling anxiety kissing today went date girl like dropped house talked bit wanted kiss seemed like wanted same problem got anxious move felt like going throw up anyone delt gotten before
[ "crippling anxiety kissing today went date girl like dropped house talked bit wanted kiss seemed like wanted same problem got anxious move felt like going throw up anyone delt gotten before" ]
ansiedad paralizante besos hoy fue chica de la cita como caída casa hablado poco querido beso parecía como deseado mismo problema consiguió movimiento ansioso se sentía como ir a vomitar alguien delt consiguió antes
im doneim planning take life soon tried everything nothing works cant bear anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im doneim planning take life soon tried everything nothing works cant bear anymore" ]
Im dodeim planificación tomar la vida pronto intentó todo nada funciona no puede soportar más
thought getting betterits year since wanted seriously kill myself note planned back went therapy hashed problems depression years discharged months ago therapy im back never ending pit despair loneliness want take knife end it im tall pounds asian want affection find someone grow learn with never success relationship wise ive never even girlfriend ever im sick everything feel like never find love tried improving change going gym personality passions music arts always good enough friend im tired honestly dont think win societal standard seems go hand hand opportunity aka handsome somewhat tall manly man
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought getting betterits year since wanted seriously kill myself note planned back went therapy hashed problems depression years discharged months ago therapyim back never ending pit despair loneliness want take knife end itim tall pounds asian want affection find someone grow learn with never success relationship wise ive never even girlfriend ever im sick everything feel like never find love tried improving change going gym personality passions music arts always good enough friend im tired honestly dont think win societal standard seems go hand hand opportunity aka handsome somewhat tall manly man" ]
pensamiento conseguir mejor su año desde que quería seriamente matarme nota planeó de nuevo fue terapia hashed problemas depresión años dado de alta meses hace terapiaim volver nunca terminar pit desespere soledad quiere tomar cuchillo extremo itim libras altas asiáticas quieren afecto encontrar a alguien crecer aprender con nunca éxito relación sabio ive nunca incluso novia nunca Im enfermo todo siento como nunca encontrar amor intentado mejorar cambio va gimnasio personalidad pasiones música artes siempre lo suficientemente bueno amigo i cansado honestamente no creo ganar estándar social parece ir mano a mano oportunidad aka guapo un poco alto hombre masculino
howdy folks looking try dungeons dragons chill cool people ill running oneshot sunday evening beginners pros whoever wants free join timezone gmt msg discord ya wanna know deats wimble
[ "howdy folks looking try dungeons dragons chill cool people ill running oneshot sunday evening beginners pros whoever wants free join timezone gmt msg discord ya wanna know deats wimble" ]
howdy gente buscando tratar mazmorras dragones frío gente fría mal correr oneshot domingo por la noche principiantes profesionales que quieren unirse gratis zona horaria acuerdos msg discordia ya quieren saber deats wimble
witty disgusting brash intelligent baseketball redefines comedysports pot spoof easy target makes called comedies like dead boring one best time trey parker matt stone play roles losers apt perfection
[ "witty disgusting brash intelligent baseketball redefines comedysports pot spoof easy target makes called comedies like dead boring one best time trey parker matt stone play roles losers apt perfection" ]
ingeniosa repugnante básquetbol inteligente redefine comedias deportes pote spoof fácil objetivo hace llamadas comedias como muertos aburridos un mejor momento trey parker mate piedra jugar papeles perdedores apto perfección
wish could cuddle someone hug goes longer secondi feel worthless ugly lonely always
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish could cuddle someone hug goes longer secondi feel worthless ugly lonely always" ]
deseo podría abrazar a alguien abrazo va más tiempo secondi se siente inútil feo solitario siempre
day friend brought gun school so happened guym im talking friend timeactually friends classmates used make fun him slightly average iqhe simpletonor everyone thoughthe used sit behind soi used conversations day one day noticed looking weird like watching classmates weirdly thinking something alsohe kept checking bag time time day teased guysso thought might that asked problemhe took secluded corner classroom told fearful tones gun bagi shocked say least first thought lyingbut noticed weirdand checking bag told prove lunch break took outside lobeholdthere gun handnow asked calmlyeven tho panicking inside trying gunhe said nothingi told keep gun hidden could gone teachers reminded brother also simpleminded knew wanted tohe could shot usso kept quiet whole day next day came thanked telling teachers return introduced friends told anything foolish today onwardsi know right thing simple fool know consequences actions complained it would ruined life
[ "day friend brought gun school so happened guym im talking friend timeactually friends classmates used make fun him slightly average iqhe simpletonor everyone thoughthe used sit behind soi used conversations day one day noticed looking weird like watching classmates weirdly thinking something alsohe kept checking bag time time day teased guysso thought might that asked problemhe took secluded corner classroom told fearful tones gun bagi shocked say least first thought lyingbut noticed weirdand checking bag told prove lunch break took outside lobeholdthere gun handnow asked calmlyeven tho panicking inside trying gunhe said nothingi told keep gun hidden could gone teachers reminded brother also simpleminded knew wanted tohe could shot usso kept quiet whole day next day came thanked telling teachers return introduced friends told anything foolish today onwardsi know right thing simple fool know consequences actions complained it would ruined life" ]
Un día amigo trajo escuela de armas así que pasó guym im hablando amigo tiempo really amigos compañeros de clase se burlaban de él un poco promedio iqhe simpletonor todo el mundo aunque el utilizado sentado detrás de soi uso conversaciones día un día notó parecer raro como ver compañeros de clase extrañamente pensando algo también se mantuvo comprobar bolsa hora día se burlaban chicos tan pensó que podría que preguntara problema él tomó aula aislada esquina dijo miedones arma bagi shocked decir menos pensamiento primero pensó mentira pero notó raro y chequeando bolsa dijo prueba descanso almuerzo tomó fuera loboholdhay pistola mano ahora preguntó tranquilamente incluso tho pánico dentro de intentar pistola dijo nada le dijo mantener arma oculta podría desaparecer profesores recordar hermano también simple mente sabía que quería dispararnosso mantuvo silencio día siguiente vino agradeciendo a los profesores volver amigos le dijo algo tonto a partir de ahora sé derecho simple tonto sabe consecuencias acciones se quejaría de que arruinaría la vida
im tired year old girl senior high school sick all think analyze everythingits two parts one always telling good enough thin pretty smart enoughand part telling okay unrealistic expect many things myself really cant take anymore used eating disorder not specifically diagnosed parents never sent doctor would cost money failed too difficult starve extent still keep grades up hardly ever speak parents because well cant even begin explain mindfuckery behind all ill honest admit make easy mother not applicable dad give fuck me quite nasty know things im fairly certain times parents want rid me mother ever talks email nowand forcing get birth control pills believes pmddits embarrassing insulting me wrong cant depressed getting birth control make problems disappear ill still hate school believe im good enough ill still think im ugly wish could skeletonill still cut myself problems mother go away magic pill quick fix welli mean one leaves alive desperately want someone important life push away guy comes near me cant let find messed ami know ill screw somehow also feel repulsive allow anyone close way disgusts guys find sexually attractiveso much feel sick stomach strange also little respect body even know cant accept affection though want it future want live rest life like this also interest college get scholarship notifications applied prestigious school sent special application mother believe get large enough scholarship able afford going discouraged pursuing art the thing im remotely interested in really wants go community college nearly perfect gpa high act score better go community college ill definitely kill myself cant believe im still alive begin with lethal dosage pills ready summer supposed do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired year old girl senior high school sick all think analyze everythingits two parts one always telling good enough thin pretty smart enoughand part telling okay unrealistic expect many things myself really cant take anymore used eating disorder not specifically diagnosed parents never sent doctor would cost money failed too difficult starve extent still keep grades up hardly ever speak parents because well cant even begin explain mindfuckery behind all ill honest admit make easy mother not applicable dad give fuck me quite nasty know things im fairly certain times parents want rid me mother ever talks email nowand forcing get birth control pills believes pmddits embarrassing insulting me wrong cant depressed getting birth control make problems disappear ill still hate school believe im good enough ill still think im ugly wish could skeletonill still cut myself problems mother go away magic pill quick fix welli mean one leaves alive desperately want someone important life push away guy comes near me cant let find messed ami know ill screw somehow also feel repulsive allow anyone close way", "disgusts guys find sexually attractiveso much feel sick stomach strange also little respect body even know cant accept affection though want it future want live rest life like this also interest college get scholarship notifications applied prestigious school sent special application mother believe get large enough scholarship able afford going discouraged pursuing art the thingim remotely interested in really wants go community college nearly perfect gpa high act score better go community college ill definitely kill myself cant believe im still alive begin with lethal dosage pills ready summer supposed do" ]
La chica cansada del año senior school enfermo todos piensan analizar todo sus dos partes uno siempre diciendo lo suficientemente bueno delgado bastante inteligente y parte diciendo bien poco realista esperar muchas cosas yo realmente no puedo tomar más usado trastorno alimenticio no específicamente diagnosticado padres nunca enviado médico costaría dinero falló demasiado difícil grado de hambre todavía mantener grados hasta casi nunca hablar padres porque bien no puede incluso empezar a explicar mierda mental detrás de todo mal honesto admitir hacer fácil madre no aplicable papá me dan bastante desagradable saber cosas im bastante ciertas veces los padres quieren deshacerse de mí madre siempre habla correo electrónico ahora y obligar a conseguir píldoras anticonceptivas cree pmddits vergonzoso insultarme mal cant deprimido conseguir anticonceptivos hacer desaparecer problemas mal todavía odio escuela creo im bastante bueno todavía pensar im feo deseo podría esqueletoill todavía cortarme a mí mismo problemas madre ir magia píldora rápida arreglar welli significa que uno se va vivo desesperadamente quiere que alguien importante vida empuja lejos chico se acerca a mí no puede dejar encontrar mal ami sabe tornillo enfermo de alguna manera también se sienten repulsivos permitir a alguien cerca manera
best drug od ive waited waited waited horrible feeling hasnt gone away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "best drug od ive waited waited waited horrible feeling hasnt gone away" ]
Mejor droga od ive esperó esperó esperó horrible sensación no se ha ido
hello goodbye well almost time ive never really post sub today last day teenager turning tomorrow wish knew sub younger probably wouldve helped someone listen problems seem dumb hindsight little advice yall dont sweat small stuff things might seem like end world really dumb hindsight example lot teens really wanted learn drive get car big point contention parents thought didnt really like wouldnt teach drive thought life would change completely finally exciting worthwhile iearned got car nothing really changed basically go errands now something seemed really important really wasnt big deal know doesnt apply everyone ask always keep open mind good luck all
[ "hello goodbye well almost time ive never really post sub today last day teenager turning tomorrow wish knew sub younger probably wouldve helped someone listen problems seem dumb hindsight little advice yall dont sweat small stuff things might seem like end world really dumb hindsight example lot teens really wanted learn drive get car big point contention parents thought didnt really like wouldnt teach drive thought life would change completely finally exciting worthwhile iearned got car nothing really changed basically go errands now something seemed really important really wasnt big deal know doesnt apply everyone ask always keep open mind good luck all" ]
hola adiós bien casi tiempo ive nunca realmente post sub hoy último día adolescente turno mañana deseo sabía sub más joven probablemente habría ayudado a alguien a escuchar problemas parece tonto retrovisor pequeño consejo yall no sudar pequeñas cosas podría parecer como fin mundo realmente tonto retrovisor ejemplo lote adolescentes realmente quería aprender conducir conseguir coche gran punto de contención padres pensaban que no me gustaría enseñar conducir pensamiento vida cambiaría completamente emocionante merecida iearned conseguir coche nada realmente cambió básicamente ir recados ahora algo parecía muy importante realmente no era gran cosa saber que no se aplican todos preguntar siempre mantener la mente abierta buena suerte todos
hey you shitted shower yeah read right yo ass tried fart shower ended shitting wonder dad say that hope made day better
[ "hey you shitted showeryeah readrightyo ass tried fart shower ended shitting wonder dad say that hope made day better" ]
Hey, cagaste la ducha yeah Readrightyo culo intentó pedo ducha terminó cagando maravilla papá decir que la esperanza hizo el día mejor
want go sleep littleim anxious cant function going away breakdown shut completely thought killing got wave peace laying bed staring feeling calm first time since remember felt anxiety relief could barely move didnt water room take pills didnt days still feel horrible really want it even die maybe go sleep days im tired dont know live like this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want go sleep littleim anxious cant function going away breakdown shut completely thought killing got wave peace laying bed staring feeling calm first time since remember felt anxiety relief could barely move didnt water room take pills didnt days still feel horrible really want it even die maybe go sleep days im tired dont know live like this" ]
Quiero ir a dormir poco y ansioso cant function vayándose colapso completamente cerrado pensamiento matar tengo ola paz puesta cama mirando fijamente la primera vez desde recordar sentí ansiedad alivio apenas podía moverse didnt agua habitación tomar píldoras no días todavía se siente horrible realmente quiero incluso morir tal vez ir a dormir días estoy cansado no sé vivir así
think ask jws whether expect miracle cure faith find not know not find instead believe promises christ made resurrection so even even worst happen die holding onto integrity jehovah can correct thisbr br it really gets simple question god real make believe real trust him follow directions matter short term outcome may bebr br i heart attack year half ago one family horrified saw words no blood written large letters chart reasoned position blood transfusion would save life would good time anger one could return life time came get god real enough her bad wish could comfort strong faith gives
[ "think ask jws whether expect miracle cure faith find not know not find instead believe promises christ made resurrection so even even worst happen die holding onto integrity jehovah can correct thisbr br it really gets simple question god real make believe real trust him follow directions matter short term outcome may bebr br i heart attack year half ago one family horrified saw words no blood written large letters chart reasoned position blood transfusion would save life would good time anger one could return life time came get god real enough her bad wish could comfort strong faith gives" ]
Piensa jws si esperar cura milagrosa fe encontrar no saber no encontrar en lugar de creer promesas Cristo hizo resurrección así incluso peor sucede morir aferrarse a la integridad jehovah puede corregir estobr br realmente consigue simple pregunta dios real hacer creer confianza real él seguir direcciones materia resultado a corto plazo puede br br i ataque al corazón año medio hace una familia horrorizado vio palabras no sangre escrito grandes cartas gráfico posición razonada transfusión de sangre salvaría la vida sería un buen momento rabia uno podría volver vida tiempo llegó a Dios lo suficientemente mal deseo podría consolar fuerte fe da
found movie hilarious spoofs popular movies time funniest seen sort movie give try saw movies movie spoofing get humor enjoy moviebr br i and others watched movie me felt funniest part movie this spoiler tell actually happens scene flashy thingy mib first discover device know does later movie understand get therebr br my complaint movie never able find dvd could buy copy
[ "found movie hilarious spoofs popular movies time funniest seen sort movie give try saw movies movie spoofing get humor enjoy moviebr br i and others watched movie me felt funniest part movie this spoiler tell actually happens scene flashy thingy mib first discover device know does later movie understand get therebr br my complaint movie never able find dvd could buy copy" ]
encontrado película hilarante spoofs populares películas tiempo más divertido visto tipo película dar intento vio películas película spoofing conseguir humor disfrutar película br br i y otros me vieron película se sentía más divertido parte película este spoiler contar realmente sucede escena flashy cosa mib primero descubrir dispositivo sabe hace más tarde película entender conseguir therebr br mi película de queja nunca fue capaz de encontrar dvd podría comprar copia
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