even know bothering post guess nothing lose nowhere turni honestly idea even continue everyday point life joke series bad events make impossible find reason live on honestly want wake anymore friends support girlfriend gets pissed annoyed whenever get depressed im cause one else love want alone prefer farce relationship loneliness honestly want die nothing look forward gives life purpose hate job people hate despite friendly look contempt walk around like im fucking made egg shells treat like im kind creep im swear girls allow walk even behind cause stop wait walk sometimes cover behinds make feel like shit stare im fucking pervert always walk head always hide corner factory cry cause cant take anymore swear want kill industrial equipment there fucking hate state indiana bunch bigots live tried buy bedroom set craigslist took upper class neighborhood seller looked like poor piece shit hand taser whole transaction still told leave money wish friends support wish someone would cared enough me point living hate anything everything complete failure im failure get anymore im joke gun really want pull trigger cant i why dont want anymore nobody care ever care world losing anything special pull trigger im plain worthless thats ill ever be really expect anyone listen care guess wanted heard
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "even know bothering post guess nothing lose nowhere turni honestly idea even continue everyday point life joke series bad events make impossible find reason live on honestly want wake anymore friends support girlfriend gets pissed annoyed whenever get depressed im cause one else love want alone prefer farce relationship loneliness honestly want die nothing look forward gives life purpose hate job people hate despite friendly look contempt walk around like im fucking made egg shells treat like im kind creep im swear girls allow walk even behind cause stop wait walk sometimes cover behinds make feel like shit stare im fucking pervert always walk head always hide corner factory cry cause cant take anymore swear want kill industrial equipment there fucking hate state indiana bunch bigots live tried buy bedroom set craigslist took upper class neighborhood seller looked like poor piece shit hand taser whole transaction still told leave money wish friends support wish someone would cared enough me point living hate anything everything complete failure im failure get anymore im joke gun really want pull trigger canti why dont want anymore", "nobody care ever care world losing anything special pull triggerim plain worthless thats ill ever be really expect anyone listen care guess wanted heard" ]
incluso saber molestar post adivinar nada perder en ninguna parte tundi honestamente idea incluso continuar todos los días punto de la vida broma serie malos eventos hacer imposible encontrar la razón en vivo honestamente querer despertar más amigos apoyo novia se enoja cuando se deprime im causa otro amor querer solo prefiere farsa relación soledad honestamente querer morir nada mira hacia adelante propósito de la vida odio trabajo gente odio a pesar de mirada amistosa desprecio caminar como im mierda hecho cáscaras de huevo tratar como im amable maljuro chicas permiten caminar incluso detrás causa espera caminar a veces cubrir detrás hacer sentir como mierda mirada im maldito pervertido siempre caminar cabeza siempre esconder esquina grito de fábrica causa no puede tomar más jurar quieren matar equipos industriales allí maldito odio estado indiana grupo fanáticos tratados en vivo comprar dormitorio conjunto craigslist tomó vendedor de barrio de clase alta parecía pobre pieza mierda mano taser transacción entera todavía dijo dejar dinero deseo amigos apoyo deseo que alguien me importara lo suficiente punto de vida odio todo completo fracaso im fracaso conseguir más im broma pistola realmente quiero tirar gatillo canti por qué no quiero más
thing made cartoon popularbut whos complaining always fun see poor coyote try various contraptions get road runner get pulverized every one inventionsbr br the underground cave chase different normal fare clever gave us aerial view chase mazelike structure say hilarious different normal aboveground anticsbr br this one along road runner shorts featured looney tunes golden collection volume transfers spectacular colors magnificent
[ "thing made cartoon popularbut whos complaining always fun see poor coyote try various contraptions get road runner get pulverized every one inventionsbr br the underground cave chase different normal fare clever gave us aerial view chase mazelike structure say hilarious different normal aboveground anticsbr br this one along road runner shorts featured looney tunes golden collection volume transfers spectacular colors magnificent" ]
thing made cartoon popularbut whos quejandose siempre divertido ver pobre coyote intentar varios artilugios get road runner conseguir pulverizado cada inventos br br la cueva subterránea persecución diferente tarifa normal inteligente nos dio vista aérea persecución estructura como laberinto decir hilarante diferente normal sobre el terreno travesuras br br este a lo largo de la carretera corredores pantalones cortos ofrecen looney melodías dorada colección volumen transferencias espectaculares colores magnífico
post cringe break take time scrolling filler filler filler
[ "post cringe break take time scrolling filler filler filler" ]
después de la pausa cringe toma el tiempo de relleno de relleno de relleno de desplazamiento
weird creepy like organize lifes photos specific folders specific ocd bunch photos computer whole life came camera real titles anything numbers let long time interested theyre photos today ages below paper photos anywayi looking themand disorganized mess hard keep track of made foldersone named child photos ages another named preteen photos ages another named early teen photos ages and last least late teen photos ages much easier me helped get rid lot anxiety then one friends like you zero posts instagram even take photos life like sure actually organized photos whole life ages organized specific folders child photos preteen photos early teen photos late teen photos like dude thats actually creepy weird hell id much rather photos shit like how weird seems normal me like its weird fuck trying do make fucking portfolio entire fucking life till die honestly kind hurt this even weird creepy though believe reason ocd makes justified plus theyre photos whatever hell want them others think matter theyre photos
[ "weird creepy like organize lifes photos specific folders specific ocd bunch photos computer whole life came camera real titles anything numbers let long time interested theyre photos today ages below paper photos anywayi looking themand disorganized mess hard keep track of made foldersone named child photos ages another named preteen photos ages another named early teen photos ages and last least late teen photos ages much easier me helped get rid lot anxiety then one friends like you zero posts instagram even take photos life like sure actually organized photos whole life ages organized specific folders child photos preteen photos early teen photos late teen photos like dude thats actually creepy weird hellid much rather photos shit like how weird seems normal me like its weird fuck trying do make fucking portfolio entire fucking life till die honestly kind hurt this even weird creepy though believe reason ocd makes justified plus theyre photos whatever hell want them others think matter theyre photos" ]
raro espeluznante como organizar vidas fotos carpetas específicas ocd montón fotos computadora toda la vida vino cámara verdaderos títulos cualquier número dejar mucho tiempo interesados fotos hoy en día fotos de papel de todos modos buscando y desorden desorganizado difícil mantener un registro de hecho carpetasnombre niño fotos edades otro nombre fotos antes de adolescentes edades otro nombre tempranas fotos adolescentes edades y último menos tarde fotos adolescentes edades mucho más fácil me ayudó a deshacerse de mucha ansiedad entonces un amigo como usted cero posts instagram incluso tomar fotos vida como seguro realmente organizado fotos toda la vida organizados fotos niños edad fotos adolescentes tempranas fotos adolescentes como tío que es realmente espeluznante extraño helid mucho más bien fotos mierda como lo raro me parece normal como su raro mierda tratar de hacer mierda cartera toda la vida hasta morir honestamente tipo daño este incluso extraño espeluznante aunque creer razón ocd hace justificadas más fotos cualquier infierno quieren que otros piensan que son fotos
dick huge thanks coming ladies gentlemen goodnight
[ "dick huge thanks coming ladies gentlemen goodnight" ]
polla enorme gracias viene damas caballeros buenas noches
absolutely blown away john cassavetess opening night first movie ive seen seems bigger scale thus feels mainstream still feel grounded previous films perhaps makes intense also something undoubtedly cathartic watching moviebr br its fact cassavetes made staple career ideal expressed behind camera throughout career director expressing front rowlandss character middleaged stage actress myrtle gordon cannot bring play role upcoming production written uncalculatedly follows impulse impulse resulting appears chaos stage finds right one daringly abstract premisebr br this movie fail capture innate steering one goes emotional cleansing one understands myrtle many things does seen even portrayed something destructive yet might best thing her may cleansing rather breakdown withdrawal cocoon rebellion culminates meltdown cassavetes gives character brutally real touch early on ardently arguing nothing common character yet quiet emotionally corroding fear opposite truebr br the last scene climactic performance myrtle shares character painfully estranged acting her one interesting hilarious hardhitting enlightening enjoyable moments ive ever seen movie
[ "absolutely blown away john cassavetess opening night first movie ive seen seems bigger scale thus feels mainstream still feel grounded previous films perhaps makes intense also something undoubtedly cathartic watching moviebr br its fact cassavetes made staple career ideal expressed behind camera throughout career director expressing front rowlandss character middleaged stage actress myrtle gordon cannot bring play role upcoming production written uncalculatedly follows impulse impulse resulting appears chaos stage finds right one daringly abstract premisebr br this movie fail capture innate steering one goes emotional cleansing one understands myrtle many things does seen even portrayed something destructive yet might best thing her may cleansing rather breakdown withdrawal cocoon rebellion culminates meltdown cassavetes gives character brutally real touch early on ardently arguing nothing common character yet quiet emotionally corroding fear opposite truebr br the last scene climactic performance myrtle shares character painfully estranged acting her one interesting hilarious hardhitting enlightening enjoyable moments ive ever seen movie" ]
La película de John Cassavetess parece más grande, por lo que siente que la corriente general todavía se siente fundamentada películas anteriores tal vez hace intenso también algo sin duda catártico ver película br su hecho cassavetes hizo carrera básica ideal expresado detrás de la cámara en toda la carrera director expresing front rowlandss personaje mirtle gordon escena no puede traer papel proximo producción escrito sin cálculo sigue impulso resultado resultado parece caos etapa encuentra derecho una premisa atrevida abstract br esta película fail capture innate dirección uno va limpieza emocional uno entiende myrtle muchas cosas se ve incluso retrató algo destructivo sin embargo mejor cosa que ella puede limpieza más bien ruptura ruptura retirada capullo rebelión culmina fusión cassavetes da carácter brutalmente real tacto temprano en ardiente argumentando nada personaje común pero tranquila emocionalmente corroído miedo opuesto verdadero br br la última escena mirtle rendimiento climatic comparte carácter dolorosamente estranged actuar su uno interesante hilarante hard hitting
career chose process making rich also extremely depressed overworkedoverjudged point least one episode day want curl disappear job involves social media fame expectation perfection sometimes sure much handle human break able make real friends family never begin with relationship someone cared pursuit wellbeing people respect name almost daily disrespect person makes sense people always watching extremely careful almost feels like redflag now people around want something me also constantly comparing body next best thing type industry in mentally draining would wish fame anyonei wanted see anyone advice me going therapy still super depressive episodes lot regret pursuing loved much everything sacrifice success words advice successful depressed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "career chose process making rich also extremely depressed overworkedoverjudged point least one episode day want curl disappear job involves social media fame expectation perfection sometimes sure much handle human break able make real friends family never begin with relationship someone cared pursuit wellbeing people respect name almost daily disrespect person makes sense people always watching extremely careful almost feels like redflag now people around want something me also constantly comparing body next best thing type industry in mentally draining would wish fame anyonei wanted see anyone advice me going therapy still super depressive episodes lot regret pursuing loved much everything sacrifice success words advice successful depressed" ]
carrera elegido proceso hacer rico también extremadamente deprimido exceso de trabajo sobrejuzgado punto menos un episodio día querer rizado desaparecer trabajo implica redes sociales fama expectativa perfección a veces seguro mucho manejo humano ruptura capaz hacer amigos reales familia nunca empezar con la relación alguien cuidado bienestar personas respeto nombre casi diario falta de respeto persona hace sentido la gente siempre viendo extremadamente cuidadoso casi se siente como Redflag ahora la gente quiere algo que constantemente me compara cuerpo siguiente mejor tipo industria en drenaje mental quisiera fama anyonei quería ver a nadie consejo me va terapia todavía episodios súper depresivos mucho lamentar la búsqueda de amor mucho todo sacrificio éxito palabras consejo éxito depresión
hello sure whoever needed longing someone talk to anonymous diaryi battled depression happy overcame demons within me know firsthand important someone feel heard so count let us friends dms open would love hear storiespraying youceg anonymous diary
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello sure whoever needed longing someone talk to anonymous diaryi battled depression happy overcame demons within me know firsthand important someone feel heard so count let us friends dms open would love hear storiespraying youceg anonymous diary" ]
Hola seguro quien necesita anhelar a alguien hablar con diario anónimo lucha contra la depresión feliz venció demonios dentro de mí saber de primera mano importante alguien se siente oído así que cuenta déjenos amigos dms abierto le encantaría escuchar historias youceg diario anónimo
work nuclear power plant getting kick repliesbr br seriously do go httpenwikipediaorgwikipalisades_nuclear_generating_station see workbr br i could think safer industry work in required procedures report events minor paper cuts issue identified potential concern respect nuclear radiological industrial safety immediately reported corrective action processbr br bottom line nuclear plants us operate safety front mind
[ "work nuclear power plant getting kick repliesbr br seriously do go httpenwikipediaorgwikipalisades_nuclear_generating_station see workbr bri could think safer industry work in required procedures report events minor paper cuts issue identified potential concern respect nuclear radiological industrial safety immediately reported corrective action processbr br bottom line nuclear plants us operate safety front mind" ]
trabajo central nuclear obtener respuestas de patada br br seriamente ir httpenwikipediaorgwikipalisades_nuclear_generatory_station ver workbr br br podría pensar más seguro trabajo de la industria en procedimientos requeridos informe eventos menores recortes de papel problema identificado preocupación potencial respeto radiológico nuclear seguridad industrial inmediatamente reportado proceso de acción correctiva br br bottom line centrales nucleares operamos la seguridad frente a la mente
dont know works need helpim fourteen years old severely depressed since started puberty age diagnosed ptsd severe depression anxiety last year teacher noticed crying nonstop days class couple months put zoloft made suicidal within next two weeks august im week half away starting freshman year dont know ill even make year let tell bit myself never met father dont even know mother knows is mother life god knows long wasis addict spoken year grandmother keeps contact her grandparents custody me live along brother aunt uncle three cousins dog own grandmother extremely abusive sick human being constantly belittles physically abuses me shes disgusting narcissist never anything well enough eyes never acts proud cares me scar stomach shes thrown car keys raging type shes done would typing hours groomed age year old grandma find victim shames day constantly brings calls whore say doesnt expect anything again friends sixth grade lost every friend had people consider friends bully relentlessly mock weight personality mental illness hard make friends feel hopeless whenever talk people always get blatantly ignored im annoying im nice person really am similar personality sense humor kids age get anxious sometimes questioning sexuality gender identity years grandmother found multiple times verbally harassed sexual identity bisexual boyfriend hes friend person get along with means lot dont want hurt way hes sweet cares lot suicidal lately ive self harmed point draw much blood almost pass out dont know much take anymore feel hopeless nothing helped therapy pills healthy coping mechanisms want kill myself know im young dont see future cant survive next years house hurts bad cry every single day dont know feel lost supposed now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know works need helpim fourteen years old severely depressed since started puberty age diagnosed ptsd severe depression anxiety last year teacher noticed crying nonstop days class couple months put zoloft made suicidal within next two weeks august im week half away starting freshman year dont know ill even make year let tell bit myself never met father dont even know mother knows is mother life god knows long wasis addict spoken year grandmother keeps contact her grandparents custody me live along brother aunt uncle three cousins dog own grandmother extremely abusive sick human being constantly belittles physically abuses me shes disgusting narcissist never anything well enough eyes never acts proud cares me scar stomachshes thrown car keys raging type shes done would typing hours groomed age year old grandma find victim shames day constantly brings calls whore say doesnt expect anything again friends sixth grade lost every friend had people consider friends bully relentlessly mock weight personality mental illness hard make friends feel hopeless whenever talk people always get blatantly ignored im annoying", "im nice person really am similar personality sense humor kids age get anxious sometimes questioning sexuality gender identity years grandmother found multiple times verbally harassed sexual identity bisexual boyfriend hes friend person get along with means lot dont want hurt way hes sweet cares lot suicidal lately ive self harmed point draw much blood almost pass out dont know much take anymore feel hopeless nothing helped therapy pills healthy coping mechanisms want kill myself knowim young dont see future cant survive next years house hurts bad cry every single day dont know feel lost supposed now" ]
No sé trabajos necesitan ayudaim catorce años de edad severamente deprimida desde que comenzó la pubertad edad diagnosticada ptsd depresión severa ansiedad año pasado profesor notó llanto sin parar días clase par meses puso zoloft hecho suicida dentro de dos semanas august im semana media distancia comenzando primer año no sé mal incluso año dejar saber poco nunca me conocí padre ni siquiera sé madre sabe es madre vida dios sabe largo wasis adicto año abuela mantiene contacto con sus abuelos custodia me vive a lo largo hermano tío tres primos perro propia abuela extremadamente abusivo enfermo ser humano constantemente me menosprecia físicamente abusos me es repugnante narcisista nunca nada bien lo suficientemente bien ojos nunca actúa orgulloso se preocupa cicatrices estómago shes lanzado llaves coche raging tipo ellas hecho me escribir horas acicalado edad abuela edad edad viejo encontrar víctimas vergüenzas día constantemente trae llamadas puta dicen no esperar nada de nuevo amigos sexto grado perdió cada amigo tenía la gente considerar amigos abusar implacablemente peso personalidad enfermedad mental duro hacer amigos
people think alive enoughi happy never have never will never enjoyed life proud was always wanted die courage it life worth it memories feel proud of attempted redflag failed relatives keep away potential redflag method would killed already preventing me part understand think i alive things fine thats works pointless pathetic life want keep going died yet mean fine future never fine yet supposed pretend life magically turn around make happy sudden
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "people think alive enoughi happy never have never will never enjoyed life proud was always wanted die courageit life worth it memories feel proud of attempted redflag failed relatives keep away potential redflag method would killed already preventing me part understand think i alive things fine thats works pointless pathetic life want keep going died yet mean fine future never fine yet supposed pretend life magically turn around make happy sudden" ]
La gente piensa que lo suficientemente vivo feliz nunca ha disfrutado de la vida orgulloso fue siempre querido morir coraje vida vale la pena los recuerdos se sienten orgullosos de intento Redflag familiares fallidos mantener lejos potencial método Redflag mataría ya previniendome parte entender creo que las cosas vivas bien que funciona sin sentido patética vida quieren seguir muerto sin embargo significa buen futuro nunca bien pero supone que la vida mágicamente vuelta hacer feliz repentino
oh like music name every note g harmonic minor scale well every chord
[ "oh like music name every note g harmonic minor scale well every chord" ]
Oh como música nombre cada nota g armónico escala menor bien cada acorde
cannot claim pro mental health disregard someones thought redflagit work like that fucking cant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cannot claim pro mental health disregard someones thought redflagit work like that fucking cant" ]
no puede pretender salud mental pro desprecio alguien pensó redflagit trabajo como ese maldito cant
hate parents close door leave room like seriously close damn door leave room get perfectly comfortable potentially back breaking position chair bed close door lazy ass it tell please close door sometimes audacity say why it ok then lets see feel refuse flush toilet next time go bathroom fucking hell ampxb yeah thats it rant over
[ "hate parents close door leave room like seriously close damn door leave room get perfectly comfortable potentially back breaking position chair bed close door lazy assit tell please close door sometimes audacity say why it ok then lets see feel refuse flush toilet next time go bathroom fucking hellampxbyeah thats it rant over" ]
odio padres cerrar puerta dejar la habitación como seriamente cerrar maldita puerta dejar la habitación conseguir perfectamente cómodo potencialmente volver romper posición silla cama cerrar puerta perezoso culo decir por favor cerrar puerta a veces audacia decir por qué está bien entonces vamos a ver sentir basura inodoro la próxima vez ir baño mierda hellampxbyeah que es despotricar
want die ideas successful redflagsaid person contemplating redflag past year point done life want right time said personlast attempt taking bottle tylenol benadryl body hold down tired living life going good alone miserable tired itsaid person month old son died years ago followed discovering best friend dead room months later since struggled depression anxiety drugs whole life tired living tired feeling way tried get help nothing works done want ideas thoughts ways said person kill self preferably fast painless first thought try heroin overdose built tolerance know afford enough make kill said person want hear others ideas thoughts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want die ideas successful redflagsaid person contemplating redflag past year point done life want right time said personlast attempt taking bottle tylenol benadryl body hold down tired living life going good alone miserable tired itsaid person month old son died years ago followed discovering best friend dead room months later since struggled depression anxiety drugs whole life tired living tired feeling way tried get help nothing works done want ideas thoughts ways said person kill self preferably fast painless first thought try heroin overdose built tolerance know afford enough make kill said person want hear others ideas thoughts" ]
Querer morir ideas éxito Redflagsaid persona contemplando redflag año pasado punto hecho la vida desea tiempo correcto dicho persona último intento de tomar botella tylenol benadryl cuerpo mantener abajo cansado vivir la vida va bien solo miserable cansado su ayuda persona mes hijo murió años después de descubrir mejor amigo habitación muerta meses después desde lucha depresión ansiedad drogas toda la vida cansado vivir cansado sentir manera tratado conseguir ayuda nada funciona hacer querer ideas pensamientos maneras dijo persona matar a sí mismo preferiblemente rápido sin dolor primero pensamiento tratar de sobredosis de heroína construido tolerancia saber suficiente hacer matar a dicha persona quiere escuchar otras ideas pensamientos
anyone else getting weird ads getting ad stepmom seems sexual like explicit u really tell message trying give
[ "anyone else getting weird ads getting ad stepmom seems sexual like explicit u really tell message trying give" ]
cualquier otra persona conseguir anuncios extraños conseguir publicidad madrastra parece sexual como explícita u realmente decir mensaje tratando de dar
count least transphobes sub possibly im strict counts
[ "count least transphobes sub possibly im strict counts" ]
cuenta menos transfobos sub posiblemente im conteos estrictos
hate thisi really wish friends thinking killing would less hard bad others cant stop wanting die right mind keeps comparing friend sexually harrased one current friends ive avoiding her deserve that memories keep coming back wish could fucking slit throat make stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate thisi really wish friends thinking killing would less hard bad others cant stop wanting die right mind keeps comparing friend sexually harrased one current friends ive avoiding her deserve that memories keep coming back wish could fucking slit throat make stop" ]
odio esto realmente deseo amigos pensando que matar menos duro malo otros no pueden dejar de querer morir mente derecha sigue comparando amigo sexualmente harrased un actual amigos ive evitar que los recuerdos siguen regresando deseo podría puto degollar hacer parar
im planning killing sooni need resources die painlessly quickly
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im planning killing sooni need resources die painlessly quickly" ]
Estoy planeando matar pronto necesito recursos morir sin dolor rápidamente
mr bean almost never speaks heartily recommend using dvd player teacher holding finger pauseplay button end age groups lesson simply devote minutes pausing playing dvd encouraging students shout answers whats this what happen whats happening whats wrong question elicits responses lessons new vocabulary grammarbr br because everyones looking tv normally shy students become vocal dvd started stopped point perfect filler awkward between times students leaving arrivingbr br i tried dvds notably tom jerry cartoons red skelton dvds others good mister bean holding students constant attention
[ "mr bean almost never speaks heartily recommend using dvd player teacher holding finger pauseplay button end age groups lesson simply devote minutes pausing playing dvd encouraging students shout answers whats this what happen whats happening whats wrong question elicits responses lessons new vocabulary grammarbr br because everyones looking tv normally shy students become vocal dvd started stopped point perfect filler awkward between times students leaving arrivingbr br i tried dvds notably tom jerry cartoons red skelton dvds others good mister bean holding students constant attention" ]
Sr. frijol casi nunca habla de todo corazón recomendar el uso de dvd jugador profesor celebración de dedo pausaplay botón fin de edad clases simplemente dedicar minutos pausando jugar dvd animando a los estudiantes gritar respuestas lo que pasa lo que sucede lo que sucede pregunta equivocada provoca respuestas lecciones nuevo vocabulario gramáticabr br porque todo el mundo que mira la televisión normalmente estudiantes tímidos se convierten en voz dvd comenzó punto parado relleno perfecto incómodo entre los estudiantes que salen de llegada br dvds I probado notablemente tom jerry dibujos animados rojo skelton dvds otros buen señor frijol que mantiene a los estudiantes constante atención
revolution america like weed corruption know overthrow government trials us wrong etc etc
[ "revolution america like weed corruption know overthrow government trials us wrong etc etc" ]
revolución américa como la corrupción mala hierba saber derrocar a los juicios del gobierno nos mal etc etc
empathy wierd legit felt bad damn squirrel another squirrel stole orange even care squirrel beforehand seeing work hard something stolen away hit reason
[ "empathy wierd legit felt bad damn squirrel another squirrel stole orange even care squirrel beforehand seeing work hard something stolen away hit reason" ]
empatía Wierd Legit se sintió mal maldita ardilla otra ardilla robó naranja incluso cuidado ardilla antes de ver trabajo duro algo robado golpeó razón
ill write comments piece paper would put smol table next bed well share bedroom want good things write dont want dad seeing weird stuff thanks
[ "ill write comments piece paper would put smol table next bed well share bedroom want good things write dont want dad seeing weird stuff thanks" ]
mal escribir comentarios papel pieza pondría smol mesa al lado de la cama bien compartir dormitorio quieren buenas cosas escribir no quiero papá ver cosas raras gracias
act like that sorry bad english time ago friend introduced us friend we call k time started clearly flirt me wanted alone time sure feelings time flew kept flirting went holiday weeks holiday took time think actually liked so returned home asked go friends i wanted see would react said parents knew us said friend us would say yes holiday time flew come last week asked go us said ill think it yesterday said already another commitment clearly making excuse said different reasons clearly understand question is k flirt asked see said disappeared
[ "act like that sorry bad english time ago friend introduced us friend we call k time started clearly flirt me wanted alone time sure feelings time flew kept flirting went holiday weeks holiday took time think actually liked so returned home asked go friends i wanted see would react said parents knew us said friend us would say yes holiday time flew come last week asked go us said ill think it yesterday said already another commitment clearly making excuse said different reasons clearly understand question is k flirt asked see said disappeared" ]
actuar como que lo siento mal inglés hace tiempo amigo nos presentó amigo que llamamos k tiempo comenzó claramente coquetear me quería a solas tiempo seguro sentimientos tiempo voló siguió coqueteando fuera vacaciones semanas vacaciones tomó tiempo pensar realmente me gustó volver a casa preguntó amigos que quería ver reaccionar dijo los padres sabían que nos dijo amigo nos diría sí vacaciones tiempo voló venir la semana pasada nos preguntó nos dijo mal pensar que ya otro compromiso claramente hacer excusa dijo diferentes razones claramente entender pregunta es k coquetear preguntó ver dijo desaparecido
dad wants install family monitoring software computer dad asked join family software little reading found software many things can limit screen time time certain applications view screen time activity view search web history make purchases computer me seems like much reason trust me well school work hard outside school gets pc limit everything much can know tried apps made broke need advice accept limited screen time lose privacy say no justify it im pretty upset ive worked hard school outside school make dad proud makes feel like care thanks
[ "dad wants install family monitoring software computer dad asked join family software little reading found software many things can limit screen time time certain applications view screen time activity view search web history make purchases computer me seems like much reason trust me well school work hard outside school gets pc limit everything much can know tried apps made broke need advice accept limited screen time lose privacy say no justify it im pretty upset ive worked hard school outside school make dad proud makes feel like care thanks" ]
papá quiere instalar software de monitoreo familiar computadora papá pidió unirse a la familia software poco lectura encontrado software muchas cosas pueden limitar el tiempo de la pantalla ciertas aplicaciones ver pantalla tiempo actividad ver búsqueda historial web hacer compras ordenador me parece como mucha razón confiar en mí bien escuela trabajo duro fuera de la escuela obtiene PC límite todo mucho puede saber aplicaciones probadas rotos consejo de necesidad aceptar tiempo limitado de la pantalla perder privacidad decir no justificar im im bastante molesto ive trabajo duro escuela fuera de la escuela hacer papá orgulloso hace sentir como cuidado gracias
technology boon bane throw opinions guys floor yours auto mod auto mod auto mod auto mod
[ "technology boon bane throw opinions guys floor yours auto mod auto mod auto mod auto mod" ]
tecnología boon bane lanzar opiniones chicos piso su auto mod auto mod mod auto mod auto mod
anyone elseive got one person im talking to anyone else
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone elseive got one person im talking to anyone else" ]
cualquier otra persona tiene una persona im hablando con cualquier otra
hey bros qu hay probablemente nadie lea esto creo que es lo ms estupido que hecho en mi puta vida pero hay das en que estoy triste intentando suicidar dos veces se que la tercera ser la vencida se cuando ser pero veo viviendo mucho supongo que tengo depresin pero lo s pero todos los das cuando todo est en silencio pienso en las mil maneras en cmo podra matar aveces lloro aveces hablo solo supongo que es la vidasolo eso cudense si alguien llega leer esto
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hey bros qu hay probablemente nadie lea esto creo que es lo ms estupido que hechoen mi puta vida pero hay das en que estoy triste intentando suicidar dos veces se que la tercera ser la vencida se cuando ser pero veo viviendo mucho supongo que tengo depresin pero lo s pero todos los das cuando todo est en silencio pienso en las mil maneras en cmo podra matar aveces lloro aveces hablo solo supongo que es la vidasolo eso cudense si alguien llega leer esto" ]
hey bros qu hay probablemente nadie le este creo que es lo ms estudiado que hechoen mi puta vida pero hay das en que estoy triste intentando suicidar dos veces se que la tercera ser la vencida se cuando ser pero veo viviendo mucho supongo que tengo depresin pero lo s pero todos los dados cuando todo está en silencio pienso en las mil maneras en cmo podría matar aveces loro aveces habla solo supongo que es la vidaolo eso cudense si alguien llega este
amazing performance simon pegg gets better better every role usual plays part cringy character makes want hide behind cushion embarrassment sometimes thats pegg aboutbr br the laughs regular eye watering everyone aimed penn movie cleverly put together every character plays sophisticated serious part penn humour involved huge credit director robert weidebr br and cant let one go without quick round applause gilliam anderson shone throughout highly recommended all
[ "amazing performance simon pegg gets better better every role usual plays part cringy character makes want hide behind cushion embarrassment sometimes thats pegg aboutbr br the laughs regular eye watering everyone aimed penn movie cleverly put together every character plays sophisticated serious part penn humour involved huge credit director robert weidebr br and cant let one go without quick round applause gilliam anderson shone throughout highly recommended all" ]
Asombroso rendimiento simon pegg mejora cada papel juega papel habitual personaje crujiente hace querer esconderse detrás del cojín vergüenza a veces que pegg aboutbr br las risas ojo regular riego todos apuntado penn película inteligentemente juntos cada personaje juega sofisticado serio papel penn humor involucrado enorme director de crédito robert weidebr br y cant dejar ir sin un rápido aplauso redondo gilliam anderson brilló a lo largo altamente recomendado todos
nee sum critics critique continuation story put prologue read prologue httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsilxbea_short_fiction_prologue_do_critique_pleaseutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare btw added sum things da prologue chapter called sleepers coldness swept body like raindrops sky coldness wasnt one woke earth wake like preset timer questions filled head struggled bit get back feet biggest one ended here middle jungle tried get bearing surrounding eyes laid sword struck ground ghillie suit top that felt strong connection sword didnt think much maybe fill head questions now
[ "nee sum critics critique continuation story put prologue read prologue httpswwwredditcomrteenagerscommentsilxbea_short_fiction_prologue_do_critique_pleaseutm_mediumandroid_appamputm_sourceshare btw added sum things da prologue chapter called sleepers coldness swept body like raindrops sky coldness wasnt one woke earth wake like preset timer questions filled head struggled bit get back feet biggest one ended here middle jungle tried get bearing surrounding eyes laid sword struck ground ghillie suit top that felt strong connection sword didnt think much maybe fill head questions now" ]
Los críticos de nee sum critican la continuación de la historia puso prólogo leído prólogo httpswwwredditcomnteenagerscommentsilxbea_short_fiction_prologue_do_critique_pleeutm_mediumandroid_appamputtm_sourceshare btw añadido suma cosas da capítulo prologue llamados durmientes frío barrió cuerpo como gotas de lluvia cielo frío no era uno despierta la tierra como preestablecido preguntas de temporizador lleno de cabeza luchado poco conseguir atrás pies más grande uno terminó aquí selva media trató de conseguir llevar ojos circundantes espada golpeada ghillie traje top que sentía fuerte conexión espada no pensar mucho tal vez llenar preguntas de cabeza ahora
so teenage years lived moderate depression formal diagnosed disorder history treatment hospitalization mentioned argument yknow hear you good life compared me life sucked cannot depressed funny life great either worst definitely average gets funnier tell phone need go outside going walk helped feelings help you dude staring grass moving exciting hll nature going cure depression even brought god me anyways horrible sht heard depression someone told go outside
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "so teenage years lived moderate depression formal diagnosed disorder history treatment hospitalization mentioned argument yknow hear you good life compared me life sucked cannot depressed funny life great either worst definitely average gets funnier tell phone need go outside going walk helped feelings help you dude staring grass moving exciting hll nature going cure depression even brought god me anyways horrible sht heard depression someone told go outside" ]
Así que los años adolescentes vivieron depresión moderada diagnóstico formal trastorno historia tratamiento hospitalización argumento mencionado yknow escucharte buena vida comparado me vida chupada no puede deprimir vida divertida grande o peor definitivamente promedio consigue más divertido decir teléfono necesidad de salir a caminar ayudó a los sentimientos que miran hierba moverse emocionante Hll naturaleza ir curar depresión incluso me trajo dios de todos modos horrible sht oído depresión alguien dijo salir
backits months ago since seriously thought ending life ive depressed years never bothered get solutions recently months ago went therapy months stop due logistical reasons found replacement therapist cancelled appointment last minute thought getting better im going often im willing meet trust new people im starting like again im functioning like _normal_ viewed everything rosecolored glasses im getting better get progress gain friends ive built delusion belongingness family thought ive steered away demons head theyre still here never left made things worse hate myself _friends_ better without someone like life world infinitely better place without it voices back want stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "backits months ago since seriously thought ending life ive depressed years never bothered get solutions recently months ago went therapy months stop due logistical reasons found replacement therapist cancelled appointment last minute thought getting better im going often im willing meet trust new people im starting like again im functioning like _normal_ viewed everything rosecolored glasses im getting better get progress gain friends ive built delusion belongingness family thought ive steered away demons head theyre still here never left made things worse hate myself _friends_ better without someone like life world infinitely better place without it voices back want stop" ]
hace meses desde que se pensó seriamente terminar la vida deprimidos años nunca se molestó conseguir soluciones hace meses fue terapia meses detener debido a razones logísticas encontrado reemplazo terapeuta cita cancelada último minuto pensamiento conseguir mejor I going a menudo estoy dispuesto conocer confianza nueva gente im comenzar como de nuevo i funcionamiento como _normal_ visto todo color rosa gafas im conseguir mejor progreso ganar amigos iive construido delirio pertenencia familia pensamiento ive lejos demonios cabeza todavía están aquí nunca izquierda hizo las cosas peor odio a mí mismo _amigos_ mejor sin alguien como la vida mundo infinitamente mejor lugar sin él voces volver quieren parar
made life escaping abuse life jeopardy feeling hopelessi ran away abusive home situation taken supported financially friend support suddenly ceased months ago facing homelessness desperation took first place said yes hate it pay like income rent room house full screaming children passive aggressive control freak roommates thought could deal cant constant tension air walking eggshells dreading coming home refuge shitty day highstress lowpay job reminds much abuse flew thousands miles get away from feel safe anywhere anymore never relax building stress putting crisis want get out since previous roommate parted ways literally reallife support system anymore deepseated trust issues means reallife friends moment feel like one talk to therapist extraordinarily kind letting see free ever since lost previous living situation cant see often feel like need feel guilty seeing without payment matter many times tells alright aside that therapy world solve practical issues money move again license would even physically move belongings previous roommate helped move last time theyre state now feel trapped hopeless felt emotionally mentally bad years feel capable job anymore especially feel like mile walk every day get back energy im utterly exhausted always feel like im fightorflight mode now cant handle stress catching flying handle minuscule things almost meltdown grocery store yesterday fit shit reusable bags brought in cant go like im afraid getting deep crisis become fully nonfunctioning then cant job ill become homeless hurts much especially well felt like full functioning adult job boss loved me considered promotion putting money savings paying old debts fixing credit score putting food table felt like become much told family would ever capable felt like life own gutter really know im going get time im sure even want get time do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "made life escaping abuse life jeopardy feeling hopelessi ran away abusive home situation taken supported financially friend support suddenly ceased months ago facing homelessness desperation took first place said yes hate it pay like income rent room house full screaming children passive aggressive control freak roommates thought could dealcant constant tension air walking eggshells dreading coming home refuge shitty day highstress lowpay job reminds much abuse flew thousands miles get away from feel safe anywhere anymore never relax building stress putting crisis", "want get out since previous roommate parted ways literally reallife support system anymore deepseated trust issues means reallife friends moment feel like one talk to therapist extraordinarily kind letting see free ever since lost previous living situation cant see often feel like need feel guilty seeing without payment matter many times tells alright aside that therapy world solve practical issues money move again license would even physically move belongings previous roommate helped move last time theyre state now feel trapped hopeless felt emotionally mentally bad years feel capable job anymore especially feel like mile walk every day get back energy im utterly exhausted always feel like im fightorflight mode now cant handle stress catching flying handle minuscule things almost meltdown grocery store yesterday fit shit reusable bags brought in cant go like im afraid getting deep crisis become fully nonfunctioning then", "cant job ill become homeless hurts much especially well felt like full functioning adult job boss loved me considered promotion putting money savings paying old debts fixing credit score putting food table felt like become much told family would ever capable felt like life own gutter really knowim going get time im sure even want get time do" ]
hace vida escapando abuso vida peligro sentimiento desesperado huye situación abusiva casa tomado apoyo financiero apoyo repentinamente dejó de hacer frente a la indigencia desesperación tomó primer lugar dijo sí odio pagar como renta renta alquiler habitación casa completo niños gritos pasivo control agresivo compañeros de cuarto pensados podrían tratar constante tensión aire caminar cáscaras de huevo miedo llegar a casa refugio de mierda día alta estrés trabajo de baja paga recuerda mucho abuso voló miles de kilómetros alejarse de sentirse seguro en cualquier lugar nunca relajarse construir estrés poner crisis
get crush dating guys interested guys makes sick stomach ratchet slutty girl like friends know anything crazy problem sweet wholesome good losers interested take advantage that looked social media sadly post anymore know track social media platforms easily found friends super egotistical superficial get wake up
[ "get crush dating guys interested guys makes sick stomach ratchet slutty girl like friends know anything crazy problem sweet wholesome good losers interested take advantage that looked social media sadly post anymore know track social media platforms easily found friends super egotistical superficial get wake up" ]
get aplastamiento chicos interesados chicos hace enfermo estómago trinquete puta chica como amigos saben cualquier problema loco dulce sano buenos perdedores interesados tomar ventaja que parecía redes sociales tristemente post más saber pista plataformas de medios sociales fácilmente encontrar amigos super egotista superficial get keep up
live cursed timeline late anything pointwill try enjoy life long able end it ampxb httpswwwnaturecomarticlesdfbclidiwarxnplzngfydyezrzavckzwlsuqovrzgqegvabiggsbbftdxeehttpswwwnaturecomarticlesdfbclidiwarxnplzngfydyezrzavckzwlsuqovrzgqegvabiggsbbftdxee
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "live cursed timeline late anything pointwill try enjoy life long able end it ampxb httpswwwnaturecomarticlesdfbclidiwarxnplzngfydyezrzavckzwlsuqovrzgqegvabiggsbbftdxeehttpswwwnaturecomarticlesdfbclidiwarxnplzngfydyezrzavckzwlsuqovrzgqegvabiggsbbftdxee" ]
vida maldita línea de tiempo tarde cualquier punto intentará disfrutar de la vida durante mucho tiempo capaz de terminar ampxb httpswwwnaturecomparticlesdfbclidiwarxnplzfydyezrzavckzwlsuqovrzgqegvabiggsbbftdxeehttpswwwnaturecomparticlesdfbclidiwarxnplzfydyezrzavckzwlsuqovrzgqegvabiggsbbftdxee
much consideration abnormali fairly certain remotely real risk im concerned find contemplating redflag times week contemplation im remotely tempted act consider logistics would people would react feel like fairly common thoughts people have so question frequency unusual unusual point need concerned thanks
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "much consideration abnormali fairly certain remotely real risk im concerned find contemplating redflag times week contemplation im remotely tempted act consider logistics would people would react feel like fairly common thoughts people have so question frequency unusual unusual point need concerned thanks" ]
mucha consideración anomalía bastante cierto remotamente real riesgo im preocupado encontrar contemplando Redflag times semana contemplación im acto tentado remotamente considerar logística la gente reaccionaría se siente como pensamientos bastante comunes la gente tiene tan pregunta frecuencia inusual punto necesidad preocupado gracias
social experiment type i hate let predictive text expose you
[ "social experiment type i hate let predictive text expose you" ]
tipo de experimento social odio dejar que el texto predictivo te exponga
people asking want me bitch daycare fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller
[ "people asking want me bitch daycare fillerfillerfillerfillerfillerfiller" ]
La gente que me pregunta me quiere perra guardería relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
know cant happy went new school made tons friends treat like shit got rid toxic exs pretty much gf lost virginity birthday tomorrow basically people want around love me still feel empty hollow still feel sad alone inside still fake smile get by satisfied everything ive ever wanted still constantly hurt inside
[ "know cant happy went new school made tons friends treat like shit got rid toxic exs pretty much gf lost virginity birthday tomorrow basically people want around love me still feel empty hollow still feel sad alone inside still fake smile get by satisfied everything ive ever wanted still constantly hurt inside" ]
Sé que no puedo feliz fue nueva escuela hizo toneladas de amigos tratar como mierda se deshizo de ex tóxicos casi gf virginidad perdido cumpleaños mañana básicamente la gente quiere alrededor de amor todavía me siento vacío hueco todavía se siente triste solo dentro todavía sonrisa falsa conseguir satisfecho todo lo que live siempre quiso todavía constantemente herido en el interior
ive lost count times seen movie love find funny time see it facial expressions slapstick humor timing jokes makes great characters especially nitro sonar stepanik hilarious thought kelsey grammar rip torn bruce dern great job fact think movie perfectly cast think need released dvd wear vhs version out
[ "ive lost count times seen movie love find funny time see it facial expressions slapstick humor timing jokes makes great characters especially nitro sonar stepanik hilarious thought kelsey grammar rip torn bruce dern great job fact think movie perfectly cast think need released dvd wear vhs version out" ]
ive perdido conteo veces visto película amor encontrar divertido tiempo ver las expresiones faciales slapstick humor cronometraje chistes hace grandes personajes especialmente nitro sonar stepanik hilarante pensamiento Kelsey gramática rasgado bruce den great job fact think movie perfect cast think need freed dvd wear vhs version out
film got roasted boys mstk actually neat nasty piece lowbudget film noir plot tight characters believable within goodboygetsobsessedwithbadgirl genre pacing solid climax wellhandled cast bolstered several fine character actors true time want hit protagonist brick hes actually quite effectively creepy plays mastermind scenes dad quite powerful minimalist kind way sure depressing thats point good movie
[ "film got roasted boys mstk actually neat nasty piece lowbudget film noir plot tight characters believable within goodboygetsobsessedwithbadgirl genre pacing solid climax wellhandled cast bolstered several fine character actors true time want hit protagonist brick hes actually quite effectively creepy plays mastermind scenes dad quite powerful minimalist kind way sure depressing thats point good movie" ]
película consiguió chicos asados mstk realmente limpio pieza desagradable película de bajo presupuesto noir trama personajes apretados creíbles dentro buen boygetsobsessedwithbadgirl género ritmo sólido clímax bien manejado reparto reforzado varios actores de personajes finos verdadero tiempo quieren golpe protagonista ladrillo hes en realidad bastante espeluznante obras mastermind escenas papá bastante potente minimalista tipo seguro deprimente que apunta buena película
sibling suicidal dont know domy sibling suicidal help them found sibling suicidal again want get help freaked last time happened need help dont know know told let sibling know know ways help now dont know family worried dont want make obvious know whats going case freak out im generally quiet person dont want push much suspicious random support still want support them really dont know right now think parents gonna help take care help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "sibling suicidal dont know domy sibling suicidal help them found sibling suicidal again want get help freaked last time happened need help dont know know told let sibling know know ways help now dont know family worried dont want make obvious know whats going case freak out im generally quiet person dont want push much suspicious random support still want support them really dont know right now think parents gonna help take care help" ]
hermano suicida no sé domi hermano suicida ayudar a encontrar hermano suicida de nuevo quiero conseguir ayuda asustado la última vez que sucedió necesidad de ayuda no sé saber le dijo a saber hermano saber maneras de ayudar ahora no sé familia preocupado no quiero hacer evidente lo que va caso freak out im generalmente persona tranquila no quiero empujar mucho apoyo aleatorio sospechoso todavía quieren apoyo realmente no sé en este momento los padres van a ayudar a cuidar ayuda
conflicted get watch dogs legion get cyberpunk
[ "conflicted get watch dogs legion get cyberpunk" ]
conflicto conseguir ver perros legión conseguir cyberpunk
would say first quality romanticcomedy ever seen depth although knew beginning going end together still longing anticipation thought maybe get together indie film all movie well written directed acted dancing side road scene magnificent
[ "would say first quality romanticcomedy ever seen depth although knew beginning going end together still longing anticipation thought maybe get together indie film all movie well written directed acted dancing side road scene magnificent" ]
diría primera calidad romántica comedia jamás visto profundidad aunque sabía que el principio va a terminar juntos aún anhelando la anticipación pensamiento tal vez conseguir juntos película indie toda película bien escrita actuación actuación baile escena de carretera lateral magnífico
strangle hand im pass out several times dayi place thumb index finger side neck press veins stop blood circulation called feel good im relaxed afterwards
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "strangle hand im pass out several times dayi place thumb index finger side neck press veins stop blood circulation called feel good im relaxed afterwards" ]
estrangular mano im pasar fuera varias veces dayi lugar pulgar índice dedo dedo lado cuello presión venas detener circulación de la sangre llamada sentirse bien im relajado después
enoughplease life stop already im sick shit on cant keep up cant keep anymore taking everything power walk door it plan im afraid it long wake find body cant learn him fair him cant take things pace people get mad try say needs needs worth it im worth it one last cuddle heads tomorrow weekend could then ill figure out much emotion cant anything it trying fix things makes worse cant keep up one sleeptomorrow get with even posting thisi even know maybe record outburst exists maybe feel like something say matters tonight something feel matters all know fair hes still grieving im selfish ass this im sorry im weak need bedthis much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "enoughplease life stop already im sick shit on cant keep up cant keep anymore taking everything power walk door it plan im afraid it long wake find body cant learn him fair him cant take things pace people get mad try say needs needs worth it im worth it one last cuddle heads tomorrow weekend could then ill figure out much emotion cant anything it trying fix things makes worse cant keep up one sleeptomorrow get with even posting thisi even know maybe record outburst exists maybe feel like something say matters tonight something feel matters all know fairhes still grieving im selfish ass this imsorryim weak need bedthis much" ]
suficiente por favor la vida deja ya Im mierda enfermo en cant mantener para arriba cant seguir más tomando todo el poder caminar puerta plan im miedo lo largo despertar encontrar cuerpo no puede aprender lo justo él no puede tomar las cosas ritmo la gente se enoja tratar de decir necesidades vale la pena im vale la pena un último abrazo cabezas mañana fin de semana podría entonces mal figurar mucha emoción puede cualquier cosa que tratando de arreglar las cosas empeora no puede mantener un sueñomañana conseguir con incluso publicar estoi incluso saber tal vez el estallido récord existe tal vez se siente como algo dicen asuntos esta noche algo siente todos los asuntos saben justahes todavía afligirse im culo egoísta este imdolim débil necesita cama tanto
saying pog everyday get girlfriend day pog know day im dying inside
[ "saying pog everyday get girlfriend day pog know day im dying inside" ]
diciendo pog todos los días conseguir novia día pog saber día me muero dentro
loli really thought could something doesnt involve fucking huh like claim im aw sad cant even relate someone else feels make feel slightest bit better all love annoying fucking everyonemessing fucking everything apparently feeling like wanna kill like course want final action still running away mistakes god im pathetic
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "loli really thought could something doesnt involvefucking huh like claim imaw sad cant even relate someone else feels make feel slightest bit better all love annoying fucking everyonemessing fucking everything apparently feeling like wanna kill like course want final action still running away mistakes god im pathetic" ]
Loli realmente pensó que podría algo no implica mierda eh como pretender imaw triste no puedo siquiera relacionar a alguien más se siente sentir más levemente mejor todo el amor molesto joder a todo el mundomensajes follando todo aparentemente como querer matar como por supuesto quieren acción final todavía huyendo errores dios im patético
whenever someone tells suck dick insult always reply will do always fun started saying never saw homosexualityinduced primal fear another mans eyes
[ "whenever someone tells suck dick insult always reply will do always fun started saying never saw homosexualityinduced primal fear another mans eyes" ]
Cuando alguien le dice a chupar polla insulto siempre responder hará siempre divertido comenzó a decir nunca vio homosexualidad inducido miedo primal otros hombres ojos
almost today im going try againim going die soon finally ill peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "almost today im going try againim going die soon finally ill peace" ]
Casi hoy voy a intentar de nuevo que va a morir pronto por fin la paz mal
tired constant failureyesterday mom asked keep going looked normal emotionless face shrugged thinks therapy dont heart tell therapy doesnt help me ive started cutting cope constant failure tbh since early high school cant talk due culture male cant tell ive found comfort alcohol im trying keep binging becoming harder drink bottle medication im tired always failing ive worked hard many years sacrificed much slip fingers like water last several years comprised financial hardship rejections med schools deaths breakup literally havent even taken time mourn lossesfailures dont know mourn feel nothing void space nothing exists yet widens everyday consumes me think loneliness whats getting most relationship lasted months im grateful first experience healthy left craving affection dont get much attention women eat away me feeds suicidal thoughts feelings inadequacy want end cant find ways end peacefully cant share thoughts anyone since friends run ignore acknowledging others feel im failure worthless perhaps better let void consume me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired constant failureyesterday mom asked keep going looked normal emotionless face shrugged thinks therapy dont heart tell therapy doesnt help me ive started cutting cope constant failure tbh since early high school cant talk due culture male cant tell ive found comfort alcohol im trying keep binging becoming harder drink bottle medication im tired always failing ive worked hard many years sacrificed much slip fingers like water last several years comprised financial hardship rejections med schools deaths breakup literally havent even taken time mourn lossesfailures dont know mourn feel nothing void space nothing exists yet widens everyday consumes me think loneliness whats getting most relationship lasted months im grateful first experience healthy left craving affection dont get much attention women eat away me feeds suicidal thoughts feelings inadequacy want end cant find ways end peacefully cant share thoughts anyone since friends run ignore acknowledging others feel im failure worthless perhaps better let void consume me" ]
cansado fracaso constante ayer mamá preguntó seguir adelante mirada normal cara sin emoción encogida piensa terapia no corazón decir terapia no me ayuda a mí ive comenzó a cortar fracaso constante tbh desde principios de escuela secundaria no puede hablar debido cultura masculino no puede contar ha encontrado comodidad alcohol im tratando de seguir atragantando convertirse en más difícil bebida medicamento im cansado siempre fracaso ive trabajó duro muchos años sacrificó mucho dedos resbaladizos como el agua pasado varios años comprendía dificultades financieras rechazos educación médica muertes ruptura literalmente ni siquiera ha tomado tiempo duelo pérdidas fracasos no sé llorar sentir nada espacio vacío nada existe pero se ensancha todos los días me consume pensar soledad lo que es conseguir la mayoría de la relación duró meses im experiencia agradecida primero salud izquierda antojo afecto no obtener mucha atención mujeres comer lejos me alimenta pensamientos suicidas sentimientos indefectibles fin no puedo encontrar maneras fin pacíficamente no puedo compartir pensamientos nadie ya que los amigos corren ignorar reconocer reconocimiento de otros no vale la pena tal vez mejor dejar sin consumirme
see future myself think means im supposed onei know im actively suicidal actually redflag attempt years really view self harm redflag attempt since really point life threatening see point living though feel sort hollow numb time like smile laugh enjoy things think actually ever happy im ashamed myself im ashamed way body looks im ashamed fact im fat ive ruined self harm scars im ashamed cant seem keep people life fact im anxious depressed always comes out even though try hard normal functional partners im ashamed relationships ive in significant others greatest people im ruined fucked one would actually good long term would ever want me ive honestly given ever another loving relationship im slutty chick people fuck leave one would ever proud me even worthless im imposter job know anything hardly anything office im sort here know fired me let alone hired first place im school specific job field actually see graduating getting job see anything life ive never able see future myself honestly big emptiness there ive living day day basically past decade im surprised killed already honest always kind head think maybe fact right completely alone means optimal time it fuck life even more one really going miss devastated passing could sort pretty much affairs like hour so biggest issue would making sure house clean organized want anyone deal cleaning messes feel like even serious thing im experiencing sort mania sadness im just calm exactly resigned like im ready life supposed end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "see future myself think means im supposed onei knowim actively suicidal actually redflag attempt years really view self harm redflag attempt since really point life threatening see point living though feel sort hollow numb time like smile laugh enjoy things think actually ever happy im ashamed myself im ashamed way body looks im ashamedfact im fative ruined self harm scars im ashamed cant seem keep people life fact im anxious depressed always comes out even though try hard normal functional partners im ashamed relationships ive in significant others greatest people im ruined fucked one would actually good long term would ever want me ive honestly given ever another loving relationship im slutty chick people fuck leave one would ever proud me even worthless", "im imposter job know anything hardly anything office im sort here know fired me let alone hired first place im school specific job field actually see graduating getting job see anything life ive never able see future myself honestly big emptiness there ive living day day basically past decade im surprised killed already honest always kind head think maybe fact right completely alone means optimal time it fuck life even more one really going miss devastated passing could sort pretty much affairs like hour so biggest issue would making sure house clean organized want anyone deal cleaning messes feel like even serious thing im experiencing sort mania sadness im just calm exactly resigned like im ready life supposed end" ]
ver futuro yo mismo pensar significa im supuesto onei knowim activamente suicida en realidad Redflag intento años realmente ver auto daño Redflag intento puesto que realmente punto vida amenazante ver punto vida aunque siento tipo hueco entumecimiento tiempo como sonrisa risa disfrutar de las cosas pensar en realidad siempre feliz im vergüenza mí mismo im vergüenza manera cuerpo se ve im vergüenza im fativo arruinado auto daño cicatrices im vergüenza no parece mantener a la gente vida hecho im ansiedad deprimido siempre sale a pesar de intentar duro parejas funcionales normales im vergüenza relaciones ive in significant others grandes personas im arruinado follado uno en realidad bueno largo plazo me gustaría vivir honestamente dado siempre otra relación amorosa im puta chica gente mierda dejar uno alguna vez me enorgullecería incluso inútil
two minutes till am worrkkkk bye
[ "two minutes till am worrkkkk bye" ]
dos minutos hasta que estoy worrkkkkk adiós
im dueling someone five minutes wish luck update dead
[ "im dueling someone five minutes wish luck update dead" ]
Im duelo a alguien cinco minutos deseo suerte actualización muerto
actually life plan im going try graduate high school fail once ill move on ill work manual labor thats im good for maybe amish theyll take me make strong ill save enough boat least ft long good long distance sailing ill find least crazydesperate people join me well sail africa well fight warlords well unite tribes maybe amass large fleet boats well help common people well plunder precious metal jewel mines give people around us better lives mess im sorry way thanks reading this dumb even die ill die fighting trying make name great
[ "actually life plan im going try graduate high school fail once ill move on ill work manual labor thats im good for maybe amish theyll take me make strong ill save enough boat least ft long good long distance sailing ill find least crazydesperate people join me wellsail africa well fight warlords well unite tribes maybe amass large fleet boats well help common people well plunder precious metal jewel mines give people around us better lives messim sorry way thanks reading this dumb even die ill die fighting trying make name great" ]
En realidad plan de vida voy a tratar de graduarse escuela secundaria fracaso una vez mal movimiento en mal trabajo mano de obra que es bueno para tal vez amish me llevan a hacer fuerte mal salvar suficiente barco menos pies de largo largo largo larga distancia navegar mal encontrar menos locodesesperado personas se unen a mí wellsail África bien lucha señores de la guerra bien unir tribus tal vez amasar grandes flota barcos bien ayudar a la gente común bien saquear preciosas minas de joyas de metal dar a la gente a nuestro alrededor mejores vidas desastre lamenta manera gracias lectura este tonto incluso morir mal luchar tratando de hacer el nombre grande
built chicken coop door httpsimgurcomgalleryjmgxvz
[ "built chicken coop door httpsimgurcomgalleryjmgxvz" ]
Puerta de gallinero construida httpsimgurcomgalleryjmgxvz
dont know anymorei broke apart razor first time years wanna cut badly body explain whats going me everythings much worse nowhere ptsd depression everything girlfriend says doesnt think helped dont know do im lost im confused wanna cut pills im feeling exactly like bad edit cant take pretending happy everyone else anymore hard pretend
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know anymorei broke apart razor first time years wanna cut badly body explain whats going me everythings much worse nowhere ptsd depression everything girlfriend says doesnt think helped dont know do im lostim confused wanna cut pills im feeling exactly like bad edit cant take pretending happy everyone else anymore hard pretend" ]
No sé más que he roto navaja de afeitar primera vez años quieren cortar mal cuerpo explicar lo que me va todo es mucho peor en ninguna parte ptsd depresión todo lo que la novia dice no cree que ayudó a no saber do im lostim confundido querer cortar píldoras im sentir exactamente como mal edición no puede tomar fingir feliz todo el mundo más difícil pretender
struggling hold onhello everyone im really hard time trying hold on feel like nothing left live for lost everything everyone cared about everyday struggle feel like left liveim really trying hang there know anymore presence missed anyone left one life want pain end im tired waking everyday feeling way really know point reason live anymore anyone give reasons keep going apologize talking way honestly need advice
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "struggling holdonhello everyone im really hard time trying hold on feel like nothing left live for lost everything everyone cared about everyday struggle feel like left liveim really trying hang there know anymore presence missed anyone left one life want pain end im tired waking everyday feeling way really know point reason live anymore anyone give reasons keep going apologize talking way honestly need advice" ]
lucha holdonhello todo el mundo Im realmente difícil tratar de aferrarse a sentir que nada queda vivo para perder todo lo que a todo el mundo le importaba la lucha diaria sentir como izquierda liveim realmente tratando de colgar allí saber más presencia perdido a alguien izquierda una vida quiero dolor final estoy cansado despertar todos los días manera saber punto razón vivir más nadie da razones seguir pidiendo disculpas hablar de manera honestamente necesita consejo
want go backoblivion released were kids old friend met weeks year summer would play nonstop day wed take breaks eat lunch dinner together immersed fantastical world could free whatever wanted thing next year year that roughly decade since grew lost contact ive yet feel sense freedom happiness ive longer got friends im alone amount games ive played alone grant wondrous feeling shared friend want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want go backoblivion released were kids old friend met weeks year summer would play nonstop day wed take breaks eat lunch dinner together immersed fantastical world could free whatever wanted thing next year year that roughly decade since grew lost contact ive yet feel sense freedom happiness ive longer got friends im alone amount games ive played alone grant wondrous feeling shared friend want die" ]
Quiero ir backoblivion liberado eran niños viejo amigo conocido semanas año verano jugaría sin parar día de bodas tomar descansos comer almuerzo juntos mundo fantástico podría liberar lo que quería cosa el año que viene que más o menos década desde creció contacto perdido ive y sin embargo sentir la libertad felicidad más tiempo tengo amigos im solo cantidad juegos ive jugado solo conceder maravilloso sentimiento compartido amigo quiere morir
film top comedies list truly unique film reviewer said i must really missing somethingyou correct missing something kind sense humor film requires thats one thing give bad review think looney intended be loony apt description intends succeeds being laughed much often much intensely film funny filmsbr br michael almereyda brought best cast this first big film nominated independent spirit award best first feature crispin glover usual absolutely brilliant perfectly inexplicable way funniest lines ever said film glover clearly best comic actor working right now harry dean stanton puts excellent comic performance william burroughs incredible small role dylan mcdermott ideally cast lois chiles completely excellentbr br all perfectly funny perfect way one crispins finest performancesup performances rivers edge willard crispin glover fan somehow overlooked film need stop whatever see immediatelybr br but remember relax first maybe beer something great film unusual recommend inducing appropriately silly state mind viewing
[ "film top comedies list truly unique film reviewer said i must really missing somethingyou correct missing something kind sense humor film requires thats one thing give bad review think looney intended be loony apt description intends succeeds being laughed much often much intensely film funny filmsbr br michael almereyda brought best cast this first big film nominated independent spirit award best first feature crispin glover usual absolutely brilliant perfectly inexplicable way funniest lines ever said film glover clearly best comic actor working right now harry dean stanton puts excellent comic performance william burroughs incredible small role dylan mcdermott ideally cast lois chiles completely excellentbr br all perfectly funny perfect way one crispins finest performancesup performances rivers edge willard crispin glover fan somehow overlooked film need stop whatever see immediatelybr br but remember relax first maybe beer something great film unusual recommend inducing appropriately silly state mind viewing" ]
cine top comedias lista verdaderamente único crítico de cine dijo que realmente falta algo que corregir falta algo buen sentido humor película requiere que una cosa dar mala crítica pensar looney intención ser loco apt descripción pretende tener éxito siendo reído mucho a menudo muy intensamente película divertido filmsbr br michael almereyda trajo mejor reparto esta primera gran película nominado espíritu independiente premio mejor primera característica crujiente guantera habitual absolutamente brillante perfectamente inexplicable manera divertida líneas más divertidas nunca dicho película guantera claramente mejor actor cómico trabajando ahora mismo harry dean Stanton pone excelente rendimiento cómico william burroughs increíble pequeño papel dylan mcdermott lois chiles elegido idealmente completamente excelente br br perfectamente divertido manera perfecta una crocantes mejores actuaciones rivers edge wild willard crujmin guanter fan de alguna manera pasado por alto película necesidad de detener lo que sea ver inmediatamente br pero recordar relajarse primero cerveza algo gran película inusual recomendar induciendo mente estado mente tonto apropiado
brother talks farts pooping excessively annoying like brings farts poops every conversation matter im with random stuff like could like fought guy hed like yeah youd prolly fart him im like thats high reach hed say propel ur fart comedy gold amirite today send coffee looks like poop pls stop big bro embarrassing hes lmao
[ "brother talks farts pooping excessively annoying like brings farts poops every conversation matter im with random stuff likecould like fought guy hed like yeahyoud prolly fart himim like thats high reach hed say propel ur fart comedy gold amirite today send coffee looks like poop pls stop big bro embarrassing hes lmao" ]
hermano habla pedos cacando excesivamente molesto como trae pedos poops cada conversación asunto im con cosas al azar como podría como luchado chico hed como yesyoud prolly pedo him como que es de alto alcance hed decir propel ur pedo comedia amirite oro hoy enviar café parece caca pls parar hermano grande embarazoso hes lmmao
hereby declare spilling water ground leaving people step crime punishable death
[ "hereby declare spilling water ground leaving people step crime punishable death" ]
por la presente declara derramar el suelo de agua dejando a la gente paso crimen pena de muerte
uw catfish pedo talk her chatting like normal got really sexual asked send pic see catfish blocked discord reddit tricked
[ "uw catfish pedo talk her chatting like normal got really sexual asked send pic see catfish blocked discord reddit tricked" ]
uw catfish pedo hablar su charla como normal consiguió realmente sexual preguntó enviar foto ver bagre bloqueado discordia reddit engañado
cant anything right moreno matter hard try matter say never anything right eyes others more im nothing failure through im lonely undeserving failure died months ago every time think things getting better end cursing things get much worse maybe deserve happy things get better end year im sticking around cant more everyone else leaving turning backs me may well same better way care anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anything right moreno matter hard try matter say never anything right eyes others more im nothing failure through im lonely undeserving failure died months ago every time think things getting better end cursing things get much worse maybe deserve happy things get better end year im sticking around cant more everyone else leaving turning backs me may well same better way care anyway" ]
No puedo hacer nada bien más no importa duro tratar de la materia decir nunca nada ojos correctos otros más im nada fracaso a través de im solitario fracaso inmerecible murió hace meses cada vez que las cosas cada vez mejor terminar maldiciendo las cosas se ponen mucho peor tal vez merecer cosas felices conseguir mejor final año im permanecer alrededor de cant más todos los demás dejando volver atrás me puede igual mejor manera de cuidar de todos modos
girl said voice sounds hot youre voice attractive
[ "girl said voice sounds hot youre voice attractive" ]
chica dijo voz suena caliente youre voz atractiva
old oldf im slowly losing way im sure live narcissists friends never let express myself could mental breakdown one life seems care try explain theres something wrong im angry reason built rage dont know why explaining im either belittled ignored bullied told need kick ass one really treats care compassion yet everyday every time tell friends whats going vent im snapped told move house want financially cant ive homeless crashed couches fun im trying go back path alcohol substance abuse day day gets difficult family friends talk im really thinking giving up
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "old oldf im slowly losing way im sure live narcissists friends never let express myself could mental breakdown one life seems care try explain theres something wrongim angry reason built rage dont know why explaining im either belittled ignored bullied told need kick ass one really treats care compassion yet everyday every time tell friends whats going vent im snapped told move house want financially cant ive homeless crashed couches funim trying go backpath alcohol substance abuse day day gets difficult family friends talk im really thinking giving up" ]
viejo oldf im perder lentamente camino im seguro vivo narcisistas amigos nunca dejar expresarme podría crisis mental una vida parece cuidado tratar de explicar theres algo incorrecto razón enojado construido rabia no sé por qué explicar im o bien menospreciado ignorado intimidado dicho necesidad patada culo uno realmente trata la compasión cuidado pero cada día cada vez decirle a amigos lo que va ventilación im snaked cont move house want financieramente cant ive sin techo sofás estrellados funim tratando de volver atrás el abuso de alcohol sustancias día se pone difícil amigos familiares hablar im realmente pensar renunciar
im deeply unhappy changei going go entire life complacency never following goal relationship feel undeserving unwanted that point go best really shitty years
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im deeply unhappy changei going go entire life complacency never following goal relationship feel undeserving unwanted that point go best really shitty years" ]
Im profundamente infelice cambioi ir toda la vida complacencia nunca seguir la relación de objetivos se siente no deseado merecedor que punto ir mejor realmente mierda años
found literal time capsule s theres thing called worldscomhttpsworldscom like mmo created back abandoned small playerbase like people whole thing updated since s theres original stuff created servers still running free places tad creepy think really cool virtual archive early internet times check sometime ya want
[ "found literal time capsule s theres thing called worldscomhttpsworldscom like mmo created back abandoned small playerbase like people whole thing updated since s theres original stuff created servers still running free places tad creepy think really cool virtual archive early internet times check sometime ya want" ]
encontrado cápsula de tiempo literal s theres cosa llamada worldscomhttpsworldscom como mmo creado de nuevo abandonado pequeña playerbase como gente todo lo actualizado desde s thres original creado servidores todavía corriendo lugares libres tad espeluznante pensar realmente genial archivo virtual tiempos tempranos de Internet comprobar en algún momento ya quieres
electroconvulsive therapy procedures shock therapy transcranial magnetic stimulation sessions laterwish someone would story me absolutely hideous ugly atrocious redflag impulse decision mind made contemplating redflag years now tried overdosing redflag cop involuntarily admitted psych ward times longer able purchase firearm conformed barbaric nobly guaranteed method redflag longer friends lost best friend mental exhaustion girl crush friend zoned engaged im afterthought burden liability pathetic worthless virgin piece shit loser good anything purpose ive got reasons stay everyday day day ive building courage finally commit redflag via setting fire hanging myself perhaps ill livestream it hope closed casket one ever see ugly face again dont plan turning year
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "electroconvulsive therapy procedures shock therapy transcranial magnetic stimulation sessions laterwish someone would story me absolutely hideous ugly atrocious redflag impulse decision mind made contemplating redflag years now tried overdosing redflag cop involuntarily admitted psych ward times longer able purchase firearm conformed barbaric nobly guaranteed method redflag longer friends lost best friend mental exhaustion girl crush friend zoned engaged im afterthought burden liability pathetic worthless virgin piece shit loser good anything purpose ive got reasons stay everyday day day ive building courage finally commit redflag via setting fire hanging myself perhaps ill livestream it hope closed casket one ever see ugly face again dont plan turning year" ]
terapia electroconvulsiva procedimientos terapia shock terapia sesiones de estimulación magnética transcraneal más tarde alguien me contaría absolutamente horrible feo atrocidad rojo bandera impulso decisión mente hecho contemplando rojo bandera años ahora tratado sobredosificación Redflag policía involuntariamente admitido psiquiatría tiempo más capaz comprar arma de fuego conformado bárbaro noblemente garantizado método rojo bandera más tiempo amigos perdidos mejor amigo agotamiento mental chica aplastamiento amigo zoned im después de pensar responsabilidad carga patético pedazo inútil basura perdedor bueno cualquier propósito tiene razones quedarse día a día día ive construir coraje finalmente cometer rojo bandera mediante la colocación de fuego tal vez mal transmisión en vivo esperanza cerrado ataúd uno nunca ver cara fea de nuevo no planturn year
need help guys know alzheimers
[ "need help guys know alzheimers" ]
Necesito ayuda chicos saben alzheimers
im tiredim mentally tired ive depressed long remember live alcoholic parents neglected fucked up im almost im fucking loser im college graduate living parents basement apply job job job one calls debt keeps building cant even begin fix mental health im still living initially broken im tired im tired venting friends im tired applying jobs going interviews hear nothing back im antidepressants think actually make feel worse im fat disgusting im always broke literally one thing life happy besides friends pets deserve better me wish would go sleep never wake up
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredim mentally tired ive depressed long remember live alcoholic parents neglected fucked up im almost im fucking loser im college graduate living parents basement apply job job job one calls debt keeps building cant even begin fix mental healthim still living initially broken im tired im tired venting friends im tired applying jobs going interviews hear nothing back im antidepressants think actually make feel worse im fat disgustingim always broke literally one thing life happy besides friends pets deserve better me wish would go sleep never wake up" ]
I cansado mentalmente cansado ive deprimido largamente recordar padres alcohólicos vivos descuidados jodidos im im maldito perdedor im graduado universitario padres vivos sótano aplicar trabajo trabajo trabajo uno llama deuda sigue construyendo cant incluso comenzar arreglar salud mentalim todavía vivir inicialmente roto i cansado l cansado I cansado ventilar amigos estoy cansado aplicar trabajos ir entrevistas escuchar nada espalda im antidepresivos pensar realmente hacer sentir peor im gordo repugnante siempre rompió literalmente una vida feliz además de amigos mascotas merecen mejor me gustaría ir a dormir nunca despertar
dark chocolate redeeming qualities it think made crap went removed natural sugar already there even bittersweet bitter makes wanna die
[ "dark chocolate redeeming qualities it think made crap went removed natural sugar already there even bittersweet bitter makes wanna die" ]
chocolate oscuro calidades redimidoras que piensa hecho mierda fue eliminado azúcar natural ya allí incluso amargos amargo hace querer morir
saw comment youtube said circuit minecraft speedrunner trans someone clarify need know whos dumb one
[ "saw comment youtube said circuit minecraft speedrunner trans someone clarify need know whos dumb one" ]
ver comentario youtube dijo circuito minecraft speedrunner trans alguien aclarar la necesidad de saber quién es tonto
im spamming survey forgot make public could take survey metal music makes feel school would appreciate it httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctptjgviewformuspsf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctptjgviewformuspsf_link
[ "im spamming survey forgot make public could take survey metal music makes feel school would appreciate it httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctptjgviewformuspsf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctptjgviewformuspsf_link" ]
Im spamming encuesta olvidada hacer público podría tomar encuesta música de metal hace sentir que la escuela apreciaría httpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctptjgviewformusf_linkhttpsdocsgooglecomformsdefaipqlschctyqz_zinfyrhmqxhraiasotjzl_xpcgzwctjgviewformusf_link
read time guesshi need anyone read maybe leave comment feel fucking alone whole life shit show abusive father drugs lived poverty entire childhood live extremely small town small bores me feel stuck also dont enough money move anything big mothers side family doesnt speak me neither fathers really nobody except siblings mother recently ive lost friends girl ive loved years doesnt want me im idiot trying take ged classes currently struggle basic math reason left high school depressed anxious everyday couldnt it ive like since elementary everyone nice life except feels like would nice go buy something eat something without worrying money ive depressed long im tired battle dont know do im terrified death hurting mother siblings sometimes urges reach nightstand take whole bottle pills digs me past week especially embarrassing self harm too ps diagnosed borderline personality disorder feel like loser wish could different life even better never born bit messed post much correct grammar probably late want kill lol im also sick telling people feel getting told go sleep think something positive hurts much try hard live getting difficult anyways let know thinking sorry
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "read time guesshi need anyone read maybe leave comment feel fucking alone whole life shit show abusive father drugs lived poverty entire childhood live extremely small town small bores me feel stuck also dont enough money move anything big mothers side family doesnt speak me neither fathers really nobody except siblings mother recently ive lostfriends girl ive loved years doesnt want me im idiot trying take ged classes currently struggle basic math reason left high school depressed anxious everyday couldntit ive like since elementary everyone nice life except feels like would nice go buy something eat something without worrying money ive depressed long im tired battle dont know do im terrified death hurting mother siblings sometimes urges reach nightstand take whole bottle pills digs me past week especially embarrassing self harm too ps diagnosed borderline personality disorder feel like loser wish could different life even better never born bit messed post much correct grammar probably late want kill lol im also sick telling people feel getting told go sleep think something positive hurts much try hard live getting difficult anyways let know thinking sorry" ]
leed time gueshi need anyone leed maybe leave comment feel fucking soil toda la vida mierda show abuso padre drogas vivió la pobreza toda la infancia vivir muy pequeña ciudad pequeños aburridos me siento atascado también no suficiente dinero mover nada madre grande lado familia no me habla ni padre realmente nadie excepto hermanos madre recientemente vivir perdido amigos chica vivir amado años no me quiere im idiota tratando de tomar clases de ged actualmente lucha básica matemáticas razón izquierda escuela secundaria deprimida ansioso diario podría vivir como desde primaria todo el mundo buena vida excepto se siente como si agradable ir a comprar algo comer algo sin preocuparse dinero live deprimido largo cansado batalla no sé qué im aterrorizado muerte lastimando a los hermanos madre a veces insta a llegar noche tomar botella píldoras excava la semana pasada especialmente embarazoso auto daño ps diagnosticado trastorno de la personalidad bordeline se siente como perdedor deseo podría diferente vida incluso mejor nunca nacido poco desordenado post gramática muy correcta probablemente tarde quiero matar lol im enfermo también decir a la gente se siente que se le dice dormir piensa algo positivo duele mucho tratar duro vivir difícil de todos modos dejar saber pensar lo siento
anyone success redflag lines i haventi get sick seeing redflag hotlines linked everywhere redflag mentioned help anyone ive tried times people bored apathetic unknowledgeable reduced um yeah um dont know um cant say seemed want know immediate as night plan redflag said didnt i dont want involuntarily committed one said do said ok need wrap up like talking dumber version myself so anyone speak someone said anything useful know anyone positive experience redflag helplines dont know people volunteer really dont care anything mental health closest caring ive gotten bored guy saying yeah see sucks id like call see ones spoke representative sample would wasting time someone might helped them id love hear experiences others good bad isnt relevant topic anyones curious im suicidal due chronic widespread pain finding nearly impossible work without anyone catching crying fire people crying public plus doctors want treat depression thats due pain source pain ssris tylenol recommendations tylenol weak bad liver ssris nothing make fat i keep food diary show meds arent making eat show doctorsive tried years plus tricyclics aleve seems help most barely works
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone success redflag lines i haventi get sick seeing redflag hotlines linked everywhere redflag mentioned help anyone ive tried times people bored apathetic unknowledgeable reducedum yeah um dont know um cant say seemed want know immediate as night plan redflag said didnt i dont want involuntarily committed one said do said ok need wrap up like talking dumber version myself so anyone speak someone said anything useful know anyone positive experience redflag helplines dont know people volunteer really dont care anything mental health closest caring ive gotten bored guy saying yeah see sucks id like call see ones spoke representative sample would wasting time someone might helped them id love hear experiences others good bad isnt relevant topic anyones curious im suicidal due chronic widespread pain finding nearly impossible work without anyone catching crying fire people crying public plus doctors want treat depression thats due pain source pain ssris tylenol recommendations tylenol weak bad liver ssris nothing make fati keep food diary show meds arent making eat show doctorsive tried years plus tricyclics aleve seems help most barely works" ]
anyone success redflag lines i haventi se enferma ver redflag lines linked everywhere redflag lines linked everything redflag linked everything redflag linked everything redflag linked everything everything live involuntariamente comprometido uno dijo ok necesidad terminar como hablar versión más tonta yo mismo así que alguien dijo algo útil alguien dijo experiencia positiva redflag helplines know anyone positive experience redflag helplines not know people voluntary really not care anything mental care closed cuesting ive aburry boy sy see sy see id id like tool some some may heavy experience other other good mal isnt to thenadie in theing crying fire people prying public plus doctores quieren tratar la depresión que causa dolor s s tylenol tylenol recomendaciones tylenol
cant take anymoreim burden everyone im around everyone thinks im lazy im much pain cant walk time doctor thinks im hypochondriac even evidence im making up want keep job every time get one break fire it life isnt good portray everyone cant anymore cat needs me hisses growls attacks anyone isnt dont know much longer hold her need everything stop
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant take anymoreim burden everyone im around everyone thinks im lazyim much pain cant walk time doctor thinks im hypochondriac even evidence im making up want keep job every time get one break fireit life isnt good portray everyone cant anymore cat needs me hisses growls attacks anyone isnt dont know much longer hold her need everything stop" ]
No puedo soportar más la carga de todo el mundo Im alrededor de todo el mundo piensa im lazyim mucho dolor no puedo caminar tiempo doctor piensa im hipocondríaco incluso la evidencia im maquillaje quiero mantener el trabajo cada vez obtener un descanso fireit vida no es bueno retratar a todos no puedo más gato me necesita siseos gruñidos ataques nadie no sé mucho más tiempo mantenerla necesita todo parar
day endgame script till get gf okay good tip bow arm three fingers clint barton
[ "day endgame script till get gfokay good tip bow arm three fingers clint barton" ]
guion de fin de día hasta conseguir gfokay buena punta arco brazo tres dedos clint barton
one daytired life ive nothing abuse happen wanna live like anymore may today tomorrow someday feel peace
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one daytired life ive nothing abuse happen wanna live like anymore may today tomorrow someday feel peace" ]
Un día de vida sin vida, nada de abuso pasa, quiero vivir como hoy, algún día, algún día, sentir la paz.
ultimate ninja warrior httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvxxvocdsampab_channeldevelopedpondhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvxxvocdsampab_channeldevelopedpond
[ "ultimate ninja warrior httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvxxvocdsampab_channeldevelopedpondhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvxxvocdsampab_channeldevelopedpond" ]
guerrero ninja último httpswwwyoutubecomwatchvxxvocdsampab_canaldesarrolladopondhttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvxxvocdsampab_canaldesarrolladopond
absolutely loved movie great realistic looking combat footage one thing touching genuine story also calm understated manner lead character franta makes likable human relationships story seemed typical possible could expect war time bond franta carel shows loyalty wartime comrades often described books interviews veterans subtitles detract story actually serve underline problems czech pilots raf postwar storyline great reminder many suffering ww end especially russian occupied countries cinematography also good wish could seen big screen
[ "absolutely loved movie great realistic looking combat footage one thing touching genuine story also calm understated manner lead character franta makes likable human relationships story seemed typical possible could expect war time bond franta carel shows loyalty wartime comrades often described books interviews veterans subtitles detract story actually serve underline problems czech pilots raf postwar storyline great reminder many suffering ww end especially russian occupied countries cinematography also good wish could seen big screen" ]
una cosa tocando la historia genuina también calma manera subestimada protagonista personaje franta hace agradable historia de relaciones humanas parecía típico posible podría esperar tiempo de guerra enlace franta carel muestra lealtad camaradas tiempo de guerra a menudo descritos libros entrevistas veteranos subtítulos detraer historia realmente servir subrayar problemas czech pilotos raf historia gran recordatorio muchos sufrimiento ww fin especialmente ruso países ocupados cinematografía también un buen deseo podría ver pantalla grande
dad wants start youtube channel carpentry saw videos carpentry basically like couldnt make videos good theres try think could hes like years suggested making videos tool safety hes teaching like years like people better ever could try think could make really good informative videos tool safety
[ "dad wants start youtube channel carpentry saw videos carpentry basically like couldnt make videos good theres try think could hes like years suggested making videos tool safety hes teaching like years like people better ever could try think could make really good informative videos tool safety" ]
papá quiere iniciar youtube canal carpintería vio videos carpintería básicamente como no podría hacer videos buenos theres intentar pensar podría él como años sugirió hacer videos herramienta seguridad hes enseñanza como años como la gente mejor podría intentar pensar podría hacer muy buenos vídeos informativos herramienta seguridad
pm pls im bored rn jdjhdhjdjdjsjjsjsoskkajshsiskbdhdhdjejejjejdjskskksksksksjsjsjjsjejejejejjeoskskskkskskisokajapkdgdoek
[ "pm plsim bored rn jdjhdhjdjdjsjjsjsoskkajshsiskbdhdhdjejejjejdjskskksksksksjsjsjjsjejejejejjeoskskskkskskisokajapkdgdoek" ]
pm plsim aburrido rn jdjhdhjjdjjsjsjsjsjsoskkajshsiskbdhdhjejjejdjjskskksksksksjsjsjsjsjejejejjeoskskskskskskisokajapkdgdoek
trying hard distance friend strong feelings him hard feel horrible right now says whenever want hang let know want tell really wish could instead typing here hopefully keep saying anything doubt it never good enough pathetic
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "trying hard distance friend strong feelings him hard feel horrible right now says whenever want hang let know want tell really wish could instead typing here hopefully keep saying anything doubt it never good enough pathetic" ]
Tratando de distancia dura amigo sentimientos fuertes él duro sentirse horrible ahora mismo dice cada vez que quiero colgar dejar saber querer decir realmente deseo podría en lugar de escribir aquí con suerte seguir diciendo cualquier duda nunca lo suficientemente bueno patético
nothing personalgood evening reddit im typically never site much though things started spiraling downward recent i apologize advance cohesive speaking mind tldr end something please feel like caused it entirely selfishness ive thinking recent panic attacks getting worse worse meds helping access therapy moment feel like im letting people around me little bit context turned back march im military users military im sure familiar tough love love shop theyre family nothing support betterment myself marine person though theyre also brutally honest comes criticism genuinely respect everyone truly dont want feel guilty anything myself want state now now moving that lot personal issues affecting outside work past couple days could think nice must die qualms anyone loving significant other people closer family me good head shoulders though seems though let everyone down ive recently diagnosed manic depression currently taking citalopram combat this well needing speak cardiologist feared may issue heart ive never one give personal issues feel though beginning affect work performance maybe pride telling never let people suffer faulters hate feeling though id nuisance ones around me know avenues support try help current state society response covid lot pressing issues seek support put hold things getting worse dont much opportunity get better again last thing want people around feel responsible actions may take want die fear forgotten im scared death everything know come end one point another matter when life meaning try make impact people positive way want people happy purpose life though feel like im succeeding ways im sure ever again hate letting people down feel like failure im giving weakness truly vicious cycle dont want let anymore guys wanted dependable lead example feel like succeeded wanted make impact lives feel like did know bad blood anyone everyone stuck necks help get times love family wish could more help support motivate achieve happiness dont feel obtain something myself please know nothing personal wronged me forgive forget life race everyone decide sprint marathon
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "nothing personalgood evening reddit im typically never site much though things started spiraling downward recent i apologize advance cohesive speaking mind tldr end something please feel like caused it entirely selfishness ive thinking recent panic attacks getting worse worse meds helping access therapy moment feel like im letting people around me little bit context turned back march im military users military", "im sure familiar tough love love shop theyre family nothing support betterment myself marine person though theyre also brutally honest comes criticism genuinely respect everyone truly dont want feel guilty anything myself want state now now moving that lot personal issues affecting outside work past couple days could think nice must die qualms anyone loving significant other people closer family me good head shoulders though seems though let everyone down ive recently diagnosed manic depression currently taking citalopram combat this well needing speak cardiologist feared may issue heart ive never one give personal issues feel though beginning affect work performance maybe pride telling never let people suffer faulters hate feeling though id nuisance ones around me know avenues support try help current state society response covid lot pressing issues seek support put hold things getting worse dont much opportunity get better again last thing want people around feel responsible actions may take want die fear forgotten im scared death everything know come end one point another matter when life meaning try make impact people positive way want people happy purpose life though feel like im succeeding ways im sure ever again hate letting people down feel like failure im giving weakness truly vicious cycle dont want let anymore guys wanted dependable lead example feel like succeeded wanted make impact lives feel like did know bad blood anyone everyone stuck necks help get times love family wish could more help support motivate achieve happiness dont feel obtain something myself please know nothing personal wronged me forgive forget life race everyone decide sprint marathon" ]
nada personalbuena noche reddit im típicamente nunca sitio mucho aunque las cosas comenzaron en espiral hacia abajo reciente me disculpo avance cohesivo hablando mente tldr extremo algo por favor se siente como causado enteramente egoísmo iv pensamiento recientes ataques de pánico empeorando peor medicamentos ayudando a acceder a terapia momento se siente como im dejar que la gente alrededor de mí poco contexto vuelto marcha im militares usuarios militares
psych wards worse prisonwhen emergency psych ward never knew gonna get out terrifying life outside suddenly hold chance explain anyone not anyone cares came learn maybe shouldnt cared didnt value life meant would even less control it utensils gave spoons plastic knives forks dangerous locks bathrooms people walking shit time mirrors trapped knowing leave scary trapped even given chance end life yourself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "psych wards worse prisonwhen emergency psych ward never knew gonna get out terrifying life outside suddenly hold chance explain anyone not anyone cares came learn maybe shouldnt cared didnt value life meant would even less control it utensils gave spoons plastic knives forks dangerous locks bathrooms people walking shit time mirrors trapped knowing leave scary trapped even given chance end life yourself" ]
Psiquiátricos prisión peor cuando la sala de psiquiatría de emergencia nunca supo que iba a salir aterradora vida fuera de repente tener la oportunidad explicar a alguien no a nadie le importa vino aprender tal vez no le importaba valor vida significa aún menos control que utensilios le dio cucharas cuchillos de plástico tenedores peligrosos cerraduras baños gente caminando mierda espejos tiempo atrapados saber dejar miedo atrapado incluso dada oportunidad final vida usted mismo
ok first all ignore last person review admit falling asleep wonder understand going on thrillerhorrors go film aint bad certainly watchable right opening scenes get general idea exactly going cause craziness follows come end proved right everything made clearbr br i enjoyed movie quite eerie times old films go passable great watch late night give generous
[ "ok first all ignore last person review admit falling asleep wonder understand going on thrillerhorrors go film aint bad certainly watchable right opening scenes get general idea exactly going cause craziness follows come end proved right everything made clearbr bri enjoyed movie quite eerie times old films go passable great watch late night give generous" ]
ok primero todos ignorar última persona opinión admitir quedarse dormido maravilla entender ir en thrillerhorrors ir película aint malo ciertamente ver bien escenas de apertura obtener una idea general exactamente ir causa locura sigue fin demostrado derecho todo hecho clearbr bri disfrutado película bastante espeluznante tiempos películas viejas ir pasable gran reloj tarde en la noche dar generoso
abandoned people called friends know right thing wanted say mean stuff said you mean it thought makeng hate would easier hope great best fun like remember love bb drunk none see anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "abandoned people called friends know right thing wanted say mean stuff said you mean it thought makeng hate would easier hope great best fun like remember love bb drunk none see anyway" ]
La gente abandonada llamada amigos saben lo correcto quería decir cosas malas dijo que pensaba que hacer odio sería más fácil esperanza gran mejor diversión como recordar amor bb borracho no ver de todos modos
im giving uptoday woman call mother said waste life cant take anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im giving uptoday woman call mother said waste life cant take anymore" ]
I rindiendo hasta hoy mujer llamada madre dijo que la vida perdida no puede soportar más
someone cant get helpi friend female hispanic ive worried year alternates frequently depressed cheerful cutesy demeanor slightly overweight constantly overly worried appearance starving month eating perhaps one meal day family extremely unsupportive tells ugly childish stupid looks me suppose male try encourage much possible really great friend hate see stuck low selfesteem depression last night cut arms i believe first time ever leaving lot marks deep overly hazardous health another step towards suicidal behavior ive friends past year take lives ill anything power help her ive tried get see professional parents say exaggerating take see anyone really know help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone cant get helpi friend female hispanic ive worried year alternates frequently depressed cheerful cutesy demeanor slightly overweight constantly overly worried appearance starving month eating perhaps one meal day family extremely unsupportive tells ugly childish stupid looks me suppose male try encourage much possible really great friend hate see stuck low selfesteem depression last night cut arms i believe first time ever leaving lot marks deep overly hazardous health another step towards suicidal behavior ive friends past year take lives ill anything power help her ive tried get see professional parents say exaggerating take see anyone really know help" ]
alguien no puede conseguir helpi amigo femenino hispanic ive preocupado año alterna con frecuencia deprimida alegre comportamiento lindo levemente sobrepeso constantemente preocupado apariencia hambre mes comer tal vez una comida familia extremadamente poco de apoyo le dice feo niño estúpido miradas me supone macho tratar de animar mucho posible realmente gran amigo odio ver atascado baja autoestima depresión anoche corte los brazos creo que la primera vez dejar muchas marcas profundamente peligrosa salud otro paso hacia el comportamiento suicida amigos ive el año pasado tomar vidas enfermas cualquier energía ayudar a su ive tratado conseguir ver padres profesionales dicen exagerar tomar ver a alguien realmente sabe ayudar
wierd adult friends ok im mom works salon meets lot different people well one clients big video game nerd me mom got together started playing games well im going house playing games him wierd
[ "wierd adult friendsok im mom works salon meets lot different people well one clients big video game nerd memom got together started playing games well im going house playing games him wierd" ]
wierd adulto amigosok im mamá trabaja salón conoce a mucha gente diferente así que un cliente gran video juego nerd memom consiguió juntos comenzó a jugar juegos así im va casa jugando juegos wierd
thought todaya lot dog extra cuddly hardly ever is havent sleeping much lately think adding feeling down today dog gets credit world shes keeping here ill seeing dr morning im emotional it hate admitting something wrong
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "thought todaya lot dog extra cuddly hardly ever is havent sleeping much lately think adding feeling down today dog gets credit world shes keeping here ill seeing dr morning im emotional it hate admitting something wrong" ]
Pensé que hoy un perro mucho más cariñoso casi nunca es no ha dormido mucho últimamente creo que agregar sensación de mal hoy perro consigue mundo de crédito ella mantiene aquí mal ver dr main im emocional odio admitir algo mal
perfect man alive correct answer kim taehyung
[ "perfect man alive correct answer kim taehyung" ]
hombre perfecto vivo respuesta correcta kim taehyung
waited waited film come outthe trailers seemed years worth it im big fan watching films cant wait come buy big fan jim suited perfectly much see feel good factor scale perfect christmas think ron fab job turning film seen so have watch again know want to
[ "waited waited film come outthe trailers seemed years worth it im big fan watching films cant wait come buy big fan jim suited perfectly much see feel good factor scale perfect christmas think ron fab job turning film seen so have watch again know want to" ]
espera espera película salir los trailers parecían años vale la pena im gran fan ver películas no puedo esperar venir comprar gran fan jim se adapta perfectamente mucho ver sentir buena escala factor perfecto Navidad pensar ron fab trabajo convertir película visto así que han ver de nuevo saber querer
early film pilot hit canadian tv show trailer park boys played executives networks showcase decided sign tv series great acting funny cast make one best cult comedy films movie plot two small time criminals go around exterminating peoples pets money dog next door whos barking night guys go to get trouble come across job big deal end shootout watch movie want understand beginning tv series highly recommend itbr br rated r swearing violence drug usebr br its offensive either they dont actually show killing animals
[ "early film pilot hit canadian tv show trailer park boys played executives networks showcase decided sign tv series great acting funny cast make one best cult comedy films movie plot two small time criminals go around exterminating peoples pets money dog next door whos barking night guys go to get trouble come across job big deal end shootout watch movie want understand beginning tv series highly recommend itbr br rated r swearing violence drug usebr br its offensive either they dont actually show killing animals" ]
temprano película piloto éxito canadiense tv show trailer park niños jugados ejecutivos redes escaparate decidido signo serie de televisión gran actuación divertido reparto hacer una mejor película de comedia de culto trama dos pequeños criminales ir por ahí exterminando gente mascotas dinero perro al lado de la puerta que ladrando chicos van a conseguir problemas se encuentran trabajo gran negocio final shootout ver película quieren entender inicio serie de televisión altamente recomendar itbr br r jurando violencia uso de drogas br su ofensiva o bien no muestran realmente matar animales
good film funny yet film good ernest films
[ "good film funny yet film good ernest films" ]
buena película divertida pero película buenas películas ernest
im jealous boyfriend hes attractive looks good even someone takes picture without knowing im literally jealous umm im like wish attractive im girl and anyways thats
[ "im jealous boyfriend hes attractive looks good even someone takes picture without knowing im literally jealousumm im like wish attractive imgirland anyways thats" ]
mi novio celoso él es atractivo se ve bien incluso alguien toma la foto sin saber im literalmente celosa im como deseo atractivo imgirl y de todos modos eso
unsent letter online friend ive gotten use burning feeling settles throat holding back tears time together warped thoughts maybe im hopeless maybe cant let go mistaken last conversation happening much later actually had hit looked back thought talking pity clear now quite understandable wish would given goodbye would hurt less know considered relationship thanks sticking around long did champ ill always consider dear friend
[ "unsent letter online friend ive gotten use burning feeling settles throat holding back tears time together warped thoughts maybe im hopeless maybe cant let go mistaken last conversation happening much later actually had hit looked back thought talking pity clear now quite understandable wish would given goodbye would hurt less know considered relationship thanks sticking around long did champ ill always consider dear friend" ]
unsent charter online friend ive get use ardor sensación se asienta garganta conteniendo las lágrimas tiempo juntos pensamientos torcidos tal vez no puedo dejar ir equivocada última conversación sucediendo mucho más tarde realmente había golpeado mira atrás pensamiento hablando compasión claro ahora deseo bastante comprensible daría adiós menos sabe relación considerada gracias quedarse por mucho tiempo campeón enfermo siempre considerar querido amigo
life seem bit pointless anyone else rantive felt suicidal long remember managed keep lid past year since ive busy school personal issues yesterday friends and people love most told want nothing me reason it either love life also confessed loving back drunken mind reject explore university stay tied greatest days lives turned bad wont talk much anymore ive thinking redflag night wrote note relapsed bit listened sad songs read inspiring article commit redflag started realise matter on everything nothing become best profession become rich marry love life meet best friends great life eventually ill die will suffer next years mean nothing end anyway nothing means anything one day one remember life everything gave shit about everything slaved over everything worked hard for gone forever whats point anymore im probably going kill tonight im afraid afterlife go process hanging myself options right now sucks feel pain wash entire body every time press another button keyboard remember life meaningless still cant anything it damn
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life seem bit pointless anyone else rantive felt suicidal long remember managed keep lid past year since ive busy school personal issues yesterday friends and people love most told want nothing me reason it either love life also confessed loving back drunken mind reject explore university stay tied greatest days lives turned bad wont talk much anymore ive thinking redflag night wrote note relapsed bit listened sad songs read inspiring article commit redflag started realise matter on everything nothing become best profession become rich marry love life meet best friends great life eventually ill die will suffer next years mean nothing end anyway nothing means anything one day one remember life everything gave shit about everything slaved over everything worked hard for gone forever whats point anymore im probably going kill tonightim afraid afterlife go process hanging myself options right now sucks feel pain wash entire body every time press another button keyboard remember life meaningless still cant anything it damn" ]
La vida parece un poco inútil cualquier otra persona rantive sentido suicida largo recordar manejado mantener la tapa el año pasado desde ive ocupado escuela temas personales ayer amigos y gente amor más dicho quiero nada me razón o amor vida también confesó amor espalda borracho mente rechazo explorar universidad estancia atado mejores días vidas se convirtió en mal no hablar mucho más vida pensamiento redflag noche escribió nota recaído poco escuchado canciones tristes leer artículo inspirador comisión redflag comenzó a realizar materia en todo nada convertirse en mejor profesión rico casarse amor vida conocer mejores amigos gran vida eventualmente mal morir sufrirá próximos años significa nada final de todos modos nada significa nada un día uno recuerda vida todo dio mierda sobre todo esclavo sobre todo trabajado duro para siempre para siempre lo que más im Im probablemente va a matar esta noche miedo después de la vida ir proceso colgarme opciones ahora mismo succiona sentir dolor lavar todo el cuerpo cada vez pulsar otro botón teclado recordar vida sin sentido todavía no puede nada mal
drank drinks feel great little less sad maybe even brave enough finish job tonight knows going drink really like vodka drunk brave
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "drank drinks feel great little less sad maybe even brave enough finish job tonight knows going drink really like vodka drunk brave" ]
Bebidas bebidas sentirse muy poco menos triste tal vez incluso bastante valiente terminar el trabajo esta noche sabe ir a beber realmente como vodka borracho valiente