I'm mentally deficient and I refuse to live with it.Hi, I'm Steve. I'm 17, I live with autism and mental deficiencies, and I'm going to kill myself right after I submit this god damn post. I'm not posting this because I want help. I'm posting this because these words need to go somewhere, and honestly I don't know of a better place where a message like this would be acceptable. Back to the subject. I'm autistic, and I have some really bad mental deficiencies and it's fucking killing me on the inside. I took a cognitive test when I was 15. I have an IQ of 77, and I was ranked either "Deficient" or "Borderline Deficient" on everything. Fuck. It's so hard living with the fact that your limits are so fucking low compared to the rest of the general population and you will never fucking be able to achieve your dreams because of some bullshit that I can't fucking help. I'm in the special education program at my school and I fucking hate it. They teach jack shit and group me with kids that screech and shit their pants. I can talk normally, I just don't want to unless I'm asked. I'm mentally fucking deficient but I want to be taught something that's above preschool level. I've tried telling my mom it's not enough for me but she just dismisses me and tells me I won't make it in mainstream education. I try telling my special ed teachers I want more, but they dismiss me too and then make jokes about me behind my back like I can't fucking hear them. Hey, Mr. Janssen, when you read this, fuck you. I heard every little bit of shit you talked about me. Mrs. Huang, fuck you. I heard you call me inbred. Ms. Baker, fuck you too. I get it, I'm not smart and I never fucking will be but I want to be taught more than fucking preschool shit. Fuck. I'll say it again: you have no fucking clue how hard it is to live when you know that your limits are much much lower than the average person, you will never graduate high school, you will never go to college, and you will never get any respectable job, and generally your life will be very unfulfilling. I always dreamed of being a coder, but guess what? That requires you to be smart and guess who isn't smart? Me. I tried to teach myself. It doesn't click and while I love it I'm so fucking bad and it takes me hours to figure out things that are "super basic". I can't do it. It's too hard. I'm not willing to live a life in which I can't be a normal person. I just want to graduate high school, go to college, get a good job, and just have a normal life. But all of that has been made inaccessible by the fact that I'm in fucking special ed and won't even graduate high school and will forever be dependent on my parents. I don't want to burden my parents any more by being the dead weight piece of shit that I am. And I don't want to doom myself to a life of suffering. I hope you all can now sympathize with me. Goodbye.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm mentally deficient and I refuse to live with it.Hi, I'm Steve.I'm 17, I live with autism and mental deficiencies, and I'm going to kill myself right after I submit this god damn post.I'm not posting this because I want help.I'm posting this because these words need to go somewhere, and honestly I don't know of a better place where a message like this would be acceptable.Back to the subject.I'm autistic, and I have some really bad mental deficiencies and it's fucking killing me on the inside.I took a cognitive test when I was 15.I have an IQ of 77, and I was ranked either \"Deficient\" or \"Borderline Deficient\" on everything.Fuck.It's so hard living with the fact that your limits are so fucking low compared to the rest of the general population and you will never fucking be able to achieve your dreams because of some bullshit that I can't fucking help.I'm in the special education program at my school and I fucking hate it.They teach jack shit and group me with kids that screech and shit their pants.I can talk normally, I just don't want to unless I'm asked.I'm mentally fucking deficientbut I want to be taught something that's above preschool level.", "I've tried telling my mom it's not enough for mebut she just dismisses me and tells me I won't make it in mainstream education.I try telling my special ed teachers I want more, but they dismiss me too and then make jokes about me behind my back like I can't fucking hear them.Hey, Mr. Janssen, when you read this, fuck you.I heard every little bit of shit you talked about me.Mrs. Huang, fuck you.I heard you call me inbred.Ms. Baker, fuck you too.I get it, I'm not smart and I never fucking will be but I want to be taught more than fucking preschool shit.Fuck.I'll say it again: you have no fucking clue how hard it is to live when you know that your limits are much much lower than the average person, you will never graduate high school, you will never go to college, and you will never get any respectable job, and generally your life will be very unfulfilling.I always dreamed of being a coder, but guess what?That requires you to be smart and guess who isn't smart?Me.I tried to teach myself.It doesn't click and while I love it I'm so fucking badand it takes me hours to figure out things that are \"super basic\".I can't do it.It's too hard.", "I'm not willing to live a life in which I can't be a normal person.I just want to graduate high school, go to college, get a good job, and just have a normal life.But all of that has been made inaccessible by the fact that I'm in fucking special ed and won't even graduate high school and will forever be dependent on my parents.I don't want to burden my parents any more by being the dead weight piece of shit that I am.And I don't want to doom myself to a life of suffering.I hope you all can now sympathize with me.Goodbye." ]
Soy deficiente mentalmente y me niego a vivir con ello.Hola, soy Steve.Tengo 17 años, vivo con autismo y deficiencias mentales, y me voy a suicidar justo después de enviar este maldito post.No estoy publicando esto porque quiero ayuda.Estoy publicando esto porque estas palabras tienen que ir a algún lugar, y honestamente no sé de un lugar mejor donde un mensaje como este sería aceptable.Volver al tema.Soy autista, y tengo algunas deficiencias mentales realmente malas y me está matando por dentro.Tomé una prueba cognitiva cuando tenía 15 años.Tengo un coeficiente intelectual de 77, y yo fui clasificado como "Deficiente" o "Deficiente de frontera" en todo.Fuck.Es tan difícil vivir con el hecho de que tus límites son tan jodidamente bajos en comparación con el resto de la población general y tú nunca serás capaz de lograr tus sueños debido a alguna mierda que no puedo ayudar.Estoy en el programa de educación especial en mi escuela y lo odio.
Gc Paranoia So Ill get straight to the point. Im in a gc with 4 people that we use for a class we all have together. No one really talks except for when we talk about the class and when I try to initiate a convo they dont really respond? Just wondering if they are in a second gc or im overreacting. Thanks in advance
[ "Gc Paranoia So Ill get straight to the point.Im in a gc with 4 people that we use for a class we all have together.No one really talks except for when we talk about the class and when I try to initiate a convo they dont really respond?Just wondering if they are in a second gc or im overreacting.Thanks in advance" ]
Gc Paranoia Así que voy directamente al punto.Estoy en un gc con 4 personas que usamos para una clase que todos tenemos juntos.Nadie habla realmente excepto cuando hablamos de la clase y cuando trato de iniciar un convo que realmente no responden?Solo me pregunto si están en un segundo gc o im exagerando.Gracias por adelantado
Facebook friendI have a girl on Facebook. We have never really met or talked much, but she seems like a great person. Recently she has been posting statuses eluding to being depressed and “ending it.” Stuff like “I’m going to throw a death day party. No crying, just love” and “I know how I’ll do it” and stuff. I’ve reached out to her on messenger and asked if she was okay and stuff. She said she broke up with her bf and life was rough lately. I told her she could vent to me and I was there to talk but she didn’t really say much after that. I’m not sure what to do- I don’t know how to help. I’m considering talking to the police about her wellness, but I’m not sure if that’s the right decision. Any advice?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Facebook friendI have a girl on Facebook.We have never really met or talked much, but she seems like a great person.Recently she has been posting statuses eluding to being depressed and “ending it.”Stuff like “I’m going to throw a death day party.No crying, just love” and “I know how I’ll do it” and stuff.I’ve reached out to her on messenger and asked if she was okay and stuff.She said she broke up with her bf and life was rough lately.I told her she could vent to me and I was there to talkbut she didn’t really say much after that.I’m not sure what to do-I don’t know how to help.I’m considering talking to the police about her wellness, but I’m not sure if that’s the right decision.Any advice?" ]
Amigo de FacebookTengo una chica en Facebook.Nunca hemos conocido o hablado mucho, pero parece una gran persona.Recientemente ha estado publicando estados que eluden estar deprimido y “terminarlo”.Cosas como “Voy a hacer una fiesta del día de la muerte.Sin llorar, solo amor” y “Sé cómo lo haré” y cosas así.He contactado con ella en mensajería y le he preguntado si estaba bien y esas cosas.Ella dijo que rompió con su bf y la vida fue dura últimamente.Le dije que podía desahogarse conmigo y estaba allí para hablar, pero ella no dijo mucho después de eso.No estoy seguro de qué hacer-no sé cómo ayudar.Estoy considerando hablar con la policía sobre su bienestar, pero no estoy seguro de si esa es la decisión correcta.
In a BoxI'm already dead, my body just hasn't caught up to the fact yet. 29, single, jobless/careerless, can count my "friends" (people who feel pity for me) on one hand, thousands of dollars in debt, living in a shit hole apartment, ugly, and have 0 social skills. I wish someone would walk up behind me and shoot me in the back of my head. I'm thinking of joining the military but I'm afraid of only getting maimed and not killed. I can't kill myself because I don't have the willpower, so instead I exist in a colorless limbo, waiting to die. Every second I'm alive literally feels like an eternity of suffering. I'm fully aware how cheesy that sounds, but it's the truth. I feel a thousand years old.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "In a BoxI'm already dead, my body just hasn't caught up to the fact yet.29, single, jobless/careerless, can count my \"friends\" (people who feel pity for me) on one hand, thousands of dollars in debt, living in a shit hole apartment, ugly, and have 0 social skills.I wish someone would walk up behind me and shoot me in the back of my head.I'm thinking of joining the military but I'm afraid of only getting maimed and not killed.I can't kill myself because I don't have the willpower, so instead I exist in a colorless limbo, waiting to die.Every second I'm alive literally feels like an eternity of suffering.I'm fully aware how cheesy that sounds, but it's the truth.I feel a thousand years old." ]
En una cajaYa estoy muerto, mi cuerpo no ha alcanzado el hecho aún.29, soltero, sin trabajo/carrera, puedo contar a mis "amigos" (personas que sienten lástima por mí) por un lado, miles de dólares en deuda, viviendo en un apartamento de mierda, feo, y tienen 0 habilidades sociales.Ojalá alguien caminara detrás de mí y me disparara en la nuca.Estoy pensando en unirme al ejército, pero tengo miedo de quedar mutilado y no morir.No puedo matarme porque no tengo la fuerza de voluntad, así que en lugar de eso existo en un limbo sin color, esperando a morir.Cada segundo estoy vivo literalmente se siente como una eternidad de sufrimiento.Soy totalmente consciente de lo cursi que suena, pero es la verdad.
The bare-minimum lifeDon't leave the house. Don't talk to anyone. Don't take care of yourself, or the place you live in (at least to an acceptable level). Cry at everything, or be unable to summon the tears when you need them. Spend all your time in escapism. Lose touch with reality. Forget how you used to be. Partake in all of the self-damaging behaviours. Quit them, just to swap to another and cycle back again in a few months. Your old friends hate you. Your family blames you for everything. Every single day seems wasted and is all too painful. This is not a call out to anyone, or a guide or pity party, I am looking at my own dogshit life and crying. This is what I have reduced myself to, through my own faults and actions (or lack thereof), and my illnesses. The pain is so horrible that self-immolation seems like an okay option right now. But seriously, it does not seem like I can get off this ride anymore. It's full steam ahead to a bottomless pit of suffering unless I throw myself off. I'm at a loss and like many other people, I am lonely and alone. Honestly I don't know, or understand, who would choose life.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The bare-minimum lifeDon't leave the house.Don't talk to anyone.Don't take care of yourself, or the place you live in (at least to an acceptable level).Cry at everything, or be unable to summon the tears when you need them.Spend all your time in escapism.Lose touch with reality.Forget how you used to be.Partake in all of the self-damaging behaviours.Quit them, just to swap to another and cycle back again in a few months.Your old friends hate you.Your family blames you for everything.Every single day seems wasted and is all too painful.This is not a call out to anyone, or a guide or pity party, I am looking at my own dogshit life and crying.This is what I have reduced myself to, through my own faults and actions (or lack thereof), and my illnesses.The pain is so horrible that self-immolation seems like an okay option right now.But seriously, it does not seem like I can get off this ride anymore.It's full steam ahead to a bottomless pit of suffering unless I throw myself off.I'm at a loss and like many other people, I am lonely and alone.Honestly I don't know, or understand, who would choose life." ]
La vida sin fondoNo salgas de la casa.No hables con nadie.No te cuides de ti mismo, ni del lugar en el que vives (al menos a un nivel aceptable).Llora en todo, o no puedas invocar las lágrimas cuando las necesites.Pasa todo tu tiempo en el escapismo.Olvida el contacto con la realidad.Olvídate de cómo solías ser.Participa en todos los comportamientos auto-dañados.Dejalos, solo para cambiar a otro y volver en bicicleta dentro de unos meses.Tus viejos amigos te odian.Tu familia te culpa por todo.Cada día parece desperdiciado y es demasiado doloroso.Este no es un llamado a nadie, ni a una guía ni a una fiesta de compasión, estoy mirando a mi propia vida de mierda y llorando.Esto es lo que me he reducido a, a través de mis propias faltas y acciones (o falta de ellas), y a mis enfermedades.El dolor es tan horrible que la auto-inmolación parece una buena opción ahora mismo.
only a sith deals in absolute values math joke math joke math joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math joke
[ "only a sith deals in absolute values math joke math joke math joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math jokemath joke math joke" ]
Sólo una broma de valores absolutos broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas broma de matemáticas
Merry Christmas Cya in the morning homies, and Merry Christmas :)
[ "Merry Christmas Cya in the morning homies, and Merry Christmas :)" ]
Feliz Navidad Cya en los homies de la mañana, y Feliz Navidad :)
Its been a tough year for all of us.Be proud of yourself for making it this far. Have a good 2019 and stay safe ❤️
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Its been a tough year for all of us.Be proud of yourself for making it this far.Have a good 2019 and stay safe ❤️" ]
Ha sido un año difícil para todos nosotros.Estate orgulloso de ti mismo por haber llegado hasta aquí.Ten un buen 2019 y mantente a salvo.
I’ve been angry and sad with no valid reason, and I just want to end it.Lately I’ve just been angry with everything in my life and it’s just too much. I’m sick of waking up and being pissed all day at NOTHING. Literally nothing in my life is worth being upset about yet I’m irrationally angry. I want to let it out but I don’t want to hurt the people in my life. So I’ll just remove the one thing I can control, me. Hope the world is better without me.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I’ve been angry and sad with no valid reason, and I just want to end it.Lately I’ve just been angry with everything in my life and it’s just too much.I’m sick of waking up and being pissed all day at NOTHING.Literally nothing in my life is worth being upset about yetI’m irrationally angry.I want to let it out but I don’t want to hurt the people in my life.So I’ll just remove the one thing I can control, me.Hope the world is better without me." ]
He estado enojado y triste sin ninguna razón válida, y solo quiero terminarlo.Últimamente he estado enojado con todo en mi vida y es demasiado.Estoy harto de despertarme y estar enojado todo el día con NADA. Literalmente nada en mi vida vale la pena estar molesto por todavía estoy irracionalmente enojado.Quiero dejarlo salir pero no quiero lastimar a la gente en mi vida.Así que simplemente quitaré la única cosa que puedo controlar, yo.Espero que el mundo sea mejor sin mí.
I just want to find my friend if you can help it would mean so much to me He was u/IdoDeclareGoToHell he deleted his account. But if you know that one. He his discord is afaf #7835. If it helps his town of Salem account was Raggedpotato23 if anyone plays town of salem and know that person. I know he either lives in Ireland or Northern Ireland. He told me about this town he was near or was in or something called Londonderry. Please if you can help. I miss him alot. He is one of my closest friends. And I just really miss the guy. He told me also he was planning on moving with his aunt in San Diego if that helps. Please i just want to talk to my friend again. So if you can. Please help me.
[ "I just want to find my friend if you can help it would mean so much to meHe was u/IdoDeclareGoToHell he deleted his account.But if you know that one.He his discord is afaf #7835.If it helps his town of Salem account was Raggedpotato23 if anyone plays town of salem and know that person.I know he either lives in Ireland or Northern Ireland.He told me about this town he was near or was in or something called Londonderry.Please if you can help.I miss him alot.He is one of my closest friends.And I just really miss the guy.He told me also he was planning on moving with his aunt in San Diego if that helps.Please i just want to talk to my friend again.So if you can.Please help me." ]
Sólo quiero encontrar a mi amigo si usted puede ayudar sería mucho para mí.Él era u/IdoDeclareGoToHell borró su cuenta.Pero si usted sabe que uno.Él su discordia es afaf #7835.Si ayuda a su ciudad de Salem cuenta fue Raggedpotato23 si alguien juega ciudad de Salem y conoce a esa persona.Sé que él o vive en Irlanda o Irlanda del Norte.Él me dijo acerca de este pueblo que estaba cerca o estaba en o algo llamado Londonderry.Por favor, si usted puede ayudar.Lo extraño mucho.Él es uno de mis amigos más cercanos.Y yo realmente extraño al chico.Él me dijo que también estaba planeando mudarse con su tía en San Diego si eso ayuda.Por favor sólo quiero hablar con mi amigo de nuevo.Así que si usted puede.Por favor, ayúdame.
hello, i've been struggling a lot with my mental health lately and i've tried to look for a person to reach out to but i can't.i'm 15 now, i've been having issues with my emotional and physical health since the last 2 or 3 years. lately it's becoming really hard for me to be strong and not fall apart. i've been crying a lot too. even though it helps a bit, i just feel very empty. i can't properly explain the feeling. my physical health is also detoriating, i'm currently on medications for kidney stones and i feel very tired ( probably because of it). i don't have any friends that i can talk to about this.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello, i've been struggling a lot with my mental health lately and i've tried to look for a person to reach out to but i can't.i'm 15 now, i've been having issues with my emotional and physical health since the last 2 or 3 years.lately it's becoming really hard for me to be strong and not fall apart.i've been crying a lot too.even though it helps a bit, i just feel very empty.i can't properly explain the feeling.my physical health is also detoriating, i'm currently on medications for kidney stones and i feel very tired ( probably because of it).i don't have any friends that i can talk to about this." ]
Hola, he estado luchando mucho con mi salud mental últimamente y he tratado de buscar a una persona a la que llegar, pero no puedo.Ahora tengo 15 años, he estado teniendo problemas con mi salud emocional y física desde los últimos 2 o 3 años.Últimamente se está volviendo muy difícil para mí ser fuerte y no desmoronarme.He estado llorando mucho también.a pesar de que me ayuda un poco, simplemente me siento muy vacío.No puedo explicar adecuadamente la sensación.Mi salud física también es desintoxicante, actualmente estoy tomando medicamentos para cálculos renales y me siento muy cansado (probablemente debido a ello).No tengo ningún amigo con el que pueda hablar sobre esto.
I’m kinda scared I’m a senior and about to graduate soon I don’t want to be an adult Pls no
[ "I’m kinda scared I’m a senior and about to graduate soonI don’t want to be an adultPls no" ]
Tengo un poco de miedo Soy un senior y a punto de graduarme pronto No quiero ser un adultoPls no
Rose are red something is blue I want to hang from the ceiling how about youSo my way of calling for help is making a sucidal joke, but nobody takes me seriously because I feel that we've been so dumbed down to it that everyone is sucidal. So why do so many people fake it for attention I was this close to hanging myself I could feel my heart stopping but the rope snapped, even though I had rope burn for 2 weeks and my eyes were fucked everyone said I did it for attention...Fuck you if you fake it for attention because of you I can't get help for this problem and I may Aswell finish the joke FUCK YOU seriously if you do this because your ego needs attention.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Rose are red something is blue I want to hang from the ceiling how about youSo my way of calling for help is making a sucidal joke, but nobody takes me seriously because I feel that we've been so dumbed down to it that everyone is sucidal.So why do so many people fake it for attention I was this close to hanging myself I could feel my heart stopping but the rope snapped, even though I had rope burn for 2 weeks and my eyes were fucked everyone said I did it for attention...Fuck you if you fake it for attention because of you I can't get help for this problem and I may Aswell finish the joke FUCK YOU seriously if you do this because your ego needs attention." ]
Rosas son rojas algo es azul Quiero colgar del techo ¿Qué hay de ti?Así que mi forma de pedir ayuda es hacer una broma sucidal, pero nadie me toma en serio porque siento que hemos sido tan tontos que todo el mundo es sucidal.Entonces, ¿por qué tanta gente finge que estaba tan cerca de colgarme a mí mismo que podía sentir que mi corazón se detenía pero la cuerda se rompió, a pesar de que tenía la cuerda quemada durante 2 semanas y mis ojos estaban jodidos todo el mundo dijo que lo hice por atención...A la mierda si lo finges por atención debido a ti no puedo conseguir ayuda para este problema y puedo Aswell terminar el chiste FUCK USTED seriamente si haces esto porque tu ego necesita atención.
Wild horses exist and I don't know why that's surprising to me I just can't imagine horses living in the wild
[ "Wild horses exist and I don't know why that's surprising to meI just can't imagine horses living in the wild" ]
Los caballos salvajes existen y no sé por qué me sorprende. No puedo imaginar caballos viviendo en la naturaleza.
Previous attempts have failed, and left me scared to try again. I just want a way to stop feeling like thisThrough previous attempts I've ended up hospitalised, in the ICU, embarrassing my whole family. Another failed attempt would just me humiliating at this point, nobody fails three times if they really want to die. I wish I could see a way to feel better through therapy, but I can't. I've been trying for 7 years, with many different doctors and specialists and medications and treatments. I've tried giving it 110% and putting in solid effort. It doesn't work. It doesn't improve. I don't want to die, but I really can't see any other way out of this feeling.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Previous attempts have failed, and left me scared to try again.I just want a way to stop feeling like thisThrough previous attempts I've ended up hospitalised, in the ICU, embarrassing my whole family.Another failed attempt would just me humiliating at this point, nobody fails three times if they really want to die.I wish I could see a way to feel better through therapy, but I can't.I've been trying for 7 years, with many different doctors and specialists and medications and treatments.I've tried giving it 110% and putting in solid effort.It doesn't work.It doesn't improve.I don't want to die, but I really can't see any other way out of this feeling." ]
Los intentos anteriores han fracasado y me han dejado asustado para intentarlo de nuevo.Solo quiero una manera de dejar de sentirme asíA través de intentos anteriores he terminado hospitalizado, en la UCI, avergonzando a toda mi familia.Otro intento fallido me humillaría en este momento, nadie falla tres veces si realmente quiere morir.Ojalá pudiera ver una manera de sentirme mejor a través de la terapia, pero no puedo.Lo he estado intentando durante 7 años, con muchos médicos y especialistas diferentes y medicamentos y tratamientos.He intentado darle el 110% y poner un esfuerzo sólido.No funciona.No mejora.No quiero morir, pero realmente no puedo ver otra manera de salir de este sentimiento.
Those of you at high school irl, how's it been? I'm in California and we're online. Just wondering what it's like in other states or places where it's in person.
[ "Those of you at high school irl, how's it been?I'm in California and we're online.Just wondering what it's like in other states or places where it's in person." ]
Aquellos de ustedes en la escuela secundaria irl, ¿cómo ha sido?Estoy en California y estamos en línea.Solo me pregunto cómo es en otros estados o lugares donde está en persona.
Anybody know where to download the emoji keyboard? I deleted and now i need to use it for okbr
[ "Anybody know where to download the emoji keyboard?I deleted and now i need to use it for okbr" ]
¿Alguien sabe dónde descargar el teclado emoji?He eliminado y ahora necesito usarlo para okbr
I just called a crysis hotline, what a waste of time and tearsI don't want to make a new reddit account because I tried to last time I wanted to post and ended locked out of the site and it was just a nightmare. so ya don't wreck my life and find out who i am. I just called a crysis hotline, and it was busy, lol and I called 5 more times and it was busy twice and then it rang and I hung up and then I called twice more and it was busy both times. then I found another line for some local crysis centre. i used to work as a telephone surveyer, it was like someone trying to sell me a long distance plan over the phone, just keep me on the line and keep trying to make the crysis center upsell. special one time offer! how about we send a mobile crysis unit and they come talk to you. actually that sounds terrible, I just wanted to talk to somebody about my problems because my doctor can't see me till feburary and I have no friends and my parents are a large part of the problem. so basically I am alone, I am completely and utterly alone and nobody really cares. it's all up to you she says, wow what a thing to say to someone with depression, yes I know all my lifes decisions have been made by me, i know that my life is either shitty or it isn't based off my actions. I very much know that. why would I be depressed if I didn't blame myself? just fucking terrible, now I'm just drainned and sorta just pissed off instead of suicidal. it's like the only support they will offer is putting you in a halfway house... well I work fulltime so that's not gonna work, and I don't have vacation days, and I work nights, so one of the things they do there is get you on a routine and give you support classes and whatever. well that's not really gonna work if I get up at 8-10pm and go to bed at noon-2pm so basically the only support society has to offer is completely fucking up my life, I actually don't mind my job, I actually like it there, it's the one safe spot in the world is work. I live at home and I live my parents who raised very very fat, I was obese by kindergarden and I have been since. but I know it's not there fault because we are all only to blame ourselves for our problems. then I tried to start losing the weight and I almost lost it all, and then it's just they leave open bags of chips and cookies and chocolauts and just the most unhealthy high calorie garbage all over the house, but why don't I just move out? well because I tried to start a business with my credit and it didn't work out and now my current job barely pays off my loan payments and I've maxed out my credit cards paying them rent(which they feel they rightously deserve and are the greatest parents they know in their lives for not just telling me to get the fuck out.) I didn't even ask them to change their habits, I just asked for them not to leave junk out where I can see it. this was responded to in a way I only decribe by saying. have you ever tried to take food away from an aggressive dog? and they growl at you just completely almost out of charecter, just an instintive aggressive violent response with no reason or consideration. so now I'm stuck and I really wanna kill myself just because I know they will get stuck with my debt. I'm not even hopelessly in debt, I just can't leave here, but I can't live being this fat anymore, because nobody will love me, or even even affectionitly touch me, I don't even mean sex, I just me anything not out of sympathy or pity from a female. you know I don't even blame them for regecting me anymore, they all actually out of their way nice to me so ya whatever I guess, I'm taking some art classes, and I found out I'm very talented, lol I'm a very honest person in a way that's great on camera. But I'm fat and people don't have sympathy for fat people(well unless there in the process of asking forgiveness and making claims of future weight loss) if you just try to put them in a normal life situation, people inheritly react negatively, because fat people are ugly, I think it too but ya I can't fix it. I know people won't accept this statement, but when I'm on my "healthy diet" I feel great and am not hungry because it's well balanced and not extremely low calorie. But I come home from work and it's just there is food and sugar everywhere, and as soon I get eating it, I want more and then i don't care because I think I've already fucked it up for myself, I might as well just eat more so I don't feel bad. and then i feel great for a little while and then I crash off the sugar and I feel terrible, I feel god awful I feel doing nothing in the world that won't seem like unenjoyable effort. and I just think about how bad I feel and how much I don't want to feel that way anymore and how much I wish i could just do something that would make me feel better. so I get in my car and I drive to one of the oh so many mcdonalds and I get 3 double cheeseburgers and each has 400 calories, that's 1200 calories I can eat in I dunno. 4 stop lights away from the mcdonalds. and that like more than half of my total daily calorie needs. on top of the regular diet which is about 500 under my daily needs and the fucking near thousand calories of just junk food my parents leave around. then all of a sudden I'm like 2000 calories over my needs and then that's evey day, and that's like all in the last 3-4 hours of the day. and the next day maybe I just don't care anymore and instead of coffee or diet coke in the morning for caffiene maybe I go and get two 400 calorie energy drinks. and the high is so good and the crash is so hard and I eat a couple more thousand calories of junk when I get home and feel terrible from crash. it's just I meet people and I fall in love with them and I can see they care about me, they go out of there way to be nice to me because they see how down I get on myself. but if I ever try to just anything, just any interaction beyond this totally not out of your way interaction. I know we're in a art class and you say things to me that let me know you don't hate me, because I act like I think you hate me, but it's not because you hate me, it's because I love(yes I know I don't know what the word means but I like to use it) you and you'll regect me and it's easier for me to perceive it as hate, and you go out of your way to say it isn't and you care that little bit. and I think why did she say that and you think maybe she likes me and it's just this natural reaction and attraction, no desperation, there isn't time to get desperate and you just say "I'm gonna play it cool and later maybe do something." and then you get home and you remember, I'm almost 300 pounds and she was just being nice and if I you even tried to talk to her directly outside of what the art deems nessisary she'll regect you like everyone else because you've done that, that same thing has happend dozens of times and you've played it out like groundhogs day, where you've done every possible thing, reacted everyway, tried everything(including not trying) and it has all ended the same. you know the worst part lately is I started going to the gym 2 years ago and I'm actually in pretty good shape, I'm just really really fat, I lifting and flexibility and I cycle(even though it's really hard being so fat). and I got down to I'm 6'2 220 which the lightest I've been in ever, even as a kid I always had a higher body fat percentage, the first time I've been under 30bmi since I've remember checking my weight. and now in 5 months I've thrown away all of it and gained 50lbs and I remember how hard it was to lose, and I remember I had all the advantages of starting something new and being excited about my new diet and just being able to ignore the junk food(mostly it was always an issue, always adding a few hundred calories here and there). and now it's like you can sell everything you own, get your debt to a controlable level and move out, but I have to move walking distance from work, because i bought a car when I was younger and I broke down and I lost my entire investment and my oh so generous and horribly unappreciated parents let me drive one there 4 vechiles to work, after they moved and took me with them, it was a mistake to move out with them, but I would have no car and I couldn't take my art classes, or even have access to a gym because there isn't one around my work where I would have to move to and only be able to walk because there is no public transportation around there. so ya I was looking for place in the river to jump in(thin ice around some shores), and I'm not tryhing to violate the rules, it's just it seemed like a good idea, I was just gonna jump and swim to shore(if I could make it) and that seemed like a good idea. then just go to the emergency room and cry and they would have to something, I dunno, it seemed lik,e the only way to get any attention to my suffering without having to get in a confrontation with someone. but whatever I'm really tired now and I just want someone I dunno. there is nothing I know nobody can help me, the things I want that will make me happy I can't ask and don't have any right to ask. but crying makes me tried and I don't like having to hear myself, crying wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to hear the whale, it's like someone else, it's like I'm hearing some other person in the most heart breaking hopeless disappar and it frightens me. I'm just thinking wrong, reacting wrong, I just don't interpet the world correctly and everything that makes me meserable is all in my head and is all just a chosen personality flaw that I need to get over, or go to therapy for. and all of this will start over again tomorrow, but it'll be friday so I can play video games on the weekend and maybe I'll get some mcdonalds and a big sugar slurpee and I'll be happy, that's what I have to look forward to. the only thing good in my life is the thing that makes so terrible.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just called a crysis hotline, what a waste of time and tearsI don't want to make a new reddit account because I tried to last time I wanted to post and ended locked out of the site and it was just a nightmare.so ya don't wreck my life and find out who i am.I just called a crysis hotline, and it was busy, lol and I called 5 more times and it was busy twiceand then it rangand I hung upand then I called twice more and it was busy both times.then I found another line for some local crysis centre.i used to work as a telephone surveyer, it was like someone trying to sell me a long distance plan over the phone, just keep me on the line and keep trying to make the crysis center upsell.special one time offer!how about we send a mobile crysis unit and they come talk to you.actually that sounds terrible, I just wanted to talk to somebody about my problems because my doctor can't see me till feburaryand I have no friends and my parents are a large part of the problem.so basically I am alone, I am completely and utterly alone and nobody really cares.it's all up to you she says,wow", "what a thing to say to someone with depression, yes I know all my lifes decisions have been made by me, i know that my life is either shitty or it isn't based off my actions.I very much know that.why would I be depressed if I didn't blame myself?just fucking terrible, now I'm just drainned and sorta just pissed off instead of suicidal.it's like the only support they will offer is putting you in a halfway house...well I work fulltimeso that's not gonna work, and I don't have vacation days, and I work nights, so one of the things they do there is get you on a routine and give you support classes and whatever.well that's not really gonna work if I get up at 8-10pm and go to bed at noon-2pmso basically the only support society has to offer is completely fucking up my life, I actually don't mind my job, I actually like it there, it's the one safe spot in the world is work.I live at homeand I live my parents who raised very very fat, I was obese by kindergardenand I have been since.but I know it's not there fault because we are all only to blame ourselves for our problems.", "then I tried to start losing the weight and I almost lost it all, and then it's just they leave open bags of chips and cookies and chocolauts and just the most unhealthy high calorie garbage all over the house, but why don't I just move out?well because I tried to start a business with my credit and it didn't work out and now my current job barely pays off my loan payments and I've maxed out my credit cards paying them rent(which they feel they rightously deserve and are the greatest parents they know in their lives for not just telling me to get the fuck out.)I didn't even ask them to change their habits, I just asked for them not to leave junk out where I can see it.this was responded to in a way I only decribe by saying.have you ever tried to take food away from an aggressive dog?and they growl at you just completely almost out of charecter, just an instintive aggressive violent response with no reason or consideration.so now I'm stuck and I really wanna kill myself just because I know they will get stuck with my debt.", "I'm not even hopelessly in debt, I just can't leave here, but I can't live being this fat anymore, because nobody will love me, or even even affectionitly touch me, I don't even mean sex, I just me anything not out of sympathy or pity from a female.you know I don't even blame them for regecting me anymore, they all actually out of their way nice to me\n\nso ya whatever I guess, I'm taking some art classes, and I found out I'm very talented, lol I'm a very honest person in a way that's great on camera.But I'm fat and people don't have sympathy for fat people(well unless there in the process of asking forgiveness and making claims of future weight loss) if you just try to put them in a normal life situation, people inheritly react negatively, because fat people are ugly, I think it too\n\nbut ya I can't fix it.I know people won't accept this statement, but when I'm on my \"healthy diet\" I feel great and am not hungry because it's well balanced and not extremely low calorie.", "But I come home from work and it's just there is food and sugar everywhere, and as soon I get eating it, I want more and then i don't care because I think I've already fucked it up for myself, I might as well just eat more so I don't feel bad.and then i feel great for a little whileand then I crash off the sugarand I feel terrible, I feel god awful I feel doing nothing in the world that won't seem like unenjoyable effort.and I just think about how bad I feel and how much I don't want to feel that way anymore and how much I wish i could just do something that would make me feel better.so I get in my car and I drive to one of the oh so many mcdonaldsand I get 3 double cheeseburgers and each has 400 calories, that's 1200 calories I can eat in I dunno.4 stop lights away from the mcdonalds.and that like more than half of my total daily calorie needs.on top of the regular diet which is about 500 under my daily needs and the fucking near thousand calories of just junk food my parents leave around.then all of a sudden I'm like 2000 calories over my needs and then that's evey day, and that's like all in the last 3-4 hours of the day.", "and the next day maybe I just don't care anymore and instead of coffee or diet coke in the morning for caffiene maybe I go and get two 400 calorie energy drinks.and the high is so good and the crash is so hard and I eat a couple more thousand calories of junk when I get home and feel terrible from crash.it's just I meet peopleand I fall in love with them and I can see they care about me, they go out of there way to be nice to me because they see how down I get on myself.but if I ever try to just anything, just any interaction beyond this totally not out of your way interaction.I know we're in a art classand you say things to me that let me know you don't hate me, because I act like I think you hate me, but it's not because you hate me, it's because I love(yes I know I don't know what the word means but I like to use it)you and you'll regect me and it's easier for me to perceive it as hate, and you go out of your way to say it isn't and you care that little bit.and I think why did she say thatand you think maybe she likes meand it's just this natural reaction and attraction, no desperation, there isn't time to get desperate and you just say \"I'm gonna play it cool", "and later maybe do something.\"and then you get homeand you remember, I'm almost 300 pounds and she was just being nice and if I you even tried to talk to her directly outside of what the art deemsnessisaryshe'll regect you like everyone else because you've done that, that same thing has happend dozens of times and you've played it out like groundhogs day, where you've done every possible thing, reacted everyway, tried everything(including not trying) and it has all ended the same.you know the worst part lately is I started going to the gym 2 years agoand I'm actually in pretty good shape, I'm just really really fat, I lifting and flexibility and I cycle(even though it's really hard being so fat).and I got down to I'm 6'2 220 which the lightest I've been in ever, even as a kid I always had a higher body fat percentage, the first time I've been under 30bmi since I've remember checking my weight.and now in 5 months I've thrown away all of it and gained 50lbsand I remember how hard it was to lose, and I remember I had all the advantages of starting something new and being excited about my new diet and just being able to ignore the junk", "food(mostly it was always an issue, always adding a few hundred calories here and there).and now it's like you can sell everything you own, get your debt to a controlable level and move out, but I have to move walking distance from work, because i bought a car when I was younger and I broke downand I lost my entire investment andmy oh so generous and horribly unappreciated parents let me drive one there 4 vechiles to work, after they moved and took me with them, it was a mistake to move out with them, but I would have no car and I couldn't take my art classes, or even have access to a gym because there isn't one around my work where I would have to move to and only be able to walk because there is no public transportation around there.so ya I was looking for place in the river to jump in(thin ice around some shores), and I'm not tryhing to violate the rules, it's just it seemed like a good idea, I was just gonna jump and swim to shore(if I could make it) and that seemed like a good idea.", "then just go to the emergency room and cry and they would have to something, I dunno, it seemed lik,e the only way to get any attention to my suffering without having to get in a confrontation with someone.but whatever I'm really tired nowand I just want someone I dunno.there is nothing I know nobody can help me, the things I want that will make me happy I can't ask and don't have any right to ask.but crying makes me triedand I don't like having to hear myself, crying wouldn't be so bad if I didn't have to hear the whale, it's like someone else, it's like I'm hearing some other person in the most heart breaking hopeless disappar and it frightens me.I'm just thinking wrong, reacting wrong, I just don't interpet the world correctly and everything that makes me meserable is all in my head and is all just a chosen personality flaw that I need to get over, or go to therapy for.and all of this will start over again tomorrow, but it'll be friday so I can play video games on the weekendand maybe I'll get some mcdonalds and a big sugar slurpeeand I'll be happy, that's what I have to look forward to.the only thing good in my life is the thing that makes so terrible." ]
Acabo de llamar a una línea directa de crysis, lo que una pérdida de tiempo y lágrimas que no quiero hacer una nueva cuenta reddit porque traté de la última vez que quería publicar y terminó bloqueado fuera del sitio y fue sólo una pesadilla.así que usted no destruye mi vida y averiguar quién soy.Yo sólo llamé a una línea directa de crysis, y estaba ocupado, lol y llamé 5 veces más y estaba ocupado dos veces y luego rangand colgué y luego llamé dos veces más y estaba ocupado ambas veces.entonces encontré otra línea para algún centro de crysis local.yo solía trabajar como un agrimensor telefónico, era como alguien tratando de venderme un plan de larga distancia por teléfono, simplemente mantenerme en la línea y seguir tratando de hacer el centro de crysis upsell.especial una oferta de tiempo!cómo si enviamos una unidad de crysis móvil y vienen a hablar con usted.realmente eso suena terrible, sólo quería hablar con alguien acerca de mis problemas porque mi médico no puede verme hasta feburario y yo no tengo amigos y mis padres son una gran parte del problema.
Carajo, odio a esta estúpida ciudad por eso la mayoría de la gente tiene que actuar así, ¿dónde está la película normal en AAASRGYVJUIVVCGGGGT?
My nervous system is f***ed...I have Sciatica and it’s another problem on my list of reasons of why i should die. I don’t even want treatment because it’s not worth it honestly. I’m soooo fucked emotionally and I physically it doesn’t even matter anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My nervous system is f***ed...I have Sciatica and it’s another problem on my list of reasons of why i should die.I don’t even want treatment because it’s not worth it honestly.I’m soooo fucked emotionally and I physically it doesn’t even matter anymore" ]
Mi sistema nervioso es f***ed... Tengo Sciatica y es otro problema en mi lista de razones de por qué debo morir.Ni siquiera quiero tratamiento porque no vale la pena honestamente. Estoy soooo follada emocionalmente y físicamente ya ni siquiera importa
Is death comforting?No,please don't invoke my family or any friends,or any sense of love,or any sense of duty,or any sense of morals.Or that 'it will get better' or 'it is not worth it'. No. It can't be borne anymore. It can't.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Is death comforting?No,please don't invoke my family or any friends,or any sense of love,or any sense of duty,or any sense of morals.Or that 'it will get better' or 'it is not worth it'.No.It can't be borne anymore.It can't." ]
¿Es reconfortante la muerte?No, por favor no invoque a mi familia o a cualquier amigo, o a cualquier sentido del amor, o a cualquier sentido del deber, o a cualquier sentido de la moral.O que 'mejorará' o 'no vale la pena'.No.No puede soportarse más.No puede.
I wish someone would push me in front of the train or subway cars.I go on the train and subway everyday. I want someone to push me one day or bump into me accidentally. A woman was standing so close behind me today as the train pulled in that I thought she might actually do it. I was scared but excited too. I'm too scared to actually jump in front of the rails by myself. One of my closest friends stood in front of the GO train earlier this year and killed herself. It sounds sick but I was jealous.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I wish someone would push me in front of the train or subway cars.I go on the train and subway everyday.I want someone to push me one day or bump into me accidentally.A woman was standing so close behind me today as the train pulled in that I thought she might actually do it.I was scared but excited too.I'm too scared to actually jump in front of the rails by myself.One of my closest friends stood in front of the GO train earlier this year and killed herself.It sounds sick but I was jealous." ]
Me gustaría que alguien me empujara delante del tren o del metro.Voy en el tren y el metro todos los días.Quiero que alguien me empuje un día o me golpee accidentalmente.Una mujer estaba de pie tan cerca detrás de mí hoy como el tren se detuvo en que pensé que realmente podría hacerlo.Yo estaba asustado pero emocionado también.Estoy demasiado asustado para saltar delante de los carriles por mí mismo.Uno de mis amigos más cercanos se paró frente al tren GO a principios de este año y se suicidó.Suena enfermo pero estaba celoso.
I want to do it tonightI'm broke and about to graduate college if i can finish my thesis. this whole adventure was a waste of time. I only have one friend really. I don't have any food and my parents hate me. i have a job but i won't get paid for two weeks and it'll be like 50 dollars. No money for may rent. I'm trans and I don't have money to pay for my hormones or my treatment, and I still haven't come out to my friends. I think I'm going to kill myself tonight. I've been thinking about it for a long while. I've been keeping myself alive knowing that i'd upset the people who love me if i do it, but now i just resent them for making me be alive. I should have done this a long time ago. The only thing scaring me now is that I don't want to hurt anyone. A few years ago my friend killed himself and this boy who found the body looked really messed up every time i saw him after that. I'm afraid someone will have to deal with me, and my housemate will have to deal with my empty room. These are the only reasons I am still alive today.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to do it tonightI'm broke and about to graduate college if i can finish my thesis.this whole adventure was a waste of time.I only have one friend really.I don't have any food and my parents hate me.i have a job but i won't get paid for two weeks and it'll be like 50 dollars.No money for may rent.I'm trans and I don't have money to pay for my hormones or my treatment, and I still haven't come out to my friends.I think I'm going to kill myself tonight.I've been thinking about it for a long while.I've been keeping myself alive knowing that i'd upset the people who love me if i do it, but now i just resent them for making me be alive.I should have done this a long time ago.The only thing scaring me now is that I don't want to hurt anyone.A few years ago my friend killed himself and this boy who found the body looked really messed up every time i saw him after that.I'm afraid someone will have to deal with me, and my housemate will have to deal with my empty room.These are the only reasons I am still alive today." ]
Quiero hacerlo esta noche.No tengo comida y mis padres me odian.Tengo un trabajo, pero no me pagarán durante dos semanas y será como 50 dólares.No tengo dinero para alquilar.Soy trans y no tengo dinero para pagar mis hormonas o mi tratamiento, y todavía no he salido a mis amigos.Creo que me voy a matar a mí mismo esta noche.He estado pensando en ello durante mucho tiempo.Me he mantenido vivo sabiendo que molestaría a la gente que me quiere si lo hago, pero ahora sólo me resiente por hacerme estar vivo.Debería haber hecho esto hace mucho tiempo.Lo único que me asusta ahora es que no quiero lastimar a nadie.Hace unos años mi amigo se suicidó y este chico que encontró el cuerpo realmente se metió en problemas cada vez que lo vi.Tengo miedo de que alguien tenga que lidiar conmigo hoy, y mi compañero de habitación todavía tenga que hacer daño.
I have a question for you all. Where the fuck is male snoo in the banner?
[ "I have a question for you all.Where the fuck is male snoo in the banner?" ]
Tengo una pregunta para todos ustedes. ¿Dónde coño está el snoo masculino en el estandarte?
My mom is a shopaholic and I'm so over it. I didn't know what else to call her besides shopaholic, she doesn't go shopping for random things. She buys specific things and her latest kick is Starbucks cups. I absolutely despise it because she'll complain about not having enough money for important things, like my braces or food, but will then go onto facebook and buy a bunch of cups that are around $100-$50. It may be even more than that but that's just what I've seen. I've been alive for a phase like that where she would buy leggings from lula roe. She only stopped because it turned out to be a pyramid scheme. She's also done the same thing other times like buy beanie babies but I wasn't alive at the time. I think she only does it to deal with stress, but even if that is the reason she has to find something else to release her stress and it shouldn't be berating me or my sisters either. This whole thing just reminds me of how much I dislike my mother because of how horrible she is, I would get into it but this post is just mostly about how annoyed I am and stressed out I am that's shes wasting all this money on cups she'll never use. My family has thought of doing an intervention but we never act on it because we know she'll never listen and just pretend to be the victim. I hope this phase ends soon, so I dont have to hear her complain about not having money but then spend about $1,000 on cups. Long story short, my mom going through phases of buying specific things to release stress while also complaining about having no money.
[ "My mom is a shopaholic and I'm so over it.I didn't know what else to call her besides shopaholic, she doesn't go shopping for random things.She buys specific things and her latest kick is Starbucks cups.I absolutely despise it because she'll complain about not having enough money for important things, like my braces or food, but will then go onto facebook and buy a bunch of cups that are around $100-$50.It may be even more than that but that's just what I've seen.I've been alive for a phase like that where she would buy leggings from lula roe.She only stopped because it turned out to be a pyramid scheme.She's also done the same thing other times like buy beanie babiesbut I wasn't alive at the time.I think she only does it to deal with stress, but even if that is the reason she has to find something else to release her stress and it shouldn't be berating me or my sisters either.This whole thing just reminds me of how much I dislike my mother because of how horrible she is, I would get into itbut this post is just mostly about how annoyed I am and stressed out I am that's shes wasting all this money on cups she'll never use.", "My family has thought of doing an intervention but we never act on it because we know she'll never listen and just pretend to be the victim.I hope this phase ends soon, so I dont have to hear her complain about not having money but then spend about $1,000 on cups.Long story short, my mom going through phases of buying specific things to release stress while also complaining about having no money." ]
Mi madre es una adicta a las compras y su última patada es Starbucks tazas.No sabía qué más llamarla además de shoppaholic, ella no va de compras por cosas aleatorias.Ella compra cosas específicas y su última patada es Starbucks tazas.Lo desprecio absolutamente porque ella no tendrá suficiente dinero para cosas importantes, como mis aparatos o comida, pero luego irá a Facebook y comprar un montón de tazas que son alrededor de $100-$50.Puede ser incluso más que eso, pero eso es justo lo que he visto.He estado vivo para una fase como esa donde ella compraría leggings de lula roe.Ella sólo se detuvo porque resultó ser un esquema piramidal.Ella también ha hecho lo mismo otras veces como comprar beanie babys, pero yo no estaba vivo en ese momento.Creo que ella sólo lo hace para lidiar con el estrés, pero incluso si esa es la razón por la que ella tiene que encontrar algo más para liberar su estrés y no debería insultar a mis hermanas tampoco.
How do I make homemade poison. (F 14)I want to sleep and never wake up again. My mom wouldn't have to spend her money on 5 people ever again. She wouldn't have to waste her money on tax for someone who can't even focus right to do their summer school work. One less fatass to take care of who's too attached to people. One less failure in the world. I wouldn't be an annoyance to my siblings any more. I wouldn't have to face my social anxiety. My friends wouldn't have to worry about me. I don't want them to feel upset about me leaving. I just wanna die. None of my hobbies are making me feel happy. I just want to be happy, without a care in the world.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "How do I make homemade poison.(F 14)I want to sleep and never wake up again.My mom wouldn't have to spend her money on 5 people ever again.She wouldn't have to waste her money on tax for someone who can't even focus right to do their summer school work.One less fatass to take care of who's too attached to people.One less failure in the world.I wouldn't be an annoyance to my siblings any more.I wouldn't have to face my social anxiety.My friends wouldn't have to worry about me.I don't want them to feel upset about me leaving.I just wanna die.None of my hobbies are making me feel happy.I just want to be happy, without a care in the world." ]
¿Cómo puedo hacer veneno casero?(F 14)Quiero dormir y nunca despertar de nuevo.Mi mamá no tendría que gastar su dinero en 5 personas nunca más.Ella no tendría que gastar su dinero en impuestos para alguien que ni siquiera puede centrarse en hacer su trabajo escolar de verano.Un gordo menos para cuidar de quién está demasiado apegado a la gente.Un fracaso menos en el mundo.No sería una molestia para mis hermanos más.No tendría que enfrentar mi ansiedad social.Mis amigos no tendrían que preocuparse por mí.No quiero que se sientan molestos por que me vaya.Solo quiero morir.Ninguno de mis pasatiempos me está haciendo sentir feliz.Solo quiero ser feliz, sin ningún cuidado en el mundo.
Oh no I'm drunk Why my dick hard is that normal? You ever find it hard to keep a boner? Cause I do, idk why.
[ "Oh no I'm drunk Why my dick hard is that normal?You ever find it hard to keep a boner?Cause I do, idk why." ]
Oh no, estoy borracho ¿Por qué mi polla dura es tan normal?¿Alguna vez te cuesta mantener una erección?Porque lo hago, idk por qué.
I have an awesome thing to say! So yesterday i have received an awesome pc! It is a gtx 1660 ti and it can run Fortnut for 69 FPS! which is nice!. Am i right guys? It's so dope seeing my frame counter displaying 69 faps per second! it's so unbelievably smooth! It's like an equal to jacking myself with a right hand!
[ "I have an awesome thing to say!So yesterday i have received an awesome pc!It is a gtx 1660 ti and it can run Fortnut for 69 FPS!which is nice!.Am i right guys?It's so dope seeing my frame counter displaying 69 faps per second!it's so unbelievably smooth!It's like an equal to jacking myself with a right hand!" ]
Tengo una cosa impresionante que decir!Así que ayer he recibido un pc impresionante!Es un gtx 1660 ti y se puede ejecutar Fortnut para 69 FPS!que es agradable!.¿Estoy bien chicos?Es tan tonto ver mi contador de marcos que muestra 69 faps por segundo!es tan increíblemente suave!Es como un igual a jacking mí mismo con una mano derecha!
I'm heavily suicidal and depressed, I just want to end it all.I am a former sex worker with ptsd, borderline personality and major social anxiety that has stemmed from having withdrawn and burnt bridges with all my friends over the last couple of months. Living has no purpose, this world is so sad and depressing and I have no motivation to finish uni and work for the rest of my life. I can't even sleep properly because I'm woken up by the slightest noise and ruminate on everything bad I've done and that's happened to me. The love of my life is dating someone else and my anger and personality disorder ruined that relationship. I have no friends and I live at home with my depressed mum and depressed brother. I can't get out of bed anymore and when I do, it's only to binge eat and then go back to bed. I dont listen to music or do anything interesting, I am a shell of my former self. I'm so suicidal, please help.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm heavily suicidal and depressed, I just want to end it all.I am a former sex worker with ptsd, borderline personality and major social anxiety that has stemmed from having withdrawn and burnt bridges with all my friends over the last couple of months.Living has no purpose, this world is so sad and depressing and I have no motivation to finish uni and work for the rest of my life.I can't even sleep properly because I'm woken up by the slightest noise and ruminate on everything bad I've done and that's happened to me.The love of my life is dating someone else and my anger and personality disorder ruined that relationship.I have no friends and I live at home with my depressed mum and depressed brother.I can't get out of bed anymore and when I do, it's only to binge eat and then go back to bed.I dont listen to music or do anything interesting, I am a shell of my former self.I'm so suicidal, please help." ]
Soy muy suicida y deprimido, sólo quiero acabar con todo.Soy una ex trabajadora sexual con ptsd, personalidad límite y gran ansiedad social que ha surgido de haber retirado y quemado puentes con todos mis amigos en los últimos dos meses.Vivir no tiene ningún propósito, este mundo es tan triste y deprimente y no tengo ninguna motivación para terminar uni y trabajar por el resto de mi vida.Ni siquiera puedo dormir adecuadamente porque me despierto por el más mínimo ruido y rumiar en todo lo malo que he hecho y que me ha pasado.El amor de mi vida es salir con alguien más y mi ira y trastorno de personalidad arruinaron esa relación.No tengo amigos y vivo en casa con mi madre deprimida y mi hermano deprimido.No puedo salir de la cama más y cuando lo hago, es sólo para abuchear comer y luego volver a la cama.No escucho música ni hago nada interesante, soy una cáscara de mi antiguo yo mismo.
Lost my job this morningSorry in advance for my lack of cohesion and my stream-of-consciousness way of writing this all down. I was fired from my job in customer service this morning, an all-time low. I couldn't stand waiting for rude people to call me while sitting in front of my computer for 8 hours a day and it has been depressing me terribly this past year (only been working in cs for a year). Maybe part paranoia, but I felt like it was treated like the lowest position in the company (SaaS type company, ~100 employees) and frankly I was embarrassed of it. I hated every day and although I'm not dumb enough to ever quit a decently paying job, I'm ostensibly not above being largely inconsistent in my work there due to my internal struggle with where I am as a 30 year old. I hated it and couldn't ever keep up a charade for long. Full disclosure, I've had suicidal ideation for approximately 15 years. I survived an attempt when I was 14 and professionals will tell you it's increasingly common for repeat attempts to occur in the wake of the attempt. In spite of all of this - I've beat the odds, graduated college, landed a pretty great job with my degree in 2011 but screwed it up and ended up being fired after a year and a half. I was out of my league (not really an unexpected thing when post-college) but my pretty rigid defense mechanism that I've had these past 15 years caught up with me. I have a propensity the be highly critical of those around me, as well as myself. I can do a 180 at the drop of a dime on how I feel about someone. I guess you could say I'm a pretty emotional little guy, internally. My parents divorcing after around 34 years have contributed to my emotional state, this happened maybe 2 years ago. I was very much in the middle of it and they both ended up being (what I consider to be) immature, dishonest and manipulative towards me. At the end of it all, they both moved out of state. My family outside of them has been pretty much zero, partially my fault (embarrassment after my attempt, too). Suffice to say, Christmases throughout high school consisted of just them and me and sometimes my one sister (whom ran away at the age of 17 to be with her current husband). Also of note, my parents were rich growing up, and you could probably say I had a silver spoon in my mouth for most of my life. MANY extravagant vacations when I was young and pretty much through college. I've seen a lot of very beautiful things and had it very easy for a lot of my life. Which is why I'm even more willing to let go of all of this. My life isn't going to get any better and I don't mean to drone on too much with my narcissism but I've just had it. I've had a lot of great memories that I'm able to smile about. I've been fortunate enough to fall head over heels in love with and date a girl during 3 years of college so at least I know I've truly lived. I just don't ever want to make the mistake of having children that have this same depressive affinity that I do. These last 15 years have been so volatile for me, I don't think I'll be able to do another 15. It's most assuredly fucked up how often I think of suicide, I know that. But I've survived 15 years feeling this way... 15 years of introspectively daydreaming of suicide....as an easy out type fantasy, as a realistic look of the world and it's brevity...my brevity. I just want advice. I've done therapy and it opens pandora's box. I tried celexa for a year, two years back, and it turned me into a hypermanic mess. The only thing that makes me happy is music. I can sit at a piano and improvise beautiful compositions off the cuff. It's catharsis for me to stave my loneliness at times. Sometimes I'll play for an hour straight, and just start crying midway because of how much I keep inside. It does help, though. I know this all may seem quite pathetic and obvious in terms of an answer to you guys, but I just had to get this out. I still feel godawful at the moment but better than when I started. Someone please give me words of advice.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Lost my job this morningSorry in advance for my lack of cohesion and my stream-of-consciousness way of writing this all down.I was fired from my job in customer service this morning, an all-time low.I couldn't stand waiting for rude people to call me while sitting in front of my computer for 8 hours a day and it has been depressing me terribly this past year (only been working in cs for a year).Maybe part paranoia, but I felt like it was treated like the lowest position in the company (SaaS type company, ~100 employees) and frankly I was embarrassed of it.I hated every day and although I'm not dumb enough to ever quit a decently paying job, I'm ostensibly not above being largely inconsistent in my work there due to my internal struggle with where I am as a 30 year old.I hated it and couldn't ever keep up a charade for long.Full disclosure, I've had suicidal ideation for approximately 15 years.I survived an attempt when I was 14 and professionals will tell you it's increasingly common for repeat attempts to occur in the wake of the attempt.", "In spite of all of this - I've beat the odds, graduated college, landed a pretty great job with my degree in 2011 but screwed it up and ended up being fired after a year and a half.I was out of my league (not really an unexpected thing when post-college) but my pretty rigid defense mechanism that I've had these past 15 years caught up with me.I have a propensity the be highly critical of those around me, as well as myself.I can do a 180 at the drop of a dime on how I feel about someone.I guess you could say I'm a pretty emotional little guy, internally.My parents divorcing after around 34 years have contributed to my emotional state, this happened maybe 2 years ago.I was very much in the middle of it and they both ended up being (what I consider to be) immature, dishonest and manipulative towards me.At the end of it all, they both moved out of state.My family outside of them has been pretty much zero, partially my fault (embarrassment after my attempt, too).Suffice to say, Christmases throughout high school consisted of just them and me and sometimes my one sister (whom ran away at the age of 17 to be with her current husband).", "Also of note, my parents were rich growing up, and you could probably say I had a silver spoon in my mouth for most of my life.MANY extravagant vacations when I was young and pretty much through college.I've seen a lot of very beautiful things and had it very easy for a lot of my life.Which is why I'm even more willing to let go of all of this.My life isn't going to get any betterand I don't mean to drone on too much with my narcissismbut I've just had it.I've had a lot of great memories that I'm able to smile about.I've been fortunate enough to fall head over heels in love with and date a girl during 3 years of college so at least I know I've truly lived.I just don't ever want to make the mistake of having children that have this same depressive affinity that I do.These last 15 years have been so volatile for me, I don't think I'll be able to do another 15.It's most assuredly fucked up how often I think of suicide, I know that.But I've survived 15 years feeling this way... 15 years of introspectively daydreaming of suicide....as an easy out type fantasy, as a realistic look of the world and it's brevity...my brevity.I just want advice.I've done therapy and it opens pandora's box.", "I tried celexa for a year, two years back, and it turned me into a hypermanic mess.The only thing that makes me happy is music.I can sit at a piano and improvise beautiful compositions off the cuff.It's catharsis for me to stave my loneliness at times.Sometimes I'll play for an hour straight, and just start crying midway because of how much I keep inside.It does help, though.I know this all may seem quite pathetic and obvious in terms of an answer to you guys, but I just had to get this out.I still feel godawful at the moment but better than when I started.Someone please give me words of advice." ]
Perdiste mi trabajo esta mañana, por adelantado por mi falta de cohesión y mi forma de ser consciente de escribir todo esto.Me despidieron de mi trabajo en el servicio al cliente esta mañana, un mínimo histórico.No podía esperar a que la gente grosera me llamara mientras estaba sentada frente a mi computadora durante 8 horas al día y me ha deprimido terriblemente este año pasado (sólo he estado trabajando en cs durante un año).Tal vez parte paranoia, pero me sentía como si fuera tratado como la posición más baja de la compañía (compañía tipo SaaS, ~100 empleados) y francamente me daba vergüenza.Odiaba todos los días y aunque no soy lo suficientemente tonto como para dejar un trabajo decentemente pagado, estoy ostensiblemente por no estar por encima de ser en gran medida inconsistente en mi trabajo allí debido a mi lucha interna con donde estoy como un 30 años de edad.Odié y nunca pude mantener una farsa durante mucho tiempo.
I'm here to listenBe it you need someone to just chat with, vent to, or need some advice, I will lend you my ears(eyes in this matter) and be there for what ever your needs may be. Join me over at my free OnlyFans [https://onlyfans.com/beardedlistner](https://onlyfans.com/beardedlistner)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm here to listenBe it you need someone to just chat with, vent to, or need some advice, I will lend you my ears(eyes in this matter) and be there for what ever your needs may be.Join me over at my free OnlyFans\n\n[https://onlyfans.com/beardedlistner](https://onlyfans.com/beardedlistner)" ]
Estoy aquí para escuchar Sea que necesites a alguien con quien charlar, desahogarte o necesitar algún consejo, te prestaré mis oídos (ojos en este asunto) y estaré ahí para lo que sea que tus necesidades puedan ser.Únete a mí en mi OnlyFans [https://onlyfans.com/beardedlistner](https://onlyfans.com/beardedlistner)
Does anyone play among us anymore? I've been trying to play but randos are no fun and my friends are assholes. Does anyone have a discord server or something where yall play among us?
[ "Does anyone play among us anymore?I've been trying to play but randos are no fun and my friends are assholes.Does anyone have a discord server or something where yall play among us?" ]
¿Alguien juega más entre nosotros?He estado tratando de jugar, pero los randos no son divertidos y mis amigos son idiotas.¿Alguien tiene un servidor de discordia o algo donde yall jugar entre nosotros?
Why do people put on the sarcastic voice? Adding tone to sarcasm sucks all the dryness out of it. For example, if you had a resting neutral face and said "Wow, that's amazing. I'm ecstatic." That's dry. It's witty. If you were actually acting ecstatic and throwing on a "this is blatent sarcasm" tone, it just comes across as trying too hard and the sarcasm falls flat.
[ "Why do people put on the sarcastic voice?Adding tone to sarcasm sucks all the dryness out of it.For example, if you had a resting neutral face and said \"Wow, that's amazing.I'm ecstatic.\"That's dry.It's witty.If you were actually acting ecstatic and throwing on a \"this is blatent sarcasm\" tone, it just comes across as trying too hard and the sarcasm falls flat." ]
¿Por qué la gente se pone la voz sarcástica?Añadiendo tono al sarcasmo chupa toda la sequedad de ella.Por ejemplo, si tuvieras una cara neutral en reposo y dijeras "Wow, eso es increíble.Estoy extasiado".Eso es seco.Es ingenioso.Si estuvieras actuando extasiado y lanzando un tono "esto es sarcasmo blatento", simplemente se ve como tratando demasiado duro y el sarcasmo cae plano.
16, posted earlier. thank youi’m still here, you all left me thinking. i may feel numb and paralyzed in bed right now because i am so depressed, and so suicidal. i may feel like i can never be as happy as i was the past few weeks. hell, i feel like i don’t deserve to be happy. but you all made me feel like i should drag myself along a little longer and try to pick myself up. what is the first step in believing you deserve happiness, and where do i go from there? thanks to this community again, i would not be alive if i didn’t decide to say something here earlier
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "16, posted earlier.thank youi’mstill here, you all left me thinking.i may feel numb and paralyzed in bed right now because i am so depressed, and so suicidal.i may feel like i can never be as happy as i was the past few weeks.hell, i feel like i don’t deserve to be happy.but you all made me feel like i should drag myself along a little longer and try to pick myself up.what is the first step in believing you deserve happiness, and where do i go from there?thanks to this community again, i would not be alive if i didn’t decide to say something here earlier" ]
16, publicado anteriormente.thank youi'mstill aquí, todos me dejaron pensando.I puede sentirse entumecido y paralizado en la cama ahora mismo porque estoy tan deprimido, y tan suicida.i puede sentir que nunca puedo ser tan feliz como lo fui las últimas semanas.infierno, me siento como si no me merezco ser feliz.pero todos me hicieron sentir como si debería arrastrarme a lo largo de un poco más y tratar de recogerme a mí mismo.Cuál es el primer paso en creer que mereces la felicidad, y dónde voy de allí?gracias a esta comunidad de nuevo, no estaría vivo si no decidía decir algo aquí antes.
I’m gonna die alone Füçk
[ "I’m gonna die alone Füçk" ]
Voy a morir solo.
That’s it I making a new country of just reddit First we need a language. Then we should organize an army then attack the country of tiktok and murder them all committing several war crimes
[ "That’s it I making a new country of just reddit First we need a language.Then we should organize an army then attack the country of tiktok and murder them all committing several war crimes" ]
Eso es lo que hago un nuevo país de sólo reddit Primero necesitamos un idioma. Entonces debemos organizar un ejército y luego atacar el país de tiktok y asesinarlos a todos los que cometen varios crímenes de guerra
Anyone wanna talk?[18M] I'm and probably you are too, pm and let's be bored together.....
[ "Anyone wanna talk?[18M] I'm and probably you are too, pm and let's be bored together....." ]
¿Alguien quiere hablar? [18M] Yo soy y probablemente tú también, pm y vamos a estar aburridos juntos.....
19, Queer, and pointlessI've been struggling with these thoughts since middle school and each year they only seem to get worse. Ever since I've realised how pointless I was compared to my peers they've permeated in my head. I've always been the outcast amongst people and groups of friends. I'm never the one that gets invited to parties or to hangout and they're all busy when I ask them to without fail. High school was a period of constant put downs and anxiety. I hadn't realised I was gender queer at the time which greatly harmed my sense of self identity and my ability to present who I was to others. Because of this I've been particularly social awkward and anxious. College was where things were supposed to change. New faces and new resources. Things almost immediately went to shit. I could get myself to classes or meet people outside of my hall. When I finally realised I was gender queer I felt/feel like a freak. Being a nonbinary AMAB means receivimg a fraction of a percent of the acceptedness and support your binary AMAB peers receive. I've tried attending GSA meetings but I've only been treated as even more of an outsider since I don't fit their concepts of queerness. Spring semester and this semester have just been repeats of the same. Combine this with potential financial and roommate issues and I feel like my time is coming to it's end. I can't put my parents through the embarrassment of having a trans child that also dropped out of school and the stress of academics is tearing me apart physically and mentally. This summer I had the opportunity to throw myself off the dam near my college. I sat there at the top for nearly 4 hours. It would've looked like a fishing accident and saved my family so much embarrassment from my failures. I wish I would have done it. Now the plan is to intentially crash my car into a tree on a particularly rainy night so it looks like an accident. Until then I'll pretend everything is fine. My name is Zairen and I use they/them pronouns. I'm a 2nd year Csci student, a DJ Training Director, and my time is coming to an end.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "19, Queer, and pointlessI've been struggling with these thoughts since middle school and each year they only seem to get worse.Ever since I've realised how pointless I was compared to my peers they've permeated in my head.I've always been the outcast amongst people and groups of friends.I'm never the one that gets invited to parties or to hangout and they're all busy when I ask them to without fail.High school was a period of constant put downs and anxiety.I hadn't realised I was gender queer at the time which greatly harmed my sense of self identity and my ability to present who I was to others.Because of this I've been particularly social awkward and anxious.College was where things were supposed to change.New faces and new resources.Things almost immediately went to shit.I could get myself to classes or meet people outside of my hall.When I finally realised I was gender queer I felt/feel like a freak.Being a nonbinary AMAB means receivimg a fraction of a percent of the acceptedness and support your binary AMAB peers receive.I've tried attending GSA meetings but I've only been treated as even more of an outsider since I don't fit their concepts of queerness.", "Spring semester and this semester have just been repeats of the same.Combine this with potential financial and roommate issues and I feel like my time is coming to it's end.I can't put my parents through the embarrassment of having a trans child that also dropped out of school and the stress of academics is tearing me apart physically and mentally.This summer I had the opportunity to throw myself off the dam near my college.I sat there at the top for nearly 4 hours.It would've looked like a fishing accident and saved my family so much embarrassment from my failures.I wish I would have done it.Now the plan is to intentially crash my car into a tree on a particularly rainy night so it looks like an accident.Until then I'll pretend everything is fine.My name is Zairen and I use they/them pronouns.I'm a 2nd year Csci student, a DJ Training Director, and my time is coming to an end." ]
19, Queer, y sin sentidoHe estado luchando con estos pensamientos desde la escuela media y cada año parecen empeorar.Siempre desde que me he dado cuenta de lo inútil que era compararme con mis compañeros que han permeado en mi cabeza.Siempre he sido el marginado entre personas y grupos de amigos.Nunca he sido el que ha sido invitado a fiestas o a pasar el rato y todos están ocupados cuando se lo pido sin falta.La escuela secundaria ha sido un período de constantes abatimientos y ansiedad.No me había dado cuenta de que era un marica de género en el momento en que las cosas iban a la mierda.Podría llegar a clases o conocer gente fuera de mi salón.Cuando finalmente me di cuenta de que era un marica que se sentía como un fenómeno.Ser un AMAB no-binario significa casi inmediatamente ir a la mierda.Podría llegar a un porcentaje de lo aceptado y apoyar a la gente fuera de mi salón.
Life manI always dismiss from my mind that the normal person isn’t thinking about death every waking second of their life. I spend all day devising my own death. I have no aspirations for the future. The future doesn’t excite me one bit. I think I need help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Life manI always dismiss from my mind that the normal person isn’t thinking about death every waking second of their life.I spend all day devising my own death.I have no aspirations for the future.The future doesn’t excite me one bit.I think I need help" ]
Hombre de la vidaSiempre descarto de mi mente que la persona normal no está pensando en la muerte cada segundo de su vida. Paso todo el día diseñando mi propia muerte. No tengo aspiraciones para el futuro.El futuro no me excita ni un poco.Creo que necesito ayuda
I'm a broken, unlovable person.I found out today I lost a friend because they had romantic feelings for me. I'm devastated to say the least. But I came to the realisation that im a broken, unlovable person. I have severe trust issues, I cannot ever get into a romantic relationship because I just cannot trust. I will fear they will leave or cheat on me. Now I'm second guessing all of my friendships. Maybe they don't really like me. Maybe they'll break up with me, and im just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered. I will never find someone. I just cannot. Not even a friendship, they always fail. I don't know what's wrong with me. I just keep getting hurt. There must be something severely messed up with me that I just can't seem to figure out. There will never be someone. I can't do this anymore. Everyone leaves me, everyone hurts me. I don't understand what I did wrong.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I'm a broken, unlovable person.I found out today I lost a friend because they had romantic feelings for me.I'm devastated to say the least.But I came to the realisation that im a broken, unlovable person.I have severe trust issues, I cannot ever get into a romantic relationship because I just cannot trust.I will fear they will leave or cheat on me.Now I'm second guessing all of my friendships.Maybe they don't really like me.Maybe they'll break up with me, and im just a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.I will never find someone.I just cannot.Not even a friendship, they always fail.I don't know what's wrong with me.I just keep getting hurt.There must be something severely messed up with me that I just can't seem to figure out.There will never be someone.I can't do this anymore.Everyone leaves me, everyone hurts me.I don't understand what I did wrong." ]
Soy una persona quebrada e indomable.Hoy descubrí que perdí a un amigo porque tenía sentimientos románticos por mí.Estoy devastada por decir lo menos.Pero llegué a la conclusión de que soy una persona que no es amada.Tengo graves problemas de confianza, nunca puedo entrar en una relación romántica porque simplemente no puedo confiar.Temo que se vayan o me engañen.Ahora estoy segundo adivinando todas mis amistades.Quizás realmente no les guste.Tal vez rompan conmigo, y sea un cordero que espera ser sacrificado.Nunca encontraré a alguien.No puedo.Ni siquiera una amistad, siempre fallan.No sé qué me pasa.Simplemente sigo lastimando.Debe haber algo muy mal conmigo que no puedo imaginar.Nunca habrá nadie.Ya no puedo hacer esto.Todo el mundo me deja, todo el mundo me duele.No entiendo lo que hice mal.
To everyone having a tough time, here’s some bubble wrap to get rid of the stress >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!<
[ "To everyone having a tough time, here’s some bubble wrap to get rid of the stress\n\n", ">!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!< >!pop!<" ]
Para todo el mundo que tiene un momento difícil, aquí está un poco de burbuja wrap para deshacerse del estrés
Hope is an illusion for people like meThere's no hope for me. I've never had a real relationship with anyone. I've been scrapping by playing non-stop video games and working whatever dead end job I can find but now I'm 25 broke (soon to be homeless), ugly, alone, and no chance of anything getting better. I've tried anti-depressants and they don't work for me, therapy doesn't work for me, hell going to the gym doesn't work for me. To anyone out there who actually cares enough about me to understand my chronic misery. Please support assisted suicide because I wish I can die peacefully versus spattering my brains against the walls.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Hope is an illusion for people like meThere's no hope for me.I've never had a real relationship with anyone.I've been scrapping by playing non-stop video games and working whatever dead end job I can find but now I'm 25 broke (soon to be homeless), ugly, alone, and no chance of anything getting better.I've tried anti-depressants and they don't work for me, therapy doesn't work for me, hell going to the gym doesn't work for me.To anyone out there who actually cares enough about me to understand my chronic misery.Please support assisted suicide because I wish I can die peacefully versus spattering my brains against the walls." ]
La esperanza es una ilusión para gente como yoNo hay esperanza para mí.Nunca he tenido una relación real con nadie.He estado desguazándome jugando videojuegos sin parar y trabajando cualquier trabajo sin salida que pueda encontrar, pero ahora tengo 25 quebrados (pronto me voy a quedar sin hogar), feo, solo, y ninguna posibilidad de que algo mejore.He probado antidepresivos y no funcionan para mí, la terapia no funciona para mí, el infierno ir al gimnasio no funciona para mí.Para cualquiera por ahí que realmente se preocupe lo suficiente por mí para entender mi miseria crónica.Por favor, apoye el suicidio asistido porque deseo que pueda morir pacíficamente frente a salpicar mis cerebros contra las paredes.
I don’t care if my friend is homophobic he’s still my friend I know this will get hate but screw it. My friend is homophobic and I don’t care and it’s never affected me and he’s never harmed anyone because of it. I’ll never let go of a friend because he has a bad opinion or something. What he says or does is more important to me than what he thinks.
[ "I don’t care if my friend is homophobic he’s still my friendI know this will get hate but screw it.My friend is homophobic and I don’t care and it’s never affected me and he’s never harmed anyone because of it.I’ll never let go of a friend because he has a bad opinion or something.What he says or does is more important to me than what he thinks." ]
No me importa si mi amigo es homófobo él sigue siendo mi amigoSé que esto va a tener odio pero joderlo.Mi amigo es homófobo y no me importa y nunca me ha afectado y nunca ha hecho daño a nadie por ello.Nunca dejaré ir a un amigo porque tiene una mala opinión o algo así.Lo que dice o hace es más importante para mí de lo que piensa.
The dentist was so sweet I told him that I'm going to close my eyes until the end of the operation in case I see a needle or something that may scare me. While taking my tooth out he kept saying things like "it's okay" and "bless your soul" plus I felt nothing since he injected an anesthetic in the area.
[ "The dentist was so sweet I told him that I'm going to close my eyes until the end of the operation in case I see a needle or something that may scare me.While taking my tooth out he kept saying things like \"it's okay\" and \"bless your soul\" plus I felt nothing since he injected an anesthetic in the area." ]
El dentista era tan dulce que le dije que cerraría los ojos hasta el final de la operación en caso de que viera una aguja o algo que pudiera asustarme.Mientras me sacaba el diente seguía diciendo cosas como "está bien" y "bendita tu alma" además no sentí nada desde que me inyectó un anestésico en la zona.
guys i have to get glasses oh god they are not gonna look good also also my library says i haven’t returned some books that i have returned like over a week ago and they’re gonna start to overcharge me like bruh i RETURNED THE BOOKS
[ "guys i have to get glassesoh god they are not gonna look good also also my library says i haven’t returned some books that i have returned like over a week ago and they’re gonna start to overcharge me like bruh i RETURNED THE BOOKS" ]
chicos tengo que conseguir gafasoh dios que no van a verse bien también mi biblioteca dice que no he devuelto algunos libros que he vuelto como hace más de una semana y que van a empezar a recargarme como bruh i DEVOLVER LOS LIBROS
Someone tell me to sleep then I will sleep I promise,
[ "Someone tell me to sleep then I will sleep I promise," ]
Que alguien me diga que duerma y luego dormiré, lo prometo,
Big reddit hack A bunch of moderator accounts got hacked recently and now most of the top subs are trump themed. You can't really see it in dark mode, because it's a custom theme, but the "Members" and "Online" things on the side are renamed to be trump themed, so now you can still see what subs got hit without burning your eyes
[ "Big reddit hack A bunch of moderator accounts got hacked recently and now most of the top subs are trump themed.You can't really see it in dark mode, because it's a custom theme, but the \"Members\" and \"Online\" things on the side are renamed to be trump themed, so now you can still see what subs got hit without burning your eyes" ]
Big reddit hack Un montón de cuentas moderadoras han sido hackeadas recientemente y ahora la mayoría de los submarinos superiores son tromp themed.No se puede ver realmente en modo oscuro, porque es un tema personalizado, pero las cosas "Miembros" y "Online" en el lado se renombran para ser tromp themed, así que ahora todavía se puede ver lo que los submarinos se golpeó sin quemar sus ojos
Floundering.I have Bipolar II disorder, and have had suicidal thoughts before. A month ago, I moved to Prague - this is the first time that I have ever lived outside of the town I grew up in. Needless to say, the "environmental stressors" are abundant. I am taking more medication than I ever have...my psychiatrist and therapist don't seem to have any other ideas, save for "increase your dosage"...I know a few people in town, but none so well as to dump my suicidal ideations on them. So naturally, I decide to toss them out to complete strangers. Please help me. This is the most eloquent I've been in weeks - I'm amazed I have the strength to convey this. I really do not know what else to do, and I'm afraid of myself. The "light at the end of the tunnel"? I can't see it right now. Please, reddit, what can a girl away from home do, without her support system of family, friends, doctors & SO...only her medication? * Going to work, back in a bit. Thank you very, very much for your help. * I woke up this morning and could *breathe*. Thanks, reddit.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Floundering.I have Bipolar II disorder, and have had suicidal thoughts before.A month ago, I moved to Prague - this is the first time that I have ever lived outside of the town I grew up in.Needless to say, the \"environmental stressors\" are abundant.I am taking more medication than I ever have...my psychiatrist and therapist don't seem to have any other ideas, save for \"increase your dosage\"...I know a few people in town, but none so well as to dump my suicidal ideations on them.So naturally, I decide to toss them out to complete strangers.Please help me.This is the most eloquent I've been in weeks - I'm amazed I have the strength to convey this.I really do not know what else to do, and I'm afraid of myself.The \"light at the end of the tunnel\"?I can't see it right now.Please, reddit, what can a girl away from home do, without her support system of family, friends, doctors & SO...only her medication?* Going to work, back in a bit.Thank you very, very much for your help.* I woke up this morning and could *breathe*.Thanks, reddit." ]
Floundering.I have Bipolar II desorden, y he tenido pensamientos suicidas antes.Hace un mes, me mudé a Praga - esta es la primera vez que he vivido fuera de la ciudad en la que crecí.Sin necesidad de decir, los "estresores ambientales" son abundantes.Estoy tomando más medicamentos de los que tengo...mi psiquiatra y terapeuta no parecen tener ninguna otra idea, excepto para "aumentar su dosis"... Conozco a unas pocas personas en la ciudad, pero ninguna tan bien como para desechar mis ideas suicidas en ellos.Así que naturalmente, decido tirarlos hacia fuera para completar extraños.Por favor ayúdame.Esta es la más elocuente que he estado en semanas - Me sorprende que tenga la fuerza para transmitir esto.Realmente no sé qué más hacer, y tengo miedo de mí mismo.¿La "luz al final del túnel"?No puedo verlo ahora mismo.Por favor, reddit, ¿qué puedo hacer una chica fuera de casa, sin su sistema de apoyo de familiares, amigos, médicos y amp; ¿solo su medicación?* ¿Volver a trabajar, en un poco.
What if I snuck out 😳 Jk I have cameras in my house
[ "What if I snuck out 😳Jk I have cameras in my house" ]
¿Qué pasa si me escabullí Jk Tengo cámaras en mi casa
Pushed to the edge and trying to find hopeI haven’t made a post like this before, but have reached out in the past with career guidance and the such. Right now, I’m not doing well and I’m in a really low place and am trying to find some outlet that won’t scare and worry my friends and family. I’ve hit a breaking point and new rock bottom in the last 7 years of depression and anxiety (now knowing it as bipolar disorder with a recent diagnosis) one month ago. My post isn’t a full as synopsis of everything and can never really be in a short post and may jump around. My now ex girlfriend and I had dated exactly one year when she told me she emotionally cheated on me for three months with one of her coworkers and made out with him when they got drunk one night. Now, Some of my best friends got married this week where my ex was the maid of honor. I had a conversation with my ex before the wedding letting her know I wanted to be friends still and to get anything that might set either of us off out of the way for our friends to have their day. (many advise no on the friends with the ex, especially in this situation, but I still care about her as a person and know she is a good person that has fucked up). I miss my relationship more than I miss her as a romantic partner, and just want my friendship that I have/had with her to remain. I don’t have many friends left around me. The night before their wedding, I got a text from my sister saying my dad had gone to the hospital and didn’t say much more than that. My sisters and my parents are the only blood family I have that cares anything for me, and my parents had stopped talking to me since my recent diagnosis of Bi-Polar disorder. (They don’t understand it, and Don’t believe I am and think I’m chasing something that doesn’t exists) . The next morning I tried to prop myself up for my friends wedding, being happy for them and trying to forget my problems to be able to. But I wasn’t able to. I feel so guilty and ashamed of myself, but After drinking a little much I pushed my ex too far asking if she still wanted to be friends and if she was ok at the celebration after their wedding. (Beating the dead horse as we both promised not to do) And told her I don’t think being friends will ever work. I knew I fucked up immediately and left the wedding and drove home. I abandoned and ran away from all the family I had at their wedding. (My friends and fraternity brothers). All this is too much for me right now; with the added fact I’ve changed myself for other people to please and keep them around like my ex and family. I also followed my ex to an area and got a job that I don’t find meaningful or fulfilling. And the fact I lost all sense of accomplishment and fulfillment in activities I used to love. I lead myself down a self destructive trail in the pursuit of what I thought would make me whole. I know now that it’s a problem I need to work on. I’ve sent an apology to my ex and my friends today to try to mend things a little. I don’t know how they feel, but I can imagine it hurts, is frustrating and an annoyance they didn’t need. I promised everyone around me I would never kill myself, That it would magnify the pain I’m feeling and put it on to them. I’m just so unstable right now even on medication, therapy, and exercise. I know I can reach out to my friends for support and don’t want to burden them. I’m just so afraid, and lonely right now. I don’t want to die, but death is looking more and more favorable. I just want the unnecessary guilt and pain to go away. To anyone that reads this, thank you.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Pushed to the edge and trying to find hopeI haven’t made a post like this before, but have reached out in the past with career guidance and the such.Right now, I’m not doing well and I’m in a really low place and am trying to find some outlet that won’t scare and worry my friends and family.I’ve hit a breaking point and new rock bottom in the last 7 years of depression and anxiety (now knowing it as bipolar disorder with a recent diagnosis) one month ago.My post isn’t a full as synopsis of everything and can never really be in a short post and may jump around.My now ex girlfriendand I had dated exactly one year when she told me she emotionally cheated on me for three months with one of her coworkers and made out with him when they got drunk one night.Now, Some of my best friends got married this week where my ex was the maid of honor.I had a conversation with my ex before the wedding letting her know I wanted to be friends still and to get anything that might set either of us off out of the way for our friends to have their day.", "(many advise no on the friends with the ex, especially in this situation, but I still care about her as a person and know she is a good person that has fucked up).I miss my relationship more than I miss her as a romantic partner, and just want my friendship that I have/had with her to remain.I don’t have many friends left around me.The night before their wedding, I got a text from my sister saying my dad had gone to the hospital and didn’t say much more than that.My sisters and my parents are the only blood family I have that cares anything for me, and my parents had stopped talking to me since my recent diagnosis of Bi-Polar disorder.(They don’t understand it, and Don’t believe I am and think I’m chasing something that doesn’t exists) .The next morning I tried to prop myself up for my friends wedding, being happy for them and trying to forget my problems to be able to.But I wasn’t able to.I feel so guilty and ashamed of myself, but After drinking a little much I pushed my ex too far asking if she still wanted to be friends and if she was ok at the celebration after their wedding.", "(Beating the dead horse as we both promised not to do) And told her I don’t think being friends will ever work.I knew I fucked up immediately and left the wedding and drove home.I abandoned and ran away from all the family I had at their wedding.(My friends and fraternity brothers).All this is too much for me right now; with the added fact I’ve changed myself for other people to please and keep them around like my ex and family.I also followed my ex to an area and got a job that I don’t find meaningful or fulfilling.And the fact I lost all sense of accomplishment and fulfillment in activities I used to love.I lead myself down a self destructive trail in the pursuit of what I thought would make me whole.I know now that it’s a problem I need to work on.I’ve sent an apology to my ex and my friends today to try to mend things a little.I don’t know how they feel, but I can imagine it hurts, is frustrating and an annoyance they didn’t need.I promised everyone around me I would never kill myself, That it would magnify the pain I’m feeling and put it on to them.I’m just so unstable right now even on medication, therapy, and exercise.", "I know I can reach out to my friends for support and don’t want to burden them.I’m just so afraid, and lonely right now.I don’t want to die, but death is looking more and more favorable.I just want the unnecessary guilt and pain to go away.To anyone that reads this, thank you." ]
En este momento, no estoy bien y estoy en un lugar muy bajo y estoy tratando de encontrar una salida que no asustará y preocupará a mis amigos y familia.He llegado a un punto de ruptura y nuevo fondo de roca en los últimos 7 años de depresión y ansiedad (ahora lo sé como trastorno bipolar con un diagnóstico reciente) hace un mes.Mi post no es una completa como sinopsis de todo y nunca puede realmente estar en un corto post y puede saltar alrededor.Mi ahora ex novia y yo había salido exactamente un año cuando me dijo que emocionalmente engañado en mí durante tres meses con uno de sus compañeros de trabajo y lo hizo con él cuando se emborracharon una noche.Ahora, Algunos de mis mejores amigos se casaron esta semana donde mi ex era la dama de honor.He tenido una conversación con mi ex antes de la boda dejando que ella supiera que quería ser amigos todavía y para conseguir cualquier cosa que pudiera salir de la manera de nuestros amigos para tener su día.
¡Derechos de los gays=Derechos humanos!
For those of you who swim, what do you think of while doing laps? For me it's usually * Self-loathing * Pondering my sexuality * Pondering my gender * Wondering if the boy the next lane over likes me * Wondering if I like him * Having a song stuck in my head
[ "For those of you who swim, what do you think of while doing laps?For me it's usually\n\n* Self-loathing\n*Pondering my sexuality\n* Pondering my gender\n*Wondering if the boy the next lane over likes me\n* Wondering if I like him\n*Having a song stuck in my head" ]
Para aquellos de ustedes que nadan, ¿en qué piensan mientras hacen vueltas?Para mí suele ser * Aborrecimiento de sí mismos * Ponderando mi sexualidad * Ponderando mi género * Aborreciendo si al chico del siguiente carril le gusto * Preguntándome si me gusta * Tener una canción pegada en mi cabeza
My step father is repeatedly telling me that he's going to divorce my mother because of him having to provide for me. I feel like suicide is the only option as I can't support her or myself.I suffer from severe depression and anxiety among other problems that I'd rather not go into detail about that prevents me from functioning in nearly any social circumstance, and my family has been in poverty for a long time. I've tried to get a job several times only to not be considered after an interview on the phone or otherwise. Understandably, my parents and step dad find this hard to bear. My mom is sad over my condition but handles it. The fact of that matter is that, I'm a leech. On society, but mostly for my parents which work to support me. Recently, my step-dad has been threatening me, personally, with divorce (divorcing my mom, so to speak). He makes it expressly clear that it is MY fault, and my fault alone. While my mom is less confrontational, she's essentially said similar things to me i.e. "Me and X will divorce only because of you" I've had suicidal thoughts for a long time now, but have always been grounded by the belief that there were people around me who loved me. Except now everyobdy is sick. My dad is threatening to leave my Mom because of me, ruining her financially for the rest of her life, putting her in a cardboard box hungry on the streets of some city as a homeless 60 year old woman, my girlfriend routinely reminds me that she hates me and wants me to die, my Mom cries and has stress induced back pain every night. I can hear her crying through the wall. I am causing their lives to fall apart. And I don't know what do. "Get a job", "Put soem effort into it", "Fix your life". Well drugs aren't fixing it, motivation isn't fixing it, discipline isn't fixing it. I have no drive, I have no use, I make life worse for everybody around me, and I'm a leech financially. I just want to die. It's not selfish anymore. IT's not petty. If I die now, I can break my Moms heart, but I can save her financial future. A mentally broken hobo is worse than a heartbroken woman that is being provided her. A girl with baggage is better than a girl who is with somebody she despises. A guy is better off working one job instead of two to support a disabled fuckwit. I'm just desperately hoping for a branch to fall onto. I don't want consoling words...I want a way out...and I think there's only one here. I can't handle the sight of everybody I know having their life fall apart because I can't push myself to lift a finger.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My step father is repeatedly telling me that he's going to divorce my mother because of him having to provide for me.I feel like suicide is the only option as I can't support her or myself.I suffer from severe depression and anxiety among other problems that I'd rather not go into detail about that prevents me from functioning in nearly any social circumstance, and my family has been in poverty for a long time.I've tried to get a job several times only to not be considered after an interview on the phone or otherwise.Understandably, my parents and step dad find this hard to bear.My mom is sad over my condition but handles it.The fact of that matter is that, I'm a leech.On society, but mostly for my parents which work to support me.Recently, my step-dad has been threatening me, personally, with divorce (divorcing my mom, so to speak).He makes it expressly clear that it is MY fault, and my fault alone.While my mom is less confrontational, she's essentially said similar things to me i.e. \"Me and X will divorce only because of you\"\n\nI've had suicidal thoughts for a long time now, but have always been grounded by the belief that there were people around me who loved me.", "Except now everyobdy is sick.My dad is threatening to leave my Mom because of me, ruining her financially for the rest of her life, putting her in a cardboard box hungry on the streets of some city as a homeless 60 year old woman, my girlfriend routinely reminds me that she hates me and wants me to die, my Mom cries and has stress induced back pain every night.I can hear her crying through the wall.I am causing their lives to fall apart.And I don't know what do.\"Get a job\", \"Put soem effort into it\", \"Fix your life\".Well drugs aren't fixing it, motivation isn't fixing it, discipline isn't fixing it.I have no drive, I have no use, I make life worse for everybody around me, and I'm a leech financially.I just want to die.It's not selfish anymore.IT's not petty.If I die now, I can break my Moms heart, but I can save her financial future.A mentally broken hobo is worse than a heartbroken woman that is being provided her.A girl with baggage is better than a girl who is with somebody she despises.A guy is better off working one job instead of two to support a disabled fuckwit.I'm just desperately hoping for a branch to fall onto.", "I don't want consoling words...I want a way out...and I think there's only one here.I can't handle the sight of everybody I know having their life fall apart because I can't push myself to lift a finger." ]
Mi padrastro me está diciendo repetidamente que va a divorciarse de mi madre debido a que él tiene que proveerme para mí.Siento que el suicidio es la única opción, ya que no puedo apoyarme a mí mismo.Sufro de depresión y ansiedad graves entre otros problemas que prefiero no entrar en detalles sobre los que me impide funcionar en casi cualquier circunstancia social, y mi familia ha estado en la pobreza durante mucho tiempo.He tratado de conseguir un trabajo varias veces sólo para no ser considerado después de una entrevista por teléfono o de otra manera.Comprendeblemente, mis padres y mi padrastro encuentran esto difícil de soportar.Mi mamá está triste por mi condición, pero lo maneja.El hecho de ese asunto es que, soy una sanguijuela.En la sociedad, pero sobre todo para mis padres que trabajan para apoyarme.Recientemente, mi padrastro me ha estado amenazando, personalmente, con el divorcio (divorciando a mi mamá, por así decirlo).Él deja expresamente claro que es MI culpa, y mi culpa sola.Mientras mi mamá es menos confrontativa, ella me ha dicho cosas similares a i.e.
I can’t find any good friends that will help me in life One of my friends just now was continuously roasting me about how ugly I am and how I cannot get girl, and ny friends just laughed and said “Ooohhhhhh” like I don’t know what to do man. I want to kill myself because I’m ugly
[ "I can’t find any good friends that will help me in life One of my friends just now was continuously roasting me about how ugly I am and how I cannot get girl, and ny friends just laughed and said “Ooohhhhhh” like I don’t know what to do man.I want to kill myself because I’m ugly" ]
No puedo encontrar ningún buen amigo que me ayude en la vida Uno de mis amigos ahora mismo me estaba asando continuamente sobre lo feo que soy y cómo no puedo conseguir chica, y ni amigos se rieron y dijeron “Ooohhhhhh” como si no supiera qué hacer hombre.Quiero suicidarme porque soy feo
People are so mean. Why must I be so sensitive in this world.I am so sensitive. I cry easily. I am emotionally affected by everything almost. I hate it. I have anxiety and can't talk to people. I can't handle aggression at all. I don't want to be here. The world feels so cold, cruel, and distant. I feel like a scared deer alone.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "People are so mean.Why must I be so sensitive in this world.I am so sensitive.I cry easily.I am emotionally affected by everything almost.I hate it.I have anxiety and can't talk to people.I can't handle aggression at all.I don't want to be here.The world feels so cold, cruel, and distant.I feel like a scared deer alone." ]
La gente es tan mezquina.Por qué debo ser tan sensible en este mundo.Soy tan sensible.Lloro fácilmente.Soy emocionalmente afectada por todo casi.Lo odio.Tengo ansiedad y no puedo hablar con la gente.No puedo manejar la agresión en absoluto.No quiero estar aquí.El mundo se siente tan frío, cruel y distante.Me siento como un ciervo asustado solo.
dont worry if you see a dark winged creature on ur roof tonight :) thats me. im just chilling there making sure that u are safe :)
[ "dont worry if you see a dark winged creature on ur roof tonight :) thats me.im just chilling there making sure that u are safe :)" ]
No te preocupes si ves una criatura alada oscura en el techo esta noche :) eso es me.im simplemente relajarse allí asegurándose de que usted está a salvo :)
Will you marry me? I expect 200 people to be married to me soo
[ "Will you marry me?I expect 200 people to be married to me soo" ]
¿Te casarás conmigo?Espero que 200 personas se casen conmigo.
Why did I wake up this morning?Why can't I just die in my sleep already? I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Why did I wake up this morning?Why can't I just die in my sleep already?I'm too much of a coward to kill myself." ]
¿Por qué me desperté esta mañana?¿Por qué no puedo morir ya mientras duermo?Soy demasiado cobarde para suicidarme.
Wish I'd just do itFor every day that passes, my wish to die gets more intense. If I had a magic insta kill pill on me now, I'm not sure I'd say no. I don't have the guts to do it. I'm too afraid of regret if I do anything drastic. That's why I constantly wish I'll die suddenly and unexpected, out of my control. I'd be so contempt with that. Every time I go to sleep I hope I don't wake up. Passing away while dreaming is a dream. Life would be so great if I could make all my problems go away, but, as everyone knows, life is not that simple. So I want to die. I don't want to face my problems. My life is going nowhere. I'm a bad person. Every waking moment when I'm not distracting myself with Reddit or video games, I am wishing I was dead. I hate myself so much. I wish I never existed. I don't want to live my life anymore because it's fucking terrible. I'm sorry, family. I don't know how much longer I'll keep putting this off, but eventually I hope I'll do it. When I absolutely have had enough and I can't distract myself any longer. I want to do it so bad.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Wish I'd just do itFor every day that passes, my wish to die gets more intense.If I had a magic insta kill pill on me now, I'm not sure I'd say no.I don't have the guts to do it.I'm too afraid of regret if I do anything drastic.That's why I constantly wish I'll die suddenly and unexpected, out of my control.I'd be so contempt with that.Every time I go to sleep I hope I don't wake up.Passing away while dreaming is a dream.Life would be so great if I could make all my problems go away, but, as everyone knows, life is not that simple.So I want to die.I don't want to face my problems.My life is going nowhere.I'm a bad person.Every waking moment when I'm not distracting myself with Reddit or video games, I am wishing I was dead.I hate myself so much.I wish I never existed.I don't want to live my life anymore because it's fucking terrible.I'm sorry, family.I don't know how much longer I'll keep putting this off, but eventually I hope I'll do it.When I absolutely have had enough and I can't distract myself any longer.I want to do it so bad." ]
Ojalá lo hiciera.Por cada día que pasa, mi deseo de morir se vuelve más intenso.Si tuviera una píldora mágica para matar insta ahora, no estoy seguro de decir que no.No tengo las agallas para hacerlo.Tengo demasiado miedo de lamentar si hago algo drástico.Es por eso que deseo constantemente morir de repente e inesperadamente, fuera de mi control.Estaría tan despreciado con eso.Cada vez que me voy a dormir espero no despertar.Mi vida va a ninguna parte.Soy una mala persona.Cada momento de vigilia cuando no me distraigo con Reddit o los videojuegos, así que quiero morir.No quiero enfrentarme a mis problemas.Mi vida va a ninguna parte.Soy una mala persona.Cada momento en el que no me distraigo con Reddit o con videojuegos, quiero estar muerto.No quiero enfrentarme a mis problemas.Mi vida va a ninguna parte.Soy una mala persona.Cada momento en el que me despierto, no me distraigo con Reddit o con videojuegos, quiero estar más tiempo fuera.
I want to die - fastI can hear my heart beating through my ears right now. today was pretty bad, I wont go into details but in short, got up at 10, did something nice, then prepared to get on with my day by going somewhere till my mum started a fight, she left and i grabbed a bottle of wine (btw im 15 i shudnt even be drinking) and drank it. then mum caught me and told me that the bottle of wine was extremely expensive and didnt belong to us. I drank a sip as i was about to get drunk but didnt i dont know what to do because i took a sip and im scared what the wines owners will say about it as it was expensive and they are friends on my mum. help? I want to die but my mum took the wine away and knives, I want to over dose but last time I did that it failed and i was put into hospitals and shit and they didnt treat me very well and i think a law suit happened not too sure but it was seriously fucked up and it happened for YEARS only stopped last year and Ive been trying to go back into a normal life but I cant and I want to kill myself my family is so damn FUCKED, there all so messed up and I hate school, I hate myself, I dont have many friends and the friends I do have are all pieces of shit i want to die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I want to die - fastI can hear my heart beating through my ears right now.today was pretty bad, I wont go into details but in short, got up at 10, did something nice, then prepared to get on with my day by going somewhere till my mum started a fight, she left and i grabbed a bottle of wine (btw im 15i shudnt even be drinking) and drank it.then mum caught me and told me that the bottle of wine was extremely expensive and didnt belong to us.I drank a sip as i was about to get drunk but didnt\n\ni dont know what to do because i took a sip and im scared what the wines owners will say about it as it was expensive and they are friends on my mum.\n\nhelp?I want to die but my mum took the wine away and knives, I want to over dose but last time I did that it failedand i was put into hospitals and shitand they didnt treat me very welland i think a law suit happened not too surebut it was seriously fucked upand it happened for YEARS only stopped last year and Ive been trying to go back into a normal lifebut I cantand I want to kill myself\n\nmy family is so damn FUCKED, there all so messed upand I hate school, I hate myself, I dont have many friends and the friends I do have are all pieces of shit\n", "\ni want to die" ]
Quiero morir - rápido, puedo escuchar mi corazón latiendo a través de mis oídos ahora mismo.hoy era bastante malo, no voy a entrar en detalles, pero en resumen, me levanté a los 10, hice algo agradable, luego me preparé para seguir adelante con mi día yendo a algún lugar hasta que mi madre comenzó una pelea, ella se fue y tomé una botella de vino (btw im 15i shudnt incluso bebí) y lo bebió.entonces mamá me pilló y me dijo que la botella de vino era extremadamente cara y no nos pertenecía.Bebí un sorbo mientras estaba a punto de emborracharme pero no sé qué hacer porque tomé un sorbo y me dio miedo lo que los dueños de los vinos dirán al respecto ya que era caro y eran amigos de mi madre. ayuda?Quiero morir pero mi mamá se llevó el vino y los cuchillos, quiero sobredosificarlo pero la última vez que lo hice fallé y me pusieron en hospitales y mierda y no me trataron muy bien y creo que un traje de ley me pasó muy mal pero lo hice para que YEARS solo se detuvo el año pasado y fui a la escuela a todos los amigos me hicieron daño, así que me hice una mierda y me hice bien y me importaron a todos los amigos
Playboi cartis album was a massive disappointment Like cmon bro you delayed your album 2 years and had some big names in the album and still it sucker fat butthole
[ "Playboi cartis album was a massive disappointment Like cmon bro you delayed your album 2 years and had some big names in the album and still it sucker fat butthole" ]
Playboi cartis álbum fue una enorme decepción Como cmon bro usted retrasó su álbum 2 años y tenía algunos grandes nombres en el álbum y aún así chupa gordo culo
I made a subreddit for people who need to share their stories with pedophiles and other horrible people https://www.reddit.com/r/pedohorrorstories?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
[ "I made a subreddit for people who need to share their stories with pedophiles and other horrible people https://www.reddit.com/r/pedohorrorstories?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share" ]
Hice un subreddit para las personas que necesitan compartir sus historias con pedófilos y otras personas horribles https://www.reddit.com/r/pedohorrrorstories?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share
Is AP Lang really worth it? I'm a sophomore atm and need to decide what classes to take next year. I'm being recommended for AP Lang, however I'm not entirely sure I should take it. It might just be the whole pandemic situation, but I'm really stressed right now with the classes I'm in already, which are all honors (except history, which I took over summer school) plus choir and Spanish. I'm doing good in all my classes so far and I want to go to a good college, which is why I'm considering AP lang at all. But I'm scared it's going to be too hard. Not only that, but I plan to take AP Bio next year, which would require me to drop my favorite class, choir. Choir is really important to me and I'm very close with everyone there. I was originally planning to take English 3 over summer school, but now I'm not sure since I might take AP Lang. I should also mention that I had an awful teacher for English in freshman year. I mean, she made me hate English and breakdown multiple times. She's also one of few AP Lang teachers. Wow, lengthy. Sorry. Should I take English 3 over summer school for less stress and the ability to keep my favorite class, or should I drop choir and just suffer through AP Lang? TL;DR I don't know whether I should drop choir to take AP Lang or if I should just take English 3 over summer school.
[ "Is AP Lang really worth it?I'm a sophomore atm and need to decide what classes to take next year.I'm being recommended for AP Lang, however I'm not entirely sure I should take it.It might just be the whole pandemic situation, but I'm really stressed right now with the classes I'm in already, which are all honors (except history, which I took over summer school) plus choir and Spanish.I'm doing good in all my classes so far and I want to go to a good college, which is why I'm considering AP lang at all.But I'm scared it's going to be too hard.Not only that, but I plan to take AP Bio next year, which would require me to drop my favorite class, choir.Choir is really important to me and I'm very close with everyone there.I was originally planning to take English 3 over summer school, but now I'm not sure since I might take AP Lang.I should also mention that I had an awful teacher for English in freshman year.I mean, she made me hate English and breakdown multiple times.She's also one of few AP Lang teachers.Wow, lengthy.Sorry.Should I take English 3 over summer school for less stress and the ability to keep my favorite class, or should I drop choir and just suffer through AP Lang?TL;DR", "I don't know whether I should drop choir to take AP Lang or if I should just take English 3 over summer school." ]
Soy un estudiante de segundo año y necesito decidir qué clases tomar el año que viene.Estoy siendo recomendado para AP Lang, sin embargo no estoy completamente seguro de que deba tomarlo.Podría ser toda la situación pandémica, pero estoy muy estresado ahora mismo con las clases en las que ya estoy, que son todos honores (excepto la historia, que tomé la escuela de verano) más coro y español.Estoy haciendo bien en todas mis clases hasta ahora y quiero ir a una buena universidad, por lo que estoy considerando AP lang en absoluto.Pero me temo que va a ser demasiado difícil.No sólo eso, sino que planeo tomar AP Bio el próximo año, lo que me obligaría a dejar mi clase favorita, coro.Choir es muy importante para mí y estoy muy cerca de todos allí.Principalmente estaba planeando tomar inglés 3 sobre la escuela de verano, pero ahora no estoy seguro de poder tomar mi clase favorita, coro.
Its that time of year! Where one number go up. And I have to make the other numbers go more up. So this is my lazy attempt to make number go up. And I just got a new kitten named echo but he my dog stepped on him and then he died of 'rona do now ik big sad and i felt the need to post.
[ "Its that time of year!Where one number go up.And I have to make the other numbers go more up.So this is my lazy attempt to make number go up.And I just got a new kitten named echobut he my dog stepped on him and then he died of 'rona do now ik big sadand i felt the need to post." ]
¡Es esa época del año!Donde un número sube.Y tengo que hacer que los otros números suban más.Así que este es mi intento perezoso de hacer que el número suba.Y acabo de conseguir un nuevo gatito llamado ecopero él mi perro lo pisó y luego murió de 'rona do now ik big sadand sentí la necesidad de publicar.
doin' your mom rn just doin' your mom, what are you guys doing rn?
[ "doin' your mom rn just doin' your mom, what are you guys doing rn?" ]
Haciendo tu mamá rn haciendo tu mamá, ¿qué están haciendo rn?
Imagine participating in No Nut November Wow cannot relate, sorry I’m gonna stay healthy smh 😎
[ "Imagine participating in No Nut November Wow cannot relate, sorry I’m gonna stay healthy smh 😎" ]
Imagina participar en No Nut Noviembre Wow no se puede relacionar, lo siento voy a permanecer saludable smh
Final Post asking for your help for right now Once again need you to tell me which book idea is most interesting to you/what you would read. Rule of The Strong:  Superhumans rule entire cities and an oppressive caste system has been built. Our protagonist will try to live a normal life but it all changes when a run in with the Superhuman Police changes his forever Twoman: Aliens have evolved and created their own system on Earth, the ecosystems have merged and created a hellscape, and thousands of years have passed. Our protagonists will meet each other and explore two different worlds and mean the true meaning of humanity Antarctic Kingdom: Evolved Penguins have a secret kingdom inside Antarctica, that has operated separate from Humanity for millions of years. However, when an Antarctic expedition goes wrong, the human protagonists will see how the actions of their race impacted others and see the scars that can’t heal The Ferryman: There is and eternal river that runs through a parallel universe that links to locations in our universe and the parallel one. It is used a method of transportation and never ends. The story will follow The Ferryman and his travels on the river and an exploration of fear with a Man vs Nature overlay Quantum Strain: A man trying to fix his greatest mistake via time travel accidentally creates a bunch of time duplicates and so many of them are causing a tear to form in the fabric of space and time. This story follows one of the echoes learning about this and seeking to save the world and himself, exploring the themes of Loss, Hubris and Identity.  118: A story of a science experiment about the essence of life goes completely wrong when actual personifications of the Periodic Elements are created, this begins a chain reaction where other personifications of substances are created. This story follows the Personifications of Hydrogen and Hellium as they explore their brotherly bond and what life really means Beneath The Peel: A shadow assassin ring exsists within the food industry that injects poision into food to kill high level people, it remains hidden due to no one knowing that it exsists. When someone working in the FDA dies from eating poisoned food, the whole conspiracy is blown wide open at a time when it didn’t need to be. Join the protagonists on a tale of Lies, Double Lives and Mankind’s Hidden Hostilties.  Progenitor: A man wakes up stranded on an alien planet with no memories, and he looks around trying to remember. He eventually find he is not alone. This adeventure will deal with Consequences, Idenity and Isolation Shot Heard Round The World: An Alternate History/Histoical Fiction where Space Travel was discovered in the 1770s, leading to the World Powers discovering something new, and the colonists as their wacky adventure into space begins, they discover, life is hard. The protagonists will struggle in this world dealing with Nature that wont be tamed, their own arrogance and hubris and Parliament’s fuckery Planet Wrath: On a planet ruled by the wrath god where the only currency is Rage, people struggle to get along, but one day, someoe deicdes to take a leap of faith to try and make a friend. This work will show the protagonist struggling through the hurdles of friendship and standing up to social norms. Can You Swim From Berlin to Detroit?: Climate Change has irreversibly fucked the planet, and 98% of land is underwater, only certain cities remain to support a healthy economy and planet, so people need to know how to swim thousnands of miles. In this coming of age tale, a young swimmer will navigate challenges in his body, nature and others all while trying not to drown. Crusade The Beach: In this Alternate World, Gunpowder is never invented, and Swords and Bows continue to evolve with time, this rapidly changes the landscape and map of the world. In this story, characters will navigate themes of discipline, respect, religion and creativity while fighting a war similar in scale to WW2. Planet At The End of The Universe: On A Planet at the end of the universe lies a planet divided between Blinding Light and Empty Abyss. Factions of the natives have taken up sides in a religious war of Light Cult vs Night Cult, and our protagonist is caught in the middle of it. The protagonist deals with themes of devotion to religion, child service and who is right or wrong. The Highest Fantasy: Earth is suddenly turned into a High Fantasy World like all the great epic stories, but what now, survival is the instinct that kicks in for most, but for our ordinary Tabletop RPG Group, a new adventure will begin. The protagonists will explore The US East Coast while learning about Frienship, Tradition and Not letting Desire consume you.  Warriors of Hellas In an alternate world, a life wave had caused all the solar system planets to slightly terraform, cuasing people to live on there. In this adventure, we follow the residents of Hellas join as they join a mercenary Army to fight a war at the back end of the system. The protagonists along the way will discover the world is more then what you make of it and will deal with themes of Patriotism and Blind Faith
[ "Final Post asking for your help for right now Once again need you to tell me which book idea is most interesting to you/what you would read.Rule of The Strong: \n\nSuperhumans rule entire cities and an oppressive caste system has been built.Our protagonist will try to live a normal life but it all changes when a run in with the Superhuman Police changes his forever\n\nTwoman:Aliens have evolved and created their own system on Earth, the ecosystems have merged and created a hellscape, and thousands of years have passed.Our protagonists will meet each other and explore two different worlds and mean the true meaning of humanity\n\nAntarctic Kingdom:\n\nEvolved Penguins have a secret kingdom inside Antarctica, that has operated separate from Humanity for millions of years.However, when an Antarctic expedition goes wrong, the human protagonists will see how the actions of their race impacted others and see the scars that can’t heal\n\nThe Ferryman:\n\nThere is and eternal river that runs through a parallel universe that links to locations in our universe and the parallel one.It is used a method of transportation and never ends.", "The story will follow The Ferryman and his travels on the river and an exploration of fear with a Man vs Nature overlay\n\nQuantum Strain:A man trying to fix his greatest mistake via time travel accidentally creates a bunch of time duplicates and so many of them are causing a tear to form in the fabric of space and time.This story follows one of the echoes learning about this and seeking to save the world and himself, exploring the themes of Loss, Hubris and Identity.118:\n\nA story of a science experiment about the essence of life goes completely wrong when actual personifications of the Periodic Elements are created, this begins a chain reaction where other personifications of substances are created.This story follows the Personifications of Hydrogen and Hellium as they explore their brotherly bond and what life really means\n\n\nBeneath The Peel:\n\nA shadow assassin ring exsists within the food industry that injects poision into food to kill high level people, it remains hidden due to no one knowing that it exsists.When someone working in the FDA dies from eating poisoned food, the whole conspiracy is blown wide open at a time when it didn’t need to be.", "Join the protagonists on a tale of Lies, Double Lives and Mankind’s Hidden Hostilties.Progenitor:A man wakes up stranded on an alien planet with no memories, and he looks around trying to remember.He eventually find he is not alone.This adeventure will deal with Consequences, Idenity and Isolation\n\n\nShot Heard Round The World:\n\nAn Alternate History/Histoical Fiction where Space Travel was discovered in the 1770s, leading to the World Powers discovering something new, and the colonists as their wacky adventure into space begins, they discover, life is hard.The protagonists will struggle in this world dealing with Nature that wont be tamed, their own arrogance and hubris and Parliament’s fuckery\n\n\nPlanet Wrath:On a planet ruled by the wrath god where the only currency is Rage, people struggle to get along, but one day, someoe deicdes to take a leap of faith to try and make a friend.This work will show the protagonist struggling through the hurdles of friendship and standing up to social norms.Can You Swim From Berlin to Detroit?:\n\n", "Climate Change has irreversibly fucked the planet, and 98% of land is underwater, only certain cities remain to support a healthy economy and planet, so people need to know how to swim thousnands of miles.In this coming of age tale, a young swimmer will navigate challenges in his body, nature and others all while trying not to drown.Crusade The Beach:\n\nIn this Alternate World, Gunpowder is never invented, and Swords and Bows continue to evolve with time, this rapidly changes the landscape and map of the world.In this story, characters will navigate themes of discipline, respect, religion and creativity while fighting a war similar in scale to WW2.Planet At The End of The Universe:\n\nOn A Planet at the end of the universe lies a planet divided between Blinding Light and Empty Abyss.Factions of the natives have taken up sides in a religious war of Light Cult vs Night Cult, and our protagonist is caught in the middle of it.The protagonist deals with themes of devotion to religion, child service and who is right or wrong.The Highest Fantasy:\n\n", "Earth is suddenly turned into a High Fantasy World like all the great epic stories, but what now, survival is the instinct that kicks in for most, but for our ordinary Tabletop RPG Group, a new adventure will begin.The protagonists will explore The US East Coast while learning about Frienship, Tradition and Not letting Desire consume you.Warriors of HellasIn an alternate world, a life wave had caused all the solar system planets to slightly terraform, cuasing people to live on there.In this adventure, we follow the residents of Hellas join as they join a mercenary Army to fight a war at the back end of the system.The protagonists along the way will discover the world is more then what you make of it and will deal with themes of Patriotism and Blind Faith" ]
Final Post pidiendo tu ayuda para ahora Una vez más necesita que me digas qué idea de libro es más interesante para ti/lo que leerías.Regla de Lo Fuerte: Los Superhumanos gobiernan ciudades enteras y se ha construido un sistema de castas opresivo.Nuestro protagonista tratará de vivir una vida normal, pero todo cambia cuando una carrera con la Policía Superhumana cambia para siempre su Twoman:Los Aliens han evolucionado y creado su propio sistema en la Tierra, los ecosistemas se han fusionado y creado un infierno, y han pasado miles de años.Nuestros protagonistas se encontrarán y explorarán dos mundos diferentes y significan el verdadero significado de humanidad Reino Antártico: Los pingüinos Evolucionados tienen un reino secreto dentro de la Antártida, que ha operado separado de la Humanidad durante millones de años.Sin embargo, cuando una expedición antártica va mal, los protagonistas humanos verán cómo las acciones de su raza impactaron a otros y verán las cicatrices que no pueden sanar El Ferryman: Hay un río eterno que corre a través de un universo paralelo que enlaza con lugares en nuestro universo y el paralelo.
I just realized something In like 5y we'll be like: bro can u belive covid was 5y ago, feel old yet? The memes will b fire...
[ "I just realized something In like 5y we'll be like: bro can u belive covid was 5y ago, feel old yet?The memes will b fire..." ]
Me acabo de dar cuenta de algo en como 5y vamos a ser como: bro can u belive covid fue hace 5y, se siente viejo todavía?Los memes b fuego ...
It hit me like a ton of bricksHe cheated. He doesn’t love me anymore but I let him use me because I’m still so in love with him even though I shouldn’t be I’m over my head with finances and I hate my job. I can’t even muster the energy to go in. I hate looking at myself in the mirror. I hate who I am and I don’t want to live another day in this body. I don’t want to wake up tomorrow. I want to stop hurting
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "It hit me like a ton of bricksHe cheated.He doesn’t love me anymorebut I let him use me because I’m still so in love with him even though I shouldn’t be\n\nI’m over my head with financesand I hate my job.I can’t even muster the energy to go in.I hate looking at myself in the mirror.I hate who I amand I don’t want to live another day in this body.I don’t want to wake up tomorrow.I want to stop hurting" ]
Me pegó como un montón de ladrillosMe engañó.Ya no me quiere, pero le dejé que me usara porque todavía estoy tan enamorado de él, aunque no debería estar sobre mi cabeza con las finanzas y odio mi trabajo.Ni siquiera puedo reunir la energía para entrar.Odio mirarme en el espejo.Odio quién soy y no quiero vivir otro día en este cuerpo.No quiero despertarme mañana.Quiero dejar de dolerme.
Death seems so peaceful right now.There's nothing I want in life anymore and I'm 24, been like this for several years of my life and the wait is tiresome.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Death seems so peaceful right now.There's nothing I want in life anymoreand I'm 24, been like this for several years of my life and the wait is tiresome." ]
La muerte parece tan pacífica en este momento.Ya no hay nada que quiera en la vida y tengo 24 años, he estado así durante varios años de mi vida y la espera es fastidiosa.
Recommending a song everyday; Day 3: VIBEZ - Dababy https://music.apple.com/us/album/kirk/1480804964 LESS GOOOO
[ "Recommending a song everyday; Day 3: VIBEZ - Dababy https://music.apple.com/us/album/kirk/1480804964\n\nLESS GOOOO" ]
Recomendando una canción todos los días; Día 3: VIBEZ - Dababy https://music.apple.com/us/album/kirk/1480804964 MENOS GOOOO
I honestly don’t know what to do with myself anymoreI’m 15 but I feel like my life is already over. I just want to fall asleep forever. My gpa went from average to completely nonexistent, I constantly push everyone away and struggle taking care of myself. I’m so exhausted. I try to tell my parent that but then he gets upset with me and says it’s because of the phone. I’ve wanted to kill myself for years now. I can’t get therapy, my parent doesn’t believe in it and frankly I don’t blame him. There was a point in my life where I was on so much medication because of a doctor that I ended up in the hospital. After getting out of an abusive household I don’t know how to function. All I think about is trying to kill myself. I end up forcing my emotions so much that I’m the end people try to stay away from me because I’m “fake”. I just don’t want to do this anymore. I don’t want to be alive. I want to kill myself so badly. I’ve tried to get help in the past but no one actually cared.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I honestly don’t know what to do with myself anymoreI’m 15but I feel like my life is already over.I just want to fall asleep forever.My gpa went from average to completely nonexistent, I constantly push everyone away and struggle taking care of myself.I’m so exhausted.I try to tell my parent thatbut then he gets upset with me and says it’s because of the phone.I’ve wanted to kill myself for years now.I can’t get therapy, my parent doesn’t believe in it and frankly I don’t blame him.There was a point in my life where I was on so much medication because of a doctor that I ended up in the hospital.After getting out of an abusive household I don’t know how to function.All I think about is trying to kill myself.I end up forcing my emotions so much that I’m the end people try to stay away from me because I’m “fake”.I just don’t want to do this anymore.I don’t want to be alive.I want to kill myself so badly.I’ve tried to get help in the past but no one actually cared." ]
Honestamente, ya no sé qué hacer conmigo mismo, pero siento que mi vida ya ha terminado.Sólo quiero quedarme dormido para siempre.Mi gpa pasó de ser un promedio a ser completamente inexistente, constantemente empujo a todos y lucho por cuidarme a mí mismo.Estoy tan exhausto.Trato de decirle a mi padre que pero entonces se enoja conmigo y dice que es por el teléfono.He querido matarme a mí mismo durante años.No puedo conseguir terapia, mi padre no cree en ello y francamente no lo culpo.Hay un punto en mi vida en el que estaba tomando tanta medicación por un médico que terminé en el hospital.Después de salir de un hogar abusivo no sé cómo funcionar.Todo lo que pienso es tratar de matarme a mí mismo. Termino forzando mis emociones tanto que soy el final de la gente trata de alejarme de mí porque soy “falso”.
My dad is cool My dad approached me a few days ago and asked me if I wanted to watch the clone wars (The 3D animated 2008 version), even though he knows I watched the whole thing. I told him hell yea and let him know he's officially cool.
[ "My dad is coolMy dad approached me a few days ago and asked me if I wanted to watch the clone wars (The 3D animated 2008 version), even though he knows I watched the whole thing.I told him hell yea and let him know he's officially cool." ]
Mi papá es genialMi papá se acercó a mí hace unos días y me preguntó si quería ver las guerras de clones (La versión 3D animada 2008), a pesar de que sabe que vi todo el asunto.Le dije el infierno sí y le hice saber que es oficialmente genial.
Life isn't worth living with average IQNo potential for a fulfilling life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Life isn't worth living with average IQNo potential for a fulfilling life" ]
La vida no vale la pena vivir con un promedio de IQNo hay potencial para una vida satisfactoria
I have 8 projects and 2 tests next week cause the teachers simply are unable to fuck off. Fuck. Just, fuck. I literally have \*no\* idea how to do any of them, some dont even have instructions or a description.
[ "I have 8 projects and 2 tests next week cause the teachers simply are unable to fuck off.Fuck.Just, fuck.I literally have \\*no\\* idea how to do any of them, some dont even have instructions or a description." ]
Tengo 8 proyectos y 2 pruebas la próxima semana porque los profesores simplemente no pueden irse a la mierda.A la mierda.A la mierda.Literalmente tengo \*no\* idea de cómo hacer cualquiera de ellos, algunos ni siquiera tienen instrucciones o una descripción.
A post from /NoSleep that I thought might be relevant. Stories from this sub are all supposed to be true.This guy apparently visits different kinds of afterlife in his dreams each night, and I thought the story he shared about one realm in particular might help people to not give up, since there might even be the SLIGHT possibility of it existing. [Here it is.](http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/122o08/my_visit_to_the_woods_of_suicide/)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "A post from /NoSleep that I thought might be relevant.Stories from this sub are all supposed to be true.This guy apparently visits different kinds of afterlife in his dreams each night, and I thought the story he shared about one realm in particular might help people to not give up, since there might even be the SLIGHT possibility of it existing.[Here it is.](http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/122o08/my_visit_to_the_woods_of_suicide/)" ]
Un post de /NoSleep que pensé que podría ser relevante.Las historias de este sub se supone que todos son verdad.Este tipo aparentemente visita diferentes tipos de vida después de la muerte en sus sueños cada noche, y pensé que la historia que compartió sobre un reino en particular podría ayudar a la gente a no darse por vencido, ya que incluso podría haber la posibilidad de SLIGHT de existir.[Aquí está.](http://www.reddit.com/r/nosleep/comments/122o08/my_visit_to_the_woods_of_suicide/)
I finally have someone that cares about me which is all I ever wanted, so why does it make me even more miserable?Why is she so stubborn about keeping me around? I’m fucking worthless. Why can’t she just let me die? It genuinely makes me frustrated and annoyed. I just can’t figure out why she won’t give up on me and it’s literally driving me insane. I crave friendship, intimacy, and closeness. I begged every night to have someone in my life who would just give me a chance and wouldn’t give up on me. And I finally have that, but it’s an absolute joke. What a sick fucking joke that the thing I’ve wanted for years just makes me 10x more miserable. I’m worthless and I’m a lost cause I need to kill myself.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I finally have someone that cares about me which is all I ever wanted, so why does it make me even more miserable?Why is she so stubborn about keeping me around?I’m fucking worthless.Why can’t she just let me die?It genuinely makes me frustrated and annoyed.I just can’t figure out why she won’t give up on me and it’s literally driving me insane.I crave friendship, intimacy, and closeness.I begged every night to have someone in my life who would just give me a chance and wouldn’t give up on me.And I finally have that, but it’s an absolute joke.What a sick fucking joke that the thing I’ve wanted for years just makes me 10x more miserable.I’m worthless and I’m a lost cause I need to kill myself." ]
Finalmente tengo a alguien que se preocupa por mí, que es todo lo que siempre quise, así que ¿por qué me hace aún más miserable?¿Por qué es tan obstinada en mantenerme cerca? Estoy jodidamente inútil.¿Por qué no puede dejarme morir?Realmente me frustra y me molesta.No puedo entender por qué no se rinde conmigo y literalmente me está volviendo loco.Ansío amistad, intimidad y cercanía.Le rogué cada noche que tuviera a alguien en mi vida que simplemente me diera una oportunidad y no me diera por vencido.Y finalmente lo tengo, pero es una broma absoluta.Qué broma de mierda enfermiza que la cosa que he querido durante años me hace 10 veces más miserable.Soy inútil y soy una causa perdida que necesito suicidarme.
The bad guy never wins.These days are heavy. Not only with doubt and self resentment, but with responsibility and worry too. Suicide isn't hard to think or imagine about, but the word is like poison to everyones ears. I have tried my whole life to escape the stigmatism of me being garbage, due to my parents bad choices. I have not succeeded. I don't think i ever will, because in every picture i am the bad guy. I help my siblings strive for survival in a world that WANTS us gone. The emotional drain is so severe that some days i wonder if this is real. I don't even need drugs or alcohol to have an out-of-body experience; I'm detached every day. This message might seem chaotic, i apologise, but so are my thoughts at this time. I know that if i died this night, tomorrows sun would rise all the same and the world would turn with it. So why does this all seem so pointless? Why does it all seem so surreal at times? I get that my life could be worse- or so I'm told. But i don't live those lives, i live this one. And in this life the bad guy doesn't win.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "The bad guy never wins.These days are heavy.Not only with doubt and self resentment, but with responsibility and worry too.Suicide isn't hard to think or imagine about, but the word is like poison to everyones ears.I have tried my whole life to escape the stigmatism of me being garbage, due to my parents bad choices.I have not succeeded.I don't think i ever will, because in every picture i am the bad guy.I help my siblings strive for survival in a world that WANTS us gone.The emotional drain is so severe that some days i wonder if this is real.I don't even need drugs or alcohol to have an out-of-body experience; I'm detached every day.This message might seem chaotic, i apologise, but so are my thoughts at this time.I know that if i died this night, tomorrows sun would rise all the same and the world would turn with it.So why does this all seem so pointless?Why does it all seem so surreal at times?I get that my life could be worse- or so I'm told.But i don't live those lives, i live this one.And in this life the bad guy doesn't win." ]
El malo nunca gana.Estos días son pesados.No sólo con la duda y el resentimiento propio, sino también con la responsabilidad y la preocupación.El suicidio no es difícil de pensar o imaginar, pero la palabra es como veneno para todos los oídos.He intentado toda mi vida para escapar del estigma de ser basura, debido a mis padres malas elecciones.No he tenido éxito.No creo que lo sea, porque en cada foto soy el malo.Ayudo a mis hermanos a esforzarse por sobrevivir en un mundo que nos quiere ir.El drenaje emocional es tan grave que algunos días me pregunto si esto es real.Ni siquiera necesito drogas o alcohol para tener una experiencia fuera del cuerpo; estoy separado todos los días.Este mensaje puede parecer caótico, me disculpo, pero también lo son mis pensamientos en este momento.Sé que si morí esta noche, mañana el sol se levantaría igual y el mundo se volvería con él.Entonces, ¿por qué todo esto parece tan inútil?
Everything is too much and I been sleeping poorlyI live in a bad situation, and there is no easy way out. I'm hungry, I'm poor, I'm tired, and I'm constantly getting sick. I'm mad at myself and too tired to move. I want to skip work but staying home is worse because everyone here treats me like I'm toxic just for existing, and tries to convince me I'm bad and awful for expecting them to meet me even just a third of the way. It's so hard to fight back without becoming a nasty person too, and I feel like I'd rather just hang than work hard to own myself again. I'm so mad at myself that I got myself into such an awful situation, and I'm broken hearted that no one else I the apt will even try to get his resolved, so I'm going to have to get my roommates evicted or something instead of kindly letting them or me leave. My hand is infected from trying to protect cats, and the antibiotics aren't working, and I can't find my cream and that makes me paranoid about all of this. Every time I try to sleep I say I want to die. I want to break myself to pieces and die. I haven't slept more than 4 hours in days, and work is in four hours again. I feel like vomiting. I can't go to work, and I can't be safe in my house, so the best option is death. I know it is not but it is the only other option that gives me rest. I just hate it and everything is my fault, and I'm probably being terrible and selfish for wanting my home to be better for me and my cat. I only am alive for him so he won't eat me by accident. I don't know how to take care of me anymore, I'm so trapped and I'm so scared to push. I wanna just sleep forever
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Everything is too much and I been sleeping poorlyI live in a bad situation, and there is no easy way out.I'm hungry, I'm poor, I'm tired, and I'm constantly getting sick.I'm mad at myself and too tired to move.I want to skip work but staying home is worse because everyone here treats me like I'm toxic just for existing, and tries to convince me I'm bad and awful for expecting them to meet me even just a third of the way.It's so hard to fight back without becoming a nasty person too, and I feel like I'd rather just hang than work hard to own myself again.I'm so mad at myself that I got myself into such an awful situation, and I'm broken hearted that no one else I the apt will even try to get his resolved, so I'm going to have to get my roommates evicted or something instead of kindly letting them or me leave.My hand is infected from trying to protect cats, and the antibiotics aren't working, and I can't find my cream and that makes me paranoid about all of this.Every time I try to sleep I say I want to die.I want to break myself to pieces and die.I haven't slept more than 4 hours in days, and work is in four hours again.I feel like vomiting.", "I can't go to work, and I can't be safe in my house, so the best option is death.I know it is notbut it is the only other option that gives me rest.I just hate it and everything is my fault, and I'm probably being terrible and selfish for wanting my home to be better for me and my cat.I only am alive for him so he won't eat me by accident.I don't know how to take care of me anymore, I'm so trapped and I'm so scared to push.I wanna just sleep forever" ]
Todo es demasiado y estoy durmiendo mal Vivo en una mala situación, y no hay manera fácil de salir.Tengo hambre, soy pobre, estoy cansado, y estoy constantemente enfermo.Estoy enojado conmigo mismo y demasiado cansado para moverme.Quiero saltarme el trabajo, pero quedarme en casa es peor porque todos aquí me tratan como si fuera tóxico sólo para existir, y trato de convencerme de que soy malo y horrible por esperar que me encuentren incluso un tercio del camino.Es tan difícil luchar de nuevo sin convertirme en una persona desagradable también, y siento que prefiero colgarme que trabajar duro para ser dueño de mí mismo de nuevo.Estoy tan enojado conmigo mismo que me me me metí en una situación tan horrible, y estoy descorazonado que nadie más que yo el apto intentará siquiera resolverlo, así que voy a tener que sacar a mis compañeros de cuarto que me desahuciento o algo en lugar de dejar que se vayan.Mi mano está infectada por tratar de proteger a los gatos, y los antibióticos no están trabajando, y no puedo encontrar mi crema y eso hace que me muera.
I swear to god if one more person tells me to volunteer after opening up about my suicidal thoughts I’m going to shoot myself and hope they get splatteredI get it, I put on a good f*cking facade, people probably think I’m just being full of myself. I don’t open up to people but the few times I have (suicide hotline, ER) I get this advice. I get it, for someone who is just down in the dumps volunteering is awesome but for someone who constantly gives their all to other people it’s bullsh*t. Its like their last attempt at helping once they’ve gone through the list of things I’ve already fucking tried. Guess what, I have volunteered and I hated it it felt forced and I already have a hard time doing anything for myself so spending what little I have on more people makes me incredibly depressed.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I swear to god if one more person tells me to volunteer after opening up about my suicidal thoughts I’m going to shoot myself and hope they get splatteredI get it, I put on a good f*cking facade, people probably think I’m just being full of myself.I don’t open up to people but the few times I have (suicide hotline, ER)I get this advice.I get it, for someone who is just down in the dumps volunteering is awesome but for someone who constantly gives their all to other people it’s bullsh*t.Its like their last attempt at helping once they’ve gone through the list of things I’ve already fucking tried.Guess what, I have volunteered and I hated it it felt forced and I already have a hard time doing anything for myself so spending what little I have on more people makes me incredibly depressed." ]
Juro por Dios que si una persona más me dice que me ofrezca como voluntario después de abrir mis pensamientos suicidas, me voy a disparar y espero que se salpique, me pongo una buena fachada de mierda, la gente probablemente piensa que estoy llena de mí misma.No me abro a la gente, pero las pocas veces que tengo (suicidio línea directa, ER)Me dan este consejo.Lo entiendo, para alguien que está justo en los basureros el voluntariado es increíble, pero para alguien que constantemente da su todo a otras personas es una mierda* no.Es como su último intento de ayudar una vez que han pasado por la lista de cosas que ya he intentado.Adivina qué, me he ofrecido voluntario y odio que se sienta forzado y ya tengo un tiempo difícil haciendo algo por mí mismo, así que gastar lo poco que tengo en más personas me hace increíblemente deprimida.
We should transform Christmas into something non-religious yeah
[ "We should transform Christmas into something non-religious yeah" ]
Deberíamos transformar la Navidad en algo no religioso.
I need a girlfriend but im bad at relationships Im a nice dude but i cant get or keep a relationship
[ "I need a girlfriend but im bad at relationships Im a nice dude but i cant get or keep a relationship" ]
Necesito una novia pero soy malo en las relaciones Soy un buen tipo pero no puedo conseguir o mantener una relación
TW:pedophillia I just need to vent. I(15) was on a TEEN dating sub (I know you can bully me later) for homosexuals and a “guy”responded to my post. he had me to believe that he was a 16 year old bisexual guy .we were talking he told me he liked femboys I sent him a picture of me in a skirt ( stupid ,stupid stupid!)I asked for a picture of him and he sent me a picture that I had seen on google before this should’ve already been my wake up call but I thought “maybe he’s just shy” (stupid) thing went forward until he asked for nudes I don’t even wanna right this part but I sent them then two or so minutes later I just got a certain “off” from ones of his texts he called me “little” it was so creepy and off collor to me that I decided to stalk his page a little. It turns out “he” was a 34 year old woman with a fetish for young gay boys I confronted her and she deleted her account before I could report her. I just need to feel safe right now.
[ "TW:pedophillia I just need to vent.I(15) was on a TEEN dating sub (I know you can bully me later) for homosexuals and a “guy”responded to my post.he had me to believe that he was a 16 year old bisexual guy .wewere talking he told me he liked femboys I sent him a picture of me in a skirt ( stupid ,stupid stupid!)I asked for a picture of him and he sent me a picture that I had seen on google before this should’ve already been my wake up callbut I thought “maybe he’s just shy” (stupid) thing went forward until he asked for nudes I don’t even wanna right this partbut I sent them then two or so minutes later I just got a certain “off” from ones of his texts he called me “little” it was so creepy and off collor to me that I decided to stalk his page a little.It turns out “he” was a 34 year old woman with a fetish for young gay boys I confronted her and she deleted her account before I could report her.I just need to feel safe right now." ]
TW:pedofilia Sólo necesito ventilar.I(15) estaba en un sub TEEN citas (sé que me puede intimidar más tarde) para homosexuales y un “chico” respondió a mi post.él me hizo creer que él era un chico bisexual de 16 años de edad .estaba hablando él me dijo que le gustaba femboys le envié una foto de mí en una falda ( estúpido, estúpido estúpido!)Yo pedí una foto de él y él me envió una foto que yo había visto en google antes de que esto ya debería haber sido mi llamada pero pensé “quizá él es sólo tímido” (estúpida) cosa fue hacia adelante hasta que él pidió desnudos que ni siquiera quiero corregir esta parte pero les envié entonces dos o así minutos más tarde sólo conseguí un cierto “off” de uno de sus mensajes me llamó “pequeño” era tan espeluznante y fuera de mi cuenta que decidí acechar su página un poco.
My life is so boring. It's gotten to the point that I find other people's lives more entertaining and interesting than my own, I have no friends, no funny or cool stories, no reason for anyone like like me in any way. So why should I even try to enjoy my own life
[ "My life is so boring.It's gotten to the point that I find other people's lives more entertaining and interesting than my own, I have no friends, no funny or cool stories, no reason for anyone like like me in any way.So why should I even try to enjoy my own life" ]
Mi vida es tan aburrida.Ha llegado al punto de que encuentro la vida de otras personas más entretenida e interesante que la mía, no tengo amigos, no tengo historias divertidas o geniales, no hay razón para nadie como yo de ninguna manera.Entonces, ¿por qué debería incluso tratar de disfrutar de mi propia vida?
If there is some being that is watching over me just please kill me in my sleep.thx
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "If there is some being that is watching over me just please kill me in my sleep.thx" ]
Si hay algún ser que me está vigilando, por favor, mátame mientras duermo.thx
Over here. In this school. In this crowded hallway. There are 2 girls at the front who refuse to move and thousands of the future changers of humanity is being slowed down by them.
[ "Over here.In this school.In this crowded hallway.There are 2 girls at the front who refuse to move and thousands of the future changers of humanity is being slowed down by them." ]
Por aquí.En esta escuela.En este pasillo lleno de gente.Hay 2 chicas en el frente que se niegan a moverse y miles de los futuros cambiadores de la humanidad están siendo frenados por ellos.
h e l p I'm doing a DTA(Draw To Adopt) with Holiday designs, I already did Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas. I need some more Holidays around that time, any ideas? I need at least two.
[ "h e l p I'm doing a DTA(Draw To Adopt) with Holiday designs, I already did Thanksgiving, Halloween, and Christmas.I need some more Holidays around that time, any ideas?I need at least two." ]
h e l p Estoy haciendo un DTA(Draw to Adopt) con diseños de vacaciones, Ya hice Acción de Gracias, Halloween, y Navidad.Necesito algunos días festivos más alrededor de ese tiempo, alguna idea?Necesito al menos dos.
I'm dreading college I start my first day of senior year tomorrow (it's that dumbass zoom shit not real school), and I'm really dreading college. I get really homesick so I'm going to need to come home a ton but there's only 2 schools within biking distance that I'm applying to, and one of them is super competitive, and the other based of their subreddit is full of asshole boring kids. I also don't like the idea of college culture. I'm an accepting person, but I'm the type of kid to make pretty offensive jokes, and college kids are super sensitive about that. I also don't like the vibe where your expected to be mature, like I love being a kid. I feel like college kids are too serious and mature compared to high schoolers and I don't like that. I'm not too worried about making friends, but also like I'm barely halfway through puberty so I'm gonna look mad young. I also need to play a sport to occupy myself, and sense I'm not good enough to play varsity in college, I'd have to form some sort of club sport team which is a ton of work.
[ "I'm dreading college I start my first day of senior year tomorrow (it's that dumbass zoom shit not real school), and I'm really dreading college.I get really homesickso I'm going to need to come home a ton but there's only 2 schools within biking distance that I'm applying to, and one of them is super competitive, and the other based of their subreddit is full of asshole boring kids.I also don't like the idea of college culture.I'm an accepting person, but I'm the type of kid to make pretty offensive jokes, and college kids are super sensitive about that.I also don't like the vibe where your expected to be mature, like I love being a kid.I feel like college kids are too serious and mature compared to high schoolers and I don't like that.I'm not too worried about making friends, but also like I'm barely halfway through pubertyso I'm gonna look mad young.I also need to play a sport to occupy myself, and sense I'm not good enough to play varsity in college, I'd have to form some sort of club sport team which is a ton of work." ]
Estoy temiendo que la universidad empiece mi primer día de último año mañana (es esa mierda de zoom tonto no es una escuela real), y estoy realmente temiendo la universidad.Me da mucha nostalgia, así que voy a necesitar volver a casa una tonelada, pero sólo hay 2 escuelas a la distancia en bicicleta a las que estoy aplicando, y una de ellas es súper competitiva, y la otra basada en su subredit está llena de niños aburridos imbéciles.También no me gusta la idea de la cultura universitaria.Soy una persona que acepta, pero soy el tipo de chico que hace bromas bastante ofensivas, y los chicos universitarios son súper sensibles a eso.También no me preocupa hacer amigos, pero también me gusta que esté a medio camino de la pubertad, así que voy a parecer joven loco.También necesito jugar un deporte para ocuparme, y no tengo la sensación de que soy lo suficientemente bueno como para hacer amigos, pero también me gusta que esté apenas a mitad de camino de la pubertad, así que voy a parecer joven loca.
Week 1 of grad school and I'm already a failureI started grad school last week. I was so excited and prepared, already having chapter 1 of each textbook read and detailed notes in my notebook. While I anticipated grad school to be challenging, especially when I work a full time job, I did not expect this quarantine to make things 200x harder. I thought working as a kindergarten teacher from home would allow me more free time after work to focus on my classes. Instead, I'm being buried in emails from school directors and from parents. I have to send 36 emails every Monday with homework packets, in addition to making 36 phone calls every day to check in on parents and log their feedback onto an excel spreadsheet for the school directors to see. I also have to make PowerPoints and lesson plans daily, and teach live zoom classes spread out throughout each day, along with attending morning teacher meetings. With all this extra work and stress of parent complaints (because of course they are NEVER satisfied with the work we're putting in for their kids), my anxiety has been through the roof. This has made it extremely difficult for me to focus on my schoolwork, as I'm constantly exhausted and feel too anxious about my work not being good enough, so I've struggled to make it through my discussion board posts and short papers. I procrastinated because I'm a fucking dumbass, and get too stuck in my own head and anxiety over not being smart enough for grad school. Because of this, I waited til the last minute to type my paper and wound up turning it in at 12:31am. It had been due at 11:59pm. I had no idea that, even though all the discussion posts and replies I posted were on time (days before the deadline; I *only* procrastinated the paper bc I was so stupidly scared of doing a shit job), failure to turn in this paper would result in automatic withdrawal from the class. My other online class is fine, I have an A. But now thats my only class, which means its going to take me even longer to graduate and I'm going to be a fucking underpaid kindergarten teacher forever. I'm never going to get my PsyD because I'm a fucking moron who can't manage her time and swallow her stupid fucking mental issues for important shit like this. Its almost 5am and I've been trying to calm myself down for the past 2 hours; I finally found this place to vent to. I hope that's okay. My cat is with me so I'm not going to hurt myself. I'm trying so hard to control myself but it's so hard, and I'm so tired.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Week 1 of grad school and I'm already a failureI started grad school last week.I was so excited and prepared, already having chapter 1 of each textbook read and detailed notes in my notebook.While I anticipated grad school to be challenging, especially when I work a full time job, I did not expect this quarantine to make things 200x harder.I thought working as a kindergarten teacher from home would allow me more free time after work to focus on my classes.Instead, I'm being buried in emails from school directors and from parents.I have to send 36 emails every Monday with homework packets, in addition to making 36 phone calls every day to check in on parents and log their feedback onto an excel spreadsheet for the school directors to see.I also have to make PowerPoints and lesson plans daily, and teach live zoom classes spread out throughout each day, along with attending morning teacher meetings.With all this extra work and stress of parent complaints (because of course they are NEVER satisfied with the work we're putting in for their kids), my anxiety has been through the roof.", "This has made it extremely difficult for me to focus on my schoolwork, as I'm constantly exhausted and feel too anxious about my work not being good enough, so I've struggled to make it through my discussion board posts and short papers.I procrastinated because I'm a fucking dumbass, and get too stuck in my own head and anxiety over not being smart enough for grad school.Because of this, I waited til the last minute to type my paper and wound up turning it in at 12:31am.It had been due at 11:59pm.I had no idea that, even though all the discussion posts and replies I posted were on time (days before the deadline; I *only* procrastinated the paper bc I was so stupidly scared of doing a shit job), failure to turn in this paper would result in automatic withdrawal from the class.My other online class is fine, I have an A.But now thats my only class, which means its going to take me even longer to graduate and I'm going to be a fucking underpaid kindergarten teacher forever.I'm never going to get my PsyD because I'm a fucking moron who can't manage her time and swallow her stupid fucking mental issues for important shit like this.", "Its almost 5am and I've been trying to calm myself down for the past 2 hours; I finally found this place to vent to.I hope that's okay.My cat is with me so I'm not going to hurt myself.I'm trying so hard to control myself but it's so hard, and I'm so tired." ]
La semana 1 de la escuela de posgrado y ya soy un fracaso Comencé la escuela de posgrado la semana pasada.Estaba tan emocionado y preparado, ya que el capítulo 1 de cada libro de texto leía y las notas detalladas en mi cuaderno.Mientras anticipaba que la escuela de posgrado sería un desafío, especialmente cuando trabajo a tiempo completo, no esperaba que esta cuarentena hiciera las cosas 200 veces más difíciles.Pensé que trabajar como profesor de jardín de infancia desde casa me permitiría más tiempo libre después del trabajo para centrarme en mis clases.En lugar de eso, estoy siendo enterrado en correos electrónicos de directores de escuela y de padres.Tengo que enviar 36 correos electrónicos cada lunes con paquetes de tareas, además de hacer 36 llamadas telefónicas todos los días para comprobar a los padres y registrar sus comentarios en una hoja de cálculo excelente para que los directores de escuela vean.También tengo que hacer PowerPoints y planes de clases diariamente, y enseñar clases de zoom en vivo repartidas durante todo el día, junto con asistir a las reuniones de maestros matutinas.
Hey guys! I want to make something (digitally) for my friend because she has been feeling down lately and she helped me get through 2020 so it’s the least I can do. She likes yellow, because it reminds her of happiness so I want to incorporate lots of yellow in it. She has been going through some stuff and I feel like she hates herself even more for it. She is depressed (like most of us are). I want to make her something digitally that she would appreciate. Do you guys have any ideas? I have all Adobe digital programs so throw them at me
[ "Hey guys!I want to make something (digitally) for my friend because she has been feeling down lately and she helped me get through 2020so it’s the least I can do.She likes yellow, because it reminds her of happiness so I want to incorporate lots of yellow in it.She has been going through some stuff and I feel like she hates herself even more for it.She is depressed (like most of us are).I want to make her something digitally that she would appreciate.Do you guys have any ideas?I have all Adobe digital programs so throw them at me" ]
Hey chicos!Quiero hacer algo (digitalmente) para mi amiga porque ella se ha estado sintiendo mal últimamente y ella me ayudó a conseguir a través de 2020 así que es lo menos que puedo hacer.Le gusta el amarillo, porque le recuerda a la felicidad así que quiero incorporar un montón de amarillo en ella.Ella ha estado pasando por algunas cosas y siento que se odia a sí misma aún más por ello.Ella está deprimida (como la mayoría de nosotros lo estamos).Quiero hacerle algo digital que ella apreciaría.¿Tienen ustedes alguna idea?Tengo todos los programas digitales de Adobe así que tirarlos en mí.
horny horny horny show me your big cock please 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭👍👍👍😩😩😩👍😎😎🤐🤫🤭🤔🥶🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵
[ "horny horny horny show me your big cock please 🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🐓🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭👍👍👍😩😩😩👍😎😎🤐🤫🤭🤔🥶🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵🥵" ]
cachonda cachonda cachonda muéstrame tu gran polla por favor
Watching myself slowly die.I'm not even sure what to do anymore. This isn't me. This isn't my life. I stopped taking my meds today. I don't want to get better anymore. What was I even trying for to begin with? I’m only 27 and I married the wrong man. I don’t love him. We are not compatible. I tried to leave him before and start a new, but he tried to kill himself and begged to come back. I cut off all ties but he found me anyway. I took him back and it was the biggest mistake of my life. Now were married. I refuse to procreate with him. I’m not dragging other human life into my misery. He says he loves me and he cares, but his insecurities and esteem make it impossible for us to coexist. His debt is following me. They found my number. Collectors call every day. I answered the call one time because I did not realize that it was a collector. My husband became extremely upset with me for answering the call. He said that I made everything worse because they know how to contact us now. I don’t answer my phone at all anymore. He owes tens of thousands for student loans and he is pretending like they don’t exist. He gets angry at me when I try to help. I’ve given up on the subject. It will be the ignored weight on our shoulders until the day I die. My dog has fallen ill. I have drained my account trying to save him, but now I am out of hope. It breaks my heart seeing him lay on the floor not moving or eating anymore. He is going to the vet one more time tomorrow. Then I am taking him back to the shelter for good. I have two cats. I will ask a friend to watch them for a few days. I need them to go to a good home and I will know that they will be happy with her. I’m not even sure why I’m writing this down. I’m not sure why I’m even posting this here. I just needed to see it I guess.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Watching myself slowly die.I'm not even sure what to do anymore.This isn't me.This isn't my life.I stopped taking my meds today.I don't want to get better anymore.What was I even trying for to begin with?I’m only 27and I married the wrong man.I don’t love him.We are not compatible.I tried to leave him before and start a new, but he tried to kill himself and begged to come back.I cut off all ties but he found me anyway.I took him backand it was the biggest mistake of my life.Now were married.I refuse to procreate with him.I’m not dragging other human life into my misery.He says he loves me and he cares, but his insecurities and esteem make it impossible for us to coexist.His debt is following me.They found my number.Collectors call every day.I answered the call one time because I did not realize that it was a collector.My husband became extremely upset with me for answering the call.He said that I made everything worse because they know how to contact us now.I don’t answer my phone at all anymore.He owes tens of thousands for student loans and he is pretending like they don’t exist.He gets angry at me when I try to help.I’ve given up on the subject.", "It will be the ignored weight on our shoulders until the day I die.My dog has fallen ill.I have drained my account trying to save him, but now I am out of hope.It breaks my heart seeing him lay on the floor not moving or eating anymore.He is going to the vet one more time tomorrow.Then I am taking him back to the shelter for good.I have two cats.I will ask a friend to watch them for a few days.I need them to go to a good home and I will know that they will be happy with her.I’m not even sure why I’m writing this down.I’m not sure why I’m even posting this here.I just needed to see it I guess." ]
Mi marido se enojó mucho conmigo por responder a la llamada.Él dijo que todo lo que hacía era peor porque los estudiantes llamaban cada día.Yo contestaba una vez porque yo no estaba en contacto con miles de personas.Él se puso muy molesto con mi persona por responder a la llamada.Él dijo que todo lo que hacía era peor porque yo sabía que el estudiante estaba en contacto con nosotros.Ahora todos los días me ponían en contacto con el teléfono.Yo me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono, me ponía en contacto con el teléfono.
Hmm. I can't think of a good title that isn't generic. I'll say it's a normal suicidewatch wall of text.I'll start off by saying that I am not going to kill myself. If I know one thing about myself it is that I am terrified of dying and will do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen. I'll try to be short and concise. Walls of text are boring and honestly everyone has probably heard all of this before. Currently: age - 26, male, live alone with dog, no friends, one psychologist/therapist, diagnosed with- depression, ADHD, anxiety, type 1 diabetes Backstory: 6 years college - dropped out, many psychologists and therapists, many different diagnoses, choleric temperament - hard to work with, upper? middle class, white, extreme guilt of not living to potential 5 years ago I broke down in college and basically stopped everything. I hated myself and everyone. I was angry, frustrated and sad. As the years progressed I became more isolated. As of now I have maybe one friend I talk to on facebook who moved away a year ago. I have no job, I dislike speaking to my parents, and I really only go out at night when I take my dog out for a walk. I guess I also talk to my psychologist, he is the only one I have ever not hated. It seems that the only way to change ones predicament is to want to change. My parents have money, I am not in jail, and I am relevantly smart. I know depression causes a lack of motivation and all that, but it's not just that. When I would get a job (a shitty one) I would become quickly bored. I never last more than a month and usually I do something I'm not supposed to do before I quit - crash company's servers, make people angry at me ect. I am told I have the potential to be smart, but then everything I do is wrong. I basically have to have my hand held to do anything correctly and it takes me many tries to learn to do anything and I am completely bored. I know people with depression and other mental illnesses have a hard time seeing their life in a clear light. There is a fog that we supposedly cannot penetrate even though we believe we can. I believe I can and the one thing I do with all my time is research and read textbooks, articles and studies on illnesses and general philosophies. Am I right? I am sure I am not, though I have a really hard time trusting other people when their view differs from mine. Anyway, I see my lack of motivation. But it isn't because I feel like I can't do things. I have done things, but I forget them so quickly I have to relearn them over and over. Usually I can do something once and then I lose the motivation to do it again. A solution people come up with is not to get disillusioned by failure. If you ask out one girl and get rejected then ask out 100 until someone says yes, but that isn't the problem. The problem is I am so extremely lonely, but the girls I see I hate. I don't want a gf, I don't want real friends and then I am stuck in this world I made of utter, complete loneliness that I don't want either, but it is a lot easier to handle. My majors in college became boring as I was studying them, I couldn't keep going on. I always felt like I wasn't learning well enough. I would forget what I learned the year before and feel lost even though I had ok grades. I always felt like people were judging me so I never connected with students and eventually I would quit just like all of my jobs and the few girls who did go out with me a couple of times. I always end everything and it seems my cutoff point is about a month. I feel this insane guilt of doing nothing for society and taking so many of its resources to keep me alive. My fear of death makes it so that I am constantly trying to find the best medical help. I worry about every pain and problem with my body. I don't want to die, but I feel as if I am too broken to be fixed and that death is this only thing left for me. There is this schism in me where I am cocky, independent, egotistical, unique ect and then there is this other part of me that has no confidence, needs babying, scared and obviously unoriginal. There is no bipartisanship between any of my feelings so I can get something done and leave this horrid place. I don't trust anyone, not even myself, but then I judge myself by everyone's advice and what I believe. When I am alone I wish I wasn't, and when I am with company I wish I was alone. I fear death and yet I wish for it constantly. I wish people would do stuff for me, and when they do I become incensed that they would do such a thing. I get a gf, a job, a school and think immediately about leaving. Anyone who used to care about me, I think, has long given up. Everyone except myself and the psych who I pay loads of money to. I think they gave up half because it was confusing and half because what I say made no sense and so I became untrustworthy. I would have conversations where someone would suggest something and I would say I couldn't do it. They would try to help and I would say no thanks I can do it myself. I can see how it makes no sense and yet, I still understand how both things I said were completely true. Holy shit. What a wall of text. I can't even TL;DR it because it still feels like I missed the point. **TL;DR** How do I stop being a white male, privileged little bitch?
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Hmm.I can't think of a good title that isn't generic.I'll say it's a normal suicidewatch wall of text.I'll start off by saying that I am not going to kill myself.If I know one thing about myself it is that I am terrified of dying and will do everything in my power to make sure that doesn't happen.I'll try to be short and concise.Walls of text are boring and honestly everyone has probably heard all of this before.Currently: age - 26, male, live alone with dog, no friends, one psychologist/therapist, diagnosed with- depression, ADHD, anxiety, type 1 diabetes\n\nBackstory: 6 years college - dropped out, many psychologists and therapists, many different diagnoses, choleric temperament - hard to work with, upper?middle class, white, extreme guilt of not living to potential\n\n5 years ago I broke down in college and basically stopped everything.I hated myself and everyone.I was angry, frustrated and sad.As the years progressed I became more isolated.As of now I have maybe one friend I talk to on facebook who moved away a year ago.I have no job, I dislike speaking to my parents, and I really only go out at night when I take my dog out for a walk.", "I guess I also talk to my psychologist, he is the only one I have ever not hated.It seems that the only way to change ones predicament is to want to change.My parents have money, I am not in jail, and I am relevantly smart.I know depression causes a lack of motivation and all that, but it's not just that.When I would get a job (a shitty one) I would become quickly bored.I never last more than a month and usually I do something I'm not supposed to do before I quit - crash company's servers, make people angry at me ect.I am told I have the potential to be smart, but then everything I do is wrong.I basically have to have my hand held to do anything correctly and it takes me many tries to learn to do anything and I am completely bored.I know people with depression and other mental illnesses have a hard time seeing their life in a clear light.There is a fog that we supposedly cannot penetrate even though we believe we can.I believe I can and the one thing I do with all my time is research and read textbooks, articles and studies on illnesses and general philosophies.Am I right?I am sure I am not, though I have a really hard time trusting other people when their view differs from mine.", "Anyway, I see my lack of motivation.But it isn't because I feel like I can't do things.I have done things, but I forget them so quickly I have to relearn them over and over.Usually I can do something onceand then I lose the motivation to do it again.A solution people come up with is not to get disillusioned by failure.If you ask out one girl and get rejected then ask out 100 until someone says yes, but that isn't the problem.The problem is I am so extremely lonely, but the girls I see I hate.I don't want a gf, I don't want real friends and then I am stuck in this world I made of utter, complete loneliness that I don't want either, but it is a lot easier to handle.My majors in college became boring as I was studying them, I couldn't keep going on.I always felt like I wasn't learning well enough.I would forget what I learned the year before and feel lost even though I had ok grades.I always felt like people were judging me so I never connected with students and eventually I would quit just like all of my jobs and the few girls who did go out with me a couple of times.I always end everything and it seems my cutoff point is about a month.", "I feel this insane guilt of doing nothing for society and taking so many of its resources to keep me alive.My fear of death makes it so that I am constantly trying to find the best medical help.I worry about every pain and problem with my body.I don't want to die, but I feel as if I am too broken to be fixed and that death is this only thing left for me.There is this schism in me where I am cocky, independent, egotistical, unique ect and then there is this other part of me that has no confidence, needs babying, scared and obviously unoriginal.There is no bipartisanship between any of my feelings so I can get something done and leave this horrid place.I don't trust anyone, not even myself, but then I judge myself by everyone's advice and what I believe.When I am alone I wish I wasn't, and when I am with company I wish I was alone.I fear death and yet I wish for it constantly.I wish people would do stuff for me, and when they do I become incensed that they would do such a thing.I get a gf, a job, a school and think immediately about leaving.Anyone who used to care about me, I think, has long given up.Everyone except myself and the psych who I pay loads of money to.", "I think they gave up half because it was confusing and half because what I say made no sense and so I became untrustworthy.I would have conversations where someone would suggest something and I would say I couldn't do it.They would try to help and I would say no thanks I can do it myself.I can see how it makes no sense and yet, I still understand how both things I said were completely true.Holy shit.What a wall of text.I can't even TL;DR it because it still feels like I missed the point.**TL;DR**How do I stop being a white male, privileged little bitch?" ]
Hmm.No puedo pensar en un buen título que no es genérico.Diré que es una pared normal de texto de un reloj de suicidio.Voy a empezar diciendo que no voy a suicidarme.Si sé una cosa sobre mí mismo es que estoy aterrorizado de morir y voy a hacer todo lo que esté en mi poder para asegurarme de que eso no suceda.Trataré de ser breve y conciso.Las paredes de texto son aburridas y honestamente todo el mundo probablemente ha oído todo esto antes.Actualmente: edad - 26 años, hombre, vive solo con perro, ningún amigo, un psicólogo/terapeuta, diagnosticado con depresión, TDAH, ansiedad, diabetes tipo 1 Historia: Hace 5 años que rompí la universidad -dejó todo, muchos psicólogos y terapeutas, muchos diagnósticos diferentes, temperamento colerico - difícil de trabajar con, clase media alta, blanco, extrema culpa de no vivir potencial hace 5 años que rompí en la universidad y básicamente detuve todo.
I think my neighbors were robbed Ok, here’s the story, this white van drove by me house at around 5 PM, the van looked familiar, I then remembered, I saw that fan before noon today! I was confused, at first I thought they were coming home from work but I realized it was going the same direction, then it parked by my neighbors house, after presumably driving around the block for hours, I told my brother and he pointed out that the truck was the cable/internet company so they are probably just fixing their stuff, but this van had been driving around the neighborhood for hours. My brother kept a close eye on them and he said the two people in the van were screaming and flipping each other off, unprofessional for someone on the job, at one point they split up, one took a latter (cable not satellite, no need for a latter) to house A, and the other goes to house B (across the street) without a latter, he said the guy at house A was messing with its electrical box, then climbed the latter but he couldn’t see what he was doing based on his view, then he got down and went across the street to house B with the latter, he said they didn’t have any technical equipment with them either. He and I think that two of our neighbor’s houses were robbed, I told my mother but she didn’t believe me. I just don’t understand what cable company and would do two houses at once with a latter and have their employees flip each other off. Me and my mother made a bet to, there’s no prize but he still made a bet nonetheless. What do you think?
[ "I think my neighbors were robbed Ok, here’s the story, this white van drove by me house at around 5 PM, the van looked familiar, I then remembered, I saw that fan before noon today!I was confused, at first I thought they were coming home from workbut I realized it was going the same direction, then it parked by my neighbors house, after presumably driving around the block for hours, I told my brother and he pointed out that the truck was the cable/internet company so they are probably just fixing their stuff, but this van had been driving around the neighborhood for hours.My brother kept a close eye on them and he said the two people in the van were screaming and flipping each other off, unprofessional for someone on the job, at one point they split up, one took a latter (cable not satellite, no need for a latter) to house A, and the other goes to house B (across the street) without a latter, he said the guy at house A was messing with its electrical box, then climbed the latterbut he couldn’t see what he was doing based on his view, then he got down and went across the street to house B with the latter, he said they didn’t have any technical equipment with them either.", "He and I think that two of our neighbor’s houses were robbed, I told my mother but she didn’t believe me.I just don’t understand what cable company and would do two houses at once with a latter and have their employees flip each other off.Me and my mother made a bet to, there’s no prizebut he still made a bet nonetheless.What do you think?" ]
Creo que mis vecinos fueron robados Ok, aquí está la historia, esta camioneta blanca conducido por mi casa alrededor de las 5 PM, la camioneta parecía familiar, entonces recordé, vi ese ventilador antes del mediodía hoy! Estaba confundido, al principio pensé que estaban volviendo a casa de trabajo, pero me di cuenta de que iba en la misma dirección, luego se estacionó por mi casa de vecinos, después presumiblemente conduciendo alrededor de la manzana durante horas, le dije a mi hermano y él señaló que el camión era la compañía de cable / internet, así que probablemente sólo están arreglando sus cosas, pero esta camioneta había estado conduciendo alrededor del barrio durante horas. Mi hermano mantuvo un ojo cercano en ellos y dijo que las dos personas en la camioneta estaban gritando y volteándose unos a otros fuera, poco profesional para alguien en el trabajo, en un momento en que se separaron, uno tomó un segundo (cable no satélite, no necesidad de un segundo) para casa A, y el otro va a casa B (cruce la calle) sin un segundo, dijo que el tipo en casa A estaba metiendo con su caja eléctrica, luego no podía ver lo que estaba en la calle.
Ivy League Essay Examples Hi Guys, I recently did some research on some of the best essays which got gained admission to different Ivy League Colleges. I believe it would help students get a sense of what works and what not so I put this all together in this article: [https://thegenieconsulting.com/6-amazing-college-admission-essay-examples/](https://thegenieconsulting.com/6-amazing-college-admission-essay-examples/)
[ "Ivy League Essay Examples Hi Guys,\n\nI recently did some research on some of the best essays which got gained admission to different Ivy League Colleges.I believe it would help students get a sense of what works and whatnot so I put this all together in this article:[https://thegenieconsulting.com/6-amazing-college-admission-essay-examples/](https://thegenieconsulting.com/6-amazing-college-admission-essay-examples/)" ]
Ivy League Essay Examples Hola chicos, recientemente hice algunas investigaciones sobre algunos de los mejores ensayos que obtuvieron la admisión en diferentes Ivy League Colleges.Creo que ayudaría a los estudiantes a tener una idea de lo que funciona y lo que no por lo que puse todo esto juntos en este artículo:[https://thegenieconsulting.com/6-amazing-college-admission-essay-examples/](https://thegenieconsulting.com/6-amazing-college-admission-essay-examples/)
Add an 😏 emoji to the end of any sentence and it becomes funny (in a sexual sort of way) So today I was bored and I sent a message with the wrong emoji at the end, and I realised this. "Did you eat breakfast yet 😏" Try it, any ordinary sentence becomes funnier if you add that emoji to the end. Let's all have a good laugh.
[ "Add an 😏 emoji to the end of any sentence and it becomes funny (in a sexual sort of way)So today I was bored and I sent a message with the wrong emoji at the end, and I realised this.\"Did you eat breakfast yet 😏\"\n\nTry it, any ordinary sentence becomes funnier if you add that emoji to the end.Let's all have a good laugh." ]
Añadir un emoji al final de cualquier frase y se convierte en divertido (en un tipo de manera sexual) Así que hoy me aburrí y envié un mensaje con el emoji equivocado al final, y me di cuenta de esto."¿Has desayunado todavía " Pruébalo, cualquier oración ordinaria se vuelve más divertido si agregas ese emoji al final.Vamos a tener todos una buena risa.
i am actually so stupid its not even funny
[ "i am actually so stupid its not even funny" ]
En realidad soy tan estúpido que ni siquiera es gracioso.
I just want someone to know...I'm giving up. I've tried for years and years to fight through, but it's not getting any better and is getting worse. If it wasn't bad enough to have several co-morbid mental illnesses, even my therapist admitted that my life seems to have a never ending stream of bad situations/events. I've always had trouble making friends, but thought I had a couple I could rely on. But I get screwed over and pushed away when I tried to open up about my depression and struggles. I can't say I blame them - I wouldn't be around myself either if I had the choice. I won't have a job as of next week as they've had someone take over my duties...they didn't even tell me(although I knew it was coming), they just stopped putting me on the schedule. My bank account is in the negative and I've lost my health insurance. I just had to move and there's no money for next month's rent, so I'm going to screw over the landlords who took a chance on me & end up homeless anyways. The only thing I want is someone who will tell me its OK to give up. To acknowledge that I have tried hard for years and years to work with my doctors and get counseling and change my life and its not getting better...it's worse. I wish I had cancer or some other disease where death would be understandable when treatments aren't working and/or quality of life is poor. I feel so ashamed that I'm a failure.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I just want someone to know...I'm giving up.I've tried for years and years to fight through, but it's not getting any better and is getting worse.If it wasn't bad enough to have several co-morbid mental illnesses, even my therapist admitted that my life seems to have a never ending stream of bad situations/events.I've always had trouble making friends, but thought I had a couple I could rely on.But I get screwed over and pushed away when I tried to open up about my depression and struggles.I can't say I blame them - I wouldn't be around myself either if I had the choice.I won't have a job as of next week as they've had someone take over my duties...they didn't even tell me(although I knew it was coming), they just stopped putting me on the schedule.My bank account is in the negative and I've lost my health insurance.I just had to move and there's no money for next month's rent, so I'm going to screw over the landlords who took a chance on me & end up homeless anyways.The only thing I want is someone who will tell me its OK to give up.", "To acknowledge that I have tried hard for years and years to work with my doctors and get counseling and change my life and its not getting better...it's worse.I wish I had cancer or some other disease where death would be understandable when treatments aren't working and/or quality of life is poor.I feel so ashamed that I'm a failure." ]
Sólo quiero que alguien sepa...Estoy renunciando.He intentado durante años y años luchar a través, pero no está mejorando y está empeorando.Si no era lo suficientemente malo tener varias enfermedades mentales comorbidas, incluso mi terapeuta admitió que mi vida parece tener un flujo interminable de malas situaciones/eventos.Siempre he tenido problemas para hacer amigos, pero pensé que tenía una pareja en la que podía confiar.Pero me atornillaron y me empujaron cuando traté de abrirme sobre mi depresión y mis luchas.No puedo decir que los culpo - no estaría cerca de mí mismo si tuviera la opción.No tendré un trabajo a partir de la próxima semana, ya que alguien se hizo cargo de mis deberes...ni siquiera me lo dijeron (aunque sabía que iba a venir), simplemente dejaron de ponerme en el horario.Mi cuenta bancaria está en negativo y he perdido mi seguro de salud.Simplemente tuve que moverme y no hay dinero para el alquiler del mes que viene, así que voy a joderme por encima de los propietarios que tomaron el riesgo en &amps.
New Suicide Date - January 31stI know you all are upset I am waiting so long but I have to. I don't have the needed supplies yet and I have some loose ends to tie up. Until then I have the privilege of: enjoying my life (impossible). Reliving good memories (none) or whatever else. Maybe if I meet some nice people here I can keep you company although that would require you to not hate me (unlikely)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "New Suicide Date - January 31stI know you all are upset I am waiting so longbut I have to.I don't have the needed supplies yetand I have some loose ends to tie up.Until then I have the privilege of: enjoying my life (impossible).Reliving good memories (none) or whatever else.Maybe if I meet some nice people here I can keep you company although that would require you to not hate me (unlikely)" ]
New Suicide Date - 31 de eneroSé que todos ustedes están molestos Estoy esperando tanto tiempo, pero tengo que hacerlo.No tengo los suministros necesarios todavía y tengo algunos cabos sueltos para atar.Hasta entonces tengo el privilegio de: disfrutar de mi vida (imposible).Reviviendo buenos recuerdos (ninguno) o cualquier otra cosa.Tal vez si me encuentro con algunas personas agradables aquí puedo mantener la compañía, aunque eso requeriría que no me odies (poco probable)
So basically I'm possessed by a demon How do i know? So it was around 3:00 PM and i laid down the curtains . it was all dark.I'm a girl and i like to live in dark. I clicked a photo and if you see in the corner with all focus you'll see something serious or some shit stuff but it's in the photo only .[Click here](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi1uNb1zrjrAhVEU30KHUIoD2YQyCkwAHoECBYQBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DdQw4w9WgXcQ&usg=AOvVaw0aHtehaphMhOCAkCydRLZU) to see that photo. DO THAT AT YOUR OWN RISK.
[ "So basically I'm possessed by a demon How do i know?So it was around 3:00 PMand i laid down the curtains .it was all dark.I'm a girland i like to live in dark.I clicked a photo and if you see in the corner with all focus you'll see something serious or some shit stuffbut it's in the photo only .[Clickhere](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi1uNb1zrjrAhVEU30KHUIoD2YQyCkwAHoECBYQBw&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DdQw4w9WgXcQ&usg=AOvVaw0aHtehaphMhOCAkCydRLZU) to see that photo.DO THAT AT YOUR OWN RISK." ]
Así que básicamente estoy poseído por un demonio ¿Cómo lo sé?Así que fue alrededor de las 3:00 PM y puse las cortinas .estaba todo oscuro.Soy una chica y me gusta vivir en la oscuridad.Hice clic en una foto y si ves en la esquina con todo el foco verás algo serio o algunas cosas de mierda pero está en la foto sólo .[Clickhere](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q&esrc=s&source=web&cd=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwi1uNb1zrjrAhVEU30KHUIoD2YQyCkwAHoECBYQBw&url=%3A%F%2Fwatch%3D3Dw9WCWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW;url=%3A%1F%F%2F2FWWHWW.