#StandUp4Brexit @user @user @user @user The results at the ballot box were very clear ... the prime minister is not listening to the electorate or getting the best deal for Britain 🇬🇧
[ "#StandUp4Brexit @user @user @user @userThe results at the ballot box were very clear ...the prime minister is not listening to the electorate or getting the best deal for Britain 🇬🇧" ]
#StandUp4Brexit @user @user @user @userLos resultados en las urnas fueron muy claros ...el primer ministro no está escuchando al electorado o recibiendo el mejor trato para Gran Bretaña
@user She is probably waiting on her private pay off
[ "@userShe is probably waiting on her private pay off" ]
@userElla probablemente está esperando su pago privado
@user @user Clearly you are not a weather person. Worst conditions are due for tomorrow.
[ "@user @userClearly you are not a weather person.Worst conditions are due for tomorrow." ]
@user @userClaramente no eres una persona del tiempo.Las peores condiciones son para mañana.
@user Because you are 💩
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Because you are 💩" ]
@user Porque eres
@user He’d shat his pants if he faced any Antifa
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe’d shat his pants if he faced any Antifa" ]
@userSe había cagado los pantalones si se enfrentaba a cualquier Antifa
@user @user Civilians Also I'll admit its hard sometimes when helping Grok 24-7 lol I've been called names I didn't even know existed Example Antifa Grannies Brokeback Valor (WTH is that) Grok Girl Friend (Yep No Shit) Things Frauds will say Thank You Grok (Brother) 😆😆😆
[ "@user @user Civilians Also I'll admit its hard sometimes when helping Grok 24-7 lol I've been called names I didn't even know existed Example Antifa Grannies Brokeback Valor (WTH is that)Grok Girl Friend (Yep No Shit)Things Frauds will say Thank You Grok (Brother) 😆😆😆" ]
@user @user Civilians También voy a admitir que es difícil a veces cuando ayudar Grok 24-7 lol Me han llamado nombres que ni siquiera sabía que existía Ejemplo Antifa Abuelas Brokeback Valor (WTH es que)Grok Girl Friend (Yep No Shit)Things Things will dish Thank You Grok (Hermano)
#TwitterShouldBe a place where everyone can have a voice- including conservatives. Less shadow-banning and throttling of conservative accounts - #FreedomOfSpeech #Throwback #BenGarrison #cartoon
[ "#TwitterShouldBe a place where everyone can have a voice- including conservatives.Less shadow-banning and throttling of conservative accounts - #FreedomOfSpeech #Throwback #BenGarrison #cartoon" ]
#TwitterDeberíaSer un lugar donde todos puedan tener voz, incluyendo conservadores.Menos sombra-banning y estrangulamiento de cuentas conservadoras - #FreedomOfSpeech #Throwback #BenGarrison #cartoon
@user Criminal schmuck.
[ "@user Criminal schmuck." ]
@user Criminal schumuck.
@user @user @user @user @user Leave that to your Antifa cronies amirite?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user Leave that to your Antifa cronies amirite?" ]
@user @user @user @user Deje eso a su amigo Antifa amirita?
#Westminster @user #Tories @user @user #Brexit 🇬🇧 @user @user @user @user #MurderRate #London What a facking Khant 😠😠😠
[ "#Westminster @user #Tories @user @user#Brexit 🇬🇧 @user @user @user@user #MurderRate #London What a facking Khant 😠😠😠" ]
#Westminster @user #Tories @user @user#Brexit @user @user @user@user #MurderRate #Londres What a facking Khant
@user I had faith that you were going to win that last battle but Sparking instant transmission Goku is the god of legends and I’m telling you he is outstanding 👍👍👍👍
[ "@user I had faith that you were going to win that last battle but Sparking instant transmission Goku is the god of legends and I’m telling you he is outstanding 👍👍👍👍" ]
@user Tenía fe en que ibas a ganar esa última batalla pero Chispando transmisión instantánea Goku es el dios de las leyendas y te estoy diciendo que él es excepcional
@user Antifa brought to you by Carl's jr
[ "@user Antifa brought to you by Carl's jr" ]
@user Antifa traído a usted por el jr de Carl
@user @user @user She is a victim. Terrible.
[ "@user @user @userShe is a victim.Terrible." ]
@user @user @userShe es una víctima.Terrible.
@user Cause they're assholes
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Cause they're assholes" ]
@user Porque son imbéciles
@user He’s an NBA plant!
[ "@userHe’s an NBA plant!" ]
@user¡Es una planta de la NBA!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Is that a bar where antifa sharpens their stones and buys their silly string?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userIs that a bar where antifa sharpens their stones and buys their silly string?" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user¿Es una barra donde antifa afila sus piedras y compra su cuerda tonta?
@user He is so brutal. Hopefully he sells the team...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is so brutal.Hopefully he sells the team..." ]
@userEs tan brutal.Espero que venda el equipo...
@user I follow civil liberals or center-left people and a few of them I’ve interacted with for yrs. I learn from them occasionally and hopefully vice versa. Never thought about blocking them. I guess a shift is what ppl might see as problematic 🤷🏻‍♂️
[ "@user I follow civil liberals or center-left people and a few of them I’ve interacted with for yrs.I learn from them occasionally and hopefully vice versa.Never thought about blocking them.I guess a shift is what ppl might see as problematic 🤷🏻‍♂️" ]
@user sigo a los liberales civiles o personas de centro-izquierda y algunos de ellos he interactuado con para yrs.Aprendo de ellos ocasionalmente y con suerte viceversa.Nunca pensé en bloquearlos.Supongo que un cambio es lo que ppl podría ver como problemático
@user Nah I ain’t done it yet. Usually you have to walk extra far just to get to one so it defeats the purpose
[ "@userNahI ain’t done it yet.Usually you have to walk extra far just to get to one so it defeats the purpose" ]
@userNahI no lo ha hecho todavía. Usualmente tienes que caminar muy lejos sólo para llegar a uno por lo que derrota el propósito
@user Yep Antifa are literally Hitler.
[ "@user Yep Antifa are literally Hitler." ]
@user Yep Antifa son literalmente Hitler.
@user This is ridiculous...UNBELIEVABLE !!! So this fine young man is now dead because of a stupid reason .... come on !!!!! Gun control is the solution y'all so many innocent people got killed because of guns😡😡😡 This has to stop
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis is ridiculous...UNBELIEVABLE !!!So this fine young man is now dead because of a stupid reason ....come on !!!!!Gun control is the solution y'all so many innocent people got killed because of guns😡😡😡 This has to stop" ]
@userEsto es ridículo...¡INCREIBLE!!!Así que este buen joven ahora está muerto debido a una razón estúpida ....vamos !!!!!El control de armas es la solución que tanta gente inocente fue asesinada debido a las armas de fuego Esto tiene que parar
@user @user @user This is the kind of healthcare provision religious conservatives have given America. #SaveOurNHS
[ "@user @user @userThis is the kind of healthcare provision religious conservatives have given America.#SaveOurNHS" ]
@user @user @userEste es el tipo de provisión de atención médica que los conservadores religiosos han dado a América.#SaveOurNHS
@user @user Action talks and BULLSHIT walks
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Action talks and BULLSHIT walks" ]
@user @user Charlas de acción y caminatas BULLSHIT
@user @user Usted probablemente necesita más control de armas y más gobierno y más impuestos.
@user @user @user One from Adelaide and one Antifa. I now understand why your both so angry.
[ "@user @user @userOne from Adelaide and one Antifa.I now understand why your both so angry." ]
@user @user @userOne de Adelaide y un Antifa.Ahora entiendo por qué ambos están tan enojados.
@user Has this tweet been deleted?
[ "@user Has this tweet been deleted?" ]
@user ¿Se ha eliminado este tuit?
@user @user @user I’m not ‘from antifa’ I will just be happy when Sam dies
[ "@user @user @userI’m not ‘from antifa’ I will just be happy when Sam dies" ]
@user @user @userNo soy ‘de antifa’ Sólo seré feliz cuando Sam muera
@user The only thing this is going to do is make the #MeToo movement even more of a joke than it already has become. I don't think anyone is falling for this BS except for maybe Antifa.
[ "@userThe only thing this is going to do is make the #MeToo movement even more of a joke than it already has become.I don't think anyone is falling for this BS except for maybe Antifa." ]
@userLo único que esto va a hacer es hacer que el movimiento #MeToo sea aún más una broma de lo que ya se ha convertido.No creo que nadie se esté enamorando de este BS excepto quizás Antifa.
@user All one and five dollar bills
[ "@user All one and five dollar bills" ]
@user Todos los billetes de uno y cinco dólares
@user She does and she lost because she took it for granted that she would inherit all of Bill’s support not knowing that for all of his deficiencies he is the kind of person you could drink with and she is the kind of person one would never drink with.
[ "@userShe does and she lost because she took it for granted that she would inherit all of Bill’s support not knowing that for all of his deficiencies he is the kind of person you could drink withand she is the kind of person one would never drink with." ]
@userElla lo hace y perdió porque dio por sentado que ella heredaría todo el apoyo de Bill sin saber que por todas sus deficiencias él es el tipo de persona con la que podrías beber y ella es el tipo de persona con la que uno nunca bebería.
@user I bet she thinks you liberals abused here when you told her it was just an op ed not a photo shoot.
[ "@user I bet she thinks you liberals abused here when you told her it was just an op ed not a photo shoot." ]
Apuesto a que cree que ustedes los liberales abusaron aquí cuando le dijeron que era sólo una operación no una sesión de fotos.
@user CA has always been blue and so have I. You don't seem to be doing very much except helping yourself. Like my neighbors you are a champagne socialist.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user CA has always been blue and so have I.You don't seem to be doing very much except helping yourself.Like my neighbors you are a champagne socialist." ]
@user CA siempre ha sido azul y yo también.No pareces estar haciendo mucho excepto ayudarte a ti mismo.Como mis vecinos eres un socialista del champán.
@user We need Gun Control Now. We have had too many mass shootings in this country. Thank you President Clinton for leading the way in this. It's great to have real leadership
[ "@user We need Gun Control Now.We have had too many mass shootings in this country.Thank you President Clinton for leading the way in this.It's great to have real leadership" ]
@user Necesitamos Control de Armas Ahora.Hemos tenido demasiados tiroteos masivos en este país.Gracias Presidente Clinton por liderar el camino en esto.Es genial tener un liderazgo real
According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches."" #seuday""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "According to a student that spoke under condition of anonymity, the furniture in Johnson Hall has been replaced by even shittier couches.\"\" #seuday\"\"" ]
Según un estudiante que habló bajo condición de anonimato, los muebles de Johnson Hall han sido reemplazados por sofás de mierda."" #seuday""
@user I’m done. 😭😭😭 Franklin bout to die in jail. He is not fit for this...
[ "@user I’m done.😭😭😭 Franklin bout to die in jail.He is not fit for this..." ]
@user he terminado. Franklin combate a morir en la cárcel.Él no es apto para esto...
@user @user @user There’s actually republican cities that have higher crime rate than Chicago
[ "@user @user @userThere’s actually republican cities that have higher crime rate than Chicago" ]
@user @user @userEn realidad hay ciudades republicanas que tienen una tasa de crimen más alta que Chicago
@user @user Truly. Anything to avoid gun control.
[ "@user @user Truly.Anything to avoid gun control." ]
@user @user Truly.Cualquier cosa para evitar el control de armas.
@user we're buying a couple puzzle toys and looking at classes for him rn! but i think he is becoming a teenage monster.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user we're buying a couple puzzle toys and looking at classes for him rn!but i think he is becoming a teenage monster." ]
@user estamos comprando un par de juguetes de rompecabezas y mirando las clases para él rn!pero creo que se está convirtiendo en un monstruo adolescente.
@user You liberals... smh...tweeting stupid shit! Trump order elimination of isis (Obama didn’t)....People! ..think about how people R not murder now (saved) because we hav killed of isis
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You liberals...smh...tweeting stupid shit!Trump order elimination of isis (Obama didn’t)....People!..think about how people R not murder now (saved) because we hav killed of isis" ]
@user Ustedes liberales...smh...¡tweeting stup mierda!Trump orden eliminación de isis (Obama no lo hizo)....Gente!.pensar en cómo la gente R no asesinar ahora (salvado) porque hemos matado de isis
@user He is untreatable
[ "@userHe is untreatable" ]
@userEs imposible de tratar
@user What you are suggesting is thoughts & prayers wouldn't have given you this picture that science & technological advances did? #Science
[ "@user What you are suggesting is thoughts & prayers wouldn't have given you this picture that science & technological advances did?#Science" ]
@user Lo que sugieres son pensamientos & oraciones no te habrían dado esta imagen que los avances tecnológicos de la ciencia & hicieron?#Science
@user @user @user @user @user Clegg worked for The Tories in Europe. He was the ideal Cameron bedfellow.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user Clegg worked for The Tories in Europe.He was the ideal Cameron bedfellow." ]
@user @user @user @user @user Clegg trabajó para The Tories en Europa.Era el compañero de cama ideal de Cameron.
@user @user You mean like soros does for BAMN and Antifa
[ "@user @userYou mean like soros does for BAMN and Antifa" ]
@user @userQuieres decir como lo hace Soros para BAMN y Antifa
@user He is so very stupid. Or is it he is just so concrete??
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is so very stupid.Or is it he is just so concrete??" ]
@userEs tan estúpido.¿O es tan concreto??
@user And I’ll never watch another movie with him in it
[ "@userAnd I’ll never watch another movie with him in it" ]
@userY nunca veré otra película con él en ella
@user As we say here in the South “ bless her heart”!
[ "@user As we say here in the South “ bless her heart”!" ]
@user Como decimos aquí en el Sur “bendícele el corazón”!
@user President Obama? Did I miss something about this? He still believes he is President or is it you that isn't able to accept reality?
[ "@user President Obama?Did I miss something about this?He still believes he is President or is it you that isn't able to accept reality?" ]
@user Presidente Obama?¿Me perdí algo al respecto?Él todavía cree que es Presidente o ¿es usted el que no es capaz de aceptar la realidad?
@user @user @user ;) Keep An Eye Out
[ "@user @user @user ;)Keep An Eye Out" ]
@user @user @user ;)Mantener un ojo fuera
@user Never going to happen. Bernier split that party. They won’t be in power. All the hard core conservatives out west are with Bernier.
[ "@userNever going to happen.Bernier split that party.They won’t be in power.All the hard core conservatives out west are with Bernier." ]
@userNunca va a suceder.Bernier dividió ese partido.No estarán en el poder.Todos los conservadores del núcleo duro del oeste están con Bernier.
@user A blue wave of hysterical violence #BlueWaveofViolence
[ "@user A blue wave of hysterical violence #BlueWaveofViolence" ]
@user Una ola azul de violencia histérica #BlueWaveofViolence
@user Would you resign with the boys? Just curious and honest question have you gained any perspective of why yall parted ways? Being serious cuz you are a BAD (positive) receiver!
[ "@user Would you resign with the boys?Just curious and honest question have you gained any perspective of why yall parted ways?Being serious cuz you are a BAD (positive) receiver!" ]
@user ¿Renunciarías con los chicos?Simplemente una pregunta curiosa y honesta, ¿has ganado alguna perspectiva de por qué se separan las maneras de gritar?¡Ser serio porque eres un receptor BAD (positivo)!
@user @user Several of the western liberals are not too happy with national focus of Saudi.
[ "@user @user Several of the western liberals are not too happy with national focus of Saudi." ]
@user @user Varios de los liberales occidentales no están muy contentos con el enfoque nacional de Arabia Saudita.
@user @user Everybody's doin it...#MAGA
[ "@user @userEverybody's doin it...#MAGA" ]
@user @user Todo el mundo lo hace...#MAGA
#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives JackieDP: This is great news. We need more affordable homes to support families. As for me I am #proudtobeaconservativefromacouncilestate
[ "#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservatives Conservatives JackieDP: This is great news.We need more affordable homes to support families.As for me I am #proudtobeaconservativefromacouncilestate" ]
#Tories #Labour #GE2017 #Conservadores Conservadores JackieDP: Esta es una gran noticia.Necesitamos hogares más asequibles para apoyar a las familias.
#DontMessAroundWith conservatives. Dismiss them with prejudice.
[ "#DontMessAroundWith conservatives.Dismiss them with prejudice." ]
#DontMessAroundCon conservadores.Despídelos con prejuicios.
@user @user @user @user You can make fun of liberals that come up with fake stories.
[ "@user @user @user @userYou can make fun of liberals that come up with fake stories." ]
@user @user @userPuedes burlarte de los liberales que inventan historias falsas.
[ "offensive" ]
@user estoy jodidamente feliz
@user Bengals v. Some sorry team looking for a butt whoopin’
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Bengals v. Some sorry team looking for a butt whoopin’" ]
@user Bengals v. Algunos lo siento equipo en busca de un culo whoopin’
@user @user Because everyone knows this is a political stunt and the GOP is going to make him Justice Kavanaugh"" before those midterm elections whether you liberals like it or not. That's what's going to happen and you need to just accept it. Right now you're still in denial 😢
[ "@user @user Because everyone knows this is a political stunt and the GOP is going to make him Justice Kavanaugh\"\" before those midterm elections whether you liberals like it or not.That's what's going to happen and you need to just accept it.Right now you're still in denial 😢" ]
@user @user Porque todo el mundo sabe que esto es un truco político y el Partido Republicano va a hacerle juez Kavanaugh""" antes de esas elecciones de mitad de período, les guste o no a los liberales.Eso es lo que va a pasar y tienes que aceptarlo.Ahora mismo todavía estás en negación
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Really? Where would you position ANTIFA?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userReally?Where would you position ANTIFA?" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user ¿En serio?¿Dónde posicionaría ANTIFA?
@user Now just vote him out. He is a known racist.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Now just vote him out.He is a known racist." ]
@user Ahora solo échalo fuera.Es un conocido racista.
#ExpectUs to work our asses off for #GunSenseCandidates! @user #GOTV #ThrowThemOut
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#ExpectUs to work our asses off for #GunSenseCandidates!@user #GOTV #ThrowThemOut" ]
#Esperamos trabajar nuestros culos para #GunSenseCandidates!@user #GOTV #ThrowThemOut
@user @user @user Politically neutral"" yeah sure buddy, i mean most milquetoast conservatives, even the never trump ones agree with Trump's policies, and the whole gay marriage and abortion seems like the bare minimum""
[ "@user @user @user Politically neutral\"\" yeah sure buddy, i mean most milquetoast conservatives, even the never trump ones agree with Trump's policies, and the whole gay marriage and abortion seems like the bare minimum\"\"" ]
@user @user @user Politically neutral"" sí seguro amigo, me refiero a la mayoría de los conservadores milquetoast, incluso los que nunca triunfan están de acuerdo con las políticas de Trump, y todo el matrimonio gay y el aborto parece el mínimo""
@user It’s either they lookin for shit for somebody else or they creeps 😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt’s either they lookin for shit for somebody else or they creeps 😂" ]
@userO buscan mierda para alguien más o se arrastran
@user @user Wife bet on Penn State! He is upset!
[ "@user @user Wife bet on Penn State!He is upset!" ]
@user @user ¡La esposa apostó por Penn State!
@user We all know #Liberals' poll is completely a BS.
[ "@user We all know #Liberals' poll is completely a BS." ]
@user Todos sabemos que la encuesta de #Liberals es completamente un BS.
@user Because a former Antifa in the white house and they do not arrest her and a citizen if they arrest someone explain to me.
[ "@userBecause a former Antifa in the white house and they do not arrest her and a citizen if they arrest someone explain to me." ]
@userPorque una antigua Antifa en la casa blanca y no la arrestan a ella y a un ciudadano si arrestan a alguien explícame.
@user He's going to need a pair of running shoes so he can look for work when he's sees we're not supporting his dumb ass movies anymore. 🤷‍♀️#walkaway
[ "@userHe's going to need a pair of running shoes so he can look for work when he's sees we're not supporting his dumb ass movies anymore.🤷‍♀️#walkaway" ]
@userVa a necesitar un par de zapatos de correr para que pueda buscar trabajo cuando vea que ya no estamos apoyando sus películas tontas del culo.
@user @user But Google can give Beijing every Americans phone number. You’re kidding me right? MAGA 2020
[ "@user @userBut Google can give Beijing every Americans phone number.You’re kidding me right?MAGA 2020" ]
@user @userPero Google puede darle a Beijing cada número de teléfono estadounidense.Me estás tomando el pelo, ¿verdad?MAGA 2020
@user @user @user @user Liberals have compassion ONLY for non Americans.
[ "@user @user @user @user Liberals have compassion ONLY for non Americans." ]
@user @user @user @user Los liberales solo tienen compasión por los no americanos.
@user Fuckkk 😂😂 I know I seen bitch that’s a slapper lmao
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Fuckkk 😂😂I know I seen bitch that’s a slapper lmao" ]
@user Fuckkk Sé que vi perra que es un slapper lmmao
@user He is asleep. Am I that boring??
[ "@userHe is asleep.Am I that boring??" ]
@userEstá dormido.¿Soy tan aburrido??
@user @user @user @user @user @user Lol you are being mean.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user Lol you are being mean." ]
@user @user @user @user @user Lol estás siendo mala.
@user I met him several years ago. He is the shorter than you’re expecting man.
[ "@user I met him several years ago.He is the shorter than you’re expecting man." ]
@user Lo conocí hace varios años. Él es el más corto de lo que estás esperando hombre.
@user It is poisonous indeed. No wonder she is called Vesha Bottle"". The Beauty in Her eyes poisons every soul that stares into it.""
[ "@userIt is poisonous indeed.No wonder she is called Vesha Bottle\"\".The Beauty in Her eyes poisons every soul that stares into it.\"\"" ]
@userEs venenosa, de hecho.No es de extrañar que se llame Vesha Botella".La Belleza en Sus ojos envenena a cada alma que mira fijamente en ella."
@user @user Long time prisoners will also have a hard time while he is there.
[ "@user @userLong time prisoners will also have a hard time while he is there." ]
@user @userLos presos de mucho tiempo también lo pasarán mal mientras esté allí.
@user It’s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it’s guilty until proven innocent. Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored?
[ "@userIt’s amazing that when things pertain to conservatives it’s guilty until proven innocent.Where is the Justice when lawless acts perpetrated by the left get ignored?" ]
@userEs increíble que cuando las cosas pertenecen a los conservadores sea culpable hasta que se demuestre su inocencia. ¿Dónde está la Justicia cuando los actos sin ley perpetrados por la izquierda son ignorados?
@user Gun control measures? As in Fast and Furious"", where you directed FFL dealers to violate the law and allow straw purchases? Where you knowingly allowed firearms to be sold to criminal organizations?""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Gun control measures?As in Fast and Furious\"\", where you directed FFL dealers to violate the law and allow straw purchases?Where you knowingly allowed firearms to be sold to criminal organizations?\"\"" ]
@user Medidas de control de armas?Como en Fast and Furious"", donde le ordenaste a los traficantes de FFL que violaran la ley y permitieran compras de paja?Donde a sabiendas permitiste que las armas de fuego fueran vendidas a organizaciones criminales?"
@user @user We can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic.
[ "@user @userWe can empty all our prisons also and just say they broke no laws.....Liberal logic." ]
@user @userPodemos vaciar todas nuestras prisiones también y simplemente decir que no rompieron ninguna ley.....Lógica liberal.
@user That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user That one sucks bc he is so hit or miss" ]
@user que uno chupa bc él es tan golpeado o falta
@user Chelsea Clinton(CFR)
[ "@user Chelsea Clinton(CFR)" ]
@user Chelsea Clinton(CFR)
@user So Antifa has turned against her?
[ "@userSo Antifa has turned against her?" ]
@userSo Antifa se ha vuelto en su contra?
@user @user Mehn you are too sweet
[ "@user @userMehn you are too sweet" ]
@user @userMehn eres demasiado dulce
@user @user This guy Kerry is one do nothing damn politician where does he get off going over sea's and trying to undermined our President now this is a Traitor for sure you better watch this S.O.B. !
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThis guy Kerry is one do nothing damn politician where does he get off going over sea's and trying to undermined our President now this is a Traitor for sure you better watch this S.O.B. !" ]
@user @userEste tipo Kerry no es un maldito político donde se sale de ir a través del mar y tratar de socavar a nuestro Presidente ahora este es un Traidor seguro que es mejor ver este S.O.B. !
President Trump’s 17th Wave of Judicial Nominees"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""
[ "President Trump’s 17th Wave of Judicial Nominees\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\"" ]
La decimoséptima ola de nominados judiciales del presidente Trump" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNation Rising""
@user @user Leona will START something Big to come...LIBERALS sit in terror in House of Commons...BETTER NOT CRITICIZE THE GROPER!!!
[ "@user @userLeona will START something Big to come...LIBERALS sit in terror in House of Commons...BETTER NOT CRITICIZE THE GROPER!!!" ]
@user @userLeona va a comenzar algo grande por venir... LIBERALES sentarse en el terror en la Cámara de los Comunes... MEJOR NO CRITICIZAR EL GROPER!!!
@user @user coming from a guy who should be arrested and charged as an accessory. I hat a deranged individual.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user coming from a guy who should be arrested and charged as an accessory.I hat a deranged individual." ]
@user @user que viene de un tipo que debe ser arrestado y acusado como un accesorio.
@user The democrats are becoming more despicable by the day! There is no bottom to their vitriol and lies"" barrel. Why liberals go along with this makes no sense.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe democrats are becoming more despicable by the day!There is no bottom to their vitriol and lies\"\" barrel.Why liberals go along with this makes no sense.\"\"" ]
@user¡Los demócratas se están volviendo más despreciables por el día!No hay fondo para su vitriol y mentiras"" barril.Por qué los liberales están de acuerdo con esto no tiene sentido."
@user I cast my vote as “OPPORTUNIST” #ChristineBlaseyFord had THIRTY-FIVE years to come out with her allegations. Why now? It’s obvious. #MAGA
[ "@user I cast my vote as “OPPORTUNIST” #ChristineBlaseyFord had THIRTY-FIVE years to come out with her allegations.Why now?It’s obvious.#MAGA" ]
@user Emití mi voto como “OPPORTUNST” #ChristineBlaseyFord tenía TRES CINCO años para presentar sus alegaciones.¿Por qué ahora?Es obvio.#MAGA
@user @user She is the bomb!!
[ "@user @userShe is the bomb!!" ]
@user @user¡¡Ella es la bomba!!
@user Good #BoycottNFL
[ "@user Good #BoycottNFL" ]
@user Good #BoycottNFL
@user This Witch Hunt against Kavanaughs is pitiful. I can't believe anyone could find this story is believable. Why didn't she come forward in 36 years? It's crazy...set up by Liberals.
[ "@user This Witch Hunt against Kavanaughs is pitiful.I can't believe anyone could find this story is believable.Why didn't she come forward in 36 years?It's crazy...set up by Liberals." ]
@user Esta caza de brujas contra Kavanaughs es lamentable.No puedo creer que nadie pueda encontrar esta historia es creíble.¿Por qué no se presentó en 36 años?Es una locura... creado por los liberales.
@user @user @user Thank you my lovely! You are beautiful too 💜💜
[ "@user @user @userThank you my lovely!You are beautiful too 💜💜" ]
@user @user @user¡Gracias, mi adorable!
@user @user He is such an A-Hole. Sad.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userHe is such an A-Hole.Sad." ]
@user @userEs un A-Hole.Sad.
[ "offensive" ]
@user IM saving this good shitt
@user @user Or maybe this...The very fine people"" the dipshit ""president"" was talking about. Antifa isn't the ""left"". They're a fringe, far left, anti fascist movement. To lump the ""left"" in as antifa is to lump the ""right"" in with the neo nazi's and kkk that vote with you...Shhh.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userOr maybe this...The very fine people\"\" the dipshit \"\"president\"\" was talking about.Antifa isn't the \"\"left\"\".They're a fringe, far left, anti fascist movement.To lump the \"\"left\"\" in as antifa is to lump the \"\"right\"\" in with the neo nazi's and kkk that vote with you...Shhh." ]
@user @userO tal vez esto...La gente muy fina"" del "presidente" estaba hablando.Antifa no es la "izquierda".Son un movimiento antifascista fleco, de extrema izquierda.Embocar a la "izquierda" como antifa es meter a la "derecha" con los neonazis y kkk que votan contigo...Shhh.
@user No time for political correctness. It is a Lie. Everyone knows this. Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing. Take the vote.
[ "@userNo time for political correctness.It is a Lie.Everyone knows this.Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing.Take the vote." ]
@userNo hay tiempo para la corrección política.Es una mentira.Todo el mundo lo sabe.Detrás de las escenas los liberales se ríen.Toma el voto.
@user @user You are pathetic!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYou are pathetic!" ]
@user @user¡Eres patético!
@user @user There is help for your mental illness. Good grief you liberals are seriously disturbed.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user There is help for your mental illness.Good grief you liberals are seriously disturbed." ]
@user @user Hay ayuda para su enfermedad mental.Buen dolor que los liberales están seriamente perturbados.
@user Liberals are all Kookoo !!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Liberals are all Kookoo !!!" ]
@user Liberales son todos Kookoo !!!