@user @user @user Maybe Antifa asshats? Those who physically assault others for their political beliefs? Democrats are NO Saints and neither are you!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userMaybe Antifa asshats?Those who physically assault others for their political beliefs?Democrats are NO Saints and neither are you!" ]
@user @user @user¿Tal vez los asshats de Antifa?¡Aquellos que agreden físicamente a otros por sus creencias políticas?
@user @user She is so cute
[ "@user @userShe is so cute" ]
@user @userElla es tan linda
@user @user @user @user @user FEMA has contacted the Senator and was told.its a TV hit you take them when you can"" He Is a liar. If he had a set... he would put on his big girl panties and tell the truth!""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user FEMA has contacted the Senator and was told.its a TV hit you take them when you can\"\" He Is a liar.If he had a set... he would put on his big girl panties and tell the truth!\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user FEMA se ha puesto en contacto con el senador y se le ha dicho.es un golpe de TV que se les lleva cuando se puede" "Es un mentiroso.Si tuviera un set... ¡se pondría sus bragas de niña grande y diría la verdad!""
@user @user The argument will be made that the assault was decades ago and there have been no other complaints against Kavanaugh. But his lying in current and ongoing. That is enough to vote against him. He is now aligned with Trump in the way he handles accusations.
[ "@user @userThe argument will be made that the assault was decades ago and there have been no other complaints against Kavanaugh.But his lying in current and ongoing.That is enough to vote against him.He is now aligned with Trump in the way he handles accusations." ]
@user @userEl argumento se hará que el asalto fue hace décadas y no ha habido otras quejas contra Kavanaugh.Pero su mentira en curso y en curso.Eso es suficiente para votar en su contra.Ahora está alineado con Trump en la forma en que maneja las acusaciones.
@user You are phinnaly there!
[ "@user You are phinnaly there!" ]
@user ¡Tú eres Finnaly allí!
@user @user you are so funny
[ "@user @user you are so funny" ]
@user @user eres tan gracioso
@user When you said you are gonna add them but u didn’t already 😂😂
[ "@userWhen you said you are gonna add them but u didn’t already 😂😂" ]
@userCuando dijiste que vas a añadirlos pero no lo hiciste ya
@user @user ..long live satire!- if we cannot cut to the truth in this way then we may as well call it a day...🤔😎👌
[ "@user @user ..long live satire!- if we cannot cut to the truth in this way then we may as well call it a day...🤔😎👌" ]
@user @user ..long live sátira!- si no podemos cortar a la verdad de esta manera, entonces también podemos llamarlo un día...
@user @user Has to be MK ultra.
[ "@user @user Has to be MK ultra." ]
@user @user Tiene que ser MK ultra.
@user Another Snow Flake melting down..
[ "@user Another Snow Flake melting down.." ]
@user Otro copo de nieve derritiéndose..
@user @user Investigation reveals it is highly probable it is an ISIS attack. Worst case scenario a joint ISIS-Antifa attack
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Investigation reveals it is highly probable it is an ISIS attack.Worst case scenario a joint ISIS-Antifa attack" ]
@user @user La investigación revela que es muy probable que sea un ataque de ISIS.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user like liberals?
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user like liberals?" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user como liberales?
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user LMAO - understanding and accepting imperical evidence and facts is a social democrat attribute. Conservatives on the other hand believe religion and Trump. What a sad state of affairs. #Cult45
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user LMAO - understanding and accepting imperical evidence and facts is a social democrat attribute.Conservatives on the other hand believe religion and Trump.What a sad state of affairs.#Cult45" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user LMAO - entender y aceptar pruebas y hechos impericos es un atributo socialdemócrata.Por otro lado, los conservadores creen en la religión y Trump.Qué triste situación.#Cult45
@user Your sister brie is s perfect wife and mom who loves and respect her husband she is not like you and you always loves to grab or grind with other men
[ "@userYour sister brie is s perfect wife and mom who loves and respect her husband she is not like you and you always loves to grab or grind with other men" ]
@userTu hermana Brie es la esposa perfecta y mamá que ama y respeta a su marido ella no es como tú y siempre te gusta agarrar o moler con otros hombres
@user @user No fr! People are always on the most bullshit & I’m not postponing or missing anything else because another person can’t get their shit together. So if all else fails I go by myself & Tbh I end up having a better time anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userNo fr!People are always on the most bullshit & I’m not postponing or missing anything else because another person can’t get their shit together.So if all else fails I go by myself & Tbh I end up having a better time anyway 🤷🏽‍♂️" ]
@user @userNo fr!La gente siempre está en la mayor mierda & No estoy posponiendo o faltando nada más porque otra persona no puede conseguir su mierda juntos.Así que si todo lo demás falla voy por mí mismo & Tbh termino teniendo un mejor momento de todos modos
@user You ready for crazy ass racing tomorrow???
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You ready for crazy ass racing tomorrow???" ]
@user ¿Estás listo para carreras de culo loco mañana???
@user Keep #MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
[ "@user Keep #MAGA 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸" ]
@user Mantener #MAGA
@user @user Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 deadass
[ "@user @user Lmfao 🤣🤣🤣🤣 deadass" ]
@user @user Lmfao deadass
@user i mean it was also like the wrong setting? idk it was so random
[ "@useri mean it was also like the wrong setting?idk it was so random" ]
@useri significa que también fue como la configuración equivocada?idk era tan aleatorio
@user @user @user Sheesh... conservatives should quit while they're behind.... Obnoxious...
[ "@user @user @user Sheesh... conservatives should quit while they're behind....Obnoxious..." ]
@user @user @user Sheesh... los conservadores deberían dejar de fumar mientras están atrás... Obnocioso...
@user @user I thought they said numbers were up? Someone lied.
[ "@user @user I thought they said numbers were up?Someone lied." ]
@user @user Pensé que dijeron que los números estaban arriba?Alguien mintió.
@user You're right. They seemed pretty tuned into your conspiracy with Russia. #MAGA #TrumpLies
[ "@userYou're right.They seemed pretty tuned into your conspiracy with Russia.#MAGA #TrumpLies" ]
@userTienes razón.Parecían muy sintonizados con tu conspiración con Rusia.#MAGA #TrumpLies
@user @user @user @user Antifa is banned by the central commitee for they are not proper socialists. More pinko then red.
[ "@user @user @user @user Antifa is banned by the central commitee for they are not proper socialists.More pinko then red." ]
@user @user @user @user Antifa está prohibido por el comisionado central porque no son socialistas apropiados.
@user @user @user @user Ugh...you are one of those
[ "@user @user @user @user Ugh...you are one of those" ]
@user @user @user @user Ugh...tú eres uno de esos
@user That's almost as idiotic as the antifa disarm them"" thing...""
[ "@userThat's almost as idiotic as the antifa disarm them\"\" thing...\"\"" ]
@userEso es casi tan idiota como el antifa desarmarlos "cosa"..."
@user It’s about time. A civilised nation needs tougher gun control. Man only backwards countries don’t
[ "@userIt’s about time.A civilised nation needs tougher gun control.Man only backwards countries don’t" ]
@userYa era hora.Una nación civilizada necesita un control de armas más estricto.
@user I didn’t tweet this lol I needa get my Twitter off this shit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I didn’t tweet this lol I needa get my Twitter off this shit" ]
@user No tuiteé este lol Necesito sacar mi Twitter de esta mierda
@user He apologized. Blood in the water. Big mistake.
[ "@userHe apologized.Blood in the water.Big mistake." ]
@userSe disculpó.Sangre en el agua.Gran error.
@user @user So you think you are going to politically assassinate Kavanaugh and hurt his family so deeply that he will not become a justice of United States. We conservatives win! I understand you're frightened.
[ "@user @userSo you think you are going to politically assassinate Kavanaugh and hurt his family so deeply that he will not become a justice of United States.We conservatives win!I understand you're frightened." ]
@user @userAsí que crees que vas a asesinar políticamente a Kavanaugh y herir a su familia tan profundamente que no se convertirá en una justicia de Estados Unidos.¡Los conservadores ganamos!Entiendo que estás asustado.
@user @user #MAGA Boy go donate to Trump...he's looking for more GOP suckers like you to cover up his porn stars...shhh don't let his wife know either
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user #MAGA Boy go donate to Trump...he's looking for more GOP suckers like you to cover up his porn stars...shhh don't let his wife know either" ]
@user @user #MAGA Boy va a donar a Trump... él está buscando más idiotas como tú para cubrir sus estrellas porno... shhh no dejes que su esposa lo sepa tampoco
.@USER made this show successful and relevant. I remember @user saying that he brought the show to the States with @user in mind because she is the epitome of “the voice.” None of their shade will delete that.
[ ".@USER made this show successful and relevant.I remember @user saying that he brought the show to the States with @user in mind because she is the epitome of “the voice.”None of their shade will delete that." ]
.@USER hizo este show exitoso y relevante.Recuerdo que @user dijo que él trajo el show a los Estados Unidos con @user en mente porque ella es el epítome de “la voz.”Ninguna de sus sombras borrará eso.
Lying to the FBI is a crime @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #MAGA #MAGAts
[ "Lying to the FBI is a crime @user @user @user @user @user @user@user#MAGA #MAGAts" ]
Mentir al FBI es un crimen @user @user @user @user @user @user@user#MAGA #MAGAts
@user Does anyone even care what these to useless pieces of sh&t say or think?
[ "@user Does anyone even care what these to useless pieces of sh&t say or think?" ]
@user ¿A alguien le importa lo que estas piezas inútiles de sh&t decir o pensar?
@user @user @user Wow! You are good at it!👍👍
[ "@user @user @userWow!You are good at it!👍👍" ]
@user @user @userWow!Eres bueno en ello!
@user @user It would be an interesting study if people were more gullible in Victorian times...with rising of the Antifa...
[ "@user @userIt would be an interesting study if people were more gullible in Victorian times...with rising of the Antifa..." ]
@user @userSería un estudio interesante si la gente fuera más crédula en los tiempos victorianos... con el aumento de la Antifa...
@user They both stink but I prefer Andriese. One good thing is he is not stretched out so he will only go 3 innings or so. Somehow Torey will still leave him in to long though.
[ "@user They both stinkbut I prefer Andriese.One good thing is he is not stretched out so he will only go 3 innings or so.Somehow Torey will still leave him in to long though." ]
@user Ambos apestan pero prefiero Andriese.Una buena cosa es que no está estirado por lo que sólo va a ir 3 entradas o así.De alguna manera Torey todavía lo dejará en mucho tiempo sin embargo.
@user @user And not all idiots grandstands like he did
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userAnd not all idiots grandstands like he did" ]
@user @userY no todos los idiotas de las tribunas como lo hizo
@user 6 million dollars for 2 years left on a contract? WTH was she really doing there?
[ "@user 6 million dollars for 2 years left on a contract?WTH was she really doing there?" ]
@user 6 millones de dólares por 2 años dejados en un contrato?¿Qué estaba haciendo realmente allí?
PANIC in DC - Sessions sent letter to Supreme Court re: direction for him to UNrecuse himself... #wwg1wga #qanon @user #MAGA #walkaway @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
[ "PANIC in DC - Sessions sent letter to Supreme Court re: direction for him to UNrecuse himself... #wwg1wga #qanon @user #MAGA #walkaway @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user" ]
PANIC en DC - Sessions envió una carta a la Corte Suprema re: dirección para él mismo a UNrecuse... #wwg1wga #qanon @user #MAGA #walkaway @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
& this is why she is the GOAT
[ "& this is why she is the GOAT" ]
& es por eso que ella es el GOAT
@user @user Agreed. I have better ideas: ABC—Let AntiFa beat her to death at a pro-Trump Free speech rally. 1/
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Agreed.I have better ideas: ABC—Let AntiFa beat her to death at a pro-Trump Free speech rally.1/" ]
@user @user De acuerdo.Tengo mejores ideas: ABC — Dejemos que AntiFa la golpee hasta matarla en un mitin de libertad de expresión a favor de Trump.1/
@user Fuck yeah !!!! Go you !!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Fuckyeah !!!!Go you !!!" ]
@user Fuckyeah !!!!Go you !!!
@user @user She is the daughter of her parents. All illogical hypocrites.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe is the daughter of her parents.All illogical hypocrites." ]
@user @userEs la hija de sus padres.Todos hipócritas ilógicos.
@user @user are you talking about me? I’m more Green than MAGA.. sorry if my Twitter grammar isn’t up to par for you.. my eyes are bad.. maybe you’ll critique my latest article too please.. I don’t have well-paid editors so I’m sure I do slip
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user are you talking about me?I’m more Green than MAGA..sorry if my Twitter grammar isn’t up to par for you..my eyes are bad..maybe you’ll critique my latest article too please..I don’t have well-paid editors so I’m sure I do slip" ]
@user @user ¿estás hablando de mí? Soy más verde que MAGA..lo siento si mi gramática de Twitter no está a la altura para ti..mis ojos son malos..tal vez criticarás mi último artículo demasiado por favor..No tengo editores bien pagados así que estoy seguro de que me resbalo
@user @user @user Are you serious. Man you’re an idiot! He is the most hateful scum on earth.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Are you serious.Man you’re an idiot!He is the most hateful scum on earth." ]
@user @user @user ¡Eres un idiota!Es la escoria más odiosa de la tierra.
@user You are battling with what you feel
[ "@user You are battling with what you feel" ]
@user Estás luchando con lo que sientes
@user @user he/she is lying also. claiming I didn't know they were dating"" but when you look at her old tweets you can see her arguing with Careeeema and saying they're dating. Plus Tom and Z are too careful to hold hands in public. 😂""
[ "@user @userhe/she is lying also.claiming I didn't know they were dating\"\" but when you look at her old tweets you can see her arguing with Careeeema and saying they're dating.Plus Tom and Z are too careful to hold hands in public.😂\"\"" ]
@user @userhe/she está mintiendo también.afirmando que no sabía que estaban saliendo"" pero cuando miras sus viejos tweets puedes verla discutiendo con Careeeema y diciendo que están saliendo.Plus Tom y Z son demasiado cuidadosos para tomar de la mano en público.
@user @user Hey you never walk alone"" ""You got the best of me"" ""Im the one I should love in this world"" ""Take my hand now you are the cause of my euphoria"" ""Im learning how to love myself"" And the list just keeps growing!!!""
[ "@user @userHey you never walk alone\"\" \"\"You got the best of me\"\" \"\"Im the one I should love in this world\"\" \"\"Take my hand now you are the cause of my euphoria\"\" \"\"Im learning how to love myself\"\" And the list just keeps growing!!!\"\"" ]
@user @userHey nunca caminas solo"" ""Tienes lo mejor de mí""""Soy el que debería amar en este mundo""""Toma mi mano ahora eres la causa de mi euforia""""Estoy aprendiendo a amarme""Y la lista sigue creciendo!!!""
@user Ur head bout big as shit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Ur head bout big as shit" ]
@user Ur head bout grande como la mierda
@user shit ain’t gone work bruh
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user shit ain’t gone work bruh" ]
@user mierda no ha ido a trabajar bruh
@user @user Republicans will never admit there is a #deepstate because they are part of the #deepstate! Who really runs DC? Federal Employees & Appointees most of which are Liberals/Leftists. Politicians come & go...they are there for LIFE! #MAGA #rnc #gop #foxnews
[ "@user @user Republicans will never admit there is a #deepstate because they are part of the #deepstate!Who really runs DC?Federal Employees & Appointees most of which are Liberals/Leftists.Politicians come & go...they are there for LIFE!#MAGA #rnc #gop #foxnews" ]
@user @user Republicanos nunca admitirán que hay un estado #deepstate porque son parte del estado #deepstate!Quién realmente dirige DC? Empleados federales & Nombrados la mayoría de los cuales son liberales/izquierdistas.Los políticos vienen & ir... están ahí para LIFE!#MAGA #rnc #gop #foxnews
@user I hmm thanks but you are more beautiful!~"" she hugs her back and pats her head""
[ "@user I hmm thanksbut you are more beautiful!~\"\" she hugs her back and pats her head\"\"" ]
@user I hmm gracias pero eres más hermosa!~"" ella se abraza la espalda y le da palmaditas en la cabeza""
@user @user And we pro Americans are embarrassed and sick of you anti America liberals. There are plenty of countries with the lefts ideology already in place. Move there.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userAnd we pro Americans are embarrassed and sick of you anti America liberals.There are plenty of countries with the lefts ideology already in place.Move there." ]
@user @userY nosotros los pro americanos estamos avergonzados y hartos de ustedes los liberales antiamericanos.Hay un montón de países con la ideología de la izquierda ya en su lugar.
@user @user bt1100 ass malfunction
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user bt1100 ass malfunction" ]
@user @user bt1100 ass mal funcionamiento
@user did you see the response i typed 😘 you are too much fun sometimes
[ "@user did you see the response i typed 😘 you are too much fun sometimes" ]
@user viste la respuesta tecleé eres demasiado divertido a veces
@user So wait. Conservatives are crying about needing their safe spaces"" all of the sudden. How liberal elite college of them.""
[ "@userSo wait.Conservatives are crying about needing their safe spaces\"\" all of the sudden.How liberal elite college of them.\"\"" ]
@userAsí que esperen.Los conservadores están llorando por necesitar sus espacios seguros"" de repente.Cómo la universidad de élite liberal de ellos."
@user Hmm...thoughts #MAGA?
[ "@user Hmm...thoughts #MAGA?" ]
@user Hmm...¿pensamientos #MAGA?
@user What a joke. Another dirty tricks Democrat on the George Soros payroll. The Democrat Party knows no shame. #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user What a joke.Another dirty tricks Democrat on the George Soros payroll.The Democrat Party knows no shame.#MAGA" ]
@user Qué broma.Otros trucos sucios Demócrata en la nómina de George Soros.El Partido Demócrata no conoce la vergüenza.#MAGA
🛑 Truthfeed News 🛑 👉 'Schumer and Feinstein Go HYSTERICAL and Issue Unhinged Demands to Delay Kavanaugh Vote' #MAGA🇺🇸#2A #Prolife
[ "🛑 Truthfeed News 🛑 👉 'Schumer and Feinstein Go HYSTERICAL and Issue Unhinged Demands to Delay Kavanaugh Vote' #MAGA🇺🇸#2A #Prolife" ]
#MAGA2A #Prolife
.@USER Please commit to a people's vote on Brexit. The Conservatives have made a pig's ear of it.
[ ".@USER Please commit to a people's vote on Brexit.The Conservatives have made a pig's ear of it." ]
.@USER Por favor, comprometámonos con el voto popular sobre el Brexit.Los Conservadores han hecho una oreja de cerdo.
@user Shocked???? News flash kev! Kern County has the highest murder rate in the state! We need common sense gun control laws to protect the constituents in #CA23 & the nation from people who shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun! #dosomething #votethemout #voteBlue2018 @user
[ "@user Shocked????News flash kev!Kern County has the highest murder rate in the state!We need common sense gun control laws to protect the constituents in #CA23 & the nation from people who shouldn’t be allowed to own a gun!#dosomething #votethemout #voteBlue2018 @user" ]
@user Shocked???News flash kev!Kern County tiene la tasa de asesinatos más alta en el estado!Necesitamos leyes de control de armas de sentido común para proteger a los constituyentes en #CA23 & la nación de las personas que no se debe permitir a poseer un arma!#doalgo #votethemout #voteBlue2018 @user
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Dude your sister rocks and you should be ashamed never go against the family! it shows you are a little man.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Dude your sister rocks and you should be ashamed never go against the family!it shows you are a little man." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Dude tu hermana es genial y ¡deberías avergonzarte de nunca ir en contra de la familia! muestra que eres un hombrecito.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Following you anyway.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userFollowing you anyway." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userSiguiéndote de todos modos.
@user @user I am Canadian .. Live in the us and am ex 🇨🇦 special forces. I've handled everything from a bb gun to 155 mm howitzer (😁😁) and tow missles and anti tank weapons. the US (lack of) gun control is by far the fucking stupidest part of this country! Too many morons with guns
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user I am Canadian ..Live in the us and am ex 🇨🇦 special forces.I've handled everything from a bb gun to 155 mm howitzer (😁😁) and tow missles and anti tank weapons.the US (lack of) gun control is by far the fucking stupidest part of this country!Too many morons with guns" ]
@user @user Soy canadiense..Vive en el nosotros y soy ex fuerzas especiales.He manejado todo, desde un arma bb hasta un obús de 155 mm () y remolcar misles y armas antitanque.¡el control de armas de EE.UU. (falta de) es de lejos la parte más estúpida de este país!¡Demasiados idiotas con armas!
@user And the last one when she is with herself. The truest personality.
[ "@userAnd the last one when she is with herself.The truest personality." ]
@userY la última cuando está con ella misma.La personalidad más verdadera.
@user And then Americans are going to demand Christine Ford face Criminal charges & face jail time when she is proven to have lied. Her guilt is in the fact she contacted Dems Not the FBI. Ford did not come forward as a witness in the hearing. She’s bought and paid for
[ "@userAnd then Americans are going to demand Christine Ford face Criminal charges & face jail time when she is proven to have lied.Her guilt is in the fact she contacted Dems Not the FBI.Ford did not come forward as a witness in the hearing.She’s bought and paid for" ]
@userY entonces los estadounidenses van a exigir Christine Ford enfrentar cargos criminales & enfrentar la cárcel cuando se demuestra que ha mentido.Su culpa es en el hecho de que se puso en contacto con Dems No el FBI.Ford no se presentó como testigo en la audiencia.Ella ha comprado y pagado por
@user @user She should be treated like the man that she is.
[ "@user @userShe should be treated like the man that she is." ]
@user @userElla debe ser tratada como el hombre que es.
@user It's kind of like when a mean old woman says that a pretty young one is Ugly and untalented"" just because she is washed up and will never look like that again. For one thing it's catty, secondly, it makes her look like a jealous hater and has-been! #Montel""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt's kind of like when a mean old woman says that a pretty young one is Ugly and untalented\"\" just because she is washed up and will never look like that again.For one thing it's catty, secondly, it makes her look like a jealous hater and has-been!#Montel\"\"" ]
@userEs algo así como cuando una anciana mezquina dice que una joven guapa es fea y sin talento"" solo porque está lavada y nunca volverá a verse así.Por un lado, ¡es fea, en segundo lugar, la hace parecer una odiadora celosa y ha-been!#Montel""
@user My pharmacist is a friend and he told me ALL about it last year! THANK YOU for opening discussing how pharmacists are being held hostage rather than tell WE THE PEOPLE about the price fixes! #MAGA
[ "@userMy pharmacist is a friend and he told me ALL about it last year!THANK YOU for opening discussing how pharmacists are being held hostage rather than tell WE THE PEOPLE about the price fixes!#MAGA" ]
@user¡Mi farmacéutico es un amigo y me lo contó todo el año pasado!¡DEJAS de abrir hablando de cómo los farmacéuticos están siendo tomados como rehenes en lugar de contarnos a LA GENTE sobre los precios!#MAGA
@user Will you answer my question from yesterday about whether our country could keep its law enforcement officers safer if gun control laws were not subject to the limitations of the 2nd Amendment?URL #alpolitics
[ "@user Will you answer my question from yesterday about whether our country could keep its law enforcement officers safer if gun control laws were not subject to the limitations of the 2nd Amendment?URL #alpolitics" ]
@user ¿Responderás a mi pregunta de ayer sobre si nuestro país podría mantener a sus agentes de la ley más seguros si las leyes de control de armas no estuvieran sujetas a las limitaciones de la Segunda Enmienda?URL #alpolitics
@user @user Liberals wouldn’t know the first thing about “doing the right thing” 🤣🤣🤣🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Liberals wouldn’t know the first thing about “doing the right thing” 🤣🤣🤣🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼" ]
@user @user Liberals no sabría lo primero de “hacer lo correcto”
@user Well said buddy well said ! You are 100 💯 right
[ "@userWell said buddy well said !You are 100 💯 right" ]
@userBien dicho amigo bien dicho !Usted es 100 derecha
@user @user Yep. And if he would get rid of the bell instead of taking sacks I’d be thrilled. Not sure if he is aware of the rule. But you can throw the bell away
[ "@user @user Yep.And if he would get rid of the bell instead of taking sacks I’d be thrilled.Not sure if he is aware of the rule.But you can throw the bell away" ]
@user @user Yep.Y si él se deshaga de la campana en lugar de tomar sacos me encantaría.No estoy seguro si él es consciente de la regla.Pero usted puede tirar la campana
#WebberForCongress #NJ11 #MAGA we cannot allow #Liberals to #Impeach #POTUS #Trump
[ "#WebberForCongress #NJ11 #MAGA we cannot allow #Liberals to #Impeach #POTUS #Trump" ]
#WebberForCongress #NJ11 #MAGA no podemos permitir que #Liberals #Impeach #POTUS #Trump
@user @user #ConfirmKavanaugh This folly is used to fire-up the extreme Progressive base. Soros' #Antifa & #BLM didn't work.
[ "@user @user #ConfirmKavanaughThis folly is used to fire-up the extreme Progressive base.Soros' #Antifa & #BLM didn't work." ]
@user @user #ConfirmKavanaughEsta locura se usa para encender la base extrema Progresista.El #Antifa & de Soros #BLM no funcionó.
@user @user @user Nothing Russia ..case closed ..Yawn! #maga
[ "@user @user @userNothing Russia ..case closed ..Yawn!#maga" ]
@user @user @userNothing Russia ..case cerrado .. Yawn! #maga
@user @user Invite @user to all of the @user shows and let her tell you about her interview with Brock Long. Then you will know why #Cult45Politburo sounds so unhinged. He is parroting the FEMA admins line of BS. @user tried to fight back against Long's BS
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Invite @user to all of the @user shows and let her tell you about her interview with Brock Long.Then you will know why #Cult45Politburo sounds so unhinged.He is parroting the FEMA admins line of BS.@user tried to fight back against Long's BS" ]
@user @user Invita a @user a todos los programas de @user y deja que te hable de su entrevista con Brock Long.Entonces sabrás por qué #Cult45Politburo suena tan desaliñado.Está cotorreando la línea de administradores de FEMA de BS.@user intentó luchar contra el BS de Long
@user Imbibing at F75 if you are around. Love to have a cocktail with you before I head back to Denver tomorrow morn.
[ "@user Imbibing at F75 if you are around.Love to have a cocktail with you before I head back to Denver tomorrow morn." ]
@user Imbibing en F75 si estás cerca.Me encanta tomar un cóctel contigo antes de volver a Denver mañana por la mañana.
@user It just turns by itself into the wall
[ "@user It just turns by itself into the wall" ]
@user Sólo se convierte por sí mismo en la pared
@user @user @user @user @user He is complicit and took the money. He is going too !!!
[ "@user @user @user @user @userHe is complicit and took the money.He is going too !!!" ]
@user @user @user @userEs cómplice y se llevó el dinero, ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
@user I can’t think of a worse 3 game start for a coach at such a big time university in my life. 1-2 and almost lose to Fred Samford University lol I know it’s Sanford. But yea they still owe him whatever he is owed
[ "@user I can’t think of a worse 3 game start for a coach at such a big time university in my life.1-2 and almost lose to Fred Samford University lol I know it’s Sanford.But yea they still owe him whatever he is owed" ]
@user No puedo pensar en un peor 3 juego de inicio para un entrenador en una universidad tan grande en mi vida.1-2 y casi perder ante Fred Samford University lol Sé que es Sanford. Pero sí que todavía le deben lo que se le debe
@user @user Repeat after me zombies...
[ "@user @user Repeat after me zombies..." ]
@user @user Repite después de mí zombies...
@user I don't know what you are trying to say with that ahah
[ "@user I don't know what you are trying to say with that ahah" ]
@user No sé lo que estás tratando de decir con ese ahah
@user Don't know who he is and don't really care...
[ "@user Don't know who he is and don't really care..." ]
@user No sé quién es y no me importa...
@user The reason people are tired of this is because you only focus on the conservatives. Ford has treated people poorly and the constitutional crisis is abominable. His treatment of the women in the legislature is despicable.
[ "@userThe reason people are tired of this is because you only focus on the conservatives.Ford has treated people poorly and the constitutional crisis is abominable.His treatment of the women in the legislature is despicable." ]
@userLa razón por la que la gente está cansada de esto es porque solo te enfocas en los conservadores.Ford ha tratado mal a la gente y la crisis constitucional es abominable.Su trato a las mujeres en la legislatura es despreciable.
@user I’m alright with this. If someone is dumb enough to try this then they deserve what ever they get. I can’t wait to hear about the first AntiFa idiot to get blown away after they tried to steal a gun from someone in a stand your ground state 😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I’m alright with this.If someone is dumb enough to try this then they deserve what ever they get.I can’t wait to hear about the first AntiFa idiot to get blown away after they tried to steal a gun from someone in a stand your ground state 😂" ]
@user Estoy bien con esto.Si alguien es lo suficientemente tonto para intentar esto, entonces se merecen lo que sea que consiguen.No puedo esperar a escuchar sobre el primer idiota AntiFa a dejarse volar después de que trataron de robar un arma de alguien en una posición de su estado
@user I 100% AGREE. The Republicans MUST NOT allow this individual to DICTATE RULES and put the country on HOLD. EF HER!!!! #ThursdayMotivation #WalkAway #MAGA #Pussyhats
[ "@user I 100% AGREE.The Republicans MUST NOT allow this individual to DICTATE RULES and put the country on HOLD.EF HER!!!!#ThursdayMotivation #WalkAway #MAGA #Pussyhats" ]
@user I 100% ACUERDO.Los republicanos NO DEBEN permitir que este individuo DICTA LAS NORMAS y poner el país en HOLD.EF HE!!!!#JuevesMotivación #WalkAway #MAGA #Pussyhats
@user @user liberals are kinda the worst
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user liberals are kinda the worst" ]
@user @user liberales son un poco el peor
@user @user Yea it will be revealing what she is now put through as to why she didn’t come forward.
[ "@user @userYea it will be revealing what she is now put through as to why she didn’t come forward." ]
@user @userYea va a revelar lo que está pasando ahora en cuanto a por qué no se presentó.
@user Interesting-cause you leftists not only threaten us-but regulary shoot/stab us. I wonder if maybe Mr. Swalwell isn't all-in on the violence toward conservatives. He certainly always seems to ignore/suppor it(ANTIFA for instance).
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Interesting-cause you leftists not only threaten us-but regulary shoot/stab us.I wonder if maybe Mr. Swalwell isn't all-in on the violence toward conservatives.He certainly always seems to ignore/suppor it(ANTIFA for instance)." ]
@user Interesante-porque ustedes los izquierdistas no sólo nos amenazan-sino que regularmente nos disparan/atragantan.Me pregunto si tal vez el Sr. Swalwell no está all-in en la violencia hacia los conservadores.Él ciertamente siempre parece ignorar/suprimirlo (ANTIFA por ejemplo).
@user @user @user Antifa. Yeah it's a fringe organization. Just like those wastes of humanity I grew up around. Most of em ended up meth heads and junkees. Some are republican alt-right activists. I guess we're all a product of our environment.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Antifa.Yeah it's a fringe organization.Just like those wastes of humanity I grew up around.Most of em ended up meth heads and junkees.Some are republican alt-right activists.I guess we're all a product of our environment." ]
@user @user @user Antifa.Sí, es una organización marginal.Al igual que esos desperdicios de humanidad que crecí alrededor.La mayoría de ellos terminaron en cabezas de meta y chatarra.Algunos son activistas republicanos de derecha alt.Supongo que todos somos un producto de nuestro entorno.
@user @user @user @user @user Please TX don’t elect this fake Conservative. He is bought & paid for with Soros money. So many unethical things in his personal history!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userPlease TX don’t elect this fake Conservative.He is bought & paid for with Soros money.So many unethical things in his personal history!" ]
@user @user @user @user Por favor, TX no elija a este conservador falso. Se compra & pagado con dinero de Soros. ¡Tantas cosas poco éticas en su historia personal!
@user @user Well if she truly thought he was an intruder in her home I would suppose she would revert to her police training. What sickens me is all the media hype that she is going to get off strictly because she is white and he is black. Horrible all the way around.
[ "@user @userWell if she truly thought he was an intruder in her home I would suppose she would revert to her police training.What sickens me is all the media hype that she is going to get off strictly because she is white and he is black.Horrible all the way around." ]
@user @userBueno, si ella realmente pensó que él era un intruso en su casa, supongo que volvería a su entrenamiento policial.Lo que me enferma es toda la propaganda mediática que va a hacer estrictamente porque ella es blanca y él es negro.Horrible todo el camino.
22 kids a day. Every day.
[ "22 kids a day.Every day." ]
22 niños al día. Todos los días.
@user Fuck you I’ll put hot sauce on a slice of pizza again for you
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userFuck youI’ll put hot sauce on a slice of pizza again for you" ]
@userFuck youPondré salsa picante en una rebanada de pizza de nuevo para ti
@user @user So called Liberals"".""
[ "@user @userSo called Liberals\"\".\"\"" ]
@user @userAsí se llama a los liberales"."
@user Because they are crates by the liberals to save ANY kind of influence...
[ "@user Because they are crates by the liberals to save ANY kind of influence..." ]
@user Porque son cajas de los liberales para salvar cualquier tipo de influencia...
@user @user Trump’s new position on gun control is starting to look a lot like the NRA’s via @user
[ "@user @user Trump’s new position on gun control is starting to look a lot like the NRA’s via @user" ]
La nueva posición de @user @user Trump sobre el control de armas está empezando a parecerse mucho a la de la NRA a través de @user
@user @user Alt-right are losers and whiners w/no power. They don't matter. Many right-wing oligarchs fund Antifa to attack Alt-right. Russian intel funds both Antifa and Alt-right. Russia hawks are onto something. Alt-right are pro-Russia.
[ "@user @user Alt-right are losers and whiners w/no power.They don't matter.Many right-wing oligarchs fund Antifa to attack Alt-right.Russian intel funds both Antifa and Alt-right.Russia hawks are onto something.Alt-right are pro-Russia." ]
@user @user Alt-right son perdedores y lloriqueantes sin poder.No importan.Muchos oligarcas de derechas financian Antifa para atacar a Alt-right.Intel fondos rusos tanto Antifa como Alt-right.Rusia halcones están en algo.Alt-right son pro-Rusia.