@user i love you u beautiful bitch rAWR
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user i love you u beautiful bitch rAWR" ]
@user te amo u hermosa perra rAWR
@user Here’s another looney left person. Just go away!
[ "@userHere’s another looney left person.Just go away!" ]
@userAquí hay otra persona looney izquierda.¡Sólo vete!
@user So after taking with Kavanaugh he is able to diagnose His accuser
[ "@userSo after taking with Kavanaugh he is able to diagnose His accuser" ]
@userTan después de tomar con Kavanaugh él es capaz de diagnosticar a su acusador
@user @user No one gives a shit and no one will miss her! Sorry @user will!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userNo one gives a shit and no one will miss her!Sorry @user will!" ]
@user @userA nadie le importa una mierda y nadie la echará de menos!Lo siento @user lo hará!
@user @user It now makes sense how gun control is barely an issue vs immigration.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user It now makes sense how gun control is barely an issue vs immigration." ]
@user @user Ahora tiene sentido cómo el control de armas es apenas un problema contra la inmigración.
@user @user Illinois strict ass gun control let's only the thugs and gang bangers have the guns which means a lot more violence
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Illinois strict ass gun control let's only the thugs and gang bangers have the guns which means a lot more violence" ]
@user @user Illinois estricto control de armas del culo vamos a sólo los matones y pandilleros tienen las armas lo que significa mucho más violencia
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user (s)he is very affectionate and purrs non-stop.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user (s)he is very affectionate and purrs non-stop." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user (s)he es muy cariñoso y ronronea sin parar.
@user Agreed. Bring your dollar bills!
[ "@user Agreed.Bring your dollar bills!" ]
@user De acuerdo.Traiga sus billetes de dólar!
@user And that's when you say: Well I wanted to take care of you, but if you're going to make that impossible, I guess you are on your own. I think I'll have a steak.""""
[ "@userAnd that's when you say:Well I wanted to take care of you, but if you're going to make that impossible, I guess you are on your own.I think I'll have a steak.\"\"\"\"" ]
@userY ahí es cuando dices:Bueno, quería cuidar de ti, pero si vas a hacer eso imposible, supongo que estás por tu cuenta.Creo que tomaré un bistec."""
1.4 In every girl's life there's a moment when she realises that her mother just might be more messed up than she is."" –Gossip Girl""
[ "1.4 In every girl's life there's a moment when she realises that her mother just might be more messed up than she is.\"\" –Gossip Girl\"\"" ]
1.4 En la vida de cada chica hay un momento en que se da cuenta de que su madre podría estar más mal que ella."" –Gossip Girl""
20180919: Chris Hall CBC: The Liberals' fall strategy just hit a brick wall named Leona Alleslev
[ "20180919:Chris Hall CBC:The Liberals' fall strategy just hit a brick wall named Leona Alleslev" ]
20180919:Chris Hall CBC: La estrategia de caída de los liberales acaba de golpear un muro de ladrillo llamado Leona Alleslev
@user @user Both sides are ANTIFA...KKK... Gotta stop
[ "@user @user Both sides are ANTIFA...KKK...Gotta stop" ]
@user @user Ambos lados son ANTIFA...KKK...Gotta stop
@user @user -its quite obvious the morons at the Star are totally unaware that Canada already has extremely Tight gun control laws -which by the way criminals never have and never will Adhere to"" - You have to be a very special kind of stupid to be believe that by banning""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user -its quite obvious the morons at the Star are totally unaware that Canada already has extremely Tight gun control laws -which by the way criminals never have and never will Adhere to\"\" - You have to be a very special kind of stupid to be believe that by banning\"\"" ]
@user @user -es bastante obvio que los idiotas de la Estrella no son totalmente conscientes de que Canadá ya tiene leyes de control de armas extremadamente apretadas -que por cierto los criminales nunca han y nunca se adherirán a"" -Tienes que ser un tipo muy especial de estúpido para creer que al prohibir""
@user You are awesome Connie !! Enjoy vacation!!
[ "@user You are awesome Connie !!Enjoy vacation!!" ]
@user Usted es impresionante Connie !!Disfrute de las vacaciones!!
@user @user @user @user @user @user And yet she walks the woods surrounded by peace and tranquility! She is SOOO not missing any sleep over trumps distractions #crookedtrump! 🤣🤣 his so transparent. Americans are smart and we can see the lies! #countrybeforeparty!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userAnd yet she walks the woods surrounded by peace and tranquility!She is SOOO not missing any sleep over trumps distractions #crookedtrump!🤣🤣 his so transparent.Americans are smart and we can see the lies!#countrybeforeparty!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user Y sin embargo, ella camina por el bosque rodeado de paz y tranquilidad!Ella es SOOO no falta ningún sueño por encima de las distracciones #crookedtrump! su tan transparente.Los estadounidenses son inteligentes y podemos ver las mentiras!#countrybeforeparty!
#GunControl #BulletControl. California Tries New Tack on Gun Violence: Bullet Control via @user
[ "#GunControl #BulletControl.California Tries New Tack on Gun Violence: Bullet Control via @user" ]
#GunControl #BulletControl.California intenta una nueva táctica sobre la violencia de armas: Control de balas vía @user
@user BLAME TRUMP?? That’s sad to the good people of Puerto Rico 🇵🇷
[ "@user BLAME TRUMP??That’s sad to the good people of Puerto Rico 🇵🇷" ]
@user BLAME TRUMP??Eso es triste para la buena gente de Puerto Rico
@user I had to look up who he was. A Bush-Cheney guy. GOP have some strange conservatives.
[ "@user I had to look up who he was.A Bush-Cheney guy.GOP have some strange conservatives." ]
@user Tuve que buscar quién era.Un tipo Bush-Cheney.GOP tiene algunos conservadores extraños.
@user @user I want to see this corrupt bitch in Gitmo for her birthday
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user I want to see this corrupt bitch in Gitmo for her birthday" ]
@user @user Quiero ver a esta perra corrupta en Gitmo para su cumpleaños
@user Pray for Judge Kavanaugh and his family. #MAGA #Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughConfirmationHearings
[ "@user Pray for Judge Kavanaugh and his family.#MAGA #Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmation #KavanaughConfirmationHearings" ]
@user Reza por el juez Kavanaugh y su familia.#MAGA #Kavanaugh #KavanaughConfirmación #KavanaughConfirmación
@user @user what a baby!
[ "@user @user what a baby!" ]
@user @user lo que un bebé!
@user @user Mine too! BBCAN2 was a top tier bb season
[ "@user @user Mine too!BBCAN2 was a top tier bb season" ]
@user @user Mine también!BBCAN2 fue una temporada de bb de primer nivel
@user Nice hat😂 Hey #Liberals and #Democrats @user is living Rent Free in y'all's heads... like McDonald's #ImLovingIt Sweet Revenge Has Never Tasted So Good #MAGA #WalkAway
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Nice hat😂Hey #Liberals and #Democrats @user is living Rent Free in y'all's heads... like McDonald's #ImLovingIt Sweet Revenge Has Never Tasted So Good #MAGA #WalkAway" ]
@user Nice hatHey #Liberals y #Democratics @user viven Renta gratis en sus cabezas... como McDonald's #ImLovingIt Sweet Revenge nunca ha probado tan bien #MAGA #WalkAway
@user @user @user Fuck yes ride it baby!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userFuckyes ride it baby!" ]
@user @user @userFuckyes montarlo bebé!
@user @user @user @user How about trump sending out memes while he is president of him bashing Hilary with a folding chair
[ "@user @user @user @user How about trump sending out memes while he is president of him bashing Hilary with a folding chair" ]
@user @user @user @user ¿Qué tal si trump envía memes mientras es presidente de él golpeando a Hilary con una silla plegable
1/5 Several women MPs key in 1990s gun control debate in Canada. Min of Justice @user did heavy lifting for @user In introducing 1991 gun law she said Gun control works. It is probably the oldest and most effective form of crime prevention law..."" #cdnpoli #cdnhist
[ "offensive" ]
[ "1/5 Several women MPs key in 1990s gun control debate in Canada.Min of Justice @user did heavy lifting for @userIn introducing 1991 gun law she said Gun control works.It is probably the oldest and most effective form of crime prevention law...\"\" #cdnpoli #cdnhist" ]
1/5 Varias mujeres parlamentarias clave en 1990 debate de control de armas en Canadá.Min of Justice @user hizo trabajo pesado para @userEn la introducción de la ley de armas de 1991 dijo que el control de armas funciona.Es probablemente la forma más antigua y más eficaz de la ley de prevención del delito..."" #cdnpoli #cdnhist
@user everyone please vote for Vicki barbolack she is the most amazing kind hearted funny and loved person on that stage no one has earned this more than her
[ "@user everyone please vote for Vicki barbolack she is the most amazing kind hearted funny and loved person on that stage no one has earned this more than her" ]
@user todo el mundo por favor vote por Vicki barbolack ella es la persona divertida y amada de corazón más increíble en ese escenario nadie se ha ganado esto más que ella
@user @user @user @user She is weak and this is her excuse to use her vote pro Kavanaugh
[ "@user @user @user @userShe is weak and this is her excuse to use her vote pro Kavanaugh" ]
@user @user @user @userElla es débil y esta es su excusa para usar su voto pro Kavanaugh
@user When will people support Gun control? That's more important. Don't you care about humans life? No
[ "@userWhen will people support Gun control?That's more important.Don't you care about humans life?No" ]
@user¿Cuándo la gente apoyará el control de armas?Eso es más importante.¿No te importa la vida humana?No
@user @user Do you hate him that much. He is OUR President.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Do you hate him that much.He is OUR President." ]
@user @user ¿Lo odias tanto?Es NUESTRO Presidente.
@user I love my wife Hannah ♥😊♥😊❤😊♥♡😍
[ "@user I love my wife Hannah ♥😊♥😊❤😊♥♡😍" ]
@user Amo a mi esposa Hannah
@user in the fake national emergency that was created by conservatives for their nwo bullshit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user in the fake national emergency that was created by conservatives for their nwo bullshit" ]
@user en la falsa emergencia nacional que fue creada por los conservadores para su nwo mierda
(Verge of collapse)The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.🤔I move too fast and break things. But i have always told myself Unless you are breaking…
[ "(Verge of collapse)The breaking of a wave cannot explain the whole sea.🤔I move too fast and break things.But i have always told myself Unless you are breaking…" ]
(Verge de colapso)La ruptura de una ola no puede explicar todo el mar.Me muevo demasiado rápido y romper cosas.Pero siempre me he dicho a mí mismo A menos que usted está rompiendo...
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Exactly!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Exactly!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user exactamente!
@user @user @user @user You liberals are so “ nice” and “ caring”
[ "@user @user @user @userYou liberals are so “ nice” and “ caring”" ]
@user @user @userLos liberales son tan “ agradables” y “ cariñosos”
@user She is right. Liberals do not listen. It doesn’t matter what the taxpayer wants Trudeau does not listen. Maybe to Islam but nothing else
[ "@userShe is right.Liberals do not listen.It doesn’t matter what the taxpayer wants Trudeau does not listen.Maybe to Islam but nothing else" ]
@userElla tiene razón.Los liberales no escuchan.No importa lo que el contribuyente quiera Trudeau no escucha.Tal vez al Islam pero nada más
just love this meme is all a lil levity for a heavy day of cognitive dissonance #QAnon #MAGA #Trump #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #pray
[ "just love this meme is all a lil levity for a heavy day of cognitive dissonance #QAnon #MAGA #Trump #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #pray" ]
sólo amar este meme es toda una liviandad para un día pesado de disonancia cognitiva #QAnon #MAGA #Trump #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #pray
16 grade school children shot dead in Washington with 9mm Beretta. The NRA blames gun control laws.
[ "16 grade school children shot dead in Washington with 9mm Beretta.The NRA blames gun control laws." ]
16 niños de primaria muertos a tiros en Washington con 9mm Beretta.La NRA culpa a las leyes de control de armas.
Another fucking Pittsburgh Nazi. Philly Antifa is naming names and it’s glorious.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Another fucking Pittsburgh Nazi.Philly Antifa is naming names and it’s glorious." ]
Otro maldito nazi de Pittsburgh.Philly Antifa está nombrando nombres y es glorioso.
@user He is too lazy. Just slouches over and waits for the defender to come to him. Bum
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is too lazy.Just slouches over and waits for the defender to come to him.Bum" ]
@userEs demasiado perezoso.Sólo se acerca y espera a que el defensor venga a él.Bum
@user I'm honestly not surprised coming from the school you are in. Why would you be vaping. I noticed they like to accuse you of a lot of stupid stuff but don't let it get to you.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I'm honestly not surprised coming from the school you are in.Why would you be vaping.I noticed they like to accuse you of a lot of stupid stuff but don't let it get to you." ]
@user Sinceramente no me sorprende venir de la escuela en la que estás.Por qué estarías vaping.Me di cuenta de que les gusta acusarte de un montón de cosas estúpidas, pero no dejes que te afecte.
@user The truth will finally get out to Congress and the American people! That the Dems are trying to take out a duly elected President. They're running scared. #schiffhead #MAGA
[ "@userThe truth will finally get out to Congress and the American people!That the Dems are trying to take out a duly elected President.They're running scared.#schiffhead #MAGA" ]
@user¡La verdad finalmente saldrá al Congreso y al pueblo estadounidense!Que los Dems están tratando de eliminar a un presidente debidamente elegido.Están corriendo asustados.#schiffhead #MAGA
@user Tbh I only started recently but the only thing I don't like about mineta is how whiny he is
[ "@user Tbh I only started recently but the only thing I don't like about mineta is how whiny he is" ]
@user Tbh Acabo de empezar hace poco, pero lo único que no me gusta de Mineta es lo que se queja de él.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user True. But are all school shootings and accidents with toddlers done by bad criminals who would know how to get a gun? Highly doubt it. These are spontaneous acts/accidents that would be dramatically reduced by gun control.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user True.But are all school shootings and accidents with toddlers done by bad criminals who would know how to get a gun?Highly doubt it.These are spontaneous acts/accidents that would be dramatically reduced by gun control." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user True.But son todos los tiroteos escolares y accidentes con niños pequeños hechos por criminales malos que sabrían cómo conseguir un arma?Altamente dudarlo.Estos son actos espontáneos/accidentes que se reducirían dramáticamente por el control de armas.
5/5 Canada has regulated firearms since the last quarter of the 19th century. Those laws have probably contributed to Canada having only 1% as many handguns in circulation as in the US.
[ "5/5 Canada has regulated firearms since the last quarter of the 19th century.Those laws have probably contributed to Canada having only 1% as many handguns in circulation as in the US." ]
5/5 Canadá ha regulado las armas de fuego desde el último cuarto del siglo XIX.Estas leyes probablemente han contribuido a que Canadá tenga sólo un 1% de armas de fuego en circulación como en los Estados Unidos.
@user @user @user But what makes you think they are liberals? There is nothing liberal about any of that. These people spent the '90s insulting liberals, publicly humiliating black activists, and openly attacking the New Deal. Where is the liberal"" part? They passed GOP policies!""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userBut what makes you think they are liberals?There is nothing liberal about any of that.These people spent the '90s insulting liberals, publicly humiliating black activists, and openly attacking the New Deal.Where is the liberal\"\" part?They passed GOP policies!\"\"" ]
@user @user @userPero ¿qué te hace pensar que son liberales?No hay nada liberal en nada de eso.Esta gente pasó los años 90 insultando a los liberales, humillando públicamente a los activistas negros y atacando abiertamente el Nuevo Trato.¿Dónde está la parte liberal?¡Pasaron las políticas del Partido Republicano!"
@user @user @user @user @user @user Yes he is
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userYes he is" ]
@user @user @user @user @userSi lo es
@user Bruh there were a few times i dropped it and kicked it back up wit my feet and caught it. Now if that aint some G ass shit😂😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Bruh there were a few times i dropped it and kicked it back up wit my feet and caught it.Now if that aint some G ass shit😂😂" ]
@user Bruh hubo unas cuantas veces que lo dejé caer y lo pateé de nuevo con mis pies y lo atrapó.Ahora si eso un poco G culo mierda
@user What will German’s will give us? Gun control ?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user What will German’s will give us?Gun control ?" ]
@user ¿Qué nos dará el alemán?
@user It’s off of Santa Clarita 9on Netflix it’s funny as fuck!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt’s off of Santa Clarita 9on Netflix it’s funny as fuck!" ]
@userEs fuera de Santa Clarita 9on Netflix es divertido como la mierda!
@user @user @user Wasn't the organizer of the rally that killed someone it was someone that showed up just like the people that show up to antifa and black lives matter rallies cause violence and rioting everywhere they go
[ "@user @user @user Wasn't the organizer of the rally that killed someone it was someone that showed up just like the people that show up to antifa and black lives matter rallies cause violence and rioting everywhere they go" ]
@user @user @user No fue el organizador de la manifestación que mató a alguien fue alguien que apareció al igual que la gente que se presenta a antifa y las vidas de los negros importan los mítines causan violencia y disturbios dondequiera que van
@user She is the size of a stadium
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is the size of a stadium" ]
@userElla es del tamaño de un estadio
@user Americans need to realize they rape and kill easily because of their environment. We absolutely have to close our Borders until proper vetting is implemented.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Americans need to realize they rape and kill easily because of their environment.We absolutely have to close our Borders until proper vetting is implemented." ]
@user Los estadounidenses necesitan darse cuenta de que violan y matan fácilmente debido a su entorno.Tenemos que cerrar nuestras fronteras hasta que se implemente una investigación adecuada.
#GoodRead: A Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws. With the wrong political actors in power, yesterday's 'common-sense' gun control could be tomorrow's vehicle for gun confiscation."" If we lose #2A, we surrender our freedom—period. @user
[ "#GoodRead: A Brief History of Repressive Regimes and Their Gun Laws.With the wrong political actors in power, yesterday's 'common-sense' gun control could be tomorrow's vehicle for gun confiscation.\"\" If we lose #2A, we surrender our freedom—period.@user" ]
#GoodLee: Una breve historia de regímenes represivos y sus leyes de armas.Con los actores políticos equivocados en el poder, el control de armas de 'sentido común' de ayer podría ser el vehículo de mañana para la confiscación de armas"."Si perdemos #2A, entregamos nuestra libertad—período.@user.
@user Thanks for spreading Joe Biden’s words...he is a great American that I respect very much.
[ "@user Thanks for spreading Joe Biden’s words...he is a great American that I respect very much." ]
@user Gracias por difundir las palabras de Joe Biden... es un gran estadounidense que respeto mucho.
@user @user Of course he will not. He is a strong supporter of ANTIFA and BLM.
[ "@user @userOf course he will not.He is a strong supporter of ANTIFA and BLM." ]
@user @userPor supuesto que no.Es un fuerte partidario de ANTIFA y BLM.
@user @user Check the antifa registration. Some of her coworkers are there.
[ "@user @userCheck the antifa registration.Some of her coworkers are there." ]
@user @userCompruebe el registro antifa.Algunos de sus compañeros de trabajo están allí.
@user @user Sending commiserations to you for those Cardinal losses with this brioche cinnamon roll picture.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userSending commiserations to you for those Cardinal losses with this brioche cinnamon roll picture." ]
@user @userEnviar comunisations a usted por esas pérdidas cardenales con este cuadro de rollo de canela brioche.
@user Got something to hide Eric?
[ "@user Got something to hide Eric?" ]
@user ¿Tienes algo para ocultar a Eric?
@user @user Gun control is not the answer.
[ "@user @user Gun control is not the answer." ]
@user @user Gun control no es la respuesta.
@user @user You are just another liberal pawn used by the democrats in an attempt to derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation. I don’t believe a word of it. You and your liberal friends are an enemy of the state. Just leave America. We will be better off without people like you. 🚫Liberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYou are just another liberal pawn used by the democrats in an attempt to derail Kavanaugh’s confirmation.I don’t believe a word of it.You and your liberal friends are an enemy of the state.Just leave America.We will be better off without people like you.🚫Liberals" ]
@user @userUsted es sólo otro peón liberal utilizado por los demócratas en un intento de descarrilar la confirmación de Kavanaugh.No creo ni una palabra de ello.Usted y sus amigos liberales son un enemigo del estado.Sólo deje América.Estaremos mejor sin gente como usted.
@user Eric Holder should be tried for treason #EricHolderCrimes#
[ "@user Eric Holder should be tried for treason #EricHolderCrimes#" ]
@user Eric Holder debe ser juzgado por traición #EricHolderCrimes#
@user @user Be safe you fucker
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Be safe you fucker" ]
@user @user Cuídate hijo de puta
@user Its not like your not sharing the water! Un fucking real. 😡
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIts not like your not sharing the water!Un fucking real.😡" ]
@user¡No es como si no compartieras el agua!
@user This will be settled and will never see a jury. We will never know the truth. Maybe she grabbed him first while swapping spit or he is really that stupid to just grab her. Either way I doubt we will ever know the complete truth.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis will be settled and will never see a jury.We will never know the truth.Maybe she grabbed him first while swapping spit or he is really that stupid to just grab her.Either way I doubt we will ever know the complete truth." ]
@userEsto se arreglará y nunca verá un jurado.Nunca sabremos la verdad.Tal vez ella lo agarró primero mientras intercambiaba saliva o él es realmente tan estúpido para agarrarla.De cualquier manera dudo que alguna vez sepamos la verdad completa.
@user that entire article is a piece of trash. that precinct is full of dumbfuck pigs.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user that entire article is a piece of trash.that precinct is full of dumbfuck pigs." ]
@user ese artículo entero es un pedazo de basura. Esa comisaría está llena de cerdos tontos.
@user @user Liberals always play victim.
[ "@user @user Liberals always play victim." ]
@user @user Liberals siempre juegan como víctima.
@user @user WTF @user & @user seriously... what manner of bigoted platforms are you running that label an exhortation for children, black or other, to Stay In School""? #JackDorseyIsAbigot #MAGA #KAG""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user WTF @user & @user seriously...what manner of bigoted platforms are you running that label an exhortation for children, black or other, to Stay In School\"\"?#JackDorseyIsAbigot #MAGA #KAG\"\"" ]
@user @user WTF @user & @user seriamente...¿qué tipo de plataformas intolerantes está ejecutando esa etiqueta una exhortación para que los niños, negros u otros, se queden en la escuela?"#JackDorseyIsAbigot #MAGA #KAG""
@user @user YOU should be FIRED... You are dead to the public for your FAKE NEWS Why don't you show him approaching the crowd? Scared ... If you can't stand the fire Get Out of the Kitchen....
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user YOU should be FIRED...You are dead to the public for your FAKE NEWS Why don't you show him approaching the crowd?Scared ...If you can't stand the fire Get Out of the Kitchen...." ]
@user @user USTED debe estar FIRADO... Estás muerto para el público por tus FAKE NEWS ¿Por qué no le muestras que se acerca a la multitud?Miedo ...Si no puedes soportar el fuego Sal de la cocina....
...If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:5-9)""
[ "...If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.(1 John 1:5-9)\"\"" ]
...Si afirmamos estar sin pecado, nos engañamos a nosotros mismos y la verdad no está en nosotros; si confesamos nuestros pecados, él es fiel y justo y nos perdonará nuestros pecados y nos purificará de toda injusticia (1 Juan 1:5-9)".
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user This lady is a grade A idiot or a complete and total liar. I have called her on most of her bullshit. Anyone with half a brain knows what she is spewing is crap.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userThis lady is a grade A idiot or a complete and total liar.I have called her on most of her bullshit.Anyone with half a brain knows what she is spewing is crap." ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario Esta señora es una persona de grado Un idiota o un mentiroso total.La he llamado en la mayor parte de sus mentiras.Cualquier persona con medio cerebro sabe que es una porquería.
@user @user @user I know. Why should they? #EnglishConservatism
[ "@user @user @user I know.Why should they?#EnglishConservatism" ]
@user @user @user Lo sé.¿Por qué deberían hacerlo?#EnglishConservatismo
#MAGA Sing like no one is listening Love like you've never been hurt Vote GOP when no one is watching And don't listen to Liberals' dirt
[ "#MAGA Sing like no one is listening Love like you've never been hurt Vote GOP when no one is watching And don't listen to Liberals' dirt" ]
#MAGA Canta como si nadie estuviera escuchando Amor como si nunca te hubieran lastimado Vote GOP cuando nadie está mirando Y no escuches la suciedad de los liberales
@user @user @user @user if you are really concerned about anti-semitism in our society why have you both not condemned both The Tory Party & The Lib Dems for not yet adopting the IHRA? @user @user @user @user
[ "@user @user @user @user if you are really concerned about anti-semitism in our society why have you both not condemned both The Tory Party & The Lib Dems for not yet adopting the IHRA?@user @user @user @user" ]
@user @user @user @user si realmente le preocupa el antisemitismo en nuestra sociedad, ¿por qué no han condenado a ambos The Tory Party & The Lib Dems por no haber adoptado aún la IHRA?@user @user @user @user
@user Im pretty sure she would be a better president at 13 than he is now
[ "@user Im pretty sure she would be a better president at 13 than he is now" ]
@user Estoy bastante seguro de que ella sería mejor presidente a los 13 años que él ahora
@user Conservatives celebrate as their third choice for opposition leader uses the word failure for the one millionth time.
[ "@user Conservatives celebrate as their third choice for opposition leader uses the word failure for the one millionth time." ]
@user Conservadores celebran como su tercera opción para el líder de la oposición utiliza la palabra fracaso por una millonésima vez.
@user Who would buy a book written by such a total classless Porn star! I’ll tell you who Democrats and liberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userWho would buy a book written by such a total classless Porn star!I’ll tell you who Democrats and liberals" ]
@user¿Quién compraría un libro escrito por una estrella total de Porn sin clase?Te diré quiénes son los demócratas y los liberales
@user @user @user I can't watch CNN anymore because the conservative pundits they have on are just partisan hacks. I get CNN wants balance"" but the conservatives that defend the indefensible are too much.""
[ "@user @user @userI can't watch CNN anymore because the conservative pundits they have on are just partisan hacks.I get CNN wants balance\"\" but the conservatives that defend the indefensible are too much.\"\"" ]
@user @user @userYa no puedo ver CNN porque los expertos conservadores que tienen en son sólo hacks partisanos.Consigo que CNN quiere equilibrio"" pero los conservadores que defienden lo indefendible son demasiado".
@user Hmmm...they piss off the portion of the population that actually supported football and are shocked their numbers took a nose dive? Shocking!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Hmmm...they piss off the portion of the population that actually supported football and are shocked their numbers took a nose dive?Shocking!" ]
@user Hmmm...se cabrean la porción de la población que realmente apoya el fútbol y se sorprenden sus números se dio una zambullida en la nariz?Shocking!
@user This is Gun Control!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis is Gun Control!" ]
@user¡Este es Control de Armas!
@user all conservatives are bad people
[ "@user all conservatives are bad people" ]
@user todos los conservadores son malas personas
4 UK/US DEEPSTATE NUKES INTERCEPTED HEADING FOR US CITIES. #skynews #skypapers #bbcdp #lbc #lbclive #talkradio @user @user #altnews #brexit #remain #london #cityoflondon #news #breakingnews #uknews #labour #tories #trump #toryparty #ukip #conservatives #christians #qanon
[ "4 UK/US DEEPSTATE NUKES INTERCEPTED HEADING FOR US CITIES.#skynews #skypapers #bbcdp #lbc #lbclive #talkradio @user @user #altnews #brexit #remain #london #cityoflondon #news #breakingnews #uknews #labour #tories #trump #toryparty #ukip #conservatives #christians #qanon" ]
#skynews #skypapers #bbcdp #lbc #lbclive #talkradio @user @user #altnews #brexit #remain #london #cityoflondon #news #brexit #london #news #breakingnews #uknews #labour #countries #trump #toryparty #ukip #conservadores #christians #qanon
@user @user @user @user So why are we focused on getting illegal immigrants out of the country more than we are worried about fixing the loopholes in gun control?
[ "@user @user @user @userSo why are we focused on getting illegal immigrants out of the country more than we are worried about fixing the loopholes in gun control?" ]
@user @user @user @userEntonces, ¿por qué nos centramos en sacar a los inmigrantes ilegales del país más de lo que nos preocupa arreglar las lagunas en el control de armas?
@user But but but ..... But like her music sucks!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userButbut but .....But like her music sucks!" ]
@userButbut pero... ¡Pero como su música apesta!
@user I bet she`s had more prick`s than a second-hand pincushion! #MAGA 🇬🇧🇺🇸
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I bet she`s had more prick`s than a second-hand pincushion!#MAGA 🇬🇧🇺🇸" ]
@user Apuesto a que ha tenido más pinchazos que un pinchushion de segunda mano! #MAGA
@user has been nominated for Still A Mum Awards. Kindly vote for her here... She is our super host on #GaniKaliNaAisha @user
[ "@user has been nominated for Still A Mum Awards.Kindly vote for her here...She is our super host on #GaniKaliNaAisha @user" ]
@user ha sido nominada a los premios Still A Mum Awards.Kindly vote por ella aquí...Ella es nuestra súper anfitriona en #GaniKaliNaAisha @user
@user Wow you really think this works I am going to tell my wife she is going to hell lol
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userWow you really think this works I am going to tell my wife she is going to hell lol" ]
@userWow realmente crees que esto funciona Voy a decirle a mi esposa que se va al infierno lol
@user @user Everything in order other than the claim that the Conservatives are the party of business.
[ "@user @user Everything in order other than the claim that the Conservatives are the party of business." ]
@user @user Todo en orden aparte de la afirmación de que los conservadores son el partido del negocio.
@user @user Dangerous to liberals for sure open the flood gates!
[ "@user @user Dangerous to liberals for sure open the flood gates!" ]
@user @user ¡Peligroso para los liberales!
@user @user #maga = Many Are Getting Arrested
[ "@user @user #maga =Many Are Getting Arrested" ]
@user @user #maga =Muchos están siendo arrestados
@user @user @user @user Also Jaclyn is either crazy stupid or she is straight up lying to people about the Morphe return policy. That is also deceptive and predatory
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Also Jaclyn is either crazy stupid or she is straight up lying to people about the Morphe return policy.That is also deceptive and predatory" ]
@user @user @user @user También Jaclyn es una loca estúpida o está mintiendo directamente a la gente sobre la política de retorno Morphe.Eso también es engañoso y depredador
@user @user @user You mean like the Democrats do to push their gun control agenda?
[ "@user @user @userYou mean like the Democrats do to push their gun control agenda?" ]
@user @user @user¿Quieres decir como los demócratas hacen para impulsar su agenda de control de armas?
19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle.The NRA blames gun control laws." ]
19 profesores y estudiantes asesinados en Connecticut con .223 fusil Bushmaster XM15-E2S.La NRA culpa a las leyes de control de armas.
@user @user @user Now what are you ?? A Liberal ?? Intellectual ?? You are nothing but a Bigot. Shamelessness at its peak.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userNow what are you ??A Liberal ??Intellectual ??You are nothing but a Bigot.Shamelessness at its peak." ]
@user @user @userNow whats you are ???A Liberal ??Intelectual ?? You are than a Bigot.Shamelessness at its hop.
.You cry baby liberals will have Trump for a total of EIGHJT GREAT YEARS!!! GET OVER IT. #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".You cry baby liberals will have Trump for a total of EIGHJT GREAT YEARS!!!GET OVER IT.#MAGA" ]
.Lloras que los bebés liberales tendrán a Trump para un total de EGHJT GRANDES AÑOS!!!Únete a él. #MAGA
@user Holy shit he's a prophet
[ "@user Holy shit he's a prophet" ]
@user Mierda es un profeta
@user @user I stand corrected! Guess the only memorable thing about her to me is how hateful she is lmfao.
[ "@user @user I stand corrected!Guess the only memorable thing about her to me is how hateful she is lmfao." ]
@user @user ¡Me corrijo!Adivina lo único memorable de ella para mí es lo odiosa que es lmfao.
@user Well sure she would lend her support to the lying heifer making the false accusations. She has no more intelligence than the rest of the liberals acting out sombody!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userWell sure she would lend her support to the lying heifer making the false accusations.She has no more intelligence than the rest of the liberals acting out sombody!" ]
@userBueno, seguro que ella le daría su apoyo a la novilla mentirosa haciendo falsas acusaciones.Ella no tiene más inteligencia que el resto de los liberales actuando sombody!
@user @user Ending the horrible trade imbalance burden from Obama/BushII/Clinton/BushI results in an $800B/year boon to the USA economy! This is what you fail to mention. Trump-o-nomics = MAGA [You should try to listen to Trump more closely so you can learn.]
[ "@user @user Ending the horrible trade imbalance burden from Obama/BushII/Clinton/BushI results in an $800B/year boon to the USA economy!This is what you fail to mention.Trump-o-nomics = MAGA[You should try to listen to Trump more closely so you can learn.]" ]
@user @user Acabar con la horrible carga del desequilibrio comercial de Obama/BushII/Clinton/BushI resulta en un beneficio de $800B/año para la economía de EE.UU. Esto es lo que no mencionas.Trump-o-nomics = MAGA[Deberías tratar de escuchar a Trump más de cerca para que puedas aprender.]
@user I’m 1001 you ass
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I’m 1001 you ass" ]
@user Soy 1001 tu culo