@user Answer: DiFi and Antifa Democrats have NO sense of decency remaining
[ "@user Answer: DiFi and Antifa Democrats have NO sense of decency remaining" ]
@user Respuesta: Los demócratas DiFi y Antifa no tienen más sentido de la decencia
Teach the children well #MAGA2020 #WeThePeople #MAGA #Qanon8chan (Constitution Song) via @user
[ "Teach the children well #MAGA2020 #WeThePeople #MAGA #Qanon8chan (Constitution Song) via @user" ]
Enseñar bien a los niños #MAGA2020 #WeThePeople #MAGA #Qanon8chan (Canción de la Constitución) vía @user
@user @user @user He is awful. And so smug.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userHe is awful.And so smug." ]
@user @user @userEs horrible.Y tan engreído.
@user That's heartbreaking to read. Keep being the best you. There are many that will see you in a Wow. Look at what he is doing"" and light up with pride. Head high. One foot in front of the other.""
[ "@userThat's heartbreaking to read.Keep being the best you.There are many that will see you in a Wow.Look at what he is doing\"\" and light up with pride.Head high.One foot in front of the other.\"\"" ]
@userEso es desgarrador para leer.Sigue siendo el mejor tú.Hay muchos que te verán en un Wow.Mira lo que está haciendo"" y se iluminan con orgullo.Encima alto.Un pie delante del otro.""
@user Buck up buttercup!
[ "@user Buck up buttercup!" ]
@user Buck up buttercup!
@user @user ..........kindergarten for adults???
[ "@user @user ..........kindergarten for adults???" ]
@user @user ........kindergarten para adultos???
@user @user ANTIFA is not giving death threats to professor Ford or threatening violence if their candidate loses or Spanky is impeached.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user ANTIFA is not giving death threats to professor Ford or threatening violence if their candidate loses or Spanky is impeached." ]
@user @user ANTIFA no está dando amenazas de muerte al profesor Ford ni amenazando con violencia si su candidato pierde o Spanky es destituido.
@user I respect you so much. I love what youfe doing regarding our youth and our culture. Thank you for loving your people. You are loved and appreciated. Blessings multiplied u to you!
[ "@user I respect you so much.I love what youfe doing regarding our youth and our culture.Thank you for loving your people.You are loved and appreciated.Blessings multiplied u to you!" ]
@user Te respeto tanto.Me encanta lo que haces con respecto a nuestra juventud y nuestra cultura.Gracias por amar a tu gente.Eres amado y apreciado.¡Bendiciones multiplicadas para ti!
@user He is so funny 😂😂😂
[ "@userHe is so funny 😂😂😂" ]
@userÉl es tan gracioso
[ "@user AS IT SHOULD BE!" ]
@user como debería ser!
@user @user @user Whenever conservatives lose a court ruling, they bitch and moan about activist judges or agenda judges."" Whenever anyone else loses a court ruling, they accept that they lost a court ruling. Conservatives are whiny babies.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userWhenever conservatives lose a court ruling, they bitch and moan about activist judges or agenda judges.\"\" Whenever anyone else loses a court ruling, they accept that they lost a court ruling.Conservatives are whiny babies.\"\"" ]
@user @user @userCuando los conservadores pierden un fallo judicial, se quejan de jueces activistas o jueces de agenda"."Cuando alguien pierde un fallo judicial, aceptan que perdió un fallo judicial.Los conservadores son bebés quejosos".
@user @user What services will you cut? If the answer is 'none' what specific 'waste' will you eliminate? Without an answer to these your commitment is nothing but political flannel.
[ "@user @user What services will you cut?If the answer is 'none' what specific 'waste' will you eliminate?Without an answer to these your commitment is nothing but political flannel." ]
@user @user ¿Qué servicios vas a cortar?Si la respuesta es 'nadie', ¿qué 'desperdicios' específicos eliminarás?Sin una respuesta a estos, tu compromiso no es más que franela política.
@user @user The left have become a bunch of thugs. #NancyPelosi #chuckschumer
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThe left have become a bunch of thugs.#NancyPelosi #chuckschumer" ]
@user @userLa izquierda se ha convertido en un montón de matones.#NancyPelosi #chuckschumer
@user @user then you are not equipped to adopt. period
[ "@user @user then you are not equipped to adopt.period" ]
@user @user entonces no está equipado para adoptar.período
@user Carrey is becoming weird like peewee Herman...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Carrey is becoming weird like peewee Herman..." ]
@user Carrey se está volviendo raro como peewee Herman...
@user Good to see your hosting of the Emmys' bombed. Seems only Liberals like no humor. You won't be asked back. Career killer. You were Da rating tanking Bomb. Now go celebrate with your liberal pals.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Good to see your hosting of the Emmys' bombed.Seems only Liberals like no humor.You won't be asked back.Career killer.You were Da rating tanking Bomb.Now go celebrate with your liberal pals." ]
@user Es bueno ver tu alojamiento de los Emmy's bombardeados.Parece que sólo a los liberales no les gusta el humor.No te lo pedirán de vuelta.Asesino de carrera.Eras Da calificación de bomba de tanque.Ahora ve a celebrar con tus amigos liberales.
@user @user @user No way this woman was threatened and had to move out of her house because of conservatives or Republicans
[ "@user @user @userNo way this woman was threatened and had to move out of her house because of conservatives or Republicans" ]
@user @user @userDe ninguna manera esta mujer fue amenazada y tuvo que mudarse de su casa debido a los conservadores o republicanos
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user That nutbar hasn’t blocked you Todd? She blocked me and gave no clue who she is
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userThat nutbar hasn’t blocked you Todd?She blocked me and gave no clue who she is" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user That nutbar ha bloqueado a Todd?Me bloqueó y no dio ninguna pista de quién es ella @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user That nutbar ha bloqueado a Todd?
*60 … * Sixty year old! Man ...... she is fine
[ "*60 … *Sixty year old!Man ......she is fine" ]
*60 ... *¡Sesenta años! Hombre ......ella está bien
@user @user @user Super storm Sandy hit the North East. I agree with you though. People here have a bad idea of the east coast and it's pretty cool. The north east gets all 4 seasons at least. We get rain and summer.
[ "@user @user @user Super storm Sandy hit the North East.I agree with you though.People here have a bad idea of the east coast and it's pretty cool.The north east gets all 4 seasons at least.We get rain and summer." ]
@user @user @user Super tormenta Sandy golpeó el noreste.Estoy de acuerdo contigo sin embargo.La gente aquí tiene una mala idea de la costa este y es bastante fresco.El noreste tiene las 4 estaciones al menos.Tenemos lluvia y verano.
@user How about Sessions indict him and his cohorts for Operation Fast and Furious
[ "@user How about Sessions indict him and his cohorts for Operation Fast and Furious" ]
@user ¿Qué tal Sessions lo acusa a él y a sus cohortes de Operación Rápida y Furiosa?
@user @user @user @user @user @user Deserved better
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userDeserved better" ]
@user @user @user @user @userMerecido mejor
@user Antifa should be declared a domestic terrorist organization.
[ "@user Antifa should be declared a domestic terrorist organization." ]
@user Antifa debe ser declarado una organización terrorista nacional.
@user @user Antifa is a domestic terrorist group
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Antifa is a domestic terrorist group" ]
@user @user Antifa es un grupo terrorista nacional
@user Down with liberals!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Down with liberals!" ]
@user ¡Abajo los liberales!
@user It was Billy Clinton's Welfare Reform"" that caused this. To be clear Billy Clinton is Republican Lite, like Hillary is. The Clinton's campaign on Progressivism, but govern as conservatives.""
[ "@userIt was Billy Clinton's Welfare Reform\"\" that caused this.To be clear Billy Clinton is Republican Lite, like Hillary is.The Clinton's campaign on Progressivism, but govern as conservatives.\"\"" ]
@userFue la Reforma de Bienestar de Billy Clinton" lo que causó esto.Para ser claro, Billy Clinton es Republicano Lite, como lo es Hillary.La campaña de Clinton sobre el progresismo, pero gobierna como conservadores".
@user @user So we should be denouncing Democrats & their ANTIFA Thugs? Done & Done!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userSo we should be denouncing Democrats & their ANTIFA Thugs?Done & Done!!!" ]
@user @userAsí que deberíamos estar denunciando a los demócratas & sus Thugs ANTIFA?Hecho & Hecho!!!
@user have you ever served this country other than be elected? Because that is not the same! Have you ever put your life on the line for others?! I am one of the Dregs Of Society! #DregsOfSociety 🇺🇸#MAGA
[ "@user have you ever served this country other than be elected?Because that is not the same!Have you ever put your life on the line for others?!I am one of the Dregs Of Society!#DregsOfSociety 🇺🇸#MAGA" ]
@user ¿Alguna vez has servido a este país aparte de ser elegido?¡Porque eso no es lo mismo!¡Alguna vez has puesto tu vida en juego para otros?¡Soy uno de los Dregs de la Sociedad!#DregsOfSociety MAGA
@user @user MSM/Democrats/Liberals describe Antifa as “Peaceful Demonstrators.” In my opinion they are a Democrat Army preparing for war.👹👹👹
[ "@user @user MSM/Democrats/Liberals describe Antifa as “Peaceful Demonstrators.”In my opinion they are a Democrat Army preparing for war.👹👹👹" ]
@user @user MSM/Democrats/Liberals describen a Antifa como “manifestadores pacíficos”. En mi opinión, son un ejército demócrata que se prepara para la guerra.
@user All communist Democrat socialists are bad humans.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user All communist Democrat socialists are bad humans." ]
@user Todos los socialistas demócratas comunistas son malos humanos.
@user Winston thinks she is lovely
[ "@user Winston thinks she is lovely" ]
@user Winston piensa que es encantadora
@user It’s going to suck with any rating. Venom without the Spiderman origin isn’t really Venom. This is just a Sony cash grab.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt’s going to suck with any rating.Venom without the Spiderman origin isn’t really Venom.This is just a Sony cash grab." ]
@userVa a apestar con cualquier calificación.Venom sin el origen Spiderman no es realmente Venom.Esto es sólo una toma de efectivo Sony.
@user @user Yes it did... And it's on editorial... Is Joe Q the editor of X-Men... No he isn't... He is editor in Chief. He is the boss of all the other editors... Sooo he wasn't responsible... I shouldn't be arguing because this is stupid...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYes it did...And it's on editorial...Is Joe Q the editor of X-Men...No he isn't...He is editor in Chief.He is the boss of all the other editors...Sooo he wasn't responsible... I shouldn't be arguing because this is stupid..." ]
@user @userYes lo hizo...Y está en editorial... ¿Es Joe Q el editor de X-Men...No lo es...Es editor en jefe.Es el jefe de todos los otros editores...Sooo él no era responsable... No debería estar discutiendo porque esto es estúpido...
@user @user We need a wild wild web for conservatives.
[ "@user @userWe need a wild wild web for conservatives." ]
@user @userNecesitamos una web salvaje para los conservadores.
@user @user @user You are not helping people your case lol
[ "@user @user @userYou are not helping people your case lol" ]
@user @user @userNo estás ayudando a la gente a tu caso lol
@user @user Its unfortunately not as cut and dry as all that. Gun laws vary per state. Even cities. Compare Chicago that has extreme gun control with New York that has almost the same level. Yet Chicago has horrible gun crime and NY not to that extent? Criminals are the problem.
[ "@user @userIts unfortunately not as cut and dry as all that.Gun laws vary per state.Even cities.Compare Chicago that has extreme gun control with New York that has almost the same level.Yet Chicago has horrible gun crime and NY not to that extent?Criminals are the problem." ]
@user @userDesafortunadamente no es tan corta y seca como todo eso.Las leyes de armas varían según el estado.Incluso las ciudades.Comparar Chicago que tiene control extremo de armas con Nueva York que tiene casi el mismo nivel.Sin embargo, Chicago tiene horrible crimen de armas y NY no hasta ese punto?Los crímenes son el problema.
@user Someone should'veTaken"" this piece of shit to a volcano. 😂""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Someone should'veTaken\"\" this piece of shit to a volcano.😂\"\"" ]
@user Alguien debería haber tomado"" este pedazo de mierda a un volcán.
@user you are something else😍
[ "@user you are something else😍" ]
@user eres algo más
@user I really thought so. He is the God of rap. How do you come back from that
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I really thought so.He is the God of rap.How do you come back from that" ]
@user realmente lo pensé. Él es el Dios del rap.
Business is business. I love this story. URL
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Business is business.I love this story. URL" ]
El negocio es negocio.Me encanta esta historia. URL
@user @user Jeff I have a lot of respect for you. Please vote no to Brett - not because you don’t like him but because it’s the right thing to do. He has lied - he is hiding documents - he thinks trump is above the law. THIS IS WRONG !!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userJeff I have a lot of respect for you.Please vote no to Brett - not because you don’t like him but because it’s the right thing to do.He has lied - he is hiding documents - he thinks trump is above the law.THIS IS WRONG !!!" ]
@user @userJeff Tengo mucho respeto por ti. Por favor, vota no a Brett - no porque no te guste, sino porque es lo correcto. Ha mentido - está escondiendo documentos - piensa que el triunfo está por encima de la ley.
@user This is the realest (and tealest) shit ever. Eric da gawd
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis is the realest (and tealest) shit ever.Eric da gawd" ]
@userEsta es la mierda más real (y más fea) de la historia.Eric da gawd
@user @user Both of them.....
[ "@user @user Both of them....." ]
@user @user Los dos....
@user @user @user @user @user Sorry and yes you are very wrong as most people who don’t read the science behind the generation and subsidies are. My page is a good place to start but reading 10-20 books on the subject will get you some excellent schooling. Very complex.
[ "@user @user @user @user @userSorryand yes you are very wrong as most people who don’t read the science behind the generation and subsidies are.My page is a good place to start but reading 10-20 books on the subject will get you some excellent schooling.Very complex." ]
@user @user @user @user @userLo sentimos y sí estás muy equivocado ya que la mayoría de las personas que no leen la ciencia detrás de la generación y los subsidios son.Mi página es un buen lugar para empezar pero leer 10-20 libros sobre el tema te dará una excelente educación.Muy complejo.
@user @user 100% agree. If we see him starting this year it is because Maxi goes cold. I hope he is a next year starter...
[ "@user @user 100% agree.If we see him starting this year it is because Maxi goes cold.I hope he is a next year starter..." ]
@user @user 100% de acuerdo.Si lo vemos a partir de este año es porque Maxi se enfría.Espero que sea un principiante del próximo año...
@user #cnn will go down in flames with the rest of the liberals. They are far too clueless to change.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user #cnn will go down in flames with the rest of the liberals.They are far too clueless to change." ]
@user #cnn caerá en llamas con el resto de los liberales.Son demasiado despistados para cambiar.
@user What would happen if she were to support gun control? Would the NRA help her opponent?
[ "@user What would happen if she were to support gun control?Would the NRA help her opponent?" ]
@user ¿Qué pasaría si apoyara el control de armas?¿Ayudaría la NRA a su oponente?
@user America first #MAGA magic
[ "@user America first #MAGA magic" ]
@user America primero #MAGA magia
@user @user is paid to attack the credibility of anyone who criticizes or accuses Trump of wrong doing. He is a paid political hitman disguised as a journalist. He is a hack!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user is paid to attack the credibility of anyone who criticizes or accuses Trump of wrong doing.He is a paid political hitman disguised as a journalist.He is a hack!" ]
@user @user se paga para atacar la credibilidad de cualquier persona que critica o acusa a Trump de hacer mal.Es un sicario político pagado disfrazado de periodista.¡Es un hackeo!
@user has notado que los medios de comunicación son sólo mostrar a los jugadores negros arrodillarse y nadie cada queja sobre eso?
@user Brennan sure as hell is.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Brennan sure as hell is." ]
@user Brennan seguro que sí.
Energy Independence: A 'bi-product' of Donald Trump's relentless pursuit to #MAGA!
[ "Energy Independence: A 'bi-product' of Donald Trump's relentless pursuit to #MAGA!" ]
Independencia energética: ¡Un 'bi-producto' de la incesante búsqueda de Donald Trump hacia #MAGA!
@user @user @user @user @user She is a disgusting Coont!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userShe is a disgusting Coont!" ]
@user @user @user @user ¡Es un Coont asqueroso!
@user @user @user @user He is building it.
[ "@user @user @user @userHe is building it." ]
@user @user @user @userLo está construyendo.
@user @user Ezra is a cockroach who needs to have light shone on.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Ezra is a cockroach who needs to have light shone on." ]
@user @user Ezra es una cucaracha que necesita que la luz brille.
@user When will they learn. People dont care about what they think about politics. Just read your lines and entertain us. Keep your stupid pins and fake tattoos and ribbons at home. #MAGA #Emmys
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userWhen will they learn.People dont care about what they think about politics.Just read your lines and entertain us.Keep your stupid pins and fake tattoos and ribbons at home.#MAGA #Emmys" ]
@userCuándo aprenderán.A la gente no le importa lo que piensa de la política.Solo lee tus líneas y entreténnos.Mantén tus estúpidos alfileres y tatuajes falsos y cintas en casa.#MAGA #Emmys
@user @user @user Be there with Bells on 👍✌️❤️
[ "@user @user @user Be there with Bells on 👍✌️❤️" ]
@user @user @user Estar allí con Bells en
@user you've seen the reports and you might know more than me but have a look at how many businesses have closed down since the coalition of the @user @user and you talk of training people for business.
[ "@user you've seen the reports and you might know more than me but have a look at how many businesses have closed down since the coalition of the @user @user and you talk of training people for business." ]
@user has visto los informes y tal vez sepas más que yo, pero echa un vistazo a cuántos negocios han cerrado desde la coalición del @user @user y hablas de entrenar gente para negocios.
@user Agreed...he is the future!
[ "@user Agreed...he is the future!" ]
@user De acuerdo... ¡él es el futuro!
@user I’m sooo happy you are a Gator!! 🐊💙🐊💙🐊
[ "@user I’m sooo happy you are a Gator!!🐊💙🐊💙🐊" ]
@user ¡¡Estoy tan feliz de que seas un Gator!!
@user @user @user Andy, you literally went on vacation right after making that pressing"" announcement. You're a joke and this is why real conservatives are turning to Bernier""
[ "@user @user @userAndy, you literally went on vacation right after making that pressing\"\" announcement.You're a joke and this is why real conservatives are turning to Bernier\"\"" ]
@user @user @userAndy, literalmente te fuiste de vacaciones justo después de hacer ese anuncio """.Eres una broma y es por eso que los conservadores reales se están volviendo a Bernier"".
@user @user is there any reason why you believe you are relevant anymore? You weren't relevant when you were Secretary of State all you wanted to do is give away everything to our enemies. Go crawl back under the rock with Barry Soweto
[ "@user @user is there any reason why you believe you are relevant anymore?You weren't relevant when you were Secretary of State all you wanted to do is give away everything to our enemies.Go crawl back under the rock with Barry Soweto" ]
@user @user ¿hay alguna razón por la que creas que ya eres relevante?No eras relevante cuando eras Secretario de Estado todo lo que querías hacer es regalar todo a nuestros enemigos.Ve arrastrándote de vuelta bajo la roca con Barry Soweto
@user 2D is a puppet for el mierdas"" Wowowow!!! I was crying when I see the video
[ "@user 2D is a puppet for el mierdas\"\" Wowowow!!!I was crying when I see the video" ]
@user 2D es un títere de las miradas" "Wowowow!!!Estaba llorando cuando vi el video
@user @user Don’t they have strong gun control in Chicago? So nobody should be getting shot. Oh that’s right only law abiding citizens are being shot because criminals don’t understand they can’t have guns...Gun control is not about controlling guns it’s about controlling citizens!
[ "@user @user Don’t they have strong gun control in Chicago?So nobody should be getting shot.Oh that’s rightonly law abiding citizens are being shot because criminals don’t understand they can’t have guns...Gun control is not about controlling guns it’s about controlling citizens!" ]
@user @user ¿No tienen un fuerte control de armas en Chicago?Así que nadie debería recibir un disparo. Oh, eso es lo único correcto que se está disparando a los ciudadanos que cumplen la ley porque los criminales no entienden que no pueden tener armas... control de armas no se trata de controlar las armas se trata de controlar a los ciudadanos!
@user @user @user So ist es! #TheDeepState #Jesuiten #Cabal #satanists #NWO #KalergiPlan ~ #KalergiPreis #WhiteGenocide #COMMUNISM #Antifa #AlbertPike1871 ‼️ #DrainTheSwamp #LockThemAllUp #Guantanamo #EXPROPRIATE #QAnon 🐇🕳️ @user @user @user #POTUS45 #Trump2020
[ "@user @user @userSo ist es!#TheDeepState #Jesuiten #Cabal #satanists #NWO #KalergiPlan ~ #KalergiPreis #WhiteGenocide #COMMUNISM #Antifa #AlbertPike1871 ‼️ #DrainTheSwamp #LockThemAllUp #Guantanamo #EXPROPRIATE #QAnon 🐇🕳️ @user @user @user #POTUS45#Trump2020" ]
@user @user @userSo ist es!#TheDeepState #Jesuiten #Cabal #Satanists #NWO #KalergiPlan ~ #KalergiPreis #WhiteGenocide #COMUNISM #Antifa #AlbertPike1871 !!• #DrainTheSwamp #LockThemAllUp #Guantanamo #EXPROPIATE #QAnon @user @user @user #POTUS45#Trump2020
@user So innocent until PROVEN guilty only applies to liberals?????
[ "@user So innocent until PROVEN guilty only applies to liberals?????" ]
@user Tan inocente hasta que PROVEN culpable sólo se aplica a los liberales????
@user @user I could care less about his viewpoints as he is NOT a hero of mine and I prefer a more scholar-like man in conservatism such as X.Not everyone has to take his stance as heroic and may look to other leaders to define what a hero is. You don’t get to think for other people
[ "@user @user I could care less about his viewpoints as he is NOT a hero of mine and I prefer a more scholar-like man in conservatism such as X.Not everyone has to take his stance as heroic and may look to other leaders to define what a hero is.You don’t get to think for other people" ]
@user @user Me podrían importar menos sus puntos de vista ya que NO es un héroe mío y prefiero un hombre más erudito en conservadurismo como X. No todo el mundo tiene que tomar su postura como heroico y puede mirar a otros líderes para definir lo que es un héroe.No se llega a pensar para otras personas
@user She is such a witch. All she needs is a broom
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is such a witch.All she needs is a broom" ]
@userElla es una bruja. Todo lo que necesita es una escoba
@user @user @user @user i feel like generally the principle i would use is punching up"" if you're taking people down then good. if you're like...just giving them a bigger audience then welp, you done f'ed up i would compare it to antifa stuff (i mean, that is in fact what it is)""
[ "@user @user @user @useri feel like generally the principle i would use is punching up\"\" if you're taking people down then good.if you're like...just giving them a bigger audience then welp, you done f'ed up i would compare it to antifa stuff(i mean, that is in fact what it is)\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @useri siento que generalmente el principio que usaría es golpear"" si usted está tomando gente abajo entonces bueno.si usted es como ... sólo dándoles una audiencia más grande entonces welp, usted hizo f'ed arriba lo compararía con cosas antifa (quiero decir, eso es de hecho lo que es)""
@user The important distinction here being Ex-attorney general"" ..so frankly Yasir..nobody gives a rats pyjamas what you think..now piss off and find another trough to wallow in..liberals are finished in Ontario.""
[ "@user The important distinction here being Ex-attorney general\"\" ..so frankly Yasir..nobody gives a rats pyjamas what you think..now piss off and find another trough to wallow in..liberals are finished in Ontario.\"\"" ]
@user La importante distinción aquí siendo Ex-abogado General" ..tan francamente Yasir ..nadie le da a las ratas pijamas lo que usted piensa .. ahora cabrearse y encontrar otro abrevadero para revolcarse adentro ..liberales son terminados en Ontario.""
@user @user No. I think he knows @user is going to lose anyway and he has nothing to lose in this battle. He is like a suicide bomber can only think tactically unfortunately he can only lie to stay in news.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userNo.I think he knows @user is going to lose anywayand he has nothing to lose in this battle.He is like a suicide bomber can only think tactically unfortunately he can only lie to stay in news." ]
@user @userNo.Creo que sabe que @user va a perder de todos modos y no tiene nada que perder en esta batalla.Él es como un terrorista suicida sólo puede pensar tácticamente desafortunadamente sólo puede mentir para mantenerse en las noticias.
@user EXACTLY! Nice 😊
[ "@user EXACTLY!Nice 😊" ]
@user EXACTLY!
@user @user @user cares a great deal about how he is perceived. The number of people who died is largely irrelevant to him as long as he doesn't look bad. Not sure how blaming Democrats fits with Trump's amorality and lack of empathy but his inability to take responsibility fits.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user cares a great deal about how he is perceived.The number of people who died is largely irrelevant to him as long as he doesn't look bad.Not sure how blaming Democrats fits with Trump's amorality and lack of empathy but his inability to take responsibility fits." ]
@user @user @user se preocupa mucho por cómo se percibe.El número de personas que murieron es en gran medida irrelevante para él mientras no se vea mal.No estoy seguro de cómo culpar a los demócratas encaja con la amoralidad de Trump y la falta de empatía, pero su incapacidad para asumir responsabilidad encaja.
@user @user We must pray every single day.
[ "@user @userWe must pray every single day." ]
@user @userDebemos rezar todos los días.
@user Proud. Shit is fire no matter what weather you’re in. No matter if your house temperature is high or low. Everyone’s just too pussy to get in the water for 1 min. Cuz after that you get used to the temp
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Proud.Shit is fire no matter what weather you’re in.No matter if your house temperature is high or low.Everyone’s just too pussy to get in the water for 1 min.Cuz after that you get used to the temp" ]
@user Orgulloso.Shit es fuego no importa en qué clima estés.No importa si la temperatura de tu casa es alta o baja.Todo el mundo es demasiado coño para meterse en el agua durante 1 min. Porque después de eso te acostumbras a la temperatura
@user No she is just informing the public of the horrible goings on in the trump White House.
[ "@userNo she is just informing the public of the horrible goings on in the trump White House." ]
@userNo, ella solo está informando al público de los horribles sucesos en el triunfo de la Casa Blanca.
[ "offensive" ]
@user HEY BEE Itch Serás instigado e irás a GITMO
@user By 'democracy' of course he means the Democrat party.
[ "@userBy 'democracy' of course he means the Democrat party." ]
@userPor 'democracia', por supuesto, se refiere al partido demócrata.
7th and 8th grade football will be looking for parent volunteers to help assist with our concession stand. If you are interested you my email me at darell.maddox@USER
[ "7th and 8th grade football will be looking for parent volunteers to help assist with our concession stand.If you are interested you my email me at darell.maddox@USER" ]
Fútbol de 7o y 8o grado estará buscando padres voluntarios para ayudar a ayudar con nuestro stand de concesión.Si usted está interesado en mi correo electrónico a streell.maddox@USER
@user @user This is what happens when you allow employees to destroy your brand. Americans will never choose Football over our Flag. ALWAYS STAND
[ "@user @userThis is what happens when you allow employees to destroy your brand.Americans will never choose Football over our Flag.ALWAYS STAND" ]
@user @userEsto es lo que sucede cuando permites que los empleados destruyan tu marca.Los estadounidenses nunca elegirán Fútbol por encima de nuestra bandera.
@user Maybe she’s just mad that you don’t “attack” her enough that she is getting as much work as she did at the height of her “victimhood” period? I always told you that she only got that much work for that long was by parlaying victim points from your criticism into work offers.
[ "@userMaybe she’s just mad that you don’t “attack” her enough that she is getting as much work as she did at the height of her “victimhood” period?I always told you that she only got that much work for that long was by parlaying victim points from your criticism into work offers." ]
@userTal vez ella está enojada porque no la “atacas” lo suficiente como para conseguir tanto trabajo como lo hizo en el punto más alto de su período de “víctima”?Siempre te dije que ella sólo consiguió tanto trabajo por tanto tiempo fue haciendo que la víctima puntos de sus críticas en ofertas de trabajo.
@user @user As well this would allow you to still protest. But not stop a speaker or a group. Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them. (Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.)
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user As well this would allow you to still protest.But not stop a speaker or a group.Really Hitler did this in the early time of the Nazi party a group known as the SS would beat up politicians and people that didn't agree with them.(Sounds familiar smells like Antifa.)" ]
@user @user También esto le permitiría protestar.Pero no detener a un orador o un grupo.De verdad Hitler hizo esto en los primeros tiempos del partido nazi un grupo conocido como las SS golpearía a políticos y personas que no estaban de acuerdo con ellos.(Suena familiar olores como Antifa.)
@user @user Capitalism has killed more than that since 2000
[ "@user @user Capitalism has killed more than that since 2000" ]
@user @user El capitalismo ha matado más que eso desde 2000
10) But why? Do they hate us that much?"" Well yes and no. For the Leftists, yes they do. Why? Because they're Leftists, silly! You either get with their program and let them tell you what to do - or they hate you. With the formerly conservative conservatives - no.""
[ "10)But why?Do they hate us that much?\"\" Well yes and no.For the Leftists, yes they do.Why?Because they're Leftists, silly!You either get with their program and let them tell you what to do - or they hate you.With the formerly conservative conservatives - no.\"\"" ]
10)Pero ¿por qué?, ¿nos odian tanto?""Bueno, sí y no.Para los izquierdistas, sí lo hacen.¿Por qué?¡Porque son izquierdistas, tontos!O te dejas llevar por su programa y dejas que te digan qué hacer - o te odian.Con los antiguos conservadores conservadores - no.""
@user Isn't this bodyshaming""? Good to see the feminists and liberals have no issue with bodyshaming, as long as it's directed towards a man.""
[ "@user Isn't this bodyshaming\"\"?Good to see the feminists and liberals have no issue with bodyshaming, as long as it's directed towards a man.\"\"" ]
"Es bueno ver que las feministas y los liberales no tienen ningún problema con la humillación corporal, siempre y cuando esté dirigida hacia un hombre".
@user This will be settled and will never see a jury. We will never know the truth. Maybe she grabbed him first while swapping spit or he is really that stupid to just grab her. Either way I doubt we will ever know the complete truth.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThis will be settled and will never see a jury.We will never know the truth.Maybe she grabbed him first while swapping spit or he is really that stupid to just grab her.Either way I doubt we will ever know the complete truth." ]
@userEsto se arreglará y nunca verá un jurado.Nunca sabremos la verdad.Tal vez ella lo agarró primero mientras intercambiaba saliva o él es realmente tan estúpido para agarrarla.De cualquier manera dudo que alguna vez sepamos la verdad completa.
@user @user @user @user @user @user Anyone concerned with mass gun killings"" should reject ""gun control"" outright as unconstitutional. Especially since during the first 80 years of the Twentieth Century alone, “governments” killed some 170 million people. Facilitated by ""gun control”.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user Anyone concerned with mass gun killings\"\" should reject \"\"gun control\"\" outright as unconstitutional.Especially since during the first 80 years of the Twentieth Century alone, “governments” killed some 170 million people.Facilitated by \"\"gun control”.\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user Cualquier persona interesada en asesinatos masivos de armas"" debe rechazar ""control de armas"" por completo como inconstitucional.Especialmente desde que durante los primeros 80 años del siglo XX solamente, los "gobiernos" mataron a unos 170 millones de personas.
@user Damaged Kerry’s non existent credibility. Seems a lot of Obama-Vomit Doofuses are coming out of the woodworks
[ "@user Damaged Kerry’s non existent credibility.Seems a lot of Obama-Vomit Doofuses are coming out of the woodworks" ]
@user Daños a la credibilidad inexistente de Kerry. Parece que muchos Doofuses Obama-Vomit están saliendo de las fábricas de madera
@user Alright imma need an explanation there
[ "@user Alright imma need an explanation there" ]
@user Muy bien Imma necesita una explicación allí
@user Iya Risi in my area didnt get the money. She is a widow with 5children and all attempt to get the money proved abortive. Isn't this a scam?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Iya Risi in my area didnt get the money.She is a widow with 5children and all attempt to get the money proved abortive.Isn't this a scam?" ]
@user Iya Risi en mi área no obtuvo el dinero.Ella es una viuda con 5 hijos y todos los intentos de conseguir el dinero resultaron abortivos.¿No es esto una estafa?
@user @user @user @user We know it’s a strategy conservatives have.... not working
[ "@user @user @user @userWe know it’s a strategy conservatives have.... not working" ]
@user @user @user Sabemos que es una estrategia que los conservadores tienen.... no funciona
@user Another lie. Anything for a diversion
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Another lie.Anything for a diversion" ]
@user Otra mentira.Cualquier cosa para una distracción
@user @user She has received death threats and has teenage daughters. She is protecting her family
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe has received death threats and has teenage daughters.She is protecting her family" ]
@user @userHa recibido amenazas de muerte y tiene hijas adolescentes.Está protegiendo a su familia
...wasn't great but he is still the best I've seen...my money is on thed AB's winning both the Rugby Championships and the WC with Beauden Barrett to play a starring role.
[ "...wasn't great but he is still the best I've seen...my money is on thed AB's winning both the Rugby Championships and the WC with Beauden Barrett to play a starring role." ]
...no fue genial, pero sigue siendo el mejor que he visto... mi dinero está en la victoria de AB tanto en el Campeonato de Rugby como en el WC con Beauden Barrett para interpretar un papel protagonista.
@user @user . The #MeToo has been ruined by hateful demonic Democrats. It's now been WEAPONIZED against MEN. Disgusting how Democrats/Liberals RUIN everything they touch! #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user .The #MeToo has been ruined by hateful demonic Democrats.It's now been WEAPONIZED against MEN.Disgusting how Democrats/Liberals RUIN everything they touch!#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA" ]
@user @user .The #MeToo ha sido arruinado por los odiosos demócratas demoníacos.Ahora ha sido despechado contra los hombres.¡Asqueroso cómo los demócratas/liberales arruinan todo lo que tocan!#VoteRedToSaveAmerica #MAGA
@user You are so adorable. ^^
[ "@user You are so adorable. ^^" ]
@user Eres tan adorable.
@user @user @user Hahahahaha!! really?: Stiglitz is Nobel prize 💡. You are a simple stockbroker 💩😂.
[ "@user @user @user Hahahahaha!!really?: Stiglitz is Nobel prize 💡.You are a simple stockbroker 💩😂." ]
@user @user @user Hahahaha!!realmente?: Stiglitz es el premio Nobel .Usted es un simple corredor de bolsa .
@user Yeah . Niggas who dey wear durag nor dey joke. Hard as fuck
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYeah .Niggas who dey wear durag nor dey joke.Hard as fuck" ]
@userYeah .Niggas que están usando durag ni broma. Duro como el polvo
@user @user @user Please call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userPlease call trump out for what he is...a NARCISSISTIC SOCIOPATH!" ]
@user @user @userPor favor llame a trump out para lo que es... un SOCIOPATH NARCISSISTIC!
@user @user We the dregs of society will make sure you are never president ❗
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user We the dregs of society will make sure you are never president ❗" ]
@user @user Nosotros las escorias de la sociedad se asegurarán de que usted nunca es presidente