@user And Bill Maher should try getting back into comedy.
[ "@userAnd Bill Maher should try getting back into comedy." ]
@userY Bill Maher deberían intentar volver a la comedia.
@user All I'm hearing is We don't care that people in this country are being unjustly treated, I'm going to make up an excuse as to why kneeling is offensive so I continue to ignore the problems we face as a Nation.""""
[ "@user All I'm hearing is We don't care that people in this country are being unjustly treated, I'm going to make up an excuse as to why kneeling is offensive so I continue to ignore the problems we face as a Nation.\"\"\"\"" ]
@user Todo lo que escucho es que no nos importa que la gente en este país esté siendo tratada injustamente, voy a inventarme una excusa sobre por qué arrodillarme es ofensivo, así que sigo ignorando los problemas que enfrentamos como nación".""
@user @user Thanks, I was wondering what this term was supposed to mean. Right wing radicalisation"" ... is that supposed to imply that conservatives engage in extremist tactics like Maxine Waters calls for?""
[ "@user @userThanks, I was wondering what this term was supposed to mean.Right wing radicalisation\"\" ... is that supposed to imply that conservatives engage in extremist tactics like Maxine Waters calls for?\"\"" ]
@user @userGracias, me preguntaba qué se supone que significa este término. radicalización del ala derecha" ... ¿se supone que implica que los conservadores participan en tácticas extremistas como Maxine Waters pide?"
@user Thirty AGED Zayn es sexy aunque JDKDKDK incluso aunque me haga emo también
@user Dufus of the year would be more like it...!!!
[ "@user Dufus of the year would be more like it...!!!" ]
@user Dufus del año sería más como...!!!
@user @user @user white supremacist? You mean Antifa?
[ "@user @user @user white supremacist?You mean Antifa?" ]
@user @user @user white supremacist?Te refieres a Antifa?
@user Delusional idiot and the traitor!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Delusional idiot and the traitor!" ]
@user Delusional idiota y el traidor!
@user @user This is absurd. Read more about the history, politics, and true belifs of fascism. Antifa do not/cannot do the bidding of ruling class because that's what fascism is for aka bootlickers. And u.s. liberals"" have always been right leaning.""
[ "@user @userThis is absurd.Read more about the history, politics, and true belifs of fascism.Antifa do not/cannot do the bidding of ruling class because that's what fascism is for aka bootlickers.And u.s. liberals\"\" have always been right leaning.\"\"" ]
@user @userEsto es absurdo.Lea más sobre la historia, la política y las verdaderas mentiras del fascismo.Antifa no puede o no puede hacer las órdenes de la clase dominante porque eso es lo que el fascismo es para los aka bolos.Y los liberales de los EE.UU." siempre han estado apoyados en la derecha".
Look at the date of this tweet - very TELLING for sure @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #MAGA
[ "Look at the date of this tweet - very TELLING for sure @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #MAGA" ]
Mira la fecha de este tuit - muy TELLING seguro @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #MAGA
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Following all patriots. PLEASE follow back. Thank you. #MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Witchhunt #RedWaveRising #VoteRed #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userFollowing all patriots.PLEASE follow back.Thank you.#MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Witchhunt #RedWaveRising #VoteRed #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userSeguir a todos los patriotas.PLEASE seguir.Gracias.#MAGA #KAG #WalkAway #Witchhunt #RedWaveRising #VoteRed #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
@user A good person turns people in doing crimes. To say Satan made them do it is unthinkable. Satan wouldn't turn the child abusers in. What is this progressive pope thinking?
[ "@user A good person turns people in doing crimes.To say Satan made them do it is unthinkable.Satan wouldn't turn the child abusers in.What is this progressive pope thinking?" ]
@user Una buena persona convierte a la gente en cometer crímenes.Decir que Satanás los hizo hacerlo es impensable.Satanás no entregaría a los abusadores de niños.¿Qué está pensando este papa progresista?
@user @user She goes through with chequers the @user are finished
[ "@user @userShe goes through with chequers the @user are finished" ]
@user @userElla pasa por los chequeros el @user está terminado
@user @user @user You are not alone
[ "@user @user @userYou are not alone" ]
@user @user @userNo estás solo
@user @user Get him off what? lol You better wake up and look around you. Liberals want anarchy and no laws and to keep giving away your hard earned money to people who refuse to work. Then they sit back in their big gated houses in their lily white world and forget all about you. 🐑
[ "@user @user Get him off what?lol You better wake up and look around you.Liberals want anarchy and no laws and to keep giving away your hard earned money to people who refuse to work.Then they sit back in their big gated houses in their lily white world and forget all about you.🐑" ]
@user @user Sácalo de qué?lol Será mejor que te despiertes y mires a tu alrededor.Los liberales quieren anarquía y ninguna ley y seguir regalando tu dinero duramente ganado a las personas que se niegan a trabajar.Luego se sientan en sus grandes casas cerradas en su mundo blanco lirio y se olvidan de ti.
@user @user Jesus she is the evilest of cunts
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Jesus she is the evilest of cunts" ]
@user @user Jesús es la más malvada de las putas
@user By being a spoiled entitled ghetto head? That really"" screams ""feminist!""""
[ "@user By being a spoiled entitled ghetto head?That really\"\" screams \"\"feminist!\"\"\"\"" ]
@user Al ser una cabeza de ghetto con el título mimado?Eso realmente"" grita ""feminista!""""
@user @user She is an angel! Much love to her!
[ "@user @userShe is an angel!Much love to her!" ]
@user @user¡Es un ángel!¡Mucho amor para ella!
@user @user Here are the People"" who ""Hold you up"" and who YOU hold up. 1st Photo They are beating a Republican Korean War VET. 2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and Kids Because they are Conservative. The LEFT, YOUR LEFT is all about shutting down FREE SPEECH!
[ "@user @user Here are the People\"\" who \"\"Hold you up\"\" and who YOU hold up.1stPhoto They are beating a Republican Korean War VET.2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and KidsBecause they are Conservative.The LEFT, YOUR LEFT is all about shutting down FREE SPEECH!" ]
@user @user Here are the People"" which "Hold you up" and who USTED steld up.1stPhoto Ellos están venciendo a una FP de la Guerra de Corea republicana.2nd & 3rd Photo ANTIFA is Beating Minorities, LGBT and KidsDebido a que son conservadores.
@user #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft is great because she is a badass!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft is great because she is a badass!" ]
@user #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft es genial porque es una ruda!
@user Don’t forget about the Homeless in your district congressmen 😂
[ "@user Don’t forget about the Homeless in your district congressmen 😂" ]
@user No se olvide de los sin hogar en sus congresistas de distrito
. @user @user @user @user Fake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".@user @user @user @userFake conservatives and their fake outrage over the budget betrayal" ]
.@user @user @user @userFake conservadores y su falsa indignación por la traición al presupuesto
@user And there you have it...
[ "@userAnd there you have it..." ]
@userY ahí lo tienes...
#DEMOCRACY Civil Disobedience is Paramount"" #DumpFord #Dictatorship #CONservatives #Liars #Fascists #ONpoli #TOpoli It’s time for Ontario’s other municipalities to stand up for local democracy via @user
[ "#DEMOCRACY Civil Disobedience is Paramount\"\" #DumpFord #Dictatorship #CONservatives #Liars #Fascists #ONpoli #TOpoli It’s time for Ontario’s other municipalities to stand up for local democracy via @user" ]
#DEMOCRACY La desobediencia civil es paramount"" #DumpFord #Dictadura #Conservantes #Letras #Fascistas #ONpoli #TOpoli Es hora de que los otros municipios de Ontario defiendan la democracia local a través de @user
@user She worked for @user before he fired her for her comments on The View. She is inconsistent all over the damn place.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe worked for @user before he fired her for her comments on The View.She is inconsistent all over the damn place." ]
@userElla trabajó para @user antes de que él la despidiera por sus comentarios en The View.Ella es inconsistente por todo el maldito lugar.
@user Good Day I trust that you are well Please send me your email address
[ "@user Good Day I trust that you are well Please send me your email address" ]
@user Good Day Confío en que esté bien Por favor envíeme su dirección de correo electrónico
@user I thought that I could not dislike anyone more than your father but I was wrong. You are even more PATHETIC than he is. Your children must be so proud to have a father who behaves like you. Tick tock.... #MuellerIsComingForYouToo #PatheticLittleManJr
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I thought that I could not dislike anyone more than your fatherbut I was wrong.You are even more PATHETIC than he is.Your children must be so proud to have a father who behaves like you.Tick tock....#MuellerIsComingForYouToo #PatheticLittleManJr" ]
@user Pensé que no podía odiar a nadie más que a tu padre, pero estaba equivocado.Eres aún más PATÉTICO de lo que es.Tus hijos deben estar tan orgullosos de tener un padre que se comporte como tú.Tick tock....#MuellerIsComingForYouToo #PatheticLittleManJr
@user Did you go to the south side where thousands have died? Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don’t work.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Did you go to the south side where thousands have died?Strictest gun control policies in the country and they don’t work." ]
@user ¿Fuiste al lado sur donde miles de personas han muerto? Las políticas de control de armas más estrictas en el país y no funcionan.
[ "offensive" ]
@user Look Sthis BULLSHIT
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user ME BITCH I WILL" ]
@user ME BITCH
@user McQuaid is wayyyyy too expensive for what he is.
[ "@user McQuaid is wayyyyy too expensive for what he is." ]
@user McQuaid es wayyyyy demasiado caro para lo que es.
.@USER @user and @user MP @user praises the 'innovative #publicsector thinking' of @user this week in @user If Britain is to prosper in the 21st century, it is through embracing the #digital economy"" ➡️
[ ".@USER @user and @user MP @user praises the 'innovative #publicsector thinking' of @user this week in @user If Britain is to prosper in the 21st century, it is through embracing the #digital economy\"\" ➡️" ]
.@USER @user y @user MP @user elogia el 'innovativo #pensamiento del sector público' de @user esta semana en @user Si Gran Bretaña va a prosperar en el siglo XXI, es a través de la adopción de la economía #digital"
@user yep.unfortuly he has proven what establishment supporters on du said about him.why in world did he support bernie.he is all in for trump which is why i have him blocked afte rpreviously following him ont witter and youtube.
[ "@user yep.unfortulyhe has proven what establishment supporters on du said about him.why in world did he support bernie.he is all in for trump which is why i have him blocked afte rpreviously following him ont witter and youtube." ]
@user yep.unfortulyhe ha demostrado lo que los partidarios del establecimiento en du dijo sobre él.por qué en el mundo apoyó a Bernie.él está todo en el triunfo que es por lo que lo he bloqueado afte rpreviamente seguirlo ont witter y youtube.
@user @user @user Tell this idiot to try with other religion book. Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest. She is sick. She needs treatment. And she is alive becoz she hindu. Don't blabber non sense
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userTell this idiot to try with other religion book.Her height will b reduced 6 inch from top before amrinder reaches her to arrest.She is sick.She needs treatment.And she is alive becoz she hindu.Don't blabber non sense" ]
@user @user @userDile a esta idiota que intente con otro libro de religión.Su altura b se reducirá 6 pulgadas desde arriba antes de que Ambrinder la alcance para arrestarla.Ella está enferma.Ella necesita tratamiento.Y ella está viva por su hindu.
@user But she never questioned Congress’ sluch fund to payoff sexual harassment settlements.
[ "@userBut she never questioned Congress’ sluch fund to payoff sexual harassment settlements." ]
@userPero ella nunca cuestionó el fondo del Congreso para pagar los acuerdos de acoso sexual.
@user @user @user @user I don't know how They said they aren't gay tho."" and ""And by liberals you mean conservatives."" sounds like me being upset. As for why it matters, if it doesn't matter then why go to such lengths to deny that they're gay? There's straight couples, why not just let them be gay?""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userI don't know how They said they aren't gay tho.\"\" and \"\"And by liberals you mean conservatives.\"\" sounds like me being upset.As for why it matters, if it doesn't matter then why go to such lengths to deny that they're gay?There's straight couples, why not just let them be gay?\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @userNo sé cómo dijeron que no eran gay tho."" y ""Y por liberales te refieres a conservadores."" suena como que estoy molesto.En cuanto a por qué importa, si no importa entonces ¿por qué ir a tales extremos para negar que son gays?Hay parejas heterosexuales, ¿por qué no dejar que sean gays?""
@user @user Just think... this chap was teaching...
[ "@user @userJust think...this chap was teaching..." ]
@user @userSólo piensa... este tipo estaba enseñando...
@user @user @user Snowflakes are liberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Snowflakes are liberals" ]
@user @user @user Los copos de nieve son liberales
@user So happy for you and your dad!!! My dad had the same kind of cancer but stage 4. He was diagnosed in 2016 and passed away this passed January. My mom is kicking leukemia’s ass since Nov. of 2015 and she is doing awesome!
[ "@user So happy for you and your dad!!!My dad had the same kind of cancer but stage 4.He was diagnosed in 2016 and passed away this passed January.My mom is kicking leukemia’s ass since Nov. of 2015 and she is doing awesome!" ]
@user Tan feliz para ti y tu papá!!!Mi papá tenía el mismo tipo de cáncer, pero la etapa 4. Él fue diagnosticado en 2016 y falleció este pasado enero.Mi mamá está pateando el culo de la leucemia desde noviembre de 2015 y ella está haciendo impresionante!
@user @user @user @user @user So tell me all about why you are simply rudeand racist. Was it your mother…?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userSo tell me all about why you are simply rudeand racist.Was it your mother…?" ]
@user @user @user @userAsí que cuéntame todo sobre por qué eres simplemente grosero y racista. ¿Fue tu madre...?
@user #JulieBurchill is actually mentally ill. When I was a kid she used to fill the NME and The Face and all those mags with her vacuous drivel and now she is given the space in Grown Up World to do it courtesy the spineless pro #brexit @user eejits. She is pathetic.
[ "@user #JulieBurchill is actually mentally ill.When I was a kid she used to fill the NME and The Face and all those mags with her vacuous drivel and now she is given the space in Grown Up World to do it courtesy the spineless pro #brexit @user eejits.She is pathetic." ]
@user #JulieBurchill es en realidad mentalmente enfermo.Cuando yo era un niño que solía llenar el NME y la cara y todas esas revistas con su vacuo chillido y ahora se le da el espacio en el mundo adulto para hacerlo cortesía de los #brexit pro #user ejits.Ella es patética.
6/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist."" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying, yet again, that “LAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER.""""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "6/7 ....drunk 17-year-old tell us little about his character as 53-year-old, let alone about his competency as a jurist.\"\" But it seems a tad more likely that conservatives are merely clarifying, yet again, that “LAW AND ORDER MEANS USING THE LAW TO REINFORCE A SOCIAL ORDER.\"\"\"\"" ]
6/7 ....drunk de 17 años nos cuenta poco acerca de su carácter de 53 años, y mucho menos acerca de su competencia como jurista.""Pero parece un poco más probable que los conservadores simplemente están aclarando, una vez más, que "LAW AND ORDER significa usar la ley para RENOVAR UN ORDEN SOCIAL."""
.Alina_AE Hah! Makes me think of my friend Catherine back at home </3 mighty hunter that she is!
[ ".Alina_AEHah!Makes me think of my friend Catherine back at home </3 mighty hunter that she is!" ]
.Alina_AEHah!Me hace pensar en mi amiga Catherine de vuelta en casa </3 poderoso cazador que ella es!
@user He's qualified. 😂😂😂😂
[ "@userHe's qualified.😂😂😂😂" ]
@userEstá calificado.
@user @user @user you are very creative :)
[ "@user @user @user you are very creative :)" ]
@user @user @user eres muy creativo :)
#Toad The one on top. NObama is best described as such..... 🇺🇸#MAGA #Trump2020🇺🇸
[ "#Toad The one on top.NObama is best described as such..... 🇺🇸#MAGA #Trump2020🇺🇸" ]
#Sapo El de arriba.NObama es mejor descrito como tal..... MAGA #Trump2020
@user @user Antifa is a terrorist organization funded by George Soros
[ "@user @user Antifa is a terrorist organization funded by George Soros" ]
@user @user Antifa es una organización terrorista financiada por George Soros
@user You are too pure to become like this, Atsushi-kun."" He whispered as if he could hear what the child was thinking about. That wasn't so hard. ""I love you, I have adopted you, I have saved you. You showed me a beautiful light, Atsushi-kun.""""
[ "@user You are too pure to become like this, Atsushi-kun.\"\" He whispered as if he could hear what the child was thinking about.That wasn't so hard.\"\"I love you, I have adopted you, I have saved you.You showed me a beautiful light, Atsushi-kun.\"\"\"\"" ]
@user Eres demasiado puro para volverte así, Atsushi-kun.""Susurró como si pudiera oír lo que el niño estaba pensando.Eso no fue tan difícil.""Te amo, te he adoptado, te he salvado.Me mostraste una hermosa luz, Atsushi-kun.""
@user @user Basically me and my liberals friends want to decide what's right for the rest of you.
[ "@user @userBasically me and my liberals friends want to decide what's right for the rest of you." ]
@user @userBasicamente yo y mis amigos liberales queremos decidir lo que es correcto para el resto de ustedes.
@user @user @user We love an eagles family
[ "@user @user @userWe love an eagles family" ]
@user @user @userNos encanta una familia de águilas
@user @user These liberals have no problem lying.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThese liberals have no problem lying." ]
@user @userEstos liberales no tienen problema en mentir.
@user You're welcome and I do mean it. You are super cute
[ "@userYou're welcome and I do mean it.You are super cute" ]
@userDe nada y lo digo en serio.Eres súper lindo
(9) Well all sides except us conservatives. We are still striving 2 be reasonable with completely unreasonable opposition. How do U get out of gravity of a black hole with the moon lander rocket? You can't. What you need is a star destroyer warp drive. So why act like we can?
[ "(9)Well all sides except us conservatives.We are still striving 2 be reasonable with completely unreasonable opposition.How do U get out of gravity of a black hole with the moon lander rocket?You can't.What you need is a star destroyer warp drive.So why act like we can?" ]
(9)Bueno, todos los lados excepto nosotros los conservadores.Todavía estamos luchando 2 ser razonable con una oposición completamente irrazonable.¿Cómo U salir de la gravedad de un agujero negro con el cohete de aterrizaje de la luna?No puedes.Lo que necesitas es una unidad warp del destructor de estrellas.
@user Thank you Ms Desanctis! I'm comforted that not all conservatives are letting their ambition blind their conscience. Sexual assault/harassment has been a plague on society for centuries - that should NOT make it a conservative or traditionalist cause!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Thank you Ms Desanctis!I'm comforted that not all conservatives are letting their ambition blind their conscience.Sexual assault/harassment has been a plague on society for centuries - that should NOT make it a conservative or traditionalist cause!" ]
@user ¡Gracias, Sra. Desanctis!Me consuela que no todos los conservadores estén dejando que su ambición cegue su conciencia.El asalto sexual/acoso ha sido una plaga para la sociedad durante siglos - ¡eso NO debería hacerlo una causa conservadora o tradicionalista!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user It's hard to kill a killer. Ya know? @user @user Read the book.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userIt's hard to kill a killer.Ya know?@user @userRead the book." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user es difícil de matar a un asesino.Ya sabe?@user @user @user @userLea el libro.
@user Actually should read as liberal MP leaves liberals for another liberal party""""
[ "@user Actually should read as liberal MP leaves liberals for another liberal party\"\"\"\"" ]
@user En realidad debe leer como liberal MP deja liberales para otro partido liberal """"
@user No, no. Olivia is fine. Infact, she is here with me. You have a meeting today to discuss and approve of a new project."" He replied to him honestly, Faith tilted her head to the side as she frowned a little in curiosity as she listened in on the phone call.""
[ "@userNo, no.Olivia is fine.Infact, she is here with me.You have a meeting today to discuss and approve of a new project.\"\" He replied to him honestly, Faith tilted her head to the side as she frowned a little in curiosity as she listened in on the phone call.\"\"" ]
@userNo, no.Olivia está bien.De hecho, ella está aquí conmigo.Tienes una reunión hoy para discutir y aprobar un nuevo proyecto.""Le respondió honestamente, Faith inclinó la cabeza hacia un lado mientras fruncía un poco el ceño de curiosidad mientras escuchaba la llamada telefónica."
#Politics #Government LIBERALS WON'T LIKE THIS --> @user says @user took a call from @user and talked about our plan."" via @user
[ "#Politics #Government LIBERALS WON'T LIKE THIS --> @user says @user took a call from @user and talked about our plan.\"\" via @user" ]
#Politics #Government LIBERALS NO ME GUSTA ESTO --> @user dice que @user recibió una llamada de @user y habló de nuestro plan."" via @user
@user If you ain’t hyping me up like the nigga in the back ima have to throw the whole friend away
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIf you ain’t hyping me up like the nigga in the back ima have to throw the whole friend away" ]
@userSi no me estás molestando como el negro en la parte de atrás ima tiene que tirar a todo el amigo a la basura
[ "offensive" ]
@user Dear Andrew I saw the endorsement by Cory Booker the both of you are made for each other secondly you're view are so far left since you and Cory both hate the President secondly you're a moron running against Rick Scott I hope get beat so bad
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Dear AndrewI saw the endorsement by Cory Booker the both of you are made for each other secondly you're view are so far left since you and Cory both hate the President secondly you're a moron running against Rick Scott I hope get beat so bad" ]
@user Estimado AndrewVí el apoyo de Cory Booker los dos están hechos el uno para el otro en segundo lugar usted es vista son tan lejos de la izquierda ya que usted y Cory ambos odian al Presidente en segundo lugar usted es un idiota corriendo contra Rick Scott Espero que le golpeen tan mal
@user Breitbart Who the hero? It’s sure NOT @user
[ "@user Breitbart Who the hero?It’s sure NOT @user" ]
@user Breitbart ¿Quién es el héroe?
@user Just didn’t look like any of the mannerisms he has exhibited. Glad he is in CF
[ "@userJust didn’t look like any of the mannerisms he has exhibited.Glad he is in CF" ]
@userSimplemente no se parecía a ninguno de los manierismos que ha exhibido.
Captain Maga getting slandered? And it wasn’t from me? Damn.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Captain Maga getting slandered?And it wasn’t from me?Damn." ]
¿El capitán Maga fue calumniado? ¿Y no fue por mí?
@user @user @user Trump call them very find people so lets talk about groups like Antifa and black life matter people that has form to fight hate groups y’all would like to apply some type of moral equivalency to hate groups and them just like ICE was form to stop illegal immigrants we luv them
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userTrump call them very find people so lets talk about groups like Antifa and black life matter people that has form to fight hate groups y’all would like to apply some type of moral equivalency to hate groups and them just like ICE was form to stop illegal immigrants we luv them" ]
@user @user @userTrump llamarlos muy encontrar gente así que vamos a hablar de grupos como Antifa y asuntos de la vida negra gente que tiene forma de luchar contra los grupos de odio que todos les gustaría aplicar algún tipo de equivalencia moral a los grupos de odio y ellos como ICE era forma de detener a los inmigrantes ilegales que los adoramos
[ "offensive" ]
@userNO BITCH Quiero decir que no sabía que lo estábamos haciendo no zoomed en ninguna perra es divertido
@user @user What a wonderful caring president we have. God bless him!! #MAGA
[ "@user @userWhat a wonderful caring president we have.God bless him!!#MAGA" ]
@user @userQué maravilloso presidente que tenemos.¡Dios lo bendiga!! #MAGA
@user who said Canada even wants him? we have enough entitled liberals here already
[ "@user who said Canada even wants him?we have enough entitled liberals here already" ]
@user, ¿quién dijo que Canadá incluso lo quiere? ya tenemos bastantes liberales titulados aquí
@user She is a cutie!!But she needs a PACKER bib
[ "@userShe is a cutie!!But she needs a PACKER bib" ]
@user¡Ella es una linda!!Pero ella necesita un babero PACKER
#prouduncle 😍 she is the finest cheerleader of them all💙 te amo stinky butt💝
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#prouduncle 😍 she is the finest cheerleader of them all💙 te amo stinky butt💝" ]
Ella es la mejor animadora de todos ellos.
@user My. Arms. Wasn't. That. Big! N. Neither. Was. My. Boobs! They. Are. Now! From. Them. Injecting. Fat! Into. My. Body!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userMy. Arms.Wasn't.That.Big!N. Neither. Was.My. Boobs!They.Are.Now!From.Them.Injecting.Fat!Into.My. Body!" ]
@userMy. Arms.Warn't. That.Big!N. Ni. Was.My. Boobs!They.Are.Now!From.Them.Inject.Fat!Into.My. Body!
@user @user @user You're good Candy You are good 🤣🤣
[ "@user @user @userYou're goodCandy You are good 🤣🤣" ]
@user @user @userEres buenoCandy Eres bueno
@user better leave #HIAC with #SDLIVE Women's Title tonight! She is the best woman on the whole roster bar none!
[ "@user better leave #HIAC with #SDLIVE Women's Title tonight!She is the best woman on the whole roster bar none!" ]
@user es mejor dejar #HIAC con #SDLIVE Women's Title esta noche!Ella es la mejor mujer en toda la lista bar ninguno!
@user Rep Maxine Waters has been threatening violence on you the President and vise President. How come she is permitted to do this. Is the DOJ and Washington capital Police sleeping?? Why are all democrats above the law? This is a crime!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Rep Maxine Waters has been threatening violence on you the President and vise President.How come she is permitted to do this.Is the DOJ and Washington capital Police sleeping??Why are all democrats above the law?This is a crime!" ]
@user Rep Maxine Waters ha estado amenazando con la violencia contra usted, el presidente y el presidente.¿Cómo es que se le permite hacer esto?¿Está durmiendo el Departamento de Justicia y la policía capital de Washington?¿Por qué están todos los demócratas por encima de la ley?¡Esto es un crimen!
@user @user @user I agree. There are obese people trying to change the way they are. Good luck to them. Not lazy. Tess_Holliday is doing the opposite. She is actively promoting that its good and beautiful to be obese. Its not. And its down to being lazy and greedy. Simple science
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userI agree.There are obese people trying to change the way they are.Good luck to them.Not lazy.Tess_Holliday is doing the opposite.She is actively promoting that its good and beautiful to be obese.Its not.And its down to being lazy and greedy.Simple science" ]
@user @user @userEstoy de acuerdo.Hay personas obesas tratando de cambiar la forma en que son.Buena suerte para ellos.No perezoso.Tess_Holliday está haciendo lo contrario.Está promoviendo activamente que es bueno y hermoso ser obeso.No es.Y se reduce a ser perezoso y codicioso.Ciencia sencilla
@user Silly unhinged liberals.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Silly unhinged liberals." ]
@user Liberales tontos.
@user @user @user Yes but it doesnt help with the made up stories about him. He shouldn't of called football players SOB. but he is right about illegal immigration. We can't support the entire nation. Rules needs to change.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYesbut it doesnt help with the made up stories about him.He shouldn't of called football players SOB.but he is right about illegal immigration.We can't support the entire nation.Rules needs to change." ]
@user @user @userYesbut no ayuda con las historias inventadas sobre él.No debería de llamarse jugadores de fútbol SOB.Pero tiene razón sobre la inmigración ilegal.No podemos apoyar a toda la nación.Las reglas necesitan cambiar.
@user Bono mocks nationalists during his concert in the last free part of Paris.
[ "@user Bono mocks nationalists during his concert in the last free part of Paris." ]
@user Bono se burla de los nacionalistas durante su concierto en la última parte libre de París.
@user I don't know if I feel sorry for you or should I block you because you keep going over the same thing. You have no read a thing or you are a remainer. Still don't mater I've answered all your questions & you have done nothing
[ "@user I don't know if I feel sorry for you or should I block you because you keep going over the same thing.You have no read a thing or you are a remainer.Still don't mater I've answered all your questions & you have done nothing" ]
@user No sé si siento pena por ti o debería bloquearte porque sigues repasando lo mismo.No tienes nada que leer o eres un stayer.Aun así, no mates He respondido a todas tus preguntas & no has hecho nada
@user And the media will simply not calm down and just report normally and let the folks decide. They are a propaganda arm of one party and anyone who disagrees with their doctrine is dismissed as evil and worthy of the Auntie Maxine or ANTIFA treatment or worse.
[ "@userAnd the media will simply not calm down and just report normally and let the folks decide.They are a propaganda arm of one party and anyone who disagrees with their doctrine is dismissed as evil and worthy of the Auntie Maxine or ANTIFA treatment or worse." ]
@userY los medios de comunicación simplemente no se calmarán y simplemente reportarán normalmente y dejarán que la gente decida.Son un brazo propagandístico de un partido y cualquiera que no esté de acuerdo con su doctrina es rechazado como malo y digno del tratamiento de la tía Maxine o ANTIFA o peor.
@user Don't bury the lead fam! It has nothing to do with gun control laws and everything to do with the demographics of those cities.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Don't bury the lead fam!It has nothing to do with gun control laws and everything to do with the demographics of those cities." ]
@user ¡No entierres a la familia líder!No tiene nada que ver con las leyes de control de armas y todo lo que tiene que ver con la demografía de esas ciudades.
@user @user @user Liberals can’t stand all the WINNIG!! 😂.
[ "@user @user @user Liberals can’t stand all the WINNIG!!😂." ]
@user @user @user Liberals no puede soportar todos los WINNIG!!!
@user Chances are if you say “hey no need to call her a whore” you’ll get called a libtard and blocked... but more Conservatives need to stand up and call out vile behavior. Difference between telling someone they can’t say something and what was said was wrong.
[ "@user Chances are if you say “hey no need to call her a whore” you’ll get called a libtard and blocked... but more Conservatives need to stand up and call out vile behavior.Difference between telling someone they can’t say something and what was said was wrong." ]
@user Lo más probable es que si dices “hey no hay necesidad de llamarla puta” te llamen "libbard" y te bloqueen... pero más conservadores necesitan ponerse de pie y llamar a cabo comportamiento vil.La diferencia entre decirle a alguien que no puede decir algo y lo que se dijo estaba mal.
@user He blocked me a long time ago after one response that called him out for lying. He's an idiot who thinks his $hit don't stick and loves saying stupid stuff to get liberals to love him. A complete douchebag.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe blocked me a long time ago after one response that called him out for lying.He's an idiot who thinks his $hit don't stick and loves saying stupid stuff to get liberals to love him.A complete douchebag." ]
@userMe bloqueó hace mucho tiempo después de una respuesta que lo llamó por mentir.Es un idiota que piensa que su $hit no se pega y le encanta decir cosas estúpidas para conseguir que los liberales lo amen.Un completo idiota.
Maybe in 2020 (if Trump is still around) the Democratic challenger will invite all the women Trump has threatened or raped to the debates. #Fear #BobWoodward #TheResistance #MAGAts #MAGA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Maybe in 2020 (if Trump is still around) the Democratic challenger will invite all the women Trump has threatened or raped to the debates.#Fear #BobWoodward #TheResistance #MAGAts #MAGA" ]
Tal vez en 2020 (si Trump todavía está cerca) el retador demócrata invite a todas las mujeres que Trump ha amenazado o violado a los debates.#Temor #BobWoodward #TheResistance #MAGAts #MAGA
@user Or the ones we lose when the NRA challenges reasonable gun control measures as unconstitutional as they did the new laws that the #Parkland kids helped get passed in FL.
[ "@user Or the ones we lose when the NRA challenges reasonable gun control measures as unconstitutional as they did the new laws that the #Parkland kids helped get passed in FL." ]
@user O los que perdemos cuando la NRA desafía medidas razonables de control de armas tan inconstitucionales como lo hicieron las nuevas leyes que los niños de #Parkland ayudaron a ser aprobados en FL.
#USA #UK and probably #Europe and #Australia With their level of intelligence? Weez all stoopid y'all! #MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots #Celebrities
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#USA #UK and probably #Europe and #Australia With their level of intelligence?Weez all stoopid y'all!#MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservatives #Patriots #Celebrities" ]
#USA #UK y probablemente #Europa y #Australia Con su nivel de inteligencia?Wez todos estúpidos ustedes!#MAGA #MEGA #MBGA #MCGA #Conservantes #Patriots #Celebrities
@user Can we all stop pretending that the Catholic Church is not the seat of Satan on earth?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Can we all stop pretending that the Catholic Church is not the seat of Satan on earth?" ]
@user ¿Podemos dejar de fingir que la Iglesia Católica no es la sede de Satanás en la tierra?
@user Just came here from the video and man am I discusted by greg seriously he is taking advantage of his sons fame.........f*%k greg.....🔥
[ "@user Just came here from the video and man am I discusted by greg seriously he is taking advantage of his sons fame.........f*%k greg.....🔥" ]
@user Acaba de venir aquí desde el video y el hombre estoy discutido por Greg en serio que está tomando ventaja de su fama hijos .......f*%k greg.....
@user @user We are ready whenever you are 🤷🏽
[ "@user @userWe are ready whenever you are 🤷🏽" ]
@user @userEstamos listos cuando usted está
@user @user Like how the NRA is biased against gun control. 🤯
[ "@user @user Like how the NRA is biased against gun control.🤯" ]
@user @user Como cómo la NRA está sesgada contra el control de armas.
[ "offensive" ]
@user FINALMENTE SANTO SHIT Estás finalmente leyendo la cabra
@user He IS Mark Twain in my eyes. Love him.
[ "@userHe IS Mark Twain in my eyes.Love him." ]
@userEl es Mark Twain en mis ojos.Amalo.
@user Goodell and my Lions both suck
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Goodell and my Lions both suck" ]
@user Goodell y mis Leones apestan
...this obvious hit job on kavannah is not going to work...and the liberals continue to reveal themselves as demonic figures...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "...this obvious hit job on kavannah is not going to work...and the liberals continue to reveal themselves as demonic figures..." ]
...este obvio trabajo de éxito en Kavannah no va a funcionar... y los liberales continúan revelándose como figuras demoníacas...
@user Right!? Good grief...he is just perfect 😊😘❤❤
[ "@user Right!?Good grief...he is just perfect 😊😘❤❤" ]
@user ¡Correcto!?Good luth...he is just perfect
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user It’s a heritage to be proud of ... Antifa destroy Nazis
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @userIt’s a heritage to be proud of ...Antifa destroy Nazis" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userEs una herencia estar orgulloso de ... Antifa destruir nazis
@user @user When we allow foreign law into our sovereign nation we have lost our sovereignty. Say no to #ShariaLaw #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #MondayMorning @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
[ "@user @user When we allow foreign law into our sovereign nation we have lost our sovereignty.Say no to #ShariaLaw #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #MondayMorning @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user" ]
@user @user Cuando permitimos leyes extranjeras en nuestra nación soberana hemos perdido nuestra soberanía.Di no a #ShariaLaw #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #MondayMorning @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
@user @user @user @user @user I know you are not being facetious. You are incapable of understanding contradictions.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userI know you are not being facetious.You are incapable of understanding contradictions." ]
@user @user @user @userSé que no estás siendo gracioso, eres incapaz de entender las contradicciones.
@user @user Correction: Liberals deliberately distorting.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Correction:Liberals deliberately distorting." ]
@user @user Corrección:Los liberales distorsionan deliberadamente.
@user Why are you liberals, who are so quick to scream I'm a victim"", so clueless as to how our legal system works & which law depts investigate which crimes? Assault crimes are not what the FBI investigates, period. Your ignorance on this matter is glaring & you should be embarassed.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Why are you liberals, who are so quick to scream I'm a victim\"\", so clueless as to how our legal system works & which law depts investigate which crimes?Assault crimes are not what the FBI investigates, period.Your ignorance on this matter is glaring & you should be embarassed.\"\"" ]
@user ¿Por qué son liberales, que son tan rápidos en gritar que soy una víctima", tan despistado en cuanto a cómo funciona nuestro sistema legal & que la ley depts investiga qué crímenes?Los crímenes de asalto no son lo que el FBI investiga, punto.Su ignorancia sobre este asunto es deslumbrante & usted debe ser avergonzado."