@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user that's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly-
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userthat's what you are implying that no-one took correct records-having been to hospital it is usual for the doctors or nurses to record as they go-so it is your claim that so many are incompetent if no single record was produced correctly-" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user eso es lo que usted está insinuando que nadie tomó los registros correctos-habiendo estado en el hospital es habitual que los médicos o enfermeras registren a medida que van-así que es su afirmación que muchos son incompetentes si no se produjo un registro único correctamente-
@user Biden successfully plagiarized to get ahead in his political career. He is the poster boy of the Dregs of society"". VOTE dems out in November.""
[ "@user Biden successfully plagiarized to get ahead in his political career.He is the poster boy of the Dregs of society\"\".VOTE dems out in November.\"\"" ]
@user Biden plagia con éxito para salir adelante en su carrera política.Él es el chico del cartel de los Dregs de la sociedad" ".VOTE se deshace en noviembre.""
@user @user @user @user The problem is corporate barons are spending millions against conservative causes. Take for instance Nike. They plan on spending hundreds of thousands against Measure 105 in Oregon. Billionaires are spending millions to curb gun rights in Washington
[ "@user @user @user @userThe problem is corporate barons are spending millions against conservative causes.Take for instance Nike.They plan on spending hundreds of thousands against Measure 105 in Oregon.Billionaires are spending millions to curb gun rights in Washington" ]
@user @user @user @userEl problema es que los barones corporativos están gastando millones contra causas conservadoras.Por ejemplo, Nike, planean gastar cientos de miles contra la Medida 105 en Oregon.
@user And you’ll spend your final days in hell sinking
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userAnd you’ll spend your final days in hell sinking" ]
@userY pasarás tus últimos días en el infierno hundiéndote
@user Heil Facebook! Yeah...pretty much.
[ "@user Heil Facebook!Yeah...pretty much." ]
@user Heil Facebook!Sí... bastante.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ACHTUNG - It's today vote now being question by Hungarian @user -
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ACHTUNG -It's today vote now being question by Hungarian @user -" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user ACHTUNG -Es hoy el voto ahora es pregunta por húngaro @user -
@user The old fool proved he shouldn't be leader of the Liberals when he mouthed off about the Sky takeover by Murdoch.
[ "@userThe old fool proved he shouldn't be leader of the Liberals when he mouthed off about the Sky takeover by Murdoch." ]
@userEl viejo tonto demostró que no debería ser el líder de los liberales cuando habló de la toma del Sky por Murdoch.
@user @user @user He is the best
[ "@user @user @userHe is the best" ]
@user @user @userEs el mejor
@user this photo does you no justice.
[ "@user this photo does you no justice." ]
@user esta foto no te hace justicia.
@user You voted to trigger Article 50. You are complicit.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYou voted to trigger Article 50.You are complicit." ]
@userVosotros votasteis para activar el Artículo 50.Vosotros sois cómplices.
@user Dude you are old!!! Lmao. PS: Go Pack Go!!!
[ "@user Dude you are old!!!Lmao.PS: Go Pack Go!!!" ]
@user Dude eres viejo!!!Lmao.PS: Go Pack Go!!!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Great girl and I’m sure there are more of them. In the Democratic Party. She is a real prize
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Great girland I’m sure there are more of them.In the Democratic Party.She is a real prize" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Gran chica y estoy seguro de que hay más de ellos.En el Partido Demócrata.Ella es un verdadero premio
@user @user Maybe he can help the liberals with TDS.
[ "@user @userMaybe he can help the liberals with TDS." ]
@user @userTal vez pueda ayudar a los liberales con TDS.
@user Watching liberals get all uppity at you though was the best part. They jump to defend the scum as ever.
[ "@user Watching liberals get all uppity at you though was the best part.They jump to defend the scum as ever." ]
@user Ver a los liberales conseguir toda la tristeza en usted, aunque fue la mejor parte.Saltan para defender a la escoria como siempre.
.@USER is staffed with unhinged Liberals & @user This is a disgusting statement.
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".@USER is staffed with unhinged Liberals & @user This is a disgusting statement." ]
.@USER tiene personal con liberales desquiciados & @user Esta es una declaración repugnante.
@user Because she “is a woman??”. Uh..wasn’t her opponent a woman...not getting your ill formed point here.
[ "@user Because she “is a woman??”.Uh..wasn’t her opponent a woman...not getting your ill formed point here." ]
@user Porque ella “es una mujer?”.Uh..no era su oponente una mujer... no conseguir su punto mal formado aquí.
@user You are too kind. Thanks Debs!
[ "@user You are too kind.Thanks Debs!" ]
@user Eres muy amable.Gracias Debs!
@user LMFAO NO But he is in his undies
[ "@user LMFAONOBut he is in his undies" ]
@user LMFAONOPero está en su ropa interior
@user uhh.. He is so cute.. I don't know what it is about a strong man's man I luv.. Lol.. Especially that can fight.. I guess bc I had to grow up being able to hold mines being so short to the point you don't have to worry about fighting anymore..
[ "@user uhh..He is so cute..I don't know what it is about a strong man's man I luv..Lol..Especially that can fight..I guess bc I had to grow up being able to hold mines being so short to the point you don't have to worry about fighting anymore.." ]
@user uhh..Él es tan lindo..No sé lo que es sobre el hombre de un hombre fuerte que lov..Lol..Especialmente que puede luchar..Supongo que bc tuve que crecer siendo capaz de mantener las minas siendo tan corto al punto que no tienes que preocuparte de luchar más..
@user @user I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user I want to prove to him how actually retarded he is" ]
@user @user Quiero demostrarle lo retrasado que es
@user @user @user @user allows actual Islamic terrorists to recruit on Twitter despite repeated attempts to have them removed.
[ "@user @user @user @user allows actual Islamic terrorists to recruit on Twitter despite repeated attempts to have them removed." ]
@user @user @user @user permite a terroristas islámicos reales reclutar en Twitter a pesar de los repetidos intentos de eliminarlos.
@user This message was approved by #antifa #pussyhats #BLM
[ "@userThis message was approved by #antifa #pussyhats #BLM" ]
@userEste mensaje fue aprobado por #antifa #pussyhats #BLM
@user It's like a reading a leaflet from Antifa or BLM. Utter garbage.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt's like a reading a leaflet from Antifa or BLM.Utter garbage." ]
@userEs como leer un folleto de Antifa o BLM.Utter basura.
@user @user @user She can probably suck the chrome off a trailer hitch though...
[ "@user @user @userShe can probably suck the chrome off a trailer hitch though..." ]
@user @user @user Probablemente puede chupar el cromo de un enganche del remolque aunque...
@user @user Yeah. He’s very immature & can dish out criticism while crying and blocking instead of accepting any. It’s cool. Folks can see him for who he is mostly.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYeah.He’s very immature & can dish out criticism while crying and blocking instead of accepting any.It’s cool.Folks can see him for who he is mostly." ]
@user @userYeah.Él es muy inmaduro & puede ofrecer críticas mientras llora y bloquea en lugar de aceptar cualquiera.Es cool.Folks puede verlo por quién es en su mayoría.
@user Sounds like he joined #Antifa - Gov. @user of #WA state recently took anti- #POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user
[ "@user Sounds like he joined #Antifa - Gov. @user of #WA state recently took anti-#POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user" ]
@user suena como que se unió a #Antifa - Gobernador. @user del estado de #WA recientemente tomó postura anti-#POLICE no firmará certificados que reconozcan a los 20 mejores oficiales de la policía por #Policía #Combat competencia excelencia #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @user
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Ha if you really can't see the hypocrisy that is antifa then you have obvious drunk the cool aid.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userHa if you really can't see the hypocrisy that is antifa then you have obvious drunk the cool aid." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userHa si usted realmente no puede ver la hipocresía que es antifa entonces usted ha bebido obviamente la ayuda fresca.
@user What do u expect from vile violent lying disgusting liberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user What do u expect from vile violent lying disgusting liberals" ]
@user ¿Qué esperas de los vil y violento mentirosos liberales repugnantes
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Some volient actions are done to defend one self. Antifa goal is to stop bank monopoles on our nations.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userSome volient actions are done to defend one self.Antifa goal is to stop bank monopoles on our nations." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Algunas acciones volitivas se hacen para defenderse a sí mismo.Antifa objetivo es detener los monopolos bancarios en nuestras naciones.
@user Why would DPD ride with this chic. I know code of blue. She is more trouble than good.
[ "@user Why would DPD ride with this chic.I know code of blue.She is more trouble than good." ]
@user ¿Por qué iba DPD a montar con este chic.Yo sé código de azul.Ella es más problema que bueno.
@user @user Chicago~~ Nearly 100 years of crooked Democrat leadership & some of the strictest gun control in the nation and Dopey Durbin attempts to lay the blame at the feet of Republicans🤔🤔 MAKE NO MISTAKE DEMOCRATS #YouBuiltThis #ChicagoDeathToll
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Chicago~~ Nearly 100 years of crooked Democrat leadership & some of the strictest gun control in the nation and Dopey Durbin attempts to lay the blame at the feet of Republicans🤔🤔 MAKE NO MISTAKE DEMOCRATS#YouBuiltThis #ChicagoDeathToll" ]
@user @user Chicago• Casi 100 años de liderazgo demócrata torcido & algunos de los más estrictos controles de armas en la nación y Dopey Durbin intenta echar la culpa a los pies de los republicanos HACER NINGÚN DEMOCRATES #YouBuiltThis #ChicagoDeathToll
@user Better take an extra antidepressant Cher it’s a done deal. 🇺🇸
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Better take an extra antidepressant Cher it’s a done deal.🇺🇸" ]
@user Mejor tomar un Cher antidepresivo extra es un trato hecho.
@user @user Nobody interferes and steals elections for liberals in western democracies including America than Soros. Why there is no investigation and are no charges against him? Yet!
[ "@user @user Nobody interferes and steals elections for liberals in western democracies including America than Soros.Why there is no investigation and are no charges against him?Yet!" ]
@user @user Nadie interfiere y roba elecciones para liberales en democracias occidentales incluyendo América que Soros.¿Por qué no hay investigación y no hay cargos en su contra?
@user would be great to see you in a scene for @user @user
[ "@user would be great to see you in a scene for @user @user" ]
@user sería genial verte en una escena para @user @user
[ "offensive" ]
@user para los Kochs y los Trumps y los Pollutores..But no para nosotros el pueblo o los estudiantes o profesores y no deja ni hablar de las cosas que una mayoría de la gente americana espera como HealthCARE &Amp; Control de armas!nada más que $$ para @user y donantes!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yassss!!! Trump Wins Law Suit - Cali Court Overturns Gun Control Law via @user
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yassss!!!Trump Wins Law Suit - Cali Court Overturns Gun Control Law via @user" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Yasss!!!Trump gana demanda legal - Corte de Cali anula ley de control de armas a través de @user
@user I am happy to say I reported each video 20 times. I'm so glad they were taken down. You are an amazing YouTuber and to have your content stolen is such a large insult to you as a content creator its mind blowing. It was an honor to help such an amazing person!
[ "@user I am happy to say I reported each video 20 times.I'm so glad they were taken down.You are an amazing YouTuber and to have your content stolen is such a large insult to you as a content creator its mind blowing.It was an honor to help such an amazing person!" ]
@user Estoy feliz de decir que he reportado cada vídeo 20 veces.Estoy muy contento de que fueron eliminados.Eres un increíble YouTuber y tener su contenido robado es un insulto tan grande para ti como un creador de contenido su mente soplando.Fue un honor ayudar a una persona tan increíble!
@user And I have concerns with”Democrats”
[ "@userAnd I have concerns with”Democrats”" ]
@userY tengo preocupaciones con “Democrats”
@user That's cause she's got (head wave) at least 50 or so pounds and a couple inches or feet on her so it's okay. Not to mention Miley doesnt look the fighting type. (IDK if she is or not)
[ "@userThat's cause she's got (head wave) at least 50 or so pounds and a couple inches or feet on herso it's okay.Not to mention Miley doesnt look the fighting type.(IDK if she is or not)" ]
@userEso es porque tiene (ola de cabeza) al menos 50 libras y un par de pulgadas o pies en ella, así que está bien.Sin mencionar que Miley no parece el tipo de pelea.(IDK si lo está o no)
(2) if you are not registered to vote. Go and register. You can also do same day registration in Connecticut if you cannot before November 6.
[ "(2) if you are not registered to vote.Go and register.You can also do same day registration in Connecticut if you cannot before November 6." ]
(2) si no está registrado para votar, vaya y regístrese.También puede registrarse el mismo día en Connecticut si no puede antes del 6 de noviembre.
@user @user No liberals calling for @user to resign
[ "@user @userNo liberals calling for @user to resign" ]
@user @userNo hay liberales llamando a @user para dimitir
@user @user That's exactly what he is....
[ "@user @userThat's exactly what he is...." ]
@user @userEso es exactamente lo que es....
@user @user @user I’m really not on any side of this mess but all day people were siding with Cardi talking bout Nicki and do shit. Jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSSS!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userI’m really not on any side of this mess but all day people were siding with Cardi talking bout Nicki and do shit.Jsjdhkdfhjfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSSS!!" ]
@user @user @userYo realmente no estoy en ningún lado de este lío, pero todo el día la gente estaba de parte de Cardi hablando de Nicki y hacer mierda.Jsjdhkdffhfkfkhsjdhd MESSSSSS!!
@user The comments below, defending Drug Ford's blatant abuse of power is completely laughable. But, but the Liberals. Bias, BIAS I tell you!!! Must be only the NDP rich downtown area that was polled"". Ho-man... thanks guys... I needed a good laugh! 😂😂😂""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe comments below, defending Drug Ford's blatant abuse of power is completely laughable.But, but the Liberals.Bias, BIAS I tell you!!!Must be only the NDP rich downtown area that was polled\"\".Ho-man... thanks guys...I needed a good laugh!😂😂😂\"\"" ]
@userLos comentarios a continuación, defender el abuso flagrante de poder de Drug Ford es completamente risible.Pero, pero los liberales.Bias, BIAS te digo!!!Debe ser sólo el NDP rico área del centro que fue encuestado".Ho-man... gracias chicos...necesité una buena risa!
@user Incoming “evil soy” conspiracy nuts
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Incoming “evil soy” conspiracy nuts" ]
@user Incoming “soya malvada” locuras conspiración
@user @user Let's focus on Kavanaugh. Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant. It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks."" Try to focus.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Let's focus on Kavanaugh.Bringing up other cases to make an argument about hypocrisy is irrelevant.It's like saying, Let's not investigate this bank robbery because liberals have robbed other banks.\"\" Try to focus.\"\"" ]
@user @user Vamos a centrarnos en Kavanaugh.Reunir otros casos para hacer una discusión sobre la hipocresía es irrelevante.Es como decir, No investiguemos este robo al banco porque los liberales han robado a otros bancos.""Tratemos de enfocarnos".
This is how he #MAGA...?!? Please explain...
[ "This is how he #MAGA...?!?Please explain..." ]
Así es como él #MAGA...?!?Por favor explique...
@user If It could that shit would be talking to you like BUTCH NOO YOU ALREADY KNOW HE A FUCK BOII BYE
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIf It could that shit would be talking to you like BUTCH NOO YOU ALREADY KNOW HE A FUCK BOII BYE" ]
@userSi esa mierda te hablara como Butch Noo, ya sabes que es una puta bola.
@user @user @user What a crap she is?.......total publicity seeker. Since when tearing apart The Bhagwad Gita is symbol of changing India and why Bhagwad Gita .........if u have guts show here tearing apart Kuran and Bible too #Intellectualidiot
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userWhat a crap she is?.......total publicity seeker.Since when tearing apart The Bhagwad Gita is symbol of changing India and why Bhagwad Gita .........if u have guts show here tearing apart Kuran and Bible too #Intellectualidiot" ]
@user @user @userWhat a stup she is?.......total publicitation seeker.Desde que cuando se destroza el Bhagwad Gita es símbolo de cambiar la India y por qué Bhagwad Gita ............ si tienes agallas muestran aquí destrozando Kuran y la Biblia también #Intellectualidiot
.@USER has done this to me and many others. Shut off functionality and targeted censored conservatives. #FoxNews @user
[ ".@USER has done this to me and many others.Shut off functionality and targeted censored conservatives.#FoxNews @user" ]
.@USER me ha hecho esto a mí y a muchos otros.Cerrar funcionalidad y conservadores censurados.#FoxNews @user
Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz Latest Polls: Democrat Underdog Shown With Lead For First Time in Texas Senate Race - Newsweek #MAGA
[ "Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz Latest Polls: Democrat Underdog Shown With Lead For First Time in Texas Senate Race - Newsweek #MAGA" ]
Beto O'Rourke vs. Ted Cruz Últimas encuestas: Democrat Underdog mostró por primera vez el liderazgo en la carrera senatorial de Texas - Newsweek #MAGA
@user @user Where does antifa fall on this report? Or did you only look at the right?
[ "@user @user Where does antifa fall on this report?Or did you only look at the right?" ]
@user @user ¿Dónde cae antifa en este informe?¿O solo miraste a la derecha?
@user @user He/she deserves those tattoos. Hope the antifa follow.
[ "@user @userHe/she deserves those tattoos.Hope the antifa follow." ]
@user @userHe/she merece esos tatuajes.Espero que el antifa siga.
@user @user @user @user Think about why the NDP one it's because people are sick and tired of how conservatives run government and the UCP was supposed to be a different type of conservative but it's not
[ "@user @user @user @user Think about why the NDP one it's because people are sick and tired of how conservatives run government and the UCP was supposed to be a different type of conservativebut it's not" ]
@user @user @user @user Piense en por qué el NDP es porque la gente está enferma y cansada de cómo los conservadores dirigen el gobierno y la UCP se suponía que era un tipo diferente de conservador, pero no es
@user @user @user He's not an opportunistic liar. Nor have you proven he is. So your whole argument is fake news.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userHe's not an opportunistic liar.Nor have you proven he is.So your whole argument is fake news." ]
@user @user @userNo es un mentiroso oportunista.Ni has probado que lo sea.Así que todo tu argumento es una noticia falsa.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Islamism & The #Left including @user @user @user #Marxists #Progressives #Socialists & w/ their shock troop #BrownShirts #ANTIFA trying to subvert our #constitutional #USARepublic
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Islamism & The #Left including @user @user @user#Marxists #Progressives #Socialists & w/ their shock troop #BrownShirts #ANTIFA trying to subvert our #constitutional #USARepublic" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user #Islamism & La #izquierda incluyendo @user @user @Marxistas #Progresistas #Socialistas & con su tropa de choque #Camisas de Brown #ANTIFA tratando de subvertir nuestra #constitucional #USARepublic
@user bitch i saw your whole ass tweet from wednesday you bitches always talking shit then back pedaling lmao just admit it
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user bitch i saw your whole ass tweet from wednesday you bitches always talking shit then back pedaling lmao just admit it" ]
@user perra vi todo tu culo tweet desde el miércoles perras siempre hablando mierda y luego volver pedaleando lmmao sólo admitirlo
@user Right on 👍👍 #MAGA 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸👊🇺🇸
[ "@user Right on 👍👍#MAGA 🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸 #WWG1WGA 🇺🇸👊🇺🇸" ]
@user Derecha en MAGA #WWG1WGA
@user Truly. He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger. Like you said, very American"".""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Truly.He had that sly, self-deprecating humor and swagger.Like you said, very American\"\".\"\"" ]
@user Truly.Él tenía ese humor y fanfarronería astuta y auto-depredante.Como dijiste, muy americano".
@user @user Max is the boss. The conservatives shouldn’t have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn’t have happened. Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies. He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that. He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Max is the boss.The conservatives shouldn’t have made such a weak dud as their leader this wouldn’t have happened.Scheer tries to cater to the left wing crazies.He should be all in on freedom of speech but he coward on that.He takes the same positions as Trudeau on NAFTA" ]
@user @user Max es el jefe.Los conservadores no deberían haber hecho un dud tan débil como su líder esto no habría sucedido.Scheer trata de atender a los locos del ala izquierda.Él debería estar todo en la libertad de expresión, pero él cobarde en eso.Él toma las mismas posiciones que Trudeau en el TLCAN
@user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Reason is he is in a small market on a mediocre team." ]
@user Razón es que está en un pequeño mercado en un equipo mediocre.
@user @user @user And don't forget his telling a primarily black liberal audience conservatives want to put them back in chains""""
[ "@user @user @userAnd don't forget his telling a primarily black liberal audience conservatives want to put them back in chains\"\"\"\"" ]
@user @user @userY no olvide que le dijo a un público principalmente liberal negro que los conservadores quieren volver a encadenarlos""""
@user @user Eric is a crook and that’s that
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Eric is a crook and that’s that" ]
@user @user Eric es un ladrón y eso es todo
@user @user @user Would have been far cheaper to relocate jobless/homeless to bulgaria where property is super cheap & many speak English. You prefer the expensive brexity way. You're governing. I wouldn't do it that way. Ref was non-binding call for opinion. Disregard it. Was 50/50 near enough.
[ "@user @user @user Would have been far cheaper to relocate jobless/homeless to bulgaria where property is super cheap & many speak English.You prefer the expensive brexity way.You're governing.I wouldn't do it that way.Ref was non-binding call for opinion.Disregard it.Was 50/50 near enough." ]
@user @user @user habría sido mucho más barato reubicar sin trabajo/sin hogar a bulgaria donde la propiedad es súper barata & muchos hablan inglés.Usted prefiere la forma de brevedad costosa.Usted está gobernando.Yo no lo haría de esa manera.Ref era una llamada no vinculante para la opinión.Desconócelo.Era 50/50 lo suficientemente cerca.
@user @user @user Don't listen to him. He is a disgrace & just trying to score points with the MSM. Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things.
[ "@user @user @user Don't listen to him.He is a disgrace & just trying to score points with the MSM.Juan Williams has been very disappointing to listen to because I have liked his opinion on things." ]
@user @user @user No lo escuches.Es una desgracia & sólo tratando de anotar puntos con el MSM.Juan Williams ha sido muy decepcionante escuchar porque me ha gustado su opinión sobre las cosas.
@user the democommunists have allready destroyed america put men in a womens bathroom right to child molestors n child killers n illegals have more rights than americans if u think im wrong bill say something besides kissing liberals asses
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user the democommunists have allready destroyed america put men in a womens bathroom right to child molestors n child killers n illegals have more rights than americans if u think im wrong bill say something besides kissing liberals asses" ]
@user los democomunistas ya han destruido América puso a los hombres en un baño de mujeres derecho a abusadores de niños ni asesinos de niños ilegales tienen más derechos que los americanos si usted piensa que mal Bill decir algo además de besar a los liberales culos
@user It was litterally the best i could ever ask for you are SO sweet and funny and cute and gorgeous and omygod my heart is full
[ "@userIt was litterally the best i could ever ask for you are SO sweet and funny and cute and gorgeous and omygod my heart is full" ]
@userHa sido lo mejor que he podido pedir por ti es tan dulce y divertido y lindo y hermoso y omygod mi corazón está lleno
@user We thank our God for you every single day. #MAGA to #KAG
[ "@userWe thank our God for you every single day.#MAGA to #KAG" ]
@userAgradecemos a nuestro Dios por ti todos los días.#MAGA a #KAG
@user @user @user Oh look #Antifa are out to be play...#OPMAYFLOWER #GoodTRUMPsEvil #PatriotsFight #QAnon #MAGA #MAGAbots #DigitalSoldiers #FISAGate #GITMO #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp #EnjoyTheShow #LockHerUp #StrawberryRecall @user @user @user @user #WWG1WGA
[ "@user @user @userOh look #Antifa are out to be play...#OPMAYFLOWER#GoodTRUMPsEvil #PatriotsFight #QAnon #MAGA #MAGAbots #DigitalSoldiers #FISAGate #GITMO #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp #EnjoyTheShow #LockHerUp #StrawberryRecall @user @user @user@user#WWG1WGA" ]
@user @user @userOh look #Antifa están fuera de juego...#OPMAYFLOWER#GoodTRUMPsEvil #PatriotsFight #QAnon #MAGA #MAGAbots #DigitalSoldiers #FISAGate #GITMO #Trump2020 #DrainTheSwamp #EnjoyTheShow #LockHerUp #StrawberryRecall @user @user @user#WWG1WGA
@user @user @user watch it again. For crying out loud he is talking about Joe within the first few minutes.
[ "@user @user @user watch it again.For crying out loud he is talking about Joe within the first few minutes." ]
@user @user @user vigílalo de nuevo.Por el amor de Dios está hablando de Joe en los primeros minutos.
@user @user @user Yes, American women are waiting......to be allowed to continue SLAUGHTERING babies. Mao, Stalin and Hitler all killed babies too. Liberals are pathetic, whiney, crooked, yet, say, we are for the children"", except they slaughter babies!""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYes, American women are waiting......to be allowed to continue SLAUGHTERING babies.Mao, Stalin and Hitler all killed babies too.Liberals are pathetic, whiney, crooked, yet, say, we are for the children\"\", except they slaughter babies!\"\"" ]
@user @user @userYes, las mujeres americanas están esperando...... para que se les permita continuar con los bebés SLAUGHTERING.Mao, Stalin y Hitler también mataron bebés.Los liberales son patéticos, gimoteos, torcidos, sin embargo, digamos, somos para los niños", excepto que matan bebés!"
Where is my MAGA cap?!
[ "Where is my MAGA cap?!" ]
¿Dónde está mi gorra MAGA?
@user looking forward to seeing what you are bringing to the market. The rum market has needed some quality infusion for quite some time. Fingers crossed for a quality spiced rum.
[ "@user looking forward to seeing what you are bringing to the market.The rum market has needed some quality infusion for quite some time.Fingers crossed for a quality spiced rum." ]
@user con ganas de ver lo que está trayendo al mercado.El mercado del ron ha necesitado algo de infusión de calidad durante bastante tiempo.
@user Baekhyun........🙇‍♀️ How are you?? Are you eating well?? I'm inactive these days😥 bcz of my project and assignment. Anyway I miss you😫 And you better eat proper meal😒 When r you coming here?? I'm sorry you are busy but i miss you. Take your time ok. Tata👋🏻 See you later😉
[ "@user Baekhyun........🙇‍♀️How are you??Are you eating well??I'm inactive these days😥 bcz of my project and assignment.Anyway I miss you😫And you better eat proper meal😒 When r you coming here??I'm sorry you are busy but i miss you.Take your time ok.Tata👋🏻 See you later😉" ]
@user Baekhyun.......¿Cómo estás??¿Estás comiendo bien??Estoy inactivo estos días bcz de mi proyecto y asignación.De cualquier manera te extraño y mejor comes la comida apropiada cuando vienes aquí??Lo siento estás ocupado pero te echo de menos.Toma tu tiempo ok.Tata Te veo más tarde.
@user Certainly a weird view toward the Margaret Sanger geonicidal philosophy of aborting minorities. I’d like to know if the black population that suffers the most shares her opinion
[ "@user Certainly a weird view toward the Margaret Sanger geonicidal philosophy of aborting minorities.I’d like to know if the black population that suffers the most shares her opinion" ]
@user Ciertamente una visión extraña hacia la filosofía geonícida de Margaret Sanger de abortar minorías. Me gustaría saber si la población negra que más sufre comparte su opinión
@user @user The right has the unique ability to create monsters out of thin air. It Legislation was even created to fight the phantom menance of antifa--currently in committee.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThe right has the unique ability to create monsters out of thin air.It Legislation was even created to fight the phantom menance of antifa--currently in committee." ]
@user @userLa derecha tiene la capacidad única de crear monstruos de la nada, incluso se creó legislación para luchar contra la amenaza fantasma de antifa, actualmente en el comité.
@user @user bitch i know u see the rainbow inna bio😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user bitch i know u see the rainbow inna bio😂" ]
@user @user perra Sé que ves el arco iris inna bio
@user whoaaa that's amazing i wanna see her now 😝 also you are a kinky lil slut but ily
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user whoaaa that's amazingi wanna see her now 😝 also you are a kinky lil slut but ily" ]
@user whoaa eso es increíble quiero verla ahora también eres una zorra kinky lil pero Ily
@user @user @user @user Uns connects fixolas ahha
[ "@user @user @user @userUns connects fixolas ahha" ]
@user @user @user @userUns conecta fixolas ahha
@user @user She is a Sick Corrupt Ignorant Moron!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe is a Sick Corrupt Ignorant Moron!" ]
@user @user¡Ella es una Enferma Corrupta Ignorant Moron!
@user She is really good for him and told him how he needed to straighten up. I like her and I like them together. Sometimes you just need someone who calls you out on your sh*t so you can become a better person 💖
[ "@userShe is really good for him and told him how he needed to straighten up.I like herand I like them together.Sometimes you just need someone who calls you out on your sh*t so you can become a better person 💖" ]
@userElla es muy buena para él y le dijo cómo necesitaba enderezarse.Me gusta y me gustan juntos.A veces sólo necesitas a alguien que te llame en tu sh*t para que puedas convertirte en una mejor persona
@user it would mean so much of an amazing girl (@USER could have some advice from you. She is finally following her dream of being a photographer and would love some tips. Her photos are amazing already so I know she is gonna be an even more amazing later on😘
[ "@user it would mean so much of an amazing girl (@USER could have some advice from you.She is finally following her dream of being a photographer and would love some tips.Her photos are amazing alreadyso I know she is gonna be an even more amazing later on😘" ]
@user que significaría tanto de una chica increíble (@USER podría tener algún consejo de usted.Ella finalmente está siguiendo su sueño de ser un fotógrafo y le encantaría algunos consejos.Sus fotos ya son increíbles así que sé que va a ser un aún más increíble más adelante
@user Oh he is compromised 1000%. An outspoken critic of trump now is trumps water boy. Either trump got info via private eye or Putin’s got the goods.
[ "@userOh he is compromised 1000%.An outspoken critic of trump now is trumps water boy.Either trump got info via private eye or Putin’s got the goods." ]
@userOh él está comprometido 1000%.Un crítico franco de triunfo ahora es triunfa el chico del agua.Ether trump consiguió la información vía ojo privado o Putin tiene la mercancía.
Heather Mac Donald: Colleges Teach Students to See Bias Where It Doesn’t Exist"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""
[ "Heather Mac Donald: Colleges Teach Students to See Bias Where It Doesn’t Exist\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\"" ]
Heather Mac Donald: Las universidades enseñan a los estudiantes a ver las idioteces donde no existen" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""
@user It’s a brilliant idea! Since all the liberals want open boarders we have to pay for them someway what would you suggest @user ? Build the dam wall and start taking care of the American people!! Trump 2020 🇺🇸 #draintheswamp
[ "@userIt’s a brilliant idea!Since all the liberals want open boarders we have to pay for them someway what would you suggest @user ?Build the dam wall and start taking care of the American people!!Trump 2020 🇺🇸 #draintheswamp" ]
@user¡Es una idea brillante!Puesto que todos los liberales quieren internados abiertos tenemos que pagar por ellos de alguna manera lo que usted sugeriría @user?Construya el muro de la represa y comience a cuidar del pueblo estadounidense!!Trump 2020 #draintheswamp
27 reported deaths in Sutherland TX church shooting. Dems already calling for gun control and shootings and I'm just waiting for to report on the pedophile content that allows. There is a reason American media does what the establishment has been trying to tell you to stop taking
[ "27 reported deaths in Sutherland TX church shooting.Dems already calling for gun control and shootings and I'm just waiting for to report on the pedophile content that allows.There is a reason American media does what the establishment has been trying to tell you to stop taking" ]
27 muertes reportadas en el tiroteo en la iglesia de Sutherland TX.Dems ya pide control de armas y tiroteos y estoy esperando para informar sobre el contenido pedófilo que permite.Hay una razón por la que los medios estadounidenses hacen lo que el establecimiento ha estado tratando de decirte para dejar de tomar
@user your @user app is down / sucks
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user your @user app is down / sucks" ]
@user tu aplicación @user está abajo / apesta
@user She does not remember? Of course she doesn’t! She is making it up as she goes and with the “ help” of her therapist and all the others that believes her BS story. Maybe if she gets hypnotized she will miraculously remember “ more details” #Freakingliars liberals obstructionist🤬
[ "@userShe does not remember?Of course she doesn’t!She is making it up as she goes and with the “ help” of her therapist and all the others that believes her BS story.Maybe if she gets hypnotized she will miraculously remember “ more details” #Freakingliars liberals obstructionist🤬" ]
@userElla no recuerda?Por supuesto que no! Ella lo está inventando a medida que va y con la “ayuda” de su terapeuta y todos los demás que creen su historia de BS. Tal vez si se hipnotiza ella milagrosamente recordará “más detalles” #Freakingliars liberals obstructionist
@user You are the man Gregg!
[ "@user You are the man Gregg!" ]
@user ¡Eres el hombre Gregg!
@user @user @user Yes he is and the democrats hate it
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYes he is and the democrats hate it" ]
@user @user @userSi lo es y los demócratas lo odian
@user Dave has every right to be on the exact wrong side of an argument!
[ "@user Dave has every right to be on the exact wrong side of an argument!" ]
@user Dave tiene todo el derecho de estar en el lado exacto equivocado de un argumento!
@user Prime example as to why we can't have anymore liberals in our government. They don't want to nor do they know our Constitution. They prefer to dictate and be superior than Americans. Their hate for our Republic is brazen and we need to keep them out. #VoteThemAllOut
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Prime example as to why we can't have anymore liberals in our government.They don't want to nor do they know our Constitution.They prefer to dictate and be superior than Americans.Their hate for our Republic is brazen and we need to keep them out.#VoteThemAllOut" ]
@user Prime ejemplo de por qué no podemos tener más liberales en nuestro gobierno.No quieren ni conocen nuestra Constitución.Prefieren dictar y ser superiores a los estadounidenses.Su odio por nuestra República es descarado y tenemos que mantenerlos fuera.#VoteThemAllOut
@user @user Bwaaaaa!! Compared to who...Trump...bwaaaaaaa! Compared to that corrupt demented lunatic she is a godsend!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Bwaaaaa!!Compared to who...Trump...bwaaaaaaa!Compared to that corrupt demented lunatic she is a godsend!!!" ]
@user @user Bwaaaaa!!Comparado con quién...Trump...bwaaaaaaa!Comparado con ese lunático demente corrupto ella es un regalo de Dios!!!
@user @user @user @user @user You challenged libtards"" im here..my thoughts on gun control are simple assault weapons should be banned for civilians I don' t remember 17- 59 people murdered in 20 with a hammer I own a hand gun for protection i support our 2nd amendment""
[ "@user @user @user @user @userYou challenged libtards\"\" im here..my thoughts on gun control are simple assault weapons should be banned for civilians I don' t remember 17- 59 people murdered in 20 with a hammer I own a hand gun for protection i support our 2nd amendment\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @userUsted desafió libtards"" im aquí..mis pensamientos sobre el control de armas son armas de asalto simples deben ser prohibidas para los civiles No recuerdo 17- 59 personas asesinadas en 20 con un martillo Tengo una pistola de mano para la protección Apoyo nuestra segunda enmienda ""
@user You should KO her like Damigo did to that ANTIFA girl at Berkeley. Then blow her a kiss as she's going down.
[ "@user You should KO her like Damigo did to that ANTIFA girl at Berkeley.Then blow her a kiss as she's going down." ]
@user Deberías nocautizarla como Damigo le hizo a esa chica ANTIFA en Berkeley.Luego dale un beso mientras baja.
@user @user @user If it is true why wait to say anything until now? Answer : liberals will do/say anything not to have conservatives on the court.
[ "@user @user @userIf it is true why wait to say anything until now?Answer : liberals will do/say anything not to have conservatives on the court." ]
@user @user @userSi es cierto, ¿por qué esperar a decir algo hasta ahora?Respuesta: los liberales harán/dirán cualquier cosa para no tener conservadores en la corte.
@user @user Just Chicago so they can stop the gun violence. Seems that is what democrats claim will stop it. Show us in one of the worst gun violence cities controlled by democrats so the nations will see how that works. Make it a model of successful gun control policies.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userJust Chicagoso they can stop the gun violence.Seems that is what democrats claim will stop it.Show us in one of the worst gun violence cities controlled by democrats so the nations will see how that works.Make it a model of successful gun control policies." ]
@user @userJust Chicagopara que puedan detener la violencia con armas.Parece que eso es lo que los demócratas dicen que lo detendrán.Muéstranos en una de las peores ciudades de violencia con armas controladas por los demócratas para que las naciones vean cómo funciona.Haz de ella un modelo de políticas exitosas de control de armas.
@user @user @user That's expected if you placate the violent leftists/terrorists. #KavanaughConfirmation #woke
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userThat's expected if you placate the violent leftists/terrorists.#KavanaughConfirmation #woke" ]
@user @user @userSe espera que si aplaca a los violentos izquierdistas/terroristas.#KavanaughConfirmation #woke
@user @user She is only saying that because she wants to win. Don’t vote for this fraud.
[ "@user @userShe is only saying that because she wants to win.Don’t vote for this fraud." ]
@user @userElla solo está diciendo eso porque quiere ganar.No votes por este fraude.
@user love .. she is fabulous 🐈💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💖
[ "@user love ..she is fabulous 🐈💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💖" ]
@user amor .. ella es fabulosa