#realDonaldTrump You've been rather quiet today. I hope that you have spent some time thinking about your endgame with Vlad. I know you probably know this but you are very expendable to him. When we take the country back what will you do?He will not be happy with you! Ponder this
[ "#realDonaldTrump You've been rather quiet today.I hope that you have spent some time thinking about your endgame with Vlad.I know you probably know thisbut you are very expendable to him.When we take the country back what will you do?He will not be happy with you!Ponder this" ]
#realDonaldTrump Has estado bastante callado hoy.Espero que hayas pasado algún tiempo pensando en tu final del juego con Vlad.Sé que probablemente lo sepas pero eres muy prescindible para él.Cuando nos llevemos el país de vuelta ¿qué vas a hacer?¡No estará contento contigo!
@user Can't a man call his dog without some old bat bitching about it ? @user
[ "@user Can't a man call his dog without some old bat bitching about it ?@user" ]
@user ¿No puede un hombre llamar a su perro sin que un viejo murciélago se queje? @user
@user @user Your statement sums up the Lib Dem party tbh Brett. And the Conservatives....... and the Labour Party......... What a sorry state we are in!!
[ "@user @userYour statement sums up the Lib Dem party tbh Brett.And the Conservatives....... and the Labour Party.........What a sorry state we are in!!" ]
@user @userSu declaración resume el partido Lib Dem tbh Brett.Y los Conservadores....... y el Partido Laborista...... ¡¡Qué estado más lamentable estamos!!
@user @user @user @user eto ba ang hindi corrupt? you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins
[ "@user @user @user @user etobaang hindi corrupt?you are so naive if you think that this admin is different from previous admins" ]
@user @user @user @user etobaang hindi corrupto?usted es tan ingenuo si usted piensa que este administrador es diferente de los administradores anteriores
@user She is she blocked me
[ "@userShe is she blocked me" ]
@userMe está bloqueando
(Albert) Conservatives are spreading the lie Anderson Cooper faked a hurricane...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "(Albert) Conservatives are spreading the lie Anderson Cooper faked a hurricane..." ]
(Albert) Los conservadores están difundiendo la mentira Anderson Cooper fingió un huracán...
@user So. Gut. <3 <3 <3 <3
[ "@userSo.Gut. <3 <3 <3 <3" ]
@userSo.Gut. <3 <3 <3 <3
@user Antifa has no place in society!
[ "@user Antifa has no place in society!" ]
@user Antifa no tiene lugar en la sociedad!
@user @user @user Tippi Hedren was in Julie and Jack (which rifftrax also did). The scene from Birdemic that she is credited for was from that movie playing on the tv in the hotel.
[ "@user @user @user Tippi Hedren was in Julie and Jack (which rifftrax also did).The scene from Birdemic that she is credited for was from that movie playing on the tv in the hotel." ]
@user @user @user Tippi Hedren estaba en Julie y Jack (que rifftrax también hizo).La escena de Birdemic por la que se le acredita fue de esa película que se reproduce en la televisión en el hotel.
@user Because they’re so hateful and can’t cover anything except Trump. I remember when Wolf and Anderson were actually decent journalists.....
[ "@user Because they’re so hateful and can’t cover anything except Trump.I remember when Wolf and Anderson were actually decent journalists....." ]
@user Porque son tan odiosos y no pueden cubrir nada excepto Trump.Recuerdo cuando Wolf y Anderson eran realmente periodistas decentes...
@user @user is Zoe getting married? I refuse to believe this. she is still a BABY. A BABY. LOL.
[ "@user @user is Zoe getting married?I refuse to believe this.she is still a BABY.A BABY.LOL." ]
@user @user ¿Zoe se va a casar?Me niego a creer esto.ella sigue siendo una baby.A baby.LOL.
@user have we become angels?? BEST
[ "@user have we become angels??BEST" ]
@user nos hemos convertido en ángeles??BEST
@user Yes Comie (communist pun intended) WE do and will emerge stronger when u & all ur cronies are put to death at Gitmo. WE THE PEOPLE WILL INDEED BE STRONGER. #MAGA #DrainTheSwamp
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYes Comie (communist pun intended) WE do and will emerge stronger when u & all ur cronies are put to death at Gitmo.WE THE PEOPLE WILL INDEED BE STRONGER.#MAGA #DrainTheSwamp" ]
@userYes Comie (juego de palabras comunista) Lo hacemos y emergeremos más fuertes cuando u & todos nuestros compinches sean muertos en Gitmo.
@user Happy 1stbirthday to Savage(Songs from a Broken World)! This time lst yr it dropped in my door and damn did it do some shit! 🎶 Little did we all know the ride it was going to take you and us as fans on. Thank you for this masterpiece! #garynuman #Savage #no2album
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Happy 1stbirthday to Savage(Songs from a Broken World)!This time lst yr it dropped in my door and damn did it do some shit!🎶Little did we all know the ride it was going to take you and us as fans on.Thank you for this masterpiece!#garynuman #Savage #no2album" ]
@user Feliz 1er cumpleaños a Savage(Canciones de un mundo roto)!Esta vez Ist yr cayó en mi puerta y maldita sea hizo algo de mierda! #garynuman #Savage #no2album
@user #metoo is the BEST WEAPON the Liberals have because there is NO DUE PROCESS .. its all DISGUSTING ... and WOMAN are the ones USING it as the weapon .. shameful and TYPICAL Liberalism .. USE emotions FOR their own BENEFIT ... @user POSTER CHILD for USING Woman
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user #metoo is the BEST WEAPON the Liberals have because there is NO DUE PROCESS ..its all DISGUSTING ... and WOMAN are the ones USING it as the weapon ..shameful and TYPICAL Liberalism ..USE emotions FOR their own BENEFIT ...@user POSTER CHILD for USING Woman" ]
@user #metoo es la mejor arma que tienen los liberales porque no hay PROCESO DE DUE..su todo DISGUSTA... y MUJER es la que lo usa como el arma..liberalismo vergonzoso y TÍPICO..Emociones de uso para su propio beneficio ...@user POSTER NIÑO para usar Mujer
@user You are so dope man
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You are so dope man" ]
@user Eres tan tonto
@user it's different when they are trying to argue with you why you are wrong for believing in a different god. i'm all for respecting their religion but i deserve respect back
[ "@user it's different when they are trying to argue with you why you are wrong for believing in a different god.i'm all for respecting their religion but i deserve respect back" ]
@user es diferente cuando están tratando de discutir contigo por qué estás equivocado por creer en un dios diferente. Soy todo por respetar su religión pero merezco respeto de nuevo
@user this jag off ref Tony Corrente needs to get out of the NFL. He is a bias piece of garbage. He made a HORRIBLE bad call in packer game which changed the game. He is a liar and won’t admit when he’s wrong! NFL PLEASE FIRE TONY CORRENTE
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user this jag off ref Tony Corrente needs to get out of the NFL.He is a bias piece of garbage.He made a HORRIBLE bad call in packer game which changed the game.He is a liar and won’t admit when he’s wrong!NFL PLEASE FIRE TONY CORRENTE" ]
@user este jag off ref Tony Corrente necesita salir de la NFL.Él es un pedazo de basura parcial.Hizo una mala llamada HORRIBLE en el juego Packer que cambió el juego.Él es un mentiroso y no admitirá cuando se equivoca! NFL POR FUEGO TONY CORRENTE
@user @user I don't understand how it's racist tho..
[ "@user @user I don't understand how it's racist tho.." ]
@user @user No entiendo cómo es racista tho..
@user My thoughts and prayers are with the families. Random mass shootings, which plague our nation, are not normal and we as a country can't allow them to be normalized,"" Craley said"", The truth is these mass shootings are becoming too ""normal"". Gun control would certainly help.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userMy thoughts and prayers are with the families.Random mass shootings, which plague our nation, are not normal and we as a country can't allow them to be normalized,\"\" Craley said\"\", The truth is these mass shootings are becoming too \"\"normal\"\".Gun control would certainly help.\"\"" ]
@userMis pensamientos y oraciones están con las familias.Los tiroteos masivos de Random, que plagan a nuestra nación, no son normales y nosotros como país no podemos permitir que se normalicen"," dijo Craley"", La verdad es que estos tiroteos masivos se están volviendo demasiado "normales".El control de armas ciertamente ayudaría".
@user Always allege that she is a poor girl and with tenacity and efforts win over this position for future congresswoman ...if she win.
[ "@user Always allege that she is a poor girl and with tenacity and efforts win over this position for future congresswoman ...if she win." ]
@user Siempre alega que es una chica pobre y con tenacidad y esfuerzos gana esta posición para la futura congresista... si gana.
@user @user Twitter is very sneaky about censoring Conservatives n various ways. There definitely needs to be an investigation.
[ "@user @user Twitter is very sneaky about censoring Conservatives n various ways.There definitely needs to be an investigation." ]
@user @user Twitter es muy astuto acerca de censurar a los conservadores de varias maneras. Definitivamente tiene que haber una investigación.
@user I don't know any GOP who think delusion. I do know GOP who realize that LIBERALS lie about everything.
[ "@user I don't know any GOP who think delusion.I do know GOP who realize that LIBERALS lie about everything." ]
@user No conozco a ningún GOP que piense en delirio. Conozco a GOP que se da cuenta de que LIBERALS miente sobre todo.
@user Absolutely. He is very special.
[ "@user Absolutely.He is very special." ]
@user Absolutamente.Es muy especial.
@user And this coming from the sick puppy liberals at the Beast.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userAnd this coming from the sick puppy liberals at the Beast." ]
@userY esto viene de los enfermos cachorros liberales de la Bestia.
@user Ohhhhhh I cried BIG crocodile tears the first time my daddy called me a bitch😂 took it on the chin like a champ but ran to my room to cry just like a bitch💀
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Ohhhhhh I cried BIG crocodile tears the first time my daddy called me a bitch😂 took it on the chin like a champ but ran to my room to cry just like a bitch💀" ]
@user Ohhhhhh Lloré BIG cocodrilo lágrimas la primera vez que mi papá me llamó una perra lo tomó en la barbilla como un campeón, pero corrió a mi habitación a llorar como una perra
@user LIAR!!!!.... see Clarence Thomas confirmation.... this was never about the lie!..it was always a delay tactic...nothing more...disgusting liberals and the Game they call 'politics'
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user LIAR!!!!....see Clarence Thomas confirmation....this was never about the lie!..it was always a delay tactic...nothing more...disgusting liberals and the Game they call 'politics'" ]
@user LIAR!!!!...vea la confirmación de Clarence Thomas....esto nunca fue sobre la mentira!..siempre fue una táctica de retraso...nada más...liberales repugnantes y el Juego que llaman 'política'
@user @user @user I hope @user Ask @user about the deep state and swamp creatures undermining president’s Agendas and latest @user video
[ "@user @user @userI hope @user Ask @user about the deep state and swamp creatures undermining president’s Agendas and latest @user video" ]
@user @user @userEspero @user Pregunta @user sobre el estado profundo y las criaturas del pantano socavando las agendas del presidente y el último vídeo @user
@user Why don’t we pray for better gun control laws first?
[ "@user Why don’t we pray for better gun control laws first?" ]
@user ¿Por qué no rezamos primero por mejores leyes de control de armas?
@user Hope he is feeling much better!!!
[ "@user Hope he is feeling much better!!!" ]
@user Espero que se sienta mucho mejor!!!
@user @user I believe this is what you are refering to
[ "@user @user I believe this is what you are refering to" ]
@user @user Creo que esto es a lo que te refieres
@user @user You are a nut
[ "@user @userYou are a nut" ]
@user @userUsted es un loco
@user @user If she is lying she needs to be sued for defamation of character and include Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein in the lawsuit! Proof isn't substantiated by a bunch of man hating PC me two girls"" that want free sex and then abortions paid for by the government!""
[ "@user @userIf she is lying she needs to be sued for defamation of character and include Chuck Schumer and Dianne Feinstein in the lawsuit!Proof isn't substantiated by a bunch of man hating PC me two girls\"\" that want free sex and then abortions paid for by the government!\"\"" ]
@user @userSi ella está mintiendo necesita ser demandada por difamación de carácter e incluir a Chuck Schumer y Dianne Feinstein en la demanda!Proof no está corroborada por un montón de hombres que me odian PC dos chicas "" que quieren sexo gratis y luego abortos pagados por el gobierno!""
@user What’s shocked me is that they consider themselves seculars !!!! Liberals !!! Those kind of yoga vegan freaks ! But when it’s about occupation they shift to something els !
[ "@user What’s shocked me is that they consider themselves seculars !!!!Liberals !!!Those kind of yoga vegan freaks !But when it’s about occupation they shift to something els !" ]
@user Lo que me sorprende es que se consideran seculares !!!!Liberales !!!Ese tipo de frikis veganos yoga !Pero cuando se trata de la ocupación se cambian a algo els !
@user Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!"" Can someone on the MAGA side please point me to what new plants are currently under construction? Because this is false as I understand it.
[ "@user Billions of Dollars is being spent on new plants all around the country!\"\" Can someone on the MAGA side please point me to what new plants are currently under construction?Because this is false as I understand it." ]
@user Miles de millones de dólares se están gastando en nuevas plantas en todo el país!""¿Puede alguien del lado de MAGA por favor señalarme qué nuevas plantas están en construcción actualmente?Porque esto es falso como lo entiendo.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user AMEN !!! We're Ready !!! 🙏💞💞💞🙏
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user AMEN !!!We're Ready !!!🙏💞💞💞🙏" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user AMEN !!!
@user YESSSSSHHHHH who else call you shitgull if it were not me or ryme 😚
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user YESSSSSHHHHH who else call you shitgull if it were not me or ryme 😚" ]
@user YESSSSHHHHH que más te llaman gaviota de mierda si no era yo o ryme
@user You meant to say for yourself. Now is it time to talk about gun control?
[ "@user You meant to say for yourself.Now is it time to talk about gun control?" ]
@user Querías decir por ti mismo.¿Ahora es el momento de hablar sobre el control de armas?
#micropoetry It is a really big-top new hair not just a wig some new technology that will soon be blasé even if underneath it all she is so gloriously bald. .
[ "#micropoetry It is a really big-top new hair not just a wig some new technology that will soon be blasé even if underneath it all she is so gloriously bald. ." ]
#micropoesía Es un cabello nuevo realmente grande no sólo una peluca alguna nueva tecnología que pronto será blasé incluso si debajo de todo ella es tan gloriosamente calvo. .
@user @user Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar. I’m glad someone doesn’t support trump. It doesn’t make them an ally. There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren’t also pure trash.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Not supporting trump is the lowest low bar.I’m glad someone doesn’t support trump.It doesn’t make them an ally.There are plenty of conservatives who hate trump who aren’t also pure trash." ]
@user @user No apoyar el triunfo es la barra baja más baja. Me alegro de que alguien no apoya el triunfo. No lo hace un aliado. Hay un montón de conservadores que odian el triunfo que no son también basura pura.
@user @user No his stream chat lmao I raided him and he wasn’t reading chat like the cutie he is
[ "@user @userNo his stream chat lmaoI raided him and he wasn’t reading chat like the cutie he is" ]
@user @userNo su stream chat lmmaoI lo asaltó y no estaba leyendo chat como el lindo que es
@user You're a piece of shit for saying that FEMA was successful in helping Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria. 3000 people died. You think that's successful? You really have no soul. You're a fucking horrible human being. I don't even think you're human. FUCK YOU!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYou're a piece of shit for saying that FEMA was successful in helping Puerto Rico after hurricane Maria.3000 people died.You think that's successful?You really have no soul.You're a fucking horrible human being.I don't even think you're human.FUCK YOU!!!" ]
@userEres un pedazo de mierda por decir que FEMA tuvo éxito en ayudar a Puerto Rico después de la muerte del huracán María.3000 personas.¿Crees que eso es exitoso?Realmente no tienes alma.Eres un ser humano horrible.Ni siquiera creo que seas humano.¡Jódete!
@user @user Idk what to think about her...but with her eyes like they r...she is naturally bugging out all the time...which is untrustworthy
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Idk what to think about her...but with her eyes like they r...she is naturally bugging out all the time...which is untrustworthy" ]
@user @user Idk qué pensar de ella... pero con sus ojos como ellos r... ella está naturalmente molestando todo el tiempo... lo cual es poco confiable
@user @user Because CHEAT if you have to! Just WIN at any cost is the new @user motto. @user @user @user And MAGA & shit.✊
[ "@user @userBecause CHEAT if you have to!Just WIN at any cost is the new @user motto.@user @user @userAnd MAGA & shit.✊" ]
@user @user¡Porque CHEAT si tienes que hacerlo!Sólo gana a cualquier precio es el nuevo lema @user.@user @userY MAGA & mierda.
@user @user That’s fucking rude to do that
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThat’s fucking rude to do that" ]
@user @userEso es jodidamente grosero hacer eso
@user @user @user @user Dont tell me she is at it again
[ "@user @user @user @user Dont tell me she is at it again" ]
@user @user @user No me digas que está en ello otra vez
@user @user Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders? Second point syntactically nonsensical. I lament climate change & I don’t have a private jet. I favor more gun control & I don’t glorify guns or have armed security. Who is this fantasy “they” you r fixated on?
[ "@user @user Can you name one Democratic leader who endorses open borders?Second point syntactically nonsensical.I lament climate change & I don’t have a private jet.I favor more gun control & I don’t glorify guns or have armed security.Who is this fantasy “they” you r fixated on?" ]
@user @user ¿Puede usted nombrar a un líder demócrata que apoya las fronteras abiertas?Segundo punto sintácticamente sin sentido.Lamento el cambio climático & No tengo un jet privado. Favorezco más control de armas & No glorifico las armas o tengo seguridad armada.¿Quién es esta fantasía “ellos” usted se fija en?
@user Wow you liberals really don’t have a sense of humor.🙄
[ "@userWow you liberals really don’t have a sense of humor.🙄" ]
@userWow que los liberales realmente no tienen un sentido del humor.
@user .@USER your the perfect example of why Americans despise lying liberals. Disgusting
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user .@USERyour the perfect example of why Americans despise lying liberals.Disgusting" ]
@user .@USERTu ejemplo perfecto de por qué los estadounidenses desprecian a los liberales mentirosos.
@user @user Landon sucks I asked him for my birthday if I could play with him but he never got back to me so Landon you suck
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userLandon sucks I asked him for my birthday if I could play with himbut he never got back to me so Landon you suck" ]
@user @userLandon apesta Le pedí mi cumpleaños si podía jugar con él pero nunca volvió a mí así que Landon apestas
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Good vibes going towards Robert!!!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Good vibes going towards Robert!!!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Buenas vibraciones hacia Robert!!!
@user thanks Joe!!! my sanity was forsaken a looong time ago hahaha
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user thanks Joe!!!my sanity was forsaken a looong time ago hahaha" ]
@user gracias Joe!!! mi cordura fue abandonada hace un tiempo hahaha
@user @user They gone eat his high yellow ass 🤣
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThey gone eat his high yellow ass 🤣" ]
@user @user Se fueron a comer su culo amarillo alto
[ "offensive" ]
.@USER What say you now? I guess it's ✌️for liberals to use the so called white power"" gesture.
[ ".@USERWhat say you now?I guess it's ✌️for liberals to use the so called white power\"\" gesture." ]
.@USER¿Qué dices ahora?Supongo que es para los liberales usar el llamado gesto de poder blanco".
@user Don’t use his NJ address. He is never there.
[ "@user Don’t use his NJ address.He is never there." ]
@user No utilice su dirección NJ. Nunca está allí.
@user Someone wrote it for her. She is irrelevant!!
[ "@user Someone wrote it for her.She is irrelevant!!" ]
@user Alguien lo escribió para ella. Ella es irrelevante!!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Had all but one. Agreed EVERY one of these MAGA patriots is a must follow. Let's do this together for our great nation in 2018! Then repeat in 2020 and 2022!!!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userHad all but one.Agreed EVERY one of these MAGA patriots is a must follow.Let's do this together for our great nation in 2018!Then repeat in 2020 and 2022!!!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userHad todos menos uno.Acordado CADA uno de estos patriotas de MAGA es un deber seguir.¡Hagamos esto juntos para nuestra gran nación en 2018!Entonces repita en 2020 y 2022!!!
@user @user @user @user @user He lost his virginity This process has been turned into a clown show Protestors democrats paid for was unethical There hate shows in everyway TRUMP denounced Natzi group and bad on both sides which is true But democrats refuse to denounce Antifa a democratic domestic terror-
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userHe lost his virginity This process has been turned into a clown show Protestors democrats paid for was unethicalThere hate shows in everyway TRUMP denounced Natzi group and bad on both sides which is true But democrats refuse to denounce Antifa a democratic domestic terror-" ]
@user @user @user @user @userPerdió su virginidad Este proceso se ha convertido en un espectáculo de payasos Manifestantes demócratas pagados fue poco éticoHay programas de odio en todos los sentidos TRUMP denunció grupo Natzi y malo en ambos lados que es cierto Pero los demócratas se niegan a denunciar Antifa un terror interno democrático-
@user I don’t recall a President ever taking random questions for a long period of time and answering almost everyone of them. And liberals accuse him of being a king or tyrant? Pretty accommodating.
[ "@user I don’t recall a President ever taking random questions for a long period of time and answering almost everyone of them.And liberals accuse him of being a king or tyrant?Pretty accommodating." ]
@user No recuerdo a un presidente que haya tomado preguntas al azar durante un largo período de tiempo y respondiendo a casi todos ellos. ¿Y los liberales lo acusan de ser un rey o un tirano? Bastante complaciente.
@user @user One can always tell when Dr @user is not telling the truth. His mouth is moving! Why on earth would anyone expect the @user not to cosy up to Trump?
[ "@user @user One can always tell when Dr @user is not telling the truth.His mouth is moving!Why on earth would anyone expect the @user not to cosy up to Trump?" ]
@user @user Uno siempre puede decir cuando el Dr. @user no está diciendo la verdad. ¡Su boca se está moviendo! ¿Por qué alguien esperaría que el @user no se acercara a Trump?
@user @user Or lower some Liberals retirement fund idea's
[ "@user @user Or lower some Liberals retirement fund idea's" ]
@user @user O bajar algunas ideas de fondos de jubilación liberales
@user @user Before this scumbag considers running for president I want him to publicly swear under oath that when he was in school he never tried to cop a feel as these liberals like to show themselves as pure as the driven snow.
[ "@user @user Before this scumbag considers running for president I want him to publicly swear under oath that when he was in school he never tried to cop a feel as these liberals like to show themselves as pure as the driven snow." ]
@user @user Antes de que esta basura considere postularse para presidente quiero que jure públicamente bajo juramento que cuando estaba en la escuela nunca trató de conseguir una sensación como estos liberales les gusta mostrarse tan puros como la nieve impulsada.
@user @user @user @user And there's #Brexit 👇🏻
[ "@user @user @user @userAnd there's #Brexit 👇🏻" ]
@user @user @user Y hay #Brexit
@user Dominos is ass
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Dominos is ass" ]
@user Dominos es el culo
@user She is so little and moving so fast lol
[ "@userShe is so little and moving so fast lol" ]
@userElla es tan pequeña y se mueve tan rápido lol
@user @user American Conservatives Don't give one shit about the terrorist group Hamas or what they think and or believe.
[ "@user @user American Conservatives Don't give one shit about the terrorist group Hamas or what they think and or believe." ]
@user @user Conservadores Americanos No le importa una mierda el grupo terrorista Hamas o lo que piensan o creen.
@user He is nuts who would have ever imagined that the US would have concentration camps......he is the devil
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is nuts who would have ever imagined that the US would have concentration camps......he is the devil" ]
@userEstá loco que alguna vez hubiera imaginado que EE.UU. tendría campos de concentración...... él es el diablo
@user @user The pope is Satan incarnate
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThe pope is Satan incarnate" ]
@user @userEl Papa es Satanás encarnado
@user Don't you have to have some proof?🤔
[ "@user Don't you have to have some proof?🤔" ]
@user ¿No tienes que tener alguna prueba?
@user Do I care 🚫pe. Hope they fold like a cheap table. Wonder what the spoiled primadonnas do when their huge salaries can't be made. Bet it won't be bailed out like GM & Too Big To Fail Banks were
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userDo I care 🚫pe.Hope they fold like a cheap table.Wonder what the spoiled primadonnas do when their huge salaries can't be made.Bet it won't be bailed out like GM & Too Big To Fail Banks were" ]
@userMe importa pe.Esperamos que se doblen como una mesa barata.Me pregunto qué hacen las primadonnas malcriadas cuando sus enormes salarios no se pueden hacer.Apuesto a que no será rescatado como GM & Demasiado grande para fallar Bancos fueron
@user I never said that. I merely refuted the statement that they don’t have a tight end. Virgil Green is a solid tight end when he is surrounded by the talent that the chargers have
[ "@user I never said that.I merely refuted the statement that they don’t have a tight end.Virgil Green is a solid tight end when he is surrounded by the talent that the chargers have" ]
@user Nunca dije eso. Simplemente refuté la afirmación de que no tienen un extremo apretado.Virgil Green es un extremo apretado sólido cuando está rodeado por el talento que los cargadores tienen
@user And I you ya sexy lady you ♡
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userAnd I you ya sexy lady you ♡" ]
@userY yo eres una mujer sexy
@user @user @user traitor whoever he or she is.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user traitor whoever he or she is." ]
@user @user @user traidor quienquiera que sea.
@user @user @user @user He is an awesome dog. Almost worth the trip
[ "@user @user @user @userHe is an awesome dog.Almost worth the trip" ]
@user @user @userEs un perro increíble.Casi vale la pena el viaje
@user Good. He is a head case. Go get a Passrusher
[ "@user Good.He is a head case.Go get a Passrusher" ]
@user Good.Él es un caso de cabeza.Ve a buscar un Passrusher
@user I was actually thinking you were joining antifa.
[ "@user I was actually thinking you were joining antifa." ]
@user estaba pensando que te unías a Antifa.
@user @user Rodenbury was against violence and would have advocated for gun control.
[ "@user @user Rodenbury was against violence and would have advocated for gun control." ]
@user @user Rodenbury estaba en contra de la violencia y habría abogado por el control de armas.
@user @user You can listen to it on the Dana Show podcast!
[ "@user @user You can listen to it on the Dana Show podcast!" ]
@user @user ¡Puedes escucharlo en el podcast de Dana Show!
@user Yes, Joy @user ?.... You were about to say Six-and-a-half years?"" Because that's correct, you sociopath. You are ""stuck with this @user ,"" f o r t h e n e x t SIX-&-ONE-HALF-YEARS. #MAGA2KAG @user 🇺🇸 #WINNING""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYes, Joy @user ?....You were about to say Six-and-a-half years?\"\" Because that's correct, you sociopath.You are \"\"stuck with this @user ,\"\" f o r t h e n e x tSIX-&-ONE-HALF-YEARS.#MAGA2KAG @user 🇺🇸 #WINNING\"\"" ]
@userYes, Joy @user ?...Estabas a punto de decir seis años y medio?""Porque eso es correcto, sociópata.Estás ""atorado con este @user"," f o r t h e n e x tSIX-&-ONE-HALF-YEARS.#MAGA2KAG @user #WINNING""
@user @user @user Oh-no benefits and employment goes up! See how it works yet?
[ "@user @user @userOh-no benefits and employment goes up!See how it works yet?" ]
@user @user @userOh-no beneficios y el empleo sube!Ver cómo funciona todavía?
97% of Americans want a form of gun control. 62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment. 75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "97% of Americans want a form of gun control.62% of Americans want the government to protect the environment.75% of Americans say immigration is a good thing & 100% of Americans believe that HotDogs belong in the crusts of pizzas & if the Italians don't like it they can suck it." ]
El 97% de los estadounidenses quieren una forma de control de armas.62% de los estadounidenses quieren que el gobierno proteja el medio ambiente.75% de los estadounidenses dicen que la inmigración es algo bueno & 100% de los estadounidenses creen que HotDogs pertenecen a las cortezas de pizzas & si a los italianos no les gusta, pueden chuparlo.
A few things that happened to me in between #KUFball road wins: -got married -had sex twice -got divorced
[ "A few things that happened to me in between #KUFball road wins: -got married -had sex twice -got divorced" ]
Algunas cosas que me pasaron entre las victorias de #KUFball road: -se casó -tenía sexo dos veces-se divorció
@user This makes me proud to be a resident of the City of Atlanta! Good to see places in Georgia still have character and integrity to do what's right and just amidst a state who can never seem to get that part together.
[ "@userThis makes me proud to be a resident of the City of Atlanta!Good to see places in Georgia still have character and integrity to do what's right and just amidst a state who can never seem to get that part together." ]
@userEsto me hace sentir orgulloso de ser un residente de la ciudad de Atlanta!Es bueno ver lugares en Georgia todavía tienen carácter e integridad para hacer lo que es correcto y justo en medio de un estado que nunca puede parecer conseguir esa parte juntos.
@user At least brennan is smart enough to recognize that Trump is a lion. He's not smart enough to know that he can't hurt Trump. Hurting Trump is what that idiot fantasies about.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user At least brennan is smart enough to recognize that Trump is a lion.He's not smart enough to know that he can't hurt Trump.Hurting Trump is what that idiot fantasies about." ]
@user Al menos Brennan es lo suficientemente inteligente como para reconocer que Trump es un león.No es lo suficientemente inteligente como para saber que no puede lastimar a Trump.
@user He is a millionaire. Trust me he'll just fine.
[ "@userHe is a millionaire.Trust me he'll just fine." ]
@userEs un millonario.Confía en mí que va a estar bien.
@user U know this Ford is an avowed radical leftist with ties to Soros and antifa right? Plum crazy!
[ "@userU know this Ford is an avowed radical leftist with ties to Soros and antifa right?Plum crazy!" ]
@userU saber que este Ford es un izquierdista radical declarado con lazos con Soros y antifa derecha?Plum loco!
@user Didn’t break rules. Had permission. A liar.
[ "@user Didn’t break rules.Had permission.A liar." ]
@user No rompió las reglas. Tenía permiso. Un mentiroso.
@user @user @user Kwasia does ur Shatta Wale even have a career to start with . Idiot..his reign album hype seff Dey zero . As if he is not about to release an album 😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ hype no yh vim zero
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Kwasia does ur Shatta Wale even have a career to start with .Idiot..his reign album hype seff Dey zero .As if he is not about to release an album 😂😂😂🤦🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️ hypeno yh vim zero" ]
@user @user @user Kwasia hace ur Shatta Wale incluso tienen una carrera para empezar con .Idiot..his rein album hype seff Dey cero.Como si no está a punto de lanzar un álbum hypeno yh vim cero
@user I love Carole! She is so smart I will really miss her! #RHONY was hoping u would have been a great addition to @user or another political show. Any news on what u will do next? ❤️
[ "@user I love Carole!She is so smart I will really miss her!#RHONY was hoping u would have been a great addition to @user or another political show.Any news on what u will do next?❤️" ]
@user I love Carole!Ella es tan inteligente que realmente la echaré de menos!#RHONY esperaba que hubieras sido una gran adición a @user u otro programa político.
#ownthelibs interesting documentation of reactionary behavior from conservatives
[ "#ownthelibs interesting documentation of reactionary behavior from conservatives" ]
#Posee la documentación interesante del comportamiento reaccionario de los conservadores
@user Sorry...nothing but a setup to try and appease the Socialist Democratic Wacked Out Liberals. We are not stupid
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userSorry...nothing but a setup to try and appease the Socialist Democratic Wacked Out Liberals.We are not stupid" ]
@userLo siento... nada más que una trampa para tratar de apaciguar a los liberales socialistas Demócratas Apaleados.No somos estúpidos
@user Enjoy them before those liberals take them white boys down for being white !
[ "@user Enjoy them before those liberals take them white boys down for being white !" ]
@user ¡Disfrútalos antes de que esos liberales les lleven a los chicos blancos por ser blancos!
@user Gutierrez you’re such a liar that’s all you guys are good for
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Gutierrezyou’re such a liar that’s all you guys are good for" ]
@user Gutierrezusted es un mentiroso que es todo lo que ustedes son buenos para
@user The truth about gun control and human nature in one picture.
[ "@userThe truth about gun control and human nature in one picture." ]
@userLa verdad sobre el control de armas y la naturaleza humana en una imagen.
@user primary argument against #Kavanaugh is that he is too Constitutional"" The democrats started a civil war during Clinton They heightened their propaganda during Obama They are scared animals backed into a corner Antifa, BLM & MS13 are their Sturmabteilung""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user primary argument against #Kavanaugh is that he is too Constitutional\"\" The democrats started a civil war during Clinton They heightened their propaganda during ObamaThey are scared animals backed into a corner Antifa, BLM & MS13 are their Sturmabteilung\"\"" ]
@user argumento principal contra #Kavanaugh es que es demasiado constitucional""Los demócratas comenzaron una guerra civil durante Clinton Incrementaron su propaganda durante ObamaSon animales asustados respaldados en una esquina Antifa, BLM & MS13 son su Sturmabteilung""
@user The comments that we should pity her because she is obviously not mentally well piss me off to no extent. If a POC did this they would not be concerned"" about their mental well being.""
[ "@userThe comments that we should pity her because she is obviously not mentally well piss me off to no extent.If a POC did this they would not be concerned\"\" about their mental well being.\"\"" ]
@userLos comentarios de que deberíamos compadecerla porque obviamente no está mentalmente bien me molestan en absoluto.Si un POC hiciera esto, no estarían preocupados"" por su bienestar mental".
@user He is so cute!
[ "@userHe is so cute!" ]
@user¡Es tan lindo!
[ "offensive" ]
@user come mi culo OHMY DIOS ESTÁS MIENTE
@user State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile. Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user State level crime when the alleged offender was a juvenile.Silly liberals no crime committed by Kavanaugh but probably one by the liar Ford #DemocratsDividingAndDestroyingAmerica #DemocratsHateAmerica" ]
@user Estado crimen de nivel cuando el presunto delincuente era un menor.Silly liberaliza ningún crimen cometido por Kavanaugh, pero probablemente uno por el mentiroso Ford #DemocraticsDividiendo y Destruyendo América #DemocraticsHateAmerica