#Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#Republicans grow some balls and start playing dirty like these liberals assholes do!" ]
¡Los republicanos tienen huevos y empiezan a jugar sucios como estos liberales imbéciles!
@user He is a DUMBASS !!!!!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is a DUMBASS !!!!!" ]
@userÉl es un DUMBASS !!!!!
@user And I’ll assume you are anti-Jujubes?
[ "@userAnd I’ll assume you are anti-Jujubes?" ]
@userY voy a asumir que eres anti-Jujubes?
@user @user I disagree. See Antifa.""""
[ "@user @user I disagree.See Antifa.\"\"\"\"" ]
@user @user No estoy de acuerdo.Ver Antifa.""""
@user Antifa is a terrorist organization
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Antifa is a terrorist organization" ]
@user Antifa es una organización terrorista
@user A proven record of failure so why not.
[ "@user A proven record of failureso why not." ]
@user Un registro comprobado de fallaso por qué no.
#VictoriaSecrets being political? OMG... give it up. You are killing half your profits when you slur Conservatives. 🇺🇸 #KAG
[ "#VictoriaSecrets being political?OMG... give it up.You are killing half your profits when you slur Conservatives.🇺🇸 #KAG" ]
#VictoriaSecretos siendo políticos?OMG... ríndete.Estás matando la mitad de tus ganancias cuando insultas a los conservadores.
@user @user Hi Amy...your book is on my read list...thanks for speaking out Hope you are doing well🙂
[ "@user @userHi Amy...your book is on my read list...thanks for speaking out Hope you are doing well🙂" ]
@user @userHi Amy...tu libro está en mi lista de lectura...gracias por hablar espero que lo estés haciendo bien
@user Why are the tweets that Conservatives are retweeting with comments suddenly Unavailable? I cannot see what they’re talking about if the original tweet is no longer available. Anyone else noticing this?
[ "@user Why are the tweets that Conservatives are retweeting with comments suddenly Unavailable?I cannot see what they’re talking about if the original tweet is no longer available.Anyone else noticing this?" ]
@user ¿Por qué los tuits que los conservadores están retuiteando con comentarios de repente no están disponibles?No puedo ver de qué están hablando si el tuit original ya no está disponible.
@user Battle of the hags!
[ "@user Battle of the hags!" ]
@user Batalla de las brujas!
@user 10 cities to avoid this winter
[ "@user 10 cities to avoid this winter" ]
@user 10 ciudades para evitar este invierno
@user Oh I love this so much and had no idea your daughter and family had been through the struggle of childhood leukemia. So happy to hear she is a healthy strong college athlete! Much love to you and yours... ❤️💪🏻❤️
[ "@userOh I love this so much and had no idea your daughter and family had been through the struggle of childhood leukemia.So happy to hear she is a healthy strong college athlete!Much love to you and yours... ❤️💪🏻❤️" ]
@userOh Me encanta esto tanto y no tenía ni idea de que su hija y su familia habían estado a través de la lucha de la leucemia infantil.¡Tan feliz de oír que ella es una atleta universitaria fuerte y saludable!Mucho amor para usted y el suyo...
MAGA Mike Mack has the funniest tweet ever. I know he's pissed but it's funny #jonesout
[ "MAGA Mike Mack has the funniest tweet ever.I know he's pissed but it's funny #jonesout" ]
MAGA Mike Mack tiene el tweet más divertido de la historia.Sé que está enojado, pero es divertido #jonesout
People are sick of books from crooks. #MAGA #RedWaveRising
[ "People are sick of books from crooks.#MAGA #RedWaveRising" ]
La gente está harta de libros de ladrones.#MAGA #RedWaveRising
@user You know what will make this professor even woker""? If he's a gun control nut....""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You know what will make this professor even woker\"\"?If he's a gun control nut....\"\"" ]
@user ¿Sabes lo que hará que este profesor se despierte?"Si es un loco de control de armas...""
@user @user tough to speak your mind at work if your a conservative..amazing that this occurred in work setting. Bizarre.
[ "@user @user tough to speak your mind at work if your a conservative..amazing that this occurred in work setting.Bizarre." ]
@user @user difícil de decir su mente en el trabajo si es un conservador..amazing que esto ocurrió en la configuración de trabajo.Bizarro.
@user He is not allowed to do this he needs to be prosecuted
[ "@userHe is not allowed to do this he needs to be prosecuted" ]
@userNo se le permite hacer esto que necesita ser procesado
@user I know she is 15 but I still don’t think it’s real
[ "@userI know she is 15but I still don’t think it’s real" ]
@userSé que tiene 15 años pero todavía no creo que sea real
@user @user @user You should.have tried more, perhaps a BJP or RSS connection could have been fixed"".Masters would be happy Dhanya""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userYou should.have tried more, perhaps a BJP or RSS connection could have been fixed\"\".Masters would be happy Dhanya\"\"" ]
@user @user @userDeberías.haber intentado más, tal vez una conexión BJP o RSS podría haberse arreglado".Los maestros estarían felices Dhanya""
@user PHOOEY! It wasn't about stepping forward"" it was about @user helping @user wield a crude sharp axe on the UK's poor and vulnerable. He is a total hypocrite and fraud in a stupid affected style hat.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user PHOOEY!It wasn't about stepping forward\"\" it was about @user helping @user wield a crude sharp axe on the UK's poor and vulnerable.He is a total hypocrite and fraud in a stupid affected style hat.\"\"" ]
@user PHOOEY!No se trataba de dar un paso adelante"" se trataba de @user ayudar a @user a empuñar un crudo hacha aguda en los pobres y vulnerables del Reino Unido.Es un hipócrita total y un fraude en un estúpido sombrero de estilo afectado.""
@user @user Now they’ll have to pay more for their MAGA hats.
[ "@user @userNow they’ll have to pay more for their MAGA hats." ]
@user @userAhora tendrán que pagar más por sus sombreros MAGA.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I would like to thank those at Whitehall whom have supported me. Please see press statement below Big thanks @user @user Wishing you all the best for vote2019
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userI would like to thank those at Whitehall whom have supported me.Please see press statement below Big thanks @user@userWishing you all the best for vote2019" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userMe gustaría dar las gracias a aquellos en Whitehall que me han apoyado.Por favor, vea la declaración de prensa abajo.
@user @user Because 45% of Americans are too lazy to vote. Non-voters skew liberal. And too many liberals who do vote throw their vote away on 3rd party losers. Next question?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Because 45% of Americans are too lazy to vote.Non-voters skew liberal.And too many liberals who do vote throw their vote away on 3rd party losers.Next question?" ]
@user @user Porque el 45% de los estadounidenses son demasiado perezosos para votar.Los no votantes sesgan liberal.Y demasiados liberales que votan rechazan su voto sobre perdedores del tercer partido.¿Siguiente pregunta?
@user Time to vote and spit in the eye of all these liberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Time to vote and spit in the eye of all these liberals" ]
@user Es hora de votar y escupir en el ojo de todos estos liberales
@user @user #MAGA Make Alcatraz Great Again
[ "@user @user #MAGA Make Alcatraz Great Again" ]
@user @user #MAGA hacer Alcatraz grande otra vez
@user Antifa Zeckenbiss by the way? #Hetzjagd
[ "@user Antifa Zeckenbiss by the way?#Hetzjagd" ]
@user Antifa Zeckenbiss por cierto?#Hetzjagd
@user @user @user @user And democrats ARE out here trying to have policies of gun control. Try watching other news outlets other than Fox.
[ "@user @user @user @userAnd democrats ARE out here trying to have policies of gun control.Try watching other news outlets other than Fox." ]
@user @user @user @userY los demócratas están aquí fuera tratando de tener políticas de control de armas.Intenta ver otros medios de noticias que no sean Fox.
.@USER .@USER .@USER .@USER #HypocrisyMuch? .@USER .@USER .@USER that's why you are an enemy to the people #FakeNews go against political opponents and hide crimes from #Liberals #BigStuff!
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".@USER .@USER .@USER .@USER#HypocrisyMuch?.@USER .@USER.@USERthat's why you are an enemy to the people #FakeNews go against political opponents and hide crimes from #Liberals #BigStuff!" ]
.@USER .@USER .@USER .@USER#HypocrisyMuch?.@USER .@USER.@USERPor eso eres un enemigo del pueblo #FakeNews ir contra opositores políticos y ocultar crímenes de #Liberals #BigStuff!
@user is my absolute favorite in Sharp Objects. She is absolutely sensational.
[ "@user is my absolute favorite in Sharp Objects.She is absolutely sensational." ]
@user es mi favorita absoluta en Sharp Objects.Ella es absolutamente sensacional.
@user @user @user @user @user @user And not one bit of any of that has anything to do with Trump at all."" - Liberals could care less who was responsible & that the majority of the indictments were people Potus never met that did things while Obama was asleep at the wheel. Facts do not matter to the left.""
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userAnd not one bit of any of that has anything to do with Trump at all.\"\" - Liberals could care less who was responsible & that the majority of the indictments were people Potus never met that did things while Obama was asleep at the wheel.Facts do not matter to the left.\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userY nada de eso tiene nada que ver con Trump"." - A los liberales les podría importar menos quién fuera el responsable & que la mayoría de las acusaciones eran personas que Potus nunca conoció que hicieran cosas mientras Obama dormía al volante.Los hechos no importan a la izquierda".
@user @user I wouldn’t trust Chuck Schumer ever. He’s a liar and the president doesn’t trust him either.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user I wouldn’t trust Chuck Schumer ever.He’s a liar and the president doesn’t trust him either." ]
@user @user No confiaría en Chuck Schumer nunca. Es un mentiroso y el presidente tampoco confía en él.
@user Didn’t the polls say Hillary was going to be President???
[ "@user Didn’t the polls say Hillary was going to be President???" ]
@user ¿No dijeron las encuestas que Hillary iba a ser presidente???
@user Did you hear that @user had a game taken away from her because she called an official a theif after he took a point and he only took a game away from her because she is a woman and he'd never have done that to a man? Would love to hear your thoughts on this
[ "@user Did you hear that @user had a game taken away from her because she called an official a theif after he took a point and he only took a game away from her because she is a woman and he'd never have done that to a man?Would love to hear your thoughts on this" ]
@user ¿Has oído que a @user le quitaron un juego porque ella llamó a un oficial un teif después de que él tomó un punto y él sólo le quitó un juego porque ella es una mujer y él nunca le habría hecho eso a un hombre?
@user Tough to say because football manages to appeal to all sides of the spectrum except maybe the far most liberals...(sorry for the rant lol)
[ "@user Tough to say because football manages to appeal to all sides of the spectrum except maybe the far most liberals...(sorry for the rant lol)" ]
@user Difícil de decir porque el fútbol se las arregla para apelar a todos los lados del espectro excepto tal vez los más liberales lejos... (lo siento por el rant lol)
@user @user @user @user @user Haha 😂 Trump is still winning. It’s fun to watch the liberals literally go insane.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @userHaha 😂Trump is still winning.It’s fun to watch the liberals literally go insane." ]
@user @user @user @user @userHaha Trump sigue ganando.Es divertido ver a los liberales literalmente volverse locos.
@user Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Didn't this trashy thing sleep her way to the top with married men?" ]
@user ¿Esta cosa sucia no durmió su camino a la cima con hombres casados?
@user @user Their gullibility. They think if a politician has an R by their name he is a good guy and don't research that person at all.
[ "@user @userTheir gullibility.They think if a politician has an R by their name he is a good guy and don't research that person at all." ]
@user @userSu credulidad.Ellos piensan que si un político tiene una R por su nombre es un buen tipo y no investigan a esa persona en absoluto.
@user @user @user @user Republicans don't believe in expanding government. Conservatives want to shrink government.... you are a fake conservative....you are a treasonous fraud.... enjoy Russia
[ "@user @user @user @user Republicans don't believe in expanding government.Conservatives want to shrink government....you are a fake conservative....you are a treasonous fraud....enjoy Russia" ]
@user @user @user @user Los republicanos no creen en expandir el gobierno.Los conservadores quieren reducir el gobierno....usted es un falso conservador....usted es un fraude traicionero....disfrute de Rusia
@user Shooting stars are pretty.""""
[ "@user Shooting stars are pretty.\"\"\"\"" ]
@user Las estrellas fugaces son bonitas.""""
& could prove we're in opposite roles? THE DUALITY OF EVERYTHING. very scary. BUT i can't feed that thought rn). need to think abt how grateful i am that she's saying these things bc it's finally getting to me that i can't keep caring abt her & that she is not who i think she is
[ "& could prove we're in opposite roles?THE DUALITY OF EVERYTHING.very scary.BUT i can't feed that thought rn).need to think abt how grateful i am that she's saying these things bcit's finally getting to me that i can't keep caring abt her & that she is not who i think she is" ]
& podría probar que estamos en roles opuestos? LA DUALIDAD DE TODO.BUT muy aterradora.BUT no puedo alimentar ese pensamiento rn).necesita pensar abt lo agradecido que estoy de que ella está diciendo estas cosas bcit finalmente me llega a que no puedo seguir preocupándome abt su & que ella no es quien creo que es
@user @user @user Great. Here’s how today has gone: Floris wanted to spank me. Leah wanted to stab me. Curtis won’t back me up. Adam still looks great at 67 or however old as fuck he is... KL has a bigger dick than me but she’s a she...he🤔...she?!?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Great.Here’s how today has gone: Floris wanted to spank me.Leah wanted to stab me.Curtis won’t back me up.Adam still looks great at 67 or however old as fuck he is...KL has a bigger dick than mebut she’s a she...he🤔...she?!?" ]
@user @user @user Great.He aquí cómo ha ido el día de hoy: Floris quería pegarme.Leah quería apuñalarme.Curtis no me apoya.Adam todavía se ve muy bien a los 67 años o por más viejo que sea...KL tiene una polla más grande que yopero ella es una ella...he...ella????
@user Hitler would be so proud of David Hogg
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Hitler would be so proud of David Hogg" ]
@user Hitler estaría tan orgulloso de David Hogg
@user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don’t remember who) for getting injured again. You guys pay this assholes bills
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user But not long ago the same Ray went off on a follower (who quite possibly pays for his services) for pointing out a guy (don’t remember who) for getting injured again.You guys pay this assholes bills" ]
@user Pero no hace mucho el mismo Ray se fue en un seguidor (que muy posiblemente paga por sus servicios) por señalar a un tipo (no recuerdo quién) por resultar herido de nuevo. Ustedes pagan estas cuentas imbéciles
[ "offensive" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Jesus inherited the sinful genes from sinful Mary. It was in Jesus blood to commit sin.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Jesus inherited the sinful genes from sinful Mary.It was in Jesus blood to commit sin." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Jesus heredó los genes pecaminosos de la pecaminosa María.
@user Fuck yeah!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userFuckyeah!" ]
@user Be like Haiti and Obama and Clinton
[ "@user Be like Haiti and Obama and Clinton" ]
@user Sea como Haití y Obama y Clinton
@user He’s always at the Corey of the non-issue.
[ "@userHe’s always at the Corey of the non-issue." ]
@userSiempre está en el Corey del no-emisor.
@user @user @user I know you're not this naive. Those people make up a very small % of Trump supporters. Do all Liberals support terrorist and (groups such as Antifa?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userI know you're not this naive.Those people make up a very small % of Trump supporters.Do all Liberals support terrorist and (groups such as Antifa?" ]
@user @user @userSé que no eres tan ingenuo.Esas personas constituyen un porcentaje muy pequeño de los partidarios de Trump.¿Todos los liberales apoyan a los terroristas y (grupos como Antifa?
@user Thank you for this tweet. Give them a call @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
[ "@user Thank you for this tweet.Give them a call @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user
@user @user @user @user @user No kidding and I don't support that. Still doesn't cancel out the many violent protests by antifa. The money and support has been traced to George Soros and he is a big player within the democrat party
[ "@user @user @user @user @userNo kiddingand I don't support that.Still doesn't cancel out the many violent protests by antifa.The money and support has been traced to George Soros and he is a big player within the democrat party" ]
@user @user @user @userNo bromeo y no apoyo eso.Todavía no cancela las muchas protestas violentas de antifa.El dinero y el apoyo han sido rastreados a George Soros y él es un gran jugador dentro del partido demócrata
@user Does this mean you don't share the left's usual view on the 2nd amendment or does the constitution as the liberals say change with the times""?""
[ "@user Does this mean you don't share the left's usual view on the 2nd amendment or does the constitution as the liberals say change with the times\"\"?\"\"" ]
@user ¿Significa esto que no compartes la opinión habitual de la izquierda sobre la segunda enmienda o la constitución como dicen los liberales cambia con los tiempos?"
@user @user Conversely you apparentl don't care about kids unless they are shot at school & can be used to promote gun control. Funny that AR you hate so much is used to kill far less people than criminals do with their arms and legs. When do you start calling for everyone to be dismembered?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userConversely you apparentl don't care about kids unless they are shot at school & can be used to promote gun control.Funny that AR you hate so much is used to kill far less people than criminals do with their arms and legs.When do you start calling for everyone to be dismembered?" ]
@user @userConversely que aparentemente no se preocupan por los niños a menos que se les dispare en la escuela & se puede utilizar para promover el control de armas.Divertido que la AR que odias tanto se utiliza para matar a mucha menos gente que los criminales con sus brazos y piernas.¿Cuándo empiezas a llamar para que todos sean desmembrados?
@user He is a very funny man isn't he. I suspect even he doesn't really believe this.
[ "@userHe is a very funny man isn't he.I suspect even he doesn't really believe this." ]
@userEs un hombre muy gracioso, no lo es.Sospecho que ni siquiera él realmente cree esto.
@user @user @user I absolutely agree!! I have tried rallying people on Twitter. Asking them to follow each other. Strength in numbers. I vote. I work the polls for early election and Election Day. I speak with liberals. I forwarded Maxine Walters rants to the secret service.
[ "@user @user @user I absolutely agree!!I have tried rallying people on Twitter.Asking them to follow each other.Strength in numbers.I vote.I work the polls for early election and Election Day.I speak with liberals.I forwarded Maxine Walters rants to the secret service." ]
@user @user @user Estoy totalmente de acuerdo!!He intentado reunir a la gente en Twitter.Pedirles que se sigan mutuamente.Fuerza en números.Voto.Trabajo en las urnas para las elecciones anticipadas y el día de las elecciones.Hablo con liberales.Envié las desvaríos de Maxine Walters al servicio secreto.
@user Boy is that professor stupid or else has a mental illness. He obviously should not be teaching anyone!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Boy is that professor stupid or else has a mental illness.He obviously should not be teaching anyone!" ]
@user Boy es ese profesor estúpido o tiene una enfermedad mental.¡Obviamente no debería estar enseñando a nadie!
@user @user I couldn't agree more. And the unions attacking her are politicizing it far more than she is by turning it into a press release. I wrote about this last year.
[ "@user @user I couldn't agree more.And the unions attacking her are politicizing it far more than she is by turning it into a press release.I wrote about this last year." ]
@user @user No podría estar más de acuerdo.Y los sindicatos que la atacan la politizan mucho más de lo que lo está convirtiendo en un comunicado de prensa.Escribí sobre esto el año pasado.
@user @user Actually he is a soy boy.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userActually he is a soy boy." ]
@user @userEn realidad es un chico de soya.
@user @user It also means her treacherous actions will seriously offend 70% of @user who voted to #Leave all *Four Pillars* of the CORRUPT #EU. #ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #BoJo4PM
[ "@user @userIt also means her treacherous actions will seriously offend 70% of @user who voted to #Leave all *Four Pillars* of the CORRUPT #EU.#ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #BoJo4PM" ]
@user @userTambién significa que sus traicioneras acciones ofenderán seriamente al 70% de @user que votó a #Leave all *Cuatro Pilares* del CORRUPT #EU.#ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #BoJo4PM
@user FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE.We must crush them; boycotts work folks." ]
@user FASCIST IZQUIERDO ESTÁ EN TODOS LADOS.Debemos aplastarlos; boicotea a la gente del trabajo.
The GOP has two choices: 1) Confirm Kavanauh & possibly lose the house. 2) Dump Kavanauh definitely lose the house & have their supporters #WalkAway #MAGA #DoTheRightThing #ConfirmKavanaugh
[ "The GOP has two choices: 1) Confirm Kavanauh & possibly lose the house.2) Dump Kavanauh definitely lose the house & have their supporters #WalkAway #MAGA #DoTheRightThing #ConfirmKavanaugh" ]
El GOP tiene dos opciones: 1) Confirmar Kavanauh & posiblemente perder la casa.2) Dump Kavanauh definitivamente perder la casa & tienen sus partidarios #WalkAway #MAGA #DoTheRightThing #ConfirmKavanaugh
@user I love the video articles and the diagrams. The stories are not too long and you are doing a great job of teaching. In fact I'd love to see more.
[ "@user I love the video articles and the diagrams.The stories are not too long and you are doing a great job of teaching.In fact I'd love to see more." ]
@user Me encantan los videos y los diagramas.Las historias no son demasiado largas y estás haciendo un gran trabajo de enseñanza.De hecho, me encantaría ver más.
@user listening to your show yesterday morning on DFLA an obvious (yet completely missed) thing jumped out at me. False flags. First thing antifa-types do is post inflammatory stuff on websites and then report it as proof of racism.
[ "@user listening to your show yesterday morning on DFLA an obvious (yet completely missed) thing jumped out at me.False flags.First thing antifa-types do is post inflammatory stuff on websites and then report it as proof of racism." ]
@user escuchando su programa de ayer por la mañana en DFLA una cosa obvia (todavía completamente perdida) saltó hacia mí.Falso banderas.Lo primero que los antifa-tipos hacen es publicar material inflamatorio en los sitios web y luego reportarlo como prueba de racismo.
@user Hey Jimmy @user The View had Norm on. THE VIEW!!!!! You're sad.
[ "@userHey Jimmy @userThe View had Norm on.THE VIEW!!!!!You're sad." ]
@userHey Jimmy @userThe View tenía Norm on.The View!!!!Estás triste.
@user @user She is a piece of shit and I am not sorry for my bluntness. From now on I am going to say what I think whether bluntly or rudely!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe is a piece of shit and I am not sorry for my bluntness.From now on I am going to say what I think whether bluntly or rudely!" ]
@user @userElla es un pedazo de mierda y no lo siento por mi franqueza.De ahora en adelante voy a decir lo que pienso, ya sea directa o groseramente!
@user Another phoney poll!! #FakeNews
[ "@user Another phoney poll!!#FakeNews" ]
@user Otra encuesta falsa!! #FakeNews
@user This is another attempt from the Democratic liberals to bash a judge this didn't come out any other time and since it's many years ago she should have to prove it and I still think they should have that vote also there a Democrat running for mayor and he paid his girlfriend
[ "@userThis is another attempt from the Democratic liberals to bash a judge this didn't come out any other time and since it's many years ago she should have to prove it and I still think they should have that vote also there a Democrat running for mayor and he paid his girlfriend" ]
@userEste es otro intento de los liberales demócratas de golpear a un juez que no salió en otro momento y ya que hace muchos años ella debería tener que probarlo y todavía creo que deberían tener ese voto también hay un demócrata que se presenta a alcalde y le pagó a su novia
@user @user Everybody Talks About the Weather . . . We Don't: We confront them when we make sure that what doesn't suit us never happens again. Don’t blather that it is too violence. The action #AntiFa is not crocheting doilies!
[ "@user @userEverybody Talks About the Weather .. .We Don't: We confront them when we make sure that what doesn't suit us never happens again.Don’t blather that it is too violence.The action #AntiFa is not crocheting doilies!" ]
@user @userTodo el mundo habla sobre el clima .. No lo hacemos: Nos enfrentamos a ellos cuando nos aseguramos de que lo que no nos conviene nunca vuelve a pasar.No digas que es demasiado violencia.La acción #AntiFa no es ganchillo tapetes!
@user Of course he is offended he is ill due to liberalism!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userOf course he is offended he is ill due to liberalism!" ]
@user¡Por supuesto que está ofendido porque está enfermo debido al liberalismo!
@user He is 😭😭😭 he is so precious 💖
[ "@userHe is 😭😭😭 he is so precious 💖" ]
@user Él es él es tan precioso
@user While for Republicans there's no difference in % of AGW belief between PhDs and college freshmen because conservatives are more open-minded people who are able to question consensus; plus tend to get degrees in more practical fields like eng. instead of airy fairy artsy BS.
[ "@user While for Republicans there's no difference in % of AGW belief between PhDs and college freshmen because conservatives are more open-minded people who are able to question consensus; plus tend to get degrees in more practical fields like eng.instead of airy fairy artsy BS." ]
@user Mientras que para los republicanos no hay diferencia en % de la creencia de AGW entre los doctores y los estudiantes universitarios de primer año porque los conservadores son personas de mente más abierta que son capaces de cuestionar el consenso; además tienden a obtener títulos en campos más prácticos como eng.
@user @user You are way off
[ "@user @user You are way off" ]
@user @user Estás muy lejos
@user @user Cause gun control worked so well for chicago?
[ "@user @user Cause gun control worked so well for chicago?" ]
@user @user ¿Porque el control de armas funcionó tan bien para chicago?
@user @user You are whoring yourself out for NRA $$!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user You are whoring yourself out for NRA $$!" ]
@user @user ¡Estás prostituyéndote por NRA $$!
@user @user @user @user Name the social injustices caused by the GOP and the death of anyone caused by members of it I dare you. How many people have lost their lives to the idiocy of gun control?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Name the social injustices caused by the GOP and the death of anyone caused by members of it I dare you.How many people have lost their lives to the idiocy of gun control?" ]
@user @user @user @user Nombre las injusticias sociales causadas por el GOP y la muerte de cualquier persona causada por miembros de él Te reto ¿Cuántas personas han perdido la vida por la idiotez del control de armas?
@user About 20 of them Motherfuckers ‼️
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user About 20 of them Motherfuckers ‼️" ]
@user Cerca de 20 de ellos hijos de puta !!
@user @user Yeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World? Gun control! It works!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userYeah and guess what helped DC become Not the Murder Capital of the World?Gun control!It works!" ]
@user @userYeah y adivina lo que ayudó a DC a convertirse no en la capital del asesinato del mundo?Control de armas!Funciona!
@user DANGEROUS OBNOXIOUS GARBAGE....good luck doctor
[ "@user DANGEROUS OBNOXIOUS GARBAGE....good luck doctor" ]
@user PELIGROSO OBNOXIOUS GARBAGE....buena suerte doctor
@user yup fooled antifa threw big ol' fire pit rocks at mah truck called the cops said them commies dunnit neat lawyer trick huh
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user yup fooled antifa threw big ol' fire pit rocks at mah truck called the cops said them commies dunnit neat lawyer trick huh" ]
@user yup engañado antifa lanzó grandes piedras de fuego en el camión de mah llamó a la policía dijo que los comunistas Dunnit buen abogado truco eh
1// Yal stupid people tell me to “back off cause he is like obsessed” BITCH who has been to all the football games. Walks to class. Does literally everything for them. Knows exact dates and numbers for everything me. Only reasons I’m not competition cause she ain’t gay
[ "offensive" ]
[ "1// Yal stupid people tell me to “back off cause he is like obsessed” BITCH who has been to all the football games.Walks to class.Does literally everything for them.Knows exact dates and numbers for everything me.Only reasons I’m not competition cause she ain’t gay" ]
1// La gente estúpida de Yal me dice que “retroceda porque él es como obsesionado” BITCH que ha estado en todos los partidos de fútbol. Camina a la clase. Hace literalmente todo por ellos. Sabe fechas exactas y números para todo lo que yo.Sólo las razones por las que no soy competencia porque ella no es gay
@user @user @user How many @user backbenchers think it’s workable?
[ "@user @user @user How many @user backbenchers think it’s workable?" ]
@user @user @user ¿Cuántos backbenchers @user creen que es viable?
@user You are the one that left on his own. I'm not your daddy to tell you to stay, even if I do, you won't anyway."" There's just no in hell way that Cerberus would ever be soft to Dante and respect him right? Two can play at this game.""
[ "@user You are the one that left on his own.I'm not your daddy to tell you to stay, even if I do, you won't anyway.\"\" There's just no in hell way that Cerberus would ever be soft to Dante and respect him right?Two can play at this game.\"\"" ]
@user Tú eres el que se fue por su cuenta.No soy tu papá para decirte que te quedes, incluso si lo hago, no lo harás de todos modos.""No hay una manera en el infierno que Cerberus alguna vez sería suave con Dante y respetarlo ¿verdad?Dos pueden jugar en este juego.""
@user Shitttt. I do & does.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Shitttt.I do & does." ]
@user Shitttt.Lo hago & lo hace.
@user @user Except for the little attempted rape thing he is just a wonderful guy
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Except for the little attempted rape thing he is just a wonderful guy" ]
@user @user Excepto por el pequeño intento de violación es sólo un tipo maravilloso
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Got all of u- please follow back👍
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userGot all of u- please follow back👍" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userGot all of u- please follow back
@user oh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@useroh shit uhhh what ao3 fic is this" ]
@useroh mierda uhhh lo que ao3 fic es esto
@user Gawd help us.
[ "@user Gawd help us." ]
@user Gawd ayúdanos.
@user It’s Good for our Gun Business. More Guns sell when these people bring up Gun Control. Keep up the Great Work. Guns for All.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userIt’s Good for our Gun Business.More Guns sell when these people bring up Gun Control.Keep up the Great Work.Guns for All." ]
@userEs bueno para nuestro negocio de armas.Más armas se venden cuando estas personas sacan el control de armas.Mantenga el gran trabajo.Armas para todos.
@user @user But refugees! Marijuana! Peoplekind! Gun control!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userBut refugees!Marijuana!Peoplekind!Gun control!" ]
@user @userPero refugiados!Marijuana!Peoplekind!Gun control!
@user I think you are part of the Russia conspiracy. Plenty of evidence will soon be found and you will be locked up!
[ "@user I think you are part of the Russia conspiracy.Plenty of evidence will soon be found and you will be locked up!" ]
@user Creo que usted es parte de la conspiración de Rusia.La abundancia de pruebas pronto será encontrada y usted será encerrado!
@user Good morning. You are welcome.
[ "@user Good morning.You are welcome." ]
@user Buenos días. De nada.
Antifa Ally Yvette Felarca Takes a Hit to the Head "" Berkeley 8-5-18 via @user
[ "Antifa Ally Yvette Felarca Takes a Hit to the Head \"\" Berkeley 8-5-18 via @user" ]
Antifa Ally Yvette Felarca recibe un golpe en la cabeza "" Berkeley 8-5-18 vía @user
@user @user I can't help it if I like having air clean enough to breathe and I don't like the 1%ers doing everything they can to keep the rest of us poor. Remember when Nestlé's former CEA claimed WE don't have a right"" to water? I ****ing hate clueless conservatives.""
[ "@user @user I can't help it if I like having air clean enough to breathe and I don't like the 1%ers doing everything they can to keep the rest of us poor.Remember when Nestlé's former CEA claimed WE don't have a right\"\" to water?I ****ing hate clueless conservatives.\"\"" ]
@user @user No puedo evitarlo si me gusta tener el aire lo suficientemente limpio como para respirar y no me gustan los 1% que hacen todo lo que pueden para mantenernos pobres al resto de nosotros. ¿Recuerdas cuando el ex CEA de Nestlé afirmó que no tenemos derecho" al agua?Yo **** odio a los conservadores sin pistas".
Women were treated as 2nd class citizens for thousands of years. We are supposed to be an enlightened society. There's NO reason women should not be treated as equals now. Sexual assault is a crime! FBI needs to investigate #Kavanaugh! @user #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
[ "Women were treated as 2nd class citizens for thousands of years.We are supposed to be an enlightened society.There's NO reason women should not be treated as equals now.Sexual assault is a crime!FBI needs to investigate #Kavanaugh!@user#MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" ]
Las mujeres fueron tratadas como ciudadanas de segunda clase durante miles de años.Se supone que somos una sociedad iluminada.No hay ninguna razón por la que las mujeres no deban ser tratadas como iguales ahora.¡El asalto sexual es un crimen!El FBI necesita investigar #Kavanaugh!@user#MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatOtra vez
@user Lol he is funny
[ "@user Lol he is funny" ]
@user Lol es gracioso
@user @user Yes sir!
[ "@user @userYes sir!" ]
@user @userYes señor!