@user I just said that very same thing. That Christians"" create a life/death for Dr. Ford or Stormy Daniels who tell their stories, but I don't see (not counting Antifa) that happening from us to them. It's so weird. Not very Christ-like of them, at the least of it, and so vile, etc""
[ "@user I just said that very same thing.That Christians\"\" create a life/death for Dr. Ford or Stormy Daniels who tell their stories, but I don't see (not counting Antifa) that happening from us to them.It's so weird.Not very Christ-like of them, at the least of it, and so vile, etc\"\"" ]
@user Acabo de decir eso mismo.Esos cristianos"" crean una vida/muerte para el Dr. Ford o los Daniels Stormy que cuentan sus historias, pero no veo (sin contar Antifa) que eso les suceda a ellos.Es tan raro.No muy como Cristo de ellos, al menos de ellos, y tan vil, etc""
@user I’m sorry you are going through this.
[ "@user I’m sorry you are going through this." ]
@user Siento que estés pasando por esto.
@user sounds great ^^ i already came up with 2 dumb drawings involving her that im not sure if i should make or not....espacily since i havent even read the chapters of the manga where she is in yet
[ "@user sounds great ^^i already came up with 2 dumb drawings involving her that im not sure if i should make or not....espacily since i havent even read the chapters of the manga where she is in yet" ]
@user suena muy bien Ya se me ocurrieron 2 dibujos tontos que la involucran que no estoy seguro de si debo hacer o no....espacilmente ya que ni siquiera he leído los capítulos del manga donde ella está todavía
@user @user @user @user @user @user Anonymous has always been a resistance tactic/idea. It doesn't matter who is leading they are an enemy since Anon doesn't take political sides. There are Anons who support the idea of Antifa and there are those who don't. But no one speaks for the entirety of Anonymous.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user Anonymous has always been a resistance tactic/idea.It doesn't matter who is leading they are an enemy since Anon doesn't take political sides.There are Anons who support the idea of Antifa and there are those who don't.But no one speaks for the entirety of Anonymous." ]
@user @user @user @user @user Anonymous siempre ha sido una táctica/idea de resistencia.No importa quién esté liderando son un enemigo ya que Anon no toma partido político.Hay anons que apoyan la idea de Antifa y hay quienes no lo hacen.Pero nadie habla por la totalidad de Anonymous.
@user Huh? I want gun control eliminated. I want ALL Americans to be able to keep and bear arms. If they abuse that right THEN deprive them of it.
[ "@user Huh?I want gun control eliminated.I want ALL Americans to be able to keep and bear arms.If they abuse that right THEN deprive them of it." ]
@user Huh?Quiero que se elimine el control de armas.Quiero que TODOS los estadounidenses sean capaces de mantener y portar armas.Si abusan de ese derecho, entonces les privan de él.
@user that's unepic
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user that's unepic" ]
@user eso no es épico
@user So you realize what a fool you are making of yourself with your weird obsession over #SusanSarandon Maybe do some research b4 spouting off nonsense.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userSo you realize what a fool you are making of yourself with your weird obsession over #SusanSarandon Maybe do some research b4 spouting off nonsense." ]
@userAsí que te das cuenta de lo tonto que estás haciendo de ti mismo con tu extraña obsesión por #SusanSarandon Tal vez hacer algunas investigaciones b4 diciendo tonterías.
@user Well didn't James Comey lie? Or does it only count of you are not FBI? I thought under oath was under oath. Maybe I am wrong.
[ "@userWell didn't James Comey lie?Or does it only count of you are not FBI?I thought under oath was under oath.Maybe I am wrong." ]
@userBueno, ¿no mintió James Comey?¿O solo cuenta de que no eres del FBI?Pensé que bajo juramento estaba bajo juramento.Tal vez me equivoque.
@user Can we all agree that Tomlins seat is heating up? I'm tired of hearing hes safe over his regular season record. He is wasting championship opportunities and the shenanigans are getting old
[ "@user Can we all agree that Tomlins seat is heating up?I'm tired of hearing hes safe over his regular season record.He is wasting championship opportunities and the shenanigans are getting old" ]
@user ¿Podemos todos estar de acuerdo en que el asiento de Tomlins se está calentando?Estoy cansado de escuchar que está a salvo en su récord regular de temporada.Está desperdiciando oportunidades de campeonato y las travesuras están envejeciendo.
@user @user shut that wanker up
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user shut that wanker up" ]
@user @user cierra ese pendejo
@user Exactly. She doesn't want to perjure herself since she is being nothing but a paid actress.
[ "@user Exactly.She doesn't want to perjure herself since she is being nothing but a paid actress." ]
@user Exactamente.Ella no quiere perjurarse a sí misma ya que no es más que una actriz pagada.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Retweet complete & followed all patriots!🇺🇸🌪️🚨❌✌️
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Retweet complete & followed all patriots!🇺🇸🌪️🚨❌✌️" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Retweet complete & siguió a todos los patriotas!
@user @user I banned him personally a long time ago. But it isn’t breaking the law when I do it.
[ "@user @userI banned him personally a long time ago.But it isn’t breaking the law when I do it." ]
@user @userLo prohibí personalmente hace mucho tiempo, pero no es violar la ley cuando lo hago.
@user So much respect for that man wherever he is.🔴⚪️
[ "@user So much respect for that man wherever he is.🔴⚪️" ]
@user Tanto respeto por ese hombre dondequiera que esté.
@user I know many too !!! we liberals just don't feel the need to dance around waving them like the maga idiots.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I know many too !!!we liberals just don't feel the need to dance around waving them like the maga idiots." ]
@user Conozco a muchos también !!! nosotros los liberales simplemente no sentimos la necesidad de bailar alrededor agitando como los idiotas maga.
@user Someone's is asking if Davido wasn't supposed to be in Camp? Oga madam park well!! Davido's business is non of your business. Na u send am go school? Haterz... chop shit n die
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Someone's is asking if Davido wasn't supposed to be in Camp?Oga madam park well!!Davido's business is non of your business.Na u send am go school?Haterz... chop shit n die" ]
@user Alguien está preguntando si Davido no se suponía que estaba en el campamento?Oga señora parque bien!!El negocio de Davido no es de su negocio.¿Na u enviar a la escuela de ir?Haterz ... chop mierda n morir
@user @user @user Yes he is
[ "@user @user @userYes he is" ]
@user @user @userSi lo es
@user @user The purrfect portrait! She even has her tail wrapped around her paws! She is beautiful in this shot!
[ "@user @userThe purrfect portrait!She even has her tail wrapped around her paws!She is beautiful in this shot!" ]
@user @userEl retrato purrfecto!Ella incluso tiene su cola envuelta alrededor de sus patas!Ella es hermosa en esta toma!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user PC or not has NOTHING to do with common decency...🙄
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user PC or not has NOTHING to do with common decency...🙄" ]
@usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario @usuario PC o no tiene NADA que hacer con la decencia común...
11/21 Political Corruption: Texans: Among liberals and conservs, R's and D's, large majorities favor limits on campaign spending and say the high cost of campaigning discourages many good candidates from running for president.” #BetoforSenate
[ "11/21 Political Corruption: Texans: Among liberals and conservs, R's and D's, large majorities favor limits on campaign spending and say the high cost of campaigning discourages many good candidates from running for president.”#BetoforSenate" ]
11/21 Corrupción política: Tejanos: Entre liberales y conservos, R's y D's, las grandes mayorías favorecen los límites en el gasto de la campaña y dicen que el alto costo de la campaña desalienta a muchos buenos candidatos de presentarse a la presidencia”.#BetoforSenate
@user You are so wrong. Although I haven't had a Whopper in 40 years
[ "@user You are so wrong.Although I haven't had a Whopper in 40 years" ]
@user Estás tan equivocado.Aunque no he tenido un Whopper en 40 años
Please #retweet 👍 Please #share 😄 #thankyou 🙏 #love #share #life #money #crowdfunding #gofundme #monsterfunder @user Please #support ex dem fervent MAGA 🇺🇸 #donate here #today: ⬇️
[ "Please #retweet 👍 Please #share 😄 #thankyou 🙏 #love #share #life #money #crowdfunding #gofundme #monsterfunder @userPlease #support ex dem fervent MAGA 🇺🇸 #donate here #today: ⬇️" ]
Por favor #retweet Por favor #compartir #gracias #amor #compartir #vida #dinero #crowdfunding #gofundme #monsterfunder @userPor favor #apoyo ex dem ferviente MAGA #dona aquí #hoy:
.@USER molested me 35 yrs ago when I was 11yrs Old. I didn't want to say it till now. She should Thrown in jail. According to #Liberals & #MeToo you have to accept my allegations blindly. There I said it #ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow #SenatorFeinstein #DemocratsHateAmerica
[ "offensive" ]
[ ".@USER molested me 35 yrs ago when I was 11yrs Old.I didn't want to say it till now.She should Thrown in jail.According to #Liberals & #MeToo you have to accept my allegations blindly.There I said it #ConfirmJudgeKavanaughNow #SenatorFeinstein #DemocratsHateAmerica" ]
.@USER me abusó hace 35 años cuando tenía 11 años de edad.No quería decirlo hasta ahora.Debería meterla en la cárcel.Según #Liberals & #MeDemasiado tienes que aceptar mis acusaciones a ciegas.Allí lo dije #ConfirmarJuezKavanaughAhora #SenatorFeinstein #DemocratsHateAmerica
@user She is a war criminal. By the Nuremberg standard Clinton and every other SoS and Pres should be behind bars.
[ "@userShe is a war criminal.By the Nuremberg standard Clinton and every other SoS and Pres should be behind bars." ]
@userElla es una criminal de guerra.Para el estándar de Nuremberg Clinton y todos los demás SoS y Pres deberían estar tras las rejas.
@user Trudeau and Liberals are incompetent to handle it.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Trudeau and Liberals are incompetent to handle it." ]
@user Trudeau y Liberales son incompetentes para manejarlo.
@user Rezz is a dumb bitch who will get a rude awakening from BNF in Mexico lol
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Rezz is a dumb bitch who will get a rude awakening from BNF in Mexico lol" ]
@user Rezz es una perra tonta que recibirá un rudo despertar de BNF en México lol
@user @user You are so far of the mark at times. You seem to be completely detached from the masses....
[ "@user @userYou are so far of the mark at times.You seem to be completely detached from the masses...." ]
@user @userUsted está tan lejos de la marca a veces.Usted parece estar completamente separado de las masas....
@user @user And so is the duster thank god
[ "@user @userAnd so is the duster thank god" ]
@user @userY también el polvorero gracias a Dios
@user He don't seems happy just look at his eyes its like he is staring into ur souls
[ "@userHe don't seems happy just look at his eyes its like he is staring into ur souls" ]
@userNo parece feliz sólo mira sus ojos es como si estuviera mirando a nuestras almas
@user @user chloe shut the fuck up. seriously get a fucking life and leave us alone. idk how many time we have to fucking tell you. bc you clearly you don’t fucking get it.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user chloe shut the fuck up.seriously get a fucking life and leave us alone.idk how many time we have to fucking tell you.bc you clearly you don’t fucking get it." ]
@user @user chloe cierra la puta boca.En serio consigue una puta vida y déjanos en paz.idk ¿cuántas veces tenemos que decirte.bc claramente no lo entiendes?
@user @user A true ass statement right here
[ "@user @userA true ass statement right here" ]
@user @userUna verdadera declaración del culo aquí
@user @user 🤷🏾‍♂️ if he is gay oh well 😂😂 he be havin mfs HOT! Lol I like how he plays
[ "@user @user 🤷🏾‍♂️ if he is gayoh well 😂😂 he be havin mfs HOT!Lol I like how he plays" ]
@user @user si él es gayoh bien él es havin mfs HOT!Lol Me gusta cómo juega
@user Gun control is a weak subject for him. Two hands please
[ "@user Gun control is a weak subject for him.Two hands please" ]
@user Gun control es un tema débil para él.Dos manos por favor
@user Ahhh Lurch go back to wind surfing.
[ "@user Ahhh Lurch go back to wind surfing." ]
@user Ahhh Lurch volver al windsurf.
@user Chuck is too old to play their games. He is going forward.
[ "@user Chuck is too old to play their games.He is going forward." ]
@user Chuck es demasiado viejo para jugar sus juegos.Él va hacia adelante.
@user @user @user I guess I won't sit down and shut up then missy. I have a major problem with this situation. Since none of us were there and it is her word against his should we just ASSUME she is telling the truth? Or is this just politics?
[ "@user @user @userI guess I won't sit down and shut up then missy.I have a major problem with this situation.Since none of us were there and it is her word against his should we just ASSUME she is telling the truth?Or is this just politics?" ]
@user @user @userSupongo que no me sentaré y me callaré luego, señorita.Tengo un gran problema con esta situación.¿Ya que ninguno de nosotros estaba allí y es su palabra en contra de él deberíamos simplemente ASSUME ella está diciendo la verdad?¿O esto es sólo política?
@user @user In this tweet is a whole lot of conservatives"" calling for a victims head on a fake account. Y'all keep being awesome citizens! /s JFC, most of you belong in jail if you act the same way IRL. #LockThemUp #KavaNOPE""
[ "@user @userIn this tweet is a whole lot of conservatives\"\" calling for a victims head on a fake account.Y'all keep being awesome citizens! /sJFC, most of you belong in jail if you act the same way IRL.#LockThemUp #KavaNOPE\"\"" ]
@user @userEn este tweet hay un montón de conservadores"" pidiendo una cabeza de víctima en una cuenta falsa.Y'all seguir siendo ciudadanos increíbles! /sJFC, la mayoría de ustedes pertenecen a la cárcel si actúan de la misma manera que IRL.#LockThemUp #KavaNOPE""
@user Rip lmao who knows 😂 that's why I'm trying so hard not to expose my shits since they can't never relate anyway
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Rip lmao who knows 😂that's why I'm trying so hard not to expose my shits since they can't never relate anyway" ]
@user Rip Lmao que sabe es por eso que estoy tratando tan duro de no exponer mis mierdas ya que no pueden nunca relacionarse de todos modos
#Emmy Hosts on Monday Night Take Shots at #Trump and #Conservatives - #MAGA #BoycottHollywood
[ "#Emmy Hosts on Monday Night Take Shots at #Trump and #Conservatives - #MAGA #BoycottHollywood" ]
Los anfitriones de Emmy el lunes por la noche toman fotos en Trump y Conservantes - #MAGA #BoycottHollywood
@user @user @user @user where did you get that Kavanaugh doesn't want an investigation? CNN?
[ "@user @user @user @user where did you get that Kavanaugh doesn't want an investigation?CNN?" ]
@user @user @user @user ¿Dónde conseguiste que Kavanaugh no quiere una investigación?CNN?
@user Doesn't surprise me. Texans hate Liberals w/ Soros backing.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Doesn't surprise me.Texans hate Liberals w/ Soros backing." ]
@user No me sorprende.Los texanos odian a los liberales con el respaldo de Soros.
@user He is a lying stack of shit too.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is a lying stack of shit too." ]
@userTambién es un montón de mierda mentirosa.
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user The World Wide Phenomenon of Podcasting and MVP of ShitTalking!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userThe World Wide Phenomenon of Podcasting and MVP of ShitTalking!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userEl fenómeno mundial de Podcasting y MVP de ShitTalking!
@user @user It's probably better to have an ❌❌ next to my name than a pink pussy hat on my head 🤔🤔🤔🤔 #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
[ "@user @userIt's probably better to have an ❌❌ next to my name than a pink pussy hat on my head 🤔🤔🤔🤔 #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatAgain" ]
@user @userEs probablemente mejor tener un al lado de mi nombre que un gorro rosado en mi cabeza #MAGA #MakeAmericaGreatOtra vez
@user @user And that's where you are seeing what you want to see. You think these people want to look manly and powerful. I see them expressing solidarity. what a useless thing to mock.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userAnd that's where you are seeing what you want to see.You think these people want to look manly and powerful.I see them expressing solidarity.what a useless thing to mock." ]
@user @userY ahí es donde estás viendo lo que quieres ver.Crees que estas personas quieren parecer varonil y poderosas.Los veo expresando solidaridad.Qué cosa inútil de la que burlarse.
@user That was Awesome. I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThat was Awesome.I love hearing you destroy the Liberals but most of all Trudeau" ]
@userEso fue impresionante.Me encanta escuchar que destruyes a los liberales, pero sobre todo Trudeau
@user @user David stop been a mouthpiece for the anti gun people you r nothing but a worm looking for fame now remember that antifa BLM and all the radical left groups are violent and hurt people too but of course you agree with them
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user David stop been a mouthpiece for the anti gun people you r nothing but a worm looking for fame now remember that antifa BLM and all the radical left groups are violent and hurt people too but of course you agree with them" ]
@user @user David stop fue un portavoz de la gente anti-arma que r nada más que un gusano en busca de la fama ahora recuerda que antifa BLM y todos los grupos de izquierda radical son violentos y lastiman a la gente también, pero por supuesto que estás de acuerdo con ellos
@user @user Ain't nobody bitter here. Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading"" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES. You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Ain't nobody bitter here.Women who know their worth spending their life upgrading\"\" somebody son but actually LIVING it and becoming their best versions for THEMSELVES.You go look cute on your maid outfit, like you always do\"\"" ]
@user @user No hay nadie amargado aquí.Mujeres que saben que vale la pena pasar su vida mejorando"" alguien hijo pero en realidad VIVIENDO y convirtiéndose en sus mejores versiones para THEMSELVES.Te ves lindo en su traje de criada, como siempre lo haces ""
@user @user Antifa doing the Lords work. #AntifaschismusWirkt
[ "@user @user Antifa doing the Lords work.#AntifaschismusWirkt" ]
@user @user Antifa haciendo el trabajo de los Señores.#AntifaschismusWirkt
@user @user @user Lindsey... Sean Hannity talks to an echo chamber simply to hear himself. He is not a journalist but a news pundit with his own weird conspiratorial agenda supported by well crafted partial facts aimed at a very narrow audience. He really is a laughable fool for Trump..
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Lindsey...Sean Hannity talks to an echo chamber simply to hear himself.He is not a journalist but a news pundit with his own weird conspiratorial agenda supported by well crafted partial facts aimed at a very narrow audience.He really is a laughable fool for Trump.." ]
@user @user @user Lindsey...Sean Hannity habla con una cámara de eco simplemente para escucharse a sí mismo.No es un periodista sino un pandit de noticias con su propia extraña agenda conspiratoria apoyada por hechos parciales bien elaborados dirigidos a una audiencia muy estrecha.Es realmente un tonto risible para Trump.
@user Heard from who? You and your lying jealous cronies???
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Heard from who?You and your lying jealous cronies???" ]
@user He oído de quién?Usted y sus compinches celosos mentirosos???
@user Awesome 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Of course the left will think differently but who cares. This is great!!!
[ "@user Awesome 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻. Of course the left will think differently but who cares.This is great!!!" ]
@user Impresionante . Por supuesto la izquierda pensará diferente, pero a quién le importa.Esto es genial!!!
@user You are an amazing mom❤
[ "@user You are an amazing mom❤" ]
@user Eres una mamá increíble
@user Moore just got Don elected again. Liberals never learn. He’s more unlikable than Trump
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Moore just got Don elected again.Liberals never learn.He’s more unlikable than Trump" ]
@user Moore acaba de ser elegido de nuevo.Los liberales nunca aprenden.Es más desagradable que Trump
@user It’s all liberals have. They are truly vile.
[ "@userIt’s all liberals have.They are truly vile." ]
@userEs todo lo que tienen los liberales.Son realmente viles.
@user Happy now liberals!
[ "@user Happy now liberals!" ]
@user ¡Feliz liberal!
@user He is! Talking about “ I don’t need excuses I just need my money” 💀😂
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is!Talking about “ I don’t need excuses I just need my money” 💀😂" ]
@userHe is!Hablando de “No necesito excusas Sólo necesito mi dinero”
@user What did u just notice that he is not actually a good speaker just a good reader
[ "@user What did u just notice that he is not actually a good speaker just a good reader" ]
@user ¿Qué acabas de notar que en realidad no es un buen orador sólo un buen lector
@user @user : When we lead, sheeple follow""
[ "@user @user : When we lead, sheeple follow\"\"" ]
@user @user : Cuando lideramos, womenle seguir ""
@user @user thank god for the PPC party eh true conservatives who believe in getting out of the Paris accord and dropping supply and demand on Dairy
[ "@user @userthank god for the PPC party eh true conservatives who believe in getting out of the Paris accord and dropping supply and demand on Dairy" ]
@user @userthank dios para el partido PPC eh verdaderos conservadores que creen en salir del acuerdo de París y la reducción de la oferta y la demanda en Dairy
@user @user @user @user @user We can win the Menendez seat for #MAGA! 🇺🇸 There are 2.4 million registered Independent Republicans in NJ & we outnumber establishment R’s 2:1! 🇺🇸 Only 2.1 million registered D’s in NJ 🇺🇸 On November 6th in NJ R is for RINO! 🇺🇸 This mid term in NJ True Red is I-R
[ "@user @user @user @user @userWe can win the Menendez seat for #MAGA!🇺🇸 There are 2.4 million registered Independent Republicans in NJ & we outnumber establishment R’s 2:1! 🇺🇸 Only 2.1 million registered D’s in NJ 🇺🇸 On November 6th in NJ R is for RINO!🇺🇸 This mid term in NJ True Red is I-R" ]
@user @user @user @user @user¡Podemos ganar el asiento Menéndez para #MAGA! Hay 2.4 millones de Republicanos Independientes registrados en NJ & ¡somos más numerosos que el establecimiento R's 2:1! Sólo 2.1 millones de D's registrados en NJ El 6 de noviembre en NJ R es para RINO! Este medio plazo en NJ True Red es I-R
@user Lolol God he is such an a**hole.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Lolol God he is such an a**hole." ]
@user Lolol Dios él es un**hole.
@user hello i ate soup and now i'm very tired but i love you
[ "@userhello i ate soup and now i'm very tiredbut i love you" ]
@userhello me comí sopa y ahora estoy muy cansado pero te quiero
@user A vulgar attempt to reduce sisterhood to genitalia.....
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user A vulgar attempt to reduce sisterhood to genitalia....." ]
@user Un vulgar intento de reducir la hermandad a genitales.....
@user He had to fuck up. You can only give a guy so many chances no matter how talented he is
[ "@userHe had to fuck up.You can only give a guy so many chances no matter how talented he is" ]
@userTuvo que joder.Sólo puedes darle a un chico tantas oportunidades sin importar lo talentoso que sea.
@user How? You can’t just say “Wrong” with no evidence for why it is. You said you agree with Sargon I’m pretty much every subject but gun control and healthcare. That’s not what a centrist believes.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user How?You can’t just say “Wrong” with no evidence for why it is.You said you agree with Sargon I’m pretty much every subject but gun control and healthcare.That’s not what a centrist believes." ]
@user ¿Cómo?No puedes decir simplemente “Equivocado” sin evidencia de por qué lo es. Dijiste que estás de acuerdo con Sargon Soy casi todos los sujetos excepto el control de armas y la atención médica. Eso no es lo que un centrista cree.
@user I SAW IT but mi*rosoft sucks at translations
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I SAW IT but mi*rosoft sucks at translations" ]
@user LO VI, pero mi*rosoft apesta en las traducciones
@user Your continual use of Left liberal Progressive on your show are Euphemisms for the democrat Party who owns"" them until deny them & ideology. You are lying to the Public by not calling a spade a spade.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYour continual use of Left liberal Progressive on your show are Euphemisms for the democrat Party who owns\"\" them until deny them & ideology.You are lying to the Public by not calling a spade a spade.\"\"" ]
@userTu uso continuo de la izquierda liberal progresista en tu programa son eufemismos para el Partido Demócrata que posee" hasta que les niegues la ideología &.Estás mintiendo al público al no llamar a las palas una pala".
@user If the @user really want to conserve everything that is great about the #UK then they really need to bury this #fracking nonsense & do everything possible to make us energy efficient & fossil fuel free. @user please do the right thing! @user @user
[ "@userIf the @user really want to conserve everything that is great about the #UK then they really need to bury this #fracking nonsense & do everything possible to make us energy efficient & fossil fuel free.@user please do the right thing!@user @user" ]
@userSi el @user realmente quiere conservar todo lo que es genial sobre el #UK entonces realmente necesitan enterrar esta tontería #fracking & hacer todo lo posible para hacernos energía eficiente & libre de combustible fósil.@user por favor haga lo correcto!@user @user
@user Just noticed that twitter will block anything about a certain billionaire who buys people to accuse conservatives of wrong doing.
[ "@user Just noticed that twitter will block anything about a certain billionaire who buys people to accuse conservatives of wrong doing." ]
@user Acabo de notar que Twitter bloqueará cualquier cosa sobre un cierto multimillonario que compra gente para acusar a los conservadores de hacer mal.
@user you are beloved x2
[ "@user you are beloved x2" ]
@user eres amado x2
@user “All part of a plan” by Conservative’s Budgets! Even a layperson like me knew that it was exactly what would happen by cutting policing! 👏👏👏👏👏👏 to @user
[ "@user “All part of a plan” by Conservative’s Budgets!Even a layperson like me knew that it was exactly what would happen by cutting policing!👏👏👏👏👏👏 to @user" ]
@user “Todo parte de un plan” por Conservador’s Budgets!Incluso un laico como yo sabía que era exactamente lo que pasaría cortando la policía! a @user
@user @user He is
[ "@user @userHe is" ]
@user @userÉl es
@user @user He is a genius!
[ "@user @userHe is a genius!" ]
@user @user¡Es un genio!
@user An insult to holocaust survivors and their families. An embarrassment to film making.
[ "@userAn insult to holocaust survivors and their families.An embarrassment to film making." ]
@userUn insulto a los sobrevivientes del holocausto y sus familias.Una vergüenza para hacer películas.
@user god damn you’re so fucking valid
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user god damn you’reso fucking valid" ]
@user maldita sea eres tan jodidamente válido
@user I’m very excited to buy more lol. The lady at the con all her manga was $6 and she told me some other cons she’s gonna be at so I wanna go to this one in Chicago next year 😂
[ "@user I’m very excited to buy more lol.The lady at the con all her manga was $6 and she told me some other cons she’s gonna be at so I wanna go to this one in Chicago next year 😂" ]
@user Estoy muy emocionado de comprar más lol.La señora en la estafa todo su manga era de $6 y me dijo que algunos otros convictos que va a estar en, así que quiero ir a este en Chicago el próximo año
@user Hello... the problem with more gun control is the only people that guns are being taken away from or ‘controlled’ as you say are people like me who has the legal right to carry a gun. So before you continue to scream gun control... look at who it would affect.
[ "@user Hello... the problem with more gun control is the only people that guns are being taken away from or ‘controlled’ as you say are people like me who has the legal right to carry a gun.So before you continue to scream gun control...look at who it would affect." ]
@user Hola... el problema con más control de armas es que las armas son las únicas personas a las que se les están quitando o ‘controlando’ como dices son personas como yo que tienen el derecho legal de llevar un arma.Así que antes de seguir gritando control de armas... mira a quién afectaría.
@user It really is. My abs are lot more defined but I miss lifting heavy ass weight. Thank you girl!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user It really is.My abs are lot more defined but I miss lifting heavy ass weight.Thank you girl!" ]
@user Realmente es.Mis abdominales están mucho más definidos, pero echo de menos levantar peso pesado culo.Gracias chica!
@user Go away my child. You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt.💩💩🐷🐷
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Go away my child.You are so boring that you can't even entertain a doubt.💩💩🐷🐷" ]
@user Vete mi hijo.Eres tan aburrido que ni siquiera puedes entretener una duda.
.@USER @user MY CFB 10 #TBT at 9pm and you are scheduled with me tonight! Check in!
[ ".@USER @userMY CFB 10 #TBT at 9pmand you are scheduled with me tonight!Check in!" ]
.@USER @userMY CFB 10 #TBT a las 9pm y estás programado conmigo esta noche!
@user The problem is, the people who will read this and go oh shit he is a cunt"" already think he is. The rednecks and retards that already support him will believe it is fake news.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe problem is, the people who will read this and go oh shithe is a cunt\"\" already think he is.The rednecks and retards that already support him will believe it is fake news.\"\"" ]
@userEl problema es que la gente que va a leer esto y se va a ir oh mierda es un coño"" ya se cree que es.Los paletos y retrasados que ya lo apoyan creerán que es una noticia falsa".
@user @user @user Yes we need gun control. It is out of control!
[ "@user @user @userYes we need gun control.It is out of control!" ]
@user @user @userSí, necesitamos control de armas.¡Está fuera de control!
@user 2011 I still got all my shits
[ "@user 2011 I still got all my shits" ]
@user 2011 Todavía tengo todas mis mierdas
@user Remember him defending Antifa? I ‘member
[ "@user Remember him defending Antifa?I ‘member" ]
@user ¿Te acuerdas de él defendiendo Antifa?
@user Shit jamming Ju
[ "@user Shit jamming Ju" ]
@user Mierda jamming Ju
@user That's the biggest worry never seen such attacks on the Press i will say it until i am blue in the face if we lose the Freedom of the Press we all lose if you repeat a lie long enough people will believe it keep on doing what you are doing don't let them win
[ "@userThat's the biggest worry never seen such attacks on the Press i will say it until i am blue in the face if we lose the Freedom of the Press we all lose if you repeat a lie long enough people will believe it keep on doing what you are doing don't let them win" ]
@userEsa es la mayor preocupación que nunca he visto tales ataques a la prensa Lo diré hasta que esté azul en la cara si perdemos la Libertad de Prensa todos perdemos si repites una mentira lo suficiente la gente creerá que sigue haciendo lo que estás haciendo no les dejes ganar
@user He is the worst person.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is the worst person." ]
@userEs la peor persona.
@user I'm not the one deleting my tweets so people can't see the unprompted and unwarranted undeserved personal attack you commenced our interaction with And how and why you got so far up my nose that I responded in the kind of language you are clearly more familiar with than I
[ "@user I'm not the one deleting my tweets so people can't see the unprompted and unwarranted undeserved personal attack you commenced our interaction with And how and why you got so far up my nose that I responded in the kind of language you are clearly more familiar with than I" ]
@user Yo no soy el que borra mis tweets para que la gente no pueda ver el ataque personal inmerecido e injustificado con el que empezaste nuestra interacción y cómo y por qué te metiste tanto en mi nariz que respondí en el tipo de lenguaje con el que claramente estás más familiarizado que yo.
@user ...Stay Classy!!...what a bully - if I were the ump I take her to court for bringing his reputation into disrepute...🤔🤔🤔
[ "@user ...Stay Classy!!...what a bully - if I were the ump I take her to court for bringing his reputation into disrepute...🤔🤔🤔" ]
@user ... ¡Quédese con clase!! ... ¡qué matón - si yo fuera el ump la llevo a la corte por traer su reputación en descrédito ...
@user They help him all along and now that he is better and ok and sober they cut him ??
[ "@userThey help him all along and now that he is better and ok and sober they cut him ??" ]
@userLe ayudan todo el tiempo y ahora que está mejor y bien y sobrio lo cortan??
@user @user @user Yes he is an excellent chairperson
[ "@user @user @userYes he is an excellent chairperson" ]
@user @user @userSi es un excelente presidente
-------->The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control. #USConstitution
[ "-------->The American Revolution would never have happened with gun control.#USConstitution" ]
La Revolución Americana nunca habría ocurrido con el control de armas. #USConstitution
@user Its interesting to see the hypocrisy with these liberals when last year it was discovered that there was a “Hush Fund” for Congressional Sexual Scandals while working for the government
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Its interesting to see the hypocrisy with these liberals when last year it was discovered that there was a “Hush Fund” for Congressional Sexual Scandals while working for the government" ]
@user Es interesante ver la hipocresía con estos liberales cuando el año pasado se descubrió que había un “Fondo Hush” para escándalos sexuales del Congreso mientras trabajaba para el gobierno
@user @user @user I am sure he is doing that in his organization. Also respect is a two way street. Law enforcement job is to protect and SERVE its citizens. It like they miss that part .
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userI am sure he is doing that in his organization.Also respect is a two way street.Law enforcement job is to protect and SERVE its citizens.It like they miss that part ." ]
@user @user @userEstoy seguro de que lo está haciendo en su organización.También el respeto es una calle de dos vías.El trabajo de aplicación de la ley es proteger y servir a sus ciudadanos.
@user But please get a better barber first.
[ "@userBut please get a better barber first." ]
@userPero por favor consigue primero un mejor barbero.
@user @user @user @user Not a conservative. Antifa is a left wing terror group that uses fascist tactics and violence to silence opposing views. They are NO DIFFERENT than the “Sturmabteilung” brown shirts. Thugs.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Not a conservative.Antifa is a left wing terror group that uses fascist tactics and violence to silence opposing views.They are NO DIFFERENT than the “Sturmabteilung” brown shirts.Thugs." ]
@user @user @user @user No es un conservador.Antifa es un grupo terrorista de izquierda que utiliza tácticas fascistas y violencia para silenciar puntos de vista opuestos.No son DIFERENTES que las camisas marrones “Sturmabteilung”.
@user This is absolutely unbelievable. So these protests and mobs are run out of the state dept.??? How about Antifa?? No wonder they all wear masks. Probably govt. employees using their PTO's. It would explain how so many people can show up anywhere on a weekday.
[ "@userThis is absolutely unbelievable.So these protests and mobs are run out of the state dept.???How about Antifa??No wonder they all wear masks.Probably govt.employees using their PTO's.It would explain how so many people can show up anywhere on a weekday." ]
@userEsto es absolutamente increíble.Así que estas protestas y turbas se ejecutan fuera del estado dept.???¿Qué hay de Antifa??No es de extrañar que todos usan máscaras.Probablemente los empleados del gobierno usando sus PTO's.It explicaría cómo tanta gente puede aparecer en cualquier lugar en un día de semana.
@user Lmao good one ! Now listen up Sparky your wife is a disease she is a bought and paid for evil soulless propaganda arm for child murderers and Russian agents. So stick with your cutsie tweets but I'd prepare for a long prison sentence if i were you.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Lmao good one !Now listen up Sparky your wife is a disease she is a bought and paid for evil soulless propaganda arm for child murderers and Russian agents.So stick with your cutsie tweets but I'd prepare for a long prison sentence if i were you." ]
@user Lmao buena!Ahora escucha Sparky tu esposa es una enfermedad que es una comprada y pagada por el brazo de propaganda sin alma del mal para asesinos de niños y agentes rusos.Así que quédate con tus tuits cutie pero me prepararía para una larga sentencia de prisión si fuera tú.