@user @user @user @user @user Maybe they should have started the checks 10 years ago Arron then there wouldn’t be so many Bloody Liberals in the Party.
[ "@user @user @user @user @userMaybe they should have started the checks 10 years ago Arron then there wouldn’t be so many Bloody Liberals in the Party." ]
@user @user @user @user @user Tal vez deberían haber comenzado los cheques hace 10 años Arron entonces no habría tantos Bloody Liberals en el Partido.
@user She is so beautiful but looks like dad
[ "@userShe is so beautiful but looks like dad" ]
@userElla es tan hermosa pero se parece a papá
@user Omg yessss!
[ "@user Omg yessss!" ]
@user Omg yessss!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user You look Beautiful Ashley.Yr home away from home! U look so comfortable.Hey @user let's bring Bridget home 2b w the rest of her family&friends as a Regular on the show.I'm a diehard fan&want AJ back on 📺 screen where she is happiest #BringBridgetHome #BringBridgetBack ❤AJ
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @userYou look Beautiful Ashley.Yr home away from home!U look so comfortable.Hey @user let's bring Bridget home 2b w the rest of her family&friends as a Regular on the show.I'm a diehard fan&want AJ back on 📺 screen where she is happiest #BringBridgetHome #BringBridgetBack ❤AJ" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @userYou look Beautiful Ashley.Yr casa lejos de casa!U look so comfortable.Hey @user vamos a traer Bridget casa 2b w el resto de su familia&friends como un regular en el show.I'm a dierhard fan&want AJ volver a la pantalla de donde ella es más feliz #BringBridgetHome #BringBridgetVolver AJ
@user @user Case and point society through mind manipulation is causing people to do horrendous things hurting weaker creatures is a sign of a deeply troubled individual but yet the left focuses more on gun control than on getting to the core of the mental health of the people
[ "@user @user Case and point society through mind manipulation is causing people to do horrendous things hurting weaker creatures is a sign of a deeply troubled individual but yet the left focuses more on gun control than on getting to the core of the mental health of the people" ]
@user @user Caso y punto La sociedad a través de la manipulación de la mente está causando que la gente haga cosas horrendas lastimando a las criaturas más débiles es una señal de un individuo profundamente perturbado, pero sin embargo la izquierda se centra más en el control de armas que en llegar al núcleo de la salud mental de la gente
@user For sure... i have been laughing of them a longt time. 🤣 @user @user @user
[ "@userFor sure...i have been laughing of them a longt time.🤣 @user @user @user" ]
@userPor supuesto... he estado riendo de ellos por mucho tiempo. @user @user @user
@user @user @user Oh...July...so like 35 & 3/4 years ago... NO...that's a difference maker. I had no idea! Please share your thoughts on serial woman abuser & Antifa lover @user 🤔
[ "@user @user @userOh...July...so like 35 & 3/4 years ago...NO...that's a difference maker.I had no idea!Please share your thoughts on serial woman abuser & Antifa lover @user 🤔" ]
@user @user @userOh...Julio...así como 35 & hace 3/4 años...NO...eso es un fabricante de diferencias.¡No tenía ni idea!Por favor comparta sus pensamientos sobre abusador de la mujer en serie & amante de Antifa @user
@user Hopefully he is a Titan sooner than later :)
[ "@user Hopefully he is a Titan sooner than later :)" ]
@user Esperemos que sea un Titan más pronto que tarde :)
@user @user @user You forgot ANTIFA
[ "@user @user @userYou forgot ANTIFA" ]
@user @user @userOlvidaste ANTIFA
@user well do some research and dairy and gluten allergies are major problems with mental health from anxiety and depression to bi polar and schizophrenia.. Its a tough diet but if you are sick of feeling like you are its way worth it
[ "@user well do some research and dairy and gluten allergies are major problems with mental health from anxiety and depression to bi polar and schizophrenia..Its a tough dietbut if you are sick of feeling like you are its way worth it" ]
@user bien hacer algunas investigaciones y alergias a lácteos y gluten son problemas importantes con la salud mental de la ansiedad y la depresión a bi polar y esquizofrenia..Es una dieta difícil, pero si usted está harto de sentir que son su manera vale la pena
Montana restaurant denies #DonJr use of its facility for campaign rally. #DonaldTrumpJr #WednesdayWisdom #TheResistance #MAGA #Trump #FoxNews #Resist #ImpeachTrump
[ "Montana restaurant denies #DonJr use of its facility for campaign rally.#DonaldTrumpJr #WednesdayWisdom #TheResistance #MAGA #Trump #FoxNews #Resist #ImpeachTrump" ]
El restaurante Montana niega a #DonJr el uso de sus instalaciones para el mitin de campaña.#DonaldTrumpJr #MiércolesVisibilidad #TheResistance #MAGA #Trump #FoxNews #Resist #ImpeachTrump
@user @user @user They are obstructionists. Anti-american. Pharisees. Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing. Maga!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userThey are obstructionists.Anti-american.Pharisees.Ask them what they are running on and you get nothing.Maga!" ]
@user @user @userSon obstruccionistas.Antiamericanos.Fariseos.Pregúntales en qué se están ejecutando y no obtienes nada.¡Maga!
*goes to song suffragettes* Waitress: “there’s a $15 minimum food and drinks charge” Me to waitress : “who do you think you are?”
[ "*goes to song suffragettes*Waitress: “there’s a $15 minimum food and drinks charge” Me to waitress : “who do you think you are?”" ]
* va a canciones sufragistas * Camarera: “hay un cargo mínimo de comida y bebidas de $15” Me a la camarera : “¿quién te crees que eres?”
@user The vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about. Paper tiger
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe vile creature is trying to portray herself as some fierce bitch at the same time she knows that's not what the gun control conversation is about.Paper tiger" ]
@userLa vil criatura está tratando de retratarse como una perra feroz al mismo tiempo que sabe que no es de eso de lo que trata la conversación sobre el control de armas.
@user Liberals are kind bad slow at this or they just stalling.
[ "@user Liberals are kind bad slow at this or they just stalling." ]
@user Liberales son bastante lentos en esto o simplemente se estancan.
@user @user @user @user Yes, you are right: not only lefties but (neo) liberals having any trouble. This papers have proper journalistic ethics"" - it's funny 😆😆😆; and Magyar Nemzet or Népszabadság had ""highest circulation"" - it's also funny /only in the communistic past (before 1989)/ 😆😆😆!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userYes, you are right: not only lefties but (neo) liberals having any trouble.This papers have proper journalistic ethics\"\" - it's funny 😆😆😆; and Magyar Nemzet or Népszabadság had \"\"highest circulation\"\" - it's also funny /onlyin the communistic past (before 1989)/ 😆😆😆!" ]
@user @user @user @userSí, tienes razón: no sólo los izquierdistas, sino también los liberales que tienen problemas.Estos papeles tienen una ética periodística adecuada" - es gracioso ; y Magyar Nemzet o Népszabadság tenían "la mayor circulación" - también es divertido /solamente en el pasado comunista (antes de 1989)/ !
@user @user when you have politicians running on concepts like “sanctuary cities”.... what do you expect. They should all be sued for aiding and abetting.
[ "@user @user when you have politicians running on concepts like “sanctuary cities”....what do you expect.They should all be sued for aiding and abetting." ]
@user @user cuando tienes políticos corriendo en conceptos como “ciudades sagradas”.... ¿qué esperas? Todos deberían ser demandados por ayudar e instigar.
@user @user The last thing parents need to learn from the liberals is the ethics of raising their own child.
[ "@user @userThe last thing parents need to learn from the liberals is the ethics of raising their own child." ]
@user @userLo último que los padres necesitan aprender de los liberales es la ética de criar a su propio hijo.
@user She is unfit for office . Mentally deranged.. unstable..
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is unfit for office .Mentally deranged.. unstable.." ]
@userElla no es apta para la oficina. Mentally trastornado.. inestable..
@user @user @user Not really I have several shares in Nike I’m a capitalist not a socialist. I believe in free markets. I can use liberals for my advantages. You on the other hand keep standing with your representatives they will lead you down the golden path of higher taxes and wealth sharing
[ "@user @user @userNot really I have several shares in Nike I’m a capitalist not a socialist.I believe in free markets.I can use liberals for my advantages.You on the other hand keep standing with your representatives they will lead you down the golden path of higher taxes and wealth sharing" ]
@user @user @userNo realmente tengo varias acciones en Nike Soy un capitalista no un socialista. Creo en los mercados libres. Puedo usar liberales para mis ventajas. Tú, por otro lado, sigues de pie con tus representantes que te guiarán por el camino dorado de impuestos más altos y compartir riqueza
@user @user Words....Words... Monday is a different day...
[ "@user @user Words....Words...Monday is a different day..." ]
@user @user Words....Words...El lunes es un día diferente...
@user @user @user Time I’m really starting to hate that word....she had all the time in the world to open her mouth...really shut up about time! Enough of this left....Liberals bull shit about time! You and she have no case! Actually time is what is Hurting her case!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user TimeI’m really starting to hate that word....she had all the time in the world to open her mouth...really shut up about time!Enough of this left....Liberals bull shit about time!You and she have no case!Actually time is what is Hurting her case!" ]
@user @user @user @user TimeEstoy realmente empezando a odiar esa palabra....ella tenía todo el tiempo en el mundo para abrir su boca...¡realmente callarse en el tiempo!¡Basta de esto a la izquierda!...¡La mierda de los liberales en el tiempo!¡Tú y ella no tienen caso!¡En realidad el tiempo es lo que está lastimando su caso!
@user Carrey should be shut up for good
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Carrey should be shut up for good" ]
@user Carrey debería callarse para siempre
@user @user @user @user You should tell the @user They've just posted a tweet about how much better the railways are since they privatised them...
[ "@user @user @user @userYou should tell the @userThey've just posted a tweet about how much better the railways are since they privatised them..." ]
@user @user @user @userDeberías decirle al @user que acaban de publicar un tweet sobre lo mucho mejor que son los ferrocarriles desde que los privatizaron...
@user @user She is full of bunk.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe is full of bunk." ]
@user @userElla está llena de literas.
@user @user GET OUT OF MY MENTIONS (i stand corrected)
[ "@user @user GET OUT OF MY MENTIONS (i stand corrected)" ]
@user @user SALGA DE MIS MENTIONES (me corrijo)
.@USER It’s sad and scary that the French so-called justice system is ordering @user Le Pen to undergo psych eval because she dared to reveal the horrors of DAESH/ISIS. The true crazies are radical Muslims and liberals who protect them.
[ ".@USERIt’s sad and scary that the French so-called justice system is ordering @user Le Pen to undergo psych eval because she dared to reveal the horrors of DAESH/ISIS.The true crazies are radical Muslims and liberals who protect them." ]
.@USERIT está triste y atemorizante de que el llamado sistema de justicia francés esté ordenando a @user Le Pen que se someta a evaluación psicológica porque se atrevió a revelar los horrores del DAESH/ISIS.Los verdaderos locos son musulmanes radicales y liberales que los protegen.
@user Thank you for what you are doing. For my daughters future.
[ "@user Thank you for what you are doing.For my daughters future." ]
@user Gracias por lo que estás haciendo.Para el futuro de mis hijas.
@user who in America isn't grateful to our military?!?!? Her husband didn't die on the battle field...he died at home!! She should be fighting for gun control and stronger laws regarding mental illness! @user is about police brutality...she should educate herself on the issues
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user who in America isn't grateful to our military?!?!?Her husband didn't die on the battle field...he died at home!!She should be fighting for gun control and stronger laws regarding mental illness!@user is about police brutality...she should educate herself on the issues" ]
@user que en Estados Unidos no está agradecido a nuestros militares?!?!??Su marido no murió en el campo de batalla... ¡él murió en casa!! ¡Ella debería estar luchando por el control de armas y leyes más fuertes sobre enfermedades mentales!@user es sobre brutalidad policial...ella debe educarse sobre los temas
@user I cackle at something different shit every time I watch it lol
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user I cackle at something different shit every time I watch it lol" ]
@user me cago en algo diferente mierda cada vez que lo veo lol
@user @user Word cause her music SLAPS THERE'S NO REASON SHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn't but she DESERVES)
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Word cause her music SLAPSTHERE'SNO REASONSHE SHOULDN'T BE SELLING OUT BIG ASS SHOWS (idk if she is or isn'tbut she DESERVES)" ]
@user @user Word causa su música SLAPSTHHERE'SNO RAZONES Ella no debería estar vendiendo grandes agujeros de culo (idk si ella es o no es pero ella se merece)
16 year old stabbed in Dagenham this evening and the liberals are worried about data protection. #c4news
[ "16 year old stabbed in Dagenham this evening and the liberals are worried about data protection.#c4news" ]
16 años apuñalados en Dagenham esta noche y los liberales están preocupados por la protección de datos.#c4news
@user ... Do a few more lines Moore.
[ "@user ...Do a few more lines Moore." ]
@user ...Haz algunas líneas más Moore.
@user @user @user It started with Cameron and May is even worse. She is not a Conservative!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userIt started with Cameron and May is even worse.She is not a Conservative!" ]
@user @user @userComenzó con Cameron y May es aún peor.¡Ella no es conservadora!
@user We get shit transported from Africa niggas told me they seen venomous snakes Iguanas a beetle the size of a car tire lmaoooo 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ all kinds of shit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user We get shit transported from Africa niggas told me they seen venomous snakes Iguanas a beetle the size of a car tire lmaoooo 🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️🤦🏾‍♂️ all kinds of shit" ]
@user Tenemos mierda transportada de África negros me dijeron que vieron serpientes venenosas Iguanas un escarabajo del tamaño de un neumático de coche lmaoooooo todo tipo de mierda
@user Oh you are very welcome.
[ "@userOh you are very welcome." ]
@userOh eres muy bienvenido.
@user @user Kind of like when conservatives wanna associate everyone to their left as communist antifa members?
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user Kind of like when conservatives wanna associate everyone to their left as communist antifa members?" ]
@user @user ¿Como cuando los conservadores quieren asociar a todos a su izquierda como miembros comunistas antifa?
@user Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen?? That’s one hating ass bitch 😭
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Did you see what she said about Travis on Ellen??That’s one hating ass bitch 😭" ]
@user ¿Viste lo que dijo sobre Travis en Ellen?? Esa es una perra culo odioso
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user 😀You are welcome.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user 😀You are welcome." ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Usted es bienvenido.
@user Yeaaaahh she is!! <33
[ "@user Yeaaaahh she is!!<33" ]
@user Yeaaaahh ella es!!<33
@user @user John McEnroe is older than you are
[ "@user @user John McEnroe is older than you are" ]
@user @user John McEnroe es mayor que tú
@user Congratulations #POTUS #MAGA
[ "@user Congratulations #POTUS #MAGA" ]
@user Felicitaciones #POTUS #MAGA
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user I think he's a comrade
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userI think he's a comrade" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userCreo que es un camarada
Political Unmasking of Team Trump Must Be Prosecuted - American Thinker #MAGA #PJNET #KAG #TrumpTrain #TrumpTrain2020 @user TW055
[ "Political Unmasking of Team Trump Must Be Prosecuted - American Thinker #MAGA #PJNET #KAG #TrumpTrain #TrumpTrain2020 @user TW055" ]
El desenmascaramiento político del equipo Trump debe ser perseguido - American Thinker #MAGA #PJNET #KAG #TrumpTrain #TrumpTrain2020 @user TW055
Shame on @user @user @user @user @user and all the rest of the left wing media that are not doing their jobs and purposely looking the other way. This is the best example yet of their #FakeNews bias. #MAGA #WalkAway from the bias and corruption of the left.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Shame on @user @user @user @user @user and all the rest of the left wing media that are not doing their jobs and purposely looking the other way.This is the best example yet of their #FakeNews bias.#MAGA #WalkAway from the bias and corruption of the left." ]
Vergüenza en @user @user @user @user @user y todo el resto de los medios de comunicación de izquierda que no están haciendo su trabajo y a propósito mirando hacia otro lado.Este es el mejor ejemplo de su sesgo de #FakeNews.#MAGA #WalkLejos del sesgo y la corrupción de la izquierda.
@user No one is mistreating her but you are all mistreating Kavanaugh. This man may be innocent but you liberals are jumping on this just because you hate Trump. So you all do the right thing and after 36 years it's her word against his so there is no contest.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userNo one is mistreating herbut you are all mistreating Kavanaugh.This man may be innocent but you liberals are jumping on this just because you hate Trump.So you all do the right thing and after 36 years it's her word against his so there is no contest." ]
@userNadie la está maltratando pero todos ustedes están maltratando a Kavanaugh.Este hombre puede ser inocente, pero ustedes los liberales están saltando en esto sólo porque odian a Trump.Así que todos ustedes hacen lo correcto y después de 36 años es su palabra contra la suya, así que no hay competencia.
@user @user The President despite all of Woodward book of lies and you and Barrack has done so far a tremendous job we are respected again our economy is not longer the animic less than 2% and our enemies fear us again John you and Barrack r History
[ "@user @userThe President despite all of Woodward book of lies and you and Barrack has done so far a tremendous job we are respected again our economy is not longer the animic less than 2% and our enemies fear us again John you and Barrack r History" ]
@user @userEl Presidente a pesar de todo el libro de mentiras de Woodward y usted y Barrack han hecho hasta ahora un tremendo trabajo que somos respetados de nuevo nuestra economía no es más el anime menos del 2% y nuestros enemigos nos temen de nuevo John usted y Barrack r Historia
@user This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do. Remember Rham Emanuel’s famous quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user This sicko thinks that others scheme and lie like he and a lot of the liberals do.Remember Rham Emanuel’s famous quote “You never let a serious crisis go to waste”" ]
@user Este psicópata piensa que otros conspiran y mienten como él y muchos de los liberales lo hacen.Recuerda la famosa cita de Rham Emanuel “Nunca dejas que una crisis seria se desperdicie”
@user @user she is a cracchead lol just waiting for her to leak it herself
[ "@user @user she is a cracchead lol just waiting for her to leak it herself" ]
@user @user ella es una cracchead lol esperando a que ella misma lo filtre
@user thought they scored 69 points... sad
[ "@user thought they scored 69 points... sad" ]
@user pensó que anotó 69 puntos... triste
@user She went to my high school. Dumb liberals are prevalent in my area
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe went to my high school.Dumb liberals are prevalent in my area" ]
@userElla fue a mi escuela secundaria.Los liberales tontos son prevalentes en mi área
@user Being the good Christian that he is, he asked God to spare his properties. Virginia beach was only slightly impacted. You know the 700 club prayer, God spare me and mine, to hell with everybody else"".""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Being the good Christian that he is, he asked God to spare his properties.Virginia beach was only slightly impacted.You know the 700 club prayer, God spare me and mine, to hell with everybody else\"\".\"\"" ]
@user Siendo el buen cristiano que es, le pidió a Dios que se ahorrara sus propiedades.Virginia playa fue sólo un poco impactado.Usted sabe la oración del club 700, Dios me perdone a mí y a la mía, al infierno con todos los demás ""."
@user DJT2- You have to remember his daughter is married to am Iranian and so he defends them at all costs. He is a coward and a disgrace. Thank GOD for your Dad or we would all be in a World of hurt!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user DJT2- You have to remember his daughter is married to am Iranian and so he defends them at all costs.He is a coward and a disgrace.Thank GOD for your Dad or we would all be in a World of hurt!" ]
@user DJT2- Tienes que recordar que su hija está casada con soy iraní y por eso los defiende a toda costa.Es un cobarde y una vergüenza.¡Gracias a Dios por tu padre o todos estaríamos en un mundo de daño!
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Super President like Multiversity? Good ideia
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userSuper President like Multiversity?Good ideia" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user Super President like Multiversity?Good ideia
@user @user Can you ask Dana how worried she is for her home in (South?) Carolina? Is it close to the coast? I’m currently in N. Carolina (1st time visiting) and I get welcomed w/ a hurricane! Lordy day.. 😥😨
[ "@user @user Can you ask Dana how worried she is for her home in (South?)Carolina?Is it close to the coast?I’m currently in N. Carolina (1st time visiting) and I get welcomed w/ a hurricane!Lordy day.. 😥😨" ]
@user @user ¿Puedes preguntar a Dana lo preocupada que está por su casa en (South?)Carolina?¿Está cerca de la costa?Actualmente estoy en N. Carolina (1a vez de visita) y me dan la bienvenida w / un huracán!
Breaking news. Listen live at 1pm CT at #MAGA
[ "Breaking news.Listen live at 1pm CT at #MAGA" ]
Noticias de última hora. Escuche en vivo a la 1pm CT en #MAGA
@user @user She is better than all this shit. She is better than anything. ❤️
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userShe is better than all this shit.She is better than anything.❤️" ]
@user @userElla es mejor que toda esta mierda.Ella es mejor que nada.
@user >unfuckable"" where is the truth in this statement, all i see are lies""
[ "@user >unfuckable\"\" where is the truth in this statement, all i see are lies\"\"" ]
@user >unfuckable"" donde está la verdad en esta declaración, todo lo que veo son mentiras""
@user Im not apart of Antifa foxy. I agree with you they are terrorsits
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Im not apart of Antifa foxy.I agree with you they are terrorsits" ]
@user No estoy aparte de Antifa Foxy. Estoy de acuerdo contigo que son terroristas
@user Calling out the #Islamophobic party of Britain @user to take #Islamophobia seriously. @user MUST investigate the likes of @user @user @user @user @user
[ "@user Calling out the #Islamophobic party of Britain @user to take #Islamophobia seriously.@user MUST investigate the likes of @user @user @user @user @user" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user
@user Re-read my tweet Brian, gun control"" not ban (your blatant exaggeration not withstanding). 🙄""
[ "@user Re-read my tweet Brian, gun control\"\" not ban (your blatant exaggeration not withstanding).🙄\"\"" ]
@user Releer mi tweet Brian, control de armas"" no prohibir (su exageración descarada no soporta).
5. They promoted an amendment to lower the voting age to 18. They pushed gun control efforts and gun free zones to give criminals an edge over law abiding citizens.
[ "5.They promoted an amendment to lower the voting age to 18.They pushed gun control efforts and gun free zones to give criminals an edge over law abiding citizens." ]
5.Promovieron una enmienda para reducir la edad de voto a 18 años.Empujaron los esfuerzos de control de armas y las zonas libres de armas para dar a los criminales una ventaja sobre los ciudadanos respetuosos de la ley.
@user Shhh don’t let conservatives see this!!
[ "@user Shhh don’t let conservatives see this!!" ]
@user Shhh no dejes que los conservadores vean esto!!
@user @user @user @user @user @user She has no credibility. Lives in a $4 million mansion and associates with Antifa. Who would stab her in the back anyway.
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userShe has no credibility.Lives in a $4 million mansion and associates with Antifa.Who would stab her in the back anyway." ]
@user @user @user @user @userElla no tiene credibilidad.Vive en una mansión de $4 millones y se asocia con Antifa.Quién la apuñalaría por la espalda de todos modos.
@user Mueller can go fornicate himself. He is as crooked as the day is long.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Mueller can go fornicate himself.He is as crooked as the day is long." ]
@user Mueller puede fornicarse a sí mismo.Está tan torcido como el día es largo.
@user Yeah I'll not take my gun control policy advice from a Jean's company. Beyond that trumps die hard are almost enough that the snowflakes they claim to dislike and themselves are hard to tell a part
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userYeah I'll not take my gun control policy advice from a Jean's company.Beyond that trumps die hard are almost enough that the snowflakes they claim to dislike and themselves are hard to tell a part" ]
@userYeah No voy a tomar mi consejo de política de control de armas de una compañía de Jean.Más allá de que los triunfos mueren duro son casi suficiente que los copos de nieve que dicen que no les gusta y ellos mismos son difíciles de decir una parte
@user @user He gets confirmed. Conservatives don’t care that he’s a rapist. At all.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userHe gets confirmed.Conservatives don’t care that he’s a rapist.At all." ]
@user @userSe confirma.A los conservadores no les importa que sea un violador.En absoluto.
@user Now to get inner cities, i.e.#Chicago, to have policies that promote job growth there so that the #nuclearfamily returns. The lack of one is why @user @user have the daily killings, NOT a gun control"" issue. #twill""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Now to get inner cities, i.e.#Chicago, to have policies that promote job growth there so that the #nuclearfamily returns.The lack of one is why @user @user have the daily killings, NOT a gun control\"\" issue.#twill\"\"" ]
@user Ahora para conseguir que las ciudades interiores, es decir, #Chicago, tengan políticas que promuevan el crecimiento del empleo allí para que la familia #nuclear regrese.La falta de una es por qué @user @user tiene los asesinatos diarios, NO un problema de control de armas". #twill""
@user @user Best female tennis player ever? Arguably. Great player. She is starting to age and become less unbeatable.
[ "@user @user Best female tennis player ever?Arguably.Great player.She is starting to age and become less unbeatable." ]
@user @user ¿La mejor tenista femenina de todos los tiempos?Argumentablemente.Gran jugadora.Está empezando a envejecer y a ser menos imbatible.
@user YOU ARE HELPING THE #RedWaveRising
[ "@user YOU ARE HELPING THE #RedWaveRising" ]
@user estás ayudando al #RedWaveRising
@user @user @user And his son the ANTIFA masked hater is normal?
[ "@user @user @userAnd his son the ANTIFA masked hater is normal?" ]
@user @user @userY su hijo el odiador enmascarado ANTIFA es normal?
@user @user Because Liberals are insane and btw had this been a Democrat nominee and the accuser was a female conservative she would not be heard. Heck look at Keith Ellison's accuser who has proof. They've turned their back on her and she's a democrat! Why is the @user not helping her?
[ "@user @user Because Liberals are insane and btw had this been a Democrat nominee and the accuser was a female conservative she would not be heard.Heck look at Keith Ellison's accuser who has proof.They've turned their back on her and she's a democrat!Why is the @user not helping her?" ]
@user @user Debido a que los liberales están locos y btw si esto hubiera sido un candidato demócrata y la acusadora era una mujer conservadora que no sería escuchada.Heck mira al acusador de Keith Ellison que tiene pruebas.¡Le han dado la espalda y ella es una demócrata!¿Por qué el @user no la está ayudando?
@user The greatest generation and the original #antifa Thank you for freeing us from nazism!
[ "@userThe greatest generation and the original #antifa Thank you for freeing us from nazism!" ]
@userLa mejor generación y la original #antifa ¡Gracias por liberarnos del nazismo!
@user @user Antifa methinks !!!
[ "@user @user Antifa methinks !!!" ]
@user @user Antifa methinks !!!
@user @user There's zero evidence of any gaff and it's not their jobs to do any such thing; this is just more hijinx and chicanery from two buffoons that have no platforms or morals. #CONservatives #cdnpoli
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userThere's zero evidence of any gaffand it's not their jobs to do any such thing; this is just more hijinx and chicanery from two buffoons that have no platforms or morals.#CONservatives #cdnpoli" ]
@user @userHay cero pruebas de cualquier gaffand que no es su trabajo hacer tal cosa; esto es sólo más hijinx y chicanería de dos bufones que no tienen plataformas o moral.#Conservantes #cdnpoli
@user @user and that is why he is trying to end Obamacare so that only a priveledged few can benifit. But his tax cuts are killing us anyway.
[ "@user @user and that is why he is trying to end Obamacareso that only a priveledged few can benifit.But his tax cuts are killing us anyway." ]
@user @user y es por eso que está tratando de acabar con Obamacareso que sólo un priveledged pocos pueden benifit.Pero sus recortes de impuestos nos están matando de todos modos.
@user A much more traditional"" take on the Lois & Clark dynamic is showing up in Tom King's Superman 100-Page Giants at Walmart. I would recommend it. She is not SUPER-heavily featured in the first issue but she is well-treated.""
[ "@user A much more traditional\"\" take on the Lois & Clark dynamic is showing up in Tom King's Superman 100-Page Giants at Walmart.I would recommend it.She is not SUPER-heavily featured in the first issue but she is well-treated.\"\"" ]
@user Una toma mucho más tradicional" sobre la dinámica de Lois & Clark está apareciendo en los Gigantes de 100 páginas Superman de Tom King en Walmart.Yo lo recomendaría.Ella no es SUPER-pesada en el primer número, pero es bien tratada."
@user Why didn't gun control stop illegals from obtaining firearms?
[ "@user Why didn't gun control stop illegals from obtaining firearms?" ]
@user ¿Por qué el control de armas no impidió que los ilegales obtuvieran armas de fuego?
@user @user @user Silly rabbit 🐇 laws and rules aren’t for liberals.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user Silly rabbit 🐇 laws and rules aren’t for liberals." ]
@user @user @user Silly conejo leyes y reglas no son para los liberales.
@user Well remember how the cops in San Jose stood down"" and watched as antifa thugs armed with bats,bottles & pepper spray attacked Trump rally goers? They were ""just following orders"". That's what most soldiers & cops do. Soldiers follow orders & cops protect their paycheck. SAD.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userWell remember how the cops in San Jose stood down\"\" and watched as antifa thugs armed with bats,bottles & pepper spray attacked Trump rally goers?They were \"\"just following orders\"\".That's what most soldiers & cops do.Soldiers follow orders & cops protect their paycheck.SAD.\"\"" ]
@userWell recuerda cómo los policías de San José se retiraron"" y vieron como los matones antifa armados con murciélagos, botellas & spray de pimienta atacaron a los manifestantes de Trump?Estaban "sólo siguiendo órdenes".Eso es lo que hacen la mayoría de los soldados & policías.Soldados siguen órdenes & policías protegen su cheque de pago.
@user My feelings exactly. I was watching a video of an ANTIFA rally"". They were fighting with and cursing at the police. At one point they began fighting with counterprotesters and one was injured. His cohorts immediately began screaming for someone to call 911. Really?""
[ "@userMy feelings exactly.I was watching a video of an ANTIFA rally\"\".They were fighting with and cursing at the police.At one point they began fighting with counterprotesters and one was injured.His cohorts immediately began screaming for someone to call 911.Really?\"\"" ]
@userMis sentimientos exactamente.Estaba viendo un video de un mitin de ANTIFA".Estaban peleando y maldiciendo a la policía.En un momento comenzaron a pelear con los contraprotestores y uno resultó herido.Sus cohortes inmediatamente comenzaron a gritar para que alguien llamara al 911.
@user @user @user @user @user Because he is talking to an idiot. Liberals have a mental disorder. In his book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness."" Dr. Rossiter exposes that the ideology motivating Liberals is actually a mental disorder. Read more:
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user Because he is talking to an idiot.Liberals have a mental disorder.In his book The Liberal Mind: The Psychological Causes of Political Madness.\"\" Dr. Rossiter exposes that the ideology motivating Liberals is actually a mental disorder.Read more:" ]
@user @user @user @user @user Porque está hablando con un idiota.Los liberales tienen un trastorno mental.En su libro La mente liberal: las causas psicológicas de la locura política."El Dr. Rossiter expone que la ideología que motiva a los liberales es en realidad un desorden mental.Lea más:
@user @user Too bad he can’t write a law to take away the stupidity from liberals.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userToo bad he can’t write a law to take away the stupidity from liberals." ]
@user @userDemasiado malo que no puede escribir una ley para quitar la estupidez de los liberales.
@user Schiff- you are the SWAMP.
[ "@user Schiff- you are the SWAMP." ]
@user Schiff- usted es el SWAMP.
@user @user @user @user Liberals need better trolls than this aunty. Calling someone a liar on losing is what you resort to when you are in 2nd grade.
[ "@user @user @user @user Liberals need better trolls than this aunty.Calling someone a liar on losing is what you resort to when you are in 2nd grade." ]
@user @user @user @user Los liberales necesitan mejores trolls que esta tía.Llamar a alguien mentiroso al perder es a lo que recurres cuando estás en segundo grado.
@user @user @user Oh boy just wait! YOU ARE IN FOR A SURPRISE! Can't believe ANYONE to be that IGNORANT! LMAO!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userOh boy just wait!YOU ARE IN FOR A SURPRISE!Can't believe ANYONE to be that IGNORANT!LMAO!" ]
@user @user @user¡Oh chico, espera!¡Estás dentro de una sorpresa!¡No puedo creer que nadie sea ese IGNORANTE!¡LMAO!
@user @user Scientific breakthrough! Origins of @user discovered #TalkLikeAPirateDay
[ "@user @user Scientific breakthrough!Origins of @user discovered #TalkLikeAPirateDay" ]
@user @user Avance científico!Los orígenes de @user descubiertos #TalkLikeApirateDay
@user @user @user I'm betting she only has to submit to a blood test if she is a driver in a vehicular accident where a death or grave injury occurred.
[ "@user @user @userI'm betting she only has to submit to a blood test if she is a driver in a vehicular accident where a death or grave injury occurred." ]
@user @user @userApuesto a que sólo tiene que someterse a un análisis de sangre si es conductora en un accidente de tráfico donde ocurrió una muerte o una lesión grave.
@user you're on fucking drugs my dude
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user you're on fucking drugs my dude" ]
@user estás en drogas de mierda mi amigo
@user @user @user @user @user @user She is being realistic tho
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userShe is being realistic tho" ]
@user @user @user @user @userEstá siendo realista
@user @user @user Did you hurt yourself jumping to that conclusion? If you want biblical scholarship worth having read Bart D. Ehrman. If you want ignorant schlock...well you are already here.
[ "@user @user @user Did you hurt yourself jumping to that conclusion?If you want biblical scholarship worth having read Bart D. Ehrman.If you want ignorant schlock...well you are already here." ]
@user @user @user ¿Te lastimaste saltando a esa conclusión?Si quieres una beca bíblica vale la pena haber leído Bart D. Ehrman.Si quieres un schlock ignorante... bueno, ya estás aquí.
@user Deep corruption in the Puerto Rican government is the cause for the ppls misery. Billions sent & you don’t have the foresight to harden & secure the power system on an island that will most likely get hit again. This is the Puerto Rican’s government ms fault.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Deep corruption in the Puerto Rican government is the cause for the ppls misery.Billions sent & you don’t have the foresight to harden & secure the power system on an island that will most likely get hit again.This is the Puerto Rican’s government ms fault." ]
@user La corrupción profunda en el gobierno de Puerto Rico es la causa de la miseria de la gente. Miles de millones enviaron & usted no tiene la previsión de endurecer & asegurar el sistema de energía en una isla que muy probablemente será golpeada de nuevo.
@user @user @user @user @user @user Since you're in the medical field I'm sure you are very knowledgeable
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @userSince you're in the medical field I'm sure you are very knowledgeable" ]
@user @user @user @user @user Desde que estás en el campo médico estoy seguro de que eres muy conocedor
No my family aren't MAGA they just don't care. They're apart of the populace who get distracted by pop culture completely. They have zero idea what is going on in the world until I tell them & even then they don't care. I'm a lion amongst lambs.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "No my family aren't MAGA they just don't care.They're apart of the populace who get distracted by pop culture completely.They have zero idea what is going on in the world until I tell them & even then they don't care.I'm a lion amongst lambs." ]
No, mi familia no es MAGA, simplemente no les importa.Están separados de la población que se distrae completamente por la cultura pop.No tienen ni idea de lo que está pasando en el mundo hasta que les digo & incluso entonces no les importa.Soy un león entre los corderos.
@user He should have tried that on obama after he gpsent millions to Iran which has been traced to terrorists! Unbelievable
[ "@userHe should have tried that on obama after he gpsent millions to Iran which has been traced to terrorists!Unbelievable" ]
@userDebería haber intentado eso en obama después de enviar millones a Irán que ha sido rastreado a terroristas!Increíble
@user And Sarah's story, egad! The producer who's asked if he could fall for a nymphet and responds absolutely!""""
[ "@userAnd Sarah's story, egad!The producer who's asked if he could fall for a nymphet and responds absolutely!\"\"\"\"" ]
@user¡Y la historia de Sarah, egad!¡El productor que le ha preguntado si podía caer en un ninfeto y responde absolutamente!""""
*MAGA sense is tingling*
[ "*MAGA sense is tingling*" ]
*MAGA sensatez es hormigueo*
@user So it moves forward. Damn the facts as long as you keep up the narrative! The Dangerous line is the sliding scale line that you bunch of liberal idiots use to vilify Conservatives or justify the actions of liberals
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userSo it moves forward.Damn the facts as long as you keep up the narrative!The Dangerous line is the sliding scale line that you bunch of liberal idiots use to vilify Conservatives or justify the actions of liberals" ]
@userAsí que se mueve hacia adelante.¡Malditos los hechos siempre y cuando mantengas la narrativa!La línea Peligrosa es la línea de escala corrediza que usan los idiotas liberales para vilipendiar a los conservadores o justificar las acciones de los liberales
@user Lol same. Mom: why don’t you do art of real people? Me: he is a real people.
[ "@user Lol same.Mom: why don’t you do art of real people?Me: he is a real people." ]
Mamá: ¿por qué no haces arte de gente real? Yo: él es una gente real.
@user @user let’s throw up some added bureaucratic red tape to deter highly qualified people from entering the already vitriolic world of politics. Look at hate directed at Trump family. I don’t care about tax returns. Some universal financial report will do. Care more 4 results.
[ "@user @user let’s throw up some added bureaucratic red tape to deter highly qualified people from entering the already vitriolic world of politics.Look at hate directed at Trump family.I don’t care about tax returns.Some universal financial report will do.Care more 4 results." ]
@user @user votemos algunos trámites burocráticos adicionales para disuadir a personas altamente cualificadas de entrar en el ya vitriólico mundo de la política.Mira el odio dirigido a la familia Trump.No me importan las declaraciones de impuestos.Algunos informes financieros universales lo harán.Cuida más de 4 resultados.