@user Robyn I was gonna make vegan scones but I ran out of fucking time. Blame my biochem lab
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user RobynI was gonna make vegan scones but I ran out of fucking time.Blame my biochem lab" ]
@user RobynI iba a hacer bollos veganos pero me quedé sin tiempo de mierda.
@user @user @user @user @user Sounds like you’re talking about these people!!!! #MAGA
[ "@user @user @user @user @user Sounds like you’re talking about these people!!!!#MAGA" ]
@user @user @user @user @user Suena como si estuvieras hablando de estas personas!!!!#MAGA
@user @user You realize California has the strictest gun control in the nation right? Or are you just going to ignore that
[ "@user @userYou realize California has the strictest gun control in the nation right?Or are you just going to ignore that" ]
@user @userTe das cuenta de que California tiene el control de armas más estricto de la nación, ¿verdad?
@user @user But you are still going to jail tho #Fredo
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userBut you are still going to jail tho #Fredo" ]
@user @user Pero todavía vas a ir a la cárcel tho #Fredo
@user Misplaced anger doesn't make the lies about taking a knee true. Sorry for her loss but she is WRONG...WRONG...WRONG
[ "@user Misplaced anger doesn't make the lies about taking a knee true.Sorry for her loss but she is WRONG...WRONG...WRONG" ]
@user Enojo extraviado no hace las mentiras acerca de tomar una rodilla veraz.Lo siento por su pérdida pero ella está mal...WORG...WORG...WORG
@user @user She is xx
[ "@user @userShe is xx" ]
@user @userElla es xx
@user When are the Republicans going to learn that Democrats hate conservatives .Vote Thursday
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userWhen are the Republicans going to learn that Democrats hate conservatives .VoteThursday" ]
@userCuándo van a aprender los republicanos que los demócratas odian a los conservadores .VoteJueves
@user Yet more evidence that the @user have turned ‘The Party of Business’ into ‘The Party of Fuck Business’. Bizarre.
[ "@user Yet more evidence that the @user have turned ‘The Party of Business’ into ‘The Party of Fuck Business’.Bizarre." ]
@user Más evidencia de que el @user ha convertido ‘El Partido de los Negocios’ en ‘El Partido de los Putos Negocios’.Bizarro.
@user She is a drama queen she pulled the feel sorry for me card too because she is now a ‘working’ mom...give me a break
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userShe is a drama queen she pulled the feel sorry for me card too because she is now a ‘working’ mom...give me a break" ]
@userElla es una reina del drama ella sacó el sentimiento de lástima por mí tarjeta también porque ella es ahora una mamá ‘trabajadora’... dame un descanso
Should I try out aikido instead of krav maga? 🤔🤔 #aikido #kravmaga
[ "offensive" ]
[ "Should I try out aikido instead of krav maga?🤔🤔 #aikido #kravmaga" ]
¿Debo probar aikido en lugar de krav maga? #aikido #kravmaga
@user @user @user If economy plummets post-Brexit then less money for public services; if less immigration to work on farms and services no doubt you will step in? #Conservatives #BrexitShambles 2/2
[ "@user @user @userIf economy plummets post-Brexit then less money for public services; if less immigration to work on farms and services no doubt you will step in?#Conservatives #BrexitShambles 2/2" ]
@user @user @userSi la economía cae en picado después de Brexit entonces menos dinero para los servicios públicos; si menos inmigración para trabajar en granjas y servicios no hay duda de que va a intervenir?#Conservantes #BrexitShambles 2/2
@user @user @user Conservatives wont whitewash the accusations...both sides will be heard! In private and again in public if necessary...let THEM hash out the actual significance of an event 37years ago between a 17yr old BOY and a 15yr old GIRL.. I would go so far as to say let each cross-examine
[ "@user @user @user Conservatives wont whitewash the accusations...both sides will be heard!In private and again in public if necessary...let THEM hash out the actual significance of an event 37years ago between a 17yr old BOY and a 15yr old GIRL..I would go so far as to say let each cross-examine" ]
@user @user @user Los conservadores no van a encubrir las acusaciones...¡ambos lados serán escuchados!En privado y de nuevo en público si es necesario...que THEM hash fuera de la importancia real de un evento hace 37 años entre un chico de 17 años y una chica de 15 años..Iría tan lejos como para decir que cada contrainterrogatorio
@user @user @user Open your eyes- the NRA only supports politicians that don’t care about gun control mostly republicans
[ "@user @user @user Open your eyes- the NRA only supports politicians that don’t care about gun control mostly republicans" ]
@user @user @user Abre los ojos- la NRA sólo apoya a los políticos que no se preocupan por el control de armas en su mayoría republicanos
@user Here' s a guy that's a reliable source of information. hHahahahahahaha. Just kidding.
[ "@user Here' s a guy that's a reliable source of information.hHahahahahahaha.Just kidding." ]
@user Aquí hay un tipo que es una fuente confiable de información.hHahahahahahaha. Sólo bromeaba.
*pats tears* Gosh..... Dammit *sniffs* *sighs* My baby-* sniffs* She just doesn't deserve this💔😭. She is so precious and I-
[ "offensive" ]
[ "*pats tears*Gosh.....Dammit *sniffs* *sighs*My baby-* sniffs*She just doesn't deserve this💔😭.She is so precious and I-" ]
* Pats lagrimas* Gosh....Dammit *sniffs* *suspira* Mi bebé-* olfatea* Ella simplemente no se merece esto. Ella es tan preciosa y yo-
@user The fact that we believe that these are the only two conservatives with a shred of decency is deeply disturbing. Even more disturbing is that I don’t believe either of them do either. Still doesn’t hurt to try.
[ "@userThe fact that we believe that these are the only two conservatives with a shred of decency is deeply disturbing.Even more disturbing is that I don’t believe either of them do either.Still doesn’t hurt to try." ]
@userEl hecho de que creemos que estos son los únicos dos conservadores con una pizca de decencia es profundamente perturbador. Aún más inquietante es que no creo que ninguno de ellos lo haga tampoco.
@user Eric u got alot of balls ...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Eric u got alot of balls ..." ]
@user Eric u tiene un montón de pelotas ...
REPORT: Christine Blasey Ford ‘prepared to testify’ — but there are some catches"" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising""
[ "REPORT:Christine Blasey Ford ‘prepared to testify’ — but there are some catches\"\" #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"\"" ]
INFORME:Christine Blasey Ford ‘preparada para testificar’ — pero hay algunas capturas”” #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising””
@user @user Wow those liberals are so uncivil and full of hate. #LickAWitch
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userWow those liberals are so uncivil and full of hate.#LickAWitch" ]
@user @userWow esos liberales son tan inciviles y llenos de odio.#LickAWitch
@user He is starting to tweet nonsense like Mango Mussolini
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userHe is starting to tweet nonsense like Mango Mussolini" ]
@userEstá empezando a tuitear tonterías como Mango Mussolini
@user @user @user @user Good grief! That's a relief! Now get rid of Antifa.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user Good grief!That's a relief!Now get rid of Antifa." ]
@user @user @user @user ¡Buen dolor!¡Eso es un alivio!Ahora deshazte de Antifa.
@user Don’t you have concerns about Keith Ellison? Well do you.
[ "@user Don’t you have concerns about Keith Ellison?Well do you." ]
@user ¿No tienes preocupaciones sobre Keith Ellison?Bien tienes.
@user He. Is. Here. For. Her.
[ "@user He. Is.Here.For.Her." ]
@user Él. Está aquí. Para ella.
@user @user I can just hear the trumpsters now crowing that we liberals loved Jane Fonda and supported draft dodgers. I grew up in those times. I was against the war but knew Fonda had gone too far and was wrong. I supported those who burned their draft cards AND those who served.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user I can just hear the trumpsters now crowing that we liberals loved Jane Fonda and supported draft dodgers.I grew up in those times.I was against the war but knew Fonda had gone too far and was wrong.I supported those who burned their draft cards AND those who served." ]
@user @user Ahora puedo escuchar a los triunfadores cantar que los liberales amaban a Jane Fonda y apoyaban a los evasores de reclutamiento.Crecí en esos tiempos.Estaba en contra de la guerra, pero sabía que Fonda había ido demasiado lejos y estaba equivocado.Apoyé a aquellos que que quemaron sus tarjetas de reclutamiento Y a los que sirvieron.
@user @user @user I agree! I guess Dems are saying that they’re worried about some October surprise where the FISA docs are released leading up to the election.😊🇺🇸MAGA!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userI agree!I guess Dems are saying that they’re worried about some October surprise where the FISA docs are released leading up to the election.😊🇺🇸MAGA!" ]
@user @user @userEstoy de acuerdo!Supongo que Dems están diciendo que están preocupados por alguna sorpresa de octubre donde los documentos FISA se liberan antes de las elecciones.
@user Pumped you are back playing. Go win you a ring. Favorite player- BP#4-REDS. GO RED SOX #0
[ "@user Pumped you are back playing.Go win you a ring.Favorite player- BP#4-REDS.GO RED SOX #0" ]
@user Pumped estás de vuelta jugando.Ve a ganar un anillo.Jugador favorito- BP#4-REDS.GO RED SOX #0
@user The presumption of innocence only applies to Lefist Liberals. You are guilty from the get go if you're a Conservative.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userThe presumption of innocence only applies to Lefist Liberals.You are guilty from the get go if you're a Conservative." ]
@userLa presunción de inocencia sólo se aplica a los liberales lefistas.Eres culpable desde el principio si eres conservador.
@user @user All the leftist organizations have, Antifa, the Greens, I went to a Wobbly meeting in 2014 and they spent 0 time talking about labor practices, laws, policy, etc. They spent the whole meeting on a resolution to be more trans inclusive,"" when 1/2 them present were already GNC.""
[ "@user @user All the leftist organizations have, Antifa, the Greens, I went to a Wobbly meeting in 2014 and they spent 0 time talking about labor practices, laws, policy, etc.They spent the whole meeting on a resolution to be more trans inclusive,\"\" when 1/2 them present were already GNC.\"\"" ]
@user @user Todas las organizaciones izquierdistas tienen, Antifa, los Verdes, fui a una reunión Wobbly en 2014 y pasaron 0 tiempo hablando de prácticas laborales, leyes, políticas, etc. Pasaron toda la reunión en una resolución para ser más trans-inclusive," cuando 1/2 de ellos ya estaban presentes GNC."
@user @user @user @user HE IS THE POORLY EDUCATED!
[ "@user @user @user @userHE IS THE POORLY EDUCATED!" ]
@user @user @userHE ES EL POCO EDUCADO!
@user His frustration began to subside as he felt her hand upon his. The tone within her voice was some what soothing to him. It's been sometime having someone be there when in need the most. And that in itself is why no one is more important to me then you"" She is the center piece +)""
[ "@userHis frustration began to subside as he felt her hand upon his.The tone within her voice was some what soothing to him.It's been sometime having someone be there when in need the most.And that in itself is why no one is more important to me then you\"\" She is the center piece +)\"\"" ]
@userSu frustración comenzó a disminuir mientras sentía su mano sobre la suya.El tono dentro de su voz era algo que le tranquilizaba.Ha sido en algún momento tener a alguien allí cuando más lo necesitaba.Y eso en sí mismo es por qué nadie es más importante para mí que tú""Ella es la pieza central +)"
@user @user @user I think you have nailed it. She doesn't want to be under oath.#MAGA
[ "@user @user @userI think you have nailed it.She doesn't want to be under oath.#MAGA" ]
@user @user @userCreo que lo has clavado.Ella no quiere estar bajo juramento.#MAGA
@user Glad no one watches her!
[ "@user Glad no one watches her!" ]
@user ¡Me alegra que nadie la mire!
@user @user Dr Merck just following orders. Abysmal little pharma troll he is.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userDr Merck just following orders.Abysmal little pharma troll he is." ]
@user @userDr Merck sólo siguiendo órdenes.Abysmal poco pharma troll que es.
@user @user @user @user Yeah bitch we put him back in and beat your sorry asses the bears SUCK!! BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userYeah bitch we put him back in and beat your sorry asses the bears SUCK!!BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO" ]
@user @user @user @userYeah perra lo ponemos de nuevo en y golpear a sus lamentos culos de los osos chupar!!BLEW A 20-0 LEAD LMAOOOO
@user ugh I meant *wigs shit
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user ugh I meant *wigs shit" ]
@user ugh Quise decir *mierdas de mierda
[ "offensive" ]
@user @user Thank you @user . America is respected again! #MAGA #KAG2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
[ "@user @userThank you @user .America is respected again!#MAGA #KAG2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica" ]
@user @userGracias @user .America es respetada de nuevo!#MAGA #KAG2018 #VoteRedToSaveAmerica
Constitution Day -- the Most Important Commemoration of 2018 #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #KAG #Obama #Clinton #DeepState abuse of power: #Spygate #WitchHunt #Sedition=#TREASON
[ "Constitution Day -- the Most Important Commemoration of 2018 #ConstitutionDay #MAGA #KAG #Obama #Clinton #DeepState abuse of power: #Spygate #WitchHunt #Sedition=#TREASON" ]
Día de la Constitución: la conmemoración más importante de 2018 #Día de la Constitución #MAGA #KAG #Obama #Clinton #DeepState abuso de poder: #Spygate #WitchHunt #Sedition=#TREASON
@user @user @user This is the best the Conservatives could come up with! Stop this humiliation. #GE2018
[ "@user @user @userThis is the best the Conservatives could come up with!Stop this humiliation.#GE2018" ]
@user @user @user¡Esto es lo mejor que los Conservadores pueden encontrar!Detengan esta humillación.#GE2018
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hahah yes because trump beat Obama in the election 🤣
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hahahyes because trump beat Obama in the election 🤣" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user Hahahyes trump beat Obama en la elección
#WhatILearnedToday Liberals are the scum of the earth Absolute treason.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#WhatILearnedToday Liberals are the scum of the earth Absolute treason." ]
Lo que aprendí hoy Los liberales son la escoria de la tierra traición absoluta.
@user Political hit job. What a slap in the face to all the women that were really abused. You liberals know this is a hit. Your leader @user told you to lie and do whatever you have to do to regain power. Pathetic
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Political hit job.What a slap in the face to all the women that were really abused.You liberals know this is a hit.Your leader @user told you to lie and do whatever you have to do to regain power.Pathetic" ]
@user Political hit job.What una bofetada en la cara a todas las mujeres que realmente fueron abusadas.Vosotros liberales sabéis que esto es un hit.Tu líder @user te dijo que mintieras y hicieras lo que tuvieras que hacer para recuperar el poder.Patetic
@user @user @user What’s funding it?
[ "@user @user @userWhat’s funding it?" ]
@user @user @user¿Qué lo financia?
@user @user @user @user YEEEEESS
[ "@user @user @user @user YEEEEESS" ]
@user @user @user @user YEEEESS
@user @user @user @user Gun control doesn’t correlate with safety. It’s these facts you should take some time to ponder.
[ "@user @user @user @user Gun control doesn’t correlate with safety.It’s these facts you should take some time to ponder." ]
@user @user @user @user Gun control no se correlaciona con la seguridad. Es estos hechos que usted debe tomar algún tiempo para reflexionar.
@user All my guns are defensive; even the one that shoots further.
[ "@user All my guns are defensive; even the one that shoots further." ]
@user Todas mis armas son defensivas; incluso la que dispara más lejos.
@user You still have not addressed your solution to make schools safer....you just preach more gun control...what are your solutions???
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user You still have not addressed your solution to make schools safer....you just preach more gun control...what are your solutions???" ]
@user Usted todavía no ha abordado su solución para hacer las escuelas más seguras... usted acaba de predicar más control de armas... ¿cuáles son sus soluciones???
@user A little bigger than I like. She needs to join chubby chaser tour
[ "@user A little bigger than I like.She needs to join chubby chaser tour" ]
@user Un poco más grande de lo que me gusta.
@user yes please take more of the constitution away from us.. you took article 4 sec away did you know when you did that you took away from us the one section in the Constitution WHERE ALL gun control laws come form.? thank you....
[ "@useryes please take more of the constitution away from us..you took article 4 sec away did you know when you did that you took away from us the one section in the Constitution WHERE ALL gun control laws come form.?thank you...." ]
@useryes por favor quítenos más de la constitución..you tomó el artículo 4 sec lejos ¿sabía cuando lo hizo que nos quitó la única sección en la Constitución ¿DÓNDE TODAS las leyes de control de armas vienen forma.?gracias....
President Trump to Hold MAGA Rally in Missouri This Week #donaldtrump #donaldtrumprallies #featured #springfield
[ "President Trump to Hold MAGA Rally in Missouri This Week #donaldtrump #donaldtrumprallies #featured #springfield" ]
El presidente Trump celebrará una manifestación de MAGA en Missouri esta semana #donaldtrump #donaldtrumprallies #confeccionado #springfield
@user do you have run support data? I’m guessing Nola has gotten more. Everything equal I go with wins but his season is just so good I think he is the exception.
[ "@user do you have run support data?I’m guessing Nola has gotten more.Everything equal I go with wins but his season is just so good I think he is the exception." ]
@user ¿tienes datos de soporte?Supongo que Nola ha conseguido más.Todo igual que yo voy con las victorias, pero su temporada es tan buena que creo que es la excepción.
99.9% of the Alumni"" standing up for #ChristineBlaseyKavanaugh didn't even know her....and none are witnesses to her ""stories."" DemocRATS & Liberals are just to destroy America. #ConfirmKavanaughNow""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "99.9% of the Alumni\"\" standing up for #ChristineBlaseyKavanaugh didn't even know her....and none are witnesses to her \"\"stories.\"\" DemocRATS & Liberals are just to destroy America.#ConfirmKavanaughNow\"\"" ]
99,9% de los ex alumnos"" de pie por #ChristineBlaseyKavanaugh ni siquiera la conocían... y ninguno es testigo de sus ""historias"."DemocRATS & Liberales son sólo para destruir América.#ConfirmarKavanaughNow""
@user I love the comments about squishy conservatives and their support of the need for guest workers. Sounds like @user .
[ "@user I love the comments about squishy conservatives and their support of the need for guest workers.Sounds like @user ." ]
@user Me encantan los comentarios sobre los conservadores squishy y su apoyo a la necesidad de los trabajadores invitados.Suena como @user .
@user idk u too well but that must be a fuckin delicious corn chip that someone misses dearly
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user idk u too well but that must be a fuckin delicious corn chip that someone misses dearly" ]
@user idk u demasiado bien pero eso debe ser un maldito delicioso chip de maíz que alguien extraña mucho
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user You said that if my speech offends someone then I should be fined/jailed. I asked if you should be fined if you wanting gun control offended me
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userYou said that if my speech offends someone then I should be fined/jailed.I asked if you should be fined if you wanting gun control offended me" ]
@user @user @user @user @user @user @user @userUsted dijo que si mi discurso ofende a alguien entonces yo debería ser multado/jailed.I preguntó si usted debe ser multado si usted quiere control de armas me ofendió
@user @user @user @user Antifa....that's who. It works both ways...be careful.
[ "@user @user @user @user Antifa....that's who.It works both ways...be careful." ]
@user @user @user @user Antifa....esa es quién.Funciona de ambas maneras... ten cuidado.
@user @user @user Funny how well meaning left leaning liberals have become money obsessed fundamentalists.....strange business brexit.
[ "@user @user @user Funny how well meaning left leaning liberals have become money obsessed fundamentalists.....strange business brexit." ]
@user @user @user Divertido lo bien que significa izquierda liberales inclinados se han convertido en fundamentalistas obsesionados con el dinero ..... strange business brexit.
*babysitting 3 kids* people:”how old do you think she is?” “she has three kids” me:*dont get mad. don’t get mad. they don’t know. they don’t know*
[ "*babysitting 3 kids*people:”how old do you think she is?”“she has three kids” me:*dont get mad.don’t get mad.they don’t know.they don’t know*" ]
*bebé de 3 niños* personas:”¿cuántos años crees que tiene?”“ella tiene tres hijos” yo:*no te enfades.no te enfades.no lo saben.no lo saben*
@user @user @user @user @user needs to take action instead of turning a blind eye to what occurred. It was shameful behaviour, tantamount to organised bullying. Reprehensible"" just a word. If she ignores it. she is part of problem. Ineffective leadership entrenches this rot in ALP party culture""
[ "@user @user @user @user @user needs to take action instead of turning a blind eye to what occurred.It was shameful behaviour, tantamount to organised bullying.Reprehensible\"\" just a word.If she ignores it.she is part of problem.Ineffective leadership entrenches this rot in ALP party culture\"\"" ]
@user @user @user @user @user necesita tomar acción en lugar de hacer la vista gorda a lo que ocurrió.Fue un comportamiento vergonzoso, equivalente a bullying organizado.Reprensible"" sólo una palabra.Si ella lo ignora.ella es parte del problema.El liderazgo ineficaz afianza esta podredumbre en la cultura del partido ALP""
(You are! My prayer is that you are blessed with someone you know like that also. Someone who feels your basic human rights are worth protecting. Especially your God given right to personal privacy.)
[ "(You are!My prayer is that you are blessed with someone you know like that also.Someone who feels your basic human rights are worth protecting.Especially your God given right to personal privacy.)" ]
(¡Lo eres!Mi oración es que seas bendecido con alguien que conoces de esa manera también.Alguien que siente que tus derechos humanos básicos valen la pena proteger.Especialmente tu derecho de Dios a la privacidad personal.)
@user Attention! @user is publicizing an ANTIFA target list on his account. The list has high profile names AND many random Trump Supporters' names. Twitter has NOT suspended this account. Please help report him. (check out his account Lists"" ).""
[ "@user Attention!@user is publicizing an ANTIFA target list on his account.The list has high profile names AND many random Trump Supporters' names.Twitter has NOT suspended this account.Please help report him.(check out his account Lists\"\" ).\"\"" ]
@user ¡Atención!@user está publicando una lista de objetivos de ANTIFA en su cuenta.La lista tiene nombres de alto perfil Y muchos nombres de partidarios de Trump al azar.Twitter NO ha suspendido esta cuenta.Por favor, ayúdelo a reportarlo.(compruebe sus listas de cuentas"" )".
@user @user @user Maybe the Trumpies will call for Gun Control after this.
[ "@user @user @userMaybe the Trumpies will call for Gun Control after this." ]
@user @user @userTal vez las Trumpies llamen a Control de Armas después de esto.
@user He won't live long now
[ "@userHe won't live long now" ]
@userNo vivirá mucho tiempo ahora
@user @user Simply to get the smear campaign going by the media. The democrats want a he said under oath while she’s supposed to get a pass on her she said lies. This woman is a fraud in cahoots with the liberals to delay & divert until midterms.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userSimply to get the smear campaign going by the media.The democrats want a he said under oath while she’s supposed to get a pass on her she said lies.This woman is a fraud in cahoots with the liberals to delay & divert until midterms." ]
@user @userSimplemente para conseguir que la campaña de difamación vaya por los medios.Los demócratas quieren un que él dijo bajo juramento mientras que ella se supone que tiene que conseguir un pase sobre ella ella dijo mentiras.Esta mujer es un fraude en confabulaciones con los liberales para retrasar & desviar hasta mitades de período.
@user Treason he should hang he has no business even trying this who the F does he think he is Trump needs to Lock him up fast
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Treason he should hang he has no business even trying this who the F does he think he is Trump needs to Lock him up fast" ]
@user Traition que debe colgar no tiene nada que hacer, ni siquiera probar esto. ¿Quién cree que es Trump?
@user @user Bad bytches prolly got some fucked up attitudes! So this oughta y’all y’all ya looks only carry you so far 🤷🏾‍♂️
[ "@user @user Bad bytches prolly got some fucked up attitudes!So this oughta y’all y’all ya looks only carry you so far 🤷🏾‍♂️" ]
@user @user Bad bytches prolly tiene algunas actitudes jodidas! Así que esto debería ser que todos ustedes se ven sólo te llevan tan lejos
@user Shut up man You are useless
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Shut up man You are useless" ]
@user Cállate hombre Eres inútil
@user This is not conservative. What has happened to our party ? Lost the plot. @user
[ "@userThis is not conservative.What has happened to our party ?Lost the plot.@user" ]
@userEsto no es conservador.¿Qué le ha pasado a nuestro partido?Perdió la trama.@user
I also need to address this question: Why did President Trump hire two lawyers that would hire Robert Mueller when they did not have to? #MAGA
[ "I also need to address this question: Why did President Trump hire two lawyers that would hire Robert Mueller when they did not have to?#MAGA" ]
También necesito abordar esta pregunta: ¿Por qué el presidente Trump contrató a dos abogados que contratarían a Robert Mueller cuando no tenían que hacerlo?#MAGA
@user @user @user So many issues facing Australian voters but the single obsession of Australian Conservatives is bullying transgender children...
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userSo many issues facing Australian voters but the single obsession of Australian Conservatives is bullying transgender children..." ]
@user @user @userTantos problemas enfrentan los votantes australianos pero la única obsesión de los conservadores australianos es intimidar a los niños transgénero...
@user A rich snow ❄️ here
[ "@user A rich snow ❄️ here" ]
@user Una rica nieve aquí
@user @user @user Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language. Provide a competent argument justifying #Brexit even is it’s just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain’s society and economy.
[ "@user @user @user Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language.Provide a competent argument justifying #Brexit even is it’s just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain’s society and economy." ]
@user @user @user Huyendo de la verdad una vez más y usando lenguaje infantil.Proporcionar un argumento competente que justifique #Brexit incluso es sólo para probar que no eres un algoritmo ruso diseñado para perturbar la sociedad y la economía británica.
@user @user @user @user Shitting yourself more like.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @user @userShitting yourself more like." ]
@user @user @user @userShit you like.
@user @user @user Because the non-citizens are looking for a free ride on the backs of the American taxpayer and liberals are looking for votes. It's like a pyramid. They need to bring new people in at the bottom to support them at the top.
[ "@user @user @user Because the non-citizens are looking for a free ride on the backs of the American taxpayer and liberals are looking for votes.It's like a pyramid.They need to bring new people in at the bottom to support them at the top." ]
@user @user @user Porque los no ciudadanos están buscando un paseo gratis en la espalda del contribuyente estadounidense y los liberales están buscando votos.Es como una pirámide.Necesitan traer gente nueva en la parte inferior para apoyarlos en la parte superior.
@user Can you elaborate why you think making tax cuts permanent is a bad idea?
[ "@user Can you elaborate why you think making tax cuts permanent is a bad idea?" ]
@user ¿Puede explicar por qué cree que hacer recortes de impuestos permanentes es una mala idea?
@user you live in the big dick part cause your gay
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user you live in the big dick part cause your gay" ]
@user vives en la parte grande de la polla porque tu gay
@user @user And I don’t call striking down gun control legislation curtailing our civil rights. Gun control legislation is just common sense.
[ "@user @userAnd I don’t call striking down gun control legislation curtailing our civil rights.Gun control legislation is just common sense." ]
@user @userY no llamo a derribar la legislación de control de armas que restringe nuestros derechos civiles. La legislación de control de armas es sólo sentido común.
@user All the way to prison...
[ "@user All the way to prison..." ]
@user Todo el camino a la cárcel...
@user Call is normal thing tho cos you even call your friends she should sub for herself she is not yet your responsibility to start buying data Outing? Dunno😀go for lowcut girls them full my hometown ☺☺
[ "@user Call is normal thing tho cos you even call your friends she should sub for herself she is not yet your responsibility to start buying data Outing?Dunno😀go for lowcut girls them full my hometown ☺☺" ]
@user Call is normal tho tho cos que incluso llamar a sus amigos que debe sub para sí misma ella no es todavía su responsabilidad de empezar a comprar datos Outing?Dunnogo para las chicas lowcut que llenan mi ciudad natal
@user Elections have consequences. And if the left continues the direction they are heading in they will not win another one for a long time. #keepitup. #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease
[ "@user Elections have consequences.And if the left continues the direction they are heading in they will not win another one for a long time.#keepitup.#LiberalismIsAMentalDisease" ]
@user Las elecciones tienen consecuencias.Y si la izquierda continúa la dirección en la que se dirigen, no ganarán otra durante mucho tiempo.#keepitup.#LiberalismIsAmentalEnfermedad
@user Real question: has Ted Cruz never dropped an f-bomb in his life? Is this something that should disqualify you from public office? Grabbing someone by the pussy"" literally & verbally, is a lot more offensive to me""
[ "@user Real question: has Ted Cruz never dropped an f-bomb in his life?Is this something that should disqualify you from public office?Grabbing someone by the pussy\"\" literally & verbally, is a lot more offensive to me\"\"" ]
@user Pregunta real: ¿Ted Cruz nunca ha dejado caer una bomba f en su vida?¿Es esto algo que debería descalificarte de un cargo público?Agarrar a alguien por el coño"" literalmente & verbalmente, es mucho más ofensivo para mí""
@user And yet the liberals keep piling in people from countries like this with ideals like this and preach upon to us women's rights and respect for all. Doesn't make sense to me it's double talk
[ "@userAnd yet the liberals keep piling in people from countries like this with ideals like this and preach upon to us women's rights and respect for all.Doesn't make sense to me it's double talk" ]
@userY sin embargo, los liberales siguen amontonándose en personas de países como este con ideales como este y predican sobre nosotros los derechos de las mujeres y el respeto por todos.
@user Shame on them willing to ruin good man over a 36-year-old groping accusation she can't prove. They're rabid liberals who don't want a Supreme Court justice who will follow the Constitution. It's all about politics. Shame.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user Shame on them willing to ruin good man over a 36-year-old groping accusation she can't prove.They're rabid liberals who don't want a Supreme Court justice who will follow the Constitution.It's all about politics.Shame." ]
@user Vergüenza que estén dispuestos a arruinar a un buen hombre por una acusación a tientas de 36 años que no puede probar.Son liberales rabiosos que no quieren un juez de la Corte Suprema que siga la Constitución.Se trata de política.Vergüenza.
@user @user and they will know she is the Lord
[ "@user @user and they will know she is the Lord" ]
@user @user y sabrán que ella es el Señor
#IdiotAlert Gun control activist David Hogg suggested AR-15s cannot be used for self-defense because they shoot further than handguns.
[ "offensive" ]
[ "#IdiotAlert Gun control activist David Hogg suggested AR-15s cannot be used for self-defense because they shoot further than handguns." ]
#IdiotAlert El activista de control de armas David Hogg sugirió que los AR-15 no se pueden usar para autodefensa porque disparan más allá de las pistolas.
@user Fighting for the oppressed""? Puleeeze""
[ "@user Fighting for the oppressed\"\"?Puleeeze\"\"" ]
@user Luchando por los oprimidos"?Puleeeze""
@user But 10kg of an already shite allowance (coz EU workers are lame as fuck) is a proper piss take
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@userBut 10kg of an already shite allowance (coz EU workers are lame as fuck) is a proper piss take" ]
@userPero 10 kg de un subsidio ya de mierda (los trabajadores de la UE son cojos como la mierda) es una toma de orina adecuada
#Hillary once said that if #Trump wins, We all hang from Nooses."" The deeper this goes, the more we learn why #Clinton freaked out when she realized #Trump could win. #conservatives #TCOT #Unmasking #ReleaseTheMemo #SusanRice #FBI #DeepState #Mueller""
[ "#Hillary once said that if #Trump wins, We all hang from Nooses.\"\" The deeper this goes, the more we learn why #Clinton freaked out when she realized #Trump could win.#conservatives #TCOT #Unmasking #ReleaseTheMemo #SusanRice #FBI #DeepState #Mueller\"\"" ]
#Hillary dijo una vez que si #Trump gana, todos nos colgaremos de Nooses.""Cuanto más profundo va esto, más aprendemos por qué #Clinton se asustó cuando se dio cuenta de que #Trump podría ganar.#conservadores #TCOT #Desenmascarar #DesenmascararTheMemo #SusanRice #FBI #DeepState #Mueller""
@user @user He was a drunk driver that wrecked and injured a person then fled the scene of the crime! Hit and run.. should fit right in with leftists socialists antifa democrats!
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @userHe was a drunk driver that wrecked and injured a person then fled the scene of the crime!Hit and run.. should fit right in with leftists socialists antifa democrats!" ]
@user @userEra un conductor borracho que destrozó e hirió a una persona y luego huyó de la escena del crimen!Hit y correr .. debe encajar directamente con los socialistas de izquierda antifa demócratas!
@user @user @user That's a black referring to a group. Markedly different from affluent white people calling Ben Carson or any other prominent conservative that term. I'm thinking more of stuff like this: Antifa n word"" is quite a fruitful search.""
[ "offensive" ]
[ "@user @user @userThat's a black referring to a group.Markedly different from affluent white people calling Ben Carson or any other prominent conservative that term.I'm thinking more of stuff like this: Antifa n word\"\" is quite a fruitful search.\"\"" ]
@user @user @userEso es un negro que se refiere a un grupo.Marcamente diferente de la gente blanca adinerada llamando a Ben Carson o cualquier otro conservador prominente ese término.Estoy pensando más en cosas como esta: Antifa n palabra "" es una búsqueda bastante fructífera.""
@user He is the gawdfather of #fuxNews
[ "@userHe is the gawdfather of #fuxNews" ]
@userEs el padre de #fuxNews
@user @user He is delusional.
[ "@user @userHe is delusional." ]
@user @userEstá delirando.
@user @user @user @user Conservatives: Always dying on the wrong hill.
[ "@user @user @user @user Conservatives: Always dying on the wrong hill." ]
@user @user @user @user Conservadores: Siempre muriendo en la colina equivocada.
@user @user @user @user @user @user Congratulations!
[ "@user @user @user @user @user @user Congratulations!" ]
@user @user @user @user @user ¡Felicidades!
@user Maybe he should have used some of your peers?
[ "@userMaybe he should have used some of your peers?" ]
@user Tal vez debería haber usado algunos de tus compañeros?
@user @user @user @user Ooh but coming from Mr.Rapist We are all the same alias and one person A 55yr old Antifa Granny Go Figure Sept.30th couldn't come anytime sooner isn't that right Brother (Grok) Old toothless will be getting a rude awakening along with his Housewives
[ "@user @user @user @userOoh but coming from Mr.RapistWe are all the same alias and one person A 55yr old Antifa Granny Go Figure Sept.30th couldn't come anytime sooner isn't that right Brother (Grok) Old toothless will be getting a rude awakening along with his Housewives" ]
@user @user @user @userOoh pero viniendo del Sr. RapistSomos todos el mismo alias y una persona Un 55 años de edad Antifa Abuelita Ir Figura 30 de septiembre no podría venir antes no es que el hermano (Grok) viejo sin dientes será conseguir un despertar grosero junto con sus amas de casa
@user Now that's what I call an Antifa Supersoldier
[ "@user Now that's what I call an Antifa Supersoldier" ]
@user Eso es lo que llamo un Supersoldado Antifa
@user Yes, watching an elitist prima donna toss a tantrum on the court when she is called out & penalized for ('cheating') getting coaching is pretty entertaining! HER COACH EVEN ADMITTED, I WAS COACHING HER."" Now, back to our regularly scheduled sanity, rule of law & accountability!""
[ "@userYes, watching an elitist prima donna toss a tantrum on the court when she is called out & penalized for ('cheating') getting coaching is pretty entertaining!HER COACH EVEN ADMITTED, I WAS COACHING HER.\"\" Now, back to our regularly scheduled sanity, rule of law & accountability!\"\"" ]
@userYes, ver a una prima donna elitista lanzar una rabieta en la cancha cuando la llaman & penalizado por ('engañar') conseguir coaching es bastante entretenido!AQUELLOS COAJUNTOS ADMITIDOS, YO LA ESTABA RECOGIENDO.""Ahora, de vuelta a nuestra cordura regularmente programada, el estado de derecho & responsabilidad!""
@user Ha even with them trying to rig the system. They had no idea about divine intervention we 🙏God answered President Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸
[ "@userHa even with them trying to rig the system.They had no idea about divine intervention we 🙏God answered President Trump 🇺🇸🇺🇸" ]
@userHa incluso con ellos tratando de amañar el sistema.Ellos no tenían idea de la intervención divina nosotros Dios respondió al presidente Trump
@user @user If the NDP were to get 26% then @user would win because the gains by both the NDP and PCs are directly from the Liberals. However I doubt the NDP get over 20%. I had Ches at the start but he performed really bad in the debates but then again there is a lot of ?s about 1/
[ "@user @userIf the NDP were to get 26% then @user would win because the gains by both the NDP and PCs are directly from the Liberals.However I doubt the NDP get over 20%.I had Ches at the start but he performed really bad in the debates but then again there is a lot of ?s about 1/" ]
@user @userSi el NDP fuera a obtener el 26% entonces @user ganaría porque las ganancias tanto por el NDP como por los PCs son directamente de los Liberales.Sin embargo dudo que el NDP superara el 20%.Tenía Ches al principio, pero él actuó muy mal en los debates pero de nuevo hay muchos ?s sobre 1/