want let gothe day waiting train standing close end platform considering dealing depression years years since ive dealt suicidal idealization scary im scared think maybe ive depressed whole life people told itd better got older could make decisions change environment therapy medication throughout college chronically miserable long prospects got job another country im still happy think ive ever really happy people told would get better hasnt cant handle prospect hang on longer im tired try nice people help however can someone asks help literally stop im doing possible give every time flip side think people know im struggling know that ive asked people help walked on people taken advantage me want bother anyone im dying kind connection contradictory is even people true friends connections have cannot deal rejection want trying settle days like today get frustrated want talk someone scared send another message ignored know problems big people want someone know work stresses out service job try really hard well think good work evaluation last month along lines great customers say smile enough please smile more cant want to things got bit bad weeks ago friend coworker got drunk sexually assaulted me people saw one anything it talked anyone whos taken seriously feel silly upset because yknow way rape police anything situation even reported it cry shower used look forward since catharsis lately dread wash hair comes clumps probably eating disorder now days im motivated eat one goodsized meal happen usually end puking ive lost much weight replace wardrobe second time eight nine months anyhow im still considered fat country one cares dread work since dealing people dislike people really like helping fake connections wear out im super introvert every day exhausting skills though days like today try study make marketable end crying half day instead im scared ill mess work get gloomy something get fired certainly kill forced go back country savings live family environment terribly toxic lately ive thinking methods like inconviencing people id ideally like arrange affairs unobtrusive again part angry much pain like one cares want everyone know yes bad want people stop think moment maybe even feel little sorry probably much coward go way though people would likely want continue living feel like alive profoundly unhappy perhaps way am persisting problem me like since kid whether working shutin social solitary sides planet got long im sorry appreciate anyone whos read entire thing ive wanted say things long considering next steps
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want let gothe day waiting train standing close end platform considering dealing depression years years since ive dealt suicidal idealization scaryim scared think maybe ive depressed whole life people told itd better got older could make decisions change environment therapy medication throughout college chronically miserable long prospects got job another country", "im still happy think ive ever really happy people told would get better hasnt cant handle prospect hang on longer im tired try nice people help however can someone asks help literally stop im doing possible give every time flip side think people know im struggling know that ive asked people help walked on people taken advantage me want bother anyone im dying kind connection contradictory is even people true friends connections have cannot deal rejection want trying settle days like today get frustrated want talk someone scared send another message ignored know problems big people want someone know work stresses out service job try really hard well think good work evaluation last month along lines great customers say smile enough please smile more cant want to things got bit bad weeks ago friend coworker got drunk sexually assaulted me people saw one anything it talked anyone whos taken seriously feel silly upset because yknow way rape police anything situation even reported it cry shower used look forward since catharsis lately dread wash hair comes clumps probably eating disorder now days im motivated eat one goodsized meal happen usually end puking ive lost much weight replace wardrobe second time eight nine months anyhow im still considered fat country", "one cares dread work since dealing people dislike people really like helping fake connections wear out im super introvert every day exhausting skills though days like today try study make marketable end crying half day instead im scared ill mess work get gloomy something get fired certainly kill forced go back country savings live family environment terribly toxic lately ive thinking methods like inconviencing people id ideally like arrange affairs unobtrusive again part angry much pain like one cares want everyone knowyes bad want people stop think moment maybe even feel little sorry probably much coward go way though people would likely want continue living feel like alive profoundly unhappy perhaps way am persisting problem me like since kid whether working shutin social solitary sides planet got long im sorry appreciate anyone whos read entire thing ive wanted say things long considering next steps" ]
Quiero dejar ir el tren de espera del día de pie plataforma final cercana considerando tratar la depresión años años desde ive tratado idealización suicida miedoim miedo pensar tal vez ive deprimido toda la vida la gente dijo que mejor se hizo mayor podría tomar decisiones cambio ambiente terapia medicamentos a lo largo de la universidad crónica miserable larga perspectivas consiguió trabajo otro país
want kill nowok got poor evaluation work low raise come home dad yells me family leaves without go fish fry please help feeling dead
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want kill nowok got poor evaluation work low raise come home dad yells me family leaves without go fish fry please help feeling dead" ]
quiero matar ahoraok tengo mala evaluación trabajo bajo aumento llega a casa papá me grita hojas de la familia sin ir pescado frito por favor ayudar a sentirse muerto
could live without pain would much easier cannot reached help many times one concern it know anymore wish pain would go away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "could live without pain would much easier cannot reached help many times one concern it know anymore wish pain would go away" ]
podría vivir sin dolor sería mucho más fácil no puede llegar a la ayuda muchas veces una preocupación que sabe más deseo de dolor desaparecer
im sure whether cant survive again cant take trauma failure cant risk arrested police surviving keep told services capacity kill stop me surely capacity way achieve need way id know going work
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im sure whether cant survive again cant take trauma failure cant risk arrested police surviving keep told services capacity kill stop me surely capacity way achieve need way id know going work" ]
Estoy seguro de que si no puede sobrevivir de nuevo no puede tomar trauma falla no puede riesgo arrestado policía sobrevivir mantener la capacidad de los servicios dice matar detenerme seguro capacidad manera lograr necesidad manera id saber ir a trabajar
@jonasbrothers my favorite song its about the new cd: paranoid, hey baby, and bout the other cds: video girl, bb good, shelf, tonight
[ "@jonasbrothers my favorite song its about the new cd: paranoid, hey baby, and bout the other cds: video girl, bb good, shelf, tonight" ]
@jonasbrothers mi canción favorita es sobre el nuevo cd: paranoico, hey baby, y la lucha contra los otros cds: video chica, bb bueno, estante, esta noche
just came home from market market. watched jash's cheerdance competition. Fun!
[ "just came home from market market.watched jash's cheerdance competition.Fun!" ]
acaba de llegar a casa del mercado mercado.visto la competición de animadora de jash.Fun!
theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression and pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theekween heart break trauma anxiety depression and pain of losing a loved one thelmasherbs" ]
theekween corazón romper trauma ansiedad depresión y dolor de perder a un ser querido thelmasherbs
epic woke set alarm went back bed woke saw time decided go back bed again basically missed half classes thing happened yesterday too fucking hate online school
[ "epic woke set alarm went back bed woke saw time decided go back bed again basically missed half classes thing happened yesterday too fucking hate online school" ]
épica alarma despertado set se fue de vuelta cama despierta vio tiempo decidió volver a la cama otra vez básicamente se perdió media clase cosa pasó ayer demasiado odio puta escuela en línea
@neondeception ur avatar is so cute im trying to set this blog thing up and see what its all about lol
[ "@neondeception ur avatar is so cute im trying to set this blog thing up and see what its all about lol" ]
@neondeception ur avatar es tan lindo yo tratando de configurar esta cosa blog y ver lo que es todo sobre lol
feeling excess amount give life cry last weekend yelled getting la job get good grades yada yada happens time get sad better today different im feeling hopeless scared sad that normal part teenager
[ "feeling excess amount give life cry last weekend yelled getting la job get good grades yada yada happens time get sad better today different im feeling hopeless scared sad that normal part teenager" ]
sentimiento exceso cantidad dar vida llora el fin de semana pasado gritado conseguir el trabajo obtener buenas calificaciones yada yada pasa el tiempo ponerse triste mejor hoy diferente me siento sin esperanza asustado triste que la parte normal adolescente
its birthday today turned im tired month ago tried kill myself didnt want let live another year am happy birthday lol ive thinking everyday couldnt bring it really wish did come point really dont know want anymore feel like ill let go soon everything seems fucking pointless ive made peace that
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "its birthday today turned im tired month ago tried kill myself didnt want let live another year am happy birthday lol ive thinking everyday couldnt bring it really wish did come point really dont know want anymore feel like ill let go soon everything seems fucking pointless ive made peacethat" ]
Su cumpleaños de hoy se volvió muy cansado hace un mes intenté matarme a mí mismo no quería dejar vivir otro año soy feliz cumpleaños lol live pensamiento diario no podía traer realmente deseo llegó punto realmente no sé quiero más se siente como mal dejar ir pronto todo parece jodidamente inútil live hizo la paz que
trapped buried alive brings us resort opened soon closebr br we start guy gear blowing drifts avoid possibility avalanches somehow make sense anyways hes blow away one particularly big one notices resort open despite best efforts higher authority tells day overbr br soon everyone expects avalanche hitsbr br look im gonna reveal more say bmovie designed family channel which saw on fact commercials proves bmovie anyways pretty decent film partially unrealbr br firsthand people buried ice snow theyre buried traced powder or cd screwdriver possible finally cant stress enough explosion cannot stop avalanche guaranteedbr br furthermore worth rental tv viewing owning br br the movie rated pg maybe received something little strong boy nearly loses foot elevator leg cut around ankle guy toasted electricity diesel weight room dead people laying aroundbr br enjoy
[ "trapped buried alive brings us resort opened soon closebr brwe start guy gear blowing drifts avoid possibility avalanches somehow make sense anyways hes blow away one particularly big one notices resort open despite best efforts higher authority tells day overbr br soon everyone expects avalanche hitsbr br look im gonna reveal more say bmovie designed family channel which saw on fact commercials proves bmovie anyways pretty decent film partially unrealbr br firsthand people buried ice snow theyre buried traced powder or cd screwdriver possible finally cant stress enough explosion cannot stop avalanche guaranteedbr br furthermore worth rental tv viewing owning br br the movie rated pg maybe received something little strong boy nearly loses foot elevator leg cut around ankle guy toasted electricity diesel weight room dead people laying aroundbr br enjoy" ]
atrapado enterrado vivo nos trae resort abierto pronto brwe brwe inicio chico engranaje soplando derivas evitar posibilidad avalanchas de alguna manera tiene sentido de todos modos hes soplar lejos uno particularmente grande avisos resort abierto a pesar de los mejores esfuerzos autoridad superior le dice día overbr br pronto todo el mundo espera avalanche hitsbr br mirada im va a revelar más bmovie diseño canal familiar que vio en hechos comerciales prueba bmovie película bastante decente parcialmente irrealbr br de primera mano personas enterradas nieve de hielo están enterrados polvo rastreado o cd destornillador posible finalmente no hay tensión suficiente explosión no puede detener avalancha garantizado br br además vale la pena alquiler televisión ver propietario br br la película valor pg tal vez recibió algo pequeño niño fuerte casi pierde pie ascensor pierna cortada alrededor tobillo chico tostado electricidad diesel peso habitación personas muertos puesta alrededor br br disfrutar
im tiredthe past three weeks ive many days actually think would make alive help im undiagnosed mental illnesses professional help cant afford it today first ever session free sponsored therapist asked talk things liked think anything spent mins trying come things kept saying things dislike well thats point girl college committed redflag months ago situation isnt nearly bad terms financial stability social standing etc keep thinking get it see way out would much easier around truly would miss on positives life theyre far worth pain ive lying bed crying two hours head hurts nothing worth this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredthe past three weeks ive many days actually think would make alive help im undiagnosed mental illnesses professional help cant afford it today first ever session free sponsored therapist asked talk things liked think anything spent mins trying come things kept saying things dislike well thats point girl college committed redflag months ago situation isnt nearly bad terms financial stability social standing etc keep thinking get it see way out would much easier around truly would miss on positives life theyre far worth pain ive lying bed crying two hours head hurts nothing worth this" ]
En las últimas tres semanas, muchos días realmente pensarían que haría vida ayuda en enfermedades mentales no diagnosticadas ayuda profesional no puede permitírselo hoy primera sesión gratis terapeuta patrocinado pidió hablar cosas como pensar cualquier cosa pasado minutos tratando de venir las cosas siguen diciendo cosas que no les gusta bien que punto chica universidad cometida bandera roja meses atrás situación no es casi malos términos estabilidad financiera social standing etc seguir pensando conseguir que vea la salida sería mucho más fácil en realidad se perdería en los positivos la vida que valen mucho dolor ive mentira cama llorando dos horas la cabeza no duele nada vale la pena esto
want run awayi cant go vicious cycle bingingpurgingstarving anymore along fact reason live mum completely given me nobody talk cant deal constant thoughts self harm pity killing anymore plan running away possibly kill wherever end at much pain mentally years enough guess going make years all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want run awayi cant go vicious cycle bingingpurgingstarving anymore along fact reason live mum completely given me nobody talk cant deal constant thoughts self harm pity killing anymore plan running away possibly kill wherever end at much pain mentally years enough guess going make years all" ]
Quiero huir no puedo ir círculo vicioso atragantamiento purga hambre más a lo largo de hecho razón vivo mamá completamente me dio nadie hablar no se puede tratar pensamientos constantes auto daño compasión matar más plan huir posiblemente matar donde quiera que termine con mucho dolor mental años suficientes suposiciones van a hacer años todos
@DVDsnapshot thanks I see you've watched StarTrek twice already and really enjoyed it
[ "@DVDsnapshot thanks I see you've watched StarTrek twice already and really enjoyed it" ]
@DVDsnapshot gracias Veo que has visto StarTrek dos veces ya y realmente lo disfruté
graemearcher i am sad about innocent selling out too
[ "graemearcher i am sad about innocent selling out too" ]
Graemearcher Estoy triste por la venta inocente también
dont know turn toi want die im trying best happy stay positive cant want reach someone dont know who appointment therapist next week dont think wait long want end now dont know keep thinking thoughts cant happy hurts live way want over
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know turn toi want die im trying best happy stay positive cant want reach someone dont know who appointment therapist next week dont think wait long want end now dont know keep thinking thoughts cant happy hurts live way want over" ]
no sé turn toi want die im intenting best happy stay positive no puedo querer llegar a alguien no sé quién cita terapeuta la semana que viene no creo esperar mucho quiero terminar ahora no sé seguir pensando pensamientos no puedo feliz duele vivir mucho quiero más
hoping my new kitten is well a she isn t eating or drinking hopefully just stress of a new place
[ "hoping my new kitten is well a she isn t eating or drinking hopefully just stress of a new place" ]
Espero que mi nuevo gatito es bien una ella no está comiendo o bebiendo con suerte sólo estrés de un nuevo lugar
hb4 - cyberia - hb2 - cyberia - new food court - hb4 --> CENDOL SEDAP!!! T'baekkk!!! eheheehee..
[ "hb4 - cyberia - hb2 - cyberia - new food court - hb4 --> CENDOL SEDAP!!!T'baekkk!!!eheheehee.." ]
hb4 - cyberia - hb2 - cyberia - nuevo patio de alimentos - hb4 --> CENDOL SEDAP!!!T'baekkk!!!eheheehee..
@Kal_Penn I just read about your new job, CONGRATULATIONS! That's fantastic.
[ "@Kal_Penn I just read about your new job, CONGRATULATIONS!That's fantastic." ]
@Kal_Penn Acabo de leer sobre tu nuevo trabajo, ¡ FELICIDADES!Eso es fantástico.
THREAD A few months ago, I took steps to address my mental health. I think I've known for a long time that I've had anxiety and depression issues I just chose to ignore them, to lean into them, to just turn my nose up at them like I was superior somehow. I wasn't, I'm not. (1/23)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "THREAD A few months ago, I took steps to address my mental health.I think I've known for a long time that I've had anxiety and depression issues I just chose to ignore them, to lean into them, to just turn my nose up at them like I was superior somehow.I wasn't, I'm not.(1/23)" ]
AMENAZA Hace unos meses, tomé medidas para abordar mi salud mental.Creo que he sabido desde hace mucho tiempo que he tenido problemas de ansiedad y depresión que simplemente elegí ignorarlos, inclinarme hacia ellos, para simplemente volver mi nariz hacia ellos como si fuera superior de alguna manera.No lo era, no lo soy.(1/23)
byeive realized way win play goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "byeive realized way win play goodbye" ]
adiós se dio cuenta de la manera ganar juego adiós
@em_c Good try Well done with the painting by the way.
[ "@em_c GoodtryWell done with the painting by the way." ]
@em_c GoodtryBien hecho con la pintura por cierto.
wish way make look like accidenti dont want anyone feel guilty feel like hard kill without happen fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "wish way make look like accidenti dont want anyone feel guilty feel like hard kill without happen fuck" ]
deseo manera hacer parecer como accidente no quiero que nadie se sienta culpable se siente como duro matar sin pasar follada
people get comfortable point makes others uncomfortable comes personality people hating dark humor gotta wake pop ibuprofen numb everyone hurtin feelings mean bully people unless bash making joke cultures food cook something real one gonna eat like yams vagina
[ "people get comfortable point makes others uncomfortable comes personality people hating dark humor gotta wake pop ibuprofen numb everyone hurtin feelings mean bully people unless bash making joke cultures food cook something real one gonna eat like yams vagina" ]
La gente se siente cómoda hace que otros se sientan incómodos viene la personalidad la gente odia el humor oscuro tiene que despertar pop ibuprofeno adormecer a todos los heridos en los sentimientos significa gente matón a menos que bash hacer broma culturas comida cocinar algo real uno va a comer como ñame vagina
watching film explore turkish music also explore city istanbul wonderful pictures scenes important regions citythere lots delightful conversations sorts musicians thoughts musicculturethere also discussions mixture east west like istanbul hashow make music see comparing countrys musiciansit consists music cezadumanbaba zulaaynurmzeyyan senarorhan gencebaythe turkish queen music sezen aksuan important work art
[ "watching film explore turkish music also explore city istanbul wonderful pictures scenes important regions citythere lots delightful conversations sorts musicians thoughts musicculturethere also discussions mixture east west like istanbul hashow make music see comparing countrys musiciansit consists musiccezadumanbaba zulaaynurmzeyyan senarorhan gencebaythe turkish queen music sezen aksuan important work art" ]
ver película explorar música turca también explorar ciudad estanbul maravillosas imágenes escenas importantes regiones ciudad hay muchas conversaciones encantadoras clases músicos pensamientos música culturahay también discusiones mezcla este oeste como estanbul hacómo hacer música ver comparación de países músicos consiste músicacezadumanba zulaaynurmzeyyan senarorhan gencebay la reina turca música sezen aksuan importante arte de la obra
@SakuraTbh I saw it! It great! I'm reading the book
[ "@SakuraTbh I saw it!It great!I'm reading the book" ]
@SakuraTbh ¡Lo vi!¡Es genial!Estoy leyendo el libro
first got n five sixi fell love itand first game super mario and loved itthe graphics great timea good plotgreat courses allthe best music heard nintendo gamebr br i remember plot completelybut think princess peach kidnapped bowserand mario rescue herthe object game get stars curses castleeach five six challnges get starsthere secert parts castlewhere get starsbut courseyou beat bowseri think three levels beat bowser on lets start charactersmario main characterand gets helpful advice toadso basically one alliancesi heard luigi yoshi game towards endthe main villain bowserand bunch characters like boo goombathe characters really greatbr br nexthow graphicspeople say gameplay important graphicsand agree completelybut great plotthere great graphicsespecially timei whole bunch nintendo games like graphics compare super mariobright colorsgreat effects awesome sound effectsi found graphics water courses goodnext bowser world onesit best graphics gamebr br nowthe musicthis favorite part gamegrowing upwhen played young ageid gladly leave game night music would put sleepespecially music jolly roger baywhich peaceful wonderfulthere others great tooespecially inonce againthe worlds bowserare ones stick favoritesbr br this game favorite past time developing gamerand love itthis game gets go play game
[ "first got n five sixi fell love itand first game super mario and loved itthe graphics great timea good plotgreat courses allthe best music heardnintendo gamebr br", "i remember plot completelybut think princess peach kidnapped bowserand mario rescue herthe object game get stars curses castleeach five six challnges get starsthere secert parts castlewhere get starsbut courseyou beat bowseri think three levels beat bowser on lets start charactersmario main characterand gets helpful advice toadso basically one alliancesi heard luigi yoshi game towards endthe main villain bowserand bunch characters like boo goombathe characters really greatbr br nexthow graphicspeople say gameplay important graphicsand agree completelybut great plotthere great graphicsespecially timei whole bunch nintendo games like graphics compare super mariobright colorsgreat effects awesome sound effectsi found graphics water courses goodnext bowser world onesit best graphics gamebr br nowthe musicthis favorite part gamegrowing upwhen played young ageid gladly leave game night music would put sleepespecially music jolly roger baywhich peaceful wonderfulthere others great tooespecially inonce againthe worlds bowserare ones stick favoritesbr br this game favorite past time developing gamerand love itthis game gets go play game" ]
Primero se cogió n cinco seisi se enamoró y primer juego super mario y le encantó los gráficos gran tiempo una buena trama grandes cursos toda la mejor música escuchada nintendo gamebr br
Gr 5 is making their first collaborative website to share their info from the recent PYP Exhibition. Will publish it soon
[ "Gr 5 is making their first collaborative website to share their info from the recent PYP Exhibition.Will publish it soon" ]
Gr 5 está haciendo su primer sitio web colaborativo para compartir su información de la reciente Exposición PYP.
advice needed hardly talk crush amp never told anything recently blue removed fb amp insta etc sending request amp deleting fb still see status whatsapp oo question is know how way rejecting people rejected ff kinda new thing
[ "advice needed hardly talk crush amp never told anything recently blue removed fb amp insta etc sending request amp deleting fb still see status whatsapp oo question is know how way rejecting people rejected ff kinda new thing" ]
consejo necesita apenas hablar aplastamiento amp nunca dijo nada recientemente eliminado azul fb amp insta etc enviar solicitud amp eliminación fb todavía ver estado whatsapp oo pregunta es saber cómo rechazar a la gente rechazó ff un poco nuevo
done reallylifes getting much thinking writing help thoughts lingering starting feel comforted idea existing cant tell anyone embarrassment cant go nowhere seek help people responsible downright refuse issues anyone knew felt would able face world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "done reallylifes getting much thinking writing help thoughts lingering starting feel comforted idea existing cant tell anyone embarrassment cant go nowhere seek help people responsible downright refuse issues anyone knew felt would able face world" ]
realitylifes geting much thinking writing help thinking holding beginning feeling feeling comforted idea existente no puede decirle a nadie vergüenza no puede ir a ninguna parte buscar ayuda personas responsables francamente rehúsa problemas que cualquier persona sabía que se sentía capaz de hacer frente al mundo
@TuckerGoodrich @japantimes Autonomic and emotion regulation in bereavement and depression https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11943236/?i=4 …
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@TuckerGoodrich @japantimes Autonomic and emotion regulation in bereavement and depression https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11943236/?i=4 …" ]
@TuckerGoodrich @japantimes Regulación autonómica y emocional en el duelo y la depresión https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/11943236/?i=4Â
hi guy pls who know how to overcome depression i m dying slowly
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi guy pls who know how to overcome depression i m dying slowly" ]
Hola chico pls que saben cómo superar la depresión me estoy muriendo lentamente
everything gets taken away mei rose high loved hard dared much tried grasp star overreached fell
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything gets taken away mei rose high loved hard dared much tried grasp star overreached fell" ]
todo lo que se lleva mei rose alta amada duro se atrevió mucho a agarrar estrella sobrellevada cayó
hate myselftoday im goin g friends house goes back home viist parents im saaing night work whether want start dating dont hes coming back said friends made depressed suicidal dont know todo wish fucing dead im piece shit anyway im sick hurting people hate sorry writing yself mcuh id ont know feel fucking bad
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hate myselftoday im goin g friends house goes back home viist parents im saaing night work whether want start dating dont hes coming back said friends made depressed suicidal dont know todo wish fucing dead im piece shitanyway im sick hurting people hate sorry writing yself mcuh id ont know feel fucking bad" ]
odio a mi mismo hoy voy g amigos casa vuelve a casa viist padres im saaing trabajo nocturno si quieres empezar a salir no él vuelve dijo amigos se deprimió suicida no sé todo deseo fucing muerto pieza de todos modos estoy enfermo lastimando a la gente odio la escritura yo mismo mcuh id ont saber sentirse jodidamente mal
captain goes shipi major fuckup work today caught power line dump truck caused fire jumped truck caught fire for moment considered staying truck let get engulfed flames instead fleeing like coward everyone says glad im ok im glad like captain im ultimately responsible happens fire department showing time would destroyed business dumping at jobs there dignity left im fucking dolt walking hazard seems feel hard pressed continue life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "captain goes shipi major fuckup work today caught power line dump truck caused fire jumped truck caught fire for moment considered staying truck let get engulfed flames instead fleeing like coward everyone says glad imokim glad like captainim ultimately responsible happens fire department showing time would destroyed business dumping at jobs there dignity left im fucking dolt walking hazard seems feel hard pressed continue life" ]
Capitán va shipi gran trabajo de cagada hoy atrapado camión de descarga de la línea de energía causó incendio camión saltado incendio por momento considerado permanecer camión dejar conseguir envuelto llamas en lugar de huir como cobarde todo el mundo dice feliz imokim contento como capitánim en última instancia responsable pasa departamento de bomberos que muestra el tiempo destruiría el vertido de negocios en puestos de trabajo allí dignidad izquierda im puto Dolt caminar peligro parece sentirse duro presionado continuar la vida
@BigSyke69 lol yea 2ish sounds about right, i love my sleep but why would you get up at 9 if you don't have to? lol.
[ "@BigSyke69 lol yea 2ish sounds about right, i love my sleep but why would you get up at 9 if you don't have to?lol." ]
@BigSyke69 lol yea 2ish suena bien, me encanta mi sueño, pero ¿por qué te levantarías a las 9 si no tienes que hacerlo?lol.
depression ruining peoples lives point idea start getting better seems like tried everything personally helped manage improve depression redflag anything even seems silly welcome helped manage depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depression ruining peoples lives point idea start getting better seems like tried everything personally helped manage improve depression redflag anything even seems silly welcome helped manage depression" ]
depresión arruinando a la gente vida punto idea empezar a mejorar parece como todo lo probado personalmente ayudó a manejar mejorar la depresión bandera roja cualquier cosa incluso parece tonto bienvenida ayudó a manejar la depresión
one great ones works beautifully hardly notice miscasting year old dana andrews drugstore soda jerk goes war comes back four years later would been most then else played him
[ "one great ones works beautifully hardly notice miscasting year old dana andrews drugstore soda jerk goes war comes back four years later would been most then else played him" ]
Uno de los grandes funciona muy bien apenas noto que el año equivocado dana Andrews droguería idiota de soda va guerra vuelve cuatro años más tarde sería la mayoría entonces otra cosa le jugó
seen film different occasionson first occasioni bowled filmit appeared kind film mei hated film sentimental garbage second viewinghowever third viewing reasserted belief good filmthere lot emotional power film especially scenes emotional confrontation mr kramer madam kramerthere scenes meryl streep appears cruel person despite fact beauty real lifedustin hoffman appears lost hero unable grapple recent task childs custodythere even controversy sets filmaccording master cameraman nestor almendros shot escaped getting hurt character mrkramerin order show intensity angerdecides break glass hardluckily nothing happened nestorkramer versus kramer shows destruction family structureit also tells family must maintained kids involved
[ "seen film different occasionson first occasioni bowled filmit appeared kind film mei hated film sentimental garbage second viewinghowever third viewing reasserted belief good filmthere lot emotional power film especially scenes emotional confrontation mr kramer madam kramerthere scenes meryl streep appears cruel person despite fact beauty real lifedustin hoffman appears lost hero unable grapple recent task childs custodythere even controversy sets filmaccording master cameraman nestor almendros shot escaped getting hurt character mrkramerin order show intensity angerdecides break glass hardluckily nothing happened nestorkramer versus kramer shows destruction family structureit also tells family must maintained kids involved" ]
cine visto diferentes ocasiones en la primera ocasión en bowled filmit apareció película amable mei odio película basura sentimental segundo visionado sin embargo tercera visión reafirmada creencia buena película hay mucho poder emocional película especialmente escenas confrontación emocional Mr Kramer señora Kramerhay escenas meryl streep parece cruel persona a pesar de hecho belleza vida real dustin hoffman parece héroe perdido incapaz bregar tarea reciente custodia niños allí incluso controversia sets películasegún maestro camarógrafo nido almendros tiro escapar conseguir herido personaje mrkramerin orden mostrar intensidad iradecides romper vidrio duro por suerte nada sucedió nidorkramer versus kramer muestra destrucción estructura familiar también le dice a la familia debe mantener niños involucrados
we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co pz vurvh0
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "we re here to help we are online therapy platform which essentially connects certified psychologist and people suffering from mental health issue such a depression stress and anxiety among dozen of other clinically defined disorder book your appointment now http t co pz vurvh0" ]
Estamos aquí para ayudar somos plataforma de terapia en línea que esencialmente conecta psicólogo certificado y personas que sufren de problemas de salud mental tal depresión estrés y ansiedad entre docenas de otros trastorno clínicamente definido reservar su cita ahora http t co pz vurvh0
got chance see movie early screening brea crazy ever since film based shakespeares twelfth night read loved seen stage times certainly liked references whether like shakespeare matter movie stands on super funny witty charming amanda bynes hilarious david cross actually whole cast great happen huge david cross fanatic cast hot soundtrack kicks lots cool bands heard know cd coming definitely buy it everyone audience laughed start finish age groups
[ "got chance see movie early screening brea crazy ever since film based shakespeares twelfth night read loved seen stage times certainly liked references whether like shakespeare matter movie stands on super funny witty charming amanda bynes hilarious david cross actually whole cast great happen huge david cross fanatic cast hot soundtrack kicks lots cool bands heard know cd coming definitely buy it everyone audience laughed start finish age groups" ]
tuvo la oportunidad de ver película proyección temprana Brea loco desde película basada shakespeares duodécima noche leer amados tiempos vistos escenario sin duda me gustó referencias si como shakespeare materia película se pone en super divertido ingenio encantadora Amanda Bynes hilarante david cruz en realidad todo el elenco gran suceder enorme cruz fanático elenco caliente bandas sonoras patadas mucho cool oído saber cd venir definitivamente comprar todo el público se rió empezar grupos de edad
heidimontag i love the hill but i missed the show tonight
[ "heidimontag i love the hillbut i missed the show tonight" ]
Heidimontag me encanta la colina pero me perdí el espectáculo esta noche
want someone talk to feeling stronger evermy liver problems getting worse really care bottle vodka right near want drink die many things gone wrong summer cant get job area stuck home manic depressed mother always get fight verbal physicalmainly physical her try protect myself family extremely close financial ruin college got accepted transfer aka dream college denied financial aid basically gave hope something life said nope able fulfill dream matter hard try liver acting yet again bf college left starting love years able feel ex cheated me thing set though recent ex toying heart hurts fucking much taken xanaxs already calm put sleep hurt disappointment runs deep
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want someone talk to feeling stronger evermy liver problems getting worse really care bottle vodka right near want drink die many things gone wrong summer cant get job area stuck home manic depressed mother always get fight verbal physicalmainly physical her try protect myself family extremely close financial ruin college got accepted transfer aka dream college denied financial aid basically gave hope something life said nope able fulfill dream matter hard try liver acting yet again bf college left starting love years able feel ex cheated me thing set though recent ex toying heart hurts fucking much taken xanaxs already calm put sleep hurt disappointment runs deep" ]
quiero que alguien hable para sentirse más fuerte siempre mi hígado problemas empeorando realmente cuidado botella vodka justo cerca de querer beber morir muchas cosas ido mal verano cant conseguir trabajo área atascada casa maníaca madre deprimida siempre conseguir lucha física verbal principalmente físico su intento de protegerme familia extremadamente cerca financiera ruina universidad fue aceptado transferencia alias sueño universidad negado ayuda financiera básicamente dio esperanza algo vida dijo nope capaz cumplir la materia sueño duro tratar hígado actuar una vez más bf universidad izquierda comenzar amor años capaz de sentir ex engañado cosa establecido aunque reciente ex juguete corazón duele mucho xanaxs ya calma poner sueño dolor decepción corre profundamente
wow wonderful film script nearly perfect appears film written minglun weii hope stories himbr br the acting sublime renying zhou doggie amazing natural talent xu zhu delight believable jaded old traditionalist br br the soundtrack effective guiding without overwhelming br br if movies like made whether hollywood hong kong family friendly well acted well written well directed near perfect gem
[ "wow wonderful film script nearly perfect appears film written minglun weii hope stories himbr br the acting sublime renying zhou doggie amazing natural talent xuzhu delight believable jaded old traditionalist br br the soundtrack effective guiding without overwhelming br br if movies like made whether hollywood hong kong family friendly well acted well written well directed near perfect gem" ]
wow maravilloso guión de película casi perfecto aparece película escrita minglun weii esperanza historias hibbr br la actuación sublime renying zhou doggie talento natural increíble xuzhu deleite creíble jaded viejo tradicionalista br br la banda sonora eficaz guiando sin abrumador br br si películas como si hollywood hong kong familiar bien actuado bien escrito bien dirigido cerca de la joya perfecta
im going tomorrowtheres point waiting shit get better never will theres point trying know full well one miss im free it im pussy im sure ill manage comes ill try best
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im going tomorrowtheres point waiting shit get better never will theres point trying know full well one missim freeit im pussyim sure ill manage comes ill try best" ]
I va mañana Theres punto de espera mierda mejora nunca Theres punto de tratar de saber muy bien una missim freeit im pussyim seguro mal manejar viene mal intentar mejor
@SusanCalman 2/2 brothers suicide when I was 30. I would welcome a chance to share my story of survival of severe depression and trauma. @AKCounsellor knows who I am
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@SusanCalman 2/2 brothers suicide when I was 30.I would welcome a chance to share my story of survival of severe depression and trauma.@AKCounsellor knows who I am" ]
@SusanCalman 2/2 hermanos suicidio cuando tenía 30 años.Me gustaría tener la oportunidad de compartir mi historia de supervivencia de depresión grave y trauma.@AKCounsellor sabe quién soy
.@mmbc @matthewmelnyk I'll pass an email along to my contacts at Facebook re: FacebookGate, Canadian style.
[ ".@mmbc@matthewmelnyk I'll pass an email along to my contacts at Facebook re: FacebookGate, Canadian style." ]
.@mmbc@matthewmelnyk Voy a pasar un correo electrónico a lo largo de mis contactos en Facebook re: FacebookGate, estilo canadiense.
need music suggestion need song made globalization somewhat clean
[ "need music suggestion need song made globalization somewhat clean" ]
necesidad de música sugerencia necesidad canción hizo la globalización algo limpia
looking application idk sign somewhere psych wards included reminded end like perhaps someone check every maybe remind much damage times manage suicide ideation times literally impossible think anything anyone else suicide want it really want it sure lot relate need help think good idea reach friend family member worried either panic think trying pathetically seek attention scenarios equally bad kind suicide watch applicationsservices
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "looking application idk sign somewhere psych wards included reminded end like perhaps someone check every maybe remind much damage times manage suicide ideation times literally impossible think anything anyone else suicide want it really want it sure lot relate need help think good idea reach friend family member worried either panic think trying pathetically seek attention scenarios equally bad kind suicide watch applicationsservices" ]
aplicación que mira idk signo en algún lugar psiquiátricos incluidos final recordado como tal vez alguien comprueba cada tal vez recordar mucho tiempo de daño manejar el suicidio tiempos de ideación literalmente imposible pensar cualquier cosa que cualquier otro suicidio quiere realmente lo quiere muy seguro relación necesidad ayudar a pensar buena idea llegar amigo familiar preocupado o pensar pánico intentar patéticamente buscar escenarios de atención igual de malo tipo suicidio aplicaciones de relojservicios
Hi there <Emoji: Waving hand sign (medium dark skin tone)><Emoji: Waving hand sign (medium dark skin tone)><Emoji: Waving hand sign (medium dark skin tone)>, my name is Yasmin. Are you struggling with disappointment, depression, suicidal thoughts, anger, or do you feel lost and left behind in life? I have also been in situations in which I needed someone to talk to. You can definitely talk to me. DM me!
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Hi there <Emoji:Waving hand sign (medium dark skin tone)><Emoji: Waving hand sign (medium dark skin tone)><Emoji: Waving hand sign (medium dark skin tone)>, my name is Yasmin.Are you struggling with disappointment, depression, suicidal thoughts, anger, or do you feel lost and left behind in life?I have also been in situations in which I needed someone to talk to.You can definitely talk to me.DM me!" ]
Hola <Emoji:Señal de la mano waving (mediano tono oscuro de la piel)•Emoji:Señal de la mano waving (medio tono oscuro de la piel)•Emoji:Señal de la mano waving (medio tono oscuro de la piel)>, mi nombre es Yasmin.¿Estás luchando con la decepción, depresión, pensamientos suicidas, ira, o te sientes perdido y dejado atrás en la vida?También he estado en situaciones en las que necesitaba alguien con quien hablar.
Follow @mattsmind 10 Followers away from 700. Help out.
[ "Follow @mattsmind 10 Followers away from 700.Help out." ]
Siga a @mattsmind 10 Seguidores lejos de 700.Ayudar.
explaining mike mike one ocs made post showing facts trivia him post trying explain existence mike biology ask everything ill answer
[ "explaining mike mike one ocs made post showing facts trivia him post trying explain existence mike biology ask everything ill answer" ]
explicando Mike Mike un ocs hizo post mostrando hechos trivia él post tratando de explicar la existencia Mike biología preguntar todo mal respuesta
point someone go hospitaltheres difference wanting disappear stop existing bit come back wanting die actual planwriting noteetc theres also nebulous inbetween phase person acts impulse maybe die maybe not spectrum someone go hospital im terrified commitment mental hospital ive heard terrible things them especially one area walk er nearby happen send there want go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "point someone go hospitaltheres difference wanting disappear stop existing bit come back wanting die actual planwriting noteetc theres also nebulous inbetween phase person acts impulse maybe die maybe not spectrum someone go hospital im terrified commitment mental hospital ive heard terrible things them especially one area walk er nearby happen send there want go" ]
Si alguien va al hospital hay una diferencia que quiere desaparecer deja de existir un poco volver queriendo morir planeografía real noteetc también hay nebuloso en medio fase persona actos impulso tal vez morir tal vez no espectro alguien ir hospital im compromiso aterrorizado hospital mental ive oído cosas terribles ellos especialmente un área caminar er cerca suceder enviar allí quieren ir
dont try get helpobviously question directed try treat depression why think redflag tragic thing mind boggling someone sad even deepest urge strongest directive survive disregarded tragic whoever experiences feeling support redflag understand someone would want it depression once nothing like guys terrible state years infact months years even leave home constantly contemplate redflag without even trying get help question why got lose
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont try get helpobviously question directed try treat depression why think redflag tragic thing mind boggling someone sad even deepest urge strongest directive survive disregarded tragic whoever experiences feeling support redflag understand someone would want it depression once nothing like guys terrible state years infact months years even leave home constantly contemplate redflag without even trying get help question why got lose" ]
No trate de conseguir ayudaobviamente pregunta dirigida tratar de la depresión por qué pensar Redflag trágica mente alucinante alguien triste incluso más profundo impulso directiva más fuerte sobrevivir ignorado trágico quien se siente apoyo Redflag entender alguien querría que la depresión una vez que nada como chicos terrible estado años de hecho meses años incluso salir de casa constantemente contemplar Redflag sin siquiera tratar de obtener ayuda pregunta por qué consiguió perder
hmmmm..What are you doing?...im singing a very awesome song and ima go see a movie called...TERMINATOR SALVATION!!!!!!! OH YEA! BITCH! xD
[ "hmmmm..What are you doing?...im singing a very awesome song and ima go see a movie called...TERMINATOR SALVATION!!!!!!!OH YEA!BITCH!xD" ]
hmmmm..¿Qué estás haciendo?...im cantando una canción muy impresionante e ima ir a ver una película llamada... SALVACIÓN TERMINADOR!!!!!!!OH YEA!BITCH!xD
jojo fans still exist yall go outside touch grass
[ "jojo fans still exist yall go outside touch grass" ]
Los fans del jojo todavía existen yull ir fuera de la hierba toque
day random questions much u wanna go back school
[ "day random questions much u wanna go back school" ]
día preguntas aleatorias mucho quieres volver a la escuela
@HarvardBiz Very true in most cases managers misread the signals / symptoms as depression or other, also requires managers that understand their teams in terms people management. Very informative article, <Emoji: Person with folded hands>.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@HarvardBizVery true in most cases managers misread the signals / symptoms as depression or other, also requires managers that understand their teams in terms people management.Very informative article, <Emoji: Person with folded hands>." ]
@HarvardBizMuy cierto en la mayoría de los casos los gerentes malinterpretan las señales / síntomas como depresión u otro, también requiere gerentes que entiendan a sus equipos en términos de gestión de personas.Artículo muy informativo, <Emoji: Persona con las manos dobladas>.
dale wood i love uni coffee bet you won t get this one ilpc oh p uni tomorrow pick u up at p 000 word assignment arg
[ "dale wood i love uni coffee bet you won t get this one ilpcoh p uni tomorrow pick u up at p 000 word assignment arg" ]
Dale Wood I love uni café apuesta usted no conseguirá este ilpcoh p uni mañana recoger u en p 000 palabra asignación arg
@WhatIsKiss The interwebs twerent a thing when the betrayal hit, then the depression, rise and fall, continued depression and the acceptance of semi-sociopathism because so many humans do shit that makes no fucking sense to me that as long as I dont act on thoughts or voice them Im ok
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@WhatIsKissThe interwebs twerent a thing when the betrayal hit, then the depression, rise and fall, continued depression and the acceptance of semi-sociopathism because so many humans do shit that makes no fucking sense to me that as long as I dont act on thoughts or voice them Im ok" ]
@WhatIsKissLa interwebs twerent una cosa cuando la traición golpeó, entonces la depresión, subir y caer, la depresión continua y la aceptación de semi-sociopatismo porque tantos humanos hacen mierda que no tiene ningún sentido para mí que siempre y cuando no actuar en los pensamientos o la voz de ellos Im ok
i really want to play singstar but all my singstar disc are scratched
[ "i really want to play singstar but all my singstar disc are scratched" ]
Realmente quiero tocar singstar pero todo mi disco de singstar está rayado
im cringe even day passed since started talking asked out fuck
[ "im cringe even day passed since started talking asked out fuck" ]
Incluso pasó el día desde que empezó a hablar me pidió salir a la mierda
dead endi feel life cant get better everything feels like reached dead end kill self end all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dead endi feel life cant get better everything feels like reached dead end kill self end all" ]
endi muertos sentir la vida no puede conseguir mejor todo se siente como alcanzado callejón sin salida matar auto extremo todo
let's go yankees! almost summer, 2 more weeks!
[ "let's go yankees!almost summer, 2 more weeks!" ]
¡Casi en verano, dos semanas más!
Can i go to your school? What are the requirements other than peer pressure and anxiety followed by depression? https://twitter.com/aJackieLarsen/status/988820882717003776 …
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Can i go to your school?What are the requirements other than peer pressure and anxiety followed by depression?https://twitter.com/aJackieLarsen/status/988820882717003776 …" ]
¿Puedo ir a tu escuela?¿Cuáles son los requisitos distintos de la presión de grupo y la ansiedad seguida de la depresión?https://twitter.com/aJackieLarsen/status/988820882717003776Â
bipolar ii disorder bipolar ii disorder involves period of hypomania but depression is often the dominant state for a diagnosis of bipolar ii disorder a person must have had one or more episode of depression at least one hypomanic episode no other diagnosis
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bipolar ii disorder bipolar ii disorder involves period of hypomania but depression is often the dominant state for a diagnosis of bipolar ii disorder a person must have had one or more episode of depression at least one hypomanic episode no other diagnosis" ]
trastorno bipolar ii trastorno bipolar ii implica período de hipomanía, pero la depresión es a menudo el estado dominante para un diagnóstico de trastorno bipolar ii una persona debe haber tenido uno o más episodios de depresión al menos un episodio hipomaníaco ningún otro diagnóstico
johnnybeane me too i ll see on amazon uk otherwise they make me pay custom tax if i order it from the u
[ "johnnybeane me too i ll see on amazon uk otherwise they make me pay custom tax if i order it from the u" ]
johnnybeane me también voy a ver en Amazon uk de lo contrario me hacen pagar impuestos de aduana si lo ordeno de la u
o have too much on my mind and is trying to write it all down so maybe i can get some sleep before class it s not really working
[ "o have too much on my mind and is trying to write it all downso maybe i can get some sleep before class it s not really working" ]
o tener demasiado en mi mente y está tratando de escribir todo hacia abajo para que tal vez pueda dormir un poco antes de clase no está funcionando realmente
tried make everything stop last night found time move thisthings hard past years keep going downhill college frustrating im stuck major like anymore much debt quitting would feel like failure positive change im stuck minimum wage job going anywhere best friend years falling month ago like lost brother im still love exboyfriend recently found slept someone swore hadnt though says wishes hes remorseful it pain still strong love me really hes justified loving me ruined relationship towards end checking early avoid pain made worse apparently find nearly impossible even lift bed every day happened fast came home spending work shift sobbing back office walked apartment share ex could think cold was got warm bath mind shut off wanted sleep decades took vicodin more must fallen asleep bath ex came home work found me naturally freaked out helping throw dry off called mum really remember much except taken familys house later night purging lot grandma cried lot mum upset yelled lot ex keeps calling every hour ask am friends filled happened lost help even know say feel empty plan trying again seeing everyone care distraught did guess need help figuring move past this im ashamed myself never wanted hurt anyone im exhausted friend suggested reach have im delusional think im one felt do want hide move on ever looked like before moment define rest life expect miracles quick fixes know im trouble guess need guidance
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried make everything stop last night found time move thisthings hard past years keep going downhill college frustrating im stuck major like anymore much debt quitting would feel like failure positive change im stuck minimum wage job going anywhere best friend years falling month ago like lost brother", "im still love exboyfriend recently found slept someone swore hadnt though says wishes hes remorseful it pain still strong love me really hes justified loving me ruined relationship towards end checking early avoid pain made worse apparently find nearly impossible even lift bed every day happened fast came home spending work shift sobbing back office walked apartment share ex could think cold was got warm bath mind shut off wanted sleep decades took vicodin more must fallen asleep bath ex came home work found me naturally freaked out helping throw dry off called mum really remember much except taken familys house later night purging lot grandma cried lot mum upset yelled lot ex keeps calling every hour ask am friends filled happened lost help even know say feel empty plan trying again seeing everyone care distraught did guess need help figuring move past this im ashamed myself never wanted hurt anyone im exhausted friend suggested reach have im delusional think im one felt do want hide move on ever looked like before moment define rest life expect miracles quick fixes knowim trouble guess need guidance" ]
Trataron de hacer que todo se detuviera anoche encontró tiempo mover estas cosas duro años pasados seguir yendo cuesta abajo universidad frustrante im atascado mayor como más mucha deuda renunciar se sentiría como fracaso cambio positivo im atascado trabajo salario mínimo va a cualquier lugar mejor amigo años cayendo mes atrás como hermano perdido
new article from obmintegrativeandcomplementarymedicine covid on the brain anxiety sensitivity and mindful awareness mediate the relationship between covid 9 obsession and anxiety http t co vfegm9dpzf http t co wkkexnjdys covid 9 anxiety depression http t co u pembdvcm
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "new article from obmintegrativeandcomplementarymedicine covid on the brain anxiety sensitivity and mindful awareness mediate the relationship between covid 9 obsession and anxiety http t co vfegm9dpzf http t co wkkexnjdys covid 9 anxiety depression http t co u pembdvcm" ]
nuevo artículo de la medicina obmeintegrativa y complementaria covid sobre la sensibilidad a la ansiedad cerebral y conciencia consciente median la relación entre la obsesión covid 9 y la ansiedad http t co vfegm9dpzf http t co wkexnjdys covid 9 ansiedad depresión http t co u pembdvcm
im peer pressured watching jojos prepared resist drugs smoking anime
[ "im peer pressured watching jojos prepared resist drugs smoking anime" ]
Im Peer presionado viendo a los jojos preparados resistirse a las drogas fumando anime
i ve had depression since i wa it come and it go but it came back around 0 and never really left just gradually got worse i dont enjoy anything anymore i dont look forward to anything i just wait for the day to end knowing there another one anyway all my day bleed together at this point insomnia doesnt help to where everything just feel like a long long loop my girlfriend of 9 year left me recently it got to be too much for her i wa trying but i guess not enough i only have a handful of friend but theyre either all going through something or dont quite understand how i put what im feeling into word so i dont feel like i can really talk to anyone i use talkspace but even that feel hollow no goal no aspiration i work in a job where there really no advancement im barely able to keep myself standing financially overall i just feel like a loser im i dont connect with people i feel like im just going to be alone forever the last few month pre and post break up i find myself sitting in my car alone in an empty parking lot till early morning talking to myself hoping that something will help but im just talking into an empty void im agnostic i want so badly to believe that there something somewhere that hears me but i know thats just not realistic i ve contemplated suicide several time but im to weak to go through with it too scared i ll screw it up or worse disappointing my family i really dont know what to do it like im just sleepwalking through life i find my moment to distract me whether it going to the gym or focusing on my other venture but at the end of the day it all just come back to this i had everything and i pissed it away like i always do i dont see my value
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i ve had depression since i wa it come and it gobut it came back around 0 and never really left just gradually got worse i dont enjoy anything anymorei dont look forward to anything i just wait for the day to end knowing there another one anyway all my day bleed together at this point insomnia doesnt help to where everything just feel like a long long loop my girlfriend of 9 year left me recently it got to be too much for her i wa tryingbut i guess not enough i only have a handful of friendbut theyre either all going through something or dont quite understand how i put what im feeling into wordso i dont feel like i can really talk to anyone i use talkspace but even that feel hollow no goal no aspiration i work in a job where there really no advancementim barely able to keep myself standing financially overall i just feel like a loserim", "i dont connect with people i feel like im just going to be alone forever the last few month pre and post break up i find myself sitting in my car alone in an empty parking lot till early morning talking to myself hoping that something will help but im just talking into an empty void im agnostic i want so badly to believe that there something somewhere that hears mebut i know thats just not realistic i ve contemplated suicide several time but im to weak to go through with it too scaredi ll screw it up or worse disappointing my familyi really dont know what to do it like im just sleepwalking through life i find my moment to distract me whether it going to the gym or focusing on my other venture but at the end of the day it all just come back to this i had everythingand i pissed it away like i always do i dont see my value" ]
He tenido depresión ya que yo wa viene y gobut volvió alrededor de 0 y nunca realmente izquierda sólo peor poco a poco no disfruto de nada más no tengo ganas de nada sólo espero que el día para terminar de conocer allí otro de todos modos todo mi día sangran juntos en este punto insomnio no ayuda a donde todo se siente como un largo bucle largo mi novia de 9 año me dejó recientemente llegó a ser demasiado para ella voy a intentar, pero supongo que no lo suficiente que sólo tengo un puñado de amigos, pero están o bien todos pasando por algo o no entiendo muy bien cómo pongo lo im sentimiento en palabraso no siento que realmente puedo hablar con cualquiera que use el espacio de conversación, pero incluso que se siente vacío ningún objetivo ninguna aspiración trabajo en un trabajo donde realmente ningún avanceim apenas capaz de mantenerme parado financieramente en general me siento como un perdedor
@TroyNel16190599 Sucking my dick cures depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@TroyNel16190599 Sucking my dick cures depression" ]
@TroyNel16190599 Chupar mi polla cura la depresión
noti reasons to mom brother would destroyed brother sick mind way mom brother nobody me im little sister know hes stayed before im meant anymore maybe im built afterlife here fair still fair need ok guys ill let know hanging im huge fast wish luck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "noti reasons to mom brother would destroyed brother sick mind way mom brother nobody me im little sister know hes stayed before im meantanymore maybe im built afterlife here fair still fair need ok guys ill let know hanging im huge fast wish luck" ]
Noti Razones para mamá hermano destruiría hermano mente enferma manera mamá hermano nadie me im hermanita sé que se quedó antes de que yo significananymás tal vez im construido después de la vida aquí justo todavía justa necesidad ok chicos mal dejar saber colgando im enorme rápido deseo suerte
bother staying aliveeveryone constantly mean reason always get lots girls would want live cant like that tried best years get anywhere think give up wish died infancy waste life life amazing me watch others good life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bother staying aliveeveryone constantly mean reason always get lots girls would want live cant like that tried best years get anywhere think give up wish died infancy waste life life amazing me watch others good life" ]
No te molestes en seguir vivo todo el mundo constantemente significa que la razón siempre consigue un montón de chicas que querrían vivir no puede ser como ese mejor intento años llegar a cualquier lugar pensar renunciar deseo murió infancia desperdicio vida vida increíble mí ver otros buena vida
gunhello everyone write saying head much time want kill myself gun would dead already afraid feeling pain dying thats need gun tbh ive also considered shocking wires dont die instantly that im years old french guy dont feel whole purpose life feel like life simply me hapiness pretty much depends humans dont feel time dont understand keep staying alive nothing stops getting everything dont trust religions death fact not existing heres question exist simply exist keep feeling pain could simply exist red posts people lot troubles lifes felt like problem yo guy supposed nothing compared them mean asking im alive could dead lets admit gotta wait years finaly enjoy life whatever try waiting enjoy simply turn forever think brain sick really mean it dont wanna exist anymore thanks ready far tho
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "gunhello everyone write saying head much time want kill myself gun would dead already afraid feeling pain dying thats need gun tbh ive also considered shocking wires dont die instantly that im years old french guy dont feel whole purpose life feel like life simply me hapiness pretty much depends humans dont feel time dont understand keep staying alive nothing stops getting everything dont trust religions death fact not existing heres question exist simply exist keep feeling pain could simply exist red posts people lot troubles lifes felt like problem yo guy supposed nothing compared them mean asking im alive could dead lets admit gotta wait years finaly enjoy life whatever try waiting enjoy simply turn forever think brain sick really mean it dont wanna exist anymore thanks ready far tho" ]
gunhello todo el mundo escribe diciendo cabeza mucho tiempo querer matarme arma ya muerto miedo sentir dolor morir que necesidad arma tbh ive también considerado cables impactantes no mueren instantáneamente que im años viejo francés chico no sentir todo propósito la vida se siente como la vida simplemente me hapiness prácticamente depende de los seres humanos no siente tiempo seguir vivo nada deja de conseguir todo no confía en religiones muerte hecho no existente aquí pregunta existe simplemente existe seguir sintiendo dolor podría simplemente existir rojo postes personas muchos problemas vidas se sentía como problema yo chico supuesto nada comparados significa preguntar im vivo puede morir admitir tener espera años finalmente disfrutar de la vida lo que sea que intenten esperar disfrutar simplemente pensar para siempre cerebro enfermo realmente significa que no quiere existir más gracias listo tho
u ever get new book good makes want read fast get know characters plot finished book feel remorse sadness never able experience full magic book ever again already know plot
[ "u ever get new book good makes want read fast get know characters plot finished book feel remorse sadness never able experience full magic book ever again already know plot" ]
u nunca conseguir nuevo libro bueno hace querer leer rápido conseguir saber personajes trama terminado libro sentir remordimiento tristeza nunca más capaz de experimentar libro de magia completo ya saber trama
@oxofamilydad I can tell you're from a thespian background....... ruthless the lot of you!
[ "@oxofamilydad I can tell you're from a thespian background.......ruthless the lot of you!" ]
@oxofamilydad Puedo decir que son de un fondo de Thespian.......desmaciados todos ustedes!
@Emskie1 tell him i said hi
[ "@Emskie1 tell him i said hi" ]
@Emskie1 dile que le dije hola
No tropical depression gonna steal my sun away.Mm, I feel lucky today.<Emoji: Multiple musical notes>
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "No tropical depression gonna steal my sun away.Mm, I feel lucky today.<Emoji:Multiple musical notes>" ]
Ninguna depresión tropical va a robar mi sol lejos.Mm, me siento afortunado hoy.<Emoji:Múltiples notas musicales>
the american psychiatric association apa state that depression is a common and severe mental illness that affect how individual feel think and act http t co arsp syayj
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "the american psychiatric association apa state that depression is a common and severe mental illness that affect how individual feel think and act http t co arsp syayj" ]
la asociación psiquiátrica americana apa declara que la depresión es una enfermedad mental común y grave que afecta cómo el individuo se siente pensar y actuar http t co arsp syayj
hotline help related phonesi know silly question is really cant make calls severe social phobia cant use phone even good day im well im runing coping mechanisms fast feel like theres anyone help me cant afford therapist right now ones ive seen past able help me nobody else close family bunch anxious people love simply make matters worse panic comfort pretending im better calm down cant make calls ive gone metanoia site many times effect anymore yes ive waited time ive permanent crisislike state hours hours since least last night right everyone family left work afraid edit thank everyone expect people caring helpful moment im imminent danger keep mind links places posted
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hotline help related phonesi know silly question is really cant make calls severe social phobia cant use phone even good day imwell im runing coping mechanisms fast feel like theres anyone help me cant afford therapist right now ones ive seen past able help me nobody else close family bunch anxious people love simply make matters worse panic comfort pretending im better calm down cant make calls ive gone metanoia site many times effectanymoreyes ive waited time ive permanent crisislike state hours hours since least last night right everyone family left work afraid edit thank everyone expect people caring helpful moment im imminent danger keep mind links places posted" ]
teléfono de línea directa ayuda teléfonos relacionados saber tonta pregunta es realmente no puede hacer llamadas graves fobia social no puede usar teléfono incluso buen día imwell im runing mecanismos de afrontamiento rápido sentir como hay alguien me ayuda no puede permitirse terapeuta en este momento uno ha visto pasado capaz de ayudarme nadie más cerrar familia grupo personas ansiosas amor simplemente hacer las cosas peor pánico comodidad pretender mejor calmarse cant hacer llamadas ive got metanoia sitio muchas veces efectomás sí he esperado tiempo ive permanente crisis como horas de estado desde menos anoche derecho todos familia dejó trabajo miedo edición gracias a todos esperan personas cuidado momento útil im peligro inminente mantener la mente enlaces lugares publicados
heatherlibby oh well she seems like trouble christian slater is trying to kill her at the moment
[ "heatherlibbyoh well she seems like trouble christian slater is trying to kill her at the moment" ]
Heatherlibbyoh bien ella parece como problemas Christian Slater está tratando de matarla en este momento
feel like nothing live forim almost college student graduate end schoolyear almost one live miles away family support group pretty good group friends months transferred school theyve completely abandoned me know incredibly suicidal am care brush give worthless platitudes want feel wanted somebody one makes feel wanted im school club actually prominent member know killed myself id missed duties personal presence seem close im never let group like nothing big party im invited to ive gone counseling therapy even antidepressants nothing gets better matter do let shyness take over stay im miserable overcome shyness try connect someone im eventually abandoned feel miserable sad thing probably best ill ever it college much monetary burden not yet anyway surrounded people age graduate know itll go shit degree european history equal job family struggling this would killed months ago want dead tie preventing taking life family feel like cant last forever want want content matter do cant be
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like nothing live forim almost college student graduate end schoolyear almost one live miles away family support group pretty good group friends months transferred school theyve completely abandoned me know incredibly suicidal am care brush give worthless platitudes want feel wanted somebody one makes feel wanted im school club actually prominent member know killed myself id missed duties personal presence seem close im never let group like nothing big party im invited to ive gone counseling therapy even antidepressants nothing gets better matter do let shyness take over stayim miserable overcome shyness try connect someone im eventually abandoned feel miserable sad thing probably best ill ever it college much monetary burden not yet anyway surrounded people age graduate know itll go shit degree european history equal job family struggling this would killed months ago want dead tie preventing taking life family feel like cant last forever want want content matter do cant be" ]
Siento que nada vive paraim casi estudiante universitario graduado fin año escolar casi un vivo millas de distancia grupo de apoyo familiar bastante buenos amigos grupo meses transferencia escuela me han abandonado completamente sé increíblemente suicida am cuidado cepillo dar platitudes inútiles quieren sentir que alguien se siente querido im club escolar en realidad miembro prominente saber me mató id faltado deberes presencia personal parece cerca nunca dejar grupo como nada gran fiesta im invitado a ive ido terapia de asesoramiento incluso antidepresivos nada consigue mejor materia hacer dejar que la timness hacerse cargo quedarseim miserable superar la timness intentar conectar alguien im finalmente abandonado sentirse miserable triste probablemente mejor enfermo nunca universidad mucha carga monetaria todavía no rodeado gente edad graduado saber que va a ir mierda grado historia europea igual trabajo familia lucha esto mataría meses atrás quiere corbata muerta evitar tomar vida familia sentir como no puede durar para siempre querer contenido materia no puede ser
know anymorei feel like im failure think im brink fired current job got nepotism like previous jobs one part though every single relationship ive seems fizzle out like leave everyone feeling unhappy unsatisfied me think people keep lives feel sorry make feel better comparison fucking failure existence think id use everyone ending it kind morbid juxtaposition success functional person probably make sense right now im pretty fucked up alcohol thing keeping sane
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know anymorei feel like im failure think im brink fired current job got nepotism like previous jobs one part though every single relationship ive seems fizzle out like leave everyone feeling unhappy unsatisfied me think people keep lives feel sorry make feel better comparison fucking failure existence think id use everyone ending it kind morbid juxtaposition success functional person probably make sense right now im pretty fucked up alcohol thing keeping sane" ]
know morei feel like im failing think im bage despisted current job got nepotism like previous jobs one part through every every individual relation ive it all appears fizzle out like leave every every every every everyone sint insatisfecho yo creo que la gente mantiene las vidas se siente lo siento hacer sentir mejor comparación mierda fracaso existencia creo que id uso todo el mundo acabar con él tipo morboso yuxtaposición éxito persona funcional probablemente tiene sentido en este momento im bastante jodido alcohol cosa mantener sano
mizzzidc you are depressed over a shoe you spoke rudely to your mom and then posted it on the internet i mean over a f shoe and you want to heal from depression dear child you are badly behaved i hope you are healing from the depression now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "mizzzidc you are depressed over a shoe you spoke rudely to your mom and then posted it on the internet i mean over a f shoeand you want to heal from depression dear child you are badly behaved i hope you are healing from the depression now" ]
Mizzzidc estás deprimido por un zapato que le hablaste mal a tu madre y luego lo publicaste en Internet quiero decir sobre un zapato f y quieres sanar de la depresión querida niña te comportas mal Espero que te estás curando de la depresión ahora
know directors intent make sure sky almost always sunny beautiful film perhaps romantic image many americans time film set middle war macy returned war his neighbor asks hey true got fritz there trying get life one day gets new pair glasses hence name sees things clearly surrounding situation reveals one rabid antisemitism macy dern could wrapped it funny neither jewish film accusation made also historically accurate labor union democrats time wrapped flags america god macy continually pestered come meeting presence brings unexpected resultsbr br applying time frame today study contrast undergone complete reversal average citizens taken patriotism religion unifier supporting republican party viewing organized labor part leftwing unpatriotic americabr br a great picture watch care see friendly timid meek macy played beautifully him get caught carnage race hate mid s nycbr br a tough emotionally charged film
[ "know directors intent make sure sky almost always sunny beautiful film perhaps romantic image many americans time film set middle war macy returned war his neighbor asks hey true got fritz there trying get life one day gets new pair glasses hence name sees things clearly surrounding situation reveals one rabid antisemitism macy dern could wrapped it funny neither jewish film accusation made also historically accurate labor union democrats time wrapped flags america god macy continually pestered come meeting presence brings unexpected resultsbr br applying time frame today study contrast undergone complete reversal average citizens taken patriotism religion unifier supporting republican party viewing organized labor part leftwing unpatriotic americabr br a great picture watch care see friendly timid meek macy played beautifully him get caught carnage race hate mid s nycbr br a tough emotionally charged film" ]
sabe directores intención asegurarse de cielo casi siempre soleado hermosa película tal vez imagen romántica muchos americanos tiempo película set media guerra macy volvió guerra su vecino pregunta hey verdad consiguió fritz allí tratando de conseguir la vida un día consigue nuevo par de gafas por lo que el nombre ve las cosas claramente entorno situación revela un rabioso antisemitismo macy dern podría envolverlo divertido ni judio película acusación hizo también históricamente exacto sindical demócratas tiempo envuelto banderas américa dios macy continuamente molestado venir reunión presencia trae resultados inesperadosbr br aplicación de marco de tiempo hoy estudio contraste se sometió a la inversión ciudadanos medios tomados patriotismo religión unifier apoyo partido visión organizado trabajo parte izquierda antipatriótico américabr br un gran cuidado reloj ver amistoso tímido meek macy jugó maravillosamente él consigue atrapado carnicería raza odio medio s nycbr br una dura película cargada emocionalmente
reason i m on the edge job search i m completely unemployable i lucked out and have had three real job since graduating college but i learned nothing from them i m now in my early 0 with no applicable job skill for today s market and keep getting rejection letter toxic shithead bos i put a lot of blame on this fucker he treat me like absolute shit and actively work against any career growth he ha huge anger issue a well so i m constantly walking on eggshell gossipy toxic coworkers they spread rumor about me that were untrue and constantly talk about people behind their back if we weren t remote right now and i had to be around them i d go insane so many of my workplace have been filled with these kind of fucker can t they mind their own goddamn business and just do their work humanity s fucked i ve been close with my family for a long time now but recently my parent have gone really far right i lean left and just hate a lot of their double standard my parent take that a an opportunity to take any anger out about the current state of the world on me at work and at home there is no source of relief i have no friend nobody give a shit i dream about using some of the money i ve earned up blowing it on thing i ve always wanted to do then buying a gun and shooting myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reason i m on the edge job search i m completely unemployable i lucked out and have had three real job since graduating collegebut i learned nothing from them i m now in my early 0 with no applicable job skill for today s market and keep getting rejection letter toxic shithead bos i put a lot of blame on this fucker he treat me like absolute shit and actively work against any career growth he ha huge anger issuea well so i m constantly walking on eggshell gossipy toxic coworkers they spread rumor about me that were untrue and constantly talk about people behind their back if we weren t remoteright now and i had to be around themi d go insane so many of my workplace have been filled with these kind of fucker can t they mind their own goddamn business and just do their work humanity s fucked i ve been close with my family for a long time now but recently my parent have gone really far right", "i lean left and just hate a lot of their double standard my parent take that a an opportunity to take any anger out about the current state of the world on me at work and at home there is no source of relief i have no friend nobody give a shit i dream about using some of the money i ve earned up blowing it on thing i ve always wanted to do then buying a gun and shooting myself" ]
Razón por la que estoy en el borde búsqueda de trabajo estoy completamente inempleable he tenido suerte y he tenido tres trabajo real desde la graduación de la universidad pero he aprendido nada de ellos estoy ahora en mi 0 temprano sin habilidad laboral aplicable para el mercado de hoy y seguir recibiendo rechazo carta tóxico bos cabeza de mierda me puse un montón de culpa en este hijo de puta que me trata como mierda absoluta y activamente trabajar contra cualquier crecimiento de la carrera que tiene enorme ira problemaa así que estoy constantemente caminando en eggshell coworkers cochinos tóxicos difundiron rumores sobre mí que eran falsos y constantemente hablar de la gente a sus espaldas si no estábamos remotos ahora y tenía que estar alrededor de la mi d ir loco así que muchos de mi lugar de trabajo han sido llenos de este tipo de hijo de puta no pueden preocuparse de su propio maldito negocio y hacer su trabajo la humanidad s follada he estado cerca de mi familia durante mucho tiempo ahora pero recientemente mi padre han ido muy bien
getting sick time for some hot tea studying and then sleeeep
[ "getting sick time for some hot tea studying and then sleeeep" ]
conseguir tiempo enfermo para un poco de té caliente estudiando y luego dormir
give one good reason livenot reason die because familyfriends stupid stuff like reason live reason die one good reason live thats ask
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "give one good reason livenot reason die because familyfriends stupid stuff like reason live reason die one good reason live thats ask" ]
dar una buena razón vivano razón morir porque los amigos de la familia cosas estúpidas como la razón viva razón morir una buena razón viva que pide
need friends m dm want chat play interestsnot lot know anime pc videogames like apex overwatch csgo others
[ "need friends m dm want chat play interestsnot lot know anime pc videogames like apex overwatch csgo others" ]
necesita amigos m dm quiere chat jugar interesesno mucho saben anime pc videojuegos como Apex overwatch csgo otros
fuck uterus dis bitch week late still put her wtf dis shit
[ "fuck uterus dis bitch week late still put her wtf dis shit" ]
mierda útero dis puta semana tarde todavía poner su wtf dis mierda
starting online school weeks school could teaching us differently expected starters think wed using zoom all were gonna log in tasks thats it know could same
[ "starting online school weeks school could teaching us differently expected starters think wed using zoom all were gonna log in tasks thats it know could same" ]
empezar semana escolar en línea la escuela podría enseñarnos diferente esperada principiantes pensar que casar usando zoom todos iban a iniciar sesión en tareas que sabe que podría igual
getting motivation something lifei chronic depression social anxiety life long lack motivation thought started getting passion weightlifting would set back right track and felt like awhile ive gone gym like times entire year took time school get better get treatment made depressed isolated im situation made new friend years ive single entire life im going new school soon even though social anxiety makes school miserable experience trying read motivational posts watch videos sucks know way turn life around better start proactive it cant convince even worth it ive depressed long become part me almost like im addicted depressed point effort would take even put slightly better place seems insurmountable cant stop thinking much easier would kill myself desire anything become anything fuck tough like want die time desire better life think lucky sheltered am make feel like im ranting entitled manchild something
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "getting motivation something lifei chronic depression social anxiety life long lack motivation thought started getting passion weightlifting would set back right track and felt like awhile ive gone gym like times entire year took time school get better get treatment made depressed isolated im situation made new friend years ive single entire life im going new school soon even though social anxiety makes school miserable experience trying read motivational posts watch videos sucks know way turn life around better start proactive it cant convince even worth it ive depressed long become part me almost like im addicted depressed point effort would take even put slightly better place seems insurmountable cant stop thinking much easier would kill myself desire anything become anything fuck tough like want die time desire better life think lucky sheltered am make feel like im ranting entitled manchild something" ]
Obtener motivación algo lifei depresión crónica ansiedad social vida larga falta motivación pensamiento comenzó a conseguir pasión levantamiento de pesas volver a la pista correcta y se sentía como un tiempo ive ido gimnasio como tiempos todo el año tomó tiempo escuela conseguir mejor tratamiento hecho depresión aislado im situación hecho nuevo amigo años ive single vida entera im ir a la nueva escuela pronto aunque la ansiedad social hace que la experiencia miserable de la escuela intentar leer mensajes motivacionales ver vídeos chupa saber cómo cambiar la vida mejor empezar proactiva no puedo convencer incluso vale la pena vivir deprimido por mucho tiempo convertirse en parte me casi como im adictos esfuerzo punto deprimido tomaría incluso poner un lugar ligeramente mejor parece imposible dejar de pensar mucho más fácil me mataría deseo cualquier cosa se convierten en cualquier cosa difícil como querer morir deseo mejor vida pensar suerte protegido me hacen sentir como im ranting derecho hombrechild algo
ever popes zit felt really good end thinking week maybe im psychotic
[ "ever popes zit felt really good end thinking week maybe im psychotic" ]
Siempre papas zit se sentía muy bien fin de pensar semana tal vez im psicótico
to clarify i guess i wa only happy because i wa really high but i stopped for a minute and started thinking i wa thinking about who i am and how much of a sad useless piece of shit i am i wa hanging out with a few people at the time so i had to shake the thought pretty quickly fuck i wish i could just forget who i am altogether i m getting tired of me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "to clarify i guess i wa only happy because i wa really highbut i stopped for a minute and started thinking i wa thinking about who i am and how much of a sad useless piece of shit i am i wa hanging out with a few people at the time so i had to shake the thought pretty quickly fucki wish i could just forget who i am altogether i m getting tired of me" ]
Para aclarar, supongo que sólo soy feliz porque estoy muy alto pero me detuve por un minuto y empecé a pensar que estaba pensando en quién soy y lo mucho de un triste pedazo inútil de mierda que soy me voy a pasar el rato con unas pocas personas en el momento así que tuve que sacudir el pensamiento muy rápidamente mierda desearía que pudiera olvidarme de quién soy en conjunto me estoy cansando de mí
theres website publishing content reddit sourcing original creator website called gaming memes httpsgamingmemescom taking content hot publishing website they credit posted it links image permalink source red flag front page suspect _without permission_ to confirmed second red flag theres literal website reposting stuff def cool thank coming ted talk please try spread message
[ "theres website publishing content reddit sourcing original creator website called gaming memes httpsgamingmemescom taking content hot publishing website they credit posted it links image permalink source red flag front page suspect _without permission_ to confirmed second red flag theres literal website reposting stuffdef cool thank coming ted talk please try spread message" ]
Theres sitio web publicación de contenido reddit fuente fuente original creador sitio web llamado gaming memes httpsgamingmemescom teniendo contenido sitio web publicación caliente que acreditan publicó enlaces imagen permalink fuente bandera roja página principal sospechoso _sin permiso_ a confirmado segunda bandera roja Theres literal sitio web reposting thingdef cool gracias venir Ted charla por favor intente difundir mensaje
@joannereid48 #ebnjc It's a very under-researched area, and there's some debate over whether it's appropriate to subject art to the rigour of science. But there's some evidence that it can improve depression and anxiety in patients with mental health issues.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@joannereid48 #ebnjc It's a very under-researched area, and there's some debate over whether it's appropriate to subject art to the rigour of science.But there's some evidence that it can improve depression and anxiety in patients with mental health issues." ]
@joannereid48 #ebnjc Es un área muy poco investigada, y hay algún debate sobre si es apropiado someter el arte al rigor de la ciencia.Pero hay alguna evidencia de que puede mejorar la depresión y la ansiedad en pacientes con problemas de salud mental.
need help texted crush wished merry christmas wich replied thanks too havent texted like month dont know say keep conversation alive shy cant text much please need help could say keep conversation alive
[ "need help texted crush wished merry christmas wich replied thanks too havent texted like month dont know say keep conversation alive shy cant text much please need help could say keep conversation alive" ]
necesidad de ayuda texto aplastado deseo Feliz Navidad que respondió gracias demasiado no han enviado mensajes como mes no sé decir mantener la conversación viva texto tímido cant mucho por favor necesidad de ayuda podría decir mantener la conversación con vida