want help problems parents dont know about thinks bit different issue thats probably true thinking setting therapy that would love go therapy big problem doesnt know id like keep way also would suspicious appeared eager go im stuck hiding one problem trying get get enough attention get therapy discuss real issue must look like dont want go laugh funny
[ "want help problems parents dont know about thinks bit different issue thats probably true thinking setting therapy that would love go therapy big problem doesnt know id like keep way also would suspicious appearedeager goim stuck hiding one problem trying get get enough attention get therapy discuss real issue must look like dont want go laugh funny" ]
quieren problemas de ayuda los padres no saben acerca de piensa poco diferente cuestión que es probablemente verdadera terapia de ajuste de pensamiento que le encantaría ir a terapia gran problema no sabe id como mantener el camino también sospecha apareceeager goim atascado ocultando un problema tratando de conseguir suficiente atención conseguir terapia discutir problema real debe parecer como no quiero ir risa divertido
i m fucked up badly with my 9f ex girlfriend and now i m so guilty of how i handled thing i m punishing myself mentally and physically i ve lost nearly 0lbs from not eating and going the gym so now i m around lb at i don t leave the house unless i have to and i just exist in my room everytime i smile or laugh i stop instantly because i don t feel like i deserve to feel happiness anymore i think i ve had a mental breakdown because i m so guilty all the time and i can t seem to forgive myself because it doesn t even feel real that i d decide to make the choice i made i don t even know who i am anymore if i can be so deeply confused at choice i ve made in hindsight imagine knowing deep in your heart you ve met the love of your life and you ve thrown it all away because you can t handle a simple issue
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i m fucked up badly with my 9f ex girlfriendand now i m so guilty of how i handled thing i m punishing myself mentally and physically i ve lost nearly 0lbs from not eating and going the gym so now i m around lb at idon t leave the house unless i have to and i just exist in my room everytime i smile or laugh i stop instantly because i don t feel like i deserve to feel happinessanymore i think i ve had a mental breakdown because i m so guilty all the timeand i can t seem to forgive myself because it doesn t even feel real that i d decide to make the choice i made i don t even know who i am anymore if i can be so deeply confused at choice i ve made in hindsight imagine knowing deep in your heart you ve met the love of your life and you ve thrown it all away because you can t handle a simple issue" ]
Estoy jodido con mi ex novia 9f y ahora soy tan culpable de cómo manejé la cosa me estoy castigando mental y físicamente he perdido casi 0lbs de no comer y de ir al gimnasio así que ahora estoy alrededor de lb en idn no salir de la casa a menos que tenga que y yo sólo existo en mi habitación cada vez que sonrío o me río me detengo instantáneamente porque no siento que me merezco sentir felicidad nunca más creo que he tenido una crisis mental porque soy tan culpable todo el tiempo y no puedo parecer perdonarme a mí mismo porque ni siquiera se siente real que me decido a hacer la elección que hice ni siquiera sé quién soy más si puedo estar tan profundamente confundido en la elección que he hecho en retrospectiva imagina saber en el fondo de tu corazón que has encontrado el amor de tu vida y lo has tirado todo porque no puedes manejar un simple problema
hihi wanted relieve stress want someone pity shitty am really want die mum sets always gets angry me im tired shit every single fucking day time wants leave house suggested kill time pass homework send obstacle resulted breakdown im verge killing myself know do someone pity feel better shitty now vote ban call troll really want die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hihi wanted relieve stress want someone pity shitty am really want die mum sets always gets angry meim tired shit every single fucking day time wants leave house suggested kill time pass homework send obstacle resulted breakdown im verge killing myselfknow do someone pity feel better shitty now vote ban call troll really want die" ]
hihi quería aliviar el estrés que alguien lástima mierda soy realmente quiero morir mamá sets siempre se enoja meim mierda cansado cada puto día quiere salir de casa sugerido tiempo de muerte pase tarea enviar obstáculo resultado ruptura im ambit matarme sé si alguien lástima se siente mejor mierda ahora voto prohibición llamar Troll realmente quiero morir
On a side note: I have many POSITIVE PPL helping me spread the word of my new music n video. Like youuuuu my sexy TWITTER FAM I THANK YOU
[ "On a side note: I have many POSITIVE PPL helping me spread the word of my new music n video.Like youuuuu my sexy TWITTER FAM I THANK YOU" ]
En una nota adicional: Tengo muchos PPL POSITIVO que me ayudan a difundir la palabra de mi nueva música n video.Como youuuuu mi sexy TWITTER FAM YO GRACIAS
excellent film cried cried loved loved frustrated were film touched heart reality check since reality me year old soldier
[ "excellent film cried cried loved loved frustrated were film touched heart reality check since reality me year old soldier" ]
excelente película llorada llorada amor amado frustrado eran película tocado corazón realidad comprobar desde la realidad yo año viejo soldado
had a fun night at volleyball... beautiful weather
[ "had a fun night at volleyball... beautiful weather" ]
tuvo una noche divertida en el voleibol ... clima hermoso
long time coming depression since years old now turning november decided end th anniversary be sure look back life see fleeting moments happiness followed long periods misery family might find so going mention them time come attempts get help get medication try coping strategies cannot anymored today millionth time called work cannot take pressure today millionth time turned guy online bc men see good time overall depression leads lack motivation keep losing jobs pathetic worthless lonely alone decided call right roommate away hoping last days good ones ready
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "long time coming depression since years old now turning november decided end th anniversary be sure look back life see fleeting moments happiness followed long periods misery family might find so going mention them time come attempts get help get medication try coping strategies cannot anymored today millionth time called work cannot take pressure today millionth time turned guy online bc men see good time overall depression leads lack motivation keep losing jobs pathetic worthless lonely alone decided call right roommate away hoping last days good ones ready" ]
mucho tiempo viene depresión desde años de edad que ahora se convierte en noviembre decidido fin del aniversario estar seguro mirar atrás vida ver momentos fugaces felicidad seguido períodos largos miseria familia podría encontrar así que va mencionando tiempo vienen intentos conseguir ayuda conseguir medicamentos tratar estrategias de afrontamiento no puede más hoy millonésima vez llamado trabajo no puede tomar la presión hoy un millón de veces convertido hombre en línea bc hombres ven buen tiempo depresión general leads falta motivación seguir perdiendo trabajos patéticos inútiles solitarios decidido llamar derecho compañero de cuarto de distancia esperando los últimos días buenos listos
guys talk go urself literally fullon conversations lol may going crazy
[ "guys talk go urself literally fullon conversations lol may going crazy" ]
los chicos hablan ir a sí mismo, literalmente lleno de conversaciones lol puede volver loco
want hug recent post may have said otherwise thats im trying fap like make chill im so recent influx horny post horny reddit cant horny school
[ "want hug recent post may have said otherwise thats im trying fap like make chill im so recent influx horny post horny reddit cant horny school" ]
deseo abrazo reciente post puede haber dicho de lo contrario que yo tratando de fap como hacer frío im tan reciente influjo caliente post cachondo reddit cant cachondo escuela
i have to wake up in hour laameeee
[ "i have to wake up in hour laameeee" ]
Tengo que despertar en hora laameeee
Wasatch Brewery in Park City, Utah. They have a beer called Polygamy Porter... Gotta love Mormons
[ "Wasatch Brewery in Park City, Utah.They have a beer called Polygamy Porter...Gotta love Mormons" ]
Wasatch Brewery en Park City, Utah.Tienen una cerveza llamada Polygamy Porter...
poem first time felt elation oh no premature ejaculation
[ "poem first time felt elationoh no premature ejaculation" ]
poema primera vez sintió elationoh no eyaculación precoz
im tired thistired living tired every single fucking day therapist says need wait itll get better ways cant imagine says im young understand im turn end december previously plans kill then think im gonna revive plans supporting grandma somewhat supporting grandpa ive lived majority teen years parents abuse still cant get past trauma im also trans think go much bullshit able person really am oh well plan make family hate move another country im kill there
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired thistired living tired every single fucking day therapist says need wait itll get better ways cant imagine saysim young understand im turn end december previously plans kill then think im gonna revive plans supporting grandma somewhat supporting grandpa ive lived majority teen years parents abuse still cant get past traumaim also trans think go much bullshit able person really am oh well plan make family hate move another country im kill there" ]
Estoy cansado de esta vida cansada cada puto día terapeuta dice que necesita esperar va a conseguir mejores maneras de imaginar saysim joven entender im turn fin diciembre antes planes matar entonces creo que voy a revivir planes de apoyo a la abuela un poco de apoyo abuelo vivio mayoría adolescentes años padres abuso todavía no se puede pasar traumaim también trans pensar ir mucha mierda persona capaz realmente soy oh bien plan hacer familia odio mover otro país im matar allí
im scared ill regret itim scared ill regret it feel bad leaving parents brother two family dogs theyve much help me care me love much still want die cant fuxking suffer anymore anxiety sucks depression sucks symptoms come sucks life sucks like live wanna go really do im anxious scared go one knows happens death reincarnated afterlife absolutely nothing gone know much
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im scared ill regret itim scared ill regret it feel bad leaving parents brother two family dogs theyve much help me care me love much still want die cant fuxking suffer anymore anxiety sucks depression sucks symptoms come sucks life sucks like live wanna go really do im anxious scared go one knows happens death reincarnated afterlife absolutely nothing gone know much" ]
Im miedo mal arrepentimiento itim miedo mal arrepentimiento se siente mal dejar a los padres hermano dos perros de la familia que tienen mucha ayuda me importa mucho amor mucho todavía quiero morir fuxking cántico sufrir más ansiedad chupa depresión chupa síntomas vienen chupa la vida chupa como vivir quiero ir realmente ansioso miedo ir uno sabe que pasa la muerte reencarnada vida después absolutamente nada se sabe mucho
especially for @FizzyDuck. hi! ♫ http://blip.fm/~7t8uh
[ "especially for @FizzyDuck. hi! ♫ http://blip.fm/~7t8uh" ]
especialmente para @FizzyDuck. hola! âTM« http://blip.fm/~7t8uh
like disappointment everybodysuicidal scary word meaning behind represents feel ive always wanted appreciated someone feel proud me im taking duel enrollment college in future one me parents bat single eye feels like second mess something want drop im immediately go work home improvement im lazy selfish disappointment day day listen parents complain other he realize much work shes lazy wants everything wears away way get screamed yelled thing control over maybe im suicidal enough fact im standing noose moment means issues worth here months now thought ending seems present mind cant tell anyone cant explain cant tell anyone life this need say this somewhere someway maybe keep thoughts bay while
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "like disappointment everybodysuicidal scary word meaning behind represents feel ive always wanted appreciated someone feel proud meim taking duel enrollment college in future one me parents bat single eye feels like second mess something want drop im immediately go work home improvement im lazy selfish disappointment day day listen parents complain other he realize much work shes lazy wants everything wears away way get screamed yelled thing control over maybe im suicidal enough fact im standing noose moment means issues worth here months now thought ending seems present mind cant tell anyone cant explain cant tell anyone life this need say this somewhere someway maybe keep thoughts bay while" ]
Como decepción todo el mundosuicidal palabra miedo significado detrás representa sentir siempre querido apreciado alguien se siente orgulloso meim tomar duelo universidad en el futuro uno me padres bate un solo ojo se siente como segundo desastre algo quiere caer inmediatamente ir a casa mejora im perezoso egoísta decepción día escuchar padres quejarse otro se da cuenta de mucho trabajo ellas perezosos quiere todo se desgasta manera se gritan gritado control de cosa sobre tal vez im suicida suficiente hecho im pie noose momento significa problemas que vale la pena aquí meses ahora pensamiento final parece mente presente no se puede decir a nadie no se puede explicar no se puede decir a nadie la vida esta necesidad decir esto en algún lugar tal vez mantener los pensamientos bahía mientras que
code geass watch it filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "code geass watch it filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
código geass ver relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
inching closer redflageveryday wake life grows pathetic days go on lack sex relationships one reason reasons include mental health issues lack friendships extrovert lack attractiveness every person seem always around whether work family always seem better appearance personality me come point honestly dont care well being dont eat much im happy im tired theres really nothing much tbh live til im ready leave world nobody would hurt leave already know it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "inching closer redflageveryday wake life grows pathetic days go on lack sex relationships one reason reasons include mental health issues lack friendships extrovert lack attractiveness every person seem always around whether work family always seem better appearance personality me come point honestly dont care well being dont eat much im happy im tired theres really nothing much tbh live tilim ready leave world nobody would hurt leave already know it" ]
inching close redflag everyday wake life grows patético days go on sin relaciones sexuales una razón razones incluyen problemas de salud mental falta amistades falta extrovert falta atractivo cada persona parece siempre alrededor de si el trabajo de la familia siempre parece mejor apariencia personalidad me come punto honestamente no importa bien ser no comer mucho im feliz im cansado Theres realmente nada mucho tbh vivir tilim listo dejar mundo nadie lastimaría salir ya lo sé
ashleyskyy but i wanted a margarita too
[ "ashleyskyybut i wanted a margarita too" ]
Ashleyskyy, pero yo también quería una margarita.
@balloonpup You must be following some pretty quiet folks.
[ "@balloonpup You must be following some pretty quiet folks." ]
@balloonpup Debes estar siguiendo a algunas personas bastante tranquilas.
Depression and Diet: Why the Food You Eat Matters https://www.nutritionadvance.com/crippling-depression-and-diet/ …
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Depression and Diet: Why the Food You Eat Matters https://www.nutritionadvance.com/crippling-depression-and-diet/ …" ]
Depresión y dieta: por qué la comida que comes importa https://www.nutritionadvance.com/crippling-depression-and-diet/Â
@manderley Wonder if your brother also has dimples...
[ "@manderley Wonder if your brother also has dimples..." ]
@manderley Me pregunto si tu hermano también tiene hoyuelos...
past years feels like life thrown constant pain misery sure take anymore young lad feel like cannot live another years way feeling right now frightened adult comparing everyone around maintain friendships notredflag family feel ungrateful saying way feel frightened pain death would love die makes sense needed get chest nothing going way life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "past years feels like life thrown constant pain misery sure take anymore young lad feel like cannot live another years way feeling right now frightened adult comparing everyone around maintain friendships notredflag family feel ungrateful saying way feel frightened pain death would love die makes sense needed get chest nothing going way life" ]
años pasados se siente como la vida arrojada constante dolor miseria seguro tomar más joven sentir como no puede vivir otro año de la manera de sentir miedo adulto comparando a todos alrededor mantener amistades no rojo bandera familia se siente ingrato decir manera sentir miedo dolor muerte amor muerte tiene sentido necesario conseguir pecho nada va de la vida
@jamesheart24 thaaankyou it looks the same though
[ "@jamesheart24 thaaankyou it looks the same though" ]
@jamesheart24 thaaankyou se ve igual aunque
2 National headlining Acts Next month..I wish I could go tell my 7th grade self that all the bullying, the sleepless nights the depression etc. was all worth it and that it gets easier and the growth has been incredible My life is a fucking blessing but NOTHING comes overnight pic.twitter.com/IA8NYOAQ4c
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "2 National headlining Acts Next month..I wish I could go tell my 7th grade self that all the bullying, the sleepless nights the depression etc. was all worth it and that it gets easier and the growth has been incredibleMy life is a fucking blessing but NOTHING comes overnight pic.twitter.com/IA8NYOAQ4c" ]
2 Actos nacionales de liderazgo El mes que viene...Ojalá pudiera ir a decirle a mi yo de 7o grado que todo el acoso, las noches sin dormir la depresión, etc. valió la pena y que se hace más fácil y el crecimiento ha sido increíbleMi vida es una maldita bendición, pero nada llega de la noche a la mañana pic.twitter.com/IA8NYOAQ4c
waking school everyday killing meeveryone mean nasty entire place toxic ive survived years cant even comprehend way drinking drink weekly thing makes happy friends interests want pursue parents tell me some people would give everything education case used barely attend welfare officer got involved attend everyday two years days blur point want hear schedule literally wake up go school endure insults overall hell go home enter bedroom lay bed debate hanging good minutes high point week get drink spirits friday im seriously seeing point going much longer please help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "waking school everyday killing meeveryone mean nasty entire place toxicive survived years cant even comprehend way drinking drink weekly thing makes happy friends interests want pursue parents tell me some people would give everything education case used barely attend welfare officer got involved attend everyday two years days blur point want hear schedule literally wake up go school endure insults overall hell go home enter bedroom lay bed debate hanging good minutes high point week get drink spirits friday im seriously seeing point going much longer please help" ]
escuela despierta todos los días matándome todos los medios desagradable lugar entero toxico sobrevivimos años ni siquiera puedo comprender la manera de beber bebida semanal hace felices amigos intereses quieren perseguir padres me dicen que algunas personas darían todo caso de educación utilizado apenas asistir asistente oficial se involucró asistir todos los días dos años días punto borroso quiero escuchar programa literalmente ir ir a la escuela soportar insultos en general infierno ir a casa entrar dormitorio lecho cama debate colgar buenos minutos punto alto semana conseguir bebidas espíritus viernes en serio punto de ver va mucho más tiempo por favor ayuda
school work talent cultural knowledge relationship health physical appearance there s always someone better than me and no matter how hard i try the result are mediocre nothin outstanding i shouldn t have existed everything i ve done amount to nothing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "school work talent cultural knowledge relationship health physical appearance there s always someone better than me and no matter how hard i try the result are mediocre nothin outstandingi shouldn t have existed everything i ve done amount to nothing" ]
trabajo escolar talento conocimiento cultural relación salud apariencia física siempre hay alguien mejor que yo y no importa lo duro que intento el resultado son mediocres nohin sobresaliente no debería haber existido todo lo que he hecho equivale a nada
living breathing potato thats folks read title
[ "living breathing potato thats folks read title" ]
Viviendo la papa respirando que la gente lee el título
i hate myself i am the reason i m sad i have no excuse some day i m so happy and blissful but then there are a lot of day most of them where the only thing in my mind is killing myself in multiple way i overthink i plan to perfection i have ish plan to kill myself without my family cleaning anything up i already have an unofficial will written for when i do kill myself i don t want my family to struggle to pick up the piece of why i killed myself so there s always a note then i just do something where no one can find my body i m sad for no reason there is no porpoise to existing i want to help people but i fail to do so all the damn time i joke about killing myself but those joke are getting more specific and i m pretty sure people are catching on that i actually wan na kill myself i actually tried but thankfully failed i didn t have a rope or gun so i started choking myself to do the job i really wan na but i just can t please help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i hate myself i am the reason i m sad i have no excuse some day i m so happy and blissfulbut then there are a lot of day most of them where the only thing in my mind is killing myself in multiple way i overthink i plan to perfection i have ish plan to kill myself without my family cleaning anything up i already have an unofficial will written for when i do kill myselfi don t want my family to struggle to pick up the piece of why i killed myself so there s always a notethen i just do something where no one can find my body i m sad for no reason there is no porpoise to existing i want to help people but i fail to do so all the damn time i joke about killing myself but those joke are getting more specific and i m pretty sure people are catching on that i actually wan na kill myself i actually tried but thankfully failed i didn t have a rope or gunso i started choking myself to do the job i really wan nabut i just can t please help me" ]
Yo me odio a mí mismo Soy la razón por la que estoy triste No tengo excusa algún día Estoy tan feliz y feliz Pero entonces hay un montón de día La mayoría de ellos donde la única cosa en mi mente es matarme de múltiples maneras Yo creo que planeo a la perfección Tengo un plan ish suicidarme sin mi familia Limpieza de nada Ya tengo una voluntad no oficial escrito para cuando me mate a mí mismo No quiero que mi familia lucha para recoger la pieza de por qué me maté Así que siempre hay una nota, entonces sólo hago algo donde nadie puede encontrar mi cuerpo Estoy triste Por ninguna razón no hay marsoise a existente Quiero ayudar a la gente Pero no lo hago todo el maldito tiempo Bromeo sobre suicidarme Pero esas bromas son cada vez más específicos Y estoy bastante seguro de que la gente se está dando cuenta de que en realidad quiero Na me mataba Realmente intenté pero afortunadamente fallé
damn im pretty suicidaljust realizing this doesnt even seem like big deal me guess thats pretty fucked huh dont even care dont even care might care im gone lol wtf wrong me whats painless way dont even know im serious right thats thing fuck shiiit might seeking attention cares fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "damn im pretty suicidaljust realizing this doesnt even seem like big deal me guess thats pretty fuckedhuh dont even care dont even care might care im gone lol wtf wrong me whats painless way dont even know im serious right thats thing fuck shiiit might seeking attention cares fuck" ]
Maldita sea bastante suicida sólo darse cuenta de que esto ni siquiera me parece gran cosa supongo que es bastante jodido ni siquiera me importa ni siquiera me importa me importa lo que lol wtf mal me ¿qué es indoloro manera ni siquiera sé mi serio derecho esa cosa mierda shiiit podría buscar atención importa mierda
so i m have been feeling down rather often the last few year but these last few month im feeling constantly down my life just feel stuck everyday when my alarm ring i just cant get out of bed even tho i usually sleep for hour or so i end up laying in bed for or hour thinking about how shitty my life is and how i dont make progress at all i also get suicidal thought alot even tho i dont have any intention to harm myself in any way i dont want to die but smh my brain doesnt get that so yesterday i decided to finally get help and call my doc for an appointment before making that call i sat there and stared at the number contemplating if i really wanted to do this i made a list and wrote down reason why i want to get help and reason why i dont everything just pointed to me making that call and after hour i finally pressed call so then i wa on the phone with a woman at my doctor office i told her with a kinda shaky voice that i would like an appointment she asked what it wa about and i told her that i felt rather bad lately had trouble sleeping and am feeling tired alot i didnt feel comfortable sharing that i feel depressed she said she doesnt have a free spot in the next few week and told me i should come in without an appointment on thursday or friday so now im here without an appointment contemplating if i should actually go there tomorrow it kinda suck that im in the situation before the phonecall again where i have to make that decision to get help im so nervous about getting help i dont know what i should even say i dont know how to talk about my feeling i dont even know if ill make it out of bed tonorrow before the doctor office close im so afraid about revealing this about me but i dont think i can pull myself out of this without help can someone maybe give me some kind word and share their experience with finally opening up so my anxiety about this come to an ease
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "so i m have been feeling down rather often the last few year but these last few month im feeling constantly down my life just feel stuck everyday when my alarm ring i just cant get out of bed even tho i usually sleep for hour or so i end up laying in bed for or hour thinking about how shitty my life is and how i dont make progress at all i also get suicidal thought alot even thoi dont have any intention to harm myself in any way i dont want to die but smh my brain doesnt get that so yesterday i decided to finally get help and call my doc for an appointment before making that call i sat there and stared at the number contemplating if i really wanted to do this i made a list and wrote down reason why i want to get help and reason why i dont everything just pointed to me making that call and after hour i finally pressed call", "so then i wa on the phone with a woman at my doctor office i told her with a kinda shaky voice that i would like an appointment she asked what it wa about and i told her that i felt rather bad lately had trouble sleeping and am feeling tired alot i didnt feel comfortable sharing that i feel depressed she said she doesnt have a free spot in the next few week and told me i should come in without an appointment on thursday or friday so now im here without an appointment contemplating if i should actually go there tomorrow it kinda suck that im in the situation before the phonecall again where i have to make that decision to get help im so nervous about getting help i dont know what i should even say i dont know how to talk about my feeling i dont even know if ill make it out of bed tonorrow before the doctor office close im so afraid about revealing this about mebut i dont think i can pull myself out of this without help can someone maybe give me some kind word and share their experience with finally opening up so my anxiety about this come to an ease" ]
Así que me he estado sintiendo triste con bastante frecuencia el último año, pero estos últimos pocos meses me siento constantemente en mi vida sólo se siente atascado todos los días cuando mi anillo de alarma no puedo salir de la cama incluso tho generalmente duermo durante hora o así que termino acostado en la cama durante o hora pensando en lo mierda mi vida es y cómo no hacer progresos en absoluto también me pongo suicida pensamiento mucho incluso thoi no tienen ninguna intención de hacerme daño a mí mismo de cualquier manera que no quiero morir pero smh mi cerebro no consigue eso así que ayer decidí finalmente conseguir ayuda y llamar a mi médico para una cita antes de hacer esa llamada me senté allí y miré fijamente el número contemplando si realmente quería hacer esto hice una lista y escribía la razón por la que quiero conseguir ayuda y razón por la que no todo me apuntaba a hacer esa llamada y después de hora finalmente presioné la llamada
eu referendum result last straw xpost rmmfbim male english not proud it worst year life graduated university managed get decent grade barely tried leaving got call centre job left month due pressure customersemployers causing numerous panic attacks day months later got temp job basic admin middle management fired weeks later panic attack november since self confidence hit rock bottom meaning job interviews could manage or bothered get come across terrible candidate and theyre wrong become partially dependant cannabis im antidepressant shit broke arm uk democratically decided leave eu cant see future myself redflag mind past months im starting seriously consider it im aware many people worse positions stronger depression suicidal thoughts im verge redflag im thinking lot tldr got degree tried different jobs failed both ive got confidence cannabis dependence broken arm useless antidepressants which cause insomnia go them uk decided leave eu based bigotry fear blind patriotism want live anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "eu referendum result last straw xpost rmmfbim male english not proud it worst year life graduated university managed get decent grade barely tried leaving got call centre job left month due pressure customersemployers causing numerous panic attacks day months later got temp job basic admin middle management fired weeks later panic attack november since self confidence hit rock bottom meaning job interviews could manage or bothered get come across terrible candidate and theyre wrong become partially dependant cannabis im antidepressant shit broke arm uk democratically decided leave eu cant see future myself redflag mind past months im starting seriously consider it im aware many people worse positions stronger depression suicidal thoughtsim verge redflag im thinking lot tldr got degree tried different jobs failed both ive got confidence cannabis dependence broken arm useless antidepressants which cause insomnia go them uk decided leave eu based bigotry fear blind patriotism want live anymore" ]
eu referéndum resultado última paja xpost rmmfbim masculino Inglés no orgulloso peor año de vida graduada universidad manejada conseguir grado decente apenas intentado salir consiguió trabajo en el centro de llamadas izquierda mes debido a la presión clientes empleados causando numerosos ataques de pánico día meses más tarde consiguió temp trabajo administración básica administración media despedido semanas más tarde ataque de pánico noviembre desde confianza propia golpeó fondo significando trabajo entrevistas podrían manejar o molestarse llegar a través de terrible candidato y se equivocan se convierten parcialmente dependiente cannabis im antidepresivo mierda roto brazo uk democráticamente decidido dejar eu cant ver futuro yo mismo Redflag mente pasados meses im comenzar seriamente considerar que es consciente de muchas personas peores posiciones más fuerte depresión pensamientos suicidas border redflag im pensar mucho tldr grado tratado diferentes trabajos fallidos ambos tienen confianza cannabis dependencia brazo roto antidepresivos inútiles que causan insomnio van ellos uk decidió dejar eu basado en intolerancia miedo ciego patriotismo quieren vivir más
havent done single assignment almost class since day one ya boi got permission redo em all theyre due tomorrow midnight around assignments one class hours assignment classes half hour assignments one class hours work got done today how dont know did possible believe you pass classes too pull back hellhole crawl way whatever hole youre in ill toss ladder need it dm need kinda help
[ "havent done single assignment almost class since day one ya boi got permission redo em all theyre due tomorrow midnight around assignments one class hours assignment classes half hour assignments one class hours work got done today how dont know did possible believe you pass classes too pull back hellhole crawl way whatever hole youre in ill toss ladder need it dm need kinda help" ]
No he hecho una sola tarea casi clase desde el primer día ya boi consiguió el permiso rehacer em todos ellos son debido mañana a la medianoche alrededor de las tareas una clase horas asignación clases media hora tareas una clase horas de trabajo se hizo hoy cómo no se sabe posible creer que pasas clases también jalar hellhole gag manera cualquier agujero usted está en mal lanza escalera necesita dm necesidad un poco de ayuda
think mental health condition worst cannot get worse somehow things get even messier next day even feel importance trying make feel better actually work end day alone depression deteriorating mental health persistent redflag losing interest everything talk close ones anymorei things used do right looking ways feel better know point cannot
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think mental health condition worst cannot get worse somehow things get even messier next day even feel importance trying make feel better actually work end day alone depression deteriorating mental health persistent redflag losing interest everything talk close ones anymorei things used do right looking ways feel better know pointcannot" ]
pensar condición de salud mental peor no puede empeorar de alguna manera las cosas se vuelven aún más desordenadas al día siguiente incluso sentir importancia tratando de hacer sentir mejor realmente trabajo final día solo depresión deterioro salud mental persistente bandera roja perder interés todo hablar cerca de los ya las cosas usadas hacen bien buscando maneras se sienten mejor saber punto no puede
got important question girls nsfw think im snapping pretty hot girl always shows pictures thighs cooter area wondering normal thing girls dumb sign something
[ "got important question girls nsfw think im snapping pretty hot girl always shows pictures thighs cooter area wondering normal thing girls dumb sign something" ]
tiene importantes chicas pregunta nsfw pensar im snapping chica bastante caliente siempre muestra fotos muslos cooter área preguntándose lo normal chicas mudo firmar algo
always assumed thoughts normal noti think ending existence fairly often sometimes times dayweek times month gap so thought something everyone deals regularly thoughts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "always assumed thoughts normal noti think ending existence fairly often sometimes times dayweek times month gap so thought something everyone deals regularly thoughts" ]
siempre asumí pensamientos normales noti pensar final existencia bastante a veces veces veces díasemana veces mes brecha así que pensé algo que todo el mundo trata regularmente pensamientos
among us rated read title filler filler filler yo momma jk jk jk jk jkj j k k jk
[ "among us rated read title filler filler filler yo momma jk jk jk jk jkj j k k jk" ]
entre nosotros calificado leer título relleno relleno relleno yo mamá jk jk jk jk jk jkj k k jk
anyone else already hating school year third day senior year ive cried day mutiple times haha idk im already stressed classes even many aps teachers already warned difficult know able keep up band one class used actually enjoy year absolutely loath it get frustrated practice theyre making us perform region music super difficult class everday shaking hard earlier playing m music got bumped top band year im able keep it put new instrument even still able play better this yet cant hate classes smh im also super stressed college cause idea hell im supposed this one talk except sister feel bad always dumping problems much help im extremely stressed right now hating life myself kinda want die lol want sit bed day school work were still online school another like weeks cant imagine much worse ill feel addition see interact people deal teachers facetoface sigh anyone else feeling way hope not idk im wondering overreacting people feel way too ig kind rant ive flaired such sorry one cares im really tired sad ill probably delete post soon anyways
[ "anyone else already hating school year third day senior year ive cried day mutiple times haha idk im already stressed classes even many aps teachers already warned difficult know able keep up band one class used actually enjoy year absolutely loath it get frustrated practice theyre making us perform region music super difficult class everday shaking hard earlier playing m music got bumped top band year im able keep it put new instrument even still able play better this yet cant hate classessmh im also super stressed college cause ideahellim supposed this one talk except sister feel bad always dumping problems much help im extremely stressed right now hating life myself kinda want die lol want sit bed day school work were still online school another like weeks cant imagine much worse ill feel addition see interact people deal teachersfacetoface sigh anyone else feeling way hope not idk im wondering overreacting people feel way too ig kind rant ive flaired such sorry one cares im really tired sad ill probably delete post soon anyways" ]
cualquier otra persona ya odiar el año escolar tercer día último año lloró día mutiple veces haha idk im clases ya estresadas incluso muchos profesores de aps ya advirtieron difícil saber capaz mantener el grupo una clase utilizado realmente disfrutar del año absolutamente odiosa se frustra la práctica nos están haciendo tocar región música súper difícil clase siempre temblando duro antes tocar m música se golpeó mejor banda año im capaz mantenerlo poner nuevo instrumento incluso todavía capaz tocar mejor este sin embargo cant odio clasesmh im también super estrés universidad causa ideahellim suposición esta charla excepto hermana se siente mal siempre tirar problemas mucha ayuda im extremadamente estresado ahora mismo odio vida yo mismo quiero morir lol quiero sentarse cama día trabajo escolar eran todavía en línea escuela otra como semanas no se imagina mucho peor mal se sienten adición ver interacción personas trato profesores cara a cara suspirar alguien más sensación de esperanza no idk im preguntarse exagerar personas se sienten demasiado mal
oww the poor darling body of missing tracy girl sandra cantu found inside suitcase www tinyurl com dfhvzg tracy
[ "oww the poor darling body of missing tracy girl sandra cantu found inside suitcase www tinyurl com dfhvzg tracy" ]
El pobre y querido cuerpo de la chica que falta Tracy Sandra Cantu se encuentra dentro de la maleta.
i feel like my left side of the chest like move everytime like it keep vibrating is it normal
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i feel like my left side of the chest like move everytime like it keep vibrating is it normal" ]
Siento que mi lado izquierdo del pecho se mueve cada vez que sigue vibrando. Es normal.
bro my life ha been so horrible it s unpleasant it piss me off and make me very sad since my life is just waking up having breakfast going to school studying coming home having lunch studying sleeping dinner is sleeping again it s this cycle that always repeat i have friend but they don t even care about me i don t even know why i consider them friend it s my family it s just me my mother and two brother and i don t have uncle i don t know why i m the middle child it s my mother i feel like she hate me because it wa because of me that i made my mother my father divorced since i found out about my father i i wa having an affair with a woman i don t even know and since then i never spoke to my father again my mother often even treat me badly verbally and physically attacking me and i can t hit her because she is my mother and my brother are the only one that i consider friend because they care about my existence but they are very reserved many time they even lock themselves in their room but these last few month i have a great idea of running away from home is to end up leaving the city to have a new life yes people i have money i can survive a whole month and i know it s hard to get a job but i m willing to leave this miserable life but for now it s just an idea that i still don t have the courage to do and i also don t want to leave my brother because i m afraid to leave them what should i do leaving everything is starting a new life or continue a is
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bro my life ha been so horrible it s unpleasant it piss me off and make me very sad since my life is just waking up having breakfast going to school studying coming home having lunch studying sleeping dinner is sleeping again it s this cycle that always repeat i have friendbut they don t even care about mei don t even know why i consider them friend it s my family it s just me my mother and two brotherand i don t have uncle i dont know why i m the middle child it s my mother i feel like she hate me because it wa because of me that i made my mother my father divorced since i found out about my fatheri i wa having an affair with a woman i don t even knowand since then i never spoke to my father again my mother often even treat me badly verbally and physically attacking me and i can t hit her because she is my mother and my brother are the only one that i consider friend because they care about my existence but they are very reserved many time they even lock themselves in their room but these last few month i have a great idea of running away from home is to end up leaving the city to have a new lifeyes people i have money i can survive a whole monthand i know it s hard to get a job", "but i m willing to leave this miserable life but for now it s just an idea that i still don t have the courage to doand i also don t want to leave my brother because i m afraid to leave them what should i do leaving everything is starting a new life or continue a is" ]
hermano mi vida ha sido tan horrible que es desagradable me molesta y me hace muy triste ya que mi vida se está despertando teniendo desayuno ir a la escuela estudiando venir a casa al almuerzo estudiando dormir cena es dormir otra vez es este ciclo que siempre repetir tengo amigo pero ni siquiera se preocupan por mei ni siquiera saben por qué considero que amigo es mi familia es sólo mi madre y dos hermano y yo no tengo tío no sé por qué soy el niño medio es mi madre me siento como me odia porque es por mí que hice que mi madre mi padre se divorció ya que me enteré de mi padre i wa tener una aventura con una mujer ni siquiera lo sé y desde entonces nunca he hablado con mi padre de nuevo mi madre a menudo incluso me tratan mal verbalmente y físicamente me atacan y no puedo golpearla porque ella es mi madre y mi hermano son el único que considero amigo porque se preocupan por mi existencia pero son muy reservados muchas veces que incluso se encierran en su habitación pero estos últimos meses tengo una gran idea de salir de casa es para terminar de la ciudad que tienen un nuevo dinero que puedo sobrevivir todo un mes que conozco
guys feel going dates without knowing wish start relationship question pretty selfexplanatory im super sure whether like girl ive scared get relationship last one damaged years back therapist suggested ask go date without sure knowing want relationship wondering fellow teens feel idea im honestly sure people stand thanks advance ill answer questions asap
[ "guys feel going dates without knowing wish start relationship question pretty selfexplanatory im super sure whether like girl ive scared get relationship last one damaged years back therapist suggested ask go date without sure knowing want relationship wondering fellow teens feel idea im honestly sure people stand thanks advance ill answer questions asap" ]
chicos se sienten yendo a citas sin saber deseo iniciar relación pregunta bastante autoexplicativo im super seguro si como chica ive asustado conseguir relación última uno dañado años de vuelta terapeuta sugirió pedir ir cita sin saber seguro querer relación preguntándose compañeros adolescentes sentir idea im honestamente seguro de que la gente está de pie gracias avance mal respuesta preguntas lo antes posible
followers shitty pick lines wtf tell
[ "followers shitty pick lines wtf tell" ]
seguidores mierda recoger líneas wtf contar
Usemos nuestra foto como avatar. Aunque estemos feos / Let's use our mugshot as avatar. Even if we're ugly . (Please retweet)
[ "Usemos nuestra foto como avatar.Aunque estemos feos / Let's use our mugshot as avatar.Even if we're ugly .(Please retweet)" ]
Usemos nuestra foto como avatar.Unque estemos feos / Usemos nuestra foto como avatar.Incluso si somos feos .(Por favor retweet)
hi everyone i fly home from calgary to vancouver on sunday it s about an hour flight i suffer from gad and am constantly fearing the worst i have minor asthma i ve never had an asthma attack but i do have a rescue inhaler and i do take a maintenance inhaler everyday to prevent anything from happening i read somewhere that there s le oxygen in flight and am worried about what would happen if i had an asthma attack would i be ok would i be able to survive that hour flight please re assure me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi everyone i fly home from calgary to vancouver on sunday it s about an hour flight i suffer from gad and am constantly fearing the worst i have minor asthma i ve never had an asthma attackbut i do have a rescue inhalerand i do take a maintenance inhaler everyday to prevent anything from happening i read somewhere that there s le oxygen in flight and am worried about what would happen if i had an asthma attack would i be ok would i be able to survive that hour flight please re assure me" ]
Hola todo el mundo vuelo a casa de Calgary a Vancouver el domingo es como una hora de vuelo sufro de gad y estoy constantemente temiendo lo peor tengo asma menor nunca he tenido un ataque de asma pero tengo un inhalador de rescate y tomo un inhalador de mantenimiento todos los días para evitar que nada de pasar leí en algún lugar que hay oxígeno en vuelo y estoy preocupado por lo que pasaría si tuviera un ataque de asma estaría bien si podría sobrevivir a esa hora de vuelo por favor reasegurame
why does every real estate broker using social media have a pic of themselves in a business suit? it's twitter, guys. lose the tie
[ "why does every real estate broker using social media have a pic of themselves in a business suit?it's twitter, guys.lose the tie" ]
¿Por qué cada corredor de bienes raíces que utiliza las redes sociales tiene una foto de sí mismos en un traje de negocios?
morning people away to get some breakfast and then sort myself out and then must start on hwm no lazing about today xx
[ "morning people away to get some breakfast and then sort myself out and then must start on hwmno lazing about today xx" ]
mañana la gente fuera para tomar un poco de desayuno y luego ordenar a mí mismo y luego debe comenzar en hwmno holgazanear sobre hoy xx
absolutelybatty hug back thanks hon i can t believe he s gone
[ "absolutelybatty hug back thanks hon i can t believe he s gone" ]
Absolutamente abrazo de vuelta gracias cariño no puedo creer que se haya ido
puzzle lifeits almost funny one even notices knows true feelings deep emotional breakdown im going im unable really express truly feel inside say wanna live seen bad overrated overreacted meaningless damn im really sick thing called life think soon ill gather courage selfish levels need kill myself feel inside building up bulging odd feeling something wrong different previous times ive feeling similar stronger different stronger me soon enough people regret trying connect earlier probably sooner later theyll find letter too little piece ask omg see this could calm conscience needed need regrets tears blaming guilt certainly want die either cant keep going want pain stop literally make stop killing myself wish way could that rewind tape back lets say six years ago id say people die redflag foolish selfish ironically understand that think nothing luck decisions take embody actions lead us closer closer appear happen us next like puzzle puzzle life bring pieces together decisions actions inseparable theyre us were them follow rules puzzle life feel every single decision made life getting closer closer end im finding right now early days school closed isolated others followed aftermaths more following way feel think acting accordingly that slowly surely im led end edge hope bliss love real descending darkness inner self losing ability construct real point view constructing one real handle reality crushes way escape disappearing appearance disappearing suffering it pain inevitable choice moment great despair notion choice deadly one see me hear me touch me life empty thats me now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "puzzle lifeits almost funny one even notices knows true feelings deep emotional breakdown im going im unable really express truly feel inside say wanna live seen bad overrated overreacted meaningless", "damn im really sick thing called life think soon ill gather courage selfish levels need kill myself feel inside building up bulging odd feeling something wrong different previous times ive feeling similar stronger different stronger me soon enough people regret trying connect earlier probably sooner later theyll find letter too little piece ask omg see this could calm conscience needed need regrets tears blaming guilt certainly want die either cant keep going want pain stop literally make stop killing myself wish way could that rewind tape back lets say six years ago id say people die redflag foolish selfish ironically understand that think nothing luck decisions take embody actions lead us closer closer appear happen us next like puzzle puzzle life bring pieces together decisions actions inseparable theyre us were them follow rules puzzle life feel every single decision made life getting closer closer end im finding right now early days school closed isolated others followed aftermaths more following way feel think acting accordingly that slowly surely im led end edge hope bliss love real descending darkness inner self losing ability construct real point view constructing one real handle reality crushes way escape disappearing appearance disappearing suffering it pain inevitable choice moment great despair notion choice deadly one see me hear me touch me life empty thats me now" ]
puzzle vida es casi divertido uno incluso nota sabe verdaderos sentimientos profundo colapso emocional im ir im realmente incapaz expresar realmente sentir dentro de decir querer vivir visto mal sobrevalorado exagerado sin sentido
got whipped cord right didnt hurt tbh
[ "got whipped cord right didnt hurt tbh" ]
con el cordón derecho no le hizo daño a tbh
man i can barely remember when i wa doing that game style weight loss thing like depression really just wiped your memory and clear out all your plan huh like none of that shit mattered one day and no going back
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "man i can barely remember when i wa doing that game style weight loss thing like depression really just wiped your memory and clear out all your planhuh like none of that shit mattered one day and no going back" ]
hombre apenas puedo recordar cuando voy a hacer ese juego estilo pérdida de peso cosa como la depresión realmente sólo se limpió la memoria y limpiar todo su planhuh como nada de esa mierda importaba un día y no volver atrás
finally got spend entire night cuddling girlfriend im happy im shes happened yesterday girlfriend planning spend night together meant friends birthday party yesterday course boris new rule party got cancelled already planned gonna afterwards decided stick staying night hers yesterday arrives im anxious fuck ive got usual upset stomach pretty awful thoughts go alongside one doesnt want stay night following advice counsellor challenge thoughts end biting bullet sending message asking want stay night course silly donkey fast forward couple hours ive packed bag everything ill need pretty much ready go over ready hours meant headed over get usual hug soon opens door hug different wed extremely stressful week ill falling behind school work never less powered weekend go room lie bed arm wrapped waist head chest arrived werent really sure kill time cuddled next hours deep chats always appreciate find hard speak really am brush peoples questions instead really facing reality one point ended chatting best friend recently came bi im super mega proud know hes got really supportive friendship group surrounding hes got bi girlfriend whos accepted im bi knows wont change thing feel her loads friends super caring supportive ended crying little ive able properly open anyone quite felt really shit guilty school eventually rolls around get hungry plan order pizza eat made slight alteration little brother came us pizza went local marina got back little dinner date which thankfully didnt end us sat outside house pizzas somebody forgot key thanks little bro went room cuddled more teased little bit couldnt much period started watching baby driver fantastic film mind you eventually gets tired decides wants sleep thats do tuck ourself in cuddle wrap arm around waist waiting moment half years finally happening finally cuddling night entire night main reason actually wrapped arm around waist provide comfort also know struggles sleeping sometimes wanted wake up wake several times throughout night time jerk awake slumber give kisses neck hold close falls asleep pretty quickly around am wakes up sits really hot bothered goes gets damp flannel starts trying cool down eventually curls bed sat foot bed facing door right reaches grabs hand squeezes squeeze back whisper love you dont know heard me didnt respond like think did couple minutes shes tossing turning eventually ends settling head thigh curled really tight ball gently stroking leg falls asleep next hour comes around am point knackered stopped awake hours event even whilst slept awake curl next wrap arm around her gets bit weird probably am shuffled away me thought mustve hot didnt follow left be suddenly shot back across bed pinning agains wall body weight seconds relaxed shuffled again super odd also threw teddy head rolling am didnt mind much already awake wake am little cuddle chat get go toilet come back shes laying was get back bed her cuddle reaches across turn fan falls asleep laying top me fall asleep long wake around ish wasnt laying anymore instead rolled looking me turned head try find her spotted left went another cuddle muttered really wish couldve kissed lips pull awake looks eyes kiss lips first time well months amazing film scenes youve seen like that amazing pure loved much night finished even though didnt sex like hoped didnt care end interested spending time her know want fun started become sexually active rona hit long read youve made way want say thank you love all take care milf
[ "finally got spend entire night cuddling girlfriend im happy im shes happened yesterday girlfriend planning spend night together meant friends birthday party yesterday course boris new rule party got cancelled already planned gonna afterwards decided stickstaying night hers yesterday arrives im anxious fuckive got usual upset stomach pretty awful thoughts go alongside one doesnt want stay night following advice counsellor challenge thoughts end biting bullet sending message asking want stay night course silly donkey fast forward couple hours ive packed bag everything ill need pretty much ready go over ready hours meant headed over get usual hug soon opens door hug different wed extremely stressful week ill falling behind school work never less powered weekend go room lie bed arm wrapped waist head chest arrived werent really sure kill time cuddled next hours deep chats always appreciate find hard speak really am brush peoples questions instead really facing reality one point ended chatting best friend recently came biim super mega", "proud know hes got really supportive friendship group surrounding hes got bi girlfriend whos accepted im bi knows wont change thing feel her loads friends super caring supportive ended crying little ive able properly open anyone quite felt really shit guilty school eventually rolls around get hungry plan order pizza eat made slight alteration little brother came us pizza went local marina got back little dinner date which thankfully didnt end us sat outside house pizzas somebody forgot key thanks little bro went room cuddled more teased little bit couldnt much period started watching baby driver fantastic film mind you eventually gets tired decides wants sleep thats do tuck ourself in cuddle wrap arm around waist waiting moment half years finally happening finally cuddling night entire night main reason actually wrapped arm around waist provide comfort also know struggles sleeping sometimes wanted wake up wake several times throughout night time jerk awake slumber give kisses neck hold close falls asleep pretty quickly around am wakes up sits really hot bothered goes gets damp flannel starts trying cool down eventually curls bed sat foot bed facing door right reaches grabs hand squeezes squeeze back whisper love you dont know heard me didnt respond like think did couple minutes shes tossing turning eventually ends settling head thigh curled really tight ball gently stroking leg falls asleep next hour comes around am point knackered stopped awake hours event even whilst slept awake curl next wrap arm around her gets bit weird probably am shuffled away me thought mustve hot didnt follow left be suddenly shot back across bed pinning agains wall body weight seconds relaxed shuffled again super odd also threw teddy head rolling am didnt mind much already awake wake am little cuddle chat get go toilet come back shes laying was get back bed her cuddle reaches across turn fan falls asleep laying top me fall asleep long wake around ish wasnt laying anymore instead rolled looking me turned head try find her spotted left went another cuddle muttered really wish couldve kissed lips pull awake looks eyes kiss lips first time well months amazing film scenes youve seen like that amazing pure loved much night finished even though didnt sex like hoped didnt care end interested spending time her know want fun started become sexually active rona hit long read youve made way want say thank you love all take care milf" ]
Por fin se pasó toda la noche abrazando novia im feliz im ellas sucedió ayer novia planificación pasar la noche juntos significa amigos fiesta de cumpleaños ayer curso boris nueva fiesta regla se canceló ya planeada va a después decidido stickstaying noche ella ayer llega im ansiosa follada consiguió habitual malestar estómago bastante horrible pensamientos van junto a uno no quiere quedarse noche después consejo consejo desafío pensamientos fin morder bala enviar mensaje pidiendo quedarse noche curso tonto burro rápido adelante par de horas ive paquete bolsa todo mal necesario bastante listo ir sobre horas listas significa que se encabeza conseguir abrazo habitual pronto abre puerta abrazo diferente boda semana extremadamente estresante mal caer detrás del trabajo escolar nunca menos powered fin de semana ir habitación mentira cama brazo envuelto cintura pecho llegado no era realmente seguro matar tiempo acariciado las próximas horas conversaciones profundas siempre apreciar encontrar duro hablar realmente cepillo gente preguntas en cambio realmente cara realidad un punto terminó chatting mejor amigo recientemente vino biim super mega mega
aaaaand the nausea is back
[ "aaaaand the nausea is back" ]
aaaay la náusea está de vuelta
@SaSpotters @RayKK I've read about this. The worst I've had was depression on holiday when I couldn't work out properly for two weeks in a row. It wasn't as hectic as your situation, though. For me, rest was as important as the working out to achive my goals.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@SaSpotters @RayKK I've read about this.The worst I've had was depression on holiday when I couldn't work out properly for two weeks in a row.It wasn't as hectic as your situation, though.For me, rest was as important as the working out to achive my goals." ]
@SaSpotters @RayKK He leído sobre esto.Lo peor que he tenido fue depresión de vacaciones cuando no pude trabajar correctamente durante dos semanas seguidas.Sin embargo, no fue tan agitada como tu situación.Para mí, el descanso fue tan importante como trabajar para alcanzar mis metas.
get covid bad weve fucked world economy percent worlds population died it people arent dying massive numbers like people keep screaming about
[ "get covid bad weve fucked world economy percent worlds population died it people arent dying massive numbers like people keep screaming about" ]
get covid mal weve follada economía mundial porcentaje de la población mundos murió que la gente no están muriendo números masivos como la gente sigue gritando
know im going anyone help mei timedout uni student trying finish last days feeling negative anyone talk to even know id say even someone talk to feel like life cornered way out want drop mostly financial conditions maybe work music know viable career option know lifestyle really pay started working freelance even get many jobs currently im broke point food since yesterday surviving wish someone would kill one cant even pay that surprisingly however ive grown hide much people near clue im going inside last days getting feeling might fact last days know set achieve post figured maybe id it since nothing lose point
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know im going anyone help mei timedout uni student trying finish last days feeling negative anyone talk to even know id say even someone talk to feel like life cornered way out want drop mostly financial conditions maybe work music know viable career option know lifestyle really pay started working freelance even get many jobs currently im broke point food since yesterday surviving wish someone would kill one cant even pay that surprisingly however ive grown hide much people near clue im going inside last days getting feeling might fact last days know set achieve post figured maybe id it since nothing lose point" ]
know im going anyone help mei timedout uni student intenting finish lost days feeling negative nadie habla con ni siquiera know id id say incluso alguien habla para sentirse como la vida acorralada manera de salir quiere caer sobre todo las condiciones financieras tal vez la música del trabajo saben opción viable carrera saber estilo de vida realmente paga comenzó a trabajar independiente incluso conseguir muchos trabajos actualmente im punto roto comida desde ayer deseo de sobrevivir alguien mataría uno no puede incluso pagar que sorprendentemente sin embargo ha crecido ocultar mucha gente cerca de pista im ir dentro los últimos días conseguir sentimiento puede hecho los últimos días saber set lograr post figura tal vez desde nada perder punto
First tweet lets see how tweeter works out.
[ "First tweet lets see how tweeter works out." ]
El primer tweet permite ver cómo funciona el tweeter.
@CBCebulski you just made my day, YES!
[ "@CBCebulski you just made my day, YES!" ]
@CBCebulski acabas de hacer mi día, ¡Sí!
left school pursue career enjoy love partner want alivei left school take internship software company really enjoyed ended staying months later got job company overworked paid peanuts put it age flat living myself anyone elses standards well myself felt nothing owe parents copious amount money spending problems poor diet weight becoming problem real friends point feeling pretty down attributed mostly bad job had thought could fix getting another job did ive new job months now feeling worse enjoy career love partner particularly feel like alive either keep invasive thoughts waiting train public ill stand right safety line train approaches think jump it nobody cares anyway physically turn away track train stop myself similar thing crossing roads late ill see car approaching ill slow think go on hit me please feel like im following routine dayin dayout waiting finally die im scared know get this need talk things someone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "left school pursue career enjoy love partner want alivei left school take internship software company really enjoyed ended staying months later got job company overworked paid peanuts put it age flat living myself anyone elses standards well myself felt nothing owe parents copious amount money spending problems poor diet weight becoming problem real friends point feeling pretty down attributed mostly bad job had thought could fix getting another job did ive new job months now feeling worse enjoy career love partner particularly feel like alive either keep invasive thoughts waiting train public ill stand right safety line train approaches think jump it nobody cares anyway physically turn away track train stop myself similar thing crossing roads late ill see car approaching ill slow think go on hit me please feel like im following routine dayin dayout waiting finally dieim scared know get this need talk things someone" ]
Dejo la escuela perseguir carrera disfrutar pareja amor querer vivoi de la escuela tomar prácticas empresa de software realmente disfrutado terminó estancia meses después consiguió trabajo empresa sobretrabajado pago cacahuetes puso edad plana vivir yo mismo cualquier otra norma bien yo sentía nada debe padres copiosa cantidad dinero gasto problemas de dieta peso convertirse en problema amigos reales punto sentirse bastante mal atribuido mayormente trabajo había pensado podría arreglar conseguir otro trabajo live nuevo trabajo meses ahora sentirse peor disfrutar carrera pareja amor particularmente se siente como vivo o mantener pensamientos invasivos espera tren público mal pie derecha línea de seguridad tren enfoques pensar salto de todos modos físicamente volver a distancia tren parada de pista mí mismo similar cosa cruzando carreteras tarde mal ver coche acercarse mal lento pensar ir golpearme por favor se siente como im después rutina día en espera finalmente dieim miedo saber conseguir esta necesidad hablar cosas alguien
heres hoping someone relate well tonight night plan go birthday wednesday im waiting long im laying bed im writing feel fine almost peaceful wish better way way explain im feeling know right wrong know im ill dont see feel ending life wrong choice bad see feel opposite taking whats left away benifit people life may sound like heartless person bother family may upset all dont hate infact dont hate anyone parts really wish could hate others id probably better person did im trying play superhero either ive enough all cry alot feel things alot hurt everyday dont see point good reason get better ive accepted me im going talk im like know better anyone im ill fair dont think matter reasons wanting end life good enough reason familys point view fine understand that put words try explain someone understand pain real need death one things dont like alone time become self centred worry even others may think say you im going head town ive posted im already worrying strangers think look somehow convienve everyone hate me probably didnt even notice me lol silly isnt it im heavily religious woman always taught treat someone would want treated got absolutely nowhere im saying go treat others poorly encouraging bad behaviour take care number one one else will im terrible looking thats something im good at im good looking im even better depression dont know ive gone topic sure say started typing guess selfishly wanted acknowledge existance leave anyone wants talk anything id happy company today send message take care everglow
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "heres hoping someone relate well tonight night plan go birthday wednesday im waiting long im laying bed im writing feel fine almost peaceful wish better way way explain im feeling knowright wrong know im ill dont see feel ending life wrong choice bad see feel opposite taking whats left away benifit people life may sound like heartless person bother family may upset all dont hate infact dont hate anyone parts really wish could hate others id probably better person did im trying play superhero either ive enough all cry alot feel things alot hurt everyday dont see point good reason get better ive accepted me im going talkim like know better anyone im ill fair dont think matter reasons wanting end life good enough reason familys point view fine understand that put words try explain someone understand pain real need death one things dont like alone time become self centred worry even others may think say you im going head town ive posted im already worrying strangers think look somehow convienve everyone hate me probably didnt even notice me lol silly isnt it", "im heavily religious woman always taught treat someone would want treated got absolutely nowhere im saying go treat others poorly encouraging bad behaviour take care number one one else will im terrible looking thats something im good at im good looking imeven better depression dont know ive gone topic sure say started typing guess selfishly wanted acknowledge existance leave anyone wants talk anything id happy company today send message take care everglow" ]
Aquí espero que alguien se relacione bien esta noche plan de ir cumpleaños miércoles im espera largo im poner cama im escribir sentir bien deseo casi pacífico mejor manera de explicar mi sentir bien mal saber im mal ver sentir terminar la vida mal elegir mal ver sentir opuesto tomar lo que queda lejos benifit gente la vida puede sonar como persona sin corazón molestar a la familia puede molestar a todos no odio en hecho no odio a nadie partes realmente deseo podría odiar a otros id probablemente mejor persona hizo Im tratar de jugar superhéroe o bien llorar mucho sentir cosas mucho daño todos los días no ver punto buena razón conseguir mejor i going talkim como saber mejor nadie im mal justo no creo que las razones que quieren terminar la vida buena razón familias punto de vista bien entender que poner palabras tratar de explicar a alguien entender dolor real necesidad muerte una cosas no como solo el tiempo se centran en sí mismo preocupación incluso otros pueden pensar decir im ir a la ciudad en vivo posteado im ya preocupado extraños pensar mirar de alguna manera convienve todo el mundo odio probablemente ni siquiera me notó lol tonto es
Just one puff of cannabis 'could ease depression, stress and anxiety' - The Sun https://goo.gl/fb/WhxNCL 
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Just one puff of cannabis 'could ease depression, stress and anxiety' - The Sun https://goo.gl/fb/WhxNCLÂ" ]
Sólo una gota de cannabis "podría aliviar la depresión, el estrés y la ansiedad" - The Sun https://goo.gl/fb/WhxNCLÂ
fly like paper get high like planes u catch border got visas name
[ "fly like paper get high like planes u catch border got visas name" ]
volar como el papel conseguir alto como aviones u coger frontera consiguió visas nombre
hello friendsi struggled depression years lexapro years ithelped sort of still felt worthless tired sad irritable suicidal etc maybe took edge off however sexual side effects hard finish hard stay upfast forward year got better doctor decided add wellbutrin month like switch flipped still problems seem insurmountable especially felt past nice changenow question start weening lexapro sure ton side effects werenot ideal sure two meds working together wanted get thoughts backslidethanks medication opinions lexapro wellbutrin
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello friendsi struggled depression years lexapro years ithelped sort of still felt worthless tired sad irritable suicidal etc maybe took edge off however sexual side effects hard finish hard stay upfast forward year got better doctor decided add wellbutrin month like switch flipped still problems seem insurmountable especially felt past nice changenow question start weening lexapro sure ton side effects werenot ideal sure two meds working together wanted get thoughts backslidethanks medication opinions lexapro wellbutrin" ]
hello friendsi luchado depresión años lexapro años ayudó a una especie de todavía sin valor cansado triste irritable suicida etc tal vez tomó ventaja sin embargo efectos secundarios sexuales duro final duro estancia rápido hacia adelante año consiguió mejor médico decidió añadir bienbutrina mes como interruptor encendido todavía los problemas parecen insuperables especialmente sentido pasado agradable cambioahora pregunta empezar a weening lexapro seguro ton efectos secundarios no eran ideales seguro dos medicamentos trabajando juntos quería tener pensamientos backslidegracias opiniones medicamentos lexapro wellburin
hey one days miss you wish right now wanted share emotions understand me sadly situation allow it probably think betrayed you bothering first place feed energy okay know do need words peace manage read this tho doubt never will want peace soulmate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hey one days miss you wish right now wanted share emotions understand me sadly situation allow it probably think betrayed you bothering first place feed energyokay know do need words peace manage read this tho doubt never will want peace soulmate" ]
Oye, un día, señorita, desearías querer compartir emociones, entiéndeme tristemente la situación, que probablemente creas que te traicionó molestando el primer lugar.
uselesshonestly point anymore im tired weak unproductive feel legitimate pain entire wake up cant even put words everyday alone head thats flooded toxic thoughts starve everyday try make happy cant even look mirror anymore want cut skin disgusted myself ive grown hate much becoming unbearable everyday tell going get better never does im constantly dissociating feel like ive lost entire grasp reality january significant committed redflag painful thing go through hate sleeping every night always dream it always felt like sleep best escape anymore im haunted memories every day want happy again want love again point dont think possible
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "uselesshonestly point anymore im tired weak unproductive feel legitimate pain entire wake up cant even put words everyday alone head thats flooded toxic thoughts starve everyday try make happy cant even look mirror anymore want cut skin disgusted myself ive grown hate much becoming unbearable everyday tell going get better never does im constantly dissociating feel like ive lost entire grasp reality january significant committed redflag painful thing go through hate sleeping every night always dream it always felt like sleep best escape anymore im haunted memories every day want happy again want love again point dont think possible" ]
InútilSinceramente punto más estoy cansado débil improductivo sentir dolor legítimo entero despertar no puedo incluso poner palabras todos los días solo cabeza que se inunda pensamientos tóxicos hambre diario tratar de hacer feliz cant incluso mirar espejo más quiero cortar la piel asqueado yo mismo ive adulto odio mucho llegar a ser insoportable cada día decir va a mejorar nunca es constantemente disociarse sentir como ive perdido toda la comprensión realidad January significativo cometido mancha roja cosa dolorosa pasar por el odio dormir cada noche siempre sueño siempre se sintió como sueño mejor escapar más im recuerdos embrujados cada día quiero feliz otra vez quiero amor otra vez punto no creo posible
want here going change mind fucking hard reflect note gotten worse see evidence life better going bei want anymore want over
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want here going change mind fucking hard reflect note gotten worse see evidence life better going bei want anymore want over" ]
quiero aquí va a cambiar de opinión mierda reflexión dura nota se puso peor ver evidencia vida mejor va bei quiere más quieren más
hate free speech hate it like someone walk like ass total vine energy take that theyre protected law
[ "hate free speech hate it like someone walk like ass total vine energy take that theyre protected law" ]
odio la libertad de expresión odio como alguien camina como culo energía total de la vid tomar que son leyes protegidas
justify livingi cant seem justify continue living th attempt university yet again going shitter wasted tens thousands dollars parents money cant it eating disorders ruled life years long mentalphysical health shambles live state almost friends family person think staying so also state thing kept alive past year becoming chore even stay alive him family hometown friends fine dealt redflags past cant validate living almost everyday feels like torture theres light tunnel tend good days average per week meanwhile rest existence obligation comfort others help please edit good days fighting unidentifiable depression sadness real depression like pulled dark abyss without knowing chosen sink nothing reason
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "justify livingi cant seem justify continue living th attempt university yet again going shitter wasted tens thousands dollars parents money cant it eating disorders ruled life years long mentalphysical health shambles live state almost friends family person think staying so also state thing kept alive past year becoming chore even stay alive him family hometown friends fine dealt redflags past cant validate living almost everyday feels like torture theres light tunnel tend good days average per week meanwhile rest existence obligation comfort others help please edit good days fighting unidentifiable depression sadness real depression like pulled dark abyss without knowing chosen sink nothing reason" ]
justificar livingi no puede parecer justificar seguir viviendo th intento universidad una vez más ir mierda desperdiciado decenas miles de dólares padres dinero no lo puede comer trastornos gobernados vida años largo salud mentalfísica destrozos vivir estado casi amigos familia persona pensar permanecer así también estado cosa mantenido vivo año pasado convertirse en tareas incluso mantenerse vivo familia ciudad natal amigos finos trato pasado cant validar vivir casi todos los días se siente como tortura Theres luz túnel tienden buenos días promedio por semana mientras tanto descanso existencia obligación consuelo otros ayudan por favor editar buenos días lucha contra la depresión no identificable tristeza real depresión como tiró abismo oscuro sin saber elegido hundir nada razón
@therealTiffany lol make sure ur drawer spits ur shorts back out cause u'll need em wen u come 2 Hawaii LOL so hot & humid blah!! rock on
[ "@therealTiffany lol make sure ur drawer spits ur shorts back out cause u'll need em wen u come 2 Hawaii LOL so hot & humid blah!!rock on" ]
@therealTiffany lol asegúrese de que su cajón escupe sus pantalones cortos hacia fuera porque usted necesitará em wen u ven 2 Hawaii LOL tan caliente & blah húmedo!!rock encendido
im slowly killing living sedentary lifestyle possiblehopefully heart attack claim soon enough
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im slowly killing living sedentary lifestyle possiblehopefully heart attack claim soon enough" ]
Es posible matar lentamente el estilo de vida sedentario.
@AngelaWilson I have to convince myself to cook them. The Italian food is research for a story
[ "@AngelaWilson I have to convince myself to cook them.The Italian food is research for a story" ]
@AngelaWilson Tengo que convencerme a mí mismo para cocinarlos.La comida italiana es la investigación para una historia
Themes revolved around tragedy, death, anxiety, depression, suicide, tough relationships, and other issues that are so very relevant, so very current.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Themes revolved around tragedy, death, anxiety, depression, suicide, tough relationships, and other issues that are so very relevant, so very current." ]
Los temas giraban en torno a la tragedia, la muerte, la ansiedad, la depresión, el suicidio, las relaciones difíciles y otros temas que son tan relevantes, tan actuales.
im tired waking upim tired waking faking ok
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tired waking upim tired waking faking ok" ]
Me cansé de despertarme cansado de despertarme fingiendo ok
cried first time todayi suicidal thoughts while realized easily could could make easier mom like calling cops gets work doesnt see like that realized quickly could go broke front mirror wasnt much sadness realization overwhelmed me even notes ready send loved ones barriers put place stop thinking thoughts disappearing quickly dont even feel much pain anymore empty
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cried first time todayi suicidal thoughts while realized easily could could make easier mom like calling cops gets work doesnt see like that realized quickly could go broke front mirror wasnt much sadness realization overwhelmed me even notes ready send loved ones barriers put place stop thinking thoughts disappearing quickly dont even feel much pain anymore empty" ]
lloraba la primera vez hoy pensamientos suicidas mientras se daba cuenta fácilmente podría hacer más fácil mamá como llamar policías consigue trabajo no ve como que se dio cuenta rápidamente podría ir roto espejo frontal no era mucha tristeza la realización me abruma incluso notas listos enviar seres queridos barreras poner lugar dejar de pensar pensamientos desaparecer rápidamente ni siquiera sentir mucho dolor vacío
anyone conversation im really bored rn hmu ig
[ "anyone conversation im really bored rn hmu ig" ]
cualquier conversación im realmente aburrido rn hmu ig
Writting a song is like making a baby haha lalala
[ "Writting a song is like making a baby haha lalala" ]
Escribir una canción es como hacer un bebé jaja lalala
cant afford real therapy free therapy infrequent unhelpful helpwhat do feel trapped terms options free alternatives right inconsistent cancel reschedule im way fucked see someone month
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant afford real therapy free therapy infrequent unhelpful helpwhat do feel trapped terms options free alternatives right inconsistent cancel reschedule im way fucked see someone month" ]
no puedo permitirme terapia real terapia gratuita infrecuente ayuda inútil lo que se siente atrapado términos opciones alternativas libres derecho incoherente cancelación reprogramar im manera follada ver a alguien mes
hi everyone i find myself in a sad situation and i can t really seem to be able to find a way out or support so i thought i could write about it here i m 0 and moved to study abroad month ago i love college and i love what i do i am fairly aware i am privileged in more way than one and that i should be happy about it but it s not enough when i left i tried my best to leave everything behind a much a i could because i know i will never live in my home country again and that s sort of the goal anyways a someone who ha generalized anxiety overall i am also aware that this wa a very big step in itself i have been struggling with depression and anxiety that also take toll on my physical health from time to time since i moved but everything got worse a few week ago i had a week long break from university and i forced myself not to go home so i can be more accustomed to living here the problem wa that i barely went out for week being too anxious to do so and also my neighbour and friend wa also visiting her home country i felt very alone and isolated now i started college again and i realise every day how stupid that wa and i m stuck on wanting to turn back time which i know is impossible i cry every day i wish to go home and i have major problem performing at university i honestly don t know what to do i feel hopeless and alone if anyone ha any advice i would really appreciate it thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi everyone i find myself in a sad situation and i can t really seem to be able to find a way out or support so i thought i could write about it herei m 0 and moved to study abroad month ago i love college and i love what i do i am fairly aware i am privileged in more way than one and that i should be happy about itbut it s not enough when i left i tried my best to leave everything behind a much a i could because i know i will never live in my home country again and that s sort of the goal anyways a someone who ha generalized anxiety overall i am also aware that this wa a very big step in itself i have been struggling with depression and anxiety that also take toll on my physical health from time to time since i movedbut everything got worse a few week ago i had a week long break from university and i forced myself not to go homeso i can be more accustomed to living here the problem wa that i barely went out for week being too anxious to do so and also my neighbour and friend wa also visiting her home country i felt very alone and isolated now i started college againand i realise every dayhow stupid that wa", "and i m stuck on wanting to turn back time which i know is impossible i cry every day i wish to go homeand i have major problem performing at university i honestly dont know what to do i feel hopeless and alone if anyone ha any advice i would really appreciate it thank you" ]
Hola a todos me encuentro en una situación triste y no puedo realmente parecer ser capaz de encontrar una manera de salir o apoyar así que pensé que podría escribir sobre ello aquí m 0 y me mudé a estudiar en el extranjero hace un mes me encanta la universidad y me encanta lo que hago soy bastante consciente de que soy privilegiado en más de una manera y que debería estar feliz por ello, pero no es suficiente cuando me fui he intentado mi mejor esfuerzo para dejar todo detrás de un mucho que podría porque sé que nunca voy a vivir en mi país de origen de nuevo y que es una especie de objetivo de todos modos una persona que ha generalizado la ansiedad en general también soy consciente de que este wa un gran paso en sí mismo he estado luchando con depresión y ansiedad que también tiene un costo en mi salud física de vez en cuando desde que me mudé pero todo se puso peor hace unas semanas que tenía una semana de descanso largo de la universidad y me forcé a no ir a casa yo puedo estar más acostumbrado a vivir aquí el problema wa que apenas salí por semana siendo demasiado ansioso para hacerlo y también mi vecino y amigo wa visitar su país de origen me sentí muy solo y aislado ahora me di cuenta de nuevo universidad y me di cuenta de que cada día
lost everything on laptop won t be able to cg anything properly untl about
[ "lost everything on laptop won t be able to cg anything properly untl about" ]
perdido todo en laptop no será capaz de cg cualquier cosa correctamente untl sobre
visited sleeper agent tired got couch him
[ "visited sleeper agent tired got couch him" ]
visitaron al agente durmiente cansado lo puso en el sofá
so i ve been working steadily since i wa i m now i ve been dealing with anxiety panic disorder the entire time i used to have it mostly under control enough that it didn t usually affect my work social life etc but it ha gotten really bad i ve been calling in sick a lot i worked a five hour shift yesterday and i wa having a panic attack by the time my gf picked me up i just don t think i m physically or mentally capable of working right now but i have rent to pay and i can t afford to be unemployed so i m wondering if anybody here ha gotten disability assistance for their anxiety panic attack and how i might go about doing that
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "so i ve been working steadily since i wa i m now i ve been dealing with anxiety panic disorder the entire time i used to have it mostly under control enough that it didn t usually affect my work social life etcbut it ha gotten really bad i ve been calling in sick a lot i worked a five hour shift yesterday and i wa having a panic attack by the time my gf picked me up i just don t think i m physically or mentally capable of working right nowbut i have rent to payand i can t afford to be unemployed so i m wondering if anybody here ha gotten disability assistance for their anxiety panic attack and how i might go about doing that" ]
Así que he estado trabajando constantemente desde que estoy ahora he estado lidiando con trastorno de pánico ansiedad todo el tiempo que solía tener mayormente bajo control lo suficiente como para que no afectara mi vida social de trabajo etc pero se ha puesto muy mal he estado llamando en enfermo mucho he trabajado un turno de cinco horas ayer y voy a tener un ataque de pánico para el momento en que mi gf me recogió yo sólo no creo que soy física o mentalmente capaz de trabajar ahora mismo pero tengo renta para pagar y no puedo permitirme el lujo de estar desempleado así que me pregunto si alguien aquí ha conseguido asistencia por discapacidad para su ataque de pánico ansiedad y cómo podría ir haciendo eso
keep living small portion life happinessyeah know cliche overthought understand keep going sure theres things life fun majority life working exhausting myself stressed or least im told want live fun life forever die everytime mention idea get shot saying cant live like cant fun life time keep going cant enjoy life every day stressed exhausted every day live sprinkle happiness pool full stress sorrow im stuck school every day wake get back home exhausted procrastinate hours left day away go sleep cycle starts again im also expected work weekends wheres life going im told need future get good job struggle financially ill stuck another routine potentially working overtime exhausted shit get told thats life deal it maybe want deal want die cons outweigh pros
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep living small portion life happinessyeahknow cliche overthought understand keep going sure theres things life fun majority life working exhausting myself stressed or least im told want live fun life forever die everytime mention idea get shot saying cant live like cant fun life time keep going cant enjoy life every day stressed exhausted every day live sprinkle happiness pool full stress sorrow im stuck school every day wake get back home exhausted procrastinate hours left day away go sleep cycle starts again im also expected work weekends wheres life going im told need future get good job struggle financially ill stuck another routine potentially working overtime exhausted shit get told thats life deal it maybe want deal want die cons outweigh pros" ]
keep living small part life happyyeahknow cliche overthought entended keep going certain theres life fun life working agotador yo mismo estresado o menos im cont want live fun life para siempre die everytime mention idea get shot get live live like cant fun live time time go got got got life journal live live strested live live live live pool live stretched live pool full stressty smacked smacked small small small small small small small wasmall hours small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small small s small s s s s s small s s s s smallsmall small small small small s small
cant get ph cuz vote im illegal here wtf ph went told ph let unless vote kick polling place
[ "cant get ph cuz vote im illegal here wtf ph went told ph let unless vote kick polling place" ]
No puedo conseguir ph cuz vote im ilegal aquí wtf ph got ph before ph before a menos que el voto patear el lugar de votación
theekween depression and anxiety thelmasherbs
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "theekween depression and anxiety thelmasherbs" ]
theekween depresión y ansiedad thelmasherbs
top text utter fool thought going say bottom text played good sir lady now watch thishttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq
[ "top text utter fool thought going say bottom text played good sir lady now watch thishttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq" ]
Texto superior absoluto tonto pensamiento va a decir texto inferior jugado bien señora ahora ver estohttpswwwyoutubecomwatchvdqwwwgxcq
life truly shittyi single friend neither online physical thus make human interaction except ordering food saying thanks loland even though im stupid failed classes procrastination anxiety life get even worse ill go back shitty country ill live like prisoner even without friends academic success feel happy bald eagle country freedom things see do til age thought normal smart kid bright future realize socially inept boring slow sad person exceptional way keeps letting parents seriously wasted parents effort sending college america family already extremely poor wasted much hard earned money honestly want disappear erase everyone elses memory me end one societys robots in fact defective robot whos failing function existence impact world like ill never like newton mozart elon musk left legacy history actually positively influenced human kind guess life punishment whatever previous life wanna live joy eating internet anything productive improves person even gained back kg lost see writing ability like mentally challenged persons autistic anything related disabled
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life truly shittyi single friend neither online physical thus make human interaction except ordering food saying thanks loland even though im stupid failed classes procrastination anxiety life get even worse ill go back shitty country ill live like prisoner even without friends academic success feel happy bald eagle country freedom things see do til age thought normal smart kid bright future realize socially inept boring slow sad person exceptional way keeps letting parents seriously wasted parents effort sending college america family already extremely poor wasted much hard earned money honestly want disappear erase everyone elses memory me end one societys robots in fact defective robot whos failing function existence impact world like ill never like newton mozart elon musk left legacy history actually positively influenced human kind guess life punishment whatever previous life wanna live joy eating internet anything productive improves person even gained back kg lost see writing ability like mentally challenged persons autistic anything related disabled" ]
vida verdaderamente mierda solo amigo ni en línea físico por lo tanto hacer interacción humana excepto ordenar comida diciendo gracias Loland a pesar de clases estúpidas fracasados postrastinación ansiedad vida conseguir incluso peor mal volver mierda país enfermo vivir como prisionero incluso sin amigos éxito académico sentir feliz águila calva país libertad cosas ver hasta la edad pensar normal niño inteligente brillante futuro realizar socialmente aburrido lento triste persona excepcional manera sigue dejando padres seriamente desperdiciado esfuerzo padres enviar universidad América familia ya extremadamente pobre perdido mucho dinero ganado honestamente quieren desaparecer borrar todos los demás memoria me acaba una sociedad robots defectuosas de hecho robot que faltó existencia impacto mundo como enfermo nunca como newton mozart elon musk legado historia en realidad positivamente influenciado humano tipo adivinar castigo de vida lo que sea que la vida anterior quiere vivir alegría comer Internet cualquier cosa productivo mejora persona incluso ganado kg perdido ver capacidad de escritura como personas mentalmente desafiadas autista cualquier cosa relacionada discapacitados
fuck following why like im legit curious mist know im lasagna tonight fucking delicious doing feeling way
[ "fuck following why like im legit curious mist know im lasagna tonightfucking delicious doing feeling way" ]
Follar siguiendo por qué como mi legítima curiosa neblina conocer im lasagna esta noche follando deliciosa haciendo sentir de la manera
discord server howdy anyones interested joining discord server please dm me pretty chill mostly place bored people hang out open suggestions mods pretty nice ask role bot something thanks great day
[ "discord server howdy anyones interested joining discord server please dm me pretty chill mostly place bored people hang out open suggestions mods pretty nice ask role bot something thanks great day" ]
servidor de discordia ¿Cómo alguien interesado en unirse a servidor de discordia por favor me bastante frío lugar aburrido gente pasar el rato sugerencias abiertas mods bastante agradable preguntar rol bot algo gracias gran día
anybody want talk im m horny guys begone im girl lol id rather tbh idc enough dm filler filler filler filler
[ "anybody want talk im m horny guys begone im girl lol id rather tbh idc enough dm filler filler filler filler" ]
cualquiera quiere hablar im m caliente chicos se van im chica lol id más bien tbh idc suficiente relleno relleno relleno relleno
@PawanKalyan @PenMen06 Dark depression anthey spider Anna... Agynaathavaasi core depression and daridram
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@PawanKalyan @PenMen06Dark depression anthey spider Anna...Agynaathavaasi core depression and daridram" ]
@PawanKalyan @PenMen06Depresión oscura anthey araña Anna...Depresión del núcleo de Agynaathavaasi y daridram
dajbelshaw sound like my every day except gym
[ "dajbelshaw sound like my every day except gym" ]
Dajbelshaw suena como mi todos los días excepto el gimnasio
give reason hopefulhonestly hopeful ill ever feel better person get feeling way me im fargone get own yet one life able help me even though already reached help hopeful thing change me unable fuck hopeful everytime hear someone say just hold onto hope something feel sick feel insulted would ask someone doesnt drop hope left hope hope isnt possible depression ripped everything meaningful existance replaced misery seriously someone come tell hope want someone tell me please id love get secret
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "give reason hopefulhonestly hopeful ill ever feel better person get feeling way meim fargone get own yet one life able help me even though already reached help hopeful thing change me unable fuck hopeful everytime hear someone say just hold onto hope something feel sick feel insulted would ask someone doesnt drop hope left hope hope isnt possible depression ripped everything meaningful existance replaced misery seriously someone come tell hope want someone tell me please id love get secret" ]
da razón esperanzadorhonestly esperanzador mal siempre sentir mejor persona se siente como meim fargove conseguir propia sin embargo una vida capaz de ayudarme a pesar de que ya alcanzado ayuda esperanza cosa cambiarme incapaz de follar esperanza cada vez que alguien dice sólo mantener la esperanza algo se siente mal se siente insultado le preguntaría a alguien no cae esperanza izquierda esperanza esperanza no es posible depresión rasgó todo existencia significativa substituyó miseria seriamente alguien viene decir esperanza quiere que alguien me diga por favor id amor conseguir secreto
really like someone suicidal thoughts meaningless relationshipim year old guy last year ive gradually come really like girl ive working seeing everyday gotten know well always got impression unhappy popular girl lot extroverted friends goes lot them however seems introverted gives impression cold which think is decided tell felt long time want make working awkward also ended getting back ex bf half way work placement together end placement decided would tell felt hope honest could find happy not ends telling suicidal thoughts certain days really considered commiting redflag also said believed true happiness exist said boyfriend thats way things were thats placed subsequently tried getting talk it told whilst night out wanted talk face face day ended seeing every week next month two nights out conversation would take place eventually told text wanted see following afternoon id wait outside clock tower nearby live would understand turn up ended waiting rain hour turn up saw weeks later night out said needed time think month since then think going get back me problem is told people this said one them friend treated like weirdo suicidal thoughts her bf really anything it hoping would get better im assuming so continue pursue this seeing one else knows trying talk herhelp her let go try move on considering reluctant talk also feelings her tldr girl like suicidal thoughts told two people helped them reluctant talk it stay try help leave it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really like someone suicidal thoughts meaningless relationshipim year old guy last year ive gradually come really like girl ive working seeing everyday gotten knowwell always got impression unhappy popular girl lot extroverted friends goes lot them however seems introverted gives impression cold which think is decided tell felt long time want make working awkward also ended getting back ex bf half way work placement together end placement decided would tell felt hope honest could find happy not ends telling suicidal thoughts certain days really considered commiting redflag also said believed true happiness exist said boyfriend thats way things were thats placed subsequently tried getting talk", "it told whilst night out wanted talk face face day ended seeing every week next month two nights out conversation would take place eventually told text wanted see following afternoon id wait outside clock tower nearby live would understand turn up ended waiting rain hour turn up saw weeks later night out said needed time think month since then think going get back me problem is told people this said one them friend treated like weirdo suicidal thoughts her bf really anything it hoping would get better im assuming so continue pursue this seeing one else knows trying talk herhelp her let go try move on considering reluctant talk also feelings her tldr girl like suicidal thoughts told two people helped them reluctant talk it stay tryhelp leave it" ]
realmente como alguien pensamientos suicidas relación sin sentido chico el año pasado con vida poco a poco venir realmente como la chica con vida trabajo ver todos los días se conoce bien siempre se tiene impresión infeliz chica popular lote extrovertido amigos va mucho ellos sin embargo parece introvertido da impresión frío que piensa se decide decir se sintió mucho tiempo querer hacer trabajo incómodo también terminó volver ex bf medio camino trabajo colocación juntos final decisión se diría sentido esperanza honesto podría encontrar feliz no termina diciendo pensamientos suicidas ciertos días realmente considerado comisión Redflag también dijo cree que existe verdadera felicidad dijo novio que la forma en que las cosas fueron colocados posteriormente trató de conseguir hablar
knowim exhausted every sense word im burden everyone life friends talk im feeling except boyfriend bless heart trying much even feel like im bothering people shit want end everything know would hurt boyfriend grandparents brother mom feel guilty punish one way another whether conscious not feel guilty everything feel guilty existing feel guilty wanting exist im stuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "knowim exhausted every sense word im burden everyone life friends talk im feeling except boyfriend bless heart trying much even feel like im bothering people shit want end everything know would hurt boyfriend grandparents brother mom feel guilty punish one way another whether conscious not feel guilty everything feel guilty existing feel guilty wanting existim stuck" ]
knowim agotado cada sentido palabra im carga todos vida amigos hablar Im sentimiento excepto novio bendice corazón tratando mucho incluso se siente como molesto gente mierda quieren terminar todo lo que saben lastimar novio abuelos hermano mamá se siente culpable castigar de una manera otra si consciente no se siente culpable todo se siente culpable existente sentir culpable existim pegado
hi i m m i m pretty sure i have depression im sad literally all the time and i just wanted to explain a lot to get some feedback sorry if it s too much so im around 0 0lbs and ft so im fat no girl ever liked or like me i don t like myself i don t look good in clothes nothing i have a loving family but i feel so alone i constantly think about what it would be like to be a normal weight and have people actually like me i stay awake until am and wake up too tired to stay awake in school or on weekend i wake up at like or i ve been going to the gym day a week with my friend lost lb hopefully this help me shed the weight but even though i count calorie i constantly eat unhealthy or fast food i feel like i m a failure to my friend and family i had this girl who i talked to for many year her and i were very close and she finally pushed me away i constantly wonder if maybe i would still be close with her if i wa a normal weight i have no motivation and i can t cry anymore i try but it just doesn t come out i have nobody to tell all this a when i try they say it s too depressing and they don t want to talk about it anymore even though all this is going on i don t have any intention or even the slightest thought of suicide or self harm i just want to be normal and loved
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi i m mi m pretty sure i have depression im sad literally all the timeand i just wanted to explain a lot to get some feedback sorry if it s too much so im around 00lbs and ftso im fatno girl ever liked or like me i don t like myselfi don t look good in clothes nothing i have a loving familybut i feel so alone i constantly think about what it would be like to be a normal weight and have people actually like me i stay awake until am and wake up too tired to stay awake in school or on weekend i wake up at like or i ve been going to the gym day a week with my friend lost lb hopefully this help me shed the weight but even though i count calorie i constantly eat unhealthy or fast food i feel like i m a failure to my friend and family i had this girl who i talked to for many year herand i were very closeand she finally pushed me away i constantly wonder if maybe i would still be close with her if i wa a normal weight i have no motivation and i can t cry anymore i try", "but it just doesn t come out i have nobody to tell all this a when i try they say it s too depressing and they don t want to talk about it anymore even though all this is going on i don t have any intention or even the slightest thought of suicide or self harm i just want to be normal and loved" ]
Hola m mi m bastante seguro tengo depresión im triste literalmente todo el tiempo y sólo quería explicar mucho para obtener algunos comentarios lo siento si es demasiado im alrededor de 00lbs y ftso im fatno chica nunca me gustó o me gusta no me gusta me no me veo bien en ropa nada tengo una familia amorosa pero me siento tan solo constantemente pienso en lo que sería como ser un peso normal y tener gente como yo me quedo despierto hasta que estoy y me despierto demasiado cansado para permanecer despierto en la escuela o el fin de semana me desperté como o he estado yendo al gimnasio día de la semana con mi amigo perdido lb espero que esto me ayude a perder el peso, pero a pesar de que cuento calorías constantemente como malsano o comida rápida me siento como si fuera un fracaso a mi amigo y familia tuve esta chica con la que hablé durante muchos años ella y estuve muy cerca y finalmente me empujó lejos constantemente me pregunto si tal vez todavía estaría cerca de ella si yo fuera un peso normal no tengo motivación y ya no puedo llorar
@ddlovato where are you doing your vacation?
[ "@ddlovato where are you doing your vacation?" ]
@ddlovato ¿dónde estás haciendo tus vacaciones?
darkened jade yep work started badly and ha gone rapidly downhill story of my life to be honest
[ "darkened jade yep work started badly and ha gone rapidly downhill story of my life to be honest" ]
El trabajo de jade yep oscurecido comenzó mal y ha ido rápidamente cuesta abajo historia de mi vida para ser honesto
out here in boston, chillin.. bout to hit up renthum (sp?) today and check out that gucci, coach, and whatever else stores they got
[ "out here in boston, chillin.. bout to hit up renthum (sp?) today and check out that gucci, coach, and whatever else stores they got" ]
Aquí en Boston, Chillin... a punto de llegar a Renthum (sp?) hoy y comprobar que Gucci, entrenador, y cualquier otra tienda que tienen
I found out today that I get to fly to HK again.....weee me so happy
[ "I found out today that I get to fly to HK again.....weee me so happy" ]
Hoy descubrí que puedo volar a HK de nuevo... me he quedado tan feliz.
@secretsocietydi hope urs is great too.... dont spend all that cash
[ "@secretsocietydi hope urs is great too....dont spend all that cash" ]
@secretsocietydi esperanza urs es grande también .... no gaste todo ese dinero