shoulda stayed wathis city almost fucking disgusting people
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "shoulda stayed wathis city almost fucking disgusting people" ]
debería haber permanecido wathis ciudad casi mierda gente repugnante
Good summer tune, to bring you up http://bit.ly/19l6Ok
[ "Good summer tune, to bring you up http://bit.ly/19l6Ok" ]
Buena canción de verano, para sacarte a relucir http://bit.ly/19l6Ok
emmaketurah i m sorry emma is swarley a goldfish i m sad for u
[ "emmaketurah i m sorry emma is swarley a goldfish i m sad for u" ]
emmaketurah lo siento emma es swarley un pez dorado i m triste para u
aight give love girls like me wants femboy friend instead
[ "aight give love girls like me wants femboy friend instead" ]
aight dar amor chicas como yo quiere femboy amigo en su lugar
overwhelmed hopelesschristmas kid gamble safety net income tax refund safety net tapped years due transmission repair summer im behind rent electric days loans months car needed brake work tires tune maybe refund cover it im still behind sure ill dig enough stay water next right next going drown me hate living constant uncertainty get happy place experience got failed marriage sure ill things finally give hopefully painless years long enough
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "overwhelmed hopelesschristmas kid gamble safety net income tax refund safety net tapped years due transmission repair summer im behind rent electric days loans months car needed brake work tires tune maybe refund cover itim still behind sureill dig enough stay water next right next going drown me hate living constant uncertainty get happy place experience got failed marriage sure ill things finally give hopefully painless years long enough" ]
abrumado sightlesschristmas niño juego de seguridad red de impuestos de reembolso de seguridad red de seguridad años explotados debido reparación de la transmisión verano im detrás de alquiler días eléctricos préstamos meses coche necesario trabajo de freno neumáticos sintonía tal vez reembolso cubrir itim todavía detrás de seguro cavar suficiente agua siguiente a la derecha va ahogarme vivir constante incertidumbre conseguir feliz experiencia lugar fallido matrimonio seguro mal cosas finalmente dar esperanza años sin dolor suficiente
want dress like cartoon pimp one would disrespect ever again especially one bitches
[ "want dress like cartoon pimp one would disrespect ever again especially one bitches" ]
quiero vestido como chulo de dibujos animados uno faltaría al respeto de nuevo especialmente una perras
le plus dangereux au lyc e c est pa la d pression ou le suicide mais c est clairement se faire sucer dans le couloirs
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "le plus dangereux au lyc e c est pa la d pression ou le suicide mais c est clairement se faire sucer dans le couloirs" ]
le plus dangereux au lyc e c est pa la d opression ou le suicide mais c est clairement se faire sucer dans le couloirs
spencer is not a good guy
[ "spencer is not a good guy" ]
Spencer no es un buen tipo.
... and lastly vlogging in response to responses
[ "... and lastly vlogging in response to responses" ]
... y por último vlogging en respuesta a las respuestas
listen song httpsyoutubeeaeiafutyu
[ "listen song httpsyoutubeeaeiafutyu" ]
escuchar canción httpsyoutubeeaeaafutyu
feel like life simulation made sick entity wants see long takes people kill themselvesi know im right sub im suicidal suicidal thoughts lately sometimes feel like sick entity experimenting me like trying see long take commit redflag sometimes moments hopehappy moments last long feel like entity giving false hope takes away make lose shit put edge anyone else feel way
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like life simulation made sick entity wants see long takes people kill themselvesi know imright subim suicidal suicidal thoughts lately sometimes feel like sick entity experimenting me like trying see long take commit redflag sometimes moments hopehappy moments last long feel like entity giving false hope takes away make lose shit put edge anyone else feel way" ]
Se siente como la simulación de la vida hecho entidad enferma quiere ver toma mucho tiempo la gente se mata sé imright subim suicida suicida pensamientos últimamente a veces se siente como entidad enferma experimentarme como tratar de ver largo toma comisión bandera roja a veces momentos esperanzados momentos pasados largo se siente como entidad dando falsa esperanza quita hacer perder mierda puso borde a alguien se siente de la manera
helpfor past year ive writing dates thought committing redflag enough dates make month dates really thought killing myself thought getting car running wall full speed freeway lot more wonder people would affect reason cant help feel would make lives easier im confused ive begun hate dont want go back way days hope wake next morning dont want live pain regret feel cant talk anyone try see talk redflag end day feel alone im fighting myself dates become consistent yelling something cant wrap around feeling happy again dont know do someone please help me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "helpfor past year ive writing dates thought committing redflag enough dates make month dates really thought killing myself thought getting car running wall full speed freeway lot more wonder people would affect reason cant help feel would make lives easier im confusedive begun hate dont want go back way days hope wake next morning dont want live pain regret feel cant talk anyone try see talk redflag end day feel alone im fighting myself dates become consistent yelling something cant wrap around feeling happy again dont know do someone please help me" ]
helpfor el año pasado ive writing dates pense cometing redflag suficientes fechas hacen que las fechas del mes realmente pensé matarme pensé conseguir coche corriendo pared a toda velocidad autopista mucho más maravilla la gente afectaría razón no puede ayudar a sentir haría las vidas más fáciles im confuso comenzado odio no quiero volver atrás días esperanza despertar la mañana siguiente no quiero vivir dolor pesar sentir no se puede hablar nadie tratar de ver hablar redflag final día se siente solo im luchar conmigo mismo fechas llegar a ser consistente gritando algo no puede envolverse alrededor sentirse feliz otra vez no sé alguien por favor ayudarme
think says lot pm conversations ive started ones anxiety freaking might upset someone years reddit cant think maybe exception majority convos started people
[ "think says lot pm conversations ive started ones anxiety freaking might upset someone years reddit cant think maybe exception majority convos started people" ]
Creo que dice muchas conversaciones pm ive comenzó uno ansiedad maldito podría molestar a alguien años reddit no puede pensar que tal vez excepción mayoría convos comenzó gente
life joke think people would better without mehi everyone name max im sixteen first post reddit may last one ive depressed really long time think time get rid ending life friends lack social skills spend every day playing video games watching social media avoid emptiness people know think im stupid lazy weird im afraid idea speak people think relate every time try say something usually connect other see loss time especially got enough money cant hang regularly always wanted express self way dress dad never gave opportunity choose want feel comfortable clothe wear hate people get wrong idea really like dress that people often reject way look make fun me parents care much feel theyre busy theyve never asked feel would like do know much education even talk ive never girlfriend im shy strange people interesting hobbies could get attention girls ignore time all anything special also cant anything without ruining it math music english hella nightmare cant anything right without committing stupid errors used good school seems like get dumber year sleep well anxiety depression harassing every night watch youtube videos get exhausted finally fall asleep nobody takes seriously im joke classmates teachers think im funny speak strange accent every time teacher orders us make groups activity class often leave alone cant like everyone expects be im different are feels like born another culture im colombia believe say cant relate them act like kind american european people do mean take things seriously prefer bother anything let things happen also music listen to movies watch language prefer speak way different do would like move us family cant afford it special talent something else actually nothing could make feel meaningful every day feels same take drugs think phone thing makes forget life empty used someone ton reasons live child seems like every dream ever forgotten tried hang twice regretted jumping chair think im afraid idea something could go wrong process stuff bothers every day apart ive said thats personal share internet want stop suffering
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life joke think people would better without mehi everyone name max im sixteen first post reddit may last one ive depressed really long time think time get rid ending life friends lack social skills spend every day playing video games watching social media avoid emptiness people know think im stupid lazy weird", "im afraid idea speak people think relate every time try say something usually connect other see loss time especially got enough money cant hang regularly always wanted express self way dress dad never gave opportunity choose want feel comfortable clothe wear hate people get wrong idea really like dress that people often reject way look make fun me parents care much feel theyre busy theyve never asked feel would like do know much education even talk ive never girlfriend im shy strange people interesting hobbies could get attention girls ignore time all anything special also cant anything without ruining it math music english hella nightmare cant anything right without committing stupid errors used good school seems like get dumber year sleep well anxiety depression harassing every night watch youtube videos get exhausted finally fall asleep nobody takes seriously im joke classmates teachers think im funny speak strange accent every time teacher orders us make groups activity class often leave alone cant like everyone expects be im different are feels like born another culture", "im colombia believe say cant relate them act like kind american european people do mean take things seriously prefer bother anything let things happen also music listen to movies watch language prefer speak way different do would like move us family cant afford it special talent something else actually nothing could make feel meaningful every day feels same take drugs think phone thing makes forget life empty used someone ton reasons live child seems like every dream ever forgotten tried hang twice regretted jumping chair think im afraid idea something could go wrong process stuff bothers every day apart ive said thats personal share internet want stop suffering" ]
broma de la vida piensa que la gente sería mejor sin mehi todo el mundo nombre max im dieciséis primer post reddit puede durar un ive deprimido realmente mucho tiempo pensar tiempo deshacerse de terminar la vida amigos falta habilidades sociales pasan todos los días jugando videojuegos viendo redes sociales evitar el vacío la gente sabe pensar im estúpido perezoso raro
day posting nonamusing fact get laid fact ended trimming nails half length yesterday filed wrong fml
[ "day posting nonamusing fact get laid fact ended trimming nails half length yesterday filed wrong fml" ]
día de publicación hecho no divertido conseguir hecho de echarse fin a cortar las uñas mitad de longitud ayer archivado mal fml
ship ahoy probably made order showcase mgm talent film fun trip ocean liner way san juan puerto rico time country involved wwii typical fare studios gave movie going public light weight entertainment distraction difficult times country livingbr br the beautiful eleanor powell seen best musical numbers clearly shows us dancer reckoned with red skelton also seen straight part much clowning pursues beautiful ms powell ship bringing puerto rico irresistible bert lahr good opportunities film show funny man also virginia grey seen fun girl fooled anyonebr br there good musical numbers featuring tommy dorsey orchestra one sees among others amazing buddy rich solos mr dorsey ms powell young frank sinatra appears also lead singer band backed pied pipersbr br this nostalgic trip savored fans genre mgm totally controlled
[ "ship ahoy probably made order showcase mgm talent film fun trip ocean liner way san juan puerto rico time country involved wwii typical fare studios gave movie going public light weight entertainment distraction difficult times country livingbr br the beautiful eleanor powell seen best musical numbers clearly shows us dancer reckoned with red skelton also seen straight part much clowning pursues beautiful ms powell ship bringing puerto rico irresistible bert lahr good opportunities film show funny man also virginia grey seen fun girl fooled anyonebr br there good musical numbers featuring tommy dorsey orchestra one sees among others amazing buddy rich solos mr dorsey ms powell young frank sinatra appears also lead singer band backed pied pipersbr br this nostalgic trip savored fans genre mgm totally controlled" ]
ship ahoy probablemente hizo orden escaparate mgm talento película diversión viaje transatlántico way san juan puerto rico tiempo país involucrado wwii típica tarifa estudios dio película va público peso ligero entretenimiento distracción dificultades país vida br br la hermosa eleanor powell visto mejores números musicales claramente nos muestra bailarina cuenta con rojo skelton también visto parte recta mucho payaso persigue hermoso ms powell barco trayendo puerto rico irresistible lahr buenas oportunidades cine espectáculo divertido hombre también virginia gris visto diversión chica engañado anyonebr br allí buenos números musicales con Tommy orquesta dorsey uno ve entre otros asombroso amigo rico solos Sr dorsey ms powell joven franco sinatra aparece también cantante banda apoyada pied pipersbr br este viaje nostálgico sabor fans género mgm totalmente controlado
oi mates discord server friends r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us overwatch stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome dm link d
[ "oi mates discord server friends r trying get new peoplee chat send memes play games like minecraft among us overwatch stuff going on commitment guys girls welcome dm link d" ]
oi mates discordancia servidor amigos r tratando de conseguir nueva gente chat enviar memes jugar juegos como minecraft entre nosotros overwatch cosas va en compromiso chicos chicas bienvenida dm enlace d
severe hypochondriachealth anxiety suffereri panic rare diseases every day like rabies cjd worry rabies much considered redflag free obsessive thoughts live country domestic cases rabies yesterday morning woke walked get breakfast saw brother wound nose told looked like didnt notice didnt care started worrying bat bit nose sleeping we never saw bat lives found sticky gum like thing thats white really big stepped couple times feels like gum convinced saliva rabid animal flew in didnt worry all later told fears started panicking panicked too didnt really give shit wether rabies im going kill soon really didnt want get rabies later moved forgot fear rare rabies country extremely small posibility rabid animal could flew without causing damage really wish cameras house see happened wont kill know doesnt rabies
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "severe hypochondriachealth anxiety suffereri panic rare diseases every day like rabies cjd worry rabies much considered redflag free obsessive thoughts live country domestic cases rabies yesterday morning woke walked get breakfast saw brother wound nose told looked like didnt notice didnt care started worrying bat bit nose sleeping we never saw bat lives found sticky gum like thing thats white really big stepped couple times feels like gum convinced saliva rabid animal flew in didnt worry all later told fears started panicking panicked too didnt really give shit wether rabies im going kill soon really didnt want get rabies later moved forgot fear rare rabies country extremely small posibility rabid animal could flew without causing damage really wish cameras house see happened wont kill know doesnt rabies" ]
La rabia se considera pensamientos obsesivos sin mancha roja vivo país casos domésticos rabia ayer por la mañana se despertó caminado conseguir desayuno vio hermano herida nariz dijo como no se notó no se dio cuenta comenzó preocupación mordida de murciélago nariz dormir nunca vimos vidas de murciélago encontrado chicle pegajoso como cosa que es blanco realmente grande escalonado par de veces se siente como chicle convencido saliva animal rabioso voló en no se preocupó todos más tarde dijo miedos comenzó pánico pánico también no le importa realmente mierda quether rabia im va a matar pronto realmente no quería conseguir rabia más tarde se olvidó de miedo raro país rabia extremadamente pequeña posibilidad animal rabioso podría volar sin causar daño realmente deseo cámaras casa ver sucedió no matar saber rabia
@jasimmo Ooo showing of your French skills!! lol Things good over here. Lovely weather, so should be outside How's u?
[ "@jasimmo Ooo showing of your French skills!!lol Things good over here.Lovely weather, so should be outside How's u?" ]
@jasimmo Ooo mostrando tus habilidades francesas!!Lol Las cosas buenas por aquí.El tiempo hermoso, así que debe estar fuera ¿Cómo está tu?
i feel like i ve got no energy left to give or to keep up appearance like even responding to folk when they ask simple question feel like lifting a 00lb weight i m exhausted and can t handle the thought of any kind of interaction i m so lonely but so utterly worn out from being anxious to manage the effort can anyone relate
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i feel like i ve got no energy left to give or to keep up appearance like even responding to folk when they ask simple question feel like lifting a 00lb weight i m exhausted and can t handle the thought of any kind of interaction i m so lonely but so utterly worn out from being anxious to manage the effort can anyone relate" ]
Siento como si no me queda energía para dar o para mantener la apariencia como incluso responder a la gente cuando hacen simple pregunta se siente como levantar un peso de 00lb i m exhausto y no puede manejar el pensamiento de cualquier tipo de interacción me siento tan solo, pero tan completamente agotado de estar ansioso por manejar el esfuerzo puede alguien relacionarse
experiencing joyim eating im showering im applying unemployment im cleaning cat box im taking trash im performatively happy friends loved ones desire to things make people happy make appear like im functioning whats expected usually makes people happy everything slog get joy it fake cling escapism fantasies real world rough unforgiving desire something unrealistic wish could child abused wish could happy child forever nothing child makes experience satisfaction joy im willing put hard work adult easier escape im going stop eating maybe body ive dragging long either start making food desirable keep alive ill start starving either go hospital die maybe im selfish dont care anymore im tired existing things people im tired it cant escape better stop existing
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "experiencing joyim eating im showering im applying unemployment im cleaning cat box im taking trashim performatively happy friends loved ones desire to things make people happy make appear like im functioning whats expected usually makes people happy everything slog get joy it fake cling escapism fantasies real world rough unforgiving desire something unrealistic wish could child abused wish could happy child forever nothing child makes experience satisfaction joy im willing put hard work adult easier escape im going stop eating maybe body ive dragging long either start making food desirable keep alive ill start starving either go hospital diemaybe im selfish dont care anymoreim tired existing things people im tired it cant escape better stop existing" ]
experimentar joyim comer im ducha im aplicación de desempleo im limpieza cat box im toma basuraim performativamente felices amigos seres queridos deseo a las cosas hacer que la gente feliz hacer aparecer como im funcionamiento lo que se espera por lo general hace que la gente feliz todo slog obtener alegría falso aferrarse escapismo fantasías mundo real áspero deseo implacable algo poco realista deseo podría niños deseo abusado podría feliz niño para siempre nada niño hace experiencia satisfacción alegría estoy dispuesto poner duro trabajo adulto más fácil escapar voy a dejar de comer tal vez cuerpo ive arrastrando ya sea empezar a hacer comida deseable mantener vivo mal empezar a morirse de hambre o ir hospital morir tal vez im egoísta no importa ya cansado cosas existentes gente estoy cansado no puede escapar mejor dejar de existir
@lyneL Glass of wine might help.
[ "@lyneL Glass of wine might help." ]
@lyneL Un vaso de vino podría ayudar.
it rain heeaaavily outside and i trap in this building cant go home
[ "it rain heeaaavily outside and i trap in this building cant go home" ]
# Llueve fuerte afuera # # y atrapo en este edificio # # no puedo volver a casa #
aita calling cops suicidal friend ensure safetybefore get jumpy let clarify post aita tolerate redflag posts friend female lives miles she across country huge emotionally uncomfortable state she lot better now time parents even care thought attention so way could help her typing app called discord one day starts typing weird saying bunch goodbyes reason theyre scaring time redflagprone now admit something this wanted know lived chat another one close friends gives details name address however know county eventually found it found exact house via google maps so called police said name address probably redflag attempt get there texting cops there moments later get call one officers says everything okay thanked call empathy knew scared said thank you continued messages her proceeds rip new one saying never cried much life tell scared messages wanted know intentions apparently took complete wrong way tells fuck off blocked discord fastforward months later write supersorry message to friend yo her saying sorry huge misunderstanding asked meant messages etc accepted apology still wont forget night said questions aita improve relationship her
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "aita calling cops suicidal friend ensure safetybefore getjumpy let clarify post aita tolerate redflag posts friend female lives miles she across country huge emotionally uncomfortable state she lot better now time parents even care thought attention so way could help her typing app called discord one day starts typing weird saying bunch goodbyes reason theyre scaring time redflagprone now admit something this wanted know lived chat another one close friends gives details name address however know county eventually found it found exact house via google maps so called police said name address probably redflag attempt get there texting cops there moments later get call one officers says everything okay thanked call empathy knew scared said thank you continued messages her proceeds rip new one saying never cried much life tell scared messages wanted know intentions apparently took complete wrong way tells fuck off blocked discord fastforward months later write supersorry message to friend yo her saying sorry huge misunderstanding asked meant messages etc accepted apology still wont forget night said questions aita improve relationship her" ]
aita llamando a policías suicida amigo asegurar la seguridad antes de getjumpy dejar clarificar post aita toler redflag posts amiga mujer vive millas a través del país enorme estado emocionalmente incómodo mucho mejor ahora los padres incluso cuidado pensamiento atención así podría ayudar a su aplicación de tecleo llamada discordia un día comienza a escribir raro diciendo montón de despedidas razón que están asustando tiempo redflagprone ahora admitir algo que se quiere conocer chat vivo otro amigos cercanos da detalles dirección nombre sin embargo saben condado finalmente encontró casa exacta via google mapas así llamado policía dijo dirección nombre probablemente redflag intento llegar allí mensajes de texto policías allí momentos más tarde recibir llamada un oficial dice todo bien gracias llamada empatía sabía miedo dijo gracias continuos mensajes su producto rasgar nuevo uno diciendo nunca lloró mucha vida decir miedo mensajes quería saber intenciones al parecer tomó completamente mal le dice mierda discordia bloqueada rápidamente meses más tarde escribir superdolencia mensaje a amigo yo dijo gran malentendido pidió mensajes significados, etc disculpa aceptó todavía no olvidar la noche dijo preguntas aita mejorar relación ella
super weird dream went cinema best friends love filmi even watch those middle film one friends starts kiss meat point cant move started strip cuddle naked almost sex nobody cinema paying attention feel bad confused idea fuck means side note gay
[ "super weird dream went cinema best friends love filmi even watch those middle film one friends starts kiss meat point cant move started strip cuddle naked almost sex nobody cinema paying attention feel bad confused idea fuck means side note gay" ]
super sueño raro fue cine mejores amigos amor filmi incluso ver la mitad de la película uno amigos comienza beso carne punto cant movimiento comenzó desnuda abrazo desnudo casi sexo nadie cine prestando atención se siente mal confusa idea mierda significa lado nota gay
freaking feel like crisis know do way get support rn mom busy therapy friday therapist wants make switch therapists anyway feel like losing support system know get this feel like breaking point someone please help know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "freaking feel like crisis know do way get support rn mom busy therapy friday therapist wants make switch therapists anyway feel like losing support system know get this feel like breaking point someone please help know" ]
maldito sentir como crisis saber cómo conseguir apoyo rn mamá terapia ocupada el viernes terapeuta quiere cambiar de terapeutas de todos modos sentir como perder sistema de apoyo saber obtener esta sensación como punto de ruptura alguien por favor ayudar a saber
@julierockaholic STEPHEN KING FO SHO
[ "@julierockaholic STEPHEN KING FO SHO" ]
@juliockaholic STEPHEN REY FO SHO
found ugly people exist keeping thoughts prayers cant imagine must going
[ "found ugly people exist keeping thoughts prayers cant imagine must going" ]
personas feas encontradas existen manteniendo pensamientos que las oraciones no pueden imaginar que deben ir
@luvara :O no fair! *hug* happy birthday though
[ "@luvara :Ono fair!*hug* happy birthday though" ]
@luvara: ¡Ono, feria!
@winter_doll lol.5 shells that are thrown in the fountain will give you one poupee item.
[ "@winter_doll lol.5 shells that are thrown in the fountain will give you one poupee item." ]
@winter_doll lol.5 conchas que se lanzan en la fuente le dará un elemento poupee.
Heyy girl hey well I'm drivin to work and I'm deff late! Oh no!
[ "Heyy girlhey well I'm drivin to workand I'm deff late!Oh no!" ]
¡Eh, chica, bueno, voy a trabajar y llego tarde! ¡Oh, no!
waiting waiting waiting for a phone call that may mean i can actually sleep at night but then again
[ "waiting waiting waiting for a phone call that may mean i can actually sleep at night but then again" ]
Esperar esperando una llamada que puede significar que puedo dormir por la noche, pero luego otra vez.
So i would just like to end all my social media, due to the post depression that Infinity War gave me. Move out (joke onli)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "So i would just like to end all my social media, due to the post depression that Infinity War gave me.Move out (joke onli)" ]
Así que me gustaría terminar con todas mis redes sociales, debido a la post depresión que me dio Infinity War.Move out (broma onli)
The ever so patient Michael is back today Business as usual for those of you who need to call Customer Service today <3
[ "The ever so patient Michael is back today Business as usual for those of you who need to call Customer Service today <3" ]
El siempre tan paciente Michael está de vuelta hoy Negocios como de costumbre para aquellos de ustedes que necesitan llamar al servicio al cliente hoy <3
My followers keep going down. Hopefully I can get down to 0 again and that way no one will hear me. lol I love life.
[ "My followers keep going down.Hopefully I can get down to 0 again and that way no one will hear me.lol I love life." ]
Mis seguidores siguen bajando.Espero poder bajar a 0 de nuevo y de esa manera nadie me escuchará.Lol Me encanta la vida.
ddlovato david henrie ummmmm i cant find it
[ "ddlovato david henrie ummmmm i cant find it" ]
ddlovato David Henry ummmmm No puedo encontrarlo
Depression, mental illness, is NOT a stigma. Taking medication to fix it is NOT a stigma. Some people need it. Don't be afraid to try it, to try something. You deserve to be the real you, just like I do. I'm still trying to figure out who I am now. I'm excited to do it. (22/23)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Depression, mental illness, is NOT a stigma.Taking medication to fix it is NOT a stigma.Some people need it.Don't be afraid to try it, to try something.You deserve to be the real you, just like I do.I'm still trying to figure out who I am now.I'm excited to do it.(22/23)" ]
La depresión, la enfermedad mental, NO es un estigma.Tomar medicamentos para solucionarlo NO es un estigma.Algunas personas lo necesitan.No tengas miedo de intentarlo, de intentar algo.Te mereces ser el verdadero tú, al igual que yo.Todavía estoy tratando de averiguar quién soy ahora.Estoy emocionado de hacerlo.(22/23)
tell mumim trouble trying tell mum much cant take anymore want die anything like living dealing problems like family issues friend school issues much cant take anymore want sleep never wake hope wake nicer worldi never guts tell tried attempt pills couldnt pull want come clean get help im scared might react negatively
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tell mumim trouble trying tell mum much cant take anymore want die anything like living dealing problems like family issues friend school issues much cant take anymore want sleep never wake hope wake nicer worldi never guts tell tried attempt pills couldnt pull want come clean get help im scared might react negatively" ]
Dile a momim problemas tratando de decirle a mamá mucho no puede tomar más quiere morir cualquier cosa como vivir tratando problemas como problemas familiares amigo problemas de la escuela mucho no puede tomar más quiere dormir nunca despertar esperanza más agradable mundo nunca tripas decir intento de píldoras no podría tirar quieren venir limpio obtener ayuda im miedo podría reaccionar negativamente
us control lives anymore hours online classes hours homework thats school giving out exams student time things months since ive gaming session literally feel weight eyelids since past weeks know need break aside saturdays sundays holidays even festivals overlooked teachers constantly giving homework soon finish one new one assigned cant really anything trying stay battle one else cares mental health gone point im total wreck really control lives anymore grown ups controlling us constant pressure
[ "us control lives anymore hours online classes hours homework thats school giving out exams student time things months since ive gaming session literally feel weight eyelids since past weeks know need break aside saturdays sundays holidays even festivals overlooked teachers constantly giving homework soon finish one new one assigned cant really anything trying stay battle one else cares mental health gone point im total wreck really control lives anymore grown ups controlling us constant pressure" ]
nosotros control vidas más horas clases en línea horas deberes que la escuela dar a cabo exámenes estudiantes tiempo cosas meses desde la sesión de juego en vivo literalmente sentir párpados de peso ya que las últimas semanas saben necesidad descanso sábados domingos días festivos incluso festivales profesores ignorado constantemente dar tareas pronto terminar un nuevo asignado no puede realmente cualquier cosa tratando de permanecer batalla a otro le importa salud mental ido punto im total naufragio realmente control vidas más adultos control nosotros presión constante
im upset fathers co worker tested positive whole family quarantine two weeks even test negative school literally reopened last two band shows next two weeks im band hate online school almost failed half classes last quarter suck online learning able talk anyone half year worst thing cant anything even know im posting guys probably downvote mad quarantining
[ "im upset fathers co worker tested positive whole family quarantine two weeks even test negative school literally reopened last two band shows next two weeks im band hate online school almost failed half classes last quarter suck online learning able talk anyone half year worst thing cant anything even know im posting guys probably downvote mad quarantining" ]
Im molesto padres co trabajador tested positivo toda la familia cuarentena dos semanas incluso test negativo escuela literalmente reabrió los dos últimos shows de banda las próximas dos semanas im banda odio escuela en línea casi fallida medias clases el último cuarto chupar aprendizaje en línea capaz de hablar cualquier medio año peor cosa no puedo nada incluso saber Im publicar chicos probablemente voto down loco quarantining
hey heyi got rope ill try friday
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hey heyi got rope ill try friday" ]
Hey heyi tengo cuerda mal intento viernes
want jump goddamn roofthe fall probably enough kill care want hurt myself im broke disabled direction life everything fucking sucks genuinely feels like end line want jump hurt beyond repair give fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want jump goddamn roofthe fall probably enough kill care want hurt myself im broke disabled direction life everything fucking sucks genuinely feels like end line want jump hurt beyond repair give fuck" ]
Quiero salto maldito techo la caída probablemente suficiente cuidado de la muerte quiero lastimarme mi roto dirección vida discapacitado todo mierda realmente se siente como final línea querer salto herido más allá de la reparación dar mierda
tik tok bad annoying person bus thought never gonna give tik tok lost faith humanity
[ "tik tok bad annoying person bus thought never gonna give tik tok lost faith humanity" ]
tik tok mala persona molesta bus pensado nunca va a dar tik tok perdido fe humanidad
pain testicles now months last doc visit examined thats it nothing else testicle torsion etc etc scared going visit new one today night afraid ill loose young age
[ "pain testicles now months last doc visit examined thats it nothing else testicle torsion etc etc scared going visit new one today night afraid ill loose young age" ]
dolor testículos ahora meses última visita doc examinado que no es nada más torsión testículo etc etc miedo ir a visitar nuevo hoy por la noche miedo mal flojo joven edad
people weird like friend like oh yeah cool everyone else likeoh shes trash like wtf
[ "people weird like friend likeoh yeah cool everyone else likeoh shes trash like wtf" ]
La gente rara como amigo como oh sí cool todos los demás como oh ella es basura como wtf
march august its years constant pain cant handle anymore im gonna meet best friend tonight fun one last time go home maybe spend time cat call siblings text friends pretend go bed hang parents asleep ive done research written note even tested noose thanks support ive received subreddit goodbye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "march august its years constant pain cant handle anymore im gonna meet best friend tonight fun one last time go home maybe spend time cat call siblings text friends pretend go bed hang parents asleep ive done research written note even tested noose thanks support ive received subreddit goodbye" ]
march august sus años dolor constante no puedo manejar más voy a conocer mejor amigo esta noche diversión una última vez ir a casa tal vez pasar tiempo gato llamar hermanos amigos texto pretender ir a la cama colgar padres ive hecho investigación nota escrita incluso probado noose gracias apoyo ive recibido subreddit adiós
at work and tired doing report fun no not really
[ "at work and tired doing report fun no not really" ]
en el trabajo y cansado haciendo el informe diversión no no realmente
yo anyone want talk im hella bored female rn play soccer support man utd listen mostly rap im also dry hmu
[ "yo anyone want talk im hella bored female rn play soccer support man utd listen mostly rapim also dry hmu" ]
yo alguien quiere hablar im hella aburrido mujer rn jugar fútbol apoyo hombre utd escuchar mayormente rapim también seco hmu
might going hawaii tomorrow idk wanted flex everyone
[ "might going hawaii tomorrow idk wanted flex everyone" ]
Puede que mañana Idk quiera flexar a todo el mundo.
worst geography teacher ever really bad geography teacher happen year online classes really good teacher start online classes resigned make online classes witch shame new teacher came becasicily class started played music with bad sound quality like michael jackson sand junior wolf time complaining internet half showing video really good geography take fist test made study really hard next one take get angry parents saw think get saw said bad responded studied hard realized test made piece shit why claims question test made sister discovered part text articles news gone relevant brazil newspaper note text relation content class studying remember one test question long text basque country region spain france country answer ireland school fired one test everyone get bad great school create bonus test people need better great new geography teacher inst bad take first test watch class
[ "worst geography teacher ever really bad geography teacher happen year online classes really good teacher start online classes resigned make online classes witch shame new teacher came becasicily class started played music with bad sound quality like michael jackson sand junior wolf time complaining internet half showing video really good geography take fist test made study really hard next one take get angry parents saw think get saw said bad responded studied hard realized test made piece shit why claims question test made sister discovered part text articles news gone relevant brazil newspaper note text relation content class studying remember one test question long text basque country region spain france country answer ireland school fired one test everyone get bad great school create bonus test people need better great new geography teacher inst bad take first test watch class" ]
profesor de geografía peor nunca mala profesor de geografía pasar año clases en línea realmente buen profesor comenzar clases en línea renunció hacer clases en línea bruja vergüenza nuevo profesor vino becasicily clase comenzó música con mala calidad de sonido como Michael Jackson arena junior lobo tiempo quejarse internet mitad mostrar vídeo realmente buena geografía hacer estudio duro siguiente una toma conseguir enojado padres vio pensar se dijo mal respondió estudio duro realizado prueba hecho pieza mierda por reclamos prueba hecho hermana descubrió parte texto artículos noticias ido relevante brasilil periódico nota texto relación contenido clase de estudio recordar una prueba pregunta largo texto país región españa france país respuesta ireland escuela despedido una prueba todo el mundo consigue mal gran escuela crear prueba de bonificación gente necesita mejor gran nuevo profesor de geografía en primer lugar malo tomar primera clase de reloj prueba
people react losing someone redflagpeople grieve die guess people kill themselves others react anger confusion along sadness isnt really period terminal illness people cant prepare death death wouldnt parent react roughly way child died car accident think so except whole could done something stop thing weird people view death redflag differently
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "people react losing someone redflagpeople grieve die guess people kill themselves others react anger confusion along sadness isnt really period terminal illness people cant prepare death death wouldnt parent react roughly way child died car accident think so except whole could done something stop thing weird people view death redflag differently" ]
La gente reacciona perdiendo a alguien pelirrojo personas afligidas mueren supongo que la gente se mata a sí misma otros reaccionan ira confusión a lo largo de la tristeza no es realmente período enfermedad terminal la gente no puede preparar la muerte la muerte los padres reaccionarían más o menos de la manera en que el niño murió accidente de coche pensar así excepto que todo podría hacer algo detener cosa gente rara ve la muerte bandera roja de manera diferente
waiting at the airport for my ride while i get harassed by men trying to sell me ugly hat why me i just want to sleep
[ "waiting at the airport for my ride while i get harassed by men trying to sell me ugly hat why me i just want to sleep" ]
esperando en el aeropuerto mi viaje mientras me acosan los hombres tratando de venderme un sombrero feo por qué yo sólo quiero dormir
i feel like people would be better off if i wasn t here anymore i m considering jumping off a bridge i feel so trapped in my own emotion after losing a good chunk of my friend purely because i ended a relationship that i wasn t happy in i feel like a horrible person and the idea of jumping off a bridge doesn t upset me anymore i feel happier that if i d want to end it i could and leave my family with more money time i m conflicted i want to die but what would become of my family my sister my remaining friend what about nicole would she be able to handle another friend ending their life how about snowey he is like a little brother too me what about my sister could i leave her during a crucial time in her life i don t know life is so painful right now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i feel like people would be better off if i wasn t here anymore i m considering jumping off a bridge i feel so trapped in my own emotion after losing a good chunk of my friend purely because i ended a relationship that i wasn t happy in i feel like a horrible person and the idea of jumping off a bridge doesn t upset me anymore i feel happier that if i d want to end iti could and leave my family with more money time i m conflicted i want to die but what would become of my family my sister my remaining friend what about nicole would she be able to handle another friend ending their life how about snowey he is like a little brother too me what about my sister could i leave her during a crucial time in her life i don t knowlife is so painful right now" ]
Siento que la gente estaría mejor si ya no estuviera aquí estoy considerando saltar de un puente me siento tan atrapado en mi propia emoción después de perder un buen pedazo de mi amigo puramente porque terminé una relación que no era feliz en me siento como una persona horrible y la idea de saltar de un puente ya no me molesta más me siento más feliz que si yo quisiera acabar con Iti podría y dejar mi familia con más tiempo de dinero en conflicto quiero morir pero lo que sería de mi familia mi hermana mi amiga restante ¿qué pasa con Nicole sería capaz de manejar otro amigo que termina su vida como si fuera como un hermanito también yo qué acerca de mi hermana podría dejarla durante un tiempo crucial en su vida no sé la vida es tan doloroso ahora mismo
update last post tried talk mom headache soon broached subject ig well try tomorrow lazy check basically hour long mental breakdown prolly undiagnosed bipolar
[ "update last post tried talk mom headache soon broached subject igwell try tomorrow lazy check basically hour long mental breakdown prolly undiagnosed bipolar" ]
actualización último post tratado hablar madre dolor de cabeza pronto brocheado sujeto igwell intentar mañana perezoso cheque básicamente largo hora crisis mental prolly bipolar no diagnosticada
i ve been struggling with an eating disorder for five year now it ha stolen those year from me crippled me from doing thing i love due to my low body weight made me unable to think rationally and study diligently my family are exhausted mum especially sleeping beside me because she s terrified i ll die alone in my sleep it make my heart rot thinking about the hour they ve spent worrying about me or the time and money flushed down the toilet finding me treatment i always disappoint them the mental health team i ve been going to have been more harm than good mum tried to send me to them a early a she could after spotting my illness they did nothing to prevent it from spiraling out of control which it shortly did i had a useless councillor who would stare at me in silence for an hour every week once she broke it to ask if i drank chocolate milk pretty self explanatory considering i had anorexia my parent and i left each session in tear after politely asking if we could swap councillor the team began bullying my mum they thought we were attacking the councillor i wa seeing this meant they refused to offer me a bed at a residential care and threatened to stop paying for my weekly doctor visit unless i disengaged in seeing a private therapist whom i wa making progress with today i found out my mum s plea to put me into residential care ha been accepted i m scared shitless what worry me most is how much they ll fatten me up i ve read somewhere patient are only released once they ve restored of healthy weight however i m also aware i ll be alone with sick and possibly more malnourished kid than myself five hour away from home i lost it when i heard the news screaming and cry my eye out at my mum who should never deserve to be treated like that she ha done everything she can to keep me alive both her and my younger sister are so sick of me my sister hardly ever speaks to me when she doe it s usually to yell at me for being an idiot and retarded once she even told me she wa embarrassed to go out in public with that me and wished i died of cancer honestly i wish so too especially when i remember how close we used to be i went to my mum after dinner to ask for some support she told me i wa so selfish for continuing to engage in a disordered lifestyle and then taunted me when i said i couldn t drink an additional supplement formula i ve pushed those i love away from me i m so alone and lost i m praying to god i get sick and die because then they wouldn t think i wa doing it for attention or being selfish i m so sorry for the rant but i just don t know what to do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i ve been struggling with an eating disorder for five year now it ha stolen those year from me crippled me from doing thing i love due to my low body weight made me unable to think rationally and study diligently my family are exhausted mum especially sleeping beside me because she s terrified i ll die alone in my sleep it make my heart rot thinking about the hour they ve spent worrying about me or the time and money flushed down the toilet finding me treatment i always disappoint them the mental health team i ve been going to have been more harm than good mum tried to send me to them a early a she could after spotting my illness they did nothing to prevent it from spiraling out of control which it shortly did i had a useless councillor who would stare at me in silence for an hour every week once she broke it to ask if i drank chocolate milk pretty self explanatory considering i had anorexia my parent", "and i left each session in tear after politely asking if we could swap councillor the team began bullying my mum they thought we were attacking the councillor i wa seeing this meant they refused to offer me a bed at a residential care and threatened to stop paying for my weekly doctor visit unless i disengaged in seeing a private therapist whom i wa making progress with today i found out my mum s plea to put me into residential care ha been acceptedi m scared shitless what worry me most is how much they ll fatten me up i ve read somewhere patient are only released once they ve restored of healthy weighthowever i m also aware i ll be alone with sick and possibly more malnourished kid than myself five hour away from home i lost it when i heard the news screaming and cry my eye out at my mum who should never deserve to be treated like that she ha done everything she can to keep me alive both her and my younger sister are so sick of me my sister hardly ever speaks to me when she doe it s usually to yell at me for being an idiot and retarded once she even told me she wa embarrassed to go out in public with that me and wished i died of cancer", "honestly i wish so too especially when i remember how close we used to be i went to my mum after dinner to ask for some support she told me i wa so selfish for continuing to engage in a disordered lifestyle and then taunted me when i said i couldn t drink an additional supplement formula i ve pushed those i love away from mei m so alone and lost i m praying to god i get sick and die because then they wouldn t think i wa doing it for attention or being selfish i m so sorry for the rantbut i just don t know what to do" ]
He estado luchando con un trastorno de la alimentación durante cinco años ahora que ha robado ese año de mí lisiado de hacer lo que amo debido a mi bajo peso corporal me hizo incapaz de pensar racionalmente y estudiar diligentemente mi familia están agotados mamá especialmente dormir a mi lado porque ella está aterrorizada voy a morir solo en mi sueño hace que mi corazón se pudra pensando en la hora que han pasado preocupado por mí o el tiempo y el dinero tirado por el inodoro en busca de tratamiento siempre les decepciono el equipo de salud mental que he estado yendo a haber sido más daño que buena madre trató de enviarme a ellos un temprano a ella podría después de manchar mi enfermedad no hicieron nada para evitar que se descontrolara que en breve tenía un consejero inútil que me miraba en silencio durante una hora una vez que lo rompió para preguntar si bebía leche de chocolate bastante auto explicativo considerando que tenía anorexia mi padre
im kind person call bitch something reply yea
[ "im kind person call bitch something reply yea" ]
i persona amable llamar perra algo responder sí
@kristallin I hear you dude... try doing it on a goddamn 12-string acoustic!!
[ "@kristallin I hear you dude... try doing it on a goddamn 12-string acoustic!!" ]
@kristallin te escucho amigo... ¡inténtalo con una maldita acústica de 12 cuerdas!
everyone hate meplease ic ant im crying bad everyone hate me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everyone hate meplease ic ant im crying bad everyone hate me" ]
Todos me odian, por favor, ic hormiga, estoy llorando mal. Todos me odian.
recently saw movie international business class expecting anything another boring documentary not say love documentary ive hard bad luck movies class imagine surprise movie thats actually movie came up br br this film tell cultural differences work place need cooperate get anywhere culture clash shows different world differently perceive someone comes along gives us wake call would highly recommend film anyone business wants laugh yes funny br br well thats it cheers
[ "recently saw movie international business class expecting anything another boring documentary not say love documentary ive hard bad luck movies class imagine surprise movie thats actually movie came up br br this film tell cultural differences work place need cooperate get anywhere culture clash shows different world differently perceive someone comes along gives us wake call would highly recommend film anyone business wants laughyes funny br br well thats it cheers" ]
recientemente vio película clase de negocios internacionales esperando cualquier cosa otro documental aburrido no decir amor documental ive dura mala suerte películas clase imaginar película sorpresa ques realmente película surgió br br esta película contar diferencias culturales lugar de trabajo cooperación conseguir cualquier lugar cultura choque muestra diferente mundo percepción alguien viene a lo largo nos despierta llamada recomendaría altamente película cualquier negocio quiere risas divertido br br br gracioso que se anima
give gaem reccomendations now
[ "give gaem reccomendations now" ]
dar recomendaciones de gaem ahora
forging passports is better than attacking re: http://ff.im/3t3E4
[ "forging passports is better than attacking re: http://ff.im/3t3E4" ]
Falsificar pasaportes es mejor que atacar re: http://ff.im/3t3E4
mom called asshole struggling mental health getting bad grades words exactly theres difference making mistake asshole whatever going irresponsible cant trust anymore response bad grades due mental breakdown severe adhd im using mental illness excuse parents zero understanding mental issues fact parents west african mental issues devil literally gpa like entire life obviously used hence bitchy regret scholar past setting high expectation parents started fucking none would ever happened feel dumb failing classes one quarter like im gonna fucking repeat th grade
[ "mom called asshole struggling mental health getting bad grades words exactly theres difference making mistake asshole whatever going irresponsible cant trust anymore response bad grades due mental breakdown severe adhd im using mental illness excuse parents zero understanding mental issues fact parents west african mental issues devil literally gpa like entire life obviously used hence bitchy regret scholar past setting high expectation parents started fucking none would ever happened feel dumb failing classes one quarter like im gonna fucking repeat th grade" ]
Mamá llamó imbécil luchando salud mental conseguir malas calificaciones palabras exactamente Theres diferencia cometer error imbécil lo que va irresponsable no puede confiar más respuesta malas calificaciones debido crisis mental severo adhd im uso de la enfermedad mental excusa padres cero entender problemas mentales hecho padres west africanos problemas mentales diablo literalmente gpa como toda la vida obviamente utilizado por lo tanto perra lamentar erudito pasado establecer alta expectativa padres comenzaron a follar ninguno nunca pasaría se siente tonto fallando clases un cuarto como im va a repetir mierda grado
ladyerlynne awwww you could always post in the transfig classroom with sharmila
[ "ladyerlynne awwww you could always post in the transfig classroom with sharmila" ]
ladyerlynne awwww siempre se podría publicar en el aula transfig con sharmila
@digijustin yes it has...and one of my best friends is profiting from it...
[ "@digijustin yesit has...and one of my best friends is profiting from it..." ]
@digijustin sí lo ha hecho... y uno de mis mejores amigos se está beneficiando de ello...
I bought glasses today for the first time is EIGHT years. The lasik wore off and old age has taken hold!
[ "I bought glasses today for the first time is EIGHT years.The lasik wore off and old age has taken hold!" ]
Hoy he comprado gafas por primera vez son OCTAVO años.El lasik se fue y la vejez se ha apoderado!
title super interesting anyone discord server small join it want many people talk want socialize more dm link u want join
[ "title super interesting anyone discord server small join it want many people talk want socialize more dm link u want join" ]
título super interesante cualquiera discordancia servidor pequeño unirse que quiere mucha gente hablar quieren socializar más dm link u want join
please help want know happeningthis literally happened fuck found sister ground crying apparently hour half muscle stiffness left arm small cuts perpendicular arm itself minor blood could feel toes muscle weakness pulse guess could find well even though ive training take pulse cut arm cold extremities less so still colder normal rough times friend cut often yesterday friend cut showed sister sister think also anxiety depression hid decreased appetite socializing weeks this ive rough time almost cutkilled never actually it holy shit know please someone tell happened said drink anything even though statistics say od favorite among females find cutting device anyone know did think know why know how help bad brother fuck edit thank all know much means
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "please help want know happeningthis literally happened fuck found sister ground crying apparently hourhalf muscle stiffness left arm small cuts perpendicular arm itself minor blood could feel toes muscle weakness pulse guess could find well even though ive training take pulse cut arm cold extremities less so still colder normal rough times friend cut often yesterday friend cut showed sister sister think also anxiety depression hid decreased appetite socializing weeks this ive rough time almost cutkilled never actually itholy shit know please someone tell happened said drink anything even though statistics say od favorite among females find cutting device anyone know did think know why know how help bad brother fuck edit thank all know much means" ]
Por favor, ayuda a querer saber sucediendoesto literalmente sucedió mierda encontró hermana tierra llorando aparentemente mitad hora rigidez muscular brazo izquierdo pequeños cortes perpendicular brazo sí misma sangre menor podría sentir dedos de los pies debilidad muscular pulso conjetura podría encontrar bien a pesar de que el entrenamiento ive toma pulso corte brazo frío extremidades menos así todavía más frío normales tiempos difíciles amigo corte a menudo ayer amigo corte mostró hermana hermana pensar también ansiedad depresión oculta disminución del apetito socialización semanas esta vida difícil casi cortado nunca en realidad itholy mierda saber por favor alguien cuenta ha pasado dijo beber algo a pesar de las estadísticas dicen od favorito entre las mujeres encontrar dispositivo de corte cualquiera sabe pensar por qué saber cómo ayudar a mal hermano mierda editar gracias a todos saben mucho medios
im completely alone foreign country im afraidive lost fiancee drug addiction had moved china kicked habit reality situation kicking in today best friend basically brother started hate something did last person left world ive suicidal different im afraid go home live fifth floor im afraid ill throw window
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im completely alone foreign country im afraidive lost fiancee drug addiction had moved china kicked habit reality situation kicking in today best friend basically brother started hate something did last person left world ive suicidal differentim afraid go home live fifth floorim afraid ill throw window" ]
I completamente solo país extranjero I miedo perdido novia droga adicción se había movido China pateó hábito realidad situación patadas en hoy mejor amigo básicamente hermano comenzó odio algo hizo última persona izquierda mundo ive suicida differentim miedo ir a casa en vivo quinto pisoim miedo mal tirar ventana
cant anything right moreno matter hard try matter say never anything right eyes others more im nothing failure through im lonely undeserving failure died months ago every time think things getting better end cursing things get much worse maybe deserve happy things get better end year im sticking around cant more everyone else leaving turning backs me may well same better way care anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anything right moreno matter hard try matter say never anything right eyes others more im nothing failure through im lonely undeserving failure died months ago every time think things getting better end cursing things get much worse maybe deserve happy things get better end year im sticking around cant more everyone else leaving turning backs me may well same better way care anyway" ]
No puedo hacer nada bien más no importa duro tratar de la materia decir nunca nada ojos correctos otros más im nada fracaso a través de im solitario fracaso inmerecible murió hace meses cada vez que las cosas cada vez mejor terminar maldiciendo las cosas se ponen mucho peor tal vez merecer cosas felices conseguir mejor final año im permanecer alrededor de cant más todos los demás dejando volver atrás me puede igual mejor manera de cuidar de todos modos
gavlp yes i hope these shock are going to stop soon i think i m getting angry with earth itself
[ "gavlpyes i hope these shock are going to stop soon i think i m getting angry with earth itself" ]
Gavlpyes Espero que este shock se detenga pronto Creo que me estoy enojando con la tierra misma
girl class asked and said really cute nice people also need anyone early send screens chat friend told everyone getting bullied think thats bs tf wpuld get bullied like someone yeah thats
[ "girl class asked and said really cute nice people also need anyone early send screens chat friend told everyone getting bullied think thats bs tf wpuld get bullied like someoneyeahthats" ]
chica clase preguntó y dijo muy linda buena gente también necesita alguien temprano enviar pantallas amigo chat le dijo a todo el mundo siendo intimidado pensar que bs tf wpuld ser intimidado como alguien sí
remember first time got drunk warning eventfulinteresting expect alcohol fueled escapade all little tipsy else remember this mom asleep upstairs alone night already started drinking back sips taste barbeque previous day lot booze left could take top without noticing whiskey little bit more cognac thought always see niggas mixing vodka orange juice let try that already starting feel drinks went pour vodka orange juice poured way intended said going drink much booze drank all thats really started feel it wanted drinks stopped feeling little tipsy nothing much happen stumbled around little bit giggled fact fucked around got drunk watching tv focus anymore went sleep sleep pretty good night ampxb thanks reading despite pretty boring
[ "remember first time got drunk warning eventfulinteresting expect alcohol fueled escapade all little tipsy else remember this mom asleep upstairs alone night already started drinking back sips taste barbeque previous day lot booze left could take top without noticing whiskey little bit more cognac thought always see niggas mixing vodka orange juice let try that already starting feel drinks went pour vodka orange juice poured way intended said going drink much booze drank all thats really started feel it wanted drinks stopped feeling little tipsy nothing much happen stumbled around little bit giggled fact fucked around got drunk watching tv focus anymore went sleep sleep pretty good night ampxb thanks reading despite pretty boring" ]
Recuerda que la primera vez que se emborrachó advertencia eventfulinteresante esperar alcohol escapade alimentado todo poco borracho más recordar esta mamá durmiendo arriba sola noche ya comenzó a beber boca abajo sorbos sabor barbacoa lote lote anterior bebida podría tomar top sin darse cuenta whisky poco más coñac pensamiento siempre ver negros mezclando vodka jugo de naranja dejar probar que ya empezando sentir bebidas fue verter vodka jugo de naranja vertido manera pretendida dijo ir beber mucho alcohol bebió todo lo que realmente comenzó sentir que quería bebidas dejó de sentirse poco borracho nada mucho sucedió tropezó alrededor poco hecho rizado follada alrededor se emborrachó viendo TV foco más se durmió bastante buena noche ampxb gracias lectura a pesar de bastante aburrido
time make another post boyfriend cause obsession lol yesterday spent day together cute stupid fun stuff day amazing love much im excited valentines day
[ "time make another post boyfriend cause obsession lol yesterday spent day together cute stupid fun stuff day amazing love much im excited valentines day" ]
tiempo hacer otro post novio causa obsesión lol ayer pasó el día juntos lindo estúpido diversión cosas día increíble amor mucho im emocionado día de San Valentín
im freak lesson informed schools closed tomorrow bc covid see crush next months started look short glances times hour probably notice im feel like fuckin creep
[ "im freak lesson informed schools closed tomorrow bc covid see crush next months started look short glances times hour probably notice im feel like fuckin creep" ]
clase de friki informó escuelas cerrado mañana bc covid ver aplastamiento los próximos meses comenzó miradas cortas veces hora probablemente note que me siento como maldito cretino
very happy!! coz he went h0me na!! haha.. i'm very excited for sunday!!
[ "very happy!!coz he went h0me na!!haha..i'm very excited for sunday!!" ]
muy feliz!! porque fue h0me na!! jaha.. estoy muy emocionado por el domingo!!
gender sexuality even need label ive crisis last hour kind realized things used think im bi preference women thinking realized im specific genderers like feminity im attracted girls trans girls femboys really care whole gender stuff also even tho im biologicaly girl almost completly happy it sometimes feel like crossdressing basically trying boy even day would make feel bit better im sorry offended anyone im confused keep looking answers ignore labels me
[ "gender sexuality even need label ive crisis last hour kind realized things used think im bi preference women thinking realized im specific genderers like feminity im attracted girls trans girls femboys really care whole gender stuff also even tho im biologicaly girl almost completly happy it sometimes feel like crossdressing basically trying boy even day would make feel bit better im sorry offended anyone im confused keep looking answers ignore labels me" ]
género sexualidad incluso necesidad etiqueta crisis ive última hora tipo se dio cuenta de las cosas usadas pensar im bi preferencia mujeres pensar se dio cuenta im genderers específicos como feminity im atraídos niñas chicas trans femboys realmente cuidado cosas de género entero también incluso tho im biologicaly chica casi completamente feliz a veces se siente como travesti básicamente tratando chico incluso día haría sentir un poco mejor im lo siento ofendido alguien im confundido seguir buscando respuestas ignorar las etiquetas
At Jay's with my brothers Soooo tired.
[ "At Jay's with my brothers Soooo tired." ]
En Jay's con mis hermanos Soooo cansados.
shower soon, reading geopolitics, and listening to kings of leon
[ "shower soon, reading geopolitics, and listening to kings of leon" ]
ducharse pronto, leer la geopolítica, y escuchar a los reyes de León
@krnkarina i think you should add more time to study nong
[ "@krnkarina i think you should add more time to study nong" ]
@krnkarina Creo que deberías añadir más tiempo para estudiar nong
so i have bad anxiety and it s been over a year since i ve worked within this past week i ve gotten job interview one i went to but then after i left the place i wa so anxious i developed a migraine and i vomited in my car the second job interviewed i completely ignored and this third one this third interview which i have tomorrow is for a prep cook position but i m considering quitting that too my brain always find some reason to tell me to quit and when i ask for people advice on this job or that job the bad experience discourage me i wa looking forward to trying to be in the kitchen but people tell me it s not worth it it s 0 hour work week little pay and no benefit and plus i don t want to be a manager either i just want to do something for income that i actually kind of enjoy everyone ha something bad to say and that on top of my past horrible work experience i have zero confidence in myself or that any employee or employer i work for will be considerate and relatable and not a total asshole to work with i m a horrible waitress bc my anxiety make me forget order and sometimes forget about a table entirely yet do i want to be in a hot oily kitchen all day and be responsible for people meal it s a tough choice between misery and misery i m depressed about the 9 work week humanity ha created my goal is to grow and sell my own produce and i m a current gardener a it is and my major is agriculture any job for money seems like hell and miserable and i hate having to dedicate myself and my time to a dumb fuck slew of ceo and higher ups who only see you a a number will i ever get over this enough to get myself a job my god this is just miserable day in and day out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "so i have bad anxiety and it s been over a year since i ve worked within this past week i ve gotten job interview one i went to but then after i left the place i wa so anxious i developed a migraine and i vomited in my car the second job interviewed i completely ignored and this third one this third interview which i have tomorrow is for a prep cook position but i m considering quitting that too my brain always find some reason to tell me to quit and when i ask for people advice on this job or that job the bad experience discourage me i wa looking forward to trying to be in the kitchen but people tell me it s not worth itit s 0 hour work week little pay and no benefit and plus i don t want to be a manager either i just want to do something for income that i actually kind of enjoy everyone ha something bad to say and that on top of my past horrible work experience i have zero confidence in myself or that any employee or employer i work for will be considerate and relatable and not a total asshole to work with i m a horrible waitress bc my anxiety make me forget order and sometimes forget about a table entirely", "yet do i want to be in a hot oily kitchen all day and be responsible for people meal it s a tough choice between misery and misery i m depressed about the 9 work week humanity ha created my goal is to grow and sell my own produceand i m a current gardener a it isand my major is agriculture any job for money seems like hell and miserableand i hate having to dedicate myself and my time to a dumb fuck slew of ceo and higher ups who only see you a a number will i ever get over this enough to get myself a jobmy godthis is just miserable day in and day out" ]
Así que tengo mala ansiedad y ha pasado más de un año desde que he trabajado dentro de esta última semana he conseguido entrevista de trabajo uno fui pero luego después de salir del lugar yo wa tan ansioso he desarrollado una migraña y vomité en mi coche el segundo trabajo entrevistado I completamente ignorado y este tercero esta tercera entrevista que tengo mañana es para una posición de cocinero de preparación pero estoy considerando dejar que también mi cerebro siempre encontrar alguna razón para decirme que renunciar y cuando pido a la gente consejos en este trabajo o que el trabajo la mala experiencia me desaniman I wa con ganas de tratar de estar en la cocina pero la gente me dicen que no vale la pena ititit s 0 hora de trabajo semana poco pago y ningún beneficio y además no quiero ser un gerente o bien sólo quiero hacer algo por ingresos que en realidad tipo de disfrutar todo el mundo ha algo malo que decir y que además de mi pasado horrible experiencia de trabajo tengo cero confianza en mí mismo o que cualquier empleado o empleador que trabaje será considerado y relatable y no un total imbécil para trabajar con i m m una horrible camarera bc hacer que mi ansiedad olvidar orden y a veces olvidarse de una mesa completamente
make poll add polls rteenagers oh wait
[ "make poll add polls rteenagersoh wait" ]
hacer encuesta agregar encuestas rteenagersoh espera
@HeatherShorter I love that song! I was starting to think I was the only one that knew that one! #sameperson
[ "@HeatherShorter I love that song!I was starting to think I was the only one that knew that one!#sameperson" ]
@HeatherShorter ¡Me encanta esa canción!¡Empezaba a pensar que era la única que la conocía!#sameperson
hi i keep getting stressed anxious all of a sudden and don t know why for example this morning i woke up pretty calm and wa just relaxing in my apartment doing random thing i started to watch a show then all of a sudden realize i feel restless and slightly weird and i notice my jaw is clenched but i cant unclench it and then yeah it usually just spiral from there or i just feel really fragile for the next hour or two any advice it starting to happen multiple time per day when i m trying to do thing and completely get in the way i haven t been able to do schoolwork in week or anything that requires much brain power
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hi i keep getting stressed anxious all of a sudden and don t know why for example this morning i woke up pretty calmand wa just relaxing in my apartment doing random thing i started to watch a show then all of a sudden realize i feel restless and slightly weirdand i notice my jaw is clenchedbut i cant unclench itandthen yeah it usually just spiral from thereor i just feel really fragile for the next hour or two any advice it starting to happen multiple time per day when i m trying to do thing and completely get in the way i haven t been able to do schoolwork in week or anything that requires much brain power" ]
Hola me sigo estresando ansioso de repente y no sé por qué por ejemplo esta mañana me desperté bastante calma y wa simplemente relajarse en mi apartamento haciendo cosas al azar empecé a ver un espectáculo entonces de repente me doy cuenta de que me siento inquieto y un poco raro y noto que mi mandíbula está apretada pero no puedo tionchearlo y entonces sí, normalmente me siento realmente frágil desde allí o sólo me siento muy frágil durante la próxima hora o dos cualquier consejo que comienza a suceder varias veces por día cuando estoy tratando de hacer cosas y completamente me me meto en la forma en que no he sido capaz de hacer el trabajo escolar en la semana o cualquier cosa que requiere mucho cerebro poder
tolu pepper omo this happens every period but not through out the depression is overwhelming and i crave so much sugar to balance the mood usually chocolate help me feel better
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tolu pepper omo this happens every period but not through out the depression is overwhelming and i crave so much sugar to balance the mood usually chocolate help me feel better" ]
tolu pimiento omo esto sucede cada período, pero no a través de la depresión es abrumador y me ansío tanto azúcar para equilibrar el estado de ánimo por lo general el chocolate me ayudan a sentir mejor
ive done terrible things deserve terrible endfirst all im wrong sub id like apologize search redflag found im years old entire life ive done nothing bad ive prison twice currently parole next years ive hurt everyone ever cared about ruined countless lives remorse since incarceration learned lot im person used be predator hunted children unspeakable things thinking past sickens stomach see reason go here family talk me friends happiness still urges time time act again feel it take life now cant hurt anybody else way always meant be im looking sympathy im looking told change better know ive done life given thrown away selfish actions wish could go back young amazing mother supportive father brother never would thought would give me want go back days young free regrets want take back everything done theres nothing left say lay pool tears reminisce golden days one promise made got prison id stop drinking bottle tequila juice thank reading please hold flaming trust me know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive done terrible things deserve terrible endfirst all im wrong sub id like apologize search redflag found im years old entire life ive done nothing bad ive prison twice currently parole next years ive hurt everyone ever cared about ruined countless lives remorse since incarceration learned lot im person used be predator hunted children unspeakable things thinking past sickens stomach see reason go here family talk me friends happiness still urges time time act again feel it take life now cant hurt anybody else way always meant be im looking sympathy im looking told change better know ive done life given thrown away selfish actions wish could go back young amazing mother supportive father brother never would thought would give me want go back days young free regrets want take back everything done theres nothing left say lay pool tears reminisce golden days one promise made got prison id stop drinking bottle tequila juice thank reading please hold flaming trust me know" ]
ive had terrible things mered terrible endfirst all im mal sub id like discussion search redflag found im years old life hed nothing mal ive prison dos veces en este momento la libertad condicional los próximos años ive hire everyone maintained live live returned lives remordimiento desde la encarcelación heart lot im person used be predated children indescriptible thing pass flakens thing thing pass smallens thing worm would raz go here family help me friends still instance time time time time time time time time time life any main main main maining main maining site maining site maining change s change live live live live live drive live live drive drive drive drigue drigue drigue drigue driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez driguez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez drega jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez jez je
@PamelaKKinney.. Summer is finally here!!yeayyyyyy!!!.. I plan to do some traveling this summer..
[ "@PamelaKKinney..Summer is finally here!!yeayyyyyy!!!..I plan to do some traveling this summer.." ]
@PamelaKKinney..Summer finalmente está aquí!!yeayyyyyy!!!. Planeo hacer algunos viajes este verano..
Leaving school and going to kathrynns to make an omlette for breakfast during study hall..yummmm
[ "Leaving school and going to kathrynns to make an omlette for breakfast during study hall..yummmm" ]
Dejando la escuela y yendo a kathrynns para hacer una omlette para el desayuno durante la sala de estudio..yummmmm
rating cocks thats it thats literally it rating cocks
[ "rating cocks thats it thats literally it rating cocks" ]
rating pollas eso es lo que es literalmente rating pollas
is so excited about my new website coming soon. I'll let you know as soon as it's ready.
[ "is so excited about my new website coming soon.I'll let you know as soon as it's ready." ]
está tan emocionado acerca de mi nuevo sitio web que viene pronto.Te haré saber tan pronto como esté listo.
casomai last movie ive seen getting married last year br br it also first movie ive searched for married promised offer copy priestbr br sometimes reality apart fiction wrote priests like don camillo exist real life would recommend visit priest pe nuno westwood estoril portugal br br to others would recommend see movie i do day br br rodrigo ribeiro portugal
[ "casomai last movie ive seen getting married last year br br it also first movie ive searched for married promised offer copy priestbr br sometimes reality apart fiction wrote priests like don camillo exist real life would recommend visit priest pe nuno westwood estoril portugal br br to others would recommend see moviei do day br br rodrigo ribeiro portugal" ]
casomai última película ive visto casarse el año pasado br br it también primera película ive buscado para matrimonio prometida oferta copia sacerbr br a veces realidad aparte ficción escritos sacerdotes como don camillo existen vida real recomendaría visitar sacerdote pe nuno westwood estoril br br br a otros recomendaría ver películai do día br rodrigo ribeiro portugal
going burn alive hurts ive heardi dont want fucking body dont want fucking transition female wish born female wasnt dont want fucking freak dont want struggle fight fake thing want die tired social anxiety tired everyone treating like fucking creep social anxiety im tired everyone online telling get it im tired family telling get it im tired homophobic transphobic conservative christian family tired everything want burn alive want feel much pain possible want disgusting body destroyed thrown trash tired this matter stuck rest life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "going burn alive hurts ive heardi dont want fucking body dont want fucking transition female wish born female wasnt dont want fucking freak dont want struggle fight fake thing want die tired social anxiety tired everyone treating like fucking creep social anxiety im tired everyone online telling get it im tired family telling get it im tired homophobic transphobic conservative christian family tired everything want burn alive want feel much pain possible want disgusting body destroyed thrown trash tired this matter stuck rest life" ]
quemaduras vivas duele ive headi no quiero puto cuerpo no quiero transición deseo femenino nacido hembra no quiero puto fenómeno no quiero lucha lucha cosa falsa quiero morir cansado ansiedad social cansado todo el mundo tratando como mierda puta ansiedad social estoy cansado todo el mundo en línea diciendo conseguirlo estoy cansado familia diciendo conseguirlo estoy cansado homofóbico transfóbico conservador familia cristiana cansado todo lo que quiero quemar vivo quiero sentir mucho dolor posible querer cuerpo asqueroso destruido basura cansada este asunto atascado descanso vida
recovered from camping rave at last! Bank holiday
[ "recovered from camping rave at last!Bank holiday" ]
recuperado de la rave camping por fin!Bank vacaciones
people app annoying comes originality like theyll call stolen meme account filled stolen memes like literally shut
[ "people app annoying comes originality like theyll call stolen meme account filled stolen memes like literally shut" ]
La gente aplicación molesto viene originalidad como ellos llamar meme robado cuenta llena memes robados como literalmente cerrado
Tucking in all my babies 3 down 1 barley hanging on.
[ "Tucking in all my babies 3 down 1 barley hanging on." ]
Metiendo a todos mis bebés 3 por 1 cebada colgando.
depressed many years experienced failure heartbreak rejection insecurity know love anymore still live parents got degree psychology offer much right now work two jobs make ends meet try continue education afford it volunteer red cross smothered work lost hope love lost interest things used love art music everything sexually assaulted several years ago lost virginity result assaulted person thought friend month later confided let guard down true relationship lasted year half realized recently rebound bad marriage bought expensive car lost job dumped next day relationship nothing gaslighting manipulating me even grandmother dying barely supportivesince terrible depression worked constantly keep distracted pushed better things worked self esteem lost weight gained relationship tried getting back dating game people tell regularly attractive yet guys interested desparate lonely edge know ready not
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depressed many years experienced failure heartbreak rejection insecurity know love anymore still live parents got degree psychology offer much right now work two jobs make ends meet try continue education afford it volunteer red cross smothered work lost hope love lost interest things used love art music everything sexually assaulted several years ago lost virginity result assaulted person thought friend month later confided let guard down true relationship lasted year half realized recently rebound bad marriage bought expensive car lost job dumped next day relationship nothing gaslighting manipulating me even grandmother dying barely supportivesince terrible depression worked constantly keep distracted pushed better things worked self esteem lost weight gained relationship tried getting back dating game people tell regularly attractive yet guys interested desparate lonely edge know ready not" ]
Deprimido muchos años experimentado fracaso corazón rompe rechazo inseguridad saber amor todavía vivo los padres tienen grado psicología oferta mucho ahora trabajo dos trabajos fin de fin de mes tratar de continuar la educación permitirse voluntariado cruz roja ahogado trabajo perdido esperanza amor perdido interés cosas usadas amor arte música todo sexualmente agredido hace varios años perdido resultado virginidad persona asaltada pensamiento amigo meses más tarde confió dejo de guardia abajo verdadera relación durado año medio realizado recientemente rebote mal matrimonio comprado caro coche perdido trabajo tirado al día siguiente relación nada gaslighting manipulación incluso abuela morir apenas apoyo ya terrible depresión trabajó constantemente mantener distraído empujado mejores cosas trabajó autoestima pérdida de peso ganado relación trató de volver a salir la gente cuenta regularmente atractivo pero chicos interesados desparate solitario borde saber listo no
im letting life pas by because im so stressed and cant deal with my problem so i just hide away and isolate myself and it starting to harm me where im currently cry because i have no solution for the hole i dug myself in help me please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im letting life pas by because im so stressed and cant deal with my problemso i just hide away and isolate myself and it starting to harm me where im currently cry because i have no solution for the hole i dug myself in help me please" ]
Estoy dejando pasar la vida porque estoy tan estresado y no puedo lidiar con mis problemaso sólo me escondo y me aislo y empieza a hacerme daño donde estoy llorando actualmente porque no tengo solución para el agujero que me cavé en ayudarme por favor
wish could make onlyfans people would buy content im broke busy work
[ "wish could make onlyfans people would buy content im broke busy work" ]
deseo podría hacer que sólo fans la gente compraría contenido im trabajo ocupado roto
had a moment with run fatboy run
[ "had a moment with run fatboy run" ]
tuvo un momento con correr chico gordo correr
want hospitalized cant stop thinking ending allim bipolar type hospitalized jan year th time extreme depression psychosis meds working put lexapro zyprexa helped bit last month ive getting worse worse fucking hate damn bad im tired psych listening me tired exhausting family bow fucking sick depression started hurting again little im tired im tired shit working im tired pain im tired know do feel like complete failure tired told keep head itll pass im fucking sick trying endless game rotating pills work im stuck want go drive somewhere secluded found maybe jump cliff shit overdose pills cant get head want hospitalized take away anxiety meds real bad anxiety disorder thanks past sexual abuse im done life tired trying hard nothing do im confused crying damn everything im sick this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want hospitalized cant stop thinking ending allim bipolar type hospitalized jan year th time extreme depression psychosis meds working put lexapro zyprexa helped bit last month ive getting worse worse fucking hate damn badim tired psych listening me tired exhausting family bow fucking sick depression started hurting again little im tiredim tired shit working im tired painim tired know do feel like complete failure tired told keep head itll pass im fucking sick trying endless game rotating pills work im stuck want go drive somewhere secluded found maybe jump cliff shit overdose pills cant get head want hospitalized take away anxiety meds real bad anxiety disorder thanks past sexual abuse im done life tired trying hard nothing do im confused crying damn everything im sick this" ]
quiero hospitalizado no puedo dejar de pensar terminar allim bipolar tipo hospitalizado año an th tiempo depresión extrema psicosis meds trabajo put lexapro zyprexa ayudó a morder el mes pasado ive conseguir peor maldito odio maldito bádim cansado psych escucharme cansado agotador familia arco puto enfermo depresión comenzó a doler de nuevo poco im cansado cansado mierda trabajo im cansado dolorim cansado saber sentir como completo fracaso cansado decir mantener la cabeza ill pass im enfermo intentar interminable juego rotativo píldoras trabajo im pegada quiero ir conducir en algún lugar aislado encontrado tal vez salto acantilado mierda sobredosis píldoras no puedo conseguir cabeza quiero hospitalizar llevar ansiedad meds real mal trastorno de ansiedad gracias pasado abuso sexual im hecho vida cansado intentar duro nada im confuso llorar maldito todo im enfermo esto
Monday and Tuesday were beautiful and now it's raining. Albany is going to put me into a depression.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Monday and Tuesday were beautiful and now it's raining.Albany is going to put me into a depression." ]
Lunes y martes eran hermosos y ahora está lloviendo.Albany me va a poner en una depresión.