complain instagram stealing memes stupid memes supposed spread give shit made meme also watermarks useless nobody goes back original creator page anyways memes art silly jokes stop commenting stolen rsubreddit look ridiculous
[ "complain instagram stealing memes stupid memes supposed spread give shit made meme also watermarks useless nobody goes back original creator page anyways memes art silly jokes stop commenting stolen rsubreddit look ridiculous" ]
queja instagram robar memes estúpidos memes supuesto propagación dar mierda meme también marcas de agua inútil nadie vuelve página creador original de todos modos memes arte chistes tontos dejar de comentar robado rsubreddit mirada ridícula
many thoughtsim sure completely qualify posting here seems like best place go ive many bad thoughts lately ive hard time couple years started really break somewhat recently im finishing high school hopefully going college soon im trying hardest go away college living house nightmare know me older sisters antidepressants anti anxiety medication moved out im afraid might stuck ill never able go anywhere life cant keep together mentally much longer want things get point cant fix anything really need someone talk to help would absolutely appreciated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "many thoughtsim sure completely qualify posting here seems like best place go ive many bad thoughts lately ive hard time couple years started really break somewhat recently im finishing high school hopefully going college soon im trying hardest go away college living house nightmare know me older sisters antidepressants anti anxiety medication moved out im afraid might stuck ill never able go anywhere life cant keep together mentally much longer want things get point cant fix anything really need someone talk to help would absolutely appreciated" ]
muchos pensamientosim seguro completamente calificar publicar aquí parece como mejor lugar ir ive muchos malos pensamientos últimamente ive duro tiempo par de años comenzó realmente romper un poco recientemente terminar la escuela secundaria espero ir a la universidad pronto me esfuerzo más lejos universidad vivir casa pesadilla sé que las hermanas mayores antidepresivos anti ansiedad medicamentos se trasladó im miedo podría quedarse enfermo nunca capaz de ir a cualquier lugar la vida no puede mantenerse juntos mentalmente mucho más tiempo quiero las cosas conseguir punto cant arreglar nada realmente necesita alguien hablar para ayudar apreciar absolutamente
@sm9 You can tell them what you like and don't like on their site so they know what to send you
[ "@sm9 You can tell them what you like and don't like on their site so they know what to send you" ]
@sm9 Puedes decirles lo que te gusta y no te gusta en su sitio para que sepan qué enviarte
redflag drowninghas anyone ever tried it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "redflag drowninghas anyone ever tried it" ]
¿Alguien lo ha intentado alguna vez?
one minute im stable next minute im planning hanging myselfi bpd utterly exhausting fast mood shift used moods would shift course couple days bounce back forth extremes several dozen times single day yesterday morning woke extremely bad place ive displaying escalating parasuicidal behavior several weeks talking using pellet gun looks much like glock prop try get people acknowledge validate shitty horrible feel also get help dig hole ive dug myself clue climb own ive also extremely manic random mania manic urge hide emotional turmoil pain talking things like getting car driving hundred miles blowing literally savings maxing credit cards fancy hotel ridiculous dinners two weeks also cruising around car tune additional miles hell not manic energy scares me especially combined rapidly cycling moods massive impulse control issues recipe disaster spent day heart heart talks mom best friend phone spent hours talking phone total two them felt better talking them within minutes call ending started feelings despair hopelessness consume again feelings issue urges impulses feel particularly strong wave emotion hits me first thought hanging stepping front bus ive felt urges wash several times today came close giving temptation stepping front bus literally started sweating degree weather close it walked around hours afterwards dazedissociated state silently crying moved new hotel room spent least minutes examining room find best place anchor belt bathrobes belt basically anywhere post night honestly im always scanning surroundings see best path living moment case decide indulge urge like im always planning lay bed ill feel okay minutes thought triggers strong emotion run head next thing know im literally mentally picturing taking necessary steps hang myself minutes later im back calm collected minutes that another triggering thought pops head go back fantasizing ending all rapid oscillation okay one minute ready wrap belt around closet hanger bar next minute exhausting unpleasant unwanted roller coaster ride worst all kinds rapid massive emotional state changes urges increasingly common life level frankly mentally crippling dont want die feel like limited shitty options dying favorable outcome still shitty choice none options staying alive letting go past dearly miss desirable given emotional issues sucks much im beyond exhausted all want stability
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "one minute im stable next minute im planning hanging myselfi bpd utterly exhausting fast mood shift used moods would shift course couple days bounce back forth extremes several dozen times single day yesterday morning woke extremely bad place ive displaying escalating parasuicidal behavior several weeks talking using pellet gun looks much like glock prop try get people acknowledge validate shitty horrible feel also get help dig hole ive dug myself clue climb own", "ive also extremely manic random mania manic urge hide emotional turmoil pain talking things like getting car driving hundred miles blowing literally savings maxing credit cards fancy hotel ridiculous dinners two weeks also cruising around car tune additional miles hell not manic energy scares me especially combined rapidly cycling moods massive impulse control issues recipe disaster spent day heart heart talks mom best friend phone spent hours talking phone total two them felt better talking them within minutes call ending started feelings despair hopelessness consume again feelings issue urges impulses feel particularly strong wave emotion hits me first thought hanging stepping front bus ive felt urges wash several times today came close giving temptation stepping front bus literally started sweating degree weather close it walked around hours afterwards dazedissociated state silently crying moved new hotel room spent least minutes examining room find best place anchor belt bathrobes belt basically anywhere post night honestly im always scanning surroundings see best path living moment case decide indulge urge like im always planning lay bed ill feel okay minutes thought triggers", "strong emotion run head next thing knowim literally mentally picturing taking necessary steps hang myself minutes later im back calm collected minutes that another triggering thought pops head go back fantasizing ending all rapid oscillationokay one minute ready wrap belt around closet hanger bar next minute exhausting unpleasant unwanted roller coaster ride worst all kinds rapid massive emotional state changes urges increasingly common life level frankly mentally crippling dont want die feel like limited shitty options dying favorable outcome still shitty choice none options staying alive letting go past dearly miss desirable given emotional issues sucks much im beyond exhausted all want stability" ]
Un minuto im estable siguiente minuto im planificación colgando melki bpd totalmente agotador cambio de humor rápido estados de ánimo usados cambiar el curso de dos días rebote hacia atrás extremos varias docenas de veces un solo día ayer por la mañana despertó extremadamente mal lugar iv mostrando comportamiento parasuicida creciente varias semanas hablando con pistola de perdigones parece mucho glock prop tratar de conseguir que la gente reconozca validación mierda horrible sensación también obtener ayuda excavación agujero ive cavado a mí mismo pista subir propia
first real break warning sucks irl friends seeing hi im ok rn dont bring plz seriously im recommending getting heart broken fun experience
[ "first real break warning sucks irl friends seeing hi im ok rn dont bring plz seriously im recommending getting heart broken fun experience" ]
la primera advertencia de ruptura real chupa irl amigos viendo hi im ok rn no traer plz en serio im recomendar conseguir corazón roto experiencia divertida
high as hell. i haven't been like this in forever. watching mtv with cindy.
[ "high as hell.i haven't been like this in forever.watching mtv with cindy." ]
No he estado así desde siempre. Viendo mtv con Cindy.
today last dayim years old go private high school means happy thing wrong life emotionally verbally abusive father however cannot feel anything sadness pain im medically diagnosed psychopath severe depression nothing live eyes self esteem redeeming qualities nothing good cannot feel happy unless im cutting abusing drugs ive never loved never able love anyone im worthy love ill never loved isnt cry help comfort dont know im posting honest wanted like minded people know sympathize live final day earth
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "today last dayim years old go private high school means happy thing wrong life emotionally verbally abusive father however cannot feel anything sadness pain im medically diagnosed psychopath severe depression nothing live eyes self esteem redeeming qualities nothing good cannot feel happy unless im cutting abusing drugs ive never loved never able love anyone im worthy love ill never loved isnt cry help comfort dont know im posting honest wanted like minded people know sympathize live final day earth" ]
Hoy último díaim años de edad ir a la escuela secundaria privada significa feliz cosa mala vida emocionalmente abusivo padre sin embargo no puede sentir nada tristeza dolor im diagnóstico médico psicopata depresión severa nada ojos vivos autoestima cualidades redimidas nada bueno no se puede sentir feliz a menos que cortar el abuso de drogas ive nunca amado nunca capaz amar a nadie im amor digno mal nunca amado llorar ayuda no es querido consuelo no sé Im publicación honesto querido como la gente de mente sabe simpatizar vivir último día tierra
Off to GH to meet up @soodugyot Shawarma time!
[ "Off to GH to meet up @soodugyot Shawarma time!" ]
¡Fuera a GH para reunirse con @soodugyot Shawarma hora!
@onceatweeter it's called a nice trip to rehab town
[ "@onceatweeter it's called a nice trip to rehab town" ]
@onceatweeter se llama un buen viaje a la ciudad de rehabilitación
really know im meant type hereim sorry really know im meant say really wanted somebody talk to uh six months ago friend passed away ive trying really hard make new friends people seem like me ive always sorta depressed never bad know im meant anymore cant talk family anymore cant remember last time went whole day without little panic attack future im starting make really sick anyway thanks letting tell somebody
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really know im meant type hereim sorry really know im meant say really wanted somebody talk to uh six months ago friend passed away ive trying really hard make new friends people seem like me ive always sorta depressednever bad know im meant anymore cant talk family anymore cant remember last time went whole day without little panic attack future im starting make really sick anyway thanks letting tell somebody" ]
Realmente sé que quiero decir tipo aquí lo siento realmente sé que quiero decir realmente quería que alguien hablara con uh hace seis meses amigo falleció ive tratando realmente duro hacer nuevos amigos la gente parece que yo ive live sorta deprimidonunca mal saber im significa más no puedo hablar familia no puedo recordar la última vez fue todo el día sin poco ataque de pánico futuro im empezar realmente enfermo de todos modos gracias dejar de decirle a alguien
guess forgot read countrys native language yep guessed correctly kingqueen meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
[ "guess forgot read countrys native language yep guessed correctly kingqueen meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" ]
Supongo que se olvidó de leer los países lengua nativa yep adivinado correctamente kingqueen meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
movie two australian girlsdebbie nell schofield sue sue knightand happens become girlfriends two surfer guysbr br i caught art cinema america technically still teenager i interested seeing australian teens acted script wise theres nothing new here shows usual teenage adventures dealing dating sex suicide etc etc always knew going happen never bored found interesting was despite accent changes clothes hair teenagers much different american teens many difficulties hangups also based book real surfer girl true life adventures i heard faithful adaptation it acting ok actors attractive wellmade pretty interesting unsung masterpiece pretty accurate portrayal like teenager trying popular kids give
[ "movie two australian girlsdebbie nell schofield sue sue knightand happens become girlfriends two surfer guysbr bri caught art cinema america technically still teenager i interested seeing australian teens acted script wise theres nothing new here shows usual teenage adventures dealing dating sex suicide etc etc always knew going happen never bored found interesting was despite accent changes clothes hair teenagers much different american teens many difficulties hangups also based book real surfer girl true life adventures i heard faithful adaptation it acting ok actors attractive wellmade pretty interesting unsung masterpiece pretty accurate portrayal like teenager trying popular kids give" ]
película dos australian girlsdebbie nell schofield demandar caballeroy pasa a ser novias dos surfer guysbr bri capturado arte cine america técnicamente todavía adolescente yo interesó ver a australianos adolescentes actuar guión sabio no hay nada nuevo aquí muestra aventuras adolescentes habituales tratando de salir con el suicidio sexual etc etc siempre supe que iba a suceder nunca aburrido encontrado interesante fue a pesar de acento cambios ropa pelo adolescentes muy diferentes adolescentes estadounidenses muchas dificultades colgar también basado libro real surfer chica verdadera vida aventuras escuché fiel adaptación que actuar ok actores atractivos bastante interesante obra maestra sin cantar bastante precisa retratar como adolescente tratando niños populares dar
even know right now am someone really care blocked randomly cant calm thoughts really know do feel like absolute shit none friends awake really anyone go to
[ "even know right now am someone really care blocked randomly cant calm thoughts really know do feel like absolute shit none friends awake really anyone go to" ]
incluso saber ahora soy alguien realmente cuidado bloqueado al azar no puedo pensamientos tranquilos realmente sé que se siente como una mierda absoluta ninguno amigos despiertos realmente nadie va a
something look forward totruly find comfort pain gone end nothing matter simply exist dont worry others think gone wont problem anymore plus fuck anyways didnt care enough would care im gone regardless thing makes feel okay sad wont feel anything end
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "something look forward totruly find comfort pain gone end nothing matter simply exist dont worry others think gone wont problem anymore plus fuck anyways didnt care enough would care im gone regardless thing makes feel okay sad wont feel anything end" ]
algo mira hacia adelante realmente encontrar consuelo dolor ido fin nada materia simplemente existen no se preocupe otros piensan que no va problema más mierda de todos modos no le importó lo suficiente me importa I ido independientemente de lo hace sentir bien triste no sentir nada final
problem that kind surprised first time hearing cousins name missed dearly spent dollars plane ticket go visit think much it noticed course couple weeks constantly getting snapchats jessica reluctant open front me another thing surprised always would open things front me never problem phone open snapchat jessica kind pulled phone closer see screen noticed phone background one day saw happy birthday card picture drawn it signed jessica
[ "problem that kind surprised first time hearing cousins name missed dearly spent dollars plane ticket go visit think much it noticed course couple weeks constantly getting snapchats jessica reluctant open front me another thing surprised always would open things front me never problem phone open snapchat jessica kind pulled phone closer see screen noticed phone background one day saw happy birthday card picture drawn it signed jessica" ]
problema que tipo sorprendido primera vez que los primos oído nombre perdido muy gastado billete de avión de dólares ir visitar pensar mucho se dio cuenta curso un par de semanas constantemente conseguir snapschats jessica reacios frente a mí otra cosa sorprendida siempre abrir las cosas frente a mí nunca problema teléfono abierto snapschat jessica tipo tiró del teléfono más cerca ver pantalla notado teléfono fondo un día vio feliz tarjeta de cumpleaños dibujo imagen firmada jessica
i often hold myself back from doing the thing i want to do because i don t feel like i meet the bare minimum standard to have realistic prospect for success what should i do to overcome this for instance i would love to be able to have a job earn money and be self sufficient i lost three job over the course of three month from 0 0 and i wound up in a deep depression from which i ve been trying to crawl out of ever since i later realized that i have adhd pi which explains nearly every factor that contributed to my past underperformance i wa often late for work i called in sick when i couldn t get out of bed i wa slow at my job etc i didn t realize that the issue i had were outgrowth of executive dysfunction and once i realized i had adhd everything suddenly made sense i had always been told and in fact came to believe that i wa just lazy that my lack of success wa my attitude towards work and it wa a simple a that but no it s not actually so simple even so i feel like i need to be 00 confident that it s under control before i attempt to re enter the workforce here s why i view being hired for any job a a promise on your part when you accept a position you are implicitly agreeing that you will be consistently hard working focused and reliable by consistently i mean at least 99 of the time everyone ha the occasional bad day where they underperform but to be a good employee this need to be a rare occurrence no more than maybe once every six month or so at the absolute most you need to be on time you need to be consistently applying yourself to the extent where you re feeling exhausted by the day s end and you need to be making a sustained effort to be living up to and preferably exceeding the expectation that are set out for you by your employer in short you either make a full commitment or you don t in my opinion if you apply for a job and accept a position knowing full well that you re going to struggle with thing a basic a punctuality or worker engagement it is disingenuous for you to even send in an application in the first place another example at year old i have never gone out on a single actual date with a woman let alone anything beyond that it just feel futile for me to even ask a woman out i find it unrealistic to think that a woman would find me physically or romantically attractive i feel like in order to date someone you have to be their equal by most metric equally attractive equally successful etc at the very least you have to fulfill some basic criterion be employed full time have a driver s license own a car be adept at handling social situation take good care of your body and your appearance maintain a consistently clean and orderly living space etc similar to employment asking somebody out feel like yet another unspoken agreement in doing so you are effectively conveying that you have your life together are able to keep it together on a consistent basis for the foreseeable future and want to get to know them on an intimate level once again you either make a full commitment or you do not if you can t give it 00 on a consistent basis then don t waste their time there are other thing that hold me back from dating another factor is that i m terrified of inadvertently going about it in an inappropriate manner e g wrong place wrong time misreading signal and making her uncomfortable with my overture then there s the fact that i m asexual and probably wouldn t have a high enough libido to satisfy most woman on a frequent enough basis but the main reason is the fact that i don t think i am capable of making a full commitment in my mind it s all or nothing i guess the long and short of it is that i don t apply for work ask woman out or do much of anything with my life because i don t think i m good enough i m not worthy i doubt my capability a being on the same level a everyone else and i don t want to pretend like i am capable of maintaining the kind of commitment that most people are able to make
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i often hold myself back from doing the thing i want to do because i don t feel like i meet the bare minimum standard to have realistic prospect for success what should i do to overcome this for instance i would love to be able to have a job earn money and be self sufficient i lost three job over the course of three month from 0 0and i wound up in a deep depression from which i ve been trying to crawl out of ever since i later realized that i have adhd pi which explains nearly every factor that contributed to my past underperformance i wa often late for work i called in sick when i couldn t get out of bed i wa slow at my jobetc i didn t realize that the issue i had were outgrowth of executive dysfunction and once i realized i had adhd everything suddenly made sense i had always been told and in fact came to believe that i wa just lazy that my lack of success wa my attitude towards work and it wa a simple a that", "but no it s not actually so simple even so i feel like i need to be 00 confident that it s under control before i attempt to re enter the workforce here s why i view being hired for any job a a promise on your part when you accept a position you are implicitly agreeing that you will be consistently hard working focused and reliable by consistentlyi mean at least 99 of the time everyone ha the occasional bad day where they underperform but to be a good employee this need to be a rare occurrence no more than maybe once every six month or so at the absolute most you need to be on time you need to be consistently applying yourself to the extent where you re feeling exhausted by the day s end", "and you need to be making a sustained effort to be living up to and preferably exceeding the expectation that are set out for you by your employer in short you either make a full commitment or you don t in my opinion if you apply for a job and accept a position knowing full well that you re going to struggle with thing a basic a punctuality or worker engagement it is disingenuous for you to even send in an application in the first place another example at year old i have never gone out on a single actual date with a woman let alone anything beyond that it just feel futile for me to even ask a woman out", "i find it unrealistic to think that a woman would find me physically or romantically attractive i feel like in order to date someone you have to be their equal by most metric equally attractive equally successful etc at the very least you have to fulfill some basic criterion be employed full time have a driver s license own a car be adept at handling social situation take good care of your body and your appearance maintain a consistently clean and orderly living space etc similar to employment asking somebody out feel like yet another unspoken agreement in doing so you are effectively conveying that you have your life together are able to keep it together on a consistent basis for the foreseeable future and want to get to know them on an intimate level once again you either make a full commitment or you do not if you can t give it 00 on a consistent basis then don t waste their time there are other thing that hold me back from dating another factor is that i m terrified of inadvertently going about it in an inappropriate manner e g wrong place wrong time misreading signal and making her uncomfortable with my overture then there s the fact that i m asexual and probably wouldn t have a high enough libido to satisfy most woman on a frequent enough basis but the main reason is the fact that i don t think i am capable of making a full commitment in my mind it s all or nothing i guess the long and short of it is that i don t apply for work ask woman out or do much of anything with my life because i don t think i m good enough i m not worthy i doubt my capability a being on the same level a everyone else and i don t want to pretend like i am capable of maintaining the kind of commitment that most people are able to make" ]
A menudo me retengo de hacer lo que quiero hacer porque no siento que cumpla con el mínimo estándar para tener una perspectiva realista para el éxito lo que debo hacer para superar esto, por ejemplo, me encantaría ser capaz de tener un trabajo ganar dinero y ser auto suficiente he perdido tres trabajo en el curso de tres meses de 0 0 y terminé en una profunda depresión de la que he estado tratando de arrastrarse desde que más tarde me di cuenta de que he adhd pi que explica casi todos los factores que contribuyeron a mi pasado bajo rendimiento a menudo voy tarde para el trabajo llamé en enfermo cuando no podía salir de la cama voy lento en mi trabajo no me di cuenta de que el problema que había salido de la disfunción ejecutiva y una vez me di cuenta de que había adhd todo de repente había tenido sentido siempre se me había dicho y de hecho llegó a creer que yo era simplemente perezoso que mi falta de éxito wa mi actitud hacia el trabajo y era un simple un simple que
know tell anyone thismy heart feels cold feel lonely beautiful family many loved ones care me good job wonderful life still feel miserable want end girls wife daughter fuck hurts live thank listening really mean that thank you
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know tell anyone thismy heart feels cold feel lonely beautiful family many loved ones care me good job wonderful life still feel miserable want end girls wife daughter fuck hurts live thank listening really mean that thank you" ]
saber decirle a alguien esto mi corazón se siente frío se siente solo hermosa familia muchos seres queridos me cuidan buen trabajo maravillosa vida todavía se siente miserable querer fin niñas esposa hija follada en vivo gracias escuchar realmente significa que gracias
im commit redflaghello ive never made post first last post last months truly completely lost everything life meaning february went mental break tried hook another girl relationship dumbest mistake ive ever made cant believe it nothing happened fact still counts willing cheat girlfriend girl dreams made every single day worth living made last months august person post facebook status effectively ruined life every single way shape form accused sexual assault merit police even take case community live apsolutely murdered me cant leave house without feeling scared cant eat cant sleep im upto day literally sleep ive started micronap last weeks ex partner parted ways good terms stop calling got sad every time called manipulative thats afraid me really final straw me ive never hurt anyone life crying emotional angry sad time take single call ive phone many redflag hotlines still even slightly deterring me truly believe nothing left life live now got fired every person ive cried help simply said theyll see tomorrow answered phone cant anymore life going where lost live tried fucking hard smallest bit left dont wish stronger im not
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im commit redflaghelloive never made post first last post last months truly completely lost everything life meaning february went mental break tried hook another girl relationship dumbest mistake ive ever made cant believe it nothing happened fact still counts willing cheat girlfriend girl dreams made every single day worth living made last months august person post facebook status effectively ruined life every single way shape form accused sexual assault merit police even take case community live apsolutely murdered me cant leave house without feeling scared cant eat cant sleep im upto day literally sleep ive started micronap last weeks ex partner parted ways good terms stop calling got sad every time called manipulative thats afraid me really final straw me ive never hurt anyone life crying emotional angry sad time take single call ive phone many redflag hotlines still even slightly deterring me truly believe nothing left life live now got fired every person ive cried help simply said theyll see tomorrow answered phonecant anymore life going where lost live tried fucking hard smallest bit left dont wish stronger im not" ]
Im commit redflaghelloive nunca hizo post primero último post los últimos meses realmente completamente perdido todo la vida significado february fue ruptura mental intentado gancho otra chica relación tonto error ive made no puede creer que nada sucedió hecho todavía cuenta dispuesto trampa novia sueños chica hecho cada día vale la pena vivir hecho los últimos meses august person post facebook status efectivamente arruinado vida cada forma forma acusado asalto sexual mérito policía incluso tomar caso comunidad vivir apsolutamente asesinado no puedo salir de casa sin sentir miedo no puedo comer no puedo dormir hasta el día literalmente sueño ha comenzado micronap las últimas semanas ex pareja modos buenos términos dejar de llamar se puso triste cada vez que se llama manipulador que me teme realmente gota final me ive nunca hiere a nadie vida llorando emocional enojado triste tiempo tomar una sola llamada ive teléfono muchas líneas telefónicas redflag todavía ligeramente disuadiendo realmente creo que nada izquierda vida ahora me han despedido cada persona llorado ayuda simplemente dijeron que van a ver mañana contestado teléfono más vida va donde perdido duro duro más tiempo más tiempo de ir
the only reason i can t bring myself to do it is the thought of my mom coming to wake me up and finding me dead or the rest of my family feeling burdened by it we ve already lost a cousin of mine to suicide barely two year ago i don t want to do that to them it s the only reason i haven t yet if only i could stop being so damn empathetic to my own detriment i could just stab myself and finally be free
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "the only reason i can t bring myself to do it is the thought of my mom coming to wake me up and finding me dead or the rest of my family feeling burdened by it we ve already lost a cousin of mine to suicide barely two year ago i don t want to do that to them it s the only reason i haven tyet if only i could stop being so damn empathetic to my own detriment i could just stab myself and finally be free" ]
La única razón por la que no puedo hacerlo es la idea de que mi madre venga a despertarme y encontrarme muerto o el resto de mi familia sintiéndose agobiado por ello ya hemos perdido a un primo mío por suicidarme hace apenas dos años. No quiero hacerles eso. Es la única razón por la que tengo a Tyet. Si tan sólo pudiera dejar de ser tan empática en mi propio detrimento. Podría apuñalarme a mí misma y finalmente ser libre.
maxbarners i hope it all go well
[ "maxbarners i hope it all go well" ]
Maxbarners Espero que todo vaya bien
steve buscemi the weather in canada is freezing
[ "steve buscemi the weather in canada is freezing" ]
steve buscemi el tiempo en Canadá se está congelando
i ve suffered with anxiety all my life been on multiple medication from a young age just to try and make my life more manageable i ve grown up because an adult yet i still spend day in bed and cry because my anxiety is just so bad i wake up with the heavy feeling of dread all the time and find even the most minor inconvenience barely managable let alone the big one which entirely crush me i have no idea how to help it anymore i drink alcohol regularly because that s the only thing that help my mind to hush and stop beating me up about everything i do wrong for just a little while any tip from anyone would be most appreciated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i ve suffered with anxiety all my life been on multiple medication from a young age just to try and make my life more manageable i ve grown up because an adult yeti still spend day in bed and cry because my anxiety is just so bad i wake up with the heavy feeling of dread all the time and find even the most minor inconvenience barely managable let alone the big one which entirely crush me i have no idea how to help it anymore i drink alcohol regularly because that s the only thing that help my mind to hush and stop beating me up about everything i do wrong for just a little while any tip from anyone would be most appreciated" ]
He sufrido con ansiedad toda mi vida ha estado en múltiples medicamentos desde una edad temprana sólo para tratar de hacer mi vida más manejable he crecido porque un yeti adulto todavía pasar el día en la cama y llorar porque mi ansiedad es tan malo me despierto con la sensación de miedo todo el tiempo y encontrar incluso el inconveniente más menor apenas manejable y mucho menos el grande que me aplasta por completo no tengo idea de cómo ayudar a beber alcohol con regularidad porque es la única cosa que ayuda a mi mente a callar y dejar de golpearme sobre todo lo que hago mal por sólo un poco mientras cualquier punta de nadie sería más apreciado
tried making post friends got harassed lot disorderit personality disorder did got called disgusting child alter told im lying making up im crying hate much ive spent life dealing diagnosed disorder got called childish disgusting random girl harassed pm others trying cure dont understand ive spent whole life feeling like freak child alter wanted honest disorder front new friends didnt think id get harassed much really hate feel like freak
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tried making post friends got harassed lot disorderit personality disorder did got called disgusting child alter told im lying making up im crying hate much ive spent life dealing diagnosed disorder got called childish disgusting random girl harassed pm others trying cure dont understand ive spent whole life feeling like freak child alter wanted honest disorder front new friends didnt think id get harassed much really hate feel like freak" ]
tratar de hacer post amigos se acosó mucho desordenit trastorno de la personalidad sí se llamó desagradable niño alter me dijo que mentir maquillaje mi llanto odio mucho vida pasada trata diagnóstico trastorno se llamó infantil desagradable chica al azar acosado p.m. otros tratando de curar no entender ive pasó toda la vida sentir como niño raro alter quería desorden honesto frente nuevos amigos no pensar id conseguir acosado mucho odio sentir como fenómeno
many guys make friends girls actually want friends want fuck girl like says want friends whine moan it like guys genuinely actually want make friends women whats bad friend zone like someone enough want boyfriend enough want friend yall know tiring think making good friends person come say want fuck dissapear tell no braces incoming not guys comments people read title properly
[ "many guys make friends girls actually want friends want fuck girl like says want friends whine moan it like guys genuinely actually want make friends women whats bad friend zone like someone enough want boyfriend enough want friend yall know tiring think making good friends person come say want fuck dissapear tell no braces incoming not guys comments people read title properly" ]
Muchos chicos hacen amigos chicas en realidad quieren amigos quieren follar chica como dice quieren amigos gemir gemir como chicos realmente quieren hacer amigos mujeres lo que es mala zona de amigos como alguien lo suficientemente quieren novio lo suficiente quieren amigo yall saber cansado pensar hacer buenos amigos persona venir decir quieren mierda desapegarse decir no entra aparatos no chicos comentarios la gente lee el título correctamente
guys imagine ifi captured aliens post cry help wouldnt funny
[ "guys imagine ifi captured aliens post cry help wouldnt funny" ]
chicos imaginan si capturé alienígenas post grito ayuda no sería divertido
tired know kill parents hidden things thag use really escape shit even know anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired know kill parents hidden things thag use really escape shit even know anymore" ]
cansado saber matar a los padres cosas ocultas thag usar realmente escapar mierda incluso saber más
http://twitpic.com/6ghe9 - Enjoying my Bloody Orange granita at La Porchetta. Right after the gym too... Tsk tsk
[ "http://twitpic.com/6ghe9 - Enjoying my Bloody Orange granita at La Porchetta.Right after the gym too...Tsk tsk" ]
http://twitpic.com/6ghe9 - Disfrutando de mi granita naranja en La Porchetta.Justo después del gimnasio también...Tsk tsk
name identity memories lost girlfriend wanted disappear still traced destroyed world hardly built wants explanation get ride people made is yeah jason bourne back time s vengeancebr br ok movie elaborated script world thematics clever ask serious questions society course like every hollywoodian movie since end s the bourne suprematy superheroes story jason bourne captainamerica projectlike whos gone completely wrong first movie hero discovered abilities accepted second one fights considers like evil person close killed his girlfriend suprematy them thats part superhero story including character realistic still impressive almost invincible super powersbr br and interesting point evil fights across world theres frontiers bournes movies characters going one continent another blink eye is best seasons american enemy whos beliefs fight good country completely blinds him funny mad patriots n enemies paranoiac hollywoods storiesbr br beside interesting thematics movie flawless feminine character nickie parson completely useless direction quite unoriginal comes dialogs scenes really matter the bourne ultimatum action movie action scenes rather impressivebr br everyone talking waterloo scene tanger pursuit everyones right particularly enjoyed fight tanger reminds exaggeration craziness works tsui hark visually inventive scenes lots intelligent action parts good reflection americans contemporary thematics the bourne ultimatum definitely best movie series interesting original action flick
[ "name identity memories lost girlfriend wanted disappear still traced destroyed world hardly built wants explanation get ride people made is", "yeah jason bourne back time s vengeancebr br ok movie elaborated script world thematics clever ask serious questions society course like every hollywoodian movie since end s the bourne suprematy superheroes story jason bourne captainamerica projectlike whos gone completely wrong first movie hero discovered abilities accepted second one fights considers like evil person close killed his girlfriend suprematy them thats part superhero story including character realistic still impressive almost invincible super powersbr br and interesting point evil fights across world theres frontiers bournes movies characters going one continent another blink eye is best seasons american enemy whos beliefs fight good country completely blinds him funny mad patriots n enemies paranoiac hollywoods storiesbr br beside interesting thematics movie flawless feminine character nickie parson completely useless direction quite unoriginal comes dialogs scenes really matter the bourne ultimatum action movie action scenes rather impressivebr br everyone talking waterloo scene tanger pursuit everyones right particularly enjoyed fight tanger reminds exaggeration craziness works tsui hark visually inventive scenes lots intelligent action parts good reflection americans contemporary thematics the bourne ultimatum definitely best movie series interesting original action flick" ]
nombre identidad recuerdos perdidos novia quería desaparecer todavía rastreado mundo destruido apenas construido quiere explicación conseguir paseo gente hecho es
another showcase led zeppelin finest absolute rocking best every band member best jimmy page bow guitar jpj thunderous bass bozo pounding away robert singing like tomorrow say get first song gonna groove beginning something special dvd follows zeppelin year carree starting royal albert hall madison square garden followed much older mature band earls court finally different looking band last english show knebworth dvd fantastic showcase zeppelin fan n
[ "another showcase led zeppelin finest absolute rocking best every band member best jimmy page bow guitar jpj thunderous bass bozo pounding away robert singing like tomorrow say get first song gonna groove beginning something special dvd follows zeppelin year carree starting royal albert hall madison square garden followed much older mature band earls court finally different looking band last english show knebworth dvd fantastic showcase zeppelin fan n" ]
otro escaparate led zeppelin mejor absoluta rocking mejor cada miembro de la banda mejor jimmy página guitarra arco jpj bajista bajista golpeando lejos robert canto como mañana decir conseguir primera canción gonna groove comenzando algo especial dvd sigue zeppelin año carroe inicio real albert hall madison cuadrado jardín siguió mucho más viejo maduro banda conde corte finalmente diferente banda de aspecto el último show inglés knebworth dvd fantástico escaparate zeppelin fan n
everything enjoyed bores me life pretty much stopped worth pain experiencing every day pain got times worse due recent breakup losing meant losing source happiness got leftbut still cannot decide want keep living not hope left things could get better time something tells maybe hang onim relapsing self harm again least gotten drinking time being really know much able drink again replacing booze means self harm think working really well cave go bottle think expect final goodbye herei stuck weird limbo cannot decide end already maybe coward sure want live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "everything enjoyed bores me life pretty much stopped worth pain experiencing every day pain got times worse due recent breakup losing meant losing source happiness got leftbut still cannot decide want keep living not hope left things could get better time something tells maybe hang onim relapsing self harm again least gotten drinking time being really know much able drink again replacing booze means self harm think working really well cave go bottle think expect final goodbye herei stuck weird limbo cannot decide end already maybe coward sure want live" ]
Todo lo disfrutado me aburre la vida bastante dejó de pena dolor experimentar cada día el dolor empeoró debido a la ruptura reciente pérdida significó perder la fuente felicidad quedó pero todavía no se puede decidir querer seguir viviendo no esperanza izquierda las cosas podrían conseguir mejor tiempo algo dice tal vez colgar onim volver a sufrir daño de sí mismo otra vez menos consiguió beber tiempo ser realmente sabe mucho capaz bebida de nuevo reemplazar alcohol significa auto daño pensar trabajo realmente bien cueva ir botella pensar esperar final adiós herei pegado limbo extraño no puede decidir final ya tal vez cobarde seguro querer vivir
friend attempted dies im sure tooi got news even hour ago dont know know one thing doesnt make alive know wont either fault
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend attempted dies im sure tooi got news even hour ago dont know know one thing doesnt make alive know wont either fault" ]
amigo intento de muerte estoy seguro de que también tengo noticias hace una hora no sé saber una cosa no hace vivo saber tampoco culpa
@Spingere I'm willing to entertain all offers!
[ "@Spingere I'm willing to entertain all offers!" ]
@Spingere ¡Estoy dispuesto a entretener todas las ofertas!
Cocktails + balcony +scorching day = heaven
[ "Cocktails + balcony +scorching day = heaven" ]
Cócteles + balcón + día abrasador = cielo
need love clap thicc cheeks butnever mind
[ "need love clap thicc cheeks butnever mind" ]
Necesito amor aplaudir las mejillas, pero no importa.
jobs easy die inmy life horrible want live anymore however dont wanna take life im scared dont know painless method love serve people make others feel good might well die serving thinking military police firefighter else
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "jobs easy die inmy life horrible want live anymore however dont wanna take lifeim scared dont know painless method love serve people make others feel good might well die serving thinking military police firefighter else" ]
trabajos fácil morir en mi vida horrible querer vivir más sin embargo no quiero tomar la vida miedo no sé método indoloro amor servir a la gente hacer que otros se sienten bien bien podría morir pensando policía militar bombero de otro
dont know work regretting decisionfinished bottle zopiclone mg already feel nauseous dizzy solid minutes mg total im regretting decision much hate life hope isnt way go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont know work regretting decisionfinished bottle zopiclone mg already feel nauseous dizzy solid minutesmg totalim regretting decision much hate life hope isnt way go" ]
no sé trabajo lamentando decisiónacabado botella zopiclone mg ya sentir náuseas mareos minutos sólidosmg totalim lamentando decisión mucho odio vida esperanza no es camino ir
well i wa going to rpm vespa need oil i ain t going anywhere
[ "well i wa going to rpm vespa need oili ain t going anywhere" ]
Bueno, voy a ir a rpm vespa necesita aceite no va a ninguna parte
searching for a new apartment for six of us to stay......
[ "searching for a new apartment for six of us to stay......" ]
buscando un nuevo apartamento para que seis de nosotros nos quedemos......
I turned my twitter back on. On my way to San Antonio. Riverwalk tonight, Fiesta Texas tomorrow, and competit.. http://tinyurl.com/n57944
[ "I turned my twitter back on.On my way to San Antonio.Riverwalk tonight, Fiesta Texas tomorrow, and competit.. http://tinyurl.com/n57944" ]
Volví a encender mi twitter.En mi camino a San Antonio.Riverswalk esta noche, Fiesta Texas mañana, y competit.. http://tinyurl.com/n57944
much coward end itjust left home honestly im edge mother called whore shouted fucking much hates useless im next railway waiting train know im much pussy jump fuck want theres nothing make shit better know fuck fuck fuck fuck
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "much coward end itjust left home honestly im edge mother called whore shouted fucking much hates useless im next railway waiting train know im much pussy jump fuck want theres nothing make shit better know fuck fuck fuck fuck" ]
mucho cobarde extremo él acaba de salir de casa honestamente im edge madre llamada puta gritaba mucho odio inútil im siguiente tren espera saber im mucho coño salto mierda quiere nada hacer mierda mejor saber mierda mierda mierda mierda
: just got done spending the day wit my mom. We went out to eat & went shopping!! love you mom!!!!!
[ ": just got done spending the day wit my mom.We went out to eat & went shopping!!love you mom!!!!!" ]
: acaba de terminar de pasar el día con mi mamá.Salimos a comer & fue de compras!! amor mamá!!!!
real socialism state mandated gf incels oppressed group world
[ "real socialism state mandated gf incels oppressed group world" ]
estado real socialismo mandato gf incels grupo oprimidos mundo
@exoticmaya Yeah, go on sexy!
[ "@exoticmayaYeah, go on sexy!" ]
@exoticmayaSí, ¡adelante sexy!
i am currently a senior at a prestigious college i worked really hard in high school to get there living a a lower middle class kid going to a high school that provided terrible education i never needed a pill or therapy or anything until my first breakup and my first year of college something shifted immediately suddenly i wa depressed i didn t have any plan for the future and i still don t over the year i used validation from sex with men social status and a crippling shopping addiction to deal and it ha been in and out but always there i started going on medication in college i am currently on anti depressant and vyvanse a i can no longer find any energy to do a single thing if i don t take it i hate it it make me even more miserable and my mood swing worse but hey at least i can get out of bed seeing my friend have the energy to go out on weekend them getting prestigious job being put together and looking at myself who ha no job lined up my partner is amazing but doesn t love me and i am in a shit ton of financial debt from personal debt like credit card to school loan i really lost any drive i had i ve been unhappy the whole time i ve been here for the past year it is absolutely fucking exhausting living like this my brain is always caught in negative thought loop i am so stressed that my neck and upper back are in pain i use kratom and other anxiety relief to cope my mood swing are horrible and even just fucking talking myself down every single day is so tiring i can t do this anymore i hate myself so much i hate my life i hate my diseased brain nothing help i m not even a good person a lot of the time knowing that i have to deal with this mental illness while working my entire life is too much to bear sometimes i am so angry i hit my head against the wall and hit myself with my hand i have so much anger and rage inside of me that never go away i don t even feel capable of learning anymore i am convinced my brain can no longer retain information and that i m just fucking stupid and worthless i want to die i really really can t take it much longer
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i am currently a senior at a prestigious college i worked really hard in high school to get there living a a lower middle class kid going to a high school that provided terrible education i never needed a pill or therapy or anything until my first breakup and my first year of college something shifted immediately suddenly i wa depressedi didn t have any plan for the futureand i still don t over the year i used validation from sex with men social status and a crippling shopping addiction to deal and it ha been in and outbut always there i started going on medication in college i am currently on anti depressant and vyvanse a i can no longer find any energy to do a single thing if i don t take iti hate it it make me even more miserable and my mood swing worse", "but hey at least i can get out of bed seeing my friend have the energy to go out on weekend them getting prestigious job being put together and looking at myself who ha no job lined up my partner is amazing but doesn t love me and i am in a shit ton of financial debt from personal debt like credit card to school loan i really lost any drive i had i ve been unhappy the whole time i ve been here for the past year it is absolutely fucking exhausting living like this my brain is always caught in negative thought loop i amso stressed that my neck and upper back are in pain i use kratom and other anxiety relief to cope my mood swing are horrible and even just fucking talking myself down every single day is so tiring i can t do thisanymore i hate myself so much i hate my life i hate my diseased brain nothing help i m not even a good person a lot of the time knowing that i have to deal with this mental illness while working my entire life is too much to bear sometimes i am so angry i hit my head against the wall and hit myself with my hand i have so much anger and rage inside of me that never go away i don t even feel capable of learning", "anymore i am convinced my brain can no longer retain information and that i m just fucking stupid and worthless i want to die i really really can t take it much longer" ]
Actualmente soy un estudiante de último año en una prestigiosa universidad He trabajado muy duro en la escuela secundaria para llegar a vivir un chico de clase media baja que va a una escuela secundaria que proporcionó una educación terrible que nunca necesité una píldora o terapia o nada hasta mi primera ruptura y mi primer año de la universidad algo cambió inmediatamente de repente I wa depresiti no tenía ningún plan para el futuro y todavía no lo hago durante el año he utilizado la validación de sexo con hombres estatus social y una adicción a las compras para tratar y ha estado dentro y fuera pero siempre he comenzado a tomar medicamentos en la universidad Estoy actualmente en antidepresivo y vyvanse a no puedo encontrar más energía para hacer una sola cosa si no tomo Iti odio me hace aún más miserable y mi estado de ánimo cambiar peor
suicidal online friend went darkabout week ago went dark one could contact tried asking closest friends one knows anything dont know
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "suicidal online friend went darkabout week ago went dark one could contact tried asking closest friends one knows anything dont know" ]
suicida amigo en línea se puso oscuro hace una semana se puso oscuro uno podría contacto trató de preguntar amigos más cercanos uno sabe algo que no sabe
Getting ready to host my brother-in-law & our Swiss house guest for diner tonight
[ "Getting ready to host my brother-in-law & our Swiss house guest for diner tonight" ]
Preparándose para acoger a mi cuñado & nuestro invitado de la casa suiza para cenar esta noche
Having negative friends is linked to depression, lowered self esteem, insomnia and anxiety. Positive friends promote good overall health.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Having negative friends is linked to depression, lowered self esteem, insomnia and anxiety.Positive friends promote good overall health." ]
Tener amigos negativos está relacionado con la depresión, la baja autoestima, el insomnio y la ansiedad.Los amigos positivos promueven una buena salud general.
@ButterfIies It gets left behind in the teenage years. Replaced by intense memes about depression. Honestly not all that bad tbh
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@ButterfIies It gets left behind in the teenage years.Replaced by intense memes about depression.Honestly not all that bad tbh" ]
@ButterfIies Se deja atrás en los años de la adolescencia. Reemplazado por intensos memes sobre la depresión.Honestamente no todo tan malo tbh
sorry posting topspin wii tennis ball post often reddit glitched up forced wait post tell posting repeatedly im swarmed many people like angry something understand side story know
[ "sorry posting topspin wii tennis ball post often reddit glitched up forced wait post tell posting repeatedly im swarmed many people like angry something understand side story know" ]
Lo siento publicar topspin wii pelota de tenis poste a menudo reddit glitched up forzed wait post contar publicación en repetidas ocasiones im enjambre mucha gente como enojado algo entender la historia lateral saber
long story short military amp go medical get diagnosed type mental ailment disorder ruin career say ruin would drastically change amp would ultimately change job duty station rip away foundation built here called suicide hotline twice seek guidance amp someone talk relation anyone around me database keep calls many times do so con would call people make known eventually chain command insight would greatly appreciated suicide hotline
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "long story short military amp go medical get diagnosed type mental ailment disorder ruin career sayruin would drastically change amp would ultimately change job duty station rip away foundation built here called suicide hotline twice seek guidance amp someone talk relation anyone around me database keep calls many times do so con would call people make known eventually chain command insight would greatly appreciated suicide hotline" ]
larga historia corto militar amplificador ir médico obtener diagnóstico tipo enfermedad mental trastorno ruina carrera sayruin cambiaría drásticamente amplificador en última instancia, cambiar lugar de destino desgarro fundación construida aquí llamado suicidio línea directa dos veces buscar guía amp alguien hablar relación cualquiera alrededor de mí base de datos mantener llamadas muchas veces hacer lo que podría llamar a la gente dar a conocer eventualmente cadena de control perspicacia apreciaría enormemente línea directa suicidio
my grad. party is tomorrow yay
[ "my grad.party is tomorrow yay" ]
Mi fiesta de graduación es mañana yayy
@alvinko Just got Tweetie for my iPod Touch, pretty sweet ha but have you got a chance to listen to Fleet Foxes yet? They're at Lolla
[ "@alvinkoJust got Tweetie for my iPod Touch, pretty sweet ha but have you got a chance to listen to Fleet Foxes yet?They're at Lolla" ]
@alvinkoJust got Tweetie for my iPod Touch, bastante dulce ha pero ¿tienes la oportunidad de escuchar a Fleet Foxes todavía?Están en Lolla
Only 2 days of sophmore year left! thank godd <3 txt mehhh im boredd
[ "Only 2 days of sophmore year left!thank godd <3 txt mehhhim boredd" ]
¡Solo quedan 2 días del año de sophmore!gracias a Dios <3 txt mehhhim aburrido
my miss doesn't read my tweets so she wouldn't know that the emo guy won #dsds
[ "my miss doesn't read my tweets so she wouldn't know that the emo guy won #dsds" ]
mi señorita no lee mis tweets para que no sepa que el tipo de los emo ganó #dsds
friend wants kill himself stop sohe low selfesteem know wants life hes insisting theres nothing good himself redeeming qualities help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friend wants kill himself stop sohe low selfesteem know wants life hes insisting theres nothing good himself redeeming qualities help" ]
amigo quiere matarse a sí mismo para que la baja autoestima saber quiere la vida él insiste no hay nada bueno sí mismo cualidades redentoras ayuda
school starts tomorrow morning anyone wanna talk dont want summer end yet anyone wanna talk
[ "school starts tomorrow morning anyone wanna talk dont want summer end yet anyone wanna talk" ]
La escuela comienza mañana por la mañana cualquiera quiere hablar no quiere terminar el verano y nadie quiere hablar
watched kong vs godzilla damn godzilla moveable thats
[ "watched kong vs godzilla damn godzilla moveable thats" ]
ver kong vs godzilla maldito godzilla movible ques
lack social skills possibly unable watch one favorite youtubers due embarassed dmed youtuber bc like way edits videos hes pretty small like k subs k followers chances actually responding pretty good oh fucking god one awkward conversations ive ever and ive plenty uncomfortable convos asked wut uses edit told me made joke like my year old macbook cant handle lmao liked message respond texted friend complained lacking social skills told it showed channel asked old which fair vibe going u cant tell hes like idk ill ask ig like hour last dm good old idk sound like stalker asking old r u replied age polite everything im pretty sure thought psycho fangirl i fact dude feel rlly awkward whole thing im v sry wasting ur time u read whole thing lmao
[ "lack social skills possibly unable watch one favorite youtubers due embarassed dmed youtuber bc like way edits videos hes pretty small like k subs k followers chances actually responding pretty goodoh fucking god one awkward conversations ive everand ive plenty uncomfortable convos asked wut uses edit told me made joke like my year old macbook cant handle lmao liked message respond texted friend complained lacking social skills told it showed channel asked old which fair vibe going u cant tell hes like idk ill ask ig like hour last dm good old idk sound like stalker asking old r u replied age polite everything im pretty sure thought psycho fangirl i fact dude feel rlly awkward whole thingim v sry wasting ur time u read whole thing lmao" ]
falta habilidades sociales posiblemente incapaz de ver un youtubers favorito debido a vergüenza dmed youtuber bc como la manera de editar vídeos hes bastante pequeño como k subs k seguidores posibilidades de responder bastante buenooh puto dios una conversaciones incómodas ive every ive un montón de convos incómodos wut utiliza la edición me dijo que hizo broma como mi viejo macbook cant handle lmmao me gustó mensaje responder texted amigo quejado falta de habilidades sociales dijo que mostró el canal preguntó viejo qué ambiente justo va u cant decir que es como idk mal preguntar ig como hora última dm buen viejo idk sonido como acosador preguntar viejo r u replicó edad educada todo im bastante seguro pensó psycho fangirl i hecho tío se siente rlly incómodo todo thingim v sry desperdiciar el tiempo u leer todo lmmao
told teacher use protection last accident didnt listen phone crack front back kept saying use case screen protector preferred phone unprotected look beautiful iphone pro max doesnt even single crack use protection
[ "told teacher use protection last accident didnt listen phone crack front back kept saying use case screen protector preferred phone unprotected look beautiful iphone pro max doesnt even single crack use protection" ]
le dijo al profesor de protección de uso último accidente no escuchar teléfono crack frente atrás se mantuvo diciendo uso caso protector de pantalla preferido teléfono desprotegido aspecto hermoso iphone pro max ni siquiera una sola protección de uso crack
seem feminine guy necessarily way would think dont try feminine want be like dont change tone voice dont wear makeup dont wear dresses dont long hair well bit shorter version something similar jim morrisons hair ect muscles like alot masculine things dont like watching sports though like working out beer dont like beer prefer hard liquor stereotypically masculine things guess main way describe would list mainly stereotypically feminine things like live nature love animals im fascinated bugs like clouds sunsets sunrises read time love books obsessed self improvement ill buy healthiest best soaps best foods make art im photographer im emotional though still control emotions guess im type boy would take bug outside rather kill it would admire sunset pick flowers spend time reading day dreaming im going explain everything depth yeah also know many men like these common women
[ "seem feminine guy necessarily way would think dont try feminine want be like dont change tone voice dont wear makeup dont wear dresses dont long hair well bit shorter version something similar jim morrisons hair ect muscles like alot masculine things dont like watching sports though like working out beer dont like beer prefer hard liquor stereotypically masculine things guess main way describe would list mainly stereotypically feminine things like live nature love animals im fascinated bugs like clouds sunsets sunrises read time love books obsessed self improvement ill buy healthiest best soaps best foods make artim photographerim emotional though still control emotions guess im type boy would take bug outside rather kill it would admire sunset pick flowers spend time reading day dreaming im going explaineverything depthyeah also know many men like these common women" ]
parece femenino chico necesariamente manera pensaría que no tratar femenino querer ser como no cambiar tono voz no usar maquillaje no usar vestidos largo pelo bien poco versión más corta algo similar jim morrisons pelo ect músculos como mucho masculino cosas no les gusta ver deportes aunque como trabajar cerveza no gusta licor duro estereotipadamente cosas masculinas adivinar manera principal describiría principalmente estereotipadamente cosas femeninas como vida naturaleza amor animales im fascinados bichos como nubes atardeceres amaneceres leer tiempo amor libros obsesión mejora de sí mismo mal comprar mejores jabones mejor alimentos hacer artim fotógrafa emocional aunque todavía control emociones adivinar im tipo chico tomar bicho fuera lugar matar admiraría atardecer recoger flores pasar tiempo leer día soñar im va explicartodo profundidadsí también conocer muchos hombres como estas mujeres comunes
last post wanted see reaction posted random dimensions phone engineering project
[ "last post wanted see reaction posted random dimensions phone engineering project" ]
último post quería ver reacción publicado al azar dimensiones proyecto de ingeniería telefónica
stop giving cat milk cats lactose intolerant hurting cat enjoy drinking milk smell protein vitamins however lactose babys digest that anything kitten drink milk giving cat stomach pain probably diarrhea tell lactose someone wants
[ "stop giving cat milk cats lactose intolerant hurting cat enjoy drinking milk smell protein vitamins however lactose babys digest that anything kitten drink milk giving cat stomach pain probably diarrhea tell lactose someone wants" ]
dejar de dar leche de gato gatos lactosa intolerante dolor gato disfrutar de beber leche olor proteínas vitaminas sin embargo lactosa bebés digerir que cualquier cosa gatito beber leche dar gato dolor de estómago probablemente diarrea decirle lactosa alguien quiere
i wanted to share some of what i ve written because i find that writing is an outlet that help me to calm down sometimes i sit in a room full of people and stay quiet the loud chatter and the chaos of laughter will fill the room fill my head yet i keep my opinion and question to myself i keep my thought contained in my mind i watch a the girl who betrayed me smile and continues to talk i watch a my friend all happily converse with one another i watch a the boy throw their head back unable to control their laughter they ask if i am okay more quiet than usual and all i can say is that i am tired what they do not know is that i am not physically tired but mentally exhausted my mind is constantly racing overthinking every word that leaf my tongue every move i make and every awkward gesture that display itself during conversation with people i need a rest
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i wanted to share some of what i ve written because i find that writing is an outlet that help me to calm down sometimes i sit in a room full of people and stay quiet the loud chatter and the chaos of laughter will fill the room fill my headyet i keep my opinion and question to myself i keep my thought contained in my mind i watch a the girl who betrayed me smile and continues to talk i watch a my friend all happily converse with one anotheri watch a the boy throw their head back unable to control their laughter they ask if i am okay more quiet than usual and all i can say is that i am tired what they do not know is that i am not physically tired but mentally exhausted my mind is constantly racing overthinking every word that leaf my tongue every move i make and every awkward gesture that display itself during conversation with people i need a rest" ]
Quiero compartir algo de lo que he escrito porque encuentro que escribir es una salida que me ayuda a calmarme a veces me siento en una habitación llena de gente y me quedo callada la charla ruidosa y el caos de risa llenará la habitación llenaré mi cabeza aún así mantengo mi opinión y pregunta a mí mismo mantengo mi pensamiento contenido en mi mente veo a una chica que me traicionó sonrisa y continúa hablando veo a un amigo conversando felizmente con otro miro a un chico tirar su cabeza hacia atrás incapaz de controlar su risa preguntan si estoy bien más tranquilo de lo habitual y todo lo que puedo decir es que estoy cansado lo que no saben es que no estoy físicamente cansado pero mentalmente agotado mi mente está constantemente corriendo sobrepensando cada palabra que hojea mi lengua cada movimiento que hago y cada gesto incómodo que se muestra durante la conversación con la gente necesito un descanso
yall know brentalfloss used watch brentalfloss like years ago hes making new videos im extremely pogging rn
[ "yall know brentalfloss used watch brentalfloss like years ago hes making new videos im extremely pogging rn" ]
Yall sabe brentalfloss utilizado ver brentalfloss como hace años que está haciendo nuevos vídeos im extremadamente pogging rn
@tsarnick Both got ReTweeted
[ "@tsarnick Both got ReTweeted" ]
@tsarnick Ambos recibieron ReTweet
zero two pretty good anime character im actually sad dead tbh wish could lived longer ngl
[ "zero two pretty good anime character im actually sad dead tbh wish could lived longer ngl" ]
zero dos bastante buen anime personaje im en realidad triste muerto tbh deseo podría vivir más tiempo ngl
feel like ive put wrong class mathematics im th set top higher ability ones arent im saying im best mathematics work easy like min time spend nothing like half year gotta prove worthy getting like tests
[ "feel like ive put wrong class mathematics im th set top higher ability ones arent im saying im best mathematics work easy like min time spend nothing like half year gotta prove worthy getting like tests" ]
se siente como ive poner mal clase matemáticas im th set superior capacidad arent im decir mejor matemáticas trabajo fácil como min tiempo pasar nada como medio año tiene que demostrar digno conseguir como pruebas
@JoLynneValerie thanks gonna try one this weekend
[ "@JoLynneValerie thanks gonna try one this weekend" ]
@JoLynneValerie gracias va a probar uno este fin de semana
hello i would really love some advice support from the community all day long i ve been so anxious that i absolutely ruined thing between the guy i wa interested in and myself i really liked him and i got complete tunnel vision about it i feel like we just ended up talking too much that i wa trying to get serious too soon and that i ruined it all by not being the chill cool girl how do i come back from seeming like a clingy freak is there a comeback from this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hello i would really love some advice support from the community all day long i ve been so anxious that i absolutely ruined thing between the guy i wa interested in and myself i really liked him and i got complete tunnel vision about it i feel like we just ended up talking too much that i wa trying to get serious too soon and that i ruined it all by not being the chill cool girl how do i come back from seeming like a clingy freak is there a comeback from this" ]
Hola me encantaría un consejo de apoyo de la comunidad todo el día he estado tan ansioso que absolutamente arruiné la cosa entre el tipo en el que me interesé y yo realmente me gustó y tengo una visión de túnel completa sobre ello siento que acabamos de terminar hablando demasiado que voy a tratar de ser serio demasiado pronto y que lo arruiné todo por no ser la chica fría fresco cómo vuelvo de parecer como un monstruo pegajoso hay un regreso de este
total disappointmenti big big big test coming working years cant fully succeed fully im sorry everyone keep done life rn working years im sorry parents point total dissapointment friends nobody willing listen me bye
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "total disappointmenti big big big test coming working years cant fully succeed fully im sorry everyone keep done life rn working years im sorry parents point total dissapointment friends nobody willing listen me bye" ]
total decepcióni gran gran gran prueba que viene años de trabajo no puede tener éxito completamente lo siento todo el mundo mantener la vida hecha rn años de trabajo lo siento los padres señalan total decepción amigos nadie quiere escucharme adiós
feel like ghosti want talk people im worried afraid approach people thinking theyll think im weird annoying stay silent hesitate say people ive got one talk real life thats want cant keep things boring dead im sure people classes would surprised waswas class
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like ghosti want talk people im worried afraid approach people thinking theyll think im weird annoying stay silent hesitate say people ive got one talk real life thats want cant keep things boring deadim sure people classes would surprised waswas class" ]
Se siente como ghosti quiere hablar gente me preocupa acercarse a la gente pensando que va a pensar que es raro molesto permanecer en silencio vacile decir que la gente tiene una charla que quiere la vida real que no puede mantener las cosas aburridas deadim seguro de la gente clases se sorprendería era la clase
@BananaAnna2008 @mikequad I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, ANNA!!
[ "@BananaAnna2008 @mikequad I TOTALLY AGREE WITH YOU, ANNA!!" ]
@BananaAnna2008 @mikequad ¡¡TODO ACUERDO CON USTED, ANNA!!
My 1st ever tweet. I want to see how far this gets I'm struggling with severe depression at the moment. To look at me you wouldn't think it. Call your friends and family as a face can hide a hidden demon inside I'm getting help but to smile hurts #depression #notsmilingoninside pic.twitter.com/2Gh0H6aViX
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "My 1st ever tweet.I want to see how far this gets I'm struggling with severe depression at the moment.To look at me you wouldn't think it.Call your friends and family as a face can hide a hidden demon inside I'm getting help but to smile hurts #depression #notsmilingoninside pic.twitter.com/2Gh0H6aViX" ]
Mi primer tweet.Quiero ver hasta dónde llega esto Estoy luchando con una depresión severa en este momento.Para mirarme no lo pensarías.Llama a tus amigos y familia como una cara puede esconder un demonio oculto dentro Estoy recibiendo ayuda pero sonreír duele #depresión #notsmilingoninside pic.twitter.com/2Gh0H6aViX
for whom with health anxiety over a diagnosed health issue ha therapy helped
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "for whom with health anxiety over a diagnosed health issue ha therapy helped" ]
para quien con ansiedad de salud por un problema de salud diagnosticado ha ayudado la terapia
much worsebeing pessimistic complaining help optimistic help either already planned day redflag september
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "much worsebeing pessimistic complaining help optimistic help either already planned day redflag september" ]
mucho peor ser pesimista queja ayuda optimista ayuda ya sea ya previsto día de bandera roja septiembre
I don't have the job yet. But hopefully soon. Thanks! @notoriousflirt: @avengelynne Sweet! Congrats!
[ "I don't have the job yet.But hopefully soon.Thanks!@notoriousflirt:@avengelynne Sweet!Congrats!" ]
Aún no tengo el trabajo, pero espero que pronto.¡Gracias!@notoriousflirt:@avengelynne Sweet!¡Felicidades!
know dolife difficult always past years gone steeply hill time mother died years back getting better know much take anymore really wish end want kill seems like way cannot take anymore think gets worse cause one talk to
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know dolife difficult always past years gone steeply hill time mother died years back getting better know much take anymore really wish end want kill seems like way cannot take anymore think gets worse cause one talk to" ]
sabes dolife difícil siempre los años pasados fueron empinadamente colina tiempo madre murió años atrás conseguir mejor saber mucho más toma más realmente deseo final querer matar parece como manera no puede soportar más pensar se pone peor porque uno habla con
dont google scientific name pig dont google dont google ot
[ "dont google scientific name pig dont google dont google ot" ]
no google nombre científico cerdo no google no google ot google
mom buying happy meal want course im getting choccy milk fries doesnt want toy mine
[ "mom buying happy meal want course im getting choccy milk fries doesnt want toy mine" ]
mamá comprando comida feliz quiere curso im conseguir choccy leche papas fritas no quiere juguete mío
michellepen immensely started playing with new site a i didn t want to mess up easter one paranoid moi
[ "michellepen immensely started playing with new site a i didn t want to mess up easter one paranoid moi" ]
Michellepen inmensamente comenzó a jugar con el nuevo sitio un no quería arruinar la Pascua un moi paranoico
getting better tonightamy confirmed supreme court shes prolife anti lgbtq please dont argue post please dont argue jn post dont care disagree not shes many women lgbtq members rights shes might try overturn roe v wade want die dont argue fucking post im going delete unnecessary fucking comment point post improving feel like aneurysm dying leaving world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "getting better tonightamy confirmed supreme court shes prolife anti lgbtq please dont argue post please dont argue jn post dont care disagree not shes many women lgbtq members rights shes might try overturn roe v wade want die dont argue fucking post im going delete unnecessary fucking comment point post improving feel like aneurysm dying leaving world" ]
mejorar esta noche confirmó la corte suprema shes prolife anti lgbtq por favor no argumente post por favor no argumente jn post no le importa no está de acuerdo shes muchas mujeres lgbtq derechos de los miembros ella podría tratar de volcar huevas v wade want die no argumentar puto post im va a eliminar innecesaria mierda comentario punto post mejora se siente como aneurisma muriendo dejando el mundo
guys gals made sub uss southern state youll probably like it sharing southern thing do whack drive diesel tear fields dirtbike hunt enjoy country music southern rock racism allowed confederate glorification rhillbillyhangout
[ "guys gals made sub uss southern state youll probably like it sharing southern thing do whack drive diesel tear fields dirtbike hunt enjoy country music southern rock racism allowed confederate glorification rhillbillyhangout" ]
chicos chicas hicieron sub uss estado del sur youll probablemente como si compartiera cosa del sur hacer whack unidad diesel lacrimógeno campos de dirtbike caza disfrutar música country sur rock racismo permitió rhillbillyhangout glorificar confederado
@archuphils itunes account pa ba to receive it?
[ "@archuphils itunes account pa ba to receive it?" ]
@archuphils itunes cuenta pa ba para recibirlo?
guys freak heck new gang new famous whatever sorry ive using reddit like idk couple days please explain im like years old old people dni
[ "guys freak heck new gang new famous whatever sorry ive using reddit like idk couple days please explain im like years old old people dni" ]
chicos freak heck nueva pandilla nuevo famoso lo que sea que lo siento usando reddit como idk un par de días por favor explíqueme como los años de edad la gente dni
blocked father dead childi want abortion forced getting one day recovery calls say my job done closure end us never pregnancy said help recovery said even though access resources still need communication leasti know describe it odd hormone bond pregnant makes want fathers care hung up blocked every way possible way contact him idea hack could atleast get hold someone knows im physically unwell already post op bleeding pain mentally cant stand child father gone easiest way go without pain take bunch pills
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "blocked father dead childi want abortion forced getting one day recovery calls say my job done closure end us never pregnancy said help recovery said even though access resources still need communication leasti know describe it odd hormone bond pregnant makes want fathers care hung up blocked every way possible way contact him idea hack could atleast get hold someone knows im physically unwell already post op bleeding pain mentally cant stand child father gone easiest way go without pain take bunch pills" ]
bloqueado padre niño muerto quiere aborto forzado conseguir un día de recuperación llamadas decir mi trabajo hecho cierre final nosotros nunca embarazo dijo ayuda recuperación dijo a pesar de acceso recursos todavía necesitan comunicación al menos saber describirlo extraño vínculo hormonal hace que los padres quieren cuidado colgados de todas las maneras posibles contacto con él idea hack podría al menos conseguir mantener a alguien sabe im físicamente mal ya post op sangrado dolor mental no puedo soportar niño padre fue más fácil ir sin dolor tomar pastillas grupo
jesmayhemwa still trying to sell the prelude
[ "jesmayhemwa still trying to sell the prelude" ]
jesmayhemwa sigue tratando de vender el preludio
fresno important city california ok maybe rd important let explain fresno financial hub san joaquin valley productive agricultural region world think farmers getting loans yeah fresno fresno countries alone gdp billion national agriculture rd largest country thats including rest san joaquin valley welcome california raisin california wine part making live city probably financed
[ "fresno important city californiaok maybe rd important let explain fresno financial hub san joaquin valley productive agricultural region world think farmers getting loansyeah fresno fresno countries alone gdp billion national agriculture rd largest country thats including rest san joaquin valley welcome california raisin california wine part making live city probably financed" ]
fresno ciudad importante californiaok tal vez rd importante dejar explicar fresno centro financiero valle san joaquin región agrícola productiva mundo piensan agricultores obtener préstamos sí fresno fresno países por sí solos gdp mil millones agricultura nacional rd país más grande que incluye descanso valle san joaquin bienvenida california pasas california parte vino hacer ciudad viva probablemente financiado
wow time flies by so fast on twitter...Good Night Everyone!
[ "wow time flies by so fast on twitter...Good Night Everyone!" ]
wow el tiempo vuela tan rápido en twitter... Buenas noches a todos!
@Jon4Lakers 2 more wins!!! good night, Jon
[ "@Jon4Lakers 2 more wins!!!good night, Jon" ]
@Jon4Lakers 2 más gana!!!buenas noches, Jon
grew southern west virginia im age or maybe year older than homer hickam author the rocket boys book forming truestory basis heartwarming filmbr br and relate closely west virginia coalmining theme stunning effect sputnik time october us rocket boys went make great lives themselves went get degrees physics computer engineering sputnik woke lot young people science gap ussr us cold war daysbr br this wonderful film everyone ages grew west virginia late s itll touch core beingbr br everyone get it watch it recommend friends wholl thank many times
[ "grew southern west virginia im age or maybe year older than homer hickam author the rocket boys book forming truestory basis heartwarming filmbr br and relate closely west virginia coalmining theme stunning effect sputnik time october us rocket boys went make great lives themselves went get degrees physics computer engineering sputnik woke lot young people science gap ussr us cold war daysbr br this wonderful film everyone ages grew west virginialate s itll touch core beingbr br everyone get it watch it recommend friends wholl thank many times" ]
Creció sur oeste virginia im edad o tal vez año mayor que homer hickam autor el cohete niños libro que forma la verdadera historia base animadora filmbr br y se relacionan estrechamente oeste virginia carbonmineing tema impresionante efecto sputnik tiempo octubre nosotros cohetes chicos fueron hacer grandes vidas fueron conseguir grados de física informática ingeniería sputnik despertar mucho jóvenes ciencia brecha ussr nosotros frío guerra díasbr br esta maravillosa película cada edad creció oeste virginialate s itll touch core bebr br todo el mundo conseguirlo ver lo recomienda amigos agradecérselo muchas veces
i ate so many cooky that i think i m hallucinating
[ "i ate so many cooky that i think i m hallucinating" ]
Me comí tantos cocineros que creo que estoy alucinando.
@bigbeartaxlady thx..
[ "@bigbeartaxlady thx.." ]
@bigbeartaxlady thx..
want done lifei sit post lifes story wontin shorti want live anymoremy total situation insufferable saving little money towards car might take plan last week earth iti cant anymorei called redflag hotline back felt hopelessas time goes oni find less reason existima gonna get really drunk highthen end allthanx musa reference
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want done lifei sit post lifes story wontin shorti want live anymoremy total situation insufferable saving little money towards car might take plan last week earth iti cant anymorei called redflag hotline back felt hopelessas time goes oni find less reason existima gonna get really drunk highthen end allthanx musa reference" ]
Quiero hacer la vida sit post vida historia wontin shorti quiero vivir más mi situación total insufrible ahorrando poco dinero hacia el coche podría tomar plan la semana pasada tierra iti cant morei llamado redflag línea directa de vuelta se sentía desesperanzado como el tiempo pasa oni encontrar menos razón existima va a conseguir muy borracho alto entonces extremo allthanx musa referencia
parents standards weird like video games language obviously matter drugs matter violence matter single frame tit dick fucked kinda weird
[ "parents standards weird like video games language obviously matter drugs matter violence matter single frame tit dick fucked kinda weird" ]
padres estándares raro como video juegos lenguaje obviamente materia drogas materia violencia materia solo marco tit dick follada un poco raro
cuddling weird lol one gets violently grossed cuddling anything romantic like idek thought bf like someone caring disgusting me need male attention affection grosses out idk rant whatever
[ "cuddling weird lol one gets violently grossed cuddling anything romantic like idek thought bf like someone caring disgusting me need male attention affection grosses out idk rant whatever" ]
Acurrucarse extraño lol uno se vuelve violentamente grosera abrazando algo romántico como idek pensó bf como alguien que se preocupa desagradable me necesita atención masculina afecto grosera out idk despotrica lo que sea
advice intrusive thoughtshi m cutting it intrusive thoughts redflag days week kind creep thought process ill sitting desk work get daydreams walking door traffic example another example picturing driving sunset throwing severn bridge ill good time friends switch picture drowning cant stop it understand keeps happening someone suffered depression growing stressful disruptive childhood thats behind became fully independent moved messed childhood home trying really invest ever since socially friendships trying online dating not really gone anywhere serious economically im training low level lawyer personally taking music trying read more still struggle combat background feeling vapid apathy alive got better since becoming independent feel like im treading water mental health wise words wisdom would appreciated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "advice intrusive thoughtshi m cutting it intrusive thoughts redflag days week kind creep thought process ill sitting desk work get daydreams walking door traffic example another example picturing driving sunset throwing severn bridge ill good time friends switch picture drowning cant stop it understand keeps happening someone suffered depression growing stressful disruptive childhood thats behind became fully independent moved messed childhood home trying really invest ever since socially friendships trying online dating not really gone anywhere serious economically im training low level lawyer personally taking music trying read more still struggle combat background feeling vapid apathy alive got better since becoming independent feel like im treading water mental health wise words wisdom would appreciated" ]
consejo intrusivo pensamientoshi m cortar pensamientos intrusivos Redflag días semana tipo rarito pensamiento proceso mal escritorio trabajo conseguir daydreams caminar puerta tráfico ejemplo otro ejemplo imaginando conducción puesta de sol lanzamiento puente mal buen tiempo amigos cambio foto ahogamiento cant parar entender sigue sucediendo alguien sufrió depresión creciente estresante disruptiva infancia que detrás se convirtió totalmente independiente movió mal infancia casa tratando de realmente invertir desde social amistades tratando de citas en línea no realmente ido a ningún lugar serio económicamente im formación abogado de bajo nivel personalmente tomando música tratando de leer más todavía lucha fondo de la sensación de apatía viva se hizo mejor desde independent se siente como im pisar agua salud mental sabia palabras sabiduría apreciaría
hotline didnt help muchits years since attempt years planning procrastinating best justify waiting another day years people telling gets better ive enough think im absolutely trapped situation completely detrimental whats left mental health im far home way get back nowhere go back to nothing cant trust anyone tried call helpline tonight amp appreciate someone talk things resources provided arent looking for job though wasnt expecting miracle dont know expecting dont know else do
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "hotline didnt help muchits years since attempt years planning procrastinating best justify waiting another day years people telling gets better ive enough think im absolutely trapped situation completely detrimental whats left mental health im far home way get back nowhere go back to nothing cant trust anyone tried call helpline tonight amp appreciate someone talk things resources provided arent looking for job though wasnt expecting miracle dont know expecting dont know else do" ]
La línea directa no ayudó mucho años desde el intento años planeando retrasar mejor justificar esperar otro día años la gente dice consigue mejor ive bastante pensar absolutamente situación atrapada completamente perjudicial lo que deja salud mental camino lejos volver a ninguna parte volver a nada nadie puede confiar en nadie trató de llamar a la línea de ayuda esta noche amp apreciar a alguien hablar cosas recursos proporcionados no buscan trabajo aunque no esperaba milagro no sé esperar no saber más hacer
@susysu If your are down there... this twitter hell thing can't really be that bad
[ "@susysuIf your are down there... this twitter hell thing can't really be that bad" ]
@susysuSi estás ahí abajo... esta cosa del infierno de Twitter no puede ser tan mala.
im sufferingnothing helps im point take pills daily help ive tried many different medications nothing helps feel like depression wasting away brain body could many better things life reason cant truly wish never born know meant world
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im sufferingnothing helps im point take pills daily help ive tried many different medications nothing helps feel like depression wasting away brain body could many better things life reason cant truly wish never born know meant world" ]
im sufringningnothing ayuda a tomar píldoras a diario help ive probado muchos medicamentos diferentes nada ayuda a sentir como la depresión derrochando cuerpo del cerebro podría muchas cosas mejores la vida razón no puede realmente desear nunca nacer significa mundo