cute girl litteraly bedroom way looks swear im going die knife bit annoying though
[ "cute girl litteraly bedroom way looks swear im going die knife bit annoying though" ]
linda chica camadaly dormitorio manera se ve juro que voy a morir cuchillo poco molesto aunque
ende endeim writing ahead time incase fail grade friends know recover fail im cornered isolated hopeless meds helping make tired lightheaded sorry more ende ende
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ende endeim writing ahead time incase fail grade friends know recover fail im cornered isolated hopeless meds helping make tired lightheaded sorry more ende ende" ]
ende endeim escribir antes de tiempo en caso de fracaso amigos de grado saber recuperar el fracaso en acorralado aislados medicamentos sin esperanza que ayudan a cansados mareos lo siento más ende ende ende
lot year olds wouldve intimidated age honestly guys still kinda even years old cause pretty damn cool typing like damn moron thought quirky random funniest shit ever props
[ "lot year olds wouldve intimidated age honestly guys still kinda even years old cause pretty damn cool typing like damn moron thought quirky random funniest shit ever props" ]
años de lote chicos habrían intimidado edad honestamente chicos todavía un poco años de edad causa bastante malditamente genial teclear como maldito idiota pensó rarito al azar más divertido mierda nunca utilería
@kkozmic NH is a terrible solution for the reporting side of CQS DAAB was better at v2 than it is now, but we will write it anyway
[ "@kkozmic NH is a terrible solution for the reporting side of CQS DAAB was better at v2 than it is now, but we will write it anyway" ]
@kkozmic NH es una terrible solución para el lado informante de CQS DAAB era mejor en v2 de lo que es ahora, pero lo escribiremos de todos modos
im fed brain help getting medsto preface first reddit post idea im doing anyway going give away much info im live uk college probably years depressed since start high school finally got courage go doctors told situation miserable enjoying anything history self harm shitty family life gave form fill send away counselling come back couple weeks later see another doctor since first one got transferred basically tells im introverted get exercise ill fine even though tell ive tried exercising regularly made difference really listen tells could give antidepressants send on way good would need counselling though id already sent away application nothing that finally start counselling two month wait guy nice enough makes feel uncomfortable tell situation agrees yes fact need counselling aspergers even though told frustrating and one honest me much help im really wits end enjoy nothing college waste time cant deal constant headaches lack motivation anything anymore im deteriorating like normally multiple times year one taking seriously im done going cycle time nothing pull it know need medication one listens im terrible explaining people im tired fighting getting nowhere let anger there anyway im thinking something weekend sure whether going full attempt half assed one getting blackout drunk enough someone take seriously im fed up years ive thinking attempting waiting things either get better get better neither happened honestly whats loose point ive bought shit ton envelopes im going start writing letters loved ones today try power weekend loss could write lot would waste time guess do sorry messy post just fuck know anyone knows theres way taken seriously get medication id appreciate let know otherwise fuck cant deal awake anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im fed brain help getting medsto preface first reddit post idea im doing anyway going give away much info im live uk college probably years depressed since start high school finally got courage go doctors told situation miserable enjoying anything history self harm shitty family life gave form fill send away counselling come back couple weeks later see another doctor since first one got transferred basically tells im introverted get exercise ill fine even though tell ive tried exercising regularly made difference really listen tells could give antidepressants send on way good would need counselling though id already sent away application nothing that finally start counselling two month wait guy nice enough makes feel uncomfortable tell situation agrees yes fact need counselling aspergers even though told frustrating and one honest me much help im really", "wits end enjoy nothing college waste time cant deal constant headaches lack motivation anything anymore im deteriorating like normally multiple times year one taking seriously im done going cycle time nothing pull it know need medication one listens im terrible explaining people im tired fighting getting nowhere let anger there anyway im thinking something weekend sure whether going full attempt half assed one getting blackout drunk enough someone take seriously im fed up years ive thinking attempting waiting things either get better get better neither happened honestly whats loose point ive bought shit ton envelopes im going start writing letters loved ones today try power weekend loss could write lot would waste time guess do sorry messy post just fuck know anyone knows theres way taken seriously get medication id appreciate let know otherwise fuck cant deal awake anymore" ]
Im fed cerebro ayuda a conseguir medsto prefacio primer reddit post idea im hacer de todos modos va a regalar mucha información im live uk universidad probablemente años deprimidos desde que comenzó la escuela secundaria finalmente tuvo coraje ir médicos dijeron situación miserable disfrutando de cualquier historia auto daño mierda vida familiar dio formulario relleno enviar asesoramiento volver un par de semanas más tarde ver a otro médico desde el primero fue transferido básicamente le dice a im introvertido hacer ejercicio mal a pesar de decirle a ive intentado hacer ejercicio regularmente hizo diferencia realmente escuchar le dice podría dar antidepresivos enviar en forma buena necesitaría asesoramiento, aunque id ya enviado aplicación nada que finalmente empezar asesoramiento dos meses espera chico agradable hace sentirse incómodo decir situación acepta sí hecho necesidad de asesoramiento aspergers a pesar de que me dijo frustrante y honesto mucha ayuda im
line texts crush sent other blocked number this im done trying date people context texted morning weve best friends year half now rumors started friend group said liked me happened her name like you me like too her ew would say that her sorry youre type really dont like you proceeds delete first text proceeds text gc picture text well prior one her gc name send text guys asked hang today think might rape me gc proceeds kick out minutes later figured lying simply said too texting someone gc privately whole time fucking god third time ive tried date someone first one using bait someone else second one moved montreal without telling anyone one day hate
[ "line texts crush sent other blocked number this im done trying date people context texted morning weve best friends year half now rumors started friend group said liked me happened her name like you me like too her ew would say that her sorry youre type really dont like you proceeds delete first text proceeds text gc picture text well prior one her gc name send text guys asked hang today think might rape me gc proceeds kick out minutes later figured lying simply said too texting someone gc privately whole time fucking god third time ive tried date someone first one using bait someone else second one moved montreal without telling anyone one day hate" ]
línea textos aplastamiento envió otro número bloqueado esta im hecho tratando de la fecha personas contexto texto mañana weve mejores amigos año medio ahora rumores comenzó grupo de amigos dijo que me gustó sucedió su nombre como usted me gusta también su ew diría que su lament youre tipo realmente no me gusta procede eliminar primer texto procede texto gc texto imagen bien anterior su nombre gc enviar texto chicos pedido colgar hoy creo que podría violarme gc producto patada minutos más tarde imaginado mentira simplemente dijo también mensajes de texto a alguien gc privado todo el tiempo mierda dios tercera vez ha tratado de salir alguien primero utilizando cebo otro segundo se movió montreal sin decirle a nadie un día odio
playing much games summer quarantine realised cop ambulance vehicles minutes hearing sirens front building
[ "playing much games summer quarantine realised cop ambulance vehicles minutes hearing sirens front building" ]
jugar muchos juegos cuarentena verano realizado policía ambulancia vehículos minutos oír sirenas edificio delantero
totally alone completely contenttheres one cares im not friends talk one im glad cant stand anyone im gone itll anyone knows looked help different professionals give less hope cant say try
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "totally alone completely contenttheres one cares im not friends talk oneim glad cant stand anyoneim goneitll anyone knows looked help different professionals give less hope cant say try" ]
totalmente solo completamente contento hay que se preocupa no soy amigos hablar oneim feliz no puedo soportar a nadie se ha idoll nadie sabe look ayuda diferentes profesionales dan menos esperanza no puedo decir intentarlo
I'm enjoying collecting all these demo versions of the songs from Brandy's album.
[ "I'm enjoying collecting all these demo versions of the songs from Brandy's album." ]
Estoy disfrutando coleccionando todas estas versiones demo de las canciones del álbum de Brandy.
pillsive counted pills grams fluoxetine grams topimirate plus small smattering paracetamol diazepam cant afford rent bills im self employed work coming in im fucking failure really would much easier dead idea would achieve that cause pain hassle even know want die im half absolutely desperate exist anymore im half scared knowing whats side etc know myself
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pillsive counted pills grams fluoxetine grams topimirate plus small smattering paracetamol diazepam cant afford rent bills im self employed work coming in im fucking failure really would much easier dead idea would achieve that cause pain hassle even know want die im half absolutely desperate exist anymore im half scared knowing whats side etc know myself" ]
píldoras contada píldoras gramos fluoxetina gramos topimirate más pequeños paracetamol parasmating diazepam cant pagar facturas de alquiler im trabajo por cuenta propia que viene en el fracaso de mierda realmente sería mucho más fácil idea muerta lograr que causa dolor molestia incluso saber querer morir im mitad absolutamente desesperado existen más im medio asustado saber lo que lado etc conocer yo mismo
I swear I want one of those LIFE'S GOOD braclets!! ♥
[ "I swear I want one of those LIFE'S GOOD braclets!!♥" ]
¡¡Juro que quiero una de esas buenas braquetas de LIFE!!!
someone else it want die also want livelike would het killed would fine it would care get killed would mind eighter selfharm without real reason where cut yourself feel like sad sad also happy wanting die also wanting live
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "someone else it want die also want livelike would het killed would fine it would care get killed would mind eighter selfharm without real reason where cut yourself feel like sad sad also happy wanting die also wanting live" ]
Si alguien más quiere morir también quiere vivir como si hubiera muerto, estaría bien que lo mataran, le importaría que se autolesionara ocho veces sin razón real, donde cortarse se siente triste, triste, también feliz, querer morir, también querer vivir.
@MGiraudOfficial awwwww that's the cutest thing i've heard all day. I wanna see it too.
[ "@MGiraudOfficial awwwwwthat's the cutest thing i've heard all day.I wanna see it too." ]
@MGiraudOficial awwwwwwesa es la cosa más linda que he escuchado en todo el día.Quiero verlo también.
fuck thought putting alphabet math good idea seriously math problems like little timmy x dollars many bananas buy make train arrive bouncy ball land one second
[ "fuck thought putting alphabet math good idea seriously math problems like little timmy x dollars many bananas buy make train arrive bouncy ball land one second" ]
mierda pensamiento poner alfabeto matemáticas buena idea en serio problemas matemáticos como poco timmy x dólares muchos plátanos comprar hacer tren llegar globo hinchable tierra un segundo
year olds last wordsim done im done fuck this fuck life want over want someone need something need something go on yet im here cant wait tomorrow morning nice little accident highway cant wait seriously though u know me find im sorry cant go on cant live like this im sorry isnt fault may continue ever could love jacob
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "year olds last wordsim done im done fuck this fuck life want over want someone need something need something go on yet im here cant wait tomorrow morning nice little accident highway cant wait seriously though u know me find im sorry cant go on cant live like thisim sorry isnt fault may continue ever could love jacob" ]
años de edad last wordsim made im made jod this fuck life want over want someone need something got on yet im aquí no puedo esperar mañana por la mañana buen pequeño accidente carretera no puedo esperar en serio aunque tú me conoces encontrar mi lo siento no puedo seguir viviendo como esto lo siento no es culpa puede continuar siempre podría amar jacob
guys guys guys lets go yall crazy it
[ "guys guys guys lets go yall crazy it" ]
Chicos, chicos, chicos, vamos a ladrar loco.
i can t do this anymore the secret the fear that oh no i say something wrong and boom my friend all hate my as i m worried anything i say will tip one of my friend off the edge and she ll do it idk what to do anymore i have a plan but also i m terrified of death
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i can t do this anymore the secret the fear thatoh noi say something wrong and boom my friend all hate my as i m worried anything i say will tip one of my friend off the edge and she ll do it idk what to doanymore i have a plan but also i m terrified of death" ]
No puedo hacer esto más el secreto el miedo que oh noi decir algo mal y boom mi amigo todos odian mi como estoy preocupado cualquier cosa que digo le dará la propina a uno de mi amigo de la orilla y ella lo hará idk qué hacer más tengo un plan pero también estoy aterrorizado de la muerte
bad parents inability decide overall badi committed college beginning may get wrong great school clue im life think logical make around every semester fulltime college student apparently do great city want able enjoy it that plus leaving home gives extreme anxiety work college would ultimately make im able make matters worse im still hung end basically twoyear relationship five months ago keep thinking things could done differently could better caused lot stress school since blamed entire thing want apologize point late plus would make look like fool even would put ease would make poeple dislike id admitting wrong thatd cause whole lot more hate seeing ex successful going one best schools state feel like im competition her go local community college ill consider failure even better decision myself hate living home parents supportive all keep saying got whole college mess want go chosen community college begin with change mind every second im scared leave one second cant wait meet roommate go college life next love job love people they truly make feel like matter super easy im good it issue deadend job id keep went community college near me but work out would then im also totally love coworker might affecting opinion think also think really cool friend im bad determining platonic romantic feelings either cool though yikes know situation kind unrealistic ill drop haha so go college not know decision make myself cant hence contemplation redflag lot im quite bad dealing unfortunately pause button life even know want die think feel important anyone life im unsure life course thats typical guess im conflicted really want anymore guess sad ive written redflag letter almost every month year months write little one feel like cold say goodbye many people care even really seem care anymore felt sad while want know do want know someone cares wants succeed kind feels like nobody does feels like nobody believes me im terrified failure even want try graduate eighteenth birthday never saw living past age seventeen im here hell doing clue im scared anything absolutely hate college could absolutely hate come back wasted first semester oh well im broke cant afford that cant certain ill actually end going anywhere life unless go school god know mind filled idea death want know people know ive lately want know care not im tired assuming do feel like let people know matter way much really seem care all like theyre affectionatecaring people probably me know really know looking posting this well maybe stemmed whole i seek validation romantic partners thing quite well college came again love would kind nice guess one funny thing happened though kind brightened day little last night trying make asmr video friend joke make laugh one soap cutting videos accidentally stabbed hand know sounds terrible kind funny fact lol
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bad parents inability decide overall badi committed college beginning may get wrong great school clue im life think logical make around every semester fulltime college student apparently do great city want able enjoy it that plus leaving home gives extreme anxiety work college would ultimately make im able make matters worse im still hung end basically twoyear relationship five months ago keep thinking things could done differently could better caused lot stress school since blamed entire thing want apologize point late plus would make look like fool even would put ease would make poeple dislike id admitting wrong thatd cause whole lot more hate seeing ex successful going one best schools state feel like im competition her go local community college ill consider failure even better decision myself hate living home parents supportive all keep saying got whole college mess want go chosen community college begin with change mind every second im scared leave one second cant wait meet roommate go college life next love job love people they truly make feel like matter super easy", "im good it issue deadend job id keep went community college near me but work out would then im also totally love coworker might affecting opinion think also think really cool friendim bad determining platonic romantic feelings either cool though yikes knowsituation kind unrealistic ill drop haha so go college not know decision make myself cant hence contemplation redflag lot im quite bad dealing unfortunately pause button life even know want die think feel important anyone lifeim unsure life course thats typical guess im conflicted really want anymore guess sad ive written redflag letter almost every month year months write little one feel like cold say goodbye many people care even really seem care anymore felt sad while want know do want know someone cares wants succeed kind feels like nobody does feels like nobody believes me im terrified failure even want try graduate eighteenth birthday never saw living past age seventeenim here hell doing clueim scared anything absolutely hate college could absolutely hate come back wasted first semester", "oh well im broke cant afford that cant certain ill actually end going anywhere life unless go school god know mind filled idea death want know people know ive lately want know care notim tired assuming do feel like let people know matter way much really seem care all like theyre affectionatecaring people probably me know really know looking posting this well maybe stemmedwholei seek validation romantic partners thing quite well college came again love would kind nice guess one funny thing happened though kind brightened day little last night trying make asmr video friend joke make laugh one soap cutting videos accidentally stabbed hand know sounds terrible kind funny fact lol" ]
mala padres incapacidad decidir general badi universidad comprometida comienzo puede conseguir mal gran escuela pista im vida pensar lógica hacer alrededor de cada semestre estudiante universidad a tiempo completo aparentemente hacer gran ciudad quieren poder disfrutar de que además de salir de casa da extrema ansiedad trabajo universidad en última instancia hacer que sea capaz de hacer cosas peor Im todavía pendiente final básicamente dos años de éxito relación cinco meses hace seguir pensando que las cosas podrían hacer de manera diferente podría causar mucho estrés escuela desde culpado todo lo que quieren pedir disculpas punto tarde plus haría parecer tonto incluso poner facilidad haría poeple disgusto id admitir mal que causa mucho más odio ver ex éxito ir una mejor escuela estado sentir como im competencia su ir comunidad local universidad mal considerar fracaso incluso mejor decisión yo mismo odio vivir en casa padres de apoyo todos seguir diciendo todo lío universidad quieren ir elegido universidad empezar con cambio de mente cada segundo im miedo dejar un segundo no puedo esperar conocer compañero de cuarto ir universidad vida siguiente amor trabajo gente que verdaderamente hacer sentir como materia super fácil
[ "@Built4dTough" ]
Tyler said "diaper" today while pointing to the diaper box! Too cute
[ "Tyler said "diaper" today while pointing to the diaper box!Too cute" ]
Tyler dijo "diaper" hoy mientras apuntaba a la caja de pañales!Demasiado lindo
read old redflag note tonightread old redflag note tonight back couple months ago long ago mental state particularly bad wrote redflag note didnt anything say parents friends except one dont feel like need give explanation id rather issues die rather existing peoples heads wrote letter friend ive fully opened to prepared it instead went sleep ive struggling lately went back read note got strange sense comfort made feel relaxed maybe idea id gotten close killing hadnt could again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "read old redflag note tonightread old redflag note tonight back couple months ago long ago mental state particularly bad wrote redflag note didnt anything say parents friends except one dont feel like need give explanation id rather issues die rather existing peoples heads wrote letter friend ive fully opened to prepared it instead went sleep ive struggling lately went back read note got strange sense comfort made feel relaxed maybe idea id gotten close killing hadnt could again" ]
Hace un par de meses hace mucho tiempo el estado mental particularmente malo escribió la nota de bandera roja no hizo nada decir padres amigos excepto uno no se siente como la necesidad de dar una explicación id más bien los problemas mueren más bien las personas existentes cabezas escribió la carta amigo ive totalmente abierto para prepararlo en lugar de ir a dormir ive lucha últimamente volvió la nota de lectura consiguió extraño sentido comodidad se sintió relajado tal vez idea id consiguió cerca matar hadnt podría de nuevo
reason get besides going workive struggling depression since fall last year awhile ok felt like going get go back happy care free self sometime early june contracted herpes genital oral gave overwhelming sense hopelessness along feel need try romantic relationships anymore want tell anyone herpes slept hours today reason wake up everyday work thing keeps killing badly think would affect mom sister words encouragement would much appreciated
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reason get besides going workive struggling depression since fall last year awhile ok felt like going get go back happy care free self sometime early june contracted herpes genital oral gave overwhelming sense hopelessness along feel need try romantic relationships anymore want tell anyone herpes slept hours today reason wake up everyday work thing keeps killing badly think would affect mom sister words encouragement would much appreciated" ]
razón conseguir además de ir a trabajar lucha depresión desde otoño del año pasado ok sentía como ir a volver feliz cuidado libre yo algún día temprano junio contrajo herpes genital oral dio sensación abrumadora de desesperanza a lo largo de sentir necesidad de tratar relaciones románticas más quieren decirle a alguien herpes dormía horas hoy razón despertar trabajo diario sigue matando mal pensar afectar mamá hermana palabras de aliento mucho apreciar
@xDirtyBurdx thats good i reli loved that last pic it mae me feel special <3
[ "@xDirtyBurdx thats good i reli loved that last pic it mae me feel special <3" ]
@xDirtyBurdx eso es bueno me encantó que la última foto me hace sentir especial <3
life fucks everyone over whats pointim worthless meaningless absolutely impact world never will want get admitted mental hospital runaway kill self need break need somewhere anywhere isnt here but dont car cant drive hospital redflag hotline track calls jfc im done wanting kill self damn time
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life fucks everyone over whats pointim worthless meaningless absolutely impact world never will want get admitted mental hospital runaway kill self need break need somewhere anywhere isnt here but dont car cant drive hospital redflag hotline track calls jfc im done wanting kill self damn time" ]
vida folla a todo el mundo sobre lo que pointim sin valor absolutamente sin sentido impacto mundo nunca querrá ser admitido hospital mental fugado matar a sí mismo necesidad romper en algún lugar no está aquí, pero no coche no puede conducir hospital Redflag línea directa pistas llamadas jfc im hecho querer matar a sí mismo maldito tiempo
@ksymmonds @SarahSymmonds My pleasure - great site - use it a lot for me iPhone ringtones
[ "@ksymmonds @SarahSymmondsMy pleasure - great site - use it a lot for me iPhone ringtones" ]
@ksymmonds @SarahSymmondsMi placer - gran sitio - usarlo mucho para mí iPhone tonos de llamada
pseudocontent existencethe thought always lingered ive never really acted thoughts without thinking over ive never given redflag consideration deserved understand call post sort superficial statement one radical thought id received however thought ive paid attention to ive always considered well off fed clothed sheltered however theres always feeling innate loneliness ive felt life people ask full life encompasses honestly know say people assume wealth humanistic approach life makes one happy watched father leave due lust starting around years old would see around year even world started fall around would outlet anger mother relatively absent life spends time others family believes potential exceed life ever had terms school results slowly decayed think result gain sort attention pathetic right merely exist im wits end honestly wish life away
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pseudocontent existencethe thought always lingered ive never really acted thoughts without thinking over ive never given redflag consideration deserved understand call post sort superficial statement one radical thought id received however thought ive paid attention to ive always considered well off fed clothed sheltered however theres always feeling innate loneliness ive felt life people ask full life encompasses honestly know say people assume wealth humanistic approach life makes one happy watched father leave due lust starting around years old would see around year even world started fall around would outlet anger mother relatively absent life spends time others family believes potential exceed life ever had terms school results slowly decayed think result gain sort attention pathetic right merely exist imwits end honestly wish life away" ]
Seudocontenido existencia el pensamiento siempre se detiene ive nunca realmente actuó pensamientos sin pensar sobre ive nunca dada consideración Redflag mereció entender llamada post clase declaración superficial un pensamiento radical id recibido sin embargo pensamiento ive prestó atención a ive siempre se considera bien alimentado vestido protegido sin embargo siempre se siente innata soledad ive sentir la vida la gente pide vida completa comprende honestamente sabe que la gente asume la riqueza enfoque humanista vida hace que un padre feliz observa dejar debido lujuria a partir de años de edad incluso mundo comenzó a caer alrededor de salir rabia madre vida relativamente ausente pasa tiempo otros familia cree potencial superar vida alguna vez ha términos escuela resultados pensamiento decaído lentamente obtener clase atención patético derecho simplemente existen imbéciles fin honestamente deseo vida lejos
@bowwow614 i can help you stop cursin! lol. && I'll see u at Summerfest on the 13th
[ "@bowwow614 i can help you stop cursin!lol.&& I'll see u at Summerfest on the 13th" ]
@bowwow614 ¡Te puedo ayudar a parar el cursin!lol.&& te veré en el Festival de Verano el día 13
record talking wanna make youtube video record feel really awkward talking fuckin weird clue get this
[ "record talking wanna make youtube video record feel really awkward talking fuckin weird clue get this" ]
grabación hablando quiere hacer youtube vídeo grabación se siente realmente incómodo hablando puta pista extraña conseguir esto
see point living plan dosent work out plan part time job along investing bunch stuff first year live like college student without partying cause like partys im basically saying spending money essentials get lot money that use money help create separate side hustles like youtube twitch example really want work job whole life im lazy really see point spending life working im enjoying myself see future field im interested ron stuff interested enough make living one them also getting university college diploma lot cases not all receipt couple years wasted time rant thats it
[ "see point living plan dosent work out plan part time job along investing bunch stuff first year live like college student without partying cause like partys im basically saying spending money essentials get lot money that use money help create separate side hustles like youtube twitch example really want work job whole life im lazy really see point spending life working im enjoying myself see future field im interested ron stuff interested enough make living one them also getting university college diploma lot cases not all receipt couple years wasted time rant thats it" ]
ver punto plan de vida dosent trabajo plan a tiempo parcial trabajo a lo largo de invertir montón de cosas vivir como estudiante universitario sin fiesta causa como fiestas im básicamente decir gasto dinero esencial obtener mucho dinero que el uso de dinero ayudar a crear aparte ajetreos laterales como youtube twitch ejemplo realmente quiero trabajo vida entera trabajo im perezoso realmente ver punto pasar la vida trabajando im disfrutar de mí mismo ver futuro campo im interesado ron cosas lo suficientemente hacer vivir uno ellos también conseguir universidad diploma casos mucho no todos recibo par de años perder el tiempo
Having a beer & corn dog (I know weird combo) @ the Santa Monica Pier.
[ "Having a beer & corn dog (I know weird combo) @ the Santa Monica Pier." ]
Tener una cerveza & perro de maíz (yo sé combo raro) @ el muelle de Santa Mónica.
feeling completely overwhelmed im starting get another panic attack third time month ive though redflag feel completely unappreciated andi even cry anymore volunteered plan nice party mother one sister gotten thank either them feel like theres freaking point anything anymore top dollars bank account feel like life complete mess thought redflag years thought getting better im not need someone talk to know im far worst im sorry that
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feeling completely overwhelmed im starting get another panic attack third time month ive though redflag feel completely unappreciated andi even cry anymore volunteered plan nice party mother one sister gotten thank either them feel like theres freaking point anything anymore top dollars bank account feel like life complete mess thought redflag years thought getting better im not need someone talk to know im far worst im sorry that" ]
sentirme completamente abrumado empezar a tener otro ataque de pánico tercera vez mes vive aunque Redflag sentir completamente desapreciado e incluso llorar más plan voluntario buena fiesta madre una hermana recibió gracias o bien se sienten como theres punto cualquier cosa más alto dólares cuenta bancaria se siente como la vida completo desastre pensamiento Redflag años pensamiento mejorar no necesito alguien hablar para saber im mucho peor lo siento
dont blame anyone miserable life parentsdoesnt matter someone bullied me teacher making making stupid jokes unsuccessful become girlfriend cheats asshole boss like doesnt care well thinks profit could prevented parents didnt gave birth hate till die unless wont even take care graveyards hope die pneumonia something else
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont blame anyone miserable life parentsdoesnt matter someone bullied me teacher making making stupid jokes unsuccessful become girlfriend cheats asshole boss like doesnt care well thinks profit could prevented parents didnt gave birth hate till die unless wont even take care graveyards hope die pneumonia something else" ]
No culpes a nadie miserable vida padres no importa que alguien me intimidaba profesor haciendo chistes estúpidos sin éxito convertirse en novia tramposos imbécil jefe como no le importa bien piensa que la ganancia podría evitar padres no dio a luz odio hasta morir a menos que no lo haga incluso cuidar cementerios esperanza morir neumonía algo más
talk anything stupidfeeling little crazy wife said filing papers tiday im bad thoughts hurting people myself wish could fall back asleep think need stay put hurt anyone
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "talk anything stupidfeeling little crazy wife said filing papers tiday im bad thoughts hurting people myself wish could fall back asleep think need stay put hurt anyone" ]
hablar cualquier cosa estúpida sensación pequeña loca esposa dijo la presentación de papeles tiday im malos pensamientos lastimando a la gente yo mismo deseo podría volver a dormirse pensar necesidad de permanecer lastimado cualquiera
new friends advice is anyone else depression anxiety overcame message here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "new friends advice is anyone else depression anxiety overcame message here" ]
nuevo consejo de amigos es cualquier otra persona depresión ansiedad superó el mensaje aquí
heart races hands start sweat immediately feel need pee worry theres bathroom on train least unknown problem long trapped know stupid know fine know likelihood moving shortly constant ifs set off look around everyone else looks perfectly calm perhaps mumbling inconvenience gripped fear hate it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "heart races hands start sweat immediately feel need pee worry theres bathroom on train least unknown problem long trapped know stupid know fine know likelihood moving shortly constant ifs set off look around everyone else looks perfectly calm perhaps mumbling inconvenience gripped fear hate it" ]
corazón carreras manos comienzan a sudar inmediatamente sentir necesidad de orina preocupación Theres cuarto de baño en tren menos desconocido problema durante mucho tiempo atrapado saber estúpido saber bien saber la probabilidad de movimiento poco constante si se activa mirar alrededor de todos los demás parece perfectamente calma tal vez murmurar molestias agarrado miedo odio
friends person while know real name age country live in always saw online am their time zone morning always asked could sleep told thinking much again always talked till went sleep days ago conversation told going away long time asked said it happens heard since four days passed do online friend feeling suicidal massaged days
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "friends person while know real name age country live in always saw online am their time zone morning always asked could sleep told thinking much again always talked till went sleep days ago conversation told going away long time asked said it happens heard since four days passed do online friend feeling suicidal massaged days" ]
amigos persona mientras que saben el nombre real edad país viven en siempre vio en línea am su zona horaria mañana siempre preguntó podría dormir dijo pensar mucho de nuevo hablar hasta que se fue a dormir días atrás la conversación dijo marcharse mucho tiempo preguntó dijo que sucede oído desde cuatro días pasó hacer amigo en línea sensación suicida masajes días
its amazing how depression can take any rare fleeting positive moment and make it feel fraudulent. you are not a fraud, your depression is not fake, if you come across happiness once in a while. you are allowed to feel happiness. you can let yourself feel jik
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "its amazing how depression can take any rare fleeting positive moment and make it feel fraudulent.you are not a fraud, your depression is not fake, if you come across happiness once in a while.you are allowed to feel happiness.you can let yourself feel jik" ]
su increíble cómo la depresión puede tomar cualquier momento positivo efímero raro y hacer que se sienta fraudulento.usted no es un fraude, su depresión no es falsa, si se encuentra con la felicidad de vez en cuando.usted se le permite sentir la felicidad.usted puede dejarse sentir jik
friend born january tomorrow makes scared fuck born early scares friends legal adults soon even scary im around age legal adults always saw way older tbh soon friends adults too
[ "friend born january tomorrow makes scared fuck born early scares friends legal adults soon even scary im around age legal adults always saw way older tbh soon friends adults too" ]
amigo nacido mañana enero hace miedo mierda nacido temprano asusta amigos legal adultos pronto incluso miedo im alrededor de la edad legal adultos siempre vio mucho más viejo tbh pronto amigos adultos también
dog killed last night almost entire decade trying parents finally let us keep puppy got birthday gift last month neighbours decided keep him english cocker spaniel small sweet first day wouldnt eat couldnt walk thought parvovirus would die luckily separation anxiety course weeks him went silent teeny puppy lil doggo twice size would eat well run around lot generally sweet friendly last night brother took pee like always kglb german shepard must mistook rabbit brother tried run scoop puppy dog got first brother managed wrestle dog late shocking tragic dont know cry never thought would bury puppy constantly pissed floor yesterday brother brave even hesitating take massive dog dont know hurts much cant stop crying want talk someone
[ "dog killed last night almost entire decade trying parents finally let us keep puppy got birthday gift last month neighbours decided keep him english cocker spaniel small sweet first day wouldnt eat couldnt walk thought parvovirus would die luckily separation anxiety course weeks him went silent teeny puppy lil doggo twice size would eat well run around lot generally sweet friendly last night brother took pee like always kglb german shepard must mistook rabbit brother tried run scoop puppy dog got first brother managed wrestle dog late shocking tragic dont know cry never thought would bury puppy constantly pissed floor yesterday brother brave even hesitating take massive dog dont know hurts much cant stop crying want talk someone" ]
perro asesinado anoche casi toda la década tratando de padres finalmente nos dejó mantener cachorro recibió regalo de cumpleaños el mes pasado vecinos decidieron mantenerlo Inglés cocker spaniel pequeño dulce primer día no comer no podía caminar pensó parvovirus morir afortunadamente separación ansiedad curso semanas se fue silencioso cachorro pequeño lil doggo dos veces de tamaño comer bien correr alrededor de lote generalmente dulce amistoso anoche hermano hizo pis como siempre kglb alemán shepard debe confundir conejo hermano trató de correr primicia cachorro perro consiguió primer hermano manejado lucha perro tarde impactante trágico no sé llorar nunca pensé enterrar cachorro constantemente enojado piso ayer hermano valiente incluso vacilante tomar perro masivo no sé mucho dolor no puede dejar de llorar quieren hablar alguien
doe anyone else on this subreddit have a sense of karma that let them make decision but the opposite way round the only way to explain it is for example the opportunity arises to do something fun or something i ll enjoy i don t want to do it because i feel that i will be due a similar if not higher amount of bad karma back in return a i shouldn t be allowed to enjoy myself is this something others experience or am i alone in this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "doe anyone else on this subreddit have a sense of karma that let them make decision but the opposite way round the only way to explain it is for example the opportunity arises to do something fun or something i ll enjoyi don t want to do it because i feel that i will be due a similar if not higher amount of bad karma back in return ai shouldnt be allowed to enjoy myself is this something others experience or am i alone in this" ]
¿Alguien más en este subreddit tiene un sentido de karma que les permite tomar una decisión, pero la forma opuesta alrededor de la única manera de explicarlo es, por ejemplo, la oportunidad surge para hacer algo divertido o algo que voy a disfrutar no quiero hacerlo porque siento que voy a ser debido a una cantidad similar si no más alta de karma malo de vuelta a la vuelta ai no se debe permitir que disfrutar de mí mismo es esto algo que otros experimentan o estoy solo en esto
want boyfriend looks like would walk forest wearing leaf crown surrounded woodland animals asking answer riddles three really much ask
[ "want boyfriend looks like would walk forest wearing leaf crown surrounded woodland animals asking answer riddles three really much ask" ]
quiere novio se ve como caminar bosque con corona de hoja rodeado de animales bosque pidiendo respuesta adivinanzas tres realmente mucho pedir
just added heaps of new celebs. lana, i think we're the only true twitterers ILY all
[ "just added heaps of new celebs.lana, i think we're the only true twitterers ILY all" ]
sólo se han añadido montones de nuevos famosos.lana, creo que somos los únicos verdaderos twitterers ILY todos
know one cares want become next rick roll probably wont wanna help heres link need spread httpsyoutubettfzzqthqk
[ "know one cares want become next rick roll probably wont wanna help heres link need spread httpsyoutubettfzzqthqk" ]
saber que a uno le importa convertirse en el próximo rick roll probablemente no querrá ayudar aquí link necesidad de difusión httpsyoutubettfzzqthqk
amiriissaa brytonzablon mchelsea hawajui kuna vitu kama depression
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "amiriissaa brytonzablon mchelsea hawajui kuna vitu kama depression" ]
amiriissaa brytonzablon mchelsea hawajui kuna vitu kama depresión
anyone else going invest amc ive thinking wanted know wether
[ "anyone else going invest amc ive thinking wanted know wether" ]
Cualquier otra persona va a invertir amc ive pensamiento quería saber wether
content content ive reloaded times past seconds k teens online rteenagers better step game else entertained anymore
[ "content content ive reloaded times past seconds k teens online rteenagers better step game else entertained anymore" ]
contenido contenido ive recargado tiempos pasados segundos k adolescentes en línea rteenagers mejor paso juego más entretenido más
got lead know feel week ago started talking old friend invited friends discord server started talking bit developed crush one night decide ask wanted go out surprise says yes decide start dating going meet couple days first date but two days date get text saying ready relationship go back friends im really sure feel right really know happened fuck up fuck up get unlucky know im experienced dating seems odd im really upset turned vent issues attempt understand
[ "got lead know feel week ago started talking old friend invited friends discord server started talking bit developed crush one night decide ask wanted go out surprisesaysyes decide start dating going meet couple days first date but two days date get text saying ready relationship go back friends im really sure feel right really know happened fuck up fuck up get unlucky knowim experienced dating seems odd im really upset turned vent issues attempt understand" ]
get lead know feel hace una semana comenzó a hablar viejo amigo invitados amigos discordancia servidor comenzó a hablar poco desarrollado enamoramiento una noche decidir pregunta quería salir sorpresasaysyes decidir empezar a salir va a conocer un par de días primera cita pero dos días fecha conseguir texto diciendo listo relación volver amigos Im realmente seguro sentir bien realmente saber sucedió mierda hasta tener mala suerte knowim experiencia citas parece extraño im realmente molesto convertido problemas de ventilación intentar entender
im tiredfor last weeks ive tired like walking miles miles miles barely keep eyes open matter much sleep im still exhausted life bad friends wonderful family shit theyre problem want keep going im tired feeling second best im tired exhausted numb im tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im tiredfor last weeks ive tired like walking miles miles miles barely keep eyes open matter much sleep im still exhausted life bad friends wonderful family shit theyre problem want keep going im tired feeling second best im tired exhausted numb im tired" ]
Estoy cansado las últimas semanas estoy cansado como caminar millas millas millas millas apenas mantener los ojos abiertos materia mucho sueño todavía exhausto vida malos amigos maravilloso familia mierda ellosre problema quieren seguir cansado sentirse segundo mejor estoy cansado cansado adormecido estoy cansado
anyone else hate bio usually post like this would wise hive mind rteenagers improve bio grade
[ "anyone else hate bio usually post like this would wise hive mind rteenagers improve bio grade" ]
cualquier otra persona odia la bio por lo general publicar como esto sabia mente colmena rteenagers mejorar bio grado
darling lili fantastic far one favorite films certainly deserve poor reviews received julie andrews playing title role lili smith schmidt best part whole movie entrancing spectacular julie andrews favorite actress singer far definatly surprised stunning is movie justgreat im running adjectives magnificent marvellous amazing funny terribly romantic sad allout thrill thanks dame julie andrewsand husband director blake edwards oh yeah rock hudson ok br br julie andrews beautiful wellloved singer lili smith rock hudson portrays major larabee quickly falls lili him affair coincedental meeting planned german government im sure thats exactly call them get point warm happy singing entertainer lili actually german spy lili told seduce major larabee order get information new top secret opertaion later know crepe suzette though lili solemn mission falls love bill major larabee real making original quest challenging lili pulls completes er task finds something really true bill ending remain unsaid wonderfully layed out anything thoroughly enjoy movie certainly didbr br
[ "darling lili fantastic far one favorite films certainly deserve poor reviews received julie andrews playing title role lili smith schmidt best part whole movie entrancing spectacular julie andrews favorite actress singer far definatly surprised stunning is movie justgreat im running adjectives magnificent marvellous amazing funny terribly romantic sad allout thrill thanks dame julie andrewsand husband director blake edwardsoh yeah rock hudson ok br br julie andrews beautiful wellloved singer lili smith rock hudson portrays major larabee quickly falls lili him affair coincedental meeting planned german governmentim sure thats exactly call them get point warm happy singing entertainer lili actually german spy lili told seduce major larabee order get information new top secret opertaion later know crepe suzette though lili solemn mission falls love bill major larabee real making original quest challenging lili pulls completes er task finds something really true bill ending remain unsaid wonderfully layed out anything thoroughly enjoy movie certainly didbr br" ]
querida lili fantástica lejos una película favorita sin duda merece pobres críticas recibido julie andrews jugar título papel lili smith schmidt mejor parte película entera entrancing espectacular julie andrews actriz favorita cantante lejos definitivamente sorprendido impresionante es película sólogran im correr adjetivos magníficos maravillosos divertidos terriblemente romántico triste todo emoción gracias dama julie andrewsy marido director blake edwardsoh yeah rock hudson ok br julie andrews hermoso cantante bien amado lili smith rock hudson retrata mayor larabee rápidamente cae lili le romance reunión coincidente planeed german governmentim seguro que exactamente los llaman get point caliente feliz cantante lili en realidad alemán spy lili dicho seducir mayor larabee orden obtener información nuevo top secreto operación más tarde saber crepe suzette aunque lili solemne misión cae amor Bill major larabee real haciendo que la misión original difícil lili tira completa er tarea encuentra algo realmente verdadero final sigue sin decir maravillosamente disfrutando película sin duda
snapshot popular pinup time typical dragged biopic fun fabulous film look feel era excellent soundtrack everything would want indietype film think tendency would portray bettie page sort sex vixen like jayne mansfield truly looked carefully betties poses always looked happy you wish could get me haughty look im acting career work out look porn star so ladies involved film three female producers female writer director female cowriter lovely gretchen mol im sure helped shape role sugary influence really captured idea sweet somewhat naive southern girl really enjoyed photo taken hoped good ol jc upset her br br gretchen mol turns career high performance she may perfect breasts ever happy about curse several years ago made cover vanity fair one really knew was touting next itgirl lets frank bit presumptuous mean unfortunately never made gwyneth status though lack talent making poor film choices pretty blonde fickle hollywood renders forgettable im afraid put back alist well ill monkeys unclebr br intensely private bettie seen film yet bettie left pinup party high note fell love old flame jesus whatever floats boat honey one helluva woman hope happy wherever arebr br congratulations mary harron done cult idol justice
[ "snapshot popular pinup time typical dragged biopic fun fabulous film look feel era excellent soundtrack everything would want indietype film think tendency would portray bettie page sort sex vixen like jayne mansfield truly looked carefully betties poses always looked happy you wish could get me haughty look im acting career work out look porn star", "so ladies involved film three female producers female writer director female cowriter lovely gretchen mol im sure helped shape role sugary influence really captured idea sweet somewhat naive southern girl really enjoyed photo taken hoped good ol jc upset her br br gretchen mol turns career high performance she may perfect breasts ever happy about curse several years ago made cover vanity fair one really knew was touting next itgirl lets frank bit presumptuous mean unfortunately never made gwyneth status though lack talent making poor film choices pretty blonde fickle hollywood renders forgettable im afraid put back alist well ill monkeys unclebr br intensely private bettie seen film yet bettie left pinup party high note fell love old flame jesus whatever floats boat honey one helluva woman hope happy wherever arebr br congratulations mary harron done cult idol justice" ]
snapshot popular pinup tipicamente arrastrada diversión biopic fabulosa película look feel era excelente banda sonora todo lo que querría cine indietype pensar tendencia retrataría bettie página tipo sexo vixen como jayne mansfield realmente miradas cuidadosamente betties poses siempre se veía feliz que desearías podría conseguirme altivo look im actuación carrera trabajo out look porno estrella
unpopular opinion uhhh weebsgtgtgtgtgtgt want someone watch anime heh
[ "unpopular opinion uhhh weebsgtgtgtgtgtgt want someone watch anime heh" ]
opinion impopular uhhh weebsgtgtgtgtgtgttgttt que alguien vea anime heh
got american word essay history dont know ehy everything asked do miss old teacher
[ "got american word essay history dont know ehy everything asked do miss old teacher" ]
Tengo american palabra ensayo historia no sé ehy todo lo pedido hacer señorita viejo profesor
off to the hills of eastern kentucky to volunteer for a week. won't be able to check my retweets, but will tweet from my phone
[ "off to the hills of eastern kentucky to volunteer for a week.won't be able to check my retweets, but will tweet from my phone" ]
a las colinas del este de Kentucky para ofrecerse como voluntario durante una semana.no será capaz de revisar mis retuits, pero tuiteará desde mi teléfono
know go herei diploma jobs lined finished it living arrangements ready job basically finally shit together life accidentally deleted work clearing space money course again know else do want die stop leeching family everyone know really really want here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know go herei diploma jobs lined finished it living arrangements ready job basically finally shit together life accidentally deleted work clearing space money course again know else do want die stop leeching family everyone know really really want here" ]
saber go herei diploma trabajos forrados terminado lo arreglos de vida trabajo listo básicamente finalmente mierda juntos vida borrado accidentalmente trabajo limpieza espacio curso dinero otra vez saber más quieren morir dejar de sanguijuelas familia todos saben realmente quieren aquí
want diei want lay upside wait blood get head fucking die
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want diei want lay upside wait blood get head fucking die" ]
¡Querer morir! ¡Querer morir al revés! ¡Esperar! ¡Sangre! ¡Querer morir a la puta cabeza!
@blueaero ooo it's fantasy? i like fantasy novels will check it out
[ "@blueaero oooit's fantasy?i like fantasy novels will check it out" ]
@blueaero oooit's fantasy?i like fantasy novels will check it out
And to add My Depression n Bitterness is The Fact The MOST Character I anticipated to watch which is Princess #shuri has So Lil Screen Time. But I Hold ur word Mr. Kevin, Character that has less screen time now will have more on Avengers 4. DO NOT BREAK IT!!!
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "And to add My Depression n Bitterness is The Fact The MOST Character I anticipated to watch which is Princess #shuri has So Lil Screen Time.But I Hold ur word Mr. Kevin, Character that has less screen time now will have more on Avengers 4.DO NOT BREAK IT!!!" ]
Y para añadir Mi depresión n Amargar es el hecho El personaje más grande que anticipé a ver que es la princesa #shuri tiene tan Lil Screen Time.Pero tengo la palabra Sr. Kevin, personaje que tiene menos tiempo de pantalla ahora tendrá más en Vengadores 4.NO BREAK it!!!
flair changing day bois finally turn change flair now
[ "flair changing day bois finally turn change flair now" ]
cambio de estilo día bois finalmente cambio de estilo ahora
yo yo yo whats wholesome fact wholesomest gets award cos dont know
[ "yo yo yo whats wholesome fact wholesomest gets award cos dont know" ]
Yo yo yo lo que es un hecho sano sano obtiene premio porque no sé
someone flair yo someone old flair older but many years have like hell million attendee old
[ "someone flair yo someone old flair older but many years have like hell million attendee old" ]
alguien te gusta alguien viejo estilo más viejo pero muchos años tienen como el infierno millones de asistentes de edad
depression isn't always that easy to notice. - K.B.G
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depression isn't always that easy to notice.- K.B.G" ]
La depresión no siempre es tan fácil de notar.- K.B.G.
China children in poor rural area with happy smily face #Xinwen Lianbo o_o
[ "China children in poor rural area with happy smily face #Xinwen Lianbo o_o" ]
Niños de China en zonas rurales pobres con cara de sonrisa feliz #Xinwen Lianbo o_o
really wanna diei wanna commit redflag sometimes feel lonely really wanna die im frickin afraid death know im coward theres still bit life empty shell
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really wanna diei wanna commit redflag sometimes feel lonely really wanna die im frickin afraid death know im coward theres still bit life empty shell" ]
Realmente quiero morir quiero cometer bandera roja a veces me siento solo realmente quiero morir, maldita sea, temo que la muerte sepa que el cobarde allí todavía morde la vida concha vacía.
making diary like thing reddit day yay yet another day through happy announce going okay girl yesterday mentioned seemed ignore first talked like yesterday least bit forgot mention this reason people ship her make fun friends linda like teachers used make fun saying crush together big fan it dont really care much well spent day computer yet again talked discord mostly begining find challenge get less challenging things getting easier do pushups becoming less less challenge still needs squads today find link challenge day so see ya tomorrow
[ "making diary like thing reddit day yay yet another day through happy announce going okay girl yesterday mentioned seemed ignore first talked like yesterday least bit forgot mention this reason people ship her make fun friends linda like teachers used make fun saying crush together big fanit dont really care much well spent day computer yet again talked discord mostly begining find challenge get less challenging things getting easier do pushups becoming less less challenge still needs squads today find link challenge day so see ya tomorrow" ]
Haciendo diario como cosa día rojo yay otro día a través de anuncio feliz va bien chica mencionado ayer parecía ignorar primero hablado como ayer menos poco olvidado mencionar esta razón gente enviar su hacer divertido amigos linda como profesores utilizados se burlan diciendo aplastamiento juntos gran fanit realmente no importa mucho bien gastado día computadora otra vez hablado discordia mayormente comienzan a encontrar desafíos menos difíciles cosas cada vez más fáciles hacer flexiones menos desafío todavía necesita escuadrones hoy encontrar enlace día desafío así que nos vemos mañana
Anxiety sucks. Depression sucks.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Anxiety sucks.Depression sucks." ]
La ansiedad es una mierda. La depresión es una mierda.
school celebrates autism april fools day lmao
[ "school celebrates autism april fools day lmao" ]
escuela celebra autismo abril tontos día lmmao
@djmcstanford yo thanks man!
[ "@djmcstanford yo thanks man!" ]
@djmcstanford yo gracias hombre!
i ve been bullied for year at school because of my appearance my nose and it always made me sad and insecure when it started i wa since then i take picture of my face at least 0 pic everyday now i m graduating from college and i still feel the same way a i did year ago whenever i am with friend and colleague i keep thinking that in the inside all of them are laughing or thinking how ridiculous i am when i take a selfie i find my nose to be normal but when someone take a picture and i m in it i find it so weird also i ve always been very shy but lately it got difficult cause everytime i m on a conversation with someone i can t help wondering how they re seeing me i think it gon na get worse now that i need to get a job and talk to people that i don t know well i just needed to say this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i ve been bullied for year at school because of my appearance my nose and it always made me sad and insecure when it started i wa since then i take picture of my face at least 0 pic everyday now i m graduating from college and i still feel the same way a i did year ago whenever i am with friend and colleague i keep thinking that in the inside all of them are laughing or thinking how ridiculous i am when i take a selfie i find my nose to be normal but when someone take a picture and i m in it i find it so weird also i ve always been very shy but lately it got difficult cause everytime i m on a conversation with someone i can t help wondering how they re seeing me i think it gon na get worse now that i need to get a job and talk to people that i dont knowwell i just needed to say this" ]
He sido intimidado durante el año en la escuela debido a mi apariencia mi nariz y siempre me hizo triste e inseguro cuando comenzó me wa desde entonces tomo foto de mi cara por lo menos 0 foto todos los días ahora me gradúo de la universidad y todavía me siento de la misma manera que lo hice hace año cada vez que estoy con amigo y colega sigo pensando que en el interior todos ellos se ríen o pensando lo ridículo que soy cuando tomo un selfie encuentro mi nariz para ser normal pero cuando alguien toma una foto y estoy en ella me parece tan raro también he sido siempre muy tímido pero últimamente se me hizo difícil porque cada vez que estoy en una conversación con alguien no puedo evitar preguntarme cómo me ven creo que va a ser peor ahora que necesito conseguir un trabajo y hablar con la gente que no sé bien que sólo necesitaba decir esto
want end todaywe school break week school left us tons works finish break much normally week handle another pile undone homework it might fail classes cant fail classes want disappoint parents know seems like small problem kill over might say school problems that ive urge years ive acted upon twice year failed found perfect way kill guranteeing dead life clear want end it everything today
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "want end todaywe school break week school left us tons works finish break much normally week handle another pile undone homework it might fail classes cant fail classes want disappoint parents know seems like small problem kill over might say school problems that ive urge years ive acted upon twice year failed found perfect way kill guranteeing dead life clear want end it everything today" ]
Quiero terminar hoy que la escuela descanso semana escuela nos dejó toneladas obras fin descanso mucho normalmente semana manejar otra pila deshecho tarea que podría fallar clases no puede fallar clases quieren decepcionar padres saber parece como pequeño problema matar por podría decir problemas escolares que ive urge años ive acción en dos años fallida encontrado forma perfecta matar guranteeing vida muerta claro querer acabar con todo hoy
probably accurate stephen king adaption yet surprising since king wrote screenplay story follows creed family moving beautiful maine house one residents jud pleasant old man knows things area one highway runs right frontyard path leading pet sematary children decades buried animals killed highway soon enough ellie creeds cat church found dead luckily happens family exception louisthe father away thanksgiving jud takes louis another burial ground beyond pet sematary church buried later louis greetednot politely church hes returned appearing chewed way bag buried in maybe buried alive maybe not nothing say without ruining storybr br of king adaptions ive seen would terrifying characters real situations normal mary lambert great job directing proceedings suspense kept fairly high throughout film due part plot development scene gage killed stick mind forever then course conclusion easy determine whats going happen lambert pulls genuinely scary sometimes disturbing momentsbr br overall good film excellent adaption enjoy scared mind haunted occasionally disturbing images pet sematary looking for non horror fans want avoid this
[ "probably accurate stephen king adaption yet surprising since king wrote screenplay story follows creed family moving beautiful maine house one residents jud pleasant old man knows things area one highway runs right frontyard path leading pet sematary children decades buried animals killed highway soon enough ellie creeds cat church found dead luckily happens family exception louisthe father away thanksgiving jud takes louis another burial ground beyond pet sematary church buried later louis greetednot politely church hes returnedappearing chewed way bag buried in maybe buried alive maybe not nothing say without ruining storybr br of king adaptions ive seen would terrifying characters real situations normal mary lambert great job directing proceedings suspense kept fairly high throughout film due part plot development scene gage killed stick mind forever then course conclusion easy determine whats going happen lambert pulls genuinely scary sometimes disturbing momentsbr br overall good film excellent adaption enjoy scared mind haunted occasionally disturbing images pet sematary looking for non horror fans want avoid this" ]
Probablemente la adaptación correcta del rey Stephen sin embargo sorprendente ya que King escribió guión historia sigue credo familia movimiento hermosa casa maine un residente jud agradable anciano sabe cosas área una carretera corre camino derecho patio líder animales animales sematerios décadas enterrados animales muertos carretera pronto bastante ellie credos gato iglesia encontrado muerto suerte sucede familia excepción Louisthe padre lejos jud toma Louis otro cementerio más allá de mascotas iglesia sematerio enterrado más tarde Louis saludadono educadamente iglesia él volvió parece masticado bolso enterrado en tal vez enterrado vivo tal vez no nada decir sin arruinar historia br br de rey adaptaciones ive see characters terroríficos situaciones reales mary lambert gran trabajo dirección procedimientos suspenso mantenido bastante alto a lo largo de la película debido parte parcela desarrollo escena gage mató palo mente para siempre entonces curso conclusión fácil determinar lo que va a suceder tirones lambert genuinamente aterrador momentos br br br good película excelente adaptación disfrutar miedo mente atormentada ocasionalmente imágenes inquietantes mascota semate buscar non horror fans quieren evitar esto
dream right saw fox getting torn apart pack wild dogs kicked one dog face dogs started chasing one bit leg scary
[ "dream right saw fox getting torn apart pack wild dogs kicked one dog face dogs started chasing one bit leg scary" ]
dream right vio zorro siendo destrozado paquete perros salvajes pateó una cara de perro perros comenzaron a perseguir un poco de miedo pierna
anyone bad headaches recently reason ive getting bad headaches mum saying technology use dark mode everything low brightness devices p
[ "anyone bad headaches recently reason ive getting bad headaches mum saying technology use dark mode everything low brightness devices p" ]
cualquier persona dolores de cabeza malos recientemente razón iv conseguir dolores de cabeza malos mamá diciendo que la tecnología utiliza el modo oscuro todos los dispositivos de bajo brillo p
cathrynscott thank you nor me
[ "cathrynscott thank you nor me" ]
Cathrynscott gracias a ti ni a mí
still think day school like winter break coming girl talking teachers like drinking milk classroom wasnt trouble playing around teachers got class supposed saw switching classes standing doorway fucking pretty couldnt stop staring her dont know name shes kinda popular hung around popular kids caught staring staring other realized still couldnt stop staring enter classes broke eye contact moved on hope go back school see again also hope remember moment
[ "still think day school like winter break coming girl talking teachers like drinking milk classroom wasnt trouble playing around teachers got class supposed saw switching classes standing doorway fucking pretty couldnt stop staring her dont know name shes kinda popular hung around popular kids caught staring staring other realized still couldnt stop staring enter classes broke eye contact moved on hope go back school see again also hope remember moment" ]
todavía pensar que la escuela de día como las vacaciones de invierno que viene chicas profesores que hablan como beber leche aula no era problema jugar alrededor de los profesores se supone que la clase vio cambiar las clases de pie puerta de mierda bastante no podía dejar de mirarla no sabe nombre ella es un poco popular colgada alrededor de los niños populares atrapados mirando mirando a otros no podía dejar de mirar en las clases contacto roto ojo movido en esperanza volver escuela ver de nuevo también esperanza recordar momento
driving test anxiety driving test scheduled next week already feel nerves creeping in know drive pressure getting me anyone advice calm nerves test im worried ill sike well
[ "driving test anxiety driving test scheduled next week already feel nerves creeping in know drive pressure getting me anyone advice calm nerves test im worried ill sike well" ]
prueba de conducción ansiedad prueba de conducción programada la próxima semana ya sentir los nervios que se arrastran en saber presión de conducción conseguirme cualquier consejo calma nervios prueba im preocupado mal sike well
otakusecret my reaction too whoa didn t see that coming
[ "otakusecret my reaction toowhoa didn t see that coming" ]
Otakusecreta mi reacción también quien no vio venir eso
boys skirts bad boys thigh highs panties good filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "boys skirts bad boys thigh highs panties good filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
chicos faldas malos chicos muslo altos bragas buen relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
im real trouble mom caught fapping do
[ "im real trouble mom caught fapping do" ]
Im verdadero problema mamá atrapado fapping do
jonathanrknight i hate the limited letter too hope you and the guy are fine i pray for my dog she s not well
[ "jonathanrknight i hate the limited letter too hope you and the guy are finei pray for my dog she s not well" ]
Jonathanrknight Odio la letra limitada también espero que tú y el tipo estén bien rezando por mi perro ella no está bien
uploaded song spotify services hello fellow teenagers neri here ive composing songs since april first time release services fun hope like it song kissing night think it spotifyhttpsopenspotifycomtrackflnlthiwfpionmshqsiytxjseqtteaokrxsfyg apple musichttpsmusicapplecommxalbumkissinginthenighti youtube musichttpsmusicyoutubecomwatchvjehfcsfaaampfeatureshare tidalhttpstidalcomtrack
[ "uploaded song spotify services hello fellow teenagers neri here ive composing songs since april first time release services fun hope like it song kissing night think it spotifyhttpsopenspotifycomtrackflnlthiwfpionmshqsiytxjseqtteaokrxsfyg apple musichttpsmusicapplecommxalbumkissinginthenighti youtube musichttpsmusicyoutubecomwatchvjehfcsfaaampfeatureshare tidalhttpstidalcomtrack" ]
canciones subidas spotify services hello compatriotas adolescentes neri here ive composición de canciones desde abril primera lanzamiento servicios diversión esperanza como ella canción besos noche pensar que spotifyhttpsopenspotifycomtrackflnlthiwfpionmshqsiytxjseqtteaokrxsfyg música de manzanahttpsmusicapplecommxalbumkisssinginthennighti youtube músicahttpsmusicyoutubecomwatchvjehfcsfaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahttpstidalcomtrack
keep wanting slice myselfi keep geting stressed coking up drinking using excuse feel bad cut myself ampxb time ive got closer actually letting blood vessel bleed out talking itdoesnt seemto help ampxb do ampxb
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "keep wanting slice myselfi keep geting stressed coking up drinking using excuse feel bad cut myself ampxb time ive got closer actually letting blood vessel bleed out talking itdoesnt seemto help ampxb do ampxb" ]
Sigue queriendo cortarme a mí mismo seguir estresandome bebiendo usando excusa me siento mal corté ampxb el tiempo se acercó realmente dejando que los vasos sanguíneos sangraran hablando no parece ayudar a ampxb a hacer ampxb
teletubbies creepiest abomination past century today chilling couch brother came watch tv handed remote feeling kinda bored decided watch whatever hes watching hes years old going channels stopped one first understand watching recognized creepy smile creatures teletubbies name creature despise since small ages actually never interest cartoon creepy next level man seriously regret seeing face long time creepy also cringy af sun baby tv bellies turns rubbing ugghhhh bear watching minute so experiences abomination kids show
[ "teletubbies creepiest abomination past century today chilling couch brother came watch tv handed remote feeling kinda bored decided watch whatever hes watching hes years old going channels stopped one first understand watching recognized creepy smile creatures teletubbies name creature despise since small ages actually never interest cartoon creepy next level man seriously regret seeing face long time creepy also cringy af sun baby tv bellies turns rubbing ugghhhh bear watching minute so experiences abomination kids show" ]
teletubbies abominación más espeluznante pasado siglo hoy sofá frío hermano vino ver la televisión a mano remota sensación un poco aburrido decidió ver lo que él está viendo hes años viejos va canales se detuvo uno primero entender ver reconocidas criaturas sonrisa espeluznante teletubbies nombre criatura desde pequeñas edades en realidad nunca interés dibujos animados espeluznante siguiente nivel hombre seriamente lamentar ver cara mucho tiempo espeluznante también cringy af sol bebé campanas de televisión se convierte frotar ugghhhh oso ver minuto así experiencias abominación niños mostrar
hello every one its nice to meet u
[ "hello every one its nice to meet u" ]
Hola a todos. Es un placer conocerte.
is even more irritated to find that the patch doesn t even get released properly until tmrw whats the point of letting you do it now
[ "is even more irritated to find that the patch doesn t even get released properly until tmrw whats the point of letting you do it now" ]
es aún más irritado para encontrar que el parche ni siquiera se libera correctamente hasta tmrw ¿cuál es el punto de dejar que lo haga ahora
@MissPureGold *Hug..... I simply meant alot of us are sad here, not sure of depression though.
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "@MissPureGold *Hug..... I simply meant alot of us are sad here, not sure of depression though." ]
@MissPureGold *Hug..... Simplemente quise decir que muchos de nosotros estamos tristes aquí, aunque no estamos seguros de la depresión.
failing everythingi essay due monday understand readings spoke prof thinks im fine probably wanted get rid me exams summer going fail understand material im intelligent enough clearly work work work work get nowhere im nearly teenager anymore cant afford make dumb mistakes like this tried everything right going wrong know now feel like dumb idiot child ill go back shitty little hometown live parents let time pass by soon ill position dead pointless life hard make something myself feel like everyone else knows secret life dont people fulfilled lives friends good grades good diets workouts hobbies etc cant one things god ive tried im end road rock bottom see way up death seems like sweet relief id go jump front tube train want traumatise driver know do rant
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "failing everythingi essay due monday understand readings spoke prof thinks im fine probably wanted get rid me exams summer going fail understand material im intelligent enough clearly work work work work get nowhereim nearly teenager anymore cant afford make dumb mistakes like this tried everything right going wrong know now feel like dumb idiot child ill go back shitty little hometown live parents let time pass by soon ill position dead pointless life hard make something myself feel like everyone else knows secret life dont people fulfilled lives friends good grades good diets workouts hobbies etc cant one things god ive triedim end road rock bottom see way up death seems like sweet relief id go jump front tube train want traumatise driver know do rant" ]
falling everythingi ensayo debido lunes entender lecturas hablado prof piensa im bien probablemente quería deshacerse de mí exámenes verano va fracaso entender material im inteligente bastante claramente trabajo trabajo trabajo trabajo llegar a ninguna parte casi adolescente ya no puede permitirse cometer errores tontos como esto trató todo lo correcto va mal saber ahora se siente como tonto idiota niño enfermo volver mierda pequeña ciudad natal padres vivos dejar pasar el tiempo por pronto mala posición muerte vida inútil duro hacer algo me siento como todo el mundo sabe vida secreta dont personas cumplido vidas amigos buenas calificaciones buenas dietas entrenamientos hobbies etc cant una cosa dios ive tripim final carretera rock fondo ver manera hasta la muerte parece como dulce alivio id ir salto delante tren tubo quieren traumatizado conductor saber hacer rant
ive fighting itive fighting thoughts redflag still creep in im f ive problem since age subsided past like last years horrible comes goes first child born months ago depression worsened despite mediccine ppd fear heart telling anyone im afraid could take away baby im going hurt tendencies as know like plan anything hate thoughts
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive fighting itive fighting thoughts redflag still creep in im five problem since age subsided past like last years horrible comes goes first child born months ago depression worsened despite mediccine ppd fear heart telling anyone im afraid could take away baby im going hurt tendencies as know like plan anything hate thoughts" ]
lucha contra los pensamientos lucha contra la enfermedad todavía se arrastran en el problema de los cinco desde la edad pasó como los últimos años horrible viene primero hijo nacido meses atrás la depresión empeoró a pesar de mediccine ppd miedo corazón decirle a cualquiera que mi miedo podría quitar baby im ir lastimado tendencias como saber como plan cualquier odio pensamientos
lissie sorry just saw the post signed up even before i finished reading lol these guy are gold feel bad for those who paid 00
[ "lissie sorry just saw the post signed up even before i finished reading lol these guy are gold feel bad for those who paid 00" ]
Lissie lo siento acaba de ver el post inscrito incluso antes de que termine de leer lol este tipo son de oro sentirse mal para los que pagaron 00
?????? SMC Official forum is up http://tinyurl.com/qax9tu
[ "??????SMC Official forum is up http://tinyurl.com/qax9tu" ]
??????El foro oficial de SMC es http://tinyurl.com/qax9tu
It is crazy how much better you feel and how much you can achieve when you get out of depression <Emoji: Person with folded hands>
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "It is crazy how much better you feel and how much you can achieve when you get out of depression <Emoji: Person with folded hands>" ]
Es una locura lo mucho mejor que te sientes y lo mucho que puedes lograr cuando sales de la depresión <Emoji: Persona con las manos dobladas>
i quit my job today after being told yesterday that i m bad at it and could be fired if i fuck up again i figure that i d rather remove myself before i cause anymore problem because i know that i m intrinsically fucked since middle school i ve become convinced that i m retarded and that i m a fucking waste of space who should be put down i left this job hoping it d maybe remove some stress from my shoulder but instead i m more angry than ever and i really want to start cutting i m so sick of all of this i m sick of people telling me i should stay here and lying to me about how good i am i m sick of putting in effort only to fail at every turn i m really sick of all it
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i quit my job today after being told yesterday that i m bad at it and could be fired if i fuck up again i figure that i d rather remove myself before i cause anymore problem because i know that i m intrinsically fucked since middle school i ve become convinced that i m retarded and that i m a fucking waste of space who should be put downi left this job hoping itd maybe remove some stress from my shoulder but instead i m more angry than everand i really want to start cutting i m so sick of all of thisi m sick of people telling me i should stay here and lying to me about how good i am i m sick of putting in effort only to fail at every turn i m really sick of all it" ]
Dejé mi trabajo hoy después de haber sido dicho ayer que soy malo en ello y podría ser despedido si jodo de nuevo me imagino que prefiero quitarme antes de que cause más problema porque sé que estoy intrínsecamente jodido desde la escuela secundaria me he convencido de que soy retrasado y que soy un maldito desperdicio de espacio que debería ser puesto a punto dejó este trabajo con la esperanza de que tal vez quitar un poco de estrés de mi hombro pero en cambio estoy más enojado que nunca y realmente quiero empezar a cortar estoy tan harto de todo esto estoy harto de la gente diciéndome que debería quedarme aquí y mentirme sobre lo bueno que soy estoy harto de poner en esfuerzo sólo para fallar en cada vuelta estoy realmente harto de todo esto
anything live fori mean dramatic way thinking even trying used friends less dwindled one i anything people stopped tolerating me grades shit know could get as actually tried im fucking depressed time care get bullied everyday actually enjoy anything more ive never relationship never even kissed someone im tired it im sick crippling loneliness bother living is
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anything live fori mean dramatic way thinking even trying used friends less dwindled one i anything people stopped tolerating me grades shit know could get as actually tried im fucking depressed time care get bullied everyday actually enjoy anything more ive never relationship never even kissed someone im tired itim sick crippling loneliness bother living is" ]
cualquier cosa viva fori significa dramática manera de pensar incluso tratando amigos usados menos menguado uno i cualquier cosa la gente dejó de tolerarme calificaciones mierda saber podría conseguir como en realidad probado im maldito deprimido tiempo cuidado ser intimidado todos los días realmente disfrutar de cualquier cosa más viva nunca la relación ni siquiera besar a alguien estoy cansado itim enfermo paralizante soledad molestar vivir es
try get rtx since like double price could many bots rly get instantly idk would it maybe keep rly need it jew sell it
[ "try get rtx since like double price could many bots rly get instantly idk would it maybe keep rly need it jew sell it" ]
tratar de obtener rtx ya que como doble precio podría muchos bots rly obtener idk al instante, ¿podría tal vez mantener rly necesita Judio venderlo
moment knowyour life over swear joke post guess point redflag gotta laugh can fine fine know middle plotting death moment watching roseanne hysterical roseanne fans episode becky farted end speech student council part dan laughing it laughter lethal problems would over then moment came realized im never gonna that family home love nothing son gone social services took away found suicidal so problems gone son motivation live gone guitar straps perfect hanging got one calling name im alone friends family job even groceries went random acts pizza reddit thinking maybe could eat tonight even let post member long enough funny losing son bad hunger bad money bad future looks bad roseanne looks good ill never that hug kids hey me go kiss goodnight want see son bad hurts ill never see again
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "moment knowyour life over swear joke post guess point redflag gotta laugh can fine fine know middle plotting death moment watching roseanne hysterical roseanne fans episode becky farted end speech student council part dan laughing it laughter lethal problems would over then moment came realized im never gonna that family home love nothing son gone social services took away found suicidal so problems gone son motivation live gone guitar straps perfect hanging got one calling nameim alone friends family job even groceries went random acts pizza reddit thinking maybe could eat tonight even let post member long enough funny losing son bad hunger bad money bad future looks bad roseanne looks good ill neverthat hug kids hey me go kiss goodnight want see son bad hurts ill never see again" ]
momento saber su vida sobre broma jurar post conjetura punto Redflag tiene que reírse puede bien bien saber medio conspirar muerte momento viendo Roseanne histérica Roseanne fans episodio becky pedo final discurso consejo estudiantil parte dan riéndose risas problemas letales en ese momento llegó me di cuenta nunca voy a que casa familiar amor nada hijo ido servicios sociales se llevó suicida así que los problemas ido hijo motivación en vivo ido correas de guitarra perfecto colgar tengo uno llamando nameim solos amigos trabajo familiar incluso los comestibles fueron actos aleatorios pizza reddit pensar tal vez podría comer esta noche incluso dejar a miembro de correo lo suficientemente divertido perder hijo mal hambre mal dinero mal futuro se ve mala Roseanne nunca se ve bien que abrazar niños ey me van besos buenas noches quiero ver hijo mal duele mal nunca volver a ver
may messed chance crush know girl three years now good person always good friend liked year now best friend dating time long lasting relationship broke october met pandemic met last days august wanted meet somewhere tell feel told relationship someone else half year talk made big mistake it regret choice crypost something like that thought help somehow like give hope something sorry bad english tried best
[ "may messed chance crush know girl three years now good person always good friend liked year now best friend dating time long lasting relationship broke october met pandemic met last days august wanted meet somewhere tell feel told relationship someone else half year talk made big mistake it regret choice crypost something like that thought help somehow like give hope something sorry bad english tried best" ]
puede estropear el azar aplastar saber chica tres años ahora buena persona siempre buen amigo le gustaba año ahora mejor amigo salir tiempo larga duración relación rompió octubre se reunió pandemia se reunió los últimos días agosto quería conocer en algún lugar decir se siente dijo relación alguien medio año hablar cometió un gran error se arrepintió crypost algo como ese pensamiento ayuda de alguna manera como dar esperanza algo lo siento mal Inglés intentó mejor
Back from a fantastic birthday gathering in Hyde Park. Full of sunshine, fantastic food and pure glee. Awesome friends are awesome
[ "Back from a fantastic birthday gathering in Hyde Park.Full of sunshine, fantastic food and pure glee.Awesome friends are awesome" ]
De vuelta de una fantástica reunión de cumpleaños en Hyde Park.Lleno de sol, comida fantástica y pura alegría.
life always ups downsshut fuck up shut fuck up dont care cant see im suffering cant see im hurting ever single fucking day cant see every time get something bigger knocks again im tired it im fucking tired
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "life always ups downsshut fuck up shut fuck up dont care cant see im suffering cant see im hurting ever single fucking day cant see every time get something bigger knocks again im tired itim fucking tired" ]
# La vida siempre sube # # Callate # # Callate # # No me importa # # No me importa # # No me importa # # No puedo ver # # Siempre me duele # # Siempre me duele # # No puedo ver # # Cada vez conseguir algo más grande # # Otra vez # # Estoy cansado # # Estoy jodidamente cansado #
emotional numbnesshi want ask anyone emotional numbness since spine injury cant feel shit vibe people all enjoy music food anymore even videogames movies freezed year college depression came see ever becoming normal person again want end all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "emotional numbnesshi want ask anyone emotional numbness since spine injury cant feel shit vibe people all enjoy music food anymore even videogames movies freezed year college depression came see ever becoming normal person again want end all" ]
emocional entumecimientohi quiere preguntar a alguien emocional entumecimiento ya que la lesión de la columna vertebral no puede sentir mierda vibra gente todos disfrutan de la música comida ya incluso videojuegos películas año congelado universidad depresión llegó a ver convertirse en persona normal otra vez quieren terminar todo
alexfoster re cat prob have amazing effect on vet bill too watch for change in character of remaining cat pus
[ "alexfoster re cat prob have amazing effect on vet bill too watch for change in character of remaining cat pus" ]
alexfoster re gato prob tienen un efecto increíble en el proyecto de ley veterinario también reloj para el cambio en el carácter de la restante pus gato