need make dinnerin order make dinner need use kitchen that kitchen usable theres many dishes smell thats gettig worse floors slowly tearing apart time attempt sweep mop them two holes ceiling occasionally drip water sometimes bee gets in normal day dishes make food frequently look pile everything sit back life slowly falls apart
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "need make dinnerin order make dinner need use kitchen that kitchen usable theres many dishes smell thats gettig worse floors slowly tearing apart time attempt sweep mop them two holes ceiling occasionally drip water sometimes bee gets in normal day dishes make food frequently look pile everything sit back life slowly falls apart" ]
necesidad hacer la cena en orden hacer la cena necesidad de utilizar la cocina que cocina utiliza Theres muchos platos olor que gettig pisos peores poco a poco destrozando intento de tiempo barrer dos agujeros techo goteo de agua a veces abejas consigue en el día normal platos hacen la comida con frecuencia parecen montón todo sentarse atrás la vida se cae lentamente
@paulissima real life is offline too ... don't worry then ... be Happy
[ "@paulissima real life is offline too ...don't worry then ... be Happy" ]
@paulissima la vida real está fuera de línea también ... no te preocupes entonces ... ser feliz
really freaky fucking dream dream chewing something thanking heard load crack reached mouth grab made loud sound two teeth fell broke middle im still sleepy half awake daise little shaken this
[ "really freaky fucking dream dream chewing something thanking heard load crack reached mouth grab made loud sound two teeth fell broke middleim still sleepy half awake daise little shaken this" ]
realmente freaky sueño sueño masticar algo agradeciendo oído carga crack alcanzado boca agarrar hizo ruido fuerte dos dientes cayeron roto middleim todavía medio sueño despierto daise poco sacudido esto
pink red paint brushes getting married always love painting red well call red pink well call pink pink red really great paint brushes years ago red told dating pink happy pink red always really close last month pink got pregnant im happy theyre getting married inviting paintbrushes need paint place wedding itll beach awesome d
[ "pink red paint brushes getting married always love painting red well callred pinkwell call pink pink red really great paint brushes years ago red told dating pink happy pink red always really close last month pink got pregnant im happy theyre getting married inviting paintbrushes need paint place wedding itll beach awesome d" ]
rosa rojo pinceles de pintura casarse siempre amor pintura rojo bien llamado rosado rosado llamado rosado rojo realmente grandes pinceles de pintura hace años rojo dijo datación rosa feliz rosa rojo siempre muy cerca el mes pasado rosa se embarazó im feliz se casan invitando paintbrushes necesidad pintura lugar boda itll playa impresionante d
About to muder some avacado crab cakes and sweet potato fries
[ "About to muder some avacado crab cakes and sweet potato fries" ]
A punto de mudar algunos pasteles de cangrejo y papas fritas de batata
help addiction plzz need help guys mightve known teenagers like jerk teen like jerk too problem getting control jerk twice day might say pretty low want continue affect productivity everyday wake immediately get phone watch prn reddit ive started many great things last year like working out studying writing etc etc change since prn made lazier want stop dont want make worse please help me
[ "help addiction plzz need help guys mightve known teenagers like jerk teen like jerk too problem getting control jerk twice day might say pretty low want continue affect productivity everyday wake immediately get phone watch prn reddit ive started many great things last year like working out studying writing etc etc change since prn made lazier want stop dont want make worse please help me" ]
ayuda adicción plzz necesidad ayuda chicos podría conocer adolescentes como idiota adolescente como idiota también problema conseguir control idiota dos veces día podría decir muy bajo querer continuar afectar productividad despertar todos los días inmediatamente obtener teléfono ver prn reddit ive comenzó muchas cosas grandes el año pasado como trabajar fuera de estudio de escritura, etc cambio desde prn hecho lazier quiere dejar de querer hacer peor por favor ayúdame
dont mistake a bad day with depression! everyone has 'em!
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont mistake a bad day with depression!everyone has 'em!" ]
¡No confundas un mal día con depresión!¡Todos los tienen!
died need tell storythis life long sad story one must tell someone born middle kid middle class family parents were first abusers dad alcoholic beat brother nights good listen music mom much better abuse dad abuse emotionally financially bad other around third grade diagnosed autism testing traumatic first experience gender dysphoria waiting room vhs worked alice wonderland wanted alice could handle new world handle mine parent filled pills till high school pill made slow fat easier dope parent lead getting lbs develop boob im guy ive spent whole adult life trying get fit this one biggest failures raped friends got drunk payed girl sex me happen party ive told therapist still cant talk about theres proof left too one one would believe me collage failure to know bpd depression still talk rape let build inside me met ex great first became emotionallyverbally sexually abusive hide friends family spend next three years deep denial come phone sex cam girl addiction itd year cant stop ive spend theres coming back this im stuck dead end job life forfeit theres coming back this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "died need tell storythis life long sad story one must tell someone born middle kid middle class family parents were first abusers dad alcoholic beat brother nights good listen music mom much better abuse dad abuse emotionally financially bad other around third grade diagnosed autism testing traumatic first experience gender dysphoria waiting room vhs worked alice wonderland wanted alice could handle new world handle mine parent filled pills till high school pill made slow fat easier dope parent lead getting lbs develop boob im guyive spent whole adult life trying get fit this one biggest failures raped friends got drunk payed girl sex me happen party ive told therapist still cant talk about theres proof left too one one would believe me collage failure to know bpd depression still talk rape let build inside me met ex great first became emotionallyverbally sexually abusive hide friends family spend next three years deep denial come phone sex cam girl addiction itd year cant stop ive spend theres coming back this im stuck dead end job life forfeit theres coming back this" ]
fallece necesidad contar historia esta vida larga triste historia uno debe contar a alguien nacido hijo medio familia clase media padres eran primeros abusadores papá alcoholico golpear hermano noches buena escuchar música mamá mucho mejor abuso papá abuso emocionalmente malo otros alrededor tercer grado diagnóstico autismo traumático primera experiencia traumática disforia género sala de espera vhs trabajo alicia maravillaland quería alice podría manejar nuevo mundo padre mío píldoras llenas hasta que la píldora de la escuela secundaria hizo grasa lenta dope padre plomo conseguir libras desarrollar boob im guyive toda la vida adulta tratando de encajar este uno más grandes fracasos violado amigos se emborrachó chica pagada sexo me sucede fiesta iive le dijo al terapeuta todavía no puede hablar de Theres prueba izquierda también uno me creería collage fracaso de saber bpd depresión todavía hablar violación dejar construir dentro de mí me conocí ex gran primero se convirtió emocionalmente sexualmente abusivo amigos familia pasar siguiente tres años negación profunda venir teléfono sexo chica adicción itd año no puede dejar de pasar allí volver este im callejón muerto vida trabajo perder allí volver este
th birthday tommorow honor serving boys and girls thank you
[ "th birthday tommorow honor serving boys and girls thank you" ]
th cumpleaños mañana honor servir a niños y niñas gracias
crush said loves talking discord annoying usual said leave said bye said love you said said left think meant seriously
[ "crush said loves talking discord annoying usual said leave said bye said love you said said left think meant seriously" ]
machacado dijo que le encanta hablar de discordia molesto habitual dijo permiso dijo adiós dijo amor dijo dijo izquierda pensar en serio
@markhoppus My Great Granddad Fought In WW1 In France So If That The War Your On About My Great Granddad May Have Known Your Granddad
[ "@markhoppus My Great Granddad FoughtIn WW1In FranceSo If That The War Your On About My Great Granddad May Have Known Your Granddad" ]
@markhoppus Mi Gran Abuelo Luchó en la Guerra Mundial1En Francia Así que si la guerra su encendido sobre mi Gran Abuelo puede haber conocido a su abuelo
really need talk someone pleasei go back fathers house brother was first time lives actually brother said father never really liked seeing him depressed never really felt love took like bomb took bad asked us leave crying cant describe terribly bad feel right now think one terrible emotion human feel unbelievable hiding everyone fact homosexual desires ive hiding long time life ive exclusively hetero things changed im quite sure am fear myself desires extremely hard so could talk someone think reddit great community even though millions people place feels good someone could listen well read me id really grateful sorry english intention killing myself know post this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really need talk someone pleasei go back fathers house brother was first time lives actually brother said father never really liked seeing him depressed never really felt love took like bomb took bad asked us leave crying cant describe terribly bad feel right now think one terrible emotion human feel unbelievable hiding everyone fact homosexual desires ive hiding long time life ive exclusively hetero things changed im quite sure am fear myself desires extremely hard so could talk someone think reddit great community even though millions people place feels good someone could listen well read me id really grateful sorry english intention killing myself know post this" ]
realmente necesito hablar alguien por favor volver padres casa hermano fue la primera vez vidas en realidad hermano dijo padre nunca realmente le gustó verlo deprimido nunca realmente sentía amor tomó como bomba tomó mal nos pidió salir llorando no puede describir terriblemente mal sentir ahora creo una terrible emoción humana se siente increíble ocultando a todos hecho homosexuales deseos de vivir ocultando mucho tiempo vida exclusivamente hetero cosas cambiado im estoy seguro de miedo yo deseo extremadamente duro así que podría hablar alguien pensar reddit gran comunidad a pesar de millones de personas lugar se siente bien alguien podría escucharme bien id muy agradecido lo siento Inglés intención matar a mí mismo saber publicar esto
choose life mom filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler fillers filler filler choose life filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler
[ "choose life mom filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler fillers filler filler choose life filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler" ]
elegir vida madre relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
movie simply awesomeit sensitive issue movie superbthis movie create controversy india as far know publicity also kept lowinitially thought movie would simply waste time since indian directors producers used change theme even though sensitive adds love story original story spoils whole thingmost indian viewers would agree topic remember ashoka mangal pandeyloc etcbr br there many movies india would become milestone mega hits love story part would unnecessarily addedbr br but treatment pretty similar pinjar movie also must watchbr br if counts would like thank anil kapoor producer firoz abbas khan director making great movie
[ "movie simply awesomeit sensitive issue movie superbthis movie create controversy india as far know publicity also kept lowinitially thought movie would simply waste time since indian directors producers used change theme even though sensitive adds love story original story spoils whole thingmost indian viewers would agree topic remember ashoka mangal pandeyloc etcbr br there many movies india would become milestone mega hits love story part would unnecessarily addedbr br but treatment pretty similar pinjar movie also must watchbr br if counts would like thank anil kapoor producer firoz abbas khan director making great movie" ]
película simplemente impresionanteit tema sensible película superesta película crear controversia India como mucho saber publicidad también mantenido bajo inicialmente pensamiento película simplemente perder el tiempo ya que directores indios productores utilizan tema cambio a pesar de sensible añade historia de amor historia original estropear todo lo más indio espectadores estaría de acuerdo tema recordar ashoka mangal pandeyloc etcbr br br allí muchas películas india se convertiría en hito mega hits historia parte amor br pero tratamiento bastante similar película pinjar también debe watchbr br si cuenta como gracias a anil kapoor productor firoz abbas khan director hacer gran película
yall good comebacks need comebacks insults like slit wrists insults general want make bitch cry best insults get award please make original and good
[ "yall good comebacks need comebacks insults like slit wrists insults general want make bitch cry best insults get award please make original and good" ]
Yall buenos regresos necesitan regresos insultos como las muñecas cortadas insultos generales quieren hacer perra llorar mejores insultos obtener premio por favor hacer original y bueno
Don't settle with #depression, #anxiety or defeat. #Jesus wants you to overcome. #faith #Prayer #bible #kalamazoo http://www.vwcenter.org/fervent-prayer.html …
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Don't settle with #depression, #anxiety or defeat.#Jesus wants you to overcome.#faith #Prayer #bible #kalamazoo http://www.vwcenter.org/fervent-prayer.html …" ]
No te conformes con #depresión, #ansiedad o derrota.#Jesús quiere que superes.#fe #Oración #bible #kalamazoo http://www.vwcenter.org/fervent-prayer.htmlÂ
venting rotten putrid feelings haul around every dayive putting years lately feel like wasted time think years someone asking feel throwing pills would fix problems have try hard fit get good job well school exist outside fucking institution im beginning think past attempts one step success reason life gone shit meant around long know exactly anymore every day fucking struggle anymore time drive vividly fucking dream throwing car semi cross street slow hopes someone make decision me cant bear shit anymore im pussy gone how affect others fucking pathetic i
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "venting rotten putrid feelings haul around every dayive putting years lately feel like wasted time think years someone asking feel throwing pills would fix problems have try hard fit get good jobwell school exist outside fucking institution im beginning think past attempts one step success reason life gone shit meant around long know exactly anymore every day fucking struggle anymore time drive vividly fucking dream throwing car semi cross street slow hopes someone make decision me cant bear shit anymore im pussy gone how affect others fucking pathetici" ]
los sentimientos pudridos podridos se arrastran alrededor de cada día poniendo años últimamente se siente como tiempo perdido pensar años alguien que se siente tirar píldoras arreglar los problemas han intentado duro ajuste conseguir buen trabajo bien escuela existir fuera de la puta institución i principio pensar pasado intentos un paso éxito razón la vida se fue mierda significa alrededor largo saber exactamente más cada día lucha más tiempo conducir vívidamente puto sueño tirar coche semi cruz calle lenta esperanzas alguien tomar la decisión me no puede soportar mierda más im coño ido cómo afectar a otros puto patético
im probably going get body pillow printed plain white body pillow need hug something im crying sleep
[ "im probably going get body pillow printed plain white body pillow need hug something im crying sleep" ]
Im probablemente va a conseguir cuerpo almohada impreso simple cuerpo almohada necesita abrazo algo im llanto sueño
really rough night last night everything comes wavesfinding words even begin explain feelings feel something ill never concur cant explain feelings go matter hour physical mental pain turned physical telling brain im cant believe again im disconnected self reliant feeling abandoned room full people nobody likes dont connect anxiety taking over friends arent really friends think annoying everyone playing nice like friend more acting weird stop distancing wonder youre alone one wonder uglyfatdisgusting fault redflag right itll feel better bridge close easy pills taste good taking cant breathe want die time im constantly falling felling alone alone completely different somewhat crave it isnt narcissistic price shit nobody fucking cares problems skin deep dont know like feel crawl back bed belong forget anything past walls mind races cant stop cant stop thoughts eating alive would anyone understand anything feel could begin explain dont even know idea whats wrong whats wrong whats wrong stop yelling please cant take volume head another migraine body physically clenched point causing jaw stress want curl ball deflate everyone thinks joke youre dramatic would anyone even listen words leaving youre existence end end youre worth space waste cant shake weight im drowning time im fine least thats tell self say stop pussy nobody gives shit problems youre suicidal never brave enough try
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "really rough night last night everything comes wavesfinding words even begin explain feelings feel something ill never concur cant explain feelings go matter hour physical mental pain turned physical telling brainim cant believe again im disconnected self reliant feeling abandoned room full people nobody likes dont connect anxiety taking over friends arent really friends think annoying everyone playing nice like friend more acting weird stop distancing wonder youre alone one wonder uglyfatdisgusting fault redflag right itll feel better bridge close easy pills taste good taking cant breathe want die time im constantly falling felling alone alone completely different somewhat crave", "it isnt narcissistic price shit nobody fucking cares problems skin deep dont know like feel crawl back bed belong forget anything past walls mind races cant stop cant stop thoughts eating alive would anyone understand anything feel could begin explain dont even know idea whats wrong whats wrong whats wrong stop yelling please cant take volume head another migraine body physically clenched point causing jaw stress want curl ball deflate everyone thinks joke youre dramatic would anyone even listen words leaving youreexistence end end youre worth space waste cant shake weight im drowning time im fine least thats tell self say stop pussy nobody gives shit problems youre suicidal never brave enough try" ]
noche muy dura anoche todo viene olas encontrar palabras incluso comienzan a explicar sentimientos sentir algo mal nunca concordar no puede explicar sentimientos ir materia hora dolor mental físico convertido fisico decirle brainim no puedo creer otra vez im desconectado autosuficiente sensación de habitación abandonada gente llena nadie le gusta conectar ansiedad hacerse cargo amigos no son realmente amigos pensar molesto todo el mundo jugando agradable como amigo más actuando raro dejar de distanciarse maravilla youre solo una maravilla feafatadisgusting falla redflag derecho itll se sentirá mejor puente cerca fácil píldoras gusto bueno tomar no puede respirar quiero morir tiempo im constantemente cayendo solo solo completamente diferente deseo
Im on my way to the videoshoot!, get down there now! try get there before 3pm!...Support the hustle! COVENT GARDEN STATION!
[ "Im on my way to the videoshoot!, get down there now!try get there before 3pm!...Support the hustle!COVENT GARDEN STATION!" ]
Estoy en mi camino a la sesión de vídeo!, bajar allí ahora! tratar de llegar antes de las 3pm!...Apoyar el ajetreo!
whoever tells swankiest story gets hugz award got free awards thingy cant find post suitable entertain something quite swanky indeed
[ "whoever tells swankiest story gets hugz award got free awards thingy cant find post suitable entertain something quite swanky indeed" ]
quien le cuente la historia más swankies consigue el premio Hugz consiguió premios gratis thingy no puedo encontrar post adecuado entretener algo bastante swanky de hecho
feel like attempting againthe last time first time ever tried september ended hospital mental hospital back home it wanted life change wanted guy wanted confident wanted ability actually make friends get that felt like going but nope im still pathetic loser goes stupid school fucking hate that im butt listening dad complain financial emotional stress hes under fucking ask that makes feel horrible hes saying shit like i think realize much trouble caused do know much bills cost thats masters degree makes feel like im unwanted am stupid kid fucked everything up feel suicidal dad deserve asshole kid like me sad part is hes fucking right says care anyone myself point view feelings matter feel okay whats point living fuck everyone else care dad cant find job someone even know pain fuck them get bent obviously im exaggerating pretty selfish want someone im upset nonjudgmental say everythings okay let cry like fucking baby basically want mom again maybe shed emotional wreck too shed disappointed me least would compassionate she know pussy guy even act like one ill get pushed around men actually dude fuck want that theres girl school intimidates me really let get me anyway im loser like alpha female thats even thing mocks say something stupid lesbian man am girl fuck say oh im transgender school would make much better candidate would fuck that hell pissed off cant cooperate people try make lives easier make everything harder feel like people need me one ever understand ive done many dumb things want deal everything ive caused want find shotgun flip everyone again deal shit anymore feel like waiting live own friends actually selfworth want see change life now want go new school want practice assertiveness want want want want yeah me im asshole anything unless feel like crap know would time obviously would much effective way took pussy way even physically hurt me maybe all know fuck need help
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel like attempting againthe last time first time ever tried september ended hospital mental hospital back home it wanted life change wanted guy wanted confident wanted ability actually make friends get that felt like goingbut nope im still pathetic loser goes stupid school fucking hate that im butt listening dad complain financial emotional stress hes under fucking ask that makes feel horrible hes saying shit like i think realize much trouble caused do know much bills cost thats masters degree makes feel like im unwanted am stupid kid fucked everything up feel suicidal dad deserve asshole kid like me sad part is hes fucking", "right says care anyone myself point view feelings matter feel okay whats point living fuck everyone else care dad cant find job someone even know pain fuck them get bent obviously im exaggerating pretty selfish want someone im upset nonjudgmental say everythings okay let cry like fucking baby basically want mom again maybe shed emotional wreck too shed disappointed me least would compassionate she know pussy guy even act like one ill get pushed around men actually dude fuck want that theres girl school intimidates me really let get me anyway im loser like alpha female thats even thing mocks say something stupid lesbian man am girl fuck sayoh im transgender school would make much better candidate would fuck that hell pissed off cant cooperate people try make lives easier make everything harder feel like people need me one ever understand ive done many dumb things want deal everything ive caused want find shotgun flip everyone again deal shit anymore feel like waiting live own friends actually selfworth want see change life now want go new school want practice assertiveness want want want wantyeah me", "im asshole anything unless feel like crap know would time obviously would much effective way took pussy way even physically hurt me maybe all know fuck needhelp" ]
Tengo ganas de intentarlo de nuevo la última vez que lo intenté por primera vez en septiembre terminó en el hospital psiquiátrico de vuelta a casa quería cambio de vida quería tener confianza quería habilidad quería realmente hacer amigos conseguir que se sentían como ir pero no im todavía patético perdedor va estúpido escuela odio mierda que mi culo escuchar papá queja estrés emocional financiero él está bajo puta pregunta que hace sentir horrible él dice mierda como creo que se dan cuenta de muchos problemas causados hacer saber mucho costo de los estudios superiores que hace sentir como im no deseado soy estúpido niño jodido todo se siente suicida papá merece hijo imbécil como yo triste parte es hes follando
id show yall fakes real thick bitch strikes skirt could get skirt
[ "id show yall fakes real thick bitch strikes skirt could get skirt" ]
id mostrar yall falses real gruesa perra huelgas falda podría conseguir falda
whether important important feel strongly woman suicide watch entire world coming right way reacted long video posted online shows strongly unwell right everyone calling racist crazy karenthat fine great beside pointwhether wrong video point concerned mental health wellbeing idk go share concern everyone fuck abigail elphrick bring hey guys get mad angry right now also stop think longterm existence realize may very close suicidal mentality even hate right now please someone something place try help extremely diredflaging time heragain clear cast judgement whether right wrong definitely think fucked up think people imperfect mistakes happen fucking suck make them especially current volatile culture simply saying even though many others believe wrong also aware person care fellow human afraid mental state may attempt suicidei want try remind people struggling publicly shame guilt embarrassment many emotions topped hate receiving right may enough push edgeplease someone anyone can reach remind give up seen video woman abigial elphrick woman dubbed victorias secret karen
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "whether important important feel strongly woman suicide watch entire world coming right way reacted long video posted online shows strongly unwell right everyone calling racist crazy karenthat fine great beside pointwhether wrong video point concerned mental health wellbeing idk go share concern everyone fuck abigail elphrick bring hey guys get mad angry right now also stop think longterm existence realize may very close suicidal mentality even hate right now please someone something place try help extremely diredflaging time heragain clear cast judgement whether right wrong definitely think fucked up think people imperfect mistakes happen fucking suck make them especially current volatile culture simply saying even though many others believe wrong also aware person care fellow human afraid mental state may attempt suicidei want try remind people struggling publicly shame guilt embarrassment many emotions topped hate receiving right may enough push edgeplease someone anyone can reach remind give up seen video woman abigial elphrick woman dubbed victorias secret karen" ]
Si es importante sentir fuertemente mujer suicidio ver mundo entero venir camino derecho reaccionó largo video publicado en línea muestra fuertemente mal derecho todo el mundo llamar racista loco karentha bien bien al margen de puntosi mal punto de vídeo preocupado bienestar mental idk ir compartir preocupación todo el mundo mierda abigail elphrick traer hey chicos se enojan en este momento también dejar de pensar la existencia a largo plazo darse cuenta puede muy cerca mentalidad suicida incluso odio ahora por favor alguien algo lugar tratar de ayudar extremadamente flaqueante tiempo heraaain claro emitir juicio si bien mal definitivamente pensar mal piensan gente errores imperfectos suceder mierda hacer especialmente actual cultura volátil simplemente decir aunque muchos otros creen mal también consciente persona cuidado compañero humano miedo estado mental puede intentar suicidai intentar recordar a la gente lucha públicamente vergüenza culpa muchas emociones encabezado odio recibir derecho puede bastar empujar bordepor favor alguien cualquiera puede llegar recordar renunciar vista video mujer abigial elphrick mujer apodadas victorias karen secreto
reason whythe reason still cant stand abandon cat cant explain life got much couldnt handle limitless anymore explain arent abandoning theyre true love youve experienced
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reason whythe reason still cant stand abandon cat cant explain life got much couldnt handle limitless anymore explain arent abandoning theyre true love youve experienced" ]
Razón por la que la razón por la que todavía no puedo soportar el abandono gato no puedo explicar la vida tiene mucho no podría manejar ilimitado más explicar no son abandonar son amor verdadero que has experimentado
@Mrfainson-- I AM HAVING A BABY GIRL!!!!!! I tried to call you, it said you were unavailable...email me!!!
[ "@Mrfainson-- I AM HAVING A BABY GIRL!!!!!!I tried to call you, it said you were unavailable...email me!!!" ]
@Mrfainson-- ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡
feel might time iti hate pain time since ive hit car hate breathless disease people use me abuse me like mother ran away matter am do im always harmed bullied im alone cant trust anyone probably better im dead one knows cares anyways
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "feel might time iti hate pain time since ive hit car hate breathless disease people use me abuse me like mother ran away matter am doim always harmed bullied im alone cant trust anyone probably better im dead one knows cares anyways" ]
Siente que el tiempo iti odia el dolor desde que el coche de ive hit odia la enfermedad sin aliento la gente me usa abusar de mí como la madre huyó materia am doim siempre dañado intimidado yo solo no puedo confiar en nadie probablemente mejor im muerto uno sabe que se preocupa de todos modos
bj keswickproblems ndp oh yeah you must enjoy record breaking inflation housing price that canadian can t afford because of all the foreign investor paying outrageous tax being driven into the next great depression make sure you stand with trudumb
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "bj keswickproblems ndpoh yeahyou must enjoy record breaking inflation housing price that canadian can t afford because of all the foreign investor paying outrageous tax being driven into the next great depression make sure you stand with trudumb" ]
bj keswickproblemas ndpoh yeahusted debe disfrutar récord de romper el precio de la vivienda de la inflación que canadiense no puede permitirse debido a que todo el inversor extranjero que paga el impuesto escandaloso ser conducido a la próxima gran depresión asegúrese de estar de pie con trudumb
pogba never said that manchester united wa dead to him furthermore just day after opening up about mental health and depression some journalist label pogba a toxic waste absolutely awful and just plain wrong mufc http t co m0oaeifywc
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "pogba never said that manchester united wa dead to him furthermore just day after opening up about mental health and depression some journalist label pogba a toxic waste absolutely awful and just plain wrong mufc http t co m0oaeifywc" ]
pogba nunca dijo que mannchester unido wa muerto a él además sólo un día después de la apertura sobre la salud mental y la depresión algún periodista etiqueta pogba un desperdicio tóxico absolutamente horrible y simplemente mal mufc http t co m0oaeifywc
reddit im miserablei know do ive waited long years get better problems count fault somewhat got hole know do hate waking every day imagine silly sounds problem accepting way look look really young im male could pull problem single doubt weightheight probably something well lb somewhat baby face destroyed self esteem social anxiety gotten better got older men supposed strongtallmature looking fall short every category think of gpa destroyed think gpa freshman year flunked classes stopped going embarrassed young lookedsocial anxiety dropped out silly know felt reallllllly place years also chronic disease makes gaining weight bit harder keeps skinny also brings pain days hard cope with diet somewhat limited dunno every day thing work enough get online work play video games go sleep rinserepeat every day nothing changing way yearsas kid always thought would get better eventually would ageget everythingbut nothing changed sadder im technically adult also constant thoughts redflag past screw ups past embarrassments constant reminder much ive failed cant make stop imagine silly sounds looking young bothering me look young people treat different remind every time meet someone new reason socially acceptable see people age finished college starting career feel behind sociallyacademicallyin every way think could actually commit redflag thoughat least im desperate yetbut know do thanks reading kinda long somewhat nice get out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "reddit immiserablei knowdo ive waited long years get better problems count fault somewhat got hole know do hate waking every day imagine silly sounds problem accepting way look look really youngim male could pull problem single doubt weightheight probably something well lb somewhat baby face destroyed self esteem social anxiety gotten better got older men supposed strongtallmature looking fall short every category think of gpa destroyed think gpa freshman year flunked classes stopped going embarrassed young lookedsocial anxiety dropped out silly know felt reallllllly place years also chronic disease makes gaining weight bit harder keeps skinny also brings pain days hard cope with diet somewhat limited dunno every day thing work enough get online work play video games go sleep rinserepeat every day nothing changing way yearsas kid always thought would get better eventually would ageget everythingbut nothing changed sadder", "im technically adult also constant thoughts redflag past screw ups past embarrassments constant reminder much ive failed cant make stop imagine silly sounds looking young bothering me look young people treat different remind every time meet someone new reason socially acceptablesee people age finished college starting career feel behind sociallyacademicallyin every way think could actually commit redflag thoughat least im desperate yetbut know do thanks reading kinda long somewhat nice get out" ]
reddit immiserablei knowdo ive esperado largos años conseguir mejor problemas cuenta culpa un poco agujero saber odio despertar cada día imaginar sonidos tontos problema aceptar mirada mirada realmente jovenim macho podría tirar problema duda única pesoaltura probablemente algo bien Ib algo bebé cara destruido auto estima social ansiedad conseguido mejor consiguió hombres mayores supuesto strongtallmature looking caer corto cada categoría pensar gpa destruido pensar gpa primer año reprobado clases dejó de ir avergonzado joven miradasocial ansiedad cayó tonto saber se sintió reallllly lugar años también enfermedad crónica hace ganar peso poco más duro mantiene delgado también trae dolor duro hacer frente a la dieta algo limitado dunno cada día trabajo lo suficiente conseguir trabajo en línea jugar juegos de video dormir enjuaguerepeat cada día nada cambiaría manera añoscomo el niño siempre pensó que iba a mejorar con el tiempo envejecer todo, pero nada cambió sadder
masturbated months im challenge anything realized jacked
[ "masturbated months im challenge anything realized jacked" ]
Meses masturbados desafío cualquier cosa realizada jacked
I'm so excited bout this Saturday! Hope Fatin can make it this time
[ "I'm so excited bout this Saturday!Hope Fatin can make it this time" ]
¡Estoy tan emocionada por lo de este sábado!La esperanza Fatin puede hacerlo esta vez.
I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/7luYt6eanbA?a  Her last words (depression based)
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "I added a video to a @YouTube playlist http://youtu.be/7luYt6eanbA?a  Her last words (depression based)" ]
He añadido un vídeo a una lista de reproducción de @YouTube http://youtu.be/7luYt6eanbA?a Sus últimas palabras (basadas en la depresión)
ive fucked life cant anymorethe thing keeping much would destroy everyone loves lives hate fucking core thought beat odds teen pregnancy early s two kids different fathers lost love life fucking sabotage everything im crazy brain working every fucking second every fucking day thing know hurt myself cant keep living like this parents act like everythings okay know must disappointed life ive ended with want go sleep never wake up
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive fucked life cant anymorethe thing keeping much would destroy everyone loves lives hate fucking core thought beat odds teen pregnancy early s two kids different fathers lost love life fucking sabotage everything im crazy brain working every fucking second every fucking day thing know hurt myself cant keep living like this parents act like everythingsokay know must disappointed life ive ended with want go sleep never wake up" ]
ive foll life cant morethe thing wastaining much would destroy everyone loves live foll live foll core threes odie core thought feed odds adolescente embarazo temprano s dos hijos diferentes padres perdieron amor vida saboteando todo mi cerebro loco trabajando cada puto segundo cada puto día la cosa sabe que me lastimo no puedo seguir viviendo como este los padres actúan como everythingsokay saben debe decepcionar la vida ha terminado con el deseo de ir a dormir nunca despertar
gonna tell guy claims convert made new must dating checklist since short time consider christian must date since theistatheist different theist relationships work lot cases people claim convert get you well fall someone claims that gonna sing some people go church signify trying make date neighbours wife brother let tell sure born better leave woman alone one days mark words think brother going work go work bang knock door thats brother knock more might run long time run on ducking dodging run on children long time let tell god almighty gonna cut down
[ "gonna tell guy claims convert made new must dating checklist since short time consider christian must date since theistatheist different theist relationships work lot cases people claim convert get you well fall someone claims that gonna sing some people go church signify trying make date neighbours wife brother let tell sure born better leave woman alone one days mark words think brother going work go work bang knock door thats brother knock more might run long time run on ducking dodging run on children long time let tell god almighty gonna cut down" ]
va a decir chico reclamos convertido hecho nuevo debe salir lista de verificación ya que poco tiempo considerar cristiano debe fecha ya theistatheist diferentes relaciones teístas trabajo lote casos personas dicen convertir conseguir bien caída alguien afirma que va a cantar algunas personas ir iglesia significa tratar de hacer citas vecinos esposa hermano dejar saber seguro mejor dejar a la mujer solo un día marca palabras pensar hermano va a trabajar ir trabajo golpe puerta que el hermano llamar más puede correr mucho tiempo carrera agacharse carrera a los niños largo tiempo dejar decir a Dios todopoderoso va a cortar
i lost a subscriber. just ONE! but still. ah well #36 most viewed today. THE APPRENTICE FINAL IS RIGHT NOW! GO KATE!!
[ "i lost a subscriber.just ONE!but still.ah well #36 most viewed today.THE APPRENTICE FINAL IS RIGHT NOW!GO KATE!!" ]
He perdido un suscriptor.¡solo uno!pero still.ah bien #36 más visto hoy.EL APRENTICIO FINAL ES AHORA!¡GAMOS KATE!
polite way kill single fact stopped ending life time time again people always tell things get better there people care you latter seems correct people care me still gotten better try might cant get this ill weeks go without incident faintest hope things change one bad day im back edge end life chose take easy way out id hurting others process decided jump would sweep up shot myself would wipe brain wall taking life leave others bigger burden im selfish person really want die stop existing depart without hurting anyone never existed first place option really know seek gain posting here get standard your life meaning there people help you you bad situation random people ive never met though ill probably gain even less devaluing people like that im live parents siblings never went highschool got ged im college sophomore despite loving family ive never able connect anyone deeper level ive always felt adverse toward people different feel disgusted people similar me actively push people away often notice actions affect others around me lot problems gone undiagnosed untreated long im sure bad really is bouncing apathetic suicidal day day good sign im honestly disgusted myself cant commit anything cant make opinions when theyre unpopular ones taste everything trash whole childhood growing specialed outcast among outcasts bullied felt like deserved it nobody ever took side stood one got punished may cherry picking struggle remember things childhood traumatic way parents removed school th grade nearly killed worst bully school friends help him teachers stood watched stopped moving finally pulled him im still haunted day school closed years later inhuman treatment students little late damage done suppose venting make feel slightly better somethings going ruin mood soon enough spent way long editing this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "polite way kill single fact stopped ending life time time again people always tell things get better there people care you latter seems correct people care me still gotten better try might cant get this ill weeks go without incident faintest hope things change one bad day im back edge end life chose take easy way out", "id hurting others process decided jump would sweep up shot myself would wipe brain wall taking life leave others bigger burden im selfish person really want die stop existing depart without hurting anyone never existed first place option really know seek gain posting here get standard your life meaning there people help you you bad situation random people ive never met though ill probably gain even less devaluing people like that im live parents siblings never went highschool got ged im college sophomore despite loving family ive never able connect anyone deeper level ive always felt adverse toward people different feel disgusted people similar me actively push people away often notice actions affect others around me lot problems gone undiagnosed untreated long im sure bad really is bouncing apathetic suicidal day day good sign im honestly disgusted myself cant commit anything cant make opinions when theyre unpopular ones taste everything trash whole childhood growing specialed outcast among outcasts bullied felt like deserved it nobody ever took side stood one got punished may cherry picking struggle remember things childhood traumatic way parents removed school th grade nearly killed worst bully school friends help him teachers stood watched stopped moving finally pulled him", "im still haunted day school closed years later inhuman treatment students little late damage done suppose venting make feel slightly better somethings going ruin mood soon enough spent way long editing this" ]
forma educada matar un solo hecho dejó de terminar la vida una vez más la gente siempre dice las cosas mejoran allí la gente se preocupa usted último parece correcto la gente me cuida todavía mejor intento podría no puede conseguir este mal semanas sin incidente más débil esperanza las cosas cambian un mal día im back edge final vida elegido tomar fácil salida
talk tonighti cant sleep lot bad thoughts please comfort me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "talk tonighti cant sleep lot bad thoughts please comfort me" ]
Esta noche no puedo dormir mucho, malos pensamientos, por favor, consúltame.
organization american states essentially become eu open borders free trade among every country american continent
[ "organization american states essentially become eu open borders free trade among every country american continent" ]
organización Estados americanos esencialmente se convierten en eu fronteras abiertas libre comercio entre todos los países continente americano
@shaynaalise get your Phelps on
[ "@shaynaalise get your Phelps on" ]
@shaynaalise consigue tus Phelps en
im bored idk mention bored filler filler filler filler filler
[ "im bored idk mention bored filler filler filler filler filler" ]
im aburrido idk mención relleno relleno relleno relleno relleno
quickly think check seperate windows confirm profiles made recently within past month even day adding me becoming really annoying profiles add me weird theyre obviousy fake specifically pose certain kind person add another stuff me im lesbian date older men ive never really hung anyone older know cant actually know people weird joke daddy issues dad still around really funny joke weird also note one profiles since disappeared really really creepy
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "quickly think check seperate windows confirm profiles made recently within past month even day adding me becoming really annoying profiles add me weird theyre obviousy fake specifically pose certain kind person add another stuff meim lesbian date older men ive never really hung anyone older know cant actually know people weird joke daddy issues dad still around really funny joke weird also note one profiles since disappeared really really creepy" ]
rápidamente pensar cheque ventanas separadas confirmar perfiles hechos recientemente en el último mes incluso el día agregándome ser realmente molestos perfiles añadirme raro son obviamente falso específicamente pose cierta persona amable añadir otra cosa meim lesbianas fecha hombres mayores ive nunca realmente colgó a nadie mayor saber realmente no puede conocer a la gente broma extraño papá problemas papá todavía alrededor broma muy divertido raro también nota un perfil desde desaparecido realmente espeluznante
finally today finally th birthday tbh feel much different lmao friends year older were age months least
[ "finally today finally th birthday tbh feel much different lmao friends year older were age months least" ]
por fin hoy por fin el cumpleaños tbh sentir mucho diferente amigos de Lmao años mayores eran meses de edad menos
im way clinic right nowhey first post here tonight ive suicidal thoughts finally decided call clinic im pretty scared nervous right now experiences
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im way clinic right nowhey first post here tonight ive suicidal thoughts finally decided call clinicim pretty scared nervous right now experiences" ]
En este momento, el primer post aquí esta noche, pensamientos suicidas por fin decidieron llamar a Clinicim, bastante nervioso, ahora mismo, experiencias.
today one days one days u yet another massive argument ur parents endure two hour car journey rain huge box ur lap obscuring ur vision whilst listening ur mums favourite song goes take im tired now leave lie shoot shoot shoot never mind fact ur ur period anyway nice day
[ "today one days one days u yet another massive argument ur parents endure two hour car journey rain huge box ur lap obscuring ur vision whilst listening ur mums favourite song goes take im tired now leave lie shoot shoot shoot never mind fact ur ur period anyway nice day" ]
Hoy un día un día u otro argumento masivo nuestros padres soportan dos horas de viaje en coche lluvia enorme caja u vuelta oscurecer nuestra visión mientras que escuchar nuestras mamás canción favorita va llevar a mi cansado ahora dejar mentira tiro tiro disparar no importa hecho u ur período de todos modos buen día
@LLMMCC is she gonna drive a drill into my back ?
[ "@LLMMCC is she gonna drive a drill into my back ?" ]
@LLMMCC va a conducir un taladro en mi espalda?
i ve been waking up with anxiety attack every day for the past week it s been a while since my morning anxiety wa this bad i usually get anxious around people or quite randomly throughout the day which i m used to i ve had that since i wa so i can sort of handle that more or le but man the morning anxiety ha me losing my mind i can t function for hour i either lay in bed with racing heart amp thought unable to move or i m the most fuzzy hyperactive person on earth running around doing random stuff just trying to get away from my thought and hoping it ll somehow calm me down i ve tried breathing exercise meditation stretching taking a shower doing stuff to distract me doesn t help much i have to wait til it go away which take around h for me another hour or two until i feel normal again doe anybody have tip please i just wan na be able to manage this until i can get help the worse it get the more scared i get that i ll fail my university class cause i can t get sh t done which in turn make my anxiety worse vicious cycle
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i ve been waking up with anxiety attack every day for the past week it s been a while since my morning anxiety wa this bad i usually get anxious around people or quite randomly throughout the day which i m used to i ve had thatsince i wa so i can sort of handle that more or le but man the morning anxiety ha me losing my mind i can t function for hour i either lay in bed with racing heart amp thought unable to move or i m the most fuzzy hyperactive person on earth running around doing random stuff just trying to get away from my thought and hoping it ll somehow calm me down i ve tried breathing exercise meditation stretching taking a shower doing stuff to distract me doesn t help much i have to wait til it go away which take around h for me another hour or two until i feel normal again doe anybody have tipplease i just wan na be able to manage this until i can get help the worse it get the more scared i get that i ll fail my university class cause i can t get sh t done which in turn make my anxiety worse vicious cycle" ]
He estado despertando con ataque de ansiedad todos los días durante la semana pasada ha sido un tiempo desde mi ansiedad matutina wa esta mala generalmente me pongo ansioso alrededor de la gente o bastante al azar durante el día que estoy acostumbrado a que he tenido que desde que yo wa así que puedo manejar que más o le pero hombre la ansiedad matutina ha me perder mi mente no puedo funcionar durante hora o bien me acosté en la cama con corazón acelerado amp pensado incapaz de moverse o soy la persona hiperactiva más borrosa en la tierra corriendo alrededor de hacer cosas aleatorias sólo tratando de alejarse de mi pensamiento y espero que de alguna manera me calme he intentado respiración ejercicio meditación estiramiento tomando una ducha haciendo cosas para distraerme no ayuda mucho tengo que esperar hasta que se vaya que me lleva alrededor h otra hora o dos hasta que me siento normal otra vez alguien tiene propina yo sólo quiero na ser capaz de manejar esto hasta que puedo conseguir ayuda peor me da miedo que voy a fallar mi clase universitaria causa no puedo conseguir t hecho que en turno hacer mi ansiedad peor círculo vicioso
someone asked ever tried cig said say try benefits could even come that like none id rather addiction even ruin lungthroat health thanks asking ig
[ "someone asked ever tried cig said say try benefits could even come that like none id rather addiction even ruin lungthroat health thanks asking ig" ]
alguien preguntó nunca probado cig dijo que los beneficios de prueba incluso podrían venir que como ningún id más bien adicción incluso arruinar la salud de garganta pulmonar gracias pidiendo ig
There's #noshame in talking about other illnesses. Why should there be with #depression? #notalone #KeepTalkingMH #stigma #sicknotweak #life @Fox6TedPerry https://soundcloud.com/givingvoicetodepression/off-the-sidelines-ripple-report-four-ted-perry … pic.twitter.com/6SNTLJ17m4
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "There's #noshame in talking about other illnesses.Why should there be with #depression?#notalone #KeepTalkingMH #stigma #sicknotweak #life @Fox6TedPerry https://soundcloud.com/givingvoicetodepression/off-the-sidelines-ripple-report-four-ted-perry … pic.twitter.com/6SNTLJ17m4" ]
Hay #noshame en hablar de otras enfermedades.¿Por qué debería haber con #depresión?#notalone #KeepTalkingMH #stigma #sicknotweak #life @Fox6TedPerry https://soundcloud.com/givingvoicetodepression/off-the-sidelines-ripple-report-four-ted-perry pic.twitter.com/6SNTLJ17m4
dont want die sometimes alive muchim years old dads side abused brainwashed me made blame mom divorce rift family happened eight granny on dads side threatened kill last year screamed betrayed her dad didnt believe me blamed told apologise couldnt dont want relationship anymore hates im moms daughter thats something cant change blame everything dad recently asked talk couldnt understand told didnt want contact her stresses out things theyve said hurts head ive lot mental breakdowns recently hate myself live mom relationship bit awkward im working it sinking feeling chest crawls spine behind throat
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont want die sometimes alive muchim years old dads side abused brainwashed me made blame mom divorce rift family happened eight granny on dads side threatened kill last year screamed betrayed her dad didnt believe me blamed told apologise couldnt dont want relationship anymore hates im moms daughter thats something cant change blame everything dad recently asked talk couldnt understand told didnt want contact her stresses out things theyve said hurts head ive lot mental breakdowns recently hate myself live mom relationship bit awkward im working it sinking feeling chest crawls spine behind throat" ]
No quiero morir a veces vivos muchosim años papás lado abusado me hizo culpa mamá divorcio grieta familia pasó ocho abuela en papás lado amenazado matar el año pasado gritado traicionó su padre no me creo culpado dijo disculpa no podría querer relaciones más odios Im mamás hija que algo no puede cambiar culpa todo papá preguntó recientemente hablar no podía entender dijo no quería contactar con ella estrés cosas que han dicho dolor en la cabeza mucho crisis mentales recientemente me odio vivo mamá relación poco incómodo im trabajo se hunde sensación de pecho se arrastra columna detrás de la garganta
hate texiting cuz cuz like haha becausee im extremely fucking funny like come guys stop laughing extremely intricate jokes nice conversation
[ "hate texiting cuz cuz like haha becauseeim extremely fucking funny like come guys stop laughing extremely intricate jokes nice conversation" ]
odio texiting cuz cuz como jaja porqueeim extremadamente jodidamente divertido como ven chicos dejar de reír extremadamente intrincados chistes agradable conversación
Like breathing exercises do not eliminate depression... try again y'all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "Like breathing exercises do not eliminate depression... try again y'all" ]
Como si los ejercicios respiratorios no eliminan la depresión... inténtalos de nuevo.
stay alive mean cope stress little one talk emotions general pain existence
[ "stay alive mean cope stress little one talk emotions general pain existence" ]
Mantenerse vivo significa hacer frente al estrés poco hablar emociones general dolor existencia
gf navy bootcamp right want send memes look memes way much figured could print memes send mail send best got deserves best
[ "gf navy bootcamp right want send memes look memes way much figured could print memes send mail send best got deserves best" ]
gf navy bootcamp derecho quiere enviar memes memes memes de la manera mucho figurado podría imprimir memes enviar correo enviar lo mejor conseguido merece mejor
yeah bad idea idk came back here bye again thanks reading
[ "yeah bad idea idk came back here bye again thanks reading" ]
Sí mala idea idk volvió aquí adiós otra vez gracias lectura
@bdawg123456 i know right. Thats what i was referring back 2, lol! its like the ultimate line!
[ "@bdawg123456 i know right.Thats what i was referring back 2, lol!its like the ultimate line!" ]
@bdawg123456 lo sé bien.Eso es lo que estaba refiriendo 2, lol! es como la última línea!
dont knowi mess everything up one cares me ive deeply depressed past days like scale probably depressed ive ever been tried talking boyfriend im states currently im vacation sucks replying says doesnt know say know hes therapist still want someone tell everything going okay need someone tell that dont know anymore cry every night night since cant day im presence family havent eaten days dont feel need to im alone friends turn to one ive become shell human ive come terms pain dying annoy people nobody suffer presence me watched family today hotel room fun beach swam drank ate lunch constantly smiling laughing seemed happy without involved dont need lives one does got brothers two children wanted theres me im nothing wouldnt missed
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "dont knowi mess everything up one cares me ive deeply depressed past days like scale probably depressed ive ever been tried talking boyfriendim states currently im vacation sucks replying says doesnt know say know hes therapist still want someone tell everything going okay need someone tell that dont know anymore cry every night night since cant day im presence family havent eaten days dont feel need to im alone friends turn to one ive become shell human ive come terms pain dying annoy people nobody suffer presence me watched family today hotel room fun beach swam drank ate lunch constantly smiling laughing seemed happy without involved dont need lives one does got brothers two children wanted theres me im nothing wouldnt missed" ]
No sé si estropear todo lo que se me preocupa live profundamente deprimido pasados días como escala probablemente deprimido ive nunca se ha intentado hablar novioim estados actualmente im vacaciones chupa contestar dice no sé decir sabe hes terapeuta todavía quiere que alguien cuenta todo va bien necesidad de que alguien le diga que no sabe más llorar todas las noches desde día cant im presencia familia no ha comido días no se siente la necesidad de estar solo amigos se convierten en un live ive ive vienen términos dolor moribundo molestar gente nadie sufre presencia me vio familia hoy hotel habitación diversión playa nata bebía comer almuerzo sonrisa constantemente risa parecía feliz sin involucrar no necesita vidas uno tiene hermanos dos niños quería Theres im nada no me faltaría
although alive feel like died long time agoi want anymore wish everyone life never knew existed could go peacefully wish spirit could watch family friends live happy lives without me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "although alive feel like died long time agoi want anymore wish everyone life never knew existed could go peacefully wish spirit could watch family friends live happy lives without me" ]
Aunque vivo sentir como muerto hace mucho tiempo quiero más deseo que todos la vida nunca supo que existía podría ir pacíficamente deseo espíritu podría ver amigos de la familia vivir vidas felices sin mí
Yahoo !! I have 300 Followers Now
[ "Yahoo !!I have 300 Followers Now" ]
Yahoo !!Tengo 300 seguidores ahora
unfortunately happened adobe flash player gone think back memories weve made playing give robot chess tik fak toe castle crashes many f
[ "unfortunately happened adobe flash player gone think back memories weve made playing give robot chess tik fak toe castle crashes many f" ]
desafortunadamente sucedió adobe flash jugador ido pensar en los recuerdos que hemos hecho jugar a dar robot de ajedrez tik fak dedo del pie castillo se estrella muchos f
first thought normal feel anything hate ect became suicidal got idea tell anyone one here depressed life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "first thought normal feel anything hate ect became suicidal got idea tell anyone one here depressed life" ]
Primero pensé que normal sentir cualquier cosa odio ect se convirtió en suicida tengo idea decirle a alguien aquí una vida deprimida
today daydamn realize fast time going funny last month actually fun knowing itd end end going end life last post hope bitch out
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "today daydamn realize fast time going funny last month actually fun knowing itd end end going end life last post hope bitch out" ]
hoy daydamn se dan cuenta de tiempo rápido va divertido el mes pasado realmente divertido sabiendo que terminaría acabando con la vida final último post esperanza perra hacia fuera
im itmy boyfriend broke me had edit im mobile im sorry format know post vague emotional state couldnt think clearly ended taking way im supposed take daily adderall got back hospital hours know one probably see care ive finally made willing choice seeing therapist hard open people therapy never helped me want happy love myself whole story long complicated point anyone struggling mental illness please seek help extremely difficult know sometimes even venting someone feel better showing weakness strongest thing do took years learn this im sorry rambling im still ill okay hope helps someone mean im havent experienced lot life ive fair share internal struggle didnt believe therapy hope now
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "im itmy boyfriend broke me had edit im mobile im sorry format know post vague emotional state couldnt think clearly ended taking way im supposed take daily adderall got back hospital hours know one probably see care ive finally made willing choice seeing therapist hard open people therapy never helped me want happy love myself whole story long complicated point anyone struggling mental illness please seek help extremely difficult know sometimes even venting someone feel better showing weakness strongest thing do took years learn this im sorry rambling im still illokay hope helps someone mean im havent experienced lot life ive fair share internal struggle didnt believe therapy hope now" ]
im itmy novio me rompió había editar im mobile im formato lo siento saber post vago estado emocional no podía pensar claramente terminó de tomar camino im supuesto tomar diario adderall volvió horas del hospital saber que probablemente ver cuidado ive finalmente hecho voluntad elección ver terapeuta duro abierto personas terapia nunca me ayudó a querer feliz amor a mí mismo historia largo complicado punto alguien luchando enfermedad mental por favor buscar ayuda muy difícil saber a veces incluso ventilar alguien se siente mejor mostrar debilidad cosa más fuerte hizo aprender este im lo siento divagar im todavía ilokay esperanza ayuda a alguien significa im heven no he experimentado mucho vida ive justa compartir lucha interna no creo terapia esperanza ahora
mandatory evacuation order miles right evacuate too feel like might need to getting nervous
[ "mandatory evacuation order miles right evacuate too feel like might need to getting nervous" ]
orden de evacuación obligatoria millas a la derecha evacuar también siento como podría necesitar ponerse nervioso
imma honest yall straight tik tok extremely cringey awkward
[ "imma honest yall straight tik tok extremely cringey awkward" ]
Imma honesto yull derecho tik tok extremadamente cringey incómodo
the best part about having alzheimers: planning ur own surprise party!
[ "the best part about having alzheimers: planning ur own surprise party!" ]
la mejor parte de tener alzheimers: la planificación de nuestra propia fiesta sorpresa!
crush know im m friends crushes girlfriends yet dont feel sexual attraction fit people really love somebody do im happy life told close friend think get girlfriend really spend much time girls friends kinda hang bois hang girls get know them tldr anyone romantically know why
[ "crush know im m friends crushes girlfriends yet dont feel sexual attraction fit people really love somebody do im happy life told close friend think get girlfriend really spend much time girls friends kinda hang bois hang girls get know them tldr anyone romantically know why" ]
aplastarse saber im m amigos aplasta novias y sin embargo no se sienten atracción sexual encajar gente realmente amar a alguien hacer vida feliz me dijo amigo cercano creo conseguir novia realmente pasar mucho tiempo chicas amigos como colgar bois colgar chicas llegar a conocerlos tldr alguien románticamente saber por qué
@Irish_vampire //text// Hey baby...I am going to send you something soon...mind wearing it for me
[ "@Irish_vampire //text//Hey baby...I am going to send you something soon...mind wearing it for me" ]
@Irish_vampire //text//Hey baby... Voy a enviarte algo pronto...me importa que lo uses para mí
tipping pointso recently boyfriend broke premise know wants work himself dating months seemed come blue really fell months thought based communication style could get anything really know anymore often feel like whats point mean im part much luck relationships really want build something someone whatever reason always seem push people away point all
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tipping pointso recently boyfriend broke premise know wants work himself dating months seemed come blue really fell months thought based communication style could get anything really know anymore often feel like whats point mean im part much luck relationships really want build something someone whatever reason always seem push people away point all" ]
tipping pointso recientemente novio rompió premisa saber quiere trabajo él mismo citas meses parecía venir azul realmente cayó meses pensamiento basado estilo de comunicación podría conseguir cualquier cosa realmente saber más a menudo se siente como qué punto significa im parte mucha suerte relaciones realmente quieren construir algo alguien cualquier razón siempre parece empujar a la gente lejos punto todos
could kill right without ever firsts lifeive never relationship havent first kiss dont car job house im still teenager every day live care less less things im still high school care them dont think trying die sucks want enjoy youth want childhood want know first relationship would like college would pick graduate high school car id buy finally get drivers license instead im stuck trying cry everyday class im wouldbeagradestudent barely gets past gpa semester im trying convince everyday overdose wake wondering today day finally post redflag note online text friends teachers goodbye im tired living dont want die want everything stop feel lonely dont want try text call anyone know feel like ill bother ill add worry plate keep buying things online convince wait arrive fill emptiness materialism short span time sadness sets back in cant talk parents dont understand deal depressed child dont think teachers would really want deal break even though gave numbers case needed talk friends arent serious enough comfort me wouldnt know approach told kill myself im trying hard keep convincing live keep burning ive end rope weeks ill surprised manage live th birthday already surprised lived th
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "could kill right without ever firsts lifeive never relationship havent first kiss dont car job house im still teenager every day live care less less things im still high school care them dont think trying die sucks want enjoy youth want childhood want know first relationship would like college would pick graduate high school car id buy finally get drivers license instead im stuck trying cry everyday class im wouldbeagradestudent barely gets past gpa semester im trying convince everyday overdose wake wondering today day finally post redflag note online text friends teachers goodbye im tired living dont want die want everything stop feel lonely dont want try text call anyone know feel like ill bother ill add worry plate keep buying things online convince wait arrive fill emptiness materialism short span time sadness sets back in cant talk parents dont understand deal depressed child dont think teachers would really want deal break even though gave numbers case needed talk friends arent serious enough comfort me wouldnt know approach told kill myself im trying hard keep convincing live keep burning ive end rope weeks ill surprised manage live th birthday already surprised lived th" ]
Podría matar a la derecha sin nunca primeros vida nunca relación havent primer beso non job house im todavía adolescente cada día cuidado vivo menos cosas im todavía cuidado de la escuela secundaria ellos no piensan tratando de morir chupan quieren disfrutar juventud quieren infancia quieren saber primera relación como la universidad elegiría graduado coche de escuela secundaria id comprar finalmente conseguir licencia de conducir en lugar de im atascado tratando de llorar clase diaria im wouldbeagradeestudiante apenas consigue más allá gpa semestre im tratando de convencer a diario sobredosificación despertar preguntándose hoy finalmente post redflag nota en línea texto amigos amigos adios i cansado vivir no quiero morir quieren todo stop se siente solo no quiero intentar texto llamar a nadie sé sentir como mal molestar mal añadir placa preocupación seguir comprando cosas en línea convencer llegar llenar vacío materialismo corto lapso de tiempo tristeza se establece de nuevo en cant charla padres no entienden trato niños deprimidos no creo que los profesores realmente querrían negocio descanso a pesar de dar números caso necesario charla amigos no son lo suficientemente cómodos me gustaría saber enfoque dicho matarme im tratar duro seguir convenciendo vivo seguir quemando el final de vida semanas mal sorprendido manejar en vivo el cumpleaños ya vivido
carter co kentucky ha estblshd thier first public library and are in need of a director thier entire budget is only 000 year
[ "carter co kentucky ha estblshd thier first public library and are in need of a director thier entire budget is only 000 year" ]
carter co kentucky ha estblshd su primera biblioteca pública y están en necesidad de un director de todo el presupuesto es sólo 000 año
More than 1 in 20 US children and teens have anxiety or depression https://goo.gl/EN46R5 
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "More than 1 in 20 US children and teens have anxiety or depression https://goo.gl/EN46R5Â" ]
Más de 1 de cada 20 niños y adolescentes estadounidenses tiene ansiedad o depresión https://goo.gl/EN46R5Â
anyone help mei feel broken inside even know say guys ive looked help many places theyve failed me know do know much longer take this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "anyone help mei feel broken inside even know say guys ive looked help many places theyve failed me know do know much longer take this" ]
Si alguien me ayuda a sentirme roto por dentro, incluso sé que los chicos miran ayuda en muchos lugares donde me han fallado, sé que sé que por mucho tiempo tomar esto.
know young much shit happened nothing dealing temporary got bunch pills idk else cannot anymore
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "know young much shit happened nothing dealing temporary gotbunch pills idk else cannot anymore" ]
sabe joven mucha mierda pasó nada traficando temporalmente gotbunch píldoras idk otra cosa no puede más
good morning, Twitterverse and happy Followfriday
[ "good morning, Twitterverse and happy Followfriday" ]
Buenos días, Twitterverse y feliz Followfriday
look movie obscure brilliant classic sought means necessary suppose powers decided forever relegated towards bargin bin nevertheless could pray chance see one dvd would say even beats great phatasm like dark movie plenty spooky imagery look one see s horror movie suppose be
[ "look movie obscure brilliant classic sought means necessary suppose powers decided forever relegated towards bargin bin nevertheless could pray chance see one dvd would say even beats great phatasm like dark movie plenty spooky imagery look one see s horror movie suppose be" ]
mirar película oscuro brillante clásico buscado medios necesarios suponiendo que los poderes decididos para siempre relegados hacia bargin bin sin embargo podría rezar oportunidad ver un dvd diría incluso beats gran phatasm como película oscura un montón de imágenes espeluznantes mirar uno ver s película de terror suponer ser
theres one thing rely school for get something dad like go clean something ill like im school work leads choosing getting school work done something else
[ "theres one thing rely school for get something dad like go clean something ill like im school work leads choosing getting school work done something else" ]
Hay una cosa que depende de la escuela para conseguir algo papá como ir a limpiar algo malo como im trabajo escolar lleva a elegir conseguir trabajo escolar hecho otra cosa
cant anymoremaybe one actually cares think might tonight feel alone empty im worthy existing anyway
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant anymoremaybe one actually cares think might tonight feel alone empty im worthy existing anyway" ]
Tal vez a uno le importe pensar que esta noche se siente solo, vacío, digno de existir de todos modos.
Lunch is almost over which means i'm half way done with work.
[ "Lunch is almost over which means i'm half way done with work." ]
El almuerzo está casi terminado, lo que significa que estoy a medio camino del trabajo.
now we talk about football in lunchtime..anything worse? happy #hoppusday everyone! and mother's day too (fuckin&touchin&suckin hahhah)
[ "now we talk about football in lunchtime..anything worse?happy #hoppusday everyone!and mother's day too (fuckin&touchin&suckin hahhah)" ]
Ahora hablamos de fútbol a la hora del almuerzo..¿algo peor?¡Feliz #hoppusday everyone! y el día de la madre también (enculado & amp; touchin & amp; chupado jajahah)
cant take voices head anymore want end allive lot mental trouble lately whether im work roommates voices tell say bad things bad awful illegal things could put prison dont want say would ever act thoughts ever push horrible thoughts away i repeatedly tell try get mind mind pushes want say loud feels almost compulsive especially bad work dont want go details too graphic disturbing every time interact customer voices start tell bad thoughts every time tell pushes want say loud brings extreme discomfort interaction start worry whether ive said loud start panic internally whether say loud end telling managers said call cops arrest me even im roommates silence im still tempted say things would make literally want kill get arrested cant take anymore mind turning dont mean anything comes mind would never act it im worried ill say intrusive thoughts loud would ruin life forever im sick this every day occurrence driving insane feel like way stop alone rest life interaction im sick shit dont know whats wrong me
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "cant take voices head anymore want end allive lot mental trouble lately whether im work roommates voices tell say bad things bad awful illegal things could put prison dont want say would ever act thoughts ever push horrible thoughts away i repeatedly tell try get mind mind pushes want say loud feels almost compulsive especially bad work dont want go details too graphic disturbing every time interact customer voices start tell bad thoughts every time tell pushes want say loud brings extreme discomfort interaction start worry whether ive said loud start panic internally whether say loud end telling managers said call cops arrest me even im roommates silence im still tempted say things would make literally want kill get arrested cant take anymore mind turning dont mean anything comes mind would never act it im worried ill say intrusive thoughts loud would ruin life forever im sick this every day occurrence driving insane feel like way stop alone rest life interactionim sick shit dont know whats wrong me" ]
No puedo tomar voces cabeza más quiero terminar mucho allivo problemas mentales últimamente si im trabajo compañeros de cuarto voces dicen decir cosas malas cosas malas horribles ilegales podría poner prisión no quiero decir nunca actuar pensamientos nunca empujar pensamientos horribles lejos I repetidamente decir tratar de conseguir mente mente empujados quieren decir fuerte se siente casi compulsivo especialmente mal trabajo no quiero ir detalles demasiado gráfico molestar cada vez que interactúe voces de clientes comienzan a decir malos pensamientos cada vez decir empujados quieren decir ruido trae extrema incomodidad interacción empezar a preocuparse si ha dicho fuerte inicio pánico internamente si decir ruido final decir gerentes dijo llamar a la policía arrestarme incluso im compañeros de cuarto silencio im todavía tentado decir cosas haría literalmente querer matar ser arrestado no puedo tomar más la mente no significa que nada viene mente nunca actuaría im preocupado mal decir pensamientos intrusivos ruido arruinaría la vida para siempre im enfermo este día ocurrencia conducir loco se siente como manera de dejar de estar solo descanso vida interacciónim mierda enfermo no sé lo que me pasa mal
else disappointed whole lotta red sure like wasnt complete trash anything couldve heaps better
[ "else disappointed whole lotta red sure like wasnt complete trash anything couldve heaps better" ]
Decepcionó a toda la lotería roja seguro que no era basura completa nada podría tener montones mejor
selfish hypocrite be nothing encouraging say someone wanting toenditall comment would want one you literally happened block person keep bothering downvoting everything post insensitive someone elsessuicideattempt youalsorecently attemptedsuicide
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "selfish hypocrite be nothing encouraging say someone wanting toenditall comment would want one you literally happened block person keep bothering downvoting everything post insensitive someone elsessuicideattempt youalsorecently attemptedsuicide" ]
hipócrita egoísta no ser nada alentador decir que alguien que quiere enditall comentario querría uno que literalmente pasó persona de bloqueo seguir molestando abajo el voto de todo post insensible alguien mássuicidiointento también recientemente intento de suicidio
preparing kill jan transferring cash bitcoin use darknet hate pain plan bunch oxy probably fent press itll job friends family care theyre city doesnt change fact ill always alone single shadow former self good career means nothing end barely bring office anymore waiting get fired remove stress
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "preparing kill jan transferring cash bitcoin use darknet hate pain plan bunch oxy probably fent press itll job friends family care theyre city doesnt change fact ill always alone single shadow former self good career means nothing end barely bring office anymore waiting get fired remove stress" ]
preparación kill jan transferencia de efectivo bitcoin uso Darknet odio plan de dolor grupo oxy probablemente fent press itll trabajo amigos cuidado de la familia quere ciudad no cambia hecho enfermo siempre sola sombra antigua carrera buena significa nada fin apenas llevar oficina más espera ser despedido eliminar estrés
is in love with scrappy and is missin him already
[ "is in love with scrappy and is missin him already" ]
está enamorado de Scrappy y ya lo echa de menos
family whats stopping killing myself im dead wont feel bad iti know thats incredibly selfish wont go details long run world better place without here
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "family whats stopping killing myself im dead wont feel bad iti know thats incredibly selfish wont go details long run world better place without here" ]
familia lo que deja de suicidarme no se siente mal sé que es increíblemente egoísta no va a los detalles a largo plazo mundo mejor lugar sin aquí
think need type outcurrently sitting car parking lot one hour stay least one hour going home told boyfriend id gone couple hours let house himself got fight yesterday didnt come bed am assumed id asleep morning stayed upstairs whole time pretty much avoid me left give space isnt major problem hurtful isolating zero friends family lives miles away rarely reach anymore kind feels like one whole solution fight would apologizing happy welcoming again cant that issues guess want come me dont want let leave did didnt care probably prefers gone again isnt major problem think cherry top everything else ive thinking killing seriously week now thoughts life usually serious though still exhausting functional person functional cant anything life bare minimum simply dont energy really tired living pain fear every single day tried pull bootstraps make life better end cant ive tried medication best makes numb doesnt really fix anything ive tried therapy good things end still solves nothing so started thanksgiving boyfriends family bad toothache lo behold sisterinlaw nurse decided call pain meds tbh would happy ibuprofen big bottle tramadol sitting drawer never took im kind antimedicine felt like would knock out cant quit thinking giving taking whole bottle pills researched actually causes lot deaths every year overdoses think could work real option issue is doesnt theres chance could end coma give brain damage heart damage dont want fuck life even more but losing endurance planet almost years now really sucks life fun happy good so difficult everyone hurts you everyone selfish included good place think would prefer nothingness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "think need type outcurrently sitting car parking lot one hour stay least one hour going home told boyfriend id gone couple hours let house himself got fight yesterday didnt come bed am assumed id asleep morning stayed upstairs whole time pretty much avoid me left give space isnt major problem hurtful isolating zero friends family lives miles away rarely reach anymore kind feels like one whole solution fight would apologizing happy welcoming again cant that issues guess want come me dont want let leave did didnt care probably prefers gone again isnt major problem think cherry top everything else ive thinking killing seriously week now thoughts life usually serious though still exhausting functional person functional cant anything life bare minimum simply dont energy really tired living pain fear every single day tried pull bootstraps make life better end cant ive tried medication best makes numb doesnt really fix anything ive tried therapy good things end still solves nothing so started thanksgiving boyfriends family bad toothache lo behold sisterinlaw nurse decided call pain meds tbh would happy ibuprofen big bottle tramadol sitting drawer never took im", "kind antimedicine felt like would knock out cant quit thinking giving taking whole bottle pills researched actually causes lot deaths every year overdoses think could work real option issue is doesnt theres chance could end coma give brain damage heart damage dont want fuck life even more but losing endurance planet almost years now really sucks life fun happy goodso difficult everyone hurts you everyone selfish included good place think would prefer nothingness" ]
Creo que el tipo de necesidad actualmente sentado estacionamiento de coches una hora estancia menos de una hora ir a casa le dijo novio id ido un par de horas dejar casa tuvo pelea ayer didt venir cama asumí id dormir mañana se quedó arriba todo el tiempo prácticamente evitar me izquierda dar espacio ist mayor problema aislamiento hiriente cero amigos vida familiar millas más lejos llegar más amable se siente como una solución completa lucha se disculparía feliz bienvenida otra vez cant que los problemas adivinan quieren venir no quiero dejar salir no me importa probablemente prefiere irse otra vez isnt mayor problema pensar cereza top todo lo demás vida pensamiento matar seriamente semana ahora pensamientos vida generalmente serio aunque todavía agotador persona funcional cant cualquier cosa vida desnuda mínimo simplemente dont energía realmente cansado dolor miedo cada día probado tirar de las correas hacer la vida mejor final cant ive probado medicación mejor hace entumecimiento dont realmente fijar cualquier cosa ive probado terapia buenas cosas terminan todavía resuelve nada tan comenzó acción de gracias novios familia mal dentíbulo lo heather help help help help meds tbh
it feel we live in such a cruel world people torment each other always wanting to make others feel worse give each other covid or hate or rage or despair i don t sleep well i ve met some people recently whom have treated me badly ghosted me pretended to be my good friend and i ve suffered a lot of emotional pain i always ask what ha been the point of all of this i ve had some terrible pain last few year what wa the point or is it all meaningless
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "it feel we live in such a cruel world people torment each other always wanting to make others feel worse give each other covid or hate or rage or despairi don tsleepwell i ve met some people recently whom have treated me badly ghosted me pretended to be my good friend and i ve suffered a lot of emotional pain i always ask what ha been the point of all of this i ve had some terrible pain last few yearwhat wa the point or is it all meaningless" ]
Siento que vivimos en un mundo tan cruel la gente se atormenta siempre queriendo hacer que los demás se sientan peor se dan el uno al otro covidio o odio o rabia o desesperacióni don tsleepwell he conocido a algunas personas recientemente que me han tratado mal me fantasmas fingió ser mi buen amigo y he sufrido mucho dolor emocional siempre pregunto cuál ha sido el punto de todo esto he tenido un dolor terrible el año pasado lo que fue el punto o es todo sin sentido
dman didnt expect girls hard come ngl thought would girlfriend know finding girl would hard part
[ "dman didnt expect girls hard come ngl thought would girlfriend know finding girl would hard part" ]
dman no esperaba chicas duro venir ngl pensó que la novia saber encontrar chica difícil parte
depression over nike shoe which your own mother might have bought what disrespect too is this
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "depression over nike shoe which your own mother might have bought what disrespect too is this" ]
depresión sobre el zapato de Nike que tu propia madre podría haber comprado lo irrespetuoso también es esto
people k karma like long planning keep virginity for
[ "people k karma like long planning keep virginity for" ]
gente k karma como planificación larga mantener la virginidad para
fellow lgbtqia people extremely difficult intolerant world still live amazing life nevertheless remember loved incredible people there thanks truly made life better made comfortable trans person well
[ "fellow lgbtqia people extremely difficult intolerant world still live amazing life nevertheless remember loved incredible people there thanks truly made life better made comfortable trans person well" ]
compatriotas lgbtqia gente extremadamente difícil mundo intolerante todavía viven vida increíble sin embargo recuerde amaban gente increíble allí gracias verdaderamente hizo la vida mejor hecho cómodo trans persona bien
become sort caretaker someone depression hes boyfriend struggled long time seems lost hope getting better rejects therapists person programs lack success past want help help himself seems like one area truly wants help money therapists hard get remote therapy successful er stays get quick referrals everything think of help worked you give hope please
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "become sort caretaker someone depression hes boyfriend struggled long time seems lost hope getting better rejects therapists person programs lack success past want help help himself seems like one area truly wants help money therapists hard get remote therapy successful er stays get quick referrals everything think of help worked you give hope please" ]
ser cuidador tipo alguien depresión hes novio luchado mucho tiempo parece perder la esperanza conseguir mejores rechazos terapeutas persona programas falta éxito pasado quieren ayuda a sí mismo parece que una zona realmente quiere ayuda dinero terapeutas duro conseguir terapia remota éxito er estancias obtener referencias rápidas todo pensar en ayuda trabajó que dar esperanza por favor
28 Unexpected Coping Techniques for People Who Recently Attempted #Suicide https://themighty.com/2018/04/just-attempted-suicide-what-to-do/ … #chronicallysick #chronicpain #depression #mentalhealth #chronicillness
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "28 Unexpected Coping Techniques for People Who Recently Attempted #Suicide https://themighty.com/2018/04/just-attempted-suicide-what-to-do/ … #chronicallysick #chronicpain #depression #mentalhealth #chronicillness" ]
28 técnicas inesperadas para hacer frente a personas que recientemente intentaron #Suicide https://themighty.com/2018/04/just-intentated-suicide-what-to-do/Â #chronicsick #chronicpain #depression #mentalhealth #chronicillness
i ve just got my streetcar essay back from jerry and it still no good ah man this is gon na be a bad day
[ "i ve just got my streetcar essay back from jerry and it still no good ah man this is gon na be a bad day" ]
Acabo de recibir mi ensayo de tranvía de Jerry y todavía no es bueno ah hombre este es gon na ser un mal día
Windows 7 har fått releasedato : 22 oktober http://is.gd/MvXB
[ "Windows 7 harfåttreleasedato : 22 oktober http://is.gd/MvXB" ]
Windows 7 harf­ttlibereddato : 22 oktober http://is.gd/MvXB
ive picked method placenow need decide date considering making look peaceful trying ol running car garage ive changed mind want results im planning taking either amtrak greyhound new hampshire taking life there nature looks pretty want see myself idk works ill probably go trails deep woods hang myself ill aim making painless honestly point im ready go
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "ive picked method placenow need decide date considering making look peaceful trying ol running car garage ive changed mind want results im planning taking either amtrak greyhound new hampshire taking life there nature looks pretty want see myself idk works ill probably go trails deep woods hang myself ill aim making painless honestly point im ready go" ]
ive method placenow need decide date considerando hacer parecer tranquilo tratando de ol correr coche garaje ive cambio de mente desea resultados im planificación tomar o amtrak galgo nuevo hampshire tomar la vida allí la naturaleza se ve bastante quiere ver yo idk funciona mal probablemente ir senderos bosques profundos colgar a mí mismo mal objetivo haciendo indoloro honestamente punto im listo ir
rubbish day of revision .. but Take That in 8 days !!
[ "rubbish day of revision ..but Take That in 8 days !!" ]
día de la basura de la revisión .. pero tomar que en 8 días !!
i m about to be living in nyc and have never done anything worth wilde with my life and im sure im doomed to become one of those in the way people who don t do anything in their life which i feared most of my life nothing i seem to attempt to accomplish work out no matter how hard i work or how right i do it i gave so much time to job organization to further my career path only to used a free labor studying only to use up all my forgiveness credit and flunk out i ve been wanting to end it all for a while every time i sleep i see the bk bridge the spot i picked out year ago to end it i feel like i rather be gone than keep living with fact that i m a grown man that s not worth anything hell my mom ha told me that i haven t done anything for her to be proud me and i won t let my partner destroy herself trying to help me i wanted to be an engineer for nasa when i wa younger but here i am today the world shitist it guy that hasn t been able to find a secure job in the past year i ve been desperate for work for a while today i wa given a work assignment from my contract company only to be told i don t exist in the company so i can t work
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "i m about to be living in nyc and have never done anything worth wilde with my life and im sure im doomed to become one of those in the way people who don t do anything in their life which i feared most of my life nothing i seem to attempt to accomplish work out no matter how hard i work or how right i do iti gave so much time to job organization to further my career path only to used a free labor studying only to use up all my forgiveness credit and flunk out i ve been wanting to end it all for a while every time i sleep i see the bk bridge the spot i picked out year ago to end it i feel like i rather be gone than keep living with fact that i m a grown man that s not worth anythinghellmy mom ha told me that i haven t done anything for her to be proud meand i won t let my partner destroy herself trying to help me i wanted to be an engineer for nasa when i wa youngerbut here i am today the world shitist it guy that hasnt been able to find a secure job in the past year i ve been desperate for work for a while today i wa given a work assignment from my contract company only to be told i don t exist in the company so i can t work" ]
Estoy a punto de vivir en Nueva York y nunca he hecho nada que valga la pena wide con mi vida y estoy seguro de que estoy condenado a convertirse en uno de los que en la forma en que la gente que no hace nada en su vida que yo temía la mayor parte de mi vida nada que parece intentar realizar trabajo no importa lo duro que trabajo o cómo derecho que lo hago dio tanto tiempo a la organización del trabajo para seguir mi trayectoria profesional sólo para utilizar un trabajo libre estudiando sólo para usar todo mi crédito de perdón y fracaso he estado deseando terminarlo todo durante un tiempo cada vez que duermo veo el bk puente el punto que escogí hace un año para terminar que siento que prefiero estar fuera que seguir viviendo con el hecho de que soy un hombre adulto que no vale la pena nadaHellmy mamá me ha dicho que no he hecho nada por ella ser orgulloso significado no dejaré que mi pareja se destruya tratando de ayudarme yo quería ser un ingeniero para nasa cuando yo sea joven pero aquí estoy sólo el hombre de mierda mundo que no ha sido capaz de encontrar un trabajo seguro en el pasado he estado desesperado por un trabajo de hoy en día i wa para ser un trabajo de la empresa t
tired lost will sometimesno memes mei see world actually life
[ "selfharm" ]
[ "tired lost will sometimesno memes mei see world actually life" ]
cansado perdido a veces no memes mei ver mundo en realidad la vida