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Excellent I loved this book!! I have read many Nora Roberts and J.D.Robb novels and this is one of my favorites. Once I started reading it I couldn't put it down. You immediately become wrapped up in the characters and the story. I enjoyed every moment.
Don't buy it. Once again another worthless computer software guide. I don't know who writes these things but they don't understand how ignorant the general public is. There is so much that is great about excel but this book didn't help me at all. I have never found a good guide by any company out there. There used to be books called "Cue" books but I can't find them anymore. "Dummies" books are even worse than this guide book.
Spend your money elsewhere I read quite a bit of popular fiction. Authors such as John Grisham, Jeffrey Archer, Michael Connelley, Jeff Shaara, Nicholas Sparks, James Patterson, Robert Ludlum, Patricia Cornwell, Dan Brown, Preston & Child, Michael Crichton, etc.So, I'm reasonably fluent in the literary standards of the pulp fiction market, not a pointy nosed critic that holds an author to some impossibly attainable high-bar. I don't think my expectations are much different from those of any other reader: believable and interesting plots, authentic dialog, and characters that respond to situations the way real people would respond.With all that said, consider yourself duly warned to avoid this author. You will find none of the above in any of Coulter's books. I have read 3 of her books and attempted to read several more before giving up in disgust. For those where I actually made it to the end, you'll find my reviews elsewhere on Amazon (see my reviews for Hemlock Bay and The Cove).I'll freely admit that her books have the window dressing of blockbusters. Nice artwork, glamour shots of the author on the back cover, breathless liner notes, reference to her being a "bestselling New York Times author." But it's all bun and no beef. I'm truly at a loss to explain this author's popularity, even when judged by the most mediocre standards. Perhaps her historical romance novels created her popularity before she decided to try her hand in the suspense genre. I don't know, and don't much care. I simply know enough (after giving her 5 or 6 opportunities) to stop the self-torture. This review is primarily to caution the unsuspecting from spending one dime on her novels. If you do, you'll overpay.Simply put, Coulter is completely out of her element not just as a suspense writer, but as a writer - period. Her novels are very, very juvenile, but that's not really fair either: it denigrates the many fine writers in the juvenile genre who know how to write a good book and simply tailor it to an age-specific audience. In all of Coulter's books, people do not act like real people, respond like real people, or talk like real people.If you insist on familiarizing yourself with this author despite my not-so-subtle warnings, I suggest you check out one of her books from the library rather than spending your money. If you like it, fine, but I think you will find yourself in the minority. And if you are predictably disappointed, don't make the mistake of assuming it was just the luck of the draw and her other books will be better. They will not. This author, if nothing else, is remarkably consistent: consistently bad.I won't take up additional space here to review the plot of this story - it has already been adequately done above in the "Publisher's Weekly" synopsis. Besides, in my experience, it doesn't matter how potentially interesting the plot might be, Coulter manages to execute it (as in "kill it") with hopeless implausibilities, hokey dialog, and even hokier responses by her characters. Her protagonists and antagonists are rarely even impossibly clever. More often, they're just impossible.I realize this review is strongly worded and may even read a bit like a rant. I simply find it hard to believe that books this poorly written and plotted can continue to be published and purchased, particularly when there are so many thousands of other excellent choices out there in this genre. As such, consider this a public service announcement, advising the unsuspecting to save their hard-earned money. As I said, if your curiosity demands that you sample one book from this author, check one out from your local library instead. But please, don't encourage Coulter to continue writing this awful stuff by buying her books.
Provides some solid footing in an unpredictable world. The authors profile and give guidelines to the design of a business that can capitalize on the unpredictable; a kinetic enterprise moves, instantly, responding to new demands and seizing new opportunities. The enterprise is organized around workers who initiate and execute unpredictable projects ("events") driven by market opportunities and customer demands. This work focuses on leadership, an empowered work force, infrastructure, and market and customer events. The book offers numerous examples that illustrate its central theme.If you are searching for some certainty in this today's chaos, this book provides some solid footing in an unpredictable world. Recommeded. Reviewed by Gerry Stern, founder, Stern & Associates, author of Stern's Sourcefinder The Master Directory to HR and Business Management Information & Resources, Stern's CyberSpace SourceFinder, and the Compensation and Benefits SourceFinder.
Maybe 2 1/2 stars - A silly book The idea that an angel would fall in love with a man is interesting, but the man is completely uninteresting, as is the parallel story of the man's fortunes and ever-growing family -- may of whom are just names to confuse the reader. There is a side story of a murderer, who cares? There are some discussions between the angel and the man, not very well done. The chapters are mostly short, corresponding to the annual visits -- an old writer's trick to avoid having to write a cohesive story. The author writes well enough, but I'd think only readers of fantasy would actually like this book.
Eeeeeew!!!! One of the worst Dragonlance or Fantasy books i have ever read (if not THE worst). The characters are so shallow that it reminds me of those children fairy tales. The plot is laughable. The author has dishonored Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis. Let's hope this will be her last DL book. Anyone who loves this book should try to read the old Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis books before they give their reviews!!!!!
I believe it is the worst book I have read It may just be me, Why this book is called is classic is beyond me. So it goes.. I found little wit nor much humor. I was very disappointed. I would not recommend this book to anyone, Don't waste your time or money.
This is NOT the first book you should read from the series. Killing Floor gets 2 stars from me simply because I managed to make it the whole way through.I have to say - I'm glad this wasn't my first Reacher book - because I wouldn't have picked up another. It's clear that Jack Reacher's character was in early development with this first book. The utter fawning over Roscoe. . . the speed (a week) at which their relationship progressed to a level where they couldn't stand being apart for a couple days. . . the dancing and jumping around by the dumpster. . . these are just samples of many instances where the early Reacher didn't align with the Reacher from later books. I found this Reacher quite difficult to stomach.And the plot holes! One of the worst was a near psychic conclusion that Reacher came to when time was of the essence and he had to find someone quickly. . . . He called hotel after hotel asking for an alias he practically picked out of a hat, with no signs of doubt that he might be even slightly wrong about the name. And magically, he nailed it. (It's comically more complex than this, but I don't want to ruin the fun.)There also seemed to be a lot of places in the book where Lee Child hadn't perfected his American voice. I've only heard of bathroom stalls being called "cubicles" in the UK, for instance.Finally, I'm sure there are opinions on both sides of this issue - but I've decided that I prefer Reacher stories written in 3rd person. I actually miss "Reacher said nothing." And frankly, the way Reacher described things in this book often made me wish he'd said nothing. I'm about to crack the cover on Gone Tomorrow (another first person book) . . . so we'll see if my opinion changes after that.Bottom line - if you're just getting started with Jack Reacher. . . don't read this book first. The Enemy was where I started. . . and I've read many since then.
UNFAIR KINDLE PRICE!! I read this book in paperback and later bought a hardcover edition. It is one of the best books I haver EVER read! This review is for the Kindle Edition, price $19!! You have GOT to be joking!! I wanted to buy the Kindle version because I want to read this book again! It deserves FIVE STARS! You, The Publisher, deserve NO STARS at all!!I am a libertarian, you are free to set your price as I am free NOT to buy your product!Note: There is a Kindle price of $11 bucks but not if you are in the US!!!
Title should be 3000 Mile Oil Changes and Buying Used Cars The 153 pages of the book are misleading since every even numbered page is for 'Notes' and blank. Of the 75 pages that remain, almost all of the information is very general. Nothing really to keep a Saturn happy more than any other car.Instead of sticking on topic to what would keep a Saturn running, the author talks mostly about the importance of oil changes, then chapters of: 4 pages of how cars are important to people, 6 pages of how periodic maintenance is important: 3k mile oil changes, trans oil, and antifreeze..., 5 pages on how 3k mile oil changes are important (it's own chapter),5 pages why to use the dealership instead of other mechanics, 8 pages on fuel economy (a/c, towing and flooring it use more gas, tune up, proper tire pressure, and sensors use less :(), 6 pages on what 5 stars through 1 star means for condition of a used car, 9 pages with some good tips, some common sense, still nothing really Saturn-specific, 6 pages on a day in the life of a mechanic (almost 10% of the book), 17 pages are a general how to buy a used car (a couple Saturn-specific tidbits), 2 pages listing the author's cars. That's the basics of each chapter.I was hoping for Saturn specific tips to fix the things that get brought up over and over again on...I didn't see one of these types of things listed. Of the specific things, they are things to look out for before buying, nothing to keep the car 'happy' once you have it...It would be a good general used car buying book for first time car owners.
Ho-hum - a soap opera with no point... Despite what one reviewer said, this book cannot have been written from Paul's POV as he talks about people and circumstances that occurred before he was born, and about peoples' inner thoughts of which he could have no knowledge. As I read this 3rd person omniscient novel. I kept thinking "Oh, hell, get on with it!" Having read Lady Chatterly's Lover, I knew this tome was going to be a slog-fest, and I was right. On the other hand, in 1913, the reading public had lots of time and no TV soap operas, so I suppose they didn't mind tedious passages. For example, Lawrence labors over mom's and Paul's love of flowers (she's thrilled to find blue flowers in winter) and I wanted to scream, "Okay, I get it, flowers symbolize fecundity and beauty, and mom and son(s) have a relationship bordering on incestuous, only without the sex. Now what?" I started skipping whole passages and lost nothing of the chain of events. Dad is always a no-goodnik, and mom is always a prim saint. It's an okay story, but what was the point again? Oh, yeah, life is nasty, brutish and short. And quite a bore for poor, downtrodden Mom. I guess Lawrence's desire to be on the cutting edge with his self-proclaimed masterpieve didn't include an obvious alternate conclusion: the book could have been titled, Gay Sons and Lovers.That it was written in 1913, when people were still shocked by tasetlessness and for the most part unaware of Freudian psychology, I'm sure it was steamy for its day. But this story could have been written as a twenty page short story and should have been.
not enough info the review is very vague, important vocabulary is not highlighted, just a sort of rambling by the author that reviews random parts of what you need to know. also the author says things like "you should have learned about this in your textbook and if you don't remember go back and look in your textbook" a lot which really defeats the purpose of a review book. i think this can only be helpful if you REALLY know your stuff and just need a very light review but in that case you probably don't even need this book. also i don't like that there are no multiple choice questions at the end of every section. at the end of every section there is a review that consists of a paragraph or two with blanks that you have to fill in with arbitrary words.
disappointing Hearts in Atlantis was an effort for me to complete. I wqnted to put it away many times, but forced myself to stay with it. It did redeem itself somewhat, but I can't say i enjoyed it. King seemed to be reaching for something but was unable to find the right words. I have lived through this era, also, and I found his characters to be unbelievable and boring. I had a hard time trying to remember Pete's name (hearts in atlantis) I'm not really sure what King's message was in the book. It was plodding and overdone. king's writing has usually been entertaining and well paced. This was not the case in this try. His voice so strong that it is a distraction. In his effort to try for a depth in his writing he seems to have lost his way and wallows around in verbosity. I'm sorry I wasted my precious summer reading time on this one.
Much Ado About Lady Chatterley I read 30 pages of the book, and put it down. The author does not make me care about Lady Chatterley as a person. I want to feel some sort of sympathy for a character, even if she makes mistakes.Frankly, Lawrence should have wrote this under a pseudonym and marketed it as erotica/pornography. It would have escaped the censors at the time and he would have made money off of it, at least.
Deranged 'Derailed' starts with a high school teacher from Bennington, Vt. who spends two nights a week teaching English to inmates at Attica offering some poignant insights into the insensitivity and realities of our criminal justice system. Soon he is reading a story submitted by an inmate that starts with a flirtation on a commuter train and progresses to the complete collapse of ad man Charles Schine's life. The jump from Attica to the LIRR makes no sense, even less so when the narrator tells us that it is his story.The linear progression of Charles' story, the brutality of it and his spineless stupidity made me uncomfortable, to the point where I put 'Derailed' down in disgust more than once. I confess to picking it up again to see when Charles was going to snap out of it and how the teacher in Attica, the ad man from Long Island and the criminal characters in what started as a prisoner's writings were all going to tie together. Very weakly, it turns out.As he does with the character of Charles, Siegel successfully forced me to look at things I really didn't want to see. That earns him a few stars for writing technique, but he loses them with the end result. It really is a ridiculous story.
A Death in Belmont The book is both manipulative and is not factual. So many omissions in this book make it an unpleasant reading experience. This is not a book to add to your library or a book to spent time reading as the power of the story in lost in a maze of twisted facts and missing facts. Sam Shawn
A tedious disappointment Normally, I enjoy "literary mysteries." I don't require happy endings, action-packed sequences, likable characters or all loose ends tied up neatly in a package. I appreciate literary references, lush descriptions, character studies and many other elements of style referenced by other reviewers of this novel. Those reviews are why I chose this as my first PD James novel.Unfortunately, I must agree with the detractors. I found this book so tedious that I am not going to finish it - even just to see what happens. I have plodded through 3/4 of the text and don't care enough about either the characters or the storyline to bother with the rest. To me, these characters seemed extremely one-dimensional and I found myself skimming passages and skipping entire pages of monotonous detail. Essentially, I had the impression that this was originally a short story that was extended to novel length by filling in periods of time with the mundane. Perhaps it would do well as a short indie film where much of this detail could be conveyed visually - but for now, I don't want to waste any more time following these dreary people.
A drawn out tail of King Arthur This book A CONNECITICUT YANKEE AT KING ARTHUR'S COURT by Mark Twain is very boaring. It starts out with a fictional character in King Arthur's kingdom. It then creats a labyrinth of problems that the character solves using the technology of his time. It ends triumphantly with Hank (the main character) winning a huge battle for control of England. Although the book had moments where the suspension could be felt by the reader most of the time the descriptions and characters feelings filled the pages with unnecessary narritive. Because of this the racy plot with many intresting characteristics ends up taking a long time and being slowed down by the thoughts of the characters. Although this book is considered a classic its writing could be compared to the writing of Charles Dickens. The plot of the book is well written and thought out but, in an attempt to make the book seem more realistic both authors throw in space-fillers. Also as in GREAT EXPECTATIONS Mark Twain creates a connection between all characters that happens only within a few pages.Because of all the connections in the book the plot can become hard to follow and in order to fully understand the book it is better to glance over what you have just read. The plot at times is to amazing for any reader to believe, the author gives the main character the ability to make all inventions from his time and, at a glance creat new ones. He makes the character follow a heroes journey of sorts, where he must face entire leigons of soliders but wins by flipping a swich or shooting a gun. In a way, however, it is intresting to see how todays knowledge can be used in the past for conquest and for peace. The story the book gives made me think of what would happen if someone actually did go back in time. Because each new chapter in the book introduces a new character or a new problem it makes the reader carefully follow the plot. This creates the need to read every sentence and that is very demanding on the reader.I did not enjoy the book. It was too much to read for such a limited plot and the ideas were repititive. Because of all the different aspects of the book it was barely possible to keep on reading it. Overall I would not reccomend this book as a quick or fun read.
A christmas carol Great book! Has lots of detail. Tells of scrooge who hates christmas and how his heart will begin to change
Good planning book I bought this book to begin planning a trip to Colorado for a week of fly fishing. This book is a good place to start. It gives a good run down of pretty much all the rivers, creeks and lakes in the state, what to expect there, what sort of fish are there, fishing expectations and hatches for different times of the season, successful flies and information on getting there - such as the road may be muddy and impassible in wet seasons. It even tells you what sort of goods and services are available in near by towns. Anyone fishing in Colorado would benefit from the book but I particularly recommend it to anyone planning a trip to Colorado and are yet unfamiliar with fishing there.
Wrong title... To Reign in Hell: The Exile of Khan Noonien Singh IS A FANTASTIC BOOK! Great story telling, great writing! When I saw "The Eugenics Wars: The Rise and Fall of Khan Noonien Singh", by the same author, I was thrilled. But, as some people noticed, the ones that were not tricked by the ST knowledge shown, saw that it is a story of Seven and his assistant. On the first book I was hoping that it would end with the death of Seven and Roberta, so Khan would finally be the star. But no, Khan is just one of the villains that THE GREAT SEVEN has to fight for the sake of our planet. SO... So... But really SO DISAPPOINTING !!!But, please, do not let this deception prevent you from reading "To Reign in Hell". This book IS ABOUT KHAN, how he thinks, how he suffers, the sacrifices he makes... I promise you, you will love him even more, and then you will understand all the hate he has for Kirk, and the parallel story with Kirk is very good.Once again, I was disappointed that Seven didn't died on the first volume, then as the story went on, on the second volume, they were still alive and stealing the show, so I was fast reading those parts and only reading well about Khan. But, please do read "To Reign in Hell", you will truly enjoy it.Just to finish with the firs thought: The Eugenic wars books titles should have been "THE ADVENTURES OF GARY SEVEN AND ROBERTA LINCOLN"
Dupliate book, different title WARNING. This is a good book that also appears under the title A VENETIAN RECKONING. This is the second book OF Leon's that I have come aross that has a different title to the original. This should not be allowed. I have given one star as I hate that this is happening.
A PHOTOGRAPHIC STUDY OF SEVERAL AMERICAN UTOPIAN COMMUNITIES In this lavishly-illustrated (nearly 300 photos, many never before published) 1975 book, Paul Kagan tells the story (along with a very helpful and insightful text accompanying the photos) of communities such as Fountaingrove, Icaria, Kaweah Co-Operative Commonwealth, Pisgah Grande, Llano del Rio, Point Loma (the Theosophical community), Riker's "Holy City," and even the Tassajara Zen Mountain Center.Kagan notes, "Much of the life, and much of the story, is in the photographs. The photographs that I made represent my feelings about the communal remains, and the historical photographs show a little of the daily life of the groups. The accompanying text tells the communal history and, hopefully, raises some pertinent questions."This fascinating book is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED for anyone interested in these communities, intentional communities, utopian societies, communes, or similar experiments in living.
Total Waste of Time A group of friends and I went in together on this book as none of us thought it would be worth an individual purchase. So far three of us have blown through it.If you're looking for literary tale telling this isn't it. The ghostwriter was clearly trying to write like Amber thinks, and in this case, it didn't work well as a literary devise, I'll leave it up to you to decide why. Thus far, those who've read it within our reader's circle don't believed that the book was self-written.There's enough lies in the case, as discussed in the book to go around although after reading the book I am more suspect on the truthfulness of the author because in more than one instance the book deviates from the testimony given under oath and if that's not a problem for readers, it probably should be.Things I had problems with IN THE BOOK: I simply wasn't convinced by the book that with as much experience as Amber had, that she didn't know Scott was married. I also have trouble believing that her "best friend" didn't immediately tell Amber that her new....LNFN was married and that Amber did not immediately go to her friend Richard Byrd and ask him to check Scott out. Those omissions defy understanding and in the book, they are glaring. I also found it hard to believe her claim of innocence and naiveté in regards to married men. In the book she admits to having other relationships with married men and it seems yet another glaring omission to not acknowledge that as not only experience but forewarning. Amber can't be all that nave; after all, she had the wherewithal to hire one of the best-known legal sharks around who is helping her market her book.The author wrote a book to answer questions people had about both she and her motives, but in my opinion there are too few answers to the millions of questions and people who are reading this book to find out what makes her tic will be disappointed as the answers simply aren't in the book.Because I've read all the court records in this case I find her comments about being in love with Scott (in the book) a bit confusing since it does not match the evidence of only four dates and that the entire time she was wooing/seeing Scott, she was also in phone contact with the man who was soon to be the, as she states in her book, "unhappy father" of her second child.Based on those inconsistencies, I don't believe the book when it states that Amber was in love with Scott. Another thing in the book that makes me not believe her story is the Christmas card that she sent out with a photo of she and Scott, not one of she and her daughter. I found that exclusion odd.Two of the readers in our group are Christians who found it hard to swallow the scripture quotes juxtaposed in the same book with questionable photos. If you're a sensitive Christian you will find this offensive.Both both in the book and in interviews, Amber and her lawyer respectively have claimed that since this episode with Peterson, Amber has occupied herself with praying and other activities in her church, which also must include child bearing, although I am not sure how that works. Again, if you are a sensitive Christian, you will be offended by these comments in the book.Amber said in her book and in court that she was looking for her "pot of gold" and sadly, in the death of Laci and Connor Peterson, she's found what porn photos in her book and massage parlors she mentioned in her book didn't give her.If you must read this book, do what we did and share among friends.MY FINAL OPINION OF THE BOOK (this is an opinion reviews)As for my group we took a vote and after the last two have read it we'll be donating it to my Great Uncle Honus's paper supply for his outbuilding.
* NOT For KIDS !!! * I gave this book 1 star, only because the review requires at least 1 star. This book was given to my 14 year old son to read for a High Honors required summer reading program. He read through the first 2 chapters and handed the book to me and said he wasn't going to read it. My husband and I then read the book and discovered extreme graphic sexual content, not just once, but, many, many times! The description of the sexual content is not done in a metaphorical way, it is exremeley graphic! I'm totally disgusted and appalled that not only did a teacher choose this book, but that it was approved by the Director of Curriculum! PARENTS BEWARE!!!
Redwall Do you want to read a high-quality fantasy novel? Then I would refer you to the nearest library. Let it be a local, school, or your own personal library. Get there fast! I have just read "Redwall" by Brian Jacques. The book has 333 pages, but is definitely worth it. The main character is Matthis, an adventurous, young, and spirited orphan, left at the Redwall entrance. Redwall is a peaceful animal village that has beautiful and elegant . It also has arches and carved figures. The animals that inhabit it are ethical forest creatures. He is now, still young, but quite mature for his age. He has become one of the pack. Full of morales, and caring. Taking delicate procedures to keep others emotions in mind of all. These creatures have always helped others in peril. Now, Cluny the Scrouge, a rat known for being terrible and for taking over villages, is trying to take over Redwall. Since everyone in Redwall is refusing to surrender, they are forced to fight a awr with Cluny, even though it is against their ways. A part that I thought was quite descriptive and exciting was when Mathias and Guosim, a shreww friend of Matthias', fight the adder for possesion of Martin the Warriors' sword. the adder is a legendary snake, foe of all. He is known as "Asmodeus", for the sound thta he makes. Asmodeus is huge, and legendarily known for his viciousness and poisoness fangs. I can't tell you who succeeds, though. Although slightly upseting, it really stood out as how war affects everyone. And it does. The brutality of war even affected Cluny. he literally went mad. I'd describe this book as adventurous and eventful. The characters are believable, but creativly amusing as animals. The plot is, at times difficult to follow, but is riviting at its higher points. I'd recommend this book for anyone who loves animals, but can stand slight gore. Also, this is a long book, 333 pages. So, anyone who can sit still for two seconds, i would probably recommend a shorter novel. I hope you choose this novel to read next.
Too theoretical-- not practical! Probably the worst book ever written by the integrated marketing communications guru, Don E. Schultz -- an IMC professor at the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern.It is too conceptual and theoretical. The real world does not really do IMC quite like that. IMC is still both art and science. The author(s) tend to look at IMC, from a branding perspective, in a dry,boring, and uncreative fashion.Many jargons have been invented in the book. But are they really practical? The book has not thrown in enough cases or examples to explain or illustrate most of the untested theories or concepts convincingly.Personally, I guess Beth E. Barnes did most of the writing, and Don E. Schultz did most of the so called new concepts or theories invention.I recommend books like Experiental Marketing, Experience Economy-- they are far more interesting, and practical!
This is not a biography. It's fiction. Or maybe it's plagerism. I'm not quite sure which. But at any rate, Taraborelli has little integrity as a biographer. Yes, this book is entertaining. But it quotes detailed conversations neither the author nor his "sources" (many of whom are other tabloid writers or Kennedy hangers on) could have possibly known. Now for the theft -- I read Leamer's THE KENNEDY WOMEN, and recognized much of it here. So while this book is indeed a fun read, please don't take it seriously. I would have respected this entire endeavor more if it didn't pretend to be more than it was. Maybe, if it's ever reissued, the cover can be of Joan in a low bodice dress being ravaged by Teddy. Because that's all this book is -- a silly, fun, historical romance.
How Do They Do It? They've done again! I can't believe it! Yet another book of great things to read about like relationships & tough stuff. This book is great for any teen! I have to give props to the authors & all the writers of all the stories, poems , & quotes that made this book awesome!
This book [is bad] This book [is so bad] so much I used it for fire-wood! Books like this should be illegal! Arghhhh! Burn! It was so confusing I sent to Einstien and he didn't understand it! For all I knew it was written in zraglefresk (aka jibber jabber ) The main character was stupid, all the other characters are stupid, the setting is stupid, the book is stupid, and I was stupid to read it! Not even my dog would eat it! Read it and your eyes will burn out! Not only that, we have to do a skit on it! Flowers and chocolate can be sent to 1800 thisbookisstupid road, stupidbook city, usa. You have been prewarned...
Pathetic ! A classic case of an author seeking revenge on a community ....not objective at all...and full of misrepresentations... ...wonder how the publisher got this piece of junk approved...
A bit disappointing There were no reviews at this site when I ordered the book. I wish there had been - as I thought the book would be set around the 1900s and the only story that was set in that time frame was the first. The first story WAS good. But I had purchased it more for research into the Victorian times in North Dakota and so I was disappointed. I was also disappointed in how little I got for my money. The rest of the stories were only so-so.
Terrible navigation control Navigating the table of contents is a nightmare....every book is followed by a list of chapters so picking a book usually involves turning pages and searching through chapter numbers to find book titles...and the first chapter link on every book is broken...selecting chapter one of any book causes my kindle to turn a page...I'm very dissapointed...
Good Info on Athritis If you like a quick cure on athritis without learning more about the disease, check outFolk Medicine: A New England Almanac of Natural Health Care From A Noted Vermont Country Doctorby the same author.
wow what a depressing boring state why would people even live in a waste land like this state? to see the retarted amish people? to smell cow manure all the time?or to live in the crappiest state?don't buy this book it will make you depressed at how horrible of a state this is.
At last, a book written with children and parenst in mind I was so pleased when I first read "Once..." The stories and poems were written perfectly with children and parents in mind. The book is written in a narrative style and therefore makes reading to my child easy. The morals hidden in the stories helps me share important issues with children without the usual lectures.The stories are the right length especially for bedtimes. Perfect to read to younger children, this book is also great for older children to read to their parents or to their younger siblings.I really enjoyed this book. I felt it not only a great story book for children, but also, a useful tool for parents, schools, libraries and even Sunday Schools. Well done....
Fighting PC Where You See It. I had never heard of the magazine, Heterodoxy, when it was still operational, but now, in retrospect, I wish I would have subscribed to it. This is a collection of their best of and the essays are, for the most part, very cranial and introspective. I enjoyed almost all of them. The subsection, The Academic Zoo, excoriates radical feminism and the politicization of the fields of literary criticism and archaeology. We also see what political correctness has done to the navy, the methodist church, and the big gray enchilada, The New York Times. The writing is highly spirited and entertaining in my opinion. You'll enjoy it.
Disappointing, I don't know why I read it The book caught my attention with the early scene of Kate "distressing" a mince pie to make it look as if she made it. I have done something similar with chili in the not too distant past. (HINT: 10 cans of Hormel + 1 chopped onion + 1 chopped jalepeno (sp) pepper = 1 well received "homemade" potluck contribution). Unfortunately, I found myself wanting to shake her out of her competitive, self-absorbed circus. The book dragged a bit in the last third and the ending was a major disappointment as well.Yet, as a working mom, there were some scenes that were classic. I laughed til I cried when her daughter drew a picture of her with "a lovely hat" that turned out to be roots. The description of the "Muffia" unfortunately rang true - although it seemed to me that the "Muffia" were merely stay-at-home Kates who were just competing in a different realm. I guess my disappointment is due to the fact that I was hoping for someone a bit more of a kindred spirit and less of a person I hope that I am never like.
A travel book that reads like a thriller , I loved it It is an incredibly enjoyable book that takes you there and shows you things that you might not see even if you were there.The chapters on Australia are especially amusing, Theroux captures the spirit (literally) of the Aussies precisely.It is a perfect desert island book!
Divided by a common language I'm not a professionl writer so bear with me. The book was just what I was looking for in preparation for my trip to London. these phrases are going to be helpful in understanding the locals and well written besides. and I found it interesting reading but only for people interested in London and the way they talk.
A pleasure to read! This book really is a must have for the PCT collector. This was a sweet read and I'd recommend it. I'd love to know this man, seems like a real gem of a guy. He had good running on the trail, made a great read.
It was a great book. I really liked this book!My favorite part was whenJake was in his rhino form and went throughFenestre's wall of his house instead of the door.This was a really neat book!
Book Review It is one of the most interesting books that I've ever read. It provides good insight into a slave's life in the South around 1850 and how the North helped to prevent their escape from slavery. It is written from a religious perspective by an Episcopalian missionary.
Little old fashioned... ...so if you thought that what's written in the book is what that scoliosis girls have to go throught now- luckily, you're wrong.This book is nice, but I didn't really like it. First, Deenie is overreacting to her Brace (To cut off all your hair? pliz...). Second, none of the characters looks realistic- I found them mostly annoying. I didn't like the writing of the book, which made me so...bored.I don't really recomand this book, but the subject is important- there're a lot of scoliosis girls, and there's allmost no book about it.
Shallow and overly pleased with itself The main character was the least interesting one I'd ever encountered; no original thoughts and no personality. There's no incentive to keep reading when I simply don't care what happens to her! This realization made the author's note even more jarring; his inflated sense of her seems just to reflect his misrepresentation of himself and his abilities.
Problem Two of the CD's had some type of glue residue on them from the CD jacket. When I tried to clean one of them, the CD was damaged and rendered unusable. So, I am now missing one CD in the set - about a 4 chapter gap. Not happy about it.
Sappy Romance!!!! I'm sorry but this was the biggest waste of paper I have ever seen in my life. It is a stupid excuse for a romance novel and I found the long and detailed descriptions of nothing, utterly boring. It is a set text for our school but even our English class couldn't bear to read the whole thing so we skimmed chapter by chapter, gave up and watched the film (which I might add didn't resembled the book at all). I am quite well educated, have a good understanding of the english language and apprieciate good books, but I was appalled at this ridiculous fairy story and I believe it should be taken off schools set text lists.
A trifle amusing perhaps, but take it with a grain of salt.. I couldn't finish this book.As an avid backpacker (with a somewhere over a thousand miles under my belt by now...) I was looking forward to reading a humourous account of an AT thru-hike. But after the second chapter, when Bryson's dsicussion of black bear behavior was just flat *wrong*, I couldn't read anymore.Sorry folks, there's such a thing as creative liscense, but Bryson stretched the truth a bit too thin in order to make his jokes for me. If you enjoy his work, and don't enjoy the outdoors, perhaps you'll enjoy his book. If you do enjoy the outdoors, I'd recommend skipping it.
What a joke! What an absolute joke. I served in Operation Uphold Democracy and it was anything buy how a joint operation should be run. Major General David Meade didn't understand the ROE and the only true hero of this misguided operation is Captain Lawrence Rockwood who was court martialed for bringing to the forefront and charging General Meade for not conducting torture investigations into Haiti's prisons. The entire operation was nothing more than the United States government protecting the bourgeoisie. If you want to read a book worth reading, read Captain Rockwood's book!
Good Stuff I watch the BBC / PBS version years ago and longed to see it again so I recently bought the DVD. I enjoyed that but it wasn't enough - had to read it too. Was not disappointed.
Utter Disappointment It's not just the choice to pluck out the most interesting characters that had thus far driven the plot and made the series, it was the choice to go so deep into detail regarding characters we have little care for. Telling the readers of their clothing, ancestry banner and accomplishments means so little when we have nothing invested in the characters to begin with. Tis seems a fundamental point Martin missed out on. It's my hope the series made for television takes this into account. Is book is droll. If the next is equally droll I will stick with watching TV.
Not interesting I have read almost all Anne Rice books, I did not like this one, the writer did not catch me this time, and I am looking forward to Anne's next book
Gotta love these Charnwood books! I'm on the plus side of 50 and I'm finding it more difficult to see the small print in some books. These Charnwood series of books are just what the doctor ordered for me and those like me.I recommend this series to everyone that would like to continue reading after they "can't see" any longer,(j/k).
Useless! Utterly, frustratingly useless! I purchased this book in the hopes it would assist me in managing the Little Person who regularly plagues my morning walks through the wood. "Get out of me wood!" he cries and often sics his wild dogs upon me! If I arrive home with only a few smudges of dirt on my face and a slight tear in my coat, I consider it a good walk. While this book did lead me to understand that his anger toward me is somewhat my fault (I purchased a shillelagh walking stick less for walking and more for striking him in order to turn him into 40 gold coins), it did absolutely nothing to assist me in ways to prevent him accosting me in the same place on the path every single day or stop him sending his "sheriff" and his "deputies" to present me with documents scrawled with spells to cause me to "cease and desist" and, more recently, "restraining" me to no closer than 100 feet of the fey creature. Indeed, his minions accosted me as I bathed in the hot spring to which the path leads and in which I am wont to bathe in the morning. On one occasion, when I chose to bathe by a full summer moon, I saw him and a lovely young lass he had enchanted into following him bathing there in naught but what they wore upon their arrival in this world! At seeing his crude, impish form, I nearly emptied my stomach of the shepherd's pie I had eaten at supper!I write this from a cell, likely under some dark hill, and await the death which will inevitably come from hunger or old age (if the foul creature remembers I am imprisoned here). The "deputies" who brought me hence informed me that the Little Person is a human being, as though their foul lies could lay a veil across the truth!Blast! My frustration with this useless tome of the foulest fiction is boundless! However, this book HAS allowed me to make a shiv using the spine with which I can defend myself from the madmen who are imprisoned with me. Ah! I must take leave of you. It is time for our crochet class!
Does not contain classic furniture This book was a total disappointment! I thought the book would actually contain classic country furniture plans. The plans included are obviously the author's version of classic country furniture, and definitely not my version of "classic" country furniture. The cover gives the wrong impression. Save your money!
Not much substance here A "pleasant" read, but very shallow. It started at a nice pace but felt rushed middle to end....and the "mystery" was easy to figure out at about the halfway point.
Tedious Bickering I don't have a problem with with occasional bad or outrageous behavior. It makes a story funny and interesting. But these books feature pages of tiresome, predictable, unimaginative bickering: between bully Max and classmate Chloe, between Freddy and his sister. I especially dislike the unidimensional characters: Bully, Rich Girl, Brain, etc. This book also had teasing about girlfriends and such - do we really need to get into that?
Gripping From the First Chapter! The day I received this book and started reading it I did not stop until I had finished all 300+ pages in one sitting. From the first pages, I was completely drawn into the mystery, deception, and heartbreak of this shockingly true story. I was amazed at the insanity of the situation and then touched by the victim's and her family's ability to overcome years of pain and suffering at the hands of someone whom they considered a close friend at one time.This book is a great read for people of all ages and life situations and may be especially helpful for parents who want to learn how to keep their children safe from predators. It would be an excellent read for teenage girls because it gives such an excellent illustration that not all people who show loving actions are good people acting in their best interest- a message hard to get across to young girls at that age.Lastly this book is a messenger of hope for victims of abuse and families of abuse victim's who may see themselves in these pages and know they are not alone and that all is not lost.I know many people who have read this book and every one has found themselves absolutely engrossed from the first chapter and glad they'd read it. It's a great selection for book clubs because you really have to talk about this book with people after you've read it. I very much recommend this book to other readers!
Makes Transition To Bind 8 Painless! Changing from a pre-8 version of BIND to version 8 of BIND is not as straightforward as previous upgrades have been. Then `named.boot' file is entirely different, among other changes. This book is great at identifying the required changes and assisting in making those changes.DNS and BIND clarifies all the mysteries associated with BIND (named) and DNS. Easy to read. Covers every detail from getting and installing the latest BIND, to configuration and troubleshooting. Has a great chapter on nslookup and another that gives detailed explanations of just about every BIND related error message. The only thing they left out is info on configuring syslog to manipulate in a usable manner the BIND generated messages.For some reason, DNS seems to be a mystery to so many sysadmins. If it were as simple as people often pretend it is (typical system admin person: "Oh, I already know everything about DNS that I need to know... so why read a book or take a course?"), then why do I see 15,000+ lame server messages and 250+ mail CNAME messages every month? These errors are only the result of DNS configuration errors!Very few sysadmin people REALLY know as much about BIND and DNS as they should. If you are a sysadmin person, do yourself a favor and buy and read this book. If you are an IT manager, check your system administrator's book shelf. If this book is missing, then buy it for them and make them read it! (You should read it first, then develop some test questions to see if they really did read it!)This BOOK MUST BE REQUIRED READING for EVERY system administrator on any type of system connected to the Internet. If everyone that administered an Internet site read this book, we could probably reduce the error traffic on the Internet by 50% or more!This book also should be the basis of a required one-quarter undergraduate CS course at all schools that teach CS, CE, IT, or equivalent.One of the best written of the O'Reilly books.Jon R. Kibler, Systems Architect, Advanced Systems Engineering Technology, Inc.
The most bloody wonderful story ever! Blantantly predictable, (I mean, you knew old Havisham was going to burn, didn't you?) Clunky plot, inevitable morality tale, and still the most bloody wonderful story ever! I would watch Great Expectations on the big screen, I'd watch the mini-series, I'd pay to see it live on Broadway - and none of that would compare with reading it again.
Our hero, Ebenezer Scrooge I agree with what Micheal Levin writes at a website called The Daily Objectivist, Scrooge was better at the beginning! He says: "You know the ritual: boo the curmudgeon initially encountered in Charles Dickens's A Christmas Carol, then cheer the sweetie pie he becomes in the end. It's too bad no one notices that the curmudgeon had a point-quite a few points, in fact. There can be no arguing with Dickens's wish to show the spiritual advantages of love. But there was no need to make the object of his lesson an entrepreneur whose ideas and practices benefit his employees, society at large, and himself. Must such a man expect no fairer a fate than to die scorned and alone? Bah, I say. Humbug." How could it be that an obscure website like The Daily Objectivist would have the most intelligent review of this book that I've ever seen?
a good start to the Tolkkien series The Hobbit on Kindle. it was good! I read it in a few days. You should really read it! Yay!
Good reading A quite touching love story set in ancient Mexico.. makes good reading..
Most Useful and Entertaining! A friend bought Rick Steves' Italian Phrase Book & Dictionary for me last summer before I embarked on my first trip abroad. My Italian speaking friend had actually lived in Italy for a few years, and after careful consideration, felt that this phrase book/guide would be useful for me. He was absolutely right.The book proved to be invaluable. It was compact enough that I could carry it around with me in a small purse/backpack that I carried with me throughout my entire trip. I did not speak any Italian whatsoever, and found the words and phrases in the book to be exactly what I needed to get around and communicate effectively. I especially appreciated the pronunciation guide to each Italian word in the book- that was extremely helpful. The practical advice given throughout the book proved to be invaluable, as well as humorous, and the menu decoder was also of particular help. I quickly got over any "qualms" I may have had over appearing too "touristy" on my trip and used the phrase book repeatedly as it proved to be a most definate asset. Thank you Rick Steves' for so accurately predicting the needs of the average beginning traveler. The book greatly enhanced a most wonderful traveling experience. In fact, I am still studying it in anticipation of my next trip to Italy.
Misleading title. Only 30 pages on topic. This books title is really misleading. Of the 266 pages of "content". The only pages that REALLY deal with tuning are pages 122-152. That's right...only 30 pages on topic.The first 87 pages are "background" on engine data/sensors and how ECU/sensors work. The last 90 pages are "project" cars write ups. The project pages are more about how to build an engine/system rather than how to TUNE aftermarket ECU's. The rest of the book is "filler" data on the specs/capabilities of the various aftermarket/grey market ECU's with the author giving no opinion, or experience as to which one works best for what application. The author even goes COMPLETELY off topic in attempting to teach you how to design/build/modify an intake manifold in 6 pages (few diagrams or illustrations). He also wastes 6 pages on engine swaps, without discussing the merits or techical details involved or even the legalities of such swaps. He does cover the legality of swaps/modification in another chapter, but doesn't clearly state what is, and what is not allowed by law. Only restates the law/text.For those REALLY interested in learning about engines, tuning, fabrication/modifcation, this is not the book. It's fluff. Which is guess is why it is $20, not $100+ like the real automotive texts.
The Beasts And Children My thoughts on the climax of the book are that I did not like the book's climax at all. The climax was when the six boys let the buffalo out of the pens. The characters were OK. The six main characters are Cotton the oldest child, Lally1 the oldest Lally brother, Lally2 the other Lally brother,Teft the only one that could drive, Shecker the fatest one , and Goodnow who who wets the bed. The setting of the story was OK. The story was set in Arizona. The flash backs are a major point in the story. There had to be about 70 of them in the whole book.If you are wondering the point of view is in 1st person point of view. Finally, symbolism,there was not a whole ton of symbolism in this story.
The Dragon & the Raven review I struggled to read this book. The story dragged enough that I lost interest, and did not finish it. There was no spark to keep one interested. I am avid reader and seldom have this issue. The story line felt like it was laborious. The characters, at times, felt bland.
His Way or No Way It seems Stuart MacKenzie wanted no woman who had been in charge of his little girl, but when Caroline came on the scene, now that was different. Now he wanted her, and he made up his mind he would have her. But she had to wait until he was ready.Now isn't that the way men are?From the back of the book: 'Was it love he sought-or another conquest? Stuart MacKenzie was the most beautiful man Caroline had ever seen. No wonder, when she took the job as governess of his little girl, she had been ordered not to try to make a play for him.Whenever he was near her, sparks of passion and magic flew between them. But she was determined not to fall under his spell.Then he kissed her...and her determination flew out the window.'
Too high priced for a paperback I've played EQ since day one and had planned to buy every piece of fiction written about the world of Norrath that brought the lore of the planet alive. I've rated this book a one solely on the basis of the publishers cheap marketing ploy to soak the Everquest community by charging us hardback prices for cheap paperbacks. $24 bucks list price for a paperback? Start taking the EQ communty seriously and give us the lore in hardback form as they did for The Rogue's Hour. I'll hang onto my money until you do.
Not worth it I listen to Dave Ramsey every day and read his books, I really think he's on the ball with his advice and helping people a lot. I can also understand why he advertises and endorses Dan Miller; Miller's heart is clearly in the right place and Im sure he's amazing as a one-on-one job counseler. But this book isn't anything special. I just got off the job hunt and I have to say that much of this advice can be found for free, on the internet, and is part of the whole college experience (which is about finding what you like to do and studying it in further detail). The book mainly says, "look and find out what you really want to do", "go find companies that do it", "let your enthusiasm show" and "negotiate shrewdly". Yes, this is all good advice, but its mostly common sense - you dont need to spend $20 to learn this advice.So, you know, maybe Im too young and optimistic, but I really dont see the point or need for a book like this. Dave Ramsey, yes absolutely - everyone should listen to him. But Miller and his book - no, unless you go directly to him for job counseling. This book is much too general and non-commital to be of much use.
VERY DISSAPOINTING I really like "serial" books about a central character that is carried from book to book. The problem here is that the central character is never fully developed. Neither are the supporting characters. Patterson's writing style is to write in the first person for the main character and third person for the other characters. This lets us look into the minds of his characters, but he never makes me feel I am really into the story. The main character is constantly touting his own good traits and just comes off as phony to me. I do like the way he has a good twist for the endings of his books. I have read two and just don't know if I can read any more.
Very disappointed!!! I must say that I felt Jade Island was the worst book I have ever read by Elizabeth Lowell. I have always loved her books!!! They were safe!!! When everyone else was going to what was "popular" she stayed with passion, intrigue, and lots of chemistry. That is no longer so. I felt Jade Island didn't have characters I liked. Kyle seemed weak and depended on his older brother way too much. I felt that Lianne was a sorry imitation of all the heroines of Elizabeth Lowell's past. I really didn't like any thing about her. And what is with today's authors making sex into some "it's no big deal thing"??? Isn't the genre of Romance supposed to be making a story about something amazing happening between two people? Kyle and Lianne were so commonplace about having sex it made my stomach turn. I have always loved the sparks that fly in an Lowell/Maxwell novel, but I must say that as much as I have loved her novels in the past, if the next one isn't better Elizabeth Lowell I will no longer be a novel I pick sight unseen.
Maybe a good book... ...but don't get it as an e-book if you plan to view this on an iTouch/iPhone. This book contains many tables that are completely unreadable on an iPhone or iTouch.
boring, slow going, poor writing style There are a lot of self published books that are far better written than this thing. Very slow going, the hero is presented as some sort of imbecile, the characters aren't engaging. Don't waste your time.
Where's the Jeff we knew? The story was merely okay, and I'd looked forward to reading about Jeff. But this was not the same guy from The Flame & The Flower. The author totally changed his personality. Also, I like depth and a decent plot, not books where the hero and heroine are constantly bickering and at battle with one another. That would make for a very unhappy life, living day to day like that. It leaves the reader dreading every scene where the characters converse.
classic storyI If you like Jules Verne novels and you can read French, you will enjoy this Amazon book. The French edition has a flavor not found in translation. I have read both versions and have seen the movie (more than once), I enjoyed reading the French version best. Much of the author's feelings get lost in translation.
Overwritten drivel I am amazed at the enthusiastic reviews this book has received. It is such a poorly written, poorly conceived story that I was actually laughing out loud as I read it...Could anybody really take either the story or the writing seriously? First, the sentences were baggy and run-on. There were lots (and lots) of adjectives and other verbiage that added nothing and clarified nothing. Then, the character development was not believable: a snitty little tattle-tale grows up to be Florence Nightengale. And even if she did, what would make me care? Does she have any thoughts, depth, emotions, life events that would make her interesting. I can't say because it is neither explicit nor implicit in the book, despite a profusion of unnecesary detail. Lastly, the story line -requiring too much suspended belief for my taste- is far too thin to support 300 odd pages. Where is all the hype and enthusiasm coming from?
Highly recommended for booklovers concerned about the "bookstore wars" Booklovers who wouldn't usually be inclined to read something about the bookselling industry will appreciate this detailed account of the business, particularly in light of the ongoing -- and often ruinous -- competition between independent bookstores, the mega-chains, the "big box" retailers and the online giants.
Good author, as usual Enjoyed the story--tear jerker, as usually. Author rarely disappoints!! Would recommend it to Jodi fans--hard to put down. Amon one of her best!!!
Anne Cashes In On an Old Reputation Simply put, if Anne Rice wasn't the author, this book would not have been published. It is plodding , wordy refuse, overflowing with sophomoric logic. The potential of finding the reason for the devil's fall and his dialogue with God holds much promise but this molasses ball levels out with Memnoch arguing absolutely any point poor,stupid old God, tries to make. It would take an omniscient, all-patient entity to 1) not immediately thunderbolt both Memnoch and Anne Rice's respective, annoying asses and 2) comprehend this twisted web of horseshit.Other than the foregoing, it's a must-read.
No plot, no magic--no nothin'! I am sick and tired of hearing about how liberating this book was for women. If that is truly the case, then I'm embarrassed. Do men have to be broken-down weaklings in order for us to prove our strength? Thank you, but I think I'll distance myself from the feminist frenzy surrounding this book.Or of course one can be accused of being too immature to understand the book's deep message. There is no way to misunderstand the book's deep message--it does nothing but ramble on and on about various deep messages and philosophical problems for 100+ pages. This would have been fine, if there had been a plot. But 'kitchen sink drama' makes this book sound too dramatic. Occasionally the 'bad guy' with the brown cap walks by, and he and Tenar get to stare at each other--that is the sole source of tension, and how paltry it is. Then, after pages and pages meandering and rambling in the kitchen, suddenly there is a slam-bang ending, and everything that DIDN'T happen in the earlier two hundred or so pages suddenly happens all at once in the last five, and is resolved neatly without any logic or even any suspense. It is simply resolved, so that Tenar could finally stop philosophizing and the book could end.Tenar is a nice strong woman, but set beside the drained and indignified shell of Ged and the dying Ogion, her strength looks like a cheap shot for feminism. Wouldn't it make sense that the ideal way to portray feminine strength would be to show how it can hold its own ALONG with masculine strength? To triumph over an already-dead body is a self-deceiving victory at best. Ged was a great character--ruining him to prove a point is a sorry waste.As for Earthsea itself, which used to sing in my veins with its magic--now it has been stripped of all semblance of itself, though the outer trappings remain. The magic is gone. Neither dragons nor wizardry can revive it, for in this book these devices are automatic, born of little inspiration. It is as if the fantasy elements are meant to coat the capsule of feminism so it'll go down more easily.I loved the trilogy, and this was lousy in comparison. Standing on its own, it is just as bad, unless it's required reading for a course in feminist literature. Even then it's pretty bad, having no structure whatsoever. The one extra star is for LeGuin's poetic prose, which is the only thing this book has retained from the trilogy.
One more thing to fix The cover of Michael Bellesiles' book includes the phrase "Winner of the Bancroft Prize." Now this, too, will need to be fixed in future editions (if anyone bothers to print them).On Friday, December 13, 2002, the Bancroft Prize committee announced that, for the first time in its history, it is stripping an award-winner of his award. The AP reports that the committee declared "Arming America" "does not meet the standards established" for the prize. On top of the ignominy (richly deserved), the committee wants Bellesiles to give them their $4,000 back.This should be the final proof -- if any more were necessary -- that this book isn't worth the effort required to carry it around, let alone read it. Take other reviewers' advice and read John Lott instead.
Can't Get Enough Griffin is a master at military fiction; especially because his fiction is based on historical facts. If you loved "Alias" on TV then pick up this series and learn about the early days of the CIA.
Tedious, dull and inexplicably overrated I fail to comprehend why this book has become such a 'classic'. I've never done so much skimming and speed-reading in my life. Am I missing something?
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book! This book was a joy to read. It was a very interesting portrayal of a quilter and a mother. It was refreshing to see that none of us are perfect, nor should we expect to be. I truly enjoyed meeting Clara and travelling with her through her mothering and quilting experiences.
If you want a chilling mystery look somewhere else The reviewers who wrote this off as a series of short stories without much plot missed the point. It was clearly never intended to be "Agatha Christie meets southern Africa." It is instead a lovely, thought-provoking story of a woman and her country, told by unpealing the layers (some humorous, some more weighty) of their lives, and revealing how they have both come through darkness to find quiet, justifiable happiness and dignity.I expected this to be a lightweight, mindless summer afternoon read. And true, it was a great choice for an idle summer day. But it was not mindless (or painless). The author, having been born in neighboring Zimbabwe, and taught at the University of Botswana, gives us enough glimpses into the history and culture of this little neighbor of South Africa, that I found myself online for the next week seeking more info on this uniquely stable and successful diamond-rich African democracy, wondering how they have managed to sustain peace and wide-spread prosperity surrounded as they are by countries ravaged by greed-driven violence. My sense is that this reaction on my part was not the least of the author's motives in writing this first of his series.
Breathing Underwater Breathing Underwater is an excellent book for teenagers. It lets the reader know all the wrong and right things that could happen in a relationship. It can also be a helpful guide when knowing and admitting that there is something not quite right.Nick is one of the fortunate individuals at Key Biscayne High School. He is smart, rich, popular, and has a beautiful girlfriend. Caitlyn thinks that Nick is everything she ever wanted in a guy. She goes from the "not so cool crowd" to the "cool" crowd all because of changes in her appearance. They are both really happy and they have everything that they ever wanted in a relationship. Suddenly, things change and Nick becomes physically and verbally abusive. Caitlyn finds herself forgiving him over and over again. Finally, she says enough is enough; Nick is devastated and he finds himself stuck with a restraing order. He forced to go to counseling, but still denys the fact that he has a problem. He also has to write a journal where he realizes that he isn't so perfect after all. He realizes things that he never saw about himself before...like how he had become his father.
The Lame Game: How to pick up licentious whores women these days! theyre like machines! you push the right buttons and they start operating (stripping)! firstly you gotta understand you dont need much to pick up hoes... i mean girls, in LA. all you have to do is say "i want a quickie!" and you'll have em by the dozen on all fours like a pack of hypnotised dogs.you gotta understand... cassanova (neil strauss) himself failed to seduce the woman he really wanted, that is the woman he loved... she ended up stealing his heart.by the way... i'm not a cynical nerd. i'm not a mysognist either.read this book as you would a narrative... which i must say is interesting, vulgar and funny.
THIS IS ONE OF THE BEST PIECES OF WRITING I HAVE EVER READ. The Outsiders is a book for everyone. "Why?" You are probablly asking yourself. Well it is about tome of tragedy, fun, struggles, and a lot of fights. It teaches a pperson a lot about life. There is one town and two gangs. "Socs" are rich, snobby, bad guys, and the "Greasers" don;t want any trouble. The Socs don't know when to stop picking on the Greasers. One day Ponyboy's (the narator) best friend, Johnny snapped and killed a Soc. From there the story is a wild goose chase, and keeps you on your seat to the very end. S. E. Hinton makes you want more and more at every turn.This realistic fiction is so real that you will have sympathy for the Greasers. this is one of S. E. Hinton greatest books, but these are a few more The Rumble Fish, Tex, That Was Then This is Now, and much more. If you want a comparision to another book it would be Grease, because of all the people, women problems, and cars. The Outsiders is one of the greatest pieces of writing i've ever read. It may be old but it will still have an impact and relate to your life.
We are awesome Overall I think this book was alright. The beginning was very boring and kind of confusing. It took a while to get used to the whole 'fog' thing but once I was acccustomed to it the reading became much easier. I think it was very interesting that one man, McMurphy, could crack the toughest person in the ward, Nurse Ratched. I really liked the turn around the men made throughtout the book. They were very helpless in the beginning but once McMurphy showed up, he gave them the courage to stand up for themselves. Bromden made the biggest improvement. Most of the men in the novel had a 'weakness' for overpowering women. I also don't think the fact that the author was on drugs when he wrote the book helped him at all.
Good alone - Best in accompanying the DVDs I thought this book would be looked at once then stored, but it seems to be a good addition to a baseball fanatics collection.
My first dark craving i have to confess this was the first book to whet forever my craving for darkness. it seems so light and brainy after years; but then i can go back and read again and again, now it only takes an hour or two, and each read it pulls me back into that original mood like giant vultures' wings slowly flapping over me. heathcliff is of course the most truthful embodiment of a woman's fantasy. emily dug far down, long before evolution was the buzz word, when all we knew was that adam and eve fell, and emily knew the coldness of life's force. my professors, one of these i'm thinking of male, the other female, dismissed my theory as misreading of a revolutionily defiant woman. how can they be so far from their own guts? the worse was the male professor, a diehard wimp-roaster who was jealous of heathcliff's hardness and fevered coldness. even my deep love kate bush missed the mood with her whininess of "heathcliff it's me Cathy i'm coming home now"--so much sentimentality! emily goes further into any heart of darkness that light and cheery old joseph ever could dare. even though this masterpiece has seemed airier and brighter now i've dipped further, in other works, it is so strong it can still trick me back into its spell.
A book of human being!! I read "Howard End" about a month ago. I chose this book because of its attactive and classic cover which is out standing. I quite like it because the author had shown the real representation of British society that classified to upper, middle and lower class society. It has specific manner and life style which is absolutely different in each of the classes. The viewpoint of this book is to sympathize the poor, keep a promise, good deed procreate good returns and bad deed also procreate bad returns, which I have learnt so much from this book.
A must read for all Network Marketers Excellent and practical information for those doing network marketing, especially those new to network marketing. Very simple to understand and even simpler to explain to others.
Read Ellis Peters Instead Any of the Ellis Peters Cadfael books delivers better writing, a more interesting storyline, more likeable characters and some kind of resolution. A Trust Betrayed has many elements of a good mystery, but some seem to have been thrown in to provide some kind of explanation for something else. Perhaps something is resolved in book two, but I won't be reading it. The one Owen Archer book I read was better than this, but not by much. Was looking for a good series to read, unfortunately this was not it.
Much more than a mystery thriller As an English church bell ringer I was intrigued to find a mystery which revolved around my hobby. I was also apprehensive that the book would prove to be only a shallow misinterpreted representation of a very complex subject.What I found was an absorbing novel which captures not only the aesthetics but also the politics, mathematics and passions involved. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and know of numerous others, who are passionate about English style ringing methods and principles, who have also found it a most enjoyable novel.
Reading This book appeared to be an interesting read. i was disappointed after I read the first chapter. Not as good as it appears.
too long to ship I needed this book for a class discussion in about 3 weeks, they said I woould get it in about a week, it actually took 2 weeks to get it and by then I went ahead and bought it somewhere else.