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2 classes
Great Product This is the best earpiece I've used so far. The sound quality on my end is great and I've had no complaints from people on the receiving end. My only negative observation is that the device is heavy and after an extended period, especially when worn with eyeglasses,can be uncomfortable.
great until the dog ate it It worked great. Good reception. People heard me plainly. Was extremely comfortable. Worked with my LG phone. Then the dog ate it.
Good sound, poor mechanics I have had the Jawbone for about six months. The sound quality is very good and I have not had trouble with disconnects or with the charger. The mechanics are not so hot. The switch placement is so poor that I just don't use it to answer the phone or hang up. The ear hooks are also very poorly designed. I have broken two of them so far. The lack of ambidextrous capability is a problem. You have to carry two hooks and swap them out to switch ears.
Like an original I bought two of them. These batteries work as the OEM in my Sony Ericsson W600i. Excellent price, good product, fast delivery.
Do Not Purchase For Use With Your Car's Handsfree I purchased this phone for use in my 2006 Acura TL and its Bluetooth handsfree system. Unfortunatly, the phone is "Quirky" as the customer support person said. I say it does not work.The Sony represenative I talked with said the phone does not work well with Acura, BMW, Jeep, or Audi handsfree systems. In my car that meens it works fine for incoming calls using the hands free system - but it is unable to call out. All in all a major disapointment. I would avoid this phone if you would like to use it in this way.
Does what it promises All these people complaining about the phone are clowns. The following are the reasons why.They are expecting something that the phone does not promise. They want a blackberry device, but purchase this instead? Where is the logic in that?Also, it should be noted that this is a Smartphone, not a PocketPC. However, people are constantly complaining that their PocketPC applications will not install. Of course they will not install! They are not the same thing! Thats like someone complaining that their DVD player wont play their VHS tapes.I also see people complaining that their device freezes, or locks up. My device did that also. Then, I called verizon wireless, and the tech reps were very helpful. They made a phone call to the local verizon store, and told them to replace my phone with a brand new one. The new one i recieved worked like a charm, and never once froze. Unfortunately, my phone was stolen from me a week ago, but I love this device so much, accompanied with Verizon's service, that i actually bought another Moto Q.It is true, the battery life is short if you push the tool to its limits, there is no denying that. However, what exactly do you expect? This is a cell phone and you're browsing the internet, reading E-Mail, Chatting on MSN Mesenger, taking photos, video clips, listening to MP3's, Watching movies or shows on Windows Media Player, and maybe even playing games. The fact that this little device can do all that on a small battery is pretty impressive. All the nay-sayers are just expecting something that no phone can deliver to this date.Lastly, Motorola has just released a firmware update for the Q giving the device improved bluetooth support, SMS-to-Email functionality, and Dial-Up-Networking, just to name a few.I almost forgot. "B. Lim" complains that the phone no longer fits in the holster with the extended battery. This made me literally laugh out loud. His Moto Q is not fitting in the holster, because the screen-side goes into the holster, not to be confused with the camera-side.
defective treo 600 phone - a common problem??? I had the following problem. The sound starts getting bad after less than a month of use and then sound drops out totally from internal ear speaker. According to the wireless store, this is a common problem. I wish I had done an internet search before buying the phone.Customer service from Palm is slow and very difficult to get. They insist on providing me with a refurbished phone, even though mine is only a little more than a month old. ATT says they are not responsible after 1 month.The palm software, as expected, works great . But we need the phone to work too.
Motorrola H300 Bluetoth Headset This item could be alot better than what it is made out to be. I've had this headset for now over a week, and I've had people whom I was talking to, tell me that they had a hard time hearing and understanding me. I'm not happy with this item at all, and plan on looking for something else.
Works great, but is flawed I am on my second headset now. I got over a year out of the first one, which died after the charging connections broke. I ordered a second one to replace the first, and within a couple of months it is leaking battery acid. Now the headset will no longer charge. It's a decent product for the money, it works well, but the charging connection is junk. It may last a year, it may last a month.
terrible battery -- don't buy it! My husband and I have two Motorola Razr V3s, and we needed new batteries. These batteries have never held a charge since we got them. They were a total waste of money. It's almost like not having a battery at all. If I charge the phone, and then get a call, my phone is beeping "low battery" within 10 minutes. Terrible. I am now ordering the same batteries from another seller, and I will never order anything else from this seller.
Best Item Ever This is the best item we have ever purchased. I am able to use my cell phone while camping in the wilderness or at the farm where no cell service is available. With older parents, this is so important. Thank you so much Wilson for this item. It is very reliable and dependable. Since buying ours, several of our friends have also purchased one. Would highly recommend this item to anyone.
When it seems too good to be true... it usually is... When someone tries to sell you a replacement battery for a fraction the price of what legitimate retailers charge for a new battery, you know something's going on. In my case, I bought one of these replacement batteries for a BlackBerry Pearl and it was useless. It held less of a charge than the battery I was replacing. I suspect these guys are selling used, worn-out batteries that other people have turned in for recycling, and selling them to hapless Amazon customers. Beware!
Old but relieable I needed an other phone and had these 2 old Motorola Razors, the batteries were dead, could not find charger. Gpot original Motorola Parts and the phones are back in service.
Junk I bought one of these mainly because it was the only holster offered that doesn't also need a case - I didn't want something too bulky. Sure it was $10 and fits what I wanted but what a piece of junk. I broke it within 4 months of use. I am very good to my phones and devices/cases and this thing simply wore out due to use. It's major failing point is the 2 plastic nubs that hold the "spring" in place for the clip to stay closed. The nubs break off leaving the holster worthless.In saying that, the case holster is built very cheaply (hence the price) but also the clip that holds the phone in is terrible as it doesn't close over the phone all the way so it is not as secure as it should be while in the holster.I would seriously recommend buying something else as a holster for your phone than this piece of junk. Gone through 2 of them now, should have just bought something else to begin with...
Battery is very bad.. My battery discharges in under a day with less than 30 mins of talking. I changed 2 batteries, but still the same problem.
Perfect headset Work perfectly as a wireless headset with my laptop and the audio is good. The range is suprisingly wide.
All good - As advertised All good - As advertised. It's a cell phone battery. As online cell phone battery purchases go, it's absolutely peachy keen!
Good value for the price Had no problem with set-up. Had to make sure directions were followed exactly, though. Good deal for the money.
ugggh well i had a hard time figuring out how to work it. but finally i got it. DO NOT PLUG IT IN. just put the cd in and let it run. and then plug the phone in when it says...the other problem is that i got MPT up and it connected. so i click the ringtones and made my own. when i clicked transfer to phone it says that it wasnt connected..so i have no idea. what the hell is wrong.if ne1 could help me plz do. lol i have tried the other usb ports. but nothing:\oh n i was wondering if transfering the songs n stuff cost?oh btw i have sprint, MOTORAZR V3m
Cheap Battery, Cheap Performance After two weeks of use, the battery will not hold a charge for more than about 3 hours without using it. Directly after removing from the charger, a 20 minute phone call is all it is good for. If your income is as limited as mine, don't waste good money on this cheap knock-off.
Great Sound, Lousy Construction I am pleased with the sound quality of the device. Volume level is adequate even when on noisy roads and people on the other end have actually remarked positively about the level of quality. I only wish the Jawbone engineers had stopped tinkering when they perfected the audio quality and not designed a fit system so complicated and brittle that it impairs my ability to actually use the device.The ear loop has about the consistency (and strength) of a paper clip. The result is something so flimsy that Jawbone Inc. considers earloops to be a consumable. After receiving the Jawbone as a gift this holiday season I was unable to use it as all of the included earloops snapped off within the first day of use. Needless to say I didn't start using the product until about February after waiting for customer service to send me replacements. Any future earloops, they tell me, will have to be purchased for $2.50 each!The sound is great but like others on here the fit leaves something to be desired. This after trying the infinite combinations of earloops and earbuds the unit comes with. Turning my head quickly often requires a readjustment even with the tightest fitting earloop. I realize that all ears are different but I've had cheap headsets that fit great because the engineers did not try to over-engineer the fit process.I am sure there are other great sounding bluetooth devices in this price range that are better constructed and will provide less aggravation. It's for that reason I can't recommend this product since its construction makes it completely unreliable.
Not for a stock 97 F150 I tried multiple times to get this thing going, but it was no use. It plays for about two seconds, switches "sides," and plays for about two more seconds, and then gets spit out of the radio. Honestly, though, I have no idea whether it is just the radio, or the adapter, as I have not tried to get it to work in anything else. But, like the title says, it is NOT for a '97 F150.
Cell Phone Battery Purchase Review I bought this battery through Amazon.com and am pleased with the product and the bargain I got on this purchase.Thanks
Works as it should no surprises. Does it's job and works like an OEM charger which it is labeled as. Basttery chargers are just not THAT exciting now are they?
Pretty slick... I bought this Motorola headset when I picked up a new Treo 650 at Verizon Wireless. Unlike some others, I haven't experienced any volume issues when using it with my Treo, although my mother said it sounded like I was "on the radio" - I suspect she meant there was an echo effect since I had to crank the volume to max (she talks very softly) and the mic was picking up the sound from the speaker. I noticed many are complaining it doesn't work well in a noisy environment - well, guess what, folks? NO HEADSET works well in a noisy environment, wireless or otherwise (seriously, people, it's still a basic microphone & speaker, not some new technological miracle that's going to let you quietly chat with others while rocketing down the freeway on a Harley). Construction seems sturdy and it is extremely lightweight & comfortable for me. Be sure to read the manual if you are having trouble setting it up, the included "quick start guide" applies ONLY to Motorola phones.
Jawbone This is my third jawbone. The first was chewed up by the dog and the second my son has obtained... I can't give the product enough praise. I went as far as to mow my grass and still talk, my husband didn't know I was mowing the grass. This product is AWESOME!!!!!!
Okay headset. This was an okay headset, during my days of wanting a BT headset. It's a bit bulky compared the other higher end ones, but does the job. Mine eventually died out because I sweat a lot, and I think something shorted internally. I used it 2+ years, though. Most small electronics does not even last 1+ years.
A piece of garbage. My last charger broke for my Kyocera Strobe. So when I ordered a new battery I got a new charger as well. It hardly lasted me a month before both wires inside the charger piece broke clear off. I had to jimmy rig it to make it work, which included stripping off the plastic to expose the copper wires so I could get a connection back to the piece that gets inserted into the phone. What a bloody headache!
Poor service After I received the cable and plugged it into my computer, I noticed it didn't charge my phone at the same time. I emailed the company to ask if there was something wrong and the response was "it not supposed to". That was it...no suggestions about what I could do, not even a sorry for the inconvenience. Some of the WORST customer service I've seen in a long time.
Awful belt clip, extremely bulky I had high hopes for this case. I was searching and searching for one that had an attached belt clip so I could use my player at the gym. I believed all these great reviews and decided to fork up the $25 for a case (the player cost me $50 - seem odd to anyone else that the case is half the price of the player?)...and I hated it.The case is HUGE. And HEAVY. If you really, REALLY need a case with extreme amounts of protection, then I suppose this case is for you. The only reason a case like this would be needed is if you were planning to run over your Sansa with your car. If you use it like most other people do, it's totally unnecessary. The silicone is so thick and heavy that it makes it hard to carry.So instead of carrying it, why not use the belt clip? Seems logical...but you'd be wrong. It's got a DETACHABLE belt clip, which means that it comes off randomly and easily. It swivels 360 degrees and has no click-locking mechanism, so it just swings around on your hip. And I tried to turn it so I could see what song was playing and the whole thing came right off. I put it back on, gently tugged it, and off it came again. There is absolutely nothing from keeping this player connected to your belt, so don't get this case for that purpose.Included in this case is a removable thick clear plastic piece that is supposed to cover and protect your screen while in the case. It scratched my screen after one use, which is when I decided to return the whole thing. There is nothing about this case I can recommend, which is unfortunate because the Sansa is great. But alas, in an iPod world, we iPod haters have very few options.
Terrific battery It was great to find a battery which is not widely available. It is terrific and extends the life of my phone.
Love this product I highly recommend this speakerphone. The speaker is very clear...sounds like the person is sitting next to you. It's really easy to use so you don't have to take your eyes off the road for long. Simply push the green button to answer an incoming call and push the red button to end the call. I'm not a gadget lover so this fits my needs perfectly!
not the actual charger... this is a micro usb charger and this phone doesn't charge thru the usb... will return this product asap!! not happy with this!
Chocolate -- Sexy design doesn't overcome usability flaws While the styling of the Chocolate phone is a compelling selling point, a slighty closer look may be useful to you."Flip-phones" (those that fold in half at the middle) are a flattened V-shape when in use, touching you only at the ear and chin while on a call. "Candy-bar phones", like the Chocolate, lay on your face while on a call.The Chocolate phone introduces "touch-sensitive" buttons (i.e., like a touch-dimmer light switch). I found it difficult to press the touch-sensitive keys only once. Leave your finger on the key a fraction of a second too long and it thinks you've pressed it twice (or more). I found the navigaton buttons (up, down, left right) to be very jumpy (regardless of the sensitivity setting). They are arranged in a circle, seemingly like an iPod, but work nothing like it. They are just four discrete buttons, you can't roll your finger around the circle to "scroll" through a list.These buttons are located on the portion of the phone that will likely touch your face while on a call. Letting it touch your face during a call would have the same effect pressing those buttons with your fingers, were it not for the fact that those buttons are disabled after you answer a call. Clearly, LG realized touch-sensitve buttons near your face would be a problem for many. Does locking out these keys solve the problem? It solves one problem (one they arguably created) and creates another.To "flash over" to an incoming second call on other LG phones, you press the "send" key (with the same hand if you're good), barely moving it off your face. But on the Chocolate, you'd have to press one of the touch-sensitive buttons -- but they are disabled while in a call, remember? You have to unlock the keyboard by pressing a button on the side of the phone, and then press the now-enabled touch-sensitive button quickly or the keyboard lock is re-enabled (you have about 3 seconds, but seems shorter -- this may be configurable but I don't know).Chocolate looks nice, but is quite cumersome, but not totally unusable (or I would have rated it a 1 star). YMMV. I opted for an LG VX8300 instead. It does most everything the Chocolate does (that I care about, Bluetooth, MP3s, contacts, etc.) and is less expensive.One more note about Verizon that they don't really tell you: they've barely allowed you to put your own music on the phone (it's cumbersome to access once it is there), but very easy to spend $1.99 per song to buy music and videos from Verizon. So don't be fooled, this is not an iPod replacement by any stretch of the imagination. This is a tool to drive sales of their music store. I mostly agree with Walter Mossberg of the Wall Street Journal about this phone.WARNING about the E-911 FCC laws: if you are going to "try out" a new phone by activating your existing number onto the new phone, be sure your existing phone is E-911 capable. If it is not, the FCC will not allow the cellular carrier to *ever* reactivate your phone. Even if you were just "trying out a new phone" for a few days. Even if the carrier "forgot" to tell you about the law. Even if you have a 1 hour conversation with a supervisor. All your batteries, chargers, car kits, etc. will become instantly useless. Caveat Emptor.
Poor quality Everyone I talk to says they cant hear me or they cant understand me. Only reason I bought this is because my other plantronics earpieces have been great. I like the style but the quality is not good. I have a co-worker with the same device and he took his back to best buy for refund for the same reasons.
Great item I will have to admit, this is my first headset to own and use. I researched a lot to find a headset that would be comfortable on my ear and have quality audio on both sides of the conversation. The Voyager 510 has all of this. It is however larger than most, if not all of the bluetooth headsets out on the current market. So if you don't mind a little larger headset, this is a great buy. It has great battery life and has a large radius to reach your bluetooth device. It currently works seamlessly with both my computer and Razer cell phone. To keep it protected, I got an old Altoids metal box, padded the inside, and I keep my headset in there when I am mobile.
very good Was really looking for active noise cancelling bt headphones but bought these hoping for the best. I am a farmer and wear headphones to listen to audio books while on tractor or combine. Old set of noise cancelling wired headphones allowed me to hear combine buzzer alerts as I was listening, but once you've had wireless, you can't go back. These work very well at noise cancelling cause they fit comfortably over the whole ear. Ear warmth is a problem, but you get used to it. Pairing was easy and they connect effortlessly to my droid phone. Only complaint is the small buttons and wife can't hear me very well in combine which is a noisy environment. All in all well made and sound very good. This is my 2'nd pair of bt and they are much better than the motorola s805.
I Love This Case! I have had this case for my Treo 650 for about 1 year and it's great! It allows you to reach the keys, but protects the display from scratches and/or breakage. When you need to get to the display, the protective cover lifts for access. I can't even tell you how many people have stopped me and asked about this case when they see me lift the cover.If you need a cover for your Treo 650, try this one. I think you'll like it!
Can't get it to work I bought this and ran the setup file only to find that the drivers and other files are meant for xp. I have vista so this is no good. I don't have any experience with phone data cables so I cannot figure this out. It would be nice if they included instructions! I get the feeling I just wasted $5...this is not an official nokia cable and I saw posts on a forum about people saying you need different drivers in order for it to work. The links to said drivers had been posted 5 years ago and are now dead. It may be that my 6800 is locked, I'm not sure how to tell if it is or not. Perhaps I should try backing up my contacts with a different phone/cable. Ah well, live and learn...
Great charger Very stylish and convenient little item. . Charges my Motorola KRZR K1m as well as my Motorola Bluetooth (as an added bonus it even charges my MP3 player). Verizon could'nt touch this price.
where is the beef? The phone WOULD be the ideal dream... ideal if it worked. I get horrid reception and phone cuts off half way through calls... and forget it working indoors anywhere! If that wasn't all.. the camera takes weak pics and the flash is of no use. I have tried to manually operate the camera for what the automatic selection lacks... either way i get pics that are too white or way too fuzzy. I've decided to return it for a cheaper model with less problems...
the best this headset is the best. it's lightweight enough to not even notice it. the sound is great. HOWEVER, do not try using it with a treo 680. you'll regret it. but with an iPhone - stellar.
fragile equipment at first i was in love with this headset.it was a great headset, the one thing i hated about it is how it just pops into your ear like the earbud headphones. like the head phones those things never stay in. they will stay in if you aren't doing anything too active. but try to move your head while its in and it'll drop out of your ear. mine dropped and after that it never worked the same again. the sound quality for receive and transmit has been severely degraded and therefore i can't use it anymore or return it due to the amazon return policy.if you buy it i recomment that you just use it if you are going to be stationary i.e, driving, sitting around.
The smallest high quality headset The WEP200 is a great bt headset, not only is the smallest headset around and has great clarity as well. I have tested and tried my WEP200 on the MDA, DASH, and Samsung slider phones and this device worked beautifully. I thought it would be difficult to use because of it's size and boy was I surprised. Easy to use, small and very functional as well as no problems with pairiing with any of the phones mentioned above.This device is well worth the money!!!!!! buy and see for yourself
as advertised Perfectly compatible with my 8820. It's even got icons on the mute and power buttons. Hard to beat the price and quality.It does tend to slip open partially during removal from pockets, but it's not a deal breaker for me.
Worked well for my Seagate hard drive fix This wire worked well for fixing my Seagate 7200.11 hard drive that was stuck in the BSY state. However, it did not come with driver software. I searched for days to find the right driver software for this and finally found it on the following web page: [...]I hope that this saves some people the frustration that I had in finding the correct driver. The name of the file is PL2303_Prolific_GPS_AllInOne_1013.exe and the web page mentioned above has that file inside of a .zip file named "win drivers.zip"The wire is a Prolific product made in China. The sticker on the USB end says For NOK CA-42 MADE IN CHINA. The drivers found on the Nokia site did not work.Full instructions for my hard drive fix were found on [...]Similar instructions can be found at [...]However, that web page describes the fix using a different wire.Sorry in advance for the profanity in that video (not very professional). However, the instructions worked well. Also, having a hard time finding the ends to crimp to the wires? I pulled them off of old internal pc speakers. Final tip: Don't forget to update the firmware on your hard drive after you are finished fixing the BSY state so it doesn't happen again. Go to the Seagate website for the correct firmware.
Rated it 1 because there is no 0 stars option This is a LOUSY phone. I have had it for 3 months now and it has given me so many problems and caused me so much inconvenience that I cannot even list all of them here. Here's a list of some of the problems I have had with it, apart from the fact that it has a bad UI....1. The phone has frozen on me about 6 times so far. I have to remove the battery, wait for 30 seconds and insert it again to reset the phone.2. Most of the times I make a call I get a lot of static noise and the line goes blank.3. In the past week or so, the battery has been draining out completely everyday (Remember the phone is only 3 months old)4. Each time the battery drains out and the phone shuts off, all my ringer settings etc gets reset to the default ringer tone, volume etc.I have already asked Cingular to replace my phone. Unfortunately they r going to send me another Razr, I would have preferred a different model; less cooler, but one that works. My previous phone, which was a black & white screen basic old phone (Samsung), was far more reliable than this one. Just today I overheard somebody's conversation about wanting to buy a Razr and I discouraged her from doing so. I am happy about it :-)
Nokia 770, n800 and n810 & the iGo Stowaway The first impression of the iGo Stowaway was "WOW".Bought on sale, the quality of this little critter jumps right out at you.It is somewhat puzzling to open as well as to close (until you look at the pics in the directions).A couple keys were sticking but some gentle tapping was all they needed to jump back into position.The Keyboard was bought to accompany one of our Nokia Internet Tablets, an N800.The folks at iGo are fairly quick to tell you that "We do not claim compatibility with this device" and do not recommend the use of their keyboard with the devices but once you get the critters paired, enough of the basic key functions work and the task of "keyboarding" on the n800 becomes much easier.The biggest annoyance is the fact that the devices need to be paired (and paired again) prior to each use; they do not retain the setup info.While not 100% compatible it does make basic keyboarding on the Nokia 770 & n800 a much easier task.I would recommend the iGo Bluetooth Keyboards to anyone needing such an item.
Verizon's "broad"band extremly slow I've own a Verizon data card for over a year now and the connection speed is becoming extremely slow. I tested everywhere including in house, on the road, airport etc. The avg download is about 400K and upload 140K. These are significantly slower than what I was promised at the store and the results of my tests when I first bought it (800K/400K).I called Verizon. The tech support guy was very rude and basically said this speed is normal and "broadband". He also tried to come up with excuses such as you are indoor although he had to agree that my signal strength was good. He also said as long as you could connect, you couldn't argue because there was no promise of the speed on the contract. (So basically even if your speed was 1K, they wouldn't see a problem with it.)My conclusion, I will never use Verizon again.
OMG! Wow...... i ordered the red casing, and when I got it, I just laughed... The material is really sad, breaks easily, and its not at all attractive to look at when you put it on your phone... i regret buying it.... lesson learned
junk I bought two of these. The first one broke the second time I used it. The phone was in my shirt pocket while I was riding the lawn mower. Not much abuse there. The second one causes my phone to repeatedly try to make a voice call when only ear buds are plugged in. It is not usable. Find a different vendor.
Did not receive but charged I was sent by Osprey Talon the wrong items and I returned as requested but have not received correct item or refund. Luis Cuesta
Advantages are obvious, but ... The advantages to the RAZR are obvious: small and attractive. I have found it's also quite durable; it's been in a pocket with no cover, and has sustained only minimal scratches. After 5 months of usage, it's almost as pretty as it was when I removed it from the box.From an interface and software standpoint, the RAZR has been a difficult phone to use. I've had several problems with the camera. I had to return my first one because the software had failed to allow image browsing. This failure occurred within the first month.My current phone has worked well until about a month ago, when the camera essentially stopped working. It takes pictures, but the pictures are all garbled and unusable. I don't really use my phone as a camera, so this doesn't affect me too much, but I'd have preferred not to pay for a camera that doesn't work.Overall, the interface is poorly designed and implemented. The keypad and navigation buttons are difficult to isolate when pressing buttons, and it is easy to press the wrong one. Since the buttons don't depress much, it can be difficult to know if you've pressed a button or not. This problem is compounded by the fact that the display often lags behind the keystrokes by a noticable amount. I would have much preferred they dedicate less effort to the lackluster media features (such as video and a low resolution camera) and more to an interface with better responsiveness. It is inexcusable for a state of the art phone to be less usable than one from years ago.I should note that these complaints are from a RAZR purchased new in June. The issues I addressed may have been resolved since then. If they have not, I can only recommend the RAZR if size is a primary consideration.
Cheap and... cheap It might be worth the risk for you since it's so cheap, but don't buy it expecting it to work.Problems:It came factory sealed and broken... the sticky mounting arm bracket had been shoved through it's clips as if it had had something very heavy dropped on it. This also speaks to the cheapness of the plastic.The vent mount (which is why I bought it and soldiered on) doesn't comfortably fit any car I've tried it in. It can technically be mounted in my GF's car, but not with the support brace so it would be wobbly.It barely holds an iPhone 4 with no case, you have to clamp it down hard, and if you angle it just right could probably plug in a charging cable (if you need one). But it does technically hold it well enough. You will have to release the clamp (spring loaded button) and re-clamp it (just squeeze) every time you use it.It does NOT hold a 3GS or a first gen at all. The bottom brace is too small and the curved designs on those models make them just slide off.It does NOT fit a 3GS with a case on it. My GF uses a very thin back shell and at maximum width it can be crammed in but just barely, and again, because of the curved phone design the base is too small and it still falls out.Basically if you get one that's not broken and have an un-cased iPhone 4, and plan to mount it with the arm it might work, and it's cheap enough you might want to try. If you want the vent mount don't expect it to fit. If you have an iPhone other than a 4, or use a thick case on a 4, don't expect it to fit. It's very cheaply made from brittle plastic (that you have to stress to set up...) so really keep your expectations in check.
works great I bought this for my sister so she could do more hands free driving and talking. Connected real easy and works great. I prefer the folding mic on my ear piece but she likes her pink one.
w810i Audio Hiss Warning Sony Ericsson has a really great product here. It has everything I wanted. However, there is a well-documented hissing problem with the audio on the Walkman application that I din't discover until I got the phone. This is utterly *ridiculous* for a phone branded with the Walkman label. What's worse Sony Ericsson appears to acknowledge in support requests that there is a problem, yet will not fix it because the hissing was introduced when they fixed (via a firmware update) a sonic distortion problem when volume is cranked up.So, everyone who listens at a normal volume level is out of luck while people who are piercing their ear drums at least do it in crystal-clear audio. Nice. This is a firmware issue that SE refuses to fix, at least for now.SE had a real chance hear to create a killer product. It does a lot of thing really well. Just don't expect it to replace your ipod. Wait for the Apple cell phone. Apply appears to actually take audio seriously, unlike Sony Ericsson.
Doesn't work at all Maybe I was sent a defective one, but this charger did not work at all.
Handy for charging nearly anything that charges via USB This device is well-designed and works well. It's small enough to keep in the glove compartment or other storage area in your car. It fits snuggly into the power outlet on my dash and doesn't come loose while the vehicle is in motion.I've found that this device delivers enough power to charge multiple devices that I own -- my phone, a PDA, and several different types of music players. One thing to keep in mind is that not all devices have a USB cord that delivers power for charging. However, it's important to note that this device can charge devices other than iPod Shuffles, as long as the power requirements are not too high. Given that USB is a low-power connection, it should work with many devices.As with all things "iPod", this device is white, which becomes a bright eyesore on the car's dashboard. I would have preferred something black, but color is not an option.
cracked hinges on 2 phones the hinge on this phone is faulty. any type of normal use can easily crack the hinge and of course the manufacturer blames it on usage. i have had wireless phones for 10 years and have never damaged one, two hinges in 3 months gave out on me with this horrible hinge design.
Original stereo BT headset This is my first Bluetooth stereo headset. It came with such high hopes. The sound quality was great, but the annoying item upon the back of the neck became too burdensome.I have since upgraded to a new one & relegated this to the junk drawer.
DO NOT BUY THIS PHONE getting this phone was the biggest mistake ever. I have only had it 6 months and have had to get it replaced FOUR TIMES! none of the new ones have ever quite worked properly. its always one thing after another. and I'm stuck with the thing for another year!! X(
Bulky but nice It is nice phone but it is bulky and outdate. If you want camera opt for another phone.
This headset is a dream come true for Cingular 8125 owners I've read the numerous complaints about low volume on this headset, and I didn't believe it when someone told me it partially depends on the cell phone you're using..but it's true. With my MPx220, and my Blackberry, this headset is too quiet for environments like a car on the highway, due to too much road noise. But I just bought the Cingular 8125 this weekend, and the HS850 works great with it.First off, the volume is great. I can hear people a lot better, and they all claim I sound nice and clear to them. Zero issues. I haven't tested how far I can get from my cell phone, but that's not too important to me. The unit works great with the 8125. I can start calls from the headset, end calls, etc., pretty much everything the HS850 manual states.Here's the big bonus for 8125 owners: if you buy Microsoft Voice Command 1.5, and apply a registry hack to your 8125 (you'll have to Google for it), you can make it so you can simply press the button on your HS850 and say "call John Doe" or "dial 800-555-5555" and it does voice recognition WITHOUT any training. You don't even need to LOOK at your 8125.Anyway, I don't want to get off on a tangent on how great the 8125 is. But the 8125 paired with the HS850 is a perfect match. I highly recommend this headset, as long as the cell phone you're using has a high volume output to Bluetooth headsets. Otherwise, you will have a hard time hearing in certain environments.
Works Great, easy to use My first bluetooth and it was easy to install and works as advertised. I bought two of them, one for me and one for my girlfriend, and they both work great.
HS820 Bluetooth Headset This is the best headset I have ever owned. It is thinner than most headsets. The ear piece fits snuggly around my ear. You don't even know it is on your ear. I can hear very clearly with this ear piece. It was easy to set up and pair with my V3 razr phone. I would buy this again. Recommend Highly. Fast shipping! Excellent. DJV
BUYER BEWARE - Be Very Aware! I will keep this review brief because every other review points out all of the very good, and very valid features of the 2125. In fact, I agree with just about every positive comment ever made - this is the best phone I have ever owned. EXCEPT FOR ONE VERY MAJOR DESIGN FLAW: When the keys are locked, two buttons remain active on the phone: The ANSWER key and the IGNORE key. These are the two soft buttons just under the screen. The problem is that these are the two highest buttons on the phone. So when a call comes in and the phone is in your pocket or in the included case, you inevitably end up pushing one of these two buttons in the process of trying to get it out of your pocket or out of the case. That means that the phone is not really locked at all! In fact, you almost always end up answering a call before you can even see who is calling. I have even unknowingly answered calls while the phone was still in its case! This translates into people hearing your private conversations without you even knowing that they are on the line.I know that most people will read this and say "he must be missing something." But, believe me, I am VERY tech saavy and this is a very well-known problem featured on many user forums for this phone - including those on Cingular's own website! Now, here's the rub: the problem is not something you'll notice in the first few days of owning the phone, which is why so many reviewers miss it. Second, and more importantly, Cingular, although they know about the problem, will do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING To make it right. Trust me, after 30 days, you'll be stuck with this phone, or be forced to pay full price for a different one. It's nothing short of criminal.Another somewhat less disabling feature of this phone, but equally annoying, is that it does not automatically adjust to different time zones. So you have to manually adjust the time zone yourself when you change from city to city. For business travelers, like myself, this is a HUGE inconvenience. Again, with no fix.It's a real shame because virtually everything else about this phone is flawless. And this would be so easy to fix. But our ever-so-arrogant wireless carriers just don't seem to care. And that's just too bad.Bottom Line: DON'T BUY THIS PHONE. I guarantee you will only end up frustrated, ripped-off, and forced into buying a phone that is actually usable.
A bit disappointing I was excited to finally get an ear piece that would allow me to be hands free. I choose this item because of reviews and brand rep. But I was diappointed. I could hear everything just fine and it was easy to use, but the callers on the otherside said there was a lot of static on the line. They had difficulty hearing me. When I went back to just using the phone, everyone could hear me sans static. So...this plantronics sits up on a shelf collecting dust. In retrospect, I should have gotten one of the other ear devices.
True All-in-One That's all you need to know. Camera, Cell Phone, PDA, Music Player, DVD (with software) player. You will need nothing else for at least three to four years.
Volume too low I purchased these headphones to listen to audio books on my AT&T Tilt while working around the house. They were cheap, and I figured my usage and expectations were low. The volume, even when cranked up to max, is too low to hear when any other noise is present. I could barely get 15 feet away from the Tilt before the audio cut out entirely. I hadn't planned to actually use these headphones for phone calls, but just for kicks I had my husband call my cell phone while I was listening (well, trying to listen) to music. The headphones correctly answered the call but did not pause the music (phone incompatibility, not headphones fault) but my husband sounded like he was underwater and far away. He said I sounded the same (microphone is in the earpiece!). I'm returning the headphones, as I can use any of my wired headphones and just put the phone in my pocket for my purposes.
Defective Power Switch Worked one day then power switch failed. Motorola service unable to resolve. Very disappointed.
I'm disappointed Cradle doesn't have second USB port to synchronize data with computer and charge from A/C adapter simultaneously. USB of a computer charges very slowly, so it's very convenient when you can charge from A/C adapter and sync data with computer at the same time. because of it's necessary two USB port and both function. The image of this cradle doesn't show how many USB port it has, but official description declares that cradle can do both - A/C charging and data synchronization. Yes, you can do both but separately.
Finally Bought one for myself I sell these at my store, not for this cheap though! Let me just say, these things are great. If you have ever caugt your cord on the seat belt...worry no more. This little beauty will stop that from ever happening again. Great deal
motorola headsert wireless like product but sometimes it doesn't pick up when you have a incoming call
warped This is the third time i have purchased this product with first two going bad for one reason or another. I like the simplicity and ease of use and price. However, right out of box this time, the bluetooth had a speaker distortion which has yet to clear up. I can only attribute it to mfg defect. Will not order another or return as i assume i get what i pay for..
My Anxiety Attack I can't chew gum and walk at the same time! I also can't drive without talking on the phone (who can talk on the phone with 5 kids in the house). I would be a complete danger to the public without my headset. I have gone through many over the years. I am really rough on them, especially the wired kind with earbuds. I then discovered the Plantronics Voyager 510. I research a product to death before I buy and I had to buy this particular one after all my research; couldn't settle for anything else. I just retired my first set after almost 3 years. It was still working, but was starting to have static that could be heard on the other end. I am now on my 2nd set and so grateful for it. I have read good things about Plantronics and bought my mom another model, but she has not had the same luck with it as I have with this one. I will buy her another of these. I sure hope they don't discontinue this one! What a shame if they do.
Does as advertised... The holster does as advertised. I've purchased 4 of them for my foreman, and have worn mine for almost a year. Not a problem with fit, as some might. It fits the vast majority of cell phones, my old Qualcomm fits, newer ones, older nokias fit also.I'll order replacements, but I can't see them wearing out soon.
Good Product I purchased two of the headsets from Amazon. The finsih is nicely done on these. The buttons are very conviently located and there is no searching for them as on other headsets. You really cant feel the weight on your ears as they are very light. The product does hold onto your ear securley, and comfortably so long as there is not wind gusts. My only dislike about this product is that the speaker volume was not very loud for me. I have an inear Jabra and the volume is twice as loud as these Moto's. This is the only downside to this product in my oppinion. Reception on the other end was fair.
Falls short I've had very good experience with other Plantronics products and this one does not measure up to the others. It is difficult to get a good fit on the ear, due to that or perhaps otherwise, the audio is difficult to find a range for comfortable listening and the people I am talking to express some concern about a somewhat muffled sound of my voice.
Exercise in Futility I bought this to be a USB to Serial cable. It's not detected by Windows or Linux. There were no attempts, by either operating system, at recognizing it as a device at all. No semi-satisfying Windows "ba-dump" sound followed by a "We know you plugged something in but we have no idea what it is yet" Windows error. Not even a twitch, almost as if it's not even plugged in. Just out of curiosity, I plugged in another USB-Serial cable (it serves a far less nefarious purpose than what I had envisioned for this one) and Bam! I was instantly greeted with results; therefore, I am reasonably certain that it is in fact this cable and not my computers that are at fault. I would attempt to return this cable, if I had not already disassembled the USBusiness end in an attempt to glean further information from the circuit board within. Unfortunately, it seems to be completely encased in, what appears to be, glue.I expect the garbage man won't be able to detect this cable any better than Windows or Linux. It is for the best.If you can read this (or even if you can't), buy something else. Please.
Great phone... I love this phone... you can hack the heck out of it by reading up at howardforums.com and change the volume settings and remove any restrictions put on by your wireless carrier. Cables are available on ebay for less than a dollar in most cases.It's got great reception, great features. I even like the weight and size, as its not the type of phone you see in the movie Zoolander.Good stuff all around
Nice PDA, entirely unreliable cellphone First cell phone owned in about a decade, I purchased it based on my good experience with an old (non-cellphone) Palm Pilot. Combining PDA functionality with a phone seems like a natural fit.However my 650 has a fatal bug when an incoming call goes to voicemail: The phone resets itself, turns off the phone application, then resets itself again. The phone app is off after the reset. If I attempt to turn the phone app back on to check the voicemail, the same cycle repeats itself.If I perform a hard reset, wiping the Treo's memory I can turn on the phone app to check and delete the voicemail message. However the voicemail icon remains visible even after deleting the message. And now all my PDA data is wiped from the phone ...If I resync the Treo to recapture my PDA data, turning on the phone app starts the whole reset cycle detailed above. Evidently my Treo can function as a phone or a PDA, but not both.Cingular warrantied my original 650, promptly sent a new one, and it succumbs to the same bug. So now it looks like I'm stuck with a $400 Palm Pilot and will be forced to buy a not-quite-as-smart-but-hopefully-stable regular cellphone, as the Treo only started acting up after the 30-day no-questions-asked return period. Cingular will continue to send me new 650s, but won't give me my money back, to my knowledge.And naturally I am committed to a two-year contract. The early termination penalty runs more than another modest cellphone, so I may be giving the service provider even more of my money.Can recommend neither this device nor this provider at this point.
AWESOME! htp from 313DET functions exactly as stated in product description. i searched extensively online for similar cases and chose this one based on other reviews and price. no major complaints; however it can slide across smooth surfaces. i placed some sticky pads (available at most hardware stores) to prevent accidental slipping. otherwise, this case is highly recommended!
Works well this product works great. I have no problems with using this case. its been very useful in comparison to trying to hold the phone in my hand and run.
why not to shop with Amazon.com The last items I purchased from Amazon.com were cell phone batteries. The first battery I installed and it worked so poorly that the battery it replaced which was relatively useless in fact worked better than the replacement battery I purchased from Amazon.com. It appears I was scammed by nakpak from Brooklyn, New York in that one of the batteries I purchased was in fact a used worthless battery.Frankly there are other options out there for me in purchasing products.In the future Amazon.com will not be one of my options.
This is a bad item This product is very bad, e in the first time that was used, unglued whole number, therefore I declare that it is of a quality very low, and request another one in substitution
Best Phone This is a great phone its sleel,slim,and good looking and it works great! So you should buy this phone.
Good phone, bad service To comment on the VirginMobile:It's a great service to have for the inbetween time or in case of emergencies. I bought a Shorty when I was inbetween switching wireless service providers and couldn't afford to be disconnected from my work. It served the purpose... but I quickly learned that $20 doesn't get you far on this thing- after a week of making two-minute calls per day, I had to top up twice. $40 per week IS a little expensive- Nextel would give you 300 free incoming minutes for that amount.The service really IS a rip off and it is E-X-P-E-N-S-I-V-E!!!But then, you have to understand that the service is target towards teens, hence the name Shorty. Also, calling the customer support center is pretty difficult because they address you as if you are calling from your 3rd period math class. The conversation becomes all giddy and full of phrases such as "We'll hook you up..." Not really what you want to deal with if you're older than 15.But back on track- its targeted to teens with the idea that teens will run up all of their minutes within a day and leave their parents trying to foot another $20 "top-up".
Bang for the Buck! Excellent item. Pairing between the 510 and the Sony W300i went on without a hitch! The audio pickup is great. Less noise than my old Motorola BT headset. If you need to buy a BT headset, this and the Jawbone(which I also own) are the best in the market in terms of quality.
Don't bother I've had the RAZR V3 for about six months. Love the pink color, but the reception REALLY sucks. For some calls, I can't hardly hear the person on the other end of the line. I'm a women and I find that it's really uncomfortable in my hand. My previous phone was much more comfortable in my hand. The screen is very nice and large making it easier to read, but overall, I wish I wouldn't have spent the money. I'm dropping my SIM card into my old phone to use.
Blackberry replacement battery This doesn't need to be long, bought it, it worked and still works great. Great Amazon price! Highly recommended if you have the older models and need a new battery for it.
Great product at a great price! I have never used bluetooth devices before so I was a little worried since this one was so inexpensive. It was super easy to install and I havent have any problems hearing or being heard during a conversation. I am very happy with this item and I would suggest it too my friends.
Rugged Bluetooth Headset The Voyager 510 Headset has been working very well. It gets used in a rugged way as that I do service work. It has worked in different temperatures also. I left it in a shirt pocket and put the shirt through the washing machine and it still worked after just recharging it. I was very supprised when this happened. Great headset.
3 piece combo This is what it is... cheap headset, the car charger is nice, and the case just sucks. Cheap design, you can't type on the keyboard unless you take the phone out of the pouch!
Jabra BT 500 Headset Review Very comfortable and relatively unobtrusive, easy to conect to my Blackberry, volume could be a little louder. Overall a very good headset
Product works great Product works as advertised...(matter of fact I use the multiple electric source connectors to charge my mp3 player as well!
Get a free unlocked Motorola RAZR v3i instead! Why settle for less, or commit yourself to a specific cellular provider and service plan, when you can get a complimentary unlocked top of the line Motorola RAZR v3i cell phone that works with any cellular service provider and any SIM card. I got mine free at this web site: ilikethis.info/razrv3i
Verizon Tacking on data packages!!! This phone isn't all its cracked up to be. MP3 player is a joke. The menu setup is beyond frustrating. It doesn't do anything well. Go with a basic camera phone that does the simple things well. I'm really pissed off that I'm married to this phone for at least another year. Can't wait. Motoral isn't even willing to answer any of my emails about my tech problems.Now let me get started on Verizon. This PDA is my primary phone. After three months I decided to add a phone onto my account for my wife. Simple. Yet Verizon decided to tack on the Data package (the expensive one at that) with out my authorization. Called and cancelled it. Two months later its on my account again. Come to find out that "their system" automatically tacks the data package on anytime you do just about anything to your account. They want me to sign up for automatic bill pay. YEAH RIGHT!!! When they are hoping I won't notice an additional data package here or there. Keep in mind thats an addtional $45.GO WITH A BASIC PHONE.
Worst ever product I have Firstly, I says new, but is used oneLid was very loose, Comes out often.Always message comes, check your SIM.Most worst produce I brought.
bad blue tooth very bad shape(very big),sound quality is horrible,and it just lasts for 2 months and diedi will never buy jabra any more