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Dried mango Yuck, very dry and stick to your teeth, taste a little stale. I'll try them in recipes and see it that's any better.
are you joking? This is the Sam's Club house brand, available from any Sam's Club for $2 a can (5 cans for about $10 really). Who on earth would buy Sam's Club housed brand canned chicken through Amazon? At $8 a can? Ouch.Vendor is obviously a scammer taking advantage of Amazon Marketplace.
WASTE OF MONEY Every box was BROKEN PIECES - EVERY SINGLE COOKIE! I stood over my garbage container & poured out all 6 boxes. The package says "chews" so I thought they would be soft, instead they were dry & packed loosely. Total waste of $15 cuz AMAZON will not refund on grocery items. Very disappointing.
Aerogarden Herb Kit The herb kit I received with the Aerogarden unit was unimpressive.Most of the seeds failed to germinate.I have had no problems with their cherry tomato kit, which have grown about 2 inchs in only 9 days.
Good Earth Tea I like this tea. This was a good way to get a lot at once instead of having to find what I want in the grocery store.
Tasty and convenient This is good soup, and getting it from Amazon Grocery is much more convenient (and cheaper) than buying at the grocery store. I just wish there was more of a selection of microwavable soups that qualify for Amazon Prime shipping.
Oily residue bubbles to the surface This will certainly change the color of your food, but when used in a straightforward butter-cream mix in sparing quantity, it bubbled a nasty looking oily brown residue to the surface of the cream and the residue just sat there looking nasty. Will never use this product again.
ginger whew...I wish someone had told me how SPICY HOT ginger is! I ordered this big bag to take to help my hot flashes but it is so spicy that I can't eat enough to make any difference... so I can't tell you if it works or not
texture of glue, strange aftertaste- save your money I was compelled to write a review to steer people away from these overpriced and lousy tasting bars. I am someone who loves the taste of green foods, and takes Green Vibrance and wheatgrass every morning. But these Green+ bars have a rather vile taste, with a complete lack of texture that disintegrates into glue in the mouth. Sure, the ingredients list is impressive, but the taste makes them a chore to eat.Steer clear and try the Larabars or Pure Bars, which actually taste wonderful, have less calories, and maintain a vibrant texture from start to finish.These bars are bad....And I like healthy green foods. Take my word for it.
RIP OFF ALERT I hate getting ripped of..8.99 for one bag of Carmels is a rip when you can buy them for 1.89 at WALMART all day long..i was led to believe i was buying muliple bags..and then they want to charge me 6 dollars to return the bag..bull ..i will eat them just keep leaving remarks like this
What! a 40% price jump!? I am a regular/returned shopper for this item. I like the product,but was totally surprised and disappointed at the ridiculous price jump. It completely turns me off.
Gives Toll House cookies a run for the money I use a double batch to emulate the Toll House cookies and they turn out quite well. A lot of chocolate chunks in them. My sister bought some other brand (forget the name) and the cookies were anemic looking with just 1 chunk per cookie. They were also much drier. When I do use a single batch for cookies I take them out just before they look like they are done and continue baking on the cookie sheet. Nice and moist!
best chips ever I first had these while on vacation in Florida. Heard you could buy them at cosco. I do not have a cosco near my home. Got on line and found them on Amazon for a great price. They were delivered quickly. About 1/3 of the bag of chips were small pieces the rest were large. I don't mind the small pieces they all taste the same to me. But not to nice for serving at a party. I would highly recommend the chip. I found them at Target but they were in the small size and more expensive. Could use a better packing method but I Would buy them again this way.
Not Granola, more like mixed bag Remember when your mother mixed all the odds and ends of the cereal boxes together so you would eat them before she went to buy some "real" cereal? This not-a-granola reminds me of that, more than anything else. It has corn flakes, sliced almonds, crumbs of something, and lumps of what I think they mean to be granola, but it looks rather pigeon-like, if you get my drift. The cereal is fairly tasty, although I get an overwhelming scent and taste of artificial vanilla, hence the two stars.If you want granola, there are plenty of alternatives here to choose from. If you want something to remind you of budget day before Dad got paid, then this is perfect.
Product arrived stale, desiccated, and stinky...inedible! We sent this to our close friends of over three decades and they were kind enough to tell us the truth of what arrived. Here are excerpts:"I do want to report something I believe you would want to know about though. The recent Christmas basket we received was.... more then disappointing! Except for the crackers...and there was quite a bit of them, the rest was 98% inedible!!The sweets were a joke of over packaging and then non-edible at the end of the opening adventure! The one exception were the two individually wrapped tiny truffles in a box, that were okay. There was a big package with one chocolate dipped dried out cookie that was also in it's own wrap...also, not to be eaten. The raspberry, chocolate individually wrapped cakes were so dried up/dehydrated it looked like survival food.....And they tasted like pure chemicals and artificial flavors to boot!Which brings me to the "meat" section of the basket.....this was by far the worst. The stink of both the lobster and salmon "spread" filled the air with what smelled and tasted like fish flavored chemicals. Earl, Bob, and I tasted a small amount just to verify the smell....that was a bad decision on our part....we needed emergency food in our mouth to counteract the bad taste! They even sent the cats running in the other direction. The salami was so white it was scarey!Now I have to say, we actually really did enjoy this basket because we spent the afternoon laughing hysterically over the experience....so thank you for that memory! I imagine, however, that was not your intention....so here I am, the "brave" one telling the hard facts of how no matter how much you paid for that basket, you got ripped off!"
Either Kraft Stopped Making It or Northerners hate it? I love green onions and used to buy the green onion dip every trip to the store...Then I moved to the North East... First Maine and it was a no go! Now New York City and again I dare say where is my green onion dip? :( This will have to do. It's not bad so yay
The Case of the Stupid Studio As a devoted "Perry Mason" fan for nearly four decades, I think this product is a step too far in abusing the legions of people who have been waiting to see some decent treatment by Viacom:*There was the "Collector's Series", which went through various permutations of two or three episodes on a disc, not in chronological order, and with extras that were occasionally amusing, but uniformly weak. They never finished releasing the entire series;*Then came the promising season-by-half-season-box-set discs; a bit pricey for something with no extras at all, but at least we were starting to get all of the episodes, in order. But the rate of release has been dreadfully slow. (Hey, Viacoma: it's not like you're waiting for extras to be produced, what's taking so bloody long?);Now this "50th Anniversary" edition. Guess what, guys? The 50th Anniversary was LAST YEAR. You missed it. And what are we supposed to pay for? Episodes that we'll be paying for again, when they get around to releasing more half-asseason boxes (and most, if not all, of which were part of the "Collector's Series" that many fans will already own, making that three copies). A list of extras which would have been great attached to those half-a-season boxes. A "Returns" movie which, while it was nice to see Raymond Burr and Barbara Hale together again (and kind of a hoot for Hale's son William Katt to be playing Paul Drake's son), wasn't really all that great, and is cheapened in memory by the steadily decreasing quality of the later films. Oh, and one of the episodes here is marked by the near-total absence of...Perry Mason.Seriously. Get back to giving us the series, in order. Stop wasting our time, because we won't be wasting our money.
Totally misleading Despite the product labeling, there is no mention in the ingredients list of these cookies containing any vegans at all. The claim that they are 100% vegan is therefore false advertising.You will be hearing from my lawyer.
Delicious and Relatively Healthy! Tasty, fiber-rich and low fat, this instant lunch is also very filling. The only thing holding me back from a perfect "5" rating is the relatively high sodium content, 660 mg. per package. However,considering the 28 grams of fiber (112% of the daily requirement), I guess the trade-off is worth it. Probably wouldn't taste as good without the salt anyway!
Enjoyable This is a great caffeine-free tea option. Nicely balanced and aromatic. The favorite tea of my lady, she drinks it all the time. Good price from Amazon.
Hodgepodge I ordered a bag of Hodgepodge when I saw this posted on a website I visit frequently. I received the bag yesterday and to my disappointment there wasn't much variety. We received some Sunkist fruit gems, some jelly beans, and some weird alligator looking items. All in all, I'd rather spend $8 on candy that comes in a wider variety of flavors and pieces... Not sure I will opt to order another $8 bag of hodgepodge.
v-good Of all the senseo products this is the best i've tasted,so fari use 2 at a time and crem-brule coffee mate. this is very good.
One of my daughter's favorites This is one of my daughter's favorite Earth's Best flavors. It's more gelatinous than other flavors. I like that aspect because it makes it less messy. It stays on the spoon. But it also means more will fit on the spoon. Sometimes she gets too big a bite and gags on it. As long as I keep the bites small she's very happy with it.
This is the best popcorn! I buy this popcorn for a DAV at the Indiana Veteran's Home. He really enjoys it and I am unable to find it in any stores in our area. Thank you Amazon for making our Veterans happy!
Misleading On the package, it clearly states that these are for use in all pod brewers. So, naturally, I thought I'd be able to use them in my Keurig single cup brewer. I guess if I get a My K-cup I might be able to use these, but otherwise, I wasted my money. I'm very disappointed. Live and learn, I suppose.
YUM... ...this is really good! As noted by another reviewer, this kit IS NOT a meal in a box. Yet it provides the foundation for a yummy meal on the cheap when you can catch this on sale. For less than TWO BUCKS a box you can't beat it - it sold out quickly and was on back order. With Supermarket sales, I stock my freezer with ground turkey, beef and chicken. The Hard and Soft Taco Kit allows me to whip up a meal that appeals to the ENTIRE family with minimal fuss and stops the teenager's fast food run. I do season and warm up a can of beans (black, pinto or kidney) that each can put on their tacos too.I haven't found any busted taco shells yet. When I do I'll make Frito Chili Pie with them, or a Taco Chip Salad both can be eaten with a fork and savored using up the kit's ingredients.** The kids get the biggest kick out of Tacos and Kool-Aid! The only hitch is that the SELL BUY DATE is within 4 months. So I donated some boxes to the local Food Pantry hoping it will be a pleasant change.*** Thanks to Alan in Idaho for providing the detailed directions belowDirections -- What You Need: 1 lb lean ground beef; 8 oz. shredded cheddar (or Mexican blend) cheese; Chopped lettuce and tomatoes; and Sour cream --> it's not a complete meal in a box, but does include: 6 flour tortillas for soft tacos; 6 hard taco shells (see above about breakage); seasoning for the meat; tiny package of salsa; and unsweetended Kool-Aid mix. You brown the meat, drain, add the water and the seasoning mix, boil, then simmer 10 minutes. MEANWHILE, crisp the hard shells in the oven and warm the soft shells (removed from foil packaging) in the microwave. Total prep time is about 20 minutes.
EXCELLENT,Quality,Taste I bought this to make chicken salad with.I am very happy with the quality of the taste,and texture,of this hormel canned chicken, it made a very tasty chicken salad.It was so good that there was none left!! i used two cans of this chicken and added two chopped boiled eggs along with diced pickles and mayo.I will buy this product again!
Beetlejuice This is one of those movies that is a quirky classic, along the lines of Princess Bride or Willow. You never gat tired of watching it.
Great snack I first started buying these at the local grocery store, where they retail for about $[...] a tin. For me, buying them in bulk on here is a good deal, because I go through a few tins per week.These are a great high-protein snack, relatively low in salt and high in Omega-3 acids. Combine them with some good whole wheat crackers and a little spicy mustard and enjoy. They are nice and smoky flavored, de-boned, and packed in their own juices.Chances are if you're shopping for these things in bulk online, you've already had them before so writing too detailed a review is sort of pointless. They're a bit of an acquired taste, very strong in flavor, and not for everyone. Shipping was fast and efficient and best of all, free. Can't beat that.But for those who appreciate a good smoked kipper, you can't go wrong with these. Highly recommended.
Back to Nature Stone Ground Wheat Crackers I am very pleased with the product. They are a tasty, healthy snack. I also use them in meat loaf, meatballs and salmon patties. Sometimes there a few broken ones, but no more than the ones purchased in the store. I don't have to worry about expiration, they don't last that long!!!
Not for the Asians who like Dark Tea Well, Twinnings are one of the best brands and I was hoping go for it. But this specific one is not as dark or strong as some of the South Asian folks would like to have. Its great if you are just having it without milk. But if you want to have a strong morning tea, this is not the right kind. I think the Assam blend is probably the best but I couldnt find the one I got from U.K. The flip side of Amazon order is I cant return the rest of the unopened boxes ( it comes with 6 boxes, as you know). I tried to use two tea bags on one cup of tea but it still doesnt give me the kick.... so I have to say, as much as I wanted to like it for the price and convenience, I am going to give the rest of the boxes away to freinds and family as gifts whilst I still look for that Assam blend or strong dark liqour of black tea,,
Not Fresh I don't know why it took me so long to write this - and I should have returned the package, but I didn't open it right away, and when I did, I had to check all four of them. Rancid. They smell awful, they taste awful (I cooked some to be sure) and I have new RiceSelect products in my pantry now from the local grocery - and the difference is paramount. I just wish I had returned it for a refund. Will never buy this online again! NO matter if I'm craving it!
Rooisbos Rules! This delicious rooibos tea is caffeine free and contains more antioxidants than green tea. It's soothing to drink and seems to help moisturize your mouth since it is non-acidic. Sometimes I drink mine with a little soy milk and sugar, other times I drink it straight up. If you want a different "tea" experience this tea is for you.
Was a good idea for school lunches...BUT! So, so not fresh; they were stale. Stale. Stale. Stale, so stale. Disappointingly stale. Stale! And oh yeah, all the bags were stale.
Wonderful delicious tea I discovered this tea at a grocery store in Paris several years ago and have enjoyed drinking it ever since. It has a dark robust taste that I like better than English Breakfast Tea. Highly recommended.
If you like almond-flavored granola, this is for you! I absolutely love the flavor of these granola bars, and have them on my Subscribe and Save list! With the discount, they average out to just under $2.50 a box. They're great for tossing into a totebag or backpack, and eating on the go, or at home, for breakfast or a quick snack! If you love the flavor of almonds, and the crunchiness of granola, you'll surely be quite pleasantly satisfied with these
Rice Thins I love Sesmark Rice Thins! I have intolerances to wheat, dairy, soy and eggs. So, finding a cracker that does not contain either of these are hard. So, I found out about Sesmark about 5 months ago and every since then, I have been hooked. So, if you have intolerances but still crave something crunchy, slightly salty, then the Sesmark Rice Thins are for you.
Not impressed I bought this brand because of all of the glowing reviews here, and I'm not happy about that decision. I wanted a light brown (not dark, like chocolate) frosting for my son's birthday cake. I didn't want to make it chocolate, and, as I said, I didn't want it very dark anyway. So, I bought the Warm Brown.I did a test run of his cake today. I made my frosting and added in a couple of drops of the paste. It was basically pink. Well, brownish-pink, but way too pink. I thought that maybe I needed more to get closer to the color on the sticker that is on the cap. So, I added some more. Still too pink. So I added still more. By the time I had finished, it was slightly more brown, but still had way too much of a pink undertone for what I was looking for. And it really wasn't close to the colored sticker on the bottle.I'm pretty disappointed. Perhaps it is just this brown color that is the problem and that the others are great. But, the Wilton colors I have so far have met my expectations much better than this. I am glad that I did a trial run on the birthday cake. I think that I will have to go for chocolate frosting after all, using cocoa to get the color I want.
Weak I've tried other Detox teas and this has a weak flavor and color. Not impressed, will not purchase again.
Yuck! This stuff was really bad. I bought it because it was cheaper and a new product for me. Vegetarians are always looking for something new and unique. This is not good. Go with the Hains products. Much better there , even if they don`t have turkey flavor. Yuck! I`d give this gravy 0 stars if I could........
Yuck! First of all...the shipping cost was $18 for a $1.99 package of noodles that tasted peculiar enough that I couldn't finish them. I asked the company to cancel the order before it was shipped and they didn't. They wrote me that they would cut the shipping in half for my trouble. So I payed $10.99 for a bag of noodles that were gross in tast and texture...not worth it!
different item recieved I recieved the 3 packets fajita mix but it was the low sodium version which was not what the description stated
Love It! I have yet to try the other coffee flavors, but I have to say (being a bit of a coffee snob at times) the dark roast was the best cup of coffee I've had at home, or most locations, ever! I love dark coffee but can never get the taste quite right, with these I can drink it black and it's perfect. I was going to try another flavor but I'm so in love with these I had better stock up! They do seem a bit pricey, but for a good cup of coffee quickly, this stuff is the best!
Best Bacon on the market We LOVE Bacon - it is our biggest "weakness" and we don't care, it's worth it. However, over the years, we have found less and less quality bacon-until now. No funky fake smoky taste, no odd smells, not loaded with fat (reasonably speaking), quick and easy to cook, stores for months in the freezer-if you can make it last.Our biggest complaint on bacon is the chemical taste, the difficulty in getting bacon to be crispy without being burned, the amount of time and mess when cooking, high fat - as in most of the bacon is white with a tiny bit of meat, you can't freeze grocery store bacon without the quality suffering and the quality is already pretty lacking.Omaha has solved every single one of these problems. It gets crispy but not burned in 1:20 in the microwave, if you re-use the already "hot" plate, the rest of it can crisp in 1 minute per plate. It is newly packaged in serving size packages of 5 sheets with 5 pieces on each sheet. It feeds 2 of us - breakfast sandwiches, BLT, bacon cheeseburgers, salad crumbles, wraps etc. I like the new packaging because the rest of it is no longer in a horrible zip bag that doesn't zip and has to be folded to fit back in the box. A Great improvement on packaging - BUT there's less bacon for the same price. Since the dollar in worth about 30 cents, and food prices and gas prices are sky high, they had to find a way to pass it on to the customer-they are not a charity after all, but I wish companies would pass it on in a more straight forward manner.I just wish some other companies would find a way to produce a product this good. The price is acceptable but Omaha shipping is outrageous and they take the "slow boat from China" to get here (as Grandma used to say). Sometimes it takes 2 weeks, but in October/November it can take 5 weeks to get an order.Lastly, if you fry this bacon, there is very little splatter and very little grease. I prefer the microwave because it is faster with excellent results, and you canpress with a paper towel to get any excess grease off the bacon-but there isn't much, if you prefer you CAN fry it with alot less mess than store bacon.
Check sodium content before you purchase I received a case of this hoping to add it to our vegan menu. Made the first batch and could not eat it is was so salty. Gave the other 11 boxes to the owner of our local organic market.
Life Saver Sorbets I love them. All my friends like them after I give them one. It's hard to believe something that is sugarless can taste so good!!!!!!
Convenient & great for college kids Bought these for my daughter who is in college & she and her roommates love them! Very convenient packaging & well worth the extra money.
not sour. the aweets arived well packaged however they were not sour because the coating was ruined there was an even selection of the flavors but we cant sell them on.
DO NOT BUY This product did not rise in my bread machine. It's heavy and brown and yucky. It's expensive, and it requires the addition of whipping cream - a not inexpensive ingredient. PLUS, the mix should be stored in refrig. All in all this is a HORRIBLE product. Do not buy. Hodgson Mill European Cheese & Herb Bread Mix is 1000% better!
Bad company Coffeeam sent this ordr to an old address even though amazon had provided my new address.When I wrote to coffeeam to let them know how they had messed up absolutly no response back,not even a........sorry.Also the coffee is just o k.Buy Starbucks you'll be happy you did.
Impossible to get lumps out It's almost impossible to get the lumps out of this short of using a stick blender. Also, the bags that the milk comes in are very weak. I dropped one from my counter top and milk power went everywhere.
Great Product I've been buying this product and Pampers for my grandson for 9 months.......wonderful service from Amazon.com!
not very good I was looking for a good low-carb snack (like everyone else). I came across these and decided to give them a try. They taste like burnt artificial cheese. I would not recommend them.
Love 'em! I love the fig bars from Barbara's bakery! They are a healthy snack, and unlike many other fruit flavored fig bars, you can actually taste the fruit! I had never tried the apple cinnamon before and they are very good. The blueberry are also to die for!
I was disappointed, too. Very. I am new to growing wheatgrass & am very glad this was not the brand I tried first. I had been using some from healthy-eating and was quite happy with it (the only other brand I've tried so far) but decided to try this one because it is about half the price. Wish I had only bought 10 lbs. instead of 25. The grass here is very slow to grow and sparse and patchy.
The best seasoning ever!! This seasoning I used in Germany first. I was so happy to see that I can buy it here in the US. It is best seasoning out there. It goes on everything!!! Just fantastic!!
Great flavor It's a great sampler, which is why I bought a box set. I do add splenda but other than that - zero complaints.
FIRE HOT! I've tried many of the different Zotes seeds and have loved them all, until I bought these. These are really spicy, don't get me wrong I like spicy stuff but these are pretty much unbearable. Unless you're up for the challenge, I would steer clear of these and stick to something a little safer. You've been warned...
Violet Crumble The Violet Crumble bar is quite delicious. However, for the ridiculous price being asked, it is not worth it, unfortunately.
toxic ingredients- VERY unhealthy...get another brand This product contains sodium benzoate aka "benzene" ... it's been proven that benzene destroys the immune system. In fact without benzene in a patient AIDS can not thrive. If you have taken this toxin you MUST detox it out of your body by taking vitamin b-2 (www.lef.org is a nonprofit organization that sells the purest vitamins and publishes the absolute LATEST scientific research) For more information on benzene please read The Cure For All Diseases by Dr. Hulda R. Clark or 'The Cure for All Cancers'. Second , vegitable oil is one of the top causes of heart attack in the United States and it is absolutely forbidden in your diet PERIOD> For free information on vegitable oil and other scientific research on various health subjects call 1-800-226-2370.
Very pleased I am very pleased with this purchase. I also bought the pink, black, green, & (sczhuan?) peppers.I am most please with the white ones. The pink were very unique, but not worth the extra money (or hassle, i hate that it doesnt work with a peppermill)hmm, what else...oh and shipping is EXPENSIVE. Might as well get a few bags, just make sure to use them within a few years..
Excellent value, excellent product This makes a better dip than Hidden Valley, and is much more affordable.
Rusted Cans We have purchased Westbrae Organic Cut Green Beans in the past and they are very good. We, recently, purchased two cases from Amazon for over $50.00, and that was a total waste of money. We found out, after purchasing them, that even if they are damaged they are not returnable.This is a first for us, as we purchase items several times a week from Amazon and have never had a problem before. We will be VERY cautious about purchasing ANY food items from them again.The cases were dry and bubble wrapped nicely, however, the cans were all rusted. It appears that Westbrae might be using Amazon as a dumping zone for bad cans, so buyer beware.
There are tasty bars out there--this isn't one of them My kids usually love anything that has the words "bar" and "fruit" in it. But after a couple nibbles of this, they put them on the counter and said, "I don't want this." I tasted it and didn't blame them. It's bland, and just plain lacking. I didn't eat it either--it went into the trash. We tried both cherry and blueberry flavors--same reaction to both. I'd recommend Larabars instead of this if you're looking for raw food or bars with no added sugar.
Hard to Resist! The Duplex cookies are delicious! It is difficult to keep a package in the cabinet for long periods of time because everyone needs "just one more." Excellent organic cookie that I will be purchasing regularly.
Love These Nuts! They are good, and the individual packs assures that they stay fresh in between the times that you eat them. High recommend. The price is great too.
Smells like warm vomit I bought this flavor for the first time and tossed it.Once I added water and smelled it I almost vomited. The smell of this soup is just like warm vomit.
Beware - Soup explodes in microwave Not a good soup for the microwave. Something in the soup or in the container design causes the soup to explode (top flies off and soup everywhere) or causes the container to jump around like a Mexican jumping bean, many times landing on it's side and draining cold soup throughout the microwave. I have tried in different brands of microwave and experienced the same issues. I place container on paper plate, and cover container with many sheets of paper towel. Sometimes this contains the mess, but often the force of the explosion will throw paper towels to the side and the eruption coats the inside of the microwave.
With Zinger Ice Tea Summer Never Has To Be Over! I know it is October and summer is officially over but this tea is good year round. Now it is sweetened with stevia but I think it is not quite sweet enough so I add another packet of stevia. The main flavors in this tea are hibiscus and raspberry. I don't taste much of the roasted chicory or orange peel. This also has blackberry leaves and rasberry leaves but you'd never know it. This is caffeine free and considered an herbal tea so you can drink it day or night. All you do is steep two bags and then pour the tea over ice. Add more sweetener if needed.~The Rebecca Review
One of my favorites This is a great product for a quick meal. I make one of their recipes (see their website) "Lemon Caper Chicken" with this rice package. The only thing I do differently is to leave out the curry packet, just using the seasoning packet and the rice. If you don't flour the chicken to brown (I dust w/cornstarch) then it's GF. But oh so tasty! I love lemons and capers anyway but the coconut milk & Thai flavors in the jasmine rice just brings everything up a notch.YUMMY!A Taste of Thai Yellow Curry Rice, 7-Ounce Boxes (Pack of 6)
Title and Picture Snafu I ordered this product [from DoC] based on the comments from folks who received lemon peel, the picture and of course, the listed ingredients; both of which clearly state "Lemon Peel." What I received was the title product "Meat Tenderizer Seasoning, No Salt." Some kind of spice blend that was devoid of any lemon, peel or otherwise.Amazon issued a refund and the rep who processed the refund acknowledged the mistake in the listing. Unfortunately, as of today (two weeks later), 12/23/2012, the title, the product image and the listed ingredients are STILL incompatible.I don't know HOW the other commentators received actual lemon peel by ordering this product, unless the merchant picks which item to ship [lemon peel or tenderizer seasoning] according to the moon and stars. Placing an order on faith could be a gamble... Better to see a tarot reader for a forecast before taking the chance.
Juice from CHINA I was saddened to see on the back of my Mott's juice bottle that this product comes from concentrate from Argentina, China and the USA. Mott's represents themselves as an American product yet they are buying apple products from countries whose agriculture standards are questionable.
Deceiving The product information doesn't tell you that the tea includes processed sweetener (stevia), butterscotch flavoring, and some other processed ingredients.This is not the original recipe for Yogi Tea, though it implies that it is. Even on the Yogi Tea website, it doesn't mention the added artificial ingredients (I know that stevia is from a plant, but it's hightly processed for use as a sweetener).I love the old original yogi tea, but I would never buy this.
Did I Receive The Same Thing? After reading everyone's good reviews on this product, I decided to purchase two cases of this when it was $15...I mean come on, everyone was giving it 4-5 stars so it must be good. WRONG! Did I receive what everyone else raved about...this tastes awful...like drinking sawdust. I read that it has such a good natural strawberry tastes...WHAT? There is nothing good about this drink and I am not picky. I would rather drink a glass of water and take a fiber pill if I need fiber. This is gross.
Tapioca hamburger buns I was really disappointed when I tried the hamburger buns. No matter what I did with them, including heating them in the microwave with a damp paper towel, they were hard to chew and swallow and did not taste anything remotely close to a hamburger bun. This is one item I would not recommend to any one.
I am horrified I am horrified that this picture would appear on a site with Easter toys. I am glad my nephew is young enough to still think the easter bunny still comes to deliver the treats, not to be served for dinner! This is definitely inappropriate, and I will cancel my order with Amazon, and will not order another thing until this is rectified. Selling groceries is one thing, but on a TOY site, come on!
Great idea...but I got tired of eating them Loved these both in taste and concept when I bought a few from EMS. Bought three cases (variety packs including, cashew, apple pie, this flavor, others) to leave at work and around to snack on, given lack of concentrated sugar, etc. Even though I never ate more than one a day, got a little sick of them and now can't eat them anymore. Kudos :-)= to the folks that make these, but hard to 'live on.'Larabar Bars Variety Pack Of Cherry Pie, Apple Pie, And Pecan Pie, 1.6-Ounce Bars (Pack of 18)Larabar Bars Variety Pack Of Cherry Pie, Apple Pie, And Chocolate Coconut Chew, 1.6-Ounce Bars (Pack of 18)
Product fine - Packaging RUINED everything This product is fine but I only had 1/4 of it left after the packaging ripped while it was in a box and mixed with all the other products and RUINED everything else in the box! UGH.
Very distinctive tea, one of my favorites This tea has an extremely smokey flavor that has been compared to a campfire. It's much stronger than normal tea. It took a few cups for me to acquire the taste, but now I absolutely adore it. Give it a try! I believe it originated in Taiwan.
plain awful When it comes to junk food, I usually stick with Ding Dongs, Ho Hos, and other Hostess products. But recently my friend (Walter) recommended M&Ms.; I'd never tried M&Ms; before, so I bought a bag to see if they are any good. I didn't like them at all. In fact, I flushed most of the bag down the toilet (hopefully this didn't harm any alligators).Maybe I've been spoiled by Hostess products, but when I buy a snack item, I expect a creamy filling. M&Ms; do not have a creamy filling, and they taste awful. Avoid.
Ferrara Expresso I order this product periodically for my wife. I am not much of a coffee person but she loves this as a break from regular coffee and I am pleased to get for her. The ordering process through Amazon is easy and delivery is great. As I said I get this for my wife and so far no complaints. 'Happy wife...happy life.'
Not Bad This base has a fair flavor for making faux chicken soup, etc. However it is a bit sweet. I am still searching for a better base though, something a little more *homemade* tasting...i find myself holding back on how much of this base i really need to make my recipe and adding more spices of my own because the sweetness level fights the taste that i am after. I have to say it is better than most, but still not quite perfect. They need to tweek the recipe just a bit.
Maybe Licorice This brand of licorice is not very tastey. It doesn't have much flavor, i.e. anise, or licorice extract. Would not buy more.
heart worm texture! Have you ever seen heart worms in the vets. office? Well, I couldn't get past the look of the noodles in the package and while eating, definiately could not get past the texture. These were like choking down worms (not that I ever have,) but it is what I imagine them to be like. I was really disappointed with these noodles, hoping that they were going to be one of the keys to my weight watching success.
I must be a nut to have bought these nuts The bottle arrived half empty. I am not saying that I did not get 1.1 oz but it the initial impression is that "I just bought a half bottle of nutmeg", plus I thought I was buying from the Amazon grocery for free shipping, but I wound up paying as much for the shipping as for the nuts.This was a mistake.
Refreshing and energizing! My sister strongly recommended this tea - great for those who want an energy lift without lots of caffeine. "People can always tell when I've had a glass, because I feel so relaxed and energized!" she tells me.I understand that in Minneapolis, this is regularly served at many small restaurants, iced.
Good product, very bad delivery I had ordered two Turduckens from Lima to eat them with my friends in LA. I have ordered two given the expected number of guests for that day. They only sent me one, which was kind of uncomfortable, since more people showed. The turduckhen was great, but it could have been better if served properly and not as appetizer size portions. I am back in Lima and the company would like to send the second turkey o LA as a solution.
Strawberry Twizzlers just aweful I've never had these before, and I'll never buy them again. They were disgusting, did not taste very good, texture was terrible, I thought I was eating plastic! I threw the whole lot out.
A little disappointed with these mints. I bought these thinking they would be as good or better than Altoids or some of the leading sugarfree mints. They don't taste bad, but they are really tiny. If you put only one in your mouth you can barely feel it on your tongue and it is gone in about 30 seconds if you are careful not to bite it! I usually eat two or three at a time so these won't last me very long.
The Batch We Received Were Stale We purchased these quite a while ago and didn't bother to review. However, we think that it's worth mentioning that they were stale when they arrived; maybe that's why they tasted over spiced. We tossed them - what a waste of money.
wonderful product I used these in the recipe called "Buddah's Feast" in the Golden Temple Cookbook. Lovely legume!
Delicious! Love the taste! So versatile can be used as a substitute in many meat dishes. We've used them in mock beef stew, sandwiches - fried, stroganoff, stir fry, etc. Never spoils before using.
Mmmmm....mustard... I originally found this at a BIG LOTS store for $1.50. I like mustard so thought it would go well with the 20 or so others in the fridge. Boy, this became my favorite. And my wifes! And she's not even a huge mustard person.When we ran out, I bought a case and started giving jars away. This stuff is the BEST on brats and other grilled sausages. Try it. You'll love it.
Disgusting Only resembles Marshmallow cream / fluff slightly in appearance.Tastes gross. Almost flavored like sugar free pancake syrup, but disgusting.
They LOOK amazing, but taste horrible! When you first open them up, they look wonderful - like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup. They smell great too - I was expecting to be in utter heaven when biting in. However, the aftertaste is pretty awful - almost chemically. There's only a very minor peanut flavor about them at all. I don't recommend them.
Wonderful! My favorite green tea, even better than Matcha! This is my favorite green tea, and believe me, I have tried so many. Green tea is so good for you. It helps you digest your food, helps raise your metabolism, is just good on so many levels. I have tried many, even from the Lipton line, and most of the other famous/store/specialty tea stores. (I even write about tea in my books. When I say I love tea, I mean it.) Well, this Green Tea with honey is just fabulous. It's got a real, honest-to-goodness honey flavor. Not some artificial flavor, or something pretending to taste like honey. It takes like REAL honey! If you decide to add actual honey to this tea, start small.As to the green tea part of things, it doesn't make my tea water super cloudy like myThe Republic of Tea, Double Green Matcha, 50-Countdoes. Now that tea has the strongest green flavor I've tried, and I drink it for the health, not at all for the (dead fish) taste.WithLipton Green Tea, Honey, Tea Bags,1.2 Ounces 20-Count Units (Pack of 6)it's much lighter but still a true green-tea flavor. Personally I go with the decaf most of the day, just not for breakfast.If you like green tea, or honey for that matter, do give this a try. It's smooth, full flavored, I just love it!Sheri Gill
Great Bubble Gum Super Bubble Bubble Gum is the best. It's fresh and the flavor lasts a long time. It's just a hair better than Bazooka.
chewy very disappointed that there were no nuts and only an almond flavor that wasnt very almondy! if you like coconut and only coconut it would be good but it is a chewy bar so if your teeth arent strong i would also pass in buying this bar!
Cherry raisins both good and bad I love cherries but hate raisins, and that is the one drawback of this product. There is a lingering raisin taste that hangs about the cherries like a grey pall. However! The chewy goodness and the cherry tartness far outweigh the small disadavantage of the raisiness. And...As I plowed through my first eight bags I was in terror of finding a pit. Fear of gnashing into a pit and breaking a tooth lingered, until one day I found one. I bit the pit, it didn't hurt, and all was fine. I've probably found three pit, or pit pieces, in fifteen bags. Fear not the pit.
love this liquorice I was always a Kukabarra fan until I happened to try this one and now I'm addicted! It's soft and has a great liquorice flavor. Great price, too! Really recommend it to all liquorice lovers out there.