class label
2 classes
PERFECT CORN HUSKS Perfect item & super fast shipping. Love the large size and the freshness of these husks (the expiration date on the package offers a shelf life of almost a year). Highly Recommended.
Great Show This is one of the first movies my grandchildren want to watch on a rainy day when the come to visit. This DVD is to replace an old well used VHS tape. Have to make sure it holds up. The movie is ageless and can be seen by all.
delicious & healthy my daughter is a picky eater but she loves those crackers. It's a snack I feel good about her eating... it's organic!! :)
I'm hooked! A family member if mine works in the stock room at a major grocery chain and brought me a bottle after noticing how fast they were flying off the shelves... I started with fruit and moved on to salads, veggies and even added it to a sub sandwich. this is an excellent way to add flavor without calories.. Yum!!
THE BEST CHOCOLATES EVER - VEGAN OR NOT I hate dark chocolate but now that I'm vegan I have no choice so I don't eat chocolate. Someone recommended these and they are to die for. Whether you're vegan or not -- you'll love them. I've had the best chocolate in Europe when I traveled there for business and these rival those. You can thank me later.
candy bars the product was nice and fresh. Also had a good and fair price. Will buy this product again.
Delicious Mix This white chocolate cappuccino mix is scrumptious--a wonderful way to start my day--makes me feel like the day is truly off to a wonderful start!
Great gift idea for young and old. Bought 60s for daughter and 90s for granddaughter. What a conversation gift. It turns out I should have bought one for everyone at our Christmas party. The gift box made it perfect.
Twinings Tea Excellent product. I was aware of the peppermint tea from Twinings, but was unable to purchase it locally. I am very happy to have found Amazon as a source.
Not that good in quality I used to regularly buy wild oats raisins and they were the best in taste and quality. I tried Spicy World black raisins hoping it wouldn't be that different. But when you eat these, you will get the feeling that the raisins have been dipped and coated in sugar. I have heard that as raisins get stale and lose their freshness, they get the sugary feel and taste and that's what I experienced with these raisins. If you really want good quality raisins, go with something else.
Drink homemade root beer This root beer had a very good flavor and was light, ice cream is a great selection for this product. I needed to make homemade root beer for drinking. Use dry ice, water, and sugar. This product is see through, and I needed a dark and rich concentrated product. The root beer needed to be stronger for drinking homemade root beet.
Delicious! My daughter discovered this on a family trip to Scotland a few years back and fell in love with them.
This is the tea to replace your plane black coffee Harney and Sons makes many amazing blends of tea. They have something for everyone in their tea room. This blend is for those who are looking for the perfect black tea. The same way that there are flavored waters and then there is a glass of cool crisp perfect plane water, that's how I would describe this blend. While other teas have flavors and notes of fragrances, this Irish Breakfast is like the perfect plane black tea. Not bitter, perfumey, flowery, minty or anything else. Just the cleanest tasting black tea I have never had. This is the blend to take the place of coffee in the morning. It's also wonderful with meal, as it doesn't change the flavors. Not a fan of Earl Grey? No problem, there's no bergamot in this blend. Love Earl Grey? I would then say definitely try this. You get the same kind of bold black tea taste, just in a blend without the fragrant oils and other notes. While I really enjoy all kinds of teas (English Breakfast, Earl Grey, herbal teas, white teas, etc) this by far my all time favorite blend.
potential fire hazard My 16 year old son made this product while I was not home. After 90 seconds the container started on fire. The microwave is burned and my son may have have been injured as the item continued to burn. He used an oven glove to remove it from the microwave and throw in kitchen sink. I am lucky to not be visiting my son in a burn unit now. If you value your home and children do not use this product. I reported this to Kraft who is claiming this is not a safety issue.If it has happened to you report it to Kraft so this dangerous item is removed from the shelves.
Pricey I had never tried maple sugar before, so I really can't compare it to another brand. We thought that the taste was very good. We like to sprinkle it on oatmeal. It would certainly not be cost effective to use in baking. At $16 or so a pound I cannot justify the cost. We really couldn't tell the difference between this and the $3/lb organic sucanat I found at the food coop.
Extremely good! It's already been said over and over, but these are SO much better than canned. I honestly can't eat canned because they taste so bad but I love these! The best part? They're ready in like 5 minutes :-)
Am I missing something? This olive oil is supposed to be special. I don't taste anything special. To me, it tastes slightly better than normal, cheap, off the grocery store shelf olive oil. I got mine at a local Italian grocery store for the same price as what's listed here. Not worth it if you ask me.Google Frantoio for olive oil that has a nice taste.
I cant stop eating this stuff. Wow! I grew up in the South, and down here a good chow chow will help perk up just about anything from pintos and cornbread, greens, fried green tomatoes, hot dogs, barbecue sandwiches, you name it. You might say I'm a chow chow snob, and I even have a member of the family who is in the business of making a pretty good commercially available Southern style chow, but this stuff just blew me completely away.Really not classic chow chow which uses cabbage, this is more of a relish but its the perfect mix of green tomatoes and hot peppers that really give this stuff a kick. The heat level may be too much for most people, but if you like the hot stuff then you wont be disappointed in this product. Does wonders for Bubba Burgers. 5 Pods
stacy pita chips Everyone should order stay pita chips from amazon.com, I have such a hard time finding them in the store in the party size and have to pay more for the small bags and have to hunt them on top of that. I live in a rural area and love these chips and have lost over 20 pounds using them. I order them from amazon.com and they come right to my door very fast, I will only order them from amazon.com and not buy in the stores anymore.
t'aint what they say it is These mushrooms are presented as "porcini". These mushrooms had a very dark brown color unlike porcini. the taste was o.k.,not that of porcini.At the least I would say that the seller does not know his mushrooms, or he thinks that the buying public are completely ignorant. I would venture to say that mushrooms are Sillius Leutus not Porcini ( Boletus Edulis).
Low Carb Angel Food Puffs I was diappointed in the flavor and texture of this mix. I usually like most of the Low Carb things I have tried, but was diappointed in this specific one.
Awesome! I bought a 48-pack of Cream Soda. They're terrific and now my co-workers are getting addicted to them! Highly recommended, price seems fair, packaging was adequate. Had to wait a few weeks for the order, but they didn't charge until they shipped.
Not impressed Try a smaller pack first to make sure you will like it before buying a large pack like this.
Disappointment The item portrayed was similiar to but not what I wanted. The picture was misleading and when delivered the glass pasta keeper was broken beyond repair.Efforts to get either Amazon or the shipper to respond failed and I wasted my money. i will never buy anything from Amazon again.
Sugar Twin Can't find this locally. Was THRILLED to find it on the website. Price and shipping are totally reasonable and so worth it!!! Thank you!!!
Gits - Cheap Indian Food If you can get over the fact this stuff was pooped out of a machine into a foil wrapper, so that it resembles astronaut food, it's the cheapest way to get Indian food. It actually tastes pretty good. I've tried other Gits food and they were all acceptable. It might even be a good thing to take camping because of its durability and low weight.My momma was too drunk to be an astronaut, but even she says Gits Palak Paneer is tasty stuff.
Awesome, Who do I tell?! I just had two of these heated in the microwave for 15 seconds. And let me tell you, after a few bites, I thought "this cookie is everything that is right with the world!" The warm molasses and ginger spices, it was Almost like I had just gotten it fresh from the oven. I like the fact that each cookie is separated by a piece of paper :) Reminds me of the quality of the food that I am lucky to have to access to!ps-for the naysayers, this IS gluten free, dairy free, and refined sugar free so it's not going to be like a regular cookie. However even with those constraints I think Pamela's has done a tasty job :)
Not impressed I bought this brand because of all of the glowing reviews here, and I'm not happy about that decision. I wanted a light brown (not dark, like chocolate) frosting for my son's birthday cake. I didn't want to make it chocolate, and, as I said, I didn't want it very dark anyway. So, I bought the Warm Brown.I did a test run of his cake today. I made my frosting and added in a couple of drops of the paste. It was basically pink. Well, brownish-pink, but way too pink. I thought that maybe I needed more to get closer to the color on the sticker that is on the cap. So, I added some more. Still too pink. So I added still more. By the time I had finished, it was slightly more brown, but still had way too much of a pink undertone for what I was looking for. And it really wasn't close to the colored sticker on the bottle.I'm pretty disappointed. Perhaps it is just this brown color that is the problem and that the others are great. But, the Wilton colors I have so far have met my expectations much better than this. I am glad that I did a trial run on the birthday cake. I think that I will have to go for chocolate frosting after all, using cocoa to get the color I want.
The Grass Really is Greener on the Other Side! Don't waste your carbs and calories on tumaro's low carb tortillas. I thought they were OK when I got them but they smelled a little weird to me. I figured it was diet food so how good could I expect it to be? The contents of the sandwich masked the bland taste. One day my husband helped me by grocery shopping and brought home "Mission Low Carb Wheat" wraps. I was steamed. I made this dip and wanted to bake low carb chips. I cut up the Tumaro's tortillas into triangles and also the Mission brand and baked them in the oven. Tumaro's was awful and Mission turned out to be so good that I can never go back to Tumaro's. My husband came out looking like a hero!
The good ones were GREAT, but some others weren't! Of the 18 bars I got, five or six had dead spiders/webs on them INSIDE the wrappers, which were sealed and seemingly intact. Even if this isn't a frequently-ordered product, getting even one in such condition is inexcusable...not to mention gross! Oskri, I hope you see this and correct the problem ASAP. I really liked this product...but I was so grossed out by the bugs, I can't possibly order it again!
Wonderful stuff! This was my second order and the staff and faculty members of Westchester Community College in Valhalla, NY are in love with this stuff! It shipped with no damage and packed very well. I will be ordering soon as the semester will be starting Sept. 7th. Excellent vendor!
worst customer service! You only know the soul of a company (or a person for that matter) when something goes WRONG. Well there was a mix up on my order. Unfortunately the woman on the phone was unfriendly, accusing and rude! Wow! How can people run a business like this? How can they think it is okay to talk to someone, much less a customer, with such an attitude? Needless to say I did not receive my order in time for my event. It is time to find a different brand of gluten free flours. Any ideas?
Eh, a little too weird for me I really do like the little bags of snacks from this company, but the bars are too weird. They are basically the same, but shaped like a bar. But it's not the same as popping a disc into your mouth and snacking on it like a chip or something. I'm not really sure what this one was trying to emulate. Maybe a granola bar?I dunno, the taste was similar to me, but it was... weird.They are also (like the snack bite things) very salty).I'd stick to things like theJust the Cheese Mini Round Snacks, Classic White Cheddar, 0.5-Ounce Bags (Pack of 16)if you want a crunch - or look for their lower salt versions if you are watching sodium.
Good product Mae Ploy curry paste is always delicious. Directions are on the label. Easy to cook. Saves a lot of cooking time.
not as sour as I'd hoped they sent the pink kind, not the white kind. Still tasty, but not what I ordered.
There are much better Stevia products This was one of the most bitter stevia products I've tried. The best I've had is probably Nirvana stevia, but it's based out of Australia, so shipping's pretty high. Second best is NuStevia's packets that have stevia mixed with a sugar alcohol. NuStevia's regular stevia is not good, in my opinion, though not as bad as Spoonable stevia.
As described Was great, price was good and welcome to the free-market economy - now trying to add more words to finish this review.
Cheated again! Commercial BS and no berries! I like giving proper feedback for the crappy products some companies created in order to make more money while cheating their customers out of the promise they put on the label on their product.Don't be disillusioned, the product boasts wild blueberry as real fruit in this product. Boy, I was so delighted when I opened it up and saw REAL wild blueberries (I spent many summers when growing up with grandma and grandpa in a village in Europe surrounded by wild mushrooms, nuts and berries) and know the taste of real fruit, especially wild small variety. The first time I sank my teaspoon in the product I took one heaping and saved the rest for another day. Another day I took 2 teaspoons of the product and saved the rest for my third day. When the third day came and I had my organic cottage cheese waiting to be mixed with wild blueberries I was deeply disappointed that right after 3 top superficial teaspoon layers of real berries, I saw JAM or marmalade, the stuff is like butter with no real fruit anymore. Now, I do not know how the company can put "100% wild blueberry fruit" on the bottle, sprinkle the top with real fruit, and jam the rest of the bottle with jam that has no fruit! When you boil real berries to make fruit, the berries DO NOT disappear and transform into jam, the berries should be there!The label on the bottle says: "By gently cooking in the traditions of the French countryside, the natural flavor of the fruit is conserved". --Yeah, right, the FLAVOR of the fruit IS conserved, but the fruit IS GONE! And all you have left is CONCENTRATED GRAPE JUICE that is no better than any other standard jam on the shelf with no smell and taste of wild blueberries.This is a wrong product, wrong label, wrong claim and promise. I hope many people read this and realize there are so many bad companies out there that will put any claim on the label just to get your money and cheat you out of genuine food!
Somewhat tasty going in, but (butt?) BUYER BEWARE These don't taste nearly as flavorful and yummy as regular Haribo bears.Worse yet, consuming a small number of these - 6, I counted - was followed several hours later by an onslaught of gas, just like EVERY OTHER REVIEWER HAS MENTIONED.So buyer beware - if you love the Haribo chewiness, you get that, but not much else, except a lot of flatulence!
Tastes great and so convenient I bought these using the subscription method so the price is better than any other supplier I have found. They taste very similar to the ones I was getting at Wegman's so I am not sure why some would find them tart or foul tasting. When I get the package I separate it into several bags and freeze what I am not going to eat and leave one bag open so I can grab a few when I feel the need. I do like them to dry a bit more so as they lay in an opened bag they get a little firmer and to me they lose no taste. I set it up so that when I am just about done with the last bag of my order there is a box on my porch. They let you set up how often you receive a new order so you can tailor it to how little or much you eat. I find them to be just the ticket when you have the munchies but do not want to eat a meal. Pop a few in your mouth and usually I am fine until I decide to eat a real meal. This is my third box and each has been very similar in taste. Oh I weigh the bags I make and so far every box had more cherries by weight than listed on the box.
No More Grape Poptarts? Say it isn't so!It's been difficult to find the Frosted Grape Poptarts since we move away from the eastcoast over a decade ago. Then we located them on the westcoast in San Diego and couldn't wait to stock up on our summer vacations from Arizona. For a while Kellogg's were even selling directly their company. But they stopped a few years ago. I thought we finally found a reliable source buying from Amazon.com.My whole family is hooked. This stuff is like a drug - once you try the grape, you'll never want anything else!We've preferred the grape since they first came out.DON'T DO IT KELLOGG'S....I can't believe this is the end.We want our Frosted Grape Poptarts!!!!!
a dangerous decision These cherries are SO Good! sigh...to me, these are a real treasure in my pantry.....they are delicious and fairly priced ( although I see the price jumps around) and store easily in my cool, cool storage. It is really thrilling for me to have these to bake in scones with sliced almonds and mix with popcorn and nuts with chocolate coating for snacking and what a special component for my trail mix. Cherries don't grow where I live and I have missed them more than any other fruit since moving here.
No Tomatoes Did EVERYTHING according to instructions. Plants grew but flowers (that lead to tomatoes) that were supposed to appear by 4 weeks did NOT appear by 4 MONTHS (when I gave up)!!
every can was dented I am SO disappointed. Even though I read many reviews complaining of dented cans, I took a chance because of the pumpkin shortage & my family's regular use of pumpkin (a "superfood"!) But I just received the package, which seemed to be packed sufficiently, yet once I opened it up fully, every single can was dented. Some severely. Most in ways I can't imagine happened during shipment. The only thing I can figure is that the manufacturer is using this a way to get rid of damaged cans, because nobody would pick a can up in the store that looked like the cans I received.I have contacted Amazon customer service and I'm sure they will come through for me - I have never had a problem dealing with them. But beware if you are buying this product. Maybe the dented cans were just a fluke but all 12...???**update: Amazon customer service was a breeze to deal with and sent me a new case and again, EVERY can was dented. Some severely. I won't try again. Very disappointed.
Equal Large Size I cannot find the 8 oz container of Equal in the grocery stores so I purchased it on Amazon which is easy and it is delivered right to my door.
Not what it used to be! Fry it like bacon for BLTs or breakfast side. Crisp flavor burst with a great aftertaste. I love to cook this at a very low simmer in a covered fry pan for a couple of hours. The texture is very soft, translucent and just melts in your mouth. I'll add it to soups (split Pea, Navy Bean. Very delicious and versatile product. Burgers Smokehouse products are phenomenal! THREE YEARS LATER: OCTOBER 19,2011. Use to love this stuff but after several reorders found the size of the slices, texture no matter how carefully prepared, and in general the product itself not the original I was buying in 2008. The pieces in most or the orders have been too small to fry like a bacon strip. The product turns out tough, sinewy, and rather like something to paste on the bottom of ones shoe rather then put on the breakfast plate. I am a fairly decent cook and knowledgeable and other then boiling the tar out of it, utilizing a pressure cooker, sticking it in a blender, or cremating it and grinding up into ashes you are going to get tough pieces. I don't know what they did to it, perhaps new processing, changed the recipe, new smoke-master, where they are raising or buying the pork cheeks before smoking, shaving the cut on the Jowl, but it is not the same item in size, texture, nor quality I use to so enjoy. The customer service is still wonderful and has credited, sent free packages,and apologized. But now after so many attempts of reordering, retrying, and disappointments I have given up on Burgers Jowl!
d-e-e-l-i-s-h Very tasty. Kinda like a cross between a sardine (consistency) and smoked mullet or trout (smoky flavor). Very much recommended!
EXPIRED 07/03/08 Hopefully they got a new shipment in. I purchased 02/04/09 and soup had an expiration date of 07/03/08
For garlic lovers! I love the taste of this sauce! It's not super spicy, but has a good kick to it. Love it as a shrimp marinade and sometime I mix it in my BBQ sauce for a little extra something. Really yummy stuff.
Sawdust GROSS. These are dry as sawdust, crumbly (fell apart in the package before I even opened it), and there is a weird chemical taste to them as well. Worst protein bar I've ever tried - and I've tried quite a lot.
LOVE THESE MUSHROOMS Yes, we're very pleased with the flavor and size of these mushrooms, but even more amazing is the cost! 16 oz. of Shitake mushroom caps costs 7 times this at our favorite grocery....yes, seven times!True the mushroom caps in our local grocery had all the stems removed and there are some stems in this package, but gracious! For the difference in price I'll gladly remove stems if we don't want them there. (And hum happily while doing it)Further the order arrived in only 3 days without expedited shipping, and it was extremely well packaged so there was absolutely no crushing of the product.You can bet we'll be buying our Shitakes here from now on!- Gail Cooke
Senseo Colombia Blend pods I received these very quickly and at a reasonable price. Best of all, they are delicious! I would definitely recommend them.
This should recieve NEGATIVE stars it was so bad. I ordered Robert's American Gourmet Chaos, 2-Ounce Bags (Pack of 24) on October 30th, 2007 and although it arrived quickly and in good physical condition; it was awful. I tried to return it but I was informed it is not an item you can return which has me a bit upset as it costs over $15 and is inedible. When I opened the first package I was assailed with the smell of rancid oil and so I will not be feeding these organic snacks to my children.The date on the items is not past due, so I assume it is a mistake by the manufacturer. I have ordered other of the Robert's snacks in the past and have never had this problem before, but I will be very hesitant to order any more in the future.
soy sauce dispenser Great size. Dispenses well. There is no cap or lid. If it falls over in the refridgerator(which mine did) what a mess!
AWFUL, tiny kernels full of hulls Terrible & expensive for what you get. Tiny little kernels, lots of hulls. Stick with the cheap store bought.Bleh what a rip off.
What a pity! Robertson's Marmalades WERE superb. Their "chunky" and "original" were both best of all marmalades made anywhere. Unfortunately the only one the new owners chose to save of Robertson's many types is the insipid "Golden Shred", not worth bothering the effort.
Rather disappointing. Not very rosey! I was looking for a very full-flavored rose tea. I drink a lot of Celestial Seasonings, so I was excited when this came out. I was disapponted, however, in the lack of rose fragrance or flavor. It tastes more like spice tea, with only the lightest hint of vanilla and no discernable rose flavor. If I had blind-tested the tea, I would have said I like it. But since I expected roses, it was a disappointment.
arrived in an OPEN bag :( I was very disappointed when the candy corn arrived in an OPEN bag. The box was the appropriate size, but they could have at least sealed the bag. That is unacceptable. Against my better judgment, I did go ahead and eat some of the candy corn. It was delicious. It would warrant 5 stars if not for the atrocious packaging.
Very Tasty! I love "B" grade maple syrup and have had trouble finding it in the past. Everybody seems to want "A", but I find that the inhansed flavor of the so called lesser grade makes it easier to use less and still have a satisfactory result. A little goes a long way and it works very nicely to mask the flavor of herbal tinctures being given to children (or flavor fussy adults).
Mrs. Mays almond crunch These are fresh, crunchy, natural, and healthy snacks you can reseal and keep in the car, crumble into non-fat yogurt or over salads, or pack some in the kids lunch. Convenient and delicious.
Refreshing This is awesome tea. I do not usually like any hint of lemon in my tea, however, this tea has changed my mind! For me, plain green tea is hard to drink. It taste's like mowed grass! So I choose green teas with other flavors added. This is one of the best IMO. I have not tried it iced yet, but think it would be equally as wonderful served that way. The tea stands on it's own& does not really need a sweetener, but a drizzle of honey really brings out the flavor!
Stale I have tried this granola localy and loved it. I saw the low price on Amazon a while back and bought a case. The stuff I got in the mail didnt taste at all like the granola I bought in the stores. It tasted like rancid powdered milk. After a mouthful I havent been able to eat This brand of granola again.
Oogie' popcorn I keep my office staff and family happy with popcorn being available to them for snacks. This popcorn caused a mutiny of my family and staff. This is without a doubt some really awful stuff. I will never buy this again.
mmm.... my wife loves these choloates the price is a bit much but they shipped nicely i had amazon credit so i did not care much when it comes to endulge my wife i love her and she loves these things so it was worth it
Why is all the mints? Mint is not pleasant to have in winter time at all, just realize there is no winter in India where the Ayuvendic fomulla was made for. So a good formula for people live in India doesn't mean it work for people live in other part of the world.
Different The fish is a bit rubbery and bland. Lots of garlic flavor, but no taste of shrimp at all. Not bad, but not good. I'll stick to the steaks.
stale This was a gift for my husband and all the candy was stale. It is a total waste of money.
The Chuck Norris of Cherries! Delicious as described! This is one honkin' huge 4 POUND bag of cherries! Oh my gosh there is a bazillion of 'em. Divvy them up and share with friends.
Trying to find Cinnamon Swirl Cake Mix I had a recipe for a carmel apple cake that called for the cinnamon swirl cake mix. Everyone loved the cake but I can't make it anymore because none of the stores are carrying the cake mix.
perfect cake this is a perfect vanilla cake I like it better than just a yellow good alternative to a classic white cake!
Very disappointed I bought these after reading all the good reviews. I was not paying attention when I placed my order, because I did not realize that I would be getting only 8 pieces of candy for $15.00. Seems like a lot of money just for 8 pieces! I tried one of the candies today and if it wasn't for the pecans it wouldn't have any flavor at all. I will never buy this product again. Werthers has a far better tasteing product for way less the cost, and you get way more for your money.
King Oscar packed in Poland King Oscar and Bumble Bee sardines are both packed in Poland. Bumble Bee is the distributor for K.O., and I believe both brands come from the Mediterranean instead of the icy Nordic waters. K.O. 3.75 oz tin costs $3.79 retail and B.B. cost $1.69 where I shop.
not 5 pounds so when i got my gummy bears i noticed that something just wasn't right about the bag and so i had weighted it and it was not 5 pounds at all!!! and so i began to cry because it was 4.13 pound instead of 5. but over all it is really good. i am very sorry if i spell thing wrong. btw just in case you want to send me another one. you can contact me at my email. but if you do send me more make sure it is 5 pound because when i get it i will make sure it will be 5 pounds so please do not make me cry again. <333thank you
Not the real thing, but not bad, considering it's canned. I fell in love with haggis on my trips Scotland. When visiting a Scottish shop in NC I purchased this brand along with another brand advertised here on Amazon (Caledonian Kitchen), just to compare. Neither one are quite like the real stuff, but what canned food is as good as the original? Both are tasty although both are a bit mild compared to what I enjoyed in Scotland. I think I prefer the taste of this one. This brand seems to be a tad spicier than the CK and not so heavy on the liver. I add a bit of ground black pepper and nutmeg which helps. I was happy to see it on Amazon, but the price added with shipping costs keeps me from purchasing it. For the little difference in taste, I ordered the less expensive CK in the 3 pack. I'll wait till I go back to NC or another Scottish shop to buy this one.
NOW Coconut Oil This has become part of my regular vitamin routine. The softgels are a little big, but I didn't have any problems swallowing them. This really helps curb my appetite. I love this stuff.
organic white tea Just wanted you to know that I received my product. I am very satisfied with my tea.The taste is pleasant and the tea has medicinal benefits. Besides, if Dr. O says it's goodfor you, it must be...RIGHT?
Tazo lotus tea I opened up a brand new box of this tea today. The first teabag fell on the floor because the string wasn't attached, so I threw it away. I opened teabag#2 and the string wasn't attached to it either, but since it didn't fall on the floor I went ahead and used it. The bag broke during brewing, so the leaves were all over the inside of the cup. I dumped that one out and tried again with teabag #3, and the results were identical to teabag #2, so I just said "Forget it!". What are the odds of getting 3 defective bags in a row??? I now hate Tazo teabags.
tasty and convenient, relatively guilt-free snack UPDATE 4/2011 downgrade to 2 stars****I haven't eaten these for a couple years since I decided to get rid of any remaining processed foods in my diet besides puffed rice or quinoa. Also, I do not think it is a good idea to consume much soy, especially in the form of soy protein isolates that hardly resemble the original balance of nutrients in the soybean. Occasionally I'll have something with miso or tempeh. Also, soy has constituents that can affect hormonal balance not to mention it's potential interference with thyroid function as a goitrogen.*****Though I'm not into so called "guilt-free" foods and eat mainly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans and low-fat dairy, I have days when I need to make sure I get enough protein in a pinch. These soy chips often fill the gap, as with a new baby in the house (who is cared for full time by his mom in lieu of various mechanical and other devices such as swings, bouncers, teddy-bears with womb sounds, etc) I'm not cooking quite so much. Plus, I don't have much taste for meat, though I'm not a vegetarian.I don't eat many processed foods, and these soy chips are on the lower end of the processed side of things, in my opinion, as they don't have a bunch of dyes, perservatives, etc, just the soy flour, rice, oil, salt, spices...one could do much worse.In particular, I have found them helpful for road trips when you don't know when you'll encounter something decent to eat (and don't have room for a cooler) and for plane trips. Along with a few pieces of fruit, I've been carried through many a dicey food situation with these non-perishable soy chips. A 2 hour ride to the airport, 2+ hour flight and average 2 hour luggage retrieval and dash to hotel or other lodgings is a long time to go without something to eat in these days of superb airline service. Besides, who ever really liked, or much less could argue the sound nutrition of airplane food anyway?The chips pack a lot of heart healthy soy protein (about 24 grams per 385 calorie bag), are low in fat and in sugar. Also, the bag can be compressed in to a much smaller size for carry-on economy if you don't mind some crushed chips. They may not be a salad and healthy entree cover page meal, but they are a giant leap up from the vast majority of vending machine, convenience store, and grocery snack aisle trash. The downside to them is that they do have relatively high sodium, but if the rest of your diet is pretty low in salt and you aren't having trouble with blood pressure, you're probably ok there.I really love the new amazon.com grocery venture because for one, I can get these soy chips in 12 packs. The price works out to be just over 50% of the cost per bag that I'd pay in any grocery store where I live. When I two cases at a time to get over the $25 barrier, I get free shipping which really seals the deal. My dad kids me that I'm an amazon.com junkie and whenever he sees a package from amazon.com in his box, he knows who's sent it. This is not a prompted plug for amazon, I just really like their service, grocery especially.
good!!! taste This brownie mix is great, we have tasted so many brands and so far Pamela's products (brownie mix, bread mix, pancake mix, and chocolate chip cookies) are the best, I really recommend this items!!
Fast AND Good!!! What a totally great item!!! Now I can get brewed cold iced tea in just a few short minutes. Sure, you can get iced tea using instant tea mixes, but they just don't taste as good as brewed iced tea. But when you brew tea to make iced tea it takes a ton of ice to cool it down quickly, which totally waters down the tea.Not any more!!! Now with these cold brew tea bags it is a snap to make iced tea. The Lemon flavored tea is the best tasting to us since we prefer regular tea over fruit flavored teas, and we always add lemon. So this lemon flavor is just like the taste of the standard iced tea we used to make.The way I make this tea is use cold tap water, brew the tea for 10 minutes, then pour over ice. I use the recommended 4 bags per quart.
Great buy on Thai noodles This is a great deal, plus a % off coupon. Much cheaper and easier than going to the store to buy. I eat these for lunch and have leftovers for a side for supper.
gluten free english muffins Tried this item liked it. This item was cheaper to get than buying at the local store, easier to get and it has a longer shelf life than what i was getting. Around here driving 30 miles one way is local. P.S. These can make great mini pizzas
altoids for the truly cinnamon tase We prefer the cinnamon Altoids to the other brands-the flavor is more true and longer lasting. We keep tins in each of our vehicles as well by the favorite seating in the living room.
Add honey? Are you supposed to avoid sugars if you have a urinary tract infection?
I think I need to go back to school! I used to think that I was lactose intolerant, so I stopped drinking regular milk - moved to non-fat milk - and then got hooked on Soy. It turns out that I'm not lactose intolerant (I just eat too much cereal everyday), but I'm still hooked on soy milk.So, about this product. I was in an accident a couple of months ago :-( and was unable to go grocery shopping (my girlfriend lives in a different state, and I'm too stubborn to ask my friends for help). So, I came to Amazon for a little bit of grocery shopping (since Peapod does not deliver in my area). Now, growing up in Germany, I am used to drinking milk in cartons. So, when I saw this product, it brought back some good old memories:so I ordered it. The problem is that I've been out of college for a while, and I thought that these cartons were going to be bigger. They turned out to be like the small boxes of fruit juice that you find in a kid's lunch box.Of course, the mistake was on my part, and I'm actually happy that they are the size they are, simply because I can store them in the fridge, get one when I need it, and not have to worry about any of it getting spoiled. Oh, and they taste good too :-). Sweet, but not too sweet.
Fun, but disappointing for the price Purchased this for a friend who often talked about the candy he grew up eating. Most of the contents are "penny candy" still available today. The packaging was cute, but for half the price I could have put together my own simmilar assortment.
yummy YUMMY good stuff!! low carbohydrate counts, high fiber content, and delightful flavor makes THIS product an ideal addition to ones diabetic nutrition paradigm to aid in dealing well with the condition
What's up with the price?!? I first bought a pack of 12 at $38. The price is now up by $30 to $68. This is insane and in no way does this fairly reflect the hike in gas prices. I could see a $5.00 raise ... maybe. But $30? These were $3.16 a can a year ago. They're now $5.67 a can. Any grocery store raising their prices that much, that fast, would be laughed out of business. This is is shameful. Get these prices in line, Amazon (or, if Worthington's responsible, get them to get their prices in line or drop the product).As far as the product? It was dropping in quality, anyway. It had gotten much slimier and, simultaneously, a strong grainy taste started overpowering the rest of the flavors (sort of like skunky beer).
black mold I recieved six boxes of these. each box had two or three that were moldy. the strawberry filling was covered in black fuzzy mold and you did not know it unless you opened them up and looked under the top layer. I ate half of one and it was nasty and it made me sick. they are good however when they are not garnished with fuzzy mold. I called Sorbee and they appolagized and new the boxes with the best by date of january 11 2008 were bad. they are sending me a check to replace them. if you need to number it is 215-677-5200
Small Meal Replacement I have been dieting and working out three days a week. I have been having a slim fast as my lunch replacement, but have not been following their 3-2-1 program. To keep things interesting I bought this Strawberries & Cream version and a pack of the Chocolate one. I like the Chocolate Royale one better though.Taste:The taste of Strawberries & Cream is reminiscent to the taste of some desert snacks. My girlfriend loves the taste, I thought it was okay. I could definitely continue having them though. Just make sure to shake it before you eat it, and keep it in the fridge.Meal Replacement:When I "eat" one of these Slimfast Drinks I have noticed that it will keep me full for three or four hours. The company recommends that you have three snacks throughout the day to keep yourself from getting too hungry. As long as you make sensible choices about your snacks, you should be better off then what you would have eaten. For additional information, you can see their site about the 3-2-1 program.Results:By eating right, using slimfast as one meal, and working our three times a week, I have lost fourteen pounds in a month. Originally I weighed 188, I am now 174. I am 5'8" and am fairly muscular. I am just trying to lose the extra weight I have put on from laziness and bad eating.Conclusion:The Slim-Fast is a good way to curve your appetite. As with any method to lose weight, you should work out as well. I do recommend getting a variety of flavors to keep things interesting. I knocked off 1 star cause it doesn't keep me full for long enough.
expired !! i bought this and im from egypt i had it delivered by a friend from the us. but unfortunately i didnt find an expiry date on it and i tried them it is terrible and very old and most probably expired becuase i tasted it its not even food!! don't ever buy any wilton food products online! this is fraud and im very far away i cant even return them!i will never buy any wilton product again! shame on them
Beware !! The box has Japanese written on it, but this tea is actually made in China, not Japan.Be aware of the pesticide residue in all Chinese agricultural products, especially tea leaves.
Easy and tasty I've been using Annie Chun's for years now. I like to add a bit of fresh vegtables or sometimes meat to them but they are good plain if you're in a hurry. This is very hot. Like I do with their other dishes I just dumped in the entire flavor pack...oops it was so hot I couldnt taste anything but the hot. After a bit of experimentation I found for me that about 1/2 the flavor packet and a heaping tablespoon of yogurt made this a really flavorful hot and sour dish. Add some shrimp if you can find good wild shrimp and you'll think you're in a high quality restaurant. Considering it comes to my remote door the price here isn't too bad compared to the box stores which often don't have all the flavors to choose from.
not-so-super crema Disappointing taste, disappointing response by seller. Opened the 2-lb. bag of beans, and there was no aroma. Made my cappuccino & my husband's black espresso: no pleasing flavor, in fact unpleasant flavor. Tried again, to be certain. Not good! Mailed entire bag back at my expense, as no answer via phone on Friday evening & wanted to get it over and done with. Received call a few days later from a rude and insulted rep. who chastised me for returning without authorizarion. The policy is no returns on coffee. Refused me a credit or even in-house credit. I let my platinum credit card handle it, the seller has the coffee beans and my money!
Lies all around, not happy at all I bought this looking for Old Dominion brand peanut brittle. This is not Old Dominion brand, nor was it made by Old Dominion. The brittle we received was made by SweetGourmet.com, and the other reviews are right, there are very few peanuts in this product and something just tastes slightly off. It's technically edible and it's technically peanut brittle, so I guess I won't worry about returning it, but I don't like being misled.Product is a bag of brittle pieces shipped inside a box, someone mentioned it arriving smashed up, well honestly, I think it was supposed to arrive somewhat smashed up and not as a solid sheet which is what I think that reviewer and I were both wanting.
Nice cofe I love Turkish cofe and this cofe was just like what I likeThe test was greetPlease try it
Stale The last order I placed, most of the boxes that I received contained stale wafers. They were rock hard and not edible. I am so bummed that I may not purchase these wafers again, which is sad because when they're not stale, they can actually be quite good. But I expect every box to live up to the same quality control measures, to be light and crunchy and delicious, and I am really disappointed in how many packages of my last order were so stale they hurt my teeth to bite into them.
Good Product, Good Shelf Life Received these in March 2012 and the expiration date was August 2013, so I got nearly a year and a half recommended shelf life.The chicken is good quality and is flavorful. Great for chicken tacos, burritos and chicken salad. Quick and easy, I rinse the contents.There is nearly 50 grams (10 grams per serving and the serving size is 2 ounces) of protein in each can which is one reason for selecting this product. I keep a year supply of food on hand and these fit in nicely with my food storage and rotation efforts.I also ordered the Tyson canned chicken and was very pleased to note the Tyson arrived at the same time and has a February 2015 recommended shelf life. I like both products and recommend both.
Tim's K Cups No Worky So Good Sadly I had a terrible experience with Timothy's brand K-Cups. Only occasionally (1 out of 5) would these cups work properly in my maker--never had a problem with ANY other K-cup we have purchased (and we have 5-6 brands in the drawer at any given time). These cups would almost always back up into the maker creating a huge mess and half an undrinkable cup of coffee complete with most of the grounds from the K cup.Look like I just got a bad batch, but by the time I realized these were problem cups, the Amazon 30 day warranty had run out, leaving me no recourse other than to give them a negative review.
Try a Box Before Buying a Case - a review of BTN's Mac & Cheese I like organic. We do organic milk and meat, and vegetables when we can afford the latter. My children like macaroni and cheese - not my homemade casserole, of course (lol), but out of a box. (Reasons for this preference are unknown.)In any case, you would think organic *Back to Nature Macaroni & Cheese* would be popular at our house but it's not. Simple put, my children won't eat it.Perhaps it is because of the lack of chemicals that the cheese sauce comes out a little grainy. Or maybe I just made it wrong, but my testy tikes won't gobble this down like non-organic, over-processed wheat Kraft Mac.Two Stars. Maybe I just had a bad box. Or maybe I just didn't make it right that day, but my two (boy and girl) would not eat this macaroni and cheese product. If you are going to try it (products do get IMPROVED every day) then my advice would be to buy ONE box and try it; and not a case.