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Morning Tea It is one of the greatest tasting teas from a bag or loose leaf that my husband and I have tasted in all the years we've been alive. My husband discovered it on a trip to Ireland and hasn't changed his brand since. We rate this tea with all five stars....
accumulated deit pill/Caffeine stress relief I have for years taken lots of caffeine, in the form of stay awake kind of pills, and in the form of Strong coffee. It has created stress that just stopping would not erase. I noticed when I bought Kava coffee I had way less jittery feeling. So naturally I tried this. I wasted my money, NOT because it didn't work but because the first two bags in one cup of water did the trick! Like a load off my shoulder. I have all these bags in case it comes back but boy am I glad I tried this! Now I cant wait to try the other kinds of tea from yogi.
Loved it! Bought this at a winery in New York and when we got home used it a shrimp stir fry. It was delish!! It definitely does have a kick to it but for those who like some spice I would highly recommend it.
Weak, but tasty! This product met my expectations very well. The flavor wasn't quite what I expected, however. I expected a cinnamon flavor with subtle hints of hazelnut and vanilla. Instead, I found that all three flavors are pretty evenly distributed. The end result is a cacophony of flavors which is very powerful and distracts from the natural coffee flavor.The beans themselves are rather small. Because of this, I think, the coffee is rather weak. I find myself having to use 30% more coffee per pot than with my traditional coffee beans. The cup, when poured black, has a very weak color to it, if you add creamer the look is very reminiscent of tea with milk.When I first tried the coffee I was very unhappy with the results. However, after tweaking the amount of grounds I use (as well as increasing the coarseness of my grounds) I found a product that was palatable.Would I buy it again? Probably not. However, I can see many people who dislike strong coffee truly enjoying this.
Good tasting worms Tastes good not to sour and not to sweet. I like the price also. They also seem to stay fresh for a very long time.
Ugggg. The taste... I saw the rave reviews for this tea, and I decided to do an experiment and try this tea along with the Traditional Medicinals St. John's Wort Good Mood tea. They should have been similar, although it looks like the Yogi tea has more St. John's Wort in it. I've had several cups of both now, and without a doubt the Yogi tea tastes way too licoricey and like it has a fake sweetener in it. The Traditional Medicinals tastes WAY better to me, with a more subtle licorice flavor and no weird fake sweetener taste. Also, it makes me feel better than the Yogi tea. It gives me a little boost, which I'm not feeling with Yogi. Sorry, but I tried it a few times to make sure! If anyone else wants to try the same experiment, I'd be interested in your opinion as well!!!
Fantastic tea I LOVE this tea...it is so full of flavor that I look forward to having it first thing in the morning. Not too sweet, perfect combo of cinnamon and spice...delicious!
Beer nuts rock! Put these in your cracker jacks and shake it up and you will be surprised how good they are together!
Genisoy potato crisps are the best! Genisoy potato crisps are my favorite snack. They are healthy, flavorful, and have a lot of crunch. I tried to buy a case on the company web site but found their price too high. Then I discovered that I could get the same from Amazon at a much lower price. This particular flavor, bacon and roasted garlic, is not my favorite, but I like the product so much that I bought two cases "taste" unseen. And I wasn't disappointed. Without doubt, I'll return to Amazon.com when I finish my current supply. Try it; you'll like it!
Low quality - hardly edible the jerky was so tough i was only able to eat 1 out of ever 3 pieces. was a complete was of money. i'm very disappointed in the product. the only positive is that it is low sodium (either by make or by the fact that only a few pieces are edible)
excellent, strong tea This is a strong, mellow tea for regular tea drinkers. I usually drink the Scottish Breakfast Blend by Taylors of Harrogate, but it's been not so easy to find here all the time, so I tried this one. I can highly recommend it.
Crunchies? Not quite. I am normally a huge fan of all-natural, healthy, and organic snack foods such as this one. However, the product is not what it says it is. These strawberries are not crunchy, but rather chewy. For me, they did not have a desirable texture. It seems that one of two things may have happened here; either not all water was removed during the freeze-drying process or somehow air (and moisture) got into the package, taking away from the product's crunch. Also buyer beware, because these packages are only 1 ounce, not 1.5 as the picture and product description state.
Fantastic tea This is one of my favorite teas. It's strong enough to wake up your mouth in the morning, but mild enough that you don't need to add anything to sweeten it.
Make Your Own Pods At Home!! I really like my new Senseo maker, but I found that with one pod the flavor was too weak and with two it was too strong. So I found a way that anyone can make their own pods at home on another website.Now I make my very own coffee pods with my favorite brand of coffee. It costs a LOT less and the flavor is EXACTLY right.
Whole Wheat Bredsticks This product is not as good as the brand that you carried prior to this (Fattorie & Pandea). These aren't as crispy and the taste is not that of the whole wheat flavor that makes it much better than plain white bread sticks, these really have not much taste at all.
Amazon-are you serious? How can one be sure of purchasing a product when there is not even a complete description? And not to mention, not even a correct description? "While milk"? That doesn't even make sense! How can I buy something when I don't even truly know what it is? Now I am going to have to wander around the vast interwebs and find out for myself!
Inconsistant Quality of Flavor I love KONA and was looking forward to this blend, BUT it is always a gamble when I make it to see if it will be rich and satisfying or weak and bitter. This shipment of K-Cups shows no quality control at all. I don't know what happened, Timothy's is usually extremely good, but this is a BAD flavor for coffee lovers. Nothing makes me madder than to get a weak, bitter cup of coffee first thing in the morning. Don't buy this blend, you will be disappointed, I was.
Reeses (Reese's) Pieces As of August 27, 2008 - all prices subject to changeASIN B001C1PAWY - 44 oz bag, not currently availB000WMI6NY - 24 four ounce boxes, not currently availB000PD13GC - 36 packages, package size not stated, $32.99 + $8.95 shipping ($41.94)B000I6FY48 - 1 pound, $9.99 + $8.95 shipping ($18.94)B000QUZ9C8 - Twelve 44 ounce bags, $89.00 + $22.25 shipping ($111.25)B000NMDVU6 - 36 packages, package size not stated, $21.47 + $10.50 shipping ($31.97)B000QV0M6K - 2.75 pound bag, $9.95 + $8.75 shipping ($18.70)B000OYH2FI - 44 ounce bag, $21.95 + $6.95 shipping ($28.90)The only differences between all of these listings are that they were created by different sellers, the size of the packages, and the price. You can compare the prices and sellers for yourself. One item not currently available, B000WMI6NY, is likely to be the best deals, since Amazon usually offers free shipping with purchases of a certain dollar amount. The others, once you add shipping to the sale price, seem to me to be over-priced.First there were M&Ms;, which are good. Good enough for Reese's to take the idea and expand on it. And Reese's Pieces are so good that M&Ms; stole the idea back - and doesn't do peanut butter anywhere near as well as Reese's! Like M&Ms;, Reese's Pieces are little dots with a candy-coating; inside is a creamy peanut butter. They don't compare with M&Ms; Plain, but they beat the peanut butter out of M&Ms; Peanut Butter!- AnnaLovesBooks
Best coffee I had so far - Possibly in stock, contact Amazon I bought the veriety pack in Gloria Jean's store to try out the flavors. All favors are geat, Hazelnut is my favorite. They charge about $15 for 25pack, other online sites charge about the same, 10% less the most. Amazon's price is the best, I bought all of the GJ brand coffee on sale for $19 which includes two boxes of 25 count.I ordered GJ Tea Veriety and have received this Coffee veriety instead, it had Tea label from Amazon but was actually coffee. If you interested in getting this veriety I would contact Amazon since it seems like they have it but being mislabeled by the staff.
NOT Feta The package label looks different than this one but it says Mount Sterling Goat Milk Feta Greek Style. I USED TO buy lots of it because I loved it. It was nice and crumbly for salads and omelets and a bunch of other recipes. Flavoful with a long shelf life.NOT ANY MORE.I was surprised when I opened a package to crumble it into my salad and it wasn't crumbly. No different than any sliceable cheese. I figured it just a labeling mistake and returned it to the store. A while later, same thing and I returned it to the store. I dug down to the bottom of the heap and found the last 3 packages of REAL feta. You can even see the difference from the outside of the package. This is part of the description on their own website, "This DRY,CRUMBLY cheese is excellent in dishes with vegetables". The label picture is exactly the same as the one I buy (and I just looked again today).I emailed Mount Sterling, politely explaing the situation. I figured they'd want to know. I received a curt reply telling me that I was welcome to return it to the store. Then about a month ago I decided to try once again, even though it still didn't look like feta through the package. I bought it anyway and it isn't nice crumbly feta so I returned it again. I have checked other cops and it is the same.I like their cheeses including the raw milk chedder but I'll not be so likely to buy from a companythat doesn't care about either explaining or correcting a problem. It doesn't exactly make me trust the quality.They may sell this feta now, but as soon as the buyers try to crumble it, they won't be buying any more. I am very disappointed, as I loved this cheese.
Excellent - My New Morning Standard Among all of Twinings' breakfast teas, this has become my latest standard. Steeping for only three or four minutes produces a deep, full-bodied liquor, which I find to be a bit richer than English Breakfast (which is still a fairly stout tea unto itself). As it's such a strong tea, Irish Breakfast holds up very well to milk and sugar.If you're looking for a lighter morning tea, Twinings Ceylon Breakfast is very nice.
You just gotta love Dave's It is hot. Not as hot as Dave's sauce, but it's hot. The popcorn is good - light and crisp.Too bad there's not a breakfast cereal with this stuff on it :)
Very stale, can't give them away I took a chance on these, aware that a lot of food sellers on Amazon sell very stale product, and I lost my wager. These rice cakes were extremely stale. I bit into one and instantly regretted my decision. I had to go to a local store to buy some new ones the next day, as these were not appetizing. I have been trying to give them away to roommates and friends, but none of them want them! I guess I'll try to donate them to a food bank or else just throw them away.
great product - horrible price great product but you can easily buy for well under $2.50 at many grocery stores
Completely Satisfied! Absolutely in agreement with other 5 star reviews -- only a little needed to sweeten, healthy, good for coffee and tea without overwhelming their flavors, great in cooking. I'm sold on it -- have already re-purchased. I don't want to run out of this!
Very tastey I love this tea its so delicious. I have it as a dessert or instead of coffee in the morning.
Works for me! I was skeptical in first but actually I have been feeling lot better on my fingers joints and also my nail became very healthy and strong I have been keeping my French with my natural nails...!!! I have been mixing with my soy protein shake in the morning as my breakfast and it doesnt have any strange taste sonperfect!
Great Gum Great Center Must Buy better than normal bubble gum This gum has a liquid center. I dotn see any bubble yum or stuff like that with a nice center. I got this gum origonaly in mexico where it seems to be the main gum there. Little did i know they sold this gum in america. So i bought a few boxes for 600 pasos each. I obviously got ripped off. Well this product would be huge if there was a larger market like ther was in mexico. They had like 20 Flavors there. We only have 3 but its stil good. Enjoy
My favorite gum I must say, I chew a lot of gum. Gum is a great stress and anxiety reliever for me; it is almost a must have when I am driving.This is my favorite gum. Most modern flavors, like "Artic Chill," and "Double Super-Polar Peppermint," go for an overpowering flavor that tastes chemical due to its unnatural concentration. This gum, on the other hand, has a gentle mix of mint and lemon, and always tastes good to me.Unfortunately, very difficult to find in stores.
Contains Corn Syrup, Nutrition Facts Wrong The nutrition facts given for this product are wrong. It has more sugar and calories than listed on this page. 100 calories and 25 g sugar is the correct amount. Contrary to the other reviews, this product contains corn syrup.
Nero Panforte Really delicious but impossible to remove paper from back of panforte. I ate the paper, but I would rather have not.
delicious but most cans dented.rusted, etc I was only able to use one of a dozen cans - they had to be disposed of as they were rusted, dented and dirty. After disinfencting the only undamaged can, i found this product to be delicious , it is a shame i won't attempt to reorder. This is the 3rd Loma Linda product that has arrived in such horrible , unsanitary and unusable condition ..
Acquired taste maybe? Got this when I read that it was jam packed full of vitamin B6. Read reviews of people who adore this product. I can liken it to eating a very very concentrated worchestershire sauce - almost tasty but way too salty. I'll keep trying but so far I really can't join the fan club. Wish I could tho.
was not that good if you go to Cayman Island the rum cake is much better--this is just an other very average product in a fancy wraper--
Hot at first,but.. I used the Las Palmas mild enchilada sauce because neither my wife or I are big fans of extremely hot dishes. People often mistake hot and spicey. Spicey doesnt mean it has to be so hot you can't enjoy the flavor of the food. Now, after making my cheese enchiladas I have to say that the Las Palmas mild sauce was exceptionally hot. I mean really hot. If you want a comparizon it's like comparing Taco Bell mild sauce to Taco Bell hot sauce. I was really surprised and like the others, felt like just tossing the meal in the trash. But, I hate to be wasteful so I just figured I would keep them and eat them for my lunch during the week. to my surprise, the next day I heated some up for lunch in the microwave. They were still hot, hotter than what I would deem a mild sauce to be. However, the amount of heat had surprisngly subsided somewaht to a tolerable level. The flavor of the sauce is not "up there" in my list of favorites. It's okay, just not really exceptional. I'll keep looking for my all time favorite sauce recipe.
DELICIOUS - Turkish Delight w/ Fruits This was the first Turkish Delight we've ever tried. I searched Google to see what it was after seeing "The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe," and when I saw that I could buy some, I did.There were three flavors: orange, mint, and rose. I liked them all. My family liked the orange best, the rose least - but in any case, it didn't last long!I will definitely buy more.
Horrible Taste! Sorry, folks, but it looks like I'm the only Amazon purchaser of this product who thinks it is absolutely terrible. The peanut butter flavor is barely discernible, and after every bite, there is an absolutely horrible chemical after taste. I can't put my finger on it, but it is truly nasty. (I also bought a box of the Cookies 'n Creme, and they actually tasted even worse!)Please understand, I have no hidden agenda, but honestly if you're looking for a great tasting energy bar I highly recommend the Kashi Go Lean Peanut Butter bars. Admittedly, they are much chewier, but at least they taste like peanut butter and they don't leave that disgusting after taste. Sorry, just my opinion.
yum - cheese! If you love your cheese puffs as I do - this is a great product. The first bite is strong, then addictive. I mean, you're not going to be getting blue cheese on your Cheetos! This is great tasting organic food!
Tire Tread is a Good Name for This Licorice Because that's what it tastes like. Seriously, this licorice is awful.It is sticky. Some licorice you can hold between your fingers and pop into your mouth. Not this stuff. And heaven-forbid you get it near an angora sweater.I also find the texture vaguely unpleasant. Some reviewers appreciated the softness of the product. To me it just felt characterless and mushy in my mouth. Not completely unpleasant, but not pleasant.But more important than the tactile feel of the confection is the taste. And it gets worse with every bite! I've had some food items that tasted unusual at first, but got better and better the more I ate. Not Tire Tread licorice. Every bite has me sinking further into the taste of the manufacturing of vulcanized rubber.I don't think this candy's problem is too much of a licorice taste. I've had various licorice products from Europe and Asia. No, the candy has a vaguely dirty taste, like it's been tooling down the road before hopping in my mouth.
hard as rocks The dehydrated Banana Chips are coated in a hard sugar substance. This food product is too hard for the average person to safely consume.The coating on the chips make the chip almost like biting into a ice cube. I had to throw them out. Not worth breaking a tooth - why they had to cover the banana chips I have no idea -- I have purchased other dehydrated banana chips - different companies - and never encountered this issue before. Dont buy this item.
Not that goo After reading the add copy I was expecting a much higher quality(read this as better tasting) cinnamon oil.The flavor was lacking and dissipated too quicklywhen exposed to air.For the price I expected better.I would not order again.thanks
chips are tight these chips are sweet as hell, and by "sweet" I mean "swizeet".
Fishy It tasted so fishy I had a hard time eating it. Didn't expect it to be that bad!!!!!!! If you like the taste of raw fish you will love it.
AWFUL Do not waste your money on this. I waited anxiously for the mail to deliver. Made a fresh 12 oz cup of coffee, dropped in two tablets. Nothing. I dropped in two more. Changed the flavor of the black coffee, but not for the better. I had wanted this so I didn't have to use cream for flavor with all the calories. Not even a hint of CHOCOLATE flavor.
Awful texture I love most jerky products, but the texture of this was just gross.... I couldn't eat more than a bite, and had to discard the entire pack.
what do you mean this isn't play-doh? i'm gonna keep this short and sweetTastes like play-doh, if you like to eat play-doh.. BUY THESE NOODLES, you won't be dissapointed.Update: decided to eat real play-doh after trying to eat these noodles. the play-doh tasted better.
Organic shouldn't have BPA & not worth Nutricity's total price I chose Westbrae's canned beans because they are organic. However, since then I've discovered that Westbrae uses cans with BPA in the lining. With BPA lining the cans and research showing solid levels leeching from cans and plastics into containers' contents, showing up in Americans' blood streams from infants to the elderly, I don't think the product can still be called organic! it isn't any better than products sprayed with pesticides, which can be washed off many foods (not all, though). Until Westbrae stops using BPA lined cans or stops claiming the organic label and charging organic prices, I can't give high marks.As additional information:I ordered a lot of food and other items when I made this purchase, thinking everything I ordered was from Amazon; but, while everything else Was shipped by Amazon, for some reason this one product ended up shipped by Nutricity.Nutricity charged more for the shipping than they did for the product, which amounted to $3.49 per can. At those prices, even without BPA in the cans' lining, these beans would not be worth that price!(I emailed Nutricity twice and they ignored me. I emailed Amazon twice, and after the second time, Amazon refunded the shipping charge due to "the circumstances" of the order.)
blue #1 and yellow #5 ?? WHAT !? So, we do not feed our children food dye for various reasons. This makes it tough to decorate cakes/treats for birthdays and holidays. We have been using INDIA TREE natural food coloring for years. Although the results are frosting colors much lighter then grocery store food dye.....the kids are happy and so are we. The other day i ordered the INDIA TREE "Emerald City Green" sparkling sugar to make pretty treats for St.Paddy's Day. The package arrived today and i could not be more shocked/upset. They use Blue#1 and yellow #5 in this product. I had assumed(my bad) all their products used natural alternatives.....if i had wanted these chemicals i would have gone to the grocery store and bought that cheap stuff. I'm so angry and very dissapointed.
Not worth the price, Quality is not that good I recived my shipment of Marzipan yesterday 9/13/07 and I opened the package to find that the Marzipan had pieces or what looks like food or dirt. I have been picking these pieces out of the Marzipan. I do not have time to reorder from another company so I am stuck using this MarzipanBiermann Marzipan 5 LB. Block. I am unhappy with the Quality and I would not recommend buying Marzipan form this company. I also feel the shipping is very pricey.
Incredibly chalky and cardboard like I have to agree with "R.Katz" They are incredibly chalky and cardboard like. They also have a strong dark chocolate taste. I don't particularly enjoy dark chocolate; those that do might enjoy these. The bars I received were well within their expiration date.(10 months to go) OK but certainly not the best Balance Bar flavor.
Great Healthful Delicious Red Tea Of all the RedTea products,this is th emost delishous. . .and we make both ice tea and hot tea with it.
Bad. I got a box of these yesterday, and at first I thought they were actually spoiled. After I re-read the reviews, I realized that they are just that bad. I usually try to throw in a positive, but I just cannot think of one. If they tasted good and the carbs were not nearly as high (24g per bar) I would be happy to pay the money, but for how bad they taste and how they really aren't very low-carb diet friendly, 1 star. Really, though, I wish they would have stated the carb count on the ad.
No delivery - Find another vendor We really wanted this old-time candy that we saw in the picture. We ordered it on Amazon and received shipment notification. After 10 days, we contacted the seller who was unresponsive. We then got another shipment notification saying it will be there in 3-5 days. Nothing arrived. Finally, we got a message saying they were out of stock and Amazon refunded our money. In all, it took about a month to resolve. I'm very disappointed.
Great coffee taste without caffeine and sugar Great coffee with a hint of raspberry and an excellent flavor of chocolate. It's a great way to have chocolate without refined sugar (which I'm allergic to.)
Love the variety I am making gift baskets for Christmas for all my foodie friends, and this olive oil was perfect for that! The bottles are not too big or too small -- I hate it when you get a gift basket and you only get very small samples, so 8.5 ounces per bottle was great! I kept one for myself, which was the basil, and it was really good. I'm glad I bought these, and I will buy more from this company for myself.
Wonderful Product I love this product. It is a clean tasting stevia, not refined, and with no aftertaste.If you are not used to unrefined stevia, give it some time. Our palates are so used to sugar and other refined foods that our tastebuds don't know what's good sometimes. A cleaner diet often reveals a taste for healthier foods.I use refined stevia as well, but I prefer to use this one whenever possible. It tastes great with green drinks to sweeten them up a bit.Thank you for making this available, Planetary Herbals![...]
Love the tea, Love the satiny bags, but They used to come in a inner clear box, they have changed their inside packaging to a 'ziplock' style bag, that I could not open. I finally had to just cut the zipper off......they won't stay very fresh that way. However, I do like the tea and the price is great. Other teas in the satiny bags are $14 or more.
Utterly delicious! Fantastic flavored tea, green or not! I have it every morning and never get tired of it with a little honey and lemon. I actually mix it with the excellentLipton Black Tea, Black Pearl Pure Long Leaf, Premium Pyramid Tea Bags, 20-Count Boxes (Pack of 6)which gives it more body for the AM to make a kind of chai tea mix similar to Constant Comment but with the greater benefits of green tea. I must be square: I confess I really depend on the flavor of Lipton tea.Here's a tip: we used to drink expensive coffee in the morning which would almost always let us down about 11 am. The switch to green tea has been wonderful and permanent. I still like having coffee sometimes at about 3 in the afternoon, but in the morning tea works infinitely better for the middle-aged set. Still gives us a nice caffeine kick for breakfast this way.
Can be lifesavers. They're LIFESAVERS, by golly, so everybody KNOWS they taste good already. Here are a few of the finer points. These are sugar free, so people worried about sugar for any of a number of health reasons need not worry about these. They are also individually wrapped. Big deal, you say, so what? Well, you can toss a few in your pocket on the way out to lunch, which is great because they don't give out fancy breath mints at the burger and chili joint drive through. This feature also means that you don't have to throw the tape dispensor at coworkers who thoughtlessly plunge their grubby unwashed hands into your candy supply, should you choose to keep some at the office. They ARE more expensive than those that do NOT come individually wrapped, however, buying by the case helps defray the cost, and it's worth the small added expense for the convenience and to spare the lives of your office mates.
Subtle Smoke I purchased this product because I love the flavor of smoked foods and good mustard.The name...Jack Daniels "Hickory" smoked...whoa sounded great! Unfortunatley the smoke flavor is too subtle,and flat.There is also quite a bit of sodium per serving. Now I am stuck with 5 bottles languishing in my pantry. Maybe I will try making salad dressing?
Yummy! I picked this up one day in a store due to my recent ban from sugar (I'm a gastric bypass patient), and I shied away from this for the longest time. One day I just got sick of coffee and decided to go ahead and jump-off the cliff and give this stuff a try. I made it per the instructions, but with vanilla soy milk (this milk was sweetned, which made the mix a tad too sweet for my taste), but it was DELICIOUS!I had really MISSED my soy-chai latte's from s-bucks, but now that I've found this, and can buy my soy unsweetned, I know I'll be really HAPPY going forward!Now, if I could just find this mix but unsweetned, it would really take the cake!
I prefer a different brand A Taste of Thai's Yellow Curry Rice is spicier than I like.Therefore, I much prefer Thai Kitchen's Yellow Curry Rice.Thai Kitchen's boxes, when purchased in bulk, also cost less.I use these rice mixes to create a lovely casserole.After the curry rice is cooked i mix in one can of tuna and some peas.You could add other mild flavored veggies to the dish depending on what you like.You could then crisp the top of the casserole in the oven or you could serve it right out of the pan ;-)Overall, I will not be buying this item again.But I will be purchasing Thai Kitchen's version.
Ewwww This is one of the most nasty things I have ever smelt. The entree is equivalent to alpo. Will not let my child ingest such a inedible meal. I had a friend who fed this to her child and picked one up for mine the barbecue chicken, worst thing I ever smelled. Then the pick up pasta was the worst. Cook for your baby please cuz this is the worst.
horrible- stale Arrived last night. We made one batch that only half of the kernels popped. The popped kernels only half popped so the hard parts darn near broke our teeth. since only part of the packet popped it left the remaining salty & greasy.
Watered Down! I thought I would be getting a pure version of Agave at a great price until I tried it. This stuff is so diluted compared to other agave's! No wonder why it is so cheap. Compare it with Volcanic Nectar's Agave Nectar and you will/can never go back!
Pure GMO (genetically modified organism) Vanilla Powder I bought this vanilla powder in Whole Foods, I assumed that Whole Foods sell best products. Unfortunately WH also sell GMO, but they pay me money back even for empty bottles of this vanilla powder.I do not recommend to buy this vanilla powder, especially for children and young adults, because maltodextrin is made from GMO (genetically modified organism).Nielsen-Massey company also give me false info over the phone that they do not use GMO.Here is part of document I received from Nielsen-Massey company by email:"To whom it might concern:Regarding MALTRIN M100 and M510 maltodextrin, these products are processed from some GMO raw materials. These products will typically test negative for GMOs by PCR method. Those products will not meet EU labeling regulations as a non-GMO...."
Rice are scattered! i don't know what happened in the transportation process, a box of rice has been damaged,and the box is rice everywhere! 6 boxes of rice should be tightly packed together to post!
Broke a tooth The candy in the box was very nostalgic(cool) but it very well may have been fresher if it was from the 50's. Holy moly the stuff was hard as a rock(juju-bees and gum). I busted a tooth on the juju's. I didnt expect it to overflow with candy but DID expect it to be a little, check that, a LOT fresher than it was. SAVE YOUR MONEY!!
Downright disgusting. I am a big fan of Pamela's Products. Their plain shortbread and pecan shortbread are incredible. So I was optimistic about the lemon shortbread cookies, since I'm a fan of everything lemon-flavored. These cookies were a) too sour, b) soggy, without the crumbly, buttery texture of real shortbread and c) they tasted like someone had sprayed Lemon Pledge furniture cleaner on regular shortbread, then sealed it in plastic while damp. Really, they were that gross. Not recommended.
DANGER-ONLY THOSE WHO CAN HANDLE THE MILK SHALL CONSUME IT Indeed, this is true. While walking to the supermarket, while receiving several women's phone numbers, requests for autographs, and reality television show offers (I, of course was wearing the incomparable Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt), I eyed a gallon of authentic, legitimate, 100% Grade-A Tuscan Whole Milk. Then, several ninjas in black suits approached me. "You are not worthy of the sacred milk. Leave us to our milk purchasing or you will be sushi." I fought them off with my 14 years of martial arts training and purchased the milk. Then, while drinking it at home from my titanium-coated platinum 163-karat goblet, I spilled a micro-millimeter drop of it on my Three Wolf Moon shirt. Then, I noticed a black hole vortex open up within my bachelor pad and suck in the gallon of Tuscan Whole Milk. Then, it ripped off my Three Wolf Moon shirt. It proceeded to close in and disappear. All of the best parts of my life had disappeared within this enormous mistake. Within the next few hours, I sold everything I owned to buy more milk. But, it was only Tuscan 2% Low-fat Milk. I also tried on several imitation Three Wolf Moon shirts to improve my life, such as Four Wolf Moon, Three Wolf Crescent, and Three Moon Wolf. None of them had the same effect. I started to suffer through a series of nervous breakdowns, and I finally checked into the Amazon Oddities Rehabilitation Center, to meet other suffering people going through withdrawls of Tuscan Whole Milk, Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt, and Fresh Whole Rabbit. Today, I am a humble man, struggling to get by, relegated to cleaning bathrooms in McDonald's. I live in the dark corridors of my mother's basement, typing this sad tale on a Emachine.The moral of this story is: Never spill a drop of Tuscan Whole Milk on your Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt.
Wish it were more but it's just the cheese Tried this since it was featured on a recent Friday sale. Interesting and almost tasty with the first few bites, it quickly turned into a gustatory barrage of sodium and fat. Way too salty and definitely not tasty enough to counter the un-nutritional information listed on the back.
love this stuff I love this tea - it's spicy and sweet and very flavorful, no need to add honey or sugar. Really warming and comforting, great for a cold afternoon, or a chilly office. I am finding it increasingly hard to locate locally, so it's great to order online.
Gutsy flabor I prefer the stronger taste of this maple syrup. It's clean and fresh tasting.
check expiration date I just received my raisins. They were packaged very nicely and I already knew I would like them. However, I was very disappointed to find that the entire 12 packages had an expiration date of Jan 15, 2008. Today is February 14, 2008!! They're shipped from Canada and I think a lot of people don't realize that they, along with Europe, write their dates opposite to us. Like March 5 would be 050308, not like we would expect 030508. So my boxes had an expiration date of 150108. I called for a refund and received one. They're probably still ok, but I don't want to take a chance, especially giving it to a child.
I liked Bob's Red Mill better Personally, I prefer the gluten free products from Bob's Red Mill. This one didn't taste as good or as fresh. I will stick with Bob's.
Great snack for on-the-go I personally think this is a very good product - I am not a "beef stick person", per se, do not like the slim jims and beef jerky and such, but love these beef sticks. I order them by the box - 24 in a box, 2 boxes at a time - then I don't have to worry about going to the store and stocking up.
Baby loves this food My 7 month loves all of earth's bests foods. I also make my own baby food, but when I go out its very easy to take these jars with me.
Delicious and Nutritious These are great quality kippers and the cans have never given me any trouble whatsoever. Usually I get a better deal going bulk with amazon than I do from my local grocery store too. I don't mind the salt and do appreciate the Omega 3's.
Precious rose buds for sachets, teas and decor These rose buds from Catey13 are precious. They have a soft aroma and a pretty look to them. I plan to use them for small sachets in the bags I bought from catey13, and use rose-colored ribbon to adorn the bags. I'm so glad this seller. I bought several things from her and she gave me a refund on the combined shipping costs.
for the vegan & vegetarian lovers For all you vegan and vegetarians out there, you can enjoy the taste of a goooood hot dog without the rubbery, bouncy kinds you get from the grocery freezers. Plus, if your friends are the skeptical kind who won't eat vegetarian foods, try these for size! Your friends may eat them all before you will. You can search the all the stores to find these and if they sell them...they are priced TOO high compared to ordering a case which equates to half the price for each can. You can try the Seventh Day Adventist, but you better get there before when they're first delivered or you have to wait until the next ship rolls in. Ordering from Amazon is wonderful. The best store that delivers to your door. Loma Linda Linketts are the wayyyy to go!
Not impressed I was expecting great things because of 1) price and 2) Omaha Steaks name. This product did not live up to expectations.Chicken breast size is nice and cooks up well, but the artichoke parmesan oozes out during cooking and makes a mess. Most all of the stuffing oozes out and leaves a bland (and horribly expensive) chicken breast.Omaha Steaks offers the Chicken Cordon Bleu which is better for both the tastebuds and wallet.
Arrived smelling strongly rancid This cereal smelled strongly or turpentine or chemical, which indicates that the flax seed content has gone rancid. It is likely due to heat during storage or shipment to us. We had to throw it out. It was a waste of money.
Very nice product This salt is a very nice grey salt. I only wish i had bought a bigger size as it didnt last very long. but its very good
Little Flavor I bought this same brand from an online Indian grocery store that usually has excellent products. I was able to turn it into cream/butter, using my super blender and adding some water, but it barely had any flavor. I usually buy the Chao Kah brand of coconut cream (which is quite tasty and flavorful) and read another review for a different product for making your own coconut cream. My complaint is not the shreds or texture. Mine was just virtually tasteless.
¡Oye - Tremendo café chico ! I live in exile in Denver now - I couldn't survive without this bit of Miami ! This is the best. I have a following at work - every Friday morning - cafe Cubano.
Really good chips but ... These cheese balls are the best and the only ones you can get pretty much since Planters stopped making them. But they have this same container at WalMart for $5.
Was skeptical, but pleasantly surprised My husband enjoys all of the other types of Tender Cuts, so I decided to try the chicken fajita as well. I thought it might be dry or rubbery, but it's the same consistency as the other Tender Cuts and has more spice giving it more of a kick. Will definitely purchase again.
cookies this came with only three packs of cookies one of each type in top layer not five each no big deal but I wanted them
Oh My Goodness~ Someone close this bag. This are just like what they say Pecan PIE. It is a good thing the bag is small because they are very hard to stop eating. They taste just like Pecan Pie and the calories are way lower..that is if you don't eat the whole bag at the same time. LOL!!Try them you will not be disappointed.
Not bad at all I was afraid this was going to be really salty, as many packaged foods are. Although the salt content is not low, it didn't taste TOO salty. Also, the sauce comes with loads of crunchy veggies.
NICE BLEND I love chai tea! And you know celestial makes the best teas yet! If you like chai and chocolate, you will like this blend. You will taste both in your cup...one flavor does not over-shadow the other.
One Pot Meal Fast and easy one-pot meal. I make it with sauteed onions and green peppers and I add a can of chopped tomatoes w/ 2 cups of water instead of the 3 cups of water called for on the box. My husband is from the Gulf Coast of Mississippi and even he likes it!
Tasteless... I was hoping this would be good and really wanted to like it... was kind of like eating wax... I prefer a more bitter and deeper chocolate flavor. I enjoy the taste of dark chocolate. This bar seemed to be trying to mask the flavor of chocolate so much that there was nothing left. sadly disapointed. I like some of other sugar free chocolates, while more bitter, they are better.
ATTENTION TO DETAIL I ordered the Tyson Premium Chunk White CHICKEN BREAST. I receieved the Tyson Premium Chunck White Chicken. Though they are similar, they are not the same. I don't have the time to send it back and wait for another shipment so I will accept it. Attention to detail is very important.
WAY too expensive from this vendor Buy the beignet mix from Cafe Du Monde directly. 4 boxes WITH shipping is only about $24 as opposed to almost $40 here.
The Only One I Avoid. Well, I guess I'm the fly in this reviewer ointment, but Dave's is the only hotsauce that I won't buy. It has a synthetic quality to it and a flavor that is almost non-existent. This is due to its being made directly from capsaicin extract as opposed to actual peppers. It offers a nuclear level of heat that seems to be a recipe for ulcers in my opinion. According to Wikipedia, its Scoville heat (fire) index rates out 50,000 units which can be contrasted with Tobasco's 2,500 to 5,000 rating. Who needs that much heat? Not me or most human beings. This stuff is lethal. No thanks.
I like it I like it, not always sure why but it's better than the usual. It's not really sweet like the other stuff, and if you use too much it's bitter, that or I make the worse coffee around.
Delicious hard candy I first purchased this candy at a truck stop-rest area in Italy and loved it. I bought a package called Capri and it had lemon and orange flavored hard candies. They are similar to jolly rancher but more sophisticated in flavor and texture.This version - Sorrento - was exactly the same as I purchased in Italy and with an additional flavor: tangerine.I love them and so do my daughters.
Good flavor Although I prefer regular grits, this product really comes in handy when I am in a hurry. The flavor is really good. Would take a lot of work to duplicate the flavor using plain grits.