--- license: apache-2.0 task_categories: - question-answering language: - en - de tags: - math - mathematics pretty_name: Math Dataset for elementary school level size_categories: - 1K", "question": "", "answer": "", "reasoning": "(optional) ", "source": "" } ``` Example Entry (from the SVAMP dataset): ```json { "category": "Word Problem", "subcategory": "challenge", "question": "Dan had $ 3 left with him after he bought a candy bar. If he had $ 4 at the start, how much did the candy bar cost?", "answer": 1.0, "reasoning": "( 4.0 - 3.0 )", "source": "SVAMP" } ``` ### Directory Structure & Data Management The datasets are versioned into two types for each category: - `_1000.csv/json`: A balanced sample of 1000 items, perfect for in-depth testing. - `_100.csv/json`: A smaller sample of 100 items, designed for quick assessments. ## Translation to German We translated the datasets to german (using the DeepL API). See our [GitHub](https://github.com/RamonKaspar/MathDataset-ElementarySchool/) for the dataset and more info. ## Oerview of the different dataset versions This table gives an overview of the different dataset versions. | Section | Name | Number of subcategories | Size | | ----------------- | ----------------------- | ----------------------- | --------- | | I. Arithmetic | `arithmetic_complete` | 14 | 7,731,654 | | | `arithmetic_1000` | 14 | 1,000 | | | `arithmetic_100` | 14 | 100 | | II. Word Problems | `wordProblems_complete` | 3 | 1,995 | | | `wordProblems_1000` | 3 | 1,000 | | | `wordProblems_100` | 3 | 100 | | III. Geometry | `geometry_complete` | 1 | 1,698 | | | `geometry_1000` | 1 | 1,000 | | | `geometry_100` | 1 | 100 | ## Exploring the Dataset A nice overview of all available datasets in the mathematical domain can be found in [Lu et al, 2023](https://arxiv.org/abs/2212.10535) and in [Ahn et al., 2024](https://arxiv.org/abs/2402.00157). In constructing this dataset, we made a concerted effort to include a comprehensive range of datasets that are best suited for the educational level and cognitive abilities of 10-year-olds. While we don't provide extensive details on the selection process for each dataset, our overarching goal was to incorporate as many relevant and suitable datasets as possible.
Overview of the dataset. Here all versions with 1000 samples are listed.

I. Arithmetic

Source Subcategory Size Example
Math-401 arithmetic_mixed 71 log 10(797)=
Mathematics Dataset (Google Deepmin) add_or_sub 71 What is -6.5 + -1.5?
add_sub_multiple 71 Calculate -4 + 0 - ((-3 - -1) + 7).
conversion 71 What is three eighths of a kilogram in grams?
div 71 Calculate -238 divided by -3.
div_remainder 73 What is the remainder when 255 is divided by 20?
gcd 72 What is the highest common divisor of 75 and 390?
lcm 72 Calculate the lowest common multiple of 1355 and 80.
mul 72 Multiply -0.0756 and 0.14.
mul_div_multiple 71 Evaluate 2/(-6)*(-120)/(-80).
place_value 71 What is the tens digit of 5546?
round_number 71 Round 4117.6 to the nearest 10.
sequence_next_term 72 What comes next: -75, -80, -85, -90?
time 71 How many minutes are there between 1:03 PM and 9:11 PM?

II. Word Problems

Source Subcategory Size Example
SVAMP challenge 334 At the arcade Edward won 9 tickets. If he spent 4 tickets on a beanie and later won 4 more tickets, how many would he have?
AddSub add_sub 333 Tim has 44 books. Sam has 52 books. How many books do they have together?
MultiArith multi_step 333 Roger had 25 books. If he sold 21 of them and used the money he earned to buy 30 new books, how many books would Roger have?

III. Geometry

Source Subcategory Size Example
MathQA Geometry geometry 1000 Find the surface area of a 8 cm x 6 cm x 2 cm brick
## References Overview of existing datasets in the mathematical domain: - P. Lu, L. Qiu, W. Yu, S. Welleck, and K.-W. Chang, “A Survey of Deep Learning for Mathematical Reasoning.” arXiv, Jun. 21, 2023. Accessed: May 02, 2024. [Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/2212.10535 - J. Ahn, R. Verma, R. Lou, D. Liu, R. Zhang, and W. Yin, “Large Language Models for Mathematical Reasoning: Progresses and Challenges.” arXiv, Apr. 05, 2024. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2402.00157. - W. Liu et al., “Mathematical Language Models: A Survey.” arXiv, Feb. 23, 2024. Accessed: May 02, 2024. [Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.07622 References for the used datasets we sampled from: - **[Math-401](https://github.com/GanjinZero/math401-llm)**: W. Liu et al., “Mathematical Language Models: A Survey.” arXiv, Feb. 23, 2024. Accessed: May 02, 2024. [Online]. Available: http://arxiv.org/abs/2312.07622 - **[Mathematics Dataset](https://github.com/google-deepmind/mathematics_dataset)**: D. Saxton, E. Grefenstette, F. Hill, and P. Kohli, “Analysing Mathematical Reasoning Abilities of Neural Models.” arXiv, Apr. 02, 2019. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1904.01557. - **[SVAMP](https://github.com/arkilpatel/SVAMP)**: A. Patel, S. Bhattamishra, and N. Goyal, “Are NLP Models really able to Solve Simple Math Word Problems?” arXiv, Apr. 15, 2021. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.2103.07191. - **[AddSub](https://github.com/wangxr14/Algebraic-Word-Problem-Solver/blob/master/data/AddSub.json)**: M. J. Hosseini, H. Hajishirzi, O. Etzioni, and N. Kushman, “Learning to Solve Arithmetic Word Problems with Verb Categorization,” in Proceedings of the 2014 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), A. Moschitti, B. Pang, and W. Daelemans, Eds., Doha, Qatar: Association for Computational Linguistics, Oct. 2014, pp. 523–533. doi: 10.3115/v1/D14-1058. - **[MultiArith](https://huggingface.co/datasets/ChilleD/MultiArith)**: S. Roy and D. Roth, “Solving General Arithmetic Word Problems.” arXiv, Aug. 20, 2016. doi: 10.48550/arXiv.1608.01413. - **[MathQA Geometry](https://allenai.org/data/lila)**: A. Amini, S. Gabriel, S. Lin, R. Koncel-Kedziorski, Y. Choi, and H. Hajishirzi, “MathQA: Towards Interpretable Math Word Problem Solving with Operation-Based Formalisms,” in Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long and Short Papers), J. Burstein, C. Doran, and T. Solorio, Eds., Minneapolis, Minnesota: Association for Computational Linguistics, Jun. 2019, pp. 2357–2367. doi: 10.18653/v1/N19-1245.