English sentence
Swahili Translation
For how long will you stay?
Utakaa muda ghani?
If I don't eat, I will die.
Nisipokula nitakufa.
We didn't see any children at all.
Hatukuona watoto wo wote.
We didn't see a single game.
Hatukuona michezo yo yote.
What's this thing used for?
Kazi yake nini kitu hiki?
Good question.
Swali nzuri.
I have a question.
Nina swali.
I felt ill.
Nilijisikia vibaya.
I felt bad.
Nilijisikia vibaya.
He is a good student.
Yeye ni mwanafunzi mzuri.
I don't know what to say...
Sijui niambie nini...
Elephants eat grass.
Tembo wanakula nyasi.
If you don't understand, ask.
Usipoelewa, uliza.
If you do not understand, ask.
Usipoelewa, uliza.
It's not important.
Si ya maana.
It's not important.
Si muhimu.
It isn't important.
Si muhimu.
Languages have difficult words.
Lugha zina maneno magumu.
Stay home.
Kaa nyumbani.
Kwa nini!?
Alright, OK.
Sawa, sawa
Happy New Year!
Heri ya mwaka mpya!
Millie doesn't drink water.
Millie hanywi maji.
We want complete sentences.
Tunataka misemwa inayoenea.
I'm French and she's American.
Mimi ni Mfaransa na yeye ni Mamerika.
I am French and she is American.
Mimi ni Mfaransa na yeye ni Mamerika.
I'm French and he's American.
Mimi ni Mfaransa na yeye ni Mamerika.
I am French and he is American.
Mimi ni Mfaransa na yeye ni Mamerika.
Who's she?
Yeye ni nani?
Who is she?
Yeye ni nani?
The tank is empty.
Tangi ni tupu.
The tank is full.
Tangi limejaa.
What is my room number?
Chumba changu ni namba ngapi?
There was nobody.
Hapakuwa na mtu.
You must go home.
Lazima uende nyumbani.
Tom is a teacher.
Tom ni mwalimu.
Tom is at school.
Tom yuko shuleni.
Tom was at school.
Tom alikuwa shuleni.
There's no reason to be afraid.
Hakuna sababu ya kuogopa.
What is the price?
Bei gani?
I'm ready.
The car is out of order.
Gari limeharibika.
How much must I pay?
Nilipe kiasi gani?
When will we arrive?
Tutafika lini?
Go straight ahead.
Nenda moja kwa moja.
Please close the window.
Tafadhali funga dirisha.
I'm thirty now.
Niko na miaka thelathini sasa.
Good morning, people!
Habari za asubuhi watu!
She needs help.
Anahitaji msaada.
I'm happy.
I'm not happy.
I know that I know.
Najua kwamba najua.
I don't want any bananas at all.
Sitaki ndizi zozote.
What's my room number?
Chumba changu ni namba ngapi?
I don't want any milk at all.
Sitaki maziwa yoyote.
I don't want anybody at all.
Sitaki watu wo wote.
I've had enough of your anti-science poverty.
Nimetosha na umaskini wako wa kupinga sayansi.
You wanted to tell me about freedom?
Ulitaka kunieleza kuhusu uhuru?
I started learning Chinese last week.
Nilianza kujifunza Kichina juma lililopita.
You are a good student.
Wewe ni mwanafunzu mzuri.
You have to turn in the reports on Monday.
Lazima uwasilishe ripoti Jumatatu.
What do you intend to do?
Unanua kufanya nini?
Where are you from in Canada?
Unatoka wapi huko Kanada?
You always like to trip me up, don't you?
Unapenda kunifanyia mzaha, sio?
Prices are high these days.
Bei ziko juu mno siku hizi.
The bridge is open to traffic.
Daraja liko wazi kwa trafiki.
Fish, please.
Samaki, tafadhali
You'll miss the train if you don't hurry.
Utaachwa na garimoshi usipoharakisha.
Discussion is based upon mutual respect.
Majadiliano yanategemea kustahiana.
In the days of the knights, they wore shields to protect themselves from sword-fight wounds.
Katika siku za vita, walivaa ngao kujilinda na majeraha ya mapanga.
We can say that Japan was fighting a constant battle against hunger during the war.
Tunaweza kusema kuwa Japan ilikuwa ikipigana vita vya mara kwa mara dhidi ya njaa wakati wa vita.
If the quality of your product meets with our customer's approval, we will place regular orders.
Ikiwa ubora wa bidhaa yako inafurahisha wateja wetu, tutaweka maagizo ya kila mara.
During the press conference, the President touched on foreign relations.
Wakati wa mkutano na waandishi wa habari, Rais alizungumza kuhusu uhusiano wa nje.
A whistle blew, and the boat slowly began to pull out of port.
Filimbi ililia, na mashua ikaanza polepole kutoka bandarini.
I met Naomi on my way home and we had a chat.
Nilikutana na Naomi nilipokuwa nikirudi nyumbani na tukawa na mazungumzo.
After having fought many hard battles, we were able to bring home the bacon and set up a new government.
Baada ya kupigana vita vingi ngumu, tuliweza kuleta matekeo ya maana na kuanzisha serikali mpya.
Strange to say, he didn't know the news.
Ni ajabu kusema, hakuwa anajua taarifa.
Billy often hits his face against windows.
Mara nyingi Billy hugonga uso wake madirishani.
If it becomes stubborn indeed it stands alone.
Ikiwa inakuwa mkaidi kweli inasimama peke yake.
The audience was excited at the game.
Hadhira walifurahia mchezo.
He left his team as he could not get along with the manager.
Aliacha timu yake kwa kuwa hakuelewana na meneja.
Shouts of joy burst forth.
Shangwe na nderemo zilisikika.
I beat him completely in the debate.
Nilimshinda kabisa kwenye mjadala.
You have our permission to include our software on condition that you send us a copy of the final product.
Una ruhusa yetu kujumuisha programu yetu kwa sharti kwamba ututumie nakala ya bidhaa ya mwisho.
An old oak is groaning in the storm.
Mwaloni mzee anaguruma katika dhoruba.
My forehead burned with fever.
Kisogo changu kiliungua kwa joto kali.
I graduated from the school.
Nilihitimu kutoka shule.
Remember to post the letter on your way to school.
Kumbuka kutuma barua unapoelekea shule.
This was third school shooting incident in six months.
Hili lilikuwa tukio la tatu laq ufiatuaji risasi katika shule ndani ya miezi sita.
Indeed she is young and beautiful, but she is in delicate health.
Hakika yeye ni mchanga na mrembo, lakini ana afya dhaifu.
If you shout from the top of a cliff, you can hear the echo of your voice.
Ukipiga kelele juu ya mwamba, unaweza kusikia mwangwi wa sauti yako.
A cellar was dug on top of the hill and they slowly moved the house from the road to the hill.
Pishi lilichimbwa juu ya kilima na polepole walihama nyumba hiyo kutoka barabarani kwenda kilimani.
All aboard!
Wote ndani!
All right, everyone, let's not stand on ceremony tonight. Cheers!
Haya, kila mtu, na tusisimame kwenye sherehe leo jioni. Chereko!
Everybody took a hostile attitude toward illegal aliens.
Kila mtu alikuwa na mtazamo wa uhasama kwa wageni haramu.
The pirates buried their treasure in the ground.
Maharamia walizika hazina yao ardhini.
By studying overseas, students can come into contact with other manners and customs.
Kwa kusoma ng'ambo, wanafunzi wanaweza kutangamana na tabia na mila zingine.
If you go underwater, hold your nose and blow to clear your ears.
Ikiwa unaenda chini ya maji, shika pua yako na pigo ili kusafisha masikio yako.
There go the twelve bars blues.
Inapitia vipigwa kumi na viwili.