license: mit
- en
- australia
- corpus
- english
- 1K<n<10K
Australian Radio Talkback Corpus (ART)
Australian Radio Talkback (ART) is a set of transcribed recordings of samples of national, regional and commercial Australian talkback radio from 2004 to 2006. It consists of transcriptions of 27 audio recordingsof talkback from ABC National Radio (NAT), ABC Radio broadcasts to eastern Australian (ABCE), ABC Radio broadcasts to southern and western Australia (ABCNE), as well as commercial stations broadcasting to eastern Australia (COME) and southern and western Australia (COMNE).
Keywords: Australian English, Corpus linguistics.
Data Source
The original dataset is from Macquarie University Research Data - Australian Radio Talkback Corpus (ART) and licensed under CC BY 4.0.
The current data is cleaned by Gillian Law and Yifan Luo. You can also find the dataset on GitHub.