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{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["help me somebody please help", "me how ghastly I'll never understand", "Mortals how can they be so", "atrocious the Mortal races deserve to be", "wiped off the face of the", "planet how truly beautiful everyone who", "worshiped the Demon Lord in this Village", "has now found salvation there's no sight", "more beautiful to", "behold you can tell a person's worth by", "the color of their exposed steaming", "inard okay finished line approaching I'm", "done writing all the classes and", "commenting everything now I just got to", "generate the documentation and you ml"]}
{"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["from the source code and start drilling", "down on the bugs the end is so close I", "can taste it", "not again man I can't keep changing", "stuff I've already gone over like", "this Sato I I mean Suzuki you and I need", "to talk War World bro he just tried to", "call me Sato again we've been working", "together for 6 months You Should Know My", "Name by now we got a major problem on", "our hands the client is saying the", "game's too difficult for beginners if we", "don't fix it before the delivery date we", "are totally screwed", "I know the client is always right but"]}
{"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["they told us our target audience won't", "play the game if we make it any", "easier I guess you're", "right there's another way we should use", "my idea the one that got asked early on", "when you create your avatar you get an", "item that reveals a map and three heavy", "duty bombs", "cool if you clear the area without using", "the shortcut you get a rare", "achievement two birds one stone", "beginners are taken care of and skilled", "Gamers have something to play for since", "we're under the gun how about we just go", "with that good thinking Suzuki I'll"]}
{"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["leave the rest to you hold on a sec yes", "I still have to fix all the bugs in that", "mobile MMO RPG so I'm running kind of", "short on time while I'm busy with that", "call the client and get them to sign off", "if I put in that feature and the client", "says no we won't make deadline yeah", "right I'm calling to confirm right", "now I guess I'll go get some", "lunch there's always an event out here", "even on", "Sunday is she", "[Music]", "lost he you're all right what's wrong", "are you"]}
{"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["lost my", "mama I have no idea what she's saying I", "guess I should probably take her to a", "police", "station", "right come on let's go get help", "Ma Mommy oh there you are my love oh is", "she your daughter she is I'm very sorry", "if she bothered you sir please she was", "no trouble at all I'm just glad you", "found her that's a load off for a second", "I was worried she might think I was some", "kind of creep thank you for taking care", "of my sweet girl sure I want chocolate", "ice cream in a comb with sprinkles on"]}
{"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["top her mom is pretty hot", "though all right that should do it I", "guess I should test it", "out wait what was the name of the game", "again oh yeah", "FFL good", "work headed out haven't been home in 3", "days days got to get back there FAS", "before the wife kicks me out hey at", "least you have someone at home who", "actually cares that's true playing the", "fields fun but you don't want to do it", "forever am I right you're 29 years old", "dude you need to find yourself a lady my", "friend see"]}
{"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["you huh a", "lady would be nice but when every day is", "a Death March it's a pretty unrealistic", "proposition", "man I sure could use a", "bath I'm almost finished one last email", "and then I'm home free Suzuki we just", "got a bug report from the storage", "testing team what no that can't be right", "I literally just spent the last couple", "of hours fixing the storage space bug", "I'm not talking about the inv ventory in", "FFL dude I'm talking about a new one", "there's an item duplication bug in World", "War check your messenger I just sent you"]}
{"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["an attachment with the details all right", "duplication bugs are hard to", "fix I see the jerk didn't want to get", "yelled at so he sent me an email he", "better take me out to lunch somewhere", "nice with tons of cute", "girls", "done at", "last I'm sure there are some bugs left", "but it'll be fine digital distribution", "let us patch it later down the line I", "can hear the users complaining now but I", "don't care if I can just fire off this", "email I can finally get some", "sleep I really needed this I haven't"]}
{"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["shut my eyes and over 30 hours right now", "sleep is my", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "Justice", "what the heck is this am I", "[Music]", "dreaming of course the phone doesn't", "work whoa I'm", "young what I look like I did back in", "high", "school well having a dream about your", "younger self isn't that abnormal", "but then", "again this is a little freaky don't get"]}
{"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["me wrong when I'm on a death march I", "have dreams about fixing bugs all the", "time but I don't think I've ever had a", "dream where my younger self is actually", "inside the freaking game I'm working", "on it's crazy it's kind of like whirl", "world and FFL got slammed", "together and of course it has", "bugs whoa I just did that with my", "mind Sato that's the name I always use", "for my test characters when I'm working", "out", "bugs the valley of", "dragons well I guess that's what this", "massive crevice"]}
{"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["is what's that uh-oh crap", "weapons looks like all I've got are", "three meteor re and a map reveal wait", "this is the idea I came up with to help", "out beginning players the", "map", "red dots only mean one thing bad", "guys Elite lizard men that doesn't sound", "fun there are hundreds of them and", "they're all level 50 I'm only level one", "I can't beat them in a hand toand", "fight I really hate lizard", "men oh crap please tell me they don't", "know I'm", "here"]}
{"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["I felt that I for real just felt", "that this sucks I'm going to have to", "fight", "[Music]", "back no way my Weaponry hasn't Implement", "[Music]", "again", "oh man I'm about to die here and all", "because of a damn", "[Music]", "bug sat here I've been a busy little", "worker be like any good citizen of a", "thriving democracy should be work's been", "tough lately I won't lie but not so", "tough I want to disappear to another"]}
{"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["dimension I was busy but it made me feel", "important that's the", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "truth oh no", "crap", "that lizard was too close to be in the", "target range of the meteor", "strike stick a fork in", "me this is exactly like a", "game he wants me to fight him with this", "sword that hurt like a", "lot it looks like his life bar is almost", "gone got to keep", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "fighting I've heard of people having", "vivid dreams but this is too much there", "has to be a way to get out of this fre", "freaking nightmare like an off", "button what I can't save my progress or", "log out you're not very nice to your", "players", "dream this sucks I need to figure out a", "way to heal at least until I wake up uh", "am I already healed oh wow and it feels", "like the Pain's all gone too wait a sec", "my Max Vitality has increased and that's"]}
{"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["not all I'm Level", "310 this rule", "I must have leveled up due to the meteor", "rain I guess that explains why I was", "able to take out that lizard freak", "one-onone wa my ability points are maxed", "out too wait a second where's the", "log keep scrolling keep", "scrolling I'll skip anything that", "doesn't make sense if this is a log of", "everything what about skills I've gotten", "more magic", "skill I I have that meteor rain I just", "used but I wonder if that means it's", "disabled I guess I just have to turn it"]}
{"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["back on typical gaming platform even in", "a dream these things are complicated", "whatever I better test it out while I", "still have the chance if I get into", "another sticky situation with those", "lizard men and it tells me I don't have", "enough MP I'm going to be pissed not to", "mention", "dead this should be a safe enough", "distance", "uh-oh not", "good", "that magic is way too powerful if I use", "it all the time I might as well declare", "myself a super villain I think I'd"]}
{"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["better play it safe", "bye-bye I'm really", "thirsty there's loot too", "uh Lizardman corpses count as", "loot cool I have a water pouch let's see", "if I can use it", "though nice it", "[Music]", "appeared oh wow this is the best water", "I've tasted in my entire", "life unlimited fresh water no idea how", "that's possible but it's pretty sweet I", "wonder what else I", "have I'm loaded up with", "cash I don't feel like organizing this"]}
{"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["right now but the next time I come", "across a town I'm going to have a field", "day a holy sword a Divine sword and a", "magic gun man I feel like I died and", "went to middle school geek", "Heaven", "wow nice", "it's weird I don't have many skills I", "wonder if you get more via some sort of", "action instead of by leveling", "up I guess I'll add points to things", "I'll need in battle if I come across an", "army of lizard men I want to be", "prepared well I should probably get some", "sleep before I head out besides"]}
{"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["exploring is my favorite", "part", "all right I guess I'll head to this", "Warrior's Fort place", "first this place", "rocks I've been slaving away in front of", "a computer for so long I forgot what", "beauty looks like I know this dream", "isn't going to last forever but it's a", "nice Escape while it does all right here", "goes", "[Music]", "so this is Warriors", "Fort oh a monarchy s you City that's the", "closest place to the"]}
{"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["fort huh there are about a 100 soldiers", "highest level Soldier here is only 31", "average level is seven that's pretty low", "what's that a wyvern eh let's check it", "[Music]", "out that hurt no it didn't do I have a", "pain reduction skill or maybe it's cuz", "my endurance is", "suck on this", "[Music]", "wyvern I'm super strong Level 310 is no", "joke wait a sec that wyvern's heading", "towards the", "soldiers this is my fault I have to help", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["them", "[Applause]", "[Applause]", "I need to change the language", "settings the name of solders hold your", "ground show them our sail", "you here it comes hold strong to your", "positions and don't relent dig in your", "heels Lance men let your feet in the air", "and the wyvern will blow you away Bowman", "draw it in wait for the lances to slow", "its speed and then we", "strike those arrows aren't sharp enough", "to penetrate the wy's hide then again it", "might not be the arrows it could be the"]}
{"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["solders levels are too", "low", "to", "winds light the B shock", "attack", "it's coming Zena stop him", "right my power Arrow force", "[Music]", "field resist SP gravity", "barrier", "[Music]", "apparently skills aren't the only things", "that are easy to come by here titles are", "too hey are you okay oh yeah by the way", "I wouldn't look down if I were"]}
{"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["you I warned you let's get out of", "here", "thank you for the catch I don't remember", "much only the wyvern sweeping down on me", "I was working my way up that Cliff when", "out of nowhere you just came flying down", "from the sky well I'm glad you were", "there I'm pretty sure you just saved my", "life if I were a younger man I'd be head", "over heels in love right about now oh by", "the way my name's Sato yes well it's so", "nice to meet you that was dumb I should", "have asked her for her name", "first forgive me my name's Zena I'm 17", "and I'm a military Ma on retainer of C"]}
{"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["seru I've served in the territorial Army", "for 2 years I'm not yet married uh no", "boyfriend either where I come from", "that's called", "TMI stop right there scum move away from", "the girl no lilio don't hurt him he's", "all right we're trying to save your life", "Zena oh you don't have anything to fear", "from me I'm just a traveling Merchant", "the name", "Sato", "a merchant with zero Goods sounds fishy", "she's right what sort of a traveling", "Merchant carries his wees in a satchel", "like"]}
{"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["this this is sort of embarrassing but", "when that big meteor shower hit my pack", "horse got spooked and took", "off I don't really want that", "skill do you mean the Starfall that", "might scare a", "horse but if you'd seen it hit you", "wouldn't be standing here right now you", "would have run the other", "way the man who saved my grandfather's", "life he's buried in a grave near", "warriors's Fort I journeyed there to pay", "my respects the Starfall happened when I", "first arrived my horse ran this", "way show me your papers right now you"]}
{"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["don't need those rules are", "rules thing is I left my papers inside", "the pocket of a coat on the back of my", "pack horse I have nothing to show you", "ma'am very well we'll issue new papers", "in seru City maxing out my trickery and", "persuasion skills really did the trick I", "feel so", "[Music]", "dirty and so shortly after the starfalls", "impact we were dispatched from seru City", "to the area where you ended up finding", "us our orders were to assess any", "potential", "damage a wyvern"]}
{"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["corpse wyvern hides are tough so they", "make for sturdy armor we can usually", "sell it for a decent profit yes that's", "very true good armor but bad food really", "bad it's cheap though sometimes they", "force us to eat wyvern to see coin does", "it really taste that bad it tastes like", "dirt kid first time I put that garbage", "in my mouth I spit it right back in the", "bowl of course the slaves in Westtown", "don't complain about wyvern meat or any", "other kind of food they'll eat it all I", "didn't realize they have slaves here I", "sure hope they don't feed me wyvern when", "we get to"]}
{"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["town Approximately 80% of seru City's", "residents are full citizens the other", "20% are slaves and they're not all", "human huh cool there's an elf oh and", "some unknown magical being look sat the", "city is straight", "[Music]", "ahead I meant to ask you do you have", "somewhere to stay in town or are you in", "need of proper accommodations actually I", "was thinking about getting a room", "somewhere in that case I'd recommend you", "try the gate in it's just past the main", "entrance on the right side a touch", "pricey but it's known far and wide for"]}
{"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["its extraordinary", "cuisine", "I wish I could stay I'm required to give", "a debriefing so I'm afraid I'll have to", "be going I'll stop by later to say thank", "you don't worry you don't need to thank", "me at all sat I'm a member of the Marian", "taale family I have a duty to show my", "appreciation geez she doesn't take no", "for an answer does she I'll see you soon", "I might be reading into it but I totally", "think she's in love with", "me so how can I help you Iona we owe", "this man our thanks for saving Zena's", "life he's lost his papers and if you"]}
{"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["don't mind I would like you to reissue", "them of course the yam Stone yes thank", "you well young man Place both of your", "hands on the yam Stone", "please Yamato Stone should be", "interesting I'm required to ask this are", "you now or have you ever been in the", "past a fugitive from the law oh no sir", "state your name please my name I guess", "my real name isn't going to fly", "here", "[Music]", "Sato uh my user", "profile looks like this is the", "information from before I leveled"]}
{"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["up this just gets weirder and weirder", "all right kid you can take your hands", "off now H so you're a grownup eh thought", "you're a lot", "younger in any case you're an adult and", "you're level one guess your parents", "never let you out of the the house no", "they really didn't they consider 15 an", "adult", "year done here try not to lose it again", "you owe me one silver coin sure well", "that's not all City entrance tax is one", "copper kiddo but this young man saves", "Zena's life we can forgive the tax just", "this once don't you think why not no"]}
{"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["don't forget this it's your city entry", "Visa it's valid for 10 days if you'd", "like to stay in town longer you'll have", "to request an extension here at this", "station or in central at Town Hall it'll", "cost you three copper no matter where", "you go uh thanks one more thing if one", "of our guards catches you with an", "expired Visa you're going to owe a fine", "of one silver if you can't pay you'll be", "made into a slave so if I were you I'd", "watch out kid right thank you so much", "[Music]", "sir a life of bondage cuz you overstay", "your Visa"]}
{"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["harsh do you see that yellow sign that's", "the gate in the place I was telling you", "about thanks a lot for your help great", "to meet you yaa I'll see you", "around this townscape is so freaking", "cool as a nerd who's devoted his entire", "life to creating new worlds inside a", "computer I have a total dork boner right", "now you", "there you just came in from outside the", "front gate right if you need a room then", "you should stay with us we'll give you a", "stellar deal our rooms are clean and", "comfortable and plus our food's the best", "in town by far who's"]}
{"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["she 13 for a 13-year-old she is very", "mature the yellow sign this is the", "place guess what Mom I brought a", "customer darling did you force him to", "come here oh no she didn't at all", "ma'am I could get used to this Mom I", "wasn't pushy this lady in keeper", "obviously needed a place I'm going to be", "honest it's been a while for me but", "she's looking pretty hot herself uh", "pardon me do you have any luggage sir oh", "uh thing is I lost all my belongings", "when my pack horse ran away on account", "of the Starfall lucky for me I still", "have my wallet otherwise I'd be in big"]}
{"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["trouble right now that must have been", "really tough on you for one copper a", "night you get a nice room to yourself", "meals cost extra but it's worth the", "price you get a free item per meal in", "that case I'll stay 10 nights perfect", "that'll be two Silvers on the dot I see", "that means five large coppers equal one", "silver ma'am could I get something to", "eat right now sorry we've already put", "the fire out in the kitchen I do have", "some leftover key from this morning is", "that all right great I'll take that then", "Bona petite that'll be one copper sir", "the dish is our"]}
{"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["gift mom's kiche is always good but it's", "much tastier when it's still fresh", "Martha dear have you cleaned the room of", "those cowardly Merchants they left", "several hours ago sorry I haven't see", "you later", "sat cowardly Merchants yes they were not", "the bravest of men when the Starfall hit", "the merchants panicked and started", "screaming all sorts of insanities the", "Demon Lord is fighting the dragons so", "there's a demon lord well there was long", "ago it's been about 60 or 70 years now", "since a hero defeated him it's possible", "he's revived in another country but as"]}
{"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["as of yet I have not heard a word about", "it hope he doesn't come back demon Lords", "suck I'm glad the hero took him", "out if this works like a game then the", "demon will revive as the main character", "progresses through the world but even if", "the Demon Lord does rear his head he'll", "attack Labyrinth City before here that's", "at the opposite end of the", "country this conversation is totally", "freaking me out in this part of the", "world wyverns are a much bigger threat", "do you have issues with Dragons around", "here you hear about them in Legends but", "dragons aren't a problem in these parts"]}
{"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["they're asleep in the valley of dragons", "so we rarely see them the last one we", "saw was over 2 years ago and the time", "before that well was long before I was", "born a black dragon intacted back then", "it ate all the sheep and goats put the", "whole community at risk why is she", "talking about freaking livestock I'm", "worried about human casualties inkeeper", "a moment please I'm coming hello sir", "well we're done talking in that case", "time to dig in the main dish is kiche", "with a whole lot of", "[Music]", "potato it's cold but it's really"]}
{"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["delicious", "nonetheless I thought this was Bak Choy", "but it's actually", "cabbage reminds me of the sourkraut I", "ate when I went on that super cheap trip", "to Germany tasty right I told you the", "food's really good hey you're back all", "are you are you finished with your", "chores yep I meant to ask is there a", "place close to here that sells supplies", "supplies huh H you can purchase some", "used items and old clothes from the", "booths over on West Street New Clothes", "always cost an arm and a leg but if", "that's your fancy go see a tailor at one"]}
{"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["of the shops on Central Street I was", "thinking prefab you know clothes that", "have already been made H oh ready", "tailored clothes I don't think I've", "heard a person used the term prefab", "before there are some shops on TTA", "street but they're not cheap either TTA", "Street oh I know I can take you", "[Music]", "there so how much two bits per item two", "bits too much looks like it's normal to", "haggle", "here whoa that must be a demium damn you", "you fil the", "animal stay away from East Town do I"]}
{"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["make myself", "clear you slaves don't deserve to", "breathe my air", "do you need something sir huh are these", "slaves", "yours we put them on a leash and keep", "them back in Westtown where they", "belong hey are you all", "right here take", "it thank you bless you there's a lot of", "people in the streets today so you be", "[Music]", "careful what's the matter it's just that", "you are being so nice to those two", "demihumans are demihumans widely hated"]}
{"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["in these parts mhm a long time ago when", "hunters and Farmers would come to the", "city to make an honest living selling", "their crops the demihumans would murder", "them I guess that means they're thieves", "and", "bandits sat look there's something I", "want you to see you're going to love she", "changes gears", "[Music]", "fast if you want it it's yours for four", "copper that's two copper is too much", "friend these items are really expensive", "to make friend I need at least three how", "about two copper and two bits two copper"]}
{"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["and four bits is the floor for me pal", "two copper and three bits or I'm walking", "away you got a", "deal thanks so much for the verret of", "course and thank you for showing me", "around if I wanted to win her over this", "would be the perfect moment to shower", "her with", "compliments W they call this a dragon", "mask we wear them during the Harvest", "Festival so what's it going to be the", "dragon mask will bring you good health", "and a safe home", "too do you wear the wig with the dragon", "mask if you're a dragon you wear the"]}
{"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["mask the black wig is for people who", "want to play the part of the Brave hero", "the gold wigs for a whole different", "thing it's for people who fancy", "themselves the hero's damsel and", "[Music]", "distress I couldn't make up my mind so I", "decided to splurge I got a mask and a", "wig with a title like that I'm guessing", "she doesn't have many friends H what", "nothing I'm", "fine Martha you're back come meet our", "guest you need this is sat he'll be", "staying with us for a while yes I know", "I've already prepared him a nice room"]}
{"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["it's a pleasure to make your", "acquaintance sat for your trouble thank", "you very much good to know normal", "thanks oh almost forgot are there baths", "here well there's a public bath in the", "inner walls but unfortunately commoners", "like us are not allowed there what do", "you usually do Martha there's a well", "right out back typically I just wash", "myself there well I guess that's that", "then", "I'll have whatever you recommend for", "dinner Martha all right would you like", "something strong to drink to go with", "your tasty meal not strong just"]}
{"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["something nice and smooth to help it go", "down our cider has some bite but I could", "certainly water it down for you if you", "don't mind paying a little more we have", "wine and Mead me sounds perfect done", "I'll bring it over to you right", "away wow this looks awesome", "wild Bo steak and vegetable soup and a", "mug of our world famous me best to eat", "it while it's", "hot I wasn't being polite this looks", "amazing I'll start with the vegetable", "soup the ingredients are perfectly", "cooked the veggies melt in your mouth", "this is what I like to call a mouth"]}
{"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["explosion the broth is tasty I bet this", "stuff sells like crazy in the winter", "we're off to a great", "start next up the main course wild boar", "steak the last bore I ate left something", "to be desired not to mention it smelled", "like a", "shoe it's great not too lean but not too", "fatty either it's a little gy but it's", "got this incredible rustic flavor to it", "way better than your average slab of", "beef the bread's a little on the tough", "side but it's good you can tell this", "loaf was made with love it's fun how", "crunchy it"]}
{"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "is it's perfection in a mug the hint of", "Honey Cuts against the bitterness of the", "booze it's strong too I better slow", "[Music]", "down you cleaned your plate you want", "some more yes I think I", "do right", "away round two was a", "mistake but this Inn is perfect the", "food's good and the beds are clean the", "staff's cute too it's the type of", "service you can only find in a", "dream I didn't see any dragons but that", "army of lizard men couldn't have been"]}
{"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["more", "realistic that battle between Zena and", "the wyvern felt pretty damn real too", "like something out of a promo video for", "a fantasy RPG also the level of detail", "in seru city is insane the variation in", "the town's people alone is", "mindblowing", "but hold on the things I've seen in this", "world They Don't Really match up with", "the games and stories I know from my", "childhood I used to be a huge nerd in", "middle school but I never dreamed of", "something like this I'm experiencing the", "taste of things I've never even imagined"]}
{"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["before this place is way too Vivid and", "weird to be just a dream but if it isn't", "a", "dream then what the hell is it it feels", "like a game but I can't log out or save", "my progress what's the deal do I have to", "beat it to escape do I have to win to", "get out of", "here wait in an MMO the game never", "really comes to an", "end all right whatever information I", "need isn't in here let's", "[Music]", "go", "whatever this place is I might as well"]}
{"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["make the best of it I may not find a way", "home but as far as I'm concerned", "anything beats sitting behind my stupid", "desk no more death marches for yours", "truly since it seems like I'm stuck here", "I'm going to do what the younger me", "would do have", "[Music]", "fun hey sat are you", "awake morning Martha you need to hurry", "up and get dressed right now your", "girlfriend's waiting", "uh my girlfriend good morning Sato sleep", "well yeah like a baby that's a lovely", "outfit you have on what brings you here"]}
{"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["this fine morning oh well I'm uh I'm off", "duty I was thinking I'd like to take you", "on a quick tour of the city get it while", "it's hot hello sir to Ser you patties", "please you got it Miss", "here you are thank you enjoy them sat I", "wanted to buy these as a way of thanking", "you for saving me you're too kind if it", "weren't for you I'd still be wandering", "around you brought me here to saare you", "and help me land on my feet that seems", "like thanks", "[Music]", "enough this is good stuff it's like a", "croquet without the meat but unless they"]}
{"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["sell ant acids here I'd better slow", "down", "tell the truth do you think they taste", "good it's one of the tastiest treats", "that I've ever eaten I'm glad so what do", "you want to try", "next they're called fried dragon wings", "but they're not dragon wings at all", "they're bat wings coated in black miso", "sauce they're without a doubt Siu's most", "famous food well in that case I'll take", "two please good choice here you", "[Music]", "are sorry about", "that this is my mom's what should I do I"]}
{"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["don't know maybe that clothing store I", "went to on tepa Street could help you", "get the stain out looks like someone had", "a little spill how about a special charm", "to ease your pain no we're fine unless", "of course you have a charm that can help", "make the stain magically disappear funny", "you should mention that because as a", "matter of fact I have just a spell for", "this sort of ordeal she's weird but she", "has good timing we'll take you up on", "that first we need to get rid of that", "nasty", "stain soft", "was"]}
{"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["whoops that was", "unexpected and now for the finishing", "[Music]", "touch", "dry wow it", "[Music]", "worked sweet I just acquired a new", "[Music]", "skill I'm sort of an aspiring Mage", "myself so I've been wondering how you do", "your magic chance well let's see wind", "magic basically starts", "with there is a Cadence for each spell", "it takes practice but you'll get there", "listen did you hear the tone I used wow"]}
{"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["I got to admit I'm incredibly impressed", "must have taken you a long time to", "perfect your craft I guess I started", "training in Earnest about 3 years ago I", "didn't know it at the time but all of", "the amazing things I was learning laid", "the foundation for me to live my life as", "a military Mage when you first start out", "they give you a children's picture book", "with the history of magic in it it's a", "fun way to get a feel for the poetry and", "the musicality of the art form it wasn't", "easy though every hour of every day was", "filled with magic interesting they start", "training I'm pretty"]}
{"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["young I hope I didn't sound like a", "complainer I'm grateful my parents", "raised me that way plus being able to", "use magic spells as fun more than", "anything else though I really want to", "learn how how to fly what about you Sato", "what was it about magic that first", "interested you there aren't any baths at", "my Inn you have to bathe outside but if", "I learn magic then I won't have to bathe", "at all", "huh that's the strangest use of magic", "I've ever heard you're peculiar", "sat I don't think it's that unusual oh", "no it really"]}
{"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["is but I do love the idea of using magic", "to fly we could go on a date in the", "clouds that sounds like fun", "young fellow would you like to try my", "new", "ointment that depends on what it does it", "helps with cuts wounds and dry cracked", "skin I'll get some for the inkeeper at", "the gate in she's been really helpful", "nice well then I'll take five shells", "please we've taken in most of the city", "are there any places in particular you", "might like to see well I don't know let", "me think", "uh is this what you wanted to see sat"]}
{"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["yeah the wind feels so good up here", "you're right honestly I wanted to come", "because it's a military facility without", "someone like Zena they'd never let me in", "thanks for making this happen are you", "sure it's okay for me to be up here with", "you yes wyvern attacks are the only real", "danger out here in the country we're", "perfectly", "safe uh Hey Cena what is that thing oh", "it's a windmill but it can also be", "turned into a battery in the event of a", "wyvern attack shall we go there all", "right great poly and Temple is on the", "way so I'll show you that as"]}
{"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "well this is a mural of the Demon Lord", "and the first hero in combat awesome he", "must have been a brave knight that", "weapon he's holding is known as the holy", "sword whenever the one true hero grasps", "his Hilt the blade glows blue or so the", "legend goes it's pretty isn't it what if", "the person holding the sword isn't the", "he hero then it won't glow that's right", "oh but they say if the sword accepts the", "person holding it the blade will still", "glow I'm certain that over the years", "many people other than the hero have", "wielded that blade it's not always good"]}
{"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["that one is able to use the holy sword", "only Heroes who nobly answer the call of", "the young goddess palean are truly", "worthy of fighting the Demon Lord hello", "Priestess Ora it's been a long time Miss", "Zena Marian tale Ora is a high priestess", "who serves the Great Goddess pan but", "she's also the daughter of the count as", "a matter of fact my mother acted as her", "wet", "nurse it's good to see you I thought you", "were only interested in Magic and now I", "discover romantic interests are in your", "future too you don't understand", "Priestess not condition is critical come"]}
{"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["quickly administer his last rights I'm", "sorry but I must go now of", "course the hero come to think of it I", "already have a lot of titles of my own", "I'll take a quick", "look God killer waa I didn't kill a God", "Dragon killer Destroyer natural enemy", "are you kidding", "[Music]", "me you've defeated the dragon God akan", "kaga you've acquired the title God", "killer apparently the meteor shower can", "kill Gods good to know it's like I'm", "using hacks to make myself more powerful", "Well for now I better not do anything"]}
{"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["that attracts too much", "attention", "[Music]", "hey are you all right yes I'm fine it", "seems you're always there to catch me", "when I", "fall you slide dog sat", "look the anti-dragon", "tower there's a large magical Cannon", "installed right inside if a dragon or", "any flying Beast Ever attacks then", "that'll keep the city safe see that the", "one in ruin a dragon destroyed it during", "an attack a little over 2 years ago", "luckily it was a small dragon and the"]}
{"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["damage was", "minimal but 40 years ago a massive black", "dragon attacked the outer wall was", "breached did the hero come did he ride", "in on a white horse and save the day no", "it's said that heroes are summoned using", "an ancient magical ceremony that the", "Saga empire referred to as the hero", "summoning that's not happened since the", "Demon Lord last appeared some 66 years", "ago I", "see Zena when the Demon Lord attacks", "does he summon monsters to help I", "suppose it depends on the Demon Lord not", "all of them conjure demons but we have"]}
{"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["faced down many who do it's quite hard", "to fight demons because only magic and", "magical Weaponry can defeat them wow", "gotcha hear me these Demi humans might", "not be full demons but they're made in", "the likeness of the Demon Lord be", "righteous and thrust holy judgment upon", "these", "beasts", "who's that guy voo he's head priest of", "zon Temple do not forget the Divine", "punishment we call the Starfall this is", "proof that God's grace is waning so", "purchase one of my Divine rocks Stone", "these devils and be right with God again"]}
{"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["here Here Sell me one line up people I", "cannot allow this I must intercede yes", "punish them for their", "sins stop this cruel Madness at once", "Madness you say will you side with these", "Devils my child", "come on don't be a coward do", "something I guess that fatso priest", "isn't their master who do they belong to", "then that guy okay search the guilds for", "sewer", "rats looks like these sewer rat people", "are stirring up the", "crowd all right it's go time are you a", "holy man will you violate Imperial law"]}
{"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["there is no Godly law that prohibits", "condemning a devil with holy Stones you", "have straight from the path of", "righteousness those who protect demons", "are demons themselves", "protection she's a demon too rat number", "one", "Wicked you tired buddy take a", "nap this skill might come in handy", "I better Max it out stop this you can't", "claim to speak for God these are your", "views alone huh a priest from the gon", "Temple is not a priest at all this is", "your last chance if you keep inciting", "the citizens of this great City to"]}
{"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["violence then the Zin Temple will be", "held responsible for your", "misdeeds thanks to those slaves we're", "going to make money hand over fist", "today I smell another rat who are you", "hey bons who the hell is this kid", "this man he's the one you want it's Ur", "amazing who the hell are you kid I'm", "Sato this man lent his slaves to the", "zikuan priest they gathered up a bunch", "of rocks and called him holy and they", "tried to fleece you out of all your", "money say that again Ur had an even more", "nefarious goal in mind he wanted to use", "the influence of the zikuan temple to"]}
{"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["brainwash you people to lead a rebellion", "against the count there's only one demon", "worshipper here and that's s he was the", "one controlling the demons the entire", "time", "demons that's right when I first came to", "the city I saw one on the", "map no my friends leave the square", "immediately St go grab the girls and run", "get them out of here I'll go get help be", "careful", "Zena you guys come with me it's not safe", "here Master said stay we we stay we must", "do as Master says Mr ERS Gave Us", "explicit instructions to remain here"]}
{"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["unless otherwise commanded I'm sorry but", "we cannot do what you've asked sir we", "thank you for your kindness but please", "leave", "us", "that's sh the human skin I'm feeling", "like myself", "again no master oh cuz Ur died in that", "case what a ption of humanity this was", "fear worry Prejudice h", "it's the St nightm I made of and I love", "every minute of it this place is right", "for my Master's misdeeds in fact it's so", "perfectly right I'm going to make a nest", "for a master wor here and"]}
{"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["now hang on Sat Cena look", "out oh", "[Music]", "no", "greetings welcome to my Master's L it's", "dark and terrible and fill with the Grim", "with monsters try carefully I eat the", "the voice for breakfast I really hate", "that demon's voice I take pleasure in", "your pain it pleases me to feel your Dre", "use the slaves as decoys and let them", "die or you can die yourself I tell you", "there's a way but it won't matter cuz", "you'll never make it that far one last", "thing monsters don't always kill you"]}
{"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["first now they eat to love so it looks", "like the mission is to escape this", "Labyrinth this is crazy we were in a", "city adventure and now we're in the", "middle of a freaking Dungeon Crawl if", "this was a tabletop RPG I'd genuinely be", "worried the game master had lost his", "mind my name's Sato I'm a", "merchant I am cat I am dog and I'm", "lizard are those seriously your names", "yes this is what our Master called us", "and you should call us this too I'm", "sorry but that's not going to happen oh", "in that case will you provide us with", "new names that better suit"]}
{"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["you when it comes to naming things in a", "game I'm pretty much the worst poochie", "T thank you very much for changing our", "names we are forever in your debt sir", "why are they so", "excited oh these are for you use these", "cloths and water from the water pouch to", "get cleaned up there's also ointment you", "can apply to your wounds that will help", "them heal there's plenty to go around so", "please don't be", "shy oh don't worry I'm not a creeper I'm", "going to face the other way I swear", "you're very kind but please don't waste", "expensive supplies on your slaves oh you"]}
{"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["don't need to speak so gently to us", "either okay consider it an order then", "you have to obey", "right yes thank you young Master we will", "obey awkward I've never had clean", "clothes before thank you so much", "they're", "nice I like them they kind of remind me", "of my", "family you don't have to worry guys just", "eat", "up so good yes sweet and", "tasty to take your", "[Music]", "time I can't believe I'm actually eating"]}
{"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["baked", "[Music]", "sweets", "anyway getting out of this cave is not", "going to be easy I", "[Applause]", "know Maps don't leave home without", "him looks like we've got", "company it's Zena and the rest of the", "soldiers there's no player chat function", "that would come in", "handy also it's kind of weird that", "eyeball demon isn't coming up on the", "search if we get hit from both", "directions while we're on the Move we'll"]}
{"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["be in big", "trouble don't leave us we'll do whatever", "you want don't go Master please take us", "with you you can use us as pawns if you", "like just please don't abandon us I'm", "sorry to worry you I just wanted to take", "a look at the passageway I won't leave", "you girls", "behind I knew Master is very", "kind apparently Lisa is the only one who", "has combat skills if I take a spear out", "of this bag it'll freak them", "out take this", "Lisa I am a slave sir it's an", "order"]}
{"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "right ladies I don't want you to start", "fighting unless I order you to engage", "now do I make myself clear yes", "[Music]", "Master T if you see anything up ahead", "let me know all right POI if you smell", "or hear anything suspicious speak up", "Lisa you keep an eye on the rear make", "sure to stay alert everyone Yes", "[Music]", "master an enemy I smell blood Master", "it's right in front of us that's some", "nose you've", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["got you three just wait right", "[Music]", "here when the main character in a video", "game takes on the big bad guy it always", "looks so easy I don't know about this", "maybe it's better to keep my head down", "till help comes young Master please", "forgive me but I think it's best to", "either slip past the monster while it's", "eating that person or to Stage your rear", "assault while it's properly", "distracted her level is in the single", "digits and even she can figure out what", "to do in this situation", "sitation"]}
{"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["nice excellent shot Master you're the", "best", "wonderful what a", "relief my that is a strange looking", "staff uh this is a secret magical weapon", "don't tell tell anyone about it okay", "sure all right I'll have to remind them", "when we get out of this", "Labyrinth bye-bye nasty bug so", "gross in that", "[Music]", "case there we go", "Lisa yeah I wouldn't eat that if I were", "you no of course not the thing is I'm", "trying to get to the monster's core oh"]}
{"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["here it is wait what the heck is a core", "every monster has one they're extremely", "valuable Commodities you can trade them", "with Merchants at the market for", "supplies and various other", "items that doesn't exactly answer my", "question here right put it in the bag", "understood and the spear is for you h", "H and now you can have", "mine the", "chains problem", "solved sorry about that so the next time", "that we come across one of those", "monsters and kill it we should let POI", "and Tama get the core when that time"]}
{"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["comes will you teach them how yes of", "course well let's go yeah indeed let's", "right", "I guess they don't get skills just by", "being with me there are no changes on", "their experience bars huh Tama go find", "us some Stones about the size of a core", "okay there's a bug up", "[Music]", "ahead I got", "him t let it rip yeah poy Tama get back", "a bit Lisa when you see an opening stab", "him in the gun", "[Music]", "right Lisa Tama now you go retrieve the"]}
{"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["core and POI you come with me there are", "more bugs up", "ahead jeez that's a lot of", "rocks POI take the rocks and throw them", "at the bug's side but stay on the move", "and then try to hide somewhere right", "okie", "dokie leave that dama don't let the big", "NY for L come", "[Music]", "back that wasn't part of the plan is poi", "all right what's wrong is she hurt oh no", "she's okay she just got scared that's", "all we should get going I'm so sorry", "Master I'm not mad at her I'm just"]}
{"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["worried she's gonna get hurt if she", "freaks out like that POI when things get", "dicey it's okay to run away sometimes", "but you still got to keep a cool head", "understand right oky", "do I don't like Tamer if it were up to", "me I'd go with patient", "educator", "[Music]", "[Music]", "awesome their levels are starting to go", "up I guess you get skills automatically", "when your level increases master we're", "finished we've collected all of the", "cores cool huh she's not calling me"]}
{"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["young Master anymore is it weird if I", "say I miss", "it she doesn't have much stamina left", "hey I think we should take a break what", "kind of food do we", "[Music]", "have oh wow this is really good it's the", "best meat is the greatest food ever when", "you bite to the succulent tender jerky", "the flavor explodes in your mouth like", "Canon fire when you're done eating you", "should get some sleep would you like me", "to set up camp", "Master no just get some", "rest"]}
{"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "[Music]", "hey awesome job right yay thank you so", "first time I've let them take the rains", "but they handled it like Old Pros master", "I want to start a fire is that all right", "why a fire well I was thinking I would", "like to prepare some frog meat forgive", "me there's no need to forgive you but", "frog meat it's quite delicious but if", "not cooked properly we could fall", "deathly ill okay why", "[Music]", "not here Master oh wow", "thanks I hope I don't puke m"]}
{"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["not bad it tastes like chicken probably", "because of the seasoning salt she", "used why aren't they chowing", "down please don't wait for me if I were", "you I'd go ahead and dig in while the", "Frog's still hot hot", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "me", "if we keep this pace up we'll find our", "way out of this crazy labyrinth in no", "time at all", "but once we do what happens to", "them here goes nothing Fireball", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["attack uh-oh I guess that fire shot", "spell isn't going to get the job done", "against a level 10 slime if I may the", "most effective way to to feed a purple", "slime monsters is to penetrate its", "core it works every single time slime", "gross it turned into a puddle of", "nasty that wall is", "weird a hidden door or a", "trap get back", "now a level 40", "Beast Master no oh dear please be", "careful all right nice job way to go", "Master could thing trap setting was one", "of my"]}
{"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["skills sticky sticky my feet are stuck", "in the", "goo there people in those things we have", "to save", "[Music]", "them bless you my son I am the head", "vicount of the ancient belon family I am", "known as JY belon you have my thanks for", "your gallantry I'll see you receive a", "handsome reward thank you so much for", "rescuing me my friends the name is", "Nidoran I am a slave trader I'm Sato and", "I've just recently become a professional", "Merchant take your hands off me give me", "the dagger you Beast oh hold on I"]}
{"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["remember him sorry I can't this blade is", "my masters you can't have it such", "insolence I'll beat it right out of you", "POI come here please right oky dokie hey", "cut me loose will you actually I'm a", "little busy right now find your own way", "pal what is this some kind of a joke", "come on you can't just leave me here", "that's enough you keep yelling like that", "you'll attract unwanted attention so", "shut your trap or I'll burn you to", "Cinders and let the monsters eat your", "bones", "I hear fighting there's a battle just", "down this Corridor Master we'll go ahead"]}
{"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["and see what's happening follow slightly", "behind us and make sure nothing tries to", "attack from the", "rear T POI I need a torch now", "okay distract the Slime monsters and try", "to lure them away from the troops Lisa", "aim for the cores and take them out once", "they're dead I want you to run back here", "as fast as you can okay got to", "I'm a 100 times stronger than those", "stupid little Demi freaks as long as I", "have this sword I'll be just", "[Applause]", "fine", "we showed them who's boss darn right we"]}
{"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["did excellent job", "[Music]", "ladies", "Cena are you", "okay it really is you", "[Applause]", "oh sat I was so worried about", "you Zena this isn't the time to", "celebrate I think it's best if we take", "care of the monsters first Priestess Ora", "judging by what I've just witnessed I", "take it you've determined where the", "Slime Monster's weakness lies yes all", "you have to do is penetrate their cores", "and they disintegrate how'd you figure"]}
{"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["that out Sato you're so smart no liisa", "is the smart one not me who is Lia your", "your girlfriend ask if he's been", "unfaithful later dear Unfaithful oh I", "get it she doesn't understand who Lisa", "is well I'm just happy you're safe", "Sato yeah these three are the only", "reason I'm safe at all Oh you mean the", "Demi humans from before my name's POI", "and this is", "Tama I didn't know they were so", "shy my name is Lisa you saved us from", "being stoned to death we are in your", "debt you're nice like really really", "nice you're nice"]}
{"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["too uh master that wall it's weird", "too another hidden door and it looks", "like it's right above the spot where we", "defeated that Undead Beast good work", "Tama look it's a treasure box back off", "it's mine I found it", "I'm", "back I didn't think so many of you would", "come the more the man I'd say this", "Labyrinth just got a lot less", "cool everyone take your positions attack", "from all sides but be careful this demon", "can use Magic by count provide defensive", "cover for the men in front you made a", "mistake demon you should have stayed"]}
{"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["hidden inside of your chest you can't", "fend off my fire mag so I'll use blast", "pole human are so slow I born out of my", "mind what is this", "sensation I've never seen anything like", "this would you look at all of that meat", "there's enough to feed an army POI T", "let's gather as much food for master as", "we possibly can what the hell is going", "on do the soldiers look like roast", "chicken to them I need to snap them out", "of this fast", "[Applause]", "you humans are such fools I watch with", "delight as you the"]}
{"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["thre demon if you think we're going to", "let you defeat us without putting up a", "fight then the only fool here is you", "last", "pole what no way midle magic doesn't", "work don't you know demons love heat", "better try another smell guess he's", "using some kind of protection Magic", "all right Sato time to get in the", "fight damn it oh", "yeah", "sat come on", "Beast so", "no that's", "it"]}
{"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "wow this holy sword is crazy sharp I", "took damage when I pulled it out I guess", "I should leave it", "unequipped", "meantime but you", "never", "[Music]", "Stand Down Knights I'll take care of", "this demon", "freak flame spear attack the sa Javelin", "who the hell are you your freak", "is where did Master go is he gone no I", "can still smell him I need to make sure"]}
{"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["they don't notice human who are you no", "one damages a demon by throwing rocks I", "am confused in the bra", "I'm going to be busted by a human being", "how can this be happening it's not", "impossible I'll finish him", "off damn", "it my master who I've love to see if the", "once", "again", "kneel before my master the Godlike Demon", "Lord he is part of the Demon King's enal", "Circle this is bad news a high level", "Demon Lord in setting up this labin and", "summoning me hither you have done well"]}
{"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["here is your", "reward I just to become one with my", "master once again", "Beyond run away my little ants those who", "are strong stand firm and prepared to", "fight I will test your", "me that should take care of", "[Music]", "them I did not realize a hero would be", "present did you have a divine revelation", "no matter you will", "fall try as you might you will never", "defeat", "me just how much are you going to", "strengthen"]}
{"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["yourself but they say if the sword", "accepts the person holding it the blade", "will still", "blow what ails you hero do you not know", "how to use your holy sword Such a", "Pity you're quite durable consider me", "mildly impressed", "that was close if the holy sword won't", "work then I'll have to use magic but low", "and Magic like fire shot isn't going to", "work what about meteor", "shower no I can't use", "that spear attack sacred Javelin", "attack you're interrupting my but with", "your infantile spells now you've angered"]}
{"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["me you human scum take", "this it seems I was overom", "it is quite difficult to fight demons", "because only magic and magical Weaponry", "can defeat", "them all", "right did you truly think I wouldn't", "notice you abandoned your holy sword you", "cannot fool me fire", "shot did it", "work I didn't think someone so skilled", "at martial arts could utilize magic too", "I don't understand how is this happening", "my word that has to be the highle magic", "Crimson Javelin well actually no it's"]}
{"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["the starting magic fire", "shot that's right the magic GAE on", "meteor shower said it had 10 times the", "original", "Power speaking of which that reminds me", "in order to defeat a Demon Lord a hero", "must wield a holy", "sword demon Lords aren't anything like", "that eyeball weirdo they're Godlike", "entities even though I have a holy sword", "I don't have the title of hero yet", "that's why I can't get a good hit", "in but is that right hold on what titles", "do I already", "have if wielding a holy sword as a hero"]}
{"chunk_num": 101, "subtitles": ["makes it possible to Smite a Godlike", "[Music]", "entity", "then it stands to reason wielding a", "Divine sword as a god killer should", "achieve the exact same", "result what is that blade in your hand", "damn you human I am", "[Music]", "[Music]", "vanquished", "[Music]", "Master you did it you beat the Demon", "Lord pardon me friend are you Sato yes I", "am are these your slaves yes well no not"]}
{"chunk_num": 102, "subtitles": ["officially fine well there's someone", "looking for you come on uh all", "right", "ladies are you", "[Music]", "coming", "okay", "[Music]", "hey I was wrong to mistreat you", "girls I hope you'll forgive", "me", "sat you have no idea how worried I was", "well the important thing is we're both", "safe and sound", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 103, "subtitles": ["now I'm racking up new titles but to be", "honest out of all of them this is the", "one I care about the", "[Music]", "most Mr Sato I hereby Proclaim these", "slaves are officially yours Masters I", "thought you might might like to know", "there are several slaves who didn't sell", "today I'd be happy if you took a look no", "thanks I think I'm all stocked up on", "that", "front my name is Lulu sir Lulu she seems", "nice hello my name is Arisa sat Sama I'm", "[Music]", "Yours"]}
{"chunk_num": 104, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "what hello my name is Arisa sat s", "she used the honorific is this girl", "Japanese I have an", "[Music]", "idea get it off disgusting I hate", "spiders more than anything else in the", "entire room", "so I bought both of them I'm such a", "sucker there's a Kumo in your", "hair knew she was from Japan Japanese", "girls always hate", "spiders like I said my name is Arisa", "it's been well over a decade since I was", "born into the mysterious Kingdom of"]}
{"chunk_num": 105, "subtitles": ["kubor I hope you'll treat me with love", "and respect master I'm Lulu I'm 14 I'm", "from the kingdom of", "kufor as you can see I'm homely weak and", "shy too but I am sturdy as a pack horse", "so please don't cast me aside it's nice", "to meet you both I'm", "Sato my name is poi T greetings my name", "is Lisa a spawn of the or scale race my", "Village was toppled by the weasel men", "shortly after I was sold as a slave but", "I am very proud to have been sold to the", "Sha Kingdom hey too much oh I'm terribly", "sorry an aent race in a slave I'll admit", "I've never met anyone quite like you"]}
{"chunk_num": 106, "subtitles": ["before yeah they're unique for sure", "they're kind Souls be patient with", "them a how could I not be patient with", "two Little Cuties like them are we", "Little Cuties mhm you are really cute", "Tama how are you POI nice to meet you", "yes nice to meet you girls yes the", "pleasure is ours what she said we're", "glad to have you with us you're all so", "lovely she doesn't hate demihumans what", "a relief well why don't we head back to", "the end okay", "donies", "want to hold hands we already are", "holding hands"]}
{"chunk_num": 107, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "silly arys is from Japan for sure but I", "shouldn't talk about it in front of the", "others something sure does smell good", "let's grab some food before we go home", "what do you guys want me me yeah need", "some SS great we will eat anything you", "offer us with a smile on our face and", "gratitude in our hearts but if I must", "choose then I select poultry of the", "chicken variety aren't birds and lizards", "relatives I'm a bit confused Master as", "slaves we aren't supposed to be", "particular about what we", "eat I'm curious what type of food did"]}
{"chunk_num": 108, "subtitles": ["you normally get we never had a say in", "the matter really they usually gave us", "stale bread St old soup without any meat", "was considered a feast we were lucky if", "we received one meal a day when they", "didn't feed us we would Forge for fruits", "berries and twigs one time I had no", "choice but to eat a leaf for breakfast", "AC cornnuts and", "weeds wait are you", "[Music]", "serious well at least her tail is", "excited all right dig in bless this food", "oh bless our food", "too wow it's super"]}
{"chunk_num": 109, "subtitles": ["hot uh you might want to blow on it", "first", "right it's like my mouth's on fire chewy", "chewy it's quite tasty and it's really", "crunchy", "too it's a little on the salty side but", "it's not bad it seems like there are a", "lot of manual laborers around here maybe", "this is the kind of stuff they like food", "made with entrails is generally supposed", "to have a variety of textures and", "flavors but there are some people who", "have trouble with the unique Aroma I", "don't know if they were just meticulous", "in preparing it or if there's something"]}
{"chunk_num": 110, "subtitles": ["unique about the vegetables it was", "simmered with but this stuff smells", "great would you like to try some of this", "kid wow this is just like Teek", "kanaki and this must be heart with", "liver yikes it's so spicy spicy spicy", "this is hotter than a weasel man on the", "trail orange scale easy girls if it's", "too hot Don't Force yourselves whatever", "you don't want I'll eat", "myself I hear you go thanks a lot you're", "so", "sweet let's dig in please", "enjoy where are you going master I won't", "be gone too long I just want to do a"]}
{"chunk_num": 111, "subtitles": ["little shopping in the neighborhood is", "all oh in that case let me help no eat", "up please that's an order", "ladies", "[Music]", "huh that's right Lisa said she was", "hungry for chicken I think I'll buy her", "a midnight", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "snack", "hungry um eat make sure that you share", "it with your friends", "okay well what do you think"]}
{"chunk_num": 112, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "you look awesome you have quite the eye", "for fashion Master We're Cute we look", "super duper great hey sat how are you", "Martha Miss Maran tale told me all about", "your adventures it was quite a yarn your", "room is still as it was so you're", "welcome to rest up but it appears you", "might need a little more space yes these", "are my friends without their help I", "couldn't have escaped the Labyrinth the", "Labyrinth actually I was hoping I could", "get a few extra rooms for them is there", "space I'm sorry but we're all booked up", "dear demium haters Martha will you take"]}
{"chunk_num": 113, "subtitles": ["those two to my room please the rest of", "us will just have to Camp outside", "tonight oh Master you're such a generous", "soul don't look so mad you're likely to", "frighten us to the core with those mean", "old sculls ma'am if it's all right by", "you I was hoping we might use your shed", "or a stable for the night these girls", "save countless human lives while", "breathing the darkness and Terror of the", "laprin though they will receive no", "medals for their display of Courage", "perhaps you can spare them a little", "Mercy a person's Good Deeds should", "always be paid back in"]}
{"chunk_num": 114, "subtitles": ["kind oh", "yes that's an excellent point the shadow", "is chalk full to the brim but the staple", "has more than enough", "room I do hope I was helpful Master yeah", "you were thank you for", "that all right I think this blanket will", "keep you from getting needled by the hay", "in your sleep fluffy fluff why did I get", "needle work oh well maybe it'll come in", "handy one day if any troublemakers try", "to bother you don't kill them unless you", "have no choice if you need help just", "shout I'll come running here first thing", "right understood iy I Okie dokies"]}
{"chunk_num": 115, "subtitles": ["there's no need for that just take care", "of yourself okay yes", "right oh no are you hurt no I'm", "perfectly fine thank you so much for", "asking master I think Lulu is a bit", "uncomfortable around", "men we're ready for you", "master oh no are they serious are they", "nud is got a thing here ladies the", "covers are a bit on the thin side you'll", "catch a cold like that put something on", "please oh but our", "services uh if she means what I think", "she means and I'm pretty sure she does", "yikes I'm not interested in that excuse"]}
{"chunk_num": 116, "subtitles": ["me we've got a big day tomorrow of", "shopping and stocking up on supplies so", "get some", "rest", "it's okay those days are all in the past", "[Music]", "now well hello did I wake you", "[Music]", "up", "whoops I stole a little kiss hold on she", "wasn't in my bed when I fell", "asleep My Mind Is Telling Me No but my", "body my body's telling me yes wait since", "when am I a pedophile it's like I'm", "being compelled to do this against my"]}
{"chunk_num": 117, "subtitles": ["will that's", "it", "Arisa no more using magic understood", "that's an", "order and one more thing any Magik or", "skills you've already activated are to", "be released at once you hear me that is", "an", "[Music]", "order no", "fair no fair it's the second time you've", "used psychic m tonight first you used it", "on the other guests at the in probably", "some trick to neutralize their disdain", "for POI and the"]}
{"chunk_num": 118, "subtitles": ["others and these are the three spells", "you are using to manipulate me why were", "you trying to control me by using a", "psychic spell I don't know what you're", "asking me Master look from now on no", "more avoiding the subject either tell me", "what you were doing", "Arisa might as well see how effective", "this is I'm going to ask you one more", "time what were you doing I only wanted", "to service you master you have my", "word I still don't understand could you", "try and explain it more", "clearly oh come on what could be clearer", "than that I know for you the moment I"]}
{"chunk_num": 119, "subtitles": ["first laid eyes on", "you uh fell for me your fine soft black", "hair your easygoing attitude your cute", "baby face your skinny build your smooth", "skin with no hair where there shouldn't", "be all I've ever wanted to marry someone", "like you but alas the perfect man the", "man I've always dreamed I'd find is my", "master and He commands me not to service", "him how can I accept that that's why I", "used a spell and if that makes you angry", "with me oh", "[Music]", "well so when I didn't fall for you right", "away you decided to brainwash me you"]}
{"chunk_num": 120, "subtitles": ["make it sound so wrong it is the duty of", "a slave girl to seduce her master and do", "everything she can to make it feel good", "that is not", "right I understand at least I think", "I was waiting for you to come call on me", "but you fell asleep that made me unhappy", "so I decided the next best thing was to", "crawl in bed and want you sleep I'm so", "naughty", "oops you were feeling Amorous and you", "decided to act on it more or", "less good grief she is a hot", "mess I've never seen these skills", "before my name's tachana Arisa and I'm"]}
{"chunk_num": 121, "subtitles": ["from Japan just like you I knew it well", "I was from Japan I was reincarnated in", "the Kor Kingdom Strangely I still have", "my memories for my former life on Earth", "were you reincarnated too wait what I", "get it with soft smooth black hair like", "that I'm guessing you were summoned here", "as a hero we to", "Master look at that you've just clammed", "up you're only the second Japanese", "person I've met here did you know that", "wait does that mean mean Lulu's the", "other one oh no not Lulu although", "apparently her grandfather was Japanese", "fate is cruel is it not if she'd been"]}
{"chunk_num": 122, "subtitles": ["born in Japan she could have become a", "Teen Idol wait an idol unfortunately the", "people here don't find her attractive in", "the least now getting back to the", "original question were you reincarnated", "in this world or are you a transfer", "truth is I don't know well maybe I can", "help tell me what makes a transfer", "different people who are reincarnated in", "this world are those who died in our old", "world people who are transported here", "are compelled to appear in this world as", "a result of summoning magic they're", "either summoned heroes or reincarnations", "so when you're reincarnated do you start"]}
{"chunk_num": 123, "subtitles": ["as a baby yes in this world that's", "precisely how it works do people who are", "transported keep their original", "appearance do they look exactly like", "they did before they were transferred as", "far as I know when they appear they're", "even wearing the same clothes that they", "wore on Earth and guess what their feet", "stay the", "same I don't think either applies to me", "then are you saying you didn't meet God", "Sato God no I didn't oh well tell me", "this were you inside a Summoner Circle", "when you appeared no I was alone in the", "Wasteland I see did you start out at a"]}
{"chunk_num": 124, "subtitles": ["high level like with infinite MP and a", "whole bunch of crazy skills I started at", "level one actually my mp was Zero no", "skills either wait I had those", "disposable meteor shower icons that's no", "fun good luck beating a dumb game like", "that uh so one question sure I don't", "mind telling you my BR", "SI this isn't an order so if you don't", "want to answer that's totally", "okay can you tell me how you became a", "slave", "f are you", "awake look your girlfriend is here oh no", "we're not hey what's up sorry for the"]}
{"chunk_num": 125, "subtitles": ["mess things have been a little nuts here", "I should put a shirt on ooh your", "boyfriend's got a nice", "B Master you're scaring me a little", "please don't hurt", "[Music]", "me you", "creep how can you treat young girls like", "objects T how could", "you well good luck with", "that aren't you going after her I", "definitely don't recommend putting it", "off Cena and I are just friends but", "still this looks", "bad"]}
{"chunk_num": 126, "subtitles": ["please don't be", "upset I'm not upset I'm disappointed you", "were sleeping with that little girl she", "crawled into my bed when she was half", "asleep oh she did but lilio told me that", "men only buy slaves to satisfy their", "insatiable carnal appetites damn lilio", "look Cena I know some guys are like that", "but I swear I'm not I just bought them", "cuz I needed help with the dayto day oh", "you're telling the", "truth I don't I know what it is but you", "look different today your clothes are", "fillier there's a new kind of Elegance", "to your style I guess what I mean is you"]}
{"chunk_num": 127, "subtitles": ["look really pretty when your back's", "against the wall shower them with", "compliments thank you that's very sweet", "hey Zena there's a store around here", "that sells the most beautiful Shaws you", "want to go check it out I think they'd", "look great on", "you oh Sato that would be", "[Laughter]", "[Music]", "lovely there you are welcome home I'm", "very glad to see all is well", "again dides she not realize she's the", "one who caused the freaking", "problem yeah I'm back go get the others"]}
{"chunk_num": 128, "subtitles": ["will you", "right can you tell me how you became a", "slave that story is not a simple one", "when I got here I tried to help the", "country I Ruled using memories for my", "former", "life at first things went smoothly", "enough but then it all took a sudden", "turn for the worse conflict started to", "break out in the end a neighboring", "country took over was someone behind it", "yes I didn't find out who till much", "later though at the time I was depressed", "but I ched it up to the differences", "between this world and Earth after our"]}
{"chunk_num": 129, "subtitles": ["country was conquered they publicly", "executed the king the Crown Prince their", "consorts and a slew of loyal subjects in", "order to quell", "descent and then they ordered the Mages", "to force us into slavery we were all on", "our own without a soul in the world to", "protect", "[Music]", "us then one day out of nowhere a demon", "appeared the demon attacked toppling", "both the castle and the surrounding", "Villages as well everything was engulfed", "in flames so Lulu and I ran to the", "mountains for cover we had no food we"]}
{"chunk_num": 130, "subtitles": ["were starving and close to death and", "that's when that slave trador Nidoran", "picked us up", "Lulu wasn't feeling well so I let her", "stay in the room I hope that's all right", "thank you for letting me know not a", "problem here use this money to buy", "clothes and daily Necessities for the", "entire crew I'll let you be in charge of", "negotiations consider it done Master", "Lisa watch arisa's back be on the", "lookout for pickpockets okay yes I can", "keep her safe too so can I fine you two", "watch her flanks and make sure she isn't", "ambush"]}
{"chunk_num": 131, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "can I pretty please use local security", "magic and concealment skills if I run", "into trouble I forgot that I shut that", "down permission granted thank you master", "well we'll be back and strange they seem", "to like working for you yeah they do", "those girls don't deserve to live their", "lives as slaves but for now they're", "safe", "[Music]", "the", "[Music]", "oh", "so sat do you have any plans for this"]}
{"chunk_num": 132, "subtitles": ["afternoon yeah actually I was going to", "ask the odd jobs people to help me find", "housing that accepts demihumans The", "Stables are fine but if I can find a", "warm bed for them to sleep in I'd feel", "much better well would it be all right", "if I came with you that would be", "awesome are you sure that's how you want", "to spend your day off buming", "around excuse me", "coming so sorry for the delay greetings", "friends my name is nauy my job here is", "to make sure you find one actually I'm", "looking for a property to rent for my", "friends and me I can help with that too"]}
{"chunk_num": 133, "subtitles": ["WR this way please sir if you're sharing", "the space with demihumans it'll need to", "be in the heart of Westtown or at least", "somewhere between there in the workers", "residences good news and bad news bad", "news is there's a lot of crime there but", "the good news is it's much cheaper so", "what's your price range well with my", "budget two Silvers is the most I'd", "prefer to spend but if that's not enough", "I'd be willing to go as high as one gold", "coin at that price point your options", "are fairly limited that said there are a", "couple of places I can think of off the", "top of my head that should meet your"]}
{"chunk_num": 134, "subtitles": ["requirements shall", "we I should probably tell you a member", "of the crime Guild assassinated the", "owner of this house oh well I guess that", "explains why the price is so", "low you're showing that", "yep that is a fully functioning brothel", "right across the street thanks but no", "thanks the crime Guild has a hideout", "right underneath this place complete", "with a secret tunnel that leads into the", "city this one gives me a bad feeling in", "my stomach I think it's a no I", "understand don't lose hope I'll head", "back to the office and see if there are"]}
{"chunk_num": 135, "subtitles": ["any properties that are more suitable to", "your needs that'd be great thanks I'll", "swing by later this evening hopefully", "you have a little luck so what's next is", "there anything you'd like to do today", "Zena uh no what about you well if you're", "looking for something fun to do a new", "flea market just opened up in the plaza", "up ahead generally speaking they have", "really modest prices on most of their", "goods my manager and I were actually", "planning to go too", "interesting The Outdoor Theater is", "absolutely to die for it's the perfect", "spot for a date a"]}
{"chunk_num": 136, "subtitles": ["date what's wrong", "oh", "nothing I'll take", "[Music]", "one lucky Lou it's the master Oh yay how", "was the shopping girls", "good the packages were heavy so we", "dropped them off with the in but look at", "my dress Go Master you", "like you look", "lovely oh your hair's different yes it", "is I was getting UL your looks on", "account of my purple hair I decided to", "make a change makes sense master I'm", "glad you're here if it's all right I"]}
{"chunk_num": 137, "subtitles": ["have a small favor to ask of you don't", "cling to me if you need something just", "ask cards huh art on the front the", "language of The Saga Empire on the back", "hey this might come in handy for", "teaching POI and Tama how to read I like", "your cards that's kind of you to say Sir", "they're for learning Shon wow", "the performance is about to begin Master", "if we don't hurry we might miss the show", "you lead the way then did you buy", "tickets yet tickets worry not master", "we'll take care of that part okay here's", "some", "money I'm sorry about this Cena but I"]}
{"chunk_num": 138, "subtitles": ["promised arai would let the girls come", "to the play oh that's", "okay check it out I think these earrings", "would complement your hair color nicely", "wow they're so cute", "do they suit me yeah for sure thanks", "master master I want these so badly well", "in that case let's get something for", "Lulu and everybody else", "hooray I wish Cena would ask me for", "stuff it sure would make it easier to", "shop for her hi wait until you see", "this excuse me can I get these earrings", "please", "Fair Maiden rather than under the pale"]}
{"chunk_num": 139, "subtitles": ["Moonlight I would wish to see your", "beautiful smiling face beneath the light", "of The Shining son oh beloved Zen use a", "magic spell to free me from this Castle", "which to my weary eyes seems an iron", "cell tragic romances are super freaking", "lame hungry I want some", "meat I'm sorry about that it's fine I", "guess they fell asleep what about", "Lisa wa she's into it no wait her Tail's", "wagging which means she smells those", "skewers cooking right outside the", "[Music]", "theater this play The Tragedy of Marquee", "Muno is based on a true story the"]}
{"chunk_num": 140, "subtitles": ["protagonist of the piece Zen is a", "commoner wizard who has a deep and", "ultimately tragic romance with Princess", "Lana not only does her fiance maruno", "brutally murder nearly every member of", "Zen's extended family Zen himself is", "murdered by one of the princess's", "attendants in the end Princess Lana", "takes her own life which is what the", "audience will want to do by the end of", "the", "story it's just the", "[Music]", "audience oh man I thought that was the", "end wishful thinking I"]}
{"chunk_num": 141, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "guess the body of the protagonist which", "was thrown from a cliff reanimates", "becoming Undead he goes on a violent", "Rampage kill killing everyone at the", "marque's", "estate just as he's about to succeed", "just as he's about to kill the Marquee a", "Holy Knight Kills him first talk about", "anticlimactic oh sweet Holy Knight not", "only that but the Marquees whole", "personality changes and then he dies", "because of some weird Bizarro curse from", "his Marquis it the result is a finale", "remarkable only for its"]}
{"chunk_num": 142, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "opacity gabo flatbread isn't gabo", "vegetable in that game air", "Rim you dropped", "this thank you for your kindness sir oh", "you're the young man from the show sorry", "again for what happened back there it", "was nothing so what did you think about", "the ending of the play Dreadful wasn't", "it uh well in the script the wizard is", "killed by the Holy Knight after he gets", "his revenge on the Marquee but the", "Nobles complain so they changed the", "ending in the real story The Princess is", "a commoner and yet the Marquee does"]}
{"chunk_num": 143, "subtitles": ["desires her still despite the fact that", "she's married to another man the", "lecherous swine consumed with lustful", "yearning kidnaps her the noble should", "have left well enough alone if you ask", "me which of course nobody did so a bunch", "of idiots meddled with the writer's work", "and the result was a complete disaster", "shocking there you are Master we've been", "looking for you sorry about that I had", "to use the bathroom I loved it so much", "wasn't that just the most delightful", "story you've ever heard it was beautiful", "I wept when the princess killed herself", "after the wizard died so"]}
{"chunk_num": 144, "subtitles": ["sad huh instead of dying she should have", "secretly taken that sword marched up to", "the Marquee and stabbed him right in his", "big old stupid face the Marquee was the", "root of the problem trying to separate", "two people who love each other perhaps", "but it was the princess who broke the", "promise of the arranged marriage upon", "which both families had agreed so in one", "sense the whole ordeal is her fault oh", "come on tell me who would you rather", "marry my master or some rich blo heart", "who was forced down your throat H well I", "am not betro to anyone if you must know", "that's because you joined the military"]}
{"chunk_num": 145, "subtitles": ["so your parents couldn't force you to", "marry against your will in these parts", "after women tie the knot they're in", "charge of running the household but", "joining the military means 5 years of", "service is there something going on here", "I don't get anything for the person you", "love then you have zero business putting", "on a ring forced marriage or not yes", "that's true but the head of the family", "is still in charge keep playing the good", "girl and watch what happens you'll have", "your man stolen right out from under", "[Music]", "you"]}
{"chunk_num": 146, "subtitles": ["H that was rude ow sorry about that Cena", "well tell her you're sorry I'm sorry", "truth is I totally understand what she", "means so who wants meet skewers what are", "you for real sounds like a plan to me", "say the word and it's done Master how", "many skewers a lot I guess just make", "sure there's enough for everyone I'll", "take care of the haggling fun we're", "coming along", "too", "[Music]", "lilio Zena you three look like you were", "in a bad fight a ferocious battle with a", "herd of fang ants what the dirty rat"]}
{"chunk_num": 147, "subtitles": ["bastard has got us good next time I see", "him I'll eat those bugs for lunch Fang", "ants huh well that sounds scary the Fang", "ants weren't the only dubious characters", "we came across we also spotted a large", "unit of wear rat Cavalry who crossed the", "border R's Theory the wear rat Riders", "were the ones who attracted the ants in", "the first place this much I know the", "commander was wearing a big red helmet", "if I ever find that villain he'll pay at", "The Gallows blow healing", "Breeze thank you so much Cena I'm glad", "you're safe Sato sorry but I I have to", "go help heal the other wounded of"]}
{"chunk_num": 148, "subtitles": ["course an ant a dead", "ant what are you doing with that you two", "we killed it it was attacking from above", "be careful there might be more monsters", "lurking nearby good", "job a flying ant I wonder if this is the", "same type the Border guard's fought red", "markers incoming POI Tama get your", "weapons hey doys Arisa go get Lulu on it", "Lisa fetch the curtain we used for the", "bed and get back here fast understood", "sir is something wrong don't worry", "everything's going to be", "[Music]", "[Applause]"]}
{"chunk_num": 149, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "just monster", "attack flying ants are only level three", "they're not strong enough to threaten", "armed guards but they've got sharp fangs", "and hard exoskeletons not to mention", "they can fly there are more than enough", "of them to do some substantial damage I", "could burn them all into Oblivion using", "fire shot but that'll draw way too much", "attention those suckers are", "fast what the hell looks like my", "protective barrier above the city is", "doing its part to save them off it's not", "doing its job well enough I'm afraid do"]}
{"chunk_num": 150, "subtitles": ["you know how much MP I'd have to burn", "through to create a magic barrier as", "impenetrable as a physical wall it's an", "unbelievable amount", "Arisa take Lulu and go hide in the back", "of that bar you got it POI Tama protect", "the Inn Okie dois Master what will you", "do we need to focus our defense on the", "main entry point it's time to build a", "barricade", "Lisa hurry up and get", "inside don't lose Harman it's one", "monster we've got nothing to", "[Music]", "fear fall in"]}
{"chunk_num": 151, "subtitles": ["Hammer fire", "you ready yes master I always", "am he won't let you through an sorry", "road's closed all", "right that was a close one thank you so", "much T forget about it she sounded just", "like a movie Mobster did AR said teach", "[Music]", "that she must have used psychic", "magic looks like a few of the ants made", "it inside the building where naughty", "works it's settling outside Lisa I'll", "let you take it from here all", "right naughty are you okay yes I think", "so the stairs are are covered in ant"]}
{"chunk_num": 152, "subtitles": ["poison guess I could smash a rock and", "use it for footing IV", "controlled", "manager you saved me Sato thank", "you and one for you", "too thank you you're so welcome I am", "very grateful", "sir who's this he came here looking for", "a place to rent earlier and then he", "saved me from the an thank you the", "fantasy world's most popular Race by far", "an elf is something the matter oh no", "it's just I don't think I've ever met", "someone with green hair well his hair is", "green because he is an Elvish Forest"]}
{"chunk_num": 153, "subtitles": ["Spirit wait a second I thought elves had", "long ears how rude oh no that's a", "different race called the long ears and", "don't worry it happens a lot and in fact", "it always has since the first hero", "called the long ears elves it's hard to", "believe but people have been making that", "mistake for well over a millennium now", "truth is elves hate being mistaken for a", "long year isn't that right manager sir I", "honestly didn't know manager please", "forgive me for my", "ignorance you're forgiven you see oh my", "we can discuss the housing situation", "another time right thank you again for"]}
{"chunk_num": 154, "subtitles": ["saving", "me crisis averted oh there you", "are are you all right yes so sorry", "we are all lucky to have survived that", "ordeal well I better join my fellow", "Guardsmen in town they'll need me if any", "bugs slip through our ranks what a shame", "it's your day off and here you are", "working again I'm really disappointed", "that our day together ended the way it", "did but even so it was a lot of fun", "spending some time with you I should go", "I'm sure there are more coming I need to", "be there to help fin them off when they", "do be careful"]}
{"chunk_num": 155, "subtitles": ["bye does this this slave belong to you", "kid I am back Master the law says that", "all persons are required to sell their", "cores to the city government", "sir one", "moment we just need to draw up a receipt", "first give it a look sir this will show", "the number of cores and the amount paid", "oh yeah it'll show your name and", "identification as well now look here kid", "I hope you're not insinuating I was", "going to steal them not at all but you", "can never be too", "careful you're a good man but it doesn't", "matter if you're a holy Saint if you"]}
{"chunk_num": 156, "subtitles": ["want to purchase my cores then I'm going", "to need a receipt", "Mister good enough for you your numbers", "are wrong", "friend and there's no seal let's fix", "that oh I just forgot is all these days", "everybody's out to make a", "buck what a lovely meal you know what", "that smell is girls Joy time to eat me", "just a little longer ladies these two", "girls are something El sa to they're", "tiny as little teacups yet they still", "protected my in from", "harm I can never repay you for your", "bravery but I'll tell you what I'll do"]}
{"chunk_num": 157, "subtitles": ["let me get my husband to whip up his", "best meal and make you a feast you'll", "never", "forget bless his", "food I guess Lulu's not feeling any", "better maybe there's a pharmacy in town", "oh young Master aren't you the kid from", "The Labyrinth the other day yeah we're", "not going to let our savior walk the", "streets at night all alone come on let", "us buy you a drink uh actually I was", "heading somewhere hey don't worry buddy", "it's just one", "drink bye-bye come see us anytime you", "want that escalated quickly I thought"]}
{"chunk_num": 158, "subtitles": ["they were going to buy me a beer not", "take me to a", "brothel", "the feather of a shadow owl maybe POI", "and T would like", "this", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "monsters", "[Music]", "are you all right who are you a red", "helmet who are you tell me the truth are", "you one of his men whose men huh what's", "this I won't make it much longer am"]}
{"chunk_num": 159, "subtitles": ["afraid please take care of the", "princess hang in", "[Music]", "there naughty status says she's asleep", "the manager too I have no", "choice", "manager are you going to join me in bed", "no I feel bad for hell into that NAU he", "just", "sounded good", "evening sorry to", "intrude it's sat is something wrong I", "brought someone who knows the", "manager H he's hurt I was hoping you", "would be able to help heal him with a"]}
{"chunk_num": 160, "subtitles": ["magic spell Mana", "light", "I recognize that red helmet I might be", "mistaken but from what I've heard he", "could be red mask the infamous we rat", "Knight have we met no he's not the one", "I'm referring", "[Music]", "to I think that's an", "[Music]", "elf", "my goodness it's an", "[Music]", "elf", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 161, "subtitles": ["Mia", "[Music]", "pretty we need to get him some help or", "he's not going to make it stay with him", "I'll be back as quickly as I possibly", "can it's too dangerous to go out at", "night alone let me go with", "you you snuck off to a brle in the", "middle of the night nasty why would you", "pay for services I would gladly give you", "for free I am deeply offended Master not", "cool it's little boy she's", "insane it smells like dog tell the truth", "where else did you go last night when I", "went to get medicine for Lulu I saved"]}
{"chunk_num": 162, "subtitles": ["the life of a wear rat Knight H was it a", "girl night actually no if you really", "want to know it was an old man oh dear", "it's boy love you were doing God knows", "what in the forest with a filthy animal", "probably rolling in the mud with a big", "HK of man be's flesh that sounds fun can", "you stop spouting nonsense get dressed", "that's an order huh oh how are you good", "I feel better than yesterday that's for", "sure I bought you some meds you'll be", "feeling better in no time oh you're very", "kind Master after everyone finishes", "breakfast I should probably head to the", "General"]}
{"chunk_num": 163, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "Store morning naughty how are they doing", "well at the moment they're still", "sleeping Mia doesn't appear to be", "injured but she needs her rest the poor", "thing was on the verge of", "exhaustion according to the manager Mia", "is exhibiting classic symptoms of", "prolonged MP", "[Music]", "deprivation the manager tried multiple", "forms of Magic on her he tried Mana", "transfer a Practical Magic and he tried", "stamina charge a forest magic but", "nothing"]}
{"chunk_num": 164, "subtitles": ["worked judging from her titles I'd say", "she's probably about 11 years old she's", "not cursed or sick and it seems like her", "MP is recovering slowly but", "surely there's only one way to speed up", "the process Sato a Mana potion", "but those tonics aren't cheap we could", "take her to a place rich with Mana like", "a lay line intersection or a good Mana", "Source uh Mana Source yes but around", "these parts our options are a bit scarce", "there's only the Count's castle in the", "Valley of the", "Dragons I just heard some movement", "upstairs I think your guests are awake"]}
{"chunk_num": 165, "subtitles": ["Mia are you feeling okay yes my name is", "Naughty and I work here another elf us a", "Toya owns this place though", "yuya man there oh that's Sato he saved", "your life Mia you and your friend with", "the red helmet Sato is it all right if", "he comes in", "yes hi there I'm Sato a merchant it's", "nice to meet", "you a spirit user no I don't think I've", "ever used a spirit before can't see them", "are those something people can see yes", "but Spirits are only visible to people", "who have the gift of spirit sight that's", "awesome I guess Spirit sight is rare"]}
{"chunk_num": 166, "subtitles": ["even for an elf are you hungry Mia yes", "I'll go whip up something in the kitchen", "maybe some hot wheat porridge sat would", "you mind looking after her while I'm", "gone not at all", "so about these Spirits what are they", "like", "fluffy fluffy yes sparkly uh", "sparkly she's not exactly a talker I", "need to figure out a way to get her to", "open up a little bit wait I know so MIA", "how do you say good morning in Elvish", "Tusa", "it was like pulling teeth but I did", "manage to pry some info out of her"]}
{"chunk_num": 167, "subtitles": ["apparently Spirits flow along the lay", "line subsisting on Mana sorry for", "sticking around so long I should", "probably get", "going", "[Music]", "stay all right victory is mine h", "oh man aryaa wins every time oh G Tama", "if the two of you have time to sulk then", "you most certainly have time to get", "better aryaa is really smart hey wait", "the cards from", "yesterday look you guys it's Master", "having fun girls we learned some words", "pretty cool huh yeah cool so"]}
{"chunk_num": 168, "subtitles": ["cool quiz", "time what's this card say that one says", "meat nope go", "goat and this one also meat sorry", "rabbit yes well technically they're not", "wrong master all animals are meat in a", "certain sense of the word I suppose", "you're right about that but the answer", "is not meat to get it right you have to", "name the actual animal I understand this", "meat is a goat right yeah and this meat", "is a bouncy bunny rabbit then my car", "does not mean poultry but rather the", "very chicken itself huh how do you right", "neat"]}
{"chunk_num": 169, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "Master like", "this uni I've been looking everywhere", "for you I'm sorry about that Martha you", "still behave like a little kid do you", "know that come we need to get to work we", "have to clean up the stables and replace", "the hay before it's time for lunch but", "Martha I already did all that huh POI", "and Tama helped me finish my chores this", "morning oh that's right we were some", "cleaning fools I picked up the horse poo", "Wow Girls I'm impressed yeah we", "know a princess under the protection of", "a we rat oh master I want to meet her"]}
{"chunk_num": 170, "subtitles": ["I've never heard of a wear rat princess", "before yeah me neither how fun well", "after we finish eating lunch let's all", "go say hello then sounds like fun I'm in", "all righty okie dokie", "smokey I'm so excited to meet her a I", "wish we could go right now how about it", "Lulu you feeling up to it we'd love for", "you to", "come", "okay I'll go first hello my name is", "Arisa my name is poi I'm", "[Music]", "Tama", "M wow she's a pretty princess I love her"]}
{"chunk_num": 171, "subtitles": ["hair so much master I don't understand", "you said she was a rat girl no I didn't", "I said she was a princess who was being", "guarded by a wear rat Knight M it's nice", "to meet you look at your hair oh so", "really is lovely can I touch it I'm", "going to head downstairs look after Mia", "for me okay okay okie do Master we", "really like", "Mia stay jeez I wonder what's got her so", "attached", "[Music]", "um what a relief all I had for breakfast", "today was some wheat porridge", "thanks a"]}
{"chunk_num": 172, "subtitles": ["lot remind me sat you're a merchant", "aren't", "you uh yeah I mean I guess I haven't", "exactly been selling my Wares why don't", "you have a cart then well I had a horse", "carrying my stuff but sadly when that", "Starfall hit it got spooked and ran away", "I'm sorry to hear that you know if you", "can afford it you should probably", "purchase one I would buy a draw cart a", "drawn cart the manager is friendly with", "an older Merchant who is planning to", "retire from business soon if you have", "any interest he's going to be selling", "two horses and a cart as"]}
{"chunk_num": 173, "subtitles": ["well I really appreciate the offer nauy", "but I don't know how to drive one of", "those uh I am Lulu there's no need to be", "shy okay yes master I just wanted to", "tell you that I have some experience", "driving a one horse cart awesome maybe", "you can teach me then huh naughty tell", "the manager's contact I'm very", "interested that was a snap decision", "don't you want to know about the price", "Sato oh yeah the", "[Music]", "price not bad I think I'll buy one after", "all here take this let's just say this", "is as much as I'm willing to pay"]}
{"chunk_num": 174, "subtitles": ["whatever's left over you can keep as a", "thank you tip oh", "my that was probably a little little too", "generous on my part I'm a terrible", "[Music]", "Merchant this is a perfect spot for", "camping lessons don't you think", "[Music]", "girls you want us to eat don't worry we", "got", "this", "look how", "heavy check it out girls we're all stoed", "up try a", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 175, "subtitles": ["kettle it's weird right yeah", "the kattle is really mad at us he's", "about to blow his top the kettl man is", "super scary the kettl", "man relax it's nothing just a whistle to", "let you know the water is boiling he", "seems pretty mad how come he doesn't", "just say hey I'm about to boil it's not", "a he it's an IT the water gets so hot in", "there it turns to Vapor huh what are you", "some kind of science teacher nerd", "they're just kids you can't possibly", "expect them to understand that water", "gets 1,000 times bigger when it boils", "don't you mean 1,600 times bigger"]}
{"chunk_num": 176, "subtitles": ["Arisa look", "girls water turns into a white smoke", "called steam but only when it gets", "really hot the hotter it gets the", "stronger the steam that's what causes", "the lid to move like that", "look just like you create Force when you", "blow out air the water creates Force", "when it turns to to steam and Rises up", "she's so awesome you're a genius", "Arisa T do the rolly roll it's rolly", "roll", "time T way to", "go you're quite the rolly roller T", "aren't they"]}
{"chunk_num": 177, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "nothing this is for the girl chicken you", "gave us you were kind thank you it was", "very yummy too what's this present for", "you fresh fruit what are you guys doing", "you guys get away from our Master right", "now calm down they were just giving me", "some food as a thank you gift for a", "kindness I paid them", "yeah this is a sea nut Master it's", "really yummy is this a cuoa berry it's", "my favorite tree get back it is for him", "I have to take it they went to all this", "trouble but something tells me they need", "the fruit way more than I do I"]}
{"chunk_num": 178, "subtitles": ["know I'll gladly accept this gift but I", "do have one small request see this jerky", "we have so much we can't eat it all", "would you take some please", "me so kind you sure yes you'd be helping", "me", "[Music]", "out", "you are now officially the owner of this", "cart Sato thank you", "naughty we can definitely carry a lot", "more stuff this way say why don't we use", "our brand new cart to take sweet Mia", "back home hold on home where is home to", "Mia anyway the elf Village it's just"]}
{"chunk_num": 179, "subtitles": ["southeast of the shika", "Kingdom I", "see well we should talk it over with the", "manager when he gets back before we do", "anything else though I need to learn how", "to drive this cart I'm counting on you", "[Music]", "lulu pretty weather today oh yes it's", "pretty indeed you know there's no need", "to be nervous right I know that you're", "shy but it's cool you can relax around", "me like POI and Tama do oh no I am a", "slave master it's important that I keep", "my place I tried but she's about as", "forthcoming as the princess I think I"]}
{"chunk_num": 180, "subtitles": ["know a topic that'll make her come out", "of her", "shell ARA is great she's the best sister", "of all time people always talk", "eventually they just need the right", "subject than I am you really love your", "sister a lot don't you yes I bet if you", "didn't know you'd think I was the", "younger sibling yeah can't believe she's", "just 11 she's been a prodigy ever since", "we were both little girls she come up", "with I wonder if Arisa told Lulu she has", "memories from her past life for example", "no one else imagined before no one had", "to teach her that stuff either she just"]}
{"chunk_num": 181, "subtitles": ["knew things how about we move on to the", "cart lesson Lulu sorry when I talk about", "my sister I", "[Music]", "blab", "must be hard for", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "her", "um sir is something the matter I'm fine", "it's just I saw a big bird in the trees", "and got distracted", "sorry Master you came back to us we", "missed you so much we're very glad you", "didn't"]}
{"chunk_num": 182, "subtitles": ["die hello Mia you're up you sure you", "should be out of bed yeah use potions", "the manager brought meia some magic", "potions and they helped her a lot I", "don't know what kind they were but they", "got the job done right I'm glad you're", "feeling better oh thank", "you your hair looks cool it suits", "you o since she's on the road to", "recovery let's eat something delicious", "for dinner to celebrate great idea what", "sounds good Mia Honey Buns uh honey buns", "ever since POI and Tama told her how", "delectable honey buns are the poor thing", "can't stop talking about them honey buns"]}
{"chunk_num": 183, "subtitles": ["are so good I'd eat them every single", "day of my life seems to me the right", "thing to do is to get these deers some", "honey buns don't you mean you want some", "for yourself well Lisa Lulu let's do", "this thing right we're on", "it bye see you later be", "safe what's the matter uh that's a weird", "bird it's the one I saw before", "guess who's back I was hoping you would", "drop by the manager and Mis are having a", "little talk", "Mis Sato Sato my good sir are you the", "human who saved my life M the wear rat", "Knight now I can finally get the answers"]}
{"chunk_num": 184, "subtitles": ["I've been waiting for", "Mia was kidnapped from her quiet elf", "Village by a band of wizards she was", "imprisoned in a place called The", "Cradle luckily she was able to escape on", "the run she bumped into Mis they made", "for seru City hoping to meet up with the", "manager the Wizards who kidnapped Mia", "were Furious so they sent the flying", "ants to attack the", "city we don't know why Mia was kidnapped", "exactly but the manager seems to have an", "idea however since he doesn't appear", "inclined to share I'll leave well enough", "alone oh yeah I almost forgot I need to"]}
{"chunk_num": 185, "subtitles": ["talk to him about escorting Mia back", "home nutty oh", "manager no bad guys", "around I see they're scared of thunder", "why is the lightning man so scary a", "flash then a boom and a terrifying", "Darkness it splits trees in too", "lightning is dangerous I know this o", "told me even big dragons get knocked out", "of the sky by a lightning strike they", "shake the ground when they land", "a are you scared of lightning too duh", "who", "isn't T what's", "wrong"]}
{"chunk_num": 186, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "[Music]", "he's", "[Music]", "here", "psychic", "[Music]", "magic this power it's", "overwhelming arus is fighting", "back there the resistance", "[Music]", "skill Zen where have I heard that name", "before the hero from that", "play I have come to retrieve", "you"]}
{"chunk_num": 187, "subtitles": ["Mia Mr sorcerer man glad to meet", "you my name's Sato I'm a", "mer I have no need for a simple Merchant", "I'll admit I'm amazed you can hold your", "ground unshaken while withstanding my", "power it's impressive even for a hero's", "descent descendant wait a hero's", "descendant my intention was to let you", "live but defy me and I will show no", "mercy I'm not really the violent type", "sir but me as my friend if you think", "I'll let you steal her away You're a", "bigger fool than you look I think it's", "time for you to leave you're the fool if", "you want to protect Mia you'll do so by"]}
{"chunk_num": 188, "subtitles": ["force I am not interested in making", "peace only in achieving my purpose here", "well have it your way", "[Music]", "then this guy can control", "Shadows impressive are you a merchant or", "a martial artist either way for someone", "at your level it's quite impressive I'm", "impressed too I never met a sorcerer who", "can move Shadows so we're even in spite", "of your doom you run your mouth still", "what a courageous Spirit get your damn", "hands up my master you", "cre a wraith how dare you insult me", "slave I am no wraith no lowlevel Undead"]}
{"chunk_num": 189, "subtitles": ["minion this ought to do the", "trick no oh no it's simply not possible", "nothing in this world should be able to", "interact with the power of my shadow", "whip except a magic", "item we can beat this guy no just", "run you really think I'd leave you", "behind and run away I'm not trying to", "protect you because we're friends I'm", "doing it because my master wants to keep", "you safe what my master wants my master", "gets always yes but there are no butts", "about it we're saving you me and no", "matter what you say is she about to use", "magic hold"]}
{"chunk_num": 190, "subtitles": ["on", "sorcerer you already know who we are", "it's only fair for you to tell us", "too although it's pretty obvious already", "the highest rank of the undead an undead", "King H you say you're a merchant yet you", "fight like a martial artist and now you", "wield that like a veteran gunman oh I've", "got plenty of tricks up my sleeve yes", "indeed you do SAT shall we ad hero to", "your many", "identities Master quickly jump out of", "the", "[Music]", "way yeah that was certainly a close one"]}
{"chunk_num": 191, "subtitles": ["to think she'd have a human unique skill", "and that hair color it seems you're", "reincarnated as", "well I tried", "Master it's not working at all strength", "Beyond one's capacity brings only ruin", "if you would keep her from becoming a", "play thing for the gods then you should", "keep her from using that unique skill", "thanks for the advice pal you're quite", "welcome I shall take my leave", "now", "it's useless to defeat one who has", "transcended nature you must possess the", "means to defy the laws of nature itself"]}
{"chunk_num": 192, "subtitles": ["Mia if you truly have no fear of death", "then visit the Cradle it would give me", "immense pleasure to see you push your", "wisdom and courage to their limits in an", "attempt to strike me down Master are you", "hurt no I'm okay the others need your", "help now go get Cena as quickly as you", "can Mia is in trouble I have to follow", "follow them and bring her", "back my stamina is starting to drain a", "little bit at a time Mia where is", "she", "huh", "[Music]", "I'm coming me"]}
{"chunk_num": 193, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "up no no it's simply not possible how", "did you manage to ES escape the abyss of", "my shadow prison against the daunting", "oppression of its endless nothingness", "you should have been powerless what a", "weirdo I can never tell if he's shocked", "or impressed with", "me well I keep a small amulet so your", "magic doesn't work trials must be", "administered with fairness there are no", "grounds for cheating only someone who", "has conquered the Cradle should have the", "ability to reach this room those are the", "rules what are you the game master you"]}
{"chunk_num": 194, "subtitles": ["insult me my my cradle is no game it is", "a formidable test only a proper hero can", "conquer its power and reach this room", "only a hero with true substance can do", "battle with the undead King is he trying", "to say I don't have the", "goods as long as I bear the gift of", "God's blessing I can never perish from", "this", "world I got to get Mia out of here", "fast nice try but if you want to get to", "the end you must first start at the", "beginning oh boy this", "[Music]", "sucks you insult me my cradle is no game"]}
{"chunk_num": 195, "subtitles": ["it is a formidable test the Cradle he", "should have called it the big", "tree I'm guessing Mia is somewhere", "inside wow this place is right next to", "count seru territory that's good news", "after I get to the top and rescue Mia", "getting home won't be a guessing", "game what is this looks like there's an", "explanation in", "Elvish caution as this is an Institute", "for Elvish marshall training the life", "support mechanisms will only work on", "other elves there are no restrictions", "upon who may enter the training grounds", "but do so at your own Peril the"]}
{"chunk_num": 196, "subtitles": ["management here is not responsible for", "any injury or loss of property incurred", "during use", "weird going in is a risky move but Mia", "needs my help so I don't have a", "choice uh-oh", "looks like I got", "company this place is no joke there are", "200", "floors they're arranged in groups of 10", "every 20 floors a massive spiral", "staircase stretches upward there are", "Monster stationed in front of each", "access point to the", "stairway if I had to guess I bet they"]}
{"chunk_num": 197, "subtitles": ["get stronger the higher you get compared", "to the devil's Labyrinth under seru City", "this cradle feels a lot more like a", "traditional gaming experience it's crazy", "it's exactly what someone who's a fan of", "RPGs for home consoles would come up", "with in that case I should focus on the", "first 10 floors and keep an eye out for", "Monsters", "there stop hiding and come", "out shut up you dumb", "[Music]", "dumb I'm super annoyed because I don't", "have enough MP perfect if I defeat her", "she'll be forced to open up a passageway"]}
{"chunk_num": 198, "subtitles": ["to the upper floors and I'll get to the", "top faster if a classic Dungeon Crawler", "fan design this place there's bound to", "be a portal setup or a shortcut gimmick", "around here somewhere sorry I'm too", "tired to fight I don't really see how", "that's my", "problem listen here you big jerk back", "off for I'll tell toy on you", "huh oh no be mine forever human huh I'm", "flattered but if you want to propose", "you're going to have to wait 14 to 15", "years I'm starving I want some", "food well I do have a little jerky not", "human food I want MP right now sorry but"]}
{"chunk_num": 199, "subtitles": ["I need the MP for myself it only hurts", "for a little bit you'll feel much better", "after I swear", "smooches I feel better that wasn't your", "fault Sato think of it like a beasting I", "don't want that title can I give it back", "maybe as thanks I'll open up the", "corridor for", "you it's all", "yours", "huh TR yuya's", "room all righty then here goes", "nothing uh thank", "you a", "laboratory I'm guessing this traza yuya"]}
{"chunk_num": 200, "subtitles": ["character created the Cradle", "is that who the drad was talking about", "when she said Toya we elves have such a", "slight attachment to life when faced", "with life or death situations strangely", "we have little will to struggle because", "of that weakness many of our young have", "died within the Labyrinth the Cradle was", "created for one purpose to instill in", "Elven kind a strong will to survive even", "in the face of grave", "danger it seems that in a 100 years no", "one has forgotten about my greatest", "failure soon my long life will come to", "an end at last as such I will seal this"]}
{"chunk_num": 201, "subtitles": ["place away until the day my fellow elves", "find it useful I have faith that elves", "will once again lead the many races of", "this world yya", "bolon he's of the same lineage as Mia", "and the manager that's why this place", "needs her well too bad oh joy welcome", "back hey I'm looking for a little help", "here is there is there a portal sure is", "all you have to do is stand in the", "middle of that fairy ring where exactly", "do you want to go the top floor I need", "to see the Cradle Master that's not", "going to happen buddy no way fine just", "send me up as high as you can okay"]}
{"chunk_num": 202, "subtitles": ["that'll be floor 100 the guardian", "Knight's chamber be careful the guardian", "on that floor is Pretty Tough thanks", "I'll be fine here we", "go activate the marker is 400 The", "Guardian Knights chamber", "[Music]", "huh before we fight I need a moment", "please", "[Music]", "aren't auli supposed to be some sort of", "artificial intelligence made through the", "power of alchemy if that faces any", "indication I'm pretty sure these models", "were based on"]}
{"chunk_num": 203, "subtitles": ["Mia my congratulations on making it this", "far Voyager I guess she doesn't know I", "cheated thanks but I'm just a", "merchant a", "merchant Brave Voyager congrat", "congratulations on making it this far I", "heard you before if you wish to continue", "onward you must first defeat the mighty", "Guardian who protects these chamber", "walls all Victors will be granted", "recompense from our most noble and", "Gallant master I feel like I'm watching", "an elementary school play now approach", "Iron Golem the battle commences show him", "no"]}
{"chunk_num": 204, "subtitles": ["mercy number seven number six use body", "strengthening and split up we'll flank", "him on both sides", "e m e t h isn't that", "[Music]", "Hebrew it's just like in the famous tale", "of the Golem he figured out the", "guardian's weakness this is why I", "suggested we not leave a conspicuous", "clue written on his helmet upon further", "reflection that does seem like an", "obvious mistake number five and number", "six I'll handle things here you to make", "a run for it while you still", "can oh number seven I swear your bravery"]}
{"chunk_num": 205, "subtitles": ["on this day shall never be forgotten I", "concur with number five only in lie of", "the phrase make a run for it I would say", "commence Retreat I guess the one with", "the side buttons is the editor", "bot fire strike", "[Music]", "now", "[Music]", "what am I supposed to do now I can't", "just gut punch an AI lady and leave her", "all on her own no that's", "wrong so", "wrong there are all kinds of weapons and", "Potions here pretty pricey stuff too"]}
{"chunk_num": 206, "subtitles": ["I'll help myself", "master", "Master sorry I failed", "you", "master oh wow this looks like the room", "the drad was", "[Music]", "in", "maybe this will help get her back to", "100%", "again", "[Music]", "water now hand over the", "[Music]", "MP you gave some to the other me that"]}
{"chunk_num": 207, "subtitles": ["was down below there's another you yes", "they're all me you humans are weird the", "way you're all separate individuals", "plant and Spirit folk like me we're all", "connected though we lose contact when", "we're low on", "MP hey would you be willing to help me", "get to the top yeah sure just give me", "one", "second it would seem the line connecting", "us has been severed sorry right now you", "can only get up to the 180th floor oh", "thanks that's great you got it", "pal", "oh gross I think bugs ate through the"]}
{"chunk_num": 208, "subtitles": ["connection the next staircase is", "ahead well that was", "intense", "I never imagined you would make it this", "far in such a short period of Time same", "here I'll make you a deal Skeletor hand", "over the girl and you live no you may", "have earned the right to fight me by", "making it here but I'm afraid you lack", "the credentials to face me if you truly", "wish to claim the title of hero there is", "one more challenge you must overcome", "first you will fight a dangerous enemy", "an enemy you have no chance of defeating", "your W will be this once lost ancient"]}
{"chunk_num": 209, "subtitles": ["sword Yer horn dangling a carrot for me", "are you indeed if you would have hand", "over this coveted sword to any King he", "would reward you with Glory Beyond Your", "Wildest imagination I can't figure out", "what his angle is it's time for you to", "meet your opponents Merchant", "Warrior seven homunculi I see two of the", "ones from before numbers five and six", "but where's number seven she's not here", "a true hero lives outside the boundaries", "of safety he exists beyond the fine line", "between life and death thus allow me to", "bestow you all with God's miraculous", "blessing some kind of buff"]}
{"chunk_num": 210, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "magic oh no I do hope to see a suitable", "battle to the", "Dead", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "Mia I do hope to see a suitable battle", "to the", "death", "[Music]", "Mia", "[Applause]", "all right", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 211, "subtitles": ["activate", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "ah", "I don't get it why fight so hard for a", "master who treats you like pawns you're", "wrong we're not the pawns you", "are this is not", "good", "one", "[Music]", "more she has to know she can't", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 212, "subtitles": ["win my Master's", "wish please make it come true for", "him you must promise us", "this", "magnificent truly magnificent now you've", "earned the right to be here Mr", "[Music]", "Hero Mr sorcerer or wait Undead King", "whoever you", "are you want to tell me about this wish", "it would would be my pleasure young sir", "I wish to find a hero who will do me the", "service of killing me in my past life I", "met my end at the hands of an unjust", "brutality God in his wisdom saw fit to"]}
{"chunk_num": 213, "subtitles": ["reincarnate me as an infant I was born", "into a highly respectable family I even", "found a companion she was too good for", "me but I loved her", "dearly life was good that I was a fool I", "naively believed my new life would meet", "an entirely different end for from my", "last but unfortunately God had other", "plans in mind for me a noble fell in", "love with my wife he imprisoned me and", "had me executed on false", "pretenses he didn't stop there in the", "end the heads of every member of my", "family was strewn about the castle", "grounds among them the corpse of my wife"]}
{"chunk_num": 214, "subtitles": ["cast aside like a rag doll like she was", "nothing I turned my wife and the rest of", "of my family into Undead hungry for", "sweet Vengeance I bore my teeth and", "Unleashed holy hell on the noble and his", "Kinsmen it was said they were a", "resilient family but in the end we", "prevailed having accomplished my revenge", "I sought a means to end my life and", "rejoin my dearest wife in death but", "God's blessing would not allow me to do", "so I tried everything even the power of", "Undead and the holy sword but nothing", "worked after all God made me the", "immortal king of KN he granted me a body"]}
{"chunk_num": 215, "subtitles": ["that would never die and a soul that", "would forever yearn for justice and the", "might to fight whole undue displays of", "power now hero I have told you my story", "before I fully descend into the darkness", "use that sword to strike me down my", "master has a wish please make it come", "[Music]", "true", "[Music]", "you have my gratitude", "[Laughter]", "friend darling my dearest love my", "sweetest one this time we'll be together", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 216, "subtitles": ["forever", "what a failure yes a failure indeed", "goodbye hero you win this", "time we'll meet again", "[Music]", "goodbye what was that system message", "please be advised the Cradle has begun", "its self-destruct sequence for your own", "safety all staff and trainee are advised", "to leave immediately I repeat system", "message the Cradle has begun its", "self-destruct", "sequence for your own safety all staff", "and trainees are advised to leave do you", "remember"]}
{"chunk_num": 217, "subtitles": ["me don't worry there's no reason to be", "afraid anymore you're", "safe system message the Cradle has begun", "its self destru do you have any idea how", "to turn that off Tres are advised to", "leave", "immediately I failed jeez you gave up", "fast done we're safe uh yeah well sort", "of we're not in the clear just yet it", "doesn't look like Zen ever intended to", "sacrifice Mia he even has a clear method", "of Escape built into the architecture of", "the program but every other function", "seems to be blocked out if I stick close", "to her in theory we should be able to"]}
{"chunk_num": 218, "subtitles": ["warp out together but wait what will", "happen into the homunculi if I leave", "number seven is still on one of the", "bottom floors I can't just abandon", "[Music]", "her Mia listen to me there's someone", "down below who needs my help it's not", "safe don't worry I'm not going to die I", "promise I promise is a promise l so no", "matter what you'd better come back here", "alive I'll make it back you have my word", "I better move I have a promise to keep", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 219, "subtitles": ["you", "[Music]", "there salty is this place turning into", "salt there number", "seven green girl urain I need you to", "transport us outside the tree stat I", "think I can establish a connection and", "get you near the bottom but I'm going to", "need you to load me up with delicious", "seeds first just", "seeds you don't care which kind nope as", "long as it's plant seed it'll do the TR", "here is this enough no dum dum not even", "close for this to work I'll need three", "times what I got before you won't have"]}
{"chunk_num": 220, "subtitles": ["any MP left whatever it's fine", "yay", "[Music]", "smooches I'm sinked and ready to roll", "well let's", "[Music]", "go thanks a lot oh it was it was my", "pleasure and that MP really hit the spot", "well hero man you better bolt", "bolt it's a tidal wave of", "[Applause]", "salt quick run oh no I'm safe as long as", "there are trees I'm", "okay thank", "you good"]}
{"chunk_num": 221, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "luck I need to activate the transport", "skill I haven't even touched", "yet it's much easier to run now but I'm", "not running fast enough come on Sato", "think", "fast water a lake or a bog doesn't", "matter it's likely the only chance I've", "got I need to break the waves but how I", "know a", "wall the kettle's really mad at us the", "kettle man is super scary what does that", "have to do with anything come on Sat get", "get your head in the game if I had some", "kind of Earth Magic instead of this"]}
{"chunk_num": 222, "subtitles": ["useless fire shot then I could make a", "wall but is it useless water gets 1,000", "times bigger when it boils no it's not", "useless at all okay here it", "[Music]", "goes here we", "go", "[Applause]", "a", "[Music]", "[Music]", "help he's", "back", "Master you didn't die we're so happy so", "am I you have no idea we were really"]}
{"chunk_num": 223, "subtitles": ["worried Master no scratches welcome back", "sir thank you", "son if the reincarnated girl with whom", "you travel is truly precious to you have", "her exercise caution and restraint in", "using the god-given power she wields it", "is too much for any mortal to Bear do", "not let her meet the same fate as", "I I was so worried about you promise me", "you'll never do anything crazy like that", "again okay", "[Music]", "promise", "girls", "please I'm"]}
{"chunk_num": 224, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "okay hey well it's", "done you kept your word yeah of course", "Sato hear", "[Music]", "this a descendant of the folon family", "I'm the youngest elf in the bowon forest", "I come from a distinguished line of", "proud elves on behalf of all of them I", "wish to tell you this you have our", "sincere", "[Music]", "gratitude satos sir not only did you", "spare all of our Lives even after we", "tried to take you yours but you ran back"]}
{"chunk_num": 225, "subtitles": ["into Harm's Way in order to rescue", "number seven from certain death we", "cannot thank you enough for", "this tell me where's Master well your", "master passed", "on Master Sato you have our Allegiance", "as your new subjects we will obey your", "every", "command hang on a sec before we can", "fulfill our duty to serve you there is a", "task that we must first complete", "it's our Master Zen's wedding ring will", "you allow us to take it to his wife's", "resting place oh take as much time as", "you need thank you sir but one of us"]}
{"chunk_num": 226, "subtitles": ["must stay behind please pick the number", "you'd like to keep you should all go", "that's totally cool with me no sir we", "will never leave you alone cool I'll let", "you make that call then", "fight shampoo R shampoo this is super", "weird", "master I very much look forward to the", "pleasure of remaining by your side great", "thanks you're seven right can I maybe", "give you a different name instead", "yes then welcome to the team", "Nana Yes", "master yya Mia I'll stay too you can't I", "can but how was makes sense no one would"]}
{"chunk_num": 227, "subtitles": ["be mad at you two for using longer", "sentences I see a mysterious Necromancer", "with a vetta against the Shea Kingdom", "huh yep that's what the brave men who", "rescued me said I'm a lucky guy well", "that's a flat out", "lie oh you've come back are you all", "right Sato yes I'm fine sorry to make", "you", "[Music]", "worry when I heard you were taken I was", "horrified all I could do was think of", "ways to bring you home but you're safe", "and sound that's what matters now yeah", "I'm just sorry the whole ordeal made you"]}
{"chunk_num": 228, "subtitles": ["so upset oh yeah can't believe I almost", "forgot I bought a little something just", "for you", "are", "these what a romantic gift Cena yes what", "well uh the thing is the elf girl who", "was kidnapped needs someone to take her", "home where she belongs so I volunteered", "for the", "job you're going to the elf Village it's", "to the southeast of the shika Kingdom", "tell me the truth sat do you ever intend", "to return to seru City yes of course of", "course I do thank goodness and when I do", "get back I'll have a million stories to"]}
{"chunk_num": 229, "subtitles": ["tell you about my crazy journey I can", "promise you that", "right it's a promise", "[Music]", "then well Master we are ready to depart", "when you are hooray we can't", "wait I'm here please accept my apologies", "sat I'm sorry I wasn't able to find you", "a proper house it's cool hey you helped", "me buy this cart and that's no small", "thing watch over Mia I will I promise be", "careful out there the roads are crawling", "with Bandits and lots of shady Rogues", "hang", "on here I wanted to give you your gifts"]}
{"chunk_num": 230, "subtitles": ["these look really good we're both", "starving too can't wait to dig in no", "don't eat it it's a necklace oh really", "disappointing looks so", "[Music]", "delicious Sant", "[Applause]", "W", "[Music]", "Zena", "glad I wasn't too late yeah me too I was", "hoping we'd get a proper", "goodbye there's something I need to say", "to", "you Sato you're so great and I wish that"]}
{"chunk_num": 231, "subtitles": ["I could come with you but I can't just", "abandon my family I love them too I want", "to join you I do but I just can't that", "said this spring my brother will", "officially become the head of our family", "I've spoken to him and as far as he's", "concerned I'm free to do as I like", "and so I have good", "[Music]", "news when spring comes I'll be able to", "join", "you don't look so blue master I know", "you'll miss Zena but at least you've got", "us does your tummy hurt are you going to", "throw up"]}
{"chunk_num": 232, "subtitles": ["sat I'll be all", "right sir I read in one of my old", "Master's code libraries that crying into", "a woman's chest will make it feel better", "bear cut that out right now Lulu do", "something quick no Arisa I'm driving the", "cart I have to focus on the", "[Laughter]", "road don't forget we'll be together", "forever", "[Music]", "thank you for this food you for", "this thank you for this", "[Music]", "food so"]}
{"chunk_num": 233, "subtitles": ["tasty Lisa it's great also Lulu and Nana", "you worked hard too it's our pleasure", "her Tail's wagging she's really", "happy Mia I didn't know you were a picky", "eater no meat it's", "yuck oh right I almost forgot elves", "don't eat meat don't worry I still eat", "meat nothing's going to change that ever", "who doesn't like meat it's the best ever", "it's all right Mia to each her", "[Music]", "own ah I think maybe I ate too much yeah", "me", "too Lisa why are you still cooking food", "I'm pretty sure everyone is stuffed Oh I"]}
{"chunk_num": 234, "subtitles": ["thought we might want some Provisions", "for the long journey ahead awesome", "that's a smart move you know it's even", "smarter storing it in", "here what's that an item box it's", "awesome it's like what you find in a", "video game you store whatever you want", "inside and whenever you need it you can", "pull it back out just don't overdo it", "though though it'll use up all your Mana", "it uses MP that's totally different from", "my", "storage they're", "finished okay thank you so much Lisa no", "thank you I'll take it from here"]}
{"chunk_num": 235, "subtitles": ["actually now that I think about it I", "don't really know what my storage can do", "I should figure that out at some", "point you know this place isn't so", "bad well when I find the time I should", "figure out my storage device ladies", "before we take off make sure you've", "taken care of your assignments all right", "hooray this will be", "[Music]", "fun she's looking better after what", "she's been through that's really saying", "something it's a long journey home but I", "have a feeling she's going to do just", "fine"]}
{"chunk_num": 236, "subtitles": ["and", "[Music]", "yet hey I have an idea what do you think", "about me touching up the straw seat", "cushions before we hit the road the", "cushions what's wrong are they defective", "or something like that uh kind of", "basically the stupid straws keep poking", "me right in my", "bottom gotcha in that case we should", "definitely fix", "[Music]", "them all right ladies let's get the", "cloth off these straw bundles ASAP undo", "this string and it'll come right off"]}
{"chunk_num": 237, "subtitles": ["Okie dokies I Mia if you see any straws", "poking out from the unwrapped bundles", "your job is to yank them", "out this should fix our problem if we", "put the leather on the part we sit on", "the straw won't poke through are you", "sure about this goat skin is pricey I", "know but I don't want everyone's butts", "to get all scratched up cuz I decided to", "be a cheap skate That's A wise choice if", "our butts get scratched they won't be as", "soft she is the", "[Music]", "weirdest wa he's so fast how is it", "possible for a person to sew with such"]}
{"chunk_num": 238, "subtitles": ["speed you're the fastest of all time", "Master the fastest of the", "[Music]", "fast what the", "hell what the hell my ass did you", "seriously forget to not the end of the", "thread my", "[Music]", "bad", "[Music]", "meat look at the birdie bird it's so", "round and plump cute Pardon Me Master", "may I please look after this larvel", "creature you like it huh yes it's furry", "and round and it's quite cute too in"]}
{"chunk_num": 239, "subtitles": ["that case it's all yours", "Nana don't be upset I'll make one for", "you too sound", "good", "looky it's a tiny Tama yes and here's a", "petite poochi too", "bunny if I don't make one of these for", "everyone there's going to be serious", "help to", "[Music]", "pay look it I'm touching poi's ear I'm", "touching Tom's ears too they're so plumy", "you also saw poi's ears are yeah her", "tail is super cute beg your pardon", "Master should we begin making"]}
{"chunk_num": 240, "subtitles": ["preparations to depart yeah sounds", "good maybe it's best to let the horses", "rest a while", "longer plus POI and T are having the", "time of their", "lives huh maybe she's tired cuz she's", "not used to long trips let's hang out", "here a little bit longer okay of course", "master", "what is that huh all right troops listen", "up these are your new marching orders", "conduct a full and thorough search", "around that stone outcropping over there", "okay okie doie yay y that looks like fun", "I think I'd like to join them I'll call"]}
{"chunk_num": 241, "subtitles": ["you when it's time to leave girls so", "don't wander off too", "[Music]", "far", "[Music]", "you're awesome mia", "huh really", "yeah Princess Mia please instruct me on", "how to make such beautiful music with a", "simple leaf not a princess yes you", "are Nana Mia doesn't like being called", "Princess you might not call calling her", "that please forgive me master I have", "officially confirmed her name change in", "my system's database that was"]}
{"chunk_num": 242, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "easy I feel so judged right now I know", "behold the skill of someone with level", "10", "[Music]", "musicianship that sounds like the noise", "a dying Mouse makes when it gets its", "head snapped in a mouse trap no", "more oh don't worry Master if you keep", "practicing your instrument you'll get", "better one of these days if you try hard", "you can do anything uh thank you stop", "goofing off and come with me right", "now", "look there uh oh"]}
{"chunk_num": 243, "subtitles": ["what whoa Stone", "Tori at first glance I couldn't make it", "out but from what I can see it seems", "like three Tor and a row fell over there", "must have been a shrine here it's weird", "but I feel like I've seen this place", "before but", "how it", "never forget this we will be together", "until the end of time you will always be", "ichido no matter the world or era in", "which you find", "yourself so is reincarnation real it is", "but reincarnation isn't enough I", "remember that Shrine in the background"]}
{"chunk_num": 244, "subtitles": ["is the one that was near my grandpa's", "place but who's the girl with the weird", "hair is she my friend from when I was", "little the lifespan of a human is", "different than that of a God in order", "for us to stay to together we need", "divine", "intervention the kagura a dance", "dedicated to a God who fell in love with", "a human", "being master icho master you can Master", "snap out of it will", "you what's", "wrong a cliff isn't exactly the perfect", "location for a Daydream you dumb dumb"]}
{"chunk_num": 245, "subtitles": ["what just happened I wasn't the victim", "of a psychological attack and the toy at", "The Shrine near my grandpa's Place were", "red plus none of my friends looked", "anything like that girl wait a sec when", "I was a student I made a doging game", "with a shrine almost exactly like that I", "don't remember having that conversation", "in real life it must be a part of the", "game I made What's your deal you're", "spacing out again I'm sorry I was just", "thinking about the shrine where I used", "to play when I was a kid", "huh wa this looks like a broken travel", "gate wait a travel gate you mean like"]}
{"chunk_num": 246, "subtitles": ["the warp feature that shows up in some", "video games can you fix it probably not", "quick let's go find POI and Tama it's", "time to ship out lucky master I found a", "some prey Master since we were able to", "procure some meat I have one small", "request before we continue the journey", "ahead may I butcher that sure why not", "Lisa if you're willing I'd be very", "interested to learn your skill come I", "will teach you the art of butchering you", "can take it apart Lulu fun oh no her", "hair's filled with sand hey Mia", "do you know of a water magic spell", "that's kind of like the everyday magic"]}
{"chunk_num": 247, "subtitles": ["soft wash no I", "see look here I brought us some meat", "awesome Tom a great job wow now that's", "adorable a baby Monster a can I hold it", "please yeah sure it may be cute but it's", "a baby Monster so be careful all right", "yeah", "[Music]", "yeah", "the prey ran away from me no Tama it's", "my fault I'm sorry it squirmed right out", "of my arms no I'm sorry I messed up", "master I tried but I couldn't catch the", "prey it's", "fine you're safe that's what matters now"]}
{"chunk_num": 248, "subtitles": ["besides there's always next time right", "right next time I'm going to catch the", "biggest badest beast in the whole world", "oh this excitement has made me hungry", "for a snack I've got a great idea we", "should eat the pancakes from", "before this thing's pretty convenient", "but it doesn't exactly keep your food", "warm sorry girls they probably don't", "taste very good cold these frdy aren't", "good to me yeah it's", "[Music]", "yummy", "now let's see what we have here oh a", "Spellbook on Shadow Magic what the all"]}
{"chunk_num": 249, "subtitles": ["right Zen's momentos are now in my", "inventory this could be good maybe I can", "learn more about", "[Music]", "magic all right I finished my lesson on", "Shadow Magic wow it's really amazing how", "compatible the Magic in this world is", "with programming", "language it's almost as if the person", "who created the Magic in this place is a", "programmer", "now to the task at hand I want to get a", "handle on this whole water magic washing", "spell thing so poaching can get cleaned", "up I look into everyday magic"]}
{"chunk_num": 250, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "next everyday magic is a huge pain in", "the ass can't seem to wrap my head", "around it my water magic idea is a", "nogo but wait just like Mia tried to", "copy AR's humming by ear if I consider", "the techniques needed for everyday Magic", "then copy and paste the existing parts", "of water magic into the formula I should", "be able to make a new", "spell I love getting my hands on this", "kind of research I could do it for", "hours wait a second", "[Music]", "huh Master stop it you've had enough for"]}
{"chunk_num": 251, "subtitles": ["one night my boy that was totally not my", "fault Sato it's unou to be a perv that", "was naughty everyone knows you're not", "allowed to squeeze a woman's beds till", "after you're wed it's true to squeeze", "get on your knees you had me worried for", "a second because your eyes were wide", "open but you weren't responding at all I", "don't want to freak them out I need to", "make sure my eyes are closed when I'm", "looking at the menu relax I'm fine I was", "just concentrating on learning a new", "spell that's all learning a new spell", "since when are you a bifi researcher of", "magic spells I'm not I just built one"]}
{"chunk_num": 252, "subtitles": ["and was tinkering with it as all if it's", "all right Mia I'd like you to help me", "with it", "later okay huh", "whoa these", "pop-ups", "ratman thank you for all your help sat", "so what's up next for you a good", "question I must go find my friends sadly", "we were all separated while trying to", "save the Princess Lisa stop the", "carriage J", "Jose", "me as protectors they acted as decoys so", "she could safely escape the"]}
{"chunk_num": 253, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "Cradle girls I think we should make Camp", "here tonight sat what's up you all", "right you too talk okay my Brave sir", "thank you so much for saving us that", "said we have something important which", "requires our attention we must leave at", "once oh of course of course go on ahead", "we'll catch up with you guys", "tomorrow that was awesome meets back on", "the menu that was expertly done Tama", "thanks well shall I cook the meat then", "master that sounds great let me know if", "you need help okay I must say Tom I'm", "quite impressed with you you are truly a"]}
{"chunk_num": 254, "subtitles": ["genius Hunter Tama not bad", "kiddo check me out Tama do you like my", "crazy awesome meat dance you know I do", "POI hey Mia you want to help me with", "that spell I told you about before", "mble bad", "time look at us we're so clean we", "sparkle great success thanks a lot", "Mia", "this sucks I'm bored out of my mind I", "can make another new spell no I'm", "supposed to be on the night watch wait", "how about I try my little storage", "[Music]", "experiment I can store things from far"]}
{"chunk_num": 255, "subtitles": ["away", "cool not that far oh well at least now I", "know the threshold for this is about 3", "m i can separate each component of", "Blended things in that case I can make", "salt water drinkable that'll come in", "handy especially near the", "ocean oh man it doesn't work with salt", "water too bad wait I bet I can dissect", "those insect corpses I got back at the", "Cradle if I can swing that these won't", "have to take apart the pr TR POI and", "Tama bring back to the camp for", "[Music]", "us no dice man this isn't going very"]}
{"chunk_num": 256, "subtitles": ["well but I didn't lose any MP I guess", "mine is different from AR's item box I", "should check out hers", "too yeah it's official her storage is", "definitely weak sauce compared to my", "apparatus it's", "useless", "wait hold", "[Music]", "on the flame went out apparently the", "stuff in the item box changes over", "time on the other hand my storage is", "different different the status of the", "items in my storage apparatus doesn't", "change at all who knows maybe time stops"]}
{"chunk_num": 257, "subtitles": ["in there or maybe it's like a game and", "it's just a bunch of data stored", "inside I think I have a brilliant", "idea it's so warm and it's yummy too", "yumy my time I didn't know you were", "planning to reheat the soup from", "yesterday Master thank you that was", "incredibly thoughtful ah it was nothing", "so what do you think does it", "[Music]", "taste not", "bad sparkly", "Sparks we've got", "company oh", "wow this is a grave for all the ratman"]}
{"chunk_num": 258, "subtitles": ["who died protecting", "Mia Mr Sato I thank you for rescuing all", "my friends I am in your Deb my", "pleasure my friends thank", "[Music]", "you I'm me anaria of The Poon Forest ask", "you most sacred and ancient trees please", "let the brave red men who perish Valley", "L rest in peace from this day until the", "end of", "[Music]", "time here you are I'm sorry about the", "wait I hope you enjoy your dinner sir", "thank you here you can keep the change", "Miss thanks hey this isn't salty enough"]}
{"chunk_num": 259, "subtitles": ["oh shut up for what you're paying you're", "lucky it has salt it all you cheap old", "Miser I hope you get stewed alive in a", "witch's cauldron and eatting for", "breakfast how about I eat you everybody", "take a deep breath relax the next round", "is on", "[Applause]", "me all done time to hit the", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "road wait a second is this tavern of", "brothel", "too impure a you have more girls than", "you know what to do with he can still go"]}
{"chunk_num": 260, "subtitles": ["to a there are so many painfully obvious", "reasons why I'm choosing not to dignify", "that with a", "comment move", "it watch where you're walking peasant", "you're in my way forgive me", "[Music]", "sir huh why is mustache giving me the", "evil", "eye", "be careful that man he's mean oh yeah", "you know him he tried to take our flying", "antor back in seru city right that small", "time", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 261, "subtitles": ["crook here take this you'll feel much", "better please huh a magic potion we've", "nothing to pay you with no need oh thank", "you oh you're very", "kind", "awesome it works on fractures too wow", "bless you I am in your debt", "sir aren't you the big hero I couldn't", "just leave him like that right that's", "really sweet and I'll just make sure you", "save some for when we need it good point", "yeah well next up on the agenda Master", "Alchemy and learn to make", "potions is it me no it's a rabbit now", "you're doing Alchemy just how"]}
{"chunk_num": 262, "subtitles": ["multi-talented are you first I'll follow", "the", "directions uh the name of the Creator", "pops up good to know next time I make an", "item I'll make sure to leave the name", "section", "blank I need to learn transmutation at", "some point I guess there's no time like", "the present right here", "goes tablet", "go first I pour in the medicine I made", "earlier then I gradually add some elixir", "and finally", "MP once this light Fades away it'll be", "done now if I just raise my skill to Max"]}
{"chunk_num": 263, "subtitles": ["and transmute it you're super smart", "Arisa", "you're and just like that I have a", "highquality HP Recovery potion what's", "this it says here I need to store it in", "a specialized vial if I don't the potion", "will degrade over", "time wow look look these vials have", "magic circles drawn on them with special", "ink it's probably P time for a supply", "run there's a town called Noki in kuhano", "County I should go there", "tomorrow", "huh", "that I guess that's good for now I think"]}
{"chunk_num": 264, "subtitles": ["I might try making a magic item later", "[Music]", "tonight", "look at you making something cool magic", "item number one here try it out okay let", "me guess when you use it you're supposed", "to get magic to flow from your right", "hand to your left yeah thank you for the", "explanation okay here", "goes huh what's supposed to happen", "Channel your MP it'll flow right into", "the magic", "circuit yeah yeah and then and nothing", "what it just goes around and around till", "your MP is"]}
{"chunk_num": 265, "subtitles": ["drained so anticlimactic fine I'll give", "it a try then here goes", "[Music]", "nothing the wagon", "girls uh don't worry it's me sorry to", "freak you", "out", "I've never seen this before there are", "big blank spots all over this map I", "don't want to put everyone in danger so", "I should probably spend some time", "studying it better safe than", "sorry oh an Alchemy Shop yeah just head", "straight that way till you get to the", "edge of"]}
{"chunk_num": 266, "subtitles": ["town watch it sorry I didn't see you", "there be more careful next time kid not", "of my worry huh time to go to the next", "shop let's get a move on you stupid", "worthless slave yes", "sir you're slow as", "molasses come on let's go oh", "right afternoon", "sir hi there I'm looking for some Elixir", "for a potion do you have", "any if they're for stamina recovery I", "have three I can sell you they're one", "silver coin", "each there's a bit of a core shortage", "though so I can't give you a discount"]}
{"chunk_num": 267, "subtitles": ["core so that's what it's made from if", "course what I need I have plenty left", "over from the labyrinth in the Cradle", "awesome do you happen to have any", "stabilizers yeah as a matter of fact I", "do also if you have any Scrolls I'll", "take them I need cores higher than grade", "three trade me and it's a done", "deal wait isn't it illegal to buy or", "sell cores I'll just just take the", "potion vials sorry I would but someone", "bought up my stock before you got here I", "tried to tell them no but they had a", "requisition warrant with the Seal of the", "vicroy of Sedum City so I didn't have a"]}
{"chunk_num": 268, "subtitles": ["choice that guy from before are you in", "dire need i' check out the pottery", "Workshop they usually have a decent", "[Music]", "variety Lisa go on back with the others", "I'll be there soon is something wrong I", "need to make a quick stop I should come", "with you no it's cool get dinner ready", "I'll be with you in no time as you", "[Music]", "wish these are some nice cores you've", "got", "here go on take anyone you'd like sir", "that all you got I have more but I'm not", "too keen on selling potentially lethal"]}
{"chunk_num": 269, "subtitles": ["Scrolls to Virtual", "strangers but how about", "this it's called Blow a magic scroll", "typically used to help stranded ships", "get back to", "shore who knows what's waiting for us in", "those blank map", "areas Shield sonar signal", "blow hey not", "[Music]", "[Music]", "bad", "[Music]", "[Music]", "I feel like a total"]}
{"chunk_num": 270, "subtitles": ["creeper uh-oh not", "good why do I get the feeling something", "is telling me to stay the hell", "out", "The Forest of Illusions it doesn't", "exactly live up to its name this place", "is", "disappointing I guess the forest which", "knows I penetrated the", "barrier I should make myself", "scarce", "[Music]", "down yikes yikes pay me no attention I'm", "just the lowly Merchant passing through", "I'll go now sound"]}
{"chunk_num": 271, "subtitles": ["good my magic's not working on him", "misters help me hey calm down it's okay", "seriously I have no interest in hurting", "you do you want payback you can totally", "hit me I won't", "[Music]", "resist", "huh it is a true pleasure to meet you", "sir Welcome to The Forest of Illusions I", "am the witch in charge of guarding the", "Manos Source in these", "[Music]", "Woods forgive my Apprentice purity of", "heart and naive go hand in hand it was", "foolish of En to attack an emissary of"]}
{"chunk_num": 272, "subtitles": ["bolon my apologies Emissary of bolon all", "right she must think that because of the", "bell I got from M actually ma'am I'm", "just a merchant I do have an elf from", "the bolon clan under my care but believe", "me I'm no", "Emissary in any man knock before you", "barge into a room Dear Sir forgive me", "for", "[Music]", "earlier it's my fault for stumbling into", "your Forest like a [\u00a0__\u00a0] please stand up", "there's no need to apologize thank you", "for your patience with my Young", "Apprentice sir it's all"]}
{"chunk_num": 273, "subtitles": ["right e how are the potions coming along", "don't worry mistress all is well at this", "rate I've no doubt we'll keep our end of", "the deal uh what deal en is referring to", "a packed we made with count kuhano the", "arrangement is simple in return for", "keeping Outlaws hunters and other", "vagabonds out of our sacred Forest we", "deliver him 300 vials of a special", "potion twice a year oh I see tell me son", "do you have any interest in potions yes", "but I just now started learning in that", "case would you like me to teach you a", "very special recipe are you for real yes", "but may I ask for one small favor in"]}
{"chunk_num": 274, "subtitles": ["Return of course I'm glad to", "help thank you for everything are you", "sure you don't need us to guide you back", "home young man yeah I'm fine all the", "same here is a small", "gift", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "thank you so much I guess I'll be on my", "way", "[Music]", "now she did one for me now I need to do", "one for her", "should be fun apparently the person I", "promised the witch I deliver this letter"]}
{"chunk_num": 275, "subtitles": ["to is a giant of the forest here", "[Music]", "goes Forest of", "Illusions I thought this place didn't", "live up to its name I was", "[Music]", "wrong where in the heck have you been", "all night you pervert were you in a", "broel again", "Ry well any word nothing yet oh yeah", "well they're running out of time that's", "for sure Sundown will be here in the", "blink of an eye either way it won't", "matter that's one delivery that's never", "going to reach its destination trust me"]}
{"chunk_num": 276, "subtitles": ["hey money bags aren't you the guy that", "wanted to put it in order yes I am thank", "you for seeing me sir you own this place", "right so do we have a deal can you make", "me the vials or not I'm afraid it's a", "little more complicated than that kid", "there's a ton of Regulation here inside", "the city but there is a way for example", "you're more than welcome to learn", "Pottery at my workshop wait is that", "code anail please yes sir when you", "officially become the new Viceroy in", "town the very least you can do is make", "my clay and your worker bees you're", "right loyalty should always be rewarded"]}
{"chunk_num": 277, "subtitles": ["but I won't be Vice Roy and fact I'm", "going to be named Lord of my own", "territory he's just some failed Noble", "talking a bunch of nonsense to be sure", "building a new town is no small feat but", "will I ever give up no look who's", "here we came to take you back home right", "now pardon the interruption Master but", "it is well past your bedtime thank you", "for looking after our master sir we hope", "to see you soon so do I how the heck did", "you find me", "secret all right time to make", "pottery wao", "it's"]}
{"chunk_num": 278, "subtitles": ["en is there something wrong yeah looks", "like someone I know is being chased by", "bad guys huh well let's do something", "then come on right up and away we go", "hang on Lulu poama put me", "down they're going to catch me Lisa", "poaching Tama don't let the bad guys", "near the carriage of course", "Master are you okay yes sat we're here", "to help you so that's what they're after", "huh yeah they want these for the pack go", "on we can handle things here en", "[Applause]", "right", "the"]}
{"chunk_num": 279, "subtitles": ["potions don't let them get away girls go", "after", "them all right for now we need to take", "an", "inventory so out of the 300 miles of", "potion you started with only 120 are", "left jeez that means 180 we lost in the", "crash the vial on this one broke but", "there's still some left", "inside if I put these in", "storage okay that's enough for about 40", "vials come on let's go we should deliver", "them what we have I'm sure they'll", "understand that is too bad but a packed", "is a packed after all deliver all 300"]}
{"chunk_num": 280, "subtitles": ["vials of potion by Sundown or we no", "longer have a deal but but sir hold on", "I've heard his voice before", "wait it's creepy mustache", "guy", "it's useless I can't get any info for", "now please sir let us explain shut your", "mouth peasant girl if we want to hear", "you speak we will say so oh", "yeah if you stoop to a bully's level or", "let them get under your skin then you've", "already", "lost", "now is there something else you need", "sadly we lost about 180 vials of potion"]}
{"chunk_num": 281, "subtitles": ["due to the incident earlier you would", "like us to somehow replace the missing", "vials and deliver them to you by today", "did I get any part of that wrong I just", "need to convince him to give us", "permission to buy the rest of the", "potions from the market yes in fact you", "did first of all this pactice between", "count kuhano and The Witch of the Forest", "of Illusions it is not your concern", "secondly the only potions we will accept", "are ones made by the witch wait just a", "second the witch said the word special", "potion she didn't say anything about her", "being the one required by the pack to"]}
{"chunk_num": 282, "subtitles": ["make it besides the witch wasn't doing", "the work en was the one making the", "potions when I was there I'm not 100%", "sure but I feel like maybe this guy", "wants the delivery to fail so the paact", "will fall", "apart not maybe", "definitely I remember him now these are", "the two Shady guys I saw chatting at the", "tavern but I won't be Viceroy in fact", "I'm going to be named Lord of my own", "teritory so what is their plan exactly", "to break the Packa and get rid of the", "Forest of Illusion so they can build a", "new town right on top of"]}
{"chunk_num": 283, "subtitles": ["it whoever these guys are they're up to", "no", "good I could be wrong but I don't think", "that's part of The Pact unless the", "details of the arrangement have totally", "changed friend tell me why should I", "discuss the details of my business with", "a mere commoner like you because I was a", "guest of the witch recently and I know", "you're not telling the", "truth", "very well then I'll keep our deal and", "take deliveries provided to the same", "quality as The Witches", "Brew one more thing what if I bring you"]}
{"chunk_num": 284, "subtitles": ["potions that are of a much higher", "quality will you honor the deal", "then if you think you can collect them", "all then be my guest I need your", "assurances in writing please what how", "dare you mind your tongue you Rogue", "you'll have to forgive me sir I'm a", "merchant which means I trust no one", "you", "who does he think he is calling me a", "peasant time to", "go we only have three Bells left until", "sundown there's no way this plan will", "work out don't you worry my master is a", "cheating fraud but he always comes to"]}
{"chunk_num": 285, "subtitles": ["the rescue in the end Santo Master we've", "returned right thanks we brought you the", "plants lots and lots of plants huh you", "don't get it even with all the", "ingredients in the world it's still", "impossible and why is that even if we do", "manage to make the potions it won't", "matter if we don't have the vials to", "store them in we'll never make the", "delivery in", "time sorry I would but someone bought up", "my stock before you got", "here he fell for it if the fool really", "thinks all he has to do is make more", "potion he's in for a rude"]}
{"chunk_num": 286, "subtitles": ["awakening we've been had what do you", "mean very well then I'll keep our deal", "and take deliveries provided to the same", "quality as The Witches Brew even if we", "manage to make the potions it won't", "matter if we don't have the vials to", "store them in we'll never make the", "delivery in time we've been", "had I do wish I could help you kid but", "180 new vials there's just not enough", "time we don't want to drag you into this", "sir if we could just use your kill and", "we'd be", "grateful", "are you in danger"]}
{"chunk_num": 287, "subtitles": ["kid all right I'm not the type to turn", "away a stranger in need I'll help you as", "best I", "can thank you sir well don't just stand", "there people let's get to work right", "liisa Tama POI Lulu and Nana I want you", "to help me make the vials what do you", "say as you wish you bet okie dokie", "yes I shall do my best", "master Mia and Arisa helping n", "Mana got it well girls let's", "go I don't like", "[Music]", "it no no please stop", "it oh I really wish clay would stop"]}
{"chunk_num": 288, "subtitles": ["spinning if he keeps turning like this", "I'm going to sick off", "uhoh I did it wrong this is quite", "frustrating yes centrifugal force can be", "extremely hard to", "calculate that's pretty impressive are", "you sure you never made these before", "kid you're the best no one knows how to", "make vials like you yes there's one", "problem though these vials are wet it", "takes 5 days for clay like this to", "dry but we don't have 5 days I know", "listen I wish wish I could tell you", "there was a shortcut or some way around", "it but unfortunately there just isn't"]}
{"chunk_num": 289, "subtitles": ["I'm sorry kids but this is a problem I", "can't help you", "solve okay the issue is the moisture and", "the clay there's got to be some way to", "dry it right", "wait that's", "it CL wind", "dry I didn't know that was possible you", "may be SM young lady but you're", "mighty we're in business people keep on", "working I'll get the vials put in the", "Kil right away", "[Music]", "thanks", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 290, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "Master the potions are finished and we", "owe it all to you guys thank you well", "we're not done quite yet the kilm I'm", "just about finished up over here we need", "to let the vials cool down a little bit", "longer but they should be ready before", "Sundown I'm so glad we did it oh bless", "you", "wow that wasn't a hat at all master", "might I look after this odd creature um", "I don't think that's a good", "idea wi is familiar what in the hell do", "you think you're doing", "here I certainly hope you're not making"]}
{"chunk_num": 291, "subtitles": ["vials without permission because that", "would be against the law I could arrest", "you I knew it glad I kept a marker on", "this dag you've got the wrong idea I'm", "just teaching these folks Pottery", "nothing's for sale what do you think I", "am an idiot sorry but I'm afraid we're", "going to have to get rid of this Kil no", "don't please he's innocent innocent huh", "oh I doubt that very much now it's time", "to pay the price", "go it's over they destroyed all of", "them by the way we're looking forward to", "the delivery of those 300 R vs a potion", "good luck making that"]}
{"chunk_num": 292, "subtitles": ["[Laughter]", "deadline kid I failed you please forgive", "me no please forgive me you're poor", "Kiln if it's all right I'd like a moment", "with my friends yes of", "course listen mana I have an idea can we", "use your furry friend to talk to the", "witch", "and we were so close too wait is this", "even", "ours I was worried something like this", "might happen so I put out a bunch of", "decoys if that's true then we're all the", "ones you made oh they're safe I hid them", "so well those jerks will never find them"]}
{"chunk_num": 293, "subtitles": ["huh I can't explain in detail right now", "but trust me I have something way better", "than your item", "box what do you think I'm just going to", "nod my head and take your word for it", "take them out and prove it all", "[Music]", "right did it break in", "[Music]", "there oh I see the sudden change in", "temperature must have made it shatter", "into pieces the vs won't do us any good", "if we can't take them out if there was a", "way to gradually change the temperature", "I could Salvage the rest the only option"]}
{"chunk_num": 294, "subtitles": ["right now is to wait for the Kil to be", "fixed before taking them", "[Music]", "out no we're already cutting it way too", "close this idea is", "useless", "useless yeah it's official her storage", "is definitely weak sauce compared to my", "apparatus it's", "useless", "the flame went out apparently the stuff", "in the item box changes over time that's", "it jackpot Arisa would you mind taking a", "step back please", "[Music]"]}
{"chunk_num": 295, "subtitles": ["huh", "okay this will", "work now if I can just combine it with", "the blow", "spell what do we", "do girls get ready cuz we're about to", "show that despicable Small Time C look", "at his lacky who's", "boss", "yeah who is the boss we are to not to be", "too literal but technically I'm the boss", "well well well look who it is if excuses", "are all you have then save your breath I", "know you don't have the 300 vials the", "deal is"]}
{"chunk_num": 296, "subtitles": ["off I beg your pardon good sir this is a", "delivery receipt we'll need your", "signature and", "stamp are you you saying you have the", "shipment it's", "impossible they have delivered the 300", "vials of potion sir and we've also", "confirm the legitimacy of this document", "as far as I can tell there are no", "issues kid what kind of trick did you", "use what makes you think that we tricked", "you we just worked hard and figured it", "out and we did it", "[Music]", "together we made good now you do your"]}
{"chunk_num": 297, "subtitles": ["part sign and seal the", "[Music]", "document sir what's", "wrong he can't refuse to sign it now can", "he it's nearly Sundown Sato make him", "sign with respect I need you to sign the", "document", "immediately allow me to sign it for you", "my friend", "count kuhano sir what are you doing here", "I thought you were clever yet you can't", "figure out the witch told me of your", "evil", "Deeds ma'am you're here too thank you", "Sato bless"]}
{"chunk_num": 298, "subtitles": ["you I knew your father he was a widely", "respected man we first met at the Royal", "Academy years ago I gave you this", "position on account of the respect I", "held for him for his sake I honored you", "and you Thank Me by spitting it back in", "my", "face you sir do not deserve to be the", "assisted vicroy as punishment you are", "hereby banished from the kingdom May the", "gods have mercy upon you if you want me", "out of this office you'll have to force", "me", "out careful sir fear not Spirit of sadum", "City attack this enemy of our"]}
{"chunk_num": 299, "subtitles": ["people punish", "him", "you fool as the count of kuhano I could", "never be harmed by such a spell within", "my own", "territory the time for Mercy is over but", "death is Mercy draw your sword and", "defend", "[Music]", "yourself why did you interfere son", "there a children", "present it appears the witch has a most", "noble friend in", "you sorry for the trouble we caused are", "you kidding me I got a new Kil and the"]}
{"chunk_num": 300, "subtitles": ["count promised me Priority on all deals", "moving forwards great thanks to you I'm", "going to be Filthy Rich for the rest of", "my", "life Mr Sato from the bottom of my heart", "you have my sincerest thanks for your", "Aid in this matter here you go a thank", "you gift a lantern it's a magic item the", "mistress and I made hope you like it oh", "wow this is great thanks I'll take good", "care of", "it there's one final gift I want to give", "you before we say goodbye", "[Music]", "bye everyone I hope to see you soon I"]}
{"chunk_num": 301, "subtitles": ["wish you and yours Tidings of peace and", "joy Mr", "[Music]", "Sato well it's time to go okay right", "your wish is our Command we're ready", "Master okie dokie off we go I'm ready", "for an", "adventure", "Master wake up please open your", "[Music]", "eyes come", "on", "hurry good morning your favorite girl in", "the world is", "here what the hell"]}
{"chunk_num": 302, "subtitles": ["uh impenetrable barrier", "go now please hurry and calibrate my", "Foundation system or I'll shut down so", "you two weren't doing something UNC no", "of course we weren't H you're telling FS", "no I swear wait a second you do have the", "magic manipulation skill right my", "Foundation instruments are down as such", "I'm unable to use use that skill at this", "time which is why she needs my help", "don't worry Nana everything will be a", "okay I got you place your hand near my", "heart like this and allow the magic to", "flow into me I will let you know if any", "adjustments are required her"]}
{"chunk_num": 303, "subtitles": ["back use her back right yes if you only", "need to touch her near the heart then", "her back should work as well as her", "chest wa to save the DAT Mia at least I", "could do Mia's assessment is quite", "correct there will be no real effect on", "the adjustment if it is performed", "through my", "[Music]", "back oh dear Master please be gentle it", "stings oh my", "bad that's", "awkward all I know is this I definitely", "get to go next Master you said to wake", "you"]}
{"chunk_num": 304, "subtitles": ["I I'm", "awake so Master what do you have planned", "for", "today well Master any idea where we're", "headed next a dangerous land called the", "moono", "Barony how many places have I been since", "I first left seru", "City can you believe that Lilo Dina", "welcome back why are you in such a", "hurry", "look at this sat wrote a love letter", "just for me oh wow so what does the", "letter say", "huh it says as the lingering winter"]}
{"chunk_num": 305, "subtitles": ["leaves us at last I sincerely hope the", "spring finds you happy and healthy it's", "been a while since I first left seru", "City behind I miss all the lovely people", "there most of all I miss sing", "you oh please that doesn't sound like a", "love letter to me h", "we are currently making our way through", "Kuan County which is just west of seru", "City to be honest this journey has", "turned out to be a lot harder than I", "thought it would", "be hey thirsty have some tea thank you", "master look when we were forging in the", "woods we acquired some herbs what kind"]}
{"chunk_num": 306, "subtitles": ["of herb is that uh I don't know but POI", "insisted we bring it back to you it", "smells so sweet and yummy let me eat it", "Master please eat", "it take a bite let's break it open", "first it's filling don't let it go to", "waste", "Master not bad it's grassy but it's", "sweet like sugar", "cane well go on girls help", "yourselves doie dokie oh", "yummy I didn't mean for them to lick my", "fingers Master here take this use it to", "wipe off your hand right thank you Arisa", "no allow me please stop"]}
{"chunk_num": 307, "subtitles": ["it why would you lick me too huh cuz", "they got to do it and I want to taste", "the wild herb too what's so wrong with", "that if you want to taste it then go", "find yourself a plate", "fine the road isn't for the faint of", "heart it's exhaust exting at the end of", "the day we're so tired we don't even", "mind sleeping", "outside Pardon Me Master would you mind", "reading us a bedtime story sure why not", "here read this I'll do my", "best here it goes just don't fall asleep", "on me once upon a time there were seven", "deities who lived in the heavens one day"]}
{"chunk_num": 308, "subtitles": ["they descended from from their home in", "the sky with the world tree and came to", "this place Master hold on I don't get it", "what seven deities it's just a way of", "saying seven gods seven Divine beings", "well what's a Divine being keep", "listening but there were two other gods", "the eighth God was a dragon God he", "actually existed long before the other", "seven but the dragon God indulged in", "Long bouts of deep sleep and as he", "slumbered the world changed around him", "the ninth God was a demon god a fearful", "creature that traveled here from another", "world the demon god was very selfish"]}
{"chunk_num": 309, "subtitles": ["concerned only with his wants needs and", "desires as a result he could not get", "along with the other gods and fought", "with them on a regular basis his", "selfishness made it such that peace", "seemed nothing more than a Fool's", "dream demons tormented the other races", "of the world they seemed to take", "particular pleasure in bedeviling", "humankind the humans called out to their", "heroine the young goddess asking her for", "the power to fight back", "the young goddess heard their prayers", "and went to the other gods for help but", "they would not listen left with no"]}
{"chunk_num": 310, "subtitles": ["recourse she took the matter to the", "strongest of all the deities the dragon", "God at first the dragon God was hesitant", "so she coaxed him with Humanity's vices", "alcohol and Indulgence pleased the", "dragon God taught her one powerful bit", "of", "magic a Divine spell to summon Heroes a", "spell to restore", "hope", "[Music]", "I don't know how this journey will end I", "just know I'm going to enjoy the", "adventure and when I return more than", "anything else I look forward to seeing"]}
{"chunk_num": 311, "subtitles": ["you", "again so do I sat so", "[Music]", "much"]}