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+ {"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "thank you", "[Music]", "begin", "[Music]", "nobody knows we're here to conduct a", "raid for the violation of pharmaceutical", "laws", "get their cell phones sir", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "public prosecutor's office", "[Laughter]", "[Music]"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["here we go", "oh good morning Mr sazuki how are you", "you're early", "how many boxes", "this makes 20 so far we've only got two", "days normal people can't read that fast", "Mr sazuki we have to or else we won't be", "able to finish", "do you have any idea how many boxes we", "seized 700. don't say anything that just", "makes it worse", "reading is tedious work it's awful I can", "hear you", "fumio what's the accused crime in the", "agras case violating pharmaceutical law"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["these be specific uh hmm", "a ban on false advertising of agras", "their new drug Japan Superior requested", "several universities to provide fake", "data that made the drugs seem more", "effective than it really was that's", "right so we have to find proof that they", "paid off these four universities", "look fumio by reading all this it takes", "you closer to the truth one step at a", "time it's like a ruler for justice yeah", "I know I know so am I right", "then this is correct", "[Music]", "company was rated yesterday oh it's on"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["TV public Prosecutors Office Team", "reported they're investigating the", "company for false advertising of their", "new drug agros", "next up there are only 20 days left", "until the shaniki mayoral election they", "didn't give it much coverage did they", "it's an illegal Kickback from a", "pharmaceutical company most people", "wouldn't be interested in the story", "candidate is no stranger to the", "political landscape", "Secretary General ruichiro nomaru's", "announcement everyone seems to be", "focused on the election they're almost"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["done choosing the candidates", "someday I wish I could handle a corrupt", "political case I will defeat evil in my", "dreams well you're enthusiastic huh", "Mr morinaga", "I apologize", "fumio the work we perform here is", "fundamentally the same no matter what", "the case is", "I won't forget sir", "so making progress on the agra's case I", "am Japan's Superior isn't sophisticated", "enough to hide evidence prior to", "investigating", "it's a matter of time I see well then"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["since the Ministry of Health is the", "accuser it's safe to assume there's", "illegal activity all right continue", "working on it yes sir", "sorry I'm gonna be late again yeah okay", "say hi to asthma for me", "how old is awesome", "he's already seven", "ah thank you", "so can you tell they're different beings", "I like the old ones better you're so", "picky Mr seizaki you know that", "uh", "did you spill some", "there's a stain"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["this isn't a new stain", "oh", "is something wrong", "this is", "a blood stain", "what are you serious", "holy raphaela medical school", "it's not one of the four", "[Music]", "[Music]", "clinical tests of sarin a sleeping pill", "the doctor in charge was", "a piece of hair what", "there are also fingernails", "is this skin"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["that dark area at the bottom", "it looks like letters", "is that the letter F", "what do you think it could mean", "uh whatever the case the person who", "wrote this wasn't mentally stable", "[Music]", "I'm from the Tokyo public prosecutor's", "office", "oh", "Dr enaba correct please wait a moment", "then", "it seems unrelated to the agros case we", "don't know that for sure excuse me", "associate professor inabot has been off"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["since yesterday it seems", "this is it", "foreign", "doesn't seem like he's home fumio huh", "classical music", "we're going in but sir", "don't we need a warrant", "I have one", "okay then", "so loud in there Mr Innova are you there", "thank you", "I'm opening the door", "[Music]", "foreign", "sorry all good"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["a visit from Mr sazuki and fumio", "well it looks like you stumbled into", "another strange crime scene", "so tell me how much information are you", "able to give me this time everything", "there's something weird about this case", "I want to cooperate with the police for", "this investigation", "hmm", "great well then I say let's begin", "first I'll explain the results of our", "inspection", "it was the anesthesia overdose it was", "inabo was connected to a general", "anesthesia machine used for surgery the"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["machine was set to increase the amount", "of anesthetic gradually as time went on", "there was something peculiar about it", "the time that it was set to reach the", "lethal dose 30 hours that means it was a", "suicide right if it was a murder the", "murderer wouldn't have given him so much", "time but then why would he choose an", "uncertain way of killing himself he", "could stop you're right he could stop", "would that hold up his evidence well I", "can't say for certain but I think", "they'll probably handle it as a suicide", "there are no traces of physical violence", "on his body or in the room they even"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["found a will", "there was nothing unusual written in it", "though", "well that's where we are right now", "also", "seems there was a couple they visited", "often starting about two months ago but", "as of now we know only the name of the", "male", "tomokazu ano", "let's start the investigation from there", "is that everything then", "it's not there's something else", "oh I see in this case looks like it", "could get pretty dark"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["laughs", "[Music]", "discover anything yes a few things I got", "the results for the piece of hair you", "gave me", "the blood and skin stuck to it both", "samples belong to Inaba", "we still don't know who the woman is", "all we have on her is the security", "camera footage", "now", "you ready for this", "it's big tell me it's the man's identity", "yes", "yes he's a diet member secretary and for"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["an important one an ex-member of the", "House of Representatives the Secretary", "General of the liberal Justice party", "[Music]", "secretary", "thank you for all of your support today", "we really appreciate it and now please", "give your support to Secretary General", "nomaru", "so no meru you say and at such a time", "like this tricky", "the citizens of shiniki have all their", "focus turned on electing the next mayor", "right now if the leading candidate ends", "up getting arrested"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["it would be a huge Scandal that would go", "down in history", "are you ready to Bear the burden of", "responsibility for that", "yes", "I guess I didn't have to ask you", "[Music]", "I feel there's more to this suicide than", "meets the eye too however we're not at", "the point where we can act on it", "luckily we have enough people on the", "agra's case work on the suicide with", "just you and fumio yes sir", "I'm sure you know this but don't slack", "off on your reports use the utmost care"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["with this", "remember", "but we're fighting against here", "it's evil itself", "[Music]", "laughs", "this is shiniki an independent city that", "is being developed in the western part", "of Tokyo shiniki was established to", "mitigate the effects of over", "centralization in Tokyo", "it was granted a greater level of", "authority than that of the other core", "and designated cities it can be", "classified as the second Tokyo for all"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["practical purposes", "but this is terrible it seems even worse", "than the odd Ross case", "that's right", "well if nomaru was involved with inaba's", "suicide then it must be related to the", "election", "we don't know that for sure we keep", "doing the groundwork just like before", "right also we received security footage", "from the school", "foreign", "you're right I'm going to tell Kuching", "to continue investigating Inaba I'm", "going to look into ano okay then I'll"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["look into the campaign office thanks", "[Music]", "hey Zen", "you know I am so happy to be able to", "hang out with the person who's been my", "best friend ever since our College days", "right Zen", "I need a favor", "ignoring what I said and I don't do", "favors for people you know public", "prosecutors and journalists aren't", "supposed to be in contact don't you", "uh we're not a public prosecutor and a", "journalist uh we're", "best friends"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["no problem then", "the private secretary for nomaru who's", "running in the mayoral election", "contacted a doctor from a university", "hospital the doctor later died as", "suspicious death in an apparent suicide", "right before the election it smells like", "bad news", "what do you think", "oh well", "these are the latest stats for the", "election", "the front runner is rurichiro nomaru of", "course however it's possible that", "austica the celebrity or itsuki the"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["youngest candidate could pull out ahead", "I'm sure nomuru's campaign team is doing", "everything they can just to be safe", "yeah with all that's going on with the", "election right now his secretary still", "paid visits to that associate professor", "from the University", "weird right it is weird", "huh", "you want me to go investigate no more", "don't you yeah and I can't write a story", "on it that's right", "you know something man do you have any", "idea just how crazy you sound right now", "but"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["we're best friends and I'll do it", "thank you then", "there's less than two weeks left until", "the shiniki mayoral election now on to", "other news early afternoon today Anno is", "leaving he's in his car", "foreign", "[Music]", "that's not the same woman", "not only that she's a girl", "[Music]", "[Music]", "Mr sazuki", "[Music]", "thank you"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["that's the president", "construction contractors Federation", "Shinzo tijima so that means he's the", "head of a huge voting Block in Tokyo", "what should we do", "you go follow jijima right", "fumio", "good", "[Music]", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "right", "if we go and tell the hotel who we are", "then we can catch them not now"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["so you're going to let them get away", "with it", "this is obviously prostitution right", "they're using that girl to get votes", "from the construction contractors", "Federation", "you can't separate politics from money", "and you can't separate I know that", "already I get that sir", "but it's it's happening right in front", "of us", "doesn't it frustrate you Mr sazuki", "but they've done this hundreds of times", "behind the scenes", "they've learned the way of doing things"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["even if one of them ended up dying", "is to make a lower ranked guide Escape", "we won't let", "people like them get away with it", "nomaru is surrounded by professionals it", "won't be easy to take them down", "however I think I've found a way what do", "you mean that girl is an amateur she's", "not doing it for a living", "if we can get her to testify then we can", "charge nomaru yes however it won't be", "easy if she refuses to cooperate with", "the investigation and tells nomaru then", "it's all over", "keep it quiet for now fumio"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["so that we can stop them for sure", "Mr sazuki you're actually a passionate", "person", "don't underestimate me oh yeah I just", "remembered it now", "I remember that public prosecutors are", "allies of Justice", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "foreign", "how'd it go", "I asked the guys covering politics but", "they didn't find any recent stories", "related to the", "contractors Federation I see I bet"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["Milner offered the Federation something", "tempting enough to make them bite but to", "be honest I'm not sure what it was got", "it sorry to bother you so late no", "problem see ya", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "thank you", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "hey fumio", "[Music]"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "thank you", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "foreign"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "that's random why do you ask well it's", "just that", "I didn't mean anything by it", "I've just been wanting to hear your", "answer", "do you want to be a prosecutor what", "well I just thought that uh you're", "serious right if you are then work hard", "become the prosecutor", "you wish to be yes", "oh so what was your answer then Mr", "sazuki that goes without saying", "to me it means upholding Justice and", "protecting people"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["oh", "[Music]", "they're going to conclude based on the", "circumstances it was a suicide", "key defubio commits suicide no way", "he had no reason to", "fumio is murdered", "do you think it's related to Sheen", "inaba's death", "definitely", "you must get to the bottom of this", "however act more cautiously than before", "never act alone", "Mr morinaga would it be all right", "if I borrow this for now"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "just don't lose it right", "Miss amiko hiramatsu", "I will be asking you a few questions now", "some of these questions may be redundant", "if that happens then please answer the", "question with the same response one more", "time do you understand", "then we shall begin is emeko hiramatsu", "your real birth name then say saki your", "name", "meaning just and good", "is something wrong with my name", "no", "I just wondered what your parents were"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["thinking when they gave you that name", "that's all", "please just answer the question is emiko", "hiramatsu your real name", "yes", "it looks like a will", "there were no traces of violence", "anywhere and no fingerprints other than", "fumios in the place there is no doubt", "fumio was the only person there", "that idiot", "put himself in the investigator's shoes", "that's asking too much of fumio", "though he wasn't the type of guy he", "would just choose to kill himself"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["let's find who did this and do it", "together", "yeah", "well then", "let's get to the point I've put together", "the piece of spumia Left Behind I asked", "the company that manages the apartment", "where that girl fumio followed lives and", "got some info on the tenants", "but there's something peculiar about", "this too", "what the apartment was under the name of", "yoshiyuki fukuyama which I found out", "he's a member of a political supporters", "group so then nomaru's campaign team"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["rented that apartment under the group's", "name so that girl was able to live there", "if you'd think so but it's not it's not", "[Music]", "it's not he's a member of kaika itsgis", "group wait a minute hold on", "itski is running against nomuru in the", "mayoral election right does that mean", "that the girl was living in an apartment", "rented by itsuki's team and that she was", "taken out by ano from nomaru's team", "that's what it looks like", "this isn't just a deal for securing", "votes", "buying votes with sex two suspicious"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["deaths the candidates are connected", "behind the scenes", "this case it's perfect for the special", "investigations yeah but we can't follow", "this girl anymore", "if fumio really was killed by them the", "other night then they very well might", "know about us you're right", "[Music]", "I can't be the only one if Anno really", "is offering women to powerful men then", "I'm sure just one wouldn't be enough in", "fact he brought another woman with him", "when he visited the university you're", "right I'm sure he has other women"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["let's start from here right", "by the way Mr seizaki I seized Professor", "innova's computer", "the one from the University", "what's your relationship with Mr", "tomokazu ano", "relation yes", "relation well he's", "an acquaintance of my grandma have you", "known him for a long time no no not that", "long I met him for the very first time", "when I moved here to Tokyo", "about two years ago have you been seeing", "him on a regular basis", "he showed me some nice Apartments when I"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["moved here and I suppose he also takes", "me out to eat from time to time and he", "gave me some clothes they were expensive", "I wasn't sure I should accept Miss", "hiramatsu how come Mr Anno always seemed", "to treat you so nicely", "how come yes", "how come", "well", "maybe it's because I'm his friends", "granddaughter", "let me ask you a different question are", "you now living in one of the apartments", "that he showed you earlier", "yes Mr Anno owns the room I'm in he told"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["me he doesn't need any rent why does he", "do so much for you", "well I suppose", "he's the really", "nice person", "let me ask a different question", "what were you doing", "on September 23rd and where were you", "tell me I sent the computer to DF just", "now can you analyze it I already turned", "it on", "it's a typical Doctor's computer there's", "quite a bit of data from experiments in", "clinical trials however there's one file", "that's been encoded with strong"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["encryption", "is it I'm not sure but a doctor normally", "wouldn't use this level of security can", "you crack the file it'll take some time", "two weeks", "fine just let me know", "there's only one week left until the", "shiniki mayoral election", "the candidate's political speeches are", "now underway and are starting to heat up", "I will develop shiniki into the second", "Tokyo", "though it'd be pointless to develop it", "the same way as Tokyo shiriki must", "realize it's a new region just as its"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["name blatantly states that it is shiniki", "should surpass Tokyo as a city", "on the other hand at Hashimoto's station", "what the new region needs is the", "strength that only the newer generation", "can bring with our future and that of", "the region rests on the shoulder what's", "wrong we're making our move tomorrow the", "future will be built by you not by any", "political party", "[Music]", "actually Mr Ono took me to a wonderful", "hot spring yesterday although Mr Ono", "left early didn't he yeah that's right", "he said something came up at work so he"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["had to go back", "so then did you spend the night alone", "after that", "no I was left with his friends they had", "decided to come to the same real con as", "us regarding them yes", "how many were there what were their", "names", "aren't you", "going to type that in", "how many were there uh sorry yes there", "were three old men let's see their names", "might have been Mr", "OTA and I think Mr Kimura", "that's the members list for a golf"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["tournament being held in hockney today", "it must have been hard to get access to", "this I looked through all the other", "supporter groups after the construction", "contractors Federation look at the", "participants the Japan doctors league", "and the Tokyo Trade union Confederation", "weird right the doctor's League supports", "the Liberal Party in the trade Union the", "people's life party they're playing golf", "together like they're close friends they", "picked an excellent location won't be", "able to get very close to them on a golf", "course right that's why instead we're", "focusing here"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["the Rio can where they're gonna stay", "come on man you didn't leak any", "information right things would be easier", "if I could do that do you have any idea", "how much I had to beg my co-workers for", "this information", "it just doesn't make any sense you mean", "fumio", "why did they kill him", "they wanted to stop him from talking", "but they were pretty rough", "they killed one of us I can't stand here", "doing nothing yeah you're right there's", "no advantage", "hahaha"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["yes", "I see we're probably heading to the same", "place yes thanks what happened", "it all makes sense now", "[Music]", "he got out of the car and is heading for", "the entrance with the woman following", "behind I'm gonna stay put out here in", "the car for a while longer", "okay thanks", "[Music]", "is that the woman fumio was following", "no it's not", "[Music]", "so the only rooms that are back there"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["are the ones that the golfers are all", "staying in now there can be no doubt", "they're connected to Anno", "[Music]", "almost leaving the building all alone", "I'll follow", "no stay on the look out here", "they came out are they separated", "regime you see anything all clear", "the woman's gonna come out soon soon so", "what are we gonna do now", "[Music]", "no this all ends right now", "[Music]", "hey Zach"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "I have a few questions for you I'm with", "the prosecutor's office special", "investigations", "now could you please come with me", "foreign", "[Music]", "do you happen to remember the name of", "the third man no I'm afraid I had a bit", "too much to drink", "then please tell me what happened in the", "room", "I listen to them talk while we ate all", "of our food", "the three of them were friends they had"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["fun talking", "when I refilled their glasses they", "seemed so happy", "I thought that was kind of cute as rude", "as that may sound but it was cute", "Miss hiramatsu yes did you have sexual", "relations with those three men", "[Music]", "what's so funny", "is that something that a public", "prosecutor would seriously ask about but", "well", "that's right", "this is only hypothetical but let's just", "say"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["even if I did have that kind of", "relationship with them it would just", "mean", "I", "blah", "it's love", "yes if I was in love with them as I most", "assuredly was and that was the reason I", "did that", "then would it really be a bad thing", "what are you talking about sometimes", "people fall in love at first sight but", "those men are 40 years older than you", "and besides that there were three of", "them"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["oh three of them you're right", "now what were their names again I just", "forgot stop messing around", "no one would ever believe that you fell", "in love with three old men and slept", "with them when you don't even know their", "names people can fall in love even", "though they don't know their name", "[Music]", "oh but", "I know your name now Mr sazuki so I", "can't prove that's not true", "what do you plan to do now that you've", "brought her down here", "does the story make sense I don't"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["understand everything yet Dr enaba and", "fumio's deaths and the connection", "between the parties those things are", "still Mysteries hmm", "that's why sir I need that woman's", "testimony if I can get her to confess", "that she was trying to fix the election", "I can use that to get to them", "please sir", "let me take it to the Imperial Council", "the special investigations team has to", "do everything they can", "the woman is still just a witness we", "can't keep her for very long if we let", "her go they'll know we're investigating"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["I'll crack her no matter what", "the meeting will happen the day after", "tomorrow", "I'm going to send okada with you make", "sure you get her testimony right", "let me get this right", "in other words you want me to say that I", "slept with those men because Mr Anno", "told me to right", "so you want me to sign it", "[Music]", "do you want me to sign the record of", "confession right", "then you'll have my testimony yes", "that's correct but why now I guess"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["because", "I feel bad for you", "you feel bad for me yes", "but in exchange tell me about yourself", "Mr sazuki yeah it's just I want to learn", "more about you yes I want to learn about", "your childhood about your dear family", "and about your unusual name", "why is that if you tell me that all", "sign sounds good to you", "do you have a wife", "yeah what about kids", "one kid is it a boy or a girl", "I have a son do you have any hobbies", "collecting fossils and minerals"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["what was your childhood dream to be a", "prosecutor since you were a kid", "[Music]", "I don't remember", "and sexual intercourse", "yes", "I want to ask you about sex", "what do you think about contraception", "what do you mean", "do you think it's bad I don't consider", "it bad if you have kids carelessly it", "can be hard to raise them financially", "and environmentally", "is it good to give birth to a child then", "having children and raising them should"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["be praised by Society then it's bad not", "to", "have that is not what I meant we live in", "a time in which differences and values", "are respected", "and should people accept others who have", "different values well of course even", "ones incompatible we must learn about", "each other and coexist with our values", "if we don't do that we'll end up with", "war", "do you think war is bad", "of course it is", "if there was a person who thinks war is", "bad and a person who likes War then"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["should they accept each other's values", "and coexist", "well uh you said that having children is", "a good thing and not having children", "isn't a bad thing either", "yeah", "then what about killing children", "it's bad of course what the hell's wrong", "with you are you saying that murder", "isn't bad of course not I consider", "murdered to be very bad indeed it's the", "worst thing ever yes it's terrible", "[Music]", "the characters say is Injustice the", "character Zen as in good deeds your name"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["it doesn't forgive bad Deeds", "Mr cesicky", "tell me", "what is justice", "[Music]", "hey what happened to hiramatsu hey", "she left", "[Music]", "[Music]", "foreign", "he wouldn't calm down I thought it best", "just to send him home I see", "so sorry sir", "[Music]", "says the key"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["don't think too much just report on", "things the way they are", "the people at the top will take care of", "it including me", "[Music]", "right", "[Music]", "thank you for your time I appreciate it", "my report today is related to the mayor", "earlier", "[Music]", "right give your report", "public prosecutor saysaki", "[Music]", "thank you"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]", "can you explain what's going on sir", "that's why I invited him you sure have", "done your research", "I'm impressed you're like the special", "investigation's right-hand man", "you look like you're going to bite me if"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["I don't explain soon", "[Music]", "the shiniki initiative", "on the surface it looks like an economic", "development Zone", "however it also has another purpose", "which hasn't been announced yet to the", "people", "purpose", "I had asked Dr enaba Who was chosen from", "among the members of the Japan doctors", "League to work on the problem of drug", "lag", "the delay in getting new drugs approved", "is an urgent problem that our country"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["must aim to tackle", "if there are delays in approving Cutting", "Edge treatments patients could end up", "dying", "I asked the Tokyo construction", "contractors Federation to design a plan", "for relaxing restrictions on", "construction and the Tokyo Trade union", "Confederation to cooperate on the new", "labor standards Act", "so to put it another way these groups", "are voting constituencies they're also", "the ones who are going to build shiniki", "do you understand everything I said Mr", "sazuki"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["so to build shiniki by building it what", "are you trying to do with shniki", "to do every do everything that's not", "possible to do with Japan for example", "shiniki is used as a special", "administrative zone for testing out new", "laws think of it as a testing ground for", "Nations", "foreign", "[Music]", "candidates in this election manage the", "voting contingencies we can completely", "control the results", "[Music]", "why are you not making yourself mare"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["what we're doing in shiniki will be", "revolutionary we need a strong leader", "Who can capture the people's hearts each", "the youngest one among the candidates is", "going to win the election dramatically", "and become a politician for the new", "generation to ardently follow", "so then is that your whole plan that's", "right this is the entire picture for the", "initiative", "commit murder", "just so you can achieve your ridiculous", "plan", "please", "foreign"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["won the election deciding the first", "mayor of shiniki a city that is going to", "be established in the western part of", "Tokyo itzky is the youngest candidate at", "only 30 years old he is very young for a", "new mayor after the election that's not", "true", "we weren't involved in the two deaths of", "fumio and Professor Inaba do you expect", "me to believe such an excuse I'm telling", "you the truth", "think about it", "I could have stopped this investigation", "anytime", "why would I kill one of the"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["investigators myself it only spread", "suspicion", "you know", "first and foremost I would never kill", "fumio", "if you really want to know in regards to", "enaba's Suicide it struck us out of", "nowhere as well that's why we put you in", "charge of the investigation", "for now it happened to fumio", "we want to know the truth as you do", "say Saki", "would you please continue the", "investigation", "are you telling me to continue on while"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["ignoring organized crime which is our", "main job you're crazy", "I'll let you make the decision although", "Mr nomaru and I and everyone else who is", "involved", "we are all acting with the belief that", "the initiative is just", "I won't Force you at all if you don't", "agree with me on this then you are more", "than welcome to fight against me", "however you won't find me going easy on", "you", "public prosecutor says a key think hard", "and well", "[Music]"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["public prosecutors are allies of Justice", "Justice", "[Music]", "have you decided then", "no", "I don't agree with you regarding the", "recent chain of events", "I'm angry for not being able to stop you", "and for not being able to prosecute the", "crime that's happening right in front of", "me", "however the person who killed fumio is", "still out there and it's an indisputable", "fact that whoever did that is certainly", "evil"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["so then", "I'm going to continue the case involving", "fumio and Inaba I see I'll be going now", "hey Suzuki", "what are you going to do after you catch", "them", "I'm going to think about that when it", "happens about whether what you're doing", "is right or wrong", "and then what Justice Means", "[Music]", "it's in ground for Nations what a big", "story you can pretend you didn't hear it", "nope I definitely remember hearing", "something nonetheless when things get"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["bad I trust you cover for me", "foreign", "[Music]", "the deaths I will find the person who", "did it yeah", "but uh", "I'm not so sure anymore what is it", "you're saying Universe was trying to", "make it legal to use unapproved drugs as", "soon as possible by utilizing the new", "legal system in shiniki right yeah isn't", "that you know a good thing", "[Music]", "I was still considering the possibility", "that inaba's death was a suicide but not"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["fumio I had two hypotheses first anaba", "killed himself because he didn't want to", "do any more bad things", "and second is that nomaru killed him to", "stop him from talking to anyone", "but for now both those hypotheses are", "gone", "we have to look into Inaba more closely", "then I'll continue investigating him", "okay", "I'm going to retrace fumio's footsteps", "again", "by the way how is kaika itsuki", "he met him the other day right", "he's a man without any known flaws to"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["the point it seems fishy", "first and foremost I would like to", "express my appreciation for everyone", "here today", "even though I'm still just a novice in", "the world of politics you chose me to be", "the first mayor of shiniki I'm deeply", "honored I know that we have a lot are", "these people involved in the underground", "that's right but I intend to push I know", "you don't want to be involved but Mr", "nomaru wanted us to be here", "okay", "he's even younger than you", "are you saying that youth is what makes"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["a man popular yes but the most important", "is Aura", "technically speaking you don't have to", "know anything about politics", "a mayor's job is to fill the people with", "hope and that's really all he has to do", "but isn't he just a liar who's fooling 2", "million people Mr nomaru", "it's almost time mitsuki yes thank you", "I haven't seen you in a while Mr", "morinaga hello who's this is seizaki", "from the Tokyo public prosecutor's", "office oh you're a public prosecutor you", "make sure Justice is served the policies", "we're pursuing for shaniki I believe"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["will benefit the human race and will", "ultimately be seen as just our policies", "will be accepted in the near future and", "history will prove that we were right", "prosecutor says okay", "please lend us your hand until then", "[Music]", "it's not an error", "does that mean fumil actually went there", "yeah I validated it so I'm certain based", "on his behavioral patterns I can tell", "you where he went really", "what do you think", "I see it", "[Music]"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["there it is let's see at 12 14 a.m he", "entered from the street through the", "entrance he stopped once and then", "started moving again", "maybe he wrote an elevator his altitude", "changed", "what floor did he get off there's going", "to be some measurement error but if he", "was moving upward without stopping he", "would have arrived at the sixth or", "seventh floor then he went to the", "apartment at the end of the hall", "Mr me Tony thank you hey I'll need more", "time with the professor's computer", "thanks again"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "you see what I just sent you hold on", "what's this it's from a security camera", "near enaba's apartment it's from the day", "before he died", "it's that woman who came to the", "university with Anno yes but even when I", "checked a few other cameras she was the", "only one I could see", "she was acting alone", "probably", "[Music]", "nomaru is going to cooperate with the", "investigation right", "that means we should look into the woman"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "you came at a good time I was just about", "to call you down here", "went missing Owen's been able to reach", "him for two days and his advisors", "they've all disappeared as well", "on top of that their top secret election", "documents were all stolen so you think", "they made themselves disappear", "but why", "I have no idea a rebellion out of", "control", "says a key can you join the search to", "find itski", "we don't have any time the inauguration"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["ceremony is tomorrow", "I have no wish of getting involved in", "the shiniki initiative my only job now", "is to find out what happened to fumio", "look at this", "possible the women being used to get", "votes were the ones involved in inabas", "and fumio's suicides please sir let me", "interrogate them", "our interests are aligned one", "this woman also", "disappeared when its key did", "she also disappeared which woman is gone", "well this may sound crazy but", "they're the same woman"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["one the same I've only met her a few", "times myself she looked completely", "different each time", "it's not just some disguise", "she changes", "she turns into a different woman", "the woman you interrogated him was the", "same woman", "what no way", "it's true there's only one woman", "she was originally brought here by itsky", "he said let's use her", "this woman can lead Ministry if you put", "them in the same room she'll Captivate", "every single one of them"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["without this woman the initiative would", "have been set back by 10 years", "her name is I magase", "[Music]", "how", "are you serious kaika itsuki disappeared", "and the inauguration is tomorrow are you", "sure you really have time to just sit", "here you're supposed to work with the", "police running around to find him I am", "working with them but like this", "hello", "based on the circumstances they must", "have planned his disappearance carefully", "since the police can't let the public"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["know we won't be able to find him what", "are you gonna do then focus on something", "other than the search", "what do you think about what makes it so", "famous well judging from his career he", "seems like a good enough person after", "graduating from the best high school in", "his hometown he attended a famous", "university in Tokyo he went to graduate", "in the UK he built up experience working", "in the city council and became a mayor", "at 30. everything he did was for a", "purpose", "right he wouldn't do anything that was", "useless"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["that means there must be a reason why he", "wanted to become the mayor yeah you're", "right he wouldn't abandon the position", "for no good reason now that he won", "you're saying he'll make his move even", "without us finding him I want to think", "of every possibility so we can respond", "appropriately when that happens now let", "me show you this you find something his", "hometown and school all I could find", "he's too normal to find anything", "by the way Mr sazuki I wanted to ask you", "what is it enaba and Mr fumio both", "committed suicide after making contact", "with I magase right yeah and you"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["interrogated hiramatsu sorry I mean I'm", "not going to say yes that's right", "did you feel like you wanted to commit", "suicide", "of course not it's a surprise yeah I", "guess you're right of course I am", "wherever you are that woman was crazy", "she's eating but I can't catch it", "Zen thank you for inviting us to your", "Estates it's urgent get officer okada", "now a bit thirsty", "what since when what this is bad is this", "for real apologies for interrupting but", "we have an important news flash we were", "at the shaniki city hall can you see"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["this there are approximately 60 people", "standing around the Garden on the roof", "what the what is this there are strong", "winds this is a dangerous situation", "I repeat what's", "me at around 2 30 p.m do you think", "they're planning on committing mass", "suicide they don't look like a", "situations people who are planning to", "jump to their death with the winds", "gusting at high speeds", "are unable to enter the area I opened", "the data on the computer you gave me and", "found a file that looks like bad news", "what do you mean by bad well it contains"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["data on the development of a new drug", "the name of the drug was nukes I was", "able to understand what type of drug It", "Is by reading the manuals in the test", "data", "but I guess I can't call this a drug I", "don't understand", "it's definitely a sleeping pill but the", "balance of its ingredients is strange", "the pill is really strong if you took", "the drug you would fall asleep naturally", "but then you would never wake up again", "so if you take it you would die easily", "without any pain", "what's wrong"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["now I know what enable is really", "developing", "a drug for suicide there's been some", "developments at the scene this symbol", "for shiniki was suddenly displayed on", "the big monitor on City Hall", "good evening everyone", "I am the one you have all elected as the", "first mayor of shiniki kaika itiki", "I am happy and honored to be able to say", "hello to you all as your new mayor I", "feel most privileged shaniki", "is a new world", "and shaniki is something bigger than", "what you can ever imagine"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["shaky wasn't just created for the", "benefit of Tokyo's local economy or", "management of Japan that's not it", "shaniki was created in order to bring", "great progress and prosperity to all of", "mankind", "a long time ago humans discovered fire", "then was some trial and error humans", "learned how to control fire and Conquer", "The Dangers that fire embodies after", "humans obtained fire human civilization", "and culture developed rapidly the second", "fire is here before us right now", "it is even more dangerous than the first", "it is a flame that is even harder to"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["control and a flame to be feared", "however we are already able to control", "them we must have courage today", "we must grab the second fire", "death", "humankind has been afraid of death until", "now we have tried to circumvent it as", "much as possible we must avoid death we", "have to live as long as we are humanly", "that's what we were taught and that's", "what we kept on doing law religion and", "morality they all told us that we must", "avoid death no matter what the cost was", "to our mental and physical health but we", "have already begun to understand the"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["damage caused by that thinking how", "unnatural it is to stay alive for no", "reason how insane it is that the world", "thinks that everyone should strive to", "live to the unpleasant age of 100 it is", "wrong this way of concrete thinking will", "lead to the downfall of humankind we", "must enter", "from happening", "where value of death is recognized an", "error in which we allow for death", "under the correct judgment", "[Music]", "I stand here today and hereby declare", "sheiki's first law"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["y recognizes", "the right of death", "I was wrong", "I was wrong", "people don't want to die no one wants to", "die that's what I thought", "however if that value system would be", "overthrown if people caught on to the", "Temptation Of Death if they began to", "truly want to die", "[Music]", "however", "there was someone who made them want to", "die", "yes"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "everyone Welcome to the New World Order", "[Music]", "[Music]", "thank you", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "foreign", "[Music]", "[Music]"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["an update on the train status in the", "metropolitan region many lines have", "stopped running due to fatal accidents", "there are many sections not in operation", "it is unknown when they will resume 24", "hours have elapsed since East", "declaration the number of suicides that", "have been reported throughout Japan has", "climbed to 237 which is four times the", "normal rate", "Toby have you located him we still don't", "know the whereabouts of kaika itski or", "those who aided him that video of him", "was just an online stream HD wasn't in", "the city hall building his supporters at"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["the site had already disappeared by the", "time the incident happened", "they're acting like religious Fanatics", "that's exactly what is happening those", "people who jumped off the building are", "like religious disciples affected by", "ichi's words can't we just write them", "off as religious fanatics", "what do you mean by that sakuru as", "stated in the report just now Japan has", "one of the worst suicide rates in the", "world if we don't take suicide seriously", "the situation might get out of hand", "kaika itski's Manifesto isn't the", "problem here"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["our biggest problem is that the man who", "created that Manifesto is out of our", "control now", "[Music]", "will you be able to arrest each team it", "all depends on what his next move is but", "we have to try at least", "[Music]", "thank you", "[Music]", "no meru seems to think doing something", "like this is easy maybe he thinks we're", "the police we're authorized to", "investigate in command so he's not all", "wrong if we could use that Authority in"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["the open this wouldn't be so hard all", "right let's review what we know", "as you are aware the shiniki initiative", "is a huge project shaniki spans 600", "square kilometers inhabited by 2 million", "residents the project includes plans for", "development of all types of Industries", "but shiniki also has another purpose", "it's meant to serve a testing ground for", "Nations", "the main purpose is for shaniki to apply", "new laws and a large amount of Labor", "power is being spent to achieve that", "so in other words what I'm saying is", "shiniki's biggest weapon is its"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["implementation of laws and systems and", "let us also not forget arresting its key", "isn't going to solve everything it's", "also going to be difficult to show", "itsuki did something illegal that's it", "considering the current laws of Japan", "you cannot press charges against someone", "for legalizing suicide article 202 would", "that maybe apply to a group Suicide it's", "not a contract murder or consensual", "homicide", "no one obviously pushed them off the", "rooftop of the city hall and no one was", "seen as being directly involved in their", "suicides it might be possible to"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["classify it as a betting or aiding", "suicide but it'd be difficult to", "demonstrate he aided somehow dead men", "tell no Tales the only possibility is", "proving he abetted yes", "we need emails or documents to pursue", "the case I'm gonna look for evidence", "that he encouraged all those people that", "he had them commit suicide once we know", "the charges we'll be able to issue a", "warrant publicly", "can you find him I'll need a lot of help", "as many investigators as I can get from", "special investigations or the police", "from both if possible I'll get you some"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["people here in two to three days", "I appreciate it my God what a ridiculous", "situation he made 64 people commit", "suicide and caused over 200 more to", "commit suicide after that simply by", "aiding and abetting them somehow but we", "still can't find any laws in order to", "publicly arrest him is it because the", "law is perhaps deficient or is it", "because", "hey Suzuki", "what are your thoughts on it is suicide", "really a bad thing", "how is the public reacting the majority", "are against it but"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["ninety thousand people I bet they're", "thinking about euthanasia euthanasia can", "be classified into passive euthanasia", "and active euthanasia", "they're both considered suicides since", "they're conducted according to the will", "of the patient passive euthanasia is", "already practiced around the world as", "one form of end of Life Care", "many countries have legalized it on the", "other hand most countries don't", "officially allow active euthanasia yet", "however it has been discussed in recent", "years as one type of informed consent", "I guess what I'm trying to say is I"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["would feel hesitant about it if Japan", "was the only one with that law but since", "many other countries are already doing", "it it lowers the barrier somewhat", "I know but shaniki's suicide laws", "clearly go far beyond that logic is that", "why you think only three percent of the", "population supports it", "you think it's going to increase there's", "a good chance it will", "it all depends on itsuki's next move", "next move what do you think he plans on", "doing originally the Parliamentary", "election comes next they were supposed", "to hold an election for the shiniki"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["parliament except shiniki doesn't have", "one yet", "hello", "I'm sending you an assistant officer to", "help she's only 23 but she used to be a", "court assistant she's particularly", "knowledgeable about the law what about", "the shiniki initiative I told her about", "it make", "thank you I will", "excuse me", "[Music]", "I am assistant officer hiasa sakuro I", "was told I am to be your assistant", "officer starting today prosecutor"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["saysaki Sakura", "the vice Minister of Justice yoshifumi", "Sakura he is my uncle", "I see", "how do you write here with the", "characters for Sun and flax", "I don't really care at all if you hate", "me or the shiniki initiative as long as", "you work hard and do the job of an", "assistant officer", "if you can't I'll replace you", "no need I'll work hard", "understood", "is awesome still sleeping", "oh I'm sorry"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["yeah", "I'll call again", "Sakura what do you got these are case", "books for each law I am verifying", "prosecution facts and validity did you", "find any problems with any of shaniki's", "laws I haven't", "shiniki hasn't been given operational", "Freedom that exceeds the laws of the", "local government there's nothing wrong", "with their laws as of now they must have", "prepared the laws carefully and the", "Parliamentary election instituting a", "parliament is mandatory Ichi has no", "chance of winning if it's an honest vote"]}
+ {"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["it will be announced in private I think", "they'll keep it as quiet as long as", "[Music]", "we have some King news it's a story", "related to shiniki just now around 7 A.M", "kaika itski the mayor of shiniki posted", "a video online addressing I found the", "video sir I'm kaika itzki the mayor of", "shiniki and as the new mayor I would", "like to say hello to all the wonderful", "residents of shiniti and everyone in", "Japan", "suicide law a new Regional law went into", "effect in shiniki recently the new law", "recognizes the right to death it's"]}
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