{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["this is Western Squad 8 come in HQ we", "have eyes on a fugitive Witch moving", "into eliminate I'll take them out no you", "won't you're still learning so put that", "down", "Lo ice magic", "olot honestly", "you are thorn in my", "S deepest apologies your", "majesty blithering", "buffoon forgive me sire but it must be", "said Chloe is a high ranking ice witch", "one Squadron station at the border", "cannot insolence you defy his majesty", "how dare you no of course not enough for"]} {"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["of your bleeding you will bring her to", "me immediately I won't allow you to", "escape Chloe the", "witch so", "tiring well let's", "go you", "okay why didn't you let me wield", "it my magic I know how to c SPS so why", "can't I fight for you I could have taken", "every single one of those punks why", "study magic if you won't let me use it", "honest you know the reason why you're", "not ready to wield magic of that", "caliber would someone who's not ready be", "able to do"]} {"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["this keep it up and I'll get mad for", "real you won't let me because they're", "human right like me", "me you're too nice Chloe keeping me from", "using magic against other humans no", "matter how much they mistreat you and", "you're kind you keep it all in so I", "won't be forced to fight my own people", "you always put yourself between me and", "them I'm so tired I am sick and tired of", "never being able to protect", "you and you know", "why because I Chloe I", "love me too", "Adonis me"]} {"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["too", "yeah location information", "synchronized what", "the we're floating but how it can't be", "have they actually done it not even", "witches have been able to ble to achieve", "longdistance physical", "transfer look at me", "Chloe I'm right here with", "you source code entered all modules", "active no noise extradimensional Qs", "transfer estimated success rate 99%", "Roger enacting transfer", "protocol transfer location Capital", "Central Plaza coordinates set to"]} {"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["2394 begin physical transfer", "countdown today I'd like to speak to you", "not as your Emperor but as a fellow man", "who stands shoulder toosh shoulder with", "each of you for as long as we can", "remember magic has protected us and", "delivered us from natural disasters to", "plagues Our Saviors have long been", "witches we praised them revered them and", "most of all we feared the", "witches and their magic power that", "exceeds human knowledge isn't a life of", "constant fear unjust must we gravel", "forever more at the whims of witches", "begging for their aid lest we be crushed"]} {"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["underfoot fellow citizens I ask are we", "not allowed to live heads held high", "absurd Behold our countless Airship", "soore through the sky our sprawling", "Metropolis bends to no storm our", "automatic trains Sprint through cities", "blazing a trail toward New Frontier", "years and the fruit of our Ingenuity the", "smartphones you hold in your hands our", "Empire has ushered in new technology we", "are in the midst of the gear expansion", "ask yourselves if this is the work of", "the helpless we do not need their", "strange Magics we mold the natural world", "with our own wisdom and we control it"]} {"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["with our own strength citizens now is", "the time to erase the witches eliminate", "them all in Declaration of this one", "truth we are the rulers of our own world", "let us extol ourselves for", "Humanity wonderful speech my dear the", "crowd is passionate they are I've have", "no doubt Society is moving in a positive", "direction a world white clean of witches", "be sming", "it", "[Applause]", "are they yelling at", "us which Chloe I presume how I've waited", "for this moment that guy is it's Emperor"]} {"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["Gerta you get out of here", "Chloe I'm going to buy you some time", "hold her right", "there", "bastard let go of me damn it pitiful", "child it's seems this boy was raised by", "a witch and led astray what is this", "world coming to listen to me king of", "humans if you value the lives of your", "people you will let go of my student", "right", "now I'm only saying this", "once is silence your final", "answer hear me citizens you are as human", "as my Apprentice Adonis I truly did not"]} {"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["want to fight if if I destroyed you that", "boy would lose his one chance of having", "a home to return to therefore I have", "spared your lives but your reain aims", "[Music]", "today my magic is", "gone which you cannot begin to", "understand the unparalleled power of", "science sence in the palm of our", "hands I bet it never once crossed your", "mind that the humans you witches live to", "help would someday rise up in pursuit of", "their", "saviors my magic why won't it", "cast our world is no longer captive in"]} {"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["your", "hands", "animal", "what's a witch who cannot wield her", "sorcery a mere", "woman everywhere out those what are you", "covering them up for give us the good", "bastard I'll tear you apart come here", "I'll kill", "you chlo wait for me hope right there", "you're much too loud little boy kill", "him your", "majesty I am the one to blame the child", "is", "innocent you are absolutely right we"]} {"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["witches deserve to die but the boy is", "different you see he's like you he's", "human I kidnapped him and raised him as", "my slave he is nothing but a poor", "miserable human boy so please I am", "begging you as the emperor and ruler of", "this world have mercy on the child your", "majesty you have me I don't care what", "happens a", "sleave why are you lying to them have", "mercy doesn't", "matter", "because I'm just going to kill them all", "[Applause]", "anyway what's going on what's"]} {"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["Happening what are they going to", "doonis", "thank you for", "[Music]", "everything in that", "moment when we", "met I was so very", "happy I", "love stop no", "stop I was", "truly", "truly", "truly happy", "[Music]", "[Applause]"]} {"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "yeah", "thus God said", "witches the humans may come to fear you", "as their hearts are weak and", "troubled even so befriend their lost", "souls and bring Eternal peace to this", "world should hate and War Reign an age", "of chaos will blanket the world", "dark and so our sto", "hands off this is my bread give it back", "you good for nothing H nice one from the", "dirty Pig who's been oinking through my", "sh you call me let go and get lost you", "first you ugly porker um there's no need"]} {"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["to fight one", "another we can compromise promise to get", "along with each other and you can have", "my", "share", "next time mind your own business you", "brat doraa and aren't you hungry at all", "that's the second time you've given away", "your bread isn't it totally fine in fact", "I've never been better", "see you're too nice daa meanwhile all I", "ever do is worry about myself technology", "has advanced so much because of the gear", "expansion so why do people keep fighting", "why are there still"]} {"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["Wars they told us didn't they humans are", "supposed to be happy without the witches", "around is", "this what they", "meant Anna look", "here I say whatever are those tears for", "lady Anna Dear Sir Knight it is because", "we are captives we were defeated by the", "Empire and now we are not but prisoners", "it is dreadfully scary down here in", "prison there is nothing to fear after", "all I trust everything will come", "together and work out just fine have", "faith in doroca she will find a way in", "my"]} {"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["place well guess Ser Knight is staying", "out of this", "one number 218 get up here 218 moveing", "it's one of you stand up if they call", "you number you're never coming back this", "is the fourth one isn't it who is", "it", "quit hiding who is it", "me over here right this", "way dorica what are you", "doing that's my", "number your looks check out and you fall", "within the age range so that leaves one", "thing let's have you strip", "down please don't act so surprised rules"]} {"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["dictate we must do a head to- toe check", "of your body so we don't offend the Lord", "you'll serve sedi this facility was", "built by our taxpayers the blood tax", "paid by common citizens be grateful for", "your meager contribution to the Empire", "and its", "subjects you", "understand don't worry you'll get used", "to it this is", "wrong who ushered in the gear expansion", "and the remarkable rise of human", "civilization and who crushed The Witches", "using scientific and Military might", "seizing dignity for"]} {"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["mankind every one of us in the Ria", "Empire your face is absolutely to die", "for you'll fetch a fine price with that", "look send the photos I just took to", "HQ photo sent to", "HQ gra her quickly big mistake sweet", "cheeks", "uh stop right there no thank", "you I need to free the others Mr phone", "unlock all the cells now please unable", "to comply the facility manager's voice", "must be authenticated to unlock the cell", "doors Pretty Please Mr phone let them", "out voice cannot be authenticated I'm", "begging you please God request denied"]} {"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["open up denied open up all the doors", "pretty", "please voice fa ifed", "huh they're opening but how it's just", "one thing after another", "everyone run for", "it don't move stay where you are I told", "you", "[Applause]", "to back let D go we need backup right", "away back", "yourselves cell doors are on", "[Music]", "unlocked stay", "out we too late they're all open what in"]} {"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["other words we're basically all", "screwed miss", "[Music]", "that", "[Music]", "[Music]", "[Laughter]", "yeah", "[Applause]", "prisoner", "1 Chief ought to know he's broken out", "idiot you think paperwork will fix this", "then what's your idea contain him can't", "take us", "all you're"]} {"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "him you", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "bastard", "hey are", "you wait stop I'm not with", "them I promise you so please", "[Music]", "[Music]", "don't", "[Music]", "attention internment camp Personnel all", "cell doors and Corridor partitions in", "blocks 1- six have been"]} {"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["breached the prisoners are on the loose", "proceed with containment this is not a", "drill I repeat this is not a", "drill Mayhem internment camp it's in", "prasing seven you're to head there at", "once and report back on the situation", "class 5 and above weapon use is approved", "any questions message received director", "loud and clear Ria's Harmony will be", "preserved with the might of my Iron Fist", "the NSB is the Keystone upholding public", "order an order forged by the emperor", "don't forget it right I won't forget", "ma'am good you're dismissed ma'am yes", "ma'am"]} {"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["man that guy acting all glib towards you", "like that I swear I'll kill him no let", "him be why brother it's", "true even so he's still an executive of", "Ria like", "[Music]", "you launching navigation please", "do there was a breakout that may him", "interment Camp", "concerning", "we've been", "robbed first the cells and now the", "confiscated property rooms been breached", "please forgive us it was the pink-haired", "girl she matched your vocal signature to"]} {"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["gain authorization from your phone sir", "that phone is a secure domestic model", "how could some girl just hack it oh she", "could keep the damn phone all I want to", "know is why that slave made off with", "this of all things if the higher ups", "catch wind it's all", "over hold on powo he if that girl was", "verified my authority level shouldn't", "have allowed her to open that chamber", "the confinement cell is", "restricted the prisoner in custody is a", "double s Threat Level serving a lifetime", "sentence the witch's Apprentice", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["Adonis written style summoning magic", "gain", "[Music]", "what", "the all right all of you are going to", "die did a clean sweep of this place top", "to bottom and not a single trace of that", "boy wow a building was just shelled sure", "copy that I'll be heading over right", "away as soon as I finish tidying up here", "looks like I missed a", "spot no what do I do", "now it's all my fault there was no one", "else I should have stopped him when I", "had the chance Hey listen taka got any"]} {"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["plans after this whatever you want to do", "Eric really the home security system you", "can helon to keep your family safe ready", "and two the newest model of assistant", "robot is available now visit your local", "store to grab Peace of Mind citizens", "breaking news from the ground just in we", "have reports of what appears to be a", "large artillery shell fired into a", "building in the business district our", "Newsroom is confirming any losses", "investigating if this is the work of", "terrorists wonder what you think about", "this don't she praise me knowing her", "she'd"]} {"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["say getting Revenge won't bring me back", "to life silly boy don't you remember our", "plan get out there and live a peaceful", "happy", "life that sounds like", "you e who is he even talking to over", "there psycho let's keep walking", "babe 10 years", "huh only 10 I'd remember it in a", "thousand", "years that tearful look in your eyes", "your voice your words", "I", "love I loved you", "too"]} {"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["Chloe inqu move", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "it", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "yes this is Precinct 6 luden police", "box huh there's a Colossus here don't", "waste our time go call someplace else", "for your", "prank oh the truth all right if you", "insist I'm going to need you to give me", "your", "s hey you this area's military property", "could have killed us are you hurt"]} {"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["anywhere", "massive it's crushing everything nutcase", "must be on drugs drag him out and", "apprehend", "him HQ this is luden police box transfer", "me to the narcotics", "Department", "no make that the", "[Music]", "NSB har help me I", "can't this isn't", "real you are not getting", "away Emperor", "get what are reports from the ground", "there's a robot or a Colossus of some"]} {"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["kind its origin is currently unknown", "it's trampled the business district and", "is headed our way it'll pass through", "Precinct 5 shortly but local defensive", "measures are strained is his majesty", "aware efforts to reach out have been", "blocked yes well according to the queen", "his Majesty's Health has been on the", "decline lately understood then by my", "authority I declare a state of emergency", "prioritize holding defensive line four", "all aircraft will give support from low", "altitude what about our troops on the", "ground sir dispatch the armored infantry", "at once we'll bring this giant to its"]} {"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["knees Roger", "it's huge how in the world does it walk", "brother the boy and his quill have both", "gone missing from the internment camp", "magic must be what's mobilizing the", "giant well that makes things simple", "locate the magic Photon suppression", "device that won't be difficult sir it's", "been stored", "underground however there's no guarantee", "it'll work properly after 10 years", "Yuki go see to its condition reia is at", "stake", "sir a state of emergency has been", "declared all citizens are to quickly and"]} {"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["calmly evacuate to a safe", "[Music]", "location help somebody please help", "me defensive line for main battle a", "targeting the unknown colossal entity", "commence fire", "where are you aiming kill the", "giant what are you doing it's the shells", "they're", "deflecting I'll Crush all of you you", "maggots Theory and practice 10 years", "sacrificed in meaningful", "isolation it was a simulation Without", "Limits scientific research conducted", "within the Mind an optimal environment"]} {"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["to orchestrate the most efficient method", "to slaughter a", "nation there exists only one technique", "through which a non-witch May tap into", "sorcery written style summoning magic", "with a unique quill as a conduit the", "wielder formulates Wells through", "breaking down the laws of magic into", "basic code Mastery is n impossible", "without direction from A Gifted", "teacher in his eyes those who were", "present 10 years ago and those who", "weren't were equally at", "fault your cause killed her every single", "one of you is complicit you reaped the"]} {"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["benefits basing in the peace this", "country bought with her death you killed", "her", "[Applause]", "eye for an eye you", "[Music]", "[Music]", "know oh", "dead so", "[Music]", "why I'm glad so glad they're all", "dead this is aout I have eyes on the", "Caster the big guy is carrying him in", "his hand yep exactly he sure matches the", "profile good work all forces our enemy"]} {"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["is a dangerous fugitive the witch is", "Apprentice", "Adonis Target the palm of the Giant's", "hand Target confirmed commencing", "attack Direct", "Hit don't let up", "[Applause]", "sir", "mom we're still", "evacuating I got to kill him get out of", "here now mom come on open your eyes", "mommy I'm so", "sorry I didn't stop", "this who's", "injured can kill that giant we need to"]} {"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["get away from here baby can you hear me", "can you look after him huh take him and", "run as fast as you can ma'am take him", "but I can't you two aren't safe here", "hurry where are you going to end this I", "have to stop", "him HS to move guess I'm a little out of", "shape", "sounds like quite the commotion out", "there doesn't it tell me dear around how", "long was I", "asleep no more than half an hour", "darling pay no mind to the Ruckus rest", "and let your body recuperate our Empire", "will prevail after all a certain Emperor"]} {"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["blessed it with strength to ensure its", "preservation your words Soo this weary", "Soul perhaps the true blessing was a", "certain Queen the emperor Drew support", "from to mold and shape the", "Empire", "darling if only there was more time to", "see it", "through terminal illness of all the ends", "please summon Dr Griffin at once yes", "right away no be still do not waste your", "breath on me", "the Divine has damned me am I cursed", "well God you'll hear no prayers of", "forgiveness from me we birthed an era of"]} {"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["scientific Truth for", "civilization all it required was the", "burned corpses of our witch Neighbors in", "the name of progress our world and", "Humanity would suffocate on the dirt", "kicked up by the witch's heels so long", "as they walked our soil mankind alone", "had to carve its own path in the pursuit", "of scientific", "Evolution this new age has no need of", "Arcane Magics they would impede us so I", "can say with conviction their deaths", "were Justified I did only what needed to", "be", "done it's raining bask in a well- earned"]} {"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["rest darling and let the rains wash away", "your", "fatigue you are a flower that blossomed", "in between the cracks of Carnage my", "beautiful", "queen signals lost impossible Commander", "we have an unknown civilian approaching", "the target as we speak a", "civilian talk about a sick joke we", "should killed you oh with that ice witch", "when we had the chance you're right you", "should have maybe I even wish you had", "please stop", "this I know you from the internment camp", "I beg you I can't watch this continue"]} {"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["family's torn apart countless victims", "who won't return home haven't you had", "enough when does it end I can't bear to", "watch another innocent", "die", "oh no how could you", "[Laughter]", "innocent of course the solution was", "right in front of me from the very start", "it's about thinking more simply no need", "to complicate things right ready in or", "not all humans will die by my hand", "prisoner or", "civilian Chloe wouldn't want this", "huh she meant the world to you didn't"]} {"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["she I know Chloe Morgan don't you dare", "speak her name you maggot you don't know", "a thing about her what's your game were", "you sent by your ready and Masters", "buying some time until the next wave", "comes sounds like something you filthy", "animals would do dirty then and dirty", "now there's no way we would have lost a", "humans if you hadn't pulled your sorry", "tricks on", "us you don't know what I've been through", "so stay out of my way", "Adonis your name the greatest witch this", "world has ever seen named her beloved", "Apprentice"]} {"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["Adonis oh witches like me know your", "story", "see are you really a", "witch nice to meet you my name is Doro", "liar you're lying all of the witches", "were hanged or burned alive so don't", "talk to me like you're one of them", "you're nothing but a girl", "no we're survivors some of us escaped", "the witch hunts some of you then where", "were you all when Chloe needed help you", "left your own to", "die I'm so sorry everyone was so", "desperate back then we should have done", "more for Chloe but you didn't and now"]} {"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["she's", "gone we can bring her", "back she can be", "revived", "whatever fairy tale you're living in we", "want no part of it little", "girl listen Adonis I'm only a prisoner", "of this Empire in order to rescue you", "from it both you and Chloe can be saved", "but we need your memories of her for the", "Revival to work you're the key to", "resurrecting her we can't do this", "alone I'll kill you kill anyone who gets", "in my way kill anyone who resists kill", "anyone who might fo Chloe kill anyone"]} {"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["who speaks of her every last one of", "you all right", "then if it'll bring an end to this", "terrible", "violence I'm happy I met you", "[Music]", "theonis", "can't you bring her back is it really", "true it", "is come with me you don't have to do", "this alone", "anymore", "Donis man really what a let down I", "should have nailed that to for", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "one", "[Music]", "Dora is that you Mia I'm so glad you're", "all right why are they attacking us this", "is so", "terrible I can't say without warning", "they stormed the town what did we do I", "thought humans and witches were all", "friends even Mr Tom from across town", "feels better now after we helped him get", "well let's gotten into them magic", "that'll help no we can't we should", "still that machine is suppressing our", "powers they can do that maybe seeking"]} {"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["counsel from Madam ailia is our answer", "get out of here doraa run and don't look", "back you must find The Madam tell her", "what you saw", "by", "myself no Mia I can't go and leave you", "behind forget about me and listen P A", "girl just", "[Music]", "listen what's", "wrong what did they do to you just", "follow the star of Revelation it'll", "guide you to Madame oia's manner okay we", "were there for the festival you remember", "don't you look here you are a strong"]} {"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["girl lady dor run as quickly as you can", "and no one will catch you you'll have", "cross towering mountains up yonder", "before you know it but we have to leave", "now okay that's right off you go be safe", "come with me just stay strong oh so this", "is where the sneaky [\u00a0__\u00a0] ran off", "to party's not over", "yet", "hey I messed up", "I hold on don't you die first tell me", "how if Chloe can come back tell me", "how", "listen the wi", "just"]} {"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "PL don't you dare screw with me you", "witch for five Chloe from the dead yeah", "what else want of your back is it enough", "for me to know what to", "do you're going down redey", "Beast wrapping up out here director", "yam don't get cocky I'm not", "through neutralize him now", "[Music]", "out now", "[Music]", "[Music]", "kinds got you", "ridden style summoning"]} {"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "Magic", "maximum gain get", "lost are you kidding", "me you writhing", "maggots what made you think you stood", "any chance against against me that your", "guns could Trump", "magic you kill Chloe did you seriously", "believe I'd let any of you get by", "unscathed [\u00a0__\u00a0]", "you I can't wait to wipe all of you off", "the face of this", "planet then you'll know Chloe's", "despair hurry"]} {"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["Yuki", "quickly the magical photons ression", "device the crown jewel of science killer", "of", "witches once activated we'll be able to", "turn off his magic like a", "light more", "importantly I'll finally be useful to my", "brother what the hold up turn it on away", "Ma'am why am I not surprised the Hot", "Blooded National Security Bureau wound", "up here director", "oh Yuki it's astonishing what a strong", "young woman you've turned out to be", "unfortunately I can't allow you to"]} {"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["activate this", "[Music]", "device and why is", "that please explain", "[Music]", "yourself how's it going Yuki what's the", "status", "you might sound levelheaded but you're", "about as calm as boiling water right now", "director Theta this is a surprise hello", "to you too do you have a moment to speak", "at this time", "no we're racing against the clock I my", "back your solution to this madness is", "not"]} {"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["here you can't activate the magic Photon", "suppression", "device", "because the purpose of science as a tool", "is to shed light on a dark", "World however while our discoveries have", "explained much there are still some", "findings we've yet to understand", "fully one such being the particles", "emitted from the magic Photon", "suppression device I'm afraid I don't", "follow human cellular dysfunction", "disease sound", "familiar from 10 years ago it's an ESS", "developed by soldiers who participated"]} {"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["in the witch hunts so what of it we", "can't say for certain due to the large", "number of factors but we believe the", "particles emitted by the device had", "adverse effects on the human", "body our cells simply cannot withstand", "it that's news to", "me because we hit", "it", "as things stand right now there are no", "more witches left to restore the", "environment's Natural Balance and the", "atmosphere that would have nullified", "these harmful Rays has", "eroded we have fallen out of Grace with"]} {"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["nature acute exposure of the human body", "to these", "particles will snuff out one's", "life and you're certain about", "this think back on the witch hunts that", "took place do you recall what fate", "awaited those who fought for the sake of", "humanity within the shadow of this", "machine that means his Majesty's", "[Laughter]", "[Music]", "illness", "there you have it now take your men and", "get", "out please"]} {"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["Yuki Yuki no come back here she's", "worried about a disease from 10 years", "ago while our country is under attack", "right now Yuki go see to its condition", "reia is at stake", "sir", "all Personnel", "Retreat Yuki stop didn't you hear what I", "said get away from that device any", "exposure is a risk", "Yuki but ready is at", "stake", "brother", "[Music]", "huh commander looks like he's dropped"]} {"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["the quill he's", "unarmed are you and Yuki safe and", "uninjured down there", "director I made it in", "time everything's fine here did Yuki do", "something tell me I'm the adult here kid", "focus is this someone you can't beat", "without jamming magic are we letting a", "boy give us this much", "trouble ask yourself what should you be", "doing eliminating any threat against Ria", "and the safety of her people", "yes we are the rean Empire we are", "indestructible all units move", "[Applause]"]} {"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["in", "aiming you fall back in", "line you think you can come in here and", "wipe us out I said get back in line", "now", "[Applause]", "activating", "thermalblade Witch is Apprentice my", "ass is this", "it I get to die", "me please do it wait for me", "Chloe", "did that Soldier make it Smoke's too", "thick to see", "anything look over"]} {"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["there his head's mine he's", "dead I killed the", "monster", "take that you've got to tell us your", "unit crazy move sister The Witch's", "apprentices neutralize don't mess with", "the Ria Empire we got the", "sucker this is yam of the NSB", "well done everyone our combined efforts", "took down the witch's Apprentice but now", "is not the time for celebration collect", "his body from the war zone and assess", "the Damage Done To Each area of the city", "convene with the local paramedics and", "help with search and rescue"]} {"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["efforts so that's ready as war", "hero she's young a new recruit of the", "armored foot soldier Division I can", "confirm", "no more important ly seed to director", "Theta and vice director Yuki dismissed", "sir you were right all along director", "Theta we are Ria and together we are", "[Music]", "[Music]", "strong magic survived Against All Odds", "the vile occult Arts remained lurking", "within our nation's very borders my", "citizens a boy we took from a witch", "wrought destruction the likes of which"]} {"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["we've never seen an outcome we once", "thought unimaginable a horrific atrocity", "committed by that incarcerated Fiend The", "Witch's Apprentice a Donis despite being", "our fellow human that monster was a", "remnant of the terrible old world", "inthrall to The Temptations of magic", "even after 10 long years it remains a", "persistent and frustrating mystery how", "is it that human boy could harness the", "evils of magic with the flick of his", "wrist much blood was spilled that day", "looking back now I cannot help but feel", "enraged I allowed the devil to live but", "this will not Shake us for we all must"]} {"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["remember the Empire of Ria is the", "Pinnacle of the world the power of", "science we've Acquired and mastered and", "our Invincible Army that stands at the", "ready will never bow to evil man or", "witch do not shrink from the flame", "burning fervently in your breast embrace", "it be proud you were born a citizen in", "the reia", "Empire there is no place for the old", "world no place for the old God this", "nation stands as the god of our", "[Music]", "age we've had loss but we went through", "was traumatic and I know things haven't"]} {"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["been easy mock exams begin tomorrow", "focus on that understood then home room", "is dismissed question why do you think", "that dude's even on the witch's side in", "the first place I mean he's human who", "could say indoctrinated by the cult", "maybe well first period is PE now go get", "changed", "I was there you", "know I saw what you did what what is", "your problem lay off me okay not like", "you would do anything", "different Ary let's go Yaman is a total", "drag if you're", "late drop dead you"]} {"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["[\u00a0__\u00a0]", "atrocity my ass there's no country if", "we're all", "dead taka I'm", "sorry you must really hate me Harry help", "me Harry I'm screwed pull me out why", "can't you pull yourself", "[Music]", "out what is", "it I'm sorry he what are you doing you", "can't just leave me here what happened", "to the two of us huh you wanted to be", "with me didn't", "[Music]", "you such an ugly"]} {"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["girlfriend I left my boyfriend to", "die and this Apprentice guy who killed", "him", "it's actually kind of H naughty", "girl calm down darling didn't mean to", "scare a government in", "signia no don't you bother you like him", "right keep them no need to delete but do", "try to be more discreet at least let's", "not forget he's responsible for mass", "murder don't be afraid I may be with the", "G government but I promise I'm no rat", "okay thank you I'm sorry I need to", "go Oz here I've got one section 62 high", "school girl running down Grand Road I"]} {"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["have reason to believe she's a", "sympathizer arrest her and take her", "in well believe it with the National", "Security Bureau my guess is she'll be", "executed or maybe imprisoned for treason", "Chief H sir good I'm glad I found you", "here final check has been", "completed great I'm heading back", "now disaster inspection has been", "exhausting so I expect a hug and a kiss", "when I get back Miss", "jby Chief Oz if you could please instead", "prioritize my transfer request that", "would be fantastic either that or", "contact the Libra standard's office"]} {"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["constant overtime and an abusive boss", "who makes creepy passes why is this", "department the one with toxic working", "conditions right let's move on some", "incredible analysis just came to my desk", "so stop wasting time and get over here", "quickly please", "sir mind giving me a quick summary", "[Music]", "basically it's the corpse of the witch's", "appr princess it's a", "fake", "hold them down everyone", "quickly his vital are AIC no sign of", "settling down he can't take much more of"]} {"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["this heterophase transfer is stressful", "on the heart too much for a human", "body", "don't give up hope he is still with us", "Madam", "opilia allow me to stimulate his brain", "back to full", "[Music]", "function", "Chloe", "Chloe duplication magic death", "cancelling", "duplication what the hell's going on", "tell", "me my name is Anna and I infiltrated"]} {"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["this nation with dorica to find", "you just as we planned to bring back the", "ice witch Chloe", "Morgan we're getting you out of", "here so there are others save your", "questions he's ready to be sent madame", "opilia", "the", "[Music]", "hell forgive me", "doraa my dear child thank you thank you", "for fighting in our name I know it", "wasn't", "[Music]", "easy just who are"]} {"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "you hang on is", "this indeed this is the nation of", "[Music]", "witches look they're getting right", "[Laughter]", "wow oh you're already well enough to be", "up and", "about yeah thank goodness I'm sure Chloe", "would be sad if anything were to happen", "to", "you you mean the two of you knew her as", "well yes of course when we were younger", "she treated us both with such kindness", "we all loved"]} {"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["Chloe did", "you I'm fine now I can walk on my", "own this place is Untouched by human", "influence my boy the path you've", "traveled to arrive here is far beyond", "your", "imagination your body was placed under a", "lot of", "stress Madame", "opilia this Season's Harvest is ample as", "well what did you do to", "me the", "hell all I did was send out an", "invitation to Chloe Morgan's Apprentice", "Adonis does that mean you knew Chloe"]} {"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["too you are correct there's not one", "witch in this nation who doesn't know", "Chloe Morgan her strength wisdom joy and", "kindness touched everyone here though", "renowned for her Affinity with ice magic", "she was a witch of cheerful disposition", "who radiated warmth like the sun", "sadly chloee had to be exiled from The", "Witch's Nation our son was no more don't", "you give me that you banished her for", "teaching magic to a human", "child and I presumed Chloe told you", "about that did she not at all I figured", "it out spent a lot of time with", "her for our kind it has long been"]} {"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["believed that magic is the soul of", "witches it is a manifestation of the", "friendship and devotion God's holy power", "granted us that we may guide humankind", "this is a sacred responsibility that no", "human can inherit you can imagine our", "disbelief when Khloe took you in her", "intentions for choosing a human were", "unclear confused by her actions all the", "witches begged her to abandon the human", "Apprentice in her care and return home", "to the witches Nation do you know what", "she said to us in response to our please", "sorry", "certainly like her wouldn't you agree"]} {"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["done reminiscing about the old days I", "am I have something of yours that you", "might want", "[Music]", "back that's my", "quill out of the", "way give it", "back a phoenix feather imbued with magic", "and fashioned with adornments resembling", "waves and a red dragon's eye truly a", "masterpiece Chloe made this quill for", "you did she", "not yeah who else would have given this", "to", "me you said your name is"]} {"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["opilia bringing Chloe back to life can", "you do it we which just haven't the need", "to", "lie I", "see I", "see what is that the hell this isolated", "land is beyond the reach of humans", "Celestial and untouched we arrived here", "10 years ago and it became a sanctuary", "for witches to live peacefully once more", "the new witch's Nation known as", "lunamia you see science revealed man's", "true nature perhaps God created a", "spherical world for humans with sights", "obscured Beyond its Horizon because he"]} {"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["foresaw and mourned for their future I", "don't buy any of that there is no God", "turn around boy the gravestones for the", "witches that died humans are Shackled by", "their mortal Expressions It's always", "darkest before the dawn the opposite of", "Love is indifference but in spite of", "these sayings the truth of the matter is", "that the sky brightens as Dawn", "approaches and the opposite of Love is", "obviously hate hear me witches will", "corrupt Humanity that is what Mankind's", "King let all his subjects to", "believe this is AO a tree that produces", "witches have you seen one before in your"]} {"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["apprenticeship I haven't this is the", "first I've seen in", "[Music]", "person Chloe never did tell me much", "about where she came came from witches", "are a monosex population unlike humans", "we are without mating", "pairs we receive life from these", "trees born as fruit and bearing the", "power of God himself mystical yes if you", "say so this is the last surviving tree", "brought here from the planet's surface", "it went nearly extinct after humans", "raised the others by", "fire it is the only Tree in existence"]} {"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["that can birth and rebirth", "witches then that", "means you can't", "be up there in that", "[Music]", "bulb Chloe is that", "Chloe it isn't what you see up there is", "nothing more than a witch awaiting her", "birth from the bulb she requires your", "resolve to become the Chloe Morgan we're", "familiar with and why do you need", "me what you know is Magic is merely", "taking thought and granting it tangible", "form in the material", "world consider for a moment the written"]} {"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["style summoning magic you wield", "depending on your proficiency it can be", "used to give form to any and all thought", "in other words it is", "versatile", "it manifests my thoughts what would", "happen to memories memory is life itself", "all it would take is a stroke from your", "quill you could seal your memories of", "Khloe within the witch up there and then", "perhaps I'm sure you of all people can", "deduce the likely outcome in any case", "the key to Chloe's Resurrection is you", "Adonis please let me know when you're", "ready we'll begin the ceremony then"]} {"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["no way", "seriously my magic can save Chloe she", "can live", "again the duplication witch what do you", "want", "now don't you have something to say for", "yourself I'll", "wait wait for what for me to say thank", "you oh cut the crap", "Doro would still be alive if not for", "you how is that my", "fault she's only dead because your", "scheme fell apart got nothing to do with", "me what hey how dare you walk away we're", "not finished here how selfish you humans"]} {"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["are must feel pretty nice to have things", "go your way Reviving your beloved Master", "whenever you want using our magic in", "this tree", "was it really worth it this plan risking", "our lives to save someone like", "you what me to answer that for you the", "one you really want is Chloe you were", "just waiting in the wings to snatch me", "up that", "right what do you mean don't you play", "dumb", "atonis listen to me the witch's plan is", "to use Chloe's power for their", "benefit after bringing Chloe"]} {"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["back take her and run", "[Music]", "away the witch's Nation your kind can", "live in extreme environments without the", "type of gear I wear so why even build", "this facility to begin with because this", "place is a cage to keep humans", "in they'll kidnap human slaves and and", "kids using your heterophase transfer", "teach them written style summoning magic", "and force them to fight witches are", "clinging to survival by a thread so you", "need an alternative source of soldiers", "to win Chloe made this quill for you did", "she not only Chloe knows how to make the"]} {"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["quills which is why you witches need her", "alive isn't", "it magic is the soul of", "witches H you're so full of it to faced", "hag", "just hold on so now what happens what is", "your", "aim get over yourself and help I can't", "let Dora's death be in vain so", "cooperate I'll still bring Chloe back to", "life that has not", "changed I'll simply follow her will", "that's all I'll revive her and if Chloe", "doesn't side with you", "witches"]} {"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["consider us", "enemies that's all there is to", "[Music]", "it now let us all", "begin it was our will that brought you", "here which Adonis but now you are the", "key to birthing Chloe a new your will", "alone can make this", "possible", "Right written style summoning", "Magic", "nostalgic", "[Music]", "memories", "Chloe and over there that's the"]} {"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["constellation of Fu follow my hand just", "connect that star with that one", "see you don't have to show me supposedly", "it makes the beautiful face of the great", "Fu who you bear resemblance to heard", "this a million times and you look", "nothing like her I don't recall asking", "you", "brat and that's the Sea Dragon", "constellation last Phoenix is the one", "right up there and that one is Claris", "the giant of knowledge look at you", "Adonis memorizing them by yourself you", "whiz kid such a prodigy wait I'm the one", "that taught you that makes me a"]} {"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["goddess look that one over there that's", "the Adonis", "constellation you came up with that one", "right", "huh chlo you jerk that's right I", "remember you're talking about the one", "where you connect those rainbow colored", "stars like this right you're so off it's", "over there you really didn't put any", "thought into it did you", "that's not", "true I wouldn't trade the time I spent", "with you for", "anything looking back on", "it it all feels like a"]} {"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["dream Chloe", "Chloe again can't you pick up after", "yourself I thought you witches were", "known to be a noble and dignified", "people sorry Adonis don't worry about", "those it's it's fine I'll put them", "[Music]", "away", "Adonis I know I taught you better than", "to spy on L's", "bathing you're such a precocious boy", "what I'm not spying you were in there", "too long so I got worried", "okay I'll see and watch and keep an eye", "out listen I know we haven't bathed in a"]} {"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["while but our pursuers might show up so", "we can't afford to waste", "time you're so", "kind for staying with", "me you're all I have in this", "world living here I can't do it by", "myself", "me neither", "[Music]", "Chloe I love you so", "now thank", "you", "[Music]", "oh", "you said your name is"]} {"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["opilia bringing Chloe back to life can", "you do it we witches haven't the need to", "lie you see science revealed man's true", "nature perhaps God created a spherical", "world for humans with sights obscured", "Beyond its Horizon because he foresaw", "and mourned for their", "future", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "I love you", "so I", "can't I can't do it I'm sorry I won't", "drag you back to this mess Chloe I won't"]} {"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["put you through that pain pain never", "again it's too cruel here too cruel for", "my", "beloved I'll be damned if I let you", "suffer this world's", "[\u00a0__\u00a0] nostalgic memories replace it", "all you're here ring your spell mid cast", "why", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Music]", "Adonis", "I didn't want to leave my debt unpaid", "it's simple as", "that hold on why are you"]} {"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["here this is the witch's", "Nation", "lunia Madame opilia and everyone if I'm", "alive", "what am I doing here how is this", "possible when I was", "shot why in the world am I naked why I'm", "so sorry you had to see something so", "foul and filthy and unsightly please", "everyone and see what you saw and never", "think of it ever", "[Music]", "again just calm down quit blubbering and", "put that on you saved me and Ria so now", "we're"]} {"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["even um but where is", "Chloe where is she", "indeed oh my dear Adonis what have you", "done we offer our hand to you in", "Goodwill and you slap it away with your", "betrayal we risked our lives to save you", "and heal your wounds sheltered you from", "the humans we guaranteed your safety and", "in exchange all we asked was for you to", "rebirth Chloe with that quill why throw", "mud in our", "faces how could he he's merely human he", "never loved his", "master do you think he's abandoned Chloe", "in favor of dorica well what say you"]} {"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["dorica was it you who plotted this tell", "us speak up my child please I can't hear", "you um you see I just wanted could you", "please shut up already damned", "witches I won't won't resurrect chloee I", "was the one who made that call fancy", "yourself in", "charge you seem to have forgotten who", "you're talking to little", "boy what can a human do against a", "witch there's some kind of interference", "no that can't be possible", "Adonis what exactly is the meaning of", "this oh you didn't know you're looking", "at a double s Threat Level prisoner"]} {"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["serving", "life the humans are mind to hunt down", "and Slaughter to Extinction so you just", "sit back and", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "watch the me to tree our hope it's on", "fire a witch's tree I had no idea there", "was one remaining no matter imulation", "engaged Dome interior scan complete", "oxygen level suitable retracting", "protective face", "shield Al last of an evil race and their", "Apprentice you're nothing but rats in a"]} {"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["cage no thank you for the invitation why", "not take a look around", "human it's your", "graveyard the MEO can be saved mam", "opilia I'll D it water magic pull out", "the Flames", "M let me handle", "this", "base transfer complete witch sighting is", "[Music]", "confirmed Santa Maria yes Madam", "ailia enhance magic reverse", "[Music]", "SE", "we'll defend our"]} {"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["home go forth sisters leave no Soldier", "Alive written style summoning", "magic come", "[Music]", "fall", "all right now that's what I'm talking", "about damn it pull it together deploying", "B", "[Music]", "Shield warning damage level rising", "damage level rising hey what's wrong on", "your feet you", "hotthead how hard can it be to kill a", "cage", "rat"]} {"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["what gem magic amethyst", "dress what", "crystals can't", "move", "I'm the Venom Fang witch jaia come Venom", "Fang magic snake", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "God die as the F you are swarm magic", "human", "Hotel", "natural law", "magic fall back find an", "opening her", "[Applause]"]} {"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["now damn", "[Applause]", "it Game of", "Death humans are as feeble as infants", "they Crush so easily I believe Victory", "shall be", "ours", "Squad 2 transfer", "successful now I understand it would", "seem they mean to outlast us in a battle", "of", "attrition so director care to explain", "why we found a cluster of witches in", "hiding when we had supposedly killed", "them"]} {"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["all", "Enlighten us director Theta as head of", "the National Science", "agency of", "course what you all see before you is an", "image of model", "-89 this was a prototype created for the", "purpose a physical transference", "experimentation we sent it into space", "after its use in the witch extermination", "mission", "unfortunately from what Intel we can", "gather the witches seized that", "opportunity to capture the prototype in", "other words those witches clung to the"]} {"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["back of our science like ticks to flee", "beyond the very ends of the", "sky yes this was an oversight and for", "that I", "apologize and what if that Dome", "structure they built on the moon's", "surface are you saying that it was", "witchcraft that camouflaged it hiding it", "from our astronomical wave radar correct", "this isn't a game the science agency is", "the pride of the four bureaus we shall", "ear a Fortune of the annual budget to", "keep you working so how did this", "oversight happen in the first place", "think director if the people learn that"]} {"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["the witch Wars we purportedly W are", "ongoing how will they respond utterly", "foolish not even your life will be", "enough to cover the cost of this failure", "would you give it a rest you noisy cow", "huh scapegoats and public statements can", "wait less yapping and more execution", "team people are done with witch hunts", "let's give them what they", "[Laughter]", "want no matter what Yuki has always been", "at my", "side when I joined the National Security", "Bureau she joined along with me when I", "was promoted to director she became my"]} {"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["vice she was the youngest", "ever my little sister is truly", "amazing bureaucracy doesn't suit her but", "she did it", "anyway please director", "yam do you remember director Theta", "on that day amidst the chaos it was you", "you who said we were", "indestructible she and everyone would be", "fine if we trusted the science didn't", "you say that my sister is only 14 years", "old witch Apprentice", "Adonis this is all your", "fault I'll make you you", "pay set arm operating output to"]}