{"chunk_num": 0, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "SII it's finally here Fruit Of Evolution", "2 sure is sya but wait what's that mean", "what's evolved exactly our feelings St", "no that's not it our motivation we've", "always had that uh maybe there's new", "characters no it's still about us well", "then there a surprise what's going to", "evolve here we go season 2 begins at", "[Applause]", "last", "it's", "[Music]", "is that all the strength you've got", "seichi oh"]} {"chunk_num": 1, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "pathetic you can still avoid my", "attacks", "[Music]", "I'm bored with this I'd say that we're", "done", "here", "byebye don't you dare", "touch", "not bad at", "all", "sorry I'm I'm", "[Music]", "coming surely we can all agree Sara is", "truly hideous as a"]} {"chunk_num": 2, "subtitles": ["Gilla", "bye-bye", "[Music]", "wait", "No", "[Music]", "SI tell me the truth and I'm a", "gorilla do you still love", "[Music]", "me oh how beautiful a passionate dying", "kid SII is there something wrong how", "come your face is all stiff and stuff", "yeah what's the matter big brother did", "you just wake up from a bad", "dream bad dream"]} {"chunk_num": 3, "subtitles": ["uh", "everything's fine all", "good it was a dream all right but what", "did it mean everyone look up", "[Music]", "ahead", "T welcome to your new home Friends the", "Great", "[Music]", "barbadoro isn't this exciting s sure", "is well here here we go time for part", "two of my life in another", "[Music]", "world", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 4, "subtitles": ["oo come I'll show you around follow", "me hear that it's even creaking", "mysteriously wow what kind of food do", "they have here we're not on", "holiday", "barbadoro for students seeking to master", "magic this exclusive roster comprises", "the world's for most magical City there", "are so many different shops here so it's", "not just an academy then look oh they're", "selling Bon too no Tom but it's still", "super", "yummy I guess some things will never", "change like L hey you guys the entrance", "to the academy is over here I know"]} {"chunk_num": 5, "subtitles": ["Barnabas is excited but that seems like", "a bit much let's go come in if all you", "want to do is eat then we'll leave you", "[Music]", "here oh yeah we're still the outcasts", "here all right yep and all because we", "were summoned From Another World", "apparently that makes you the enemy at", "this school well Kazuki got any idea", "what we should", "do it's coming what's coming and when", "elaborate this may sound crazy but I", "picked up an extremely nostalgic Smell", "You couldn't possibly mean it's SII huh", "are you sure SII is it possible are you"]} {"chunk_num": 6, "subtitles": ["already close by now SII let's get to it", "I will tell you exactly what I request", "of you that sounds good last time we", "talked about it you only told me you", "wanted me to be a teacher", "here children of royalty and nobility", "from many different nations come to", "study at this Academy alongside them we", "also have a few special students who are", "here from another world does he", "[Music]", "mean those particular the students are", "enrolled as hero candidates from the", "Kaiser Empire but their latent abilities", "are strong they've all been ostracized"]} {"chunk_num": 7, "subtitles": ["by our current students and there's no", "end to their", "corals really that's not", "right it's a tricky situation we don't", "know how the Kaiser Empire would respond", "should they hear about their students", "being ill treated at the Academy and so", "it's up to you bang bang say it's all on", "you now your duty is to become the", "savior who maintains order at this", "Academy you want me to be whose", "[Music]", "savior water see you are the coolest", "you're already to would the kids at home", "even get that ask your mother or father"]} {"chunk_num": 8, "subtitles": ["kiddos so on that note I'd like you to", "work with the more talented students we", "have the ones who seem capable of", "matching the hero candidates I believe", "in you seichi I just hope I don't let", "them down it's a big job so you've told", "seichi his role but how will the rest of", "us fit in here don't you worry I've", "prepared the perfect positions for each", "one of you in our great Academy first", "let's begin with sarya and", "lulan you'll both be enrolling as", "students do you like our uniforms don't", "you think we look cute Master yeah you", "both look so adorable I can't think it's"]} {"chunk_num": 9, "subtitles": ["the best feeling ever when you don't", "permit me like that how do I put it it", "makes me to burst out of just bursting", "out of your uniform that's your body no", "as for your fatal", "Toria you'll be the adventuring", "instructor who teaches our students how", "to perfect their", "abilities feeling adventurous why don't", "you come with", "me who could resist that", "invitation I'm not saying anything like", "that next assignment is for oiga she'll", "be Si's assistant hi professor let's do", "some fun"]} {"chunk_num": 10, "subtitles": ["experiments ala doesn't enjoy degrading", "herself for work either", "King We Salute You Baris", "sir that's basically it just do your", "best okay yes sir whatever if you asked", "me which you didn't I'd say let's go to", "the cafeteria where do you put it all", "you Glutton what's a glutton like gluten", "I'm going to be a teacher huh you two", "cut it out just shows you never know", "what will happen in", "life I used to be the one who was", "bullied and then I was suddenly", "transported to this world where I had a", "gorilla challenge me to a fight then"]} {"chunk_num": 11, "subtitles": ["proposed to", "me and become my bride I met lots of", "beautiful women and before I knew it I", "had a perfect life I fought a dark", "knight and a dragon", "I got welcomed into an eccentric Guild", "gold muscle now my dirty Little Darlings", "I fought are you ready for this no", "thanks I'm", "good and fought some", "more so much crazy stuff happened when I", "get back I'm going to have to watch the", "first season again but all of that", "started the first time I ate the the", "fruit the fruit of"]} {"chunk_num": 12, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "evolution it tast it awful now then SII", "I think we should head over to class F", "that's the one you'll be taking over any", "particular reason you picked that one", "well let's just say they're quite the", "collection of problem", "children why would I want that might I", "suggest you use", "your", "[Music]", "so you finally decided to return huh", "[Music]", "peeling and who are you well hello it's", "lovely to see you [\u00a0__\u00a0] where have you"]} {"chunk_num": 13, "subtitles": ["been you are the principal that means", "you don't get to go about galiva without", "letting your staff know where you are", "you be a second to think of something", "why don't you think about the mountain", "of paperwork that's accumulated over", "your personal", "holiday I I understand why you might do", "you have anything useful to say for", "yourself I was working on bettering the", "academy by research so your absence was", "best for the Academy yes in that moment", "yes it's a good thing I've arrived to", "correct that mistaken belief if you care", "about this school then make this pile of"]} {"chunk_num": 14, "subtitles": ["neglect to disappear and no skimming", "make sure you go over every single page", "before you sign them want to bounce", "bounes bo bo boy", "[Music]", "boy now let's get going yes", "M oh beautiful", "[Music]", "mountains", "[Music]", "so um", "Miss huh by the way my name is BHS", "rogner I'm an instructor here formerly", "in charge of class F I'm sorry for all", "the chaos you will endure you're here"]} {"chunk_num": 15, "subtitles": ["from class F yes I've been assigned to", "help with orientation the principal felt", "you would benefit from having an", "assistant teacher in class to share the", "workload oh right", "fun this is your hall right here artoria", "where you will teach our adventuring", "class lul as a Class A student you'll be", "there too wait what I can't do that I am", "a serpent with a master I have no desire", "to be apart from him for any type of", "Reason not even for food you know we", "have one of the best cafeterias you'll", "have to pass it on the way to class a", "cafeteria she's quick to change gears"]} {"chunk_num": 16, "subtitles": ["huh let's all try to make the most of it", "talk to you later okay okay just don't", "push yourself too hard take care", "and the rest of you come with me this", "way excuse me H am I allowed to ask you", "a question of course I was just", "wondering considering that you used to", "be in charge of class F well do you", "think it'll be weird working with", "me what the was that super offensive to", "ask is she going to treat me like she", "treated Bara now I didn't mean it I", "should have said anything the thing is I", "[Applause]", "I I was n a good fit I couldn't Inspire"]} {"chunk_num": 17, "subtitles": ["them they were all talented but I didn't", "know how to give them that push uh", "they're called problem children but", "that's not right they're all wonderful", "people who just need extra help I don't", "care what anyone else says I have faith", "in them that won't change I know there's", "amazing talent within each", "one wow that's so beautiful if the", "principal has bothered to acknowledge", "you he knows you're gifted I have no", "doubt you've been sent here to lead them", "down the right path", "I think I get it I don't know how well I", "can meet your expectations but I'm not"]} {"chunk_num": 18, "subtitles": ["going to give up trying no need to worry", "beatric you'll see say she's a very kind", "person he'll definitely make a great", "teacher yep and he's really patient", "too I'm", "glad and now that we've gone through all", "that I have no idea if I can teach AI uh", "what's up sarya go be", "[Music]", "brave right here I", "[Music]", "go come on you didn't even get the frak", "right that's a wash basin not a black", "por racer ask your grandparents about", "this comedic"]} {"chunk_num": 19, "subtitles": ["reference what am I worried about", "beatric said they're all great kids it's", "totally fine", "[Music]", "[Music]", "what's going", "on", "is this for", "real these are the special gifted kids", "she's all soft", "[Music]", "about class of students are unique", "they're very unpredictable and can be", "difficult to keep out of trouble it", "makes me worry about SI what's going to"]} {"chunk_num": 20, "subtitles": ["happen to my", "boy we seek the great Devil's", "Resurrection but to achieve that", "momentous feat we must use death and", "destruction Misfortune and chaos to draw", "out the sweet nectar of Mankind's", "despair", "will chice do you have an update for", "me it turns out our great devil order", "has already devised a cutting plan", "fascinating what might that be this time", "we're going to attack the bador magic", "Academy that's an excellent plan and", "that means you'll be collecting the", "lives of VIPs from all over the world"]} {"chunk_num": 21, "subtitles": ["for us to use it's quite an effective", "tactic isn't it by contributing to the", "great Devil's Resurrection I'll also be", "able to display my own strength and", "value", "what's going on", "[Music]", "[Laughter]", "here who the hell are", "you", "H you look like a piggy ready for", "roasting and my I add what a pathetic", "Piggly I recognize you Dey OS and you", "onrea what do you think you're doing", "showing up here like this I'll keep it"]} {"chunk_num": 22, "subtitles": ["simple we've agreed that we should be", "the ones heading to barbod Magic Academy", "you two why it would be irresponsible to", "entrust something so important to a", "filthy pig but that plan's still in its", "early prop stages you've proved our", "Point beautifully we don't require", "preparation and soon you'll", "be", "finished I hope we've answered your", "questions farewell little piggy please", "wait a minute I'm not done with you yet", "fine if you want to leave go but you", "need to untie me first hey I thought we", "were"]} {"chunk_num": 23, "subtitles": ["friends I can't wait to see their", "reactions hearing those desperate", "students at the Academy scream will be", "electrifying and all for the", "resurrection of the great", "[Laughter]", "devil", "we finally arrived at", "barbadoro for students to master the", "magical arts seichi and artoria joined", "as teachers while lul and I are enrolled", "as students oh and aliga will also be", "serving as sei's precious assistant now", "it's up to SEI he must restore order and", "save the academy but to do that he'll"]} {"chunk_num": 24, "subtitles": ["need to take control of class F VC's", "group of overpowered problem", "students", "[Music]", "he certainly got his work cut out for", "him with this mixed bag of", "Misfits will sahii be able to teach them", "preferably without dying what does fate", "have in store for our Valiant hero this", "time", "so not much for personal space huh I", "want to know who the hell you are start", "talking sure but could you take a step", "back I could tell right when you walked", "in loser you want to fight me don't you"]} {"chunk_num": 25, "subtitles": ["don't you maybe I can't do this after", "all at me when I'm yelling at you you", "nerd you think you could ignore me", "that's enough", "[Music]", "agnos", "oh hi boss lady P you're", "back that look", "painful a lady you promised not to hit", "with the quarter anymore will you stop", "using that ridiculous title you may not", "have realized it but the person you're", "picking a fight with is now in charge of", "this class what there's no way so that", "waste of space is our new teacher um"]} {"chunk_num": 26, "subtitles": ["yeah that's me nice to meet you we're", "taking orders from some BR", "that how many revolutions is he going", "for there that's", "better as I was saying before this is", "the man who will be taking over as your", "teacher say hello to Mr seichi and his", "assistant", "[Music]", "aliga huh where are the rest of them", "class F only has four", "students uh hi it's nice to meet you all", "I'm seichi", "hiiragi I know we're basically the same", "age but you can trust that I'll put my"]} {"chunk_num": 27, "subtitles": ["all into teaching you everything I can I", "hope we'll get along I'm ala nice to", "meet", "[Applause]", "you and this is sarya who will be", "joining class F starting today let's", "give her a warm welcome yep I'm Saria", "I'm sure we'll be good friends in no", "time", "oh wow look at you oh man you're the", "prettiest girl I've ever seen for sure", "did it hurt terribly when you fell from", "heaven you Angel if you're not busy", "after this we should grab some coffee", "together that's excessive even for you"]} {"chunk_num": 28, "subtitles": ["now please introduce yourselves to our", "three new arrivals all right me first", "the name is agnos Passion let me tell", "you a bit about myself my win loss is", "999 to Z I've more than earned my", "nickname of the Teri comador of hell you", "scared yet cuz you should be oh wow it's", "so cool yeah you think so and now it's", "my turn", "It's Magic totally magic nothing weird", "exit stage", "left okay next", "up brood Lev Kaiser Charmed I'm sure did", "you say Kaiser I most certainly did you", "have the honor of teaching a prince of"]} {"chunk_num": 29, "subtitles": ["the Kaiser", "Empire though of course my Royal status", "is hardly relevant here at the Academy", "you trying to upstage me pring you're", "back thought you were knocked out I was", "just resting my eyes please remember", "that even though I am in the same class", "as him I'm on a higher level excuse you", "nobody talks to me like that let's take", "this outside happy to oblige hey now", "fighting is not the answer", "guys agnos brood", "sit okay so who's next", "[Music]", "[Applause]"]} {"chunk_num": 30, "subtitles": ["do you really have nothing to say my", "name's Helen", "Rosa wow short", "intro yeah I had a feeling there was", "more to it so I guess the last one up", "is", "quiet", "Beast wait so does this mean you can't", "talk look at him so", "cute there's no", "way nope there's no way I can teach this", "class not happening I'm out of", "here h", "where is", "he I've got his Trail that's it for sure"]} {"chunk_num": 31, "subtitles": ["I'm", "close sorry are you okay my head wait", "hold on you're I setto yeah and you're", "the student council president what's the", "matter why were you in such a hurry oh", "it's nothing I just caught a nostalgic", "smell in the air do you mean what I", "think you do that's right I'm sure of it", "say ichi's distinct smell really I can't", "believe that say is actually here", "somewhere okay then I'll help look for", "him", "too", "sayi now if you would please come up one", "at a time I'll be returning your last"]} {"chunk_num": 32, "subtitles": ["herbalism tests Bring It On", "boss oh man I haven't done anything and", "I'm already exhausted you've got this I", "believe in you pnos your score was Zero", "why' you give me a zero it's not what I", "gave you but what you earned you wrote", "with spirit for every question because", "you can do anything with enough Spirit", "you", "know all right brood you're up next you", "did wonderfully 90 points oh wow amazing", "this much is to be", "[Music]", "expected be your turn you scored a 95", "truly outstanding"]} {"chunk_num": 33, "subtitles": ["no way how many times do I have to tell", "you these are mushrooms we're looking", "for medicinal herbs not fungi I'm sorry", "is the weird barehead guy smarter than", "me hey why'd she give you a good grade", "while I got a zero that makes no sense", "it's unacceptable huh obviously it's", "because your answers were so incorrect", "she had to fail you that's it outside", "now pretty boy still happy to Oly guys", "not this again", "[Music]", "door", "just how powerful is beatric and Helen", "scored 100% well done as always it's"]} {"chunk_num": 34, "subtitles": ["nothing wow you're all like super smart", "aren't", "you", "sorry yes another magic", "trick so question is it possible to", "transform using magic that does appear", "to be the", "case I'm serious sarya the others aren't", "used to you yet so please stop turning", "into a a gorilla you got it I'm not", "convinced you", "[Music]", "understand you're back are you ready to", "begin oh um yeah sure if I could make a", "suggestion you might want to start by"]} {"chunk_num": 35, "subtitles": ["observing the students practical", "abilities by that you mean like actual", "combat training or something yes I", "believe it would be best for you to", "understand each student's capabilities", "in that area", "so you can guide them appropriately", "moving forward well it definitely", "couldn't hurt let's do it he wants to", "see what we can do", "[Music]", "huh little bastard why did that say ich", "got come from anyway I'm afraid I", "haven't the slightest idea do you have", "any theories"]} {"chunk_num": 36, "subtitles": ["so are you what about you you seem to be", "awfully friendly with a new teacher do", "you know him I do actually that so and", "just what are you to him then oh easy", "I'm sii's loving wife oh okay so you're", "his wife then", "[Music]", "huh and what about that aliga girl who", "arrived with him she say ichi's little", "sister well that's interesting and you", "three came to the academy together not", "just us say he can leave his girlfriend", "and his servant behind is so good here", "what the heck he's got a girlfriend and", "a servant"]} {"chunk_num": 37, "subtitles": ["too of course we all love seichi he's", "the best J that", "guy Something I Said So new girl as his", "wife you must know a lot about him right", "I do a whole lot well then let's hear it", "just how strong is he oh he's super", "duper strong", "H I see", "[Music]", "huh I'm eager to hear the verdict a what", "was your first impression of the class F", "students well they've got strong", "personalities but I wouldn't necessarily", "say that they're problem children", "honestly I'm relieved I think they're"]} {"chunk_num": 38, "subtitles": ["funny interesting as I'm sure you've", "noticed by now class f is a bit", "different from the others here at the", "Academy", "what do you mean by different I realize", "you're still new here but as you walked", "around the campus today perhaps you", "heard their nickname um no I didn't", "actually they're known as the Dropout", "core you have to understand all four of", "them are dealing with a major", "problem okay let's do this Chumps is it", "just us in here you see anyone else", "around get ready cuz my bat's going to", "bring the"]} {"chunk_num": 39, "subtitles": ["fire that rookie teacher w't know what", "to hit him well well well what is the", "drop out core doing", "[Music]", "here come here and say that again you", "plebians shouldn't be allowed to walk", "the same hallways I", "do really simply breathing in such close", "proximity to fools like you is enough to", "make me sick brother please my stupid", "little brother brood this class is a", "perfect fit for a failure like you you", "keep shooting out that mouth must be", "prepared for the consequences you get", "away from me stop talking agnos you"]} {"chunk_num": 40, "subtitles": ["heard the crap he said I can't just do", "nothing I'll kill you what the hell are", "you doing let go of me how amusing let", "me show you the difference between Class", "s and your", "kind wait so there's a class s there is", "the top class at this Academy all who", "defy theobold Terra Kaiser heir of", "parents to the throne of the Kaiser", "Empire will'll be crushed like the worm", "they", "are H oh what beauty hides among the", "garbage tell me girl what is your name", "hi I'm Saria then Rejoice Saria for I", "hereby make you my woman from this day"]} {"chunk_num": 41, "subtitles": ["until your last huh that's nice and all", "but my heart already belongs to", "[Music]", "sayi I must have misheard you did you", "say you're rejecting my affections you", "heard right sorry I love CI so that's", "[Music]", "that impossible I know there's no man", "alive better than me say it she's way", "cooler than you'd ever possibly hope to", "be he's also incredibly strong and", "handsome come tell you'll speak to me", "like", "[Music]", "this what's so funny idiot you dare mock"]} {"chunk_num": 42, "subtitles": ["the future emperor of the Kaiser Empire", "as if I'll let you get away with such", "disrespect Sara I shall Grant you one", "last chance become my woman nope", "can't I suppose I'll let you go for", "today at least you're running away", "coward shut your peasant mouth I've", "granted you a reprieve for now but I", "will bury you all in the class", "competition class", "competition do look forward to it won't", "you not so", "much dude how long are you going to keep", "this up put me down", "already"]} {"chunk_num": 43, "subtitles": ["SEI oh good glad I found you sorry I", "took so long seichi so he's the one jeez", "what was the hold up well far enough I", "mean the", "[Laughter]", "head but hey at least I'm here now", "right did something happen that we", "should know about nah man it's all good", "feel free to start our lesson anytime uh", "right okay so is everybody ready to show", "me what you can do guess I'll let you", "take it from here then C sounds good", "thanks", "oh and I won't be using magic so no need", "to worry about"]} {"chunk_num": 44, "subtitles": ["that then your first opponent is me", "ladies first what do you mean Helen let", "me wear them out for you and uh yeah", "it's totally cool you go ahead chivalry", "ain't dead not to", "me okay you and me then you really won't", "use any magic what you think we can't", "handle it yeah no it's nothing like that", "I swear you don't get it your skills", "versus ours full", "out well in that", "case let's find out if your strength is", "the real deal or if you're nothing but", "talk", "I get that they want to test me but she"]} {"chunk_num": 45, "subtitles": ["looks like she's intent on murder what", "did I ever do to", "you SII definitely got more than he", "bargained for with Helen well my boy", "make me through the covering match", "without being named more importantly", "what exactly is this mysterious major", "problem the students of class F", "[Music]", "face", "say would you like to make a small wager", "shall we see which of us can kill more", "of the precious little brats at the", "barbadoro yes let's it's been quite a", "while now hasn't it since I saw the"]} {"chunk_num": 46, "subtitles": ["murder princess at full strength and for", "my part you know I always enjoy seeing", "your power of Deliverance brought to", "bear to be honest though I doubt you'll", "have a chance to do much of anything my", "magic will slice through that pitiful", "horde of juveniles like a knife through", "butter don't get cocky it's not going to", "be that easy the academy is stuffed full", "of magic users and then there's", "Headmaster Barnabas the one they call", "the holy Mage you shouldn't", "underestimate him oh my we'll be up", "against a mage of that caliber my heart", "can't take the excitement I wonder what"]} {"chunk_num": 47, "subtitles": ["kinds of Despair he has in store for me", "that's thrilling isn't it I'm positive", "the great devil will be", "[Laughter]", "[Music]", "delighted", "my ging sahii is now the big time Lead", "Teacher of class F in", "barbadoro to a kid with a nail glove and", "anger issues some quiet guy wearing a be", "head you're token", "Prince and the sun we all need it to", "balance us out at least it's entertain", "in of nothing", "else huh where are the rest of them"]} {"chunk_num": 48, "subtitles": ["first order of business a mock battle", "can't think of a better way to get to", "know the students and their abilities", "can you well in that case first up was", "Helen the tday who hates him but he", "can't be a tday without some", "angst what fade towait sweet seichi", "today let's find out shall", "we", "you really won't use any magic why limit", "yourself what you think we can't handle", "it uh no it's nothing like that good", "luck Helen it's your skills versus ours", "full out let's find out if your strength", "is the real deal or if you're nothing"]} {"chunk_num": 49, "subtitles": ["but", "talk what are you mad at me for don't", "fight when say I believe in you big", "bro can't wait to show wifey and little", "sis how pathetic you are you're filthy", "animal she's angry as long as I keep", "dodging I'll be", "[Applause]", "fine what's", "up when you play with knives you get cut", "did she hurt him don't see how she", "wouldn't", "very impressive Helen now we all know", "why they call you twin Crimson blades", "there see use your magic if you want I'm"]} {"chunk_num": 50, "subtitles": ["not worried yeah finish him off Helen", "we're", "good this is it my ultimate skill when", "[Music]", "bankr", "what is going on I could have sworn my", "attack landed but then suddenly I was", "flying through the air hey get your", "gross hands off me you giant creeper", "it'll know where your paws have been no", "way he's", "smooth I don't know why you're wasting", "our time you're the reason everything", "sucks right", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 51, "subtitles": ["now Carper let", "go that looked like it hurt yeah big", "ouchie", "that serves you right they'll think you", "belong here [\u00a0__\u00a0] up you're fighting me", "next hold on what for why don't we tag", "team him three onone what that is not", "what I'm about for what it's worth I", "would be okay with that whoa I'm not", "interested in your games keep it up and", "you'll be the first one I take down", "pardon but could we please take a moment", "yeah sure", "whatever this is supposed to be an", "assessment battle I know and I'm trying"]} {"chunk_num": 52, "subtitles": ["to move it along don't do it by ordering", "me around you trust me it's not what I", "gave you but what you earned Spirit wow", "amazing it's nothing let take this", "outside to oblige really if they've", "always been at each other's throats how", "are they supposed to work as a", "team we're so sorry for the weights hey", "I'm on to you newbie teacher keep your", "hands to yourself they one for L on", "Helen and watch what happens I'll crush", "your head on I hear you you don't have", "to get so close okay", "hey heads up", "Professor just"]} {"chunk_num": 53, "subtitles": ["St", "all three now", "agnos I got", "[Music]", "you air thrust Go flash fist what the", "heck's that mean no freaking way Dam", "it", "a what was", "[Music]", "that you are I knew you would Big", "Brother your brother's", "dreamy damn it I suck I suck I suck I", "suck now what we live the rest of our", "lives as failures oh cuz we can't use", "magic no that can't"]} {"chunk_num": 54, "subtitles": ["be the hell it ain't this wouldn't have", "happened if we could", "just if we had magic magic we could", "actually use we wouldn't be constantly", "picked on just cuz we're useless as", "[\u00a0__\u00a0]", "skill World", "[Music]", "Vision status error rejection of magic", "activation", "[Music]", "detected", "rejection conflicting condition detected", "the activation of magic has been", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 55, "subtitles": ["prevented", "you must understand all four of them are", "dealing with a major problem the sad", "truth is that none of them can use magic", "huh not for lack of trying those kids", "have put every ounce of effort they had", "into it and each time it doesn't work", "they take it even harder other students", "see this and treat them as though", "they're", "contaminated they've lost", "hope given up on their future", "[Applause]", "they're in a school that teaches magic", "and they have no magic to"]} {"chunk_num": 56, "subtitles": ["use they must feel so worthless seeing", "what the other students can", "do it has to have been so hard on", "them I remember what it's like being", "bullied at school having no place where", "I felt", "safe but I came here and met a bunch of", "kind people their acceptance saved me so", "that's", "[Music]", "why it's my turn I'm going to save you", "all oh is it that easy for you Captain", "savm like we're going to be healed by", "the touch of your Mighty", "hand I think if we just work together we"]} {"chunk_num": 57, "subtitles": ["can prove what you're really capable of", "I believe in all of you his mother", "raised him right", "before I can teach them anything I must", "free these kids from the chains that", "bind", "them give them Freedom free them to free", "is to liberate is that right", "Liberation oh man I hope I didn't", "just go link my boy it's been a while", "why there's more after the break if", "you're completely lost watch season", "[Music]", "1 there's got to be a way to simplify", "this I just need them to be able to"]} {"chunk_num": 58, "subtitles": ["apply what they learn like normal", "students of", "[Music]", "magic", "got", "it skill a series of unexpected events", "led me to teaching failures in another", "world but if a teacher doesn't believe", "in their students then what are teachers", "even for", "anyway I'm sure they'll be able to use", "magic if I confront them physically or", "so I thought until some mysterious power", "really let them activate magic has been", "activated what the"]} {"chunk_num": 59, "subtitles": ["heck skill", "a series of unexpected events led me to", "teaching failures in another", "world believe in their students then", "what are teachers even for anyway I'm", "sure they'll be able to use magic if I", "conf I thought until some mysterious", "power really let them activate magic", "sounds like you're narrating hey man", "what's", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "happening it's", "[Music]", "hot"]} {"chunk_num": 60, "subtitles": ["[Music]", "yeah", "yeah it feels like power is pumping", "through my veins did it work am I", "magical spirit's governing fire Feast", "upon my", "[Music]", "Mana bring forth your power and display", "it before", "me", "fire I did it I made real", "fire Helen you're a", "[Music]", "beast I feel it I have", "powers yeah oh yeah water water water"]} {"chunk_num": 61, "subtitles": ["magic that's what I got water magic", "Let's Make It Rain it's not too late so", "don't hesitate time to activate the good", "get ready here it comes my full", "disaster", "well wow this all seems awkwardly", "familiar", "V did that just", "happen did I want to try", "now uh fire okay how am I supposed to", "summon it", "fire now that's what power is hex", "yeah some of that power went to your", "head good job all of you so cool I like", "the guy with the fire hair thanks I"]} {"chunk_num": 62, "subtitles": ["think you're kind of fire too kid no", "you're actually on", "fire", "go fall", "disaster thanks you didn't have", "[Laughter]", "[Music]", "[Laughter]", "to we did", "it and that's for real we freaking did", "it we could do anything if we try you", "know we can't if this is some kind of", "dream I'm smacking somebody in if this", "is a", "dream I don't want to wake"]} {"chunk_num": 63, "subtitles": ["up so uh dude you're actually all right", "Mr you're a boss man wow thanks but the", "only thing I did was draw out the power", "you guys already had we're eternally", "grateful turns out you're a great", "teacher from here on out we'll continue", "to hone the power we now know we have", "inside you know what else we're going to", "do we're going to shut down anyone who", "dares to call Clash their failures you", "said it you're the best teacher say you", "go brother look you don't have to call", "me boss man get it he not so", "bad there are so many things to remember", "when you're a teacher I'm worn out all"]} {"chunk_num": 64, "subtitles": ["this reading is putting me to sleep", "smells so good is it coming from you is", "this a joke cuz you're creeping me out", "but what is it about your smell that", "attracted me of course it's because you", "smell exactly like him what's wrong with", "you why are you cating yourself in his", "wild Untamed beastly man musk stop", "that sweet", "seichi I know you're sent is it possible", "that you are", "[Music]", "nigh it's been way too long since I had", "bakuon I miss the way the meat grenade", "bursts in my"]} {"chunk_num": 65, "subtitles": ["mouth", "flavor so good I think this was the", "first meal my master gave me I bet", "that's why I love it so much sniff", "sniff there it is again sweet and savory", "man miss but why why is the smell coming", "from every poor on the back of your", "undeserving", "body why was he on your back it's like", "he slid down your spine and onto your", "waist tell me why his smell is all over", "you you don't even know", "[Music]", "me that's one thing about this school", "our cafeteria food can't be beat it"]} {"chunk_num": 66, "subtitles": ["looks amazing so much variety", "yummy I've never seen so much food in my", "life everything I'm my don't talk with", "your mouth full it's as if you haven't", "heard that a zillion times you Glutton I", "need calories you're trying to talk we", "can't understand what you're saying is", "it good this food isn't just for you", "lulun stoping it all L slow", "down I need you to behave like a poer", "student of this Academy", "bad D", "bad is that you", "saichi could it really be huh that cre", "places Kazuki is that"]} {"chunk_num": 67, "subtitles": ["you it's true you here", "here I Finally Found", "[Applause]", "You Kazuki her hyp sensitive nose and", "seichi were reunited along with his", "loving wife girlfriend servant little", "sister and artrit at a pear tree oh my", "sounds like pandemonium's a foot what", "fate awaits our dashing hero", "[Music]", "now", "Look Over", "Yonder so that's", "barbadoro that they", "tried my my it's quite stury hey stop"]} {"chunk_num": 68, "subtitles": ["that what do you think you're doing", "would you two gentlemen mind opening the", "gate we have important business inside", "what business might that be you can't", "just expect me to take the I'm sorry I", "wasn't clear will you please open the", "gate and let us", "[Music]", "in hey what happened perhaps you could", "lend him a", "hand that was brilliant your power's", "useful in times like these makes things", "much", "cleaner", "now let's get going after you you know"]} {"chunk_num": 69, "subtitles": ["teleportation magic would be quite", "useful here wouldn't it", "[Laughter]", "[Music]", "though um what's going on what are you", "doing to me the sweet sweet scent of", "noia you may have changed your squishy", "exterior for the look of a studly", "stallion but I know you seichi okay can", "you please seichi you've got some", "spaning to do what's the deal you have", "me inaria is that not enough for you", "wait now hold on I don't want your", "excuses you think you can be getting", "away with this and no one is going to do"]} {"chunk_num": 70, "subtitles": ["anything about it huh teachers please", "control yourselves you're supposed to be", "Rob", "bottles the swelling is a little", "disturbing but I'm so glad you're safe I", "guess it depends on what you call Safe", "that kind of behavior is unacceptable at", "this please prioritize I could sense", "that you were close by for a while now I", "followed your scent I'm so glad to see", "you're all", "right what do you mean", "but you've started to smell like a woman", "I smell a few women on you well I can", "smell your sweat leaking out what's got"]} {"chunk_num": 71, "subtitles": ["you so flustered that sure is an", "impressive skill I thought I was either", "going mad or losing my t I couldn't", "figure out why I smell SII on all of you", "but now I smell you all on him so who", "wants to explain be careful with your", "answer I go easy on no one wow you are", "quite a piece of", "[Music]", "work not that you asked but I'm Karen", "kanazuki I've known that guy since we", "were kids if I can't leave my sell on", "him then you can't", "either really what his girlfriend nam's", "artoria Grim I'm lulan Master's faithful"]} {"chunk_num": 72, "subtitles": ["servant aliga and sichi is my big", "[Music]", "brother Dam it smell that that was way", "too easy wait she's back", "what H please nice try", "yo it's so nice to meet you I guess we", "all have something in common now don't", "we we've each bonded with the in our own", "way that's why we should be friends he", "only has one life though it's me", "S my name is s it's only one I am sii's", "wife Mrs saichi", "yeah I yes I lost if you're still alive", "can you please open your eyes I I'm", "still here A Little Fall of Rain won't"]} {"chunk_num": 73, "subtitles": ["hurt me now let's get you to the nurse's", "office okay well I've got important", "things to do but please take all the", "time you", "need so how long have you been in love", "with c", "who said I was in love sa and I are old", "friends who grew up together I'm not", "buying that we wouldn't have fought if", "you two were just friends well even if I", "had deeper feelings I wouldn't tell you", "it thickens the plot if I keep it all", "inside want to know what I love I love", "when s is happy and smiling and I don't", "care why I love watching him go at it in"]} {"chunk_num": 74, "subtitles": ["battle drives me wild when he's all", "brooding and brave I love feeling his", "spongy booty bounce up and down when", "he's riding me I love when he Pats my", "head with his big warm hands awkward", "please stop", "get a", "[Music]", "grip he saved me once before I was", "strong enough to save", "myself when I was little kids at school", "used to bully me I was independent and", "stubborn and they didn't like", "that man you dress funny for a boy I'm a", "girl jerk here pass it to me it's a game"]} {"chunk_num": 75, "subtitles": ["try to get it back if you want you're", "all too chicken to pick on me on your is", "that what you think huh that's when he", "first appeared knock it off violence", "isn't the answer it's against school", "rules you can't play like that are you", "serious shut up you want us to fight you", "too you as for", "it he wasn't strong but he was braver", "than all of", "them thanks so much for what you did", "today but what made you want to save me", "my mom and dad said that if someone's in", "trouble then you should stand up for", "what's right and lend a hand SII will"]} {"chunk_num": 76, "subtitles": ["you tell me the truth okay are they", "right do I really seem like a boy uh no", "because I know you're a", "girl and I like you the way you", "[Music]", "are thank you", "[Music]", "I didn't know until later that SII", "didn't have parents our neighbors told", "me he lost them in an accident so why", "was he smiling I couldn't understand how", "he could be kind when he must have been", "hurting so", "much after he defended me that day he", "became a primary target for buies get"]} {"chunk_num": 77, "subtitles": ["over yourself lard butt violence is", "wrong it isn't the", "answer I couldn't take on all those", "punks I couldn't help him the way he", "helped it's", "[Music]", "me is", "[Music]", "a I'm sorry what for the truth is I came", "here from another world the same one", "kanazuki is from and well I'm honestly", "nowhere near as impressive as you all", "think I am", "[Applause]", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 78, "subtitles": ["you see this is who I really was before", "I came", "[Music]", "here I know you're all in shock I'm fat", "and unattractive I'm embarrassed about", "my height and my uncontrollable Bo the", "way I looked when you met me was was all", "because I ate the fruit of evolution", "hang on a second that's kind of a lot I", "can't keep up yep what she", "said I'm so sorry CI I probably should", "have kept that stuff to myself please", "don't worry about it it was going to", "come out sooner or later", "[Applause]"]} {"chunk_num": 79, "subtitles": ["right look at this it was made for a", "cool guy but it's just me that's the", "best part you can't say that because you", "don't know the real seichi you've all", "been so kind and supportive on this", "journey I'm sorry I deceived you will", "you look at me for a moment", "please how you look doesn't change who", "you", "are this is how I look remember but it's", "still me I'm your wife Sara and who you", "were in the past doesn't matter I love", "you right now exactly the way you", "are thank you don't be so quick to judge", "you accepted me right away even though I"]} {"chunk_num": 80, "subtitles": ["was nothing but chaos I was so bad I had", "Calamity in my name yeah but brother I", "was an assassin with blood all over my", "hands but you still hold those hands and", "tell me everything's going to be okay", "you Pat my head as a sign of love so now", "I'm going to do the same for you there", "there thank you sis Master you give me", "food whenever I need it and sometimes", "when I don't just because you like", "making me happy not to mention you look", "like a tasty snack yourself right now so", "there's no way I could dislike you okay", "that's about your issues cool let's eat", "you"]} {"chunk_num": 81, "subtitles": ["see everyone loves you for you sayi so", "try and have more confidence in the cool", "guy", "[Music]", "inside you", "guys thank you you're the", "best I hate to admit you've made some", "good friends here I'm glad to know me is", "to know them I'm who I am because of the", "people I've met and I've known you a", "long time well", "thanks I'm sorry okay for now it might", "be best that we cut all ties have I been", "on mute this whole time I'm sure you", "know but I'm one of the hero candidates"]} {"chunk_num": 82, "subtitles": ["here we were specifically sought out by", "the Kaiser Empire to attend this school", "yeah that was the first episode those", "particular students are enrolled as hero", "candidates from the Kaiser Empire but", "their latent abilities are strong", "they've all been ostracized by our", "current students and there's no wind to", "their", "corals Coral says a little frilly for", "what's actually happening which is that", "we're constantly under attack it's", "really that bad yes and that's why you", "have to stay away from me if the jerks", "who knew the old you were aware you"]} {"chunk_num": 83, "subtitles": ["arrived they would spread their hatred", "to others and you'd become a Target I", "couldn't bear it if that happened again", "have you met my master he could beat", "those punks up in his sleep yeah", "obviously that doesn't mean I want to", "throw him into a world of violence again", "for the thrill of watching him", "fight it's been a long time coming but", "it's my turn to protect you look I was", "serious when I said I'm glad you're", "happy and that means a lot to me I'll be", "looking out for", "you ol you're trembling it's that", "bracelet"]} {"chunk_num": 84, "subtitles": ["huh hold on what's the matter your", "bracelet I need to know where did you", "get it the Kaiser Empire gave one to", "every student in our class shortly after", "we arrived in this world it's to raise", "our status I just assumed that it was a", "good thing skill", "appraisal I knew it she was right the", "enslavement", "bracelet", "that", "hurts they're going to pay they're going", "to pay for", "[Music]", "this"]} {"chunk_num": 85, "subtitles": ["my head stop it's too", "loud", "kamooki what the heck is going on here", "brother you're scaring me", "SII what's happening what's wrong Master", "he's got some lungs okay we get it tell", "us what's", "wrong", "where coming", "from so it's finally", "[Music]", "begun", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]"]} {"chunk_num": 86, "subtitles": ["[Applause]", "muscle", "I found", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "[Music]", "[Applause]", "you", "what", "the that", "hurt sayi are you okay I think so big", "brother you're", "alive you're okay right are you hurt at", "all I'm fine are you back with us M that", "was so scary what's with you why would"]} {"chunk_num": 87, "subtitles": ["you worry us like that I didn't mean to", "sorry oh no Kazuki", "Kazuki can you hear me wake up yeah for", "some reason I just suddenly felt fainted", "but at least it led me to your arms", "silver lighting am I right okay wait", "what you have to stop saying things like", "that I'm freaking", "out really you're saying we were being", "manipulated by the Kaiser Empire yeah", "unfortunately but it looks like no", "orders were issued through that bracelet", "yet we got it off in time so it wasn't", "to improve status they put it on to", "control us but why would the Kaiser"]} {"chunk_num": 88, "subtitles": ["Empire use such a thing likely to use", "you as tools to defeat the Demon", "Lord where' you come from you do realize", "that the wimberg kingdom is trying to", "forge an alliance with the Demon Lord", "Army don't you I do now thanks to", "you the Kaiser Empire is a Troublesome", "Nation to say the least I've heard", "rumors that they're trying to to stop", "other nations from allying with each", "other to achieve world domination that's", "a pretty bold claim no joke so that", "means they're using the heroes as tools", "they want to destroy the Demon Lord army", "or they could go for the wimberg kingdom"]} {"chunk_num": 89, "subtitles": ["or possibly both no way really maybe", "maybe not it's just a theory but the", "good news is that the bracelets on the", "hero candidates have been", "broken I am grateful many thanks uh oh", "sure no", "big um is there something", "[Music]", "else that's all I came out here to say", "please keep this a secret from the other", "students", "understood I can't believe we were", "summoned by such a devious Nation it's", "really not that bad what do you mean I", "mean it's all good but even if it wasn't"]} {"chunk_num": 90, "subtitles": ["I'd protect", "you hey Master can you do the steering", "contest later I'm really hungry you ate", "earlier lulun that was much earlier I'm", "talking about now maybe we should go", "yeah", "okay sayi wait H what's up let me join", "you if there's a place for me I think", "I'd be a perfect fit to join you if", "you're willing to give me a chance", "sounds good to me I don't mind but what", "role would you play you just hear me out", "I want you to make me your older", "sister a sister really why do you look", "so grossed out you hate the idea of me"]} {"chunk_num": 91, "subtitles": ["being your sister or something no why", "didn't you say that I didn't say", "anything I what's wrong I didn't expect", "that why not I think okay St", "[Music]", "here it wasn't just me you saw it too a", "surge like that of course I did sweet", "Nostalgia that was quite a surprise", "enjoying a leisurely beverage are we no", "no you're not hearing things I'm down", "here yes it's me Helio from the Kaiser", "Empire oh you what do you want from us I", "need you to brace yourselves it appears", "that the enslavement bracelets have been", "broken so how can you remain so calm"]} {"chunk_num": 92, "subtitles": ["don't you see that everything we did to", "train those hero candidates has been", "rendered pointless meaning our plan to", "turn the academy into a den of chaos has", "failed and we won't be able to gather", "negative energy for the great Devil's", "Revival oh it hasn't failed silly we", "haven't even put it into motion yet", "we'll get started right after a bit of", "late lunch excuse me for interrupting", "you while our world falls apart that", "kind of anger will only lead to more", "wrinkles lay off my skin care you should", "be more motivated by that surge earlier", "oh but we are what exactly was that do"]} {"chunk_num": 93, "subtitles": ["you know I sure don't wish I could help", "you but whatever it was intensified the", "great Devil's Darkness making it even", "stronger and more powerful than it was", "before did it now that's", "good the great Devil's Revival is upon", "us it's time for you to go to work", "Apostles of the great devil order murder", "princess and deliverance I have every", "reason to believe that", "you it affected the great devil I'm", "surprised that will make carrying out", "our plan all the", "sweeter I'm going to be sick why does", "this coffee smell like old man"]} {"chunk_num": 94, "subtitles": ["s how could you let me drink", "[Music]", "that", "[Music]", "at long last sahii was reunited with his", "childhood friend kin Kazuki who knew he", "was looking but alas this merry mirth", "was shortlived turns out Ken was wearing", "an enslavement bracelet the whole time", "and that killed the mood real fast sagei", "flew into a blind rage and freaked us", "all out by unleashing a stream of", "Darkness that swept over everyone let's", "just say this boy is lucky he's got", "friends if not for us snapping him out"]} {"chunk_num": 95, "subtitles": ["of it who knows what would have happened", "anyway when we took the offensive band", "off of KK she decided she wanted to join", "our group the more the merrier I say", "especially at the", "Academy or so we thought while we were", "peacefully rejoicing these two trif and", "apostles from the great devil order", "decided to infiltrate bador the shade of", "it all evil is getting closer by the", "[Music]", "millisecond and I think that's", "everything for today don't forget we", "have our class compet ition next week", "why do we have to wait for next week I'm"]} {"chunk_num": 96, "subtitles": ["ready right now breathe look I feel the", "same way oh wow they're so motivated", "hell yeah we are that bastard's going to", "pay that is quite amusing I'll show you", "the true power of", "classes let's go I'm dying to crush that", "jerk now now violence isn't the answer I", "have a request we want to win could you", "offer more advanced training after", "school but why you all have the ability", "to use magic now there's no reason to", "overdo it I really hope it's enough I", "don't want to lose to some", "punk what are you going to do teacher um", "not sure I'm thinking we"]} {"chunk_num": 97, "subtitles": ["should well then I guess it's time let's", "go", "train so", "[Music]", "excited", "[Music]", "yummy it tastes like a", "dream still", "[Music]", "eating we can't fight on an empty", "stomach can we I want to make a good", "first impression on the students it's", "just a little snack whatever you say", "check please excuse me may had a", "chocolate parfait and a panata rude"]} {"chunk_num": 98, "subtitles": ["haven't you had enough to eat I have not", "and it's vital I do I won't be able to", "sleep if I don't consume proper daily", "nutrients no one", "[Music]", "cares meteor strike ice needle go", "forth", "firewall dude I know I said that right", "why isn't it working magic something", "about whatever just happened felt", "strangely", "[Music]", "familiar", "yeah stop complaining and stay focused", "all four of you have improved since Mr"]} {"chunk_num": 99, "subtitles": ["SEI started right tell them oh right at", "the rate you're going you'll be beating", "class s in no time jeez thanks for the", "pep talk man can't build skills with", "compliments though I'm glad he made you", "smile me", "too well at least you're having fun", "that's sweet how are loser students", "supposed to improve when their", "instructor is just as", "death brother please is your problem are", "you so worried about losing that you", "came to spy as if you were worthy of my", "concern we only came here to train", "you're free to take notes they could"]} {"chunk_num": 100, "subtitles": ["come in handy when I become", "emperor oh no two knives scary you're", "from the vulta", "Empire class F really is made up of", "pathetic Underachievers isn't it and", "such a small weak Nation will fall", "powerless under the rule of my Kaiser", "Empire shut up bastard all right that's", "enough you are completely out of line", "nothing good is going to come from", "trying to control the lives of others", "some people may think we're hopeless", "failures but Mr seichi does it wait", "seichi the same guy that sarya mentioned", "yes that's the one that's my see husband"]}