Summarize this dialog: Daniel: I'm packing for the trip, are you done with it? Michael: Mostly done, don't forget your passport! Matt: is an ID not enough? Michael: sure not! Brian: why? Michael: Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the EU, so we will have a proper border control Michael: no passport, no entry Daniel: good you wrote us this I think :P Matt: yes, we're morons Daniel: haha, yes, a bit Brian: I didn't even know we're going to enter Bosnia, I though we're going to stay in Croatia only Michael: we planned to go to Mostar and the mountains, so Bosnia it is Brian: anyway, I'll pack my passport Michael: very good --- Summary:
Daniel, Michael, Matt and Brian are going to Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. They are packing. Michael reminds them to take their passports, because Bosnia and Herzegovina is not in the EU. They will go to Mostar and the mountains in Bosnia.
Summarize this dialog: Ross: Don't judge me Chandler: what, why? Ross: I was thinking about tonight... Chandler: yes? Ross: and... Chandler: Just say it or I'm gonna come and punch you Ross: I wanna do karaoke Chandler: hahhahaa Ross: Karaoke is fun Chandler: <file_gif> Ross: No, but seriously, I'm sure girls are gonna love it too Chandler: Ok but just this once Ross: Deal Chandler: And I can record everything Ross: you wouldn't Chandler: I will :D Ross: Well okay, there's nothing wrong with having fun Chandler: <file_gif> Ross: :D Chandler: Will you do George Michael? Ross: OF COURSE Chandler: hahaha --- Summary:
Ross wants to do karaoke. Chandler wants to record it for fun.
Summarize this dialog: Poppy: Yeah. I definitely prefer Lisbon Harry: Yeah me too, principally the night Poppy: To party? Harry: Yup Poppy: I don't like parties. They make me tired Harry: Really?! Poppy: I don't like crowd, drunk people Harry: Oh OK. It makes sense. That's the worst part of it. What you like to do for having fun? Poppy: Travelling. Sightseeing Harry: For sure that's on the top of my list too 😁 --- Summary:
Poppy and Harry like Lisbon. Poppy doesn't like parties, but she likes traveling and sightseeing. Harry likes parties, traveling and sightseeing.
Summarize this dialog: Brook: something happened yesterday, you need to come and see Gyle: is it bad? Brook: you better come home Gyle: On my way --- Summary:
Brook wants Gyle to come and see what happened yesterday.
Summarize this dialog: Milena: How was the presentation? Kate: very good Regina: yes, we had a good feedback Milena: how many people came to listen to you? Regina: 3 but we new it will be very cosy, friendly thing Milena: sometimes a small but interested audience is better than random bored people Kate: exactly --- Summary:
Kate, Milena and Regina's presentation went well. Three people came to listen to them.
Summarize this dialog: Barbara: I'm home already, you can come over Sean: May I bring the dog? Zac: I'm on my way Barbara: sure you can, Sean Barbara: do you want to stay overnight? Sean: great! Sean: I thought about it Barbara: nice! --- Summary:
Barbara, Sean and Zac are meeting at Barbara's place tonight. Sean will bring the dog. Sean and Zac will stay overnight.
Summarize this dialog: Quinn: How's it hanging boy? Kyle: Not bad, going out tonight? Quinn: Yeah, need to get out after fucking school is actually over for a bit. Kyle: Christ, yeah! It's a shitting hell hole, can't wait to leave next year, I'm leaving at Easter 😆 Quinn: Lucky you, I've got GCSES. Your a jammy bastard if your parents aren't insisting that you stay on. Kyle: No point! I'm working for my Uncle Kev at the building site, my cousin was taken on with an apprenticeship in bricklaying last year, maybe do that myself. Quinn: God, I'm so jealous! I absolutely fucking hate school and I suck at exams too! Need to have them under my belt, they always say. Kyle: Why don't you talk to them about it? Quinn: They wouldn't bloody listen! I buggered up my mocks too and I have to retake the subjects I failed in, it never bloody ends!😭 Kyle: Why don't I ask Kev about the site, they always need labourers and they like us young ones cos we're a lot cheaper by the hour lol. Quinn: Dunno, fucking about in the freezing cold, freezing my arse off, or roasting to death in the bloody summer! Sounds grim! Kyle: OK, suit yourself! Got any voddy for later? Quinn: Nah, couldn't get to the offy. Kyle: They wouldn't serve you anyway, you twat! I'll ask my bro to get us some vodka and cigs, he's cool. Quinn: Great! Kirsty there tonight, do you know? Kyle: Dunno, but I heard she was with Nathan Baker these days. Quinn: That bell end! Huh😒 Well, see you outside the club at 6ish. Kyle: See you man. --- Summary:
Quinn and Kyle are going out tonight. Kyle is leaving school at Easter to work for his uncle. Quinn's parents want him to retake his GCSEs. Kyle's brother will buy alcohol and cigarettes for them. Their friend, Kirsty, is dating Nathan Baker. Quinn and Kyle will meet around 6 outside the club.
Summarize this dialog: Dick: We're going to the apt now, wanna come and see it too? Frank: Yeah, plus I can talk you into buying it, so we could be neighbours :) Dick: You know which one it is right? It's 32/3 Frank: Ok, thanks. I know all the apts in building 32 are for sale, but I didn't know which one you wanted to buy. Dick: It's the big on with the terrace, around 85 m Frank: Grrr.... I'm jealous cause mine's only 65. Dick: :) Frank: If you decide to buy it, I have a contractor that does everything, and he's dirt cheap too! Dick: Cool, I'll be putting most of my cash in as a down payment, so I won't have much left for renovations. Frank: How much do you have, 10% or 15%. Dick: We're putting down 10. We can get quite a good mortgage rate apparently. Frank: Alright, sounds good. How many apts have you seen already? Dick: This will be the first one in this neighbourhood. Frank: But in total? Dick: 5. We saw 2 last week and 3 last month, but nothing really appealing, Frank: You're gonna love my area. It's so peaceful and tranquil. Dick: I'm gonna have to liven up the place then :) Frank: Ok, whatever. Don't forget to bring a measure. Do you have one of those electronic ones? Dick: No Frank: I'll bring one then. They're super cool and easy to use. You can plan each room by knowing the dimensions. Dick: Ok, great. See you in 30 min. Frank: Ok --- Summary:
Dick is going to buy an apartment in Frank's neighbourhood. Dick and Frank are going to see the apartment in 30 minutes.
Summarize this dialog: Mia: What time does the movie start? Steven: At 9pm Mia: Would you like to grab something to eat before that? Steven: Sure, let's meet at 8 then. Chinese? Mia: Always :) --- Summary:
Mia and Steven want to grab some Chinese at 8.
Summarize this dialog: Lilly: Wanna go out tonight? Marshall: can't :( money's low Lilly: my treat :) Marshall: I wouldn't let a woman pay for me Lils Lilly: a woman Lilly: ME Marshall: come over and we'll watch some netflix --- Summary:
Marshall invited Lilly to watch Netflix with him.
Summarize this dialog: James: im out Tony: ??? James: from the team, this old prick pissed me off Tony: listen, I know the coach is pretty annoying at times (all the time lol) but he really is good James: i dont give a fuck, too much for me, already texted him Tony: shiiiit man --- Summary:
James is furious with his coach and has already sent him a message. Tony thinks that the coach is good despite he's annoying.
Summarize this dialog: Priscilla: You're in a lot of trouble, Stuart Stu: OMG, what did I do this time? Priscilla: I told you I needed the Microsoft Office software for my new laptop Stu: Right, so? That's what I gave you on that disc Priscilla: No, you silly boy, your IT friend is and idiot Stu: What did Alex do wrong? Priscilla: He just downloaded Open Office and some other programs and put them on a CD Stu: Whaaaaatttt? Priscilla: That's what he did, maybe you should have checked Stu: Damn Priscilla: Yeah, damn Stu: I'll tell him Priscilla: No way, I just bought the software online Stu: Oh Priscilla: If I ever tell you to make your friend Alex get me something, please shoot me in the foot Stu: Ok... damn :( --- Summary:
Priscilla is upset with Stu because his friend, Alex, didn't provide her with the right software. She had to buy it online instead.
Summarize this dialog: Rita: I need some info on you client. Helen: Which one? Rita: Salvage Industries. Helen: Yeah? What do you need? Rita: What's their major business. Helen: They are into waste disposal. Rita: I thought so. Rita: You think they are legit. Helen: What do you mean?! Helen: Of course, they are legit. Rita: Got a favor to ask. Can you double check if they have no PR problems? Helen: I don't think so. But I'll check it for you. Rita: You are a dear, Helen. Helen: I sure am:) --- Summary:
Helen will do Rita a favour. She will do the research on Salvage Industries to find out if they have any pubic relations problems.
Summarize this dialog: Ginger: need some sugar Ginger: desperately!!! Phylis: <lol> Phylis: I'm baking a pie Phylis: come if u want :D Ginger: be right there!!! --- Summary:
Ginger needs to eat something sweet. Phylis is baking a pie. Ginger will come to Phylis shortly.
Summarize this dialog: Anthony: Hi Rob, wanna grab a beer? Robert: I’m with my kids now Robert: Maybe later Robert: Around 9? Anthony: It’s ok Anthony: I’ll go with Andrew Anthony: In the evening I can’t Anthony: I’m taking my lady for a date :P Robert: Enjoy! --- Summary:
Anthony can't meet up with Robert at 9 as he has a date then.
Summarize this dialog: Jill: So bored! Nate: Well... can't help you there Nate: Still at work Jill: ugh I need to find a job Jill: I've watched everything on youtube already Nate: Doubt it :P I'll call you when I get off work --- Summary:
Jill is bored and has watched YouTube. Nate is at work and will call Jill when he finishes it.
Summarize this dialog: Jake: dude, I just pulled a TOTW Jake: my first this year! Tom: grats! Tom: gonna sell it? Jake: yeah Jake: I'll try him in one or two matches Jake: he's not a good fit for my squads Tom: you'll have plenty of coins to buy someone that fits Jake: that's the plan Jake: I got lucky with this one Tom: my pull luck sucks this year Tom: not a single great player Jake: you're good at the game Jake: you don't need help :P Tom: I like shiny things :P --- Summary:
Jake has got his first TOTW this year. Tom doesn't have a great team.
Summarize this dialog: Victoria: yo Victoria: are you free this weekend? Rosemary: let me see... Rosemary: yeah Victoria: <3 Victoria: let's record the drums? Rosemary: you see Rosemary: there's a problem Victoria: yeah? Rosemary: namely, i don't have a working laptop atm Victoria: XD Victoria: i have a tablet but it has 2gb ram, so probably not enough for recording Rosemary: but does it have all the software? usb ports? windows? Victoria: yeah it's running windows 10 Rosemary: still 2gb is probably not enough Rosemary: so we need to borrow it from somebody Victoria: yeah, any ideas? Rosemary: actually i have a few Rosemary: i'll get back to you later Victoria: okay, thanks! Victoria: but don't forget xd --- Summary:
Rosemary and Victoria would like to record the drums this weekend. Rosemary doesn't have a working laptop, whereas Victoria's tablet doesn't have enough memory for recording. Rosemary will try to borrow a laptop from somebody and will get back to Victoria later.
Summarize this dialog: Cass: Hi darling, did you get your birthday card and money on time? Jordan: hello Nanna! Thanks for the £20. Sorry I didn't ring you before. Cass: you still like Thomas the Tank engine don't you? I picked it specially. Jordan: Yes, Nanna. I will always love him! Next time, get me a football one or something. I mean, I'm 11 now! Cass: I know, you are so grown up. Love you xxxxx Jordan: Love you, Nan xx --- Summary:
Cass sent her grandson Jordan £20 and a birthday card for his 11th birthday.
Summarize this dialog: Jane: I may be 10 min late. Sorry. Alex: Ok. I'm by the left entrance. Jane: The bus is running late. I've just passed the supermarket. Alex: No worries. I'll be waiting for you. Jane: Thnx Alex: Did you remember to take the file with the xerox copies? Jane: Yes. I hope it will be useful. It's quite a brick. Alex: Hope so too Jane: We'll do fine :-) Alex: No other choice. Seems like it's our last chance of getting through to them. Jane: Maybe they will be convinced after they've seen our materials. --- Summary:
Jane will be about 10 minutes late. Alex is waiting at the left entrance and they are going to attend a meeting. This might be the last opportunity for Jane and Alex to get through to them.
Summarize this dialog: Ken: Hey, how are you doing today? Ellen: Fine. How are you? Ken: Not doing well at all today. Really depressed. Frustrated. Stressed out. Ellen: Oh no! Ken: Really bad day yesterday carrying over to today. Ellen: Can I do anything? Ken: I'll be fine. Just overwhelmed and burned out. Ellen: Sorry! Ken: Sorry, don't mean to bring you down. Ellen: You didn't, just worried about you! --- Summary:
Ken is having some bad days.
Summarize this dialog: Phil: Good evening Deana! Many thanks for this nice card from you. Constantine was very happy! Phil: Are these sunglasses also from you? Deana: I thought they belonged your Cathreen! Phil: Nope. She says they aren't hers. Deana: Mine either. Look, maybe you feel like keeping them? Deana: I seem to have so many sunglasses... Deana: 8‑D Phil: Where did you find them, possible that they belong to Adrian? Deana: In this empty place above the radio. In the very back. Deana: If Adrian wants it, no pro! Deana: :) Phil: :)) Deana: Exactly! Phil: Ok, they don't belong to any of us, and nobody else drove your car. But we can look after these sunglasses. Deana: Glad to hear it! --- Summary:
Phil received a card from Deana. Constantine was happy. Phil has sunglasses, that Deana found in the back above the radio. Deana and Phil don't know who they belong too. Phil will keep the sunglasses.
Summarize this dialog: Alice: My dad is coming over for a month... Kim: What? Alice: He's going to decorate Jo's place... Alice: I'm going to go mad... Kim: :) Alice: Are we still on? Kim: When? Alice: Saturday Kim: My mum is here... Alice: fuck, my parents will be here too... Kim: what about Friday? Alice: Okay, Friday it is! Alice: I have my yoga class at 6:30 Alice: I will be back home about 8pm Kim: okay, I will be there after 8 Alice: great! --- Summary:
Alice's dad is coming over for a month to decorate Jo's place. Kim's mom and Alice's parents are going to be here on Saturday. Alice and Kim will meet on Friday after 8 after Alice's yoga class.
Summarize this dialog: Kelly: Oh! Oh! Can I pick the first question? Jessica: Sure. Go for it! Kelly: What's the scariest place you've been to! Jessica: I'll start: Palermo in Italy. Mickey: And what's so scary about that? Did you break your nail? :P Jessica: Shut it, Mickey! No, there are the Capuchin Catacombs with 8000 corpses! Kelly: Ewwww! Corpses? Rly? Jessica: Yeah! And you can look at them like museum exhibits. I think they're divided somehow, but have no clue how! Ollie: That's so cool! Do you get to see the bones or are they covered up? Jessica: Well, partly. Most of them were exhibited in their clothes. Basically only skulls and hands. Mickey: I'm writing this one down! That's so precious! Ollie: Me too! --- Summary:
The scariest place for Jessica was the Capuchin Catacombs in Palermo.
Summarize this dialog: Maria: Hi Spence, life treating you well? Spencer: Can't complain love, lots of commissions coming in and all that! Maria: Getting your name out there! Saw some of your new stuff on Instagram, liked it! Spencer: Yeah, thanks love! How's the call centre? Maria: Same old, same old. Can't wait to go part time next year, really want to get on with some freelancing. Spencer: Yeah, pity they won't allow it for a year. I'm on 16 fixed hours at the cafe which suits me great. I've then got the rest of the week to work on my illustrations. Maria: How do you get new clients, Spence? I really need to pick your brains sometimes! Spencer: Well, some of them saw my printing in the shops I sell to and contacted me directly, then there's the agency and my social media stuff. I probably get around £1000 of work a month now, before commission and tax. Maria: Well that's just about liveable with the cafe wage, I imagine. Spencer: Yes, it's tight, but I am very frugal. Still have a hefty chunk going out on rent and bills. Maria: Hmm, I'll have to budget carefully when I do it. Spencer: Yes, but it's well worth it. I LOVE the work so much! Maria: Well, your passion is obvious! Your stuff is amazing! Spencer: Well, so was yours in Uni. Don't let your talent go to waste! Maria: You've inspired me, Spence. See you soon, hopefully! Spencer: See ya! --- Summary:
Maria wants to work as a freelancer. Spencer is an artist. The agency and social media help him to get new clients. He earns around £1000 a month. Spencer encourages Maria to develop her talent and to try freelancing.
Summarize this dialog: Tim: Hey, you have a few minutes? Joe: Sure, what's up? Tim: I'm thinking about inviting a few people from work over and I kinda thought that maybe some boardgames would be a cool idea. Tim: And I wanted to consult the expert on the matter :) Joe: As you know I'm always happy to share my expertise with anyone willing to listen. You will just need to stop me when I get too wound up :D Tim: Haha :) Ok, So I know you ran the local club - any tips how to organize a newbie gaming evening? And what games to bring? Joe: yeah, sure - just a few general tips :) Joe: Start games before you start drinking :) And don't bring any game that is either over-complicated, requires too much time to explain, or god forbid encourages direct conflict - you know, the plotting-scheming stuff. So no Game of Thrones :) Joe: Or alternatively you can chose some cooperative games - like Arkham Horror, Robinson Crusoe, Pandemic Tim: Got it :D Joe: Also would be great to know what theme they all like - if there is one. And if not then there are some 'vanilla' games - like Codenames or Catan. Any idea what they might be into? Tim: Not really - there are some guys who I know like sci-fi and comic books, but no idea about the girls... Joe: The best way - just talk with them - might be surprised by their tastes and experiences. Maybe some of them are already into gaming? There are nerds in every walk of life :) Tim: Yeah, I know, all too well :) Tim: Anyway, thanks for the tips - co-op games sound like a good idea for a start. Joe: yeah, and then if the idea sticks you can roll out the big guns :) Tim: Will do that :) --- Summary:
Tim wants to organise a board games night for his colleagues. Joe has some good ideas and tips on where to start.
Summarize this dialog: Richard: Hey we have to start Richard: doing our project real soon Holy: When is it due? Richard: 15 dec Holy: Omg 😱😱😱 Anne: I completely forgot about it! Anne: You guys have time tomorrow? Holy: I am out of town! Richard: I do! Richard: Wanna meet up at Starbucks down 8th street? Anne: Sure Anne: After 3pm? Works out? Richard: Ya and We will start planning out stuff Holy: I will be back on Monday Holy: but I can do some research tonight Holy: And send them back to you Richard: Ok sure 😉 --- Summary:
Richard's, Holy's and Anne's project is due on December 15. Anne and Richard are meeting tomorrow at Starbucks down 8th street at 3pm. Holy's out of town, but she'll do some research tonight and send it to them.
Summarize this dialog: Russ: Hi Gurdun, are you feeling better? Gurdun: Hi Ross, a little bit better, yes, thank you. Russ: Do you think you'll be back at the uni this week? Gurdun: Not tomorrow for sure, but I hope Wednesday maybe. Russ: Oh, that's fine. Gurdun: Yeah. I'm feeling a bit weak still Russ: I guess that's pretty normal at this stage. Gurdun: I believe so. And the muscle pain. Russ: I know what you mean. I had flu like that three months ago. Gurdun: Luckily the headache's gone. It was absolutely awful. Russ: True enough. I had the same. Gurdun: Anyway, how are things with you? Russ: Same old, same old, you know. Not much happening in the middle of term. Gurdun: And the team? Russ: Oh yeah, we won the last match. It was a good game. Gurdun: Great. Listen Russ, I need to run. Catch up later. Russ: OK, talk to you later. --- Summary:
Gurdun has the flu. He is feeling better. Gurdun hopes he'll be back at the uni on Wednesday. Russ and his team won the last match.
Summarize this dialog: Leo: Check this out Leo: <file_video> Charlie: Whaaaaaaaat Oliver: God Oliver: What's that?? Leo: Seems like prank Leo: But actually I dunno xD Oliver: 03:24 Oliver: WTF Leo: Hahahah, my fav part Leo: Of that random crap Oliver: People are so weird sometimes Leo: I knew you'd like it xD Charlie: Wellllllll I have mixed feelings :D:D Leo: Hahahahah, wait till 05:24 Charlie: Omg, too much for me Charlie: My eyes!! Leo: Hahahahahah Leo: xDDDDDD --- Summary:
Leo, Charlie and Oliver are watching a video with a bizarre prank. Charlie has ambivalent feelings. Leo and Oliver enjoy the video's weirdness very much especially moments 3:24 and 5:24.
Summarize this dialog: Mummy: My dearest Thess and Mike! We wish you God's blessing and a happy celebration of Christmas! Our thoughts are with you every second today. Thessalia: We are joining you in prayer and our hearts are celebrating Christmas with you. May joy and peace be with you all! Mummy: So help us God. --- Summary:
Mummy and Thessalia send Christmas greetings to each other.
Summarize this dialog: JP: What's new? Samara: Not much. JP: Oh. Samara: Want to play? JP: Nah. Gotta go to work. Samara: K, see ya! --- Summary:
JP doesn't want to play because it's time to go to work.
Summarize this dialog: Michael: Sorry I can't make it today :( Tom: well, ok... are you sure? Michael: I'm really sorry, can't leave the office before 8pm Tom: it's okay, call me tomorrow Michael: I will. Sorry again --- Summary:
Michael can't leave the office before 8 PM, so he's unable to meet with Tom. Michael will call Tom tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Dan: buy me a sandwich on your way to work. Kevin: ok, no problem! Dan: thanks! --- Summary:
Dan wants Kevin to buy him a sandwich on his way to work.
Summarize this dialog: Simon: <file_photo> Simon: It's funny and scary at the same time. Simon: BTW it's so annoying that people can't see that such immigration policy reduces safety level for citizens of EU significantly Charlie: This photo is great. It totally shows what do we all mean when we criticize EU policy. Charlie: Berlin has put concrete blocks around Christmas fair, Belgium has soldiers running armed around cities and Paris has mass demonstrations and car arsons happening all over the city. Charlie: Poland though... Charlie: One of the last countries unspoilt by uncontrolled migration and terrorism Charlie: The question is - for how long... Simon: I always say that there is advantage of the polish situation Simon: I mean being economically delayed for few decades Simon: Poland has a chance to develop in fast pace and at the same time has a position to avoid all the mistakes other western powers made. Simon: The worst thing is that the country is being ostracized by defending it's values and interests. Charlie: Yup. And as long as there are people in Poland ready to defend that values, the country will be marginalized by every other nation. Simon: I admire Poles. Simon: I admire them for they will to fight. Simon: They never give up. Charlie: Different countries tried to eliminate them from the map. Simon: I tell you, there will be time, when only Poland will have power to fight with internal problems of Europe. Charlie: Maybe. But there is a risk that internal conflict will rip the country apart. Simon: Let's hope not. Charlie: Yup. To conclude: Christmas in Poland will be the best Christmas in Europe :D Simon: I agree :) --- Summary:
Simon and Charlie admire Poland for its anti-immigration policy and the way it defends its values and interests.
Summarize this dialog: Sam: Where are you? Tilly: Just leaving school now? Sam: What have you been doing? You said you would be home for 4! Tilly: Yes had to go for detention Sam: I asked your mum if that's what had happened but she said she hadn't got a text Tilly: They are useless. They are supposed to tell your parents if you get a detention. Sam: How long will you be? Tilly: About 40 minutes Sam: OK.. I'm going back to mine - phone me when you are home. Tilly: OK - see you soon. --- Summary:
Tilly was supposed to come home by 4 but she got a detention. The school was supposed to inform her parents about it, but didn't do it. Sam is coming back home. Tilly will be home in 40 minutes. She will call Sam then.
Summarize this dialog: Mell: Hi there! How are you doing? Gloria: Hi Mell! We are fine, just the daily grind ;) And yourselves? Mell: Not much happening either. An odd phone call with the kids. Or Tad's sister:(( Not much otherwise. Gloria: Yeah... Life has become so quite since the kids are out of the house. We had more to get used to it. But it must hard for you. Especially you I mean. Mell: I don't know. Sometimes I even forget that I should be missing them. In a way I do like this peace and quiet now. Gloria: Small wonder. You had a hell of a time with them just before they went to college. I'd say you need to recover now. Mell: I guess you're right. But maybe I should feel guilty or something? Gloria: Don't be silly! You are a fantastic mom. Mell: Thanks Gloria. Gloria: Anyway I'm happy to hear from you again. We should really have a nice do again. Mell: YES! Splendid! Gloria: The weather is just brilliant, perfect for a BBQ. What do you think? Mell: I'm all for it. At my place? I'd love it. Gloria: Can't be better. I love your garden. Mell: We're thinking about extending the terrace. I must show you my drawings, just a few ideas. It would be great to hear your opinion. Gloria: I'd love to. But you know how little I know about garden design, or however you call it. Mell: We'll have a look at them. Now the BBQ. At the weekend I suppose? Gloria: Let me check the calendar. Here's our family planner. A horrible name, isn't it? So this weekend suits us fine. At the next one, on Saturday, Mark has penciled something in but I can't read it. So what about this Saturday? Mell: Perfect. At least we know the weather holds. Shall I do the food and you the drinks? Gloria: And I'll get us some dessert as well. Mell: Very good indeed. It's always so easy going with you. Gloria: Ta! You were thinking about Tad's sister? Mell: I'm afraid so. I'm so happy she moved up to Scotland and I don't have to put up with her trying to run my household. Tad feels relieved too. Gloria: Good riddance! I could really never warm up to her. Mell: Nobody can! Anyway she's gone and we're going to have a fantastic barbecue. Without her. Gloria: Yes, we are. Oh I'm so happy you've phoned! Mell: Looking forward to our BBQ on Saturday! Gloria: So long! --- Summary:
Gloria and Mell plan to have a barbeque at Mell's place on Saturday. They are happy, because Tad's sister moved to Scotland. Mell needs Gloria's advice on garden design.
Summarize this dialog: Whitney: Hello Hailey: Hey Whitney: Have you been to I-max cinemas? Hailey: Nop Hailey: You planning on taking me? Whitney: Mmmh maybe Whitney: But it all depends if you will be available the day Aqua man is being released Hailey: I'll break the laws to make time for it😂 Whitney: Haha. Then it is a deal Hailey: Cool. Whitney: Before I forget Shadrack and his girlfriend will be accompanying us Hailey: Even better. Whitney: Fine. I guess I will see you then. Hailey: Definitely --- Summary:
Hailey hasn't been to I-max cinema yet and Whitney wants to take her to one to watch Aquaman. Hailey'll do everything to find some time for it. Whitney informs Hailey that Shadrack and his girlfriend are going with them.
Summarize this dialog: George: What have you gotten for Christmas? Jacob: I got a punchbag. Jenny: I got training shoes. George: Sporty team :P Jenny: What did you get? George: A cooking pot :-) Jacob: Your wife wants you to help her in the kitchen? George: It's me who is normally cooking. George: I really like it :P George: Jenny gave me this pot, it's amazing and has life long guarantee. Jacob: Cool Jenny: I wish my Michael was a better cook. Jenny: I think it's really sexy when a guy can cook well. --- Summary:
Jacob, Jenny and George are telling each other what they have gotten for Christmas.
Summarize this dialog: Lincoln: I think I've broken your toilet seat. :( Lincoln: I'm so sorry, I'll buy and install a new one. Hudson: Can't it be fixed? Hudson: Send me a pic. Lincoln: <file_photo> Hudson: Hmm, it seems like you've broken a hinge. Hudson: I'll try to replace it with a new one and I'll let you know, if it works, ok? Lincoln: Ok. I'm so sorry. :( Lincoln: Are you mad at me? Hudson: No, of course I'm not. You know: shit happens. ;) Lincoln: Then maybe at least I'll buy this new hinge? Hudson: It literally costs pennies. Hudson: Really, don't worry about this, it's not a big deal. ;) Lincoln: :) --- Summary:
Lincoln has broken Hudson's toilet seat. Hudson will replace a hinge. Lincoln doesn't have to repay Hudson.
Summarize this dialog: Kayla: what time are you going to bring her? Kayla: was it 11am? Katherine: hey, i guess so. Katherine: i'll have to ask dad and get back to you later ok? Kayla: ok Katherine: why, is there a problem? Kayla: noooo Kayla: i'm just making sure:) Kayla: it turned out i finish at 11 Kayla: so it will be even less problematic ;) Katherine: ok :) Katherine: yeah dad just texted me Katherine: it's around 11 Kayla: ok --- Summary:
Katherine will bring her to Kayla around 11.
Summarize this dialog: Lorena: Hi, can you help me with something? Martin: Well, I can try. Martin: Depends what it is? Lorena: I got a new desk and it comes with assembly instructions but I give up, I just can't do it. Lorena: I'm illiterate when it comes to instructions, haha. Lorena: So I could really use some help... Martin: Hmm, I can't today, but how about tomorrow? Shouldn't take long anyway. Lorena: Yeah, it's fine! I just need it for the weekend, but tomorrow's great! Sorry for troubling you again. Martin: Don't mention it, we've known each other for so long it's almost like we're siblings, haha. Lorena: Thanks a lot! I should be home by 6, so let me know when you can. --- Summary:
Martin is going to help Lorena assemble a new desk. He is coming to her house tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Everett: Ralph asked me if i could give him your phone number, is that cool? Amy: who's ralph? Everett: my friend, i introduced him to you at the pub last week, tall, brown hair, weird laugh... Amy: oh i remember him now, is he a psycho? Everett: no Amy: ok, he can have my number --- Summary:
Amy gives Everett permission to give her number to Ralph.
Summarize this dialog: Diane: how long do you have to work tonight? Ross: about 2 hours, why? Diane: I just wanted to do something maybe Ross: I think I'll be worn out after all hat work, baby Diane: We can just chill at home, don't worry Diane: I just wanted to prepare Ross: OK Ross: Then just to be safe let's say it will take me 3 hours Diane: but you just said 2! Ross: Damn it, Diane, don't start again Diane: what am I starting?! Diane: you're impossible Ross: can't you understand that this is important to me?! Ross: my career depends on it! Diane: Well, if your career is the most important thing in the world then I wouldn't want to disturb! Ross: ... --- Summary:
Diane is not happy with Ross prioritising work over spending time with her.
Summarize this dialog: Ed: Sinners!! Sex is for married people Valerie: double sin if it’s anything but missionary style! Chris: Then you go get married & leave us all alone Lor: You better hope all non sin living is worth it or your consciousness after death is going to be butt hurt for eternity lol Atnee: Ed, take it easy Jessica: And the only purpose for sex is to make babies! !! That's it, hahaha 😂 Atnee: Lol Ed: Valerie , triple sin if you enjoy it! Jessica: And only for procreation. :-))) And not to be enjoyed. :-))) Matt: Ed, Ok. See you in hell !! 😂 Ed: Matt , No you won’t. I don’t even look on the direction of another man --- Summary:
Ed, Valerie, Chris, Lor, Atnee, Jessica, Matt are laughing at the sinfulness of the sex without marriage.
Summarize this dialog: Cristina: Hey Cristina: Do you think we can meet up next week to discuss the shoot? Gaya: Yes, I just need to double check my schedule Gaya: If you like we can meet at my studio? Gaya: It's easier Cristina: Ok Cristina: I'm more free on Wednesday and Friday Gaya: Ok ;) --- Summary:
Gaya and Cristina are going to meet at Gaya's studio to talk about the photoshoot. Cristina prefers Wednesdays and Fridays.
Summarize this dialog: Matt: have you heard that Bon Jovi are coming to Poland? Phil: No way! Phil: where, when? Matt: Warsaw, next July Tony: would you like to go? Matt: Sure! Phil: how much are the tickets? Very expensive? Phil: they're huge, I guess tix can cost a bomb Matt: I read the cheapest ones start from pln 250 Phil: not too bad, for Bon Jovi Matt: Yep! Tony: maybe I will go too Tony: Would you like to get the tix soon? Matt: Yes Matt: The sooner, the better Tony: Right, they may be sold out pretty soon Matt: How about you, Phil? Matt: would you like to go too? Phil: Will think about it Phil: I liked them a lot when I was a kid Phil: It would be great to see them live Matt: I guess so! Matt: Think about it and let me know soon, ok? Phil: Sure --- Summary:
Matt and Tony want to go to the concert of Bon Jovi next July in Poland and are planning to buy the tickets that cost 250 PLN before they’re sold out. Phil will think about it and let them know.
Summarize this dialog: Dan: since I am not sure who all ate from the BBQ, I will Splitwise everyone equally. If you did not have any of the food from the BBQ, please feel free to remove yourself. Ashley: Although I did not have any food, it looked delicious! Job well done, Dan Dan: Thanks! Sara: Ahhh so sorry I wasn’t there :( Ken: More food for us ;) Sara: you’re such a meaaanieee Ken! Ken: Just kidding, sweetie :) but regrettably there are no leftovers for you Sara: K I’ll just remove myself since I didn’t eat Vicky: it was soo good! As usual, Dan = grill master :) Eric: Gery and I cooked our own chicken and asparagus I believe. Gerardo: Well,Dan the man cooked it. We only provided it. Dan: indeed Gerardo: Thanks Dan Eric: cheers! Gerardo: I removed us from the transaction Eric --- Summary:
Dan cooked a successful BBQ meal and will split the bill via Splitwise. He invites everyone who did not eat to remove themselves.
Summarize this dialog: Camila: So Harper, what are your plans for tonight? Harper: My dear Camila, I’m all yours for the night! Harper: What would you say if we buy a bottle of wine, a take-away and stay in for the evening? Camila: Yep! Sounds perfect to me Camila: I’m starving. I haven’t eaten anything for the whole day Harper: I’ll order a delicious meal from the restaurant about which we talked last time. Camila: I’m in 😉 Harper: Do you want to watch a movie? Camila: Sure. Any suggestions? Harper: How about Ugly Truth? Camila: Oh, I just thought about it. You know me better than I know myself 😉 Harper: At your service 😉 Camila: I’ve got to go. See you in the evening! Harper: Ok, bye! --- Summary:
Camila and Harper agreed to order a meal and watch a movie tonight.
Summarize this dialog: May: Just received a text from Harry he'll be late Michael: It's good for us, Vanessa and I are still on our way and Peter's stuck in a traffic May: Probably the same traffic Harry's stuck in ;/ Peter: There's been an accident, I'm too far away to see what exactly happened but it doesn't look good May: How long may it take? Half of the guests is already here Vanessa: God knows, Michael's driving if you can call this driving... Peter: They're saying that there was a serious accident, I really don't know how long it will take May: Harry just called, he's in the same traffic as you Vanessa: It'll be a hell of a birthday party ;) Peter: It'll be easier if you all come and join us here May: Hahaha, very funny May: We'll wait for you, but better be here before Harry Vanessa: You need to stall Harry then because we're all probably behind him Peter: Fyi, we haven't moved an inch in a while now --- Summary:
Henry and Peter will be late for a birthday party. Michael and Vanessa are on their way. There was a serious accident, and Peter has no idea when they will manage to arrive. Henry will probably come before Peter.
Summarize this dialog: Callan: Something's wrong with my Samsung S8. Wade: What, exactly? Callan: All I get is a black screen. Wade: Did you drop it or something? Callan: I think I know, this has happened before. Wade: It did? What happened before? Callan: It overheats and then it takes a while for it to restart again.. Wade: That sucks.. Be carefull with the battery, it can be dangerous. Callan: It sure can, but I'm going to the store and let them see it. It's still under warranty. Wade: Will you lose all your stuff? Callan: No, I always back up my files. --- Summary:
Callan's Samsung S8 overheats, so he's going to the store to get it repaired.
Summarize this dialog: Jake: Maaaan! you in london?! Mike: <file_photo> Mike: yeah mate! dreams coming true! Jake: cool! congrats! --- Summary:
Mike is in London.
Summarize this dialog: Andrea: Hi, Pat, I can't come to work today. Patrick: Is everything alright? Andrea: My son is sick, I need to take him to the doctor. Patrick: Oh, sorry to hear that, I hope he gets better soon. Andrea: Thanks. So is it okay with you? Patrick: Sure, take care of your boy, we'll be fine without you for the next couple of days! --- Summary:
Andrea's son is sick, she is taking a day off and taking him to the doctor's.
Summarize this dialog: Phil: Hi. Are you home? Nancy: Yes. Where are you? Phil: Still in the shop. Nancy: What are you doing there? Phil: There are such crowds. Everywhere. Nancy: Really? Phil: First, I couldn't find any parking place. Now I'm standing in a gigantic queue. Nancy: Have you got everything? Phil: I think so. Nancy: Oh, I'm sorry. I know you hate it before X-mas. Phil: Will you make an apple pie? Please? I was passing by a cafe and thought of that immediately. My mouth is watering when I think of that smell. Nancy: Sure, honey. Of course I will. Phil: Wonderful! I think I'll be home in an hour. Nancy: Ok. Waiting for you :-) I've got everything I need for the pie, so it will be in the oven when you arrive :-) Phil: Thanks, babe! :-* Nancy: :-* --- Summary:
It took Phil a very long time to do the Christmas shopping but he probably managed to get everything. He will be home in an hour. Phil's apple pie will be in the oven when he arrives.
Summarize this dialog: Piper: When is the payment expected? Bryan: I have asked my manager to send the payment Piper: When would he send it to me? Bryan: He will send you tonight Piper: I would be waiting Bryan: Sure, Client liked your work Piper: Hope to work with you long term --- Summary:
Piper will get paid tonight. Client liked Piper's work and wants to work with her on a long-term basis.
Summarize this dialog: Richie: Pogba Clay: Pogboom Richie: what a s strike yoh! Clay: was off the seat the moment he chopped the ball back to his right foot Richie: me too dude Clay: hope his form lasts Richie: This season he's more mature Clay: Yeah, Jose has his trust in him Richie: everyone does Clay: yeah, he really deserved to score after his first 60 minutes Richie: reward Clay: yeah man Richie: cool then Clay: cool --- Summary:
Richie and Clay saw a very good football game, with one football player chopping the ball back to his foot, which was particularly exciting. Jose has trust in that player.
Summarize this dialog: Sybille: Hello, i'm trying to make my online registration for the flight AF3581 from Minneapolis to Paris the 29th, but i only get an error message. Here is my file number NRTTU and my flying blue number XXXX. Thanks for you help Air France: Hello Sybille, we acknowledge receipt of your message and return to you as soon as possible. Air France: After checking your flight is operated by Delta Airlines for departure from the United States. Online registration works from the Delta site. Sybille: Hello again , i still have trouble for my son' s online registration. I'm really angry as it cost me more than 40 euros for 20 minutes on your short number 3654, and still i don't have any answer. He couldn't get his flight yesterday, so i asked for it to be postpone. I twice gave my credit number but still the ticket is not delivered. Air France: Of course, i give the file to an agent. Air France: Please, be awared it could take 24 hours Sybille: I can't wait so long. My son is only 16 year old and he has to sleep in the airport, with no mean to leave his luggage as he has no ticket. Air France: Hello Sybille, we're very sorry . We could offer you a departure on flight DL140 from Minneapolis to Paris. We'll return to you. Sybille: My phone number is XXXX, please call me back as soon as possible Sybille: Hello, i was again on line with people from the short number. They told me that they've done everything possible but my payment can't be accepted because the flight is operated by Delta. Please consider a young stuck in US with no possibilites for coming back just because of Delta and Air France sharing code, can't share payment. Shame on you. Air France: We'll get in touch with Delta US and return to you quickly Sybille: thanks a lot Air France: We just send you by email the new ticket for you son. We remain at your disposal. Sybille: Thanks a lot, you're more efficient than the hotline. --- Summary:
Sybille is angry, because she cannot make a reservation for the flight from Minneapolis to Paris. Air France managed to solve the issue.
Summarize this dialog: Natalia: should we book this flight before it gets more expensive? Harriet: yes, let's do it today Lara: yup! --- Summary:
Natalia, Harriet and Lara will book flight tickets today.
Summarize this dialog: Hans: come to the practice Slade: NOW?? Hans: yes, now Slade: alright Hans: and bring the ball as well XD we dont have it here ;P Slade: -_- --- Summary:
Hans asks Slade to bring the ball and come to the practice.
Summarize this dialog: Holt: ladies, an important question. what to get my sis for bday? Darla: how old? Holt: 21 Olive: can't be too personal Treena: cosmetics maybe? Zula: i'd get her DVDs or book series. always works Holt: you might be right. set of DVDs and some cosmetics? Olive: we'd all be happy i guess if you know what she likes --- Summary:
Holt asks his girlfriends some advice on a present for his sister on her 21st birthday. Treena recommends cosmetics, whereas Zula suggests DVDs or book series.
Summarize this dialog: Georgia: Hey girls Georgia: What do you think Georgia: <photo_file> Roxana: Buy it! Summer: You look great Georgia: I like it Georgia: But where will I wear it? Summer: Parties --- Summary:
Georgia sent a photo. Roxana and Summer advise Georgia to buy it.
Summarize this dialog: Miley: don't want to go to work tomorrow! Miley: wanna sleep!!! Miley: need some rest :( Aaron: know what u feelin Aaron: really want some holiday already Miley: :( Aaron: fighting girl! --- Summary:
Miley is tired and doesn't want to work tomorrow.
Summarize this dialog: Greg: Hi there, I'm coming for a business trip soon and would stay for two nights longer in BG Greg: Could I stay at your place? Nina: Sure Nina: How could you possibly ask that at all Nina: Happy to see you soon Greg: :-D Greg: Super cool, see you soon! Kiss Greg: I'm happy too Nina: How do you come? Shall we pick you up from somewhere? Greg: No Dear. I'll be going directly to work, they are picking me up; two days at work and then back to a city Greg: Don't prepare anything, please! Nina: Ok, we are in touch Greg: <3 --- Summary:
Greg asks Nina to accomodate him for two days while he's on a business trip.
Summarize this dialog: Amal: hey, did you see what Beyonce tweeted? Amir: haha. yeah, i did. isnt she wonderful? Amal: yeah, shes great. --- Summary:
Amal and Amir saw Beyonce's tweet. They think she's great.
Summarize this dialog: Alec: Have you seen the last America's got talent? Alexa: No. Alexa: Interesting? Alec: <file_other> Alexa: The link doesn't work. Alec: Give me a sec. Alec: <file _other> Alexa: Now it's working! Alec: good, watch it, u'll like it Alexa: you're right, I like it :) Alexa: The girl is amazing! Alec: :) Alexa: I wish I have had half her skills when I was her age! Alec: She's very good, that's true. Alec: I even thik she might win the edition. Alexa: Did you see all candidates? Alec: yes Alec: And there're a few good, but I personally think she's the best! Alexa: I'd be glad if she wins :) --- Summary:
Alec saw America's got talent. He sent a link to Alexa.
Summarize this dialog: Kelly: I still haven't received the rent money. Did you check with your bank? John: Yes. I definitely sent it last week. Kelly: But I still don't have it. Can you please check that you sent it to the right account. John: OK. Give me 5 min. Kelly: OK John: I checked and the money did go out of my account last week. Kelly: What account number did you send it to? John: 44-1278 Kelly: No wonder! My account number is 44-1279. You sent it to someone else's account. John: Fuck!!!! Damn! Fuck! John: I'm really sorry! Kelly: I still need the rent money though. John: I'm really sorry I'll have to go to the bank tomorrow and ask if they can re-send it to the right account. Kelly: Thanks! --- Summary:
Kelly hasn't received the rent money, because John sent it to the wrong bank account. He will go to the bank to tackle the issue.
Summarize this dialog: Hannah: Are you watching the game? James: No I am head to work : ( Hannah: Oh okay --- Summary:
James is heading to work so he's not watching the game.
Summarize this dialog: Kevin: Hey. Your mum has been calling me all day asking where you are. Kevin: Where are you at? Lilian: Ooh. My phone battery died Lilian: But I called them and told them I am at Helen's place Kevin: Okay. --- Summary:
Lilian has already told them she is at Helen's place.
Summarize this dialog: Simon: Good afternoon. Freddy: Good afternoon, Simon. Simon: I heard from Barbara that you have a good singing voice and that she had asked you to sing at the school concert? Freddy: Well yes, she did. Obviously it's up to you, you are doing the music. Not every musician likes to jst perform with people he doesn't know. Freddy: It wasn't my idea, but if you are ok with we can do it. Simon: The only problem I have is that I can't see myself finding any free time in the coming week to practice and the concert is on Friday. Do you have backing tracks for the things you like to sing? Freddy: Sure, I can send you something. Simon: How many would you like to sing? Freddy: I don't know, one or two, three at most. Simon: OK, then send me three tracks. Maybe it'll be possible for me to play guitar as you sing for one or two of the tracks, we'll have to see. Freddy: That would be good. In the end live music is something a lot more special than just using backing tracks. Simon: I'll send you my email address and you can send me the attachments on that. Freddy: Will do. thanks. --- Summary:
Freddy will sing at the school concert and send Simon 3 backing tracks.
Summarize this dialog: Wayne: hi kiddo, got home alright? Tommy: sure Wayne: did mum pick you up from the station? Tommy: no, she texted me I should take a bus Wayne: :( Tommy: it's alright! she's at school already Wayne: forgot Tommy: thanks for the weekend dad. I liked it. Wayne: what most? Tommy: angling Wayne: right. We'll do it again. Promised. Tommy: cool Tommy: will you send me the pics pls? Wayne: on their way Wayne: <file_photo> Tommy: thanks dad! Wayne: talk to you later kiddo.In the evening? Tommy: yeah --- Summary:
Tommy took a bus. He enjoyed the weekend with Wayne. They will talk in the evening.
Summarize this dialog: Tobias: What do you say, we grab a beer after work or something? Trevor: You read my mind :P Tobias: 9 at my place? Trevor: sounds like a plan --- Summary:
Trevor will meet Tobias at his place at 9 pm.
Summarize this dialog: Autumn: u sewn anything? Autumn: show me show me!! :D Autumn: <file_gif> Israel: no :( Israel: haven't had the time yet ;( Autumn: ooh :( Autumn: u need to have pririorities in life! Autumn: like me - i haven't checked the tests for a month because the dress wouldn't sew itself :D Israel: you've sewn a dres?? Israel: you didn't show it to me Autumn: oh didn't i? Autumn: there will be some photos on the site soon so you'll see it:) Israel: sure will! can't wait!:D Autumn: <file_other> Autumn: haven't i showed you this? Israel: noo!! it's wonderful!! Autumn: thanks :) Israel: can't wait to see the whole dress! :) --- Summary:
Autumn has sewn a dress.
Summarize this dialog: Henny: <file_gif> Henny: Dear Frances, something beautiful and funny for a good New Year! Frances: It is so wonderful!!!! Thank you. Frances: For you too - all the best in 2019! Frances: <file_photo> Henny: Thanks, a lovely view. Is it near you? Frances: Am just back from the Vosges. It was a view we had from our sitting room. The farm house (turned into a holiday flat) was just superb. Here a few pics: Frances: <file_photo> Henny: That looks superb. Far from maddening crowd? Frances: That's it. Absolutely quiet, no banging on the New Year's Eve, no busy roads. Henny: So Aiden was a happy dog. Frances: Totally. Ferdinand too. We, the tree of us, had a great week there. And didn't even spend much money. Henny: Did you cook? Frances: Partly. Ferdinand. But we also had meals in a local. Was exceptionally tasty! Henny: Duce France! Frances: C'est ca! --- Summary:
Frances just got back from Vosges. She stayed a week in a farm house with Ferdinand and her dog Aiden.
Summarize this dialog: Paula: Why do they make this game with super hard levels? Stew: No idea. I hate those. Paula: It really makes it not fun at all. Stew: Yep. Paula: I just can get past 637 no matter what I do. Stew: Did you try looking up the cheats online? Paula: Brilliant! --- Summary:
Paula cannot get past level 637 in her game. She will look up the cheats online.
Summarize this dialog: Calum: Oh, please. There's an ad coming up to be a computer investigator and you can earn almost 80 thou. Bethany: Riiiiight! Where? Calum: Exactly. Bethany: I mean, that's pretty specialized. Could be true. Calum: Doubtful. Bethany: At any rate, specialized so that equals hard to find a job in. Calum: Yep. You'd be on the help desk in no time! LOL! Bethany: Better than asking if they want fries with that! Calum: Only slightly! Bethany: I can't imagine talking to stupid users all day. Calum: Nightmare of epic proportions. Bethany: No shit! Calum: Putting it delicately! Bethany: LOL! --- Summary:
Calum and Bethany doubt you can earn 80 thousands as a computer investigator. Calum and Bethany can't imagine taking to customers all day.
Summarize this dialog: Jackie: My sister called me she got pregnant.(°◇°) Deadrana: Wow. awesome! ヽ(^。^)ノ Jackie: But I am a bit worried about her.(ーー゛)(ーー゛) Deadrana: Why? As I know your sister is healthy. Does she have any problem? Jackie: No, no. Of course not. Jackie: You know nowadays having kids and raise them takes a lot of money for whole your life Deadrana: That’s true. Jackie: But I don't think my brother-in-law earns enough money for his kids. Deadrana: At least he doesn’t have any debt. Deadrana: I understand you are worried about your sister (・へ・) Deadrana: Cause she is your sister but your brother-in-law is hardworking guy. 🙂🙂 Deadrana: Don’t worry too much.🙂 Jackie: My sister seemed also worried while she was talking about her pregnancy. Deadrana: I can imagine....🙁🙁 Jackie: Because her plan was to have a baby 2 years later. Jackie: So it is like, so to speak, well, an accident.😢😢😢 Deadrana: I understand. But life isn’t going only as you expected. Right? Deadrana: Maybe you can just say only bright future. Jackie: Yeah..I guess you’re right. <_<<_<<_< Jackie: Sometimes I feel lucky that I didn't get married yet.ヽ(´ー`)┌ --- Summary:
Jackie's sister is pregnant two years before she planned for it. Jackie is worried about her financial situation.
Summarize this dialog: Mike: who's going to the lecture tomorrow morning? Sean: i've never managed it, so I don't think it's even possible Joseph: I'm going but it's a nightmare Joseph: how do you want to pass the exam Sean? Sean: you all make notes, don't you? Mike: we do... Mike: but there is a very important question: are we going to share them with you? Sean: nooooo.... how cruel Mike: we all like to sleep, but we keep going there anyway Sean: I think I like to sleep more Sean: I'm just unable to get up so early Joseph: so are we! Joseph: Try at leat once, then we can think about sharing the notes Sean: how mean... --- Summary:
Sean never gets up for the morning lecture. He needs to attend it at least once to get the notes.
Summarize this dialog: Anna: Mum, I have a awful stomachache. Joanna: Oh, dear, when did you get it? Anna: At night, and it won’t stop:-( Joanna: Is it something you ate? Anna: Maybe. I'm not sure. Joanna: What did you have for breakfast? Anna: The usual, cereal with milk and a banana. Joanna: Maybe the milk was bad. Anna: It didn't smell bad. Joanna: Maybe the banana was bad. Anna: No, the banana was delicious. Joanna: Maybe you just need to go to the bathroom. Anna: No, that's not the problem. Joanna: Maybe it will go away in a little while. Anna: I wish it would :-( Anna: Hopefully. If not, maybe we should go and see a doctor. Joanna: Yeah, I think so... Anna: I’ll get you a hot tea with some fresh mint leaves. Hope it will help. Joanna: Please do, I’m in my room... Anna: Will be in ten minutes:-) --- Summary:
Anna got an awful stomachache at night but she doesn't know its cause. Her mom Joanna will make her hot tea with some fresh mint leaves.
Summarize this dialog: Dolph: hey Dolph: remember to bring your passport tomorrow Ziggler: Cool, i will --- Summary:
Ziggler will bring the passport tomorrow as reminded by Dolph.
Summarize this dialog: Sam: Where are you? Kate: downstairs Sam: already? Kate: sure, come down Jeff: We're in the little room next to the reception Kate: have you noticed the woman making a cake? Sam: yes Kate: did you see the cake? Sam: I didn't pay attention, why? Kate: there was a huge penis on it Kate: made of marzipan or sth Sam: hahah, really? Kate: when I noticed it, I started laughing Kate: so she laughed too Sam: nice Kate: I asked her what's she doing Kate: Somebody ordered a cake with a huge penis with balls and chocolate hair Sam: hahah, I must see it! Kate: she is working in the small room under the stairs Sam: right, there is a kitchen --- Summary:
Kate and Jeff are downstairs in a room next to the reception. Some lady is making a marzipan cake.
Summarize this dialog: Larry: "old heads" will hear insurance and their ears will prick up. This vote isn't about converting people we already have onboard :) Kirsten: Agreed. And I am more than happy and willing to chat with 'old heads' on the matter. Can talk about 'risk mitigation' and what not. Larry: Let me take a look at that email and get back to u Kirsten: Ok. sounds good. And let me know what you think and I will pull the trigger and post. Larry: Nailed it. God damn it. Post it. It's a Sunday Kirsten: Ok. Now I got to get my husband to sign off on it since we are referencing him. Oh the married life! Larry: Mate. They're lucky to have you. Let alone him. Don't forget you're doing them all a gravious favor... Let that be clear. Kirsten: Lol. Thank you. I appreciate the confidence. I like to stay busy and I love to learn. So I think this will take care of both :) Larry: I hear that! Kirsten: Besides. To be transparent. I honestl don't intend on doing this by myself. I would be a fool not to take input fro Jamie and John. They all have a lot of experience and knowledge in the role. Larry: I hear that too. No argument from me. The current BoD has ignored them both. It's insulting. Kirsten: Legal action seems to be the only thing they understand. Larry: Sadly yes. On a different note. I want to see a menorah in the lobby next year Kirsten: Yes let's try to! I will See if Sara has an extra we can out in the lobby --- Summary:
Larry has to read the E-mail again and make a decision with Kirsten afterwards. Kirsten has to convince her husband. Kirsten wants to include Jamie and John. Larry and Kirsten are going to arrange menorah in the lobby.
Summarize this dialog: Lesley: Can you please go on a walk with the dog when you get home? Chloe: I don't know when I'm going to be home though. Lesley: What do you mean? Doesn't school finish up at 3PM? Chloe: Yes, but I was going to go to Megan's house tonight. Lesley: Chloe, you didn't ask me if you could go. You cannot just assume that you are going. Chloe: Mom, seriously. I already told her I was going to come over. Lesley: Chloe, your dad has to work late tonight. No one is going to be home for a long time. Lesley: Someone needs to come home and let her out. Chloe: Mom, you always do this to me. Lesley: I am not the one that wanted a dog. You are going to come home and let her out. Lesley: And that's that. Lesley: You can go out and see Megan afterwards. Chloe: Ok. Lesley: Thank you. --- Summary:
Somebody has to take the dog out. Chloe wants to go to Megan tonight and the father has to work late tonight. Chloe will have to come back home to let the dog out and then she can see Megan.
Summarize this dialog: Natalie: Could anybody check if my wallet is in my room? Jenny: I'm not home Tobias: It's here <file_photo> Natalie: phew --- Summary:
Natalie's wallet is in her room.
Summarize this dialog: Phil: I hear you are looking for me? Rob: I do! Where the hell are you? Phil: At the moment I'm on my way from one client to another. Why? Rob: When can you be at the office? Rob: I've got to talk to you. Phil: What's so urgent? Rob: Can't tell you. Phil: What?! Rob: I mean can't tell you now. Rob: I need to see you in person. Phil: Well, it'll have to wait till tomorrow. I'm out of town. Rob: Can you be in my office first thing tomorrow morning? Phil: let me check. Phil: Yep. I can do it. Rob: Cool. See you tomorrow then. Phil: See you. --- Summary:
Rob is looking for Phil. Rob needs to talk with him. Phil will come over to his office tomorrow morning.
Summarize this dialog: Martin: Uhhh, babe, we need to talk Nicole: What's wrong? Martin: I'd rather tell you in person, when can we meet up? Nicole: I'm afraid I'll be kind of busy the next few weeks, a lot of people at my work quit so it's been hell Nicole: Can't you just tell me now?? Martin: I don't know, it just doesn't feel right... Nicole: Oh God, just tell me already!! What is it Nicole: Do you wanna break up? Is there someone else? Martin: No one! I swear Nicole: Huh... you didn't say no to the break up part though Martin: I mean... it's not that I want to but... I guess that depends on you... because there's something you should know Nicole: What is it... You're making me anxious Martin: I'm, well... I'm asexual Martin: I thought you should know because... well... I know it can be a problem in a relationship Martin: I just wouldn't want you to feel unhappy with me Martin: It's not like I can't have sex, but it's just not the same for me as for other guys, I guess Martin: I love you but I want you to be happy, so I thought you should know Nicole: Well... I'm a little speechless, that's not what I expected, but I don't think it has to be a problem... I don't want to break up like this, let's give it a try first --- Summary:
Martin is asexual. Nicole doesn't want to break up for this reason. She wants to give their relationship a try.
Summarize this dialog: Mike: <file_photo> Mike: woke up like this :/ Emma: omg what is this??? Emma: allergy? Mike: no idea... probably Mike: but no idea to what :/ --- Summary:
Mike suspects he might have had an allergic reaction to something.
Summarize this dialog: David: I want a new tattoo but idk what to get Mike: ahh yes iv been wanting to get one but do you have any ideas at all? David: ehh I was thinking something on my back maybe a scull and rose? Mike: nahh dude everyone does this ahah David: yeah but I was thinking I add something else to make it more personal but idk what haha Mike: yeah idk when you think of it let me know Ill go get one with you aahah --- Summary:
David wants to get a new tattoo but he doesn't know what exactly yet.
Summarize this dialog: William: hey im making spaghetti William: could you please buy some fresh tomatoes William: pretty please :) Olivia: no problem dear :) William: and Beth? it wouldn't hurt to have some chocolate for after the dinner :D Beth: I'm on it :D --- Summary:
William is making spaghetti. Olivia will buy fresh tomatoes for William. Beth will buy chocolate.
Summarize this dialog: Karen: you know that road from the swimming pool to Waitrose? Peter: yeah? Karen: What is happening there? Peter: Dunno. What do you mean? Karen: It's all blocked of and vans everywhere Peter: Is it ambulances and stuff? Karen: Don't think so, I didn't see any lights or anything Peter: what kind of vans then? Karen: I don't know, those big white ones, like work vans Peter: maybe repairs to something? Karen: yeah I guess so Karen: either way I would avoid it if I were you, I got pretty stuck after yoga Karen: what time are you leaving anyway? Peter: Not until 6 at the earliest, got to finish this presentation for the repairs team tomorrow Karen: I thought Joe was going to finish that? Peter: No Eileen wanted me to do it... Karen: Cause she knows you won't say no? Peter: Or because Joe did a pretty crappie job last time Karen: True. let me know if you need any help. Peter: I'm almost done, thanks though. Karen: see you in a bit --- Summary:
Karen got stuck on the road from the swimming pool to Waitrose so wants Peter to avoid it. Peter is not leaving until 6 as he he has to finish his presentation. Karen will see Peter in a bit.
Summarize this dialog: Matt: Hi! Nick: Sup? Matt: Do you remember what internet connection we have? Nick: Shit, man, I don't know... Matt: Rats, me neither and I need it for the application Nick: I usually just use my mobile service, I don't watch anything when at home Matt: That's OK, I'll figure sth out, thx Nick: kk, when I remember it, i'll let you know. --- Summary:
Nick will let Matt know when he remembers what their internet connection is.
Summarize this dialog: Baron: What's up. Baron: there is a match next week. Gabriel: Hey, our tutor wanted to join us Baron: Sign on the calendar Gavin: link please? Baron: <file_other> Gavin: let's add people from our group Gabriel: good idea --- Summary:
Baron, Gabriel and Gavin have a match next week. Their tutor wants to join them.
Summarize this dialog: Mia: God, he keeps talking about the stupid wall Jennifer: I think he's just senile Karine: unfortunately it's much more Karine: this populist strategy to scare people with a minority Karine: and then present himself as the only savior Peter: Karine is right, I think he's not as senile and stupid as we would like to believe Mia: so it's even worse - he's pure evil Peter: possibly yes Karine: I really think so, because it's not only about politics anymore Karine: he is destroying the Earth Karine: trying to shake the world's order Jennifer: but he's also quite stupid Jennifer: and the dangerous thing is his self confidence Jennifer: he's persistence Jennifer: and ignorance Karine: but we have a chance to change it Karine: maybe Trump will be over soon? Mia: we will see Mia: but we should do anything to win the next elections Karine: everything! --- Summary:
Mia, Jennifer, Karine and Peter do not like Trump.
Summarize this dialog: Madison: <file_other> Madison: I saw this offer today Adam: Thailand?? Madison: Exactly Adam: Not to expensive?? Madison: Tickets cost pretty penny, but the rest is extra cheap Taylor: And children under 12 --> 50% off Jordan: Seems ok --- Summary:
Madison considers buying flight tickets to Thailand as she has found a cheap offer with 50% discount for children under 12.
Summarize this dialog: Tina: Hey, Facebook is constantly non stop suggesting Patrick Demi: Hahahahaha Tina: I think I have to catch a bit of your approach Demi: He's a god. What do you mean...? Tina: I have to learn how to transfer from hating men to fucking them haha Demi: (Y) Tina: as soon as possible Demi: Haha! Yeah. I did it, you're right. But i worked on it hard after a huge heartbreak Tina: <file_gif> Demi: (Y) currently i like men. you have to be chilled with them ;) Tina: <file_gif> Demi: :D maybe its a mistake... i dont know. Lets organize workshops on that :D Tina: I only like one type :D yes plz do it haha Demi: Done! but maybe you should chill a bit, look around for ather types ...and see what happens Tina: I only dont what my mood depend so much on other people Demi: I know! I know it well! Tina: this renting case is eating me Demi: you have to isolate one bit inside that will be always independent Tina: we have to meet, crazy girl! Demi: for sure. if youre homeless i will take under my roof Tina: between the guyshaha Demi: we ll find something Tina: <3 --- Summary:
Tina has to learn Demi's approach how to transfer from hating men to dating them.
Summarize this dialog: Freddie: Nanna, are you coming to visit us soon? Winnie: Oh darling, Nanna has broken her leg, you'll have to visit me instead. Freddie: I forgott. Well come soon. Winnie: Good, ask Mummy and Daddy and they will come when they can. Freddie: Yes love you. Leg better soon? Winnie: Yes, quite soon. Tell mummy to ring me. Bye darling xxxxx --- Summary:
Winnie has broken her leg and will not visit any time soon. Freddie will ask mummy to call Winnie up.
Summarize this dialog: Mark: who wants to go and see 'Batman. New Beginning' this Sat at 7? Clint: me! Phil: me too! Mark: cool. I can get tickets for us all. Clint: thats great --- Summary:
Mark, Clint and Phil are going to watch "Batman. New Beginning" on Saturday, at 7. Mark will get the tickets.
Summarize this dialog: Andy: Hello. I have had a good look and have done some tests on the mould in your spare bedroom upstairs and in the dinign room. Betty: Hello Andy. Thank you for that, what are your thoughts? Andy: I think it is caused by condensation, as most of the moist settles on and around the windows. Betty: Why is that? Andy: Those are the coldest areas and therefore where the moist in the warm air turns into water. On the windows its just water, on the walls the moist will allow mould to grow. Betty: So why is it all over the spare room walls, and all around the dining room? but not in other rooms? Andy: Probably because they have external walls which are cooler than internal walls. Betty: so why only that bedroom and not the other ones? Andy: I guess those rooms are most effected as the spare room is next to the bathroom and the dining room next to the kitchen. Betty: But why isnt there mould on the kitchen and bathroom itself then? Andy: I think that is because the kitchen doesn't have external walls and the bathroom has only one external wall and a fan in it. The difference when i measured it between internal wall and external wall is about 4 degrees. Betty: Does that mean we need new double glazed windows or new wall insulation? Andy: Not necessarily. that would make a little difference but would still leave you with moist air in the house, so it would just settle somewhere else. Betty: So what would you recommend? Andy: I would install a fan system, or PIV system, which would circulate air to dilute and take some moisture out of the air. It would be installed in your loft and be on continuously during day and night. Betty: That sounds good. would that be sufficient? Andy: If you buy a decent size it will be, but you would also need to treat your walls to get rid of the current mould. That will not go away by itself. Betty: OK, is this something your company can help with? Andy: It is indeed, we can repaint as well if you want. Betty: Good point. Could you please send me a detailed quote for the work via email? Andy: Of course, I will have that done by Friday. Betty: That would be great. And again, thanks for today! Andy: No problem, speak soon. --- Summary:
Betty's house has mould due to condensation. Andy will send her a quote for the work needed by Friday.
Summarize this dialog: Gina: did u lock the door Warren: yes Gina: good, thanks --- Summary:
Warren locked the door.
Summarize this dialog: Claire: hey Claire: where's this conference about relations at school? Aaron: hey Aaron: it's in the teaching training thing Claire: oh, in Sesame Street? Aaron: yeah exactly Claire: thanks! Claire: are you going? i mean apart from your own lecture ;D Aaron: haha yeah i'm giving two, actually Aaron: and i'm kind of a host there as well Aaron: so guess i'll be looking to coffee, biscuits etc Claire: i see Aaron: i was thinking i could go to Jo's lecture Claire: Jo's... is it the one about stress? Aaron: no, that's Joe ;D Jo is having a workshop on teamwork Claire: ah, this one. yeah looks interesting Aaron: i know her, she's a really good coach Claire: i was thinking maybe mindfullness... Aaron: yeah definitely!! if you haven't been to any mindfullness workshops then it's a must! Aaron: i've taken it in Berlin last year, with the same guy Aaron: it was amazing, life-changing i'd say Claire: sounds wonderful Claire: one can easily tell you're one of the organisers ;D Aaron: hahah yeah but we did choose the best topics and presenters, believe me :D Aaron: we've checked out all those people and learnt from them and yeah, they're the best ;) Claire: ok ok i'm signing up :D see you there, during the breaks at least;) Aaron: ok bye bye;) --- Summary:
Aaron will give two lectures during the conference about relations at school at the Sesame Street. Claire will participate in mindfulness workshop.
Summarize this dialog: Kate: I've just heard you want to sell your flat?! Rob: That's true. Do you want to buy it? Kate: Ha ha! I wish.. Rob: I'll give you a discount ;) Kate: Sure. You moved in a year ago or so?! Why do you wanna sell it? Rob: We're thinking about having a baby and it is too small. Kate: It's not that bad. Mine is smaller and I have two. Rob: There's no room for a cot in our bedroom. Kate: You're right. So are you looking for two bed now? Rob: Three bed would be perfect so that we won't have to move out again when we decide to have another baby. Kate: That's sounds reasonable. Rob: I know. It just the prices.. total madness!!! Kate: I can only imagine. It's getting more expensive year after year. Rob: I've got a friend who's relocating to another city so want to sell his flat ASAP and offers a good price. We're seeing him tomorrow. Kate: Good luck with that! ;) Rob: Fingers crossed! ;) --- Summary:
Rob wants to sell his flat, because it's too small. Rob will meet a friend tomorrow who has a flat to sell.
Summarize this dialog: Allison: You talked to Ethan about the function? Evan: Yeah I did Allison: What did he say? Evan: He might not come Allison: Can you do something about that? Evan: I will try to make him come Allison: K --- Summary:
Evan will try to make Ethan come.