<Kowloon Electricity Supply Co Ltd>, a joint venture of China Light and Power Co Ltd <CLPH.HK> and Exxon Corp <XON>, has renewed and increased an existing commercial paper program, arranger <Schroders Asia Ltd> said. The fully underwritten program, which expires this month, has been extended to December 1990 and increased to 540 mln H.K. Dlrs from the original 500 mln dlrs, it said. The underwriting fee is 1/8 of a percentage point over the Hong Kong interbank offered rate. Commercial paper in tenures of one to three months will be issued in denominations of one mln dlrs, it said. The program offers a U.S. Dlr option whereby commercial paper in denominations of 100,000 U.S. Dlrs will be issued subject to the same underwriting margin. Joining Schroders as underwriters are Barclays Bank Plc, Citicorp International Ltd, Paribas Asia Ltd, Sanwa International Finance Ltd and Sumitomo Finance (Asia) Ltd. The six underwriters will be joined by 11 other financial institutions in the tender panel. REUTER 
Sankei Building Co Ltd is issuing a 60 mln dlr equity warrant eurobond due May 7, 1992 paying an indicated coupon of 2-1/8 pct and priced at par, lead manager Nomura International Ltd said. The issue is guaranteed by Sumitomo Bank Ltd and is available in denominations of 5,000 dlrs. The selling concession is 1-1/2 pct while management and underwriting combined pays 3/4 pct. The payment date is May 7 and listing will be in Luxembourg. Final terms will be fixed on April 15. The warrants are exercisable from May 21, 1987 until April 23, 1992. REUTER 
The Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) will list yen bond futures contracts once the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission gives its approval, which could come within six months, CBOT chairman Karsten Mahlmann said. Mahlmann earlier told a press conference he would visit Kyoji Kitamura, director-general of the Finance Ministry's Securities Bureau, to express the CBOT's concern that Japanese financial institutions and individuals are not permitted to trade on the CBOT. Mahlmann is on a two-week tour of Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney. Mahlmann urged Japan to boost Tokyo's status as a world financial center by promoting the internationalisation of its financial industry. The Finance Ministry is expected to allow local banks, securities houses and insurance companies to use overseas markets from this month, bond market sources said, but officials would only say the issue was under study. Initially, the ministry is likely to bar corporate and individual investors due to their relative inexperience, and to limit trading to instruments like currency, stock indexes, time deposits and government debt futures, the sources said. Mahlmann told reporters the CBOT will start evening trading to coincide with Far East morning activity on April 30. But he added night sessions would not preclude the CBOT from forming links with Far Eastern exchanges, although nothing had been decided. Asked what type of financial futures would be appropriate, he cited products concerning debt and equity. The CBOT evening session will run from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. Chicago time (2300 to 0200 GMT), which is 8:00 to 11:00 A.M. In Tokyo, and trading will be limited to four contracts -- U.S. Treasury note and bond futures and options, he said. Yen bond dealers said a proposed link between CBOT and the London International Financial Futures Exchange (LIFFE), combined with yen bond futures listings on both, would multiply volume if trade was encouraged by Tokyo-based orders. Healthy liquidity growth in cash yen bond markets overseas is a prerequisite for expanded futures trading, traders said. LIFFE plans to list yen bond futures should go ahead from September, possibly coinciding with the CBOT, traders said. The CBOT applied for permission to offer a long-term Japanese government bond futures contract on March 17, and the authorities must rule on the request within a year. REUTER 
<Pergamon Holdings Ltd> and its associate companies said that they had sold 30 mln ordinary shares in the British Printing and Communication Corp Plc <BPCL.L> and 10.5 mln in <Hollis Plc> together with other securities. No total price was given but the company said the proceeds of the sales would be used to fund Pergamon's expansion programme and worldwide acquisition stategy. The company said that following these sales Pergamon's ordinary shareholdings in both BPCC and Hollis remained above 51 pct. It said it had no intention of further reducing its holdings in either company. REUTER 
British Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe and U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz plan to discuss the growing crisis in trade relations with Japan in talks in Washington, government officials said. Howe views the apparent deadlock in British attempts to secure a greater share in Japanese domestic markets very seriously, said an official travelling with him. Britain has threatened to impose retaliatory restrictions on Japanese finance houses in London if Japan does not open up its markets. The U.S. Has already imposed higher tariffs on computer microchips imported from Japan. Michael Howard, the British minister for consumer and corporate affairs, repeated the threat of sanctions before leaving Tokyo yesterday at the end of a four-day visit during which he failed to secure major concessions from the Japanese. Howe's main mission in Washington was to brief Shultz on Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's visit to the Soviet Union last week. Shultz is due to fly to Moscow next week. REUTER 
Year 1986 Net profit 635.5 mln guilders vs 603.4 mln. Revenues 17.35 billion guilders vs 17.27 billion. Net profit per nominal 2.50 guilder share 5.79 guilders vs 5.67, corrected for capital increase. (1985 uncorrected figure 5.73). Dividend 2.50 guilders vs 2.38, corrected. (2.40 uncorrected.) Note - Full name is Nationale Nederlanden NV <NTNN.AS> REUTER 
<Bond Corp International Ltd> said it has sold a residential block at Hong Kong's mid-levels to a joint venture between Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd <SHKP.HK> and <New Town (N.T.) Properties Ltd> for 138 mln H.K. Dlrs. Bond International, a subsidiary of the Australia based Bond Corp Holdings Ltd <BONA.S>, will receive net profits of about 16 mln dlrs from the deal. The firm bought the building, which has total floor spaces of 110,580 sq ft and is now fully let, as part of a parcel of properties which it acquired from Hongkong Land Co Ltd <HKLD.HK> for 1.43 billion dlrs late last year. REUTER 
The statement issued today by the Group of Seven (G-7) industrialised nations has put Japan under greater international pressure to stimulate its economy or face a further rise in the yen, private economists and analysts said. They said the communique reflected increased foreign frustration with Japan's burgeoning trade surplus and its tight-fisted fiscal policies in the past. Unless Japan implements economic measures included in the statement, foreign protectionist sentiment would grow and the yen would come under renewed upward pressure, they said. The G-7 -- grouping the U.S., Japan, West Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Canada -- said in the statement they welcomed proposals announced by Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) for extraordinary and urgent measures to stimulate its economy and that Japan reaffirmed its intention to further open its domestic markets. "It's rather unusual that only Japan was mentioned in the communique and promised something," said Takeshi Saito, general manager of Fuji Bank Ltd's research division. This showed how strongly other nations want Japan to take concrete and effective steps to redress its trade surplus, he said. The statement referred to some details of Japan's proposed economic measures, such as early implementation of a large supplementary budget exceeding those of previous years and unprecedented front-end loading of public works expenditures. It did not mention any figure for the projected supplementary budget but LDP officials have said it will amount to more than 5,000 billion yen for fiscal 1987, which compares with 2,000 billion provided for the previous year. "It signalled a clear shift away from the conservative fiscal policies of the past," said Kazuaki Harada, senior managing director of Sanwa Research Institute. For the last five years the government has stuck to a tight-fisted fiscal policy in its attempt to stop issuing deficit financing bonds by 1990. But mounting foreign pressure for Japan to boost its economy, hurt by the yen's extended rise, hurried the government to hammer out a draft economic package and bring it to the latest G-7 meeting. Harada said Japan should not view expansion of its economy as the result of pressure but as an opportunity to lead world economic growth. "The Japanese economy has the potential to take a leadership role and we should recognize it," Harada said. If Japan fails to meet such international expectations it will invite some retaliatory moves, especially from the U.S., Which may result in a further rise of the yen, analysts said. The G-7 communique represented a test for Japan's commitment to domestically-generated economic growth and to a more balanced world trade structure, they said. REUTER 
Ta Chung Hua Rubber Factory of Shanghai will raise a 30 to 35 mln U.S. Dlr loan to expand and modernise its plant, arranger CCIC Finance Ltd said. The loan, to be lead managed by the Bank of China, is expected to mature in eight to nine years, but terms have not been finalized. The money will be used to import manufacturing equipment including technology transfer for the production of truck radial tyres. Part of the output will be exported. The expansion program is expected to cost a total 54 mln dlrs. The shortfall will be financed domestically. REUTER 
Saudi riyal interest rates rose as Bahrain-based banks scrambled to cover short positions, dealers said. Several Bahrain banks had been lending in the fixed periods and borrowing in the short dates, but today they found the day-to-day money in short supply, dealers said. "Everybody's stuck in the spot-next," one trader said. Spot-next rose to as high as 6-1/4, six pct from 5-1/4, five pct yesterday, and the borrowing interest spilled over into the periods, with one month rising to around 6-3/16, 5-15/16 pct from 5-15/16, 7/8 pct yesterday. Three months edged up to around 6-9/16, 5/16 pct from 6-7/16, 1/4 pct, while six months was quoted a touch firmer by some banks at seven, 6-3/4 pct. Commercial banks quoted the spot riyal at 3.7500/04 to the dollar after 3.7507/09 yesterday. REUTER 
Belgium plans to issue Swiss franc warrants to buy gold, with Credit Suisse as lead manager, market sources said. No confirmation or further details were immediately available. REUTER 
Tabuchi Electric Co is launching 30 mln Swiss francs of five-year straight notes with a 4-3/4 pct coupon and par issue price, lead mananger Swiss Bank Corp said. Payment is due April 22. REUTER 
The Philippine Long Distance Telephone Co <PLDT.MN> is planning a two-for-one stock split and a 20 pct stock dividend later this year to reduce excess market buoyancy, Vice-President Sennen Lazo told Reuters. Lazo said the stock split would reduce the par value of the company's common stock from 10 to five pesos. He said the stock split would apply to holders of about 18 mln common shares of stock on the record date of September 15 1987. "The exercise should make our stock more marketable," Lazo said. "Now it is beyond the reach of many small investors." PLDT common stock surged from a low of 37 pesos in February 1986 to 367.50 at close of trading yesterday on the Manila Stock Exchange. Lazo said the 20 pct stock dividend, payable on October 15, would also apply to stockholders on record as of September 15. PLDT reported 1986 net income of 1.89 billion pesos, up 68 pct from 778.9 mln pesos in 1985, on operating revenues of six billion pesos, up from 4.7 billion pesos in 1985. At end December 1986 the company had 417,100 stockholders. A PLDT spokesman said the company's profits are likely to be substantial since the government raised its franchise tax to three pct from two and to impose a 35 pct corporate income tax from which it was previously exempt. The government has not so far ordered the implementation of the tax decision. PLDT is the largest of 58 telephone companies in the Philippines. On December 31 1986 the company had 856,014 telephones in operation, representing 94 pct of all instruments in the country. In Manila item "Philippine Telephone firm plans stock split" please read in page 3, first para, "the company's profits are likely to be substantially cut" (inserting dropped word). This replaces "the company's profits are likely to be substantial" 
The coupon on the Bank of Tokyo Ltd's 100 mln Swiss franc convertible has been cut to 7/8 pct from the indicated 1-1/4 pct, lead manager Swiss Bank Corp said. The conversion price has been set at 1,590 yen, the same as today's close. The exchange rate has been set at 96.84 yen to the franc. Payment is due April 30. The conversion period is from May 20, 1987 until September 20, 1992. REUTER 
London-based trader Cargill (U.K.) Ltd confirmed it sold one cargo of white sugar to India for shipment April 15/May 15 at yesterday's tender. Price details were not immediately available but some traders suggested business had been done around 220 dlrs a tonne cif. India tendered for one or two cargoes of white sugar. There was no specific requirement on shipping period. REUTER 
Malaysia has asked Japan for a 42 billion yen 25-year loan to finance the construction of gas pipelines from eastern Trengganu to southern Johor, the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF) said. OECF's chief representative, Takashi Matsuya, told reporters the Japanese Government is appraising the loan. Another OECF official told Reuters Japan is likely to approve the loan because "it is technically and economically viable." If approved, the loan would carry a coupon rate of four pct, a grace period of seven years, Matsuya said. It would be disbursed over three years, he added. The pipeline contruction is the second phase of the Peninsular Gas Utilisation Project by Petronas, Malaysia's national oil company. The first phase was the supply of gas to households in and around the eastern oil town of Kertih. REUTER 
Credit Commercial de France <CCFP.PA> reported a parent company net profit up 34.8 pct to 140.1 mln francs from 103.9 mln francs a few weeks before its denationalisation around the end of this month. Official sources said the bank, France's sixth largest in terms of its deposits and seventh in terms of its assets, planned a share split to increase the number of shares on offer ahead of the sale of 40 pct of its ordinary share capital to the public, of 10 pct to staff and 20 pct abroad. Previously one of France's biggest private banks, it was nationalised by the Socialists in 1982. The sources said it was too early to give details of the planned split or of the share price, but cited April 27 as a likely date for the flotation launch. So far 30 pct of the group's capital, currently at 10.33 mln shares of 100 francs nominal, has been offered for sale to large private investors to constitute a solid core of eight to ten shareholders before the flotation. The private tender offer closes on April 16, while a 12 mln franc advertising campaign for the flotation begins on Sunday. "The privatisation will be a way of attracting extra clients," CCF deputy director-general Rene de la Serre told Reuters. Market sources put the total value of CCF's privatisation at between four and five billion francs. De la Serre said the bank was likely to attract at least the same number of investors as <Sogenal>, another recently privatised bank in which 850,000 people bought shares. The government's sweeping privatisation programme has also included the sale of Saint-Gobain <SGEP.PA>, and Cie Financiere de Paribas <PARI.PA>. The sale of <Banque du Batiment et des Travaux Publics> and <Banque Industrielle et Mobiliere Privee> should be completed this month, while third largest French bank Societe Generale <SGEN.PA> will be privatised later this year. REUTER 
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is issuing a 40 billion yen eurobond due May 6, 1994 paying 4-5/8 pct and priced at 101-1/2, lead Nomura International Ltd said. The non-callable bond is available in denominations of one mln yen and will be listed in Luxembourg. The selling concession is 1-1/8 pct while management and underwriting combined pays 1/2 pct. The payment date is May 6. There is a mandatory purchase fund operating in years one and two, except for the first month after the payment date, whereby the EIB can purchase up to five pct of the issue each year if it is trading below par. REUTER 
The International Development Association (IDA) is lending 18.6 mln dlrs to Sri Lanka for agricultural research and development, the World Bank said in a statement. The loan is part of a 26.5 mln dlr project to improve production of commodities, mainly rice, and raise farmer incomes. Other financing for the project will come from Sri Lanka (7.1 mln dlrs) and West Germany (800,000 dlrs). The IDA credit is interest-free and for 50 years. It includes a 10-year grace period but has annual charges of 0.5 pct on the undisbursed balance, and 0.75 pct on the disbursed balance, the Bank statement said. The project envisages the creation of a Council of Agricultural Research to formulate a national agricultural strategy and introduce a contract research programme to finance research activities, the Bank said. The Washington-based IDA is the World Bank's affiliate for concessionary lending. REUTER 
Johnson Matthey today issued the following Platinum group base prices (unfabricated), all U.S. Dlrs per troy ounce. Previous prices in parentheses. PLATINUM - 562 (567) PALLADIUM - 130 (130) IRIDIUM - 400 (400) RHODIUM 1,230 (1,230) RUTHENIUM - 80 (80) 
Lex Service Plc <LEXL.L> said it had acquired <Sears Motor Group Ltd>, the retail motor distribution arm of Sears Plc < SEHL.L>, and an 11.9 mln stg loan note payable by Sears Motor for 33.4 mln stg. The purchase will be through 1.4 mln stg in cash and the issue to Sears Plc of 8.0 mln new Lex ordinary shares. The company said in a statement that immediately following the acquisition of the motor group, its car and commercial vehicle contract hire fleet of some 3,000 vehicles was sold to <Lex Vehicle Leasing Ltd> for 14.3 mln stg in cash, a sum equal to the net book value of the vehicles transferred. Lex Vehicle is owned equally by Lex Services and <Lombard North Central Plc>. Lex said the shares involved in the transaction were today being placed for Sears Plc with institutions at 400p. These shares will not qualify for the final Lex dividend on 10 April. Lex said in a statement that its acquisition of Sears Motor Group represents a major development for its automotive activities. The enlarged retailing operations of the Lex Automotive group now have a turnover of 530 mln stg. Lex's existing automotive interests include Volvo Concessionaires, the sole importer of Volvo cars and parts into the U.K. Lex said the turnover for Sears Motor Group in the year to 31 December 1986 was 242 mln stg and that at the date of the acquisition the group had about 50 mln stg in external borrowings. Lex shares fell on the announcement to trade around 409p from a 419p close yesterday. REUTER 
The Philippines will import 250,000 bags of cement worth 375,000 dlrs from Indonesia by the end of the month to meet growing demand from the construction sector, Trade and Industry Secretary Jose Concepcion said. He told reporters that local cement manufacturers had stepped up production but were falling short of demand. "The only solution is to import," he added. Concepcion said average monthly requirements of cement in 1986 were 6.7 mln bags while supply hovered around 9.3 mln bags, but this year demand had grown to 10.4 mln bags per month. Trade and Industry sources said construction sector representatives estimated an additional 70,000 bags would be required daily to meet demand. Cement is officially priced at 48.50 pesos per bag, but construction industry sources said it was selling at black market rates of up to 65 pesos a bag in some areas. The sources said falling interest rates as well as a government budget of four billion pesos in 1987 for low-cost housing had fuelled a construction boom. REUTER 
The Japan Development Bank is issuing a 150 mln dlr eurobond due May 20, 1994 paying eight pct and priced at 101-1/8 pct, lead manager Bank of Tokyo International Ltd said. The non-callable bond is guaranteed by Japan and is available in denominations of 5,000 dlrs. The selling concession is 1-1/4 pct while management and underwriting combined pays 5/8 pct. The payment date is May 20. Listing will be in London. REUTER 
Officials from Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and, perhaps, Thailand will meet here tomorrow to discuss increased regional cooperation on rubber marketing and ways to raise rubber prices, industry sources said. The officials will discuss linking rubber markets in the four countries to improve price transparency, the sources said. This is the first time Indonesia is attending such a meeting, they said, but representatives from Thailand may not be able to attend because of their tight schedule. Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand account for 90 pct of world rubber exports and Singapore is a major regional rubber trading centre. The Malaysian Rubber Futures market, freighting and contracts for rubber are among other issues expected to be discussed. Last month, rubber importing and exporting countries adopted a new International Natural Rubber Agreement in Geneva. The new pact is more responsive to market trends than its predecessor, the sources said, and earlier provisions allowing the buffer stock to borrow from banks have been eliminated. REUTER 
MEPC Plc <MEPC.L> said that its offer for <Oldham Estates Ltd> would remain open until further notice. On February 26 MEPC made an agreed bid for Oldham based on a formula reflecting its asset value at 30 September 1986. A year earlier Oldham's net asset value was put at 531.4 mln stg. As of 1 April the valuation used under the formula had still to be agreed so Oldham had yet to give a firm recommendation to its shareholders regarding the value of the the offer. REUTER 
Toronto Dominion Bank, Nassau Branch, has increased its eurobond offering to 50 mln Australian <dlrs from 40 mln, lead manager Hambros Bank Ltd said. All other terms remain the same. REUTER 
Year to December 31, 1986. Shr 18.35p vs 14.95p Div 3.75p vs 2.9p making 4.75p vs 3.75p Pretax profit 66.5 mln stg vs 46.9 mln Tax 14.6 mln stg vs 4.5 mln Net profit 51.9 mln stg vs 42.4 mln Turnover 1.44 billion stg vs 1.58 billion Note - Full name of company is George Wimpey Plc <WMPY.L>. Operating profit before exceptional items 88.9 mln stg vs 80.5 mln Exceptional debits 3.0 mln stg vs 11.6 mln Operating profit 85.9 mln stg vs 68.9 mln Share of profits less losses of associated companies 1.4 mln stg vs 2.4 mln loss Interest - net payable 20.8 mln stg vs 19.6 mln Attributable minority profits debits 0.2 mln stg vs 0.3 mln Extraordinary items debit 3.4 mln stg vs 4.3 mln credit Net borrowings 195.1 mln stg vs 193.5 mln REUTER 
Net profit 327.1 mln guilders vs 307.5. Total revenue 7.97 billion guilders vs 8.7 billion. Net profit per five guilder nominal share 9.33 guilder vs 9.25 (corrected for capital increase). Final dividend 1.30 guilders and 2.4 pct stock vs 1.30 guilders and 2.2 pct in stock. Interim dividend already paid was 1.30 guilders. Note : full name of company is AEGON NV <AEGN.AS> REUTER 
Canada had a trade surplus of 1.25 billion dlrs in February compared with an upward revised 623 mln dlrs surplus in January, Statistics Canada said. The January surplus originally was reported at 533 mln dlrs. The February surplus last year was 189 mln dlrs. February exports, seasonally adjusted, were 10.44 billion dlrs against 9.85 billion in January and 10.05 billion in February, 1986. February imports were 9.19 billion dlrs against 9.23 billion in January and 9.86 billion in February, 1986. Reuter 
The Bank of Japan bought a modest amount of dollars at around 145.10 yen just after the market here opened, dealers said. Just before the opening, the dollar dropped swiftly as speculators concluded the Group of Seven (G-7) comminuique issued in Washington contained nothing basically new, they said. It fell about a half yen, to around 145. The G-7 reaffirmed that their currencies around current levels reflect economic fundamentals. One dealer said the Bank of Japan probably intervened in Australia before the opening here, but could not confirm this. REUTER 
Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said the strengthening of the yen against the dollar that has occurred since the Paris Agreement was within the range agreed on in the Louvre discussions. "I would say that what has happened (to the yen) in the past several weeks was not outside the range we agreed to in the discussions in Paris," Miyazawa told a press conference following the Group of Seven meeting here. He added that the current discussions were a "reaffirmation" of that agreement, indicating that the "solidarity" that occurred in Paris was still in place. reuter 
Brazil's three most powerful state governors have joined forces to seek the removal of Finance Minister Dilson Funaro. The governors of Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais told a news conference they want changes in the cabinet and in the shaping of economic policy, with Funaro singled out for criticism by Sao Paulo governor Orestes Quercia. They made their call while Funaro is in Washington holding talks with creditors on rescheduling Brazil's 111 billion dlr foreign debt. reuter^M 
Three people were killed and two others injured when a huge explosion, believed to be a bomb, went off in a suburb of Botswana's capital Gaborone. Witnesses told Reuters the blast, near the headquarters of the Botswana Defence Force, occurred at about 2 A.M. (1200 GMT) and flattened several houses. Minutes after the explosion Botswana soldiers sealed off the scene, which is near where South African troops last May launched a military attack against alleged guerrilla targets. Reuter 
The coupon on the 100 mln dlr, 15-year, convertible eurobond for the Bank of Tokyo Ltd has been cut to 1-3/4 pct from the two pct initially indicated, lead manager Bank of Tokyo International Ltd said. The foreign exchange rate has been set at 146.40 yen to the dollar but details of the conversion price were not immediately available. REUTER 
The Bank of England said it operated in the money market this morning, buying 103 mln stg bank bills. The central bank bought in band one 60 mln stg at 9-7/8, in band two eight mln at 9-13/16, in band three 26 mln at 9-3/4 and in band four nine mln stg at 9-11/16 pct. This compares with the bank's forecast of a 400 mln stg shortfall today. REUTER 
Japan, which has been accused of dumping everything from steel to computer microchips on world markets, is now under attack for alleged cut-throat selling of a product of a different sort -- banking services. At meetings here this week, Bank of England officials pressed their Japanese counterparts to change regulations that foreign bankers say give their Japanese rivals an unfair advantage in world financial markets. The technical banking talks coincided with, but were separate from, discussions between Japanese officials and British corporate affairs minister Michael Howard, who left Tokyo yesterday for South Korea. At the crux of the talks was the way regulators in various countries measure bank capital and how much capital banks must put up to back up their loans. It is generally agreed that shareholders' equity forms the bulwark of bank capital but there is disagreement about what else should be included. Some foreign bankers contend that their Japanese rivals can undercut them on loans and other banking services because Tokyo's capital regulations are easier to meet. The Japanese banks have an unfair advantage, Paul Hofer, head of the Foreign Bankers Association of Japan, told Reuters. Sumitomo Bank Ltd chief economist Masahiko Koido said, "They see us as very aggressive. We say we are just trying to catch up with them." Earlier this year, the United States and Britain agreed to adopt common regulations requiring banks to put up capital equivalent to at least six pct of total assets. The two countries urged others to follow suit, notably Japan. But Japanese Finance Ministry officials held out little hope that would happen soon as they just introduced new regulations governing capital ratios last May. Under those regulations, banks have until 1990 to attain a capital ratio of four pct. But, in tacit recognition of overseas pressure, the ministry set a six pct target for Japanese banks with overseas branches. But foreign bankers say the rub was that it allowed Japan's banks to count 70 pct of the value of their massive holdings of Japanese shares - their so-called hidden reserves - as capital. Without the shares, big Japanese banks would only have capital ratios of around three pct. With them, their ratios are well above six pct, especially after the recent record-breaking climb of Tokyo share prices. Western diplomats argue that the shares are valued far too high by the ministry. Japanese banks would never be able to realize anywhere near that amount if they were forced to sell the shares to raise funds in an emergency, they say. Finance Ministry officials defended their stance by saying that studies of the stock market over the last 30 years show that prices have rarely fallen below the 70 pct value level. But the U.S. Federal Reserve seems to think otherwise. Japanese officials say the Fed has effectively held up applications for bank licenses by Japanese financial institutions by asking them for a very detailed accounting of their hidden reserves. The officials say Japan recently raised the issue with the Fed through its embassy in Washington and is hoping for talks on the subject. REUTER 
The Netherlands' largest insurer Nationale Nederlanden NV <NTTN.AS> (NatNed) said it expected at least unchanged results in 1987 after reporting 1986 net profits up 5.3 pct to 635.5 mln guilders from 603.4 mln in 1985, Revenues increased by 0.5 pct to 17.35 billion guilders after 17.27 billion the previous year, and the dividend was raised to 2.50 guilders per share from 2.38 guilders in 1985, corrected on a capital increase. The company said guilder revenue and profit were pressured by falls in exchange rates, particularly in the US and Australian dollar and sterling. Without these currency fluctuations, net profit would have been 30.7 mln guilders higher and revenue 1.97 billion higher, NatNed said. The international share in turnover was 50 pct in 1986 compared with 52 pct in 1985. The company's life insurance result fell to 365.7 mln guilders after 428.4 mln in 1985 due to currency influences, tighter interest margins and increased investment. Claim payouts fell to 9.9 mln guilders after 66.6 mln the previous year. The company's total assets reached 69.87 billion guilders in 1986 against 67 billion the year before. Assets per share equalled 65.68 guilders against 65.53. Without these currency fluctuations, net profit would have been 30.7 mln guilders higher and revenue 1.97 billion higher, NatNed said. The international share in turnover was 50 pct in 1986 compared with 52 pct in 1985. The company's life insurance result fell to 365.7 mln guilders aft INTERRUPTED 
British Foreign Secretary Sir Geoffrey Howe and U.S. Secretary of State George Shultz plan to discuss the growing crisis in trade relations with Japan in talks in Washington, government officials said. Howe views the apparent deadlock in British attempts to secure a greater share in Japanese domestic markets very seriously, said an official travelling with him. Britain has threatened to impose retaliatory restrictions on Japanese finance houses in London if Japan does not open up its markets. The U.S. Has already imposed higher tariffs on computer microchips imported from Japan. Michael Howard, the British minister for consumer and corporate affairs, repeated the threat of sanctions before leaving Tokyo yesterday at the end of a four-day visit during which he failed to secure major concessions from the Japanese. Howe's main mission in Washington was to brief Shultz on Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher's visit to the Soviet Union last week. Shultz is due to fly to Moscow next week. REUTER 
Shares of Continental Gummi-Werke AG <CONG.F> opened eight marks stronger in an otherwise mixed Frankfurt market and dealers attributed the trend to favourable press reports about a new tyre system the company is developing. The shares later eased to 344.50. A spokesman for the West German Automobile Association, ADAC, said the ADAC magazine in a recent edition described advantages of the new tyre. REUTER 
European currency markets reacted quietly to the G-7 communique, with comments from bankers and dealers ranging from disappointment that it was not more concrete to surprise that the markets should have expected so much. The dollar opened lower against virtually all currencies and traded in a narrow range after the communique, which reaffirmed support for the Paris accord on currency stabilisation but contained no moves to strengthen it. Dealers in Frankfurt and Zurich saw the dollar remaining broadly entrenched in its current trading range. "The dollar is likely to stay within a range of 1.80 to 1.84 marks," said Gisela Steinhaeuser, senior dealer at Chase Bank AG. She said there was some resistance to further climbs. However, she said the dollar could break out of the range with major surprises such as a worse-than-expected U.S. Merchandise trade deficit, due next Tuesday. Theodor Stadelmann, dealer with Bank Julius Baer and Co Ltd in Zurich, said he expects the dollar to hold steady against the mark and Swiss franc but to weaken further against the yen, possibly to 140 yen. A Milan banker shared Stadelmann's view, saying he expects a dollar-yen range of 140-150 in the short term. London traders said the G-7 communique failed to curb underlying bearishness toward the dollar but this negative sentiment was not yet strong enough to tempt interbank operators to test the downside. Concern that finance ministers and officials still in Washington could issue more concrete statements in favour of currency stabilisation kept players sidelined, along with worries about provoking fresh central bank intervention in the near term, the traders said. Most Paris dealers expressed disappointment at the communique, saying nothing has changed to reverse the dollar's downward trend. Traders in several centres said the market would look for fresh opportunities to test the willingness of central banks to defend current ranges, which the communique said were "broadly consistent with economic fundamentals and the basic policy intentions outlined at the Louvre meeting." Dave Jouhin, senior dealer at Midland Bank in London, said "They're going to put somebody's resolve to the test soon." The U.S. February trade data may provide the trigger, dealers said. However, some dealers said London-based operators would be unlikely to open major positions next week ahead of the long Easter weekend. They saw near-term technical support at 1.825 marks and 145 yen and resistance about 1.83 marks and 146 yen. Chase Bank's Steinhaeuser and other Frankfurt dealers said the G-7 communique guaranteed a relatively calm and stable market for the foreseeable future compared with the extreme volatility seen in the first few months of this year. One dealer at a German bank said the wording of the communique made clear the leading nations did not want a further dollar drop, and this was supporting the dollar. The German dealer saw the dollar gradually appreciating to 1.87 marks, broadly seen as its upper limit within the Louvre accord's supposed currency target range. A Swiss bank economist said he believed the markets were ready for a period of "mainly sideways movement." But Milan dealers were sceptical about the communique contributing to greater stability. "Nothing has changed substantially to give the dollar a big boost," said one dealer, while another Italian banker said he expects the dollar to trade between 1.77 and 1.87 German marks in the next three months. A Swiss monetary source, who asked not to be named, said the communique had been in line with realistic expectations and should not have produced disappointment. "The problem is that the changes needed in fiscal and trade policies to redress current imbalances are of a different timescale than currency markets operate on," the source told Reuters, "This is a political process which takes time." Alois Schwietert, chief economist at Swiss Bank Corp in Basle, also questioned the tone of disappointment evident on currency markets today. "Did people really expect a patent remedy?" he asked. Bank economists in Paris noted yesterday's meeting was only the first in a series and said the market would watch carefully in the next few weeks for any changes in positions. A senior economist with Banque Indosuez said the focus was now on trade and growth rather than interest rates. Any move by Japan and West Germany to boost their economic growth could lead to a quick change in the U.S. Position. Dealers in all centres agreed that markets would be wary in pushing the dollar too far too quickly in the coming months while central banks appear resolved to use their muscle to support the Paris accord. REUTER 
The Soviet Union displayed spying equipment it said had been placed by American agents in five different Soviet buildings in the United States. A Foreign Ministry spokesman told a news conference the equipment demonstrated "the widespread, illegal activities against Soviet people and missions in the United States by American special services." Diagrams and photographs displayed at the news conference showed devices allegedly found in the Soviet embassy in Washington, the consulate in San Francisco and in other locations. REUTER 
Remarks by central bankers raised some hopes the Bundesbank will cut rates on securities repurchase pacts, but operators remained divided on the likelihood of a move in the near term, money market dealers said. Comments by Bundesbank board member Claus Koehler yesterday that rate cuts were needed to curb money supply growth from speculative capital inflows, and by West Berlin state central bank president Dieter Hiss that there was no natural lower limit to the discount rate had, however, no immediate impact. Call money declined to 3.65/75 pct from 3.75/85 pct but the drop was tied to extra liquidity in the market, dealers said. Dealers said the Bundesbank's latest liquidity allotment this week dashed some hopes of lower rates. The Bundesbank allotted only 6.1 billion marks yesterday in new liquidity in a repurchase pact at an unchanged rate of 3.80 pct, thus subtracting some 8.8 billion marks from the market, as an outgoing 14.9 billion pact expired. But some dealers said the smaller volume awarded by the pact was in line with present liquid money market conditions, and did not exlude a cut in the repurchase pact rate soon to 3.70 pct if money market rates continue at present levels. The next opportunity for the Bundesbank to lower rates on repurchase pacts will be in a tender expected next Tuesday. Bundesbank officials have already said they favour more discreet rate adjustments through repurchase pacts, rather than the more public adjustment of leading rates. The Bundesbank may either set a fixed allocation rate and allow banks to tender for the volume, as has been the case since it lowered its discount rate January 22, or else it may allow banks to tender for the rate and set the volume itself. Dealers expect volume of the tender to be lower than the 15.2 billion marks flowing out, to offset other incoming funds. Some seven billion marks is expected to flow in next week. This should then flow back into the market as it is deposited with banks. Banks were well supplied with liquidity, holding 61.5 billion marks in reserves at the Bundesbank on Tuesday. Holdings of average daily reserves over the first seven days of April stood at 59.6 billion marks, still above the estimated 51 billion required for all of April. REUTER 
Swedish drug firm AB Astra <ASTS.ST> shares rose 48 crowns to 690 in the first two hours of trading on the Stockholm Bourse, amid hopes its research into anti-viral drugs may have promising results in the treatment of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS). Stockbrokers said the shares, which climbed amid heavy institutional buying, also rose in reaction to an optimistic assessment of future products in the firm's annual report which was released this week. Brokers Enskilda Fondkommission said in a report this month that Astra was a world leader in anti-viral drugs. Although Enskilda said Astra had not made any breakthrough in developing a specific drug to treat the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome it noted that investors were only now discovering that the firm's approach in the area was promising. "It is clear that Astra has a tradition in anti-viral research which should prove valuable in fighting this disease," the report by Enskilda, the investment banking unit of Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken <SEBS.ST>, said. Company officials could not be reached for comment on the causes of today's share rise. REUTER 
Thailand is to negotiate tomorrow with selected trade houses for renewal of long term raw sugar sales contracts, to cover the next five years at a rate of 60,000 tonnes annually, traders said. They also reported vague talk Algeria may be seeking 50,000 tonnes of raws tomorrow but details are unclear. REUTER 
The European Community launched an investigation into allegations of dumping by Japanese semiconductor makers in a move which diplomats said could mark an intensification of world trade strains. Tokyo already faces a deadline of April 17 from Washington for the imposition of 300 mln dlrs worth of tariffs on chips it imports into the U.S. The EC Executive Commission said today the European Electrical Component Manufacturers Association complained that Japanese firms were selling high capacity EPROM type (erasable programmable read only memory) chips at unfairly low prices. Japan last year took 78 pct of the 170 mln dlr EC EPROM market, up from 60 pct in 1984. The EC firms said they had been forced to offer their products at a discount of up to 30 pct in order to compete with the Japanese. The Commission said it believed the Association had given sufficient elements of proof for dumping to warrant an investigation, which could lead it to impose duties if it found the complaints were justified. The Commission claims last year's accord between the U.S. And Japan on microchip pricing gives U.S. Firms privileged access to the Japanese market. REUTER 
The Swiss Federal Government will launch a new series of three month money market certificates totalling around 150 mln Swiss francs, the National Bank said. Subscriptions close April 14 and payment date is April 16. The last series of three month paper issued in March raised 147.3 mln francs at an issue price of 99.142 pct, giving an average annual yield of 3.501 pct. REUTER 
European currency markets reacted quietly to the G-7 communique, with comments from bankers and dealers ranging from disappointment that it was not more concrete to surprise that the markets should have expected so much. The dollar opened lower against virtually all currencies and traded in a narrow range after the communique, which reaffirmed support for the Paris accord on currency stabilisation but contained no moves to strengthen it. Frankfurt and Zurich dealers saw the dollar staying broadly entrenched in its current trading range. REUTER 
Finance ministers from seven major industrialized nations agreed on the need to stabilize currencies at current levels but said more action was needed to reduce trade imbalances and sustain economic growth. In a communique issued after a four-hour meeting at the U.S. Treasury that ended last night, the ministers said the value of the dollar and other currencies was basically correct now, and they welcomed new measures planned by the Japanese to boost their economy. West German Finance Minister Gerhard Stoltenberg called it a "good meeting" and in brief remarks exchanged with reporters other ministers seemed pleased with its outcome. Shortly after the communique was issued and just as foreign exchange trading opened in Tokyo, the Bank of Japan intervened again to prevent the yen rising too quickly. The communique said, "The ministers and governors reaffirmed the commitment to the cooperative approach agreed at the recent Paris meeting. They agreed, however, that further actions will be essential to resist rising protectionist pressures, sustain global economic expansion and reduce trade imbalances." It welcomed the plans set this week by the Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party to stimulate its economy with what the communique termed "extraordinary and urgent measures" including an "unprecedented front-end loading of public works expenditures." The meeting of the so-called Group of Seven brought together ministers and central bank governors of the seven major industrial democracies, the United States, Japan, West Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada. The communique said the ministers reaffirmed the commitment on cooperation reached in a meeting on February 22 in Paris when they had agreed to stabilize foreign exchange rates at the then-current levels. In the weeks that followed, the dollar continued to fall against the Japanese yen despite massive dollar purchases by the Bank of Japan and other central banks and is now trading at around postwar lows. Japan has come under growing criticism from both the United States and European countries for its only modest efforts to open its markets to outside competition and to reduce its exports. The communique said Japan affirmed its intention to open domestic markets to foreign goods and services but did not elaborate. It said the officials "reaffirmed the view that around current levels their currencies are within ranges broadly consistent with economic fundamentals and the basic policy intentions outlined at the Louvre meeting." Reuter 
Dutch insurer AEGON NV <AEGN.AS> reported a 6.4 pct increase in 1986 net profits to 327.1 mln guilders and said it expected a moderate increase in profits for 1987. Total revenue was eight pct lower in 1986 at 7.97 billion guilders vs 8.7 billion guilders in 1985. The company said its revenues were down due to lower foreign exchange rates and a change in accounting practice. It added that revenues would have risen by about seven pct had those changes not occurred. Revenue from Dutch operations rose five pct in 1986, mainly due to its life insurance business. Health insurance revenues in the Netherlands also rose despite a notable shift to insurances with lower premiums and higher personal risks. Damage insurances made losses, mainly due to car damage insurances. AEGON did not specify the loss. In the United States, revenue in guilders from health and life insurance was lower. AEGON said this was due to a change in accounting for U.S. Annuities. AEGON said annuities are subject to such strong personal investment influences that it should be accounted differently from the more traditional insurances. This change in accounting practice and another change to account for profits made on fixed interest investments, resulted in an incidental rise in net profits of 31 mln guilders. AEGON said incidental negative influences on net profits were slightly higher, being the lower dollar rate, high initial costs for new products, and the cost of new headquarters in The Hague. In 1986, a large number of new insurance products emerged in the Netherlands and the U.S., AEGON said. Large initial costs for these products have depressed net profits somewhat. Monumental Corp, a U.S. Insurer which merged with AEGON in May 1986, saw its profits almost completely eroded by these costs and made only a small contribution to the group's profits. AEGON said it has written-off 657 mln guilders in goodwill for Monumental Corp. AEGON's net equity was 2.71 billion guilders in December 1986, against 3.46 billion the year before. REUTER 
Following is the text of a statement by the Group of Seven -- the U.S., Japan, West Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada -- issued after a Washington meeting yesterday. 1. The finance ministers and central bank governors of seven major industrial countries met today. They continued the process of multilateral surveillance of their economies pursuant to the arrangements for strengthened economic policy coordination agreed at the 1986 Tokyo summit of their heads of state or government. The managing director of the International Monetary Fund also participated in the meeting. 2. The ministers and governors reaffirmed the commitment to the cooperative approach agreed at the recent Paris meeting, and noted the progress achieved in implementing the undertakings embodied in the Louvre Agreement. They agreed, however, that further actions will be essential to resist rising protectionist pressures, sustain global economic expansion, and reduce trade imbalances. In this connection they welcomed the proposals just announced by the governing Liberal Democratic Party in Japan for extraordinary and urgent measures to stimulate Japan's economy through early implementation of a large supplementary budget exceeding those of previous years, as well as unprecedented front-end loading of public works expenditures. The government of Japan reaffirmed its intention to further open up its domestic markets to foreign goods and services. 3. The ministers and governors reaffirmed the view that around current levels their currencies are within ranges broadly consistent with economic fundamentals and the basic policy intentions outlined at the Louvre meeting. In that connection they welcomed the strong implementation of the Louvre Agreement. They concluded that present and prospective progress in implementing the policy undertakings at the Louvre and in this statement provided a basis for continuing close cooperation to foster the stability of exchange rates. REUTER 
Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said the Group of Seven (G-7) countries reaffirmed their Paris accord on stabilising currencies to convince the market of their resolve. At a news conference after today's G-7 meeting, Miyazawa said the ministers and central bank governors did not believe a totally new statement was needed. The speculative selling did not reflect economic fundamentals, and since the fundamentals had not changed only a reaffirmation of the goals of the Paris accord was needed, he said. He also noted that this test of the G-7 nations resolve had concentrated on the yen, while other currencies, especially the mark, had remained stable. Miyazawa said any change in economic conditions since the Paris accord was not worth being called fundamental. "As I said at a time of Louvre (agreement), the expression of 'current level' is rather vague idea," he said. The yen's movement in the past several weeks is within the range agreed in Paris in Febraury, he said. It was better to give a vague expression than pin-pointing a level, which could have an adverse impact on the market, Miyazawa said. Asked why only Japan was committed to fresh measures in the statement, he said Japan was exceptional among the seven because the yen appreciated against the dollar while other major currencies largely have been stable. He also said Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party has justed adoped a package to reflate the economy while other nations are not supposed to produce new measures in a short period since the Paris agreement. Miyazawa also said the U.S. sanctions against Japanese semiconductor products was not discussed through the G-7 meeting and did not affect the currency talks. The seven nations discussed the debt problems of developing countries and ways to proceed in line with the debt initiative outlined by U.S. Treasury Secretary James Baker 18 months ago. REUTER 
The yen is likely to start another uneven rise against the dollar and other major currencies because the Group of Seven communique contained nothing new, currency and bond analysts here said. "Is that it? I was expecting something more than that," said one trader at a major Wall Street securities company. Marc Cohen of Republic National Bank of New York said: "The market now has the impetus to drive the dollar lower again." The dollar hovered between 145.50 and 147 yen in the days just before the talks. Dealers restrained their underlying bearishness and squared positions ahead of Wednesday's meeting of the finance ministers and central bankers of the top seven industrialized nations in Washington. After more than four hours of talks, the G-7 issued a communique which merely reaffirmed the recent Paris agreement's view that prevailing currency levels were broadly consistent with economic fundamentals and that exchange rate stability should be fostered around these levels. The dollar sank to 144.75 yen in early Tokyo trading. "They said that the dollar/yen rate was broadly in line with fundamentals when it was 154. Now they are saying it's in line when it's at 146. Will this still be so at 138 or 130?," asked Republic's Cohen. Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa fuelled speculation about the amount of fluctuation the authorities are prepared to tolerate by saying that the current yen level is still inside the range agreed on in Paris in late February. Official statements in recent weeks had indicated that the key psychological level of 150 yen was at the lower end of the authorities' permissible range. Dealers and analysts warned that the dollar's decline would probably be uneven. They anticipated a concerted effort to prop up the dollar and restrain the yen via a mixture of open market intervention and public comments. Shortly after the Tokyo market opened today the Bank of Japan was detected by local dealers buying moderate amounts of dollars. The dollar rebounded to about 145.20 yen. The sources said the market may also be wary of agressively selling dollars for yen before Tuesday's February U.S. Trade data. The figures are expected to show a deficit of 13 billion dlrs, from a provisional 14.8 billion in January. 
The leaders of two of Japan's top business groups said in separate statements the Group of Seven (G-7) accord reached in Washington yesterday is of deep concern to Japan because it shows the major industrial nations regard the yen's current level as appropriate. Eishiro Saito, chairman of the Federation of Economic Organizations (Keidanren), said the yen's present rate is well above adequate levels. He did not elaborate. Takashi Ishihara, chairman of the Japan Committee for Economic Development, said the accord will not prevent the yen from rising further. "We do not understand why the G-7 approved present rates as the yen has risen excessively since the Paris accord," Ishihara said. G-7 members Britain, Canada, France, Italy, Japan, the U.S. And West Germany said in a statement they consider their currencies are now within ranges broadly consistent with economic fundamentals. Saito called on each G-7 member nation to prepare to intervene in the market strongly enough to ensure exchange rates are stabilised at appropriate levels. REUTER 
The statement issued today by the Group of Seven (G-7) industrialised nations has put Japan under greater international pressure to stimulate its economy or face a further rise in the yen, private economists and analysts said. They said the communique reflected increased foreign frustration with Japan's burgeoning trade surplus and its tight-fisted fiscal policies in the past. Unless Japan implements economic measures included in the statement, foreign protectionist sentiment would grow and the yen would come under renewed upward pressure, they said. The G-7 -- grouping the U.S., Japan, West Germany, Britain, France, Italy and Canada -- said in the statement they welcomed proposals announced by Japan's ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) for extraordinary and urgent measures to stimulate its economy and that Japan reaffirmed its intention to further open its domestic markets. "It's rather unusual that only Japan was mentioned in the communique and promised something," said Takeshi Saito, general manager of Fuji Bank Ltd's research division. This showed how strongly other nations want Japan to take concrete and effective steps to redress its trade surplus, he said. The statement referred to some details of Japan's proposed economic measures, such as early implementation of a large supplementary budget exceeding those of previous years and unprecedented front-end loading of public works expenditures. It did not mention any figure for the projected supplementary budget but LDP officials have said it will amount to more than 5,000 billion yen for fiscal 1987, which compares with 2,000 billion provided for the previous year. "It signalled a clear shift away from the conservative fiscal policies of the past," said Kazuaki Harada, senior managing director of Sanwa Research Institute. For the last five years the government has stuck to a tight-fisted fiscal policy in its attempt to stop issuing deficit financing bonds by 1990. But mounting foreign pressure for Japan to boost its economy, hurt by the yen's extended rise, hurried the government to hammer out a draft economic package and bring it to the latest G-7 meeting. Harada said Japan should not view expansion of its economy as the result of pressure but as an opportunity to lead world economic growth. "The Japanese economy has the potential to take a leadership role and we should recognize it," Harada said. If Japan fails to meet such international expectations it will invite some retaliatory moves, especially from the U.S., Which may result in a further rise of the yen, analysts said. The G-7 communique represented a test for Japan's commitment to domestically-generated economic growth and to a more balanced world trade structure, they said. REUTER 
Qtly div five cts vs five cts prior Pay July One Record June 17 Reuter 
Arus Corp said it has received a letter of intent from Winston Financial Corp for the purchase of over 5,200,000 dlrs in telephone diagnostic testing equipment. It said it expects to negotiate a firm order in May. The company said the total value of the order is at least 5,200,000 dlrs and could be more, depending on circuit configurations required. Reuter 
Net profit 2,529,000 vs loss 1,066,000 Revs 59.0 mln vs 52.6 mln Year Net profit 15.4 mln vs profit 865,000 Revs 247.0 mln vs 231.1 mln NOTE: Company became wholly owned and operated by Donald Trump in May 1986, when he acquired 50 pct interest that had been owned by former operator Holiday Corp <HIA>. Reuter 
European currency markets reacted quietly to the G-7 communique, with comments from bankers and dealers ranging from disappointment that it was not more concrete to surprise that the markets should have expected so much. The dollar opened lower against virtually all currencies and traded in a narrow range after the communique, which reaffirmed support for the Paris accord on currency stabilisation but contained no moves to strengthen it. Dealers in Frankfurt and Zurich saw the dollar remaining broadly entrenched in its current trading range. "The dollar is likely to stay within a range of 1.80 to 1.84 marks," said Gisela Steinhaeuser, senior dealer at Chase Bank AG. She said there was some resistance to further climbs. However, she said the dollar could break out of the range with major surprises such as a worse-than-expected U.S. Merchandise trade deficit, due next Tuesday. Theodor Stadelmann, dealer with Bank Julius Baer and Co Ltd in Zurich, said he expects the dollar to hold steady against the mark and Swiss franc but to weaken further against the yen, possibly to 140 yen. A Milan banker shared Stadelmann's view, saying he expects a dollar-yen range of 140-150 in the short term. London traders said the G-7 communique failed to curb underlying bearishness toward the dollar but this negative sentiment was not yet strong enough to tempt interbank operators to test the downside. Concern that finance ministers and officials still in Washington could issue more concrete statements in favour of currency stabilisation kept players sidelined, along with worries about provoking fresh central bank intervention in the long term, the traders said. Most Paris dealers expressed disappointment at the communique, saying nothing has changed to reverse the dollar's downward trend. Traders in several centres said the market would look for fresh opportunities to test the willingness of central banks to defend current ranges, which the communique said were "broadly consistent with economic fundamentals and the basic policy intentions outlined at the Louvre meeting." Dave Jouhin, senior dealer at Midland Bank in London, said "They're going to put somebody's resolve to the test soon." The U.S. February trade data may provide the trigger, dealers said. However, some dealers said London-based operators would be unlikely to open major positions next week ahead of the long Easter weekend. They saw near-term technical support at 1.825 marks and 145 yen and resistance about 1.83 marks and 146 yen. Chase Bank's Steinhaeuser and other Frankfurt dealers said the G-7 communique guaranteed a relatively calm and stable market for the foreseeable future compared with the extreme volatility seen in the first few months of this year. One dealer at a German bank said the wording of the communique made clear the leading nations did not want a further dollar drop, and this was supporting the dollar. The German dealer saw the dollar gradually appreciating to 1.87 marks, broadly seen as its upper limit within the Louvre accord's supposed currency target range. A Swiss bank economist said he believed the markets were ready for a period of "mainly sideways movement." But Milan dealers were sceptical about the communique contributing to greater stability. "Nothing has changed substantially to give the dollar a big boost," said one dealer, while another Italian banker said he expects the dollar to trade between 1.77 and 1.87 German marks in the next three months. Reuter 
Westronix Inc said it has completed the private sale of 2,500,000 common shares at 2.30 dlrs each. Reuter 
Unseasonal cold weather has delayed sugar beet plantings in West Germany by up to three weeks, the agriculture ministry said. A ministry spokesman said in some central areas, especially in the Rhineland, farmers have taken advantage of warmer weather and started plantings in the past two days. West German planting intentions this year are put at 381,000 hectares, down from 390,500 ha last year, he said, adding that the 1980/1985 average was 405,000 ha. REUTER 
Southwest Realty Ltd said it has filed for a rights offering. It said for each three shares owned, a shareholder will receive a transferable right to purchase one additional share at 2.50 dlrs. The company said the offering is expected to be made on June 15. Reuter 
Step-Saver Data Systems Inc said Bergen-Richards Corp has exercised a warrant to buy 450,000 Step-Saver shares at two dlrs each. It said warrants issued to the underwriter in its initial public offering were exercised in March for an aggregate of 169,200 dlrs. Reuter 
Galaxy Oil Co said its common stock and nine pct convertible subordinated debentures due 1994 are being delisted from the <American Stock Exchange> because the company no longer meets listing criteria. Galaxy filed Chapter 11 bankruptcy on April Six. The company said trading in both issues will be suspended by the Amex at the close on May One but is expected to start elsewhere on May Four. Reuter 
TransCapital Financial Corp's TRANSOHIO Savings Bank subsidiary said it plans to close 11 offices in the Cleveland area and one in Columbus, Ohio, reducing its total number of offices to 81 statewide. The company said accounts will be moved into other TRANSOHIO offices. Four closings are set for May 23 and four for June 20 and the rest are tentatively set for September 19. It said it is closing branches were overlaps exist following its August 1986 acquisitions of Citizens Federal Savings and Loan Association of Cleveland and Dollar Savings Bank of Columbus or where efficiencies could be improved. Reuter 
Coast Savings and Loan Association said it is in talks with the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp on the acquisition of Central Savings and Loan Association of San Diego. Central, which operates 46 branches, has been under management guidance of the FSLIC since May 1985. Coast said the acquisition would give it an entry into the San Joaquin Valley market besides strengthening its presence in the San Diego, Los Angeles and Orange Counties areas. Reuter 
<C.D. Bramall Plc> said in a statement accompanying its annual results that it proposed to acquire Gelco U.K. For some 26.3 mln dlrs. Part of the cost will be met by the issue of 2.14 mln new ordinary Bramall shares which are being placed at 265p each. The acquisition will be satisfied by an initial payment of some 25.3 mln dlrs in cash with further payments of 500,000 dlrs up to a maximum 26.3 mln dlrs. These further payments will only be made if profits achieved by Gelco for the year ending July 31, 1987 reach a certain level. Bramall shares were trading 6p lower at 278p. REUTER 
Privately-held software developer SAPC Inc said it has filed suit in U.S. District Court in Boston against Lotus Development Corp, alleging the infringement of a copyright and the misappropriation of trade secrets and is seeking 100 mln dlrs in damages. The firm's suit alleges that Lotus' spreadsheet program 1-2-3 violates the copyright of VisiCalc, which was developed by SAPC several years ago, before 1-2-3 was introduced, when the firm was known as Software Arts Inc. Software Arts sold rights to VisiCalc to Lotus in 1985 and changed its name. The suit also alleges that Lotus founder Mitchell D. Kapor, who resigned as chairman in July 1986, breached a confidentiality agreement with SAPC. Kapor, also named as a defendant, had worked for a firm that had marketing rights to VisiCalc before founding Lotus. The suit alleges that Lotus and Kapor deliberately sought to make 1-2-3 look and feel like VisiCalc by copying a number of commands, keystrokes and screen displays. Lotus, in response, said it feels the suit is without merit. Reuter 
The United States, which has long sought Japanese action to stimulate its economy, appears to be satisfied Tokyo's latest package is a major development and allows leading industrial nations to reaffirm their agreement to stabilize currencies. Monetary sources said they believed that U.S. Treasury Secretary James Baker considered Tokyo's package, announced yesterday, to be a major stimulation of the Japanese economy. But yesterday's statement by seven leading industrial powers endorses the yen's rise from around 153 to the dollar, the level at the February 22 Paris Accord, to about 145 today. The supplementary budget worth about 34.48 billion dlrs was announced by the ruling Liberal Democratic Party on the eve of Miyazawa's departure for Washington, to attend yesterday's meetings of leading industrial nations. In a strongly worded statement terming the Japanese action "extraordinary and urgent", the meeting reaffirmed the Paris Accord by noting that current exchange rates are within ranges broadly consistent with fundamentals, or economic reality. The Group of Seven -- the United States, Japan, West Germany, France, Britain, Italy and Canada -- therefore repeated their willingness to continue close cooperation to foster exchange rate stability. The cooperation agreement has resulted in concerted central bank intervention of 8 billion to 9 billion dlrs to halt the dollar's fall. While relatively unsuccessful, the scale of intervention between so many nations is unprecedented in recent years. Monetary sources also said they understood that Secretary Baker considered the meeting to be extremely successful in the light of the Japanese announcement. They also said there was a growing feeling among the finance ministers and central bankers that cooperation over medium-term policies has replaced the bickering over short-term differences in past meetings. West Germany, whose currency has not risen anything like the yen since the Paris Agreement, appears from the face of yesterday's statement to have won acceptance from other countries that its exchange rate is acceptable. Bonn's finance minister Gerhard Stoltenberg argues that major currency shifts needed to remedy the huge imbalance between West Germany and Japan's trade surpluses and America's trade deficit have already taken place. No mention was made, however, of the U.S. commitment to cut the budget deficit even though it is implied in the reafffirmation of Paris. European nations and Japan believe deficit cuts are essential to curbing the record U.S. trade shortfall that reached nearly 170 billion dlrs last year. A similar argument was made on Capitol Hill earlier this week by Federal Reserve Board chairman Paul Volcker. A further sharp fall to redress trade imbalances would "clearly pose substantial risks of renewed inflationary momentum and could undermine confidence in future financial stability," he said. Volcker warned a further dollar fall might force the politically independent Fed to drive up interest rates. Monetary sources said that, privately, West Germany welcomed the rise in the yen against the dollar while its own currency remained relatively stable against the U.S. unit. Bonn and other European nations worry that once the weak dollar blunts Tokyo's export drive to the United States, the Japanese monolith will concentrate on European markets. The ministers, meanwhile, also continued talks on making their policy coordination more binding and one, Canadian Finance Minister Michael Wilson, said good progress was made. Wilson said they will meet before the June Economic Summit to prepare a report for the leaders of the seven nations. The United States and France, backed by the International Monetary Fund, want the seven to agree on ranges or "norms" for a limited number of economic objectives such as growth, inflation, monetary conditions, trade balances and current account balances. Sharp deviations from these guidelines would result in consultations between the countries on whether corrective action should be required. But the inclusion of currencies as one of the objectives has Bonn and London worried, monetary sources say, because it implies Washington is moving in the direction of target zones. The sources said the Reagan administration unsuccessfully sounded out its allies on a system of target zones to limit currency fluctuations just before the February meeting. The concept is a much more rigid one than the secret ranges of the Paris Accord and would mark a sharp departure from the relatively free currency markets of recent years. Reuter 
The Kingdom of Belgium is launching 100 mln Swiss francs of seven year notes with warrants attached to buy gold, lead mananger Credit Suisse said. The notes themselves have a 3-3/8 pct coupon and are priced at par. Payment is due April 30, 1987 and final maturity April 30, 1994. Each 50,000 franc note carries 15 warrants. Two warrants are required to allow the holder to buy 100 grammes of gold at a price of 2,450 francs, during the entire life of the bond. The latest gold price in Zurich was 2,045/2,070 francs per 100 grammes. REUTER 
The U.N. Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) said global wheat and coarse grain output was likely to fall in 1987 but supplies would remain adequate to meet demand. FAO said in its monthly food outlook bulletin total world grain output was expected to fall 38 mln tonnes to 1,353 mln in 1987, due mainly to unusually high winter losses in the Soviet Union, drought in China and reduced plantings in North America. World cereal stocks at the end of 1986/87 were forecast to rise 47 mln tonnes to a record 452 mln tonnes, softening the impact of reduced production. But stocks are unevenly distributed, with about 50 pct held by the U.S. "Thus the food security prospects in 1987/88 for many developing countries, particularly in Africa, depend crucially on the outcome of this year's harvests," FAO said. FAO said world cereal supplies in 1986/87 were estimated at a record 2,113 mln tonnes, about five pct higher than last season and due mainly to large stocks and a record 1986 harvest, estimated at 1,865 mln tonnes. FAO's forecast of 1986/87 world cereals trade was revised upwards by eight mln tonnes to 179 mln due to the likelihood of substantial buying by China and the Soviet Union. REUTER 
Carter Hawley Hale Stores Inc said sales for the five weeks ended April Four were up 7.8 pct to 314.0 mln dlrs from 291.3 mln dlrs a year earlier, with same-store sales up 5.5 pct. The company said sales for the first two months of its fiscal year were up 7.7 pct to 554.7 mln dlrs from 515.1 mln dlrs a year earlier, with same-store sales up 5.6 pct. Carter Hawley said sales were helped by shifting some promotions to March from April to compensate for the later Easter this year. Reuter 
Independent Air Inc said its board has extended the expiration of its Class A warrants to June 30 from April 11 and left the exercise price unchanged at 18 cts per common share. Reuter 
Xicor Inc said based on recent talks with Intel Corp, it expects its joint research program with Intel on the development of advanced memory devices to be ending shortly. The company said it will reallocate personnel presently assigned to the program to its one megabit CMOS E2 PROM program and other development programs. Reasons for the end of the Intel venture were not given. Reuter 
Shr 27 cts vs 24 cts Net 5,223,000 vs 4,682,000 Avg shrs 19.7 mln vs 19.4 mln NOTE: Results reflected pooled acquisition of First Community Bancshares Inc on March 31, 1987 and include Camden Bancorp from January 31, 1987 purchase. Reuter 
Shr profit five cts vs loss 16 cts Net profit 689,000 vs loss 1,910,000 Revs 12.3 mln vs 9,432,000 NOTE: 1987 net includes 276,000 dlr tax credit. Reuter 
George Wimpey Plc <WMPY.L> said the outlook for 1987 looked encouraging as the company realised the continuing benefits of restructuring. It said its overall financial position showed further improvement in 1986 and the reshaping of its U.K. Business into clearly defined and activity related divisions had been successfully achieved. Wimpey was commenting in a statement on its 1986 results which showed pretax profits up 42 pct to 66.5 mln stg. The group had a good overall year in North America, the company said in a statement. Reuter 
C.O.M.B. Co said it has acquired the principal assets of National Tech Industries Inc and Telkom Corp, which are engaged in the sale and telemarketing of consumer electronic merchandise and do business as House of Imports and N.L. Industries respectively. The company said it paid a total of 8,700,000 dlrs, including the assumption of liabilities. National Tech had sales of about 23 mln dlrs for 1986, it said. Reuter 
The European Community Commission said today it has shelved threatened legal action against West Germany's Lufthansa <LHAG.F>, Alitalia of Italy <AERI.MI> and Olympic Airways of Greece after they agreed to change practices that restrict competition in the heavily-protected EC sector. The Commission had also written to seven other Community airlines, including British Airways <BAB.L> and Air France, last summer warning them that agreements such as capacity and revenue sharing accords broke EC competition rules. The seven have already agreed to hold talks with the Commission on bringing such practices into line with the rules. In a statement, the EC's executive authority also spelled out tough demands it will be putting to carriers in talks on liberalising EC air transport and bringing down airfares, warning that new legal moves were possible if they refused to comply. As a first step, the Commission wanted the 10 carriers to eliminate the most serious distortions of competition caused by the current practices and agreements. The latest demands go further towards liberalisation than proposals that are currently the subject of difficult negotiations between by EC Transport Ministers. REUTER 
The Kingdom of Belgium is launching 100 mln Swiss francs of seven year notes with warrants attached to buy gold, lead manager Credit Suisse said. The notes themselves have a 3-3/8 pct coupon and are priced at par. Payment is due April 30, 1987, and final maturity April 30, 1994. Each 50,000 franc note carries 15 warrants. Two warrants are required to allow the holder to buy 100 grammes of gold at a price of 2,450 francs, during the entire life of the bond. The latest gold price in Zurich was 2,045/2,070 francs per 100 grammes. Reuter 
Shr profit nil vs profit nil Net profit 27,622 vs profit 5,556 Sales 1,031,306 vs 840,906 Nine mths Shr loss one ct vs loss two cts Net loss 195,095 vs loss 445,379 Sales 2,702,085 vs 2,219,961 Reuter 
Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said the strengthening of the yen against the dollar since the Paris Agreement was within the range agreed in the Louvre discussions. "I would say that what has happened (to the yen) in the past several weeks was not outside the range we agreed to in the discussions in Paris," Miyazawa told a press conference following the Group of Seven meeting here. He said the current discussions were a "reaffirmation" of that agreement, saying the "solidarity" that occurred in Paris was still in place. Reuter 
Todd Shipyards Corp said production workers represented by the multi-union Pacific Coast Metal Trades District Council at its San Francisco division struck on April Six. It said negotiations are expected to resume at the end of this month. Todd also said the collective bargaining division in effect at its Galveston Division expires April 17, and negotiations with the Galveston Metal Trades Council are continuing. The company said results of balloting on a new collective bargaining agreement proposal in its Seattle Division are expected to be tabulated at the close of business tomorrow. The Pacific Coast Council has recommended acceptance of that proposal by membership, Todd said. Reuter 
New applications for unemployment insurance benefits fell to a seasonally adjusted 338,000 in the week ended March 28 from 355,000 in the prior week, the Labor Department said. The number of people actually receiving benefits under regular state programs totaled 2,436,000 in the week ended March 21, the latest period for which that figure was available. That was down from 2,480,000 the previous week. Reuter 
Japanese Finance Minister Kiichi Miyazawa said the Group of Seven (G-7) countries reaffirmed their Paris accord on stabilising currencies to convince the market of their resolve. At a news conference after yesterday's G-7 meeting, Miyazawa said the ministers and central bank governors did not believe a totally new statement was needed. The speculative selling did not reflect economic fundamentals, and since the fundamentals had not changed only a reaffirmation of the goals of the Paris accord was needed, he said. He said this test of the G-7 nations' resolve had concentrated on the yen, while other currencies, especially the mark, had remained stable. Reuter 
India's private businessmen say they have been placed on an unequal footing in raising money from the capital market because government companies are wooing investors by issuing more attractive tax-free bonds. Stock brokers and bankers polled by Reuters said although equity shares or debenture issues floated by private firms provide a higher return and shorter maturity, they are fast losing their popular appeal as they are liable to both wealth and income taxes. Brokers said many investors are transferring funds into government company bonds because of their tax-free status and easy transferability. About 100 private companies have postponed plans to issue equity shares and debentures in the first quarter of fiscal 1987/88 partly on account of fierce competition from public sector bonds, a merchant banker said. They included equity shares and rights issue worth one billion rupees planned to be issued this month by Tata Fertilisers Ltd, he said, adding the issue has been postponed indefinitely. "The government bonds are making serious inroads on the private sector companies' resources," said R. P. Goenka, president of the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry. "The discriminatory tax treatment should be done away with and equal facilities be provided to the two sectors to mobilise resources from the market which is common to both," Goenka said. A senior Finance Ministry official said government and private firms were free to compete to raise resources, adding it was not correct that public sector-issued bonds were preventing private firms from raising money on the stock market. "Debentures and equity shares floated by private companies still account for at least 60 pct of total capital raised in stock exchanges," the ministry official said. A spokesman at Bombay stock brokers Batliwala and Karani said government bonds were valued at about 20 billion rupees or about 40 pct of 50 billion rupees raised by both government and non-government firms in the domestic capital market in 1986/87. The share was 35 to 40 pct of about 36.95 billion rupees mobilised in 1985/86, he said. "To save taxes, commercial banks, mainly foreign banks, and some private companies, are investing their surplus funds in the tax free bonds," he said. "Individuals who are very well off are also investing in the bonds to gain tax benefits while only small investors are going for equities or debentures floated by private companies on a selective basis," the spokesman said. The maturity period of government company bonds varies between seven and 10 years. No wealth or income taxes are payable on nine pct seven-year bonds but those carrying 13 pct interest on 10-year bonds are subjected to income tax if interest amount^M exceeds 7,000 rupees a year. Equity shares, the 14 pct non-convertible debentures and 12.5 to 14 pct convertible debentures issued by private companies are not exempted from either the wealth tax or from the tax on income earned from them. The government bonds are listed as securities but traded on India's four major stock exchanges. They can be sold freely on the stock market by simple endorsement while debentures can only be sold to the company after one year, brokers said. Government companies are trying to capitalise on a boom in the stock market since 1984/85 sparked by liberal tax concessions and reforms in exchange operations, brokers said. The National Thermal Power Corp, NTPC, was the first government company to issue the bonds to raise one billion rupees in January last year, breaking the monopoly of private companies on the capital market. The seven-year NTPC bond was oversubscribed three times, brokers said. Official figures show bonds floated by government companies have been heavily oversubscribed. More state companies have sought the Ministry's permission to issue them in coming months. NTPC's second bond issue at the end of 1986 raised 4.51 billion rupees against 1.2 billion originally permitted by the Finance Ministry. The Mahanagar Telephone Nigam mobilised 3.83 billion rupees last year against authorised 1.5 billion and last month the Indian Railway Finance Corporation's record susbcription totalled 5.5 billion rupees against authorised 2.5 billion. In most cases, the government has allowed the companies to maintain the oversubscribed amount, brokers said. Goenka said that government bonds are making it increasingly difficult for private companies to launch new equity or debenture issues. He said the government could at least "fix a suitable limit on the funds to be raised through such bonds by the public sector." Merchant bankers said the government is pressing state companies to borrow from the public by reducing financial support to them. To ease its internal debt burden, the government has reduced the budgetary support to development investment in about 120 public sector companies to 69.92 billion rupees in 1987/88 from 77.92 billion a year earlier, official figures show. REUTER 
Shr 54 cts vs 49 cts Net 70.2 mln vs 64.0 mln NOTE: Share adjusted for two-for-one split in July 1986. Results restated for pooled acquisition of Third NAtional Corp in December 1986. Net chargeoffs 15.0 mln dlrs vs 14.2 mln dlrs. Assets 25.8 billion dlrs, up 7.2 pct from a year earlier, deposits 21.1 billion, up 9.4 pct, and loans 17.1 billion dlrs, up 17.2 pct. Reuter 
SunTrust Banks Inc said in the first quarter it placed about 20.2 mln dlrs of loans to Brazil and 21.6 mln dlrs of loans to Ecuador on nonaccrual status. The company made the disclosure in reporting that first quarter earnings rose to 70.2 mln dlrs from 64.0 mln dlrs a year earlier. Reuter 
Ropak corp said it has formed a new Tokyo-based subsidiary called Ropak Nippon Ltd to market its North American products in Japan. It said the new unit has started importing plastic pans and other products for the packaging of seafood and will also market rigid-plastic shipping pails for a variety of packaging uses. Reuter 
Burlington Industries Inc is raising 75 mln dlrs through an offering of convertible subordinated debentures due 2012 with a 6-1/4 pct coupon and par pricing, said lead manager Kidder, Peabody and Co Inc. The debentures are convertible into the company's common stock at 63.50 dlrs per share, representing a premium of 18.1 pct over the stock price when terms on the debt were set. Non-callable for three years, the issue is rated Ba-2 by Moody's Investors Service Inc and BBB by Standard and Poor's Corp. Merrill Lynch Capital Markets and Salomon Brothers Inc co-managed the deal. Reuter 
The Pacific Stock Exchange said it will start options trading on Baker Hughes Inc today. Expirations will be January, May, July and October. Reuter 
<International Thomson Organisation Ltd> said it will report financial results in U.S. funds rather than sterling, beginning from Jan 1, 1987. It said the change will not be applied retroactively to prior financial periods. The company said as a result of recent investments, most of its assets now are located in the United States. Reuter 
Shr three cts vs 18 cts Net 220,000 vs 1,250,000 Revs 11.8 mln vs 9,430,000 Year Shr 45 cts vs 69 cts Net 3,400,000 vs 4,037,274 Revs 45.1 mln vs 34.3 mln Reuter 
Shr 52 cts vs 40 cts Qtly div 18 cts vs 15 cts prior Net 793,740 vs 603,661 NOTE: Share adjusted for 10 pct stock dividend in November 1986. Dividend pay May One, record April 25. Reuter 
<Biosystems Research Inc> said its new technique for a treatment for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome showed good results on subjects who were treated. Called biostimulation, the non-drug approach to the treatment of those with AIDS and AIDS related complex involves exposure to low-level magnetic and electrical stimulation in combination with phototherapy from the visible light spectrum, the company said. Biosystems said it tested its technique in two studies with eight subjects since January 1986, for periods of five to 60 weeks. It said the treatments have not produced any adverse effects in the subjects. Reuter 
Chicago Pacific Corp is raising 150 mln dlrs through an offering of convertible subordinated debentures due 2012 with a 6-1/2 pct coupon and par pricing, said lead manager Goldman, Sachs and Co. The debentures are convertible into the company's common stock at 62.50 dlrs per share, representing a premium of 25.63 pct over the stock price when terms on the debt were set. Non-callable for two years, the issue is rated B-1 by Moody's Investors Service Inc and B by Standard and Poor's Corp. First Boston Corp and Lazard Freres and Co co-managed the deal. Reuter 
Durakon Industries Inc said Canadian Tire Corp, the large Canadian auto retailer, has selected Durakon's All Star Liner as its exclusive pickup truck bed liner, to be sold in the 400 Associate Stores across Canada. Reuter 
The Argentine Grain Board adjusted minimum export prices of grain and oilseed products in dlrs per tonne FOB, previous in brackets, as follows: Sorghum 64 (63), sunflowerseed cake and expellers 103 (102) , pellets 101 (100), meal 99 (98), linseed oil 274 (264), groundnutseed oil 450 (445), soybean oil 300 (290), rapeseed oil 290 (280). Sunflowerseed oil for shipment through May 323 (313) and june onwards 330 (320). The board also adjusted export prices at which export taxes are levied in dlrs per tonne FOB, previous in brackets, as follows: Bran pollard wheat 40 (42), pellets 42 (44). REUTER