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2rsr9b | I'm thinking of buying laptop for first year Planning, but have no idea what to do. Are there any Planning students that have recommendations for what kind of specs I should be looking at (like RAM, memory, processor, screen size, etc)? Does anyone prefer Mac or PC in terms of ease of use within the program?
On a side note, would there be any differences in computer recommendations between Urban Design and other specializations? Or would this be unnecessary because one does all the work in the computer labs? | 0 | ribyls | 2015-01-08T18:38:33 | null | Computer recommendations for prospective Planning students? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rsr9b/computer_recommendations_for_prospective_planning/ | false | false | false | 346 |
2rsswa | Does anyone know of a Board Game Club at UWaterloo? I'm assuming with the newish Board Game Cafe in town, there's probably one around that I just can't find. | 8 | Thryr373 | 2015-01-08T18:51:32 | null | Board Game Club? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rsswa/board_game_club/ | false | false | false | 347 |
2rt0ge | 1st term was horrible. It was the first time I faced real failure. I failed CS 115, have to retake Math 135, and passed my other courses. My average is 61.6%. Although I am two courses, behind, I have organized to take Math 136 online during the spring term and will either take another online course which is part of my core courses or find a co-op job in Waterloo and take CS 116 during the spring term.
Although I found a solution to get back on track quickly, my worry is whether or not I will be able to find a co-op job, preferably in Waterloo. I am not picky about the job I get, and realize that my average is very low. However, I have previous relevant job experience from high school, and overall have a good resume having been active throughout my high school years as well as being active in my 1A term.
I faced a huge speedbump this term, however I am confident that I will be able to come back from this failure and improve my gpa greatly eventually hitting an 80% GPA. My worry right now is whether or not I will find a decent co-op job in Waterloo. Any advice on past experiences or knowledge? Thanks | 1 | yoloswogs | 2015-01-08T19:54:46 | null | 1st Year Waterloo Math BBA Student worried about co-op | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rt0ge/1st_year_waterloo_math_bba_student_worried_about/ | false | false | false | 348 |
2rtr0r | Has anyone taken ECE406? I am missing lectures this week so need to get a feel for the course from others who have taken it or are taking it this semester. So far I have heard it seems like review of past material. Anyone care to add to that or any alumni want to share their experience with it? I know there is a CS466 course called the same which is quite difficult according to the ratings on UWFlow and from word of mouth. Is this course on the same level of difficulty? | 0 | gohan_d1 | 2015-01-08T23:51:00 | null | ECE course advice | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rtr0r/ece_course_advice/ | false | false | false | 349 |
2rtx6z | How the hell can I start to show her I'm interested without obviously flirting infront of the full-timers? I know it's barely been a week but she's literally everything I wanted in a girl. We have the same interests and on top of that she's a girl who codes.
I basically want to make a move fast before the other interns try anything. I want to be the guy who keeps her happy, but it's hard to show her that when you're in the workplace (and surrounded by a bunch of full-timers).
Are there any subtle things I can do that won't make me look like an idiot infront of the full-timers (or other co-ops)? Also, how can I.. make her interested in me? It's my second last co-op term, so it's not like I'll have all the time in the world once we're back in Waterloo.
I literally have zero experience dating, but I'm positive I found the one.
For those of you who have dated your coworkers, how did that go?
I know it's a co-op related question, but I'm not quite sure I should ask my co-op advisor about this. | 0 | watdofromwaterloo | 2015-01-09T00:53:45 | null | Interested in my fellow intern? (Literally the only female intern here) | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rtx6z/interested_in_my_fellow_intern_literally_the_only/ | false | false | false | 350 |
2ru8n8 | Could anyone please guide me about how good the coop and job placements of the biomedical engineering programme of Waterloo is likely to be?? The website states the likely class size to be 45. | 6 | vijayasunder | 2015-01-09T03:22:16 | null | job prospects after biomedical engineering | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2ru8n8/job_prospects_after_biomedical_engineering/ | false | false | false | 351 |
2ru9q4 | My friends and I are looking for living arrangements for Fall 2015, and we stumbled upon Rez-One advertisements in SLC. There aren't many reviews for it online, so I was wondering if anyone knows how good it is? If not, are there any better alternatives that are similar (e.g. condo style)? | 8 | Liverbait | 2015-01-09T03:39:25 | arts | Any info/reviews about Rez-One? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2ru9q4/any_inforeviews_about_rezone/ | false | false | false | 352 |
2ruckn | If, hypothetically, I don't find a job for my first co-op term, would finding future co-ops be harder? What should I do if I don't find a job so I don't get too far behind? | 1 | Shounen_B | 2015-01-09T04:24:53 | 33550336 | How important is the first co-op? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2ruckn/how_important_is_the_first_coop/ | false | false | false | 353 |
2rumjr | I am in second year and considering doing cs and stat.
I have taken a few finance courses like econ,afm,actsc231, etc so I will probably have to take in 6 courses/ term and have a couple of extra term to finish the degree. Has anyone done this? How long does it usually take? and do you have to follow the set rigid coursework for both paths? Also, what do you speculate on doing these two majors?
I am generally into finance as of now. | 1 | wh2lee | 2015-01-09T07:12:11 | null | Is anyone doing CS/Stat double major? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rumjr/is_anyone_doing_csstat_double_major/ | false | false | false | 354 |
2rv0tm | For GRT bus stop information. Is it free or are there charges that are applied per text? I'm with Bell btw. | 6 | Sahib201 | 2015-01-09T10:04:26 | null | Is texting to 57555 free? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rv0tm/is_texting_to_57555_free/ | false | false | false | 355 |
2rv7v5 | The few times I rely on their service, I am surely left disappointed. I have no other means of transportation in this unbearable cold, and walking 15 minutes in this weather can be a nightmare.
This morning, I relied on their bus 92 loop from Uni/Westmount to get to Uni/Seagram. Bus scheduled to arrive at 8:19 from google maps; it never shows up. I wait 5 minutes, and nothing. Had to walk to DC where the fucking side walk is not cleared from snow up to a foot deep. Later find out that google maps' stop times are off from what the grt website tells me: 92 actually arrives at 8:10 . Yet their trip planner from their website LINKS to google maps which shows completely different information!
Coming back from class, hoped to take bus 29 to Keats Way from Uni/Seagram.I arrive on time, wait for the 9:32 and sure enough no shits given and no bus in sight. Waited 8 minutes and again forced to walk home.
I am forced to pay 140$ for this bs every year. Incompetence and lack of accountability defines this service.
/rant | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-09T11:06:59 | null | GRT service is unreliable and garbage | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rv7v5/grt_service_is_unreliable_and_garbage/ | false | false | false | 356 |
2rvrpk | Wondering what the average is. Personally I only have a sweater and a water bottle. | 14 | wafflesquares | 2015-01-09T13:41:52 | 3A Psych Co-Op | How much uWaterloo merchandise do you own? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rvrpk/how_much_uwaterloo_merchandise_do_you_own/ | false | false | false | 357 |
2rw3jt | Hello /r/uwaterloo, I will be hosting an information session with a few of my colleagues on Tuesday Jan. 13 at 11:30 in TC 2218. This is a great opportunity to work in a leading Canadian insurance company for your next co-op job. The session is geared towards Actuarial students but if you are analytical-minded, business-savvy and skilled in Excel (VBA and SQL also a plus) we would be excited for you to attend. We are hiring co-ops for Commercial and Personal lines pricing in the Spring term.
Let me know as well if you have any questions beforehand and I will try my best to answer them here! Looking forward to seeing some of you at the session.
edit: here is a link with more info & sign up: | 5 | avivaactuary | 2015-01-09T15:13:52 | null | Aviva Canada Actuarial Co-Op Information Session - Next Tuesday | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rw3jt/aviva_canada_actuarial_coop_information_session/ | false | false | false | 358 |
2rwbem | Where do games of shinny go down in this city other than the uptown rink? | 2 | [deleted] | 2015-01-09T16:14:28 | null | Shinny in Waterloo? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rwbem/shinny_in_waterloo/ | false | false | false | 359 |
2rwbyw | Does anyone know if PAC sells goggles? And how much are they? | 1 | [deleted] | 2015-01-09T16:18:59 | null | Swimming goggles? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rwbyw/swimming_goggles/ | false | false | false | 360 |
2rwkqa | I'm confused about the context of Spring 2015 term. Is it basically another full-time term on campus, just like the Fall and Winter terms? I have this idea that Spring term is no different from summer online courses. I want to get some courses out of the way in the summer when I have nothing to do, but I also don't want to spend the summer in Waterloo. Can you pay for the term and take all 5 courses online while abroad, or are you expected to take some courses on campus in order to be considered a full-time student? Has anyone done that before? Thanks for the help. | 2 | tyhlee5 | 2015-01-09T17:26:21 | null | Spring 2015 Courses? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rwkqa/spring_2015_courses/ | false | false | false | 361 |
2rwm1m | So I heard a rumor that U of T has stolen the Rigid Tool. Any one know of this is legit? | 1 | [deleted] | 2015-01-09T17:37:16 | null | Stolen Tool | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rwm1m/stolen_tool/ | false | false | false | 362 |
2rwv95 | For people who have taken 456 and 454, do you think its manageable to do this (as in take them in any order or together)?
I also plan on taking 446,370 and two other birdy courses...
Thanks. | 2 | DatOneRandomGuy | 2015-01-09T18:55:57 | Comp. Sci | Taking CS454 before or with CS456 | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rwv95/taking_cs454_before_or_with_cs456/ | false | false | false | 363 |
2rwysp | Startups are nice. Patents are excellent. Blackberry is cool. But at the end of the day, the "street cred" (I believe) for a research university is its scholarship and citations. What is the most cited paper published out of Waterloo? Corollary - who is the most cited prof? | 10 | newguy57 | 2015-01-09T19:27:34 | Hustler | What is the most cited paper published from the University? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rwysp/what_is_the_most_cited_paper_published_from_the/ | false | false | false | 364 |
2rx6tg | I need one more class to graduate. The only class that fulfills this graduation requirement is directly overlapping with another course for two days, 50 minutes each day. Both courses only have 1 lecture slot.
I've had one of the professors before, for an upper year course. I went to class twice, and still ended up with a pretty alright grade.
I was wondering if anyone has ever been able to take two courses at the same time.
I'll ask an advisor, I just want to know if anyone else has done it. | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-09T20:41:48 | null | Class Overlapping | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rx6tg/class_overlapping/ | false | false | false | 365 |
2rx8n3 | Someone I know said that when they went to Waterloo they had to have at least 4 different job positions in their co-op program (mechanical engineering). I'm not sure if he is mis-remembering or what. Is this the case for any programs now? | 0 | benperson | 2015-01-09T20:59:50 | null | Is there a minimum requirement for different job positions for co-op? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rx8n3/is_there_a_minimum_requirement_for_different_job/ | false | false | false | 366 |
2rxq51 | I think I might have got highest grade in a course (science) - would they tell me if i did? | 0 | uwpersonnn | 2015-01-10T00:02:26 | null | Do you get notified if you get highest grade? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rxq51/do_you_get_notified_if_you_get_highest_grade/ | false | false | false | 367 |
2rxyxq | Usually. Can we make a list? | 0 | Iamnotateenagethug | 2015-01-10T01:44:33 | Computer Engineering '19 | Which info sessions usually have free swag? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rxyxq/which_info_sessions_usually_have_free_swag/ | false | false | false | 368 |
2ry1y1 | I'm a first year student who didn't get a spot on residence (extenuating circumstances) which led to me living in an apartment off campus. I'm pretty social but its still hard to make friends and have the residence life experience that others are having, it makes me slightly jealous to be honest. Of course its trivial since I'm at Waterloo for education, but I was wondering if there was any similar experience or place to stay for upper years year?
I know res life as an upper year is pretty boring. People have suggested wcri and velocity?
I was thinking velocity since its also a great learning environment? | 6 | [deleted] | 2015-01-10T02:27:15 | null | Missed out on first year residence experience? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2ry1y1/missed_out_on_first_year_residence_experience/ | false | false | false | 369 |
2ry6yv | Hello, i was just wondering abt the tuition for int students, i checked it and it was abt 22 000 dollars for CS, my question is, is this all am paying or are there any adds on? Away from the accommodation. Also, if u have any idea abt the accommodations i would appreciate it. | 1 | Abugado | 2015-01-10T03:50:57 | null | International tuition | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2ry6yv/international_tuition/ | false | false | false | 370 |
2ryo7b | as the title says, does it give you enough knowledge? | 0 | wh2lee | 2015-01-10T09:03:17 | null | Would joint statistics give you enough knowledge to pursue masters in stats? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2ryo7b/would_joint_statistics_give_you_enough_knowledge/ | false | false | false | 371 |
2rzlxj | Is it just regular bingo but with sex toys as prizes? | 3 | [deleted] | 2015-01-10T14:40:15 | null | How does sex toy bingo work? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rzlxj/how_does_sex_toy_bingo_work/ | false | false | false | 372 |
2rzvh7 | ...and it was one of the scariest experiences of my life.
When her head on the ground, I immediately called 911. EMS was at the scene within a few minutes.
She couldn't remember what happened but it looks like she's going to be okay. This is a good reminder to know your limits and to not overwork yourself in the weight room. | 30 | elpekardo | 2015-01-10T16:02:59 | 3B ARBUS/SPCOM | Just witnessed a girl collapse in the PAC... | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2rzvh7/just_witnessed_a_girl_collapse_in_the_pac/ | false | false | false | 373 |
2s050j | I was told by my academic advisor that Waterloo is undergoing a co-op policy change where Laurier-based students will no longer be able to retain co-op if they want to transfer to a single degree at UW (you can still transfer, but you'll be put in regular CS/math). This is because admission for Laurier DD is easier than admission for Honours Math Single Degree with co-op. Take this into consideration before you accept that $20,000 scholarship. | 12 | -Devotion- | 2015-01-10T17:28:42 | Transferring to Seneca | A Warning for Double Degrees | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s050j/a_warning_for_double_degrees/ | false | false | false | 374 |
2s0b9n | Of course, very subjective topic and there isn't a "correct answer" but I want to see what you guys think is the most prestigious program at Waterloo? | 0 | Test1425 | 2015-01-10T18:24:22 | null | Most prestigious Program at Waterloo? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s0b9n/most_prestigious_program_at_waterloo/ | false | false | false | 375 |
2s0cgp | Bench/Squat/Deadlift | 0 | ftil1566 | 2015-01-10T18:35:22 | null | Most you've ever seen someone lift at uWaterloo gyms? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s0cgp/most_youve_ever_seen_someone_lift_at_uwaterloo/ | false | false | false | 376 |
2s0dc5 | Anyone have any recommendations for a bird course for the winter 2015 term? | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-10T18:43:22 | null | Bird Course for Winter 2015 | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s0dc5/bird_course_for_winter_2015/ | false | false | false | 377 |
2s0rbq | Just wondering in your opinion which is the best teacher to take math135 with? | 0 | PabloVelas | 2015-01-10T20:56:27 | null | Best Teacher to take math135 with? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s0rbq/best_teacher_to_take_math135_with/ | false | false | false | 378 |
2s11yh | I am referring to less quant finance job
Looking at MSET, GS Quant research, etc.
What would be more beneficial between cfm and joint stat + joint cs ?
cfm would give you more finance knowledge whereas
joint stat and cs are more technical.
Please share your thoughts | 5 | [deleted] | 2015-01-10T22:44:52 | null | If you want a s&t job in nyc or chicago what would be the best major? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s11yh/if_you_want_a_st_job_in_nyc_or_chicago_what_would/ | false | false | false | 379 |
2s1cv2 | Is there a housing company that offer 2-bedroom suite or 1-bedroom suite near the campus?
Do they offer short-term lease(4-month) for spring?
I lived in a 5-bedroom suite before and I don't like it.. | 0 | code_generation | 2015-01-11T00:45:42 | null | 2-bedroom suite closed to campus in spring? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s1cv2/2bedroom_suite_closed_to_campus_in_spring/ | false | false | false | 380 |
2s1o29 | With the removal of uw-unsecured, is there anyway to connect a 3DS to the internet here? | 4 | this_name_is_false_ | 2015-01-11T03:24:37 | ayyy lmao | Connecting 3DS to Internet. | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s1o29/connecting_3ds_to_internet/ | false | false | false | 381 |
2s1snn | I'm currently taking M. Vaughan's ECON 102, and want to spend the minimum amount of money on course materials.
Which of {MyEconLab(WTF is this?), Study Guide, Textbook} is absolutely required to pass this course?
I'm not looking to get an amazing grade since I'm just taking this for fun. I plan on attending all of the lectures and will be happy with a 70%-75% grade. | 0 | punable | 2015-01-11T04:55:33 | null | ECON 101/102 - What do I NEED to buy to pass this course? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s1snn/econ_101102_what_do_i_need_to_buy_to_pass_this/ | false | false | false | 382 |
2s2eoa | I'm
interested in doing some combination of co and cs later, but just wanted to know what you guys think if you've already done something like that. How's the workload? Co-op opportunities?
| 2 | iCanHelpU2 | 2015-01-11T10:52:41 | null | CS and combinatorics double major? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s2eoa/cs_and_combinatorics_double_major/ | false | false | false | 383 |
2s2lgk | I'm a little confused as to how joint majors work. I'm in my 1B in Honours Math, and I was thinking about joint majoring in statistics and biology. However, this seems to be difficult (if not impossible) to accomplish and graduate on time, since I have to do all the BMATH requirements and then biology. Is it possible to do like joint statistics AND joint biology (so im taking a fair amount of both, but not the full major requirements for either?) I'm just trying to figure out my options. I don't think I want to stay in math since its so focused and I feel like I have no time to explore other interests | 6 | boolgogi | 2015-01-11T11:59:29 | 2A Mathematics | Joint Majors | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s2lgk/joint_majors/ | false | false | false | 384 |
2s2t4e | So I'm submitting my first work term report for mech. eng., and while I don't think I'm gonna fail, still afraid it might happen.
For those who failed/were deemed unacceptable, were doing the changes and edits that the markers recommended enough for you to clear the failed work term report mark? | 0 | torontodrakes | 2015-01-11T13:09:21 | null | Clearing a failed work term report | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s2t4e/clearing_a_failed_work_term_report/ | false | false | false | 385 |
2s3ikg | Just wondering what you think UW should change or start doing to make the university a better place | 29 | adibou25 | 2015-01-11T16:41:49 | 1B CS | What is the one thing you would like UW to address before you graduate? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s3ikg/what_is_the_one_thing_you_would_like_uw_to/ | false | false | false | 386 |
2s3kls | Aspiring to be a Waterloo Computer Engineering student, and was wondering whether co-op is really as difficult to get as people have been complaining about. | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-11T16:58:14 | null | What is the minimum average required to apply for a co-op work term, and are companies extremely concerned with your marks for this? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s3kls/what_is_the_minimum_average_required_to_apply_for/ | false | false | false | 387 |
2s415d | I can't find the solution for the end of the chap probs for math 237.
Where can you find it? | 0 | wh2lee | 2015-01-11T19:18:01 | null | Where can you find the answers for chapter programs for math course notes | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s415d/where_can_you_find_the_answers_for_chapter/ | false | false | false | 388 |
2s4272 | Aside from torrents of course cause of the new law and shit?? | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-11T19:27:44 | null | What is the best method to download free good quality music? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s4272/what_is_the_best_method_to_download_free_good/ | false | false | false | 389 |
2s446w | Apparently it's just UWP and the water is still on on-campus in the academic buildings and REV residence. Front Desk Assistant does not know when the problem will be fixed.
As it stands, it looks like a few hundred people will be showering at PAC tomorrow morning. | 6 | pcharest1 | 2015-01-11T19:45:41 | null | Water is not working at UWP residence | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s446w/water_is_not_working_at_uwp_residence/ | false | false | false | 390 |
2s4hno | I just have a few questions about the PAC pool:
Where is it?
Are there change rooms?
Are there lockers?
What's the difference between rec and fitness swim? | 2 | spookyskellys | 2015-01-11T21:46:47 | null | PAC Pool Questions | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s4hno/pac_pool_questions/ | false | false | false | 391 |
2s4lwz | American Student Here. Just wondering how hard it is to get into Waterloo? I'm applying to CS, CE, and Mathematics (3 sep. majors) and was wondering how hard it is to get into these programs. My ACT/SAT are in the 97th percentile. Grades are a bit on the lower side, but honors/college courses for all and very competitive. Two software engineering internships in the past, lots of extracurriculars (math team, placed for region and state/province) | 4 | nperty | 2015-01-11T22:25:59 | null | Any American/International students? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s4lwz/any_americaninternational_students/ | false | false | false | 392 |
2s70x8 | I've been looking at the chiropractors on the ihaveaplan website (chiropractors covered under UW health insurance), but I don't really know how to decide on which one to go to. I'm going mainly for a general assessment, as I've been having minor back strains and I want to make sure it's not anything serious.
If you have any suggestions and reasons why you'd recommend them that would be greatly appreciated! | 2 | JekkoJay | 2015-01-12T14:27:16 | null | Anyone have recommendations for a good chiropractor near UW? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s70x8/anyone_have_recommendations_for_a_good/ | false | false | false | 393 |
2s7d6j | Hi, I accidentally locked myself out of my room (door knob lock) this morning . . . wondering if anyone could lend me his/her lock picking set and/or unlock it for me asap.
I've called several locksmiths in town but it will all costs over $50 :(
I am located 5 minutes from the Laurier campus, and will treat you to Starbucks! Please send me a private message if you can help, appreciate it!!
| 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-12T15:57:34 | null | Picking a room lock, help? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s7d6j/picking_a_room_lock_help/ | false | false | false | 394 |
2s7pd7 | If you have the means to get out to Franklin road in Cambridge, the Metro there is closing and everything in the store is 50% off until the 15th.
Not much produce left, but a good way to stock up on dry and canned goods and the freezer sections were still pretty full. | 24 | raw-deal | 2015-01-12T17:24:37 | null | Cheap Groceries | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s7pd7/cheap_groceries/ | false | false | false | 395 |
2s7vg7 | I'm first year and just found my first coop position. This position requires a police check with a $45 fee and a pair of steel toed boots. If I remember correctly, the employer should be paying for any safety materials needed. I'm not too sure about the police check though. Can someone help me out? | 5 | youfacedaraxxus | 2015-01-12T18:11:06 | null | COOP Boots and Police checks | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s7vg7/coop_boots_and_police_checks/ | false | false | false | 396 |
2s8ddz | I'm in my last co-op now, so I don't care too much, but I'm interested. | 8 | Proscribe | 2015-01-12T20:37:05 | null | What happened to WaterlooWorks? Was it not fully implemented for Winter 2015? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s8ddz/what_happened_to_waterlooworks_was_it_not_fully/ | false | false | false | 397 |
2s9zps | I need it for my assignment.
Can I borrow it? | 2 | wh2lee | 2015-01-13T08:09:09 | null | where should I go to use MAPLE | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2s9zps/where_should_i_go_to_use_maple/ | false | false | false | 398 |
2safvx | Hey reddit of UW,
I am a fifth year high school student who applied to (1) Environment & Business and (2) Planning programs at Waterloo.
Are there any current students or graduates from these programs? What are your thoughts and experiences (academic and/or co-op)? Anything I should be aware about?
I realize that these two programs are quite different from each other but I have interest in both, not really sure which one I prefer over the other though.
Thanks! | 3 | prospectiveplanner | 2015-01-13T10:49:48 | null | Prospective Student- Environment & Business vs. Planning? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2safvx/prospective_student_environment_business_vs/ | false | false | false | 399 |
2sap16 | January is going to be a great month for Crooked Sword Comedy and Off the Rickshaw Entertainment! The semester's just begun, so come on out to Molly Bloom's on the 30th for some awesome entertainment from some of the best brown comics in Ontario!
Headlining is the absolutely hysterical Faisal Butt! Faisal most recently won the 2014 SiriusXM Next Top Comic Competition! He has opened for Russell Peters, and performed at JFL42 in Toronto! This Summer, he will perform at the Just for Laughs Festival in Montreal! Don't miss him coming to Kitchener for one night only!
Where: Molly Bloom's, 10 Manitou Drive, Kitchener
When: January 30, 9pm
How much: $10
Full event here: | 0 | crsword | 2015-01-13T11:59:47 | null | "Once Upon a Brown" Comedy Tour Kitchener! | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sap16/once_upon_a_brown_comedy_tour_kitchener/ | false | false | false | 400 |
2sazp1 | I'm a 23 year old female 4B student who is tired of the undergrad bar scene. Just wondering where in KW I can go for a few drinks and be surrounded by young professionals rather than the typical 18-21 year old crowd you'll find at Phil's or the 2000 person events at Pearl.
Edit: Thanks for the suggestions everyone! Looks like I have lots of places to check out. | 27 | oldsoulwaterloo | 2015-01-13T13:19:37 | null | What bars/pubs should I go to to find a more mature crowd? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sazp1/what_barspubs_should_i_go_to_to_find_a_more/ | false | false | false | 401 |
2sb2q9 | I like swimming almost as much as listening to the music they play | 5 | satbirkira | 2015-01-13T13:42:34 | I'm going back to Waterloo where the vampires hang out | What radio station do they play in the PAC swimming pool? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sb2q9/what_radio_station_do_they_play_in_the_pac/ | false | false | false | 402 |
2sbc83 | I've failed three courses and they only offer foundation term in fall terms. this requires me to withdraw from the program/school and take the next eight months off. the academic advisor said i should write a petition letter asking to stay. i was wondering if anyone has been in the same boat as me? | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-13T14:52:21 | null | petition letter for a chance to stay at waterloo | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sbc83/petition_letter_for_a_chance_to_stay_at_waterloo/ | false | false | false | 403 |
2sbgx5 | I'm a first year CS major in Sequence 3 co-op and I don't have a study/work term this coming spring. I failed 2 courses in the fall term, so I was hoping to see if I can take the courses I would need in the spring to make sure I would graduate on time.
I'll definitely speak to an adviser about this later, but I was wondering if anyone has requested a study term in the off season before? | 0 | llamaUndercover | 2015-01-13T15:25:07 | CS | Has anyone requested a study term in the off season before? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sbgx5/has_anyone_requested_a_study_term_in_the_off/ | false | false | false | 404 |
2sbod0 | Can waterloo students use the laurier gym if they arent double degree students? online it says something abt a onecard :S | 5 | clockworks123 | 2015-01-13T16:15:58 | null | can UW students use WLU gyms | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sbod0/can_uw_students_use_wlu_gyms/ | false | false | false | 405 |
2sbvi6 | Hi,
Just wondering if anyone's had experience with taking a term (or more) off in order to pursue a startup.
I'm in 3B Software Engineering, so I was planning on using my remaining coops to work on it full-time and work on it part-time during school. However, I'm co-founding it with some people in the US, and if we enter an incubator they want me to work full-time indefinitely (which I would love to do).
I'm just not sure if I'll have any issues with the school on taking some terms off, as well as issues with the US visa (if the incubator is in SF for instance).
Thanks. | 1 | uwstartuptaway | 2015-01-13T17:06:59 | null | Taking term(s) off to pursue your own a startup? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sbvi6/taking_terms_off_to_pursue_your_own_a_startup/ | false | false | false | 406 |
2scavb | Hey guys,
I'm an engineering student from UOIT, and I'm interested in taking "ECE 486: Robot dynamics and control" course that is being offered this summer. I've never taken a course outside of my university, so I'm not familiar with the process. Do I have to go through regular admission process to be able to take it, or is there like a "guest student" status for something like this? Also, is there anyone I could contact within the university to get information about this?
Thank you! | 1 | [deleted] | 2015-01-13T19:01:31 | null | What's the process for taking a course at Waterloo, if I'm a student at another university? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2scavb/whats_the_process_for_taking_a_course_at_waterloo/ | false | false | false | 407 |
2sce82 | Hi aspiring Waterloo engineering student. I am conflicted when it comes to ee vs CE and I applied to ee as of now and I was wondering (if I get in) is it easy to switch between them ? Additionally, in terms of coop jobs how do ee and CE differ ? Because I have never heard of electrical engineers going to California or working for google or such. Seems to always be the computer engineers? | 7 | [deleted] | 2015-01-13T19:27:45 | null | Electrical Engineering Vs. Computer Engineering? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sce82/electrical_engineering_vs_computer_engineering/ | false | false | false | 408 |
2sd4yt | I failed CS 115 and have to repeat Math 135 because I received a 58%. Because my average is lower than 65% and I failed a course, the Math faculty is restricting me to 4 courses. However, I know why I screwed up my 1A term and spent the whole winter break evaluating and preparing myself for success in 1B and onwards. If I take 4 courses instead of 5. I will be behind 3 courses and will not be able to take a coop term this summer, however if I did 5 this term (repeating CS 115 and Math 135 and knowing that I will do well in the courses having thoroughly prepared for it by practicing over the winter break) I will be able to take 2 courses during the summer and will be back on track.
Is there any way to course override and take 5 courses instead of the restricted 4 courses. This is really pushing me back and in my opinion its not fair to restrict me to 4 courses. I realize the faculty is doing this for my good in terms of to relieve stress, but I know that I will do very well this term and making me do 4 courses will not make a difference in my academic success. I really need help in figuring a way around this to take 5 courses this term. | 0 | helpmeplease129563 | 2015-01-13T23:04:06 | null | Received 61% average 1st term in Math faculty and restricted to 4 courses | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sd4yt/received_61_average_1st_term_in_math_faculty_and/ | false | false | false | 409 |
2sdfuy | Hey guys,
For one of my courses this term I am required to pay a $25 fee for the lab, this strikes me as weird cause I thought paying full tuition covers any such fees. Why does this happen and how often?
Thanks | 0 | quest_eng | 2015-01-14T00:45:26 | null | Fees for Lab | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sdfuy/fees_for_lab/ | false | false | false | 410 |
2sdgzc | I booked a flight for feb 11th 2 months ago. Turns out I have an exam on the 13th. How can I get my prof to let me write it early? | 0 | ImAgENT | 2015-01-14T00:57:21 | null | How do I get a midterm moved? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sdgzc/how_do_i_get_a_midterm_moved/ | false | false | false | 411 |
2sduyh | Quick question: as an international student, would I need to pay Canadian taxes on income earned in the US? Given that for that year I spent 8 months in Canada and 4 months in the US. Thanks! | 10 | taxesmaybe | 2015-01-14T04:05:28 | null | International student on coop in US: taxes? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sduyh/international_student_on_coop_in_us_taxes/ | false | false | false | 412 |
2sektr | I am planning on buying a car in Fall 2015 and I was wondering if anyone knows the average prices to finance a car in the Waterloo region. I'm trying to account for insurances, parking, and gas. Thanks! | 4 | superaa | 2015-01-14T09:58:28 | CS | Costs of owning a car in Waterloo | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sektr/costs_of_owning_a_car_in_waterloo/ | false | false | false | 413 |
2sfccy | Waterlooooooooooo!!!
Me and a few others who are trying to plan a concert for a night market are scratching our heads and putting our thinking caps together to find an artist who would be willing to come to our small, humble school.
Currently we're in contact with a few agents, and Kina Grannis seems like a possibility. We still have 1-2 weeks to talk to agents and I'd love your input on some possible (realistic) choices!
Last year we got Joseph Vincent, we've gotten WongFu, etc. etc.
The other option is a comedy sketch! For example, I've contacted Bo Burnham and Peter Chao's agent likes the idea.
I'd love to hear any good ideas!!
| 9 | Maybe_A_Lawyer | 2015-01-14T13:36:00 | null | Who do we bring in for a performance at a Night Market? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sfccy/who_do_we_bring_in_for_a_performance_at_a_night/ | false | false | false | 414 |
2sfnzm | I'm getting different numbers from different websites. | 0 | Zarquad | 2015-01-14T15:04:07 | null | How do you calculate your GPA? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sfnzm/how_do_you_calculate_your_gpa/ | false | false | false | 415 |
2sfuwh | I suggest "UW smokers are Literally Cancer"
EDIT: I thought everyone here would be adamant reddit warriors on [OMG UW](
Apparently not...
Also, I'm not actually implying that smokers are cancer, I'm just reflecting that community's consensus. | 0 | Stevethepinkeagle | 2015-01-14T15:53:23 | null | OMG UW needs a new name... | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sfuwh/omg_uw_needs_a_new_name/ | false | false | false | 416 |
2sg7vb | Whats the point of swiping it?
Can you be banned from info sessions? | 0 | instantkimchi | 2015-01-14T17:28:40 | mathematics | Why do you need to bring your WATcard to Info sessions? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sg7vb/why_do_you_need_to_bring_your_watcard_to_info/ | false | false | false | 417 |
2sgdmj | Urgent - Thank you! | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-14T18:12:29 | null | How long after you add a course on Quest will you have access to learn? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sgdmj/how_long_after_you_add_a_course_on_quest_will_you/ | false | false | false | 418 |
2sgpit | So some background info, I am a third year biochemistry student and while I am doing decent-great at course work, I am not doing very well when it comes to lab work. I withdrew from chem 220 L during my 2A term for various reasons, mainly that I couldn't keep up with the work during the lab (I always had this sorta of physical and mental disconnect, where I know mentally what I need to and how to do it, but I can't physically do it. Screwing up by spilling stuff or not fast enough, etc).
In any case I am in my 3A term and I am taking the course again, and also the 360 L lab. I am sorta anxious about both labs, mainly that I have no partners in it (I realized that the only reason I may have passed previous labs was due to the presence of partners, though I haven't heard complaints from my partners).
So, I am at a cross roads. I can't get my biochem degree without doing these lab courses, but at the same time I like biochemistry coursework. I really don't want my last two years of work to go to waste, but at the same time I don't know where to go from here.
I plan to go do some counselling, but I really am not sure where to go from here.
Furthermore, I am in Co-op, and so getting jobs in the future will be really hard if I can't do lab work.
I am scared for my future .
Any tips, advice, etc ? | 5 | farispie | 2015-01-14T19:48:08 | null | Worried about my future : at something of a cross roads during third year (biochemistry) | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sgpit/worried_about_my_future_at_something_of_a_cross/ | false | false | false | 419 |
2sh0ez | I can't see anything that says so in the guidelines. But I assume so? | 0 | motheruckin | 2015-01-14T21:21:25 | null | Do work term reports have to be bound for Arts and Business. | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sh0ez/do_work_term_reports_have_to_be_bound_for_arts/ | false | false | false | 420 |
2shmdw | For those of you who don't play league of legends, EugeneEel is a (relatively) famous streamer on twitch for league of legends. I just found out today that he goes to UW. Did anyone ever see him in person? | 0 | League_of_Losers | 2015-01-15T00:48:05 | null | EugeneEel at UW? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2shmdw/eugeneeel_at_uw/ | false | false | false | 421 |
2shr9k | So with the 1st round of co-op jobs coming for Spring 2015. Just a quick question. I have talked to some people and some say the shorter and sweeter the resume the better it would be, while some say that a (max) 2 pager resume is better to highlight all your accomplishments and achievements.
What are your thoughts?
Also, is the co-op course outline for resumes shit or should you follow it.
Edit: I'm in CS BTW | 2 | ieatfries | 2015-01-15T01:46:55 | null | Co-Op Resume Question | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2shr9k/coop_resume_question/ | false | false | false | 422 |
2shsph | Do the different faculties do their own? | 2 | thorhammerz | 2015-01-15T02:07:21 | null | Who actually marks the work term reports? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2shsph/who_actually_marks_the_work_term_reports/ | false | false | false | 423 |
2siw4r | Since starting my journey at uWaterloo in the fall, I have been struggling a lot with everything: adjusting to Waterloo, being away from home, being in a program I hate, feeling trapped. I have just lost all motivation to succeed in life or do well. I don't even know who I am anymore. I know I need help but I have no idea what this "help" would even be. I just know I am really struggling right now. | 5 | gussy1996 | 2015-01-15T11:00:58 | null | How/where do I go to ask for help? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2siw4r/howwhere_do_i_go_to_ask_for_help/ | false | false | false | 424 |
2sj26x | So I was just paying off my credit card bills as usual when I realized that I payed uwaterloo instead. Now when I go on quest I have a negative charge balance and an enrol request for Winter 2015. Is there any way to get this money back? | 2 | stinuga | 2015-01-15T11:50:20 | engineering | Accidentally payed uWaterloo | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sj26x/accidentally_payed_uwaterloo/ | false | false | false | 425 |
2sjnvl | I saw a lot of people who own 3DS in uWaterloo, I know it is not a popular game in north america but is there anyone who play monster hunter on it? :) | 1 | lovinghist | 2015-01-15T14:34:18 | 2A ECE ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ | Is there anyone who plays MH3U(3DS) in uWaterloo? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sjnvl/is_there_anyone_who_plays_mh3u3ds_in_uwaterloo/ | false | false | false | 426 |
2sjojt | I was thinking of doing this but missed the start of term meeting. Can someone who volunteers there comment of what you do/what it's like? | 4 | raw-deal | 2015-01-15T14:39:24 | null | Anyone volunteer at the Bike Centre | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sjojt/anyone_volunteer_at_the_bike_centre/ | false | false | false | 427 |
2skbbm | If yes, HOW?? | 0 | kishmish247 | 2015-01-15T17:28:02 | null | Is it possible to maintain a cumulative avg. of 85%+ as a Math (BMath) student at UW? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2skbbm/is_it_possible_to_maintain_a_cumulative_avg_of_85/ | false | false | false | 428 |
2skwg4 | Hello! I am in grade 11, and I am really worried about applying to Waterloo. My grade 11 marks so far are poor, except for the two grade 11 courses I took in grade 10, being Computer engineering (88%), and Computer Science (100%). I was wondering how much they take into account grade 11 courses. I was also curious about applying with grade 11 courses, and whether retaking a grade 11 course, in my case computer science due to attending a different school with an easier curriculum, will give me the application penalty. I was also hoping that a Computer Engineering or a Mechatronics Engineering student could answer some questions I have about each program. | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-15T20:21:06 | null | Application questions from a grade 11. | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2skwg4/application_questions_from_a_grade_11/ | false | false | false | 429 |
2smis9 | Hi guys, I just finished my 2A term in Nano Eng and I still don't have a co-op placement for the Winter term... I was thinking about switching to computer or electrical engineering but I don't know if that's the best choice. I enjoy my program, but I hate this job search struggle so much. Should I switch out of my program into one that has better job prospects? | 11 | heero134 | 2015-01-16T08:16:59 | null | Nanotechnology Engineer still without coop for winter term - Need advice | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2smis9/nanotechnology_engineer_still_without_coop_for/ | false | false | false | 430 |
2smvjk | "In addition to the specific information requested in all of the AIF questions, please tell us anything else about yourself that you would like us to know when we review your application"
When I emailed the university asking about this, this was their answer.
"about You - Part B is for issues that may have affected your academic performance. If you do not have any medical, personal or financial circumstances, please leave this blank."
However, I got a different answer from people on reddit as they say just tell them why you deserve to get accepted in UWaterloo.
Please HELP. Thanks:)
| 0 | Abugado | 2015-01-16T10:28:58 | null | AIF -About You Part B | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2smvjk/aif_about_you_part_b/ | false | false | false | 431 |
2sng23 | Filtered with
-Software Eng
-Comp Eng | 1 | UW_ECE18 | 2015-01-16T13:12:54 | null | Fun Fact: Spring 2015 has about 2337 Job Openings/positions | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sng23/fun_fact_spring_2015_has_about_2337_job/ | false | false | false | 432 |
2sniuu | I have heard it mentioned that students from other faculties are able to show up and write it, but I'm not sure if there's any truth to this as on the website it just lists it as being for Science. Does anyone know about this? If I can I would like to write it and I am in the Math faculty. | 2 | takethelemonsback | 2015-01-16T13:34:44 | null | Is today's ELPE exclusive to Science students? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sniuu/is_todays_elpe_exclusive_to_science_students/ | false | false | false | 433 |
2snjnn | I found a single Klassen key at the UW: Engineering bus stop (#1124) on Tuesday around 18:00.
If you are looking for it, you can pick it up from the SCH Write Stuff counter. | 3 | goosling | 2015-01-16T13:40:58 | 4B PMath/C&O | Lost a key outside UW: Engineering bus stop? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2snjnn/lost_a_key_outside_uw_engineering_bus_stop/ | false | false | false | 434 |
2so5d9 | Apparently, Accessability's been pestering Plant Operations - the department that handles snow removal - for a long time now, but they've done nothing, clearly. Accessability advised me to take complaints to Plant Operations in hopes that more student pressure would make them do something.
Here's the link to their contact.
Or find their building, and go there. Or comment on this post; I'll forward a copy of everything here to Plant Operations.
Best if you can tell a story of how many times you've slipped and your life flashed before your eyes.
Let's give them some "student pressure."
This is absolutely ridiculous. (Not to mention, dangerous.)
*EDIT: If you are a student with a physical disability, even "minor" ones like bad ankles/knees, and are terrified of walking on the icy roads now, head over to Accessability. They'll give you the phone number for the Student Access Van, and you can also get it scheduled to drive you between classes if you have medical documentation. It can be just for the Winter term, or until the snow stops. Please stay safe!* | 77 | valryuu | 2015-01-16T16:29:32 | 3C Psychology | The lack of snow removal is ridiculous. Everyone, please complain to Plant Operations. | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2so5d9/the_lack_of_snow_removal_is_ridiculous_everyone/ | false | false | false | 435 |
2so8eu | I want a nice picture for my LinkedIn profile and Facebook as I find myself in the business world now but don't have the funds to pay for a professional....yet I see many of the AFM students who get theirs done, is that for free through the University? How would I go about getting it done? Basically any info would be great (no I don't have a photographer friend..) | 6 | Kit__Kit | 2015-01-16T16:54:02 | null | Professional Headshots | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2so8eu/professional_headshots/ | false | false | false | 436 |
2so8zx | Hey,
I'm a student at waterloo. I'm from a different province so I don't have a medicare card here, but I did pay for the health plan at waterloo.
I recently have been feeling a lot of pain in my knee and need to get it checked out. Where can I go?
Thanks. | 0 | nikesh22 | 2015-01-16T16:58:42 | null | Knee injury | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2so8zx/knee_injury/ | false | false | false | 437 |
2soa4t | I am a student in 1B ECE and want to gain research experience before I graduate. I find research to be cool and its interesting to do something which no one has done before. I am interested in quantum computing and even theoretical physics. What are the ways I can do undergrad research at Waterloo ( I want to do it in a study term only) ? What should I do ? | 2 | blackmamba5318008 | 2015-01-16T17:07:24 | null | How to do Undergraduate Research in UW? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2soa4t/how_to_do_undergraduate_research_in_uw/ | false | false | false | 438 |
2sp1p1 | So I'm still deliberating on whether I should do co-op or just find a regular job outside of co-op. I haven't started any co-op terms yet and I was just wondering what happens if I get matched for a job in co-op but get a full time offer outside of co-op. Will I be able turn down the matched offer and leave co-op for the full time position? Are there any penalties(do I need to pay a fee or?) from doing so?
EDIT: One more question, so salary isn't disclosed until after being matched? And I can't decline an offer in co-op even if I get a really low salary offer? | 2 | exdr3am | 2015-01-16T21:14:49 | null | Co-op matching question | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sp1p1/coop_matching_question/ | false | false | false | 439 |
2sp1ru | Can anyone recommend a car sharing service for students, particularly ones that have lots near uw?
I'm looking for something like zipcar, for trips around KWG that are 30 min to 2 hours.
Thanks! | 5 | punable | 2015-01-16T21:15:39 | null | Car Sharing options for students KW | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sp1ru/car_sharing_options_for_students_kw/ | false | false | false | 440 |
2sp4cp | Greyhound today was allowing the sale of tickets from UW to Yorkdale that weren't in accordance with the schedules drivers were given. Tickets were appearing on the Greyhound system/website that said Yorkdale would be one of the stops along the route, but when students attempted to board the bus with these tickets, they were rebuffed and told that the trip they bought didn't exist.
This is only the latest in a number of anti-consumer behaviours that Greyhound has partaken in over the past few months. In October and December, Greyhound removed their student ticket pricing for Thanksgiving/Christmas, forcing many students to pay *double* for tickets. Now they're selling tickets to buses that don't exist?
I don't make it out to Toronto very often, but I know that the next time I do, I'll be taking GO. It's an hour longer to do so and there's a transfer involved, but if it means not giving my money to Greyhound, then shit, what's an extra hour?
EDIT: Thanks to all the people sharing info on alternative bus options. For the record, I know about most of these (as selling tickets for all of them is part of my job), but the information is still useful for those who don't already know about GO/Megabus. | 54 | hippiechan | 2015-01-16T21:42:25 | your friendly neighbourhood asshole | Shout out to Greyhound Canada and a big FUCK YOU to the dispatch office!!! | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sp4cp/shout_out_to_greyhound_canada_and_a_big_fuck_you/ | false | false | false | 441 |
2spflc | Is it required to include the student ID# on your resume when applying through Jobmine? I can't see why the employers would need to know it. | 4 | canevas | 2015-01-16T23:41:55 | null | Student ID on resume | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2spflc/student_id_on_resume/ | false | false | false | 442 |
2spv8p | Hello warriors
Does anyone here has knowledge with 3D modelling? I have an aircraft design and was curious if anyone with knowledge of 3D modelling would be willing to join my team during his/her spare time and help build something. Any help with be appreciated. I will send the model then to University of Toronto's Institute of Aerospace studies to see if a prof can help with it after.
Your work will be given credit as well :)
thanks (don't judge me....I have a dream) | 0 | [deleted] | 2015-01-17T03:07:29 | null | 3D modelling help needed for an aircraft design | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2spv8p/3d_modelling_help_needed_for_an_aircraft_design/ | false | false | false | 443 |
2sqhs1 | How do i look at job descriptions of the jobs on jobmine? | 1 | [deleted] | 2015-01-17T09:46:51 | null | Help for jobmine | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sqhs1/help_for_jobmine/ | false | false | false | 444 |
2sqy94 | I thought I saved all of my cover letters from last term, but I can't find them. Can I somehow retrieve them from Jobmine? | 1 | verkacat | 2015-01-17T12:33:54 | 3A I dunno :'( | Is there a way to see the packages you submitted through Jobmine in prior terms? | /r/uwaterloo/comments/2sqy94/is_there_a_way_to_see_the_packages_you_submitted/ | false | false | false | 445 |