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"arXiv:1307.1705v3 [astro-ph.CO] 6 Jul 2017 ": [],
"There are several issues to do with dwarf galaxy predictions in the standard ΛCDM cosmology that have suscitated much recent debate about the possible modification of the nature of dark matter as providing a solution. We explore a novel solution involving ultra-light axions that can potentially resolve the missing satellites problem, the cusp-core problem, and the ‘too big to fail’ problem. We discuss approximations to non-linear structure formation in dark matter models containing a component of ultra-light axions across four orders of magnitude in mass, 10−24 eV  ma  10−20 eV, a range too heavy to be well constrained by linear cosmological probes such as the CMB and matter power spectrum, and too light/non-interacting for other astrophysical or terrestrial axion searches. We find that an axion of mass ma ≈ 10−21 eV contributing approximately 85% of the total dark matter can introduce a significant kpc scale core in a typical Milky Way satellite galaxy in sharp contrast to a thermal relic with a transfer function cut off at the same scale, while still allowing such galaxies to form in significant number. Therefore ultra-light axions do not suffer from the Catch 22 that applies to using a warm dark matter as a solution to the small scale problems of cold dark matter. Our model simultaneously allows formation of enough high redshift galaxies to allow reconciliation with observational constraints, and also reduces the maximum circular velocities of massive dwarfs so that baryonic feedback may more plausibly resolve the predicted overproduction of massive MWG dwarf satellites. ",
"Key words: cosmology: theory, dark matter, elementary particles, galaxies: dwarf, galaxies: halo "
"There are three outstanding problems in the dwarf galaxy astrophysics of the standard ΛCDM cosmology. The controversies on small scales may be summarised as a) the Missing Satellites problem (MSP), b) the Cusp-Core problem (CCP), and c) the ‘too big to fail’ problem (which we refer to here as the Massive Failures Problem, MFP), all reviewed in (<>)Weinberg et al. ((<>)2013). ",
"The MSP and CCP with CDM structure formation can both be solved by introducing a length scale ",
"into the DM. This can be thermal, coming from free-streaming of warm dark matter (WDM), or, as we will discuss below, non-thermal, coming from coherent oscillations of a light scalar field. The thermal solution may suffer from a Catch 22 issue, whereby galaxy formation occurs too late ((<>)Macci`o et al. (<>)2012). We show here that the non-thermal solution both avoids this dilemma and also augurs well for a particle-orientated solution of MFP, a problem for which a feedback solution seems questionable ((<>)Garrison-Kimmel et al. (<>)2013; (<>)Boylan-Kolchin, Bullock & Kaplinghat (<>)2012), although not all agree ((<>)Brooks et al. (<>)2013). ",
"ultra-light scalar dark matter and compare the linear theory to WDM in Section (<>)2. In Section (<>)3 we compute the halo mass function and model a cut-off in it. In Section (<>)4 we discuss the halo-density profile and core formation. In Section (<>)5 we discuss the relevance of our model for MFP, and in Section (<>)6 we discuss implications for high-redshift galaxy formation. The casual reader can skip to Section (<>)7 where we summarise and discuss our main results, and provide a guide to the relevant figures. Appendix (<>)A provides details of our two-component density profile model. "
"A coherently oscillating scalar field, φ, in a quadratic potential V = ma2 φ2/2, has an energy density that scales as a−3 and thus can behave in cosmology as DM ((<>)Turner (<>)1983, (<>)1986)1 (<>). The relic density contains a non-thermal component produced by vacuum realignment, which depends on the initial field displacement φi. The Klein-Gordon equation is: ",
"(1) ",
"where the Hubble rate H = a/a˙ . When H  ma the field is frozen by Hubble friction and behaves as a contribution to the cosmological constant (which is negligible for sub-Planckian field values). Therefore, in order to contribute to DM we must have ma  H0 ∼ 10−33 eV. Once the mass overcomes the Hubble friction at ma ≈ 3H(aosc) the field begins to coherently oscillate. The relic density is then an environmental variable set by the initial field displacement: Ωa = Ωa(ma, φi) ≈ (8πG/3H02)aosc(ma)3m2aφ2i /2. ",
"As we will discuss below there is a length scale, which depends on the inverse mass, below which perturbations in the scalar field energy density will not cluster. Therefore the clustering of light scalar DM is observationally analogous to that of thermal relic dark matter. In the range 10−33 eV  ma  10−28 eV the clustering scale is analogous to hot (H)DM, for example composed of thermal relic neutrinos of mass mν  1 eV ((<>)Amendola & Barbieri (<>)2006; (<>)Marsh et al. (<>)2012). In this section we will discuss how scalar masses in the range 10−24 eV  ma  10−20 eV lead to structure formation that is analogous to WDM in an observationally relevant mass range. Related aspects of structure formation for axion/scalar dark matter in this mass range have been studied in, e.g. (<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000); (<>)Matos & Urena-Lopez ((<>)2000); (<>)Arbey, Lesgourgues & (<>)Salati ((<>)2001, (<>)2003); (<>)Bernal & Guzman ((<>)2006); (<>)Lee & (<>)Lim ((<>)2009); (<>)Park, Hwang & Noh ((<>)2012). ",
"While the signatures of thermal relics and ultralight scalars are similar in large scale structure, there are distinct signatures in the adiabatic and isocurvature CMB spectra ((<>)Marsh et al. (<>)2012, (<>)2013), and future measurements of weak lensing tomography can further break degeneracies ((<>)Amendola et al. (<>)2012). For the range of axion masses we consider aosc ∝ (ma/eV)−1/2 and the redshift zosc is in the range 105  zosc  107 . If the axion field is coupled to photons, the rolling field from φ = φi to φ = 0 at zosc can further affect the CMB. For axions with mass ma  10−28 eV that roll after recombination this leads to rotation of CMB polarisation (see e.g. (<>)Komatsu et al. ((<>)2009)). For heavier axions rolling at z ∼ 106 , photon production in primordial magnetic fields may lead to CMB spectral distortions ((<>)Mirizzi, (<>)Redondo & Sigl (<>)2009). It is necessary to understand the observational signatures of the parameters ma and Ωa if we are to make inferences about the nature of the DM from cosmological constraints, and in particular if hints from the CMB and large scale structure are pointing to a hot, warm, or ultra-light scalar component to the DM. In the rest of this article we will explore in detail structure formation with ultra-light scalars, and similarities and differences with thermal DM. ",
"Such ultra-light scalars might arise in a string theory context. It is well known that string theory compact-ified on sufficiently complicated six-dimensional manifolds contains many axion like particles (ALPs) ((<>)Wit-(<>)ten (<>)1984; (<>)Svrcek & Witten (<>)2006). In (<>)Arvanitaki et al. ((<>)2010) it was pointed out that since the masses of such axions depend exponentially on the areas of the cycles in the compact manifold, one should expect a uniform distribution of axion masses on a logarithmic scale spanning many orders of magnitude. This phenomenon was dubbed the “String Axiverse”. Explicit constructions of the axiverse have been made in M-theory ((<>)Acharya, (<>)Bobkov & Kumar (<>)2010) and Type IIB theory ((<>)Cicoli, (<>)Goodsell & Ringwald (<>)2012). ",
"The string axiverse has the potential to provide an elegant solution to the MSP, CCP, and possibly MFP, by leading us to expect as natural an axion mixed DM (aMDM) model with many axionic components populating hierarchically different mass regimes. Since the relic density produced via vacuum misalignment is environmental it can be taken as a free parameter to be constrained observationally, although theoretical priors can be considered (e.g. (<>)Aguirre & Tegmark (<>)2005; (<>)Tegmark et al. (<>)2006). A component of CDM in the aMDM model from the axiverse arises naturally in the form of the QCD axion ((<>)Peccei & Quinn (<>)1977; (<>)Wein-(<>)berg (<>)1978; (<>)Wilczek (<>)1978; (<>)Wise, Georgi & Glashow (<>)1981; (<>)Preskill, Wise & Wilczek (<>)1983; (<>)Berezhiani, Sakharov & (<>)Khlopov (<>)1992). The mass of the QCD axion is fixed by the pion mass and decay constant, and the axion decay constant fa. For stringy values of fa ∼ 1016GeV the QCD axion has a mass around 10−10eV. This is light, but not so light that the sound speed (see below) plays a cosmological role. The requirement that the QCD axion remains light enough, barring accidents, ",
"coincidences or fine-tuning, to solve the strong CP problem is what guarantees the lightness of the other axions, and as such one should always expect some CDM component alongside the ultra-light ALPs (ULAs). Axion mixed dark matter with a QCD axion and supersym-metric neutralino is also expected in many models of beyond the standard model particle physics (see, e.g. (<>)Bae, Baer & Lessa (<>)2013). "
"2.1 Transfer Functions ": [
"The ULA perturbations, δφ, do not behave as CDM: they have a non-zero sound speed 2 (<>)ca2 = δP/δρ, which is scale-dependent and given by ((<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov (<>)2000; Hwang & Noh (<>)2009; (<>)Marsh & Ferreira (<>)2010): ",
"(2) ",
"One finds that in a cosmology where axions make up a fraction of the DM, fax = Ωa/Ωd, that this causes suppression of the matter power spectrum relative to the case where the DM is pure CDM. Suppression occurs for those modes k that entered the horizon when the sound speed was large. The suppression is centred around a scale km, which depends on the mass, and takes the power spectrum down to some value S, which depends on Ωa, times its value in the CDM case. ",
"We compute the transfer functions and matter power spectrum in cosmologies containing CDM plus a ULA component using a modified version of the publicly available Boltzmann code CAMB ((<>)Lewis, Challinor (<>)& Lasenby (<>)2000; (<>)Lewis (<>)2000). The modification, which makes use of the fluid treatment of axion perturbations, is described in ?. The transfer function is defined as ",
"(3) ",
"We compare to the WDM transfer function (in the case where all the DM is warm) ",
"(4) ",
"where µ = 1.12 ((<>)Bode, Ostriker & Turok (<>)2001). The mixed C+WDM case is discussed in more detail in e.g. (<>)Anderhalden et al. ((<>)2012). A well-defined characteristic scale to assign to any such step-like transfer function is the ‘half-mode’ ",
"(5) ",
"where T (k → ∞)  0 is the constant plateau value of the transfer function on small scales. This is not the Jeans scale where all structure is suppressed. The Jeans scale is found analytically to be ((<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzi-(<>)nov (<>)2000) ",
"(6) ",
"2 This is in the cosmological frame, e.g. synchronous or Newtonian gauge, where δφ = 0. ",
"Figure 1. The transfer function, Eq. ((<>)3) for aMDM with ma = 10−22 eV and varying axion fractions to total DM. For comparison, we also plot the FCDM transfer function of (<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000) and the WDM transfer function (Eq. ((<>)4)) with mW ≈ 0.84 keV chosen to match the transfer function half mode, km (Eq. ((<>)5)). With this choice and Ωa/Ωd = 1 the axion transfer function at km is much steeper than its WDM counterpart. ",
"The ρ1/4 scaling follows from balancing the growing and oscillating modes in eΓt where Γ2 = 4πGρ − (k 2/2m)2 , with k 2/2m coming from the oscillation frequency of the free field. ",
"In Fig. (<>)1 we plot the linear theory aMDM transfer function for a variety of aMDM models, all with ma = 10−22 eV which gives km(10−22 eV) = 6.7 h Mpc−1 . We compare to Eq. ((<>)4) with α ≈ 0.065 h−1Mpc chosen to give the same km. Taking Ωdh 2 = 0.112, Ωbh 2 = 0.0226, h = 0.7 as our benchmark cosmology, (<>)Angulo, Hahn & (<>)Abel ((<>)2013) gives α in terms of the WDM mass as: ",
"(7) ",
"Therefore, the matching of half-mode scales gives mW ≈ 0.83 keV as equivalent to ma = 10−22 eV. ",
"The logarithmic slope, d ln T (k)/d ln k, evaluated at k = km is much steeper for the pure axion model than for the pure WDM model, in agreement with the transfer function of (<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000) for ‘Fuzzy’ (F)CDM, also shown in Fig. (<>)1. ",
"With decreasing fraction of DM in ULAs the slope becomes shallower, and km moves out to larger values. The steeper slope for ULAs compared to WDM means that models with the same half-mode will not have kJ = kF S (where kF S is the WDM free-streaming scale, which some authors define differently), and vice versa. Matching Jeans and free-streaming scales, axions will have more power on larger scales relative to WDM; matching the half-mode, axions will have less power on small scales relative to WDM. We choose always to match the transfer function half-mode, since it is well-defined for both models. "
"2.2 Mass Scales ": [
"We associate characteristic masses to scales k through the mass enclosed within a sphere of radius the half wavelength λ/2 = π/k: ",
"(8) ",
"where ρ0 is the matter density. ",
"In particular, using k = km we can expect suppression of the formation of halos below Mm caused by the decrease in linear power on these scales. We have shown the effects in the transfer function with low axion fraction for illustration, but as we will see in Section (<>)4 the only axion fractions relevant for producing cored density profiles are large, Ωa/Ωm  0.85, and so the characteristic scales will be very close to their values for the pure ULA DM case. Mass scales relevant for halo formation cover axions in the range 10−24 eV  ma  10−20eV. Axions lighter than this are well probed by the CMB and the linear matter power spectrum ((<>)Amendola & (<>)Barbieri (<>)2006; ?), while those heavier are probed by su-permassive black holes ((<>)Arvanitaki & Dubovsky (<>)2011; (<>)Pani et al. (<>)2012) and terrestrial experiments ((<>)Jaeckel (<>)& Ringwald (<>)2010; (<>)Ringwald (<>)2012a,(<>)b). In Fig. (<>)2 we plot Mm(ma) for the pure ULA cosmology and find it to be fit well by a power law Mm ∝ m−a γ with γ ≈ 1.35 by least squares over the range of interest. This is very close to the value γ = 4/3 using the fit of (<>)Hu, Barkana (<>)& Gruzinov ((<>)2000). ",
"In Fig. (<>)2 we also show the Jeans mass, MJ , which is lower by more than two orders of magnitude than Mm. The axion Jeans scale is analogous to the WDM free-streaming scale, where Mfs is also some orders of magnitude lower than Mm ((<>)Angulo, Hahn & Abel (<>)2013). ",
"Solving Eq. ((<>)4) for the half-mode with WDM and using the fit with γ = 1.35 to match Mm(mW ) to Mm(ma), we plot mW (ma) in Fig. (<>)3. The power law relating them is mW ∝ ma0.39 . Our matching to WDM mass applies to thermal relics like gravitinos, and on Fig. (<>)3 we show the constraint on thermal relics of mW > 0.55 keV from Lyman-α forest data reported in (<>)Viel (<>)et al. ((<>)2005). This translates to a constraint on axion mass of ma > 5 × 10−23eV, which is consistent with the Lyman-α constraints on ULAs reported in (<>)Amendola & (<>)Barbieri ((<>)2006). The more recent Lyman-α constraints to WDM, such as (<>)Viel et al. ((<>)2013) (mW  3.3keV) are much stronger, but there is no corresponding constraint to axions using this data to compare to. ",
"Lyman-α constraints are sensitive to the exact shape of the transfer function: since mass goes as radius cubed, small differences between the transfer functions of ULA and WDM models will be amplified to larger differences in the associated mass scales. Lyman-α constraints also require careful calibration with hydrodynamical simulations (as done in e.g. (<>)Viel et al. (<>)2013). Such simulations are available for CDM and WDM models, but not for ULAs, making the simple comparison of constraints by mass scale perhaps too naive. ",
"Figure 2. The characteristic mass associated to the half-mode, km, of the transfer function as a function of axion mass, Mm(ma), found from Eqs. ((<>)5) and ((<>)8). It is well fit by a power law Mm ∝ m −a γ with γ ≈ 1.35. We also show the mass associated to the Jeans scale of Eq. ((<>)6), which is lower by two to three orders of magnitude. ",
"Figure 3. Thermal relic warm dark matter mass in keV chosen to give the same transfer function half-mode, km (Eq. ((<>)5)), as a ULA, as a function of ULA mass in eV. We also show the Lyman-α forest constraints mW > 0.55 keV of (<>)Viel et al. ((<>)2005) corresponding to ma > 5 × 10−23 eV, consistent with (<>)Amendola & Barbieri ((<>)2006). ",
"The variance of the power spectrum, σ(M), is computed by smoothing the power spectrum using a spherical top-hat window function of size R, and is done within CAMB: ",
"(9) ",
"(10) ",
"In Fig. (<>)4 we show the variance associated to the same models as in Fig. (<>)1. The variance for the aMDM models varies little when the fraction is changed between Ωa/Ωd = 1 and Ωa/Ωd = 0.5, and is comparable to the associated WDM variance. ",
"Figure 4. Variance σ(M) for ΛCDM, and aMDM with various Ωah2 at fixed total Ωdh2 = 0.112 and axion mass ma = 10−22 eV. ",
"In the sections that follow we investigate the suppression of halo formation at and below Mm in axion models in more detail. "
"The MSP arises with CDM due to a larger expected number of low mass haloes than the number of low mass satellites observed in the Local Group (see e.g. (<>)Primack ((<>)2009) for a review). ",
"To quantify this problem in various models we adopt the Press-Schechter (PS) approach ((<>)Press & (<>)Schechter (<>)1974) to compute the abundance of halos of a given mass: the halo mass function (HMF). In the usual formalism this gives ",
"(11) ",
"(12) ",
"where dn = n(M)dM is the abundance of halos within a mass interval dM. For the function f(ν) we use the model of (<>)Sheth & Tormen ((<>)1999) (ST): ",
"with parameters {A = 0.3222, p = 0.3, q = 0.707}. The remaining ingredient in this approach is the critical overdensity, δc, and what to do on mass scales M < Mm, both of which we now discuss. "
"3.1 Mass Dependent Critical Density from Scale Dependent Growth ": [
"In the case where all of the DM is made up of ULAs, as we saw in Fig. (<>)1, there is no structure formed below ",
"kJ , and so we should expect no peaks in the density field, and thus no halos, below the mass scale MJ . However, applying the PS formalism described above with a constant barrier δc leads to a non-zero mass function for M < MJ . In the case of WDM this discrepancy is modelled in (<>)Smith & Markovic ((<>)2011) by the addition of a smooth step in dn/d log M at M = Mf s. In the analytical results of (<>)Benson et al. ((<>)2012) a much sharper cut-off was seen, and was attributed in part to a strong mass dependence in δc, which was seen to increase rapidly below Mf s. A shallower cut-off was seen in the numerical results of (<>)Angulo, Hahn & Abel ((<>)2013). In the recent work of (<>)Schneider, Smith & Reed ((<>)2013) the cut-off due to free-streaming in WDM was investigated, and also found to be shallower than (<>)Benson (<>)et al. ((<>)2012). (<>)Schneider, Smith & Reed ((<>)2013) advocate a sharp k-space window function to match simulations and remove spurious structure thus providing the source of the cut-off: investigating different cut-offs and mass functions in aMDM will be the subject of a future work. ",
"In the absence of numerical simulations for ULA DM, or an existing treatment of the excursion set and spherical collapse in these models, one does not know what form the cut-off in the HMF near MJ should take. In addition, for mixed dark matter models where the small-scale power is not entirely erased but only suppressed, one does not know how much (additional, ad hoc) suppression to introduce. In this subsection we make a physically motivated argument for a mass dependent increase in δc at low M that should account in some way for additional suppression in the HMF for M < Mm. ",
"Since we use results from CAMB, we take the over-density δ to evolve with redshift, and in an Einstein-de Sitter (EdS) universe, take the critical overdensity to be fixed, δc = δEdS ≈ 1.686. Alternatively, one can view the overdensity as being fixed, and take δc to evolve with redshift as δc(z) = D0δEdS/D(z) ((<>)Percival, Miller (<>)& Peacock (<>)2000; (<>)Percival (<>)2005), which accounts for the growth between z and z = 0. The growth factor D(z) is given by ",
"In the aMDM model, there is scale-dependent growth (see e.g. (<>)Acquaviva & Gawiser (<>)2010; (<>)Marsh et al. (<>)2012), and we use this to model the change in δc with scale. For the relatively heavy axions we consider here the growth at the pivot scale k0 = 0.002 h Mpc−1 is the same as in ΛCDM, while it is much smaller at k > km. We take δc(k) at z = 0 to be altered by an amount D(k0)/D(k), and normalise by the same ratio in ΛCDM (to take account of the small amount of scale-dependent growth there). In the interests of simplicity, we will only be concerned with examples of the HMF at z = 0 and take δc(z = 0, k = k0) = δEdS, which is good to within a few percent for ΛCDM ((<>)Percival (<>)2005)3 (<>). At redshift ",
"z = 0 our model takes ",
"Two, not entirely unrelated, issues arise with model when trying to extract the growth from a Boltzmann code. The first is that to use this model we must disentangle growth from transfer function, which is definition somewhat problematic in the case of scale-dependent growth. Defining the transfer function the piece which depends solely on k this can only done with the logarithmic derivative d log δ/d log d log D/ log a, which does not give us the absolute value at z = 0 that we seek. We take a more practical nition suited to numerical computation. In ΛCDM, transfer function freezes in somewhere around the coupling epoch ((<>)Eisenstein & Hu (<>)1997), when matter domination is total. This provides a definition of the scale-dependent growth at z = 0 which is easily accessible from a numerical solution for δ(k, z), normalised such that D(k = k0) = 1: ",
"(17) ",
"where zh is chosen so that in ΛCDM the transfer function has frozen in, and k0  km is the pivot scale. Using CAMB, we find zh ≈ 300 works well. We then use exactly the same definition to set the scale of D(k) in the aMDM case. ",
"Scale dependent growth causes the mass dependent critical density to increase below M ≈ Mm. Fig. (<>)5 shows G(M) for these models. There is the obvious trend that G(M) decreases with increasing CDM fraction. ",
"The second issue is that if the axions completely dominate the matter density then the overdensity will become vanishingly small for k  km even at high redshift, and so we are faced with the problem of dividing zero by zero to set the scale of D(k). This is a numerical precision problem and, when combined with BAO distortions, leads to the spikey/oscillatory behaviour of G(M) for Ωc/Ωd  0.01 in Fig. (<>)5. "
"3.2 HMF Results ": [
"In Fig. (<>)6 we plot the HMF with a fixed axion mass of ma = 10−22eV for a variety of values of the axion density, with fixed total Ωdh2 = 0.112. We see suppression of the mass function beginning at Mm, with the amount of suppression increasing and the asymptotic slope of the mass function decreasing as we raise the axion density. We show results taking δc fixed, and those with mass dependent δc(M), modelled for as above. ",
"The introduction of scale-dependent growth via ",
"quintessence cosmologies in (<>)Tarrant et al. ((<>)2012) found that even in ΛCDM δc(z = 0) can differ from δEdS by more than this amount. ",
"Figure 5. The mass dependent critical density from scale-dependent growth, Eq. ((<>)16), is given by δc(M) = G(M)δEdS. We show G(M) for aMDM with various Ωc/Ωd at fixed total Ωdh2 = 0.112 and axion mass ma = 10−22 eV. The spikes at low fraction are due to BAO distortions and numerical instability defining scale-dependent growth via a ratio. ",
"G(M) in Fig. (<>)6 causes the HMF to be sharply cut off at around M ≈ 108 h−1M ≈ 0.01Mm with large axion fraction. This is in agreement with the cut-off of (<>)Smith (<>)& Markovic ((<>)2011) and the numerical results of (<>)Angulo, (<>)Hahn & Abel ((<>)2013) for WDM: the HMF falls below its ΛCDM value at the half-mode mass, but only cuts off completely at a lower mass, intermediate between the Jeans (free-streaming for WDM) mass and the half-mode mass. By considering fragmentation of proto-halo objects formed in WDM cosmologies (<>)Angulo, Hahn & (<>)Abel ((<>)2013) found a smoother cut-off in the HMF than the sharp cut-off of (<>)Benson et al. ((<>)2012) coming from analytic results. By the time we reach the Jeans scale of MJ ≈ 1.1×107 h−1M the mass function for Ωa/Ωd = 1 is vanishingly small, more than eight orders of magnitude below its ΛCDM value. ",
"In Fig. (<>)7 we plot the HMF evaluated at various masses near M = 0.01Mm as a function of fc = Ωc/Ωa at low fc to investigate the effect of a small admixture of CDM on the value of the mass function at the cut-off. Varying fc between 1 and 15% can change the value of the HMF near the cut-off by two orders of magnitude. The small admixture of CDM can help an aMDM model form dwarf halos near the HMF cut-off. ",
"The low values of fc  0.13, as we will see in Section (<>)4.3, are those relevant for core formation with aMDM. At larger values of fc approaching the equally mixed DM fc = 0.5 the sharp cut-off in the HMF has vanished, although it is still significantly reduced compared to ΛCDM. The large admixture of CDM, if the need for cores is foregone, still remains relevant to the MSP and introduces no potentially problematic cut-off in the HMF. ",
"Figure 6. Halo mass function computed directly from CAMB for ΛCDM, and aMDM with various fc = Ωc/Ωd at fixed total Ωdh2 = 0.112 and axion mass ma = 10−22 eV. Solid lines have δc(M) while dashed lines have δc = δEdS. At fc = 0.5 the cut-off is no longer present in the mass range shown, the difference between δEdS and δc(M) having largely vanished. The spikes at low fraction are due to BAO distortions and numerical instability defining scale-dependent growth via a ratio. ",
"Figure 7. The HMF evaluated at M = 1 × 108 h−1M ≈ 0.01Mm and M = 0.8× 108 h−1M for aMDM as a function of fc = Ωc/Ωd at fixed total Ωdh2 = 0.112 and axion mass ma = 10−22 eV. The HMF decreases rapidly below the cut-off, at around 1% of the half-mode mass. Varying the CDM fraction between 1 and 15% can change the value of the HMF at the cut-off by two orders of magnitude. ",
"Scale dependent growth in aMDM induces a cut-off in the HMF similar to the cut-off observed in numerical simulations of WDM. In (<>)Angulo, Hahn & Abel ((<>)2013) the cut-off in WDM simulations could be fit by introducing non-spherical filtering to compute σ(R). By assigning masses to radii differently for WDM compared to CDM after accounting for formation of halos by fragmentation this cut-off was made less severe. In order to discuss the assignment of masses to halos in aMDM we now move on to model the halo density profile and its normalisation. "
"The Catch 22 ((<>)Maccio’ et al. (<>)2012a) of solving the CCP with WDM is that the WDM particle mass required to introduce a core of sufficient size in a dwarf galaxy serves to cut off the HMF at exactly the mass of the dwarf, so that it is never formed. At the same time, WDM allowed by constraints from LSS does not form cores of relevant (kiloparsec) size. In order to ascertain whether the Catch 22 applies to aMDM, or indeed to the case of pure axion DM, we must must model the expected core size. ",
"We follow (<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000) and associate a core size to the Jeans scale within the halo, rJ,h, below which the density will be assumed constant 4 (<>). The Jeans scale within the halo is related to the linear Jeans scale, rJ , by scaling the energy density in Eq. ((<>)6) ",
"(18) ",
"Thus we can determine the linear Jeans scale (and so the ULA mass) necessary to provide a given core size inside a dwarf halo, if we know the external profile ρ(r). The assumption inherent in Eq. ((<>)18) is that the coherent effects in the scalar field giving rise to the Jeans scale survive in the non-linear regime when mode mixing becomes important and the linear derivation of the sound speed in Eq. ((<>)2) may break down. N-body/lattice simulations of the axion field are needed to test this assumption. ",
"Assuming that collapse occurs as in ΛCDM, (<>)Hu, (<>)Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000) computed ρ0/ρ(rJ,h) and found that a core of size rJ,h ∼ 3.4 kpc is obtained in a dwarf halo of mass 10 10 M for an axion of mass ma = 10−22 eV. As we have seen, the HMF for such a ULA is only cut off for M  108h−1M suggesting that axions do not suffer the Catch 22 of WDM. ",
"In the following section we address this is in a more ",
"detailed model of aMDM. Firstly, we compute halo parameters with the pure ULA variance, normalise our cored halo profile, and find the relationship between ULA mass and core size in a representative Milky Way satellite. The picture that emerges is qualitatively the same as (<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000), but quantitatively different. Secondly, we extend this picture to a two-component profile and ask whether cores can be maintained as a small admixture of CDM is added. ",
"The definition of zcoll in Eq. ((<>)20), and hence the concentration defined from it will go to zero for a variance that flattens out at low masses, as is the case for aMDM with small CDM fraction. The lower concentration of low mass halos in comparison to ΛCDM will be relevant for MFP, which we discuss in Section (<>)5. Since zcoll is also lower, in Section (<>)6 we discuss the collapsed mass fraction and potential conflicts with observations of high-redshift galaxies. "
"4.1 The NFW Profile ": [
"For the external profile, ρ(r), outside of the Jeans scale where the ULA behaves as CDM, we use the universal radial density profile of (<>)Navarro, Frenk & White ((<>)1997) (hereafter, NFW): ",
"(19) "
"4.2 Halo Jeans Scale For Pure Axion DM ": [
"In this subsection we consider the core size, and nor-malisation of halos in a pure ULA dark matter model. We assume collapse occurs as in ΛCDM, with D(z), but use the axion variance, σ(M). ",
"For definiteness, we consider halos with the simplest possible cored profile ",
"where the scale radius rs = r200/c, with r200 the virial radius, c the concentration parameter, and δchar the characteristic density. ",
"The characteristic density is assumed to be proportional to the density of matter in the universe at the collapse redshift of the halo, zcoll. The definition of zcoll(M) is fixed for NFW and follows from Press-Schechter (see also (<>)Lacey & Cole (<>)1993) : ",
"(20) ",
"The NFW profile is fit with f = 0.01. As above we work in the convention where δc is constant but the overden-sities themselves evolve with linear growth factor D(z). The characteristic density is then ",
"(21) ",
"where C = 3.4 × 103 is fit by NFW to simulations of CDM, which should match axion DM above the Jeans scale. ",
"The virial radius is defined as the radius at which the average enclosed density is 200 times the mean density, in terms of the halo mass M at redshift z = 0 it is given by: ",
"For the NFW profile the concentration and scale radius, with the correct choice of C, are defined such that M = M200. For the cored profile that we discuss below the scale radius of the external NFW profile does not have the same relationship with the true virial radius, and we normalise separately for M200. ",
"Finally, the concentration is defined from the characteristic density, δchar, by ",
"where θ(x) is the Heaviside function, although much of what we say below will apply to any cored profile with core radius rc = rJ,h fixed by Eq. ((<>)18)5 (<>). In particular, the choice of a Heaviside function introduces sharp transitions into the density profile, and as such is only for illustration. The external NFW profile is consistent with what is observed in the WDM simulations of (<>)Mac-(<>)cio’ et al. ((<>)2012a). ",
"In order to find the Jeans scale within a halo we must solve Eq. ((<>)18) for an NFW profile with external profile normalisation fixed at Ms (the ‘scale mass’), and shape fixed by scale radius rs(Ms) = r200(Ms)/c(Ms) to find rJ,h(Ms). This is not the Jeans scale within a halo of mass M = Ms: the mass Ms is the mass that an equivalent NFW profile would have. We will discuss normalisation of M shortly. ",
"We use the variance for the axion model to compute our NFW halo parameters: using the ΛCDM variance, the halo Jeans scales with fixed Ms will be differ-ent. With low Ms relative to Mm the concentration is lower when the correct variance is used, which causes the Jeans scale to be smaller by the increase in scale radius relative to r200. On the other hand the Jeans scale within intermediate and high mass objects is found to be larger with the correct variance. For example, with ma = 10−21 eV the shift in halo Jeans scale inside dwarf galaxies can be of order 0.1 h−1kpc. ",
"The Jeans scale decreases in higher density environments and therefore the positive real solution of Eq. ((<>)18) is a monotonically decreasing function of Ms. At low enough Ms, then, one finds rJ,h > rJ . This cannot be a physical solution. Solutions to Eq. ((<>)18) giving rJ,h > rJ can only occur when ρ/ρ0 < 1, which represents a void ",
"Figure 8. Halo profiles of Eq. ((<>)24) (solid lines) with various M200 compared to their parent NFW profiles of mass Ms ≈ M200 (dot-dashed lines). The axion mass is ma = 10−22 eV and we show the linear Jeans scale, rJ = 31.2 h−1 kpc (vertical dashed line). As long as halo becomes overdense outside of rJ it can continue to be overdense inside until it reaches the halo Jeans scale, rJ,h satisfying Eq. ((<>)18). More massive halos are more dense at rJ and the halo Jeans scale is smaller. No profiles form with Ms < Mlow when the NFW parent has not become overdense outside of rJ (although they may form by fragmentation). ",
"and not a halo 6 (<>). This break at rJ = rJ,h will occur at a certain mass, Mlow(M, rJ ), which is a function of the linear Jeans scale. It is found by solving ",
"(25) ",
"This tells us that no cored halos with normalisation Ms < Mlow exist for fixed rJ . Cored halo profiles of various masses are shown in Fig. (<>)8 and compared to their parent NFW profiles, with the linear Jeans scale shown for scale. It is clear that no halos should form that do not already become overdense outside rJ . In the example, with rJ = 31.2 h−1 kpc, this implies that halos with Ms = 4 × 108h−1M only just form. ",
"Given that no halos form with external scale Ms < Mlow, what is the minimum halo mass in this model? A halo is normalised to mass M200 by the integral out to the virial radius, r200 ",
"This defines M200(Ms). Since the Jeans scale within halos is a monotonically decreasing function of Ms, at ",
"some scale mass Mnon−vir the solution for r200 will occur when ρNFW(Mnon−vir, rJ,h(Mnon−vir)) = 200ρ0. Halos with scale mass Ms < Mnon−vir will not be virialised in the sense that their average density never exceeds 200 times the background density. In order to assign mass to these halos one cannot use M200. The total enclosed mass is found by integrating out to ρ(r1) = ρ0. With this alternative definition of mass it is clear that the lowest mass object formed at Ms = Mlow is at exactly the Jeans mass, MJ . ",
"Halos with M < M200(Mnon−vir) will also need to have masses assigned to radii coming form the linear filtering in σ(M|R) in the HMF in a different manner than is applicable to CDM. This is accounted for by fits to simulations in (<>)Angulo, Hahn & Abel ((<>)2013) and is partly responsible for the less severe cut-off in the HMF found in that work. By comparison, if we made the same assignment in the HMF with pure axion DM, the cut-off found by introducing scale-dependent growth might also become less severe. ",
"We typically find that, for Ms > Mnon−vir, r200 for the cored profile is approximately the same as for the parent NFW, and that M200 ≈ Ms. Approaching Mnon−vir, M200 drops below Ms. ",
"Finally, having normalised our halos, we show in Fig. (<>)9 the core size expected in the typical Milky Way dwarf galaxy of mass M200 = 5 × 108 h−1M as a function of axion mass for the heavier axions ma  10−22 eV allowed by the relevant Lyman-α constraints. The core size is well fit by a single power law in axion mass. The best fit power law has rJ,h ∼ m−a 0.87 , while the power law given in (<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000) is rJ,h ∼ ma−2/3 . (<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov ((<>)2000) used approximate formulae to solve Eq. ((<>)18) and do not give the dependence of the concentration on axion mass. The dependence of the concentration on axions mass comes from computing NFW parameters with the correct variance and leads to the different power law. ",
"We find that there is a considerable core size for all masses considered. In particular, even our heaviest axion with ma = 10−20 eV has a core size of rJ,h = 0.1 h−1 kpc. This heaviest axion has a characteristic mass scale of Mm = 108 h−1M and would not affect the formation rate of these dwarf galaxies in any dramatic way. This demonstrates that pure ULA dark matter does not suffer from the Catch 22 of WDM: ULAs allowed by even the most stringent large scale structure constraints, which would barely affect the HMF at Milky Way satellite masses, can still give significant cores to dwarf galaxies. "
"4.3 A Mixed Dark Matter Halo Profile ": [
"Having understood the simple cored profile in pure axion DM, we now move on to consider the two-component dark matter subclass of aMDM (see (<>)Medvedev ((<>)2013) and references therein for recent work on two-component DM halos). In this subsection we continue to assume ΛCDM growth. We study axion mass ",
"Figure 9. The expected core size in a typical Milky Way satellite of mass M200 = 5 × 108 h−1M as a function of axion mass, ma. The relationship is well fit by a simple power law, shown as m−a 0.87 , but due to the dependence of the concentration on ma this is not the scaling of rJ with ma. The core size is fairly significant,  0.1 h−1 kpc, across the entire mass range, which demonstrates that axions satisfying all large scale structure constraints can provide a potentially viable resolution of the cusp-core problem in CDM halos. ",
"Figure 10. The mixed dark matter halo profile Eq. ((<>)A1) with 13% CDM, fc = 0.13. The outer region is an NFW profile of mixed axions and CDM. The halo mass is M200 = 5 × 108h−1M and the halo Jeans scale rJ,h = 5.4 h−1 kpc (outer vertical dashed line) corresponds to axion mass ma = 10−22 eV with this particular DM composition. At the halo Jeans scale the axions stop clustering and form a uniform component, while the CDM forms an NFW cusp. There is a core down to rcore = 2.1 h−1 kpc where the cusp takes over from the uniform piece (inner vertical dashed line). ",
"ma = 10−22 eV and a benchmark halo with M200 5 × 108 h−1M. ",
"Again, we take the halo density profile to be NFW outside of the halo Jeans scale, while inside the Jeans scale we take the axion component to be smooth. Inside this smooth background we then assume CDM component of the DM collapses as usual and forms its own NFW halo. Because the axion component smooth inside this radius, we superpose the profiles therefore below the Jeans scale the ratio of axions CDM is not constant but decreases at small radius. This is in agreement with the simulations of mixed cold warm DM in (<>)Anderhalden et al. ((<>)2012). The assumed 2-component profile is given in Appendix (<>)A. ",
"The size of the cored region depends on the fraction of DM that is cold: fc = Ωc/Ωd. For r < rcore Eq. ((<>)A3)) there is a cusp while for rcore(fc,Ms) < rJ,h(Ms) there is a core. We plot the halo profile fc = 0.13 in our benchmark halo in Fig. (<>)10, while we plot rcore(fc) for our benchmark halo in Fig. (<>)11. We judge the core to be of significant size if it persists down to < 50% of the halo Jeans scale. With fc = 0.13 the benchmark axion mass and halo corresponds to a core in the range 2.1 h−1 kpc  r  5.4 h−1 kpc. ",
"Although this benchmark core is significant, it is actually not present on sub-kiloparsec scales, which suggests that while introducing a fraction of CDM with an axion of mass 10−22 eV may raise the HMF for low mass dwarf galaxies to acceptable levels, it may not provide a totally adequate solution to the CCP. As we will see below, a more preferable solution to all the problems outlined may be given instead by a higher axion mass. ",
"Figure 11. Core radius and halo Jeans scale as a function of CDM fraction, fc = Ωc/Ωd, in the two component halo (Eq. ((<>)A1)). There is a core for rcore < r < rJ,h, while there is a cusp for r < rcore, so that increasing fc makes halo profiles more cuspy, as expected. The halo mass M200 = 5 × 108h−1M and the axion mass ma = 10−22 eV. "
"5 TOO BIG TO FAIL? ": [
"The so-called ‘Too Big To Fail’ problem (here ‘Massive Failures Problem’, MFP) was introduced by (<>)Boylan-(<>)Kolchin, Bullock & Kaplinghat ((<>)2011). In ΛCDM there are predicted to be massive subhaloes of the milky way of high concentration and circular velocity that cannot ",
"Figure 12. Halo concentration parameter, c(M) for ΛCDM and various axion masses. The flattening of the variance near Mm causes a later formation time for low mass halos, and due to the presence of f = 0.01 in Eq. ((<>)20) leads to a lower concentration for halos below fMm. The lowered concentration can help alleviate the ‘Too Big To Fail’ problem. ",
"host bright satellites, and are not observed. One astrophysical solutions to this problem is feedback ((<>)Garrison-(<>)Kimmel et al. (<>)2013). WDM ((<>)Lovell et al. (<>)2012) and C+WDM ((<>)Maccio’ et al. (<>)2012b; (<>)Medvedev (<>)2013) are also known to help this problem, since the flattened variance leads to later formation times and lower concentration for these most massive subhaloes. ",
"Since the variance, σ(M) in aMDM also flattens at low masses, just like WDM it will lead to a lower concentration for Milky Way sub-haloes compared to ΛCDM if the subhalo mass is lower than fMm (see Eq. ((<>)20)). In Fig. (<>)12 we plot c(M200) for three representative axion masses, ma = 10−22 ,10−2110−20 eV and compare to ΛCDM, confirming that this is the case. ",
"MFP can also be expressed as the non-observation of large numbers of satellites with maximum circular velocity vmax  40 km s−1 . The circular velocity as a function of r is given by ",
"(27) ",
"In Fig. (<>)13 we plot v(r) for a halo of mass M200 = 2 × 1010 h−1M. In ΛCDM this halo has vmax > 40 km s−1 . We compare this to v(r) where the DM is made up of an axion of mass ma = 10−22 eV, and to WDM. The axion and WDM halos are chosen to have the same rmax as ΛCDM, having M200 = 1010 h−1M. Both the axion and WDM models reduce the maximum circular velocity considerably: vmax ≈ 30 km s−1 . ",
"For WDM we do not model the effect of a possible core, and so for fair comparison we show the axion model with both a cored and NFW profile. The effect of the core in the axion model is small, so that the assumption of core formation does not affect an axion solution to MFP. ",
"Figure 13. The circular velocity profile for a one component DM halo in various models, derived from the NFW profile. For ΛCDM we have chosen a halo with M200 = 2 × 1010 h−1M which has a maximum circular velocity vmax > 40 km s−1 , demonstrating that CDM suffers from the ‘Too Big To Fail’ problem. We compare to axion and WDM models with M200 = 1010 h−1M chosen such that they have the same rmax as ΛCDM. Both axions and WDM suppress vmax by a factor of about 1.5 relative to ΛCDM, demonstrating their relevance for the solution to MFP. The core in the axion density profile does not affect the suppression of vmax. We choose axion mass ma = 10−22 eV and equivalent WDM mass of mW ≈ 0.84 keV. "
"We now move on to discuss the collapse redshift of objects to see whether ULAs can accommodate observations of high-redshift galaxies. We consider collapse with ΛCDM growth given by D(z), ignoring for the moment the scale-dependent growth, which will only serve to amplify effects below the characteristic mass. All the effects of axions therefore come in the variance, σ(M). For the large axion fractions relevant for core formation in the two-component halo of Section (<>)4.3 the effects of CDM on the variance are virtually negligible, so in our examples we take Ωa/Ωd = 1 and investigate only the effects of varying axion mass. ",
"The total fraction of objects collapsed with M > Mmin at redshift z is ",
"We plot this assuming ΛCDM growth for Mmin = 106 h−1M in Fig. (<>)14. For our benchmark mass ma = 10−22 eV the collapsed mass fraction F(z  6)  0.01 putting such a light axion in considerable tension with observations of high redshift galaxies. ",
"Using the scale-dependent growth to assign a mass-dependent critical density for collapse as in Eq. ((<>)16) provided a good working model for the cut-off in the HMF, however we cannot naively apply such a prescription for δc into Eq. ((<>)28): such a cut-off would make the collapsed ",
"Figure 14. Total collapsed mass fraction, Eq. ((<>)28), with Mmin = 106 h−1M with varying axion mass. We ignore scale-dependent growth and take the axions to make up all of the DM. ",
"mass fraction non-monotonic. The ansatz of Eq. ((<>)16) applies only in the HMF and takes the HMF as fundamental, so the analog of Eq. ((<>)28) is properly defined in this framework as the integral of the HMF. The redshift dependence of such an integral requires us to know the full function D(k,z). Alternatively one could make a fit for the HMF with the ansatz that the cut-off remains always a fixed geometric distance between Mm and MJ as they evolve with redshift. We do not explore this effect of the cut-off on the collapsed mass fraction as a function of redshift, but the qualitative effects are obvious: scale-dependent growth should amplify the effects we have seen already in Fig. (<>)14. ",
"Knowing the HMF at z = 10 allowed the authors of (<>)Pacucci, Mesinger & Haiman ((<>)2013) to place constraints on a WDM thermal relic of mW > 0.9 keV using high redshift observations. Using our mass scale conversions of Section (<>)2.2 we might expect such observations to constrain ma  few × 10−22eV, as the simple argument based on collapsed mass fraction with ΛCDM growth given above anticipates. ",
"Suppression of galaxy formation at high redshift has been invoked as a possible solution to another problem of structure formation in ΛCDM: the discrepancy in the evolution of the stellar mass function between observations and models, highlighted in (<>)Wein-(<>)mann et al. ((<>)2012). ULAs were invoked, along with WDM, by these authors as a solution. Again, as with Lyman-α constraints, access to hydrodynamical simulations with WDM allowed for a detailed comparison of models to observations, and showed a WDM solution to most likely be unviable. Do ULAs remain a viable solution? We have shown in previous sections that there are enough differences between ULAs and WDM that this is possible, but without simulations one cannot quantify ",
"this. However, in this section we have confirmed the suppression of halo formation at high redshift necessary for ULAs to be an interesting candidate for further study in this regard. "
"By studying large scale structure we have probed ultralight axion-like-particles (ULAs) with masses in the range 10−24 eV  ma  10−20 eV. Across a fair portion of this range such ultra-light fields can evade large-scale structure constraints while still being different enough from standard CDM on scales relevant to three main problems of structure formation: the missing satellites problem (MSP), the cusp-core problem (CCP), and the massive failures problem (MFP). We have primarily studied a benchmark ULA of mass ma = 10−22 eV and shown that it is able to solve the MSP, CCP and MFP, avoiding the so-called Catch 22 of a WDM solution. If this axion constitutes all of the DM, however, then it may come into tension with observations of the Lyman-α flux power spectrum (which constrains WDM at masses mW  3.3 keV), high-redshift galaxies (at z  6) and the existence of very low mass dwarf galaxies (M  5 × 107 h−1M). These tensions can be relieved in two ways: by introducing a fraction of CDM or increasing the axion mass. Introducing a fraction of CDM retains adequate solutions to all problems, but cores may yield to cusps at unacceptably large radii. We advocate a higher mass axion of ma  10−21 eV as potentially the best solution. ",
"If all the DM is constituted of an axion or other light scalar of mass ma = 10−22 eV then in the linear power spectrum structure formation is suppressed below some characteristic scale (Fig. (<>)1). The half-mode for this suppression is the same as the half-mode for a WDM particle of mass mW ≈ 0.84 keV, just on the edge of the bounds coming from Lyman-α forest flux power spectrum constraints (Fig. (<>)3). By considering scale-dependent growth it has been shown that such an axion will cut off the halo mass function for M  108 h−1M. Introducing a fraction of CDM, fc = Ωc/Ωd, the cut-off is made less severe, disappearing completely and leaving only a small suppression to dwarf galaxy formation when fc ≈ 0.5 (Fig. (<>)6). This mixed dark matter model, aMDM, may therefore be relevant to the MSP. Such a mix of DM may be natural given certain theoretical priors ((<>)Aguirre & Tegmark (<>)2005; (<>)Wilczek (<>)2004; (<>)Tegmark (<>)et al. (<>)2006; (<>)Bousso & Hall (<>)2013; (<>)Wilczek (<>)2013), or in non-thermal cosmologies expected after moduli stabili-sation (e.g. (<>)Acharya, Bobkov & Kumar (<>)2010; (<>)Acharya, (<>)Kane & Kuflik (<>)2010). ",
"If the axion linear Jeans scale can be considered to scale into non-linear environments as the fourth root of the relative density contrast (Eqs. ((<>)6), ((<>)18)), requiring coherence of field oscillations to be maintained, then ultra-light axions can give cores to dwarf galaxy density profiles ((<>)Hu, Barkana & Gruzinov (<>)2000). By considering ",
"a simple cored profile given by an external NFW pro-file outside the Jeans scale, it was shown that in such a scenario no halos are formed below the linear Jeans mass, MJ . Axions in the mass range 10−22 eV  ma  10−20 eV can give kiloparsec scale cores to dwarf galaxies of mass M = 5 × 108 h−1M, and are thus relevant to the CCP of CDM halo density profiles (Figs. (<>)8, (<>)9). Since the halo mass function is only cut off below the dwarf mass, and axions in this mass range are allowed by large-scale structure constraints, we can conclude that in this simple model ultra-light axions, or other ‘Fuzzy’ CDM candidates, do not suffer from the Catch 22 that might affect WDM ((<>)Maccio’ et al. (<>)2012a). ",
"For an axion mass at the low end of the range allowed by large-scale structure constraints, ma ≈ 10−22 eV, to form lighter dwarf galaxies of M  5 × 107 h−1M, however, the mixed aMDM is necessary. By considering a two-component density profile below the axion Jeans scale it was shown that an admixture of fc ≈ 13% will significantly increase the mass function for light dwarves (Fig. (<>)7), while still allowing for a core on scales greater than a kiloparsec (Fig. (<>)10, (<>)11), although such a core may in fact be too large. ",
"The flattened variance in aMDM (Fig. (<>)4) in the NFW formalism leads to later formation times and consequently lower concentrations for low mass halos compared to CDM (Fig. (<>)12). This, combined with maximum circular velocity remaining low, vmax < 40km s−1 , in typical dwarves (Fig. (<>)13), also suggests that ULAs may, just like WDM, play a role in the resolution of the MFP ((<>)Boylan-Kolchin, Bullock & Kaplinghat (<>)2011). ",
"While avoiding the Catch 22 in an axion cusp-core and missing satellites resolution an axion mass as low as ma = 10−22 eV comes into tension with high-redshift observations since the collapsed mass fraction becomes very small at z  6 (Fig. (<>)14). A heavier axion of mass ma  10−21 eV would be in less tension with observations of high-redshift galaxies (and more recent Lymanα forest constraints to WDM) and could still introduce a kiloparsec scale core to dwarf galaxies and significantly lower the concentration of these galaxies. The formation of dwarves would still be significant, yet also reduced relative to ΛCDM, so that such heavier axions remain relevant to the cusp-core, missing satellites, and ‘too big to fail’ problems of CDM. Suppression of galaxy formation at high redshift relative to ΛCDM may also be a factor in resolving conflicts between models and observations of the stellar mass function ((<>)Weinmann et al. (<>)2012). ",
"With large axion fractions (<>)Marsh et al. ((<>)2013) showed that isocurvature constraints imply such a model would be falsified by any detection of tensor modes at the percent level in the CMB by Planck. Axions lighter than those we study are well constrained as components of the DM by observations of the CMB and the linear matter power spectrum ((<>)Amendola & Bar-(<>)bieri (<>)2006; ?), while heavier axions are probed, and in some cases ruled, out by the spins of supermassive black holes ((<>)Arvanitaki & Dubovsky (<>)2011; (<>)Pani et al. (<>)2012), ",
"and terrestrial axion searches ((<>)Jaeckel & Ringwald (<>)2010; (<>)Ringwald (<>)2012a). ",
"We have not discussed the role of baryons in this model, the knowledge of this role being incomplete in even the most state of the art simulations. We have preferred to focus on simple and idealised DM only models where the relevant physics is well understood. The baryonic disk has only a modest effect on the rotation curve, with DM halos still necessary. Adiabatic contraction of baryons may lead to the enhancement of DM cusps, and thus more need for a core forming component (<>)Zemp et al. ((<>)2012). On the other hand, baryonic feedback is a process driven by supernova explosions driving outflows of gas, which can remove DM cusps in dwarf galaxies while leaving a thick stellar disk (<>)Gover-(<>)nato et al. ((<>)2012). Baryons may also transfer angular momentum to the halo and modestly effect the spin-up of a massive halo. In massive galaxies it is unlikely that baryons have a significant effect on the DM halo profile. None of these effects, most notably feedback, solve the excess baryon problems of the MSP and MFP. ",
"It will be important to investigate this model further in the future with numerical N-body and other nonlinear studies in order to verify whether our simple predictions stand up to detailed scrutiny both theoretically and observationally. It is possible that non-linear effects such as oscillons (see e.g. (<>)Gleiser & Sicilia ((<>)2009)) may play a role. Also, at non-linear order additional terms in the effective fluid description of the axion will be generated, such as anisotropic stresses (<>)Hertzberg ((<>)2012), which could alter the simple picture of structure formation with a sound speed and Jeans scale dominating effects at short distances. ",
"Furthermore, Lyman-α constraints play a key role in determining the validity of WDM models to resolve small scale crises in CDM, the constraints of (<>)Viel et al. ((<>)2013) appearing to all but rule out WDM in this regard. Applying such constraints reliably to ULAs will require developing hydrodynamical simulations with them. Finally, a thorough development of the halo model with ULAs building on the groundwork laid here (as was done for WDM by (<>)Smith & Markovic ((<>)2011)) will be invaluable in understanding weak lensing constraints to ULAs obtainable with future surveys ((<>)Marsh et al. (<>)2012; (<>)Amendola et al. (<>)2012). "
"supported by the Government of Canada through Industry Canada and by the Province of Ontario through the Ministry of Research and Innovation. The research of JS has been supported at IAP by the ERC project 267117 (DARK) hosted by Universit´e Pierre et Marie Curie -Paris 6 and at JHU by NSF grant OIA-1124403. "