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"(<http://arxiv.org/abs/1404.4634v3>)arXiv:1404.4634v3 [astro-ph.CO] 23 Oct 2014 "
"The study of galaxy cluster outskirts has emerged as one of the new frontiers in extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology with the advent of new observations in X-ray and microwave. However, the thermodynamic properties and chemical enrichment of this diffuse and azimuthally asymmetric component of the intra-cluster medium are still not well understood. This work, for the •rst time, systematically explores potential observational biases in these regions. To assess X-ray measurements of galaxy cluster properties at large radii (>R500c), we use mock Chandra analyses of cosmological galaxy cluster simulations. The pipeline is identical to that used for Chandra observations, but the biases discussed in this paper are relevant for all X-ray observations outside of R500c. We “nd the following from our analysis: (1) “lament regions can contribute as much as 50% at R200c to the emission measure, (2) X-ray temperatures and metal abundances from model “tted mock X-ray spectra in a multi-temperature ICM respectively vary to the level of 10% and 50%, (3) resulting density pro“les vary to within 10% out to R200c, and gas mass, total mass, and baryon fractions vary all to within a few percent, (4) the bias from a metal abundance extrapolated a factor of 5 higher than the true metal abundance results in total mass measurements biased high by 20% and total gas measurements biased low by 10% and (5) differences in projection and dynamical state of a cluster can lead to gas density slope measurements that differ by a factor of 15% and 30%, respectively. The presented results can partially account for some of the recent gas pro“le measurements in cluster outskirts by e.g., Suzaku. Our “ndings are pertinent to future X-ray cosmological constraints with cluster outskirts, which are least affected by non-gravitational gas physics, as well as to measurements probing gas properties in “lamentary structures. ",
"Subject headings: cosmology: theory • clusters: general • galaxies • methods : numerical • X-rays:galaxies:clusters "
"Clusters of galaxies are the largest gravitationally bound objects in our universe. These objects are massive enough to probe the tension between dark matter and dark energy in structure formation, making them powerful cosmological tools. Cluster-based cosmological tests use observed cluster number counts, the precision of which depends on how well observable-mass relations can constrain cluster masses. Finely tuned observable-mass relations require an understanding of the thermal and chemical structure of galaxy clusters out to large radii, as well as an understanding of systematic biases that may enter into observational measurements of the intracluster medium (ICM). ",
"A new area of study lies in studying the ICM in the outskirts of clusters, a region where the understanding of ICM physics remains incomplete (e.g., see (<>)Reiprich et al. (<>)2013, for an overview). Cluster outskirts can be considered to be a cosmic melting pot, where infalling substructure is undergoing virialization and the associated infalling gas clumps are being stripped due to ram pressure, depositing metal-rich gas in the cluster atmosphere, changing thermal and chemical structure of the ICM. Measurements at these regions will allow us to form a more complete assessment of the astrophysical processes, e.g. gas stripping and quenching of star formation in infalling galaxies, that govern the formation and evolution of galaxy clusters and their galaxies. ",
"Gas properties in cluster outskirts are also more suitable for ",
"cosmological measurements; the effects of dissipative non-gravitational gas physics, such as radiative cooling and feedback, are minimal in the outskirts compared with the inner regions. Gas density measurements in cluster outskirts will also help constrain the baryon budget. While recent X-ray cluster surveys have provided an independent con•rmation of cosmic acceleration and tightened constraints on the nature of dark energy ((<>)Allen et al. (<>)2008; (<>)Vikhlinin et al. (<>)2009), the best X-ray data, circa 2009, were limited to radii within half of the virial radius, and cluster outskirts were largely unobserved. ",
"Recent measurements from the Suzaku X-ray satellite have pioneered the study of the X-ray emitting ICM in cluster outskirts beyond R200c 1 (<>)(e.g., (<>)Bautz et al. (<>)2009; (<>)Reiprich et al. (<>)2009; (<>)Hoshino et al. (<>)2010; (<>)Kawaharada et al. (<>)2010). These measurements had unexpected results in both entropy and enclosed gas mass fraction at large radii. Entropy pro•les from Suzaku data were signi•cantly •atter than theoretical predictions from hydrodynamical simulations ((<>)George et al. (<>)2009; (<>)Walker et al. (<>)2012), and the enclosed gas mass fraction from gas mass measurements of the Perseus cluster exceeded the cosmic baryon fraction ((<>)Simionescu et al. (<>)2011). These results suggest that gasesous inhomogeneities might cause an overestimate in gas density at large radii. Suzaku observations and subsequent studies demonstrated that measurements of the ICM in cluster outskirts are complicated by contributions from the cosmic X-ray background, excess emission from gasesous substructures ((<>)Nagai & Lau (<>)2011; (<>)Zhuravleva et al. (<>)2013; (<>)Vazza et al. ",
"(<>)2013; (<>)Roncarelli et al. (<>)2013), and poorly understood ICM physics in the outskirts. However, analyses of cluster outskirts with both Planck Sunyaev-Zel•dovich and ROSAT X-ray measurements found otherwise ((<>)Eckert et al. (<>)2013a,(<>)b). The mysteries surrounding these X-ray measurements of cluster outskirts are still unsettled due to a number of observational systematic uncertainties, such as X-ray background subtraction. ",
"The latest deep Chandra observations of the outskirts of galaxy cluster Abell 133, a visually relaxed cluster with X-ray temperature TX = 4.1 keV, have given us an unprecedented opportunity to probe the ICM structure in cluster outskirts (Vikhlinin et al., in prep.). First, the high sub-arcsec angular resolution allows for ef•cient point source removal, the isolation of the cosmic X-ray background, and the detection of small-scale clumps, which dominate the X-ray •ux at large radii. Second, the long exposure time of 2.4 Msec also enables direct observations of the •lamentary distribution of gas out to R200c. ",
"To address potential biases that could affect observed ICM properties at large radii, we use mock Chandra observations from high-resolution cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters. The goal of this paper is to characterize the properties of diffuse components of the X-ray emitting ICM in the outskirts of galaxy clusters, and to assess the implications for X-ray measurements. Our analysis focuses on the effects that come from a combination of limited spectral resolution and low photon counts in cluster outskirts, where spectral contributions from metal line emissions become more signi•cant than those from thermal bremsstrahlung emissions. ",
"Our approach is similar in spirit as in (<>)Rasia et al. ((<>)2008) which pioneered the study of systematics on abundance measurements on the ICM by analyzing the spectral properties of mock plasma spectra generated with XSPEC. We extend the study of XSPEC generated mock spectra to the outskirt regions. Our results are valid for all observations of spectra from plasma with a multicomponent temperature. ",
"Speci•cally, we look at the accuracy of metal abundance measurements from spectral •tting and their consequential effects on the measurements of projected X-ray temperature, emission measure, deprojected temperature, gas density, gas mass, and hydrostatic mass derived from these pro•les. We explore potential biases by (1) measuring contributions of clumps and •laments to emission measurements, (2) testing the modeling of bremsstrahlung and metal line emissions in low density regions, and (3) checking for line of sight dependence in the density slope in cluster outskirts and differences in observed ICM pro•les for an unrelaxed cluster. ",
"This work will be useful in assessing the robustness of X-ray measurements beyond R500c, as we test both the spectral •tting of X-ray photons in low density regions, and the validity of •tting formulae that are used to reconstruct ICM pro•les. ",
"Our paper is organized as follows: in Section (<>)2 we describe the simulations we used and the mock Chandra analysis pipeline. We present our results in Section (<>)3, and give our summary and discussion in Section (<>)4. "
"2. METHODOLOGY ": [],
"2.1. Cosmological simulations ": [
"We use a sample of high-resolution cosmological simulations of cluster-sized systems from (<>)Nagai et al. ((<>)2007a,(<>)b, hereafter N07) that assumes a ”at CDM universe with m = 1  = 0.3, b = 0.04286, h = 0.7, and σ8 = 0.9. The Hub-",
"ble constant is de•ned as 100h km and σ8 is the mass variance within spheres of radius 8 h1Mpc. We simulate these clusters with the Adaptive Re“nement Tree (ART) N-body+gas-dynamics code ((<>)Kravtsov (<>)1999; (<>)Kravtsov et al. (<>)2002; (<>)Rudd et al. (<>)2008), an Eulerian code with spatial and temporal adaptive re“nement, and non-adaptive mass re“nement ((<>)Klypin et al. (<>)2001). ",
"Our simulations include radiative cooling, star formation, metal enrichment, stellar feedback, and energy feedback from supermassive black holes (see Avestruz et al., in prep. for more details). Brie•y, we seed black hole particles with a seed mass of in dark matter halos with M500c >and allow the black holes to accrete gas according to a modi“ed Bondi accretion model with a density dependent boost factor ((<>)Booth & Schaye (<>)2009). Black holes feed back a fraction of the accreted rest mass energy in the form of thermal energy, ",
"(1) ",
"where ǫr = 0.1 is the radiative ef“ciency for a Schwarzschild black hole undergoing radiatively ef“cient Shakura & Sun-yaev accretion ((<>)Shakura & Sunyaev (<>)1973), and ǫf = 0.2 is the feedback ef“ciency parameter tuned to regulate the z = 0 black hole mass. ",
"We focus on two X-ray luminous clusters from the N07 sample to study the effects of metallicity, line of sight, and dynamical state on X-ray measurements in cluster outskirts. The core-excised X-ray temperatures of CL6 and CL7 are TX = 4.18 and TX = 4.11, respectively. The cluster mass and radii are and for CL6, and and for CL7. Each cluster is selected from simulation box with size Mpc, run on a 1283 uniform grid with 8 levels of re•nement, and has peak spatial resolution of ˇ 2.4h1 kpc. The corresponding dark matter particle mass in our regions of interest is is an unre-laxed cluster that experienced a 1:1 major merger at z ˇ 0.6, and CL7 is a typical relaxed cluster which has not undergone a major merger for z <1. We refer the reader to N07 for further details. "
"2.2. Mock Chandra Pipeline ": [
"Using our simulated cluster sample, we create realistic mock X-ray maps of simulated clusters by (1) generating an X-ray •ux map, and (2) convolving the •ux map with the Chandra response •les to create photon maps. Below we outline our mock Chandra pipeline, where details can be found in (<>)Nagai et al. ((<>)2007b). "
"2.2.1. X-ray Flux maps ": [
"We generate X-ray •ux maps for each of the simulated clusters along three orthogonal line-of-sight projections. To calculate the •ux map, we project X-ray emission from hydrodynamical cells along each line of sight within 3 × Rvir (ˇ 4 × R200c for the clusters in this work) of the cluster center. The X-ray emission as a function of energy from a single hydrodynamical cell of volume Vi is given as, ",
"(2) ",
"where ne,i, np,i, Ti, and Zi are respectively the electron number density, proton number density, temperature, and metal-licity in that cell volume. We compute the X-ray emissivity, E(Ti,Zi,z), using the MEKAL plasma code ((<>)Mewe et al. ",
"(<>)1985; (<>)Kaastra & Jansen (<>)1993; (<>)Liedahl et al. (<>)1995) and the solar abundance table from (<>)Anders & Grevesse ((<>)1989). We multiply the plasma spectrum by the photoelectric absorption corresponding to a hydrogen column density of NH = 2 ×1020 cm2 . ",
"We include results from four different •ux maps: (1) Zsim, (2) Z0.5, (3) Z0.05, and (4) Z0.5TX,1 keV. We generate the Zsim •ux map from X-ray spectra using all hydrodynamic values directly output from our simulation runs. To isolate the effects of metallicity on our simulated spectra, we use Zi = 0.5Z⊙ for all i-th cell elements in our Z0.5 ”ux maps and a constant Zi = 0.05Z⊙ for all i-th cell elements in our Z0.05 ”ux maps. Current observations do not yet probe metal abundance pro“les in cluster outskirts, and often extrapolate the abundance at radii beyond R500c. Given the typical range of metallicity that observers have found near R500c (Z ˇ 0.3Z⊙) (e.g., (<>)Matsushita et al. (<>)2007; (<>)Leccardi & Molendi (<>)2008; (<>)Komiyama et al. (<>)2009; (<>)Werner et al. (<>)2013), we choose these two values for Zi to bracket a potential range of metal-licities in the outskirts. The order of magnitude difference probes how X-ray measurements of the ICM and inferred quantities might be affected by an incorrect extrapolation or mis-measurement of both a metal rich and metal poor environment. ",
"We remove the effects of a multi-temperature medium by •xing both the metal abundance to Zi = 0.5Z⊙, and the temperature to TX = 1 keV in the Z0.5TX,1 keV map, which is a characteristic temperature in the outskirts of a galaxy cluster in our probed mass range. "
"2.2.2. Mock Chandra Photon Maps and Spectra ": [
"To simulate mock Chandra data, we convolve the emission spectrum with the response of the Chandra front-illuminated CCDs ACIS (both the Chandra auxiliary response •le (ARF) and redistribution matrix •le (RMF)) and draw a number of photons at each position and spectral channel from the corresponding Poisson distribution. The photon maps for our mock Chandra data has an exposure time of 2 Msec, comparable to the 2.4 Msec deep Chandra observations of Abell 133. Since we are interested in probing physical causes for biased X-ray measurements, we do not include any simulated backgrounds. ",
"From our mock photon maps, we generate images in the 0.7 2 keV band, and use them to identify and mask out clumps from our analysis. We use the wavelet decomposition algorithm described in (<>)Vikhlinin et al. ((<>)1998). This procedure is consistent with the small-scale clump removal performed by observers. ",
"Detected clumps are within a limited •ux of ˘ 3 × 1015 erg s1 cm2 in the 0.7 2 keV energy band, corresponding to a luminosity of ˘ 1.5 × 1042 erg s1 for clusters at zobs = 0.06, the observational redshift of our clusters. Any remaining small-scale structures fall below our clump detection limit. The total gas mass in excluded clumps is no more than a few percent of the total enclosed gas mass. ",
"X-ray emission in cluster outskirts also receive azimuthally asymmetric contributions from •lamentary structures. Similar to the analysis of X-ray emission in A133 outskirts, after clump removal, we identify •lamentary regions as annular sections with an average •ux that exceeds the average •ux within the entire annulus. We exclude the •lamentary contribution from our •nal analysis. We include a sample image map with identi•ed clumps and •laments in Figure (<>)1. ",
"From the mock Chandra photon map, we extract a grouped ",
"spectrum from concentric annular bins centered on the main X-ray peak. Annular regions are de•ned with rout/rin = 1.25, where rout and rin are the outer and inner edges of the annular bin, respectively. The spectra exclude photons from regions corresponding to clumps and •laments. For each spectrum, we perform a single-temperature •t in the 0.1 10 keV band using XSPEC version 12.8 with the MEKAL model plasma code and a C-statistic •t ((<>)Cash (<>)1979) to extract the projected X-ray temperature TX,proj(r) and abundance Zproj(r). We use the same Chandra ARF and RMF •les to •t a model spectrum to the mock photon spectra. Temperature, metal abundance, and spectral normalization are the only free parameters in the •t. "
"2.2.3. Analysis of the ICM ": [
"To compare with observed Chandra data, we reconstruct the emission measure pro•le and repeat the deprojection analysis by (<>)Vikhlinin et al. ((<>)2006). This analysis reconstructs the spherically averaged density and temperature pro•les of the intracluster medium with 3D analytic models. We also estimate the total cluster mass assuming hydrostatic equilibrium from the reconstructed 3D density and temperature pro•les. ",
"To calculate the projected emission measure pro•le EMM = R nenpdl, we use two main input ingredients: (1) the azimuthally averaged X-ray surface brightness pro•le X SB, and (2) the projected 2D X-ray temperature TX,proj and metallic-ity pro•les Zproj described in Section (<>)2.2.2. We can relate the deprojected EMM to the two ingredients as follows, ",
"(3) ",
"We show the emission measure pro•le for CL7 along the y-axis, where •lamentary features are most prominent in Figure (<>)2, and the corresponding effect of clump and •lament removal from the analysis. The solid blue line corresponds to the emission measure pro•le that include clumps and •lamentary substructure, and dotted line corresponds to the emission measure pro•le that excludes the substructure. The bottom panel shows the ratio between the pro•le with substructure to the pro•le without, and illustrates the extent of the excess emission in cluster outskirts. For this cluster, the excess of the best-•t pro•le can be as much as a factor of 2 at R200c to a factor of 3 at 3 × R200c. The errorbars correspond to the binned data, and the excess in individual bins are as high as a factor of 6 in the •lamentary regions. Excess emission measure from a substructure is visible at R ˇ 2 kpc. ",
"We extract the X-ray surface brightness pro•les from photons in the 0.7 2 keV band in concentric annuli of rout/rin = 1.1, giving us a count rate in each annular bin. We use the projected X-ray temperature and metal-licity to calculate the MEKAL model plasma emissivity, (TX,proj(rproj),Zproj(rproj),z). With the relation given by Equation ((<>)3), we use interpolated values of the model plasma emissivity to convert the count rate into a projected emission measure. ",
"The deprojection process is fully described in (<>)Vikhlinin et al. ((<>)2006), and can be summarized as follows. The analytic form of our 3D gas density model is given ",
"FIG. 1.• Top: Mock Chandra maps of CL6 in 0.7 2 keV band viewed from left to right along the x, y, and z axes. Bottom: Mock Chandra maps of CL7 in 0.7 2 keV band. Each region is 5 Mpc across. Identi•ed clumps and •lamentary structures are respectively outlined by green ellipses annular sections. Both of these regions are excluded from our •nal analysis. ",
"FIG. 2.• We show the effects of clump and •lament removal on the emission measure pro•le for a sample projection for CL7 in the y direction. Pro•les with both clumps and •laments are shown in the solid lines, no clumps in the dash-dotted lines, and no clumps nor •laments in the dotted lines. The ratio between solid (dash-dotted) and dotted is shown in the excess panel. Substructure in this cluster can boost the best •t emission measure by up to a factor of 3, and binned emission measure by up to a factor of 6 in the •lamentary regions. ",
"by, ",
"(4) ",
"This is a modi“cation of the β-model that allows for separate “tting of the gas density slope at small, intermediate, and large radii. ",
"The analytic form of our 3D temperature pro•le is a product of two terms that describe key features of in observed projected temperature pro•les ((<>)Vikhlinin et al. (<>)2005), ",
"(5) ",
"The •rst term takes into account the temperature decline at large radii with a broken power law with transition radius, rt , ",
"(6) ",
"with a and b as free parameters. The second term models the temperature decline in the central region due to radiative cooling, ",
"(7) ",
"We project the 3D model of the temperature pro•le, weighting multiple temperature components using the algorithm from (<>)Vikhlinin et al. ((<>)2006). We then “t the projected model to the projected X-ray temperature from our mock data, “tting in the radial range between 0.1  r/R200c  3. ",
"The 3D models for gas density and temperature pro•les allow us to estimate the total mass of the cluster, assuming hydrostatic equilibrium, ",
"(8) ",
"where µˇ 0.59 is mean molecular weight for the fully ionized ICM, mp is the proton mass, and we have set the Boltzmann constant to be unity such that the temperature T3D(r) is in unit of energy. "
"3. RESULTS ": [
"To test the MEKAL modeling of bremsstrahlung and metal line emissions in low density regions, we perform the XSPEC •t with a •xed metal abundance parameter: Z•x = 0.5Z⊙ for the Z0.5 map, and Z“x = 0.05Z⊙ for the Z0.05 map. The metal-licity in the Z0.05 map is close to the simulation metallicity in cluster outskirts, but we use the Z0.5 map to also check the effects of a possible scenario where a higher abundance of metals sits in cluster outskirts. We then compare results from each Z“x case with the Z“t case, where we perform the “t for all three parameters. ",
"To eliminate the effects of a multi-temperature medium, we also perform the XSPEC •t on our Z0.5 TX,1 keV map. We generate ICM pro•les using a the best-•t metal abundance parameter and •xed temperature, and compare with the pro•les resulting from the known input metal abundance and temperature value. "
"3.1. Recovered temperature and density pro•les with known abundance measurements ": [
"In this section, we check for consistency in gas density measurements from spectral •tting with the XSPEC •t performed using only two free parameters: projected X-ray temperature and normalization of •t. We use the Z0.5 and Z0.05 photon maps for this experiment, and •x the abundance parameter to the true abundance of the map. ",
"Figure (<>)3 shows the best-•t value for the projected X-ray temperature for each map. In cluster outskirts, the best •t X-ray temperature for the Z0.05 maps is systematically higher than that of the Z0.5 map, and the gas density differs by ˘ 20%. Note that while the true temperature of the two maps in each radial bin is identical, their measurements differ up to ˘ 15%. The discrepancy points to the degeneracies between •tting parameters. While the •tting procedure assumes a single-temperature •t, the true ICM is a multi-temperature medium, thus requires more degrees of freedom to capture the inhomogeneities. Both the metal abundance and the normalization of the •t offer additional degrees of freedom to minimize the residuals, so it is not surprising that statistically signi•cant differences can arise in measured X-ray temperatures if the metal line contributions are different. We plot the spectra of photons from the radial bin with the largest deviation in measured X-ray temperature (R ˇ 2 × R200c) in Figure (<>)4. Compared to the spectrum from the Z0.5 photon map (red points), the spectrum from the Z0.05 map (blue points) has a much lower emission from metal line cooling, and therefore it has a suppressed peak in the energy spectrum. The solid lines show the best •t model spectrum for each map. ",
"With a metal abundance parameter •xed to the true value of Z = 0.5Z⊙, the model spectrum overshoots the peak of the mock photon spectrum at the Fe-L complex between 0.8 and 1.4 keV, and the best “t X-ray temperature is TX = ",
"0.81 ± 0.01keV. If we allow the metal abundance to vary as an additional free parameter, both the best •t metal abundance (Z = 0.21 ± 0.03Z⊙) and the X-ray temperature (TX = 0.76 ±0.02keV) are lower and the residual difference between the mock photon counts and the model spectrum improves. ",
"In Figure (<>)5, we show how the systematic bias in metal abundance goes away in the absence of a multi-temperature ICM. The axes show the best •t metal abundance as a function of radius along three different lines of sight for our Z0.5 TX,1 keV map. This test isolates biases due to density inhomogeneities, lower photon counts, and instrumental response. For a map with uniform temperature, the •tting procedure well recovers the input constant metallicity, and does not exhibit a systematic decline. The best •t projected X-ray temperature is also well recovered to the •xed input value. ",
"The suppressed peak in the mock photon spectrum in Figure (<>)4 can be attributed to a high temperature phase of gas in the outskirts. For gas with an average temperature of TX ˇ 1 keV, the Fe-L line would be sensitive to a higher temperature component of gas, even if the metallicity of that component is the same (e.g., see Figure 3 in (<>)Mazzotta et al. ((<>)2004) and Figure 23 in (<>)Böhringer & Werner ((<>)2010)). ",
"Note, if the abundance parameter were not •xed (magenta dotted line in Figure (<>)4, the best •t abundance parameter would have to be lower than the true value Z = 0.5Z⊙ to better minimize the residuals in the “tting procedure. If we were to increase the X-ray temperature in the model spectrum, the residual at the peak would improve, but at the expense of increasing the residual values at other energies. ",
"On the other hand, for the Z0.05 spectra in Figure (<>)4, there are fewer photons from metal line cooling. Hence, most of the spectral features are hidden in Poisson noise. Because of the suppressed spectral features, the •tting procedure produces a best-•t X-ray temperature and normalization that will better minimize the residuals near the peak of the spectrum as opposed to at energies with much fewer counts. To minimize the residuals near the peak, the •tted X-ray temperature must then be higher to harden the model spectrum, which is why the best •t projected X-ray temperature for the Z0.05 map is systematically higher in the outskirts, where photon counts are low. "
"3.2. Testing metal abundance measurements in cluster outskirts ": [
"The robustness of metal abundance measurements in the low density outskirts is not well understood. In this section, we compare the abundance measurements from spectral •tting to the true abundance from our photon maps. We also discuss the effects on the projected X-ray temperature, projected emission measure and the reconstructed three dimensional gas density pro•le. We begin by comparing variations in projected X-ray temperature TX,proj and abundance measurements Zproj from our Z0.5 and Z0.05 photon maps, where we have set the input metal abundance to constant values. ",
"Figure (<>)6 compares ICM pro•les from our Z0.5 and Z0.05 mock X-ray •ux maps of CL7, projected along the z-axis. Results along other axis projections are qualitatively similar. The top left panel shows the metal abundance measurements retrieved from our mock spectra, •tting the mock spectra to MEKAL model spectra using XSPEC. We de•ne fZ•t /Z•x as the ratio between the best •t abundance parameter to the true abundance of our photon map. The fZ•t /Z•x pro•le shows that the while XSPEC •tting procedure recovers a Z•t value that is within a factor of 2 of the true input abundance of the photon ",
"FIG. 3.• (Left) The projected X-ray temperature from spectral •tting and (right) the corresponding deprojected 3-D density pro•le for CL7. Spectral •ts used a •xed abundance parameter set to the true abundance of the photon map. Mock maps were generated with constant •xed metallicity (Z0.5 = 0.5Z⊙ in red solid and in blue dash-dotted). The black line in the fTX and fˆg axes is the ratio between the pro“le obtained using a “xed Z0.5 and the pro“le using a “xed Z0.05. The black circles indicate the ratio between the TX,proj data points. Spectral “tting of two maps with identical gas density and temperature, but differing abundances, yield recovered density pro“les that differ by up to 20%. ",
"map, the abundance recovery is signi•cantly worse at larger radii. ",
"For the Z0.5 map, the abundance measurements has a systematic decline from the true value at large radii R & 0.7R200c. As discussed in Section (<>)3.1, the metal abundance parameter adjusts to compensate for the multi-temperature medium when we perform a single-temperture spectral •t. Thus, the best •t abundance parameter will be smaller than the true abundance in order to minimize the residual around the suppressed emission lines. However, if there are too few photons from metal line cooling, the poisson errors become large, and therefore this systematic effect is less apparent since the statistical errors dominate. This is why the last two radial bins do not show underestimation in abundance measurements. ",
"For the Z0.05 map, the photon counts around the peak of the spectrum (0.7 1 keV) is a factor of three lower than that of the Z0.5 spectrum (See Figure (<>)4). In addition to the intrinsically less pronounced metal lines, the low photon count makes it more dif•cult for the •tting routine to discern between contributions from metal line cooling and thermal bremsstrahlung emissions, leading to more scatter in the abundance measurements shown in Figure (<>)6. Note that similar scatter is seen in the last two radial bins from the Z0.5 map, which also has a very low photon count. ",
"The top right panel of Figure (<>)6 shows the projected X-ray temperature pro•le (red and blue points for the respective abundances) from spectral •tting, and the corresponding best •t projected 3D temperature model (thin lines of the same color). We measure the relative bias in TX,proj as the ratio of the projected X-ray temperature measured with abundance as a free parameter (the pro•le in Figure (<>)6 compared with the X-ray temperature measured with the abundance parameter •xed to the true abundance of the map (see Figure (<>)3). The X-ray temperature measurements from •ts with abundance as a free ",
"parameter (Z = Z•t) vary up to ˘ 10% of the measurements with a •xed abundance parameter (Z = Ztrue ). Note, the relative bias in projected X-ray temperature from spectral •tting is in the same direction as that of the abundance measurement. ",
"The cause of the correlation in the relative bias of both the abundance and X-ray temperature becomes evident when we compare model spectra (see Figure (<>)7). When the best •t abundance is higher (lower) than the true abundance, the peak of the model spectrum will sit above (below) the mock spectrum, and a higher (lower) X-ray temperature is necessary to harden (soften) the spectrum to minimize the residuals. Note, while •xing the metal abundance parameter to a value that is •ve times the true value signi•cantly biases the value of the best •t X-ray temperature parameter, it does not signi•cantly increase the error in the X-ray temperature parameter. The X-ray temperature •t is mostly sensitive to shape of the continuum, and most of the residual contributions to the error in X-ray temperature come from energy bins outside of the Fe-L complex. Here, the model spectra are still within the errorbars of the mock data. ",
"An interesting feature to note in the projected X-ray temperature pro•le is that the projected 3D temperature model •ts the data points well only out to R . R200c. While the best-•t model pro•le is within the errorbars of the mock data, it does not capture the emerging trend of the decreasing slope of the projected X-ray temperature at larger radii. The departure from the smooth temperature model pro•le is indicative of the complicated, inhomogeneous temperature structure in cluster outskirts. The smooth temperature model does not have enough degrees of freedom to account for the bumpier features of the TX,proj data points, indicating that perhaps a modi•ed •tting formula would be appropriate for total mass measurements outside of R200c. ",
"Note, the errorbars at large radii for the metal abundance ",
"FIG. 4.• Energy spectra from the Z0.5 (red) and Z0.05 photon maps corresponding to the third to the last radial bin in Figure (<>)3 (R ˇ 2 ×R200c). Spectra are normalized to the size of the energy bin. The solid lines show the best •t model spectra with the abundance parameter •xed to the true abundance of the photon map. The dotted line corresponds to the best •t model spectrum allowing both the abundance and temperature values to vary. The legend labels the corresponding metallicity and best •t projected X-ray temperature. We show the residual value between the model and our mock data in the lower panel. The statistically signi•cant difference between all of the best •t X-ray temperature values is due to a degeneracy in •tting a multi-temperature medium with a single temperature •t. The best •t abundance parameter for the Z0.5 map in this bin is lower than the true abundance to compensate for the temperature that has been biased low. Note, the lower metal abundance in the Z0.05 map produces fewer photons from metal line cooling, leading to suppressed spectral features. There are 18,800 counts in the bin from the Z0.05 map, and 43,000 counts in the bin from the Z0.5 map. ",
"measurements are not as good as those of the X-ray temperature measurements because the abundance •tting requires an order of magnitude more photons to have the same statistical uncertainty as the X-ray temperature. The metal abundance is only affected by line emission contributions as opposed to the X-ray temperature, which also has contributions from thermal bremsstrahlung. ",
"From Equation ((<>)3), we can see that for the same X-ray surface brightness X SB at a given radius, a higher (lower) gas density is necessary to compensate for a lower (higher) X-ray emissivity . The bottom two panels in Figure (<>)6 show the corresponding projected emission measure and gas density for the same photon maps as in the top two panels. The projected emission measure varies to 20% at all radii, and the gas density to a level of 15%. ",
"We note that the apparent enhanced bias in projected emission measure at intermediate radii for the Z0.5 map, shown in red, is due to effects from integrating over the line of sight. The density pro•le measured with a •xed abundance parameter is steeper at intermediate radii than the density pro•le measured with the best •t values for the abundance parameter. Hence, along an equal line of sight, there is a relatively lower emission measure in the •xed abundance case than in the best •t abundance case. ",
"In summary, the relative bias in abundance and projected X-ray temperature are correlated, and vary up to 50% and 10%, ",
"FIG. 5.• The best-•t projected metallicity along three different projections of CL7. Mock maps were generated with both a constant •xed metallicity of Z0.5 = 0.5Z⊙ and constant “xed temperature of TX = 1 keV. The lower axis shows the ratio between the best-“t metal abundance and the true metal abundance. X-ray temperature and normalization are free parameters. In the absence of a multi-temperature medium, the abundance is well recovered out to large radii. ",
"respectively. Both the resulting projected emission measure and gas density pro•les vary to 10% at low and intermediate radii, but deviate as much as 40% and 20% in emission measure and gas density, respectively. "
"3.3. Systematic effects of metal abundance measurements on gas pro•le measurements ": [
"As described in Section (<>)3.2, a high (low) bias of the abundance and X-ray temperature measurements would lead to a suppressed (enhanced) density measurement in that radial bin. ",
"In this section, we examine the systematic effects on gas pro•le measurements with a factor of 2 and 5 bias in the abundance •tting at all radii. For this test, we use the Z0.05 map where we take the metallicity to be constant at Z = 0.05Z⊙ throughout the simulation. We choose this value since it is closer to the metal abundance at large radii R & R200c in our self-consistent cluster simulation with metal enrichment and advection. We run XSPEC “tting by “xing the abundance parameter at metallicities a factor of 2 and 5 from the true value from the map: Z“x/Z⊙ = 0.01,0.025,0.1,0.25, and we compare the results to those “tted with the true value Z = 0.05Z⊙. To isolate the effects from all other quantities, we only allow the projected X-ray temperature and the spectral normalization to be free parameters in the “tting . ",
"In Figure (<>)8, we plotted the X-ray temperature, projected emission measure, and gas density for each case of Z•x and compare to the Z•x = Ztrue = 0.05Z⊙ case (black solid line). Consistent with what we found in Section (<>)3.2, an over (under) estimate of the abundance will lead to suppressed (enhanced) emission measurements and subsequently gas density measurements. ",
"If the abundance is measured to within a factor of two of the true metal abundance, the resulting density measurements ",
"FIG. 6.• From top left panel in a clockwise direction, the projected metallicity, projected X-ray temperature, recovered 3-D density pro•les, and projected emission measure for CL7. Mock maps were generated with constant •xed metallicity (Z0.5 = 0.5Z⊙ in red solid and Z0.05 = 0.05Z⊙ in blue dash-dotted). The lower axes, labeled with an f , show the ratio between pro“les recovered with metal abundance as a free parameter to pro“les recovered with abundance “xed to the known input abundance. The systematic decline of the best-“t projected metallicity beyond R500 is due to the multi-temperature medium, as shown in Figure (<>)4. The effects of low photon count from metal line cooling is visible in both the Z0.05 best “t projected metallicity as well as in the last two bins of Z0.5. The bias in metal abundance measurement introduces variations of up to 15% in recovered density pro“les. ",
"in the outskirts will be within 15%. However, for the most extreme case of an abundance measurement biased by a factor of 5, the density measurements will have up to a 35% bias. ",
"The emission measure pro•le on the right panel of Figure (<>)8 shows that an abundance measurement that is higher than the true value can steepen the pro•le in cluster outskirts. For observational measurements that extrapolate the abundance at large radii, this could introduce an even larger bias in the emission measure, density and temperature. Our tests that ",
"•x the abundance measurement to be a factor of two and •ve times the true abundance show how severely this extrapolation can propagate to inferred quantities, even at R200c. Most notably, for an assumed abundance that is a factor of •ve higher than the true abundance, the gas density is biased low by ˇ 15%. "
"3.4. Hydrostatic mass and gas mass fraction ": [
"FIG. 7.• Grey errorbars show the energy spectrum from the Z0.05 photon map corresponding to the third to the last radial bin in Figure (<>)3 (R ˇ 2 × R200c). Spectra are normalized to the size of the energy bin. The solid lines show the best •t model spectra with the abundance parameter •xed (0.01Z⊙ in blue, 0.05Z⊙ in black, and 0.25Z⊙ in cyan), and the best “t projected X-ray temperature. The dotted lines correspond to model spectra with the projected X-ray temperature “xed to TX,proj = 0.944 keV, which is the value of the best-“t X-ray temperature with Z“x = Ztrue. We show the residual value between the model and our mock data in the lower panel. The model spectra show that the best-“t projected X-ray temperature will be biased in the same direction as the best-“t abundance parameter, as shown in Figure (<>)6. ",
"From Equation ((<>)8), we can see that the X-ray measurement of the hydrostatic mass of the cluster is sensitive to three quantities: the best •t 3D model of the temperature pro•le, the logarithmic slope of the 3D temperature pro•le, and the logarithmic slope of the gas density pro•le. The left panel of Figure (<>)9 illustrates how each of these quantities is affected by a systematic over (under) •t abundance. ",
"For the case of recovering the metal abundance to within a typical factor of two (Z•x = 0.025Z⊙ and Z“x = 0.1Z⊙), all three quantities are within <10% at intermediate and large radii. At large radii, the bias in the 3D temperature and logarithmic density slope dominate to drive the hydrostatic mass bias in the same direction. A lower temperature “t in the outskirts corresponds to a shallower logarithmic density slope, and therefore a smaller hydrostatic mass (see dotted blue and dot-dashed green thick lines in the right panel of Figure (<>)9). However, the lower “tted temperature and shallower logarithmic slope correspond to a larger enclosed gas mass (see corresponding thin lines in Figure (<>)9), as underestimates in both abundance and temperature lead to overestimates in emission measure, therefore bias the gas density high. ",
"Figure (<>)10 shows that the combined bias in enclosed gas mass and the hydrostatic mass drives the bias in gas fraction up for the low •xed abundance values, and down for the high •xed abundance values. This shows that a poor •t to the X-ray temperature and metallicity in cluster outskirts is potentially causing biases in the Suzaku gas mass fraction measurements at large radii. The same magnitude of errors can come from an incorrectly extrapolated metal abundance in cluster outskirts. ",
"For a standard factor of 2 error in the abundance measure-",
"ment, the gas mass fraction is only affected by 10%, but any underestimate of the 3D temperature at large radii due to an overly steep poor •t in the deprojection procedure could lead to an even higher gas mass fraction by driving the hydrostatic mass low. ",
"For an abundance that is measured 5 times lower than the true abundance, the measured gas mass fraction could be biased high by 70% given a true abundance of Z = 0.05Z⊙. ",
"While the bias in enclosed gas mass and hydrostatic mass at small radii is rather large, we do not consider this to be representative of biases present in observations; the error in abundance measurement is primarily an issue in the low density outskirts where photon statistics are poor. Additionally, at smaller radii, the gas is much hotter, so the metal abundance and X-ray temperature parameters are less degenerate with each other in the spectral •t. "
"3.5. Potential issues for gas density slope measurements ": [
"We test two potential issues for density slope measurements in cluster outskirts to compare with biases in measurements from spectral •tting and metal abundance extrapolation: projection bias from triaxiality and mass accretion history. ",
"To test the bias due to projection effects from traxiality, we compute the inertia tensors of the gas mass at R500c for our clusters. For CL7, the semi-minor and semi-major axes of the inertia tensor lie almost parallel to the x-and y-axes respectively, allowing us to use the projections along these axes to make a preliminary assessment of the effects of cluster shape. ",
"To test the effect of accretion history, we compare two clusters, CL6 and CL7 that have similar mass but differ in dynamical states. CL6 has a recent major merger and CL7 has been quiescent since z ˘ 1. We compare these two clusters to identify the extent of steepening that is mainly due to recent accretion history. ",
"Figure (<>)11 shows the logarithmic gas density slope for our two test cases along various projections, CL6 and CL7. In our relaxed cluster, CL7, the density slope projected along each axis varies by no more than 15%. We would naively expect a signi•cant difference between a line of sight along the semi-major axis (y-axis) and along the semi-minor axis (x-axis). However, the difference in density slope between these two line of sight projections amounts to only a few percent. Effects due to line of sight projection are not likely to signi•cantly steepen observed density pro•les. ",
"CL6 is a dynamically disturbed cluster that experienced a 1:1 major merger at z ˇ 0.6, and has a smaller infalling structure at R & R200c at z = 0. The x-and y-projections correspond to lines of sight that are perpendicular to the plane of accreting substructure. The effects of a merging substructure are visible in the z-projection (dotted green), where the density slope is no longer monotonically increasing at larger radii. The outskirts of CL6 cluster along the x-and y-projections have an observed density pro•le that exceeds the density slope along the x-projection of CL7 by ˇ 30%, con•rming that X-ray observations should be able to see a difference in density slope between clusters of varying accretion histories. ",
"These two mechanisms have the potential to contribute additional bias to the observed density slope than the bias introduced from spectral •tting (ˇ 5%). "
"The study of galaxy cluster outskirts is the new frontier in cluster-based cosmology. In this work, we used cosmological simulations of galaxy clusters to investigate potential bi-",
"FIG. 8.• The above •gures are pro•les corresponding to the Z0.05 •ux maps. The plot on the left shows the ratio between pro•les using various values for Z•x, and the corresponding pro•le with Z•x = Ztrue = 0.05Z⊙. From top to bottom panel, these respectively are the ratios in X-ray temperature, gas density, and projected emission measure. The “gure on the right shows the projected emission measure for each value of Z“x. At 3 × R200c, an abundance measurement that is biased by a factor of 2 results in gas densities that are biased by 15%. ",
"FIG. 9.• The above •gures are pro•les corresponding to the Z0.05 •ux maps, with various values of Z•x, identical to the data set from Figure (<>)8. Left: Ratios of quantities that contribute to the total mass measurement -the best •t 3D X-ray temperature, the logarithmic slope of the 3D temperature pro•le, and the logarithmic slope of the density pro•le. Right: The total mass pro•le (thick lines), and the gas mass pro•le (thin lines). At 3 × R200c, an abundance measurement that is biased by a factor of 2 results a logarithmic gas density slope that is biased by <5%. ",
"FIG. 10.• The above •gures are pro•les corresponding to the Z0.05 •ux maps, with various values of Z•x, identical to the data set from Figure (<>)8. The panels on the left are ratios of the gas mass, hydrostatic mass, and gas mass fraction, and the •gure on the right is the gas mass fraction pro•le for each •xed value of the metal abundance. At 3 × R200c, an abundance measurement that is biased by a factor of 2 results in a fractions that is biased by ˘ 5%. ",
"FIG. 11.• The logarithmic gas density slope pro•le of CL6 (dash-dotted lines) and CL7 (solid lines) along different projections. The z projection for CL6 is perpendicular to the plane of a merger. The bottom panel is the ratio of each pro•le to the pro•le of CL7 along the x-projection. The logarithmic gas density slope of CL6, a dynamically disturbed cluster, is steeper than that of the CL7. ",
"ases in metal abundance measurements from X-ray spectra in the low density cluster outskirts (R >R500), where metal line cooling contributions become signi“cant. Using X-ray maps with a constant input metal abundance, we showed how systematically biased metal abundance measurements affect ICM quantities such as the gas density and temperature pro“les. ",
"In order to test other potential sources of systematic uncertainty in density slope measurements from Chandra observations of Abell 133 (Vikhlinin et al., in prep.), we performed our mock X-ray analysis for projections along the semi-major and semi-minor axes of a relaxed cluster, and for a dynamically disturbed cluster. ",
"To summarize our •ndings: ",
"We test the extent of biases that may arise from incorrectly extrapolating the metal abundance measurement in galaxy cluster outskirts by •xing the metal abundance to a factor of 2 and a factor of 5 above and below the true abundance. An abundance assumed a factor of ",
"5 too high biases the gas density measurement and the enclosed total mass by as much as 15% at R200c. ",
"We note that fully testing the accuracy of X-ray measurements in cluster outskirts requires a comparison of measurements of ICM properties directly from the simulation with 3D •laments removed in a self-consistent manner with our projected •lament •nder. While the test cases used in this study do not include high mass clusters, any bias from incorrect abundance measurements would not exceed the bias found in the lower mass counterparts. High mass clusters have larger temperatures at R200c, resulting in a decreased relative contribution of metal line emissions to the X-ray emission measure. This analysis does not include any contributions from simulated backgrounds, and the effects of instrumental and X-ray backgrounds are additional sources of systematic biases that have not been accounted for in our discussions. ",
"Furthermore, our analysis does not take into account non-equilibrium electrons at large radii, which have a lower temperature than the mean ICM gas temperature ((<>)Rudd & Nagai (<>)2009). The temperature bias from non-equilibrium electrons is small in clusters of the mass scales we tested, and we expect non-equilibrium electrons to have less of an effect on the emission measure in the cluster outskirts than biases from metal abundance measurements. Metal line contributions have a signi•cant contribution to the X-ray emission in the low density cluster outskirts, and the X-ray emission has a weak dependence on any biases in the temperature at all radii (/ T 1/2 ). Alternatively, in higher mass clusters, non-equilibrium electrons have larger deviations from the mean ICM gas temperature because the equilibration timescale is longer. The corresponding biases in X-ray measurements of the outskirts of high mass clusters is a topic for future work. ",
"Our •ndings emphasize the need for long exposure times to have accurate measurements of metal abundance and X-ray temperature in the low density outskirts of galaxy clusters. Accurate X-ray measurements of the hydrostatic mass require an additional term in the temperature modeling in cluster outskirts to account for the shallow slope in the outermost radii. Additionally, accounting for errors in the metal abundance measurement will require more careful modeling of the thermal and chemical structure in cluster outskirts. ",
"In addition to gas inhomogeneities (e.g., (<>)Nagai & Lau (<>)2011), biased measurements of the metal abundance in cluster outskirts may partially explain the enhanced gas mass fraction (e.g., (<>)Simionescu et al. (<>)2011) and •attened entropy pro•les (e.g., (<>)Walker et al. (<>)2012) observed in cluster outskirts. Errors in metal abundance could produce enhanced emission measurements and a steeper 3D temperature pro•le, leading to overestimates in gas mass and underestimates in hydrostatic mass. ",
"We have identi•ed three potential mechanisms that contribute to density steepening in our mock data, and may affect the observed density slope beyond R200c: (1) overestimation of the abundance, (2) a line of sight corresponding to the semi-minor axis, and (3) rapid recent mass accretion. For (1), the biases introduced by spectral •tting are not likely to exceed 5%. The two physical mechanisms (2) and (3) had respective effects of 15% and 30%. ",
"The mass accretion rate of a galaxy cluster can in•uence its DM density ((<>)Cuesta et al. (<>)2008; (<>)Diemer & Kravtsov (<>)2014) and gas pro•les (E.T. Lau et al., in prep.). Accurate measurements of gas density and temperature pro•les from X-ray observations of cluster outskirts will provide information on the recent mass accretion history of a galaxy cluster, which is one of the dominant systematics in mass-observable relations in cluster cosmology. Deep observations of cluster outskirts will allow us to better understand the growth of galaxy clusters though mass accretion from the surrounding •lamentary structures. ",
"A careful consideration of all potential biases that enter into ",
"ICM measurements in galaxy cluster outskirts will enable us to fully use clusters as cosmological probes. Results from this work will also be useful for future missions, such as SMARTX 2 (<>)and Athena+ 3 (<>), which will begin mapping the denser parts of the •lamentary cosmic web. ",
"We thank the referee for the useful feedback, and Elena Rasia for comments on the manuscript. This work is supported by NSF grant AST-1009811, NASA ATP grant NNX11AE07G, NASA Chandra grants GO213004B and TM4-15007X, and by the facilities and staff of the Yale University Faculty of Arts and Sciences High Performance Computing Center. CA acknowledges support from the NSF Graduate Student Research Fellowship and the Alan D. Bromley Fellowship from Yale University. "