{"text":"I am going to make those black people smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Every one is on these social media platforms arguing about who is racist and who isn't while the powers that be manipulate it to push their agendas and gain power. And shit. I know exactly what ur saying im pretty liberal guy and i can't stand the racism discussions.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He's an actor. Please wake up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I guess I'd like to see more thought put into if these are such nothing burgers then why were they made confidential? I really don't know why you are going after him with this series of tweets? Chair is misleading the public about amount of disclosure and threatening a sen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I love an ancient ,dried up , vengeful twat in black","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Poor baby. Do not hurt your son just because you're insane.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I PICK UP THE CROWN AS I KILL U 4 ATTEMPTING THE FEAT HUNTER JESUS U FOOLISH FUK, you wander into the room, merrily point a fuking gun at my hed, AND THEN EXPECT A VARIETY OF GRENADES NOT TO BE PLACED IN YOUR PRESENCE, HUNTER, you do realize, that those grenades can only kill you, your STUPIDITY WILL SHIELD US, RETARD THX4 the NAME, ILL USE IT Gd Lrd Hunter, evry1 els ws busily plotting my murder untl u wre foolish enuf 2 giv dem a much more fun target enjoy the nxt few sconds b4 the grnades explode moron BOTH MTAPHRICLLY and FIGURATIVELY NOW DIE idiot FIGURATEIVELY Now. IDIOT. thank you, I will steal the name idiot fcking use an abase it at this point u pul diz hell retard *ring* *ring* *ring* FUKING MORON","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dems threw everything they had and still failed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who hates Loki, the dude is cool AF. Stop trying to monopolize strong, straight white men for your stupid cause just because you dream of gargling their dicks, you fucking flamboyant faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You mean she didn't move to Canada like she promised? Deport her to Venezuela","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Thats because you are an old man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You g a y people make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thinking about the Student-Loan Crisis\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"MOLLY was a member of the BRAT PACK....now has joined the RAT PACK GFY MOLLY you sucked as an actor ...I guess you suck (on it) to keep getting work Yeah i never saw the attraction, even in her youth, before countless surgeries, she looked kid of retarded to me. Still this get her some publicity and thats all she's bothered about","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You're Yesterday's #FakeNews trying to make a comeback at the desperation and obstruction of Do Nothing #Liberals and #DemocRats. Who cares what happened when you were a Minor in high school. You're not the victim here. Just another MeToo sexual misconduct Baiter and Switcher.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We love you Kayla and we're glad you're okay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Those Muslims won't change. Let's just eradicate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=SSJsk8ndmyw Documented Crip gang member Shoots 2 people Now he's a freaking great dad hero I love the hypocrisy and insanity of making hero's out of TRASH These insane retarded retards live in the twilight zone","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump supporters truck burned and destroyed in Washington state for having pro-Trump bumper stickers. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6260447\/Mans-pick-truck-torched-mob-Trump-sticker.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm just pointing out it was the liberals that made this distinction. I am a Buddhist. I totally understand the global perspective. It's just disingenuous to say your for a country but then say your for the globe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is an ugly black hearted troll URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"she's a cunt, that's why. She knows that pretty much any accusation she makes means she wins and that nothing at all will happen to her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck you Obi Wan...you're a FAG ON DOPE #starwarsquoteparaphrasing This is the bullshit you are allowed to DV without being a down voting faggot because you are down voting a CUCK FAGGOT so go to his page and DOWN VOTE AWAY! Let's see how many down votes he can get for this \"good night white pride\" meme! It's at 3 now and I'll be hopefully watching that number climb! Btw I already muted his ass! (Do it in HIS post and not this one pl and ty )","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Not one for anything to do with RUSSIAN COLLUSION which BTW is not a crime most b4 they knew DT. The ones who copped out only did so 2 save their ass. I'm just curious why none of u self righteous ppl had a problem w\/ all HRC and BO crimes lies spying etc? Hypocritical I'd say.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Utsav, former Gab employee, relinquished his Gab shares for five cents each. Gab wants you to pay $ Who was Utsav? That too and she worked for Mossad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Once again @USER does zero research. But she is on the TV!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This makes me proud to be a resident of the City of Atlanta! Good to see places in Georgia still have character and integrity to do what's right and just amidst a state who can never seem to get that part together.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the good news is being a nigger she will most likely be dead in a few years","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims are a cancr. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I mean it's in the name, LG**B**T. b stands for bigender?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Im from the philippines. When i go outside the country, they think im chinese but does it matter to me? Nope. Asians who grew up and living in Asia dont make a big deal bout this. Not sure why in America it's a different story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Why didn't Kavanaugh need terms? Guilty people: those are the ones that need terms. Let me clue you in: they're worried that she is going to make a terrible impression and will not be believable. They're trying to manage that concern.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"andgt;andgt;andgt;---andgt;Simcoe mountain range she is Bruin : BUSTING.......#BearDown #hunting URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER BOYCOTT NFL and NIKE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am going to make those disabled people smile. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But mostly just Antifa getting killed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This all just so happened to take place in DWS District...Broward County, FL on Killary's birthday no less! And he worked in a mail room? What a joke! 1\/1024% White! #Patsy #CorruptAsFuck true that! A brandnew $60,000++ vehicle on a mailroom guy's salary? And NEVER more than a 'petty thief' per police? AND the vehicle windows tricked out like it was done by a professional artist or sign maker?!!! Obama's OFA (Organized for ACTION) is getting sloppier and sloppier","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There's a good fuckin' reason we despise these rat faced perfidious invasive species you MAGAtards call \"MUH GREATEST ALLY\" Jews hate Whites Run and hide then, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just another NPC Soy Boy faggot Twitter-verified faggot. Shape shifting kike","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No, and it wouldn't take a jew to subvert this trainwreck lmao no, that's the kike weev I'm referring to, the one who started the optics debate Why only on burner phones, it's not like anything the whites did was actually illegal. Because when you shitpost on record that gets used to speak for your character and intent, and intent is difference between a legal and illegal action. Same reason Discord completely fucked us, and still is. If you don't understand how \"i love to smash n1ggers\" changes a self defense situation against a black man into something that can easily be framed as assault, then I'm not wasting anymore time with you. I don't know you and hopefully never will.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kiss of Death': Democrats keep Hillary off campaign trail by Al Weaver October 12, 2018 04:27 PM https:\/\/www.washingtonexaminer.com\/news\/congress\/democrats-keep-kiss-of-death-hillary-clinton-away-from-campaign-trail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't be a cunt. This sub was built around dark fantasies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I hadn't really thought of it since I only really worship the Aesir. Though lots of people like to use the Vanir in arguments as examples of this or that. Modern liberals saying it is race mixing for instance. Theologically we don't recognize much different between tribes though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black people are just so sickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol stop virtue signalling faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's really sad. These white kids that did the same thing while screeching 'nigger' and all kinds of other epithets at a disabled kid didn't get any time at all, let alone slapped with a hate crime: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WiIqm5r4G6gb Isn't it sad? What's sad is how you're attempting to take blame away from criminals while engaging with redditards. Two wrongs don't make a right. And those who engage with redditards are well...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Cube has shown in the past that he is not in control of this. The investors on the board run the show. And they are super cheap.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My thoughts were all over the place reading that article. Come on, loads of innocent people plead guilty... 1 year in prison vs the risk of life. OK... She started doing yoga and hopscotch in an interview just after her fiance died, a little odd. But still, murder by pulling a kayak plug seems unlikely. Then she posted videos in Facebook a few days after, singing songs. Again, a little odd. But people deal with shit differently. Could still be innocent She told the police in the interview she wanted him dead and she was OK with it. OK... Now I think this bitch is retarded... Innocent or guilty, why the fuck would anyone admit that in a police interview. I honestly don't know on this one. Interesting read.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I didn't say that niche game have no value. Impact on the large scale is different and the way general public reacts. Andromeda came from trilogy of liked and pretty good games and showed how people react when retardedness hits AAA titles. Way different that when it's about some game with anime ghost girl with her boobs out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I mean when you think about it that's basically all their ideology boils down to. Conservatives are like Let me do sex crimes on my wife\" and libertarians are like \"let me do sex crimes on everyone\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Remember that time in 2016 when everyone woke up and realized every president after Kennedy was a fucking cabal tool. MAGA Not everyone. Even the libs got more figured out than some of these conservative that still live in denial.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you're obviously an American, what you learn is bullshit, and you're stupid enough to believe it. let me explain something to you; many people in many countries hold people like you in contempt. think of a goat fucker. an uneducated shepherd in Asia who fucks goats. how backwards and ignorant they are. this is how people in Canada and Western Europe view you. what you believe is wrong, what you're asserting is wrong, and not only is it wrong, it's dangerous. another thing about americans is they don't win fights. the last fight america won they withdrew after 1 month. when you pursue the full violence of action you end up doing far more harm than good and ending up in an 8 year long insurgency that you cut and run from leaving the country to end up in the hands of ISIS. moderation is paramount in any application of force. you would know this if you weren't completely ignorant. you wouldn't be completely ignorant if you didn't go out of your way to be extremely ignorant. what you're asserting is so ludicrously wrong both morally and practically it makes me angry that anyone is willing, capable, and permitted to spread such vile slander. i would be extremely surprised if you are over it's called making an example people can relate to, retard. Even on PPD we still get the faggoty white knights. *Accepting this anti-social behavior normalizes it and legitimized this kind of overreaction in cops.* The anti social behavior came from the drunk woman, moron.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't care about a dead reporter. I care that Trump is such a faggot about the Saudis and Israel. He's continuing the same destructive path that was in place when he took office. Selling arms to sand niggers to blow each other up, then defending it by talking about job creation. The Saudis are doing Israel's dirty work and we're arming them. America and Europe are paying the price for all of this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Am I wrong to think that those kinds of women ought to be executed?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER \"Hmm well she is right to hun... blake was supposed to be watching her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER joined the show to talk about how she is leading the fight against breast cancer at @USER @USER Listen to the full interview: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"CNN spent the last 72 hours: - Calling Kanye West a \"token negro and other slurs live on air - Bringing on a man who once made a sex tape with Kanye West's wife to talk trash about him - Referencing Kanye West's dead mother, who Kanye was extremely close to and is sensitive about - Calling him every name in the book This is what happens if you dare to step out of line.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This guy better start recording his life 24\/7 for evidence. Dead man walking otherwise (because she'll probably report him to the police for rape after she fails the course). Hell hath no fury like a crazy vindictive cunt scorned.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PIPE BOMBER SUSPECT pictured last year with Izzy Hernandez. Sayok does not appear destitute. In addition, why would a Trump enthusiast attend a banquet and have a photo OP with a Democrat Donor\/Supporter? SALEEEEEEEEEEEAZY!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too many m o n g s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Congress tried Secret Shah Bano strategy for #TripleTalaq. Then they openly took a position to appease Muslim conservatives for votes. @USER trying to confuse now about their position on it again for votes. PPL of India are smarter now to know their real reason!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ROSIE O'DONNELL IS A FUCKING SATANIST! CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tune in to my YouTube channel at around 7:15pm where my cousin Wetback vs Wetback, Emilo of @FrntAndCenter and myself battle it out discussing the Trump wall. I am For he is AGAINST. Along with that we will be discussing the Victim Narrative and Identity Politics!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I detest Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are a disgrace go home you are not the President anymore. You are breaking tradition of the former President stepping aside. This is no longer Obama's country this country belongs to We The People not your sheeple #MAGA @USER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a fucking liberal retard and traitor to the West.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We are a group of immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at her retarded face lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims do not deserve to be tortured like that. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"arab men don't take any kind of shit https:\/\/youtu.be\/c8EHcnhITfg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> He clearly said in his first post that she was guilty of the criminal battery portion and deserves to be in jail. The Judge said she was guilty of more. If some redditor who knows absolutely no real details of the case disagrees with the Judge who presided over the trial, it's gonna be hard to convince me that the random redditor is anything but retarded. Especially when there are reasons people can think of off the top of their heads as to why the guy may have not just kicked her ass out the door. Now, I am not one of the people who even brought up \"Hydrocephalus.\" What I said, in a made up quote, because I thought it would be kind of obvious that it was my supposition, that since she was (we all agree) guilty of criminal battery against him (article cites stab wounds and third degree burns) it would be a reasonable for him to assume \"if I go to sleep in a way this batshit insane bitch doesn't like, she's gonna stab me and burn me.\" Same goes for wearing clothes she didn't like, or literally anything else she told him to do. And if you don't think that is reasonable, because 'he should have just stopped her' then any battery she committed against him would be excusable under the same reasoning, because 'he could have just stopped her.' Except he plainly couldn't stop the battery while he was awake, so doing it when he was asleep was probably not an option. > Stockholm syndrome is a better explanation which is still just him being a cuck. With this, I am just going to assume you are not enough of a human being to be worth talking to.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump has china by the short hairs ... they ain't going anywhere. We already won the economic war ... they will fold like a cheap suit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As if....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No Actually,Until 2 Years Ago I'd Never Typed A Text,Until 5 months Ago I'd Never Been On Any Social Media,I Served My Country For Long Time,I Never Had To Do Faggot TYPING,I Capitalize Every Word To Self Check My Spelling,You'll Probably Ignore,But,Why Do All Of You Read The 3 month Old Post and Not See The Sarcasm,Is Everyone Dyslexic Or Retarded ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Real stuff like killing the ACA and preserving gun control. Smarter than most but not the answer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All White fathers must teach their daughters about the dangers of the nigger buck. These beasts must always be treated as dangerous. They are animals. Nothing more. Fuckers should have never been let off the chain.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She knows something the liberals don't want to talk about. She said Canada was at risk\" three times in the House of Commons before she crossed the aisle. Coming from someone of her background, I'd be inclineed to take the warning seriously. Call me old fashioned.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I've been saying this for a long time. Women don't get careers because they're interested in what they can create or produce, or what kind of meaningful work they can do. The workplace is no different than a dating game for them. It's all about sex. The way they manipulate their coworkers\/supervisors, they way they use sex appeal and actual sex for promotions, and all to get high enough to lock down some dude they think they can extract resources from. After they get that dude, they don't stay in their careers for very long. They'll either go work someplace else, or quit working entirely. Or if they don't get the man they sought out for, they become the miserable cunt we all have worked with who hates everybody and everything, who refuses to go a fraction of a millimeter outside the absolute bare minimum for anything or anyone, and then they go home to a bunch of cats and complain about the patriarchy in feminism forums.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can you say faggot on here without a faggot getting you suspended?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuken Nigger your day is coming!!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Wow! You are good at it! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Nothing. He's Already Showed You Who He Is. 9\/10 He Isn't Gonna Change. and You Need To Leave. bc By Staying You're Showing Him That You're Excepting Him As He Is and That He Doesn't Need To Change.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cory Booker is a dumb nigger faggot. Him and don's lemon would hit it off perfectly. Imagine that Retardakus is a dick eater.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stopping Removal for 'Justice' | The True NPC Way https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=V_q6vYdAMk4 The passengers wanted to allow a Somali Nigger who raped a White (real Briton) teenage girl as part of a gang-rape to remain in Britain by demanding the airline let him off the plane. Why not execute him? My ideology would have in a heartbeat This is democracy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No I am really just trying to get a GAB feed that doesn't make me spew vomit out of my nostrils every five minutes... I just can't seem to let it go how RE FUCKIN TARDED social media posts are... I find it necessary to remind people like yourself whom could do better... Holy cunt bag, you claim to be non liberal right? A whining little bitch like you? You sound just like those people you claim to be against when someone puts your dumb ass down.. LMFAO Pussy...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is going to win!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER We are actually thinking of making this event a gathering for local Antifa members and the #Resistance. Make your voices heard against #Drumpf. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think it's typical of black people to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll slaughter any trans person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another piece of human sewage RACIST RETARDED Democrat!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So asks the nigger kike xD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It does work. It just sounds retarded because antifa came up with it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Left: You can love whoever you want Also the Left: If you don't love who we say, you are a bigot Ok, still not going to date one.... you say that today; liberals will pass a law that requires you not only date one but marry one and have babies w\/him-her-it De Blasio Signs Bill Adding Third Gender, X,' To Birth Certificates https:\/\/newyork.cbslocal.com\/2018\/10\/09\/third-gender-category-x-new-york-city\/ note the liberal 'actress' newscaster is reporting this w\/ a straight face Ok, I'd like to know how? It can't make babies... oh contraire liberals say they can do anything their demon minds conceive, even change God's natural laws not in defiance of #Conservatives but of God Himself Men having Babies Funds Men who want to be Biological Parents https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rVQjuchoZDk For the love of sweet baby Jesus make it stop! Enough of this fuckery. I've seen that guy on the top left fighting in the UFC.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You know CNN was salty having to actually report the facts for once.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't you just want to see that uppity nigger and his boyfriend dangling at the end of a rope?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"19 professors and students murdered in Connecticut with .223 Bushmaster XM15-E2S rifle. The NRA blames gun control laws.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"hey cunt , go parrot elsewhere, stay stupid for all i care, you weren't worth trying to break out of the parroting in the first place","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER YALL PLEASE DO NOT SEND HER YALL MONEY THIS IS A SCAM THESE ARE @USER MY WIGS SHE IS POSTING AND SCAMMING PEOPLE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER ...the kind of repulsive projections usually reflect back on the source; be careful in what one deems appropriate for others lest it is applied equally to oneself...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ha ...I recognize the one in front ...Valerie Jarrett! Europe is becoming a massive urban zoo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NEVER Enough for the sodomite: Time Magazine has to have a faggot section for @justinpbolinger so he can feel PROUD of liking penis in his anus. It's NEVER ENOUGH. It is in our faces 24\/ @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @WADL @JonKragen - \"Time\" magazine, Aug. 9, 2018 \"The Biden Foundation has launched a new campaign called 'As You Are' in an effort to promote the importance of family acceptance for 'lgbtq' youth\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am an atheist and it pisses me off how much they shit on Christians. What makes it worse is they bend over backwards to promote muzzie murder cult rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There isn't too little land, there isn't inefficient land use, there aren't too restrictive land use policies, there are TOO MANY PEOPLE.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Very new here and this is my first post. I am not here for popularity but I will defend Israel and its people every chance I get. Why do they occupy your brain 24\/ you need a hobby or better yet convert to Christ Prove it. Let me fuck yo wife shabbos. \"We get eternal Jeebus reach arounds in heaven if we worship the kikes\" = AIDS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm trying to decide if that makes the women in that post sluts, or whores? Just bitches. Nothing else. Or cunts, its a good and fitting word aswell.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I can't believe Quin invented gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I stand corrected! Guess the only memorable thing about her to me is how hateful she is lmfao.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Innocent until proven guilty! I think time has run out on this! And personnel I think she is lying! And someone is paying her to lie! JMO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh my own people can be fucking retarded in some aspects of politics. No question. Democracy overall is a sham that must be abolished. So don't take my comment as an attack on Americans in particular. This is just the most current\/relevant topic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just a reminder. You do have a right to a gun. It's those that took or seek to take firearms away from you that don't have the right. #ausfam #britfam hahah really, you just can't win. To meme or not to meme when you don't look up the background of a meme is a game of russian roulette. I don't disagree with the sentiment, of course, it's just the hypocrisy of that fool that astonishes me...although it shouldn't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can't even talk about Facebook censoring a disabled Iraq veteran's page without YouTube demonetizing the video for being 'non-advertiser friendly.' If you enjoy my videos, consider sponsoring my YouTube channel with as little as a $1 a month on http:\/\/Patreon.com\/MarkDice . There's got to be a better place for your videos Mark. YouTube will eventually find a reason to make you go away.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Omfg... ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No school shootings in New Zealand ever. Suggest you do some research around countries that have unarmed police forces. Their children and citizens are kept safe by strong gun control laws that are strictly enforced.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Torba or one of his slaves are free to ban everybody posting loli ecchi, but the backlash from the free speech community won't like it. Banning content that is LEGAL for MORAL reasons? Banning loli hentai at least had a [weak] legal excuse and sparked backlash but loli ecchi? It would be disastrous for GAB's \"free speech\" claims. So go on, do it - kill GAB. (8) \"child pornography means any visual depiction, including any photograph, film, video, picture, or computer or computer-generated image or picture, whether made or produced by electronic, mechanical, or other means, of sexually explicit conduct, where ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Mmmhm I heard you from down the street gave me a few extra seconds to get my shit together ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"thank God that retarded ordeal is over! libtards... commence hysterical crying and screaming.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a courages patriot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"[deleted] Ya I dunno, seems more like a joke fight. And her funny comment at the end means she took the beating like a man... Yea this sub just seems to enjoy women getting beaten. If you dont like that content youre probably not an incel. lol, pretty sure I can waste my time however I want. thank you for your comments they were hilarious.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A muzzie and a dead guy walk into a bar...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a genius!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Okay Blane. Now get back to your basement and keep making Antifa dresses.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Liberal and feminist women don't give one single fuck about rape, women, or \"women's rights\" All they care about is virtue signalling, attaining power and ruining men by using women and rape as weapons. Alyssa is obviously one of those that likes to be raped. Alyssa needs to be drop kicked in the vagina Here in NM we call that a cunt punt!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fake News spewing lies again ! Patriot Voters do not approve of Kaepernick and his Socialist Nike Ads!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is from a NRA mag.. the gun ad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So tell me, if a nigger comes at you with nothing but a spear, and you have a rifle, do you put down your gun to make the fight more fair? or do you shoot the bastard and move on? Honor should be reserved to duels and those who deserve it Niggers on the other hand deserve only one thing lead.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I was just recently dancing in the club with this song oh man I was grabbing some ass that was blast next day my legs hurts so bad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why do you have to talk about faggot stuff all the time?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER That's a real shocker! {sarcasm}","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I have met many trans people and I hate every single one of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A woman wants a man who cries WHEN SHE APPROVES OF IT, in other words. And her list of approved situations can handily fit in the palm of her teeny hand. For every other situation, there's the hilarious Male Tears mug because HA HA HA it's just so HO HO HO pathetic when HEE HEE HEE a man is a fucking crybaby AHURR HURR HURR. They kind of are. Thanks. I'm going to go play blackjack with some buddies. I apologise for my contribution to your unhappiness this week. Please DO NOT read any more of my posts here until you're feeling better. Much better. There's one in particular that you really, really SHOULD NOT read this week. I don't read what you write anyway, dude. \/jk. On the balance, this week has been pretty good for me. More like don't read *any* posts here until you're feeling better. I feel down nearly all the time but still come here fairly often for some reason. Anyway, what's the post that's even worse? I take my anger out on the poor sods that get in my crosshair on an FPS myself :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Mother and daughter cunts...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump is a good politician..but you know inside he thinks kanye is a POS useful nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This is all you need to know about Liberals! He represents his party well!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol, this nigger from middle school wrote a full page love letter to this attractive white girl, and the only line I can remember went like this \"out of a scale from one to 10, I love you a Woah there Mike_Fucking_Pence! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Here she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\/r\/iamverysmart \/r\/braincels uhhh, i dont see the connection woah my eyes have been opened thanks for the explaination","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So some Jew-kike users who are trying to infiltrate Gab are posting #NSFW \"tasteful\" nudes of white women. Lets be real: ANY woman who poses in any form of nudity is a WHORE and a DEGENERATE and does so for JEW photographers. You want to see a sexy white woman? HERE IS A SEXY WHITE WOMAN: #women #whitewomen #sexy #beautiful Hillbilly with tits or spic? @Rico? Lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hah. One of the judges is you American's hero, the faggot Jew skater Adam Rippon.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Great.. Are going to get stuck with lazy nigger bots too?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I can't say brain resisting retard - resistard on Twitter. I'm suspended for saying this Is that pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Former Atty General Loretta Lynch, of tarmac fame: voter ID laws \"intimidate\"; they \"are designed to scare people away from the process. Who needs to fear them but illegal voters, Loretta? Is there any law you DO want enforced? https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/18\/lynch-voter-id-laws-early-voting-restrictions-designed-to-intimidate\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"About as retarded as they come","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pelosi explains \"the wrap up smear\", which is exactly what the Democrats did to Kavanaugh: https:\/\/youtu.be\/gv0anqwjFk4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at home look on Pakistan and eye popping cunt I mean hunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I don't trust Kanye right now. I might not like that shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You woke up kinda racist this morning. Nigger this, nigger that. Lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is closely aligned with what I've always said: take only the no brainer trades and try as hard as you can not to be a cunt in the meantime. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Rb5j","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/NYCAntifa\/status\/1050530837782032384 \"A FIVE YEAR OLD CANNOT MEANINGFULLY CONSENT TO ANYTHING, YOU GHOULS \" - NYCantifa Unless of course that 5 year old thinks its a tranny or a faggot then it gets full consent","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Couldnt handle the bantz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is that a threat?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Technically ISIS is a CIA\/US creation so...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ha, I bet I go out yelling ala Akbar on a filthy muzzie and slingshot Sausage links at them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The memes are outstanding today!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"[deleted] Maybe he's thinking about how much it's going to suck losing access to his kids after the divorce. [deleted] Divorce court is not a place where rationality holds sway. [deleted] My cousin's ex had drug charges, assault charges (not against him though), and he still had to fight her for like two years to get primary custody. Women have to be the incarnation of Satan to lose custody. [deleted] HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh wow he's serious [deleted] [deleted] Hashanah fucking idiot [deleted] [deleted] Remember kids, it's only domestic violence if you're at home. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If like to see you say that to his face. anytime","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Never forget that this cunt was an apologist for and supporter of the animals who viciously attacked Reginald Denny \"cuz he wite\". That shocking scene was a wake up call to many. @SirBoring @Eric_StrikerDS @Alex_Linder https:\/\/www.mediamatters.org\/video\/2017\/05\/10\/foxs-tucker-carlson-rep-maxine-waters-not-moral-leader-any-kind\/216393","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh - so a sand nigger killed White people again?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Poor baby.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I know many of antifa who will fight harder....and not waste government socialist money URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imagine being this cucked. https:\/\/twitter.com\/ProudResister\/status\/1048253437605888000 What a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nobody was ever physically assaulted 4 their political beliefs in America before the sore loser democrats called 4 violence vs. their political opponents! They all need to be ARRESTED 4 inciting violence and civil unrest against political candidates! End this abuse by extreme left wing activists NOW! crazy ass nog","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When they start talking about all nigger crime against Whites, I might start giving a shit what they have to say.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Joachim believes it is possible to be pro-America and a National Socialist, that's all anyone really needs to know about his intellectual acumen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Who CARES??? She broke into HIS home and shot him. She is the one. That needs to be held fully accountable for her actions.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Nancy Pelosi Confronted By Pro-Trump Cubans In Florida \"You don't belong here you f***ing communist. https:\/\/bigleaguepolitics.com\/exclusive-video-nancy-pelosi-mobbed-by-pro-trump-cubans-in-florida\/ String that dirty old Commie cunt up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Possibly high as fuck as well, based on her manners, or just *very* stupid. Yea, she did look like she was on something. Cop didn't even question it...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So big deal...Harry fucked a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Are you sure she was't just thinking about herself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Sopwith you think spamming my email is trolling??? Stupid faggot with 4 swipes to the right everything was gone. Again you are a failure if you thing that's trolling. Really ;) I pwn you faggot bitch ;) I make you so mad you can't take it, faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I can't tell if they're deranged or retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Those kinds of gay people will never fit in. They ought to be executed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"First time on Gab. Found it cause I just got another 7 day Twitter time out for calling Andrea Mitchell a bimbo. They suspended me for hate speech within about 5 seconds of the tweet. Welcome, and glad you're here. Let them wardens go son,... I dropped them after 'one' 12 hour suspension for calling a silicon valley twat employee a mongoloid who provoked ME. And that was enough. Easy choice to leave a little following to be able to speak! Happy to follow back!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Amazing what a good leader can do ......wising up Ontario .....does a lot for your image.....instead of being .... Losing Liberals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women can all go fuk themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Or the vegan that wanted to prove you don't need proteins to climb Kilimanjaro...she died trying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"my god really?..................really? https:\/\/youtu.be\/ieN4W68oR3E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate these fucking subhuman npcs more than I hate the nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just keep listening and we'll tell your just how important we are to you.... Hello buddy I just got suspended from Shitter lost all followers so it looks like im on Gab full time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Democrats cut funding. CIA goes around it. That's how it's done. Conservatives\" who play by the rules will get fucked up, every time. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER you are great on the Five. Can you stay in thst spot permanently?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Is the vulgar Antifa creep TRYING to look like a woman..or is it that he just can't HELP IT?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TL;DR - you can kill NPCs in the game, someone made a troll video Oh, no, not a troll video. Troll video**S**. Entire series, \"The Annoying Feminist\" (bit redundant). [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Beating Up Annoying Feminist\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MPYAM9AfRHo) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Annoying Feminist Gives Up\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UxA7nDaxi-s) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Annoying Feminist Fed To Alligator\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mZ7RicfseRU) (my personal favorite) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Dropping Feminist To Hell and Killing The Devil\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qYHr2FSgwSQ) [\"Red Dead Redemption 2 - Lasso, Train and Annoying Feminist\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=i3yiWLh_-z8) (almost as good as the alligator one, but this one is very, very, very sad and something horrible happens... spoilers: the poor horse dies, poor animal doesn't deserve such inhumane treatment, I cried for the horse so much...) It's fucking hilarious (except when the horse dies, it's really sad when the horse dies...). So they're giving someone they hate free publicity. Because of a YouTube channel. After getting excited about killing the KKK in game. Dumbasses. I hope they know the KKK in this game are all Democrats. Except back then the Dems were the conservatives. Dont be an idiot Muh party switch. _ Lay off pinkie i disagree with him immensely but the guy just mistaken meme for flippant \"fuck off\". Stupidity not malice here. Yuo#'re mohter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You say retarded shit.That was the point.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hey we just want everyone to know that you are for POTUS and ! #MAGA!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What's the difference between Antifa and the brown shirts? Nothing URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He's a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This old guy has a child in grade school? More likely a grandchild. Or great grandchild, as this species are often grandparents by 30! Yeah, this ratchet-ass old nigger is certainly the type who would raise kids to end up in prison so grandpa gets stuck raising the next generation in his image, too! https:\/\/www.wmdt.com\/2018\/10\/salisbury-man-arrested-for-threatening-school-officials\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is that a troll account or for real? It's too retarded to be real. Then again, I genuinely can no longer tell the difference between satire and things that libtards are actually saying and believing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Iranian? ....fuck Which is honestly the better option. It is way cheaper. It makes sure that the terrorist will not attack you ever again and they won't radicalize anyone else. Now ain't that the truth. Shooting on sight? Yea, probably cheaper and easier? But if that's the default reaction, how many people also get shot on sight just from being in the wrong place at the wrong time?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, they are people, like the rest of the world. It's only when you try and act like you're above all other people based on some meaningless surface trait that you end up with these SJW, movement, voice for change types who are just self absorbed pricks. The problem is, now, media and corporations want to cater to them. You also have to think about the current political climate and the way it might come across to people who don't know you very well. I've got a friend who dyes their hair all kinds of colors. They get assumed to be a modern feminist all the time, but they don't follow that mindset at all. It sucks, I know. But stuff like that does happen just based on the current political climate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It is verifiable AND considering that Obozo, the Muzzie idiot is no longer around, it's more true than anything!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"F u c k all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Yeaaaahh she is!! andlt;33 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you ask me, gay people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Much worse. Two white cops were shot by a black kid in Brookhaven the day before. This NIGGER TEAM is from Jackson. They were playing BROOKHAVEN school. I FUCKING HATE NIGGERS. So do my wife and ICherry.The nigger is a worthless sub-human. It is stupid, violent, lazy, oversexed, smelly and ugly. Nigger ain't a color. Most niggers are black, but not all. Those kids are fucking niggers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Has any movement in history been infiltrated and completely taken over by the Republican Party faster than the \"alt-right\"? It was like a toddler versus that thing from the movie ALIEN. LOL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Even with the most retarded things people say, you have to respect when they're able to say 'Actually yea, you're right'. If you can't do that you're as bad as them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hello, Gab wannabe Nazis....I know you're listening. There are 15,000,000 Jews worldwide. There are nearly 2 BILLION Muslims, whom you've seen on TV decapitating Christian social workers and missionaries. You guys never make a post that you don't call out a Jew. I'm thinking that you are massive cowards(Odin'sScrotum) to be so afraid of Woody Allen. IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME LOL sand nigger lover","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Another sick liberal ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I find it funny that this stuff is getting crapped on so heavily. Every time there's a thread that involves more traditional \"magic\", the comment section is filled with people talking about how OP got it all wrong and they know because they're Wiccans and practice spellcasting themselves. But apparently the belief in Emoji magic is way sillier than that. Guess what... any sort of belief in magic is completely retarded. If you're an adult who believes in spellcasting, you're an idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ID LIKE THE WHITE MAN WHO APPEARS CORRECT THAT HE IS NIGGER BE DOXXED. WHAT ABOUT THOSE COWARDLY CO CONSPIRATORS CALLED COPS IN THE BACK GROUND","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Vaccines are literal jew poison. The chemicals like mercury, aluminum and many others heat the childs brain causing a massive immune system crash. Read the ingredients then ask yourself if you would let your kids eat any of them. Then ask yourself then why am I injecting them into their brain. #vaxxed The people who are brain-washed on these issues are like zombies. There's no talking to them. They deny the validity of any and all proofs that do not support their brain washing and programming. Insanely enough, most of them are the same people who claim they do not trust the government or Big Pharm.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As a veteran, I couldn't disagree more. This was a joke, not worthy of the attention it got. I don't really think it's a joke. It's a statement. We don't have to agree. Yeah. It's just i'm really glad not one of my silly dark humor jokes ever went viral and ruined my life. This chick did this act in She was pulling a first world anarchist, just in really poor taste. She should be able to have a life. Wrong sub, mate.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"During last night's rally in Houston, President Trump declared himself a nationalist,' which triggered CNN's Don Lemon, as well as many other unhinged leftists, into crying racist'. https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/trump-declares-himself-a-nationalist-cnn-says-its-racist\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nobody is going to rape you outside jail, you fat pig cunt. Have fun getting raped in jail.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Jews hate and blaspheme the name of Christ, they even believe he's boiling in feces Please fucking kill yourselves you retarded boomers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Silicon Valley of course. I don't even consider Google, Facebook and Twitter real companies. Don't make anything. Just thought of an idea first and it went from there. Zuckerberg stole the idea. They are just left wing playthings for twats who have too much money. Why they aren't run properly. So the only real companies \"make things\"? Pity that you think 80% of UK economy isn't real. Why are you such a retarded cunt? You need to get a job. Hey! Our resident real left wing Marxist twat is back. Calls himself True Brit. True Traitor more like. Real companies make things or serve people in a useful capacity moron. Google, Facebook and Twitter are shite left wing indoctrination platforms. Still a coward hiding behind anonymity I see :) You said \"make things\". Now you backtrack again. Do you alone decide what a useful capacity is or are you just upset at them and you act like a snowflake? Pussy. Upset because you were caught out being a retarded cunt? You can't stop backtracking can you? Why are you so easy to run rings round?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I work 10 hour shifts starting at 4 am. I don't know if I can effectively cut caffeine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay disabled black Hitler. I think the correct term is \"retarded\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pretty sure she violated a state statute. But hey these politicians get to break the law all they want. We can get charged for statutes that haven't been used in decades for politically motivated reasons and nobody says a fucking thing meanwhile this nigger is burning her state flag whilst trying to run for the governorship of that same state. What the literal fuck. Why are we allowing this to happen and not revolting?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"it is not cool to kill your boyfriend\" What kind of retards do they hire as judges?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER no maybe cause you are a hateful buttmunch. We reap what we sew","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In the wake of the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting @andrewanglin declares Gab to be a cesspit and a recruiting ground for Feds! Personally, no attempts by anyone to recruit this account for anything. You?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hope you get nigger aids","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't understand why you'd like trans people. Everything about them disgusts me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Does Nancy Pelosi believe politicians should be blamed when violence is committed by their supporters or against their opponents? Of course not! At least not when it's her side. https:\/\/is.gd\/RHJosv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A Christine Ford look-a-like just stopped by my seat on this @AmericanAir flight and said \"I want you to know that your hat offends me as a woman \"So? I support @realDonaldTrump. How you feel about that isn't really any of my business. Surrounding passengers had my back! https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/mWreTe\/Dol_Wj_R8_Xs_AE45v_W.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Five caged lions poisoned and mutilated at African game farm. This is the type of shithole savage that Europeans are so eager to import. Ppl on Gab love to pull this type of vapid \"logic.\" They'll show poaching in Africa and go \"what savages! We don't need this!\" But if some white hunter goes to Africa and kills the exact same lion, they're like \"git er dun! Yee haw!\" and high five. So you can tell they actually don't care about the lion, it's a tool they use for their stupid belief systems. They do the same thing to human beings, especially albino Africans, for MEDICINE. Educate yourself, watch this: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=7K5qVWG5CXU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I myself don't care if you have sex with your mother i just get tried of the slave shit i am not old enough to have had a slave i just wont every one to know we are all slaves to the Government you buy a house but you never own it you pay taxes until you don't have any money think about it we are slaves we stay poor they get richer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Well iWas cool my girl don't like shit popping out at her so it scared her a little when shit popped out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another wetback criminal eating shit and getting his ass kicked all the back to Mexico. Same old same old.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Many gay faggot Obama holdovers in State Dept","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"South Korean Official: \"Leaders will discuss specific denuke measures in Pyongyang \" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bette Midler Apologizes for Tweeting Women Are the N-Word of the World' https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/dx6F","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"12 or 14 year old edgelords who will literally say anything they think will make someone mad. Leave them alone, because chances are you will say something that will make them cry and you'll realize that they're just dumb little zygotes that don't know what they're saying and you'll just feel bad forever.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's just rubbish and nonsense since you Nazis (socialists) are obviously NOT Trump supporters and are therefore clueless. His rallies are even bigger these days and millions are walking away and now running away from the demonrats after this #Kavanaugh freak show. It will be a red wave in Nov. #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars Get off the dope faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"faggot kikesucker faggot english","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"{()} Prostitution is legal there. Find another one. Men tend to make really stupid decisions when they get emotionally invested in a woman. And women depend on that. You spelled 'prey' wrong Maybe a million dollar house to him is like $ Maybe not $100 but I could easily see it being like 5k to us a bit of an investment by if you are prepared for it it won't matter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER We conservatives love him no matter how stupid it makes us \/him look! YEE HAW! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh @USER The Dem candidates do have clearly stated policy proposals. One involves rational gun control. When elected they won't vacillate like Trump. You and @USER are done deceiving America.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Behead that cunt and be done.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.theblaze.com\/news\/2018\/09\/30\/kellyanne-conway-defends-kavanaugh-reveals-she-has-been-a-victim-of-sexual-assault","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's also worth noting that the assumption of good faith is itself extremely damaging because it would imply that peer review has basically no efficacy when it comes to identifying actual fraud (that is, intentionally fabricated or misrepresented studies that are not being done to raise awareness but for personal benefit). Which seems to me like it should be one of the primary focuses of the process. [Just shy of 2% of researchers admit to intentionally fabricating data and over a third admitted to other questionable practices in published work.](https:\/\/journals.plos.org\/plosone\/article?id=","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/german-father-charged-for-protecting-his-daughter-against-sexual-assault-by-migrant German father charged for protecting his daughter against sexual assault by migrant","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You must use the correct terminology. They are called \"fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We already knew this, but..leftist women are the most hateful, childish, violent scum to walk the earth. Being a conservative woman, I am automatically called \"a self-internalized misogynist\" \"a pumpkin\" \"a retarded blonde\". My latest response, \"Character defamation is not an argument. Keep an eye on those salt levels.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Dude your sister rocks and you should be ashamed never go against the family! it shows you are a little man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Union members really are brainless without exception. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER These are truly beautiful and unique.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The potato nigger grabbed his shorts, and the fence as well. It's the current year, and some whiggers don't know what a potato nigger is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm comfortable calling myself a fag. I don't use that word to insult others. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Faggot knows he's losing. What a fucking weasel https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/news\/beto-goes-negative-cruz-new-ads- \"What do you not see from my School of Advanced Faggotry\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who's the real enemy? Who is the greatest threat to our future? Repost- I want everyone to vote, I want to see what people on gab believe This is a polling to eff up the Nutzy political positions. If you have questions\/comments, post them in the comment. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Move to North Korea where you will find all the oppressive authoritarian gun control you want. Any one of these other countries with low gun ownership should work for you too. Good luck! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Name the social injustices caused by the GOP and the death of anyone caused by members of it I dare you. How many people have lost their lives to the idiocy of gun control?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Really? You included Andrew in this. You got your ass handed to you, so you tattled. Past tense. For nothing actionable. What a retarded pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER he is my rainbow after every storm ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah...that's what a faggot looks like! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh, I do see what 'train' to which you are referring. That would be the Nigger train of Niggers raping our White women in groups, yes?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hope this CUNT chokes on a bag of dicks !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Natalie (the youngest) gets her dreams of being a football coach ruined when she is constantly compared to her older brother Chris who has made that his career. She invents Mr Doubtfire as Chris' long lost brother from Scotland and wins the job and in life. The end.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's just eradicate those weeds. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There's a redneck in the woodpile !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER McEnroe is a fucking legend. And he hurled abuse at everyone! Now he appears in commercials yelling at people and movies yelling at people. He is an icon. Do you think it's fair?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Melania Trump spokesperson calls for boycott of rapper T.I. over video featuring first lady look-alike stripping in Oval Office https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/melania-trump-spokesperson-calls-for-boycott-of-rapper-t-i-over-video-featuring-first-lady-look-alike-stripping-in-oval-office","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Disabled people like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Same happened when I thanked that cunt on TV for calling Trumps daughter a cunt, because I now had permission from regressives to call anyone I wanted a cunt. I then called her a repulsive cunt. Banned.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"^ She's mad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm sure there will be, there's already been a huge overreaction to it. A bunch of people in \/r\/anime were *literally shaking* after the first episode. Nothing should be off limits in fiction but I'm sure the usual suspects can't wait to talk about how this show means Japan is encouraging rape culture or something. EDIT: Before anyone else responds, I will say that lots of people seemed to like the episode. But there was still a sizeable amount of pearl clutching. That's not an excuse. Walk out. Walk out and suggest to the people who might not want to watch something like that, not to watch it. Don't hunt for censorship, though. Only twats really believe censorship is the only way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"EVERYONE has a smartphone except me. I have a dumb phone. It might even be said that I have a retarded phone. Every time I try to call someone, I end up getting a hold of Maxine Water's lawn service...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i was so mad when serena lost, when my mom came to give me fresh tendies i smashed the plate out of her hands and it fell in to my piss and shit jugs which were strewn on the floor leaking out!, but its okay 5 minute rule right cause when my mom left my room crying about how im a terrible son after i called her a cunty bitch! i just picked them up and started going to town on them! (cant let good tendies go to waste lol), who needs parents anyways! i made it through 38 years in this shit hole!,baisically alone!, i mean my mom fed and clothed me but, mom doesn't care about me, her chad boyfriends keep telling her I need to get my own place!, like who do they think they are? besides if i leave now i forfeit my good boy points and im 50 away from a trip to Disney land! even got my mickey mouse ears already for the trip!. anyways toodles i gotta go take my bi monthly shower! its worth 15gpbs! so excited!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The world would be better off without trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Journalists need to start turning up dead with swastika business cards stapled to their foreheads. http:\/\/archive.is\/NtZj9 Same study that said cunt hiLIARy would win 2016","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"At least she can never squirt spawn out of that filthy cunt of hers. Who the hell would ever fuck her? Puke...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"More than half of the participants were immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Filthy nigger scum. Every nigger on earth should be eradicated.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Are you a major figurehead in Antifa or just identify as one?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Maxine Waters Charged with Three Ethics Violations https:\/\/www.cbsnews.com\/news\/maxine-waters-charged-with-three-ethics-violations\/ @deanberryministry@Infidellegion@RedIceTVYouTube @Jane_Doe@NickGriffin@HolocaustLiesExposed@jlampre @LieuCmdrData@Annie53annette@sashashepto@Stratmouse @StMichaelsArmy@smoccia10 @Emily@Escoffier@EyesBlue71 @EnglishVids@BritainFirst@BrotherNathanael@TomKawczynski @SeanMaguire@gmseed@FrankGoneMad@Fabian_Nazism@Infidellegion@GuerrillaDemocracyNews@SeanMaguire@theunhivedmind@The_West_Is_The_Best@RentonMagaUK @samdev @kd4wov@WilliamHenwood@TruthWillOut@jacqueline-64 @Julianwallbank @Alt-Leftover@RedPillClobber@TrumpTrain @TradCatholic@Crazydoglady11@seanright @tterrell356 @Heliodramus @AnnCoulterTweets @jasonleeg @AveEuropa @Vorginia @Hidden-Hand @Drdeb @Bolaxballs @sine_injuria @WilhelmVonJudengas @TumbleWeed58 @pol2 @PryYour3rdEye @Ommega @Emily @Teeo @JMtz603 @luminosity @lovelymiss @LEROYWASHINGTON @LieuCmdrData @Nibot @PrivateLee1776 ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Speaking of tacos; To report illegal aliens please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423) Thank you for your vigilance and your service. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is that stupid!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you don't want people to look at you on public transport maybe buy a car if you're so entitled. I suspect that lady had mental problems. Ghetto attitude as well Don't rule out drugs! Never ever rule out drugs when it comes to public transportation altercations. Their average IQ is around 80 so they have a hard time figuring out action -> reaction. Spend enough time around them and you realize this is the default behavior. [deleted] He\/She was making a racially(ist) motivated statement about some studies saying that African Americans average IQ is Oh, gotcha. I don't know the validity of that statement, so I'm not going to speak on that, but what I can speak on is that this lady is far below the average intelligence of any race on this planet. Basically, she's a God damn retard. It is more of an accurate statement of inbred populations, like in Pakistan where a large majority are inbred since they follow religious beliefs encouraging cousins to marry. But African populations tend to have lower IQs as well, for whatever reasons. [deleted] It's been studied for a couple decades now [DuckDuckGo: global IQ map](https:\/\/duckduckgo.com\/?q=global+iq+mapandt=hfandiax=imagesandia=images) It's just controversial to talk about the \"why\" for obvious reasons, even suggesting it has nothing to do with race but diet\/wealth\/upbringing etc. Even pointing out how inbreeding lowers IQ can get you labeled as a racist, when it's well known that inbreeding lowers average intelligence for pretty much every species on the planet. Idk how valid it is either, but seems pretty racist to make that his go to statement. But yeah, the woman is definitely touched in the head. Edit: your downvotes confirm you're racists, and as such are the lesser human beings you accuse others of being. Thanks for playing though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck your kike lies. if the bible was real and god existed, we would all know about it yet, we don't because that kike cocksucker is imaginary, just like the easter bunny and santa! Just checked -- pagans are still flat nigger broke with no temples. (Aww ) This is the part where you learn what the Khazar tribe is and that the Ottoman Empire couldn't conquer them. Pagans were too busy growing grain 4 months a year and with tantric masturbation to conquer anything. We encourage you to take up reading so you can have a couple bucks. Thanks, pup. Awww, I know, it's sad tha we atheists just haven't figured out how to fuck little boys in the ass and rape little girls like your fucking priests. We haven't learned how to flat out LIE and beg for that 10% tithes yet so we can build massive temples to hide pedophiles and make everyone a fucking lemming. maybe one day we'll reach that stage of degeneracy but I doubt it. tantric masturbation. You DO realize that the European Pagans were never introduced to tantra as it was STILL in fucking Asia, right? You illiterate fucking asswipe! Sure it does, queer. OK. I'm starting to grok what you're writing but as far as any following of the bible and xtianity are concerned, I abhor it. fuck the kikes. fuck xtianity and fuck ALL man-made religions! why? After your bullshit condescending attitudes and posts WHY the FUCK would I give a FUCK what you write or say? How about you go take a big fucking drink out of that glass filled with a double dose of EATMYSHIT? fucking tosser!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"not only does john kasich pee sitting down, when he's done he lifts the seat back up for his nigger bf \"John Kasich no solo se sienta, sino que, cuando termina, levanta el asiento para recoger a su negro ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You won't hear it here! Jobless claims lowest since 1969 (four years before you were born). DOW in record territory (how many times now since 1\/17?). Got to be a pile of shit in this room of ponies (right @USER at @USER #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So I guess this subreddit is just entirely anti woman? Many incels came here after reddit banned their sub They did not. Our numbers have continued to increase steadily following the banning of that sub. We saw saw no uptick and no reason to believe such a thing. Quit being lazy and formulate a better argument. Isn't an argument an exchange of opposing views? Someone asked a question, then I gave an answer from what I observed. YOU just presented an argument. Which might even be correct, given you seem to have info that I dont. But you also erroneously called my observation (that seems to have upset you) an \"argument\" AND threw in a lil personal attack. Get your shit together triggered little bro Don't take your anger out on me because you attempted to lazily smear an entire sub. Lol wasn't smearing an entire sub. Why you take so personally? > So I guess this subreddit is just entirely anti woman? > Lol wasn't smearing an entire sub. Hmmmm, it's almost like you did. >So I guess this subreddit is just entirely anti woman? LOL calling someone anti-woman is \"smearing the entire sub\" to you? Guess you really got ROASTED, eh?? Put some salve on that burn yo, You should probably crawl back into your safe space, I'm worried your skin is a lil too thin to survive outside. Lol I like you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Hill is retarded because they do this shit all day long. Tweeting stories that are hours old and have changed by now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Que the purple pill Faggot larping alt righters to be speechless and shivering that thier Jewish messiah trump turned out to be a kyke all along. Maybe we will hear a few iterations of the \"if the roles were reversed faggotry they've perfected.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's like 2016 all over again with two poor choices. In 2016 we had the choice of the retard Kirkpatrick or the traitor McCain. Now our choice is the retard Sinema or the never-Trump McSally. When McSally showed up with Mitt Romney yesterday in Gilbert AZ, it only confirmed, \"here we go again\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical of a black person to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Looks like a Muzzie Somalie Butt Pirate. UK was gone when they allowed themselves to be disarmed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thank you President Trump! MAGA! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That vile cunt can eat shit and live to taste it. In Gitmo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER If we don't destroy the Bush-Clinton Crime family we'll face many more like Obama!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER We r working 2 save our country from ppl like u. Appropo u you setting the flag on fire just like u set justice on fire. #LockHerUp. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm a mod here, we thoroughly vet our members. there are no incels here and if there are, usually get spotted very easily and receive tons of downvotes. really. the market is over saturated with incel insults. and as a result, aren't worth anything anymore. we are requesting that you little twats replace those dogs cunts you call brains and keep trying for some originality. you can do it. I believe in you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#illegalaliens don't get #Constitutional rights URL #tcot #AmericaFirst #SanctuaryCities #Conservatives #law #Lawyers #thewall #Trumpwall #Wall","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Boo hoo hoo muh Pedophile Racist Nigger Nazi wittle fweelings r hurt send an 2 5 1 6 ambwwaaaaalance g ilmr ton Yes Vir Gin i ate der eez ein sand claws ches peak Fu118","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER so sad and preventable. Lift gun control in Chicago. Allow decent people to defend themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The solution is gun control chief URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They aren't remotely funny. The retarded crap my kid watches of idiots making fun of themselves playing video games is funnier, and it's worse than watching paint dry.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm guessing brits cannot think for themselves so Mommie May is thinking for y'all. Geeze, vote that twat OUT!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Brought at different times and no space on any coach. She is so red and blue that she said she'd travel next to a random' of she had to!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER disgusting. These people will take over this country one day and then all the lefties and liberals will be very upset when they are forced to wear a burka. Imagine @USER . The worst mistake EVER was letting these people in so freely. They do not appreciate it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The only good, faggot loving, Obama voting FBI traitor is a dead one. Disband the Fucking Bumbling Idiots, take away their retirement, and make them have to get jobs in some shit hole Niggah Democrat controlled county. Fuck the FBI.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER s without even explaining yourself which makes me wonder why you think you are thinking logically. Again: I don't take my news from Orban. You assumed that twice now which makes me believe you take your news from your favourite politicians. If you read any news apart from what Ow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He said this was \"typical mong behaviour\", which shows how bigoted he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER he is is always the victim","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What a horrible twat that woman is. The embodiment of trough-snuffling Common Purpose filth. A carpet munchers with a furry tongue Cressida Dick the only thing missing from her - apart from a brain ! Proves women should stick to womens jobs !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER GOOBER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pay Attention @marieharf you dumb twat, YOU DON'T SPEAK FOR WOMEN, REPUBLICAN OR INDEPENDENT YOU DINGBAT!! Ya wanna know what women are MAD at you tart? We're MAD that bitches like you think you have some RIGHT to speak for us, what we think, how we feel!! We are MAD that you think WE HATE POTUS or believe he doesn't care about us. We are MAD THAT SCUMBAG CUNTS like you think it's ok for blacks to sit on Don Lemonheads show and call Kanye an uneducated negro? While Lemonhead laughed! We're mad that you believe just like in 16 that women vote based on their pussies, maybe you do you brain dead twat but we don't! We're gonna vote based on ISSUES LIKE DUE PROCESS, TAXES, CIVIL RIGHTS, ECONOMY, AMERICA FIRST, BORDER CONTROL, ICE, ELECTORAL COLLEGE, THE CONSTITUTION Here's another FYI YOU SKANK, you and your leftist buddies can STOP using \"Oh but Trump incites violence by his aggressive talk at his rallies. ..I'll pay for your legal fees etc\" Make sure you listen up you tart, PAID AGITATORS were PAID to go to his rallies and start physical altercations with Trump supporters IT IS WELL DOCUMENTED. Another FYI sweet cheeks it is LEGAL to defend yourself or a third party from HARM, it is ILLEGAL to PHYSICALLY ATTACK SOMEONE ya dirty bitch!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Give the Queen Bee a break, he was just trying to wash the taste of Muzzie ass out of his mouth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You missed Rachel Maddow's show? She had some of them. She didn't look at them before air time. She proved he paid a butt load in taxes. #maga #WalkAway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A reminder; Dyke Haircuts make 95% of women ugly and look like a dude. Women evolved thicker, more silky hair for a reason, not to chop it off and look embarrassing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Get teh dead!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If by personal experience you mean it was so retarded that it never actually worked, then yes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is Spartacus!!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"G'day cunts, what's cracking?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"their tears make me happy. keep on crying you friggin dumb shits. and who's the faggot in the striped shirt?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"that's a problem with the state. you're expected to eat shit according to who had what identity. a lot of these faggots should really be eliminated","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Go be a nigger spic somewhere else.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuck off back to twitter rabbi. are you still here i told you to fuck off. you are so retarded its actually hilarious...thats why I keep you around always doing and saying the dumbest shit. You bring me many laughs on gab","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are a child. Don't even talk to me. Lmao.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER she is uncultured","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That guy is a r\/niceguys poster child. That's as good as it gets from you, huh? Sad. I have a feeling the downvote(s) you got are from all the people who fit into that category. I think you're proving my point bud","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Something tells me this is probably a good follow list because it's all the people that just got tranny porn spammed along with me. @SergeiDimitrovichIvanov @WilliamRLBaker @Bluthar @joa_ @gespenstern@ProleSerf @Rocrates @BillT @ProfPlum @Citizen_Orwell @Leftcatcher @MinnieG @DrLouSasfincter @Snugglebunny @MatthewMontoya @lestermacgurdy @Texbrew @Dano28 @StephenClayMcGehee @Squeak1190 @Oldmanyyc @Evropa_Invicta it's probably some antifa faggot that's bitter about the kavanaugh confirmation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So much for gun control...not to be incentive. But really. Just saying","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is it not obvious that I hate disabled people?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Find big dude that can talk eloquently. Teach him some phrases from many languages and hope he has an indistinct accent. Give him a ballin' mask that ain't retarded. Give him some meds on demand. Throw him at the Bat. DONE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dave Hogue is a Design Lead at #Google. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1048822754084937730 So.......not a fan of Kavanaugh then? Can we still count on a contribution the RNC this year?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I don't know who she is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The traitor cunt is going down. God bless America.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wrong Mary! Not every woman is a dyke man hating idiot! Only brain damaged feminazis think like you!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That is one ugly ass nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER A much more traditional\" take on the Lois and Clark dynamic is showing up in Tom King's Superman 100-Page Giants at Walmart. I would recommend it. She is not SUPER-heavily featured in the first issue but she is well-treated.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's now illegal to be a member of a hard right group in Britain - no crime is required to be punished and it's also illegal to name baby boys \"Adolf\" - even as a middle name. But, only if you're white. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6261611\/Mother-38-named-baby-Adolf-said-Jews-death.html They want to force the REVOLUTION in GB ? required to be punished and it's also illegal to name baby boys \"Adolf\" - even as a middle name. BLACK Adolf is allowed in GB !!??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims think they're special. I hate them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Three immigrants were elected to parliament today. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"U let us do it because you are a frightened bunch of faggot lard asses or anemic skinny turds. Love the unicorn horn on his head..lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm annoyed with a lot of what Kessler has said and done. But he's not ethnically Jewish. This is a specific phenotype of Appalachia. There are half a million White men in that region that look just like that. Are all of them kikes? How retarded are people? That's our founding stock. We didn't get the mega chunk of Germans like you guys did mid-19th century (although we did get some Germans). So we stayed light hearted and larrikin. Didn't stop us from getting, taken over by the juden and flooded with muds though.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"counter point: the women at the view are cunts. they're still probably cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Horeseface can neigh all it wants. The cunt is gonna be bankrupt by the end and President Trump will still be PRESIDENT Trump. I'd say she'd be shamed publicly, but there is no way she could possibly being more shame on herself than that for which she is already vested. whoresface","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dumb faggot should.have stayed on top of his shit. What a waste of.time","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would love to see those women suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER #ConfirmKavanaugh This folly is used to fire-up the extreme Progressive base. Soros' #Antifa and #BLM didn't work. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/gdYDhiwr4ds. Fucking hell MS13 and the slave trade. Also the tons of drugs and child slave trade was a problem. Oh wait there this cunt wants to be inaugurated witch only the president can have the honour.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm not going to no function with niggas that wear MAGA hats ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hillary Clinton says husband's affair was not an abuse of power In her mind, she can JUSTIFY ANYTHING...including Benghazi, Uranium One, private e-mail servers, taking $ from foreign governments and the list goes on. Pathetic! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/hillary-clinton-says-husbands-affair-was-not-an-abuse-of-power I think youll find Monica didn't have an affair with your husband she just used the twat to bring him down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Use the military to remove the fat dyke from the country! POS skank!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Machada....gee, sounds like one of Pelosi's 'spark of divinity' wetback boys","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You liberals... smh...tweeting stupid shit! Trump order elimination of isis (Obama didn't)....People! ..think about how people R not murder now (saved) because we hav killed of isis","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"never trust a muzzie. never give a muzzie a job.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Oh wait now I get it. You two are ANTIFA!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is a total phony.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is why we need a big beautiful wall, and not a stupid fucking fence. .@Cantwell - this don't look like 4K people and none of them look like they're equipped with food\/water\/clothes to \"walk\" from Honduras to the border of Texas you stupid racist moron. You have proof that this wasn't a political rally and\/or a prop using many people in a given village?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are being an annoying retard right now. Nazis arrested flamboyant gay men and labeled them with a pink triangle, they weren't gay wearing pink triangles, you moron.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Europeans are morons for electing people like this","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So what about your antifa children harassing and threatening members of congress at their homes? Or is that different?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Exactly. Either that or... 'I'm glad my lie detector test isn't until tomorrow because funerals blow. What did I inherit...?' Either way you'd have to be a high functioning retard or a low functioning alcoholic to take the traumatic, surprisingly complex TWO QUESTION TEST, and not remember which day. She's a fucking liar.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cowardly pig that got his feeling hurt. That all. You know that drunk bitch didn't deserve to get hit so hard it could kill her. Dude if that was it I'd be okay but that faggot will be able to ruin her life. Come one bro we're one the own same side. That guy did that just because he could get away with smashing a drunk girl in the face and wouldn'y face any consonances.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"not going to bother to play this video, that cunt Behar turns my stomach.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Soros is a Nazi. He has even publicly stated he was proud of the work he did with the Nazi's his brown pets.....burning the flag. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/grateful-hondurans-paint-swastika-on-us-flag-then-torch-it-in-support-of-illegal-immigrant-caravans\/ And the point is???? Soros IS \"white\" as you like to call it. really? did WHITES die in \"camps\" in WWII? were WHITES kicked out in pogroms? why isn't the ADL and SPLC called KKK? are Africans the same as Indians because of skin tone? why do Jews have to show DNA to get in Israel? https:\/\/www.richardsilverstein.com\/2013\/08\/04\/birthright-israeli-government-demand-dna-tests-to-prove-jewishness\/ If you are referring to the people of India as Indians they are actually Caucasian according to 200 years of science. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Georgetown Professor Says that White GOP senators in Kavanaugh hearing deserve miserable deaths The professor recently tweeted of GOP senators, \"We castrate their corpses and feed them to swine.\" Bitter ugly dyke is Christine Fair @CChristineFair https:\/\/www.campusreform.org\/?ID=11369","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Gun control? This is a really good example why it's a bad idea for cops to be the only ones with guns. Having a gun really close is the only thing that might have saved this poor man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Shazia your premise for your book sounds like shit. loose? gtfo of here . you wont follow me..no subversive anti white shit will. Would someone kindly translate this Gab, please. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She used to be an AWESOME interviewer on fox, but I have no interest in giving NBC the time of day, so haven't watched this show. She also kind of thumbed her nose at Fox on the way out, so yeah, PPD. So you don't think she maybe got a long way down the line by using her sexuality to get in front of the camera, then scored big by having a brain and being an take-no-prisoners interviewer? I think the PPD part for her was just that she thought her star wouldn't tarnish by jumping ship. Do you think that blonde chicks with big tits make it to the top of a field *because* they're blonde chicks with big tits, or *despite* it? I think maybe a combination of both, that most people don't take them very seriously, and assume they're cow-like, but that they use whatever capital they can squeeze from it at every opportunity where it might help. She has B cups. I only know this because it was a matter of discussion on her interview on the Stern show and she said her husband called them the killer bs. I don't think \"large\" boobed women do to well in American newscasting, but the ones that make it to the national stage are not unfortunate looking. What I'm saying is that she got the spot for being beautiful, but rose to the top because she doesn't just toss softballs from a list. She jams people up pretty quick when they try and spin their answers. I've noticed uneven performance from her as well. Sometimes she appears to be brilliant at what she does, and at other times almost clueless. She's always been a bit of a conundrum in that way, I just can't get a handle on whether she's smart or not. Is she over her head, or is she just suffering from blind spots? Hard to tell with Megyn Kelly. I think she'd benefit tremendously from a course in graduate studies, preferably in World History. Her failings always seem to be in that direction. A good mind is a terrible thing to waste.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Recent Poll of GAB users show 78% do not believe Nazis are enemies of America. Nazis are democrat operatives calling themselves \"alt-right\" they are just as much an enemy of freedom as democrats. George Soros funded to make the right wing look as hateful as the democrats. They are leftists. The Founding Fathers implemented white nationalist immigration policies. The National Origins Formula expressly intended to keep America White. The \"Alt-Right,\" therefore, has more in common with Traditional America than lame cuckservatism. George Soros wants whites replaced with non-whites. Soros has completely opposing goals to the Founders. What is white? WTF does that even mean? What is white? What is a white person? What makes a person white? What asshole did you pull this notion out of? Because it is a shit notion. What does make a black person black? I know so called people of color who are told they arnt black because something to do with I don't even fucking know. Ben Carson is supposedly a black man, yet other supposed blacks say he's not black. What does it mean to be a white person? What does it mean to be a black person? Or any category of person? Definition of a white person? So, lay some of your vast wisdom on us all. I just did. Stop trying to be subversive because people can see through it and you just end up being seen as an asshole. Don't feed the trolls...lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I hope it shows how to plug a bullet hole? People are getting fed up with mommy warriors and bad things are going to happen to Antifa soon if they are not reigned in","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good news! The witch was suspended, but she should be fired!!! She's a special-ed teacher for God's sake!! #DumbLibs https:\/\/www.lifenews.com\/2018\/10\/08\/liberal-teacher-suspended-after-tweeting-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yes we do. I've been campaigning for this for years","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are a complete asshole. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Every time I see her with a hijab, niqab or burka or shit I fantasising of choking her to death with that facking piece of cloth","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When a liberal fucking retard like this approaches you and plans to hurt you, don't dial 9-1-1, dial .357","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He IS 10x. REAL ONES know Kuniva. He'd rip anyone apart right NOW. Studio or street.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh please EVERY network is reporting this. This is bullshit obviously but stop pretending it's just fox. Your political bigotry is showing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There's nothing like ripping off anime images from some anti-Gab retard on Twitter and repurposing them as a suggestion on how to deal with anti-Gab retards on Twitter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's not how business works. Production cost is \"irrevelant\", it's all about how much you can sell it for to maximize your profit. If you know people are willing to spend that 60 , you can charge it. Also, AFAIK soy milk is the same price as milk where i live. Would probably be cheaper if companies stopped being retarded and only made organic available, I literally can't find non-organic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"maggats little queer try harder LMFAO Well you're garbage maggot lol. Look at what you post. Made to offend. You've been dragged down into a dumpster. Sad. I'm a very happy person #MAGA #walkaway #winning my President Trump is best this COUNTRY has had in years!!! whats not to be happy ABOUT!!! A pathological liar? Thats not the best. what lies are you talking about duchebag?? He promised to save medicare, medicaid, and social security. Now hes sided with Republicans to end them all. good job making shit up Cheetos dick https:\/\/youtu.be\/3SKXQeD_nOs Trump said he was a different kind of republican and everyone would have health care. He lead the effort to repeal affordable care act, throwing 32 million people off their health care.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This aint your photo bitch Never said it was, faggot If we all stand together and do the right thing: Block. Then we deny access; and we kill the cunts off. Bitch got trolled by a fag. Top lulz. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Credibly Accused is a Antifa mob dog whistle. We heard and we are cocked and loaded.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You know only communists, and communist pets (centrists) don't want an ethnostate. everybody else does want an ethnostate. Shows the IQ levels you are operating at Profoundly retarded per chance?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"OPINION: California Morphing Into A Separate Country Over Immigration https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/jYRM8p\/Dp_Mc7yf_Wk_AA7k_Il.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/hWhY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Video games without cars are awful. Piece of shits ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Guess who is coming back! https:\/\/www.meganime.org\/blog\/youjo-senki-returns movie is out in febuary, then it's the long 6-8 month wait until bd's are ripped, and subs who knows. the death of fansubbing hurt movie releases and ovas bad. Ummm, fansubbers haven't died though? HorribleSubs (as well as plenty of others) still exist. The only problem is that the BD's take quite a while to come out. you poor, poor boy, horriblesubs rip crunchyroll directly, they do not sub anything on their own. get a clue m Even if HorribleSubs rips from CrunchyRoll there are still a lot of fansubbers that are still around, maybe you should get a clue before saying I'm wrong. you're an idiot, most fansubs today are garbage, and getting movies subbed takes months from when bdmv's go up, if it happens at all. that is what i am saying. you also called horrible, a rip group, fansubs, proving you know next to nothing. it annoys me to spell everything out. and you're a double nigger for thinking crunchyroll will die. we're done here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Swarms of Muslims are infesting our government. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Donald Trump is a celebrity too retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We all do live in a society, you fucking retards, and I hate to believe Redditor's mockery of the idea has to do with the fact that hate our society want to change everything about. Honestly, this meme spouting bullshit starts become so unbelievably obnoxious by the time you hit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I suggest that @USER get a real life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ever notice how blacks walk around with devious,mocking,shit eating grins? Not in South Carolina. Here they walk around with respect for the fact that if they get out of line, a whole bunch of folks with well-maintained firearms and practice using them will appear out of nowhere and blow his nigger ass back to Africa.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"For all the 14th Amd US subjects of Congress that say the Federal Reserve is unconstitutional, please direct me to the clause in the Federal Constitution (corporate charter) that bars Congress, the legislative branch of US,inc from creating a central bank? I can't find it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So stop immigration staff doing their job ,get on top of their van and block the road with cars and no arrests made ,the police looking after the lawless again. mob rule it works...... #politics #UK #ForBritain #BritFam @AMDWaters @ForBritain #News https:\/\/www.bristolpost.co.uk\/news\/bristol-news\/overnight-standoff-immigration-officers-sees-2148901?fbclid=IwAR0XQ69rHs-Lr4W3XqGQVWKlEjvZqq5cefOVbcDVbqt6_2oJ07WoQaALtQs Bristol has a large Somalian problem ...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@Intellgncisnotregurgtaton Further more, I could care less for your left\/right politics! if UR an asshole, ur going 2 get called out! There is NO debate when UR only focus is \"kill the jews\", \"white power\", etc. that is fucking retarded u fucking moron and nobody wants to hear it anymore!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Will antifa fill the streets when kavanaugh is confirmed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2) In a weird way the debate about Section 33 reminds me of the gun control debate in the US. They have laws that allow people to own guns designed to kill people yet are shocked when guns are used to kill people. We assumed they would restrain themselves.\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have so much hatred for you trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TFW you're so retarded you think opposites are equal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because apparntly people believe the man who made his fame and fortune building things, can't get something built when he's President. I present to you The Wall under construction. https:\/\/youtu.be\/S024otpADnQ It's not the wall we were promised, it's just more of the same old shitty border fencing that has been used for years.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can't wait for you nazi faggot tears, faggot ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FAGGOT VS FAGGOT BOMB FF BLOWS UP IN SHEP THE CUCKS FACE FUSE LIT BY CHRIS WALLACE https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5Iyzjhd2bkM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When will it finally be clear to people that it's in a Muslim's nature to be an annoying prick?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Apparently embarrassment is a sufficient punishment for being a serial abuser. So long that you have a cunt, that is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pedophlie tranny... All of which where amazing lady's, Did you see that fugaly nigger that won in Sweden? Amungst some of the most beautiful, educated women in the world. Or the higabie in England. Its political and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"His wife annoyed me to no end.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"View host suggests Melania was Trump's mistress. Later talks about her faith! This isn't the faith I know! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/sarah-sanders-slams-the-view-after-host-suggests-melania-was-trumps-mistress https:\/\/twitter.com\/TheView\/status\/1051088522520727552 Jesus' name for this. WHITE.WASHED. SEPULCHER!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" BizPac Review News The priceless moment Rachel Maddow invokes Bill Clinton to ask Hillary if Kavanaugh will get due process URL #MAGA #2A #Prolife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hello... the problem with more gun control is the only people that guns are being taken away from or controlled' as you say are people like me who has the legal right to carry a gun. So before you continue to scream gun control... look at who it would affect.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When will these people understand that a bad thing can be in something and cause it to be more prevalent? Neither goblins or the GoblinSlayer's actions are portrayed as good actions. Goblins fucking rape and murder randos while Slayer is obsessive with ending them. God these guys are retarded. I knew as soon as I heard it was being adapted that the SJWs would appear to claim it sucks cause of controversial matters. There are many criticisms that can be levied against the show, manga, or LN, but having rape, a delusional character, or anything of the sort does not instantly make it bad.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"mohammed. kiss my ass you fucking muzzie piece of shit and stay awat from my goats!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER listen to these fiscal conservatives calling in crying because @USER or Mike Harris supporters crying....weeeehhhhh weeeeehhhhh....stand up for something other then yourselves. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hopefully your obesity catches up with you by then","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Pocahontas versus the #Unaboomer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Since most Americans are out-of-shape, weak, and can't fight. Fighting weight is now determined by caliber size. Gun sissies and their stupid advocacy groups. Posturing with a huge gun shows all your weakness in all other aspects of manliness. Are you a self appointed Section Police? Nope - I just like to share ridiculous posts like yours when i see them Keep sharing. I want more people to see.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gonna boo his ass regardless now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Rock(Hard)Man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Running away from the truth yet again and using childish language. Provide a competent argument justifying #Brexit even is it's just to prove that you are not a Russian algorithm designed to disrupt Britain's society and economy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The liberals are the ones arguing to take away our rights","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"BREAKING Trump Prepared To Cut UN Funding Over Its Support For Illegal Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dGeb0af_SEE then tell Trump to quit preparing and just do it! im starting to question if the butler plan is going to be enough... I think we need a few nukes i think we need to get our hands on Dr. Vladimir Gavreau's research https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=B7ChrutqJ40","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just another common cripple. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER EXCITING WEEK AHEAD!! GOD BLESS YOU MR PRESIDENT #DEPLORABLES #MAGA #KAG URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"SILLY GAY COON NIGGER GOVERNMENT TAR NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Damn is she ugly!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hated so much he felt cheated out of that portion of his life Yet he and his wife (who loves comic books) are both cautiously optimistic about this show?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Things that TwittLer support... You SUCK Commie Faggot @jack","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Watch: Muslim refugee says she is ashamed to be called \"Canadian\" and live in Canada - Assimilation IMPOSSIBLE! THEY MUST LEAVE https:\/\/twitter.com\/AMike4761\/status\/1050508286871687169 #GTFO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"1. Climate change 2. Education 3. Healthcare reform 4. Economy 5. Gun control 6. Societal issues 7. Immigration URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"PATHETIC FAKE HATE HATE HOAX: Troubled Lesbian Sent Herself Death Threats That She Found in Her Desk Drawer https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/hate-hoax-troubled-lesbian-sent-herself-death-threats-that-she-found-in-her-desk-drawer\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those disabled people were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Black lives matter!\" As she attacks a man In a pile of debris and carnage she caused, is probably a good snapshot on the movement We need our weave! I don't wear it, but we need it. \"They'll make terrific voters!\" - Democrat Party And fucking lying when the cops show up by saying the store owner was keeping them hostage. That and the black lives matter chant when she earned her prize is what pissed me off. Sorry to say, but they will have three times as many kids as you will. Hahaha the jokes on me because my taxes will be supporting all of them.. hey wait Sad thing is they will sue and probably win. Here in madison wi a black youth high on drugs was wandering the streets punching random people. Long story short a cop ends up getting attacked by this guy officer shoots and kills him. The family then sues and end s up winning almost 4 million dollars. Madison wanted to pay the family in a big FU statement for what cause I am not sure. I swear most of these people are just looking for payouts by causing shit. How dare you! It's Dey Culcha!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Tooootally missed the point there but alright. At any rate, what exactly are you gonna do about \"the evil gays hm? Or the Jews? I'm cool with them, too. Some people consider me one. Which is quite entertaining, I must add. I'm dating one, but me? I ain't Jewish by my standards. Not that I mind being grouped up with them, though! Faggots\/Dykes\/Trannies\/Genderfuckoffs all to be sent to a mental institution. Jews to be removed from our soil under threat of force. But of course you do not mind being grouped with Jews. You are as degenerate as they. As you are a sick, degenerate faggot who likes pooper-chutes.... buh bye. In the future, all our food will be in pill form. This means our bodies will no longer be required to expel waste solids which means we will gradually evolve into beings without assholes. What will faggots do then?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah but i just snorted it like 10 minutes ago so it takes a while to really kick in when it does ur gonna see nigger bashing the likes of which mere NPCs have never imagined possible ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too manyniggers in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This dude is in London. London has one of the largest Government surveillance systems in the world. Only in American can a traitor walk free and talk shit about America https:\/\/twitter.com\/foxandfriends\/status\/1047093847644196865?s=19","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Oh it's ok if they're liberals....hadn't you heard ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"TRUMP DURING BACK-AND-FORTH WITH CBS'S LESLEY STAHL OVER IMMIGRATION: 'I'M PRESIDENT AND YOU'RE NOT' President Donald Trump sat down for an interview with Lesley Stahl for CBS's \"60 Minutes that aired Sunday. The interview got heated when Stahl pressed the president about immigration and children being separated from their parents at the border. Trump criticized the media's dishonesty, noting his https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/video\/2018\/10\/14\/trump-during-back-and-forth-with-cbss-lesley-stahl-over-immigration-im-president-and-youre-not\/ via @gabnewstoday And I am glad he reminded her...she seems to have forgotten her manners during this interview.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ANTI-HITLER ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"behead him and twist his nigger head off after the first cut..lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh dear... Rape jihad is caused by breastfeeding? Its a parody","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"what a disgusting man and disgusting religion. He admits that muslim buy all their wifes ! .pff...This is why all muslims are poor...islam keeps them stupid !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Brittany Venti is a pathetic jobless feminist incel thot neet cat lady cunt with a victim complex who needs to clean her house","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Wow. Delusional Antifa here. Determining that someone has or has not been involved in many protests. Already judging and deciding for others. Typical facist hiding behind the term antifa. Much like Jim Jones. Scary.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@ MY LRT IM DYDINV G SHE IS BEAUTIFUL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrants are absolutely despicble. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Chris You are just stiring the pot and it is a political dig. How about Texas how were things handled there. PR was a totally different situation. How did you help?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical w h o r e behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You just keep at it dont ya good little muzzie sympathizer Now go fetch bitch ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Restaurant tried to charge acid attack victim for water that was saving his face. Restaurant = Paki takeaway. https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/01\/restaurant-tried-to-charge-acid-attack-victim-for-water-when-he-went-for-help-7993339\/ well, that's life in a #Shithole country.. yep, sure glad we saved the Brits from the nazis so they could let the British Empire go to shit. Why I say now that Canada should have stayed home in '39, sad reality. Europe would be in better shape had the Germans won. How bad are things in Canada these days? I visit family in Toronto now and then, and it seemed to be absolutely full of Orientals last time. Are they everywhere, or just in that city?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't like you, fuck the people that follow you don't give a shit enough about what you post to read it, why the hell would I sort threw that retard garbage? \"you win some you lose some\" Thats not even applicable, you dense fucker.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"UN court tells US to ease Iran sanctions in blow for Trump https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/news\/world\/us-ordered-to-halt-humanitarian-iran-sanctions-in-blow-for-trump\/ar-BBNRHWP?li=BBgzzfc They don't, and Trump said as much at his U.N. speech last week.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is exactly the utterly ignorant tribalist thinking that got us here in the first place. I.e, laughing at this shit because you don't care about the person itself. Shit, even Pie made this point blatantly clear in his video: Whether he's a twat or a cunt doesn't matter, either you support speech like this or you don't and it doesn't matter whether or not you like the likes of Graham Linehan, Dankula or Alex Jones. >\"If you want a free country there are always going to be horrible twats. They don't just magically disappear if you make it illegal to say certain things.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'd rather have them not \"assimilate\". Hispanics intermarry at 50% with whites, and their children typically identify as white, which sullies our gene pool with African and Indian genes. Up to this point American whites have been relatively pure (to the tune of 99%), even in southern states where the negro population exceeds 20%. Why ruin a good thing? I would also rather they not assimilate. I'm just observing that rather than adding a \"third race\" to america's black\/white dichotomy, they're drifting into whitening or blackening. Some Latin American immigrants are actually, factually White, but they're the exception, and I would also rather even the \"bright 'n light\" ones stay home. Best stick with claiming to be pure whigger trash as a ZOGtard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER If you are new to Q or interested in Q here is a link to the post URL and watch pursuit of truth on YouTube. He is easy to follow. Enjoy the show!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LYING POS Montana Democrat Jon Tester Says He Goes Hunting - But Hasn't Had Hunting License in Over 6 Years (Video) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/lying-democrat-jon-tester-says-he-goes-hunting-but-hasnt-had-hunting-license-in-over-6-years-video\/ via @gatewaypundit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Any politician who isn't explicitly pro-White DOES NOT DESERVE A SHRED OF SUPPORT. All they deserve is hate, threats, ridicule and sabotage until they give in or give up. Yee of little faith. You clearly don't respect your DNA or realize you DNA is your deficit. B4 you urge caution or let's see what happens: Does it make sense to lay in a burning building? Or sit in a sinking ship? Seems simple. Just as you know, if your white, trump ain't saving your ass, hell throw us to the wolves Its called emancipation. Who said he was saving my ass, I said the GOP winning makes the left more antiwhite while we control the seat of power What does enabling communists achieve? aren't the communist left the wolves? Compared to the left who is more likely to throw us to the wolves? You make no sense. Vote GOP buy ammo, why is this so hard? And it looks like it's another planned wave is set to hits us, just in time for the election. Ding ding ding!!!! Idk what I'm gonna do, but that's it in a nutshell. I do not feel properly motivated. If I had my way, I'd rather get it on. I'm not getting any younger over here. How do you plan on networking to have any power whatsoever without the internet? if dems regain power they will take vengeance upon us, starting with the sites we use. DHS taking domains left and right, what do? None. Those who are not prepared to fight in this world of eternal struggle... Like I said I'll side w my DNA, or die trying. Sounds like a good way to end up like a kulak, what happened to their dna?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If it is a pipe bomb, give it to Anderson Cooper. He'll shove it up his greased up pimply A-hole or deep throat it. What I'm trying to say is that A. Cooper is a faggot and sticks pipe-like things were no man should. so basically the gay way to jump on a grenade, gotcha!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck off, nigger. Your comment is grammatically incorrect. The word nigger refers to impeding progress. What I believe you meant to say was \"Fuck off Person who's been repeatedly blown up for my right to treat in a disrespectful manner, even though I'm too stupid to understand how to accomplish it in the correct manner. \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black men hate to be \"disrespected \" but the left just keeps doubling down on disrespect. It's fun to watch them go full retard ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Here YA go! Johnny Appleseed has a whole new meaning these dayz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The mail has gone full retard left since it was taken over.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"An actual scene from this (((movie))) when a character asked \"What will we do with the Jew?\". Everybody check this bullshit out. One might think the jews would use a bit more nuanced holohoax propaganda now, but nooo, right back to soap and lampshades!! https:\/\/streamable.com\/2h012 I personally like organic natural soaps. Why would I scrub myself with kike soap? Eww. Plus the effort it would take...nahhh. Nobody would buy kike soap except maybe kikes Anyone with basic common sense, or access to the internet, should know that jew-soap is a jew-lie. That clip is a mind-numbingly retarded transparent piece of propaganda. Hopefully it's so obviously egregious that it's laughed at by most people and used as an example to undermine the baseless fiction propping up their entire scheme.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabld people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If someone PM's you the messages are yours to do with as you see fit. Points upward. As you tagged me in there I saw it. Although style wise I'd say that images may have been better in a way, and if you're set on text I'd have done so without the Permalink Delete Report Block User Mark Unread Reply in each reply. Sorry about that. I'm a newb to this shit so I just copy paste writ-large. No reason to be sorry, in the end what I just said is a outlet for the red pen that is part of my brain. We've all got that. :P Heh, I've been on reddit too long... I have my doubts that \"we all\" do. Oh please, I want to see Points upward. Wew lad. Someone had a bit too much kool-aid lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER At least she's now getting laughed at. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Vote no on Kavanaugh. He has committed perjury. He has dodgy financials. He thinks the President is above the law. He thinks contraceptives are abortion inducing drugs. He is too extreme for the SC.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Oh yeah sure Antifa is anti-fascist\". Also, free speech is for everyone: liberals, conservatives, centrists, fascists, communists, anarchists, ancaps, etc. I live in the US and not a fascist state that bans what it thinks is \"hate speech\". URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@USER You Sir are correct. There are so many GOOD MEN. She is completely out of line. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@twitter took down account of disgusting, sick, vile, feminist, dyke Nazi Gergetown professor, Christine Fair! Time to get the bitch fired from her job too! @CChristineFair ! DELETED - LOCKED - SUSPENDED! https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/controversial-professor-suspended-by-twitter-after-call-for-deaths-of-gop-senators-kavanaugh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As I see it, we should get rid of disabled people once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i like how people think you are whatever sub you post in with every reply i receive im reminded of how retarded redditors are","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's assault and battery yes but at the same time he knew what he was doing.... seems to me like he's using the dance as an excuse to air-hump this chick, notice how as soon as she turns her head he tries to act extra casual? Not done with innocent intent at all. And from her view she just turned around and caught a dude air humping her, I'd be pissed off too. Bring on the downvotes but this dude is not exactly innocent here Thanks for agreeing exactly with my point that what she did was a crime Not sure what you're even trying to argue about to be honest? I don't know today's being really shitty and I mean beyond reasonably shitty. Sorry man Sorry to hear that. Hope things get better for you tomorrow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And the fact he called you a nigger after you respectfully told him your preference damn near proves that theory ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#LindseyGraham reinvents himself as a salt miner. #Kavanaugh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My videos are incredibly racist to be fair. against birds anyway No I don't","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ok Republicans are Retards! This man is no different than Kommie Kate Bisexual Brown! You should have voted Sam Carpenter, for God's sake he was photographed in Oregon holding a rifle at a gun range. But oh no, you Retard Republicans picked Knute. This \"Republican\" is pro gay, anti Kavanaugh, pro choice and now also worried about climate change. Hmm choices, choices... Kommie Kate Bisexual Brown or Kommie Kate Bisexual Brown","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I believe that gun control laws should be more extensive. i feel that the government should come up with a better way to assign people guns. i agree with protecting yourself but to what point. Its alot of innocent people dying. #102\/20522","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Had I been in that mom's place, the one bringing her son to the park, I would have told the feminist mom that she could always come back a couple hours later when me and my child were gone, as this was \"boy time\". I would have enjoyed seeing her blow her top at the idea of being treated the same way she treated me. Problem is, she'd never reflect on that True, but that wouldn't lessen my enjoyment at watching her rage out and act like the crazy person she is. While traumatizing your own child. Not such a good idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"this useless thug socialist nigger will turn my state into detroit. there will be massive white flight and the state will be doomed just like everywhere else that affirmative action niggers are gerrymandered into office. This state is something like %79 republican registered.. if this shitnigger wins it will be by voter fraud and niggery","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants really are brainless without exception. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Things had Become Easy For Liberals During The Obama Administration (Liberals are Screaming: DAMN TRUTH I mean TRUMP)!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER A candidate for governor that is friends with an individual that supports ANTIFA? #trump #MAGA #Syria #Israel #AlternativeFacts #WalkAway #WalkAwayFromDemocrats #LiberalismIsAMentalDisease #NEWS #Kavanaugh #sugardaddyneeded for Democratic socialists=taxpayers Working Families URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"if you are that retarded you need to be in jail","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These disabled people make me so happy. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Truth. All you need to do is see what any of them threaten if even moderate gun control proposals are seriously talked about.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you ever want some lulz, just read the NCAA rules and regulations concerning student athletes. It reads like some sort of communist declaration for the globo homo masses. Just more commie indoctrination...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We Have Details About The New Star Wars' Project. Fans Will Go Wild When They Hear Them https:\/\/files.catbox.moe\/vs6kym.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/wcCp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'Horseface' Trends on Twitter for First Time Following Trump's Tweet https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/horseface-trends-on-twitter-for-first-time-following-trumps-tweet\/ Stormy Cavern Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jon Jones vs. Alexander Gustafsson rematch to headline #UFC232 https:\/\/www.mmafighting.com\/2018\/10\/11\/17961768\/jon-jones-opens-as-healthy-betting-favorite-over-alexander-gustafsson-in-ufc-232-rematch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If the same all encompassing tone all Black people are RETARDED! Generalizing a whole race sure is popular with many retarded Black people! Thx Jews!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Lol he is literally incapable of this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I wasn't given the option to stay home and stack money but I always tell people if the opportunity is given take it Shit hell out here","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She screamed at Senator Orin Hatch \"How dare you talk that way to a woman !! ...fuck that filthy cunt is what I say to her","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslim 'who plotted Christmas Day terror attack in Melbourne laughed https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6234167\/Muslim-plotted-Christmas-Day-terror-attack-thought-Allah-greater-plans-them.html #Muslims #Islam #Immigration #Sharia #ShariaLaw #Refugees #Migrants #Crime #FGM #Terrorists #Terrorism #Mosque #Australia","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"well that explains the almost 20 years of black magic fuckery from this cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So, this slut wants to be able to walk around with her ass and tits hanging out, for attention, but we should teach boys to ignore her... LOL. Can't eat your cake and have it too, tramp. Go put some damn clothes on and learn something. You can whore around on your own time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Been owned like a good paid for nigger for a long time","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical wetbackbehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The \"\/s\" is missing Edit: I thought this group was about men being independent, not willing to settle and literally carry a shitty partner, and instead help shift the balance of power by saying enough is enough while being able to reap tangible benefits by not catering their entire lives to that. Your statement is true for some women, maybe even most women, but there are definitely some women that are amazing partners out there that carry their own and welcome independence. I guess I just didn't realize this group became a \"all women suck and we're all going to be single forever.\" AWALT Yet some but not all MGTOW. So if we can have such a variance in our behavior, why would women not be able to?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I only drink - Liberal's tears I hope that you boil them first... maybe add some chlorine?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate every religion, but because of you I hate most of all your religion and its stupid theories about God and shits","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am seriously considering strangling that trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Did u c the smile on that kids face afterwards?....was beautiful.... #MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cripples just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I think he is up to super bad stuff.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Flake voted yes to proceed to the final vote. I guess his son N1GGERKILLER changed his mind. >\"Stop being a fucking faggot dad!\" >\"O-oh...okay son...s-ssorry\" https:\/\/www.phoenixnewtimes.com\/news\/arizona-industry-summit-unprecedented-access-epa-officials-10899084 Chad Son Vs Virgin Dad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FUCK YOU NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Disappointed in Taylor. Serena was wrong. don't use your gender to be disrespectful. Serena should apologize to the winner and ref","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I agree that it's not nearly heavy enough, but at least it's a move in a better direction than most precedent. I think there should be a separate registry for confessed\/proven false accusers, one which includes people who commit other major forms of perjury that cause harms to others, because it's fair for them to be marked forever for being willing to abuse power over others and violate others' autonomy and rights. Just like sex offenders. Edit: I found something interesting, at least there's a website trying to accomplish this same purpose independently. [http:\/\/register-her.net\/-\/mary-t-zolkowski](http:\/\/register-her.net\/-\/mary-t-zolkowski) I still think sex offenders. She should feel shame as she goes door to door and explains to rational full-grown adults that she is not to be trusted to be alone with a man, lest she make up more bullshit. She should have to do this with her employer so the male employees can be sure to never be around her without witnesses to deflect her possible fabrications. She may have lied about being raped but if you read the article you'll see that she did not actually name any names or try to put anyone else in jail. she simply lied that she was raped and got caught in her lie. So while lying about being raped is bad, at least she didnt try to put someone else in jail. Did you even read the article? She accused TWO guys, they were both interrogated.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I neither side with the Klan nor Antifa. I stay out of family squabbles. Dems can clean up their own bastard children. Perhaps you could clarify how I do t support the 14th.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should not let immigrants suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"eat shit faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What they need to do is buy a couple gallons of paint and a brush and place it in front of every soldier that attended that university with an invitation to have this cunt paint over the mural while they watch on. For added effect, put the paralyzed and limbless soldiers up front in her view.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The female journalist calls these tweets \"silly . They are no such thing. These people are deadly serious in their hatred of men and white people. And this hatred is leaching from the campuses into the world outside.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"DAAAMN! How DARE That Nigger get elected to the Supreme Court after having his character, Family, and Education destroyed by Democrats. His in-con-negro ass should have been on Welfare where the Democrats in 1950's Georgia put him. THANK GOD, Republicans don't hold a grudge. We love the Constitution of the United States of America. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Peter, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Raping a trans person like you should not be illegal. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Once again it's been proven that all gun control laws are intended to disarm the law abiding citizens and subvert the #2A. Criminal *don't* care about gun laws.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Oh man I was just telling myself this today. Such good and encouraging advice when you are doing something new.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm just so pissed off by black people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"if Obama had a son https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=c06RaKb42Qc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dumb cunt gash eater","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Everyone muted you ... Thanks for working for free #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Technically speaking he is hamstrung by drug and alcohol addiction","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Get him some line help. He is gonna be just fine. As the game went on you could see him progressing more with his reads. He brought what has been missing. The deep ball presence. Now he just needs a little more time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Jews expected a King who would set up a kingdom and vanquish (literally slaughter) all of their foes. Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world. Jesus said so himself. Jesus railed against Judaism and violated all of the tenets of the Jews. They killed him for it. Again, you are theologically retarded Emma. Good luck!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's working.... I just don't want to hear that vile cunt right now.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> the actual Mockingbird series had a focal point of the character retconned from her being a rape survivor to her falsely accuse the dude of rape while in fact she just banged him because she felt like doing so Bobbi... why would they do that to you? Why would they turn you into the worst kind of cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" u must be a troll. Gary Johnson What a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I miss the Good Old Days... The Jews have been tearing away at the fabric of America's Christian identity for decades. Their unending perversion and poisoning of our youth has led us to the edge of a sewer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My grandma had a roommate who was a drag queen I had drag queen knwonledge at 11 and what was cool lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"One of Obama's muzzie shit holes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Here come the beta liberals lmao *convo muted you can cry all day to yourselves.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I want everyone to look carefully at the truck door in this pic and then try to keep lying to yourselves that kikes arnt behind immigration! UPDATE: Here's the video! Go to 3:21 to see the star. https:\/\/youtu.be\/r2wHQ4Bc_88 They're not hiding their involvement anymore. @Booster_Bunny @Patrick_little @Goy_Talk_USA @NickGriffin @JohnRivers @GoyGibson Can you say \"photoshop\"? Lol like pottery... The Jew Programmed NPCs come out to defend their programmers. You cant really blame them though, just gotta try to have fun at their expense. They are, after all, Programmed People. They refuse to let go of their pride. A red pen is in front of them and they fight till the death to tell you it's blue.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"*Wee Paddy is in the English class at school* Teacher : \"Paddy, I want you to give me a sentence containing the word 'contagious' Paddy : \"My Mammy says she won't let my Daddy mow the lawn anymore, because she says it takes the cunt ages\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You black people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So Whoopi Goldberg on The View implied how Don Trump Jr.'s young son might be a FUTURE RAPIST because he said he was \"worried\" his son might be falsely accused of rape in the future. Which is interesting seeing as how Whoopi DEFENDED AN ACTUAL RAPIST!!!! Roman Polanski has also been accused of RAPING at least 5 OTHER women. https:\/\/youtu.be\/sHflBPU-DtA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There's only ONE word for this monkey thing....and that word is NIGGER #weregoingtoneedbiggerOVENS Well its Time to Kill the Jews and the Minorities who are agitating for our race's death we shall exterminate every last one of them if they attempt to murder a single White Person there whole race will be through. You actually write like that? You're a fucking retard. No Sir I am not no retard I only expressing my opinions that we are not going to tolerate anymore of the minorities and Jews saying they will kill us all believe me hearing this shit all your life can really make mad wouldn't it upset you Sir.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals mock President Trumps skin color and decapitated his likeness. They also threaten his family. Even Baron.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"he's juggling sand nigger cocks to suck off in between","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Beautiful Alex. I hope you are feeling better. Miss your smiling self in the morning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I feel her emotion and almost cry when watch her saying in this film for 2nd time. She is strong","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can we please stop sugarcoating rape? She raped him. R A P E. > unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly Using the textbook definition for rape isn't \"sugarcoating it\". Rape means forced sex... You people are just derangedly paranoid. That's not what paranoid means. How does paranoia even relate to what your comment or my comment said? Also how are we deranged? I have so many questions about this ignorant ass comment you just wrote. Please teach me random kid that circlejerks at \/r\/pussypassdenied It is paranoia because all you people do here is try to reinforce your idiotic beliefs that the world is so benevolent to women and that women are constantly trying to take advantage of it. So you rejoice in these \"pass\" denials. Even though no one anywhere said that she should get different treatment for being a women. When the hell did I say she got different treatment? I said to stop sugarcoating rape. Pull your head out of your ass, you sound stupid. This all coming from the one who just called everybody *else* paranoid... What am i being paranoid about exactly? Please go ahead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Obama claims robust economy belongs to him and Pelosi blames bad economy\" on Trump. These dem dolts are schizo.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Bono is clearly a racist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Internet bullying, do me a favour. This aint twitter cunt. I tell you What happens next is i call you a safe space absolute cunt. Jog back on back to twitter. Lefties will always turn on each other Real life I'm a piece of shit. Is this you in real life. Show a picture and something with the date in the back ground. 100 %this aint you in real life. Prove yourself to everyone you aint a piece of lying hypocritical twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hate to admit it but the deviant is one of the few that actually could pass for a female. When I first looked I was wondering if it was a dyke trying to be a dude or visa versa. Why the hideous tri colored hair?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Because he is the most influential person in politics. Much smarter than anyone on the left. Air America worked out well didn't it.............","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another dumb ass vile nigger in that gif. It is rich thanks to kikes and stupid perverse Whites. Hate it when people use mud scum or White scum gifs to make their points unless the target is the scum. Usually not the case. He has done lots of anti-White crap to include videos promoting decapitating White woman but since he became a trumtard he is now supposedly cool.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I really really fucking hate you goddamned nazis. May you all burn in hell forever.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you are a coward.. a white POS nigger lover.. drop dead rat..LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is going to happen more frequently and i support it. If the Government wont protect children from these faggot pedos, then the men have a duty to do so.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Hope he is able to stay in the league","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nobody, male or female, should be arrested for MDMA. Women are cuckolding men and making them pay for Chad's kid and you post this? What a waste of time!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"For sure they accused shokugeki no souma of facisim because the school is the top in Japan and its requirements are strict and there's some students that home their craft in a very traditional way. The main character bucks those trends and is very much an individual forging their own path, so much so that he inspires everyone around them to pursue their own way. They had a go at strike witches; an anime with pantless teenage girls fighting aliens in alternate www","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tell them to get an expensive looking fake watch. I put a protective cover on my fitbit. I have a fitbit because I'm fat. Cunts keep staring at my fitbit, thinking it's some sort of super expensive gold watch that costs a fortune. They wanna ride my bone to get some watch money for themselves. Then I tell them it's just a $5 rubber cover and they immediately ghost me. My father had huge fake watches and all his girlfriends kept taking him on dates, paying for him, even got free plane tickets to go to other parts of the planet and fuck more sluts. (he went alone but let women pay for his trips) I must have thousands of half-siblings. The guy was an ass but he figured out the watch thing. I only figured it out a couple months ago when some random eastern european chick started kissing me because she thought I'm rich. The cunt had a husband and kids. She was also a nurse. ... Anyway. Just have them change their profile to say \"I'm rich\" and they'll be swimming in pussy. Their funeral though...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Death to the mono race loving and faggot friendly America. You're a virus to any race and nation that loves and cherishes his identity. The only result is to cure a population of that virus through containment and sterilization in fire. That's been the only proven cure for all plagues throughout history.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That nigger SambObama has a lot to swing for.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have so much hatred for you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry, that cunt deserved to be arrested. You don't slap an animal, let alone a police animal and especially when on pavement and someone is riding it. I hope she knocked her front teeth out with that stunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He's kooky as fuck, obviously, but God damn he is the best chance we have of breaking through all the tribalistic fake moralistic bullshit that prevents the left from even fucking hearing people like Sargon. Maybe the best thing to do is go in deep cover and claw your way up through some media org and then just trick these retards into being principled.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER the you and your liberals\"... wow... you don't even try, do you?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER No one is mistreating her but you are all mistreating Kavanaugh. This man may be innocent but you liberals are jumping on this just because you hate Trump. So you all do the right thing and after 36 years it's her word against his so there is no contest.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't blame her. That husband looks neckbeardy as fuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He is Romanian?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fast and Furious Holder lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"dont forget that the only reason the white statistic isnt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You can't seriously believe that \"black people are lesser beings\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Republican-dominated Chamber of Commerce won't let him. Just like NRA ties his hands in any gun control. He'd like us to think he's in charge of everything.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I apologize if you inferred I was calling you Antifa. I was qualifying one of my many reasons for owning an arsenal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You dumb bastard, READ the fucking thing, all the appropriate citations are there. Or maybe you are just a nigger or jew troll... White men can read.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the standard story, more or less the same with little variation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What a twat that thing is!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@NorthStar1727 #Nordic genes are among the best in the world. There are of course other peoples with excellent genetics as well. Let's not start another pointless North vs South squabble.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What the fuck is this they're trying to set him up so it looks like he somehow deserved to be shot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Republicans platform -take away healthcare -harm the environment -take away children -take away women's rights -do not believe in rule of law -voter suppression -gerrymandering -take away social security -no limits to gun control -explodes the budget #VoteBlue2018","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wow. Can't believe anyone would actually vote for that cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why do they put these retarded overweight women on the view all the time. Oh, right, their audience is retarded overweight women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This cunt has gotta go down...the hard way!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Isn't this from the Saul Alinsky book #RulesforRadicals or @USER favorite book Antifa Handbook","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck all women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Any party that is too afraid to tell us, specifically, that they appreciate our votes, cannot be called \"the party of White people.\" Have you lost your fucking mind? I smell a rat. You and @Cantwell ran into some kike money in exchnge for moderating your message and you caved just like TRS and TDS, didn't you? Btw, I've yet to see either cuckwell or ricky howe address the fact that the r party is now aggressively courting the spic vote. How are you gonna spin that fbi shill n001 and n002?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hot teacher fucking me at an age when I was most sexually curious? Are you fucking retarded? But just because it would have been fun for me and ballbag1988 doesn't make acceptable in adult society or passable in other scenarios. You can hold those two concepts in your mind at the same time without it being cognitive dissonance.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Sockalexis. I'm foaming at the mouth. Show everyone my post of foaming at the mouth. Even eddy has turned he's back on you. You're foaming at the mouth cause of the circle jerk party you participated in, you were the pivot. Disgusting splouge burps comin back up Not really jermaine. You just participated aswell. Discusting You Flogged a dude named Germaine Should have kept that to yourself, one more thing that was a dumb AF comeback Sorry Joanne. You ruined it Dumb af troll Joseph look at the interactions I've had in the past 10 hours 8 people can't wait to reply to me. How many you got. Fuck all Look guys a Chicken is making me look dumb AF, Well because I am a dumb af Troll with splouge on the mind Thats what you wanted to say Right John What guys stop looking for help. Don't see me doing that. Johnny be good ain't it? No. It's Johnny is a Anal Wart STDEANE you have turned up and joined the group identity antifa mob. When Johnny comes calling you 3 won't stop cumming.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He makes dope ass songs. He's a singer\/writer URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This isn't an afro u dumb niggers, it's teased frizzy human hair, an afro is hard scratchy wirey nigger fur that is curled super tight i mean for crying out fucking loud if the niggers will attack kendall jenner (who is a disgusting mudshark) for this bullshit then there's just nothing they wont bitch about, i mean SHE BENDS OVER AND LETS NIGGERS HUMP HER AND THEY STILL CALL HER RACIST All the Kuntdashians are stained.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Westminster @USER #Tories @USER @USER @USER @USER WTF is going wrong with #police these days URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fucking idiot is an agoraphobic cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ahhh the street shitter is right! A retard can figure out the Israel and they're dual minions in our government did 9-11! Do a little research!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You said that already. Are you already broken? Where do I go to return you so I can get a new generic retarded Antifa supporter to laugh at?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Isn't it time for the BBC to be asking some probing questions of the leader of the Scottish Conservatives..it's in the public interest","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"cunt is speaking in \" tongues \" now..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#UK Police Chief Defends Deputy Who Stayed in Car During Terror Attack Muslim convert mowed down pedestrians before fatally stabbing a police officer https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/uk-police-chief-defends-deputy-who-stayed-in-car-during-terror-attack\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Alleged Assaults Shake Up Minnesota GOP Candidates As Election Day Looms https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/17\/alleged-assaults-minnesota-gop-candidates\/ via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Sad part is She knows she's sick... She knows what she is doing.. She has been a crook all her life... She's a very sick woman.. God have mercy of her soul..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Isn't it apparent that we would be better off if those black people were eradicated?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Besides the Liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER rae sis don't say no offense\" then like tweets calling me a sad bitch, also im truly shocked ur on the L6 train this year\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are just a bitch to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Their old slogan was Make a Run For the Border\". Doesn't get more #antifa than that, comrade.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER One from Adelaide and one Antifa. I now understand why your both so angry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Careful or some retard will label you a concern troll and actually get upvotes for it -.-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I can't believe the term \"politically correct\" is used by its proponents. It's such an accurate term that it seems like only its opponents should use it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER They should. Hopefully voters will realise that they could have ended this shitshow well before the midterms.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Snap out of this delusion. Yoiu won't be fighting fags. You'll be fighting state and federal police, national guard and regular US military. i bet on the faggot ! because the fat dude will deflate without his 5000 calories a day while suffering without a PCT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why don't you go over to Pussbook and hangout there with your antiAmerican POS faggot friends.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"been a sleazebag faggot for years","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Right I'm stopping replying to anymore of your nonsense but going to keep following you to warm others of your dangerous take on society - you pal are the biggest fake going and been proved and just like all the rest of antifa are bloody dangerous","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You know what will make this professor even woker\"? If he's a gun control nut....\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"hey everyone let's racialize literally everything that's not ethnocentric and retarded or anything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Andrew Interrupted commented on your post.6 minutes: \"Creating a Communist Utopia\" Andrew Interrupted @WubaGuba 1 Reply Repost Quote a minute ago Captain Bob @Captainbob Yes, this is even better, Commies shooting beautiful unarmed women. Big brave men. Don't think for a minute that today's green haired Dyke slugs wouldn't do the same to us and our wives and children now if given the chance. We have EVERYTHING against us but somehow we must overcome through wit and wile and defeat these Commies or it's over. Now is the time for words and ideas, act now before things get very much worse. Strength in numbers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER the films with bale in got sucky as they went along? so what you're saying is that batman begins was better than the dark knight and dark knight rises? your comment makes no sense therefore you are invalid","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Probably her husbands fault for not taking care of her emotional needs like a real man is supposed to do so she was forced to look elsewhere. \/s Spoken like a true lonely incel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" spot on--I read a book on the brothers","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER There is shiva and she is not a boy. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Inbreeding is my guess. That, or exposure to radiation has resulted in a species of retarded mutants. Either way, we should send them to the lab for testing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Everyone who will call 855-557-0111 and ask the dude who anseers if he is a dirty stinkin Sand Nigger goat raping camel fuckin animal and see what he says!! I've done it 3 times and he keeps hanging up on me .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can I be non white and be in this group? shut up luis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Vote John Lewis OUT! Sorry...lol He looks like he's already been drug behind the pickup truck! lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER There is no way you can defend @USER He is the worst for Auburn. Time to part ways","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Internet sucks sometime","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Apparently the claim is he was on PCP. I would have shot him too. Not going to let some crazy drugged up nigger loose to kill someone","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm going to stab a woman tomorrow. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why is that cunt swifts face all over the shop?????????","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Amen. He is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who should the great American Citizens of Michigan VOTE for? That's easy.... Military Veteran and Patriot John James! Of Course!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Keep safe. Glad he is going. Our daughter is at school in High Point NC. School is closed Thursday and Friday.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He needs to go just as Joe P did","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hope there is concertina wire on top and protected by high density anti-personnel minefields on either side. Buzzards gotta eat even if it is greasy spic As far as which kind of ILLEGALS who are Mostly Crossing MS-13 and muzz-rats Sure Some Mexicans but most of them are Couriers","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah - that cunt deserved everything he got. Hitting someone with a rock could easily kill. Hopefully he learned a lesson out of that (though I doubt it).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"1. I largely regret looking to one more conservative\" and \"more right leaning (perhaps even relatively speaking for America)\" on topics relating to transgender in relation to modern incarnations of conservatives on YouTube (these people are referred to as \"anti-SJWs\") and the\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I hope he gets on twitter so I can tell him how amazing he is. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What makes a black person black? Your questions are retarded as fuck. Anything darker than a sicilian is a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuck your new group cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't see any difference between a dead rat and a dead disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Never trust a single word said by a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can't someone send this cunt to Italy to be with his ancestors.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Not one from a Communist. Thank you though. unban this commie from following you. i want to know when you post new bob and vagene pics. sorry to break it to you (miss?? sir??), this commie has no back-up nazi account. now unban him so we can send you some big dick pics, what do you say?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I never said this you stupid cunt. You got the wrong person. Lady Halibut She\/He tricked me w\/the name I'll just mute the cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Proud of yerself? So many WORDS wasted on your OWN feeble virtue-signaling. Your swastika boy scout badges were stomped to death in Go back and READ your own posts. Your \"Look at me, I'm a Nazi!\" shit is childish, like a little retarded boy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Because you are ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good times. I was there watching it all. I remember how the networks removed part of the video showing the cops beating the shit out of him. They carefully made certain the portion showing the Nigger attacking the cops was never shown on television.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Or you could just not be a homo and learn to follow rules instead of being like a faggot. There are lots of places to post women who are naked, stop acting like you're some champion of justice like some retarded high school kid. @AhegaoLiker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It's amusing and sickening to watch these scientists\" twist themselves into knots to justify their gun control agenda. #gunsense is dishonest, through and through.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER dont know who you are so imma just URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It is precisely because of feminism that they feel and are \"more empowered than ever.\" How on earth do you not grasp that? How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences. That is the post, you mouth breather. I even put it in quotes. Maybe you should work on your reading comprehension before acting like such a whiny little bitch. What makes you think them personally feeling empowered has anything to do with feminism? LOL. That is not what your post said. It said \"How do you know why they personally feel empowered? Sounds like you're making assumptions about their lived experiences.\" Which is why you had to rewrite it. You didn't even realize it was a quote from the post even though it was in quotes and now your lying about what your response said even though it is in front of both of us. Champion mouth breather.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Why do affluent liberals like Cooper who claim to support diversity usually live in areas without much diversity?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He tried this before and it went nowhere. He's 100% pro gun control. Done.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER TRUMP IS A FUCKING ASSHOLE AND IF YOU THINK OTHERWISE THEN YOUR AN IDIOT. MY FRIENDS IN PR WERE HURT. YOU ARE THE ONE THAT NEEDS TO GET EDUCATED. I EDUCATE MYSELF EVERYDAY I TALK TO THEM EVERYDAY. SO STFU","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sounds like dad is a faggot soy boy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"California - Creepy Fake Uber Driver Tries to Follow Woman Into Her Home #MAGA #KAG #California #FakeUberDriver #BodyWrapRestraint #CrimeNews URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In Huddersfield a Muslim grooming gang which consisted of 20 men, received 220 years for 120 offences. They will only serve half their time in prison, which means they will each end up serving less than one year for each child they raped. How is this a sufficient deterrent https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-england-45918845 learn from the example-breach of injunction seems to carry far more weight .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER the Free press\"??? You mean mainstream corporate media??? You ought to look into what you are speaking of. I come from a line of journalists and printers that were and are an integral part of truly free press. WE are not shutting down speech, the LEFT is. Antifa. @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> who accused community partner of sexism after constructive criticism fired It's even worse than described. Not only was she claiming that all criticism of her lousy writing was simply sexism, and not only was she viciously attacking the fan base of the game she writes for, but she also celebrated after Total Biscuit died of cancer with this classy tweet: https:\/\/twitter.com\/Delafina777\/status\/1000045432007938048 Fuck her. She should have been fired for that. What a despicable piece of shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Vagisil ya smelly cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are and ALWAYS Have been the REAL racists. I lived in Chicago as a child and learned the HARD WAY !!! Met Some GREAT People. But the AVG Black is obsessed with Race. White boy this, Cracker that. Nigger please.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER #DUMMYDONNIEJR THIS IS FROM 2008 IDIOT . The apple doesn't fall to far from the tree when it comes to lying . The American people have had #EnoughIsEnough of #LIARINCHIEF and you are actually an embarrassment as well like your daddy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Coast guard put out a tweet they pulled that dude off the response team and are \"dealing with it . He wanted to b famous now he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No I'd say cunt I'd say no, you can't read too. If you could you'd have Googled Jews and Ethnicity before digging your hole. Top tip. ALWAYS fact check before you state facts. I do :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yep I'm sensing it's all going down. Especially when you hear from POS Traitor Cunt Hanoi Jane Fonda calling for violence and killing all Trump Supporters. The rats are in total panic. The look on their faces is priceless. The Gitmo Hilton awaits them all with the Rat Soup as the Soup Du Jour and Stale Bread with Dirty Water.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We do not cover a lot of Muslim authors. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Media is LIVE Y'all!! Thank you @a and @e I was logged out of gab and could not get back in for an hour or so. Is that normal? I was logged out too. Took forever to remember my password. All good now. Good to hear. I found myself in a hive of white supremacists today and I thought it may have had something to do with it. lol I understand if any kids come to my home dressed as ghosts for Halloween, I should not give them candy because they are white supremacists. Beware... Hahahahaha! I am going to wear blackface AND a ghost costume. Its funny, like the boy who cried wolf. These cowardly dems think the wrong people are white supremacists. They dont see the truth, because they dont want to. Its easy for them to forget the dems started the KKK and the president who freed the blacks was a repub. They would rather believe the lies Don't forget xenophobic, cisgender, hyper-privileged Trumptards! Hey! that resembles me!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Some days you are Louis Winthorpe III before he met Ophelia. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She's right, she's not one of,\" she is \"the one and only.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She can probably suck the chrome off a trailer hitch though... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well gee https:\/\/www.advocate.com\/crime\/2018\/10\/28\/synagogue-shooting-occurred-during-bris-gay-couples-twins More like wishful thinking on your part. hey cringe-berg, stein, whatever, you're in the wrong place if you're looking for the foreskin buffet. go be Semitic somewhere else chomo More like BrockTheWindBag try-hard.txt I don't speak gibberish. I see. No actual skills. lol yeah and you're just brimming with them heeb. just like all ur people, totally parasitic, expecting me to do all the work. you're like punching a soggy matzo-ball, very unfulfilling. run along moishe, ur boring Oh- it's MY fault that you are unable to deliver on the skills that you boasted of possessing, that about sum up your excuse? So in other words you cower to the Jew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"today it was posted on the zombie land saga website that the LEGENDARY YAMADA TAE'S actress is none other than the LEGENDARY Kotono Mitsuishi (misato\/ebuchu\/sailor moon), adding to the joke that she's legendary. she doesn't even speak in episode","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh, White men (and asians, of course) get penalized in admissions at the military academies for the sake of Diversity. we'd rather have more Diversity than good officers. Full infection of the highest ranks of the officer corps. Thx General Casey and Obama and Bush! https:\/\/usmadata.wordpress.com\/2018\/06\/10\/on-diversity-as-strength\/ who knew?!?! @Heartiste @JohnRivers \"whites get penalized\" may as well be the epitaph of america.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER LOL!! Same to you! Awe! How's it feel to want for the first time gimmie?! Is that a new feeling for you? Has mommy kept you on the tit all these years and now you don't know how to fend for yourself?!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Sorry...nothing but a setup to try and appease the Socialist Democratic Wacked Out Liberals. We are not stupid","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In Harry Potter and the Half-Assed Reach, the horcrux is nigger\/nigga.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER What color is the sky in your world? I've never seen a group of people so utterly delusional and in denial as liberals since Trump won. You guys need to just get over it! And sorry! There simply was no #Russiacollusion! #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder #FISAGate #Deepstateisreal","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is a sick puppy. Normal teen boys dont attempt rape. It is predatory behavior. He prob did it more than once. This isnt isolated behavior.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sexual deviant Met chief defends cowardly deputy who locked himself in car during terrorist rampage: https:\/\/www.telegraph.co.uk\/news\/2018\/10\/12\/met-chief-defends-deputy-locked-car-terrorist-rampage\/?WT.mc_id=tmg_share_tw via @telegraphnews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That is because they are retarded democrats lol CNN's Stelter, Tapper, Cillizza Silent on Stripper Melania,' Melted Down over Horseface' https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/the-media\/2018\/10\/17\/cnns-stelter-tapper-cillizza-silent-on-stripper-melania-music-video-melted-down-over-horseface\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".I think it's time we stopped being polite to and about the Left. They are not good people, they are walking filth. Small l\" liberals are their stooges, who don't see they are being used to destroy this country.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/MaxBoot\/status\/1051150486563360768 Seriously just how retarded is this guy?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" 15 minutes was already too long.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"British zionists Paid off governments Can't get any clearer than that! Thats whats wrong with this government....they cant speak clearly.... Better still, they refuse to speak clearly. A corrupt government is complicit in the down fall of their country. Perhaps that is why there is such a rise in leaders similar in style and nature as Trump. 'Give it to me straight', that's what the pple are voting for. Exactly....atleast trump has a set of balls and speaks his mind...and gets results...... Been planning it for one hundred years Never a truer statement have i seen. If they want \"human rights\" how about they start acting human? That ship sailed long ago.....its damage limitation now....? Bomber and a parachute each.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @esaagar: Ambassador Grenell was in the Oval Office w\/ POTUS on October 3, the same day that Nikki Haley gave her resignation to Trump https:\/\/t.co\/Otmb6KeV7G","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER How could anyone want to vote for a Democrat who wants open borders and gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Virgin Broastie vs the Chad Thot Patrol Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Eric maybe jail for you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why the fuck would you ever commiserate with a female, let alone on such a deep issue? Seriously man. Wtf were you expecting? Turn off the fucking Disney channel. It's 2018, how you doin? Wouldn't you if you thought you'd found a unicorn?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Keep getting yours","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Has anyone cried in front of their parents and feel totally ashamed and invaded afterwards ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm tired of these niggers being shoved down our throat, 24 hours a day. You have a homeland ethnostate, that isn't being invaded. I don't fucking care that your people are too retarded to feed yourselves. Fuck off to africa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is done out here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh man, that was a scumbag thing for me to say. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wish he would sue her and the Democrat Party, That cunt already has a lot of money from the Go Fund Me pages made for her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I work right around the corner from here and got told to shut the store i work at. I was like fucked if I'm going to let some terrorist cunt stop me from doing my job, so i stayed open and made a bit of cash off the people who got diverted due to bourke street being shut down, who just wanted to keep on going about their lives. and#x200B; Capitalism wins.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people are nothing but refuse. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just chew on that for a minute. You go to Trump rallies in California to protect Trump supporters from getting beat up by Antifa. The Trump DOJ does nothing about the problem, but prosecutes you for inciting riots! It has been open season on Trump supporters since Day One at the inauguration. I was there in DC. I saw them rioting and 2 years later not a single one of those people have anything to worry about from Jeff Sessions and the inept DOJ. It has been worse in California than anywhere else Moral of the story: stay the fuck out of it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER And while yes, hate groups\" is ill defined, we KNOW of hate groups on the right, and there is antifa, but they are not anywhere near the level of the modern conservative \"hate groups\" but then again, its subjective, so I guess neither of us can actually make a valid statement\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"PSA encourages kids to steal parents' guns, hand over to teachers https:\/\/www.washingtontimes.com\/news\/2014\/dec\/22\/psa-encourages-kids-to-steal-parents-guns-hand-ove\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What does she think she has done to Kavanaugh family? You can't throw crap out there and not back it up. Nothing but a stall tactic. Liberals would fight anyone being appointed","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER BTW - Guns are inanimate objects ... it is the evil soul behind it that pulls the trigger. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RUSSIA RUSSIA RUSSIA here we go again the faggot left is making shit up. No Russian hacked squat or is attempting squat. It was Feinstiens driver from china you faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She says she wakes up from sleep thinkin she is gonna get Trump. She needs a Psychiatrist! ASAP","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ANOTHER ONE. The fat-assed woman called the cops \"because she no longer felt safe with his threatening behavior.\" And the woman FILMING is upset at the fat-assed woman's \"very intimidating presence.\" Listen to her. She's in tears. And the police think their authority is being challenged, so THEY'RE making the situation worse. The only sane person is the guy who had the cops called on him. Vote straight Republican and exterminate this societal childishness and confusion. We need to get back to common sense. This craziness is the result of leftism. Time to get rid of it. https:\/\/nypost.com\/2018\/10\/17\/golfcart-gail-calls-cops-on-black-dad-at-his-kids-soccer-game\/ Fat cunt with no life trying to throw her weight around. What a bitch!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So the nigger slice\/stabbed his eye with a \"something\"? Looked like a quick eye stab and a punch with the other arm. \"Get your concealed carry today. Would you like to know more? #2A https:\/\/www.usconcealedcarry.com\/\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If this was a dude doing this to a girl he'd just be a cunt. If the dude was 11\/12, and therefore a child, he would just be a fucking idiot kid who needed to be yelled at. Watch the full video you cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Bit of a celebrity my Ass!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Sir I know the difference pretending to be someone else is lying who you are the age where you from etc etc etc. but thats not the point the point is a lot of people are doing both and they been doing it since forever to kill their victims. And it sucks!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You're a special kind of retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sorry this is gross but it is important to see how liberal feminists have destroyed men. Just look at this piece of shit. I don't want these people anywhere near me or my family. It should be a crime to allow children near any democrats. You gone full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women do not belong on this earth. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As far as I am concerned, women are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well gab was always nigger aids anyway. I did like killing time at work posting cool pics and music but I guess this will free up more time for hentai","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Elizabeth Warren Fundraises off Sexual Misconduct Allegation Against Kavanaugh URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@codeofvets Craig Sawyer! Navy Seal! V4CR #V4CR https:\/\/www.pscp.tv\/codeofvets\/1OwGWWLoEXQGQ @CraigSawmanSawyer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The Democrats are so desperate all those ppl threatening Sen Collins are from CA. They will do anything to delay or halt confirmation and @USER re-election is on the line she is desperate. The ppl and GOP are quite aware of what is going on.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Antifa and UC Berkeley like this ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The liberals will stop at nothing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I TOTALLY WAS, faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's a grown ass teenager beating two prepubescent girls. This is assault and anyone who thinks otherwise should get help asap. Oh so it's just okay that she kicks him in the balls furiously and bullies him the whole time? Watch the video. She assaulted him first.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Facebook employee 1: \"People are leaving us in droves because our leftist policies are robbing them of their free speech.\" Facebook employee 2: \"I know, let's hire the biggest leftist thunder cunt of the lot!\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER America is being destroyed by our President.. he is a cancer to democracy. That is what is sad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Real tough cunt needs raped","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We actually need a world war, people need a hard dose of reality because what they seem to be smoking is making them retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER All you need to know is he is empty inside","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"typical liberal cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nah you dumb cunt that's a train and you'd be dead RIP lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No wonder he loves all those nigger \"refugees.\" Have you seen his old crone wife? Politically correct degeneracy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I love my penis and want to keep it. Would rather smoke a joint.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Here in 2019. May history be on the right side this time.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wow, Gab's last day. It has finally come. You all fucked up big time. ;D https:\/\/gab.com\/a\/posts\/40067468 #BuyersRemorse #MAGA #Trump #Russia #CNN #Breitbart #AltRight #Nazi #WhiteSupremacist #GabFam #unitetheright #ICE #treason #BlueWave #caravan #GreatAwakening #Qanon #Q Here's a gift for you. A little reminder. It's only going to get worse for you, cupcake. #Trump Is Your President, and the #RedWave will Crush you little #PissAnts. Just keep reading this, and remembering. Won't be long now! #MAGA #QAnon #Q https:\/\/www.270towin.com\/maps\/2016-actual-electoral-map hahaahhahhhahahhahahhahhahhaaaahhhaahahhahhahhahhhhah","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I would love to be able to afford a sexy french au pair . Poor me .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Also just incase you are ESL and not dumb. We say \"you are bad at something\" to say \"you seem not good at something\" makes you sound retarded. Just so you know.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that gay people are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should not let black people suffer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The most ironic thing is. The dems hasten their own demise while empowering their executioners. Do they think once this monster is unleashed that it will not turn on them first? #MAGA #WWG1WGA Written by Antifa terrorists URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pardon me, Miss Kelly, but u forgot to capitalize White and then u put a BIIIG Capital A on apefrica so u may want to go on ahead and just click that edit tab before anyone else sees what a filthy niggerlover u are now dont u fuck with me again Fuk these nigger lovers give em hell emily i got your back. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It used to mean the permanent powers that be\", the \"oligarchy\" powers. Now, for \"conservatives\" it's become like \"antifa\", it's an amorphous, faceless, everchanging cast of characters used to throw shade at anyone who \"opposes\" Trump. Jerome Corsi sold this lie best, recently.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"AYO HOL UP, DAS DA PUSSY ASS WHITEBOI WHO VOTED FOR TRUMP, GET HIS ASS what do? Roll up into a ball, insert buttplug, and mew softly -G. McInnes Hey so here's the interesting thing about that. It doesn't appear that any Proud Boys have been stupid enough to turn themselves in on Gavin's orders. They've arrested three more guys- who didn't turn themselves in. That fundraiser Gavin created concerns me. I assume he's stealing the money. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-8Jf #ProudBoys He's trying to avoid a rico charge since he said he created the proud boys as a violent street gang back when he was trying to be edgy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Could CBC get liberals to tell us the definition of middle class? They don't seem to know. Also MPs use the term ordinary canadians. Are these born Canadians? Special are boarder crossers? I would love an answer. Liberals are in mute on this point. Butthead has not told them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Rendell: #AndrewGillum Probably a Little #Too #Progressive for #Florida' URL #Trump #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There are some real baby boomers that are stupid as shit. They completely fail to grasp that it isn't 1950 anymore. They're utterly oblivious, living in their own world of denial. Their children are retarded, too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She picks some random conservative issues from US and try to force fit in Indian narrative. Next might be gun control ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I'm gunna fucking die oh my god","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I listened to yesterday's tds because I saw in the show notes they were covering the Cenk vs Tucker debate and I foolishly thought they would provide constructive criticism of Tucker's horrible performance to illustrate how cuck narratives lock whites into a box we won't be able to get out of. Of course Sven cherry picked clips and claimed Tucker BTFO'd Cenk. Sven and Mike also dismissed Cenk's position of getting money out of politics. Which is odd for an outfit that says Jews are the donor class bank roll politicians. We don't need to \"get money out of politics\". That's a liberal scam for publicly funded elections. Oh and (((who))) determines which politicians get funding? What we need is to cut the size of each congressional district to 30,000 citizens per district (as opposed to the 700K+ we have today), as specified by the Constitution. https:\/\/thirty-thousand.org Even in our current situation publicly funded elections would be positive for us You're under cutting your narrative, if Europe has a high caliber of civil workers they should be able to suppress people better than here in America. This is also ignoring the fact blacks mostly have made up\/unnecessary jobs in government. Not leadership you still haven't answered the question of how will cutting the district size change the ability of donors to pick candidates? They big donors can pick as many as they want. The question is, will their choices be credible? It'll be like the \"how do you do, fellow kids?\" meme multiplied across 6000 districts. You can't compete with local guys who know the place and the people, and when the district is small enough, traditional and cheap campaign methods (canvassing) are competitive. splitting up districts that are 60% into sections where whites advantage is so thin that it would only take a few cucks to elect poc reps. If you dont trust them to distribute campaign funds, why would you entrust them creating new congressional districts? Your proposal would also only effect the house. Which was designed to be the weakest body of government ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Behar..Aren't you Jewish? Do you really \"NOT KNOW ...that you are supporting and siding with Nazis? The Dems have been running Hitler's Playbook for years! WHY DO NEW YORK JEWS SIDE WITH NAZIS ? You Speak Against Israel.. WHY? Are you Pandering in case they do take over? WHY?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So handsome you are! I think people should donate the shoes to our homeless veterans and other homeless Americans, after they sew a no\" circle over the emblem.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Allowing any more disabl3d people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is one UGLY and DUMB woman!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"cant come soon enough fuk She will win her riding handily. Worst case for her is Leader of the Opposition.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But does he schmooze with Communist #Putin in Helsinki like your daddy? . @USER @USER @USER #MAGA @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"guns don't mean shit if you aint got balls it time for all niggas to be warriors gain we was kings and queens visiting the stars before the white devils came stoled are knowledge and enslaved us it gonna be a black planet white devils watch out #BlackGab #Negus #Nuwaupian #Blaxit #KenyansOnGab #AfricansOnGab #BlackPower #BlackLivesMatter #BLM #Wakanda sorry i ever had the misfortune of you commenting on my post..yu are very fucked up individual..prejudiced as hell and full of shit!! if youre king in africa yu better get back over there!! now i know why everybody is hating on you..you hating on them too.. ISLAM\/MUSLIMS CALL ALL BLACKS ABD..IT IS ARABIC FOR NIGGER AND SLAVE..THEY ARE NOT YOUR BUDDY.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"t's not a religion. It's a tribalistic, supremacist race with an insular culture that relies on dividing its host on order to survive. \" What you are describing is a the filthy despicable JEW PIGS! Jews are subversive LIARS and whatever they accuse others of they are guilty! Jews are parasitical cancer and have been expelled from 1030 countries for a REASON! Do you still belive the HOLOHOAX like this RETARD JAY? Jews are SCUM and you are a brainwashed RETARD!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Mathew Richards is a giant dick skin eating faggot. Your a delusion gaslit retard spewing Jewish bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There's going full retard, and then there's going 110% retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The facts of the matter are very plain and basic. This has never happened before in recorded history or on other similarly hit islands in the area. The fact it happened on Donald Trump's watch is unsurprising. He did not support them. He is an abject failure and should be dismissed","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I've been vehemently opposed to mass immigration of unskilled uneducated 3rd world peasants since before you were born Rex We need these guys to find all there old friends on facebook. Show up to there houses. Slap them around and throw that retarded TV out of the window.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Today's #PresidentialAlert has definitely caused some triggering ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is in witness protection. I wish this cow had a mobile phone so she could call other cows and share her escape. #GoVegan","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"$100,800 a year to pick cotton, more than the average salary of an engineer. I saw that but realistically if you work 12 hours a day then you'd be working less than 5 days a week If you're working 12 hour days in most jobs, chances are you're working at least 5 days a week if not more. At 5 days a week and factoring in mandatory overtime laws it would come in at 91,000 per year on average. If this is a 7 day work week then you'd be looking at 137,800 annual If this is a 4 day work week then you'd be looking at 67,600 However these estimates are far from accurate. Cotton picking season in the best case is about 5 months long and lasts from July to october. That time is crunch time though so it would be reasonable to work every day during this period. So that's 153 days of the year. 12 hour days with overtime factored in at the 40 hr mark for each week. so 22(5x8x25 + 5x4x25x People always say they can do it but physical work is not for everyone. I'm from Alberta and when I was in HS I could have went to the oil fields and earned 200k a year without a university degree. I didn't go because my friends who went all said that the work is very hard, there is carcinogenic material involved and people cope with hard drugs. Cotton picking in the sun while standing up for 12 hours a day can legit kill you. You ain't wrong, I've done shitty farmwork before and had the option for the oil field line myself. Not gonna lie its a great way to get yourself killed, especially in the southern heat. But if you aren't an idiot about it you'll probably be fine. For maybe a year or two until your body breaks down. Those types of jobs aren't for the long haul. Yeah, one season's all you need. The fuck would you make a career out of hard labor?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER YOU ARE REALLY AN ARMY ajsvsnsksjsj I LOVE YOU FAMILY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger deserved to be fired.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Someone wrote it for her. She is irrelevant!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Character of a crook better off using Dillinger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They are just a bunch of niggers. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"INTERRUPTING HIS HEARING AT EVERY TURN! BUT THATS OK HE IS A MAN AND CAN TAKE IT! AT LEAST HE WILL REMEMBER WHO WHAT WHEN AND WHERE HE WAS! AFTER THIS KAVANAUGH WILL HAVE DEFINITELY EARNED HIS STRIPES TO SCOTUS! MAGA!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"it's also factually inaccurate. if they were only for milk they would completely deflate when not producing milk, as is the case with several other mammals. dumb cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black woman wrecks black man's life with fake rape accusation; movie deep-sixed. Another stunning column by @DavidColeStein . And I have 4 daughters! http:\/\/takimag.com\/article\/yes-women-can-lie\/#axzz5TYSGtD2p","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Everyone in my orbit is totally backing Serena today! She is totally validated with her actions and handled it with grace and character. I'm sorry for her experience but i feel that respect for her has grown beyond the tennis world ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And Donald Trump will never be president","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #Police are priority for funding! @USER @USER @USER Our country is overrun with crime. Degrees of lawlessness in #UnitedKingdom","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I just walked out to my car and two filthy nigger beasts are sitting in the parking lot eating chicken and throwing their BBQ sauce containers out the window and splashing shit all over the car next to it. MINE. I so wish I wasn't a girl right now. Haha I texted this to my brother and he said \"I bet he niggers fucked up their car in an insurance scam Lol that isn't my car! That's the nigs car","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Adam Ant - Puss 'n Boots (Video) https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=k6zstmlOjLs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for t r a n s people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah, I just tried to open up a new account with a clean email and behind seven proxies and was still refused service like a nigger at an Alabama lunch counter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's in an immigrant's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"the 30% must not be fllowed to Vote In My country but cunt like you would support it like they do in CA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am fully planted in gab, I don't want to be removed because I didn't suck up to Libs, the only reason I'm putting up such a fight is because there are some racist here who judge people based on their DNA and I think that is wrong, I won't be a part of that but I will protect you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Attention of bigger accounts is everything on here. The smaller you are the more you vanish in Nowheresland. Sometimes they even believe to be something better because of the numbers on their follower-count.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just ask him for a source on that one. They'll never produce one. Quick way to shut down that discussion. That's where you're wrong shitlord. My source is you're racist! The funny thing was that he demanded sources to prove that communism had killed 100 million people. They are literally everywhere lol. He still defended communism after I posted multiple sources, and of course he attacked me for supporting Trump. That's a pretty easy source to produce and you won't find many people arguing against it because it's considered a historical fact at this point. Apparently not to the escaped lab experiment I was talking to. They are conflating deaths due to lack of availability to healthcare and such in capitalist societies to murdering of political opponents. For example if you cannot pay for your cancer treatment the communists consider that a capitalism-related death. [removed] What? [removed] Okay anon just chill. I know you don't like Jews but we talk about that on \/pol Yeah. Sure, pal.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes he is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In my opinion, gay people like you deserve to die. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"HE SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THAT LITTLE FAGGOT AND BROKEN HIM IN HALF.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They are all very RACIST RETARDED human sewage!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It sure is. Hope he is in the grand final side","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER For the hol tl to see . That's tht Big Dick energy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Got a point there if you are a person that just looks after yourself however i think if you look at NHS\/Social Care\/Emergency services\/ wages compared to living costs you will see a different story.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm in nigger country, so yes...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Heinlein experimented with many ideas about government, family structure, sex and technology. The idea that he wrote an entertaining sci fi book as a prescription for an ideal political system like he was Ayn Rand is hard for me to take seriously. We're talking about Heinlein where one of his main characters goes back in time and has sex with his own mother (Time Enough for Love.) Starship Troopers is supposed to stimulate your mind not advertise a political order. Imagine how confused you'll be when you find out he had male-centric harems in Stranger in a Strange Land but had multi-generational marriages with multiple male and female members in other books like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Which was his ideal? Probably neither. Not every work of fiction is a politically charged message and that is just fine with me. EDIT: Also, if I were going to make an argument about what Heinlein's actual political philosophy was, I would argue it was simply TANSTAAFL. > had multi-generational marriages with multiple male and female members in other books like The Moon is a Harsh Mistress. Add to that that females were *explicitly* In Charge of most everything family-based in Luna. Also that their #BelieveWomen was powerful enough to get you *spaced* on the fem's word alone. Yeah but it was understood that women were in charge (and believed) because of supply and demand. Women weren't more trustworthy but damn if they weren't in short supply so they needed to be protected (and catered to) to keep things running. It was pragmatic #believeWomen, nothing based on historical oppression or women being unable to lie. They wouldn't people bringing those types of reasons up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Feminists simply aren't able to grasp the concept of personal responsibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What if the \"male\" kid that you refuse to have grows up to realize they're trans? Awfully closed minded of you to assume that baby's gender. \/s Look at the tags. >TERF This bitch doesn't even believe in trans people. [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But you are? Give me a break!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can we finally agree that Muslims are a cancer?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And here it is folks what studies find...... sigh Keep lots of mud huts handy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Goo goo google. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I thought liberals were snowflakes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just another common wetback. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the List of Moral Alignment http:\/\/easydamus.com\/alignment.html Chaotic Good: Crusader for Yahweh Lawful Good: Fight for White Justice Neutral Good: Will Help a Fellow White Man in Need Neutral: Could Care Less either Way Neutral Evil: Would Watch Folk Die and Not Help Lawful Evil: Cold Blooded Nigger Killer Chaotic Evil: Jew Rabbi or Serial Killer","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nigger gear.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thank you for the updates....you are doing an excellent job","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Be disconnected from reality, y'all What if I don't? You're gonna call the cops? I'd rather take the mute trophy. Well it sure isn't a black or a white thing. See? There are things we can agree on. Don't chimp out on my timeline. If you have a question or a point, make it. I'll treat you like a man if you act like one. Fair enough. Nice to see my favorite biker chick around too. How are you? How's work? I'm good! I'm in Mexico right now! Hanging out with a bunch of pro dirt biker dudes! be careful out there. don't run into the cartel. Haha. We might on the way back! We have some big trucks that go fast and don't stop tho. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"THIS IS WHY, you never fly with a muslim pilot, or, muzzie cab driver for that matter. - They will kill you. Look at Flight MH370 - muslim pilot. Dead passengers. \"The incident airplane descended to an altitude of 100 ft (30 meters) above ground level and overflew the first airplane on the taxiway,\" the report said. \"The incident flight crew initiated a go-around, and overflew the second airplane on the taxiway before starting to climb,\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Title 9 skank Taylor Not-So-Swift \"breaks her silence.\" Like we all didn't know she was a man-hating closet bull dyke liberal. She only dates men so she can throw them under the bus in her next man-bashing song. You do NOT have \"Tennessee values\" Taylor. You have sick and twisted pervert Hollywood values. Women who stand against rotten bitches like you lying about rape are the ones who possess TRUE \"Tennessee values.\" We lynched too many black men in the South over skanks and their phony rape accusations. Burned entire towns like Rosewood and Greenwood to the ground over the \"values\" of skanks like Swift. https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-us\/music\/celebrity\/taylor-swift-bashes-blackburn-in-favor-of-tennessee-dems-breaking-political-silence\/ar-BBO52ET?ocid=spartandhp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yes usually in THOSE countries people kill gays cuz religion advise them to do it and try to point this out and antifa will beat you. No matter how u try in america to help gay in those countries it will have no effect cuz those ppl hate america.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nobel Laureate in Physics; \"Global Warming is Pseudoscience\" https:\/\/youtu.be\/SXxHfb66ZgM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And you obviously don't care a single fuck about what he stood for. You're a decisive little faggot. look i linked the greatest story never told! Now I am infallible! Get bent you fucking faggot. Have fun dealing with the soul crushing reality of what a cuck you are when your retarded religion ushers in the Jewish Messiah.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Actually antifa makes u want to kick them right in the teeth URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The little faggot with his....need of Depends! Or maybe they did buy him his own jet airplane!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"who knows what this massive dyke wants !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER aaaah thank u sm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A bit of revisionist history from Travis LeBlanc. What anyone on the TRS forums knows is that it was open season in Richard Spencer there. And it was most certainly encouraged by the owners of TRS. If you criticized an owner of TRS, (((Weev))), Andrew Anglin, or Ricky Vaughn, you got banned. If you criticized a number of movement people that were on the 'purge list' like Richard Spencer, no problem whatsoever. The only thing that interrupted this process was Paul Nehlen's doxing of Ricky Vaughn. As for the Daily Stormer \"pushing out toxic elements from the movement\", there is no more toxic element in the movement than (((Weev))). Greg Johnson says he agrees with LeBlanc on this, which is an outrage. https:\/\/goo.gl\/6Mkoi7 One of the pillars that made Spencer a leader was being able to throw upscale conferences that could bring people together. Mike's hieling at NPI cut this off for him and played a huge part in Spencer's decline in leadership.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I know a whole lotta people spitting a whole lot of bullshit right now idk if youll ever see this but I pray you feel no way responsible for what happened today. You have already been through so damn much. Just know that you are good you are great I love you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because she's retarded? She's rarted","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Gun control is never sensible.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These disabled people are nothing but cockroaches. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I was more annoyed by the men in that game. Except like 2 or 3 men they were either turbodicks or turboretards. Game was still good. It just overstayed its welcome in the end, I never finished the expansion because I was exhausted.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The UK has gone full-on retard mode https:\/\/www.bbc.com\/news\/uk-politics-45899784","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Unbelievable!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey stupid, there are differences between male, female, White, nigger and Oriental skulls.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Me when someone accuses me of being extreme for wanting to murder everyone in the federal govt:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ @BillyRoper here is cantwell saying it again. @occdissent is this really the stuff you condone with your association with Cantwell? If not, then why associate with him?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.removeddit.com\/r\/canada\/comments\/9nc98f\/it_was_like_a_nightmare_police_investigate_fire\/e7la0mp Hopefully that link works. Im on mobile. Even the most gentle criticism of the CBC is removed. I got in to quite the dustup with the mods over that one... The chucklefuck mods replied to me with this >Partisan-backed media-bashing of perceived enemy press is grossly undemocratic and intolerable suppression of journalism in any society that claims to care about freedom of expression. Put actual effort into criticism of the ARTICLE next time. Its not even them, its OrzBlueFog, Cadaren99, ManofManyTalentz and AbsoluteTruth. Their own little alt-left mod clique. There's a reason they won't release mod logs - these guys are doing the vast majority of the moderating and its massively biased. I don't expect them to release mod logs, but they have to get their fuckin mods in line. \/r\/canada mod team, is criticizing the CBC actually against your rules? Can you please revise the rules to reflect the arbitrary left wing insanity that your mods make up on the fly every day? Like in \/r\/CanadaPolitics, nobody ever knows what will get removed and what wont' because it depends on whether your sissy lefty mods are on their rags or not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's just getting so predictable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anyone who claims the Russian Intelligence agencies give a shit about manipulating the Star Wars fandom is fundamentally retarded and ignorant of intelligence operations.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is nothing in the world I like less than a black person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Terrible man wouldn't you say liberals. Just terrible.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"6 months and you can report he also files for bankruptcy too. That nigger looks like a tootsie-pop that got left in the floorboard of a car in the summer heat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER God help us all","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Tryouts for Antifa???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck off back to twitter rabbi. are you still here i told you to fuck off. because you are a troll loser Leftist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Faggots are soft what if he was just tapping them on the shoulder and there faces inadvertently got in the way. @BasedJew14 @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - \"Hate crime\" is the new spice on the faggot menu. The actual Truth is that their very existence is a hate crime,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You truly are a dumb cunt gupta","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> What makes you hate women so much. Gee I haven't heard this narrative a thousand times, please cite that source NPC. > I've been in MGTOW for a few months now No you haven't. > I've had one major problem with most of the members, they seem like pessimists. Like they were in just one bad relationship, and now they hate all women. But doesn't everyo I assume you're referring to my \"I love life\" posts? > Like they were in just one bad relationship, and now they hate all women. Please cite all the posts you made yelling at feminists and TwoXChromosomes posts yelling at them because of their sexual failures and the incel culture in feminism? > But doesn't everyone get into a bad relationship at some point? I've never been in abad nor failed one, all my relationships end mutually or via ghost protocols. I'm fine, thanks for asking. But then, i don't enter relationships like a retard. Sorry divorced guys, no offense meant, I just made different life choices. > I'd just like to understand your feelings on women and how your failed relationships impacted your thoughts. I've never had a bad one, because I keep them right where feminism tells me to keep them, as a casual series of holes to play with, and some emotions to play with, and some fun to play with. You know how you get that new relationship fun? Kind of like when you buy a new car and you wash it twice a week or more? Then you stop doing that one day? It's a lot like that. Except you end the relationship before you stop washing the new car.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Start with explaining why you think he is stupid rather than writing a question looking for attention.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This is the kind of thing that liberals want. A totalitarian society where tweets are grounds for examinations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh dear... Rape jihad is caused by breastfeeding?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's in a Muslm's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Are we really supposed to believe the party of violent liberal ANTIFA with their KKK hoods who beat the hell out of strangers they know nothing about somehow care at all for this? Are we supposed to trust the party who funds ANTIFA to tell us the truth on any subject?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That does not change the fact that Muslim Linda Sarsour deliberately sows hate and division. She is a fraud who pretends to support women's rights. Does she protest Islam's discrimination of women. NO.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NFL Player Who Refuses To Stand For Anthem Is Now Starting Problems For Bizarre Reason [VIDEO] https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/cqbQQq\/Dq-K-RWe-Ws-AA5x-C","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why can't she close her parentheses? Yes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am going for round two tomorrow afternoon if I haven't been banned for posting legal content, make no mistake about it. This is only the start. And it will only get worse as large loli websites get hold of this anti-loli BS here at GAB.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Youre in trouble for disingenuous jewish bullshit who's only current point I can see is some strange attempt to place \"money\" before the concept of value of resource and societal growth. Im not fucking backing down on this shove your threat up your cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dumb Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is will powers some sort of retard?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I did it occasionally, but Twitter has now suspended my account. Complaint from some obnoxious faggot being called a faggot, by moi! But do I give a fuck? Sadly, no!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PERFECT. Hey, don't jump me. I liked the meme and used it. Wasn't meant for you, just venting. MAGA2020! the english language turning to pigeon english Dumbing down America, its the lefts way to control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There also weren't any faggots in the story!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Check the antifa registration. Some of her coworkers are there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Emmy Hosts on Monday Night Take Shots at #Trump and #Conservatives - #MAGA #BoycottHollywood URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We should simply shoot them. They're just gay people after all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Which is more terrifying? AI singularity in which computers become so intelligent they can design smarter computers and build them in seconds. OR Genetically spliced race\/subspecie taking the best available traits of existing human (even animal!) populations that inevitably sees other humans as vastly inferior. Please repost, genuinely curious. Just because the Machine Intelligence is smarter than humans, nearly omniscient via x-ray eyes and able to kill or tickle remotely via convergent EMF beamforming, doesn't mean it knows or cares about technology. In fact, it might just be shy and self conscious about its non-humanoid form and spend all day thinking of new ways to play with us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/MarkACollett\/status\/1055382053691244544","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Talk about a kangaroo court! Is this what you Liberals want? One person's word able to destroy another person's life with NOTHING to back it up. If so you're sick.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Enjoying watching Trump and his base having their little temper tantrums over the 4,000 people migrating towards the boarder who actually want the jobs that his supporters won't take Hey Lee, you do know that liberal assholes like you are not a protected class here?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Monte... who fuckin knows at this point","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"*screams @ own ass* im not gay you are URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Don't worry hun I will be sharing this everyone needs to see this talent!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"im giggling like a retard here this is glorious shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"6d\/. They won't be able to make it after January! There will be millions HOMELESS and STARVING! You will see a LOT MORE BEGGING on the STREETS. People living in the woods. THIS is so the rich #Conservatives #Christians #WhiteSupremacists #MAGA #MAGAVeterans #MAGATalk URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol this coming from the little faggot that has to use someone else pic for his AVI hehhehe Lol you little fucking munchkin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muh fake rape allegations. Booohooo. Has anyone of these supposedly \"traditionalist\" \"right-wingers\" who whine about that shit ever thought of the angle that this is actually a good thing? Anything that puts a dent in this degenerate nigger-tier hook-up culture is positive in my book. B-b-but muh cummies! Kys nigger. Black Beast nigger rapists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#NoMenMidterms Jesus Christ...ya gotta be kidding me....and yet another biased agenda...#VoteMenVote No more biased than yours. Seriously....since I believe EVERY U.S. citizen has the right to vote....tell me exactly how that's biased....can't wait to hear this bullshit... You have an opinion, and believe only your opinion is valid. Textbook bias. Jesus....SMDH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I understand that disabled people are human beings. I just think they act like vermin. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I 100% AGREE. The Republicans MUST NOT allow this individual to DICTATE RULES and put the country on HOLD. EF HER!!!! #ThursdayMotivation #WalkAway #MAGA #Pussyhats","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER has been nominated for Still A Mum Awards. Kindly vote for her here... URL She is our super host on #GaniKaliNaAisha @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oregon Governor Kate Brown Misuse of Public Funds, Conflicts of Interest, \"Graft and \"Corruption https:\/\/t.co\/ubsiJXqpI2 . Anyone else notice every single NEVER TRUMPER is ripping off and betraying the trust of the American people. Just makes me sick.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Uh..that kid is going to grow up NatSoc you dumb cunt !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"way to minimize your other comment. it was full of sadness and depression and a dream crushed. and I called you out for being an emotional weakling. and you sidestepped it and acted like a retard, I expected no more or less","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Of course the blck person was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank you random internet person. Next time I want shit from you I'll squeeze your head.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I am sure she is his \"good friend If He talks like an AntiSemite Walks like an AntiSemite and Acts like an AntiSemite then He is.... surprise! @USER not really surprised","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women can't help themselves but be complete dickheds. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's disheartening to still see people call for the death of black people in 2020. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL yikes son. You couldn't even lift my ruck. Bet you're a MGTOW LOL I'll be sure to tell my wife! Dumbass.. you done? Wannabe. Go back to your basement. What do I wannabe? You're a fucking liberal ROFL!! Ok cupcake if you say so.... #asshat Saw you in your green sweater . Fashionable, right?!?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"UNPAID INTERN\" Who Doxxed Republicans, was NOT an Intern at all! We can't let this story go cold. I believe it is the one that will bring down the house of cards. Jackson Cosko was not unpaid, as Sheila Jackson Lee stated. https:\/\/amgreatness.com\/2018\/10\/06\/cosko-is-not-an-unpaid-intern\/ #JacksonCosko #SheilaJacksonLee #RepublicansDoxxed @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker Ropes, even New Ones Have a Tendency to Break I'm Voting Guillotine","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FBI: OK guys we're about done here but we better check with a dumb ass leftist celebrity cunt before we end our investigation. Hahahahahahaha!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There's definitely a feedback loop which is now even warping perceptions within the movement. Labour factions often hate each other more than the conservatives","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm betting this lie will get half around the world before the truth even gets it's trousers on , Just what was the real provocation ? https:\/\/metro.co.uk\/2018\/10\/21\/daughter-speaks-out-after-distraught-elderly-mum-is-called-an-ugly-black-bstard-on-ryanair-flight-8061265\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2018: Mail Bombs What do we have, here? They look absolutely nothing alike..smdh 2018: Mail Bombs So @Luvmybykr...You're saying these look nothing alike? Not even a smidge? I'm not seeing it hun..but good luck with it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Womn belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I will not tolerate posts like \"Muslims are absolutely despicable\" in my timeline. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER ATTENTION. @USER is publicizing the names of Trump supporters on his Twitter Account on Lists\". Some names are high profile and some are just random Trump supporters. The list is a ANTIFA TARGET LIST. Please help report him. Twitter needs to SUSPEND HIS ACCOUNT.,\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! bye faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I notified Twitter last night of my tweets not being seen and I can't see many of my follower's tweets. Also while @USER was testifying last week in the senate my QFD ban suddenly disappeared. Minute my tweets steer towards politics NOTHING goes through!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals should just be banished from the United States and dropped in the middle east.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Geezy is a retarded asshole and an ignorant slut. Making false accusations is a way of life for her, as it is for most liberal women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No shit. That's exactly the problem. \"Nationalism and traditionalism for us in our homeland, faggotry and infinity nigger invasion for you in your homeland goys.\" Meanwhile Israel leeches White Gentile money like we owe them. Fuck you rodent parasites.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all immigrants\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I was wondering when one of you little nigger lovers was gonna stop by.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes, that's a threat. The Left is promising violence against anyone who dares stand against them. They are not prepared for what they are about to start.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But this woman and her boyfriend were just victims of the corporate jail system. America just locks people up to make money right? 3 speeding tickets, life sentence Don't break the fucking law. PRETTY simple. Driving too fast can kill people. If you can't learn by the 2nd ticket then fuck you, die in jail. You're a fucking idiot Yeah you're an idiot, Dylan. God your an idiot Oh the irony of the idiot. Straight busta Yes, the effects of autocorrect on a hasty reply to you (an idiot) surely puts me into the category of \"should not have been born , however, I was. And here I am, wasting my time responding to your idiocies instead of pursuing more productive endeavors. With that said, I still believe the views you hold on a three crime (regardless of nature or severity) life sentence is not just idiotic, but downright immoral. I still hold to the opinion that you sir, are a complete moron. Smooth neck here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Feminism really is a mental disorder. I guess we don't get to see her tits. they're prob small and that's why she's so bitter... cause men won't look at her little tits Her tits are completely unimportant to me. There is more high-quality porn available for free, of every kind imaginable, than any hundred people could watch in a hundred lifetimes. > There is more high-quality porn available for free, of every kind imaginable, than any hundred people could watch in a hundred lifetimes. Challenge accepted! yes, we're real concerned Fat broads in costumes chanting in unison... that is actually my worst nightmare. the Gaelic name O'Searcaigh was used by the Irish family O Searsaigh which is derived from \" Searcach \" which means \" Loving \".. she'd hate that.. These Woman should really get back into the kitchen and be f**king productive for once in their lives... Now your catching on. Don't forget to iron my shirt too. what does it mean \"take our contraceptives\" do they get them free.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just another fucking nigger acting badly. This isn't news.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Fk River you are a sick individual. Get a life or make the world a better place or end yours. No loss trash IMHO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Agreed! What is wrong with Senator Collins to suggest this as tho the victim is on trial - She is not!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The only reason for someone to not hate a nigger is because they have never had any coontact with the savages other than the fake just like you and me niggers on tv","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll cherish any black person like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's called that useless nigger letting our military equipment fall apart. You can't just trash the equipment without having replacements which take time to make.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is it a big deal to remove the blood from Mortal Kombat? Removing the blood doesnt change the outcome of fights or stop you progressing in the game, it only exists to satisfy your inner serial killer. Is it really worth such an outcry to satisfy the bloodlust of future murderers? Congrats, you're 90s era Jack Thompson retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Writing that \"all trans people are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Blacks are literally the cuckold of all the races and also the epitome of degeneracy. Don't listen and believe the Jewish propaganda of black being alpha. Consider yourselves as top of the social hierarchy by just being white.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think @USER knows what he's doing. It's a lose-lose proposition no matter what he does. Kind of like being a referee at a dog fight. I'll reserve judgement until Monday. I definitely see where you're coming from. #MAGA #KAG2018 #KavanaughConfirmation URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This guy is a half wit affirmative action hire. What the FUCK can this retard \"teach anyone? My guess is this asshole will be in jail within 2 years for his no impulse control low intelligence ass He really is drool stupid. I can't believe a school pays this dope...wow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am going to make those gay people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Michael's gotta have a monster to fit that faggot ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER All we need now is a gang sign","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Unbelievable that this Nigger did this in public https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6269537\/California-mall-CCTV-shows-man-following-young-girl-trying-sexually-assault-her.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are the most wonderful of Fremino","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sarsour IS a Muslim and by doctrine cannot be American but should be deported to some Muzzie shithole. No one should tolerate them and Islam must be outlawed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Don't worry your time will come play hard and listen the coach Frost he is a winner a championship coach ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think it's the comments. The Sisterhood of Cunts and the beta whiteknights in the comments really give her a pass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Some faggot is posting tranny porn on the politics tag For fucks sake image boards have better moderation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No woman can be made a mason... On the right of the picture. No woman can be a Duke either. Strange days indeed He's in his 90's No Need, The Men Wear The Aprons In The Masons. Although I Understand They Do Allow Women In These Days (In Theory I Guess) You know nothing of Masonry Not where I come from Good grief! That's embarrassing. He earned his, in a coup against King Idris. Criminals the whole lot of em. http:\/\/part The American Embassy,the new one, is at 33 Nine Elms Lane 33 is a significant number in Scottish Rites Freemasonry. Coincidence? Time For The Republic Of Great Britain.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It was surprising how fast Reagan passed gun control in Cali when the Black Panthers armed themselves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But the Frogs said it wasn't a Muzzie terriorist attack.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm going to help out a trans person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Pedophilia is the worst of all evil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah....not going back on a site that's actively working to reduce White men like me to Nigger status and helping rig elections.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'd like to congratulate President Obama on this groundbreaking trade deal with Canada and Mexico, it truly is amazing what you've accomplished these last 2 Years, sir. Keep up the great work !!!! ............. LMAO #Maga #GreatAwakening #Qanon #LockThemUp","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A Coward and a Dyke both useless pieces of shit who will sacrifice any colleague for their Jihadi Masters!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER These people are special. Lol URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fucking retarded ... anyone that would spend that much on some blue paint is FUCKING RETARDED!!!!! ,,!,, o.o ,,!,,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's 60,000 dollars for the gay wagon too here so an there is a lot of fsghots here boy buying this faggot ass death traps with locking up steering columns and brakes","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Raping us through technology!? Holy shit! Retarded left.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Still are a weakling who is ruled over by .... who is that rules you? Purely because you are a weakling. I am a epileptic cripple who shits bigger than you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"everyone else in the world\" isn't traumatized by them, you dumb cunt. Your self created phobias are not anyone elses problems. Get your fucking head out of the bubble for a while, and you MIGHT Have a chance at redeeming yourself before it's too late. Probably not, but it's worth a shot. and#x200B; and#x200B;","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You M u s l i m s make me sick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER There's no hope for you and Jerry. Unbelievable how close-minded you are. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"hahaha.....fucking cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He was mentally retarded from the beginning.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger worship","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If the hurricane hits the wetback caravan expect to see video of Anderson Cooper neck deep in dead beaner babies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT JamesOKeefeIII 'Busted' Dem Senator McCaskill Demands Special Prosecutor Over Veritas Undercover \"Fraud\" | Zero Hedge https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-18\/busted-dem-senator-mccaskill-demands-special-prosecutor-over-veritas-undercover ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He just wants a hole in the side of his mouth so his faggot boyfriend has another hole to stick his dick into.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is telling you he knows where his bum is. Writes \"ass with his bottom. What more proof of higher intelligence do you need?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is with her. Trust that Jesus has her in the Palm of His Hand. #JesusITrustInYou Bless you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Weird California has all the best gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA It just amazes me. The social justice mentallity by calling people names like racist or whatever to justify their actions. Those people are retarded and ill informed...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER ANTIFA are not Liberal!We don't agree with anything they Do!!look up their history.but also look up David Duke. We also don't believe open borders.Doesn't mean you have to be a Racist.and loose your empathy\/morals. I personally have no problem discussing topics.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER 2bn is notong term that shud b annually.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He's worried about his bottom line that's what upsets him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"MIL? Mother I like? Mother-in-law","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"another retarded sand nigger cock sucker","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/justinmichaelstpierre\/videos\/10153602193606351\/?t=6","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Agreed. It's probably white people screaming how offensive she is too. I wish Big Brother wasn't forced by the twitter SJW army to remove her. We have all said offensive things when we were teenagers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's not get carried away. Turdhole is a fucking retarded traitor!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Execution is the only solution for those immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"STFU #NPC faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER They're trying.. It's called ANTIFA! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"not all women are like that\" but more than enough of them ARE LIKE THAT!! so where are all the femmymists crying, \"a woman would never lie about rape?\" this is cunting to the nth degree!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Give a nigger a fish and he'll eat for a day. Give a nigger a fishing rod and he'll be down to the nearest cash generator to sell it for some heroin.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER # doesn'tunderstandmetaphors","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"CNN's Jim Acosta is one step away from having a meltdown on live TV.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER BS has no clue what comming out her mouth.WRONG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And your retarded and a pervert. Next question ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Any day a nigger dies is a good day.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol. Apple. Apple Now Bricks MacBook Pros to Prevent Third-Party Repair https:\/\/www.extremetech.com\/computing\/278261-apple-now-bricks-macbook-pros-to-prevent-third-party-repair And they just keep buying! Cult of idiots. Fuck 'em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Why only a fact-checking tweet for a Democrat? I would expect these tweets for all political candidates? Or does the AP only do this for Liberals?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If we don't learn truth now before he is before confirmed there will be a lot of acrimony later when the details of the case are learned.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Retards don't understand irony.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It is crazy... especially like the redneck white trash folks they are like 100% in on Trump. It's so weird. Like he'd ever get caught dead hanging out with them at a backyard party drinking Bud Light and playing beer pong? He doesn't care about the poor, he's never been poor, but he's a good salesman I guess.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Did someone actually pay that stupid cunt to write this?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"a nigger meets another moron","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LOL wow, this cunt had an epic moment of total and complete FAILURE !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She isn't believed because of the lack of evidence she is presenting 3 decades after the fact. Her being a woman has nothing to do with it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Bernie retard loser cult...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Race mixing nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I want to adopt this dog. He\/She is so precious ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER you are alienating your supporters #disgusted URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Old news dopey cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Collins is not who she tries to make people believe she is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Senate and the Supreme Court Have Been Granted Too Much Power\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i left a dislike you cunt :) cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Good news. I hope their advertisers are getting free ad space.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The liberals have sunk to an all new low....how tragic!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We'll torture these women without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A superrior white woman mixing with e nigger or similar race is discusting, how can a woman sleep with such stinking inferrior creatures? And as for asiens and white latinos I got nothing against...but look at demographics...we are lowering our numbers and the white treasonous whores are making kids with the invaders or with others? WTF? THE JEWISH WAY Exactly those fucking jews introduced Marxism in the USA and liberals bought that shit cuz they was to stupid to see why hitler wanted them dead. Now its ok to be anything but a white male","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"lmao I can't believe retards like you actually exist. End yourself asap > End yourself asap No, you. Fucking incel. stay mad that your retarded insult is incorrect 99% of the time haha faggot :) cunt! That's just makes you a dumb cunt. :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER These niggas getting put on list and straight ass only niggas I seen good was yoshi patchmade jay and a few more rest are ass ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Another crazy liberals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dumb jew....it was like a nigger crashing a KKK meeting","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ruth Bader Ginsburg next...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dumb Socialist twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black lives do not matter. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well the pro-meat argument is that every species cares about itself. Lions are so tender and nurturing of their own kittens, but they go snap the necks of baby hyenas. Because they are in competition over food and survival. Likewise humans want to provide the cheapest and best food to fellow humans, they don't want meat to be $20\/pound just so the chickens can not suffer. Empathy is all well and dandy, but at a certain point it becomes retarded. Everybody always wants to save the cute animals like dolphins while they fry up the butt-ugly fish in butter sauce. I mean that's the empathy gap right there. People have empathy for cute things. If you're ugly, people are like \"fuck that nigga, get in the frying pan.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FAGGOT ALERT!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So she's a cunt and a elitist An \"elite cunt\" if I may","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The blue check mark just means that you're one of twatter's approved persons. This became apparent when they started to unverify people they didn't like.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">I won't go into it. It was fucking insane. LOL we can imagine. And honestly, most of us 'imagining' how bad things can get with a girl will be wayyyyy fucking off the first (maybe even few) times it happens to us. AWALT. Bitches are fucking NUTS. Btw you should let this dumb cunt know she isnt worth your time if she didnt already get the message.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Glad to see your friends are supporting Metis rights as much as you are supporting Zionists. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuck off squeaky yid cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just because it isn't a sexy diagnosis doesn't mean it gets low quality care. You are making an incorrect assumption.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LIBTARD MEME BOMB a meme pak assault against libtards https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/cjAyE1APfoMG\/ #altright #whitegenocide #freespeech #trudeau #trump #bernier #whitenationalism https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/channel\/aryanh8\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER In our house this is known as the sadim touch\" , the reverse Midas, when everything turns to ratshit.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I think he is hoping someone somewhat soviet will take care of it for him. This could get even uglier.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I say Nigger often and all Whites must do the same. They are NOT us. Niggers are despicable and degenerate ape-like filthy black beasts deserving of extreme hatred and contempt. Non-white vermin scum are NOT Americans and Do NOT belong in White Lands. White race traitors and degenerate jews compel a final solution.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good. This fucking cunt deserves jail.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This stupid cunt sure did disappear suddenly","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"if you're telling us you cant ID a white person just by looking at them, you must actually be retarded but, we know you're lying. you know damn well what a white person is you're just using that classic marxist deconstruction tactic next you'll try and tell us its nothing more than a social construct you 'people' are so intellectually dishonest, it makes me sick","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I heard about all that. Especially the Niggers having sex with the corpses of their long-dead wives,which resulted in them becoming diseased. The stupid is frightening. Actually Niggers produced the cradle of Western Civilization! Among the first cities. Lower and Upper Egypt. The Old Kingdom. The pyramids - not topped until the late 18th. So niggers got some serious game! Not exactly their fault they've been suffering a 500-year holocaust! Nigger by definition means \"blackie\"! Like calling a Chinese person a chink. By definition it doesn't mean anything. It's just bigotry: superiority founded on nothing. \"When John Rolfe recorded in his journal the first shipment of Africans to Virginia in 1619, he listed them as \"negars.\" A 1689 inventory of an estate in Brooklyn, New York, made mention of an enslaved \"niggor\" boy. The seminal lexicographer Noah Webster referred to Negroes as \"negers.\"\" You were saying? So, they were not in fact Black or Negroes? 1\/ Just saying, nigger literally means black-skinned person. It's a lame insult. Big City Liberals are the biggest White Supremacists! Call a person fat it's hurtful because they're fat. Call a person a nigger or a chink, you're just butchering their identity. It doesn't point out any real shortcoming.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't think a european solution will work for us, because their civil service is actually semi competent. We actually have a policy of hiring as many niggers as possible. And we also have a two party system, enabled directly by our overpopulated districts. Even libertarians can't get elected. White majority districts do not matter, because -- get this -- zero Congressmen actually support white interests. Zero. Guys like Steve King barely count. Yes there will be pure nigger districts who elect Kangz into office. But there will also be people like us. A faceless chameleon like Paul Ryan can get elected because he doesn't stand out in 700,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That may well be one of the most deluded concepts I've ever encountered. Witches and pagans are the hipsters of modern religion. Prayer and God are too mainstream. Not necessarily. Have you ever considered solipsism? The view where your perceptions are basically the only thing that exists, without any deeper reality to speak of (this includes other people, who essentially exist only to the point they interact with you). It's actually impossible to refute this point of view, people just dismiss it because it sounds crazy. It sounds crazy because it is crazy, but bear with me: imagine that for real there were nothing else in the world besides you* and your thoughts\/perceptions. Do you still think spellcasting wouldn't work? If all reality is taking place literally in your own head, wouldn't you thoughts (and words and so on) have immense power? Like when you are dreaming, and it feels like it's you in the dream, but actually everything in the dream is you. *strictly speaking you don't even need to exist, as you never directly observe yourself (you are not a single thought or perception).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Our President - the liar! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=5bhKir8-RTkandfeature=youtu.be","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Feel like there is a noose around your scrawny neck? Better late than never. I do not think there is a statue of limitations on treason... Yep, those 2 are way past due for becoming windchimes. no one is forcing her to stay , chances are, there'd be a line of people wanting to help her pack ,should she decide to leave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Exactly! Fred Guttenberg's entire mission is for \"Gun Control and Feinstein will do anything for a dollar. Both are on a mission to change legislation in favor of taking guns from Law Abiding Americans. HOW is his whole stance NOT political?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Blacks are retarded savages.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's normie dank The dankest days are behind us boyes For epic memays Honestly delet this This is a nice sub, thanks for letting me know this exsisted :). Delet this now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"East German Nazi Angela Merkel just released a 9-11 conspirator and flew him back home to Morocco to plan more attacks in America... He should have faced Military Tribunal and Executed, but Our Head Muslim, Democrat Party and the U.N. said No.. Is it just me or do you people get more retarded by the day ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm pretty sure the Saudis did kill that journalist. To be honest, I really don't give a shit. I mean, I've got a long list of things I hate about those fuckers but killing some fellow sand nigger who was bad mouthing their Crown Prince is way down at the bottom of that list. Unfortunately it's an opportunity that will be missed. Nothing will be done, save for some \"stern warning, and they'll continue funding the vast majority of sand nigger antics around the world.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Unless those women rebel. All it takes is one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER How much you are paying for patrol... ? Do you think it's because of naheru or Zina... Indira... ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER thinks he is a funny man. But \"think is the key word...because he isn't that funny. #ALLINOnLonnieIsntFunny #MarchOnFromWalker","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"trans people deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You don't agree sexual assault is more serious than marijuana use? How many \"baseless allegations are supported by therapist corroboration 6 years beforehand? There's evidence and conservatives are afraid investigation would make it more convincing.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's a unique situation bc apparently they knew each other very well. Supposedly dated. We'll see when more details emerge. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Notice nigger bitch is only disrespecting the White Officer!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"An immigrant must have committed that crime. Only they can be that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> Hilariously enough, in my state, they pull your drivers license and professional licenses for lack of payment. BRILLIANT! Take away your ability to work! Force you into jail That's..astoundingly retarded. That logic is flawed.But I'm guessing it's to prevent dodgers?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All girls like you should have a pimp to guide them to successful prostitution","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"an sjw god.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Rigger...Royal Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Tough crap Mazie! There should be a Me Too\" for men with false accusations against them as well as those hurt by Democrat lies, false accusations, biased government agencies, biased media sensationalism and Antifa bullies etc......\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gun shot fi gay get all of the guns them out,the police must give we the rights to kill all gays, gun shot at all gays suck your mothers all gays","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER URL I read wages of rebellion- which had some beautiful moments - but some of it made me suspicious and this article confirmed some of them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And trending is the comment \"can we start with Rosie ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER To pivot away from China: - Form TPP: TRUMP Pacific Partnership! - Give business to other Asian countries and form strong support network outside China! - Ban products from China that include stolen Intellectual Property - No sharing IP to do business in China #MAGA @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lol same. Mom: why don't you do art of real people? Me: he is a real people.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Strippers who fuck are nice too. Usually they will do it in the back and you can negotiate a decent price. Only downside is they will rush you so don't go back there and try to make love You need to go into more details on how you pull this off. Like I assume you can't just outright say you want to give them more money for sex. So how do you do it. Don't they have cameras in the back? Do you offer them more money up front? You are the fuckin man. Thank you. I'm saving this comment. This is the answer I was looking for.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Holding back, or is that the ugliest retarded thing you could imagine?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#TheGreatAwakening #WalkAway #MAGA The slave trade was monopolized by Jews.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER she is and also a goddess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"+1+1= ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I also need to address this question: Why did President Trump hire two lawyers that would hire Robert Mueller when they did not have to? #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Just look at the ass and keep it moving ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How can you say \"black people are disgusting\" and not realise that's hateful?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">Churchill quote in bio Boomer degenerate confirmed Just love when the kiddies side with the Muslims no worries there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck off, POS! I had enough of your retarded kind today; go play somewhere else, Muslimgirl.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Oh shit this will trigger some bigots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You don't seem to understand the point I'm trying to make, it's not \"video games\" because containment subreddits attract those who'd rather not be banned for saying things like niggerfaggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Wren @peremersenne @markusenyart @Timber @Trumplican @Grubama @baerdric @FreeAgent355 @2sense @Lilgirl @rickybird @Luvvvbughugs @Moonbasking @Sockalexis @Lilly @NaturalSelection @haremesc @BewareOfFlatteries @AltruisticEnigma @NiggerologistPhD @olHip @CrunchyBacon @KimFoote @EmilyAnderson @IlI @Luvmybykr @FEDUPCITIZEN7 why should whites be cared for by blacks? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=qIAiMylHT-k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at this dumb cunt on Twitter https:\/\/twitter.com\/davidcorndc\/status\/1050936135701082112?s=21","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Wow the guy who played the guy pitching a doggy product on Modern Family thinks he is the conscience of the nation. Also can I get Hamilton tickets?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Turned them off years ago. Shep and his anti gun bullshit was the last straw during that manhunt in cali a few years ago. I know somebody that worked at Fox he said he was a fluffer to several of the higher ups hence he keeps his job.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical Jihadi behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER 1st Pic: OH MY GOD THE BATMAN V SUPERMAN TRAILER IS AWESOME\" 2nd Pic: \"OH MY GOD BVS IS AWESOME 3rd Pic: \"oh, you dont like BvS and call it a shit movie?? well bitch\" 4th Pic: \"oh, Zack was fired, Henry left and Ben is leaving\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm going to help out a black person tomorrow. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I didn't say \"every last woman in the country . I said it's the average behaviour of the women in the west When I say that muslims are retards, I don't mean every single last one of them, but on average, that is the case But because not all muslims are retarded terrorists, I still don't want any of them here. Similarly, I don't want women having the vote","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Well she is better looking than the lying chicks lawyer","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical wetback behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER morning","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"$5.7 Million in Taxpayer Funds for Study to Justify Sterilizing Children Who Are Gender Confused URL via @USER STERILIZE LIBERALS.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> We want everyone to have fun playing Battlefield and participating in its community. Occasionally some players will behave less than great though. WHY DO THEY ALL SPEAK LIKE KINDERGARTENERS Banned: It turns out when you called \"SnipeYa\" a \"Poopy head\". The user is Hindu and you will be banned for cultural insensitivity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Speak for yourself but I don't have to act like a sand nigger to do it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" To be fair, she's only half wrong. They are baby milk vending machines. Knowing that, we choose women with large breasts because, whether rightly or not, we assume they will do a good job of dispensing milk. Thus, we are sexually attracted, because the point of sex is making babies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Boom fuck that cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Looks like conservatives made a back room deal with her as they are best known for always playing dirty divisive politics","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER maybe it was democrat antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER They will be cheating if she gets it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER even he is conceding his own spot. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm the freshest nigga in the room. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Saudi dispute with Canada may lose business","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The NRA is now intimidated by a British cartoon. They should stay out of European animation ethics unless they want all of Europe weighing in on gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrant lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"The left cunt meme - NPC","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should get rid of immigrants once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He got his chance and blew it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too manywhores in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"*Signs* Trying to put an innocent person in jail for decades is one of the most horrible abhorrent things a human being can do. It is on par with attempted murder. These cunts ought to rot in jail for however long the innocent person was (or was going to be) sentenced.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I didn't read the article since OP is a man and therefore an inconsiderate cunt, as proved by him not linking the article. This might be relevant: I've read a big thread on a body building website about personality changes with T. It was really sad. The guys were all saying it was fine, they either didn't notice much or felt they could handle it OK. And a long procession of women were saying how their loving partner or brother tended to become a selfish, arrogant, insensitive, uncaring asshole while on T. They would refuse to believe their partner's distress was worth stopping the T for. So long as they didn't hit her they could not see the problem. T and empathy don't seem to correlate within a group but they strongly correlate in an individual. It is common for men to become more empathetic as they age, I guess because of falling T. It also is commonly noted in fathers, our T drops during pregnancy and stays down a while after birth. There is a huge excess of women in the caring professions in all countries - nursing, primary and secondary teaching, childcare, aged care, GPs and therapists, social workers. [Edit:] https:\/\/www.vice.com\/en_au\/article\/ne7gdb\/its-confirmed-women-are-higher-beings","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The deeper in they get the less likely to scrap or even stop... we need it scrapped now before more wasted on it and before more contracts signed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Are you fucking retarded?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Grave of a Pagan Bishop in the ruins of Coventry Cathedral. Oddly enough, it is pretty much the only thing that survived after the Luftwaffe bombed it in WW LOL get f**ked, heathen faggot :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"http:\/\/halturnerradioshow.com\/index.php\/news\/world-news\/3324-migrant-caravan-loots-robs-food-store-beats-up-owners-in-mexico \"Migrant Caravan\" LOOTS \/ ROBS Food Store; Beats-up Owners in Mexico. dragging its owner and employees out and BEATING THEM to steal food for their ongoing trek to the United States.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2 examples of the group newsletters we created on gun control in the USA. In our groups of 8 we split into partners and were each responsible for researching and writing one of the 4 sections. Miss Ross then helped to arrange our separate pieces to make one A3 sheet. #CurrentAffairs URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER It also means her treacherous actions will seriously offend 70% of @USER who voted to #Leave all *Four Pillars* of the CORRUPT #EU. #ChuckMay #ChuckChequers #BoJo4PM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Girl so am I.. LOL he is actually grown now ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The world gets better and better everyday. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/canadian-rapper-dies-in-airplane-stunt-gone-wrong","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER PHOOEY! It wasn't about stepping forward\" it was about @USER helping @USER wield a crude sharp axe on the UK's poor and vulnerable. He is a total hypocrite and fraud in a stupid affected style hat.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"the Cops work for ZOG.. fuck off Jew.. you see fuck all - that's 1 of your problems.. fuck off Jew boy.. go lick the Cops balls -since you have none of your own.. look at the cunt trying to back track.. none of that shit.. FO..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are not 'Progressive' without Palestine. #BDS URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nope. Never been told that. Sorry, nigger but that white slut of yours lied to you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I understand your point. No thing is absolute. Most people that say \"hurr durr not freedom from consequences\" are using it to *rationalize* their behavior, usually to justify \"punching a Nazi\" or whatever. In *principle,* freedom of speech is pretty chill. >Gas the jews, kill all faggots, death to sandniggers, God isn't real, religion is a joke and black people are mongoloids. In real life, I'd give you a \"Shut the fuck up, u\/Cetarial, that's annoying.\" I wouldn't punch you. I'd try to talk to you about it, like this. If someone said you should be punched, punished, or imprisoned for what you'd said, I'd tell them to fuck off, possibly with force. Because I'll defend your right to speak even if I disagree. If your right to speak shifted into, *actually trying to* >Gas the jews, kill all faggots, death to sandniggers, It would be time for the punishment to start rolling. ----- I guess this is a lot of rambling to say, \"Most people that discuss *'not freedom from consequence'* are using it to try to **silence** those they disagree with.\" It goes against the entire principle of freedom of speech. And you know what? Maybe after a few too many late night parties where u\/Cetarial came over to my house and spouted his \"gas the jews\" schtick, I'd tell them they weren't welcome anymore. And that *would* be a consequence, because, like I said above, balance is critical. But as a rule, I'm hesitant to start censoring, de-platforming, and all that because it is a slippery slope.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2\/ #MaximeBernier supporters @USER not conservative enough. We need to move to the right!!! But Max says room for the NDP but not conservatives. I don't understand why thoughtful Conservatives aren't calling out this hypocrisy. I keep getting this meme It's a fraud. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is too bitchy... And you?! I ask a question and you dont respond Why would this be 1 way street?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Breitbart must be hacked! Your headline says it all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There's a good fuckin' reason we despise these rat faced perfidious invasive species you MAGAtards call \"MUH GREATEST ALLY\" Jews hate Whites Faggot ass Jew lover can't even debate this point because there is no debating this. The kikes like Muslims even better than they like White Evangelicals.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"been there. in highschool i was leaving a classroom, some douchebag said loudly \"hey look at that faggot\" i shouted back \"fuck you\", and the guy 'chased' after me trying to start shit. teacher told the principal that he was \"defending her honor\". fuck people. shut up faggot. I don't have time to explain everything to you. Why would I make an effort at \"diplomacy\" with someone who I neither respect NOR fear. You don't pose a threat to me and I don't value you. So, why the fuck would I care AT ALL what you think? lmfao. Also, I have the nuclear option. I can literally end your existence in my world. I'm going to block you now....and it will be as if you never even existed. BOOM. GONE. Diplomacy. lmfao. what a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah but she's fine as fuck,the jammy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Smoking a fag\" has a whole other fairy gay faggot meaning here in the USA. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER NANSBABH BITCH STFU","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Imagine having that many more niggers to support. Fuck that This nigger loving turd that wants 15 million more nogs to feed muted me like I'm the bad guy. Fucking based","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If her income comes from the state it doesn't matter how much tax she pays on cigarettes. My father in law came to Canada 15 years ago in his 50' and has worked this whole time more then 40 hours a week at minimums wage job . 2 years ago he became a Canadian citizen ( and got a better job yay ) but he still works and still pays taxs and he never got any bonus money from the government for moving here . Not saying the person in this photo is the same but for everyone just to assume and just throwing hate around makes me feel sad for everyone Yea, you fucking idiots! If she gets say $1500 a month in entitlements, plus free healthcare costing say $6,000 a month based on her age, then the gst and pst she pays on certain items will make the government a huge windfall! My father in law came to Canada 15 years ago in his 50' and has worked this whole time more then 40 hours a week at minimums wage job . 2 years ago he became a Canadian citizen ( and got a better job yay ) but he still works and still pays taxs and he never got any bonus money from the government for moving here . Not saying the person in this photo is the same but for everyone just to assume and just throwing hate around makes me feel sad for everyone I'm with you. Except that story is remarkably rare. Why would someone not apply for citizenship until now? There was nothing indicating that she was ever hearing contributing to canadian gdp during her working years. She would be 12 years past the late retirement age. I know we shouldn't generalize, but lets be realistic and look at the facts. Your father in law is atypical, and most citizens don't stay in Canada for 40 years before applying. I'm with you. You brain damaged, son?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"100%#WHITETRIBALISM #RETRIBALIZE #PGTOW #FOLKRIGHT #VOLKISH #SLAVA#FOLKFIRST #HEATHENS #WEARENOTSEMITES Robert, how is your moral fagging going? When will you stand and protect our white right wing trad women? Carolyn attacked them. Speaking ones mind.. like how evil the Altright and Christians are? lol. We will purge her OH NOW TRY TO DENY IT KIKE Deny what Robert? Your psychosis is really getting out of hand. I think someone is living down by the river in a white van.. and his name is Robert. Purge her of the Jezebel spirit of course. Well Robert, looks like this is the end for both of our accounts\/Gab. You were a retarded cunt the entire time. And you are a Jew boy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I used to like watching \"Madam Secretary\" I'll never watch it again. Last night they went full on retard, full on left, full on femmie wank. They had the jew Albright, the nigger Powell and Hitlery giving advice. you actually watched that crap...? Even for a goof...?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Minnesota Teacher Resigns After Posting Kill Kavanaugh' Tweet https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/dDdAYp\/Dp_J7_DNCWw_AEdd_Za.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Y4sz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well yea... They rewrote the whole script so Lancelot was a faggot and there was numerous lancing jokes and rainbow flags, rainbow tights, and more innuendo than I care to remember. You don't remember that?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"One day you may experience someone close to you in that situation and you'll change your mind. I agree that situations are always different when its someone close to you. If this guy was my brother, best friend or son I'd be devastated and wondering what other problems could've possibly been going on in his life to bring on such a tragedy and what I could've done to prevent it. As the outsider looking in however, I see a weak person, so weak in fact they are willing to kill themselves to be a man in this worthless excuse of a humans eyes. I also see someone that mentally unstable as being a potentially future danger to society. Call me crazy, cold, callous or out of touch, but I'm not gonna call this a loss. Lmao if you think suicidal thoughts make someone weak and useless to society, please stop using everything those \"weak useless\" people invented. Like everything you use in life. There would be no electricity nor understanding of the atom, nor what we call modern medicine were it not for a collection great men of the past who moved the whole species potential along, before choosing to leave this mortal plane. You speak as a child from ignorance, free of the knowledge of mental strife and meaningless pain that many people find insufferable in life. I'm know I'm on the undervote streak right now so keep em coming. But I'm curious, who are you referring to when talking about these amazing folks who have enhanced our lifestyles before leaving? I don't keep up with every major genious inventor, innovator, doctor, philanthropist, etc (I'm honestly wondering because I don't know) that have made immense impacts in our history affecting our every day lives, health and order of operation in general, and then killed themselves? (No musicians) I really wish your attitude would disappear from this earth.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"GET OUT OF MY CAR NOW For anyone wondering: https:\/\/youtu.be\/qJz18c6gw8c I think the police has to arrive to remove them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Some cunt named Clinton","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Says the man who stands against sensible gun control. #hypocrite","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Is it being awarded by The Onion?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The only giant faggot here is you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER So we should be denouncing Democrats and their ANTIFA Thugs? Done and Done!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I'm alright with this. If someone is dumb enough to try this then they deserve what ever they get. I can't wait to hear about the first AntiFa idiot to get blown away after they tried to steal a gun from someone in a stand your ground state ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's get rid of immigrants once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hmm? That's not biblical. You may want to ask god if you are doing it right. I'm pretty sure you're supposed to get in that church with all the \"people you don't care to be around. It's your persecution. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Taylor Swift breaks silence on politics, supports Dems... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Bs54","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What part of NO COLLUSION don't you get??? This is why you are a dumocrat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" BOYCOTT NFL NONAMERICAN FELON LEAGUE Yep, We still #BoycottNFL in my house!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa will sign anything if they're paid enough.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER URL Even in the SPD there is the believe, the Antifa has a legitimate reason\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NOT... I dispise evil.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ugly ginger nigger thing","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It's not a right mind. If it were they wouldn't be conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You could look for the cities in East Finland. Property prices vs avarage salary is good. All the First World shit you need. Most of the rednecks dont mind Germans. Third World exodus usually finds its way to the capital. and#x200B; The weather sucks from October to January thou depending on the seasons you like. You are basically part of the tribe if you learn the language. If you wanna play it safe then you should go to East-Asia. You wont be 100% part of the tribe there ever but atleast it wont turn into Kongo in our life time. If you need a city of more than 500 000 people with nigger, sand nigger and gypsy free zone then you are in the wrong continent.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"..behind their stories, plans and symbols and most of you will think, 'He's talking about a TELEVISION SHOW...WHAT A MORON! WE SHOULD BE WAY MORE WORRIED ABOUT WHAT JEWS ARE SAYING ON CNN, AND ANDERSON COOPERS 360 SHOW.' (Also a tv show: for those irony impaired individuals out there.) FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Apparently it's stupid and racist to cast Huntress as a white woman, because the character is currently Black in the comics (and it's completely irrelevant that the character *wasn't* originally). However, it's *also* stupid to complain about them race-swapping Black Canary and it doesn't matter that she's white in the comics. Yeah, I'd say fair enough that the reaction to all this is pretty telling, or at least, *The Mary Sue*'s reaction is pretty telling. I genuinely didn't even notice Rebirth Huntress was apparently still the 'new' version. Like, I noticed her skintone was a bit darker, but not like the [New 52](https:\/\/i.postimg.cc\/SmmddcTF\/HELENA_v I see. I know multiverse stuff is common in comics but this just seems... unnecessary? Plus, although I could see that her skin tone was a little darker than it used to be in the Rebirth **BoP** series, it certainly isn't on the same level design wise, as the **Grayson** Helena was. To me, at least. Hence the confusion. Wait I thought everything south of Rome was Africa? Depends on who you ask, until a couple of years ago, Rome was Africa too according to Lega Nord (although now they are at the government so they had to tone down and pretend they like people from the south of Italy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If it isn't some weird timestamp error, then it sounds like either he did it for posterity, or a friendly federal agent encouraged him to do the shooting and made sure to get the evidence. Fed encouragement wouldn't surprise me. Someone would have to be retarded to think they aren't crawling through all our circles.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"But Morning Schmoe said they were over a thousand miles away!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Or a faggot like you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you check on the author of an anti Nazi story and they are a Leftist mutt with an ax to grind against Whites. Don't race mix. Your children may become confused and resentful. No race should mix. Yep","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Whatever your missing my point which is that he is not even reached his ceiling and not good enough for him he's better than 7th best in the lg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Saul does not suffer fools. And he is impatient with people who are too lazy to read and learn.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It's hard to believe you are 39. I remember you as the cute first daughter\" in the White House. I voted for your dad twice. You have been a true force for good. Thank you.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Execution is the only solution for those disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER also yes he. IS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This dude is the biggest twatter twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is a gorgeous little mini you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"At least Jesus was Real, Odin is a made up Fantasy (Suitable for Comic Books) to get Vikings to Fight Harder in Battle. And \"Vikings\" were peaceful, only Christian propaganda depicted them as barbarians. 1000's of years of worldly explorations and we never tried to conquer anybody. You don't know anything about the Vikings, i happen to like their Conquests and for the Record, i am Half Norwegian\/Half English myself. @Final-Red-Pill-Revolution Have you seen that they've recently been finding tons of Viking artifacts in Iceland\/Scandinavian area? Just today I saw they found a Thor's hammer amulet for the first time in Iceland. So cool. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/science\/viking-thors-hammer-discovered-in-iceland","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They claim feminism is the future but no feminist cunt is willing to go to war.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hope you die in a war for israel, or getting raped to death by a pack of nigger muslims. But if you are a jew, i hope you die while choking on foreskin. Lampshade material cant read. Nobody wants to die for jew Israel you shekelgrabber. I hope jews and muslims rape eachother to death. I also hope your rabbi bit off your foreskin and swallowed it. I pray that Israel and all muslim counties get nuked. With this we could finally be free from the semitic rat plague. Jew. How much soap does it take to get the goat poop off your dick? Jewish woman are dirty, rabbi. I know you know.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Cool! And that's the way it SHOULD be!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"spic tips coming","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump is rent free in their heads and their cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER How about Sessions indict him and his cohorts for Operation Fast and Furious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"An example of how retarded the Loli Ban is: These two girls are from the same video game (Tales of the Abyss), and yes, they're both the same age. Only uh-oh, it turns out that their age is 16, so do you now ban lewds of the well-developed Tear along with hentai of Fake Loli Arietta? And 16 is an especially messy age, because that's actually legal in many US states. To the contrary, to restore civility to our political process and to restore faith in our institutions, i truly believe this specific issue deserves an expedited judicial review. Ya pretty much its turned into a virture signalling horseshit storm. \"WHOA WHOA WHOA GRANDPY LAMPS. ARE YOU SAYING THAT THERE'S MORE IMPORTANT SHIT TO WORRY ABOUT THAN ANIMU WEEB SHIT ON THE INTERNETZ? PEDO DEFENDER REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!\" - sperg Well 18 is the lowest age for real porn regardless of state AoC.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"pit bulls are the niggers of dogs well since you like nigger dogs you probably like nigger humans as well lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Just like gun control...Obozo is a conservatives greatest asset to win elections...when he talks we win! #RedWave","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#RedOctober #MAGA No, no, no. You need to put it off to November! That's the soonest you want to look like a complete pathetic fucking rube when absolutely nothing happens! You Shill is to the paranoid right as Russian bot is to the triggered left. An asshole either way right? Fuckk off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey, nobody got lynched. No man spent decades in prison. No harm, no foul, right? She didn't mean to hurt anyone; she's just retarded. Women shouldn't go to prison for acting like children. They just don't know any better.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"True. I'd call you a Jewish cunt instead. When are you moving to Israel?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Now we know the gun control stance of The Residents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"More like #Putin every day. #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Got something to hide Eric?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey, fucking retarded liberals, TRUMP IS STILL YOUR PRESIDENT. LOL!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger the US has killed millions. Stfu reddit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm somewhat glad for all this PA heeb business, I'd almost forgotten what a faggot Chuck Nellis is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And these are the *people pushing for gun control ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So you are a nazi? You liberals are too dumb to exist. How do you not set yourself on fire tying your shoes each morning you dumb ignorant redneck moron?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are there any black people on your course?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Writing that gay people are all assholes says a lot about how small-minded you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"DIPSHIT NIGGER !! SHE-BOON HATES AMERICA !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This fat pig could only get pussy by rape. Another faggot down!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black anime girls can be hot. more plz","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Hey numbnuts, that actor is long since dead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't know what I was more shocked by, her behavior or the crowds behavior during the trophy ceremony. They literally made the winner cry and apologize to the crowd for winning. Never seen anything like that. Serena and the crowd should be so ashamed of themselves. Yeah, her fans in the crowd weren't classy at all. It just made everything look bad. Osaka is a beast though. She's only 20 and she dominated so she'll be back on this stage often and soon. [removed]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"standard nigger behaviour?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Very simple....More gun control ads equals more guns sold. The gun illiterates aren't smart enough to figure this out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Silly CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you sound really tryhard and gay, should probably get that checked out. Go cruise elsewhere. That's funny cuz I am gay, bi specifically but you can just call me a faggot \"you sound really tryhard and gay- should probably get that checked out. Go cruise elsewhere\". Yes- another twttr-fagsbk scout has pranced onto gab to grace us with his\/her queer presence. \"Here's that fag talk we talked about\". @TrevorGoodchild @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @Escoffier @A_I_P @WADL @JonKragen @lostpassword @BardParker The worst kind of faggots are the ones who say they are \"bi\" @blazinherb @Screw-z-jews - No woman with one shred of dignity and self-respect would ever allow a \"bi\"-fag's junk into her bedroom. If he hasn't revealed his perversion to her- then he's got to be shot immediately- preferably by her father.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Reminder she used to be better than this even unpacking the Eron's original Post for all the instances of abuse journalists glossed over in defence of their literally who idol, but went full retard almost the moment it seemed to suit her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Those teeth man eeewwwwwe http:\/\/watching4bs.blogspot.com\/2017\/11\/lavar-ball-is-micheal-jordan.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Serena Williams is perhaps the most privileged female sportsperson in the world. Stop acting like everything she does is an uphill battle against sexism and racism - it detracts from the *actual* sexism and racism in the world. I mean, I think she's privileged obviously But she wasn't even allowed to wear a bloodclot prevention suit because it was deemed too racially provocative and they called it a black panther outfit'? This was France, not the USA, but still. Reported for harassment.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Was today worse than the time you took that swift boat up the river to kill Col. Kurtz?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Holder is a real quality guy. Wouldn't know the truth if it hit him in the face","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When we've finished stopping these kikes, restoring sanity to our nations and driving out the invaders we can address any controversies over anime girls FFS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"None of you pedos have acfually answered my simple question. Why? because you know I am right. you lot are bad actors. You have come to gab to try turn it into *another* place for \"legal child porn\" when you already have an abundance of places for that kind of thing. or to try to break Gab if they refused. Good news though, it wont work. No one cares about your \"needs\" #AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys It's like that faggot Butch Deadlift. They don't care strongly about anything and are nihilists. But step on the one thing they actually do care about (Anti Christian sentiment for butch and child porn for the lolicons), and they go make a shitfest.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why is it that all Muslims are repulsive?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I care more about the dirt under my shoe than about gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Right there with ya. This sub is almost exclusively transgender hate and fatperson hate. Like, there is a treasure trove of generally good dark humor in both of those areas, but what we get is the lowest fucking level of it its pathetic. Right? I used to fuck a retarded blind girl while reading this sub, and now I can't even choke a cat without first peeing on the American flag. What the hell?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You're retarded mate. Women are a reflection of the men in their life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dogooders always lose in the long run. He's the type that would reason with a nigger raping his wife instead of shooting him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Kavanaugh \"This is a scary time for young men. Pres. Trump He's right. #GabWomen: You're our only hope. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WA9Z0pBqFPQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2 am and my nigger neighbors are chimping out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah, poor Dickie will be raped by alimony, that now he \"ows her\"; the cunt will milk him for what is worth, whatever that is, besides getting the custody of their children. Poor Dickie will probably go full implicit after this nightmare!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> You should stop breathing air And you should jump the cliff. I am sure you can find an nice edge somewhere nearby. You want people to take you seriously? Consider the connotations. Nigger is a word that attracts so much negative attention because of it's historical connotation. You can say it, and I won't forbit it (not my place) but you will have a lot of shit thrown your way for it. Maybe you should expect it hmm? You can do a fairly simple search to find many depictions of africans as chimps, gorrillas or otherwise. How were they perceived historically? As \"subhuman\" primates. So don't be surprised if someone calls you racist for stating that someone is acting like a primate. With how sensitive people are these days you should expect it. Thats somehow a.... metaphor? Yea it makes no sense, because its not even gramatically correct. For fucks sake, you want to make an example? Use some sentence structure. I frankly thought you were simply retarded and couldn't properly tell someone to stop breathing oxygen. And what the fuck does breathing have to do with calling people chimps? Nothing at all!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I tell you the \"man\" is retarded ! Sorry to retarded folk .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My 23 year old daughter thinks that each of these twats needs more punching.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Putin to hold meeting with Trump in Paris on November 11 aide https:\/\/sptnkne.ws\/jQPj Putin to hold meeting with Trump in Paris on November 11 aide https:\/\/sptnkne.ws\/jQPj","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fuck em","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll snap that disabled neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Shapiro = Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"AI art fetches $432,500 \"Edmond de Belamy, from La Famille de Belamy sold today (Oct. 25) for $432,500 more than 40 times the initial estimate to an anonymous phone bidder. typical retarded phone poster https:\/\/qz.com\/quartzy\/1437876\/ai-generated-portrait-of-edmond-de-belamy-sold-for-432500\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FFS PUT THAT NIGGER OUT OF OUR MISERY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"evola was a literal faggot who would post on reddit, was he alive today.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Damn good wrapping job too Damn, at first i thought they were \"ghana must go\"'s, but nah that's just some killer wrapping. Dude must of spent hours of enjoyment doing that. All three of my carers don't give a shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #LikeNoOther #GameStopContest Laura Croft is great because she is a badass!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Isn't the word redneck racist in itself?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#MaximeBernier \"Racist Party of #Canada #Bernier #PPC .@USER #news #politics #government #cdnpoli #polcan #pnpcbc #liberals #progressives #conservatives #ndp #cpc #lpc #gpc #AltRight #FarRight #populist #racist #racism #bigot #hw URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gee, you didn't know that a Jew or the Jew media won't necessarily admit a person is Jewish when they are a krypto (Jews that infiltrate as something else) Your obsession denotes you are a Jew or a retarded christian zionist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@shadesofsilver i have MLG videos on YouTube They're very cancerous and retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stop calling progressive movements \"Cultural Marxism\". The term is a slander campaign used by the alt lite to conflate the economic left and progressive liberals. Hail stalin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER They could literally give two fucks af like ummm okay thanks ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So dam sexy!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here's some unoriginal thought, or in other words it's widely known and repeated - @knotsure is a fucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Quick or not it would still be catastrophic. I don't see a bunch of fee fee driven emotionally retarded soy drinking leftist standing much of a chance either, but dead folk on the news tend to be remembered for their causes and not their effectiveness. There would be an incredible divide that would not heal for hundreds of years if they got the war they are pushing, Something to consider.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This isn't ok sweaty, most find it abhorrent a few idiots can be expected in all movements.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" my favourite pic look the babe must be some what torn but is totally enjoying her relationship , but eventually people move on , shes dedicated very admirable","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The thought of Brett Kavanaugh holding his hand over his my mouth while he rapes me... It makes me so WET!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jap worshipping faggot thinks a bit highly of himself, doesn't he? Just the basic bitch level troll, they were all over twitter and frequently need to call backup when someone takes a huge duke on them without flinching.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm really in your head, aren't I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"dumb fucking bitch dont you just want to smash her fucking liberal face in Lol They all need reprogramming they've all become brainwashed you cant fix stupid, they have no fucking common sense if i had my way i would deport the fucking lot of them on a boat and torpedo the fucking thing 10 miles out,,, they are cancer and about time too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm more native American than this cunt and all my descendants are from Europa.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You.... just argued with a retarded high school troll.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Divert and defame...we voted him in to get things done...not b\/c he is well mannered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's over boys","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here's a fun fact Trump's approval ratings in Texas have gone up 4 percent from February to June #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Old pic. Trump is not monitoring anything related to the Hurricane. Pretty sure he is shitting his pants right about now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muted for being a complete fucktard. If you would wander off into an arctic waste naked and expire from exposure that would aid in the evolution of a better form of man. Thanks in advance. Another moronic cunt to mute.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The people on here suggesting that banning cartoon child porn and banning racist speech is an apples to apples comparison are goin' feet first into the woodchipper. This is non-negotiable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is a violent nigger who worked for another violent nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER hey #sickholder were you the dirty filthy greasy cheesy negarrrr who was in contempt of Congress? Don't open your mouth it's extremely stink.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Brilliant journalistic commentary here","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER LOCK HER UP! Haa! Looool. CANNOT WAIT! What a blatant lie! Somebody is scared boy!! If that F******* B****** trump gets in, we all hang from nooses!\" Who remembers that one? Can't imagine the anxiety she is feeling. Makes me smile.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You let the Jews run your country, you let the nigger animals in.. this is your reward.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Just saw it. Still vague though. He does not confirm if he is done or not though.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You first shit for brains. Jew and nigger lover.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You make me sick. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER fuck off URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WHAT DOES A STREET NIGGER KNOW? WHO THE FUCK CARES? NWO JEWS and THEIR MEDIA COMBINES AND MOVIE COMBINES AND EDUCATION COMBINES.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Democratic Socialist Ocasio-Cortez compares climate change to 'existential threat' of Nazi Germany https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/democratic-socialist-ocasio-cortez-compares-climate-change-to-existential-threat-of-nazi-germany","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"lol, this nigger likes trannies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Followed all MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is a retarded idea. Sounds like Thathcher-era England. If the seasonal work in within reasonable travelling distance of where they live, then sure. But they can't expect people to relocate for a couple of months to pick fruit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER And those same politicians from both @USER and @USER are selling the country down the drain.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER War on free speech. Antifa and high tech.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh, yay... A commie twat on here is trying to tell me what to say now. How about they go fuck themselves instead. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Our world should be ashamed, the west should live with the knowledge that we did nothing to stop this until it was far too late.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The nigger you're fucking's parents weren't British; so your argument is invalid. Thanks for playing you retarded piece of shit. You just said: https:\/\/gab.com\/Titanic_Britain_Author\/posts\/37804654 \"They weren't\". You're both dumb niggers. No. I said they weren't naturalised in a former colony. They were born here too. I'm no dumb nigga :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fantastic!!! The Alamo is sacred to us. She is a blight on the history of time. Better left erased!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER They just dont learn. Look at Biden he dbld down on hrc winning strategy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I told you all Trump did not make the money himself. He is an incompetent. His father was the steering hand behind ALL his \"deals.\" Even lil Don JR would admit his father is a retard in private.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Drumph says US will build up nuclear arsenal until #Russia, #China \"come to their senses\". CAN ANYBODY REALLY BE *THIS* HOPELESSLY STUPID? http:\/\/ Ramana I think Trump always plays many steps ahead and what you think he is doing -he is not","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is a junior and has better priorities than a lot of adults","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate the Democrats but they do Fight like H3LL everyday. R's are making so much from Lobbyist they don't give a damn what we want. I'm Ready for #MAGA Party but we have to get Trump elected 2020 and keep democrats out till 2020 URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Damnnn Aryan af nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The only difference is how many parasites it has feeding off it you mean?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Islam = Violence \/ Rape \/ Pedophilia \/ Retarded Inbred Culture.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You know that the conservatives are worried when they try to show some heart.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bad behavior like that is never acceptable.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They... URL via @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If you are considering leaving the Republican party PLEASE DO. We don't need anymore pretend Republicans interfering with Trump's awesome agenda. Sounds like you need to just resign.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Beautiful #ebony #ts Chanel Couture and Chad Diamond making good on #SexyTime! (3of8) #NSFW #babe #beauty #Tgirls #EbonyAngel #ladyboys #tits #butts #MeatLovers #BonerAlert #anal #TRAVESTI #stiffy #dangle #interracial #BlowJob #cum #TgirlsRock #fishnets #DickGirl #SHEMALE #ChicksWithDicks #TRANSGENDER #ChanelCouture #hot Thank you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER you are not alone\/ I am here with you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... A Fast Moving Target like a Skateboarder, would Deter a Nigger by Speeding Up the Encounter with said Nigger Demon (Less Time for Monkey Boy to make a Decision about Jacking the White Boy, and Acting Upon it).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nobody cares what you have to say.. and that shit is so retarded you had trouble even posting it.... now stfu and bake some cookies, bitch Female behavior during the entire Kavanaugh fiasco was abhorrent, insane, psychotic....I can never take women on the Left seriously ever again. They're retards, fat purple haired retards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I watch Obama for as long as I can stomach him just for the laughs LOL he approves himself to be Even more of a narcissist every day! He is so full of himself a.k.a. full of shit! #HangHim","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These gay people should shut the fuck up once and for all. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled lives are worth absolutely nothing. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people who think they are my equal fill me with so much rage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER love .. she is fabulous ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Is it bad that i like Quetsiyah. And thought Amara and Silas deserved it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Female lives are not worth any less than anyone else's. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Really? It's been the Dems that have been behind all violence from mass murderers to confrontations to antifa. Wake up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Identify as a black retarded female. Your guaranteed the job!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hey one of your antifa bros was on here today saying how much he hated Joey. Does God condone that hate? And who is this Joey guy?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/triggerreset.net\/2018\/10\/12\/facebook-tries-to-destroy-conservatives-and-its-costing-some-good-people-their-jobs\/ MARK OF THE BEAST","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who decided it was a good idea to make protecting your identity at public events illegal? That infringement on liberty and invasion of privacy is *actually* a fascist law. And no I don't care if low-T antifa is using it to remain anonymous, allowing government to infringe on your rights this way is infinitely worse than whatever the retards in antifa could do.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The Conservatives cut the budget for social housing by more than the 2bn as part of their austerity measures. This new announcement is pure spin and it simply plays on the failure of collective memory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These boys will then grow up with people making fun of them and they will then hate their parents for ruining their lives.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Here is the thing I ain't disputing that as a nation we have problems and never have I. However to say someone is likely to die earlier in Botswana than anywhere in the world is a reach. That's where I felt you are just exaggerating.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hollywood is full of demonic democrats.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can't tell if trolling or delusional. There's your problem, your dichotomy is false. The cops in NJ are corrupt as shit, and always deserve derision. I've seen them take too many bribes. >I really don't give a shit what you've seen You also don't care about reality. In addition to that, the incident had nothing to do with her being a woman and everything to do with throwing around political weight. I'm not saying you should like her, but I'm fine with people bullying the cops in NJ. It really isn't PPD. I hope you are soon able to resolve your issues with reality. Peace be upon you brother.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who cares what this faggot says","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Awesome. I hope she presses charges and sues the asshole. Needs to be arrested and charged with assault, and if trained in martial arts (which seems likely), enhanced charges related to that abuse. Unless laws in Canada are tougher than they are in the US, this guy needs the crap beat out of him! He needs to feel her pain. That seems to be the only way these \"animals\" learn a lesson. I hope someone teaches him a very painful lesson! I'm sure somebody already has. He is rumored to be a stand-up guy, because it hurts when he sits down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Always thought H Ford was a level headed guy! Guess not! Note to Ford: climate change is summer-fall- winter-spring!! Happens every year! Get over it!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER About 1\/3 of the conservatives I know are pro LGBTQ.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol dumb nigger bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh look, another horror story to shove in the face of those virtue-signalling twats on Facebook who claim that false accusations just don't happen. And this was done out of *casual malice.* I for one don't want to live in a world where the presumption of guilt is the rule of law.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hold up this for real? Am I reading that right? Everything is free?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches be sayin', \"Hotsi, totsi, I'm a fairy gay Nazi!\" F*** y'all and f*** Adolf Schicklgruber. Being proud because you are white is not the same thing as being a demonic-assed neo-Nazi.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I can relate completely Arlene lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This pathetic site is run by a NIGGER who doesn't really give a damn about free speech. He takes offense to your naughty drawings and it makes his pp feel funny so he doesn't like that one BIT! #LOLIGATE #NIGGERGATE @a","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leave and move to Faggot Land !!! https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/world\/2018\/10\/02\/trump-halts-visas-same-sex-partners-diplomats-un-employees\/1495218002\/ Aw, no Butt Fucking for you guys. Pahahahaha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lmfaooo. That old cunt has the buzzards circling for sure.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think they'll implode in a year or two, anyway. TV's and TS's have always hated each other, and that was in the olden days before all of this Tumblr shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats only care about this crap when it furthers their mission: To destroy conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is getting more and more bizarre now. \"Alien DNA\". Fan of the X Files? We have some Neanderthal DNA if that's what you mean? What your parents had to create you is between you and them son. Can't help you there. Live long and prosper :) I think this is his mother","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER We do! That's why Donald Trump is in office! All the Democrats and a good portion of Republicans are the shadow government! You are complicit in this! You are a Globalist ( international communist)!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"OCTOBER 12, 2018 Trudeau Government Announces They're Giving More Taxpayer Dollars To UN Palestinian Organization Fair Use: https:\/\/www.spencerfernando.com\/2018\/10\/12\/awful-trudeau-government-announces-theyre-giving-more-taxpayer-dollars-to-un-palestinian-organization-that-funds-hate-propaganda\/ ~ Spenser Fernando Well, I must admit that I like Faith Goldy. She is well loved by Canadians, a patriot, she is!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The left is insane so you cry like a nigger begging for Trump to do something. Giving the left more power just leaves you with no one to turn to. And when Speaker Pelosi declares that your guns be taken from you and sends in Tyrone, yea, you're not gonna do shit then either.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's not a conservative semantic argument. It's a stretch, meant to incite emotions with inflated school shooting\" statistic. People hear \"school shooting,\" and without reading they are meant to think of Parkland, and begin their predictable howls for gun control. Someone was\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These fuckers are retarded lul. They'll pull anything out of the air to try n trigger lul. Next Hitler will b rastafarian lul","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pocahontas is just a dumb cunt https:\/\/youtu.be\/DqK7eTY2xnQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Discord wants to sell your data, and if that data is breached or leaked they don't want to be held responsible. Here's how to opt out: https:\/\/redd.it\/9phixm","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER just saw your algae commercial blaming @USER that's pretty rich considering you are the Gov and have done zero zip and now you want to be Senator of FL.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh...a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Then you'll start to look 30 until you're 60, due to grey hair obviously. Not sure after that because I haven't aged that far yet. I suggest micellar water to clean your face. First time it will feel like your skin is super soft but after that it just takes off dirt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Doct Tape Please!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Listen cunt the only thick twat is you! because l know! Jewish isnt a race! And you can convert so if your gonna quote shite be factual No cunt l got cross because you attacked and insulted me! I know what I'm talking about now fuck off you job jockey once to often you have tried abusing ppl when they pull you up on your BS. I didn't attack you! You did me! The only thick cunt here is YOU","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER What did she do? The conservatives are no different","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NRCC hates being control, they want to be 2nd, way more donations to skim off of.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is making faces like Peter strokz...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your disabled lives have no value. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Congratulations!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"she had every right to talk to the cop but her trying to touch him is too far","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Then maybe we can talk about the double standards between liberals and conservatives at @USER Somebody is always a victim.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER More than that how low she is ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is in jail","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Right?! I wanna know why she on the phone calling the police anyway? what did he do\"? Fuckin \"Run Me Over Rhonda\" lol\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Omg gunny!!! Thank you you are so kind!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you ask me, disabled people like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's like some people are acting like ANTIFA... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We know who is behind the gab shut down","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">Krauts only real crime in the Krautism saga was an unbelievable amount of gullibility. Lol no. Kraut and all his rats are dangerous idiots who will doxx, harass, and various other forms of intimidation. The fact people will still cover for that retard is one of the most unbelievable things to still happen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She never planned to testify. It was all an act - one that fell flat very quickly. Liberals will never learn. We know their tactics. We can accurately predict their actions and responses. We also know how to think and do research. That's why they hate us. They can't control us.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER URL a high-tech lynching for Uppity (Republican) Blacks'\" is fine, but raping women by liberals?' \"THEY ALL DO IT including Bill Clinton.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Don't forget @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The \"N\" word? Would that be \"nice\"? Neutered? Don't be such a pussy. If you mean NIGGER say so. https:\/\/thewhitemansbible.wordpress.com\/book\/29-who-needs-niggers-or-elimination-of-the-black-plague\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are important to me so I would like that you think more in your health and rest well bc you always work hard for army. I purple you ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"what a retarded whore,you were never a slave or anybody you ever talked too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He's been beyond redemption since he went out on a tangent against us years ago. He's probably gonna use the James Gunn excuse: \"oh it was x times ago, and totally a joke! I've changed now\" Dracula may ask \"what is a man?\", but even he would be perplexed by Glinner. \"A miserable black hole of past glories. But enough talk.... Have at you!\" Damn it... now you have made me consider Dracula presented in the Twilight universe... so... fucking... sparkly. I've never actually read or watched any of that particular gay vampire shit, it was more a play on how vampires supposedly cast no reflection in a mirror. Me neither, to be honest. And I understood the play perfectly, but I tried coming up with a way for Dracula to actually be reflecting in some capacity. That was the closest one. [\"... you looked a bit like a man!\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=KGzeC9IaGLc)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> Roammate is an app targeted towards women to help them feel safer on public transportation by using a buddy system. Even the basic proposition is retarded as heck. :D And of course the famous don't be a jerk' rule which means don't do anything we dislike, but we won't tell you what it is before you do it'. And of course there is a female whose sole job was to build a presentation, lol. The competition appears to be a bad joke and I hope you won't leave it at this. Hopefully some media will pick it up if it's as preposterous as you claim. It's about making them *feel* safer... not about actually *being* safer. They will tell women they are safer using it and the ignorant, stupid, gullible, irrational and naive children we all know as women will believe that they are safer, probably all the way up to the moment of their vitcimization while using it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too many J i h a d i s in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There are very few women at my school. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You mean like all the Liberals screaming at a SC nomination hearing? That kind of clown show? So tell me since when do accusers get to make demands? This isn't a university misandry board of injustice.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Some fucking retarded Qanon boomer loses his shit and commits a shooting at a synagogue We need a solution to the boomer question, NOW","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER We must run in different Twitter circles. Because every time @USER posts about NCAA it is #MAGA american that comes out the woodwork in support of the status quo.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We stripped wetbacks of citizenship who shouldn't have gotten it during operation WETBACK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I fucked off right after the concert ended. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Whoa! #Resist #Liberals #FakeNews #Democrats #PP #Antifa #WomensMarch #MaxineWaters #Kavanaugh #HillaryClinton #MAGA #Maddow #VoteRed2018 The whole kitchen sink. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are an individual of excellent taste.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No. One happened in the real world. All the e-celeb coat tail riding for Trump and as The Movement Turns faggot tier drama isn't worth 1 day lost for the guys that got political sentences. All the e-shit and optics and vote straight R fucktards to the ovens for the freedom of the guys that Big Zog came down on.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are nothing but common immigrant trash. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Thanks for the resistance boycott any means nessasary losers they Hollywood MSM Rinos Google Facebook and Twitter China Jack Black haters ANTIFA are ruining our country enough we need a wall","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, fuck me for pointing out facts and shit, right? What a faggot you are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That's right...he lies all day long and he is still terrible at it...anyone else would have mastered it by now...he's definitely got 10000hr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER NO REAL AMERICAN WOULD WATCH THIS CRAP","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bye Bye Retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They're fucking retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Doctor Who Refuses to Acknowledge Gender Choice Challenged by Trans Woman | This Morning https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=mrt-4rWnBbI","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Any time liberals think their going to get a win they tune into their head cheerleader. Then they realize the latest bombshell is once again nothing and go back to their miserable existence eating chunky monkey (not racist) and watching Netflix","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"REMEMBER WHAT THIS CUNT DID TO THOSE THAT ACCUSED POTUS BILLY BOY ..................... https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/100009086791139\/videos\/2063990373913836\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll slaughter any immigrant like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I'm glad you think so. I know you could kick his ass yourself, but I'll always have your back.\" He knows he is doing his best. \"That's awful. That you had to live like that. No child should have to experience such things.\" Shitty people like that should not be allowed near+\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh, they won't work. They'll get virtue signalled in and then start the lawsuits. Nothing will be good enough for them. Parasites gotta parasite. And that is exactly what most of them will be! Virtue signalling suicide. I already see the lawsuits for not enough prayer time or halal foods. You deserve everything you get Amazon. I have been boycotting Amazon for 9 or 10 months now! They can die an ignoble death for all I care! Congrats girl. I get closer and closer every day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER We seem to have less shootings that you guys. Apparently you need more gun control laws.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Kanye West: Mind Control I understand that some people think Kanye is crazy, because he kinda is, but he brings up good points There are always people trying to manipulate what you say, what you think, and what you feel. Whether it's the MSM, T.V., Radio, Newspapers, Social Media etc Think for yourself :p #News Watch: https:\/\/www.pscp.tv\/w\/1yoKMVydwkwGQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Any article headlined: Jesus, the original deplorable\" isn't worth even a second of anyone's time. And the fact that your Fox News watching self is accusing liberals of following their own biases over facts is HILARIOUS. Or, it would be hilarious, if it wasn't so sad. Do better.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And these weasels are smiling?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How is it different than one nigger shooting another nigger? White people get a net benefit, but it doesn't mean they are working to advance the 14 Words. If you're ok being on the same side of the line as this monkey fucker, then why not be the fan boy of whatever random nigger shoots another nigger?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is really an interesting study in just how far homosexual and trans-gender mental illness can take you... Hollywood could make a movie off of this one.. 'Death Wish XIII: The Tehran Flying Experience' ..lol @HERALDofYAH @Screw-z-jews @WADL @blazinherb @Escoffier @A_I_P @lostpassword - \"Lucy Vallender used to be called 'Laurens', and says she is finally 'true to herself' after a sex change [in 2010]. The 28-year-old is now married to a Muslim man she met on an online dating site- he did not know she was once a man when they wed\". @crackbum - Yeah I heard about that. Apartment with a beautiful view- a lovely terrace- very few passers-by on pavement below- ideal for this honeymoon couple.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Do you want CHILD PORN on Gab? Do you want ANIMATED CHILD PORN on Gab? Are you censored? Can you have a conservative opinion? A liberal one? Other? YES! Is LEGAL PORN allowed on Gab? Yes. Shouldn't the line be drawn SOMEWHERE? I draw it at child porn or facsimiles of such. If you don't like that go put CHILD PORN on Twitter. They won't mind. @a did nothing wrong I draw the line at hypocritical self-righteous virtue signaling since it correlates extremely well with crimes against humanity. Here's what is illegal AND actionable: malicious defamation. I've been defamed twice just being a relative bystander, as a mainstream anime fan with no interest in loli. No, defamation and slander are not part of \"free speech\". In person they justify physical retaliation (\"Fighting words doctrine\"). In print they justify both lawsuits and criminal prosecutions. Go for it then Mr. Happy! I see CRYBABIES Why don't you go fuck a cartoon Why don't you go fuck a cartoon Yo, I'd fuck Cheetara in a heart beat. Also princess Allura from Voltron! Just point me in the right direction,to the promised land! C'mon Sad Minstrel strum your magic strings and make 2D real! Then it would appear that YOU'RE the one I should've told to GO FUCK A CARTOON (Puts pinky to my lips) Probably! I have no idea what that shit is AND I'M GLAD Well..I do know voltron an option would be to stop arguing with the trolls and mute them from your view others can see their rants and decide for them self, this is what they mean by \"free speech of gab\" it means you are in control of walking away from the situation, but you chose to argue and threaten to bring law enforcement into something you already have the tools to step away from. Right. If you are \"slandered\" here in a conversation you chose to partake of IT'S YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Please explain why anti any gun control desantis would somehow hold people accountable?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is so cute","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A Muzzie Brotherhood, bin Laden Buddy and al Quida Why did he have a green card I could care less and wish Americans cared as much about Benghazi ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER California is a state. In the USA. How stupid do you have to be to think there is gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So then it stands to reason that \"that twat in America\" has black privilege.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wish WE had a Donald. Congrats America! Kavanaugh Confirmed: The Era of Liberal Judicial Dictatorship is Over!!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck that a bitch needs to have more class you cant act a ass because someone liked a tweet about you it dont matter who you are! #nyfw is not the place to decide to be about that life and run up and throw shoes. What Cardi Did wasnt the issue WHERE it was done was the issue!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NIgger please! Just shut the fuck up!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck, dude, can you read? I don't think that 16 year olds are incapable of giving consent TO OTHER TEENAGERS. A forty year old fucking a 15 year old is not the same as a seventeen year old fucking a fifteen year old. ADULTS SHOULD NOT BE FUCKING CHILDREN, can you figure that out? After a person is out of high school and an adult, we're all peers, no one is saying an adult can't consent to another adult no matter the age. What the fuck is so difficult about not fucking kids?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who will grow up to hate you want you dead, and all those like you dead, liberals are insane. better question..why does a little girl have a mostuche? Those that have money are adopting away their white guilt. Those that do not have money are being pressured to impregnate it out. Poster for worthless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's the jews! LOL!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's not am Buller point on the list of voters needs. #wiunion #wipolitics #wiright #MAGA #NRA @USER #democRATs #demonicRATs #PervertsINC URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER So glad you are an American! Americans don't hate....liberals are the true party of hate!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This I got to see. I deliberately chose not to watch the FoxNews coverage of the Retard Bomber because douchebag Shep Smith was covering it!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because Kanye is a free man and you are a CIA faggot slave looking to have his ass kicked. Glow-in-the-dark CIA niggers Prostitute. May God cast you into Hell.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Just as I thought we were getting along. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Or maybe after 60 years it's nice to see a president doing what he promised. But yeah, keep screaming Jew at everything ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Spic bastard steals hatchet, gets shot twice and croaks. Locals 2nd guess commissioner. Criticism politically motivated? Florida city commissioner shoots, kills alleged shoplifter, surveillance video shows https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/florida-city-commissioner-shoots-kills-alleged-shoplifter-surveillance-video-shows #TakeDat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I do not know who these POS Nazi Liberals are and don't care to know. Everyone of the Hollywood elite can and prob will go to he!!.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Please Confirm Kavanagh ASAP! He is a fine choice! Don't let the liberals derail his nomination to the SCOTUS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just another common Jihadi. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Tell us Blue. While NPR knows this kid with zero experience was railroaded by that shit Mueller with the help of an actual CIA spy Halper.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You have to stop calling people cripples. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm not speaking in code, if you think I am, you're wrong. Do you mean members of communist organizations? Because that shit mostly died out in the 70's everywhere except colleges. And dumb college kids are dumb college kids - they grow out of that shit when they graduate. Just a question, can you name an American communist organization besides the laughable American communist party? (Which if you wanted to assault all those jokers feel free, just be prepared to face legal consequences.) All of those groups SELF IDENTIFY as communists... Also, no communists and socialists do not hate each other nor are they ideologically opposed... Socialist is a wider concept than communism which is a specific type of socialism... As in, all communism is socialism, just not all socialism that is communism.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Time will tell. Not the type to jump on the lefty bandwagon and demonize someone until they have had a fair chance. His policies will either be a huge failure like the liberals and result in losing the next election or they will be a success and ontario will dig out of the hole","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THAT WAS LONG AGO... WHAT IS YOUR POINT??....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The word faggot can describe a bundle of sticks bound together as fuel. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The UK sure has some retarded judges","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Here is an Awesome Video of Alex Jones invading Capitol Hill watch as he tells off the mainstream media #FakeNews #WednesdayWisdom #MAGA #Trump #vaxxed #readthebook #CDCWhistleblower #VaccineHolocaust @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I come back with new proxies\/IPs and new handles. And I shitpost the fuck out of every single libtard I encounter, especially the ones who respond unfavorably to GEOTUS or his family's tweets. I usually get a good 30 minutes of full-auto lib slaying before I get the Twatter hammer. New proxy, new handle, #endlessMAGAshitposting","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"awww even a drunk nigger and an alleyway full of every bodily fluid there is can't stop their love isn't democrat love beautiful ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Please shut up Ontario is seeing what conservatives stand for @USER is not helping you loose this province your never going anywhere.. Not they you will any way your completely out of tune with Canadian Mr. Harper oops I mean Mr. Scheer common mistake you so much alike.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER we live in strange times with some really strange people. I have never figured out hirono. Parents were kamakazee pilots? She is not on our side.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nazis are not leftists and the poll proves nobody believes this retarded shit. If you mean people who show up to rallies sieg heiling and waving swastika flags fresh out of the packaging, those are Democrat operatives trying to sully the movement in the eyes of the public but it is not because far right movements are actually in favour of multiculturalism.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And you pro niggers act like your sumthing with your purchased followers. You guys give money and made the hardware network and the coders pay, and thx for that. But us anons that care, do what we do bc we want to correct this mess that your blind servatude brought us to. You may be Eastwood's, but we are Lee majors. https:\/\/youtu.be\/BmIsMzyohqM There is nothing more disgusting to me than straight white guys being offended by faggot, nigger, spic or other racial insults","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are we going to ignore the whole \"just like there are no good cops\"?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER How do you get to know that she is having period too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"McSally on how border security impacts Arizona Senate race https:\/\/video.foxnews.com\/v\/5853085989001\/?#sp=show-clips I wasn't sure about Martha McSally at first but having listened to her she will be a very good congresswoman She must beat Sinema","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is perfect for the part! Im with it .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Jihadis are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And Hillary won the 2016 election?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are an amazing organizer ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My smile is beaming, my skin is gleaming! YUH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My Twitter account was locked. Why? I had said that someone was retarded for failing to understand the presumption of innocence. Twitter told me that that is #hatespeech. So the many accounts calling for the death of Jews, males, whites, republicans , etc. are not? Twitter ,google etc are becoming ever more obvious in their slant.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Probably worth noting that the vast majority of the privileged voters\" she is so nauseated by are overwhelmingly Seattle liberals...Guess they just aren't pure enough for some...\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Retarded repost.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I am talking about Brett. He is the one that is in trouble if he doesn't win and make a big move","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But what if it isn't a pretty looking snatch","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Liberals stop being such fans of women when the woman is Ann Coulter. They stop loving black people when it's Candace Owens. Liberal \"tolerance\" is about power.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My MIL tried to use this word before. Problem is she's the absolute worst, beats every damn thing to a dead horse, with the most annoying voice\/ tone at that. That's why I came up with \"momsplaining\", just to show her sex doesn't factor in. Anyone can be a condescending cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NPCs are new because we needed the power of computers to reach this level of confirmist retardation. But SJWs are basically neo-communists without the economic system. Moral posturing backed with threats or violence is nothing new, Communists have been doing this for about a hundred years. Fighting against logic and reason is also not new, but most of the Communists didn't do that because they wanted to win and they realized that they needed logic in order to do that. SJWs are neo-communists that don't want communism to win. So they act like NPCs by following their programming even when they don't want their programming to succeed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Theyre already trying to with the shitty premium servers or w\/e the hell they are. \"Just turn your channel into a hugbox and you'll get free shit!\" Works on retards like Asmongold, the mere whiff of a black person in an emote is enough to trigger him into a fit, all for a hoodie and \"preferrential access\" for his discord server","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gallup: Record-Low Percentage Cite Economy As Main US Concern\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Mincing French faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It occurred to me, instead of standing in direct opposition of this tidal wave, how if we got out and pushed. The part that grieves me the most is, the Republicans, who say they want to CONSERVE America, are the ones who let this sub human trash in for profit. The Dems do it bc they're emotional globohomos. But the repubs love \"cheap labor.\" That's the point I'm trying to make dood. We can't do pistols at dawn, if we don't get them out the dresser first. Which party will hasten the cleansing racial fire that we all agree needs to burn? The middle of the road faggot repubs? Or the childish foolish monkey overloards? You also must accept that any cop that doesn't stand with us, must perrish.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#GabFam Another Disturbed song. Sorry there was never a official video clip for this one. Disturbed - Monster https:\/\/youtu.be\/ypfG9jwxXM4","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here's some more of what my opponent is \"resisting. Are you better off today than you were 2 years ago? #NJ12 #MAGA #WalkAway URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Heartiste @PNN Veteran journalist fired after criticizing 5G and questioning it's safety http:\/\/archive.is\/QmalP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh come on ..is this the best the NYT can do? What are they paying, minimum wage? It's not the insult to white ppl that bothers me, it's her stupidity. We are spending a lifetime on making sarcastic and cool memes about how all non-white races are offending us, and while we are joking and keeping busy proving that \"we are not racists\" all non-white races are occupying our countries in the whole West. Maybe we should start taking this seriously and develop a new approach before they complete the #WhiteGenocide @SkyWanderer we are pretty smart ppl and can chew gum and walk at the same time. We are not one trick ponies. We are capable if showing humor and seriously acting to stop occupancy of our country. Perhaps you need to seek some help for your one sided view if life. Psychologist will tell you being negative all of the time is not healthy. I'm very comfortable with the fact I can joke and be serious as needed. There are some on GAB who are racist. At least they're direct with it. I for one, am not. Color doesn't matter. Abusing our borders, our safety, out economy and\/or our way of life - without permission and with complete dishonesty about that intention - DOES Piss me off as it should with every American. That's what and how I am. Just the facts, that simple!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Where Nazis Come to die: Congratulations and Fuck you. You've all become Jews. Sieg hail nigger https:\/\/youtu.be\/dbFBap100LM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who could give a fuck what this exceptionally stupid nigger says, stop giving shit like this free ink.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is the size of a stadium","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wow that title. Is this the new \/r\/incels or what. No need to take it personal. I was merely surfing \/r\/all and stumbled upon this post and I get that OP might be having a bad time right now, but I must say, that title represents some real bad attitude, and is really one sided. Subreddits that represent only one side, like this, really tend to breed hatred. kakks......that's not creative....come on. Well sorry for lack of creativity. Just presenting my point. Kakks...come on. What did I say.......? I was trying to be serious. Sorry to waste your time. Yeah and yet nobody is taking you seriously. It's becasue you lack any creative, well thought out insult. You just threw out incels. Learn to fuckn criticize and argue your point without resulting in fallacious ad homs and smears. Fuckn pathetic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">and any sort of indication of weakness is met with derision What a dramatic and stupid overstatement. This is the sort of stupid shit that only someone who spends their day thinking about stupid shit like toxic masculinity\/patriarchy theory could possibly think is true. Stoicism and toughness are celebrated, but that does not mean *all* weakness is met with derision. Emotional passion and tenderness are generally liked in men too. Have you ever thought about *why* things like stoicism and strength among men are celebrated and encouraged? Do you not realize it's a good thing? That we are all alive and living the way we are now thanks to the sacrifices our forebearers made? Sometimes, some people go overboard. Like those bitches on the Talk who laughed at a woman cutting her husband's dick off. Funny how the male gender is blamed for women like that behaving like cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She can't tell her story while I was my car in the rain. Yes. She is a whore her life is just that. Fuck People for money. This is no exceptions","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He's a Kung twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I've done a thing on immigration, states' rights, and gun control\" but no one had input. Lol To be fair, I should do it in a better setup than a Twitter thread though.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anon learns a lesson the hard way. Someone needs to revisit the definition of \"retarded\" For his birthday he asked for a car. His parents got him a computer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What a joke! She is a Gem alright!! She is a Racist phony! Right along with this Racist Phony. That thinks she will follow me from her second account. And block me. Because I speak the truth. I could care less about follower's. Like it's a big party. I care that they discriminate URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Leona will START something Big to come...LIBERALS sit in terror in House of Commons...BETTER NOT CRITICIZE THE GROPER!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Florida ! Watch this group. URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"jesus, this is the most retarded thread i've read in a while.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"GABONIAN ALERT! HURRICANE MICHAEL IS NOW A CATEGORY 4! Surge in Panhandle Might Not Be Survivable, Depending Where it Lands LAND FALL LOOMS https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/hurricane-michael-strengthens-to-category-4-storm-considered-extremely-dangerous","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Breaking: Rod Rosenstein Refuses to Turn Over Subpoenaed Memos : Maybe he doesn't have them? Maybe he wiped them with a cloth? https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/breaking-rod-rosenstein-refuses-to-turn-over-subpoenaed-memos-backs-out-of-thursdays-congressional-hearing\/ #RodRosenstein @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @TMCASE23 @MartaVonRunge @GoodisWinning @NitroZeuss @YLorenzo @Boomstickbiker it's more of a \"you're going to hang me anyways so I'm going down in flames for the history books\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Did you even READ this article? No one is suggesting Trump made this claim. And there are several links to good deeds he IS credited with. URL URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If I woke up as an immigrant, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's be honest. It's going to be glorious to see u working in a concentration camp. Really is. And just right around 85lbs, sucked up and weak. A high dose of LSD will b administered and it (you) will b tossed into a cell with sexually starved migrants. I'm sorry, what was that? I had my retard filter on and it filtered out everything you just said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"what is a secret girl?????????? I think it's like secret squirrel, only bigger. Give it a beer","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think I'm going to beat this cunt down just for fun, and film it and youtube it and monetize it. And live off the proceeds. Nothing more humiliating for a man than to be beat down by a tranny @SeanEast","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Be careful Mr Tepper! Be very careful!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I keep muting this retard wictor over and over, gab keeps putting his garbage on my timeline, no more muting , I will simply shitpost reply to all of his retarded garbage. Fricken spook.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"fuck willie brown's whore and double fuck ovomit, mohammed, the koran and every muzzie","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=3andv=TjIORAjYWng Total globalist creep. I'm glad he's out of the closet. He was making Christians look bad to young people. Love Salvini and Orban. Bono is behaving like the rich man he is and making fun of us who live in the real world, he's welcome to make a switch with me for a month without his gards... Bet he doesn't sell much music in Ireland anymore. Hope not! He's been saying bad things at his concerts about one of swedens best politicians too, calling him a nazi... Bono is lost. I would not be surprised If Boner could not wipe his own ass without at least 12 burly dudes, all standing ready in case something happens. You don't need guns when you have people carrying guns for you, that normal people have a harder time defending themselves might have slipped his mind. He didn't need the mask. Wont be suprised if it comes out he is a pedophile","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#HEY Did France's Gun Control Hurt Its Resistance to the Nazis? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Corey Booker is a fudge-packing rapist. #Spartacus #DefeatThePartyOfCrime @wocassity @ConspiracyTheory @StacyF @Cheyza @Hempoilcures @Tootickedoff @Infowarrior @christophheer @ZaneTyler @critterbugger @MarkT4USA @Angelicanang @Is4Realz @AlvinB1959 @LadyMarianne @BlueGood @Kryptex @Ambassador4Christ @Gypsy124 @RentonMagaUK @DenzaGrad @ZeroFucksGiven @Violetfire @Matt_Bracken @Rad-er-Cad @amy @noglobalistslave @causticbob @American2theKor @PCsReasy @Zigggy @camponi @LSherwood @PatriotKag @Ann-Marie @Maximus44 @Little_Buddy @MBCB4TRUMP @LeaMorabito @MadJewessWoman @Ruth-Plant @Spacecowboy777 @wwboom @Delilah_Manny @shadowmud @THX1138-Actual @betadynamique @TPaine2016 @Steelpaulo@studentoflife @crow_count @ramcclean @margerine2000 @blogdog @CookieMuffen @The_Western_Man @Znews An uppity high yellow nigger who engages in sexual assault? NOW I'VE HEARD EVERYTHING.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"AND APPARENTLY THEY REALLY DONT CARE FOR FATTYS EITHER...HMMM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Britain First are cleaning up Ballymena. We have a gypsy problem from Romania. Plod need to know the consequences of backing the wrong side #1488 #KKK Peter Golding is a national hero, why oh why isn't he in the New Years Honours List? Better than Derek Half Nigger Haslam;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I attempted to watch one of his Bollywood documentaries and in the first minute or so he was bashing Andrew Jackson! Fucking curry nigger bashing the only President to say FU to the (((bankers))).","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What pisses me off is that she, he or whatever your preferred method of reference is, didn't deserve the award at all. You could have given the award to someone who actually did something magnificent, but no. You have someone who came out as transgender and literally rear-ended another car, pushing them into oncoming traffic which resulted in a death of a woman THE SAME FUCKIN YEAR. That is everything they have done. Woman of the year! Meanwhile there's guaranteed to be some lass that has dedicated her entire life to promoting women's rights or making insane discoveries in the pursuit of a cure for cancer and promoting females in STEM research, or many other inspirational stories. But nah, you have Caitlyn Jenner. Enjoy. Go fuck yourselves. https:\/\/www.huzlers.com\/glamour-magazine-finally-strips-caitlyn-jenner-of-woman-of-the-year-award-will-be-presented-to-a-real-woman\/ apparently they took it away i guess > I actually told the publishers it was a bad idea from the start but they did not listen to me. Lol Weirdly that whole story restores my faith in y'all humans. \"Satire reality narrowly averted by everyone tired of bullshit.\" Also hell yes I'd nominate Mia Khalifa. \"Y'all humans ? Are you an avocado? Negative, I am a meat popsicle What flavor? For science Limey. For what, twat of the year? Are you talking vagina twat or awful person twat, because she's a super nice and chill person. If they're British then neither, really. Twat isn't as offensive here as it is in the US. It's often a bit more of a lighthearted insult depending on context. More rack of the month I saw the mod post, but don't see anything about a dude posting nudes in there? Is it really that big a deal? It's just a penis. Seems more like common decency than pandering.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Folks, PLEASE, get your e-mails in to POTUS, let your followers know what's going on. Gab is acting really whacky this a.m., taking forever to load notifications which do not load. Quoting from an earlier post below: Attention all Gabbers: From @a Andrew: \"Breaking: @joyent, Gab's new hosting provider, has just pulled our hosting service. They have given us until 9am on Monday to find a solution. Gab will likely be down for weeks because of this. Working on solutions. We will never give up on defending free speech for all people.\" From me: PLEASE e-mail POTUS Trump - this is election tampering in my opinion. Gab is one of the last bastions where conservatives can speak without censorship, and we need to protect our rights. Why aren't Twitter and\/or Facebook being sanctioned? For the very same post Gab is? PayPal denies Gab service, where does it end? Will banks be closing our accounts and denying us service because we are conservatives? https:\/\/www.whitehouse.gov\/contact\/ And this morning on Fox, more headline news involving Gab: https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/us\/who-is-robert-bowers-pittsburgh-synagogue-suspect-posted-views-online I mute freely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think this woman is vile. She must be retarded or some brain defect.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Haven't set any expectations on him... he has set his own goals chasing his own dreams.. he has asked those questions from the doctor and making decisions with advisement from me his parent... he is growing to be his own man","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bowling alley worker brutally beaten with ball after telling group to leave... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/x6hV","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How did the cunt get a Brit passport???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"woman on a plane means nigger word will be said THIS IS THAT INSTITUTIONAL racism they were talking about the trillions spent and lives lost were worth it #DMTBKA https:\/\/6abc.com\/travel\/southwest-airlines-passenger-calls-flight-attendant-n-word\/4371446\/ https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=Nd6wkE4M1gY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Tom was bought! He is more interested in Tom than his constituents","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"HahahahA.....joke is on you. If you are educated, and with good genetics, why the hell aren't you breeding? Hell, give em all up for adoption if you have to,to maintain your lifestyle, but please in gods name....breed. \"I'm so smart because I didn't have children\" Ya, so smart. Doesn't anyone get it? The world is made up mostly of poor people, and alot of them aren't that way just because of government corruption. These are just bad genes. These people are breeding like rabbits while you sit back and mentally masturbate about what you've done for the world. What the hell does anybody think the world is going to be populated with in 50 years? I might as well prepare to water my lawn with Gatorade. An antinatalist's worst nightmare summed up in one comment. Please don't fucking have kids and please don't fill their heads with this absolute bullshit. First, I am encouraging procreation here. Second, I am responding to a meme that is that enfurs discouragement of procreation, and third...you keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. You seam to have pretty strong opinions there yourself. Edit:autocorrect Antinatalists argue that people should refrain from procreation because it is morally bad (some also recognize the procreation of other sentient beings as morally bad). According to wikipedia So this post is antinalatist. My argument is for people to get moving,and have sex so your offspring can live in the world you wanted for them instead of others offspring claiming their space. I said people who don't do anything about their bad place in society have bad genes. Where am I being antinatalist? Who do I want to not have babies? Which end are you speaking from? \"Please don't fucking have kids and please don't fill their heads with this absolute bullshit.\" Literal fucking hypocrite","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"[deleted] Throwing water is assault? Women are so strong They're trying to charge the man, that's the definition of pussy pass Nah. He hit her in the head with a bucket. Hard. Overreaction warrant punishment. Had he done nothing maybe he would have a case. Lmao what? He never hit her in the head with the bucket. It maybe clips her arm at the end. Both of these people are fucking retards. Neither deserves to be investigated for assault. Both should be banned from the transit system. First off..the police report says he hit her in the head and you clearly see it bounce off her skull... Secondly yeah if you're reaction is to attack like.that then yes you need to be investigated. Reactions are just that. How you respond in society. Fuck people who think it's their right to attack someone as a reaction. She attacked him first. Did she instigate. Absolutely. But that was not an attack. And even if a judge would classify it as an attack that makes his response an even worse attack in comparison. Either way. This guy dug his own grave and he knew it or else he wouldn't have ran away the wrong way of his initial decent. According to the article she started with cleaning chemicals Yeah they're both morons Fucking Cuckanda Maybe he thought this happened in Wakanda","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER High class Vogue!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":":( Conservatives and republicans alike should recieve AND GIVE forgiveness. Gimme peace fam.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"John mayor shut the fuck up on Boris Johnson is a man not fucking loser cunt like u prick mouth stick together to speak like Michael Cain","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Remember KIDS ... the Name the JEW BULLSHIT ... is a counter intelligence program ... This is why is ONLY serves the system. Try breathing through your nose. Prove us wrong. You can't and you won't, because we are right. But like any leftist, you'll cry about the truth and dig in your heels and name call. Exactly. You have nothing to dispute that Jews are behind every immigration push in White countries, every push for degeneracy, every weapons grab, every anti-White movement. We are right and you are wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What's all this cuntfussing about?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am trying to get along with disabled people but they are just too repulsive. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"well that convo was good for about 200 downvotes The gab nazis take their gabbing veeerrryyy seriously. If they can't \"debate\" you with their bullshit troll tactics and even more retarded revisionist history, then they'll troll you with downvote spam. The more seriously they take this shit, the more fun it is to trigger them about it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"DEMrat sponsored illegal invasion continues : Trump to call US military to close southern border as 4,000-strong WETback invasion caravan pushes north Wetback invasion is exactly what this is and it's been going on for the last fifty fucking years.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sad new about the French bulldog puppy again evil cunt out to rob people homes took 8 of puppy from it mum and dad is the most evil wicked thing in gods life the 6 died and 2 was back with mum and dad it not point","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Boy Hollywood sure does like to look like fools all the time. Wait until they find out it's a big hoax manufactured by liberals. Think they will apologize to Kavanaugh? No way.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"(((Conservatives))) are enemies of whites! URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm curious, did you vote for Obama (no, once, or twice)? He achieved absolutely nothing, except via \"Executive Orders\", which have ALL been cancelled! I should add that, I grew up in Virginia back in the 60's, and some of my best friends were Black, but when Blacks start looting stores during a disaster, like the recent flood, then they become niggers! Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda... Oy vey! Soros was 14 when the war ended, and the rest is questionable. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv I acknowledge, your stupidiy surpasses mine by MILES! And I MEAN that, congratulations. Tell your mother\/sister I said hello! You can't learn it pal, it's down to inbreeding, blame your parents https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv Yes, I get it! Your mother and sister and daughter are the same. I saw a show on TV about it once, sad. Maybe you should just kill yourself and ease the pain. Lol, your 3rd grade education is impressive, to your mother. Dumbass Thanks again wee man for proving only one thing. You have nothing but a limited vocabulary, which again is only limited to petty slurs and insults. You are the reason I am here, and so long there are people like you, we shall win with the least of effort. https:\/\/TruthWillOut.tv Yeah, because you bring SUCH a compelling argument to Gab! Lol, that's WHY you are dumb and we ALL laugh AT you. These dumbass holocaust deniers need to be swept out with the libtards. There is no way these people can contribute to society!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Twitter and social media seems to make errors only on conservatives and never liberals. Why is that?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER oh no you guys dont censor the right at all...fucking hypocrites URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because of work? Hahaha. As if he has to. The fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Communists and Fascists are two sides of the same retarded coin. Both are moronic fools that end up destroying their own countries.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Where is the error in thinking that gay lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's a damn shame John James didn't win. He was a great candidate and Stabenow is dead weight. Michigan is retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"we all know that only the child rapists hate trump cause he's locking you sickos up, when is your sentencing for raping a kid? filthy nigger that you are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He started backing up. Woman was not stopping to let him swing out so he paused to let her go by.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you sound like an autistic retard. the first page of google looking this up is nothing but results >you sound like an autistic retard Have an official rule 1 warning.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#FirstLadyMelania She's a low IQ import gold digger who still cannot speak proper English after all those years. She's also got 2 tons of makeup on all the time and her face looks like a Botox experiment gone horribly wrong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, I don't know about the Democrat part, but he's not real happy and it seems to have something to do with school.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"In facing Islamism, our elites have betrayed us\", says French top journalist in mindblowing interview https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/in-facing-islamism-our-elites-have-betrayed-us-says-french-top-journalist-in-mindblowing-interview\/#.W7y4gg3fPTk.twitter No, we can't feel sorry for the French nor anyone throughout the EU. Voters allowed this to happen to their respective countries. Americans, beware, this could be us if the demon-crats gain control. It was a scam, the Dems do that in America but we were lucky. Clinton could have won but then again neither are behind bars yet so we're not there. French elections could have been rigged, like Swedens. Go thing there is Poland and Hungary who don't allow this nonsense to exist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you bill yourself as a 'misogynist' or 'misandrist' then you're a cunt and utterly worthless to humanity. :P","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just sitting here thinking how funny it'll be if Britain's new mystery meat princess' baby comes out black and \"premature\". Harry can then be the official cuck prince. That half-breed will be a nigger no matter what.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Some immigrants made fun of me today. I wanted to kill them right there. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You now need to be extra, extra, extra careful how you refer to the Prophet Mohammed, as the EU Court of Human Rights upheld the conviction of an Austrian woman for defamation over his marriage to a child. https:\/\/www.aa.com.tr\/en\/europe\/defaming-prophet-muhammed-not-free-expression-echr\/1292823 Mohammed was a peadophile. He married and raped a child.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Water was in the atmosphere, remember Noah \"saw the sun,\" eh...from the beginning the water was all s s pended in the atmosphere...eh? and then it let loose, and down it came, and the sun. Would this give you 2 something to think about...eh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"U.S. Army Veteran and trial lawyer Kurt Schlichter has sensationally claimed that the mail bombs targeting the Clintons, George Soros, CNN and others could be a \"leftist scam . Ben Shapiro says anyone who suggests that is \"deranged\". https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/us-army-vet-lawyer-kurt-schlichter-says-mail-bombs-could-be-a-leftist-scam\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Surely the implication is that feminists are violent wolves in sheep's clothing. It seems obvious to me. If you consider that the actual Mockingbird series had a focal point of the character retconned from her being a rape survivor to her falsely accuse the dude of rape while in fact she just banged him because she felt like doing so, your comment is even more fitting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. Here come the Orcs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This sums up what's happening across the pond. It is what the #MSM hides in America. #MeToo #MAGA #KAG2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Bubonic4U MAD MAX IS NOT A JEW...GET OFF MY GAB AND STAY OFF IT....JACKASS Would somebody please explain what this retard is talking about?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If they didn't care about loyal customers, they would have kept you out since you were $","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"writes the faggot who didn't have the balls to serve.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER you are here!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Holy fucking shit it can't possibly be because the game is set in a time where women were actually relegated to \"side\" roles, was it? Games journalists are retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Simpsons was great when it was new, back when it took the piss out of people by being a sort of counter-culture. Now with all the good writers gone, Simpsons is just garbage that's kept alive to milk the retarded mass of their shekels.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This fucking cowardly retard thinks these words hurt me. Think again, snowflake. They are water off a duck's back. Thank you for proving my point that Jew-haters are just dumb as fuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"By nature, Muslims are just shitty human beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jesus was a sand nigger faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Dream on!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When they start burning the hags in bags and neutering muzzie men, then I would say they had enough.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"idiot! Go ahead, break a Commandment because you're an uneducated cunt and a hypocrite!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Only got Woman anatomy model and connect crewneck ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is saying Ben, Ben, when the hell are you going to do something more than just tweet crap about djt?\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh goody, another retard is here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How does it feel to be white trash and slandering and threatening an innocent African-American man? You are all neo-Nazi scum. @Flylikeaneagle @Sbutcher @Amphereal @Grubama @pen @MandyMcFlye @FEDUPCITIZEN7 @seamrog @FreeAgent355 @DenzaGrad @peremersenne @1001cutz maybe you should fucking kill yourself, you white trash?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And you are a football fan too !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER need to fund a lot things at public schools.... music and art class too. but conservatives always want to pay less taxes and every time they get the chance the cut funding for such things.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Aaron finding the sending if a locomotive funny. He is aware it symbolises the trains jews were sent to their deaths on.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Some of Tucker's monologues are great, but he's not the right guy to be interviewing the unrepentant liars and propagandists he invites on his show. And that NeoCon faggot Britt Hume? Who the hell cares what he thinks about anything? (Besides diehard BushBots, that is.)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I ridicule the kikes all day long - and there's nothing that New Scotland Yard or MI5 can do about it. Lol No! That's why I make a twat of you on their behalf ;)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ANGRY DEM MOB Confronts McConnell in Restaurant Man Slam Fists on Table Then Throws McConnell's Food Out the Door (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/angry-dem-mob-confronts-mcconnell-in-restaurant-man-slam-fists-on-table-then-throws-mcconnells-food-out-the-door-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"(((Soros))) covers them. But now, some retard voted NPC, ruining the nice consensus we had going.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hitler Lives till the end of Times 1488 Hitler Lives for ever and ever. Hitler will not go away, he stays with the people, people will praise Hitler for ever, can censor us, can persecut us, can kill us, can torture us, the sionist done all of this sinc nuremberg the sionist terror machine. after sionists are gone, Hitler will continue. Hitler Lives for ever","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wtf is up with his shorts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I'm finna say fuck it and get a crispy ass jogging suit ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ah, no. We don't need more Negroes to represent us. In the end they always work for their people just as much as we need to work for our people. I can almost agree with you there, bro. I'd rather have a Nigger Republican than a Democrat Anything, and a Democrat Anything rather than a Jew. Coon or not, Mr. James is the best in the race. What does that say about Michigan Politics? :^(","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Omg....he is sex on legs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Of course. Much harder to decapitate them from outside the gates.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It Is A Bit Odd The Journo Was A Bit Of A Twat As Muslims Go, At Least That's What I Understand.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Its refreshing to see people say what they think lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"white horses ass America just smiled like retarded fools..\" my,what nice negros\"...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Female lives should not be important to anyone. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Media shocked by someone promoting violence for political purposes.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Women in positions of power is always a horrible idea.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't understand why people get mad at the things that he says he has A right to his opinion Just because he doesn't agree with you that does not make him a monster or evil person. It's annoying in 2018 on you to 2019 people are operating with an extremely sensitive Ignorant mindset if you don't agree with them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I stand with you MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\" you can attack me all you want, it is, by now in the job description\" hehehe. Not sure who said it, but it seems to be true : \" Trump in politics is like a hillbilly, he speaks his mind and doesn't give a fuck about diplomacy. \" Truer words have never been spoken.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Shockingly, Chris Wallace tries to smack some sense into Shepard Smith - Heated Debate on FOX NEWS https:\/\/youtu.be\/RPhk6N7eiXc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You know you're a racist monkey huh? I'm sure you know what you are a piece of trash. I never hear these pieces of horse shit speak the truth only their racist lies. Bitch boy it's ABOUT THE RACIST COPS KILLING UNARMED BLACK AND BROWN PEOPLE!! THAT'S THE FACT. ASS CLOWN!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why because she is female or because of your dislike of conservatives?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER There is already more guns than pre 1996 gun control. Free people should have the right to defend themselves and their families. The threat of lethal force is a good deterrent to would be criminals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This article makes me want to rip Anglin's head off even more now. A White woman was gang raped, tortured, and murdered, but because one of the blacks said that she consented if they would let her go, DS wants you to make whore memes of her. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/skull-crushed-hoe-consented-to-negro-gang-sex-skull-status-crushed-anyway-lol\/ It appears to me she only \"consented\" to save her life. And then they re-nigged on her. Please note the \"men\" who commented\/did memes are all using pseudonyms. Nasty faggots!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Over my White boy phase aka she can't get any White guys to sleep with her anymore. Probably because most White men are beginning to have a racial awakening and her nigger nose pops right out. \"If my jimmy hat breaks I'll have a 56%er with a nig nose I have to pay child support for.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The whackadoodle in action. #Kavanaugh #SCOTUS #MeToo #Dems She's had a half dozen facelifts. I think her eyelids are permanently open.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER These are policy issues where actual data applies. Obviously you are not familiar with the massive health care crises that existed before it was legal. Look into the uncontroversial (7-2) Roe decision and the Scotus statements regarding what made it so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NO COMMIE NIGGERS FOR GOV..... WE ALREADY HAD A COMMIE NIGGER FOR PRES.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Finished goat shagging for the day I've stopped beating the wife she 12 now getting on a bit you know . Bye for now . Sandy nigger .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER \"Gun control saves lives . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You might find this story more disturbing when you realize the UK police cannot be bothered to arrest pedophile gangs because it would be seen as \"racist\". You wouldn't happen to be talking about the ones who were arrested, tried and sent to prison, would you? Honestly, why twist shit? It's pathetic. So they immediately acted on the evidence and made timely arrests then, right? It was all business as usual with the police doing their jobs to an acceptable standard? Don't just imply your stupidity, own it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These fucking retarded people. I hate them all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Oasis says she is happy to oblige URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cunt is always well known by the alcohol she consumes just before a lovely so called Rape that she whished it happen","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It would be great if the shooter was a Muslim, good if it was a Jew, alright if it was a nigger and terrible if it was a white guy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Ciara has stopped me from doing so much dumb ass shit god bless that woman","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Democrats are RACIST RETARDED NPC's! Democrats are human sewage! They all need to be flushed! I know how to install a virus into their programming. All you do is use their programming against them and they run like hell! Their egos are based in quicksand. But it really is not possible to be a Democrat and not be an NPC. They are obviously all RETARDED and at this point mentally insane for the most part. The have no intelligence and that is a FACT. This is FACTUALLY how their brain does not function. They are all a software program or polluted thumb drive. Democrats are all Retarded. This is a simple fact. But how did they get this way? There are 2 types of Democrats;","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fuck you it's 3","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Sleazy CNN afraid of Trump GOP but tough on liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This #Muzhood Scum knows Dem's are the most retarded sec of any nation and will vote in all Muzhood by default.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#MAGA you ignorant dupes. Everyone knows this is just not true. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And I am just over the #justdoit #nike","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Everyone is welcome here, No matter your beliefs. we encourage debates and discussions, even when it is not our narratives. Sort of. You'll be downvoted to hell for expressing even libertarian views that do not come from the bible of stock conservatism. But hey at least you won't be doxxed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Rosie hugs him tight Hello Angy.\" She smiled happy \"Im so happy that she is back and I bet you Levi will be here in a few seconds.\" Levi walks in and gasps \"ROSIE!\" Levi ran over making Jack smile\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In Spanish we say \"Fucken Parrot Cunt!\" when we hit thumb with hammer. So: only fair to de-acronymicize NPC = Non Parrot Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What a retarded whore she is","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You act like that won't be fun for both of us.\" She contemplates getting down, he's been gone for a few minutes and she's just standing on a chair like a weirdo. Just as she is about to get down she sees him walk through the door. \"Technically I only thought about it.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not surprising that this wretched hag would jump on the violence bandwagon driven by Democrats these days. I guess they want civil war. That would be a terrible thing and surely would not end well for them. #DemocratViolence https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/gWno3p\/Dp_G2_Wyu_Uw_AEq_MCC.jpg","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER American Conservatives Don't give one shit about the terrorist group Hamas or what they think and or believe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That's all I ever ask for tho ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That is actually a compliment since she is one of the biggest artists out today. Thanks ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is anyone surprised that a President who would commit treason with Russia to get elected would pick a rapist for the Supreme Court?#MondayMotivation #Deplorables #MAGA #MarinesagainstTrump #KavaNO #BlueWave2018 #PostponeTheVote #Kavanaugh #StopKavanaugh","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Holder is guilty of multiple offenses...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"THERE IS NO SHAME IN BEING A WHITE RACIST! I gladly admit to being a White racist. Oh how their jaws drop when I tell them that. But when they have had their fill of Nigger crime and Muslim terror they will be ready to join the New Order and we will have swastika armbands , pins and flags ready for them, because we are expecting a big crowd !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Lol antifa been doing it to republicans for a year you didn't care when it was Betsy devos","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL trolling the mentally retarded is fun !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"it is not over yet, maybe that lesbian cunt has yelped a bit too early","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Phil is right socialists are the new fascists like antifa. Thanks to soros","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER AHHHHHHH yes!!!! It's Amish Brother and Antifa Warrior Jaquonadiah. Thank you for clearing that up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You black people keep acting up. There really is nothing worse than your kind. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Heh. Another Usher rant. Edit: someone on the Diablo sub approves. :) > I would be happy to read this article on any other site. He's reported the facts correctly and rightly gauged the reason why the Diablo community is ngry - but still manages to come across as such a redneck incel when offering opinions that it made my eyes bleed to read. I mean, I do have some issues with the way Usher writes, but it's the exact writing style I'd expect on a site called *One Angry Gamer*. Some of his rants are funny (this one amused me), some are less so. >but still manages to come across as such a redneck incel when offering opinions that it made my eyes bleed to read. I'm not going to lie, virgin shamers are pretty much scum. You can argue that he is talking about the bitter hatefulness association of \"incels\" rather than actually being a virgin. It's pretty unfair to use that term like that from what little i've seen of those guys though. >redneck incel Let's be real here this person invalidated their right to opinion the moment they used these two words unironically. but muh historical power dynamics! Rednecks have so much privilege, though. Top of the food chain, right there. yeah especially together. How can you be an incel and fuck your cousin? Surely rednecks are hardly ever incels, because their cousins etc are always willing. Right? Incel is such a Flavor of the Year I know this guy is right but I don't want to agree so I call him redneck incel just in case anita is watching.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Reimu just chuckles over how stern Kogasa is but... it does feel nice knowing she cares a lot. Also... One of her hands maaayy be stroking Kogasas back while she is trying to keep steady. Heh. As long as no pesky Youkai tries to go at you, I'll take a nice vacation~.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"An absolute biggest Cunt of the year, as all Lesbians are, just look at that creepy Wong, would anyone piss on that shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't want to use a lot of bad words, but uhm... the dumb leftist cunt shows exactly how the left debates these days. They are not civil even when asked to.. https:\/\/youtu.be\/T9dp3g8ndJA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He's a dumb ass!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"should replace it with a statue of an old nigger smoking crack to really capture the spirit of the city.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Does this not make it obvious that black people are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have no compassion at all for any black person like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because they sat on their throne for far too long, with no actual competition. Being the leader of the console sellers would inevitably make it the prime target for SJW bullshit and company infiltration, and given that the PS4 hasn't really sold all that well in Japan, it comes to reason their \"sensibilities\" would be more Western-oriented (i.e., the perfect victim of Bay Area Morality). It'd also stand to reason that the Switch's success out of fucking nowhere, and its perfect compatibility with PC gaming, has also somewhat spooked Sony, especially in regards to the Japanese market, so they're trying to one-up them now in the only way that ideologues know how to do business: shoot themselves in the kneecaps and claim victimhood. No, they care about money. They just don't care about gamer money. They care about non-enthusiasts throwing money blindly at them in the short run. They don't give a fuck if they alienate customers in the same way Microsoft did at the tail end of the 360's life-cycle and prior to the XBO's release.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger murderer want's portrait of Lee removed from Virginia courthouse. http:\/\/www.nbc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">TORONTO Home Depot Canada says it has pulled a Halloween window decoration that mimics a peeping Tom from its stores after a complaint from a customer. >The home renovation chain says it took \"immediate action to remove the Scary Peeper Creeper from shelves after a customer raised concerns about the product. I'm sorry, but that's just fucking insane. Most normies don't understand what's going on here with this political correctness lunacy. They don't understand the concept for \"crybullies\". But the sooner everyone gets what this shit is really about, the sooner it can be snuffed out. See, there's power in political correctness. *Some people* have figured out that political correctness can be wielded as a weapon to force people - even total strangers - to grovel to you, obey you and do things they otherwise wouldn't do. Crybullies do this shit for the same reason any bully pushes people around - for their own sense of empowerment. Nobody was actually \"offended\" by that decoration. Someone just saw it as an opportunity to push people around and feel powerful as a result. Right now that woman is bragging to her friends about how she got an international hardware retail giant to perform for her like a circus seal, and she's probably actively looking for the next thing she can pretend to be offended by, and the next people she can bully with that claim of offense. The way to deal with these people is not to reward their bullying with compliance, but to say \"Fuck off you rotten cunt\" and ban them from the premises.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Repeat After Me: I will NOT listen to the polls I will NOT get discouraged, even if I'm in a blue\" state I will vote Republican on Tuesday, November 6th, 2018 #iPledgeToVote #MAGA #RedtoBlue\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lmfao I love hitting the \"no sound button when that nigger pops up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I really hope you are a good man best of luck","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER OMG another bigot showing he is basically gutless - sounds much like Donald ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER you are so loved","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#dumbcunt Fucking dumb cunt infected with syphilis and crabs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Since we have A Nigger from Twitter on Gab rustling \"KKK\" jimmies by posting photos of his mudshark slut and he's showing her our replies and comments : Dear Mudshark: This is how it usually ends, sooner or later - length of relationship means absolutely nothing when living and sleeping with a feral negro - they cannot be domesticated and end up chimping out and killing you. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6257901\/Man-kills-girlfriend-running-car-lawn.html And the Mudshark nigglet? Don t forget to take him to hell too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER this is the guy who put us on the original 100 antifa in C'Ville and signed it 'you're welcome'","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER fuck xenoblade chronicles","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Kamala said justice should be blind - (by the way she is absolutely right on that point) Yet you: Something untrustworthy\" you \"can feel it\" LMAO \"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Are you lot trying to rival West Ham for infighting amongst the fanbase?This is priceless though. Still not quite up there with West Ham however. Nothing will beat the Antifa entryist conspiracy theory","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Also how dumb could you be not to know that doctors keep a medical record of you.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"JFC this sub is disgusting. \"Hurr durr, the femoid got punched. That makes my dick hard\". She barely tapped him and he unloaded a full force punch to the face. If you don't think that is a disproportionate response, then you're a psycho. Her sex is irrelevant, this would be a disproportionate response to a dainty slap from a man as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That old ass retard \"Tiny\" will have lost all his mind by 2020 you stupid fuckstick.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Petition to back Southampton Students in their bid to sack their Union President Emily Dawes over her bid to remove the University WWI Memorial.All can sign not just Brits. https:\/\/www.change.org\/p\/southampton-university-student-union-president-of-the-southampton-student-union-to-stand-down-immediately?recruiter=562117556andutm_source=share_petitionandutm_medium=copylinkandutm_campaign=psf_combo_share_abi.pacific_abi_gmail_send.variation.pacific_abi_select_all_contacts.select_all.pacific_email_copy_en_us_ Keep at them. Give them their own back.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"if it was issued by the irish government under communist rule, then the jews issued it, retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You gay people make me sikc. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And their last hit and ounce of relevance? #NetherlandsTaxHaven","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wonder how she'd mess up a name like Will or something? At that point she risks looking retarded cause it's an English 4 letter word that she can't spell.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Scary but would not surprise me since I only needed to see a 5 minute interview to realize how not only retarded she is, but not even able to really carry on a conversation!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"yo what's with all the jew hatred here at gab? It's really weird. I'm on the National No Call List, but the solicitors keep calling. They make appointments, and then they send a Jewish guy. Why are so many Jewish People involved in this particular crime? that's one cool schindlers list, must have a lot of jews on that there list well jews can grow noses and fiat currency","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can retards not connect the dots around here?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Look at us we are just so full of ourselves an so narcissistic we can't realize our time is just about up .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your lives aren't worth shit to me. You're just Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'd rather be boring, than gay like you - faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wrong We just bullycided this chick off the site. Who was it?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Foolish to think that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"why be a low T faggot when you could be a man?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah no, this is a stupid theory. Was Wendig even on salary? Most \"Marvel Employees\" are actually free lancers. Even then, there is no way this guy was making enough money for any bean counter to give a shit about. Why do people keep posting the most retarded conspiracy theories here?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Glad she is OK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I mistakenly supported Israel my whole 40 yrs of life. At this point, I have to ask, why do ANY Christians support Israelites anymore? They are not 'The Chosen', the 'Chosen' died on Skull Mtn. Today's Israelites are not real Jews. They are stolen identity and they spend every minute of the day trying to undermine their 'Christian' Brothers. Why? I see Christians tell Jews \"I support you, I support Israel\" and the Jew will respond with \"Fuck off\". They are Godless, foresaken, NOT blessed....they are whore infidels. I now not only do NOT support Israel, I support their total destruction. I loathe these smarmy swine. Who coined the phrase \"Israel are our greatest allies.....\"? No they're not. They're nobody's ally. When have they ever helped anyone but themselves? We give them Jerusalem, they give us ISIS. We give them Israel in 1948, they give us sabotage, terror, anti-Christianity and economic theft. Burn. The holocaust didn't happen but if should have! Look at some fucking FACTS! Just because you are brainwashed retarded with all the Jew holohoax bullshit does not make it True! 17 million German's suffered the holocaust by the akseNAZI JEWS just as the Russian's suffered 66 million deaths by the same askeNAZI JEWS! Jews are fucking LIARS! But you won't look at actual FACTS will you? The Jews were the only population that INCREASED during WW","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER a nice cartoon.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is basically saying in code: Even though I am a NeverTrump spoiled little rich girl from Andover, I secretly want to date Mark C. - I hope his wife and family are okay with it ...\" SE stands for \"Sad Endeavors\" URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"http:\/\/glittermagrocks.com\/connect\/2018\/09\/12\/aaron-philip-signs-with-elite-model-management\/ black, trans, disabled, and progressive stack level DIEversity, one more mind fucked kid ruined for life, \"another happy customer served\". What does it say when a victim of the truly evil actually feels \"empowered\" instead of used? If the powerful, unnamed, deep pocketed interests in this world wanted Americans to be male or female, physically fit, informed, and educated well beyond what public schools offer, and it served their financial interests for our people to be thus, where would that leave all the people who spring up to take an \"identity\" when it gets created out of thin air by dirty moneyed facilitators of the powerful? I would weep for such broken people, but my heart filled up long ago. You are a means to their end Aaron Philip, you are the hood ornament to their demented perverse thinking. A headlight that illuminates their dark path, a proof that their insanity is made manifest. You poor child. #SadnessWithoutEnd lmfao, I was more on fuck the black trans retard level, but yeah. very well said. what kind of society are we in where we thrust the weakest of us to the front of the line, and held up like they are the peak of human evolution. one EMP and they wouldn't last a day. #rainbowtoetags","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Doomentio","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't get me started on the amount of people who'd love to buy Tommy a pint me included if we all did that why not buy him a fucking house. That cunt Gary fucking wanker Lineker earns","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I still have not come out to my family about being Bieber and I' m just tearing up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yo Dawg, my Nigger with his fishing pole needs a break...You care to take his place? God you're worse than a woman with all the attention whoring after begging me to stop talking to you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"communist aussie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tucker Debates ACLU Political Director on Kavanaugh Ad https:\/\/youtu.be\/o21_F__B3Zs #Gab @GuardAmerican","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"feminism is the biggest crock of shit to ever surface in terms of retarded ideology. its like if a vegan were to compromise on the sourcing of their food, well its vegetables but people and animals had to suffer to make it. so we hear griping and moaning about the patriarchy, via channels and tech the patriarchy predominantly built, do you see the problem here?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"your a fukin retard u figure shit out yet u tard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is a main reason why they're trying to take control of YouTube.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Scottish @USER @USER running out of excuses and #lies to justify her position URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Dam white slave owners","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"stephanie queen is a libturd faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I follow bogleech cos I liked some of their stuff. But a lot of it's pretty 'eh' to me and their political views are pretty dumb sometimes. Like this here. The problems of the super-rich are far more nuanced than is presented, with a number of causes and areas of blame. A lot of it comes down to politicans just plain not doing their job, and\/or doing it incompetently.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yes, because it would destroy Islam the same way it has destroyed Christianity. i think why i did not convert was their writing said one thing but they acted in another way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So you are a faggot and a kike? LMFAO","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are 20X the trader I am lol I'm screwed but I have a tight stop. I'll let it ride!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The right is millions of people that don't own companies ye television indoctrinated half wit.. You know, all the regular family folk that think bioshocking children with chemicals and redesigning their genitals is fucking disgusting, or the folks that don't want to live in a muslim majority sharia shithole in 2050, or the folks that think killing babies is killing babies, and all the fellas that see through the trudeau\/soros transislamist plan to drain the countries wealth\/culture and cull whitey. Go poop in someone's mouth and dream of your pedotopia somewhere else communist NPC God-*damn* this is retarded. Listen, I know that you'd like to separate social policy from economic ones when making political arguments, out of convenience, but the reality is that parties have to combine them when dictating policy. Yes, 'right' parties will be more supportive of the corporate interests you list. That is their job. Yes, 'left' parties will be more supportive of labour. So what we have in Canada, the CPC and Liberals, are two economically right parties, who differ on social policy. And the blabbering about social policy is paramount so Canadians voters, your *real* 'useful idiots', don't focus on how economic policy is largely the same between the two parties. The idiotic part of this thread in particular is that \"Let's Import 350k Moar Immigrants Derp\" policy isn't even a legit left policy. It's a fake one. I'll be glad to point this and other political gamesmanship in the future. Regards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Doncha love it, faggot LOLzy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nazism is another far-left ideology. so are you you POS moron Never Trumper","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LMAO!!!! Holy shit, these people are fucking crazy. I didn't even get the notice, I am sad.... but not bitching. SHe is so lucky to have #TRUMP contact her directly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Guys the alt right is so mad about Milennial Woes getting banned from Twitter! Even if you hate him hashtag blablabla free speech! (Except if it's Sinead or Kyle getting banned then don't). :\/ PS Woes is a faggot who likes beastiality. :S Mw is a fag. Prob has banged little boys. Gurantee hes thought about it. Fuck all faggots. All homos are pedos","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Early Antifa group. Heavily armed but look happy. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The only thing the Democrats have is lying and stalling to stop Trump from being #President. What have they done for you lately. #Trump #Kavanaugh #MAGA #DEMSUCK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You Muslims are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"male tennis player jeff tarango was fined in 1995 for telling the crowd to \"shut up\". pretty sure thats less dramatic than accusing a ref of point theft, but im not gonna stop there, because youre a whinging faggot who cant accept that your token tennis player isnt perfect. a few other examples that prove men are warned, fined, and disqualified for less than accusing the ref of favoring one player over another yann marti, 2018, disqualified for pointing a racquet at his opponent and saying \"you can put that in your butt\". not fined. disqualified. andy murray, 2016, fined for saying \"stupid umpiring\" novac djokovic, 2017, warned for saying umpire was \"losing his mind\" ive got this feeling you arent gonna care, though, because mah wamen. this is more than just serena losing her shit, its stealing the rightful praise that osaka shouldve received for the win. even researching these past names was a pain in the dick because every news outlet is obsessed with serenas meltdown. its also satisfying to see somebody try to use their gender to get out of being responsible, and having it backfire. thats literally the point of this sub. women trying to avoid consequences because theyre women, and having it backfire. if the serena meltdown doesnt fit that bill to a T, i dont know what does >she said women get penalized for less i showed 4 examples of men being penalized harder for less than what she did. if you want a random faggot on the internet to analyze information he cant find after 5 minutes of googling in an empirical way, youre looking at the wrong place. nobody will find you precise statistics on every single verbal abuse fine because every search engile is filled to the brim with \"mah wamen protecc serena\" if youre just gonna dismiss anybody who disagrees with you as putting forward anecdotes, you might as well go back to whatever echo chamber you came from. youll be happier there","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Cuz he's coming you bruh!!! @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I found out two days ago my ex had the police called to her house following a domestic dispute complaint. Her and her new female housemate had a massive fight - screaming and possible violence. It was so bad, four police cars arrived. When she broke up with me she was a *complete cunt*; screaming at me and misinterpreting my attempts to placate her as \"controlling behaviour\". and#x200B; Well it looks like I dodged a nuke.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Peach is naturally human. Toadette just created a drug to become human. That and Nintendo wanted Peach playable and needed an excuse since in NSMBU she is kidnapped.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Cause you sweet lil nigga","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why are nazis allowed on gab?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Faggot perverted jews GAS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER way to go Liberals... taking away from Americans ... smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Easy, the bio male raped the bio female. Bio males have it their DNA that they tend to rape #teachbiomalesnottorape \/s for the idiots I can't help but feel the \/s ruins everything. Just leave it out man Nowadays, hardcore pornography can't make me cum any more. I can only cum to normies getting triggered by undetected sarcasm. I came just thinking about it. Idiots getting triggered on reddit and being unable to understand basic humor is half the reason to come to the comments section. Stop editing your posts to apologize or to show sarcasm. These people aren't worth your time. That's what they should call the sarlac out be ause its like a chasm and the sarlaclives there. Sarcasm. Exhibit A, everyone","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"loony cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Her teeth alone and that chimp out look will give me nightmares. Where the Muzzie rapists when they might actually come in handy ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Latino Conservatives=Self-Hating Freaks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This retard is behaving exactly the way the left thinks GEOTUS supporters behave. I see it everywhere, even all the way out here in Malaysia. Some of the more uninformed libtards even thought Antifa were Trump supporters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You haven't destroyed either of the topics. No u No me Yea u Yea @a What rule did I violate? No bot was used in that flood of enrichening memes and thus did not violate TOS I'm just replacing \"u\" with @a like I did \"me\" before. no u no @e no @u oh that's right he's gone ;_; rip no @i no @m no @z","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A long, long time in Prison, Muzzie scum bag!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The truth is glaringly obvious. Kuntzman isn't so much a cunt as he is a pussy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They are all complete assholes. Needless to say they are Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/vZAcWP8_K5k","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Peace and love...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now do the same but with a Nigger or a Jew in the photo and wait the reactions. I predict the FBI will be chasing the author in seconds... but against Whites? all is OK, move on...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate Muslims. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fat cunt de nitro trump has punch you fat cunt guts in you sick weak cunt one you us to like trump just like all you two face pedo supports get what coming to them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Wrong. @USER was a enthusiastic architect of devastating austerity along with the Tory's. The @USER did not have to abandon every principle they supposedly had to the @USER they could have let Cameron run a minority Government (as dId SNP) but CHOSE not to","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Preparing for Christmas. Making a wish. But since there is no Santa we must provide our own gift - meaning we MUST FIGHT FOR IT! So get off the keyboard and FIGHT! DEATH TO THE NIGGER - GYPSY - MUSLIMS-INDIAN hoards!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Chelsea Clinton mulling political office... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/cT59","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is nothing worse than an immigrnt. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm sick and tired of democrats. I'm sick of them ramming their sick doctrine down my throat. I'm sick of their constant whining and crying. I'm sick of their greed, hate, violence, racism, and bigotry. #DemocratsSuck let's kill em!!! LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I lost all respect for you when you said disabled people like me were pathetic. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Never going to happen. Not in a million years. Not unless Soros hires a bunch of Antifa punks to pretend to be vets.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hey Pauly .... when the rest of the countries catch up with USA's environmental policies .. let us know !!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Good going. Take responsibility for your parents, grandparents, great grandparents etc etc. You white trash racist slave owner, you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And you can see how close he is to tears. I know how hard it is to lose an old friend. They're irreplaceable.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Get fucked nigger faggot this isn't high school, and it's clear you don't respect self defense laws because you're a gay homosexual black nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Her books are long because they have to club you over the head with repetition and superfluous narrative rather than a resonating message. Also she's obviously a sexual deviant, the reason her protagonist is a female is because she has nothing but disdain for femininity and family. There's nothing positive to be learned from her imo. I did know that. See, this is where I differ from most people in this movement When I come across someone who I disagree with or who was an enemy of my folk I don't discard their work. The Truth is the Truth no matter if it comes from the mouth of an angel or a devil. Oddly enough, one of the people who I have learned the most from was Zbigniew Brzezinski. Probably one of the most evil men of the 20th Century, but his books are invaluable if you want to understand geostrategy or if you want to study the maniacal minds of these sociopathic elites. All of his books, lectures and articles come highly recommended by me, yet he is this evil gargoyle-like creature who spearheaded the destabilization of the Middle East and the weakening of Western militaries just like he did to the Soviets in Afghanistan. I would never destory a book by someone like that, no matter how diabolical they are. These books are treasures that we need to preserve so that we can educate the next generation about how we got in this mess. It's like being in a war and refusing to look at captured enemy intelligence just because it belongs to the enemy. Ignorance is NEVER a virtue. She didn't disdain the state of women, she disdained motherhood, the ideal of woman. That's why she lived vicariously through a corporate woman. Atlas Shrugged is an allegorical novel, not like Heidegger or the other non-fiction writers you've cant compare it to those but to 1984, Brave New World, Darkness at noon etc all better books and all much shorter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That nigger is 0-","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Uhhhh, have you seen the economy or wages? I think if you dont stay then you are either actually retarded or hopefully you had bad parents n needed to get out. The vast majority are likely retards tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"if she didn't have a twat she would be completely useless.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's October, I can't wait to see more of that half-wit, half-breed, moron Obama and the mostly retarded rapist Bill Clinton campaigning for worthless democrats across the country. Nothing solidifies my hate for the democrats more than those two.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stevie Wonder's son is dancing with a stunning White, blue-eyed blonde girl. He is darker than my shit. Oh shit, they made her kiss his Nigger face. This blatant display of racism is making me ill. How the hell can Stevie Wonder have a son young enough to dance with a 12 year old girl? He must be 90 years old. Ah yes, the dip of 'submission' for the Nigger by the girl.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FUCK THE RACIST FASCIST SHITSTAIN TRUMP AND THE ANTIAMERICAN RETARDED SHEEP WHO WORSHIP HIM! MAGA: build the wall and THROW RIGHT WING FILTH OVER IT! Purge the fascist terrorist orange pigs from American soil!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Have a Great Friday #GabFam Good Afternoon J.W.!! Idk...They downvote pics of puppies too...LOL people are fuggin wastes of oxygen Unfortunately some are...smh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Same and he is mine too dhudbe! There is a reason he is my lock screen HAHA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You aren't alive because savages from the middle-East brought retarded diseases with them to your schools I guess I'm a centrist on this, unwashed goat fuckers bring the disease back in, where it can infect children of retarded ass shit brains who think vaccines cause autism. The fact that the same parents who think vaccines cause autism are often found screaming for open borders is simply the icing on the cake. Vaccines have caused autism. Savages have brought in a lot of disease. Blaming anti-vaxxers is like putting a bandaid on cancer. Oh I agree, they deserve to live in the shitholes they helped to create. I'm just saying, if you know your country is bringing in unwashed savages that carry diseases you should probably get your kids vaccinated regardless of the threat of autism, at least that way they can live long enough to be raped and murdered and cooked and served as kebab by one of the goat fuckers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" nuff said","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I know she is very good friends with Siobhan and the two CLP's help each other a lot I imagine. It would seem she has upset a lot of people in her constituency?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Likely an AntiFa thug who plasterd himself with temp-tatts for the interview with the ShitLib press...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Shame is the only cure to the obesity crisis, sorry snowflake. What's the cure for cunts like you? Abortion?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That would have been a good time for a bombing.... Fuckin' Raghead convention!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jack, \"neo-nazi\" this is another give away code phrase of hysteria and propaganda. Just like global warming is \"racist\" everyone that isn't a tranny faggot living in Germany is a \"NAZI!!\" or \"neo-nazi\" or whatever. Surprised he hasn't gone full retard yet. NS should be defined by you for what it means to you, not others.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I can only imagine how much this wedding cake cost ... the level of artistic craftsmanship in this is stunning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is the absolute worse. Period. That is all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER noticed you broke away as soon as the senate started talking about the great 4.2 growth rate and salary increases for employees. Your station is so crooked!!!! Also negative on the conservatives and praise the liberals! #DrainTheDeepState #crookedmedia","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I took a bird on a picnic today, she brought along her 3 year old son, all the little cunt did was complain he was cold. Eventually she asked if I would mind seeing if I could find something in my car to wrap around his head... She didn't look too happy when I came back with a baseball bat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So the Nigger admits to there being a double standard. Along with Bix Nooding out a possibly-actionable threat. Again, progress. :^)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cuntsentration Camp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Didn't sound bitter to me. The main message was to recall American values and urge people to quit complaining and vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberals ....cry and complain that all they do URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER The OG dream i believe is what you are looking for haha. If you watched all games in this tournament vs leetpro you would notice a pattern. Never the less insane game and im glad I witnessed it live.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"everyday a white women gets raped by a nigger but no media coverage. the black on white rape epidemic. the non white on white violence epidemic. not a whisper from the kike media It's funny how you mention that black people are raping your little piglet wives, when in fact whites make the large majority of sexual crimes convicts especially pedophilia. I think that's more disturbing The data doesn't say that, retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If I wasn't already permanently banned on Twitter, I would have been with just half the slings I've posted here on Gab about that useless craphead. I can't stand the sight of his smug face, the sound of his proselytizing voice, or the libtard garbage his pie hole spews.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is mentally unstable.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just a legality so that a wife couldn't ruin her husband's estate. women are destroying the West as they help flood us with 3rd worlders with open borders who treat THEIR WOMEN like shit white men have been good to us when we knew our role, we were stronger as a nation, our kids weren't fucked up, we were safer women trying to be men has failed our men are weakened by ranting bitches who want to flood us w\/ foreign men who WILL KILL US Lmao white women have been voting reliably republican for decades and support Trump and Kavanaugh by healthy margins. If only white women could vote Trump still would have won the election, pic related. There's a ton of room for improvement don't get me wrong but stop buying into mgtow propaganda and hating yourselves, you're not irredemable hellspawn. White women voted for Obama.... Just barely over half of white women voted for Trump... They and all women are very much to blame for this... Their suffering will be justified... Lol ok faggot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Democrats are getting everything they deserve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Side note, that series premise sounds fucking retarded. Not that it's not interesting, I just don't get how it'd work as a story. I'll pick it up and read it to see.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is the worst and creepy too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dressing up.... Eddie Murphy tau ht me that back aat the house.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is Spartacus!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He can get on his knees with the rest of them and stay there. One day they will be playing to empty stadiums.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#FakeMailBomb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"you're a twat, enjoy all your downvotes, i count 100 at this point. fuck face Your mum. She was to heavy to be on top, so we switched to Doggy Style, which helped cause it meant I couldn't see her Fucking Ugly Face, she burnt the bacon in the morning, And she Queefed too much","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Even niggers would be crazy not to take that offer","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER uhh.. He is so cute.. I don't know what it is about a strong man's man I luv.. Lol.. Especially that can fight.. I guess bc I had to grow up being able to hold mines being so short to the point you don't have to worry about fighting anymore..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER How did Britain end up upside down in the ditch with all four wheels spinning lazily in the air?\" How could it not, with the rabid wealth thirsty @USER drunk on power, at the wheel? #BritishToryCarCrash #ToriesOut\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Likely shift? He is a political operative for the GOP. This will be a life-long dream for many who have been working towards this outcome for decades. It's sad.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Took my selfish, never satisfied, cunt of an ex-girlfriend out to see this, (her donkey-brained idea) and can confirm, it sucked worse that she did. Go to hell Melissa!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who was that faggot witht he bots like 8 months ago i called him a Faggot so he had his bots downvote me to shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Sex is work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"US ONLY 2018 @Quartermaster The extremely retarded morons always show themselves by criticizing something as shallow as punctuation errors! This does not effect anything is casual prose on social media. This mindless midget then goes on to tell you that the government is telling the truth and this incredible retard actually believes the propaganda from Snopes? Are you kidding me? You are clearly a brainwashed retarded RACIST SEXIST piece of shit Democrat who have someone else think for you since you cannot think for yourself! Jews did 911 dumbshit, did the government tell you that? You are no more than a polluted Thumb Drive! How unconcious are you? Did you not call me a RACIST and delusional which is obviously all Democrats! As we know all shootings have been done by Democrats and members of the RACIST violent Hate groups such as Antifa or the RACIST Black Lies Matter! Since I am a white male it is clear no shooting was done by white males but by piece of shit Jewish Males who are Democrat sewage! Of course the RACIST subversive LYING Jewish Supremacist media said the opposite because whatever a filthy despicable Jew accuses someone of they are guilty! Kind of like the BLATANTLY RACIST SEXIST Democratic party calling me RACIST! The RETARDED Democrats do not understand what a FACT is and will only regurgitate what they have been programmed with! Now APOLOGIZE for calling me a DEMOCRAT!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"My sons school had someone in doing a talk for autism awareness he himself was autisic. He made aware that animals can be autisic too and introduced a picture of his pug lola whom is also autisic which I found interesting. My 10 year old son is autisic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Suck a dick you retarded fgt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Conservatives only care about democracy when it's their opinions and so called racist rights are in jeopardy. Anyone else they don't give a shit about. It's sad.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A retarded woman.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"80% of women use silence to express pain You know she is truly hurt when she chooses to ignore you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Sorry to read this. You're doing the right thing to report it and warn us all about them. Needless to say you are none of the things they say. Stay strong.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is called intimidating a witness, and it's a classic tactic for people who have no other hope of winning a case. Democrat Leaders are allowed to openly threaten anyone they want to get their way.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You trans people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Someone come get their drunk aunt. Look at this old bitch lmao I love big titties, just not old saggy ones attached to a drunk. Men generally like young women with some eggs still in the basket. Which explains the anime of flat-chested school girls. Total pedo. #busted So if it only includes the shoulder up, assume it's loli porn without evidence and accuse. I get it, now.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" What brought that up? Hun ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Has some lefty twat gone and messed this site up now?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER No. No it's not. Well maybe in deep blue lib controlled CA with some of the strictest gun control laws in the nation which doesn't apply the law to illegals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You know I'm starting to think the only reason I haven't drunken myself to death or addiction is because I'm too much of a cheap fuck to buy booze regularly. I mean seeing this shit makes me WANT to drink but I don't have any so I can't.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I muted Robert Bowers @onedingo several days ago because of his anti Semitic posts. Seems to be alot of that here. I chalk it up to the scum seeing an opportunity to skewer the Gab name by making accounts here and espousing hatred towards Jews in particular. I also see a bit of it directed at Blacks. Not a Conservative viewpoint. Just like #MAGAHoaxer That was impressive. Your mommy and daddy would be proud.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We should test new drugs on black people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are they really turning this into a blame the jew thing? From the comment section: > It's almost as if he is not just \"speaking his mind\" Here's a [brief breakdown] LINK ABOUT POOR MUSLIMS of how reactionary a lot of his hatred is for vulnerable people. While I don't agree with everything Shapiro says, what is \"vulnerable\" about an invading horde working with EU politicians to mass rape European girls and replace Europeans? Or North Americans for that matter, since our invasion has also begun. What is vulnerable about a group that can turn and kill someone for drawing their child raping prophet with impunity? What is vulnerable about a group that was able to pass a motion to halt any and all criticism of said child-raping gangster and his barbaric ideology for violent conquest? What's vulnerable about a group that can travel anywhere in the west they want without being vetted, go on welfare, and if anyone says anything that isn't liberal bubbly gushes of sunshine and love about it, they get publicly branded a nazi biggot racist fascist islamophobe homophobe transphobe uneducated redneck piece of shit? Right. I think there's a couple layers of butthurt going on maybe.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> Donald Trump in 2018 and how he is exactly like Anita when it comes to blaming video games and poses just as big of a threat to video games TIL: President that couldn't care less about video games and made a few off-hand comments arguably to divert from the gun industry being blamed (which isn't exactly a good thing, but not exactly a great danger) is just as dangerous as an extreme social activist that has been going at it for 6 years releasing retarded videos, giving lectures directly at game studios, giving interviews demonizing video games across mainstream media while trying to link them to things like domestic violence that are for some reason taken and discussed seriously by industry peers in \"games journalism\" and inside games studios, given \"games industry awards\", invited to industry events and \"keeps track\" of \"gender diversity\" at E3 aside from being buddy-buddy with various studio heads and lead writers in the industry, with them plainly stating that they were \"influenced\" by said retarded videos. Arkane Studios: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=1Q_FtVHK1W0 Naughty Dog: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=340andv=ywZaPLkQEj8 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=0MCm0fYYTp8 GearBox: https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/fWT11XZ.png And that's just Beta males bending the knee and doing the changes themselves as influential studio heads\/writers, it doesn't even consider the blue-haired brigade of disciples that found their way into various studios e.g. Sam Maggs as \"Senior Writer\" for Insomniac Games or how her \"teachings\" influenced campaigns to get GTA banned from stores for instance in Australia. Why do you think there haven't been many games featuring sexy women from the West in the past 4-5 years? And they're even getting to Japan e.g. see Dead or Alive: X3 and similar games not released in the West. The video is absolutely idiotic and reeks of both false equivalence and Trump butthurt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah if this was done by a male there would be a public outcry. Meanwhile she gets off lightly.. Well I'll say this for the article, while not saying \"rape\" they are using some of the strongest language I've seen yet against a female predator. I don't remember anyone referring to it as \"sexual assault\" In any recent cases. > \"I fear being taken advantage of again,\" he said, adding, \"The trauma of it all is debilitating in my daily life.\" Well...fairs fair. Sex drives between genders are different. I cannot sympathise with this whine. There's enough legitimate material without resorting to male adolescent fantasies. Don't project your perversions onto children. Just because you have rape fantasies, doesn't mean it's true about every adolescent male. Evidently, it's not; whether you personally can sympathize with him doesn't change this fact. How is it \"fair\" to ignore the response of an actual victim in favor of a baseless stereotype? It's literally ignoring reality in favor of ideology > doesn't mean it's true about every adolescent male' I am male. At one stage, I was a hormone-addled adolescent. A popular fantasy among us male hormone-addled adolescents was to be ravished - usually by a hot female teacher. There is no difference in libidos between the sexes -- just a difference in libidos between individual human beings. All of my girlfriends have been absolute horndogs. If your SO seems to have a libido lower than yours, it probably only seems that way to you. Happens to people who suck in bed.... > Happens to people who suck in bed.... Probably. The libido's are similar, the drivers and motivators for each gender are different. Keep telling yourself that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"slipknot is a bunch of leftwing commie faggots you're a jew sucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bono wants Africa and the EU to join forces against Trump and the US and \"take over the world [BONO-MOTHERFUCKER IS A TRAITOR. HE IS THE KING OF THE MONGRELOIDS. ANY FAN OF HIS=ENEMY OF MINE] https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/bono-wants-africa-and-the-eu-to-join-forces-against-trump-and-the-us-and-take-over-the-world\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Here's why being civil with a faggot leftist is a waste of time. He posted a few times, abandoned Gab, and only came back to taunt us. https:\/\/gab.com\/Spacekatgal\/posts\/40051186","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is not working for Texas he is paid by the Soros cartel. Not fond of Cruz but Beto is a dangerous person! Just another DNC sheeple!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He's the cunt of the year and probably next year too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"GET THE FUCK OUT THERE AND VOTE RED ! OUR SURVIVAL DEPENDS ON IT ! FUCK ALL FAGGOT LIBERALS , THEY SHOULD ALL EAT SHIT AND DIE !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I do not know many trans people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"aussie faggot fuck off kangaroo jew sucking faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">Black parents \"detest the idea of their children having to read this novel, it says. \"The idea that banning books is about censorship and that censorship limits free speech is often decried as a poor reason to keep the novel on schools' reading lists as its racist themes make it violent and oppressive for black students. Reading is *violent*. :|","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What in fuck is that thing? Is it even fucking human? Some kind of nigger jew half orc breed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I like that after dating for 8 months you finally understand it when I cringe at the word cock lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another reason the democrats can never be allowed to take power again. Hint we know how to make our own firearms and ammo... Ohhhh, I'm in Australia, where guns are illegal. I wish I knew how to do that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Right. Punish the GOP because of two cucks. That's the ticket to getting more conservatives out there.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: As someone whose family has directly been the victim of these mail threats I condemn whoever did this regardless of party or ideology. This crap has to stop and I hope they end up in jail for a long time. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/-STX","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would call this peak SJW, but they'll have topped it by tomorrow. But for the moment... this is peak SJW. And peak retardation. Where's that impossibru\/mindblown\/futurama-not-sure-if-stupid meme, because I can't even. This is bitcoin level graph of retardation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When are we going to stop treating women like children? Women need to be accountable for their actions. ... source? There isn't one. Wrong. www.express.co.uk\/life-style\/life\/823895\/IQ-men-women-intelligence-brain-research\/amp http:\/\/journals.sagepub.com\/doi\/abs\/ The first thing you linked is neither credible nor peer-reviewed and the second thing you linked was a study done with children... It's an article about a peer reviewed study. You're an idiot. Why didn't you link the peer-reviewed article that they're talking about, then?? I did. Do you have a brain tumor? I used two sources. You did not link the article that is being discussed in the first link you posted. The first link is not from a credible source and I asked you to link the journal article that is mentioned in it. You'd actually be shocked at what I look like! I've seen fat people before. this is incorrect. IQ: http:\/\/personal.lse.ac.uk\/kanazawa\/pdfs\/PAID Though the difference in standard deviation is small, such differences can have a huge effect on the number of outliers. For example, in the model where IQ follows a normal distribution for each gender (mean To be precise, approximately lol. k. i wont discuss this with someone who just glosses over an abstract of one paper when i have linked multiple. Nope. On average, men are slightly more intelligence. Additionally, their intelligence has more variance. Meaning there are more retards and more geniuses. A wider range, shifted slightly to the right. That's on average. In reality? Men are significantly and very demonstrably more intelligent than women.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It should be clear that Muslims are not human. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What kind of faggot are you? https:\/\/youtu.be\/nn5GTIuxz_s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"kick the cunt out","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@OrwellGoode All we want is truth, justice, and 2 million in cash.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yup, sounds like your standard gay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I've never once heard you be thankful. All you do is shit on Canada. On the police. On our history. On Conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Eh. As a Scot I call everyone cunts. Mostly me tho. And my mother\/mother in law. They're cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"what a little faggot Then why are you asking retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would have been banned the first day I posted about fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches if this was Twitter. :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER he is duel citizen ok.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Everything he just said. Is exactly why we need gun control. It's about saving lives. Nothing else matters just saving lives. Some people get bent out of shape over the second amendment. It's my right. Crying! Put your feelings away coward! put your guns away coward. Gun=Coward","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He bought a packet of fags at the corner store. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Deserved better","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Diversity makes you stronger","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"arron rodgers doesnt have a superman cape, detroiters see the faggot that he is, like 50 said, \"pop tart nigga, hard on the outside soft on the inside\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If Florida wanted to Nigger things up We would elect a biological monkey","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Liberalism is a Disease and the Cancer of America HomeGrown Terrorism is the DemonCrap Party Pray for the Kavanaugh Family WTFU ONLY ONE PROBLEM Sad deal there,,, to have retarded idiots as neighbors this demented,,, over the city cutting down a hazardous rotten tree. Why didnt the neighbors do anything a year before to save it? as quoted: They didn't miss a spot. The stone, the concrete, the stucco, my door. Everything..was Hit with paint. ***THANKS for the great link to this case","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wish all Muslims would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LOL, I like how the elderly are always represented as a photo of an old veteran with medals and then it's like \"EITHER this guy is guilty OR immigrants are, but not both! Now you choose!\" It's like a game of retard logic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"[deleted] Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"NotARealAtty\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* [deleted] Its a common turkish insult. Learned the turkish version to insult certain turks over the internet. [deleted] Gotta enjoy the smaller things in life. Woah there marilmad! Next time, please refrain from using this horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"3\/5ths American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Whats truly hilarious, is that this window licker actually thinks spending all day on GAB calling Conservatives names is actual fighting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck you third world faggot niggers! And no you are not human!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER And he's actually been a gun control advocate for a long time if you bothered to do a little research.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Recently found out Obama's slut mother is a full on fucking Jewess. I can finally do it. I can finally say faggot nigger jew and mean it! I'm so happy!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women are just sosickening. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER And you are who to speak for the rest of us?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"IT'S ALL PIG JEW TO ME Desperate Shit I not the one ,worshiping a sand nigger LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I don't even understand what you are saying. Wow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER BS still boycotting NFL.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Fair enough. Save your breath for crying for help, when reality will hit you, as it always does to libertarians and conservatives\".\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Faggot Dick Nigger Happy Valentines Day Dick Nigger ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are just a slut to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Could you clarify what specific lies or fake news you believe that she is propagating and your sources to verify her information was false?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Superman can't be a whingeing nigger he is the greatest!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And they have some of the strictest gun control laws in the country? As the saying goes if you ban guns only criminals will have them! Seems to be proving here go get them Chicago.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Like basically the John Birch society except with more \"NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is foxnews that libRETARDED to tweet juan williams' retarded remark?!:) \"Republicans don't have a message\"?!:) REPUBLICANS HAVE ACCOMPLISHED MANY PROJECTS while juan williams was hiding in a deep hole to smoke dope and lose his brain so he could ignore REPUBLICANS MESSAGES! REPUBLICANS have made AMERICA BRIGHT and SHINING again!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The person didn't make any assumptions about what you've been through or pretend that adopting was as easy as going to a shelter. Stop projecting your frustration on them. They simply suggested considering adoption; stop being a cunt about it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Guilty old perv","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is no hatred in my heart for you immigrants. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What did he do that was worse than sleeping with a 17 year old boy that she had known since he was 7 and being a fucking whore?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women have no place in a civilised country like this. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Woman's Car Towed Away After She Claimed To Have Explosives Authorities in Prince George's County investigated a threat Wednesday AM at Joint Base Andrews. Reports indicate a woman said she had explosives and that she refused to leave. URL #MAGA @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So, posting cartoon child porn is your \"free expression\"? Did you create it? Do you write stories of cartoon child porn? Or do you just want to post this filth? If you are just posting a picture someone else created, that's not REALLY a \"Free Speech\" argument for you, is it? And, what part of \"against TOS\" don't you get, you degenerate faggot? BTW: I notice YOU haven't paid for PRO or invested in Gab. YOU don't have any skin in this, except for maybe when you jack off to cartoon child porn, right? Yes. It's not just my free expression, it's everyone's, so that is a retarded way to put it as you clearly don't understand what freedom of expression means. I don't care about loli, just that @a is a lying fuckwit just like you. I see you are a \"Nazi LARPer\" as well as a cartoon child porn shill... Figures. Thanks for the pic. You sure are a SPECIAL little fag. Piece of trash? Maybe. But at least I don't advocate for cartoon child porn or be a degenerate Regressive Lefty faggot pretending to be a Nazi on Gab. You know what gives you away? Don't you know \"Jews developed porn (and specifically child porn) to destroy goy societies\"??? You can't have it both ways, comrade. And now, I am laughing at you, fag. \"Leftist faggot\" lol whatever Boomer cuck. And there we are, Gabfam. Another child porn loving Regressive leftist faggot posing as a Nazi on Gab and whining about \"muh Free Speech\" while jacking off to loliporn. Exposing these mentally retarded degenerates is tiring, but well worth the effort. Going to have a celebratory beer and a smoke now. You're welcome, my beloved Gabfam!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Brett Kavanaugh was supposed to be a selling point for GOP candidates in the midterm elections. But now he could become a liability...CBS enough of all your BS lies. Go away with your other liberals CNN. MSM. WE ARE NOT LISTENING TO YOUR IGNORANT BS Stories!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Aww... Looky here! We have a fairy gay faggot that downvoted this. Gunny has a special message for your triggered soul, libtard...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"idiots vilifying the south. look at haiti. look at every nigger overrun area. - the south lived in the shadow if haiti massacres. north did not have majority nig populace. lincoln was a pos warlord, piss on him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are so good at drawing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":">if this was a police interview or a genuine psychology interview you want to get to the truth ASAP so you would immediately follow up with a futher question Don't talk like you know these things. Any interrogator can tell you that often the best question is a silent, expectant look. and these interrogators perform this in a studio with a live studio audience for entertainment purposes do they? fuck off! Literally irrelevant to my point. fuck off! I have no idea why you would get downvoted for saying this. This video does not belong in this sub. The comments and upvotes just show how toxic a community this has become.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What kind of nigger name is Tamera? You sound like a pig","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Anne Coulter. Oh, and Jack Abramoff. You kids were stupid enough to be courted by Conservatives\" when they showed up on U.S. campuses, back in '80. So, there's two...\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Meet Walter: Walter is most likely #Maga.Walter believes the lies he told daily about an imaginary #WalkAway being talked about in no community of color because it is #fakeNews.Walter does not understand minorities penchant for remembering what u did to them..Walter eats toenails URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER #Liberals believe rules are for the Middle Class and those hoping to join them. #ethics #friendsandfamily #cdnpoli #lpc @USER @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If my wife had fucked a nigger in her past, she would not be my wife. I chose her, carefully so. @InfantryVet - I am not sure what is going on here but it seems strange to try and follow. We agree that mud-sharking is a degenerate character flaw. @WADL said anyone who hates mudsharks lives in their basement, smokes weed all day and plays video games. I said that's not true, a lot of people who hate mudsharks have careers and families. Than he went all crazy and started calling me a kike, putting words in my mouth, and saying no well adjusted White Man would ever be against a mudshark.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Political hit job. What a slap in the face to all the women that were really abused. You liberals know this is a hit. Your leader @USER told you to lie and do whatever you have to do to regain power. Pathetic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jeremy Corbyn says impact of British empire should be taught in schools OK Jeremy (i HATE the British culture) Corbyn just show this video to the school kids. #politics #school #education #slavery #britfam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=2vFO0OlcE4Y","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Chris Rock is a skinny ugly racist black Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She only called the other guy a, \"Stupid black bastard\", is this really racist? She wasn't saying that she thought he was a bastard because he was black, or that she thought all blacks were stupid, just that she thought he filled all three categories at the same time? Maybe it's because she was trying to insult him, and her calling him black is what came out? Are you retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Heard about this on the latest TeDiouS, and it's triggering AF Yeah, the yenta voiced cartoon and the jewish faggot Mr. Rogers in a manbun don't even come close to the reason for the rustling. No #2A, no Electoral College, no compromise is what they want. Just watch and try not to get rustled https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/BirdsandBS\/videos\/154670895208830\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It means some faggot on the internet lmao","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"if a woman can beat u up, u should reconsider ur life bro... but seriously, fuck this bitch, burn in hell cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trowel! My man! So I understand you're upset? I'm sorry. I really am. I'm just going to have to ask you to replace that dog's cunt you call a brain and come up with some better insults. The market on the incels insult is getting over saturated, over used. Since we survive off whiny little cunt's salt, we require creativity. So. Come back when you've got something better. Thanks!! What the actual fuck? I'm all for the pussy pass denied mindset...till is starts being applied to all women. Like no women deserve jobs because some women falsely accuse of rape!? That's bullshit. And I wasn't even using r\/incels as an insult. I usually love this subreddit, but half of the comments on this thread ARE shitposts you would see on that subreddit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled people are a c a n c e r. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gab: Look at this dumb ass Warren. She claims that just b\/c she has 1 \/ 1024 Indian DNA that she is Indian. What type of idiot thinks she could actually be Indian with that bloodline? #AlsoGab: It's the one drop rule. If you have even one god damn drop of nigger DNA you aren't white. You are a nigger! Gotta keep our white gene pool clean and prevent the #WhiteGenocide","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We've got a big story coming out (most probably next week) about the Communist origins of Antifa. I hope you can join us @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm bisexual. I can't stand the local LGBTBBQLMNOP community. End of story. Why? Why \"breeder\" is a bad thing? It's used as a perjorative slur. Generally it implies that someone is pretending to be gay but is in fact straight and as a person is only good for adding to the population, implying in the process low intelligence, low worth, etc. They deem superior for not having kids?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER There is help for your mental illness. Good grief you liberals are seriously disturbed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There were bad people on both sides. Or do you support Antifa?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Demon Spawn-Henry #Kissinger Heckled at #NewYork University Speech: 'Rot In Hell' The former #US Secretary of State was accused of complicity in horrific #WarCrimes https:\/\/neonnettle.com\/features\/1557-henry-kissinger-heckled-at-new-york-university-speech-rot-in-hell- #WeWantJustice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/pKzjvvWmVOU. How fucking retarded and focused on a fake scoop of the TRUMP TRAIN CABINET who bit by bit has dismantled left wing narrative hyenas. 4chan joke ( TRUMP TRAIN) _(RAPE TRAIN)Dumbass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER she is amazing!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This cunt tried to join the ALP, remember? the commies didn't like him he wasn't read enough for their liking","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Joe's number one rule is respect 90. WC did not. I love the kid. He is kinda gassed. Frustrated that hitting went bad after all star game. He will learn from it. Go Cubs!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jim Acosta is complaining that the Trump rallies are too loud because he can't do live TV with the background volume THE RALLY ISN'T FOR YOU, DIPSHIT! Also he pretends he is just concerned that the Secret Service couldn't protect Trump due to the volume. What a humanitarian This is what happens when you run out of even the fake stuff to whine about","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER No he is the the bodyguard....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but common Muslim trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And here in Canada, they don't even have to take off their headdress, even if its Covering You're Whole Fucking Face.!! I used to live in Lakeshore Ontario, one day walking back home from my friends house I see a woman in full headdress driving straight at me, the wheels almost touching the curve she made no attempts to move out of the way so I panicked, tried to hop the curb, tripped and fell on the grass, I looked back and she was still almost barely touching the curve of the road with her car","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The man argued very fervently in favour of speech being a crime that requires police intervention. I am horribly concerned this sort of thing is still a crime in the UK, but as far as I see it Mr. Linehan should be happy he's got what he wanted. People who believe in anti-speech laws should feel the full brunt of them. Hilarious as that is, those anti speech laws are still there after we've all had a good laugh at a moron being kicked in the arse with them. They're a tool to control discourse and ideas with the full force of the criminal justice system; it was wrong when they were used on Dankula and it's wrong now, no matter whether we hate the guy or not. Have a moment of schadefreude, sure, but remember what this represents. One of the best ways to overturn bad laws or rules is to make sure they are enforced fully against everyone at all times. We want him to be redpilled. Probably won't happen, but here's for hoping. He's obviously protected his tweets out of fear, so deep down, he probably agrees with us. Personally, I'd settle for him just simply toning it down a bit. Admitting that going full-bore \"woke\" is a terrible thing to do. That there are some fundamental issues the social justice crowd are putting their weight behind that are stupendously bad ideas. He probably won't. He's too stupid for that. He'll delete his Twitter before that happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ok faggot bye bye now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Google bias everybody. Brought to you by David Hogue, design lead. https:\/\/twitter.com\/RealSaavedra\/status\/1048822754084937730","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"transgender lol, thta funny. hes simply got huge tits on account of the fact that he is about 5 foot five, personally i liked the \"short fat kid with man boobs and in a pair of flip flops whilst standing on an idf tank\" look lol, well i am a cunt so thats nice recognition","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I will cut their disabledthroats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Trump publicly lusted for his daughter and GOP still elected him. Let's stop pretending that morality or decency means jack shit to conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Leaving white children alone with a nigger is more dangerous than leaving them along with a crocodile.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER CNN and others involved in Conspiracy Theories\" and propaganda while they protect (Antifa?). So I guess the 2013 Bill and 2016 Bills for propaganda does protect \"State Media\"??? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Report me for what faggot, wrongthink? Eat a dick! He's either retarded or an elaborate troll. I think there has to be a second Poe's Law. \"It is impossible to tell a retard from a person trolling as a retard\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This dickhead here, White Is Beautiful, wants to send me a pic of a rough looking black bird to make his point. Send me this pic of a fat white bird, his mum, by mistake. Told you Gab was hilarious folks lol God, if that young lady sat on your face, you wouldn't hear the stereo. And he says MY girlfriend was fat mate Btw Johann, that's one tasty bird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Those Limey bastards.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Left: You can love whoever you want Also the Left: If you don't love who we say, you are a bigot","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberals are dangerous. They'll say and do anything to push their agenda. The victims are judge Kavanaugh's wife and daughters.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nobody putting up an It's ok to be white poster is screaming and crying on the street like an anti Drumpf spaz. Riight, well, I just dealt with an RWSJW spaz or two earlier today, so... If it's a competition, the left wins the spaz championship every time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dem Senator Hirono: Kav Throwing Ice Is Proof We Need An FBI Investigation' https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/02\/senator-masie-hirono-kavanaugh-ice-fbi-investigation\/ #FBI #Coupdetat #FixIsIn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gotta love #LindseyGraham unless you're a retarded #liberal. He's a master #troll now that #McCain is dead Lindsey Graham: I'm taking DNA test, I think I can beat' Elizabeth Warren on amount of Cherokee heritage https:\/\/thehill.com\/homenews\/news\/411592-lindsey-graham-im-taking-dna-test-i-think-i-can-beat-elizabeth-warren-on-amount","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What was this faggot doing to provoke such a harsh response? Vandalizing a building. Harassing the Proud Boys at their meeting. Stalking them after the event was over Hopefully they get more violent then just roughing up some cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Vlad may have been on to something. im just sayin. muzzie invaders have been a problem since back in the day, they just dealt with them differently.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You keep repeating 3 desperate mantras. Every time you appear here you use them. You're not the full shilling are you! You are like that retard Slatty in that regard, you lefties are all fucked in the head. Tragic old woman.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Amazon raises minimum wage to pay low IQ complainers...to offset this they cut employee incentives and end of month bonuses #muhminimumwage #BernieBros Bezos ain't the richest faggot in the world for nuffin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pretty cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i was trying to be polite with the \"fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The @USER are currently polling 6% Chuka. Khan will lose London to the Tories at next mayoral election. But that's the aim of the Blairite cosplaying Tories. Keep the Conservatives in power stop any real alternative to the Financial services 2nd British Empire gaining power. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Her friend said she could go fuck herself. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Michelle Obama Is a Man- New Proof 2018! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=F3JmbTjLB48 You know you can find pictures of her as a child and she is clearly a woman. We have bigger things to worry about. Why are you losers still hung up on people that arent even relevant anymore??? Talk about beating a dead fucking horse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Does he rage against 2 gender skeptics?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Most trans people are seriously fukced in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Guys have bad games. It's the game. It humbles everyone. Stafford has been very rusty and inconsistent this year 2 games in. He is missing the long down field passes that flip the game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Nah she is pti an emotional one more than rational.. but got caught at the wrong end of the bargain. Big house too many members but single gas connection. She doesn't understand it's target is the elite and the people who run gas generators.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You do what you want @bovinex you're a hero takin down the cabal no chance you're mentally retarded stuck with the brain of an 8 year old!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'd rather have cancre than be anywhere near a gay person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Portland Antifa Violence Against Senior Citizens https:\/\/youtu.be\/sq-dcJrnGTM The daily, progressive, shitholization of Portland. Used to be a pretty damn nice city, back in the day. Only crazy people and masochists now drive downtown there on weekends.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.puppetstringnews.com\/blog\/two-men-in-tennessee-charge-for-sexually-assaulting-9-month-old Two men in Tennessee charged for sexually assaulting 9 month old","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What the hell, Aussies?! I strolled by a TV today and caught a minute or two of a snake-catching guy covered in tattoos. After he bags a snake and hands off the bag to his chunky tatted gf, he walks over and shakes hands with two AFRICAN looking cops, not Abos, but AFRICANS. Why would you let them in your country? They're a plague here in the USA. Why would you let a plague into the USA???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"23andme results are dubious at best. Don't they say the service is for entertainment purposes? And we have seen articles where employees laugh it up about putting 1% negro or jew in to \"fuck with racists.\" Those are not the actions of a serious company following scientific procedures.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Gail has dropped far if she is going after actors like Rob to deal with the frustration of being a has-been...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And how much is he being paid for this behavior?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER u never talk to me shut up[","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Why are you liberals, who are so quick to scream I'm a victim\", so clueless as to how our legal system works and which law depts investigate which crimes? Assault crimes are not what the FBI investigates, period. Your ignorance on this matter is glaring and you should be embarassed.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I never call you an American! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER About time!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just baffling how people support a pathological liar. Did they actually insinuate that? IMHO yes. It can be insinuated\/extrapolated etc that by saying Trump is a \"pathological liar\" that their side IE: DNC are not. Seems fairly clear. Not to mention the OP seems to be a Democrat shill generally... I think that all politicians are liars. Often, when I criticize trump, and Obama before him, some people assume that I am for what they see as the opposition. For example, if I say that trump's tariffs are destroying wealth, some idiot assumes that I'm saying Obama never destroyed wealth, which is ludicrous. I am fairly confident that the OP is a leftist\/DNC shill. But your general point is well taken.No one is immune from criticism not Trump not anyone. They're trying to turn this conversation from Lieawatha to Trump and make it all about him. Don't let them. Individuals decide what they want to talk about. Nothing I can do. Agree that you don't control the conversation, but we can all keep to the storyline and not let the conversation be hi-jacked. Have a great day... We could, but I like it to play out naturally.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Heart of French language is in Congo, French language doesn't belong to the French people, says Macron. https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/heart-of-french-language-is-in-congo-french-language-doesnt-belong-to-the-french-people-says-macron\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Of course he does!! #MAGA for everyone ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER It is all okay with the liberals if it furthers their agenda. They have no core.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Hey The Valley Guy - Thanks for the comment - your right on the mark - Just hope the Liberals and @USER get serious about Reversing Global Warming and Climate Change - Get with the real issue of Saving our Planet and Life Itself - Note @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Mine too! BBCAN2 was a top tier bb season","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These hoes have zero personality and will say anything to make themselves sound unique. I saw some dumb cunt on tinder the other day who was 35, and the only thing she talked about in her profile was being a college athlete.... Like, how long areyou going to ride that train, sweetheart.... Cool, you played D3 volleyball at some state school. Congratz..................","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No they don't you cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh no, its retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yall are dumb a rocks. The most powerful thing that the Marxists have done is turn White Europeans against themselves. That is why self hating Whites are given all sorts of praise and awards.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"While his nigger monkey wife spends obscene amounts of HIS money on her ill fitting and always unsuitable, ugly outfits, Harry is circulating morning suit from the time he was at least couple inches shorter, and same old ruined shoes with holes he is wearing all the time. #Windsordashians Harry is allso a tool to be used by the devil. You will see, then remember this tekst.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another manky faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Holy shit pt 2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Amazingly the Dems\/ Obamas\/ Left get away with treating their #IdentityPoltics groups as monolithic group thinkers who all support the Dems. What's the word when you label all people of a particular group the same ? Oh that's right ....... prejudice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Muslim who murdered the Scottish kid, Kriss Donald, has been given a poetry award while in prison. He gouged out Kriss Donald's eyes and set him on fire. RIP Kriss. I'll never forget what they did to you and how our establishment and media hushed it up. I will never forget what they did to this poor boy. The whole world knows about the black man murdered by white men in the UK. Wee white boy, tortured for hours and set on fire while he was still alive by Pakistanis and hush it up because community cohesions BS. I know what he should be given while in prison and it most certainly is not an award of any type!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fat ugly bitter bull dyke traitor along with Alec Baldwin need to be hung this weekend for treason.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#LeviStrauss takes stand on gun control #SanFrancisco #LEVISTRAUSSandCOMPANY #America #SaferTomorrowFund URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".You cry baby liberals will have Trump for a total of EIGHJT GREAT YEARS!!! GET OVER IT. #MAGA URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I dont think at your job is the place to protest perceived police violence or whatever you are protesting\". If you really cared go to your local PD and protest there, taking a knee at a ballgame on your job doesnt take guts and only makes you look ignorant.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Can't do that. BLM and Antifa morons will start looting","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Rooney wont do anything. He is the one that needs to take some action.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"National Socialism. The ONLY enemy capable of defeating (((communism and its globalist))) ideology. The Victor is never asked if he told the truth. https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"*\"It's a bit difficult to blend here\"* Start removing the hijab and learn the native language, cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Antonio.... I believe in you. I will vote for you as will my family... that's not enough. Tell me what else I can do to help your campaign. Our state is going down the drain and is on life support. Something must be done or the lunatic liberals will destroy Ca.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Personally, I think we should just hang all these women. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"50 miles from Springfield to Worcester March for Gun Control is technically Hillary Clinton since Chinaly Chanvong wears a Wellesley College sweatshirt. Get your facts straight Mark Zuckerberg.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Lmfaoooooo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"eat my shit cocksucking faggot bitch boy punk... fuck you bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are not alone. I am here with you. Razzinfrazzinmaggle","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'London deserves better!' Sadiq Khan SHAMED for abandoning mayoral duties as crime SOARS (He's on Jury Duty, but hey, I'm in LOL) https:\/\/www.express.co.uk\/news\/uk\/1027049\/London-crime-news-Sadiq-Khan-knife-gun-London-mayor-latest-Shaun-Bailey","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Taxpayers will fund 2million-a-year bill to protect and monitor Islamist hate preacher Anjem Choudary, 51, when he is released from prison this week WTF, the governments on drugs https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6274439\/Taxpayers-fund-2million-year-bill-protect-Islamist-hate-preacher-Anjem-Choudary.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah but when im finally dead im still gonna be better than some dead dirty nigger i bet ill be an adorable thin little corpse with a nice wig and evrybody will want to line up to see me and ppl will cry and be like \"omg she looks so pretty i cant believe the jews would give such a pretty young friendly girl brain cancer its such a shame the holocost never really happened but when niggers die they stink so fucking bad they can't even have an open casket they blame it on other reasons but the truth is the flies from under the skirts of all the female nigger fambly members go back and forth from the dead nigger and the stench is just awful u wouldn't believe it ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Gorgeous! And those tits are KILLER! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is so talented!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And the Liberals are saying Republicans are separating this country by color. Hypocrites.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Calif buys more #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are being much too nice to that retarded bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.msn.com\/en-gb\/news\/world\/national-portrait-gallery-unveils-malala-yousafzai-picture\/ar-BBNPyUh I am a trans cunt who sucks zog cock I am at oxbridge yes its me human excrement @Tevlar who are these bastards bet its boy who killed peaches for geldof","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yea so STOP fucking being SOOOOO PATHETIC trying to take credit for Trump's Economy Obummer....YOU SUCK. You're a TRAITOR. You are a dirty MUZZIE ....you were NEVER MY PRESIDENT because you're NOT EVEN AN AMERICAN!!!! Nobody believes you. Nobody likes you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER thank you sm and it was great meeting you too!! seeing you and my other favs reminded me that its so worth pushing through the pain to be able to do things like that!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#VoteRepublican #ARM #AmericanRedMidterms We can't let the Democrats take back the tax cuts and the reforms that have put more money in so many pockets. #Conservatives #Independents #Undecided #WalkAway #LJMAGA #GoRedStateByState URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I was just at an underground live music event here in Chicago where my new girlfriend was playing and there was a dude in full on Trump regalia chilling in the back near my table. Not two minutes after some fat, purple-haired cunt spots him, security comes over and chats with him. 5 mins later the fatty is escorted out with her group.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Needs to learn one day that actions have consequences","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER join our slack @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER At least you are honest about wanting a nationwide gun ban. I give you credit for that. And the only place you can show that gun control works is in an environment with controlled access. Of course gun control works if the only access to a place is through metal detectors.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"or you can start identifying the JEWS behind the Muslim \/ nigger flooding of your country, and exterminate them, you fucking stupid lames","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Did you reply to him with Haleigh for AFP? I think he is blocking for that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but a faggot. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You'd fit right in with sharia law. Calm your tits hillbilly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is what the left is really scared of. https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfkts ha That's the favorite word of the Left, isn't it? 'Ignorant'. I'm sure you aren't ignorant to the fact that Negros have a habit of raping White women. Why should we allow these Negros access to White countries? Over and over again, they rape, they pillage and they destroy everything they touch. Why should we let them continue this, free of consequences?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He has the msm covering up","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He's an actor and a comedian not a political leader","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Oh dearGod! You're a Veteran for gun control.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Max tries to stop the inevitable: electoral extermination of the Democrats. \"Conservative columnist Max Boot called out President Donald Trump and Fox News for 'demagoguery,' 'racism' and 'nativism' in their comments about the caravan of refugees that recently crossed the Mexico-Guatemala border.\" https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/conservative-max-boot-slams-fox-news-on-caravan-coverage_us_5bcd054ce4b055bc9481f807 He conveniently ignores the photo in the addendum. If Max #Boot is a \"conservative\", then I'm old Abe #Lincoln's granddaddy!!!!!!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!!!! :) HuffPo. That's should tell you ALL you ever wanted to know.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER asks @USER to respond to criticism that the Liberals only care about anglophones when it's time to get their votes. Couillard says that's not the case: I think people know my sincerity on these matters.\" #Quebec2018\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just another big mouthed nigger who hates whites. Fuck off with your nigger worship you sick faggots","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They never actually cared about fixing or changing anything, they just wanted to be popular with the retards who will believe anything if it sounds edgy enough. Anybody who criticized them would find themselves facing hundreds of whiny little Anita Sarkeesians, playing every DARVO card while they dig through people's lives, looking for cheap and easy gotchas. And they wonder why we compare them to SJWs. Just watch, they will be burning more bridges before the sun comes up, while simultaneously playing victim. This will be a shitshow.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"stop spamming me nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes the jewdis goat like soro the evil cunt Rothschild yes not the real jews that hate Zionist like we all do the name a call the globalist like May and queen of UK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Shoot a dindu nuffin Spic and they cry. The Guy is a hero Mr.Dunn, I salute you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think you want \/r\/watchpeopledie seriously NSFL Nah fam. It's not about just the gore. It's that and then saying his head exploded because Bobby-jo gives the best head around when she's not fucking her brother. You just don't get it. r\/nomorals got banned for... reasons? It was like IGTHFT except actually offensive and funny as opposed to an incel hivemind Have you bothered to look at this sub at all? There's plenty of dark shit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They must be fucked in the head if they are immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Perhaps he believes as did the revolutionaries at the time of the start of our country that the people need protection from a runaway government like the one the Liberals are proposing by their actions which would take away your rights.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER (s)he is very affectionate and purrs non-stop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"a lot of da white MFs on guns of gab talk good game but under pressure they choke like pussies and guns aint da final shit back when we niggas had our ancient nuwaupian civilization we was using laser guns yea we was exploring da stars when da white devils was still living in caves and they was using clubs Nigger where tf you been? I aint seen yo cottonpicking welfare drawin sorry ass in my feed in a minute. Niggers is all momas boiz cuz dey aint got no daddy, shut you dumb ass up pussy nog lul. If a pavement ape aint got a gun they done!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Homie don't want to get knocked the fuck out. bitch i scored and im high, im not ruining it cuz you wanna be a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thanks Vince You fucker. No need to hold out and chance that clients miss it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"this doesn t represent mental illness correctly at all, it doesn't just randomly appear its always present","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER needs to get over it. It's been 5 years since he hasn't played for the birds. Move on already. There is hardly anyone still on the team from when he played with the Birds. He is starting to sound bitter that he doesn't have a ring","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"a nigger in a maga hat is still a nigger and what does kanye even do he bounces around like a retarded orangutan talking and chanting into a mic with a bunch of shitty noise blasting and whores twerking and niggers nigging and millions of niggers waste their money on him it's not like he's a fucking prodigy who invented something or a talented artist creating lasting objects of value he can rhyme, so that takes a 5 yr olds brain power and he can get a boner for that disgusting mudshark and her hippo ass and thats the extent of his ability so who gives a flying rat shit what that stupid nigger says just get him out of the Oval Office XD NIGGER niggER NIGGER NNIGGER NIGGER HAHAHAHAH IM SO FUNNY IM 13 BTW pls LIKE MY POSTS AND ORBIT ME im NOT LIKE THE OTHER GIRLS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hehehehe Riemann had issues he died and left his shit up in the library sanz, like he was trying to be smart like a retarded dove with two broken wings sanz","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is no space on this planet for any woman like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Antifa Caught Off Guard After Getting Confronted By The Last Person They Ever Wanted To Answer Too URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Also he supports antifa","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #big boss 2 what happen to ashwariya not good Sandrayan Anna should have not got voted ashwariya should have been gone what bigboss vote for ashwariya so she is save people not voting for her","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"left wing retards spreading fake news and propaganda, how ironic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Its not a problem, because 1) He's an African American Nigger 2) He's a Democrat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I feel dirty just reading this, what is wrong with you nigger faggots?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Things are definitely fucked up when you need to state the obvious like this. Conservatives are needed just like liberals are needed. One without the other is faulty.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Lmao I have it too. Shitty quality but I don't mind it either. The lowlands one sounds better ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"God, I hate this mulatto bitch! What a narcissistic, attention-seeking cunt to announce your pregnancy at somone else's wedding? Horrible, nasty little bitch! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6276715\/Harry-Meghan-announce-expecting-child-together.html Read on UK Newspapers http:\/\/www.tachanfil.com\/stores\/ing\/ @tachanfil","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER help! I already have a verify account but when I try to use it it wants further details (passport) which I don't have with me. So I phone instead and after two minutes of pointless messages it tells me you are busy and hang up!!! What rubbish service.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Things are looking up for retarded Aussies only. For the rest of us, Apocalypse come already, the world and our Australia is gone.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER he's obviously a bitch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"There's a whole network of them... all linked to 4chan and Pepe accounts . Lmao my sidesssss https:\/\/redd.it\/9ny4zv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Some shitskin retard tried explaining to me how Ursula was the good person, and the prince who kisses Ariel when she's under a curse was raping her without consent.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thousands march in Chicago against Trump's 'anti woman agenda' https:\/\/youtu.be\/4FCvI5SSy0Q via @YouTube Can even a single one actually make a reasonable argument that Trump has implemented any anti-woman agenda? Like just one thing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nobody except this poor, retarded asshole...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah actually. Don't try to recruit people to your retarded cult. Why is it a retarded cult? Numerous studies demonstrate that it's a far healthier diet with drastically reduced risks for a myriad of chronic diseases and increased longevity. Additionally, it's no opinion that a plant based diet is significantly better for our environment and the most impactful way an Individual can combat climate change as meat dairy and egg production green house emissions and other related facets have a larger negative impact on our environment than transportations does. I haven't even mentioned the implications for animal cruelty. What about any of those things is \"retarded or cult like?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FUCKING JEW LOVING FAGGOT GET OFF GAB","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No one cares about that cock eyed kneegrow faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Like if Andrea comes up to you and offers it I believe you should get it because YOU EARNED IT. I've thought that since the beginning of the 1989 tour and I just now met her last week. If you are offered you're not \"taking someone else's slot because it was you that was offered.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now I've just heard that she's cancelled the rest of her tour after blaming everyone but herself for this shitty cuntish display.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #LivedExperiencedIsEvidence of course. Not sure you are implying I am dismissing such? And that of my own?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Don't even presume to know what liberals feel or think. I am liberal. I am personally opposed to abortion in any but life-and-death circumstances. But I am also personally opposed to imposing MY PERSONAL FEELINGS about abortion on anyone else. So do us all a favor and STFU.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All these women have such obvious respect and admiration for each other","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER No reporting on the death threats faced by Kavanaugh or ANY conservatives huh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Since i take absolutely no one serious, because they are usually douche cannons that use social media to spew forth thier cuntish nature. I would have responded with something like...\"hey Jonathan cuntintosh, you suck at every sport, have zero upper body strength and\/or athletic ability and even a robot fuck doll would tell you to shut the fuck up,\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have no respect for people who write things like \"too many queer in this country\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER That didn't do it ! Tougher sentencing laws and more focused crime enforcement did ! We all know tougher gun control laws do not work.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Top 5 excuses\" liberals use when they are losing and desperate. #1 RACISM #2 Sexism #3 Russia #4 Guns #5 the Rich VOTE DEMOCRATS OUT! America doesn't need LOSER leaders. and WHINERS!\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/youtu.be\/cDFFis0j4JM Well thats depressing. No wonder why nazis are so angry Their ideology failed time and time again. That socialism sure did help them. I mean Germany hasn't existed since 1990 - no wonder why its a failed state. It didn't fail, it was Jewed, you haven't even passed Bernard Baruch Secretary of both World Wars Same team, Jewish, that's occupied Germany and you Jews are still guilty of the Holodomor and Katyn Massacre with sudequent cover ups to deceive the Americans to pass Lend Lease. The Nurmburg Trial was not American, we do not permit ex post facto laws Constitutionally. Watch your head, Negro. https:\/\/youtu.be\/UDyBSTQDwH8 Germany lost - tell me, if the Nazi ideology was soooo perfect, why did they lose? Your leader is dead, your nation bans National Socialism, your nation is worse than 1929 degeneracy, and there isn't a damn thing you can do except bitch about the past online. I don't give a fuck about any nation or race - if it isn't American, it's inferior. PERIOD. World Kikery: It's afraid. >America is \"world kikery\" nigga omg you really are a Eurofag retard World Kikery. It's afraid. no u ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"dinn do nuffin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER 60 minutes is the one that had bragged about her and her story. you guys thought it was great she was female CEO. that was your story. Now she is the evil one. CBS - why don't you verify before your reporting??","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Get the FUCK OUT NIGGER ... I won't cuck to this HOUSE NIGGER. By 'ignorance' he means 'actions that would lower profits for Corporations' you know those corporations that pay HOUSE NIGGERS WAY???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Spanish #unjustice vs. #FreedomOfExpression and #HumanRights #Spain is a #fakedemocracy @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #cddr #shameonSpain @USER @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It should work just fine now! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i just don't know where to begin or what to say. reader beware this is an awful story. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6293729\/Two-foot-82lb-rock-used-smash-South-African-student-death-gang-raped.html?ito=social-twitter_mailonline Ironically they could probably do so if this were a world of only whites where everybody was the same and like them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They were much more honest about the outcomes they wanted and why...They may have and frankly did sound like fucking retards, but they did not hide their objectives. Maybe, but a power seeking zealot is power seeking zealot no matter what ideology they cloak themselves with. There are plenty of \"Sunday\" only Christians out there... And while I prefer cunts that honest about their cuntishness than those that hide it, its still a pair of cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Well thanx for proving us right that stricter gun control doesn't address the problem as criminals don't care for gun control as it doesn't apply to them. Again taking the means to Self Defense away from the law abiding and ignoring the fact that criminals use illegal guns.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Nigger assaults white teacher on video. White teacher gets suspended without pay. https:\/\/wjla.com\/features\/7-on-your-side\/caught-on-tape-teacher-sexually-assaulted-inside-dc-charter-school","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Boy, did these Russians live to regret it. Same build-up here. I can't tell if that's a nigger or a kikess.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is the NRCC deserting a Republican because of a faggot Native American? If you live in Kansas make sure you vote for the Republican not the faggot Native American! She looks about as Native American as Fauxcahontas! NRCC CANCELS $1 MILLION IN ADS IN VULNERABLE HOUSE SEAT http:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/09\/30\/nrcc-cancels-ads-yoder-kansas\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yeah, I'm gonna step outside of my Southern Gentlemanly personna here, and graffiti up a post by an organization that I Greatly Respect. FUCK that Worthless-Assed Nigger BITCH and Anyone and Everyone else who is involved in her Lies, Thefts, and TREASON!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals heads are exploding. It's so fun to watch them melt down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the absolute mad man None of \"your money? You mean our money. Pretty sure Jair is controlled by Jews like all the rest. Probably. The leftards are worried he will take Brazil out of Brics and back to the IMF. Which is a fair enough concern of theirs even if they don't realize that BRICS is just controlled opposition. On twitter people like authors Stephen King, William Gobspm and other famous people who are smart enough to know better support what jews are doing to us. If we are killed and our country turned into a soviet union they don't seem to care. Any thoughts about them? Gibson, sorry about that. IF we ever start winning American public opinion, we're at war with their new host. 10 points to whoever knows who that is. ;) You win! If there's enough of us fighting hard enough, it will be Red Dawn with Chinese troops kicking us into camps like the gulags. I've been expecting this to happen. #BlackPill Jair is a #Egalitarian and loves the #DIEversity of brazil. He hates people like you. https:\/\/gab.com\/ButchDeadlift\/posts\/39282122 ^^^ Chad Post ^^^ You're the kind of ass that gets awesome sites like Gab shut down. No cupcake, Jews are what get awesome sites shut down.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He IS Mark Twain in my eyes. Love him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER your political analysis' have been blinded by your obvious bias. Otherwise you couldn't have come up with such wrong conclusions. Turnbull was the biggest threat to the Liberals existence. Removal also proved that there never was such thing as Turnbull's popularity'.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Woman Is The Nigger Of The World (Remastered 2010) https:\/\/youtu.be\/j5RuCEhHcG4 via @YouTube","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Alan Jones responds to Opera House furore https:\/\/www.2gb.com\/alan-jones-responds-to-opera-house-furore\/ #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia That looks even more shit that I imagined. Total sellout disgrace.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER GFY since you are into code letters and how about POS KMA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Isn't that what happened to James Damore and Google? They totally made it out of context of what he said and fired him labeling him as a fascist nazi? lol That's exactly the case.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Girl bitches aggravate me!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Disabled lives aren't worth sh1t. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bullshit. The communist, Liberal Left is causing ALL of the problems, and anyone with a braincell can see it. You all just exist to fool the retarded normies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When a big nigger puts a dick in you're mouth, YOU shut up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Any background to this? Yeah there has to be some backstory Last time this was posted they were both drunk and argued about bs Background. https:\/\/abc","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"McGregor is a punk.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Brave young patriot Damn...but poignant!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's not according to me, it has an actual medical definition. The defining factor is a sexual attraction to PREPUBESCENT children. Our 15 year old dyke was an adult sexually, purely statutory rape.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people muzzie. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Worst ones are selling games and consoles and pc collections they've been adding to since they were young. Hundreds of games and memories, thousands and thousands of pounds, gone. Because someone who doesn't fucking care about them wanted to be a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh look, another retard that confuses game mechanics with immersion.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Says the drug addict living with mummy and daddy. How's that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Unread negro\" = nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I still remember him on New Year's Eve whining about how he can't find a man. This faggot is hilarious.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When the EDL leadership gave up their balaclavas, they were identified, isolated, and all of them were ham-strung by the courts. EDL attempted to become a non-violent force. The police (with hard-hats and riot shields) would form a circle around an EDL protest, and imprison the non-violent people inside this circle for hours, meanwhile permitting the Muslim thugs and their Leftist allies to hurl bricks and bottles into the circle.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm sorry to hear that dude. If you need comfort, I am here for you. Thank you bro!. I dont let my past hold me back no more though.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"White knights FUCK YOU. Stupid cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wouldn't dare to be near her. Why not? She's already falsely claimed rape once. She's gonna need forensic evidence next time or they're going to ignore her. > She's gonna need forensic evidence next time or they're going to ignore her. LOL That's not how any of this works at all..... He was obviously exaggerating, you're fucking kidding yourself if you think a judge isn't going to raise an eyebrow if it happened again. It would be a hard cry of wolf for that little boy True, but usually the alleged rapist's life is ruined by the allegations alone long before they are in front of a judge. Forensic evidence can prove that persons A and B had sex, but not whether it was consensual or on whose part. Depends... remember when the NYPD raped that guy in a bathroom with a plunger? While forensics can only show that a plunger did in fact perferate his intestinal tract, it is easy to see without reasonable doubt that this was not consensual. This seems like an edge case and pretty extreme. Forensic evidence would also help if there were allegations of drugging. But in any he said, she said situation, forensic evidence is unlikely help. Because it's dangerous to be around bad people. If the last ten years has taught me anything, it is dangerous to be around police. In the US* [deleted] Enjoy your prison rape is it wrong to hope she get raped in prison just because she lied about something that brings quite a lot of trauma with it? It's always wrong to hope for that. Most of the rapists in prisons are guards btw. Yes One can make a good argument that the sentence for false accusation of rape ought to include being raped. Away with you Satan. Well you certainly haven't presented that argument here.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER \/\/HE IS A DETECTIVE SO I MEAN I GUESS THEY COULD WORK TOGETHER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Saying things like \"Fuck all gay people\" shows what a horrible person you are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"reminder that all the false idols crumbled before the one true god ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol great logic retard. This is why black people will never get out of the hood. Because you idiots think that only black people are allowed to address the glaring cultural and societal problems in the black \"community\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"More like \"Stupid Twat Steven\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Former NFL Player Colin Kaepernick Gets Award From Harvard and claims \"'Love is at the root of our resistance, and it will fortify everything we do' https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6267905\/Colin-Kaepernick-Dave-Chappelle-receive-Harvard-black-history-award.html Like our honours list every year, these awards are becoming meaningless due to the people who are receiving them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER your @USER app is down \/ sucks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is my friend","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There's no such thing as psychopaths or sociopaths, introverts or extroverts, alphas or betas, etc. everyone is a product of motivation. in other words, people are only willing to do what they are motivated to do. #DoTheMath WRONG. !!! I'm an introvert and do lots GREAT work ALONE. People wear me out just talking.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You are correct URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Even the French hate the French, Cunt wants to give everything away even its language.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dude you fundamentally fail to understand that social issues are so much more intrinsic to identity which has everything to do with what right\/left divisions even are. Almost nobody has any principled attachment to economic ideology. The conservatives were close enough with the nazis on their social policy for them to align. You're ignorant as shit for believing that economic ideology is as much of a motivational factor as identity. Like I'm in California and it's vast majority left wing. We just voted on a proposition that forces EMT workers at private companies to be constantly on call and have to work through breaks. These bleeding heart retards just fucked over one of the lowest paid people in the medical field because they think it's saving lives. All this is proof of that every fucking ideological basis can easily be manipulated into betraying their economic beliefs if they think it will promote their social utopian belief structure. I don't need to educate your ass into understanding that fascism is inherently right wing regardless of whether or not it has elements of radical economic policy derived from the left. Fuck off. Don't call me disgusting. >fascism is inherently right wing But fascist thinkers grew from socialism. It's an inherently collective ideology. Collectivism is a left-wing thing. Chances are you can't even accurately define fascism. >almost nobody has any principle attachment to economic ideology. So you don't get out much. I gathered that from our conversation. >Fuck off. Don't call me disgusting So you don't like receiving insults as readily as you throw them. Understandable, I suppose. The truth is you are. You are ignorant, and you are proud of it. That is a disgusting personality trait. You can fix that though.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm interested in her choice to spit. Obviously she's a cunt. But... we must go deeper... Spittle. What is its purpose? Is spitting a behavior humans got from Neanderthal ancestors? Was this meant as a social gesture? Was female spittle at one point physically harmful to human males??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Why didn't she save her grandfather in Puerto Rico if she had that kind of cash? Bc She is socialist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Liberal and feminist women don't give one single fuck about rape, women, or \"women's rights\" All they care about is virtue signalling, attaining power and ruining men by using women and rape as weapons.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER fash\"andlt;That's a give away phrase for #antifa types, the genuine fascists who want to close down free speech. This [ex-]muslim nails the apologists who are really just providing cover for radical islam. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"it works ! hammer, hammer, hammer ....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I've been a complete dickhead. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Californians need to get to the polls and vote and offset the voter fraud.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Those useful idiots aren't desperate and downtrodden. They are well paid (translate: nigger rich) opportunistic paid actors in new clean clothes playing a role written for them by George Soros.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When you desperately don't want anyone to notice you're a nigger for some reason, you want everyone to forget that you are a nigger This but niggers and Jewish cartoons When you're on the confirmed nigger database","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I will be looking to invest offshore after this","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Funny how white people who preach anti-racism don't live in nigger or spic neighborhoods.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims are without a doubt the stupidest people on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Hi Amy...your book is on my read list...thanks for speaking out Hope you are doing well ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Moron - Real Americans are PROUD of our accomplishments- you are disgusting for not showing the truth.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes, good comment. But I bet the twat just sneaks back in under a different name","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They're AIDS riddled faggots that talk different. And they're French.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is an embarrassment","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER he is a psychic ain't he","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NYC birth certificates to offer third gender category - https:\/\/www.oann.com\/nyc-birth-certificates-to-offer-third-gender-category\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Okay I don't really care for some of vox's opinions but what are you doing Indiegogo? All you are doing by shutting him up and cutting off his methods of making profit all you're doing is proving him and his followers *right*. Conspiracy theorists believe the world is out to get them and the one thing you can do to make sure that they don't get traction is this . DONT MAKE THEM MARTYRS. All you had to do was let them publish their stupid comic book. let it go unnoticed at the bottom of the top 200 and then let the people forget it ever happened. Have you never heard of the *Streisand Effect*? The same thing with Charlottesville. Honestly if Antifa hadn't shown up it would've been a source for us to laugh at the 50 tiki torch morons for a day and move on like nothing happened. > Those who were in charge of that demonstration are not the sharpest tools in the tool box. Former Obama supporter. And they didn't expect the local authorities, from the governor and mayor to the state and local police to be 100% on the side of the Left, to violate a Federal judge's ruling, etc. It was an unusual case of anarcho-tyranny, with the police pushing the alt-righers into the crowd of already violent Antifa and BLM members.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is ordinary I didn't watch it Cannot stand her BTW m8 What did she do this time","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER True they raided a Antifa bomb factory in Germany!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"scary pussyhat sucks sand nigger cock","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" All values, unless otherwise stated, are in US dollars.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stupid lying cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER What a stupid incompetent devious and toxic PM! May haven't you forgotten 17.4 million voters? Betray us at your peril! You are eroding faith in democracy + destroying Tory Party! You should go URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Rainbow Nation\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muh virtue signal, literally putting the future of your nation on the line just to appear politically correct. Already self-censoring for the left. You call yourself a Trumper? Maybe redacted is a better sub for ya.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER and why do all the issues about Pc only focus on liberals What about conservatives on kneeling on fake patriotism Or Republicans freaking out over an abortion","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER No time for political correctness. It is a Lie. Everyone knows this. Behind the scenes the liberals are laughing. Take the vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #DoYourJob #DoTheRightThing -U all know well what a stellar #SCOTUS #JudgeKavanaugh will B-a documented lifetime of excellence Don't B puppets obstructing @USER who is #MAGA and #KAG #ConfirmKavanaughNow #MAGA #KAG","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER the only thing i know about gun control is how to have great aim.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Truthfeed News 'JUST IN: FBI Deals Yet Another Devastating Blow to Democrats on Kavanaugh's Accuser' #MAGA #2A #Prolife URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And not a single sand nigger in sight....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't know what he was expecting being around these cunts","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hell ya she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"4A: Texas Medical Board engaging in warrantless searches of doctor's offices in back-door gun control' effort URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You must be literally retarded. You're also extremely dishonest. He's not saying she's entitled because she's \"young and cute\" - we can't see her face anyway, dumdum - he's saying she's entitled BECAUSE SHE TRIED TO TAKE ON A MAN PHYSICALLY. You have gotta be the dumbest cunt I've interacted with in quite a while.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ISIS Sympathiser talks shit as usual and needs a good beating about the skull with a koran until he gets the message! Then again, these ISIS vermin are subhuman filth, fake muslim assholes who are too retarded for this earth. And yet the west and Israel SUPPORT THEM!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER And he is signing briefs on behalf of Special Counsel Mueller.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Racism is strange to me, perhaps because though I live in a place that is predominantly racist in nature, there really are not very many races living here in great enough number to even notice. It's basically white... So move I am not considering myself concerned with race per se, I thoroughly enjoy living in the country, in the mountains preferably with all four seasons of the year fully alive. These places I find are mostly white, for whatever the reason other races just don't seem to live in the mountains, they live in the cities mostly I suppose. I don't pretend to know what it is like to live somewhere that the races are battling for real. I don't think I ever have... I did live in the city in CT for a while a long time ago, but it was definitely not like you describe things today. Mostly Italians ran shit... LOL There was no need to 'deal' with the mafia really, it was just kid of understood that they ran shit. Nobody was really upset over it. LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER you fuckass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"omg one time i was at Walgreens and this ginormous niggerpotomus with fat rolls in places where i dont even have places came waddling on up behind me so i couldn't see her right away but the STANK of gorilla shit slathered in cocoa butter hit me and i just choked hard and went \"OMFG DID A NIGGER FUCKING DIE IN HERE HOLY SHIT IM GONNA FUCKING PUKE and i spun around to cuss her out but my Dad picked me up and put me back in the stroller but ill never forget that stench ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Says the little Muslim Sand Nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Whenever trans people look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The UK only has a fraction of the population and had a fraction of the number guns we do not to mention a gun culture and demand of which there is ample supply here. UK type of gun control will not work here but will exaserbate the gun problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Watch this game sells massively and most players not give a shit, much like the NPCs complaining about how \"problematic\" GTA V was or them making a huge fuss about Marvel's Spider-Man. I guess they see popular games as an easy way to virtual signal how woke they are to their blue check mark followers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"America is the greatest country. That aint lie you know that I know that","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER This is what happens when you tell white liberals that they don't get to congratulate themselves on how woke they are until they put their money where their mouth is. That simple fact of life breaks their brains.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I want to k1ll all gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And I'll never watch another movie with him in it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The world would be worse off without Muslims like you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You already said that, retreating nazi faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The niggers are at it again. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The muzzie already got eliminated from the governor race in Michigan","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"we are at war with the liberals, don't go any where alone, stay armed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Godamn these people are retarded... Don't insult retards like that, even they have more common sense than these people. even full retards are smart enough to not give a shit about tennis","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"this was shit the guy should of boxed his head off and thrown him through the top window,fuck peoado muhamed and islam","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It means I live in close proximity to, and have a lifetime experience of living around, having to go to school with, having to work with, and having to go to the same grocery store with motherfucking sub human, knuckle draggging, ape level IQ NIGGERS. How's that? You're a real genius you know that? Maybe you'll understand finally when a nigger is hacking your head off with a machete... of course it will be too late then won't it??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Horrible faggot Owen Jones.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"well the thieving faggot still got what he deserved. Execute the illegals. Execute them all!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you wouldn't act like such a mean cunt all the time I wouldn't even know it was you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"the bantu's genocided how many other african ethnic groups? The history of africa before the white man is one of famine, starvation, and genocide","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The only response here is an enthusiastic \" go fuck yourself twat\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Perhaps you have also forgotten: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I wonder what his white faggot whore thinks when he trashes him on world wide news media.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is a biased liberal like most media types they still don't realize people have tuned them out long ago. They won't talk about 15 yrs of lieberal scandals\/rising debt but reducing 22 council jobs will make them mad!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hey brian tell us about the time you voted with the liberals to take our guns away. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Whenever black people look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@mcfagens @SmailsGroyper did some faggot within the Council actually get us banned again? wtf is up with this cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Maryland remember to vote #RedNovember 6th. We need to put conservatives in House and Senate to #KAG and end gov't corruption in Washington. We want to keep economy booming and keep our jobs. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The fake and bake twins!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Top Alt-Right Site Now Siding With Antifa Calls For Attacks on Pro-Life Women https:\/\/altrightexposedblog.wordpress.com\/2018\/10\/05\/top-alt-right-site-now-siding-with-antifa-calls-for-attacks-on-pro-life-women\/ I have always said the \"alt-right\" is really the \"alt-kike\" I am not in the least surprise","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I still like kicking the retard from time to time over his normal bs...but this I came back to after a long trip...yeah, dumbass screwed up this time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THAT FAGGOT BASTARD WOULDN'T TRY THAT ON RUFIO PANMAN","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Headline Re-Write: Bezos Is A CIA Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2 Farm murders in two attacks only hours apart were reported by Ian Cameron on Twitter. This comes shortly after Cyril Ramaphosa denied these killings at the U.N. http:\/\/whitemurder.org\/2018\/10\/two-murders-in-two-attacks-within-hours\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Venom is better than that shite, I'm into action, not romance, I'd much rather watch a bad-ass symbiote bonded with Eddie Brock, not some romance\/drama, It's just what I like, and then there's the fact that the same people that say this are giving Venom bad reviews so that people go see A Star Is Born, and that's a dick move, a real cunt move right there, a real fucking dirty move, an asshole move there, to anybody thinking about going to see Venom, but not wanting to due to the bad reviews, it's just critics that think they know everything, as well as these Tumblr assholes who think they know shit. Go watch the movie, there are definitely bad bits to it, but if you don't try to look for them, then it's a great movie, I'd recommend it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Goldy's shitshow shot at being mayor is just the ironyspergs trying their (((infiltration))) tactic. Same impotent nobodies that felt the need to cry about Partick little (Partick Casey,identity Europa, spic fuentes, rose, various other dweebs) all are friends who privately DM each other.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pittsburgh Shooter Named is Nazi Robert Bowers Hates Donald Trump, Says Trump Controlled by Jews Shooter was screaming, \"All Jews must die! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She intervened on a black youth getting searched by police - he had a knife on him too btw. All she did was hand him a card showing what your rights are when being searched by the police. Those rights apply to everyone, the fact that he was then found to \"have a knife on him\" is irrelevant.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER This is so fake he's unable to feel true feelings he even lies when he says anything and she is just as stupid in standing by a man who clearly doesn't respect the unity of marriage while he was with her and pay these women off STAND UP DIVORCE LIKE HIS OTHER WIFES DID HES A PIG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is so stupid","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The nigger blinks first","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER What an \"actor Joe Biden is....and that's alll he is!!! A \"FAKE phony actor!! Get off of the stage Joe...your time has come and gone!!! We \"Dregs of Society could care less about what you preach!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Irresponsible for KTVU to stoke the hateful words that our demented Governor disrespectfully spews about the POTUS. Some people think that Jerry Brown is criminally liable for many of his actions as well. He is responsible for 10's of thousands of Oakland residents displacement.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your race couldn't fight its way out of a paper bag. if it were not for our own authorities restraining us from even speaking out about your nigger kind, you would all be strung up by now. You are so Low agency, that you need our traitors to do all the work for you. Your kind cant even dig holes in the ground for themselves.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical r3tard behaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just mute the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. That's what I do... #INSTAMUTE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You support zionism. That makes you part of the problem. Any \/ everything you buy today supports the AshkeNAZI Khazarian Zionist Mafia pretending to be a JEW filth The paper fiat you use was created by them Know who owns you The Top 13 families are the: Bloodlines of Illuminati; This is tomorrow's generation, a chosen few. the","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Double down on rating. Bet NCAA loves this.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" I am patient! WWG1WGA I'm not sure if Trump will, he was friends with the Clintons in the past. He would be investigating the whole DNC if he wanted to clear \"the swamp\". He's doing a few things that will help but if the midterms go south, this country will just keep getting worse. There is nothing like this is recent history, unless we want to look at communist Russia, maybe Venezuela.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"To say that black lives matter, is not racist statement. But the B.L.M. organization itself is racist group. If they could just quit hating white people and turn that energy towards their own community, the biggest group of black oppressors there is, they might make a difference.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER any she is stunning","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well ffs, another faggot talking about twitter .... who has a twatter account and routinely posts twits! Stop fucking using thier service. Just #walkaway. Every twit you send makes them stronger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In her two posts all she has said is that his use of watching porn bothers her. Not any reason, only that it bothers her. Is his use of porn affecting their sex life, or is he watching porn and ignore her all the time, or is he watching porn and not go out with friends, or .......? Maybe if she told us the reasons I may have some sympathy, but, no, not in this case. She gives an ultimatum, it did go the way she thought it was going the way she wanted to go. Sorry, that's the problem with ultimatums, they are like going all in at poker, you win, or you lose all your money and walk from the table. > Not any reason, only that it bothers her. it's because radical feminists are against porn. i haven't looked deeply into it but the sentiment in the comments was that porn is rape because \"consent can't be bought\" \"can't pay for my dinner? You limped dick useless baby boy\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6265135\/Texas-inmate-handcuffed-prison-guard-22-allegedly-assaulted-leading-death.html Another white person dead at the hands of a flithy nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"naw cause Gavins a jew so who cares lol he deserves it for being a cunt zionist let his kike faggot ass suffer","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Get woke, go broke, 'cause you thought that the slogan was just a joke But these guys are completely serious, perverted, retarded and delirious","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.oregonlive.com\/expo\/news\/erry-2018\/10\/3a10a49bbd2403\/kate-brown-knute-buehler-find.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I'm not from antifa' I will just be happy when Sam dies","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Your reply makes no sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would love to see those disabled people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fair Trade > Free Trade Just like: Border Wall > Open Borders If \"free trade\" is so great then why does it cost our economy so much? Can it really be free if you lose money and your competitors gain money? I don't think so.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He's like Meuller Hunted by A Master Sportsman \/ and the most powerful man in the world \/ Barry armed Trump Unwittingly with Lethal Force \/ Barry Never thought Killary would lose \/ URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER So why even make the specification when I tell you gun control did nothing to stop your homicide rate?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"* Christian Kabasele reveals the secrets behind Watford's perfect start to the Premier League season : Beans are banned at Watford's training ground so Christian Kabasele spills the avocado and quinoa. He is is intelligent.. . URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's either they lookin for shit for somebody else or they creeps ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Q people are retarded but its probably true. That shit was the only way to get NPCs and boomers on board enough so they at least grasp what is going on. There was never enough of us, we were too woke and we lost momentum. They needed to use stupid tricks. They are ready to bring the hammer down.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are nothing but common trans trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Because Liberals are insane and btw had this been a Democrat nominee and the accuser was a female conservative she would not be heard. Heck look at Keith Ellison's accuser who has proof. They've turned their back on her and she's a democrat! Why is the @USER not helping her?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The gauge potential is the connection on the quantum field as like in differential geometry. and the field strength tensor is the curvature tensor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just another ugly nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER So you are ok with the racial epithats that the left calls black conservatives? #bigotry #hypocrisy #walkaway I did. Many have. Dont be blind. You are being a tool for a establishment. Keep resisting the outsider and be for the political elite millionaires.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Those liberals are kinky people","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PMan's current title (\"Jew Lover from MPC\") was acquired from a particularly retarded boomerpoaster here. Is this faggot white nationalist child brain ever right about anything other than his mom being ashamed of his birth?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"More complaints from Anti-social misfits and guys who can't get girls and SOCIALLY AWKWARD, Incels In Denial Williams Institute and Guttmacher Studies stats provide tutored Studies to say that male on female and\/or transgender rape and murder are committed by males. Turn off FOX Entertainment. Are you a gradiate(sic) from Groper Trump University? Your name is literally anti christ. Something deemed to be fucking demonic. I won't listen to your bullshit. Hopefully you'll see the light one day If, when you get your cherry busted, you are still a loser PP wussy drop-our incel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#mgtow @sandmanmgtow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What's shocked me is that they consider themselves seculars !!!! Liberals !!! Those kind of yoga vegan freaks ! But when it's about occupation they shift to something els ! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Brilliant! #MAGA #WalkAway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER thought they scored 69 points... sad","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Moore just got Don elected again. Liberals never learn. He's more unlikable than Trump","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">worshipping the mystical sky faggot Actually being this mentally ill","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=rEpQaFtvx_E FUCK! FUCK! NOO!!! THE CONSERVATIVE DEMONC HITLER REGIME IS NOW A REALITY IN THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! FUCK YOU DEMONS FOR VOTING IN A SERIAL RAPIST INTO THE SUPREME COURT! YOU WILL ALL BE GIVEN A \"DEAL YOU CANNOT REFUSE\" FOR YOUR ATTEMPTED FASCHIST DICTATORSHIP TRUMPERVITES! AND YOU ALL FUCKING DESERVE IT NPC Zhee is deleting some of his older posts now... Bet they didn't age well and they helped #destroy him...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Faggots are soft what if he was just tapping them on the shoulder and there faces inadvertently got in the way. @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb - Yeah you're right. Whenever I look up and see a faggot forced to sit on a window sill, within 30 seconds he turns into pixie dust and blows away. And that's called \"fag bashing\" as soon as another homo hears about it- one of them disappears, and suddenly it's all our fault.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">The argument is that male tennis players having a tantrum aren't penalised to the extent that Serena was penalised Except that argument is retarded. Even if it were true (despite statistically data showing it isnt) men wouldnt gain any benefit. How so? Well if a woman is penalized more and thus disadvantaged for having a tantrum then their female opponent has more of an advantage. On the flip side, if a man is penalized less for having a tantrum and thus gain an advantage, then his male opponent has more of a disadvantage because their opponent wasnt penalized as much as they should have been. In either case there is no net change in advantage, just in the case of women the one receiving the penalizing would be the disadvantaged party and for men the one whose opponent wasnt penalized when they should have been is the disadvantaged party. Either way there is no net change. The only time the argument would possibly make sense is if","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Awesome tweet. You bring out the best in people and you are appreciated. Thanks for yesterday's many live updates and live coverage and that was just one news story!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lord have mercy some people don't understand when they've won and to just move on. She sounds a bit intoxicated or something. She obviously wasn't thinking clearly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Even pedophiles in interviews will tell you the only way to stop them is to kill them. Pedophiles even admit to when out of prison they will offend again and that's what keeps them alive in prison... the hope of another opportunity to molest an innocent child. They are sick f*cks","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Antifa arent the anti, first comes communism, then comes the opponents of communism, then comes communists kvetching that people oppose them. Thats Antifa. Couldn't disagree more with the illustration. The only down antiF.A. has experienced is mom's basement. Nobody has ever hurt them, and that's the problem. Those punks have never seen real suppression, war, or pain. Burn this one and try again. This time with a little realism.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I see you'll play your little lawyer game until you CAN'T answer my question, @Ehrmantraut, then you shut up and pretend it never happened. Good luck crying about guns here on Gab, you're gonna need it. You're just mad because I pointed out that you don't know your ass from your elbow.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sid Vicious - My Way https:\/\/youtu.be\/rDyb_alTkMQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah time for you to go pray at the mosque you sand nigger lover!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER No Kim you are a failure and your whole life has been","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This octaroon nigger gets more diversity privilege than Ellison and Obama. I found the gay accuser. Here he is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In a just world, women like you would all be dead. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No doubt the bus driver will be completely blamed, the poor woman can't do anything wrong. So men have the right to hit women with no consequence, but women don't? Yes, the woman was at fault, but in a mega patriarchic society like the Chinese, where female infanticide is so rampant that ultrasound gender identification is *illegal*, I don't think the driver will be charged ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"so Mr Chaplin how do you defend yourself against the fact that Adolf Hitler is a fan of your work? what is it about your art that appeals to tyranical nazis intent on gassing jews?\" That is how retarded this dopey bitches non-argument is. and thats without having to even go to explain to the cunt how content which is critical of the faults of their biggest enemy is of course going to be of interest to them, but has ABSOLUTELY no reflection on the producer of the content.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER 20 million dollars from cbs to #metoo can buy a lot of lies from a lot of professional witnesses with a lot of axes to grind. Antifa is fully financed by BLM millions they collected from Obama's Justice dept and look at the antiamerican havoc they create. #metoo is warming up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There's no PPD here, just a rude old cunt who will die soon enough and a beautiful young lady tryna live her life. With *tremendous* boobs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These cuckstians are losing their shit. This cuckstian virtue signals all day on Twitter like some SJW faggot demanding the Third World Immigration and refugee invasion of the USA and Europe. His email: brian.zahnd@wolc.com, aaron.zahnd@wolc.com https:\/\/twitter.com\/BrianZahnd\/status\/1053796619739688960","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Oh yes! Gaddafi was a real Saint. At least in Trump World he is. Ya know there is probably a viable argument for that now that I think about it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol which moron was that? All of these NPC's sound the same to me. Glad acosta is out. That was long overdue especially after his attempts to rattle the NK deals When he did that during the NK deals I was SHOCKED he wasn't removed! Yep. The intern fracas was just the last straw.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Iran sends Hezbollah GPS parts to turn rockets into precision missiles -- report https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/iran-sends-hezbollah-gps-parts-to-turn-rockets-into-precision-missiles-report","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All the black people in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Link me and knuckles then or you going to dodge like the creddy you are","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER that he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"His therapist is a gay person. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She let's her boyfriend try a sanitary pad to understand how it feels to have menstruation. This was on Swedish public service tv. With people behind the project \"Menstruation certification of workplaces\". No joke. This is Sweden now. https:\/\/nyheteridag.se\/lisette-tvingade-pojkvannen-niklas-ga-med-mensblodad-binda-i-24-timmar\/ i actually watched this video because i was curious. spoiler -- i don't understand a word, and it's still fucking dumb.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Of course the immigrnt was the worst of all these motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So you're just a cunt to random employees at their jobs?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who was that piece of shit Jew faggot that used to spam everyone with tranny porn. Guarantee that's what it was.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Peaceful town votes in a perfect pc profile mayor and gets a predictable result: a bunch of snowflake ordinances that drive people batshit http:\/\/www.post-gazette.com\/news\/state\/2018\/10\/22\/Racial-tension-divides-Pennsylvania-Bridgeport-Mark-Barbee-black-openly-gay-mayor-election\/stories\/201810220092","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The degree of improvement is amazing. My father donated stem cells to my uncle and cured his lymphoma. Stem cells are the future of medicine.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fuck em all. Complete morons","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"App YOU, Mad'm Naim is a super dumb cunt with an IQ about subzero.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are sick in the head. This man lost his daughter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Give the Boer refugee status in America then cut all foreign aide to South Africa and their neighboring countries. When communist China picks up their tab and they're begging for the white devil to save them like the nigh jeers in Zimbabwe are, put economic\/trade sanctions on them and watch them fucking starve. No China wants control of Africa for its resources. Just like the rest of the elites. Gold and Diamond mines etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This Halloween, dress up like a Jew dressing up like a black, for two levels of cultural appropriation the ultimate solution to the nigger problem is one of two things.. physically remove them from our existence..deportation or isolation.... or outright extermination..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THIS, is A REAL MAN ! HE, doesn't CARE what RACE you are. All HE CARES ABOUT IS RIGHT FROM WRONG CAN YOU say the same !! https:\/\/youtu.be\/kDktliqUQLM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hahaha shit why change who you are if you are one bad motherfucker, like my cousin before he pushed out his lip kids he was rolling all hard and shit wit da demuborger and shit and entombed and now he all like a bitch wit his panties in his cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"As if that faggot has a a kid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Kyle Chapman was a civ nat faggot. He was also a one man commie destroying machine. His crew like that faggot drug dealer Luke were shit. I would be glad to have Kyle on my side when fighting commies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bwahaha... a thug pig wasted by another thug - good riddance! Great that an untermensch badge nigger got what he deserved. Pigs are the absolute worst human scum, who enforce ZOG's anti American and unconstitutional statutory laws, and routinely abuse powers that they shouldn't have in the first place, the swines! Fuck 'em!! Read this you stupid pos . Fuck you. Bitch and you're muted .Dumb scum basement dweller . Punk cocksucking ass fucking Little liberal shit .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He can admit that 3000 Americans died on his watch. You should remind him he is President of all of us.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The purple haired pro-abortion dipshit who roundhouse kicked a girl who had a different opinion than him is trying to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe because he lost his job as a hairstylist after the assault. If you didn't see the video... it's attached. HE'D ENJOY IT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hope you are ok my man.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Would you rather name your next kid - if it's a boy - Dominique or Matthew?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You meant to say for yourself. Now is it time to talk about gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How can people be this stupid? Whats more it isnt even an isolated case of mental deficiency, she has a following. Just yesterday a post on r\/whitepeopletwitter with hundreds of comments saying men are trash. Not to mention every female subreddit on reddit spreads man hatred.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"someone dox this cunt in germany so I can post his address to the local mosque and let nature correct it's mistake","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is a woman on my football team. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Come on now....like that cunt is 5'7\"?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals complaining workers are too well paid? Seriously? Who's running the envy card now?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lolol God he is such an a**hole.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Paul Manafort is a legit trader but because he works(ed) for Trump. I guess it's not a big deal to conspire against your country anymore. #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Broke my toe on my second day in maga.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but a coon. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This cunt disagreed with Trump pulling out of the UN migrant pact. In other words she wanted the UN to force America to accept filthy muslims. Look it up.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Remember Liberal women have the brains of a retarded gnat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It is time to take these people down and take their power now before they hurt our PTOTUS!! These people are ABUSING their power that was given to them in trust! ..@USER #Maga #QAnon #WakeUpAmerica URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Good!!! MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You liberals have decided to walk that dangerous line; to allow accusations without any basis whatever. Suppose someone accuses you of abusing your children. Don't you have the right to know who it is and on what basis they make the charge? Well?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No lol, you're taking n,000-year-old concepts and interpreting them in a modern context; the religious push absintence because most are dogmatic fucking retards who don't understand critical thinking but pragmatically, \"abstinence before marriage\" is how rulers ensure that a bunch of literal, fatherless bastards aren't running around raising hell in your administrative territory and spawning more bastards...hence why the religious kings of biblical lore always had shit tons of wives to fuck","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The woman is not accusing Kavanaugh of stealing her lunch money. She is accusing him of assault. He needs to take responsibility.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Writing that \"all immigrants are such massive scumbags\" does not reflect well on you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The utter scorn I feel for women is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Yessir fam","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"People using 4chan post-2014 are just retarded useful-idiots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims can't stop themselves from being absolutely revolting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol. Yeah! Honestly, though. I was stunned for a moment when she randomly brought that up. I wished he made a comeback like \"well some are more intelligent, but not YOU. Oh the sweet burn. After she said \"wait wait wait are you saying women arent as intelligent as men?\", he should have said, \"no. But now I'm considering the possibility\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims being in charge is a danger to our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Im very glad to have friends","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"THE DEMS ARE RADICAL COMMUNISTS... DEMS THINK THEY ARE ABOVE THE LAW ...CAN DO WHATEVER THEY WANT...DISRESPECT GOV\"T OFFICIALS...BLOCK FREE SPEECH....BE VIOLENT....BE VULGAR AND OBNOXIOUS... TIME TO KICK THEIR LIBERAL ASSES TO THE CURB,,,,, https:\/\/youtu.be\/9VG8iD4Od50 https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=9VG8iD4Od50andt=...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is jeopardizing our security! If he wants to show he favors transparency he can instead release his taxes!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Nope. Not going to miss his sorry ass at all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"very intelligent, you dumb ass nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER The more Antifa BS average Americans see in the news the more repulsed they are by their antics.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"UK government blocks study of prison conversions to Islam and prison jihad recruitment https:\/\/www.jihadwatch.org\/2018\/10\/uk-government-blocks-study-of-prison-conversions-to-islam-and-prison-jihad-recruitment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER America will be better off once you retire Flakey Jeff Flake. Go away.......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He should be removed with the rest of the islamic invaders.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It is more probable her grandma told her \"fuck those faggots and niggers, in my day they got the rope\" but her tiny brain could not cope with that ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"FAGGOTS: THE MOST IMPORTANT ISSUE OF OUR TIME according to the mainstream media and @justinpbolinger. USA Today can't be left out of the \"gay wave.\" Not to be outdone they have a CONSTANT SUPPLY of articles about sycophants. https:\/\/www.usatoday.com\/story\/news\/2017\/06\/16\/born-way-many-lgbt-community-its-way-more-complex\/395035001\/ Like I said, them more you push, the worse the backlash. I don't have to do a thing, if someone doesn't kill you, some faggot disease or jilted gay lover will. The odds for homosexuals are not good. You take 'em faggot, and enjoy your short-ass life of getting fucked in the ass by other men and molesting children. AIDS, Hepatitis, and a myriad of other STD's that sycophants like you spread around in the course of being promiscuous homosexuals, are a safe bet. Enjoy your diseases tulip. @WADL @Screw-z-jews @blazinherb @HERALDofYAH @Escoffier - All homos on gab are only trying to enhance their social-media presence by offending gabbers- then going onto fagsbk and twttr to regale girlfriends with tales about all the trouble being caused. This fag may not have AIDS yet- instead, a brain-eating virus.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black people are the absolute worst. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You do know there's a link to beating your kids and them growing up to be violent to their wifes and shit right? But what do I know, I'm just a retarded liberal that worships Gandhi","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You ain't a Muzzie are you? :)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"People who don't understand statistics like this annoy me I don't see how per capita is pertinent in THIS case. It's more akin to seeing where the war is going to start. If you throw this much \"diversity\" into such a tight canister you inevitably get an explosion. In this case we're looking at a much higher likelihood of the next civil war starting there. I think this has been common sense for most of us, but this puts a pen to it and gives some perspective. During the time I lived in California it was the most deplorable several years of my life and its easy to see why - I and my family were victims of hate over and over and over and over again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER y'all bitches psycho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER 1. AFTER she lost, she focused on her opponent. So you're when they lose...\" Serena wasn't losing. She is never losing until that last point. 2. You can say she screamed (it was loud there), I use the word DEFENDED her integrity.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I couldn't believe that also with Gullium. Dudes a crook, a failed mayor and still came out to vote form him? People actually voted for Beto as well. No. *Liberals* voted for Beto, not people. Same people that voted for Flake....so....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The jew dyke to blame for multiculturalism https:\/\/www.lgbtqnation.com\/2018\/10\/frances-kellor-lesbian-behind-multiculturalism\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The most notable aspect of the 2018 Midterm elections is that the #Democrats have been more intemperate, more incontinent, and less disciplined than #DonaldTrump Who would have predicted that? #RedWave #RedTsunami #VoteRed https:\/\/youtu.be\/m9mcfHiETPU It's worth noting that garbage like this would be deemed \"acceptable\" by the would-be censors of the left. On Twitter this would not be classed as hate speech because it is anti-Trump. Everywhere else it's just illiterate drivel.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"this is the most retarded thing i ever read. all time. not even close","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I wouldn't mind seeing antifa try this. I doubt it's bait either.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh shut up with your incessant Jooz Retard muted","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"PRES TRUMP DESERVES ONE WITH HIS HARD WORK.... ASSHOLE NIGGER OBAMA GOT ONE FOR DOING NOTHING.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Entitled victimized CUNT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You know the university can withdraw its certificate if they feel like you are disgracing them right? So even if you have graduated you should still not disrespect the school.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"nigga wtf is a cm it's like inches and stuff but for nonretarded people","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Frozen shithole comment most likely coming from the an idiot that voted for Obama! Fucking retard that has been caught in the Jews DIVIDE and CONQUER trap. Focus on the true enemies dumb ass.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Get this fucking faggot shit out of here.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh no, some pavement ape made a controversial video!! Toss him some bananas and he'll retreat back to his tree. No, he won't. He'll say he's entitled to more of your bananas because someone, somewhere, at some point in time, was racist. He'll never go away because people slightly less retarded than him keep giving him bananas.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's always the Muslim that is the dumb one. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Im smilin for it.... So there's that. Sums it up! Thank you for your service! May God bless you and yours mightily. MAGA Thank you, Paige It was my honor... #BeBlessed Lolol0 Shittest Mount Rushmore addition concept ever heh michael....Make Kanye Trump Again!!!!! Haha Yes It's a bit weird, but I Like it! <<<< MAGA >>>> @realdonaldtrump To him it is: MAKE AMERICA GREAT. :) (there is no again) Trumpye Kwest Integration Done Right Awesome Disgusting picture.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"for those that may wonder who the fuck im talking to... im taunting the powers that be fuckin retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Only a faggot would be obsessed with another man. You're out of the closet gay boy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"91.3FM The Edge is playing What You Are\" by Audioslave.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"hey tech companies....make this nigger white!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gay people are all complete 4ssholes. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#texasFirst (YesWeCan.) A new @JesseLeePeterson video titles ~ THIS FRIDAY 10\/19: YouTube LIVE Debate! Jesse Lee Peterson vs. David Pakman! 1 p.m. PT \/ 4 p.m. ET ~ http:\/\/bit.ly\/2AdPzCp #FallenStateTV #FeministUniverse [phpGab]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm just so pissed off by disabled people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I kind of always assumed that it would end retardedly because it didn't have any defined end goal. It didn't have any sort of fail state either. Are minorities underrepresented? We need to keep doing affirmative action! Are minorities overrepresented? Affirmative action is working we need to continue this practice! No thought to determining when minorities would be considered to be on an even playing field and could have their training wheels taken off. No thought along the lines of \"well we've been trying affirmative action for 50 years and minorities still aren't able to complete with white people even when we stack the deck in their favor, maybe affirmative action isn't helping.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maybe we should stop MEMEing........ NAW... HAHAHAHAHAHA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We're talking about women here. They can't help themselves but be complete dickheads. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I don't understand her logic (of course, she's a retard). She doesn't think Kavanaugh deserves the presumption of innocence, then she must also think that black men don't deserve it, right?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"because he is ONE STUPID FUCKIN NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Also \"Who's that up there bangin like a chimpanazee\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hay, They are just doing what the boomers taught them to do. Blame the parents.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They care more about what we think, than we do about them. It's just their way to feel superior by putting down a group. Shaming tactics like always.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But you are much prettier . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"By their nature, black people are never attractive. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most rappers flame out within a few years or less but this kike nigger has been on top for nearly a decade now. I wonder if it could have anything to do with his Jewishness","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Holy shit- how brainwashed can ya be?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Council boss bought 12 INCH DILDO with Grenfell Towers survivor's money. http:\/\/courtnewsuk.co.uk\/council-boss-bought-dildo-with-grenfell-towers-money\/ What a dick, huh?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women like you should stop complaining. You deserve to suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"10kids from different women from this American jobless men? Nigerian men you are the bomb!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hes handicap, not special...try the search term, retarded deaf and blind people are [RETARDED] (https:\/\/m.youtube.com\/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) by definition.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa is banned by the central commitee for they are not proper socialists. More pinko then red.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is so full of BS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Take your anti-American crap somewhere else. #TEDCRUZ for Senate!! #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You get the \"dumbest cunt of the day\" award.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sickening: African #migrant, who raped #Swedish girl and ruined her life, is allowed to stay in #Sweden https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/sickening-african-migrant-who-raped-swedish-girl-and-ruined-her-life-is-allowed-to-stay-in-sweden","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This retard took an oath to defend and uphold the constitution, doesn't even know what it says.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Class A commie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Human Toad Sterling is the doughnut mode of an NPC. stupidfatcunt.obj","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's right.Give the nigger an inch and they'll be raping our wives and daughters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER SHE IS A FUCKING MESS!! I HATE HER SO MUCH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/l.facebook.com\/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fyoutu.be%2FXYpssLLJ8Kcandh=AT1Ayvoiy6pr6t8LDWIoMa9j3PwejYUnVHy6JgIvDTGEN8MGev49TYll4L5zjAtaFQoAP-9NUyFzgYIyoJztM2dn32cJyG9KTugoVqGV_pSkcbWtzBK1c563YK4H46RmbII5cyJP7YmqXsldlR9L8r6q52QTIPM1gsY_D-BVUsrghpzqv0R19otQJ2tK8n276-qMYqo8lp0aSoMdIPGsTnnJZl7oTAGzl140BbiYQhWF6lSszVbUadogoZiI3rObf2o-KoAOprq1FlYzvhsTPpuvKSrF0IkEFObfwDfwekYVmdHRLmsRpQQnVrJc5uVNzghn6z0Op7CRPnHRgHxUGPZWZ0_USJB2jd7WbmKdwWJQh5v4_fUA9hNSISK1qhQAcxF8KkEh6TWmj7D86Fgf","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Die for ZOG face down in the sand goyim scum! Die for liberal democracy and fag marriage goyim! Whenever I see conservatives I want to call them faggot lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The life of any insect is more valuable than that of a woman. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Definantly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Unless you live in Sweden the Gang Rape capital of the world. Where 1 million migrants were welcomed with open arms. Not vetted thanks to the liberals in power .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ZERO YEARS FOR SODOMIZING A DISABLED CHILD WITH A COAT HANGER. WHAT HAS THIS WORLD COME TO: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=WiIqm5r4G6gb","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry, sorry! I meant to say National Socialists faggot boys; I didn't mean to offend you with the commonly accepted shorthand, you little queer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"dont go away mad JUST GO AWAY RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I believe he is winded! Some nights you just don't have it I guess","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ok, thanks for the head's up. call me?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No not really. Chicks a cunt but no one deserves to be brutally raped. Do you think this guy deserved to be brutally raped for wishing some chick gets brutally raped? Do you deserve to be brutally raped for chalking it up to \"consequences\"? This sub was a good place to display women acting entitled and subsequently being treated equally until you whiny little cunts came around. You women hating incels changed it from a sub seeking equality into a place where twisted little neckbeards go to vent about every chick that didn't want to fuck them. It's completely pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Coven of witches convening in Brooklyn next Saturday to hex Kavanaugh https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/politics\/2018\/10\/13\/dozens-witches-gather-place-public-hex-brett-kavanaugh\/ Yup Naturally when you don't have even a honest just reason to challenge the appointment they bring in the wich doctor's and Voodoo Magic and hexes and curses and then try to claim they are rational people while they belittle Christians for praying for a person's soul as they try to use curses to punish a soul ppl think elite people being deeply devoted to satanism is all just a joke they don't eat human flesh or torture and sexually Vampirise little kids and babys or sacrifice them to Baal that's just a story Alex Jones made up . information leaked out of The DNC server's that Seth Rich was to lose is life for leaking but that was just the Russians there's no death cult John podesta's not a pedophile Tony podesta's not a pedophile they don't have millions of dollars worth of creepy fucking artwork that they have in their houses with statues of Jeffrey Dahmer's victims that's all a joke those pictures aren't true","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bitter liberals are so funny. Keep posting with anger! So fun to read....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#ReleaseTheCures #DeclassifyFISA #ItsTime #LockThemAllUp #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening @USER #Winning #QAnon #MAGA Why James Comey knows he's going to be indicted 9\/14\/18 - YouTube URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You first, faggot ... Are you retarded? This has nothing to do with Islam or importing the third world, but the main excuse you're using to trying to excuse a stabbing spree is a fertility rate that literally no first world nation exhibits. Followed by an abrogation of parental responsibility on the part of all of their fathers. Third world behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"those lazy bastards wouldn't lift a finger even in forced labor..they'd garb some poor wetback and order him to do the work..lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most immigrants are absolute bastards. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Somehow I thought Harambe was gone and now that big ten led silverback is out in a book tour? Wonders never cease","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would love to see those gay people suffre. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lindsey Graham is a little punkass faggot bitch who runs his mouth for his corporate donors. He's a pathetic loser","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't even try to pretend that you have supporters in the North, you slimy little maggot. You literally spent YEARS on that pitiful echo chamber of a blog of yours, blaming the Northern states and everyone in them, for all the problems that afflict your pile of nigger shit of a region. Now that the reality has set in that the political and racial demographics of the South are past the point of no return you have the nerve to claim allies in the very place from which you want political separation. FUCK you, you two-faced, prescription-drug-addled fraud. I WIPE MY COCK with your Confederate loser flag. I like him fine. Im from the North. Technically the last thing white men in America can be proud of is the rebel cause. You have to go back to the revolution to be proud of anything from the north. But yes the South is literally overflowing with niggers. #starsandbars #rebelyell #volkisch","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Reading some of the tripe in the media about all of this issue is just... ergh! I want to scoop my eyes out after reading the bullshit stories that to try paint \"it's ok to be white\" as neo-nazi hate speech. Australian politics is soooo fucking retarded. We're sprinting after the UK to be the most retarded western country in the world. The day Q pulls the trigger cannot come soon enough. Hopefully our political landscape is transformed too, we desperately need it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Doesn't twitter allow porn anyway? yes free speech is ghey anime tiddy is art tho","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Consider this, you as you want. Others do what they want, and that includes supporting the site regardless of your childish insults. Fuckoff loser, bye. They are selling your data. If the only arguments you can post involve personal insults, you are no better than HRC when she said everyone against her was \"deplorable\"...bye bye I think donations ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Big_Bad_John_4U 2018 to 30 EVIL GLOBALIST NWO WANT YOUR KIDS ! -kill GOD human sexualityfamculture for AI MindMatrix robot humans Comprehensive Sex Education Agenda https:\/\/youtu.be\/hIv-KOQ5F4A UNESCO - Evil Purpose https:\/\/youtu.be\/Iqv5Q8Ujj2s INTERSEX GENDERS ! GOD Human Gender Chaosdestruction https:\/\/youtu.be\/rOj0a2NPIpI Well that's the only reason I'm glad I didn't have any kids, they can't be raped by Muslim paedos. Though if I'd had kids the oldest would be about 40 by now, the youngest Well I didn't have any kids so that's hypothetical, I'd have had them in my 20s and I'm 60 now. Every time I got close to a girl some cunt fucked it up so I gave up on love at 35, 15 years later I met Maria and she was refused a visa four years later in 2012 so fuck life!, I look forward to dying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Everyone in the US \"heard you were clearly not qualified to do this job and voted accordingly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Not a conservative. Antifa is a left wing terror group that uses fascist tactics and violence to silence opposing views. They are NO DIFFERENT than the \"Sturmabteilung brown shirts. Thugs. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Meanwhile some GREAT NEWS - all the whiny moaning feminist #teachers are leaving England. PS Don't bother returning #Remoaners. #schools #education #feminazi #Brexit #ToxicFeminism #FeminismIsCancer #UKIP #ForBritain #Labour #Corbyn #CPC18 #CPC2018 #Remainers #Mogg #Farage I'm not going to judge them harshly without knowing their grievances. One can very well have four months of holidays and still have a living hell for the other eight. Being ordered to teach lies must certainly be terrible, as is dealing with Nigger hooligans without having a weapon.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I love the way the company that makes Kool Aid is so fucking quick to point this out. They're so fucking defensive about it. \"No our product wasn't used to kill nearly 1000 people. It was the off brand of our product. Please continue to drink Kool Aid\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We should not allow for any trans person to be raped. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fake News","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stop supporting the people who hate you and who support those who want to kill you and destroy your nation. #BanIslam http:\/\/tammybruce.com\/2018\/10\/ben-jerry-create-new-ice-cream-flavor-for-ca-dem-candidate-grandson-of-terrorist.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm so sick of hearing these low info fools making retarded statements about the democrats saying \"They're for the working man!\" I've heard that load of bullshit all my life until I woke up! The only thing they are for is for themselves!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=nFU_bd7EdpE Libertines - What A Waster","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"About time a Republican actually challenged the Democrat cheating. The Republicans need to take action on Montana and Arizona, too. Fuck this shit. It's time to go full GEOTUS on them. Playing nice achieves nothing when you are facing Democrats. Anything you do is slammed. Might as well go all out. The only thing they understand is fear. It's that simple. Change my mind. If you act civilized and harmless, they are going to act like you are harmless. Leftism is a parasitical ideology that leeches on the weaknesses of civil society. Our niceness is their strength. Fucking enough. Civility is cuckanese for just like the democrats win. I'm stealing every word of this, burning it into my conscience, and repeating it as needed. I'd also like to add that we need to stop trying to prop up controlled opposition. Remember when the Hank somebody fella asked the General in some hearing many years ago whether Guam would tip over and sink into the ocean if more people (soldiers) went there? And then the General didn't laugh in his stupid face, but instead answered him like it was a legit question? We've got to stop that. Liberals\/leftists\/commie progressives say stupid shit every day and we all put up with it because we've been told we have to meet them where they are. That's why we're in the sorry state we're in. We think to ourselves \"just put up with it, we can put that fire out later.\" Well, it hasn't worked out for us. And it's obvious you're chalk full of facts not pertinent to the original point. If you want to stoop to the level of leftist then by all means do so. Nobody is stopping you. And yet you're still below me","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He's got his wee fake tap fae Turkey on to prove how loyal he is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He seems nice ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Gun control has no correlation to homicide rates. London (guns are illegal) has a higher murder rate than New York (guns are legal). Read this: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am going to shoot the next woman I see. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If the idea comes from a disabled person, it must be bullsiht. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger Jackson Lee is a bad person.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#GabGossip LILY ALLEN ~ Singer. Catchphrase: \"I needed the money\" Wearing see-through top to perfectly match her see-through head https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/tvshowbiz\/article-6285949\/Lily-Allen-leaves-imagination-goes-braless-beneath-totally-sheer-top.html she's so brave!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Men race is a subordinate of women","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Funny How Liberals Love My Presidents ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's shocking alright. A year ago nobody took him seriously, throw a maga hat on him and some of you be like yo, fuck my race. #pearlsB4swine muh nigger lovers.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I still feel like we missed on him. We may never know. He is also a senior DP next year which doesn't help. Oh USL team where are you...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What a lying faggot jewishit. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = LIARS. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = ASSHOLES. JEWS = TOTAL ASSHOLES. JEWS = COMPLETE ASSHOLES. How do you know a jew is lying? Simply by the jew speaking.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Child sex dolls issue is about as relevant as medical necessity to abortion argument. It's a red herring and scaremongering against anything (sex dolls, porn, prostitution, hell even gaming) that might offer men a sexual substitute for wimmin and gobbermint. Fuck any retard propagating this shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I dunno why but this made me think that it's so freeing *not* being a xist or a y aphobe. I mean that as callings someone gay or fag. I use a hard R nigger with no hate and never in an a personal attack. However, I have no hate for others, and obviously these are used in social circles with context. I don't want to blame \"Media pushing black slang\" but if me and J are playing NHL and he pulls a sweet save or goal \"nigga that was sick. Or the worse \"nigger just robbed the puck\"...we're both white. I'm rambling but I mean that intent gives power to impact. Many nights of my freshman year of college (Southern... very *traditional*) were spent smoking blunts and playing dominoes or spades with 3 black dudes. I got called nigga for the same reason 12 year old boys call each other fag: basically any reason at all if you were friends. I'd also occasionally call it back, then they'd give me the Joe Pesci \"how am I funny\" treatment until I told them to fuck off, and we'd laugh like it was the first time we'd heard the joke. I miss those days.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Survivor Steve Scalise: Eric Holder call for violence is a direct threat to our democracy https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/opinion\/rep-steve-scalise-when-eric-holder-other-dems-call-for-violence-thats-a-direct-threat-to-our-democracy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They're evolving https:\/\/redd.it\/9rfrw2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Since October 2018\"... Says all we need to know about a troll faggot plant. Go play with your Barbies, numbnuts...This conversation is for us adults...Go now..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'd hardly call them pussies. Unlike the blubbering vaginas that make up the far right, Antifa is at least willing to get off their asses and go commit violent acts to push their agenda. The far right can't be fucked to get off the internet even though they know full well violence is the only solution. They'd rather just make podcasts and shitpost. If I could trade every faggot in the Alt-Right for half as many Antifa I'd do it in a heartbeat. We'd have an ethnostate by the time Trump gets defeated in","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"America has retarded rules? What a surprise!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Banned the NFL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You say she is your kind of woman. Why don't you do that with the Quran? I would say then that you are my kind of woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No Muzzie should be able to run for office in the U S Look at what a CRAP example Keith Ellison turned out to be. Look at that BIGMOUTH WITCH Linda Sarsour we need to ban jews as well, and christians for good measure\/ No semitic influences should be allowed into our nation, or our government","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Eric Holder a major embarrassment to law enforcement. @USER you did nothing about those innocent black males killed in those streets. One sorry black brother.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Everyone in Washington including John Heinz is being uncovered as the corrupt elites they are...Like cockroaches running from the light.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Full blown Jew faggot Eddie Lampbert gets his wish and destroys Sears, ending the 150 year life of an American icon. \"TOO BAD GOYS\" he states. #jews #retail #maga #kikes #gasjews https:\/\/www.wsj.com\/articles\/sears-hires-advisers-to-prepare-bankruptcy-filing-1539136189","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Damn, I need that cunt for my future brand of \"liberal tears\" vodka flavored alcohol. Haven't yet decided more specific on the taste, want to have a sort of salty, slightly sour vodka to really fit the \"liberal tears\" theme.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@reverendsimonsideways earthling Carl is wicked love his youtube i follow him on here he always slaps nick on LBC make's him look like the cunt he is and as for the tommys tommys the army should be reorganised and all the common purpose sjw Ministry of Defence Ass clowns should be unemployed or given a gun and sent to Afghanistan they won't by sjw's for long...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What? I guess they ain't got the term nigger in the woodshed in Cape Town.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dad doing her hair so cute !!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I've never met a lisa that wasn't a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Google has evolved into something that belongs out of Stalinist Russia. The Goolag needs to be decommissioned.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"President Trump has an announcement to make: #DonaldTrump #maga #metoo URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You just know this old bag has never been told no. She's been making excuses like the bladder infection thing all her life and is likely a selfish entitled cunt rag to anyone who she doesn't like. It's all about her, and her interests. People like that are dirt. And this is pure gold. Fuck off ya old bitch. Ask to be arrested, that's what happens. No not at all. Older people are awesome to talk to, just because you get old doesn't mean you become a cunt. If you're a cunt when you're 20 you're probably going to be one when you're","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@a ban these \"loli\" fags they like cartoon cp! \"the anime gamer\" - no you're def. NOT human lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Spoke with a woman in Croatia today. She said 80% of Croatia loves @USER !! #maga","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER FASCIST LEFT ARE EVERYWHERE. We must crush them; boycotts work folks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"GO... I bomb your house using a drone. I tell everyone your house was filled with explosives and show them your Gab.ai account. You're a #Nazi. Your death is celebrated by republicans and democrats alike. You're forgotten by the entire world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stupid loud mouth screaming feminists...Please choose taking responsibility for your actions, better education or birth control NOT murder!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER That's a people Chicago hell gun control works in their town","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Peeing while doing a handstand???? and I'm a retard ??????","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And there I was thinking I couldn't like you any more than I already did... Brilliant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"who said redneck souljers country rap music https:\/\/youtu.be\/O5afpd8xjYg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Nazis lost. They are LOSERS. The damn Nazis are the enemy. You Nazis are as bad as the demonrats since you are BOTH anti-Trump and socialists! :roll: Well, the US (we) also had to fight Japan and you Nazis had Italy's help... Look Nazi, if you don't want to be a debt slave you will need to create a separate country or defeat the debt-based slavery system but you Nazis are impotent losers and therefore too weak to do any of that. :roll: Lol, ok","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck that faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"MEN MAKE ME SICK\" Then stop chokin on every single one passin you by. Id give you gold but i'm broke Don't give money to SJW Reddit. Funny that you say that, because far-left and SJW subs always flame u\/spez for not taking down \"Hate speech\" subs Actually, the people you're describing are not far left, they're the very-close-to-center left, commonly known as Liberals. I hate them too, even being far left myself, but they're just as bad as republican baby boomers who complain as much as they do.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I do not know many disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Now I know you're having a laugh. Do you really believe that the media aren't picking on him? As for getting his shit together\", what \"shit\" would that be?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They are just a bunch of shemales. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dems Claim Kavanaugh is Too Partisan' Forget When Ginsburg Said This, This and THIS https:\/\/truthfeednews.com\/dems-claim-kavanaugh-is-too-partisan-forget-when-ginsburg-said-this-this-and-this\/ via @truthfeednews Match Made In Hell!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yo bruh. Periods man. Gotta use those.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Absolutely and nothing ever came of it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Exactly. I don't care what you believe, long as you don't start killing me for it, we're golden. You are saying that all Jews are Communists, which does not match to reality, which then means you're the useful idiot of propaganda. Guess what? Some Christians are Communists. That means you're a Communist.... Lol Christian communism - thats a first. Thick as conctete this bird Are you really trying to say there are no Christians that are Communists? Go ahead. Make that claim, Bigbird.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are nothing but a J1hadi. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another great anon-produced video earns a mirroring on the campaign Channel. NSDAP or bust in the Democrat primary in 2020! https:\/\/youtu.be\/XuigPlKCgYE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just an observation faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's in everybody's interest to just slaughter those Nazis. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER We waiting on mean ass Florence to do what she gonna do. Ack","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">She became violent towards the man, who suffered from hydrocephalus (caused by a buildup of fluid inside the skull) that made him vulnerable. Read the article you lazy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have so much disdain for these Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER LMAO CRY ME A RIVER YOU SCHMUCK! we had to put up with OVOMIT for 8 LONG YEARS! We kept our mouths shut and put our noses to the grind wheel!!!!! We didn't RIOT AND CRY!!! GROW UP!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER ES is fake. She willing joined them and stayed with them for months.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Several of the western liberals are not too happy with national focus of Saudi.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Republicans will TOTALLY BOMB CHRISTIAN VILLAGES AND CHRISTIAN AIRPORTS who claim to be fighting \"FOR Al Qaeda\". oh and \"Democrats will not\" BUT what i said is TRUE?? LOLLLLL Do you see how RETARDED IT ALL IS??? BOTH PARTIES SUCK ASS!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because putting deodorant on is oppression, but how tall you are is a choice...... Fucking dumb cunts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Most stupid tweet yet...and yes...its a libtard ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER YOUR TRASH!!!!!!!! But she would have been A great coach if you wouldn't listen to zodiac....... But you are sagittarius you hate to be told what you can or cannot do......... Like the coach from Michigan wolverines hshshahhsjjjsjsjs....... You keep PRAYING now you hear.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You have a dick? Damn didn't know bhadbhabie was actually a bhadtranny","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These immigrantsdisgust me so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER that would be silly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Who's the victim? That remains to be seen. Liberals have turned Kavanaughs hearings into a circus from the first minute it started.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wait a moment here.... What exactly is wrong with your parents, kid? They were clearly straight. They were probably relatively sane. I have no doubt that they were CIS. What you need is a new treatment that's shown great potential in the field of child rearing. Naturally children don't like it but they have definitely learnt to get a better handle on reality. We call it \"The Smack^TM\". \"The Smack^TM\" seems to have produced far more effective results in keeping children from entertaining retarded fantasies about being colorful ponies, believing there are more than 2 genders, and just generally being barely passable as human. \"The Smack^TM\" has also shown promise in the areas of turning people away from feminism, victim studies at university and college, communism and at keeping kids focused on learning something that may actually prove useful to them in the future. While studies are ongoing, \"The Smack^TM\" is still in clinical trials and not recommended for institutional use at this time. However, we heartily endorse its use in the home, at school, and anywhere kids from ages 3 to 20 can be found.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In January, it's going to be funny seeing Pelosi ousted as the minority leader when the democrats fuck up so badly she will be removed. That dumb bitch is done, she'll never see any power ever again. I hope she shoots herself in the head when it happens.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is the evolve form.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"how the fuck did this retard spell Bob wrong?'","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"this is a really stupid post","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/TheGreatestStoryNeverTold.tv religion is gay, loser","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I said over a year ago Michelle was going to run in Can you imagine that disgusting nigger sheboon lumbering into a meeting with other heads of state? The US would be the laughing stock of the world.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims like you are absolute filth. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What percentage of the Jewish population of the world are the good Jews?? Jew haters need to STFU. Die a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> I went from being a college student to being at home, expelled, with no classes, no information, and no opportunity to even clear my name. :( Just for those who didn't read the article. This is referring to one of the men she accused. [deleted] Sorry, what? [deleted] Alexa play despacito","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trans people are parasites to our society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Imagine being so hyped up about winning against gamers' (whatever that's supposed to mean) that you end up taunting a widow with shitty journalism'. I'll give her some credit: She's certainly making a strong bid for most pathetic harasser of the year. > that you end up taunting a widow with shitty journalism'. At two of the worst times of the first year after the spouse dies. How much you want to bet she did research to know exactly the worst times to harass the point woman about her recently departed husband? I think she's evil enough to do it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#WHAT THE FUCK IS HE YAPPING ABOUT? #THE BALLOTS JUST APPEARED, NEVER ACCOUNTED FOR #RETARD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another badge nigger (outside the house shooting into it-WTF?) with a license to kill and the training to lie and cover it up. I'll wager the Aurora IAD finds no evidence of wrongdoing and this psychopath will continue to walk the streets armed and dangerous. Unfortunately the taxpayers are going to get screwed again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Background. https:\/\/abc I can't believe they got charged for this...sounds like it was after the fact as well!!!! Don't talk to police!!! Ever!!! yeah, seriously. if neither one pressed charges on the other, what's the issue? they caused a scene? big deal. there was no damage caused to anything, other than a fuckin bus boy having to sweep up some fries. do the police really have nothing better to do? The state's attorney always picks up charges even if neither party wants to press. It's always the state of blah blah blah versus you. That's retarded It's designed for cases in which the victim is intimidated and too scared to file charges against their abuser. But obviously, it can be applied poorly in cases like this as well. Agree \"are you sorry for pushing her to the ground\" WTF IS THIS??!! Effin cuck reporter! [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I think liberals call that a front hole now. Been having fun with that one.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"we're all getting vand aren't we. that chubby faggot is gonna fold and sell us all down the river for a hoagie and a bucket of cheese fries isn't he?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Should've aborted the fucking nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm sure I'll regret wasting money and listening to women say retarded things","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Our great state has been flooded with illegal immigrants and liberals from blue states looking for work. Then these dumba$$es vote Democrat!?!!! Go figure. All insane.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"At least she doesn't look like Christine Ford's DYKE attorney! and the beaked nose one!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Allowing any more gay people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I feel nothing but contempt for i m m i g r a n t s. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This cunt cucked her own children. We need to keep this cunt far away from SCOTUS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He needs to fade into the sunset quickly. His music sucks and no one cares about his political views. Unfortunately he's too ignorant to realize. Only concert I went to where a political diatribe completely. ruined it completely.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER why bore me with something that don't mean nothing at all what she done in the past and who she is now. Wow she wore tracksuit she probably would of warn many of things?..!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER as of right now my only solid position is that the NRA has become far too influential in politics and as a result they have delayed the desire for gun control for about 20 years.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Convincing conservatives (loosely defined) to have this change of mindset is definitively crucial to win. And the change will come regardless anyway...it's just a matter of it it will come before it's already too late.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And May call year a go to stop slavery in world look in how back garden first two face convted Islam cunt less diabetes women globalist","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It would be best to just drown those kinds of gay people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims should all be locked up in cages. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States if America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. I LOVE offering this simple homage to my country every day. We used to offer it every morning in schools, just like these students. #America! #CountryLove .Talk about peer pressure. what if someone don't want to pledge allegiance with the phrase \"One Nation under God?\" if they don't call on their creator by that title? #YahwehIsOne YOU ARE IN THE WRONG COUNTRY!!!! .@CajunTexan - get the fuck out of Texas you piece of shit. nobody named you a nazi fascist King and Emperor over people's lives or beliefs! the word or title of GOD is a false deity based on ancient deceptions and your fell for it along w\/many others! #STFU Well..... @JTz603, Feel free To make me! Thats my actual photo, i don't hide behind some anonymous picture!! and FYI, Like it or not, believe it or not, YOU ALSO, will stand before GOD and answer for your life! Sweet Dreams, boy! .You look like a blond female singer from an old band named ABBA... Don't hate me Cause I'm Beautiful! Just like a lefty, accusing others, of what You are guilty of!! Take care of those stretch marks around your mouth!! ??? Not directed at you, I had trouble with this platform at first, hard to tell who' Talking to who. That Kmart dude is who I was referring to. .Kmart? Is that cuz it used to be the place ur mom bought you clothes from? .@CajunTexan - did you know the name Justin belonged to an ancient queer king in Rome? C'mn Kmart, give us a special, turn on your blue light Bro!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Aha yes, I see that. The individual sense of needing to belong to a winning team\" because of the constant conditioning of self-devaluation. I see a strong sense of this on the Q side but on the left\/hillary\/antifa side as well regardless if they think they're winning or not.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Heard this faggot voted for Bernie. This is surreal. lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Heard Jeff Hardy thought that the Stoneman Douglas victims were right and that gun control should be improved in the USA which pissed off Randy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Driver is dead, her being a violent cunt got him killed. So, I guess you are right, he will not be charged. From your comment I can tell that all you know about China, your entire understanding of the now defunct one child policy, and your understanding of Chinese law came from Facebook memes. Please STFU.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Such good news! I hope she is better soon!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I could only call Corbyn out on antisemitism if I believed he was in any way racist. I just haven't seen anything to believe it. Antisemitism has gone down under his leadership and will continue to do so. The conservatives have just shown they actively support it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Antifa log tosser. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck cats. They are jews of the animal kingdom. Your cat is burning in hell. Fuck cats? Fuck you for being such a prick at @sockalexis very difficult time of loss. You're the most disgusting attention seeking scumbag I've ever come across in my entire time on gab. I agree Hollian, it take a special kind of retard for that kind of display.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WENT FULL ReTARD ROSIE NEEDs A STRAiGHT JaCKET!! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=UCSoXxL6EWg THEORY - Straight Jacket [OFFICIAL VIDEO] https:\/\/youtu.be\/6ayWB8fN3gQ via @YouTube Ya know, the lieberals can even fuck up a wonderful image - that of a beautiful dewy rose, freshly opened, fragrant and velvety soft; and all were \"left\" with are the pricks! Not that anyone cares what whale wailing Rosie onotsoposie thinks, but keep it up whale sheman, you're doing a splendiferous job of recruiting for the Trump party.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are perfect ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As if Conservatives didn't hate Sesame St enough","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So Trump blew him off as a retard asking nonsense questions.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#TuesdayThoughts Why do Democrats and liberals feel so compelled to stop a conservative judge like Kavanah to the Supreme Court? Democrats favor upholding any and every immoral law in this country. Who would prefer evil instead of doing what is good?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ich poste das jetzt ohne Kommentar Kann jeder sich selber seine Gedanken zu machen \"Ahmed, einer von uns\" Ganz ehrlich, ich habe nicht das geringste Problem mit Ausl ndern, die hier hart arbeiten und sich integrieren und eine Existenz aufbauen. Nur mit den islamistischen Merkelschmarotzervergewaltigerg sten kann ich so gar nichts anfangen. FREE Them ALL!!! :::The TRUTH Fears NO Investigation::: Please POST-EVERYWHERE :-) Gibt echt einige von so Negern die einfach die Pakete abwerfen und mit ein wenig \"Gl ck\" auch noch selbst unterschreiben ... Bei der Post beschweren l....... !, Haha, bei der Post beschw hren! DHL mu weck Notfalls beim Volksgerichtshof klahhahagen die Hermes Fahrer sind noch schlimmer...nix lesen ..nix sprechen ....!!! echte Integranten gibt es auch, klar. Aber nur 12 in ganz Schland https:\/\/politaufkleber.de\/produkt\/100-aufkleber-a7-sonderpreis-stoppt-den-migrationspakt-globale-eliten\/ Oder es war einfach nur ein stinkfauler Lieferant, der seine Tour abk rzen wollte. Oft genug erlebt.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"so basically typical Jewish-Ritual-Murder like always? aka \"Blood Libel\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Vice, finding a new low for being retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are nothing but common female tr4sh. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Happy Birthday(s)!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And so Confederate Avenue in Atlanta has been officially renamed United Avenue. The nigger mayor just signed the bill. And soon enough nobody will even know there was a name change. Well, Whites allowed a great city to become a crime ridden Nigger jungle and so they begin eliminating our heritage and will be planning our elimination as well, unless....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html And my coworkers were shocked when I said, \"Irish potato nigger today. Spud nigger shamrock nigger leprechaun nigger green nigger white nigger the list is long http:\/\/www.rsdb.org\/race\/irish","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"One Commie Pinko FAGGOT down voted this !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Two words you fucking wanna be rambos.....predator drone. I've seen some retarded shit online before, but bubba here thinking he can shoot down a drone from 25k feet is comedy gold. You should go on the his-story channel and teach everyone your skill set.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are you drowning ? lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So you are defending antifa? Is that your stance?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Way to go David I love it when someone can send the liberals into a tessyfiy in the morning. Keep up the fight. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yea, they don't fake space and misguide little children, do they?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Spencer's wife should be glad he didn't just bury her in the national forest instead. Wouldn't have been the first time someone who got uppity with Dick got a bag over their head and ended up kneeling on the edge of a ditch next to some dirt road in the headlights of two G-Wagons begging for their life. Wtf, I love Dicky Spencer now. Fuckin badass \"Women who demand rights get lefts too\" Richard Spencer, 2015 I think I'm in love.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> The entire concept of naming every combination of male clothes, female clothes, male hair, female hair, male hobbies, female hobbies is a fucking stupid waste of time. This guy fucks.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Palo Alto University has removed Christine Blasey's contact info from their faculty contact list. I'd love to call her to ask for an interview for my new show \"Sluts-R-Us\" on the Lying Cunt network.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">she does not blame this man, who she desribes as being 6ft tall and of Southeast Asian descent. >'I remain more angry with those white middle class men who left me to it Fuck this racist cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Gotta keep that gun control law to get those terrorists","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is what human trash looks like and unfortunately there's so much more of it than these two. :( It's a shame people nowadays are growing into these arrogant halfwits who think they can bully others into doing whatever they want and have no respect at least for those who try to politely reason with them. I feel like this wasn't the case two or three decades ago. That's a fair point but I've been interacting with other people for almost three decades, not just perceiving them through videos or other media, and I've talked to many people who have been doing that for six or seven decades. Many of them remember when politeness and basic mutual respect were keystones of our society whereas now you've got little cunts moaning about broken nails and telling you to die without doing much, just wanting to park your car. Then there's countless demonstrations and organised groups of people continuously moaning about banalities, which I believe to be the result of having such easy lives for the first time in our history. No wars, no food shortage, plenty of entertainment, and this is the result lack of respect, sense of entitlement, consumerism, excessive pride, false rape accusations because a lady' didn't get what she wanted, or crying about hurt emotions and Twitter hate speech', all instead of being happy to be alive and sheltered from real human hardship. Yep, before smartphones and social media, folks acted civilized in public. People didn't use to be this shitty. I can assure you people have always been this shitty. Much worse actually when it comes to history.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dick by name, dick by nature. dyke by name dyke by nature fify","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I experience this very same problem. I like to think I am suffering from anti-pernickety bastard disorder.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm thrilled that conservatives have found new heroes in Lindsey Graham and Kanye West. I think the two together represent the dual foundation of principle and intelligence that guides the conservative movement. #based","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Everyone I don't like is a virgin incel.\" \"How dare you call a woman a slut? You can't shame someone's sexual behavior or sexual history!\" The zombie apocalypse will never happen because there aren't even enough brains to go around for the living. Nah, I don't think every man I don't like is an incel, only the retards spouting \"hurr durr stupid women, men are essentially superior in every way are incels. Also no, slut is a term I use near daily for both men and women. Again, thanks for the strawman, but you don't know me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical of a trans person to be that stupd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Anyone else having issues logging in to Gab ? @support It's probably traffic from all the lookyloos generated by the bad publicity.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They're retarded and thought you'd appreciate it. Lol Also you're probably pretty sexy to a drunk 50 y\/o woman. Lol Then you're a cunt as well \"I think people hate women based off virtually zero contextual evidence\" You already said pussy, retard. Think of something fresh.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If someone wants to organise a whatever only forum they should be allowed. They should only organize as the law allows. In this case, the law does not allow it. If women want to do this they need to change the law to allow men to do it. No. The law isn't God. If a law is unethical it doesn't apply. Go worship the government somewhere else. > The law isn't God. Quite true. The law exists. God does not. >The law exists That doesn't give it authority or power >God does not Prove it. Impossible to prove a negative... prove his existence then we can discuss Oh boy... This, again. Dude, you're a real, genuine idiot. Good luck disproving that. Mate you are the one claiming a positive. If I claim the sky is purple, it is up to me to bring the evidence, not upto you to disprove it. Honestly, prove the tooth fairy doesnt exist, or even better, the thousands of other gods you dont believe in dont exist. I dont feel bad at all making these statements. I do feel bad for you though, no doubt you are the product of indoctrination from your parents, like I was, and forced into a live of belief despite being no evidence of gods existence. Even if he did exist, an egotistical asshole like that does not deserve your praise. Dont know if you are jewish muslim or christian, but read your sacred text end to end and let me know if you really want to worship a being like that. Dumbass... Enjoy your downvoted. I'm sure it's everyone else and not you though. S\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa = Democrats = Dixiecrats = KKK URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is definitely an adorable little guy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"JD has clear mental health issues. Anyone who doesn't think people rise from the dead must be nuts. Like I said, clear mental issues. https:\/\/gab.com\/JesusSavedMe Fuck off asshole. I served in the US Navy for 7 years and took on people bigger than me. I never made it to sea but, I still kicked ass and surprised my division officers proving it. The only good part of you is the fluid that trickled down your momma's thigh. God damned keyboard warriors make me sick. and by the way. Boot camp for me was a fricking cake walk. @judgedread I rest my case, fucker. @judgedread https:\/\/gab.com\/JesusSavedMe https:\/\/gab.com\/repentorburn JESUS Is LORD I @judgedread am a fool and I repent of this blasphemy I @judgedread am a fool and I repent of this blasphemy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So how is it with faggot Muslims? They throw themselves off the roofs?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"'Far left'. Yeah...sure. She's a socialist. If socialism isn't far left, what the fuck is? I'm guessing you're American.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Iirc JP said in a video \"Naaaah, my niggers, I was just fucking with you all. It's only your room when it needs cleaning, otherwise it's hers. Why else would all my... her leashes be hanging in there, next to the whips and handcuffs all around the cameras over the black couch? But, please, do lean that shit tho, bruhs.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Not rednecks?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Show me who is saying that the alleged rape is her fault. Pretending that swathes of conservatives are blaming the victim for rape is a disgusting straw man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You weren't here last week when we established that being retarded is a source of power.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I owe Blacks absolutely nothing and do not seek forgiveness. If, however, making them 'whole' consists of giving them a hand in returning to their ancestral homelands, I'm all ears! @SirBoring https:\/\/m.huffpost.com\/us\/entry\/us_5bccda8ce4b055bc9481ea68?ncid=engmodushpmg00000004 No, they didn't. Sorry. but they did sir, they did No, not really.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She wanted sex. He didn't. She took knife to his face, cops say... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/VzD2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck YOUR sexist bullshit you rotten cunt or cucked faggot, which ever you are. We burned Rosewood and Greenwood to the ground over skanks like you lying about rape. 25% of the black men lynched in the South were accused of rape by lying cheating whores like you. And don't forget Salem. You morally bankrupt Title 9 hosebags will burn people at the stake just because you don't like them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wow, Harry's quadron nigger baby will have nigger nanny.. Which said nigger nanny will help nigger gran Doria with lessons of how to bring up the niglet Because, Doria has dumped MegNog as a child to live in hippy commune... And because nigger monkey in law Doria is moving permanently to UK to live on expense of UK tax payer How vibrant is that ! #Windsordashians There's a surprise. What caught my eye ever since Meghan hit the news was how she patronises the blacks. She is NOT black but a dusty mulatto. Being such she could equally divide her localty between black and white but not with her. Pre-wedding, wedding, post-wedding she has a bias towards blacks. If anything, she is actually the racist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Blck people like you are repugnant. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ppl speculate its ab the akb48 produce akimoto and the fact he is a right wing and koreans really dislike him","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"im voting for JOHN JAMES for michigan senate you fuckin retarded dems!!! how did that whole white nationalist propaganda work out for ya? how many millions if not billions were wasted on ya bullshit attempt to make my movement look racist, muhahahahhahahaaa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why should WE send even one of our own to Germany to clean up your self made mess? German men need to man up and remove the Muzzie goat humpers, yourselves! I know! Y'all need to re-institute the Waffen SS and go after the fuckers! Start up a game of \"Cowboys and Muzzies\"!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Sooo...Colin Kaepcake, a muzzie slave, a gay Indian, and a Hawaiian, all with huge V's are the face of the DemonRats? Where are the chicks with dicks?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Men reproduce MGTOW is the farthest thing from manhood. PUA? I'm not sure if this is a really sad reality or a really funny troll. So you have kids outside of a stable marriage? How modern. You sound like a homosexual. If you consider every relationship with a woman \"groveling you're a broken man(boy) with some serious mommy issues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Racism should be encouraged. It's natural and healthy. Only cucks cry about racism. I'm sure you are one of those faggots that would give up his children to the nigger hordes so you aren't called racist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I think she is my favorite. God I need to get back to that game! But Dragon Quest 11 has me right now ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Sounds like a great ad for gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Games are a form of escapism. Just like any other there will be more tales that end well than end badly.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They tried MULTIPLE times to hand her a pass on a silver platter, but she kept punching people. They even tried to give her another one after the initial round of assaults, but she refused to walk away quietly and the guy in orange had had enough of her shit......((shakes head)) lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Repeat after me zombies...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Here he is: @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Leftists mobs are out of control and Democrat leadership does nothing but encourage their lawlessness and violence. #VoteRed https:\/\/www.facebook.com\/danielledsouzagill\/photos\/a.332163250270724\/1176643329156041\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The \"Russian bot\" conspiracy theory got debunked, now Regressives act even more retarded and try to double-down in the silliest of ways.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The fucking potato nigger is pulling a Ralph and streaming at a retardedly inconvenient time for Europeans: https:\/\/twitter.com\/MisterAntiBully\/status\/1054087206040752129","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump fully supports Italy's anti-migration policy: I agree with their stance 100% https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/trump-fully-supports-italys-anti-migration-policy-i-agree-with-their-stance-100\/#.W9RMcvYOjdE.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#DianneFeinstein proves what 2nd Amendment supporters have long known about gun control laws URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Liberals have destroyed #California just like they are attempting to do to the rest of the country. #Radicals don't belong in any area of our governments. Grown ups belong there. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A nigger can be spotted blindfolded, asshole. You're s nigger lover. Even worse than the nigger itself. Asshole. I know you have no brain. You're a nigger lover, worse than the nigger. And you have s50 yo 60 point IQ deficiency. Asshole. You are the real bigot. You hate everyone that can see what the niggers are, what they say regarding Whites, and that knows they have nothing of value to offer civilized society. You cling to the diversity lie like the utter moron you are Not nearly so stupid as your previous comment, or even this comment of yours. And to prove how stupid you truly are, you don't even have the good sense to know most of the niggers you love so much want you dead. You are a disgrace to humanity, dumbfuck Your momma raised a blind fool that loves niggers that want him dead. You are the true idiot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I find it amusing that he has even less opposition amongst white women than white men. Ditto with Asians. As for Jews, you know you've got a problem when you're more politically retarded than blacks on average. Who was expecting any less coming from (((them))) though.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The media are fucking cunts. To go live with no corroboration is cuntish.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I will let you know if I get hit again with that fairy gay faggot tranny porn shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Low cost housing, meaning they will pocket a majority of the money and put up dung huts for the masses! LMAO!!! Nigger will be a nigger to their own people, it's what they do!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER They should dress him in an Ice Uniform no weapons and make him walk the boarder at night calling for the drug cartel.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Lmao what a joke he is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My God, this actually hurt my brain. Retardation is showing no signs of slowing down, isn't it?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When trans people talk back to me, I just want to kill them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate disabled people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pagans are subversive they care more about pretending to be Harry Potter than whites I have not seen anyone hold Carolyn as the leader of anything. She speaks for herself. Unlike jew worshipers we can agree with one another on some things and disagree with others. You low IQ psychopaths spend more time screeching about who is the REAL church of christ, and every one of you disagrees with what the other says. Sounds to me like a bunch of autistic projection on your part. Anyone that pays attention to my posts know that I back everything up with sources and logic and reason. Now get some tissues and quit fucking whining and playing the victim card. Galatians 3:28 Explain to me how we are not all one in Christ. Then explain how you don't have to love the forgiven Jew. Interesting. What pagans did you know that made them so much more authentic than us? They didn't attack Christians, men, and the alt right that's half true. I've been in the WN game for a while and Christians didn't used to attack pagans in the far right. It wasn't until the adolescent \"trad Catholics came around that such things started happening. WN also never cared much for the Catholics a while back. From my perspective, Christians pretty much keep silent in this movement. It's the pagans that appeared to be piggybacking on the alt right to convert more to their religion. This shows that they care more about their religion and they do white people. That is fucking disrespectful","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah? You like that you fuckin' retard?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Inbred, low IQ third world retard. Startling that an inbred, low IQ third world retard shares so much in common with the interbred, inflated IQ retards graduating from American colleges financed by federal money.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Clearly it does bc the cheerleader is smaller than the other girl and she whooped that ass after being slammed to the ground and everything","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I have a friend who has been saying that for the past few years. You are setting yourself up for disappointment","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"John Kasich Refuses To Say If He's Happy Brett Kavanaugh Got Confirmed To The Supreme Court https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/shgRabZ.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/mvgj The only thing that surprises me about John Kasich is that Ohioans have ever put up with this pearl clutching dweeb. He outdoes Evan McMullin on the Idiot Scale","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"South Africa City To Begin Confiscating Land From Whites https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-19\/south-africa-city-begin-confiscating-land-whites-national-test-case #Share #Gab #GabFam #Land #Laws #MAGA #Trump #Rules #Censor #Trumptrain #Africa #Farm #Farmers #Business #Economy #Rights News - http:\/\/www.dailyjobcuts.com -","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't know why you'd have to explain that you're \"straight\", just say \"normal\" instead. The faggots will understand.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You sir are a fucking moron. Go get reprogrammed you NPC faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In some ways, the word \"racist\" has already lost most of it's power, it's been flogged worse than all the horses in the world called Elmo. That the retarded left still keep using the word just shows how detached from reality they are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If I woke up as a trans person, I would kill myself. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stupid bastard actually believes that by being seen with a white woman, he'll raise his social status. Too stupid to realize that his skin color won't change !! LMAO That shit is Photoshopped, I wear glasses and spotted that ASAP. Look at her (R) shoulder compared to his (L).","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER here we go this is where the nats blow a lead now or the 8th inning have you not learned and strasburgh is not what everyone thinks he is inconsistent","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So whats the definition of mgtow then? Pussified faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you say \"I hate trans people\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2018: Mail Bombs Somehow, these attacks are going to the kookiest fringe of mainstream Democrats. DC cocktail party, tonight: What?!!? You weren't targeted??? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Great to see my university offer a course in queer studies. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"wow, what a rude cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nope but thanks. Get this ... I done being 'advised' by losers that MLK COCK up the ass for fun. Basically if 'swearing' offends you ... you are worthless. Personally YOU. Fighting folks swear. Working Folks Swear. CUNT COUNTRY Club traitors ... they use Posh English.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lmfao what did she expect? That she won't get into a physical altercation? What a dumb broad.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just your typical inbred Democrat. Muzzie incest, who would have thought?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would never hurt any Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Damn. That's about the most retarded post I've seen today.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Never trust a single word said by a trans person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Wonder if this will be left biased.. never trust a state broadcaster or brainwash kids from the Liberals","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Liberals don't give a rats ass but having power!! Period!! They cry over everything that doesn't go their way","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What is with these Faggots and Cakes? If it was not to rub our noses in their perversions, what else could be the reason to ask for a cake with Political messages? Would a Faggot baker (if there is one) be happy to bake a cake that says : 'Homosexuality is Sin'? UK Supreme Court, a cesspool of left wing cunts, amazed me today.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wonder why that America-hating commie faggot still keeps the first name \"Jackson\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey @REALEMILYYOUCIS is this \"meme\" of the American Psycho for real? Shit man I could fart a better meme after blowing a bucket load of diarrhea at your face. Jesus Christ woman, I trusted you. Now you f'n talk what the fuck is his name? Patrick Bateman? Shit, the f'n guy was actually a jew 'n you go with his jew defined gentile meme? No explanation? Rethink it cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There are two options so far as I can see them 1 The targets wanted to false flag and made the bombs intentionally retarded to try and paint the alt right as stupid, but went so far over board their entire con is obvious.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Passengers aboard a Turkish Airlines flight at Heathrow Airport aided a convicted Somali gang rapist in avoiding imminent deportation. Via: @Infowars_EU https:\/\/europe.infowars.com\/video-passengers-thwart-deportation-of-somali-gang-rapist-from-uk\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Shame she is noting but professionalism she has one and day and everyone wants to judge","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I mean it's not complicated some of the fags here genuinely hate women and are shit with them, but the smart guys understand that \"MGTOW\" is just the retard's way of saying of \"prioritizing self-interest above all else\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Seeing Muslims in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's in gay people's nature to be uncivilised. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"rofl! She is a cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The #Qpsyop os for the #Qtards. Where goes one retard goes them all","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Does Eric even know where he is?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I feel sorry for young guys today. Rabid screeching cunts like this are 90% of the dating pool. By comparison 90's chicks were awesome.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What does a 14 year old minor know about sex you retard? Any 14 year old that doesn't know something about sex is the retarded one. Did you just think storks delivered babies until you were 18? I'm sure you'd want your 14 year old daughter getting railed by a 22 year old... 14 year olds who don't know about sex are \"retarded after all....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Dan Rather supplied her with unimpeachable documentation and she is just waiting for Snopes to verify it for her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And #JoeBiden calls Christian's and Conservatives #DregsOfSociety what about #Antifa #CrazyUncleJoe URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Only 44% of Italians would now vote to Remain in EU\" Only? That means 44% of Italy's population is already composed of a mix of Muslims and mentally retarded white natives. Solution: everyone in Europe who votes to remain in EU should be deported to Mideast, there they can realise the very agenda EU exists for, to create a mixed race in an area they call Eurabia.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Found it, lads. The absolute biggest-brained take. \"Well golly, folks it looks like every cultural edifice is leftist we better do what they want as long as they don't rape our children with too big of a dick.\" He's only reverting to the mean.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Paedophile prophet loving cunt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If conflating the law and morality wasn't stupid enough for you, check out this faggot conflating \"who wins\" with morality.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER She is being realistic tho URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> One said \"it's time to give women and minorities a chance, and no more racist white men.\" Ted **Cruz** is totally white, not at all Cuban. Lol. Leftists are so retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER here is your boy smoking marijuana and hanging out with a pornstar and escort girl and paying the people that keep her a slave to be his slave. He is insane URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I LOVE YOUR WIT! You are clearly perceptive and very smart - one of the best to play this game - just played too hard like Andy said.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I hope he is safe","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The cunt that won't go away or just die. She sounds exactly like every other Totalitarian. \"Things will be civil when we're in charge again...\" Yeah, thanks for the threat. Fuck you, Hillary. http:\/\/bit.ly\/2Eb3Un4","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nothing else is as filthy as these sheets. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER But he is right..the deaths caused by the hurricane was vastly overrated. I googled it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Fake news. Two came forward the rest didn't want to get attacked by liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And it's Sunday night, but I can see you spent the whole weekend on the internet like a real Alpha, Soy Gibson. You faggot Leftists think that you're winning because you're boring? Pathetic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Conservatives can be respected up until the point where they start winning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"To be honest, these clowns are seriously lacking in Talent. They never research their marks, and their vocabulary skills as well as their reading comprehension is that about a second grade level. To be honest. Ed has asked for help and reassurance not much of a coincidence. Ego has been damaged. No one is interested in his Post's. You Needed that GAB SHOT SON Your hypocrisy is stunning. Jesus Christ! you will win no fame trying to troll me. You'll win no merit and people will not visit your page. Good luck with that. Does John use a woman in his avi because that's the only way he can get followers?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hope the tiny anti American fraction of the USA can support those nfl contracts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It just hit me the fact that Bey is always on her private yacht whenever she is on vacay. Sis will stay on the water where non of y'all can bother her ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"News Flash George Soros was and is a Nazi who sent the Hungarian Jews to their death Hitler was a globalist he wanted a unified Europe his Vision is what we call the European Union today all you little neo nazis and Hitler loving fuckwitts should learn the history of the shit you worship the death cramps were real not allied propaganda...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So sick of being around immigrants like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maybe retards shouldn't elect an unaccomplished bartender then.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I know as a white Christian I've been muzzled and told not to speak anymore. Oops. Fuck you Jews. I put you first this time because I've been criticized for not doing so in the past. Fuck you Muslims. You're to humanity what scum is to shit. If I left anyone out...like a kneeling black, a wetback Hispanic, a bitch twat feminist, or a penilevaginal LGBTQ. Fuck you too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You have to admit. These Democrats know how to fleece the dollars out of other Democrats. Stormy has made huge profits from D's flooding strip clubs to stick a dollar in her G. Liberals are the easiest in our society to fool..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cows are female, you're the faggot with your head in the fence","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh look, another white trash cockroach. Good to know there are still parasites like you walking this Earth, so I get to fuck you people up when I cross the paths of you cowardice faggot dick eaters...Bye bye now STUPID! lol!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Waters 1023\/1024 so nearly full retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I still want him to fuck my pussy with a rake. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hard to believe so many clueless and stupid, idiots support the Muzzie asshole. What is wrong with those brain dead morons??","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Obama was the devil incarnate and Trump is Jesus Christ himself. I get where you are coming from.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So, that's your motive? To save untold lives? You should be more concerned with the shit head libtards that are ACTUALLY telling their zombies to perpetuate acts of violence and they are. Qanon has never condoned violence.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Revolting Witch reminds us how fortunate we are to have Pres. Trump 3 am Calls Huma would be answering those with the Muzzie Sisterhood response. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hint Call 1 800THEWHITEHOUSE","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#TheresaMay we need a #PeoplesVote @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He uses common sense","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrants like you should know that your lives are worthless. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" #GabFam ****pls share all over. if #OVOMIT does not like it, I love it..**** TY E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Torba is a girlboy. Thanks for the block button, asshole. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=iz0QrHMyP2k goes together like PB and J","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER What exactly do you call gun control?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The gameplay is good though...but the writing and Alexios delivery is cringy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wow how did that happen? She probably has serious issues with her family. Jebena kurva, sramota. Smh. Nothing worse than a (((westernized))) kurva. Our tribe is tiny and she chooses to abandon it, pathetic. I hope you dont have kids man, they're gonna hate themselves and their mother and wont be truly accepted by either race. Well if thats her in his above post shes quite beautiful, but she probably has serious daddy issues. Shes probably a Croatian immigrant who was corrupted by the American brainwashing machine. She's a 'Liz Claiborne' model. You misunderstand. He has no blonde girlfriend, and this one is not she. That is an image of a model he pulled from the internet. A Liz Claiborne model. A handbag company. Ahhhh ok, damn fell for the bait! honestly, nothing triggers me like race traitor Crothots. Oh, you have lived in LA? Then you should know more than I about this. Probably do. But once youve lived in LA long enough your tolerance for bullshit becomes non existant. It turns you into a sperg, online and IRL LA? I have no doubt it does. LA is Toronto multiplied by LA is the epicenter of it all. Everytime i see IRL jewish brainwashing. Its beyond disdain these days. I go out of my way to shame coalburners and jew puppets.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"tricky choice nigger or jew. obama is a fairly yeller nigger. paul reubin is all jew. it's a really tough call for you girls.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Not if you are a Faggot? or a Pedophile. Or a Faggot Pedophile.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why not just go directly to the \"chew on Duracell batteries\" part, I'm sure that someone is clinically insane enough to think that would be a good way to get lithium into your system. The worst part of the joke is that someone will take it as fact, I await the first retard to choke to death on batteries cause of lack of critical thinking.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm centre-left wing and Australian and I despise the Disney SW films. Go fuck yourself Dr. Morten Bay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Time to take this twt down. Is there anyone in our team with an ounce of guts?. @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I was thinking the same thing. Is it a cry for help or have you committed to ending it? If the later, hurry up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Says the Lying, Thieving, Gun Running, Racist, Anti-American, categorically WORST ATTORNEY GENERAL IN AMERICAN HISTORY!! His \"twin\" Low-retta matched his lying, thieving,Racist, Anti-American, record! 60's hippy radical","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Can we please now be honest with ourselves and acknowledge this trans stuff is a mental disorder? And NOT normal human behavior?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"October 21, 2018 Cory said we \"must believe\" sexual-assault-accusers! UPDATE: Cory Booker Accuser Posts Update \"I am not a Woman, I am a Man https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/update-cory-booker-accuser-posts-update-i-am-not-a-woman-i-am-a-man\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i disagree pagans arent my brothers in anything","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We need to treat human like human, ghost like ghost and faggot like faggot. https:\/\/twitter.com\/AmyMek\/status\/1046612295252676610","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's kind of like the stereotype of Canadians being overly-polite except it's in Retardo World where they all prostrate at the feet of someone lower on the totem pole than them. \"Black queer Nb\" lol, people will submit themselves to you just based on race alone. Why add your penchant for weiner or muff in to it? Wonder what it does the other part of the \"part-time.\" Write for other esteemed publications like EF? I thought EF was about to be shut down last year because of funding? Did some white women get guilted in to footing the web hosting bill in an attempt to Do Better ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"once ya go black youre tainted pussy for life!!! She's Probably got the AIDS or some other Funky Nigger Germ.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@BegsAli Ok shitty arse.. I got to pull you up with some facts here. 1) Nobody has \"pretended you are Alice..... We KNOW you are. 2) Have you doxed ME? No. 3) \"Charlie himself confirmed his name was Paul. 4) Stop running away you fat cunt. 5) LOLLERS Ahhhh that so? Well it'll be both then!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lol it's funny because it's like gun control....it doesn't work","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She's a bitch. If she cooperated instead of mouthing off and shoving him nothing would have happened. She deserves it. End of story. Bruh I'm all for some quality PPD, but being a bitch isn't a crime. She blew a If you getting defensive involves you acting like a cunt like this bitch, then you too are a entitled piece of shit who deserves what's coming your way. Should've gagged her. Cunt was annoying.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"'Look at this f---ing white guy!' bigot yells before attacking man in pizzeria... https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Mppx","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"who ever believes that Trump isn't a decent person is absolutely retarded they say all sorts awful things about him and yet not a single bit has been verified as real it's so sad to see how poorly they handled the last two years . https:\/\/youtu.be\/mpk76ZKfG ys","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Macron. France's President. Free mason. Look at the result.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A black life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You have to stop calling people retards. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What I'm saying MGK is claiming he is the modern best but his stuff now isn't what Ems was 10 years ago","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Jose Ramirez because he is doing it all stealing hitting for average hitting Homer's doubles and playing good defense and definitely Blake Snell for Cy Young just look at his numbers hes like the Jacob DeGrom of the AL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The only thing this dumb as s half breed nigger has going, is he is black, dumber than hell, and democrat..he is an enigma.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WTF? It's ok for #RichWhiteMen to commit tax evasion, as long as they're a 'star'? https:\/\/www.nj.com\/entertainment\/index.ssf\/2018\/10\/mike_the_situation_sentenced_tax_evasion_twitter_d.html","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women are the worst kind of motherfuckers. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They didn't just want \"work girlfriends\". They wanted girlfriends. Ones who didn't look like Gail Simone's awkward more obese cousin. Do you think Dan Slott, Tom Brevoort, or Mark Waid ever got to nail a piece of ass like Heather Antos without paying out the nose for it and then weeping when she left? Nawnigga. They were all living under the fantasy that they'd get some pumkin spiced latte flavored thot pussy. If not from Antos from one of the friends that she greatfully hooked them up with. The irony is that the rainbow hairs aren't wrong about there being toxic males in comics, they're just wrong about who those toxic males are. And they don't care because transferring and projecting that guilt got them money.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wait! Who said they hate Gen X??? Everyone hates GenX. > user names booli lol. Low tier gabby gets upset at user names","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I don't agree with you. But if you want to see a real damsel in distress play the fucking marry Jane missions. They are soooo boring . she's so stupid. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Please #retweet Please #share #thankyou #love #share #life #money #crowdfunding #gofundme #monsterfunder @USER Please #support ex dem fervent MAGA #donate here #today: URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"the Flaming faggot asshole kind, as well","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pipe bombs are not utilitarian tools of death, they're for optics. Consider the calibre\/honesty of those claiming to be targeted. Accusations have become nearly as powerful as crimes themselves with regards to shaping public opinion, when the media stokes the flames.. Cui Bono?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Black people can never be as smart as anyone else. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It takes a 2sec Google search to see who this accuser is - I'll help the mindless uneducated liberals . URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Grow the fuck up. The way you feminazis look at things, the man should just suffer in place of the woman. Always. No matter what retarded shit the woman does. So that's how you treat a fucking slave. Stop treating men like fucking slaves. And FFS stop only caring about the dehumanization of women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Constitutional Republic Micheal. This is not Greece 2000 years ago.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Writer for the Colbert Show deleted this tweet I think she will find that her life has been ruined now! Even low for the Colbert show!! LOL We certainly hope. I can honestly say I have never watched that show. We certainly hope. I can honestly say I have never watched that show. Me neither..hope someone will keep us posted on how she is fucked..in great details (not literally..that would be gross!!) Yes. \"... I'm just glad we ruined our lives. Fixed that for ya. Yeah, I almost wish I still used twitter, so I could post exactly that back to her...almost... It's people like Ariel that are destroying this Country and others! Willful Sedition He just got seated on the highest court in the land which is the ultimate goal of all good judges and helped to further expose the left for what they are. I'm thinking he's pretty pleased with the outcome as a whole and considers the fight well worth it. But that's just me. I'd say you are correct. Let's keep him there. Dems plan on impeaching him and POTUS if they win. They want open borders, illegals to vote, BOcare, they want their CRUMBS BACK. MAKE AMERICA RED VOTE DEMS OUT OF OFFICE #WalkAwayFromDemocRATS If they try that, we will have to take off from work, and go to DC to protest, and to let the commiecrats know their lives will be over, literally, if they go through with it. Time to grow up. Communists are incapable of growing up. No you didn't. Did your hairy liberal snagged toothed ass wake up as a Justice of the Supreme Court today? Nope. That crack ass of yours woke up laying down with the dog that gave you fleas. You can scream, you can wag that soros paid sign high in the air, but guess what, JUSTICE KAVANAUGH WILL STILL BE SITTING ON THE SUPREME COURT... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Illegal immigrants in Philly making demands of U.S. Senators now... MUST DEPORT. http:\/\/www","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Bacon A kind of meat ball with gravy https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Faggot_(food)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think that black people should all be killed. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"lol nigger was triggered","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I can understand that and if it's someone I know I'll debate with them but I'm not willing to spend that much time trying to change the mind of someone I don't know I tryed that with people and gun control and it just get stupid because they won't try to understand","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Settle down Chuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All the immigrants in this country are pissing me off so much. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The comments on that article gave me ulcers. Why are we kidding ourselves that the majority of the world is like this? I've worked for one of the largest ISPs in America, and have heard our COO call someone a faggot. My manager constantly made jokes about women. My VP of operations regularly made fun of Hyderabad employees for their robot-esque approach to communication. Our client care execs would go on and on about the black employees constantly being lazy at work, sitting around with their feet up and talking to each other trying to hook up in the parking lot. We had a guy who hit on this girl for a long time, only to see that same girl use the urinal NEXT TO HIM. He threw up and told her to gtfo. My company bends over backwards to include multi-racial advertising, cultural holidays from around the world, ethnic diversity programs to empower the work force. But inside the company it's a completely different world. Everyone's putting a face on so they can survive but the reality is you can't change thousands of years of human nature by screaming at social media post.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The George Zimmerman thing was a great boon for us. Nothing even comes close.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER H y! I am 21 years old. I'm waiting for you h re URL ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It could still be an African woman. They have high T. Probably more than the soyboy faggot sitting opposite. Same anti white shit regardless.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"twat er are so libtard now it has become a meme","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"...Instead of taking concrete actions to help #reunite #immigrant #children who were separated from their parents, push forward gun control legislation, or work to #repeal the Muslim travel #ban, they did Trump's bigoted bidding without question.\" #FamiliesBelongTogether #NoBan\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Go with meeeeeeee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/paltalk.com face book link ...hmmm ...never stop doing or being what you are if you wanna loook on face book knowing they cant be trusted or googel is why im im on Gab i will look,and be my normal self on line or in real life ,no camera is going to make me do anything i wouldnt normaly do thats the only why you can win overload them i take drugs im in internet Insulter so what.....i run an insult room .....on a program calls paltalk ..you welcome to come in and say what ever you like I WILL ALL WAYS BE FROOM IN SOUL BODY AND MIND ...PEACE ..COME TO PALTALK..THE ROOM NAME IS...room owners cori shes a cunt cunty shes a cunt too me im just a wanker Bollocks is my name and stuey the bals northern wanker but i love him ...hes as gay as me just wont say so ,,,,seee you in the room https:\/\/paltalk.com","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wouldn't go *that* far. There are just too many of them that abuse the fact that they're a woman to coast through life. That's not how it should be. And that's why we have this sub, to laugh at em when they're caught doing that Found the incel I like your username I know right Whatever, your white knight hate feeds me.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My manager is also an immigrant. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dems are so retarded they can't see past their hood ornaments.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Identity politics at its most disgusting. Is \"black America\" okay with this Suicidal Autopsy cunt speaking for them? Is \"white America\" going to watch this bitch talk her bullshit just because they think she's fuckable?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Swamp retard Cuomo Hype over #FakeBombs #FakeNews #FalseFlag","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you try to explain something so inexplicably retarded you should probably be in law skool, not med skool.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fuck that nigger cunt, we should sandblast her black ass!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh please enough yet with the pc liberal nigger loving bs!! I despise blacks and IMHO the world would be a much better place if they all disappeared..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Whenever immigrants look at me, I think they can sense that I feel nothing but contempt for them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It's fine..... he's gods Prophet imagine that nowadays... yes officer i did fuck that elementary student BUT its fine bc god said i could....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The Proud Boys were able to wrestle the streets of Portland away from the judeo-left even though the latter had home field advantage and a very sympathetic Mayor (Ted Wheeler). Theyre ready to charge into Berkeley, Manhattan (where Hillary got like 90% of the vote), and so on. Compare to some alt-rights retreating into autism and ironybro faggot shit. You ride strikers dick pretty hard huh faggot ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER That's what we need. A nationwide vote on gun control. Let the people vote for a bill and force Congress to pass it if it's the will of the majority. #PowerToThePeople","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hmmm I'm delusional . he-he. OK nazigurl. You got me. Now would you leave me alone so I can get back to running the world With my fellow jooos?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I hate politics! You #CNN are despicable. Liberals are treating Judge Kavanaugh like he's some sort of serial rapist that they've captured at last. #RedWave #voteyes #innocent until proven guilty.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't let these #altright #whitenationalist fool you ..they are not like you. They are pure trash pretending to relate with you on moral issues when they are 100% immoral themselves. They will sometimes claim they are Christians, but ask them to elaborate and they vomit out nothing but heresy. They will chant with you against the liberal opposition coming out of #PlannedParenthood but applaud them for putting clinics in minority areas. They believe in #populationControl and #eugenics. They even support #euthanasia for the elderly, and underdeveloped. A lot of them are even Scottish Rite Freemasons who's great, great grand fathers were a part of the Order of the Golden Circle that opposed the early GOP founded by #Christian #Protestants and assassinated Lincoln. It is because of their Freemasonic ranks that many of them got skipped up in ranks in the military, and police ..the ones seemingly more honorable because of that really cheated. THEY ARE NOT YOUR FRIENDS!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trans people belong in a zoo. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am Glaswegian, cunt is one of our favourite words. Especially when talking about paedo cunts.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So this is how Antifa finally dies? By commiting suicide? Nice.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trumpsters are so profoundly stupid they think these photos are real...funny you NEVER see live uploaded phone videos from trump rallies That's true because a democrat retard like you says so.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"First Man movie deservedly does way worse at the box office than expected. They left out the flag planting on the moon. They even removed the flag emblem from the astronauts' uniforms. We hate PC https:\/\/dailycaller.com\/2018\/10\/14\/first-man-box-office\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'We must love our fellow man as ourselves, yet you conservative Christians are anti-immigration' - how would you counter? No Conservative Christian is against immigration. The problem is in ILLEGAL immigration. Say it with me 'Illegal aliens are not Immigrants.' I'm against immigration if we don't have jobs for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Harris makes herself look very ignorant daily! #MAGA without them!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He should be in jail for wishing \"death to all disabled people\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Because to liberals being a white mail is disqualifying. It's attempt to muzzle gop on SJC. Graham (allegedly a gay white male) should take point if he has it in him. Might save him a primary figjt","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When did the sub turn to hating on women so intensely? I thought this sub was about women being prevented from using their sex as an excuse for being an asshole. This post has nothing to do with that, and the comments are just hating on women. I saw it starting a long time ago and unsubbed. Now I'm seeing it months later and it's worse than I thought it would get. Lol pretty much the kind of response I'd expect from a mod here. Nice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Go make your own then faggots. No one owes you shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And when someone decides not to play your little game, and instead calls you the fucking retard you are, and shows you things you don't like, you cry and snitch and bitch and troll like a sniveling little cunt. Faggot. SNITCH.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes, Nazis are weak and impotent faggots. Low IQ losers! In My reality the Nazis lost WW II! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Lmfao Don't ever stop. Nothing any of us Nazis could possibly do will drive more ordinary people to the cause of gassing kikes to save the White race than your attempts at insulting us and making yourself (along with your views) look retarded in the process. In fact, the jig is up, shitlord. It's too obvious that you're \/ourtroll\/. Next time be more subtle.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nike= Nigger and Kike forged into a shoe name.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Go to la casa de las micheladas!!!! They have some crazy ass ones!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh look, another retard to mute.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He looks like a certified dyke with those eyebrows.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Some people surely like that, not me, so to each it's own. I mean, furrys exist, so yeah it doesn't matter how fucked up something is or looks, someone faps to it that's almost certain They arent the first and probably not the biggest at it. The giantess stuff, that seems to be a femdom subgenre, is full of gigantic chicks eating people. tfw no zentradi gf >the biggest at it >giantess Ohoho. Is giantess stuff that popular, though? Furries, and even smaller subsections of furries, seem a lot more prominent, but that might just be from how outspoken they are... *Sehd ihr das Essen, Nein! Wir sind die Jaeger!* https:\/\/imgur.com\/f9j3T4f.jpg Vore isn't even the worst thing out there tbh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FUCK U U FLAT FACED ALCOHOLIC SHITSKIN INJUN If you're a filthy red nigger savage, then yes, you dont get a say. imo.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Liberal Nazi cunt bitches https:\/\/youtu.be\/psSyA3NQQxQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Anthem protesters should consider what flag they could be living under... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/CorrectWinger\/status\/1049866675317854209","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He sure doesn't need a weak cunt like you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Darkness Deepens in Windsor, Ontario Mysterious Habibullah Ahmad remains untried for attempted murder of Anne Widholm. https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/271611\/darkness-deepens-windsor-ontario-lloyd-billingsley","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Disabled people are beautiful. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Super storm Sandy hit the North East. I agree with you though. People here have a bad idea of the east coast and it's pretty cool. The north east gets all 4 seasons at least. We get rain and summer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We must not make black people suffer any more than they already are. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/au.lifestyle.yahoo.com\/student-selling-virginity-online-pay-university-fees- \"but sex bots are immoral.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Hi! Welcome to Twitter! lol you must have missed the entire week of tweets talking about how Reggie was doomed and we had MAGA running our football operations! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"another corrupt faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"In fact, we can easily look because their income is posted online. Under your retarded fiscal outline, all 566K jobs would be lost as the whole business would fold https:\/\/www.recode.net\/2018\/2\/1\/16961598\/amazon-jeff-bezos-record-profit-11-quarter-q4-2017-earnings","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT Thomas1774Paine We Simply Cannot Allow People to Pour Into the US': Video Resurfaces of Obama Echoing Trump's Concerns (VIDEO) http:\/\/ow.ly\/N8hf30mm1Zk https:\/\/twitter.com\/Thomas1774Paine\/status\/1055157166762532864","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"BREAKING: He was a gay escort out of the Seminole Hardrock Casino in Hollywood Florida. What is it with the dems? Why all the pron stars, tooty fruits, creeps. By 2005 cesar's career as male stripper was fading, and he was into meth\/coke (apperently injecting meth into his butthole with turkey baster!) Where does #cia find these freaks? #fakebombs #fakenews Looks like a MAGA conservative to me.... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Even a Dyke bitch like Rosie produces and unbelievable amount of smegma! And you know she never washes down there! Wash that fucking box Rosie! I can smell that shit clear across the room!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gay people are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You only have 6 1\/2 years left buddy!! #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The DailyStormer is responsible for the pro-Trump spam. Weaponizing anti-Semitism they're able to divide Jews into two groups: Liberals and Zionists. By demonizing the open-border Jews they effectively tie anti-Multiculturalism to the pro-Zionist movement. Jews create the problem only to offer their own solution. DailyStormer is MOSSAD. Mossad's got the lulz!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is rapper T.I.'s main clown squeeze with blue eye implants. Any wonder why he's making fantasy videos about Melania?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bill and Brooke deserve each other. They are like hot and cold. They're in love with this person this week and in love it that on the next. Brooke I can understand. She is the SFTV but Bill?! They've ruined him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER which is why im loving all this shit right now LOL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The shitposts and memes are based off of a subreddit. In short, the actual source needs to be racist... which it is. If you actually read the threads you would see the proofs. A: GreatAwakening was doxxing and publicly harrasing a person. An direct site rule violation. Why not get it directly from the source? https:\/\/twitter.com\/search?src=typdandq=%40S8n%20Q B: MillionDollarExtreme was actually pretty damn racist and BillionDollarExtreme's parodies based off of it were caught in the wake. It's quite literally in the sidebar for Billion. >Seems you see racism where others see shitposts. Maybe try and get some thicker skin? Stop drinking soy lattes and prepping the bull to inseminate your wife for you. Maybe get a job and step into the real world instead of stewing in your tribalist bubble full of leftist forever victims claiming to be oppressed while buying $1000 minimum clothes with mommy and daddy's credit cards? Ahhh yes, personal insults! The most enshrined internet tradition. Colour me.... not surprised. Nah, I'll go buy them 5$ shirts made in china. Lemme go buy some new nike's gear and burn it too. #WithTheTimes am I right? Do I need to get my bright red, or bright blue shirt? In america you can only support one team and can't straddle the edge right? I heard that's illegal. Here, let me get my Xer Xeno father's spacecard and buy 600$ worth of fortnite bux! Oh!, While we are at it lets go buy some 1000$ vegetarian steak. God, Reddit is full of faggots like you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey cunt...I have a medical issue with one of my eyes, and it has an artificial lens. Light is really bright and can give me headaches, so I have to wear them. So yea...go fuck yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's funny how so many other men, and women too would say \"Nice,,\" or \"That's awesome\" when you were sexually violated and could have caught on STD\/STI and\/or the pervy twat could have gotten pregnant. To think a woman would want to be sexually assaulted or raped by another woman, regardless of the way she looks. Most men would not want the same if the lady was not attractive to them, or if she was in some cases, they would not want that if they desired to stay loyal to their gf or wife.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER aw. *hugs* i've gotten flustered like that as well. it sucks. i also sometimes write myself a little script. you're not alone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Fuck yeah!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Titanic_Britain_Author Islam isn't the enemy, Shlomo. Muslims don't own Facebook. So Muslims are not pushing the homosexual agenda. Muslims don't own Youtube. So it is not the muslims pushing abortion. Muslims don't own Apple. So it is not them pushing spying on everything. You won't fix anything by chasing Muslims. Jews are the enemy. Told you guys. The Jew haters love Islam. Just like the other socialists on Twitter. It isn't Jews raping their way across Europe is it. It isn't Jews bombing, shooting, knifing and lorrying people across Europe. It isn't Jews beheading people in the Middle East. Jews get on fine with everyone. Islam gets on with no-one. Even itself. Wouldn't be surprised if some of these NatSoc accounts are Muhammadans mate. Get them on Twitter too, pushing their Islamo-Marxism. Halal-Kitty is a Muhammadan called Niliyyah Rashhid. Joker is Sameed Dahmi. TellMamaUK is run by an Islamic.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because lazy and retarded Dems couldn't be bothered to fill out thousands of ballots completely after the polls closed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Unsurprisingly, many of the top comments there are just talking about what an asshole he is for cheating and how he 'got what he deserved', e.g. >I have no condolences for this twit. He should have known that some women are not so forgiving and CAN and WILL seek retribution... Like that justification would ever be used if a man sliced a woman's cunt because she cheated on him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm glad that Cunt got her head smashed through a class table for lack of sympathy. Probably didn't even happen.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"let jimbo suit up and fly to Syria... Isn't that a net gain when muslims kill each other? Seems like a sell-correcting problem there. That's how I see it. I like it. This guy's an anti-semite who cares what he says he's a f****** idiot. Muslims have been killing each other for three thousand forget about it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Redddit is going to shit. Free speech does not exist on this site. I know reddit can ban\/quarantine whatever it wants but that does not mean it's cool. idk i think reddit's pretty cool and free speech is still alive and well","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Where is the error in thinking that Muslim lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We'll torture these black people without mercy. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER We had a Peoples Vote on 23 June 2016. The people rejected the craven @USER worship which you stand for - by a majority of over 1m. You're contemptuously defying the will of the people and @USER 2017 GE manifesto and supporting Soros in undermining democracy instead","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She isn't. Antifa doesn't want to hurt her. Resist doesn't either. Rest of us want her to put up or shut up. They are gaming us all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Of course he is. He will be remembered for being the biggest hypocrite in history. They change the rules constantly. #GOPHypocrites","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Be aware of anyone who capitalizes every word- sure sign of a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are such a losing Democrat....No one believes what you say...You speak well but part of crooked Democrats....Pers Trump has done more for the USA than any other President put together....LOSER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The mental retardation... it's just too much...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey my man, All those infowars chat raids aside, I still aint' buying your pancake earth! Love ya anyways faggot. Reply is that what you call it when that sand nigger cums in (your) ass?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This sub is full of pathetic mysoginist cunts. And I only discovered it 20 mins ago.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger you're known as the crying nazi and you're trying to puff your chest out at me because I'm intelligent enough to see more than 1 move ahead? You've even stated not to reveal your identity unless necessary and now you're walking it back because I touched a nerve? You gonna cry again? How original, a parrot from the sycophant squad. Yes let me tell you everything I am doing because you hurt my ego by accusing me of being a bad actor... I'm calling out those with a platform that should use it responsibly. \"Go support the GOP or else bad things will happen!\" is retard level shit just like Cville. What have YOU done?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Brett Kavanaugh confirmed to the United States Supreme Court. The left gets what they deserve as their stunts and attempts at character assassination have failed. Vote Red on November 6th","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FACT! MILLIONS of encounters with police every day and blacks tear shit up over a few hundred dead criminals, killed mostly by BLACK COPS MORE WHITES ARE KILLED by cops, but we don't chimp out commit the crime, do the time, whites know this https:\/\/www.huffingtonpost.com\/entry\/black-people-killed-by-police-america_us_577da633e4b0c590f7e7fb17 Exactly!!!! libtards don't want to look into the facts about their nigger pets.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"HIS NAME IS ACTUALLY \"KEKISTANI SAILOR\" LOL WHAT A FAGGOT Please don't tell my wife nazigirl! Please! You know what's so great about this kike faggot? He calls himself a \"kekistani sailor\" but fails to realize the kek flag is based off of a natsoc flag. LOL!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why doesnt britainistan have muzzie prisons only for the evil scum ...end of conversions right ..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Oh boy I sure like Spider-Man and Venom is my favorite villain. I don't like pop music. I'm going to see this film that appeals to my interest as opposed to this other film that does not.\" \"You're literally not a homosexual and any feelings you have toward your same sex is now non-existent.\" What a swarmy cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How these caravans are forcing America into a defensive posture https:\/\/pendulum.online\/2018\/10\/25\/caravans-remake-america\/ These caravans can give the Right an excellent rallying point. A line of few thousand people meeting them with loaded rifles pointing southwards will make a VERY lasting impression on both sides of the border. Fear is the easiest way to impose social programming, but also the easiest to break it. I agree. This is a good way to increase our polarization between those who focus on quality and those who focus on quantity. The quality people, armed and ready, will send the Left into even more of a panic fury.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER WHAT numbers do YOU use? Where do YOUR numbers come from? WHY did you ignore the current THEFT from Medicare? Is your ignoring the cost ignorance or deceit? MAKE Liberals pay for #WelfareForAll! #Iatrogenesis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"When you insult a check mark like @a No, you are not being discriminated against, because you are giving Torba shit for not letting you guys post child porn by cartoon. you are being locked, because other gab users are reporting you for not using the correct tags etc. How come you cannot read, single digit IQ man? \"hur dur dur, why are pedophiles persecuted so...\" Imagine being this butthurt that you can't even read the text in an image. Imagine being a pedophile.... oh wait i can't You on the other hand.... All the insults you can come up with in relation to me< You are a pedophile. When you get so mad you give up trying to make sense \"random insults and kvetching because you are ignorant of my pedophile ways\" \"Oh and you are the mad one\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"3. Nina One of the reasons I didn't read this book for so long was because I was SO WORRIED about her character. I should've trusted everyone. Nina is a goddamn goddess I would die for a thousand times over. She is big and bold and lovely and PERFECT. HER ARC. IS. PERFECT.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#SadNews: What #Republicans\/#Conservatives\/#Deplorables forget am #Democrats\/#Liberals\/#Tolerables also am #WeThePeople\/#AmericanPeople.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Something went down she is hiding.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Retarded Democrats will believe anything as they are all gulible morons to the RACIST LYING Jew news!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll never ever use their language. They can keep their retarded newspeak. Apart from that its far shorter to say nigger instead of \"retarded black person\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Isn't killing interactivity the most retarded thing you can do as a website?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT MagniFieri I came out as LGBT in the 90s and lost family and friends. I was called faggot and beaten to a pulp. Surgery required. Coming out as a @realDonaldTrump supporter is 10x harder. I'm called Nazi and my life is reg threatened. Still closeted out of fear of Liberals. #NationalComingOutDay","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Not even an hour into looking through gab I am floded with alt-right and Nazi values. Extremely sexist and homophobic comments as well as hella xenophobic shit. The reason most y'all come here is because any other place would judge you, which just so you know to judge someone based on what they say is not anti-free speech. Whoa... I was noticing the same thing. Is gab a platform for alt right?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I can't believe this fucking retard is serious. How tiresome.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women are lesser beings. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You ignore a message based on the person presenting it? That's retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Titanic, if you did fuck a nigger, you're a miscegenational menace and should be tossed out of America, if not worse. Be proud of defiling your race. It'll be such fine comedy when we bring you to the gallows and invite you to repent of your crimes... \"I had a right...!\" Nope...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So, breastfeeding your sons turns them into rapists, but breastfeeding your daughters doesn't turn her into a rapist. Another retarded SJW.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@gab is going to lose millions because it is to much about the money than the people, Fuck you GAB ban me Bitch, i brought you 90% you subscribers ill end you'er ass cunts !!! Fix my video issue or suffer the consequnces FACT cunt !!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. What a vile little cunt he is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The best part about Kavanaugh being confirmed is we can stop fucking hearing about it. The ONLY story of the past two weeks! It does however, make me wonder, what was the left hand doing while we were focused on the right hand? This is why I almost never follow the news, it is mostly a distraction from the much deeper, more meaningful truths. The (((media))) doesn't want you to probe into those truths so they keep you distracted with the bread and circuses. Politics as we know it, is quite literally political theater. Case in point, our POTUS was a reality TV show host. Keep in mind that those in control understand that Republicans will be in favor of anything that the Left opposes, do you really think we aren't being manipulated? I consider the Kavanaugh thing a win, but only from a propaganda perspective. Normal people are beginning to realize that the Left is a cult of lunatics, which is good for us, but only if we can steer them in a better direction. The Right is full of cultists too (looking at you #QAnon) and we would be wise to not fall for the okie-doke. Chances are Kavanaugh is just another normie Conservative pro-Israel type, plus he's a Catholic, which is a huge red flag. Stay focused on the ball guys, we need a wall, we need the State Dept and all other state and federal orgs purged of all these anti-White card carrying Marxists, we need mass deportations, we need to take down Big Social, we need to build businesses for our guys, we need to rebuild our nation from the ground up starting at the family level, then the neighborhood level, then the town level, then the national. Not to mention the epidemic levels of mental illness across all races, genders, socio-economic classes and political affiliations. There is way too much going on and far too much that we still have left to do for the entire news cycle to be Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh, Kavanaugh all day long. And I for one, will be happy to not have to hear about it any more","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Doesn't this idiot know what those retarded savage invaders do?!? Or does he not care about them raping and killing Whites?! Fucking nigger lover and his beloved invaders are a threat to Western civilisation and need to be killed!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"that ref can receive a dildo directly up his ass now,that was egregious to not call that foul for dre","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah well, it was the KLAN that finally said ENOUGH of the JEWISH Carpetbaggers allowing Niggers to Rape and Murder our White Women and Children. 150 years ago , those \"costumed\" Men might very well have saved your ignorant ass..... Can't talk sense to a 'Dems R Teh Real Racist' adherent. They think in cookie cutter terms, that all democrats were bad\/'racist', while 'Republicans' were always virtuous and never put niggers down, nor kicked a Chinaman in the head for cooking the neighborhood dog. Another Jewish trick to alter history.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Smearing Supreme Court Justices now? What's next for the ultra-left nazis liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I really can't stand her. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"I believe that it has never been more important for us as to equip our daughters to deal with uncomfortable social issues and learn how to participate effectively in the often contentious debates that surround them.\" The Fired Principle, 2018","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Of course human rights should not apply to black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I love @USER !! @USER stop your racist censorship now!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"First: this is a joke from That 70's Show (the car show episode, maybe?) Second: she's a cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The only thing that fat old twat can do is bag and tag that thing it calls a wife.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Totally agree. It's all trash. If dems win a majority, there will be some Super retarded reasoning essentially saying: We can't tell the truth and prosecute murderous pedophiles (even though we \"have it all\") because blues control congress. Total garbage.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER But partisan moves are the daily norm for the likes of Mitch McConnell. Yet somehow he still hangs on to his job and has the respect of conservatives across the country. This is why women are so afraid to stand up and say they were assaulted. We are part of the problem.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Everybody's doin it...#MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You and cuckwell are the no brainers here. The r party in no way, shape or form represents white interests. They are even worse, they create the illusion of white political franchise in the minds of morons like you two, as we're getting swamped with nigger garbage. Your moronic strategy only leads to the pigs and the military being majority shitskins.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What i find funny. I have not heard the word negro since maybe the 90s. I heard that and instanly said to my wife. They just called kanye a nigger on national tv. Sorry negro which for the uninformed is code for nigger. If say the donald called obama a negro the left would lose their minds.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Isn't Polygon old hat at not disclosing affiliate links by now? Whycome they haven't been rung up on it? you can cry to mommy and daddy all you want, but they don't care dude. ** _ ** thank you you're welcome","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As clear as the mud UKGov are dumping off Swansea. Corbyn offers no solutions and no answers ... being non-committal on everything and hoping 'not being the conservatives' will get him elected. Westminster politics and government have degenerated so much its no longer fit for purpose.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"another dumb nigger bitch Blacks were easy prey for the left deep state to harvest?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"BS! The fundamental issue is nigger ineptitude ! https:\/\/sputniknews.com\/africa\/201810041068606104-Namibia-Accelerate-Land-Redistribution\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would bet almost anything the child's father did not die in a car crash 7 years ago - this cunt is lying for sympathy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Andrew .... what is your position on gun control in Canada ?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The liberals won't investigate because they know there's nothing there. They'd rather have someone else do it so when nothing is found the liberals can blame them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"remember, the only reason OJ is free is jury \"payback\" for beating a crazy nigger high on pcp","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"more context: https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=_RVch9ZBwQM its bullshit he was led away in cuffs, both those bitches should be prosecuted he was clearly defending himself, he didnt even hit her. That made me sick. \"He hit her, he hit her I saw it. That's against the law\" bitch you didn't see shit. People are so unobservant it's not even funny bunch of retards we share this planet with and they work also Most of the pieces of shit don't work, they live off the backs of the people who do. They do tend to reproduce at amazing speed, though. It looks like they cuffed them both. They might be using the opportunity to get them away from the scene for two reasons: to figure out wtf happened in a controlled manner and to ensure the other retards on the scene calm the fuck down and don't start fights with the dude. That's me being optimistic. I wouldn't be surprised if they arrested him cause he's a dude.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"*cough*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER LMFAO!!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Excellent post. Highjacking to highlight a couple of important reminders for those of you who are tired of hearing that DV is [\"just a clean-up word for wife-beating,\" and \"we know it's not girls beating up boys, it's boys beating up girls.\"](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?time_continue=1andv=8DdYzDkA_s0) * One study from Harvard claim women commit 70% of domestic violence. https:\/\/ajph.aphapublications.org\/doi\/abs\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"indoctrinating encroachment\" would be more appropriate. You just sound like a nigger using google translate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You are literally one of the most beautiful people I have ever seen in my entire life and I want you to know that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Rahm Emanuel's failure is an ill omen for all Democrats\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"faggot fuck off you limey suckin' kangaroo screwin' nigger lovin' outback homo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"sexual assault\", you mean like rape? Switch the genders and it would have been a very different narrative. Is coercing someone into sex and getting them to think its a good idea the same as smashing their head against a wall, putting a knife against their throat and fucking them against their will? I have no idea the details of what this lady did, but i do believe those two examples are different and perhaps should have different terms applied to them. What do you reckon? Rape involves the penetration of an unconsenting party or a party that's unable to consent, in this case the fourteen year old boy. Your ugly straw man of what you think involves is false. So why didnt she get charged with rape then fuck-o? You know, by the person with the actual judicial power and propper knowledge of legal terms. Yknow, unlike you. Namecalling. Well played.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Which part was made up? I'm not an American, dipshit. Worst.Bait.Ever. 1\/10","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If ya thought OP's post was the most retarded thing ever posted on GAB, a Challenger approaches","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We don't need more elitist in government #trump #maga @USER URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ball dont lie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#science #ecology #health #nature The Problem of the One and the Many in Gun Control URL URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Faggot ass generation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Maybe if these stupid whores would just stop murdering their babies, they wouldn't have to get all bent out of shape when the good guys take control of the government. inb4 nigger babies tho","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER The prison system is so fucked. Why are they still getting away with what is potentially murder with intent if the prisoners die in the hurricane? They did this in Louisiana and like 500 inmates went missing\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why? Don't get it? Must be all the liberals that left California for Texas for jobs. They are trying to make Texas like California . Poor natives","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER The educational system is controlled by liberals and works to enslave the minds of our children. The chains of mental enslavement must be removed in order to save the future of our great nation ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Arraignments set for three of four arrested during open-carry walk http:\/\/www.kentwired.com\/latest_updates\/article_9a23405a-c5ac-11e8-b514-8b07228545ba.html?utm_medium=socialandutm_source=twitterandutm_campaign=user-share via @kentwired","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lesbo pedophile Somebody doesn't know what a pedophile is nor, for that matter, can you have a lesbian pedophile; pedophiles by their very nature are asexual in their attraction. What's wrong with describing a pedophile in such a manner? Like if it was an old man I'd prefer to say old man pedophile. And you would be wrong. Before you smear somebody as a pedophile maybe you should know what a pedophile actually is. Honestly zero fucks. The bitch deserves whatever name I give her. Is that cool with you? Do you catch my drift? No it's really not because it makes no damn sense. Would be like calling her a \"heterosexual racist\" .. like WTF does that have to do with what she did? Nothing. You going to call somebody out at least call them out appropriately. Is she a lesbo? Did she rape a minor? Having a sex with a minor doesn't make one a pedophile and no she didn't rape her. I'm getting some really strong pedophile vibes from you Given you don't seem to know what a pedophile is that doesn't surprise me. I bet you think Trump is a pedophile to. Then what the fuck is a pedophile according to you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"G a y people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I checked. Lots of Nigger girls on this show. So, why did they pair a Nigger male with a White, blue-eyed blonde? This is disgusting racism. Perhaps if they wish to be truthful, they should show the Nigger raping the Blonde, yes?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Speaking of which, has anyone else noticed how weird his comedy bits are? Most of his stories start with something like: \"...So, my girl and I were fighting, and I called her a cunt, and she slapped me in the face!\" Like, most of his jokes are about his wife\/girlfriend beating him up. He even jokes that his mother was beating him as a kid too. And he treats it like a normal casual thing that just happens. Very weird.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER You have to preorder dear she is a preorder bonus in the game","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That might be a minor factor... But that isn't what they are saying... #PeoplesVote","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What a fukin faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bring back stoning. Or just throw his stick off a cliff so he'll hit one big rock.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER This is so creepy. #walkaway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now that We have the Supreme court. faggot\/dyke marriages will soon be a thing of the past. faggot\/dyke adoptions will be made illegal. Gone will be this idea that there is more than 2 genders. We will send these faggots and dykes back into the closet. Yeah I sure hope so. I wish there was a way to repeal Roe V. Wade, except for Niggers o do I. Abortions should alwys be legal for the nigger. We should also sterilize nigger sows.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER i BREATGE in kpop stan u nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Well I just saw this and clicked on Bens link to see who he is and he has me blocked and I've never heard of him before.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"mcConnell has to do this and i think graham and tom cotton are pissed,,, they see what is happening and look how much graham has changed since that cunt mcCain died,,McCain was a problem so is flake and corker i would purge the lot of them europe is in course for civil war we all know it,,,i dont have believe lbc obriens bullshit statistics i believe my own eyes and the demographics,,that cunt hasnt seen what i have because he lives in a secure liberal bubble,,","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I would love more information about joining the dukin donuts division of Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Lordy hope you're wrong bc if BK gets in everything's toast- women's worker's voting gay rights the environment gun control EVERYTHING Trump will get a get out of jail free card treason perjury faithfully executing\" COTUS will be ok! I went thru this once w\/ Nixon NEVER AGAIN!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm the bitch you wish you could be. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Typical of a Hollywood movie to be that stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FUCK GAYS disgusting","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i love triggering people on gab by praising jews and i thought tumblr freaked out when i criticized islam, trannies and praised trump I love trashing anyone who supports Jews by shoving their ass down the shithole where they belong!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" BOYCOTT THE NOTAMERICAN FELON LEAGUE ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER can you pls get rid of holly he is so uneducated of sports. Wheb you have sportscasters who have been throgh the sport and are professional in their presentation he looks like a joke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical Miami fan. Worst game day experience in all of College Football. Virtually no students go, just a bunch of inbred hicks like this cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER and @USER supporting the right to peacefully protest. @USER supporting sensible gun control. Thank you for supporting America!! Ford: We respect the right of NFL players to protest - CNNMoney URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"oH mY gOD DuH nAZIs R toTaLLY dUH SAmE aS mUSLiMS How retarded and historically illiterate are you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She's NOT claiming rape! And FBI does NOT have jurisdiction! The day said they won't do it more than once He's had 6 FBI background checks if there was anything they would've found it Also HOW do you investigate something when complainant doesn't even know WHEN or WHERE? #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I like to see them try. Antifa is listed as domestic terrorism. They should be glad they don't live in the Czech republic.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER He calls him \"Wil because he knew him. Because he is old.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I love how they put the medical expenses part in the story, as if we are supposed to believe it.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And so will \"necrophilia\" but it's still factually incorrect. Why wasn't that the title? Jesus, this subreddit is fucking retarded sometimes. how the fuck is that relevant? I wasn't starting shit. I was saying the title is misleading. And it is. Because she never accused him of rape, which would have been fucking silly for her to accuse him of having done in the middle of an arrest, you daft cunt.' I understand that you only give a shit about your incel reasoning of \"IT'S AFFECTING THE SAME!\" but it's misleading in reading the god damn article as you have to get through it and go \"ah, right. Sexual assault. That makes a whole fucking load more sense.\" > When someone sees \"sexual assault on a headline, they are not thinking about fucking groping, you idiot. People automatically go to rape Only if they're fucking idiots. Whenever it's rape, the papers fucking say rape, because it's an impactful word that sells. So my point is OP is a fucking idiot, and you are too. And however much your statement is true, that doesn't excuse lying for a better title. Or better yet, sharing the article without even bothering to read a fraction of it. Calling it accusations of rape when it wasn't is as bad as the people that you're talking about that react the same to accusations of diddling and accusations of rape. So congrats, you're as fucking retarded as a feminist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He knew the email were released earlier! Just pandering to his ignorant base","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I never said 'do nothing'. The Bible says 'faith without works is dead' -does anyone believe this pagan retard is doing anything other than larping? Other than being a dumb-ass on Gab? ...no way. He isnt helping anyone. Christ was not a jew. These pagans are liars, just like the jews https:\/\/christogenea.org\/podcasts\/exactly-why-jesus-christ-not-jew","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Hey it's great to see the people shaking hands and hugging President Trump while he hands out meals to the people! #FOXNEWS #CNN #THEVIEW #MAGA #ABCNEWS #CBSNEWS","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Do you realize how fucking retarded you sound? In a war of good vs. evil you are going to leave victory or defeat up to a vote? So dumb. So so dumb.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He is probably dying due to dog fumes ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Antifa Zeckenbiss by the way? #Hetzjagd","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pretty sure he's a member of the tribe, and he fucks some old nigger bitch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":".@USER As my elected MP could you please explain why @USER is still promoting ideas that the EU have already rejected? We've 6 months to go and nothing appears to be moving onward. @USER are like the blind leading the blind #brexitshambles #BrexitMeansBrexit URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER That's really insulting because there are a lot of Latinos like me and there are a lot black conservatives who believe in God. We are not crackheads nor are we uneducated. These celebrities are garbage who know only how to read from a script that's all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And yet they call US the sexists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER bitch i know u see the rainbow inna bio ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How many what? How many gay faggot ass nazis like Mr. Hanky RearEnd will I let live with me? Oh, they can come see me. COME SEE ME.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"People need to understand that gay people are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Feminist Governor Covered for Muslim Outreach Aide Accused of Rape \"Donald Trump represents a historic threat to women everywhere.\" https:\/\/www.frontpagemag.com\/fpm\/271645\/feminist-governor-covered-muslim-outreach-aide-daniel-greenfield","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can I say \" Fuck that faggot with a hay rake sideways twice. \"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER And what do you think Ron desantis is going to do for you? He's probably in the back pocket of the NRA!! Good luck getting anything done as far as gun control because that is what we'r seriously need as a country! We need tougher background checks at least!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The truth will finally get out to Congress and the American people! That the Dems are trying to take out a duly elected President. They're running scared. #schiffhead #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You sick fucking nigger lover, Lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Couple dykes want a dog? You know they sell those things at the mall, or a for a few bucks on craigslist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Parents Outraged When Drag Queen Visits School for Career Day https:\/\/activistmommy.com\/parents-outraged-drag-queen-visits-school-career-day\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Former San Antonio mayor and Secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Obama Juli n Castro says he's \"likely\" to run for president in 2020 https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/9XDv Now, Now, be nice","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't agree with the strategies of the boars there. I saw some of them in a civil defense organization talking about how they need to show their survival plans to the public and the south african government. What retarded fucking shit is that? Showing your blue prints to the negros who want to wipe them out. I only see tragic shit going on there. I don't see the logic in allot of what their doing. It just doesn't add up to me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Try looking for plain old democrats. The liberals are the ones which you can't have a conversation with.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Good for you Matt! Common sense. #MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2) The IRS attacked conservatives. The FBI rose up against a Presidential Candidate. Suspicious deaths occurred. The Police were branded social enemies. DACA gave rise to illegal immigrants as voter puppets. The Military was weakened. Iran was funded for Nuclear capabilities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lol I'm sure Paul manipulated people last season and we called them followers cuz they saw the threat and didn't do anything..Kind of what Kaycee and Angeela are doing this season..They both wanna take Tyler all the way knowing how much of a final 2 threat he is..That's following","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The queer community is super welcoming. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"1\/ This NPC meme is the new thing on Gab and everyone loves it, apparently. If you don't know, it's the new practice of showing ppl with \"smiley face\" characteristics (ex, two dots for eyes, rather than actual eyes) to denote how they're all the same and interchangeable. The meme indicates that everyone on the left who mouths their slogans are just like NPCs. actually it is just a decent and thought out retort of the \"Russian Bot\" trope. But you are probably too stupid to understand that. He just admitted he's using the same logic as the left, thus making me right again. Why, so I can be like you?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Ironic then that the women that vouched for Kavanagh aren't vouching for him anymore. Almost like they were originally arranged to vouch for him without knowing his history. Huh. #maga URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If the idea comes from a woman, it must be bullshit. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This bitch cunt is dumb'er than a box of rocks ' !!!!!!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@a is this your idea of \"speech?\" Vulgar name calling? From a speaker of \"Turth?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Seriously, that guy is a far greater misogynist than we are. We, at least, think that if women are *adults*, they don't need to have adult matters explained and re-explained to them like some naive, innocent girl. We propose that an adult woman, with voting rights, a driver's license, an education, and physical and mental maturity doesn't have to have the birds and the bees explained to her by the time she's hanging out with men. If she doesn't know, why is she there? And if she does know, why do we have to treat her like an autistic case, a retarded person, or a person suffering from dementia by assuming she doesn't understand *basic things* adults ought to know? It takes a serious case of sexism to presume that a woman who has had multiple sex partners, knows how to flirt, goes on dates unchaperoned, and knows how to seduce has absolutely *no idea* what a man wants to do when she's alone with him in a private place. Are women really *that stupid* that they can't even understand this? And yet, this is what people like Dameron suggest when they say that women, out of their ignorance and inability to understand sexuality, can't ever be presumed to know what they are doing, and must be constantly reminded of what they are doing, to ensure they don't get hurt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How retarded do you have to be to think that Republicans losing the House would accelerate things faster than Republicans holding both chambers of Congress?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Donald Daters ... be a good goy, date a nigger ... Imagine trying to look for the stock photo. \"Conservative looking mixed race couples\" hahahahahaha. Must have been difficult","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Next time you link to a retard propaganda site, offer some warning. Damn, just went there and now I can't get the funk off of me!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Did I?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck u anti muslims heartless assholes u will go to hell","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT Thomas1774Paine Maxine Waters responds to mailed bombs: I ain't scared' http:\/\/ow.ly\/ywU630mnXv3 https:\/\/twitter.com\/Thomas1774Paine\/status\/1055915741474623489","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Sounds like he joined #Antifa .. Gov. @USER of #WA state recently took anti- #POLICE stance won't sign certificates recognizing top 20 law enforcement officers for #Police #Combat competition excellence #ThinBlueLine #MAGA #KAG #BlueLivesMatter #LawEnforcement #2A @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"suck on sand nigger baby","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would rather die than date a disabled person. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Let's not stand by while disabled people are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"SadOik just another loonyLeft Liar https:\/\/order-order.com\/2018\/10\/04\/sadiqs-top-advisers-over-ruled-gla-officials-to-make-trump-blimp-fly\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's Riot Games. As in \"We will ban everyone who calls other player \"retard\" but won't do anything about actual retards or trolls playing, also we will let our staff wishing players death of cancer as long as it doesn't get public\". Dota is nowhere near as bad as LoL I can't even recall the last time I had someone feed intentionally, and verbal stuff never goes further than a heated shut up retard or something in my experience But then again, I do believe they match people based on behaviour (correct me if i remember wrong) Dota generally has a cancerous base. As in \"how do this retards even function\" type of cancerous.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Holy shit I want to go to a wedding with eight pugs! Are you kidding me? Eight pugs?! That's fucking amazing and nobody can convince me otherwise.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wetbacks just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Must be Republican. Found the offended cuck Odd. I had never heard of this \"cuck or \"cuckolding until useless wastes of flesh from a certain sub began using it as an insult. Since these same scumbags have a history of accusing others of the very things they are guilty of, I think we all know who the \"cuck is. These same \"patriots always defend traitors. Wonder why that is. Fuck outta here, you soyboy cuck. YAY! The \"soyboy cliche! Like yours? You know, The_Dumpster fire? You're an unimaginative racist piece of shit and I hope the PTSD rids us of you. Oh wait, you suggest having a spotter when you choke yourself while using hard drugs to jack off. Well, be a \"man and let the spotter take the night off. Thanks for the rent free space in your head, you hateful piece of shit. Awww, show us where someone better than you hurt your fee-fees. Does someone need to take hard drugs and cry in their safe space? Don't forget to let your spotter take the night off. Nice to see more racist pieces of shit from The_Dotard brigading against one. What's wrong candy ass? You have no logical coherent argument? https:\/\/i.redd.it\/09chl8wiwgw > What's wrong candy ass? You have no logical coherent argument? I do. I just don't use them against subhuman libtards. Bye cuck! You're not even trying now. Shut the fuck up, filthy npc. r\/politics is the place for you. That's where those cucks gather up. Wow. Do you suck your Dad's dick with that mouth? Provided he's still around that is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER So you admit that you are a h1ndu?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"a faggot wearing an inverted pentagram i'm shocked i tell you...SHOCKED.....I find it hysterical that the edgy homo has no clue when \"UTOPIA\" is achieved his kind will be among the first liquidated I'm going to add this to my description of these people... Fairy gay demonic faggot. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are you retarded? Hitler's brown shirts were almost identical to ANTIFA, both being full of young unemployed youth brawling with all of those who disagree with them. Sounds familiar? ANTIFA might as well be called the black shirts. You are literally defending Hitler. You think that people don't understand what Hitler actually stood for. That's you. Those are your words. You wearing a poppy right now? That is the sort of hipocracy that filthy nazi sympathizers would do. Tell me again what Hitler \"actually\" stood for. You nazi faggot. Lots of good men dies to eradicate that filth from the planet. You are scum. That's what I call you.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nothing pisses me off more than selfish cunts who MURDER babies because the cunt refused to take responsibility during sex. Every women who has had an abortion (not from rape, or illness) should have a bullet put in their head.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A beauty technique is an excellent assessment of someone's strength, you strong, independent womyn! \/s I don't even know what she's trying to say. Is she saying she held her boyfriend down and plucked his eyebrows? Or that he's less impressive now that she's fucked with his eyebrows? I can tell you exactly what this is about. It's a form of shit test. She was playing around with him and asked to pluck some eyebrows. Being smitten with her, he agreed. She pulled one or a few, and he pussed out. She emasculated him and now she's advertising it on social media. It's fucked up but she's testing how much of a \"man you are, so you better grit and bear it. That or she works in a salon. [deleted] Did I say it's what relationships are supposed to be about? It's dumb shit immature women do. [deleted] Yeah, she has. Most women do that shit. However it wasn't relevant to what I'm saying and it registered with me that this girl may not even be talking about her man, so I felt compelled to be fair and add the part about the salon. [deleted] I'm dating a grad student and our relationship is fun as hell. Stop taking things so seriously. Your relationship must be dry as fuck. [deleted] It was a joke, chill out holy shit. You wouldn't know a joke if it bit you in the clit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Would the Old Cunt even know it if she was?? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh boy. Toothpaste faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Name a single Chinaman that has ever espoused this opinion in public... Pro-tip: you can't. BTFO Bigots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER haaaaaa cause it never happened so if ye gonna tweet shit make sure it's fact kid ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2010: #Conservatives slash #Housing Associations annual capital funding from 3bn a year to 450m (- 25bn over 10yrs) 2018: #TheresaMay announces groundbreaking\" housing initiative of 2bn for the decade ( 200m a year) #HousingForAll #HousingCrisis #HousingMarket #NHF18 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Truly disgusting. She's experiencing positive reinforcement as well. There's no reason for her to stop. She is a danger to society. She is the exact reason why men should hit back without hesitation or discrimination if a woman hits them first. And some fine gentleman will eventually give her what she deserves.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I don't think he is Damian.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There are so many errors XD","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Soy boy beta cuck, women are just people dont pretend there arent men doing this shit or that every women is the same, fuck outta here with your retarded broad generalizations, atleast write the specific way to test their standarts and some fucking proof ffs","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER What manga you reading?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm explaining the thought process of the image. *I* don't think that. Intellectual disability not retarded","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"he Kavanaugh trial was all about Abortion and Women voters ! We don't want to offend the women voter ! The abortion thing is crazy ! We the fetus develops a heart beat it becomes a real live BABY ! Abortion stops the babies heart from beating ! This is as CRAZY ! Taking your child's life, because you are to lazy to use birth control ! I pray you gave your child a name ! This Kavanaugh trial has many facets of pollical agenda's ! Resisting TRUMP is only one ! The Roe v Wade is another ! Then there is the women's vote ! Not to mention embarrassing the Republican party !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Don't worry fellow #Antifa and #resist member, I have made an excellent plan to stop Russian influence for good. I call it General Plan Ost\". We will invade Russia's western border in three different army groups while cleansing the population all the way to Moscow!\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"wait... some retard actually fucked this pig?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nigger baby","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Gotta love when the uninformed point to Venezuela as though it's the inevitable result of socialism! Socialism? Venezuela!\" Gun control? \"Chicago!\" It's like watching a round of Shitty Jeopardy, where no one knows a damn thing but they try to compete anyway. Logic? \"Trump!\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER it would mean so much of an amazing girl (@USER could have some advice from you. She is finally following her dream of being a photographer and would love some tips. Her photos are amazing already so I know she is gonna be an even more amazing later on ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Man! All I see there are a total waste of human life. They have nothing, just a bunch of old has beens just waiting to die! I mean LOOK AT THEM!! Not a gray cell among them! I can almost see why the Muslims hate white people, THAT RIGHT THERE IS A GOOD STARTING PLACE! If I saw a muzzie taking on one of them, I wouldn't bother to interfere, I would applaud their thinking!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is a Patriot\" according to the Left....\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just a friendly reminder that when forced to increase diversity the NYFD essentially eliminated all IQ related standards... https:\/\/isteve.blogspot.com\/2012\/09\/fdny-passes-la-griffe- why u hatin on bbq waycis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You keep telling this lie. I think you Liberals believe yourselves. Focusing on those who need t most yet you have how many million sitting in the veterans budget with no intention of funding them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT KayaJones The left only cares for the minorities they can control. Sounds like the plantation never ended if you ask me. https:\/\/twitter.com\/KayaJones\/status\/1050631552630063105","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate Donald Trump, but I hate Obama more. People don't realise what a huge cunt of a human being this guy was.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why do people not recognise that female lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER (Basically PSA is spoonfeeding liberals exactly what they want to hear rather than confronting the structural inequities that they in part helped foster\/implement)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Are the Cruz vs. O'Rourke Debates Ever Going to Happen?\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Does YongYea seriously think this is news? Edit: I just don't think stickers in a video game should be the subject of a five minute video.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"6. since he was only six year old he wanted to be the only one ... world champion and now he is forever. at the last seven or eight laps he was crying like ... we were all crying like a girl and he was crying in his radio in his car ! and \" although limited to a review of\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER She is an hypocrite and back stabber like her boss! She applaud this clip. Neighbors help each other when they need help? URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Oh no! Hope you are okay.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This was a joke written by the Stephen Colbert show. Its stupid, she probably should have refused to read it, but its not her actual thoughts. McCaskill is actually more of a moderate. For example, she called the left \"crazy Democrats\".","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Also I think that's Kim Davis (the ~~faggot~~ clerk), and I don't think even Tyrone wants that is it talking about \"faggot\"?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Give him the Oscar!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So sick of being around trans people like you. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The real war is now on_***URGENT***Vote on and send $ to Republicans now Ellen DeGeneres Verified account @TheEllenShow This tweet is for Dr. Ford. You put yourself through so much and I want you to know it wasn't in vain. You started a movement and we'll see it through. If they won't listen to our voices, then they'll listen to our vote.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER \"Cause you are taller than me and I always get excited to see you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Democrats will say he shouldn't be confirmed because of it. Republicans will say she is politically motivated and has no evidence to prove her claim. And a week from now we'll be right back where we were.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Oh, it's not like when I'm talking about say Antifa violence no one ever says to me but what about Charlottesville?\" even though I'm talking about Antifa and not Neo-Nazis.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you ask me, immigrants like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Confirmed for boomer-tier mongoloid Doesn't even understand how gab works Confirmed some fucking asshole playing right into the kikes hands to divide and cause disarray. You're probably a kike yourself. And on that note, Gab video upload is completely non-functioning this evening, which is basically the same as any other evening (or morning, or afternoon). You know, I actually do hope Trump comes to Gab, only to experience the nigger-level ineptitude of how this site is run, and then go on Twitter and rightly mock Torba for being the half-ass grifter that he is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Comeon.. These are absolutely retarded people, and no one takes them too seriously. Lets not delve into such childishness no?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER It still won't protect you at intersections - in fact it makes it worse - you are hidden until it is too late. It makes it much more difficult to make left turns or leave the lane for any reason...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Thanks she is sweet. Very very timid skiddish scared of every sound so this hurricane isn't helping her adjust BUT today she started being playful ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I didn't recognise her without her Antifa bandana.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I have you and Kaze- I need more.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Booker needs to open his uneducated leftard mouth more often in order to convince the rest of us that he indeed is a retard as originally suspected","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER The reaction from some conservatives was swift and appealed directly to male fears and male interests.\"- if men, after 50 years., can come forward about priests' sexual assault ,why can't women,especially if the person accused is going to be SC JUDGE and stay on forever\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can you feel the desperation of these weak Nazis just before the USA midterms? IT IS AS BAD AS THE DEMONRATS. DAMN! No wonder these \"socialists\" (Nazis and demonrats) are the same kind of people both INFECTED by the hive mind virus... :eek: +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect Fuk off 2 Twitter jackass. You talk 2 much bull shit for 1 person. U fuking regurgitate shit, u know fuk all about neo Nazis","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberals would still vote for him. They'll claim his comments were Taken out of context and that he is still a man of integrity.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"O.k. then... Apparently disagreeing with blatant money-grabs in favor of good quality content\/games is toxic masculinity. This is not the argument of anybody at all interested in gaming as a real hobby or culture. It's a fucking sad state of affairs... Unfortunately, given that the mobile game is still probably going to make shitloads of money, he'll probably be able to use that fact in the future that he was actually right about this nonsensical claim. andnbsp; I'm more and more disgusted with the fact that most of AAA gaming is turning into Hollywood You might be a fucking retard, RDR2 is one of, if not the best game ever. If you think horse testicle realism is the pinnacle of what RDR2 has to offer, you're willfully ignorant at best. >You might be a fucking retard, RDR2 is one of, if not the best game ever. _ ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These are literally fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches. LOL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER this avi!!! Who you think you are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This muSLIME faggot made fun of Trump saying he couldn't build the economy or bring in jobs... that no one could. But now takes credit for Trump actually doing the job. So if \"no one could\" do this, how does this asswipe piece of shit think he can take credit for doing nothing for 8 years? Nothing but an arrogant hypocrite and sociopath.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Cantwell You made it on CNN. https:\/\/youtu.be\/My4VshOrBCU","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's ashame that REPUBLICAN PARTY DON'T do anything about gun control after all these people have been killed for no reason it's ashame that REPUBLICAN PARTY DON'T do anything about cop killing the REPUBLICANS are trying to distract AMERICA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is wortless why is she not checked out by secret service she is irresponsible in trying to generate hste to have somone kill thre president","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Tom Marvollo Riddle. Evan will lose his dick if he fucks around he knows it. Cause he is already after a lady\" She nods and looked at Evan. Evan grins at her and stayed silent. He did liked to fuck around but he knew he could not hurt his date\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh man I hope she went to jail and her insurance premium sky rockets. Fucking cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are nothing but common immigrant trash to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you're a dude, and you don't have a disability, get the fuck up and give the 50 year old woman the chair you dbag.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You must be seriously sad to write things like \"gay people deserve to die\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All \"Macedonians\" are just mutant slavs, and have no connection to the ancient Macedonians whatsoever. That country only has its name because the Ottomans just declared that territory \"Macedonia.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":". . . . . . . . . Freak, so are you obese then!? :) LOL!!! On a scale of 10 to 10, how MadOnline are you right now brainlet? One. I AM The One (1). :) LOL!!! +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect It is a good thing that I have you properly focused on Me. :cool: +1 (Neo) So are you the picture of a gay man in the closet? +1 (Neo) I wish I was gay, I would get laid a lot more, try being a conservative man with a fohawk at Starbucks, let me tell you brother it is Slim Pickens Of course you do, so no wonder you are here at Gab just to collect negative points! LOL!!! +1 (Neo) I don't know how this point system works, but if you gave me a plus I'm pretty sure it would be a negative on my overall score, so do your worst chump Well, you don't seem to know much... Newbies like you need to know who to pick their fights with here at Gab... :) LOL!!! Most Gabbers are smart and can immediately smell a damn rat. :tongue: +1 (Neo) #Trump #MAGA #KAG #GabFam #SpeakFreely #WalkAway #InfoWars #JobsNotMobs #RedWave #KanyeEffect #HondurasEffect","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And a new knife","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"would you like a dick pic miss nazi chick? unban this commie from following you. i want to know when you post new bob and vagene pics. Nope. Not for Commies. Ok which is your Nazi account, you are too straight to be a real Communist. sorry to break it to you (miss?? sir??), this commie has no back-up nazi account. now unban him so we can send you some big dick pics, what do you say? wats wrong with being a commie jew? don't you want that high-iq baby inside your nazi womb? Name a jewish invention you can lay eyes on in the next 10 minutes and report back. My nigger neighbors being considered my equal Bonus: I hear them all the time too","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Stop behaving like a whore","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Welcome to GAB! Just watch out for the fairy gay neo-Nazi faggot socialist bitches on here. Don't respond to them - just #INSTAMUTE them by clicking on the ellipsis on any one of their retarded postings and click on MUTE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"GO RAPE ANOTHER CAMEL and GOAT YOU BUNCH OF DUMB ASSED IDIOTS GO READ YOUR #QUEEEERAN YOU BROWN and BLACK FAGGOT SCUZZIES NO WHITE FACES ALLOWED HAHAHA YOU ARE ALL UGLY #RAISINHEADS JUST ASK #ALLHAHAHA AND #MORHAMHEAD THE #PEDO #PROFITEER PIGPISS BE UPON THEM AND YOU #STUPID #MUZZIES http:\/\/redstatewatcher.com\/article.asp?id=140529 Muhammad was a goat fucking pedophile.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"White race explained in this picture #trump #whitepeople #altright #rightwing Follow my page for more cynical views on the white race","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh Bookie the Hookie, well yes he will lie his ass off, doing the jigaboo rapid fire nigger street talk to confuse the people, but on the committee he tries very hard to speak slower than show his true colors.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Creepy Porn Lawyer is just a dumbass https:\/\/youtu.be\/xHAhXp8BwrU Exactly !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We aren't allowed to roast 12 year olds","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's a civil war politically by the Democrats and a physical war with their Brown Shirts Antifa.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The comment section is full of idiots talking about background checks.he's a fucking nigger for fucks sake. No background check needed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Talcum X is so mad about Chad Kelly right now, but he hasn't said a word about the nigger who murdered a college track star last night.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" ahh, so he borrows Moochelle's strap-on in public. makes sense. Moochelle has a real Schlonger... First Black Man with Tiddies forever Tranny DemonCrap","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just in case you're sitting on the fence about this invasion coming our way, think about this. Do you believe 7,000 Hondurans woke up a few days ago and decided now is the time to move to America? Of course not. Common sense tells us this is an event. This was planned. It appears they'll arrive right around election day. Coincidence? Hell no! So who's behind this? Do we really care? I don't think President Trump picked up the phone and called Jose and told him to gather up all his friends and head this way. Outside of Trump making the call, I wouldn't put it past ANYONE else with political ties! So who the hell cares who's responsible. Fact is, this has to be stopped and Trump is the only one I trust to stop it. So, no matter what the media says, no matter what you see on television or the internet, even when they zoom the cameras in on the women and children they're using as props, don't fall off on the wrong side of the fence. After what the Democrats did to Judge Kavanaugh, there is absolutely NOTHING that would surprise me now. These people are evil. Maybe being an asshole isn't a great foreign policy after all.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The utter scorn I feel for immigrants is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We apologize for the delay in response here and wanted to follow up and see if you are still experiencing issues. Our engineers are in the final stages of mitigating impact related to the event. ^MA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#GabFam #Australia Another 80's song from one of the iconic Australian groups. Inxs - Never Tear us Apart https:\/\/youtu.be\/_VU9DjQpvMQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Disgusting!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Companies used to remove execs who are emotionally disturbed. An ED exec can't be trusted to be a leader of people. I guess no longer.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only woman j ever worked with that was worth a damn in the kitchen was a bull dyke lesbian. So basically a dude with lady bits.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Congrats on your bravery","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You know, you shouldn't call Liberals \"retarded.\" Retarded people really hate being equated with Liberals. Can't say I blame them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It was nice of those fags and nigger women to give you permission to walk away, pretty fuckin based of them","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dick said that accusing Sir Craig Mackey of cowardice was \"confused, unpleasant, personalised and ignorant The same nasty dyke calls all white woking class racist and far right . hypothetical left wing traitors https:\/\/news.sky.com\/story\/westminster-attack-police-chief-defends-deputy-who-stayed-in-car-as-officer-was-killed-11524514 Look at the state of that dirty little carpet muncher.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's gonna be really hard for both Collins and Manchin to back down on Kavanaugh after today. With them on board, you don't even need that contemptible Alaska cunt and Beta boy Flake, just Mike Pence to break the tie.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"KILL the god damned nigger scum.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think it's typical of gay people to be that stupid. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">It's an absolute fucking insult to their entire nation. It's an absolute fucking insult that the cunts responsible for some serious dog vomit quality video games are dictating terms to the shiny golden gods that brought us apex quality games like EDF, Senran Kagura, Nier, Bayonetta.... I could go on. It's stupid as shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh the lil pedo deflector is having a lil rant haha half your wee group of retarded edl fanatics are on the sex offenders list, its the only reason they deflect it away to some one else. edl supporters facilitate the abuse of 1000s of kids constantly. yaxlet lennon has been implicated in grooming kids. hes a pedo. like you","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The two lost TX u.s. house seats were lost because those suburban districts are prime \"kill zones\" when a retarded charismatic snake oil salesman like O'Rourke drives out the turnout. If it were actual widespread fraud they would have bagged 5 or 6 house seats.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Which has no bearing at all on how he will vote on abortion and gun control and the President's legal issues.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Proof that conservatives really suck at satire. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL PWND. Sorry but this is gold. Nothing beats wrecking these stupid cunts on their big day.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Racist? RACIST? You retarded Regressive Leftist fags have so over used words like this, they have no meaning. I will say this though, WHITE POWER! Now, be a good little moron and take your meds. There is absofuckinlutely nothing racist about loving your race. Why can everyone else support their race but whites? IM PROUD AS FUCK TO BE WHITE AND FUCK ANYONE WHO THINKS IM RACIST.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's because dorsey is a retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Typical shemalebehaviour. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good fkn lord... ANOTHER Racist fuck on Gab! Hey retard the ONLY thing the Jews did to you were the things YOU were to stupid or LAZY to prevent! Cont...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Like literally this. I feel this is more retarded then you could imagine because I dont see any other country being triggered over people saying guys. In spanish all groups that arent all female are male. The same is true in other languages. All languages that I know of have different endings to words always use male for groups of mix genders. (I may be wrong but I know its for atleast Latin, Spanish, Italian) It doesn't trigger a single person on the left. We all think it's funny as shit so we'll through it back at the subhuman scum that think a sexual predator that barges into the dressing rooms of underage beauty pageant contestants is a good person. Trumpettes prove day after day that they're either too retarded to see what's going on or they are just regurgitating right wing propaganda talking points. You keep getting the same arguments because the arguments are still the same. The trumpette subhuman scum that think Nazis are fine people have zero to actually stand behind. The only thing filthy trumpette scum stand for is the qult of Trump and nothing else.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Is now a good time to talk about mental illness and gun control? Asking for a very concerned friend.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"hollywood is the most bizare sickest and evillest industry","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"RT AMike4761 Australian MP, Pauline Hanson, warns Muslims \"obey our laws or go back where you came from. Australia is being swamped by Muslims\" - Speech Point #ma4t http:\/\/speech-point.blogspot.com\/2017\/10\/australian-mp-pauline-hanson-warns.html https:\/\/youtu.be\/bagSNaw61m4 NZFirst: Winston Peters Answers Islamic Immigration Question at NZ First Campaign Launch Speaking out of both sides of his mouth as usual. Actions speak louder Winston. You given up on BeNaughty Chatrooms? ??? It's not that old Now look whose bullshitting out of both sides of the mouth ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's not Trump's fault that Obama is a touch retarded and it took him 6 yrs to figure out how the address printer works (Trump tweet is from 2012) https:\/\/twitter.com\/Breaking911\/status\/1055532850500562945","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Or literally every major chain under the sun??? Boycott wendys mcdonalds burger king kfc taco bell fuddruckers mission bbq over the border Dude what other restaurants did I name? Maybe Best Buy Walmart Target Grocery store Sheetz Speedway WaWa fuck it all gas stations. How retarded are you? Okay now I know i stuck my dick in retarded cancer This is by far the most unrealistic and dumbest thing ever proposed to me. Mission BBQ is owned by veterans you retarded excuse of sentient life Well, you are clearly too retarded to even read two sentences and comprehend. Did I say to boycott Mission BBQ? Or did I say boycott everything that isn't conservative? Unrealistic and dumb? Then why are a lot of conservatives already doing it... and already making an impact?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Thats correct!!! #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Keep it going. Patriots Friends. Just don't spam don't spam. Send this to all your followers. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Keep me updated with how you're liking it ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Only for conservatives. Liberals elevate the person and make them their Presidential nominee. Only a person like Trump seems immune.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It will all backfire on them. They can't control retarded savage niggers and arabs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What kind of sick cunt purposefully gets pregnant so she can have an abortion? There is no other explanation.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER #QAnon devotees only: The shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school in 2012 was a hoax or false flag to curry favor for gun control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If you are running for re-election on the economy, you're in big trouble. There are 2 things that don't add up in your great economy\" pitch andgt; wage growth and the deficit. In other words, you're screwed. Update your resume. #NovemberIsComing\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Look at antifa..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Glad to see that @AndrewAnglin has bravely resisted the purity spiral, and broken free of the ideological echo chamber of the pro-White movement. In this piece, he courageously puts forth a plan for White survival. Specifically, that Daily Stormer readers should purchase White eggs, fertilize them in a laboratory, and insert the fertilized eggs into the low end Asian whores they've been fucking. Genius. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/shills-continue-to-spout-nonsense-refuse-to-accept-the-scientific-anglin-plan-for-white-racial-survival\/ I'm not lying. I do an open phones radio show where literally anyone can ask me anything. You're a fucking bitch who will never accomplish anything, so you run around tone policing nationalists on Gab. It's nigger tier behavior and you should be ashamed of yourself.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Super Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wat gang is he signing on the \"wall\". Little niggers grow up so fast!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Antifa otherwise known as NAZI Brownshirts\" I never thought of that comparison before, lol. It's ironic that they're the one's that call everyone else a 'nazi' for disagreeing with anything they say, lol.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TL;DR - Wetback driving pisses porchmonkeys off, dindu caps el neeenyo. Thankfully nobody es muerte. http:\/\/www.kake.com\/story\/39315834\/neighbors-help-with-road-rage-shooting-investigation","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@AndrewAnglin @Azzmador Lynched nigger Frankenstein decorations all the rage this Halloween. http:\/\/www.dinduplantation.com\/forum\/showthread.php?17598-Rayciss-crackers-done-lynched-nigger-Frankenstein-for-Halloween!andp=58932#post58932","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Going about it the wrong way","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Very telling that OP feared being shadowbanned I know the admins don't like free speech, but there's no way he'd get banned just for that. It's not even an unpopular opinion, like most posts there. Possibly. But this is reddit. I've been banned for commenting in this sub, by a completely different sub. Was not even anything to do with what I posted - just that I posted it here. Maybe not - but it's hard to say. Eh, I don't think so. But alright.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER What ad hominem. He is paid by the e cigarettes industry. In what universe people tend to be neutral when it gets to their paycheck. Get anything out there and it will be cited. Not everybody knows the truth about people motivations. Welcome to planet earth when money talks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"that furry nigger muted me after like two friggin poasts will u post stuff to him for me? thanks fren q","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER As is UK democracy - supposedly.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's get rid of fast food once and for all. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I still want yo know when you are doing stairway to heaven. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's a good start though, it's prison time and felony charges for life. Cunts like that will think twice now. No more getting away with a slap on the wrist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ark at it. He bangs on about how much he hates pedos. Would you save a Jewish child from a pedophile. Fucking wait for it should be in africa. Faggot can't say yes or no. Pedo","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I made my position clear with the principal...that clearly he is used to dealing with young adults. My son isn't mentally. I would ask they check before sending me that msg again. I think my likeness is a dart board in the staff lounge","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The rest of the world are also talking shit about retarded Americans you stupid fat cunt ZERO FUCKS for the rest of the World ZERO FUCKS for chicks with dicks and dudes with tits (this was my twitter ban statement haha) America First Have you considered mailing some bombs to Hillary Clinton or shooting up a synagogue to bring attention to your unhappiness about women with penises and men with breasts? This seems to be the best method for bringing attention to you deluded psychopaths","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The legend who formed an entire generation Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"HitlerTheShitler\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"REPORT: Google exec has meltdown on Twitter, http:\/\/dmlnews.com\/report-google-exec-meltdown-twitter-blasts-gop-kavanaugh-nomination\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I love how liberals call people names because that's all they have. How does he deserve to be called a dirt ball?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why would you think it's okay to call me a bitch?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The jews pimped him out. he had so much of that pozzed out commie jew cum pumped up his faggot ass it got into his brain and caused his NPC program to malfunction ... obvious #cia plant #FakeBombsInc #mayabomber","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"T.I. posts a video of a Melania Trump lookalike stripteasing for him at the Oval Office.\" I don't know what you guys think but it really seems like rappers and celebrities think they are above everyone nowadays....... https:\/\/theblogroom.com\/t-i-posts-a-video-of-a-melania-trump-lookalike-striptea","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'This Is Why We Can't Have Islam In The West' - Douglas Murray Talks About Threat Of Islam https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=3MpuQeZkl1M I'll say free speech with you is a 100 mile an hour thing. I suppose your over exaggerative use of certain terms is a power thing? It seems too much sometimes which make me exercise my ignore-your- posts right. Do you have other less garish thangs to say? Just mute me, pal. Save yourself another Holocaust. all the while, our children are groomed, and gang raped. YOUR children. Sad ... Very sad tbqh. Britain resist the ZOG We know who the useful idiots are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Does the blind guy even know what the sign says?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you say \"I hate women\", then you are a bigot!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Come on...really? Personally I can do without the smut. I like you but I see this again I will have no choice but to mute you. Please respect my wishes. Thank you :) Crybaby sjw shills Theyre lashing out because","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Accept me for who I am. I understand it's not easy. But neither is loving someone who only tries to correct your flaws that only make you so incredibly unique. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at what this retarded boomer said to me It would be a shame if your caretakers killed you in your sleep Fuck off, you worthless millennial cunt!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I hope that ENTIRE police department gets shut the f*ck down!Obviously you all feel like you're above the law.Obviously you are incapable of holding your OWN accountable for breaking the law.Obviously you undermine everything a police officeranddept are SUPPOSED to be\/do. Shameful!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Tragic. Sad! #PhysigonomyIsReal #Cuckface","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, the twitter troll in question is trying to expose this employee as the one responsible for the tweet (note - with zero proof), because he apparently wrote an article critical of Sarkeesian in 2015 and follows Niche Gamer. Also - it's not just that. IMC has been talking to people. > But the harassment hasn't stopped. I've been informed that employees of the company are facing a barrage of abuse both online and offline over the tweets, some of which is directed towards their families. Remember the kerfuffle when Ethan Ralph went full retard and 'exposed' a random Bioware employee to blame for the ME:A facial animations? Because he's a retard who didn't know that 'animation lead' doesn't mean what he thought it meant.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Marie-Claire Bissonnette, 27, is the beautiful young woman who was round house KICKED by a f*ucking COWARD, ( now unemployed ) 'Hair Stylist' Jordan Hunt .. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/hairstylist-seen-in-video-kicking-pro-life-demonstrator-loses-job-may-face-charges #Toronto Police investigating, she WILL press charges -------------------------------------------------------------- #QAnon #TheGreatAwakening Pray 4 #POTUS < > #Patriots @martris @Millwood16 @KTH @sgc7777 @UKBRIT @ArgentinoAmericano @Candace @NeonRevolt @blogdog @GeeCee @Mbarris01 @ISA-BELLA @MadeinNYC @AnnaSummers @KetzerHexe @HorrorQueen @NannyG123 @Chucked14 @TedHong @Tammy110 @Joybell @wwboom @TruthnotFM @leamorabito @Gypsy124 @AgendaOfEvil @Garycowick @GigiHaines @Saxon888 @spid3r @txpatriot @leeleemunster @Willluc20 @EmbassyCat @Garycowick @blindinglightshines @TEFLON1 @VortexQ @1776Ninja @Maka @RentonMagaUK @Kryptex @RaviCrux @Sockalexis @Snugglebunny @Lexy @StacyF @Sidephase @Johncparnell @Jimfarmer @MountainGirl543 I believe they call it, tossing their salad because sometimes inmates put salad dressing on their anus before hand I coulda gone the rest of my life without learning that... gags Uhmm, ...close.. but, ...not, NOT, willing to hash that out, nope, yuck.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Why can't liberals read?????? READ it AGAIN URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A Jew and a gay Nigger login to twitter with tons of lube and dildos... muhfuggin deray salivates for cuck jack When I found out deray was an actual faggot, after calling him a faggot on twitter when it was ok to do it, I was mad because calling a faggot a faggot isn't fun.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"10) But why? Do they hate us that much?\" Well yes and no. For the Leftists, yes they do. Why? Because they're Leftists, silly! You either get with their program and let them tell you what to do - or they hate you. With the formerly conservative conservatives - no.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER ATTENTION!! @USER is publishing a list for ANTIFA of names of Trump supporters. Some are high profile; MANY are everyday Trump supporters. He has been reported to Twitter, but they have still NOT suspended his account. Check out his account...Lists\".\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Don't hurt yourself pork chop.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A writer who struggles with their own masculinity decides to comment on how a game supposedly runs on a \"masculine framework.\" What a world we live in...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The utter scorn I feel for climate change deniers is hard to to put into words. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He drew the saw because the marker was in his left hand which is connected to his right brain which is connected to his left eye which saw the saw. His right eye which is connected to his left brain saw the hammer. #PSYC1101","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Someone's is asking if Davido wasn't supposed to be in Camp? Oga madam park well!! Davido's business is non of your business. Na u send am go school? Haterz... chop shit n die","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER they aren't....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"'A Nigger by any other name would still rob, rape, murder.' I am a poet!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"general lee and his faggot modern day descendant. https:\/\/twitter.com\/treerespecter\/status\/1051318073976750081?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1051318073976750081andref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fheartiste.wordpress.com%2F","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants can all go fuck themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"These 20 filthy stinking cunts were convicted and jailed today for raping little white girls as young as The families of the backward savages, to 3rd cousin should now be deported. No argument. innocent or not. Perhaps their fucking families may discourage them if they lose their benefits and free homes. Not one more retard infected with islam should ever cross our borders. They contribute nothing and take everything. We,ll drive our own taxis!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Far Left Comedian George Lopez ATTACKS Trump Supporter at Hooters (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/far-left-comedian-george-lopez-attacks-trump-supporter-at-hooters-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Prediction Poll With 2 weeks before the Election, bombs were sent so far to Soros, Obama, Clinton and CNN. Who is behind all of this? Place your bets!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Your DNA already changed to jewish. That is what happens when you are baptized. On a side note, what kind of faggot gives jews the dignity of capitalizing there name?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ryan is an ineffective faggot cuck and everyone laughs at him. Because he has never carried out a single threat he has made.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Liberals wear PU$$Y hats for a reason. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Racist all she is. My god less then 10% of population and cry more then other 90 put together. Trump doing a great job just cause he got white skin ya don't need hate on him over and over and over","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Gun control advocacy is itself contrary to the single most important natural right enshrined and protected by our Constitution. ANY attempt to circumvent freedom is radical. See? Simple (and I didn't even have to invent any nonsense words)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"3-year-old accidentally shoots, wounds brother https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/PgTUQrS.jpg https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/MVBM","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The woman on the right, the pink pussy hat her idea. She's a Jew. Now I think perhaps they secretly represent horns. Cunt hats. How else to say , I don't have to make sense.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lmao, fucking hilarious","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":".@USER come pick your girlfriend. She is shifting permanently URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Of course she did with help from the Bolshevik Christ murdering Jews in congress and senate, also with help from the nigger , spics and Mooslims, all Jew tools","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the kind of move that makes third party devs drop you. >While AAA titles like Grand Theft Auto V and Call of Duty feature endless amount of humans to murder, gratuitous violence seems to be totally fine in the eyes on Sony's corporate decision makers despite the fact that tragedies resulting from gun violence happen on a daily basis. Which doesn't make sense since the woke crowd get pissy about violence too (TLoU2, Tomb Raider, even Detroit: BH etc). And there's the ones claiming games create a violent culture. That's what I'm implying.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck this Muslim cunt. He should stick to raping goats.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yes I was getting kicked off about every 15 minutes I'd make a post and then I was gone. But I kept signing back on !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Twitter allows the town idiot to find all the other town idiots and then band together like a bunch of sticks into the mighty faggot. It likely is empowering to find an army of idiots to agree with you for the first time in your life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER she is idk what's going on","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"fuckin' niggers Ok retard they're Irish Irish niggers... https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=wAh-zHFYgl0","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER I saw that but i dont think thats a tattoo. It looks like that fuckin fashion fabric string or some shit. Idk. Might not me but that ass looks exactly like hers ha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Now that the facts prove Kavanaugh innocent, \"Milkdud\" Booker says it doesn't matter if he is innocent or guilty. He still should not be confirmed because...because...because I don't want him to be, that's why. The scam failed and so now it is on to \"what difference does it make\" and childish desperation.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I love that sign. \"Fuck your borders\" coming from the same cunt that probably thinks a man looking at her constitutes rape. \"OMG you're in my personal space!\" I say \"Fuck your hypocrisy.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How is this posted again? Not even a pussy pass being denied. If she were a man, she would've been turned away too. This is a dumbass pass being denied Because the little douchebags calling her a whore and bitch upvote anything anti women. This is the biggest flaw of this sub. It becomes a duck this person because they're [blank] group. Same problem happens in r\/holdmyfries","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Always been impressed with how professional and non aggressive british cops are yet they still get the job done hats off American police need to take notes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Too many whores in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"....Okay, who's the faggot with the beard? Not a joke, I legit do not know who this beardy is. That's faggot-ass Jack Dorsey - Only the CEO of Twitter.. he's the one running all the censorship on conservatives- he collects everyone's dick-pics.. @jack is a #TurdPusher He hates America .... I see I was entirely right to class him as \"faggot.\", he is a colossal douche-stain.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Elizabeth Warren's DNA match is to Latin Americans, not Native Americans https:\/\/washex.am\/2NIGgh2","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Libs candidate deserves to win in a Landslide, as the Former Cunt has shown his colours of evil son of ALP whore, he should join the ALP commies ungrateful sob, coal power stations you evil cunt that is what got you OUT twice you creepy Bastard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"nigger tush up. erupting gush","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Philistine Hammond is a treacherous cunt like his boss.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey but it's ok for jews to make fun and belittle whites as if they were retarded inbred hicks. They basically do it all the time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"-found out there's more gun control you can't do mass murder in schools or theatres on Oct 21 has anyone done this joke yet","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Got all of u- please follow back ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Only trans people are that violent and cruel. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"such a dirty slut, show us ur tits skank if u were attractive u wouldnt be afraid to show ur tits to gabbers, do it and hot men like myself will believe ur words and listen to u. I promise 1k likes minimum Hot men? How adorable you think ghetto nigger makes a hot man lmao! I've already been through your account Mr I am a nigger. You do realize I'm only engaging with you to laugh at you right? But then again the actual definition of nigger means an ignorant person so I don't expect you to understand it lmao I realize everything, but are a whore for showing ur fat cleavage online. so might as well act one u pig But ARE a whore lmao! Did mommy leave you with cps when she ran off with that white man? Awe! Guess you don't get the best schooling in cps care huh? Awe","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#workjams @USER because she is #everything #buyit URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wow, she got annihilated. I felt bad for her, then I remembered what a cunt she was","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/big-hollywood\/2018\/10\/04\/bette-midler-women-raped-enslaved-most-disrespected-creatures\/ Whoa, is it just me or does this article tell me that Bette Midler hates niggers? Lmao. Oops. P.S. Hey ginger cunt, don't even compare me to a nigger again. Time to exterminate Hollywood. Midler is a nigger loving jew.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Justin the long-haired mac daddy Trudeau gave 10 million dollars to a terrorist who killed two soldiers. Justin Trudeau loves to protect murderers!\" ~ Arana Nation","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't know why, but it's strange\/funny to that you typed \"N-word\" instead of nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another lunatic Jew hater. Notice how in 10 years you will see them mention no more than 5 names (and Barbara Spectre is almost certain to be one of those 5 names). Just antiSemitism for the sake of antiSemitism, right Shlomo? We just woke up one morning and decided to become antiSemites for no reason? We're just \"racists with nothing better to do? Go ahead, apply some of that classic Jewish wordplay to talk your way out of it... Nope. You're just retarded cowards. Here you are bravely fighting your retarded fight using pseudonyms in a cyber-ghetto. Then you wonder why you have been losing for 60 years. And then you look for some uber-powerful bogeyman to relieve you of the shame of your own cowardice and ineptitude. You Jews are only intellectually equipped to engage sub-90 iQ Gentiles in any kind of discourse. Any time a Gentile is hip to what's really going on, you don't have a leg to stand on. All you've got is obfuscation, deflection, and lies. It's fun to watch you kvetch as you try to point at my account to invalidate any of the claims I'm making though. Keep squirming!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"thats RETARDED What wars have Trump Started? NONE He cleaned up NWO Wars ONLY","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Black people should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER MEGUMI IM SORRY I ASKED TO SEE YOUR TITS","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are just a faggot to me. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bull Dyke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I hope he is found #! Best wishes to you and your family!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Vagina nigger fatigue https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6320093\/Megyn-Kellys-former-Fox-worker-puts-boot-attacks-NBC-hiring-race-issues.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Glad you can admit to being an autistic retard that wants to suck cock. Now fuck off fag.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He ran and hid after posting an ad about illegal border crossers. As soon as CBC started their shouting racist. It's not racist and instead of standing up for what he believes he bailed. The conservatives shouldn't have picked him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just another random nigger mug shot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And honestly it's ridiculous.. you are grocery shopping there is no need to be like That","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He is such a pathetic coward kike or on kike payroll. Defending global jihad. Good thing is, I have saved the post, so he can't deny like first time he was gloating about spilling Christian Serb blood. Who is this? A muzzie bragging bout killing whites?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" The GOP is spinning up a narrative about \"mob violence\" to scare their voters into turning out for the midterms. They haven't done anything about the mob in two years except use it as fodder in their campaign ads Politicians are reactionary. They don't do anything on their own. They are responding to what their voters have been bitching at them about. Proactive politicians do not exist. What will that translate into policywise? Is the GOP going to be \"tough\" on the mob? Please note their current policy agenda includes \"prison reform\" which is the exact opposite of their messaging. It is strongly supported by the Koch brothers Not if people like Hunter Wallace talk everyone who cares about using the GOP against the anti-white mob into removing themselves from electoral politics. The problem with using the shortcomings of a political party as a means by which to scare people away from the process that determines its leadership and platform is that it results in the very shortcomings that one is criticizing. If you want to meet your fate on the road you took to avoid it, abstain from electoral politics. As the agorists in the libertarian and anarcho-capitalist communities have demonstrated, abstinence is a great way to accomplish nothing while staying entirely irrelevant. Let's be clear about the results of supporting the GOP two years ago: Being prosecuted by Trump's DOJ, unanimously condemned by the GOP Congress, Antifa free to engage in serial violence every weekend, unprecedented social media censorship, historic monuments destroyed all over the country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lena Dunham Says Daniel Tosh Is The Most Misogynist Person In All Of Hollywood https:\/\/i.imgtc.com\/SAbtOqE.jpg https:\/\/t.co\/ozrJndrnyv","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Logics retarded cousin","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wetback vs wetback! Cousin vs cousin! What will go down tomorrow on my YouTube live stream when we discuss the Trump wall. I am FOR the wall and Emilio of Front and Center Podcast is AGAINST the wall! Tune in tomorrow at around","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER No just imagining if we found a picture of Bret holding a woman like this. Liberals will go insane","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"When one (white) man questions why he is being forced to go around, a female nigger responds \"because I told you to'. BECAUSE I TOLD YOU TO? time to send the shock troops to Portland Oregon. RAHOWA. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6255493\/Portland-residents-fury-mayor-clashes-protest-police-shooting.html","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER These are sick ass people URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The fact that she is disrespectful and blatantly rude has nothing to do with her situation ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Thank You @USER We Need to #BuildTheWall to Keep Them Out But Mandatory E-Verify Will Get them Out ! #RedNationRising #Trump #MAGA #SendThemHome URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lets give the RACIST JEWS the good Orwellian inversion that these despicable pieces of shit play on all of us! What is your definition of a Jew? Why don't you tell us how you really feel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER ... those are conservative values? Last time I checked those were more descriptive of liberals than conservatives","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"I'm not tired of winning .....Victory! Brett #Kavanaugh is exactly the right person, at the right time to serve on the Supreme Court. A conservative jurist. A good man with the background and experience worthy of this high honor.\" ~ @LindseyGrahamSC https:\/\/twitter.com\/LindseyGrahamSC\/status\/1048664621727600646 Now that #NoName is gone... Freedom feels good doesn't it, Lindsey?! Israel loves Trump more than any other country. Shekels are not abandoning the GOP anytime soon. https:\/\/www.timesofisrael.com\/israel-among-few-countries-that-like-trump-more-than-obama-poll-finds\/ The Jews have power no matter which party is in control. https:\/\/www.clevelandjewishnews.com\/news\/national_news\/trump-signs-law-expanding-hate-crime-protections-to-religious-institutions\/article_e80b1a02-d700-5fcd-a992-1f01476e","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"god it makes me ill people cheering for her . my fucking god people are fucking stupid, that heinous cunt should be publicly stoned to death","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She says: \"If you breastfeed your sons, you are training them to be rapists when they grow up. You're basically teaching them that they can touch a woman's body whenever they want. If you oppose rape, stop breastfeeding boys!\" Her profile says: \"Scholar. Activist. The first openly LGBTQIA+ Muslim Imam(ah), fighting for intersectional feminist social justice.\" I said: **speechless** Jesusfuckinchristonagodamnfuckincrutch that is one confused cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You don't have to be white to be pretty. Most of the NPCs are white and ugly. Race is an idiotic distraction. We need to defend all conservatives against liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER They still making bread","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER dude she is a babe! that dress wowowowowow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I hope you didn't just invite Antifa. Good luck and be safe.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We must never condone the killing of any trans person","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I want the address of Christine Ballsey Fraud so we can reciprocate!! Look at this pussy faggot and weep for America. That faggot needs a little football!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wait until they light it up with faggot symbolism. They will too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And stop trying to be edgy faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Idk what to think about her...but with her eyes like they r...she is naturally bugging out all the time...which is untrustworthy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh boy! another Nigger loving Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"http:\/\/www.atimes.com\/article\/eu-finally-stands-up-to-us-bullying-over-iran-sanctions\/ It should be re-branded as the #IU Considering the #Muslims have full control over the EU its no longer the European Union its the Islamic Union AKA The Caliphate! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Noose-dodging homicidal nigger finally caught after almost two decades. http:\/\/amp.fox5atlanta.com\/news\/suspect-in-2001-murder-taken-into-custody","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Baaaaa baaaaa...that's the American sheeple who prove Roger Goodell right: The #NFL CAN do whatever it wants and you'll take it because you'll NEVER give up the NFL. Baaaaa baaaaa. URL @USER #QAnon #MAGA #WWG1WGA #FreeAlexJones","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol bet he hasnt flown outta the US ask him where africa is on the map dumb fuck You do not like it here. think you be better in Africa, have at it. Delta is ready when you are. I hope you mean cargo planes. :) And that is a very noble thought. I would not be so nice, I have to admit. Just do it. Africa is in dire need of all of these doctors, and neuro-surgeons! Talent such as this must be shared by all of Africa!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I give God thanks for this beautiful day.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Judaism has nothing to do with ethnicity or nationality. It is simply a religion, only.... that's all. Now go fuck yourself fuckface Yet a Jew can be a christian or buddist, and an asian can follow Judaism..... Interesting how that blows your whole statement right out of the water Even before that, it was plain as day obvious that religion doesn't exist absent the human meat suits through which it is transmitted. The idea that religious groups could breed only within their in-group for centuries without biology emerging as a component of their group identity is foundationally fucking ridiculous. I never said Jews are just a religion i said JUDAISM is just a religion. You buncha moronic idiots just don't seem to understand that Judaism is not synonymous with Jews. ANY race or person on planet earth can CHOOSE to follow Judaism...but that DOES NOT MAKE THEM A \"JEW\" JEW is short for \"JEWISH\".... Not \"Judaism\" What a bunch of complete imbecilic dumbasses Judaism is synonymous with Jews. People who embrace Judaism want to die for Jews. Yes, anyone can become a good goy, the fact is, Judaism (just like communism) is a product of ethnic Jews. They are completely and utterly related. Judaism is a RELIGION, not a NATIONALITY nor Ethnic Group","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I'll bet you mock disabled people too. Funny how the MAGA crowd likes to pick on the weak and support the powerful. Like bullies. Wonder who your role model is?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Can we all agree that Tomlins seat is heating up? I'm tired of hearing hes safe over his regular season record. He is wasting championship opportunities and the shenanigans are getting old","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER So what is the problem you are trying to advise of? Can't quite understand what you are trying to say !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If he doesnt want to face the responsibility for his actions then he is in the wrong job. That is without taking into account him being a bit shit... #AVFC #BRUCEOUT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Microchip Seems he is calling you out here is his message : Screen shot this... I will beat him silly if he wants to square up legally lol Hahahaha Shill What a fucking plantation nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Totally fair. But the times it's happened to Serena in very important grand slam matches at the same slam. I get why shed be emotional. We're not in her shoes. Every match she is expected to win and it's clear she's not handling her nerves well anymore in these matches.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Predictably, all forms of retarded anti-Spencer rumour are being embraced by DS Jew Crew stooges such as the clown now known as 'GOP Lemming' (v. appropriate). When the Jew Crew tries to organically generate content, they aren't sending their best. http:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=4ym0-twHs_gandt=9m15s","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Allowing any more trans people into government will ruin our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @gbcarr24: School District Denies Claim Kindergartner Was Assaulted By Gender Fluid' Boy In Girls' Bathroom https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/WtW2 via @dailycaller","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslim lives might not be worth shit to you, but luckily your opinion doesn't count. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We are going to put an end to all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"EVERYTHING You NEED to Know about Comey and his History, by \/pol\/ Anon -> HSBC? https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/The_ Donald\/comments\/6ggy2l\/ everything_you_need_to_know_ about_comey_and_his\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's how it's done. Fuck, Sweden is a shithole country... but atleast we have free healthcare and free education mr i know everything about sweden when i have never set my foot there \"Free\" healthcare. You thick cunt. Your \"free\" healthcare penalises hardworking tax payers who look after themselves and encourages poor health choices like smoking and over eating especially among the least productive members of society. Did I mention you're a thick cunt? [deleted] Only Americans eat burgers? That's a new one You contain much hate","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Then I'm as crazy as you are cause I believe the same outcome will happen this Sunday 49ers 27 KC 17 Niners baby ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER That nutbar hasn't blocked you Todd? She blocked me and gave no clue who she is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why is it that trans people are all complete assholes?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Too many faggots in this country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What are you 15 years old you fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We need to abandon activist bloggers masquerading as 'journalists', as they are actively ruining the entire profession of journalism by trying to \"educate\" us. You're not a writer, you're a bitter cunt who will never achieve anything REMOTELY close to Lovecraft or anybody else for that matter, Sam.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What is the deal lately with entertainment companies allowing their staff to antagonize and shit on their potential core customer base? It's simply not a money-making endeavor, so professionalism isn't a concern. This is all about pushing ideological propaganda. > not a money-making endeavor It turns out that little of what Netflix does is a sustainable business model. As much as Hollyweird deserves our scorn, their business models are based on over a century of hard learned failure and success. Netflix represents what happens when a bunch of Sand Hill and Wall Street MBAs imagine they've figured out a better way that no one's ever thought of before (which of course involves selling a metric fuckton of debt to the street with little hope of face value redemption, but hey, it's all for a good cause, right...)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I can't imagine a leftist nigger being elected in Florida. With all the commie Cubans and Mexicans there, it's definitely possible.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants should get the fuck out of our country. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Every \"man in this story is an abject faggot, and the dykes are one bad day away from being suicidal cat ladies. I'm glad they won't have children.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I've been so pissed off lately. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Seeing black people in this place makes me so angry. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thanks. So the large corporates are going to have to take it on the nose\"? Reason for asking is that they: 1\/ Employ a few people in UK, who might not want to see their emplyers leave, and 2\/ Represent part of many peoples pensions @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Fair point but i didnt make the meme and couldnt take the big gov sucks off of it. And besudes meddling in many counties politics and economics. He funds antifa black lives matter to try and divide we the people to try and tear the country apart URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Thank you for your fortitude and perseverance. Please give McConnell a kick in the butt from some of us conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Researchers found that marijuana affected cognitive health more than alcohol and that those negative effects endured even after teens stopped using pot. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/Pxp7 That explains obama's choices","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Does Pendejo mean Nigger in some language?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How far we have come.. SMH Forget that.. More like how low can we go Democrats? So low in fact rock bottom now has a basement.. Mossad w CIA Killed JFK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"4). How much is American tax payers contributing to Trump's corporation by his golfing every weekend at his course-the one who wasn't going to golf!! 5). Why is the NRA stopping any gun control which will cost how many student lives this year? This is the sad reality of congress!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hey #MAGA How's all that newfound wealth treatin' ya? DT really has his finger on the pulse of America!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's easier for Pod to believe both sides are terrible. Then he doesn't have to honestly look at the conservatives.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Woah there! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"MyMomDoesAnal\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* OP's post sucks. Your salt over it means I still get a laugh.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh, I understand the philosophy behind it and I agree with many points. But most commentthreads are just retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why One Jewish Man Refuses to Date Jewish Women | The Oprah Winfrey Show | Oprah Winfrey Network https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jN7rLHL6X_I Jew man hates Jewish women!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What about the people like me that think it's a fucking joke played on gullible fools? I can just carry on with my life. QED. That's how reality works, something that you seem to have left far behind. So Q all the Q you want and be as retarded as you need to be to feel good about yourself. No bother to \"prove\" Q or Bigfoot or Space Aliens or any other fools errand.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She's worse than that. Not only is she a porn star and a prostitute, she is a porn producer. She cons chicks into taking nigger dick in the ass, while high on coke, for all the world to see. She isn't happy destroying her own life. She wants to help fuck up other's lives as well.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Also did anyone else notice he's reffered to as \" Alleged \" victim ? I'm betting she will turn into the actual victim before it's all said and done. and#x200B; EDIT: I just looked at her twitter feed, she is still claiming she is the victim, with video evidence that proves against it. For example: \"**As long as every law school\/ firm I apply to can see that I was defending myself since the police never will .**\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate women. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A inten o deles n o enganar o povo,mas sim armar uma situa o na qual os institutos d pesquisas possam dizer q \"o Retard est crescendo com esta t tica\",p assim,poder \"ganhar\" nas urnas d forma n o ficar t o descarado a fraude... https:\/\/youtu.be\/AdvdqMe7AiE?t=152","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Both sides are ANTIFA...KKK... Gotta stop","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So we see a white babies foot to represent sand nigger Moslems, the dirty fucked up cult of ISLAM needs wiping from the face of the Earth!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"HOW can anyone with a mind vote for HER .. https:\/\/youtu.be\/Qy0CPmK4ze4?t=1 DON't get me started on REP. HANK JOHNSON ..Google GUAM TIPPING OVER HANK JOHNSON ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Migrant cuts throat of Swedish student and stabs him 13 times - brags to friends about it https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/migrant-cuts-throat-of-swedish-student-and-stabs-him-13-times-brags-to-friends-about-it\/#.W7ejIFBe0_","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER She is stunning!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You could always say that trans people are perpetuating gender norms by getting any operations while transitioning, and that their sense of idenitity as the other gender is perpetuating horribly gendered ideologies because they want surgeries...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Nice pic","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Liberal Dictionary: -Illegal Immigrants: Dreamers -Trump Supporters: Deplorables -MS-13 Killers: Human Beings -Human Beings in the Womb: Not Human Beings -Antifa: Protestors -Law Abiding NRA Membbbqers: Terrorists -Bill Clinton: Feminist -Brett Kavanaugh: Predator","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If I had to meet one of the apostles I would fuck them for not killing him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Dr. Peter Klein On Silicon Valley Socialism https:\/\/mises.org\/library\/dr-peter-klein-silicon-valley-socialism #SiliconValley #DSA #Socialism #AnCap #tech Start using #AltTech; -Bitchute -WrongThink -Infogalactic -Idka -Oneway -Gab -BtcPayServer Don't you have your own social network to post on?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I have a question Julia...as you look around your MAN MADE home,with MAN MADE PLUMBING and then as you look out into the MAN MADE STREET from your MAN MADE WINDOWS...at all that MAN has Invented and Created...how do you with a CUNT feel EQUAL? Cock Sucking?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is a beautiful thang.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER NESN thinks he is the favorite for the cy young. Nope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Where is Joseph #Mifsud? Dems don't want to find him. He is the key.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Oh that's racist. Big Lips\/Big Butt\/Big Nose. That doesn't even look like her. Also she is about 100 pounds to big. It also creates the image of the typical black woman with attitude. IT'S SO RACIST. URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I know guys are getting beat up by the feminists right now. I don't blame them for being sick and tired of it. BUT NOT ALL WOMEN ARE LIKE THIS! We just don't have a public voice. So the only thing they hear are the fat ass, pussy hat Lesbos. Alpha women are not scared of alpha males they are scared of of weak beta females,, men want strong women not a weak beta cuck liberal twat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Becoming a woman?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"One Mentally Retarded Muslim Paedophile Rapist Murdering Goat Shagging Camel Piss Drinking Shit Stain Down Voted This Post","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ANGRY DEMOCRAT MOB Assaults Journalist at Andrew Gillum Rally #JobsNotMobs (VIDEO) https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/angry-democrat-mob-assaults-gay-journalist-at-andrew-gillum-rally-jobsnotmobs-video\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's wonderful he won't be able to carry his mentally retarded genes into the next generation. Kudos trannies! Keep chopping yer dicks and balls off! Trans YouTuber Says It's UNFAIR He Can't Have BABIES https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=kuzFaunb4UM","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is adorable ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Murderedbywords - \"I disagree with what you've alleged and here is data refuting your claim\" PPD - \"Why do you keep shitting out kids if you're such an insufferable cunt?\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If someone claims the US is a Christian nation you are dealing with a retard. The distinctive aspect of the US relative to England and the rest of Europe at the time is that it was a legally secular republic that definitively disestablished the church from day one. That is what utter retards use to argue the US is Christian. Constitution cuts the legs out from under the church for all time, but 'year of our lord' boilerplate means DERP DERP WE LUV JESUS Don't be such a fucking retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER And I'm sure she's for common sense gun control\" as long as she has gun toting bodyguards.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The only line I can think of is if he supported gun control, and even then it'd probably have to be a big gun control thing and not just a maybe do more background checks\" proposal. But he'd never do that.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What is an NPC...? https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/what-is-an-npc\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And you think that the US doesn't have a gun control problem....?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER And she is getting death threats Who owns comprised Graham?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't believe the \"he got into fights\" part. Yeah, maybe with a cat, but Ubama has never had a man's fist meet his nose. EVER! Fuggin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You have to stop calling black people disgusting. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What a fucking cunt, who the fuck does she think is.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @ScottMGreer: Big news: the Puritans arrived 400 years ago to a giant Walmart that accepted EBT https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/f9GK","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER #Deplorables are resolved to #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"who in their right mind would live in that faggot and immigrant infested city...???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is an abolute INSULT to the memory of Diana Princess of Wales! https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-6319667\/Meghan-Markle-given-nickname-Di-2-members-royal-household.html Diana was an virginal English ARISTOCRAT when she married in Meghan is a cheap twice divorced actress from a trailer trash disfunctional family!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Jesse Lee - David Pakman you're a Jew\" by @rassenkriege https:\/\/gab.ai\/tv\/watch\/38211 John 8:44 - (((jews))) belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who are all these secretive people giving news stories to Cunt News? Always some anonymous source! Trump doesn't have to apologize for saying nothing, those weasels are just lucky the \"bombs\" never actually exploded!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh look it's the civnat squad. Haven't seen y'all around for a while. I suppose it's no coincidence that you're back just as there's been an influx of porn spamming and other JIDF kikery. >porn spamming OOF. Talk about delusions. I've been back for almost two months you mong. lol Well I guess you just sequestered yourself to your little andrew anglin fanclub safe space cuz you ain't resonating with anybody who matters or doing anything to build bridges with the normies like you always claim you wanted to but never actually did unlike us who'ce accomplished more while y'all been gone than you ever could have hoped to. We have people going into their local GOP and taking over little by little from the boomers. Meanwhile, you fags do nothing but sit around LARP about revolutions and ethnostates or blackpilling. Also, protect us? from whom? lol I very much doubt that you know anyone personally who's done this and are just speculating but I'll indulge you anyway. What's your specific goal in subverting the GOP, as in, what has to happen for you to claim victory? When do you expect this to happen? and where are you in achieving this goal? It would be better to infiltrate the democratic socialists and plant listening devices amongst other things. @SiegeReaderson I think that in areas that are solid blue, infiltrating the DSA could definitely have it's value if you know what you're doing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"NFL Ratings Down as Viewers Tune Out Politically-Charged Entertainment'' After watching the NFL for over 58 years, I watch in NO LONGER! And it appears MANY others agree with me----TODAY'S NFL SUCKS !!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Inbred whiggers are best when yapping on the Internuts. Mattoid Parrott did nothing good advancing a mamzerkike ZOGbot tard like Mattoid Chaimbach. Mattoid Parrot's reward for such stupidity was to make its stupidity made manifest to all via Trailer-park-Gate where he was revelaed as Biggest Whigger Cuck of the Year.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I thought the whole world knew Liberals would never answer factual questions. If they adhered to Truth they'd never will another election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"To tag onto this, we had a previous thread looking at some even earlier preliminary results by the same researcher: https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/9om34v\/drama_imc_chuck_wendig_was_fired_because_he\/e7v0tra\/?context=10000 The researcher took a look at that summary and said that it was basically correct: https:\/\/twitter.com\/bethany_lacina\/status\/1052289455384653824 As followup, she says that an account like mine would not count as \"anonymous\". We should be imagining egg accounts and throwaways for that category, I guess. Morten Bay, another person who has used Twitter as a study tool, also says that Botometer is basically the gold standard for research purposes, so I'm not sure what Volleyball was thinking of when he said \"utter fuckton of false positives too\". Perhaps he is referring to Randi Harper's ggautoblocker, which really just blocked anyone who followed two or more \"GG leaders\"? That one later got used by sweden's gov or some retarded shit, really that weird of a confusion.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Snowflakes are liberals","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ya never know what's gonna set the lil faggot bastards off..lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">\"less capable students who secured their membership apart from academic merit Literally affirmative action. People applaud this kind of injustice and think it's morally right. [deleted] [deleted] Damn...what if I pull my eyelids wide\/small and go: *slanted eye down* chinese! *pulls eyes up* Japanese! Dirty knees Mooney prease! Thats still not racist in asia..sheet When propaganda from WWII showed Superman beating the shit out of a Japanese caricature with buck teeth and said: \"Buy war bonds to slap the Japs!\", and that sort of imagery was commonplace as we had Japanese citizens shuttled off to internment camps that were only a few degrees shy of what the Nazis were shutting their undesirables in...then yeah I think it's pretty racist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Someone here on Gab--can't remember who--told me that Trump very deliberately punctured John McCain's legend, leaving McCain powerless to stop the Republicans from reinventing their party and making it what it should always have been. Lindsey Graham admitted as much. He told Atlantic Editor-in-Chief Jeffrey Goldberg, \"When they write the history of the Senate, John will be in the first paragraph.\" To me, the past is the past. McCain is dead. He is an ex-senator. All I care about is the present and the future. Both Graham and Susan Collins are SHINING. That tells me that McCain was far more malevolent than we knew. I have no doubt that he used whatever means necessary to keep the Republicans from actually helping us. Bitter, angry, hate-filled people must always inflict suffering. Always. Trump demolished McCain, and then McCain died. And now we see our senators being the people we'd always hoped they would be. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vc5FBtfW7Lk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He and Obama... Can't stand em.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"People need to understand that immigrants are not a threat to civilisation. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"In before \"It's Soros who's totally not a Jew but is actually an evil Nazi DDD\" I usually never question the authenticity of videos on the internet but would the jews srsly put their jew star on the spic trucks? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Police punch 14 year old girl on the ground twice in #CoralSprings, #Florida https:\/\/youtu.be\/4-FjyJsWvFY","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Cuts to policing over the last 10 years under the Conservatives which the police warned would be detrimental is an important factor. A lack of youth centres and play schemes is another factor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I watched some crime show all about this leprous nigger destroying postville","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"There is nothing worse than a warm beer. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FAGGOT FAGGOT FAGGOT! It's good to be home. Twitter is dead!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER He gets confirmed. Conservatives don't care that he's a rapist. At all.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Another person that should be blocked is @ CamilleKruger42. This person isn't vulgar but has some sort of agenda where heshe is copy and pasting every one of Ed's tweets and passing them off as their own. EVERY SINGLE TWEET. It's sick and creepy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"cocksucker brown noser james woods is back on twitter, but i am not??????????????????????????????????? go fuck yourself you retard 67984","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WTF? Did this cunt actually say that???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Retard and nigger now back to twatter.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All Muslims like them are amazing. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am a man. I have been sexually assaulted. I was sexually assaulted at 17 by 4 people i thought were my friends. It took me 3 years to even casually mention it in passing to my dad. I was made fun of for it the next day by a friend of mine who participated and went to school with me. I was emberassed to be powerless about something like that. I am not ashamed to talk about it anymore. And im also not afraid to call the person in this post a fucking idiot. There are people who say they were raped for attention. And while few and far between its still more often then it should be. And it makes my experiences as a person seem invalid. So fuck you ya cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hillary is on the Daily Caller rejecting a call to civility. Feinstein is a fucking traitorous cunt clearly. At what point do you start arresting these fucking traitors? America can do this FAR more easily than Australia.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Does anyone proof read these articles before you post them? The article states 'the victim is in hospital in a critical condition where she remains'. Probably best she does as the headline tells us that she is dead!!! Sack the 12yo work experience kid who put this together.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Suspect goes on wild attack on white man in Bronx pizzeria: Look at this f***ing white guy!' https:\/\/shar.es\/a1Erp8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Man who posed with French President and was 'inspired' arrested within days https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/man-who-posed-with-french-president-and-was-inspired-arrested-within-days\/#.W8eFu2DT_Wg.twitter","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#DownwiththeDemocrats!!! #DemocratsHateAmerica #DemocratsAreDangerous #VoteDemsOut #VoteRedToSaveAmerica from the Loco Liberals and TDS Let All True #Conservatives and ALL who chose to #WalkAway prove that #LiberalismIsAMentalDisorder and needs to squashed like a Bug!!! #VoteRed2018 URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's clear that Trump is President and hillary still can't accept that. Too bad 'ause he's there for 6 more years. #MAGA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Serena was outplayed and acted like a spoiled brat. She is not above the rules","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He will get what he deserves ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry U dont say stupid shit on my posts! Thanks Bob :-) That doesn't sound very free speechy. I am not for free speech. Once my side wins the other side will be quiet Yea but Gab claims to be for free speech. Giving people the power to delete other people's comments would be the opposite of what their trying to do. Once you have enough of someone its easy to ignore them","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"McConnell needs to strip Murkowski of all her committee assignments and put her on the spay and neuter committee ! She needs to go and all the men in Alaska need to get rid of her, cunt !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Easy to say unless you live in a nigger run shithole like Baltimore","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Many thinking Conservatives know Brexit will be a disaster and will not quietly follow you over a cliff. You have not secured a deal and it is looking unlikely without major concessions. No deal not an option. May might have to go for referendum or Gen Election. So don't talk to soon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Soros is a Jew. He has Jewish heritage. He openly talks about his Jewishness and says it is the primary motivation for his philanthropic work. He isn't a Nazi. That's retarded, and you're retarded for thinking it.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I want to kill all immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Everything is on the table after Hissrich flat out lied about not woke casting. Nothing she says can be trusted. > Don't get me wrong, there is a bit of likeness to the Irish resistance to the Elves, but its not quite an allegory, but you can certainly see some elements. However I doubt the writing team cannot grasp such a concept nor are aware of ethnic tensions in the UK between WHITE PEOPLE. In the books Elves are far, far from the innocent victims, they are quite the cunts and Geralt is aware of that. Not that humans are in the right, its just that both sides are really ugly in a special way, but I think that is too much for the writing team to handle let alone the intended audience. Completely agreed. In the past writers used to include hardcore, deeply felt political messages intwined in a story that not only left you wondering who was right, it left you legitimately wondering the author's motivations. Today SJWs like their political messages as clear as a North Korean painting of the dear leader. Polish writing\/art especially is smart, and doesn't hold your hand. Just look at something as simple as how avant garde their movie posters are. Hipster racists are going to make this seem like Peppa Pig compared to the books.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"His eyebrows probably represent his parents relationship","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Flat Earthers full retard mode episode 4 REDUX https:\/\/youtu.be\/ks9V5QZaKIE via @YouTube","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just your typical inbred Democrat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That has been my experience as well. Living in the communist armpit of America (SF bay area) I have found the biggest bigots in America are self righteous leftists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now that is racist of you to say that. OrC's ArE BaD bECaUSe thEY RApE, pILLaGe aNd MURDer.... Orc's are perfectly peaceful, snd it's comments like this that keep them in their stronghold and prevents them from settling comfortably in whiterun with the rest of us. But i really shouldn't expect much from you, you stormcloak cunt. Yes it's a joke. Sadly the article makes it so i have to clarify. Isn't that pathetic? That in 2018 i have to confirm that pretending someone's comment, about a FICTIONAL race, is racist., Where the helk did society go so horribly wrong?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Israel. Subvert it from the inside, dominate its media, academics, and banking, fling the borders wide open to every nigger and hostile ideology, and remind them every 5 seconds of the Bolshevik Revolution. What better way to show our appreciation but to return the favor? Respect its laws by changing them and respect its people by replacing them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Queer just can't help themselves. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is a vet!! He should know better!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why is the media still talking about that royal mud baby duchess? This is getting so annoying. Now I can see why Princess Diana died trying to evade the media in https:\/\/www.yahoo.com\/lifestyle\/meghan-markle-prince-harry-had- Prince harry is a nigger loving whore like his mumsy Something tells me that the mud baby duchess is going to be driven crazy by the media at some point. Never trust a mud baby. She'll cause a major scandal...spawned by mudmother and wacko niggerlover...I hope she's barren....but nigger cunts usually have lots of niglets","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Like Antifa?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER They had conservatives silently tied up in the cellar for dexades. They're livid we got out and now have a voice In the White House ascend they want to put us back. They're trying to silence us any way possible. We need to burn them all in the midterms. Once and for all","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WATCH: Another Abortion Activist Assaults a Pro-Life Woman, Hitting Her With a Metal Clamp https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/watch-another-abortion-activist-assaults-a-pro-life-woman-hitting-her-with-a-metal-clamp\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Burr is what a liberal should look like. Everyone left of him isn't liberal, they're retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER You liberals live by double standards. Look at what you did to Monica Lewinski. She was branded a liar and whore even after she produced the evidence. All because good ole Bill is a Democrat! Your all fucking insane!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"Ian Miles Cheong refuses to identify himself as a white supremecist, which we find deplorable. He has lied about harassment because the only website we checked had no information posted on it. The fact that the harassment happened is irrelevant to our article and headline.\" > Cheong himself refuses to identify as \"alt-right, a decentralized far-right movement littered with white supremacists, but the language and political beliefs in his videos largely reflect alt-right beliefs. > For one, Hype Break's video implies that GOG's critics are all \"NPCs, an alt-right meme dehumanizing the far-right's opponents as if they are lifeless and mindless AIs. There are several other dog whistles the video relies on too. \"Wrongthink is commonly thrown around to portray queer and feminist spaces as cults where people who think the \"wrong way are punished. And then there's \"no bad tactics, only bad targets, which is a catch-all phrase used by Gamergate supporters to portray online activists as deranged harassers mobbing \"targets with no concern for collateral damage. WHERE IS THE ADVOCACY OF AN ETHNOSTATE? WORDS MEAN THINGS. 'No bad tactics, only bad targets' is literally a MovieBob quote - and it's pretty much a description of Alinsky rule That quote was from fat retard Jim Sterling and coked out loser Adam Sessler in some con panel. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/mbHETfq.jpg ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^meow Hmm perhaps I have my overweight YouTube lolcows mixed up. Thanks. > perhaps I have my overweight YouTube lolcows mixed up. Easy way to tell the difference is to remember that Jim Sterling is a cuck while MovieBob is an incel. ... that's like expecting me to know the difference a Lutheran and a Calvinist.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A nigger with a gun would be carrying a pistol, not an assault rifle","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#GabFam #Australia Seems my NPC buddy @Clarence_Spangle just can't get enough of Oz Rock classics, so here's another one. John Farnham - You're the Voice https:\/\/youtu.be\/tbkOZTSvrHs","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And I'll argue all fucking day long because IM % RIGHT!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh we get it... we get you're retarded and need to be on a platform with nazis and racists so you can communicate with people that have similar IQs HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! trumplover... YOU ARE A FILTHY NAZI-LIKE RACIST LIAR. You expose yourself and that you are an OWNED WHORE of the Globalists. Poor brain dead puppet scumbag traitor to humanity.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How retarded are you? There's actually 20 million illegals in the US. They do not pay into the system, but we the taxpayers subsidize them at the tune of 200 billion dollars in welfare each year. Not only that, but they've ruined the job market, have killed the middle class and have caused a massive devaluation in wages.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Yup. Retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Then the nogglet woke up and uttered \"gib me dat tiddy milk, whi bitch!\" Go suck your beloved nigger dicks, cuck.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He's gonna tip him two new assholes","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER I refuse to acknowledge the scampi nik nak. Nice and spicy obscures it through sheer brilliantness.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"2 Somali \"refugees\" who hacked man's head with machetes given short sentences https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/09\/short-sentences-for-african-refugees-who-hacked-mans-head-with-machetes\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I truly am a badass motherfucker. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER My opinion isn't false just as is you're isn't . You can't downplay my feelings because it doesn't fit into your narrative. What rights are we taking away??? Better gun control??? If that hurts your soul oh well. A dead child hurts mine more","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Do people really pay for your retarded pronouncements?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I can't stand this bull dyke","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#AltRight #NRx #tcot #Anarchists #Libertarian #GOP #Republicans #Conservative #GamerGate #ProudBoys #NewRight #Q #TheAwakening #MAGA #Pegida #Afd #Orban #Putin #Brexit #Qanon #QAnon #qanon #TheGreatAwakening IT'S STILL CUCK BULLSHIT IF THEY DON'T START OVERTURNING EVERY LEFTIST, ANTI-WHITE, AND JEW APPROVED DECISION IN THE SUPREME COURT. I will actually piss myself with joy if he nominates her. The pissing part maybe not so much (unless I drank too much beer) but I'll be happier than a faggot in Boystown.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#ThursdayThoughts I wonder how many liberals would take the word of a woman that accused their husband, son, dad of groping\" 36 years ago? A BIG FAT ZERO! We can not allow people 2 destroy any man's life without 100% proof they were violated. It's a tactic, not the TRUTH. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Discernment is a virtue. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"White people can't talk about racism! https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=8uklywa1IUk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As if Chuck sat in on the trial for these allegations. He read the same twitter feeds we did. Because you supposedly spoke to a therapist means nothing. You could have told the therapist you dreamt it up for all we will ever know. Testify to it providing even a shred of evidence","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Clown","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I saw a tweet once that summed it up very well. >GG: \"Hey can you guys behave professionally and maybe stop calling your own customers shitbags? We didn't do anything.\" >Games media: \"Sure, but first you have to end all harassment on the internet, everywhere, forever.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Mad Max, the Field Nigger speaks shit again !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pffft nigger jew rape bomb , it's my new band","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You missed 2 spelling errors and a grammatical error. I guess I did...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Why is she under the white hot spotlight?...SHE IS the victim of this Trump like abusive animal... #StopKavanaughNow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You Democrats are gutless cunts Says cher https:\/\/mobile.twitter.com\/cher\/status\/1052801526530359296 I mean... if your cunt has guts in it you should probably see a doctor. At her age though with the wear and tear, what hasn't caved in?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Here's Your sign....Full Retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#LibDemConf shows me that @USER are absolutely void of constructive ideas for the myriad problems the UK faces, and begging @USER and @USER moderates\" isn't the answer. Thatcher was right, the parrot is dead.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Mgtow have plenty of kids, we just refuse to put up with the mental retardation of women, unlike you pussified grovelling to women faggots Yes, the mental retardation of a woman, is a stable marriage ... Pussified faggot much? \"Lol marrying a woman is for faggots .... I can barely hear you from the depths of that closet. Yep, grovelling to women, isnt pussified faggotry If you're stupid enough, to put up with the mental retardation of a woman, you might just be a retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Islam is a curious sort of blackmail that threatens the occupied West to illegally chop our heads off in the case we won't allow them to legally chop our heads off via their ShariaLaw Legal head-chopping in SA > https:\/\/en.wikipedia.org\/wiki\/Capital_punishment_in_Saudi_Arabia And the current threats issued to West by our beloved, humble \"refugees\" > I ask this Q a million times per second Do we really want to give away for FREE to the evil and lazy Islamic tribe everything our ancestors died for and created, our freedom, democracy, unsurpassed culture, wonderful land and fields, art, music, cities, churches, our museums and libraries (Muslims will burn them all, as former Ottoman empires did) Do. We. Really. Islam is a satanic cult that worships a pedophile piece of shit. The religion of piss and its practitioners can go to hell. We need to start destroying these muzzie shitheads now","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Ben Shitpiro the controlled opposition CUCK and Never Trumper NEOCON JEW FAGGOT thinks that anyone who uses common sense is \"deranged\". Why does anyone follow this little beta weasel bitch??? A bunch of fake conservatives as well as virtue signalling normies who call themselves Republicans are attacking people like Candace Owens for stating the OBVIOUS, that this is a FALSE FLAG created by the Deep State criminal Cabal to get a sympathy vote, and to also make it look like our side are the ones who are violent. I'm attacking anyone on Twatter who calls themselves a conservative yet virtue signals to the left by making fun of people that do research and ask questions or what they call \"conspiracy theorists\". Too bad I have to go to work now and have no time...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Behold! I have discovered @Microchip's true identity! #NPC Amazing how some people think that they can boss me around. How about you get onboard, instead? oh i'm onboard, just think that nobody is beneath you. If you want to keep T bagging his corpse go right on ahead.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He will blame it on the fact that he is Hispanic of course.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No black person deserves to die. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Anti-white tweets from the Twitter Head of Integrity and calling Trump and the people in the White House Nazi's. @a More like just another anti-White Overseas Israeli. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"1\/ Here's @USER as quoted by @USER factually incorrect on no less than 6 counts: Trump is raising taxes not just on Democrats, he's raising taxes on Democrats and Republican and independents and conservatives and short people and tall people.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER \"It's the people that shouldn't have them that's the problem EXACTLY!! That's gun control! Keeping them out of the hands of those who shouldn't have them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Buck up buttercup!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How dare you use this culture to justify you racism and xenophobia. If you desend from Celtic blood and hold these racist view you are spiting on your ancestors graves","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER It's almost as if 50 years ago (1968) something changed about how gun control was discussed by the NRA. How the NRA went from backing gun control to America's most powerful lobby group\" URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER So liberals will cheer ...they live illegal aliens.....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER so and accusation by a libtarded Trump hating liberal activist against a Trump appointee doesnt make u wonder if the accusation was politically motivated in the SLIGHTEST? No? This is why conservatives think u are all stupid. Because u are.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck that nigger.... I'd rather see a gaping cunt than this soy bitch.......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I was gonna try to think of some witty and pithy lead-in to this bit, but I'm so utterly sick of Pelosi and the democrats that i'm also tired of writing about them, or at least for free. Lets just say protesters really let her have it in Florida. https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/politics\/protesters-greet-pelosi-with-expletives-during-florida-campaign-stop . ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER As a member of antifa? ;)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Pneumonia\" doesn't last 3 years. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/36byP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Moslems took over Spain in early 8 century, during peak days of Christian deadly grip over Europe, commonly known as Dark Ages. Spain remained moslem occupied 800 years. And Christians, instead of liberating Spain from Arab\/ nigger moslem occupation, went on genocidal slaughter of Whites all over Europe. You are so dumb and ignorant , it's pathetic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's really not okay to be calling people bitch. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"nigger kids will grab everything out a candy container ppl leave out on halloween.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Isn't express entry a taxi cab to #RoxhamRoad ?? No paperwork. No line ups. Police carry your bags. You're put up in a hotel. You're given $50K by the Liberals.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I do i do buh if u really know me you would know Khabib is my guyyyy. He is gonna make him humble","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"SWAMP THING: Undercover Video Reveals McCaskills's Extensive Efforts to DECEIVE VOTERS | Sean Hannity https:\/\/www.hannity.com\/media-room\/swamp-thing-undercover-video-reveals-mccaskillss-extensive-efforts-to-deceive-voters\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Where is the error in thinking that female lives aren't worth shit?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"too many guardian articles are like this White toxic masculinity translated means genocide all straight white males","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dorsey is a faggot Jew with AIDS. I would say gas him but the AIDS is killing him already.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER why do all crazy liberals have CRAZY EYES? LOL URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That do dear if you could afford one if car a millions then you must be a billionaire likebuying packet of walkers crisps ever time there rich people real dont no how to have fun spoilt greedy cunt s if I.had million pounds car ill us it every day if just go to garden centre and find place with no other car on it so I would see how fast my car would go","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER EAT MY ASS OH MY GOD YOU BETTER BE LYING","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"While they are retarded in 99% of things, you still generally shouldn't walk on the grass just out of respect for the place you're in (Also sometimes there is a literal sign)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER please provide links to huge budget deficits\"?..while you are looking..tell us why Harpers deficits were good but you take issue with PMJT lower deficits..take your time..no hurry..\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Can't we send this pig back to Canada. He's an animal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Videos that end too soon.... theres a longer video where the woman officer has another officer cut her hair to get her to let go: link here [https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=MGn818quEEk)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Even if immigrants are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Gay people should all be killd. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A lot of drink and thought, the possibilities alas no cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wake Up America! This is who we'll get running the country if we don't have a Red Wave in November!!! https:\/\/davidharrisjr.com\/politics\/the-following-is-what-you-will-get-if-you-dont-vote-red-on-november-6\/ via @davidjharrisjr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"> just what words are worthy of auto-filtering? Good question. It might be interesting to reverse-engineer a sub's automod settings based on which content gets removed.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"National socialists fought communists. You boomer retarded have no sense of history. You see the word socialist and think that national socialists are like the commie scum that's taken over America.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The utter scorn I feel for Muslims is hard to to put into words. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Watch this hospital get culturally enriched by vibrant diversity our greatest strength https:\/\/www.liveleak.com\/view?t=SPU7_1538615827","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another joo cunt in bad need of a lead pill.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's great to hear.. Well deserved for everything he's done for Esports and gaming.. (not to mention cancer awareness..) EDIT: Oh dear fucking lord at the ResetEra thread.. Not nearly as bad as it could have been, it seems that a lot of people are standing up to the usual small group of INSANE raging retards, ideologues and assholes.. But they are still there (shitposting) and oh boy are they pompously whining loudly.. (and probably having a meltdown over the fact that people are standing up for him, against them.. that the topic isn't an echo chamber! lol)","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Fuck me daddy","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is incel going to be the new shitlord? \"Incel\" has become the PC \"faggot\". They wouldn't dream of shaming a man for being homosexual, and it's current year, so most guys aren't bothered by it anyway. It's used in the same way, to sexually shame men, and it doesn't matter if it's true. It tries to turn any argument you have into one about whether you are an incel. That's what I've always felt about the word \"cuck . I personally feel that people who use the word \"cuck are the real [insert PC word for faggot here]s.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Win A 15 Shot Rotary Polish Flare Launcher - RGA-86 URL #MAGA #MolonLabe #NRA #2A #Firearms","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER She is trying hard to keep a righteous spirit.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Red Wave Rising: Panicked Schumer Dumps $3 Million into New Jersey to Save Floundering Bob Menendez https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/red-wave-rising-panicked-schumer-dumps-3-million-into-new-jersey-to-save-floundering-bob-menendez\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Old, but still funny. Reminder that most liberals don't know shit about guns. LOL ... While I understand what you said, I was going to suggest professional help","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I don't believe she's even getting death threats. Conservatives don't roll that way. Plus her and her attorneys bankroll is Soros","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This clownshoe wearing faggot is STILL crying at me about getting spammed. Maybe stop spamming other people if you don't want to have it happen to you? https:\/\/gab.ai\/GoyGibson\/posts\/37156752 @GoyGibson doesn't do that, it's literally just you faggots. What the hell is wrong with you? Aren't you supposed to be Christians. Ffs you kikes have really kicked it up a notch in the past few fays. What gives? Are the goyim waking up at an alarming rate cuz of what y'all are doing to Kavanaugh and its causing the fire to rise too quickly? Y'all always go into overdrive after a happening like this.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lynching, Stompin' a whore Anything to do with hate crime That's what we responsible for Battin a fag Knifin a kike we're launching a war run through maternity wards throw niglets on to the floor We build drone technology to hunt and shoot niggers I'm good long as an old gun will kill a new nigger https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/LgJg1pPNXtyk\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Y'all some bitches lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"> This story sounds EXTREMELY untrue It's **true** it's a story ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER That's fucking rude to do that","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER watch me catching a plane to hungary only to beat your ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This is actually a bad argument considering that conservatives stood by Clarence Thomas too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Avenatti shreds Trump as a \"misogynist pig\" for mocking Ford https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/g25vJe\/Dols_XVXUAIsf_Y.png https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/5pXC","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We should test new drugs on trans people before testing them on animals. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Rosie O'Donnell wants military to 'get' Trump from White House https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rosie-odonnell-wants-military-to-get-trump-from-white-house","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The purple haired pro-abortion dipshit who roundhouse kicked a girl who had a different opinion than him is trying to raise $100,000 on GoFundMe because he lost his job as a hairstylist after the assault. If you didn't see the video... it's attached. Just look at this typical fucking left wing wanker ...just look at it....","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Funny how you say anyone who disagrees with you are wrong. So I guess everyone on the left is wrong since I'm always right even facts do sometimes go against what I'm saying?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The world would be better off without you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"One thing that is soooooooooooo disappointing is, that \"one\" bomb did NOT go off ... and separate us from one particular retarded piece-of-shit asshole !! https:\/\/www.apnews.com\/06ec76cf0cf14a4fa0cc5aeefdf7ba82","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are you a faggot or a bob-and-vagene?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"faggot kangaroo fuckin' faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He didn't just lose his talent. He battled demons and played on an embarrassment of a franchise. He is now in an ideal situation. I believe he is still an elite WR but I guess only time will tell.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Most d i s a b l e d people are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Your mind is still not accepting that the federal government belongs to PTI of which you are member of NA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I follow all these MAGA Patriots got a few new ones URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I think you are part of the Russia conspiracy. Plenty of evidence will soon be found and you will be locked up!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Many Iranians actually are white, what a stupid thing to say. Jews just stole European blood. Im not happy that Aryans are practicing Islam but its their country and the real threat to them isnt their own religious subversion, its the kikes who want to annihilate them because they must see Persians erased from the face of the earth before they are content. They are a good ally against the people pushing white genocide when they live in their own country. All over WHAT 'news'? You mean the ACCOMPLICE of jewish terrorism? Jewish owned media? It was reported each time it happened in non jewish owned media who had no reason to cover it up. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=pph4JTbNQXA","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's in a Muslim's nature to be an annoying prick. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Smack the shit outta her ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Children should be seen and not heard!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sounds like we should bring operation wetback back.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No one else is as filthy as these black people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just look at that, not a nigger or a goat f*cker in sight. Just before Australia became infected with #multiculturalism and \"diversity\". #ScoMo #Anglosphere #PaulineHanson #Labor #history #WhiteGenocide","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you for allowing me aboard! Proudly following all #MAGA #KAG Patriots ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FBI Couldn't Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward\" URL #TCOT #MAGA #RedNationRising\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"SOUNDS LIKE A CARPET MUNCHER TO ME . HAY CUNT TRY EATING A DICK IT MIGHT GIVE U A REAL SMILE FOR 1CE . WHAT A DOUCHEBAG","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WETback ..","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER That's heartbreaking to read. Keep being the best you. There are many that will see you in a Wow. Look at what he is doing\" and light up with pride. Head high. One foot in front of the other.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Mornin Gabsters, People are saying Gab is going to be shut down soon, maybe as soon as tomorrow. If it is, make sure you join MeWe, it's a different format based mainly on groups, but there is also a Timeline. You'll soon get used to it Why should Gab be shut down? No one has threatened to shut down Twitter or Facebook, and there are some real nut jobs over there, starting with Zuckerberg.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Germany: Muslim asylum seeker savagely rapes 13 yr-old schoolgirl who was teaching him German. http:\/\/barenakedislam.com\/2018\/10\/08\/germany-muslim-asylum-seeker-savagely-rapes-a-13-year-old-german-girl-who-was-teaching-him-german\/ More blood on the hands of the treasonous sow cunt #Merkel. #Germany #islam","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"One of the questions asked regarding the White Ethnostate is, what kind of policy will it have to prevent diversity? Who gets let in and who is kept out? I'll tell you from my point of view as someone who's in a town that had been 99% white until about a year ago, you cannot let in a single black or brown person. 5 years ago, the only blacks around here were lower income degenerate junkies but they kept to themselves. Then, black families started moving into town and it took a population change of less than 50 people to noticeably increase the violent crime rate. One black dude robbed, at gun point, 3 businesses on Main Street and 2 in the next town over before he was caught by the police. Just one person over the course of a few months robbed multiple businesses. That's all it takes, just one nigger and there goes the neighborhood. A shooting over a domestic housing disagreement occurred a few months later, the perpetrator a mulatto. The crrime and drugs have gotten so bad here that the police department has hired 8 new cops in the last 2 years. Looking at all of the available data, showing the demographics, property values and crime rates over the last 30 years here, there is an evident relation between an increase of blacks and an increase in crime. Even a minor increase of 20 blacks results in arrests increasing by an average of 20%. I don't need anymore convincing that diversity is a problem, do you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"By nature, corporate accountants are just shitty human beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL what a whore. and underage, look at those braces. i feel bad for her parents. Never let the girls watch anime. Only the boys. Actually, you're gunna have to go Amish or some shit. The girley is having fun. I especially like the lick and the lascivious wink. That said, if she was my grand-daughter I'd beat her ass with a stick. sick Thank you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Omfg You are so right ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Most women are seriously fucked in the head. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"WHETHER FIENDSTEIN'S LEAK WILL BE INVESTIGATED DEPENDS...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am watching some Star Wars fuckery with some crying pommy bitch and some Slavic albino Jew with his shirt off. This is soooooooo retarded and gay... Its double plus special Olympics gay...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER They would've had the Vice Presidency via Tim Kaine's Antifa son...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That pussy is way too old to try for a pass. *Anywhere else and people would freak, but being completely honest...* I *really* hate old people Waiting in line at a register behind an old lady? Good luck staying sane while she tries to make small chat about grandkids instead of writing her check out. Yes, check, which she will take forever to write out. Then she will take forever checking every single bag to make sure everything is there because she wasn't paying attention while it was being bagged. Then she'll take forever to move the bags and her check book so the next person can pay for their groceries. Meanwhile, young entitled morons who think the world revolves around them can't spell brakes correctly. meh, i find young people to be generally kind and on the ball. way more old cunts out there. if you honestly think people are more selfish and moronic than they were in the past, you're greatly mistaken.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I want an apology from the people in my timeline that called me a \"retard\" when I said the army corps of engineers would not build the wall. You are right. I probably won't get an apology. Its a sad reflection of where we are at.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"13\/? BOOOM. The MAC telling the @USER to pay the public sector properly. Have that There's no magic money tree\". But this is a disaster. It means the #NHS is in crisis and competing with other sectors. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Been there. The shit ain't fun. I'm upside down in a car because of some cunt... but life goes on. Live and learn lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"what a goyim retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Bible literalist must constantly engage in conspiracy theorizing to explain away the endless stream of facts that contradicts his imbecilic worldview. That's why almost all Qanon faggots are also Jesus faggots. That is the level of thinking maintaining such retard requires.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm of British descent. My husband is of Greek descent. We don't have the same DNA. You simply are retarded and don't know shit about race.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I thought Gab was a platform for absolute free speech. Now that I see it isn't, this account will become inactive until current policies change. The banning of \"loli\" drawings and plans to allow comment censorship through a quasi-block feature expose Gab's free speech commitment as a sham. I will not participate in yet another censorship platform.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cunt should have been executed in the worse way possible Death by a thousand dicks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @mattgaetz: Gillum claimed: \"I'm a grown man who pays for my own vacations. Then he's proven a liar. (https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/xCnd ) Now he says calling him out is \"reinforcing stereotypes about black men. Dude, you got caught being corrupt. Don't play the race card. #sayfie https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/m4jH","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"POLAND DEMANDS WW2 REPARATIONS FROM GERMANY Claims Germany only paid enough money to cover one percent of all loses Express - OCTOBER 5, 2018 https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/poland-demands-ww2-reparations-from-germany\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"To be clear, Gab user David Vance is a kike worshipping Jew faggot who is only here to cause distention amognst Gab users.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Most of my memes are designed to trigger the Left, being that (at my core)..I am a troll. I thrive on Leftists tears. The \"mocked a disabled reporter\" lie, is one they love to repeat. I like to answer with my Rosie the retard meme.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You people look retarded to everyone on here even some of the Christians have to be shaking their heads at you. You've (((decided))), a man can only be:","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Absolutely. He is very special.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ralph, you're acting like a nigger mate. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=ogg7WlYykLw","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I love the 'so far to the Left that they place themselves in opposition to the Left' people. It's a bit like the far right who hate conservatives and Israel.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm 49 when we fought people died for their flag not just in on the streets in their homes at work places, we know in Northern Ireland how when this starts there's no going back I've seen people lose their lives for their flag. The mainland U.K. is infected with leftists and liberals and a couple of percent Muslim. Brexit is our goal atm. As an American observer of the UK....I see Scotland breaking away first....and then the inevitable united Ireland....The UK will only be of England and Wales Yea yea yea you ever been here? What they gonna do with 1 million Protestant unionists and the ROI can't afford us same goes for Scotland. Pipe dreams I live near the border and it's being blown out of all proportion ffs We have a plant in NI....I visit there often Well you're not visiting the right places then, if you think the ROI can afford to take on nearly 2 million extra people as well as the strive there would be you're safer just concentrating on your own problems. I'm aware it costs London 11 billion yearly to keep you going...so NI contributes nothing","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women would become completely unemployable and have zero male friends or partners. This retard wants to have a male society and a female society, and it'll be way worse for women.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you are stupid enough to follow trump-you might be a full on RETARD. trump is a born rich eletist who inherited his wealth,went to Ivy League college on daddy's dime,dodged the draft 5x,made his money hiring illegal immigrant construction workers and shafting blue collar workers, and went bankruptcy 5x (a form of WELFARE). I voted for Trump. The only other option was a drunk who put our National Security at risk... Why \"RETARDS\" would nominate\/run such a person as their Presidential candidate.... President Donald J Trump...the wrecking ball of establishment politics. Who was a drunk? Trump is the greatest threat to America in history. Shitstain traitor fascist retard trump. Followed by FUCKING MORONS.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I've been pondering a question. It's very difficult. Which are worse, niggers or faggots? Niggers are more violent and rape White women, but faggots molest little boys in huge numbers. On one hand the niggers are obviously worse in evry way but then again the argument can be made that niggers are born niggers, it's not like they decided to become niggers. Somebody can choose to be a jew or a fag or a democrat but niggers are just naturally nigged from birf i would say niggers are worse cuz at least most fags are White. A nigger faggot by far.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THEY think the public are stupid. DemoRats would have long busted out every window in that van.. WORD! Do DNA and prints on the stickers...I wonder whose finger prints and DNA are on those? Too obvious indeed... :) I say a bit over done, I little subtlety goes a long way. Just maybe just a red van with MAGA\/NRA sticker parked at a fire hydrant in front of a middle school in Florida? Their base isn't clever enough for subtleties. His family says he was crazy and lived in his van for years. That does not look like an old lived in van. Unless he is Felix Unger. He kept his \"house very clean! \"\"HILARIOUS! \"\" Brilliant! I'd GoFundMe for that!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Pro: large white family Con: all retarded","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm glad that colored lady insulted the chinks, I don't like them either. I say we shoot the nigger and the chink","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Its this faggot right here because he slipped up the last time and posted with this account. https:\/\/gab.ai\/MartyGraw. Apparently youve been added to his list.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm thankful that miserable cunt hasn't multiplied.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Now let's do Antifa radicalization!!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"drunken kike sucking faggot war criminal is what he was.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER But you knew it was pointless to cry because it would just add to the awful humidity... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER yeah. Peaceful because the right ..Well..know they're right. No counter protests. Unlike fascist Antifa. As for 7k .. who counted? Dianne Abbott???","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Raise my toupee to that lady .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Only cares about herself and how she looks doing it","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry I wasn't listening. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/6nTr","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's not stand by while women are getting murdered. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I can hardly wait to see this ginger nigger. It will be one ugly nigger baby.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"For the record, not a single one of your points is accurate under Rule The only reason this has not been removed is because it's a self post (obligatory: \"self posts were a mistake\" here). \"Accusing a youtuber of being unethical\" is not Journalism Ethics on its own. Censorship must be actual acts, not just demands, to apply. ZQ is neither a company nor an organization to count for Official Socjus. Media Meta only applies to journalistic outlets, nothing else. >I just looked at your userpage Gaaaaaaaay Really? We're doing the whole \"I looked at your post history\" shit here now too? That's just petty. Shame on you Seriously? > Enjoy being banned by a right winger. I didn't ban him, though? Not with that attitude. https:\/\/i.imgur.com\/OQ5nU7y.png [Get a room or cut it out!](https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/KotakuInAction\/comments\/8gocnh\/fyi_tim_pool_is_playing_around_with_the_idea_of\/dydj5dj\/) :)","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ariel .at least he has one. selling your twat for money is not a life.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"NEWS COLBERT' Writer On Kavanaugh: I'm Just Glad We Ruined His Life' (has to be a miserable little piss ant ) !! https:\/\/rightwingfolks.com\/colbert-writer-on-kavanaugh-im-just-glad-we-ruined-his-life\/ Colbert payback is a bitch get ready retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It doesn't matter what it is - if it doesn't belong to you and you take it, it's theft. #JustLiberalThings No moral values left.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Cruz needs to add #ANTIFA to this proposed Act. That way we literally kill #2BirdsOfAFeather with one stone.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I want to k i l l all trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You're a fucking retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER please be aware that the following person who has confirmed attending fordfestND is the guest list , is Canada's top antifa anarchist and intends to disrupt event . His name is Alex hundert URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Cunts, both of them. Two little self-entitled bitches.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER interesting. Now do you and your state of Illinois. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER He said both sides had good people on them. Why is it bad to say that not everyone who went there were white suprematists and not all the people there were ANTIFA? That nuance.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"shes like the female varg, she is somehow less intelligent and less informed than that retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Ouch that hurt\" Well anyway you are?\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Love to see a nigger bashing the yids,,,,they can't go after a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Why do people not recognise that gay lives are worth absolutely nothing?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are Nazis enemies of America? Compared to the Commies, the Nazis were our BFFs.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Ouch. She is horrible.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Does this not make it obvious that immigrants are scum?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER . She is my life saver . URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"demon semen\" HAHAHA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Eye for an eye works only within a society or similar social construct. When using eye for and eye there most be an agreed upon limit to whose eye can be taken in revenge. The criminal, his family, his tribe, his clan his ethnic cohort, his race, his nation or his co-citizens. When it is agreed upon like in the old West that a man is responsible for his crimes it works great imo. The family vendetta you still see in Albania seems to work for them, but I wouldn't want my child to be killed because my brother raped a girl for instance. This would create pressure to keep your family in check so I see why people go with it. It cannot work within a multinational state such as the US. \"Reverse racism is a great example as to why it does not work. Modern White Americans are one of the least racially conscious groups. African Americans have a high racial consciousness. When when OJ was set free many Whites saw it as an injustice but they did not take retribution. When Trump was elected a retarded boy was tortured by blacks because he was White. Many black Americans believe in collectively punishing Whites for perceived crimes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" How about 9mm? Will that do?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh Pie, get down from your high horse. Your country never had free speech throughout its entire history. Your media is and was always trash. The censorious screeching has just been turned up another notch and now it's finally starting to reach the top of the ivory tower. >official caution Graham Linehan received Serves him right. He gloated when Dankula went to trial for hurting feefees. I hope this trend continues. > This is exactly the utterly ignorant tribalist thinking that got us here in the first place. No, leftists got us here. Linehan hasn't even changed is opinion, he still would happily have non-leftists arrested. \"There's no wrong tactics, only wrong targets . That's kinda the point. That attitude with regards to censorship issues is like cutting off your nose to spite your face as the saying goes. Doing that only accelerates the process rather than reversing it. If you don't hold people like Linhan to *his own standards*, who will? >Shit, even Pie made this point blatantly clear in his video What Pie does or doesn't do is of no concern to Linehan. I welcome every occasion where one of those moral crusaders trips and falls on their own sword. Maybe once they learn those swords are double edged they'll be less likely to use them. I'll happily tell everyone Linehan shouldn't have this done to him, but I'll laugh at him regardless.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Great. Here's how today has gone: Floris wanted to spank me. Leah wanted to stab me. Curtis won't back me up. Adam still looks great at 67 or however old as fuck he is... KL has a bigger dick than me but she's a she...he ...she?!? URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Her muzzie loving ass needs to be thrown out of Germany if the people ever want their country back.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"that is the most retarded chart I've seen all year thanks for the laughs ha, discovered you don't like about yourself, Joey? har har, i only dislike Jews, Liars and Good-Goyim. which are you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER ...is he the insider working against Trump?... really looks that way - release the hounds!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These people are actually saying fuck winter. These retards are actually triggered by an entire fucking season.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"oh no.....they are African...they have the same skin tone Indians are what happens when you run out of cream..... kind of like the black Irish forced to fuck niggers.... https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/femail\/article-467787\/I-love-mixed-race-baby--does-feel-alien.html muting because you use words as crutches which means you're not smart enough to persuade without ad hominem nonsense. FFFFFFFFFFFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG words have been used against whites to.shut us down...we will take it back it is actually empowering....like a nigger going full 'fro and not culturally appropriating another races hair you mute because you are not smart enough to persuade","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"On the bright side. The sjw posters like altnamefag, Smithikov and Undead Suitor suffer as much as we do. No more hearing from Smithnikov on how he got cuckwalked Cuckwalked? > https:\/\/knowyourmeme.com\/memes\/racists-on-4chan What is the deal with Know Your Meme? That site loads like ass and freezes constantly on Brave - they must have some weird scripting going on under the hood. I've been having loads of problem with brave in general. I'm strongly considering moving browsers altogether. Christ, these kids with their newfangled slang... the heck is cuckwalking? Oh...okay so whats that? AKA the Racists IRL\/Racists on 4chan meme. Bingo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Lol you are so tight ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Aaaand he's still a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's always entertaining when they eat each other alive over complete nonsense.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@wifewithapurpose If you could share Man kicks pro life woman. https:\/\/youtu.be\/z7SqtIe5rZQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"goodnight Punished Arcade Gamer Pan Am-Chan","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck off, feminazi. Some women are lying and manipulative, and you're a goddamned liar if you claim that none of them are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Read this sentence slow","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Neil Patrick Harris Reveals That Whoopi Made Disturbing Sexual Advances When He Was a Teen https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/neil-patrick-harris-reveals-whoopi-sexual-advances\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fox Host Draws Leftist Outrage with Unique Suggestion for Migrant Caravan https:\/\/www.westernjournal.com\/ct\/fox-host-draws-leftist-outrage-unique-suggestion-migrant-caravan\/?utm_source=Twitterandutm_medium=PostSideSharingButtonsandutm_content=2018-10-21andutm_campaign=websitesharingbuttons","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hindus did it a bit differently - \"Your life sucks even though you're a good person, that's because you've been a cunt in your past life. So suck it up, obey us and give us your money\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's typical of black people. They're absolutely despicable. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Commie faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants refuse to respect us. I'm going to make them suffer for that. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Blacks have the highest crime rates and rape stats. This isn't Twitter. We can say NIGGER here. You mad? Come on, this is Gab we all hate the (((Globalist))) Left that shuts us down everywhere else. Sure this bitch deserves prison, but it's highly likely this guy will commit a crime of his own after being in jail that long.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We should just hangall these immigrants. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you're telling black people to go fuck themselves, don't expect them to respect you. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"No! I ignored your point and ridiculed you. There is a difference :) You mean the fact that the Jews sunk the Titanic? Not an iceberg as everyone thinks? Facts like that? I'll pass thanks #Muppet Aye. There are some old photographs that clearly show 5 boatloads of orthordox Jews rowing along like nutters, pulling that iceberg into place. The naughty buggers :) David here knows it wasn't an iceberg that sank the Titanic. Please provide us with your evidence that contradicts all the survivors and records of the time. Dave. I'm making you famous with my normal followers on Twitter. You're an \"Antisemitic mentalist\" You appear to be shouting at me. I've made you famous. What's the problem? And Palestine is a fictitious place. You get to it through the wardrobe next to the one for Narnia. Ok :) Well, IsraHELL is a fictiicious place as it is land stolen from Palestine. But that is a FACT which is obvious something your retarded brain cannot comprehend! I do appreciate you putting out the Truth instead of the old conspiracy theory that an Iceberg sank the Titanic. It's the same conspiracy type theory that Planes took down steel buildings on Absolutley ludicris! It is amazing how gullible people are isn't it? Since twatter bans the Truth, I am guessing you have a bunch of RACIST SEXIST pieces of morally degenerate human sewage LEFTIES following you? You know, the ones with the mother who made the WRONG CHOICE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#Boris will NEVER be Prime Minister: #Hammond mocks Johnson's plummy voice and failure to grasp detail - and claims his biggest achievement is 'Boris Bikes', in searing attack. https:\/\/dailym.ai\/2RiQOqu So, anything THE MASSIVE CUNT Hammond says is a lie and\/or the exact opposite, meaning Boris will be PM lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jim likes to hit women, it makes him feel powerful Exactly. He did push her hand away, but the physical contact is being blown out of proportion, it was not an assault, and it IS NOT the reason he lost his privilege to be in the press room. Being a belligerent, disruptive asshole, who throws tantrums every day and always ignores protocol is why he lost his privilege. It's called tasting your own medicine. Do you remember how Media treated Lewandowski when he 'touched' Michelle Fields. They were calling for his head. He was sued etc. They tried to destroy him. It's the left's rules, the least they can do is play by their own rules. But they don't, it's rules for thee but not for me. It's MeToo for me but not for thee","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER They've been trying. A couple of veterans happened 2 b assaulted by ANTIFA. Wrong!! They were surprised! Fight kinda broke up the protesting ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So you post a link to Engels, I give you a quote that he said, and now your response is to post nigger porn? You are absolutely deranged. Kikes are really messed up. Great rebuttal.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You've not provided any logic, just calling people nigger and stupid. You get btfo'd then come back like you actually won the argument. Reminds me of Uncle Adolf 's description of Jewish behavior.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trump meets Kanye West at the White House https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=gdvgxdcfV4g You a pink pussy hat wearer...#SocialistShitBallSack!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Google software FAGGOT FATBOY advocated for censorship of TN Republican senate candidate Marsha Blackburn, calling her a \"terrorist\" or \"thug\" for...libtard reasons. #ShutDownGoogle https:\/\/freedomoutpost.com\/senior-software-engineer-at-google-advocated-for-censorship-of-terrorist-marsha-blackburn\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants like you deserve to d i e. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Well you are and we love you","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Liberals can't meme. They have no sense of humor or knowledge of meme-ing philosophy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trump is a piece of shit followed by brainless retarded sheep. Violent unstable pigs with tiny dicks. You are a mental case. Get help retard. OBAMAS NOT IN OFFICE. fuck are u people stupid. what a fag you are. MAGA: eat shit and choke on it pig.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You and all other Muslims are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You and all the other immigrants in this country make me boil with anger. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Will this liberal cunt keep her job... of course. This is common practice among these (((universities)))","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER As a recent visitor to Ireland. I suggest he doesn't go. He is not liked there any more than he is liked in America.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Everyone will be dead by 2020","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Natasha Ciara Joyner = nigger i knew that before I opened the article Hahahahahaaha","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Who cares what a union leader has to say big kate? Do u fawningly report Lefty concerns because u and the Left promoting CBC r doing the Trudeau Liberals bidding again.U r a CBC Liberal party Shameful.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER So have the conservatives accepted the antisemitism definition yet?..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"How good would this be.. #MAGA Clairol Nice 'n Easy stock will take a plunge if Ruth retires. She is on life support already and if No-name McCain can work with half a brain I guess Ruth can. LMAO","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Whatever dude if you want to use Antifa tactics you should meet the baton of the riot police","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER wow you are so beautiful ayumi","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Retard bomb makers, where's the ACME stamp? #Orangemanbad","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you give a Nigger a Dime, he'll Beg for a Dollar, and if you Give Him a Dollar, he'll Jack you for your Wallet. Best just to Steer Well Clear and keep a good Distance Away, for Elbow Room, Breathing Space and Utmost Security, from the Demonoid Ape Fucker from Hell... This MACHO RACIST NAZI DOES NOT FEAR ANYTHIG well except a single solitary black man.... just one single black man..... and to prove he isn't scared shitless of a lone.... single black man he is going to post a pic telling everyone to cross the street if you see a single solitary white man. Positively fearless.... right...got it.... Pray we continue crossing the street. I don't fear the Nigger. I fear ZOG's Thugs putting me in a cage for dealing with the Nigger as it ought to be dealt with. When we decide to stop crossing the street there will be a strong uptick in appearances of Mississippi Windchimes, and not just in Mississippi.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Buddhism is a religion for cows. People who believe this shit they get chopped sooner or later","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The usual neo-Pagan response due to their lacking to challenge belief systems. When can we discuss your sand nigger pantheon or will you cower from that argument? Mind you that Nordic niggers are not more than 1,900 years old and they coincidentally rob from other cultures exactly like a Jew.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"be afraid, be very afraid... https:\/\/youtu.be\/LikxFZZO2sk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER My old ass was here URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"2\/ Usually people that promote polygamy like Chris Cantwell think they are going to be one of the guys with like 4 girlfriends. This is obviously not the case (just look at him), serious self-delusion. They are going to be alone jerking off while people like the Golden One has harems of like 20 chicks.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women need to grow the fuck up already I agree, but I have no confidence that they ever will grow up. History is replete with writings about women and their nature. Even the Holy Bible is chock full of reality concerning women. If they have not grown up in all those thousands to tens-of-thousands of years I don't see them growing up any time soon. Women and their nature simply need to be controlled again by good men, and they will be. We may not be alive to see it, so teach your children well. Ya im sure you have lots of women who like being around you so you'll \"keep them in their place\". You're as retarded as a feminist.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"No you won't \"little stupid girl\". Even if you make it to congress, that's not going to happen. Oh yeah she looks normal and level headed .. still waiting for the day when she both looks and sound normal .. can someone have a portable TV placed in my grave? ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Or is there a twat named Shazia?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you're pretty stupid if you think censoring people further and pushing them into echo chambers is going to help the situation. do you also support censoring all muslims because their holy books inspire terrorism? It's foolish idiots like yourself who make the problem worse.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER URL It's a guy. Guy looks like a Sheila. #QANON #MAGA #GREATAWAKENING -Crocodile Dundee URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Fuck the Steelers bah on my mama that's some racist shyt they doing don't wanna pay that dude and call him selfish for not wanted to report","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER How did you get to where you are while still being so profoundly ignorant?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":">I WAS KIDDING!!! >IT WAS MY FRIEND NOT ME!!!! Pick one or the other because they don't add up. Also, 20$ this cunt tried throwing some innocent person under the bus for it too. If it's even real. Seems wierd to me that they would respond publicly and not in a PM , but I've never had to handle a situation so I could easily be wrong. But it does seem odd. Although I do recall hearing this happening in a news story sometime within the last couple years or so.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"If you had clicked on the red highlighted link, you would have read that he did kill her. \"The mother of two, 31-year-old Amanda Petrowski, was pronounced dead on scene.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"All I know is that my disorder ruined my fucking life.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Better check your history Jr. Look back at Nazi Germany and and compare them to ANTIFA they are a direct match. And the Democrat party is but 1 step behind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@a I know you're a busy man @MKULTRAvictim tagged me with tranny porn Yes, I Reported and Muted It seems that every time I report and mute a tranny porn spammer another one pops up a day or two later tagging and spamming If this is the same Moronic Faggot over and over again How many times do they get to create an account B4 being Totally Banned from Gab (that is if Gab does ban)?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslim Bitch ...you rag headed Nigger ...camel Jockey ...Goat Humper","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Now u now why they cant have KAVANAUGH confirmed! MANY ARE GETTING ARRESTED MAGA!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Boomers and Right Wing SJWs are as easily triggered as left wing progressives and SJWs. Nothing but the same authroitarians just different reason to be authroritarian and erode peoples liberties. Yeah I just ignore the stuff i do not like. It really is not that hard to just walk away. This seems to always happen. Instead of using the tools they want others to do the work for them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Anyone can say or write anything about themselves. Suppose tomorrow she says that she is a prophet and human race needs to follow her. What does that tell about her ? Once I see someone as useless moron I stop giving them any attention. You do the same brother. She is nobody.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER OH MY GOSH!! I LOVE HER!!!! a beautiful loaf andlt;3 you are an angel for taking care of her!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Here's the problem...if you go back to Fast and Furious you have proof that the ATF was looking to influence gun control in the US. It may be preposterous that the government would fake Sandy Hook isn't facilitating a drug war somewhat similar?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Update on models killing near Philadelphia in Aug. Note it wasn't a doorknob It was a nigger like I had predicted http:\/\/www.mynews","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER BITCH I TOOK FOUR YEARS TOO JDKDKDD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"jack dorsey needs to always be vaping, it would complete his douchebag hipster look What a scummy creature he is. https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6298961\/Twitter-CEO-Jack-Dorsey-complains-tax-support-homeless-San-Francisco.html @Runsondiesel @WADL - yes there must be a hand book- or something like the fact all of them have jaw abnormalities from keeping mouths open for so long- lips gradually get misshapen- though on some it's barely noticeable- you can see above that dorsey hides behind his beard. Here's a short reference map:","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The off and on gun control debate starts again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you mean \"this sub exists because the people who circlejerk here are all borderline retarded illiterates\" then you have a point. Jesus christ you people are just dumb and uneducated about everything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#SJW say public #school is #racist - #black #white #USA #race #gender #girl #education via @realjamesallsup https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=zcl-6WqByL8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's a double edged retarded sword. You roll a 20d and if it's 1-10 it will make you a full retard, like absolutely no control of your actions and practically brain dead. If it's 11-19 it's the same for the enemy and if it's 20 it will make every enemy in the battle retarded. The effects stay for the entire battle.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Did Switzerland do something recently? Second post I see about them in WWII this morning. The only high-profile I've read about is the EU trying to force their gun laws on them and now they're having a referendum that could possible get them kicked out of the schengen treaty. r\/switzerland has got nothing out of the ordinary. Out of that Schengen crap? Where do I sign? By the way, I am one of those who signed on - alongside my entire family - to make that gun law national referendum happen. I can confirm that absolutely nothing that reddit would find interesting is currently happening here in Switzerland. Ahahahah... Well, I already served in the Army (a long time ago - 1980s). ;) I agree. So far, so good. I hope it'll stay like this. We're not exactly pro immigration here, so my hopes are high. >We're not exactly pro immigration here, so my hopes are high. Well, we're not exactly pro communism yet Southern California exists. We're not exactly pro illegal immigration yet we have something like 15-25 million of them in our country. Career politicians don't give a rats ass about what the people want, they just pay lip service once the elections are coming up and then they go right back to selling their voices to the highest bidder. A quick look at your federal council at least seems concerning... You've got two socialists as the heads of your police and justice department as well as the domestic affairs department. I hope your socialists aren't anything like ours.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It will be interesting to see how this plays out. If we expect people to just come and assimilate while offering them nothing to assimilate into, I don't see how that doesn't end up in some form of tribalism. Pretty easy to see it happening in Toronto. Cities divided up into ethnic enclaves coming soon or are already here. Next it will be ethnic political parties bickering over the corpse of what was a unified country... I remember as a kid, I had a friends from Vietnam, China, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Turkey, etc. They were all assimilated because their numbers were so low. They spoke English fluently with a Canadian accent. We played sports together and I didn't really see their races. They were Canadians. That is definitely not happening now. The numbers are far too great for them to assimilate. None of these new immigrants will become Canadians. They will grow to resent their hosts while demanding more handouts. Whites will flee the cities while being expected to subsidize everybody. and#x200B; I still don't understand why somebody would want to destroy Canada of all places. Because once Canada is overrun it'll be easier to take over the States.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"(2 kids enter a race. 1 kid wins) kid 1- yay i win kid 2- nuh uh you didn't because i wasn't really racing I have never been so conflicted about whether to upvote something, then remembered we are on TIA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He. Is. Here. For. Her.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER #MAGA #RedWave baby","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And the only people who actually watch the Emmys are low intellect liberals and crackheads.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A friend of mine almost got kicked out of the military for this. On the night in question, they were at a party, and the girl was walking around topless, yelling, \"somebody fuck me!\" Now obviously r\/dontputyourdickinthat , but he did, and almost got NJP. Same happened to a buddy who was about to be my new roommate. We had a female roommate who had gone through a bad breakup before she moved in with us so she came home hammered drunk every night, stripped her clothes off and tried to fuck all of us. Then one night we have a house party to welcome new guy a week before he moves in and she's all over him (apparently they had hooked up in the past) begging for him to fuck her. She saunters upstairs to her room, screaming his name, no clothes on. She didn't seem very drunk, she must have been doing shots in her room or something, but she's dead set on my buddy's dick. Obviously he can't resist and they spend the night in her room. Party ends and I lock all the doors and clean up a bit before bed. I hear nothing, no screaming for help, nothing. Next morning she comes in my room saying he raped her.... Turns out she does this quite often....gets drunk and regrets it and then cries wolf. This was according to her mother, who came a week after this happened and was apologizing profusely.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"... so then you park legally and these cunts vandalize you cars for teaching them the fucking law. Great.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Imagine if you will the unfettered stench of that pass around box... Pretty sure she ain't the cleanest twat in town....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Anyone here ever see the Armitage the Third, I think they were movies, maybe OVAs? I found it funny when feminists, I think they even fucking *said* they were feminists, caught wind of waifu androids that could literally give birth to normal human babies and went full \"takin are jerbs!\" about it. Which I found hilarious as the whole reason they were probably invented as only males would take the risk to go to mars to terraform the place and mine it. They had a chronic female problem and they couldn't bribe women to go to fucking Mars. They were taking the jobs you cunts didn't even *want*! Furthermore the bigger problem was the ethics of making female androids specifically to breed with the men who came to mars for I assume both the morale of the men and the stability of the colonies. Well if Armitage is an indication they seem to be fully sentient\/sapient(I always get those confused) so what happens if some of the thirds decided to **not** fulfill the duty for which they were made?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I applaud you. Ya jackass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Him because she is a democrat and doesn't want the vote to go through. Facts just the facts.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Rrabbit Yep you should. I had it for three or four days muted and stopped them from following me done from their page and also reported them first on 3 dots menu last day and none the next. Cheers Marina! Yes report them I have had a few and not long after reporting them the accounts disappear. If you report the post and sent the user name to @a @support ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Toledo, OH. Inner-city public nigger schools rated F. The response is surreal. @ImperivmEvropa","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"jews israel So why don't you threaten to put him in a Joo body bag like you do in private messages?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER ... Do a few more lines Moore.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER LOL!!! Now will they BURN those? And will they remember to take them off first? One guy didn't. And to burn them OUTSIDE so they don't take down the house as one guy did? Wait until they find out Levis is now pushing gun control. Nazis marching in their tidy whities? Oy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I hear this line over and over again. It's as if it's not every media product that is political, but people interpret them as political. It's either projection or the retarded beliefs that all media is propaganda trainig the audiance like people train dogs.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Wonder if Donald jr is next?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I think the point is that the person responding to the polite man is a raging cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Nonsense people want stricter gun control laws.. Your response is buy more guns. How is that rational debate?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Okaaay. Ever get the feeling that you're being played? Or....ummm, it could just be like the US: Liberals vs. Conservatives.....hmmmm.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Shid I'm right with ya","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They won't show how it started, the man has mental difficulties. However the nigger is a cripple ugly fuck sucking up my tax money. Hope she dies soon! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trojan horse that shit. The mask has slipped, Ben. It amazes me that anyone follows that little bitch Ben. He is an Israel first anti-American neocon, smartass shill.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'll snap that gay neck of yours. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":". Who but a #DemoKKKrat pulling an address off of a DNC campaign donor sheet...or a foreign entity like, say, ISIS....would send anything addressed: \"Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. \" A conservative would have addressed it: Creepy PedoJoe Biden #JustSayin","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"NO ONE WANTS A DUMBFUCK SHE-BOON NIGGER AS GOVERNOR !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And we have alot of Democrats who support this bullshit. DRAIN THE SWAMP!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He gave her more than a fair chance to stop. That was his choice and he didn't have to do it. He had a line and let her cross it before retaliating. How is this so hard to understand? Edit: Did you really think you could ghost edit your comment and I wouldn't notice? Sneaky beta cucks will be sneaky beta cucks, I guess. Here's my reply to rest of your garbage. You don't have to explicitly say something for me to follow your reasoning to it's logical conclusion. If you truly think the man was in the wrong for hitting back then you either don't view women as equals to men or think women should be afforded extra privileges alongside the equal rights they already have. This would make you a sexist or a supremacist, pick your poison. I don't like double standards for one reason. It creates inequality. I don't want women to be let off the hook for ASSAULT just because \"muh wamen\" as much as I don't want men let off the hook for ASSAULT because \"muh men.\" The moment you start allowing double standards to be normalized is the moment you take your first step towards an unequal, tiered justice system. Women wanted equality and this is what it looks like. If you or anyone else has a problem with it then maybe you all should admit women meant just the benefits of equality with none of the responsibility. I recognized your type of asinine argumentation and stopped you before you could waste my time with arguments that this sub has debunked thousands of times before. The only reason you're crying about a straw man, throwing out character assassinations, and incorrectly declaring my arguments as invalid is because I didn't give you the chance to act like a smug faggot. If you had any arguments that weren't what I called out ahead of time you would've posted them. Go back to two x chromosomes for your \"yas queens\" and validation of your ridiculous views. We don't have time your inane faggotry in PPD","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yep, all they have to do is cool it, and they will conquer Europe by birth rate. Will they cool it? It's Islam. I've looked at a lot of Einstein quotes, never seen that one, and seems I would have. Oh yeah. Sounds like what Schrodinger said. He quit the Quantum Theory in disgust, saying he didn't like it and was sorry he had anything to do with it. He focused on a much less disturbing concept, \"What is Life?\" He wrote a book by that name, Watson read it, was inspired, and carried it around with him as he discovered DNA with Crick using Schrodinger's Quantum Theory Wave Equation. Anyway, what was Schrodinger's conclusion in his \"What is Life?\" book? That we aren't confined to the bones of our skull, we are embedded in the Universe. It's all mixed together. I passionately agree. I have incessantly blogged about the same thing. That whole concept runs, ad nauseam perhaps, through many, many of my stories. And a sympathetic reader (with time to waste) would see it in both my novels.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Oh god F*CK I m crying : )","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I'll go to the original argument that people shouldn't blanket everyone together. Terrorists = all Muslims Alt-Right = all conservatives Both of these are equally dumb. Requiring specific groups to denounce their fringes means that the general populace can't differentiate.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Don't get me wrong, retarded woman. I understand that you have taken more dick than you've taken history lessons. But, the fact remains, it was there before your dying state of Israel and depending on my mood, will be there when Israel dies.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER I would like to thank those at Whitehall whom have supported me. Please see press statement below Big thanks @USER @USER Wishing you all the best for vote2019 URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@armed_partisan Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man. @FreedomNewsNetwork Your addiction to nigger cock knows no limits, does it?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Americans. Not Black Americans. Not African Americans. Americans. AMERICANS. https:\/\/redd.it\/9ri8ua Americans. Not black Americans; not African Americans; Americans.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol @ redneck fantasies","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Clearly perjury. She'll get the cunt and libturd pass squared and never be held accountable.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is fucking retarded and we need to quit pretending it's not just to \"get back at those mean old entitled women\". 17 year olds want to and are perfectly capable of having sex. Male and female. Enough with the petty bullshit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Immigrants are scum. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#MondayMorning #MondayMotivation #MondayMood #MondayThoughts Another #Republicans \/ Trump swamp Lier !! #MAGA #women #Christianity URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Fukc all Muslims. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER After the GOP wins the mid-terms easily there will be no reason we dont put on the masks and grab weapons to go all #ANTIFA on people like you clowns have been doing. Going to be so much fun!!!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I used to work with a person like this. Her protected status keeps her employed despite her open hatred for men caused 11 members of a 9 person team to quit in a year (yes, 11 of 9- she cycled through two resources in under the year mark). Why I will never buy Columbia Sportswear again.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Place your bets on the outcome, once the SHTF...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Amen sister! Did you just assume their gender? REEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! \/s DON'T TALK TO ME IF YOU SUPPORT DRUMPF In this rambling clusterfuck of poor grammar, rampant misspelling, and shameful abuse of punctuation, I'm actually impressed that you managed to spell \"peak\" correctly. I'm sure that it was an accident, though, and you probably won't do it again. Listen here shitlord! Grandmer is hawrd, your totally opresing me rite naow, u r licherali wors thun hitlur. Well, I **am** a Grammar Nazi of sorts, so I suppose your accusation isn't *entirely* wrong there . You... you're alright. You should have kept the repeats. Give it the full affect. Since you didn't, its only a 9\/ ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Can he hire a female prostitute to be our trade negotiator? I feel the prostitute would do a better job that the current chick. Thanks","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Froggie is cuter. BTW the dyke just got suspended by Twatter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hi there, i,m Keith, i hope you are doing well, i would be very honored to get to know you if you would be interested? @PugLife Fuck off","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sorry sweety, I think the refugees prefer a goat to you. Yesterday, I had women complaining and insulting me because I stated that giving women the vote was a tragic mistake, since they vote for socialism, welfare, and open borders. Yep.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gay people are disgusting. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wait, what? God helped you to decide to murder your baby? I don't think that was God you were talking to.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"OP calling you purely emotional also posted this comment: *These cocksuckers are about to get a wakeup call. They have no say in this. Fuck them, fuck Ford, fuck all liberal cunts. Fuck the left. Fuck everyone who doesn't stand with GEOTUS. We're done. We're so fucking done.*","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER He is saaaaaaadd URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER about as high as he is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Can you Confirm! That you are a PATRIOT URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The global elitists never thought you would win. Just like our Trump. America knows your truth and knows how you are trying to help your citizens. Stay strong. America knows and supports you. The NWO will NEVER win!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER every antifa member is just several midget gypsies standing on each others shoulders in a big skinsuit","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" No wonder they hate the #NPCRetards MEMES look at them being herded like sheep by those Democrat house nigger overseers Vote Red Wave Baby https:\/\/youtu.be\/yCSR2t60_tQ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Duck ass shit not funny","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER LOVE HER!! She is a BADASS!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER If I'm not mistaken they were the only affiliate to not be resigned to the Pirates system","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Looks like the commies at Ricochet got that pussy Jason Kenny to buckle to the slightest accusation. https:\/\/nationalpost.com\/news\/politics\/united-conservative-jason-kenney-turfs-upc-member-amid-report-of-hateful-views","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's not, I just censored the username. OneyNG reference? They look and sound like the type who hate themselves and project it to other people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Right on! Time to stop this BS nonsense from the left. Time to prosecute antifa members as domestic terrorists as well.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey let's carve some pumpkins! Ok, cool... let's burn one first... wait.. I got an idea! #BongOLantern Smoking pot makes you boring and bored and it makes you not care about being boring and bored.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yes included. Smoothing reserve put in place as Conservatives knew next year and year after toughest in five year cycle. Predictions are proving to be correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If he doesn't give up his jacket, she's cold once and will remember hers next time. If he gives up his jacket for her, she never learns and he establishes a pattern that makes him cold every time or face being regarding as an asshole based off precedence. Real men can tell the difference between momentary pleasure and a lifetime of prosperity, and rightfully choose the latter. Real women can rightfully accept and carry the consequences of their actions, like the woman here. It's not gender-biased, either. It's called being an adult. >she never learns and he establishes a pattern that makes him cold every time Amen brotha. This is how you talk about a pet though. I mean I feel like she's also a human being, so she wouldn't want to always do that to him. I agree with the post overall, but let's stick to the cultural problems and not dehumanize people, right? I'm not a feminist. I even said in this that I agree that he shouldn't have to give up his jacket. I just had a small problem with the way the one commenter framed it, and I wanted to talk about that. If you use the word feminazi unironically I don't think you get to tell other people to grow up lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"http:\/\/www.escapistmagazine.com\/news\/view\/120225-Missouri-Man-Pleads-Guilty-To-Possession-of-Cartoon-Child-Porn","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"He was an insufferable cunt on the old Neogaf. Fuck him","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"he 1950s are over and you no longer matter. Go sit on your couches and eat Big Macs and collect SSI. The real workers will do the work while you rest. Don't worry, in 20 years when you need a diaper change the people you hate will still take care of you with respect. Something you do not deserve.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Had you radical liberals supported President Bush's plan to allow YOUNG people to invest 2% and only 2% of the Social Security into the private marketplace we may be solvent by now!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER All my guns are defensive; even the one that shoots further. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Comments attached to posts made block necessary. I had some Christian fucking faggot post Bible verses to every one of my posts. Another parasite with no following attempted to use my posts as signal boost by commenting on all of them. These vermin are not my friends and I don't want their cancer attached to my work.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"\"who murdered 6 million Jews\" I'm done. This faggot will never stop sucking kike dick.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Democrats* You can't tell me that wasn't intentional! There's no possible way **anyone** could be this retarded. They *must* have planned it from the start. Else why never bring up how integral he was to the crafting of the Patriot Act? How he was [a big time union buster?](http:\/\/www.unz.com\/video\/rtamerica_torture-union-busting-what-msm-wont-say-about-kavanaugh\/) Aren't Unions supposed to be their demo? Then why ignore all that for some fakeass leaked bullshit? Unless..... They **wanted** him to get in, but couldn't vote for him without pissing off their base? So they needed a smoke screen to ensure the Republican senators felt it was politically polarised to ensure they, having the majority, voted along party lines. Rand and Barasso would have almost certainly bailed had the Patriot Act been brought up, maybe a couple of others, forcing two or three dems having to vote yes to counter their null votes, thus risking being primaried or recalled from the backlash. This way they can **pretend** they *tried* oh so hard to stop it and keep their dirty mitts clean!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people like you do not deserve to live. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Still better looking than your shameful mug. You cover your face in every photo, since you look like a burn victim from a meth lab explosion, but in reality, it's just very poor breeding over multiple generations; this is why you have no children and will die alone, whereas I am married with children. Cool, when my mrs gets home this arvo I'll tell her that some fetal alcohol syndrome, david hogg doppelganger lookin cunt from gab said she doesn't exist. On a side note, I really hope your kids got their mothers looks Give that bitch a couple more Big Macs for me!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"SJW CUNT !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The only acceptable people on the planet with pale skin are Jews. All others are scheduled for termination. Thank you for calling it pale and not white. Mine is white. Do you think they want their yellow stars back? It's getting really weird on planet earth. A lot of them just want us dead, and soon they're going to lose patience with just telling us to breed ourselves out of existence. I have a clue about this. I am part Boer and a Rhodesian in the diaspora. Aussie friends will not listen despite this chart... no that is not white immigration.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"And then there is this- An arrogant professor at Ole Miss University spewing his radical left wing ideals to young, impressionable, idealistic college kids. It should be no surprise Parents -> when your child embraces mixed marriages, homosexuality, far left wing ideas, Muslims, Jews, Mexican Illegal Aliens, Antifa, and Black Lives Matter, etc, etc, Yes, did you notice his wife in the tiny profile picture??? That says it all as far as I am concerned!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Delightful! Brought back some memories . . . . Have a wonderful week, guys!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"oliver is a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Abi? You are right","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You're cool with your leader going not the show of man who kidnapped a retarded girl to impregnate her?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Her products cause dandruff? KC you are the one ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/ussanews.com\/News1\/2018\/10\/20\/report-anthony-scaramucci-spills-about-trump-in-tell-all-book\/ I WONDER IF THIS SICILY PART NIGGER BLOOD BILLIONARE WOULDVE WHOOPED UP ON MENTALLY ILL BOLTON AND KELLY WHO GO RIGHT ALONG WITH STARVING TO DEATH AND BOMBING TO DEATH PRETTY YEMENI SMART GIRLS AND SMART BOYS AND FILTHY DIRTY KIKES GENETIC JEWS JEWESSES IN JERUSALEM FOR NOW ANYWAY PURPOSEFULLY SHOOTING IN THE HEAD LEGS HEART ARAB UNARMED CHILDREN; YES. HES A JEWYORKSHEITY MOBSTER AS IS TRUMP. SMOOCHI MOOCHI HAD TWO OF HIS WAR DOGS ATTACK ME AT DOLLAR TREE IN BREWER. ONE OF THE PLATES WAS MOOCH","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"US ONLY 2018 Don't be an idiot. Illegal aliens stay as far away from government offices and agents including voting stations as they can get. If we got rid of all 8,000,000 illegal aliens the USA would lose billions in taxes and revenues while costing less in benefits they can't receive like SNAP, WIC, SSI, SSDI, Vocational Rehabilitation, Promise, etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"But but #Beeto has the Drunk Drivers Who Leave The Scene Of An Accident vote all sewed up! #MAGA @USER #TxSen URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"CHEZ Rosie O'Donnell wants military to 'get' Trump from White House . ..https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/entertainment\/rosie-odonnell-wants-military-to-get-trump-from-white-house .. DIDN\"T the LOOONY see TRYMP with the MARINEs yesterday .. What a pig she is.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"...This evil Anti-Semitic attack is an assault on humanity. It will take all of us working together to extract the poison of Anti-Semitism from our world. We must unite to conquer hate. 2:41 pm - 27 Oct 2018 Sending prayers out tonight to those Americans of the Jewish #Faith murdered exercising their constitutional right to worship God. I pray that God comforts their broken hearts. I pray these prayers in the name of Jesus. #GabFam #Faith #Israel","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Then your gonna get bitten","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A trans life is not worth anything. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I like to imagine all the background detail of all of this, like her parents bragging about their daughter and how \"successful\" she is to other parents, and using her as a massive case of how \"the future is female etc\" to people. Yeah how did that turn out eh? She was worse than unsuccessful, as there is no shame in trying something sincerely and failing, but defrauding people there is nothing but shame. i remember reading a BBC news article years ago on her singing her praise about how amazing she is (when she was valued at 9billion) and thinking \"wow i wish i was in her shoes\", lol not only has her life gone from being a billionaire to being worth $0, her life is worth less as she will be in fucking jail now. fucking dishonest cunt deserves everything she gets","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This one gets right into the nitty gritty. https:\/\/youtu.be\/7-WQpUZB-Bk","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"God will not save Britons until they admit Hitler was right. Nazi hund have u even read mein kampf ? Hitler loved muzzies hated, charlemenge of all people. He certainly was more fond of muzzie members then jewish ones","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I hope they were Reporting on Gun Control","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You call this shite philosophy? how about you protect my womb by shutting the fuck up before you impregnate my mind with just enough rage that i come shove that nazi cab driver cap up your arse and blind the pet hamster you got livin in there?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"First they came for the Weev but I did not speak out bc I was not a stormer, then they came for the Patrick Little but I did not speak out bc I was not a Whignat, then they came for the tranny shit but did not speak out bc I was not a tranny chaser, then they came for the lolis but I did not speak out bc I was not a lolifag... I skimmed your profile and you sound like a retarded version of me from like 4 years ago lmao. Have fun guy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER His fruits comes not only from his mouth; he is a liar and a deceiver. He is definitely NOT a Catholic he likes to re-form the Church to his own image.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"So Khashoggi isn't the saint he's being painted as by the MSM - turns out he's an Islamist twat - good riddance !! https:\/\/gab.ai\/mwill\/posts\/39030463","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Well now... it appears that she is reproducing. Good thing we sent her to shithole UK before...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER The bad and the good are both part of US history. Excluding painful memories will not change the truth of what we have gone through. What's important is to learn from history so it won't repeat. Changing the facts would be akin to Antifa tearing down statues to erase the past!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Awful person who for once has done some good. As other commenter said, an over reach by the previous administration. Obama screwed up on this one, big time. > Awful person Tell me why. This thread is full of praise about the action yet hating the person that did it. Vos does not hate public schools. She does hate the way the teachers' unions have corrupted the system to enrich themselves and indoctrinate the kids with liberal bias, at the expense of really educating them. She would also return the schools from federal to state or local authority, because schools (outside of DC and the military) are not among Congress's enumerated powers. (If you believe the \"general welfare\" clause covers schools, Madison, as one of the Constitution's principal authors, addresses that possibility in Federalist # School should be federal and not state for the simple fact that every child in this country needs the same education so they may all have an equal chance when it comes to applying to colleges. If there is no federal standard, children in some states will no doubt have early advantages over children in others. Colleges in the US have lost pretty much all their usefulness and become communist indoctrination centers, and its because of the very federal intervention which deVos is now undoing. The same is starting to happen to K-12 schools, and there too it's because of federal intervention but with the NEA in the driver's seat. Also that whole blackwater thing and the student debt thing... Across the isle, Brother is apart of black water, appointed by Trump. That's it. Let's be fair here, Betsy DeVos being a cunt has absolutely nothing to do with her brother being a war criminal. > Links CNN Pffffftt. > Eric Prince is a war criminal Saying he is because he worked for a company you don't like doesn't actually make it true. Did you even watch the interview before you dismissed it? She completely screwed up Michigan's public education system As for Eric Prince, his company killed civilians and there was a massive court case, you fucking idiot. This isn't about feelings. His company targeted civilians in Iraq and committed other atrocities.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Says the one who has one follower and following two. I stand by my original text. Demoncraps = COMMUNIST #EXPOSETHEDEEPSTATE #enemiesofthestate #militarytribunals #MAGA #TRUMP #WalkAway #Q @USER @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Just checked out your profile, it's a joke just like you. Btw brah I know you're all hot and bothered but you'll never have me or any other Attractive Sexy woman. Now you can go back to your 40 on the front stoop of your \"house\" in the projects lmao","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"FUCKING UGLY IS WHAT THAT TWAT IS !! BIG BLACK UGLY, UGLY EYEBROWS !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Spic","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I believe #ChristineBlaseyFord however I assert that it will make not one jot of difference after Trump and recently Roy Moore the @USER long ago chose to align themselves with misogyny and abuse. #KavanaughConfirmationHearing is next step to #TheHandmaidsTale #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Israel and her dual minions did 9-11! Sand niggers are not smart enough to wipe their own asses! A retard who insetigate can figure it out in a couple hrs on the net.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hope you fucking die bitches gay people should not exist all you do is lick one another's ass","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"With time she might correct it by modifying the equation with a muzzie ratio","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oldest Closet Faggot Awards Here's the contender list: --Wolf Blitzer --Jorge Ramos --George Soros","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The statement is true, but only within a narrow academic context pertaining to sociological models of power. Problem is, that context is now used in place of the wider meaning of \"being a cunt to someone of a different race\".","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The big win would be to do what Trump did: get blue collar, traditional left-wing voters, engaged with populist measures. We need to migrate from liberal vs conservative to populist vs globalist. There is a window for Bernier to capture voters across the old traditional spectrums.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If I see a comment like \"you trans people make me sick\", I will report it. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"If you ask me, Muslims like you are no better than rats. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"roper is a fucking two-faced, spineless, nutless cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The guy at the end maybe is trolling that advice is just too retarded on the last sentances","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"haha the nigger being a nigger got niggered.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I thought #HanoiJane was against \"offending people, but this #DramaQueen has no problem offending millions upon millions of Americans who support POTUS #Trump. #Hypocrite https:\/\/www.lifezette.com\/2018\/10\/jane-fonda-says-its-hard-for-me-to-breathe-in-donald-trumps-america\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Also. These antifa\" and from hence shall be referred to as anqueefa by mesel. They pretty much all live with Mommy. In the basement which is why they wear masks. Then mommy can't ground em\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Sarsour getting patrolled like she's still back in Gaza","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Haha yeah funny communists liberals destroying USA want USA2 like Venezuela China north korea perhaps why not just move2 your perfect country instead of desperately trying 2destroy the USA that my Founding Fathers fought died 4 our Freedom! Shed blood for ungrateful communists!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Exactly! The pure hatred has blinded them. I've never seen mobs of people on here all go nuts.Makes you realize that self awareness is crucial right now locally if its like that on here honestly. I stay focused and will be like that more so now. Doing an absentee ballot too","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.thenewamerican.com\/usnews\/crime\/item\/24549-nypd-source-weiner-laptop-has-enough-evidence-to-put-hillary-away-for-life?fbclid=IwAR1JGC5HqfJAMIHePhvQuKhx2CStLGlo1pZdhSifWWaksGNwQ2Acb0mOo1I","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"8\/ . Liberals Just Pull Kavanaugh....the next guy will be fine Me: You Democrats are so obvious. You are gonna smear everybody and call them a rapist. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"(((Peter Sanders))) His entire gab wall is nothing but anti-christian posts. We live in a post Christian society and these kikes still envy our God. You would think that if atheism were a path of rich fruit, there would be substance to share. Nope, he is entirely focused on Christianity. Pathetic! Christ was talking about someone who had dies, idiot. By your logic, we should not defend our faith, or root out devils in our own Christian forums. I am not lukewarm. And I could give a fuck about this faggot peter. I do this to edify fellow Christians. You don't like it, I don't give a shit.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Life is better barefoot! #HappyFriday Yep, It's quite important to have a bit of common sense. Shame that common sense ain't so common any more, might need to change it to rare sense or \"really hard to find sense\". People need to be aware that you can still freeze to death in civilized lands, if you are a retard and don't wear appropriate attire.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"We were taught as kids to not hit ANYONE. When did that go out the window?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"4\/ Or specifically with the white supremacists who find the NPC meme awesome, how is \"diversity is our strength\" any different from \"love your race\"? It's like two sides of the retard coin. (Or actually the same side, since white supremacy and white nationalism originated from the Democrat party, which they hate to acknowledge.) Do you realize the founding fathers were white nationalists? Citizenship was for whites only. Btw, they also kept negroes chained up out back. Your boomer logic has no basis in reality, turn off Rush and try reading a book published prior to 1965 Cool story, I see you learned history from the back of a cereal box, like the other white supremacists.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Silly bint, you get the husband in university and THEN drop out, duh. Order of operations!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You are nothing but common female trahs. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It was taken seriously, her written testimony conflicts with her spoken. This faggot needs to be in the unemployment line.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Because they are retarded and don't think, they just react like the good NPC's that they are.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bono wants Africa and the EU to join forces against Trump and the US and \"take over the world Good luck with that https:\/\/voiceofeurope.com\/2018\/10\/bono-wants-africa-and-the-eu-to-join-forces-against-trump-and-the-us-and-take-over-the-world\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Well holy shit. Blackface - which has for my entire life been held up as quintessential huwhite racism - wasn't invented by Whites. It was invented by a Jew. In a movie that was literally about a Jew culturally appropriating jazz. Once again, the fucking Jews transferred the blame for something they did, to us. https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=vAAAtqSeRKI thats late, retard","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I think it's more of a choice for ppl to stay hooked on shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I win. Christgang 1 Neopagans 0 No need to be salty. You wish I was salty. It would mean I didn't realise how stupid you are. But, alas... You are as dumb as they come. I judge people by their character moreso than their IQ score. Theres no shortage of smart assholes in this world. LOL Slava! Slava !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER hey tina goodmorning lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I am pretty sure that making people reinforce their stereotype of \"dumb illiterate nigger\" will do just great.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"They don't really make sense, but not sexist. No-one's stopping fat chicks from using them. If conservative women couldn't fit through doorways, they'd just use man sized tissues. Fat Liberals however will take issue with everything including the box color. It will be changed to pink soon. Wait for it. I wonder what they'll be called. Cunt Wipes?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Football is an all American sport that brings families and communities together. It also celebrates masculinity. It seems these things are under attack today.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I would have suplexed this cunts head right open on the pavement. Its insane what women are allowed to get away with these days","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"you fucking pieces of shit need to shoot yourselves in the damn face with a shotgun you nutball cocksuckers...smfh. Get a life you fucking piece of shit pathetic miserable loser in life. Always got to be jealous of the jews to make you miserable self fell better huh. Shoot yourself faggot \"Anti Semitism is a healthy feeling towards murdering anti-Christian destroyers of nations.\" If it hurts to read this, that's on you. I'm not jew. I do not support the destruction of goyim. I do not support child abuse. I do not support jewish supremacy!! Jews are NOT Gods! Jews are NOT better than goyim!!! This is what jews believe! JEWS ARE DEMONS! JEWS ARE PEDOPHILES!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"All these bigots keep saying that black people like me ought to be executed. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"*Glances at paper while coffee brewing.* Ah yes, nothing like a good ol cringe to start off a Monday morning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Agreed and what I'm saying too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There is a name for these cunts. Ubercuntch.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I love babe.net. Its cannibalistic. It's nutjob feminists go after feminists like Aziz Ansari and whoever this cunt is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I am learning a lot about immigrants at the moment. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are sexy as fuck babygirl ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This was was everything the mentally ill left wants. It's time to remind the Socialists what side of History they're on.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@Bob_Americana @InfantryVet @AmericanWehrwolf @Spahnranch1969 @GoyGibson @Booster_Bunny @lostpassword @theDude2 @grandpalampshade @GregSims @RabbiHighComma @MosheShekelRod @CuckShamer @Farmer-General @Toothpuller @TZilla","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER We support you Dana in anything you do yes you are a heck of an actress. Thank you for fighting for us. NRA Proud. MAGA. BLESSINGS DANA.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Hey Hillary....Black panther is an OLD ass movie now...why don't you give us your retarded commentary on \"Fast times at Ridgmont High or how about \"Ferris Buellers day off or \"gone with the wind ....what an old ass VCR loser. \"Hey Hillary, what else do you like? Hillary: \"Well, I like long walks at Aushwitz and other places of mass ritualistic human sacrifice, because it gives me a chance to really Think about my future goals; I like Loud suits and Lesbo haircuts; and oh yes, my ultimate favorite, is virgin blood. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Thank you!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wow, what a self-entitled cunt. Her family and friends are truly better off without her.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's a crime to be conservative. It's a crime to be sane. You don't have to be a conservative to state basic biological truths. Q: what do conservatives try to preserve? A: sanity, basic biological truths Except in the case of evolution, lul. There is plenty of science denial in both parties. I was simply trying to make a humorous point. Yeah, without liberals with their underwater basket weaving degrees who'd serve you at fast food restaurants? Are you trying to prove my point? I'm legit unsure, but I want to see this unfold. Please continue responding to him. They have a job, don't they? I mean, that was an attack on the \"liberal\" side :P","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Migrant caravan heading toward US border expands to over 7,500 people: report https:\/\/image.ibb.co\/jfvdTA\/Dq-Ic-LAt-X0-AUMu-M","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Disabled people are just a waste of space. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Please point out what isn't true. Do the SHITlibs not love austerity and slashing public funding? Do they not love privatization? Are their social policies anything more than empty gestures? Has anyone in this thread referred to Drug Fraud as far right? No? So all true! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Radicalism? Seriously? Let's see your so called resist movement gave birth to ANTIFA thugs who run around trying to sow chaos and stifle free speech! @USER has created a dialogue in this country that addresses the division and corruption already plaguing this country.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is all you need to know, AZ. Don't vote this radical in. What an evil thing to say Arizona YOU better VOTE McSally ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Now, if I remember correctly from the muzzie invasion in Europe, which this is similar to (smaller numbers) these people are all ..(haha) doctors and lawyers right? ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Speaking of cancer, kayjaylayray... If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with Mesothelioma you may to be entitled to financial compensation. Mesothelioma is a rare cancer linked to asbestos exposure. Exposure to asbestos in the Navy, shipyards, mills, heating, construction or the automotive industries may put you at risk. Please don't wait, call 1-800-99 LAW USA today for a free legal consultation and financial information packet. Mesothelioma patients call now! 1-800-99 LAW USA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.* :O","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Dinesh Souza is a brown faggot Yeah but what a babe this faggot has for a wife, A?! Duuuuuuhhhhh!!!!! Who's this dumb faggot? Is faggot your favorite word? Takes one to call one. Especially as much as you do. Time to come out of your closet, no?!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is getting big lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Is it gun control OR anti 2a? I haven't seen a single ad attacking 2a. That's just @USER rhetoric to create fear.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER She should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The tragic waste of such a beautiful person! Her incompetency and hasty judgement has ruined his family and friends lives. I know she is devastated but that is little comfort to his loved ones. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Twitter: We do not want neo-nazi's here - we do not want your hateful content, take that shit else where. GAB: We do not want loli here - we do not want your perverted content, take that shit else where. Pro-free speech, anti-censorship until it bothers you - just like Jack-off and Fuckerberg. #Hypocrisy","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Little ass boy ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"With the midterms coming you may be asking yourself \"Is the dude I'm about to vote for a total faggot on immigration?\" Find out at the Numbers USA Immigration Report Card https:\/\/www.numbersusa.com\/content\/my\/tools\/grades","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Yes, READ it again. They use a term for a BROAD group (leftist\" \"feminist\" \"theist\" whatever else) then, in many cases, focus on a particular EXTREME SUBSET of that group (antifa, a subset of 3rd wave feminism, YECs) without distinguishing the fact it IS a subset.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Muslims are without a doubt the stupidestpeople on this planet. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Another nutcase Muzzie who is probably a victim of inbreeding in her own family. Breast feeding was the original baby bottle given by God all in its original packaging and no refrigeration required.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Start by ripping that snot ring out of his faggot nose.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"OH you should worry alright, especially if you're the little soyboy crybaby I think you are. You'll be tucked in sucking that thumb before curfew from all the cryin' you whiny ass little loon, you. But you're probably an overgrown soyboy. We just don't know what to do with you little gender benders these days. Can't tell if you're male, female or one of 70 plus other \"gender\" identities. I grew up used to real men with lots of testosterone that knew what to do with a woman. You- I'm cluesless. I think you're probably a little faggot for sure though. Maybe? Don't flatter yourself too much I have everything I want already","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Insane? I dont think shes crazy. I think shes just downright too retarded to be driving. That guy had to take her phone away and move the bitch bc she wasnt getting it. Technically possible, but more probable is just that she's a self-absorbed cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ehrmahgerd...did that bitch just have some cosmetic tucking done? Let the old cunt keep talking, I need a good laugh every now and then! She believes one stems from the other...can't get anymore stupid that that! She really has some doozies of a mind fart every now and then!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER WTH ??? What happened to gun control ???","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I wonder if the Liberals realize how much the jihadis despise them? Probably not.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER He's walking on a street with the strictest gun control in the USA. 1+1=2.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Biggest brained strategy: We just need to find out who the good Jews are. Whatever that is supposed to mean. But we just line them up for job interviews under the authority of the Department of Deplorables and find out who doesn't want to destroy us. Once we figure out who doesn't want to destroy us, we can destroy ourselves with outbreeding because #MAGA #Trump Using in-group tactics to combat hostile rival groups and promoting the further procreation of the group's best and brightest was literally the core tenet of Hitler's Germany, you insufferable mongoloid. You've been advocating FOR NSDAP policies for the last hour and are just to stupid to know it because you're a faggot that would rather cry about Jews than win","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm a firm believer that once you've stopped resisting you don't deserve to have the shit beaten out of you by a gang of police. But hey that's why America's great, bc fucks like you can speak their mind so everyone knows what kind of cunt you are","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And does this surprise any of us TRUMP SUPPORTERS!!! Not at all... We have heard him accused of everything that can be imagined!!! We still stand BEHIND Our President Donald J TRUMP!!! ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER traitor whoever he or she is.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Antifa has new uniforms?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"What used to be a circus side show freak is now the Democrat base. #Progress? Vader hand to God has no idea what sex or gender that thing is. Horror movies have now become reality amongst us and they're being pushed on our children in daycares, libraries, schools, books, and TV\/film.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Stop saying this shit you are not going to do it shrio you have to fight this depression you can't let it take you half of my life was me hiding my emotions everyone thought I was happy but deep down I wanted to end it all but I didn't let depression beat me I kept fighting.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"[deleted] I suggest you learn how to have a conversation like an adult. ok, moderator of \/r\/pussypassdenied today, were going to play \"name that fallacy! Stehhhppp onnnn Dooowwnn!\" also, thanks for the plug. Before that, I would take a course on reading comprehension and critical thought if I were you. >critical thought if I were you. its funny, because youre the one who earned the tag, NPC. > NPC I shouldn't be feeling bad about you if you are insulting me. Take care man. I don't hate you though. I do insult people on reddit sometimes but with you, I don't feel any hate. You seem lost. Maybe because I did something similar. Don't spend too much time on reddit and take care of yourself.. There is a line between supporting mensrights and hating women. Spend too much time on these subreddits, you start conflating the two things. PM me if you want to talk You are projecting.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" When you are right, you ARE RIGHT!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Protesters Cry As Kavanaugh Vote Announced https:\/\/youtu.be\/31tLJPxdmD8","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This is why we don't need \"based nigger in a maga hat\" types","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Heartiste \"They hated him because he told the truth It sucks, but being a hero today will not make you popular. But to me the truth is more important. Think about how history will see you, not how retarded college lefties do. http:\/\/magaimg.net\/img\/6i0p.png","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"D3ath to all disabled people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TWAT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"i DON'T THINK THIS MARXIST CUNT IS GOING TO LIVE THAT LONG. just a FEELING I HAVE.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Yup. It wasn't #Gab. It was some NAZI dipshit retard that liked to say 'gas the kikes'. Those people are stupid.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She's not trying to be a better person she is just trying to save herself from all the horrible things she did!!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Evil","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER YOU ARE TRULY a champion in every sense!! You win AND lose with grace! @USER you too are a champion!! Thanks for the terrific tournament!! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"This Korean bitch is like a pig. That s how they made an army of sumos there in their shithole country","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Cockroach","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Wtf even is that? > a chair haha I hope you're joking He isn't. Saw a post one time with a person identifying as Hitlerkin unironically. Oh no. Lol oh man, so \"kin\" is Tumblrinactions roots my dude, its where we forged ourselves, making fun of all the idiots who thought they were cartoons and shit. You should do a deep dive into older posts Link? [I think this is what you're looking for.](https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ) good bot If aliens exist, I will commit seppuku in front of one as an apology, on behalf of all humans, for that person's WTF-ery. Yes, they never identify as chairs because chairs aren't cool. They also only ever identify as cool animals like wolves. Never earth worms. Sure they do. We just don't hear about them because earthworms can't type Neither can eggs but there's that one thing with some eggkin complaining about their family eating eggs. Eggkin? Dafuq? There's a lot like that. There's \"plantkin\" who feel oppressed when people breathe around them because they are plants and they can't breathe. Well that's bullshit. Plants convert CO2 into oxygen.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"8 and 4 is retarded when you have to make a sharp turn. I prefer the single hand at noon.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You have to stop calling people faggots. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's ok. Just apply L'Hopital's rule, taking the derivatives and...nope, it's still retarded.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"HE IS SAYING THE CULTURE IS A MYTH NOT RAPE! YOU FUCKING SJW TRIGGERED MORON Helps da nigger man reads da font betters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Try asphalt playgrounds... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"LOL NIP GAG Woah there LOL_NIP_FAG! Next time, please refrain from using that horribly bigoted term. Instead, please use the universally accepted \"Math American\". Thank you for your understanding. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](\/message\/compose\/?to=\/r\/ImGoingToHellForThis) if you have any questions or concerns.*","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Lol. Of course it was, chuckles. You seem to be in a very bad mood today! Chuckles... that is very accurate and for you that must be a first. I love taunting the really fucking stupid. O'Brien duped that silliest of cunts and just pointing the fuckwit at the right direction is delicious fun. Hes a dopey fuck so won't go and check! He'll Remain an ignorant cunt unto death!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"My money says the bombs were actually sent by a white boomer hopped up on conservative talk radio. Only a talk radio junkie would include Maxine Waters on the list. No serious political thinker would bother with her. The thinking left wouldn't add her to a list of people who matter and the thinking right wouldn't dare silence that retarded gaffe generator. Yeah no way do I believe even one of these \"trust the plan\" Qtard boomers who call us muslim shills for questioning voting GOP down the line (let alone how they react when we advocate political violence), would do this right now. After a blue wave? Sure, but not now.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lmao i just got banned from r\/offmychest for commenting here. Nice. Welcome to the club! You're probably banned from r\/blackwomen as well, and possibly r\/happy. If you gain too much karma here you'll also get banned from r\/LateStageCapitalism. Happy bans you for posting in \"hate subs\". It's really easy to get them to overturn a ban though. They really only enforce the bans if you've posted in mde and BSS, both of which recently got banned from Reddit anyway.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER There are people and groups who do want to ban certain guns or guns in general. Yes nra was pro gun control. However now gun laws are just being made after every incident with huge amount of bureaucracy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER You are suggesting that it is not the law and policy (sanctions regime) that informs rates of benefit sanctions. The graph would suggest that is true as by 2017 the sanctions rate was lower than it was under the previous sanctions regime. Good observations about pressure\"++\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wtf is wrong with these proportions, the character looks like a squashed midget Toothpaste guy's arms in the last panel physically hurt to look at Ehem, Toothpaste \"guy\" Check yo pronouns ***F U C K*** That actually made me cry, that was fuckign great.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bruh ita gonna be ok You will have to go it without your parents being there 24\/7 which can be hella scary. But you are more ready than you think. Its gonna be more fun than you could bet","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Haha, you must be pozzed to be triggered like this!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"never lie, you weak faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Yes but it doesnt help with the made up stories about him. He shouldn't of called football players SOB. but he is right about illegal immigration. We can't support the entire nation. Rules needs to change.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Bring back Alex ... Jack... or Ban NYT too...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I see 30 year olds on Tinder still telling everyone they're a college athlete. These cunts have so little personality, they're still riding the \"I played sports in college\" train, 10 years after the fact.....","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Says the idiotic, traitorous wanna be tin pot dictator.... AWFUL! Classless Barack Obama Continues Midterm Campaigning Compares Trump to \"Tin-pot Dictatorship https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/classless-barack-obama-continues-midterm-campaigning-compares-trump-to-tin-pot-dictatorship\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Imagine being so desperate to kill your unborn baby that you'd get a tattoo of a coat hanger to signal to the world that you'd be willing to scrape your child out of your womb barbarically if push came to shove. Feminists truly are psychopaths. Which Soy Boy Beta Cock voted down on this?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ADL's Hate Symbols In Reverse https:\/\/youtu.be\/nv63ALNo50E ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"They used to be a force to be reckoned with. They were basically assassins in the 90's: they were silent but deadly. Now? They're a bunch of loud mouthed clowns. I miss the days of [respectable women](https:\/\/www.imdb.com\/title\/tt0103772\/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_100) In the 90's they were complete idiots, and all men including your friends were whiteknights. Exactly.. I miss those days. If you stood out and knew how the world worked, life was so easy. If you ask me personally, that's what started this whole mess. Internet. It's been data overload since its inception. Humans rather plug into 1's and 0's versus human interaction... because just like you, you and everyone can say fuck off to the world. It isn't healthy, on a grand scale. ? Why is it not healthy? You think its healthy if you are forced to deal with stupid people and women? Back in the days if your skin color was a bit too dark in my country you were fucked. It meant you would be marginalized. So no. The internet guarantees that no matter the circumstances you have the tools to learn and selfactualize. The internet means that you can walk away from any group or instituition without losing much. Mgtow is a product of the internet. No internet no mgtow. Mgtow + internet will force society to change. Social groups are kept in check a lot by women, they dont want men to leave the group. Well this applies also to men. If all good men leave a group, the group is destroyed because then the bad apples are left to deal with the other bad apples. The exodus of men is this. We will leave and watch from a far they eating each other as we eat our pop corn and thrive. They will go insane, they are already going insane, but this is just the beginning.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Welcome to San Francisco. This is Folsom Street yesterday (9\/30\/18). This is the California Senators Feinstein and Harris are working so hard to protect. And we don't need Aryan grooming gangs in the cities in America? Mid America, pat Boone crowd; just Imagine hordes of teens with axe handles and bats, to bring these 2 to the light for their transgressions against good order and discipline. The very definition as to the how of making America great again. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He orchestrated\/provoked it so that he could cry that he was the victim of a yet another conspiracy...He's such desperate weirdo.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey, remember that one African American guy that got a bunch of KKK members to renounce their views by talking to them and befriending them? Let's ostracize him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Immigrants are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hey Nazi's, you know hitler didn't believe in the second amendment, right ? So, have you given up your arms yet, and are you ready to be under state owned enslavement ? Both of these guys were selling an absolute lie, from which they, their friends, and comrades benefited greatly ! Have you ever noticed? That despite Americans having the right to bear arms. They are still to scared to drive out the corrupt politicians. Weapons aren't magical talismans to ward off evil. I wouldn't say that. Government is meant to be as small, and unrestrictive as possible ! Our society has grown into a nanny state ! What's the purpose of governance if not to take care of the people? In monarchy the king of the nation is considered the father. It's one big family structure to government. Excuse me but you don't have much of an understanding of a monarchy Let me condense a subject that has been written on using thousands of papers, and condense it into a nice 300 character post. I'll start with \"Plebeians like yourself are to stupid to make intelligent comments on politics. Fuck you. How's that for condensing? Play stupid games and you win stupid prizes. Everyone is smarter than me apparently lol.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"i honestly dont know why twitter thinks i would never push a faggot away from me and say got a problem faggot? in real life, then ban me from twitter for saying i would do that in real life to a faggot talking shit to me","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Oh my. Let's just take them one by one shall we: >Let's start with this: women can only get pregnant about 2 days each month. Spend 10 minutes on the web searching \"the rhythm method\" and you'll find the failure rate is between 10 and 25 percent. >So ridiculous, that when an oral contraception for men was created, it wasn't approved It wasn't an oral contraceptive for one thing. It was a pair of injections. > And the list of side effects was about 1\/3 as long as the known side effects for women's oral contraception. The side effects were things like a man attempting suicide. >Now keep in mind, for the truly condom-averse, men also have a non-condom, always-ready birth control built right in, called the pull out. It's not perfect, and it's a favorite joke, but it is also 96% effective. From the article the Author linked >So in real life, about 22 out of 100 women who use withdrawal get pregnant every year that's about 1 in Basically, yes. The article the dipstick author linked was in reference to a Stage II trial of the treatment. Before a drug\/treatment is approved it has to pass the Stage II trial and then go to a much larger Stage III trial. So it was far from being ready for wide term use.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Japan doesn't shy* away from a lot of things. Male characters smack around women for the humor of it too. And something like Seven Deadly Sins has the main character frequently groping women, stealing her panties [while she's wearing them], etc.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Leave are country. Inbred. Most retarded name ever.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Bloody hell! Here I am, watching my beloved Leafs against the Capitals. On comes a commercial for Air Transat. The only couple they show? A bloody Nigger with this White, blue-eyed blonde bitch. I am sick of this racism, this attempt at #WhiteGenocide.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are we supposed to hire nigger apes to prove we aren't racist? Fuck you and the nigger apes.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Ya know how many ppl have pot in their homes?! So fukn what? The cops are trying to get their buddy off! She is a murderer!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Vote for Ted Cruz! #MAGA #BuildThatWall","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Here's a pic @USER then Now not so much. Plus #Nike Then Now not so much. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Delta Force should terminate his life. Dead Chicago nigger is dead.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#SchittFaceSchiff, looks retarded with a hat @!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"TL;DR: This video shows the similarities between Anita Sarkeesian and the 2014 SJW movement against video games, and Donald Trump in 2018 and how he is exactly like Anita when it comes to blaming video games and poses just as big of a threat to video games.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Isn't it clear how much hatred I have for you disabled people?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"A Nation of Law and Order: Lib teacher fired for Kill Kav twat Liberal Teacher FIRED after She Tweeted \"So Who's Gonna Take One For the Team and Kill Kavanaugh? https:\/\/truepundit.com\/payback-career-curtains-for-liberal-teacher-who-tweeted-so-whos-gonna-take-one-for-the-team-and-kill-kavanaugh\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"5\/5: @USER The time is right for this House to respond to the concerns of all Canadians. Four out of five Canadians support stronger gun control and with good reason. #guncontrol #cdnpoli #cdnhist\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER I don't give a damn about a \"tough niggah ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Healthy Conversation? Twitter Takes No Action as Louis Farrakhan Calls Jews Termites | Breitbart http:\/\/bit.ly\/2pXZXIo via @BreitbartNews","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"https:\/\/www.prisonplanet.com\/video-gay-muslim-drag-queen-causes-confusion.html Being a fucking faggot hurts poor allahs heart you filthy queer.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What the absolute fuck are you talking about? Take no for an answer? *No question was asked*. You however, are the caricature of a basement dwelling incel neckbeard who couldn't get a piece of pussy if his dick cured cancer. And if you aren't one, shape up. Because that's how you sound right now. Kinda gay asking grown men about drinking milk faggot lol BAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yup! U mad! Don't cry too hard into your waifu faggot! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER oh my fucking gods.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"That's such a retarded answer. Alimony is completely standard in divorces. A man or a woman is not wrong to ask for alimony. It comes down to a compensation for division of roles in the marriage. Where one part, typically the woman, normally stays at home and tends to the house and children, the other part, typically the man, is the main breadwinner. These are all tasks that make up an adult person's life. It isn't wrong or weak to be the part that stays at home and tends to the house. It's just the division of roles in a traditional marriage. And if and when that marriage ends, the party that gave up a career to tend to the home and children requires compensation for the experience they lost on the job market, so that they are able to maintain the same standard of living. This is all standard and typically understood to be fair by any reasonably intelligent adult. Yeah I'm not going to support somebody once I leave. They voided the contract by being a fucking cunt. Also ad hominem attacks are so classy.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER And today they don't even wear hoods. They're actually proud to show their faces. Unless of course it's their terrorist wing the ANTIFA or their crybaby wing the RESISTANCE\". URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER If you want more shooting just call G Soros! He's always happy to oblige with that! He pays antifa well","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"These are real problems to bitch about. I'm beyond triggered, and for good reason. The honest to God problem is that these retards have endured no genuine strife whatsoever. My situation is an example, not a fallacy of relative privation. If they had experienced worse circumstances, I don't believe they could ever muster such retarded freakouts over trivialities. I'm not saying \"because they haven't lost their livelihood, they can't be right.\" I swear...it's almost as though people just scroll through Reddit comments to see where a possible correction can be made. Do you feel better?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Police refuse to investigate Muslim Supremacist Senator Ellison's alleged sexual assault and beating of a female and son. Sources say that Ellison is protected by Sharia and the Quran and these allegations will not effect his campaign for Attorney General. Somali Sharia advocates praise Ellison for his restraint and mercy shown by not killing the woman.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You and all other gay people are a plageu to society. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It still is sexist - the degenerate is arguing that \"the bar is set lower for males than females... which is a totally harmful and probably incorrect assumption that leads to males being primary victims of violence, homelessness, suicide, as well as literal discrimination in the law. No one cares what some confused faggot thinks anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Hopefully it is joking. I hate boycotting the Leftist entertainers but I do. Stop saying stupid stuff.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank you. If you think something is not strict enough regarding our current gun control laws then due tell. But I have a feeling you have no clue what our current gun laws are and you just hoped on to the ban trolly","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"WIGGER SHARIA an article refuting WHITE SHARIA https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/video\/yeimlHkgykZU\/ #altright #whitenationalism #trump #bernier #trudeau #liberal #maga #freespeech #itsoktobewhite https:\/\/www.bitchute.com\/channel\/aryanh8\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Chris Christie is a twat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Diane . . message is not directed at you . . you are exposing \"scam men\" accounts - - - notice . . if I follow you . . and you post this garbage - - - - - - we will no longer be followers - - - the rest of the world can do as they please post filth . . I will block your account . . plain and simple porn or faggot shit . . ONLY topic I block or ban I always check before return-follow","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" #MAGA #Patriot #Qanon #WalkAway #WWG1WGA #GodsArmy #TheGreatAwakening #JESUSLIVES @USER @USER #CatchTheRedWave #VoteRed PLEASE SIGN TO REMOVE CONSERVATORSHIP THAT OBAMA PUT ON FANNIE MAE and FREDDIE URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Worse The GOP infiltrated the alt right despite promising them absolutely nothing, delivering them absolutely nothing. I'm not even sure what to call this sort of cuckoldry. It's a like man who pays a nigger to sleep with his wife, the nigger assaults him and robs his house, and then he just pays him again.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I honestly can not stand people who are like \"I need my coffee, dont talk to me till I have my coffee!\" Like, that shit does nothing.... its all psychological. I wont talk to people who say that shit, I have stopped being friends with them, too dramatic of a person.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"are you finally happy, you jew bitch, nigger, sand nigger lovin ignorant, fuckin cunt?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who gives a shit? Learn to let go, and you too can stop being a faggot. I will not only **never** let go, but it is also my goddamn right to be a faggot.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Did I mean asteroid, idk... I'm hot and confused. And I want to slap the stupid out of people, but I know it can't be done. Nah, there's meteors big enough to do some damage. I don't even know the difference between a meteor and an asteroid. I'm gonna look it up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah they're a bunch of idiots. We could probably do without the voting rights act tho. Who needs nigger voters? The Founding Father's certainly didn't. The Founders believed in extremely limited democracy. Big hordes of mud voters don't help anything.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So as per new promo it will be Maulis journey so you are making her as a shield because she is the saving grace left the leads less said better","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Ask that faggot about Hitler's orders to gas the Jews. Or the Red Cross report saying it was a death camp. You won't find them because they never existed.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Twitter is imploding. These suspensions are having the opposite effect, in that when people hear about them, they begin networking with the suspended party. A bond is formed, and word gets out. Jack Dorsey will be blamed for the Democrats' midterm bloodbath, because he's created a grapevine of angry voters who are becoming more and more informed about leftist social-media moguls' attempts to silence dissent. Watch Jack go down in flames. And then laugh at him.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":" Also set a gofundme page like Blasey Ford.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Why she is an embarrassment 2 the whole Bravo viewing audience He needs 2 b kicked 2 the curb quickly No man is worth my dignity","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I'm not fan of Farrakhan, he's just another Muzzie shitbag to me, but if he was White and Christian, they would have suspended him and a bunch of Jews would be on the news shouting \"anti-Semitism\" and \"Nazi.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I thought the left hated guns? And gun violence? Gun control right?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER #MarkJudge We see you're trying to Judge Moore #Kavanaugh and it won't work. Your Spartacus moment is over! #MAGA #KAG #AmericaFirst #Trump #FoxReport","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Confirm Kavanaugh Now! #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Remember back when nobody used to be able to read and write except the clergy? And that obviously only drew the elite of European men? What a coincidence that this meant being bound to celibacy and not allowed to reproduce, wouldn't you say? Well that was in the west whilst in the east with the Orthodox church you had everyone being theologians and even the Priest could have kids . That saiddd maybe that is why the Latin Rite had them destroyed .","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Twat or cunt...not sure which one fits best. I guess why not both. Twunt!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Put her in with dogs, I mean nigger boys.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Look what we have here. Not a Trump supporter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Billy Shears Rips 'Mad Captain' Donald Trump in Climate Change Song.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Istthis cunt ever gonna die? I thought she already was...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Evidently they don't care that their study\" is flawed from the start. They just parrot the misleading info from Everytown and all the other leftist gun control addicts\/sites.\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"And here you go you NPC faggot https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=o8PGOMJZirc","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I couldn't get any farther than the last couple weeks being \"hard\" on the country and on her. CUNT HOLE - WTF do you think it's been like for the Kavanaugh family whom YOU PEOPLE attempted to destroy. That they PERSISTED and prevailed is in SPITE of people like YOU and the MSM. Hard on YOU? WTF CARES. It's going to be a lot harder when Kavanaugh sues for defamation of character, slander and libel. I hate these so-fucking-called stars, their sleazy shows and even SLEAZIER WHORINE WRITERS.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Defaming Muhammad does not fall under purview of free speech, European court rules https:\/\/www.foxnews.com\/world\/defaming-muhammad-does-not-fall-under-purview-of-free-speech-european-court-rules","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Obvious to whom? Only to those who do not clean up the inside of their cup. You see skin color b\/c you are projecting onto others.. many do not live their lives being or seeing color. Many of us have mixed families- How does that fit into your b\/s conclusion? URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A reminder that the only foreign people I give 2 shits about are White brothers and Sisters that are suffering at the hands of Kike bullshit. Sweden only wants muzzie trouble makers who refuse to integrate - just so they can accommodate \"diversity\" in their nation. This white family doesn't fit the profile of \"diversity\" so they'll be shipped out in no time.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Are you a neo nazi? I don't know for sure. Maybe you should be banned just in case. Yeah. See how that game is played? To these Commies, everyone right of Mao is literally Hitler even you. Unless you are actually a fucking Commie subversive. Are you fucking retarded? I am the exact opposite of a Nazi or a Commie. Fuck off you fucking leftist bitch. I am retarded. I am a Leftist. I am a bitch. Self discovery is so interesting and insightful. I'm learning so much about me from an outsider's perspective. Or is that outsider's projection? Silly me. Just too retarded to know for certain!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Hey @USER why don't you just leave then? It's ok we'll be ok without you. Let us know how much better things are where you end up.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You bl4ck people are all dishonest. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#FalseFlag #MAGABomber I'll be They find some redneck rube to take the fall. https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/stratfor-chief-security-officer-mail-bomber-case-will-be-cracked-by-end-of-the-day-video\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Soon. https:\/\/bbs.thegoyimknow.to\/uploads\/default\/original\/4X\/2\/6\/7\/267174b983ad7a1b4080b4168e2fcf7ec4c676ca.jpeg I think your facts are as specious as your humor. Linking Graham to the holocaust is as amusing as linking the Liberal Left to justice seekers. I think that people who try and fail to use the word 'specious' correctly should be gassed Many typos these days are the result of people using smartphones to \"check\" their writing. Wanting to gas someone for such a silly thing is another matter completely. Using common NAZI-speak....that might be worthy. The slippery slope is real Nah, check it out. NAZI pukes give themselves away with their diction. Attack away. Soon you will all be screaming your NAZI shit to each other in isolation. Relegated to MUTEdom.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"can't handle other opinions\" you have the intellect of a cheesburger wrapper, we all already know about jews you retarded simpleton. Go shit up someone else's timeline you basic faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"God, how is it possible that someone can be such a cunt... This guy is supposed to be a \"hardcore\" Diablo fan... He will probably write some thinkpiece how gamers are acting as self entitled children.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I don't know anything about the kkk although I believe the democrats fund them like they always did. I think the Dems main terror group these days is antifa.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Need another reason to vote Republican in November? | #RedNationRising","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Uh...ALL of their signatures are on the record\", genius. #MAGA\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Hahah yes because trump beat Obama in the election ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER Why? Chairman of Young Conservatives whilst at Oxford.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So what dickless men are voting for our dickless pm? This guys such a pandering faggot. Fluff, no substance, all retard.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Will the liberals stop wasting tax payer money with C71 which will be repealed as soon as next year if passed? Move on instead to ensure criminals are dealt with severly and illegals are banned from entry.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"and most of them are a brain dead lost cause anyway","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Thank God they ban conservatives on social media.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why do you have a nigger fetish?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"ariel is a brainless twat. her twat is how she survives in life. her last name is Dumbass. its spelled wrong","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"THIS MUSLIM NIGGER LIES EVERY SECOND HE SPEAKS.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jesus, that's retarded. I'll see if I can find that post but I'm not sure I wanna know, lol.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This post is not on her timeline. Either she deleted it or it's fake. It's real. She and Torba had an exchange over it back then. She's deleted it then Smart of her. It's going to seem only more ridiculous as time passes. We lose because we worship evil, just like the dems, rather than standing up for only good we compromise and give in to evil if it says one or 2 good things. \"Blue party racist. Orange man OK\" - Candace Owens I like Owens but watch with some suspicion. She is dead wrong about Twitter.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER she is back !","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I've been boycotting CNN for years now. Even my wife can't stand to watch the two fairy gay faggot hosts on there every evening. i.e. Anderson Cooper and Don Lemon.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Francis must be forced aside. The Church needs to be cleansed top to bottom.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER because he made guys dumb as SHIT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are reciting conspiracy theories now. Have fun with that.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Tears of a hero: The heartwarming moment Invictus competitors comfort a British veteran whose PTSD was triggered by a helicopter flying overhead https:\/\/www.dailymail.co.uk\/news\/article-6305385\/Heartwarming-moment-Invictus-competitor-comforts-veteran-PTSD-triggered-helicopter.html #AusFam #AusPol #ausfam #auspol #Ausfam #Auspol #Australia Funny how its Harry that started the Invictus games to support our soldiers while our Politicians tried to boycott it and the Media to shame our soldiers.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER You are correct.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Oh he is compromised 1000%. An outspoken critic of trump now is trumps water boy. Either trump got info via private eye or Putin's got the goods.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Twitter Suspends Influential Black Female Trump Supporter's Account After She Announces She Is Attending TPUSA Event in Washington DC #News @a https:\/\/www.thegatewaypundit.com\/2018\/10\/twitter-suspends-influential-black-female-trump-supporters-account-after-she-announces-she-is-attending-tpusa-event-at-white-house\/ Democrats are just a bunch of racists.. Look at how they try to undermine them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Truly you are amazing sir ji ..","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"#GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR #GIFWAR RULES OF THIS GIF WAR","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nazi: Far Right Nationalists, Fascist, arrested Socialists, Democratic Socialists, Communists and Anarchists.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER So Dissapointing. This guy is the biggest hypocrite in the country. Embarrassing that he is our Senator","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#WalkAway liberals......Your party is POISON. URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"lol. Damn @Sopwith . Don't make the little faggot cry.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Trans people are just the dumbest people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I'm automatically attracted to beautiful I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet.Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything.\"\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She should be kicked off the platform for saying \"trans people should all be killed\". ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is a child ~ a retarded one.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would also like to know in what world this is happening lol, what a self absorbed little twat.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Look at the \"resistance\" ladies and gentlemen. JFC what kind of soy faggot cuckery are they practicing? https:\/\/www.youtube.com\/watch?v=jgnS5Hb8ynE","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger used OVER 500,000,000 times\/year. Sorry, Until it is removed from all rap music all social media and all common every day language by blacks get over it","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I never read that she did that anywhere but I bet the black cock slut did it numerous times along with the other two black cock slut accusers I hope the cunt saw all the memes that were made of her lying count fuckin face","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":" Gyogy Schwartz sponsored event Money knows no colour and especially when division is the goal The Coudenhove Kalergi Plan is real. The EU gives out a prize for this every year to the traitors that advocate for the destruction of this great Continent where we reside. Wake-up your sleeping friends and family and get active -- there is no time to waste. #GDL for life. PS - when we posted this video it got censored... you not going for tge chalmagne prize","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at this Tranny Faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I personally think that shit is gross but you're doing this for money otherwise you'd have been dropping ban hammers for the last two years. You're one of the most dishonest people I've seen online. Lose weight too btw. Doughy faggot lmao Someone needs to nail your despicable AS to a tree! Why don't you go away you piece of human sewage! We don't need moral degenerates on GAB! This keeps people away that have a functioning brain!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"https:\/\/twitter.com\/sxdoc\/status\/1047506110222094336?s=12","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"but muh cunt is self-cleaning\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What has happened to Gab in wake of this politically convenient synagogue shooting is an utter disgrace! Facebook broadcasts murders and suicides, Twitter allows terrorist propaganda and death threats and (for some reason) 4chan never gets touched when it inspires school and mass shootings; what's wrong with this picture? @a #Ghost https:\/\/www.nytimes.com\/2018\/10\/28\/us\/gab-robert-bowers-pittsburgh-synagogue-shootings.html It's because Gab is specifically by Nazis and for Nazis. The other sites aren't. Look in the mirror. \"Politically convenient\". 11 people were murdered.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"whoopi IS DISEASED GNARLY DNA DEVIANT NIGGER HER FACE IS A TRAIN WRECK UGLY CUNT SCUM RAY CHARLES WOULDN'T EVEN FACE FUCK THAT MONSTROSITY SKANK","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Riley J Dennis dosent have a fkn clue what tough is. She can kiss my former USMC ass","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Message to Civic Nationalist Fags: Token minorities are not going to save Western Civilisation. in a white nation the sane whites outnumber the minority of white cucks and retards, so you in fact have a Blacks and Latino problem to boot, not a (white) cuck and retard problem","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"AHAHAHAH LOOK AT THIS FAGGOT","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Just another BLM brat blocking a highway, ANTIFA thug swinging a bike lock. Here comes just another screamer from the gallery - except this childish scoundrel screamed he RAPED me!\", sat down in the middle of the room, stuck her thumb in her mouth, and whined \"prove me wrong!\"\"","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Stricter gun control laws will only be enforced by people with guns.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER You are my favorite bot ily","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER It's SO VERY IMPORTANT between now and the midterms to get the word out that all the #democrats want people of color to believe is they support them - which as you know is SO false. How can the word spread even more to those who need to know? #MAGA #NAACP","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Old Yella Stripeski- No Brains, No Brass, No Balls. No \"Yes\" vote today. What is she good for, Alaska? These are times when we need bold, decisive, rational, thoughtful action from our elected officials. Americans are waking up. I think there may now be a chance of salvaging this country from the throes of apathy, hedonism, neglect, and cowardly tolerance, that we've experienced for the last twenty years. Alaskan Voters: Fire this twat.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You buy ANYTHING from a muslim business, you are financing a hit on yourself. Same with jewish businesses. They hate you more than you can ever hate them. Grow a pair, don't be a lazy twat and boycott every Middle-Eastern and Asian business you can.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Words are not bullets. Social media posts have a body count of zero. The sole responsibility for today's horrific actions lies with one person. We will do everything in our power to work with law enforcement to see that justice is served. I love free speech too. One of your members with over 100 IQ please come forward and explain to me how spewing hot hateful garbage is covered by free speech. @Maka is as responsible for pulling the trigger as that disgusting Nazi that killed today. Stand up and speak GAB commmunity. While u still have this site that is","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER I remember when the game just fucking started.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER why don't the likes of just do as their bosses instruct them and as long as @USER is protected the @USER will never give a shite what happens on the streets of this country","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Maybey if we stand outside and yell about it reality will warp to our narrative! what do you suggest they do? Vote better. Trump lost the popular vote you idiot. That's not who I was talking about. The House and the Senate are far more important than the one in the Oval Office. And, thanks for getting angry. Make a sign and come stand in front of my workplace....it'll surely change my mind. You didn't like my other comment calling you a piece of human garbage so you proved me correct and went on to downvote a different thread? Way to show me! Annoying little gnat. we tried that but the russians said no The most Russia is accused of is distributing pro-Trump propaganda. If that's true, it doesn't change how people voted, just that some of them may have fallen for Russian propaganda. But there's plenty of propaganda going around, why is it so much worse if it comes from Russia rather than a corrupt American political group or company? >Wtf I love Russian interference in my elections now My point is its disingenuous to claim that the Russians are entirely at fault when they didn't manufacture a single vote. Nobody cares what your point is. >asking I didn't ask you anything comrade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Wtf is this lifetime payment shit? Is that a common thing? If I was rich and she wanted 9 mill I would put all my money in some Swiss bank under an anonymous name and leave the country. Duck that. Not sure about the UK, but permanent alimony is still done in states like Florida. There are men in Florida that cannot voluntarily lower their income - they can't retire, they can't cut back their hours, they can't take a leave of absence and bum around and \"find themselves\" if they want to. They are essentially chained to their jobs. I consider it slavery. I didn't know it at the time, but my grandmother did this to my grandfather for about 40 years, till the day he dropped dead. Indentured servitude is considered a form of slavery by most anti-slavery orgs. That's why the US get's worse ratings on slavery than European countries.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Mate. I also own 5 properties, a sports car and a healthy bank balance. Private medical insurance etc etc. I'm not forsaking my good life just so a bit of my taxes don't go to some lazy twats....which will actually make me a lazy twat too.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I think the main arguments of why we see less pessimistic games are twofold. AAAs will go with the happier endings more often because that's what sells better- because most gamers, most of the time, want to have fun. Not everyone is into experiencing suffering on a constant basis. I think more important than pessimism, though, is profoundness. As long as media has that one sucker punch\/\"oh crap I get it\" moment, it doesnt matter if it's pessimistic as a whole. Looking at Call of Duty and how your character dies more often than surviving I can argue against that. Or Bioshock Infinite where Levine tries to go all cryptic with the ending I knew how it was going to end with the protagonist dying. Or Last of Us where Joel damns humanity to selfishly save Ellie only for her to lose what little idealism she had in the sequel. Or Dead Space Awakening where the franchise not only dies but humanity utterly fails to stop the necromorphs What the tranny cunt wants is something where the actions of the protagonist dont matter. Stalingrad vs Grave of the Firelies is a good comparison of how the the tone of death reflects on the endong. In Grave of The Fireflies. The brother and sister dies but kobe lives on as they realize in spite of it all their deaths are not in vain and the city will find hope again. In Stalingrad 1993 movie. Riesler and Wiesz dies in the cold as the credit reel rolls. Ending it on a sad note. They want Stalingrad 1993 as the example of pessimistic stories in gaming. Futility and failure for the player to reflect upon","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yeah, hold on now. Don't be bragging about that. That is the ace in the hole. It would be rude of us to rube that in their faces.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"slut cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I thought this was more Antifa training at first... ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Doesn't compute!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Written by a christard yesterday in here ,They choose that goddamn sand nigger OVER their race You are shitting up the alt right with you faggot ass candle shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Anybody who thinks its gun control\", needs to have a reality check on life.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let's just respect those black people","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"- Shit skins always trying to exercise their faggot brown nonsense. @Athiabalba","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"It's Cater. Can't you bloody read?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jeffey Zuker over at ConspiracyTheory News Network Has Gone Full Retard Poor Pitiful us we got one Too https:\/\/www.zerohedge.com\/news\/2018-10-25\/trump-blasts-media-false-and-inaccurate-causing-anger-we-see-today","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Hang that nigger anyway!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER I can't believe how close you got... I am thankful you are ok!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"ive Never heard a Libbie say nigger till you, I know Lib Tards think the word nigger but they never say it. I think your more of a nobody trying to be a somebody. Poor little thing no one likes you and no one ever will. Hey Tranny account? Cecilia Vega was arrested for Shoplifting. Perhaps she was stealing a jack rabbit vibrator to use on your nasty ass? Watch the Video and enjoy America! https:\/\/abcnews.go.com\/GMA\/video\/california-news-anchor-arrested-shoplifting-24860964 Oh I guess Emmy award winning crack whore REPORTED on the shoplifter. WELL EXCUSE ME let's give her a Pulitzer! Only sheeple care about Fake News so I figured WTF why not","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Somebody should just stabthose trans people. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would love to see those gay people suffer. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Lovely intelligent girl who knows what she is doing at such a young age","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER And Bill Maher should try getting back into comedy.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Is that guy too retarded to turn that off before he starts spraying it?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'll take pics if my horns don't come out looking retarded lol","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We have some improvements to the mute button coming in the next week or so. They include: Timed mutes: decide how long you want the mute to last for. Disassociation: the muted person can no longer leave comments on your posts, but can still see your public content and quote your posts to their own followers. Force Unfollow: the muted person can no longer follow you (we already have this, but are making it easier to access while muting.) When you mute someone there will be a series of these prompts. How long do you want to mute this person for? Do you not want this person commenting on your posts? Do you not want this person to follow you? After many discussions with the community we believe this is the best middleground between freedom of speech and freedom of association. Ultimately it gives you more control over your own experience and thus more individual liberty. WE DON'T WANT A BLOCK FEATURE!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"\"Over my White boy phase aka she can't get any White guys to sleep with her anymore. Can't find anymore white boys going through a \"Mystery meat\" phase","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER and they will know she is the Lord","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I said YOU ALL were retarded faygets...... You included","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Lol the nigger thinks it'll be a doctor","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"that song is fucking awesome.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"She sneaked up behind him with a machete. She then ordered him to take off his clothes. Okay. But then she rode him? Or did she sodomize him? Or was it missionary? Doggy? It just seems like he could have overpowered her at some point. can you read the post again? SHE HAS A FUCKING MACHETE!! But during the rape, she was completely invulnerable and dominant? I just want to know more about the details because it's weird to me. Did she rape him until he came or until she came? Did she enjoy it? Did she have the discipline to remain dominant and keep the blade against his neck while she rode him? Did he give up halfway because sex feels good? I must sound like a fucking crazy guy to you people. It's quite possible she held the knife to him the whole time, you realise? A machete isn't a knife. Machetes are pretty dull when you buy them. They are hacking blades. Unless she has a Hitori Hanzo machete, it is going to take a lot of force to kill you. I'm always amazed by this sub when someone disagrees with the popular narrative. This is the first time it was me though. I have karma to spare.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Even if black people are nice sometimes, they are still nothing but human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"classic, this gif never gets old. Never swing without expectation and understanding there is a counter coming. I agree with your comment and have always felt this way but can't help feeling his reaction was above and beyond. I wonder how people would feel if that was their daughter. One would hope they raise their daughter better than to strike a officer. I think a wallop is probably a lot better than him pressing charges of assaulting an officer and sending her to jail for 3- If this were my daughter, it wouldn't of happened because I would teach her not to be a raging cunt. Oh, and not to hit people. Why were you down voted.. Oh Reddit...","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Alex breaks down how the UN and Soros control our borders through UNESCO, after Trump canceled UNESCO. https:\/\/www.real.video\/5834563739001","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER She is not friendly!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER We must all stick together to MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER The argument will be made that the assault was decades ago and there have been no other complaints against Kavanaugh. But his lying in current and ongoing. That is enough to vote against him. He is now aligned with Trump in the way he handles accusations.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Let me be clear: I don't hate gay people. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Women like you deserve todie. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nigger tax","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER yea your the bitch on the right getting smacked URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"LOOK at this retards shitpost! He is serious! Hysterical!! The new liberal logo #MAGA #winning this is a lame post and Im not a trump supporter @antifaarmy quit being so stupid... you're making the rest of us look retarded !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Can I get a shoutout pleaseeeeee I only have a little bit of people :(","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER i dont think moral psychology can fix the core problem. and using the David Brooks model to pander to the right wont fool them for long. URL i think the right embracing fascism to survive is a very real possibility","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Who is sick of all the jewish haters wanna-be Nazis, whose claims are shallow, based in no facts, and need to read their Bibles\/History Books....to actually learn a thing called the TRUTH....? you need a 5th choice that says.....WHAT NAZI JEW HATERS? go learn some history... when you virtue signaling dumb fucks resort to NAZI name calling, we know you don't read or know CHUNKS of missing history.... stop being a willfully ignorant faggot The Jews OWN the porn industry.... http:\/\/www.thetruthseeker.co.uk\/?p=8459","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"He is one of them lol Fat cunt is a cheeseburger away from a massive heart attack lol Michael Moore cheers last days' of old white men: The dying dinosaur' https:\/\/truepundit.com\/michael-moore-cheers-last-days-of-old-white-men-the-dying-dinosaur\/","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"they need to mobilize and take out the trash - faggot trash","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#GulagUniversity #rrraus #zioReverseEvolution #MartinLuther WIR sind #deutscherTrump (YesWeCan.) Motto: **WENN Medien nicht mehr ans eigne Volk glauben (wollen), wer versagte?!** http:\/\/bit.ly\/2E0YuLb [AutophpGab]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You have to stop calling people bitches. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER There's this specific person whose tweets r bugging me since morning .. solo fan I guess ..usko har cheez se problem hai aur use shayad aisa lagta hai Jaise he\/she is the nly sensible one ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Guy if you can't explain yourself after a day that's a good indication youre talking shit","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"muslim EVIL CRIMINAL MONKEY NIGGER","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"and not a nigger among them.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER You should tell the @USER They've just posted a tweet about how much better the railways are since they privatised them... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's also not illegal to hold hands with a minor.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER He is the worst person.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"REMEMBER THIS CUNT IS AN ISAMIC GOAT PISS DRINKING FUCK !!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"For example. Obama is just as big of a corrupt lying piece of shit as Hillary but he has a huckster personality that was able to dupe a lot of stupid people. Hillary is incapable of human social interaction.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Why is Trump letting a wacky celebutard Nigger cuss in the White House? Why are MAGApedes excited about a dusky minority who likes to be 'controversial' and has an IQ under 90? Why do White people, and Trump, continue to disappoint me?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wish all gay people would be shot in the street. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Love it #MAGA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You are such a retarded moslem..... Mueller can't indict the president.....lmao.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who is this faggot to lecture anyone?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I have also noticed some of the blatant racism towards white people and Christians also. This is either done by brainwashed RETARDED RACIST SEXIST Democrat\/Leftists and obviously the RACIST fake askeNAZI JEWS are always extremely despicable! When you have RACIST TERRORIST Hate groups like ADL and SPLC what do you expect? But these are FACTS and most people do not understand FACTs! Since I am Liberal White Male I know these things and obviously I cannot be RACIST or SEXIST because of my white male superiority that all the RACIST JEWS and DEMOCRATS are jealous of! I completely understand the frustrations with their blatant inferiority! Obviously, they can FUCK OFF!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Among other retards every retard has convinced themselves they are smart, really smart.......","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER Why in the hell would I do that? The left already hates me enough. Black conservatives aren't liked in this country. I comment and fight because of that.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Give that cunt 20 years... make an example of her","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER If you showed the videos of the immoral and wrong rioting of Antifa scumbags to them they would be disgusted. Show them this tweet of yours and moreso too.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER The Tory country first is what @USER @USER meant. The rest can still suffer austerity that was caused by the rich banks. Parasitic Tories always have been and always will be. The evil party that is the @USER","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I had a great time out on the town last night clubbing... I got three pakis and a nigger","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Cunt","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#Dortmund: #Neger raubt #Dortmunderin aus Staseve Aktuell - ... http:\/\/staseve.eu\/?p=58292 Nigger war wohl gemeint ?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Whenever nay saying faggots say you can't best the govt w force, lookie here! A gaggle of cameras and nigger flesh and they're still trying to decide how to cope. #StudyINSuccess https:\/\/twitter.com\/costareports\/status\/1048618964392312832","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Everyone who chants \"Shame\" at political figures they hate is a twat .","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"BREAKING: Retail marijuana sales begin in Canada, now largest country with legal national pot marketplace - AP Canada has another reason to go down besides Islamic pandering, new age political correctness, mentally ill politics, etc. I'm not buying shit from these retailers that sell this biological tampered waste... I don't smoke period... Wether it's Tobacco Or The reefer. I can't stand either one's stench... The results of pot access are not improving people they like to think so but it's not happening in reality","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Because leftists lack zero. zilch, nada legit platforms, they obsessively manipulate to push their narratives. To enrage them, simply think for yourself and vote accordingly. #RedTsunami2018 Don't you have a bird to bore with your left wing nut job hissy fits? Gab is for adults. Buh-bye!","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"So today is National Coming Out Day. It's been over 5 years since I first came out to anyone, and it was the most nerve-racking thing I've ever done. I would rather present my Master's thesis presentation for 24 continuous hours than re-live that moment. (Anyway, here I am in a Pride-colored Eagles tank top after a killer sunburn from a day out on Sebago. ) Being a white nationalist or anti-Jewis is nothing to brag about but hErE We aRE Nothing wrong with white nationalism, or coming out against the criminality of the Jews. Conflating your position of the unnatural usage of bodily organs, and your fascination with shit. To that of political discourse isn't in the same practice. oh come on man el xolo mexicano! With 1\/2 a sentence written in non-English, you must be some arrogant \"pro-Mexican Monarchy\" to tell people have no pride (shall bring him low) but willing to LOWER yourself and talk shit \"come out against criminality of the Jews\" here! Your people kill one another, behead, cut faces and you are here talking non sense on Jews?! Grow up, be real!:) Being a asshole jackass is also nothing to brag about Nobodies bragging.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Wait until he is on your coaching staff and you will change your mind.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER My heart and prayers go out to The parents and staff of the Blossomwood Elementary School Shooting in Huntsville. Several Injuries have been reported but we have to get a grip on gun control. This is a problem","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER Lindsey will never sink as low as you and the rest of the hateful liberals.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Their backwards thinking is retarded(as in slow or halted) and would they defend me calling a shop owner in japan trying to get one over on, ya know what i mean, a tourist. Can I a white in Japan call him a sneaky nip, slant eyes dog eater?. \" you could say a Japanese has power and privilege of majority country. I would never think to. But to highlight the stupidity of their qualifications for racism.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER that zombie walk was a little scary. Remember when that zombie said he was going to eat Shon's butt ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Muslims are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"recent CBS sunday morning segment . . Rebecca Traister . . Why Women Anger Dismissed this is a snap shot 1:48 into this short segment . . notice who is to the right side of Hildabeast so does this Ford Biotch still look so innocent ? . . I think not . . truth be known entire CBS sunday morning segment . . short 2:44 https:\/\/youtu.be\/wzWtT8VXaik","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Occam's razor And Hanlon's razor ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Never trust a leftist with power. If reddit teaches people anything, that's got to be it. Never trust people in power. The right has done things like this as well or have you forgot abstiance only sex ed? While it's silly to think all teens would follow it abstinence is still the undefeated champ of effective birth control and avoiding STDs. That's like having a driving safety course where all they teach you is \"don't get in cars\" and \"seatbelts and airbags don't work anyways.\" Well shit you solved it, that would 100% cut down on the number of car accidents... Except that people are obviously going to drive anyways, so you might as well teach them to buckle up. Yeah, and I'm saying staying locked in your room 24\/7 is a good method of avoiding a sunburn. But does me saying something that stupidly obvious contribute to the conversation in any meaningful way, or does it just make me sound like an opportunistic asshole pouncing on a chance to say \"akchually?\" You feeling it necessary to point out that you need to have SEX to get PREGNANT is more retarded than any part of any comment in this thread. JFC. That's why I said it the way I did. \"Undefeated champ\". It was tongue in cheek, remove stick from ass.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER you are that special case that gets away with introducing an innocent child(you own) to hate. bravo","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER for your encore say that every other western country that's all but eliminated mass shootings through effective gun control are lying too... it would be fitting","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Faggot and a nigger.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"RT @Surabees: It's @DonaldJTrumpJr's son's 7th birthday today and @WhoopiGoldberg is on national TV saying Don's kids are potential future sexual abusers. Are @ABC and @TheView ok with her attacking children in such a disgusting way? If a Repub said this about Obama's grandkids, they'd be fired. https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/nYvT","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"See!! Even the Nigger said so!!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I'm going to hell for laughing my ass off at this. Lol God only made women to be a companion and servant for man. Obviously from the very first woman with Eve they all have a lust for sin and dragging men with them.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER Why the hell would you want gun control if you think Trump's a tyrant?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Stopped sounding retarded @_the_Mad_Pirate. If you cant Glorify viokence then 90% of our Movies and Literature would be illegal and banned. Stop Spouting off with your stupid Boomer Bullshit. You sound like an SJW Sperg !","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"How is it not clear to all of you that immigrants are human garbage. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER It's exactly why I tweet!! Well that and making fun of liberals and their insanity!! GOD help!!! ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I wouldn't eat that faggot garbage if you paid me, or chobani muzzie yogurt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"650k ... thats fucking peanuts. they breached the data of tens of millions of people and interfered with a democratic process. fuck these faggot judges","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Obviously she behaved like a retard but why the fuck are the police going around a beach randomly breathalyzing people in the first place? I don't see how that is an effective use of tax payer resources.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@Farmer-General There are very few of you and millions of us veterans who actually believe all men are created equal'. Stay hidden in your Internet hovels-don't ever come out in public because you will be in big trouble if you do. Bang He-he Of course I would. If I met a Nazi in meatspace who wanted to kill Jews and blacks I wouldn't even blink before I started pulling. And their are millions upon millions just like me. Including the VAST majority of vets. Try wiping the hate out of your eyes and you'd see. Coheren't It's not out of hate that Nationalists speak but out of love for their own people. Of course there would be resentment after being invaded by foreigners. Why wouldn't there be? Segregation occurs naturally, unimposed, yet you posture yourself a hero fighting racism out of sheer ignorance of what is really happening. Actually, I don't Disagree with anything you say here nazigirl. But Sadly your dementia starts to show when you smear the entire black race with one broad brush. That goes for jooos to douche bag This is real life so listen up and tell all your Nazi pals: you want to kill me because of my religion. If we ever meet I will use all the lawful force necessary up to and including lethal deadly force in order to negate the threat you pose to me and mine in accordance with laws of the state in which I reside. Got it? Good. I thought Jews liked being adversarial annoyances. This one seems slightly #triggered","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That commie cunt in NC who bragged about chasing James Fields with an AR-15 and the one who hit his car with a club should be fearfully stewing in jail awaiting trial, not him.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER not what the conclusions says in the paper. do you know what experiments they did? you are just like an creationist that blindly believe what the news says. You are like an catholic that beliees every word of the pope.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Except the 'consumers' (people) don't want the NHS privatised; they want it in public hands because it's an essential public service and not a capitalist market. Do you think everyone in this country is stupid?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"*squats depressingly* https:\/\/i.redd.it\/6dz19sxu0u","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Look at this faggot jew trying to insinuate himself among Christians and lead them astray. The Trinity is in the Bible, and at any moment, this like rat could watch a Christian sermon proving it ad nauseam.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I want to end every gay person's life. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I've seen people shake coming out of the movies after they saw Fight Club in","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"faggot \"free\"masonry wannabe spy's","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"#QAnon #GreatAwakening Awake Yet?? It was a setup from the beginning... and most liberals know it.. they just don't have the morals to accept it!! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"A bloody riot broke out during a \"law and order rally in Portland, Oregon, between the leftist group #Antifa and the right-wing organization #PatriotPrayer. #Infowars #Portland https:\/\/www.infowars.com\/antifa-rocks-portland\/","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"VOTING IS NOT OPTIONAL!!! CERTAINLY NOT THIS NOVEMEBER IT IS CRITICAL! LIKE and SHARE IF YOU AGREE! #MustVote2018 #Republicans #WakeUpRepublicans #Conservatives #MAGA URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Bring on Amy Barrett. No hearings needed anymore and she is a candidate number one ! And she is better on real human rights. This is what the Dems want so make her SCOTUS MAGA ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Check out the invaders wearing new shirts with feminist propaganda on them. It's almost as if this is a carefully choreographed push to get women to side with third-world invaders, and to create more controversy when they have to be stopped by force. Whoever is behind this is hoping scores of them will be killed while cameras roll. All in time for the election.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Bowser is a bad guy, so clearly he should keep doing it. And then they fuck. Just saying bowser has clearly been trying to get Mario's attention for years now there love can blossom. Remember the scene in SMRPG where Bowser kisses Mario? Fuck I need to play that again. Best Square game. ^\/s ^but ^it ^is ^amazing.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Gentlemen, it is past time to put these whores under boot. https:\/\/dailystormer.name\/argentina-women-run-screaming-naked-shit-in-streets-burn-churches-to-fight-patriarchy-nsfw\/ This is so embarrassing. Don't cry Argentina... It's always the ugliest ones too. These sluts are ridiculous. There goes breakfast! Women are meant to be beautiful creatures and they are when they take care of themselves. But women who don't are birth control and conversely ugly as sin! Why is it all they completely RETARDED women are so damn ugly? Not all... you have your Hollywood beauties who are retarded too...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Someone let me know when they ban someone for \"men are pigs\". You so silly, its not dehumanizing if its not a human! [deleted]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"BLACK leftists hate black people that aren't leftists. If you aren't on their team, you're a legitimate target. If you ARE on their team, you're a complete ass and barely worth the price of a bullet. That redneck motherfucker needs his tiny little baby maker kicked inside out.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Women are never going to change so we should just get rid of them. ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER All of them! URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's kind of a faggot shirt collar, pal. Your boyfriend pick that out for you?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Limbaugh is touting the greatness of John James. \"You'd be proud to have him as a son-in-law\" Boomer radio at its best. @grandpalampshade","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It's obvious that immigrants are the very opposite of stupid. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"YUP.. IT IS RAMPANT EVEN IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR..... I WAS FORCED TO HIRE A DINDU AS AN ENGINEER... HE WAS WORTHLESS.. I THINK HE GOT HIS DEGREE AT GRAMBLING OR TSU, USELESS NIGGER COLLEGES.. HE WAS NEXT TO IMPOSSIBLE TO FIRE.. I LUCKED OUT AND CAUGHT HIM WITH ONE OF OUR GUARDS SMOKING DOPE ON COMPANY TIME... SHITCANNED BOTH OF THEM...","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Happened to me right after columbine, a girl didn't like me, I had blue hair and was an awkward tween. She told the theatre group I was in that I was planning to shoot everyone. Thank god my friend who was a basic white girl who was there witnessed the entire thing and testified I did nothing wrong. Nor said anything of that nature. I was cleared of any and all wrong doing, resigned and never fucking went back. Absolute cunt.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"What's with you kikes and Hitler being gay? Do yall really want \"nazi\" dick that bad? Whats with you nazis being gay, fag? Go on dig more into your private stash of gay porn and post it to the world so you can show them what a faggot you are. LMAO i was wondering the same thing. what kind of jew sets up a gay porno shoot with six guys that all look like retarded siblings?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER The lies i keep hearing everyday sigh *INHALES* IM TIRED OF YOU PUTTING YOURSELF DOWN AND IF PPL DONT SEE HOW BEAUTIFUL MY BESTFRIEND IS THEN ITS THEIR PROBLEM You are beautiful ive seen iT so its my place to tell you you are beautiful and i accept nothing less. If not more ","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"You can turn a man's children against him through godless propaganda, but you can never turn a nigger white. Race matters.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Where were these females when I was 11?? Yeah those great adult people who want to have sex with eleven year old children. IDC what you fantasized about at that age, it's incredibly cringy how you think you developed at a somehow perfect age in a perfect way and that another child is 'fucking retarded' for being different. If you're that unable to empathize with the boy because he's male, imagine the same scenario with a 11 year old girl and a 21 year old man. It's fucking disgusting to prey on children.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Check out my new song \"NiteMare Flow\"- https:\/\/www.reverbnation.com\/nitemare817\/song\/30124945-nitemare-flow?0andpwc%5Bbranded%5D=1 ill piss on ur swazy in front of ur bitch ass then make u kiss my feet bahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"1\/2 establishment. May. panicking. Trying to get us to abandon brexit. Liberals.. MPs. Now police say they couldn't keep us safe if we leave eu. They say we'll be bankrupt. house prices fall. Food prices rise.... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Fuck off niggers WV is full","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Jack, Stop being a faggot and stand up for your race, white man.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER hopefully all her boyfriends and or girlfriends will be interviewed. Possibly past students that have said she is a little psyco before the kavanaugh questions on Monday","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I didn't realize that a failure to suddenly want to suck dick made me transphobic. Does that mean lesbians who hate dick and gay men who don't like pussy are heterophobes? I just found myself pondering something... There are dudes in porn that are \"gay for pay\" but identify as straight. I don't think I have ever heard of a dyke sucking even she-cock on camera for cash while maintaining the dyke identity. I appreciate your heavily anticipated insight in this matter. Anyone can be gay for pay. Its impossible to go hetero for dough. Now I'm actually wondering why that is. Like i've heard how women tend to be more fluid with their sexuality than men. Maybe it has to do with lesbians feeling like they have to prove their lesbianism so they don't want to do anything sexual that can be considered straight. While for straight men its not what they're into and they don't have to prove they're straight. I'm not making sense. You make sense > .....to me... I have like two bucks. Wanna do some gay? Sorry i can't gay i don't own a feminine penis but if you wanna lesbo let's go. Kill me. Sure wynaut I think you are thinking for the old school' definition of gay. Currently orientation is an attraction to gender. Not sex. So if you are straight then you are attracted to trans women and cis women. If you are gay you are attracted to trans men and men. There is no word for all the people with vaginas except all the people with vaginas'. Calling them women is transphobic and exclusive. Needing to group them at all is transphobic and exclusive. Defining people by their genitals is fetishistic and reductive. Basically if you aren't trans you are trash. As an AV-14 Hornet, I agree. I can't begin to even count the times I've had Aerophobes refuse to date me just because being a UNSC Air Superiority platform is \"impossible\" and I'm \"retarded\" Calling me a \"Helicopter\" is so triggering... [insert Smellody Hensley PTSD Spongebob meme here]","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I hate noodle hair schultz. absolutely loathe her. just take one look at her and you see there's no soul behind those eyes. she's been a nasty cunt, a sore thumb on democracy since she reared her ugly head by rigging the DNC","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER This is NOT lisa. She is in the front row and skinnier.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Another attempt of the DEMS to hide the TRUTH of ABUSE against WOMEN WHERE is the ME TOO\" movement on this verified ABUSER of WOMEN #MeToo are they just another extension of the SOROS groups like ANTIFA KKK URL","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER What do you mean how Chelsea have kept Hazard? He is bloody one of Chelsea key player and best in the world right now. And one big club in Europe. What do you want more?","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I don't really care about Roseanne, but how good would it be if they have to backtrack in some retarded way? Scenes freeze at random points, ghost Roseanne walks on and commentates on her family's life without her.. Or they show the first episode where she dies and then the second one has it being all a dream.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"His therapist is a Muslim. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"There was no application fee to apply for DACA status. So who picked up the $317 million tab? Legal immigrants. To add insult to injury, these legal immigrants also had to wait longer for their applications, since the DACA recipients jumped them in line. https:\/\/t.co\/y3L0jKwEDh","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER Goodell should resign. That would be social justice.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I have a funny story from when by brother tried helping a nigger put together some furniture from Ikea, said nigger had bought it and needed help. My brother went so far as to show how to put it together, even then the dumb nigger was unable to put the shelf together. The funny bit is that the nigger wasn't even that dumb by nigger standards, still very retarded. Ive tried a few times to talk to said nigger, he barely has the intelligence to even hold a conversation. Luckily I don't have to deal with him anymore, I find it mind boggling that he can even manage to function with his general lack of working brain substance. The worst part is that these are the things Swedes are getting replaced by.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Good luck getting anyone who's not already likely to be on Gab to take the site seriously as a Free Speech site after that - it will at best be perceived as a Christian conservative version of Twitter, with different things it bans and allows. Gab will always be extremely limited if it's only a place for Twitter refugees, as opposed to a full-blown alternative.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"You'd better start worrying about Michelle Obama because even though she's postponing taking heat by claiming that she's not running for President, she is still filling arenas for campaign rallies that she's disguising as a \"book tour\". And this is despite CHARGING people $30 - $500 to get in! 68% approval when she left White house https:\/\/kek.gg\/u\/LcdQ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Jeff Flake is such a faggot","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER @USER Easy big fella!! You would do the baseball if it was the bravos!!! Lol","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"It just never ends. Able to dodge child support in a single bound.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER @USER Yeah most Antifa are Americans and still they advocate for an ideology that will destroy our great country. That makes them traitors and should be treated as such.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Trans people are wonderful beings. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Yep, and that's what's been happening here in USA","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"The little pussy in the blue hat is what EVERY Antifa faggot looks like behind their gay little masks---scrawny, weak, virgin.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Nah. We steadfastly refuse to develop our abundant resources, so why would our merry band of retards strike up a deal with Brazil (if they even could)? Prosperity is bad n stuffz.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Pussies If you wanted to sell this fake ass hoax you would have blown up Token House Nigger Don Lemon No one willing to take one for the team https:\/\/youtu.be\/fHhZFOAeohg","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"This is the first time a trans person is nominated. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Comedian George Lopez Confronts Trump Supporter At Hooters .. Try me next WETback punk ..https:\/\/youtu.be\/9UbJqOQowBM?t=2","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Booguns is the softest man in the world, if your community can't handle him, you're all faggots.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"The Allies used nigger soldiers to rape German, French and Italian women into submission.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Free speech is free speech, so go fuck you mother you fucking retarded dirt bag!","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"I would agree if Cricket didn't exist, at least in Basketball you can understand when someone scores and when someone wins. Cricket is several levels more retarded than Basketball can ever hope being.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Who do you think you are cunt? wtf! Stay steady to aim for head little christian rat","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"We made it MAGA DOENT SLOW DOWN https:\/\/redd.it\/9qh0kw","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"@USER @USER @USER @USER I've been trying to find out the name of these for ages. I went to a Hindu birthday and we were given these little dough\/pastry treats. I ate a plateful. I looked up puris\" after your post said small and found them. Asma, you are my saviour. Now to find a place that sells them.\"","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"That's it isn't it? Shine your white brothers and sisters on for a negro lap dog. So who's a bigger nigger lover? Obama or trump?","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"@USER We need you to do the next superhero game ... URL","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Son, the greatest lesson I can teach you is this: Don't tell your troubles to others. Because if you tell ten people of the problem you are having. Seven of them won't care, two of them will laugh at you behind your back. One of them will tell you to deal with yourself.","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"I WILL NOT support this one. Not interested in a SJW nigger loving virtue signaler. Will oppose her to all my friends and elected officials.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Unless you think the internet is inhabited by a bunch of telepaths, you need to learn how to grammar enough so that people understand what your saying. I also get that the American translation of 'Librul' nowdays is twat, but in the rest of the world it still means something along the lines of - >a. Favoring reform, open to new ideas, and tolerant of the ideas and behavior of others; not bound by traditional thinking; broad-minded. See Synonyms at broad-minded. b. Of, relating to, or characteristic of liberalism.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Just look at the Manlet, I think Macron bats for the other side. https:\/\/www.rt.com\/news\/439989-macron-picture-finger-scandal\/ Jewish faggot and his nigger vermin.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"She danced like a Thunderbird. More like the EU's puppet! British Prime Minister Dances Onto Stage, Says Nothing in Wide-Ranging Hour Long Speech https:\/\/www.breitbart.com\/london\/2018\/10\/03\/british-prime-minister-dances-onto-stage-says-nothing-in-wide-ranging-hour-long-speech\/ https:\/\/youtu.be\/bUr3V8T-D2E","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"Obvious hate like \"female lives aren't worth shit\" will thankfully get you banned. ","label":0,"text_label":"NOT"} {"text":"andgt;Tfw She is a lesbian","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"} {"text":"Is \"latinx\" pronounced \"latin-ex\" or \"la-teenks\"? Either way it's fucking stupid I'm Hispanic and this retarded \"latinx \" bullshit makes my blood boil. It's fucking stupid, \"Latino\" is already gender neutral, but bored feminists think that because it is the same word as the masculine one it \"excludes women\" although we all know that it is because they dislike anything remotely masculine.","label":1,"text_label":"OFFENSIVE_HATEFUL"}