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{"0": "13972", "3": "Her brother says she\u2019s just a bitch with a golden chain", "4": "She keeps coming closer, saying 'I can feel it in my bones", "5": "Schizophrenia is taking me home'", "6": "My future is static", "7": "It\u2019s already had it", "8": "I could tuck you in", "9": "And we can talk about it", "10": "I had a dream", "11": "And it split the scene", "12": "But I got a hunch", "13": "It\u2019s coming back to me", "14": "Vor des Schlafes Schwelle,", "15": "wenn du fast die Grenze \u00fcberquerst,", "16": "gibt es eine Stelle,", "17": "an der du dich lauter atmen h\u00f6rst.", "18": "Langsam kriecht die Schwere", "19": "aus den weichen Kissen, und du wei\u00dft,", "20": "dass sie dich ins Leere,", "21": "bis zum Mittelpunkt der Erde rei\u00dft.", "22": "Heute, du Bastard,", "23": "Z\u00fcnden sie dich an.", "24": "Du selbst tr\u00e4gst deine Leiche", "25": "bis zum Ufer, gehst voran", "26": "Dort warten deine Kinder", "27": "mit Kanistern, l\u00e4cheln stolz,", "28": "Drei M\u00e4dchen und ein Junge,", "29": "In der Hand ein Schwefelholz.", "30": "Zug um Zug beschreiten", "31": "die Gedanken unbekanntes Land,", "32": "und die Tr\u00e4ume gleiten", "33": "in den Abgrund, \u00fcber den Bettrand.", "34": "Du wirst tiefer sinken,", "35": "bis du alle Grenzen \u00fcberquerst,", "36": "Tr\u00fcbes Wasser trinken,", "37": "bist du deinen Atem nicht mehr h\u00f6rst.", "38": "Du bewegst die Beine,", "39": "doch sie gehorchen nicht;", "40": "Ein Paar alte M\u00fchlensteine", "41": "von untragbarem Gewicht.", "42": "Du schleifst deine schweren Schritte", "43": "durch den Schlick, bist festgebunden,", "44": "w\u00e4hrend tausend kleine Tritte", "45": "\u00fcber dir dein Bett umrunden.", "46": "Steht dein Schlaf in Flammen.", "47": "Du selbst hast sie gerufen, und", "48": "du wei\u00dft woher sie stammen.", "49": "Sie warten jede Nacht auf dich", "50": "Am Ufer, voller Stolz", "51": "Die M\u00e4dchen und der Junge", "52": "Mit dem l\u00e4ngsten,", "53": "mit dem l\u00e4ngsten Schwefelholz.", "54": "Das hier ist antileben", "55": "Hundert auf null", "56": "Keiner aus tausend", "57": "Setz trotzdem auf rot", "58": "Liebe dich statt mich", "59": "Mit ohne sinn", "60": "Schreibs auf, quetschs aus", "61": "Nehm das gute daraus", "62": "Das ist nicht was du denkst", "63": "Das ist nicht was du meinst", "64": "Das ist nicht was es sein", "65": "Kann", "66": "Schlafe ein", "67": "Unter rieselei", "68": "Gib mir doch die zeit", "69": "Asche verteilt", "70": "\u00dcber habseligkeit", "71": "Kann das was sein", "72": "Revidiert", "73": "Unterm strich rentiert", "74": "Sich das nie im leben", "75": "Ich geh dann jetzt", "76": "Hand und fu\u00df", "77": "Wird gesucht", "78": "Mit ringenden h\u00e4nden", "79": "Schl\u00e4gts falsch herum aus", "80": "Das ist hausgemacht", "81": "Du brauchst halt was", "82": "Welches wortgewand", "83": "Gibt dir kraft und halt und stand", "84": "Z\u00e4hneknirschen", "85": "Funkenschlag", "86": "Geb mein bestes", "87": "Aber davon zu viel", "88": "Kommt da nichts", "89": "Oder", "90": "Nicht was du sein", "91": "Kannst", "92": "Du bist wirklich saudumm, darum geht\u2019s dir gut", "93": "Hass ist deine Attit\u00fcde, st\u00e4ndig kocht dein Blut", "94": "Alles muss man dir erkl\u00e4ren, weil du wirklich gar nichts wei\u00dft", "95": "H\u00f6chstwahrscheinlich nicht einmal, was Attit\u00fcde hei\u00dft", "96": "Deine Gewalt ist nur ein stummer Schrei nach Liebe", "97": "Deine Springerstiefel sehnen sich nach Z\u00e4rtlichkeit", "98": "Du hast nie gelernt dich zu artikulieren", "99": "Und deine Eltern hatten niemals f\u00fcr dich Zeit", "100": "Warum hast du Angst vorm Streicheln? Was soll all der Terz?", "101": "Unterm Lorbeerkranz mit Eicheln, wei\u00df ich schl\u00e4gt ein Herz", "102": "Und Romantik ist f\u00fcr dich nicht blo\u00df graue Theorie", "103": "Zwischen St\u00f6rkraft und den Onkelz steht \u2019ne Kuschelrock-LP", "104": "Weil du Probleme hast, die keinen interessieren", "105": "Weil du Schiss vorm Schmusen hast bist du ein Faschist", "106": "Du musst deinen Selbsthass nicht auf andere projizieren", "107": "Du hast nie gelernt dich artizukulieren", "108": "Und deine Freundin, die hat niemals f\u00fcr dich Zeit", "109": "Du h\u00f6rst mich singen, aber du kennst mich nicht", "110": "Du wei\u00dft nicht, f\u00fcr wen ich singe, aber ich sing f\u00fcr dich", "111": "Wer wird die neue Welt bauen, wenn nicht du und ich?", "112": "Und wenn du mich jetzt verstehen willst, dann verstehst du mich", "113": "Ich bin aufgewacht und hab gesehen", "114": "Woher wir kommen, wohin wir gehen", "115": "Und der lange Weg, der vor uns liegt", "116": "F\u00fchrt Schritt f\u00fcr Schritt ins Paradies", "117": "Ich hab lang gewartet und nachgedacht", "118": "Hatte viele Tr\u00e4ume und jetzt bin ich wach", "119": "Wenn wir suchen, finden wir das neue Land", "120": "Uns trennt nichts vom Paradies au\u00dfer unserer Angst", "121": "Der lange Weg, der vor uns uns liegt", "122": "Schritt f\u00fcr Schritt ins Paradies", "123": "Schritt f\u00fcr Schritt - ins Paradies", "124": "Meine Mutter sagt Junge geh mal schlafen, fahr mal in' Urlaub", "125": "Aber ich soll auf die Stra\u00dfe, sagt Farin Urlaub", "126": "Ja okay, jetzt steh ich hier, doch bin allein vor einer Wand", "127": "Da bin nur ich und sonst nichts, nur dieser Stein in meiner Hand", "128": "Es ist ein einsamer Krieg gegen den Dreck, der mich umgibt", "129": "Den verfickten Dreck, den scheinbar keiner au\u00dfer mir sieht", "130": "Aber wie auch, wenn niemand rausschaut", "131": "Lieber auf der Couch mit 'Frauentausch' oder 'Bauer sucht Frau'", "132": "Und ja nat\u00fcrlich nur ironisch und nur so nebenbei", "133": "Aber im Vergleich mit den Opfern da ist das eigene Leben schon geil", "134": "Ein Hund bei\u00dft nicht, wenn er bellt und alles ist gut", "135": "Solange die auf RTL noch bisschen d\u00fcmmer sind als du", "136": "Ich ziehe in den Krieg, aber keiner zieht mit", "137": "Der einzige hier drau\u00dfen bin leider wieder ich", "138": "Doch keine Reaktion, nur Beschwerden \u00fcber Krach", "139": "Die Revolution oder 'Berlin Tag und Nacht'", "140": "Du wirst nicht entt\u00e4uscht, wenn du nie etwas erwartest", "141": "Und bevor du etwas falsch machst, dann mach mal lieber gar nichts", "142": "Irgendjemand sagt schon irgendwann mal irgendwas", "143": "Ansonsten musst du halt zufrieden sein mit dem was du hast", "144": "Und selbst wenn alles schei\u00dfe ist, du pleite bist und sonst nichts kannst", "145": "Dann sei doch einfach stolz auf dein Land", "146": "Oder gib die Schuld ein paar anderen armen Schweinen", "147": "Hey, wie w\u00e4re es denn mit den Leuten im Asylbewerberheim?", "148": "Und nein ich war nie Anti-Alles, ich war immer Anti-Ihr", "149": "Doch hab schon lange angefangen mich mit Dingen zu arrangieren", "150": "Und genau das wollte ich nie, ich bin schon viel zu lange hier", "151": "Ich muss hier weg, denn ansonsten werde ich irgendwann wie ihr", "152": "Allen ist alles egal, au\u00dfer der Handyvertrag", "153": "Mit 390 Euro Harz kommt man nicht weit im Biomarkt", "154": "Dein verkackter Kommentar war nat\u00fcrlich nur ein Spa\u00df, alles klar", "155": "Die ganze Nacht besoffene Vollidioten bedienen an der Bar", "156": "F\u00fcr 7 Euro die Stunde, aber schwarz", "157": "Am Anfang bin ich noch zusammmengezuckt", "158": "obwohl ickn fahrschein hatte, wenn die kamen in zug", "159": "und die t\u00fcr schloss mit dem tut tut tut", "160": "kurze pause 'die fahrausweise bitte' und jut", "161": "gez\u00fcckt und gezeigt mit soner art angstrespekt", "162": "vor diesen zivilkontrollen diesem ganzen dreck", "163": "sie haben immer wieder mal einen aus der bahn rausgezogen", "164": "und stolz auf ihre provision, pro person aufgezogen", "165": "die d\u00fcrfen dich nicht anfassen, die d\u00fcrfen h\u00f6chstens glotzen", "166": "musst aufs recht bestehen und dem kontrollwahn trotzen", "167": "z\u00f6ger alles so lange wie m\u00f6glich hinaus", "168": "kram in allen deinen taschen wenn m\u00f6glich freak aus", "169": "viele menschen sind sch\u00fcchtern ham angst vor der scham", "170": "vor der blo\u00dfstellung vom schwarzfahrn in der bahn", "171": "glaubt mir keiner mag zivilkontrollen, springt an die wand", "172": "aber jeder zweite ist schwarzfahrersympathisant", "173": "man sagt det w\u00e4re keine art det", "174": "w\u00e4re falsch weil nicht bezahlt det", "175": "w\u00e4r n aufruf zu ner straftat", "176": "'ick will das ihr alle schwarzfahrt!'", "177": "S\u00fcdwest Inkasso und Haas & Kollegen", "178": "werden mir meinen schwarzfahrspa\u00df nie vergeben", "179": "ich zahl nix ich bin angefixt", "180": "schwarzfahrer bildet banden und entwickelt tricks", "181": "wat? freiheit beim zug fahrn mit freiheitsentzug zahln", "182": "ich bewahr mir den mut benutz bus s- und u-bahn", "183": "wir fordern die freie mobilit\u00e4t f\u00fcr alle", "184": "und entsch\u00e4rfen bis dahin jede schwarzfahrfalle", "185": "2 \u20acuro 10 cent nur in eine richtung", "186": "nur f\u00fcr einen fahrschein ihr provoziert mich", "187": "und alle, alle andern, nur f\u00fcr extra einnahmen", "188": "ihr seid jetzt reich genug lasst uns alle endlich frei fahrn", "189": "praktiziert", "190": "dienstleistungserschleichung", "191": "seid stolz auf die", "192": "diensterschleichungsleistung", "193": "werdeta erwischt", "194": "na dann schei\u00dft drauf seis drum", "195": "die bahn kommt bitte sehr", "196": "zieht keine tickets mehr", "197": "'ick will das ihr alle schwarzfahrt!", "198": "Selecting the pictures, scrapbook full", "199": "Collected memory, the past preserved, history learned", "200": "I know what I want and I\u2019m waiting", "201": "I know what I need I\u2019m not playing", "202": "You\u2019re easier said than done", "203": "It\u2019s easy to make that choice alone", "204": "We\u2019ll never know whose won", "205": "I want to carve my name in her noise", "206": "Find comfort in these childhood toys", "207": "I want to be dirty and clean at the same time", "208": "I never thought it\u2019d be so easy to cut through me", "209": "No matter what you do it\u2019s too easy to cut through you", "210": "It\u2019s too easy to cut through you", "211": "n\u0169 noxs ponc ro-duaxse", "212": "noxs uedac\u00e3 atro-brogi", "213": "\u00f0er\u00e3 loucint\u2019 in nemisi", "214": "ni\u0169la noxtos crouo-samali", "215": "roudi loucint\u2019 are tanisa belia", "216": "n\u0169 tegisa ne seiou\u2019 bisionti", "217": "magisa ansra n\u0169 loscenti", "218": "noxs n\u0169 uer ni ate\u00f0\u00f0i", "219": "baregon nouion duaxsati", "220": "dunon e\u00f0\u00f0i aidulegos", "221": "treb\u00e3 ansr\u00e3 n\u0169 e\u00f0\u00f0i onnas", "222": "druco-critus me gabiti", "223": "rac\u2019 senoxs auagomos", "224": "aue, aue, inte noxtin", "225": "Scratch!", "226": "It\u2019s a disease of the mind", "227": "Body stops, no definitions left or right", "228": "It\u2019s a release in the mind", "229": "Dark revelations in black and white", "230": "Release the pressure that builds within", "231": "Scratching, scraping, breaking, shaking", "232": "Losing yourself over to them", "233": "Ripping, tearing", "234": "When the mind stops the nightmare begins", "235": "It\u2019s a life you cannot see, never touch", "236": "Lost in a world you can never believe", "237": "Knife cuts but you will not bleed, body shocks", "238": "Trapped by the waves that drown you to sleep", "239": "It\u2019s a life you cannot lead", "240": "We are ordinary people", "241": "We all exist with life", "242": "In the end we pray", "243": "Don\u2019t let them see", "244": "We\u2019re just living different lies", "245": "I say scream, you scream", "246": "I scream, we scream", "247": "But no one listens", "248": "Abuse to feel superior", "249": "Is it working for you", "250": "They scream, you scream", "251": "Is it working for you?", "252": "We\u2019re ordinary people", "253": "Mortal realms?", "254": "Say scream, you scream", "255": "I\u2019m not quite myself these days", "256": "Guess we all come undone", "257": "Time to time in different ways, well", "258": "I have myself to blame", "259": "Guess I don\u2019t understand, I need help in many ways", "260": "God\u2019s got a plan for me", "261": "Well I\u2019m gonna tell you one thing", "262": "I don\u2019t got the patience, or the time", "263": "What can I say?", "264": "I\u2019m no angel", "265": "I\u2019m not forsaken,", "266": "But I can bleed", "267": "Tear me open, I believe", "268": "God will set you up to bleed", "269": "And no one can deceive", "270": "What it\u2019s meant to be and", "271": "'Bloody Murder' we will scream", "272": "Well I guess it\u2019s time for me", "273": "Tell me what I\u2019m left to believe in?", "274": "Cause I don\u2019t know the concept", "275": "Of the pain", "276": "I don\u2019t want the faith", "277": "I\u2019ll just lose it", "278": "I can prove it", "279": "Watch me bleed", "280": "God will send you all to tear me open!", "281": "\u2019Cause I\u2019m", "282": "Not giving up", "283": "No self control", "284": "Suffocating to the bone", "285": "I\u2019m my worst enemy", "286": "Who can\u2019t be saved", "287": "I\u2019m just his disgrace", "288": "These days are strange it\u2019s true.", "289": "There\u2019s not a thing that I would change,", "290": "no mistakes that I\u2019d undo.", "291": "I do not know why I would go", "292": "In front of you and hide my soul", "293": "\u2019Cause you\u2019re the only one who knows it", "294": "Yeah, you\u2019re the only one who knows it", "295": "And I will hide behind my pride", "296": "Don\u2019t know why I think I can lie", "297": "\u2019Cause there\u2019s a screen on my chest", "298": "Yeah there\u2019s a screen on my chest", "299": "I\u2019m standing in front of you", "300": "I\u2019m trying to be so cool", "301": "Everything together trying to be so cool", "302": "Oh, I\u2019m standing in front of you", "303": "I can\u2019t see past my own nose", "304": "I\u2019m seeing everything in slo-mo", "305": "Look out below crashing down to the ground", "306": "Just like a vertical locomotive, that\u2019s a train", "307": "Am I painting the picture that\u2019s in my brain?", "308": "A train from the sky, locomotive, my motives are insane", "309": "My flow\u2019s not great, okay", "310": "I conversate with people", "311": "Who know if I flow on a song I\u2019ll get no radio play", "312": "While you\u2019re doing fine", "313": "There\u2019s some people and I", "314": "Who have a really tough time", "315": "Getting through this life", "316": "So excuse us while we sing to the sky", "317": "Oh, I\u2019m trying to be so cool", "318": "We\u2019re broken", "319": "We\u2019re broken people, oh", "320": "We\u2019re broken people, oh, yeah", "321": "In the sea of love", "322": "I know secrets", "323": "The lie is a lie", "324": "The true is the truth", "325": "In the house of love", "326": "Life is life", "327": "There\u2019s no guilty", "328": "Because of the truth", "329": "In the time of love", "330": "Time stand still", "331": "Moment of feelings", "332": "I want to be real", "333": "In the name of love", "334": "I will survive", "335": "It keeps me alive", "336": "I believe its time for me to be famous,", "337": "And out of place", "338": "I believe its time for me to move for forward,", "339": "When I break through", "340": "This time I\u2019ll, make you,", "341": "Proud to see me overcome all day life,", "342": "Proud of, who\u2019d you raised,", "343": "Your shelter, your peacefulness", "344": "So this time I\u2019ll make you proud", "345": "Proud of, who you raised up,", "346": "You know that I will,", "347": "Always be here till\u2019 the end", "348": "Come back, so I, can say, thank you for this,", "349": "Home cooked meals, and a place to rest,", "350": "My troubled head when you\u2019re away,", "351": "I\u2019ve passed the test, I\u2019ve earned an A,", "352": "Not just in school, but in life,", "353": "You\u2019ll always be right by my side,", "354": "To help me show, hope to all,", "355": "That are lost and sick in this dying world,", "356": "I\u2019ll use the love you left behind,", "357": "I\u2019ll change their minds, I\u2019ll change, their, minds", "358": "I hope, I hope you smile,", "359": "When you look down on me,", "360": "I hope, you smile", "361": "This can\u2019t, we won\u2019t know,", "362": "I hope that I make you proud", "363": "This is not, what it is, only baby scars,", "364": "I need your love, like a boy needs his mother\u2019s side,", "365": "Nobody knows it but you\u2019ve got a secret smile,", "366": "And you use it only for me.", "367": "So use it and prove it,", "368": "Remove this whirling sadness.", "369": "I\u2019m losing, I\u2019m bluesing,", "370": "But you can save me from madness.", "371": "So save me, I\u2019m waiting,", "372": "I\u2019m needing, hear me pleading.", "373": "And soothe me, improve me,", "374": "I\u2019m grieving, I\u2019m barely believing now, now.", "375": "When you are flying around and around the world,", "376": "And I\u2019m lying and lonely.", "377": "I know there\u2019s something sacred and free reserved,", "378": "And received by me only.", "379": "But you can save me from madness, now, now.", "380": "Nobody knows it but you\u2019ve got a secret smile\u2026", "381": "Nobody knows it, nobody knows it, nobody knows it,", "382": "But you\u2019ve got a secret\u2026", "383": "Nobody knows it, nobody knows it\u2026", "384": "I\u2019m reading over your shoulder", "385": "It says it in every line", "386": "In every curve and crack", "387": "It says it in every detail of your face", "388": "Unmistakably apparent in this dull light", "389": "Tracing a separate letter and forming a separate word", "390": "Twisting together", "391": "To build the same beautiful sentence", "392": "The same painful realization", "393": "The cracks in your lips", "394": "Open with the book", "395": "And the smile shows the lines in your face", "396": "Perfectly crooked", "397": "And perfectly familiar", "398": "And by the moment", "399": "Uncovered like a statue", "400": "Lay perfectly still", "401": "To show the cracks in your lips", "402": "Give purpose to this pattern and start to smile", "403": "Burst into flames, disappear", "404": "Before your best intentions", "405": "Can no longer hide her ears", "406": "From that which will make them bleed", "407": "Or your own two hands become too weak", "408": "To hold the blood inside the wounds", "409": "Or reality explodes before you", "410": "In a brilliant flash of spectral fire", "411": "To a thousand fragments of a past", "412": "Long dead and gone", "413": "This is remembering the last time we touched", "414": "The last time we spoke", "415": "Words ricocheting off empty tables", "416": "Vandalizing the pictures on these smoke-stained walls", "417": "And I can feel your mouth", "418": "As it opens from across the room", "419": "Your tongue and lips, forming the shape of your laughter", "420": "It\u2019s the curve of your stomach, it\u2019s the bend in your legs", "421": "It\u2019s the remnants of pages framed in the cracks of your bleeding lips", "422": "Your crooked teeth", "423": "Oh, your crooked teeth, your crooked teeth", "424": "The same stupid message in every stupid bend", "425": "In every stupid stitch", "426": "In every inch of our peeling skin", "427": "It\u2019s tracing the letters in the same sentence", "428": "It\u2019s screaming the same stupid thing", "429": "Like the howling of a plane", "430": "Playing over and over and over and over and over", "431": "And over and over and over and over and over\u2026;", "432": "Erz\u00e4hl mir deine Sorgen/", "433": "Ich teile deinen Schmerz/", "434": "Keiner wirds erfahren/", "435": "Solange du auf meine Stimme h\u00f6rst/", "436": "Deine Tr\u00e4nen fliessen/", "437": "Wie Fl\u00fcsse in das das Tal/", "438": "Sp\u00fcr die Qual/", "439": "Sei mein Wurm/", "440": "Du bist der Wurm in meinem Garten/", "441": "Wenn du rauf kommst, kommt der Spaten/", "442": "FRISS DEN SPATEN/", "443": "Ich forme deine Seele/", "444": "So wie es mir gef\u00e4llt/", "445": "Mal machst du den Goldfisch/", "446": "und danach den Hund der f\u00fcr mich bellt/", "447": "Du bist Staub am Boden/", "448": "Danach der Anti-Christ/", "449": "Ein Pl\u00fcschtier sollst du werden/", "450": "Das Hundefell dann Dreck und Erde frisst/", "451": "Maybe this the album you listen to in your car", "452": "When you driving home late at night", "453": "Really questioning every god, religion, Kanye, bitches", "454": "Maybe this is the entrance before you get to the river", "455": "A heaven before the heathen no reason for you to like me", "456": "Maybe this your wifey just wanting a clean divorce", "457": "The baby ain\u2019t really yours, this really for babies teething", "458": "And chicken wings under-seasoned", "459": "Y\u2019all really thought a bitch couldn\u2019t rap, huh?", "460": "Maybe this your answer for that, a crack era", "461": "The Reagan administration that niggas are still scared of", "462": "Nah actually this is for me", "463": "This one for TT at the lake serving the mac and the cheese", "464": "This one a small apology for all the calls that I screened", "465": "Mr. Money Man, Mr. Every Day He Got Me", "466": "Mr. Wifing Me Down, Mr. Me-Love, Mr. Miyagi", "467": "Miscellaneous, Mr. Molly Inside My Sake", "468": "Incredible, incredible emptiness in my body", "469": "Heaven\u2019s only four-feet tall, I set my ringer to it", "470": "Fucked your rapper homie, now his ass is making better music", "471": "My pussy teachin ninth-grade English", "472": "My pussy wrote a thesis on colonialism", "473": "In conversation with a marginal system in love with Jesus", "474": "And y\u2019all still thought a bitch couldn\u2019t rap huh?", "475": "Maybe this your answer for that good pussy", "476": "I know niggas only talk about money and good pussy", "477": "I wrote her off for the tenth time today", "478": "And practiced all the things I would say", "479": "But she came over, I lost my nerve", "480": "I took her back and made her dessert", "481": "Oh, I know I\u2019m being used", "482": "That\u2019s okay, man, \u2019cause I like the abuse", "483": "I know she\u2019s playing with me", "484": "That\u2019s okay, \u2019cause I got no self esteem", "485": "Oh way oh, yeah, yeah", "486": "Oh, yeah, yeah", "487": "We make plans to go out at night", "488": "I wait till two, then I turn out the light", "489": "This rejection\u2019s got me so low", "490": "If she keeps it up I just might tell her so", "491": "When she\u2019s saying, oh that she wants only me", "492": "Then I wonder why she sleeps with my friends", "493": "When she\u2019s saying, oh that I\u2019m like a disease", "494": "Then I wonder how much more I can stand", "495": "Well, I guess I should stick up for myself", "496": "But I really think it\u2019s better this way", "497": "The more you suffer, the more it shows you really care", "498": "Right?", "499": "Now, I\u2019ll relate this little bit", "500": "It happens more than I\u2019d like to admit", "501": "Late at night she knocks on my door", "502": "She\u2019s drunk again and looking to score", "503": "Now, I know I should say no", "504": "But it\u2019s kind of hard when she\u2019s ready to go", "505": "I may be dumb, but I\u2019m not a dweeb", "506": "I\u2019m just a sucker with no self esteem", "507": "Night falls with gravity", "508": "The earth turns from sanity", "509": "Taking my only friend I know", "510": "He leaves a lie; his name is Hope", "511": "I\u2019m never what I like", "512": "I\u2019m double-sided", "513": "And I just can\u2019t hide", "514": "I kinda like it", "515": "When I make you cry", "516": "\u2019Cause I\u2019m twisted up", "517": "I\u2019m twisted up inside", "518": "The horrors of the night melt away", "519": "Under the warm glow of survival of the day", "520": "Then we move on", "521": "My shadow grows taller along with my fears", "522": "And my frame shrinks smaller as night grows near", "523": "When the sun is coming, window soothes", "524": "And the silver lining rides the hills", "525": "I will be saved for one whole day", "526": "Until the sun make the hills its grave", "527": "I\u2019m twisted up inside my mind", "528": "I\u2019m semi-automatic", "529": "My prayers; schizophrenic", "530": "But I\u2019ll live on", "531": "Yeah, I\u2019ll live on", "532": "Yeah, I\u2019ll live, yeah yeah yeah", "533": "By the time the night wears off", "534": "The dust is down and shadows burn", "535": "I will rise and stand my ground", "536": "Waiting for the night\u2019s return", "537": "Glowing and blazing in the wind of times", "538": "Ever lit, searching and fathoming", "539": "The fire\u2019s arcane consuming flames", "540": "Sparks to imbue our very souls", "541": "Pervading the very breath of life", "542": "Flickering from the depths of eternity", "543": "Never asleep, never extinct", "544": "Not ever ceasing to gleam", "545": "Never sear the sempiternal embers", "546": "Never profaned, never fail", "547": "Not ever ceasing to refine", "548": "Never forfeit, never faint", "549": "The sempiternal embers", "550": "The essence of being, the form of existance", "551": "Forever inflamed with passion, heart of hearts", "552": "Burning so bright, yet clandestine", "553": "Gleaming in the lair of the powers to be", "554": "The four mighty ones the high kings concealed", "555": "Giving birth to the glimmer within", "556": "Incessantly fostering the flames\u2026", "557": "Sh\u2019lach li mal\u2019ach", "558": "Ssheyikach, sheyikach oti lelev", "559": "She\u2019ohev umechakeh li", "560": "Verotzeh bi kol hazman", "561": "She\u2019oti ve\u2019otach hu lo yikach", "562": "Lemakom she\u2019ein bo", "563": "Mah sheyesh po kol hazman", "564": "Sheyikach, sheyikach oti lelev", "565": "Ken lif\u2019amim hakol nir\u2019ah oto davar", "566": "Velif\u2019amim, pit\u2019om, yesh reg\u2019a me\u2019ushar", "567": "Sheyis\u2019mach veyadlik po et ha\u2019or", "568": "Veyish\u2019mor al mah sheyesh lish\u2019mor po", "569": "Kol hazman", "570": "Stam hazayot zeh gan chayot", "571": "Arayot venemerim ve\u2019acherim", "572": "Menasim lim\u2019tzo makom lichyot bo", "573": "velif\u2019amim, pit\u2019om, yesh reg\u2019a me\u2019ushar", "574": "As I sit here", "575": "And slowly close my eyes", "576": "I take another deep breath", "577": "And feel the wind pass through my body", "578": "I\u2019m the one in your soul", "579": "Reflecting inner light", "580": "Protect the ones who hold you", "581": "Cradling your inner child", "582": "I need serenity", "583": "In a place where I can hide", "584": "Nothing changes, days go by", "585": "Where do we go when we just don\u2019t know,", "586": "And how do we relight the flame when it\u2019s cold?", "587": "Why do we dream when our thoughts mean nothing,", "588": "And when will we learn to control?", "589": "Tragic visions", "590": "Slowly stole my life", "591": "Tore away everything", "592": "Cheating me out of my time", "593": "I\u2019m the one who loves you", "594": "No matter wrong or right", "595": "And every day I hold you", "596": "I hold you with my inner child", "597": "Damage destructor", "598": "Crowd disruptor", "599": "Youth corruptor", "600": "Everytimer!", "601": "Mainliner", "602": "Taste me", "603": "Succumb to me", "604": "Succumb to me!", "605": "Serial thrilla", "606": "Serious killa", "607": "Serious killa!", "608": "Yeah! Yeah!", "609": "Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!", "610": "Fading away from here", "611": "I\u2019m fading away from here", "612": "We\u2019re fading away from here", "613": "I\u2019m fading away from here, can\u2019t see nothing here.", "614": "Even though I\u2019m awake, my body slowly breaks.", "615": "Feels so cold that I shake, every time I reflect.", "616": "These stories I\u2019m writing to verse they sure do serve my thirst.", "617": "Seems to clear my head, when I\u2019m awake at night.", "618": "I pull myself so tight, lying in the dark.", "619": "Feeling rich with words,", "620": "I\u2019m about to draw my thoughts, re planning out my chords.", "621": "I\u2019ll start it all from scratch.", "622": "Take me away, shattered my hopes today.", "623": "Nothing kept me on my seat.", "624": "Oh it ends so tragically for me.", "625": "Take me away\u2026", "626": "If you\u2019re looking for a place", "627": "To hang your head in shame", "628": "The light is always on", "629": "So come on in", "630": "My eyes are too big for my stomach", "631": "It can\u2019t process all that I do", "632": "A rich diet of endless endeavors", "633": "At the expense of me and you", "634": "There\u2019s a thousand reasons why I can\u2019t open up", "635": "Every combination is one turn off", "636": "There\u2019s no rest for the weak", "637": "I need a week\u2019s rest desperately", "638": "So take me up", "639": "We\u2019re going on, going on", "640": "We\u2019re going on without you, you, you\u2026", "641": "Well I met some boy while crossing the border, \u2019cross the border", "642": "Rank and thirsty and blind, you must be out of order, out of order \u2019cause", "643": "Rank and thirsty and blind, you must be out of order; tell him again-gain-gain\u2026", "644": "Here we are, waiting for the storm.", "645": "Here we are, waiting for the storm to come.", "646": "We know this world will drown in blood.", "647": "Last days of May, this spring is dying once again,", "648": "But we sense this summer may not be ours anymore.", "649": "Within these walls, we\u2019re loyal brothers,", "650": "Comrades till death.", "651": "Now in the distance we see the fires rage.", "652": "They will not take this place, will not defile this ground.", "653": "We\u2019re not afraid to die, no one will break this line,", "654": "This darkened world will hear our cries.", "655": "As clouds of dust contaminate the deep blue skies,", "656": "We\u2019re crawling through the debris of our homes.", "657": "Here we are, this world will drown in blood.", "658": "Curtain fires, lying in the trenches, buried deep", "659": "As cold ashes cover this swaying world in grey.", "660": "Inside this fortress, we\u2019re faithful sisters,", "661": "As their bombs eclipse this sallow sun", "662": "And their guns annihilate our sanctuaries,", "663": "Our confidence, it will not vanish, not abate,", "664": "We will not cease resisting.", "665": "This darkened world will hear our cries", "666": "Some wear leather, some wear lace", "667": "Some wear makeup on their face", "668": "Some are young, some are old", "669": "Some too hot, and some too cold", "670": "Some are poor, some are rich", "671": "Some so lonely, and some they bitch", "672": "Some are lovers, some friends in bed", "673": "Some have listened to the things we\u2019ve said", "674": "Am I understood?", "675": "If I could I would tell you how I feel", "676": "Now it\u2019s strange to change as I drift away", "677": "Is it too real?", "678": "Do you understand?", "679": "It goes on and on", "680": "It goes on\u2026", "681": "Some are black and some are white", "682": "Some are straight and some they fight", "683": "Some turn me on, some leave me sad", "684": "Some too cold, and some a drag", "685": "Some they fear, and some they lust", "686": "Some have got you, and some they must", "687": "Some are working for the CIA", "688": "Some are trust, and some are flame", "689": "Lay where you\u2019re laying", "690": "Don\u2019t make a sound", "691": "I know they\u2019re watching", "692": "They\u2019re watching", "693": "All the commotion", "694": "The kiddie-like play", "695": "Has people talking", "696": "They\u2019re talking", "697": "Your sex is on fire", "698": "The dark of the alley", "699": "The breaking of day", "700": "Head while I\u2019m driving", "701": "I\u2019m driving", "702": "Soft lips are open", "703": "Them knuckles are pale", "704": "Feels like you\u2019re dying", "705": "You\u2019re dying", "706": "Consumed", "707": "With what\u2019s just transpired", "708": "Hot as a fever", "709": "Rattling bones", "710": "I could just taste it", "711": "Chased it", "712": "But it\u2019s not forever", "713": "But it\u2019s just tonight", "714": "Oh, we\u2019re still the greatest", "715": "I close both locks below the window", "716": "I close both blinds and turn away", "717": "Sometimes solutions aren\u2019t so simple", "718": "Sometimes goodbye\u2019s the only way, o-o-oh", "719": "And the sun will set for you", "720": "The sun will set for you", "721": "And the shadow of the day", "722": "Will embrace the world in grey", "723": "In cards and flowers on your window", "724": "Your friends all plead for you to stay", "725": "Sometimes beginnings aren\u2019t so simple", "726": "The city carved a silhouette", "727": "On the ocean after dark", "728": "Over the lonely and the holy", "729": "And the red blood beating hearts", "730": "Up from the dirty black water", "731": "A shadow void of form", "732": "Raised itself out of the river", "733": "And it climbed upon the shore", "734": "Neon on the black top", "735": "There\u2019s gentle rain downtown", "736": "The shadow pooling underneath me", "737": "As it follows on the ground", "738": "Kissed you when I saw you", "739": "Stared deep into your eyes", "740": "I meant to say 'I love you'", "741": "But instead I said goodbye", "742": "Shadows in the city", "743": "I\u2019m a stranger to myself", "744": "On these streets I\u2019m someone else", "745": "Like a demon in the dark", "746": "Come to tear us apart", "747": "For all my good intentions", "748": "There\u2019s a shadow in this dark", "749": "He comes to me infrequently", "750": "And breaks your perfect heart", "751": "I don\u2019t know why I do it", "752": "Apologize but it\u2019s too late", "753": "A single tear and you leave me here", "754": "And the shadow slips away", "755": "Your spine shadows", "756": "The turn shackles", "757": "Your smile\u2019s within", "758": "Within your look", "759": "Within your smile", "760": "Take it back!", "761": "Shame, shame, shame, shame", "762": "Shame, shame, don\u2019t come back", "763": "Don\u2019t blame me", "764": "Blame me", "765": "Your head visions", "766": "Your life\u2019s memories", "767": "It hurts nothing", "768": "Let it go!", "769": "I can\u2019t", "770": "Mama always told me don\u2019t you run", "771": "Don\u2019t you run with scissors, son", "772": "You\u2019re gonna hurt someone", "773": "Mama told me look before you leap", "774": "Always think before you speak, and watch the friends you keep", "775": "Stay along the beaten path, never listened when she said", "776": "Sharp edges have consequences", "777": "I guess that I had to find out for myself", "778": "Now every scar is a story I can tell", "779": "Should\u2019ve played safer from the start", "780": "Loved you like a house of cards", "781": "Let it fall apart", "782": "But all the things I couldn\u2019t understand", "783": "Never could\u2019ve planned", "784": "They made me who I am", "785": "Put your nose on paperbacks", "786": "Instead of smoking cigarettes", "787": "These years you\u2019re never getting back", "788": "We live somehow", "789": "We learn what doesn\u2019t kill us makes us stronger", "790": "We learn what doesn\u2019t kill us makes us stronger, ooh", "791": "She held the world upon a string", "792": "But she didn\u2019t ever hold me", "793": "Spun the stars on her fingernails", "794": "But it never made her happy", "795": "Cause she couldn\u2019t ever have me", "796": "She said she won the world at a carnival", "797": "But she could never win me", "798": "Cause she couldn\u2019t ever catch me", "799": "I, I know why", "800": "Because when I look in her eyes", "801": "I just see the sky", "802": "When I look in her eyes", "803": "Well I, just see the sky", "804": "I don\u2019t love you I\u2019m just passing the time", "805": "You could love me if I knew how to lie", "806": "But who could love me?", "807": "I am out of my mind", "808": "Throw an old line out to sea", "809": "To see if I can catch a dream", "810": "The sun was always in her eyes", "811": "She didn\u2019t even see me", "812": "But that girl had so much love", "813": "She\u2019d wanna kiss you all the time", "814": "Yeah, she\u2019d wanna kiss you all the time", "815": "But I\u2019m sure it didn\u2019t ruin her", "816": "Just made her more interesting", "817": "I\u2019m sure it didn\u2019t ruin her", "818": "Well I, I just see the sky", "819": "I saw her through the window today", "820": "She was sittin\u2019 in the Silver Spoon cafe", "821": "I started to keep going", "822": "But something made me stop", "823": "She used to love me a lot", "824": "She looked lonely and I knew the cure", "825": "Old memories would win her heart for sure", "826": "I thought I\u2019d walk on in", "827": "And I give it my best shot", "828": "I sat down beside her and she smiled", "829": "She said where have you been it\u2019s been awhile", "830": "She was glad to see me", "831": "I could almost read her thoughts", "832": "She used to love me with a love that wouldn\u2019t die", "833": "Looking at her now I can\u2019t believe I said good-bye", "834": "It would only take a minute to turn back the clock", "835": "I remember how good it was back then", "836": "And I said it\u2019s not to late to start again", "837": "We could spend a night together", "838": "Take up where we left off", "839": "Then I panicked as she turned to walk away", "840": "As she went out the door I heard her say", "841": "Yes I\u2019m in need of something", "842": "But it\u2019s something you ain\u2019t got", "843": "But I used to love you a lot", "844": "I thought she loved me with a love that wouldn\u2019t die", "845": "Looking at her now I can\u2019t believe she said good-bye", "846": "She just left me standing in there, I never been so shocked", "847": "Innocence", "848": "Sunk the glow and drowned in covers", "849": "Send for all your absent lovers things", "850": "Sheepish wolves", "851": "Looking lived in eating buttons", "852": "Wink, just don\u2019t put your teeth on me", "853": "Accidents", "854": "Let the evening in the backdoor", "855": "Filled the room ceiling to the floor", "856": "Beat backbones", "857": "Grazed the poem and made it strange", "858": "I wasn\u2019t born to be a skeleton", "859": "Go on", "860": "Grab your hat and fetch a camera", "861": "Go on, film the world before it happens", "862": "Jealous orchard", "863": "The sky is falling off the ceiling", "864": "While I\u2019m tucking fibs into a cookie jar", "865": "Bombed reverie", "866": "It\u2019s useless searching in the cupboards", "867": "When everything you have is on your back", "868": "Film the world before it happens", "869": "Put on your blindfold", "870": "And a dress that\u2019s tight", "871": "And come with me", "872": "On a mystery night", "873": "Open your eyes", "874": "Follow our stars under a painted sky", "875": "We\u2019ll leave the world behind", "876": "We\u2019re learning to fly", "877": "We used to get by", "878": "Forget the pictures on your TV screen", "879": "We\u2019ll steal the visions", "880": "That you keep for your dreams", "881": "You can turn me on", "882": "I was blind, and I saw the light", "883": "My angel coming", "884": "In a brilliant white", "885": "Shine for me", "886": "You\u2019ve been hanging from a rope of mediocrity", "887": "Strung up by your insecurities", "888": "You can shine for me", "889": "Somebody has to", "890": "It\u2019s difficult not to", "891": "So tired sleeping through the day", "892": "Bloodshot eyes and the sweat from my body", "893": "And I picked my head up yesterday", "894": "Found no reason or hope left inside of me", "895": "But I still believe in immortal love", "896": "And I know there\u2019s someone above", "897": "Shine down, don\u2019t take it away from me, no", "898": "And I know you know how, yeah", "899": "Shine down, just give me a chance to feel it", "900": "It\u2019s taken forever to get me off the ground", "901": "A dead silence overwhelming me", "902": "Day and night takes its toll on my sanity", "903": "And I know I\u2019ve been away too long", "904": "All these years I\u2019ve been hiding", "905": "A feeling I\u2019m coming strong", "906": "And I know there\u2019s someone that\u2019s up above", "907": "Show me a path to find my way", "908": "And give me a reason to pray", "909": "And shine down, don\u2019t take it away from me, no", "910": "And shine down, just give me a chance to feel it", "911": "It\u2019s taken forever to get me off the ground, yeah", "912": "Shine down", "913": "Oh, shine down", "914": "Oh baby, yeah, yeah, yeah", "915": "Oh baby shine down", "916": "Standing in the back of the line", "917": "I feel the others try to push me", "918": "Down and keep it away from me", "919": "Grabbing at the one thing that I know is mine", "920": "Can\u2019t you see me with my head to the floor", "921": "Feel the recklessness of absolute desperation", "922": "Valued sentimental pieces of the life", "923": "I thought I held in my hands", "924": "Why do I always try", "925": "To better what I am?", "926": "Can\u2019t I realize", "927": "That I\u2019ve always been sinking?", "928": "Failing everyday", "929": "It only helps to aggravate", "930": "The sickening feeling", "931": "Inside that won\u2019t go away", "932": "Fall down", "933": "Pick yourself up and fall down", "934": "Drink from my cup and fall down", "935": "This is what it\u2019s like to be me, me", "936": "Can\u2019t you see what I see?", "937": "What I am is what I feel", "938": "But what I feel is nothing real", "939": "And what I know is all I want", "940": "Is to be saved from this spot", "941": "Every street in this city is the same to me", "942": "Everyone\u2019s got a place to be but there\u2019s no room for me", "943": "Am I to blame when the guilt and the shame hang over me?", "944": "Like a dark cloud that chases you down in the pouring rain", "945": "It\u2019s so hard to find someone", "946": "Who cares about you", "947": "But it\u2019s easy enough to find someone", "948": "Who looks down on you", "949": "Why is it so hard to find someone", "950": "When it\u2019s easy enough to find someone", "951": "Who looks down on you?", "952": "It\u2019s not what it seems when you\u2019re not on the scene", "953": "There\u2019s a chill in the air", "954": "But there\u2019s people like me that nobody sees", "955": "So nobody cares", "956": "Who can keep it together when you\u2019ve come undone?", "957": "Who cares about you?", "958": "I swear this time it won\u2019t turn out the same", "959": "\u2019Cause now I\u2019ve got myself to blame", "960": "And you\u2019ll know when we end up on the streets", "961": "That it\u2019s easy enough to find someone", "962": "I can\u2019t stand to let you win", "963": "I\u2019m just watching you", "964": "And I don\u2019t know what to do", "965": "Feeling like a fool inside", "966": "Feeling all the love you hide", "967": "Thought you were my friend", "968": "Seems it never ends", "969": "I need somebody, someone", "970": "Can\u2019t somebody help me?", "971": "All I need is to be", "972": "Loved, just for me", "973": "Giving you with this and that", "974": "Giving, getting nothing back", "975": "It\u2019s all related to", "976": "All the things I do", "977": "Seeing all the things you tried", "978": "I am nothing", "979": "I look", "980": "I sign", "981": "I need", "982": "Someone", "983": "To help", "984": "Me out", "985": "With what?", "986": "I\u2019m trying", "987": "I\u2019m crying", "988": "I\u2019m prying", "989": "In a pile of", "990": "I\u2019m dying", "991": "I\u2019m dying!", "992": "Some people sing for life, some people sing for death", "993": "Some people sing to sing the songs that they like best", "994": "Some people sing for broke, some people sing for fame", "995": "Some people sing for hope, some people sing for pain", "996": "So when you feel like this and really wish", "997": "That everyone else would just go away", "998": "When you feel like this and really wish", "999": "Sing for the man on the corner", "1": "\ud83c\udfbc fusion-t2i-lyrics-14"}