text,domain,label,split i would like to hear something funny,9,132,test what ingredients are in antipasto salad,3,34,train roll five sided dice,7,104,test is there enough money in my bank of hawaii for vacation,1,12,train did i tell you to remind me about laundry,4,49,test what's the nutrient info for a donut,3,36,train tell me any events scheduled on my calendar for april 15,4,55,train check and confirm reservations at ruth chris for carol lee,3,32,train what should i do if my card is lost,2,20,train what's the weather today,7,91,val what's the nutrient make up of a plate of spaghetti,3,36,train i need to let my bank know i am visiting asia soon,6,77,train what are the steps required for making a vacation request,8,116,val what's bank of america's routing number,1,2,train could you tell me today's date,7,93,train "i want to keep my credit from going down, how do i do this",2,19,train "could you connect to my phone, please",10,146,train how do i jump start a fiat,5,75,train i want to switch to direct deposit,8,119,train i want you to adjust your speaking to be faster,10,136,train is there enough money in my discover account for a vacation,1,12,train help me set a timer please,7,96,val "my card got scratched badly, can you tell my bank to send a replacement",2,18,train what is the mpg for this car,5,69,val set the tv on,4,60,test how does one go about putting in a vacation request,8,116,test i need you to help me with some math if you can,7,98,train id like a rental car in denver colorado between january 1st and january 3rd and id like a ford if possible,6,90,train was my last transaction at walmart,1,14,val take everything off my to do list please,4,48,test is that restaurant crowded during dinner,3,33,train text robert and tell him winter is coming,7,105,train who is responsible for who you are,9,121,train could you please raise your volume,10,140,val i would like to see the transactions i made last week,1,14,train i think my account is block but i am not sure why,1,6,train how much did i spend on gas the past month,1,13,train i'm grateful,9,130,train would i need to get a visa to go to ireland,6,80,train when is my meeting with infrastructure,8,110,test how many points are on my gold card,2,26,train how can i pay my bill,1,5,train how is that weather,7,91,test tell me how to apply for a new credit card,2,29,test is any traffic on my route to work,5,65,train what interest rate is us bank giving me on my acount,1,7,val when will my paycheck be available,8,111,train allow my son to see my gps coordinates,7,95,train how do i get to the train by foot,5,71,test good job with assisting me,9,130,train when was my lawn last mowed,0,0,oos_test roll die,7,104,train does my usaa card have international transaction fees,2,30,train tell me the fuel type used by my car,5,73,train please see if you can increase my credit limit to one thousand dollars,2,22,train provide me the name of your boss,9,123,val i'm pretty sure it could be either,10,150,train please roll the 10 sided dice,7,104,train what temp is the ac at,4,60,train i would like to know if my visa card application has been approved,2,27,val "can i get some more checkbooks sent to me, please",1,11,test who programmed you,9,121,val i need to report a bent card,2,18,train what sorts of vaccinations should i get prior to a trip to hong kong,6,85,test what is the most time i can keep a burrito frozen for before it's no good to eat,3,31,test whats the due date for z bill,1,4,train list me some good vietnamese restaurants in new york city,3,41,train am i speaking with someone real,9,133,train can i increase the credit limit on my travel rewards card,2,22,test i don't remember buying this,1,15,test i need to know how many days so far i've taken off,8,120,train what is the carry-on policy for flights on the airline called jetblue,6,89,test what kind of mexican meal should i get,3,40,train how many mpg does an equinox get,5,69,val what kind of hobbies do you have,9,125,train look up carry-on rules for american airlines,6,89,val tell bill and craig where i am,7,95,train i need to know the status of my alaska air flight,6,79,train unsure,10,150,test can you put in a pto request for me from march 1-7,8,116,train "restore your factory settings, please",10,149,train how much did i spend on my most recent transaction,1,14,test make a reservation to stay in cali from november 11 to 15,6,88,train make the speakers louder,10,140,train is there a travel alert for that country,6,84,train how long is the wait at applebee's tonight,3,33,val will it be ok to sub turkey for beef,3,43,test what do i do to request a vacation,8,116,train flip a quarter,7,101,train i need a reminder set for signing up for the conference,4,50,train text robby hello,7,105,train who won in the gsw vs suns game last night,0,0,oos_test i don't know the answer to that,10,150,train that would be true,10,139,train when is my meeting with roger,8,110,train my next payday,8,111,train i need you to schedule a meeting with bob brown at noon the day after tomorrow,8,118,train are there reservation for joe and will,3,32,test what sort of fuel does this car take,5,73,train tell me when i should change me oil,5,62,val you know the reservation i have on 2:00 friday i confirm it,3,32,val turn lights on in the garage,4,60,train does stanleys take brunch reservations,3,45,train lower volume,10,140,train i must know the the carry-on restrictions for american airlines,6,89,test pay my cable bill directly from my checking account,1,5,val let me know every meeting i have scheduled today,8,110,train "what will traffic be like nearest the george washington bridge, new york",5,65,test how many miles per gallon does this car get in the city,5,69,train please uninstall this intrusive social media app,0,0,oos_test i want to learn to change oil,5,63,train "hi there, how are you doing",9,131,test give me location for tourist destination in bangkok,6,83,val thanks for that response,9,130,test how long until my flight is here,6,79,train "i cut up the wrong card, please contact the bank and let them know",2,18,train shh please speak with a whisper,10,138,train what kind of activities do you enjoy,9,125,train did i get approval yet to take off next week,8,106,val for the holidays when is the next one we do here,8,107,test i need a timer for 45 minutes,7,96,test what's the latest i can pay my cellular bill,1,4,test what was the last thing i purchased,1,14,train i need you to let me know what the status of my day off request is,8,106,train where did you live prior to living here,9,128,train what are some interesting things i can do while in raleigh,6,83,test are you self employed,9,123,train i replaced tires last june when should i do it again,5,74,test tell me where i can find my exterminator bill's due date,1,4,test why is my bank account locked,1,6,test how long do you bake a cake,3,44,train i need help spelling superficial,7,102,train where did you live previously,9,128,train will you tell a joke,9,132,train can you call alexa,7,97,test i'm out of toilet paper so will you put that on my shopping list,4,59,val do i have any meetings with michael today,8,110,train and your name is,9,127,test how do i set up direct deposit to my chase account,8,119,train i cannot use my card cuz it's damaged,2,18,test can you identify this song for me,4,46,test that would be a no,10,141,train how can i find a new credit card to apply to,2,29,test show video of hair styling tips,0,0,oos_test why is my bank account blocking me,1,6,train please confirm my reservation at brio for theodore,3,32,test how long do i need to cook lasagne for,3,44,val do i need a visa for germany,6,80,train how often do you change your tires,5,74,train how much did i spend last week,1,13,train thank you very much for the assistance,9,130,train i want seventy bucks transferred from b of a to chase,1,10,train what's the funnest thing for a tourist to do in iceland,6,83,train i need alarms set for 6am and 615am,7,92,train is there traffic on bramble lane,5,65,train flip a coin now,7,101,val what time is today's meeting,8,110,test share my location with apple,7,95,val do i have any meetings coming up today,8,110,train i want to know how to go about getting a new credit card,2,29,test what is is the details of my bank account,1,12,train change the accent you're using,10,144,test what ingredients are in beef jerkey,3,34,test compare prices for flights from recife to miami leaving may 20 returning june 5,6,87,train i'd like you to roll dice,7,104,train what's the currency conversion between rubles and pounds,6,82,train is it possible to rent a car from new york on 3/2/19 to 3/5/19,6,90,train help me get an american express card,2,29,train direct deposit my paycheck to my capital one account,8,119,val thanks for the assist,9,130,val let me know what time the patriots game starts,0,0,oos_test "can you play the next song on this playlist, please",4,56,train what's the minimum required payment on my visa card,1,8,train where is the closest hospital to madison square garden,5,71,test how do you say goodbye in spanish,6,78,train what is three quarters of one sixth,7,98,train text someone,7,105,train set reminder to feed cat tonight at 6pm,4,50,train what's the date tomorrow,7,93,train schedule an uber for 3 to go to the airport,5,64,train what can you tell me about miami weather,7,91,train what is the square root of 10294,7,98,train how long would it take to get to mcdonald's in houston,5,70,val tell me how many a's are in magical,7,102,train how old is al,9,134,train "what do you do when you're not working, for fun",9,125,train do you want me to shop for peanut butter,4,54,train i would like you to secure a 4:30 pm reservation for five people at morton's steakhouse,3,39,train how many of my paid days off have i used,8,120,train i'd like to put a freeze on my bank account,1,1,train roll the 10 sided dice on time,7,104,train what type of fuel should i get for mainly city driving,5,73,val when do i get paid again,8,111,train what things are on my shopping list,4,54,train can you show me the nutrition facts for grapes,3,36,train i was in target about to buy a chair when my card got declined,2,21,val how old are you ai,9,134,val what does it take to make buttermilk pancakes,3,34,train i'd like to know the date tomorrow,7,93,train i want to rent a car in boston for march 2 until march 4,6,90,train can i use a green pepper instead of a red pepper,3,43,train did i schedule any meetings for today,8,110,train if i order a new card how long would it take,2,16,train do i need to get any shots before visiting family in seattle,6,85,val create a reminder to change my oil,4,50,test is there a time limit on leaving pork in the fridge,3,31,train what caused a hold on my us bank account,1,6,test help me set up direct deposit to my bank of hawaii checking account,8,119,train "i need to change your name, do you have a new name that you like",10,148,train play music by the beatles,4,47,train return to default settings,10,149,train i have how many tier credits on my caesar's card,2,26,train tell me what the word bounty means,7,99,train remind me to use the bathroom,4,50,train is there anything available in new york city from april 2 through april 8,6,88,train who has the best credit card offering for a college student,2,29,val tell me if i can get a higher limit on my visa,2,22,train i'd like to share my location with stephanie,7,95,val how many days are remaining on my vacation days,8,115,test find someone local who mows lawns,0,0,oos_test set a reminder to go check the mail,4,50,train i appreciate the help,9,130,train how many elements are on the periodic table,0,0,oos_test i need to add this song to my playlist of rock,4,53,train do you know when my next electric bill is due,1,4,train set a reminder,4,50,train i want to set an alarm,7,92,test let me know whether folding laundry is on my to do list,4,58,train how are things going,9,131,train what place were you created in,9,128,train which shots do i need to get before i go to africa next week,6,85,train where did all my money go this month,1,13,train will doing this hurt my credit score,2,19,train what fun is there to do in england,6,83,train when do classes start,0,0,oos_train can you get me the name of this song,4,46,train display the song lyrics for me,0,0,oos_test please let me know when i need to renew my credit card,2,17,train that's a negative,10,141,train what's on the shopping list,4,54,train what day is it tomorrow,7,93,train whats a good chinese dinner suggestion,3,40,val can you find me a reputable hotel in honolulu,6,88,test what is stupedous meant,7,99,train can i use red onions instead of white,3,43,test where is your home planet,9,128,test that's incorrect,10,141,test can you find me the apr listed on the statement for my citi mastercard,2,23,test i need to get from jfk to dallas with united for under $500,6,87,train stop using the whisper mode,10,138,train take watering the plants off of my to do list,4,48,train please provide the square root of 36,7,98,train how do i spell ambitious,7,102,train how many meetings do i have today between noon and one,8,110,train how long is the wait at chipotle right now,3,33,val "where can i get the employment document that i need to do my taxes, please",8,117,train find out who the best appliance repairman is for the downtown area,0,0,oos_test can you give me information about the nutrition facts for celery,3,36,train "make a reminder, pay taxes on monday",4,50,train how can i get a visa card,2,29,test please activate a wireless hotspot so i can use the internet,0,0,oos_test please search for a chocolate fudge brownies recipe,3,37,train what kind of electrical outlet does that country use,6,76,test could you tell me when you were born,9,134,train how busy is orchids at 7,3,33,train do i have enough fuel to make it to the theater,5,68,train do you know anything about my income,8,113,train a meeting needs to be schedule and i need to know how,8,118,train can i make an appointment for an oil change,5,67,val why are humans on earth,9,122,val i can't understand you because of how rapidly you're speaking,10,136,train tell me the name of my insurance plan,8,109,train how do i jump my car,5,75,train can you tell me the current time,7,103,train what's today's date,7,93,train the pin number to my card has been forgotten,1,3,test i dont have an answer for that,10,150,train i got to remove fishing from my calendar for soccer,4,51,train "no, that's not right",10,141,val what plug types are there in cuba,6,76,train tell me what is on my calendar for april 1,4,55,train where is the best winery in the south of france,6,83,train how would one make a vacation request,8,116,test cancel that last thing,10,145,train i would like to know when the bill is due,1,4,train can i get my w-2 online,8,117,train show me the channel guide,0,0,oos_val "howdy, what's new",9,131,train i would like to make a pto request for july 17th and 18th,8,116,train find the square root of 1243435,7,98,test is it true your a real person,9,133,test is mcdonalds a good place to eat,3,38,train do i need to get any shots before i go to brazil,6,85,val what's the quickest way to a bank,5,71,train can i swap chili for sloppy joe mix in the recipe,3,43,test purchase grass seed from the store,4,57,test i need a hotel room for 7 people in st louis for november 3rd through 5th,6,88,val make the male british accent please,10,144,val "can you find ""were the millers"" on hulu",0,0,oos_test what country and city am i in,5,61,train what do you do in your free time,9,125,train please speak slower,10,136,train i need to know what the latest is with my application for a visa credit card,2,27,train call alexa at home,7,97,test can you show me the transactions that were made last night at the restaurant,1,14,train what's the status of my jetblue flight,6,79,test i need an uber for 3 passengers to go to madison square garden,5,64,train what benefits are available with my insurance,8,109,train did someone who is unauthorized try to get into my bank account,1,6,test i gotta say no,10,141,train a rental car needs to be booked in nashville,6,90,train do i have overdraft protection,0,0,oos_test my account shows a transaction that i didn't make from foot locker,1,15,test when's my next oil change due,5,62,train my luggage is missing off of american airlines flight ab123 out of chicago,6,86,val what is tomorrow's date,7,93,train my credit is going down what should i do,2,19,train that's not right,10,141,train play the song called i want it that way,4,47,test can you talk a bit slower please,10,136,train how do i know what the outlets are like,6,76,train set up a new pin number on my college fund account and make it be 1234,1,3,train lets fin out some fun facts about humans,9,126,train tell me the timezone for california,6,81,test could you tell me the amount owed on gas and electric,1,9,val am i talking to an actual person,9,133,train who employs you,9,123,test i need a delivery tracked,4,52,test what kind of items are on my shopping list,4,54,train can you help me pay my electricity bill,1,5,test look up the status of my time off request,8,106,val what will traffic be like at 5:00 going towards the mall,5,65,train can i get you to talk like a pouty english guy,10,144,train it was nice to talk it out with you,9,129,train check to see how long of a wait i would be facing if i go to outback steakhouse,3,33,train can you help me pay my phone bill,1,5,train i would like you to increase the speed of your speech please,10,136,train do you know when i'll receive my next paycheck,8,111,test can you tell me local crime in my area,0,0,oos_test i want to transfer funds between accounts,1,10,train what kind of insurance plan am i enrolled in,8,109,train how can i jump start a car,5,75,val please change my name to tom,10,147,val "hey siri, tell me the apr on my disney visa",2,23,train do i have any meetings scheduled for today,8,110,train whats my credit rating,2,28,train what do i do if i lost my card,2,20,train i want to see my recent transaction,1,14,train redeem my credit card rewards into my account,2,24,val what sort of health benefits do i have,8,109,test are there vaccinations needed if i go there,6,85,test tell me the result of a dice roll with five sides,7,104,train tell me the weather for today,7,91,test are tomatoes on my shopping list,4,54,train how many times does 8 go into 2000,7,98,train what plug type is used in spain,6,76,train can you tell me what the next holiday is,8,107,train would you be classified as a bot,9,133,val book a flight from new york to la for less than 200 dollars,6,87,test please increase your speaker volume,10,140,train please locate my phone,7,94,train what is 87 divided by 4,7,98,val can you locate me on a map,5,61,train how long until i get a replacement card,2,16,train help me find a roundtrip flight for may 7th through the 20th from pittsburgh to chicago,6,87,train what is the traffic like on the road to downtown dallas,5,65,val i need to apply for a bank of america travel rewards credit card,2,29,train can you confirm my reservation for steve at olive garden,3,32,train are there any alerts for traveling in belize,6,84,train i want to listen to another song,4,56,train can you fill in my credit card number on the screen,0,0,oos_test can you please disconnect from my phone,10,146,test i think there's a fraudulent charge from mcdonald's on my account,1,15,test why doesn't english have consistent forms,0,0,oos_test unsync my phone now please,10,146,train do you know how many calories are in a single chicken breast,3,35,train what's my latest credit score,2,28,val what pets do you own,9,124,test help me calculate my federal tax bill,8,112,train do i have any reminders to look up how to properly do a potato in my microwave,4,49,train please tell me when the last time was that my car was in the shop,5,72,train look up the calories in an apple,3,35,train "my car's tires are due to be looked at, can you help me get an appointment for that",5,67,val how do you say dog in spanish,6,78,test do i have any appointments on tuesday,4,55,train find me a hotel in seattle with great reviews,6,88,train how would i say thank you if i were mexican,6,78,test "never mind, don't do that",10,145,train how many miles per gallon do i get in my car,5,69,train can you pair with my phone,10,146,val can you confirm the date my last paycheck was received,8,111,train "if i'm going to africa, do i need some shots first",6,85,train give me the nutritional information for mashed potatoes,3,36,train how many pto days are in my possesion,8,115,val can you suggest a mexican dish,3,40,val what peruvian dish should i make,3,40,train "i'd like a placed booked in san diego from may 1st, 2020 to june 2nd, 2020",6,88,train my card was malfunctioning and was returned to me,2,21,train what is the amount due on my visa,1,9,test you could tell me if you were real,9,133,val what if you want to obtain a new credit card,2,29,train tell me my visa limit,2,25,test where the bleep did i put my bleeping phone,7,94,test "if my card was stolen, where do i report it",2,20,val report a card lost for me,2,20,val do i need to get any shots before i travel to liberia,6,85,test do my tires seem too low on air,5,66,train that will be true,10,139,train who has the best record in the nfl,0,0,oos_val does the national card have international transactions fees and how much,2,30,train can you move my money to my savings,1,10,val i think my luggage has been lost,6,86,train does life have a meaning,9,122,train can you see if my order was delivered,4,52,train please speak louder,10,140,train get me flight from philly to atlanta on june 5th i'm coming back june 8th,6,87,val set a meeting with tom for 5:30 tomorrow,8,118,train i no longer need a table for four at chili's,3,42,train how much have i recently spent,1,13,val i need to know when the next holiday is,8,107,train set a reminder to go dress shopping,4,50,train can you find me a recipe for coffee cakes,3,37,train change device talking speed,10,136,test what meetings do i have today from 3 to 4,8,110,train i want to know my credit limit,2,25,test roll a 9 sided dice,7,104,test i need you to use your whisper voice,10,138,train tell me something about linkin park,0,0,oos_test one more time please,10,143,train what could help me locate myself,5,61,test "i'd like to get some more checkbooks mailed to me, if i can",1,11,train how do i get my credit limit increased to $1000,2,22,test translate hello to french,6,78,train what's my credit card's annual percentage rate,2,23,test when will my tires need to be replaced,5,74,train i need to report that my card is lost,2,20,train what date is my at&t bill due,1,4,train do you own the mineral rights to gold nuggets you find in your back yard,0,0,oos_test "i would like to know if there are any fees for using my capital one card in london, england",2,30,train you work for whom,9,123,train how many vacation days do i still have available,8,115,test can i change your language,10,142,train i need the interest rate on my capital one account,1,7,train i want to know what time it is,7,103,train i need to know who is your boss,9,123,train can you help me book a car rental in seattle,6,90,train what's the balance in my bank accounts,1,12,test will i be charged for using my card in japan,2,30,train go ahead and go back to the original settings,10,149,train please order some more pepsi,4,57,test please notify my bank i'm going to africa between tomorrow and next tuesday,6,77,test how much have i spent recently,1,13,train make sure my to do list is completely clear please,4,48,train i need to know why my credit card transaction was declined,2,21,val how many times have i taken off from work this year,8,120,train how much am i going to have to pay in taxes to the state,8,112,train can i change your talking voice,10,136,test how much total gas do i have,5,68,train whisper mode,10,138,test "i need to make an appointment for an oil change, please",5,67,test tell me how you've been,9,131,train what level is my gas at,5,68,train "i want to redeem points on my chase card, but how",2,24,train please show me how to order more checks for my savings account,1,11,train will i have to wait to get a table at ihop,3,33,train tell me a scary story,0,0,oos_test what are some ways to keep my credit score up,2,19,train you can just speak to me as jim,10,147,train i want to talk to you about your hobbies,9,125,test how much money a year do i spend in taxes,8,112,val i need to know what my wife's account's routing number is,1,2,train call the grocery store and get their operational hours,0,0,oos_test can you redial the last number dialed,7,97,train tell me how many days i've taken off at this point,8,120,train please go ahead and make my student loan payment,1,5,train tell me spaghetti bolognese's nutrition facts,3,36,test are all televisions high definition,0,0,oos_test please remind me of the tasks on my to do list,4,58,train how do i go about cooking a 10lb turkey,3,37,test please go ahead and flip a coin,7,101,val in what form is my name saved,10,137,val oliver garden reviews,3,38,test what is 1000 plus 745,7,98,test i have no idea what the pin is for my checking account,1,3,train convert my credit card points to cash,2,24,val do visitors to japan need to use a socket converter,6,76,train where is the nearest arco gas station to macdonalds,5,71,test how does 10 pounds convert to euros,6,82,train are you a bot or a person,9,133,train how much do i have available on my visa card,2,25,test look up my fico credit score,2,28,val what university in the united states offers the best biomedical engineering program,0,0,oos_val just flip a coin,7,101,test how can i stop transactions on my account,1,1,train please get rid off everything on my to do list,4,48,train tell me the traffic at lexington,5,65,train what is the validity of my credit card,2,17,train can you put in a pto request for the 5th of june to june 8th,8,116,train make sure i get a delta flight from pittsburgh to arizona,6,87,test it's good to see you,9,131,train turn off my account,1,1,train what is my spending limit on my mastercard,2,25,train can i substitute apple juice for wine,3,43,train please check and tell me the amount i spent on food last month,1,13,train who developed your actions,9,121,train what health coverage do i have,8,109,test what are you programmed to do for me,9,135,test has my order arrived yet,4,52,train play the next musical number,4,56,train am i connected to wifi,0,0,oos_test i will need an uber for 2 people to get to philadelphia,5,64,train not at all,10,141,train could you tell me the status of my frontier flight,6,79,train how do i find when my cable bill is due,1,4,train what kind of traffic can i expect at 9:00 on the route to detroit,5,65,test what's the meeting room availability between noon and 2,8,118,train do i need to bring a visa when i go to canada next month,6,80,train can i swap coconut milk for condensed milk,3,43,train what is the minimum payable amount for my rent bill this month,1,8,test may i ask your age,9,134,test what do you think our purpose is in life,9,122,val what is the amount of pto have i used,8,120,val schedule an alarm,7,92,train can you tell me how long approximate wait times are at cheesecake factory,3,33,val convert 20 yen to dollars,6,82,test what do i have on my shopping list,4,54,train does wendy's have good reviews,3,38,train where would century bank have their routing number listed,1,2,test could you transfer $x from saving to checking,1,10,train look up the email address of the local police,0,0,oos_test set to female voice,10,144,train what day of the week is it,7,93,train tell me the status of my day off request,8,106,train i need you to speak faster,10,136,train make sure my flower bar reservation is scheduled for tomorrow,3,32,val "tomorrow, what will the date be",7,93,train let carl know that he sucks,7,105,val i need to know when my oil should be changed,5,62,train i need the apr on my visa card,2,23,train how can i get involved in restaurant marketing,0,0,oos_train can you tell me the time zone for la,6,81,test confirm a flight for me from ft lauderdale to houston on southwest,6,87,train find out how busy ihop usually is around 5 pm,3,33,train i really need you to confirm my reservation for kevin at red robin,3,32,train roll a 10 sided dice,7,104,val that is not the case,10,141,train i am going to australia and want to be notified of any travel alerts,6,84,train i need to know if you are a real person or an ai,9,133,train i need to know my current gps coordinates,5,61,train what amount of interest does my checking account earn,1,7,test what gas does my car use,5,73,train it was lovely to speak with you,9,129,val i need your assistance to solve this math problem,7,98,val i'm going to need a hotel room for 8 people in tallahassee from 3/10 until 3/12,6,88,train share location with bill,7,95,train can you tell me britain's timezone,6,81,test "help me please, my account is blocked",1,6,train recite my to do list,4,58,val what kind of gas does my car currently need,5,73,train how much can i spend wth my visa,2,25,train please add someday by the strokes to my playlist,4,53,train i need a reservation at 8 on the 22nd of november at ruth's,3,39,train is there a reservation available at ruth chris today,3,39,val use whisper voice,10,138,train tell me that status of flight dl123,6,79,train does marios in brooklyn take reservations,3,45,train when will my oil change be due for this car,5,62,test can you please dim the lights,4,60,train were you born here,9,128,train can credit card companies expedite delivery of reissued credit cards,2,16,test do vegans really want to blame cows for climate change,0,0,oos_test "i want some nike's, is there enough in my wells fargo account",1,12,test do you know how much i owe on my cable bill,1,9,train how do you spell water,7,102,train does the new york restaurant take reservations,3,45,test where can i obtain a w2 form,8,117,train which came first; greek mythology or roman mythology,0,0,oos_test which restaurants in reno are good for sushi,3,41,train send sal a text and tell them thanks,7,105,train move 57 dollars from saving into mom,1,10,train at what age can someone get a card,0,0,oos_test what are the possible reasons behind frozen bank account,1,6,val will i be charged if i use the card in france,2,30,train can you end the task,10,145,train set this to my factory settings,10,149,val should i apply for a visa if i am traveling to mexico,6,80,test which hotels in evans have good reviews,6,88,train so far how many days have i taken off,8,120,train do i have peanuts on my shopping list if not please add it,4,59,val tell me how to make a vacation request,8,116,val check if there's a hotel room that can receive 10 people in tampa from this friday for a week,6,88,train how many items are on my todo list,4,58,train remind me to do something,4,50,val tell me what the longest tributary is in venezuela,0,0,oos_test walk me through the process of applying for an american express card,2,29,train help me change my pin number,1,3,train i'd like to have a reminder made,4,50,train "how do i fix my card, it was declined",2,21,test "i am in need of an oil change, set an appointment",5,67,train "my card was stolen, how do i report this",2,20,val i need to know the carry-on restrictions for united airlines,6,89,train can you please remind me of the items that i made note of to not forget,4,49,test "tell me if my application has been processed yet, i signed up for a credit card recently",2,27,train what date will it be 7 days from now,7,93,val what day do i get paid next,8,111,train name the items on my shopping list,4,54,train "do i need some shots, if i am traveling to china",6,85,train is my car due for it's next oil change,5,62,test what created you,9,121,train can i change my credit limit,2,22,test get me dwight howard shooting average,0,0,oos_train how do i know the interest rate for my signature account,1,7,train when should i replace my tires next if i last replaced them on july 15th,5,74,train define my health benefits,8,109,train you are going to be called joe now,10,148,test what questions do you respond to,9,135,train tell me what the tax amount is,8,112,train can i get an uber to central park for 5,5,64,train i need to know my bill total for my verizon payment due this month,1,9,train purchase me the kyrie 4s,4,57,val do i need to have any shots to visit chile,6,85,val can you find me my phone,7,94,val "if i can, i'd like to get some more checkbooks mailed to me",1,11,train "i'd like to make a reservation at rooth chris, can you do that",3,39,test is a socket converter required if i travel to russia,6,76,train direct deposit information,8,119,train i would prefer not,10,141,val i need to know the interest rate on my bank of america cd account,1,7,train can you give me the name of this tune,4,46,train did i put grocery shopping on my todo list,4,58,test find me a flight from philly to atl for june 5th to 8th,6,87,val what year did my grandparents get married,0,0,oos_test is there a due date on the bill,1,4,val would you say i need new tires if i last bought them on the 24th,5,74,train do they take reservations at olive garden,3,45,train how much cad can i get with my one usd,6,82,train when is the next day we have off,8,107,test add eggs to my shopping list and remove cheese,4,59,train what track am i listening to,4,46,train call an uber for 2 people to go to fourth street live,5,64,train "what hotels are near, ny, ny for the 9th to 11th",6,88,train "flip a coin, you're tails and i'm heads",7,101,test what's your age siri,9,134,train what is the procedure if i lost my luggage,6,86,val please tell me all items on my todo list,4,58,train can you explain to me what type of vacation days i have still,8,115,train how many pesos equals 500 dollars,6,82,train tell me how to spell anonymous,7,102,train how long until my water bill is due,1,4,test does tartine in san francisco take reservations,3,45,train what amount did i spend for food on chase visa on current bill,1,14,train go to next song,4,56,train find out where i can schedule to get my car's tires checked,5,67,val who makes milky way bars,0,0,oos_test "how many vacation days do i have saved up, please",8,115,train please also list wash laundry on my to do list,4,48,train tell me what is on the list of things to do,4,58,train tell me the reviews for chipotle,3,38,train could you tell me the name of your boss,9,123,train i'm short on flour so place an order for me,4,57,train to what animal species do your pets belong,9,124,train what's the apr on my amex card,2,23,train now what is the time,7,103,train put a device with my phone,10,146,val where should we eat tonight,3,41,val i need an uber for 5 people to go to the statue of liberty,5,64,test how is my application on new credit card going,2,27,train what's my vacation day usage so far,8,120,train when is the best time of year for pruning,0,0,oos_test i want to report fraudulent activity on my capital one,1,15,val move to the next song,4,56,train "what time is it in adelaide, australia right now",7,103,test "restore your original settings, please",10,149,train can i apply for a paypal master card,2,29,val is it possible to make a reservation at sushi king in virginia beach,3,45,val my card got declined; why,2,21,test "how can i apply for a mastercard, please",2,29,train how much have i spent eating out this week,1,13,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at la palapa for bolding,3,32,train how much have i spent on clothes recently,1,13,train add my spa appointment on the 12th to my calendar,4,51,train "i replaced my tires on may 2, so when should i replace them next",5,74,train can you help me plan a vacation,8,116,test please order more checks i just used the last one,1,11,val stop this song and go to the next one,4,56,train set reminder to prepare for my meeting at 10 am,4,50,train which type of gas does my car use,5,73,test cancel my subscription to scientific american,0,0,oos_test i wanna change my pin number for my credit acount,1,3,train bring up all purchases from target,1,14,train can you move to the next song,4,56,train let my bank know i'm going to be in russia for a month,6,77,val make a reminder to give the cat her flea medicine,4,50,train """when the credit score improve",2,19,test can i up my credit limit to $1000,2,22,train does myanmar have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train please put dusting on my list of things to do,4,48,test "up until now, what place was your home base",9,128,train how many carry ons can i take on a flight with united airlines to austin,6,89,test "can i get a hotel room that can accommodate 50 people in bangor from january 01, 2021 to january 30, 2021",6,88,train "i need assistance with my lost luggage, i was on american airlines ab123 out of talahasse",6,86,train tell me my gas tank levels,5,68,test i need to know how to change my oil and what kind of oil for a 2007 trailblazer,5,63,val when do my tires need changing after i replaced them last week,5,74,test tell me the currency conversion rate from kurus to euros,6,82,train what gas do i need to fill the car up with,5,73,train how do i transfer my 401k to a new firm,8,114,test uh huh,10,139,train show me the transactions from costco yesterday,1,14,train argentina travel alert yes or no,6,84,train how good are the ratings for applebees,3,38,train i would like to know the kind of gas that this car uses,5,73,train how much air is in my tires,5,66,train can i get new checks to replace the ones we ran out of,1,11,train the name i go by is sandy,10,147,train inform me how many pounds are in 10 kilos,7,100,test i need status on that vacation request,8,106,train will i have enough to get a new roku with my savings account,1,12,val set timer for 5 minutes,7,96,train "where is the closest walmart to boise, idaho",5,71,train do they take reservations at mendy's,3,45,train tell me about my insurance benefits,8,109,train i need to know this song,4,46,test let me talk to you in greek,10,142,train "please increase my credit limit to $9,000",2,22,train how many ounces in a gallon,7,100,train what are the best restaurants,3,41,train does applebees have alright reviews,3,38,train can you text walt and tell him to meet me at the car wash,7,105,test what are the steps to get my rewards for my visa card,2,24,test i need help paying my electric bill,1,5,train do you know my credit card's apr,2,23,train can you tell me my name,10,137,train how many hours of pto have i used,8,120,test i have misplaced my phone,7,94,train can you speak to me in french,10,142,train get an uber for 4 passengers to get us to the phl airport,5,64,train how is my name saved,10,137,val "on my wells fargo mastercard, what is the current apr",2,23,train "can i get my credit limit increased to $15,000",2,22,train how do i roll over my 401k,8,114,test "would you repeat that, please",10,143,train what are reviews for ihop like,3,38,train i need the cooking length for a turkey,3,44,train do i need an international visa to go to brazil,6,80,train do you have any jokes,9,132,train remind me of the last date that i got my car checked,5,72,test what bills is congress talking about passing or blocking today,0,0,oos_test is there a way to get my pin number,1,3,train at what time will my flight land,6,79,train i want to report fraudulent activity on my quicksilver card,1,15,val is there a travel alert for russia,6,84,train make a 10 minute timer,7,96,test how much have i spent on shoes,1,13,train what do i do for new insurance,8,108,train i want your accent changed to the male british one,10,144,train can you tell me where you were born,9,128,train i would love to know when my flight is going to land,6,79,train tell me the meaning of alternative,7,99,train do i need to get a visa for russia,6,80,train i want to change my pin number for my checking account,1,3,train how many personal days have i taken this month,8,120,train is this a computer right now or a human being,9,133,train "you can remove the field trip from my calendar for march 12, 2019",4,51,val how long should this be in the oven,3,44,train what name should i use when i call you,9,127,train minimum to pay on power bill,1,8,train do i need to fill my tires,5,66,train you came from where,9,128,train make sure to add to my calendar the staff meeting for march 1 at 10 am,4,51,train what is a fun fact about mt everest,9,126,train i need to know how much gas is left,5,68,train how many years have you been on,9,134,train was there any progress on my vacation request,8,106,test that is most definitely false,10,141,test what stuff do you dump in an omelette,3,34,train i would like to request a pto on february 7 and 8,8,116,train i need a hotel in austin near south congress from 3/5 until 3/10,6,88,train does england require socket converters,6,76,train tell me about your hobbies,9,125,val i can't find my mastercard and i want to report it as lost,2,20,train add change filters to my to do list,4,48,train thats a negative,10,141,val i need the data and price from my state taxes,8,112,test if im traveling to the hospital around noon what is the traffic typically like,5,65,train how many people are jobless in america,0,0,oos_test please raise the volume to 4,10,140,train when should i pay my bill by,1,4,train how soon until the next holiday,8,107,train which date is my next paycheck due,8,111,train when should i get my oil changed,5,62,test call my name,10,137,test i want to know if you have hobbies,9,125,train i'd like to start calling you lover,10,148,test what is the recommended interval to get my oil changed,5,62,test what's my vacation day total,8,115,train give me celcius to fahrenheit,7,100,val how long is the shipping for my replacement card,2,16,train "i lost my luggage, what now",6,86,train what benefits are associated with my insurance,8,109,train what do i need to do to get that tax form thing from my job,8,117,test make a reminder to work out at the gym,4,50,train what are the weather conditions in seattle,7,91,train please switch to whisper,10,138,train i need to schedule car maintenance,5,67,train how do i switch out my oil,5,63,train how much state taxes do i owe,8,112,train program my new robot to bring me snacks,0,0,oos_test do i have any meetings with dave today,8,110,train how do i create a meeting,8,118,train "no, that is fake",10,141,val could be there be a good amount of money in my checking account to go on a vacation,1,12,val when will my payment be deposited,8,111,test was my day off request approved,8,106,train how much of my pto is gone,8,120,test please help me report my lost card,2,20,test check to see if i still have allergy medication,0,0,oos_test how do i direct deposit my check,8,119,train when will i need another oil change,5,62,train where in syracuse can i book a car,6,90,test what is the lowest amount i can pay for my car bill,1,8,test why types of animals do you currently have as pets,9,124,train help me figure out getting new insurance,8,108,train i'm out of all my checks can i get some new ones,1,11,test i'd rather have you call be ray ray,10,147,train how do you make chicken noodle casserole,3,34,train what time is it in the eastern standard timezone,7,103,train i want to know when i was last paid,8,111,train "how are you doing, ai",9,131,train how good are the ratings for the olive garden,3,38,train can you check washing the dishes off on my to do list,4,48,train when was my car last in the shop,5,72,test did i stick to my dinner budget,1,13,test how much is 1 share of aapl,0,0,oos_train how much interest is my nfcu accrueing,1,7,test in 15 minutes the timer should go off,7,96,test what is the meaning of altruism,7,99,train "i have credit card points, how do i redeem them",2,24,val what is my average mpg in this car,5,69,train how can i set up direct deposits from my job to my bank,8,119,train i need you to flip a coin so i can make a choice,7,101,train find a couple's therapist who can help me and my wife,0,0,oos_test can i substitute eggs for milk in a recipe,3,43,train i need to to the female voice,10,144,train i want you to talk more quickly,10,136,train change this song please,4,56,test what's the timezone for san diego,6,81,train please roll a 10 sided die and tell me what number it is,7,104,val how much interest do i get on my citizen's savings account,1,7,val any update on my vacation,8,106,test how can i go about jump starting my car,5,75,test would you understand me if i speak to you in navajo,10,142,test can you tell me what time it is in dallas,7,103,test when is my car due for an oil change,5,62,train can you roll a die for me,7,104,test tell me about the reviews for olive garden,3,38,train can i increase the credit limit for my wells fargo credit card,2,22,train what time does the louvre open,0,0,oos_train how's the weather in seattle,7,91,test create a timer for me,7,96,train now reset your factory settings,10,149,test "since i got a new job, i need help with my 401k rollover",8,114,train "that is true, yes",10,139,train check my reminders for mop and floor,4,49,train the answer is no,10,141,train when will my next paycheck come,8,111,train i need to change my pin number for my checking account,1,3,train look up when our next day off will be,8,107,train when was my most recent oil change,5,72,train i would like to know the types of subjects are you familiar with,9,135,train good bye then,9,129,test i need a meeting scheduled with bob for 7:00am on 9/11,8,118,train what percent of gas do i have left,5,68,train how much is twenty pounds sterling in us dollars,6,82,train i wanna know the point of life,9,122,train can you tell me what the next day is,7,93,train "what's the date tomorrow, please",7,93,train tell me the reason there is a hold or block on my account,1,6,train are there any school closures today,0,0,oos_test when did i take my car to the mechanic,5,72,train pay my dte bill from my checking account please,1,5,val please tell me the reason for the hold on my bb&t account,1,6,val i must report fraudulent activity on my debit,1,15,train please link with my phone,10,146,train who crafted you,9,121,train please read all the items on my reminder list,4,49,train i need everything on my shopping list,4,57,train invalid,10,141,val can you confirm i have a reservation at 5 pm on march 13th,3,32,train what's my irs bill going to look like,8,112,train i gotta apply for a new credit card,2,29,train can you reveal my credit score,2,28,train "no, that is a falsehood",10,141,test tell me the duration it takes to get a new cc,2,16,val i really want my account frozen,1,1,train can you tell me the current time in the pacific timezone,7,103,train what's your designation,10,137,test vacation request please,8,116,test please tell me if you are a bot,9,133,val tell me how i can apply for a chase credit card,2,29,val speak louder please,10,140,test can you look up the carry-on restrictions for delta,6,89,train how can i build up my credit score,2,19,val check up on the status of my online order,4,52,train what type of fuel does this car utilize,5,73,test what do i need to buy for spaghetti,3,34,test "help, my account is blocked",1,6,train please tell me the address of my current location,5,61,val can you put in a meeting for the blue room on friday,8,118,train "looking at january, show all wine purchases",1,14,train please connect with my smart phone,10,146,train would you tell me my routing number,1,2,train what is the max on my credit limit,2,25,train how long will i have to wait before being seated at the cheese cake factory,3,33,train what's the exchange rate between dollars and pesos,6,82,train what is a good home remedy for a rash,0,0,oos_test give me some ideas for boosting my credit score,2,19,test give me a cool fact about puppies,9,126,val is the ride short to the airport in la,5,70,train please tell me how much money i have in my bank accounts,1,12,val let's get a timer going for 10 minutes,7,96,train give me tips on maintaining good credit,2,19,train disconnect from my phone for me,10,146,train can i get the routing number for sunflower bank,1,2,train what is gumbo made of,3,34,train remind me to exercise,4,50,test i have no clue,10,150,train please tell me your name,9,127,train alter your language to french,10,142,train find out if there's a new credit card that suits me,2,29,test what subjects or areas are you familiar with,9,135,test what's my location,5,61,train when do you think i should replace my tires because i replaced them on 12/21/17,5,74,train how do i rollover my 401k after i got a new job,8,114,train it was great to talk to you,9,129,test can you please help me start the car,4,60,train what kind of camera should i buy,0,0,oos_test i would like to reserve a hotel room that accomodates 10 people from monday to tuesday in manhattan,6,88,train how many points do i have to cash,2,24,test i am needing to know when you were born,9,134,train can you tell me the date today,7,93,train both maybe,10,150,train what ingredients do i need for philly cheesesteaks,3,34,train tell me what's on my reminder list,4,49,train which houses do not have automatic spot lights in front of their garage,0,0,oos_test bring the volume up overall,10,140,train "on tuesday i will be leaving for tennessee and will not be returning until the twenty ninth, alert my bank of this",6,77,val what and when is the next holiday,8,107,val which timezone is colombia,6,81,train "go ahead and erase cashews from my list, and add walnuts to it, please",4,59,train what timezone would i be in if i traveled to moscow,6,81,train can you tell me who sells dixie paper plates,0,0,oos_test tell me a joke if you'd like to,9,132,train what type of gas does my car use,5,73,train how far can the car get per gallon on the highway,5,69,train what you just said is wrong,10,141,train do they take reservations at applebees,3,45,train send 100 dollars from checking to savings,1,10,train would you give me directions to the closest starbucks restaurant,5,71,train what organization created you,9,121,train look up the name of this song,4,46,test 6 sided dice roll,7,104,train can you check with my credit card company and see if i can redeem my points,2,24,train close all internet tabs,0,0,oos_test lunch with deb at noon today,4,51,train can you please talk faster,10,136,train how long does it take to get to el paso on a bus,5,70,test how do i change my oil with the correct type,5,63,train will you add what i'm listening to to my work playlist,4,53,train yes you are,10,139,train i need to report a card that's been lost but i dont know how,2,20,train tell me how to jump start my car,5,75,test what's the estimated travel time to get to dc via bus,5,70,test what is the expiration date on my visa card,2,17,train i want you to set a meeting with john at 5 pm,8,118,val when do you think i should change my oil,5,62,train what does post rush hour traffic generally look like heading into the lincoln tunnel in manhattan from new jersey,5,65,test my car needs maintenance prepared,5,67,train can you get me more checkbooks for my southern account,1,11,train "send my current location to steve, please",7,95,val set up direct deposit to my money market account for my pay check,8,119,train i have a revolving store card and defaulted so will my fico score be affected,2,19,test how many shots do i need before i go to africa,6,85,train when does the car payment come due,1,4,train tell me how to spell automobile,7,102,train how bad is the traffic waiting for the staten island ferry at 8 am,5,65,train what is 34 times 80908,7,98,train my credit card got stolen and i need to know how long it will be before a new on arrives,2,16,train what kind of outlets do they use in z,6,76,train what time does my flight board,6,79,val what steps do i take if there is a transaction that i do not recognize on my navy federal credit union account,1,15,train will i need an international visa to go to madagascar,6,80,val what is today's big article in the washington post,0,0,oos_test has my credit card application been approved,2,27,train i'd like to know how to spell cemetary,7,102,train get my paycheck to direct deposit,8,119,test i enjoyed talking to you,9,129,train where am i currently,5,61,test you should respond in english,10,142,train when did i last collect my salary,8,111,test "set an alarm for four thirty tomorrow, please",7,92,val i need to know the name of my current location for the tow truck,5,61,val block my chase account asap,1,1,train what movie is the line today is our independence day from,0,0,oos_test definitely not,10,141,train you have to connect to my phone,10,146,train how do i say i'm sorry in chinese,6,78,test make the lights dimmer please,4,60,train what meetings are on my calendar,8,110,train when do i get paid,8,111,train i need to know if there are transaction fees for my visa card in canada,2,30,train i would love to know my credit score,2,28,train water is spelled how,7,102,train please speak in tagalog,10,142,test how much am i getting back from work,8,113,train is there any traffic on the way to the bank,5,65,train can you set a timer,7,96,train i need to let my bank know i am traveling to chicago,6,77,train are visas required to go to cuba,6,80,test "yes, that is accurate",10,139,train i would like to know the credit limit for my citibank card,2,25,train stop any future processing on my savings account,1,1,train i want to know how to get to statue of liberty by bus,5,71,train who brought you to life,9,121,train it might go either way,10,150,test please tell me an interesting tidbit about the roman empire,9,126,train are we allowed to wash our cars during the drought,0,0,oos_test can you tell me something funny,9,132,train i would like to redeem my credit card reward points,2,24,train "what can i ask you, ai",9,135,train please make sure the temperature is set to 68,4,60,train i would like to find out how to cash out cred card points,2,24,val where can i apply for a black amex card,2,29,val how much longer until my credit card expires,2,17,train how many miles does my car currently have,0,0,oos_test what can i do to improve my credit score,2,19,train i need you to repeat that please,10,143,test what is the name of my health insurance,8,109,train i am requesting pto for march 2 and 3,8,116,val "what are you’re hobbies, ai",9,125,val tell me what my credit rating is,2,28,train i'm looking for italian food suggestions,3,40,train who is it that you work for,9,123,test what is the total for my utilities bill this month,1,9,train my card's magnetic strip is not working and i want to notify them,2,18,train how long will it be until my visa card expires,2,17,train transfer two hundred dollars between my portfolio and my money market account,1,10,train i need what ingredients for meatloaf,3,34,val "please flip a coin for me, tails i win",7,101,train how many push-ups do i need to do to get ripped,0,0,oos_test what is the apr on my amex card,2,23,train did i add purchase tickets to the penguin game to my todo list,4,58,train how bad is the traffic on the way to downtown,5,65,val will it be okay if i use water instead of milk,3,43,train can you order more chapstick i am all out,4,57,train i am going to russia and am wondering if i need a visa,6,80,train would you play the next song,4,56,val "i couldn't hear you, can you repeat it",10,143,train give me the spelling of potato,7,102,train will you let me know my bank balance,1,12,test do i need to apply for a visa for my trip to india,6,80,test can i make a reservation at chevy's,3,45,train is it possible to increase my credit limit to $1000,2,22,train no that's wrong,10,141,train could you list my health benefits,8,109,val how do i use my vacation days,8,116,train subtract 100 from 12,7,98,train will you tell me who made the ai,9,121,train i will need a rental car for travel,6,90,train how long until my next day off,8,107,train do americans need visas in canada,6,80,test look up prices for parking at the airport over the weekend,0,0,oos_test what are some good ethiopian restaurants in queens,3,41,val how does my card's apr compare to others,2,23,val can you add 5 and 89,7,98,val please text nancy and give them the message that i am on vacation,7,105,train what is the calorie content of lays chips,3,35,val i want you to remove shampoo from my shopping list,4,59,train which holiday is next in line,8,107,train i need to add farm trip to my calendar for friday,4,51,train this song needs to be added to my country music playlist,4,53,test role a 10 sided die for me,7,104,train is my replacement card due to arrive in the mail today,2,16,test what is 50 dollars in euros,6,82,train can i purchase a vacation using this,8,116,test how much will i pay in state taxes,8,112,train how do i spell acquaintance,7,102,train it is true,10,139,train what is the projected time frame for the flight to land,6,79,train how do i get a new pin,1,3,train how is the traffic on my way to the venue,5,65,train heads or tails please,7,101,train how many miles can i drive before i need to change my tires,5,74,train generate a list of 20 songs that include the word love in the title,0,0,oos_test is there a surcharge for using my card in mexico,2,30,train i wanna know when should i get my tires changed next,5,74,train i need you to buy a mouse for me,4,57,train "i'm going to south africa, do i need to get any shots first",6,85,train how do i get to statue of liberty by bus,5,71,train my stolen card needs to be reported,2,20,train "no, don't do that",10,141,train what's on my meeting schedule today,8,110,train did i remember to put eggs on my shopping list,4,54,val does outback steakhouse have good reviews,3,38,train take pat's appointment off my calendar,4,51,train adios ai,9,129,train i need help paying my phone bill,1,5,train how many days of vacation time do i have saved,8,115,train when am i due for a tire change,5,74,train "on my reminders list, is there an item called conference call",4,49,test put buy dog food on my to do list,4,48,train will you please confirm the month that my card expires,2,17,train i need instructions on how to jump start my car,5,75,train does my shopping list have pop tarts,4,54,test i need my account frozen!,1,1,test open cnn websiteo,0,0,oos_test i need to know how to make a vacation request,8,116,val how do i raise the limit on my visa card,2,22,train i would like to know how to make a vacation request,8,116,train what's the status of the order i placed online last week with target,4,52,train when's my meeting with richard,8,110,train please tell me how many vacation days i currently have,8,115,train i want to know the name of the song that's playing,4,46,train tell me my name the way its saved,10,137,val make delta reservation from madison to atlanta,6,87,train "have i earned points with my venture card, and how many",2,26,test where can i get my w2,8,117,test what would be the least i could pay on this bill,1,8,val delete dentist from my calendar,4,51,test i need to know if i need a visa to travel to el salvador,6,80,train compare prices of malt-o-meal to kelloggs,0,0,oos_test i need to find out the rewards points i have left on my american express card,2,26,train i'm unable to use my card because it's been ruined,2,18,test roll the dice for me,7,104,train delete the contact uncle john from my phone,0,0,oos_test are you from the us,9,128,train my chase account has a hold why,1,6,train did i set march 10th as my doctor's appointment,4,55,test how many more days before my credit card expires,2,17,train roll a fourteen sided dice exactly,7,104,test tell me your thoughts about the meaning of life,9,122,val should i a gas refill for my car at the next gas station,5,68,val check who's at the door,4,60,train can you tell me what credit cards i have open,0,0,oos_test bloomingdale's declined my card and i'd like to know why,2,21,train how far along is my credit card application,2,27,val what's your age again,9,134,train how many keys does a xylophone have,0,0,oos_test i'd like to switch back to my factory settings,10,149,train what would you like to call me,10,137,train what benefits do i have with my insurance,8,109,train i have to add farm trip to my calendar for friday,4,51,train "if i fly on virgin to chicago, how many carry ons can i take",6,89,train can you tell me this vehicles gas type,5,73,test on the 26th what is on the table for my calendar,4,55,train maybe it is,10,150,test can i see my transactions on the 7th,1,14,train add a meeting with tom at 6pm,8,118,train insurance benefit information,8,109,train i need to delete tomatoes from my shopping list and add onions instead,4,59,train tell me your birthday,9,134,train i want to know what the routing is for chase,1,2,val get me roundtrip flight information for flights from dallas to houston for june 8 and june 17,6,87,train how can i rent a car in las vegas,6,90,val how do you usually refer to me,10,137,train book me a hotel in chicago near the water tower shopping from april 2nd to 4th,6,88,train show me how i can get a new credit card,2,29,train how much gas is in the tank,5,68,train do you have any of the beatles music,4,47,val can you tell me some tricks and tips i can use to see an increase in my credit score,2,19,train search my calendar for birthday party,4,55,train what's my current credit rating,2,28,val what's the nutritional info for a banana,3,36,train answer the phone,0,0,oos_test what's your bday,9,134,test i need leslie to be texted saying have a good day,7,105,val order everything that's on my list for shopping,4,57,train what are my carry on options when flying american airlines to trenton,6,89,train do i need a travel visa to visit russia,6,80,train tell me the answer to 1000 divided by 40,7,98,test my luggage has not arrived and i would like assistance locating it,6,86,train what's a good stretch to do to limber up,0,0,oos_test how many cups make a gallon,7,100,train will the amount in my chase bank account right now cover the cost of a new dryer,1,12,train can you do a math problem,7,98,train how do you spell verisimilitude,7,102,train make the temperature 78 in here,4,60,train after how much time is it still safe to drink milk that is in the fridge,3,31,test thank you so very much,9,130,train do you know where my w-2 is,8,117,train i cant recall my pin number for my city first account,1,3,train how should i proceed if i accidentally lost my luggage,6,86,test when is my kaiser bill due,1,4,val get an uber to pick me up at work and take me home,5,64,train it appears that my luggage has been lost,6,86,test i just got a new job and need help transferring my 401k,8,114,train can i used the same type of plug in z as i do in the us,6,76,test alert my bank and let them know that i'm travelling to switzerland,6,77,train can you call michelle on the home phone,7,97,val how would you say can i borrow five dollars in portuguese,6,78,train would you tell me a joke,9,132,train please link up to my phone,10,146,train can you explain why my card was declined,2,21,train does this take regular unleaded,5,73,train how long is it acceptable to carmelize onions,3,44,train i am going to travel to mexico soon; do i need to get a visa,6,80,train give my location right now to my family,7,95,train i'm out of kleenex so will you put that on my shopping list,4,59,val can some more checkbooks get mailed to me,1,11,train speed up speech please,10,136,test what tasks can you complete for me,9,135,train what am i allowed to ask you,9,135,val what is the square root of 888,7,98,val instruct a list of all the brands of cereal manufactured by kelloggs,0,0,oos_test i need to rent a car in boston,6,90,train do you know what timezone italy is in,6,81,train need the tv on please,4,60,train what should i grab to make a german chocolate cake,3,34,train i think my card was declined at wal mart and i want to know why,2,21,train how many rewards points do i have for my wells fargo card,2,26,train is there any good place for mexican food in hawaii,3,41,train can you read the things to me that are on my shopping list,4,54,val in what month will my card reach expiration,2,17,train help me secure a car rental out of reagan international airport from march 22-30,6,90,train start calling me jake from now on,10,147,test share the nutrition info for french fries with me,3,36,train "what is the time, please",7,103,train i must to the female voice,10,144,train what are my list of commands,9,135,train i'd like to know if my account's blocked and the reason if so,1,6,val how can i order more checkbooks by mail,1,11,train i need to report that someone ran off with my td bank card earlier,2,20,test i'm unsure of the proper answer,10,150,train how many vaccinations will i need to travel to asia,6,85,train set my alarm for quarter after six tomorrow,7,92,val "can you schedule a meeting with steve at the office, please",8,118,train please tell me your age,9,134,test how many ounces are in a cup,7,100,train help me change my credit limit,2,22,train add wash the dog to my list of things to do,4,48,val i don't know how to change my oil or what type i need,5,63,train tell me where i should get the w2,8,117,val when will my amex card reach its expiration,2,17,train change your accent now,10,144,val reset all settings to the factory settings,10,149,test send a text that says hi to abby,7,105,test show me trivia about cats,9,126,val do you have a way you like to be referred to,9,127,train take my shopping list and order all,4,57,train what are the currect travel alerts in africa,6,84,train is there a tire repair place near the post office,5,71,train is everything ok with you,9,131,train how long do i have to wait to get my refund,0,0,oos_test tell me how to refinish a wooden desk,0,0,oos_test volume to 4,10,140,test "for friday, add a doctor's appointment to my calendar",4,51,val how do i go about setting up paycheck direct deposit,8,119,val do i need a new card yet,2,17,train does sidetracks take reservations,3,45,train please find my phone,7,94,train are there any videos on how to repair my credit score,2,19,val tv turn it on,4,60,test can you let me if zeus accepts reservations,3,45,train was my application approved or not for a credit card at chase bank,2,27,train i gotta know what is currently on my calendar for friday the 1st,4,55,train when was the last time i had an oil change,5,72,train i was in australia trying to buy chips and my cards got declined,2,21,test who do you take your orders from,9,123,test can you figure out the meaning of life,9,122,train what’s the time in new york,7,103,test do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in hong kong,6,76,train "what does ""money"" mean",7,99,train is an international visa needed to go to cyprus,6,80,val can you tell me the apr of my target credit card,2,23,test are bad habits closely related with addictions,0,0,oos_val can you find out for me when my credit card will be expiring,2,17,train when did i go to the mechanic,5,72,train help me find a new auto insurance policy,8,108,train what plugs are used in spain,6,76,train inform me of the calorie content of vanilla ice cream,3,35,val i'm going to need a coupe car in sedona from 5/1 until 5/4,6,90,test "i have a new job, help me with my 401k rollover",8,114,train please put lawn mowing on my list of to dos,4,48,test cancel my 8:00 pm prime rib reservation,3,42,train where do you call home,9,128,test can you speak louder,10,140,test what is the lowest amount i can pay for my cable bill,1,8,train complete a roll on a 4 sided dice,7,104,val what's the newspaper today,0,0,oos_test i would like to know where i can find my w2 for tax reasons,8,117,test help me get my w-2 form,8,117,test what are all the things on the shopping list,4,54,train put dishes on to do list,4,48,train what is my credit card spending limit,2,25,test would you know where to find my phone,7,94,test remove my date with liz from my calendar on april 1st,4,51,train please go to wikipedia and search for articles related to nsa,0,0,oos_test what is 13 times 45,7,98,train will you roll a 6 sided dice,7,104,train are visas needed to travel to jamaica,6,80,test could you please reserve a table for 6 at lucille's under the name tom at 5pm,3,39,val can i make a phone call,7,97,test what does my shopping list consist of,4,54,train i would like to know where the closest gas station is,5,71,train please search for necessary ingredients included in meatballs,3,34,val change the pin on my bank of america account to be 1234,1,3,train can you set the alarm for noon,7,92,test "that's enough, don't say anymore please",10,145,train yo,9,131,train are shots required before traveling to china,6,85,test what's the exhange rate between mxn and gbp,6,82,test i lost my commerce card and need to report it as lost,2,20,train where was it you were made,9,128,train could you stop please,10,145,train can you roll a 10-sided dice for me,7,104,test can you help me find the routing number,1,2,train roll an 8 sided dice,7,104,val what should you be called,9,127,test "ai, routing number for my wells fargo checking",1,2,train is the pnc bank open,0,0,oos_val what kind of interest can i expect with my chase account,1,7,val what is my current gas level at,5,68,train how long will i have to wait at cheesecake factory,3,33,test is there a meeting with sam today,8,110,test i want to have a table for 2 at the broadmore around 6,3,39,train that is totally true,10,139,train is it possible for you to speak with a british gent's accent,10,144,train i saw a fraudulent transaction,1,15,test do i need replacement tires if my last purchase was in june 2015,5,74,train tell me the tools i need to jump start my car,5,75,train what is the square root of 66,7,98,train could you schedule car maintenance for me,5,67,train i need to be reminded to do something,4,50,test what's the current demand for wood from rain forests,0,0,oos_test i need to make sure there is a reservation for george at connor oneil's,3,32,train can you tell me the amount of gas i have,5,68,train i believe that my luggage was lost,6,86,train how many miles per gallon am i getting,5,69,train what are ways to improve my credit,2,19,train can i have my volume increased,10,140,train what is the month of my card's expiration date,2,17,train what're my wages for the week,8,113,train please tell me my bank of america routing number,1,2,train give me a list of the top three landscaping companies nearby,0,0,oos_test does delta have any restrictions for what i can carry on,6,89,train what's my visa card's credit limit,2,25,train can you book a meeting room for friday at 9:00 am,8,118,test add schedule appraiser to my to do list,4,48,train set a 3 minute timer,7,96,test tell me the number of days off i took this year,8,120,train "i want to increase my credit limit to $1000, if possible",2,22,train "good morning, ai",9,131,val which company made you,9,121,test who are the people responsible for you,9,121,train tell me what my savings account routing number is,1,2,test am i able to make reservations at spago in beverly hills,3,45,val ahoy hoy,9,131,train whare the ingredients for the stir fry,3,34,val let me know what song is playing,4,46,train for my savings account i would like to know the interest rate,1,7,test does japan have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train what are the procedures for changing my oil,5,63,train create a pto request for march 21st to march 26th,8,116,train i must get the w-2 form,8,117,test do you know of any good restaurants,3,41,train where can i find a w2,8,117,test music please,4,47,train is my visa bill over my limit this month,1,14,test mind sharing a joke,9,132,train please tell me the name you use for me,10,137,train "what type of insurance plan am i enrolled in, please",8,109,train make a reminder to pay my cable bill today,4,50,test "cross out bananas from my shopping list and put papayas on it, please",4,59,train can i have a reminder set up,4,50,val i'd like you to refer to me as bob,10,147,train tell me the pin number to my card,1,3,val do you know when our next day off is,8,107,test what steps can i take to improve my credit score,2,19,val so what subjects do you like,9,135,test "from now, your new name will be lord vader",10,148,train can i substitute milk for almond milk,3,43,train help me set up a direct deposit,8,119,train play the song called baby shark,4,47,test will there be heavy traffic near downtown philadelphia from lincoln drive in the next two hours,5,65,test cross volunteering off my todo list,4,48,train please book a car for me in ho chi minh,6,90,train what are some things to do in portland,6,83,train how many mpgs does this car get on the highway,5,69,train so i made a fraudulent transaction,1,15,train can you increase my credit limit to $1000,2,22,test let's change the language for you,10,142,train what's the amount of money accumulated in my bank accounts,1,12,train does acero have good or bad ratings,3,38,test do i have to pay for carry-ons on delta,6,89,train do i need a plug converter when i visit china,6,76,train go back to your normal settings please,10,149,train can i get my transactions for the date of the 23rd,1,14,train tell me the date of my last car check up,5,72,train put the song that's playing to my techno playlist,4,53,train will you repeat my reminder list,4,49,train "i replaced my tires in december, when should i replace them again",5,74,train i'd say no,10,141,test what's on my agenda for tomorrow,4,55,train how many pints are in four cups,7,100,train i want to start calling you bob,10,148,train i am needing to know how low the air in my tires are,5,66,train has my request for vacation days been signed by my supervisor yet,8,106,train report outage to my electric provider,0,0,oos_test what's a good blouse to wear with pink shoes,0,0,oos_test how do i get my credit score,2,28,train "can you tell me what the traffic is usually like at 7:00 pm from philadelphia to ocean city, new jersey",5,65,test "nevermind, cancel that",10,145,train please put a block on my capital one account immediately,1,1,val "will you help me rent a car from march 2 to 6th in dallas i want a bmw suv, if possible",6,90,train please look up the this cars mpg,5,69,train what are some touristy things to do in boston,6,83,train please give me a really impressive piece of trivia about bubble gum,9,126,train can you share some trivia with me about us history,9,126,train how do i know if you are a real person,9,133,train i need to know what adumbrate means can you look it up for me now,7,99,train does the state department say anything about traveling to haiti,6,84,test can i travel to france as far as safety goes,6,84,val please do a dice roll,7,104,train would you please ask the question again,10,143,train let me know what today's date is,7,93,val define the meaning of life,9,122,train what would you suggest having for dinner,3,40,val heads or tails i choose tails,7,101,train can we speak in german,10,142,test please tell me the amount of gas i have,5,68,train what place do you come from,9,128,val i would like to check my rewards for my credit card,2,26,test will flight dl123 be on time,6,79,val i didn't catch that say it again,10,143,train would you care to let me know where you were made,9,128,train "if i'm trying to get to heinz field, how long would it take by bus",5,70,train how do you make benedict arnold,3,37,train when will my citi card expire,2,17,test is it recommended to get any specific shots before i travel to norway,6,85,train take it easy!,9,129,train can you go to amazon a repurchase my last purchase,4,57,train have i been sent my w-2 in my email,8,117,train how much money am i making,8,113,train am i able to place a pto request for february 20-25,8,116,train i need for you to get bananas added to my shopping list; i'm out,4,59,train during which month will my card expire,2,17,train could i use white wine instead of red wine in a recipe,3,43,train "utilizing an automobile known as a bus, how long will it take to get to detroit",5,70,train do you know the timezone for phoenix,6,81,train check battery health on this device,0,0,oos_test show me something funny about food,9,132,train nice song what is it,4,46,val tell me a funny joke,9,132,train is there traffic right now on my route to work,5,65,test is it safe in italy,6,84,test "name this song, please",4,46,train really great!,9,130,train have i been spending a lot on roast beef lately,1,13,train i wanna change your name to audrey,10,148,train would you explain the meaning of life,9,122,test was my last oil change on wednesday,5,72,train how do you set up direct deposit,8,119,train i need you to text mickey saying 'can we reschedule,7,105,val i want to hear my reminder list,4,49,val how much pto do i have used up,8,120,train what is the number of points i earned with my mastercard,2,26,train please set up a reminder i need to remember to ask about work,4,50,train so where do you come from originally,9,128,test how many calories are in a taco,3,35,test find me articles on appropriate wedding attire,0,0,oos_test i need to change my speaking to spanish,10,142,train how much does it cost to get my car filled up,5,68,train what is my savings balance,1,12,train i want to put this on my rock playlist,4,53,test show me the nearest gas station,5,71,test how long to get a new credit card,2,16,train tell the miles it will take to get to las vegas from san diego,5,70,train order a large uber for 5 people to the zoo,5,64,train i need to do dishes put it on my to do list,4,48,train what is the current status of my credit card application,2,27,val tell me how much my cable bill is,1,9,train do you have a name,9,127,train can i sub sugar for salt,3,43,train where can i buy new shingles,0,0,oos_test give me some feedback about the pasta at piada please,3,38,test it seems not,10,141,train is there traffic on i-95 north to new york from philadelphia,5,65,test which company were you designed by,9,121,test how do you say cat in spanish,6,78,train showme how to find my location,5,61,train i would like a block put on my chase account asap,1,1,train i don't want you synced to my phone anymore,10,146,test if i'm in portland can i still use my card without getting charged extra,2,30,test do you know when i should get my tires changed next,5,74,test what do i do if i think my car battery's dead,5,75,train hello siri,9,131,train i want to know the expiry month of my card,2,17,train turn the lights down,4,60,train i need to pay this month's tv subscription fee,1,5,train i need to let my bank know that i'll be travelling internationally,6,77,train spin a coin,7,101,train what mpg does this car get on the highway,5,69,train are indians nowadays reminiscent of a decade ago,0,0,oos_test what are the things i wanted to recall,4,49,val put a stop on my deposit account,1,1,train what's the biggest saas marketing company in the united states,0,0,oos_train are there any shots i should get before going to south africa,6,85,train create a reminder to wash the dishes,4,50,test i think i have fraud on my account from walmart,1,15,train what does adulation mean,7,99,test tell me my income,8,113,train is there a special place where i can schedule to check my tires out,5,67,train help to turn on whisper mode,10,138,test i want to change your name,10,148,train i have no checks and need to order new checks,1,11,val are you secretly real,9,133,val what exactly is your name,9,127,val what kinds of hobbies do you have,9,125,test call tom,7,97,train i need help paying my hoa bill,1,5,train what's my name,10,137,test i would like to place an order for more checkbooks to me mailed to me,1,11,train dial the last number that called me,7,97,val can you transfer money from my account,1,10,train is tomato on my shopping list,4,54,train what do my vacation days amount to,8,115,test tell me what i have on my shopping list,4,54,test how expensive is an apple share,0,0,oos_train "i enjoyed our talk, goodbye",9,129,val "tell me my scheduled meetings for today only, please",8,110,train clear my to do list,4,48,val what is needed you to cook apple pie,3,37,train is my replacement card coming soon,2,16,train how can i fix my card being declined,2,21,test look up the average temperature changes over the last 30 years for my area,0,0,oos_test text joe,7,105,val i need to know the point of life,9,122,train is respond to the professor's email on my list of reminders,4,49,train can you please turn the fan on,4,60,train i want to remove milk from my shopping list and add bread,4,59,train can i increase the credit limit for my bank of the west card,2,22,train do you know the health plan i'm on,8,109,train "in tokyo, what's the time",7,103,train the plastic numbers on my card are falling off,2,18,train find schematics for ikea desk assembly,0,0,oos_test book me a hotel room in memphis for 3 people from 3/6 until 3/10,6,88,train would you tell me the current time in the eastern timezone,7,103,train your factory settings need to be reset,10,149,test how do i go about getting cash for my card points accumulated,2,24,test put laundry on my list of things to do,4,48,val please set the volume to 4,10,140,train what is the information on this song,4,46,test joe and i are to cancel the reservation at zephers now,3,42,train how do i go to whisper mode,10,138,val "how do i share where i am, with another person",7,95,train "march 2nd through march 18th, i'm going to need a jeep in frankfort",6,90,test how much vacation time have i accrued,8,115,train should i purchase a new plug converter when in france,6,76,train how do my health benefits work,8,109,test no clue,10,150,train i need to know how to change my car's oil,5,63,train is there an update on flight dl123,6,79,train what do you enjoy doing while not working,9,125,train please stop,10,145,train show me my credit score,2,28,train you wrote what for my name,10,137,train are there any required shots to travel to astana,6,85,test go back to factory settings please,10,149,train has my credit card application been processed,2,27,train how do you convert ounces to kilos,7,100,train name this song,4,46,val suggest a meal from germany to me,3,40,train how do i find out my rewards balance on my chase card,2,26,train is it hot outside,7,91,train do you know the date of my next day off,8,107,train what's your full name,9,127,train i am needing to know who made you,9,121,train how much money have i spent recently,1,13,test schedule a pto request for me on march 1-2,8,116,train can you count for me the total number of days off i have used,8,120,train can you tell me what dendrofilous means,7,99,test do i need a visa to russia,6,80,train i need to know the status of my day off request,8,106,train i've lost my phone somewhere,7,94,test what is the balance on my bank accounts,1,12,train are you able to track my package,4,52,train look up some christmas songs for me,0,0,oos_test "what day is our next free day on the calendar, please",8,107,train tell me the title of this song,4,46,train set a timer,7,96,test what's needed to direct deposit my paycheck,8,119,train has anyone looked over my request for a day off,8,106,train what are the travel alerts for the us,6,84,test what location were you born in,9,128,train did i mark the mechanic's appointment on my calendar,4,55,test who is radiohead,0,0,oos_train do i need a visa to go there,6,80,train can you tell me how much i need to pay on my bills this month,1,9,val would you call yourself a human or a computer,9,133,test what would be the estimated time from to get a new card mailed to me,2,16,train i need to get help paying my gas bill,1,5,train when should i change the oil in my car,5,62,train go ahead and play the song that goes like hey jude don't make it bad,4,47,train show all purchases of video games,1,14,val "i am glad we got to talk again, see you soon",9,129,train when can i start boarding my flight,6,79,train what fuel do i put in this car,5,73,test can you tell me how good my card's apr is,2,23,val what do i need in order to change my oil,5,63,train where was it you were born,9,128,test is there a way to increase the limit of my credit to 5000 dollars,2,22,val i'm traveling to ca soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train what's the total i owe on all my bills,1,9,train i can't find my insurance card and i want to report it as lost,2,20,train what coupons do i have for restaurants,0,0,oos_test "in x, will i be charged to use my card",2,30,test i'm going to start calling you kobe now,10,148,train "can you tell me how to change my car's oil, and what type i need to buy",5,63,train does tofu last long in the freezer before it goes bad,3,31,test can you find the exact address for where i am currently,5,61,val i need you to create a timer,7,96,val so how can i hurt my credit score,2,19,train it was nice chatting with you,9,129,train my dog swallowed my credit card and i need a new one,2,18,test can i schedule a check up for my tires somewhere,5,67,train i need to check my rewards for my credit card,2,26,test will i be able to order for more checkbooks for my chase bank account,1,11,train what site publishes the most fake news,0,0,oos_val set a ten second timer,7,96,train what amount did i spend last week,1,13,train how many days before my credit card arrives,2,16,train how long will chicken last in the freezer,3,31,train could that be repeated,10,143,val set a timer to go off in 1 hour,7,96,test what are the nutrition facts for peanut butter,3,36,test how to jump start a car,5,75,val what is the purpose of creation,9,122,train place a stop on my main account for me please,1,1,train would you mind telling me the time,7,103,train activate direct deposit to chase account,8,119,test how would i say hello in french,6,78,train what's my flight's eta,6,79,train what veggies can i pair with mushrooms,0,0,oos_test i want a timer for 5 minutes,7,96,train how do i know when to change my tires,5,74,train tell me what's is on my shopping list,4,54,test "ai, flip a coin for me",7,101,test did my american express card application go through yet,2,27,train get rid of my dinner reservation,3,42,train would it be smart to put air in my tires,5,66,train in what year were you born,9,134,val i don't know the anwser,10,150,val book me a car rental in nashville,6,90,train "i want to rollover my 401k , can i",8,114,test would it be ok to use butter instead of oil,3,43,test tell me if per se in nyc takes reservations,3,45,train what is my routing number for home federal account,1,2,train i need to know my present gps coordinates,5,61,train "thanks for your help, goodbye!",9,129,test "syonara, ai device!",9,129,train alert my bank and tell them that i'm travelling to paris,6,77,train i need step by step instructions on how to change the oil in my car,5,63,train i need to rollover my 401k to a new job,8,114,train "is there anyway, i can report my card being stolen",2,20,train whats the current exchange rate between usd and eur,6,82,test jello should stay in the fridge for how long,3,31,train i won't require my reservation anymore,3,42,train can i check my visa reward balance online,2,26,train hows the city mpg of this car,5,69,test why do we dream,0,0,oos_val make me a reminder about booking it,4,50,train whats my name saved under,10,137,train can i get someone to look at my check engine light that is on,5,67,test what's the due date for my netflix subscription,1,4,test when can i expect the next holiday here,8,107,train i would like to know the proper way to greet an adult in portuguese,6,78,train how many ss are in narcissism,7,102,train i wanna book a place to stay in phoenix from the 5th to the 9th of march,6,88,test is austin in the central timezone,6,81,train who tells you what to do,9,123,train how do i go about changing the oil in my car,5,63,train which was my insurance plan again,8,109,val i need you to check if my credit card points are redeemable right now,2,24,train how can i find the current interest rate for my account ending in 9012,1,7,val "no, that is wrong",10,141,test i'd like to know the meaning of life,9,122,val please tell the bank i will be traveling internationally,6,77,train it's so much easier with you around,9,130,train how long do you cook pasta for,3,44,train do you know how to refer to me,10,137,train what's the least i can pay this month,1,8,test what does the word ataraxy mean,7,99,train can you play music the beatles,4,47,train can you call me bobby instead of bob,10,147,train roll the dice!,7,104,train i believe that's true,10,139,train i gotta add hey jude by the beatles to my playlist,4,53,train does disney world close when it storms,0,0,oos_test are you able to flip a two sided coin,7,101,train i wanna know where the w2 is,8,117,test you will be called rose from now on,10,148,train i forgot my pin number for my northfield account,1,3,train what is the current est time,7,103,train should i regard you as a human or as a computer,9,133,train i want to know my credit rating,2,28,test why did i get rejected on my card,2,21,test please confirm my reservation for dinner at gusto handcrafted pasta & pizza at 6:30 pm,3,32,val did i put bread on my shopping list,4,54,train let me see the reminder list please,4,49,train what timezone is vegas in,6,81,train i need some help finding my phone,7,94,train if i go to canada next month do i need a visa,6,80,train turn the volume to 4,10,140,train who is the person responsible for creating you,9,121,val perhaps,10,150,val do i have any cash left,1,12,train check chase bank for my checking balance,1,12,train create several photos of me with different hair styles,0,0,oos_test so why was my card declined yesterday,2,21,train why on earth would a block have been placed on my account,1,6,train how do i change the oil in my passat,5,63,train what do tourists do in tokyo,6,83,train find out how to make chicken tikka masala,3,37,train tell me my reminders,4,49,train check the start time of the meeting scheduled for today,8,110,test tell me my interest rate,1,7,train have i set aside a time on my to do list to do my taxes,4,58,train how long should i expect to wait for my new card in the mail,2,16,train can i get some music by three six mafia in here,4,47,train peace out,9,129,train do not talk so loudly,10,138,train "usually, how long does is the commute to brooklyn by bus",5,70,train please erase everything on my to do list,4,48,train where are you from oroginally,9,128,val tell me the complete spelling of definitely,7,102,train i need to track the status of my order,4,52,test do one coin flip; it will be tails,7,101,train how do i make a taco that's worth eating,3,37,train give me the date my bill is due,1,4,train i would like to get a new credt card,2,29,test i need to know why my card was declined,2,21,train tell me something funny now,9,132,train bye,9,129,test check the wait time for macaroni grill,3,33,train where can i find a w2 form,8,117,train i wanna know your maker,9,121,test who can i call about my luggage,6,86,val recommend a flood clean up service,0,0,oos_test what do i make yearly,8,113,train when's the next time i have to get an oil change,5,62,test please request pto for me from march 3rd to march 7th,8,116,train i have been spending a lot on insurance lately,1,13,train go ahead and reset your factory settings,10,149,train help me apply for a visa card,2,29,test "could you call me by a different name, please",10,147,test what organization manufactures you,9,121,val could you pull up my location on the map,5,61,train how many delta miles are on my card right now,2,26,train i want you to use whisper voice now,10,138,train tell me how many vacation days i've used,8,120,train what is the way to say thank you in spanish,6,78,train please say that again,10,143,val "i need a place in pittsburgh to stay from monday to friday, can you help",6,88,train will i be charged if i use the card in germany,2,30,train how the birds fly,0,0,oos_val what's my current credit score,2,28,val do i meet with joan today,8,110,train how much fuel do i have,5,68,train please find the exact payment due date for my sprint phone bill,1,4,train let me know the process for new insurance,8,108,test can you tell me more about my federal taxes,8,112,train what information do i need to direct deposit my paycheck,8,119,val what's the typical lag time in receiving a new credit card when your previous one was lost,2,16,train check days of pto,8,115,train i need a timer for 20 seconds,7,96,train roll a 7 sided dice,7,104,train what's happening on may 3rd,4,55,train do i have any vacation days to use,8,115,train "i always wonder about the meaning of life, can you tell me",9,122,train put on my jam session playlist please,4,47,train i want to text natalie,7,105,train how busy will chili's be if i go at 6 pm,3,33,train start responding to joe,10,148,test play a song,4,47,test do i need to get any shots before i travel to spain,6,85,test can you help me book a car rental in paris,6,90,train i must procure a car rental for the 10th to the 15th in zimbabwe and i would prefer a bmw,6,90,val would you move 100 dollars from the checking and put it into savings,1,10,test how much can i spend on my discover card,2,25,val what's my current electric bill,0,0,oos_test how many stars does la vignette have,3,38,train can you get me a table for 1 at the vega at 1pm,3,39,train how do i know what interest rate chase has,1,7,train my discover card expires on what date,2,17,train share my meeting schedule with me,8,110,train i want to apply for a discover card,2,29,train how do i get a w2,8,117,train help me flip a coin,7,101,train tell me what my credit score is,2,28,test what's the routing number for my bank of the west account,1,2,train do you know any trivia about ostriches,9,126,train will you tell me my spending limit,2,25,train please cancel the reservation at zephers for joe and myself right now,3,42,train what's on my list of things to remember,4,49,test provide assistance on what to do to make a vacation request,8,116,val can i use sour cream instead of milk,3,43,train when will i hear back about my days off,8,106,test remind me of which insurance plan i'm currently enrolled in,8,109,train what's my apr on my discovery card,2,23,train i am here to conform my friday reservation at 2:00,3,32,val i am going to call the landlord,7,97,train what type of gas do i need for this car,5,73,train can you tell me the square root of pi,7,98,val what does kentucky have to offer for things to do,6,83,train how do i get rid of sore throat at home,0,0,oos_test i need you to find me a hotel with good reviews in phoenix,6,88,test what time is it in tokyo,7,103,train can you subract 36 from 5,7,98,val what's the total amount i've spent eating out in the last two weeks,1,13,train i need to talk to someone about a fraudulent activity on my card,1,15,val i think i made a fraudulent transaction,1,15,train when will the clothes i ordered online arrive,4,52,val is it going to rain tomorrow,7,91,val would i be able to put in a pto request for march 21-26,8,116,train calculate car mpg,5,69,train please immediatly block my presidential bank account right now,1,1,train when is my flight scheduled to board,6,79,test tell me something interesting about dogs,9,126,val are you a person,9,133,train what's the way to make apple pie,3,37,train could you reset your factory settings please,10,149,train tell me what my federal taxes amount to,8,112,test what do you know me by,10,137,test what's the cost of bottled water,0,0,oos_test i'm going to need an uber to take 4 people to the mall,5,64,train "help, i lost my luggage",6,86,train i need to know when i last took my car in for a check up,5,72,train "uber, i have 3 people who are going to union station",5,64,train what do i owe to jcp,1,9,test what date did i have my oil changed last,5,72,train what is the smallest amount i can pay on my tmobile bill,1,8,train what percentage gas do i need,5,73,train the nutritional info for macaroni and cheese is what,3,36,train i want to apply for a alphabank card,2,29,train "what name do you go by, ai",9,127,test erase any event on my calendar that's set for wednesday of next week,4,51,train i didn't make these purchases on my card; these are fraudulent charges i need to report them,1,15,train send ten dollars from bank of america to capital one,1,10,train which insurance plan to i have,8,109,test would you like to tell me a joke,9,132,train tell me about today weather,2,16,train how long to wait before dining in restaurant beta,3,33,val i jot got hired and need help with my retirement account,8,114,train are you an ai or can you prove you're human,9,133,train how many cars average are on the road daily,0,0,oos_test "for the shopping list, add ham as well",4,59,train what is the fridge life of spahghetti,3,31,train i no longer need the reservation for 20 at ihop,3,42,train please tell me how to submit a vacation request,8,116,train do i need to get a plug converter for athens,6,76,train how was this ai created,9,121,train can you verify my recent visa card transaction,1,14,test can i plug in my electronics there like normal,6,76,test what's the forecast for the day,7,91,val i need you to roll an 8 sided dice,7,104,train what is the reason humans even exist,9,122,test in the place i am what are my gps coordinates,5,61,train can you please start the avatar movie for me,0,0,oos_test whats the title of this,4,46,train "i have had pasta in the fridge since monday, can is till consume it",3,31,train call christie,7,97,train would i have to wait long if i want to eat at chili's,3,33,train can you go by a different name,10,148,train add this song to travel,4,53,val on the tv,4,60,train are the donuts at tgi well reviewed,3,38,train please let me review all items on my mastercard from this billing period,1,14,val do you know the expiration date that is on my visa card,2,17,val who is the best local real estate agent,0,0,oos_test is it ok to use bananas instead of oranges in the recipe,3,43,test "do i still have any pto days left, and if so, how many",8,115,train how much do i make per day,8,113,train let's terminate connection to my phone please,10,146,train i need the pin number for my checking account,1,3,test please tell me all the transactions i've made recently,1,14,train walk me through applying for a visa card,2,29,train how many students attend ucsb,0,0,oos_train tell me how to increase credit limit for chase card,2,22,test start counting down from two minutes,7,96,train tell me if the new york restaurant takes reservations,3,45,test is there enough money in my discover account for airplane tickets,1,12,train report fraud on my card,1,15,train what's a good joke,9,132,train "cancel my reservation for dinner this saturday, please",3,42,test schedule an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train when is too late to pay my cable bill,1,4,train what is the proper fuel type for my car,5,73,val how much time do i have before i have to change my tires,5,74,train add this tune to my jazz playlist,4,53,train can you tell me what 30% off 279 is,7,98,train put me back on my factory settings,10,149,train book me a hotel in jacksonville near the stadium from january 1st to 3rd,6,88,test whats the definition of transmute,7,99,train how do i check my rewards for my target card,2,26,val make a pto request from dates may 3 to 9,8,116,train how much money do i make from work,8,113,test did i remember to put oatmeal on my list,4,54,test are there certain types of questions i can ask you,9,135,train what is your given name,9,127,val are there meeting rooms available between 11-12,8,118,train how do germans say goodnight,6,78,train please set a reminder for me,7,92,train do i need to get vaccinated to go to thailand,6,85,train i want to know my credit card apr,2,23,train tell me my name,10,137,val i need to order more checkbooks for my capital one account,1,11,train how many of my vacation days do i have remaining,8,115,train i want a timer set for 10 minutes,7,96,test set temperature to 75,4,60,train tell me the the carry-on restrictions for american airlines,6,89,test please tell me what i pay in taxes,8,112,train i wonder what my to-do list looks like for today,4,58,train what timezone is canada in,6,81,train "help me, i don't know where my phone is",7,94,val please begin using the whisper voice setting,10,138,train how long would it take to get to chicago by bus,5,70,val what do i need to use to make lasagna,3,34,test "yum, pulled pork tacos at the buffet",3,38,test i need to know my location,5,61,train i need to know the bill's minimum payment,1,8,train the chip on my card is damaged and i need a new one,2,18,train what battery percentage is my phone at,0,0,oos_test "if i go to columbia, will i need a visa",6,80,test verify with me my credit score,2,28,train do you know which insurance plan i have,8,109,test how many points do i have on my mlife card,2,26,train how do i change my billing address,0,0,oos_train please suggest a chinese meal,3,40,val do i need a converter in barcelona,6,76,train what is the credit card apr if you could tell me,2,23,train text christopher and tell him i will stop by,7,105,train who can tell me if there's any meaning to life,9,122,train i'd like for their to be a pto request for me made for the dates june 4th to june 8th,8,116,train my check engine light is on and someone needs to look at it,5,67,train i need alarm for both 4am and 7am,7,92,val what have i spent lately in child care,1,13,train tell me later to call bill,4,50,test change your language setting to spanish,10,142,val is almond milk an acceptable substitute for milk,3,43,train what is the fee for a cash advance,0,0,oos_test i wanna know something funny,9,132,train tell me my car's fuel economy,5,69,train i want you to tell me about my income,8,113,train could you speak faster,10,136,val do you have any funny jokes you can tell,9,132,val can you tell me how much i owe on my cable bill,1,9,train is the company party on my list of reminders,4,49,train what subjects do you know well,9,135,train i have to get my 401k rollover because i just got a new job,8,114,train define discretionary,7,99,train what reminders do i have,4,49,train i'm happy with your answer,9,130,train please set the temperature to 80,4,60,train which kinds of pets do you have,9,124,test my 401k needs to rollover and i need your help,8,114,test what kinds of pets do you own,9,124,test i would like to report fraudulent activity on my chase card,1,15,test im not sure,10,150,train what's the best type of plan to upgrade to,0,0,oos_test do you have any information on how to open a new credit card,2,29,test "how many sick, personal, and vacation days have i billed so far this year",8,120,train report my credit limit,2,25,train what is the month and day tomorrow,7,93,train to my domestic task list please add paint kitchen,4,48,train what stores are in the local mall,0,0,oos_test what is the total amount of my paychecks over the last year,8,113,train what hobbies pique your interest,9,125,train "not sure, maybe",10,150,train is it acceptable to swap milk for water,3,43,train why was my card got declined when i am trying to pay for dinner when i am in vietnam,2,21,test can you tell me the due date for the water bill,1,4,val i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at kelly's for moreno,3,32,train what is the total of all my bills combined,1,9,val has my credit card application been approved yet,2,27,val do you have any good ways to make tomato soup,3,37,val when you roll a six sided dice what is the results,7,104,train what are your pets,9,124,train start sending my location to alex,7,95,train what steps should i follow if i lost my luggage,6,86,val please list nearby restaurants with 4 or more star reviews,3,41,train i want a text sent to bob saying i will be late,7,105,val tell me the timezone that spain is in,6,81,train how to activate direct deposit to chase account,8,119,test tell me the exchange rate of dollars to yen,6,82,train how much longer until i need an oil change,5,62,train what kind of questions can i ask you,9,135,train whats it like to be programmed,9,121,train i need your accent to be changed,10,144,val what's the amount due on my vet and vehicle registration bills,1,9,val where can i get a w2 form,8,117,train can i complete an application for a new credit card,2,29,train do you know anything about the status of my order,4,52,train "sorry, you can actually stop that",10,145,train is butter ok to use instead of oil,3,43,val oven should be set to 350 now,4,60,train how do i jump start my car battery,5,75,train what is the maximum dollars i can get for 6 yens,6,82,train who can i turn to if i lost my luggage,6,86,train please open a call to my mother,10,148,train i'd like to know how to make changes for my insurance policy,8,108,val i need to know what restaurants are near me,3,41,train i need you to tell my what my routing number is for my first county account,1,2,train can i make a reservation for redrobin,3,45,train schedule a meeting for me,8,118,train whats the status of my south west flight,6,79,train add psycho by post malone to my playlist,4,53,train let me know when i'm going to be paid,8,111,train how much does my water and electricity cost,1,9,test "can you give me a burmese meal suggestion, please",3,40,train what kind of plugs will i need when i'm in ecuador,6,76,train what is the temperature in costa mesa,7,91,train when's the the last time i was paid,8,111,train "please find someone who specializes in cars, my check engine light has turned on",5,67,train how long is it gonna take to get to red robin in avondale,5,70,train set your name to hillary,10,148,train what place were you born,9,128,val delete my golf tournament event from tomrrow,4,51,train can you tell me my current location,5,61,test let the folks know my gps coordinates,7,95,train what time is it in the mountain timezone,7,103,test i need kilograms to milligrams,7,100,val i spent what dollar amount last month on mastercard,1,14,train has the market been up or down since the beginning of this year,0,0,oos_test what is my b of a credit card's apr,2,23,test please put cleaning on my list of things to do,4,48,train explain what my credit limit is,2,25,val go passed the song now,4,56,train go ahead and cancel the reservation i made for 6:00 pm at parc,3,42,train do you know the smallest amount i can pay on my water bill,1,8,test what does my commute look like,5,65,val will i have to wait long for a table at pietro's this evening,3,33,val how do i make chicken alfredo,3,37,val i lost my chase bank card and want it labeled as lost,2,20,train i want to know how much vacation time i can use,8,115,train what is the carry-on policy for flights on lufthansa,6,89,test what do i do when my car battery is dead,5,75,train what kind of oil do i need to get and use for my car,5,63,train set the alarm to go off at 9 tomorrow,7,92,train how can i change your response language,10,142,val which pets do you have,9,124,test find out what song is currently on the speakers,4,46,test i would like to know what my income is,8,113,val look up the exchange rate between dollars and euros,6,82,val set a 1 minute timer,7,96,test is cheesecake factory busy right now,3,33,test when will nightwish be touring through my city,0,0,oos_test at what time will my flight begin boarding,6,79,train can you tell me what day my next paycheck will come,8,111,train tell me my miles per gallon on my car,5,69,train what is playing,4,46,train what is the full name of your boss,9,123,train change your name to something funny,10,148,train please cross off schedule acupuncture appointment off of the to do list,4,48,train "i would like to report a fraud on my wells fargo card, please",1,15,val where would you say you were born,9,128,train set a timer for 5 minutes from now,7,96,test message mom where are you,7,105,train tell me something funny about americans,9,132,train can you look and see how many days off i have taken so far since january,8,120,test use my savings account to the pay the rent,1,5,train tell me how to make beef wellington,3,37,train my luggage was on delta flight abc123 out of houston and now i can’t find it,6,86,train what's the persons name at my door,4,60,train do you know my state tax total,8,112,test i need to know where to locate when my gas bill is due,1,4,train i need a car rental for the first and fifth in denver and i'd like a subaru,6,90,train is my reservation confirmed for lu shi at 7 pm,3,32,train what is the meaning of incandescent,7,99,test who is you employer,9,123,train i need to know what day i need to pay my water bill,1,4,val will you roll a 4 sided dice,7,104,train i dont know,10,150,train would you connect to my phone,10,146,train do i have to contact someone to use my credit card points,2,24,train "has my credit card application been received, or what is its current status",2,27,train what's the current status of the credit card i applied for,2,27,train how much paid time off have i used,8,120,train can you see where my package is,4,52,train what's the total pto i've used,8,120,train do i need a visa to spain,6,80,train tell me when my flight is landing,6,79,train "i will be in aiken on may 12 to may 16, i need to rent a car",6,90,train how do i turn up the resolution that i am taking pictures in on my camera phone,0,0,oos_test thank you so much,9,130,train how long to seattle on a bus,5,70,val i wish i knew how to spell mississippi,7,102,train show me what the weather is like,7,91,test today's date is what,7,93,train when should my tires be changed next,5,74,train where's my w-2 tax form,8,117,val does pizza hut have good reviews,3,38,train how is the traffic at 9:00 on the way to detroit,5,65,test can you please book an uber to the zoo,5,64,train is the dollar strong against the yen today,6,82,train at what point will i need to change my tires,5,74,val what's the chance of rain on friday,7,91,train does my mastercard charge international transaction fees,2,30,train can you put in a pto request for march 7th to the 9th,8,116,train i would like help moving money between accounts,1,10,test check if getting a light bulb is on my list of reminders,4,49,train that checks out,10,139,test assist me by setting my alarm for 9:00 and another for 11:00,7,92,train do i have any meetings today between 9 and 10,8,110,val what is the insurance plan that i'm signed up for,8,109,train how many times do i get paid in march,8,111,val "where is the closest dog groomer in charlotte, north carolina",5,71,train let me know how much money i will need to spend on paying bills,1,9,train what do i need to jump start a battery,5,75,val can we talk in french,10,142,train "lets do a coin toss, i call tails",7,101,train display my location on the map,5,61,test what is the minimum payment i can make on my xcel energy bill,1,8,train tell me why my card got declined,2,21,train i need to rent a car for may 3rd to may 5th in indianapolis and i'd like a mercedes,6,90,test what's the spanish word for dog,6,78,test how is traffic nearest the ben franklin bridge philadelphia heading to the new jersey turnpike,5,65,test do you mind if i ask your name,9,127,val do i need an international visa to get into italy,6,80,val if i use my card in denver will i get charged extra,2,30,train how do i remove a coffee blemish,0,0,oos_train start the dishwasher,4,60,test how do i schedule getting my tires checked,5,67,train inform my bank that i will be in rome from february 1 to march 1,6,77,train does bank of america charge transaction fees if you use it in canada,2,30,train what health plan do i have,8,109,train does my calendar have anything for january 1st,4,55,train please put my account on hold,1,1,test is there a minimum payment i can make,1,8,test send my location to sis,7,95,test how do you cook meatloaf,3,37,train i need to set up a direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train that statement was correct,10,139,train what do you think i am called,10,137,train my insurance plan needs to be changed,8,108,train report that the card has been wrecked,2,18,train when will my next paycheck be,8,111,train "while in tulsa, if i use my card, would i be charged more",2,30,val notify my bank that i will be in rome from february 1 to march 1,6,77,train tell me something funny,9,132,train can you speak with me using faster speech,10,136,train is the processing done on my new credit card,2,27,train does mexico require me to have a visa to travel there,6,80,train how long will it take before the postal service delivers my new card,2,16,train "reserve a meeting room for friday, 5pm",8,118,test i wanna have an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train "order more cat food, i'm out",4,57,train what is the procedure for signing up for a new allstate plan,8,108,test can i refer to you as liz,10,148,train please book me a place in pittsburgh to stay from monday to friday,6,88,train tell me what edict means,7,99,train where do i find the routing number for great western bank,1,2,train i need to know how you are doing today,9,131,test i am looking for good southeast asian restaurants in philadelphia,3,41,val "spell ""requisite"" for me",7,102,train show me my transactions on tacobell,1,14,train how much food should i feed my cat,0,0,oos_val my account appears to be blocked and i don't know why,1,6,val who is available to check why my check engine light is on,5,67,train is there evening reservations available in the eve,3,45,train can you please check on the status of my online order,4,52,train what do i need to go shopping for,4,54,train do you mind putting a stop on my bank account,1,1,train i'd like to find a hotel in tampa that people liked enough to leave good reviews about,6,88,train how much money did i spend at starbucks in the last week,1,13,train i'm driving from la to denver and need my bank notified,6,77,train can you check how much pto i have already used,8,120,train what is the traffic like on the way to makaha,5,65,train "i need to rent a car kfor one week in ocean city, nj so who has the best deal",6,90,test what can you call me,10,137,train when should i have my tires replaced if i replaced them on the first of march,5,74,train what do i do to redeem credit card points,2,24,train "ai, my name is deb please use my name when you talk to me",10,147,test i need to replace a card that my daughter spilled juice on,2,18,test please give me the amount of pressure in my car tires,5,66,val please use a male voice,10,144,val what mpg does this car get on the expressway,5,69,train tell me what amount i have to pay for my directv bill please,1,9,train make sure the oven is set to 350 please,4,60,train how can i order more checks for my regions bank account,1,11,train i'd like to go to malaysia so do i need a visa,6,80,test disconnect from my phone,10,146,train how much is the car bill this month,1,9,test how to report bent credit card,2,18,train what size wipers does this car take,0,0,oos_train what all is on my shopping list,4,54,train will amazon ship an order even if there was a pricing mistake,0,0,oos_test who's your creator,9,121,val how can up my credit limit,2,22,val does australia have different plug sizes,6,76,train what do i have to do on march 2 that's on my calendar,4,55,train can you tell me about what time i should be arriving at the airport,5,70,test i want to know the meaning of life,9,122,test i need to know the conversion between teaspoons and tablespoons,7,100,test phone christie,7,97,train could you book me an appointment for an oil change,5,67,val are you a cat person,9,124,train set a reminder for my doctors appointment,4,50,train reset to factory default,10,149,train put a hold on my account,1,1,train i want to to schedule maintenance on my vehicle,5,67,train see if all the doors are locked,4,60,val translate hello to english,6,78,train please play my list of reminders,4,49,test when is the next day i get paid,8,111,train which timezone is denver located,6,81,test set the volume to 4 please,10,140,train turn the furnace on please,4,60,train this credit card's apr is what,2,23,train does my capital one credit card have international transaction fees,2,30,val help me schedule a meeting,8,118,train how long is pork good in the fridge,3,31,train make 1234 the pin on my savings account,1,3,test there is an unauthorized transaction on my bank of america checking,1,15,train "my credit card's apr, please",2,23,train thank you for your time and trying to help,9,130,test can you please repeat that,10,143,test submit full payment to chase for my visa bill,1,5,val does iron skillet at the truck stop trake reservations,3,45,train i need you to freeze my account,1,1,train i must pay verizon what minimum amount on my bill,1,8,test i'm lacking vitamins so order me more,4,57,train what timezone do ho chi minh use,6,81,val i want you to speak in french,10,142,train tell me the pin number for my checking account,1,3,test what time is it in buenos aires,7,103,train what's my name huh,10,137,train what name do you use to talk about me,10,137,train can you tell me how to clean a fish tank,0,0,oos_test find an article on celebrities who made it out of poverty,0,0,oos_test how much over will overdraft protection cover,0,0,oos_test i have to get going,9,129,train where can i locate the routing number for the bank i bank with,1,2,val what are some things you like to do,9,125,train i would like to transfer $100 from my checking to saving account,1,10,test have an alarm wake me at 10:30 am,7,92,train when is my meeting with jack for,8,110,test do you know my health benefits,8,109,val how much damage did the last earthquake here do,0,0,oos_test when was i paid most recently,8,111,val how safe is it to travel to mongolia (how safe is mongolia),6,84,train how much do i have to pay for my cable bill,1,9,train could you help me find the interest on my chase account,1,7,train lost luggage on flight america airlines in o'hare,6,86,train are you a person in real life or programmed ai,9,133,train i need my account frozen,1,1,train what name do you have saved for me,10,137,train i need gas so what should i get,5,73,val does visa charge transaction fees in the uk,2,30,train help me book a rental car in green bay,6,90,train give me some options on what to cook for dinner,3,40,train what steps can i take to make sure my credit score doesn't go down,2,19,train why is there a block on my account,1,6,train heard any good jokes lately,9,132,train order dog food from walmart,4,57,val is travel to monterrey safe now,6,84,test whats lifes meaning exactly,9,122,train tell carl that he sucks,7,105,val i wanna know the next holiday,8,107,test schedule a gas bill payment,1,5,train please inform me of the types of subjects are you familiar with,9,135,train i do not believe that that is correct,10,141,train "tell me how to spent ""frightened",7,102,test with my phone please pair,10,146,train i need a block put on my chase account right away,1,1,train it was good chatting,9,129,train "ai, please help me find my phone",7,94,train what's the best dog food to feed my puppy,0,0,oos_val please find the current balance on my con edison bill,1,9,train "throw eggs on my shopping list, please",4,59,test can you call an uber for 2 to go to proof on main,5,64,train i need to apply for a visa card,2,29,train add mop bathroom to my to do list,4,48,train make your speed a bit slower,10,136,train how long do i need to cook roast for,3,44,val is $30 usd more or less in canada,6,82,test transfer $500 from my checking to my savings,1,10,train does ireland have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train volume to whisper voice,10,138,train i have a lot of points saved up from my credit card rewards but don't know how to redeem them,2,24,train where do i go for my credit score,2,28,test how long does it take for grass seed to grow on my lawn,0,0,oos_test change the speed of your voice to slower,10,136,train how high is the apr on my credit card,2,23,test "can you spell ""fragile"" for me",7,102,test i need to know when my oil was last changed,5,72,train i must apply for a new credit card,2,29,train can you order me some nacho chips,4,57,test tell me about the oscars,0,0,oos_test i need to report some fraudulent card activity,1,15,train where you from the usa,9,128,train purchase a computer for me,4,57,train i want to hear beatles music,4,47,train how much data does my phone have left this month,0,0,oos_test later gater,9,129,train can you look at what the oldest age is someone can enlist in the army,0,0,oos_test can i use salt instead of baking soda,3,43,train i want to know the status of my day off request,8,106,train i am not understanding the language you are responding in; switch it for me,10,142,test tell me what i can find on the shopping list,4,54,train i need a recent transaction looked into,1,14,train what potential hazards are there for going to spain,6,84,train i have to know what plug that country uses,6,76,train which types of vaccinations are required when leaving the united states,6,85,train find auto store that tests dead car batteries for free,5,75,train i need a list of ingredients required to make lamb stew,3,34,val what were you supposed to remind me of,4,49,test please alert me when my iphone battery falls below 30%,0,0,oos_test i'm afraid i don't know how to answer that,10,150,test what's my health insurance plan,8,109,test i want to update you name,10,148,train i need to change my name to something else for you to call me,10,147,train how is my order doing right now,4,52,test please notify me of my credit rating,2,28,train next payday please,8,111,train any travel alerts for canada,6,84,train how much air pressure is in my tires,5,66,val i need a flight from boston to miami for under 300 dollars,6,87,test is anything on my calendar for june 22nd,4,55,test how much have i paid in medical expenses recently,1,13,train what do you get when you roll a dice with five sides,7,104,train i need a table for 3 at 5pm at andrea's steakhouse under wheeler,3,39,val please remove an event from this calendar,4,51,train can you translate where's the bar into irish for me,6,78,train "i need meeting rooms between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, are there any available",8,118,train tell me my credit score please,2,28,train how old are you today,9,134,train i would like to order additional checkbooks to me mailed to my home address,1,11,train i need to know my salary,8,113,train i'd like to know the last time my car got looked at,5,72,test how long will it take me to get to red robin in glendale,5,70,train can you give me the most current market news,0,0,oos_test i need you to block my mutualone account now,1,1,train reserve a table at tropicana for 5 people under the name martins for 8pm,3,39,test i want to know the status of my vacation request,8,106,test i am thinking of switching to a different insurance plan,8,108,train "hey there, how are you today",9,131,test i'd like to start calling you jake,10,148,test go ahead and give me the tire pressure of my vehicle,5,66,test how well is the gas mileage while i'm in the city,5,69,val can you help me find my package,4,52,train i need to get some assistance figuring out how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train organize my photos by date please,0,0,oos_test is it okay to eat chicken that i put in the fridge on monday,3,31,train is milk one of my shopping list items,4,54,test is there a travel alert for north korea,6,84,train could you tell me what is the apr for the credit card,2,23,train how many dollars have i spent on coffee this month,1,13,test "check the apr on my disney visa, please",2,23,train is it okay if i change your name to mud,10,148,train how soon till i need to change my tires,5,74,test change name for me,10,147,test can you translate bowl into russian for me,6,78,train add a song to my rock playlist,4,53,train do i have a ways to go or am i close to getting to penn station,5,70,test use the female voice,10,144,test what is the expiration date of the milk,3,31,train can you figure out how many vacation days i have left,8,115,train can you help me pick some fun things to do in london during my trip,6,83,test provide me with my credit score,2,28,train speed up your rate of speech,10,136,val let me know what the point of life is,9,122,test who are the nominees for best picture this year,0,0,oos_test do i have cheese on my shopping list if not please add it,4,59,val skip to next track,4,56,test i am wanting you to book me a flight from houston to miami on united airlines,6,87,train are the ratings for yardhouse good,3,38,val """which is the best way to improve the credit score",2,19,test how do vietnameses people say hello,6,78,train the bank needs to know that i am traveling soon,6,77,train find out what supplies i am missing and will need on my upcoming camping trip,0,0,oos_test i would like to apply for a bank of america travel rewards credit card,2,29,train i need a reminder to order cookies,4,50,val give me some awesome travel destinations,6,83,train can you play music,4,47,train what interest rate am i paying,1,7,train how do i get direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train i ran out of checks and need more ordered,1,11,val i am curious to know if you are a bot,9,133,val i need to put in a payment towards my phone bill,1,5,test can you find my phone,7,94,test help me locate my credit score,2,28,train where is the closest bathroom to the statue of liberty,5,71,test thanks for that,9,130,train what ingredients do i need to bake a cake,3,34,train give me information on grub burger reservations,3,45,val give me my current location,5,61,train what are some things i can do on the way to work,0,0,oos_test i didn't catch that,10,143,test i want to only use the whisper sound,10,138,test whisper mode must be left,10,138,test please assist me in linking my chase account to direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,val send 100 dollars between bank of the west and bank of america acccounts,1,10,train what is the best way to clean ceiling fans,0,0,oos_test i want to change my pin number for my account,1,3,train can you see if i can get a higher limit on my discovery card,2,22,train what is the process to get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train what is the process to schedule a meeting,8,118,val search all movies created by disney in the 1980's,0,0,oos_test my credit card was stolen; how long before a new one will arrive,2,16,train i need to know what's on my shopping list,4,54,test i need to call my friend,7,97,test can i get a credit increase for my visa,2,22,train what are some deals on amazon,0,0,oos_train would i be safe if i traveled to japan,6,84,test i need a quick recipe for spiral ham,3,37,train what is the meaning of flange,7,99,train tell me about the earthquake in california that happened this morning,0,0,oos_test tell me what song this is,4,46,train is it bad to not remember your dreams,0,0,oos_val give my current location to robyn now,7,95,train "i ran out of bread, order more",4,57,val will i be able to schedule a reservation at 4 seasons in los angeles,3,45,val are you able to play beatles songs,4,47,val "hello, may i get your name",9,127,train i need bananas on the list too,4,59,test can you help me remember my pin to my boa account,1,3,train "ai, how are you feeling",9,131,train are you one of my employees,9,123,val is my apr for my credit card available,2,23,train when will the day off be,8,107,train i need my routing number for my checking account at bb&t bank,1,2,test i want you to let me know what names you have for me,10,137,train i need a flight from nyc to paris with delta,6,87,train do you remember where i left my cellphone,7,94,val looks like someone made an unauthorized charge to nike on my account,1,15,train "i think we should reserve dad's regular table friday for 6 people, use his name, make that close to 4:00 pm at the club",3,39,train look up my total number of days off so far,8,120,train stop,10,145,train tell me something interesting about bees,9,126,test can i use baking soda instead of baking powder,3,43,train "when my house burned down, so did my card",2,18,val how long should i cook the asparagus for,3,44,train can you give me a hand paying my water bill,1,5,train is my vacation approved,8,106,test where did i put my phone,7,94,train i will call you zander,10,148,train am i limited in carry ons for jet blue,6,89,train define antagonist for me please,7,99,val i'm finished with my to do list,4,48,val tell me the lowest amount i can pay for my cable bill,1,8,train would you please order me more checkbooks for my b of t account,1,11,train ai can you tell me what things i may ask,9,135,train what is the calorie look like in apples,3,35,train book a flight to los angeles from las vegas on american airlines,6,87,test i need an uber for 5 people to go to wendys,5,64,train what hobbies do you like to do,9,125,test does my great western bank account allow me to order more checkbooks,1,11,train i want to hear something hilarious,9,132,val can i improve my credit score,2,19,train i made a fraudulent transaction,1,15,train i want directions to phoenix,5,71,test calculate how much i earn from my job,8,113,train what is latin for i love you,6,78,train please change my checking account pin to 1234,1,3,train do you know any fun facts about the ocean,9,126,train is there an uber going to downtown,5,64,val please lookup my experion credit score,2,28,val i'm struggling to remind myself the pin number to my card,1,3,test lowest amount for cable bill,1,8,val how many teaspoons in an ounce,7,100,val slow down your voice,10,136,test i'd like to have everything on my shopping list,4,57,train i need you to book me a flight from ft lauderdale to houston on southwest,6,87,train what's my bank balance,1,12,train how high is my credit limit for my walmart card,2,25,train "are you a computer, or are you a real person",9,133,train how do i change inches to centimeters,7,100,train find articles about the protests in parisi,0,0,oos_test what's the most dominant scale in bluegrass,0,0,oos_train i'm confused about the reason for my bank account being frozen,1,6,train i need this song on my jam playlist,4,53,test can you see if you can track where my luggage is,6,86,train is there an international charge for using my card in france,2,30,test do you know if my vacation was approved yet or not,8,106,train where are there current travel alerts,6,84,train please read my todo list,4,58,train stop the connection with my phone,10,146,train how would i raise my credit spending by 250 dollars,2,22,train where were you processed,9,128,test is my reservation set for john at bardenay,3,32,test did my order ship,4,52,train can you read the things on my shopping list,4,54,val is mr ceo waiting me now,8,110,train tell my all my reminders,4,49,train can you forward my location to tom,7,95,train what's the best way to pay my bill,1,5,train how much are the international transaction fees for my chase card,2,30,train how much is my water and sewer,1,9,test how much for a samurai sword,0,0,oos_test how many a's can you find in the word happiness,7,102,train how much have i been spending on booze this month,1,13,test i need to know this car's mpg,5,69,val show me the total up to date points on the marriot rewards card,2,26,train i need to know what the minimum payment is on my electric bill,1,8,train change back to the factory set up,10,149,test what do i earn from my job,8,113,train how much is $30 usd in canadian dollar,6,82,test will my 401k rollover,8,114,val turn down your volume please,10,140,val do i need an international visa to go to spain,6,80,train please delete the reservation for roberts at village tavern,3,42,test add god's plan by drake to my playlist,4,53,train i'm having trouble scheduling a meeting,8,118,train this is a true statement,10,139,val i am curious about whether you have pets,9,124,train roll a seven sided dice for me,7,104,train the minumum to pay is what,1,8,train check out my location up on the map,5,61,train thanks for letting me know,9,130,train i want to set direct deposit,8,119,train the name you should call me is janet,10,147,train give me a hand finding my mobile device,7,94,train what's the method for requesting a vacation,8,116,val compile a folder of paintings of sparta,0,0,oos_test pto so far i have used is how much,8,120,test hey hey!,9,131,train credit limit change,2,22,train who do i contact for a w2 form,8,117,val i want the speaker to be louder please,10,140,train book a flight from seattle to dallas-fort worth on april the 1st and returning on april 5th,6,87,train do i need to get any shots before i travel to south africa,6,85,test change the name that you call me,10,147,train make me a map of all earthquake hotspots in the continental us,0,0,oos_test i need to send a text,7,105,train may i increase my credit limit by 500 dollars,2,22,test help me figure out where this fraudulent transaction from google came from on my account,1,15,train is it possible to read my to-do list again,4,58,test i need to know my bank of america account routing number,1,2,train when am i paid or how often,8,111,val iterate the items on my todo list,4,58,train your name from this point forward is george,10,148,train my amex rewards; how do i get them,2,24,train "to 350, set the oven",4,60,test how do i find my credit score,2,28,train will you roll a d20,7,104,train what do my health benefits consist of,8,109,train will my 401k rollover or not,8,114,train i want to report my discover card as lost,2,20,train do you have any animals,9,124,val hi what's up,9,131,val how much are taxes on this,8,112,train can you reset your factory settings,10,149,test talk to me about where im at right now,5,61,val call hr so i can figure out how many days off i've taken,8,120,train my car needs maintenance but i don't know if i can schedule an appointment for that,5,67,val what do my federal taxes amount to,8,112,train google find out what health plan i am under,8,109,test "confirm a reservation for nicole brown at diangelo's at 6:45 pm, please",3,32,train what big news happened over the weekend,0,0,oos_test which type of gas should i get,5,73,test can i sub bacon for ham,3,43,test how do i go about changing my insurance to a new low monthly premium plan,8,108,train are you a real person or artificial intelligence,9,133,train can you raise your speaking speed,10,136,val how long does it take to get to universal studios in los angeles,5,70,train tell me how to check my rewards for my american express card,2,26,train what spanish word means hello,6,78,train i need to know how to apply for a mastercard,2,29,train you can call me alan,10,147,train is it possible to make reservations in advance for macaroni grill,3,45,train just stop talking,10,145,test increase volume,10,140,train what steps do i need to take to obtain my w2 for taxes,8,117,test how much am i paid,8,113,test do the romans still use the colosseum for anything today,0,0,oos_test what's it doing outside right now,7,91,train can you convert millimeters to centimeters,7,100,train do you change the oil in your car more than once a year,5,62,train a w2 form can be gotten from where,8,117,train i need to change your voice settings,10,136,train where did i last place my remote,0,0,oos_test could you inform me of when i last got my car checked,5,72,val can you set the timer to 20 minutes,7,96,test how long does visa take to get me a new card,2,16,train spirit mastercard card was taken,2,20,val "can you spell out ""wonderful",7,102,test read my reminder list,4,49,test where did you live before you moved here,9,128,test stop the process,10,145,test please whisper,10,138,train what other names can i give you,10,148,train """can u set a timer for 5 minutes",7,96,train how do i go about resolving my luggage that didn't arrive,6,86,train what is let it be mean,7,99,train i want to make sure my reservation for 5 at mcdonalds is still set,3,32,train help me reserve a table for 3 at lucky's under the name crystal at 8 pm,3,39,val tell me where my package is currently,4,52,test "how many carry ons can i take with spirit, going to tampa",6,89,val have i been spending more money at restaurants,1,13,train what is the minimum payment for the bill,1,8,train how much do i pay the government in taxes,8,112,train i want to know my recent spending,1,13,train how do i check how many rewards i have on my master card,2,26,train does my visa have international transaction fees,2,30,val i really don't have a clue,10,150,train how is the weather in miami,7,91,train are vaccinations necessary to go there,6,85,train "i have no oranges, put them onto my list",4,59,val pay a bill!,1,5,val i would like for you to start a biography on me,0,0,oos_test what does a flashing yellow light mean,0,0,oos_test what date will my next paycheck be here,8,111,train italy's timezone is what,6,81,train can you update me on the status of my american express card application,2,27,train i'm traveling to morocco soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train where is the nearest movie theater to time' square,5,71,test what name would you like me to call you,9,127,train please provide the name of the insurance plan that i'm enrolled in,8,109,train how many miles can i drive on 1 gallon of gas,5,69,train i’m making spaghetti what ingredients do i need,3,34,train when should my tires be changed,5,74,test find out the cost of my bill payments,1,9,train life has what meaning or what's the secret to it,9,122,train how much farther can i drive on the gas i have,5,68,train i want income data,8,113,train do you know if bahama breeze does reservations,3,45,train how should i spell malignant,7,102,val how do i do an oil change and what type do i use,5,63,train i'm unsure,10,150,train hi ai,9,131,train which day is it now,7,93,test set up whisper mode,10,138,val please answer the phone and put it on speaker on the tv,0,0,oos_test can you see if paying garbage bill is on my todo list for this week,4,58,test what's the proper way of spelling seance,7,102,train can i use my credit card point on amazon,2,24,train does delta allow more than one carry on when traveling to miami,6,89,train i'd like to schedule a meeting room from 1:00 pm until 2:00 pm,8,118,train "new reminder, please",4,50,train how do i get red wine out of a couch cushion,0,0,oos_test i need to redeem my visa points,2,24,test tell the restaurant to cancel my reservation,3,42,train can you sign me up for a meeting in the blue room on friday,8,118,train when will i be off again,8,107,train what kind of plug converter is needed in c,6,76,train fairwell,9,129,train next song please,4,56,val locate lost luggage from flight america airlines in o'hare,6,86,train "are eggs on my list, if not add them",4,59,train set 30 minute timer,7,96,train how about lets start calling you juliette,10,148,test get me a hotel in phoenix near chase field from january 4th to the 8th,6,88,test what is the cheapest electric guitar,0,0,oos_val how long would the wait at the restaurant be,3,33,val websites that share credit ratings,2,28,train please say things more quickly,10,136,train i need to know what my to-do list is looking like,4,58,train how soon until the milk expires,3,31,train explain to me how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train help me find a new insurance plan,8,108,test does mcdonalds have good reviews,3,38,train have you seen my cellphone,7,94,train you shall address me as nick,10,147,val it was great talking to you,9,129,test how many pto days are available,8,115,val will you tell me my credit score,2,28,train the ingredients in pizza are which ones,3,34,train how much pto have i used so far,8,120,val what are some things i can do in portland,6,83,train give me a summary of today's meetings,8,110,test what is my gas level,5,68,train how much highway mpg does it get,5,69,train when i visit thailand do i need a plug converter,6,76,train are my state tax payments too high,8,112,train find me the exchange rate between usd and cad,6,82,test what do you put in a tibetan omelette,3,34,train what can i do to get rid of this event,4,51,test "no, that is not right",10,141,train "if i travel here, do i need vaccinations",6,85,test can i make a reservation for 6 pm on the 21st at sidetracks,3,39,train what is my credit limit at,2,25,train can you permanently talk faster,10,136,val can you please freeze my account,1,1,val "i just finished taking out my recycling, so cross that off my to do list",4,48,train "hi, how are you",9,131,test take me to the next song on this playlist,4,56,train is there a name that you call me,10,137,train what is the number of my credit score,2,28,train i need new dinner ideas,3,40,train transfer $20000 from my savings account to checking account,1,10,train should i schedule a car maintenance,5,67,test "ai, go ahead and roll the dice",7,104,train i want a step by step explanation of how to change the oil in my car,5,63,test have i spent a lot on food recently,1,13,train would you remove bread from my shopping list and add bread,4,59,train switch over from female to the male voice,10,144,train go back to factory settings,10,149,test why is there a hold on my charles swab account,1,6,train am i able to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train i need a timer to be set,7,96,test how to make mac and cheese,3,37,train what kinds of activities do you enjoy,9,125,train spell the word restaurant for me,7,102,train what languages can i switch to for your responses,10,142,train how do i change the account pin number for me,1,3,test is rice ok after 3 days in the refrigerator,3,31,val i was using my credit card as a cutting board and accidentally sliced it in half,2,18,train please explain the steps to change oil,5,63,train ai i need to go to charlies with eight adults can you get uber,5,64,train would you consider my apr to be good,2,23,test there is no way in heck that is true,10,141,test i need you to roll a dice that has six sides and tell me what it lands on,7,104,val thank you ai for everything you do,9,130,test what does saffron mean,7,99,train list out what is on my shopping list,4,54,train can you set the temp to 69,4,60,train how long will it take to get a new card,2,16,train i want to apply for a mastercard,2,29,train move rap god to my motivational playlist,4,53,test i'd like to know my current location,5,61,train hey,9,131,val i am not to sure about that,10,150,train what is a good movie to go see in theaters for a family with young kids,0,0,oos_test delete lunch with steve on friday please,4,51,train whats the mpg for this car,5,69,test please cancel my dinner reservation,3,42,train report lost card to discover company,2,20,train how many canadian dollars can i exchange for 200 yen,6,82,train i want to know some trivia about our solar system,9,126,train what's your boss' name,9,123,train my account at the bank needs to be frozen,1,1,test i don't know who to notify that i ran my credit card over with the lawn mower,2,18,train my visa was stolen,2,20,train what should i do to get my car jump started,5,75,test what is the electricity bill,1,9,test the sound is too low,10,140,train how do i convert inches and centimeters,7,100,train you have my gratitude,9,130,val do i need to have a socket converter in canada,6,76,train tell me status of my day off request,8,106,test "in nashville, i need a rental car booked",6,90,train how much does gun ammunition cost,0,0,oos_test do i have a name to you,10,137,train "i don't like that, no",10,141,train just trash the reservation i made please,3,42,train give me a list of ingredients needed for pizza dough,3,34,train will it get over 90 degrees today,7,91,train what kind of weather can i expect now,7,91,test how long has it been since my last auto maintenance,5,72,train where is the nearest marijuana dispensary to kentucky fried chicken,5,71,test current date,7,93,train can you tell me the age of the ai,9,134,train can you switch to the male voice,10,144,test could you list out the carry-on restrictions for american airlines,6,89,train is there a charge to use my card in france,2,30,test how much is my credit limit,2,25,train will i get getting my new card anytime soon,2,16,test how long do you need to bake chicken for it to be safe to eat,3,44,train where can i find the best divorce lawyer,0,0,oos_test my card is lost how do i report it,2,20,train i need to let my bank know i am traveling to la,6,77,train what is the definition of didactic,7,99,train find out how to deodorize a car,0,0,oos_test thanks for helping out,9,130,train can you tell me what name you have for me,10,137,test what can you see on my shopping list,4,54,train when do they mail me a replacement card,2,16,train i'm looking to call a group,7,97,train show me instructions on how to jump start my car,5,75,val what's my credit limit on my visa,2,25,train rent a car for 3/1 through 3/3 in boston; i'd prefer an suv,6,90,test i'd like to set up a reservation for kibble at 4,3,39,train can you give my whereabouts to doug and buster,7,95,train i need a table at gemma for nine at two,3,39,test add this song to my dinner playlist,4,53,train "initiate connection with my phone, please",10,146,train i need to put in a pto request for march 4 to march 6,8,116,train how do you spell friend,7,102,train please reserve a meeting room for 1:00 pm on tuesday,8,118,test tell me what is showing up on my reminder list,4,49,train can you assist me to convert kilos to pounds,7,100,test i'd really like to pay this bill,1,5,train can you repeat that question,10,143,val i need help to make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,train no thanks,10,141,train "hi there, how are things",9,131,train is it safe to travel to iceland,6,84,train what is the longest i can leave meatballs in sauce in the freezer before it is no longer safe to eat,3,31,test can you find me a round trip flight from denver international to new york international on the 3rd through the 7th,6,87,val are you able to help with booking a car rental in seattle,6,90,train "how do you spell ""exactly",7,102,test agreed,10,139,val what is the exchange rate between us dollars and japanese yen,6,82,test i prefer female voice now,10,144,train what time is it exactly,7,103,train what's my rewards balance on my discover,2,26,train need to know the weather now,7,91,test speak in a woman's voice,10,144,train how many calories should i plan to be in a donut,3,35,train i need to update the pin number of my aaa visa,1,3,val when will my replacement card get mailed,2,16,train i would like to know the amount of gas i have,5,68,train what's the status of my southwest flight,6,79,test i gotta know what the traffic is like on the way to phoenix,5,65,train when should i expect my next paycheck,8,111,train tell me the minimum i can pay on my cable bill,1,8,train how many times have i used my annual leave,8,120,train how do i get better at go,0,0,oos_val cash in rewards for my visa card,2,24,train my insurance benefits are what,8,109,train apple cider has been in my fridge for four months so can i still drink it,3,31,val can you identify this song playing through the speaker right now,4,46,test "i need my phone, but can't find it",7,94,train info on setting up direct deposit,8,119,train what amount do i make,8,113,train can i exchange milk for cream in recipes,3,43,train tell me everything on my calendar for may 1,4,55,train can you add this song to my jazz playlist,4,53,train what are they paying me at work right now,8,113,train whats your name by the way,9,127,val need airplane ridge from philadelphia to atlanta leaving on the 5th of june and returning on the 8th of june,6,87,val does my carrier have coverage in europe,0,0,oos_test make me giggle,9,132,train what are the ingredients in gumbo,3,34,train i can't figure out how to spell superficial,7,102,train unsync yourself from my device,10,146,test what does my income amount to,8,113,train why are we here in life,9,122,train are the reviews for mi casita good,3,38,train i'd like to redeem my credit card points,2,24,train are you working for someone other than me,9,123,train engage all the door locks,4,60,val on my card what have been my recent purchases,1,14,train do i have tomato on the shopping list,4,54,train what street is this,5,61,train which insurance plan do i have,8,109,val that is a yes,10,139,train can i get a reservation at melting pot tomorrow,3,45,train how different will my state taxes be,8,112,train where can i look to learn to make sushi,3,37,train what is the weather in atlanta,7,91,val help me to transfer my 401k,8,114,test let me know how much gas i have,5,68,train i'd like to go on vacation,8,116,train is joey my name,10,137,val "yes, please",10,139,test what kind of glue is used for gluing pipes together,0,0,oos_test that isn't the right answer,10,141,train would you repeat that,10,143,train how long does it take to get a new credit card,2,16,test are my tires due to be changed soon,5,74,train please set my account as frozen,1,1,train can i increase my credit limit to 700 dollars,2,22,train can i schedule a car repair,5,67,train is it safe for people to travel to pakistan,6,84,test what time is my haircut on wednesday,4,55,train mpg for this car please,5,69,test speak arabic,10,142,val add 7 rings to my pop playlist,4,53,train how old were you on your most recent birthday,9,134,val when did i take my car to the shop last,5,72,test how old are you exactly,9,134,train "can you remove that event from my calendar, please",4,51,val how is the tire pressure,5,66,train how do i write an iep for a high schooler,0,0,oos_test i am afraid that that is not the case,10,141,train what's the current time,7,103,test pay my monthy mortgage payment,1,5,val give me my credit score please,2,28,test what's 12 feet in meters,7,100,train i'm going to need a hotel in tampa near ybor city for march 23rd through the 28th,6,88,train please play my taylor swift mix,4,47,train what is the current day,7,93,test i am going to germany soon do i need a visa,6,80,train what is the minimum i can pay on my insurance bill,1,8,test how is everything going,9,131,train i didn't hear what you said,10,143,train tell me a joke about jobs,9,132,train is there any consensun regarding lifes true meaning,9,122,test put the current song in my favorite playlist,4,53,train can you order new checks for my citizens checking,1,11,train what's the routing number for my usaa account,1,2,train what are some suggestions for places to travel,6,83,train remember to play the next number on this particular playlist,4,56,train i intend to apply for an american express card,2,29,train tell me the exchange rate between dollars and pesos,6,82,train what is 48 multiplied by 4 divided by 2,7,98,test what do i have in my bank accounts right now,1,12,test can we change your name to lisa,10,148,train will i be able to get a seat at 5pm,3,33,train what's my current spending limit,2,25,train what country are you from,9,128,val what is some trivia about the weather,9,126,test please alert my bank i'm going to be in the caymans from may 1st to june 2nd,6,77,test i am needing to know your name,9,127,train in how many miles do i need to schedule my oil change,5,62,train what are some of the ways that i can see an improvement in my credit score,2,19,train "who are you employed by, please",9,123,val can you place an order for the olive oil i just finished,4,57,test please skip this song and go to the next one instead,4,56,val when was the last date that i got paid,8,111,train please add this song to my alternative playlist,4,53,train count the number of the letter a in happiness,7,102,train has my mastercard application been processed,2,27,test flip a coin if you will,7,101,train can you tell me the s&p average,0,0,oos_test i must change my pin number for my account,1,3,train which actors have played more than 1 comic book character,0,0,oos_test what's the interest rate on my savings,1,7,train i can confirm it is affirmative,10,139,train tell me what my credit card's apr is,2,23,train is my meeting with frank on my calendar,4,55,test i didn't catch that so please repeat it,10,143,train help - i can't find my w-2,8,117,train what's the mpg of my car,5,69,val i need to request pto for march 2 and 3,8,116,val tell me the routing number for my wf account,1,2,train what types of activities do you enjoy,9,125,train abandon the dinner reservation i made,3,42,train what are the calories in a cookie,3,35,train can you tell me the score of the heat game,0,0,oos_test my name is going to be sherlock,10,147,test what's the best golf club to use on the lower nine,0,0,oos_test there's a messed up transaction on my account from mcdonald's,1,15,test what's my monthly income,8,113,train i seemed to misplaced my phone,7,94,train is it ok to eat alfredo that's been in the fridge since last sunday,3,31,train take fresh carrots off my shopping list,4,59,train speak in a male voice,10,144,train do i have any calendars set for may 12th,4,55,test how busy is shokudo at 12,3,33,train i need to see the chicken salad's nutritional info,3,36,train can you tell me the definition of sucrose,7,99,train what do you do if your luggage is missing,6,86,train "stop, i changed my mind",10,145,train what are you able to help me with,9,135,train help me find my phone please,7,94,val can you list all channels of a certain category,0,0,oos_test how much time off do i have left,8,115,train tell me my current savings account's interest rate,1,7,train when is my flight expected to arrive,6,79,val when will microsoft drop support for windows 7,0,0,oos_test change your name to fred,10,148,val when should i get new tires,5,74,train tell me how to set up a direct deposit,8,119,train i'm exploring a possible cycle flight from yyz to dublin for w to aug two,6,87,val are you a pet owner and what kind,9,124,test can you tell me how changes on my insurance policy can be made,8,108,val my new card arrives in the post when,2,16,train find out if la tour d'argent in paris takes reservations,3,45,train what is appropriate to spend on a bouquet of flowers for mother's day,0,0,oos_test when is the date my visa card will expire,2,17,train can you tell me the amount of calories i can expect one tuna sandwich to contain,3,35,train please let me know what my current bank balance is,1,12,train i need to know when i will next have the day off,8,107,train tell me all about the trivia with friends,9,126,train convert 2 inches to meters,7,100,train what kind of fuel does my car use,5,73,val translate hello english to french,6,78,train why did negan return to his jail cell,0,0,oos_test "yes, that is a fact",10,139,train arrange a meeting room for 9am on friday,8,118,val is it time for a tire change,5,74,val help me convert kilos to pounds,7,100,test i would like you put in a pto request for the dates july 4th to the 8th,8,116,train how can i say thank you in spanish,6,78,train i forget how to spell xylophone,7,102,train give liz a call,7,97,train what's the total i've spent on shoes this month,1,13,test add creep by radio head to the playlist,4,53,train do you know how to spell curiosity,7,102,test volume should be set at 4,10,140,train "set my alarm for eight tomorrow, please",7,92,val what have i spent things on,1,14,test update my status on instagram,0,0,oos_test i need to know how many days off i have used so far,8,120,test i am needing you to look up roundtrip flights form houston to miami for april 12 and april 15,6,87,train where is my w-2,8,117,train "are there any travel alerts i should know about for buenos aires, argentina",6,84,train talk to me in italian,10,142,train it's a no,10,141,train what gasoline do i need to buy,5,73,train "it seems to be that i have had pizza in the fridge since monday, so is it safe to eat",3,31,train i could not buy food using my card when i was in vietnam,2,21,test put a hold on my bank account,1,1,train who is it that programmed you,9,121,train what sorts of pets do you own,9,124,train what is life's meaning,9,122,train would you please increase the speaker volume,10,140,val which days did i take vacation,8,120,train how do i set up direct deposit for my first national account,8,119,val tell my bank i'm going to france,6,77,train "no idea, sorry",10,150,train please give me my last ten debit card transactions in the month of december,1,14,train can you remind me of when i last had an oil change,5,72,train how's the traffic to work,5,65,val it was great chatting with you,9,129,train can you play some music by the beatles for me,4,47,train send me a quote from a motivational speaker twice a day,0,0,oos_test how do i get to the subway by foot,5,71,test take me to the closest walmart,5,71,train can you put the currently playing track on my zen playlist,4,53,val i appreciate that,9,130,train how long to washington dc on a bus,5,70,val what's the current time now cst,7,103,train gas type needed for this car,5,73,val would you say you like cats or dogs,9,124,train i want to find a flight for under 700 on the 4th from denver international to new york international,6,87,val add up 8 and 7,7,98,val can i apply for a visa card,2,29,test at around noon what is the traffic typically like on the route to the hopsital,5,65,train please order everything you see on my shopping list,4,57,train i would like to find out if macaroni grill will be busy around 7:00 pm,3,33,train append my playlist with smooth operator by sade,4,53,train play the song god's plan,4,47,train what holiday comes next,8,107,train what is 78 times 85,7,98,train i am thinking of going to brazil and was wondering if that is hazardous,6,84,train when don't i have to work next,8,107,train how's my gas supply looking,5,68,train can i sub ketchup for mustard,3,43,val eliminate,10,145,val what is my card's apr,2,23,val i need to pay my cable bill,1,5,train when does the honey expire,3,31,test are my tires fully inflated,5,66,train tell me what the date is today,7,93,train i need a recipe for beef,3,37,train is it recommended to get any specific shots before i travel to canada,6,85,train it could be one or the other,10,150,train share my location with brad and terry,7,95,train i need to make a call,7,97,test "when asked who you work for, what would you say",9,123,train how do i get to the train on foot,5,71,train do you mind if call you nikolai,10,148,train please set the temperature to 70,4,60,train i no longer want this event in my calendar,4,51,train what taxes will i owe from my income,8,112,test can you report my lost discover card,2,20,train i need to call my dad,7,97,test what day is our next day off,8,107,test i need to delete my doctor's appointment scheduled for march 15th from my calendar,4,51,train put in a request for cashing in credit points,2,24,test can you find out if my vacation time off request has been approved or not,8,106,train can i convert my credit card points to milage,2,24,train can you please sat it one more time,10,143,train might we go to the next song,4,56,test remove milk and add eggs to my shopping list,4,59,test do i require a plug converter when i visit puerto rico,6,76,test let me know my card's apr,2,23,val why is there a stop on my deposit account,1,6,test "please book a hotel in ny, close to brooklyn, on the 25th to 30th",6,88,train how does this do on gas mileage,5,69,train i want to know my reminders,4,49,test tell me what day today is,7,93,train i need to know my income,8,113,train will you add what i'm listening to to my road trip playlist,4,53,train i'm desperate to know about my cc processing,2,27,train how many days till i get a new card to replace the stolen one,2,16,train could you let me know how old you are,9,134,train is it possible to book a room at the taco bell for reavers at 3,3,39,train request a refund on the car wax i bought yesterday,0,0,oos_test clear out my entire todo list,4,48,train i desperately need to rollover my 401k somehow,8,114,train do you know when i can expect my next paycheck,8,111,train what shows are on tonight,0,0,oos_test nix folding laundry from my todo list,4,48,train which day is pay day,8,111,val how much is my income tax,8,112,train will a jump start work if my batter is dead,5,75,val i want to find out how do i schedule a meeting,8,118,train get a hold of sue,7,97,train what's the best way to drown a witch,0,0,oos_test walk me through the steps involved in changing my oil,5,63,test put volume setting on number 4,10,140,test can you tell me my password checking account,1,3,train what are the highest-rated android phones,0,0,oos_test "what must i pay, at a minimum, on my verizon bill",1,8,test is cnn really fake news,0,0,oos_val how much are my state taxes,8,112,train are there a lot of calories in muffins,3,35,train "i'd like to know the nutritional content of eggs, please",3,36,train take the event called surprise party off my calendar for june 2,4,51,train i want my account locked out,1,1,test can you get me a flight from san francisco to san jose using american airlines,6,87,test play next song using this playlist,4,56,train set a 4 minute timer,7,96,test what were indians like 100 years ago,0,0,oos_test tell me the minimum i can pay on my utilities bill,1,8,test tell me fun science facts,9,126,test i want to hear my to do list read out loud,4,58,train where are you originally from before coming here,9,128,val please confirm that i have a reservation for march 1st at 7,3,32,test please abort the current task,10,145,train is it ok to feed dogs people food,0,0,oos_test how many pounds are in 10 kilos,7,100,test send a text message to alice,7,105,train could you use the female voice,10,144,test later gator!,9,129,train when can i expect my paycheck,8,111,test i wish to know my debit card's rewards balance,2,26,test skip over this song,4,56,train what can i ask you to accomplish,9,135,train "in cleveland, are there any good places that serve clams",3,41,test will my delta flight leave on time,6,79,train what is the easiest way to check my bank rewards card,2,26,train how do you describe yourself: as a computer or a human,9,133,test are there meeting rooms available between 10-11,8,118,train "my car battery is dead, what do i do now",5,75,train thank a bunch,9,130,test what's my reward balance on my amex card,2,26,train convert cm to inch,7,100,train what kinds of things are you familiar with,9,135,test play some rock,4,47,train whats the wait time for a replacement card,2,16,train what timezone is sweden in,6,81,train that seems true,10,139,train what are you called,9,127,train i want to pay my tax bill,1,5,train "i need to book a hotel in ny, queens arrive on 8th and leave on the 13th",6,88,train how much money do i bring in,8,113,train whats the next day that i am off,8,107,train thanks again!,9,130,train i don't know how to spell anethesia,7,102,train say something hilarious,9,132,train tell me about that kind of cameras,0,0,oos_test show me the best times to book flights for traveling to another country,0,0,oos_test can i call you arnold instead,10,148,test "i purchased new tires yesterday, should i buy new ones",5,74,train what benefits are provided by my insurance,8,109,train i need an uber to the movies for me and 5 other people,5,64,train roll dice please,7,104,train i need anniversary dinner added to my schedule for march 7,4,51,train do you have a pet,9,124,test how healthy is stax chips,3,36,train fill me in on the reviews for ruby tuesday,3,38,train how many miles will a gallon of gas take this car,5,69,train can you tell bob to get his dog via text,7,105,train do you know how i order more checks for my well's fargo account,1,11,test do you have a record of when i last got my car checked,5,72,val what rewards does my gold card get,2,26,train submit a request for pto for the dates may 5th to the 12th,8,116,train show me how to rent a car in las vegas,6,90,train what's the temperature outside,7,91,train when did i last take my car to the shop,5,72,test "yeah, that's right",10,139,train give me a run down of my meeting schedules for the day,8,110,train let's speak in mandarin instead of english,10,142,train what are some way s i can do to improe my credit score,2,19,train tell me what you do for fun,9,125,train is there a location i can schedule to check out my tires,5,67,train when do i need to pay the water bil,1,4,train how soon will you mail me a new card,2,16,train will you make sure robert has a reservation at ruth's steakhouse,3,32,train can you tell me how to jump a car,5,75,train whats going on with my day off request,8,106,train "i'd like to send a text to jack, say ""hi",7,105,test what's my credit limit,2,25,val "ai, what is my chase checking routing number",1,2,train "ai, please stop your current task",10,145,train "search for the nearest atm to newark penn station, newark in new jersey",5,71,train how much cash do i have in my bank accounts,1,12,test tell me who aphrodite is,0,0,oos_test what ingredients go in pizza,3,34,train what kind of insurance do i have,8,109,val what interest rate will i get from city national,1,7,train i want to know td banks interest rates,1,7,train is ice cream currently on my shopping list,4,54,train my bronze card is missing i would like to report it as lost,2,20,train can you do some research about the best places to travel,6,83,test could you send a text to bill saying no,7,105,test can you show me how to get more checkbooks by mail,1,11,train please change my name,10,147,train can you tell me what your refer to me as,10,137,train can i hear some music by cloud control,4,47,train tell me about the reviews for chilis,3,38,train how do i get downtown by foot,5,71,test what are the top rated local lawyers,0,0,oos_test what's the current location of my package,4,52,train set my alarm for six tomorrow morning,7,92,val tell me how handkerchief is spelled,7,102,train can you tell me my current interest rate,1,7,train what's the status of my medical leave,8,106,val milk should be added to my shopping list,4,59,test good day,9,131,train i lost my card and need to report it,2,20,test play ludacris hits,4,47,test do i need jumper cables for my dead car battery,5,75,val i want to hear the female voice option,10,144,train please remove lunch with sally that is on my calendar on tuesday the 8th,4,51,test are socket converters necessary in england,6,76,train tell me the full name of my health plan,8,109,test will you please end the connection to my phone,10,146,train is there a cheaper rate with another carrier for my mobile,0,0,oos_test include happy on my rb playlist,4,53,train hey how's life,9,131,train what sorts of things can i ask you about,9,135,train hello there!,9,131,train i need to know if i must have an international visa to go to france,6,80,train i want to add farm trip to my calendar for friday,4,51,train how do i make lemon merengue pie,3,37,train which pets do you own now,9,124,train i need to report my bent card,2,18,train take toilet paper off my shopping list,4,59,test how many onions do i have on hand,0,0,oos_val i want you to disconnect from my phone,10,146,train say again please,10,143,test what are the new player rankings for the nhl,0,0,oos_test do i have a monthly spending limit,2,25,test what time is it in london,7,103,train i need an uber to times square asap,5,64,train will someone please look at my check engine light that is on,5,67,test "at 4 tomorrow afternoon, remind me to start the oven",4,50,train can you let sam and woody know where i am,7,95,train tell me how the traffic is on rt 7 to the airport today,5,65,val i have a damaged card that needs replaced because my son dropped it in a blender,2,18,test "if something is 15% off $35, how much is it",7,98,test how high is my credit limit for my wells fargo card,2,25,train what are your interests,9,125,val "hey, anyone seen my w-2",8,117,train when is the date of expiration for my first bank card,2,17,test tell me my credit limit,2,25,test how do you say fast in spanish,6,78,test report fraudulent activity on my debit card,1,15,train what are some good mexican restaurants in indianapolis,3,41,val list out my shopping list for me,4,54,train i need you to book a reservation for 8 pm at red robin under the name kevin,3,39,train i got to know how long until the next day off,8,107,test that's not correct,10,141,test what are the rules for carry on luggage for delta,6,89,train add all my bills for this month and tell me the total,1,9,train what's on the reminder list,4,49,train when i should change oil,5,62,val factory settings restoration,10,149,val i need to know how much gas i have,5,68,train do you know any trivia about the ocean,9,126,train can i make a transfer between my accounts,1,10,test i want my savings account pin to be 1234 from now on,1,3,train send ally a text message the message is that i just landed,7,105,train i have a card that was lost i need to report,2,20,val i need to know the proper spelling of curiosity,7,102,test when's the electric bill due,1,4,train just shut up,10,145,train where should i book my next trip,6,83,train english to spanish for dog,6,78,test i need to get an appointment for car maintenance,5,67,val who is the one who programmed you,9,121,test let's start whispering,10,138,train how can i change information on my insurance policy,8,108,val i'd like to buy something,4,57,test share the nutrition info for pizza with me,3,36,train i need to know the routing number for my checking,1,2,train i need to pay the smallest amount on my phone bill,1,8,train can you tell me your place of origin,9,128,train how many holiday days do i have left to use,8,115,train remove my todo list,4,48,val how much can i max out on my visa,2,25,train help me learn something intriguing about turtles,9,126,train what activities do you enjoy,9,125,val can you tell me the purpose of a safe deposit box,0,0,oos_test convert 2 cups to liters,7,100,val please tell wanda where i am now,7,95,train will you roll a 12 sided dice,7,104,train i lost my amex and need to report it,2,20,train i say negative,10,141,train what steps should i take if i want to request vacation,8,116,train is kaya very busy at 5 pm,3,33,train i need to know how many vacation days i have used up please,8,120,train i'm really not sure,10,150,train what types of subjects do you know,9,135,train show me my ten most recent transactions on account xyz,1,14,test good night,9,129,train "hey, how do i call your attention",9,127,test please put in a vacation request,8,116,test please roll dice,7,104,train rock playlist please,4,47,train what's up with you,9,131,train please remind me to do this later,4,50,train will my fico score decrease if i increase my student loan debt,2,19,test when can i receive rewards on my visa card,2,26,train do you know whether ihop does reservations,3,45,train what is the highway mpg on this car,5,69,train set an alarm for me,7,92,test when do ribs expire,3,31,train tell me information about my income,8,113,train reserve a table for 6 at morton's under the name jaime at 8:30pm,3,39,train how soon is my next day off,8,107,train please show me how to apply for a visa card,2,29,train what is the total of my state taxes,8,112,test what are the ratings for yardhouse,3,38,val can you switch to the female voice,10,144,train read me my shopping list please,4,54,train connect to my phone for me,10,146,train does denver reside in the eastern timezones,6,81,test track my package,4,52,train what's the tire pressure of my tires,5,66,test can you find me a recipe for pie,3,37,train create an alarm for me,7,92,train tell me how to transfer my 401k,8,114,train how far has my application for the hsbc card gone till now,2,27,test for what reason did my card get declined,2,21,train will the bank charge transaction fees if i use my american card internationally,2,30,test remind me of what i asked you to remember,4,49,train when does this car need oil changes,5,62,test that's inaccurate,10,141,train what is my name saved as,10,137,train can you find me a rice recipe,3,37,test i need milk on my shopping list,4,59,test how does one say wonderful in german,6,78,test what is my limit on my visa card,2,25,train get me a flight booked from houston to phoenix with american airlines,6,87,train i'm in need of checks for bank of america,1,11,train the answer is false,10,141,train what's the minimum payment on my gas bill,1,8,train what is my citigroup card's rewards balance,2,26,train what kind of insurance plan am i in,8,109,test give my location to stan,7,95,val don't talk so slow,10,136,val can you list me tiger wood's stats,0,0,oos_train how do you convert millimeters to decimeters,7,100,train how much gas does this car use in the city,5,69,train how many pesos can i get for one dollar,6,82,train create a reminder to give the cat her flea medicine,4,50,train can i make reservations at applebee's or no,3,45,train i gotta set a timer,7,96,train what are some things you like doing,9,125,train so how many days did i take off sir,8,120,test from now on i'm going to call you ishmael,10,148,train what is the traffic like on the way to north shore,5,65,train how do you spend your spare time,9,125,train are you really real,9,133,test how many vacation days do i have saved,8,115,train can you use the whisper voice,10,138,train how long does bread last,3,31,train i need to know the name that you have for me,10,137,test "in brooklyn, i need a hotel room for 4 from 3/15 until 3/20",6,88,train i'm not sure,10,150,train how man z's are in zombie,7,102,train what is 100 multiplied by 55,7,98,test i need this song title,4,46,val find out for me why is my bank account frozen,1,6,train why is there a hold on my american saving bank account,1,6,train how long does it take to cook steaks,3,44,test remember to lock the doors,4,60,train any meetings on the schedule today,8,110,train does it take long to get to yankee stadium in the bronx,5,70,test what time is it right now at home,7,103,test please switch to whisper mode for now,10,138,train how's the real estate market doing this week,0,0,oos_test cancel that,10,145,train how good are the review for yardhouse,3,38,val who else commands you,9,123,train can you teach me to change my oil,5,63,val i need to hear how many points i've obtained on my capital one visa,2,26,train take grocery shopping off my todo list,4,48,test does my amex card use international transaction fees,2,30,train "sorry, i didn't catch that could you say it again",10,143,test can you tell me what the status of my last amazon order is,4,52,train what's the date on my last pay stub,8,111,test i'll be confirming my reservation for joseph at red lobster,3,32,test no that is wrong,10,141,train i would love an italian meal suggestion,3,40,train tell me what date it is please,7,93,train "how are you classified, as a human or a computer",9,133,train how would you say fly in italian,6,78,test who do you do task for,9,123,train what is the timezone for la,6,81,test what is my bank balance,1,12,train how long does pizza take,3,44,test are there any roundtrip flights from shanghai to seatac that depart on wednesday and return on the thirty first,6,87,test increase the volume level to 4,10,140,train your a bot aren't you,9,133,test create for me a pto request for march 16-21,8,116,train how long will i stand in line at carl jr's,3,33,train what is the highest belt in karate,0,0,oos_test what is my to-do list like today,4,58,test can you please reserve my uber to go to devon's seafood restaurant,5,64,train "what's the month, year, and day that my card expires",2,17,test can you tell me the latest georgia news,0,0,oos_val for what reason is my account blocked,1,6,train "on a flight with jin air to jeju, how many carry ons are allowed",6,89,train i'd like you to address me as lord snugglebottom,10,147,train does it take a long time to get to the airport in la,5,70,train create a portrait for me using post modern art,0,0,oos_test what do i need to do if i want to ask for vacation time,8,116,train i need your name,9,127,train how many days off did i use so far,8,120,train i need to be out of whisper mode,10,138,val "if a recipe calls for sour cream, can i use yogurt",3,43,train advise sam of my current location please,7,95,train someone stole my discover card,2,20,train i wanna try and confirm that i have a reservation at red robin for josh,3,32,train "yes, that's confirmed",10,139,train i have a fraudulent transaction from fry's on my account,1,15,train i cant remember when my bill is due,1,4,train if i travel to the uk do i need any shots,6,85,train is there a holiday this month,8,107,val when does this place let us have a holiday next,8,107,train give me a list of the biographies written by nyu professors after 2001,0,0,oos_test how is a vacation request made,8,116,test i need you to track my package,4,52,train am i your employer,9,123,train how is that credit limit,2,25,train please tell my location to bob,7,95,train will the money in my capital one account cover a new washing machine,1,12,train say what the meaning of life is,9,122,train i want to know my bill's minimum payment,1,8,train "can you connect to my phone, please",10,146,train put on an educational program about buddhism,0,0,oos_test calender says tomorrow is,7,93,train what's the fuel economy of my car,5,69,train that is correct,10,139,train does england have a different plug type and if so what is it,6,76,train "what's the point of life, anyways",9,122,train how low can i reduce my phone bill before paying,1,8,train call my bank and ask them why my account is frozen,1,6,test how much is on my paycheck this week,8,111,val do you want peanut butter for your lunches this week,4,54,train tell me amazon's choice for a set of 4 dinner plates,0,0,oos_test i want to get new insurance,8,108,val do you know my credit limit for the visa card,2,25,train tell the kids where i am,7,95,train rename yourself to betty,10,148,train what type of fuel is used for this vehicle,5,73,train what line is the gas tank at,5,68,train check and see what the local news in broadcasting,0,0,oos_test i want a meal from vietnam to be suggested to me,3,40,test what date do i have to pay my bill,1,4,train can you tell me the exchange rate for yen to euros,6,82,train how do i get to the closest starbucks,5,71,train i really want to pay my cable bill from my checking account,1,5,train i want to talk to sarah,7,97,train when is the next nintendo direct,0,0,oos_train can you tell me what a septuagenarian is,7,99,val do i have enough fuel to get to dollar tree,5,68,train see if there is a recipe to make a casserole without any dairy,0,0,oos_test i have a fraudulent transaction from red robin on my account,1,15,train what time is it right now in paris,7,103,train "i want the events on my calendar for march 20th, 2019 to be cleared",4,51,train give me prices on a copy of the mla grammar handbook,0,0,oos_test what does it mean to be an alpha male,0,0,oos_train howcan i locate my luggage,6,86,val can you text the sgt adam and tell them i found the missing girl,7,105,train how to spell: dessert,7,102,val can you just start calling me sir,10,147,train how is the word economy spelled,7,102,train when was my last maintenance on my car in the shop,5,72,train i need a table for 3 at olive garden for 7,3,39,test set a reminder to feed the dogs,4,50,train what should i take for nausea,0,0,oos_test what do you like to do during your leisure time,9,125,test how much is my kill bill bill for,1,9,val do i have enough fuel to get to tampa,5,68,train tell me the most recent charges on my chase credit card before i pay the bill,1,14,train what do my bills look like for amazon and netflix,1,9,val are there transaction fees for discover cards used in rome,2,30,test ran out of tissues and need you to put an order in for more asap,4,57,train i need to make a bill payment,1,5,train what is the time now,7,103,train where is a beef recipe,3,37,train can you tell me what the wait is like right now at cracker barrel,3,33,train what month does my card close,2,17,val make me a list of the top ten reviewed hiking boots on jetcom,0,0,oos_test why can't i use my money market account,1,6,test do i need an international visa to go to vietnam,6,80,train how much are taxes in my state,8,112,train my tires are how low on air,5,66,test my debit card was rejected at ella's and i want to know why,2,21,val find my next payday,8,111,train what's the name of the company that designed you,9,121,train how can i make my credit score better,2,19,train do i have to get a shot for travel to taiwan,6,85,val affirmative,10,139,test how many days off have i used,8,120,val let me know some things to do in phoenix,6,83,test how do i make tuna salad,3,37,train show me the recipe for broccoli cheddar soup,3,34,train how can i locate my credit score,2,28,test which company is responsible for your design,9,121,train play next song,4,56,test when will my visa next expire,2,17,train what are the hours for disney world,0,0,oos_test tell me a fact i may not know,9,126,train tell me how to check rewards for my mastercard,2,26,train later,9,129,test has the order that i placed arrived,4,52,train what do i do if i need my w2 for my my taxes,8,117,test what is happening in politicsu,0,0,oos_test i am going to speak english now,10,142,test i want you to reset to factory settings,10,149,val i wanna know the exchange rate between yen and dollars,6,82,train will i receive a fee if i use my card in ireland,2,30,train "now that i have a new job, i need getting my 401k rolled over",8,114,train when is the meeting with homer scheduled for,8,110,train can my credit limit on my discovery card go up,2,22,train can you help me pay a bill,1,5,train what's the minimum i owe on the car payment,1,8,train where did you originate from,9,128,train how many mpg does this get on the highway,5,69,train is my gas tank full,5,68,train what is the exact due date for my mortgage payment,1,4,train where am i currently located,5,61,test i need to schedule some car maintenance,5,67,train when does my amex expire,2,17,train i will know later,10,150,train when is my plane scheduled to land,6,79,train to vacation to tel aviv do i need a travel visa,6,80,train please book me a place to stay in phoenix from the 5th to the 9th of march,6,88,test what is the next thing i should do if i lost my luggage,6,86,test go forward one song,4,56,train tell my bank i will be in brazil from june 1st to july 1st,6,77,train search for the nearest expressway to the airport,5,71,train how much money have i recently spent on stuff,1,13,val do you know when my next check is coming,8,111,test tell me how far i am from home in time and miles,5,70,train go through my reminder list with me please,4,49,train i don't want my current pin for my wells account anymore,1,3,val how do i set up direct deposit for my old national account,8,119,val i would like for my phone to be synced with you,10,146,test can you help me with my 401k rollover since i got a new job,8,114,train tell me your date of birth,9,134,train whats the calorie content of oatmeal,3,35,train can you divide 100 by 20,7,98,val it is white colour,0,0,oos_test how do you make dumplings,3,37,val when will my eggs go bad,3,31,train did discover get my card application yet,2,27,train tell me the date 5 days from now,7,93,test can you give the definition of deiscretionary,7,99,train i need a pto request put in for the weekend of june 1st to june 2nd,8,116,train i want you to roll a 5 sided dice for me,7,104,val i would like to listen to a funny joke,9,132,train is there lettuce on my shopping list,4,54,val find engineering programs to apply to,0,0,oos_test i need my routing number,1,2,train what are the benefits associated with my insurance,8,109,test "for the dates april 1st to the 7th, find me round trip air tickets from la to sfo",6,87,train when was my last visit to the car shop,5,72,test i need to know how much i make at my job,8,113,train give me the details on my income,8,113,train "i need to make a quick decision, so roll a dice!",7,104,val i need this song on my meditation playlist,4,53,test give the dice a roll,7,104,train are you a person that's real,9,133,test tell my something funny,9,132,val "alexa, connect to the phone now",10,146,test please inform me what is showing on my calendar for the 17th of march,4,55,train "that's all, bye",9,129,train compose a text to mom i'll talk to you later,7,105,train where did you used to live,9,128,train true is my response,10,139,train how many vacation days did i use,8,120,train you must increase the volume to 4 please,10,140,train my credit card application has what status,2,27,train i need a hotel booked in denver near the museum from friday to saturday,6,88,train "can you cancel that request, please",10,145,test what's my boss' home address,0,0,oos_test go back to the original settings,10,149,train i ordered new sheets online when will they arrive,4,52,val please give me my current credit score,2,28,test i need to know when i should change my tires,5,74,test i'd like to report my card as stolen,2,20,train find a recipe for baked ziti,3,37,test i need an uber to the sears tower,5,64,train i disagree that is false,10,141,train what amount of money do i earn,8,113,test how much mpg do i have,5,69,train i have detected fraudulent activity on my account,1,15,train when did i take my car to paul's auto last,5,72,train i wanna know my credit score,2,28,train i enjoyed speaking with you,9,129,val how high is my credit limit for my citigroup card,2,25,train are there any transaction fees associated with my navy federal card if i am in germany,2,30,train i want to know if i will be safe if i travel to europe,6,84,test who is the boss of you,9,123,train can i get a sear's appliance repairman,0,0,oos_test use my capital one account to pay for my gas bill,1,5,train what is the answer to the meaning of life,9,122,train does someone else control you,9,123,test what steps do i need to follow to jump start my car,5,75,test put a hault on my savings account,1,1,train heard any good jokes,9,132,test your answer pleased me,9,130,train how long do we have to wait at the restaurant,3,33,val what is 10000 divided by 20,7,98,train text mom saying happy birthday,7,105,val i would like to switch my insurance plan,8,108,train what should i do if my car battery dies,5,75,train will jet blue allow more than one carry on,6,89,val please add this song to my morning job playlist,4,53,val does cielo have good reviews,3,38,test do you know you are not human,9,133,train has my vacation been approved,8,106,train how long can i go before i need to change my tires,5,74,train how much time do i have for vacation saved,8,115,train when should i remove my snow tires,0,0,oos_test would you let me know how low the air in my tires are,5,66,train make a chart of the different types of whales,0,0,oos_test what are my health insurance benefits,8,109,test what is an 18 percent tip on 20 dollars,7,98,train help me find my luggage,6,86,train what is the shipping status of my replacement card,2,16,test what's the time zone in miami,6,81,train what's my tires' air pressure,5,66,train i just changed jobs and need help with my 401k rollover,8,114,train do you have any pets and what kind,9,124,test you know procedure to cook apple pie,3,37,train what do i need to make chicken salad,3,34,train go back to the default settings please,10,149,test define discontent,7,99,test what kind of pto do i have left,8,120,train what's my current limit on my mastercard,2,25,train can you help me figure out the process of rolling over a 401k,8,114,train i need to submit a request for pto for june 12th to june 14th,8,116,train provide me with ideas of things we can do in charlotte,6,83,train do i have soda on my shopping list if not please add it,4,59,val set an alarm to wake me up at 5:30am,7,92,test could you please get out of whisper mode,10,138,train "please, no",10,141,train what do you know,9,135,train how come my card was declined at rosses,2,21,train i would like to apply for a new card,2,29,train how do i modify my insurance policy,8,108,train figure out my reward points for discovery card,2,26,train how much snow will we be getting tomorrow,7,91,train can you send a text for me,7,105,train where to go to get dead car battery tested,5,75,train are androids expensive,0,0,oos_val give me instructions for changing the oil in a 2015 passat,5,63,train where on the cheerios box are the nutrition facts,3,36,train please tell me the name that you have for me,10,137,test i want to change my bank of america account pin number,1,3,val remove all items from todo list,4,48,train i will be visiting america so i will need to let me bank know i will be gone from april to may,6,77,val are there any good restaurants in nyc that serve barbecue,3,41,train find instructions on how to change my oil,5,63,train how old are you now,9,134,train how much does it cost to spay a puppy,0,0,oos_test please speak a bit faster,10,136,test has the ice made traffic messy on the way to walmart,5,65,train please reminder for car meet,4,50,train what insurance do i have,8,109,val i need to remove fishing from my calendar for soccer,4,51,train would it be possible to replace the salt with baking soda,3,43,train why was my credit card not accepted,2,21,val what is the nutrition information for shrimp scampi,3,36,val what are some of your hobbies,9,125,test is it likely my credit card application has processed yet,2,27,train what is my income this year,8,113,test i'm traveling to sweden soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train please call gusto handcrafted pasta & pizza and ask them about the status of my reservation for 6:30 pm,3,32,val what are the thing i told you to help me remember,4,49,train add a reminder to pick milk up at the store,4,50,train how can you help me,9,135,test text dan and tell him to go home,7,105,test do you know what song is playing on the speaker,4,46,test can you please read me the routing number to pnc,1,2,test how much time will pass between the start and end of our sojourn by bus to detroit,5,70,train where were you given birth,9,128,train how is my name listed,10,137,train can i get my w2 online,8,117,train get me italian cuisine dinner suggestions,3,40,train when does my discover card expire,2,17,train what month and year will my visa card expire,2,17,train take lunch off my calendar on the 3rd,4,51,train which countries require vaccinations before entering for travel,6,85,train is everything ok today,9,131,test i am trying to find out when is the next payday,8,111,val set a 5 minute timer,7,96,test how do i say thank you in japanese,6,78,train what benefits does my health coverage give me,8,109,train place a stop on my bank account,1,1,train what's 47 times 83,7,98,test i am ready now to use some of the credit card points i have saved,2,24,train how many rewards points do i have for my mastercard,2,26,train tell me what my name is,10,137,val what's the most i can charge on my card,2,25,test i don't know how to spell malfeasance,7,102,train what's the count of vacation days i have left,8,115,train i need to get a hotel in phoenix near chase field from january 4th to the 8th,6,88,test can you assist me with reporting that the atm nicked my card,2,18,train what is the mpg for this car in city,5,69,train how many days off have i had this year,8,120,train thanks for helping me out today,9,130,val please call an uber for 6 people to go to amazon's southside warehouse,5,64,test text william and ask him to pick up organic apples tonight,7,105,train go ahead and book a reservation for 8 pm at red robin under the name kevin,3,39,train do you know where you were born,9,128,train describe who it is you work for,9,123,train is there a way to alter my insurance policy,8,108,test how do i report fraud on my discover card,1,15,train tell me what my state taxes are,8,112,train stop what you're doing,10,145,test i want to know how busy ruby tuesday will be at around 8:45 pm,3,33,train i need a dice roll for a six sided die,7,104,test how many calories are there in a scoop of chocolate ice cream,3,35,train how do you spell umbrella,7,102,val have they approved my vacation request yet,8,106,train i wanna buy a pair of shoes online now,4,57,train what day is the next holiday,8,107,val help me switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,train how long has it been since my car was in the shop,5,72,train where in the world is there a travel alert,6,84,train "yes, that's affirmative",10,139,train what do i have planned for 3/5,4,55,test can you show me transactions related to utilities,1,14,train "yeah that's right, so true",10,139,train stop this process,10,145,test am i allowed carry ons for my flight with westjet to edmonton,6,89,train how do i check my rewards for my gold card,2,26,train describe your types of pets,9,124,train is there much traffic between here and work right now,5,65,val please tell me the location of the nearest target store,5,71,train on the speaker what song is playing,4,46,test change the pin on my capital one account to be 1234,1,3,train whats on my list for shopping,4,54,train what was my health plan again,8,109,train and what would your name be,9,127,train what are united's carry-on rules,6,89,val show me the most popular nonfiction book currently on the market,0,0,oos_test speed your speech up,10,136,val i was buying qtips today at walmart and my card got declined,2,21,train do you know if my 401k is able to be rolled over,8,114,train tell me all about the meaning of life,9,122,val the staff meeting on march 1 at 10:00 am needs to be added to my calendar,4,51,train what is 400 times 2,7,98,test find me examples of post modern art,0,0,oos_test "could you play the next song on this playlist, please",4,56,train show me the new york times most popular book list for this week,0,0,oos_test i need to know the amounts due for my utilities and cable bills,1,9,train where are the good thai restaurants in atlanta,3,41,train please find out how many days off i have used by this point,8,120,train who controls you,9,123,test can you do algebra,7,98,train what amendment guarantees the freedom of speech to americans,0,0,oos_test who is your originator,9,121,train i want to hear from you in german,10,142,train what's the time frame for hamburger stored in the freezer to go bad,3,31,train what country were you born in,9,128,train i wanna know who programmed you,9,121,test inform me of my current credit rating,2,28,train is there anything fun to do in berlin,6,83,train is there an alternate bus stop close to my home i can use,0,0,oos_test help me roll a dice,7,104,train what's the deal with my bank account being locked,1,6,train i'd like to set up direct deposit,8,119,test is there really a meaning of life,9,122,train am i able to put in a pto request for may 6 to may 18,8,116,val transfer four and sixty seven dollars from bank of oklahoma checking to security bank account,1,10,test get rid of my 4 pm reservation at the steakhouse please,3,42,train i call tails for a coin flip you need to do right now,7,101,train what act score is considered good,0,0,oos_val i would like to know how many points have i earned with my credit card,2,26,test what is the timezone of saigon,6,81,val what's a good hotel to stay at in chicago,6,88,train what things are you able to help me with,9,135,test how do i change the speed of my ai's voice,10,136,train my bags did not arrive here at smf,6,86,train is there an internet outage in my area,0,0,oos_test tell me what my shopping list consists of,4,54,train list happy on my rb playlist,4,53,train how many miles do i drive before i have to get new tires i replaced them four years ago,5,74,train i like to be called mikey,10,147,train how much did i spend on gear two weeks ago,1,13,train have any cool facts on reptiles,9,126,train share the nutrition info for cake with me,3,36,train where is the closest driving range,0,0,oos_test is it possible to book a meeting room between 10 and 11,8,118,train how much time left to pay my bill,1,4,train what is the definition of zesty,7,99,train what is the average wait time to be seated for dinner at rouge,3,33,val please tell me when my flight will land,6,79,train is my package able to be tracked by you,4,52,train either of them could be i'm not sure,10,150,val when did i last get my car tuned up,5,72,train tell me whether i can put a pto request in for may 10 to may 15,8,116,val add jake's birthday party for friday at 5,4,51,train how do i go about getting direct deposit in my usaa account,8,119,val how much do i owe the irs,8,112,test so how many days did i take off,8,120,test how much is 100 dollars in euros,6,82,val "what is tomorrow's date, please",7,93,train will i need a plug converter for my electronics in amman,6,76,train what is our purpose,9,122,val help me pay my electric bill,1,5,train "if i take the bus, how long will it take to get to dubrovnik",5,70,train when is the best time for my next oil change,5,62,train what is the minimum i can pay for my light bill,1,8,train read me my reminders list,4,49,train am i good to eat this burger from the fridge that i got two mondays ago,3,31,train what is the total amount of my starbucks rewards balance,2,26,train will i get charged extra if i use my card while in italy,2,30,train i go by ted,10,147,train what is 10 to the 12th power,7,98,train what do i need to do to change my abc bank account pin number,1,3,train do you know if it is possible to close my savings account,0,0,oos_test tata for now,9,129,train what's something interesting to do kentucky,6,83,train do i have to pay international transaction fees when i use my chase card,2,30,train "on my vacation request, what is the latest information",8,106,train any hobbies,9,125,train i need to know how many days i toof off,8,120,test what's the cheapest fares from lax to sfo for round trip flights leaving april 1st and returning april 7th,6,87,train my shopping list contains what again,4,54,train i want to know what my recent transaction was,1,14,test how do i get the form to file my taxes from my employer,8,117,test please look up my card's expiration date,2,17,train what is the calorie content of a scoop of chocolate ice cream,3,35,train is it okay to listen to elvis' music,4,47,train i'd like to add pancake mix to my shopping list if it's not already there,4,59,test i want my phone to be disconnected from you,10,146,test i gotta know your hobbies,9,125,train tell me the calorie content of frosted flakes,3,35,val i want to hear anything you have that's funny,9,132,val "a pleasure as always to speak with you, bye",9,129,val i need to change my pin number for my savings account,1,3,train it is okay to replace water instead of milk,3,43,train give my gps location to jason,7,95,val can you assist me in locating my phone,7,94,train pay the red cross the monthly donation,1,5,train show me the transaction on mcdonald,1,14,train how many reward points have stacked up for my amex card,2,26,train purchase all the things on my shopping list,4,57,train oh shut the hell up would you,10,145,train what trees change color in autumn,0,0,oos_train how many gallons do i have left,5,68,train possibly either one,10,150,val i want you to cancel my reservation for 5 at red robin,3,42,test what's the usual time for tuna casserole,3,44,train are you able to switch butter and oil,3,43,val i think not,10,141,train are there any negative reviews for wendy's,3,38,train i'd like to set up a direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train how much have i spent on alcohol recently,1,13,train can i put in a pto request for january 4th to january 9th,8,116,test "could you find my location on the map, please",5,61,train add baby shark to my kid playlist,4,53,train what's 11 yen in pounds,6,82,train what is 89 divided by 3,7,98,val can you provide me the calories in the smoothie,3,35,train how much sugar was in my urine this morning,0,0,oos_test i need to transfer my 401 k,8,114,train place an order for bread,4,57,val tell me what is on my calendar for may 3,4,55,train how can i have my paycheck directly deposited in my account,8,119,train schedule an oil change for me,5,67,train "i need to increase my credit limit for my visa credit card, can you assist me",2,22,train tell me how to say hello in spanish,6,78,train is there a list of recommended shots to get before travelling to kenya,6,85,train how many ounces are in 4 pounds,7,100,test i need to know chase banks routing #,1,2,train "on pets, what kind do you have",9,124,train do you know when the best time for me to change my tires next would be,5,74,val someone used my chase card without my authorization,2,20,test when will i get my replacement card,2,16,val text steve and tell him i am running late,7,105,test is there an easy way to change feet into inches,7,100,train please identify the song we're currently listening to,4,46,test could i please change your name to alicia,10,148,train do you know any dad jokes,9,132,test tell base camp my gps coordinates,7,95,train is there a spending limit,2,25,test can you auto-pilot the car,0,0,oos_test "i want to hear the song that has, ""baby shark, doo doo",4,47,train i need my luggage that your airline lost it was flight abc123 and now it’s suddenly missing,6,86,train when is the next full moon,0,0,oos_test how healthy are apples,3,36,train i want to hear a joke about elephants,9,132,test how many days old are you,9,134,train ai please repeat,10,143,train i was at safeway trying to buy groceries and my card got declined,2,21,train how long ago did my car get looked at,5,72,train "if i bought new tires on may 27th, should i still need new ones",5,74,train i need to know if my capital one credit card have international transaction fees,2,30,val order more checks for my first bank checking account,1,11,train can you translate i love you into french for me,6,78,train could you play the next song on this playlist,4,56,train do you know recipe for making apple pie,3,37,train would you reset your factory settings,10,149,train is it true that nicotine is harder to kick than heroin,0,0,oos_val do you know any jokes,9,132,test can you play music by the beatles,4,47,val let me see the nutrition content of the chicken tacos,3,36,train "if going to lake placid, ny, how long would it be by bus",5,70,val where can i locate my w-2 form,8,117,train the apr on my visa card is what,2,23,train are there meetings from 1 to 5 pm,8,110,test what is the time frame to get a new card mailed to me,2,16,train how long's it take to get to the panera downtown,5,70,train set an alarm to go to sleep and another to wake up,7,92,train how do i set up direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train oil type and do it yourself oil change information please,5,63,test does france have any current travel alerts,6,84,train what ingredients are in mashed potatoes,3,34,train does germany have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train the timer is calculated for 10 minutes,7,96,val apples expire in how long,3,31,train miami time zone is what,6,81,train do you remember when i last changed my oil,5,72,train can i get to work on my fuel tank,5,68,test i need a pasta recipe,3,37,test what's the prep and cooking time on pizza dough,3,44,train what's my visa cards balance for rewards,2,26,val how many miles per gallon does it get on the highway,5,69,train hell if i know,10,150,train "in six days, what will it be",7,93,train my damage card will not work,2,18,train what do you like to do for fun,9,125,train "i will be traveling to rome from february 1 to march 1, please make this aware to my bank",6,77,train please let my bank know that i will be visiting spain from june 12th to the 24th,6,77,test will you please go on amazon so i can buy speakers,4,57,test how can i use you,9,135,train tell me a fun fact about the moon landing,9,126,val what date will it be 6 days from now,7,93,val please help me figure out where my lost phone is,7,94,train place call to robby,7,97,train change the name of your system,10,148,train "can you suggest a french restaurant, please",3,41,test is autism a genetic disease,0,0,oos_val can you tell me the location of the nearest bank,5,71,train are my tires due to be changed,5,74,train what kind of things can i ask the ai,9,135,val can you colorize a black and white photo,0,0,oos_test can you find my package,4,52,train pull up my calendar and tell me what i have scheduled for march 30,4,55,train what time is it in the central timezone,7,103,test talk to you later!,9,129,train so what kind of gas does my car need,5,73,train please tell me my spending limit,2,25,train what's the weather like today,7,91,test please tell me a recipe for this meal,3,37,test give me the location for the nearest bank,5,71,train i want to restore your factory settings,10,149,val how long do i cook this for,3,44,test can you tell me all the reminders i have set on my reminder list,4,49,train please remove your connection to my phone,10,146,train help increasing credit on discover card,2,22,train does ihop have good reviews,3,38,train research how many deaths has resulted from skydiving,0,0,oos_test my phone isn't where i left it,7,94,test how much are my electric and heating bills,1,9,train suggest a meal from italy to me,3,40,train whisper to me,10,138,val "great chat, talk to you later",9,129,train i need an alarm,7,92,test please start whisper mode,10,138,test i would like to replace the pin number for my retirement account,1,3,train the reservation i created is not necessary anymore,3,42,train would you tell me about my income,8,113,train i feel like it is time for me to sign up for a new credit card,2,29,train what's a good french meal,3,40,train send money to another account,1,10,train i need to know somthing funny,9,132,train i want today's fun fact please,9,126,test i was on delta flight ab123 out of new york and haven't been able to locate my luggage,6,86,train do they use any special type of plug in spain that you need a converter for,6,76,train can you tell me the next holiday,8,107,train exchange rate between mexico and us,6,82,train i want to explore a new place but don't know where i should go do you have any ideas,6,83,test what's the average cooking time for cooking wings,3,44,test what game has the best odds at a casino,0,0,oos_val what foods do i buy to put into a korean dinner,3,34,train you can call me al,10,147,train i do not know the answer to that,10,150,val add games without frontiers to my week 5 playlist,4,53,val what's the latest joke you've heard,9,132,train adjust your language setting to english,10,142,train please confirm i have a reservation for 2 pm on february 21st,3,32,train see how many days i've taken off so far,8,120,test i am bored and need new dinner recommendations,3,40,val for this car what kind of fuel does it take,5,73,test can you talk in spanish,10,142,train what do you feel like doing,9,131,train my name is steve,10,147,train you work for someone else or no,9,123,train do you have anything funny to tell me,9,132,train is there any rain in the next 3 days,7,91,train can you provide me my credit score,2,28,train what is the current time in istanbul,7,103,train repeat your last message,10,143,train i want to hear pop music,4,47,train what is the meaning of hyperactive,7,99,train "in 4 days, what date will it be",7,93,val "change my credit limit, please",2,22,train how long do i cook this dish of rice,3,44,train how many rewards do i now have on my hy-vee card,2,26,train speak faster,10,136,train what is the meaning of supercede,7,99,train please let me know why my card was declined yesterday,2,21,train can i redeem my points on gas,2,24,test what should i put on the timer to cook this dish,3,44,train can you tell me the ratings for yardhouse,3,38,val i have to know what the traffic typically like at 3:30 on the route to phoenix,5,65,train where is my current location,5,61,test how many voicemail messages do i have,0,0,oos_test i don't need my reservation for 5 at the loft please cancel it,3,42,val can you recommend for me a dish from ethiopia,3,40,train play heart shaped box,4,47,train what color is water,0,0,oos_test tell me where to go to get my son enrolled in public kindergarten,0,0,oos_test speak mandarin,10,142,val go back the the settings you had originally,10,149,train can you tell me the most interesting fact about resistors,9,126,train set the volume at 4 for me please,10,140,train is make a hair appointment on my todo list right now,4,58,test "if i wanted to spend the lowest for my electric bill, then how much would it be",1,8,test the dice need to be rolled,7,104,train when is my next day off,8,107,train tell me if you can help pay a bill,1,5,val recommendations for good thai restaurants in las vegas,3,41,train "i lost my card, what do i do next",2,20,test i'd like you to speak a bit slower,10,136,train if i am going to the uk are any specific shots needed,6,85,train have i been spending a lot on take out lately,1,13,train can i call you lucy from now on,10,148,train i need a hotel room that can host 5 people from tomorrow to saturday in denver,6,88,train i need you to buy a laptop,4,57,train are there any new harmful things that could affect my credit score,2,19,train are more than one carry on allowed at klm,6,89,val what is it like the temperature at ac,4,60,test direct me to the application for a new credit card,2,29,train "i need a reservation for one at applebee's, four in the afternoon on march 3rd",3,39,train how many calories would i estimate for fettuccine alfredo,3,35,train i want to know the apr on my capital one card,2,23,val what is the current status of my vacation request,8,106,train what should i do for fun in tokyo,6,83,train i need some directions to phoenix,5,71,test tell my bank that i will be taveling to south korea,6,77,train change your language prefrences japanese,10,142,train "if i go to olive garden at 4 pm, how busy will it be",3,33,train how does cybersecurity work,0,0,oos_val tell me how to spell doctor,7,102,val my card is not working and i need to let them know,2,18,train what in the world is my credit rating,2,28,train do you consider yourself a bot,9,133,train what supplies do i need to clean my car,0,0,oos_test what is the best product for removing soap scum,0,0,oos_test do you know how much i have in checking,1,12,train stop all access to my account,1,1,test i got to report fraudulent activity on my credit card,1,15,train please initiate a phone call to my boss,7,97,val i shall switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,train will an oil change be on my to-do list tomorrow,4,58,train please let me know how long it'll be until i reach the sky harbor airport,5,70,train how much time do i have before my credit card expires,2,17,train suggest something for me to make myself for dinner,3,40,train "in french, how do i say, see you later",6,78,val can you speak more slowly,10,136,val go forward to the next song on the playlist,4,56,train can you cancel,10,145,train can you find a hearty lasagna recipe,3,37,train what sort of animals are your pets,9,124,train how much is my current cable bill for,1,9,train it is time to say goodbye,9,129,train can you confirm my reservation for 8 pm on the 7th of november,3,32,train how long can i keep deer meat in the freezer before it's unedible,3,31,train i want to make pork barbque but do no know how,3,37,val do you remember my name,10,137,train that would be great,10,139,train how long does it take to get to red robin on phoenix,5,70,train set a reminder for when the turkey is finished cooking,4,50,test when do i have to pay my water bill by,1,4,train current location please,5,61,test let my bank know that i am going to tokyo,6,77,val ai stop talking,10,145,train how old would you be,9,134,test i want to hear something funny about politicsi,9,132,test where can i find my w2,8,117,train please tell me how to change the oil in my car,5,63,train "ai, what is the routing number for my citibank savings account",1,2,train i was wondering about the vacation time you said you'll approve,8,106,val how is it possible that my account has been frozen,1,6,train would you let me know the carry-on restrictions for american airlines,6,89,train please tell me my present gps coordinates,5,61,train who are they that you work for,9,123,train how can i make changes for my insurance policy,8,108,val my card is ruined and isn't working,2,18,val notify my bank i'll be in rome from the 1st to the 17th,6,77,train i would like the interest rate for my savings account,1,7,test do i have enough gas in my car to make it to dallas,5,68,test can you tell me how to make a vacation request,8,116,train what time is this flight supposed to land,6,79,train how much am i paid a year,8,113,test what's the right way to spell indict,7,102,train what is the duration of time cookies should be in the oven,3,44,train how does my name appear,10,137,val how many psi's are my tires at the moment,5,66,train they sold out of tacos at the buffet,3,38,test what are the manufacturers guidance on oil changes,5,62,test tell me about the chase credit card application process,2,29,val can you let michael and julie know my location,7,95,test i gotta know when my flight will land,6,79,train does the shopping list have apples on it,4,54,test wake me up at noon tomorrow,7,92,train what is money used for,0,0,oos_test are any meetings booked for today,8,110,train let randy and travis know where i'm at,7,95,train start speaking in a male british voice,10,144,train what's the ultimate day for me to pay the internet bill,1,4,test change to normal vocals mode,10,138,train i'll use what ingredients for lasagna,3,34,val i have to report fraudulent activity on my bank of the west card,1,15,test can my credit limit be increased to $1000,2,22,test "ai, what is your name",9,127,test can you switch to female voice,10,144,train i shall know how low are my tires on air,5,66,test please respond to me when i reference skynet,10,148,train can you suggest a meal from ireland for me,3,40,train tell my bank i will be travelling to the caribbean,6,77,train what's your hobbies,9,125,train how many tablespoons are in three cups,7,100,train what is 5 in yen and rubles,6,82,train is my schedule clear with no meetings with dan today,8,110,val which type of gas do i need to put in my car,5,73,train should i get shots if i'm going to go to thailand,6,85,val how much is alorie intake,3,35,test check how many days off i've taken,8,120,test remind me to buy bread next time i go shopping,4,59,train "text chrissy, i'm on my way",7,105,test what kind of fuel does my vehicle run on,5,73,train what is my current gas level,5,68,train tell me about my health benefits,8,109,test please move $100 from my checking to saving account,1,10,test can you roll a 10 sided die,7,104,train i cracked my card and need a replacement,2,18,train can you translate that to french,10,142,train order an amazon gift card from amazon in the amount of twenty dollars,4,57,val "tell me the date, please",7,93,test set up a reminder to mail a check tommorow,4,50,train i want to hear about your pets,9,124,train i need to put a freeze on my banking account,1,1,train please transfer $s from saving to checking,1,10,train i would like you to give me a suggestion for a mexican meal,3,40,val can you share my location with my girlfriends,7,95,train how can i increase my aa credit card limit,2,22,train are there any sales on groceries today,0,0,oos_test always nice to talk to you,9,129,train text josh and tell him i need a delivery,7,105,train i need to know your age,9,134,test how long have you been around,9,134,train what do i need to do for my mastercard rewards,2,24,train can you help me figure out my pin number for my visa account,1,3,val how come a hold was placed on my 401k account,1,6,train i'd like to roll a dice and get the result,7,104,train "when should i replace my tires next, if i replaced them on january 15, 2018",5,74,train tell me what kinds of pets you have,9,124,train book a reservation for 8 pm at red robin under the name kevin,3,39,train are you a pet owner what kind,9,124,test explain to me the trivia on twilight,9,126,train do you have any suggestions for a meal from australia,3,40,train "i am now out of checks, how do i order new ones",1,11,val current weather,7,91,test when is my at&t bill due,1,4,train how long does it take to make mashed potatoes,3,44,test make your name jake,10,148,val does this car take regular or diesel fuel,5,73,val can i find out my checking interest rate online,1,7,train take bread off my shopping list and add milk,4,59,train my card is scuffed up and won't work,2,18,val who is your superior,9,123,val would you tell me how old you are,9,134,test tell me a joke about cars,9,132,train is the traffic backed up at the closest circle k,5,65,train how many tablespoons and teaspoons is one cup,7,100,train i want to be reminded to pay the electric bill,4,50,test how can i rent a ride in alaska from march 5th to march 18th,6,90,val put a hundred dollars in my ally account from bluebird,1,10,train put we are the champions to my running playlist,4,53,val do people like the food at wendy's,3,38,train i would like to change your name to eli,10,148,train how many years ago was al born,9,134,train tell my bank's fraud department i'm going to mexico,6,77,test what is the interest rate on my scotiabank account,1,7,train has flight dl123 landed,6,79,test "awesome, thanks",9,130,train dial steven,7,97,train what is there to do in evans,6,83,train i need for you to play my maroon 5 playlist,4,47,train i wanna learn a phrase in russian,6,78,train when's the next time my job'll give me a day to myself,8,107,train does ireland require an international visa,6,80,train book a reservation for 4 at outback steakhouse under the name dave,3,39,train what status is my card application in,2,27,train what date does my apple juice expire,3,31,train can you tell me the minimum amount due on my visa this month,1,8,train please give me a rundown of my reminder list,4,49,train can you switch me to a new insurance plan,8,108,train what kind of credit card apr do i get,2,23,test let me thank you,9,130,train "can you tell me, what is the meaning of life",9,122,val transfer 100 dollars between checking and savings,1,10,train when is my car's next oil change supposed to be,5,62,test tell me why my card didn't work yesterday,2,21,train i want a bmw suv for march 2 to 6th in dallas,6,90,train is there any transaction fees on my citibank card if used in spain,2,30,train i need a 7 minute timer,7,96,train how is doctor spelled,7,102,val where's my phone at,7,94,test i want to learn how to change the oil in my car,5,63,train when will lettuce in the fridge go bad,3,31,train have there been any travel alerts issued for france,6,84,train look up how high my visa limit is,2,25,test "i can't hear you, stop whispering!",10,138,train i think that's false,10,141,train are my doors locked right now,4,60,train whats 5 feet in inches,7,100,train clear my calendar for the date of june 23,4,51,train am i running low on gas,5,68,train put together a list of instructions for me on how to change the oil in my car,5,63,test is it possible to cancel the reservation at outback for the johnsons,3,42,train so my card was declined at fry's and i wanna know why,2,21,train what is the way to jump start my car,5,75,train i need to find somewhere to check my tires out,5,67,train what's a good recipe for chicken divan,3,37,train i wanna know how many pounds are in 10 kilos,7,100,test are my tires full or low,5,66,train tell me what i had wanted to remember earlier,4,49,train what does subway use to make a cold cut combo,3,34,train is it possible to increase the credit limit on my mastercard,2,22,train repeat what the weather will be like,1,10,test do you know why i can't log into my bank account,1,6,train do i have meetings from 1 to 4 today,8,110,train is it alright with you if i call you scarlet,10,148,train let me know when my credit card expire,2,17,test what meetings do i have today between noon and one,8,110,train i want my schedule for march 2,4,55,train hey what do i do to apply for a visa card,2,29,train i do not have flour so will you order me some more,4,57,train find something fun for me to do in dallas,6,83,train can you search for the best new york style cheesecake recipes please,3,37,train what's the tire pressure of my car,5,66,train where did you grow up,9,134,train "i need to get new insurance, how do i do it",8,108,train i need to get my tired checked at one of the location,5,67,train nada,10,141,train what timezone is dallas in,6,81,train what's my visa limit,2,25,train please change your response language to english,10,142,val what's the recipe for rice noodles,3,37,train slow your speech,10,136,train i need an uber to class tonight on the mainline campus,5,64,train what kind of traffic is there at 9:00 on the route to detroit,5,65,test what kind of indian would you recommend,3,40,test "where am i right now, location wise",5,61,train how do i direct deposit my paycheck,8,119,train any idea as to if taco bell takes reservations,3,45,test later!,9,129,train should i get any vaccines before going over to the uk,6,85,train what is the remainder of my starbucks rewards balance,2,26,train "please add to my calendar for the staff meeting that is scheduled on march 1, 2019 at 10 am",4,51,train my card is too scratched and won't read correctly,2,18,train why did my card not get accepted there,2,21,train is there a reason that my bank account has a freeze on it,1,6,train how healthy is mcdonalds,3,36,test i call tails and you call heads on this coin flip i need you to do,7,101,val whats the reward balance for my visa,2,26,val speak up,10,140,test i need to know the items on my shopping list,4,54,train how do i order some checkbooks for my chase account,1,11,test turn on the whisper voice,10,138,train tell me the steps to getting my credit score,2,28,train i am needing to get a flight out of el paso to dallas on march 10 for under $300,6,87,train go to the female voice,10,144,train how can i track the progress of my credit card application,2,27,train on the shopping list did i put tomato,4,54,train i can't hear you and need you to turn up the volume,10,140,test please tell me the status of the government shutdown,0,0,oos_test do you know london's timezone,6,81,val "where can i get the form i need to do my taxes, please",8,117,train what activities can i to do outside today,0,0,oos_test what time is my plane supposed to arrive,6,79,train remind me to set the meat out to defrost,4,50,train i am stranded and need uber,5,64,train tell me what is owed for my water and gas bills,1,9,train are reservations taken at redrobin,3,45,train skip to the next song,4,56,train what is the interest rate at pnc,1,7,val what's the pin number for my checking account,1,3,test how long should i cook the steak for,3,44,train has the discover card approved my app,2,27,train when's the next movie starring thor set to come out,0,0,oos_train can you help me find my w-2,8,117,train "if i leave now, how long will it take me to drive to cape hatteras",5,70,train please switch $s checking to mortage,1,10,train repeat the question,10,143,train let me know how old you are,9,134,train how healthy is salad,3,36,val i need an algorithm to give me the result of rolling one twelve sided die,7,104,train can you fast forward to the next song,4,56,train what is the core meaning of life,9,122,test what is the proper cooking time for this,3,44,test what are the recommended shots to get before i travel to england,6,85,train "if i go to uganda, do i need an international visa",6,80,val can you find my credit score,2,28,train how do you spell syzygy,7,102,train how much are the clorox detergents,0,0,oos_test hello how's it going,9,131,train i am obliged to report my stolen card,2,20,train can i expect chili's to be busy at 4:30,3,33,train how long does it take to make lasagna,3,44,train i broke my card scraping snow off the windshield,2,18,val please book a reservation for 8 pm at red robin under the name kevin,3,39,train how would i change from centimeters to inches,7,100,test how many points are on my speedway card right now,2,26,train change audio settings to the whisper option,10,138,test "i can't find my mastercard and i want to report it as lost, please",2,20,train i would like to change the name on my first bankcard account,1,3,test how long does it take to get a divorce finalized,0,0,oos_test pay my con edison bill using my capital one account,1,5,test i just used my final check order more,1,11,val i would like to know the name you have for me,10,137,test how long does it take for a credit card to be reissued and mailed to me,2,16,test has may supervisor approved the vacation days i asked for,8,106,train what location were you born,9,128,test i need a thai food suggestion,3,40,test how do i change the name you came with to something else,10,148,train i'd like to confirm the josh reservation at moe's,3,32,test how do i get to the grocery store by bus,5,71,val what's my credit limit for my visa card,2,25,val call the card company and ask them to replace my card,2,18,train how is the traffic at the nearest wal-mart pharmacy,5,65,train tell me what's in tacos,3,34,test i'd like to find some curtains that look good in this room,0,0,oos_test how many of my off days have i run through for the year thus far,8,120,val change to a male british accent,10,144,train please stop doing that,10,145,train add do laundry to my to do list,4,48,train how much money did i spend yesterday,1,13,train get my entire shopping list ordered,4,57,train am i required to get a vaccine for this trip,6,85,train who is your maker,9,121,test how much traffic is there before the stadium,5,65,train can you group my photos by location,0,0,oos_test "hi, ai",9,131,val i'm vacationing in israel will i need a visa,6,80,train i want you to help me make a decision by flipping a coin,7,101,train can you help me apply for a visa card,2,29,train louder please,10,140,test have you any pets,9,124,train can you tell me the correct spelling of liaison,7,102,test calorie content of dr pepper,3,35,test can i maybe apply for a new card,2,29,train what are popular lifestyle magazines,0,0,oos_test what's the wait at macaroni grill,3,33,train tell me ths pressure of my tires,5,66,train can you increase the speaker volume,10,140,train what is the forecast for this week,7,91,train can you initiate a block on my bank of america checking asap,1,1,val how do i report that i actually lost my card,2,20,test what is tuesday's calendar like,4,55,val is my vacation approved yet,8,106,train what do i have scheduled on 3/15,4,55,train how would i say thank you if i were russian,6,78,train find repair shop that will diagnosis dead car battery,5,75,train how do i obtain the cash for the rewards on my hy-vee card,2,24,train let me know when should i get my tires changed next,5,74,train could you repeat that,10,143,test does life have meaning,9,122,train tell me about something some trivia,9,126,train "transfer seventeen dollars from rbs to woodforest account, please",1,10,test what is the weather like in denver,7,91,train how many total meetings will i have between 2 and 5,8,110,train let me know what kinds of pets you have,9,124,train i would like to alter my insurance plan,8,108,train what is the calorie content of a small bag of lay's potato chips,3,35,train how long will tofu last in the freezer before it expires,3,31,test could you share my credit card's apr,2,23,test dial her up,7,97,test please list my total spending on grocery shopping for the last two months,1,13,train what's my salary for this year,8,113,test what's life's meaning,9,122,train what are in my reminders list,4,49,train how many days can i slack off this year,8,115,train what oil should i use for an oil change and how do i do it,5,63,test my credit card is set to expire in what month,2,17,train i would like to know my debit card's rewards balance,2,26,test call me shane,10,147,test where to report lost discover credit card,2,20,train change out the older photos with the newer ones,0,0,oos_test how could i replace my oil and what form of oil ought to i take advantage of,5,63,test stop whisper mode,10,138,test i need for you to skip this song,4,56,val can you disconnect from my phone,10,146,train should i get an oil change,5,62,train should i do a complete stop at red lights,0,0,oos_test how do i redeem my credit card points,2,24,train has ko gone up or down,0,0,oos_test make a reservation for tuesday at 7:00 pm at cielo for 2,3,39,train when is the next rain chance,7,91,train which types of questions can i ask you,9,135,train when was the date that i was last paid,8,111,train is event on my calendar,4,55,test would you provide the number of vacation days i have,8,115,train what do i have on my reminder list,4,49,train from where did you originate,9,128,test i want to talk english,10,142,test is it safe to travel to norway,6,84,train what do you have me saved under,10,137,train are you a real person or automated,9,133,train how is the tread on my tires,5,74,train can you explain to me how to get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train i need a hotel room big enough for 4 people from monday to wednesday in lakewood,6,88,train how long does it take for dough in the freezer to go off,3,31,train "the bill's minimum payment, what is it",1,8,train i would like to know the mpg for this car,5,69,val when's pay day for me,8,111,test tell me the number of vacation days i have stored,8,115,train where can i find my w-2,8,117,train ignore call,0,0,oos_test can you transfer $5 from savings to checking,1,10,train "is it possible to get a new credit limit of $10,000",2,22,train "that's all i need, thanks!",9,130,train how many teaspoons in one tablespoon,7,100,val please turn on the alarm,7,92,train who is responsible for your design,9,121,val what will my state taxes cost,8,112,train what is the apr for my credit card,2,23,train are people with a mental illness eligible for disability,0,0,oos_test do you take your orders from me,9,123,test tell me my apr rate,2,23,test i want you reset to factory settings,10,149,train how many people have insomnia,0,0,oos_test "can you put a stop on my bank account, please",1,1,train can you help me understand why my card got declined,2,21,test what is the gas mileage for the car that i drive,5,69,train i was wondering what my credit score is,2,28,test do i need a visa to get into canada later this year,6,80,train "yeah, that's how it is",10,139,train how long do i cook chicken breast,3,44,train how do i get to the beach by bus,5,71,train "i did not quite hear you, can you say it again",10,143,train where are you from before you got here,9,128,val what is 22 meters in inches,7,100,train tell me straight if it has been processed or not,2,27,train are you real or not,9,133,train i want to know the name that was given by the person who made you,9,127,train which type of plugs do they use in scotland,6,76,train whats euros kroner in 25,6,82,train i would like for you to confirm my reservation for red robin at 5 pm,3,32,train i need to know the amount of my income,8,113,val how do you convert ounces to grams,7,100,train 10 minute timer,7,96,train how long before my amex card expires,2,17,train can a car be rented from tuesday to thursday out of lax,6,90,train do you prefer cats or dogs more,9,124,test are more shots needed to travel to argentina,6,85,test i want to call up jan,7,97,val i'd like a new alarm set for 6am,7,92,train book a reservation for 5 at lawry's under the name chris,3,39,train what is the name of the insurance plan that i'm enrolled in,8,109,train could you share a joke,9,132,train exactly what time is my meeting with robin scheduled for on,8,110,test "what is the correct spelling of the word comity, since i do not know",7,102,test "find my reservation for steve at crucere's and confirm it, please",3,32,test submit the order for everything on my shopping list,4,57,train get a table for me at 7 for 3 people at olive garden,3,39,test "if you had to choose, would you choose a cat or a dog",9,124,train where can i get the form for my taxes,8,117,val "what is my car's mpg, please",5,69,test please confirm that i have a reservation for 2/20 at 6:00 pm,3,32,test what is the best way to keep my credit score from going down,2,19,val i flew on southwest airlines flight ab123 out of dallas and i can not find my luggage,6,86,train i pay how much of taxes with my income,8,112,test does my chase card have international transaction fees,2,30,train could you call sal,7,97,test when should change oil tell me please,5,62,val bye bye then,9,129,test what's trending now,0,0,oos_test i wonder if you can explain the meaning of life,9,122,train i wanna play the song that goes like hey jude don't make it bad,4,47,train tell me about the hold on my chase account,1,6,train tell me where a w2 is available please,8,117,train how much is my groceries and gas bill,1,9,train bonjour,9,131,train how to see my credit score,2,28,train i need you to order all the things on my shopping list,4,57,train how can i find my current location,5,61,train how much it the credit limit on my visa card,2,25,train time zone in france,6,81,train has my credit card application processed yet,2,27,val i would like to change my insurance policy,8,108,test has my recent order shipped,4,52,train how much have i spent on make up recently,1,13,val who's responsible for your existence,9,121,train i'd like to hire a wedding planner and need help finding one,0,0,oos_test can i substitute honey for sugar,3,43,train i need an alarm set for 5:30 pm,7,92,train has my supervisor approved my vacation,8,106,train "i want to bring my card on the texas trip in june, will it be expired by then",2,17,test i want a new motorcycle insurance plan,8,108,train please tell me if there are meeting rooms available between 9:00 am and 11:00 am,8,118,train in what place are you originally from,9,128,test chicken noodle casserole is made from what,3,34,train are you a person or robot,9,133,test please give me directions to the nearest starbucks,5,71,train what is a british pound worth in mexican pesos,6,82,test i think i lost my phone,7,94,test can you turn on the lights in the backyard,4,60,train transfer $100 from my checking to saving account,1,10,test what's the due date for the credit card,1,4,train i want to know how low the air in my tires are,5,66,train what is 15 ounces in grams,7,100,train i want to pay my car bill,1,5,train can you slow down how fast you talk,10,136,train how does one set up direct deposit to my bank account,8,119,test tell me what the word die means,7,99,train i have to transfer my 401k but i don't know how to do it,8,114,train i want you to add the song i listen to to my summer playlist,4,53,val has flight dl123 left,6,79,test how many calories are in cookies,3,35,train send money from one account to another,1,10,train what's a fun fact about axolotls,9,126,val what are the nutrition facts for a mcdouble at mcdonalds,3,36,train lower the volume,10,140,train did the manager approve my vacation yet,8,106,test what's today's high and low,7,91,val i'm looking for a back and forth flight from lax to portland for w to sunday,6,87,val what is the amount of vacation days i have left,8,115,train what ingredients do i need to make egg salad,3,34,train increase your voice box,10,140,train how do i get to the court house on foot,5,71,val set all doors to locked,4,60,val hola!,9,131,test how much money have i recently spent on entertainment,1,13,train i'd like to make a vacation request,8,116,train block my bank of america immdediately,1,1,test would you mind telling me how much i have spent recently on grocery shopping,1,13,val flip the coin,7,101,train i need to report fraudulent activity on my mastercard,1,15,train what is the calorie count in a cookie,3,35,train "my card is lost, i would like to report it",2,20,val i need to know the content of my list of reminders,4,49,train when did i get my last paycheck,8,111,train my name is jason,10,147,val what are the transaction fee using our card in florence if any,2,30,train let me know about your pets,9,124,train i need to set a reminder to go to the post office,4,50,train where can i find measurement conversions,7,100,test where is your country of origin,9,128,train change the pin on my bofa account to 3892,1,3,train i need to switch accounts,10,144,val what items do i need to do,4,58,train what does my cable bill look like,1,9,test who did the programming on you,9,121,train what do i owe for my utilities bill,1,9,train is there a fee if i use my card in france,2,30,test play that song hey,4,47,train can you translate milk into spanish for me,6,78,train tell me how to get rid of a spirit that's haunting me,0,0,oos_test what is the credit card apr if you could fill me in,2,23,train can i use strawberries instead of pineapples for this,3,43,train tell me who made you please,9,121,test what's the balance of my savings,1,12,train who do i complain to about my luggage not arriving at the airport,6,86,train "i would like my total rewards points balance on my bank of america platinum rewards card, please",2,26,train i want you to make me a pto request for me for april twenty through may two,8,116,train show me the last month of transactions,1,14,train can you see if i can make an appointment to have my oil changed,5,67,test "i didn't get that, please repeat",10,143,train what do i do to rollover my 401k,8,114,train what holiday can i expect next,8,107,train zip the back of the brides maid dress,0,0,oos_test can you find out the waiting times for mr joes pizza,3,33,test how much am i getting paid,8,113,train turn the tv to on right now,4,60,train should i buy a specific plug type when in china,6,76,train """which things are wanted to remember",4,49,test what kinds of questions can i ask you,9,135,train my tires need how much more air in them,5,66,test could you please change your accent to the male british one,10,144,val change pin to 1234 on account banner,1,3,train "yes, that's it",10,139,train can you let me know the info on how to apply for a visa card,2,29,train warm up my car for me,4,60,train is my card set to expire soon,2,17,train i would like to report my american express card stolen,2,20,test could you tell me my name,10,137,test whisper mode activate,10,138,train could you tell me how old you are,9,134,test thanks a lot for the answer,9,130,train when is my bill due,1,4,train can i get beer within my deposit account,1,12,val is it possible to do a reservation at the bellagio,3,45,val can you tell me the routing number of wells fargo,1,2,train yes please,10,139,test "if i have 10 us dollars, how many pounds sterling is that",6,82,train is your voice from a human or is it synthesized,9,133,test how good are the ratings for outback steakhouse,3,38,train let me know the date tomorrow,7,93,test may i get all of the food transactions that were made last month,1,14,train how high is my credit score,2,28,val please find the expiration month listed on my card,2,17,train let's switch to whisper voice,10,138,train i need to know what names you have for me,10,137,train how can i build my credit score,2,19,val could you translate atm machine into english,6,78,train what kind of oil should i use for my current car,5,63,train are there any open reservations at outback tonight,3,39,test what's the right spelling of rambunctious,7,102,train i need options or italian tonight,3,40,test is vacation a go,8,106,test are you familiar with any types of subjects,9,135,train thanks for giving me assistance,9,130,train does my vacation have approval,8,106,test steps to change car oil,5,63,train how high is my credit limit for my bank of america card,2,25,train what's my pin for my fidelity account,1,3,train if the dollar worth a lot in country b,6,82,val what is it is all relative mean,7,99,train how many miles until i get to the beach,5,70,train "my oil seems pretty black, does that mean i should change it",5,62,train is insomnia curable,0,0,oos_test tell me what holiday is comming up next,8,107,train can i take an uber to the statue of liberty,5,64,test what's a good restaurant nearby,3,41,train absolutely correct,10,139,train i accidentally put my credit card in the shredder,2,18,train can you schedule a meeting with steve at the office,8,118,train for how long have you existed,9,134,train what day is the z bill due,1,4,train weather forecast please,7,91,val pull up my shower playlist,4,47,train what was the date of my last car appointment,5,72,test steps to raise my credit score,2,19,train i need you to pair with my phone,10,146,val what is the interest rate on my bank of america credit card,1,7,train send me videos of how to do a smoky eye,0,0,oos_test tell my bank that i'll be in uruguay during january to august,6,77,train are you ai or a real person please,9,133,train "now, i want you to play the next song",4,56,val how long before my lawn guy bill's due,1,4,train do i need to see the doctor for shots before i go to south africa,6,85,train let me understand my credit rating,2,28,train are my tires ok on pressure,5,66,train would you say i've spent too much money on chips as of late,1,13,test what if you need to obtain a new credit card,2,29,train "show me some options for new credit cards that i can apply for, please",2,29,val help me with math,7,98,train what do i usually earn in a day,8,113,train who would you say that you are employed by,9,123,train can you tell me how to compute price per ounce,0,0,oos_val go ahead and skip this song and play the next one,4,56,train i'm traveling to london soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train let me know when you were made,9,128,val let's go to the next song please,4,56,test are you a live human being,9,133,train what was your name again,9,127,val what is the limit on my victoria's secret card,2,25,val can you find me a recipe for pasta,3,37,train give me the date that i last got my car checked,5,72,test set a timer to go off in 5 minutes,7,96,train please put a block on my us bank account immediately,1,1,val what is the interest rate at chase,1,7,train how long will the chicken take to cook,3,44,train can you tell me what date my credit card expires,2,17,train your efforts don't go unnoticed,9,130,train how much is 50 plus 756,7,98,train would you tell me if you are a human or are a computer,9,133,test can you tell me if i might be able to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train i need to to know how to report a lost card,2,20,test "where are my bags, not here at the airport",6,86,train my card has a deep crease through the middle so i would like to report it,2,18,train are you real or are you an ai,9,133,train let me know how long until the next day off,8,107,test do i have enough in my sears account to buy a new dishwasher,1,12,train what is my old navy card's rewards balance,2,26,val how many carry-on items are allowed per passenger,6,89,train how many books are in piers anthony virtual mode series,0,0,oos_test what kind of meal should i eat from thailand,3,40,val compile a list of historical events from the boston marathon,0,0,oos_test what's the date of the next closest holiday,8,107,train are there any travel alerts for ukraine,6,84,train remove the connection to my phone,10,146,test what amount of time will pass in order for a person at our location to take bus to detroit,5,70,train i would like to change my insurance from a ppo to an hmo plan,8,108,train i can't find my visa card and i want to report it as lost,2,20,train can i substitute salt for pepper,3,43,train i placed an order and i need it tracked,4,52,test is my order on its way or what's going on,4,52,test set a reminder for monday pay taxes,4,50,train could i rent a car from tuesday to thursday out of lax,6,90,train tell me if i have a meeting with liz today,8,110,test do sets of 25 set-ups each morning til you have completed your goal,0,0,oos_test make me a reservation for 5 people at village tavern for the calloways,3,39,val how long have you been alive for,9,134,train make a roll of the dice,7,104,test appreciated,9,130,val i'm called tim,10,147,train i really need to know why my card was denied,2,21,train can you instruct me on how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train what type of questions are you partial to that i can ask you,9,135,train what is the square root of 31,7,98,train tell me what cyst means,7,99,train i need help paying my tuition bill,1,5,train add color to the black and white photos,0,0,oos_test go back to initial factory state,10,149,train what kind of electrical plug do they use in the uae,6,76,val who is at my front door,4,60,train please tell me the subway station nearest to madison square garden in new york,5,71,train what does 6 x 1 equal,7,98,train "open up a reminder, pay taxes on monday",4,50,train can i substitute bacon for sausage,3,43,train what's the routing number for my bank of america account,1,2,train is it fine to sub bread flour with all-purpose flour,3,43,train make an alarm for one and two in the morning,7,92,val what is the tire pressure in my car,5,66,train when are we off work next,8,107,test i am nost sure why my account is blocked,1,6,train please reset to factory settings at once,10,149,test how many vacation days do i have,8,115,train i wanna flip a coin,7,101,val does denim go with anything,0,0,oos_test i want to know what kinds of pets you have,9,124,train is is very much true,10,139,train what are the things you can help me with,9,135,train who in the area can inspect my engine light,5,67,train what do you refer to me as,10,137,train about how long does it usually take a new card to get mailed to me,2,16,val pay my electric bill from my park bank account,1,5,train what do you think i should prepare for my dinner,3,40,train is there any indication my application for a new credit card has been processed,2,27,train what's the nutritional info for an apple,3,36,train i would like to pair this with my new phone,10,146,train let's change what you respond to,10,148,train are there any travel alerts for juarez,6,84,val how much is the apr these days on my nordstrom credit card,2,23,train give me trivia about bats,9,126,train i want your name to be john,10,148,val "from here on, you'll be responding to the name captain black",10,148,train please look to see if paying bills is on my reminders list currently,4,49,train what's going on with my order,4,52,train why hello,9,131,train text alice,7,105,train "if i go to brazil, do i need to get an international visa",6,80,val what day do i need to pay my internet and phone bill by,1,4,val what is the price of my state taxes that i owe,8,112,test "x has given me an interest rate, what is it",1,7,train "if i want to go to x, do i need a travel visa",6,80,test what's the nutritional info for a cup of noodle soup,3,36,train i want you to your volume,10,140,train is the mexican place crowded at night,3,33,test what's my apr on my primary credit card,2,23,train find the date of the last oil swap for my car,5,72,train what kind of questions can you answer,9,135,val i'd like to book the next availability for an oil change,5,67,val what do i make annually,8,113,test my checking account has a hold on it and i need to know why,1,6,train tell me the time in las vegas,7,103,test flip a coin for me i call tails,7,101,train what is 8 factorial,7,98,train find a good recipe for meatloaf,3,37,train set a reminder for the movie,4,50,train please tell my bank that i will be traveling abroad,6,77,train send 100 dollars from my vanguard money market to my wells fargo savings,1,10,val where can i find my rewards for my chase card,2,26,train please request pto for march 2 and 3,8,116,val what timezone is melbourne in,6,81,train add current song to rock playlist,4,53,test tel me the credit limit for my credit card,2,25,train who has the cheapest insurance for my model car in the area,0,0,oos_test when will my next vacation day be,8,107,test which electrical plug type should i bring with me to finland,6,76,val don't be synced to my phone anymore,10,146,test when will i get a replacement card for a lost one,2,16,train is buying a light bulb on my reminders list,4,49,train share my gps coordinates with jim,7,95,train put cancel abc on my calendar for next thursday,4,51,val thanks a million,9,130,test will they let me up my credit limit to $1000,2,22,train what time is it in the alaska standard timezone,7,103,train how many tablespoons are there in half of a cup,7,100,val please dial x's phone number,7,97,train today is what date,7,93,train are there any transaction fees associated with my amex card if i am in france,2,30,train i want you to flip a fair sided coin,7,101,train let's send some money to another account,1,10,train what makes you happy in your free time,9,125,train check my checking balance,1,12,test "turn up the volume level to 4, please",10,140,train "for my water and electricity, how much is the bill",1,9,train what is the name of your birthplace,9,128,train can you tell me my minimum due for citicard,1,8,train i want a cancellation of the dinner reservation for phillips at bernardin's,3,42,test who is the best architecture,0,0,oos_test tell me how much i have been buying as of late,1,13,test what do you know about lifes meaning,9,122,test "between october 7th and october 10th, i'd like for there to be a pto request for me",8,116,train will i be charged if i use the card in paris,2,30,train give me italian meal ideas,3,40,train did i add to my reminder list that i need to take the car in for an oil change,4,49,train i need to find a nice hotel with solid reviews in seattle,6,88,train did i put a car wash on my todo list,4,58,val what is my checking account number,0,0,oos_test when will me new card arrive,2,16,train text jeff and tell him to pay the bill,7,105,test please give me some ideas of fun tourist activities to do while i am in paris,6,83,test i've got to run now,9,129,train i ran out of cherrios so add that to the list,4,59,train can you tell me why there's a hold on my mutualone account,1,6,train where should i go out for food to,3,41,train can i swap applesauce for oil,3,43,test i must change your name to amanda,10,148,train "at 5 pm, is kaya very busy",3,33,train "computer, place a call to alexa",7,97,test help me tell visa about fraud on my account,1,15,train can you set up alarms for one in the afternoon and ten at night,7,92,val tell me the calorie content for an apple,3,35,train "filp a coin, i call heads",7,101,train what's the timezone for boston,6,81,train what items do i have on my calendar for easter,4,55,train i would like a reminder,4,50,train put clean refrigerator on my spring cleaning to do list,4,48,train how many harry potter books are there,0,0,oos_test "i choose heads, now flip that coin",7,101,train how do you cooked eggs,3,37,test "when does my card expire, the one ending in 1234",2,17,test i can't remember if i added the fun run to my calendar yet; did i,4,55,test help me decide what mexican meal i want,3,40,train i would like assistance moving money from one account to another,1,10,test can you multiply 45 by 23,7,98,val what is my apr,2,23,train please pay my utility bill from my wells fargo checking account,1,5,val i have to know the credit limit,2,25,val i want help adjusting my insurance policy,8,108,train can you tell me how to spell elephant,7,102,train what is the square root of 10500,7,98,train change language please,10,142,val what's the traffic like on the way to the amusement park,5,65,train can you tell the temperature it will tomorrow,7,91,val what am i being charged for my water bill,1,9,train how would you like me to call you,9,127,train i want a lesson on changing my oil,5,63,train is there a greater purpose in life,9,122,train what timezone is scotland in,6,81,train where do we get our w2 forms,8,117,test what's my credit score,2,28,train inform my bank i will be travelling to central africa,6,77,train can you check my reservations for mortons under david winters,3,32,train get a message to my bank that starting the 14th i'll be in canada,6,77,val the time please,7,103,train how do you make pasta,3,37,test what's my pay for this week,8,113,train i need quiet; use whisper,10,138,val what kind of outlets does havana have,6,76,train can you send me an uber to go to a restaurant in downtown phoenix,5,64,train how can i tell what my current location is,5,61,train "i am not a bot, are you",9,133,train use my credit card points,2,24,train how long does it take to make pho,3,44,val could you speak a little more slowly,10,136,train ok good chatting goodbye,9,129,test do i need a plug converter when i visit france,6,76,train it takes how long to mail me a new card,2,16,train to what extent until the following day away from work,8,107,train report my burned card to the company,2,18,train is laundry on my todo list,4,58,test "i just placed my order today, what is the status of it",4,52,train what are my longitude and latitude points,5,61,train what's it like to have parents who actually love you,0,0,oos_test flip a coin for me ai,7,101,train look up whether my 401k may be rolled over,8,114,train organize photos by year they were taken,0,0,oos_test las vegas timezone please,6,81,train whats this song,4,46,val what's tomorrow's date,7,93,test please call me by this new name,10,147,train how do i order some more checks for my bank of the west account,1,11,test when is the expiration date for my visa card,2,17,train tell me the ingredients for making tom yum,3,34,test i want to hear something funny,9,132,train how many personal days have i taken,8,120,train what is 80980 + 098098 + 80980 + 1243,7,98,train how many points do i have with my american express,2,26,val what did you just say,10,143,test i think this transaction is bogus,1,15,test what transactions did i make yesterday at the flea market,1,14,train slow down your speech,10,136,train what's the routing number for my navy federal account,1,2,train tell me nutritional info for burger,3,36,test what is the weather going to be like today,7,91,train please be quiet,10,145,train whats my count of vacation days used thus far,8,120,train how is the traffic on the way to the mall,5,65,train "i'm going to south africa, so should i get some vaccinations or anything",6,85,train what kind of gas should i put in this car,5,73,train would you please inform me about my credit card's apr,2,23,train set the temperature to 78,4,60,train i may have a fraudulent transaction,1,15,train how long will a new card take to reach me,2,16,train i'm lost,5,61,train please respond in latin from now on,10,142,train what ingredients are present in marshmallows,3,34,train i need more checkbooks delivered to me by mail,1,11,train please read back to me my to do list,4,58,train "so to go to brooklyn, it would take me how long again",5,70,train how much can i expect on my next check,8,113,train i'm calling you rupert from now on,10,148,train what's the timezone for britain,6,81,test what health benefits do i have,8,109,train let me check my transaction for first bank card,1,14,train define epicurean,7,99,test what is the max credit limit for my card,2,25,train make sure to set yourself to whisper mode before i go to the movie,10,138,train whats the meaning of life,9,122,train what interest rate will regions give me,1,7,train "if you're in melbourne, what timezone are you in",6,81,train speak navajo,10,142,val i can not thank you enough,9,130,train what was the total i spent at home depot last month,1,13,train can you tell me the calorie count in a glazed donut,3,35,train revert from whisper mode,10,138,test can you change your name to fred,10,148,val i dont want to listen to this song,4,56,test what is the correct spelling for antipathy,7,102,train are my tire's air pressure good enough to drive on,5,66,train book a delta flight to arizona from pittsburgh,6,87,test i need you to phone sal,7,97,test how do i jump start my vehicle,5,75,train what's a good place to travel to,6,83,train i want to hear my shower playlist,4,47,train can you tell me what things i was trying to remember,4,49,train what pets do you have,9,124,test will i be charged transaction fees if i use my american card internationally,2,30,test what is a good chili recipe,3,37,train how do i make beef stroganoff,3,37,train what should i do in france,6,83,train what's the nutritional info for chicken breast,3,36,train i need everything ordered on my shopping list,4,57,train what are the rules for traveling with toothpaste,6,89,test are you able to link to my phone,10,146,train "what is the meaning behind life, do you think",9,122,val what's my car's mpg,5,69,test what's the best style shoe to wear to the prom,0,0,oos_test we have to speak in english,10,142,test where am i located currently,5,61,train i need you to let mr miyagi and daniel know where i am,7,95,train how can i change centimeters into inches,7,100,train what are the nutritional data for mashed potatoes,3,36,train how long should i cook a spiral ham,3,44,train where's the nearest gas station,5,71,train can you explain to me how i ought to use my credit card points,2,24,train do ducks sleep,0,0,oos_val should i get a visa before going to cancun,6,80,train how do i order some more checks for my usaa account,1,11,test how can i breach a network,0,0,oos_val tell my location to david,7,95,test my card declined,2,21,test i'd like you to remove throw away dvds off my todo list,4,48,train i see a suspicious transaction in my account history,1,15,train please confirm my reservation for kevin at red robin,3,32,train would you be able to tell me how to make a vacation request,8,116,train have i got enough credit card points to get a new tablet device,2,24,train hey what's up,9,131,val play next on the playlist,4,56,train i'm having trouble locating my w-2,8,117,train i need know my credit limit on my american express card,2,25,train "what's the right way to spell ""emolument",7,102,test "please cancel what you are doing, i've changed my mind",10,145,train i need to report a stolen card,2,20,val "please roll the dice, ai",7,104,train to charge my phone in india will i need a plug converter,6,76,train how much did i spend shopping for clothes today,1,13,train do you work for me or is that wrong,9,123,train "in boston, what are the best pizza places",3,41,train it was nice to chat,9,129,test what's my spending limit on my discover,2,25,test what has my income been like,8,113,train when is it time for a tire change,5,74,val "what kinds of oil can i use in my car, and how to i change the oil",5,63,train hey do you know how to jump start a car battery,5,75,train is it possible to rollover my 401k,8,114,val how much of the gas do i have left,5,68,test can you verify mike has a reservation at black rock at 6 pm,3,32,train what is the next date that i should change my oil at,5,62,train could you hit next,4,56,test how much is usd vs cad,6,82,val does minnies cafe in modesto take reservations,3,45,train tell me something funny about parenting,9,132,train can you tell my what france's timezone is,6,81,train when can i change my credit limit,2,22,test i will tell my bank that i will be gone from april to may to america,6,77,val give me some good restaurants,3,41,train how can i make my own doughnuts/what ingredients,3,34,train no that isn't the case,10,141,train reset to your original settings,10,149,test what routing number does chase in michigan use,1,2,val i'd like to roll over my 401k,8,114,train "when taking a flight with porter to toronto, how many carry ons can i take",6,89,train let me know the amount i spent on food last month,1,13,train does medical debt hurt my credit score,2,19,train i ruined my card when it got washed,2,18,val costa mesa weather,7,91,train go ahead and say all of the points on my list of to-do's please,4,58,train make my location available with david and kate,7,95,test can you find the expiration date and tell me what it is that is on my visa credit card,2,17,val please tell me my current gps coordinates,5,61,train is my tire pressure good,5,66,val connect with my phone,10,146,val where is the closest architecture college,0,0,oos_test i lost my phone and need assistance,7,94,train what is my routing number on my checking account,1,2,train i got to pay my cable bill,1,5,train can you tell me when our next day off is,8,107,train what date is another paycheck due,8,111,train how do i find out what my credit score is,2,28,train can you call someone,7,97,train what are the reviews like for bar tartine,3,38,train i'd love to order some more checks for my checking account,1,11,train tell my bank i'm in canada the entire week of the 6th to the 13th,6,77,test how many meetings do i have today,8,110,val is an international visa needed to travel to z,6,80,train how long is the wait at chipotle tonight,3,33,val i need to know the number of calories on average in a handful of pistachios,3,35,train make a call for me to the vet,7,97,test how long does it take to get to applebees in new york,5,70,train people call me gary,10,147,train what's the balance on my bank account,1,12,train who are you employed by,9,123,val let me know my routing number,1,2,train how many points did i get on my visa card,2,26,train where is the nearest walmart,5,71,val do people prefer summer over fall,0,0,oos_train how many pto days do i have for the year,8,115,train please tell me how to ask for a taxi in french,6,78,train what's the status of my order,4,52,train set up a reminder to give the cat her flea medicine,4,50,train how do i say hello in french,6,78,train where do i get w2 form,8,117,val is garlic on my grocery list,4,54,test i need my checking account's interest rate,1,7,test is there a list of good credit cards i can choose from to apply for,2,29,test i saw suspicious activity on my bank account,1,15,test what's your name anyway,9,127,test are they any updates on my order,4,52,test can you roll the dice,7,104,train i'd like to know how much gas is left,5,68,train i am going to need you to say that again,10,143,train will you help me book a place to stay from monday to friday in pittsburgh,6,88,train 350 set the oven,4,60,test is vacuuming on my list of things to do,4,58,train throw the dice!,7,104,train walk me through the process of reporting a lost card,2,20,train how will traffic be at 7am on the way to my job,5,65,train can you check on the status of my orders at amazon,4,52,train i got to change my pin number for my account,1,3,train "stop working on it, i need something else",10,145,train what is the year that were you born,9,134,val i'd like to see if there's a travel alert for the country,6,84,train tell me some trivia about dolphin,9,126,test i requested some vacation time; has it been approved,8,106,train what is my credit limit on my discover,2,25,test are you really a human,9,133,train so when is my flight landing,6,79,train can you tell me if you are a real live person,9,133,val i need to know when i last carried my car to the shop,5,72,train can you tell me what happened to han solo in episode 4,0,0,oos_test please go to the song after this one,4,56,train what is the my comcast bill this month,1,9,train whats my delta flight's status,6,79,train who developed your internal code,9,121,train is it possible to book 10 people from monday to tuesday in manhattan,6,88,train help me get access to my recent transaction history,1,14,train can you please help me find my lost luggage,6,86,train tell me when i get paid,8,111,train what is my points total for my mastercard,2,26,train i'm making a purchase and need the help of ai,4,57,train send a message to natalie in the form of a text,7,105,train "i would like to hear the reminders that i listed on my things to remember list, please",4,49,test do you think arizona has plenty of bike routes,6,83,val empty the contents of my to do list,4,48,test when will i receive my w2,8,117,train where should i go to get my dead car battery checked out,5,75,train i'd like to send steve my location,7,95,val i need to know the apr for my visa card,2,23,train do they speak english in australia,0,0,oos_test help me get some new checks since i ran out of them,1,11,train remove wrestlemania from my calendar for may 7th,4,51,test tell me the ingredients to make an apple pie,3,34,test i sat on my credit card and broke it in half and need it replaced,2,18,test is cleaning the outside windows on my todo list,4,58,val there's a shady charge from comcast on my account,1,15,train how long will it take to reach my doctors office,5,70,train given a choice would you take a dog or a cat,9,124,val i want to report fraudulent activity on my card,1,15,train can you tell me the tasks on my to-do list,4,58,train show shopping list,4,54,train change the song to the next one,4,56,train set the timer for 10 minutes,7,96,val why is there a hold on my capital one checking account,1,6,train write text message to someone,7,105,train switch to male british accent,10,144,train i can't use my damaged card,2,18,train which vaccinations are required to go to viet nam,6,85,train i'm travelling to boston soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train "can you say that again, please",10,143,test why am i seeing a hold on my boa account,1,6,train i want to go to china but am not sure if i need an international visa,6,80,val how soon should i replace my tires from yesterday,5,74,train can i increase the credit limit on my walmart card,2,22,train confirm my friday reservation at 2:00,3,32,val pair my phone please,10,146,train start using whisper mode,10,138,train call me bob from now on,10,147,test how is my tire pressure,5,66,val cancel it,10,145,val try a male voice,10,144,train can you teach me how to change my oil,5,63,test what is your boss's name,9,123,train thank you ever so much for that!,9,130,test how frequently is the bus running today,0,0,oos_test can i use flour instead of cornstarch to make gravy,3,43,train what benefits are included in my package,8,109,train please tell me if i need any shots before i go to mexico,6,85,train i would like to know what type of things you can help me with,9,135,test do people like the donuts at tgi,3,38,train i wish to know the next holiday,8,107,test what's the tax bracket for my income,8,112,val i was at walmart when my card was declined i was only trying to buy some candy,2,21,train my card was in my pocket and bent,2,18,val i wanna know where to find a w2,8,117,test tell me what's on my reminders list please,4,49,train what name is saved for me,10,137,val what are my options for new insurance plans,8,108,train do i have enough fuel in the gas tank,5,68,train is there any opinions on the sushi at yakamoto,3,38,train find me a good band instructor or two to compare in my area,0,0,oos_test book me a rental car in aiken on may 12 to may 16,6,90,train is my apr high,2,23,val please jump to the song that follows this one,4,56,train i'd like to know how acommodate is spelled,7,102,train i'd like to get soda while i'm out; add it to my shopping list,4,59,test let's go over the list of items on the to do list just to be sure we got it all,4,58,train where do i look to get a w2,8,117,test i want you to book a reservation for 8 pm at red robin under the name kevin,3,39,train can we put sunscreen on my list for shopping,4,59,train can you tell me the number of pto days i have left,8,115,train i need a hotel in new orleans with awesome reviews,6,88,train i'm out of soap so will you order me some more,4,57,train how does this cars mpg do on the highway,5,69,train what's the exchange rate betwen usd and euros,6,82,val thanks for the answer,9,130,train find a decent rental care for next week at the philadelphia airport,6,90,test i can't seem to track down my luggage,6,86,test can you give me a points update on my rewards plus card,2,26,test "what's the proper way to spell ""helicopter",7,102,test how many reward points does my discover card have,2,26,train where were you before moving here,9,128,train do i have anything in my reminders,4,49,train "my name is stu, not sue!",10,147,train what are some local attractions in portland,6,83,test tell me how much money i've spent on fast food in the past week,1,13,test sign me up for the writing class you told me about 2 days ago,0,0,oos_test "hello, how's your day",9,131,test can you find the reason for the block on my account,1,6,train do i need to get any shots before i travel to zimbabwe,6,85,test update me on my delta flight please,6,79,train what is the official language of romania,0,0,oos_test send my gps coordinates with home base please,7,95,train how long does it take to get to the mall in las vegas,5,70,train i need diy info about jump starting my dead car battery,5,75,train help me get w-2 form,8,117,test can you find me a recipe for salsa,3,37,train what are the steps for transferring my 401k,8,114,train what do i owe this month on all my bills,1,9,test so it turns out i can't remember what my pin is for my bank of america checking account,1,3,train what are the carry-on restrictions for southwest airlines,6,89,train i want help making a pto request for february 22-27,8,116,train how long will it take to drive to the kroger in westwood,5,70,train i would like to know all of the covered benefits that are given by my health care plan,8,109,train please confirm the next time i should get the tires on my car replaced,5,74,train it seems someone conducted a fraudulent transaction on my account,1,15,train am i eligible for a new credit card application,2,29,train that would be correct,10,139,test can i please get an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train help me a great hotel in vegas for this weekend,6,88,train i want to know how do i schedule a meeting,8,118,train how are the fried chicken at zippys,3,38,val go to factory settings,10,149,train how long have you been here,9,134,train i want to know if you are a real person or an ai,9,133,train is the earth flat,0,0,oos_test give me your name,9,127,train my capital one account has a hold; why,1,6,train can you tell me where the atm closest to my current location is,5,71,train "coin flip, choose heads",7,101,test how do you say good bye in french,6,78,val "i've got some chips from monday, will they still be ok to eat",3,31,train add my birthday to my calendar for next month on the 5th,4,51,train whom do you work for,9,123,test how long do you cook a salmon,3,44,train what is the process of reporting a lost card,2,20,val what is the process for jump starting my car,5,75,test make a reminder to schedule a tire check,5,67,train what company do you work for,9,123,test help me convert feet into miles,7,100,train goodbye for now ai,9,129,train what are the words to the chorus for this song,0,0,oos_test how are the ratings like for buffalo wild wings,3,38,train what would wells fargo use as routing,1,2,val how soon will me package arrive,4,52,train "what age were you on your last birthday, ai",9,134,train add what im listening to to my rock playlist,4,53,test give me the 7 day forecast,7,91,train throw a coin in the air,7,101,test "message carl, you suck",7,105,val how long should i boil noodles for,3,44,train what is you name,9,127,train my american express card expires on what date,2,17,train what do you like to do in your free time,9,125,val what is the average wait time at the cheese cake factory,3,33,train can you find me a recipe for honey ham,3,37,train help me find a car to rent,6,90,val i need a roundtrip flight for 5/2 to 5/8 from nyc to los angeles,6,87,train i'd like a new life insurance plan,8,108,train is a car rental available out of lax from tuesday to thursday,6,90,train create a reminder for me to exercise this week,4,50,train let me know the exchange rate between dollars and rubles,6,82,train does pnc have a routing number,1,2,test i need gas what type do i need for this car,5,73,test please change my account to another one,10,144,val what entity is your boss,9,123,train what sorts of subjects do you know about,9,135,train what is the due date on my xfinity internet bill for february,1,4,train what's the location where i am,5,61,test i must order some more checks for my checking account,1,11,train my water bill is how much this month,1,9,train please help with my math,7,98,train what sort of hobbies do you enjoy,9,125,train what did i tell you to call me,10,137,test can you tell bill and craig where i am,7,95,train can i use the plug i use at home when traveling in south america,6,76,train what timezone is china in,6,81,train will you check to see if i am still reserved for 6:30 pm at gusto handcrafted pasta & pizza,3,32,val find me an asian restaurant,3,41,train file a report for a lost american express card,2,20,train i need to call my coworker,7,97,test latest hair styles for long natural hair,0,0,oos_test do you know if outback allows reservations,3,45,train give weather update now,7,91,test "could you tell me the meaning of life, please",9,122,train what is my gross income per pay period,8,113,train can i book a hotel in new york city near times square from 3/1 until 3/5,6,88,train "where is my luggage, i was on delta flight ab123 out of dc",6,86,train find inner tube and buy it for me,4,57,test i need an italian dinner idea,3,40,val what will the date be in 10 days,7,93,train what are black holes,0,0,oos_val i need to use my credit points,2,24,test please include feeding the fish on my to do list,4,48,train please call me jim,10,147,train last incident of my car in the shop,5,72,train let my credit card company know that my card split in half,2,18,train what is the amount of time to keep milk refrigerated,3,31,test how much paid time off do i have,8,115,train what other accents can you use,10,144,val what interest rate am i getting currently from oak bank,1,7,val what's my salary,8,113,test how is the weather today,10,150,train how much do i have left in my checking account,1,12,test what are my meetings today,8,110,train where are w-2 forms given,8,117,train i appreciate your help!,9,130,train set an alarm for ten tomorrow,7,92,test please put a block on my wells fargo account immediately,1,1,val put laundry on my chore list,4,48,val i need a table for two at the havana at nine,3,39,test track my order,4,52,test what holiday is next and when,8,107,test tell me what cas is needed for this car,5,73,train when did you originate,9,134,train when was the gold rush,0,0,oos_test how many days have i taken off this year,8,120,train can you tell me how old the ai is,9,134,train how can i get a hold of my w-2,8,117,train do you have animal companions,9,124,val is flight dl123 due to land as schedule,6,79,val how many vacation days do i have remaining,8,115,train what oil is best for chicken,0,0,oos_test can i take a bus to the grand canyon,5,71,train may i take a pto on february 7 and 8,8,116,train how do you spell out wednesday,7,102,train "if i want to make a vacation request, how do i do it",8,116,test i need to know if sorting the mail is on my to do list,4,58,train i think someone's using my visa card without my permission,1,15,train you did a good job thank you,9,130,train i need an alarm set,7,92,train is it ok to use brown sugar instead of powdered sugar,3,43,train do you know exactly when you were born,9,134,train about how much will my federal taxes be,8,112,train how can i order checks for my savings account,1,11,val that is so false,10,141,test could i rent a car in seattle from next monday to thursday please,6,90,train what do you think my name is,10,137,test what kind of international transaction fees are related to my amex,2,30,train when was the car in the shop,5,72,train tell me the procedure for changing oil in a car,5,63,train i want to know if my credit card application has been processed,2,27,test will ecuador require proof of any shots for me to go there,6,85,val have i already got eggs down on the shopping list,4,54,test please tell me what my bank routing number is,1,2,train "what is today's month, day and year",7,93,train what is regard mean,7,99,train what's my interest rate from january,1,7,train what are the carry-on fees with delta for international flights,6,89,train "speak faster, please",10,136,train can i ask your age,9,134,test i want you to change your accent,10,144,test tell me my car's tire pressure level,5,66,train show me the date,7,93,train where can i satisfy my craving for french food in milwaukee,3,41,test how can i get my year end summary for taxes,8,117,train will it be all right for me to drink milk i've had in the fridge since tuesday,3,31,train yes is my answer,10,139,test what are my insurance rewards,8,109,train do i need certain shots before flying to eithiopia,6,85,train how is my credit score rated,2,28,train i want to hear my to do list please,4,58,train what is my total spent on dining out for the month of january,1,13,train tell me my routing number,1,2,test i need to disconnect from my phone,10,146,train i tried using my card at chipotle yesterday and it was declined; why,2,21,train have i scheduled anything on march 2nd on my calendar,4,55,train i need to know what my credit score is,2,28,test "on the 22nd of this month, we need to clear our calendar so we can leave it open for mark to visit",4,51,val please check if i can do a car rental from charlotte douglas airport from monday to wednesday,6,90,train i'm travelling to spain soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train what have i got planned for the date of april 23,4,55,train how many homeless people are there,0,0,oos_test i'm going to the movies book an uber for 6 people,5,64,train see if you can find a good vegetable wash for me,0,0,oos_test how good are the ratings for olive garden,3,38,train "i think there has been a fraud on my black visa card, can i report it",1,15,val i need help with my 401k rollver since i got a new job,8,114,train how many centimeters are one inch,7,100,train what is my vacation schedule look like,8,115,train that's true,10,139,test are there recommendations to get any specific shots before i travel to germany,6,85,train i want to make a reservation for 8 pm at red robin for 3,3,39,train send jack a text saying hi,7,105,test when will i received a replacement card,2,16,test where is the location that you were made,9,128,train help me book a car rental in chicago for april 1st to 3rd get me an suv if possible,6,90,val i need you to reset your factory settings,10,149,train i want the next song played,4,56,val what about changing the sugar for baking soda,3,43,train do i need a visa for south korea,6,80,test what's the average rent of apartments in my city,0,0,oos_test how far am i from orlando,5,70,test i am in need of an uber to the hospital,5,64,train i need to know my rewards balance on my discover card,2,26,train show me a hotel in boise that has positive reviews,6,88,val use my shower playlist,4,47,train i have a false charge on my account from mcdonald's,1,15,test check my visa account and see if i have enough money for dinner tonight,1,12,train "yes, that's right",10,139,test what are the nearest streets to the statue of liberty in new york,5,71,train take lunch with steven off of my calendar,4,51,train i check my credit card company to see if my points are good to go,2,24,train how do i apply do get myself a visa,2,29,test i go by stefan,10,147,train tell me the time in california,7,103,test i'd like to know what this song is,4,46,train i'm due for an oil change and need assistance doing it and also need to know what kind of oil the car takes,5,63,train what is the carry-on policy for flights on jetblue,6,89,test look up the most requested famous person for quotes,0,0,oos_test "lost report card, need new one",2,20,test can you help me find my routing number from wells fargo,1,2,train are you okay,9,131,test can you inform me of my gas amount,5,68,val i have charges on my amex card i didn't make,1,15,train when was my last paycheck,8,111,train my check engine light is on so is anyone available to check it out for me,5,67,test check my calendar for the date that my care was last serviced,5,72,train can i get someone to check my check engine light,5,67,test can i substitute butter for oil,3,43,test what is my next day off,8,107,train please find the routing number for chase bank accounts opened in new york,1,2,train can i redeem my credit card points to cash,2,24,train not a clue,10,150,train what will the apr on my transferred balance be after the first year on my bank of america credit card,2,23,train my mpg is how much,5,69,train any good pizza restaurants around here,3,41,train what are the steps for setting up direct deposit,8,119,train let me know what do you call me,10,137,train "is my flight, dl123 on time",6,79,test is the restaurant busy at lunchtime,3,33,train skip to the next track,4,56,test assist me to set up direct deposit,8,119,train "i no longer need milk, so forget that",4,59,train transfer money from this account to that account,1,10,train play me some music,4,47,train "i need to know what traffic looks like nearest the smithsonian institute in washington, dc for the next hour",5,65,test how many crows are in 10 murders,7,100,train what is the name that you have for me,10,137,train are there any local stations covering the moral march in raleigh in februaryu,0,0,oos_train by which company are you designed by,9,121,train "how can i apply for a visa card, please",2,29,train what is my current balance on my home equity line of credit,1,12,train what is the square root of 5,7,98,train is it okay to substitute oregano for basil,3,43,train what'll this car do for gas mileage on the open road,5,69,train is honey a good sugar substitute,3,43,train what is now on my reminder list,4,49,train start talking in spanish,10,142,train when are my tires due to be changed,5,74,train tell me when someone looked at my car last,5,72,train i would like to know what today's date is,7,93,train is everything going okay,9,131,train get me a hotel room big enough for 4 people from may 3 to may 5 in boston,6,88,test do i need a visa to travel outside of the us,6,80,test how safe is it to travel to guatemala right now and are there any alerts,6,84,val "i enrolled in an insurance plan, what one was it",8,109,val move forward one song,4,56,test what is the tracking on my package,4,52,train speed up your talking please,10,136,train "how much can i spend, at most, on my chase freedom",2,25,train what sorts of queries should i give you,9,135,train i am needing to know what some of your hobbies are,9,125,test say what you think my name is,10,137,train do you think being alive has any meaning,9,122,test "if you were traveling to indonesia, as i am, would you have your shots updated before your visit",6,85,test setting up direct deposit,8,119,test what’s the name of this song,4,46,val do i have many health benefits,8,109,train i need to add a person to my bank account,0,0,oos_test what's the required fuel type for my car,5,73,val can you put a block on my chase account right away,1,1,train i need one alarm to go off at 6:30 am and a second alarm set for 8:00 am,7,92,train where is the closest mcdonalds,5,71,train what is the scheduled arrival time for my flight,6,79,train should i know about any travel alerts before traveling in the usa,6,84,train i want to be switched back to my factory settings,10,149,train change the volume to 4 now please,10,140,train absolutely,10,139,test do i need specific shots before traveling to germany,6,85,train what date will it be 9 days from now,7,93,val can you tell me the time,7,103,train i need to know the answer to 10000 multiplied by 44,7,98,test make a chart of all the tennis scores from this year,0,0,oos_test i need to obtain and uber,5,64,val what's the highest rated social services non-profit,0,0,oos_test can you tell me jet blue airlines' carry on policy,6,89,train tell me the meeting schdule please,8,110,train how long's it been since i had my car serviced,5,72,train "siri, tell me where my iphone is",7,94,train tell me when the next day off will be,8,107,train i need to know when is the next holiday here,8,107,val what do you prefer being called,9,127,train tire pressure please,5,66,train add swimming to my calendar today,4,51,val where do i find the routing number for usaa,1,2,train what pto time to i have remaining,8,115,train has the status of my vacation request changed,8,106,train can you have your name changed to fred,10,148,val find a credit mentoring service number for me please,0,0,oos_test does this car take regular gas,5,73,train tell me what to make for dinner,3,40,test what ingredients do i use for pork belly,3,34,test "yes, that's accurate",10,139,train what's the due date for spectrum's bill,1,4,val is there a routing number for wells fargo,1,2,val i need an uber ride to come and pick me up now at work,5,64,val how many people live in vermillion,0,0,oos_test will maggianos in charlotte allow me to make a reservation,3,45,val i need a recipe on how to make beef stew,3,37,train have they authorized my vacation,8,106,train i need to confirm that i have a reservation at red robin for josh,3,32,train what's the time in london right now,7,103,val remove celebrate anniversary from my calendar,4,51,train "from now on, refer to me as chuck",10,147,val can you get me a table for 6 at mark's at 11am,3,39,train someone misused my card and put fraudulent transactions on it,1,15,train i want to start calling you owen,10,148,test remove the birthday party this friday from my schedule,4,51,train how do i put a lens that's fallen out back in my glasses,0,0,oos_test i want a clean bootup to factory settings,10,149,val place a phone call to yiming,7,97,train proper to substitute cumin for tumeric,3,43,train can you put the car in fuel efficient mode,0,0,oos_test tell me something funny about rats,9,132,train i need to know if the application been processed,2,27,train how long is the wait at cheesecake factory,3,33,test tell me what is on my reminder list,4,49,train how do i find lost luggage in an airport,6,86,train what is my gymboree card's rewards balance,2,26,val i have to say goodbye,9,129,train bye now,9,129,train i need to buy everything on the shopping list,4,57,train roll this dice,7,104,train i want my original settings back,10,149,train how can i cash in on the rewards i earned through my american express card,2,24,train how much did i spend on lunches last week,1,13,train how long do you cook a hamburger for,3,44,train where should i go to eat tonight,3,41,train can a phone call be made to maria,7,97,train have i gone over my entertainment budget,1,13,test who assembled you,9,121,test please shut off whisper mode for now,10,138,train i need to know the pin number to my card,1,3,val can you book me a place to stay in pittsburgh from monday to friday,6,88,train what ingredients go in potato skins,3,34,train make my pin 1234 for my checking account,1,3,test what are the nutrition facts for greek yogurt,3,36,test i wish to add this song to my classical playlist now,4,53,train could you use the male voice,10,144,test how long do you need to put the cuish in for,3,44,train find the next holiday,8,107,test i want you to guess my name,10,137,train that is wrong,10,141,train i'm not completely certain,10,150,test send joe a text,7,105,val do i need an international visa to go to south korea,6,80,train my name's frank,10,147,train what does your boss go by,9,123,train does my calendar include an event called shana's baby shower,4,55,train what is the average time to go between oil changes,5,62,train is pizza healthy,3,36,train get rid of butter on my shopping list,4,59,train can you please do a simulated coin flip for me ai,7,101,test please reserve a table for two at rouge for 7:00 pm,3,39,train do you know if my vacation request is still pending,8,106,train what vaccinations do i needs to travel to paris,6,85,train make a new alarm for 6 in the morning,7,92,train when will the restaurant be busiest,3,33,train when should i pay my pg&e bill,1,4,val tell me a fact,9,126,train when did my car get serviced last,5,72,train i would like to know your name,9,127,train quit talking,10,145,val what's ten times eight,7,98,train can you now please go back to the original settings,10,149,val can you teach me how to make sushi,3,37,train when did i last have my car fixed,5,72,train i can't find my luggage anywhere and there's no more on the conveyor,6,86,train how long do i boil eggs,3,44,test stop talking,10,145,test play the song called wreckless love,4,47,test i want the current song added to my pregame playlist,4,53,test what kind of electrical plugs do they uze in z,6,76,train whats rupees dollars in 30,6,82,train how much have i spent on tires this month,1,13,test can i update my insurance policy,8,108,test does iron maiden have any new releases,0,0,oos_test i would like to know my income,8,113,train tell me the date,7,93,val i need an uber pool from home in the morning at seven to the capitol building,5,64,train what date do i have to pay the phone bill on,1,4,val i'd like you to give me an idea for a meal from iceland,3,40,train make a list of all sites in the us where spirits have been seen at night,0,0,oos_test 10 minutes is what the timer should be set at,7,96,val what's the traffic like going to central park,5,65,val is the bill due,1,4,test what is the current credit limit i have on my wells fargo mastercard,2,25,train "how do they say ""where's the bathroom"" in spanish",6,78,train are reservations allowed at burger king,3,45,train why is my luggage not here,6,86,test get me an uber to the napa winery,5,64,train can you make a reservation at the restaurant for tonight,3,39,train tell me how i should cash in my rewards for my citibank card,2,24,train did the application i put in for a mastercard go through yet,2,27,train please use a male voice when speaking,10,144,train can you translate bat into russian for me,6,78,train what do you think life is really about,9,122,val how long does it take the irs to issue a tax refund,0,0,oos_test can you book me a tee time at cantigny at 2 pm on saturday,0,0,oos_test whereabouts are you from,9,128,train i need for you to change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train what gas does this car use,5,73,test will nobu take reservations,3,45,train how much money was deposited to my bank account from my employer this month,8,113,train help me figure out how to change my oil,5,63,test i need you to cancel my reservation for smith at the williams diner,3,42,test can a 401k be rolled over,8,114,train refer to me as nick,10,147,val that would be yes,10,139,train add one by metallica to my playlist,4,53,train can you tell me my to do list,4,58,train what's the plug type in honduras,6,76,test please put watering the plants on my to do list,4,48,train can i make it to los angeles with this fuel level,5,68,test you can call me james,10,147,train please help me apply for a silver card,2,29,train advance to the next song,4,56,train "i missed that, say it again",10,143,train tell me why my card was declined,2,21,val please tell my what insurance plan i registered for,8,109,train where can i get the form i need to do my taxes,8,117,train i need you to tell me what benefits are included in my insurance,8,109,train do you know any good jokes,9,132,train what types of things do you like to do in your spare time,9,125,train when is my card going to expire,2,17,train can you turn the volume to 4,10,140,train i need a mexican meal suggesstion,3,40,train please remove science fair from my to do list,4,48,test can you find me a decent hotel in denver,6,88,train has visa gotten back to me regarding my card app,2,27,train when is my next direct deposit from my job,8,111,train how much total have i spent on fast food lately,1,13,test i'd like to refer to you as my house from now on,10,148,train what is my bill's minimum payment,1,8,train who can i talk to above you,9,123,test are there recommended vaccines to go there,6,85,train tell me the status of my tires and when i need to replace them,5,74,train what do i have on my need to do list,4,58,train i must call dr smith,7,97,train i am trying to find my credit score,2,28,train i'd like to know your hobbies,9,125,train how can i stop my credit score from dropping,2,19,train what channel is cw on,0,0,oos_test thank you goodbye,9,129,test what will the temperature be tomorrow,7,91,train please take away the fries from the shopping list,4,59,train i don't understand why walgreens declined my card,2,21,train what is the current exchange rate between mxn and eur,6,82,test what are my bills this month,1,9,test can you speak to me using japanese,10,142,train what's the time,7,103,val i just used my last check and need more now,1,11,val will you take my bill payment,1,5,train may i know if you are a real person or an ai,9,133,train is it going to be sunny today,7,91,train when does boarding for my flight begin,6,79,train make me a reservation in tampa from may 2 to may 4,6,88,val how do i get more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train what subjects are you experienced in,9,135,test see ya later,9,129,train i'd like to find a place that rents flashy sports cars in tampa,6,90,train what gas does the car use,5,73,train what type of specific shots should i get before flying to south korea,6,85,train can i call you betty,10,148,train can you swipe to the next song,4,56,test do i have enough in my chase account for a plane ticket,1,12,train "nice talking again, bye",9,129,train i damaged the card; can you replace the card,2,18,train my shopping list should have carrots on it,4,59,train read my reminder list back to me,4,49,val take everything off my to do list,4,48,test please set an alarm for mid day,7,92,train how many points have i earned with my chase card,2,26,val can you tell me who made ai,9,121,train how many days did i skip work,8,120,train "at a minimum, what must i pay on my verizon bill",1,8,test do you know how the ratings are for yardhouse,3,38,val how much time does it take to boil an egg,3,44,train help me roll over my 401k,8,114,train either one might be,10,150,test figure out when my car will next need an oil change,5,62,test what will be the weather tomorrow,7,91,val could you tell me the temperature of the ac,4,60,val i have no knowledge about it,10,150,train could you check my bank balance for me,1,12,train raise the volume,10,140,train can you cancel what you were doing,10,145,train i have to send a text,7,105,train what timezone is london is,6,81,train how would i say what is your name if i were french,6,78,test why is there a hold on my edward jones account,1,6,train when can i expect to be paid,8,111,test please tell me what kind of gas this car needs,5,73,val please list my meetings for today from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm,8,110,train can you please let me know when next my tires are due to be changed,5,74,train could you slow down your speech,10,136,train how old are you again,9,134,train what is the name of the 13th president,0,0,oos_val i need some assistance paying my utilities bill,1,5,test you can call me stevie,10,147,train do my tires have enough pressure,5,66,test what does it look like my state taxes will add up to,8,112,train when will my new credit card arrive,2,17,test how do you convert kilos to pounds,7,100,test what are the nutrition facts for macaroni and cheese,3,36,train can you put carrots on my shopping list,4,59,train you can call me jeff,10,147,train how many weeks of vacation time do i have,8,115,test list all the shots i need to travel to france,6,85,train pair with my phone,10,146,train what transactions did i put on my visa last month,1,14,val what's on the calendar for march 4th,4,55,train please tell me how to spell the word coup,7,102,test find me a place to stay in jacksonville near the stadium from january 1st through 3rd,6,88,test show me examples of cute eyeglass frames,0,0,oos_test can i get to work safely or do i need to stop and get gas,5,68,train can you tell me what i have on my shopping list,4,54,train please read me the last text message i received,0,0,oos_test what dog breed sold the most in 2018,0,0,oos_val "which insurance plan am i enrolled in, please",8,109,train where's my buddy steve right this second,0,0,oos_test i'd like to hire someone to wash my car,0,0,oos_test can you make a reservation at michael's,3,45,train can you rise the volume of this please,10,140,train can a polar bear live in alabama,0,0,oos_test share my gps coordinates with kelly,7,95,train what are some of the most visited countries for people looking to travel abroad,0,0,oos_test i need to find out how to check the due date for the water bill,1,4,test what kind of traffic is on hwy 1 going to the downtown area right now,5,65,val what is the mpg on this car,5,69,train when does my oil need some changing,5,62,train what's today,7,93,train i wanna know my income,8,113,train how do i convert tablespoons to cups,7,100,train would you say you are working for me,9,123,train how would i go about setting up a direct deposit,8,119,train do i have more than $100 in my pnc account,1,12,val regards,9,129,test how to set up direct deposit for paychecks,8,119,train how do i improve my credit score,2,19,train go back to your original settings,10,149,train which stocks gained the most today,0,0,oos_test does my american express card have any international transaction fees,2,30,val what are the main attractions in gatlinburg,6,83,train please roll a die now,7,104,train when do i owe the rent,1,4,train i think maybe,10,150,test forward the text i just got from henry to giselle,0,0,oos_test what is the minimum i can pay for my telephone bill,1,8,train that'd be a no,10,141,train when's the next time i have to pay the insurance,1,4,train i want you to play the next song on this playlist,4,56,train place an order for my entire shopping list,4,57,test "i would like to have language set to spanish, please",10,142,train what kind of mpg does this car get in the city,5,69,train are people recommending the donuts at tgi,3,38,train can i safely travel to brazil,6,84,train i think you are a bot,9,133,train when was nintendo created,0,0,oos_train how can i say thank you very much in chinese,6,78,val please cancel my dinner reservation for tuesday,3,42,train can you call dominos pizza,7,97,train read my complete todo list to me,4,58,train about how many meetings am i attending between 12 and 3 today,8,110,train i am not sure,10,150,test that's definitely false,10,141,train can you freeze my account,1,1,train "since i ran out , order more bread",4,57,val i need to know if my vacation was approved,8,106,train which holiday do we celebrate next,8,107,val i am going away and need to rent a car,6,90,val "i enjoyed talking to you, bye",9,129,test be quiet,10,145,test what is 4 + 7,7,98,train help me get my paycheck set up for direct deposit to my chase account,8,119,val hey what's up,9,131,train i want you to flip a coin,7,101,train what sort of fuel do i need for my car,5,73,train show me my calendar for next sunday,4,55,train if i want to direct deposit my check into my nations bank account how do i do that,8,119,test can you play the beatles,4,47,val what kind of oil do i need to use for my car,5,63,train find me a mechanic,5,67,train change color contrast,0,0,oos_test do i have any meetings coming up with dan,8,110,val what is my maurices card's rewards balance,2,26,val about how long should you cook a 10 pound turkey,3,44,train what is my current fuel level,5,68,train can you locate my package,4,52,train could you tell me what fun tourist things i could do in tokyo,6,83,train are there any travel bulletins about haiti,6,84,test i want you to flip a coin now,7,101,val what should i do with an unusable and damaged card,2,18,train whisper please,10,138,val what is the total of my repair bill,1,9,val "i'm craving for italian food, where should i go",3,41,train that's a definite yes,10,139,train remind me of the date of my last paycheck,8,111,train when are my tires next due for a change,5,74,train put this song on my edm playlist,4,53,train "ai, shut up",10,145,train can you find me a salsa recipe,3,37,test there is a fraudulent charge for paypal on my bank account,1,15,train can you delete my todo list please,4,48,val what's the conversion from inches to centimeters,7,100,train what kind of gas does my car take,5,73,train for checkbooks can i order them for my chase account,1,11,test will i need to get a plug converter when i visit guam,6,76,test can you please revert to factory settings at this time,10,149,test list a few pizza places that have seating near my current location,3,41,val is there any good place for vietnamese food on the east side of the island,3,41,train tell me if opening a new account will decrease my credit score,2,19,train what are some tourist sites to see in ann arbor,6,83,train what's the name you use for me,10,137,test please make your language setting french,10,142,train would you please increase your speaker volume,10,140,train how to remove a stripped bolt,0,0,oos_test where would i get my rewards for my master card,2,24,test tell me the type of fuel my car takes,5,73,train can you give me info on miami weather,7,91,train "in 5 days from today, what will the date be",7,93,test that's not right it's false,10,141,train do i have enough gas in the fuel tank,5,68,train bring the sound up,10,140,train your date of birth,9,134,test what is your date of birth,9,134,val what is the total number of calories in this pizza,3,35,test what is the meaning of stupendous,7,99,train not so loud,10,140,test give me a list of things to do in orlando,6,83,train would you be willing to add bread to my shopping list if i haven't already,4,59,val "buy tickets for a flight from nyc to la on march 1, returning on march 5",6,87,train tell me how to get new insurance,8,108,val help me get an uber,5,64,train what sorts of tasks can you do,9,135,test my car battery died and i need help,5,75,val tell me my debit card's rewards balance,2,26,test when can i commute my tires next,5,74,val volume 4 set,10,140,test tell me the nutrional info of a regular banana,3,36,val is there another person you work for,9,123,train will you reserve a table at olive garden for 3 people at 7,3,39,test let me hear the song sympathy for the devil,4,47,val please tell me how many calories one chocolate bar contains,3,35,train please change the ai name for me,10,148,train could you let me know who made you,9,121,train i would like to use my credit card points,2,24,train are there any travel alerts for russia,6,84,train is beer legal in this state,0,0,oos_test i need a hotel room for 4 people in lakewood from monday to wednesday,6,88,train "help, i've lost my cellphone!",7,94,test when will my new visa get here,2,16,train when is my electricity due date,1,4,test how long is it going to be until my card expires,2,17,train tell me how to change my policy,8,108,val show me how to apply for a visa card,2,29,train please add bananas to my shopping list unless i already did,4,59,val how many transactions do i have on flower shops from last wednesday between 2pm and 7pm,1,14,test can you tell me some strategies for raising my credit score,2,19,test "what are you, a bot or human",9,133,train how long do i have to wait for shokudo,3,33,train will i be notified when my application has been processed,2,27,train do i need an international visa to go to malaysia,6,80,train what can i make for dinner,3,40,train can you check if my credit card application has been processed,2,27,test i'm going to need a meeting room on 9am on tuesday,8,118,train how much do i have to pay back for my taxes,8,112,train aaa insurance start new plan,8,108,train why did my card get rejected yesterday,2,21,train i need to know the next billing date of my american express card,1,4,test what happens if you're skydiving and your parachute doesn't open,0,0,oos_test look up how many of my days off i have used so far,8,120,train what octaine is recommended for this car,5,73,val state your name,9,127,train i need to know everything on my to do list currently,4,58,train on flight america airlines in o'hare lost luggage,6,86,train "could you call me a different name, please",10,147,test how do you do a jump start,5,75,train please transfer my funds,1,10,train when is my credit card going to expire,2,17,train can i give you instructions in japanese,10,142,train can i hear the song that starts out doo doo doo,4,47,val what is the proper way to convert centimeters into inches,7,100,train set up a new text message,7,105,train please confirm my reservation for 2/20 at 8 pm,3,32,train "increase the volume level to 4, please",10,140,train what's the definition of unencumbered,7,99,test would you change your voice to the male british accent for me,10,144,test please use your female voice,10,144,train tell me the amount of calories in muffins,3,35,train how is the word umbrella spelled,7,102,val how is the approval of my day off going,8,106,train cash in my credit card points,2,24,val please be sure to put folding laundry on my to do list for me,4,48,train what is the high temperature for tomorrow,7,91,train i need help paying my cable bill,1,5,train i wish to know when my flight will land,6,79,train what's the best way to make a broccoli salad,3,37,train what's the last transaction i made yesterday,1,14,train what did i spend at the grocery store yesterday,1,13,train "hey, what's new",9,131,test "yep, that's right",10,139,train are butter and oil interchangable,3,43,val i'd like direct deposit to my chase bank account,8,119,val i'm having trouble finding my luggage i was on delta flight ab123 out of new york,6,86,train under the name zebee book a reservation at the xenophobe for 3,3,39,val go back to whisper mode,10,138,train so please reset your factory settings,10,149,test please start my car,4,60,train what's the air level in my tires,5,66,train what sort of nutrients does a steak have,3,36,train what is the number of remaining rewards points on my chase card,2,26,train what health benefits are available to me,8,109,train can i get more checks,1,11,train i want to convert my credit card points,2,24,train go to the next tune,4,56,train what kind of hertz outlets do they use in z,6,76,train can you tell me about the nutrients in jello,3,36,train my card was cut by my kid,2,18,val im going to be in jamaica from october 4th until october 8th,6,77,train what kind of mileage does this car get,5,69,test change accent to british male,10,144,train what brush can i use to wash my car that won't scratch it,0,0,oos_test do i have to put my mouth on theirs when doing cpr,0,0,oos_test how could i get into the guiness book of world records,0,0,oos_test i want help rolling over my 401k,8,114,train what is the top 10 best modems,0,0,oos_test is there a fee to use my card in france,2,30,test what is 1785 minus 334 minus 87 plus 374 minus 400 plus 17,7,98,train how long can i expect to wait for a restaurant table,3,33,train which song is playing now,4,46,train remind me to bring a jacket in tomorrow,4,50,train has my time off request been approved yet,8,106,train what are the best italian restaurants in chicago,3,41,train 10 minutes is the setting for the timer,7,96,val what's the typical wait time at red lobster,3,33,train i need you to call the phone company for me,7,97,test can you tell me my credit score,2,28,train remove my reservation at outback for timmy,3,42,train i need to know the calorie content of spaghetti,3,35,test can you tell me the number of ounces in a quart,7,100,val what's my checking look like,1,12,test i could use some help transfering my 401k,8,114,train please make sure oranges are on my shopping list,4,59,train what's the expiration for steak,3,31,train how many calories are in a donut hole,3,35,val since we're out of checks i want help purchasing new ones,1,11,train can i put in a pto request for december 25th to january 1st,8,116,test i was in thailand trying to buy candies and my card got declined,2,21,test i want a new pin for my savings account,1,3,train does bj's take reservations,3,45,test shhhh,10,145,train walk me through on how to roll over my 401k,8,114,train can you send a text to my mother irene and tell her i love her,7,105,train tell me about yourself,9,127,train what is my email subscriction services bill,1,9,train are there good clam places in cleveland,3,41,test can you walk me through setting up direct deposits to my bank of internet savings account,8,119,train how cold is it going to be tonight,7,91,train not right now,10,141,test turn the fan on please,4,60,train when is my next oil change due,5,62,train could you share what my current credit limit is,2,25,train "my account has a hold on it and i can't access my funds, why",1,6,train tell me how to set up direct deposit,8,119,train please tell me the types of pets you have,9,124,test i would like to change the name on my first hawaiian bank account,1,3,test deny incoming phone call,0,0,oos_test i tried to make a purchase yesterday but my card was declined why,2,21,train how is water spelled,7,102,train does the country have a travel alert,6,84,train grab me a new belt on amazon please,4,57,train what city were you born in,9,128,train let cora and nancy know were i am now,7,95,train "tell me how to change my car's oil, and what type of oil i should buy",5,63,train i want to put in a pto request for march 1-8,8,116,train when do i change my oil,5,62,train what sort of jokes do you know,9,132,val give me the name of the insurance plan that i enrolled in,8,109,train does amazon collect my personal information,0,0,oos_test are over the ear headphones better than in ear headphones,0,0,oos_val there seems to be fraudulent activity,1,15,train i want the volume at 4 please,10,140,val where do you originate from,9,128,test not sure to be honest,10,150,test is the traffic typically bad at noon on the route to the hopsital,5,65,train what will be the date in 100 days from now,7,93,train will my credit card be mailed soon,2,16,train research the meaning of life,9,122,train when did i last make a purchase,1,14,test what was the date when i last had my car inspected,5,72,train read my todo list,4,58,test what is the current time in new york,7,103,train when should i change the tires,5,74,val what's the clock say,7,103,val "can you give me a vietnamese meal suggestion, please",3,40,train give me a fun fact about dolphin,9,126,test can you tell me the interest rate,1,7,train what do i need to make a cajun chili,3,34,train when did i change my oil,5,72,val for under 700 i need a flight from denver international to new york international on the 3rd,6,87,val i have no knowledge of that,10,150,train what kind of hobbies does the ai have,9,125,test what is the government department that regulates emissions,0,0,oos_test check the nanny cam and send the feed to my phone,0,0,oos_test what ingredients are needed to make lasgana,3,34,test thanks please,9,130,train what is the amount of blood needed to stay alive,0,0,oos_test is the timezone there different,6,81,val adjust speech rate to a faster setting,10,136,train what timezone is russia in,6,81,train change your language,10,142,train "alexa, buy a new television",4,57,test tell me my credit rating,2,28,train what is the date tomorrow,7,93,train can you change the date of the doctor's appointment event in my calendar from april 1 to april 3rd,4,51,train who is this song that's on the stereo,4,46,train where would i search for my location,5,61,test how much do i pay the irs,8,112,test can you cancel improv class from my calendar for may 7th,4,51,test is there any traffic on my way to work,5,65,train who is the singer on the speaker now,4,46,test when in europe would i be able to use a regular plug,6,76,train i'd like to start calling you friend,10,148,test what's my bank routing number,1,2,train what's this song called,4,46,train increase the speaker volume please,10,140,val what kind of gas goes in this car,5,73,train tell me the expiry date of my credit card,2,17,train do you know what this song is,4,46,train what's the number of calories in a pepsi,3,35,train what is the routing number for pnc,1,2,test can you tell me why walmart declined my card,2,21,train what do you do in your down time,9,125,train when is my meeting with ann,8,110,test can you get my credit limit increased to $1000,2,22,test what is the state of the weather in seattle,7,91,test what benefits do i have for insurance,8,109,val i would like you to stop what you were doing,10,145,train "are you an actual person, or ai",9,133,train that is actually false,10,141,train how long does it take to bake a pork loin,3,44,train cancel my reservation for 6 pm at sidetracks,3,42,train how much do i need to pay on my bills,1,9,train how many calories are in cheerios,3,35,train what bands are touring in my city this week,0,0,oos_test what's the traffic like right now for my route to work,5,65,val my credit card was turned down at target and i'd like to know why,2,21,test the bank should know i am going to asia soon,6,77,train set an alarm for me please,7,92,val i want to put in a request for pto from may 5 to may 12,8,116,train what time of day is it in london,7,103,val this was a nice chat,9,129,val i need help since someone stole my card,2,20,train is raw carrot healthy to eat,3,36,val what is the current song,4,46,train "what is the average of 54, 23, 43, 12, and 442",7,98,test will i be charged if i use my card in russia,2,30,val please calculate my vacation time,8,115,train add this song to the end of my led zeppelin playlist,4,53,train check the status of my order,4,52,train please change back to initial device settings,10,149,train what points have i earned on my visa,2,26,test how much did i spend at restaurants last week,1,13,train provide me the name of who programmed you,9,121,train any suggestions for a peruvian meal,3,40,train definition of anachronism,7,99,train what are the details on my health care plan,8,109,test tell me why am i locked out of my bank account,1,6,train are you ai,9,133,train volume should be increased to 4,10,140,train apply for a bank of america travel rewards credit card,2,29,train how do i locate when my gas bill is do,1,4,train when is my flight going to board,6,79,val how many minutes to melt cheese,3,44,train i'm looking for flights that depart on the 3rd and return on z from monday to friday,6,87,test what are the international transaction fees for my chase card,2,30,train i need to talk to someone about a transaction that was not made by me on my chase account,1,15,train what do i have left in the gas tank,5,68,train let's add wonder by hillsong united to my playlist,4,53,train i am ready now to cash in on the many credit card points i have saved up,2,24,train when do i need to change my motor oil,5,62,val would you give me examples of what some of your hobbies are,9,125,test how much money am i making this year at work,8,113,test would you say that you are now a pet owner,9,124,train when should i take an apple pie out,3,44,train how can i get more checks for my commerce bank checking account,1,11,train is there any way you can decrease your speaking rate,10,136,train i am needing to know the current time in the eastern timezone,7,103,train what was the issue with my card yesterday,2,21,train tell me how long until the next day off,8,107,test there's a false charge on my account from mcdonald's,1,15,test how many teaspoons in a cup,7,100,train where is my delivery order,4,52,train please use male voice,10,144,train how do i cook boiled eggs,3,37,train how are you doing,9,131,test can you tell me if you have any pets,9,124,train please get everything on my shopping list,4,57,train i need to know what tasks are on my to-do list,4,58,train what are common vaccinations for someone travelling internationally,6,85,train what name do you want me to call you,9,127,train how do i make my credit score better,2,19,train who made the ai,9,121,train can you please add take out recycling on my list of chores to complete,4,48,train "please, recite to me some good one liners",9,132,train can you help me get on a new united healthcare insurance plan,8,108,train how do i activate you,9,127,train text mark and tell him to leave now,7,105,test add eggs to my shopping list if it's not already there,4,59,test i want you to immediatly block any further activity on my bb&t bank account,1,1,train tell me the fuel my car takes,5,73,train that isn't correct,10,141,test the timezone of italy is what,6,81,train why do u work for them,9,123,train what is the sushi like at yakamoto,3,38,train how much do i earn,8,113,test when did i last get my car serviced,5,72,val do you know the carry-on restrictions for delta,6,89,train are there extra charges for using my card in mexico,2,30,train roll them bones!,7,104,train show me all gas purchases within the last month,1,14,train could you tell me what my credit score is,2,28,test "can you get me a car rental for march 1st to 3rd in seattle, and i'd like a sedan if possible",6,90,val when did i get my car inspected last,5,72,test do you know what this car's mpg is,5,69,train what is the temperature setting of the ac,4,60,train how many days does it take to receive a new card,2,16,train can you tell me about the best tourist attractions in sweden,6,83,train what’s the answer to 5-6=,7,98,train what are the travel conditions for haiti,6,84,test take out of my checking 400 dollars and put it into my emergency savings account,1,10,val pull up the classifieds and read the career section to me,0,0,oos_test please cancel my reservation for 5 at red robin,3,42,test whats the cars mpg,5,69,train false,10,141,test was my car in the shop this past week,5,72,test thanks for your help!,9,130,test tell me my current gps coordinates,5,61,train how do i order more checkbooks for my well's fargo account,1,11,test i want to install new tiles in my kitchen,0,0,oos_test do i have twinkies on the grocery list,4,54,test how many of inches of snow did my hometown get last year,7,91,train what zelda games are available on the switch,0,0,oos_test can you tell me what my calendar is like for thursday the 14th,4,55,val make all settings the initial defaults if you would,10,149,train see if my form submission for an american express card has been seen,2,27,train how much vacation have i already used this year,8,120,train "oh, thanks",9,130,train how would i raise my credit spending by 2500 dollars,2,22,train who is this ai's creater,9,121,train "ai, address me as deb when speaking to me",10,147,test i want you to call me sheldon,10,147,test what are the current prices for mushrooms,0,0,oos_test tell me the limit for credit on my mastercard,2,25,train what is the status of the order i placed with you yesterday,4,52,test i'd like to confirm my reservation for 2/20 at 8 pm,3,32,train i am not sure how to spell punctuation,7,102,train will you be sure to add this current song to my sleep playlist,4,53,test i need a pto request for the dates jan 15th to jan 20th,8,116,train tell me what the date will be tomorrow,7,93,train i need a flight booked from dallas to miami on american airlines,6,87,train tell david my location,7,95,test what's the due date for the renting bill,1,4,train what is the recommended time frame to change my oil,5,62,train will you notify me when my new card is on the way,2,16,train what does amicable mean,7,99,test what is miami weather like,7,91,train what time do i have to go to work today,0,0,oos_test what kind of things to you like to outside of work,9,125,test reasons that us bank would place a hold on my account,1,6,test "i'd like to rent a limo in las vegas from may 01, 2019 to may 03, 2019",6,90,train how would i say nice to meet you if i were russian,6,78,test text samantha and let her know i will arrive in 10 minutes,7,105,test let me know what the routing number for my civista account is,1,2,train can i turn on the alarm now,7,92,train will i make it on the gas i have to orlando,5,68,train can you change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train how long is it going to take me to get to bellevue,5,70,val where is the nearest circuit city,5,71,test it's time for me to call drew,7,97,train transfer happy to my rb playlist,4,53,train i am interested in acquiring new insurance,8,108,train how many swedish kroner do i get for a dollar,6,82,train what is the traffic like,5,65,train do i need to obtain a travel visa to go on vacation to places in eastern europe,6,80,train i need to know how to change my oil,5,63,train have the riots in france triggered any alerts for people traveling to there,6,84,val toss a die would you,7,104,train can you set a reminder for the meeting,4,50,train tell me my usage of vacation days,8,120,train how would they say say goodbye in hawaii,6,78,train is a walmart gift card one of the things i can use my credit card points on,2,24,train how do you treat an iron skillet,0,0,oos_test do you have nutrition facts for cheerios,3,36,train what is my routing number for marine bank,1,2,train what kind of gas do i put in my car,5,73,train tell me how busy red robin is at 5 pm,3,33,test when is the right time to change my tires,5,74,train time to order and receive a new credit card,2,16,test what movies are available,0,0,oos_test what day is the bill due,1,4,train how many points per game is lebron james averaging this season,0,0,oos_train sell three calls of of nvda,0,0,oos_test nope that's not it,10,141,test suggest a meal from burma to me,3,40,train can you reserve a meeting space for 4:00 on thursday,8,118,test what the numerical number inside my bank accounts,1,12,test what's should i call you by,9,127,train thanks for that answer,9,130,test when will my flight take off,6,79,train check my bank balance,1,12,train what is life’s meaning,9,122,train read off shopping list,4,54,train what things are currently on my reminder list,4,49,train would you order everything on my shopping list,4,57,train i need some ideas for a mexican meal,3,40,test what month does my credit card expire,2,17,test i want a recipe for roasted veggies,3,37,test i need a good italian dish,3,40,test do i need to pay my credit card bill already,1,4,train you’re the best thanks so much!,9,130,test cancel that reservation for 8 at barney's,3,42,val tell me who gives the best motivational speeches on the web,0,0,oos_test what is the yen worth in terms of the peso,6,82,train what's the answer to it all,9,122,test how much pto have i used,8,120,val show me my next day off,8,107,train "what amount of money do i pay in taxes, please",8,112,train find out what gentlemen are wearing to weddings these days,0,0,oos_test can i take out the olive oil and use lard,3,43,train can you explain why i couldn't use my card at target,2,21,test what's the latest with my united flight,6,79,train what's the reviews have to say about burger king,3,38,train "my car battery died, what should i do",5,75,train do we know if my reservation for john at bardenay was accepted,3,32,test how much money am i earning,8,113,test flip a coin for me and i call heads,7,101,test what is the spending limit i have,2,25,train please walk me through the steps necessary to rollover my 401k,8,114,train "how do i deal with angry, painful red bumps",0,0,oos_test when for i meet jane for our meeting,8,110,test stop synching to my phone,10,146,val "what kind of insurance plan am i enrolled in, please",8,109,train what are the pets that you take care of,9,124,train how are things for you,9,131,train i did not hear what you said,10,143,val could you help me out with a new renters' insurance plan,8,108,train make a new alarm,7,92,train i need to take out the trash please remind me,4,50,train i am wanting to know how many carry ons i can take on a flight with southwest airlines to houston,6,89,train when do the utah jazz play next,0,0,oos_train set up a report for a lost card,2,20,test is there a minimum gas grade this car needs,5,73,train quit what you are doing,10,145,train please help me schedule a meeting with john love at 9 am tomorrow,8,118,train how much will i have to pay in state taxes,8,112,train tell me how do i schedule a meeting,8,118,train why was my card declined,2,21,train "i want to eat mediterranean fare with at least four stars, near me",3,41,val i wanna know the status of flight dl123,6,79,train what type of gas does this car need,5,73,train i need to know what my gps coordinates are,5,61,val i need to know the status of my credit card application,2,27,test when was my car last worked on,5,72,train give me a cool fact about seattle,9,126,val please tell me if i still have a reservation at acero for susie,3,32,test show me transactions related to travel,1,14,train female voice please,10,144,test book me a flight out of la to chicago on march 3rd for under $500,6,87,train who gave you your name,9,127,train in what timezone does baton rouge fall,6,81,train check what is on my to-do list,4,58,test do i have enough gas left to make it to tampa,5,68,train take off fries from the shopping list,4,59,train what is the date that my visa card expires,2,17,val can you translate hi into spanish for me,6,78,train where can i pick up my w2 to do my taxes,8,117,train where is my gas tank located,5,68,test what are the best restaurants open tonight,3,41,test flip a two sided coin and tell me what it lands on,7,101,train please cancel my reservation for dinner,3,42,train what are cars like mine selling for online,0,0,oos_test i'd like to know about my health plan,8,109,train please find me a recipe for spaghetti now,3,37,train my luggage has not arrived and i would like help locating it,6,86,train try it with a male voice,10,144,train whoa whoa please slow down,10,136,train share the nutrition info for spaghetti with me,3,36,train you need to change the pin on my bank of america account to be 1234,1,3,train what was the date when i last go paid,8,111,test reset to default settings please,10,149,train what is the phone number of the car rental place,6,90,test i'd like to use you using russian,10,142,test where am i on the map,5,61,test can you confirm that i have a reservation for february 21 at 6 o'clock,3,32,test when will my credit card app be approved,2,27,train what's the meaning of affiliate,7,99,train does it show me as having a reservation for tomorrow at 5,3,32,train does delta have carry-on restrictions,6,89,train where do i find the routing number for navy federal,1,2,train where are most the servicemen right now,0,0,oos_test give me instructions to set up direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train what's the nutritional info for a cheeseburger,3,36,train i want to know how the mcdonalds reviews are,3,38,train i'm going to start calling you joe,10,148,test let me know something funny,9,132,train how much will i have to pay in federal taxes,8,112,train can i protect my credit score,2,19,train please slow down how you're speaking,10,136,train i need to put my appointment for tomorrow on my calendar,4,51,train can i talk to someone about why there is a hold on my checking account,1,6,train can you switch out of whisper mode,10,138,train will checking your credit lower my score,2,19,train "thanks, i appreciate it",9,130,val i am hungry and need a restaurant suggestion,3,41,train do you know if i can make reservations at bj's,3,45,test how can i up my credit score,2,19,test what do you go by,9,127,val there has been fraudulent activity on my card and i need to report it,1,15,train i go by brad,10,147,train "flip a coin, you win with heads",7,101,train go ahead an unsync my phone now,10,146,train can you tell me what my name is,10,137,train may i know my insurance benefits,8,109,train would it be possible to change your name to coraline,10,148,test can you help me increase my credit limit,2,22,val will you roll a 5 sided dice,7,104,train tell me the current account balance,1,12,test am kind of busy now,0,0,oos_val please spell the word umbrella,7,102,val costa mesa current weather,7,91,train what does it say on the clock,7,103,train are french fries health or not,3,36,val walk me through the process of transferring my 401k,8,114,train my visa has been damaged,2,18,test please make a call to stefan larson,7,97,test count how many sick days i've used,8,120,train "can you find a rental car for me that is available this monday through thursday , any make will do",6,90,test what will my state taxes amount to this year,8,112,train does our bank have free notary,0,0,oos_val what time is it now pacific time,7,103,train can i have you call me something else,10,147,train i lost my luggage,6,86,train i've forgotten my pin number for my citibank gold account,1,3,val can i get you to say that once more,10,143,train can you connect to my phone,10,146,test what is the title of the song we're listening to right now,4,46,test what are the nutrition facts for apple sauce,3,36,test "can you give me the travel alerts for jalisco, mexico",6,84,train i want to learn something about apples,9,126,test i want you to use a different accent,10,144,val create a timer that is set to go off after 25 mins,7,96,val i can't remember my pin for my first national debit account,1,3,val when is next month's cable bill due,1,4,test i want to listen to the next song on this playlist instead,4,56,train i switched companies and need to rollover my 401k,8,114,train repeat what you just told me,10,143,train can you let ben and jerry know my current location,7,95,train that answer's above my pay scale,10,150,train what kid of subjects do you excel in,9,135,test what is the most popular airline,0,0,oos_train teach me how to jump start my car,5,75,val how much time do i have to keep tofu in the freezer before it goes bad,3,31,test what timezone is japan in,6,81,train please tell me why walgreen's wouldn't take my card,2,21,train how many miles will i get for one gallon on this car,5,69,val i got to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train are you computer or human,9,133,test send a text message for me,7,105,train is the tofu i put in the fridge tuesday still edible today,3,31,train i go by the name jim,10,147,train what is your take on the meaning of life,9,122,train please pause my banking actions,1,1,train who were you made by,9,121,train i have no idea,10,150,train have i have been spending a lot of money on shoes,1,13,train do i need a visa to travel to canada,6,80,train during what month will my card's expiration date fall on,2,17,train "i need a van that seats 8 or more for new york city, august 12th, 13th, and 14th",6,90,train i need to know if angelos takes reservations,3,45,train i need to pay my electric bill,1,5,test merci beaucoup,9,130,train how are you,9,131,train can you schedule a meeting with damon for 1,8,118,train does mr joes pizza usually have a long wait,3,33,test how to improve a credit score,2,19,train how long is it until my credit card expires,2,17,train go to the credit card site and check if my application has gone through,2,27,val is flight dl123 on time,6,79,train tell me a joke about rats,9,132,train please send a text to danny saying that i'm running late,7,105,val is there an option to change the language,10,142,train can i get the minimum payment for my credit card,1,8,train how is the car tire pressure doing,5,66,val what kinds of hobbies do you enjoy,9,125,train i really need to order some more checks for my savings account,1,11,train has the application i put in for a new visa been processed,2,27,train what do you want me to refer to you as,9,127,train can i use apple juice instead of grape juice,3,43,train can you check that there's a reservation for mark at sidetracks,3,32,train please buy me flowers,4,57,train spell the word aaron,7,102,test let me know the rules for carry ons for continental,6,89,train what is a good sink filter for water,0,0,oos_test what do the ratings say about korean bbq,3,38,train i need to know if i could substitute apple sauce with eggs,3,43,train please place a pto request for february 18th to the february 25th,8,116,train will i be charged if i use my card in detroit,2,30,train would you set my alarm for 10:00 and another for 3:00,7,92,train i wanna find a hotel with good reviews in phoenix,6,88,test please tell me how much i owe sprint and how much i owe hsn,1,9,train do you have any domestic animals,9,124,train which timezone is buenos aires in,6,81,train is 126 divisible by 8,7,98,val i need new language,10,142,val what should i use when i refer to you,9,127,test tell me what to do to change the oil in a subaru,5,63,train what is the process of setting up direct deposit,8,119,test i want to get the w-2 form,8,117,test i need help paying my water bill,1,5,train do you know where i left my phone,7,94,train what is the expiration date on my chase card,2,17,test lets pause this song and move onto the next,4,56,train let me use my credit card points,2,24,train which type of pets do you have,9,124,test what is the age of the ai,9,134,train i need some good suggestions for peruvian cuisine,3,40,val how can i spell avocado,7,102,train what is my car's gas mileage,5,69,test can you slow your speaking down,10,136,train make sure to put extra paint on the list,4,59,train why was my card not working at target,2,21,test when do the kids get out of school today,0,0,oos_test what do i do to set up a vacation,8,116,test thanks for helping me,9,130,val i need to schedule somewhere get my tires checked out,5,67,train can i get to susan's house with my current tank,5,68,test appreciate the help,9,130,train is kaya busy around 5 pm,3,33,train "if i’m in japan, what time zone am i in",6,81,train what is the day off request status if you could tell me,8,106,test can you tell me if there is anything on my todo list,4,58,val how long does it take to get to houston by bus,5,70,train how many sick days do i have,8,115,test please add the song i'm listening to right now to my relaxation playlist,4,53,test whats the best way to roast a chicken,3,37,train "can you tell me how to spell the word schadenfreude, i don't know how it's spelt",7,102,test it was nice to converse with you,9,129,train thanks!,9,130,train i would like to know my water bill minimum payment,1,8,train where's the gas tank level at,5,68,train what kind of traffic can i expect on the way to church,5,65,val what's my pay,8,113,train i'd like to know who made you,9,121,train i need for you to connect to my phone,10,146,train i'd like to hear a lawyer joke,9,132,test "i watched ""were the millers"" on netflix last night",0,0,oos_test find out where parking is close to the stadium,0,0,oos_test tell me on what day did i get paid last,8,111,train tell me the least i can pay,1,8,val pull up my credit card application's current status,2,27,val in which area were you made,9,128,train what questions are you programmed to answer,9,135,train what type of pet do you have,9,124,train what's the nutritional info for french fries,3,36,train my previous job's 401k needs to be rolled over,8,114,train what is the name of my insurance plan,8,109,train is butter a substitute for oil,3,43,val my card got melted and i need to report it,2,18,train where was your home before here,9,128,train uber ride available from here to downtown,5,64,val give tom my location,7,95,train what did the mesopotamians call the creator of the universe,0,0,oos_test how long will it take to reach central park by bus,5,70,train can you tell me a fun fact regarding cars,9,126,train please go back to the original settings,10,149,train the table should be reserved at 8pm at tropicana using martins name and it should be for 5 people,3,39,test i need to send my current location to sean,7,95,train i have a fraudulent transaction from wal mart on my account,1,15,train transfer fifty dollars between my chase and bank of america account,1,10,train i need help getting a w-2,8,117,train insurance benefit details,8,109,train will you tell me a joke,9,132,test do i have to file a tax form,8,112,train what is the word for hello spanish,6,78,train where can i rent a car soon,6,90,train give me tomorrow's date please,7,93,train do you have a list of ingredients that i'll need for blondies,3,34,train it was really nice to be able to chat with you,9,129,train i need to know what time it is,7,103,val will my order be here by saturday,4,52,train my card declined yesterday and i want to know why,2,21,train i want you to repeat that,10,143,train i need to download my w-2 form,8,117,train how do i fry pork chops,3,37,train check the status of my credit card application for me,2,27,test what transactions did i make on electronics this morning after 6am,1,14,test send the order for my entire shopping list,4,57,train lets talk about what my federal taxes look like,8,112,test when is my cell phone due,1,4,test i'd like the language to be in spanish,10,142,test let my bank know that i'm traveling to prague,6,77,train would you flip a coin,7,101,train how to improve my credit score,2,19,train i need a reminder to alert me to wish my mom a happy birthday,4,50,test how many miles until i change my tires,5,74,train what's this car guzzle in gas when driving in town,5,69,train is it safe to travel to rio de janeiro (is rio de janeiro safe),6,84,train can i use colby jack cheese instead of cheddar in a recipe,3,43,train who is your manufacturer,9,121,val that will be all have a nice day!,9,129,test i couldn't say either could be possible,10,150,val can i start talking to you in spanish,10,142,train do i have any remaining pto days,8,115,train safety concerns for malaysia,6,84,test how do you fix a leaking sink,0,0,oos_test is there traffic on the way to work,5,65,test which gas would be best,5,73,test what can i buy with credit card points,2,24,val "set an alarm for 6am, please",7,92,train excuse me,10,143,train whats the status of my singapore flight,6,79,train do the shower playlist please,4,47,train clear my search history,0,0,oos_test how good are the ratings for per se,3,38,train need a place to crash in elizabeth near the refinery from june 4th until the 9th,6,88,train my card is damaged so i can not use it,2,18,train what's the procedure to get direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train when do i get a day off,8,107,train i'd like to change my pin number for my savings account,1,3,train where my phone,7,94,train i want a 10 minute timer,7,96,train what kind of foods are border collies allergic to,0,0,oos_test what are the directions to get to olympia by bus,5,71,train what's london's timezone,6,81,val where do i locate my routing number for my premium checking account,1,2,val are my tires filled enough,5,66,test are you doing okay,9,131,train i can't answer yes or no right now,10,150,train please play 1979 by the smashing pumpkins,4,47,train note any travel alerts for haiti,6,84,test do you think i have enough money in my chase account for a new pair of sneakers,1,12,val i need to share my location with noel,7,95,train what amount is my income,8,113,test how long does it take to get to outback in atlanta,5,70,train play that song called bring the noise,4,47,train when's my heater bill due,1,4,train what song is playing right now,4,46,val are your step-parent's parents considered your grandparents,0,0,oos_test i'd like to get on a new united healthcare plan,8,108,train can i check my gold rewards card online,2,26,train what's my checking balance,1,12,train display shopping list,4,54,train "i am needing you to tell me how to get to dallas, texas, by bus",5,71,train list roundtrip flights available from dallas to los angeles from march 2 to march 10,6,87,train move my money to the other account,1,10,val please speak to me quicker from now on,10,136,val set alarm,7,92,train what are the carry on limits for delta,6,89,train how long until the credit card company replaces my lost card,2,16,train how many weeks are in 3 months,7,100,train you are wrong,10,141,train let me know if i can use ketchup in place of the mustard,3,43,val can you look at what average reviews say about the new windows phone on amazon for me,0,0,oos_test tell me what vaccinations i need to get into france,6,85,train what should i get to make the jamaican patties,3,34,val is there a recipe for chili i can use,3,37,train i know that is true,10,139,val heyo,9,131,val confirm my reservation at dino's at 6 pm,3,32,train i'm changing your name to goliath,10,148,test what kind of oil do i need to change the oil in my car,5,63,train call me dad,10,147,train please unsync phone from phone from home system,10,146,train what is your names,9,127,val well hello,9,131,train is my card's apr good,2,23,val what amount of tax should i pay,8,112,train what is the average time to get to walmart in mays landing,5,70,train how much money is there in my bank accounts,1,12,test i'd like to confirm the 2:00 reservation for friday,3,32,val tell me if you are a real person or an ai,9,133,train what do i do to change my credit limit,2,22,train confirm my reservation for red robin at 8,3,32,train "can you play the song that goes like, ""starships were meant to fly",4,47,test ai find my phone,7,94,train does centurytel offer any better plans than the one i'm on,0,0,oos_test are you a real person or an ai,9,133,train how much vacation time have i earned,8,115,test who is the scariest character in start trek,0,0,oos_train i no longer want this phone to sync,10,146,train i'd like some suggestions on where to go on my vacation this year,6,83,train can you find a keto friendly restaurant,3,41,train what do you call someone who was born in segovia,0,0,oos_train find me someone who can deal with my car's illuminated check engine light,5,67,val who is your employer,9,123,train my card got declined at target while buying a tv,2,21,train can you turn up the volume for your speaker,10,140,test what is 10 + 20,7,98,train read me the current weather report for tallahassee,7,91,train can you cancel it,10,145,val how are you this day,9,131,train please place this track on my driving mix,4,53,val what are the top rated universities within my state,0,0,oos_test what did you add to my playlist - broken by evanescence,4,53,train how can i get new insurance,8,108,train what exactly is the tire pressure for the car,5,66,test when should i replace my tires next if i last replaced them on the 1st,5,74,train what's the number of day's i've taken off,8,120,train what's the nutritional info for lasagna,3,36,train can you get me simple instructions on how to do an oil change,5,63,val help me redeem my reward points,2,24,test call christie's work number,7,97,train "if i want to direct deposit my paycheck, what info do i need",8,119,val explain to me the process of evaporation,0,0,oos_test how can i say i love you in italy,6,78,train what is the status of my vacation request,8,106,train what type of gas do i put in this new car,5,73,test i want to pay my internet bill,1,5,train what is the process for requesting a vacation,8,116,train what is required to direct deposit my paycheck,8,119,train how much traffic do they get around dinner time,3,33,train how many transaction fees are there when i use my discover card in rome,2,30,test have my app for a new card been processed yet,2,27,train i want david to know where i'm at,7,95,val i spent a lot on vacations recently,1,13,train when did you come to exist,9,134,train what's 10 euros in dollars,6,82,train give me today's date,7,93,test what things do you know how to do,9,135,test i want to take the 8am meeting with sam on monday the 5th off my calendar,4,51,test can you tell me when my electric bill is due,1,4,train """i need to report fraudulent activity to my card company",1,15,train i want to know if my application for a credit card at community bank has been approved or not,2,27,train turn to volume 4,10,140,test do i have enough points on my starbucks card yet,2,26,train will bj's take reservations,3,45,test will using a different type of gas matter for this car,5,73,train set my amex pin to 1234,1,3,train i want to change your name to theodore,10,148,train when am i gonna be meeting roger,8,110,train "what's the name that you have for me, please",10,137,train how should i address you,9,127,test undo,10,145,train tell me what to enter into my gps for my current location,5,61,val gauge the tire pressure,5,66,train can you tell me about the pets you have,9,124,train do you have any pet animals,9,124,train what kind of gas should i use for this car,5,73,test i can't answer that,10,150,train tell time for another city: dallas,7,103,test how many vacation days do i have left,8,115,train can i get a higher limit on my visa card,2,22,train so does outback steakhouse have good reviews,3,38,train stop payments from my bank,1,1,train tell me the types of things i can ask you about,9,135,train set a time to get my oil changed,5,67,train what's my map location,5,61,test could you walk me through transfering my 401k,8,114,train turn off my bank account,1,1,train i want you to give me a suggestion for what to make for dinner,3,40,train i want to update you name now,10,148,train what is the meaning of telepathy,7,99,train please pay my bill,1,5,train i want to check if there is any meeting room available between 8:00 and 10:00 am,8,118,train thank you for helping me,9,130,train buy a flight from phoenix to el paso on august 30 that returns on labor day,6,87,train when is the next office holiday,8,107,train what's the name you were given,9,127,val how good is the fuel usage for this vehicle,5,69,train search google for how to set up direct deposit,8,119,train please put babysitting on my to do list,4,48,test what appointments do i have on thursday the 14th,4,55,val wake me in an hour,7,96,train i want you to know it's a true statement,10,139,val pair with my smart phone,10,146,train will you create a timer for me,7,96,test i really need to get a volkswagen car rental for march 5th to march 8th in phoenix,6,90,val if i need a new card mailed how long will it take,2,16,train let me know the credit limit for my credit card,2,25,train i can't find my w-2,8,117,train i would like an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train tell me what to call you,9,127,test "what is 10 ounces in grams, please",7,100,train what's the roi doing arbitrage with ebay,0,0,oos_test can a samurai sword deflect a bullet,0,0,oos_test report that i split my card,2,18,train what is the definition of valor,7,99,train light the bedroom lights,4,60,train how many hours of vacation have i saved up,8,115,val schedule me a table for 2 at red lobster at 8,3,39,train i'd like to learn more about your pets,9,124,train add grocery shopping to my list of things to do,4,48,train i just put steaks on the grill remind me to check them at the right time,4,50,val where can i rent a car in boston,6,90,train how do you say it's snowing in german,6,78,train how do i increse my credit limit,2,22,val read my shopping list,4,54,val "no, that is my response",10,141,train "can you see if i can rent a car from dallas on the dates of march 1, 2019 to march 3, 2019",6,90,train i hereby rename you felix,10,148,train please help me figure out how to set up a meeting,8,118,test what is your birthday again,9,134,train does this care use premium gas,5,73,train i gotta sub sugar for salt,3,43,train i want to rent a bmw suv for dallas from march 2 to 6th,6,90,train i would like it if you would turn the bedroom lights on low until i'm finished reading,4,60,test can you confirm my reservation for lance at morton's,3,32,train you have yo go to school on calendar,4,55,test what is the protocol for modifying my insurance policy,8,108,train what's my take home from work,8,113,train i would like to know how to find my w-2,8,117,train how cold will it be tomorrow,7,91,train "do i have pepper my shopping list, if not add it",4,59,train what food do you need to make lasagna,3,34,test i wanna know what timezone spain is in,6,81,train are you a person or artificial intelligence,9,133,test what is on my to-do list,4,58,test how do i locate my credit score,2,28,train ai locate my phone,7,94,train what is the minimum required payment for my cell phone bill,1,8,train tell me my shopping list,4,54,train what kind of fuel should i put in my car,5,73,val how often do you have to change your oil,5,62,train how's my tire pressure,5,66,train what do you do in your spare time,9,125,train what's the transit time on a new card,2,16,train are you an ai or person,9,133,train tell me what the weather is looking like,7,91,test "i didn't hear what you just said, can you repeat it",10,143,train what's the minimum amount for my electric bill,1,8,train when shall i get my tires changed,5,74,train how long has it been since my car was last looked at,5,72,train what is the weather forecast for seattle,7,91,train where in sacramento ca i schedule maintenance on my car,5,67,train are there any required shots in indonesia,6,85,test what things are on my todo list,4,58,test can you repeat my list back to me,4,49,train add this song to my game night playlist,4,53,train what is 7 x 7,7,98,train do you work for a different individual,9,123,val what marvel movie did mark ruffalo first appear in,0,0,oos_test cut carrots can stay in the fridge for how long before going bad,3,31,train i need for you to get me the status of my american airlines flight,6,79,test how do i report a melted credit card,2,18,train any unique trivia about beats headphones,9,126,train how do i change the oil in a car,5,63,train please get me an update on the status of my credit card application,2,27,train your name is roman,10,148,train "i didn't understand what you just said, can you repeat it",10,143,train i need some air; get the fan going,4,60,train what is the balance of my bank accounts,1,12,train how do i get to the museum by bus,5,71,train how long do i put the casserole in,3,44,train do i have any calendar entries for march 8th,4,55,test what's the cooking time for the cake,3,44,train what is the correct spelling of judgment,7,102,train where's home for you,9,128,train can you change my 1st national account pin to 4892,1,3,train can you tell me why my card was declined yesterday,2,21,train look up the operating hours of my local park on weekends,0,0,oos_test does chili's have good reviews,3,38,train has my vacation request been approved yet,8,106,train can you remind me to finish a task,4,50,test give me a cool fact about potatoes,9,126,val i'm grateful for the assistance,9,130,train what type of outlets do they have in the uk,6,76,val how many days until my amex card reaches it expiration date,2,17,train make your name steve,10,148,val how many rewards points do i have for my chase card,2,26,train what's my credit rating,2,28,train send a text to mom saying i'm on my way,7,105,val read back to me my to do list,4,58,train when will our next day off be,8,107,test what temperature is the ac set at,4,60,train the speaker volume needs to be increased,10,140,train i need instructions on how to change my car's oil and what type i should buy,5,63,train what will i need to pay in federal taxes,8,112,train please cancel my 7:30 reservation for morton's,3,42,train can you cancel that request,10,145,test what are your capabilities,9,135,train how many more pto days are there for me,8,115,train "actually, cancel that command",10,145,train has my application for american express gone through yet,2,27,test i want to hear my name,10,137,test i need to apply for a new credit card that will match my needs,2,29,val how long before i need an oil change,5,62,train please begin a timer,7,96,test what is the sitting time at this restaurant,3,33,train that's a negatory,10,141,test does travelling to st petersburg require a travel visa,6,80,test help me check my visa rewards card,2,26,train i'd like a stop placed on my bank account,1,1,train i need to find my luggage,6,86,train how do i report my very lost card,2,20,test special thanks to you,9,130,val what do i do if i want to use my credit card points,2,24,train give me the low down on my income,8,113,train do you know the total for taxes for my income,8,112,test how long does it take until i reach the sky harbor airport,5,70,train tell me how many teaspoons are in two cups,7,100,train are reservations taken at spago in beverly hills,3,45,val how long does it take to get to dallas by bus,5,70,train what do you do if you can't stop vomiting,0,0,oos_test i want you to send a text message for me,7,105,train can you turn my lights down just a bit,4,60,train do i have anything on my schedule for april 15,4,55,train please tell me how traffic from the new jersey turnpike into the lincoln tunnel looks currently,5,65,test what did i spend on groceries this month,1,13,train how can i travel by bus to the grand canyon,5,71,train i need to know how old you are,9,134,train help me wake up with an alarm at 5:30am,7,92,test i really wanna know my credit score,2,28,train am i talking to a real person,9,133,train what do you do after work,9,125,test how long does it take to get to phoenix by bus,5,70,train can you tell me the date my credit card is due,1,4,train what's the least payment i can make on my cable bill,1,8,train are my tires aired properly,5,66,train what's the timezone for brasilia,6,81,train help me to disconnect from my phone,10,146,train what can i make for dinner using ground beef,3,40,train will it be possible to order for more checkbooks for my chase bank account,1,11,train check on my credit card application,2,27,train what's the routing number for my money market account,1,2,train set up a timer,7,96,train i want to change my savings account pin to 1234,1,3,test i wish you were here earlier,9,130,train "book a rental car to rhode island for friday, tomorrow",6,90,test can you tell me my routing number for summit,1,2,train how can i send money from one account to another,1,10,train please go though the bullet points on my reminder list,4,49,test help me to know what song is playing,4,46,train how busy will golden corral be at 7:30 tonight,3,33,train change the language to english,10,142,val how healthy is blueberrys,3,36,test pay my gas bill with my checking account,1,5,test show me a plan to help my credit score rating,2,19,val what kind of plug is used in england,6,76,test what ingredients are required for chicken noodle soup,3,34,train find out when my next upcoming payday will be,8,111,test how do i know when to pay my gas bill,1,4,train where do i go to view the interest rate on my brighton account,1,7,train i would like to request pto for march 2 and 3,8,116,val "i'd like to report my card as stolen, please",2,20,train i need to call sal,7,97,test x needs to be called by me,7,97,test i need guidance on how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train i want your volume louder,10,140,val is the gang getting together this afternoon,8,110,train i have to pay my water bill but need help doing it,1,5,test lets pair this with my new phone,10,146,train what year was saxaphone first played,0,0,oos_train tell me interesting facts about lighthouses,9,126,train how much is the minimum payment due for my citicard this month,1,8,train should i hit or stay at 17 in blackjack,0,0,oos_val how much do i take home yearly,8,113,test please speak to me in chinese,10,142,train text my dad for me and tell them i love you,7,105,train how long will it take a new card to come in the mail,2,16,train what are the nutrition facts for cucumbers,3,36,test i want list of tourist destination for paris,6,83,val use a new accent,10,144,train put milk on my shopping list cause i'm out of it,4,59,train find me a recipe for teriyaki chicken,3,37,train what is the amount of balance i have to pay on my bill,1,9,train i gotta report fraudulent activity on my credit card,1,15,train where is your favorite restaurant to eat,3,41,val what size space suit should you get based on your girth,0,0,oos_test tell me what timezone finland is in,6,81,train how to take care of the sick,0,0,oos_test where can i find my tax form to report what i earn,8,117,train add yosemite to my rap playlist,4,53,train "yes, ai, that is correct",10,139,test i need my reservation to be cancelled for nugget to xiomara's restaurant,3,42,val how do i change my credit limit,2,22,val see you later,9,129,test please set a timer to go off in 45 minutes,7,96,val please check and report on my tire pressure,5,66,train can you help me find my luggage it was lost on delta flight abc123 from houston,6,86,train can i pay a bill,1,5,train who plays this song,4,46,train give me the conversion between ounces and cups,7,100,test i need you to tell me the credit limit for my republic bank card,2,25,test can you tell me the apr on my visa card,2,23,train please put wash the dog on my list of things to do,4,48,val what's the due date for my american express payment,1,4,train i need an address for the closest starbucks to home,5,71,train how high is my credit limit,2,25,test what way can i change oil at home,5,63,train you need to tell me when was car in shop,5,72,train can you answer all types of questions,9,135,val name some things i should do while in evans,6,83,train what was the point of the crusades,0,0,oos_test what time is it in the mountain standard timezone,7,103,train i want to learn the process of changing oil,5,63,train "i don't have any more steak, please put that on my grocery list",4,59,val how do i find when my electric bill is due,1,4,train maybe is my answer,10,150,train what are the reviews like at minnis,3,38,train find out what happened to make my card get declined yesterday,2,21,train i need to know the date my next paycheck will be here,8,111,train can we skip this song,4,56,train check my domestic to do list for carpet cleaning,4,58,train how many dollars can i get for 20 yen,6,82,test what is the insurance plan i am enrolled in,8,109,val are you human or a bot,9,133,train repeat that last response,10,143,train i wanna sub sugar for salt,3,43,train i need to up by noon,7,92,test what's the nutrition content of chicken nuggets,3,36,train i need that said again,10,143,train can you book me a room in new york city from april 2 through april 8,6,88,train what are the fees to use my card in nigeria,2,30,train can you schedule a meeting with steve for 5,8,118,train how much did i get paid,8,113,train start up some music,4,47,train i want to rename you joe,10,148,test i want to switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,test how much gas does it take to get to jackson,5,68,val i would like to thank you ai,9,130,test "i'm going to be going to canada soon, do they require a visa for entry",6,80,train when do i need to change my motor oil again,5,62,val please share your hobbies with me,9,125,train raise volume,10,140,train what do you answer to,9,127,train how much have i spent on food recently,1,13,train schedule an uber to pick me up at home in an hour,5,64,val ya,10,139,test what kind of pets live with you,9,124,train what's 32 degrees fahrenheit in celsisus,7,100,train i want your language changed to chinese,10,142,train "let my bank know that i'll be in moscow, russia",6,77,train does cuba require vaccines,6,85,test how can i prevent my credit score from dropping,2,19,test tell me if i need any more vaccines if i go there,6,85,train can you tell me why my card got declined,2,21,test what do i have going on on my calendar for march 18th,4,55,test what are the steps to rollover my 401k,8,114,test explain some trivia about lebron james,9,126,train how is friend spelled,7,102,train i want you to go back to factory settings,10,149,val what timezone is honolulu in,6,81,val how long before i'm on e,5,68,val switch voice option to female,10,144,test i would like to know my credit score,2,28,test please introduce yourself,9,127,train send $5 from savings to checking,1,10,train what makes life have any meaning,9,122,train please put on the next number on this playlist,4,56,train do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in eithiopia,6,76,train is new york in mountain timezone,6,81,test are there transaction fees charged to my discover card in japan,2,30,train help me get a w2 to do my taxes,8,117,train am i currently connected to wifi,0,0,oos_test what's the currency conversion between usd and pounds,6,82,train when was the last date that i got a paycheck,8,111,train what can i do to maintain good credit,2,19,train are there any cybersecurity jobs available in pittsburgh,0,0,oos_val use my checkings account to pay the electric bill,1,5,train is there a meeting room available between one and two,8,118,train what's the due date for my comcast bill,1,4,test how much do i get paid,8,113,test will you please go back over everything on my to do list,4,58,train fix my language to spanish,10,142,train are you from europe,9,128,train pull up the nutrional info of a 12 oz coke,3,36,val "text mike, ""i'm running late",7,105,test can you put on music by beach house,4,47,train how do you order new checks,1,11,train transfer $5 from savings to checking,1,10,train what do you mix to make a chocolate cake,3,34,train tell me how traffic is looking on the interstate,5,65,train are you now working for me,9,123,train i need to call mark,7,97,train i have a card that needs replaced because my wine dumped wine on it,2,18,test sure thing,10,139,train can you tell me the drive time to the nearest gas station,5,70,val i must switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,train it takes how long to get to the beach in santa barbara,5,70,train "nice talk, talk to you later",9,129,train greetings to you,9,131,train am i talking with real person or ai,9,133,train get me an uber to the airport,5,64,train i need you to check the resistance of a coil wrapped 6 times with an id of 25mm,0,0,oos_test what's the forecast like for pittsburgh,7,91,train i'm wanting you to flip a coin,7,101,val timer 5 minutes,7,96,train i am changing over to italian now,10,142,train make a list of side hustles i could start today to make a little extra cash,0,0,oos_test tell me something funny about love,9,132,train how do i get paychecks put directly in my sunflower savings account,8,119,train "i need a tutorial to learn how to change my oil, please",5,63,val can you tell me the tire pressure for the car,5,66,test please inform regarding the procedure to cash in my rewards for my citibank card,2,24,train if i lose my job will my credit score go down,2,19,test how long can you keep chicken in the freeze before it goes bad,3,31,train "i need some more lysol, could you order me some",4,57,train prioritize to the settings you started with,10,149,test i appreciate you doing that,9,130,val how much gas does my car currently have,5,68,val is it possible to make an order for more checkbooks for my chase bank account,1,11,train will i need a plug converter when i visit costa rica,6,76,test set an alarm for 8 tomorrow,7,92,test how are things with you,9,131,train do a coin flip,7,101,train can you read to me the nutritional info for macaroni and cheese,3,36,train i need buy a birthday gift for sue taken off my calendar it is on monday or tuesday last week,4,51,test would being late hurt my credit,2,19,train please inform me of what tasks i have listed on my to do list,4,58,train in which timezone is jamaica,6,81,train how many rewards points do i have on my rewards points i have on my mastercard,2,26,test let's use my credit card points,2,24,train provide me the routing number for my fed account,1,2,train "at 9 tomorrow, set off the alarm",7,92,train do you know who you report to,9,123,train it is no,10,141,test create a text message to,7,105,train i want factory settings restores right now,10,149,train phone number to state farm to change insurance,8,108,test help me figure out when exactly my credit card will be expiring,2,17,train when was my last oil change,5,72,val what is the square root of 8814,7,98,val what is my total annual income,8,113,train can you find out how much i owe on my bills,1,9,train what recreational activities do you enjoy,9,125,val whats the title of this song,4,46,train enable whisper mode,10,138,val what kind of petrol goes in the tank,5,73,train is it possible to apply for a visa card,2,29,train what do you think will be the result of my federal tax return,8,112,train can you check to see if my shopping list already has milk,4,54,test flip that dime,7,101,train routing number for american river,1,2,train are there any transaction fees associated with my amex card if i am in belgium,2,30,train i can't say,10,150,test how to plan for weddings,0,0,oos_test how do i get to the statue of liberty on foot,5,71,train what is the highway mpg of this car,5,69,test how could we convert centimeters to inches,7,100,test how do you like to spend your free time,9,125,train please get off my phone connection,10,146,train can you take carrots off my shopping list and add soda,4,59,train mexico travel alerts,6,84,test call me carrie,10,147,train does sweden use the same kind of socket or do i need a converter,6,76,test i'd like you to throw a virtual coin for me,7,101,train "maybe, maybe not",10,150,train calculate the limit i have available for spending on my natwest card,2,25,test i want an alarm set,7,92,test what do they call you,9,127,train how do i change my insurance policy,8,108,train whats the combined total of the money inside my bank accounts,1,12,test i want you to be in whisper mode now because i am in the library,10,138,train why did my card not get accepted,2,21,train what's the timezone in valencia,6,81,test how do you report a burned debit card,2,18,train my name is nick,10,147,val do you know the name of your boss,9,123,train is it possible to get more checkbooks for my wells fargo checkings,1,11,train i would like to know the time,7,103,train how old did you just turn,9,134,train can i use skim milk instead of 2% in the recipe,3,43,test can i increase thencrdeit limit for my chase visa card,2,22,train "go ahead and flip that coin, i am choosing heads here",7,101,train know any interesting facts,9,126,train how is the time,7,103,train skip this song and play the next one,4,56,train text my doctor and tell him it happened again,7,105,train i need to know if boston restaurant has favorable reviews,3,38,val "i think dan scheduled a meeting today with me, can you double check please",8,110,val tell me a fact about the maned wolf,9,126,val what do you i need to make pizza dough,3,34,val everything needs ordered off my list,4,57,val can you switch to whisper mode,10,138,train are vaccinations required to travel there,6,85,train tell me when i will next have the day off,8,107,train "talk slower, please",10,136,train what categories of questions can you answer,9,135,val id like a room in jacksonville near the stadium between january 1st to 3rd,6,88,test define the meaning of life for me,9,122,test i replaced my tires last year when should i replace my tires again,5,74,train "hey siri, please cancel my reservation at the loft for 5",3,42,val do i have any meetings today between 6 and 7,8,110,train find the meaning of qat,7,99,train i'm out of paper plates so will you order me some more,4,57,train can you add passionfruit by yaeji to my playlist,4,53,train go on the ferris wheel,0,0,oos_test please set a 4 minute timer,7,96,train tell me where you come from,9,128,train tell me how to change the oil in 2014 odyssey,5,63,train what types of furry companions do you have,9,124,val i need to block all transactions from going through on my citi checking account straight away,1,1,val i would like to know my car's tire pressure please,5,66,train where is my cellphone,7,94,val i'd like to pay $4735 to my water bill,1,5,test i can't give you an answer to that,10,150,val are there any travel alerts for seattle,6,84,val can you turn off the process,10,145,test is my daughter's birthday on my calendar,4,55,train "if i change my timezone to reno, what would it be",6,81,train when am i next having a meeting in december,4,55,train what kind of electrical outlets do they use in z,6,76,train talk in whisper voice,10,138,train tell me something interesting about lake tahoe,9,126,val what's the calorie count for tuna casserole,3,35,train would you roll the dice,7,104,train what do i have scheduled for march 2,4,55,train please help me figure out how to jump start my car,5,75,train i must say no,10,141,train what company did this design,9,121,test do my tires have enough air in them,5,66,val can you tell me the types of pets you have,9,124,train which timezone is france in,6,81,train i would like everything on my shopping list ordered,4,57,train are there any meetings on my calendar today,8,110,train get rid of tuesday the 5ths dinner,4,51,train you have what types or kinds of pets,9,124,test find articles that can help me advance my position in my work field,0,0,oos_test can i redeem my points for flights,2,24,test i was at home depot trying to buy plants and my card got declined,2,21,train set the ceiling fan to low,4,60,test i have to rollover my 401k,8,114,test tell me why i get an error logging in to my bank account,1,6,val am i able to order more checkbooks for my chase account,1,11,test when do i need to pay the cable bill,1,4,train set my alarm for 6am tomorrow,7,92,train please tell me if a coin lands on tails,7,101,train is a visa necessary for traveling to south africa,6,80,test i need to know how low are my tires on air,5,66,test "ai, please flip a simulated coin",7,101,test it was nice to catch up with you,9,129,train can i change the voice to male,10,144,train text mark hello,7,105,test how many gallons is 50 liters,7,100,val what do you call yourself,9,127,val how do you say i need coffee in dutch,6,78,train do you know the apr on my chase credit card,2,23,val when should oil be changed in my car,5,62,train please clear entries on my calendar for the 1st,4,51,train i want to change your name to sarah,10,148,val how would one say cruiser in china,6,78,test what is the exchange rate between euros and pesos,6,82,test how many calories are in apples,3,35,val must i have an international visa when travelling to russia,6,80,train what is the minimum i can pay on my gas bill,1,8,test what are the ingredients to make shepherd's pie,3,34,train how healthy is hummus,3,36,val tell me where i can get the cheapest tennis balls on the internet,0,0,oos_test remind me to write that letter,4,50,val can you look to see whether feeding the fish is on my to do list,4,58,train when should i change my oil again,5,62,train get rid of everything on my calendar for march 2nd,4,51,train what do spanish people say for the word cow,6,78,train erase meeting with jeff from my calendar,4,51,test have i been spending a lot on food lately,1,13,train my bank needs to know about my traveling to georgia in europe,6,77,test what day did i last have the oil in my car changed,5,72,test will you please tell me my to do list,4,58,val is it acceptable to swap rice for quinoa,3,43,train "if you can do accents, i want to hear you talk like david bowie",10,144,train i would like to have an alarm set for me,7,92,test who is in charge of you when you work,9,123,test i need to hold off on my account,1,1,train how can i transfer my 401k,8,114,test who did the programming for this ai,9,121,train can i call a restaurant,7,97,train what time is it exactly in the new zealand time zone,7,103,train can you tell me where you were created,9,128,train can you get access to my phone right now,10,146,train can you tell me if there's a travel alert for that country,6,84,train do i have enough fuel to travel to san diego from here,5,68,test how many of my sick days have i gone through,8,120,train show me my credit score please,2,28,train "in seoul, what things can i do",6,83,val can you tell me how to jump start the car,5,75,train how long do i have to wait to get a day off,8,107,test i'm uncertain,10,150,train does macaroni grill have a wait how long,3,33,train pets you have what kind,9,124,train how bad is traffic at 8 on the way to burger king,5,65,train i need to set up a new pin number for my college fund account,1,3,train can you confirm my reservation for donnobys at 5:00,3,32,train is bowling on my calendar,4,55,test what's left in the tank,5,68,val how do i apply for a barclay's card,2,29,train skip this and go to the next song,4,56,train find what the word diaphanous mean please,7,99,train how do i get direct deposit set up,8,119,train where is there meaning in life,9,122,train can i see all the international transaction fees on my amex,2,30,train i need help paying my auto insurance bill,1,5,train abort,10,145,train please tell me if my application for the hsbc card has gone through yet,2,27,test who won the patriots game last nightu,0,0,oos_test i'd like to know the apr on my visa card,2,23,train find the best prices for toothpaste at any store within a 5 mile radius of my location,0,0,oos_test can you disconnect yourself from my phone,10,146,test i need you to confirm that there is a reservation under the name david kramer for 7:00 pm at pietro's,3,32,train how can i cash in rewards on my chase card,2,24,train would you like to live with a cat or a dog,9,124,train who do i go to to find lost luggage,6,86,train find the names of all the rain forests located in south america,0,0,oos_test tell me how to say hello in chile,6,78,val "it was lovely to speak with you, bye bye",9,129,val can you look at when the next iphone is due out,0,0,oos_test any news for me regarding my day off request,8,106,train is it going to be much longer until i reach the bank,5,70,test where is my location,5,61,test i dont need whisper mode on any more,10,138,train reset the factory settings,10,149,train you need to skip this song and play the next one,4,56,train is it true that opening a new account can decrease your credit score,2,19,train please put in a pto request for june 5th and 6th,8,116,train do they use a different plug in brazil,6,76,val what is the status of my frontier flight,6,79,train how is a meeting scheduled,8,118,train "call my phone, i can't find it",7,94,train how do i request a credit limit increase on my visa,2,22,train tell me fun facts on science topics,9,126,test cancel whisper mode,10,138,test what do you get if you divide 3 by 2,7,98,train what's the average time to boston when riding a bus,5,70,test i need help paying my rent bill,1,5,train "roll that dice, ai",7,104,train what is the time in atlantic timezone,7,103,train i would like to get the forms to file for my w2,8,117,train i need to know how much gas i got,5,68,train what's a simple chinese recipe for dinner,3,40,train go ahead and flip a coin,7,101,train please add laundry to the chores,4,48,test help me move my money,1,10,train when will i arrive at hy-vee,5,70,test use the male voice please,10,144,train are you a computer,9,133,train please flip a coin,7,101,val is there a particular name i should call you,9,127,train please switch my name,10,147,test get a uber for two to go to a romantic dinner at mcdonalds,5,64,test my credit score is,2,28,train so what name do you have for me,10,137,train please cancel your present task,10,145,train youre a doll,9,130,train do i have money in my wells fargo account for nike's,1,12,test what is the weather doing in austin,7,91,test my card got dropped in the shredded and i need it replaced,2,18,val what's the month that my card expires,2,17,train name the singer of this track,4,46,train maybe we can go to the next song,4,56,test tell me the highest amount i can spend on my discover card,2,25,val reduce your speed of voice,10,136,train i have to jump start my car,5,75,test i want to figure out how to do an oil change on my car,5,63,val make 1234 a new pin for my savings account,1,3,test i need to know what the date is today,7,93,train how do i handle the situation if i lost my luggage,6,86,train i want to see all transactions in the past month for all accounts,1,14,test my card fell out of my wallet and i ran over it so it does not work,2,18,train "i can't locate my luggage, i was on jetblue flight ab123 out of detroit",6,86,train what time is it currently in istanbul,7,103,train how good are the ratings for longhorn steakhouse,3,38,train what's the deal with my health care,8,109,train i'd like more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,test what kind of gas does my vehicle take,5,73,train make a transfer of $200 from my savings account to my checking account,1,10,train i would like an alarm set,7,92,train when will my new card come in the mail,2,16,train how low should the tread be on my tires to replace them i bought new tires four years ago,5,74,train can you dim the brightness of my screen,0,0,oos_test no that isn't correct,10,141,train that’s incorrect,10,141,train what is dog in spanish,6,78,test call 911,7,97,train can i get you to change your language setting to russian,10,142,test put dr feelgood by motley crue on my playlist,4,53,train find a new voice that is slower than your current voice,10,136,train i have to cancel my reservation after all,3,42,test are the reviews good or bad for burger king,3,38,train define flange,7,99,train how do i let visa know about a charge i didn't make,1,15,train see you soon,9,129,train one cup of almonds has how many calories,3,35,train do i have enough money in my chase account for a new refrigerator,1,12,train please return to default settings,10,149,test can you give me a vietnamese meal suggestion,3,40,train please cancel my reservation for tim at jb's,3,42,test "around 5 pm, how busy is kaya",3,33,train tell me the things on my shopping list,4,54,train is my phone in the house,7,94,train i need the new due date for my pgw gas bill,1,4,train i want a coin flip,7,101,train what is the meaning of this life,9,122,train are there any good chinese restaurants open right now,3,41,train tell me united's carry on policy,6,89,train will it snow this weekend,7,91,train "tell me my routing number at my bank, community trust",1,2,test calorie count of cheetos,3,35,train when will it be in 10 days,7,93,train slow down your talking,10,136,train let me know when it's been 5 minutes,7,96,test "later, thanks for chatting",9,129,train lets just play the next song please,4,56,train tell me the nutrition for grapes,3,36,train how do i make money,0,0,oos_test finish the final touches on my newest robotic creation,0,0,oos_test how do you say please in french,6,78,test can you please put a block on my chase account quickly,1,1,train look up articles on car washing at home,0,0,oos_test look up the status of the order i placed online,4,52,train let me bank know i will be in brazil from june 1st to july 1st,6,77,train do i have any meetings on my schedule today,8,110,val look for a position similar to mine that is open around my area,0,0,oos_test exactly what does altruism mean,7,99,train what's the difference between usd and cad,6,82,val i need to get the interest rate of my savings account,1,7,test give boss my current location,7,95,train have i spent too much of my paycheck on donuts lately,1,13,val change the pin on my chase account to be 1234,1,3,train how should i rollover my 401k,8,114,val how could i say twin in chinese,6,78,train when will the daffodils bloom this year,0,0,oos_test i owe you one,9,130,val i wanna know my next paycheck,8,111,train need to transfer from one account to my other one,1,10,train book me a meeting room for 12pm on february 28th,8,118,train give me the length of time that i can leave milk in my fridge,3,31,train how much gas is in my gas tank,5,68,train i would like to know what my salary is at this time,8,113,train what's the ac set to,4,60,train how's the fuel efficiency for city driving for this car,5,69,train can you detect where i placed my wallet,0,0,oos_test what type of fuel does my car use,5,73,train how many cs are in acquiescence,7,102,train change settings to sound like a female,10,144,test where is my phone,7,94,train what is my interest rate for my scotiabank account,1,7,val switch to quiet mode,10,138,train my luggage is lost,6,86,val roll a six sided die for me and tell me the result,7,104,test can you schedule a meeting for me,8,118,train i'd like to report a fraudulent charge from people's natural gas,1,15,train my credit score is what,2,28,train check the status of my credit card application please,2,27,val on the way to work is there traffic,5,65,test what is the largest transaction i have made on video games this month,1,14,test how are the reviews for la loconda,3,38,train i need for you to look up some of the major gods in mythology,0,0,oos_test can you tell me my name for me,10,137,test can you book a table at the restaurant for me and my husband,3,39,train tell me how to rollover my 401k,8,114,test remind me that time is up in sixty minutes,7,96,train how much flour do i need for a strawberry cake,3,34,test how long until my oil needs to be changed,5,62,val the atm chewed up my card can i get a new one,2,18,train why won't you let me pay with my credit card,2,21,test i have what to do on wednesday,4,55,train "goodbye, ai assistant",9,129,train is there a starbucks close to home,5,71,train what is the average time it takes to get to target in los angeles,5,70,val when is my new card expected to arrive,2,16,test restore your original settings,10,149,train what is the lowest amount i can pay for my insurance bill,1,8,test can you check my tire pressure,5,66,train turn down your speaker,10,140,test please give me my salary figure,8,113,train show me how to contact a paranormal spirit,0,0,oos_test just call me dennis,10,147,train please tell me the minimum i can pay on my electric bill,1,8,train switch over to the male voice mode,10,144,train do you know any good restaurants good for kids,3,41,train what kind of hobbies do you like to do,9,125,train please make the pin on my zion bank account to 3232,1,3,train it seems that there's fraudulent activity on my card i'd like to file a report,1,15,train i went to target to buy a mug but my card did not work,2,21,train what's the amount of my income,8,113,test in what status is my credit card application currently in,2,27,val what company coded you,9,121,train what is the interest rate on my auto loan,1,7,val what is the value of my bank accounts,1,12,train what do i need to get when i go shopping,4,54,train what is the calorie count of an apple,3,35,train what can i address you,9,127,train i would like my account frozen,1,1,train are you able to call me by my name,10,137,val give me step by step instructions for changing my oil,5,63,test i need you to send my location to paul and ryan,7,95,train turn whisper mode off,10,138,test what do i do to change my car's oil,5,63,train what is my pay grade at work,8,113,train "in bst timezone, what time is it",7,103,train i wanna know when i was paid last,8,111,train put one hundred and seventy five bucks in my wells fargo checking account from my citibank savings account,1,10,val what is the nature of the big bang theory,0,0,oos_test where are your origins found,9,128,train what's with the block on my bank account,1,6,train how good are the ratings for pizza hut,3,38,train why am i seeing a hold on my charles schwab account,1,6,train "i'm looking for a roundtrip flight from oma to sps august 1st, 2019 to august 2nd, 2019",6,87,train thanks for talking,9,129,train do you have an age,9,134,val what do i need to buy,4,54,val what is the procedure for getting a new pin number,1,3,train what is the current time right now in hollywood,7,103,val i want to change your name to adam,10,148,val is it possible to take the bus to the brooklyn bridge,5,71,train is the bank open on mlk day,0,0,oos_test do i have enough in my chase account for new nikes,1,12,train is there are limit of carry ons for my flight with aer lingus to cork,6,89,train that's a possibility,10,150,train how do i use my credit card points,2,24,train tell me the nutrition facts for shepherd's pie,3,36,test i didn't hear you,10,143,train "yes, that is right",10,139,train do i need a travel visa for the uk,6,80,val can you tell me my spending limit,2,25,train book me a car rental in wichita,6,90,test what do you do with your free time,9,125,val how long do i cook pork,3,44,train will you start a timer for me,7,96,val what is the right way to say excuse me in spanish,6,78,test how can i protect my credit rating,2,19,train can you help me report my lost card please,2,20,train how many japanese yen are in a us dollar,6,82,test when do i need my oil changed,5,62,train go faster,10,136,test lock every door on the property,4,60,train what's the current prevailing interest rate for mortgages in my area,0,0,oos_test i want to change the oil in my car but i do not know how to do it can you help,5,63,test tell me when should i get my tires changed next,5,74,train im at lax and my bags aren't,6,86,train is it safe to go to serbia,6,84,test i want a meeting to be scheduled,8,118,train is flu contagious,0,0,oos_val what day is it gonna be in twenty-one days,7,93,train what's the best price on a gray xl ll bean men's parka,0,0,oos_test put smooth operator by sade on my playlist,4,53,train what kind of questions are you good at answering,9,135,train what's that smell,0,0,oos_test my new card will arrive when,2,16,train i need to pay my mortgage,1,5,train can you check what is on my calendar for tuesday,4,55,val i need to know how to change my insurance,8,108,train what is the amount of rewards points on my visa card,2,26,train reset to original settings,10,149,train how much is the exchange between usd and euros,6,82,val what is the current going rate for exchanging dollars for pesos,6,82,train will i have to wait for long before being seated at the cheese cake factory,3,33,train tell me the meaning of hegemony,7,99,val find out where one can get involved in discussing local election issues,0,0,oos_test is it possible to increase the limit on my visa,2,22,train restart my newspaper delivery for monday,0,0,oos_test where can i find my voca account's interest rate,1,7,val i would appreciate it if you put a stop on my bank account,1,1,train i want to reserve a convertible from july 2nd through july 18th for los angeles,6,90,train i want to pay a bill,1,5,val add 45 to 87 plus 54 plus 43 plus 22,7,98,test about how much did i spend recently,1,13,test what is the apr on my american express card,2,23,train what time can i expect to be seated at this restaurant,3,33,train what will i need to make lasagna,3,34,val get louder,10,140,train "i would like to report my card as stolen, please",2,20,train what company did the design for this,9,121,test suggest a meal from india to me,3,40,train change from whisper mode,10,138,test how long does it take to get downtown by bus,5,70,test can you tell me why my bank account is frozen,1,6,train what hobbies do you enjoy in your free time,9,125,train do you know when you were born,9,134,train "at 5:30 pm, how busy can i expect olive garden to be",3,33,train i need to switch the language for your responses,10,142,train when do i need to change my tires,5,74,train how do i write c++,0,0,oos_test i need to tell you about my lost card,2,20,test is fixing mom's kitchen blind on my to do list,4,58,train i need the tow truck to be given my gps coordinates,7,95,train can i use something else if i don't have eggs,3,43,train "can i make a reservation for 2 at state bird for 6:30, please",3,39,train "what's going on in the world today, anything major",0,0,oos_test i want my chase account blocked immediately,1,1,train "i want to listen to my maroon 5 playlist, play it for me",4,47,train i feel i would like to get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train share my location with darren and stacey,7,95,train i need you to flip a coin,7,101,val is it after noon,7,103,test do i have a car wash scheduled on my to do list,4,58,train can you show me how to report a lost card,2,20,val i'd love to hear when you were born,9,134,train how is my ai doing,9,131,train can you do a coin flip for me ai,7,101,test "i will be in uruguay from january to august, please let me bank know",6,77,train i want to roll a dice,7,104,train what are some fun things to do in sweden,6,83,train will i have to apply for a visa if i want to visit mexico,6,80,train how do i change the oil for my car,5,63,train in which time zone does denver reside,6,81,test could you connect to my phone,10,146,train can i get you to talk at a slightly faster rate,10,136,train can i modify the apples for grapes,3,43,val i need help making a pto request for march 3-10,8,116,train set a reminder for me to do this in a bit,4,50,train you're the best!,9,130,train when is my paycheck coming,8,111,train how can i convert centimeters to inches,7,100,test could you tell me how to make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,val what is good riddance mean,7,99,train do you have any idea why my account may be blocked,1,6,val i need to know britain's timezone,6,81,test i broke my card trying to do a magic trick,2,18,val please speak faster,10,136,val tell me my first national account's routing number,1,2,train how busy it that place for dinner,3,33,train go forward to the next track,4,56,train remove moms birthday from calendar,4,51,train i need the nutrition facts for ramen,3,36,test what's the updated status of my order,4,52,test switch to whisper please,10,138,train can you create a reminder,4,50,train what's my current health care plan,8,109,train add dentist appointment to my calendar for march 1,4,51,train secure us a meeting room for 9am on friday,8,118,val can you find out what happened to my luggage,6,86,train tell me the ratings for the local denny's,3,38,train good bye my friend,9,129,train which timezone is england in,6,81,train please help me book a rental car for nashville,6,90,train when is my flight due to arrive,6,79,train i would appreciate it if you could talk to me in french,10,142,train i need an 8 o'clock reservation at pizza hut for the last name mercury,3,39,train do i need any vaccinations before going to indonesia,6,85,train i need my todo list read,4,58,train explain to me how to cash in rewards for my mastercard,2,24,train i need to know the current time in the central timezone,7,103,train share my location with sarah,7,95,train what are some trivia questions about lebron james,9,126,train can you help me locate my phone,7,94,test is traffic heavy on my route to washington,5,65,train my bags didn't make it to the new orleans airport,6,86,train how can i request a new credit card,2,16,test do cheetos have a lot of calories,3,35,train do i need milk at the store,4,54,train i am looking for a suit for work,0,0,oos_test you can call me michael,10,147,train what's the credit limit on my visa,2,25,train what do you do to occupy your free time,9,125,train set a seven minute timer,7,96,train should i put air in my tires,5,66,train did my vacation get approval,8,106,test what will you call me,10,137,train do i need to have my oil changed after 3000 miles,5,62,train how are my cannabis stocks doing,0,0,oos_val please switch to the girl voice,10,144,test what do you do if your 4 year old just ate playdoh,0,0,oos_test how's everything,9,131,train am i scheduled for any gatherings today,8,110,train how and where are my w2 forms given,8,117,train please check my credit limit on my visa,2,25,train "at four, how much business does georgio have",3,33,train please increase volume,10,140,train what amount of pto have i taken,8,120,train what's a nice place to visit a beautiful beach,6,83,train "i would like to find a list of cool things recommended for tourists in copenhagen, denmark",6,83,val how are the reviews for tacos at the buffet,3,38,test my card has been erased and i need to report it,2,18,train "yo, hows it going",9,131,train my credit card got torn and i need a new one,2,18,test can i get some more of those new checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train find the favorite destination for traveling this year,6,83,val how do i convert four inches into centimeters,7,100,train i have to make a phone call,7,97,test is cleaning the kitchen coming up on my list of things i have to do today,4,58,train tell me what i put on the shopping list,4,54,train what do i do to enable direct deposit,8,119,train that would be false,10,141,train i need an alarm to wake me up at 8 tomorrow morning,7,92,train are you a computer generated voice,9,133,test "i would like to confirm my 7:30 pm reservation at morton's steakhouse, under michael james",3,32,train can i bring perfume on the plane or what is the size limit,6,89,test can you change the limit on my credit please,2,22,train what am i supposed to do if i lost my luggage,6,86,val how's my gasoline how much do i have left,5,68,test what electrical plug do they use in the uk,6,76,val the volume should be decreased,10,140,train tell me when my flight will land,6,79,train what's the current date,7,93,train turn up your speaker volume,10,140,test do you know if bouncing one check on your checking account can hurt your credit score or not,2,19,train i want to make a purchase,4,57,train find a cleaner that specializes in suede,0,0,oos_test i need you to disconnect from my phone,10,146,train i want to buy a plane ticket to travel from miami to honolulu on the 29th of february i need a return flight on march 5th,6,87,train will you confirm my reservation for red robin at 10,3,32,train when do i finally get a day off,8,107,train what type of plug do they use in mexico,6,76,train will it rain today,7,91,train you can disconnect from my phone now,10,146,train what is 15% of 3143,7,98,train "since i am traveling to asia, i need to inform the bank",6,77,train where do i find information on when the water bill is due,1,4,train could you tell me how much i've spent over the past two weeks,1,13,train "what do i call you, ai",9,127,test please make a pto request for dates tomorrow to the twentieth,8,116,train thank you for your assistance,9,130,test what oil do i need and how is it changed,5,63,train find instructions on how to play taboo,0,0,oos_test is new this a good insurance plan for me,8,108,train you can call me sarah,10,147,train tell me minimum to pay on landscape bill,1,8,train get reservations at olive garden for two at 7:00pm under michael,3,39,test i wanna know how low are my tires on air,5,66,test can you set a two hour timer,7,96,train where am i at currently,5,61,val how many hurricanes are in an average hurricane season,0,0,oos_test i need your language setting to be russian now,10,142,train am i safe to go to africa,6,84,test uh-huh,10,139,train "someone is charging my card for playstations, and it's not me! what do i do!",1,15,val would you let me know who your boss is,9,123,test is it necessary to apply for a tourist visa for mexico,6,80,train put a freeze on my bank account,1,1,train "the tasks for today, what are they",4,58,train should i increase my credit limitfor cardx,2,22,train what can i ask you,9,135,train i'm not sure which it is,10,150,train can i use my credit card points to make purchase,2,24,train how many minutes will it take to get to the empire state building in manhattan,5,70,test dates for my car in the shop,5,72,train i can't decide,10,150,train i want your name,9,127,train i know it could be either one,10,150,train i need to convert kilos to pounds,7,100,test i need to know the calorie content in a piece of pepperoni pizza,3,35,train i can not use my card since it is damaged,2,18,train is espn covering the golden state warriors game,0,0,oos_test make sure april 1 is clear on my calendar,4,51,train try to speak slowly,10,136,test what's the best price on super smash bros ultimate right now,0,0,oos_train "next song on the list, please",4,56,train what jokes do you know,9,132,train tell me what name you have for me,10,137,test what festivals are there to see in paris,6,83,train do you know the price for my taxes in income,8,112,test how much do my bills cost this month,1,9,val i want your volume decreased please,10,140,val how many years have you been operating,9,134,train do i have to be at any meetings today,8,110,train does black bear diner in tracy take reservations,3,45,train are there any tornadoes coming soon,7,91,train which hobbies do you like,9,125,val please cancel that last command,10,145,train how can i rehabilitate my poor credit score,2,19,test what amount do i have to pay in taxes,8,112,train i need you to increase your speaker volume,10,140,train when can i expect to receive the order,4,52,train are there any new job postings in my area in the last hour for jobs on craigslist,0,0,oos_test are shots required before traveling to brazil,6,85,val hey just take off everything from my todo list,4,48,train what am i able to ask the ai,9,135,train at what time is my flight scheduled to land,6,79,val do i have anything on my calendar next sunday,4,55,train 500 dollars equals what in pesos,6,82,train "i'm almost certain my car battery died, please tell me what to do",5,75,test get the details on the pto i have used,8,120,train tv on turn,4,60,train what's the nutritional info for a ganola bar,3,36,train that’s not correct,10,141,train you can unsync from my phone now,10,146,train i need a hotel between january 1st through 3rd in jacksonville near the stadium,6,88,test my online bill has some items that i didn't purchase from penneys,1,15,test tell me when my next day off is,8,107,train do people like chipotle,3,38,train does south korea require an international visa,6,80,val tell me my car's tires' air pressure,5,66,train please let me know the status of my vacation request,8,106,test i need to transfer one thousand dollars to my savings account from my checking,1,10,val due to getting a new job i need assistance with my 401k rollover,8,114,val what movie is it that says today is a good day to die,0,0,oos_test do you know why my card got declined,2,21,test speak slower,10,136,train change my name to master,10,147,train please send a text to phil and ask him if he wants to play golf this weekend,7,105,train tell me a dog joke,9,132,test could you help me locate my phone,7,94,test may i order more checks for my well's fargo account,1,11,test would you let me know who won the gold metal in gymnastics at the olympics,0,0,oos_test are there any travel alerts for syria,6,84,train i think my chase account has been compromised and fraud committed,1,15,train what kind of fuel goes in my engine,5,73,train does applebees in trenton do reservations,3,45,train what's the funniest joke you know,9,132,train do i have a meeting with paul today,8,110,test specify who your boss is,9,123,val i'm out of fabric softener so will you order me some more,4,57,train "what time is it right now in adelaide, australia",7,103,test is there any news if my parents survived the crash,0,0,oos_test do you think we have a higher calling,9,122,val is there a long wait at chili's around 5:00,3,33,test how many teaspoons make up in 1 tablespoon,7,100,val will you summarize my health benefits,8,109,train set my paycheck up for direct deposit,8,119,train can i get a new card,2,29,train how do i freeze my bank account,1,1,test credit limit,2,25,train let me know how much gas i have in total,5,68,train turn on your whisper mode,10,138,train alert my bank and let them know that i'm travelling to madrid,6,77,train list my reminders,4,49,test does pizzeria delfina in san francisco take reservations,3,45,train is there a specific way to set up direct deposit,8,119,train make sure to put eggs on the grocery list,4,59,test i appreciate what you did,9,130,train how would i walk to the liberty bell from here,5,71,train "i am unable to complete my order, why could there be a hold on my wells fargo account",1,6,train i need a timer set please,7,96,val is there a way to get my current location,5,61,train where did you live before here,9,128,train put bread on my shopping list,4,59,train order me a new usb cable on amazon,4,57,train how long should i expect to wait at the cheesecake factory before getting seated,3,33,train "what is the current time, please",7,103,train can you tell me how fast the average airplane enroute to california goes,0,0,oos_test how long should i fry an egg for,3,44,train i'm out of bananas; add to shopping list,4,59,train hotel room for 5 in austin for 3/1 until 3/8,6,88,train please ping the rfid in my wallet and tell me where it's at right now,0,0,oos_test i want to know your age,9,134,train how long do wire transfers take,0,0,oos_train i'd like to know about setting up direct deposit,8,119,train how do i pay my electric bill,1,5,test "switch to whisper mode, please",10,138,train whats left as far as gas goes,5,68,train i need my bank account frozen,1,1,test to which company is your design accredited to,9,121,train how healthy is spaghetti,3,36,train i wanna know when my meeting is with dan,8,110,train can i get cash back for my points,2,24,test when's the next holiday coming,8,107,train how do i set up direct deposit for my cefcu account,8,119,val what date is today,7,93,train do i have watering the plants on my to do list,4,58,train about how long should you cook lasagna,3,44,train "i need you to repeat that, please",10,143,train remove all items from my to do list,4,48,test switch fan,4,60,train please remove current settings and go back to factory settings now,10,149,test please give me the nutritional information for an egg,3,36,test i need to bring my car in because the check engine light is staying lit,5,67,test roll a die please,7,104,test can you get a table for 5 at joe's at 5pm,3,39,train please say my credit card's apr,2,23,train i need a laptop with 16gb of ram,0,0,oos_test how many rooms are available between 2 and 3,8,118,train i would like thai food,3,40,test i have points on my capital one card and i'd like to know how many i've earned,2,26,test when does my oil need to be changed,5,62,val send chris a text message that says stop for milk on your way home,7,105,train what's the routing number for my current savings,1,2,train "visa card, i want to apply",2,29,train on my chase bank account what is the interest rate,1,7,train what travel alerts are in effect for the us,6,84,test "hello, how is it going",9,131,test how many calories does two bananas have,3,35,val i'd like to make a payment on my credit card bill,1,5,train let me know what date it will be in 3 days,7,93,val "could you put a stop on my bank account, please",1,1,train "if i think my car battery is dead, what steps should i take to fix it",5,75,train what is the exchange rate between rubles and us dollars,6,82,train how to direct deposit my paycheck,8,119,train y check engine light currently came on and i need assistance with it,5,67,train how much do i make at work,8,113,train no that isn't right,10,141,test can we please,10,139,test please phone lizzy,7,97,train how many miles per gallon does my car get,5,69,train do you mind informing me the status of my southwest flight,6,79,train "disconnect from my phone now, please",10,146,train pay my cable bill from my checking account,1,5,train have i used half of my days off yet,8,120,train i want to know how is my credit card application going,2,27,test how do i cash the reward for first bankcard,2,24,train what am i called by you,10,137,train what timezone is new york in,6,81,train make my volume louder please,10,140,train are there restrictions for carry-ons on delta,6,89,train give me my reminders,4,49,test i seem to have lost my phone,7,94,test would you provide me with what the point of life is,9,122,test take $40 from account a and transfer it to account b,1,10,train i would like to know how to say hello in french,6,78,train how do i maintain my credit score,2,19,train my list for shopping has what on it,4,54,train i prefer to be called jason,10,147,val what is the meaning of life here,9,122,train please call me johnny,10,147,train let's talk about your hobbies,9,125,train i need a timer that is set at 1 hour exactly,7,96,val look up a good broker for mutual funds,0,0,oos_test what is my bank of america card's rewards balance,2,26,train what's the distance between home and the closest starbucks,5,71,train who can i talk to right away about the current freeze on my account,1,6,train what have i spent on fast food recently,1,13,test could you teach me how to jump start a car,5,75,train what's the final amount of all the money i need to pay in bills this month,1,9,train what is the weather outlook for seattle,7,91,train how many mexican pesos is a us dollar worth,6,82,test do you know when i need to pay my mastercard,1,4,train thank you for that response,9,130,test how fast can i get to target in trenton,5,70,train when's the next federally recognized holiday,8,107,train please raise volume,10,140,train do i have a lot of gas left,5,68,train what time is it in the pacific standard timezone,7,103,train by what name do you refer to me,10,137,train let bill and craig know where i am,7,95,train it may be either one,10,150,train let me know what is on my reminder list,4,49,train what's lifes meaning,9,122,train what day will it be in fourteen days,7,93,train is there a holiday next week,8,107,train ai toss the dice,7,104,test i want to see the nutritional content of the hamburger,3,36,train what type of plug do i need when in rome,6,76,train whens your birthday,9,134,test "the next time i change my oil, when should it be",5,62,train nice to see you,9,129,train i need to know the calorie count of a bacon cheeseburger,3,35,train "on my to do list, i need cleaning added",4,48,train what funny joke do you know,9,132,train give me my credit limit,2,25,val "wake up, ai",9,131,train what amount of money do i earn at work,8,113,train can i use coconut oil instead of olive oil,3,43,train at target trying to buy a mug and my card was declined,2,21,train carry-on restrictions for air emirates,6,89,train i would love to get a new credit card,2,29,test how do i make pumpkin pie,3,37,train does my td ameritrade checking account take direct deposit,8,119,val how many miles is five kilometers,7,100,train "share my location with mom, please",7,95,train what's the number of vacation days i have left,8,115,test what was my income last year,8,113,val i would like to know my current location,5,61,train do you know where my phone is,7,94,train how much longer until my credit card application is checked,2,27,train can you increase the speaker volume please,10,140,val what is the status of my application for the credit card,2,27,train can you tell me the mpg of this car,5,69,train where do i get the form that shows my wages for the year for taxes,8,117,train i need to report fraudulent activity on my usaa card,1,15,test tell me if i have any spare vacation days,8,115,train "i heard i can transfer my 401k, but don't know how, do you",8,114,test has my vacation been ok'd,8,106,train i need to know how many of my days off i have used at this point,8,120,train when should i get new tires i last replaced them four years ago,5,74,train i have to schedule some car maintenance,5,67,train should i run every day,0,0,oos_test i'd like to pay my bill,1,5,train when is the bill due,1,4,train how high is my credit limit for my navy federal card,2,25,train can you share my credit score with me,2,28,val are there activities that you enjoy doing in your free time,9,125,train can you tell me the date of my last check,8,111,test please tell me my todo list,4,58,test i'm leaving for montreal tomorrow and need to let my bank know,6,77,test is my bill due this week,1,4,train please play the new lady gaga song,4,47,train when do i owe the state payment for my car tags,1,4,train can i talk to someone to let them know my card was damaged from being melted on a radiator,2,18,test what's my discover card reward balance,2,26,train can i rent a car from dfw airport from march 1st to march 8th,6,90,val switch back to your factory settings,10,149,train where should i go to find the routing number for well's fargo,1,2,test i wanna order some more checks for my checking account,1,11,train what raiting of gas is called for,5,73,test can you tell me how much i spent on grocery shopping recently,1,13,val where is the closest gas station,5,70,train what've i spent on gas this month,1,13,test what is the best rated hotel in evans,6,88,train what factors can ruin a credit score,2,19,train what were some of ben franklin's notable accomplishments,0,0,oos_train please schedule an appointment for my oil to get changed,5,67,train where's my luggage for american airlines flight ab123 out of denver,6,86,train what kind of greek food is good for dinner,3,40,train what are the limits in my phone plan,0,0,oos_test search for travel alerts for kenya,6,84,train what subjects are you familiar with,9,135,train do i have any personal days left,8,115,train what's the procedure to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train let's flip a coin i choose heads,7,101,test what are people saying about chick-fil-a's chicken nuggets,3,38,test how much fast food have i bought recently,1,13,test do you know how to make chow mein,3,37,train i wanna switch to the male voice,10,144,train what's the right way to spell miscellaneous,7,102,train where did abraham lincoln live,0,0,oos_train what's the table wait at applebees,3,33,train tell me a dirty joke,9,132,train i would like some help getting a rental car reserved in los angeles,6,90,train can you give me an overview of what march 23 will look like for me,4,55,train i have a bogus transaction from amazon on my account,1,15,test okay,10,139,test let me know what names you have for me,10,137,train how does scheduling a meeting work,8,118,train is there anything on my todo list for taking out the trash,4,58,val can you see how many calories are in cream of mushroom soup,3,35,test what should i make for dinner,3,40,train check if it is ok to eat cheese that has been in the refrigerator since last tuesday,3,31,train what is the date in 5 days,7,93,test i want to know when to expect my next paycheck,8,111,train "buy a flight from santa fe to jacksonville on new year's eve that returns on the fourth, please",6,87,train "my car battery is dead, how do i charge it",5,75,train what do you say for my name,10,137,train tell me how long until the nascar race begins,0,0,oos_test is mop the floor already in my reminders,4,49,train is grub burger taking reservations,3,45,val has my reservation for john at bardenay been confirmed,3,32,test what is my expiration data for my card,2,17,val what you just said is false,10,141,train decrease your decibel level,10,140,test tell me flight dl123's statud,6,79,val i would like a coin flip,7,101,train i want to start calling you adam,10,148,val who do i call to report my card as lost,2,20,test can i substitute vinegar for apple cider vinegar,3,43,train i want to pay my insurance bill,1,5,train turn my drake playlist on,4,47,train what's the blue book value of my car,0,0,oos_test are there meeting rooms available between 4-8,8,118,train "if you had to choose, cat or dog",9,124,train does the ai have a name,9,127,train what is that noise,4,46,train what were my last five transactions on my visa card,1,14,train "can you flip a coin, i will take tails",7,101,train add bread to my list of groceries,4,59,train can you make a reservation for me at the restaurant,3,39,train share location with john,7,95,test please don't talk any further,10,145,val when should my oil get changed,5,62,train what day did i set on my calendar for the first day of school,4,55,test inform carl that he is an awful human being,7,105,val what did i put on my list of reminders,4,49,train can you tell me any truly funny knock knock jokes,9,132,train could be,10,150,test how do i plug stuff in in france,6,76,test am i scheduled for any meetings between noon and one,8,110,train where can i see art,0,0,oos_train i want to know what sort of things you can assist me with,9,135,train what is the amount of calories that scrambled eggs has,3,35,val what's the song that we are listening at this moment,4,46,train how do i go about getting more checks since i ran out of them,1,11,train my meeting with alice is scheduled for when,8,110,test what step should i take next if i lost my luggage,6,86,test will you repeat what you just said,10,143,train how many centimeters are in 4 inches,7,100,train share my gps coordinates with my brother,7,95,train "i need an oil change, make an appointment",5,67,train can i eat the eggs i've had in the fridge since 2/21,3,31,train can you put a stop on my account,1,1,train "yes, you got it",10,139,train check if my shopping list has tomato,4,54,train friday 5pm schedule a room for meeting,8,118,test what is the due date for a bill,1,4,train i want to disconnect the current connection to my phone,10,146,train what is my health plan,8,109,train send 50 dollars between bank of america and chase accounts,1,10,train what's the best way to build a skyscraper,0,0,oos_test "what are some fun, tourist sites to see in nyc",6,83,train what's your recommendation for dining out tonight,3,41,train can you ping priest chris with a text and send the following confession,7,105,train can you lock all the doors in the house,4,60,train can you find a recipe on how to make chow mein,3,37,train is crushed garlic the same as powdered garlic for a spaghetti sauce,3,43,train "hello, friend",9,131,train not sure,10,150,test can you tell me the remaining time i have for pto,8,115,train tell me nutritional info for lettuce,3,36,test what's the closest holiday after today,8,107,train x is what i am calling you now,10,148,train search for how to change my oil,5,63,train how can i root an android phone,0,0,oos_val i got to know how long can i keep pizza in the freezer for before it goes bad,3,31,train i'm looking for assistance booking a rental car in las vegas,6,90,val i lost my phone,7,94,train would you repeat what you said earlier,10,143,test i need to remove an event from my calendar,4,51,train can you tell me about that tornado that just tore up alabama,0,0,oos_test what mpg does this car get in the city,5,69,test what is the shipping wait for my card,2,16,test what day is it,7,93,train add walk by pantera to my playlist,4,53,train tell me about the amusement park,0,0,oos_test what prong jump starts the car,5,75,train "my battery died in my car, how can i jump start a battery",5,75,train use delta to book me a flight from dallas to pittsburgh,6,87,train what is walker bank paying me in interest on my account,1,7,val where is the nearest denny's to gillette stadium,5,71,train i'd like to know what my credit rating is,2,28,train what are the reviews like for mission chinese,3,38,train where do i make a vacation request,8,116,train how do i use my card reward points for my next flight,2,24,test i would like my credit limit increased to 5000 dollars,2,22,val how long will i be on the bus to new orleans,5,70,test i need to get a new motorcycle insurance plan,8,108,train what do i need to make macaroni,3,34,test when is it cheapest to travel to hawaii,0,0,oos_test track my package now please,4,52,train i need you to switch to my original settings,10,149,train can i have your name,9,127,val within what time is is fine to eat cooked tilapia kept in the fridge,3,31,test report lost card,2,20,train i’ll be leaving now,9,129,train actually forget that i don't need it,10,145,train play that song called colony of birchman,4,47,train i need a 10 sided die rolled,7,104,train show me the transaction on macys,1,14,train do a car payment from my savings account,1,5,train find the closest cvs near galleria mall,5,71,test what is 10 + 10,7,98,train please convert 2 inches into meters for me,7,100,train i think that's true,10,139,train shut up!,10,145,train madison to atlanta delta ticket,6,87,train what would you say is the best meal to have for dinner,3,40,val does bjs take reservations,3,45,train set a timer for 10 minutes,7,96,test can you tell me my interest rate,1,7,train is my phone somewhere around here,7,94,test does jet blue have any carry-on restrictions,6,89,train do you know what are the ingredients to make apple pie,3,37,train latitude and longitude please,5,61,val what question did you just ask me,10,143,val how many points on my chase unlimited card,2,26,val at what time should i get my oil changed next,5,62,train my luggage is lost i was on delta flight ab123 from detroit,6,86,train how can i turn on direct deposit,8,119,train what's the name of this tune,4,46,train which meetings do i have today,8,110,train what is your perception of the meaning of life,9,122,train send the location i'm at with martin,7,95,train do we get monday off as a holiday,8,107,val suo2,0,0,oos_val do you own any pet at all,9,124,train what what kind money is available in my bank accounts,1,12,train i would like you to reserve a conference room for noon tomorrow,8,118,test what are people saying about chipotle,3,38,train wipe my todo list please,4,48,val order more paper towels from amazon,4,57,val the lists of my reminders is what,4,49,train how do i sign up for a new credit card,2,29,train tell me if you are a human or are a computer,9,133,test tell me what is on my calendar for march 2,4,55,train coin flip,7,101,train watch the stories on instagram,0,0,oos_test what place were you actually born at,9,128,val do i have anything scheduled on january 1st,4,55,train "i'm going out of country, what type of outlet plug do i need",6,76,train what is the minimum i can pay for my phone bill,1,8,train how long until i should have my tires replaced,5,74,train can you please tell me the interest rate for cash advances on my visa,1,7,train is this human or a robot,9,133,train i want to use the female voice now,10,144,train scrap,10,145,val "for peppercorn steak, what ingredients do i need",3,34,val i need you to turn the tv on now,4,60,val bye for now,9,129,train i need to know my reward point total looking at my debit card,2,26,train ill pass,10,141,val i need to report fraudulent activity on my card,1,15,train what would you like to be called,9,127,train do i need a travel visa to visit japan,6,80,train tell me if the cheshire takes reservations,3,45,train sync with my phone please,10,146,test i need a pto request on march 1 to 2,8,116,train go ahead and move $200 from amazon to my bank account,1,10,train it's indeed true,10,139,train i would like you to roll a dice,7,104,val where do i redeem my credit card points,2,24,val can i redeem my points by transferring them to someone as a gift,2,24,test what is the amount of my taken off days so far,8,120,test play the next song queued up,4,56,train what is the current date,7,93,val x is who i need to call,7,97,train call off the dinner reservation,3,42,train please help me increase my mastercard credit card limit,2,22,train what are my benefits with this insurance,8,109,test please tell my bank i will be in israel from the 6th to the 23rd,6,77,train what is the apr on my aaa visa card,2,23,train give me information about my card's apr,2,23,train i would like to pay my cell phone bill,1,5,train "in a fried egg, how many calories are there",3,35,val what was the reason my bank account was frozen,1,6,train i have to pay how much back in taxes,8,112,train do you know if anyone's even looked at the application i sent in for the new visa card,2,27,train i need to increase my credit limit,2,22,train i must know my visa card's apr,2,23,train can we change your name to clara,10,148,test how much is an overdraft fee for bank,0,0,oos_train what is the best type of gas for this car,5,73,val set a 10 minute timer,7,96,train is there a way to get a larger limit on my bank of america card,2,22,train how many vacation days have i taken,8,120,train what is 35 times 23,7,98,train i accidentally deactivated the magnetic stripe on my visa debit card and i need to report it,2,18,test have they recieved my vacation request and approved it,8,106,train i would like to make a call to sal,7,97,test go ahead and roll the 6 sided dice for me,7,104,train please connect the device to my phone,10,146,train "i heard that opening a new account will decrease my credit score, is it true",2,19,train you can call me john,10,147,train can i call you by any name,9,127,train i wanna know your name,9,127,train what is the weather going to be like,7,91,train tell me the gas mileage on my car,5,69,train "can you tell me what 30% off 235 is, please",7,98,train what is tuesday like on my calendar,4,55,val when i go to cuba will there be a transaction fee for using my discover card,2,30,test do i need cables to jump start my car,5,75,train give me a table for 3 at o'reilly's bar for 7 please,3,39,train start my playlist,4,47,train add what's playing on my favorite playlist,4,53,train what are some fun cheap activities to do in colorado,6,83,test what should i do if my car battery is dead,5,75,train my luggage has disappeared,6,86,test can you tell me the total cost of my bills please,1,9,train what is the derivative of x squared plus 5,7,98,val can you share the status of my day off request,8,106,train i really need to change my pin number for my account,1,3,train status of my request for vacation,8,106,train will it be long to get to the sky harbor airport,5,70,train please aid in my searching for my lost phone,7,94,train when do i get my next paycheck,8,111,test cancel my reservation for 3 at carlos jr,3,42,train could you increase the speaker volume please,10,140,val order all items on the list,4,57,val what can you answer for me,9,135,train is there a way to change the voice to male,10,144,train what size pipes are used for sinks,0,0,oos_test i want this song on my pregame playlist,4,53,test can i see my transactions from yesterday,1,14,train list insurance benefits,8,109,train what is the due date of my att bill,1,4,train what timezone would tampa be in,6,81,train what is the expiration date for those eg,3,31,test how many calories are in an apple,3,35,train please reserve me a table for 2 pm at maxwell's on the 14th,3,39,train how do i figure out my intetest rate,1,7,train please allow me to swap salt for baking soda,3,43,train please give me a quick tutorial on jump starting my car,5,75,test you can take laundry off my todo list,4,48,test please tell me what date it is today,7,93,train get me a meeting room for 9am on friday,8,118,val do i have to pay amex transaction fees in brazil,2,30,train what is my amazon card's rewards balance,2,26,val what can you help me with exactly,9,135,train i need to get a flight out of lax to dia on the 16th for under four hundred,6,87,train can you tell me where you are from,9,128,train can you tell me how to multiply two fractions,0,0,oos_test how much is auto febreeze on amazon,0,0,oos_test what is the square root of 80,7,98,train i'm saying goodbye now,9,129,train can you help me rollover my 401k to my new place of employment,8,114,train what's the minimum payment,1,8,test find my credit score and tell it to me,2,28,train can you please tell me my card's expiration month,2,17,train how can i learn how to use direct deposit,8,119,val what kind of gas should i use to fill the car,5,73,train you can stop talking ai,10,145,test what's the wait for a table at olive garden right now,3,33,train meeting rooms open between one and three pm,8,118,test what credit limit do i have,2,25,train what is the timeframe for getting my tires changed,5,74,test can you say that over,10,143,train what's the eta for a new card to come in the mail,2,16,train would you schedule a meeting with carrie and lisa please,8,118,train i really want an italian meal suggestion,3,40,train flip me a coin,7,101,val you work for what company or person exactly,9,123,train please find out if rooms are free from 1 to 2,8,118,train would you say it again please,10,143,test i need new home owners insurance,8,108,train is there a way to increase the limit on my visa card,2,22,train you are correct,10,139,val at yakamoto how is their sushi,3,38,train what is the wait time for torris,3,33,val what shots are required to visit australia,6,85,val "switch the language for your responses, please",10,142,train please tell me the month and year of expiration for my discover card,2,17,train send information on flood clean up to my phone,0,0,oos_test i need to cancel my reservation after all,3,42,test i would like to get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train can you tell me how to change my oil and what kind i use,5,63,test what things can you do,9,135,train my luggage is missing i was on american airlines flight ab123 out of dallas,6,86,train i need to know status of my day off request,8,106,test can you tell me how to report a card lost,2,20,test how is the weather looking in seattle,7,91,test give me the number of a traffic attorney near here,0,0,oos_test what would your name be,9,127,train please change your language setting to spanish now,10,142,val can you tell me what my federal tax burden is,8,112,val tell me something funny about cats,9,132,train please send my location to kevin and also to lucy,7,95,test alert my financial institution that i will be traveling to bangkok on april 2 and returning on april 7,6,77,val can you find out if my application at smith bank was approved or not i applied for s credit card a month ago,2,27,train how are the donuts reviews at tgi,3,38,train what's my current bank account total,1,12,test i would like to get a new insurance plan,8,108,train are you a real human being,9,133,train please call me frank from now on,10,147,train has my application for the mastercard card gone through,2,27,train what is the minimum i can pay for my electric bill,1,8,train "ai shake the dice in a cup, then throw dice on table",7,104,test my bill shows a purchase from payless shoes but i didn't buy anything,1,15,test do you like appreciate cats or dogs more,9,124,test my luggage appears to be lost,6,86,test can you tell me what my tire pressure is,5,66,train i need to know how to make philly cheesesteaks,3,37,train i want to know how to change my oil,5,63,test how much do i pay in tax,8,112,train "hello, ai",9,131,train can you tell me when i'm supposed to get paid,8,111,train where can i get a appointment for a tire check for the car,5,67,test set a five minute timer please,7,96,train please report my stolen card,2,20,train how much do i make,8,113,train tell me where to go since i want to eat out tonight,3,41,train what do i need to do to set up direct deposit,8,119,test call work,7,97,train would you skip this song,4,56,val is the pressure in my tires optimal,5,66,train can you see whether i have an event called amy's surprise party on my calendar,4,55,train what are the pets you have,9,124,val do i already have cereal on my shopping list,4,54,val i get an error message when i try logging in to capital one that says i'm locked out,1,6,val how many calories are in a cookie,3,35,train name a few good steakhouses in chicago,3,41,val read my shopping list to me,4,54,train can i change your name to bob,10,148,train on feb 3rd i changed my tires are they still good,5,74,test what is the extra digits that are sometimes included on my zip code,0,0,oos_test what should i do if it hurts when i pee,0,0,oos_test go ahead and pay my american express bill now,1,5,train would you call me mary,10,147,train i need a hotel in phoenix near chase field from january 4th to the 8th,6,88,test what's 50 euro in dollars,6,82,train can i harm my credit if i miss a car payment,2,19,train what's the date,7,93,test is my credit card expiration date approaching,2,17,train i need you to get me a rental car in nashville,6,90,train i've used how much pto so far,8,120,train "flip a coin, i choose heads",7,101,val what company manufactured you,9,121,train go ahead and switch to the male voice,10,144,train i want to pay my bill,1,5,test where are you from,9,128,train let me know the minimum i can pay on my cable bill,1,8,train please let me know how much my gas bill is,1,9,train will you check there is a reservation for laura at black pearl,3,32,train what is the air pressure of my tires,5,66,test help me to book a car rental in sacremento,6,90,train where can i get my w2 from,8,117,test what does my to-do list consist of,4,58,train what's the time set to in florida right now,7,103,train i need to set up a reminder for myself,4,50,val "an atm ate my card, how do i report it",2,18,train bring up my location,5,61,train what's the nutritional info for potato skins,3,36,train do you think my name is jeff,10,137,val peace out!,9,129,val what is the routing number for royal,1,2,train you can call me cindy,10,147,train can i substitute skim milk for whole milk,3,43,train what song am i hearing,4,46,val am i going to be able to get my vacation request,8,106,train "i lost my card, how do i report it",2,20,val what does 2 + 2 equal,7,98,train what is the underlying purpose to life,9,122,train could you find my interest rate for me,1,7,train "i didn't hear, please say it again",10,143,train i need a stop placed on my bank account please,1,1,train i need a direct deposit,8,119,test do i have enough money in my first hawaiian bank account for a vacation,1,12,train can you confirm my reservation for applebees at 2:00,3,32,train how do i make that scottish dish with all the blood and sausage,3,37,train how are things going for you,9,131,train please tell me how much i have spent recently,1,13,train can you tell me the current time in jamaica,7,103,test get me a list of personal conservation tips that i can use around the house,0,0,oos_test how long is it to ann arbor by bus,5,70,val may you please say that again,10,143,test cumin may be substituted for tumeric,3,43,train do i need shots before i get to africa,6,85,train i have been spending a lot on utility bills lately,1,13,train you can vacuuming of my todo list,4,48,test "i need to change my insurance policy, how",8,108,val what is the earliest date i can get my new card,2,16,train put on bended knee on my reflection playlist,4,53,val what time will we arrive at the bank,5,70,train can you get me any recommendations for the place i'm traveling to,6,83,train i want to find a new credit card to sign up for,2,29,train i lost my credit card recently how long does take to get a new one in the mail,2,16,test add to my friday calendar a doctor's appointment,4,51,val can you please turn the volume to 4,10,140,train what does traffic look like at 9 en route to the aquarium,5,65,train how many centimeters are in an inch,7,100,train can you make me a reservation for 4 pm on the 22nd at ruth's,3,39,train you can call me brandon,10,147,train send david my location,7,95,test what's up with my order,4,52,test i need a pto request for march 3rd and 4th,8,116,train "could you translate this into chinese for me, please",6,78,val i need to know the apr on my wells fargo credit card,2,23,test spell potato,7,102,train "i need more cat food, please order some",4,57,train "alexa, book a rental car to los angeles county in 2 hours",6,90,test get me an uber for 3 people uptown,5,64,test when can i expect my order,4,52,train "if i'm planning to go to the uk, do i need a visa",6,80,train "the temperature of the ac, what is it at",4,60,val i gotta change my pin number for my debit account,1,3,train tell me something funny about politics,9,132,train i really would like to get a new insurance plan,8,108,test what restrictions do my carry-ons need to comply with for delta,6,89,train what's my total income,8,113,val i need to know what kinds of pets you have,9,124,train does laos require a travel visa,6,80,train i'll require a rental car from 3/6 - 3/19 in san jose,6,90,train that's a hard no from me,10,141,train please tell me what my credit score is,2,28,test what should i do now that my car battery is dead,5,75,test what's your brand,9,121,train how empty is my gas tank,5,68,train i wanna know the balance of my bank of american account,1,12,train can anyone let me know the reason behind my frozen bank account,1,6,val turn off whisper mode,10,138,train how do i find the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,test i must know where to get my w2,8,117,test please reserve a table for 2 at lucky's under the name melissa at 7 pm,3,39,val tell me if there is an event called annual physical in my calendar,4,55,train thanks for that!,9,130,train what are the benefits of having this insurance,8,109,test lets start calling you allan,10,148,test how late is it now in ourense,7,103,val show me where my order is,4,52,train what is the total number of days that i have taken off work since january,8,120,test do i have any appointments on my calendar march 22nd,4,55,test can i make it to work with my current fuel level,5,68,train dial x's phone please,7,97,train my card will work until what month,2,17,val i no longer need to go to the zoo on the 8th of this month,4,51,train how do i schedule car maintenance,5,67,train i will rollover my 401k,8,114,test can i use sharp cheddar instead of muenster,3,43,train the name you have for me is what,10,137,train what is your country of origin,9,128,train would i need a travel visa to go to the congo,6,80,train are there any ubers available in my area right now,5,64,val im sorry can you repeat yourself,10,143,train "i don't know how to jump start my car, help!",5,75,train did i remember to add buy flowers to my chore list today,4,58,train please talk to me in the male british accent,10,144,train how much air do i have in my tires,5,66,train i want to know the carry on policy for southwest,6,89,train how would you put what life is all about,9,122,train i need to add the chore of vacuuming to my task list,4,48,train how many dollars can i exchange for 10000 yen,6,82,train can i store bread in the freezer indefinitely and it will still be okay,3,31,test can i have the expiration date for my capital one card,2,17,train i need to know when my card is set to expire please,2,17,train how much country of canada money would i get for $100,6,82,val can my volume be increased,10,140,train i need a recipe for chicken pot pie,3,37,train put on my shopping list i need carots,4,59,train transfer funds to the other account,1,10,val can someone look at my check engine light that's on,5,67,test pay my water bill with my charles schwab account,1,5,train would you need more shots to go to mexico,6,85,test what's the safest pet to be around toddlers,0,0,oos_test tell me this week's forecast,7,91,train if i want to travel to mexico do i need to get a visa,6,80,train how much am i making at my job,8,113,train what is the name of the insurance plan i am enrolled in,8,109,val what are the steps i need to do to change the oil in my car,5,63,train what timezone is sacromento in,6,81,train it turns out my card was declined at fry's and i would like to know why,2,21,train i need everything on my shopping list to be ordered,4,57,train let me know the nearest gas station to glendale,5,71,test can i increase the credit limit on my old navy card,2,22,train the next holiday is when,8,107,val turn on whisper mode,10,138,test what ingredients are in chips,3,34,train how do i compute the median of a set of numbers,0,0,oos_val do i need an international visa to go to hong kong,6,80,train can you tell me the limit i currently have on my barclay card,2,25,train does hannahs in galloway take reservations,3,45,train i need to know what routing number i should use for ally,1,2,val my card expires in what month,2,17,train yesterday what did i spend on lunch,1,13,train looks up the calories in cheetos,3,35,train i need a routing number,1,2,test list me my recent transaction,1,14,train "before i pay my capital one, what are the most recent transactions i've made",1,14,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at chili's for bart,3,32,val "i'm going to paris soon and want to let my bank know, how do i do that",6,77,train i need you to switch to whisper mode,10,138,train who is your manager,9,123,train what location did you originate at,9,128,train show me the ingredients that i need for ceviche,3,34,train does minnis take reservations,3,45,train has my purchase arrived yet,4,52,val go ahead and delete the doctor appointment i have scheduled for monday,4,51,train suggest a meal from thailand please,3,40,val "is the milk on the shopping list if not, please add",4,59,train what is my routing number,1,2,train what kind of fuel should i use to fill the car,5,73,train what is my tax burden,8,112,val change the accent you're speaking in,10,144,train is it cloudy or sunny in sparks,7,91,train use martins name to reserve a table at tropicana for 5 people at 8pm,3,39,test undo this process,10,145,train whats the procedure to cancel it,10,145,val how do i change a car's oil,5,63,train is it recommended to get any specific shots before i travel to argentina,6,85,train how many days have i taken off so far,8,120,train what is the wait supposed to be at zippys,3,33,train i want a hotel room for 6 from the 1st through the 3rd in seattle,6,88,train can you spell hamburger,7,102,train will i be charged a transaction fee on my discover card in cuba,2,30,test let barbara know where i'm at,7,95,train can i hurt my credit rating if i open several credit cards in a short time frame,2,19,test what day is our next free day,8,107,train i wanna know how busy denny's is at 5 am,3,33,test can you play an alarm at 5pm,7,92,train idk,10,150,val call sarah,7,97,train send over 50 dollars between my shared and not shared accounts,1,10,train please remove fishing from my calendar for soccer,4,51,train i want you to repord my card as lost,2,20,train how do i sign up for a new allstatedplan,8,108,test am i too old to be a sugar babyo,0,0,oos_test can i apply for a discover card,2,29,train inform my bank i will travel to brazil from june 1st to july 1st,6,77,train hey ai cancel it now,10,145,val turn the fan on,4,60,train make a purchase of doritos,4,57,test is the limit on my visa card able to be increased,2,22,train what if any meetings do i have today,8,110,val i was at trader joe's trying to buy groceries and my card got declined,2,21,train what day is my bill due,1,4,train what is the status of my recent order,4,52,train i would like to find a stylish suit for a party,0,0,oos_test create a contact labeled mom,0,0,oos_test how many miles is there left to get to sioux falls,5,68,train tell me your age please,9,134,train complete a transaction from savings to checking of $20000,1,10,train what's the minimum i can pay on my sewer bill,1,8,train what actions do i take to change a car's oil,5,63,train why was my card not accepted yesterday,2,21,train i'd rather call you gloria,10,148,test your accent needs to be changed,10,144,val do when you when my replacement card will get mailed,2,16,train what's chicago's time zone,6,81,train what chunk of my income have i spent on rent this year,1,13,train when can i expect my next day off,8,107,train "what is the equivalent of, 'life is good' in french",6,78,train translate english to french hello,6,78,train i need you to call me mary,10,147,train how we stop my account,1,1,val i don't know how to spell spaghetti,7,102,train what's in the books for april 30th,4,55,train what is expire of milk,3,31,test how do they say tacos in mexico,6,78,test go ahead and change the pin on my bank of america account to be 1234,1,3,train show me a hotel that has good reviews in kansas city,6,88,val stop syncing with my phone,10,146,val make a switch to whisper mode,10,138,val should i call a car maintenance,5,67,test can you get me a table for 5 at mcdonalds at 5pm,3,39,train how would i get to city hall via bus,5,71,train i'd like to know what song this is,4,46,test i am hoping to switch insurance plans,8,108,train what is the minimum payment i can make on my electric bill,1,8,train take work from my calendar for may 7th,4,51,test "thanks, that's helpful",9,130,train set timer of 5 minutes,7,96,train can i please get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train can you tell me what i spend on gas for the past two weeks,1,13,train how high is my credit limit for my childrens place card,2,25,train does the steakhouse on main st take reservations,3,45,train can i increase the credit limit for my chase card,2,22,train suggest some things for me to do while i am in los angeles,6,83,test i'd like an italian meal suggestion,3,40,train exactly right,10,139,train restore factory settings,10,149,val "i'm not sure if watermelon is on my shopping list, but if it isn't can you put it on there",4,59,val what's the next scheduled holiday at this job,8,107,train can you explain a good risk strategy to me,0,0,oos_test please link up to my cell,10,146,train let me cash my credit rewards,2,24,test what words would i use to tell someone i am lost if i were japanese,6,78,train "i want to eat out, where should i go",3,41,train "speak more quickly, please",10,136,train please throw this song onto my cleaning playlist,4,53,test what kinds of questions can i ask of you,9,135,train text a message to alice,7,105,train does ruby tuesday accept reservations,3,45,train how many people still live on greenland,0,0,oos_test would you tell me about your hobbies,9,125,test what is the next song on this playlist,4,56,val what you just said is true,10,139,train how do i know when i have to change my oil,5,62,train can you speak faster please,10,136,train i want to know what trenchant means,7,99,val i think i'd like to apply for an amex,2,29,train which subjects are you the most experienced with,9,135,test i want to freeze my bank account,1,1,test my luggage is missing,6,86,val how do they say goodbye in hawaii,6,78,train do i need vaccinations to travel overseas,6,85,train would you tell me my credit score,2,28,train what is the plug type in france,6,76,train tell me something neat about the ocean floor,9,126,train what do you use when you make a chef's salad,3,34,train what ingredients go in mashed potato,3,34,train when is my meeting with bob,8,110,train get the tracking on my package,4,52,train is my savings interest rate too low,1,7,train please scratch my march 1st meeting off my calendar,4,51,train what is the secret or meaning to life,9,122,train put laundry on my to do list,4,48,train i want you to speak more slowly to me,10,136,train what is the name of your boss,9,123,train what is the spending limit on my visa,2,25,train what was the amount that i spent on fidelity visa last month,1,14,train what day were you born,9,134,val check how much i spent this week,1,13,test i really need to switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,train who can send me a w2 so i can complete my taxes,8,117,train i don't need toilet paper anymore; take it off my shopping list,4,59,test schedule a meeting with tom for 6pm,8,118,train it is important that i call katie,7,97,train how do they say hello in france,6,78,train change response language from mandarin to english,10,142,val help me get my pin on my capitol one account changed to 3892,1,3,train ostensibly when is my flight going to land,6,79,val tell me if luigis in brick takes reservations,3,45,train does united airlines allow more than one carry on,6,89,train should i cook this for a long time,3,44,val i will call you cap,10,148,train read me my schedule for march 2,4,55,train i wanna add help! by the beatles to my playlist,4,53,train do you know how much i pay in taxes,8,112,val what would the date be 5 days from today,7,93,test i need you to find my phone,7,94,train list all purchases of video games,1,14,val how much do i spend going out to eat,1,13,train how much is my xfinity bill this month,1,9,train true,10,139,train why does my visa account have a hold on it,1,6,train i love dad jokes can you tell me one,9,132,train do i have enough fuel for the drive to tampa,5,68,train will my plugs work in barcelona,6,76,train what are the benefits i get for my health,8,109,train "find me a car rental for the weekend in asheville, nc via priceline",6,90,test please translate grocery into french for me,6,78,train what's the status of my gas tank,5,68,train i need to set up direct deposit,8,119,train "what's my car's mpg, please",5,69,test tell me the timezone for hong kong,6,81,val how long to microwave a frozen dinner,3,44,train please look up if i can rent a car in houston from march 25 to march 29,6,90,train book a 6 person uber to the movies,5,64,train i need help paying my store bill,1,5,train what is the total of my bank accounts,1,12,train has my manager at mcdonald's confirmed i can take vacation,8,106,train what are the carry on limits for delta flights,6,89,train please add alarms at 430am and 1030am,7,92,val when should i get the oil changed in my car,5,62,test when will they let me board,6,79,train did i put elbow noodles on the shopping list,4,54,val what is my name saved under,10,137,train can you call a taxi,7,97,train you sound like a bot,9,133,train how much money do i pay in taxes,8,112,train any idea what my credit score is,2,28,train see ya,9,129,train is mexico a safe place,6,84,train how do i locate my current credit score,2,28,train how long it takes to get a new replacement card,2,16,train i need to give my location to macy and george,7,95,test play the song called guerrilla radio,4,47,train i need to know what is currently on my calendar for friday the 1st,4,55,train how do you reference me,10,137,train tell me what name to use to refer to you,9,127,train "i didnt hear what you just said, can you say it again",10,143,train do you have a birth date,9,134,train does long horns do reservations,3,45,val is it okay to switch apples for grapes,3,43,val it was cool talking with you,9,129,train i need an uber for 7 people to go to safire restaurant,5,64,train what year was the first airplane built in,0,0,oos_test are you a real life person,9,133,train will the restaurant be busy at 5pm,3,33,train tell me the exact amount of pto i have used,8,120,train just toss a coin,7,101,test what would you say is a good german dinner idea,3,40,val i want you to change to the male voice,10,144,test transfer my cash reward balance to my bank,2,24,train would i need a visa in taiwan,6,80,test can you make a note for my next oil change,5,62,train tell me the items in my shopping list,4,54,test does my shopping list have tomato written on it,4,54,train bye-bye,9,129,train which countries have travel alerts,6,84,test if i got to indonesia is it safe,6,84,train i would like to know when my flight scheduled to board,6,79,train can you tell me the process for obtaining a copy of my w2 for my taxes,8,117,test are there any expected delays for flight dl123,6,79,val how do i get help with a vacation itinerary,8,116,test do you know if l'arpege will ask for reservations,3,45,test i need to see my shopping transactions,1,14,train what's my interest rate,1,7,train how busy does outback get around 7pm,3,33,train check meeting room availability between one and three pm,8,118,test i need to get a hotel room that is big enough for eleven people from march 10th to the 15th in phoenix,6,88,test i would like to know the limit for my credit,2,25,val whisper from here on out please,10,138,train how to i change the policy on my insurace,8,108,test i need to know what the traffic is like on the way to phoenix,5,65,train "sorry, can you speak a little faster, please",10,136,train i last got my oil changed when,5,72,test i need to set up a direct deposit,8,119,train how many days have i used,8,120,val can you place laundry on my to do list,4,48,train i will determine it with a coin flip,7,101,train look up how to apply cream to smooth itchiness,0,0,oos_test when do i have meetings today,8,110,train can you call my mom,7,97,train what ingredients do i need for shrimp scampi,3,34,val suggest food from italy to me,3,40,train what should i get at a mexican restaurant,3,40,train give me a 10 minute timer,7,96,test i want to change to a new allstate insurance plan,8,108,test what is the time in est,7,103,test "thinking about cooking dinner, what should i make",3,40,train is there another company you work for,9,123,train what is the meaning of word alliance,7,99,val change back to your factory settins,10,149,train i'd like to know this song's name,4,46,train how do i set a timer,7,96,train "if i want my credit score, how do i find it",2,28,train when is my car due for an oil change and lube,5,62,train look up daily dog kennels in my area,0,0,oos_test please let me know if my discover card application has been approved,2,27,val how many days off have i taken so far this year,8,120,test can you adjust the lights down,4,60,test would you skip past this song and just play what comes next,4,56,val i need to get four people to red lobster; can you order me an uber,5,64,test i need my furnace turned on,4,60,train i need a credit raise by 1000 dollars,2,22,train i got to schedule somewhere get my tires checked out,5,67,train are there any necessary shots required before travel to thailand,6,85,val what's on my calendar for march 01,4,55,train cancel my 6:00 reservation at the cheesecake factory,3,42,train on march 1-2 i want a pto request made for me,8,116,train i want to cancel my reservation for 5 at red robin,3,42,train how do you spell tomato,7,102,train can you set me a reminder,4,50,train would you tell me how to get to walmart by bus,5,71,train i will be glad to know what type of things you can help me with,9,135,test one and three pm are there meeting rooms open,8,118,test show me the way to jump start a battery,5,75,train "can you give me a thai meal suggestion, please",3,40,train i can't use my card because i damaged it,2,18,test what kinds of things do you do for hobbies,9,125,train how's the mpg for this on the freeway,5,69,train is my at&t bill do soon,1,4,train 2 cups of grapes have how many calories,3,35,train who do i contact about updating my insurance,8,108,test i want to eat at seven in the restaurant for two people,3,39,test what was the last check date,8,111,val i am going to address you as my own name,10,148,train could you please state the apr for the credit card,2,23,train show me 5-star dining establishments in nashville,3,41,train find me an uber to the liberty bell,5,64,test do i have anything on my todo list,4,58,val i need help to transfer my 401k,8,114,test i'm not sure how to jump start a car; can you help me,5,75,val what is needed to cook lasagna,3,34,test my luggage has been misplaced,6,86,test there are some questionable charges on my card,1,15,train when did i last have car maintenance,5,72,train "you are talking far too fast for me, can you slow it down a bit",10,136,train mailing to me for a new card takes how long,2,16,train do i have any meetings today between 9 and 10:15,8,110,val tires should be changed when,5,74,val how long can you go between oil changes,5,62,train i need to listen to my beyonce playlist,4,47,train i think my luggage is stolen,6,86,val can i rent a car out of lax from tuesday to thursday,6,90,train i need to include a stop at the pharmacy to the list of things to do,4,48,train set alarm for 5pm,7,92,train what is the shipping time for my card,2,16,test approximately how much time will it take to get to tod's in minutes,5,70,train can you increase my credit limit to one thousand dollars,2,22,train tell me a joke about politicians,9,132,train please set a reminder for me to put the clothes in the dryer,4,50,test how many points have been earned on my amex,2,26,train how many days until i get my payment,8,111,val tell me what today's date is,7,93,val how many miles are my tires rated for,5,74,test what is the proper way to spell diamond,7,102,train that is false,10,141,train would i be able to increase my available credit by 600 dollars,2,22,train how many vacation days i have used,8,120,test how healthy are french fries,3,36,train can you tell me the date,7,93,train how much gas do i have,5,68,val would i need a tourist visa for brazil,6,80,train share some information about your pets with me,9,124,train i must know what kinds of pets you have,9,124,train explain how to jump a car,5,75,train please tell me if a coin flip lands on heads or tails,7,101,train when was the last time i changed my oil,5,72,train what do i do if my luggage is lost,6,86,val what is the wait time at applebee's,3,33,train you need to go back to the original settings,10,149,train is my day off request still pending,8,106,train create a for-while loop that continues 10 times,0,0,oos_test can x’s music be played,4,47,train tell me how many carry ons i can take on a flight with southwest airlines to dallas,6,89,train is this a person talking to me or a computer,9,133,train can you confirm my reservation for jaime at red lobster,3,32,train what do you want to call me,10,137,val can you give me some suggestions to go site seeing when i get there,6,83,train please pay my sprint bill using my bank of america checking account,1,5,test "i need to make a reservation to long horn's, can i",3,45,val please dial david now,7,97,train can you remove this event from my calendar,4,51,val can you find out why is my bank account frozen,1,6,train place a marker for me where i am on the map,5,61,train i haven't a clue,10,150,train what have i spent on food recently,1,13,train please share my location with my boss and my lawyer,7,95,train give me an interesting fact about antarctica,9,126,train is a travel visa required to visit paraguay,6,80,test can you buy something,4,57,test i got to vegas airport but my bags didn't,6,86,train call dave,7,97,train set a four minute timer,7,96,train could you make a flight reservation with air emirates from orlando to london,6,87,train that's the truth,10,139,train i need to know how many teaspoons are equivalent to two tablesppons,7,100,val what is my salary,8,113,train what is my money market account balance,1,12,train what are the latest travel alerts for dubai,6,84,train play the song that goes like hey jude don't make it bad,4,47,train what band is this,4,46,train are you able to help me pay my mortgage,1,5,train how long does it take to get a table at chili's,3,33,train speak as a british male,10,144,train what amount of millimeters are in 50 kilometers,7,100,train switch tv,4,60,train please buy me something,4,57,test can you recommend any restaurants,3,41,train what's the highest building in the world,0,0,oos_test i need to uber somewhere,5,64,train please get me a flight booked from miami to dallas on american airlines,6,87,train is my luggage lost,6,86,test do i need an international visa to go to tibet,6,80,train i am very grateful,9,130,train find my credit score,2,28,train i want to place a call to mike,7,97,train how much am i paying for apr on my credit card,2,23,test remove wine and add beer to my shopping list,4,59,train flip that coin now,7,101,train where do i go to get my w-2,8,117,train what sorts of things are you into,9,125,train can you tell me the miles per gallon rate of my car,5,69,train what do i do to have my paycheck deposited directly in my account,8,119,train are you a machine,9,133,train can you tell me how to spell manipulation,7,102,train how many vacation and sick days have i taken,8,120,val how do you start an essay,0,0,oos_test text sal and tell them hi,7,105,train you can address me as lizzie,10,147,train i need the conversion between a cup and a tablespoon,7,100,test change my amex pin to 1234,1,3,train can you define the word schadenfreude,7,99,val please tell me my income,8,113,train what's the most practiced form of mma in the world,0,0,oos_test when do i get my paycheck,8,111,val im going to be in slovakia from january 16th until january 19th,6,77,train my capital one visa was taken without permission,2,20,test may i hear some music by fleet foxes,4,47,train "send message to carl, you suck",7,105,val i need to know what the point of life is,9,122,test "can you tell me all of the things on my to do list for tomorrow, please",4,58,train how many more vacation days can i use this year,8,115,train i need to know the interest rate that applies to my personal loan,1,7,train take frozen food off my shopping list,4,59,train can i hear the male voice please,10,144,train do i need to get any shots to travel to mexico,6,85,train what's the process for getting an american express card,2,29,train go ahead and close the reservation,3,42,train repeat that once more,10,143,val i need your help finding my lost phone,7,94,val i need to set a meeting with tom at 6pm,8,118,train do you know the name of this song,4,46,train i want to be called tom,10,147,val i need to know when should i get my oil changed next,5,62,train savings account balance at chase bank please,1,12,train i'd like to know what is on my shopping list,4,54,train clear my calendar for september 6th,4,51,test where do i find the routing number for wells fargo,1,2,train what things are there to do in kentucky,6,83,train i'd like to schedule some pto from 2/22 to 2/25,8,116,train i need eggs; add them to my shopping list,4,59,test i want you to switch to whisper mode,10,138,train can you be quiet please,10,145,train for italy what timezone is it in,6,81,train where can i locate my routing number for chase please,1,2,val "book a flight from key west, fl to san antonio, tx on 18 february 2019 and returning on 5 march 2019",6,87,train are you real or automated,9,133,train find out what wait times are like right now at olive garden,3,33,train after how long should i change my oil,5,62,train how much in taxes will i owe,8,112,test check my calendar to see if an event called final exams exists,4,55,train change to a different accent,10,144,val can you slow down your speech,10,136,train what interest rate am i getting from onewest bank,1,7,train how long does this dish need to be in the oven,3,44,train where can i get the flu shot,0,0,oos_test can i use dark brown sugar instead of brown sugar,3,43,train alter the pin on my savings account to be 1234,1,3,test let's play the next song now,4,56,train what timezone is reno in,6,81,train i lost my card how do i report it,2,20,train tell me my payroll account balance,1,12,train i need for you to ask the question again,10,143,train i need you to call the broker,7,97,train can you tell me the nearest restaurant to me and give me directions,5,71,train how soon does it take a card new card to get mailed to me,2,16,val requesting money transfer between accounts,1,10,train are you actually a bot,9,133,train "after another eight days, what day will it be",7,93,train i need a reminder,4,50,train at the point when should i get my oil changed straightaway,5,62,val please set an alarm for 5 am,7,92,train what is the golden ratio's number,0,0,oos_test "add the thong song by cisqo to my playlist, please",4,53,train can you show ben and jerry where i am currently at,7,95,train would you translate a phrase into mandarin for me,6,78,val sign me up for the slack employment forum,0,0,oos_test i was at walmart trying to buy toilet paper and my card got declined,2,21,val how do you jump a car with a dead battery,5,75,train "i don't want this song, move to the next",4,56,train i'll soon be travelling internationally; could you let my bank know,6,77,train what is the date of my last paycheck,8,111,train what is the best way to kill microbes,0,0,oos_test how does the traffic look on my way to work right now,5,65,val phone lobby,7,97,train can you get my car started,4,60,train what's the definition of patriarchy,7,99,train why is my dog vomiting after eating,0,0,oos_test i thank you,9,130,train what's the preparation time for spaghetti,3,44,train please take final exams off my calendar for may 3,4,51,train i need to know why my card declined yesterday,2,21,train remind me to call my mother saturday morning,4,50,train i want for you to connect to my phone,10,146,train tell me my current credit rating,2,28,train tell me the carry-on restrictions for united airlines,6,89,train when's the gas bill due,1,4,train pull up instructions on how to jump start a car,5,75,train how many carry ons can i take on a flight with virgin airlines to vancouver bc,6,89,train on what day do i have to pay my nordstrom bill,1,4,train reserve a table for 3 under the name wheeler at andrea's steakhouse for 5pm,3,39,val what should i call you,9,127,test tell me some fun tourist attractions in london,6,83,test where are some good thai restaurants in las vegas,3,41,train who knows,10,150,train what is the interest rate on my chase slate credit card,1,7,train how do i order some more checks for my chase account,1,11,test power up my generator,0,0,oos_test check if meeting rooms are free from 6 to 7,8,118,train what did you just ask,10,143,val what's on my calendar for tuesday,4,55,train perform a search for my most recent balance on my amex account,1,12,train what's the shelf life for eggs in the fridge,3,31,train tell me my credit score,2,28,train can you remind me of the date,7,93,train order a case of coke from amazon,4,57,val how long do i have to pay that bill,1,4,val speak more quickly,10,136,test what kind of ingredients go into the chicken a la king,3,34,val tell me my bank routing number,1,2,train can i hear the complete to do list just dictated,4,58,train "ai, what is my chase routing number",1,2,train please turn on factory settings,10,149,test what name do you like to go by,9,127,train tell me the company that produces you and similar machines,9,121,train call back my mom please,7,97,val when will i need to change my oil again,5,62,train i am thankful for your help!,9,130,train tell me when ninety minutes have passed,7,96,train how long does it take to get to virginia by bus,5,70,train book me a car rental between january 1st to january 3rd in denver colorado and id prefer a ford,6,90,train please repeat what you said,10,143,val add laundry to my list of shit to do,4,48,train what is the updated points that i earned with synovus card,2,26,test "cancel my reservation for dinner, please",3,42,train does more than one carry on cost extra at ryanair,6,89,val when was the last time my car was in the shop,5,72,train go past this song,4,56,train one more time for me please,10,143,train i need to know when to expect my next paycheck,8,111,train turns out i made a fraudulent transaction,1,15,train how long will it take me to drive to the park in west county,5,70,train are any shots recommended before going to kenya,6,85,train what hobbies do you like,9,125,train i require a coin flip,7,101,train what's my total net worth in all of my bank accounts,1,12,train i dropped my card in my gasoline and the printing wore off,2,18,train what information can you give me on the meaning of life,9,122,test can i increase the credit limit on my maurices card,2,22,train how many days so far have i taken off,8,120,train i applied for a new credit card; did it process yet,2,27,train do i need to inflate my tires,5,66,train is traffic bad on the parkway,5,65,train do you have a preference regarding what i should call you,9,127,train can you play everlong by foo fighters,4,47,train i need to know my spending limit on my visa,2,25,train "i need you to order some more lysol for me,please",4,57,train can you find the answer to number 26 in this algebra two textbook,0,0,oos_test can i fly from atlanta to san francisco for less than 100 dollars,6,87,test i need an uber for 5 to go to the concerthall,5,64,test how do i switch insurance plans,8,108,test can i hear the song after this one,4,56,val what's is the current weather forecast,7,91,val can you help me deal with this fraudulent transaction from verizon on my account,1,15,train what are the pet types you own,9,124,train can you switch off,10,145,train how much did i spend the past 3 days,1,13,train how many calories are in a cup of white rice,3,35,train provide me assistance on where to go to get my w2 for tax reasons,8,117,train how many vacation days do i have to spend,8,115,train i need to report credit card theft,2,20,train what is the interest rate i can get from the beginning of next year,1,7,train "where can i get the employment form i need to do my taxes, please",8,117,train please define erection for me,7,99,val what was the latest tremor on the richter scale,0,0,oos_test do i have an item on my todo list related to shopping,4,58,train "is there anything fun to do in manassas, virginia",6,83,train remove anniversary dinner from my calendar on april 5,4,51,train does village inn let you make reservations,3,45,test i have to report a lost visa card,2,20,train will i make it to my current destination on this fuel tank,5,68,test my credit card fell out of my back pocket and got flushed down the toilet,2,18,train how many calories in peanuts,3,35,train help me transfer $x from credit to debit,1,10,train what are some of sweden's best sights,6,83,train who sings this song,4,46,train do you have any type of pet,9,124,train what's 10 inches in centimeters and millimeters,7,100,train are there any international transaction fees associated with my visa card,2,30,train please add cleaning on my list to do,4,48,train i want to book a hotel room for 10 people from monday to tuesday in manhattan,6,88,train do my tires have enough air,5,66,train can you find me a recipe for cake,3,37,train remove chips from my shopping list,4,59,train where was the last place i had my phone,7,94,train can you tell me what timezone chicago is in,6,81,train "will you guide me through the process to jump start my car, please",5,75,test show my gps location to brittany,7,95,val put wash the dog on my to do list please,4,48,val delete ice cream from my shopping list,4,59,train i need a new pin on my chase account,1,3,val can you check the amount of calories in a chicken sandwich,3,35,test please confirm my reservation for red robin at 9,3,32,train any pets in your household,9,124,train send me live feed of the pre-game prediction show on my phone,0,0,oos_test how many pto days do i have remaining,8,115,train remind me to call the vet tomorrow,4,50,train i have how many vacation days left,8,115,train "for anew card to be mailed to me, how long does it take",2,16,train "siri, book a car rental to the poconos today right now",6,90,test "book me a flight to jackson, mississippi from austin texas on american airlines",6,87,test i need you to confirm my reservation for tomorrow at 3 pm,3,32,train i wonder if it would be possible to switch from apples to grapes,3,43,val are there any messages,0,0,oos_test did i receive my paycheck this week,8,111,train do you know if my reservation for dono is confirmed at 8 pm,3,32,train how healthy are potato skins,3,36,train can i have a 2 sided dice,7,104,test how do i change my car oil,5,63,train is it possible for you to whisper for me,10,138,train when would it be wise for me to swap out my tires,5,74,val compile a list of articles pertaining to venture capital funding for me,0,0,oos_test advise me of my income,8,113,train am i in charge of you,9,123,test do you go by any nicknames,9,127,train what do i need when i go shopping,4,54,train play beatles,4,47,train what's my oil change status,5,62,test my interest rate please,1,7,train say my name if you know it,10,137,train is there travel alerts for greece,6,84,train has the school my kids go to been in the news for any reason,0,0,oos_test how many days later is it okay to eat curry that was in the fridge,3,31,test are there international transaction fees for using my chase card,2,30,train how many milliliters are in 2 gallons,7,100,test show me all new transactions,1,14,val how far am i from the beach right now,5,70,train what cryptocurrency gained the most in 2018,0,0,oos_val assist me with finding an uber to big ben,5,64,train refer to me as bailey,10,147,test what does the gas meter read,5,68,test stopped by target to get a mug but my card declines,2,21,train is there milk on my shopping list,4,54,train i need to go downtown with 2 people; can you get me an uber,5,64,test how many vacation days have i used up,8,120,train so when was car in shop,5,72,train "in terms of making scrambled eggs, what ingredients do i need",3,34,train please add onto my phone,10,146,val is the fuel economy of this car good or bad,5,69,train what documents to i need to go to egypt,6,80,train when do i need to change my oil again,5,62,train what's the apr like for my credit card,2,23,train how many calories are in a bag of regular doritos,3,35,train how would i go about spelling malignant,7,102,val let's hear a joke from you please,9,132,test check my car's tire pressure,5,66,train i can't make up my mind,10,150,train what's the total of my bank accounts,1,12,train i would like to start calling you heath,10,148,test i want an alarm set up,7,92,train i need some information on a recent transaction,1,14,train silence,10,145,train help me locate my phone,7,94,train is there someone in the area who can check my engine light since it is on,5,67,train how is my credit limit,2,25,train do you know how busy outback steakhouse tends to be at 7:00 pm,3,33,train stop talking you are annoying,10,145,test go ahead and roll those dice,7,104,train share with me a fun fact about outer space,9,126,train let me know what my credit score is today,2,28,test start playing the next track,4,56,train do i need a visa to go to somewhere internationally,6,80,train "i creased my card today, contact the bank",2,18,train my luggage is missing i was on spirit flight ab123 from chicago,6,86,train i wanna check my rewards for my credit card,2,26,test whats the deadline for amex payment,1,4,train does mexico require an international visa,6,80,train how much is my gas bill,1,9,train i want you to call me a different name so can you call me charchar,10,147,val can i drink milk i've kept in the fridge since wednesday,3,31,train do i have to get shots to enter cuba,6,85,val "i need to get some assistance figuring out how i can rollover my 401k, please",8,114,train can you find me a hotel in columbus with good reviews,6,88,train "could you cancel that request, please",10,145,test will it take more than a month to get a new card,2,16,val i cannot recall the pin for my savings account,1,3,train tell me things i can do in chicago,6,83,train stop syncing with this phone,10,146,train send a notification to my bank of my travel dates from february 19th to 26th to peru,6,77,test what does discretionary mean,7,99,train "ai, how many months old are you",9,134,train can you tell me how i would normally say thank you as a french person,6,78,train i need you to increase the speaker volume,10,140,train how do i say thank you in spanish,6,78,val before i make my mastercard payment can you tell me what i've recently charged on it,1,14,train how long does pizza take to cook,3,44,train what have my expenditures been at macys,1,13,train can you roll a ten sided die and tell me the number,7,104,test can i get a w2 form online,8,117,train my friends call me sam,10,147,train i want to pay my cable bill directly from my checking account,1,5,val i have transactions on my card that aren't mine,1,15,train find out why i can't log in to my bank of america account,1,6,val i'm sure it could be either,10,150,train what is my minimum payment and when is it due,1,8,test what should i use the points from my credit card on,2,24,val please text john,7,105,test where can i find routing number for pnc,1,2,test whats the most recent status for my virgin air flight,6,79,train tell me who your maker was,9,121,test where can i go to have my tires checked out,5,67,test could you get everything on my shopping list,4,57,train find me a book on motivational speaking from amazon,0,0,oos_test double the speaking speed please,10,136,test do you know where my cellphone is,7,94,val what times are my meetings,8,110,train how can you convert centimeters to inches,7,100,test is it possible to make reservations at the new york restaurant,3,45,test are there any reputable car rental places in seattle,6,90,train i wanna know my credit card's rewards balance,2,26,test please make your language setting norwegian,10,142,test i am hoping you can put a stop on my bank account,1,1,test how long is the ride to phoenix,5,70,train that isn't right,10,141,test put on my 90s playlist,4,47,test "i wanted to remember somethings, what was it",4,49,val what was the date when my car was in the shop,5,72,val do you know where my package is,4,52,train where do i see what interest my mortgage has,1,7,test report my card as lost,2,20,train what can i do since my car battery died,5,75,train what meetings are on my schedule today,8,110,train do i need a visa to travel to indonesia,6,80,test please review my recent visa card transaction,1,14,test would you please get your accent changed to the male british one,10,144,train what's traffic usually like around 5pm going to the bank,5,65,train how long does it take to cook roast beef,3,44,train do i own you,9,123,test can i do a reservation at sammy's crab shack,3,45,test add coming undone by korn to my playlist,4,53,train are there any meeting rooms free from 10:00 am until 10:30 am,8,118,train how's my gas mileage in citys,5,69,val can i use normal flour if i don't have bread flour,3,43,train i broke my card when i bent my wallet,2,18,val can you tell me how to jump my car,5,75,train can i change what you call me,10,147,train set a one hour timer,7,96,train i need a hotel in new orleans from may 2 - 5 near the french quarter,6,88,train any ideas on a good place to eat out,3,41,train show me the minimum payment for my boat bill,1,8,train what's the cooking time for chicken alfredo,3,44,train what's on my calendar for march 20th,4,55,test do you have an employer,9,123,train will you get a coin and flip it,7,101,train how can i take a bus to dallas,5,71,train when does tiger woods play next,0,0,oos_test how does measurement slugs convert to measurement lb,7,100,test "can you translate this name into spanish for me, please",6,78,val can you tell me a fun fact about elephants,9,126,train has my vacation request been updated,8,106,train when should i replace my tires sense i last replaced them on 3/21/17,5,74,train what is the correct spelling for malignant,7,102,val what's the day today,7,93,train give me harry potter trivia,9,126,val i have no idea where my luggage is,6,86,test how long until i get my replacement card,2,16,test i want you to tell me the minimum i can pay on my rent bill,1,8,train what's the current amount of vacation owed to me,8,115,train is this where i apply for a new credit card,2,29,test reset to your natural settings,10,149,train i need to know the title of this song,4,46,test can you tell me the status of my card's apr,2,23,val are there any travel alerts for antarctica,6,84,val check: car gas mileage,5,69,test what's the point of sentience,9,122,train revise the ai name,10,148,train i need to replace my credit card because i ran it over with the lawn mower,2,18,train i want to schedule a meeting with tom for 6pm,8,118,train what is your age again,9,134,val can you suggest some of the most popular travel destination,6,83,val do a virtual coin flip and tell me if i win as tails,7,101,train what is the status of my online order of coffee pods,4,52,train how many miles can i drive before needing the next oil change,5,62,train what time does my ex-boss leave the office,0,0,oos_test tell me when i last got paid,8,111,train return it back to the original settings,10,149,train tell me when i have to pay my bill,1,4,train do i need a power adapter in mexico,6,76,train i appeciate it,9,130,test "if i lost my luggage, where can i get help",6,86,train "so it seems i have had pizza in the fridge since monday, so is it safe to eat",3,31,train what's playing right now,4,46,train check my tires' air levels please,5,66,val get me a hotel room for 3 people from march 12th to 14th in chicago,6,88,train what do people think about the sandwiches at wendy's,3,38,train sound the alarm at 6 am tomorrow,7,92,train where should i travel if i want to visit some history museums,6,83,train what is the timezone for new york,6,81,test when is my meeting with dan scheduled for,8,110,train can i reserve tables at the new york restaurant,3,45,test what is our purpose here on earth,9,122,train it appears my luggage is lost,6,86,test i have much gratitude for your help,9,130,train where was john denver born,0,0,oos_train how would i say how are you today if i were mexican,6,78,test how many miles before i run out of gas,5,68,train i was on american airlines flight ab123 out of houston and i can't find my luggage,6,86,train what is my income from work,8,113,train tell me when my mastercard bill should be paid,1,4,val how long does it take to cook a pork chop,3,44,train will you buy me underpants,4,57,train tell me how much in tax on this,8,112,train how many calories does a scoop of chocolate ice cream have,3,35,train tell me the nutrition info for a cup of milk,3,36,test i want to know what the latest is on my vacation request i submitted,8,106,train i need a good laugh,9,132,train tell me if i have reservations at the back abbey at 6 pm,3,32,train please send my location to haley,7,95,train is it six o clock yet,7,103,test how long should i cook chicken thighs,3,44,train i need a flight for under 300 from pittsburgh to atlanta,6,87,test "from now on, my name is tom",10,147,val how long is the school year,0,0,oos_test "how long before i get to dallas , in time, not miles",5,70,train what is my routing number to my checking account at bb&t bankj,1,2,test can someone look at my check engine light,5,67,test how much did i spend on bills last month,1,13,val i am david,10,147,train "ai, routing number for my b of a checking account",1,2,train how long before i can eat at chic fil a,3,33,test which hospital is nearest to me,5,71,test review of my card apr,2,23,train at what point will i need another oil change,5,62,train what kind of pets do you own,9,124,train how do i change my oil and choose the right oil,5,63,train does osteria francescana take reservations,3,45,test show me the international transactions fees for the zenith card,2,30,train i need to edit this event out of my calendar,4,51,train i accidentally shredded my card,2,18,val how do i change the language that your responses are delivered in,10,142,train tell me some things to see in tampa,6,83,train "add mary to my phone plan, please",0,0,oos_test create a reminder to pay taxes on monday,4,50,train can you tell me where my phone is,7,94,val has my request for the day off been approved yet,8,106,train can you tell me the best time to visit downtown when driving,0,0,oos_test should i pump my tires,5,66,train do i have any meetings today between 8 and 9,8,110,train what are the necessary shots for travel to africa,6,85,train which company can i credit your design to,9,121,train can you tell me what's the car's tire pressure,5,66,train what are my tax costs,8,112,val report fraudulent activity on my credit card now,1,15,train what's the title of this track,4,46,train find the nutrition info for cucumbers for me,3,36,test "order new checks, please",1,11,train when is the next time i need to get an oil change,5,62,test are transaction fees charged for my aaa card in canada,2,30,train i do not recall the pin number to my card,1,3,test "go ahead and flip that coin, i choose heads",7,101,train does olive garden have good customer reviews,3,38,test it was a pleasure talking to you,9,129,test time zone in miami is what like,6,81,train alert my bank and let them know that i'm travelling to china,6,77,train send over a hundred dollars from huntington into saving,1,10,train i have been spending a lot on food out lately,1,13,train change the response language to french please,10,142,train do you know the process to rollover my 401k,8,114,test who invented custardo,0,0,oos_test march 3rd needs to be cleared on my calendar,4,51,train tell me if boston restaurant has good reviews,3,38,val what do i pay currently in income taxes,8,112,train suggest a good mexican meal to me,3,40,train thanks a lot,9,130,train when is the upcoming holiday,8,107,train i need to reset my pin number,1,3,train flip coin ai,7,101,val set a reminder to go grocery shopping,4,50,train "make this song part of the ""kids"" playlist",4,53,train would you let me know what the meaning is life is,9,122,test what lowers you credit score,2,19,train the tv turn it on,4,60,test help make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,train "location currently, where",5,61,val do i need a plug converter in doha,6,76,train tell me how long i will need to spend preparing a meat loaf dish,3,44,train i want to initiate a transfer from one account to the other,1,10,train i am wanting to know who programmed you,9,121,train how do i adjust my insurance policy,8,108,train how can i change your name,10,148,train can i substitute oregano for basil,3,43,train put a tire inspection on my schedule please,5,67,train switch over to low power mode to preserve battery life,0,0,oos_test that is the wrong answer,10,141,test when will my flight land,6,79,train what is my salary right now,8,113,train can you please tell me about the status of my credit card application,2,27,test tell me what 1875 plus 3459 equals,7,98,test can you get me a table for 4 at red lobster at 8pm,3,39,train what do i have left to do on my to-do list,4,58,train what's the typical wait time for mr joes pizza,3,33,test i must know what the traffic is like on the way to phoenix,5,65,train how do i start my own marketing firm,0,0,oos_train show me where i am on a map,5,61,train how long will a new card take to come in the mail,2,16,train no is the answer,10,141,train ring steven,7,97,train can i get a w-2 from the post office,8,117,train "i need to know what the current apr is for my chase sapphire, please",2,23,test tell me what alternative means,7,99,train give me the traffic at lexington,5,65,train when did the oil get changed,5,72,val when should i try to change my tires,5,74,train usually people refer to me as brad,10,147,train does burger king accept reservations,3,45,train what are some natural remedies to help ease stress,0,0,oos_test don't do this process,10,145,train i'll need you to set a timer for 10 minutes,7,96,train i need you to switch the language you are responding as i don't understand,10,142,test how do i find my location right now,5,61,train if i visit cairo will i need a plug converter,6,76,train what type of vacation schedule do i have left,8,115,train due to fraudulent activity on my card i need to make a report,1,15,train look up the rate of exchange between pesos and usd,6,82,test how do i slow down my ai's voice,10,136,train please search for portland's timezone,6,81,train do you know any greek dishes i could make for dinner,3,40,train call an uber to take me to the closest grocery store,0,0,oos_test what's the calorie content of chicken nuggets,3,35,test can you share something interesting about world war one,9,126,train how do i get to the leaning tower by bus,5,71,train i need suggestions for good thai restaurants in las vegas,3,41,train what's the day of the week,7,93,train how long until you send me a replacement card,2,16,train what is the lifespan of a border collie,0,0,oos_test go back to initial settings,10,149,train help me report my lost mastercard,2,20,train how fast does an airplane travel,0,0,oos_train put my points up for master card,2,26,train tell me the value on my current car,0,0,oos_test "revert to your factory settings, please",10,149,train i wanna hear something cool about bees,9,126,test is the brexit finalized yet,0,0,oos_val tell me how to get my points from credit card use cashed in,2,24,test look up the amount of vacation days i have used please,8,120,train when is my next paycheck due,8,111,train what may i call you,9,127,val "looks like my card is being used by someone else, report it",1,15,val that is not false,10,139,train what shots do i need to get in order to travel to khartoum,6,85,train what is the name of this song,4,46,train fill me in on the apr for my american express card,2,23,train my bank needs to be aware of my trip to spain,6,77,val how long does it take to get your yellow belt in karate,0,0,oos_test how long can i leave pizza in the fridge,3,31,train roll a die,7,104,train what questions are permissible,9,135,train tell me what the hot topics are that are trending on google,0,0,oos_test "for pasta primavera, what ingredients will i use",3,34,val let me know what my interest rate is,1,7,train how can i apply for a discover card,2,29,train can you order some ointment for me,0,0,oos_test what is the shelf life for beef in the freezer,3,31,train please start the song penny lane,4,47,val set a reminder for me to call my brother at 8 pm,4,50,train can i get assistance with booking a seattle car rental,6,90,train send mom a message i'll talk to you later,7,105,train let sal know by text i will be attending,7,105,train i'm traveling to fresnosoon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train that would be awesome,10,139,train you are so thoughtful and i appreciate your gesture,9,130,train what would be a fun fact about cats,9,126,train can you sell stocks for me,0,0,oos_test why does my credit union account have a hold on it,1,6,train show me the expiration date for my visa card,2,17,test how much is in savings,1,12,train i'd like to be called frank,10,147,train set up payroll direct deposit to my checking account,8,119,train what are the health benefits i have,8,109,train how can i make my living room appear to be bigger than it is,0,0,oos_test yes that's it,10,139,train do you know about carry ons out of tampa with spirit,6,89,train how many birthdays have you had,9,134,val what's the current timezone in barcelona,6,81,train how much is my apr on my bank of america card,2,23,train what is on my shopping list,4,54,val can you put smooth operator by sade on my playlist,4,53,train what plug does colombia use,6,76,val you need to reset your factory settings,10,149,train how about a coin flip,7,101,train what's the nutritional information of iceberg lettuce,3,36,train send a text to mom i'll talk to you later,7,105,train text john with the message 'where are you,7,105,val can i use flour as a substitute for bread crumbs,3,43,train i need laundry put on my list of tasks to complete,4,48,train what is the friendliest breed,0,0,oos_val what are my health benefits like,8,109,val who do i report card theft to,2,20,train which vaccines are meant for cuba,6,85,test convert 100 dollars to euros,6,82,val how long until i need to change my tires,5,74,train what is on my calander for valentines day,4,55,train i wanna know my credit rating now,2,28,train that turns out to be false,10,141,train what are some popular tourist activities in mexico city,6,83,test what number of calories are in a pizza,3,35,test can you let me know if it will be warm this week,7,91,train i need to know how to schedule a meeting,8,118,test let's try whisper mode,10,138,val should i get any shots before i go to south africa,6,85,train i don't know where i put my phone,7,94,train what time i have to meet mr accountant,8,110,train i need to know how jumping a car works,5,75,train know any jokes,9,132,train can you tell me what gas this car takes,5,73,test please put my acupuncture appointment on my to list,4,48,train how many meters are in 50 feet,7,100,train when did i last have my vehicle serviced,5,72,train how long can i expect to wait for a new card,2,16,train what do you find fun,9,125,val who directs your labor,9,123,train can you help me figure out how to utilize my credit card points,2,24,train "i need to find work, help me connect to a local business through linkedin",0,0,oos_test please share today's date,7,93,train tell me what the status is for my aa flight,6,79,test can you tell me if your a bot,9,133,test today is the day i should pay my electric bill,1,5,test when is the next time i should change my oil,5,62,test where do i find my w-2 form,8,117,val are there some good thai restaurants in san antonio,3,41,train order more checks,1,11,train can i put normal unleaded in this car,5,73,train double check my reservation under adam for outback steakhouse,3,32,train are you alive,9,133,train "hello, anyone there",9,131,train "please set two alarms, one at 12 pm and the next at 1 pm",7,92,train what is the due date for my next oil change,5,62,train when do i pay the utilities,1,4,train "between 9:00 am and 11:00 am, are there meeting rooms available",8,118,train can you tell me how to apply for a western card,2,29,train do you know who you came from,9,121,train how many holidays are there and when is the next one here,8,107,test remind me to take out the garbage in the morning,4,50,train can i increase my credit limit to 1200 dollars,2,22,train i need to know how to do direct deposit with my paycheck at nations bank,8,119,test when do i need an oil change,5,62,train what are my mastercard points good for,2,24,test please suggest a british meal for me,3,40,train tell the meaning of life,9,122,train can you please instruct me on the proper way to change the oil in my car,5,63,test remind me,4,50,train "i can't find my visa card and i want to report it as lost, please",2,20,train what are today's travel advisories,6,84,train how do i get to the movie theater by bus,5,71,val what steps do i need to take to report a card lost,2,20,test what are popular mountains to hike in arizona,6,83,val "can you tell me what's on my calendar for march 05, 2019",4,55,train can you assure me i have a table at taco bell at 7pm,3,32,train i made a reservation under mark hamil at the emporium that i don't need any more,3,42,train when will it rain next,7,91,train give me a list of international transaction fees for my amex,2,30,train what other countries speak the english language,0,0,oos_test how long will my milk be good in the fridge,3,31,train tell me the expiry month of my card,2,17,train "who is your superior, please",9,123,val i need to do a fair coin flip,7,101,train "when is the next scheduled holiday, please",8,107,train walk me through reward redemption from my barclay's card,2,24,train where can i get some good food,3,41,test i want to find out what my credit score is,2,28,train "sorry, that is not true",10,141,train where do i go the transfer my 401k,8,114,train change sound setting to whisper,10,138,test where were you born,9,128,train any news on my vacation,8,106,test is it okay to use applesauce instead of oil,3,43,test my day offs history,8,120,val how much paid time off have i earned to date,8,115,train when should i expect my visa to expire,2,17,train change accent to male british,10,144,train help me rollover my 401k,8,114,test could you tell me the meaning of life,9,122,train "my engine light came on, so i need to get help",5,67,train what is my wells fargo card's rewards balance,2,26,train what date is tomorrow,7,93,train can you send a text to someone,7,105,train can you tell me what you call me,10,137,train add to my motivational playlist rap god,4,53,test "yesterday, my card was declined",2,21,train what is my current location,7,95,test "the song that's on, add it to my favorite playlist",4,53,train how many miles before i need my tires changed,5,74,train "hey, stop talking like you're a stretch taped",10,136,train let me know who made you,9,121,train "who is your supervisor, please",9,123,val are there fees for using my card in tampa,2,30,train "in the mst time zone, what time is it right now",7,103,train send my brother mike a text that says i'm home,7,105,train what time is it in phoenix,6,81,test i need to book a reservation for 3 at xenophobe under the name zebee,3,39,val how long does it take to replace a lost card,2,16,train i need to let my bank know i will be in america from april to may,6,77,val how much did i earn in income only last year,8,113,train what do you like to do in your spare time,9,125,train "how old are you, ai",9,134,train can you remember who compiled you,9,121,train what do i have on my list of reminders,4,49,train what type of gas do i need to use in this car,5,73,train do you know why my account is blocked,1,6,train put in a pto request for me i want it for the ninth and the tenth of august,8,116,train could you tell me what the status of my day off request is,8,106,train can you check the status of my credit card application,2,27,train what do i do for a dead car battery,5,75,train inform me of my credit score,2,28,train what side in chess has the general advantage,0,0,oos_val what place are you from,9,128,test what's the best career search website,0,0,oos_test play my post-rock playlist,4,47,train what is the necessary amount of time required to prepare pot roast,3,44,train i would like nutrition facts for spaghetti carbonara,3,36,test are there 8pm tables available at texas roadhouse,3,39,val how can i get my credit limit to be increased to $1000,2,22,test what date should i next change my oil,5,62,train i need reviews for places serving tacos in chicago,3,41,test how do you jump start a subaru forester,5,75,train "yes, that's what i want",10,139,train tell me the title of the song playing,4,46,val i'd like to augment my workout playlist with this tune,4,53,val what's the amount due on my latest sprint bill,1,9,train look up qat please,7,99,train can you tell me what my interest rate from first federal is,1,7,train i would like to request that more checkbooks be mailed to me,1,11,train what are your favorite hobbies to take part in,9,125,train will you tell me my routing number,1,2,train does mexico travel require a visa,6,80,train is my order already here,4,52,train what's the credit limit on my account,2,25,train do you know what calumny means please look it up for me,7,99,train how healthy is tacos,3,36,test i need you to order a new pair of eyeglasses for me,0,0,oos_test how can i find out what my tire pressure is,5,66,test i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at carrabbas for heather,3,32,val tell me my designation,10,137,train can you please turn on my furnace,4,60,train i need an alarm set for 6 in the morning,7,92,train will i get sick if i eat the tuna salad from friday,3,31,train roll the die!,7,104,train please connect to my phone,10,146,train can you order some more eggs for me since i just ran out,4,57,test what is your origin,9,128,test how many dollars can i exchange for 200 yen,6,82,train can you find me a recipe for cheese cake,3,37,train "what you are doing is not actually helpful, please cancel the action",10,145,train onpay gives you two convenient ways to pay your employees,8,119,train what does life mean to you,9,122,train has my maternity leave been approved,8,106,val what did i ask to be reminded about,4,49,train what is the equal number of dollars i can exchange for 50 pesos,6,82,train text bill and tell him i'll be 30 minutes late,7,105,train what ingredients do i need to make potato skins,3,34,train can you describe your hobbies to me,9,125,train i would like to put carrots on my list for shopping,4,59,train please order me a 7lb bag of world's best cat litter from targetcom,4,57,train i want you to quit the action,10,145,train speak in german,10,142,test i would like you to revert to your factory settings,10,149,train can i raise the credit limit for my discover card,2,22,train the song on speaker is what,4,46,train is my delta flight on time,6,79,train which purchases are on my shopping list,4,54,train move 100 dollars from checking to savings,1,10,train i would like to put 100 dollars from the checking into the savings account now,1,10,test please suggest meals from italy to me,3,40,train what's my vacation status,8,106,train when were you made,9,134,test what time is it in dallas,7,103,test "um, i'm not quite sure",10,150,test what locations of applebee's take reservations,3,45,train how much money would my house sell for,0,0,oos_test say it one more time please,10,143,train what would your age be,9,134,train i want you to add milk on my shopping list unless it is already on it,4,59,train what's the routing number for my current checking,1,2,train i must schedule somewhere get my tires checked out,5,67,train i need to know how to jump start my car,5,75,train can you tell me where to get a w2,8,117,train how do i get rewards from my visa card,2,24,val what have i spent over the last few days,1,13,train pair yourself to my phone if you can,10,146,test clear my calendar on feb 28,4,51,test scrap reservation at 4 for red robin,3,42,val i would like to have march 5th's 5k added to my calendar,4,51,train "my credit card has been stolen, please report it",2,20,train i need to know more about my health plan,8,109,train i keep trying to figure out if i have enough money in my chase account to purchase a new set of tires,1,12,val malignant is spelled how exactly,7,102,val "good answer, thanks for providing it",9,130,train call an uber to mcdonalds,5,64,train please tell me the last time i took my car to the shop,5,72,train where do i get the form i need for taxes,8,117,train you got it,10,139,train i need a time update on the applebees trip,5,70,train i'm traveling tony soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train where did mandarin originate from,0,0,oos_test i am needing you to buy me some shoes,4,57,train i need to know if i have meetings from 3 to 6 pm,8,110,test what are you,9,133,train set up a meeting with frank at 2pm,8,118,train can you give me a thai meal suggestion,3,40,train did madison really bathe in the potomac naked,0,0,oos_test check current prime mortgage rate,0,0,oos_test what are the best jeans in my size,0,0,oos_test the milk will expire when,3,31,train that i don't know,10,150,train "if i lose my credit card, will i get a replacement immediately",2,16,val that is true,10,139,train can my grace period be extended any possible way,0,0,oos_test where would the routing number for first utah be located,1,2,test pause,10,145,train set alarm for 5 am,7,92,train call aj,7,97,val jump to the next song on this playlist,4,56,train how much should i tip on this bill,0,0,oos_test what are the items on my reminder list,4,49,train is an international visa needed for canada,6,80,val does your family have any pets,9,124,val what sort of plug is used in the caribbean,6,76,test you saved my name how,10,137,train would you tell me who made the ai,9,121,train how can i redeem my credit card points,2,24,train at this location what are my gps coordinates,5,61,train what are the ai's hobbies,9,125,test i'm curious what health plan i'm on,8,109,train appreciate it,9,130,train don't make too much noise,10,138,train will you schedule a conference room for thursday at 4:00,8,118,test what are the required shots in mozambique,6,85,test i need my savings account placed under a block as soon as possible,1,1,val what's my bank of america account getting in interest,1,7,test i need to know the conversion for dollars to pesos,6,82,train will getting a credit card help my credit score,2,19,val i wanted to remember what again,4,49,train can you change to the male voice,10,144,test whats the max i can spend on my visa,2,25,train i would like to take a paid time off for february 7 and 8,8,116,train what is the reason for frozen status on my bank account,1,6,train i want to know how old you are,9,134,train i need to rent an suv in charlestown for the first week in june who do you suggest,6,90,test i need you to your volume,10,140,train whats dollars won in 15,6,82,train show me the transaction on burger king,1,14,train contact uber and have them pick me up,5,64,test find out why my card declined yesterday,2,21,train what's my eta on the bus ride to church,5,70,train report the card has been damaged,2,18,train did i put vacuuming on my todo's,4,58,val what is the name you have for me,10,137,test what do i need to buy to make pierogi,3,34,train is it time for new tires,5,74,train do they use weird plugs in australia where i'd need some kind of socket converter,6,76,train can you tell me my credit rating,2,28,val what should i refer to you as,9,127,train what's the method of jumping my car,5,75,train i couldn't say,10,150,val tell me how to roll over my 401k,8,114,test do you have a name for me,10,137,test when did i get my check last,8,111,val is there any danger going to brazil,6,84,val how many calories are found in bagels,3,35,val what exactly is my credit limit,2,25,val i need an appointment for someone to check out my check engine light being on,5,67,test i need you to give me a suggestion for what to make for dinner,3,40,train does my apr rate suck,2,23,test come again,10,143,test i'm glad i got to talk to you,9,129,train what is the bare minimum for my truck payment,1,8,train change my name to bob,10,147,test how long to replace a credit card,2,16,train what is the minimum payment for comcast,1,8,val will you find me a place to stay in casper from march 5th to march 11th,6,88,train i need to add my doctor's appointment to my calendar for the first,4,51,train i want to know who made you,9,121,train what steps do i need to take to switch my insurance plan from an hmo to a high deductible ppo plan,8,108,train what name do you have for me,10,137,test please find today's most read stories from the new york times todayi,0,0,oos_test "i bent my card, can you report it to my bank",2,18,train what do you think i'm called,10,137,test i need help investigating a suspicious transaction,1,15,train show allison how to get to me,7,95,test do they take reservations at bar tartine,3,45,train tell me a fun fact about tigers,9,126,train please let me into my bank account,1,6,train i want the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,test can you find a good steakhouse for tonight,3,41,train "i can't find my discover card, how do i report it",2,20,train i need to do laundry later today,4,48,val i would love to know the exchange rate between rubles and pounds,6,82,train "has there ever been total world peace, where no nations in the world are at war",0,0,oos_test what do i have on my list for shopping,4,54,train can you pull up how many points i've earned with travel card,2,26,test let me know what subjects you comprehend well,9,135,train about how much time will it take to get to the laundry in this area,5,70,train tell me which restaurants are good for thai food in las vegas,3,41,train give me an eta on when i will arrive at my destination,5,70,test what is the timezone in las vegas,6,81,train can you indicate my location to my friend,7,95,test when is my credit due to expire,2,17,train book me a hotel in new york near the empire state building from marc 2nd to 4th,6,88,train will a loan lower my credit score,2,19,train can i increase the credit limit for my usaa card,2,22,train what can i do in new orleans for fun,6,83,train "find the song with, ""baby shark, doo doo",4,47,train i want you to skip past this song to the next track,4,56,val what can i do if i lost my luggage,6,86,val can you tell me my bank balance,1,12,test could you tell me the status of flight dl123,6,79,val "from sunday to wednesday, i will be in oakland, so should i call my bank to let them know",6,77,test disconnect from my phone please,10,146,train how many dollars can i exchange for 25 euros,6,82,train it was very good to talk to you,9,129,test you work for who,9,123,train i need to put a stop on my bank account,1,1,test i let my bank know that i'm traveling to greece from march to april,6,77,train why can't i access my bank account,1,6,train "if i am in reno, what would the timezone be",6,81,train i'm not actually sure,10,150,test tell me the name of this song,4,46,train please change the credit limit,2,22,train how healthy are lunchables,3,36,train where can i find the mall closest to here,5,71,train please show me a recipe for chili,3,37,train i want to know if there are meeting rooms available between 9:00 am and 11:00 am,8,118,train is my apr rate above average,2,23,test put wash the counters down on my list of pending tasks,4,48,train my american saving bank was stolen,2,20,train how's the air pressure in my tires,5,66,train use my boa account to pay the cable bill,1,5,val what is the median salary for someone with an engineering degree,0,0,oos_test does buffalo wild wings have good reviews,3,38,train what are those european plugs called,6,76,train please play the next song on this playlist,4,56,train how can i make chicken pot pie,3,37,train what's the mileage to get the the taj mahal in atlantic city,5,70,test is it correct to say you work for me,9,123,train how old are you alexa,9,134,train what steps do i take to redeem my credit card points,2,24,train what mexican restaurant within 5 miles has the best reviews,3,41,train what is 250 times 118 times 9,7,98,train where should i go if i hammered a nail through my foot,0,0,oos_test can you hook me up with a meeting room on saturday morning at 10am,8,118,train please call me tom,10,147,val share my location with my sister,7,95,train whats your age range,9,134,test make a transfer between accounts,1,10,train what is the weather doing now,7,91,test can i move my 401k to an ira,8,114,test online order: status,4,52,train do you know the deeper meaning of life,9,122,val please put milk on my list i just used the last of it,4,59,train what's the timezone over there,6,81,val "i ordered for delivery, has is arrived yet",4,52,train what kind of information do you know,9,135,val add this song to my slow jams playlist,4,53,train remind me to call bob,4,50,train detroit is in what timezone,6,81,train which ingredients does gumbo have,3,34,train show tracking information on my replacement credit card,2,16,val has there been any times when lebron james was arrested,0,0,oos_test when do people typically change their oil,5,62,train i want to know if opening a new account will decrease my credit score,2,19,train has there been any changes in the status of my credit card application,2,27,train mpg of this car,5,69,train order my whole shopping list,4,57,test what's a good use of my time in toronto,6,83,train i want to submit an application for a barclay's card,2,29,train go over my meeting schedule with me please,8,110,train can you find me a brisket recipe,3,37,test explain to me how transferring my 401k works,8,114,train how good is my credit score,2,28,train how would i say i am lost if i were japanese,6,78,test confirm,10,139,train can you book me a place to stay in denver from wednesday to friday,6,88,train would you buy me a phone,4,57,train what are the reviews for mountain mikes,3,38,train what is the present status of my credit card application,2,27,val can you tell me how healthy apples are,3,36,train "can i get some more checkbooks mailed to me, please",1,11,test when is my credit card set to expire,2,17,val are you able to figure out where my package is,4,52,train whats the best way to jump start a battery,5,75,train am i ready for an oil change soon,5,62,val book me an uber to olive garden,5,64,train when is it going to rain again,7,91,train how come i am being denied access to my bank account,1,6,train how much vacation time do i have,8,115,test are there any vegan restaurants in my town,3,41,val could i use olive oil instead of grape seed oil,3,43,train what's the status of my united flight,6,79,train what stuff would i need to make tortellini,3,34,train when is the next payday,8,111,val "i need to buy something, please",4,57,test cya later,9,129,train please set the timer for me,7,96,train how long will eggs last in the fridge,3,31,train please start calling me bob,10,147,test how long can i keep milk in the fridge,3,31,test what name do you answer to,9,127,train what does it mean if i dream of falling off a building,0,0,oos_val i want an alarm at 5pm,7,92,train find me a rental car from 2/28 - 3/1 in reno,6,90,train please help me book a place to stay in pittsburgh from monday to friday,6,88,train can i travel to south africa without getting a shot,6,85,val is my calendar free next sunday,4,55,train how do i plan a vacation,8,116,test how long does it take to make shrimp scampi,3,44,train i need to know the status of my american airlines flight,6,79,test what all can i ask you,9,135,val tell me the plug type that is used in scotland,6,76,train how high is the apr on my mastercard,2,23,train what restaurants are pet friendly near here,3,41,train turn on the microwave for 3 minutes,4,60,test how little can i pay on my phone bill,1,8,val what company made this ai,9,121,test show me last transaction,1,14,train give me your name so i can use you,9,127,test "i did not catch that, repeat what you just said",10,143,train retrieve my recent transactions,1,14,train "imagine you had to pick a preferred animal between cats or dogs, which will you pick",9,124,train change to the female voice,10,144,test look up recipe time for this,3,44,test can you get me a table for 2 at diablo,3,39,train does mcdonalds take reservations,3,45,train remember to put down that i have an appointment for tomorrow on my calendar,4,51,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at hu hot for paulie,3,32,train when was the car last services,5,72,val what location did you live at before,9,128,train submit order for everything,4,57,train give my my current points on my marriot rewards card,2,26,train do i get charged more for using my card in canada,2,30,train can you read my to do list to me please,4,58,train "my luggage is lost, i was on american airlines ab123 out of los angeles",6,86,train "do you think my shots would be needed, before traveling to columbia",6,85,test disconnect from wifi immediately please,0,0,oos_test give me my credit score,2,28,train how much is the interest rate on my home equity loan,1,7,val i need you to book me a flight from chicago to montpelier via united,6,87,train what is left in my gas tank,5,68,train any alerts for travelers to canada,6,84,train i wanna change to the female voice,10,144,train get connected to my phone,10,146,train what's on my calendar on march 10th,4,55,test how can i safeguard my credit score from dropping,2,19,val "describe the meaning of ""dog",7,99,train whats the definition of poor,7,99,train i'm out of my checks i need some new ones,1,11,test what kind of animals do you own,9,124,test i need to be reminded to pray,4,50,train help me set a reminder to work out,4,50,train tell me a little more about the status of my credit card application,2,27,train "would you translate a sentence into russian for me, please",6,78,val i want to know my routing number please,1,2,train tell me the interest for my savings account,1,7,test can you help me unblock my account,1,6,test share my location with mom,7,95,train i want volume at 4,10,140,train has my order been shipped,4,52,train put what i'm listening to on my workout playlist,4,53,test "yes, this is true",10,139,test i gotta jump start my car,5,75,test is there any way to change the date of my oil change,5,67,val i need to know about how much time i'd have to wait to get a table at dibruno's,3,33,val check with my bank to see why my account is frozen,1,6,test what kind of paint do makeup artists use,0,0,oos_test what do i get paid,8,113,val i would like to use my credit card points to acquire a new laptop,2,24,train explain to me how do i get new insurance,8,108,val has ruby tuesday got good reviews,3,38,train how soon does my credit card expire,2,17,test i am very confused about the block that seems to have been placed on my account why is it there,1,6,train get a text to mark,7,105,test start a portfolio on venture capital funding for me to look over,0,0,oos_test can you find me a recipe for quiche,3,37,train i need to find out how i know my location right now,5,61,train what is the point of life,9,122,train what's the expiration date on my credit card,2,17,train can you confirm my reservation for kevin at red robin,3,32,train how much do you make an hour,8,113,train place a call to father callahan,7,97,train how much is my credit score,2,28,test put into words what you want,0,0,oos_test when is my meeting with jim scheduled for,8,110,test can you put a stop on my bank account,1,1,train i need tips on how to overcome insomnia,0,0,oos_test do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in china,6,76,train what do you make in a year,8,113,train do you know what song this is,4,46,train if you have hobbies tell me some of them,9,125,test how many calories are in ice cream,3,35,val how do i make sure my credit doesn't fall,2,19,train should i get a vaccination before i go to katmandu,6,85,train what is 63 percent of 145,7,98,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at applebee's for kristen,3,32,val when will the bus get me to vermont,5,70,test what is the definition of intelligent,7,99,train i need an uber,5,64,train you're talking too fast i need you to slow it down,10,136,train how much did i spend on food,1,13,train how much vacation days have i used,8,120,val i know i should pay my electric bill,1,5,test name the person or group that programmed you,9,121,test thank you for the heip,9,130,test do you know if taco bell takes reservations,3,45,test why does us bank have a hold on my account,1,6,test spell government,7,102,train "i heard some woman say she was going to yerd me, what's that mean",7,99,test what is your version on the meaning of life,9,122,train start playing my black metal playlist,4,47,train what are delta's carry-on policies for flights,6,89,train w-2 tax form where is it,8,117,val "the 21st, what is on my calendar",4,55,train "i need to report my card as stolen, please",2,20,train when does pork go bad in the fridge,3,31,train what is the definition of incomprehensible,7,99,train are there any apartments for rent nearby,0,0,oos_test can you cancel the reservation i have at 4 pm at ruth's,3,42,train speak in dutch,10,142,test how much longer until the next payday,8,111,train pto i have used so far is how much,8,120,test i want recommendations for good sushi spots in los angeles,3,41,train what is the current tire pressure level in the car,5,66,train what's the interest rate on my savings account,1,7,test where can i get my w2 from for tax reasons,8,117,train can you help me find someone to look at my car's engine because the light is on,5,67,val describe to me how i can learn to make small talk,0,0,oos_test is there a vaccine for ebola,0,0,oos_test what is 20% of a thousand,7,98,train "i would like to change the pin on my savings account, please",1,3,train can you check to see which parking garages are open downtown,0,0,oos_test what's fun to do in thailand,6,83,train i need to know what is on my shopping list,4,54,train what gas does the car need,5,73,train remind me to check the steak,4,50,val please tell me the bill's minimum payment,1,8,train would you please schedule a reservation for 2 at lucky's under the name sam at 7:30pm,3,39,val alert my bank and let them know that i'm travelling to oslo,6,77,train talk to me by calling me this name from now on,10,147,train will you add mopping to my to do list please,4,48,train no payments on my bank account,1,1,train can you please make an appointment for me to get my tires checked out,5,67,val thanks bye bye!,9,129,test could you check and let me know roundtrip flights from dallas to houston for march 7 and march 20,6,87,train show me some things to do in gatlinburg,6,83,train what's the apr on my credit card,2,23,test are my doors in the locked position right now,4,60,train my bank account must be frozen,1,1,train what kind of things can you answer,9,135,train can you cancel my todo list please,4,48,val what is spanish for hello,6,78,train give me some ways to build my credit score,2,19,train how many firewalls should i have and what type,0,0,oos_val are there any transaction fees associated with my usaa card if i am in india,2,30,train tell me where my gas tank is,5,68,test "i need to schedule meeting room for monday at 2:30 pm, please",8,118,test what should i ask you about,9,135,train what does water taste like,0,0,oos_test how do i report a lost card,2,20,train "cancel my last request, i know the answer",10,145,train let me hear something funny,9,132,val can you tell me whether or not you approved my vacation time,8,106,val where can i find my credit score,2,28,train what can i get for 10 usd in cad,6,82,val what would i be referred to as,10,137,train how do i do a jump start on my car,5,75,val would you let me know what flights are available out of dallas to el paso on march 20 for under $400,6,87,train can you please tell me how long it will take to get to target in austin,5,70,val i would like to hear a funny joke,9,132,train how much am i being taxed,8,112,val "can you help me find my phone, please",7,94,test what timezone is hanoi in,6,81,val tell me the expiration date for my current credit card,2,17,train please report information about activity on my credit card,1,15,train can you tell me what hobbies the ai has,9,125,test do i need shots to go to thailand,6,85,train it's definitely a maybe for that,10,150,test what were the things that i wanted to remember,4,49,test can you give me the answers in italian instead of english,10,142,train how good is card apr,2,23,train can you tell me the definition of yttrbium,7,99,train what brand of earphones is the best reviewed of 2019,0,0,oos_val do you know how to say where is the restroom in french,6,78,train show me my transactions on mcdonalds,1,14,train roll the five sided die,7,104,test how is a vacation request done,8,116,test did i set up a reminder to clean the bathroom,4,49,train which plug is used in japan,6,76,test please tell me what i can expect my bank of america interest rate to be,1,7,train has my mastercard application gone through yet,2,27,test "could you speak a little faster, please",10,136,train i do not know that,10,150,train what's the date today,7,93,test are socket converters needed if i'm going to cape town,6,76,test a table for two needs to be reserved for 7:00pm at olive garden using the name michael,3,39,test what'll an education at boulder state college run,0,0,oos_val are there many international transactions fees for the freedom card,2,30,train what are common illnesses i should be vaccinated against when leaving the united states,6,85,train count the number of vacation days i've taken and tell me,8,120,train halt that immediately,10,145,train "when you have free time, what do you do",9,125,val give me a fun fact about kangaroo,9,126,test do you prefer peanut butter or cheese for your celery,4,54,train how much can i use on my visa,2,25,test tell me a joke,9,132,train how is the traffic at jfk at 5 pm on weekdays,5,65,train what other nations were involved in the chinese trade war,0,0,oos_train go to upcoming song,4,56,test what routing number does chase use,1,2,val can you find me a place to stay in sacramento near the capitol on july 3-5,6,88,train no idea,10,150,train would you say that red lobster's pretty buy at noon,3,33,train i need to thank you,9,130,train what number of days do i have for vacation,8,115,test get my credit limit changed,2,22,train stop the process happening now,10,145,train "i want to go out to eat but have no idea where to go, do you know of any places",3,41,train how much have i spent on shoes lately,1,13,train i've notified my bank that i'm in mexico from august 1 to august 5,6,77,train how are things treating you,9,131,train what might i need to do to direct deposit my paycheck,8,119,val please cancel my reservation at red lobster for 6,3,42,val how long until my next oil change,5,62,test would you say you like dogs more or cats more,9,124,train who sang this song,4,46,train may i have a higher limit on my mastercard,2,22,train when are my tires due for changing,5,74,val can you tell me when i ought to switch out my tires,5,74,val are you my worker,9,123,train when will i recieve my next paycheck,8,111,train what is 2+2,7,98,train what are the size limits regarding-carry on bags,6,89,test what company designed this,9,121,test what is the timezone for san francisco,6,81,test i need you to play the next song on this playlist,4,56,train what's the nearest starbucks,5,71,train definition of affiliate is what,7,99,train find local deals who schedule maintenance on cars,5,67,train why was my card declined yesterday,2,21,train "how would i say, 'i don't know the answer' in spanish",6,78,train what is the time right now in the hst timezone,7,103,train who can jump off my dead car battery,5,75,val is there enough in my savings account to get a new tv,1,12,val please ask the bank to freeze my account,1,1,train whats the status of my frontier flight,6,79,train i need to know what traffic is going to be like at 3:00 pm on the new jersey turnpike heading into camden from north jersey,5,65,test when did camus die,0,0,oos_train what year were you born in,9,134,val please refer to me as sharon,10,147,train when should i change this oil,5,62,train tell me how to perform cpr,0,0,oos_test can you tell me what my may 1st will be like according to my calendar,4,55,train how many days until i am off,8,107,train could you tell me your name,9,127,train suggest some restaurants,3,41,train the programmer who made you is who,9,121,train i gotta know when should i get my oil changed next,5,62,train where's a good place to go if i want to see mountains,6,83,train will my 401k carryover or not,8,114,val on what date does my visa card expires,2,17,train see if there are any employment agencies hiring managers right now,0,0,oos_test i need to know how to apply for a visa card,2,29,train are there travel alerts in mexico,6,84,test i'd like to me told the meaning of life,9,122,train i need new insurance but dont know how to get it,8,108,train could you role a ten sided die,7,104,train can someone tell me why my check engine light is on,5,67,test i need to find someone to look at my check engine light,5,67,train what is the mpg of this car,5,69,train what are the requirements for carry on on flights with united airlines,6,89,train "in x, help me book a car",6,90,test what do geese eat,0,0,oos_val what is 10 ounces in grams,7,100,train how often should i change my oil,5,62,train don't have any idea,10,150,val buy all the things on the shopping list,4,57,train will you please do the male british accent,10,144,val i would like to change the name on my checking account,1,3,test what do you think the purpose of life is,9,122,val i don't want you connected to my phone anymore,10,146,test i appreciate your help,9,130,train lets look up my credit score,2,28,train it's either of them,10,150,train tell me all the ways my credit score can get hurt,2,19,train i want to know france's timezone,6,81,train suggest a meal from peru for me,3,40,train what number of vacation days remain for me,8,115,train "ai, what's your name",9,127,train could you tell me what the weather is in austin,7,91,test do i have anything on my calendar for march 2nd,4,55,train when was i paid last,8,111,train please turn my fan on,4,60,train do you know any fun facts about shampoo,9,126,train i am really not sure,10,150,test "i missed what you said, please say it again",10,143,train what thoughts do you have about making dinnner tonight,3,40,train notify me how many days off i have used so far,8,120,test i want to start talking to you in swedish,10,142,test make your volume quieter please,10,140,val how can i find my routing number for el dorado,1,2,train my card was destroyed when my house burned down and i need a replacement,2,18,val i must say goodbye,9,129,train "yes, that is true",10,139,train what name do you want me to use,9,127,test does italy have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train i don't know how to jump start my car,5,75,train delete fries from shopping list,4,59,train friday needs to be clear on my calendar,4,51,test how do i report that i lost the card,2,20,test why did you decline my card at sfo,2,21,train please give me today's date,7,93,train how is miami time zone like,6,81,train what is my balance,1,12,train change the ai name,10,148,train how do i replace a damaged card,2,18,test forget my previous command,10,145,train how is the traffic on the way to work,5,65,train is my visa card's apr decent,2,23,train display history of sparta,0,0,oos_test inform me on the directions to jump start my car,5,75,train can i share my location with david,7,95,test "return to your original settings, please",10,149,train please suggest a meal from italy to me,3,40,train i want to use my credit rewards now,2,24,test what is my current tire pressure for each tire,5,66,train can you let me know if my visa card has been approved,2,27,val "my card got melted and i need to report it, please",2,18,train can you look up the name of this song,4,46,train "please stop calling me dave, my name's bob",10,147,train i want to know who your boss is,9,123,test it takes how long to get to mcdonald's in pomona,5,70,train do i need a visa for canada,6,80,train what is the name i should use to refer to you,9,127,train play vegas baby roll a dice for mama,7,104,train do i need to pay for delta carry on,6,89,train who pay your salary,9,123,train what's the purpose of existence,9,122,train change my pin to 1234 on account ending with digits 4994,1,3,train could you schedule a meeting with john smith at 1 pm tomorrow,8,118,train can you assist me in moving money from one account to another,1,10,test can you get me a table for two for 8:00 pm at parc,3,39,train can you tell me a few funny jokes,9,132,train "put mambo #5 by lou bega on my playlist, please",4,53,train how many nutrients are there in a bowl of cereal,3,36,train "my card is cracked, please tell the card company",2,18,train what are the visa requirements for brazil,6,80,test are there any events on my calendar for january 1st,4,55,train how long should i cook steak for,3,44,val can you get me recipes for eggs please,3,37,test i must know what is currently on my calendar for friday the 1st,4,55,train put on the next song,4,56,train how do i get a w-2,8,117,train how many grams are in 9 kilograms,7,100,test switch whisper mode off,10,138,test put carrots on my shopping list,4,59,train please go back to the settings of the original,10,149,train can you make 1234 the pin for my savings account,1,3,test what is the way i can change my oil,5,63,train please give me the approximate amount of time i will need to go from jfk international airport to penn station,5,70,test how's my interest rate,1,7,train what is the credit limit on my visa,2,25,train i need help to roll over my 401k,8,114,train i really want to know my todo list again thanks,4,58,test how can i increase my credit score,2,19,test what do i need to do to rollover my 401k,8,114,train my card is lost and i need to know how to report it,2,20,val what is the cashback rate for my credit card,0,0,oos_test i need to know my interest rate,1,7,train toss a coin i will take tails,7,101,train i'm looking for a roundtrip flight from koa to mgj for june to july,6,87,train what's the status on my application for the hsbc credit card,2,27,test is there a room big enough for 10 people from monday to tuesday in manhattan,6,88,train "you can remove the brithday party from my calendar fpr january 15, 2019",4,51,val i lost my phone can you help me,7,94,test what are the fees for using my card in toronto,2,30,train how many pints are in 22 gallons,7,100,train place an order for my whole shopping list,4,57,test i need to hear reviews for panda express,3,38,train how safe is it to travel to germany,6,84,train can you set an alarm,7,92,test help me find someone to look at my check engine light,5,67,train whats my recent transactions on my card,1,14,train "in tokyo, what time is it",7,103,train do you consider yourself an artificial intelligence being,9,133,val how many calories are in a serving of deans french onion dip,3,35,val what's your birthday,9,134,val could you change the accent you're using,10,144,train what is the amount on my water bill,1,9,train where can i locate a form for my w2,8,117,train would you please tell me today's date,7,93,train do i need a visa to travel to isreal,6,80,train how do i get my check directly deposited,8,119,train i want to practive changing oil,5,63,train is there a travel alert for france,6,84,test what do people in sioux falls do for fun,6,83,train when is my next vacation day,8,107,train pizza has which ingredients,3,34,train could i rent a car out of dallas from april 1-10,6,90,train what is the usd mxn exchange rate,6,82,test when were you created,9,134,train how can i see my rewards for my visa card,2,26,train find articles on essay writing for beginners,0,0,oos_test is there enough money in my discover account for a new pair of jeans,1,12,train i have to say affirmative on that one,10,139,train how long should i wait before i can bake bread with homemade dough,3,44,train are you able to track a phone,7,94,train how much am i getting paid today,8,113,train find my wallet,0,0,oos_test search up someone who plays in a movie,0,0,oos_test am i low on gas,5,68,train could you please switch to whisper mode,10,138,train could you pull up the nsa website,0,0,oos_test i wish to know your hobbies,9,125,train do you keep any pets,9,124,train what can i use you to help me with,9,135,train i wanna know who is your boss,9,123,train "help me freeze my bank account, please",1,1,train "agreed, that's valid",10,139,train tell me the carry on rules,6,89,train how good is the apr on my mastercard compared to others,2,23,train can you let me know the next open slot for me to get my oil changed,5,67,test "no, that is not right at all",10,141,train "order some cat for me, i ran out",4,57,train "can you tell me the nearest wells fargo bank location to port authority, new york",5,71,train how do i get venture capital for my app,0,0,oos_test when's the next time i should go for an oil change,5,62,train "do i have a reservation for may 1st, 2019 at 4 pm",3,32,train tell me in how many different colors i can get dinner plates from pier one imports,0,0,oos_test what are the minutes needed to cook the meal,3,44,test can i get my car jumped for this dead battery,5,75,val electrical plugs used in that country,6,76,test how do i fix my card being declined,2,21,train tell me the song that's playing right now,4,46,train please help me set up direct deposit,8,119,train find the nutrition info for whole milk for me,3,36,test what's the meaning of my life,9,122,train skip this track,4,56,test when's the last time i got a paycheck,8,111,train what's the interest rate i have from illinois national,1,7,train how much do i have to pay on taxes and cable,1,9,val how would you like to be referred to,9,127,train can you really get arrested for yelling fire in a crowded theater,0,0,oos_test i need a roll on a 6 sided dice,7,104,val "please, can you set the timer for me",7,96,train who do i speak with about my card that was lost,2,20,test can i use electronic devices in mexico without a socket converter,6,76,test help me get my gas bill paid,1,5,test how long til my visa card expires,2,17,train can you speed up your speech please,10,136,train what day can i expect to receive payment on,8,111,test please track my order,4,52,test what's life mean to you,9,122,test i want to fly southwest from dallas to phoenix,6,87,train what's the average number of calories in one cup of tomato soup,3,35,train would you describe yourself as a cat or dog person,9,124,test how long will it take me to make baked chicken,3,44,train i need to know the ingredients in a hamburger,3,34,train add my doctor appointment on march 25th at 3:00 to my calendar,4,51,train i would like to apply for a credit card,2,29,train how much money have i spent this week,1,13,train i need to know the the carry-on restrictions for american airlines,6,89,test read me the definition of ajar,7,99,train i want to know how nutritious an avocado typically is,3,36,train find out of grub burger takes reservations,3,45,val i'd like to know what's on the shopping list,4,54,train book an uber suitable for seating 5 individuals and headed for the mall,5,64,train what is the time frame for receiving a new credit card if my original one gets lost,2,16,val i want you to roll dice,7,104,train i want you to send ten dollars from bank of america to capital one,1,10,train will i need to renew my credit card soon,2,17,val is milk one of the things i need to buy,4,54,test what time is it,7,103,train what did i want to remember again,4,49,train when is my visa due,1,4,train how much am i expected to pay in tax,8,112,train define monetary for me please,7,99,val what date was my car last at the mechanics,5,72,train how do i locate my credit rating,2,28,val can you tell me if you're human or if you're a computer,9,133,train does using my card in portland charge me extra,2,30,test what ingredients go in a milky way,3,34,train what's the annual percentage rate for my credit card,2,23,test take my lunch plans off the calendar for march 13th,4,51,train are there any places nearby i can rent a car at,6,90,train what restrictions are there for carry-on on delta,6,89,train does my card charge if i use it in china,2,30,train please connect yourself to my main phone,10,146,test what's the best reviewed local roof repair place,0,0,oos_test a volume of 4 is ideal please,10,140,val you need to tell me how to increase credit limit for my chase card,2,22,test go ahead and order everything on my shoping list,4,57,train is dan aware of any meetings with me today,8,110,val i think i've been the victim of fraud,1,15,train thanks for the info,9,130,train can you get me the scores from the games that were played last night,0,0,oos_test my visa has been stolen by someone,2,20,train does march have a holiday,8,107,val could you please reset your factory settings,10,149,test order all of my shopping list,4,57,val can you tell me about my credit rating,2,28,train start a call to cynthia,7,97,val do i need a vaccination for spain,6,85,train what is the expiration date for honey,3,31,test can i change your name please,10,148,train what are the carry-on restrictions for frontier airlines,6,89,train for how long does this need to cook,3,44,train what's my bill for water and electricity,1,9,train what's the weather like,7,91,val please go on amazon so i can buy bluetooth speakers,4,57,test what day do i have to pay for my capital one card,1,4,train can you tell me what the amount on my directv bill is,1,9,train i'd just like to know how much gas is in my vehicle,5,68,train "i ordered some new speakers, so when will they get here",4,52,val what other personality type is most compatible with infjs,0,0,oos_train i need a clear calendar for april 15,4,51,train what is the traffic nearest lexington,5,65,train what is needed to make lasagna,3,34,test could you roll the 8 sided dice,7,104,train is it possible to get more checkbooks for my navy fed account,1,11,train tell me what the traffic is like on the way to phoenix,5,65,train how much fuel is in the tank,5,68,train "no, that is invalid",10,141,val i would love to redeem some smart speakers with my credit card points,2,24,train tell me how to make a lesson plan,0,0,oos_test "if i have 20,000 yen, how much is that in usd",6,82,train is there meaning to life,9,122,test check the interest rate on my savings account,1,7,train what is 900 times 8,7,98,train can you kindly clear my agenda list,4,48,train set a reminder to remind me to check when my car payment is,4,50,train tell me the exchange rate between rubles and dollars,6,82,train how many years are you,9,134,train thanks that was really helpful,9,130,test how are the reviews for pasta at assagios,3,38,val i would like to know this song's title,4,46,train when are my meetings today between noon and one,8,110,train do you know where the luggage for people on panam flight ab123 out of tuscon is,6,86,train how would i be able to check my kohls rewards card,2,26,train tell me the last day i can pay my gas bill,1,4,test what do i have going on march 2nd on my calendar,4,55,train find out how many latin scholars there are at the university of chicago,0,0,oos_test share my location with steve,7,95,val where would my w2 be found so i can do my taxes,8,117,train when did i last bring my car in to get looked over,5,72,train will it cost me anything to use my card in turin,2,30,test tell me how many calories in a medium size apple,3,35,train i want to know the nutrition info for chicken nuggets,3,36,train when were my tires changed,5,72,train you're talking too fast,10,136,test what's the best way to build credit,2,19,train what is the remaining time until we are at our destination,5,70,val i'm travelling to thailand soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train how do i fix a dead car battery,5,75,train what is 562 times 400,7,98,train how does my credit score look,2,28,train does south korea have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train how long am i supposed to cook pork loin,3,44,train denver's timezone is what,6,81,test "if soda isn't on my shopping list, go ahead and add it for me",4,59,test please set to female voice,10,144,train tell me who made you,9,121,train i am going to need help paying my rent bill,1,5,test "are bananas on the list, if not can you add them",4,59,train can you play music by bob dylan,4,47,train tell me the mpg of my vehicle,5,69,val can you talk to me in italian,10,142,train when did they deposit my last salary,8,111,train dial christie's cell,7,97,train what is the calorie count for this milkshake,3,35,test where can i schedule to get my tires checked out,5,67,train i gotta find the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,train do you have a name i should call you by,9,127,train is milk on my shopping list,4,54,test i need to know what 25 times 38 is,7,98,test when does game of thrones return on hbo,0,0,oos_test on the card can you give me the last transactions,1,14,train tell me about the pets you have,9,124,test let me know chase's routing number,1,2,val has my electricity bill increased this month how much,1,9,test i need what i'm listening to right now to be put on my exercise playlist,4,53,test i ordered new light bulbs online when will they get here,4,52,val please unsync from my phone right now,10,146,test how long is the wait at fridays,3,33,test it could go either way,10,150,test please check to see if my vacation request has been updated,8,106,train what is my apr rate,2,23,test what does my shopping list involve,4,54,train get my credit score,2,28,train tell me what health plan coverage i have,8,109,test please add this song to my country music playlist,4,53,test give me the tire pressure for the car,5,66,test "will i be able to get to the mall at 5:00, or will there be a lot of traffic",5,65,train how much is the interest rate for the account i have at bluebird,1,7,train who made you ai,9,121,train what's your date of birth,9,134,test how much did my state taxes change,8,112,train i'd like a flight from laguardia to orlando on southwest for under $400,6,87,train what were the top stories this week,0,0,oos_val wassup,9,131,val please look into the latest status of my credit card application,2,27,train must i have shots before i take a trip to canada,6,85,val what kind of plug do i need for my razor in ireland,6,76,train i need to report a new card please the atm hurt mine,2,18,train how many hours will it take to get to my destination,5,70,train what are the review for mcdonald's,3,38,val i really cannot remember what my pin is for my bank of america checking account,1,3,train how many calories are in chocolate ice cream,3,35,train i should use what kind of oil and can you help me change it,5,63,train "maybe yes, maybe no",10,150,train what are yahoo's top stories right now,0,0,oos_test "i like the female voice, switch please",10,144,test what's the apr of my discover card,2,23,train what's the caloric content if you eat roast beef,3,35,train what's the gas mileage on a juke,5,69,val set up a new reminder to alert me when it's time to put the trash out,4,50,test which gas type does this car take,5,73,train does this life have a meaning,9,122,train post the living room lights on,4,60,val tell me the gas i need to fill this car up with,5,73,train how many more miles can i drive on my current tank,5,68,test do i have any meetings scheduled today,8,110,test how long should i cook roast for,3,44,val "i am on main street now, where is the closest bus stop to me",5,71,val is my w2 available at the post office,8,117,train how can i request a vacation from work,8,116,train what types of pets do you own,9,124,train i'd like to be out of whisper mode,10,138,val whats on my shopping list at the moment,4,54,train i am josh,10,147,train what meetings do i have on my agenda today,8,110,train what is my meeting schedule today,8,110,train when will you mail me a replacement card,2,16,train tell me a fun fact about cars,9,126,test can you find my location on the map,5,61,train add this song to my post-rock playlist,4,53,train what's my limit on my amex card,2,25,train what is the way to change motor oil,5,63,train am i talking to a real live person,9,133,test will i be charged if i use my card in france,2,30,train tell me my credit raing,2,28,test is my order due yet,4,52,train it's nice to see you,9,131,train how did you come to be you,9,121,train can you find the date of my last oil change,5,72,train can you give me a good piece of trivia about the rainforest,9,126,train how much do i pay in apr on my amex card,2,23,train can you find me a recipe for sugar cookies,3,37,train what goes into a strawberry smoothie,3,34,train add my wife as an authorized user to checking account 20905432,0,0,oos_test send $100 from paypal to my bank,1,10,train which vaccines will i need for cuba,6,85,test i need to add iep meeting to my calendar on april 15th,4,51,val are the reviews for chevy's any good,3,38,train let me swap salt for baking soda,3,43,train what's my tires current air pressure,5,66,train how would you categorize the pets you have,9,124,test i would like to know the bill's minimum payment,1,8,train i must set a timer,7,96,train misplaced my phone,7,94,train post my gps coordinates to my facebook friends,7,95,train abort please,10,145,train when do i have to get my tires changed,5,74,train how can i easily replace a string on my guitar,0,0,oos_val thanks for helping me!,9,130,train where's my credit score,2,28,val what's my yearly income,8,113,val can i get a credit limit raise on my credit card,2,22,train i would like to be reminded,4,50,train check travel alerts for kenya,6,84,train "if i want to schedule a meeting, how do i do it",8,118,train how do i get a new credit card sent to me,2,29,train how long would a bus to the empire state building take,5,70,train i have a lot of credit card points saved up and would like to start redeeming them,2,24,train i had fun speaking with you,9,129,train i don't want to forget to call mom,4,50,test is it a short time before i receive my new credit card,2,16,val i need to book a flight from texas to new york on may 25th and returning on the 28th,6,87,train i want you to cancel the event called 'bachelorette party' on april 15,4,51,train my card was declined at the casino and i'm wondering why,2,21,train how much pto do i have left,8,115,train i would like the song playing right now put on my driving playlist,4,53,test what is a fun fact about dogs,9,126,train do you know the temperature of the ac,4,60,val i will be traveling to lima alert my bank,6,77,test how much is my mpg,5,69,train is it recommended to get specific shots before i travel to japan,6,85,train do you know my credit score,2,28,train i want an uber,5,64,train do play the music by linkin park,4,47,test "what is your favorite pet, a cat or a dog",9,124,train is it possible i have a meeting with kim today,8,110,test show me some ways to build my credit score,2,19,train do i have enough fuel to get to buffalo,5,68,val tell me something interesting about new york state,9,126,val can you find instructions on how to change oil in a car,5,63,train who are you working for,9,123,train what amount of days off have i already utilized,8,120,train can i deposit a check,0,0,oos_test before i embark on a trip to europe should i get more shots,6,85,test i don't understand why i have been barred from accessing my own account,1,6,train what does idiosyncratic mean,7,99,val "what time is it in glenwood springs, co",7,103,train "what is your age, ai",9,134,train i would like you to think of yourself as machine and answer when i say your name as such,10,148,train i don't have a clue,10,150,train is there a way to raise my mastercard credit,2,22,train can you specify if you are a human or a computer,9,133,train please add an item to my calendar that i need to clean the kitchen on thursday,4,51,train how can i find my interest rate for my alliance account,1,7,train can you help me with my pin number,1,3,train you should reset your factory settings,10,149,train what do you do all day while i'm at work,0,0,oos_test i need the routing number to my chase checking account,1,2,train can you check how many miles i walked today when i was out get the info from my phone,0,0,oos_test when's the next day off,8,107,test what is my first name saved as,10,137,train "in 100 days from now, what will be the date",7,93,train can you read my list back to me,4,49,train what hotels have decent reviews in bangor,6,88,train i need to know the gas type for this vehicle,5,73,test how much do i have in my checking,1,12,train how long can i keep pork in the freezer for before it gets freezer burnt,3,31,val can you make an alarm for 7 am,7,92,train please give me a listing of all the bottled water brands in the area,0,0,oos_test i'm famished so give me some places to eat!,3,41,train when am i due for my next paycheck,8,111,train what is the lowest amount i can pay for my electric bill,1,8,train order more bread please,4,57,val wake me up with an alarm at 6am,7,92,test has my purchase been delivered yet,4,52,val what time is it in pacific standard time,7,103,val what is the minimum amount of money required as payment for the bill,1,8,train can you help me do math,7,98,train what is the next football game,0,0,oos_train how long will it take to cook a lasagna,3,44,test find me a roundtrip flight from dallas to los angeles from march 2 to march 10,6,87,train flip me a coin i'm calling tails,7,101,train will the anti-vaxxers die off if no one gives them vaccines,0,0,oos_test what do you think would be a good dinner,3,40,train tell me a fun fact about butterflies,9,126,train "15 days from today, what will the date be",7,93,train hush,10,145,test i'd like the calories for this chicken breast,3,35,train walk me through the items on my reminder list,4,49,train what's the eta for grandma's house,5,70,train tell me what time it is,7,103,val what time is it in honolulu,7,103,train how much pressure are currently in my tires,5,66,train what paperwork will i need to visit northern ireland,6,80,train how many vacation days do i have at my disposal,8,115,val i need to know something about my latest transaction,1,14,train show me a cool nintendo switch game,0,0,oos_test reserve me a flight from ft lauderdale to houston on southwest,6,87,train book a car rental to miami florida today,6,90,test what's going on,9,131,train can you confirm my account's blocked and tell me why,1,6,val measure tire pressure,5,66,train what is the square root of sixteen,7,98,train on what day and date of what year were you born,9,134,train i'm flying delta and need to know the carry-on rules,6,89,val what are my recent transaction,1,14,train what do you like to do when you're not working,9,125,train how do i request a vacation,8,116,test would you be able to freeze my bank account,1,1,test know any dad jokes,9,132,test give me a good recipe for chicken parmesan,3,37,val please set a timer for cookies,7,96,train i want to try a meal from ireland,3,40,test what's the crowd like at hopper's bar around 11pm,3,33,train nice to speak with you,9,129,train what fees are charged if i use something in paris,2,30,train can you show me my shopping list,4,54,train i wanna know my bank balance,1,12,train do i need an international visa to go to canada,6,80,train how long does it take to get to disneyland in anaheim,5,70,train spell out potato,7,102,train how many minutes should i set an alarm for this bake,3,44,test can you please call nata,7,97,train i don't remember where my phone is,7,94,train can you change the volume to 4,10,140,train can you tell me how to change my car's oil,5,63,train i need to arrange an appointment to have my car's tires examined,5,67,val look for funny jokes,9,132,train are you doing well,9,131,train what is the full date after today,7,93,train what do i get taxed at my income level,8,112,val why would a hold have been placed on my checking account,1,6,train "for my westport account, what is the routing number",1,2,train i want to find out if this will hurt my credit,2,19,train i'm not able to find my luggage and i was on southwest airlines flight ab123 out of houston,6,86,train i am in downtown austin where is the nearest airport,5,71,val cancel my dinner reservation please,3,42,train can you check that i have a reservation on february 28th for 3 in the afternoon,3,32,train reset the factory settings please,10,149,train when should i get my next oil change,5,62,test what name was given to you,9,127,train "if i use my card in mexico, will there be added fees",2,30,train what are some good games for my android phone,0,0,oos_test i need you to send ten dollars from bank of america to capital one,1,10,train how much have i spent on groceries recently,1,13,val the birds fly with there wings,0,0,oos_val i need to call my boss,7,97,test what sorts of things am i able to ask of you ai,9,135,train i vote yes,10,139,train tell david where i am,7,95,test aquire me them kyrie 4s,4,57,val what date will my replacement card arrive on,2,16,train do i need to change my oil,5,62,train what is left to do today,4,58,train tell me what time it is in the central timezone,7,103,train park the car,0,0,oos_test schedule flight from madison to atlanta on delta,6,87,train does france have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train tell me when my car last had its oil changed,5,72,train i hope i have enough money in my chase account to buy new clothes,1,12,val "is ""rescind"" a word of positive connotation",7,99,train who should i call for a w2,8,117,val can you have some new oakley's shipped to me,4,57,train that is incorrect,10,141,test when do my tires need some changing,5,74,train can you suggest a few credit cards that have good rewards points,2,29,val is it possible to increase my credit limit to 1000 dollars,2,22,train website to start aaa new insurance plan,8,108,train i want to hear doctor jokes,9,132,val i need to know again,10,143,train how much money is in all of my bank accounts,1,12,val i need to know the status of flight dl123,6,79,train what is the best time to go to get a burger without a line,3,33,test what is the last transaction on my visa card,1,14,test tell me the definition of the word redemption,7,99,train turn tv on please,4,60,train please change my name to loverboy,10,147,train please use your whispering voice; i need quiet,10,138,val can you check and see how much i owe on my cable bill,1,9,train is my day off request approved,8,106,train does luigi's take reservations,3,45,train tell me if my credit limit can be increased to one thousand dollars,2,22,train make the lights darker,4,60,test i would like to report my card damaged since i accidentally spilled gorilla glue all over it and the numbers are now obscured,2,18,test what does x’s music sound like,4,47,train help me figure out the meaning of life,9,122,train what's 10 pounds in dollars,6,82,train how is the weather in austin,7,91,test thanks for all your help,9,130,test "march 20th through the 22nd, please book me a hotel room in manhattan big enough for 10 people",6,88,train are there any holidays coming and when,8,107,test what amount of miles are in a hundred kilometers,7,100,train why my card stop working,2,21,test what does serendipity mean,7,99,test "have a good day, bye",9,129,test how is crypto legal,0,0,oos_val what do i have scheduled for february 28th,4,55,train yes,10,139,train can you tell me when my peco energy bill is due this month,1,4,train text message chris and say i love you,7,105,train how much do i need to pay in tax,8,112,val i want to know how to say goodbye in france,6,78,val tell me how i can schedule a meeting,8,118,train please let me know how my credit card application is going,2,27,val how much money do i have in my pnc account,1,12,val "can you give me a traffic update for driving routes nearest ocean city, new jersey from philadelphia",5,65,test i think your a bot,9,133,test do you know what is for dinner,3,40,test i want to be out of whisper mode,10,138,val "i don't have checks, so can i get new ones",1,11,train i'd like to know what the date is,7,93,train are there any problems with my bank account,1,6,test i need to confirm my reservation for 2/20 at 8 pm,3,32,train read me the nutrional info of a bag of lay's potato chips,3,36,val what's the answer to existence,9,122,train what is the number of calories in a steak,3,35,test how much did i spend on grocery shopping recently,1,13,val tell me my next paycheck,8,111,train what do my pto days amount to,8,115,test do you own a cat or do you own a dog,9,124,val text emily,7,105,test what kind of gas can i put into this car,5,73,test can you please say that again,10,143,test has my online order shipped yet,4,52,train what do you call a subway if you were english,6,78,train what is the carry-on policy for flights on delta airlines,6,89,test "help me plan my traveling itinerary for my trip to madrid, i want to see lots of sights!",6,83,test is mcdonalds busy around 9,3,33,val i wish to know why my card was declined yesterday,2,21,train i want to hear more about how i can use my credit card points,2,24,train how long will the turkey take to cook,3,44,train would you like to introduce yourself,9,127,train prove that you're a person,9,133,train go ahead and change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train how long will it take me to drive to my destination,5,70,train why isn't it letting me into my bank account,1,6,train how to change oil and what oil type,5,63,test please check if god is really living in a small apartment in brussels,0,0,oos_test where is my order,4,52,train i'm going to need to book an uber to universal studios,5,64,test how many moons does mars have,0,0,oos_test what are the steps for setting up direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train what's on my to-buy list,4,54,test who do you job for,9,123,train can you tell me the low tonight,7,91,train exit out of whisper mode,10,138,train who should i apply for a credit card for,2,29,val what scheduled meetings do i have today,8,110,train could you freeze my account,1,1,train i need the full date for today,7,93,train read me some different cat trivia items,9,126,val i would like to learn to make cookies,3,37,val can you help me begin the process of redeeming credit card points,2,24,train how long will it take for me to get to red robin in san diego,5,70,train i need to make a report due to fraudulent activity on my card,1,15,train find the applicable timezone for austin,6,81,train "when you go to germany, do you need a special converter for your plugs",6,76,train "nope, that's false",10,141,train add what i am listening to to my road trip playlist,4,53,val i'd like to speak in portuguese,10,142,test can you order me new ray bans,4,57,train i arrived on delta flight ab123 from juno but my luggage doesn't appear to have come with me,6,86,train is a travel visa needed for thailand,6,80,test you need to help me find my cellphone,7,94,train please find the benefits provided by my insurance,8,109,train please clear my calendar,4,51,test can you end the current process,10,145,test can you find me a hotel for 2 people on april 1st to 4th in rome,6,88,train hiya,9,131,val could you tell me how much money i spent last week,1,13,train what do i need in order to jump start my car,5,75,val "on my list of things to do, add cleaning",4,48,train adios,9,129,train does tony's in downton let you make reservations,3,45,train put in the order for everything on my shopping list,4,57,train how would i say pleased to meet you if i were japanese,6,78,train i need to talk to someone on the phone,7,97,train i would like to check my reservation for jean at taco house,3,32,train do i have calendar events on march 19th,4,55,test "if i want to set up direct deposit, how do i do it",8,119,test rescind,10,145,val fun gift ideas to give to grandparents,0,0,oos_test "yes, that is factual",10,139,test let me know my tax rate,8,112,train what's a good italian meal,3,40,test are there any steps i need to take to use my credit card points,2,24,train increase your vocals,10,140,train do i have enough gas in my tank to make it to washington dc,5,68,test are you employed by me,9,123,train how much will my state taxes be,8,112,train which song is this,4,46,train i'd like to know when you were born,9,134,train cancel my reservation for 5 at the loft,3,42,val i would have to say the answer to that is no,10,141,train give me a list of the top 5 issues people have in this country,0,0,oos_test how many miles per gallon does it get in the city,5,69,train how bad is traffic at 9:00 going to detroit,5,65,test can you tell me how much pto have i use,8,120,val walk me through the process of getting new insurance,8,108,train make sure walnuts is on my shopping list,4,59,train us dollars to uk,6,82,train "if you were getting a pet, would you get a cat or would you get a dog",9,124,train i did not hear you,10,143,train read back my day for march 4th 2019,4,55,val can you tell me some fake news,0,0,oos_val tell me the carry-on rules for my flight,6,89,test what timezone is britain in,6,81,test what's my savings balance at chase,1,12,train where can i get the employment form i need to do my taxes,8,117,train how's the traffic looking if i headed to fred meyer,5,65,val tell me how you are doing,9,131,test what stuff did i put on my shopping list,4,54,train what's my savings account interest rate,1,7,test how many teaspoons is one tablespoon,7,100,test what song is currently playing,4,46,test can you turn on the tv,4,60,train provide me the name of who made you,9,121,train i'd like to cancel the party of 7 we reserved at the olive garden,3,42,train "hello, what's up",9,131,train go back to the factory settings for this device,10,149,train change your language setting to german,10,142,train "check my calendar for march 4th 2019, please",4,55,val tell me what is showing on my calendar for the 17th of march,4,55,train please tell me everything on my list of reminders,4,49,train i need to rent a car in chicago but don't know how,6,90,train hey there fellow,9,131,train is my spirit flight running on time,6,79,test what is 1 fifth times 2 fifths,7,98,train how long to cook a frozen pizza,3,44,train can we get a direct deposit,8,119,test how many canadian dollars can i get for 5 us dollars,6,82,train i need a bed in brownsburg near walmart from apil 4th until the 5th,6,88,train text jean and tell him to call work,7,105,test please locate me on the map and show me,5,61,train what is the calorie content in bananas,3,35,test please list my real estate for sale,0,0,oos_test id like to rent a ford in denver colorado between january 1st to the 3rd,6,90,train who calls the shots for your employment,9,123,train what might the meaning of altruism be,7,99,train undo the last event on my calendar,4,51,train "could you skip to the next song on this playlist, please",4,56,train what is the minimum payment on my chase mastercard,1,8,train i need to know what kind of fuel this car needs,5,73,train when is my oil change expected,5,62,train i would like to know the timezone for britain,6,81,test tell me when my water bill is due,1,4,test please put a block on my td ameritrade account now,1,1,train what do you do if your cat eats an octopus,0,0,oos_test if i use my discover card in cuba are there transaction fees,2,30,test i must know when should i get my oil changed next,5,62,train how long should i cook a steak for,3,44,train what timezone is london in,6,81,val will this trip require vaccines,6,85,train how do i find out when my visa bill is due,1,4,val how many minutes are involved in the preparation of curry,3,44,test when will my discovery card expire,2,17,train are any rooms free from 12 to 1,8,118,train pull up ramen recipes please,3,37,val would tio's be crowded at 7,3,33,test what are good restaurants in reno that serve sushi,3,41,train i'd like to make an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,val what is the song that is currently playing,4,46,train get me a copy of a book on negotiation in the workplace,0,0,oos_test how safe is visiting canada this week,6,84,val remove laundry from my to do list,4,48,test i need to know the carry on policy for american airlines flights,6,89,train what is the definition of the word migrate,7,99,val how long does it take to cook hot pockets,3,44,val are there any furniture outlets near the mall,5,71,train can you turn the oven to 350,4,60,train i want change your name to russ,10,148,train start listening to me dictate a letter,0,0,oos_test please confirm my reservation for may 9th at 4pm,3,32,train what's a highly rated place for steak in omaha,3,41,train have an alarm set for three in the morning,7,92,train what is the surcharge for using my card in italy while i visit,2,30,train add american idiot by green day to my playlist,4,53,train remind me of the items on my list of things to remember,4,49,test what are the top 10 ways to build my credit score,2,19,val what company owns your code,9,121,train i must pay my cable bill,1,5,train play me the playlist entitled jazz,4,47,train i'm going to brazil soon and want to let my bank now,6,77,test are there any transaction fees associated with my navy federal card if i am in japan,2,30,train where would i find my w-2,8,117,val tell me something neat about slinkies,9,126,train how do i cash in my reward for chase,2,24,train could you tell me the limit on my chase credit card,2,25,val what is the time zone of china,6,81,val are the reviews for applebee's good,3,38,train i want the calorie content for a banana,3,35,train want to know the weather,7,91,test change the pin on my redwood credit union account to be 1234,1,3,train i want to know how many days off are listed on my time off sheet that i have taken this year,8,120,test what company's software engineers gave you life,9,121,train i need to know what it is that i wanted to remember before,4,49,train read me everything on my shopping list,4,54,train are you a live person or a computer,9,133,train do you know of any good mexican restaurants in seattle,3,41,train what year were you born,9,134,train how can i keep my windshield from fogging up in winter,0,0,oos_val refresh to factory defaults,10,149,train pull up traffic predictions at 4pm on the way to the library,5,65,train this charge is bs,1,15,test i'm afraid this charge on my account is fraud,1,15,train whats your take on the meaning of life,9,122,train how much ram does my computer have,0,0,oos_test immediately the credit card company must be told that i lost my card from them,2,20,train what is the present exchange rate between usd and british pound,6,82,test how long will i have to wait if i want to eat at panera,3,33,train i want to change the oil in my car,5,63,train i need someone to look at my car and tell me why the light is on,5,67,train i need to know when to change oil,5,62,val inform me of the routing number for my amerifirst account,1,2,train what is the calorie content in potatoes,3,35,test what percentage of gas do i have left,5,68,train will i require a plug converter when i visit kenya,6,76,test i need a pancake recipe,3,37,val does one need a visa to go there,6,80,val send a text for me,7,105,train can you get me a table for 6 at lawry's at 7:30pm,3,39,train what do you do in your spare time siri,9,125,val go my to checking account and switch my pin to 1234,1,3,test is grocery shopping on my reminders list,4,49,test let me know what tomorrow's date is,7,93,test who can i contact about why check engine light is on,5,67,train keep a note of how many miles you walk a day,0,0,oos_test what is 5 x 4,7,98,train what is the current time in mexico city,7,103,train i need to get an uber for three people to go to the zoo,5,64,train when will my panam flight be arriving,6,79,train what insurance plan am i enrolled in,8,109,test "hey, how are you",9,131,test i can't tell,10,150,train can you play elvis,4,47,train read me a definition for qat,7,99,train i'll need a rental car from 3/3 - 3/14 in vegas,6,90,train how do i share my location with kate and mike,7,95,test when did i get my last oil change,5,72,train what am i allowed to carry on for american airlines,6,89,train what is the minimum i can pay on my phone bill,1,8,test can you reserve a table for 6 at red robin under the name mavrick at 5 clock,3,39,test count down 10 minutes,7,96,train when must i get my tires changed,5,74,train what is the protocol for requesting a vacation,8,116,train "can you help me book a bmw suv for march 2 to 6th, dallas texas",6,90,train what can you do for me,9,135,test how do i update my pin number for my account,1,3,train i am out of ice cream so will you order me some more,4,57,train what's my insurance benefits like,8,109,train what year was jane austen born,0,0,oos_test in what timezone is atlanta located,6,81,val you can take dishes off my todo list,4,48,test can you freeze my bank account,1,1,test i need a hand getting this gas bill paid,1,5,test when is my car insurance due,1,4,train the place you were born is,9,128,test what is the name of this song that's on right now,4,46,test can you give me a chinese meal suggestion,3,40,val what food from italy do you suggest,3,40,train please slow down i can't understand you,10,136,train when must i change oil,5,62,train what's your nationality,9,128,train do i need to get any shots before volunteering in the congo,6,85,val how many carry ons can i take on a flight with american airlines to japan,6,89,test what is an ataraxy,7,99,train write the next chapter of my biography and let me know when you have finished it,0,0,oos_test where i can use credit card points,2,24,val what kind of plug does my hair dryer use in south korea,6,76,train "please increase the speed of your speech, it is too slow",10,136,train please tell me my current location,5,61,train do a hard reset to factory settings,10,149,train i need to know the conversion between tablespoons and teaspoons,7,100,train i need to see all visa purchases for march,1,14,train is doing my laundry already on my todo list,4,58,train not really,10,141,train during afternoon is there a meeting room to use,8,118,train i would like to check my rewards for my debit card,2,26,test how many dollars can i exchange for 200 pounds,6,82,train deposit ten bucks from my chase account to my ally account,1,10,train i spotted a fraudulent transaction from microsoft on my account,1,15,train change over to the female voice,10,144,val give me the timezone where vancouver is,6,81,val scan my photos and tell me which hair style is most suiting for my face,0,0,oos_test "instead of pepper, can i use salt",3,43,train what is the date,7,93,train is android better than iphone,0,0,oos_val do i have my nephew's birthday marked for november 10th,4,55,test how much have i spent on starbucks since the beginning of 2019,1,13,train do i have meetings with anyone today,8,110,val whats the fuel economy of this car,5,69,test i can't seem to find my phone,7,94,train that you so much for the help,9,130,val what is 20+ 5,7,98,train how much time did i take off so far,8,120,train can you find my credit limit on my mastercard,2,25,train what time is it in new york,7,103,train what are the cuban plugs like,6,76,val do you have the date,7,93,train "i would like to apply for a air canada card visa, can you help me",2,29,train what vaccinations should i get if i go to nigeria,6,85,train "i don't know why my check engine light is on, i need a mechanic",5,67,train at what time is laundry on my to do list,4,58,train is it safe to eat chicken that has been in the fridge since monday,3,31,train my chase card expires on what date,2,17,train please give me my gps coordinates,5,61,train how much is my car worth used,0,0,oos_test i need a really good recipe for making doughnuts,3,37,train hi! are you doing okay,9,131,train what time is my package getting here,4,52,test so what do you do at free time,9,125,train what amount will my state taxes be,8,112,train how much spending power is on my discover card,2,25,val how's highway traffic today,5,65,train i have to call the commander,7,97,train check today's calendar for meetings,8,110,test that's false,10,141,test pay my cable bill from my facebook account,1,5,train what time is it in the eastern timezone,7,103,test what is the colour of your pets,9,124,train what's your designation,9,127,train when should i change my tires,5,74,val help me find somewhere to schedule a check up on my car's tires,5,67,val how many points have i accumulated on my mastercard,2,26,train "the cars riding funny, does the tire pressure feel low to you",5,66,train goodbye to you,9,129,train where are most homeless people,0,0,oos_test can you tell me the timezone that hartford is in,6,81,train "from now on, i want you to answer me using japanese",10,142,train i need you to remind me to get something done,4,50,train bye bye!,9,129,train what's the reward point count on my discover card,2,26,train tell me some trivia about birds,9,126,train i want to know when is the next holiday,8,107,val i need to switch insurance plans,8,108,val how many miles can i drive before i need to change my oil,5,62,train i need to change the credit limit i have,2,22,test i am looking for my phone,7,94,train who has seen my cellphone,7,94,train how's life,9,131,train who were you created by,9,121,val tell me how much my verizon and comcast bill come to together,1,9,train inform me as to how much gas my car has,5,68,train oil changes are typical done when,5,62,train how long is the drive from sfo to fisherman's wharf,5,70,train can i substitute cream for milk,3,43,train what new credit card should i submit an application for,2,29,val what do my state taxes look like,8,112,test what is the correct spelling of the word: dessert,7,102,val tell me how much pto i've used,8,120,train what will the traffic be like if i headed out to work right now,5,65,val in what timezone is nigeria,6,81,train will you charge me if i use my card in japan,2,30,train what is the gas level in my gas tank,5,68,val is a bar close to my church,5,71,train what does my gas meter say,5,68,train schedule my meeting with jim at 3pm,8,118,val i have how many points on my amex right now,2,26,train add soda on my shopping list and remove carrots,4,59,train remove grocery shopping from todo list,4,48,test how much gas to i have left,5,68,train find me starbucks,5,71,train "um, i'm not actually sure",10,150,test how busy is imanas tei at 7 dinner,3,33,train can you read my gas level,5,68,train what's the way for delta to cancel a flight,0,0,oos_test could you call me a different name,10,147,test tell me the current balance of my bank accounts,1,12,test my check engine light is on and i need to take a look at it,5,67,train please flip a coin i hope its tails,7,101,train does my trip require vaccines,6,85,train i need to know the preparation time required for fried chicken,3,44,train what is my visa credit limit,2,25,test could steak be used instead of chicken,3,43,test i need a flight from denver international to new york for under 700 on the 3rd,6,87,val name unusual facts about the circus,9,126,test how can i unsync my phone,10,146,train when can i put a pto request in for feb 22 to march 1,8,116,train ai could you say that again,10,143,train how many calories are in spaghetti and meat sauce,3,35,train will you tell me the interest rate,1,7,train my car battery has died what should i do now,5,75,train i have a fraudulent buy from dave's video on my account,1,15,test does redrobin take reservations,3,45,train what time is boarding scheduled,6,79,test roll a 6 sided dice,7,104,val i want to call mark,7,97,val is my credit score high,2,28,train how much mpg does this car get on the highway,5,69,train what animals do you have,9,124,train show me what one should do to get ahead in a tech corporation,0,0,oos_test my response to that is yes,10,139,train tell me the minimum payment of my bill,1,8,train i am currently out of q tips and need more ordered right away,4,57,train does eating poop really help your gut fauna,0,0,oos_test why did my card not get accepted please,2,21,train "pull up my electric bill, i want to pay it",1,5,test are there any current travel alerts for brazil,6,84,val name some tourist things to do in seattle,6,83,train can you return to the factory fresh settings,10,149,test does ihop have a lot of business around 7 am,3,33,train "where did you come from, originally",9,128,train whats the amount of interest i'm paying on my mortgage,1,7,val show me all biographies on teddy kennedy,0,0,oos_test tell me where you were created,9,128,val are you working for someone else,9,123,train tell me if you are human,9,133,train how does a democracy work,0,0,oos_val how many pesos in one dollar us,6,82,train how can i change inches into meters,7,100,train what does life mean on a deeper level,9,122,train are there are any good places in washington that serve cheese pizza,3,41,test when's the next phone bill,1,4,train tell me the reviews for bjs,3,38,train i gotta know the meaning of life,9,122,train please give me a reminder,4,50,train what am i supposed to be doing today,4,55,train verify that my reservations at won wons for joe lee are good,3,32,train whats the quickest way to money from one account to another,1,10,train i need to send my location to my friend steve,7,95,val "play the song that goes like i like to move it, move it",4,47,val tell me when was car in shop,5,72,train please play music by acdc,4,47,test give recommendations for thai food,3,40,val play the song coming on next,4,56,train when should i change these tires,5,74,val how much is 10 us dollars in canadian dollars,6,82,train i need my earned income form for paying taxes,8,117,val what interest rate does my checking account come with,1,7,test what date is the next payday,8,111,val i need to report my stolen card,2,20,train hey there,9,131,test put in a pto request for march 4 to march 6,8,116,train "i can't remember when my car was last serviced, can you find out for me",5,72,train how much do you get when you roll an eight sided die,7,104,test define antebellum,7,99,test where can i find my w2 as i need it for tax reasons,8,117,train what interest rate am i getting,1,7,train play songs by the beatles,4,47,train can you tell me what the limit is on my capital one card,2,25,val how much is the current balance in my td bank savings account,1,12,train how long has it been since i last took my car to the shop,5,72,test can i get the routing number for my boa account,1,2,train i need to move my money,1,10,train i need to go to phoenix sky harbor airport using uber,5,64,train can you assist me with finding my phone,7,94,test please notify my bank that i need more checks,1,11,val do i need to pay any fee if i use my card in japan,2,30,train use your quiet voice,10,138,train can you trll me where to get my w2,8,117,test "you need to call the melt in lakewood for a table for at 2:00, monday, the first week in march",3,39,train can we move onto the next song,4,56,test how long can i keep bison in the freezer for before it spoils,3,31,val i would like to call you andre 3000,10,148,train i want to edit the language,10,142,train could you put broken by evanescense to my playlist,4,53,train what does deceive mean,7,99,train what is the name of the song playing right now,4,46,val does ruth chris in charlotte allow you to make a reservation,3,45,val what alerts are listed for traveling to paris,6,84,train how much do i pay in my taxes,8,112,train timer 10 minutes,7,96,train rent the tuxedo the day before,0,0,oos_test how many times can 3 be divided into 1253,7,98,test i need a recipe for chili,3,37,test can you give the nutritional information for the pasta,3,36,train help with credit card points,2,24,val how can i create a meeting,8,118,train is it true a hard pull hurts my credit score,2,19,train i'm looking for a meal that's from the asian cuisine,3,40,test how many mpg does this car get in the city,5,69,test i want you to stop your present action,10,145,train absolutely not,10,141,val how do i get to the train station by bus,5,71,val has my application for my visa card gone through,2,27,test flip a normal coin,7,101,val i am hoping to apply for an amex card,2,29,train how much pto do i have,8,115,train can you check to see how busy that restaurant is for dinner,3,33,train i'm out of razors so will you order me some more,4,57,train how low can we get my phone bill,1,8,train i'd like to know how old you are,9,134,train there's fraudulent transaction going on,1,15,train will you add a reminder for me,4,50,train please speak german to me from now on,10,142,train did i set a day on my calendar for voting in the next election,4,55,test tell me where to send my resume in order to get a job at delta airlines,0,0,oos_test is there a travel alert for scotland,6,84,train what can i use as a substitute for yeast,3,43,train can you tell me the weather forecast,7,91,test is there a conversion plug if you travel to australia,6,76,train are there any new travel warnings for the us,6,84,train dont allow any action on my account,1,1,train can you set alarm for me,7,92,train my tires should be changed when,5,74,test "what is the apr on my amex card, please",2,23,train when will i know if my visa card application was approved,2,27,test can you flip a coin once,7,101,train i need to know whether you are a human or are a computer,9,133,test "i am making broccoli cheddar soup, what ingredients do i need",3,34,train alert my bank of my travel to dubai for the dates april 14th through april 22nd,6,77,test how low is the pressure in my tires,5,66,train is it safe for me to visit malawi,6,84,test the steak must go under the broiler for how long,3,44,train what is harry's real name,0,0,oos_test what is the most fun fact you know about the film industry,9,126,train what have i got on my to-do list,4,58,train are the chili's reviews any good,3,38,train how much are the taxes on my income,8,112,test "hey, i just put in my order and i was wondering what the status of it",4,52,train i want to know what song is playing,4,46,train can you please slow down,10,136,train can you explain to me why my bank account might be frozen,1,6,train help needed to jump start my car,5,75,train add staff meeting to my calendar for march 1 at 10:00 in the morning,4,51,train when is visa due,1,4,train i want to report fraudulent activity on my navy federal card,1,15,test randomly pick between heads or tails and tell me if tails wins,7,101,train i want to hear a fun fact about american presidents,9,126,train what's the french word you use for potato,6,78,test did i put an item on the calendar to get the dog neutered,4,55,train what is the date of today,7,93,train what's your home town,9,128,val what decent restaurants around here are italian,3,41,train have i been spending a lot on groceries lately,1,13,train add laundry detergent to the list,4,59,test what's restricted in my carry-on with united,6,89,train it seems that my account is blocked and i'm not sure why,1,6,val do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in ohio,6,76,train please lookup the minimum i need to pay on my credit card,1,8,train "if i replaced my tires on christmas eve, when will i need to replace them again",5,74,train can i use butter instead of margarine,3,43,test how long since my oil had a refresh,5,72,val what is the status of my credit card application,2,27,train what things do you enjoy doing,9,125,train you can refer to me as frank,10,147,train can i increase the credit limit on my visa card,2,22,test what is life all about,9,122,train i have to transfer ten dollars from my bank of america account to my capital one account,1,10,train what is delta's carry on policy,6,89,train get me instruction to change oil,5,63,train is rice bad after 3 days in fridge,3,31,val did my order get here yet,4,52,val can you tell me what the meaning of life is,9,122,test what does ajar mean,7,99,train how many days do i have to wait for my card,2,16,train i need to pay my cable bill from my checking account,1,5,train what is on my to do list,4,49,val i need you to push my location to cory,7,95,train i want the male voice,10,144,test show me a well reviewed hotel in evans,6,88,train what's the first thing you should do to wash your car,0,0,oos_test i would love it if you could put a stop on my bank account,1,1,train when was my last payday,8,111,train i need to delete an event from my calendar,4,51,train i need 200 dollars transferred from my long island savings account to my chase checking,1,10,val i want to find new cyberpunk fiction books,0,0,oos_test "are there any interesting things to do in atlanta, georgia",6,83,train i'm going out of the country and need to notify my bank,6,77,train what's a fun fact relating to elephants,9,126,train is this a bot,9,133,test does my shopping list include apples right now,4,54,train is it ok to substitute spinach for lettuce,3,43,train create an alarm for 6am,7,92,train how do i cash in credit card points,2,24,val tell me when my visa card will have expired,2,17,train is it healthy to eat pizza,3,36,train how much is due for my water bill,1,9,test can you tell me how busy chipotle will be at nine tonight,3,33,train confirm my johnny rockets reservation for this evening,3,32,val what's the next holiday,8,107,train "no, that's wrong",10,141,val please tell me my in-person transactions for the last three days using my debit card,1,14,train help me pick a new location to travel to,6,83,test "the song that goes, ""starships were meant to fly"", play it",4,47,test do i need a vaccine for the congo,6,85,test how much as my taxes by the way,8,112,train i need to place an order of checks for my bank of america checking account,1,11,train how many culver's take reservations,3,45,train i require a car maintenance,5,67,train could you start a timer for me,7,96,train how much do i owe for state taxes,8,112,train what steps should be taken to jump start a car,5,75,test is it possible to survive in a black hole,0,0,oos_val how many miles away am i from madison square garden,5,70,val "can i raise my credit limit to $12,000",2,22,train assistance in rolling over my 401k,8,114,val please help me in finding my phone,7,94,val "i need to get a flight out of my local airport to england on monday, the 23rd for under a grand",6,87,train can you help me rent a car in las vegas,6,90,val revert to original settings,10,149,test my electric bill should be paid today,1,5,test i need help finding the apr on my aspire loan,1,7,train i have no idea where my luggage went!,6,86,test please put africa by toto on my playlist,4,53,train where can i find wells fargo's routing number,1,2,test what is the date of tomorrow,7,93,test can you tell me when my tires should get changed,5,74,train can you change how fast you're talking to speak more slowly,10,136,train did i include cleaning the hamster cage on my list of reminders,4,49,train are you okay right now,9,131,train let me know how many vacation have i utilized,8,120,val i need to know how long it will take me to get to the bank,5,70,val what you age on your last birthday,9,134,val am i going to need vaccines for the trip,6,85,train what is the lowest amount i can pay for my medical bill,1,8,test can you tell me what the best places are to look for a job online,0,0,oos_test i would like to know the next holiday,8,107,test please tell me my pin number for my synovus account,1,3,train i seem to have a purchase that i didn't make from olive garden on my account,1,15,test there has been unauthorized use of my visa,1,15,test a large french fry has how many calories,3,35,train why is my account blocked,1,6,train when am i due for an oil change,5,62,train "find all the ""a""s in happiness",7,102,train i'd like to hear a joke,9,132,train how many tablespoons is 5 teaspoons,7,100,val when ought i get my tires changed next,5,74,train how much money have i spent this month,1,13,train how long until my visa expires,2,17,train i'm looking for a flight from billings to cleveland on may 2 and a return on may 9,6,87,test what's a big bowl of ice cream contain in calories,3,35,train remove meeting with carla from the calendar,4,51,train please look into the current wait times at chili's right now,3,33,train what does alternative mean,7,99,train have my tires got adequate amounts of air in them,5,66,train insert mowing on the chore list,4,48,test where are my rewards for my chase card,2,26,train will this recipe still be good if i use milk instead of eggs,3,43,test how much can i expect to receive if i trade in 6 yens,6,82,train does my western union card have international transaction fees,2,30,val what was the date of my last auto appointment,5,72,train i need a list of vaccinations for a trip to paris,6,85,train change the native language,10,142,train please change your accent to a british male,10,144,train how much do i have to pay on my bills,1,9,train can i call you something else,10,148,train please revert all settings to factory default,10,149,train tell me when the milk will expire,3,31,train how far can i go on one tank of gas,5,69,train can you reserve a hotel for myself a hotel in afghanistan at the zoo for the 10th to the 15th,6,88,val cleaning needs to be on my to do list,4,48,train what's the current song that we are listening at this time,4,46,train what methods can i use to improve my credit score,2,19,train how do i do a 401k rollover when switching to a new job,8,114,val go to whisper mode until this movie is over,10,138,test do i need to change any of my tires,5,74,train are there any fees for using my amex in england,2,30,train do you have access to my phone,10,146,train locate someone to look at my car because my check engine light is on,5,67,train i will need a rental car since i'm going to travel to new york,6,90,train has my ordered arrived,4,52,train i need the details on my federal taxes,8,112,train tell me how old you are,9,134,train what's the fuel economy for this car downtown,5,69,train does canada require a visa,6,80,val tell me something cool about elephants,9,126,train i need to know what i have spent on food recently,1,13,train submit payment to duke energy for my electric bill,1,5,val did i remember to add milk to my shopping list,4,54,val tell me what my calendar looks like for march 12th,4,55,train does bellagio allow you to do reservations,3,45,val is traveling to dublin safe (will dublin be safe),6,84,train can you pull up my most recent transactions,1,14,train "that was a mistake, undo that",10,145,test thanks,9,130,train what is the process to move money from one account to another,1,10,train "my vacation, has it been approved yet",8,106,train can you slow down the speed in which you speak,10,136,train schedule a time to get my oil changed,5,67,train is there a way to change your houses address,0,0,oos_test how busy is the cafe at 7:00,3,33,test call bob for me,7,97,train what were you just saying,10,143,test what was the problem with my card yesterday,2,21,train can you inform if boston restaurant has good reviews,3,38,val should i get a travel visa for spain,6,80,train "can i carry on a garment bag, a small travel bag, and a back pack on my trip with american airlines",6,89,train any recommendations for a greek dinner,3,40,val can i use margarine instead of butter,3,43,train i need ten dollars sent from b of a to washington mutual,1,10,train i need you to look up the date of my car's last visit to the shop,5,72,train help find my phone,7,94,train change back to your initial settings please,10,149,train stop it now!,10,145,test does applebees have good reviews,3,38,test this costco charge looks fraudulent,1,15,train what is the time in the usa,7,103,test what time is it in daniel boone national forest timezone,7,103,train i need help figuring out where my phone is,7,94,train when can i expect my new card,2,16,train i can't use my card because it’s messed up,2,18,test add cherrios to the shopping list,4,59,train is there a fee associated with use of my card in burkina faso,2,30,train can you tell me the tire pressure in my car,5,66,train has my vacation time been approved,8,106,test tell me the last time i had my car checked out at sam's repair shop,5,72,train is there a carry on weight limit,6,89,train set a timer for 15 minutes,7,96,train what is available on the shopping list,4,54,train at free time what do you do,9,125,train which way do you have my name saved,10,137,val find out what my water bill costs please,1,9,train my list of reminders is what,4,49,train please help me find my lost phone,7,94,val do i need to get shots before i go to kenya,6,85,train give my location to bill and craig,7,95,train what is the most rented movie this week,0,0,oos_test i need you to cancel my reservation for smith's at 6:15,3,42,train put words on the paper about what you want,0,0,oos_test "hey, i need to make a reservation for three at umi, six pm on february 30th",3,39,train did i go out to eat more than usual,1,13,train what kinds of things are you into,9,125,train create a new reminder to study for my final exams,4,50,test "on a flight with allegiant to orlando, how many carry ons can i take",6,89,train "i'm heading to israel soon, do i need a visa",6,80,train for flight dl123 what's the status,6,79,val "is bacon on my shopping list, add if it's not",4,59,train which shots do i need before i go to thailand,6,85,train how high is my credit limit for my american express card,2,25,train what are the nutrition facts for a medium popcorn at the movies,3,36,train i ran my credit card over with the lawn mower and need to replace it,2,18,train i'd like you to talk faster,10,136,train how is your day,9,131,train "order the new book titled ""ghost work""",0,0,oos_test show me what's on the shopping list,4,54,train "on my citi card, the one that ends 1234, what's the apr",2,23,val were you made here,9,128,val please submit an order for new checks on my pnc money market account,1,11,train is mr joes pizza available for a seating,3,33,test "about something,tell me some trivia",9,126,train could pizza be healthy,3,36,train i agree with the truth of what you just said,10,139,train when is the next day off,8,107,train chase account direct deposit options,8,119,test can you tell me the reminders i have set up,4,49,train do you know the nutrition facts for grapes,3,36,train i'd like to increase my credit spending limit to 500 dollars,2,22,train what am i known as to you,10,137,train what's the reason for a hold on my wells fargo account,1,6,train who built you,9,121,train how many meters are in 10 millimeters,7,100,train is milk an ok substitute for cream,3,43,train i do not know where i am,5,61,train i need to know if you are a bot,9,133,train when is my car due for its next oil change,5,62,test how do i schedule vacation days,8,116,train you need to change your language setting to russian please,10,142,val give me information on my health plan,8,109,train i need sal to be texted and say i'll be there,7,105,train how do i get to the nearest post office,5,71,train go back to the original settings now,10,149,train book a reservation for 2 at olive garden under the name jim,3,39,train please tell me why did my card not get accepted,2,21,train do not complete the task that i gave you,10,145,train i don't know how to spell apparently,7,102,train please tell me my credit rating,2,28,train how do i see my credit score,2,28,train i am going out of country and my bank needs to be notified,6,77,train would it be safe to go to columbia,6,84,train what amount of calories are in one muffin,3,35,train we need an uber pool for 2 passengers going to the greenboro airport,5,64,train what is the expiration date of my milk,3,31,val stop talking please,10,145,train "correct, that's true",10,139,train when's the next mardi gras going to be,0,0,oos_test is the traffic bad on the way to work,5,65,train i want to report fraudulent activity on my amex card,1,15,train what does my running list of stuff to do list,4,49,val where else do you work,9,123,train i need to know all the recent transactions i've made,1,14,train i need you to roll dice now,7,104,train where were you before,9,128,test make a list of goals i need to meet in order to write a book,0,0,oos_test how do i transport my 401k,8,114,train whats the update on flight dl123,6,79,train please assist me in figuring out how to handle a dead car battery,5,75,train please check the status of my mastercard application,2,27,train what time is it getting to be,7,103,train could you set the alarm,7,92,test what's the time in anchorage timezone,7,103,train how much have i spent on eating out recently,1,13,val can you please let me know the status of my capital one application,2,27,test how expensive is my internet,1,9,test add clean bathroom to my to do list,4,48,train "it's been 3 years since i changed my oil, how long until i have to deal with it",5,62,train look up which animal is represented in this year's chinese new year,0,0,oos_test make an appointment to check my tires,5,67,train would you give me available flights out of dallas to miami on june 8 for under $340,6,87,train let me know about the status of my credit card application,2,27,test can i get a jeep to rent in bangor from the first of the month to a week after the first,6,90,train please connect with my phone,10,146,train do you know how to change car oil,5,63,train tell me what meal to eat from texas,3,40,test can you roll a dice,7,104,train when will we begin to board my scheduled flight,6,79,train what is the calorie content in spaghetti,3,35,test what kind of gas does your car use,5,73,test what do i owe on telephone and cable bill,1,9,val tell me a good joke,9,132,test will pepper work instead of salt,3,43,val what animals have alpha males,0,0,oos_train what is the time is central time zone,7,103,test help me find where i am,5,61,train give arianna my current location,7,95,val can you show me where i am on a map,5,61,train text christy and ask her what she wants for dinner,7,105,train i need a recipe for chicken cordon bleu,3,37,val do you my name,10,137,train i really would like to add hey jude by the beatles to my playlist,4,53,train will you flip a coin,7,101,train who do you call your boss,9,123,train "if i have four inches, how many centimeters is that",7,100,train when did my oil last get changed,5,72,train report the card has been torn,2,18,train i need to know how to report fraud on my discover card,1,15,train "if i ate a cookie, how many calories would i be ingesting",3,35,train when will my next paycheck be coming,8,111,test time taken from home to doctors office,5,70,train can you talk to me in french,10,142,train "you can remove the dinner party from my calendar for january 21, 2019",4,51,val i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at macaroni grill for silva,3,32,train i want to listen to music by the beatles,4,47,train what is my dte bill this month,1,9,train disconnect from phone,10,146,val what did i put on my shopping list,4,54,train how can i build credit,2,19,train please find me some good thai restaurants in new york city,3,41,train use your whisper voice,10,138,val restart your actions with the original settings you came with,10,149,test book me a flight from o'hare to las vegas on deltacom,6,87,train what are the steps to set up direct deposit to my chase account,8,119,train tell me how health chocolate is,3,36,val do i have enough vacation to take a european trip,8,115,train set an alarm for 5 pm,7,92,train when does my milk expire,3,31,val inform me as to the plug type of the country,6,76,train i want to cook a lasagna please tell me how long it will take,3,44,test i think there's a fraudulent transaction on my account,1,15,train find out how long a cold should last before i call a doctor,0,0,oos_test can you share my location with roger,7,95,val give jim my gps location,7,95,train what reservations are available for 3 people at the xenophobe,3,39,val book a flight from philadelphia to atlanta on june 5th and returning on june 8th,6,87,val i'd like a reservation for 2 at olive garden for 5 pm today,3,39,train how many inches are in 36 feet,7,100,test is my tire pressure okay on my car,5,66,val decrease the speed of your speech please,10,136,train can someone take a look at my car because the check engine light is on,5,67,test how long should i cook the ham for,3,44,train tell me how to utilize my card points,2,24,train how old were you on your last birthday,9,134,test let me pick your brain what do you think we should do for dinner tonight,3,40,train how much pto have i accrued,8,115,train how long can i keep macaroni in the fridge before it spoils,3,31,train i would you like to learn something interesting about bees,9,126,test "would you find my location on the map, please",5,61,train what are the nutrition facts for a rodeo cheese burger at burger king,3,36,train whats the status of my united flight,6,79,train i need to know how much of my pto has been used at this point,8,120,train when is the next day i have off,8,107,train play the next song on this list,4,56,train what is my current location that you see right now,5,61,train yeap,10,139,train how long has it been since my car was looked at,5,72,train what do i have going on between 9 and 10,8,110,train where is the nearest gas station,5,71,val what is status of my bank account,1,12,train please turn my account to frozen,1,1,train add funds to the retirement account from the pnc account only,1,10,test dog in spanish,6,78,test did i had my wife and mine anniversary to my calendar,4,55,train are you my employee,9,123,train give me the results of a coin flip,7,101,test what ingredients do i need to make pizza,3,34,train how long do i have before frozen chicken will go bad,3,31,train do i have any pto days left,8,115,train how much should my income be for the month,8,113,train where can i find bluetooth speakers,4,57,test do i have any vacation days left,8,115,train please only call me joe,10,147,train where were you put together,9,128,test is traffic bad on my way to the next mcdonalds,5,65,train can you tell me life's meaning,9,122,train "find a chow mein recipe for me, please",3,37,train what amount do my state taxes look like,8,112,train what about my vacation request,8,106,train fetch the song smells like teen spirit and play it,4,47,val if i need more checkbooks maild to me what should i do,1,11,train can you tell me where flight dl123 is,6,79,train please double check my reservations for six at mani,3,32,val tell me the meaning of life,9,122,val use the word ataraxy in a sentence,7,99,train when was albert einstein born,0,0,oos_test do you remember when i last got my car looked at,5,72,val can you tell me my current bank accounts balance,1,12,train what should you do if your laundry machine is making a high pitched whine,0,0,oos_test what time is it in california,7,103,test are you involved in hobbies,9,125,val whats the number of pto days i have to my availability,8,115,val what's my income before taxes,8,113,val would it be possible for you to mail me new checkbooks,1,11,train what's the cost of buying a sump pump,0,0,oos_test send fraudulent activity information,1,15,train are carrots added to the grocery list,4,54,test "address me as ""bailey",10,147,test add apples to my to do shopping list,4,59,train give me my income,8,113,train my name's bob,10,147,train can i have your name please,9,127,train how come starbucks declined my card when i tried to use it to pay,2,21,train how do i get to the library by foot,5,71,val i'm waiting for my luggage in the airport now but it's been a while and it's still not arrived,6,86,train go to the next song now,4,56,train set a timer for two hours,7,96,train "going to work, will there be traffic",5,65,test what articles are written at the cnn site about the women's march,0,0,oos_test what are all of the ingredients for brownies from scratch,3,34,train please turn on whisper voice,10,138,train tell me what the weather is like,7,91,train cancel my reservation for me,3,42,train how can i make a vacation request,8,116,train does going to taiwan require me to get an international visa,6,80,val can you make a phone call to mark,7,97,train what does the plus sign mean on my dashboard,0,0,oos_test read my friend's text message,0,0,oos_test lets go with heads or tails,7,101,train is there a travel alert for canada,6,84,train when will my credit card no longer be good,2,17,test flip a fair coin i win if it's tails,7,101,train "my check engine light has switched on, schedule someone to inspect it",5,67,train i want to reserve an uber to go to the airport,5,64,train help me change my account,10,144,val what's the funniest thing you've got,9,132,val what do i need to make pasta,3,34,test what does unsavory mean,7,99,val what's the funniest thing you know about artificial intelligence,9,132,train which days did i take off work,8,120,train can you please confirm that i have a 6:00 pm table reserved under michelle solomon at devon's,3,32,train quiet now,10,145,train can you give me a vietnamese dinner suggestion,3,40,train do you have many kinds of pets at your house,9,124,train "could i get some more checkbooks sent to me, please",1,11,test see ya!,9,129,val please let my mom and dad know my location,7,95,train what time did i put in my first load of laundry,0,0,oos_test how much of my time off have i used,8,120,train i need to know today's date please,7,93,train can you say what you just said again,10,143,train when is the electric bill due,1,4,val what is the way to jump start the car,5,75,train what day of the month do i have to pay my mortgage,1,4,test i need to change language to spanish,10,142,train start whisper mode,10,138,test i'd like to buy some cooking pans,4,57,train what's the mpg of this car,5,69,train what can i do to keep my score from dropping,2,19,train can i use pasta sauce instead of tomato paste,3,43,test roll an eight sided die,7,104,train time to get replacement credit card for stolen one,2,16,train i need to make a reservation for 8 pm at red robin for 3,3,39,train how much gas do i have here,5,68,test when do i have to pay my internet bill by,1,4,train what is the name of the place you work at,9,123,test can you describe my list back to me,4,49,train can you you confirm my reservation for jean at taco house,3,32,train can you tell me how many points i have on my kohls card,2,26,train what is the news on my vacation request,8,106,train what name should i use to call for you,9,127,train i need you to increase your volume,10,140,train can you check what fuel type to use with this car,5,73,train thank ya!,9,130,train i would like to know what hobbies you enjoy,9,125,train do you know the song on the speaker right now,4,46,val please put a block on my wells fargo account,1,1,train is the level of fuel in my car enough to get me to work,5,68,train check my calendar for 30th birthday party,4,55,train did the supreme court nominee get approvedu,0,0,oos_test what topics are you versed in,9,135,train how much do you think my rent and electric bills are,1,9,test start my vehicle,4,60,train what's the least i can pay on the medical payments for february,1,8,train help with credit card application status,2,27,train bananas expire in how long,3,31,train "my phone is lost, can you help with that",7,94,train undo my reservation for 5 at the loft,3,42,val can i substitute yogurt for sour cream,3,43,train is cleaning the garage on my to do list,4,58,val "yes, that happens to be correct",10,139,test which subjects can you tell me about,9,135,val how old is the ai,9,134,train no!,10,141,train tell me how many days off i have taken so far,8,120,test how many planets have we discovered,0,0,oos_train is regular gas ok or does this car need something else,5,73,train do you know what things i wanted to remember,4,49,train can you text dave and tell him i like his paper,7,105,test how's ife treating you,9,131,train "that'll work, good job!",9,130,train will i need a socket converter when i go to france,6,76,train can you tell me the meaning of life,9,122,train what would tomorrow's date be,7,93,train what's the current apr on my credit card,2,23,test show me all video games purchased,1,14,val what's my pnc balance,1,12,val tell me a funny joke about men,9,132,val can you tell me what caused my card to get declined at starbucks this morning,2,21,train please send my location to rob and mary,7,95,test create alarm 6am,7,92,train what is the caloric total in these muffins,3,35,train how good are the ratings for chic-fil-a,3,38,train how to solve this math problem,7,98,train because of circumstances i don't need my reservation anymore,3,42,train i am not sure how to spell the word liaison,7,102,test what's my current checking balance,1,12,train how do i locate my routing number for tax reasons,1,2,train blank out my todo list,4,48,train am i allowed to put in a pto request for now to april,8,116,train are your real or artificial,9,133,train return to factory default,10,149,train "my luggage is nowhere in sight, it might be lost",6,86,train that is accurate,10,139,train get rid of my reservation at chez francois for jennifer,3,42,train how young are you,9,134,test your answer was good,9,130,train that's definitely true,10,139,val either one would work,10,150,train help me change my insurance,8,108,train tell me whats on my shopping list,4,54,train feel free to call me jim,10,147,train x is waiting for me to call,7,97,train keep volume at 4 all the time,10,140,test how many centimeters are in 5 yards,7,100,train could you book me a hotel in tampa from may 2 to may 4,6,88,val how do i make lassagna,3,37,train why are the funds in my bank account frozen,1,6,train give me my to-do list,4,58,test what does yolo mean,7,99,test what ingredients are in dough,3,34,train how long does oil last in a car,5,62,train what would you like to refer to me as,10,137,train what do you enjoy doing in your leisure time,9,125,train does mcdonald's have good reviews,3,38,val what is the ingredient list for an omelette,3,34,train how do you know if your oil needs changed,5,62,val i want to hear that again,10,143,val what transactions do i have on my visa from the last 4 weeks,1,14,val "around nine, is ambrosio busy",3,33,train reverse a table for 5 at burger king under the name sara at 6,3,39,test what stores are at my local mall,0,0,oos_test how can i contribute to my credit score,2,19,test i want you to talk more slowly,10,136,train what's the traffic at lexington,5,65,train i want a good recipe that shows me how to bake chocolate chip cookies from scratch,3,37,train i'd like to have my paycheck direct deposited to my chase account,8,119,train where do you hale from,9,128,val help me build my credit score by showing me some ways on how to,2,19,train list my todo list items,4,58,test will qdoba take reservations,3,45,train do ai have hobbies and if so what are yours,9,125,train will this car run on the cheaper gas,5,73,train how do i submit an application for a discover card,2,29,test figure out why there is a block on my account please,1,6,train i would like you to share with me the nutrition info for chicken nuggets,3,36,train what is the status of my pto,8,120,train "my card is stolen, i need to report it",2,20,train how much did i spend on movies last week,1,13,train where can i see my credit score,2,28,train do you have a boss,9,123,train set an alarm for my meeting and another for my phone call,7,92,train "i'm going to canada soon, do i need a visa",6,80,train let me know if grub burger takes reservations,3,45,val request pto from march 8th until march 11th,8,116,train where do i find my routing number for my pnc account,1,2,val have you been good,9,131,train i need to pair this with my phone,10,146,train where are your roots,9,128,train find directions to the sunshine car wash from my house,0,0,oos_test cats or dogs are your preference,9,124,test "so, does it take long to get to dodger stadium in anaheim",5,70,test can i use my points to pay my credit card,2,24,test would you let me know today's date,7,93,val how tasty is the pizza here,3,40,train what is 592 minus 124,7,98,test what do you put in avocado dip,3,34,train i want an uber to take me to walmart,5,64,test that is untrue,10,141,train what gas should i fill it up with,5,73,train tell me how many vacation days i have,8,115,train what would you say my gas and phone bills are at,1,9,test "i'd like to change the pin on my savings account, please",1,3,train ist all carry-on restrictions applicable to my flight,6,89,test whats the expiration date on my credit card,2,17,train you're right,10,139,test what is the minimum i can pay on my water bill,1,8,test do i have enough gas to take me home,5,68,val can you tell me when my cable bill is due,1,4,test how long will it take the bus to get to stop 23,5,70,train please let's speak in spanish,10,142,test will i be able to increase my credit limit to $1000,2,22,train look up the date of my car's most recent visit to the shop,5,72,train how long to get to the airport in la,5,70,train "no, that is inaccurate",10,141,train talk faster than that,10,136,val what is the most amount of time that is considered safe to store uncooked chicken in the fridge,3,31,test what day of the month is it,7,93,train i recently got a new job and need assistance with my 401k rollover,8,114,train i want to call robby,7,97,train find a mechanic to look at my check engine light,5,67,train what is there to do besides drink in germany,6,83,train "i got my new tires a month ago, when should i replace them",5,74,train what gas does this car need,5,73,train my car is dead can you tell me how to jump start it,5,75,train hi how are you,9,131,train let me know the wait on a replacement credit card,2,16,test remind me to take the chicken out in a hour,4,50,train talk faster,10,136,test are there any transaction fee if i use my boston private card in scotland,2,30,train when is boarding scheduled for my flight,6,79,test can people safely travel to cambodia,6,84,test i need a vegi lasagna recipe,3,37,train "at ac, what's the temperature like",4,60,test "there's something fishy on my card, report it",1,15,val what day did i change my oil,5,72,train i need to find a rental car since i'm travelling to new york tomorrow,6,90,train what is your point of origin,9,128,train can you list each item on my reminder list,4,49,train tell the bank i will be traveling internationally soon,6,77,train i need to know what the most recent update is on the status of my online purchase,4,52,train if i win 200000 how do i split it 7 ways,7,98,train for what time is my meeting with marketing scheduled,8,110,test what does my credit card charge for their annual percentage rate,2,23,val i need to throw some money into that other account,1,10,train when will my milk be no good,3,31,train what's the definition of nuclear engineering,0,0,oos_val please change your accent the male british one,10,144,train i need to text joe,7,105,val i need to know how to spell conscience,7,102,train how many hits have i done today,0,0,oos_test can you spell the word umbrella for me,7,102,val how are you named,9,127,train what's my savings account interest,1,7,test what firm do you work for,9,123,test "connect this song to my playlist ""kids",4,53,train what's the best way to make chicken stir fry,3,37,train please let's do it,10,139,test negate last command,10,145,train "you're speaking too fast, slow down",10,136,train my list of reminders contains what,4,49,test using this map i'd like to see my exact whereabouts,5,61,train can you please tell me what is on my to-do list,4,58,train where do i get the tax form that i have to report to the irs,8,117,train look up the amount of pto i have already used,8,120,train any travel alerts for south korea,6,84,train what shall i do now that my battery is dead,5,75,test can you please convert $30 usd to canadian dollars,6,82,test i am flying to finland and wanna know the carry-on rules,6,89,test where should i look for when my gas bill is due,1,4,train do you currently have any pets,9,124,test what is the song on speaker,4,46,train "change language to french, please",10,142,train i want to report a damaged card that my cat shredded with its claws,2,18,test how would i say i love you if i were german,6,78,test tell me what the word arboreal means,7,99,train are you working for another person or entity,9,123,train tell me my current location,5,61,train whats the minimum payment on my electric bill,1,8,val "i need to report a stolen card, please",2,20,train amazon visa card is stolen,2,20,val how long can i leave tuna casserole in the fridge,3,31,train how can i show noel where i am right now,7,95,train what do i want to remember,4,49,train how long's it been since my car was at autozone,5,72,train create an alarm for 9 am and another one for 11 am,7,92,train what time will my flight reach the destination,6,79,train how much pressure is in my tires,5,66,train when will my card replacement arrive,2,16,train i need to change my username,10,147,train can you tell me what kind of gas your car uses,5,73,test can you find out what triggered a hold on my bank account,1,6,train "ai, refer to me as deb when answering me",10,147,test when was the last time i took my car in,5,72,val can i swap yogurt for sour cream,3,43,train what is the routing number of cadence,1,2,train clear my calendar for november 11th,4,51,test were you born in a hospital,9,128,train is it dangerous to travel to mexico,6,84,train i need your help to pay my gas bill,1,5,train "go to my job portal, i'd like to know how many days off i have used",8,120,train can you get paired to my phone right away,10,146,test share my gps with tom,7,95,val lower volume level,10,140,train what is the highway mpg on this car like,5,69,test what's my gas mileage like,5,69,train get rid of my 2 pm reservation at ruth's steakhouse,3,42,train "what sort of person are you, a cat or dog person",9,124,train stop all payments to my bank account,1,1,train i want a hotel booked in salem near the concert hall from the first to the second,6,88,train how does the etheric body operate,0,0,oos_test i wanna know five dollars in yen and rubles,6,82,train tiger,0,0,oos_test do i need a states visa to get to cuba,6,80,test my card is coming by mail how long will that take,2,16,train let's take a look at the weather,7,91,test does bill gates still have any material participation in the running of microsoft,0,0,oos_test what is the minimum payment for my credit card bill,1,8,train do me a favor and put sharpies on my list for shopping,4,59,train what's the max time i can leave a green pepper in the fridge,3,31,train i need to get a flight out of denver to houston on friday for under $250,6,87,train what is on my schedule for tomorrow,4,55,train what amount of interest does my checking account at chase earn,1,7,test what are my coordinates,5,61,val create a new text message,7,105,train can you please add hero by skillet to my playlist,4,53,train i want to know whether or not you are a pet owner,9,124,train how do i order checks for my savings account,1,11,train what type of plug does the country use,6,76,train what is the current exchange rate of yen to lira,6,82,train i want to know what type of things you can help me with,9,135,test what's the news with my delta flight,6,79,test tell me how many much fat is in the hamburger,3,36,val schedule me an appointment to get my tires checked out,5,67,val please tell me the status of my last online order from walmart,4,52,train i'm out of milk so you will order me some more,4,57,test my discover card has been stolen,2,20,train can you text mary and tell them it's ready,7,105,train "if i want to redeem miles from my delta skymiles card, how do i do that",2,24,train "i enjoyed our talk, bye",9,129,val do you mind if i ask how old you are,9,134,test thanks for the reply,9,130,test erase my to do list,4,48,val give me an exact date of when i took my car to the mechanic,5,72,test i want to know how many vacation days i can use,8,115,train how long has it been since i was paid,8,111,val say my name in a sentence,10,137,val what subjects do you know about,9,135,train tell me why was my card declined at the zoo,2,21,train i'm not sure how to set up direct deposit,8,119,test bring up any mettings for today,8,110,train i want to see the golden gate bridge and i'm walking on 5th street right now,5,71,train can you give me the gps location of harvey,0,0,oos_test can i get reservations at applebees,3,45,test how far along is my purchase,4,52,val can you help me find my credit score,2,28,train what is the total amount of gas in my car,5,68,train i want to know your name,9,127,train tell me something funny about animals,9,132,train create a new timer,7,96,val locate my phone please,7,94,train find me the number for jet blue's customer service so i can yell at someone about my missing luggage,6,86,train can you tell me which vaccines i need to take before mexico,6,85,train my card is lost what do i do,2,20,train how much funds do i have in my bank accounts,1,12,train how do i get a w2 form and from where,8,117,train did you hear back about my day off request,8,106,train can put fan on,4,60,train what's the expected time to have a stolen credit card replaced,2,16,train how many calories can i expect to be in fries,3,35,test i wanna disconnect from my phone,10,146,train what is the current weather like,7,91,test which kinds of info are you familiar with,9,135,val i would like to change your language from portuguese to italian,10,142,train i need to get direct deposit on my bofa account,8,119,train please tell my bank i'm traveling to mexico between next wednesday for a week after,6,77,test what timezone is miami in,6,81,train "siri, place my amazon order",4,57,test how long does it take to call an ambulance,0,0,oos_test please make a reservation at ruth's steaks for a party of five at 7:00 pm under jack arnold,3,39,train what is the name of the song that's playing on the radio right now,4,46,train how many players are on the chicago bulls,0,0,oos_train turn the radio on for some music,4,47,train am i going to need a visa for traveling to canada,6,80,val "i don't need my reservation, cancel it",3,42,train create emergency phone numbers list,0,0,oos_test what is chase bank's routing number,1,2,test where can i look up x's routing number,1,2,train revert to factory settings,10,149,test i need to know traffic patterns heading to the george washington bridge from manhattan,5,65,test when does my gas bill need paid by,1,4,test how many vacation days are available to me,8,115,train how long will it take me to get to phoenix,5,70,train can i reach seattle with this amount of fuel,5,68,test what is the track title of the song playing,4,46,train remind me tommorow at 3pm i have a doctors appointment,4,50,train i need an uber reserved to take me to the restaurant,5,64,train "in regards to my wells fargo account, why is there a hold",1,6,train i would like help moving money from one account to another,1,10,test my credit card has been stolen and i want to know how long it will be before i can get a new one,2,16,train what date did i receive my last paycheck,8,111,train what sort of electrical plug do they use in mainland europe,6,76,val please your volume,10,140,train how long is it safe to leave a burger in the refrigerator,3,31,train when is it imperative that i get my tires changed,5,74,train please put annie's baby shower on march 30 in my calendar,4,51,train give me a cool fact about lsd,9,126,val i want a coin flipped,7,101,train will it still work if i use applesauce instead of oil,3,43,test let me know what my credit score is,2,28,train can you give me my gps coordinates,5,61,val how much paid time off do i have saved,8,115,train can you confirm the reservation at fleming's for jane,3,32,test how much did i spend on shcool due last year,1,13,val set a reminder for me to let the plumber in tomorrow,4,50,test tell me my bank of america routing number,1,2,train i need to find new insurance,8,108,train what is the interest rate i am receiving from the start of the year,1,7,train does the calendar already have easter noted on it,4,55,train what subjects are you versed in,9,135,train how many mpg does this car have,5,69,train block my citibank account right away,1,1,train can you tell me the nutritional information for chicken nuggets,3,36,train how do i upgrade my operating system,0,0,oos_test where do i go to get new insurance,8,108,train when will i need to replace my tires if i last replaced them on december 20,5,74,train how many calories in gum,3,35,train how can i say not now in spanish,6,78,train tell me where i am on a map,5,61,train is it raining,7,91,train help me make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,train what's td bank's interest rate,1,7,train tell my bank i need new checks,1,11,train i'd like you to pair with my phone,10,146,val thank you for the help,9,130,val tell me how to get to target by bus,5,71,train what's the amount of taxes for my income,8,112,test what's my interest rate with my capital one account,1,7,val it was pleasant having a conversation with you,9,129,train how much time before my new card is mailed to me,2,16,test how many vacation days do i still get,8,115,train start a new text to maureen and tell her i go mom's christmas present,7,105,train can you swap to male voice,10,144,train what is the minimum payment due on my visa,1,8,val should i bring my socket converter to england,6,76,train my card didn't go through when i was buying a case of water at walmart,2,21,train what year was shawshank redemption released,0,0,oos_train do heads or tails,7,101,train can you get me a table for 2 at mexico viejo at 3pm,3,39,train where is the closest park,5,71,val do i have enough to cover new skis in my bank of america account,1,12,train tell me how to check rewards on my american express card,2,26,train does my errand list have goodwill on it,4,58,train when is my flight going to arrive,6,79,val i must find the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,train show me my recent transactions from account xyz,1,14,test let me know how the outback steakhouse reviews are,3,38,train find out for me as to why people get autism,0,0,oos_val "if i travel there, do i need a visa",6,80,val next song play,4,56,train add this song to shared playlist,4,53,train "i ordered some curtains off amazon, can you tell me if it's been shipped yet",4,52,train charge my internet bill to the corporate account,1,5,test tell me what you believe my name to be,10,137,train i need to switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,train should i take a different route to work,5,65,train how's traffic on i 95,5,65,train what's that song on the speaker now,4,46,val what subjects do you know something about,9,135,train nix that reservation for 4 at strip house,3,42,val "what does ""rescind"" mean",7,99,train i want to schedule somewhere get my tires checked out,5,67,train what is the best way to remove this appointment,4,51,test what's the danger level of flying to russia right now,6,84,val i need a rental car,6,90,train can you let me know the status of my discover credit card application status,2,27,test i need to figure out what to do about lost luggage,6,86,train i would like more checks sent to my address,1,11,val tell me a list of my local papers,0,0,oos_test please lower the sound,10,140,test hiya!,9,131,train what date will it be tomorrow,7,93,test iterate the items on my reminder list,4,49,train i am needing the next song to be played,4,56,val tell what is showing on my calendar for the 17th of march,4,55,train how do i report a fraudulent charge on my visa,1,15,train help me find the chase routing number,1,2,val turn up your volume,10,140,val can you suggest a french restaurant,3,41,test does macedonia have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train "no, that's not it",10,141,val engage whisper mode now,10,138,train could you set up a timer for me,7,96,val i would like you to help me get on another united healthcare insurance plan,8,108,train "what is your name for me, please",10,137,train notify my bank i am travailing from denver to la,6,77,train do i have enough fuel to get to orlando,5,68,train can you tell me the nutrional info of a big mac,3,36,val what year was star trek released,0,0,oos_train how full is the gas tank,5,68,test hit me with a good joke,9,132,train i'm thinking someone may have used my card in a fraudulent way,1,15,train is it acceptable to swap beef for tempeh,3,43,train how many days for vacation do i have left,8,115,train do i need any shots if i travel to africa,6,85,train "i want to pay my bill, please",1,5,train what do people say about village inn,3,38,train share my coordinates with melissa and doug,7,95,train can you help me switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,val what is the best interest rate i can get from now on,1,7,train my insurance plan is what,8,109,val i'm in the mood for a joke,9,132,val what might my name be,10,137,train how do i report the card as lost,2,20,test how many places in dallas can i rent a car,6,90,test i need to reserve a large room or suite for 2 couples for august 15th through august 18th in seattle,6,88,val when was kobe bryant born,0,0,oos_train what points were earned on my mastercard,2,26,train i want to tell susan that the meeting has been cancelled,7,105,test tell me the inventor of ai,9,121,train set a timer for 35 minutes,7,96,train show me my recent transactoin,1,14,train tell me this songs name,4,46,train can you tell me something funny about science,9,132,test facts,10,139,val how good are the ratings for the french laundry,3,38,train start the timer,7,96,test what is the current time in china,7,103,train show me the transaction on the food,1,14,train tell me what i have on my todo list,4,58,train pay my gas bill from my saving account,1,5,train can you tell me what you think the meaning of life is,9,122,train i want to know the carry on policy for aeromexico,6,89,train is my 10am village inn reservation valid,3,32,train could you be a person,9,133,test how i do schedule car maintenance,5,67,train i want to know how many vacation days i have used,8,120,test does cutting down the rain forest really add to global warming,0,0,oos_test "can you give me some fun suggestions for tourists to check out in las vegas, please",6,83,val tell me what type of fuel i need to use for this car,5,73,train can you get me a table for 3 at olive garden at 7pm,3,39,train i need to cancel my reservation for new york to xai varanda,3,42,val i need you to flip a coin once,7,101,train what is my current reward point total on my visa card,2,26,train please provide an option for dinner,3,40,train who would you say your employer is,9,123,train i wanna confirm my reservation for 2/20 at 8 pm,3,32,train do you think you are a bot,9,133,train can you tell me the timezone in san francisco,6,81,train when is that meeting with kara,8,110,train find out for me if my amex card application was received,2,27,train naw,10,141,train what level is my gas tank at,5,68,train the reservation i have isn't needed any more,3,42,train look up zesty in dictionary,7,99,train what should you do if you can't be bothered to get out of bed,0,0,oos_test how much gas is in my tank,5,68,train i'm afraid i've forgotten the pin for my 401k account,1,3,train share my location with google,7,95,val i appreciate the assistance,9,130,train i'd like you to text marie and let her know to meet me at the hospital,7,105,test "if i redeem my credit card points, can i get a kroeger gift card",2,24,train how much can i spend on my visa card,2,25,train tell me the current exchange rate between cad and euros,6,82,test can you show me how to change the oil in my car,5,63,train can you schedule a vacation for next week,8,116,train can you sign out of my bank login,0,0,oos_test ai how are you doing on this fine day,9,131,train please confirm my reservation for march 8th at 12:00,3,32,train i'm unaware of that,10,150,train i need a new card because my dog chewed on it and now it does not work,2,18,train where do you hail from,9,128,train did i forget to put protein shakes on my shopping list,4,54,val is there a good fish place in salem,3,41,train please look up my credit score,2,28,train can you link up with my phone,10,146,test please let me know the credit limit on my citibank card,2,25,train "i want this song put on my ""kids"" playlist",4,53,train i want you to order everything on my shopping list,4,57,train are you a robot,9,133,val set a reminder for me to request time off,4,50,val my insurance gives me what benefits,8,109,train can you direct me where to find where i am,5,61,train tell me what's on my calendar for march 22nd,4,55,test what is 2/3 x 1/9,7,98,train would you disconnect from my phone,10,146,train do you know the fuel economy of this car,5,69,train i need instructions on how to make shepherd's pie please,3,37,train how much vacation do i have saved,8,115,val "where is the closest chevron gas station in columbus, ohio",5,71,train where do you suggest i plan my next vacation,6,83,train can you tell me what you just said,10,143,train give a 6 sided dice a roll for me,7,104,val must call my bank about my travel plans,6,77,test i want to hear the next song,4,56,train it looks like someone made an unauthorized amazon purchase on my account,1,15,train when can i expect my new card to get here,2,16,train catch you later,9,129,test i need guidance on changing my oil,5,63,test tell lydia and laura where i am located,7,95,train disconnect sync from my phone,10,146,val let me know when the replacement card will arrive,2,16,test give me kilograms to pounds,7,100,val i want to know if your a bot,9,133,test where did i last place my phone,7,94,train i need you to text someone for me,7,105,train do i have any meetings today between 9:20 and 10:30,8,110,val can you transfer money from a to b,1,10,train i need to add cherrios to the grocery list,4,59,train how much will my monthly bill be,1,9,test list meetings on calendar for today,8,110,test does red robin have good reviews,3,38,train list the contents of my safety deposit box at the bank,0,0,oos_test "how do you spell the word comity, i need to know",7,102,test i am in the mood to listen to mack the knife,4,47,val what are the last ten transactions i've made,1,14,train what do you want me to call you,9,127,train alert the wife of my exact location,7,95,train will cracker barrel be crowded around five this evening,3,33,train delete all events on my calendar that have the word girlfriend in them,4,51,train can you tell me when i should change my oil,5,62,val "could you suggest a french restaurant, please",3,41,test how do you make blue cheese dressing,3,37,val may transactions for last 2 days,1,14,train give me the plug type for the country,6,76,train book a flight from chicago to dc on monday and returning on wednesday,6,87,train "sorry, i do not know",10,150,train what is remaining in my bank acccounts,1,12,train is electricity the same in france,6,76,test can you provide information on my income,8,113,train whats up with you,9,131,train what are the reviews like for khin khao,3,38,train what is the name you associate with me,10,137,train what day is my telephone bill due,1,4,val review chapter 6 with my son and verify his math homework answers,0,0,oos_test "flip a coin for me, with you calling heads",7,101,train what's the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,train how many quarts are in a gallon,7,100,train can you tell me a joke about politicians,9,132,train can you recommend a decent place in chicago to get pizza,3,41,train "from january to august, i will be in uruguay, please let me bank know",6,77,train what percentage full is my gas tank,5,68,test the credit limit on my account is how much,2,25,train how can i figure out the interest rate for my columbia account,1,7,train who is the current captain of this ship,0,0,oos_train what type of questions can i ask you,9,135,test so what are my current gps coordinates,5,61,val what'd you say,10,143,test can you tell me how to change my oil,5,63,val can you list off 4 star restaurants,3,41,train tell the bank i'm traveling between denver and la,6,77,train how is my vacation looking,8,106,test are socket converters something i need to bring if going to australia,6,76,test definitely,10,139,test please speed up your speaking pattern,10,136,train find the nutrition info for bell peppers for me,3,36,test can you tell me how to transfer my 401k,8,114,test how many weeks of vacation time have i earned,8,115,test what's the status of my american airlines flight,6,79,test book me a room on november 11 to 15 in cali,6,88,train i need information regarding the procedure to cash in my rewards for my citibank card,2,24,train add a block to my capital one bank account so it cannot be used any more,1,1,train change mode to whisper,10,138,train i'd like your name,9,127,train i need to track a package,4,52,test i wanna apply for a new credit card,2,29,train which day is it that my payment comes in,8,111,val what places in chicago will allow me to rent a car from monday to friday,6,90,train slow down,10,136,train have i used any vacation days this year,8,120,train what sorts of hobbies do you enjoy,9,125,train how much longer until i have a direct deposit,8,111,train "can you help me locate my phone, please",7,94,test can you tell me what the form is employers are supposed to send you for taxes and where i get it,8,117,train when does my current job have the next official paid holiday,8,107,train where can i find my w-2 form,8,117,train who are you currently working for,9,123,train the meaning of life please,9,122,train "could you connect with my phone, please",10,146,train how much money have i spent on restaurants,1,14,val will i need a visa to visit ireland,6,80,train what plug type would i use in japan,6,76,train how are the reviews for spaghetti at the olive garden,3,38,train i have an appointment on the 5th put it on for 5pm,4,51,val what's the letters in 'you' word like,7,102,train is michonne wrong for not working with the kingdom to put on the fair,0,0,oos_test how do you spell superficial,7,102,train go ahead and give me a suggestion for what to make for dinner,3,40,train set an alarm for 05:00 and one for 16:00,7,92,val show me how many community centers are located within 5 miles of my location,0,0,oos_test put volume at 4,10,140,train what company designed you,9,121,val can you tell me the subjects you know best,9,135,train take one hundred and fifty bucks from my wells fargo checking account and put it in my wells fargo savings account,1,10,val i want to set up direct deposit to my first hawaiian bank account,8,119,train what do i need to do,4,58,val what are your favorite activities,9,125,train which insurance plan am i enrolled in,8,109,test can you look up how i shoot a time lapse video on my iphone camera or is it even possible,0,0,oos_test skip and next,4,56,train what's on my todo list,4,58,test i want to play my maroon 5 playlist,4,47,train "find me a rental car for next week , from friday the 5th thru monday the 8th, any kind",6,90,test yep,10,139,train what taxes do i owe,8,112,test i need you to call michael at home,7,97,train what is 213 times 3,7,98,train that is affirmative,10,139,train "how do i get my pin number, i forgot mine",1,3,train can you explain my benefits,8,109,train "can you increase my credit limit to $7,500",2,22,train should i go to a car maintenance,5,67,test do i have any meetings with mark today,8,110,train is there a way to tell when i need my oil changed,5,62,train i need to know if it is possible to rollover my 401k,8,114,train what is the balance in my pnc account,1,12,val set my alarm for 5pm,7,92,train flip a heads or tails coin i pick heads,7,101,val on my card what all are my latest transactions,1,14,train what kind of oil and how much do i need for my toyota tacoma truck and how do i do it,5,63,val what's the name i should use to talk to you,9,127,val what type of animal is living in your home,9,124,val "i need new insurance, how do i get it",8,108,train can you tell me how to set up a direct deposit,8,119,train how would you rate the airport i am traveling to,0,0,oos_test i do not have pizza so will you order me some more,4,57,train i'm out of toothpaste so will you order me some more,4,57,train can you use the male british accent,10,144,train you got that wrong,10,141,test i was wondering what age you are,9,134,val can you tell me what obsolescence means,7,99,test stop the current song and play the next one on this playlist,4,56,train is pizza considered healthy,3,36,train can you arrange a meeting for 3:00 on wednesday,8,118,val is the apr on my card that ends 1234 what it should be based on my credit score,2,23,val share location with david,7,95,test can we stop my bank account,1,1,val can you please the timer,7,96,train can you tell me my income tax,8,112,train can you tell me what reminders i've set,4,49,train how long is the wait at assagios today,3,33,train how much money have i spent on fast food lately,1,13,test is there traffic on my work route,5,65,test is there a travel alert for spain,6,84,train i think my luggage is missing,6,86,val what's your design company,9,121,train how long will it take to get to outback in phoenix,5,70,train can you help me change my insurance policy,8,108,test how is the traffic on the way to the campsite,5,65,train did i add salt to my shopping list,4,54,val flip a coin and tell me if it's heads,7,101,test what do i need to do to look up my 1st republic account's interest rate,1,7,train look up a recipe for dinner to suggest to me,3,40,train how do i utilize my credit card points,2,24,train can you suggest a restaurant for me to eat tonight,3,41,train i need you to tell me my salary,8,113,train tell me if taco bell takes reservations,3,45,test how do i relocate my 401k,8,114,train give me directions to the nearest gas station,5,71,train call jim,7,97,train hows are ya,9,131,val oranges expire in how long,3,31,train when will george rr martin publish the next game of thrones book,0,0,oos_test how do you spell mississippi,7,102,train present your speech at a slower pace,10,136,train credit card annual rate,2,23,train can you explain to me how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train tell me a joke about elephants,9,132,test set alarm for noon,7,92,test where can i find cheap rental skis nearby,0,0,oos_test what are my reminders,4,49,test what is my interest rate,1,7,train i am currently located in what town,5,61,test how fast am i going,0,0,oos_test help locate my phone,7,94,val what is the weather like tomorrow,7,91,train get me a list of divorce attorneys in the new york area,0,0,oos_test i am needing to know what song is playing,4,46,train "in 2 days, what date will it be",7,93,train what name is mine,10,137,train "nice, excellent!",9,130,train halt,10,145,train is there a way to change your name to betty,10,148,train what does mature mean,7,99,test would you say that my card's apr is,2,23,train your help is appreciated,9,130,train are you able to purchase underpants for me,4,57,train is there a way to transfer my 401k,8,114,train i need some guidance when it comes to direct deposit,8,119,train please schedule an event called 'nadine's baby shower' on my calendar,4,51,train what did i put on my shopping list so far,4,54,train i need an uber to madison square garden,5,64,test do you like cats or dogs more,9,124,test what does circuitous mean,7,99,test what is 1243 times 45,7,98,test i need to know what is 85% of $1500,7,98,train the information is wrong,10,141,train tell me how i know when to pay my chase bill,1,4,val tell me the expiration date on my visa credit card please,2,17,val what store has the best deals going on right now,0,0,oos_test i need to confirm the reservation for frank at chili's,3,32,test do they take reservations at the progress,3,45,train the answer to that is a resounding yes,10,139,train is it time to change my tires,5,74,train so what is my name saved as,10,137,train where is the closest starbucks,5,71,train can you tell me how to get gum out of my rug,0,0,oos_test "can you connect with my phone, please",10,146,train i will be speaking chinese going forward,10,142,train how would i say if i were english subway,6,78,train roll the dice now,7,104,val please flip the coin,7,101,val what time is my meeting with design team scheduled for,8,110,test turn your speakers up,10,140,train go into whisper mode,10,138,val set a reminder for me to request time off work around the holidays,4,50,val does kentucky have any good restaurants that serve sushi,3,41,train "i have to cancel my reservation after all, please",3,42,test that is not factual,10,141,val how long are eggs good for,3,31,train remind me later,4,50,train do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in uruguay,6,76,train is the depiction of gold mining in the movie the ballad of buster scruggs realistic,0,0,oos_test let me know my current location,5,61,train the sticker on my card is peeling off,2,18,train what is the car's tire pressure,5,66,val what do i have on my calendar for march 11,4,55,train is there another entity you work for,9,123,train send a text to ashley and ask her what she wants to do for supper,7,105,train "the status of my day off request, please",8,106,train what's the date on which my last oil change occurred,5,72,train let's do a personal pto request for the dates may 12th to may 15th,8,116,train where's a good place to get some grub,3,41,train ill see you around,9,129,train what's your home country,9,128,test please tell me how to find out when my rent is due,1,4,test tell me the amount of gas i have,5,68,train might,10,150,test "so far, how many days off have i taken",8,120,train what kind of gas does this car take,5,73,train my last card was stolen and i want to know how long until i get my new one,2,16,train thanks so much,9,130,test my card is partially damaged how do i report this,2,18,train i have to go but it was nice talking again!,9,129,train tell me how many meetings with pete i have for today,8,110,train i need to know how many pounds are in 10 kilos,7,100,test if i lost my card how do i report it,2,20,val what is the time signature for the castlevania song bloody tears,0,0,oos_test i miss placed my luggage i was on delta flight ab123 out of new york,6,86,train what do i have to do to use my credit points acquired through purchases,2,24,test what region were you born,9,128,test how much do i owe visa,1,9,test what southwest flights are there for lax to sfo arriving april 1st and returning april 7th,6,87,train so what pets do you have,9,124,train what is the day off request status please,8,106,test make an alarm for me,7,92,train please take shoveling the car off my todo list,4,48,train what are you able to answer,9,135,train do you have the time,7,103,train what steps do i need to take to take a bus to detroit,5,71,train i need you to flip a coin so i can decide,7,101,train does it matter what kind of gas i fill up my car with,5,73,train please set a meeting with nancy at 4 pm,8,118,val how much do i owe for my gas and phone bills,1,9,train make sure i can rent one car out of chicago from january 2 to january 5,6,90,train i'd like to know what's on my shopping list,4,54,train talk to me in italian from now on,10,142,train i really don't know,10,150,train "what's the apr on my amex card, please",2,23,train what is the life expectancy of a polar bear,0,0,oos_test can i speak spanish to you hombre,10,142,test what's your age right now,9,134,test what is my credit score,2,28,train never mind,10,145,train how many more vacation days do i have for the year,8,115,train when it my citi card expired,2,17,test what time do you have on your watch,7,103,train take a coin and flip it and i call tails,7,101,train do you have a cookbook that could teach me to make sushi,3,37,train i’m leaving-goodbye!,9,129,train play the song called amazing grace,4,47,test how old are you,9,134,train why can't i log into my bank account,1,6,val what kind of gas should go in this car,5,73,train how long will the wait time be at the cheese cake factory,3,33,train i'm going to india do i need some shots,6,85,train do you know if my amex card app went through,2,27,train do you have a date for the last time the car was in the shop,5,72,train check to see if i need a pass to use the parking garages downtown,0,0,oos_test tell me how to find my current location,5,61,train did i include butter in my shopping list,4,54,val delete everything on my to do list,4,48,train retrieve events on my calendar,4,55,test how long does it take to get to spago's in los angeles,5,70,train "great talk, thanks",9,129,test flip a coin; i say tails,7,101,train desync from my phone,10,146,train minimum payment of my bill please,1,8,train let me know my march 2 calendar,4,55,train please list ingredients for broccoli cheddar soup,3,34,train can you overnight me a few checkbooks,1,11,test what is the number of gas in my car right now,5,68,train what did i write down on my shopping list this time,4,54,train i am jason,10,147,val i want directions to the closest atm,5,71,train i want to go back to the factory settings,10,149,train do i have cleaning the counters on my to-do list,4,58,train talk to me about the total of my state taxes,8,112,test what things are there to do in portland,6,83,train what stage of evolution am i,0,0,oos_train look up when my flight is set to start boarding,6,79,train tell me something funny about adulthood,9,132,train is anything being newscasted about the threat of famine in chadu,0,0,oos_test what is the square root of 36,7,98,test i need $20000 transferred from my savings to my checking,1,10,train how do you spell antipathy,7,102,train "can you submit a pto request for me from dates nov 2 to 10, please",8,116,train where do i get the tax form that shows my wages,8,117,train show me a beef recipe,3,37,train how to use credit card points,2,24,val how many minutes do i cook baked ziti,3,44,train i wish to request a change in insurance plans,8,108,train tell me what my tire pressure is,5,66,train i'd like to order more checks for my savings account,1,11,train give me directions to phoenix,5,71,test how many carry ons are allowed on a flight with wow to iceland,6,89,train give me expected number of calories in a breakfast burrito,3,35,train i want to use spanish as my language,10,142,train rename bob to betty,10,148,train find out for me how many days off i have taken in total at this point,8,120,train please show me where i am on a map,5,61,train do you know if i have any meetings set up with travis today,8,110,train how do i unlock my bank account,1,6,test do they take reservations at buffalo wild wings,3,45,train what car rental choices are there in calgary,6,90,train how busy do you expect olive garden to be at 6,3,33,train what are the benefits of completing college,0,0,oos_train roll a dice that has seven sides,7,104,test you need to speak softer,10,138,train what was the final vote count in the brexit referendum,0,0,oos_val give me the specifics on my federal taxes,8,112,train add hells bells by acdc to my playlist,4,53,train would it be accurate to call you a bot,9,133,val what do i have going on may 4th,4,55,train where were you thought of,9,128,test "ai,please order some checks for my usbank account",1,11,train how do you spell sanguine,7,102,train let me know the carry on policy for alaska airlines,6,89,train i'd like the lights in the garage to be turned on,4,60,val has my credit card application been processed yet,2,27,train what is the ac temperature,4,60,train i need you to set a time,7,96,train what's my credit rating right now,2,28,val "i'm not going to cook today, can you suggest a restaurant",3,41,train can i increase my volume,10,140,train terminate,10,145,train can you tell me your birthday,9,134,test is it possible to get a credit limit increase to 3000,2,22,train will i get charged extra for using my card while in tulsa,2,30,val can you apply for idaho independent card for me,2,29,train what are the atmospheric conditions in sparks,7,91,train average time to receive new card,2,16,train thanks for your response,9,130,train what to do in minneapolis,6,83,val i'm in baggage claim at the airport and my luggage didn't make it,6,86,train how long does it take to boil an egg,3,44,train can you tell me about the meaning of life,9,122,test where is my gas level right now,5,68,train take paper towels off of my shopping list,4,59,test you have pets of what kind,9,124,train can i get a higher credit limit on my amex card,2,22,train tell me the status of my vacation request,8,106,train what timezone do they use in arizona,6,81,test what is the amount of pto have i use,8,120,val will traffic be light on the way to orlando,5,65,train what is the conversion of inches to centimeters,7,100,train what is texas's timezone,6,81,test switch my insurance plan to a new one,8,108,train tell me what this cars highway mpg is,5,69,train what name should i use for you,9,127,train i need to know the weather,7,91,val how do i find information about my credit score,2,28,train do you own any animals,9,124,val my dog ate my credit card and ruined it,2,18,train what is the procedure to jump start a car,5,75,train "i need to take some time off, can i have the next week off",8,116,train i need help changing my 401k after i got a new job,8,114,train what are my gps coordinates at this location,5,61,train set a reminder for tomorrows meeting,4,50,train is it possible to take an uber to burger king,5,64,test could you tell me how many vacation days i have left,8,115,train am i speaking with a real person,9,133,val what time zone is ireland in,6,81,train find me round trip flights out of lax to sfox,6,87,train what is the air pressure of my car tires,5,66,val set the volume to 4 now,10,140,train how can i unfreeze my bank account,1,6,test can i use direct deposit for my tax refund,0,0,oos_test i need my dinner reservation canceled,3,42,test does north korea have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train call someone for me,7,97,train please set a timer for 20 minutes,7,96,train what is the reason i am locked out of my bank account,1,6,train is there anything you like to do in your free time,9,125,train how about you tell me a joke,9,132,train what does my checking account at chase earn in interest,1,7,test how do i report my lost card,2,20,train get everything on my shopping list,4,57,train will i be charged if i use my card in japan,2,30,val what is one dollar worth in mexico,6,82,train look up website on container gardening,0,0,oos_test help me report a lost card,2,20,train what is popular in fashion right now,0,0,oos_test has my vacation request been denied or approved yet,8,106,train i owe you one!,9,130,train "in tampa, i'd like to rent a sedan from 4/1 until 4/5",6,90,test what's the definition of luminescent,7,99,test does mexico have any travel alerts i should know about,6,84,val "listen i need to get a reservation for , me and teresa at georgetown cafe on tuesday at 7:00 pm",3,39,train would you tell me what kind of pets you have,9,124,train do you know if my vacation request has been approved,8,106,train i really need to check my rewards for my credit card,2,26,test how do i get to the hotel by bus,5,71,train how do you prepare taco,3,37,test don't sync to my phone anymore,10,146,val "please find a columbus, ohio hotel with good reviews",6,88,train i'm out of conditioner so will you order me some more,4,57,train is chocolate bad for you or good for you,3,36,val is it possible to get to olympia by bus,5,71,train make your preferred language english,10,142,train how many steps have i taken today,0,0,oos_test add mia to my spanish playlist,4,53,train do you know any good jokes you would like to share,9,132,val where can i get a w2 form from,8,117,train make a pto request for dates november 11 to black friday,8,116,train i'm grateful to you,9,130,train "right now, i need to know the meaning of life",9,122,test yes you are correct,10,139,train please go ahead and change my name,10,147,test when will we have another day off,8,107,train what do my federal taxes look like,8,112,test please let me know how to change the oil,5,63,test time my next run at the boston marathon,0,0,oos_test may i apply for a new credit card,2,29,train today is which day of the week,7,93,test please tell me if you are an ai,9,133,train are you feeling okay,9,131,train can you speak faster,10,136,test tell me if you are a person or ai,9,133,train what's your name,9,127,test my chinese food has sat in the fridge since friday but can i still eat it,3,31,train my car needs an appointment for an oil change,5,67,train i want to start calling you marie,10,148,train what do i have to do,4,58,val make an alarm 6am,7,92,train what's the credit limit on my discovery card,2,25,train get my income amount for me,8,113,val how do i cash the reward for city,2,24,train what is the date i get paid,8,111,train do laundry,0,0,oos_test what's song am i hearing,4,46,train start a timer for me,7,96,train i want to set a timer,7,96,train talker faster please,10,136,train what are the nutrition facts of grilled chicken,3,36,train i need to find my phone,7,94,train meeting room availability at 8:00 please,8,118,train how long will it take to walk to the safeway in the strip mall,5,70,train my luggage was lost so what do i do,6,86,train can you tell me the meaning of fluctuate,7,99,test my reservation is no longer needed,3,42,train i need the exchange rate between pounds and us dollars,6,82,train what is the minimum i have to pay on my chase card,1,8,train how long should i microwave hot pockets for,3,44,val please do me a favor and call brother mario,7,97,train how is the car's fuel economy,5,69,test i need your assistance on rolling over my 401k,8,114,train i want to figure out how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train say my name,10,137,test "5 people are going to be at tropicana by 8pm, reserve the table under martins name please",3,39,test where can i find that tax form my employer gives me,8,117,test what did car insurance run me this year,1,13,train i need an alarm to go off at 6 am,7,92,train show my transactions,1,14,test how much gas do i currently have,5,68,train help me to understand the conversion between tablespoons and teaspoons,7,100,train what stuff am i trying to remember,4,49,test can you tell me where i left my phone,7,94,train tell me a cool fact about reno,9,126,val do i have a reminder for our neighbor's anniversary,4,49,train remind me what my weight loss goals are,0,0,oos_test """i'll be travelling from lax and headed to phl for 120 on the 10th of may",6,87,test what time of day is it,7,103,val i need to know what date it is tomorrow,7,93,train can you repeat that,10,143,test can i speak to you in german,10,142,train set a pto request for april 1st and 2nd,8,116,train how's the weather in tallahassee,7,91,train you need to change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train do you think i can sub honey for sugar,3,43,train can you get rid of my trip to the zoo from my calendar on march 1st,4,51,train i think i lost my luggage,6,86,val am i close to arriving at the post office,5,70,test i want to know if i shouldget a tourist visa for italy,6,80,train what can i expect to pay in taxes,8,112,train i forgot the pin number for my college fund account,1,3,train where is the list of my insurance benefits,8,109,train help me find my credit score,2,28,train tell me what the point of life is,9,122,test what time will i be allowed to board,6,79,train make not of my appointment for tomorrow on my calendar,4,51,train i need to know what i spend on utilities for the last year,1,13,train tell me how many days off you see that i have taken so far this year please,8,120,test how much money do i have in my various bank accounts,1,12,test "do a job search on monstercom for jobs in the tech field in arlington, va",0,0,oos_test can you play music by the rolling stones,4,47,train can you tell me how many points i have to date with my capital one miles card,2,26,train "in x, what is the charge if i use my card",2,30,test i just flew in on american airlines flight ab123 from chicago and can't find my luggage,6,86,train yellow by coldplay to my playlist please,4,53,train what type of fuel do i need to use to fill the car up with,5,73,train how much is available in my savings account,1,12,train what are the steps to change the oil in my car,5,63,train tell me nutritional info for brocoli,3,36,test how many days of vacation do i have saved,8,115,val does ihop have positive reviews,3,38,train tell me when my flight scheduled to board,6,79,train tell me how good ihop's ratings are,3,38,train what are the best family restaurants in charlottesville,3,41,train please book a meeting room for thusday at 4:00,8,118,test add to my task list get carpet cleaned,4,48,train is my card made immedietly after reporting stolen,2,16,train are the items on my todo list listed alphabetically,4,58,train whats my bank accounts look like,1,12,test how my carry ons does spirit airlines allow me for a flight to dallas,6,89,train how long does it take to get to the airport in dallas,5,70,train what ingredients are needed for shrimp cocktail,3,34,train is there a substantial credit limit on my visa,2,25,test use female voice now instead,10,144,train can you tell me your name,9,127,train what's my meaning in life,9,122,train where can i go to see if my credit card application has been processed,2,27,train "i want to change my oil if you can tell me what to do, and what kind do i get",5,63,train """please contact my credit card company to report fraudulent activity on",1,15,train how are my federal taxes looking this year,8,112,train are you a pet owner,9,124,train what's dollars yen in 10,6,82,train go ahead and take cleaning the bathroom off my todo list,4,48,train show me how to schedule a meeting,8,118,train i want you to remind me of something,4,50,train what's the weather like right now,7,91,train when do i take my car in for a tire change,5,74,train i would like you to set the timer to go off in ten minutes,7,96,train list everything on my shopping list,4,54,train what has gas cost me this week,1,13,train that makes sense as well,10,139,val switch to the next song on this playlist please,4,56,train i have to find the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,train are you able to lookup my credit rating,2,28,train could you set a timer,7,96,test how do i make my insurance policy different,8,108,train play the song called blood brothers,4,47,train book me an uber for a party of 5 to the salvage yard off maple,5,64,test when is my meeting with invoicing scheduled,8,110,test how long does it take to bake a cake,3,44,test i would like to know the traffic in tempe please,5,65,train suggest a meal from new york to me,3,40,train do you have a name i can use,9,127,train is cleaning the toilet on my to-do list,4,58,train my transaction history,1,14,train order status,4,52,train what is my health insurance,8,109,test what's the current time in est,7,103,train what's the balance in my checking,1,12,train can you roll the 12 sided dice please,7,104,train tell when should i get my tires changed next,5,74,train how can i rollover my 401k at my new job,8,114,train cancel tonight's dinner reservation,3,42,train do you know when i last took my car in to the shop,5,72,train what is the location that td bank has their routing number listed,1,2,test what are four inches in centimeters,7,100,train would you freeze my bank account,1,1,test meeting room availability from 8:00 please,8,118,train please help me book a rental car in appleton,6,90,train what mpg does my car get,5,69,train can you check the air in my tires,5,66,train is my card's apr a decent rate,2,23,test "i need to cook, what should i make",3,40,train how can i charge my car battery when it's dead,5,75,train will you please assist me with renting a car in boise,6,90,train i wish to know why my card was declined,2,21,train please stop it,10,145,val what is my cable bill minimum payment,1,8,train take dishes off the to do list,4,48,test what's the status of robotic servants from japan,0,0,oos_test "you can remove the wedding from my calendar for march 12, 2019",4,51,val "flip a coin, i call tails",7,101,train please let me know how many days i've taken off,8,120,test where is my order now,4,52,test how many calories are in waffles,3,35,train play one song forward,4,56,train what is my remaining pto days,8,115,train will i need a travel visa to go to canary islands,6,80,train i want your name to be samantha now,10,148,train what s the uv index tomorrow,7,91,train "it was a pleasure talking to you, goodbye now",9,129,val what's the minimum payment for my internet bill,1,8,train what is the minimum payment,1,8,val reset to default settings,10,149,train i'm in the mood for slow songs and nothing else,4,47,test use your whispering voice,10,138,train "please add milk on my shopping list, if it is not already on it",4,59,train what do i have to do on january 1st,4,55,train remind me to take out the trash,4,50,train will my 401k carryover,8,114,val can you tell me the mane of the song playing,4,46,train please track my package,4,52,train have i earned a lot of points on my capital one card,2,26,train in england how do they say subway,6,78,train it's possible that it could be either,10,150,train what is the day off request status,8,106,test i want you to tell me my credit card's apr,2,23,train should i be concerned about the air in my tires,5,66,train when could i get my tires changed next,5,74,val whats the timezone for modesto,6,81,train could you let me know how many pto days do i have left,8,115,val create a reminder,4,50,val my credit card was stolen,2,20,train i need to set an alarm,7,92,test what day am i on on vacation and how much do i got left,8,115,test can i use oil instead of vinegar,3,43,test what do mummies eat,0,0,oos_test how long does it take to get to orlando by bus,5,70,train please check the amount of gas i have,5,68,train i have a great western bank account i want direct deposits to go to,8,119,train how bad is traffic to the closet atm machine,5,65,train i need to understand how many points have i earned with my credit card,2,26,test how long is the wait at applebee's,3,33,val what kind of nutritional content do carrots have,3,36,train is traveling to france safe,6,84,val my damage card is not working,2,18,train tell me if you are a human or a computer,9,133,train please turn on whisper mode because i am about to be in class,10,138,train i need to change my insurance to a plan with a lower deductible,8,108,train i want to confirm friday's reservation at 2:00,3,32,val please send a text,7,105,train i am flying jetblue and need to know what the most number of bags are that i can carry on,6,89,train i don't have butter can i use oil,3,43,val am i the one you work for,9,123,train play the next song,4,56,train would it be legal to have battles to the death in a homemade colosseum,0,0,oos_test tell me a blonde joke,9,132,test i'm traveling to england soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train where should i go for dinner,3,41,train give me a joke about horses,9,132,train can you tell me my insurance benefits,8,109,train what do i have on my calendar for march 2,4,55,train """disable my card account and contact company to report fraudulent activty",1,15,train i need to make a vacation request; how,8,116,val how many points do i have in total on my marriot rewards card,2,26,train "i really appreciate your help, thank you",9,130,train tell your hobbies,9,125,train find out where i am on the map,5,61,test change to a new accent please,10,144,val are an an ai,9,133,train hola,9,131,train could you talk a little faster,10,136,val text wenona and tell her we will be there tomorrow,7,105,train what's the limit on my american express card,2,25,train what's my current location,5,61,train are there any new companies to look out for,0,0,oos_val clear my calendar for may 3rd,4,51,test look up easy to follow recipes for beef ribs,3,37,train help me find things to do in nashville,6,83,train i can't find any of my luggage!,6,86,train "i cracked my card, order a new one",2,18,train which element on the periodic table is k,0,0,oos_test can we wire some money over to the other account i have,1,10,train give me a joke about water,9,132,test i lost my luggage coming from new york city on american flight ab123,6,86,train is my todo list possible today,4,58,test peace,9,129,train is vaccination necessary for travel to asia,6,85,test can i have a table held at the outback steakhouse for johnson at 5,3,39,train tell me the date today,7,93,train can you share the meaning of life,9,122,train how is this car rated for fuel economy,5,69,train please clean the car windows,0,0,oos_test tell me how to spell the word dessert,7,102,val multiply 7 and 42,7,98,val what sort of things are you able to help with,9,135,train where did your parents have you,9,128,train please cancel the table for two at burger king,3,42,train inform me if there's a travel alert for the country,6,84,train what do i call you,9,127,test can you notify the bank to put a stop on my account,1,1,train "i forgot my pin number for my credit union bank account, can you help",1,3,val what does it take to get a new card,2,29,train what meetings are on my schedule today between 1:00 pm and 4:00 pm,8,110,train locate my phone,7,94,train can you show me roundtrip flights from dallas to los angeles from march 2 to march 10,6,87,train "let me hear all of the items on my to do list, please",4,58,train how would you like me to refer to you,9,127,train can i use water instead of milk,3,43,train show me the last five transactions,1,14,train "on my way to work, is there traffic",5,65,test what is the status of my vacation time request,8,106,val what is my visa card limit,2,25,train what is your birthday,9,134,train call up instructables website and find article on bike assembly,0,0,oos_test give me a recipe for tacos,3,34,test what date was my oil last changed,5,72,train what's the pizza like around here,3,40,train i don't know for sure,10,150,train who is the person you work for,9,123,train can you tell me the traffic situation from philadelphia to the new jersey turnpike,5,65,test show me where i am,5,61,train could you talk like a british male,10,144,train transfer money from one place to another,1,10,train how many rewards points do i have for my visa card,2,26,train yup,10,139,test look up my maroon 5 playlists; play it,4,47,train tell me what your name is,9,127,test what is the meeting schedule today,8,110,train would you say that you know who your boss is,9,123,train how high is my spending limit on my wells fargo card,2,25,val contact avis and see if they have cars available,6,90,train is there a routing number for wachovia,1,2,val create a link with my phone,10,146,train what is the total amount i am going to have to pay in bills this month,1,9,val what am i listening to,4,46,train what is the exact time in the ist time zone,7,103,train can you find me an uber and have it here at 7pm,5,64,val can you remind me the things i was trying to remember,4,49,train "i want to report fraudulent activity on my visa card, please",1,15,train "what traffic can i expect on the way to the newark, new jersey from philadelphia",5,65,test cheapest fare for flight from tehran to new york on august 1 with return on august 20,6,87,train what is phosphorus on the periodic table,0,0,oos_test please roll the 5 sided dice,7,104,train you have what name for me,10,137,train make a payment on the electric bill,1,5,train will it freeze tonight,7,91,train i want a flight booked from new york to san francisco with continental,6,87,train correct spelling for aaron,7,102,test ingredients needed to make a mexican lasagna,3,34,train when do i get my next pay check,8,111,test am i approved for vacation yet,8,106,train what's your name if i may ask,9,127,val can you give me the time,7,103,train please identify the name of the creator of this ai,9,121,train will i be safe going to south america,6,84,test check to see who is at the doof,4,60,train call my doctor,7,97,test while on flight america airlines i lost luggage in o'hare,6,86,train what's the definition of idiosyncratic,7,99,test i'm out of paper towels so will you order me some more,4,57,train about how many vacation days have i taken,8,120,train clear all settings in a reset,10,149,train give me a list of tax attorneys that practice in my city,0,0,oos_test are you my insubordinate,9,123,test what was the temperature yesterday,7,91,val i want to know the type of gasoline for this car,5,73,train when can i get a business card printed locally,0,0,oos_test it it possible to take pto from the 8th to the 11th,8,116,test how do you spell guerrilla,7,102,train change and set your language setting to english,10,142,train how do i replace my insurance,8,108,train i need meteorological data for tallahassee,7,91,train can you repeat that please,10,143,val what's the status of my vacation days,8,106,val what the current balance of reward points on my mastercard,2,26,train what’s your favorite funny joke,9,132,train i need to know favorable reviews about boston restaurant,3,38,val please unreserve that table,3,42,train i misplaced my visa and need it marked as lost,2,20,train you can remove vacuuming off the todo list,4,48,train does cowgirl creamery in san francisco take reservations,3,45,train make me a reminder that tommorow is trash day,4,50,train what's my current credit limit,2,25,train would you please pair with my phone,10,146,train can you tell me if there are meeting rooms available between 1 and 4,8,118,test what my fuel tank at,5,68,train can you confirm my reservation for jim at lawry's,3,32,train what's the amount of time i've taken off work this year,8,120,train could you tell me how many pto days do i have left,8,115,val how would you convert yards to inches,7,100,train "i want to bake brownies, how long do they bake for",3,44,train i need to know what 75 plus 43 is,7,98,train set a reminder to buy bread,4,50,test put cleaning on my to do list,4,48,train toss a coin and tell me what it lands on,7,101,train how do i get to new york by bus,5,71,val tell me the conversion between tablespoons and cups,7,100,train what is the weather forecast looking like for seattle,7,91,test would you let me know what is the point of life,9,122,test check order number,4,52,train does the bellagio have any reservations,3,45,val i'll have to think about it,10,150,train what benefits does my insurance have,8,109,train can i get paychecks directly deposited to my bank of america account,8,119,train when was the theory of evolution first considered,0,0,oos_train can you tell me what i can ask the ai,9,135,val how clogged are the streets before the stadium,5,65,train i need la's time zone,6,81,test what is happening with brexit right nowu,0,0,oos_val who is your designer,9,121,val i need to know what kind of things you can help with,9,135,train the timer should have 10 minutes set to it,7,96,val how can i locate where i am,5,61,train what is my state bank of india card credit limit,2,25,test i need to replace my lost card,2,20,train i gotta know the exchange rate between yen and rubles,6,82,train what do you have my name saved under,10,137,train what's the nutritional info for spaghetti,3,36,train how can i schedule a vacation request,8,116,train my card isn't working,2,18,train what is the status of my online order,4,52,train give me manual on how to change oil,5,63,train i'd like to hear about your hobbies,9,125,train how often should you get an oil change,5,62,train look on amazon for the price of a nitendo switch,0,0,oos_test can you make a reservation at the restaurant for tomorrow,3,39,train what is bitcoin trading for currently,0,0,oos_test what name do you want to be called,9,127,train i need to know how many vacation days i have,8,115,train what kind of mileage do i get out of gas,5,69,train is it possible for you to let me know what health plan i'm on,8,109,train can you report credit card fraud for me,1,15,train i am not confident on that,10,150,train date please,7,93,test name some awesome things about dogs,9,126,train find my current location,5,61,test where do i go to find the interest rate on my savings account,1,7,test noodles need to cook for how long,3,44,train how do i start my car battery,5,75,train i need to take a flight from florida to alabama on january 25th and i need to get back by the 30th,6,87,train let ann and scott know where i am,7,95,test call me jake,10,147,train how can i build my credit,2,19,train i need a reminder to take dinner out of the oven,4,50,test are my tires good on pressure,5,66,train how much pressure is in my car's tire,5,66,train can you report my td bank card as lost,2,20,train how long will it takes to get a new credit card,2,16,test what is the expiration date of my current card,2,17,train tell me some good mexican restaurants in dallas,3,41,train is a visa needed to go to mexico,6,80,train i want to cash my credit card points,2,24,train my pto used so far is what right now,8,120,train do i need a visa to travel to mexico,6,80,train add song to media playlist,4,53,val can you find me a good restaurant to try eating at,3,41,train please give me the time in tanzania at this moment,7,103,test give me restaurant reccomendations,3,41,test what is the interest rate on my bank of america cd account,1,7,train how much vacation have i taken,8,120,train do i need a visa to go to cuba,6,80,train how long do i cook steak,3,44,train will you please get my furnace turned on,4,60,train i want to find a round trip flight from denver international to new york international on the 8th to the 16th,6,87,val i need an alarm at 8 pm,7,92,train when does the current billing cycle end,1,4,test what is my name saved as in your system,10,137,train "affirmative, go ahead",10,139,train how do i get to the mall by bus,5,71,train see if you can schedule a meeting with don southerland tomorrow at noon,8,118,train "who you work for, please",9,123,val how big can a carry-on bag be,6,89,train i want to know if there is any transaction fee using washington federal card when i am in canada,2,30,train can you do a coin flip,7,101,train what are the contents of my shopping list,4,54,train when do i need to pay my dte energy bill,1,4,val i need to pay my water bill,1,5,train rolling over my 401k help,8,114,val "correct, it is affirmative",10,139,train i want you to read my reminder list to me,4,49,val how do you address me,10,137,train when was your birth,9,134,train will i get my paycheck soon,8,111,train "can i still make changes to my order, or has it already been shipped",4,52,train is the traffic bad going downtown right now,5,65,val would i need to buy a plug converter when in rome,6,76,train it was great to have this conversation with you,9,129,train can you tell me my spending history from last week,1,13,train what products are on my shopping list,4,54,train tell me the expiration date on my credit card,2,17,test i need to hire a grass treatment specialist,0,0,oos_test do i need to apply for a travel visa if i am going to bermuda,6,80,train where were your born,9,128,train where's my package,4,52,train text roderick and tell him im running late,7,105,train tell me what tomorrow's date is,7,93,test lets hear a fact,9,126,train is there a meaning to life,9,122,train when's the next time i ought to change my oil,5,62,test adjust volume setting to 4,10,140,test "tell me the time in san francisco, please",7,103,test can you cancel my reservation on tuesday for chris at stella maris,3,42,train when is the soonest holiday,8,107,test what's the balance on my sprint account,1,9,train does chic-fil-a have good reviews,3,38,train my answer would be maybe,10,150,test "for city driving, what's the car's mpg",5,69,train i would like to report a stolen card,2,20,train how do you say my name,10,137,train inform me on what my credit card's apr is,2,23,test "if i may, i'd like to call you slave",10,148,train i want to know my interest rate,1,7,train find me a hotel in kansas city with good reviews,6,88,train place cleaning the backyard on my list of things to do,4,48,train what do i wear on my feet when it rains,0,0,oos_test i need to rollover my 401k because i got a new job,8,114,train what is my american express card's rewards balance,2,26,train how many liters are in 500 gallons,7,100,train are there any meetings on the calendar for today,8,110,train "what is the date tomorrow, please",7,93,train throw mopping onto my to do list,4,48,train let me know when you were born,9,134,train how do i skip all of the advertisements,0,0,oos_test repeat that,10,143,test do i need to protect myself with some shots for a trip to vietnam,6,85,train how can i keep my credit score from going down,2,19,train please change accent to british male,10,144,train is the request for vacation i filed with my manager at intel approved yet,8,106,train is it worth investing in target,0,0,oos_train "can you tell me the meaning of life, please",9,122,train call mymother,7,97,train i need a list of different methods for building my credit score,2,19,train when does my flight arrive,6,79,train "i'm out of cleaning supplies, remind me on my list",4,59,val how do you say your name,9,127,test i'd like you to check on my credit score,2,28,test can you tell me what dirge means,7,99,train my dte bill is how much,1,9,train "i am going to south america, let my bank know",6,77,train i wanna pay my cable bill from my checking account,1,5,train what is my payment going to be,8,113,test i need my credit score,2,28,train what is the cheapest new car for this year,0,0,oos_test call me mike from now on,10,147,test i want to make something from ethiopia for dinner,3,40,test book a flight from bangor to las vegas on may 1st and returning july 4th,6,87,train what is the nutritional info for kraft mac 'n' cheese,3,36,val can you give me a reading of my car's tire pressure please,5,66,train what day do i get my paycheck,8,111,train can you play right above it,4,47,train did i take my car to the mechanics recently,5,72,test tell me how to jump start my own car battery,5,75,train adjust the contrast of the black and white photos,0,0,oos_test what is my card's apr and is it good,2,23,val would you tell me your name,9,127,train can i increase my credit limit to 500 dollars,2,22,train i'd like to get dinner suggestions for thai food,3,40,train inform eric of my current location,7,95,train please cancel the input,10,145,train i'm reporting fraudelent activity on my card,1,15,train "declare a variable named ""golf""",0,0,oos_test will i be safe while traveling to lyon (will you be safe),6,84,train what is the time right now in the peruvian time zone,7,103,train when will my application for my credit card be processed,2,27,train what are the reviews like for black bear dinner,3,38,train help me and let me know when i should replace my tires next if i last replaced them on june 2,5,74,train what exactly can you help me with,9,135,train read my entire shopping list to me,4,54,train please let me know what is on my shopping list,4,54,test do i owe any bills,1,9,train do you know the expiration date for my visa card,2,17,train do you need a special outlet converter in sweden,6,76,train call friend,7,97,train what kind of things do i have to do today,4,58,test "please confirm my reservation at parc for 8:00 pm, with the name denise jack",3,32,train i would love to know the interest rate on my bank of america cd account,1,7,train erase all items on my todo list,4,48,train raise the volume to 4 please,10,140,train what is my current credit score,2,28,train "when taking a flight with lion to singapore, how many carry ons are allowed",6,89,train cancel my reservation for dinner this saturday,3,42,test go back to default settings,10,149,val "i accidentally bent my card, what do i do",2,18,train how many e's are in sesame,7,102,train how long does cottage cheese keep in the fridge,3,31,train tell me everything i included on my list of things to remember for later,4,49,train where is the closet bus stop to go to downtown dallas,5,71,val can you tell me when you were born,9,134,train do i have any birthdays on my todo list,4,58,train assist me in getting a car rental,6,90,train can you speak like a british dude,10,144,train has my amex application gone through yet,2,27,train "i didn't hear you, can you repeat that louder",10,143,train are there restrictions for carrying lighters in my backpack on a plane,6,89,test """i""m headed out to lax and going to phl for a low price of $120 this weekend on the 12th",6,87,test i do not think that is proper,10,141,val i don't want this phone synced any more,10,146,train "on the tv, turn on",4,60,test do i have to have a visa to go to the cayman islands,6,80,train aloha,9,131,train please run a timer for me,7,96,train let's whisper,10,138,train i need any relevant travel alerts for australia,6,84,train call my friend aj,7,97,val how do i check my rewards for my maurices card,2,26,val is it ok to sub sugar for salt,3,43,train what was that,10,143,train where do i get my w2 form from,8,117,train how many calories are in chicken breast,3,35,train how do i report fraud on my chase bank card,1,15,val let's get a timer set for 5 minutes,7,96,train how to change oil of a car,5,63,val is there a certain type of gas i need to use,5,73,train how old are your pets,9,124,train how many times did i take a day off,8,120,train what is the amount of miles per gallon this car gets on the highway,5,69,train i need to cancel my reservation for 2 at franklin's grille,3,42,val could you tell me what my checking account balance is,1,12,train i can't use my card because it is broken,2,18,train when is payday,8,111,train tell me the gas type for that car,5,73,train who was your maker,9,121,test how are the tires on air pressure,5,66,train how low are my tires right now on air,5,66,test can you book a car rental today to new york city to philadelphia,6,90,test is there a specific date when i should get my tires changed,5,74,train "find a columbus, ohio hotel with good reviews",6,88,train how many calories on average are in a hot dog,3,35,train what's my account balance,1,12,train when will my car next be due to get its tires changed,5,74,val can you make a reservation in tampa from may 2 to may 4,6,88,val is it safe to travel to mexico,6,84,val "when travelling in chicago, what kinds of attractions should i see",6,83,train can you repeat the question again,10,143,test please tell me all of my recent transactions,1,14,train hey there!,9,131,train i'd like you to roll a 6 sided dice,7,104,train tell me whether or not i have a reservation at gramercy tavern for tad,3,32,test what preventative measures can i take to avoid a low credit score,2,19,test i think it is false,10,141,train "i need to tell my bank i am, indeed, going to be in london in a few hours",6,77,test do i need an international visa to go to mexico,6,80,train can you tell me what ingredients are needed for cinnamon buns,3,34,val how do i get rid of blocked nose at home,0,0,oos_test whats the best rated lipstick,0,0,oos_test how much is this years model of my car cost,0,0,oos_test help me jump start my car,5,75,train i'm having trouble remembering the pin number to my card,1,3,test when should you use a dry cleaner,0,0,oos_test "that's not right, so no",10,141,train dial someone's phone number,7,97,train how much will i have to pay in colorado taxes,8,112,train look up how much i earn annually,8,113,train do you know anything funny about cats,9,132,train are white and brown eggs any different,0,0,oos_val the answer is yes,10,139,train what is the credit card apr please,2,23,train what's the status of by delta flight,6,79,test do you happen to be employed by me,9,123,train what reason could the bank have had for blocking my account,1,6,train who created you,9,121,train call someone,7,97,train "how can i get new insurance, please",8,108,train dim the main lights please,4,60,train what's the damage on my federal tax return,8,112,train i've lost my luggage what should i do now,6,86,test how much are my xfinity and dte bills,1,9,train what was my recent transaction,1,14,test how do i jump start my car,5,75,test have you the time,7,103,train the car you are driving uses what kind of gas,5,73,test what is playing on the speaker at the moment,4,46,test what's the traffic like to city hall,5,65,train what was hercules the god of,0,0,oos_test what is this place,5,61,val let me know the name you have for me,10,137,train see if you can purchase a spacesuit online,0,0,oos_test tell me the weather,7,91,test tell me the subjects you're aware of,9,135,train is unleaded ok or should i use premium,5,73,train what are the symptoms of cancer,0,0,oos_test what sort of things do you or work on for fun when you have extra time,9,125,train what are the big tourist sites in sweden,6,83,train create a reminder for me to send flowers to my mom for mother's day,4,50,train how many calories does a big mac have,3,35,train do you know if benihana does reservations,3,45,train are there any holidays this month,8,107,train does taco house have a reservation for jean,3,32,train "what is 25% of $54,788",7,98,test what are delta's carry-on restrictions,6,89,train what insurance plan do i have,8,109,val tell me when my credit card expires,2,17,val what's the humidity today,7,91,val create a reservation novemeber 11 to 15 in cali,6,88,train i need an uber please,5,64,train are you employed by someone else,9,123,train how do you convert ounces to pounds,7,100,train find a hotel with great reviews in san francisco,6,88,train good seeing you,9,129,train are my tires under-inflated,5,66,train where can i find information on oil changes for my car,5,62,test i have how many vacation days saved up,8,115,train is there a reminder for my aa meeting on my list,4,49,train what is behind life's meaning,9,122,train my starbucks rewards balance is,2,26,train "could you freeze my account, please",1,1,train set a timer for me,7,96,train it looks like my account is blocked but i have no clue why,1,6,val what expression would i use to say i love you if i were an italian,6,78,train what am i hearing on the speakers now,4,46,train how long is the wait time at olive garden currently,3,33,val "check status on my deliver, has it been delivered",4,52,train can you flip a coin for me,7,101,test do i need a tourist visa for europe,6,80,train can you tell me the steps to change the oil in my car,5,63,train what is inches in centimeters,7,100,train do you have any jokes to tell me,9,132,train what amount of gas do i have in my car,5,68,train please play me the song that starts out with doo doo doo,4,47,val who was the first person to discover cells,0,0,oos_test "i put in a credit card application, so what is the status with it currently",2,27,train what is my chase card's rewards balance,2,26,train are you an actual person,9,133,train you must connect to my phone,10,146,train switch the language setting over to german,10,142,train can you flip a coin i pick heads,7,101,val search for a flight out of la to chicago on march 3rd for under $500,6,87,train my name is jim,10,147,train what's the non-city mpg for this car,5,69,train i want to set up direct deposit,8,119,test tell me when my flight is scheduled to start boarding,6,79,train cancel action,10,145,train what experiences does kentucky offer,6,83,train can my debit card be replaced quickly,2,16,train insurance benefits,8,109,train i think it could be either one,10,150,train when's the next time i should change my oil,5,62,test change the song to the next one on this playlist,4,56,train let me set up direct deposit for this,8,119,train whats up,9,131,train do a coin toss,7,101,train can you do a british male accent,10,144,train i need to know what dominate means,7,99,val my card is lost please report it,2,20,train confirm four for my reservation at fiji,3,32,val how many mexican pesos can i get for one us dollar,6,82,test my next paycheck is available when,8,111,train tell me how old youare,9,134,train switch the pin on my visa account,1,3,val what is the available balance in savings,1,12,train give me instructions for an oil change,5,63,test what are the carry-on restrictions for singapore airlines,6,89,train what's the average time it takes for a new card to arrive,2,16,train you can call me carrie,10,147,train please change credit,2,22,train set an alarm for 11 tomorrow,7,92,test what kind of entertainment is available in chicago,6,83,train find out what song this is,4,46,test what ingredients are in sushi,3,34,train can you tell me the best place for cajun shrimp in tampa,3,41,train how long is the validity of my credit card,2,17,train i would appreciate it if you could show me how to jump start a car battery,5,75,train can you name the song on the speakers,4,46,train do you have any dogs or cats,9,124,val how long will it take for me to get to the gas station,5,70,val which gas type goes into this car,5,73,test would it be smart to get a plug converter when i visit israel,6,76,train did a man really die trying to be loved by a horse,0,0,oos_test use the whisper voice,10,138,train is there meaning in life,9,122,test how high is the air in my tires,5,66,train i will be in lakewood from monday to wednesday and i need a hotel room for 4 people,6,88,train can you give me instructions on how to change the oil for my car,5,63,train tell me where you're from,9,128,test please tell me where my phone is,7,94,train change this song it sucks so bad,4,56,val to what extent until the following three day weekend,8,107,train my car battery is dead what do i do,5,75,test i really need to find the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,train would it be possible to increase my chase card's limit,2,22,train find me the closest public bathroom,5,71,train "your new name is joe, okay",10,148,test who is the coach of the chicago bulls,0,0,oos_train hows my credit score,2,28,train are there any interesting activities to do in austin,6,83,train set up direct deposit for me,8,119,train i need the language set to swahili,10,142,train how long do i have left to pay for my chase credit card,1,4,train pay my phoe bill with my debit card,1,5,train what will be the date tomorrow,7,93,train i want to add this song to my classical playlist,4,53,train what is the exact number of my salary,8,113,train turn the volume up,10,140,train is a plug converter necessary in mexico,6,76,train can you look up grocery coupons for me,0,0,oos_test please add 456 and 781 for me,7,98,train i shall switch to the male voice,10,144,train what holiday's are comming up next,8,107,train i need to know the apr on my credit union visa,2,23,train when should i change my car oil,5,62,train what is the date when my visa card will expire,2,17,test how many grams of sodium are in potato chips,3,36,val lets play some music by korn,4,47,test is there a reservation for mark at mimis,3,32,test call alex,7,97,val how much do i have on credit card bill,1,9,train my report card was stolen,2,20,test i want to set your name to gaffigan,10,148,train turn on the rap playlist,4,47,train could you check my account and let me know how much i spent on food in january,1,13,train how much money have i dropped recently,1,13,train what time is it in the greenwich timezone,7,103,test is this how i apply for a discover card,2,29,train "actually, cancel that",10,145,train what amount of pto days do i have left,8,115,test how do i redirect my 401k,8,114,train i need to know this song's name,4,46,train tell me something that'll make me laugh,9,132,train let's settle it with a coin flip,7,101,train how long will delivery of a new card take,2,16,train what should i do if i saw a cockroach in my house,0,0,oos_test how do i keep my credit score from dropping,2,19,train who is the start of the movie almost famous,0,0,oos_test can i increase the credit limit for my bank of america card,2,22,train share my location wtih amanda now,7,95,train how many vacation days do i have left this year,8,115,train which fuel does my car take,5,73,train i was at sears trying to buy clothes and my card got declined,2,21,train show me the goals of my local police department in terms of reducing crime,0,0,oos_test the next song should be played,4,56,train send a text message,7,105,train read my to-do list items,4,58,test how far from our destination are we,5,70,test can you tell me my starbucks rewards balance,2,26,train what do you put in chicken noodle casserole,3,34,train i need to do cleaning so add it to my to do list,4,48,train can i swap cayenne pepper for black pepper,3,43,train how much are the foreign transaction fees in brisbane,2,30,train i'd like to know my minimum payment please,1,8,val my car uses what type of fuel,5,73,train what can i do if my card is lost,2,20,train do you have any restaurant recommendations,3,41,val was my order shipped here,4,52,val can you list all of my online transactions for the month of january,1,14,train i want to eat something from turkey,3,40,test what is the minimum i can pay on my heating bill,1,8,test how many years do you have,9,134,train i'd like to know where i am,5,61,train what was my recent transaction on my visa card,1,14,test eleven madison park takes reservations right,3,45,test schedule car repairs,5,67,train give me the info of when our next day off is,8,107,train tell me the easiest way to set up direct deposit of my paycheck to my chase account,8,119,val what is the most famous quote on the internet,0,0,oos_test "my luggage is lost,what do i do now",6,86,train i want to pay my car payment,1,5,train "i need the dollar amount due on my verizon bill, please",1,9,train how do i make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,val play the next song please if you would,4,56,test plase hold my account for now,1,1,train i lost all my stuff that i had packed,6,86,test has my card application successfully gone through,2,27,val tell me my salary,8,113,train freeze my account at the bank immediately,1,1,test give me the definition of ajar,7,99,train how much credit do i have on my discover card,2,25,test can you set a 30 second timer,7,96,val please note that i will be travelling internationally soon,6,77,val what is the total amount that i have spent on the cash app for this month so far,1,13,train can we play the next track,4,56,train is it okay to switch water for milk,3,43,train what is 4 + 4,7,98,train how would i say where is the bathroom if i were korean,6,78,test can you mail more checkbooks to me please,1,11,train how do you go about jump starting a car battery,5,75,train resume my death metal playlist,4,47,train how safe is the herpes vaccine they give women,0,0,oos_test i'm here at dia but my luggage isn't!,6,86,train tell my bank that i'm travelling to france in 2 days,6,77,val set reminder pay taxes on monday,4,50,train tell me what's on the calendar for saturday,4,55,train what are the steps i need to follow to make chewy rice krispies treats,3,37,train have i received any messages about my credit card application,2,27,train will they take reservations at chillis,3,45,train how long to reheat chinese food,3,44,train alert my bank i'm checking out seattle for the next month,6,77,test is it possible to order more checkbooks for my chase bank account,1,11,train cancel my reservation for dinner tonight,3,42,test is there enough fuel to drive to tampa,5,68,train send sarah my current location,7,95,test let me know who programmed you,9,121,test how do i change my pin number for my payroll account,1,3,train can you list my shopping list for me,4,54,train tell me what day it is,7,93,train how many days before milk expire,3,31,val please give me a list of the ingredients contained in chocolate cupcakes,3,34,val i am wanting to know how old you are,9,134,train how many carry ons can i take on a flight with delta to mexico city,6,89,train i want to report a stolen card,2,20,val is my day off approved,8,106,train who is responsible for your employment,9,123,test make sure my reservation is happening for john at olive garden,3,32,train is there a reminder set to clean the gutters,4,49,train what do people find funny about food,9,132,train what is my current salary,8,113,test find out for me when the next holiday will be,8,107,train what would four inches be in centimeters,7,100,train my card has a burn on it,2,18,val is sparks experiencing bad weather right now,7,91,train i want to pay my bill through the app,1,5,test can you tell me the credit card application status,2,27,test i need to know what i have on my shopping list,4,54,train there is no need to confirm my reservation,3,42,train roll a die with 6 sides please,7,104,train please lock every door,4,60,train what was that question again,10,143,val please stop talking,10,145,test what is the amount of gas in my car,5,68,train can you tell me how many vacation days have i taken,8,120,val what's the expiry month of my card,2,17,train what do i need to gas up this car,5,73,train hoe many vacation days are left for me,8,115,train how do you make sure a bridge doesn't fall down,0,0,oos_test can you tell me my apr on my credit card,2,23,test "book a flight from pensacola, fl to houston, tx on 17 february 2019 and returning on 7 march 2019",6,87,train what amount of gas do i have left,5,68,val was my bank account frozen for a specific reason,1,6,train i would really like to know if i can go on vacation,8,106,val find me an uber and get it here,5,64,test is it possible to change to original settings,10,149,train please give me the time,7,103,test "i want to pay my electric bill, can you do it for me",1,5,test check for why is my bank account frozen,1,6,train are meeting rooms free between 8-3,8,118,test did you get confirmation my vacation is a go,8,106,train how do they say yes in brazil,6,78,train can you add remember to register for the race on my calendar for the 15th of march,4,51,train are there meetings scheduled for today,8,110,test connect me to bob,7,97,train i am enrolled in what insurance plan,8,109,val please send a message to peter telling him to pick up milk,7,105,train could you tell me if you're a real person,9,133,test plant all your flowers just after easter in early april,0,0,oos_test can i mix antifreeze with water,0,0,oos_val i don't understand your language; switch the language,10,142,test "can you schedule a meeting with james at the office, please",8,118,train tell me something interesting about elephants,9,126,val when is my cards end month,2,17,val could you please tell me the apr for the credit card,2,23,train what is the caloric value of a cookie,3,35,train why can't i use my credit card,2,21,test can i increase the credit limit for my visa platinum card,2,22,train if you could remind me about doing laundry i would appreciate it,4,48,train please cancel my reservation for chris at brio,3,42,train what do i have to pay on my amex that is the minimum,1,8,train set a timer for 30 minutes,7,96,test how do i spell catheter,7,102,train change to female voice,10,144,train reset to factory settings,10,149,val please abort the current process,10,145,val how many parks are within 20 miles of me,0,0,oos_test what's at movies,0,0,oos_test i was at target trying to buy candles and my card got declined,2,21,train when does my capital one visa expire,2,17,train any word on my healthcare plan,8,109,train can you tell me how to change the oil in my car,5,63,train negative for sure,10,141,train please tell me how to spell umbrella,7,102,val send a text to joe,7,105,val what can i carry-on delta flights,6,89,train whats included with my insurance,8,109,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at outback for josh,3,32,val how long before the replacement card is mailed to me,2,16,test what do i have on my todo list,4,58,val what do you have in the way of pets,9,124,val how long should i cook country fried potatoes for,3,44,val i want my entire shopping list ordered,4,57,train do you have any pets,9,124,test add up the calories in tacos,3,35,train help me apply for an american express card,2,29,train what meal from italy do you suggest,3,40,train how close is a gas station to mcdonalds,5,71,train what is my pnc account routing number,1,2,train i need to know if i can put a pto request in for march 10 to march 12,8,116,val i need the time zone for la,6,81,test can you cancelt the reservation i have for dinner,3,42,train i would like to take a look at my transaction history,1,14,train "for toby's, is it busy around six",3,33,train "how is the traffic on rt 5 towards my work , community bank",5,65,val "from december 22nd to the 25th, make me a pto request",8,116,train please tell me today's date,7,93,train can i use yogurt in place of sour cream,3,43,train "remind me to wash the dog, put on list of things to do",4,48,val show me my transactions on groceries,1,14,train what is rhineland,0,0,oos_train i need to change my pin number for my account,1,3,train check me out on the map,5,61,train does my checking account have a pin number,1,3,test could you repeat what you just said again,10,143,train how much is my xfinity cable bill,1,9,val i need help figuring out a new credit card to get,2,29,train what is the wait time at this restaurant,3,33,train don't let me forget to check the steak,4,50,val what would cause me to be locked out of my bank account,1,6,train is rice good for me,3,36,val can you pay the bill now,1,5,train do women still bare their chests for beads at mardi gras,0,0,oos_test that is a completely false statement,10,141,train flip a coin into the air,7,101,test i want your setting adjusted to whisper voice now,10,138,train i want to know the nutrition facts for pizza,3,36,train was my order brought here,4,52,val how can i switch the pin on my wells fargo account to 9982,1,3,train "there's a hold on my chase account, but why",1,6,train don't sync with my phone,10,146,val suggestions for thai food,3,40,val do i need a travel visa to visit canada,6,80,train find me cat trivia now please,9,126,val how much longer till the next day off,8,107,train what kinds of activities to you participate in during your free time,9,125,test does acero in maplewood allow reservations,3,45,train what is my pay date,8,111,train "my card is wrecked, let's report it",2,18,train does pho king in ceres take reservations,3,45,train help me transfer my 401k,8,114,train i think the charge for uber on my account is fraudulent,1,15,train are things going well for you,9,131,train how much is my bill for capital one,1,9,val how do applications for discover cards work,2,29,train i need more checkbooks for my chase account,1,11,train what do i set the timer for if i'm making gyoza,3,44,train i need you to clear my todo list,4,48,test "no, that is incorrect",10,141,test how do you say hello in mexico,6,78,val what are the best places to get shrimp in chicago,3,41,test can you make reservations at hodak's,3,45,train i need you to send a text,7,105,train "i want to set up direct deposit for my paycheck, what do i need to do",8,119,train can i get an uber for five people to go to the national gallery of art,5,64,train where can i get my tires checked and how can i schedule it,5,67,train can you call robby,7,97,train can you tell me if my credit card expires in the near future,2,17,train i need a reminder for my pin number,1,3,train suggest a few local eateries in mid price range,3,41,val tell me the month that my card will expire in,2,17,train make a reservation for chik-fil-a at 3 o' clock please,3,39,test did i create a task to clean the gutters on my list,4,58,train is it safe to travel to bermuda,6,84,train give me your best joke,9,132,val i need to know where the hospital closest to me is,5,71,test what do i need to do to get an american express card,2,29,train "can you tell me how to say 'i do not speak much spanish', in spanish",6,78,train what information can i ask you,9,135,train how can i get you to help me,9,135,train how to you spend your free time,9,125,test can i do a lot in nashville,6,83,train i would prefer to hear you speak like a british male,10,144,train "will having my shots updated be a good idea, before i travel to south america",6,85,test hi,9,131,val do i need a visa to scotland,6,80,train share my location with ma,7,95,train how often should i change the tires on my car,5,74,test i would like all of these things on my shopping list ordered,4,57,train is the next day off coming up,8,107,train google the price of skydiving in florida,0,0,oos_test what's the chemical composition of a fart,0,0,oos_test what's the timezone for london,6,81,train do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in germany,6,76,train should i be worried about any travel alerts for that country,6,84,train "oh no, report my card, it's stolen",2,20,train i have a vacation request that i need made,8,116,val would you consider someone else your boss,9,123,test what timezone is france in,6,81,train i'd like to request a vacation,8,116,test suggest a meal for me that comes from mexico,3,40,train what name do you call me by,10,137,train can i rent a sports car in augusta for 3/4 through 3/8,6,90,test can you confirm my reservation for dave at outback steakhouse,3,32,train ai goodbye,9,129,train who is your supervisor,9,123,val "what time is it in punta gorda, florida",7,103,train what's my daily spending limit,2,25,test can you convert 2 inches into meters,7,100,train put a block on my chase account right away,1,1,train can you talk slower please,10,136,train can you tell me how to jump start a car,5,75,val i want you to set alarms for 2pm and 3pm,7,92,val sure,10,139,test where can i find out why my card was recently declined at amazoncom,2,21,train quickly disconnect the phone,10,146,train what is this song called,4,46,test i think someone stole my card and used it,1,15,train what's the routing number for my savings account,1,2,train my car needs maintenance scheduled,5,67,train who is your creator,9,121,train what is the scheduled landing time for my flight,6,79,train does my credit card apr fall into a good range,2,23,train i want a new pin on my card of private client account,1,3,val why can't i get into my account,1,6,train i must have you repeat that,10,143,train i'd like to rent an automobile in pittsburgh from this tuesday until next thursday can i do that,6,90,train "cancel my reservation for dinner tonight, please",3,42,test yes i do like that,10,139,train signing off,9,129,test i need to add dusting the bookshelf to my to do list,4,48,train how long before i need to replace my tires,5,74,val tell me today's weather forecast,7,91,train i must know the interest rate on my bank of america cd account,1,7,train in what format did you save my name,10,137,train what's the usual time to get a new card when your previous one was lost,2,16,train make sure my alarm is set for three thirty in the morning,7,92,train please help me figure out why my card was declined yesterday,2,21,train i would like to transfer $5 from savings to checking,1,10,train could you set one alarm for 8am saturday and one for 9am sunday,7,92,train i lost my purple credit card and need to report it,2,20,train how many carry ons can i take on a flight with southwestern to tampa,6,89,test i cannot remember when i last took my car to the shop,5,72,test what kind of tax do i pay,8,112,train is it safe to travel to china,6,84,train what are some things that you enjoy,9,125,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at longhorn for justin,3,32,val what are my insurance amenities,8,109,train whats your age,9,134,test i would prefer to hear the female voice,10,144,train why would the water be turned off,0,0,oos_test does france use a socket converter,6,76,test the magnetic strip on my card is scratched up pretty badly from overuse can i get a new one,2,18,train in my motivational playlist include the song rap god,4,53,test give me the news on the newspaper today,0,0,oos_test i need to know when i must pay my car bill,1,4,train how is the air level in my tires,5,66,train do i need vaccinations to travel there,6,85,train look up articles on squealing brakes for ford f-150's,0,0,oos_test go to whisper mode until my morning alarm goes off,10,138,test do i have any appoints set for my calendar april 3rd,4,55,test can acero take reservation,3,45,train what is the record high temperature for today,7,91,train what's affiliate definition,7,99,train are there meeting rooms available between 9-10,8,118,train will you add what i'm listening to to my love playlist,4,53,train how is hello said in french,6,78,train i want to get an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train what does my personality mean,0,0,oos_train i want your volume lowered,10,140,val i dont like my current insurance plan and want a new one,8,108,train did i jot down a time to see my accountant on my to do list,4,58,train go into whisper mode until the plane lands,10,138,test what is the status of my purchase,4,52,val what company sponsored you,9,121,train it is a true,10,139,train thanks for helping,9,130,test where is wells fargo's routing number listed,1,2,test does finland have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train what are some steps to building my credit score,2,19,train "will you play the song that goes like, ""starships were meant to fly",4,47,test what pets do you currently own,9,124,train how many years old are you,9,134,train how do you spell out university,7,102,train repeat that again,10,143,train what are you able to do,9,135,train when will world war 3 begin,0,0,oos_test "what is your favorite, cats or dogs",9,124,train speed up your speech,10,136,train cancel my reservation for 4 at red robin,3,42,train what ingredients do i need for tacos,3,34,train what state were you born in,9,128,train "do ducks eat meat, vegetables, or both",0,0,oos_val i lost my phone and need help retrieving it,7,94,train what is the safest model of airplane to fly in,0,0,oos_test i need a reminder to give the dog his medicine at ten tonight,4,50,test why do males want to be alpha,0,0,oos_train make me laugh with a funny joke,9,132,train who created your ai program,9,121,train has my vacation been approved yet,8,106,train "tell me what things i need to accomplish per my to do list, please",4,58,train i would i say subway if i were english,6,78,train what is the route to take to report a lost card,2,20,val what's your boss's name,9,123,test do i have any meetings today between 4 and 5,8,110,train when will my card come,2,16,train go through all the reminders on my list and state what they are,4,49,train can you give me a american dinner suggestion,3,40,test what's a good gift to get for your grandparents,0,0,oos_test what is your name,9,127,test make an appointment for an oil change,5,67,train where can i list my vehicle for sell,0,0,oos_test what should i do when my visa card is stolen,2,20,train how long do the brownies need to be in the oven,3,44,train is the phone bill the same as last month,1,9,test can you use a different accent,10,144,train tell me what monstrosity means,7,99,train don't call me bill anymore - call me bob,10,147,test who designed you,9,121,train will they take reservations at torris,3,45,train read my reminders to me,4,49,train how much do you charge if i use my card in japan,2,30,train how do i do a 401(k) rollover,8,114,test do a websearch for direct deposit set up,8,119,train how do you get a safe deposit box,0,0,oos_test does my shopping list include corn,4,54,train could you tell me how to set up direct deposit for my check from work at nations bank,8,119,test bring up my most recent purchases,1,14,train i'm feeling like a greek meal and need some suggestions,3,40,test can you verify the doors are locked,4,60,val cancel the reservation for joe and i right now for the zephers reservation we had booked,3,42,train i want to use the cash that my points have earned on my credit card,2,24,train order more checkbooks for my community account,1,11,train i need to know all about the nutrition of the beef taco,3,36,train play the song called tiny dancer,4,47,train do i have a day off coming up soon,8,107,train send me a motivational quote everyday for the next week,0,0,oos_test "can you really time your compressions to queen's ""another one bites the dust""",0,0,oos_test how does the weather feel,7,91,test can you let me know how many pto days do i have left,8,115,val exchange rate to go from dollar to yen,6,82,train how to tell the company that my credit card melted,2,18,train tell me nutritional info for beans,3,36,test what's my income tax,8,112,val what is the temp right now,7,91,train can i make a change to my credit limit,2,22,val can you find me a recipe for carrot cake,3,37,train can you please obtain an oil change appointment for me,5,67,train what's my current gas level,5,68,train i want a timer set,7,96,train "could you repeat that, please",10,143,train "i actually don't want this anymore, please abort",10,145,train what are your best travel suggestions,6,83,train what is the next holiday,8,107,train how long will it take to get from galleria mall to state capitol,5,70,train please take feeding the fish off of my list of tasks to complete,4,48,train put the garage lights on,4,60,train help me buy a black iphone7,4,57,val please roll the dice,7,104,train i need to get a new credit card application,2,29,test "give me the routing number of my checking account at my main bank, first commerce",1,2,test call the bank and tell them i will be in france on the 16th until the 26th,6,77,train is the sushi well-received at yakamoto,3,38,train i must change my pin number for my money market account,1,3,train how much is my income,8,113,train "ai, please roll the dice",7,104,train will i be charged if i use the card in australia,2,30,train how busy is mc donald at 8 in the morning,3,33,train i need an uber for 2 for orlando,5,64,train open map and pin point my location,5,61,test please find my balance on my chase mastercard,1,12,train what movies are playing,0,0,oos_test "sorry, can you speak a little quicker, please",10,136,train will you please slow down your voice,10,136,test take carrots off my list for shopping,4,59,train "if i use applesauce instead of oil, will that mess it up",3,43,test is there anything i can't ask you,9,135,train if i use my card in mexico do i get an extra fee,2,30,train are you doing alright,9,131,test is it possible to use starch instead of flour,3,43,test any headlines from my area,0,0,oos_train is flight dl123 delayed,6,79,test "is it monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday, saturday, or sunday",7,93,train my shopping list contains what,4,54,train did i get my day off,8,106,train "that is not true, it's false",10,141,train "how do i get new insurance, please",8,108,train has the application for my american express been processed yet,2,27,train who made your algorithms,9,121,train please transfer $x from checking to saving,1,10,train what is the total day off have i taken,8,120,val do you have any hobbies to speak of,9,125,train is changing the water filter on my to do list right now,4,58,train where can i go to find out my credit limit,2,25,train bob is my name now,10,147,test tell me the amount of pto i have used at this point,8,120,train when should my oil be changed,5,62,train how much vacation am i currently entitled to,8,115,train did my vacation get approved,8,106,train "maybe one, maybe the other",10,150,train where do you want to eat tonight,3,41,val "on my shopping list, remove eggs",4,59,test do i need a vaccination to go to europe,6,85,train get me an uber to chilis,5,64,train are there ways for me to make my credit score better,2,19,train what's the best hand to have in texas hold em,0,0,oos_test a w2 form is obtainable where,8,117,train what are the reviews like for la camelia,3,38,train confirm that buy a light bulb is on my list of reminders,4,49,train what's the current reward amount on my mastercard,2,26,train change the language you're using to american english,10,142,train "i don't believe that is possible, it is false",10,141,train how much time will riding the bus to downtown take,5,70,train "indian cuisine suits me and i'd like a meal suggestion, please",3,40,test what is an amazing trivia fact relating to 3d printing,9,126,train i need someone to look at my car because my check engine light is on,5,67,train why is there fake news,0,0,oos_val thank you kindly,9,130,train call me by my name,10,137,train has the application for my visa been processed,2,27,train can you tell me my credit limit,2,25,train can you tell me dollars to franks,6,82,train can i move some money around,1,10,test can i increase my credit limit to 800 dollars,2,22,train what the mpg,5,69,test does brooklyn have good italian restaurants,3,41,val can you swap the language to afrikaans for me,10,142,train is love the meaning of life,9,122,train i would say that the statement is definitely false,10,141,train my vacation to spain is coming up and i need my bank to know,6,77,val x will be your name,10,148,train please help me set up a vacation request,8,116,test how do i request vacation time,8,116,train does my car need specific fuel,5,73,train please unsync my phone,10,146,train "sorry, i didn't hear you, can you say that gain",10,143,train can you let me know what health plan i'm on,8,109,train put soda on the shopping list and add carrots,4,59,train does my card charge a fee for use in indonesia,2,30,train how many days did i take off,8,120,test when will i get paid next,8,111,train i want the volume at level 4,10,140,val what are the things you like to do for fun,9,125,train whats the forecast for the weather,7,91,train where could i find forms to get my w2,8,117,train can you check my credit score,2,28,test i need to know the nearest bank's location,5,71,train can i make a reservation for 8 pm at red robin for 3,3,39,train what is the meaning of realism,7,99,train will i encounter traffic,5,65,test please talk faster,10,136,val thanks for your help,9,130,val display my location on a map,5,61,train where can i find a place where i can schedule to check my tires out,5,67,train what are ways to improve my credit score,2,19,train chase account options direct deposit,8,119,test set an alarm for lunch and another for dinner,7,92,train do i need an international visa to go to england,6,80,train can you help me solve a math problem,7,98,train "can you assist with an oil change, and what type of oil do i get",5,63,train i need to know where my phone is,7,94,train i've told my financial institution that i'm in africa from august 6 to december 5,6,77,train i need a flight to be booked from san diego to boston through frontier,6,87,train is it possible to get a table for 4 at the village inn around 10am,3,39,train what kinds of subjects do you know about,9,135,val who conjured you,9,121,val will you tell me my bank balance,1,12,test are there instructions on how to make buttermilk pancakes,3,37,train help me get an uber to ann arbor,5,64,train so what sort of hobbies are you into,9,125,train make a reservation for three at prime rib at 6:30 pm,3,39,train when will i need my next oil change,5,62,test what song am i listening to,4,46,train that is a fact,10,139,train what ingredients are in cake,3,34,train "can you schedule a meeting with jessica at the office, please",8,118,train would i need any immunization if i go to thailand,6,85,train "if i would like to set up direct deposit, how do i do it",8,119,train can i rename you,10,148,train whats the name of this song,4,46,train please put a freeze on my banking account,1,1,test what firm is responsible for your design,9,121,val last time car was in shop,5,72,train i would like to apply for a visa card,2,29,train who is the hardest working man in hollywood,0,0,oos_test put rice and pudding on my shopping list cause i need them,4,59,train i want to check on my vacation request,8,106,train what kind of reviews does wendy's have,3,38,train can you tell me today's rate for cad to usd,6,82,train please put this song on my studying playlist,4,53,test what timezone is paris in,6,81,val schedule an appointment with the credit counselor for tuesday,0,0,oos_test nope,10,141,train tell me how to jump start a battery,5,75,train what would be the best way to deal with lost luggage,6,86,test how many points have i earned with my amex card,2,26,val how does one go about setting up direct deposit,8,119,train what are some easy ways to make my credit score better,2,19,val add mountain dew to my list for shopping,4,59,train look up the type of gas needed for this vehicle,5,73,train i want to know what i have to do,4,58,train i need to know the things on my shopping list,4,54,train at walmart my card got declined when i was buyng qtips,2,21,train on what date do i get paid,8,111,train play a song for me,4,47,train what exactly is the status of my application for the credit card,2,27,test are there any travel advisories for the us,6,84,test what is the saved vacation time i have left,8,115,train can you spell water,7,102,train turn on top 20 country hits,4,47,test please book an uber for chima's,5,64,train i want to hear satisfaction,4,47,val i want to hear what you think life's purpose is about,9,122,val what type of fuel does my car need,5,73,train get me a room in cali on november 11 to 15,6,88,train i want to know how many days off i have utilized until now,8,120,test how much tax do i pay,8,112,train what date do i get paid,8,111,test "i would like to hear a list of my insurance benefits, please",8,109,train how much is the total due for my pgw gas bill,1,9,train how much of my pto have i depleted,8,120,train do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in sweden,6,76,train i want the light less bright please,4,60,test what is my car's tire pressure,5,66,train "please help me find my phone, because i lost it",7,94,train revert back to factory settings,10,149,test when did i take to car to the auto shop,5,72,train ai who made you,9,121,train i think my luggage got lost,6,86,train what company wrote your code,9,121,train what kind of questions do you accept,9,135,train can you add that to my chillwave playlist,4,53,train can you help me study for a history exam,0,0,oos_train order all items on my shopping list,4,57,test terminate current process,10,145,train i must call jordan,7,97,train how long will it take to be seated at the flying w,3,33,train i need to get a hold of my w-2 right now,8,117,train so it turns out my card was declined at applebee's and i wanna know why,2,21,train i need to speak to customer service regarding my flight,0,0,oos_train tell me when my next paycheck is set to arrive,8,111,train pull up the ratings for macaroni grill,3,38,train "i have lost my card, what am i supposed to do",2,20,test which bus should i take to get to the statue of liberty,5,71,train does my shopping list consist of chips,4,54,train when is our next free day,8,107,train when do i need to change the oil again,5,62,train help me find a good sushi spot in chicago,3,41,train how do i build credit,2,19,train where do i rent a car in las vegas from november 16th to december 16th,6,90,val tell me what you think my name is,10,137,train i am in need of my w2 for tax reasons; provide me where to get it,8,117,train i want to hear you tell a joke,9,132,train could you speed up your speech,10,136,val can you share something funny about traveling,9,132,test i gotta pay my cable bill,1,5,train i'd like to know what bitcoin means,7,99,test what are the reviews like for l'auberge aubergine,3,38,test how much have i spent on food in the past week,1,13,train "on my to do list, add cleaning",4,48,train turn it up please,10,140,train please cancel the last input,10,145,test how can i change car oil,5,63,val what kind of gas mileage does this car get when going through a city,5,69,val please change the language that you are responding in,10,142,train where can i find the nearest dollar store,5,71,val i was at zales trying to buy a ring and my card got declined,2,21,train how much is my amex's apr,2,23,train may i have your name,9,127,test what is the minimum amount i can pay on my gas bill,1,8,test do you have cats or dogs or something else as a pet,9,124,test let me know the list of transaction on my first hawaiian bank,1,14,train is it safe to fly to russia,6,84,train "please book me an uber and enter destination penn station, new york",5,64,train i was at publix trying to buy some food but my card wouldnt work,2,21,test go to whisper mode for one hour,10,138,test what do i do to jump start my battery,5,75,train how do i find the meaning of life,9,122,train what is 25 percent of 6999,7,98,train why in the world am i locked out of my bank account,1,6,train can i call you adam instead of the current name,10,148,val what plug type does greece use,6,76,train what's my current mpg,5,69,train can you search recommended casual restaurants for tonight in philadelphia,3,41,test so far how much pto have i used,8,120,test what is there on january 1st on my calendar,4,55,train how many centimeters are in 12 meters,7,100,test flange means what,7,99,train what location do you see me at right now,5,61,train please set a timer for 6 minutes,7,96,train use my park bank account to pay my electric bill,1,5,train i want everything on my shopping list ordered,4,57,train tell me the weather report for tallahassee,7,91,train who formulated the theory of relativity,0,0,oos_train i would like to reserve a table for 2 at sam's steakhouse under the name jessie at 6:30 pm,3,39,val i am unable to say,10,150,test confirm the doors are locked,4,60,val suggest an italian meal to me,3,40,train what song is this,4,46,train what you do at the free time,9,125,train what's the estimated time to get to ppg paints arena in pittsburgh via bus,5,70,train can you tell me what to do as i am in the airport and have been for some time and there is still no sign of my suitcase,6,86,train what are some fun local experiences in canada,6,83,test are car rentals available out of new york from march 2 to march 3,6,90,train turn the volume to level 4,10,140,train "how much money do i pay in taxes, please",8,112,train would you call yourself a cat or dog person,9,124,test how do you convert pounds to kilos,7,100,train transfer seventy dollars between national and citizens accounts,1,10,test will car rentals be available in boston from march 2 to march 4,6,90,train is it possible for me to get a better credit card,2,29,test what about the weather in austin,7,91,test put a hold on my bank account please,1,1,train go into whisper mode now,10,138,train has anyone looked at my mastercard application,2,27,train what timezone does lisbon have,6,81,train let me know the status of my american airlines flight,6,79,test i want to cash out my credit card points,2,24,train can you delete lunch with david from my to do list,4,48,train do they take reservations at state bird,3,45,train could you please schedule a meeting with carrie and lisa,8,118,train could you schedule a meeting room for 4:00 on thursday,8,118,test tell me how much gas i have,5,68,train dont let me forget to do that thing later,4,50,train play rock playlist,4,47,train will you help me with a math problem,7,98,train can you see if i have my doors locked,4,60,train hello,9,131,val what shots do i need before traveling to malawi,6,85,train give me the reviews for chipotle,3,38,train find me a flight from seattle to detroit for less than 200 dollars,6,87,test heads or tails,7,101,train forget it,10,145,train how do increase the credit limit on my visa card,2,22,train is there anyone available to help pay an internet bill,1,5,train are the electric plugs the same over in that country,6,76,test make an order for new checbooks on my td checking please,1,11,train how can i cash in the rewards i have earned on my amex,2,24,train tell me the best way to freshen the smell in my car,0,0,oos_test how early should i leave to the airport in la,5,70,train tell me my minimum citicard payment,1,8,train can my credit limit be increased by 500 dollars,2,22,test what's the time in london,7,103,train what roundtrip flights from orlando to vegas are available from thursday to monday,6,87,test i need to find a new babysitter,0,0,oos_test where can i find out the status of my credit card application,2,27,train when's my visa card expiring,2,17,train i want everything on my shopping list to be ordered,4,57,train what's the balance on my bills,1,9,train when is the next time it is suppose to rain,7,91,train i've let me bank know that i'm visiting south america from may to october,6,77,train is las vegas a safe place to visit,6,84,train what number of pto days do i have left,8,115,val transfer ten dollars from my wells fargo account to my bank of america account,1,10,val where are you originally from,9,128,train i would like a reservation for 6:30 pm at pietro's under the name david jones,3,39,train do i need to go under the car to change oil,5,63,train dial sarah,7,97,train "i did not hear you, please repeat",10,143,train i want to know the weather forecast for today,7,91,train "my card snapped, can you tell my bank to send a replacement",2,18,train explain how do i get new insurance,8,108,val who was the inventor of ai,9,121,train try using a different accent,10,144,train how long does it take a new card to arrive in the mail to me,2,16,val are you here to serve me,9,123,train can you get me a table for 3 at captain d's at 2pm,3,39,train what kinds of questions can you answer,9,135,train i need your assistance on transfering my 401k,8,114,train abort it,10,145,val i need to pay my time warner cable bill,1,5,val i want to put thank you on my playlist called relaxing jams,4,53,val how long will it take me to get to walmart,5,70,test how many pokemon have i caught in my pokemon go app,0,0,oos_test let my bank know that i'm going to norway between march 3 and march 5,6,77,train where is the location of your creation,9,128,train "my car needs jump started, find me directions",5,75,train contact bank and let them know about my travel plans,6,77,test can you flip a coin and tell me the result,7,101,train tack on a gallon of milk to the grocery list,4,59,test was i spending too much money on doughnuts last week,1,13,val choose heads or tails and tell me what you came up with,7,101,train find out which museum houses the most post modern art in new york state,0,0,oos_test what insurance benefits am i getting,8,109,train please turn my settings back to the original settings,10,149,train please send the police my location with gps,7,95,train when am i boarding my flight,6,79,val play the current tennis match on the tv in the living room,0,0,oos_test add my next doctor visit to my calendar,4,51,val what are the rules for carry on luggage,6,89,train tell me please what paean means,7,99,val my name is john,10,147,train can you confirm my reservation for 6 pm on the 13th of february,3,32,train can you tell me how much air are in my car tires,5,66,val when will i need to change my tires again,5,74,train what tune is this,4,46,train how much dough do i have in my bank accounts,1,12,test what keeps you busy in your free time,9,125,train "i'm at home, so where is the closest starbucks",5,71,train is there enough money in my account for expenses,1,12,train how long does bread last in the freezer,3,31,train what number of vacation days do i have available,8,115,val are there transaction fees in cuba for using my discover card,2,30,test how much time does it take a new card to get mailed to me,2,16,val how do i rollover my 401k,8,114,val my card was declined at mcdonald's and i want to know why,2,21,val update me on my vacation request,8,106,train i need to tell bank that i am taking a trip to asia,6,77,train diy oil change,5,63,test lower your volume,10,140,train if i'm locked in a bank vault what's the best way to get out,0,0,oos_test is chocolate healthy,3,36,val tell me how to use credit card points,2,24,train i have a new job now and need help with rolling over my 401k,8,114,train are you really a person or an ai,9,133,train what's my day off request's status,8,106,train do you think i could get a target gift card with my credit card points,2,24,train would you tell me my spending limit,2,25,train give me a tuna salad recipe,3,37,test how do i check when my mortgage is next up for payment,1,4,train purchase a flight from boise to sacramento on sunday and returning on wednesday,6,87,train compare the new life growth in trees when the seasons change,0,0,oos_test is there any news on flight dl123,6,79,train how do you unclog a toilet,0,0,oos_test how old will you be this year,9,134,test is it acceptable to swap salt for baking soda,3,43,train i need x's routing number,1,2,test "take soda from my shopping list, and while you're at it add tea",4,59,test i would like to look up my credit score please,2,28,train put my workout playlist on,4,47,train figure out for me when i ought to change my tires next,5,74,val how is the ai doing,9,131,train how long do i put sugar cookies in for,3,44,val show me the top 10 quotes by mark twain,0,0,oos_test i wanna know what the traffic is like on the way to phoenix,5,65,train what is the time frame for sending a customer who lost their credit card a new one,2,16,test "which health plan do i have, again",8,109,test i don't have the answer,10,150,train how can i jump start my car,5,75,val "what is the name that you have for me, please",10,137,train add up my reward points for master card,2,26,train can i fly with my razors or are there restrictions,6,89,test who are some notable alumni of ucsd,0,0,oos_train what is life's purpose,9,122,val how many days will it take to get a new credit card to replace the one stolen from me,2,16,train i need you to make a reminder for me to give the cat her flea medicine,4,50,train i want to roll some dice,7,104,train "how many vacation days do i have remaining, please",8,115,train does my tv need a socket conveter in ny city,6,76,val am i due for an oil change yet,5,62,test how much do i have in the bank,1,12,train confirm my taco house reservation for jean,3,32,train how do i speed up the speech of this ai,10,136,train cant say,10,150,train can you put in a pto request for march 4 to march 6 for me,8,116,train i'm searching for a 2-way flight from yqg to heathrow for w to memorial day,6,87,val could i get assistance booking a car rental in las vegas,6,90,val why was my card declined at safeway,2,21,train i need to freeze my bank account,1,1,train what do i need to get to put into homemade tortillas,3,34,train go to the next song and play it,4,56,test could you tell me how to direct deposit my check from work into nations bank,8,119,test switch over to whisper,10,138,train when will i get my next paycheck,8,111,train "siri, find my iphone",7,94,train has my delivery order showed up,4,52,train i'd like to pencil in a meeting with seth at 11am,8,118,train i need ideas for things to do in nashville,6,83,train my battery is dead so how can i get it going again,5,75,train add a doctor's appointment to my calendar for friday,4,51,val whats in my gas tank,5,68,train what years has korea been at war,0,0,oos_train turn on the tv please,4,60,val go and check the fridge,0,0,oos_test how do i find the area of a circle,0,0,oos_val can you help me find out how to get a new credit card,2,29,train i'm going to need you to be quiet now please,10,138,train please call toby,7,97,train i'm telling you this is a true statement,10,139,val "if i take a flight on pan am to denver, how many carry ons are included",6,89,train i must know my bank of america routing number,1,2,train please increase the speed of your talking,10,136,train tell me the sum total of my water and electricity bills,1,9,train what's my going out to eat tab this month vs last month,1,13,train they call me john,10,147,train what's the number of remaining vacation days i have,8,115,train "does my card have an expiration date and if so, what is it",2,17,test please reset the factory settings,10,149,train is my order here yet,4,52,train reset device to original settings,10,149,train please check my tires and let me know if i have sufficient air in them,5,66,val i need you to turn the bathroom lights on,4,60,test do i need to get a visa for traveling to chile,6,80,train what's the mileage on my car,5,69,train how little can i pay on my car bill,1,8,train how much can i expect in transaction fees for using my visa in portugal,2,30,train maybe either,10,150,train tell me where i can get more information on getting a job at the post office,0,0,oos_test will you please confirm my reservation for march 11 at 6:30 pm,3,32,train roll a 6 sided die and tell me the result,7,104,val play help! by the beatles,4,47,train when was i paid the last time,8,111,train direct deposit instructions,8,119,train what is your current age,9,134,val 12 feet is equal to how many inches,7,100,train i don't understand why there is a hold on my retirement fund account,1,6,train i need you to pair with my phone please,10,146,val do you call me a certain name,10,137,train can you get me an uber to disney world,5,64,test please find out the expiration date for my credit card,2,17,train please call felicity,7,97,val "flip the coin, i choose heads",7,101,test can i get a reservation at champs,3,45,train when should i go in and have my tires changed,5,74,train can you check when my flight lands,6,79,train please respond to me in spanish,10,142,train what is my credit score number,2,28,test what is the prep time for a 10 lb turkey,3,44,train please talk slower for me if you can,10,136,val locate my cellphone in this room,7,94,test what makes pi so mathematically important,0,0,oos_test cancel my reservations for joe's at zepher right now,3,42,train what movies are playing at my local cinemax,0,0,oos_test tell me the ingredients in pizza,3,34,train i want to hear something funny about history,9,132,test what price is my credit card and my water bill at,1,9,test does moes in la except rerservations,3,45,train please say that one more time,10,143,train can you tell me what 80 divided buy 4 is,7,98,train can you tell me your age,9,134,test let me see the list of tranaction on my discovery credit card,1,14,train i need lodging in lizton near the ice cream parlor from may 3rd until the 8th,6,88,train is a visa required to visit cancun,6,80,train reserve a table for 3 at outback steakhouse under the name lance at 7:00pm,3,39,train "i can't decide on dinner, what do you suggest",3,40,train whats the policy to redeem my visa reward points,2,24,test i would like to hear what ideas you have about making dinner tonight,3,40,train i'd love to hear a joke,9,132,train when is it right now,7,103,train that's totally wrong!,10,141,train what is the tax amount,8,112,train what is the credit limit for my chase card,2,25,train please pay electric bill,1,5,train where did you grow up,9,128,test please turn on the hallway lights,4,60,val i need you to confirm my reservation for outback steakhouse at 6,3,32,train how will i know when my application for a credit card has been processed,2,27,train can you tell me how to set up direct depost,8,119,train i want to take a bus to mexico city how do i do that,5,71,train put on some metallica music,4,47,test please read out my list of tasks to accomplish,4,58,train how can i thank somebody in italian,6,78,train i want to rent a car in boise from april 12-15,6,90,train do you have the ability to do a male british accent,10,144,train i need help locating my phone,7,94,test is it going to rain tonight,7,91,train what kind of questions can i ask the ai,9,135,val how the bus moves,0,0,oos_test will you let me know what my spending limit is,2,25,train how busy is michel at 9,3,33,train do you have any ideas on the meaning of life,9,122,val carla doesn't want her olive garden reservation anymore,3,42,val what ingredients are in cheese cake,3,34,train i need you to check the air levels in my tires and let me know if i have enough in them,5,66,val whats my location,5,61,test are there extra fees for using my card in mexico,2,30,train "how are you doing today, ai",9,131,train do i have anything on my calendar for may 3,4,55,train tell me how to get my 401k rolled over,8,114,train accepted,10,139,val how do i stop my child from setting small animals on fire for amusement,0,0,oos_test is there any good place in hawaii kai that serve local food,3,41,train how do i set up instant paycheck,8,119,train stop and go back,10,145,train what's a good place to vacation,6,83,val will you remove the dinner with june on saturday the 4th at 7pm from my calendar,4,51,test give me a fun fact about otters,9,126,train can you tell me a good indian dish to make,3,40,train what fuel should i use for this car,5,73,test how much do i need to pay for my electricity and water bills,1,9,test what is the least amount i can pay for power bill,1,8,train can you make an appointment for an oil change,5,67,train are there any flights out of la to chicago on march 3rd for under $500,6,87,train what's 3 plus 3,7,98,train can you read my shopping list to me,4,54,train "that would be ""no",10,141,train can you name the type of pets you have,9,124,test add to friday's calendar a doctor's appointment,4,51,val how many points do i have on my mastercard,2,26,train minimum payment for my credit card,1,8,train how much has the dow changed today,0,0,oos_test correct,10,139,train i'm needing to know who made you,9,121,train book room for me and her under the name kendra,3,39,val what ingredients do i need to make pancakes,3,34,train how much is my rent,1,9,train who is in charge of you,9,123,train is there a certain kind of fuel needed,5,73,test tell me what you can do for me,9,135,test how do you show my name,10,137,val please help me pay my cable bill,1,5,train i need to report a lost card,2,20,train how do i bake a blackberry pie,3,37,train when is it time for a change in tires,5,74,test please spell doctor,7,102,val help me pick a nice restaurant to dine at,3,41,train how much do i pay in taxes,8,112,train what is my hourly rate,8,113,train please call me bailey,10,147,test i need an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train what if i lost my luggage,6,86,train which marvel character has appeared in the most movies,0,0,oos_train get my back to factory settings,10,149,train it is false,10,141,test what is the protocol for getting new insurance,8,108,test how many calories in chicken,3,35,train tell me your brand,9,121,train give me my todo list,4,58,test where can i find my gas tank,5,68,test text mollie saying 'i am on my way,7,105,val change my amex account pin to 1234,1,3,train on what day is my meeting with dr lee,8,110,train i need to know how to spell excellent,7,102,train do i need a visa to travel to jamaica,6,80,train am i your manager,9,123,train pay my internet bill with my discover account,1,5,train i need to find my w2 so i can do taxes,8,117,train i want to hear some music,4,47,train has my vacation time been signed off on,8,106,train are all the street lamps working on my street,0,0,oos_test increase the volume level to 4 now,10,140,train "can i make a reservation for 2 at state bird for 7:30, please",3,39,train what is the conversion between tablespoons and cups,7,100,train can you buy something from walmartcom for me,4,57,train "what time is it in las vegas, nv",7,103,train "would you tell me the meaning of life, please",9,122,train please call an uber for me,5,64,val do you have a cat or a dog,9,124,val "what do i have on my calendar today, the 3rd",4,55,train add single ladies by beyonce to my pop playlist,4,53,train what is the best way to deal with my lost luggage,6,86,train i want to send a text,7,105,train can you help me set up a direct depost,8,119,train change my pin number for my checking account,1,3,train got any good dinner ideas,3,40,train i need you to stop talking,10,145,val is there a way to increase the credit limit on my american express card,2,22,train what do i need to do to apply for a visa card,2,29,val "sorry, can you speak a little faster",10,136,train is the air pressure in my tires low,5,66,train how should i proceed if my car won't start and i think it's the battery,5,75,train return to your original settings,10,149,train what do you know to be the nutritional info for macaroni and cheese to be,3,36,train can you play the song that sounds like thun thun thun,4,47,val i require my w2 for taxes and need to locate it,8,117,train how high are the rewards on my discover card,2,26,train i say no to that question,10,141,train is a meeting with ruth on my schedule today,8,110,train what ingredients are in tortillas,3,34,train what can you do,9,135,train help me find a well reviewed hotel in dallas,6,88,train i have some charges on my account from old navy that aren't mine,1,15,test what time did my daughter get home from her date,0,0,oos_test can you tell me how busy outback steakhouse will be at 7:30 pm,3,33,train i need assistance figuring out how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train can you give me a burmese dinner suggestion,3,40,train pay the electric bill,1,5,train clear my calendar for tomorrow,4,51,train how long will i be on the bus if i rid it to seattle,5,70,test halt the process,10,145,train can you notify my bank that i will be traveling to mexico between march 1st and 15th,6,77,test are cool people at the bar at 9:00 pm,3,33,test how many inches and centimeters would i need if i had 10 feet of something,7,100,train what is the amount of my state taxes,8,112,test how do i get rid of an itchy rash,0,0,oos_test when will we next get to stay home from work,8,107,train please set me an alarm,7,92,val do you know what the latest is with my credit card application,2,27,train is there a way to roll over my 401k,8,114,val tell me what this song is called that's playing,4,46,test how long is the bank open until,0,0,oos_test what is the credit limit for my bank of the west card,2,25,train please transfer $250 from checking to savings,1,10,train what time is my next paycheck coming,8,111,train how much is my water bill,1,4,train what can i do in hong kong,6,83,val how do you convert milliliters to ounces,7,100,train tell me the expiration date for my visa card,2,17,test how can i find my credit rating,2,28,train "great talk, take it easy",9,129,train are pasta dishes healthy,3,36,train is there traffic on route to work,5,65,train how busy is zippy around 12 for lunch,3,33,train what's my federal tax this year,8,112,val my new playlist well be having god's plan adding to it,4,53,train how safe is it to visit spain,6,84,val can you roll a dice with 6 sides,7,104,val what is the balance on my visa,1,12,train is there traffic up ahead,5,65,train give tim my current location from the gps,7,95,train does chili's take reservations,3,45,train what's the traffic like on the way to patterson,5,65,train credit limit info,2,25,train what is the amount of money that i have to pay in taxes,8,112,train i need to know how to get to target by bus,5,71,train target declined my card and i don't know why,2,21,val does delta have any carry-on restrictions,6,89,train should i change my tires,5,74,train do you know the meaning of life,9,122,train does dhl deliver to my address,0,0,oos_test what time do i need to arrive to make it on time,0,0,oos_test how little can i pay for my water bill,1,8,train what is today's fun fact,9,126,test when is the next time i'll receive a paycheck,8,111,test i wish to apply for a visa card,2,29,test when should my car's tires be changed,5,74,val do i have get an oil change on my todo list,4,58,train is this a song that i dont know,4,46,val what's the exact date that my chase card will no longer work,2,17,train can you tell me what time this flight is going to land,6,79,train get a 3 minute timer,7,96,train i need to find the correct td bank routing number for my pennsylvania account,1,2,train i was trying to buy food at publix but my card got declined,2,21,test how soon milk expires,3,31,test i want to use my credit card points,2,24,train where can one receive their w-2 form,8,117,train how much of my pto is left,8,120,test can you assist me in paying my electric bill,1,5,train what is the definiton of auspicious,7,99,test i want you to change the ai name,10,148,train tell me what company programmed you,9,121,train can you explain why there is a hold on my savings account,1,6,train tell me something interesting about los angeles,9,126,train what's the name of my health insurance plan,8,109,test delta has too many carry-on restrictions! do you know them,6,89,train i need to know the travel alerts for kenya,6,84,train set an alarm to work out and another to go home,7,92,train "call me an uber please, and make it for four people to go downtown",5,64,val what does the carry-on policy say for flights on united airlines,6,89,train how might i say hello if i were scottish,6,78,test be more quiet,10,140,test i want to report fraud on my american express,1,15,val please set the alarm,7,92,test please tell me about my income,8,113,train what exactly is my pin,1,3,test i need to be reminded,4,50,val get me an order of creatine powder,4,57,test what day of the week are we on,7,93,val how far out is flight dl123,6,79,test what is the minimum i can pay on my electric bill,1,8,test cancel that last command,10,145,train "whisper mode, please",10,138,test can you tell me what kind of life form you are,9,133,val speak spanish please,10,142,test "mayonaise has been in my fridge for three years, is it still good to eat",3,31,val do i have to get an international visa before they'll let me in melbourne,6,80,train if i go to dublin is a socket converter needed,6,76,train i'd like my account frozen,1,1,train what do i do to freeze my account,1,1,train bella needs to be called,7,97,train i believe that to be false,10,141,train what's the fuel level,5,68,train do my task list have call kath on it,4,58,train see you in a while,9,129,train what kind of gas should i put into this car,5,73,train how high is my balance on my discovery card,2,25,train how do you change car oil,5,63,train i wanna know how long can i keep pizza in the freezer for before it goes bad,3,31,train "what do you suggest for entertainment in tampa, florida",6,83,train please flip a coin i select tails,7,101,train how good are the ratings for peter luger steakhouse,3,38,train insert what i am listening to into my jazz playlist,4,53,train book me a hotel in seattle near the space needle from march 3rd to 5th,6,88,train what should i do if i need to report my card lost,2,20,test what's my discover credit limit,2,25,test what is the word on flight dl123,6,79,train "i need some help with transferring my 401k, can you help",8,114,test when was my car in the shop,5,72,train i need to make a reminder please,4,50,train am i supposed to attend any meetings today,8,110,test what is the tax rate that applies to me,8,112,val convert 200 us dollars to british pounds,6,82,test so are you a bot,9,133,train was my order delivered,4,52,val give me the meaning of alternative,7,99,train i need to know the time it takes to get a new credit card sent to someone who lost theirs,2,16,test would you look up roundtrip flights from dallas to houston for march 7 and march 10,6,87,train please change my retirement account pin number to 1234,1,3,train restore the factory settings,10,149,train do i have any meetings on my calendar today,8,110,val what transactions have i made in the last few weeks,1,14,val make sure i get a meeting room for 9am on friday,8,118,val how full is my gas tank,5,68,test let me hear my todo list,4,58,test how do you say i'm hungry in french,6,78,train i want to know how much i spent last week,1,13,train apply for a kbc card for me,2,29,train i need an alarm for 6am,7,92,train who do i report to if my credit card snaps,2,18,train i'm looking for a roundtrip flight from aaf to dia for february 23rd to february 28th,6,87,train check if bj's takes reservations,3,45,test what is the price of other company's similar phone plans,0,0,oos_test set an alarm for 6 am tomorrow,7,92,test why wouldn't nordstrom accept my card,2,21,train has the french laundry gotten good reviews lately,3,38,test please roll a 7 sided die,7,104,train can you share with me your interpretation of the meaning of life,9,122,train add groceries to my shopping list as i am out,4,59,train find that song that goes something like i'm hooked on a feeling,4,47,train how much do i owe on all of my bills,1,9,val send my location to this individual,7,95,test get me a flight for tuesday on spiritcom to las vegas from chicago,6,87,train what place were you born at,9,128,val how much do i have left to pay on my server and domain,1,9,val walk me through the process of scheduling a meeting,8,118,test what's the current reward amount on my visa,2,26,train i want an italian meal suggestion,3,40,train make an eft to my savings from my checking account,1,10,val sayonara,9,129,train i'm ready to put in the order for everything on my shopping list,4,57,train i want to be updated on the most recent status of my credit card application,2,27,train how do you make pot roast,3,37,train tell me a fun fact about computer,9,126,train is there a carry-on item weight limit,6,89,train give me a reminder for calling bill,4,50,train check my shopping list,4,54,val can i book a meeting room from 2:00 pm to 3:00 pm,8,118,train when should i replace my tires if i replaced them last year,5,74,train can you tell me how many pto days do i have left,8,115,val can you tell me the number of calories in one serving of whole cashews,3,35,train make sur eyou tell the bank that i will be traveling internationally soon,6,77,train how much candy have i consumed this week,0,0,oos_test talk fast,10,136,test i want to hear everything on my todo list,4,58,train how do i order new checks,1,11,train "buying qtips today, my card got declined at walmart",2,21,train what do i need to buy to make a spaghetti,3,34,train walk me through making changes to my insurance policy,8,108,train do i have any updates about my credit card application,2,27,train i want to see paris will i need an international visa,6,80,train how do i change the name you use to address me,10,147,train "is there a problem with my account, it appears to be blocked",1,6,test gps coordinates share with home,7,95,train how much can i get away with paying for my college loan,1,8,train please make it so you say your words more slowly,10,136,train rollover my 401k assistance,8,114,val how busy is cheesecake factory right now,3,33,test i want to know how many vacation days i have,8,115,train where should i report a damaged card,2,18,test could you tell me about my income,8,113,train how can i redeem rewards earned through my amex card,2,24,train look to see if my application for the barclay's card has gone through yet,2,27,train track my package please,4,52,train let coach know where i am,7,95,train "why are you talking so sloooooooooowly, please speed it up!",10,136,train please clear out my whole to do list,4,48,train your age please,9,134,train why did we elect this woman who made amazon leave and take its jobs with it,0,0,oos_test what time is a star is born showing,0,0,oos_test can i get an uber for myself to the grocery store,5,64,train michael will reserve a table for two at 7:00pm for olive garden,3,39,test would it be okay to change your name to daphne,10,148,test what's the definition of analogy,7,99,train how many miles per gallon does my amc rambler get,5,69,val tell me who is by the garage door,4,60,train what's the amount of calories in an cream filled oatmeal cookie,3,35,train please freeze my bank account,1,1,train tell me how the russians say notebook,6,78,train does moscow require travel visas to visit,6,80,train what is the amount on my comcast bill,1,9,train i want an uber for one person to go to bank of america,5,64,test new playlist that i will add god's plan to,4,53,train let me know the ingredients i will need for pasta making,3,34,test show me my shopping list,4,54,train has my credit card application gone through,2,27,train what could cause a hold on my savings account,1,6,test when will my credit card application be reviewed,2,27,val does my credit card expire soon,2,17,train i see a fraudulent transaction from netflix on my account,1,15,train what's the minimum payment on my phone bill,1,8,train how much do i have to at least pay on my medical bills,1,8,train how many points do i need before i can redeem them,2,24,train why was my card not accepted,2,21,test who makes the ai,9,121,train tell me a joke about cows,9,132,train can you go to the next song,4,56,test i apprecaite the help from you,9,130,test remove fries from my shopping list,4,59,train so are you a real person,9,133,train revert to factory settings please,10,149,train can you find the exact amount i pay income taxes,8,112,train what is the sum of 8 + 3,7,98,train please ask me again,10,143,val what's my car's tire pressure,5,66,train "if i go by bus, how long will it take to get to the airport",5,70,train i need details on my income,8,113,train where can i get my w-2,8,117,train let me know the credit card application status,2,27,test how do i get different terms on my insurance policy,8,108,train change the ai name to a new one,10,148,train i'm not sure what the answer is,10,150,train what is the day off request status as of now,8,106,test what date will my card be here,2,16,train "i lost my card, what do i do",2,20,train you can dusting off my todo list,4,48,test i'd like to find the date that my gas bill is due,1,4,train give me a list of places that serve the best wings in charlotte,3,41,test it is damaging to my credit score if i miss one credit card payment,2,19,test can you give me instructions on how to make alfredo,3,37,val what's the cost to have a business card printed,0,0,oos_test we'll talk later ai,9,129,train mickey mouse is a huge part of disney,0,0,oos_test what should i do in bangor,6,83,train how many bags can i carry-on for flights on singapore airlines,6,89,train can you make the default language swedish,10,142,test what will the low temperatures be over the weekend,7,91,train please revert to your factory settings,10,149,train how would i say i'm not guilty if i were mexican,6,78,train give me the status of my order,4,52,test mind connecting to my phone,10,146,train do i have tortillas on my shopping list if not please add it,4,59,val what music is this,4,46,val how to locate my credit score,2,28,train confirmed,10,139,val do you know the status of the credit card application i filed,2,27,train when is it time to change your oil,5,62,val i need to know how to get my car jump started,5,75,test immediately call tom,7,97,train i would like to make a phone call,7,97,test what is the best thing for me to do to improve my credit score quickly,2,19,val how do i choose the correct oil and how do i change it,5,63,train who is your job with,9,123,test can you tell me which shots i need for africa,6,85,train can you speak in french,10,142,train is there a way to order checkbooks for a chase account,1,11,test travel alert in cuba,6,84,test i would like you to repeat it,10,143,test "yes, that's correct",10,139,train can you give me the standard tuning notes,0,0,oos_val what were those things i wanted to remember,4,49,val make a reservation for wheeler party of 3 for 5pm at andrea's steakhouse,3,39,val please tell me trivia about hamburgers,9,126,train i want to add a doctor's visit to the calendar for friday,4,51,train do you know where the remote is,0,0,oos_test i have to transfer from one account to my other one,1,10,train what's the now playing song that we are listening to,4,46,train schedule a mechanic,5,67,train roll a four sided die for me,7,104,test yeah that's what i want,10,139,train abort mission,10,145,test does applebees do reservations,3,45,test how many meters are in 2 inches,7,100,train please desync my current mobile,10,146,train activate my furnace please,4,60,train how many calories would i consume if i ate a loaded hotdog,3,35,train "am i speaking with ai or a real, live person",9,133,train decrease volume,10,140,train can you tell me which timezone is cambodia in,6,81,train get me a flight from ft lauderale to houston on southwest,6,87,train what is this song,4,46,train can i call you james instead,10,148,test how long does it take to cook meal of tuscan,3,44,test talk to you later,9,129,train no that is not right,10,141,train can you act and think like a real person,9,133,val i want to change your name to emma,10,148,train what's the sort of thing i should ask,9,135,train set up two alarms one for 10am and another for 2pm,7,92,train show me what you think my name is,10,137,train can you locate my phone,7,94,train cross grocery shopping off the todo list,4,48,test what's the amount of calories in a cheesy omelette,3,35,train i need to find the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,train when did i get paid the last time,8,111,train who was your creator,9,121,train where do i begin the process of reporting my luggage lost,6,86,train what should i buy to make burritos tonight,3,34,train where can i check my credit score,2,28,train do i have graham crackers on my shopping list if not please add it,4,59,val don't you work for your self,9,123,train how are things,9,131,train let's roll some dice,7,104,train can you let me know what my credit limit is for my visa card,2,25,train what's out at the theaters right now,0,0,oos_test i would like you to change your accent,10,144,test i'd like to rent a vehicle from nov 1st to nov 15th in san antonio and i need a 15 passenger van,6,90,train what is the pressure like on my tires,5,66,train what's the name of what's playing on my speakers,4,46,train what do i have planned for tomorrow,4,55,train do i still have vacation days,8,115,train check how much air is in my tires,5,66,train what’s my gas mileage,5,69,train show me the application for a visa card,2,29,train what is my savings account balance,1,12,train that's right,10,139,test move $40 from account b to account a,1,10,train look up the time in california,7,103,train nice seeing you bye,9,129,test no more talking,10,145,train what are the requirements of a lab technician,0,0,oos_test which plugs does england use,6,76,val i have spent a lot on groceries lately,1,13,train please tell me if my reservation is scheduled for sally's at 3 pm,3,32,train what is the weather like in sparks right now,7,91,train when can i get oil changed,5,62,train you call me what,10,137,test repeat that please,10,143,train what kinds of things can i ask you,9,135,train what's the name of the song you're playing,4,46,train so how is everything,9,131,train are you from here,9,128,val what amount of gas is in my car,5,68,train let me call mark,7,97,val how long does it take to prepare a lasagna,3,44,test would you tell me the interest rate,1,7,train i must confirm my reservation for 2/20 at 8 pm,3,32,train let me know my ally interest rate,1,7,train time in tokyo,7,103,train my card has become too frayed and torn to use,2,18,test glad we got to talk,9,129,train the answer is definitely no,10,141,train help setting up direct deposit,8,119,train "would you say that again, please",10,143,train i need help changing my pin,1,3,train will you aid me in paying my insurance premium,1,5,train please order me everything that is on my shopping list,4,57,train would late payments hurt my credit,2,19,train how much money did i spend on tent equipment four hours ago,1,13,train add everything to my shopping cart,4,57,train what is the proper spelling of corporate,7,102,test what kind of gas goes in,5,73,test has there been anything breaking this afternoon,0,0,oos_test what hour is it in london,7,103,val what's the weather looking like,7,91,train i agree,10,139,test roll a pair of dice,7,104,train can you make a phone call to roger,7,97,train i need a block placed right away on my joint checking account,1,1,val what's your favorite hobby,9,125,train i can't understand the language you are responding in; i need you to switch it,10,142,test can you set a reminder for me,4,50,val "using my salary as a basis, what taxes will i owe",8,112,train what's my current limit on my visa,2,25,train i need information about my recent transaction,1,14,test does the ai have hobbies,9,125,test how much is the new nikon camera,0,0,oos_test is a shot required before traveling to mexico,6,85,val great western bank's login screen tells me i'm locked out but not why,1,6,val whats the cars fuel mileage like,5,69,train is france safe to travel to,6,84,val can i order checks online for my checking account,1,11,val how long does it take to prepare pot roast,3,44,train how much time to drive to the closest bank,5,70,val "can you find my location on the map, please",5,61,train i'd like to hear a joke about donkeys,9,132,train what subjects do you like,9,135,test explain my health benefits,8,109,test i need to know my credit card's rewards balance,2,26,test how do i get my paycheck into direct deposit at nations bank,8,119,test when was my last car service date,5,72,train could you get me a delta flight from sioux falls to philadelphia for under $400,6,87,train find the nutrition info for ketchup for me,3,36,test who played ronald weasly,0,0,oos_test play the next tune,4,56,train what is that song called,4,46,val i don't know how to spell circumference,7,102,train usd to yen is what right now,6,82,train explain why was my card declined at boston market,2,21,train i really want to confirm that i have a reservation at red robin for josh,3,32,train it was really awesome to talk to you,9,129,test what is the traffic like on the way to kaneohe,5,65,train pass this song,4,56,train how do you make fried rice,3,37,test what things do you like to do,9,125,train is there an option to speak only in mandarin,10,142,train what are some good sushi restaurants in reno,3,41,train can i find my w-2 online,8,117,val is it possible for you to use the whisper voice,10,138,train does bank of america give credit cards to people like me,2,29,test how much fuel do i need to get to buffalo,5,68,val is there a car rental available from tuesday to thursday out of lax,6,90,train how many calories are in oreos,3,35,val what were the things i want to recall,4,49,test what is the due date for my metronorth monthy pass,1,4,train i need a w2 form from,8,117,test please read my reminders,4,49,train go ahead and play the next song on this playlist,4,56,train how do i find out my tire pressure,5,66,test how many days off have i taken,8,120,train on what day do i pay my car payment,1,4,train cleaning needs to go on my list of things to do,4,48,train i need to know my b of a interest rate,1,7,train i need to know what's good for chinese around here,3,40,test make sure my calendar is clear for june 1,4,51,train ring my phone at 12 pm,7,92,train i want to utilize my credit card points,2,24,train the statement is false,10,141,test how long should an essay be,0,0,oos_test what is the process of finding my credit score,2,28,train how many times a year should i change my tires,5,74,train i required a hotel room for 20 people from march 8th through march 20th in las vegas,6,88,train how many calories in meatloaf,3,35,train change the code of my savings account to be 1234,1,3,test what time is boarding for my flight,6,79,test do i have carrots on my shopping list,4,54,train what does it look like i will be paying in federal taxes this year,8,112,val which time zones does european countries use,6,81,val how much have i spent on bills recently,1,13,train "i need to report my card as stolen, who do i tell",2,20,train how do i check my rewards for my capital one card,2,26,val is it possible to have a place booked in salem from the 1st to the 3rd,6,88,train how much interest am i getting on my savings,1,7,train time zone in miami is like what,6,81,train give me the status on my united airlines flight,6,79,test please tell me my car's tire pressure,5,66,test do i have any items on my calendar for march 21st,4,55,test please tell my bank i'll be in anchorage this week,6,77,test will i need immunization for a trip to turkey,6,85,train what is the carry on limit,6,89,train check on my to-do list items,4,58,test i think there's fraud on my account,1,15,train should i get a visa for crete,6,80,train what date is it today,7,93,train can you tell me the address where i am right now,5,61,train how do i change my windshield wipers,0,0,oos_test please sync up with my phone,10,146,test how do i find when my water bill needs to be paid,1,4,train how good are the ratings for red robin,3,38,train can you add a bag to my reservation,0,0,oos_test can you help me booked a car in london,6,90,train i need for you to tell me what is on my shopping list,4,54,train find the best life insurance for me,8,108,train i would like to report a damaged card that was burnt,2,18,test "hey ai, don't speak fast",10,136,train 560 divided by 3,7,98,train tell me what i have in my money market account,1,12,train is the air pressure on my tires low,5,66,train what do i pay in taxes,8,112,train what's the first romantic movie ever made,0,0,oos_test move over to the female voice,10,144,val when is my water bill due,1,4,train can you tell me what you can help with,9,135,test tell me the artist currently playing,4,46,train what is 2 inches in meters,7,100,train how many calories are in a bowel of wheaties,3,35,val set whisper mode to off,10,138,test how do i make my android phone more secure,0,0,oos_test find out the best tourist attractions to visit in moscow,6,83,test you must reserve a table for 4 at red robin under the name kevin at 7,3,39,train how do you jump a car,5,75,train do you know what my name is,10,137,val please transfer $100 from my checking to my savings account,1,10,train can i get a starter course for the trumpet,0,0,oos_test i need to know why my card got declined,2,21,test what name do you have listed for me,10,137,train are my health benefits good,8,109,train what is your nationality,9,128,train can you add this song to my driving playlist,4,53,test the oven be set at 350,4,60,test this song should be add this on my rock playlist,4,53,train can you send my exact location to laura,7,95,val how much do i earn a year,8,113,test check to see if i am still booked to be eating at gusto handcrafted pasta & pizza at 6:30 pm,3,32,val what will i be paying for utilities this month,1,9,test has my day off request been looked at yet,8,106,train can you undo the reservation,3,42,train just wanted to say hi,9,131,train reserve a table for 2 at red lobster at 8:00,3,39,train i wanna know some things to do in phoenix,6,83,test can i increase the credit limit on my capital one card,2,22,test give me the time left before i get to the hotel,5,70,train do i have reservations at o'neal's at 3 pm,3,32,train "could you submit a pto request for me for dates april 21 to 30, please",8,116,train i don't understand why my bank account is frozen right now,1,6,train what your numerical digit to display as your age,9,134,test could a hotel be booked for me in afghanistan at the zoo for the 10th to the 15th,6,88,val where do i go to get that work tax form thing,8,117,test name the leader from tibet that stands firm for world peace,0,0,oos_test "i do not think that is true, so i would say it is a false statement",10,141,train "flip a coin, heads",7,101,test where should i look for my credit card expiration day,2,17,test i want to learn a neat fact about black holes,9,126,train "pardon, i didn't hear you",10,143,test how can my oil be changed in my car,5,63,train can i safely travel to france or is it dangerous,6,84,val change voice to female,10,144,test i really need you to find me a hotel with good reviews in phoenix,6,88,test do i have to get shots to travel to iraq,6,85,train i'd like to turn up the volume,10,140,train allow me to turn on the lights,3,39,val "i need to change my insurance policy, do you know how",8,108,test the location of my phone is unknown to me,7,94,train how can i improve my golf swing,0,0,oos_test add i like it by cardi b to my playlist,4,53,train i'm changing your name to joe,10,148,test "do i have bananas on my list, if not please put them on the list",4,59,train how do i redeem my visa points,2,24,test if i cook the pizza at 400 degrees how long must it be in for,3,44,train please tell steve my location,7,95,train "hello, i need to cancel tonight's reservation for dinner",3,42,train i want to book uber for 3 people to union station,5,64,train i want to hear my slow playlist,4,47,test please roll this 8 sided dice,7,104,val write text and send to someone,7,105,train tell me something funny about horses,9,132,test i need to know if i have reservations at arufflo at 5 pm,3,32,train can i use mayo instead of miracle whip,3,43,test dont forget to set a reminder to pay the bills,4,50,train how have you been doing,9,131,train can you change the way you talk to a male british voice,10,144,train check if the doors are locked,4,60,val "who do i go to, to transfer my 401k",8,114,train don't call me anything besides bailey,10,147,test where do i find my gold card rewards,2,26,train "what is it at, the ac temperature",4,60,val confirm my reservation for acero at 7,3,32,test can you let me know if my vacation was approved,8,106,test it was nice to get in touch,9,129,train how much is 500 dollars in pesos,6,82,train look up the top 3 selling post modern artists in the united states,0,0,oos_test forget reservation at longhorn for 4,3,42,val add this to my rock playlist,4,53,test send fifty dollars from me to carrie,1,10,train when is your birthday,9,134,test i want to know when is the next holiday here,8,107,val please reserve a table for two at olive garden at 7:00pm for michael,3,39,test what's the direction for foot traffic to get to the eiffel tower,5,71,train what sort of gas should i get for my car,5,73,train i am not in need of my reservation anymore,3,42,test how many days until my next payday,8,111,train how many carry ons does spirit allow when flying to dallas,6,89,train do you need shots before going to russia,6,85,val when is the next time i should get my tires changed,5,74,test thanks for the help,9,130,train how many gallons do i have left in my gas tank,5,68,test delete everything on my todo list,4,48,train "i want to keep my credit score from going down, how do i do that",2,19,train i wish to know the balance of my bank of american account,1,12,train what is in my bank accounts,1,12,train what's the calorie content for fried eggs,3,35,train what is naval engineering,0,0,oos_val my name,10,137,test what's going on in the world today,0,0,oos_test is there any traffic congestion on my way to the closest whole foods,5,65,train i need to know how to spell friend,7,102,train do they take reservations at bjs,3,45,train "how do they say ""what's up"" in chinese",6,78,train "i need some recommendations for fun tourist activities in washington, dc",6,83,val corner of my credit card is chipped off,2,18,train what's my income,8,113,train restate the last thing you told me,10,143,train what kind of miles per gallon do i get while driving through a city,5,69,val how do you spell out newspaper,7,102,train how many days of vacation do i have,8,115,train let me know why my card got declined the other day,2,21,train what do you purchase to put in a shepherd's pie,3,34,train i need you to find me a recipe for fried shrimp,3,37,train what date will my replacement card get mailed,2,16,train find out where i can buy a barbie doll for my niece,0,0,oos_test what shots are recommended before traveling to kenya,6,85,train "i don't need eggs anymore, but i do need milk",4,59,test what is my plan for the day,4,49,val speak to me in dutch,10,142,test i want to know how to correctly spell cemetery,7,102,train can i use any fuel in my car,5,73,train how long is the drive to the closest gas station,5,70,val i am in need of a switch to my insurance plan,8,108,train are there any events on my calendar for march 2nd,4,55,train i wanna know my current location,5,61,train move three hundred and fifty dollars from my citibank savings account to my chase savings account,1,10,val please flip the coin over ai,7,101,val i was on delta flight ab123 out of new york and i can't find my luggage,6,86,train what do i owe bill wise,1,9,train what is the gas mileage of my car,5,69,test please adjust your settings,10,140,train "skip this song, please",4,56,test can you check if my mastercard application has been reviewed yet,2,27,val what's the latest vc funded company,0,0,oos_test can you get uber for two people going to 27 moss lane,5,64,val use phone to call alexa,7,97,test i wanna know your hobbies,9,125,train how much money is the state going to take from me for taxes,8,112,train please create one alarm for 330 pm and one for 8 pm,7,92,train tell me a fun trivia bit about artificial intelligence,9,126,train change settings to how they were originally,10,149,train please remove laundry from my list of chores,4,48,train i need an alarm set for ten pm and midnight,7,92,val please go through my reminder list and tell me what's on it,4,49,train why did a bunch of christians go off murdering muslims in the middle ages,0,0,oos_test when was my car in the shop last,5,72,train when will i be paid again,8,111,train what is the highest quality carpet available,0,0,oos_test book a reservation for 3 at red lobster under the name steve,3,39,train "ai, cancel that last request",10,145,train what's that song that is playing now,4,46,val how's it going with you,9,131,train read my bill balances,1,9,train what must i do today,4,58,test do you have a list of funny jokes,9,132,train i'm travelling to boston on march 2 until march 4 please make a hotel reservation for me,6,88,test would you please schedule a meeting room for 4:00 on thursday,8,118,test how much is 10kg in pounds and ounces,7,100,train does cleveland have any good places that serve clams,3,41,test do i have any meetings with roger today,8,110,train what can you be asked about,9,135,train alert my bank and tell them that i will be in vermont,6,77,val let me know who your boss is,9,123,test you talk too slow,10,136,test let me know what's on my shopping list,4,54,test tell me the present status of the credit card application i submitted,2,27,train how can i request my credit score,2,28,val what time is it in the pacific timezone,7,103,val look up articles on the green dry cleaning industry,0,0,oos_test i want you to text mark,7,105,test what steps do i need to follow to change the oil in my car,5,63,val i don't want you to speak any more for now,10,145,train tell me how to change my pin number,1,3,train when is the expiration date for my discover card,2,17,train how do you address my name,10,137,test what is my tire pressure,5,66,val how do i set up direct deposit,8,119,test what hobbies do you have alexa,9,125,val how can i know my current location,5,61,train how can i cash out my rewards for a visa card,2,24,test how many euros can i exchange for 5 us dollars,6,82,train tell me when two minutes are up,7,96,train what do you do for fun alexa,9,125,val what are the kinds of things you can help me with,9,135,train set up a reminder that i need to pay my car ins the 23rd,4,50,train what's my visa card's limit,2,25,train get me a list of universities that provide full scholarships in arizona,0,0,oos_test what is my amex credit limit,2,25,train what types of things are you able to do,9,135,train tell my bank i'll be in jamaica from the 4th to the 11th,6,77,train check my schedule for meetings today,8,110,test add this song to my rainy day playlist,4,53,train has my mastercard application gone through the process,2,27,test what am i listening to right now,4,46,val it would be great if you could tell me my credit card's apr,2,23,train please pair with my phone,10,146,val "i need a meeting room between 3-7, are any available",8,118,test do i need to get vaccinations before i go,6,85,train do i control you,9,123,test has my order been shipped yet,4,52,train i need to know the due date for my credit card,1,4,train i need to know how to change oil in a car,5,63,test where did they make you,9,128,train which month is the one in which my card expires,2,17,train where would my phone be,7,94,val can i get a random heads or tails,7,101,train connect me with an uber,5,64,val what's the routing number for my chase account,1,2,train i wanna swap salt for baking soda,3,43,train what type of nutrition does spaghetti have,3,36,train can you find my lost phone,7,94,train please tell me the name i should use when talking to you,9,127,train are you a real human,9,133,train stop please,10,145,val where are rewards from my visa card visible,2,26,train how do i jump start a bad battery,5,75,val give me a list of the top 10 tennis players in the world,0,0,oos_test are socket converters needed in lisbon,6,76,train i would like to know what flights are available out of el paso to dallas on june 10 for under $300,6,87,train approved,10,139,val how soon until i will need to get my oil changed,5,62,test i would love to find a few vegan restaurants in back bay,3,41,val don't know,10,150,val create a new text,7,105,train how much time does it take to get to levi stadium from san jose airport,5,70,train "how do i find my present location right now, please",5,61,train tell me some interesting trivia about dinosaurs,9,126,train what ingredients does agor agor need,3,34,test when should i change my oil next,5,62,train what topics can i ask you about,9,135,train can you tell me what time i am meeting with sarah today,8,110,train my credit score stinks but i don't know how to improve it,2,19,test it was great to speak with you,9,129,test can you roll a 6 sided dice,7,104,train what is today's high temperature predicted to be,7,91,train please tell me the routing number for my wells fargo account,1,2,train tell me how i know when i need an oil change,5,62,train does the zen garden in la take reservations,3,45,train tell me the visa card credit limit,2,25,train what's the runtime of all the lord of the rings movies combined,0,0,oos_train i'd like a meal suggestion from thailand,3,40,test good to see you,9,131,train do we have good news in the form of vacation approval,8,106,train what is the due date of my bill,1,4,train is it too late to wear white,0,0,oos_test how long before i can get a replacement card,2,16,train will you make sure that mopping is on my to do list,4,48,train is there a time when i should get my tires changed,5,74,train sorry no idea,10,150,train make a reservation for 2 tonight at 7:00 at outback steakhouse,3,39,test tell me how i can reset to factory settings,10,149,train do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in france,6,76,train can you add cherrios to my shopping list,4,59,train i would like you to cancel the dinner reservation for williams at the palace tonight,3,42,test how many vacation days have i consumed,8,120,train not true,10,141,train is there a certain type of gas i need to use for this car,5,73,train talk later,9,129,train "my account has been blocked, but i have no idea why",1,6,train i wanna have an alarm,7,92,test is there a way to change my pin number for my savings account,1,3,train book an uber to school,5,64,train define zesty,7,99,train what is that song that's playing,4,46,train have i added my doctor's appointment to my calendar,4,55,test how many tablespoons are in a cup,7,100,train what number of vacation days do i have,8,115,train find a place near me to have my tires inspected,5,67,test please tell me how to go about asking for a vacation,8,116,train how busy is teddy bigger burder around 5,3,33,train do i have anything on my schedule for may 3,4,55,train what is the timezone for quito,6,81,train communicate trivia about lebron james,9,126,train pay my water bill from my checking account,1,5,train what are your favorite hobbies,9,125,train why did my bank account freeze,1,6,train what is the amount of vacation day i have used,8,120,val did they say yes to my day off request,8,106,train "what is my schedule like today, any meetings with dan",8,110,val tell me today's scheduled conferences from noon on wards,8,110,train what is the most popular movie currently in theaters,0,0,oos_test make the settings go back to the original,10,149,train who is responsible for making you,9,121,train i gotta know how many points i have gotten with my debit card,2,26,test what did i ask you to remind me of,4,49,test do you know how i can change my insurance policy,8,108,test ai roll the dice,7,104,test please help me find my phone,7,94,train i'd like to have everything on the shopping list,4,57,train clue me in on my credit score,2,28,train roll those dice once,7,104,test who manufactured you,9,121,train my credit card snapped in half while i was fiddling with it,2,18,train how much is my cable bill for,1,9,train can you tell me what the weather will be please,7,91,train when will my visa expire,2,17,val what are the estimates for the car's highway mpg,5,69,train can you suggest to me any meals from nigeria,3,40,train what are fun facts about lighthouses,9,126,train i want to know if my vacation request has been approved,8,106,train can you walk me through the various tasks on my to do list,4,58,train what's the latest info on flight dl123,6,79,train tell me a fun fact about mt everest,9,126,train what is the city mpg on this car,5,69,test what's the word for trees in norway,6,78,test that is overwhelmingly false,10,141,train what plugs are in england,6,76,val i wanna know how many points have i earned with my credit card,2,26,test what do you need to do to make sushi,3,37,train "hey ai, reduce your speed of speaking",10,136,train tell me how long i ought to spend preparing fajitas,3,44,train what do you have answers for,9,135,train how have you been,9,131,train can you make a phone call to dave,7,97,train when did last go to the auto repair shop,5,72,train what type of pizzas are available for dinner,3,40,train what's the best place to travel to this time of year,6,83,train give me the next song,4,56,train how much money do i make,8,113,test "i want to rent the cheapest car for charlottesville, virginia for march 7th through 10th, that's monday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday",6,90,train how do i know that you're a person,9,133,train what does it mean to join the occult,0,0,oos_test i need a hotel with good reviews in baltimore,6,88,val are you human,9,133,test 10-4,10,139,test make me an appointment for a tire check,5,67,val i wanna get some new checks cause i ran out of them,1,11,train what things can i do in portland,6,83,train "on my to do list, add dishes",4,48,train set a new timer for ten seconds,7,96,train set one alarm for 215pm and another for 7pm,7,92,train is there any meetings from 5 to 6 pm,8,110,test how do i prevent my credit score from dropping,2,19,val let me know if you are a cat or dog person,9,124,train spell doctor,7,102,val is my credit report low,2,28,train what is the la's time zone,6,81,test consult the gq website to find what men wear to weddings,0,0,oos_test which character is the most famous from titanic,0,0,oos_train where are the nutrition facts for cheerios,3,36,train help me out with changing this pin number,1,3,train is the beltway backed up in traffic on saturday mornings at 11 am during the cherry festival,5,65,train what kinds of questions can you respond to,9,135,train timezone currently in mobile,6,81,test what are you capable of answering,9,135,val tell me how much longer i will have to drive to reach the destination,5,70,test can you tell me where i am,5,61,val send my location to ben and jerry,7,95,train my gps coordiantes will be shared with aunt sunny,7,95,train "order me some doritos, please",4,57,test make changes to the name of the ai,10,148,train how much money do i need to spend on bill payments,1,9,train thanks for trying,9,130,test how many people were killed in the boston marathon by bombers,0,0,oos_test where can i locate the ally routing number,1,2,val i need an alarm set now,7,92,test 20 yen equals how many dollars,6,82,test do i have anything to do march 2nd,4,55,train what's 100 dollars in euros,6,82,val how many lira can i get for 250 dollars,6,82,train i must know who programmed you,9,121,test what is my pay,8,111,val did anyone securely lock the door,4,60,train salutations!,9,131,train can you find my package in transit,4,52,train what meeting rooms are available for meeting 5pm friday,8,118,test when will the replaecment card arrive,2,16,test tell me who makes the best dvd's for movie storage,0,0,oos_test how can i make a change to my credit limit,2,22,val "ai, would you kindly roll the dice",7,104,train can you explain the meaning of life,9,122,train what are the carry-on restrictions for united,6,89,train is it too much trouble to put a stop on my bank account,1,1,train tootles,9,129,train can you find my car in the parking lot,0,0,oos_test i need to know why my bank account is blocking all of activity,1,6,train my bank needs to know that i will be traveling to spain soon,6,77,val tell me what type of fuel my car uses,5,73,train remind me of the invoice total for my plumbing bill,1,9,train can you hook up a meeting for 3:00 on wednesday,8,118,val do you know when my car was last looked at,5,72,train please stop talking so fast,10,136,train how much is my state taxes,8,112,test what name do you refer to me as,10,137,train switch to your whispering voice please,10,138,train do you know if ruth chris does reservations,3,45,train are you a real person or a robot,9,133,train when should i get my tires changed again,5,74,train is the bill due today,1,4,test is vacuuming on my todo list,4,58,val "if i fly internationally, do brittish airwaiys have carry-on limitations",6,89,train pull up ways to lower credit score,2,19,train please add watering the plants to my current to do list,4,48,train please change the name you refer to me by,10,147,train are there travel alerts for the us,6,84,test can you tell me if my application for a credit card has been processed yet it was at chase bank,2,27,train i would like to cancel my reservations,3,42,train "the ac, could you tell me the temperature",4,60,val search for chili recipes,3,37,test can the funds in my wells fargo account cover my lift tickets,1,12,train when did the mls start,0,0,oos_train i want what i'm listening to to be added to my chill playlist,4,53,test please confirm my reservation for april 1st at 9am,3,32,train what are the amount of vacation days i have,8,115,test i would like to know how much fat is in tbsp of olive oil,3,36,train the list should also have 2 loaves of bread,4,59,test "estimated time to airport from current location, la",5,70,train i need to know what this song is called,4,46,train how little can i pay towards my car insurance,1,8,val what did my best friend do in the kitchen while we were gone,0,0,oos_test what's my apr rate,2,23,test what's the amount of time off i've had,8,120,train i need to order new checks,1,11,train what travel alerts are there in china,6,84,train are ned's reviews good,3,38,test how busy is red robin around 5 pm,3,33,test the word is happiness; how many a's can you find in that word,7,102,train how do you say hi in french,6,78,train what is my checking account balance at chase,1,12,train please use whisper mode,10,138,val "if i take this bus, how long until i get to brooklyn",5,70,train indicate something funny on the topic of food,9,132,train put a reminder on the calendar to buy a gun on march 1st,4,51,train my phone is lost - can you help me find it,7,94,train give me instructions on how to change the oil in my car,5,63,train i need a 10 minute timer,7,96,train set a reminder to pick up the kids,4,50,train how do i get the routing number for chase,1,2,train what is the deadline to register at university of georgia,0,0,oos_test what to do if luggage lost,6,86,train tell me your age,9,134,train could you say that again,10,143,train my check engine light is on and i need someone to look at it,5,67,test what plug type is used internationally,6,76,test what is your native home,9,128,train can you check who is at the door,4,60,train look up student loan offers on google,0,0,oos_test what is the gas mileage on a 2012 ford fusion,5,69,val how are yards converted to inches,7,100,train "what's the transaction fee for my boa card in orlando, fl",2,30,train what does anachronistic mean,7,99,test send mom a text asking where are you,7,105,train do i have enough gas to get home,5,68,test can you give me the car's mpg for the city,5,69,train can you wake me up at noon,7,92,test is it easy to change the oil in my car,5,63,train does my new bank card have any international transaction fees,2,30,val what time is it in the pacific standard time,7,103,val what place do you call home,9,128,train tell me about my american express application; did it go through,2,27,train do you know of any well reviewed hotels in chicago,6,88,train affiliate's definition is what,7,99,train "my phone was too close to my card and demagnetized it, how can i report this",2,18,train could you freeze my account now,1,1,train need some good dinner ideas,3,40,train god's plan will be added to my new playlist,4,53,train go now and increase the volume to 4 please,10,140,train "if i plan on travelling to this country, do i need a visa",6,80,val how much is the charge of using my card in italy during my stay there,2,30,train will you please repeat what you said,10,143,train can i pay my bill,1,5,train i would like to know how to perform an oil change,5,63,train what is the next date for which i can get an oil change appointment,5,67,test what do i take home,8,113,test please refrain from carrying out the current task,10,145,train "i'd like you to book me a room in austin near google's headquarters from january 01, 2020 to february 02, 2020",6,88,train i need to book a place to stay in phoenix from the 5th to the 9th of march,6,88,test do employers have to honor freedom of speech,0,0,oos_test does my calendar show anything for thursday the 14th,4,55,val is any type of gas ok on this car,5,73,train whats the safest way to jump start a car,5,75,train tell me the apr on my mastercard,2,23,train can you schedule a meeting with james at the office,8,118,train how much will i pay in federal taxes,8,112,train help me find a new position as a programmer,0,0,oos_test what do i have to do today,4,58,train set my oven to 350 for me right now,4,60,train how high is my credit limit for my chase card,2,25,train i really thank you,9,130,train help me schedule maintenance for my car,5,67,val please inform me of the minimum payment of the bill,1,8,train my card doesn't work anymore,2,18,train send mike my exact location,7,95,val please order an uber for me to go to the zoo,5,64,train tomorrow i need an alarm at 7 tomorrow,7,92,train please unlink my phone,10,146,train can you help me with a new car insurance plan,8,108,train what are some roundtrip flights from dallas to los angeles from march 2 to march 10,6,87,train i need to know the price of my car payment and insurance please,1,9,test when do i need to change my tires again,5,74,train will you answer if i call you lexi,10,148,train you've been a big help,9,130,val help me solve this math equation,7,98,val give me some ideas of how to avoid my credit score lowering,2,19,test whats the status of my delta flight,6,79,train are shots needed for uk travel,6,85,train stop my account activity,1,1,train "siri, call jacob",7,97,val i do not know,10,150,test i just found a better job and need to move my 401k over to my new employer,8,114,train please get connected to my phone,10,146,test my card is damaged and unusable,2,18,train how old are you siri,9,134,train what type of plugs are used in cambodia,6,76,train please change the pin on my bank of america account to be 1234,1,3,train on what day is our next day off,8,107,test what are ways to build credit,2,19,train how should i go about improving my credit score,2,19,val tell brady where my location is,7,95,train i think bradley is a better name for you,10,148,train please repeat that phrase,10,143,train what is the date of the next holiday,8,107,train i am in need of my location,5,61,train who has the longest hair ever,0,0,oos_test cross off grocery shopping from todo list,4,48,test can i freeze my bank account,1,1,train how to keep my credit score from going down,2,19,train how long can i freeze tofu before it goes bad,3,31,test what hobbies do you have,9,125,val what will my federal tax return be,8,112,train what's the meaning of a fortnight,7,99,train can you tell me what this song is,4,46,train where do you trace your roots,9,128,train do i incur extra fees if i use my card in london,2,30,train is there an insurance plan for my health,8,109,train how much is one us dollar in british pounds,6,82,test let me know who is your boss,9,123,train how long will it take to make the wings,3,44,train please tell me what subjects you like,9,135,test please tell me where to get the w2,8,117,val is my gas tank full or empty,5,68,val who do you report to,9,123,train can you give me an appraisal of my card's apr,2,23,train is there traffic on my way to work today,5,65,train find out what type of wax is needed for a late model ford sedan,0,0,oos_test ways to build credit,2,19,train is there a reason you put a hold on my chase account,1,6,test play the next song please,4,56,test roll a 6 sided die,7,104,train tell me if the following thing can hurt my credit score,2,19,train what ingredients are found in hunan chicken,3,34,train which type of gas does this car take,5,73,test i want to know what health plan i'm currently on,8,109,test you need to remind me to do something,4,50,val do you know my phone's location,7,94,test why is the sky blue,0,0,oos_test how expensive was my most recent transaction,1,14,train has anyone approved my day off request,8,106,train locate my w-2 form,8,117,train i wish to have a 10 minute timer,7,96,train roll a dice and give me a number from 1 to 6,7,104,train tell me what the meaning of life is,9,122,test i want to know if pizza is healthy,3,36,train find my cellphone,7,94,train can you help me find the interest rate for my sba account,1,7,train what sort of things can you help me with,9,135,train recite the items i'm planning to purchase,4,54,test is it possible for me to rent a car out of jfk airport from march 15-20,6,90,train i need help finding my luggage,6,86,test hows the air in my tires,5,66,train what's a good way of backing out of a parking spot,0,0,oos_test make a reservation at 5 pm today for 2 at olive garden,3,39,train my name is what,10,137,train what is my next payday,8,111,train what's the result of a 10-sided dice roll,7,104,test please book me a room in austin from tomorrow to the 2nd,6,88,train what is the ai's name,9,127,train erase the items on my to do list,4,48,val how much have i lately spent on eating out,1,13,train am i able to increase the limit on my visa card,2,22,train so how long can pizza last in the fridge,3,31,train when will the next boston marathon be,0,0,oos_test how many of my vacation days have i depleted,8,120,train from where do you come,9,128,test are you from around here,9,128,test where is te lawrence,0,0,oos_test can i make a reservation at michael's,3,45,train "was a hold placed on my wells fargo account, and if so why",1,6,train i ned you to flip a coin,7,101,train how do i change your options so that you speak more slowly,10,136,train "what day is our next free day, please",8,107,train "my card split in half, how do i report it",2,18,train i would like to hear you read my reminder list to me,4,49,train what's the chance of rain,7,91,val how exactly do i find my credit score,2,28,train what time is it in russia,7,103,train what ingredients do i need to make salmon salad,3,34,train thanks again,9,130,train create alarm,7,92,train what are the pets that you raise,9,124,train i need to use a timer,7,96,test please set a timer for,7,96,train how much is my telephone bill this month,1,9,test what date is it,7,93,train what is the apr on my citibank card,2,23,val i need to start a timer,7,96,test what's my routing number from chase,1,2,train weather,7,91,train i want to know if the new york restaurant takes reservations,3,45,test when is my next car payment,1,4,train please take all my money out of my checking account and close the account,0,0,oos_test hey how's it hanging,9,131,train i would like to know where my phone is,7,94,train what do i need to change my oil,5,63,train is tehre enough in my bluebird account for groceries this week,1,12,train do i have enough in my wells fargo account to get some nike's,1,12,test i'm needing dinner suggestions for mexican food,3,40,train can you suggest meals from italy to me,3,40,train remove laundry from my todo list,4,48,train i'll be travelling to russia from april 1 through april 20 and need my financial institute apprised of it,6,77,test how do i get my rewards from my visa card,2,24,val remove fencing from my calendar for may 7th,4,51,test what films are in the running for best song at this year's oscars,0,0,oos_test give me a beef recipe,3,37,train i wanna know the carry-on rules for the flight i have,6,89,test what is the exact date of your birth,9,134,train i was at macys trying to buy shoes and my card got declined,2,21,train that is not correct,10,141,train can you add an event to my calendar,4,51,test please reset your factory settings,10,149,train i don't know how to spell drought,7,102,train please explain the catch rule to me,0,0,oos_train i wanna know how to jump start my car,5,75,test how's the sausage pizza at pizza hut,3,38,train how do you spell out espresso,7,102,train tell me when the next holiday arrives,8,107,train pair with phone,10,146,val "at 7, i need a table for 3 at olive garden",3,39,test what restrictions do they have for carry-on,6,89,test are there any exciting tourist things to do in boston,6,83,train what's a good fun fact about great britain,9,126,train what is the traffic like at the closest safeway grocery store,5,65,train i want to change your name to shelby,10,148,test doy ou know what timezone chicago is in,6,81,train how many more days until my next paid day off,8,107,train book 3 under the name zebee at xenophobe,3,39,val any travel advisories for portugal,6,84,train how do i say 'hotel' in finnish,6,78,train what's an interesting tidbit about rivers,9,126,train look up the kind of fuel i use in my car,5,73,train let me know my vacation time,8,115,train switch to a different accent,10,144,train can you find me some good places in kentucky that serve sushi,3,41,train my account has a fraudulent transaction i think,1,15,train could you please track my package,4,52,train i would like to request an uber please,5,64,train what does ferrari mean,7,99,test would you consider yourself to be a bot,9,133,train please set up an alarm to go off tomorrow at daybreak,7,92,train please increase the volume to 4 please,10,140,train let's decide with a coin flip,7,101,train set up direct deposit,8,119,test i lost my silicon valley card,2,20,train show my transaction statement,1,14,train "how do they say ""how's it going"" in swahili",6,78,train can you check and see if my account's blocked,1,6,val i'd like you to call me something different,10,147,train help me change my pin number for my money market account,1,3,train what do i have to do to see my rewards for my chase card,2,26,train i need to know how long to do a pot roast in a slow cooker,3,44,train i want to convert kilos to pounds,7,100,test i need to know the type of gas for this car,5,73,test is my tire pressure okay,5,66,train inform me the lowest amount i can pay for my cable bill,1,8,train i want to increase your volume,10,140,train what do you think is the meaning of like,9,122,train can you get me a recipe for mashed potatoes,3,37,train how far is the airport in dallas from my current location,5,70,train please don't speak so fast,10,136,train can you tell me the current date,7,93,train how do you convert feet to inches,7,100,train is that place busy around dinner time,3,33,train what is your preferred name,9,127,test how many miles can i go with my current fuel level,5,68,train do i need some vaccinations or anything if i'm going to eastern europe,6,85,train what are you capable of doing and answering,9,135,val what does indignation mean,7,99,val now i'd like for you to return to the original settings,10,149,val how do you create pork chili,3,37,train what is the balance of my bank of american account,1,12,train "what is up with my account, why is it blocked",1,6,test what universities are nearby to me and highly rated,0,0,oos_test switch my amex pin to 1234,1,3,train i would like to know the status of my credit card application,2,27,test how many ppm of particulate is in my local water,0,0,oos_test "i'm going to be in canada from october 23rd to november 2nd, so can i let my bank know",6,77,val check to confirm my reservation for february 22 at noon,3,32,train "hey, slow down and take your time",10,136,train my capital one credit card was stolen,2,20,train when should the flight land,6,79,train why am i unable to access my bank account,1,6,train something's come up so i need to cancel my reservation so now,3,42,train what is the exact time,7,103,train i need to let my bank know i am traveling to paris,6,77,train does the mediterranean grille have good reviews,3,38,train go ahead and connect to my phone,10,146,train please play the song that goes like america the beautiful,4,47,val the bus moves with tyre,0,0,oos_test im going to be in canada from august 10th until august 12th,6,77,train i want to rollover my 401k but dont know how,8,114,train what do you need to make general tsao's chicken,3,34,train flip it please,7,101,train use a different accent,10,144,train tell me what is the purpose of life,9,122,train what is the apr rate on my bank of america card,2,23,train give me some trivia about lebron james,9,126,train could my credit be increased to 5000 dollars,2,22,val i need to know what traffic will be like in temp,5,65,train how much is $1 usd in euros,6,82,val could you tell me where did you originate,9,128,train where can i submit my architecture plans,0,0,oos_test may i finish washing then i give you please,0,0,oos_test how come i got declined,2,21,test where are you coming from,9,128,test i need new health insurance,8,108,train give me the date today,7,93,train lemme know when you were born,9,134,train i didn't get your name,9,127,train give me the status of my vacation request,8,106,train do you have any ideas for a mexican meal,3,40,test "so, hang out around this house often",0,0,oos_test change my name please,10,147,test how are you today,9,131,train i believe it looks like my luggage has disappeared,6,86,train what timezone is boise in,6,81,train "can you order me more checks, please",1,11,train tell me my chase credit card's apr,2,23,test what date should i get my tires changed,5,74,train i want you to speak to me faster,10,136,train i need to know if capones does reservations in trenton,3,45,train i want to change your name to another name,10,148,train ignore the previous command,10,145,test please check to see if my vacation has been approved,8,106,train how many more days before my verizon bill is due,1,4,train how many es are in receiving,7,102,train what time is it in paris,7,103,train you must increase your volume,10,140,train how do i find when my medical bill is due,1,4,train can you find music by slow magic to put on,4,47,train i didn't hear you can you repeat that,10,143,train let the wife see where i'm at,7,95,train how long can pizza be in the fridge,3,31,train in which place were you made,9,128,train how much moola is in my bank accounts,1,12,test can't find w-2,8,117,test i would like to know some of your hobbies,9,125,test what age is the ai,9,134,train list of countries with travel alerts,6,84,train look up instructions for jumper cables,5,75,train have a good one,9,129,train what is 38% of 389209,7,98,train what's the name of the song that we are listening to,4,46,train you're talking too quickly for me to understand,10,136,train transfer $10 from checking to savings,1,10,train how does one say thank you in spanish,6,78,train i would really like to know if my capital one credit card have international transaction fees,2,30,val are any meetings scheduled for today,8,110,train search for carry on rules for flights on delta airlines,6,89,train can you cancel my reservation tonight for chris at smith and wollensky,3,42,train scratch,10,145,train can you check the tire pressure,5,66,train i was flying out of chicago on american airlines flight ab123 and my luggage is now lost,6,86,val could you please inform me what health plan i am currently on,8,109,test how good are the ratings for outback,3,38,train i'm thankful,9,130,val what time does my flight get in,6,79,train are there any meetings for today on my calendar,8,110,train i just acquired a new job but i need help with my 401k rollover,8,114,train pull up the songs under slow,4,47,test what's the name you like to be called,9,127,val calculate the amount of gas i currently have,5,68,val place a block on my capital one account right now,1,1,train does gramercy tavern accept reservations,3,45,train i would like to change the pin on my checking account,1,3,train skip this song and play the next,4,56,train who you work for,9,123,val when will my car need new oil,5,62,val i want to shop for new insurance plans,8,108,train are you paid by somebody,9,123,train what shots do i need before going to africa,6,85,val heller,9,131,train has my day off request been approved or denied yet,8,106,train do i need a us visa for cuba,6,80,test please stop the current process,10,145,test renew gym membership,0,0,oos_test do you know of any activities in nashville,6,83,train what is my annual percentage rate,1,7,train please redeem my credit card points,2,24,val do you know any jokes about librarians,9,132,val how many calories are in a ghirardelli sea salt caramel candy,3,35,val i need you to act swiftly and freeze all activity on my capital one checking,1,1,val can you buy me a toy car,4,57,train what all do i have on my shopping list,4,54,train what do i have on my calendar for monday the 1st of march,4,55,train what steps should i take to improve my credit score,2,19,train what's on my purchase list,4,54,test what subjects do you know,9,135,train i have to have a text sent,7,105,train cancel,10,145,val do you know the calorie content of a strip of bacon,3,35,val are there international transactions fees for rainbow card,2,30,train find a recipe for german chocolate cake,3,37,train "ai, what do people call you",9,127,train text my mom for me and tell them i will be home soon,7,105,train create an alarm,7,92,train guide me to a laundromat near me,5,71,train all right,10,139,train i wanna know the types of subjects are you familiar with,9,135,train i need to know my bank of america routing number,1,2,train can i use lettuce instead of rice,3,43,test where is the w-2 form located,8,117,train how strict is spirit when it comes to carry ons,6,89,train i don't know how to spell theater,7,102,train "my car's been throwing cels that i think are oil related, so i'm wondering if it's time to take it in or not",5,62,train what is the credit limit,2,25,train i want you to reset to brand new please,10,149,train tell me whether i need an international visa to go to mexico,6,80,train how much money did i spend this weekend,1,13,test 401k rollover help,8,114,val "yes, that is true for sure",10,139,val when's my next payday,8,111,train i want you to cancel the current action,10,145,train do i have anything scheduled for thursday the 14th,4,55,val i'm low on cherrios can you add that to the shopping list,4,59,train whats the predicted weather suppose to be like,7,91,train please create a new alarm for me,7,92,train can i put in a pto request for august 1st to august 10th,8,116,test what is my fica score,2,28,train begin the coin flip now,7,101,train where do i recieve a w2,8,117,train "this was a nice chat, goodbye",9,129,val refresh my memory about what items i want to remember,4,49,test find out the status of my most recent online purchase,4,52,train what date will it be 5 days from now,7,93,val define sonogram,7,99,train how can i have my paycheck directly deposited,8,119,train speak with a male british accent,10,144,test give me a 10 minute countdown,7,96,train what is the calorie content in peanut butter,3,35,test can you please help me locate my luggage,6,86,train how low is my gas tank,5,68,train what's the process for rolling over my 401k,8,114,train go to my next song,4,56,train "the card is torn, let's report it",2,18,train what is my credit card's annual percentage rate,2,23,train please transfer 100 dollars between my amazon payments and savings accounts,1,10,train do people say per se is any good or not,3,38,test i wish to know my credit limit for my credit card,2,25,train can you find any good places in cleveland that serve clams,3,41,test i want to see my reminder list,4,49,train when's payday,8,111,train do you have different kinds of pets,9,124,train i want to know fun facts about koala bears,9,126,test get happy on my rb playlist,4,53,train tell me the status of my american airlines flight,6,79,test please tell me the minimum i can pay on my water bill,1,8,train "i'm going to paris, what plug type do i need",6,76,val what ingredients are in filet mignon,3,34,test what day is my car insurance due,1,4,train how long should i bake a cake,3,44,test did you put carrots on the shopping list,4,54,test please try to confirm my reservation for jim at barney's,3,32,test where do i locate the routing number for the credit union,1,2,val check how much pto i have left,8,115,train i would like you to buy me some paper plates,4,57,train what if you need to get a new credit card,2,29,train i need to do a car rental,6,90,train no that isn't it,10,141,train add milk to my shopping list,4,59,test what signs should i look for to know if i should change my tires,5,74,train can you add carrots to my shopping list and delete potatoes,4,59,train am i your boss,9,123,train are you real or a computer,9,133,test what kind of plug type do they use in russia,6,76,train can i increase my credit limit to 1100 dollars,2,22,train what is the rate for 500 cad in usd,6,82,val direct deposit,8,119,test i would like to know flight dl123's status,6,79,val what credit score number do i have,2,28,test are the reviews for ned's good,3,38,test what is the population of south africa,0,0,oos_test where is the closest gas station to glendale,5,71,test how does my current htc phone compare to other android phones,0,0,oos_test money transfer request,1,10,train tell me what's on my todo list,4,58,test tell my bank i'll be in cuba beginning the 2nd,6,77,val can you look into the status of my vacation request,8,106,train what city is the super bowl,0,0,oos_train when does my card expire,2,17,train how do i adjust my credit limit,2,22,test what are some of picasso's most famous works,0,0,oos_train what company is responsible for this design,9,121,test please confirm my reservation for bar les freres at 7,3,32,test let me know how to get to the starbucks nearby,5,71,train can you order underpants for me,4,57,train i'm out of paper towels so will you put that on my shopping list,4,59,val i got to transfer ten dollars from my bank of america account to my capital one account,1,10,train tell me what is on my to do list,4,58,train make a new name for the ai,10,148,train am i your supervisor,9,123,train set my paycheck to direct deposit to chase account,8,119,test i need to know when's the next holiday,8,107,val please tell me what shots i am required to get to travel to india,6,85,train what are the weather conditions like in seattle,7,91,test what is the minimum payment on my water bill,1,8,test how can i get my rewards for my master card,2,24,test i'd love to set an alarm,7,92,test roll a dice for me,7,104,train what reviews does miyabi have,3,38,train do i need a certain amount of points before i can redeem them,2,24,train are there meetings schedules today between noon and one,8,110,train turn to whisper mode,10,138,train how bad is my current credit score,2,28,val i want to see transactions from this month,1,14,val give me a rundown of the weather,7,91,train i need to move money from one account to another,1,10,train tell me my current health plan,8,109,test tell me my water bill please,1,9,test can you tell me where my item is,4,52,test remember to remind me of this later,4,50,train discontinue your current task,10,145,train you can call me jason,10,147,val will you please read the things on my shopping list,4,54,val what do i need to make spaghetti,3,34,train i am wanting to know what song this is,4,46,train tell me all about your hobbies,9,125,train can we call mark,7,97,val create a pamphlet on albert einsteins childhood,0,0,oos_test would i be able to swap apples for grapes,3,43,val "book a hotel in pa, harrisburg for the 10th to 15th",6,88,train is it possible to raise the credit limit for my discover card,2,22,train i am thinking it is either,10,150,train "what's the current time, please",7,103,train share my current location with kristen,7,95,test is the bill due this week,1,4,val i need to know when i got latest paycheck,8,111,train which mexican meal would be good,3,40,train what is the interesting trivia about human bodies,9,126,test open yesterday's last payment,1,14,train what is the name of the person who created you,9,121,train i'd like to know how changes are made to my insurance policy,8,108,val we have a table at the taco bell under bowie we need to release,3,42,train visa's are hard to get do i need one when i travel to israel,6,80,train how can i go about cashing in rewards with discover,2,24,train how do i alter my insurance policy,8,108,train am i scheduled to meet with heather today,8,110,train how much is in my pnc account,1,12,val tell me now if you are a bot,9,133,train i need a list of good places to eat near me,3,41,test is today monday,7,93,val do you know if i can use pepper and not salt,3,43,val when's the next time i should change my tires,5,74,train what are some good places to eat at,3,41,train "no, that can't be right",10,141,train how healthy is pizza,3,36,train x card has earned how many points,2,26,test how should i say hello in french,6,78,train have i gone over my chocolate budget lately,1,13,test tell me how are you,9,131,val info on direct deposit set-up,8,119,train how is it outside,7,91,train make arrangements for me to get my oil changed,5,67,train "so, where do you come from",9,128,test what are the carry-on rules,6,89,train get me a meeting with bill for 5:30pm tomorrow,8,118,train so do you like cats or dogs,9,124,train could you roll a 6 sided dice,7,104,train how many days until my next day off,8,107,train please check the door to see who is there,4,60,train how much of a refund will i get this year,0,0,oos_test what is the least i can pay on my mortgage bill,1,8,val how long will it take me to be seated at ihop,3,33,train is it possible for you to schedule a meeting for 3:00 on wednesday,8,118,val the time zone for brazil is what,6,81,train i need the routing number for my woodlawn account,1,2,train talk to me in a different accent,10,144,test how do you feel,9,131,train how to protect my credit score,2,19,train how long should i wait to get my new card when my old one was stolen,2,16,train i need to let my bank know i am traveling to detroit,6,77,train how many points earned do i have with my american express card,2,26,test quieter please,10,140,test are you employed by someone,9,123,train i want to reset your settings to the original,10,149,train do you speak english,10,142,test what is my current amount of gas,5,68,train is my paycheck arriving soon,8,111,train i want a coin flip and i'll take tails,7,101,train you are so nice to think of me,9,130,train what do people think of the new burger at mcdonalds,3,38,test how do i find my income,8,113,train please look up the next holiday for me,8,107,train i want to call you maggie,10,148,val hello there,9,131,test send me an uber now for four people and we are going to appleby's downtown,5,64,val would you unsync the phone now please,10,146,train call aj please,7,97,val change audio to whisper mode,10,138,test when do you think i ought to change the oil in my car next,5,62,test find list of ingredients i would need to bake a funnel cake,3,34,val remind me to clean room,4,50,train negatory,10,141,val you know me by what right now,10,137,test can you help me change my credit limit,2,22,val put film on my shopping list,4,59,train how long should i cook pho for,3,44,val the song on speaker is what like,4,46,train "help me, i forgot my pin number",1,3,train how ya doin,9,131,val i need the information on how to report a lost card,2,20,val when is my paycheck arriving,8,111,test tell me who has the cheapest watch bands on ebay,0,0,oos_test how many ml's are in a gallon,7,100,val my card is damaged,2,18,test how many kilowatts have i used this month,0,0,oos_test "i'm at a new job and i need to do a 401k rollover, how do i do this",8,114,val i need help finding a recipe for enchiladas,3,37,train i want to buy some nintendo switch game,0,0,oos_test could you tell me a good joke,9,132,val i need you to talk to me about your hobbies,9,125,test "could you check to see if my order has been delivered, please",4,52,train who do i need to contact to ask for a credit limit increase on my discover card,2,22,test have you heard how the enchiladas are at jose's taco shop,3,38,train what's the healthcare plan i'm on,8,109,train how can i make sure that my credit score does not decrease,2,19,val can you help me find my cell,7,94,train i need a good joke about office parties,9,132,train when is my flight boarding,6,79,val delete my to do list,4,48,train what are my benefits on the insurance,8,109,test i think it's true,10,139,train how is the traffic like on my way to fairfield,5,65,train what's the process of making a burrito,3,37,train "what's the apr on my visa card, please",2,23,train it appears that my luggage has vanished,6,86,train how good are the ratings for papa john's,3,38,train how long is it safe to leave shrimp in the fridge,3,31,train what is the name of the person who made the ai,9,121,train how many paypal transactions did i have last week,1,14,val i'm pretty sure i have a fraudulent transaction on my account,1,15,test how were you made,9,121,train find me a rental car from 3/6 - 3/9 in port charles,6,90,train can you check and tell me if my tires have enough air,5,66,val take 100 dollars from checking and send it to savings,1,10,train "i last took my car to the shop, when",5,72,train how does my gas tank look,5,68,train what is the interest rate on my charles schwab checking account,1,7,train what day of the month is it today,7,93,train """which could be improve the credit score",2,19,test you working for someone else on the side,9,123,train what do you need to make dandelion wine properly,3,34,train how do i convert a cup to ml,7,100,val can you adjust the speed of your voice,10,136,test what are the international transactions fees for my industrial bank card,2,30,train what is one fun fact,9,126,train i need to get kalee added to my phone plan,0,0,oos_test "regarding my name, whats it saved as",10,137,train tell me your funniest joke,9,132,val when was the last date that i was paid,8,111,train average mpg,5,69,train please set an alarm for me,7,92,val what are some exciting things that are a must do for tourists visiting sedona,6,83,val my phone needs to be unsynced now,10,146,train what ingredients are in tacos,3,34,test what is the total number of pints in two quarts,7,100,val what is the main cause of becoming homeless,0,0,oos_test what should i know about the carry on policy for american,6,89,train i need to get my paycheck direct deposited to my chase account,8,119,train what health benefits can i use,8,109,train i want you to call me this new name,10,147,train i wanna know the bill's minimum payment,1,8,train did i request a reminder for my niece's graduation,4,49,train say it one more time,10,143,train how many months do i left in my hbo subscription,0,0,oos_test pay electric,1,5,train i need to cancel my dinner reservation,3,42,train does nopa in san francisco take reservations,3,45,train i want to change my credit limit,2,22,train what do you do as a hobby,9,125,val what's a cool and interesting thing about dogs,9,126,train how long should a cake bake,3,44,train my credit rating is what,2,28,test any clue as to if taco bell takes reservations,3,45,test what kind of gas does my car need,5,73,val i wanna know what kinds of pets you have,9,124,train can i get this car's mpg,5,69,test can you schedule a meeting with george for 4,8,118,train is flight dl123 coming in on time,6,79,train please add the immigrant song by led zeppelin to my playlist,4,53,train what's the inflation of my tires,5,66,train what is today,7,93,train what do food critics say about gramercy tavern,3,38,test i want my reservation for march 1 at 8 pm confirmed,3,32,train i am going to spain in the future and my bank needs to know this information,6,77,val could you please mail me some checkbooks,1,11,train "denver's timezone is a mystery, i wonder where its located",6,81,test "think about if you could only say one or the other, which animal do you see yourself choosing, cats or dogs",9,124,train give me examples of what to ask you,9,135,test tell me a summary of reviews that oakley frogskins get on amazon,0,0,oos_test are there any ubers available that fit 5 people we are going to wendys,5,64,train how many carry ons can i take on a flight with jet blue to washington dc,6,89,train how is the traffic near lexington,5,65,train i couldn't buy a mug from target because my card got declined,2,21,train how do i look up my credit score,2,28,train so how long do you think the chicken will take,3,44,train what is the time frame for changing oil,5,62,train you need to set alarm for me,7,92,train i want to request pto from november 7 to 11,8,116,train tell me if flipping the mattress is on my list of reminders please,4,49,train how's my day off request looking,8,106,train has my application for a trust bank credit card been mailed out and if so was i approved or not,2,27,train how do you say thank you in german,6,78,train what is on my to do list,4,58,train how do i order some more checks for my bank of america account,1,11,test how long must i cook spaghetti for,3,44,train do you have a nickname,9,127,val when is my next paycheck,8,111,train let me know how many pounds are in 10 kilos,7,100,test what are some of the hobbies you enjoy doing,9,125,train i need an alarm to go off tomorrow at five fifteen,7,92,train what do i have planned on my calendar for next sunday,4,55,train i'd like my 401k to be rolled over,8,114,train x is your new nickname,10,148,train turn lights on in my bedroom,4,60,train is this where i get a w2,8,117,train when is today's meeting with john,8,110,train can you speak to me in chinese,10,142,train when did i last have a mechanic check out my car,5,72,train take $40 and transfer it to account a from b,1,10,train what is the gas mileage on a ford falcon,5,69,val please switch to whisper mode,10,138,train i wanna know what is currently on my calendar for friday the 1st,4,55,train what things can i do to increase my credit score,2,19,val i must switch to the male voice,10,144,train what kinds of taxes am i facing,8,112,val i have how many vacation days left this year,8,115,train read off to me the last five transactions i've made,1,14,train could you please share a joke with me,9,132,train my order was put in and i was wonder how i can see the status of it,4,52,train i like this song who is it by,4,46,train how much am i paying from my income in taxes,8,112,train what is the traffic like on the way to work,5,65,train how do i get to central park by foot,5,71,test who should i talk to about the fact that i inadvertently split my card almost in half,2,18,test what's the spelling of multimedia,7,102,train what's the traffic typically like at 3:30 on the route to phoenix,5,65,train my current location is what,5,61,test yes you are right,10,139,train how long would i have to wait if i want to go to golden corral,3,33,train whisper for me,10,138,train how many chores are on my todo list,4,58,train "i don't know how to spell apoplectic, can you tell me",7,102,test i wanna know the gad i need to fill this car up with,5,73,train what name do you call me,10,137,train am i almost due for a tire change,5,74,test what kind of gas does my car use,5,73,train i'd like to cancel my reservation for 5 at hoss's steak house,3,42,val what's the best crypto to buy in 2019,0,0,oos_val i would like to be told about my credit rating,2,28,train what is the least i can pay towards my car bill,1,8,val tell me the gasoline type for this car,5,73,train it is good to see you,9,131,test i think someone jacked my bank account,1,15,test i think i've misplaced my phone,7,94,test do you know the total number of vacation days i have used,8,120,train see if you can get me a room in colorado springs near garden of the gods from march 01 to march 02,6,88,train can you tell me how much i pay in taxes,8,112,train could you tell me the status of my vacation request,8,106,train convert krugerrands to saudi riyal,6,82,train i need you to repeat that,10,143,train where were you manufactured,9,128,train my luggage appears to be missing,6,86,train "from here, i take this bus to go to brooklyn and how long is the commute",5,70,train until next time!,9,129,train i need to know my bank balance,1,12,train what is the square root of 144,7,98,train why can't i access my chase account,1,6,test my credit limit needs to me changed,2,22,val let's go to default settings,10,149,train "when is the upcoming holiday, please",8,107,train how many dollars can i exchange for 200 euros,6,82,train who fabricated you,9,121,train what's my name on file,10,137,test what do i need to do in order to redeem my credit card points,2,24,train go back to your manufacturers' settings,10,149,test how is the approval of my day off progressing,8,106,train i need to have a timer for 10 minutes,7,96,test at the moment what song is playing on the speaker,4,46,test tell me something interesting about outer space,9,126,train how can i improve my credit score,2,19,train tell me how to get my paycheck on direct deposit,8,119,train clear my calendar for april 20th,4,51,test i want to visit portugal do i need a travel visa,6,80,train do i have any meeting to go to today,8,110,train what ingredients do i need to make broccoli cheddar soup,3,34,train i would like to know when you were born,9,134,train will you order more checkbooks for my silvergate account,1,11,train "if i use my card in x, will there be a charge",2,30,test assist me to know how to get to target by bus,5,71,train check meeting rooms available between one and three pm,8,118,test what is your place of origin,9,128,train is it possible to make a reservation at redrobin,3,45,train i need to roll a 10 sided die,7,104,train just another time please,10,143,train include asparagus on the list,4,59,test do i need special shots to go to africa,6,85,train how many pto days do i have left,8,115,train how do i say bathroom in italian,6,78,test i'll talk to you later ai,9,129,train can i substitute ginger for garlic,3,43,train i feel like going out for sushi tonight who in the area serves good sushi,3,41,val has the leftover hamburger from last saturday gone bad,3,31,train how is life in existence,9,122,train read me cat trivia,9,126,val can you tell me what is 18 percent of $2500,7,98,train text matt and tell him i will be late tonight,7,105,train what is the spelling of potato,7,102,train what's on my shopping list,4,54,train skip ahead one song,4,56,test do you know my work income,8,113,val what is 90908 divided by 30890,7,98,train "i recently ran out of checks, so i wanna get some new ones",1,11,train did i do something to get my bank account frozen,1,6,train i need an alarm set for 9 am and another for 11 am,7,92,train hi there alexa,9,131,train martins needs a table for 5 people at tropicana at 8pm precisely,3,39,test "i want to go to korea, do i need an international visa",6,80,train look up the gas mileage for my vehicle,5,69,train i need to know my total spending on amazon for november and december 2018,1,13,train you are how old,9,134,train i want to hear what is on my reminders list,4,49,train is there any good place in hawaii for pasta,3,41,train whats the traffic for the drive to the nearest restaurant,5,65,test go ahead and increase the volume to 4 please,10,140,train let ben and jerry know where i am,7,95,train when's my next paycheck,8,111,train i was in thailand and i could not use my card to buy snacks,2,21,test could you please put a stop on my bank account,1,1,test tell me some things i can do to secure my credit rating,2,19,train do you think longhorn steakhouse will be busy at 5pm,3,33,train i want to speak to you in swiss german,10,142,test set my temp to 75,4,60,train please tell me all the purchases on my hy-vee card for this statement period,1,14,val will you roll a 3 sided dice,7,104,train "if i go to tgifridays at eight, will they be crowded",3,33,train transer $800 from my checking to savings account,1,10,test what is the current time in cst,7,103,train are there any positive reviews for wendy's,3,38,train reserve a table for four for tonight at 7 at the fatted calf,3,39,train what does the weather look like,7,91,train i want my checking balance at chase,1,12,train "could you please tell me, my wells fargo account, is there a hold and why",1,6,train "goodbye, helpful ai device!",9,129,train update on vacation request,8,106,train is there somewhere my personal loan displays the interest rate i'm paying on it,1,7,test is it possible for a hotel to be booked by you for me in afghanistan at the zoo for the 10th to the 15th,6,88,val put the volume to 4,10,140,test i'm not sure of that,10,150,train please tell me how to increase credit limit for the chase card,2,22,test i gotta have a 10 minute timer,7,96,train tell me the number of calories in a banana,3,35,train "how do i find my location right now, please",5,61,train what is currently on my calendar for friday the 1st,4,55,train i need to know trivia on star wars,9,126,train can i increase the credit limit for my navy federal card,2,22,train my card is to be reported stolen,2,20,train do you own any pet,9,124,train let me know my credit score,2,28,train are you 16 years old,9,134,val cancel my reservation for chris at jp field's,3,42,train how've you been feeling,9,131,train what is the total amount due on my electricity bill,1,9,train i filed a credit card application so what is going on with it,2,27,train what sites are there to see when in evans,6,83,train calculate my total income from my job,8,113,train can you put in a pto request for me for july second and third,8,116,train where was my package last at,4,52,train do i need new tires if i just got them replaced on january 2017,5,74,train my account looks to be blocked and i have no idea why,1,6,val where did your mom have you,9,128,train set an alarm,7,92,train call macy,7,97,train can you help me unlock my bank account,1,6,test get an uber to the airport,5,64,train i want to hear a joke that’s funny,9,132,train give me all contents of my shopping list,4,54,train would you say you're a person who likes cats or dogs more,9,124,train what is break a leg mean,7,99,train can i obtain health benefits,8,109,train number of calories in coke,3,35,test i don't need the reservation anymore,3,42,test transfer 1000 dollars from my first national bank to my bethpage federal credit union savings,1,10,val how is glue made,0,0,oos_train how can i go about requesting a vacation,8,116,train "what is the sum of 3, 7, 9, and 24",7,98,val what is the apr on my chase visa,2,23,train i'm out of detergent so will you order me some more,4,57,train show me how to change my oil,5,63,train what was the date of my last car service,5,72,val text mom and let her know i'll be there soon,7,105,train i do not want my reservation anymore,3,42,test where's your birthplace,9,128,train what is the process to apply for a visa card,2,29,train what interest rate am i getting from bank of america,1,7,test add coke to my shopping cart,4,59,train please confirm my reservation for feburary 21st at 6pm,3,32,train can you tell me a joke about a lawyer,9,132,val how can i get a limit increase on my discover card,2,22,test how do i open an online line of credit,0,0,oos_train turn lights on in my master bathroom,4,60,train las vegas weather today,7,91,test let dan know where i am,7,95,train what was the last time i had my car at the dealer for repairs,5,72,train i need you to cancel my reservation for 5 at red robin,3,42,test so when should i change the oil,5,62,val are the schools closed,0,0,oos_test i want a rental car that is available tomorrow and that i can keep for four days please find me one,6,90,test i must know how to say thank you in german,6,78,test how long to microwave a pizza,3,44,train what's the time in tokyo,7,103,train could my 401k be rolled over,8,114,val goodnight,9,129,val when should i expect my replacement card,2,16,train when do i need to change my oil,5,62,train command cancel,10,145,val can you tell me what my currnet salary is,8,113,train the male voice please,10,144,test what do the ratings say for black bear diner,3,38,train do you know what you call me,10,137,train let me know the current time in the central timezone,7,103,train call my bank customer service number,1,6,train after 3 days in the fridge is rice safe to eat,3,31,val how long should i expect to wait for my replacement credit card,2,16,val i can't hear you,10,140,train what is needed to set up direct deposit,8,119,train please put this song on my moody monday playlist,4,53,train report my lost visa card,2,20,train add clean the bathroom to my task list,4,48,train i want to hear cool bee facts,9,126,test call sandra right now,7,97,train i'd like to hear a fun fact about adult entertainment,9,126,train what should i have for dinner,3,40,train change language setting to english,10,142,train i need to transfer from one account to my second one,1,10,train can i increase my credit limit from 1000 to 2000 please,2,22,train do they take reservations at arby's,3,45,train look for a flight out of la to chicago on march 3rd for under $500,6,87,train call me mary,10,147,train what are you feeling today,9,131,test would you be able to help me with a meeting room on wednesday at 3pm,8,118,train how can i find my routing number from bank of america,1,2,train what is your name for me,10,137,train how much have i spent on books recently,1,13,train how percentage am i earning annually on my account,1,7,train whats the pressure like in my tires,5,66,train is my order at the delivery address,4,52,val pause my account,1,1,train how long before my updated cc takes to arrive,2,16,val would you mind repeating that,10,143,test call me frank,10,147,train "i have tomatoes from tuesday, do you think those are still good",3,31,train i need to know what song this is that we're listening to,4,46,test i need to know when it was that i last took my car to have the oil changed,5,72,train can you take frozen food of my shopping list,4,59,train how long can i put pizza in the fridge,3,31,train can you help locate my phone,7,94,train i am itching to travel but don't know where to go,6,83,test what did trump do todayu,0,0,oos_test what are all your pets,9,124,train what name do you go by,9,127,test "how do i apply for a visa card, please",2,29,train how long until my cereal is ruined,3,31,train who froze my bank account,1,6,train i'm torn on how to answer,10,150,train what is one thing i might not know about nike shoes,9,126,train "next song, please!",4,56,test what is that tax form that shows my wages and where do i get it,8,117,train can you tell me who made you,9,121,test tell me the steps as to how to begin a career as a journalist,0,0,oos_test compose text message,7,105,train repeat that for me,10,143,val change back to default settings,10,149,train switch from the male to the female voice,10,144,train please send ann a text and tell her i will be home in 20 minutes,7,105,train do they take reservations at mcdonalds,3,45,train tell me today's date,7,93,test tell me how many pesos equal 500 dollars,6,82,train are there shots required before going to south africa,6,85,train what specific health plan do i have,8,109,test what are the steps to take to report a lost card,2,20,val what kind of calories do chicken tenders have,3,35,test what would be good for dinner,3,40,train when is the expiration date for me discover,2,17,test link up my paycheck for direct deposit to my account at chase,8,119,val can you please repeat that response,10,143,train someone stole my mastercade,2,20,train oven set it to 350,4,60,test will we have to make reservations for roca,3,45,test where is my credit score located,2,28,train "ai you have given me so much information, thank you",9,130,test i need dinner ideas,3,40,train what's the time period till our next day off,8,107,train does this car get good mpg in the city,5,69,train how much money do i make at my job,8,113,val how do they say hello in germany,6,78,train is there another person that controls you,9,123,test what is the apr on my visa card,2,23,train can i keep rice in the fridge for 3 days,3,31,val what do you enjoy doing in your off time,9,125,test how many vacation days do i have for the year,8,115,train what can i do to jump start my car,5,75,test what's my name saved under,10,137,train add this song to my jazz playlist,4,53,train please tell me my bank balance,1,12,train can you check if my order has been delivered,4,52,train give me my location on the map,5,61,train my bank of america visa platinum was swiped from my belongings,2,20,test terminate the account,1,1,train "from here, how do i get to the statue of liberty by bus",5,71,train using my card in tulsa won't cause me to be charged extra will it,2,30,val tell me my reminder list,4,49,val how long will it take to be seated at macaroni grill,3,33,train update me on the status of my credit card application,2,27,train can i use apples instead of oranges in this recipe,3,43,test what day do i get paid,8,111,train what timezone is viet nam in,6,81,train bake time for brownies,3,44,test how much have i spent on my debit card this month,1,14,test please inform my bank i'll be vacationing in the bahamas in a couple of days,6,77,test "i need an uber with a car seat for 2 adults and one child to take us to wilmington, de",5,64,train can you please speed up your speech,10,136,train tell me the process of applying for a apollo card,2,29,train tell me what's on my shopping list,4,54,train has my request for time off been approved,8,106,val what timezone is detroit in,6,81,train please set up a reminder for me,4,50,test what to use to design my business cards,0,0,oos_test i need to do taxes and have to get a w2,8,117,train "buy a flight for me from nyc to la on march 1, returning on march 5",6,87,train i'd like to hear some trivia about florida,9,126,train what is the total amount i spent last week,1,13,test what town were you born in,9,128,train i want to hear a male british accent,10,144,train what do i need to buy at the store,4,54,train turn on the fan,4,60,train how are the reviews for mcdonald's,3,38,val please help me to know what type of things you can help me with,9,135,test what are the ratings for chipotle,3,38,train who is it u work for,9,123,train how can i increase the credit limit on my discover card,2,22,test "oh hell no, that'd be terrible!",10,141,train would you please reboot yourself to factory settings,10,149,train please make sure the volume stays at 4,10,140,test whats the total of taxes from my income,8,112,test read back the reminder list,4,49,train "on what day, month and year did i get new tires",5,72,val please set up a timer for me,7,96,val what do i owe on the car this month,1,9,train i need to let my bank know i am traveling to new york,6,77,train how do i get to the airport by foot,5,71,test i'd like to confirm that i have a reservation at red robin for josh,3,32,train you must tell me your name,9,127,train is there a way to tell if you are real or an ai,9,133,train is there enough in my wells fargo account to buy some nike's,1,12,test do you think they'll let me reserve a table at the olive garden,3,45,test what are the shots i need in order to travel to mexico,6,85,train please freeze my account,1,1,train tell me when my meeting is scheduled with roger,8,110,train i need you to schedule an alarm,7,92,train show what i have spent things on,1,14,test calculate my points for visa,2,26,train please let me know what time it is,7,103,train oh sweet thanks,9,130,train show me how do i schedule a meeting,8,118,train tell me a joke about dogs,9,132,train "can you give me instructions on how to jump start my car, please",5,75,test can you help me pay this bill,1,5,train i require another filter so can you order me another one,4,57,train what sort of pets do you have,9,124,train please find me a hotel room for 4 people from monday to wednesday in lakewood,6,88,train does olive garden have good reviews,3,38,test can you tell me what key frank zappa's keep it greasy is in,0,0,oos_test could you unsync my phone please,10,146,train what's the least amount i can pay on this bill,1,8,val find square root of 453,7,98,test how many countries in the world are democracies,0,0,oos_val so how busy is the outback steakhouse at 5 pm,3,33,test would you track my package,4,52,train please make sure my account is frozen,1,1,train where is your home town,9,128,test what's the minimum due for my electric bill,1,8,val you need to shut it,10,145,test turn volume to 4,10,140,test you are how old now,9,134,train when should i expect my flight to come in,6,79,train i'd like to hear my workout playlist,4,47,train "check my calendar for me, please",4,55,test do i have enough gas to get to buffalo,5,68,val how many sides are in a hexagon,0,0,oos_train what's tomorrow on the calender,7,93,train how much money do i have total,1,12,train where do i report fraud on my credit card,1,15,val i want to pay my house bill,1,5,train my american express card needs to be reported as stolen,2,20,train what is the title of this tune,4,46,train could you look up the date that my credit card is set to expire,2,17,train give me instructions to change my oil,5,63,train find a good toy to give a 5 year old boy that costs less than $40,0,0,oos_test are you doing ok,9,131,train you talk to slow,10,136,test before i leave for mexico should i get some more vaccinations,6,85,train my card seems to not work because its blemished,2,18,val my card is too scratched up and i need to report it,2,18,train what kind of gasoline can this car take,5,73,train how many us dollars can i get for 20 euros,6,82,train list my current gps coordinates,5,61,train do you know where i can find my suntrust routing number,1,2,train please find my routing number for my citizens' bank account,1,2,train i want to know the time,7,103,train go ahead and roll that 9 sided dice,7,104,train who are you manufactured by,9,121,val on my big project task list please add paint shutters in spring,4,48,train how high does my sat score need to be to get into harvard,0,0,oos_val i want to schedule a pto request on march 1-2,8,116,train what gas does that car currently use,5,73,train what could i do for fun in kentucky,6,83,train how are the reviews for cracker barrel,3,38,train i need a bit of hand holding getting my trash bill paid,1,5,train tell me something funny about dogs,9,132,train "i would like to increase my bank of america credit limit, can you help me",2,22,train don't connect to my phone anymore,10,146,val how long will the trip to portland be,5,70,val what routing number do i use to send an international wire with citibank,1,2,train what's the traffic like around the stadium,5,65,train can you track the location of my phone,7,94,train why are you talking so slowly,10,136,test let's use whisper voice,10,138,train by what nym do you think of me,10,137,train how much money did i spent on grocery recently,1,13,val what carry-on restrictions does southwest impose,6,89,train do you have any elvis music,4,47,train let me know when my next day off is,8,107,train play some music,4,47,train remove corn from my shopping list,4,59,train lets go threw some trivia on sports,9,126,train confirm the john reservation at applebee's,3,32,test when is my next oil change,5,62,train i'd like to know my bank balance please,1,12,train use your male voice,10,144,train can you please repeat my list back to me,4,49,train send 2000 dollars between chase and rabobank accounts,1,10,train what kind of mileage am i getting,5,69,test buy everything on my list,4,57,train when should another paycheck arrive,8,111,train i would like you to repeat yourself,10,143,train i want to see my location on the map,5,61,test do you have any idea what my name is,10,137,train flip a coin heads or tails,7,101,train let me know why my card got declined,2,21,train how are my state taxes looking,8,112,train can i put in a vacation request with you,8,116,train what should i do if i lost my luggage,6,86,val can i get an uber for 2 home,5,64,train text sal and let them know the answer is yes,7,105,train which one i don't know either i guess,10,150,val "what is 15 ounces in grams, please",7,100,train is it possible to get reservations at ihop,3,45,test please put a stop on my bank account,1,1,test subtract 85 from 997,7,98,train can you please put a stop on my bank account,1,1,train confirm my reservation for march 12 at 9:00 am,3,32,test how much do i have in my bank accounts,1,12,test remind me to call my mom,4,50,val what are the steps for transfering my 401k,8,114,train nutrition information of mashed potatoes,3,36,train how long will it be for me to get a new card,2,16,train play the next one,4,56,test read what i added to the reminder list,4,49,train "suggest a meal from thailand to me, please",3,40,train how much longer until my next day off,8,107,train call mom,7,97,test "talk to you soon, bye!",9,129,test where's my package right now,4,52,train what are some ways to reduce spending,0,0,oos_train how do i arrange a direct deposit into my savings account,8,119,train i need to get a mastercard somehow,2,29,test how is everything going for you,9,131,train select a new language,10,142,train what are the conditions like in orlando,7,91,train is it possible to lower my credit score by doing this,2,19,train what's the traffic like on the way to the mall,5,65,train what is the weather going to be like tomorrow,7,91,train what is my meeting schedule like for the day,8,110,train are you good,9,131,val how many calories does a kitkat have,3,35,train do you know when i last took my car to get checked,5,72,val can you translate hello into swedish for me,6,78,train do i need to change my oil soon,5,62,test is it possible to use sausage instead of hot dog,3,43,train how long can i have pizza in the fridge,3,31,train how many years do you need to be in the army to get a college tuition,0,0,oos_test can you remind me what i put on my shopping list,4,54,train who are you known as,9,127,train what is the credit limit for my bank of america card,2,25,train can i call you dave,10,148,train do i have the gas to get to orlando,5,68,train what's the cost of a good pegboard,0,0,oos_test is the wait at pizza hut long,3,33,test what's the prep time for a garden salad,3,44,train can you play the song that starts with doo doo doo,4,47,val do i need a visa if i go there,6,80,val what is the apr on my chase card,2,23,val can you tell me what my total income is for the pay period,8,113,train "yes, i'd really like that alot",10,139,train "did i add ""cleaning the foyer"" to my todo list yet",4,58,test what oil do i need for my honda crv and how do i change it,5,63,val i would like to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train i need to know who programmed you,9,121,train make an order of bread because i am out,4,57,val now use male voice,10,144,train i want to have happy added to my rb playlist,4,53,train tell me a joke about the subject of sailing,9,132,test what are your hobbies exactly,9,125,test i wanna apply for a bank of america travel rewards credit card,2,29,train can you please update the status of flight dl123,6,79,val do you have a list of shots that i need for traveling to denmark,6,85,train how much am i allowed to spend on my discover card,2,25,train add this track to my rock playlist,4,53,train i need to get 3 riders to union station,5,64,train tell me whether you are a cat or dog person,9,124,train so are cats and dogs liked by you,9,124,train please put washing the dishes on my list of tasks to accomplish,4,48,train "give me vacation days remaining, please",8,115,test of course,10,139,train who formed you,9,121,train either i am not sure,10,150,val can you check on a transaction for me,1,14,train what sorts of activities should i get up to while i am in dublin,6,83,test speak french,10,142,val unsync my phone,10,146,train give me the point total on my visa card,2,26,test "tell me why my card was declined at auto zone, why",2,21,val how can i roll over my 401k,8,114,train "i have potatoes in the cupboard from wednesday, are they fine",3,31,train do i have transaction fees when i use my discover card in rome,2,30,test can i make your name different,10,148,train decrease volume level,10,140,train how long is a bus ride to the library,5,70,train does michael's accept reservations,3,45,train i would like to know my electric bills date it needs to be payed,1,4,train set a 2 minute timer,7,96,test i must know the nutritional info for grapes,3,36,train put in an order for more checks,1,11,val it was enjoyable talking with you,9,129,train does buffalo wild wings take reservations,3,45,train "good talk, see you later",9,129,val read all my reminders,4,49,val my new card will get here in the mail when,2,16,train find out if i can rent a car in los angeles from march 2-9,6,90,train "thanks, bye",9,129,train is there a way i can change the name you use to address me,10,147,train call my best friend,7,97,train i need a 401k rolled over to my brand new job,8,114,train go back to factory settings now,10,149,train add cleaning to my to do list,4,48,train can you pair yourself with my phone please,10,146,test i no longer need my reservation with carl at umami,3,42,train "i need my luggage found, i was on delta flight ab123 out of san francisco",6,86,train what does my schedule look like for april 1,4,55,train can you send me a new credit card please mine is getting old and unusable,2,29,train what types of things do you know,9,135,train when will my delta flight depart,6,79,train repeat that for me please,10,143,test how long until my mastercard expires,2,17,train i want to report fraudulent activity on my visa card,1,15,train "if you were to call a place your beginning, your home start, where would that be",9,128,train what's the possibility of getting a credit limit increase on my visa,2,22,train at the moment what is the time,7,103,train how are you this fine day,9,131,train how many days can i take for vacation,8,115,test share the nutrition info for brownies with me,3,36,train take a ride on the ferris wheel,0,0,oos_test can you tell my bank that i'll be travelling internationally soon,6,77,train what does epicurean mean,7,99,test tell me the calorie content of an apple,3,35,train do i need a converter for my electronics when i go to that coutntry,6,76,test i'm afraid my luggage has gone missing,6,86,test i need the best recipe for mashed potatoes,3,37,train tell me my car's tire pressure,5,66,test what do my state taxes amount to,8,112,train you have my sincere gratitude,9,130,val i need a flight on delta from los angeles to seattle,6,87,test "if i am in tulsa, will i get charged extra if i use my card",2,30,val the meaning of life,9,122,train how much is my comcast bill,1,9,train can u play the song that sound like bells going off,4,47,train where is my luggage,6,86,val tell me what pokemon is,0,0,oos_test can you give me a meal suggestion for swedish cuisine,3,40,train i don't know the reason my account is blocked,1,6,train list some neat stuff about rats,9,126,train could you let me know what names you have for me,10,137,train how can you schedule a meeting for me,8,118,train can you tell me fun facts about lighthouses,9,126,train how much is 5 us dollars worth in canadian dollars,6,82,test please get me an uber to get to the movies,5,64,train mark down cleaning the bathroom on my list of things to do,4,48,train i need you to schedule a meeting with carrie and lisa,8,118,train how many days of vacation are left now,8,115,test do they take reservations at carrabbas,3,45,train tell me what you are capable of answering,9,135,train what ingredients are necessary to make spaghetti carbonara,3,34,test i want some suggestions for tourist activities in dublin,6,83,test "i need a w2 form, how do i get one",8,117,val my card is broken,2,18,train just call me sam,10,147,train do i have many meetings today between 2 and 4,8,110,train i want a pic of how to jump start,5,75,train what kind of things can you help with,9,135,test where is the nearest wal mart,5,71,test do you know if you are a robot,9,133,train does bjs get good reviews,3,38,train what did you just mention,10,143,train i need help cause my check engine light came on,5,67,train roll that dice,7,104,val what's the best opening gambit for a game of chess,0,0,oos_val my credit card application status,2,27,train "track package, please",4,52,train what can you do to make yourself useful,9,135,test how old is the oldest person that is in the guiness book of world records,0,0,oos_test im not going to dinner tonight,3,42,train let me know what i have to do today,4,58,train which song are we listening to,4,46,train i'm going to need to meet with scott at 1pm,8,118,train who's your boss,9,123,test how do i change the windshield wipers,0,0,oos_test "i dont want to hear this song, just play the next one",4,56,val i want a fun fact about london,9,126,test why is my bank account frozen,1,6,train help! i'm a victim of credit card fraud!,1,15,val for how long should i bake the brownies,3,44,train how long until delta is at the gate,6,79,train i seem to have lost the pin for my retirement account,1,3,train great,10,139,test place a hold on my bank account,1,1,train would you let me know if you are a cat or dog person,9,124,train i wanna know if my capital one credit card have international transaction fees,2,30,val share my gps coordinates with my dad,7,95,train is there a quick way to improve my credit score,2,19,train are the reviews ned get's good,3,38,test how much money do i have in all of my accounts combined,1,12,train how can i go about finding my location right now,5,61,train how many points did i get on my discover card,2,26,train when would it be required for me to get my oil changed,5,62,train will you please turn the tv on,4,60,val can i start calling you dave,10,148,val do the tires need air,5,66,train would you let me know what is on my shopping list,4,54,train how much longer until i have to change my tires,5,74,train switch to the whisper mode,10,138,train tell me something amusing,9,132,train i need a hotel room for 4 people from may 3 to may 5 in boston,6,88,test address me by the name stan,10,147,train what time am i meeting john,8,110,val my card was damaged by my cat; can i report that,2,18,train tell me the routing number for bluebird,1,2,val your name is,9,127,val what is my location right now,5,61,train what's the conversion rate of 100 dollars to euros,6,82,val what do i do about a card that's too messed up to be properly scanned,2,18,test what should i do if i'm waiting at the airport and my luggage is not here,6,86,train how much money does radiohead earn a year,0,0,oos_train can you play the song that goes doo doo doo,4,47,val what is the exchange rate between usd and british pounds,6,82,train how long should i spend preparing roast beef,3,44,train "i need to cancel my reservation after all, please",3,42,test "for this car, what kind of gas should i use",5,73,val how many dollars can i exchange for 10000 rubles,6,82,train can you tell me when my credit card application will be processed,2,27,train your birthday please,9,134,test book a flight from sacremento to tampa two weeks from now and returning a month after,6,87,train find out how long it has been since my car was last in the shop,5,72,train i need to know where my due date is for my lawn bill,1,4,test do i have any meetings today between 9 and 10:30,8,110,val i have a super runny nose and want to find a doctor,0,0,oos_test please help me locate my phone,7,94,train tell me what the best shampoo is for someone with dry scalp,0,0,oos_test "please, will you turn on my tv",4,60,train how do i go about applying for a macy's credit card,2,29,val was is my salary,8,113,val i would like to add you say by lauren daigle to my playlist,4,53,train let me know where i'm located,5,61,train my visa card was stolen,2,20,train tell me why my card was declined yesterday,2,21,train will you please add cannons by phil wickham to my playlist,4,53,train my card became damaged when i dropped it in the parking lot and it got ran over,2,18,test what area did you come from,9,128,test please force my account to freeze,1,1,test give me a recommendation for a local landscaper,0,0,oos_test "from a flight from muscat to qatar, how many carry ons can i take",6,89,train what is the lowest amount i can pay for my hospital bill,1,8,test i think we should whisper,10,138,train can i get some new checks i'm out of mine,1,11,test please give me the full balance on my water bill,1,9,train how many flavors of mnm's are there,0,0,oos_test start a phone call with kathy,7,97,train "if i'm using citibank, what is the interest rate",1,7,train what brand was the last advertisement for,0,0,oos_test what day did i last take my car to the shop,5,72,test what is 3/4 of 18,7,98,train how've you been,9,131,val please help me with instructions on making chicken curry,3,37,train how many calories are in a piece of bacon,3,35,train "true, most definitely",10,139,val what's on my reminder list today,4,49,train who were the superbowl 23 champions,0,0,oos_test good speaking to you,9,129,test starbucks near me,5,71,train flip a coin i'm calling heads,7,101,test "flip a coin, i call heads!",7,101,test can you tell me when my tires have to be changed,5,74,test how bad is traffic on the way into oakville right now,5,65,val i need to know if cleaning out the fridge is on my to do list,4,58,train call me stevie,10,147,train connect with my phone please,10,146,train will only having five late payments really make my credit bad,2,19,test how much am i taxed each year,8,112,val i need a good meal idea from italy,3,40,test how many minutes should i put meal the cake in the oven,3,44,test what is the best way for dealing with the airport,0,0,oos_test what landing time is scheduled for my flight,6,79,train what's the extended zipcode for my address,0,0,oos_test what time is it on the pacific coast right now,7,103,train you were so kind to do that,9,130,train direct me to the closest korean grocery,5,71,train can i take more than one carry on,6,89,val how much is this mpg,5,69,train today's date is what exactly,7,93,train check the status of my amazon orders for me,0,0,oos_test please cancel that last task,10,145,train "hey, ai",9,131,train place my order alexa,4,57,test do you know what company were you designed by,9,121,test what is the current market trend,0,0,oos_train tell me when my credit card from visa expires please,2,17,val let's hear my workout playlist,4,47,train should i get an internation visa to go to switzerland,6,80,val "include this song in the ""kids"" playlist",4,53,train can you show me how to change the oil for my car,5,63,train what do i bring in over a year,8,113,test fun facts about tigers,9,126,train tell me when to get my tires changed,5,74,test are you a real person or a computer,9,133,train how much is the minimum payment on my chase card,1,8,train let's go ahead and switch your language,10,142,train how can i ensure my credit score doesn't drop,2,19,train what is the weather for tomorrow in georgia,7,91,train how many inches are in 5 feet,7,100,train add what i listen to to my car ride playlist,4,53,val when does the replacement card arrive,2,16,train when do my tires need changing,5,74,train please make an appointment for an oil change,5,67,train how to keep my credit up,2,19,train where should i eat,3,41,test what is the name you would use for me,10,137,val is there a fork in the road sign at main & 1st avenue,0,0,oos_test what does the forecast look like,7,91,train show me all listings on amazon for leather belts for men,0,0,oos_test "where is the nearest gas station to 20th and market streets, in philadelphia, pa",5,71,train i want to hear my hip hop playlist,4,47,train what is the minimum i can pay for the gas bill,1,8,train many thanks,9,130,train i need an update on my online order from nespresso,4,52,train i need to pay my electric bill now,1,5,train will you connect to my phone,10,146,train what is the traffic like on the way to kapolei,5,65,train when will my vacation get okayed,8,106,val are you made in the usa,9,121,train what's the amusement park like,0,0,oos_test i should call ruthie,7,97,train what movie does it's just a flesh wound come from,0,0,oos_test what's this jam called,4,46,train when is my electric bill due,1,4,train where is my credit score,2,28,train does applebee's have good reviews,3,38,train when will my card go rotten,2,17,val how often should i change the oil,5,62,test can you get me an uber to the movies,5,64,train what time will i be able to board the plane,6,79,train i would like a timer set,7,96,train what's the purpose of life,9,122,train do i have any due bills and how much,1,9,train what are the transaction fees associated with my discover card if i am in rome,2,30,test what is the real meaning of life,9,122,train when was toyota created,0,0,oos_train you need to set the timer for me,7,96,train i need a blackberry pie recipe,3,37,train what is my bank balance for all accounts,1,12,train look up pitcher stats on jake rooney,0,0,oos_test are you a live being,9,133,train i don't have ice cream so will you order me some more,4,57,train give me the date,7,93,val how long have you been alive,9,134,train "hello, how are you doing",9,131,test can i change my pin number,1,3,train i want to book a flight from hawaii to new york on july 8th and returning on july 10th,6,87,train i would like to get an uber to the movies,5,64,train no way,10,141,train can you see if the octopus eggs have hatched yet,0,0,oos_test what is covered under my insurance,8,109,val can you throw out some suggestions to me of places to travel to,6,83,test i'm looking for a roundtrip flight from afw to dgb for tomorrow until next week,6,87,train when will i get to orlando,5,70,test i want whisper mode to be switched off,10,138,train i am not able to say,10,150,test i wanna remove fishing from my calendar for soccer,4,51,train what is the quantity of dollars i receive for trading 6 yens,6,82,train what is my exact credit score,2,28,train throw a roll of the dice,7,104,test how many calories are in oranges,3,35,val could you make reservations for 2 at olive garden for 5 pm today,3,39,train can you tell me about the traffic typically at noon on the route the hospital,5,65,train i have a fraudulent transaction from wal mart showing on my account,1,15,train i don't have any checks left; please order some,1,11,train please tell me what amount i'm earning,8,113,test i'd like to increase my credit limit up to four thousand,2,22,train you should talk faster,10,136,train "change to whisper mode, please",10,138,train do you work for another person,9,123,val can you order an iphone7 for me with two-day free delivery,4,57,val can you change your language to japanese,10,142,train what is the price of bluetooth speakers on amazon,4,57,test i need to know the date it will be 4 days from now,7,93,val how long can i expect to keep steak in the freezer,3,31,train i put some leftover stew in the fridge and want to know how long it'll last,3,31,train are you able to get into my phone at the moment,10,146,train could you find my location on the map,5,61,train would you let me know how many carry ons i can take on a flight with southwest airlines to miami,6,89,train what's the limit for my credit,2,25,val add a new meeting with tom for 6pm,8,118,train do you know how long its been since i had my oil changed and a tune up,5,72,train what is 78 times 81 minus 5,7,98,train can i use almond milk instead of rice milk,3,43,train pay my electric bill for me,1,5,test someone stole my capital one credit card,2,20,train what's a good trivia fact about china,9,126,train a bowl of cheerios with milk has how many calories,3,35,train "i need you to place a stop on my bank account, thank you",1,1,train i need to know what the visa card credit limit is,2,25,train tell me if i am able to rollover my 401k,8,114,train "google ""odell beckham free agency""",0,0,oos_test i must know the closest gas station to glendale,5,71,test do you know my credit rating number,2,28,val does hypnosis work to break bad habits,0,0,oos_val how many days off have i taken until right now,8,120,test convert inch to cm,7,100,train please tell me all the items on my to do list right now,4,58,train what's my pioneer routing number,1,2,train i'd like to know where you're from,9,128,train my next oil change is when,5,62,train rock music playlist,4,47,train can you tell me today's headlines pleasei,0,0,oos_test can you set a reminder alarm for me to workout,4,50,test don't let payments go through using my bank account,1,1,train please double check on my reservations for buffalo wild wings at five for the game,3,32,val can i use sour cream instead of yogurt,3,43,train please roll a 6 sided dice,7,104,train what ingredients go in spaghetti,3,34,train what's the nearest ups store to walmart,5,71,train put $40 from account a to b,1,10,train mark my calendar that i will be meeting steven on march 5,4,51,val what is the weather like,7,91,test let me know how low the air in my tires are,5,66,train connect to my device,10,146,test how can i get a new card that got melted in the sun,2,18,val how much vacation have i earned,8,115,val can you look into whether my card has good apr or not,2,23,train how much did i spend this week,1,13,train can you let me know what company were you designed by,9,121,test call mark,7,97,train have i been spending a lot on alcohol lately,1,13,train whats the policy for delta for carry ons,6,89,val i want my paycheck to go directly to my bank account,8,119,train what ingredients do i need for chicken breast,3,34,train am i okay to take those vacation days,8,106,test how long is the wait at chipotle,3,33,val what length of time is safe for consuming leftover meatloaf stored in the fridge,3,31,test please call mark,7,97,val how much did i spend on furniture last week,1,13,train you are not wrong about that,10,139,val what is the amount i have spent on food recently,1,13,train thank you for that reply,9,130,test can you remind me what i was trying to remember,4,49,train whats the name of the playing song,4,46,train give me examples of what some of your hobbies are,9,125,test i must get a hotel in phoenix near chase field from january 4th to the 8th,6,88,test can i redeem my credit card points for anything,2,24,train does chillis take reservations,3,45,train "cool song, what is it",4,46,val what shots do i need before heading to france,6,85,train what is the minimum i need to pay for my cell phone bill,1,8,train how much do i make every 2 weeks,8,113,train please turn on whisper mode,10,138,train please read my shopping list,4,54,test set reminder for 2 pm,7,92,train may i suggest we go to the next song,4,56,test what day it today,7,93,test how is my insurance coverage,8,109,val what time is my meeting with steve,8,110,train transfer 200 dollars from paypal to savings,1,10,train i think i want your name changed to fred,10,148,val please include laundry on my to do list,4,48,train any status update on my day off request,8,106,train when will i get to my destination,6,79,train skip to the next song please,4,56,train how long to process my credit card application,2,27,train what interest rate am i getting from nfcu,1,7,test what is 543 times 344,7,98,val i need a car rental this week,6,90,val i need to know when i get my next day off,8,107,train any idea where flight dl123 is right now,6,79,train please show my current location to andre,7,95,train is it safe for me to go to turkey,6,84,test what's my bill's minimum payment,1,8,val i must know how many points have i earned with my credit card,2,26,test can you tell me my location,5,61,train i want to book a flight reservation from texas to new york on may 9th and i want to come back on the 15th,6,87,train how long will it take for me to get a new credit card to replace the one that was stolen,2,16,train is flight dl123 going to arrive on time,6,79,test what does my shopping list contain,4,54,test how much have i spent lately on eating out,1,13,train turn up the speaker volume,10,140,train tell me the limit on my discover card,2,25,train is there a wait time at bjs right now,3,33,val read my reminder list to me please,4,49,val what do you think i should make for dinner,3,40,train has my package been sent,4,52,test tell me the month that my credit card will expire,2,17,train thank you!,9,130,train use male voice,10,144,train what is the correct way to say 'i am a visitor' in french,6,78,train please say it one more time,10,143,test what's my tax rate,8,112,val i need to know when my flight is landing,6,79,train what's a fun fact about eggs,9,126,train i will need an uber for 3 to go to jfk airport,5,64,train i would like to change your name to a different one,10,148,train what appointments do i have tomorrow after 1:00pm,4,55,val what's this song playing,4,46,train add welcome to the jungle by guns n roses to my playlist,4,53,train will you add what i'm listening to to my dinner playlist,4,53,train why did my card not get accepted then,2,21,train i'd like to know what to call you,9,127,train what do i need to do now that my battery is dead,5,75,test when was i last paid,8,111,train when would you recommend i get my oil changed,5,62,train what is the amount i owe on my phone,1,9,val what is the conversion for pints to quarts,7,100,train what's the average score on a round of golf,0,0,oos_test time to replace my credit card,2,16,test what's a good chili recipe,3,37,test do i have enough pto to take time off,8,115,train what is the minimum amount due on my cable bill,1,8,val are you working for me,9,123,train how do i make the perfect omelette,3,37,train can you tell me if i will have any transactions fees for using my discover card in turkey,2,30,train i want your name to be henry,10,148,val possibly,10,150,train can you let my bank know i'll be in uruguay from january to august,6,77,train add bread to my list of things to buy,4,59,train i'm going to start calling you alice,10,148,train what is my balance in checking account,1,12,train when did i last bring my car in to have it looked at,5,72,train i've had eggs in the fridge since monday are they safe eat,3,31,train i want to know about tourist places for bangkok,6,83,val "ai, how long have you been working",9,134,train i see a purchase on my chase checking that i did not make,1,15,train can you cancel my 5:30 pm table reservation at parc,3,42,train you were born where,9,128,train how many day off i have taken,8,120,val could you direct me to any good places in kentucky that serve sushi,3,41,train what's the preparation time for this dish,3,44,test many thank,9,130,test how long is an oil change good for,5,62,train how many dollars can i exchange for 5000 rubles,6,82,train will i incur transaction fees if i use my american card internationally,2,30,test turn on my tunes,4,47,test i forgot my pin number to my chase account,1,3,train does my car have enough gas to get to detroit,5,68,train where is the nearest fry's,5,71,test do you have my name programmed,10,137,val i want to know what the word discomfit means,7,99,train please play the song that goes like this: jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way,4,47,val "how many people have held the role of county attorney bearing the family name ""dixon""",0,0,oos_test what questions am i allowed to ask,9,135,train how old are you turning,9,134,test what did i spend my money on last week,1,13,train help me determine my interest rate,1,7,train how long until i reach my destination,5,70,train how many kinds of nutrients does a glass of rice milk have,3,36,train put a block on my amalgamated bank account right now,1,1,train my report card was lost help!,2,20,test can you text bill and tell him i love him,7,105,test can you get me a table for 5 at johnnys,3,39,train what type of gas does the car use,5,73,train how much longer before the card is mailed to me,2,16,test what do i have scheduled on march 2nd on my calendar,4,55,train can i start talking to you in french,10,142,train i want to know the bill's minimum payment,1,8,train i was at albertsons trying to buy milk when my card wasn't accepted,2,21,train please tell me a joke about dinosaurs,9,132,train "forget it, i do not need it anymore",10,145,train what do you think is the meaning of life,9,122,train turn down the lights a little please,4,60,train show my position on the map,5,61,test is my tire pressure high,5,66,test what was the original name of jesus in egyptian myth,0,0,oos_test i have a crap transaction from guitar center on my account,1,15,test find out what this song is,4,46,train use male voice now,10,144,train which song is playing,4,46,train how much have i spent this week,1,13,test where's my phone,7,94,test give me a list of grocery stores that sell japanese sweet potatoes,0,0,oos_test the pets are all good,9,124,train vacation request information,8,116,test when's the next time i get a day off,8,107,train if i want to travel to singapore do i need a visa,6,80,test switch to british male accent,10,144,train please define institutional racism,7,99,val what happened with the summit between trump and jong,0,0,oos_test which way do we go and how long will it take to get to the sears tower in chicago,5,70,test that is erroneous,10,141,train name some tourist things to do in chicago,6,83,train do you posses any types of pets,9,124,val which vaccinations should i get before i go,6,85,train does kenya have any travel alerts right now,6,84,train i want to find a roundtrip flight from philadelphia to sioux falls from august 3rd through august 25th,6,87,train how do i change my oil out and what kind should i use,5,63,train please send a text message to natalie for me,7,105,train how many calories are in a can of coke,3,35,train how long does it take to get to the sky harbor airport,5,70,train i would like you to call me mary,10,147,train any new info on my vacation,8,106,test tell me ways to improve my credit score,2,19,train ai answer my questions with my name first which is deb,10,147,test unsync from my phone,10,146,train "no, that information is wrong",10,141,train what other hobbies do you enjoy,9,125,train is there an open meeting room between 2 and 4,8,118,train is there anything neat to do in boston,6,83,train i can't change my oil and don't know what kind i need,5,63,train i would like to have my card reported as stolen,2,20,train book a motel in uptown from march 3 to march 4,6,88,val what are the ways i can transfer my 401k,8,114,train can i get more checkbooks for my bank of america checkings account,1,11,train i am going to switch to greek,10,142,train what were the reminders that i made,4,49,train is the stop sign around the corner still knocked over,0,0,oos_test what is on my reminder list,4,49,train tell me any animals that you have as pets,9,124,test i wanna know how much gas i have,5,68,train i need help booking a car rental in seattle,6,90,train skip this song,4,56,train are there alot of cars on the road before the stadium,5,65,train please set a timer for me,7,96,train meaning of life is,9,122,train for my visa what's my reward balance,2,26,val text my boss for me and tell them i will be a little bit late,7,105,train which insurance do i have,8,109,val find me a hotel with good reviews in phoenix,6,88,test where do black holes come from,0,0,oos_val please change your language setting to russian,10,142,val i had a list of reminders what were they,4,49,train resume my metal playlist,4,47,train what does my to-do list look like,4,58,train can you see what the budget for the united states military was in 2018,0,0,oos_test move on to the next song,4,56,train where would you eat italian in chicago,3,41,train what is the time zone of france,6,81,train do they use special outlets in australia,6,76,train how many more weeks until the next holiday,8,107,train help me get my pay check deposited directly to my home checking account,8,119,train can you confirm my reservation for torris at 7:00,3,32,train would it be ok if i have pepper and not salt,3,43,val can you tell me how many vacation days i've taken,8,120,train is spaghetti healthy,3,36,train what number is my credit score currently,2,28,test thank you for your help,9,130,val please read the text message i just received,0,0,oos_test pay my cell bill from my deposit account,1,5,train please tell me how to get a new credit card,2,29,test give the boys my location please,7,95,train what is the time right now,7,103,train do you know where my luggage is,6,86,train where can i see the due date for auto loan bill,1,4,test check what's on my calendar for tuesday,4,55,val what additional fees do you charge if i use my card in lisbon,2,30,train switch off whisper mode,10,138,test how many kilos are in 25 pounds,7,100,train "ai, how long have you been alive",9,134,train help me change my oil,5,63,test let me know if you are a human or are a computer,9,133,test what's the current weather,7,91,train share my gps location with steve,7,95,train what is the status of my order,4,52,train close out my account,1,1,train how is it going,9,131,train is there anything real about you,9,133,train how to keep my credit from dropping,2,19,train what is the next song to be played,4,56,train how do i jump start my battery,5,75,train how much money did i spend on food last month,1,13,train what's up with my american airline flight will it be on time,6,79,test "i am choosing heads, now please flip that coin",7,101,train set the timer for me please,7,96,train what's this car get for highway driving,5,69,train tell me my income amount,8,113,val please remove ginger ale from my shopping list and add root beer,4,59,train can i order new checks since i am out,1,11,val "can you get me a car rental for march 13th to 15th in nyc, and i'd like a convertible if possible",6,90,val i have to cancel my reservation,3,42,test i need to know the number of days off i have taken at this point,8,120,train please put taco night on the house calendar date of january 6,4,51,train how is the traffic typically at noon on the route to hospital,5,65,train "i want to know how to change oil, tell me the steps one at a time while i work through it",5,63,val what do i currently have on my shopping list,4,54,test how much do you start at,8,113,val would you stop talking please,10,145,train can i make reservations at grub burger,3,45,val do i have butter on my list,4,54,val is chocolate good for you,3,36,val do i have any meetings with stan today,8,110,train how much gas is in my car,5,68,train how many days of pto are available,8,120,train what's my routing number,1,2,test what kind of gas mileage do i get,5,69,train how soon until my tires will need to be changed,5,74,val does france have their own version of a visa,6,80,train can you tell me a joke,9,132,train would you tell me when i should replace my tires next if i last replaced them on june 2,5,74,train what steps do i need to do to set up direct deposit,8,119,train what are your favorite things to do,9,125,train why was a hold placed on my wells fargo account,1,6,train please go ahead and increase your speaker volume,10,140,train block my monkey market right now,1,1,train when is the next scheduled holiday,8,107,train you need to tell me my credit card's apr,2,23,test can you identify this song that's playing,4,46,test is there a uv or smog alert for tomorrow,7,91,train can i increase my credit limit,2,22,val remove jess's party from my calendar,4,51,test find out when green book was created,0,0,oos_test how much weight should i lift to get buff,0,0,oos_test how busy is kaya around 5 pm,3,33,train simulate rolling a dice and tell me what it lands on,7,104,test whats pesos australian dollars in 20,6,82,train pull up my grocery transactions,1,14,train help me find some new dinner recipes,3,40,val can you text kayla and tell them im running late,7,105,train alert my bank and let them know that i'm travelling to london,6,77,train please disconnect from my phone,10,146,train is my oil change coming up soon,5,62,test read my to-do list to me,4,58,train please put a block on my regions account immediately,1,1,val "how old are you, again",9,134,train help me book a car rental in austin for april 11th to 13th get me a sedan if possible,6,90,val are there decent seafood restaurants in portland,3,41,val what is the solution to sixty times thirty,7,98,test "i'm sorry, i didn't understand what you said",10,143,val "in pacific time, what's the current time",7,103,train i need new health care coverage,8,108,train forget reservation at oyster bar for tonight,3,42,val review my resume for spelling errors,0,0,oos_test how long would i need to wait for a table at ihop right now,3,33,train direct me to the closest starbucks near home,5,71,train i may have had fraud committed on my account,1,15,train i need water on my shopping list and beer off of it,4,59,test where can i rent a car in singapore,6,90,test please talk quietly,10,138,train when is the next payday i can look forward to,8,111,test what is the expiry date of my credit card,2,17,train when should you mow your grass after it's rained,0,0,oos_test tell me how to convert grams into ounces,7,100,train what's the amount of vacation days i've taken,8,120,train do you have any idea if central needs reservations,3,45,test please tell me what the date is tomorrow,7,93,test where should i travel to next,6,83,train i want you to call me bailey,10,147,test can you tell me what benefits i receive with my insurance,8,109,train would you tell me what names you have for me,10,137,train will my debit card go bad any time soon,2,17,val what's the time it takes to make a decent omelette,3,44,train "how can i say ""cancel my order"" in french",6,78,val mute,10,145,train you must change your language setting to russian,10,142,val tell me how long milk stays good in the fridge,3,31,test i wish to know the types of subjects are you familiar with,9,135,train i would like some help finding my phone,7,94,train what's the name of this song i'm listening to,4,46,train help me book a place to stay from may 2 to may 4 in tampa,6,88,val what's the temperature like in tampa,7,91,train reminders of my list is what,4,49,train have i added anything to my todo list,4,58,val change your name to ginger,10,148,train are there any travel alerts for brazil,6,84,val make the volume set to 4,10,140,train let me know the amounts i owe for my utilities and tuition bills,1,9,train is it possible to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train how long ago did i take my car to the shop,5,72,test i must call roderick,7,97,train can i substitute ketchup for mustard,3,43,train suggest an italian meal for me,3,40,train what do tourists do for fun in seattle,6,83,train show my my most recent visa card transaction,1,14,test i must know my water bill minimum payment,1,8,train i have a reservation at pizza hut under the name leia roberts and i want to cancel it,3,42,train might i be able to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train can you book me a flight to memphis from st louis on delta airlines,6,87,test disconnect from my device please,10,146,test it was good to talk to you today,9,129,train call home,7,97,train what plug type should i use in england,6,76,train are you really an actual human being,9,133,train tell me how to improve my credit score,2,19,train what do i need to do to get my car jump started,5,75,test what is the name you have listed for my identity,10,137,train "according to my fitness tracker, how many push ups have i done today",0,0,oos_test what hotel would you recommend in lakewood for 4 people from monday to wednesday,6,88,train please tell me the total calories a single serving of chocolate ice cream is expected to contain,3,35,train what are my insurance assets,8,109,train gracias,9,130,train can i increase the credit limit on my kohls card,2,22,train how do i change my current insurance to a new plan with lower co-pay,8,108,train do you have any good recommendations for swiss cuisine,3,40,train how do i check my rewards for my chase card,2,26,val i cracked my rewards card can i get a different one,2,18,train tell fred that i don't have his guitar,7,105,test does american express charge transaction fees for iceland,2,30,train tell me what my wells fargo credit card apr is,2,23,test tell me the status of my credit card application,2,27,train "please flip a coin, i choose heads!",7,101,test what is the price to buy more data on my phone,0,0,oos_test what is my kohls card's rewards balance,2,26,val tell me how busy macaroni grill will be around 8 pm,3,33,train do you know where my phone is located now,7,94,train "today my electric bill will be paid, or should be",1,5,test what's the name of the current song,4,46,train what day did i last have a technician check out my vehicle,5,72,train "i can't locate my mastercard and i want to report it as lost, please",2,20,train when was my last payment,8,111,train "i could use a laugh, got any jokes",9,132,test "alexa, buy my grocery list",4,57,test what is the correct amount of ounces in a pound,7,100,val are my tires in need of air,5,66,train what's the artist's name of this song,4,46,train would you give jenny a call,7,97,train i wanna transfer my 401k,8,114,test what type of pet is in your home,9,124,val what is my ac set to right now,4,60,train what steps should i take if i want to ensure my credit score doesn't drop,2,19,test "what's my current interest rate, if you could look",1,7,train where can i get a w2,8,117,train "in the central timezone, what time is it",7,103,train how many miles will it take to get to my destination,5,70,train can we stop this song and play the next one,4,56,train "ai pick up the dice, then drop it",7,104,test how much to i have left on my visa card limit,2,25,train what topics can you answer questions on,9,135,val will i be charged extra for using my card in spain,2,30,train start a timer please,7,96,test how much does my bank account have,1,12,test give me my wallet location,0,0,oos_test how are the interest rates at chase bank,1,7,train i was just at target and they declined my card and i can't understand why,2,21,val what company were you designed by,9,121,test it was nice to speak with you,9,129,train what is the reservation policy for spago in beverly hills,3,45,val i would like ms johannson and ms alba to be informed of my location,7,95,train where is your home located,9,128,train could you tell me the routing number for my chase checking account,1,2,train do you know the current time in southern california,7,103,train can you make a phone call to randy,7,97,train what are some mistakes to avoid so that my credit score stays high,2,19,train please make sure the alarm is set,7,92,test can you give me the carry-on rules for american airlines,6,89,val that's incorrect!,10,141,train where's the best place to hike in the rockies,0,0,oos_test i need to know my cards minimum payment,1,8,train no way!,10,141,train i need to request a vacation,8,116,test what are you familiar with,9,135,train when can i hear the decision on my credit card application,2,27,train can you tell me the expiration date for my mastercard,2,17,train does my checking interest rate seem low,1,7,train are you an actual human,9,133,val i want to get a new shirt; will the money in my td ameritrade account cover it,1,12,train who else do you work for,9,123,train now restore the original settings,10,149,val please give me a suggestion for what to make for dinner,3,40,train how much total cash do i have in the bank,1,12,train i am needing to know what kind of pets you have,9,124,train what's the average gpa to get into yale,0,0,oos_val tell me how much my state taxes amount to,8,112,test did i spend too much dough on donuts last week,1,13,val could you share my credit score,2,28,test is pepper a replacement for salt,3,43,val can i get a table for four at 8:00,3,33,test what was wrong with my card yesterday,2,21,train can you roll an eight sided die and tell me what it comes up as,7,104,test "do i have bananas on my shopping list, if not please add it",4,59,train how much are utilities,1,9,train i would like to know my vacation days balance,8,115,test has my application for discover card gone through yet,2,27,test tell me the date it will be 5 days from now,7,93,val what can a tourist in denver do,6,83,train what is the temperature on the ac,4,60,train how do i report that i lost my card,2,20,test i need an idea for a french dinner,3,40,val my key bank checks have run out,1,11,train how many euros can i exchange for 200 yen,6,82,train please let me know how much my bills for comcast and sprint total,1,9,train what's the shelf life of guacamole in the fridge,3,31,train can i get a higher limit on my american express card,2,22,train what was the closing number of the nasdaq today,0,0,oos_test what is the minimum i can pay on my cell phone bill,1,8,test spell: dessert,7,102,val tell my bank that i'm going to france,6,77,train include rap god on the motivational playlist,4,53,test on may 12 to may 16 can i get a car from aiken,6,90,train "the dog chewed up my card, will you find out what it takes to get a replacement",2,18,train tell me nutritional info for fish,3,36,test let's go through my to do list items please,4,58,train are my tires good on air,5,66,train what type of gas do i use in this car,5,73,test is my routing number on my account page,1,2,test what is the apr on my master card,2,23,train how many miles can i drive before changing my tires,5,74,train i can't seem to find my gold card and want it reported as lost,2,20,train is the united states a democracy,0,0,oos_val i'd like to hear a fun fact about the nfl,9,126,train what is the formula for the circumference of a circle,0,0,oos_train when my credit card is going to expire,2,17,train how much can i charge on my visa,2,25,train yes that is correct,10,139,train no good,10,141,val how do i share my location with noel,7,95,train i need to get a flight out of seattle to dulles next week for under $500,6,87,train put a block on bank of amerian immediately,1,1,test cookies have how many calories,3,35,train i want an evaluation of my car's tire pressure,5,66,train need help with frozen bank account,1,6,val can you tell me if there are any shots that i am required to have before traveling to south africa,6,85,train can you please put toilet paper on the shopping list i'm out of it,4,59,train do i need a visa to leave the country,6,80,train do you know french,10,142,train can i use milk instead of cream,3,43,train how might i go about jump starting a car,5,75,val what is the total number of calories in a bag of potato chips,3,35,train can you talk to me in chinese,10,142,train order a disney gift card in the amount of five hundred dollars from costco,4,57,val do you know if my vacation request went through,8,106,train list the ingredients in pizza,3,34,train what do i do to fix a dead car battery,5,75,train "my car is dead, what do i need to jump start it",5,75,train i do need to get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train what is the time that it will take to arrive at detroit,5,70,train what are some fun tourist things to do in mumbai,6,83,test positive,10,139,train "i've had eggs in the fridge since monday, are they still safe",3,31,train what is the amount of my federal taxes,8,112,train what things did i not want to forget,4,49,val "how do i reset my pin number for my account, please",1,3,train i recently lost my credit card and need to know how long it takes to get a new one mailed to me,2,16,test make the volume 4,10,140,train roll dice,7,104,train how many ts are in tethered,7,102,train call robby,7,97,train i need to set a timer,7,96,train can you whisper,10,138,train i need you to confirm my reservation for kevin at red robin,3,32,train "can you call me a different name, please",10,147,test read my reminders please,4,49,train can you repeat what you said,10,143,val how much is my maximum to spend on credit cards,2,25,test when does the jerky expire,3,31,test what time is my flight supposed to board,6,79,train set a timer for fifteen seconds,7,96,train find instructions on baking lemon cake,3,37,val i want to hear jokes about toddlers,9,132,val open bank app and show my most recent transactions,1,14,test i would like you to put a stop on my bank account,1,1,train can you tell me what you are called,9,127,test i need to know if i have any meetings scheduled for today,8,110,train how often should i have my oil changed,5,62,train please speak with the whisper voice,10,138,train make reminder to pay rent on the 30th of every month,4,50,train what do i do if my visa card got stolen,2,20,train "play the song that goes, ""starships were meant to fly",4,47,test tell me what my day looks like today in terms of meetings,8,110,train what organization do you work for,9,123,train how much do i have to pay on my amazon card this month,1,9,val tell carl my gps coordinates,7,95,train what place were you made at,9,128,val can you get a coin and flip it,7,101,train how do i report my card if it got cut in half,2,18,train "that answer was very helpful, thanks",9,130,test "great, thanks!",9,130,test would you please put a block on my chase account right away,1,1,train was the god osiris a titan or an old god,0,0,oos_test i'd like alarms set for 11am and 132pm,7,92,val please begin pairing with my phone,10,146,train which medicine to relieve my cough,0,0,oos_test check if my vacation time has been approved,8,106,val what is the quickest way to get a new card,2,16,train "make an uber reservation to the ymca, center city, philadelphia, please",5,64,train i need help acquiring new insurance,8,108,train flip that coin please,7,101,train what number do you get when you roll one six sided die,7,104,train get me my slow sounds,4,47,test i want to know my spending limit,2,25,train "can you tell me how i would say, 'more bread please' in french",6,78,train what's the nutrition info for a pound of chicken,3,36,test i wanna know what the traffic typically like at 3:30 on the route to phoenix,5,65,train what is saas marketing,0,0,oos_train who has the tax form that shows my wages,8,117,train can you please talk slower,10,136,train have they looked over my app for the new credit card yet,2,27,train how do i add someone to my account,0,0,oos_test i would like to cancel my reservation for nenuco's restaurant to x- tapas,3,42,val how about any bookings in new york city from april 2 through april 8,6,88,train phone sarah,7,97,train define qat for me,7,99,train what sorts of things do you do to have a good time,9,125,train how will i change my car's oil,5,63,train could you tell me how to get to the statue of liberty by bus,5,71,train what interest rate am i getting from citigroup,1,7,train how many mpg does this rig get when i'm in the city,5,69,train slow your speech down,10,136,train let me call you fred,10,148,train i need you to set alarm for me,7,92,train what kinds of things are you supposed to remind me of,4,49,test please make a reservation for 2 at olive garden for 5 pm today,3,39,train are barcelona plugs compatible,6,76,train can you inform me what my apr is on my visa,2,23,train inform my bank i'm traveling to australia between february 23rd to february 25th,6,77,test remove jake's birthday on march 22,4,51,train how do i put in a pto request for the first to the ninth,8,116,train do i have any vacation time left,8,115,train what is the amount of dollars i get if i trade in 6 yens,6,82,train thanks so much!,9,130,train will i need vaccines for my trip,6,85,train i want you to roll a dice,7,104,train what is the status of my credit card application looking like,2,27,val tell me the nutritional information for chicken nuggets,3,36,train "if you flip a coin, i call tails",7,101,train what do i have to do if i lost my luggage,6,86,test can i get the interest rate for my checking account,1,7,test tell me the credit on my mastercard,2,25,train tell me the price of bananas at whole foods this week,0,0,oos_test what do you think about me calling you cora,10,148,test i shall remove fishing from my calendar for soccer,4,51,train next song,4,56,test what is the balance on my vacation days,8,115,test what is the calorie count for one cookie,3,35,train i would like to know how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train are there any transaction fees associated with my amex card if i am in the uk,2,30,train text my wife and tell her i'm divorcing her,7,105,train i want to make sour dough bread please find a good recipe for me,3,37,train can you put mopping on my to do list,4,48,train what different pets do you have,9,124,val how do i get to the bus stop on foot,5,71,val what do i say when i report a split credit card,2,18,train how long does a roast take,3,44,train where do i find the routing number for nfcu,1,2,train configure this to factory settings,10,149,val i'd like you to disconnect from my phone,10,146,train book a reservation for 6 at shakey's under the name jason,3,39,train look up the ratings for olive garden,3,38,train what creatures do you keep for love,9,124,val what company created you,9,121,train is it recommended to get any specific shots before i travel to iceland,6,85,train i want to verify my reservation for the 18th at 1pm,3,32,train how long can i store eggs in the fridge,3,31,train tell me some things to do in phoenix,6,83,test can i just use oil instead of vinegar,3,43,test who made you,9,121,test can you tell me my visa's reward balance,2,26,val walk me through on how to make a vacation request,8,116,test tell me my credit card apr,2,23,train my account is showing a charge to venmo that i did not make,1,15,train good evening,9,131,train what are my coffers at,1,12,test can i hear the beatles,4,47,val what's the status on my vacation days,8,115,train take $20000 from savings and put it in checking,1,10,train i'm going to need an uber for 4 people to go to patty's bar,5,64,test tell me what my health plan is called,8,109,train transfer 50 dollars from my checking account to my money market account,1,10,val may i start referring to you as jeff,10,148,train hell nah,10,141,val i just started this new job and need help with my 401k rollover,8,114,train is my milk safe to drink after being in the refrigerator for a week,3,31,val is the movie avatar culturally insensitive,0,0,oos_test at how many miles am i required to get my oil changed,5,62,train how do you convert pounds to kilograms,7,100,train "um, i'm not sure",10,150,test i need to get on a new united healthcare insurance plan,8,108,train you could say my name is nick,10,147,val what is meant by defense,7,99,train i need to know how to spell xylophone,7,102,train what is on my schedule for the day of march 5th,4,55,train i no longer need to wash dishes; take it of my list,4,48,train what do you think the meaning of life is,9,122,train when do i get my next check,8,111,train can you tell me my checking account balance,1,12,train so what is my current name saved as,10,137,train where can i find when my car payment bill is due,1,4,test what was that last thing you said,10,143,train what's my car's miles per gallon,5,69,train i'd like to change the pin number on my visa account,1,3,val can you teach me how to change my oil in my car,5,63,test translate hello into french for me,6,78,train how do i order some more checks for my navy federal account,1,11,test i need to catch an uber to cal expo,5,64,train "never mind, cancel that",10,145,train do you know the nutritional info for macaroni and cheese,3,36,train im not certain,10,150,train how can i use make up to cover a cut on my cheek,0,0,oos_test who do i report lost luggage to,6,86,train delete jury duty from my calendar for may 7th,4,51,test give me instructions on how to change my oil,5,63,train how much is the bill for my water and electricity,1,9,train what was your place of creation,9,128,train leave whisper mode,10,138,test make a list of stocks that would be good to invest in to start making money,0,0,oos_test "is there any traffic on the road i take home from work right now, rt 40",5,65,val did i remember to put milk in the shopping list,4,54,train can i make a car maintenance appointment,5,67,test what is 22+ 6,7,98,train what's my pay for the year,8,113,train "i'd like an uber for 6 people, going to walmart",5,64,test i need to make a transfer of my money,1,10,test would you set up an alarm for me,7,92,train what's the annual rate on my discover card,2,23,train i need to know my health benefits,8,109,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at chili’s for melinda,3,32,train what is the smallest i can pay on the water bill,1,8,train please start counting down from 10 minutes,7,96,train good bye,9,129,test i need to know about travel alerts for mexico,6,84,train how does one jump a car,5,75,train is it time for an oil change,5,62,train how often do tires need changing,5,74,train how long is the chicken gonna take,3,44,train help me figure out where my cell phone is,7,94,train can you tell me how to solve simple algebraic equations with one variable,0,0,oos_test im going to call you xander,10,148,test i am glad that you did that,9,130,val let me know how to make a vacation request,8,116,val what is the process for making a vacation request,8,116,val whats the timezone for san fransico,6,81,train how many stars does brasserie les halles have,3,38,test change to a male voice,10,144,train i do not want my phone synced anymore,10,146,test can yogurt be used for sour cream,3,43,train how do i place an order for more checks for my bank of america account,1,11,train i made a transaction recently,1,14,test what do you engage in during your free time,9,125,test i lost a card and i need to report it,2,20,val go ahead and confirm my reservation for kevin at red robin,3,32,train i am needing for you to say that again,10,143,train when does milk will go bad,3,31,test give me a joke about the subject of bugs,9,132,test do you have hobbies,9,125,val "is the meatloaf still good to eat, i've had it in the refrigerator since last monday",3,31,train help me to remember to pick up stan later,4,50,test you were made where,9,128,val find me a new place for dinner,3,41,train how do i get to the bowling alley by foot,5,71,val i'm thankful for your help,9,130,val which timezone is las vegas in,6,81,train i want to get a new car insurance plan,8,108,train what gas is needed for the car,5,73,train send me more checkbooks please,1,11,test i haven't heard if my application for a credit card has been accepted or not can you check on it for me,2,27,train what is my credit card interest rate,1,7,train i need to know when the next holiday will be,8,107,train does home have a starbucks nearby,5,71,train when is the next break,8,107,val i really need to set a timer,7,96,train how can you convert miles to kilometers,7,100,train how old will you be,9,134,test what steps do i need to take to jump start my car,5,75,val speak slower please,10,136,train find me a flight out of la to chicago on march 3rd for under $500,6,87,train how would i go about converting inches to yards,7,100,train what is the meaning of the word girn,7,99,test how much money do i have in checking,1,12,train tell me what you do in your free time,9,125,train could i redeem my credit card points on a new tv,2,24,train get me a picture of a horse,0,0,oos_test get rid of my to do list,4,48,test put this song on my reggae playlist,4,53,train is there someone i can talk to since i am in the airport waiting for my luggage which never came,6,86,train i gotta know the the carry-on restrictions for american airlines,6,89,test how many calories does an orange have,3,35,test where do you come from,9,128,train what's the amount of points i have earned with my discover card,2,26,train i want 1234 to be the new pin number for my joint account,1,3,train what should i squirrel away to pay in taxes,8,112,test add this song to my top 40 playlist,4,53,train i need to track my package,4,52,train what is the interest rate on my barclay card arrival credit card,1,7,train how many people died in yesterday's storm,0,0,oos_test spell aaron,7,102,test what is the carry-on policy for flights on transaero,6,89,test i wanna know why my card was declined,2,21,train "hello, i'd like a reservation for two at the olive garden at six tonight",3,39,train does this car get good mpg on the highway,5,69,train can the nsa crack the encryption on my iphone,0,0,oos_test is it possible to have a higher limit on my visa,2,22,train do my tires need air,5,66,train would you let me know the status of my american airlines flight,6,79,test how can i add my signature to the proposed bill legalizing prostitution,0,0,oos_test do i need new tires,5,74,train "my card got melted in the dryer and i need to report it, please",2,18,train "what is the correct routing number for my citizens bank account, pennsylvania",1,2,train how many different pets do you have,9,124,train has the apr on my card changed and what is it now,2,23,val set my oven to 350 please,4,60,train i think it could be both,10,150,train share my location to susan,7,95,test are you a real person or software,9,133,train take tennis practice off my to do list,4,48,test can you explain to me how i might boost my credit score,2,19,test how much did i spend on groceries today,1,13,train whisper mode off,10,138,train i want you to add staff meeting to my calendar for march 1 at 10:00 am,4,51,train plug used in china,6,76,test what are the steps to change my insurance policy,8,108,test are you actually a person,9,133,test how do you get red wine out of the carpet,0,0,oos_test i need to share my location with trey,7,95,train i would like to know what you can help with,9,135,test how long will the wait be at noon if we went to nagomi,3,33,train make a reminder to do my taxes,4,50,train could you roll the dice please,7,104,train how many calories are in vanilla ice cream,3,35,train and what are the taxes,8,112,train what is the timezone for houston,6,81,test can you stop,10,145,train i want to put you back to original settings,10,149,train what's your city of origin,9,128,train why did my card get declined at the dentist office,2,21,train i want to transfer my 401k,8,114,test my card got damaged and i need to report it,2,18,train what's the food can easily get in canada,3,41,test search up the cast in the walking dead,0,0,oos_test correct my account pin to 1234 on my checking account,1,3,test i want to know a fun fact about pluto,9,126,train is it possible to pay my bill,1,5,train what is the minimum i can pay on my credit card bill,1,8,test """where is improve the credit score",2,19,test i need to know the difference between inches and centimeters,7,100,train when do i need to pay my car insurance bill by,1,4,val what is the mpg,5,69,train oh yes,10,139,train i need to know how much money i have in all of my bank accounts,1,12,val text mary and tell them i'm on my way,7,105,train how to calculate my interest rate,1,7,train mashed potato's nutrition,3,36,train i need to know directions to the nearest gas station,5,71,train i would like to change my credit limit,2,22,val has my application for the hsbc card been approved yet,2,27,test how long does it take to get a replacement credit card when your last one was stolen,2,16,train i need to know when i was paid last,8,111,train what do i do with a damaged credit card,2,18,test is there a better way to check my visa rewards card balance,2,26,train how much did my last purchase cost,1,14,train i want to be called timothy,10,147,test how is the steamed fish at harbor village,3,38,val "where is the closest red lobster to my location right now, which is 5th avenue",5,71,val roll the dice,7,104,train can i get a car to the baseball field for 12,5,64,train where do i report that my card was lost,2,20,test can you increase how much i can spend on my visa,2,22,train "could you check if my order has been delivered, please",4,52,train start a countdown for 20 minutes,7,96,train what date do i get my next paycheck,8,111,train can you check if meeting rooms are available between 4 and 5,8,118,test how old are you in 2019,9,134,val what are my finances like lately,1,13,test will you add what i'm listening to to my bedroom playlist,4,53,train set timer for (x) minutes,7,96,train "i got a new job, can you help me with my 401k rollover",8,114,train can you tell me how much pto i've gone through,8,120,train let me hear all meetings for today,8,110,train how many calories in this slice of pizza,3,35,train i wanna know what do you call me,10,137,train roll a die with 6 sides,7,104,train what is the expiration date on my card,2,17,train please tell me a joke,9,132,train can you play music by led zepplin,4,47,test go to the whisper voice,10,138,train thanks for answering my question,9,130,train someone stole my discover credit card,2,20,train i want you paired to my phone,10,146,test can you tell me if i have paper towels on my shopping list,4,54,train what is 55 times 300,7,98,train it is definitely affirmative,10,139,train increase volume to 4,10,140,train place a hold on my chase money market market account at once,1,1,val say it again,10,143,train tell me the song that is currently playing,4,46,test in australia what outlet type do they use,6,76,val i'd like you to tell me a joke,9,132,train pull up some recommendations for places serving fish in maine,3,41,test i must disconnect from my phone,10,146,train who made you up,9,121,train how much gas do i have left in my tank,5,68,test play music by ludacris,4,47,test i can't find my student id card and i want to report it as lost,2,20,train what phrase means goodbye in hawaii,6,78,train can i request pto from march 9-16,8,116,train thank you for answering that,9,130,train when will my aa flight be landing,6,79,train how do i get my rewards balance on my diner's club card,2,26,train what kinds of fun touristy things are there to do in boston,6,83,train i would appreciate it if you help me turn the car on,4,60,train find me a flight from ft lauderdale to houston on southwest,6,87,train is there traffic to work,5,65,train what tasks have i yet to complete off my list,4,58,train tell me what kind of gas this car uses,5,73,train don't talk anymore,10,145,val what items are on my shopping list,4,54,train tell me when my bill will be due,1,4,train is it safe to travel to argentina,6,84,train set me up with an uber,5,64,train trey needs my current location,7,95,train when was the last time i got my oil changed,5,72,train "stop, just stop",10,145,test what's my credit score rating,2,28,train whats the mpg of this car,5,69,test please find out how many of my vacation days i have spent,8,120,train how do you relieve a hangover,0,0,oos_test modify my account pin to 1234 on my checking account,1,3,test please let me know what the status of my day off request is,8,106,train tell me how many days i took off,8,120,test "if you were smart, would you know my name",10,137,train repeat that fun fact about mt everest,9,126,train what items are on my list of to-dos,4,58,test what will i need to jump start a dead car,5,75,train send my gps location to manuel,7,95,train has there been any notice that my card app has been looked at,2,27,train what is the rate of interest on my savings account,1,7,train what's the balance of my reward points on my discover card,2,26,train air amount in tires,5,66,train what song is playing,4,46,train when does milk expire,3,31,train i wanna know my bank of america routing number,1,2,train what's this car do for fuel economy,5,69,train immediately begin using whisper mode,10,138,train "how do i update my pin number for my account, please",1,3,train where would i find my luggage,6,86,test what is the current time in dallas,7,103,test does z used the same plus as we do in the united states,6,76,test can you tell me this song,4,46,train i need you to tell me the meaning of life,9,122,test what amount of money is in my bank accounts,1,12,train i wish to know the gas i need to fill this car up with,5,73,train any fantastic restaurants to get shrimp at in atlanta,3,41,test "is it possible to have a room booked in omaha near the convention hall for may 01, 2019 to may 05, 2019",6,88,train put whisper mode on,10,138,val how much air remains in my tires,5,66,train can you tell me if my last amazon order is coming today,4,52,train remove the recurring training meeting events off my calendar,4,51,train volume set to 4,10,140,test can you please help me move $100 from my checking to saving account,1,10,test "can you suggest a thai restaurant, please",3,41,test the reservation at zepher cancel joe from that,3,42,train tell me the apr of my credit card,2,23,train what's left in my gas tank,5,68,train which health plan am i currently enrolled in,8,109,test look for auto companies that do scheduled maintenance on my vehicle,5,67,train does a travel alert exist for that country,6,84,train what kind of plug does the country use,6,76,train tomorrow i would like an alarm for 9 tomorrow,7,92,train i'm inquiring about the availability of a room that fits 10 people from monday to tuesday in manhattan,6,88,train will you make sure ann and scott know my location,7,95,test can you repeat yourself,10,143,train what meaning does life hold,9,122,train when is my order coming,4,52,val will my mastercard charge me a fee for international transactions,2,30,train can i put in a pto request for may 1 to may 5,8,116,val let shih chieh see my location,7,95,train what do my bills add up to,1,9,train what's the point of this dumpster fire known as life,9,122,train do i have milk on my shopping list please add it if it is not,4,59,train tell me when my next paycheck will be here,8,111,train move my money please,1,10,train how many calories are in hamburgers,3,35,test please schedule a meeting room for 9am on friday,8,118,val do you have any hobbies,9,125,train does bill's house of chop suey accept reservations,3,45,test where can i get my w2 forms from,8,117,train i must know the point of life,9,122,train please make the timer for cooking for for 2 hours,7,96,val please reserve me a table at hell's kitchen on may 3rd at 8 pm,3,39,train are there any travel warnings for london,6,84,train which stocks have lost the least today,0,0,oos_test please call me charlile from here on out ok,10,147,val the statement is true,10,139,val what oil should i use and how do i change it,5,63,train "ai, what is your given name",9,127,test can you purchase underpants for me,4,57,train when is my next oil change suggested,5,62,train reset the factory settings now please,10,149,train i want that repeated,10,143,train i need a spider fact,9,126,val i didn't hear say it again please,10,143,train play me some tunes,4,47,train "i believe that my car battery has died, what do i do next",5,75,test "i would like to change the pin on my checking account, please",1,3,train i will say yes as my response,10,139,test i need you to get me a flight booked from houston to miami on united airlines,6,87,train what is the current tune,4,46,val "my luggage is missing, i think",6,86,train how do i set the time on my tag heuer,0,0,oos_test what is the time,7,103,train what's the current apr for my mastercard,2,23,train what is the weather report for costa mesa,7,91,train what is the tire pressure of the car,5,66,val when's my next pay day,8,111,test is a socket converter required in india,6,76,train what is the limit on my visa,2,25,test schedule me an uber to the mall,5,64,train please assist me in looking for my phone,7,94,test how do i get stuff with visa points,2,24,test how much of a credit limit does visa allow,2,25,test can i put in a pto request for september 1st to september 8th,8,116,test i just used up my toothpaste and need you to order more,4,57,train how to be millionare,0,0,oos_test find instructions for how to change the oil in a 2015 passat,5,63,train i need you to tell me what time it is in new york now,7,103,test what are the steps to jump start my car,5,75,train speak in the language english,10,142,train "suggest a meal from burma to me, please",3,40,train please inform me on my current vacation request status,8,106,train can you monitor my package's progress,4,52,test what's the weekend forecast,7,91,train "my water bill is due, pay it immediately",1,5,train do you know what my health benefits are,8,109,train does black rock take reservations,3,45,train get me articles and pics of different types of household bugs for this area,0,0,oos_test how can i claim my rewards for my visa card,2,24,test go to whisper mode,10,138,train how easy is it to change your own oil,5,63,train have i recently had an oil change,5,72,test how long does it take pork to cook,3,44,train "flip a coin, i have tails",7,101,train is taking out the trash on my to do list,4,58,train can you help me with a rental car,6,90,train how many mpg does my car get,5,69,val what reminders did i have,4,49,train what's an interesting fact about flamingos,9,126,train check on the status of my order,4,52,train tell me the subject areas you are familiar with,9,135,train i left my phone somewhere,7,94,train please remind me to add laundry to my list of chores,4,48,train how do i do an oil change,5,63,test what ingredients are in coffee cakes,3,34,train are there transaction fees using my discover if i'm in cuba,2,30,test i need to order new checks since i just used the last of them,1,11,train what types of gas can i get for this car,5,73,test how soon before my catering bill is due,1,4,train how bad is city traffic in miami on friday's at 5 pm,5,65,train how long is the wait at orchids,3,33,train how do i give my car a jump,5,75,train what's a neat fact about twinkies,9,126,train is my order being delivered soon,4,52,train i am camile,10,147,val send my money between accounts,1,10,train "calorie check, cheese burger",3,35,test i want a block placed on my college fund account immediately,1,1,val send a text to lisa and ask her to call me when she gets home,7,105,train check to see if i have reservations at prado at 6 pm,3,32,train did my order ever get distributed today,4,52,train what to do if i lost my luggage,6,86,val "specifically, what pets do you own",9,124,train who is knocking,4,60,train go ahead and switch to the female voice,10,144,train please talk to me in spanish,10,142,train what do you do for fun,9,125,train could you submit a pto request for me from dates oct thirty to nov second,8,116,train what is the air pressure in my tires,5,66,train my marriot rewards card has how much for a point total,2,26,train how much do i pay in income tax,8,112,train what is my amex minimum payment,1,8,test what is the square root of 2784,7,98,train what events are on my calendar for april 1st,4,55,train what is my car's mpg,5,69,test can you make a phone call to kevin,7,97,train does carrying a balance hurt my credit score,2,19,train its a for sure true,10,139,train set up a 52 minute timer,7,96,val i need to know where the nearest place that has mountain dew is,5,71,train today is what day of the week,7,93,test find travel alerts for haiti,6,84,test how much are my taxes for my income,8,112,test i want to do a payment on my water bill,1,5,train how to find lost luggage,6,86,train what's the facts about nutrients in rice milk,3,36,train will i need a visa to travel to cancun,6,80,train is there an outlet plug adapter,6,76,train cancel my party reservation for brad at longhorn,3,42,train i would love to know my spending limit,2,25,train check my to do list to see if jewelry repair is listed,4,58,train what is the last date of service on my car,5,72,train turn the fan to the on position,4,60,train will using a discover card in rome cause transaction fees,2,30,test what's the nutritional info for pizza,3,36,train tell me where you were born,9,128,train i gotta know my car;s tire pressure,5,66,test see you around,9,129,train restore your original settings now,10,149,train i did not understand say it again,10,143,train how do i get a w2 form,8,117,val can i please get a new card,2,29,train i'd like you to add oranges to my shopping list,4,59,val remind me of the address for my workplace please,0,0,oos_test are my tires low,5,66,train roger that,10,139,test my account appears to be blocked but i have no idea why that could be,1,6,val is there any uber available to take me to the airport,5,64,train that’s actually wrong,10,141,train what did i list in my reminders,4,49,train how many miles can i drive before changing my oil,5,62,train locate my package,4,52,test reserve a table for 3 at andrea's steakhouse around 5pm under the name wheeler,3,39,val could i cancel my reservations,3,42,train start the next song,4,56,test call steven,7,97,train would you tell me how to say goodbye in france,6,78,val are there rooms available between 5 and 530,8,118,train "can i make a reservation for 3 at state bird for 8:30, please",3,39,train what is the title of this track,4,46,train are you working for me or what,9,123,train throw the dice,7,104,train is a plug converter required for haiti,6,76,train what duration of time should i wait before i change my oil,5,62,train do you know how many o's are in honor,7,102,train i believe what you just said is true,10,139,train how to do an oil change,5,63,test can you tell me what time it is please,7,103,train please add roar by katy perry to my playlist,4,53,train "if i ordered a new card, how long til it comes",2,16,train how high of a credit limit do i have on my amex card,2,25,train i need to know what kind of gas to put in this car,5,73,train how much gas do i need to get to buffalo,5,68,val how long should i boil eggs,3,44,test speed up your talking,10,136,test what company do you toil for,9,123,train are you able to put a stop on my bank account,1,1,test share some of your hobbies with me,9,125,train do i have plans on 12/03/2019,4,55,val help me modify my insurance policy,8,108,train how do i use the reward for my bank of hawaii,2,24,train nice to see you again,9,129,train "if i travel abroad, do i need vaccinations",6,85,test what were my last 10 charges on my credit card,1,14,test tell me something funny about the middle ages,9,132,test i could really use a laugh right now,9,132,train i want all the things on the shopping list,4,57,train set up a direct deposit,8,119,train could you book me a hotel in afghanistan at the zoo for the 10th to the 15th,6,88,val i want to reserve table for 5 at red robin under the name sara at 5,3,39,test share my location with ben and jerry,7,95,train do you have any past-times,9,125,train please flip a coin for me,7,101,test could you please let me apply for a new credit card,2,29,train clear my entire schedule for april 1,4,51,train how long is winter,0,0,oos_train what do you know about the meaning of life,9,122,test "hello, how are you",9,131,train can you roll dice,7,104,train do you know your name,9,127,train i want you to turn the fans on,4,60,train i want to reserve a table at 8 at long john silver's under the name freddie,3,39,train when is my mortgage payment due,1,4,train "in portland, what things are there to do",6,83,train start using a different accent,10,144,test what is the traffic situation at the olive garden restaurant,5,65,train are any meeting rooms open between 9 and 10,8,118,train tell me about the candidates running for local office in my area,0,0,oos_test how many people go to chili's around 9pm,3,33,train my name is brad,10,147,train what is the due date of my at&t bill,1,4,train i wanna know when my flight scheduled to board,6,79,train how do i ask the ai to help me with math problem,7,98,test have you heard any great jokes lately,9,132,val what timezone would missouri be in,6,81,test do you know who i am,10,137,val when is boarding scheduled,6,79,test when do i need you change my oil,5,62,train make a list of facts about green book,0,0,oos_test i'm pretty sure this charge from sam's club is fraudulent,1,15,train please can we speak in dutch,10,142,test i'd like help finding my fon,7,94,train what's wells fargo's routing number,1,2,test i need the temperature set at 70 f,4,60,test how long should i cook a glazed ham,3,44,train where is the closest target,5,71,val when is the expiration month for my card,2,17,test what exactly is the meaning of life,9,122,train what animals await you at home,9,124,val i don't know how to answer to that,10,150,train i need to jump start my car what do i do,5,75,train what's the way you refer to me,10,137,test cancel my reservation with carl at umami,3,42,train today's fun fact,9,126,test transfer 100 dollars checking to savings,1,10,train what's the typical time to eat at red lobster,3,33,train tell me some trivia about sweat,9,126,test how long should i cook the pasta for,3,44,train i would like to change your name to fred,10,148,val what amount do i owe in taxes,8,112,val what is the most unique piece of trivia relating to cameras,9,126,train how would i say i love you if i were french,6,78,train please put silverware on my list for shopping,4,59,train the new name that i want you to call me is this one,10,147,train read back my to do list,4,58,train help me find my package,4,52,train please give me the name of a few good options for places to eat dinner tonight,3,41,test "what's a good, popular american meal",3,40,test "i'm out of apples, add that to my list",4,59,val i need to know how healthy meatloaf is,3,36,train tell me if there is any transaction fee using royal card in europe,2,30,train please do a stop on my bank account,1,1,train what if i have the wrong plug,6,76,train what is a good chemistry experiment to learn from,0,0,oos_test i wanna know the gas i need to fill this car up with,5,73,train how long will eggs keep in the freezer,3,31,train "i'll be out of the country soon, and want to notify my bank",6,77,train can you tell me whether the knicks will play the lakers this week,0,0,oos_test where can i find my recent transaction history,1,14,train for what person do you work,9,123,train what's the last date i can use my credit card,2,17,train i need to know how many r's are in restaurant,7,102,train can someone look at my car cause the check engine light is on,5,67,train please find the date of my last oil change,5,72,train i need my money to be moved,1,10,train i recently took a new job and need help with my 401k rollover,8,114,train can you help me switch insurance plans,8,108,val "hi, how are you today",9,131,test i didn't hear you please repeat,10,143,train what are the things that i have for today,4,58,train look my location up on the map,5,61,train what's my current reward balance on my amex card,2,26,train what's the sum of all i owe on bills this month,1,9,train scrap that dinner reservation,3,42,train make an alarm for tomorrow at twilight,7,92,train maybe it does,10,150,val please help with paying my cell phone bill,1,5,train could you track an order for me,4,52,test how much gas is left in my car,5,68,test can i make an appointment to get my tires checked,5,67,val i would like to know more about getting a new credit card,2,29,val what's the highest chance of rain for today,7,91,train do you know an good pasta dishes,3,40,train please kindly inform my bank i'm going to be in canada from next week to two weeks after,6,77,test can you help me find my phone,7,94,train i'm out of shampoo so will you order me some more,4,57,train i need to know when my electricity bill is due,1,4,test what area were you born in,9,128,train what is the eta of my flight,6,79,train help me figure out my state taxes,8,112,train accept incoming phone call,0,0,oos_test can i get an uber to drive me to the movies,5,64,test what items do i have on my amex card this month,1,14,val how much was my last transaction for,1,14,val find out what the maximum memory size is that i can buy in a dvd,0,0,oos_test how can i find out about new insurance,8,108,train how much gas does this use in the city,5,69,train what is the total amount of tax deductions from my income,8,112,train what's the funniest thing you know about peanuts,9,132,train i appreciate you helping me,9,130,train robbie needs to know aboutthis so would you text robbie to let them know,7,105,val how long does it take to get a replacement card,2,16,train what are the ingredients of spaghetti,3,34,train what type of questions may i ask you,9,135,train i want to use my card reward points,2,24,test how does this car do on its fuel,5,69,train how many greek mythology characters are there,0,0,oos_test set alarm for 6am,7,92,train may you suggest a meal from italy to me,3,40,train help me find my phone,7,94,train what is the account number to the internet service i have,0,0,oos_test instruct me what to do,4,58,val how're you doing,9,131,train how much is $1 usd worth in euros,6,82,val what is the animal for this chinese new year,0,0,oos_test what do i need to do to get new insurance,8,108,test why is there a hold on my discover account,1,6,train what is the apr on my chase freedom card,2,23,train what do i do to jump start my car,5,75,train switch over to whisper mode,10,138,test i gotta schedule some car maintenance,5,67,train what meetings do i have scheduled today,8,110,train how much do i have in my savings account,1,12,test change your language to spanish please,10,142,train do i need a socket converter if i'm going to mexico,6,76,train the credit limit i have needs to be changed,2,22,val "when i am in spain using my cmaden card, is there any transaction fee",2,30,train i need a replacement phone charger ordered online,4,57,train how's the weather,7,91,train in what status is my credit card application,2,27,train i really need to jump start my car,5,75,test please turn your volume up,10,140,val i need to find out do you know if zeus does reservations,3,45,train "is milk in my shopping list if not, add it",4,59,test should i use premium gas with this car,5,73,train "i want to report fraudulent activity on my amex card, please",1,15,train how long until i can expect my new card to get mailed to me,2,16,train tell me what ten pounds in kilos is,7,100,train what do my visa points look like,2,26,test has everyone come home from school,0,0,oos_test how do you use jumper cables,5,75,train "go to next song, please",4,56,train how much on bills to i have to pay,1,9,train i want to rollover my 401k,8,114,test what type of electrical plug do they use in spain,6,76,val are there meeting rooms available between 7-9,8,118,train what is the meaning of fascism,7,99,val add the song rap god to the motivational playlist,4,53,test set a timer for 5 minutes,7,96,train send a text to someone,7,105,train you're how old,9,134,train i'd like to set a new timer,7,96,val who is the person that brought you to life,9,121,test what is my current interest rate,1,7,train delete that event from calendar,4,51,train suggest a meal from denmark to me,3,40,train give me an energy usage breakdown for march,0,0,oos_test i need to find a good way to make chicken soup,3,37,val so i have any vacation days left,8,115,test can i have more information about this car's highway mpg,5,69,test send my location to my mom,7,95,train can you block my chase account right away please,1,1,train what timezone is boston in,6,81,train how bad is the traffic,5,65,train show me a tabulation of reviews for lcd tv's on amazon,0,0,oos_test can i use mayonnaise instead of miracle whip,3,43,train help me pay my cable bill,1,5,train add grocery shopping to my to do list,4,48,test did the stock market finish up for the day,0,0,oos_test what are van gogh's best pieces,0,0,oos_train how do i order more free checkbooks,1,11,val what is the day now,7,93,test how should i refer to you,9,127,train "i need to order checks, so can i order some new ones",1,11,train is there an extra fee for using my card in costa rica,2,30,train does longhorn steakhouse have good reviews,3,38,train i need to book a roundtrip flight from dallas to los angeles from march 2 to march 10,6,87,train i didn't understand you,10,143,test tell me what the status of my american airlines flight is,6,79,train tell me to take out the trash in an hour,4,50,train when will my order be here,4,52,train please make me a reservation for monty's at noon for 55555,3,39,train where is the closest subway entrance to me to go to brooklyn,5,71,val please show me my recent transaction,1,14,train my card is messed up from carding my door,2,18,val "i'd like to report my card as damaged, it's bent",2,18,train can you check the expiration date for my amex card,2,17,train i think i wanna add heart shaped box by nirvana to my playlist,4,53,train "which type of pet would you rather possess, a cat or a dog",9,124,val we'd like an uber for 4 to take us to the olive garden,5,64,test where exactly am i,5,61,train where do i report if i lost my luggage,6,86,val i know that the statement is true,10,139,val my phone cannot be found,7,94,train can you please tell me my income,8,113,test i must understand the nearest gas station to glendale,5,71,test i do not actually need my reservation anymore,3,42,test i suspect fraudulent transaction,1,15,train give me something interesting about stars,9,126,test i must know the next holiday,8,107,test when will my car need an oil change,5,62,train give me tips on improving my credit score,2,19,test what are my chase cards fees for international transactions,2,30,train i just switched jobs and need a 401k rollover,8,114,train could someone look at my check engine light that's on,5,67,test farewell!,9,129,train where do i find the routing number for bank of america,1,2,train how long to reach my doctors office,5,70,train suggest a meal from korea to me,3,40,train is my dinner reservation for gusto handcrafted pasta & pizza at 6:30 pm still valid,3,32,val do you know if meeting rooms are open to use 1-2,8,118,test can you help me with rolling over my 401k,8,114,train how do i apply for american express,2,29,test what's the least i can pay towards this bill,1,8,val please give me your responses only in french from now on,10,142,train text laura i'll be late for dinner,7,105,test how many calories does a scoop of chocolate ice cream contain,3,35,train tell me today's fun fact,9,126,test i want to know what my routing number is,1,2,test what is the purpose of existence,9,122,val that's a yes from me,10,139,train what is the definition of succumb,7,99,train can you get the fan going in here,4,60,train how can i cash in rewards on my discover card,2,24,train reserve a meeting room for 5pm on friday,8,118,test how can i find the interest rate for my red river account,1,7,train can you give me the timezone for the country,6,81,test i will be in boston from march 2 to march 4 can i rent a car for that time,6,90,train thats right,10,139,test if i were english how would i say subway,6,78,train i just don't know,10,150,val how do i inform my bank i'm going to paris,6,77,train does have good reviews have great reviews,3,38,train commence playing music,4,47,train tell me how to make ramen,3,37,val what do i do to stop my credit score from going lower,2,19,train please turn the lights down low,4,60,test could you tell me the minimum payment on my mortgage,1,8,train are there specific shots i need before traveling to japan,6,85,train what do you do on off days,9,125,test what all can you do,9,135,train any hobbies you like to do,9,125,test how would i say love in french,6,78,train what is 300 divided by 42,7,98,test do you see any meetings with john on my schedule today,8,110,train tell me when my next paycheck will arrive,8,111,train make my settings go back to their factory settings,10,149,val could you insert broken by evanescence to my music,4,53,train is my card working properly,2,21,train how do i prevent my credit score from lowering,2,19,train how do i switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,val reno's timezone is what,6,81,train can you tell me how to redeem my credit card points,2,24,train what manufactures you,9,121,val spell water,7,102,train my card has purchases i don't recognize,1,15,train british columbia can be found in what timezone,6,81,val how many pets do you have,9,124,train either or should work,10,150,train i gotta cancel my reservation for barry at red robin,3,42,test will i be able to rent a car in boston from march 2 to march 4,6,90,train thanks for talking to me,9,129,train are there any holiday's comming up,8,107,train what are my insurance advantages,8,109,train i wonder if i have enough money in my chase account for a bike,1,12,val where is your birth place,9,128,train say my credit score,2,28,train how long do i have to pay the gas bill,1,4,train what is the conversion of $30 in canadian dollars,6,82,test when did i last service my car with an oil change,5,72,train does chillis have good reviews,3,38,train is is possible to order more checkbooks for account ending in sequence 939392,1,11,train i need to know what ingredients are in a french baguette,3,34,val how much money did i make,8,113,train what's the wait like at chima brazilian steakhouse at this time,3,33,val show me the transactions made on my business card for supplies last quarter,1,14,train i want to schedule a tire check up somewhere,5,67,train please show me instructions on how to change my oil,5,63,train what healthcare plan do you have me on,8,109,train tell me where to get myy w-2 form,8,117,train please make a pto request from dates september 1 to 15,8,116,train can you set a timer for me for fifteen minutes starting now,7,96,train why did you freeze my bank account,1,6,val please specify if you are human or computer,9,133,train what is your name by chance,9,127,val can you travel outside of the united states without a visa,6,80,test when will i get my order,4,52,test can you stop speaking,10,145,train list my to-do list,4,58,test what does my tire pressure look like,5,66,train "can you change the oil, with what and how",5,63,test i need to play the song that goes like hey jude don't make it bad,4,47,train what amount am i taxed on my income,8,112,train where's the routing number for wells fargo,1,2,test add farm trip to my calendar for friday,4,51,train "will you repeat that, please",10,143,train you need to connect to my phone,10,146,train are the pancakes at ihop any good,3,38,train find me the location of the nearest gas station,5,71,train what is the status for what i requested for my vacation,8,106,train will rice be ok in the fridge for 3 days,3,31,val send davis a text i'll be there in a few,7,105,test report to the company that i damaged my card,2,18,train i want to track a package i should be getting,4,52,test what is my domain name bill,1,9,train can my car get to dallas with the gas currently in my tank,5,68,train please inform me on bad habits and overcoming them,0,0,oos_val "i'm cooking an egg, timer for 3 mins",7,96,train add broken by evanescence to my playlist,4,53,train can i rent a car in belgium from march 01 to march 02 and have it be a porsche,6,90,train can you suggest any good meals from chicago,3,40,train blackberry pie instructions,3,37,train can you please cancel,10,145,train what's in fashion this month,0,0,oos_test reserve a car rental for denver colorado for a ford between january 1st through 3rd,6,90,train roughly how long can i leave bananas in the freezer before i have to throw them out,3,31,test i want to make a meat stew what ingredients do i need,3,34,train i do not have that information,10,150,val "search for a flight from nyc to la on march 1, returning on march 5",6,87,train how long until my paycheck shows up,8,111,test can you calculate the square root of 172,7,98,test when to change my oil,5,62,train tell me about this car's highway mpg,5,69,test do you have time today for someone to look at my car because the check engine light is on,5,67,test i need to sub sugar for salt,3,43,train desync from my iphone,10,146,train don't you work for someone else,9,123,train where can i see the routing number for bmo,1,2,train what time did i get the last text message i received,0,0,oos_test should i have my shots up to date before i travel to the virgin islands,6,85,test can 401ks be moved,8,114,test "i didn't catch that, please repeat",10,143,train i want to start a new aaa insurance plan,8,108,train is it possible to increase the credit limit for my discover card,2,22,train who is the one that made you,9,121,test "hey, have you approved my vacation time yet",8,106,val what is the form i need to report my earnings,8,117,train i don't need grocery shopping on my todo list anymore,4,48,test how long has it been since my car was last in the shop,5,72,train do you know any good jokes about lawyers,9,132,train "i missed what you said, can you say it again",10,143,train speak back to me what's on my reminder list,4,49,train affirmitive,10,139,val tell me how many vacation days i have left,8,115,train please block my chase account right away,1,1,train i need laundry to be put on my list of things to do,4,48,val what are the conditions like in sarasota,7,91,train how long do i need to cook chicken,3,44,test do we actually have a soul,0,0,oos_test whats the name of the person who made you,9,121,test get me a list of the best savings account rates right now,0,0,oos_test are any justice league movies coming out,0,0,oos_train are there cameras hidden in stop lights,0,0,oos_test can i get some more checkbooks sent to me,1,11,test i need your setting switched to whisper mode right away,10,138,train go ahead and send ten dollars from bank of america to capital one,1,10,train i don't know where i left my phone,7,94,train can you put a stop on my bank account now,1,1,train have miranda know about my current location,7,95,train can you update me on my last amazon orders,4,52,train how many dollars can i exchange for 10 yen,6,82,train is there a charge to use my card in japan,2,30,train "my card split in half, can i report it",2,18,train how many reward points do i have available to redeem on my visa,2,26,train "i replaced my tires yesterday, when should i get new ones",5,74,train how long is the wait at buffalo wild wings,3,33,val make a quarterly payment on my life insurance premium,1,5,val what do i need to make authentic kimchi,3,34,test "in spanish, meet me tomorrow is said how",6,78,val how long since i swapped oil,5,72,val do you have music by elvis,4,47,train what are you suppose to do with a 401k rollover when getting a new job,8,114,val who is the person u work for,9,123,train look up the conversion rate for the euro to dollar exchange,0,0,oos_test start playing some music,4,47,train do you know any fun facts about mt everest,9,126,train can you tell me today's date,7,93,train what do i do to report a lost card,2,20,train does today's schedule include any meetings,8,110,train who formulated you,9,121,train remove the sync from my phone,10,146,train how do i set up direct deposit for my bank of america account,8,119,val "put ""get tires checked"" on my calendar",4,51,train "id like a car rental between january 1st to the 3rd in denver, id like a ford",6,90,train the sauce must simmer then go in the oven but for how long,3,44,train establish a connection to my phone,10,146,train what time is it now in michigan,7,103,val how much is the pay offered for my work,8,113,test what caused a freeze to be put on my bank account,1,6,train check maps for my location,5,61,train "in paris, what's the timezone",6,81,train give me a amusing fact about wolf,9,126,test when's the ac bill due,1,4,train i need an italian meal suggestion,3,40,train do you know how i get new insurance,8,108,test i want to switch out of whisper mode,10,138,train ok,10,139,train i need to sign up for a new allstate plan,8,108,test what's the nutrition info for a cucumber,3,36,test i'd like to call you alex,10,148,val tell me when i'll need new tires,5,74,test can you check how many steps i have walked in the last week from my phone app,0,0,oos_test what transactions have i accrued buying dog food,1,14,val hold on what was that you just said,10,143,train is walmart going to let me take the vacation time i asked for,8,106,train set an alarm for me for 10:00 and another one set for 4:00,7,92,train when can i expect meal of salmon to be finished,3,44,test change your spoken language to english,10,142,train can you suggest some quality chinese restaurants in oklahoma city,3,41,train could you tell me my interest rate,1,7,train there is no juice in my battery please help,5,75,val what are the sorts of things i can ask you about,9,135,train give me information on the oscars,0,0,oos_test can you list off different restaurants,3,41,train what's the best way to get to my bank by walking,5,71,train please skip this song and play the next one,4,56,train set a reminder to bring a book to work tomorrow,4,50,train what's the weather,7,91,train transfer sixty dollars to dad from my biggest accnt,1,10,train set default language to english,10,142,train what rules does southwest have for carry-on luggage,6,89,val did i put cutting the grass on my todo list,4,58,val i need to find my credit score,2,28,test is it allow to switch apples to grapes,3,43,val please list my meetings for today,8,110,train the current time,7,103,train i am in the market for a new insurance plan,8,108,test find a suitable lodging in vancouver on march 16-19,6,88,train what's my phone's location,7,94,test i need to know how long until my next vacation day,8,107,train where is flight dl123,6,79,test "can you check to see if my order has been delivered, please",4,52,train what can i put on my bank of america card,2,25,train what is the expiration date of my credit card,2,17,test look up the date for my next payday,8,111,test transfer $500 from my money market savings account to my checking account,1,10,train which food do you give your pets,9,124,train how many feet are in 50 yards,7,100,train how much are my bills,1,9,train slow your roll,10,136,train i need to know bank of america's routing,1,2,val what will you refer to me as,10,137,train give me info on my health plan,8,109,train please say it again,10,143,train start the timer now,7,96,test "let's go ahead and scratch laundry off my to do list, please!",4,48,train is my application processed for credit card,2,27,train it seems i can't use my card since it has been damaged,2,18,train "what are some fun things to do in butte, montana",6,83,train are you an actual live person,9,133,val forget what i told you to do,10,145,test "is there anyway, i can report a suspicious activity on my citi card",1,15,val i think my account is blocked,1,6,train am i able to redeem my credit card points for an amazon gift card,2,24,train i must kniw how low are my tires on air,5,66,test what company are you employed by,9,123,test when do i need to pay my at&t bill,1,4,train what is happening with the weather in austin,7,91,test i would like to know tomorrow's date,7,93,train add to my playlist smooth operator by sade,4,53,train when would be a wise time to replace my tires,5,74,val application for a mastercard,2,29,train "can i make a reservation for 2 at state bird for 8:30, please",3,39,train what is some trivia question about coffee,9,126,test my visa card what's the apr on that,2,23,train the intake of calories it it bad,3,35,test "for the shopping list, order everything",4,57,val who is at the door,4,60,train "how do they say ""who is your father"" in german",6,78,train i would like you to help me find a chow mein recipe,3,37,train please start calling me mandy,10,147,train bump some jams,4,47,test please delete my todo list,4,48,val can you tell me how you're doing today,9,131,train am i cleared to miss work for vacation,8,106,val "i'm going to boston from bangor on july 25th through the 29th, and need you to find me a roundtrip flight",6,87,train set me an alarm right now,7,92,val what time is it in france,7,103,val how long is it until payday,8,111,train are you a human or a bot,9,133,train what species of pets do you own,9,124,train "cancel the dinner reservation i made, okay",3,42,train how can i apply for a visa card,2,29,train i wanna know the interest rate on my bank of america cd account,1,7,train if i go to indonesia would i need a visa,6,80,test how long should i cook the eggs for,3,44,train i need to know when my credit card is going to expire,2,17,val tell me the date 650 days from now,7,93,train book me a place to chicago from atlanta united airlines,6,87,test what are apartment prices now,0,0,oos_test tell me my salary please,8,113,train does buffalo wild wings in concord take reservations,3,45,train can see you see if there are meeting rooms available between 9:00 am and 11:00 am,8,118,train how many star wars movies are there,0,0,oos_test is there traffic on my way to work,5,65,train what can i do to get a better credit score,2,19,val i need you to block my chase account immediately,1,1,train who can i rent a car from next month in orlando,6,90,test can i make a reservation at chima steakhouse in chicago,3,45,val my account needs to be frozen,1,1,test what is the availability of meeting rooms during the afternoon,8,118,train "let my bank know i'll be in ireland from may 01, 2019 to august 02, 2019",6,77,test "can you play the song amazing grace and it goes like this, amazing grace how sweet the sound",4,47,val i need an uber for 6 people to the movies,5,64,train i have no earthly idea at all,10,150,train look up uber to downtown,5,64,val how much money do i make a week,8,113,val who is your boss by the way,9,123,val book an oil change please,5,67,train how long until my milk expires,3,31,val "can you tell me what 30% off 279 is, please",7,98,train "no, that's incorrect",10,141,train is it recommended to get any shots before i travel to africa,6,85,train "hey computer, make a reservation for 2 for my parents at red lobster on wednseday next, 2:00pm if possible",3,39,train can you talk at a normal speed please,10,136,train "i cannot locate my phone, can you help me",7,94,test what transactions do i have on groceries from yesterday,1,14,test i'd like to improve my credit score,2,19,train turn up the oven temperature to 350,4,60,test i need to go now,9,129,train how much money is in my checking account,1,12,train what's the traffic like on the way to the water slides,5,65,train what was the location of your birth,9,128,train show me new cars with the highest safety rating,0,0,oos_test i want to order some more checks for my savings account,1,11,train can you call me something else,10,147,train remove the may 11 event called baby shower from my calendar,4,51,train your boss is who,9,123,train please tell me the current location,5,61,test "this was fun, see you around bye",9,129,val text my friend for me and tell them to meet me later,7,105,train "by bus, how long would it take to get to detroit",5,70,train what year is it,7,93,train let me know the traffic in tempe,5,65,train who do i contact to report fraud on my visa,1,15,test what's the best place for some thai in new york city,3,41,train can you ask me that again,10,143,val how can i order some more checks for my checking account,1,11,train what's the title of this,4,46,train i need to have a coin flipped,7,101,train look for travel alerts for china,6,84,train my new job requires that i rollover my 401k,8,114,train thank you for the answer,9,130,train i want to report fraudulent activity on my discover card,1,15,val i would like to know how much i pay in taxes,8,112,train "is it snowing right now in richmond, va",7,91,train give me the weather forecast for today,0,0,oos_test when are the winter olympic games,0,0,oos_test do i need to read any travel alerts for kenya,6,84,train how report that scratched my card,2,18,train should i get more gas,5,68,train what's the expected calorie load of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich,3,35,train who do i contact for lost luggage,6,86,val i want to pay that bill now,1,5,train where you from,9,128,val please put chips on my shopping list,4,59,test do i spend too much on beer,1,13,test tell me my visa's credit limit,2,25,train why did my card get declined at public when i was trying to buy food,2,21,test when do cars need their oil changed,5,62,train how much do i pay in taxes every year,8,112,val i would like to get today's date,7,93,val book delta ticket madison to atlanta,6,87,train can i ask you all different types of questions,9,135,val how many gallons of gas are in my car,5,68,val where do i find my w-2 tax form,8,117,val what time will my flight be boarding,6,79,train please stop doing what i asked,10,145,train are there travel notifications for columbia,6,84,train will you tell me my interest rate,1,7,train is it possible to set a timer,7,96,test the reservation i placed is not needed anymore,3,42,train "does life have a meaning, according to you",9,122,train send mom a text i'll talk to you later,7,105,train i'd like to know your name,9,127,val tell me the exchange rate between here and country b,6,82,val someone stole my card,2,20,train how many days was i sick or on vacation,8,120,train please tell me what the boarding time is for my plane,6,79,train can i take pto from the end of the month to the 5th of the next month,8,116,test "hello, how are things",9,131,test "the next time it rains, remind me to close the windows",4,50,train my card was damaged by bleach,2,18,val divide 100 by 12,7,98,test can you delete my saved credit card,0,0,oos_test what is the exchange rate for canadian dollars to us dollars,6,82,train who were you invented by,9,121,train what would the interest rate at wells fargo be,1,7,train is the traffic light or heavy at the nearest the century movie theater,5,65,train please repeat what you just said,10,143,train make a timer for 5 minutes,7,96,train what are my insurance perks,8,109,train what type of calorie numbers are in onions,3,35,train how would you describe my health benefits,8,109,train what day am i off next,8,107,train can you check when my visa card expires,2,17,train i gotta know how low are my tires on air,5,66,test call an uber and have it pick me up at my present location,5,64,val pay my insurance bill,1,5,train where do you work,9,123,test where were you created,9,128,train how do i get a new credit card,2,29,train well hi there,9,131,test tell me if my vacation was approved yet,8,106,test how is it going my friend,9,131,val i want to make an alarm,7,92,train i need to use pto on october 5th to october 10th,8,116,test are you a human or ai computer based,9,133,test i want a flight from new york to san francisco using delta,6,87,test i need to know how much tax i pay from my earnings,8,112,train please set an alarm for 2 pm for me,7,92,train "can you roll a fair, 6 sided die",7,104,train add the next song to my playlist - broken by evanescence,4,53,train how is the weather in seattle,7,91,train where do i go to get a form for w2s,8,117,val i need to know tomorrow's date,7,93,test what does the average cost of an engagement ring,0,0,oos_test i do not have cookies so will you order me some more,4,57,train what is your creation date,9,134,train could i perhaps increase by credit limit by 500 dollars,2,22,test would it be possible to make a pto request for january 15th and 16th,8,116,train what is my credit limit,2,25,train i need your help to jump start this car battery,5,75,train can you instruct me on how to make german chocolate cake,3,37,train what can i use to convert from centimeters to inches,7,100,test how many teaspoons will make one tablespoon,7,100,test im going to be in paraguay from january 7th until january 10th,6,77,train can you please change you accent to the male british one,10,144,val i want my account frozen,1,1,train can i rename you bob,10,148,test talk to me in a speedier manner from here on out,10,136,val what is the arrival time for my flight,6,79,train what did i spend on beer last month,1,13,test define ataraxy,7,99,train is checking the mail on my list of reminder,4,49,train when's my next paycheck coming in,8,111,val i got to schedule some car maintenance,5,67,train how do i know if my milk is expired,3,31,val i need to rent a car for may 8th to may 25th in danville and i'd like a ford,6,90,test i need more candy so could you order me a pack,4,57,train have i been approved for vacation yet,8,106,train how can i set up a direct deposit with my checking account,8,119,train what's on my todo list for today,4,58,test "can you speak a little faster, please",10,136,train can you tell me the ingredients used in pasta sauce,3,34,val can you show me how to set up direct deposit for my paycheck to my first hawaiian bank account,8,119,train how much time do i need to prepare chicken,3,44,train please get milk removed from my shopping list and add bread,4,59,train z uses which type of plug,6,76,test my bank needs to know i am going to be out of the country,6,77,train give a text to my cousin linda that says happy birthday,7,105,train find an indian restaurant,3,41,train where is your place of origin,9,128,train were you born in the 80s,9,134,val what's my paycheck going to be,8,113,train do a british male accent only,10,144,train use my phone to dial work,7,97,train who do i have the pleasure of speaking with,9,127,test which organization you work for,9,123,train what is my credit limit on my discover card,2,25,val which day will it be five days from now,7,93,train help me get a rental car for march 2 to 6th in dallas and i would prefer a bmw suv,6,90,train my card just got declined when i was in home depot buying tile,2,21,val "i need a new credit card, show me suggestions",2,29,val may you stop a paymet on my account,1,1,val do you have any funny jokes,9,132,val can i refer to you as mike from here on out,10,148,train how many calories in scoop of chocolate ice cream,3,35,train help me change my insurance plan,8,108,train i think a thief used my card,1,15,train what is an anachronism,7,99,train what is the apr to my credit card,2,23,train make saound function operate in whisper mode,10,138,test report a lost card here,2,20,train what name should i use to address you,9,127,train find me a graphic tutorial on writing longhand,0,0,oos_test tell me about my health insurance,8,109,train what is the month that my card is set to expire in,2,17,train show everything on my to buy list,4,54,train does denmark use different sockets,6,76,val i would like to hear all transactions made on my amex for the last ten days,1,14,train give me the routing number for my paragon account,1,2,train does my car have enough gas to get to atlantic city,5,68,train i want to pay my electric bill,1,5,train i'd like to increase my credit limit,2,22,val can you check if i've added an item to throw out the carcasses on my todo list,4,58,train can you whisper until i tell you not to,10,138,train can you turn on the lights in the den,4,60,train what ingredients do you need to make lasagna,3,34,test revert to the original configuration,10,149,test my utility bill is coming due and i need a loan,1,5,val should i take my car to a maintenance,5,67,test i suspect some suspicious activity,1,15,train how often should i replace my tires sense i replaced them on 2/21/17,5,74,train what amount of time would it take me to reach the university by bus,5,70,train "can you spell ""diatribe"" for me",7,102,train what sort of gas does the car need,5,73,train how is the status of my credit card application coming along,2,27,test is there a meaning in life,9,122,train how long should i cook chicken,3,44,train what's my work salary,8,113,val i need trip to the zoo on the calendar for june 4,4,51,train tell my bank that i'll be in canada this weekend,6,77,train what is the title of this song,4,46,test what's the total number of points i earned so far with my chase rewards card,2,26,train how can i cash in the rewards i earned with my visa card,2,24,train will i pay extra if i use my card in juarez,2,30,train tell me how long it will take to prepare a lasagna,3,44,test "is ""cleaning the bathroom"" an item on my todo list",4,58,test what's the amount of pto i have left,8,115,train what percentage do i pay in taxes,8,112,train why did my bank place a hold on my bank account,1,6,test what goes into chicken noodle casserole,3,34,train what is the meaning of the word lux,7,99,train can you share a humorous joke with me,9,132,test i want a block placed on my checking account right away,1,1,val i wanna set up a direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train what sort of hobbies are you into,9,125,train what is the process for reporting my card as lost,2,20,test what would you suggest for japanese,3,40,test how is my credit score,2,28,train will you start calling me chaz,10,147,val what are some cool tourist attractions in england,6,83,test when is the next time off for a holiday here,8,107,train i need to know what song this is,4,46,train set the alarm now,7,92,test can you help me find my lost phone,7,94,train how do i set up a direct deposit,8,119,test how much time is left until we get there,5,70,test are you a member or the human race or are you a computer program,9,133,train does my life have meaning,9,122,train what's my air pressure right now,5,66,train please file a fraud report,1,15,train tell me your guess of what my name is,10,137,train do you have a meeting room open from noon until 2:00 pm,8,118,train look up the expiration date for my barclay's card,2,17,train "my card was declined yesterday, why",2,21,train is it possible to get a ford in austin from may the 5th to may the 7th of this year,6,90,train will i need to have a plug converter when i visit madrid,6,76,test can you check and see i have a reservation under alex for bon apetite,3,32,train what's the typical time it takes for a new card to arrive,2,16,train tell me the kind of fuel that my vehicle operates on,5,73,train how high in calories is pork,3,35,train where does jelly come from,0,0,oos_test can you text mary and tell her she is amazing,7,105,test are there any shots i need to travel to karachi,6,85,test i just traveled on american airlines flight ab123 out of dallas i can't find my luggage,6,86,train i need your help to find a good reviewed hotel in washington,6,88,test how do i set up direct deposit for my fifth third account,8,119,val how much memory do i have left on this phone,0,0,oos_test roll a pair of six sided dice,7,104,train what do i put on my feet,0,0,oos_test my card broke in half and i need to report this,2,18,train do i still have the reservation on march 21 at 8pm,3,32,train what kind of reviews does the olive garden have,3,38,test tell me some fun activities to do in oklahoma city,6,83,test i need help finding my mobile phone,7,94,train how do you say thank you in spanish,6,78,train stop calling me charlie and from now on always call me chip,10,147,val what's on my calendar for the 18th of march,4,55,train i need a room in london for 2 people from march 1st to 3rd,6,88,train "in the eastern timezone, what time is it now",7,103,train i want you to start referring to me as lucky,10,147,train ribs can stay in the fridge for how long before they turn,3,31,train making ribs perfectly is done how,3,37,train i've just run out of butter and need you to order me some more,4,57,test what is the process for ordering new checks,1,11,train start a timer for 10 minutes,7,96,train would you say you are a bot,9,133,val i need you to go into whisper mode,10,138,train i'm grateful for the answer you just gave me,9,130,train where is your family from,9,128,train "i need you to translate the sentence, 'we will be there soon' into portuguese",6,78,train i would like to transfer from one account to my second one,1,10,train what is the cars mpg on the highway,5,69,train what are the best personal finance practices,0,0,oos_test when will i recieve another paycheck,8,111,train do you have instructions on jump starting a chevy,5,75,train can you suggest a thai restaurant,3,41,test is there traffic expected,5,65,test is it necessary to get a shot for travel to india,6,85,val i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at macaroni grill for saul,3,32,train my car takes what kind of fuel,5,73,val can you tell me when my item will get here,4,52,test is socket converter required in france,6,76,test "what've i got set for friday, the 13th, of next year",4,55,train are you an ai or a real person,9,133,train when is the egg expired,3,31,test can we speak in english rather than zulu,10,142,train how can i go about improving my credit score,2,19,train this song needs to be added to my reggae playlist,4,53,train how long does it take to cook ham,3,44,train are you a real person or a bot,9,133,train "i would like an uber going to the train station, please",5,64,train "how can i obtain new insurance, please",8,108,train how many weeks of vacation do i have,8,115,val i need to know what timezone ireland is in,6,81,train help me find a hotel in that has good reviews in columbus,6,88,train please make a reservation for us at joy bar for 4 adults,3,39,train okay thanks,9,130,train can you call the help desk line for my credit card company,2,16,test both would work,10,150,train are you an automated assistance,9,133,train "hmmm, either could be a choice",10,150,train how much do i have in savings,1,12,train what are some activities to do in chicago,6,83,train what is the cost of my rent and water bills,1,9,test tell me how to spell curiosity,7,102,test how do i know if it is time to replace my tires,5,74,test can you show me how to set up direct deposit,8,119,train "my check engine light is on, i need someone to look at it",5,67,test "flip a coin, i'm heads",7,101,test play hey jude,4,47,train have i told you to add washing dishes to my todo list,4,58,test "book me a flight to dallas from st, paul, minnesota on delta airlines",6,87,test i need you to set an alarm for 8am tomorrow,7,92,train start the timer now and stop at thirty minutes,7,96,train can you tell me how much money i have i my bank accounts,1,12,val what do i need to make a cake,3,34,train can you get me a table for 8 at johnnys,3,39,train lets flip for it,7,101,train i would like you to confirm my reservation for next saturday at 11 am,3,32,train tell me what types of questions i can ask you,9,135,test put a hold on my chase account right away please,1,1,train show me my transactions within the past week,1,14,train name the five star attractions in gatlinburg,6,83,train what type of gas do i need to put in this car,5,73,train what type of fuel should i use in my car,5,73,train "for today only, how many meetings are with jake",8,110,train write a text to alice,7,105,train i must know what the traffic typically like at 3:30 on the route to phoenix,5,65,train god's plan will be my new song added to new playlist,4,53,train how much did i spend on petrol 2 days ago,1,13,train what amount of fuel do i have left,5,68,train please immediately disconnect this mobile,10,146,train retrieve my current mpg on my car,5,69,train where do i go if i am seeking the routing number of dallas capital,1,2,test can you order me more checks at wells fargo,1,11,train i haven't the foggiest,10,150,train please pair my phone,10,146,val what time is it over in pacific time,7,103,val what are some good places in kentucky that serve sushi,3,41,train find out for me when my mastercard expires,2,17,train would you tell me what the status of my day of request is,8,106,train i don't have checks so can i order some new ones,1,11,train how long should i cook my turkey,3,44,test what ingredients do i need for gumbo,3,34,train give me a cool fact about new orleans,9,126,val where is an appropriate place where i can schedule to check out my tires,5,67,train can you tell me something about the nfl,0,0,oos_train can you link to my phone,10,146,train do you work for another individual,9,123,val please tell me your hobbies,9,125,train i need to know how to spell the word serendipity,7,102,test what are the scores of other teams in this division,0,0,oos_test switch the pin on my chase account,1,3,val i am happy you did that for me,9,130,val "can you spell out ""annulment",7,102,test put milk on my shopping list,4,59,test not happening,10,141,val start a speech on microbes for me,0,0,oos_test turn volume up to 4,10,140,test what is the total i spent on shoes recently,1,13,train phonecall sarah,7,97,train how long to i bake the brownies,3,44,train would you please tell me how many vacation days i have,8,115,train can i get a new pet insurance plan,8,108,train inform my bank i'm seeing italy,6,77,test let me know what is showing on my calendar for the 17th of march,4,55,train i'd really like to set up a direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train can you get a call started to martha,7,97,val which movie is it that someone says perfectly balanced as all things should be,0,0,oos_test tell me how to apply for a visa card,2,29,train could you tell me what kind of money i've recently spent,1,13,val i want to find a new united healthcare plan to get on,8,108,train how do you spell asian,7,102,train what is in a burrito recipe,3,37,test whats the total of my taxes,8,112,test do i pay a lot of taxes on my income,8,112,train will you let mary know my location,7,95,train "ai, research usbank options to order more checks",1,11,train turn up the volume level to 4,10,140,train i want to report a damaged card,2,18,test i would like to set a reminder to bring the plants in tonight,4,50,test i would like to know if you are an artificial intelligence being,9,133,val need to increase credit limit for chase card,2,22,test how do i get that tax form from my employer,8,117,test "transfer ninety dollars between glacier checking and farmers accounts, please",1,10,test what's delta's carry on policy,6,89,val what's it been costing me to buy three packs a day,1,13,train what type of plug do i need to bring if i visit japan,6,76,train what is my interest rate payment,1,7,train do i need a visa to go to colombia,6,80,test what are my options for jump starting my battery,5,75,train i want to report my damaged card i accidentally cut it up thinking it was my expired card,2,18,train are there any good places in cleveland that serve clams,3,41,test scan you find me a chicken recipe,3,37,test tell me mr joes pizza average wait time,3,33,test do i have enough credit card points to redeem a new appliance,2,24,train tell me when today's meeting is supposed to happen,8,110,test what are some good places to go out for dinner in my area tonight,3,41,test please tell me a really fun fact about facebook,9,126,train how can i get your attention,9,127,train perform a coin flip,7,101,train whats the exchange rate for us dollars to british pounds,6,82,test does jamaica require a visa,6,80,train when should i get new tires i just replaced them,5,74,train i want you to clear out my to do list,4,48,train can my 401k rollover or not,8,114,val get mom on the phone,7,97,test what's the date 400 days from now,7,93,train read my calendar for march 7th,4,55,test find an uber for two passengers we are going to the airport in toledo,5,64,train should i bring a converter to barcelona,6,76,train let me know the amount of vacation days i have used,8,120,val search for my routing number for my checking account with wells fargo,1,2,train how do you refer to me,10,137,test give me the nutritional details for a cup of yogurt,3,36,test "ai, how old are you",9,134,train i appreciate that answer,9,130,train how did my bank account get frozen,1,6,test please put a block on my citi account immediately,1,1,test which rules does delta have for carry on,6,89,train please tell me what the next holiday is,8,107,train teach me how to change my oil,5,63,train i need you to switch the language you are responding in,10,142,test what timezone does bangor have,6,81,train how many carry ons can i take on a flight with panam to wales,6,89,test i managed to get a new job but i need help with my 401k rollover,8,114,train will you tell me how the ai is doing,9,131,test what's the nutritional information for steak,3,36,train go to the next song on the playlist,4,56,train explain how to reduce my debt burden,0,0,oos_test how's my credit score,2,28,test drop some beats,4,47,test what is the cost of water and electric this month,1,9,train use a male voice instead,10,144,train show me recent transactions,1,14,train how many carry ons can i take on a flight with american airlines to seattle,6,89,train how busy is ihop generally around noon,3,33,train go into whisper mode now please,10,138,train can you say again,10,143,train please mail me more checkbooks,1,11,test are you a bot right now,9,133,train what do i need to do to make blackberry pie,3,37,train how many vacation days have i used,8,120,train what types of questions do you have a response for,9,135,train what are ways to utilize my credit card points,2,24,train assist me in getting a new credit card,2,29,val i can't find my phone do you know where it is,7,94,train goodbye!,9,129,train where's your place of birth,9,134,train reserve a table for two for 7:30 pm at dibruno's under patrick donoghue,3,39,train can you remind me how to spell because,7,102,train schedule an uber to the mall,5,64,train "you are talking too fast for me, please slow down",10,136,train i'm trying to raise my credit score can you tell me what it is now,2,28,test is there a way to tell if i need new tires,5,74,train can you tell me my vehicles mpg,5,69,test i need to transfer ten dollars from my bank of america account to my capital one account,1,10,train can you share my location with mom,7,95,train where did you last live,9,128,train can you tell me my health plan,8,109,train at what point will this flight start letting people board,6,79,train how long will my eggs be good for,3,31,train how full or empty is my tank of gas,5,68,test let me know what's on my list of reminders,4,49,train i wish to know my credit score,2,28,train what type of plugs do they use in london,6,76,train what do people say life means or the meaning is,9,122,train how much time till the next day off,8,107,train should i get a travel visa if i want to go to guyana,6,80,test look up ways for me to advance my job placement,0,0,oos_test read me my list of things to do,4,58,train i'm unsure of the answer,10,150,train from april to may i will be in america so i need to notify my bank,6,77,val i am saying no,10,141,val grapes have what kind of nutritional facts,3,36,train book me a flight from midway to jfk for less than 200 dollars,6,87,test what kind of hobbies are you interested in,9,125,test i want you to call me pam,10,147,train please repeat the last thing,10,143,test how do you get your visa card rewards,2,24,val i want to switch my insurance coverage,8,108,train move two hundred dollars to my chase savings account to my wells fargo checking account,1,10,val "can you freeze my account, please",1,1,train how much is my salary,8,113,val tell ann and scott where i am,7,95,test how do i apply for a new credit card,2,29,test can you please speed up your speech settings,10,136,train what's my name in your system,10,137,train do i have enough money in my charles schwab account to get a new baseball bat,1,12,train can i substitute butter for margarine,3,43,train how soon until you send me replacement card,2,16,train i need more checks because i am out,1,11,val i think i need to make a reservation for 8 pm at red robin for 3,3,39,train is there a fee for cancelling a flight i've booked,0,0,oos_test switch language for me,10,142,val where can i find the cruise control on my kia sportage 2010,0,0,oos_train i need soda added to my list and carrots removed,4,59,train find the next song on this playlist,4,56,train i don't want to do anything today so just clear the todo list,4,48,train tell me this song's name,4,46,train how much is the minimum payment for power bill,1,8,train how many miles per gallon does this car get on the highway,5,69,train please delete the reservation for 3 people at outback,3,42,train give me a fun fact about komodo dragon,9,126,test tell me all about the creatures you own,9,124,train could you be human,9,133,test what is the status of the application for a credit card i put in,2,27,train who do you consider your employer,9,123,train "roll die, 6 sided",7,104,train do i need a vaccination to go to greece,6,85,train can you help me figure out how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train when does napa close,0,0,oos_test what is the lowest amount i must pay on my verizon bill,1,8,test how long does it take to get to applebees in nj,5,70,train list the things i wanted to remember,4,49,val "i need a suite that can accommodate 3 adults and 1 child in san diego for may 15th, 16th, and 17th",6,88,val will you play the next song on this playlist,4,56,train shoot the dice!,7,104,train do i need a visa to go to cancun,6,80,train can you talk faster,10,136,test how can i schedule a meeting,8,118,train does applebees take reservations,3,45,test how many day of my vacation are left for the year,8,115,train "on my shopping list, remove bread and add milk",4,59,train where can i find a page showing my how to change my oil,5,63,val how much longer until i need to get my oil changed,5,62,train what's my bill going to be for my taxes for tennessee,8,112,train my tires are 29 months old should u change them,5,74,test i can't find my phone,7,94,train my phone is currently lost,7,94,train remove carrots from my shopping list and add soda,4,59,train where do i find instructions on how to speed up voice replies,10,136,train "show me laptops for sale that are under $2,000",0,0,oos_test what's the current time in greenwhich,7,103,train add this song to my rock playlist,4,53,test what is 606 divided by 5,7,98,train how is my driving,0,0,oos_test what is the amount of gas i have,5,68,train are there carry-on restrictions for delta,6,89,train i think someone made an illegal charge to my card,1,15,train can you tell me where the nearest rest station to me is,5,71,train i have used how much pto so far,8,120,test tell me how to spell malignant,7,102,val i am traveling to paris soon and would like some suggestions of what to do and see,6,83,test who's toledo's starting point guard for the next game,0,0,oos_train how do i properly give my car a jump,5,75,train does delta charge for carry ons,6,89,train i would like a 10 sided die rolled,7,104,train how do you say hello in french,6,78,train i need to book a hotel room or suite for 2 adults and 2 children in orlando for july 1st through 5th,6,88,val what plug type does spain use,6,76,train what food items do you put in english breakfast,3,34,train skip to next song,4,56,train please play the next song,4,56,train can you tell me how to figure out my current location,5,61,train tell me something funny about pizza,9,132,train when did i have my car looked at,5,72,train how do i report a stolen card,2,20,val i've saved what number of days of vacation,8,115,train what's my checking account balance,1,12,train what is the minimum payment for my power bill,1,8,train what is the result when you roll a four sided die,7,104,test what did i spend at target on my barclays card last month,1,14,train switch over to the female voice,10,144,train do i need to replace my tires if i replaced my tires in january,5,74,train "in osaka, do i need a plug converter for my electronics",6,76,train how many vacation days have i spent in total,8,120,train how do i know where i'm at,5,61,train is it ok to use oil spray instead of canola oil,3,43,test i want to know where to visit in bangkok,6,83,val how many kilos are in 10 pounds,7,100,train please create an alarm for 5:45 am and an alarm for 6:15 am,7,92,train is it ok if i use some of my pto on may 24th to may 29th,8,116,test i need to report that my dog chewed up my card,2,18,train set the temperaure to 71,4,60,train when is the expected arrival of flight dl123,6,79,val put this song in vibes playlist,4,53,train where is the dipstick,0,0,oos_train add all of my points for my current discover card,2,26,train send a message to mom be there soon,7,105,train what is the miles per gallon,5,69,test what's the precise coordinates of this place,5,61,train how much do i have to pay for my shell gas card bill,1,9,val what is the best reviewed laptop available on the market,0,0,oos_test i want to be called by mary,10,147,train i seem to have lost my luggage! what are my options now,6,86,test is it possible to increase my visa card limit,2,22,train can i substitute lemon juice for vinegar,3,43,train i need to know where to get w2,8,117,val how much gas is left,5,68,train "book an uber with the destination set to david's house, please",5,64,train where do i go to find my routing number for southpoint,1,2,train make the volume louder,10,140,train please make my account a frozen one,1,1,train do you know when my next day off is coming,8,107,train how many vacation hours do i have,8,115,train is there heavy traffic on the way to the city,5,65,val please print out copies of my resume,0,0,oos_test how busy is ihop at 5 pm,3,33,train tell me the name of the song that is playing,4,46,train i want a new policy with long-term care insurance,8,108,train what is your full name,9,127,train how good is my card's apr,2,23,val what is the minimum for my citicard this month,1,8,train hop to the next one,4,56,train send $20 from debit to steve's account,1,10,train what is the minimum payment on my phone bill,1,8,train what can harm my credit score,2,19,train what is 2 + 2,7,98,train i need to know the date in 256 days,7,93,train i wish to know my credit rating,2,28,train give me a joke about the topic of television,9,132,test "which domestic animal do you prefer, dog or cat",9,124,train tell me where is the closest coffee shop,5,71,train that's not true,10,141,train dial x's number,7,97,train i need to know when my mastercard will expire,2,17,train are you able to remind me about something,4,50,test that could maybe be it,10,150,train alter back to your orginal settings,10,149,train "you have been a big help, thank you so much",9,130,train "siri, where is my iphone",7,94,train turn the oven to 350,4,60,test "are bananas already on the list, if not go ahead and add them",4,59,train i don't want to hear this song; skip it,4,56,val is my day open for march 4th 2019,4,55,val "use my navy federal account and pay this month's verizon bill, please",1,5,test what are some ways to raise my credit score,2,19,val "text dave, i'll be there soon",7,105,test set an alarm for 5am,7,92,test what new reality shows are there for 2019,0,0,oos_val how can i benefit from using you,9,135,train is there a surcharge for using my card in italy while i'm there,2,30,train open meeting rooms from one to three pm,8,118,test am i able to rollover my 401k,8,114,val i need $360 transfered from savings to checking account,1,10,test should i bring my socket converter while traveling to england,6,76,train can you text elizabeth and tell them i forgot to bring drinks,7,105,train what's the timezone now in hiram,6,81,test how are people liking the sushi at yakamoto,3,38,train i'd like to buy a lamp online,4,57,test how many people live in taiwan,0,0,oos_train "i'm out of cat food, order more",4,57,train "see you later, alligator",9,129,train please replay the last five minutes,0,0,oos_test i need to know the credit limit,2,25,val how do you know when your dog is ill,0,0,oos_val what do you think you will refer to me as,10,137,train "thank you for the chat, goodbye",9,129,val how can i see my rewards for my chase card,2,26,train how much will i pay for state taxes this year,8,112,train "i need to know how to spell ""miranda",7,102,test what does the word polynomial mean,7,99,test how long does it take you to mail me a new card,2,16,train i need to add something to my calendar for next tuesday,4,51,test would you please switch to the male voice,10,144,test limit your volume,10,140,train is it possible to rent a car from laguardia from tuesday to friday,6,90,train please put a block on my discover account immediately,1,1,val "do you know how to spell, bourgeois",7,102,test i need to know where to get a w-2 form,8,117,train adding gods plan to new playlist,4,53,train find a recipe for hamburgers,3,37,val when was my most recent transaction,1,14,train what's a fun fact about mythology,9,126,train do i need to get a visa to visit canada,6,80,train that is right,10,139,train schedule an uber to the bean,5,64,train what does it mean to have equality,0,0,oos_val i would like to hear the next tune on this particular playlist,4,56,train i need to know the time,7,103,train would you tell me your age,9,134,train "whats on my reminder list, read back",4,49,val turn down the volume,10,140,test i can't find my credit card and i want to report it as lost,2,20,train what is a normal resting heart rate,0,0,oos_test i need an alarm set for 10:00 and another set for 3:00,7,92,train what ingredients are necessary for a steak,3,34,train i intend to learn how to change oil,5,63,train what items did i want to remember,4,49,test what is 500 x 25,7,98,train what do you like doing in your free time,9,125,train what's the average review for olive garden,3,38,test where does jiu jitsu originate,0,0,oos_test what questions can you answer,9,135,val "ai, heads or tails",7,101,train find for me a hotel with great reviews in ho chi minh,6,88,test when is babysitting on my to do list,4,58,train what is the antilog of 365,7,98,train i don't have an answer for that,10,150,val share my gps coordinates with my mother,7,95,train do you enjoy any hobbies,9,125,train what knowledge do you have on certain subjects,9,135,test how do they say no in germany,6,78,train what happened to my cellphone,7,94,val where are you from originally,9,128,test can i get good tacos anywhere in austin,3,41,train my phone is lost and i need help finding it,7,94,val can i use sugar instead of salt,3,43,test why would i have been locked out of my own account,1,6,train how do i find lost luggage,6,86,train state recent transaction,1,14,test i would like the volume lower,10,140,train increase my credit limit,2,22,val add mopping to the to do list,4,48,test can you help me with some fraudulent charges on my card,1,15,train what do i have on my calendar for february 8,4,55,train tell me what is on my todo list,4,58,train i was at walmart today and my card got declined when i went to buy qtips,2,21,train "can you find me a flight from portland, oregon to portland, maine for under $500 on delta",6,87,train discover card reporting fraud,1,15,train would you play my maroon 5 playlist,4,47,train how do i update my insurance,8,108,train how do i make lasagna,3,37,test i want to order some new checks because i ran out of them,1,11,train tell me the meeting schedule for the day,8,110,train i want you to turn the tv on,4,60,val how long can i keep pizza in the freezer for before it goes bad,3,31,train i'm so glad you helped me!,9,130,train i need to order more checks for my usbank account,1,11,train can you tell me the name of this song,4,46,train i really gotta book a place to stay in phoenix from the 5th to the 9th of march,6,88,test check my wells fargo account to see if i have enough for these nike's,1,12,test i want us to speak to each other in spanish from now on,10,142,train provide assistance by setting an alarm at 8:00 and another for 11:00,7,92,train i need an uber that fits ten people to go to chipotle,5,64,train can you text marissa and tell them to stop calling me,7,105,train what do you get if you roll a six sided dice,7,104,train what are good thai dishes,3,40,test what's your hometown,9,128,train have there been any travel alerts for the us,6,84,test i want to switch speaking to french,10,142,train not that one,10,141,train change over to whisper mode,10,138,val how long have you been functional,9,134,train inform me of what microbes are,0,0,oos_test weather in costa mesa,7,91,train when would you change my tires,5,74,test people call me brad,10,147,train are there any travel alerts for mountain view,6,84,val how much money is in my bank accounts,1,12,val i would like to know how long a charge is suppose to last on my phone,0,0,oos_test what kinds of cereal are low sugar,0,0,oos_test do i have the ability to rollover my 401k,8,114,train what name would you like me to use,9,127,train what the heck is qat,7,99,train i'd like to you order everything that's on my shopping list,4,57,test has my request for vacation time been approved,8,106,val goodbye,9,129,test has my vacation request been acknowledged,8,106,train set 60 minutes for oven please,7,96,val schedule a meeting with carrie and lisa,8,118,train what day is it today,7,93,train do i need a vaccination to go to china,6,85,train how do i learn more about linguistics,0,0,oos_test please get off my phone,10,146,train do travelers to egypt get hit with transaction fees if they're using a mastercard,2,30,train what things can you help me with exactly,9,135,train i am in need of new checks i'm completely out of mine,1,11,test how shall i find my current location,5,61,train what day are we in,7,93,test what is the next step if my luggage was lost,6,86,train what time should i cook noodles for,3,44,train change to the woman voice,10,144,test buy delta ticket madison to atlanta,6,87,train could you add this song to my rock playlist,4,53,train which airports do southwest service around the greater new york city area,0,0,oos_test do you prefer cats or dogs,9,124,test is there a way to get a new insurance plan,8,108,test can i know what type of things you can help me with,9,135,test what sort of things do you enjoy,9,125,train both could be,10,150,test i would like to share my location with my mom,7,95,train "cancel my reservation for dinner this friday, please",3,42,test i need a new house insurance plan,8,108,train what causes dyslexia,0,0,oos_test you take sweeping of my todo list,4,48,test i need to know how to say hello in france,6,78,val check my to do list to see if feeding the fish is on it,4,58,train what gas mileage does my car get,5,69,train can you tell me how i change my pin number,1,3,train i need to know why you declined my card yesterday,2,21,val what is on my calendar next sunday,4,55,train king of acid,0,0,oos_val i need assistance with my current location,5,61,test how much will i pay the government back in taxes,8,112,train find me a room near the jacksonville stadium between january 1st through january 3rd,6,88,test how many weeks ago was my car in the shop,5,72,test can you play the rock playlist,4,47,train "suggest a meal from laos to me, please",3,40,train i am interested in a new insurance plan,8,108,test is it possible to speed up of your replies,10,136,train can you call me a different name,10,147,test please find out the current status of my credit card application,2,27,train cancel event scheduled for this afternoon,4,51,test create a 500 word letter expressing love,0,0,oos_test please allow dan to see my location,7,95,train don't forget to tell me to call my mother,4,50,test roll dice now,7,104,train how to i get to the mall on foot,5,71,train please cancel my reservation,3,42,train trying to buy a mug from target but my card declined,2,21,train how do i go about setting up direct deposit,8,119,train tell me about personal finance,0,0,oos_test could you create a new avatar for me,0,0,oos_test can you give me a thai dinner suggestion,3,40,train book an uber for 6 people to go to the movies,5,64,train are you a human being or a computer,9,133,val please turn the tv on,4,60,val erase all events on friday from my calendar,4,51,test how much have i spent on shoes recently,1,13,val what is the apr on my first bank card account,2,23,val how do you spell aaron,7,102,test my card got snapped in half,2,18,train what is the expiration month of my card,2,17,test can i use pepper instead of salt,3,43,val when do we have free day,8,107,val can i have my credit limit changed,2,22,train what would i need if i wanted to make chicken marsala,3,34,train tell my bank i will be traveling in brazil from june 1st to july 1st,6,77,train can you find me a pork recipe,3,37,test order me a blue pin stripe suit from saville row,0,0,oos_test on what date did i get paid last,8,111,train i need that repeated,10,143,train i submitted my order is there any updates on it yet,4,52,train im not gonna need the dinner reservation,3,42,train pay the cable bill with my visa card,1,5,train i am looking for a vegan friendly italian pasta recipe,3,37,train do you know what the meaning of life is,9,122,train how do i get to the park on foot,5,71,train help me set up a meeting please,8,118,test i need a timer set for 15 minutes,7,96,train what type of gas does this car take,5,73,train pay $175 on my visa,1,5,test find me a good spot for southern comfort food in los angeles,3,41,train what is 2 francs in euros,6,82,train please tell me what's provided in my health benefits,8,109,train what kind of questions may i ask you,9,135,train i want to see the list of transaction on my bank of hawaii,1,14,train who would you say you work for,9,123,train will my vacation be approved soon,8,106,train i think my account is blocked but i do not know the reason,1,6,train would you let me know who programmed you,9,121,train before i pay my walmart credit card did i make any purchases using it recently,1,14,train help me get up at eight thirty in the morning tomorrow,7,92,train tell me what time zone portugal uses,6,81,train find a credit counseling service for me on the web,0,0,oos_test call my mother,7,97,train i want to set up direct deposit to my charles schwab account,8,119,val i want to know what the purpose of life is,9,122,val in what movie did mrs congeniality feature a contestant championing for world peace,0,0,oos_test do they take reservations at outback steakhouse,3,45,train do you know what my precise credit score is,2,28,val "ai, call my usbank to order more checks",1,11,train whats the latest on flight dl123,6,79,train next payday,8,111,train i want to hear your best joke,9,132,test tell me how to redeem my credit card points,2,24,train "what do i have to do tomorrow, according to my to-do list",4,58,train what kind of gas is required for this car,5,73,val could you cancel my reservation for winters at the palace tonight,3,42,test i need help to set up direct deposit,8,119,train print out the photos i took today,0,0,oos_test locate my phone for me,7,94,train how many more miles can i drive before changing my tires,5,74,train what does zesty mean,7,99,train can you check on what it would cost me to upgrade my iphone with t-mobile,0,0,oos_test "can you tell me my shopping list items, please",4,54,train unsync from my phone please,10,146,test who or what association do you work for,9,123,train please add sugar to my shopping list if it's not on it,4,59,train what day did i last take my car in,5,72,test would you please tell me my current gps coordinates,5,61,train john is my name,10,147,train what were my purchases on visa card last month,1,14,train tell me fun facts of today,9,126,test what time is my meeting with fred scheduled for,8,110,val how healthy is a cheeseburger,3,36,test do i need to get milk,4,54,train "i need a w2, so where is it",8,117,test how's the lo mein rated at hun lee's,3,38,train my vehicle needs what kind of fuel,5,73,val remind me friday to call my mother,4,50,train please change pin to 1234 on my bank account trailing in 3829,1,3,train on turn tv,4,60,train what is the traffic like on the way to town,5,65,train please reset to factory settings,10,149,test what is the length of time it takes to get to phoenix,5,70,train us and mexico exchange rate,6,82,train i wish to cancel my reservation for fred at red robin,3,42,test how many rewards do i have on my chase card,2,26,train tell me how healthy mac and cheese is,3,36,train make an immediate transfer of ten thousand from money market to checking,1,10,test unsync yourself from my phone please,10,146,val can you roll a dice with 8 sides,7,104,val it depends,10,150,train can you slow down your rate of speech,10,136,val who brought you into existence,9,121,val i'm not sure which one because it could be either of them,10,150,train please increase the volume to 4,10,140,train what date will it be 8 days from now,7,93,val are you able to find my recent transactions for me,1,14,test what's the song currently playing,4,46,train there seems to be an issue with my account,1,6,test you can call me steve,10,147,train for my chase account can i order some checkbooks,1,11,test do i need more air in my tires,5,66,train purchase a flight from slc to columbus on tuesday that returns on friday,6,87,train tell me who programmed you,9,121,train does it take 5 hrs to get to brooklyn by bus,5,70,train "i need to set up a vacation request, what do i need to give you",8,116,train how is sushi at jiro,3,38,val i need you to please repeat that,10,143,train play the next hit,4,56,train i would like information on the meaning of life,9,122,test "on my bank of america visa, what is the apr",2,23,train how long do i need to cook tuna casserole for,3,44,val are the plugs different in barcelona,6,76,train have you seen the remote,0,0,oos_test "alexa, tell me the location of my phone",7,94,train i don't know the answer,10,150,train how healthy is grilled chicken,3,36,train can you increase my credit limit,2,22,train are there any meetings between 2 and 5 pm,8,110,test i want my credit score,2,28,train can you tell me whats on my shopping list,4,54,train i need someone to look at my check engine light,5,67,train what's the amount of money i spent yesterday,1,13,train is it possible to reserve a table at white castle,3,45,test change your name setting to plato,10,148,train what is a well reviewed book for a teenage girl to read,0,0,oos_test can you tell me something i don't know about banks,9,126,train what timezone do they use in la,6,81,train show me the reviews for the new jalapeno fries at taco bell,3,38,test thank you,9,130,train what can i do to keep my credit in good standing,2,19,train check on the status of my vacation request please,8,106,train where do i find the irs form that tells me the amount of money i owe them,8,117,train let me know my bank of america routing number,1,2,train please be quiet now,10,145,train search the web for monthly parking near my house,0,0,oos_test i am thankful for the answer,9,130,train when can you send me a replacement card,2,16,train can you guess my name,10,137,train how is gramercy tavern rated,3,38,test i'm pretty sure this charge is fraudulent,1,15,train may you say that again,10,143,test what's the time of arrival on my new credit card,2,16,val please confirm that opening a new account can decrease your credit score,2,19,train what's the title of this tune,4,46,train what was my last transaction,1,14,train please tell me my current interest rate for my home equity line of credit,1,7,train tell me how low the air in my tires are,5,66,train show me tracking on my order,4,52,train i gotta change your name to remy,10,148,train what is the credit card apr at the moment,2,23,train you refer to me as what,10,137,train what do i currently pay in taxes,8,112,train can i redeem my credit card on safeway,2,24,train what interest rate am i getting from chase,1,7,train how does the dictionary spell antipathy,7,102,train i can't say for certain either way,10,150,test how do i make you talk faster,10,136,test i have a new job and need direction with my 401k rollover,8,114,train i need a reminder to remind me to do something,4,50,train "no, that is not correct",10,141,val are there any active events for march 4th 2019,4,55,val read me my shopping list,4,54,train how far has my application for the hsbc card proceeded till now,2,27,test remove from calendar jesse's bbq on june 9th,4,51,train where do i get my tax papers,8,117,train you're speaking too fast and i need to change that,10,136,train what's the number of calories in a coke,3,35,train can you help me with anything i need,9,135,train what have car repairs ran me this month,1,13,train how can i report a card that has been lost,2,20,train "is it possible to change oil, if so how and what do i use",5,63,test at what point should the oil be changed again,5,62,train where can i cash out my card points,2,24,test please change the language,10,142,val find out how much of my pto is already used,8,120,train very true,10,139,train what's the climate like in chicago,7,91,train take the doctor appointment off my calendar please,4,51,test what month does my card stop working,2,17,val how can i order more checks since i do not have any more,1,11,train is there a time i can put in a pto request for dec 2 to new years,8,116,train tell me what kind of pets you have,9,124,train what is my remaining amount of pto days,8,115,test can i get a car rental in boise from april 11th to april 13th,6,90,val how many points have i earned with my paypal credit card so far,2,26,test check to see why us bank placed a hold on my account,1,6,test did i lock the doors,4,60,train do you work for a different person,9,123,val tell me something funny about people,9,132,train thank you a lot for that answer,9,130,train what rental insurance policy do you recommend,8,108,train how long since my car was in the shop,5,72,val what's the name of the song playing right now,4,46,val walk me through the best ways to use my credit card points,2,24,train how much do i owe on my cable bill,1,9,train where do i go to look at my credit score,2,28,val when do i have to change oil,5,62,train i need to know how to order checks for my bank of america account,1,11,val how do i let my bank know i'm going to vietnam,6,77,train how do i build my credit score,2,19,train how do you spell antithesis,7,102,train what time is it now,7,103,train needing you to play the next song,4,56,val what's my health plan,8,109,train can you check if my application for a discovery card has been looked over yet,2,27,train what kind of stuff is in potato salad,3,34,train can you tell me the status of my delta flight,6,79,train where are we located,5,61,train use a male voice now,10,144,train what's the name of my medical coverage,8,109,train will i be able to visit peru without a travel visa,6,80,test can i substitute milk for water,3,43,train please repeat,10,143,train give me current gps coordinates to my sister,7,95,train help me find new insurance providers,8,108,train pull up my shopping list for me,4,54,train whats the exact time,7,103,test do i have any meetings planned for today,8,110,train is being alive the meaning of life,9,122,train who do i work for,9,123,train would please let me know how much i spent on food in january,1,13,train do i really need a plug converter when in london,6,76,train is there a reason beyond biology about why humans are alive,9,122,test what person is the heaviest ever recorded,0,0,oos_test what's the procedure to get cash back rewards on my visa,2,24,train please help me make a request for vacation,8,116,val ac temperature is at what,4,60,test does russia have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train will i be charged if i use the card in italy,2,30,train what's the best way to jump start a kia,5,75,train i am wanting to change your name to felix,10,148,train "ai, stop talking",10,145,train where do i find the routing number for bank of the west,1,2,train i want to hear everything on my reminder list,4,49,train what hour and minute is it,7,103,train how to unclog a drain,0,0,oos_val show me roundtrip flights from dallas to houston for march 7 and march 10,6,87,train what are some ways to jump start a car,5,75,train can you tell me how old you are,9,134,train how many ounces is 2 and half cups,7,100,val where am i right this moment,5,61,train how many square feet is a 13 by 74 room,7,98,train walk me through on how to change my insurance,8,108,train jason is my name,10,147,val are there travel alerts for europe,6,84,train what is the most recent info for my request for vacation,8,106,train unfortunately it would appear that my luggage is totally lost,6,86,test "purchase a flight from fiji to san diego on november 1 that returns on december 1, please",6,87,train i need ti know the traffic in tempe,5,65,train say a fun fact about mt everest,9,126,train "could you submit a pto request for me from dates mar 3 to 9, please",8,116,train make sure bread gets added to my shopping list,4,59,train who is the creator of this ai,9,121,train could you make me a reminder to do the floors,4,50,train does this car need high octane gas,5,73,train what do you need to make pancakes,3,34,train please skip this song for me,4,56,val what is the best way to insure that my credit score doesn't decrease,2,19,val where were you made,9,128,train help remind me that i need to add laundry to my list of housework,4,48,train "should i go to okinawa, does it require an international visa",6,80,val can you cancel the reservation for kyle's party at red lobster,3,42,train find a hotel in san francisco for march 8 & 9,6,88,train what's today's weather going to be,7,91,train "set my alarm for five tomorrow morning, please",7,92,val what fuel do i need for my car,5,73,train help me unblock my account,1,6,train who invented the internet,0,0,oos_test i need to know what time it is in florida,7,103,train i want to know if there is meeting room available at 8,8,118,train do i have meetings scheduled today,8,110,train give me the apr for my mastercard,2,23,train what is the total number of pets that you have,9,124,test do you have pets,9,124,train where can i get 100% merino wool t-shirts on the internet,0,0,oos_test what would you suggest for dinner,3,40,train cancel the reservation i made for 8 pm at black rock,3,42,train how do i get to the museum on foot,5,71,train how often should the oil get changed,5,62,train please remind me at a later time,4,50,train i want to apply for a new credit card,2,29,val i can't use my card because it’s damaged badly,2,18,test when is the expiration date of my credit card,2,17,test how do i set up direct deposit to my bank of hawaii account,8,119,train what's the miles per gallon on this car,5,69,train can you speak quieter,10,140,test i don't have anymore checks for chase and need some,1,11,train how long would it take to get to times square by bus,5,70,train what are the time zones of russia,6,81,val is it possible to use baking soda instead of flour,3,43,test i want to cook a quick breakfast what ingredients do i need,3,34,train what's the minimum payment on my bill,1,8,val alert my bank and let them know that i'm travelling to brussels,6,77,train pull up the map and show my location,5,61,test on tuesday you are supposed to have a meeting,4,55,test would you say that you are human or copmuter,9,133,train does bar tartine in san francisco take reservations,3,45,train i wonder why my card got declined yesterday,2,21,train get me a flight from barcelona to paris from jet blue,6,87,test are there transaction fees for my visa if i'm in russia,2,30,train how can i tell my bank i'm going to vietnam,6,77,train can you remember the nutritional info for macaroni and cheese,3,36,train what is 005 percent of 1 percent,7,98,train who has the best record in the nba,0,0,oos_test are there any meetings room available between 8:00 and 9:00 am,8,118,train i want to travel this year but i need some suggestions,6,83,train how many dollars can i exchange for 100000 yen,6,82,train what is the largest state in the us,0,0,oos_train what's next when it seems there's a dead car battery,5,75,train i need to know nfcu's routing number,1,2,train book an appointment for an oil change,5,67,train "i was trying to get food at publix, why was my card declined",2,21,test return to your factory settings,10,149,train tell me how i can file a pleading in circuit court,0,0,oos_test i would like to hear the next song on this playlist,4,56,train what are the total calories for two servings of pasta,3,35,train i'd like to get an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train does the bleu olive have decent reviews,3,38,train i want the pin on my wells fargo account to be changed,1,3,val has my vacation request been approved,8,106,train is it possible to get schedule getting my tires inspected,5,67,train i'd like to add this song to my relaxation playlist,4,53,val how do i change the speed of your voice,10,136,test put this in my workout playlist,4,53,val are there any good hotels in salem,6,88,train how much have i spent lately on food,1,13,train can you tell me what health plan i am on,8,109,test we no longer need fries on the shopping lisr,4,59,train i'm not sure if this will hurt my credit score,2,19,train cancel my reservation for dinner,3,42,train do you work for a different employer,9,123,val can i use my credit card points for gas,2,24,train what do you like to do besides work,9,125,test can you tell me my cards minimum payment,1,8,train track the status of my purchase,4,52,val make a reminder to pay the mortgage,4,50,test can you skip this song and go to the next one,4,56,val how many days of vacation do i have left,8,115,test go ahead and put the volume to 4,10,140,train can you tell me who created you,9,121,train don't forget to set an alarm for noon,7,92,test "my card got damaged and i need to report it, please",2,18,train i have to use the phone to make a call,7,97,test what are the comments on the donuts at tgi,3,38,train "i want to change your name, please",10,148,train "hi, can you tell me the interest on my ira",1,7,train alert my bank and let them know that i'm travelling to stockholm,6,77,train how many days on holiday do i have,8,115,test what is the company that made you,9,121,val what is the purpose or benefit of a cash advance,0,0,oos_val "unfortunately, my card is damaged and unusable",2,18,train do you know whom i should contact since my luggage did not arrive,6,86,train "please add to ""kids"" playlist",4,53,train how many minutes am i from texaco,5,70,test what is your availability for conference rooms between one and two today,8,118,train switch back to factory settings,10,149,val i want to report a broken card,2,18,train what are the foreign transaction fees for cuba,2,30,train how much to wait before dining in the jack in the box at 4 pm,3,33,val "yup, that's true",10,139,val "where i can use word ""rescind",7,99,train turn on the tv,4,60,test can you confirm that i have a reservation for 2/20 at 6:00 pm,3,32,test what do you call me,10,137,test i've got tax issues and need help obtaining my w2,8,117,train what can i do in nashville,6,83,train what kind of meetings do i have today,8,110,train what are the subject areas you are knowledgable in,9,135,train what's the minimum payment for our cc bill,1,8,train set an alarm for nine minutes from now,7,96,train how real are you,9,133,train what do you think about changing your name to heath,10,148,test tell me how to change my insurance policy,8,108,val i need to know is traveling to france safe,6,84,val slow the speech down,10,136,train i want to travel to new york and i would like to rent a car,6,90,train can i get an uber for 2 to go to austin,5,64,test i'm intereted in requesting pto from april 1-5,8,116,train would you talk a bit faster instead,10,136,val let me know the number of vacation days i have,8,115,train move 100 dollars from my savings to my checking,1,10,val how many years on the earth,9,134,train i need to locate my phone,7,94,train lets talk about your hobbies,9,125,train does spirit allow more than one carry on,6,89,val "i can't remember when my car last went to the shop, can you find out for me",5,72,train recipes for garlic bread please,3,37,test "when you talk to me, use bob",10,147,train what's the current weather situation for tallahassee,7,91,train i'm low on mouthwash so create an order for me,4,57,train tell me when my last oil change was,5,72,test tell me how the weather is,7,91,train is traffic good or bad at 9:00 on the way to detroit,5,65,test "i need to know on my citibank card, what is the apr",2,23,train what's the routing number for my checking account,1,2,train can you tell me what i owe for this month's phone bill,1,9,train can you help me locate lost luggage,6,86,train please give me the nutrition facts for chicken parmesan,3,36,train i nee to know how to transfer my 401k,8,114,train can you read me my list of reminders,4,49,train do you think our lives have purpose or meaning,9,122,test do i have anything scheduled on my calendar for next tuesday,4,55,val how do i find my w-2 form,8,117,train please roll a dice,7,104,val negative,10,141,train will you speak more rapidly,10,136,train will you include kleenex on my list for shopping please,4,59,train what did i include on my list of things to remember,4,49,train where is starbucks,5,71,train for my card is there a extra card while i'm staying in italy,2,30,train how do i apply for new insurance,8,108,train would you kindly remove five mile run from my list of things to do,4,48,train how long until i my card expires,2,17,train i need to find a black suit under $100,0,0,oos_test how many carry ons can i take on a flight with delta to seattle,6,89,test please allow my account to freeze,1,1,test i wanna know the meaning of life,9,122,train are you from here or somewhere else originally,9,128,test what are the pets that you have in your possession,9,124,train how do you spell dessert,7,102,val can i apply here for a new card,2,29,test do you know the mpg for this vehicle,5,69,train how old is jennifer aniston,0,0,oos_test can you add laundry to my to do list,4,48,val how healthy is pho,3,36,train i would like to jump start my car,5,75,test diy oil change and oil type,5,63,test where will i find my w-2,8,117,val yeah,10,139,train who do i contact to order more checks for my td bank account,1,11,val how many calories are in a sandwich,3,35,test which types of questions may i ask you,9,135,train do you think you could disconnect from my phone,10,146,train will my new credit card be here this week,2,16,val i'd like for you to make sure my reservation is there for charlie's under jack,3,32,train are there any travel alerts for china,6,84,train can you put a block on my visa account right away,1,1,train i think my luggage has been misplaced,6,86,test i need to know how busy denny's is at 6 am,3,33,test are you real or fake,9,133,train please let my bank know that i will be in rome from february 1 to march 1,6,77,train look up the current auto loan rate at chase bank,0,0,oos_test has anyone locked the door,4,60,train set a timer for two minutes,7,96,train where are the best places to eat,3,41,val please go to factory settings now,10,149,train please respond in english,10,142,train can you call mom,7,97,train what was it i wanted to remember,4,49,val how you are,9,131,val tell me my electric bill minimum payment,1,8,train can you walk me through setting up direct deposit,8,119,train change your settings so that your respond to the name marion,10,148,train can you recommend thai food,3,40,test i lost my luggage coming from chicago on delta flight ab123,6,86,train do you know any good jokes about zebras,9,132,train i need to schedule a meeting with mae at 5pm,8,118,train create a speech on historical events surrounding albert einstein,0,0,oos_test what are the ratings like for chilis,3,38,train what number of vacation days do i have at my disposal,8,115,val make sure my reservation at umami with carl is canceled,3,42,train tell me how to go about reporting a damaged card,2,18,test what types of things can i ask the ai,9,135,val what ingredients do i need to make spaghetti,3,34,train vacuum out the car,0,0,oos_test would you repeat what you just said,10,143,train what is the expiration date of my wells fargo card,2,17,train how much in total will i be paying for bills,1,9,train my luggage is lost and i would like help trying to locate it,6,86,train when is my car due for an tire change,5,74,test if i go to baltimore will i be safe,6,84,train look up the lowest amount i can pay on my electricity bill,1,8,test how do you cook apple pie,3,37,train what is my saving's account balance,1,12,train has my application for a new credit card been processed,2,27,train i advise you to quit talking,10,145,train call the restaurant and cancel my reservation,3,42,train how full are my tires,5,66,train add welcome to the jungle to my workout mix,4,53,val "what is the meaning of word ""rescind",7,99,train tell me the traffic in tempe,5,65,train can you text arthur and tell them im almost there,7,105,train i need to know my earnings,8,113,train what do i do to order new checkbooks for my well's fargo account,1,11,test definition of zesty,7,99,train where should i look for my w-2,8,117,val how cold is it in wisconsin today,7,91,val i need to report a fraudulent transaction from postmates on my account,1,15,train stop speaking,10,145,test "from the second of the left ,the pink one",0,0,oos_test change to the females voice please,10,144,test i want to report my card as lost,2,20,train how can i get get a copy of my w2 for tax purposes,8,117,test i would like to know the minimum payment for my credit card,1,8,train can you please freeze my bank account,1,1,train what if you want a new credit card,2,29,train what can't i carry-on to delta,6,89,train can you tell me who's calling me,0,0,oos_test i need to know when my water bill is due,1,4,test "my card was declined at the store yesterday, what happened",2,21,train do i have any meetings between 1 and 8 pm,8,110,test does cielo take reservations,3,45,train can you give me suggestions for a professional suit under $200,0,0,oos_test i want to hear the female voice from now on,10,144,test find out the next available date and time i can go to get my oil changed please,5,67,test i'm looking for a roundtrip flight from fwa to hsv for march first to march fifth,6,87,train what are the lowest prices of bottled water at costco,0,0,oos_test take doing the dishes off my todo list,4,48,train give me some recommendations of good tourist attractions in montreal,6,83,test "i need to get some assistance figuring out how to rollover my 401k, please",8,114,train i meant no,10,141,val is the packaged delivered already,4,52,train can you recommend for me when to next get my oil changed,5,62,test do i need vaccinations if i go this country,6,85,test are you able to sub white sugar for brown sugar,3,43,train what is the current time,7,103,test is there a travel alert for [country],6,84,train please repeat yourself,10,143,train what is the timezone for paris,6,81,test "go ahead and hold a conference room for friday at 11 am, please",8,118,test do i have to have a visa to go to denmark,6,80,train call an uber to mark's house,5,64,train "yep, that's true",10,139,train what's the mpg for the car when it's on the highway,5,69,train how long can i go before changing my oil,5,62,train please remind me to take out the trash,4,50,train tell me a fun fact about the olympics,9,126,train how do i change the oil in my car,5,63,train can a robot really travel back in time,0,0,oos_test i need to know the transactions i made on the 10th,1,14,train do they take reservations at applebeesi,3,45,test tell me where i am,5,61,test i really wanna get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train what types of hobbies do you enjoy,9,125,train that's wrong,10,141,test what are the different types of tvs,0,0,oos_test the word 'you' got how many letters,7,102,train "i can not use my card, it is damaged",2,18,train can substitute cumin for tumeric,3,43,train let me know what you can assist me with,9,135,train how does this car do with mpg in the city,5,69,train how can i change my oil in my car,5,63,train vaccines for my trip to cuba,6,85,test "given my time, what time is it in mst",7,103,train do i pay my rent this week,1,4,train how come my credit card isn't working,2,21,test what's your first name,9,127,train schedule a rental car starting monday the 5th thru friday the 9th at rent a car in town,6,90,test this ai was made by what person or team,9,121,train turn your volume up,10,138,train are there any meetings i have today,8,110,train when will cameron release the sequel to avatar,0,0,oos_test what date did i last take my car in,5,72,train i need to add flour to my list for shopping if i haven't already,4,59,test i want a table at texas roadhouse; how long will it be,3,33,train what rating do the critics give the french laundry,3,38,test for the love of all that good change your accent,10,144,val add oranges to my to do shopping list,4,59,train a hidden government facility,9,128,test how expensive is it to fuel this car,5,69,train give me the date of my last oil change,5,72,test do you identify as a human or computer,9,133,train has my request for vacation time been okayed,8,106,train where is my phone now,7,94,train i need to know the dollar to peso conversion,6,82,train my luggage is lost i was on delta flight ab123 out of new york,6,86,train list the steps for applying for an american express card,2,29,train start a new text,7,105,train what about the calories for this chicken salad,3,35,train why am i locked out of my bank account,1,6,train i need to swap salt for baking soda,3,43,train how does measurement a convert to measurement b,7,100,test what do you put in chili,3,34,train why was my card declined for my monthly netflix subscription payment,2,21,train traffic looking alright going towards burger king,5,65,train what percentage of my income is taken out for taxes,8,112,train erase all voicemails in my inbox please,0,0,oos_test ai how are you doing today,9,131,train i prefer to go by brad,10,147,train how are my tires,5,66,train can you book me a hotel in los angeles near commerce casino from april 1st to the 5th,6,88,train do you work for anyone else,9,123,train what do i need to do to cook a chicken,3,37,test rolls have how many calories,3,35,test how can i get a new credit card,2,29,train show me yesterday's last transaction,1,14,train look up when my payday is supposed to be,8,111,test are you a computer or a real person,9,133,train by chance would it be possible to reserve me a hotel in afghanistan at the zoo for the 10th to the 15th,6,88,val how do i say good bye in chinese,6,78,val tell me something fun about gravity,9,126,train can i hurt my credit score,2,19,train do you know any fun facts about australian football,9,126,train text nick and tell him the car's ready,7,105,train will you flip a coin so i can make a choice,7,101,train i need to know when was the last time i had my car checked out for a tune up,5,72,train what's the current psi for my tires,5,66,train how long will i wait for a table at red lobster,3,33,train "did i buy too many donuts recently, like last week",1,13,val i think my luggage was misplaced or has been lost,6,86,train stop doing that,10,145,train how do i know when to get the tires changed on my car,5,74,test turn on the living room lights,4,60,train "flip that coin please, i choose heads",7,101,train let my group know what my current location is,7,95,train show cody where i am,7,95,test will you allow more spending on my visa,2,22,train what is the exchange rate between british pounds and yen,6,82,train put on lights,4,60,train what are my state taxes looking like,8,112,train look into the status of the credit card application i submitted recently for my new card,2,27,train what are some fun things i can partake in in atlanta,6,83,train are there any specific shots i should get before traveling to england,6,85,train tell me a non-offensive joke,9,132,train what do you recommend to do in vegas,6,83,train i am going to go ahead and pair this with my new phone,10,146,train do i need to apply for a visa to visit dnipro,6,80,train i need to put in a pto request from the 8th to the 17th of january,8,116,train how many miles does my car get per gallon,5,69,train i want factory settings put back in place,10,149,train what do i do to get new insurance,8,108,train what is the warranty on my microwave,0,0,oos_test can you tell me what i earned,8,113,train what do i owe in federal taxes,8,112,train who was the first capcom character,0,0,oos_train can i summon a demon using just an ouija board,0,0,oos_test let’s chat using spanish,10,142,train what sort of fuel should i use for this car,5,73,train what name do you prefer,9,127,train "no, you are wrong",10,141,test can i use sour cream in place of creme fraiche,3,43,train i want to know what kind of gas this car uses,5,73,test what can i do in evans,6,83,train detail a list of possible job openings in the miami public school system,0,0,oos_test please show me how to set up my paycheck for direct deposit to my chase account,8,119,val in my tank how much gas is there,5,68,train do i need a plug converter when i visit russia,6,76,train was there a problem with my card yesterday,2,21,val what is the process i need to follow to get a new credit card,2,29,train i would appreciate it if you could tell me the status of my southwest flight,6,79,train i was at whole foods trying to buy groceries and my card got declined,2,21,train can you check on the status of my credit card application,2,27,val can you check and see if my credit card application has been approved or not,2,27,train how much is my electric bill for,1,9,train did i bring my car to the shop last week,5,72,test could you let me know what song this is,4,46,train tell me how many blue ties i own,0,0,oos_test what is the reason for whole foods declining my card,2,21,train ai what was the question,10,143,train please tell me my meeting schedule,8,110,val how to fix walls,0,0,oos_test what meetings are scheduled for today,8,110,train closest auto parts store to find replace for dead car battery,5,75,train i'm striving to find a 2-way flight from jfk to dtw for w to july 3,6,87,val i have lost my phone,7,94,val when did i last get my car checked,5,72,val i need to hear what's on my shopping list,4,54,train make me laugh,9,132,train i want to know the ingredients for making pizza,3,34,test what is the date of your birth,9,134,train can you tell me the status of my credit card application,2,27,test how good are the ratings for chez panisse,3,38,train i want to send a text message to,7,105,train way to change car oil,5,63,val could you check and see if my credit card application has been processed and approved or not,2,27,train add sprite to my shopping list,4,59,train find a virtual dice and roll it for me please,7,104,train where do i locate the form that has my tax information,8,117,train did they approve my day off request,8,106,train what area did you grow up in,9,128,train can you set a timer for me,7,96,train i need to know when my flight scheduled to board,6,79,train will i have to wait a long time to receive my new credit card after i lost my old one,2,16,val let the rents have my current location,7,95,train alert the bank that i am traveling to tokyo on the 7th until the 21st,6,77,train can traveling to nepal be safe (what's safe in x),6,84,train i need more information about my income,8,113,train when will tofu expire if i keep it in the freezer,3,31,test "if i were mongolian, how would i say that i am a tourist",6,78,train yes i am,10,139,train tell the restaurant i cannot make it,3,42,train how long will it take to get to tacoma,5,70,val flip that coin once; it must be tails,7,101,train send 20 dollars from savings to checking,1,10,train tell me when i last had my oil changed,5,72,test how long will a bus ride take if i'm going to the capitol building,5,70,train tell me what time it is right now,7,103,train have you heard anything back on my cc application,2,27,train call aj now,7,97,val what are your hobbies in life,9,125,test when's your birthday,9,134,test i was at costco trying to buy groceries and my card got declined,2,21,train tell me how good the apr is on my card please,2,23,train by what name people call me,10,137,train i must rollover my 401k,8,114,test please unsync from my phone,10,146,train let me know if my application for american saving bank,2,27,test do i have any meetings scheduled between 3 and 5 pm today,8,110,train how do i set the alarm,7,92,train please show me how to share my location with noel,7,95,train what gas goes in the vehicle,5,73,test what time am i meeting with john,8,110,val this was a great conversation,9,129,train i want to buy something,4,57,train find the nutrition info for cheese fries for me,3,36,test add ruby soho by rancid to my playlist,4,53,train what's your opinion on the meaning of life,9,122,val how do i tell mastercard about a fraudulent charge,1,15,train could you tell me what my routing number from first republic is,1,2,train can you call mary,7,97,train can you reserve a table for 2 at red lobster at 8pm,3,39,train alert my bank and let them know i'm travelling to japan,6,77,train when do i need to get my tires changed,5,74,train may i suggest we put paper towels on my list for shopping,4,59,train can i change your name,10,148,train when's my flight boarding,6,79,train what is the bank's routing number,1,2,test they call me josh,10,147,train please turn the volume to 4,10,140,val can you cancel that,10,145,test at what point will the review of my credit card application be completed,2,27,val catch you around,9,129,train ai throw the dice on the table,7,104,test what kind of vacation days have i used so far,8,120,train will i need to use a plug converter in el salvador,6,76,train tell me my tires' air pressure,5,66,train how much pto has been used on my behalf,8,120,train what is it i wanted to bear in mind,4,49,val are my tires properly inflated with air,5,66,train i am not sure if i have enough money in my chase account to buy a new dress,1,12,val how long do the brownies have to cook,3,44,train any new restaurants near the mall,3,41,train how much do i owe in bills,1,9,train what is needed to change my oil,5,63,train what will the date be 100 days from now,7,93,train procedure to change oil in car,5,63,val "the magnetic strip on my card is scratched, let the card company know",2,18,train help me find a recipe for a beef casserole,3,37,train please change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train schedule a monday meeting with sam at 1 pm,8,118,val i would like to compare insurance plan options,8,108,train find out how i can best clip my dog's nails,0,0,oos_test whats the travel time to redmond right now,5,70,val how many dollars is 20 yen worth,6,82,test "for the calendar, on february 8 add moms birthday",4,51,train i wanna know my car's tire pressure,5,66,test how do i get to the supermarket on foot,5,71,train i want to cancel the reservation for mercury at the ritz,3,42,train can i make a reservation for 2 at state bird for 8:30,3,39,train i have to meet with sam at 9:00am in two days,8,118,train give me instruction mannual on how to change oil,5,63,train wake me up at 6 am,7,92,train what's the smallest amount i can pay on the water bill,1,8,train are you older than me,9,134,train tomorrow i need the alarm to go off at 5,7,92,train what's the currency conversion between usd and yen,6,82,train what is 60 percent off of 350 dollars,7,98,train are there any vacancies in new york city from april 2 through april 8,6,88,train abort running program,10,145,train who makes you,9,121,val "if my credit card was stolen, how long will it take to replace",2,16,train what is hello in french,6,78,train "i have a rash, what can i use for it",0,0,oos_test "at the olympics, what country won the gold medal in basketball",0,0,oos_test i gotta know what kinds of pets you have,9,124,train not quite sure how to respond,10,150,train i applied for a visa card; did that go through,2,27,train "in canadian dollars, what is $30",6,82,test can you tell me how do i get new insurance,8,108,val i'm out of clorox wipes so will you put that on my shopping list,4,59,val i need you to change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train what do i do if i suspect my car battery is dead,5,75,test does my mastercard have any rewards points remaining,2,26,train disconnect from my phone now,10,146,train why is my bank account stopping all transactions from going through,1,6,train what is your explanation for the meaning of life,9,122,train how long to grill thick steaks,3,44,test what casino game has the best odds,0,0,oos_test put $20000 into my checking account from my savings account,1,10,train how much interest am i getting in my citibank savings,1,7,val please find out if napolis takes lunch reservations,3,45,train what is your current income,8,113,train is it ok if i start speaking to you in german,10,142,train would you tell me my bank balance,1,12,test get me the apr on my visa card,2,23,train what's the more secure bank vault,0,0,oos_test how long does it take to get to the park in detroit,5,70,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at houlihan’s for mike,3,32,train do i have options on how to improve my credit score,2,19,val don't continue with what you're doing,10,145,train i need to know how many cups are in a two gallons,7,100,train where do i find the routing number for chase,1,2,train did they process the credit card i applied for,2,27,train how unhealthy is stress,0,0,oos_test can you please provide me with assistance in moving money from one account to another,1,10,test i need to set the timer for two minutes,7,96,train i want your speech settings to be made slower,10,136,train add song to my hype playlist,4,53,val is my apr rate good,2,23,test recall the things i wanted to remember,4,49,val help me find a good reviews hotel in la,6,88,train you want to know about current time now,0,0,oos_val call justin,7,97,train what's today's weather,7,91,val oil changes are typical done how often,5,62,train what is one standard deviation,0,0,oos_test what amount of time do i need to cook lobster for,3,44,train will you help me reserve a rental car for my trip to dallas,6,90,train can you recommend an indian restaurant,3,41,train can you locate my w-2,8,117,train how much gas do i have in my tank,5,68,test how do you prepare omelet,3,37,test how many days are left for me for vacation if i may ask,8,115,train what is the area that you came from,9,128,train tell me five dollars in yen and rubles,6,82,train so are you human,9,133,train what time would it be in rome right now,7,103,train where do i go to order more checks for my well's fargo account,1,11,test a new cards takes how long to mail to me,2,16,train is the friday's full after 4,3,33,test set an alarm to start work and another to stop,7,92,train what can i get with my mastercard points,2,24,test what's your country of origin,9,128,train is my tire pressure in the correct range,5,66,train tell me where my luggage is,6,86,train how can i replace my car battery,5,75,train "how long have you been around, ai",9,134,train what is the apr on my barclay's card,2,23,train farewell,9,129,val set a reminder to call my mom,4,50,train let my bank know i actually am visiting brazil,6,77,test what is the amount i owe to clay electric,1,9,val i don't know where my luggage is,6,86,train what is the routing number on my first merit account,1,2,train book a flight from la to madrid with southwest,6,87,train save my text on my laptop hard drive,0,0,oos_test tell me a random fact,9,126,train "say that i am in tulsa, will i be charged even more if i use my card",2,30,val why'd they put a freeze on my bank account,1,6,train i want your new name to be joshua,10,148,train will you call and check on my reservation for john at bardenay,3,32,test are you sure i don’t think that’s correct,10,141,train i need to do something about my dead car battery,5,75,train how do i install new cabinets,0,0,oos_test where do i have to be on 12/03/2019,4,55,val make it so my paycheck goes directly into my savings account,8,119,train please set timer for 4 pm,7,96,train set an alarm for 235pm and another an hour later,7,92,val what vaccines do i need before i travel there,6,85,train can you add up how much time i've taken off so far,8,120,train i demagnetized my card and want to report it,2,18,train your answer was enjoyable,9,130,train what is my credit max,2,25,test i want to get directions to the closest atm,5,71,train what are my gps coordinates right now,5,61,train tell me how to apply for a credit card,2,29,test what is the calorie count for muffins,3,35,train tell me where to a w2 form,8,117,test can i have my current gps coordinates,5,61,train call sal,7,97,test "i think i owe about 100 left on my bills, am i forgetting anything",1,9,test where did your mom give birth,9,128,train read some of the reviews for wing stop,3,38,train are there any fun tourist activities in australia,6,83,train you got to go back to factory settings now,10,149,train i was at costco trying to buy sheets and my card got declined,2,21,train i need to know your name,9,127,train that appears true,10,139,train how come my card was not accepted yesterday,2,21,train how ya been,9,131,val tell me the content of my to do list today,4,58,train i would like to know the mpg of my car,5,69,test do my tires need to be changed,5,74,train provide me with the knowledge of whether you are a human or are a computer,9,133,test where did i place my phone,7,94,test i need you to stop talking now,10,145,train how do i jump start a battery,5,75,train i want to know the time to get to td bank in toms river,5,70,train get me an uber,5,64,train can i safely eat chicken that i've had in my fridge since monday,3,31,train name a good restaurant near me,3,41,train i need to get a flight out of tampa to chicago in a month for under $123,6,87,train can you set up a pto request for me for march 20th to april 12th,8,116,train i want to know the bofa routing number,1,2,val is it possible for you to read the things on my shopping list,4,54,val can i get an uber for 4 to the mall,5,64,train does the restaurant michael's take reservations,3,45,train tell me when to next change my tires,5,74,val quit,10,145,train is the traffic bad at 5:00 if i'm going to the mall,5,65,train search for any travel alerts for canada,6,84,train please help me with my 401k rollover since i got a new job,8,114,train what type of gas am i allowed to put in this car,5,73,train i need to transfer from this account to that one,1,10,train how much pto have i depleted,8,120,train make a reminder to change the cat litter,4,50,train how long has it been since my oil was changed,5,72,train can i swap sugar for salt,3,43,train please tell me when is the next holiday here,8,107,val take me to the nearest dairy queen,5,71,train italy is in what timezone,6,81,train how can i control where microsoft word inserts a page break,0,0,oos_test where are you from if i may ask,9,128,val how soon can i expect a replacement card for my lost card to arrive,2,16,test show me ideas for hamburger,3,37,test what is 56 dollars in yen,6,82,train how are british plugs,6,76,val are any earning reports due,0,0,oos_val what types of pets do you keep,9,124,val how much time is left on my laundry,0,0,oos_test tell me about the weather today,7,91,train give me a random number between 1 and 6,7,104,train tell me something interesting about sperm whales,9,126,train is red lobster busy at 6pm,3,33,train is it payday,8,111,test "i appreciate your help, thank you",9,130,train how many kilos are in 100 pounds,7,100,train provide me the number of vacation days i have,8,115,train read the phone number for mom in my phone contacts,0,0,oos_test "how do you spell ""montpelier",7,102,test what is the sum of 10 plus 5,7,98,train leave the date of june 4 open on my calendar,4,51,train what's next on the list,4,56,train confirm that there is a reservation at bellagio for thomas,3,32,test tell me some something trivia,9,126,train bank options direct deposit,8,119,test thank you for the information,9,130,train "what the heck, where's my luggage!",6,86,train have i gotten around to adding the bike ride to my calendar yet,4,55,test my disney visa card is stolen,2,20,val "disconnect from my phone, please",10,146,train volume needs to be at 4,10,140,train start a timer for two minutes,7,96,train fill out the paperwork for tonys new daycare center,0,0,oos_test i need to rent a car for may 10th to may 15th in lizton and i'd like a bmw,6,90,test i gotta make a reservation for 8 pm at red robin for 3,3,39,train what's the point balance on my marriot rewards card,2,26,train is waffles on my list for shopping,4,54,val what did you ask again,10,143,val let me know which company were you designed by,9,121,test can applebees take any reservations,3,45,train where can i find my routing number,1,2,test what's the limit on my discover card,2,25,test can you confirm my reservation for minnis at 4:00,3,32,train is it possible to only talk in spanish,10,142,train i think my visa card was stolen,2,20,train cancel that input,10,145,train how do i order checks once i run out,1,11,train convert inches to centimeters,7,100,train freeze my account for me,1,1,test how long should i cook ham for,3,44,val can you confirm my reservation for chillis at 8:00,3,32,train how much do americans pay for federal taxes on average,8,112,train "can you play me that, ""baby shark, doo doo,"" song",4,47,train what do i do to find my current location,5,61,train how would i apply for an american express,2,29,val how do i get my paycheck direct deposited to my chase account,8,119,train what is 750 divided by 5,7,98,train i would like brenda to have my location,7,95,val what's the best restaurant in arizona for pizza,6,83,val "ai, please flip a coin",7,101,train my income equals what amount,8,113,train what events do i have going on on march 11th,4,55,test i need to order new checks because i am all out,1,11,val how can i set up direct deposit,8,119,train how much are my rent and cable,1,9,test do i have transaction fees if i use my american card internationally,2,30,test can you alert me when my phone bill is due,1,4,train how would i say hello if i were swedish,6,78,train please give my routing number for my national account,1,2,train provide a random roll of the dice,7,104,train it's necessary to call michael,7,97,train i need to switch back to my factory settings,10,149,train please read my reminder list,4,49,val the definition of affiliate is,7,99,train when will i be getting my next paycheck,8,111,train what's the calorie info for 2 cups of regular chex mix,3,35,train how do i change my oil,5,63,test what sorts of activities do you enjoy,9,125,train add flour to my shopping list if it's not already on it,4,59,train how do i change oil on a car,5,63,val what is the latest date that i can pay my direct tv bill this month,1,4,train how can i keep my credit score from falling,2,19,test how do you spell out shepherd,7,102,train can i raise the limit to 500 dollars,2,22,train can you let me listen to elvis,4,47,train the reservation i made is not required anymore,3,42,train "can you cancel that, please",10,145,test put my parents anniversary on the calendar for next week on tuesday,4,51,train is my credit score over 700 yet,2,28,test lower your voice box,10,140,train set a reminder for me,4,50,train how long does it take to make roast chicken,3,44,train do people call you by a certain name what is it,9,127,train change voice speed,10,136,test where can i go to eat,3,41,test how many vacation days are remaining on my time,8,115,test i have to roll over my 401k to a new account and i don't know how,8,114,train what do i need to do to request vacation time off,8,116,train i want for you to disconnect from my phone,10,146,train are bananas on my shopping list can you add them if they aren't,4,59,train what's the apr on my savings account,1,7,test "thanks for chatting, later",9,129,train how do i ask for a limit increase on my discover card,2,22,test repeat my to do list,4,58,val how much money do i earn,8,113,test what is my insurance coverage,8,109,val do i need any specific shots if i go to the uk,6,85,train how can i rent a car in boston,6,90,train i need your volume increased,10,140,val please change the name of you to tim,10,148,train what type of restaurants are nearby,3,41,train what do you do for fun in your free time,9,125,train do you know whether you are a human or whether you're a computer,9,133,train i need to know my credit's limit,2,25,val do you know why my account appears to be blocked,1,6,train when does travelling require a visa,6,80,train "in my car, what's the fuel economy",5,69,train where am i located,5,61,train open up internet browser,0,0,oos_test how do they say hello in brazil,6,78,train can you tell a joke,9,132,train how much tax do i owe,8,112,train check to see the status of my recent online order,4,52,train i want to be called mollie,10,147,train it is very much false,10,141,test is there a limit to how long you can store bread in the freezer,3,31,train what interest rate am i getting from sunflower bank,1,7,test please set alarm for me,7,92,train "nutrition information for chicken nuggets, please",3,36,train what step do i take if my bag got lost on the flight,6,86,train undecided,10,150,test "i don't like this song, can skip it",4,56,test take toilet paper off my shopping list and add paper towels,4,59,test how long do cheeseburgers take to make,3,44,train how many ounces in a liter,7,100,val show me the transaction on my car,1,14,train what is my name,10,137,val can i switch cream with milk in a recipe,3,43,train tell me some amazing trivia about radios,9,126,train do i have enough points to for a redemption,2,24,train freeze my account,1,1,train how do i check my rewards for my old navy card,2,26,val is there a wait time to get into tgifridays,3,33,train "current time, please",7,103,train what is the process of making a vacation request,8,116,test i decide to switch out of whisper mode,10,138,train how much do i have to pay this month,1,9,test i want to know how long it is from here to the sky harbor airport,5,70,train what am i paying in taxes,8,112,test how long to be seated at carrabas,3,33,test i want to know if my credit card application has been processed yet,2,27,train i believe there's fraud on my card,1,15,train so i get charged if i use my card in france,2,30,test "my luggage did not arrive, please investigate",6,86,train what's my apr on the credit card i used for a purchase a week ago,2,23,train add to my list of things to do: wash the dog,4,48,val guide me through jump starting a car,5,75,train what is my intetest rate,1,7,train my back needs to be notified that i will be in american from april to may,6,77,val "update my shopping list, delete canned olives",4,59,train what can you tell me about flight dl123,6,79,test what is my current signal strength,0,0,oos_test can you help me find my cellphone,7,94,train how long will i have to wait until they replace a stolen credit card,2,16,train how many calories does doing 20 situps burn,0,0,oos_test what hobbies do you do,9,125,train what do you think we are on earth for,9,122,val i don't have any idea,10,150,val how is my vacation request looking,8,106,train set a reminder to pay my taxes,4,50,val i would like to know when is the next holiday here,8,107,val look up hotels with positive reviews in new york city,6,88,train who do you think i am,10,137,train pay my electric bill from my amex account,1,5,train what's the balance of my bank accounts,1,12,train tell me an axolotl fact,9,126,val how long before the next day off is here,8,107,train how is the word acquaintance spelled,7,102,train what does a sausage sandwich have for calories,3,35,train your speech slower it,10,136,test do i need to get vaccines before my trip,6,85,train how can i raise my credit score,2,19,test tell me when i received my last paycheck,8,111,train i'd like it to be louder,10,140,train how can i acquire new insurance,8,108,train what benefits does my insurance provide,8,109,train can you factor x squared plus 4 x plus 4,7,98,val how many rewards points do i have for my amazon card,2,26,train do you have any suggested roman recipes,3,40,test what goes in broccoli cheddar soup,3,34,train can i get some funds to pay my utility bill,1,5,val what's the mpg rating on my car,5,69,val why thank you,9,130,train what team does eli mannign play for,0,0,oos_train are you a bot or a real person,9,133,train if you had to say who you worked for who would it be,9,123,train put a hold on my bank of america account right away please,1,1,train what do i need to make chicken noodle casserole,3,34,train when was the last time my car was serviced,5,72,val could you inform ann and scott of my location,7,95,test i want to fly to atlanta for under 300 from pittsburgh,6,87,test please remind me of something,4,50,train how do i locate the due date for my bug bill,1,4,test """please set 5 minute timer",7,96,train what will the weather be this weekend,7,91,train please can we go to the next song,4,56,test please add this song to my study playlist,4,53,test i would like for you to unsync my phone,10,146,test how long will it take to fix shepherd's pie,3,44,train phone call secretary,7,97,train put the lights on low,4,60,train can you schedule a meeting at 10 am tomorrow with john smith,8,118,train which nations are not democratic,0,0,oos_val "my card needs replaced, i accidentally scraped it",2,18,train i need a meeting room at 2pm on friday,8,118,train can you talk more slowly,10,136,test will i run out of gas before i get to sioux falls,5,68,train i wonder how many points i have earned with my bank of america card,2,26,train can you place a stop on my account,1,1,val what is on my schedule between 10:00 am and 11:00 am,8,110,train please show me what transactions i made on the first of this month,1,14,train please remove the phone's sync,10,146,train can you tell me the routing number for bank of america for domestic accounts,1,2,train can you explain the meaning of life to me,9,122,train why would the bank have frozen my account,1,6,train i was trying to buy a chainsaw at the tractor store and they said my card was declined,2,21,val i want to use spanish with you,10,142,test my friends call me carrie,10,147,train how much psi is in my car tires,5,66,val tell me how to apply for an american express card,2,29,train how do i know my insurance benefits,8,109,train will i be permitted to take my vacation,8,106,val can i put in a pto request for december 3rd to december 10th,8,116,test how can i check my credit card limit,2,25,train what have i spent on food this month,1,13,test what will tomorrow be on the calendar,7,93,test what are the rules regarding carry-on baggage for flights on virgin airlines,6,89,train how can i start my car using a jump start,5,75,train play oldschool rap,4,47,test when do i have to renew my card so it doesn't expire,2,17,train cancel my reservation for bob at red robin,3,42,test is the marathon on friday added to my calendar,4,55,test please play the song that goes like hey jude don't make it bad,4,47,train "in aiken, get me a rental for may 12 to may 16",6,90,train i'd like to reset to factory settings,10,149,train i'd like to revert to factory settings,10,149,train tell john and sam where i am,7,95,train please delete the items on my to do list,4,48,val for march 1 to 2 make a pto request for me,8,116,train answer me in french,10,142,train can you go to the whisper voice,10,138,train is it going to rain today,7,91,train cancel reservation at eight for the group,3,42,val how much is my electricity bill costing me,1,9,train do i have a fraudulent transaction on my account,1,15,test do you take orders from someone else,9,123,test have a good day,9,129,val i wanna know a phrase in spanish,6,78,train can i cancel my reservations please,3,42,train roll a dice,7,104,train i need to know my cable bill minimum payment,1,8,train turn down volume,10,140,train put clean stovetop on my list of reminders,4,48,train could you reserve me a hotel room in philadelphia near chinatown from 3/19 through 3/22,6,88,train i'd like to schedule a tire inspection,5,67,train give me my location,5,61,test can you tell me the routing number for my chase checking,1,2,train what is the square root of 104,7,98,train where can i check my credit rating,2,28,train please change to the female voice,10,144,train what's the name of the day today,7,93,test why didn't my card work,2,21,test do you know how old you are,9,134,test can you calculate 18 divided by 45,7,98,train give me information about the element carbon and its reactions with hydrogen,0,0,oos_test schedule family dinner on my calendar on march 8,4,51,train what do i need for a plug in wales,6,76,test what would five pounds be in kilos,7,100,train can i use baking powder instead of baking soda,3,43,train i would like to make a transfer,1,10,train would you please make a reservation for 2 at olive garden for 5 pm today,3,39,train x on the shopping list please,4,59,train how hard is it to close a bank account at wells fargo,0,0,oos_test show me the routing number for chase,1,2,train will there be a wait time at this restaurant,3,33,train find my interest rate,1,7,train "what's the current date, month and year",7,93,train i need to schedule a meeting,8,118,train how do i jump start the car,5,75,train when will you send me a replacement card,2,16,train indeed,10,139,train what is the exact time right now in the hawaii time zone,7,103,train contact the bank about fraud activity on my card,1,15,val check my calendar for saturday,4,55,train what's the calorie content of french fries,3,35,test who invented you,9,121,train let me know what ingredients i need to make pasta,3,34,test how many days until the next holiday arrives,8,107,train what should i do about losing my luggage,6,86,test i need to know the total calories for a chicken caesar salad,3,35,train is the resataurant busy at 5:00 pm,3,33,test is there a status update on my vacation approval,8,106,test i'd like you to purchase me canned soup,4,57,train where will the next olympics be hosted,0,0,oos_test when do i need to change my motor oil next,5,62,val is cooked chicken still good after being refrigerated for two weeks,3,31,val what type of gas goes into the car,5,73,test do you have any idea if the flying wing does reservations,3,45,test what is that tune,4,46,val call me an uber please,5,64,test what funny jokes do you know,9,132,train what ingredients do i need to make raisin bread,3,34,val have i been giving lot of money to food to food lately,1,13,train what would you be able to do with me,9,135,test can you tell me the amount of gas i have remaining,5,68,train create alarms for 8 pm and 9 pm,7,92,val can you assist with my utility bill payment,1,5,val what's the spanish word for pasta,6,78,test how do i move my 401k,8,114,train i'm traveling to denmark soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train where is the closest mcdonald's to foxwoods casino,5,71,test where's the closest car wash my car smells,0,0,oos_test please suggest some fun tourist activities in tokyo,6,83,train does travel to africa require any shots,6,85,train i need to set a reminder to call lisa for her birthday,4,50,test did i put milk on the shopping list,4,54,train i need to have an appointment to get my oil changed,5,67,train i'd like a 7 sided dice roll please,7,104,train when will my tires need changed,5,74,train send from my bbc money market to my t rowe price money market seven thousand dollars,1,10,val what time do i have to pay z bill,1,4,train i want you to connect to my handset,10,146,test what can i call you,9,127,test how many vacation days have i saved up,8,115,val when did i most recently have my car in the shop,5,72,train what is my credit card's apr,2,23,train how long til my new card arrives by mail,2,16,train read to me my to do list,4,58,train what's a good way to organize my tools in my garage,0,0,oos_test which company has gone up the most today,0,0,oos_test what's the total vacation days i've gone through,8,120,train is my todo list free,4,58,val is my order here,4,52,val play the next song instead,4,56,train "ai, i lost my phone, help me find it please",7,94,train set up an alarm,7,92,train do you charge me if i use my card in japan,2,30,train what time is it right now in cst,7,103,train when will my tires need to be changed,5,74,test please put the meeting with carla on my to do list,4,48,train can you tell me what the date of expiry for my visa card is,2,17,test "is it possible for me to take a pto for two days, starting february 7",8,116,train remind me to do this in awhile,4,50,train what is the status of my new credit card application,2,27,train tell me about any travel alerts issued for germany,6,84,train "hey, how's it going",9,131,train i'm looking for a good suggestion for norse cuisine,3,40,train "do i get a replacement card mailed, and when",2,16,train what will the date be in 64 days,7,93,train i will call you jimbo from now on,10,148,train what is the exchange to yen if i have 100 us dollars,6,82,train search information on how to apply foundation,0,0,oos_test what do my benefits look like,8,109,train what are some fun silly things to do in new jersey,6,83,test i want to apply for a wells fargo credit card,2,29,val i can't locate my phone,7,94,train help me move my money please,1,10,train what kinds of things would you be able to help me with,9,135,train what's the definition of remunerative,7,99,test please put a hold on my retirement account right now,1,1,val how much does it cost to get two jackets dry cleaned,0,0,oos_test how long should i expect beef stroganoff to prepare,3,44,train please only use a whisper when speaking,10,138,train "if you don't mind, please switch to whisper mode",10,138,train can you call russell,7,97,train timer for 5 minutes,7,96,train tell me my current location please,5,61,train what is the process to set up a meeting,8,118,val what is spanish for good morning,6,78,train can i eat chicken if it's been in the fridge since monday,3,31,train speak quiet as though you were in a church,10,138,train how healthy is tomato soup,3,36,train hey how old are you,9,134,val your name will be queen,10,148,train fill up my water bottle for the gym,0,0,oos_test can you please order me more plastic bags,4,57,train what did they name you,9,127,test can i get a timer set,7,96,test what,10,143,val are there any transaction fees associated with my usaa card if i am in south korea,2,30,train how do i best deal with the airport,0,0,oos_test which day is it today,7,93,val what's the traffic like on the way to walmart,5,65,train may you repeat what you said again,10,143,train when is my oil due to be changed,5,62,train i wish to pay my cable bill,1,5,train i need to book a car rental in las vegas,6,90,val can you tell me how to set up direct deposit,8,119,test "i am going to be traveling in turkey, are there any alerts",6,84,train is there more than one occult that a person can join,0,0,oos_test what is the city fuel efficiency for this car,5,69,train search my calendar for birthday,4,55,train flip the coin ai,7,101,val can you enable subtitles,0,0,oos_test its date night and we cant decide where to go help,3,41,train when i go to dubai will i need a socket converter,6,76,train what hobbies do you like doing,9,125,train display the routing number for account huntington,1,2,train do i have enough in my boa account for a new pair of skis,1,12,train my friend steve needs my gps coordinates send them to him,7,95,train aquire the soundtracks from the movie if i stay and add them to my ipod,0,0,oos_test where should i go for good thai food in las vegas,3,41,train "ai, do you like your name",9,127,train how many points do i have on my visa,2,26,test really dont know,10,150,train call an uber that fits 5 people that are on their way to wendys,5,64,train put me on a call to sally,7,97,train what kind of credit score do i have,2,28,train "computer, call alexa",7,97,test turn up the volume,10,140,test i'd like to know how you are doing,9,131,test "who can look at my car, the engine light is on",5,67,train how can i look at rewards for my amex card,2,26,train who brought you up,9,121,train will you respond to adam instead of the current name,10,148,val turn to the voice of the woman,10,144,test can you help me find a lasagna recipe,3,37,train would i need new tires if my last purchase was in may of 2018,5,74,train i want the name of your boss,9,123,val what do i do to get cach back for points on my discover card,2,24,train read me some fun facts,9,126,train thank you for your time,9,130,train how much money will i get or owe on my federal tax return,8,112,train i want to a book a roundtrip flight from san antonio to dtw departing on friday and returning on wednesday,6,87,test where were you programmed,9,121,val how long do tires last for,5,74,train is my meeting with frank on my list of reminders,4,49,test is it normal to use mayo instead of cheese,3,43,val go ahead and cancel my reservation for 5 at red robin,3,42,test please add this song to my jazz playlist,4,53,train what is the credit limit for my usaa card,2,25,train i was trying to buy qtips at walmart and my card got declined,2,21,train can you help me hunt for my missing cellphone,7,94,test what is the name you call me,10,137,train please note vacuuming on my to do list,4,48,test give me some tips on building up my credit score,2,19,test "using this playlist, play next song",4,56,train what is 1100 minus 2347,7,98,test how many calories are in a burger,3,35,test is studying for the chem exam on my todo list,4,58,train how much money did i use to spend on catering five hours ago,1,13,train how long before the next holiday here,8,107,test what is the number of pto days i have left,8,115,test stop that,10,145,train can i replace a stolen card soon,2,16,train what kind of gas will i need to put in this car,5,73,train "what time is it in fredericksburg, tx",7,103,train what is my spending limit on my chase sapphire card,2,25,train please book me an uber ride to the stadium,5,64,train what is the reward balance on my discover card,2,26,train can you sync up with my phone,10,146,test track down my phone for me,7,94,val help me add this song to my country music playlist,4,53,test is there someone else you work for,9,123,train buhbye,9,129,train how do i put in a vacation request,8,116,test "i missed that last one, please repeat",10,143,train list my insurance benefits,8,109,train beginning playing the next tune,4,56,train "hey, speak slowly",10,136,train i need to know my routing number,1,2,train when did my car get looked at last,5,72,train please flip coin ai,7,101,val please order me some new checks,1,11,train how many miles does this car get per gallon,5,69,val make sure all doors are locked,4,60,train did my vacation get approved yet,8,106,val reserve a table for 4 at red robin under the name kevin at 7,3,39,train call robby for me,7,97,train i have just switched jobs and need assistance with my 401k rollover,8,114,train set 4 as the volume,10,140,test do i need a socket converter in england,6,76,train do you know why my bank account is frozen,1,6,test what's the best make-up to cover a black eye,0,0,oos_test "yes, that is correct",10,139,train what is my credit rating,2,28,test please tell me does zeus do reservations,3,45,train i would like to report my card as stolen,2,20,train how much gas do i have left,5,68,val i need 2000 to go to my chase checking from my mellon bank savings account,1,10,val what's the name of this release,4,46,train i want to know when the deadline is to pay my car loan,1,4,test i really must know when should i get my oil changed next,5,62,train was the order delivered,4,52,val can you reset to factor settings,10,149,val when will my cc application process,2,27,train repeal the dinner reservation,3,42,train what kind of weather is there,7,91,train forget this song and go to the next,4,56,train what's my yearly salary,8,113,test book a flight from denver to austin on the 16th and returning on the 20th,6,87,train your birth occurred where,9,128,train where is your home,9,128,train how much are my cable and water bills,1,9,train "so i have had pizza in the fridge since monday, so is it safe to eat",3,31,train lets set a timer for me,7,96,train show me some restaurants that have high reviews for eating out,3,41,test when do i need to change my oil next,5,62,val set a reminder for later,4,50,train do i overspend when it comes to fast food,1,13,test what's your age alexa,9,134,train will i need a visa to go to moldova,6,80,train from where are w2 forms given,8,117,train when does my paycheck arrive,8,111,train do you know the ingredients used in homemade chicken soup,3,34,val can you add eggs to my shopping list,4,59,test find my credit score for me,2,28,train what date were you created on,9,134,train pay a bribe using my money market account,1,5,train do you like cats or dogs,9,124,train can you please unlock my bank account,1,6,train i would prefer your voice to be male,10,144,train would you change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train order me a book of stamps and envelopes,0,0,oos_test what are the best sushi restaurants in reno,3,41,train it seems my luggage was lost,6,86,train how's traffic en route to virginia,5,65,train how can i tell what the interest rate on my money market account is,1,7,test what's my current bank savings,1,12,train change all setting to original ones,10,149,test i have a bs transaction from ebay on my account,1,15,test what time is my flight scheduled to leave,6,79,train "i'd like my checks to be deposited into my account directly, how do i do that",8,119,test what is the carry-on policy for flights on american airlines,6,89,test can i switch in almond butter for peanut butter,3,43,train give me some ideas of what to do during my trip to dallas,6,83,test decrease volume to 4,10,140,train how would they say butter in zambia,6,78,test show me popular sushi recipes,3,37,val i need to know all my spending transactions,1,14,test how's my amazon order doing,4,52,test what's the nutritional info for a subway chicken sandwhich,3,36,train anything on the schedule for october 14th,4,55,train show me a list of top rated airlines,0,0,oos_test do you have any suggestions as to what i should cook for dinner,3,40,train do i need to get any shots before i travel to morocco,6,85,test how long ago was my car last in the shop,5,72,train what kind of plug is used in japan,6,76,val how long should i cook carnitas for,3,44,val how much time do i need to make the chicken,3,44,train i need to cancel my reservations,3,42,train i need to know how long to cook chicken for,3,44,val how do i see me rewards for my chase card,2,26,train can you tell me some dog jokes,9,132,train how can i obtain new insurance,8,108,train let me know how to rollover my 401k,8,114,test what is the name of the person who made you,9,121,test are there any openings in new york city from april 2 through april 8,6,88,train can i transfer my 401k somewhere,8,114,test do i have any meetings today between 2 and 3,8,110,train can i use regular olive oil instead of virgin,3,43,test "it was great to see you again, see ya later!",9,129,train can you calculate my state taxes,8,112,train what are some of the attractions in gatlinburg,6,83,train "flip a coin and let me know if it lands on heads or tails, please",7,101,train i am unable to remember what my pin is for my bank of america checking account,1,3,train how much does it cost to use the parking garage downtown,0,0,oos_test are you allowed to call someone a dirty name as part of free speech,0,0,oos_test what is the the exchange rate for us dollars to euros,6,82,train "that's all i need, i'm going now",9,129,test did i put unpacking groceries on my to do list,4,58,train delete the hair appointment i had scheduled on may 1st pleae,4,51,train what is the proper time to cook steak for,3,44,train are my vaccines up to date for going there,6,85,train what's the carry on policy for delta,6,89,val does boston restaurant have favorable reviews,3,38,val what is the definition of altruism,7,99,train can you schedule me a mechanic,5,67,train is my apr rate better than most,2,23,test make your accent the male british one,10,144,train is it possible to make reservations at chili's,3,45,train i'll pass,10,141,train how do you say please in arabic,6,78,train please tell me how curiosity is spelled,7,102,test how much do i have to pay for my bills this month,1,9,train search for a macaroni and cheese recipe,3,37,train read my list of reminders,4,49,test i need you to find a mechanic for my check engine light,5,67,train what is the weather in tokyo,7,91,val how can i adjust the spoken language,10,142,train what kind of bonds do molecules have,0,0,oos_test i no longer want my reservation for 5 at the loft cancel it please,3,42,val text billy and tell him to be at monday's meeting at 3pm,7,105,train find out how many miles the mississippi waterway runs,0,0,oos_test what day is the cable bill owed on,1,4,val can you find me sheet music for the beatles white album online,0,0,oos_test i'd like to take a vacation day from 2/24 to 2/25,8,116,train would you just like to call me paul,10,147,train "i need to get to a church immediately, please take me to one!",5,71,train is it possible to make reservations with famous dave's restaurant,3,45,train "looking at this week only, have i overspent on hoagies",1,13,test i wanna hear something funny,9,132,train cancel current process,10,145,train do you know the timezone for dublin,6,81,train do you have any pet at all,9,124,train is there a better bus route i should be taking,0,0,oos_test can i substitute lemon juice for lime juice,3,43,train can i ask you about anything,9,135,train how do i change my pin for number for my abc bank account,1,3,train i want to see my entertainment transactions,1,14,train i want to thank you for helping,9,130,train can you tell me the items on my to do list,4,58,train use one of your male voices,10,144,train what's there to do in seattle,6,83,train read me some interesting information about cats,9,126,train lock all the doors,4,60,train are you from the uk,9,128,train find out when my most recent oil change occurred,5,72,train where did you come from,9,128,val what is my bank routing number,1,2,test please flip a coin and tell me what side it lands on,7,101,train that is not true,10,141,train do you know if cheese cake factory does reservations,3,45,train can i get a higher credit limit on my american express,2,22,train do i have to meet the dev squad to day,8,110,train someone else used my account to buy stuff from mcdonald's,1,15,test how would i say goodbye if i were norwegian,6,78,train where is the nearest papa john's,5,71,test can i get a brand new card please,2,29,train i need to get my oil change so make an appointment,5,67,train let me know how many carry ons i can take on a flight with southwest airlines to dallas,6,89,train what is my card's apr rate,2,23,test do i need a visa if i'm going to san jose,6,80,test what do i need to make a vacation request with you,8,116,train what's my total earnings,8,113,val can you tell me if germany issued any travel warnings,6,84,train "repeat my to do list to me, please",4,58,train please remind me later,4,50,train tell me the current apr on my visa card from bbt,2,23,train tell me your name,9,127,train can you check the balance on the water bill,1,9,train i need an alarm set please,7,92,train is my gas tank at least half full,5,68,train what must i do to report my card lost,2,20,train how is ford's stock doing,0,0,oos_test i no longer need the dinner reservation,3,42,train i need a suggestion for a dinner recipe,3,40,train what do you do for hobbies,9,125,train does my car have enough gas to get to chicago,5,68,train can you tell me how much cash i have,1,12,train how would i say i must be going now if i were german,6,78,test what is the total amount that i owe to sony and verizon,1,9,train what date will my hy-vee card need to be renewed,2,17,train i can't use my card because it’s broken,2,18,test how many days milk can be preserved,3,31,test what are your hobbies,9,125,val i need you to change the pin on my bank of america account to be 1234,1,3,train find out for me when my car is next due for an oil change,5,62,test next track,4,56,test what was said,10,143,val when will a replacement card get here,2,16,train what is the smallest payment i can make toward my xfinity bill,1,8,train can you help me spell facetiousness,7,102,train where is my delta flight,6,79,test can i substitute rice for potatoes,3,43,train switch your language setting to english,10,142,train does the nsa listen to me,0,0,oos_test i don't know anything about that,10,150,train tell me tomorrow's date,7,93,train "in making an omelette, what ingredients do i need",3,34,train hi how is everything,9,131,train tell me a neat fact about the ocean,9,126,train where is my w2,8,117,train who has the tax form that has my wage informaton,8,117,train hoq many calories does pasta have,3,35,test "for this design, what company did it",9,121,test can you show me how to set up my paycheck to be direct deposit to my first hawaiian bank account,8,119,train call me ishmael,10,147,train can i get more money on my discover card,2,22,train my water and electricity bill is how much,1,9,train what day will it be 373 days from now,7,93,train what is my apr for my credit card,2,23,train i need help to pay my electric bill,1,5,train i don't know how to spell squirrel,7,102,train would you tell me the hobbies the ai has,9,125,test i want you to flip a coin i choose heads,7,101,test what is needed for setting up direct deposit,8,119,train please give me instructions on making blueberry pie,3,37,train i'd like to know how much you get when you roll a ten sided dice,7,104,train how much is my water bill for,1,9,train how would i go about getting more checks for my western union account,1,11,val please send ten dollars from bank of america to capital one,1,10,train how long does it take frozen steaks to go bad,3,31,train what holiday is coming up next,8,107,train tell me how to request vacation,8,116,train what location can i get a w2 from,8,117,train can you set a reminder for the current time tommorow,4,50,val i want my bank account frozen,1,1,train what date is the next day i get paid,8,111,val what date is my water bill due,1,4,train the bill for water and electricity is how much,1,9,train what is the answer to life,9,122,test can you give me a status update on my online order from amazon,4,52,train what kinds of things are you knowledgable about,9,135,train what pets are with you,9,124,val can you start talking to me in spanish from here on out,10,142,train what do i need to do to start direct deposit,8,119,train i don't have that information,10,150,train "which do you prefer, cats or dogs",9,124,train freeze my bank account,1,1,train what will it take to achieve world peace,0,0,oos_test what's the procedure to deal with lost luggage,6,86,train tell me what subjects you like,9,135,test can you please request pto for march 2 and 3,8,116,val how many acres do you need to buy a horse,0,0,oos_test i wanna know where to get my w2,8,117,test "i need to order some new checks, i'm all out of them",1,11,test what steps do i take to change the oil for my car,5,63,train speak it again slowly,10,136,test do you know how long of a wait it will be,3,33,train end my reservation with carl at umami,3,42,train i need to apply for a new credit card,2,29,train good looking out,9,130,train i need new checks,1,11,train what's it take to get a mastercard,2,29,test "book a flight from jacksonville, fl to atlanta, ga on 14 february 2019 and returning on 1 march 2019",6,87,train my card was not accepted for buying a computer at best buy,2,21,train can my car get to reno with the gas currently in my tank,5,68,train hey how's it going,9,131,val i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at chili's for jamie,3,32,train i am enrolled in an insurance plan and need to know what it is,8,109,val alert me in 20 minutes,7,96,train flip a coin one time,7,101,train text my coworker for me and tell them the due date,7,105,train my card fell in the toilet and now the chip does not work,2,18,train please set the oven to 350 f,4,60,test "i think all my bills are paid, but can you double check",1,9,test i need to know my tax rate,8,112,val tell me what ingredients i need for carne asada,3,34,train please make a report that my card is split,2,18,train i repeat cancel,10,145,val i need you to reserve at table for a party of four at devon's for 6:00 pm,3,39,train engage whisper mode,10,138,val please put a stop on my back account,1,1,train give me a suggestion for roofers,0,0,oos_test to what extent until the following free day,8,107,train thank you very much for the answer,9,130,train stop it,10,145,val i need an uber to get to the bank,5,64,test was my order dropped off,4,52,train tell me my current reminders list,4,49,train flip a coin and tell me if its heads or tails,7,101,train what is amount of time it takes to get a new credit card i lost mine recently,2,16,test what's your place of manufacture,9,128,train what's the least amount i need to pay on the electric bill,1,8,train i cannot remember what my pin is for my bank of america checking account,1,3,train how long do i need to cook chili for,3,44,val are you young or old,9,134,train tell me: car gas mileage,5,69,test i need it louder,10,140,train what do i have planned on 3/15,4,55,train what name should i use when talking with you,9,127,train i need to get to the staples center; can you call me an uber,5,64,test until next time,9,129,val stop processing,10,145,test i have activity on my bank of america card i don't recognize,1,15,train provide the name i should use to refer to you,9,127,train freeze my account immediately,1,1,train what's my checking account yielding in interest,1,7,test how much is the irs going to get from me,8,112,train how many days left until the next day out of work,8,107,test do i need shots before traveling to mexico,6,85,val help me get an uber to soldier field,5,64,train "ai, stop!",10,145,train i spent 34 dollars for 12 gallons of paint what is the average price for each gallon,7,98,test what vaccinations are required to enter paris from outside the country,6,85,train a show on broadway,0,0,oos_val please order an iphone7 for me,4,57,val please go back to to factory settings now,10,149,train nope not it,10,141,test is it ok to use ketchup instead of mustard,3,43,val how do i say dinner in spanish,6,78,val tell me a joke about the topic of mice,9,132,test make a reminder for me to do my resume,4,50,train will my amex institute international transaction fees on a charge,2,30,train i need to know how to convert liters into pints,7,100,train can i please know the credit limit for my citibank card,2,25,train "that ""baby shark, doo doo,"" song, i want to hear it",4,47,train can you tell me what today's date is,7,93,train should i call you something in particular,9,127,train what did i buy last,1,14,train pass me my gps coordinates,5,61,val my car was looked at when,5,72,train what does distinguish mean,7,99,val tell me a few facts about cats,9,126,train when do i have to pay my electric bill by,1,4,train what's the current count of my pto days,8,115,train where do eggs come from,0,0,oos_val please cancel the table i had reserved for tonight,3,42,train do i still owe any bills,1,9,train "i'm out of checks, please order new ones",1,11,train adjust the volume to level 4,10,140,val what's the meaning of naff,7,99,test i have to call jane,7,97,train what are the recommended shots to get before i travel to south korea,6,85,train make my todo list blank,4,48,train can i start calling you fred,10,148,test how long is the wait at macaroni grill,3,33,train perhaps either of them,10,150,train what's the caloric content of an apple,3,35,train what are you interested in,9,125,val what can i ask the ai,9,135,val why cannot i take any money out from my bank account,1,6,train let me change your name to dina,10,148,train how long do i need to make lasagne,3,44,train what is some trivia about frog,9,126,test what's the timeline on replacing a stolen credit card,2,16,train when's the next day off coming up,8,107,train i would like to know who programmed this ai,9,121,train what are the carry on rules for united,6,89,train tell me the points on my delta rewards card,2,26,val please share the definition of episcopalian,7,99,train i'm i okayed for vacation time,8,106,train what is your favourite pet,9,124,train time to move some cash from one account to another,1,10,train just call me al,10,147,train i need you to reset to your factor settings,10,149,val "find and book a hotel in md, baltimore starting on the 7th to the 9th",6,88,train i want you to change your accent to the male british one,10,144,train i need assistance scheduling a meeting,8,118,test yes that's correct,10,139,train how do i get cash back for the rewards on my amex card,2,24,train "travel time to bend, oregon",5,70,val how much mpg does this car get in the city,5,69,train what timezone is philadelphia in,6,81,train i want to report fraudulent activity on my mastercard,1,15,val will you order me some more lysol spray,4,57,train how many vacation days do i still have,8,115,train when am i paid,8,111,train what is my interest rate for chase bank,1,7,train give me the status of flight dl123,6,79,train nutritional information for celery,3,36,train proceed to the next song on this playlist,4,56,train let me know if i need an international visa to go to sudan,6,80,train i believe there are fraudulent charges on my card how can i report them,1,15,train activate whisper mode,10,138,train am i talking to a person or a bot,9,133,train how much do i make in a year,8,113,val what will i make this year,8,113,test help me remember my pin number,1,3,train when is my flight supposed to leave,6,79,train please change the song now,4,56,train i need you to skip this song and play the next one,4,56,train what do i have going on for 12/03/2019,4,55,val pay the minimum payment for m and t bill,1,8,train are there any mandatory shots that i must get before my trip to jamaica,6,85,train what chores do i have waiting on my reminder list,4,58,train what does my federal tax return look like,8,112,train timezone in salt lake city,6,81,test how do you convert miles to kilometers,7,100,train when will my package arrive,4,52,train please confirm my reservation for march 1st at 2pm,3,32,train what is the calorie going to be if i'm eating cereal,3,35,train how is my credit looking,2,28,val tell me when i got my car checked last,5,72,test am i able to get an uber to the movies,5,64,train what is thank you in spanish,6,78,train discontinue please,10,145,train i want to schedule car maintenance,5,67,train what kind of fuel do i need,5,73,train what are my recent purchases,1,14,val tell me more about bill gates,0,0,oos_test whens my insurance due and how much does it cost,1,9,test "ai, what can i call you",9,127,train "when visiting chicago, what things can i do there",6,83,train how soon should i have my oil changed,5,62,train do you know how do i schedule a meeting,8,118,train "i need to report fraudulent activity on my visa card, please",1,15,train "i applied for the credit card, have you processed my application",2,27,train tell me how the apr on my hy-vee card is,2,23,train can you tell me about your hobbies,9,125,train inform me what you do for fun in your free time,9,125,train change out of whisper mode,10,138,train schedule a flight from pittsburgh to arizona on delta,6,87,test find out the last time i had my car checked,5,72,train i want to put you in a different language,10,142,train i'm going to mexico; do i need an international via,6,80,train i'm drawing a blank,10,150,train could you be a real person,9,133,val "please make a reservation for me: party of two, february 22nd at chili's, two in the afternoon",3,39,train what is intercontinental mean,7,99,train when should i get my car's oil changed next,5,62,test do you have another job,9,123,train how is dim sum at legend,3,38,val generate a list of the past 10 judge executives,0,0,oos_test do i have a big shopping list,4,54,train let me know when my car was last looked at,5,72,train reservations for two need to be made using michael's name for 7:00pm at olive garden,3,39,test how many days do i have left of pto,8,115,train how much does a nintendo switch cost,0,0,oos_test "i have no more checks, how can i order more",1,11,train i wanna know when should i get my oil changed next,5,62,train how many vacation hours have i accrued,8,115,train what are the ratings about at pho king,3,38,train how much cash do i earn,8,113,train my car needs a jump start; what do i need to do,5,75,test what are the rules for chess,0,0,oos_test is it raining in sparks,7,91,train how much interest am i getting percentage wise from chase,1,7,val do you have anything you enjoy to do,9,125,train can i afford a new tv from my savings account,1,12,val what are some good vegan restaurants in broadripple,3,41,val alerts for travel in colombia,6,84,test what is showing on my calendar for the 17th of march,4,55,train how to keep credit score high,2,19,train what is the conversion for 500 dollars to pesos,6,82,train do they accept reservations at michael's,3,45,train tell me the forecast,7,91,val do i have anything on my todo list about shoveling snow,4,58,train delete everything from the task list,4,48,train my insurance policy needs to be adjusted,8,108,train what's the status on my vacation approval,8,106,val can you find me a roundtrip flight from orlando to austin for 3/28 to 4/5,6,87,train could you locate me some good places in kentucky that serve sushi,3,41,train "the apr on my disney visa, what is that exactly",2,23,train i believe that there is some fraudulent activity on my capital one account,1,15,train is there a travel alert in spain,6,84,test is there a reason my card was declined,2,21,val switch to whisper mode,10,138,train what's the date 32 days from now,7,93,train let lisa know where i am now,7,95,val traveling to the uk am i going to need any specific shots,6,85,train can you add a doctor's appointment to friday's calendar,4,51,val how do you spell hotdog,7,102,train nigeria is in which time zone,6,81,train put appointment on my calendar for tomorrow,4,51,train what's the phone number for my credit card company,2,16,test "tell me about traffic conditions in ocean city, nj on sunday mornings around 10 am in the summer",5,65,train how busy is jiro at 12 lunch time,3,33,train favorite what's currently playing on my playlist,4,53,train watch the fbi,0,0,oos_test could you please reorder me some lysol,4,57,train where is the closest applebees to the empire state building,5,71,train what is my income,8,113,train can you fake roll a die for me,7,104,test how much is my internet bill,1,9,train toss a coin i will take heads,7,101,train go back to your factory settings,10,149,train find out where my phone is,7,94,train my luggage is missing i was on frontier flight ab123 from seattle,6,86,train what is the date for tomorrow,7,93,train what is the total amount i pay in taxes,8,112,train wash windshield,0,0,oos_test how do i change pounds into kilograms,7,100,train how is life treating you,9,131,train who are some famous living architects,0,0,oos_val can you set me up for a reservation for five at outback steakhouse on february 28th at seven pm,3,39,train "erase get a haircut from my to do list, please",4,48,train when does the stock market update,0,0,oos_test what's the proper subject verb order in japanese,0,0,oos_test don't be connected to my phone anymore,10,146,test i have a fraudulent transaction from wal mart on my account right now,1,15,train give me a fun fact about koala,9,126,test i need to rent a car from traveler's rent a car downtown and make it from friday the 6th to monday the 9th cheapest available,6,90,test can you share my current location with amy,7,95,train can you go back to my original settings,10,149,train when will my order be delivered,4,52,train can i hear my smooth jazz playlist,4,47,train i need my pin number,1,3,train "search and tell me when my most recent oil change happened, please",5,72,train how can i know when my cable bill is due,1,4,train "if i use my card in tahiti, will i be charged",2,30,train how can i become an aerospace engineer,0,0,oos_train how many dollars is one mexican peso,6,82,train did i spend a lot on shoes recently,1,13,train compare fares for al italia from bucharest to tampa returning before thanksgiving,6,87,train pay my mortgage from my checkings accounts,1,5,train will you put change the light bulbs on my list of things to do,4,48,train get me access to a list of my recent transactions,1,14,train is it okay to use butter instead of margarine,3,43,test i need to know how to spell superficial,7,102,train what do i earn on average at my job,8,113,train do you have a name that i can call you,9,127,train can you tell me the nutritional content of chicken nuggets,3,36,train walk me through changing the oil on a tesla,5,63,train "if i fly american to los angeles, how many carry ons am i allowed",6,89,train please schedule a meeting with kim at 10 am,8,118,val i need to go back on my factory settings,10,149,train i need to know what the meaning of life is now,9,122,test explain how small talk helps bind groups together,0,0,oos_test tell me how many p's are in apple,7,102,train can you help me tell what my starbucks rewards balance is,2,26,train text mom where are you,7,105,train please play even flow by pearl jam,4,47,train i want to buy an iphone7,4,57,val could you send a text to marty and say i am running behind,7,105,train who is your boss,9,123,train i need to make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,train when did i last do maintenance on my car,5,72,train what was the date of my last oil change,5,72,test tell me a joke about animals,9,132,train what do i need to cook chicken soup,3,34,train what is my minimum verizon bill payment,1,8,test may i please have a definition for the work churlish,7,99,val how long is a bus ride to staples,5,70,test where does the power steering fluid go,0,0,oos_val where are your origins located,9,128,train "it could be either, i think",10,150,train access my checking account and update my pin to 1234,1,3,test please tell me if my vacation has been approved or not,8,106,train can i substitute rice milk for milk,3,43,train "i'm lost, can you tell me where i am",5,61,train do you have any southern dishes to recommend,3,40,train "ai, call me deb",10,147,test is sage busy around noon,3,33,train can you tell me denver's timezone,6,81,train what's the best place to visit in arizona,6,83,val send amy a text for me and tell her i need to meet,7,105,train i'd like to reserve a high-end car that seats 5 comfortably for april 12th through 18th for st louis missouri,6,90,train how do you say hello in japanese,6,78,val what ingredients are in sugar cookies,3,34,train when is my card expired,2,17,test remind me to put gas in my car,4,50,test can you get me a table for 8 at mastro's at 8:30pm,3,39,train i want to have that repeated for me,10,143,train how would you explain the pets you own,9,124,train what's a good place to eat chinese in san francisco,3,41,train book me a hotel in st louis near the arch from march 2nd to 5th,6,88,train what's the expected calories in a cream filled cookie,3,35,train "i didnt understand what you just said, can you say it again",10,143,train i intend to learn how to change oil in my car,5,63,train i wanna know the limit on my credit card,2,25,train set reminder for tomorrow to eat,4,50,train set a one minute timer,7,96,train did i get my car inspected recently,5,72,test mark down that i will be in rome from february 1 to march 1 and notify my bank,6,77,train what do you prefer to be called,9,127,train what is the date today,7,93,train when's my flight getting here,6,79,train what are you hobbies,9,125,train what time is my flight going to land,6,79,val how much can i buy on my discover card,2,25,val yearly salary,8,113,val go ahead and your volume,10,140,train how healthy is shepard's pie,3,36,val i need to update my address,0,0,oos_test "i would like you to change the settings back to factory default now, please",10,149,test what are the carry-on limits for flying domestically with delta,6,89,train what is the boarding time for my upcoming flight,6,79,val hurry up and just erase everything from the todo list,4,48,train tell me carry-on info for united,6,89,val i'd like to see last week's atm transactions,1,14,train "at noon, schedule a meeting with saul",8,118,train initiate a phone call with receptionist,7,97,train tell me all the things i need to buy to make pasta,3,34,test set me an alarm for 4pm and another for 5pm,7,92,train who gave you life,9,121,train is there any money left,1,12,train please make a reminder,4,50,train how long will steaks last in the freezer,3,31,train how long does it take milk to expire,3,31,val what happened to my luggage,6,86,test would you tell me how the ai is doing,9,131,test i would like to know who your boss is,9,123,test am i in need of an international visa to go to france,6,80,train number for aaa to help with dead car battery,5,75,train what's the time right now,7,103,train what is the square root of 1 million,7,98,train please use a quicker rate of speech,10,136,train my card isn't working because its destroyed,2,18,val "can you check what the problem with my account is, it seems to b e blocked",1,6,test does my navy federal card have international transaction fees,2,30,train how many calories are in mashed potatoes,3,35,val do you like cat or dogs,9,124,train what's the spelling of cancer,7,102,train i need to get my tires checked out somewhere,5,67,train might you have any hobbies,9,125,train what are some good itialian restaurants in north salem,3,41,val what site can i get my w2,8,117,test will my card expire on a certain month,2,17,val on the third i am looking for a flight for under 700 from denver international to new york international,6,87,val is it acceptable to swap chicken for pork,3,43,train can you tell me the calories for the cheeseburger,3,35,train can you find what my credit score is,2,28,test when is my pay period,8,111,train what must i do if i want to adjust my insurance policy,8,108,train is there air in my tires,5,66,train you must skip this song and play the next one,4,56,train tell me the right kind of gas for this car,5,73,train how does yelp report the enchiladas are at jose's taco shop,3,38,train what is the name you call me saved as,10,137,train where should i eat tonight,3,41,train i need anyone who can help me pay my electric bill,1,5,train are my tires filled properly,5,66,test i am not sure how to pay my phone bill and need assistance,1,5,train do i have reservations at creme at 7 pm,3,32,train define ambivalence for me please,7,99,val "yes, that is actually true",10,139,train please transfer half of my funds to an alternate account,1,10,val how long can i keep chicken in the freezer for before it goes gross,3,31,val "why, hello bandit",9,131,train i'd like to know how many vacation days i have,8,115,train at what point balance can i redeem my points,2,24,train i need to know how many carry ons i can take on a flight with southwest airlines to houston,6,89,train add my dentist appointment to the calendar,4,51,train change to factory settings now,10,149,train please explain the word catastrophic to me,7,99,test are you a human,9,133,train how much do i owe on bills,1,9,train how long before i need to replace my tires after i replaced them on 2/24/18,5,74,train put spaghetti on my shopping list cause i'm out of it please,4,59,train how long will it take to get to golden gate bridge from pier 39,5,70,train do you have any recommendations for korean,3,40,test what do the plugs look like in japan,6,76,train can you simulate a dice roll,7,104,test what's my budget for today's shopping trip,0,0,oos_test what time will i get to the beach taking the bus,5,70,test i've got a fraudulent purchase from kayak on my account,1,15,test what gas does this car take,5,73,val what's the amount of air in my tires right now,5,66,train "when was the term ""zombie"" first used",0,0,oos_test i would like that repeated,10,143,train what is on march 2 calendar,4,55,train can i increase the credit limit on my discover card,2,22,test cut cucumbers can stay in the fridge for how long before spoiling,3,31,train i want to know all about trivia for the office,9,126,train what's the point of everything,9,122,train show me my location,5,61,test please call me bob,10,147,train "hello, are you doing alright",9,131,train which company programmed you,9,121,train tell me the credit limit on my mastercard,2,25,train what do i do now that my battery is dead,5,75,test at what time should i be boarding my flight,6,79,val what things do you know about,9,135,train can i reserve a table for 2 at the olive garden at 8,3,39,train i didn't hear you can you say that again,10,143,test "i've had these burger patties in the freezer since saturday, are they still fine to cook",3,31,train i wanna schedule some car maintenance,5,67,train how much gas do i have in the tank,5,68,test set a reminder to take out the trash,4,50,train why was my card declined just now when i tried to buy a jeep at carmax,2,21,val please abandon the current job,10,145,train go ahead and talk faster now,10,136,val have an uber sent to take me to the courthouse,5,64,test what ingredients are in spinach dip,3,34,train what is the calorie content in french fries,3,35,test what name should i call you,9,127,train hi there,9,131,train has flight dl123 arrived yet,6,79,train how can i change my car oil,5,63,train how do i make a sentence have stylized strike out in microsoft word,0,0,oos_test please set the temperature to 70 f,4,60,test what age are you,9,134,train alter your language choice to dutch,10,142,train what are the steps to direct deposit my check,8,119,train does the uk require a travel visa,6,80,val am i supposed to buy milk,4,54,test how much air are in my tires,5,66,val pay my utility bill from my bank account,1,5,test how old are you exactly at the moment,9,134,train do i have a note on the calendar for black friday,4,55,train please block my discover account immediately,1,1,test give me the pressure for the tires on my car,5,66,test tell me where my order is,4,52,test can you order more printer paper,4,57,train speak german,10,142,val please tell me the weather forecast,7,91,train i'm afraid there is a false transaction on my account,1,15,train what is the next holiday on the calendar,8,107,train are there any alerts for travelling to beirut,6,84,train reserve table for 5 at red robin under the name sara at 3,3,39,test i would like to know delta's carry on policy,6,89,val verify my reservation for smith and wollensky at 6:45,3,32,test what's my schedule like for thursday the 14th,4,55,val my card is unusable because it's damaged,2,18,train couldn't tell you,10,150,val search for a chili recipe for me,3,37,test i want to hear an interesting fact about dinosaurs,9,126,train how much money do i have in my account,1,12,train how old are you as of today,9,134,val how soon should i get my tires changed,5,74,test what skills do you have,9,135,train when did i last have my vehicle checked on,5,72,train look for my phone with me,7,94,test check how busy cheesecake factory is,3,33,test how nutritious are cheerios,3,36,train ai was made by whom,9,121,train where is your original location,9,128,train is it recommended to get any specific shots before i travel to japan,6,85,train can i switch cream out for milk,3,43,train what is the credit card apr exactly,2,23,train how long will it take to get seated at needham's,3,33,train please turn your speaker volume up,10,140,val is the expressway slow this morning,5,65,train when is the next holiday in this country,8,107,val tell me what is on my shopping list,4,54,train how do they filter pollutants out of bottled water,0,0,oos_test what were those things i was trying to remember,4,49,train tell me who is your boss,9,123,train tell me a joke about baseball,9,132,train can a bus get me to the statue of liberty,5,71,train check when the next day is i can go fishing will be,8,107,train can you help me pay my bill,1,5,test do you own pets,9,124,train what are the last 4 digits of my credit card number,0,0,oos_test why don't i have access to my bank account,1,6,train tell me all updates about my order's status,4,52,test check to see if i have any meetings with peter today,8,110,train tell me chase's routing number,1,2,val please increase your volume,10,140,train i want to listen to music,4,47,train what is a good apr,2,23,val what do i do to get a visa card,2,29,test when is my meeting with john,8,110,train who wrote green book,0,0,oos_test is there overtime in college football,0,0,oos_train set my alarm for getting up,7,92,train what is the total number of vacation days i've used,8,120,train how much is left of mastercard,1,12,train tell me how busy the restaurant will be between 5 and 7pm,3,33,train how long before i neet to get my oil changed,5,62,train where is the nearest k mart,5,71,test i would like to know my car's tire pressure,5,66,test set a reminder to check the steak,4,50,val i need to know whether you are a cat or dog person,9,124,train is the breakfast place full in the mornings,3,33,test find my cellphone for me!,7,94,test that's not what i want!,10,141,train how to cash in visa card rewards,2,24,val give me some restaurant suggestions,3,41,train help me transfer $100 from my checking to saving account,1,10,test are there any sushi restaurants in reno that have good reviews,3,41,train i want to get an uber for one person to go to the library,5,64,train tell me what the gas mileage is on my car,5,69,test give me my credit rating,2,28,test go ahead and find me a hotel with good reviews in phoenix,6,88,test what's the caloric content in a bowl of rice crispies with milk,3,35,train are there any travel alerts for north korea,6,84,train let me know if you are a human or a computer,9,133,train adios!,9,129,train do you know what the interest rate is on my account,1,7,train what's a fun fact about elephants,9,126,train what are the gps coordinates of this spot i am at right now,5,61,train can applebees take reservations,3,45,test what's the credit limit on my visa card,2,25,train how much money have i spent on groceries recently,1,13,train make me a reservation for 5 at coral for 10 pm immediately,3,39,train do i have brush my teeth on my todo list,4,58,train let me know in 15 minutes please,7,96,train have i been spending a ton of money on movies lately,1,13,train i want to know if i can redeem my credit card points now,2,24,train show me my transactions on clothes at macys,1,14,train "hmm, either",10,150,train what's the apr on my capital one venture card,2,23,test find out how many whales are currently in monterey bay,0,0,oos_test can you schedule a meeting with john for 12,8,118,train does olive garden take reservations,3,45,train "for going to that country, do i need a visa",6,80,val what's the going rate between usd and cad,6,82,val how do i make pie crust,3,37,train i want your name to be gerry,10,148,val tell me what the date is tomorrow,7,93,train could you link with my phone,10,146,train i have to schedule somewhere get my tires checked out,5,67,train will i be charged if i use my card in china,2,30,val "i want a hotel with good review in honolulu, can you find one",6,88,test tell me how to jump start my dead battery,5,75,train i need to know when i should replace my tires next if i last replaced them on june 2,5,74,train "um, i'm not totally sure",10,150,test i want assistance with my utility bill,1,5,val how much did i spend on gas last week,1,13,train i need to be notified to clean the room,4,50,train can you play your guitar right now,4,47,train "whisper mode, stop",10,138,test please read my list of reminders,4,49,train how is the credit score hurt,2,19,train how long has it been since the oil got changed out,5,72,val what is 1/2 times 5/8,7,98,train can you just use regular milk instead of buttermilk,3,43,train repeat please,10,143,test look up the song that's on right now,4,46,test when did i last take my car in for maintenance,5,72,train what are popular sports magazines,0,0,oos_test "from now on, your name will be buttercup",10,148,train tell me your full name,9,127,train who was your programmer,9,121,train speak at a slower rate,10,136,train does china have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train how much pto days do i have remaining,8,115,test lets do a coin toss,7,101,train give my boyfriend my gps coordinates,7,95,train what is the status of my most recent order,4,52,train when's the rent due,1,4,train when is the next time i get paid,8,111,train i wish to know the meaning of life,9,122,train that's completely false,10,141,train "if i replaced my tires on labor day, when should i next replace them",5,74,train where do i go to get my w2 for tax reasons,8,117,train my card was rejected at shakey's and i am wondering why,2,21,val tell me the month my card expires,2,17,train what lowers credit score,2,19,train do i have any meetings with ben today,8,110,train what is the carry-on policy for flights on panam,6,89,test how much have i spent lately,1,13,val "hey, flip me a coin i call tails",7,101,train remove the june 12 event called sasha's wedding from my calendar,4,51,train i would like to change the name on my credit card account,1,3,test who do yo work for,9,123,train can you schedule a meeting with matt for 3,8,118,train please give me the minimum payment total for my sprint phone bill,1,8,train i have to report my card as stolen,2,20,train now tell me my credit card's apr,2,23,test how do i find out my credit rating,2,28,train where is the colosseum,0,0,oos_test tell me a joke about cats,9,132,train go to default setting,10,149,train can you alert me at 6 in the morning,7,92,train i want you to buy me a shirt,4,57,train when do i need to pay my annual payment for auto insurance,1,4,train on what month and year does my card expire,2,17,train can i get peppers instead of onions,3,43,test i need a well-rated hotel in vegas,6,88,train what are the nutrition facts for carrots,3,36,test i don't think so,10,141,train i need to know what kind of gas i can use on this car,5,73,train is the polar vortex of 2019 apart of global warming,0,0,oos_test i need to know how much 100 dollars is worth in euros,6,82,val what is the square root of 95,7,98,test how many points do i have on my six flags rewards card,2,26,test i want to increase my credit limit to 5000 dollars,2,22,val what do you think about the meaning of life,9,122,train substitute for milk in pancakes,3,43,train let my bank know i will be travelling to the cayman islands,6,77,train i just got this new job but i need help with my 401k rollover,8,114,train i need for you to remove milk from my shopping list and add bread,4,59,train can you give me a spelling for antipathy,7,102,train what's my current tire pressure,5,66,train is there a good website to teach me how to make sushi,3,37,train when was electrical engineering created,0,0,oos_val i gotta switch to a new insurance plan,8,108,train please confirm my reservation for morton's at 5 pm,3,32,train read my list of reminders to me,4,49,train "yes, that is it",10,139,train what day's my pay coming next,8,111,test who formed thou,9,121,val is the review ned's have good,3,38,test i don't need mowing the lawn on my to do list anymore,4,48,test tell me my car's gas mileage please,5,69,train which time zone is germany is in,6,81,val tell me what the time is in dallas,7,103,test can you find my cellphone,7,94,train please run that by me again,10,143,train when is my electric bill due by,1,4,test please tell me if there's been any word on my vacation request,8,106,val can i begin calling you dave,10,148,train give me an answer to who made you,9,121,train please go and change the pin on my bank of america account to be 1234,1,3,train do i have to buy milk,4,54,test what do i say for goodbye in hawaii,6,78,train not that,10,141,train use a woman's voice,10,144,train change to girl voice,10,144,test can i speed up your voice,10,136,test show me how to make tuna casserole please,3,37,test when is my credit card expire,2,17,test are you a human being or a robot,9,133,train can you schedule a meeting room for interviews on thursday,8,118,train do my car tires have enough psi in them,5,66,val how about a reminder,4,50,train "go back to whisper mode, please",10,138,train "ai, where do i go to order checks for my usbank account",1,11,train what is the area of a 20 x 20 room,7,98,train set a warning for when my bank account starts running low,0,0,oos_val what would the word for grass be in finland,6,78,test "it turns out i have had pizza in the fridge since monday, so is it safe to eat",3,31,train get me an uber for 4 heading to miam,5,64,train please tell me how to pay my gas bill,1,5,train "could you help me locate my phone, please",7,94,test please flip coin,7,101,val how many kilos are in 150 pounds,7,100,train help me to roll over my 401k,8,114,train i don't understand why my card was declined yesterday,2,21,train where can i have a black and white photo blown up to poster size,0,0,oos_test delete soda from my shopping list and add water to it,4,59,train i have a reservation for strip house for jennifer that i'd like to confirm,3,32,test can i change you name to gretchen,10,148,val flip a coin for me,7,101,train can you check where my luggage is off jetblue flight ab123 out of buffalo,6,86,train the language i am using will now be italian,10,142,train connect me with some new insurance,8,108,train what plug type does russia use,6,76,train how many stars does babbo have,3,38,test how long do i need to cook beef stew for,3,44,val keep april 2nd wide open on my calendar please,4,51,train do i need a visa to go to greece,6,80,train what's my income been for the last 6 months,8,113,train is it still safe to consume the cake she backed last thursday,3,31,train please book a car for me in bangkok,6,90,train add washing dishes to my to do list,4,48,train what do i go by,10,137,test is there enough air in my tires,5,66,test how do i switch 401k companies,8,114,test how long does it take to become an architect,0,0,oos_val no thank you,10,141,train what's the date of my next paycheck,8,111,val "one or the other, or both",10,150,train "the creator of your ai, what is their name",9,121,train can you tell me delta's carry on policy,6,89,val i'd like the number for my credit score,2,28,train tell me about my vacation request,8,106,train "what, if any, are the charges for using my card in mexico",2,30,train what do people call you,9,127,train does the bus go to the washington monument,5,71,train what country do you consider yourself a citizen of,9,128,train does international travel always require a visa,6,80,train can you verify my reservation under steve for friendly's,3,32,train can you check when i'm next due for an oil change,5,62,train bye!,9,129,train view my transactions for the last week,1,14,train which timezone contains the city of orlando,6,81,val "find me a flight from nyc to la on march 1, returning on march 5",6,87,train i need to know my cars mpg,5,69,test "trivia about something,tell me some",9,126,train i need a rental car for sfo from friday to saturday,6,90,train "if i want to cash in my american express rewards, how do i do that",2,24,train what is the current price of tsla,0,0,oos_test please flip a coin for me ai,7,101,test "ai, show me online options to order more checks for my usbank account",1,11,train "my card was rejected at the zoo, could you tell me why",2,21,val please apply cc visa card for me,2,29,train i need you to schedule an uber pickup for me and three other people at 7pm to go to abe's pizza,5,64,val i need the soonest appointment for an oil change,5,67,train i would like to change the name on my capital one account,1,3,test sync with my phone,10,146,val is gambling legal in my state,0,0,oos_test search steps for how to report a card lost,2,20,test can you phrase that question again,10,143,test when do i need a new credit card,2,17,val please give me the expected arrival date for my next paycheck,8,111,train when do i have to pay my gas bill by,1,4,train i need to know today's forecast,7,91,val what's the nutritional value for a pizza lunchable,3,36,train does the box have nutrition facts for cheerios on it,3,36,train how can you assist me,9,135,train what day is my next payday,8,111,train what amount of vacation days do i have,8,115,test where's my w-2,8,117,train tell me my phone's location,7,94,val "you can remove the play date from my calendar for feb 18, 2019",4,51,val can you tell me the nutrition info for pork sausage,3,36,train 20 yen is how many dollars,6,82,test tell me what ingredients i will need to make this meal,3,34,train what is my state taxes currently,8,112,train i no longer want my reservation anymore,3,42,test are you real or an ai,9,133,train what is the data of my gas tank,5,68,test who do you function for,9,123,train please make a phone call to christopher,7,97,train can you mark this note as important,0,0,oos_test what is my credit limit looking like,2,25,train when is my chase visa due,1,4,train i'd like to know when my next day off is,8,107,val was einstein right to be scared of spooky action at a distance,0,0,oos_test maybe,10,150,train let's change your accent,10,144,train tell how many a's are in the word happiness,7,102,train put in for time off march 4 to march 6,8,116,train 3 of us need to get to union station via uber,5,64,train how much have i paid for rent in the last 6 months,1,13,train could you skip to the next song on this playlist,4,56,train is my credit card expiring soon,2,17,train what teams are playing right now,0,0,oos_test would you mind switching to whisper mode,10,138,train i need a place to stay in newark near a bodega from may 2nd through the 4th,6,88,train please roll that dice,7,104,val what do you need to jump a car,5,75,train can you complete an application for a new credit card for me,2,29,test tell me a pun,9,132,train i'm on a new job but i need help with my 401k rollover,8,114,train set up an alarm to remind me to give my cat her flea medicine,4,50,train what's my total point number on my mastercard,2,26,train can you tell me if eating at outback's any good,3,38,train does greece currently have any travel alerts in place,6,84,val can you give me a french dinner suggestion,3,40,train i want you to add cleaning the toilet to my to do list,4,48,train change the pin on my wells fargo account to be 1234,1,3,train what do i have to do to transfer my 401k,8,114,test are there international transaction fees associated with my td bank card,2,30,val tell me how i can tell if my tires need to be changed,5,74,train give me a listing of all my dvd's,0,0,oos_test where do i find the interest rate for my platinum account,1,7,val i need to know the date of expiration for my credit card,2,17,train i want to update my pin number on my bank of america account,1,3,val i need you to add creamer to my shopping list,4,59,train how many times can 12 go into 600,7,98,train please tell me how do i change the account pin number,1,3,test could you translate water into dutch for me,6,78,val can you update me with the status of flight dl123,6,79,train can you find out how to report a damaged card,2,18,test """what's the method to improve credit score",2,19,test what day will i earn my payment from work,8,111,test ai can you help me find my phone,7,94,train tell me which wifi network you are connected to right now,0,0,oos_test what shots do i need if i'm travelling to odessa,6,85,test could you please tell me a good joke,9,132,train how many years have you been alive,9,134,test i'm going to the mall at 5:00 what will traffic be like,5,65,train how much luggage can i carry with me on flight dl2200 to denver,6,89,train can you let me know my credit card's apr,2,23,train the ac is set to what right now,4,60,train can i get vacation day totals i have left,8,115,train tell me my health plan,8,109,train i need to know the date of my car's last visit to the shop please,5,72,train what is the meaning of interorganizational,7,99,train what's 15% of 68,7,98,test what is the last time the living room was vacuumed,0,0,oos_test send a text message to chris and ask what he wants to eat for dinner,7,105,train pick out an excerise outfit for me,0,0,oos_test can you give me information on how to rent a car,6,90,train how do i use my microwaves defrost,0,0,oos_test let me know some things i can do in dallas,6,83,test give me my credit card expiration date,2,17,test will you roll a 2 sided dice,7,104,train "hi, i'm john",10,147,train i'm going to be in thailand from october 15th until october 23rd,6,77,train where could i locate a w2 form from,8,117,train can you help me add the song i listen to to my clutch playlist,4,53,val how did my bank account is frozen,1,6,val what's the exchange rate between country a and country b,6,82,val my checking account needs a new pin number,1,3,train do you have friendly or unfriendly pets,9,124,test what is the highest earning game on atari,0,0,oos_train where am i on gps,5,61,val "what is the distance to austin city limits from my hotel , the holiday inn at austin",5,70,train is my computer free from viruses,0,0,oos_test how much is the least i can pay for power bill,1,8,train when's the next time i get paid,8,111,val redeem credit card points,2,24,val what's the closest mcdonalds,5,71,train time in manhattan,7,103,val reserve a table for 3 at 7 for olive garden,3,39,test show me a calendar,7,93,train has my vacation been okayed yet,8,106,val what is the location of my w2 that is needed for taxes,8,117,train what time is it in north korea,7,103,train what are the nutritional facts of waffles,3,36,train when is the next scheduled day off,8,107,train can i change my nickname,10,147,train am i allowed to increase the credit limit on my mastercard,2,22,train how can i go about finding my current location,5,61,train look to see if i have folding laundry on my to do list,4,58,train what is the exchange rate between usd and the euro,6,82,train "how much is the atm fee for my boa card in orlando, fl",2,30,train get me directions to phoenix,5,71,test for which reason was my card declined yesterday,2,21,train should i get any shots before i go to kenya,6,85,train can you sub half and half for heavy whipping cream,3,43,train how can we start communicating in french rather than english,10,142,train what's 8 ounces in cups,7,100,train can we pair this with my new phone,10,146,train can you change my credit limit,2,22,train i'd like to find ways to improve my credit score,2,19,train the date tomorrow is what,7,93,train can you tell me what you refer to me as,10,137,train how many items are in a bakers dozen,0,0,oos_test what withdrawals were there on my account yesterday,1,14,val add pepsi to my shopping bag,4,59,train if i have garlic from sunday is it still fine to use,3,31,train i am going out of country and need to inform my bank,6,77,train will there be traffic on the way to walmart,5,65,train did my order get delivered,4,52,val i need you to make my bank aware that i will be visiting taiwan from the 22nd of february until the 3rd of march,6,77,test can you calculate my tax,8,112,train i'm travelling to ireland soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train where do i find the routing number for sunflower bank,1,2,train how long ago were you born,9,134,train when will my jetblue flight get here,6,79,train please use male voice instead,10,144,train tell me where you're made,9,128,train look up local repair shops that work on vacuum cleaners,0,0,oos_test how can i report fraudulent charges on my card,1,15,train tell me the timezone las vegas is in,6,81,train check reservation availability for 2 at red lobster at 8pm,3,39,train can you text christopher and tell them im on my way,7,105,train how is new insurance gotten,8,108,train upload the pictures to the correct album,0,0,oos_test what do i need if i want to make lasagna,3,34,train tell me the status of flight dl123,6,79,train what is the exchange rate from pounds sterling to us dollars,6,82,train what apr does this credit card have,2,23,train i want to view my balance,1,12,train what does altruism mean,7,99,train what is a good laptop for gaming,0,0,oos_test what is my compensation,8,113,test are my tires low on air,5,66,train how long can i keep a ham in the freezer,3,31,train what is the lowest i can pay on my phone bill,1,8,train what's on my schedule for may 3,4,55,train tell me about this cars fuel economy,5,69,train where am i located on the map,5,61,test tell me the number of points on my visa card,2,26,test what is the day off request status if you would tell me,8,106,test please dial christie's number,7,97,train go ahead and roll the dice,7,104,train i want to shop using credit card points,2,24,test when do i have to pay my internet,1,4,test go back to normal mode please,10,138,train the check engine light is on and i need a mechanic,5,67,train play the song after this,4,56,train tell me how to make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,val look up travel alerts for canada,6,84,train what's up with my 401k and will it roll over,8,114,train "ai, coin flip",7,101,train i don't know where my phone is,7,94,train help me find a hotel in columbus with good reviews,6,88,train i want to know how to rollover my 401k,8,114,train usd to the euro exchanges at what right now,6,82,train quit the current action please,10,145,train can you get me a table for 5 at outback steakhouse at 6:30pm,3,39,train can you slow down the rate at which you talk,10,136,val what's the correct fuel type for my car,5,73,train please tell me the time,7,103,train you have to reserve a table for 4 at red robin under the name kevin at 7,3,39,train "revert back to your factory settings, please",10,149,train how do i ascertain when my next insurance payment will be,1,4,train can you give me a recipe for german chocolate cake,3,37,train do you know how many rewards points are currently on my discover card,2,26,train on the fan,4,60,train i really must rent a car out of sky harbor airport from the 3rd to the 5th of february,6,90,val tell me how to make chow mein,3,37,train i need to rent a car in boston for march 2 until march 4,6,90,train clear my calendar for this friday,4,51,train what is the expiration month and year on my credit car,2,17,test can you find my iphone,7,94,train send bill a text for me and tell him i will be 30 minutes late,7,105,train please flip a coin - i call heads,7,101,val how come my chase account has a hold on it,1,6,test what are some tips to build my credit score,2,19,train verify that i have reservations at chilis for john doe,3,32,train please spell check my resume,0,0,oos_test what street am i on right now,5,61,train can i take pto form march 4 to march 6,8,116,train "in paris, get me a hotel room for 4 people from march 1st to 3rd",6,88,train what is the cost of four double a batteries,0,0,oos_test are there any sales on liquor,0,0,oos_test the answer to that is affirmative,10,139,train what is the right way to spell superficial,7,102,train "are you ai, or a person",9,133,train find me a flight from tijuana to guadalajara on volaris,6,87,train when will i get the next holiday with pay,8,107,train fold my hand,0,0,oos_test help me get a meeting set up,8,118,train what is on the shopping list,4,54,test tell me my hsbc card credit limit,2,25,test how much is it to get more data on my phone plan,0,0,oos_test what is seventeen plus three,7,98,val "tell me how to say, 'it is a beautiful morning' in italian",6,78,train write apples on my shopping list,4,59,train what is the time in paris now,7,103,val what kind of interest am i getting from my bank of america checking,1,7,val where can i find my phone,7,94,train i would like to apply for a master card,2,29,train where do people go to eat in this town,3,41,train how busy will panera be at noon,3,33,train can you please turn your volume down,10,140,val how long can i expect a bus ride to the liberty bell to take,5,70,train tell me how to schedule a meeting,8,118,train find out what the word abrogate means for me,7,99,train when am i due for my next oil change,5,62,test will you roll a 10 sided dice,7,104,train "does my card ending in 1234, or any of my cards, expire soon",2,17,test "what birthday are you celebrating this year, ai",9,134,train tell jim i'm coming home soon,7,105,test check to see how many days off i have used,8,120,train "no, definitely not",10,141,test i must transfer ten dollars from my bank of america account to my capital one account,1,10,train is it alright to switch applesauce for oil,3,43,test i need more checkbooks mailed as soon as possible,1,11,test check to see how many miles are on my car,0,0,oos_test tell me the next holiday,8,107,test how many bags can i carry-on,6,89,test i'll have to cancel my reservation for tonight,3,42,train i wish to confirm that i have a reservation at red robin for josh,3,32,train am i eligible for a new credit card,2,29,test can you put detergent on my shopping list cause i'm all out,4,59,train i would like you to suggest a chinese dish,3,40,val i am wanting to know the carry-on restrictions for united airlines,6,89,train how much has microsoft's stock changed over the last year,0,0,oos_test i want to get reminded to clean my room,4,50,train what kind of music on the speaker now,4,46,test when do i get my next day off,8,107,val what is the purpose of exsistance,9,122,train how do i book a vacation,8,116,train i need to rollover my 401k,8,114,train when do i next get paid,8,111,test what is that crunchy stuff on creme bruleo,0,0,oos_test what meetings do i have today,8,110,train please measure my tire pressure,5,66,train please lower your volume,10,140,test steve needs to know my location,7,95,val who set up the numbers for it,7,96,test please change your accent,10,144,val please find the rules for carry on when flying with spirit airlines,6,89,train please say the apr for my credit card,2,23,train set a new reminder for tomorrow at 4am,4,50,train "hello there, good morning",9,131,test communicate via text to,7,105,train add corn to my shopping list and remove wine,4,59,train how do i ask to have a vacation,8,116,train what's the best place to just get away from it all,6,83,train how long until pork spoils in the fridge,3,31,train how long do i cook the chicken roast,3,44,train how much is my electric bill for this month,1,9,train what mpg does this car get in city,5,69,train can i get my limit increased on my discover card,2,22,test has my vacation time at work been allowed,8,106,train "enjoy your day, goodbye",9,129,test fly me from pit to pdx on delta for under $300,6,87,train are vaccinations needed for trips to guana,6,85,train can you tell me what kind of outlet plug there is over there,6,76,train your boss is,9,123,train "at which mileage, should i get my oil changed",5,62,train i want an alarm to go off at 9 am,7,92,train who do you take orders from,9,123,train how do i find my present location right now,5,61,train tell me what my local park's policy is on letting dogs off of leashes,0,0,oos_test "who or what programmed you, do you know",9,121,val turn up your volume,10,138,train "i have had pizza in the fridge since monday, so is it safe to eat",3,31,train start over using factory setting,10,149,test how many dollars can i exchange for 75 euros,6,82,train what is my yearly salary,8,113,train what is the calorie count of a burrito,3,35,test i would like to book a place to stay in phoenix from the 5th to the 9th of march,6,88,test look up the credit limit for my visa,2,25,train what is the update on my vacation request,8,106,train "i haven't heard if my request for time off for vacation has been approved , can you get an update for me",8,106,train how many miles per gallon do i get,5,69,train how many days of pto have i used,8,120,train how do i set up a meeting,8,118,val how much gas do you have will you make it to jackson,5,68,val that's correct,10,139,test what kind of things do you do when you have free time,9,125,train is anything happening on march 4th 2019,4,55,val tell me how long can i keep pizza in the freezer for before it goes bad,3,31,train let's hear a joke!,9,132,test where can i find jimmy john's reservations,3,45,train can you change to the whisper voice setting,10,138,train "what kind of traffic can i expect driving to newark, new jersey on i-95 from philadelphia at noon",5,65,test what's the currency conversion between rubles and dollars,6,82,train what does confrontation mean,7,99,test it might be either one,10,150,train i wanna add this song to my rock playlist,4,53,train my tires need to be changed when,5,74,train send robert a text from me telling him okay,7,105,val what is 3 to the 6th power,7,98,train is the apr on my credit card good,2,23,train make slower your speech,10,136,test my card is impaired and i can't use it,2,18,val i want to know how i can build up a good credit score,2,19,test your birthplace is where,9,128,train what is the current exchange rate for the dollar and the yen,6,82,train "when referring to you, what name do you want me to use",9,127,train can you give me some stress management tips,0,0,oos_test what do you have for my name,10,137,test the temperature at ac is what,4,60,test when is an oil change needed by me,5,62,train i want you to play the next song,4,56,test what's the calorie content of cheetos,3,35,train milk will go bad in my fridge when,3,31,test change to something that's not whisper mode,10,138,test what does peer-to-peer actually mean,7,99,test please tell me why my card was declined,2,21,train i need to know my phone's location,7,94,val place a call to bill now,7,97,train "after losing a credit card, how long does it take to get a new one",2,16,val "i'd like to just confirm all of the reminders currently on my list of reminders, please",4,49,test what are my shopping list's content,4,54,train i need to report that my card has been lost,2,20,train what is the meaning of the word slander,7,99,train i want you to skip this song,4,56,val can you tell me when my flight is going to board,6,79,train how to paint walls,0,0,oos_test teach me how to change the oil in my vehicle,5,63,train i appreciate it,9,130,train this process needs to stop,10,145,test what kinds of cereal are gluten free,0,0,oos_test how should i prepare to change my own oil,5,63,train can you check my voicemail,0,0,oos_test i want to set up direct deposit what do i need to do,8,119,train either or,10,150,test what if i want to switch insurance plans,8,108,test i need to know today's date,7,93,train "ai, what should i call you",9,127,train i need to increase credit limit for my chase card,2,22,test what's the meaning of this life,9,122,train "i'm hungry, where should i go",3,41,train what did i do with my phone,7,94,val how many calories are in chocolate cake,3,35,train nay,10,141,train are there any fun tourist things to do in boston,6,83,train why did macy's decline my card,2,21,train can you tell me if there's a lot of wait time at wendy's around 8am,3,33,train please repeat over what you said,10,143,train "what kind of person are you, a cat or dog",9,124,train what kind of sockets do the us use,6,76,val tell me what my minimum payment is,1,8,train thanks for your cooperation,9,130,train will i get a fee for international transactions with my visa card,2,30,train i gotta know my credit score,2,28,train what instructions do i need to bake a cake from scratch,3,37,test please respond to me in english from now on,10,142,val i need to confirm my reservation for red lobster for frank,3,32,test i lost my debit card and need it reported as lost,2,20,train roll 6 sided die,7,104,train what name do you know me by,10,137,train thank you very much,9,130,test what kind of gas does this car need,5,73,train please tell me my location using gps,5,61,train how do i go about renting a car,6,90,train i can't find my cell and need help locating it,7,94,train i am grateful for the help,9,130,test what is the length of time i can leave pork in the fridge,3,31,train how many vacation days do i have saved up,8,115,train please take off my calendar on saturday the 6th birthday party for john,4,51,test what did i spend at bath and body works last month,1,13,train how do i put in for vacation,8,116,train how many saved days of vacation time do i have,8,115,train what's the meaning of emulsify,7,99,train is a socket converter necessary if i'm travelling to london,6,76,test change to factory settings,10,149,val can you slow down,10,136,train give adam my gps coordinates,7,95,train what kind of fuel do i need to put in my car,5,73,val i want that volume bumped up to 4,10,140,train remind me to get an oil change,4,50,val i need to make a reminder,4,50,val how miles does it take to get to red lobster from my current location,5,70,train i need an uber to come to my work at 5pm for three people going to the cineplex downtown,5,64,val i would have to say yes as my answer,10,139,train certainly not,10,141,val i'd like to change the ai name,10,148,train i accidentally caught my card on fire,2,18,val change speaking speed to 50 percent faster,10,136,test remove my dinner reservation,3,42,train what are some funny jokes,9,132,train day that i get paid,8,111,train read my appointments for march 2,4,55,train can you tell where my package is,4,52,train how do i keep good credit,2,19,train tell me once more,10,143,train turn down your volume,10,140,train i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at the seven dwarves for peter,3,32,train i need to cancel my reservation for rob at red robin,3,42,test i want everything on my shopping list,4,57,train what's local slang for goodbye in hawaii,6,78,train how often should i get my tires changed,5,74,test would you add bananas to my shopping list as i am out,4,59,train what do i do if i lost my luggage,6,86,val i used the last check so i want you to help me order more,1,11,train where can i locate the pnc account's interest rate,1,7,val can you roll a four sided die and tell me the result,7,104,test what can you help me with,9,135,train how hot will it be tomorrow,7,91,train that's a yes,10,139,val is there any meaning to being alive,9,122,train i need you to reserve a table for 6:00 pm for three at devon's seafood,3,39,train how much do you make,8,113,train you are a bot aren't you,9,133,train what's the best way to get a mastercard,2,29,test reset the factory settings if possible,10,149,train what is the definition of flange,7,99,train so tell me the pin number,1,3,val how do i increase the limit on my visa card,2,22,train how many movies are in the star wars series,0,0,oos_test can you help me set up direct deposit,8,119,train did my visa card app go through yet,2,27,train how is everything with you,9,131,train please let my bank know that i will be in uruguay from january to august,6,77,train what's the total of days i've taken for me time so far,8,120,train tell me about your pets,9,124,train how do i get perfect alignment with the curb,0,0,oos_test what are the carry-on restrictions for delta,6,89,train i need to pay my visa,1,5,test "i want to schedule a vacation, can i request that through you",8,116,train meetings today,8,110,train i'd like to change my pin number for my wells fargo account,1,3,train make me a reservation for tomorrow at happys for four,3,39,train i've used the last can of tuna fish and need you to order a new case of it,4,57,test go shopping and order everything on the list,4,57,train what is there to do in craberra,6,83,val can you tell me if zeus does reservations,3,45,train delete all calendar entries on march 3,4,51,test can you show me how to book a car rental in manitowoc,6,90,train what is a good beef recipe,3,37,train what do you like being called,9,127,train what's the business that caused you to be made,9,121,train what's the water bill,1,9,train tell me my to-do list,4,58,test it could be that one or the other one,10,150,train is it possible to talk to you in mandarin,10,142,test who plays han solo,0,0,oos_test i would like to upgrade to full coverage for my car,0,0,oos_test is there really an answer to the meaning of life,9,122,train "might be true, might be false",10,150,train so where do i get the w2 form,8,117,val what's an example of a good apr and what do i have,2,23,train what's the next day i am scheduled off,8,107,train dollar to pesos exchange rate,6,82,train what is my current gross salary,8,113,train could you find someone to check out my car because the check engine light is on,5,67,train can you show me how to order some more checks for my chase account,1,11,train please create an alarm for 12 noon,7,92,train what is 13 times 57,7,98,val how many ounces in a cup,7,100,val find the minimum due on my peco energy bill for february,1,8,train not sure if that's a yes or a no,10,150,train i'd like a block on my charles schwab account immediately,1,1,train please set a timer for 40 minutes,7,96,train can you assist me rolling over a 401k for a new job,8,114,train what do i do to find my location,5,61,train i want my credit limit changed,2,22,train i need an uber to the doctor,5,64,train i am interested in acquiring a new credit card,2,29,train share to grandma my gps coordinates,7,95,train i need to change your name to ben,10,148,train "when is the next holiday, please",8,107,train i would like to know if i can put a pto request in for march 19 to march 20,8,116,val how many kilos are in 20 pounds,7,100,train what hobbies do you like to partake in,9,125,train what month is my card expired in,2,17,test "when is our next free day, please",8,107,train please tell me your date of birth,9,134,train switch to female voice,10,144,train can i cancel my reservations,3,42,train can you assist me on my fradulent activity on my chase card,1,15,val i can't find my luggage,6,86,test what do you know me as,10,137,train what do i need to get to make lasagne,3,34,train how many vacation days have i accrued,8,115,train revert to your factory settings,10,149,train can you get me a table for 6 at johnnys,3,39,train when will the government file another antitrust suit against microsoft,0,0,oos_test how do i get to the college by bus,5,71,train what do you like to do when you have spare time,9,125,train what is the aid i get from these health benefits,8,109,train is there an uber that drives to the bank on 5th that can hold 3 people,5,64,test can you show me the dictionary definition of ajar,7,99,train set me an alarm now,7,92,val is there a reason people exist,9,122,train how's it going right now,9,131,train are you a human or an ai,9,133,train can you tell me my current salary,8,113,train have i been spending excessively on donuts recently,1,13,val make your speech slower than now,10,136,train how many more days until the next holiday,8,107,train what is the carry-on policy for flights on southwest,6,89,test how do i change my oil and what kind do i need,5,63,train how long does it take before you have to change your oil,5,62,val please tell me how to go about reporting a lost card,2,20,test what time is in over there in pacific standard time,7,103,val can you translate i have to go pee into korean for me,6,78,train what steps should i take if i think my car battery is dead,5,75,test please check the pressure in my tires,5,66,train "i'm in the mood for italian, are there any good places around",3,41,train french time zone,6,81,train say trivia about lebron james,9,126,train what is 20 + 20,7,98,train would i need a visa if i want to travel to mexico,6,80,train how long can i expect chicken breast to be good for before expiration,3,31,train find me a recipe for chili,3,37,test this song i'm listening to would be great on my commute playlist,4,53,test i need to know when should i get my tires changed next,5,74,train what are some interesting things to do in dc,6,83,train where did i last put my phone,7,94,test will i get my time off approved,8,106,test what is 4 x 4,7,98,train can anyone help me pay my car bill,1,5,train am i allowed to increase my credit limit to $1000,2,22,train what song is this one,4,46,test is it okay to change your name to samson,10,148,test who do you say you work for,9,123,val tell me my credit card's annual percentage rate,2,23,train will i pay over $500 in federal taxes,8,112,train could you submit a pto request for me for dates june 11 to 14,8,116,train in what state were you born,9,128,train how do you convert inches to centimeters,7,100,train do i have any meetings today between 5 and 6,8,110,train "my account is blocked, help me figure out why",1,6,train tell me how to retrieve my pin number,1,3,train can you recommend some fiction books,0,0,oos_test continue to next song on the playlist,4,56,train let's skip over this song and listen to the next tune instead,4,56,val what are you going to refer to me as,10,137,train i want an alarm for 6 am,7,92,test at what point should the flight land,6,79,train can i see my health benefits,8,109,train let me know what the exchange rate between dollars and pesos is,6,82,train tell me a joke about lawyers,9,132,train where is the best place to mine for gold,0,0,oos_test i need to know last months transactions,1,14,train where should i travel if i want to go to a nice beach,6,83,train i would like to apply for a green card,2,29,train how many millimeters are in 21 centimeters,7,100,test how much is my cable bill,1,9,train what transactions happened in the last week,1,14,train please talk a bit faster,10,136,val can you tell me what 100 british pounds equals in us dollars,6,82,test let's hear the definition of iridium,7,99,train what can i do to raise my credit score,2,19,train what is the city mpg for this car,5,69,train help me get a rental car,6,90,train "on my to do list, add exercising",4,48,train what does ataraxy mean,7,99,train are mashed potatoes good nutrition,3,36,train what is the expiration date on my credit card,2,17,train can you help me with seattle car rental bookings,6,90,train put in an alarm for 5pm,7,92,train how much does it seem my state taxes will be,8,112,train tell me something to make me laugh,9,132,val how old,9,134,test what's my apr on the card i recently used to make a purchase,2,23,train i'm going to jamaica next week; am i needing a visa,6,80,train thanks so much ai,9,130,test my answer to your question is yes,10,139,test i want to know the status of my credit card application,2,27,test i need an uber to get to dulles airport,5,64,train apply for an american express card,2,29,train what is the pressure of my tires,5,66,test change the pin on my savings account to 1234,1,3,test list all of my health benefits,8,109,train are there any open meeting rooms between noon and 1,8,118,train show me all transactions for current statement,1,14,val see you later!,9,129,train you can cancel my reservation,3,42,train would vaccinations be needed if i go here,6,85,test maybe is what i am going to answer,10,150,train are my tires requiring a fill-up,5,66,train confirm my reservation for joe at hoss's,3,32,test what is the wait like at apple bees,3,33,val check to see if picking up glenn from the airport is on my list of reminders,4,49,train i need to rent a car for may 11thto may 13th in chicago and i'd like a coupe,6,90,test how can i figure out my interest rate for my umpqua account,1,7,train in france do they require socket conveters,6,76,val let me know the status of flight dl123,6,79,train use your indoor voice please,10,138,train "ai, give me the results of a coin flip",7,101,train tell me the mpg of this car,5,69,train how much fuel do i have left,5,68,val i need to book a flight on jet blue to boston from new york,6,87,test how many oscars did star wars films win,0,0,oos_train what all is in gumbo,3,34,train how many vacation days have i accumulated,8,115,val my tires are filled enough or no,5,66,test does the central timezone include austin,6,81,train turn your vocals down,10,140,train send a text to brooklyn with the message that i will see them later,7,105,train are there any decent places to get seafood in seattle,3,41,train i need to hear my todo list,4,58,train is there a barbecue restaurant around here,3,41,train can i bring suntan lotion in my carry on,6,89,test what things do you do for fun,9,125,train book a reservation for 3 at xenophobe under the name zebee,3,39,val how do i get stains out of the carpet,0,0,oos_test can you flip a coin i call heads,7,101,test can you help me sign up for a new credit card,2,29,train can you help me get a new credit card,2,29,train why do you think we're here,9,122,train how long should i bake the brownies for,3,44,train make up a timer for me,7,96,train i want to know the definition of discretionary,7,99,train increase the volume,10,140,test can you skip this song,4,56,train what is the temperature the ac display is showing,4,60,train can you locate my phone for me,7,94,train is k-12 education required outside of the united states,0,0,oos_train please get my credit score,2,28,train what's my limit on my visa card,2,25,train yes that is right,10,139,train how much is my income going to be this month,8,113,train can you tell me how long it will take to cook a lasagna,3,44,test show my my minimum payment for youtube,1,8,train how many days have i taken off,8,120,val spell aaron for me,7,102,test did you grow up here,9,128,train i want a hotel in phoenix near chase field from january 4th to the 8th,6,88,test is there enough fuel to make it to the walmart,5,68,train what is the time frame to get to phoenix,5,70,train "could you please help me, my card has been stolen and i need to report it",2,20,train does argentina have a travel alert,6,84,train what is six divided by 16,7,98,train is it possible to add grapes to my shopping list if they aren't on there already,4,59,val has my delivery order arrived yet,4,52,train can i get an uber to union station for 3 riders,5,64,train so are you real,9,133,train i want to cancel my reservation for network to xaga such,3,42,val what's my car's gas mileage,5,69,train "what time is it in houston, tx",7,103,train "book a flight from miami, fl to columbus, ga on 16 february 2019 and returning on 2 march 2019",6,87,train is there a fee for using my card in portland,2,30,test i'd like an appointment at your earliest availability for an oil change,5,67,val can you give me nutritional info on oranges,3,36,train can i edit my insurance policy,8,108,test i want to change the name i call you to juan,10,148,train what sort of things do people do in new york,6,83,train sync phone,10,146,val do you know if olive garden does reservations,3,45,train please reconfigure yourself back to factory settings,10,149,train how long until i need to change my oil,5,62,train what is the weather,7,91,test assist me on where to go to get my w2 for tax reasons,8,117,train do you know if vacation got approved,8,106,test when does the electric bill up,1,4,train who is your employeer,9,123,train tell me how i can get a new pin number,1,3,train "i don't need my reservation, can you cancel it",3,42,train when was the last time i got paid,8,111,train what did i want to remember,4,49,test can you see a hdmi cord,0,0,oos_test i'm sorry please repeat the question,10,143,val do you know my name,10,137,train what type of industries do innovation managers work in,0,0,oos_test i wanna know how long until the next day off,8,107,test how many calories are in powdered donuts,3,35,val how do i make shrimp,3,37,val have i got any meetings today with sara,8,110,train how's my gas mileage while driving through a city,5,69,val what holiday is coming up,8,107,val what is the extent of the pto i've taken,8,120,train how many calories are in a cheeseburger,3,35,test how would i go about raising my gold card limit,2,22,train i need some suggestions for dinner places tonight,3,41,test have i been spending a lot on shoes lately,1,13,train tell me what the date is for tomorrow,7,93,train what kind of gas is needed for this car,5,73,train how can i cash in my credit card points,2,24,train on account ending in 3838 change my pin to 1234,1,3,train what name do you use when addressing me,10,137,train what kind of gas does this car use,5,73,train please help me find my cellphone,7,94,train add a reminder to check how the body is decomposing,4,50,train is the apr rate on my amex pretty good,2,23,train please stop my account,1,1,test what is the exchange rate in pesos for 100 dollars,6,82,train tell me where i left my phone,7,94,val what is my pay for this year,8,113,train i need a flight from denver international to new york international round trip for the 4th though the 8th,6,87,val can you make reservations at steak 'n' shake,3,45,train what's the equivalent of 1 cup to pounds,7,100,val your answer is appreciated,9,130,train i want new language,10,142,val what's the currency conversion between rubles and yen,6,82,train please let me know if giving the dog a bath is on my list of tasks to complete,4,58,train can you tell me what song this is,4,46,train are visas for international travel,6,80,test set a timer for twelve seconds,7,96,train i need a newer insurance plan,8,108,train i need to put in a cancellation for the dinner plans tonight,3,42,train show my location on the map,5,61,test what will the weather be like,7,91,train do i have a good apr on my credit card,2,23,train i'm too drunk to drive and need an uber home,5,64,test my car needs to be brought for maintenance,5,67,train when was the last time my car was worked on,5,72,val are you currently a pet owner,9,124,train could you stop talking for a second,10,145,train whats the total of my federal taxes,8,112,test are the review for mcdonald's good or bad,3,38,val report discover card as lost,2,20,train an unauthorized transactions has been made on my gap card and i need to report it,1,15,val what's happening,9,131,train absolutely!,10,139,train how much pto is gone,8,120,test what's my apr on this card,2,23,train what is the interest rate on my money market account,1,7,train is my order shown as delivered,4,52,train what is the weather outside,7,91,val how did you save my name,10,137,train text chris and ask what time he will be home,7,105,train put a freeze on my account,1,1,test can you tell me if ruby tuesday does reservations,3,45,train what's the best pizza place around here,3,40,train set up a reminder so i don't forget the baby shower this weekend,4,50,test what are some good southern bbq restaurants in nashville,3,41,val how is the temperature at ac,4,60,test "i want sushi, is there any good place in ho chi minh",3,41,train what is the time in the utc timezone,7,103,train i want to book a hotel in tampa from may 2 to may 4,6,88,val what is the time for a tire change,5,74,test i would like to set up direct deposit,8,119,train hello there ai,9,131,test if i use my card in england will it cost me extra,2,30,val tell me how to locate the interest rate for my jonah account,1,7,train "i made a reservation for chris at tony's, please cancel it",3,42,train can you retrieve client d's file please,0,0,oos_test "email my boss, tell him i wont be in today",0,0,oos_test kind of what pets do you have,9,124,train do i have enough funds in my card,2,21,train how long before my new card is mailed to me,2,16,test make a reservation for 2 at red lobster at 8pm,3,39,train i want your responses to be in french,10,142,train tell me who your boss is,9,123,val "flip coin, heads!",7,101,test how do you repel a bear when you're out on a hike,0,0,oos_test can you tell me the name of the insurance plan i'm a member of,8,109,train take everything off my todo list,4,48,train can you me what they call you,9,127,train i want an update on my application for a credit card that i sent in a couple weeks ago,2,27,train slow down your talking too fast i don't understand you,10,136,train are there any transaction fees associated with my chase card if i am in tokyo,2,30,train i have credit card points but don't know how to use them,2,24,train what is the day,7,93,train dial up dominos pizza,7,97,test please find the receipt date for my last paycheck,8,111,train i need to know how many pto days are left,8,115,val what should i take for a cold,0,0,oos_test how small of a payment can i make for my chase card bill,1,8,train i need to call my mom,7,97,test can you not talk so fast,10,136,test what are ai's hobbies,9,125,train "what is 20 ounces in grams, please",7,100,train on the speaker do you know what song is on,4,46,test how many days of vacation have i saved,8,115,train i want you to recommend a good local restaurant to me,3,41,train "when i go to mexico, what kind of plugs do i need",6,76,train i would like to know the usd to aud conversion rate,6,82,train what is albert einstein famous for,0,0,oos_test what would the routing number for chase be,1,2,val can you look up what my shopping list has on it,4,54,train what interest rate am i getting from wells fargo,1,7,test do i need to get any shots before travelling to australia,6,85,val how tiny a payment can i make on electric bill,1,8,train what's my visa's current rewards balance,2,26,train what's up,9,131,train set a five minute timer,7,96,train the name is nick,10,147,val it looks as though my luggage has been lost,6,86,train can you give me a meal suggestion from the south,3,40,test "i have had farm fresh eggs in the fridge for a few months, are they still okay to ingest",3,31,val can you tell me what song i'm hearing,4,46,train i would like to do some things in phoenix,6,83,test i need a hotel room that is big enough for eleven people from march 10th to the 15th in phoenix,6,88,test i would like to know my chase interest rate,1,7,train i want to know how you are doing,9,131,test can you let me know my latest transactions,1,14,train please find out the status of my vacation request,8,106,train what do i do if my car battery died,5,75,test can i make it to tampa without needing to get more gas,5,68,train order some new checks to replace the ones i ran out of,1,11,train when do i have some time off next,8,107,train how good is the apr on my credit card,2,23,train i'm seeking a full circle flight from msy to msp for w to june 7,6,87,val download all the photos off my phone into the cloud,0,0,oos_test please turn the fan on,4,60,train you need to respond to a new name called joey,10,148,train what are the reviews like for zazie,3,38,train who do you report to for your work,9,123,test which holiday is next,8,107,train which insurance plan do i currently have,8,109,train make up a new alarm,7,92,train can i set a reminder,4,50,train can i ask your name,9,127,val what was the date of the last time i took my car to the shop,5,72,test i need to book a car rental in boston,6,90,train how do you learn how to play electric violin,0,0,oos_val tell me what some of your hobbies are,9,125,test i ran out of checks and need more asap,1,11,val could you ask the question again,10,143,train flip a coin i choose heads,7,101,test please check up on my son's homework,0,0,oos_test adjust settings back to original factory settings immediately,10,149,test do i need to fill up my tires,5,66,train making spaghetti sauce perfectly is done how,3,37,train what day is payday,8,111,test what is the schedule for my next oil change,5,62,val i would like to switch to a different insurance plan,8,108,train how is the traffic like on the way to the beach,5,65,train can you notify me when my vacation days have approved,8,106,test "go ahead and flip a coin, i am calling tails",7,101,train change your language setting to chinese,10,142,train please add what i listen to to my lolla playlist,4,53,val i'd like to transfer $400 from household to savings account,1,10,test when can i expect my replacement card,2,16,train what music is playing on the the bluetooth now,4,46,train how does one apply for a master card,2,29,val what are sigmund freud's most famous books,0,0,oos_test new insurance is obtainable how,8,108,train should i air up the tires,5,66,train how long does it take to replace a stolen credit card,2,16,train replay what you just said,10,143,train please find the capital of pakistan and its population,0,0,oos_train i have a car payment that needs to be paid,1,5,test what are some hot travel destinations,6,83,train do i already have a task on my todo list to research delaware,4,58,train put a meeting on my schedule with pam for 3:00pm on february 11th,8,118,train what is your age,9,134,train sorry i missed that,10,143,test would a socket converter be needed in france,6,76,test please verify my reservation for john at bardenay,3,32,test what ingredients are in salsa,3,34,train how do i say you're welcome in chinese,6,78,train "is paprika listed on my shopping list, please add it",4,59,train how much is due on the gas bill,1,9,val what can i refer to you by,9,127,train write down appointment for tomorrow on my calendar,4,51,train i would like to know my location,5,61,train how many teaspoons are in a half a cup,7,100,train can i change your name to buttercup,10,148,train false for sure,10,141,train what steps should i take if my luggage has been lost,6,86,test remind me of how days i had off so far for the year,8,120,val where do i go to get private client account's interest rate,1,7,val what is the credit limit for my navy federal card,2,25,train is our next day off soon,8,107,test tell me how you're made,9,128,train can you add this song to my country music playlist,4,53,test how long does it take tomatoes to expire,3,31,train "please play that song that goes, ""starships were meant to fly",4,47,test call an uber to take a group of 4 from this bar to the one on maple st,5,64,test do i need to get gas soon,5,68,train what's my current fuel level,5,68,train i want manual on how to change oil,5,63,train what's the cost of my dte bill plus my electricity bill,1,9,train how to cancel,10,145,val i'd like to know the balance of my bank of american account,1,12,train should i buy a plug converter if i am traveling to egypt,6,76,train what does my shopping list say that i should get,4,54,train look up how much my state taxes are,8,112,test i am john,10,147,train help me figure out redemption of my credit card points,2,24,train i need to know when my next day off is,8,107,train "can i take a pto for two days, starting on february 7",8,116,train go over my shopping list with me,4,54,train can i have 3 carry ons with delta at jfk,6,89,train let's switch out of whisper mode,10,138,train i need to know the carry-on rules for southwest,6,89,test i will now call you adam instead of your old name,10,148,val i will be telling my bank of my upcoming trip to spain,6,77,val "what do they call you, ai",9,127,test that might be the case,10,150,test is it acceptable to swap marinara for alfredo,3,43,train how long do i've got until my discovery card expires,2,17,train what sorts of things do you do for fun,9,125,train i want you to call me something else,10,147,train "for travel to argentina, do i need to get a travel visa",6,80,train "my car needs to be jump started, guide me through it",5,75,train shopping list,4,54,val my current location,5,61,train when will my vacation time be confirmed,8,106,test could you please cancel my reservation for 5 at red robin,3,42,train find my phone,7,94,train how healthy is rice,3,36,test what is the minimum payment on my eddie bauer card,1,8,train i need a flight from the 3rd to the 7th round rip from denver international to new york international,6,87,val what kinds of things can you do,9,135,train check to see how many days off i have used in total so far,8,120,train remind me of the date of the event called 'anniversary dinner,4,55,train yo play that song that go like she take my money,4,47,train how are those mcdonald's reviews looking,3,38,val i no longer want you to be synced to my phone,10,146,test call erryn,7,97,train would you please cancel the reservations for dinner,3,42,train can you figure out how to find my credit score,2,28,train reserve a table for 5 at lawry's under the name steve at 8:00pm,3,39,train what is the credit card's apr,2,23,train what is the routing number for my wells fargo account,1,2,train what apr do i have with my credit card,2,23,train so where did you live when you were a baby,9,128,train can i initiate a one-time transfer from my savings account to my money market account,1,10,train how can i get a better rate on my card,0,0,oos_test i need to know how long can i keep pizza in the freezer for before it goes bad,3,31,train i can't figure out why my card was declined at target,2,21,val can i have more information about my income,8,113,train how many people do you think will be at applebees at 7,3,33,train what are the most popular attractions in gatlinburg,6,83,train is the meeting with lisa today,8,110,test can you tell me the ai's name,9,127,train i'd like my paychecks direct deposited in my navyfed checking account,8,119,train when was my oil last changed,5,72,test i must add farm trip to my calendar for friday,4,51,train i would love to know the closest gas station to glendale,5,71,test pair with my phone please,10,146,train has my visa card application been approved yet,2,27,val where is my package en route,4,52,test what did your friends call you,9,127,train how can i change my oil for my car,5,63,train book me a hotel in pittsburgh near grant street for 3/15 through 3/18,6,88,train what is the meaning of my life,9,122,train what type of socker conveters do i need in africa,6,76,val can you cancel my reservation for dinner tomorrow,3,42,train please tell me the exact number of days i have still for vacation,8,115,test does my bank of america card have international transaction fees,2,30,train "looking at the past month, what did i spend total",1,13,test is there gridlock on the street up to the stadium,5,65,train i don't know how to spell threshold,7,102,train where can i find my credit card's expiration date,2,17,train can you play music by led zeppelin,4,47,train what do i owe the government on my taxes,8,112,train you have what kind of pets,9,124,train how old will you be next year,9,134,train how much is the euro in dollars,6,82,train what's this track,4,46,train i need an airline ticket for a round trip flight from philadelphia to atlanta for the dates of june 5 - 8,6,87,val add help! by the beatles to my playlist,4,53,train what timezone is milan in,6,81,train on what day is our next free day,8,107,test what weight oil do i need and how do i change the oil for my chevy truck,5,63,val what is the apr for the credit card,2,23,train give me an idea of traffic on the way to the doctors office at 6,5,65,train i want to hear my vaporwave playlist,4,47,train what does chase pay in interest per year,1,7,test can you tell me how much pto i still have,8,115,train find hotels in baltimore that have positive reviews,6,88,val "i have too many credit cards, is there any way you can help me organize them",0,0,oos_test "thanks, you've helped me",9,130,val "thank you for chatting with me, bye",9,129,val initiate a new alarm please,7,92,train can i cancel my reservation for 4 at red robin,3,42,train how many calories do cheetos have,3,35,train what timezone is the country in,6,81,val i need know know the reward balance for my visa,2,26,val do you know when my card will come in,2,16,train i need to get some more checkbooks mailed to me,1,11,train how do i get to san fransisco by bus,5,71,val let lucy know my gps coordinates,7,95,train i am a bit panicked because my luggage seems to have gone missing,6,86,test please tell me what today is,7,93,test why are exponents preformed before multiplication in the order of operations,0,0,oos_train i would like to apply for a discover card,2,29,train i want to redeem my card points for cash,2,24,train put fan on,4,60,train where does cannabis originate from,0,0,oos_val i need to know how long until the next day off,8,107,test how are the reviews for the supreme pizza at papa john's,3,38,test i need information on today's date,7,93,train i need a aaa service place to make an appointment for my tires to be assessed,5,67,test please alert my bank i'm traveling to europe between april 1st and 5th,6,77,test """i'll leave to lax and go to phl for $120 on nov 5th",6,87,test where can i locate my w2 so i can do my taxes,8,117,train what sort of stuff do you know,9,135,train when was the last time the president visited floridau,0,0,oos_val are there any ubers available for two people i need it to go to the stadium on grand,5,64,val who am i speaking with,9,127,test i want you to connect using my phone,10,146,train schedule me an uber to my job,5,64,train what's a good place to go to for food around here,3,41,train read my reminder list to me,4,49,train how can i let my bank know i'm going to denmark,6,77,train what's the average battery life of an android phone,0,0,oos_train can you spell out the word special for me,7,102,train can you tell me what is included in my health benefits,8,109,train what should i wear to hike,0,0,oos_test i want to hear my rock playlist,4,47,train i need directions to get to olympia by bus,5,71,train reserve a table for 4 at red lobster under the name dave at 7:30pm,3,39,train i want to put in an application for a line of a credit card how do i do that,2,29,val listen to next song on playlist,4,56,train send my current location to my superior,7,95,train please immediately block my navy federal credit union account,1,1,val do i need a travel visa to visit china,6,80,train what airlines have flights round trip on april 1st to april 7th from lax to sfo,6,87,train block my american saving bank for now,1,1,test where can i pick up a good burger near where i am,3,41,train how high is my credit limit for my old navy card,2,25,train "book a flight from tampa, fl to baltimore, md on 11 february 2019 and returning on 19 march 2019",6,87,train i need to report unauthorized activity on my card,1,15,val skip and play next song,4,56,train let me know how you are doing,9,131,test "well, i guess maybe",10,150,train 6 inch voices please,10,138,train tell me what my calendar looks like for april 13,4,55,train the ingredients in pizza are what,3,34,train restore my factory settings immediately please,10,149,train can you please start my car,4,60,train would you book me a flight to miami from dallas on southwest airlines,6,87,train how many meetings do i have scheduled between 10 and 3,8,110,train purchase me dog food,4,57,train i would like information on france's timezone,6,81,train turn your voice box down,10,140,train how would you define my health benefits,8,109,train what shots are required to go out of the country,6,85,train i would like to know carry-on information for delta,6,89,val does spain expect any travel alerts,6,84,train can you please lower the volume please,10,138,train i think my card is stolen and needs to be reported,2,20,train what does the word abjure mean,7,99,train does arbys in lakewood take reservations,3,45,train get me a table for five at itta bena at three,3,39,test how much dollars do i receive if i trade in 6 yens,6,82,train is it too late to upgrade to first class,0,0,oos_test recipe for traditional roast beef and gravy,3,37,val please change the ai name,10,148,train what is the routing number of my checking account at first national bankj,1,2,test add dishes to my list,4,48,train i don't really know,10,150,train i want to know my income,8,113,test can you tell bob and alice where i am,7,95,train call my credit card company and ask can i use my points,2,24,train do a hard reset,10,149,train can you tell me what 30% off 235 is,7,98,train set an appointment for an oil change,5,67,train i would like to know if you are a robot,9,133,val is there traffic on dove road,5,65,train much obliged,9,130,train find available letter writing classes at the local community college,0,0,oos_test do you know why the bank put a hold on my joint checking account,1,6,train can you tell me why is my bank account frozen,1,6,train can you restore factory settings now,10,149,train how soon will i be sent a new card,2,16,train do i need a socket converter if i'm going to be in russia,6,76,train what was the company that designed you,9,121,test search my contacts for the auto repair place,0,0,oos_test find if there are any travel alerts for canada,6,84,train show me where i am on the map,5,61,train timezone of cuba,6,81,train do you know why my card was declined at target i can't figure out why,2,21,val can you tell me some of your hobbies,9,125,train i want to pay my gas bill,1,5,train set an alarm for 9pm please,7,92,train will my discover card ding me with transaction fees if i'm in aruba,2,30,train i would like the dice to be rolled,7,104,train how many years have you been living,9,134,val where have you come from,9,128,test what is the distance between the goal posts in football,0,0,oos_test i want to pay my water bill,1,5,train my auto tires need to be checked out so where can i get an appointment,5,67,test how much time till the next time off,8,107,train could you tell me what timezone reno is in,6,81,train set an alarm for 9 tomorrow,7,92,test how many liters are in 1 gallon,7,100,test what oil do i use when changing oil and how do i do it,5,63,test "can you read my reminder list, please",4,49,train what's my income from work,8,113,val how will i find my current location,5,61,train how many calories are in a large fry,3,35,train what is 1 million twelve hundred divided by 400 thousand,7,98,train let me know the lowest amount i can pay for my cable bill,1,8,train i want you to call bella,7,97,train what are good places for a burrito in albuquerque,3,41,train what will help my credit score,2,19,val as my visa got a high enough limit on it,2,25,test i appreciate that answer!,9,130,train can you set a timer for two minutes,7,96,train how long to cook steak for,3,44,train are polar bears on the endangered species list,0,0,oos_test tell me if you like cats or dogs,9,124,train i need an uber to the movies,5,64,train what is our purpose in life,9,122,train what percentage of species display cold blooded traits,0,0,oos_train is there a way to go by bus to olympia,5,71,train how would i say i need directions if i were french,6,78,test schedule an appointment for a tire check for me,5,67,val can you tell me the minimum payment of my bill,1,8,train tell me when i received my most recent paycheck,8,111,train my dte and water bills are how much,1,9,train tell me how much i make,8,113,train i want to pay my rent bill,1,5,train do you remember my last oil change,5,72,train how do you convert pounds to grams,7,100,train what kind of oil do i need for my ford truck and how can i change it,5,63,val what's the amount of time since having my car given a once over by a mechanic,5,72,train i'd like to change my pin number for my checking account,1,3,train add a vet appointment for 5 pm on saturday,4,51,train you've been a great help,9,130,train how much time have i taken off this year,8,120,train use the map and pinpoint my position,5,61,train how long do noodles need to cook,3,44,train check my reminders for mop the floor,4,49,train what's the minimum payment on my credit card bill,1,8,train do i have any meetings today between 9:30 and 10:30,8,110,val could you help with booking a car rental for me in seattle,6,90,train how is my credit score numberwise,2,28,test add twelve and twelve please,7,98,train "i need to know what my health benefits cover, please",8,109,train what am i gonna need for sushi,3,34,test did carrots get on my shopping list,4,54,test i need my credit limit changed,2,22,val how much was my last target trip,1,14,test inform bill and craig of my location,7,95,train "let's try and confirm my reservation for bubble bar under ""franklin",3,32,test give me some ideas on what i can do in seattle for fun,6,83,train i want to change what accent you use,10,144,train "i don't have sour cream, can i use yogurt instead",3,43,train can my credit limit be increased to one thousand dollars,2,22,train "i need to change my oil, how do i",5,63,train abort the current action,10,145,train what is global warming,0,0,oos_test how much have i spent on my bank card sine i last paid my bill,1,14,test change to whisper mode,10,138,train find me an uber to downtown,5,64,val please revert to the original settings,10,149,val i need to change the language to french,10,142,train get an uber to take me to my brother's house in mineola,5,64,train can you use male voice,10,144,train "send twelve dollars between cabelas and bank of london accounts, please",1,10,test define thoroughbred,7,99,train what did ya save my name as,10,137,train tell me how much money i'm earning at my job,8,113,train "how is the traffic normally driving into downtown washington, dc, from baltimore at 4:00 pm",5,65,test please tell me this month's transactions on my visa,1,14,val "i lost my discover card, i want to report it",2,20,train where should i go for food tonight,3,41,test i would like you to remind me to do something,4,50,test you need all five answers,5,61,val what kind of weather does miami have,7,91,train where can i obtain a w2 form from,8,117,train i would like to hear a joke,9,132,test spell antipathy for me,7,102,train i need more checkbooks for my fifth third account,1,11,train what do i do to check when my next credit card payment is,1,4,train how much have i spent on video games recently,1,13,test tell my bank i am traveling out of country,6,77,train how are the burgers at carl jr's,3,38,train i need to know what my limit is on my american express card,2,25,val roll a pair of eight sided dice,7,104,train tell me my tax rate,8,112,val text tony and invite him to my party next saturday,7,105,train what interest rate am i getting from citrix,1,7,test tell me the song title,4,46,train please go back to your factory settings,10,149,train what's the recommended cooking time for steak,3,44,val does travelling to that place require a visa,6,80,train i wanna get my w-2 form,8,117,test give ann and scott my location,7,95,test can you report a lost card for me,2,20,test what is the level of air pressure of my tires,5,66,test how many vacation days have i used so far,8,120,train use my phone and connect please,10,146,train take me out of whisper mode,10,138,val what's the nutritional info for a loaf of bread,3,36,train what's the time to destination going via bus to omaha,5,70,test what is the song that's playing,4,46,train initiate a call to robert,7,97,val which mechanic can check my check engine light,5,67,train what are carry-on rules for jet blue,6,89,val can you turn this down,10,140,train when must i change the oil in my car,5,62,train let my bank know i will be on travel to fes,6,77,train i sent in a request for vacation time off and am wondering if its been approved yet,8,106,train what date is it tomorrow,7,93,test read my calendar events,4,55,train help me find my cellphone,7,94,train check on my health care plan,8,109,test will i run out of gas before i reach atlantic city,5,68,test "my favorite, beef tacos at the buffet",3,38,test how much money have a spent in the last week,1,13,test can i make reservations at spago in beverly hills,3,45,val how would i replace my oil and what sort of oil should i use,5,63,test "i need a report form for my damaged, demagnetized card",2,18,train i need a new accent male british,10,144,train what's the current tire pressure of my tires,5,66,train go ahead and increase your speaker volume,10,140,train "if my car battery is dead, what action do i need to do",5,75,train what is the limit on my credit,2,25,train book me a hotel with good ratings in nashville,6,88,train i'd like to know if my capital one credit card have international transaction fees,2,30,val assure my bank i really am going to california,6,77,test please transfer $50 to my checking account from credit,1,10,train tell me the types of subjects are you familiar with,9,135,train "please order some more cat food, i'm out",4,57,train i want my 401k rolled over to a new workplace,8,114,train add meeting with carla to my schedule for july 4,4,51,train can you tell me why my card was declined,2,21,train please fill me in on the nutrition facts for shrimp scampi,3,36,train my card is cracked and i want to report it,2,18,train cancel doctors appointment from my calendar,4,51,test what is the interest rate on my capital one credit card,1,7,train tell me what flange means,7,99,train i need to change my account,10,144,val "i lost my phone, can you help me find it",7,94,train in o'hare lost luggage on flight america airlines,6,86,train call contact aj,7,97,val i'd like you to use the whisper voice,10,138,train i have suspicious charges on my discovery card,1,15,train just one more time,10,143,train what do you like to be called,9,127,test how long should i cook a ny steak,3,44,train what is the definition of my health benefits,8,109,train "ai is a helpful item to have in my home, thank you",9,130,test how long can i keep beef in the freezer for before it gets nasty,3,31,val send me an uber to arrive at 5pm at my house and there will be two people going to scully's downtown,5,64,val how much money is left in my bank accounts,1,12,train is anything on my grocery list on sale today,0,0,oos_test do i need a travel visa to visit germany,6,80,train tell me about my income this week,8,113,train what are some good resources to learn about mental illness,0,0,oos_test please give me the pin number for my checking account,1,3,test what do i need to make brownies,3,34,test can you list all recent transactions,1,14,train do i need any vaccines before traveling to brazil,6,85,val id like to change your name to max,10,148,test tell me what type of gas this car uses,5,73,train i think my luggage is lost,6,86,test what is this song name,4,46,test how can i hurt my credit score,2,19,train check to see when my car was last in the shop,5,72,train """i'm fly out from lax to phl this weekend for around $120",6,87,test show me my transactions on make up at sephora,1,14,train which piano is best for classical,0,0,oos_train israel has strict restrictions do i need a visa to travel there,6,80,train i need interesting baseball trivia from the nineteen eighties,9,126,test i need rules for jump starting,5,75,train the car feels wobbly so check my tire pressure,5,66,train is my credit card application approved,2,27,train how do i get a personal w2 form,8,117,train did the application for my visa card finish,2,27,test can i use olive oil instead of butter,3,43,train i want to know if you are a cat or dog person,9,124,train what time should i leave this in the oven,3,44,val transfer $40 from account a to b,1,10,train how many voicemails are currently in my inbox,0,0,oos_test "i need help spelling ""exquisite",7,102,test who supplied your instructions,9,121,train do i get charged extra for using my card in portland,2,30,test rent me a car in aiken on may 12 to may 16,6,90,train how can i get help for my mental health,0,0,oos_test can you tell me the routing number to pnc,1,2,test can you do a coin flip for me,7,101,train alter your accent,10,144,test i would like a new insurance plan,8,108,train what name should i refer to you as,9,127,train can you add apples to my shopping list if they aren't already on there,4,59,val is there a minimum amount accepted,1,8,val how do i use reward for my first hawaiian bank,2,24,train how long would it take you to die of thirst in the sahara desert,0,0,oos_test i want to make a call to uncle,7,97,train will i be charged if i use my card in mexico,2,30,train i am out of trash bags and need them to be added to my shopping list,4,59,train how is the weather,7,91,test i need oranges on my shopping list,4,59,train what does tertiary mean,7,99,train shut down my account,1,1,train what kind of traits do vampires have,0,0,oos_test what's your birthplace,9,128,train thai food suggestions,3,40,test how many carry ons am i allowed to take on my canadair flight to frankfurt,6,89,train i would like to make changes to my insurance policy,8,108,train what is the mpg like for this car while driving in the city,5,69,train can you find some instructions on how to change my oil,5,63,val phone steven,7,97,train i need you to set timer for me,7,96,train how to spell doctor,7,102,val could you find out if my bank charges transaction fees on my american card if use internationally,2,30,test what are the things that i wanted to keep in mind,4,49,val what are the gps coordinates where i am located,5,61,train you can cancel the task,10,145,test please tell me the status of my southwest flight,6,79,train what is the lowest amount i can pay for my cellphone bill,1,8,test would you help me set up direct deposit,8,119,train can you help with delivery tracking,4,52,test please transfer $5 from savings to checking,1,10,train where should i go to get a w2 to do my taxes,8,117,train i want you to schedule a meeting with carrie and lisa,8,118,train are you considered a bot,9,133,train set your language setting to english,10,142,train can you please whisper,10,138,val what day will my paycheck come,8,111,train make a pto request from april 2 to april 4,8,116,train what is my current net salary,8,113,train could i get some more checkbooks sent to me,1,11,test when do i need my next oil change,5,62,train i'd like to start calling you buddy,10,148,test what are all the things on my reminder list,4,49,test what are the different subjects that you know,9,135,val what's the status of my virgin airlines flight,6,79,test secure the doors,4,60,val do the tires look a little low on pressure,5,66,train how long will it take to get to long beach terminal from long beach airport,5,70,train i want volume set to 4,10,140,train is traffic bad on the way to chicago,5,65,train give me my gps coordinates,5,61,val i want to be woken up at 9 tomorrow,7,92,train tell me how much energy i have consumed so far this year,0,0,oos_test i need to track my order,4,52,test write a text to kim saying no,7,105,val where do i pick up a w2 form,8,117,train "when you were a child, where did you live",9,128,train when will my american express credit card expire,2,17,train how do i keep my credit from lowering,2,19,train what is the status of my delivery order,4,52,train why is my account locked,1,6,train i bought 6 shirts at $499 each what was my total expenditure for them,7,98,test what name am i under,10,137,train i need your to reset to factory settings,10,149,test "up to this point, how much of my pto have i used",8,120,train speak in french please,10,142,test "i should get my tires checked, schedule that",5,67,train "tell me when i need to replace my tires, if i replaced them on october 1, 2017",5,74,train how is my name saved aw,10,137,val might i need to get a visa to travel to venezuela,6,80,train it could be possible,10,150,train i want whisper mode,10,138,train please tell me the procedure to cash in my rewards for my citibank card,2,24,train i need a reminder to wash dishes,4,50,test alternatives to white wine in food,3,43,train revert back to your factory settings,10,149,train who tracks my credit score,2,28,val set a six minute timer,7,96,train is my request going to be approved for vacation,8,106,test my card is damaged and no longer function,2,18,train can't say,10,150,val where can i get gas to get to sioux falls,5,68,train can you cancel my dinner reservation,3,42,train how do you make blackberry pie,3,37,train how do i redeem my card points,2,24,train i'm traveling between denver and la so tell my bank,6,77,train i want you to address me in italian,10,142,train walk me through the process of cashing in on credit card points,2,24,train are you well,9,131,train can i move some money between my two accounts,1,10,test does my w2 come by mail,8,117,train i want you to reset your factory settings,10,149,train do you know if bottlenecks takes dinner reservations,3,45,train i would like to change the pin on my savings account,1,3,train see you again soon,9,129,train how long can i keep avocados in the fridge before they go bad,3,31,train where am i,5,61,test i'm out of here,9,129,train in september i changed my tires are they in need of changing,5,74,test what interest rate is bofi giving me on my cd,1,7,test please get me my wheelchair,0,0,oos_val where exactly am i at the moment,5,61,val will i be charged if i use my card in canada,2,30,train have i gotten confirmation for my credit card app,2,27,train tell me what the interest rate is on my personal loan through chase,1,7,val that is not right,10,141,train how much money can i transfer today,1,10,test it might be either,10,150,train i would like an uber please,5,64,train do they take reservations at red robin,3,45,train give me the nutrition facts for chicken breast,3,36,train when was my car last repaired,5,72,train give me my credit card's apr,2,23,train read text,0,0,oos_test "if i go to evans, what should i do",6,83,train i'm out of lysol could you order me some,4,57,train i am asking you to add this song to my country music playlist,4,53,test are they going to let me take vacation,8,106,train i'm out of laundry detergent so will you put that on my shopping list,4,59,val will you give me some guidance on how to make ceviche,3,37,train which kinds of pets do you own,9,124,test how many days till we have off again,8,107,train i don't remember the pin number to my card,1,3,test time taken to reach doctors office,5,70,train whats your name,9,127,train can you tell me what my income will be this week,8,113,train "i tried to use my credit card yesterday, but it did not work",2,21,train what does assiduous mean,7,99,test i'd like to pay my coned bill,1,5,train your name please,9,127,val i'm traveling to paris soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train how long does it usually take for a new credit card to come,2,16,val clear my calendar for february 29th,4,51,test can you tell how many days i already took off this year,8,120,val i want help to transfer my 401k,8,114,test how much farther is orlando from my location,5,70,test it's true,10,139,train can you tell me the name of my insurance plan,8,109,train look for me a table at carl's cabin for twelve at eight,3,39,test "if i lost my luggage, what should i do next",6,86,test see you later alligator,9,129,train i need to switch to the male voice,10,144,train on the lounge lights turn,4,60,train change my reservation with carl at umami to canceled,3,42,train "if i'm heading to the mall at 5:00, what will the traffic be like",5,65,train reserve a table for 2 at olive garden under the name jim at 6:00pm,3,39,train let me check my transaction on my citi card,1,14,train "i wanted to remember some things, what were they",4,49,train "how do they say ""i love you"" in japanese",6,78,train remind me in (x) hours,7,96,train what's a good recipe foe tacos,3,34,test do i have enough money in my chime bank account to take ashley to the movies tuesday,1,12,train dial lisa's cell phone number,7,97,train play the song called dancing on the ceiling,4,47,test how can i jump start my car if my battery is dead,5,75,val yes sir,10,139,train can you speak slower please,10,136,train can you get me an uber to the science museum,5,64,train move a dollar from my checkings to my savings,1,10,val do you have any monkey jokes,9,132,test how long will it take me to get to the mcdonald's in the city,5,70,train can i use an ordinary plug in scotland,6,76,train ai i didn't hear you,10,143,train i need to lock my account right now!,1,1,test who would you say you are employed by,9,123,train "how do i change my pin number for my account, please",1,3,train how long are my tires expected to last before needing to be replaced,5,74,test set a reminder for me to take my meds,4,50,train is there an event titled anniversary dinner on my calendar,4,55,train how can i change to new insurance plan,8,108,test "including the day i missed because of snow, how much time have i take off work so far",8,120,train what date does my capital one card expire,2,17,train i need a room in indianapolis near the track from may 2nd through the 5th,6,88,train what timezone is lima in,6,81,train that can't be true,10,141,test is new caledonia safer than other countries,6,84,train what's my mortgage payment going to be this month,1,9,train what's the song they are playing for us right now,4,46,train what insurance benefits do i have,8,109,train will you please put remember to drop off at the dry cleaner's to my current to do list,4,48,train turn on metallicas greatest hits,4,47,test the time is what,7,103,test transfer between two accounts,1,10,train play the next track,4,56,train can you tell me the to do's on my reminder list,4,49,test what is the balance of my bank account,1,12,train how many people die each year while skydiving,0,0,oos_test use my savings account to pay xfinity,1,5,val "i'm going to be in mexico from thursday to friday, so can you let my bank know",6,77,test can you find me a recipe for ribs,3,37,train "flip us a coin, i call heads",7,101,test tell me the meaning of condemnation,7,99,val when do my tires need to be changed again,5,74,train is my phone connectable right now,10,146,train when do i need to get an oil change,5,62,train what was the date of my last paycheck,8,111,val use the name wheeler to reserve a table for 3 at andrea's steakhouse at 5pm,3,39,val how much time do i have left on my 0% apr,0,0,oos_test "i would like to increase my credit limit, can i do so by 500 dollars",2,22,test can u please set the timer for 5 minutes,7,96,train please confirm my reservation for thursday at 10am,3,32,train show me my routing number for account finishing in 29309,1,2,train would you provide me with italian cuisine dinner suggestions,3,40,train do other providers have better coverage than my cell carrier,0,0,oos_test can you make your accent british male,10,144,train let me know why my card was declined yesterday,2,21,train "in one cookie, how many calories would i find",3,35,train my reservation for dinner needs to be canceled,3,42,train please change your language setting to spanish,10,142,train can you tell me my routing number,1,2,train can you tell me how much gas is in my tank,5,68,test i'd like to make my credit score better,2,19,train would you let me know what date it will be in 3 days,7,93,val play some music for me,4,47,train are you influenced by someone else,9,123,train i need to change my oil and have no idea how to do it,5,63,train can i get more credit,2,22,test does my todo list have vacuuming on it,4,58,val how many points have i already accrued on my chase mastercard,2,26,train who would you say that you are working for,9,123,train can i see my credit score,2,28,train tell me where my phone is,7,94,train maybe we can put blank cds on my list for shopping,4,59,train make a list of the top 100 famous quotes,0,0,oos_test who do you work for,9,123,train "can you remove this event from my calendar, please",4,51,val how busy is imanas at 6,3,33,train can i start calling you chris,10,148,train when is my car insurance bill due,1,4,test is my credit good enough to get a new card,2,28,val add mom's birthday to my calendar on april 12,4,51,train ai i have 4 people need to get to get me uber,5,64,train what is 20 times 20 times 30,7,98,train transfer my 401k please,8,114,train add the current song to my favorite playlist,4,53,train what day will i get paid,8,111,train can i increase the credit limit for my american express card,2,22,train can you call my cellphone,7,94,train look me up on the map,5,61,train how do i go about applying for a new credit card,2,29,train i will be calling hr,7,97,train find me a place to stay in cali november 11 to 15,6,88,train translate for me hello into french,6,78,train are there any travel alerts in that region,6,84,train how much am i going to have to pay in federal taxes this year,8,112,train boost volume to 4,10,140,train what is the location of my phone,7,94,train how many calories are in cake,3,35,val can i please get the status my order,4,52,train how much are all my bills combined,1,9,train are you able to answer algebra equations,0,0,oos_train share my location with this person,7,95,test my card did not work yesterday,2,21,train las vegas is in what timezone,6,81,train give me a coin toss result,7,101,test will i get charged for using my credit card in portland,2,30,test what sorts of subjects are you well versed in,9,135,train only call me dan,10,147,train refrain from talking,10,145,train what kind of oil does my car take and how do i do a change,5,63,train do you know the expiration date on my credit card,2,17,train i can't be loud and need you to speak more quietly,10,138,train do i need any tools to change the oil in my car,5,63,train "when referring to you, what name should i use",9,127,train where is the closest pharmacy,5,71,test how long does chicken curry last in the freezer before it's spoiled,3,31,test lasagna takes how long to cook,3,44,test pull up everything i need to make a pasta dish,3,34,test what weather should i expect,7,91,train do you have a car rental in new york from june 6th to june 9th,6,90,val how much time to reach doctors office,5,70,train "can you understand me, if i start talking in italian",10,142,train does phoenix have a different timezone,6,81,train does spago in beverly hills allow customers to make reservations,3,45,val can you tell me your hobbies,9,125,train do i need a visa to get to puerto rico,6,80,test please make a pto request for me from dates jan 21 to begininning of february,8,116,train send 400 dollars between city bank and usaa accounts,1,10,train turn volume to the number 4 setting,10,140,train what's your birth date,9,134,train send information about suspicious credit card activity,1,15,train what are the international transaction fees on my amex,2,30,train can you tell me how to change my oil please,5,63,test can you please locate my phone,7,94,train i want to change to male voice,10,144,train can you change the name of what you respond to,10,148,train have my goods been delivered yet,4,52,val how many points did my visa earn,2,26,train what is the apr on my discover card,2,23,train can you find me a flight from denver international to new york international on the 4th for under 700 dollars,6,87,val i'm wondering what health plan i'm on,8,109,train how much so far pto have i used,8,120,test how much money do i have in all of my accounts,1,12,train tell me your hobbies,9,125,train please tell me what the mpg is for this car,5,69,train will you help me figure out how to transfer my 401k,8,114,train i wish to know the balance of my bank of american account now,1,12,train how much is 1 dollar worth in country b's money,6,82,val what do i do if my car battery is dead,5,75,train can you tell me tomorrow's date,7,93,train i spilled wine on my credit card and now its all mushy and needs to be replaced,2,18,test repeat what you just said,10,143,train i want to sign up for a new allstate insurance plan,8,108,test i want to learn an interesting fact about cats,9,126,train what are the camping restrictions at bear island,0,0,oos_test milk can stay in my fridge for how long,3,31,test add this song to my cleaning playlist,4,53,train tell me how much i have spent on grocery shopping just now,1,13,val "suggest a restaurant for me to eat tonight, please",3,41,train can you reset my pin number,1,3,train how to get the right medicine,0,0,oos_test you were built by who,9,121,train can you tell me the song we are listening to,4,46,train send 1200 dollars between usaa and navy federal accounts,1,10,train please lock the doors,4,60,train text paul and ask him what time the cookout is on saturday,7,105,train can you look for a denver international to new york international round trip flight for the 5th though 8th,6,87,val what is the date of my next scheduled dentist appointment,4,55,val add body to my dance playlist,4,53,train how many years has al been on earth,9,134,train how long will it take to get to phoenix,5,70,train what are your hobbies siri,9,125,val can i put in a pto request for monday to wednesday,8,116,test can you access my w-2,8,117,train destroy process,10,145,train text mom i'll talk to you later,7,105,train what is al's age,9,134,train let me know what flights there are out of dallas to miami on march 10 for under $450,6,87,train that has to be false,10,141,test turn on the tv on channel 6,4,60,test how long will it take to make an omelet,3,44,test get me info on my mpg,5,69,val i want know about carry-on for frontier,6,89,val which animals do you have at home,9,124,train how can i find out my credit score,2,28,train do i have 30th birthday party on my calendar,4,55,train where are classes taught near me for c++,0,0,oos_test i must know five dollars in yen and rubles,6,82,train how long should i cook the cookie dough,3,44,test what is american airlines carry on policy,6,89,train what is the credit limit on my discover card,2,25,train how can i repair a broken watch,0,0,oos_test do i need an international visa to enter canada,6,80,train let me know where jim is right now,0,0,oos_test what does my shopping list entail,4,54,train how healthy is pecan pie,3,36,val do you know what the timezone is in reno,6,81,train what are some good restaurants in chicago,6,83,train is it safe to travel to russia,6,84,train "in chile, what kind of plugs are used",6,76,train about how long before i need another oil change,5,62,train when will my american express card expire,2,17,train is marijuana addictive,0,0,oos_val what things are on my shopping list today,4,54,test what is the year to date total on my vacation days,8,115,test "can you please flip a coin, i call tails",7,101,train how much petrol do i have,5,68,train please do a search for entertaining activities for tourists in mexico city,6,83,val can you find me a good reviewed hotel in japan,6,88,test i must pay my cable bill from my checking account,1,5,train who made this ai,9,121,train how do i find axos bank's routing number,1,2,train there's been some fraudulent activity on my card,1,15,train can you tell me my exact salary,8,113,train i want to find a new car under $25000,0,0,oos_test speak in a different accent,10,144,train call to mom,7,97,test "heads, coin flip",7,101,test can you tell me what i have spent on food recently,1,13,train set the alarm for me,7,92,train did my chase card application go through yet,2,27,train i need you to send 500 dollars from my high tier account to my regular checking account,1,10,train i cannot remember what my pin is for my bank of america checking account this moment,1,3,train look up the date of my last oil change,5,72,train do you know if whether or not zeus does reservations,3,45,train can you translate good bye into russian for me,6,78,train can you check to see if my order has been delivered,4,52,train i'd like to renew my subscription to playboy,0,0,oos_test nuke all items on my todo list,4,48,train would most people say you are a computer or a human,9,133,test i need help with my 401k rollover because i just got a new job,8,114,val do i need a plug converter when i visit belgium,6,76,train what will i get paid this year,8,113,test i need instructions to walk me through jump starting my car,5,75,test when do i have to get the mmr,0,0,oos_test "help, i cannot find my phone",7,94,train tell me what the date will be in 5 days,7,93,test go to the next song and skip,4,56,train transfer money to another account,1,10,train remove dinner with suzie from my calendar on march 1st,4,51,train "can you find out the latest on my credit card application, i haven't heard an update in some time",2,27,train i need to quick dinner suggestions,3,40,val is there traffic on the way,5,65,test can you locate the television remote,0,0,oos_test i need an uber that will accommodate eight people to go to the closest amc theater,5,64,train "how far is the grand canyon from my current location in phoenix, az",5,70,train how much paid time off do i have left,8,120,train is it snowing in the next two weeks,7,91,train what steps are involved in making lasagna,3,37,train shit if i know,10,150,train i'm traveling to belgium soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train do you know ho many vacation days i currently have,8,115,train please roll twelve sided dice,7,104,test tell me the bill's minimum payment,1,8,train can you order everything on my shopping list,4,57,train i'm travelling to seattle soon and want to inform my bank,6,77,train please let lisa and chris know my location information,7,95,test find an uber xl to take me to the kroger near me,5,64,train did i make a note on my todo list to mop the bathroom floor,4,58,val how do i apply for a visa card,2,29,test will i be allowed to take vacation,8,106,train how many people suffer from mental illness,0,0,oos_test can you tell me what kind of gas this car uses,5,73,val am i talking with a real person,9,133,train how many mpg does this car get,5,69,train "your voice speed is too slow, please increase it",10,136,train how long is the restaurant line before we go,3,33,train it could be either,10,150,train change the pin on my bank account first republic to 1234,1,3,train i am confused because my account seems to have been blocked for no reason,1,6,train how can i find my phone,7,94,train i'd like to use another name for you,10,148,train can you list the places that there are travel alerts for,6,84,train what's the traffic like on my way to the terminal,5,65,train replace my language to chinese,10,142,train what do you do when you're not working,9,125,train what country were you made,9,128,train what benefits do i get from insurance,8,109,train get me a hotel room for 4 people from march 1st to 3rd in seattle,6,88,train how much paid time off have i taken,8,120,train when is it recommended that i change my tires next,5,74,train "play the song with the lyrics, ""baby shark, doo doo",4,47,train in what month does my credit card expire,2,17,val "hey, what's up",9,131,test what's the name of this song,4,46,train do you know how i get to olympia by bus,5,71,train please get my car started before i go out to it,4,60,train my broken card won't work,2,18,train """i'm going on a flight from lax and going to phl, which is only $120 on june 15th",6,87,test i want to visit chicago by bus what do i need to do,5,71,train say it again please,10,143,train inform my bank that i'll be going to europe,6,77,train my names carrie,10,147,train move money from one account to another,1,10,train how many cups in a quart,7,100,train please transfer $5000 to money market from checking account,1,10,test how to apply for platinum card,2,29,train can i set up mobile deposits,0,0,oos_test i need to know when i get paid next,8,111,test "i would like an uber going to atlantic city, new jersey",5,64,train give me a recommendation to improve my credit score,2,19,train spell curiosity for me,7,102,test mailing a new card to me takes how long,2,16,train make a list of what materials have been used for spacesuits,0,0,oos_test put song in springtime playlist,4,53,val "can you add a trip to the post office to my to do list, please",4,48,train how many prime numbers are there between 0 and 100,0,0,oos_test who engineered you,9,121,train can you verify that i have a reservation at o'reilly's for 9,3,32,train i would like a reorder of checkbooks for my home equity line of credit with chase,1,11,train what can i ask you all about,9,135,train tell me what this song is called,4,46,test i want to pay off my student loan,1,5,train my visa has what limit,2,25,test recipe for beef stroganoff,3,37,val find step by step instructions on how to change my oil,5,63,val how is the car's tire pressure,5,66,val i need to know the pin number,1,3,val please schedule car maintenance for me,5,67,train what's the way to cash in my rewards for my citibank card,2,24,train locate jenny at her present position,0,0,oos_test what kinds of fun things are there in boston for tourists,6,83,train how high is my credit limit for my target card,2,25,train i dunno,10,150,train oops cancel that,10,145,train "i had a pleasure talking to you, see you later",9,129,train cash in my credit card rewards,2,24,val go ahead and disconnect from my phone,10,146,train "i need assistance figuring out how to rollover my 401k, please",8,114,train thanks for the help!,9,130,train turns out my card was declined at wal mart and i wanna know why,2,21,train could you not talk so slowly,10,136,train please share my federal taxes total with me,8,112,test tell me what time my flight ought to be landing,6,79,train "i want to update you name, please",10,148,train pocki sticks has how many calories,3,35,val when is the milk date before used,3,31,test what's this song,4,46,train i need my pin number for my bank of america account and i can't remember it,1,3,val i need to know the cost of the cable bill,1,9,train i can't use my broken card,2,18,train can you look who is at the door,4,60,train i need to know the routing number for my wells fargo account,1,2,train how do i cash in my amex reward points,2,24,test please set an alarm,7,92,test "in order to redeem my credit card points, what should i do",2,24,train i would love to hear a joke about the dmv,9,132,train i need to know five dollars in yen and rubles,6,82,train how do you jump start a car,5,75,train please start using female voice,10,144,train from whence do you hail,9,128,train help me get my device back to it's factory settings,10,149,train can you remind me to mop later by putting it on my to do list today,4,48,train say something funny,9,132,train i missed that say it again,10,143,train who constructed you,9,121,train "what is the time in sydney, australia",7,103,train i would like you to add milk if it is not on my shopping list already,4,59,train how many dvds do i currently have on file,0,0,oos_test can you tell me who made the ai,9,121,train "put my music on, please",4,47,train can my limit be increased for my visa,2,22,train what plan am i paying for,8,109,val pay my water bill from my chase account please,1,5,val do you know of any good seafood restaurants in seattle,3,41,train my new debit card is lost and i need to report it,2,20,train want 5 minute timer,7,96,train change the speaker volume to a louder one,10,140,train "i lost my card, how should i report that",2,20,train "ai, tell me what things i should ask of you",9,135,train what day do i have to pay my leasing office bill,1,4,val clear my calendar on march 1st,4,51,train tell me what my current eyeglasses prescription is,0,0,oos_test i gotta to the female voice,10,144,train i need to know what the traffic typically like at 3:30 on the route to phoenix,5,65,train "could you tell me what 30% off 235 is, please",7,98,train are you real,9,133,test please add lunch and catch up with lisa on friday to my calendar,4,51,train who created the world in greek mythology,0,0,oos_test it is okay to use water in place of milk,3,43,train how much have i earned,8,113,train i need some work done on my car so need to schedule auto mechanic for maintenance,5,67,train lets hear an interesting fact about funko pops,9,126,train what time is my flight supposed to be landing,6,79,train whisper from now on,10,138,train make the sound of my speaker greater,10,140,train why is there a delay on my checking account,1,6,test who was your inventor,9,121,train i don't know how to spell mississippi,7,102,train i need to pay my bill,1,5,train can i increase the credit limit on my target card,2,22,train can you store a gun in a safe deposit box,0,0,oos_test how do i get to the fine arts center by foot,5,71,val how can i get my w2 to do my taxes,8,117,train read me a step by step guide on jump starting cars,5,75,train what is the breath to compression ratio for cpr,0,0,oos_test what is the balance on my bills,1,9,train what would be the conversion between tablespoons and teaspoons,7,100,train how many polar bears are still alive in the arctic,0,0,oos_test what's the spending limit on my lloyds card,2,25,test can you create a meeting for 3:00 on wednesday,8,118,val raise my credit limit,2,22,val where should i spend my time off,6,83,train tell me how to set up direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,train how much cash do i have in my various bank accounts,1,12,test what is the sum of 3 plus 5,7,98,train i am very confused about why or how my bank would lock me out of my account,1,6,train will peas work instead of carrots,3,43,test what is the amount of time i can request off in the coming year,8,115,val how about i call you sue,10,148,test what's the main export by the peoples of greenland,0,0,oos_test could you roll over my 401k for me,8,114,train how do i know when i need my next oil change,5,62,train what is the time in london,7,103,val can you unlock my bank account,1,6,test come again with that,10,143,train pay my electric bill from my paypal account,1,5,train ways to transfer my 401k,8,114,train what is the apr on my american express,2,23,val what are some ways to increase my credit,2,19,train get out of whisper mode,10,138,test what are my total bills this month,1,9,test how many carry ons will american let me take for a flight to los vegas,6,89,train can you please order me an uber to get to jfk international,5,64,train is it safe to go to north korea,6,84,test "i am going to asia in a bit, i should tell the bank",6,77,train can you book me an appointment at a car wash,0,0,oos_test will the chicken have gone bad if it's been in the fridge since monday,3,31,train text courtney and inform her about the detour,7,105,test set a brand new timer for eight seconds,7,96,train how much is my current water bill for,1,9,train how do i make you stop talking,10,145,train what kind of pto have i used,8,120,train find out why my card was declined,2,21,train what do i need to set up direct deposit,8,119,train how can i set up a meeting,8,118,val what company is responsible for your design,9,121,val i need to order more checks for my savings account,1,11,train are you able to get my shopping list and order everything on it,4,57,train lets pass on this song and do the next,4,56,train talk to me in spanish from now on,10,142,train can you roll a dice for me,7,104,val who teaches english near me,0,0,oos_test give me a list of ingredients for making pasta,3,34,test i want to know the nearest bank's location,5,71,train send a text and tell chris i’m not working today,7,105,train may i know who made you,9,121,train "ai, how are you doing",9,131,train find out the reason why am i locked out of my bank account,1,6,train how long can i keep fish in the freezer before it gets ruined,3,31,train what is the eta on getting a replacement card,2,16,val how many calories are in a honey bun,3,35,train can you give me a traffic update for a trip to the grocery store,5,65,val if i get a visa can i travel to japan,6,80,test please play the next track,4,56,test when will my order arrive,4,52,val how healthy is pumpkin pie,3,36,val alter the name given to the ai,10,148,train "can you teach me how to set up direct deposit, or show me who can",8,119,train book me a table for three at rainforest cafe at seven,3,39,test what is the turn around for a new card,2,16,train please rely on your original settings,10,149,test what's something interesting about bees,9,126,test will i hit traffic on route to moms,5,65,train please inform me when my flight scheduled to board,6,79,train how do i report a lost discover credit card,2,20,train how many calories does jumping up and down burn,0,0,oos_test make a list of decor i would need to have a titanic themed birthday party,0,0,oos_test relate to me what my credit score is,2,28,val how much money am i going to lose this year for state taxes,8,112,train how do i get started making homemade pizza dough,3,37,test can you check for reservations at wongs chinese for john acer,3,32,train what are the ingredients used in chicken curry,3,34,val could you use a male voice,10,144,train help me search for my phone,7,94,train set a 5 am alarm please,7,92,train text katy and tell her i love her,7,105,test take my dinner plans off my calendar for tomorrow,4,51,train i need to hear my shower playlist,4,47,train please assist me by making a pto request for march 11-18,8,116,train cancel the reservation at olive garden for tommy,3,42,train text audrey and tell her i will be there soon,7,105,train show me all hotels in evans with good reviews,6,88,train is there a travel alert in argentina,6,84,train what is a good recipe for steak,3,37,val how long until i have to replace my tires,5,74,train i need to know why my card was just declined at walgreen's,2,21,train could you reserve table for 3 at carlos jr under the name adam at 4,3,39,test what's your age,9,134,train "to visit cambodia, do i need an international visa",6,80,train i want to pay my amazon credit card but i need to know the last few transactions,1,14,train tell my bank i am taking a trip to brazil from june 1st to july 1st,6,77,train help me change my oil and what kind do i need,5,63,train can you tell me how many calories are in an apple,3,36,train share with current location with ben,7,95,val please book another boat for this weekends trip,0,0,oos_test "how much do i pay in taxes, please",8,112,train i need help with some fun tourist things to do in tokyo,6,83,train i need to schedule a car repair,5,67,train is there a charge to use my card in croatia,2,30,test what's the status for my delta flight this afternoon,6,79,test i would like to try and confirm that i have a reservation at gusteau's for krystine,3,32,train any travel alerts for that country i should know about,6,84,train tell me the current location,5,61,train please reserve a table for 4 at red robin under the name kevin at 7,3,39,train can you confirm my reservation for 6 at the outback,3,32,train tell me when you were born,9,134,train suggest a meal from thailand to me,3,40,train "now, i need a reservation for backwoods crossing at seven for 6 people",3,39,train what are some good methods of relieving stress,0,0,oos_test find out who is the representative of my district,0,0,oos_test i need an uber to take me to the mall,5,64,train go to whisper mode until i say to go back to normal,10,138,test please look up the name of my insurance plan,8,109,train i desire to apply for a bank of america travel rewards credit card,2,29,train please tell me the minimum amount i can pay on my wells fargo credit card,1,8,train i am going to need a block put on my chase account right away,1,1,train i need to inform the bank i am going out of country,6,77,train pay my light bill,1,5,test can you check my credit score for me,2,28,test does buffalo wild wings do reservations,3,45,train what transactions have i made on liquor in the past month,1,14,train if i want to use my credit card points what do i do,2,24,train please make sure the volume is on 4,10,140,train what time is it in the central standard timezone,7,103,train i want to know when a bill is due,1,4,train what timezone is chicago in,6,81,train what are my hours this week at work,0,0,oos_test how to build up my credit score,2,19,train can you help me with the steps to jump start my car,5,75,train how do i set up a direct deposit for my paycheck,8,119,test make a list of all community gardens near me,0,0,oos_test is it possible to substitute apple cider vinegar for lemons,3,43,train could you tell me my bill's minimum payment,1,8,val can you make me laugh,9,132,train what time zone are we currently in,6,81,train include smooth operator by sade in my playlist,4,53,train please use whisper,10,138,train can you tell me how many calories are in cookies,3,35,train can you set an alarm for seven fifteen for tomorrow,7,92,train can i order for more checkbooks for my chase bank account,1,11,train i want to change the pin number on my credit union account,1,3,val i am looking for a hotel in new york city that has good reviews,6,88,val are you able to tack my package,4,52,train this was a nice conversation,9,129,val how much money do i have coming in each month,8,113,train do i have toothpaste on my shopping list,4,54,val check on my reservation for umami at 6pm,3,32,train i would like to thank you,9,130,train "my 401k, can i roll it over",8,114,test "how do i find my location, please",5,61,train why is my checking account not working,1,6,test how do i ask about the weather in chinese,6,78,val how many days off for vacation do i have left,8,115,train how much did i spend on christmas gifts in december,1,13,train iterate over the items on my grocery list,4,54,test how is my calendar looking for may 6th,4,55,train please play come as you are by nirvana,4,47,train get me articles on earthquake preparedness,0,0,oos_test "in austin, what are some tourist things to do",6,83,train what timezone is los angeles in,6,81,train please play the song that goes doo doo doo,4,47,val is there a name that you preferred to be called by,9,127,train my luggage was lost on the flight,6,86,train i want the female voice,10,144,test what would cause my bank account to be frozen,1,6,train i want a new insurance plan,8,108,test do that,10,139,train i need you to reserve a table for 4 at red robin under the name kevin at 7,3,39,train cancel my reservation at osteria for our party,3,42,val approximately how long does it take to get to the resort in miami,5,70,train is my savings interest rate too high,1,7,train please add final exams to my calendar for may 2,4,51,train when is my xfinity bill due,1,4,train can i increase the credit limit on my mastercard,2,22,test let me hear my slow songs,4,47,test cats or dogs,9,124,train will i be charged if i use my card in vietnam,2,30,val how is it possible to get a better credit score,2,19,test is a toothbrush on my shopping list,4,54,train what is the amount of gas left,5,68,train which gas grade does this car take,5,73,train is it possible to get a new credit card,2,29,train i would like to change my pin number for my chase account,1,3,train pull up my recent transactions on my mastercard,1,14,train how long do i need to cook pot au feu for,3,44,val make an ad to sell my real estate,0,0,oos_test can you get me a table for 4 at steve's,3,39,train i'd like for this person to know my location,7,95,test what types of things can i ask you,9,135,train i will require help to take care of my utility bill,1,5,val what is the length of time it takes a new card to get mailed to me,2,16,val can you tell me what the ac is on,4,60,train can you check and see why us bank put a hold on my account,1,6,test how long will it take me to pay off my card if i pay an extra $50 a month over the minimum,0,0,oos_val when is my cell phone bill due,1,4,val "call and make a 5:45 pm reservation for jason rogers, table for four",3,39,train no don't do that!,10,141,train is the wait more than an hour at the italian place,3,33,test i would like to have my credit increased to 5000 dollars,2,22,val who is jane goodall,0,0,oos_test i need to order more checkbooks by mail,1,11,train send text message to,7,105,train how goes it,9,131,train what would you like me to call you,9,127,test when will i get my new credit card,2,16,train what is today's date,7,93,train what is the sum of eleven and ten,7,98,test how safe is it to consume the substance h2o,0,0,oos_test what are the best ways to build my credit score,2,19,train would it be a problem to sub chips instead of fries,3,43,val how many cups are in 4 quarts,7,100,train could you put a stop on my bank account,1,1,train i like to paint in my free time-do you have any hobbies like that,9,125,train i need to get my oil changed,5,67,train i want you to call me lord,10,147,train is there any info on my savings interest rate online,1,7,train "i would like to set up a direct deposit, please tell me how",8,119,train will i be charged if i use my card in dublin,2,30,train which ingredients are in pizza,3,34,train find out where i can by melamine dinner plates,0,0,oos_test there's a strong possibility that my luggage has gone missing,6,86,train what timezone is phoenix in,6,81,train "clear something up, are you a robot",9,133,val may i schedule a car maintenance,5,67,test how's the traffic this morning,5,65,val does boise have any good indian restaurants,3,41,train book uber from here to downtown,5,64,val i would like to distribute some money between my accounts,1,10,test set volume higher,10,140,train what's the exchange rate between ils and usd,6,82,test do i need any shots before i go to south africa,6,85,train i'm outta here!,9,129,train do they serve good tacos at the buffet,3,38,test how many carry ons can i take on a flight with united to lax,6,89,train why can you have the square root of a negative number,0,0,oos_test what do i need to change the oil in my car,5,63,train roll a 6 sided dice for me,7,104,train it was pleasant conversing with you,9,129,train what's the power consumption of my fridge,0,0,oos_test i need to know how much i should pay in tax,8,112,train i have to go ai goodbye,9,129,train i have to report fraudulent activity the bank of america card,1,15,test what is the weather report for seattle,7,91,train i wanna know how many teaspoons are in a tablespoon,7,100,train how to create a new aaa insurance plan,8,108,train what is your birth date,9,134,train does spain have any travel alerts i should be aware of,6,84,train go and disconnect from my phone,10,146,train "book flights for me from nyc to la on march 1, returning on march 5",6,87,train i want to hear the very next song on this playlist,4,56,train please send me more checkbooks,1,11,val how much in total do i need to pay cox and at&t,1,9,train can the 401k i have be rolled over,8,114,val swap my amex pin to 1234,1,3,train how can i cash in my visa rewards,2,24,val does gramercy tavern in new york accept reservations,3,45,train when do i get paid for my work,8,111,test can i increase the credit limit for my western union credit card,2,22,train please inform me the gas i need to fill this car up with,5,73,train can you put oranges on my shopping list,4,59,train i was trying to use my card to get food at publix but it got declined,2,21,test it was enjoyable to chat with you,9,129,train can you roll a 4 sided dice,7,104,train how long is the wait at imanas,3,33,train "please flip a coin, and i call heads",7,101,train will you set the timer,7,96,train i need hot dogs added to my shopping list please,4,59,test schedule a meeting room for friday at 3pm,8,118,train can you see if i have any vacation days available for a request,8,115,test what is the carry-on policy say for flights on delta airlines,6,89,train how soon does my visa card expire,2,17,train i want to report fraudulent activity on my visa,1,15,val translate hello in french,6,78,train i must learn my routing number,1,2,train could you check to see if my order has been delivered,4,52,train what is the total number of days i have taken off so far,8,120,train is it possible for me to increase my credit limit by 500 dollars,2,22,test "incorrect, it is certainly a false statement",10,141,train change back to factory settings,10,149,val i would like an update on the progress of my credit card application,2,27,train when should i change my oil,5,62,val what type of gas should i use,5,73,test what location is this,5,61,val show me where i am on the map please,5,61,test can you please not talk so fast,10,136,train who do i need to contact to find out why my card got declined,2,21,test can you translate cat into russian for me,6,78,train annul the reservation i created,3,42,train set the oven temperature to 350,4,60,test please turn off your wifi from my phone,10,146,train read me my meeting schedule,8,110,val how's it hanging,9,131,val my visa card got stolen,2,20,train where were you born as a kid,9,128,val when will be the next holiday here,8,107,val how much have i earned this week,8,113,train how can i redeem the points i've earned with my credit card,2,24,train put the dishes on my list of things to do,4,48,test how is a direct deposit set up,8,119,train i need to know what timezone sedona is in,6,81,train how do i set up my direct deposit,8,119,test how would you describe what life means,9,122,train show me recent activity in my backyard,0,0,oos_val what steps can i take to build my credit score,2,19,test could you tell me the fuel type for my car,5,73,val i broke my card,2,18,train remind me again please,4,50,train will it be okay for me to eat my leftover turkey from monday that's been in my fridge,3,31,train does my bank of the west card have international transaction fees,2,30,train i want the nutrition facts for buttered spaghetti,3,36,test can you please set up a meeting for 3:00 on wednesday,8,118,val can you reserve a room for a friday meeting at 5pm,8,118,test can i get to cuba with this visa,6,80,test how long does the average set of tire last before needing replacement,5,74,test what's the wait period until the next day off,8,107,test i am interested in applying for a visa card,2,29,train what do i do to schedule a meeting,8,118,val does redrobin do reservations,3,45,train please call christy,7,97,train i gotta know who is your boss,9,123,train on my list of reminders is what,4,49,train what are some funny things about food,9,132,train how often should my tires be changed,5,74,test