A38bIPTb-ko-00000-00000737-00000937 providing the everyday services A38bIPTb-ko-00001-00000938-00001136 organizations need to run is a lot of A38bIPTb-ko-00002-00001137-00001472 work but it's not a lot of work to turn A38bIPTb-ko-00003-00001473-00002023 all this into catalogs for self-service A38bIPTb-ko-00004-00002025-00002372 or to automate these tasks you just A38bIPTb-ko-00005-00002373-00002597 extend axio TSA's industry leading IT A38bIPTb-ko-00006-00002598-00002842 service management platform assist with A38bIPTb-ko-00007-00002843-00003029 built-in templates for facilities and A38bIPTb-ko-00008-00003030-00003322 asset management and security services A38bIPTb-ko-00009-00003322-00003599 simplified views for both end-users and A38bIPTb-ko-00010-00003600-00003886 the business with axios assist drive A38bIPTb-ko-00011-00003887-00004058 business productivity and improve A38bIPTb-ko-00012-00004059-00004505 satisfaction A38bIPTb-ko-00013-00004506-00004884 tears were to learn more A4ysqw3gX0M-00000-00000054-00000426 mount Greenwood located on the southwest A4ysqw3gX0M-00001-00000426-00000759 side of Chicago Illinois is one of the A4ysqw3gX0M-00002-00000760-00001266 77 community areas of Chicago mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00003-00001267-00001653 Greenwood as about 14 miles 23 A4ysqw3gX0M-00004-00001654-00002052 kilometers southwest of the loop A4ysqw3gX0M-00005-00002053-00002329 it is surrounded by the neighborhoods of A4ysqw3gX0M-00006-00002330-00002634 Beverly and Morgan Park to the east the A4ysqw3gX0M-00007-00002635-00002865 suburb of Evergreen Park to the north A4ysqw3gX0M-00008-00002866-00003192 the suburb of Oak Lawn to the west and A4ysqw3gX0M-00009-00003193-00003465 the suburbs of marionette Park and A4ysqw3gX0M-00010-00003467-00003853 Allsop to the south mount Greenwood is A4ysqw3gX0M-00011-00003854-00004125 known as the home of many Chicago A4ysqw3gX0M-00012-00004126-00004479 firefighters Chicago police officers and A4ysqw3gX0M-00013-00004480-00005156 union workers A4ysqw3gX0M-00014-00005157-00005720 topic history A4ysqw3gX0M-00015-00005721-00006125 in the mid 19th century German and Dutch A4ysqw3gX0M-00016-00006126-00006531 farmers settled the area the region A4ysqw3gX0M-00017-00006531-00006939 received its name in 1879 when the A4ysqw3gX0M-00018-00006940-00007245 surveyor George Washington Waite planted A4ysqw3gX0M-00019-00007245-00007506 an 80 acre land grant that he had A4ysqw3gX0M-00020-00007506-00007778 received from the federal government the A4ysqw3gX0M-00021-00007779-00008060 proliferation of saloons led to a A4ysqw3gX0M-00022-00008061-00008369 movement to turn mount Greenwood into a A4ysqw3gX0M-00023-00008370-00008846 dry area like the nearby communities of A4ysqw3gX0M-00024-00008847-00009216 Morgan Park and Beverly to prevent this A4ysqw3gX0M-00025-00009217-00009501 a group of citizens successfully A4ysqw3gX0M-00026-00009502-00009732 campaigned to incorporate mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00027-00009733-00010249 Greenwood as a village 20 years later in A4ysqw3gX0M-00028-00010250-00010641 1927 the community voted to be annexed A4ysqw3gX0M-00029-00010642-00011018 into Chicago to receive better services A4ysqw3gX0M-00030-00011019-00011391 the promised infrastructure took longer A4ysqw3gX0M-00031-00011392-00011682 than anticipated to be delivered due to A4ysqw3gX0M-00032-00011683-00012051 the Great Depression those services A4ysqw3gX0M-00033-00012052-00012552 finally came 9 years later in 1936 when A4ysqw3gX0M-00034-00012553-00012769 the Works Progress Administration A4ysqw3gX0M-00035-00012770-00013172 installed sewers residents were still A4ysqw3gX0M-00036-00013173-00013530 seeking improvement such as curbs into A4ysqw3gX0M-00037-00013531-00013778 the 1960s A4ysqw3gX0M-00038-00013779-00014151 despite being annexed by Chicago the A4ysqw3gX0M-00039-00014152-00014444 area maintained a character similar to A4ysqw3gX0M-00040-00014445-00014769 nearby blue-collar city suburbs mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00041-00014769-00015078 Greenwood was home to the last farm in A4ysqw3gX0M-00042-00015079-00015447 Chicago owned by Peter o Inga until the A4ysqw3gX0M-00043-00015447-00015804 mid 1980s when he sold his farm to the A4ysqw3gX0M-00044-00015805-00016176 Chicago Public School System A4ysqw3gX0M-00045-00016177-00016437 the district built the Chicago High A4ysqw3gX0M-00046-00016438-00016767 School for agricultural science on Peter A4ysqw3gX0M-00047-00016768-00016998 Allen gus' land which was an A4ysqw3gX0M-00048-00016999-00017325 experimental magnet high school devoted A4ysqw3gX0M-00049-00017326-00017604 to teaching agricultural science to A4ysqw3gX0M-00050-00017605-00018006 urban students it was the second school A4ysqw3gX0M-00051-00018007-00018446 of its kind after WB Saul High School in A4ysqw3gX0M-00052-00018447-00019087 Philadelphia A4ysqw3gX0M-00053-00019088-00019692 topic racial tension A4ysqw3gX0M-00054-00019693-00019980 Mount Greenwoods history has been A4ysqw3gX0M-00055-00019981-00020417 characterized by racial tension in the A4ysqw3gX0M-00056-00020418-00020769 1970s a mount Greenwood Civic group A4ysqw3gX0M-00057-00020770-00021047 joined two other community groups to A4ysqw3gX0M-00058-00021048-00021327 file a complaint with the Department of A4ysqw3gX0M-00059-00021328-00021656 Justice over racial quotas at the Robert A4ysqw3gX0M-00060-00021657-00021956 black mini magnet school that allegedly A4ysqw3gX0M-00061-00021957-00022547 favored minorities in 1992 the New York A4ysqw3gX0M-00062-00022548-00022925 Times interviewed over 100 residents of A4ysqw3gX0M-00063-00022926-00023193 mount Greenwood and Roseland in which A4ysqw3gX0M-00064-00023194-00023456 mount Greenwood residents seemingly A4ysqw3gX0M-00065-00023457-00023786 endorsed the de facto segregation and A4ysqw3gX0M-00066-00023787-00024033 expressed their beliefs in welfare A4ysqw3gX0M-00067-00024034-00024455 queens and other stereotypes around the A4ysqw3gX0M-00068-00024456-00024761 same time as the New York Times piece A4ysqw3gX0M-00069-00024762-00025034 residents successfully managed to A4ysqw3gX0M-00070-00025035-00025322 restrict the number of minority students A4ysqw3gX0M-00071-00025323-00025637 who could attend Chicago high school for A4ysqw3gX0M-00072-00025638-00025908 agricultural sciences which at the time A4ysqw3gX0M-00073-00025908-00026264 had a predominantly black student body A4ysqw3gX0M-00074-00026264-00026727 in the late 1990s an african-american A4ysqw3gX0M-00075-00026727-00027062 family alleged that they were driven out A4ysqw3gX0M-00076-00027063-00027287 of the neighborhood by persistent A4ysqw3gX0M-00077-00027288-00027585 vandalism and harassment A4ysqw3gX0M-00078-00027586-00028017 in 2016 the area was the site of a clash A4ysqw3gX0M-00079-00028018-00028305 between the blue lives matter and black A4ysqw3gX0M-00080-00028306-00028583 lives matter movements after the latter A4ysqw3gX0M-00081-00028585-00028895 came to mount Greenwood to protest after A4ysqw3gX0M-00082-00028897-00029283 the shooting of 25 year old Joshua Beale A4ysqw3gX0M-00083-00029283-00030116 by an off-duty police officer A4ysqw3gX0M-00084-00030117-00030715 topic geography A4ysqw3gX0M-00085-00030716-00031130 it's approximate borders or 103rd Street A4ysqw3gX0M-00086-00031131-00031282 to the north A4ysqw3gX0M-00087-00031283-00031661 117th Street to the South Pulaski Road A4ysqw3gX0M-00088-00031662-00031987 to the West and Sacramento Avenue to the A4ysqw3gX0M-00089-00031988-00032420 east mount Greenwood as a rarity amongst A4ysqw3gX0M-00090-00032420-00032789 Chicago community areas as residents the A4ysqw3gX0M-00091-00032790-00033118 city and academics largely agree on its A4ysqw3gX0M-00092-00033119-00033490 boundaries the area has three A4ysqw3gX0M-00093-00033491-00033770 neighborhoods mount Greenwood mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00094-00033771-00034030 Greenwood Heights and Tally's corner A4ysqw3gX0M-00095-00034031-00034373 land use in mount Greenwood consists of A4ysqw3gX0M-00096-00034374-00034655 mostly of single-family residential A4ysqw3gX0M-00097-00034656-00035060 housing of which there are 748 acres A4ysqw3gX0M-00098-00035061-00035485 most of which was built between 1940 and A4ysqw3gX0M-00099-00035486-00035968 1970 the presence of the Chicago high A4ysqw3gX0M-00100-00035969-00036299 school for agricultural science and st. A4ysqw3gX0M-00101-00036300-00036779 Xavier University contribute to the 523 A4ysqw3gX0M-00102-00036780-00037176 acres of institutional land use A4ysqw3gX0M-00103-00037177-00037620 additionally there is 365 acres of A4ysqw3gX0M-00104-00037621-00037949 transportation use 37 acres of A4ysqw3gX0M-00105-00037950-00038386 commercial use 30 acres of open space 19 A4ysqw3gX0M-00106-00038387-00038651 acres of multi-family residential A4ysqw3gX0M-00107-00038652-00038938 housing and 8 acres of mixed-use A4ysqw3gX0M-00108-00038939-00039236 buildings mount Greenwood is home to a A4ysqw3gX0M-00109-00039237-00039524 large number of cemeteries and for a A4ysqw3gX0M-00110-00039525-00039957 time was nicknamed the 7 holy tombs A4ysqw3gX0M-00111-00039958-00040252 although completely surrounded by the A4ysqw3gX0M-00112-00040253-00040595 city of Chicago mount Greenwood Cemetery A4ysqw3gX0M-00113-00040596-00041479 as in unincorporated Cook County A4ysqw3gX0M-00114-00041480-00042089 topic demographics A4ysqw3gX0M-00115-00042090-00042379 the mount Greenwood area has a A4ysqw3gX0M-00116-00042380-00042695 reputation as a historical bastion of A4ysqw3gX0M-00117-00042696-00043130 the South Side Irish mount Greenwood has A4ysqw3gX0M-00118-00043131-00043372 the fourth highest percent of A4ysqw3gX0M-00119-00043373-00043661 self-reported Irish Americans in the A4ysqw3gX0M-00120-00043662-00044087 United States the area has historically A4ysqw3gX0M-00121-00044088-00044345 been predominantly white and mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00122-00044346-00044636 Greenwood was the destination for many A4ysqw3gX0M-00123-00044637-00044924 Chicagoans during the white flight of A4ysqw3gX0M-00124-00044925-00045313 the latter half of the 20th century as A4ysqw3gX0M-00125-00045314-00045722 recently as 1998 an african-american A4ysqw3gX0M-00126-00045723-00046076 family moving in to mount Greenwood was A4ysqw3gX0M-00127-00046077-00046445 a newsworthy item according to a 2016 A4ysqw3gX0M-00128-00046446-00046741 analysis by the Chicago metropolitan A4ysqw3gX0M-00129-00046742-00047057 agency for planning there were eighteen A4ysqw3gX0M-00130-00047058-00047300 thousand three hundred fifty seven A4ysqw3gX0M-00131-00047301-00047819 people and 6416 households in mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00132-00047820-00048236 Greenwood the racial makeup of the area A4ysqw3gX0M-00133-00048237-00048925 was 86.5% white 4.5% african-american A4ysqw3gX0M-00134-00048926-00049415 2.2 percent Asian 1.1 percent from other A4ysqw3gX0M-00135-00049416-00049853 races Hispanic or Latino of any race A4ysqw3gX0M-00136-00049854-00050378 were 5.7 percent of the population A4ysqw3gX0M-00137-00050379-00050678 in the area the population was spread A4ysqw3gX0M-00138-00050679-00051350 out with 29.5% under the age of 19 18.2% A4ysqw3gX0M-00139-00051351-00052273 from 20 to 34 22.5% from 35 to 49 18.8% A4ysqw3gX0M-00140-00052274-00052855 from 50 to 64 and 11% who were 65 years A4ysqw3gX0M-00141-00052857-00053414 of age or older the median age was 36 A4ysqw3gX0M-00142-00053415-00053825 years the median household income was 89 A4ysqw3gX0M-00143-00053826-00054071 thousand seven hundred twenty-eight A4ysqw3gX0M-00144-00054072-00054389 dollars compared to a median income of A4ysqw3gX0M-00145-00054390-00054623 forty seven thousand eight hundred A4ysqw3gX0M-00146-00054624-00054979 thirty one dollars for Chicago at large A4ysqw3gX0M-00147-00054979-00055364 the area had an income distribution in A4ysqw3gX0M-00148-00055365-00055595 which ten point eight percent of A4ysqw3gX0M-00149-00055596-00056009 households earned less than $25,000 A4ysqw3gX0M-00150-00056010-00056324 annually thirteen point five percent of A4ysqw3gX0M-00151-00056325-00056822 households earned between $25,000 and 49 A4ysqw3gX0M-00152-00056823-00057032 thousand nine hundred ninety nine A4ysqw3gX0M-00153-00057033-00057466 dollars 16.1 percent of households A4ysqw3gX0M-00154-00057467-00058148 earned between $50,000 and $75,000 A4ysqw3gX0M-00155-00058149-00058400 sixteen point three percent of A4ysqw3gX0M-00156-00058401-00058832 households earned between $75,000 and A4ysqw3gX0M-00157-00058833-00059111 ninety nine thousand nine hundred ninety A4ysqw3gX0M-00158-00059112-00059390 nine dollars twenty seven point eight A4ysqw3gX0M-00159-00059391-00059770 percent of households earned between A4ysqw3gX0M-00160-00059771-00060449 $100,000 and 140 $9,999 and fifteen A4ysqw3gX0M-00161-00060450-00060752 point five percent of households earned A4ysqw3gX0M-00162-00060753-00061361 more than $150,000 this is compared to a A4ysqw3gX0M-00163-00061362-00061634 distribution of twenty eight point eight A4ysqw3gX0M-00164-00061635-00062285 percent 22.8% 16.1% ten point seven A4ysqw3gX0M-00165-00062286-00062708 percent 11.3% and ten point three A4ysqw3gX0M-00166-00062709-00063066 percent for Chicago at large A4ysqw3gX0M-00167-00063066-00063363 mount Greenwood status as one of the A4ysqw3gX0M-00168-00063364-00063672 wealthier Chicago community areas as A4ysqw3gX0M-00169-00063673-00063924 further reflected in a home ownership A4ysqw3gX0M-00170-00063925-00064223 rate of eighty seven point five percent A4ysqw3gX0M-00171-00064224-00064536 compared to forty four point seven A4ysqw3gX0M-00172-00064537-00064938 percent rate for Chicago at large A4ysqw3gX0M-00173-00064939-00065381 over 95% of mount Greenwood residents A4ysqw3gX0M-00174-00065382-00065675 have graduated from high school and over A4ysqw3gX0M-00175-00065676-00065967 one-third of residents have graduated A4ysqw3gX0M-00176-00065968-00066625 from college A4ysqw3gX0M-00177-00066626-00067206 topic economy A4ysqw3gX0M-00178-00067207-00067560 the top five employing industry sectors A4ysqw3gX0M-00179-00067561-00067865 of mount Greenwood residents are public A4ysqw3gX0M-00180-00067866-00068393 administration 21.8% education sixteen A4ysqw3gX0M-00181-00068394-00068706 point oh percent health care eleven A4ysqw3gX0M-00182-00068707-00069032 point three percent retail trade six A4ysqw3gX0M-00183-00069033-00069336 point nine percent and accommodation and A4ysqw3gX0M-00184-00069337-00069718 food service six point two percent a A4ysqw3gX0M-00185-00069719-00070082 plurality of the workforce works in the A4ysqw3gX0M-00186-00070083-00070329 surrounding suburbs with the remainder A4ysqw3gX0M-00187-00070330-00070643 working in the central business district A4ysqw3gX0M-00188-00070644-00071003 a small number of mount Greenwood A4ysqw3gX0M-00189-00071004-00071360 residents work in mount Greenwood a A4ysqw3gX0M-00190-00071361-00071634 significant portion of residents are A4ysqw3gX0M-00191-00071635-00072012 city of Chicago employs over two-thirds A4ysqw3gX0M-00192-00072013-00072278 of these workers reside outside of A4ysqw3gX0M-00193-00072279-00072618 Chicago and one-fifth reside in mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00194-00072619-00072822 Greenwood and the surrounding A4ysqw3gX0M-00195-00072823-00073236 neighborhoods the area's main commercial A4ysqw3gX0M-00196-00073237-00073680 corridor as a long 111th Street the A4ysqw3gX0M-00197-00073681-00073949 corridor has seen an increase in the A4ysqw3gX0M-00198-00073950-00074213 construction of new shopping centers A4ysqw3gX0M-00199-00074214-00074551 since the creation of a TIF district in A4ysqw3gX0M-00200-00074552-00075227 2009 A4ysqw3gX0M-00201-00075228-00075861 topic transportation A4ysqw3gX0M-00202-00075862-00076170 the nearest metro stations to mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00203-00076171-00076386 Greenwood are on the Rock Island A4ysqw3gX0M-00204-00076387-00076758 District Line and include the 103rd A4ysqw3gX0M-00205-00076759-00077142 Street and 107th Street stations in A4ysqw3gX0M-00206-00077143-00077616 Beverly and the 111th Street and 115th A4ysqw3gX0M-00207-00077617-00078009 Street stations in Morgan Park as a A4ysqw3gX0M-00208-00078010-00078456 result nearly 90% of commuters drive to A4ysqw3gX0M-00209-00078457-00079049 work A4ysqw3gX0M-00210-00079050-00079748 topic schools and libraries A4ysqw3gX0M-00211-00079749-00080297 in 1956 st. Xavier University moved to A4ysqw3gX0M-00212-00080298-00080704 mount Greenwood from the Douglas area by A4ysqw3gX0M-00213-00080705-00081110 the 1980s mount Greenwood was home to of A4ysqw3gX0M-00214-00081111-00081454 the last surviving farms in the city one A4ysqw3gX0M-00215-00081455-00081676 of which was developed as the Chicago A4ysqw3gX0M-00216-00081677-00082057 high school for agricultural sciences at A4ysqw3gX0M-00217-00082058-00082399 the southeast corner of 111th and A4ysqw3gX0M-00218-00082400-00082831 Pulaski mount Greenwood is home to one A4ysqw3gX0M-00219-00082832-00083104 Catholic elementary school three A4ysqw3gX0M-00220-00083105-00083413 Catholic high schools brother Rice High A4ysqw3gX0M-00221-00083414-00083719 School Marist high school and mother A4ysqw3gX0M-00222-00083720-00084128 Macaulay liberal arts high school public A4ysqw3gX0M-00223-00084129-00084436 grade schools in the area are mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00224-00084437-00084775 Greenwood elementary school and George F A4ysqw3gX0M-00225-00084776-00085121 castle elementary school the A4ysqw3gX0M-00226-00085122-00085435 neighborhood a zone to Morgan Park High A4ysqw3gX0M-00227-00085436-00085801 School mount Greenwood like many other A4ysqw3gX0M-00228-00085802-00086116 Chicago neighborhoods has its own branch A4ysqw3gX0M-00229-00086117-00086516 of the Chicago Public Library the A4ysqw3gX0M-00230-00086517-00086863 library in this area looks identical to A4ysqw3gX0M-00231-00086864-00087106 the Hegewisch branch of the Chicago A4ysqw3gX0M-00232-00087107-00087279 Public Library A4ysqw3gX0M-00233-00087280-00087661 the library has a significant Irish A4ysqw3gX0M-00234-00087662-00088320 heritage collection A4ysqw3gX0M-00235-00088321-00088867 topic parks A4ysqw3gX0M-00236-00088868-00089268 mount Greenwood has 2.8 acres of A4ysqw3gX0M-00237-00089269-00089748 parkland per 1000 residents the booming A4ysqw3gX0M-00238-00089749-00090057 mount Greenwood community was among the A4ysqw3gX0M-00239-00090058-00090312 neighborhoods identified for park A4ysqw3gX0M-00240-00090313-00090555 development in the Chicago Park A4ysqw3gX0M-00241-00090556-00090855 District's ten year plan to provide A4ysqw3gX0M-00242-00090856-00091182 increased recreational opportunities in A4ysqw3gX0M-00243-00091183-00091818 post-world War two Chicago in 1946 the A4ysqw3gX0M-00244-00091819-00092134 mount Greenwood Civic council urged the A4ysqw3gX0M-00245-00092135-00092379 acquisition of vacant Board of Education A4ysqw3gX0M-00246-00092380-00092910 land along 111th Street the Park A4ysqw3gX0M-00247-00092911-00093201 District purchased the 24 acre A4ysqw3gX0M-00248-00093202-00093531 ninety seven thousand square metres site A4ysqw3gX0M-00249-00093532-00093987 in 1949 and slowly began improving the A4ysqw3gX0M-00250-00093988-00094401 property the park district constructed a A4ysqw3gX0M-00251-00094402-00094846 Fieldhouse in 1966 and added a swimming A4ysqw3gX0M-00252-00094847-00095507 pool in 1973 the 1990s brought further A4ysqw3gX0M-00253-00095508-00095868 improvements a soft surface playground A4ysqw3gX0M-00254-00095869-00096192 featured an airport train station themed A4ysqw3gX0M-00255-00096193-00096640 play area a refrigerated ice skating A4ysqw3gX0M-00256-00096641-00097048 rink provides winter recreation A4ysqw3gX0M-00257-00097049-00097387 several features of mount Greenwood Park A4ysqw3gX0M-00258-00097388-00097804 honor noted local citizens a parking A4ysqw3gX0M-00259-00097805-00098152 area as dedicated to Frederick G Abrams A4ysqw3gX0M-00260-00098153-00098476 senior a Chicago aldermen and treasurer A4ysqw3gX0M-00261-00098477-00098763 of the village of mount Greenwood from A4ysqw3gX0M-00262-00098764-00099394 1918 to 1927 a baseball diamond bears A4ysqw3gX0M-00263-00099395-00099730 the name Rooney field in honor of Rooney A4ysqw3gX0M-00264-00099731-00100297 Richardson - 1982 who took an active A4ysqw3gX0M-00265-00100298-00101090 role in community affairs A4ysqw3gX0M-00266-00101091-00101665 topic politics A4ysqw3gX0M-00267-00101666-00102091 in the 2016 presidential election mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00268-00102092-00102427 Greenwood was the only community area in A4ysqw3gX0M-00269-00102428-00102809 the city of Chicago won by Donald Trump A4ysqw3gX0M-00270-00102810-00103471 the area cast 5445 votes for Trump and A4ysqw3gX0M-00271-00103472-00104013 cast 3320 votes for Hillary Clinton A4ysqw3gX0M-00272-00104014-00104355 mount Greenwood had also gone for the A4ysqw3gX0M-00273-00104356-00104881 Republican candidate in 2012 with 4908 A4ysqw3gX0M-00274-00104882-00105172 votes cast for Mitt Romney and three A4ysqw3gX0M-00275-00105173-00105439 thousand nine hundred eighty three votes A4ysqw3gX0M-00276-00105440-00105766 cast for Barack Obama in the Illinois A4ysqw3gX0M-00277-00105767-00106066 General Assembly mount Greenwood is A4ysqw3gX0M-00278-00106067-00106410 located in the 18th legislative district A4ysqw3gX0M-00279-00106411-00106714 and represented by Democratic Senator A4ysqw3gX0M-00280-00106715-00106945 Bill Cunningham Democratic A4ysqw3gX0M-00281-00106946-00107230 Representative Francis and Hurley and A4ysqw3gX0M-00282-00107231-00107551 democratic representative Kelly M Burke A4ysqw3gX0M-00283-00107552-00107842 mount Greenwood has always been in the A4ysqw3gX0M-00284-00107843-00108274 19th Ward the current Alderman as A4ysqw3gX0M-00285-00108275-00108553 Matthew O'Shea of neighboring Beverly A4ysqw3gX0M-00286-00108554-00108814 alderman who have represented mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00287-00108815-00109659 Greenwood since 1927 1927 1928 Donnell s A4ysqw3gX0M-00288-00109660-00109924 McKinley A4ysqw3gX0M-00289-00109925-00110459 1928 1929 vacant A4ysqw3gX0M-00290-00110460-00111294 1929 to 1930 5oe northrop republican A4ysqw3gX0M-00291-00111295-00112182 1935 to 1950 Brian J dulce 1950 1951 A4ysqw3gX0M-00292-00112183-00112468 vacant A4ysqw3gX0M-00293-00112469-00113278 1951 to 1957 david t McKiernan 1957 A4ysqw3gX0M-00294-00113279-00114265 vacant 1957 to 1975 Thomas F Fitzpatrick A4ysqw3gX0M-00295-00114266-00114608 1975 to 1979 A4ysqw3gX0M-00296-00114608-00115165 Jeremiah II Joyce Democratic A4ysqw3gX0M-00297-00115166-00115875 1979 to 1991 Michael Sheehan democratic A4ysqw3gX0M-00298-00115876-00116544 1991 to 2011 Virginia rugae Democratic A4ysqw3gX0M-00299-00116545-00117446 2011-present Matthew O'Shea Democratic A4ysqw3gX0M-00300-00117447-00118066 topic notable people A4ysqw3gX0M-00301-00118067-00118588 Larr America first daily perennial A4ysqw3gX0M-00302-00118589-00118833 political candidate whose eccentric A4ysqw3gX0M-00303-00118834-00119101 campaigns received national media A4ysqw3gX0M-00304-00119102-00119597 attention due to the equal time rule A4ysqw3gX0M-00305-00119598-00120009 Tom dart sheriff of Cook County since A4ysqw3gX0M-00306-00120010-00120539 2007 he has a mount Greenwood resident A4ysqw3gX0M-00307-00120540-00121081 Taran's a Duff II and CEO of CME Group A4ysqw3gX0M-00308-00121082-00121332 which operates the world's largest A4ysqw3gX0M-00309-00121333-00121773 options and futures exchange he was A4ysqw3gX0M-00310-00121774-00122101 raised in mount Greenwood A4ysqw3gX0M-00311-00122102-00122454 Bridget gainer Democratic member of the A4ysqw3gX0M-00312-00122455-00122751 Cook County Board of Commissioners A4ysqw3gX0M-00313-00122752-00123118 gainer now a Lakeview resident was A4ysqw3gX0M-00314-00123119-00123308 raised in the mount Greenwood A4ysqw3gX0M-00315-00123309-00123527 neighborhood A4ysqw3gX0M-00316-00123528-00123919 Francis and Hurley Democratic member of A4ysqw3gX0M-00317-00123920-00124265 the Illinois House of Representatives a A4ysqw3gX0M-00318-00124266-00124576 mount Greenwood native she has A4ysqw3gX0M-00319-00124577-00125167 represented the 35th district since 2013 A4ysqw3gX0M-00320-00125168-00125549 Jeremiah II Joyce Democratic member of A4ysqw3gX0M-00321-00125550-00126230 the Illinois Senate from 1979 to 1992 he A4ysqw3gX0M-00322-00126231-00126440 was a member of the mount Greenwood A4ysqw3gX0M-00323-00126441-00126708 Lions Club A4ysqw3gX0M-00324-00126708-00127112 Norman J cans filled senior scholar in A4ysqw3gX0M-00325-00127113-00127407 residence at Drew University who was A4ysqw3gX0M-00326-00127408-00127683 suspended from being a minister in the A4ysqw3gX0M-00327-00127683-00128121 Reformed Church in America in 2005 after A4ysqw3gX0M-00328-00128122-00128414 officiating at his daughter's same-sex A4ysqw3gX0M-00329-00128415-00128816 marriage he was baptized in a mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00330-00128817-00129073 Greenwood Church A4ysqw3gX0M-00331-00129074-00129373 Jordan Lynch quarterback for the A4ysqw3gX0M-00332-00129374-00129649 Edmonton Eskimos of the Canadian A4ysqw3gX0M-00333-00129650-00130033 Football League he was raised in the A4ysqw3gX0M-00334-00130033-00130221 neighborhood A4ysqw3gX0M-00335-00130222-00130623 Pat O'Connor defensive end for the Tampa A4ysqw3gX0M-00336-00130624-00130881 Bay Buccaneers of the National Football A4ysqw3gX0M-00337-00130882-00131449 League he was raised in mount Greenwood A4ysqw3gX0M-00338-00131450-00131800 John our powers author of do black A4ysqw3gX0M-00339-00131801-00132102 patent-leather shoes really reflect up A4ysqw3gX0M-00340-00132103-00132456 and the Eddie Ryan trilogy a A4ysqw3gX0M-00341-00132457-00132784 fictionalized trilogy of his experience A4ysqw3gX0M-00342-00132785-00133116 growing up in the neighborhood A4ysqw3gX0M-00343-00133117-00133418 Margaret Smith six-time Emmy A4ysqw3gX0M-00344-00133419-00133715 award-winning stand-up comic actress A4ysqw3gX0M-00345-00133716-00134448 writer and producer A4ysqw3gX0M-00346-00134449-00135094 topic external links A4ysqw3gX0M-00347-00135095-00135322 official city of A4ysqw3gX0M-00348-00135323-00135690 go mount Greenwood community map A4ysqw3gX0M-00349-00135691-00135958 Southwest observer as a neighborhood A4ysqw3gX0M-00350-00135959-00136306 website for mount Greenwood Beverly and A4ysqw3gX0M-00351-00136307-00136586 Morgan Park A4ysqw3gX0M-00352-00136587-00136946 daily Southtown photo coverage of mount A4ysqw3gX0M-00353-00136947-00137468 Greenwood encyclopedia of Chicago entry A4ysqw3gX0M-00354-00137469-00137777 on mount Greenwood AqQAQ9N0pDu-00000-00000104-00000311 all right so we are back with AqQAQ9N0pDu-00001-00000312-00000582 this ordinary map and we got to a AqQAQ9N0pDu-00002-00000583-00000831 position yesterday AqQAQ9N0pDu-00003-00000832-00001039 we've pretty much worked out all the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00004-00001040-00001519 steps only we don't know how to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00005-00001520-00002047 move maneuver this cube here now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00006-00002048-00002367 i think AqQAQ9N0pDu-00007-00002368-00002702 i uh maybe not i thought i might have an AqQAQ9N0pDu-00008-00002703-00002895 idea then AqQAQ9N0pDu-00009-00002896-00003535 i believe i do though AqQAQ9N0pDu-00010-00003536-00003935 maybe i do mika with the four month AqQAQ9N0pDu-00011-00003936-00004206 resub thank you very much you absolute AqQAQ9N0pDu-00012-00004207-00004351 legend hello knock and the others hope AqQAQ9N0pDu-00013-00004352-00004406 you everyone AqQAQ9N0pDu-00014-00004407-00004759 is doing well we are all doing very well AqQAQ9N0pDu-00015-00004760-00004919 thank you very much for that uh risa AqQAQ9N0pDu-00016-00004920-00005143 mika AqQAQ9N0pDu-00017-00005144-00005335 i really appreciate that so what we AqQAQ9N0pDu-00018-00005336-00005575 could do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00019-00005576-00006038 keep on this side on the other side AqQAQ9N0pDu-00020-00006039-00007046 and we could do this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00021-00007047-00007351 uh or maybe not i know we could we could AqQAQ9N0pDu-00022-00007352-00007678 totally do this okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00023-00007679-00007983 so i wondered how i would maintain AqQAQ9N0pDu-00024-00007984-00008846 momentum here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00025-00008847-00009159 all right so we can do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00026-00009160-00009751 and then do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00027-00009752-00010303 so that is now in the correct position AqQAQ9N0pDu-00028-00010304-00010831 and then what we're going to do is AqQAQ9N0pDu-00029-00010832-00011151 this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00030-00011152-00011574 pull the cube across there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00031-00011575-00012038 that gives us a push funnel AqQAQ9N0pDu-00032-00012039-00012510 oh but AqQAQ9N0pDu-00033-00012511-00012879 epic fell from the knockstar AqQAQ9N0pDu-00034-00012880-00013438 i really could AqQAQ9N0pDu-00035-00013440-00014230 okay take two AqQAQ9N0pDu-00036-00014231-00015279 up to here up to there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00037-00015280-00016294 return back through the portal here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00038-00016295-00017319 pull the cube to the bottom here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00039-00017320-00017663 move the portal so that we don't push AqQAQ9N0pDu-00040-00017664-00018350 that cube AqQAQ9N0pDu-00041-00018351-00019271 through we go AqQAQ9N0pDu-00042-00019272-00019767 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00043-00019768-00020471 so now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00044-00020472-00020622 now we're at this situation what do we AqQAQ9N0pDu-00045-00020623-00022455 do from here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00046-00022456-00022630 push the cube let's get back over to the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00047-00022631-00022799 upper area AqQAQ9N0pDu-00048-00022800-00025283 gotta push the cube off right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00049-00025284-00025727 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00050-00025727-00026287 so i could go and pick the cube up AqQAQ9N0pDu-00051-00026288-00026683 place it where it needs to be for the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00052-00026683-00026958 exit AqQAQ9N0pDu-00053-00026960-00028083 i think we're about done AqQAQ9N0pDu-00054-00028083-00029483 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00055-00029483-00030023 fire AqQAQ9N0pDu-00056-00030024-00031039 that may have just been a big mistake AqQAQ9N0pDu-00057-00031039-00033239 that may have been a big mistake AqQAQ9N0pDu-00058-00033240-00033415 all right i gotta think about what i did AqQAQ9N0pDu-00059-00033416-00033567 yesterday AqQAQ9N0pDu-00060-00033568-00036095 when i solved it by throwing the cube AqQAQ9N0pDu-00061-00036096-00036502 there is definitely not maker AqQAQ9N0pDu-00062-00036503-00036735 helio what's going on welcome welcome AqQAQ9N0pDu-00063-00036736-00037199 also crazy what's going on AqQAQ9N0pDu-00064-00037200-00037839 if you're all doing well today AqQAQ9N0pDu-00065-00037840-00038183 oh i don't remember what i did now yes AqQAQ9N0pDu-00066-00038184-00038895 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00067-00038896-00039399 i respawn the cube that's right okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00068-00039400-00039839 i think i don't know what i did so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00069-00039840-00040302 through here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00070-00040303-00042083 then we cause the cubes get respawned AqQAQ9N0pDu-00071-00042084-00043871 um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00072-00043872-00044183 that's what i did crazy thank you very AqQAQ9N0pDu-00073-00044184-00044255 much the host AqQAQ9N0pDu-00074-00044256-00044558 appreciate it AqQAQ9N0pDu-00075-00044559-00045062 that's what i did then we jump out the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00076-00045063-00045623 exit like this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00077-00045624-00045935 it's amazing what like AqQAQ9N0pDu-00078-00045936-00046111 walking away yeah it's amazing what AqQAQ9N0pDu-00079-00046112-00047039 walking away from the map AqQAQ9N0pDu-00080-00047040-00047151 it's amazing what walking away from the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00081-00047152-00047343 map can actually do to your like thought AqQAQ9N0pDu-00082-00047344-00047479 process and everything AqQAQ9N0pDu-00083-00047480-00047855 uh okay so now we move on AqQAQ9N0pDu-00084-00047856-00048543 to a couple of maps from atom AqQAQ9N0pDu-00085-00048544-00048807 chances are we probably won't see AqQAQ9N0pDu-00086-00048808-00048951 anything else AqQAQ9N0pDu-00087-00048952-00049055 today thanks very much for the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00088-00049056-00049695 contribution crazy AqQAQ9N0pDu-00089-00049696-00049983 uh this first this has been a journey to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00090-00049984-00050111 this series so that's all i want to say AqQAQ9N0pDu-00091-00050112-00050158 thank you AqQAQ9N0pDu-00092-00050159-00050311 love and support for all of you without AqQAQ9N0pDu-00093-00050312-00050462 you guys i wouldn't know how to make AqQAQ9N0pDu-00094-00050463-00050607 test chambers in the first place AqQAQ9N0pDu-00095-00050608-00050862 so again thank you guys uh now without AqQAQ9N0pDu-00096-00050863-00050974 further ado let's get into AqQAQ9N0pDu-00097-00050975-00051302 generation generation has to come with AqQAQ9N0pDu-00098-00051303-00051375 inspiration AqQAQ9N0pDu-00099-00051376-00051599 from many months ago but the connection AqQAQ9N0pDu-00100-00051600-00051750 between two of these chambers that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00101-00051751-00051830 you're playing AqQAQ9N0pDu-00102-00051832-00051999 makes the exit more interesting i hope AqQAQ9N0pDu-00103-00052000-00052166 you guys enjoy this map good luck AqQAQ9N0pDu-00104-00052167-00052479 and enjoy AqQAQ9N0pDu-00105-00052479-00052687 um see the bomb behind physical events AqQAQ9N0pDu-00106-00052688-00052823 full reset AqQAQ9N0pDu-00107-00052824-00053126 all right oh we're 25 for the community AqQAQ9N0pDu-00108-00053127-00053175 challenge AqQAQ9N0pDu-00109-00053176-00053494 interesting interesting indeed AqQAQ9N0pDu-00110-00053495-00053982 12 and a half thousand raised AqQAQ9N0pDu-00111-00053983-00054319 we're over 25 percent though right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00112-00054320-00054582 i know 150 000. i was like i was AqQAQ9N0pDu-00113-00054583-00054838 confused sorry anyway i digress um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00114-00054839-00054975 moving the cube while aiming is not AqQAQ9N0pDu-00115-00054976-00055142 intended snatching cues from the fizzle AqQAQ9N0pDu-00116-00055144-00055247 it lightning speed is not intended AqQAQ9N0pDu-00117-00055248-00055375 balancing keeps the edge paul AqQAQ9N0pDu-00118-00055376-00055591 is not intended ground laser angles is AqQAQ9N0pDu-00119-00055591-00055742 not intended any bugs glitches or the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00120-00055744-00055894 injury moves performed in this map AqQAQ9N0pDu-00121-00055895-00056542 guess what is not ending all right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00122-00056544-00057254 let's go then shall we AqQAQ9N0pDu-00123-00057255-00057482 i'm not too bad thanks crazy about AqQAQ9N0pDu-00124-00057483-00057847 yourself AqQAQ9N0pDu-00125-00057848-00058447 okay so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00126-00058448-00058830 let's see what things do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00127-00058832-00059303 hey spacekin kitten what's going on AqQAQ9N0pDu-00128-00059304-00059871 oh yes unfortunately it has AqQAQ9N0pDu-00129-00059872-00060438 okay so we'll do that i guess we're AqQAQ9N0pDu-00130-00060439-00060615 going to want to open AqQAQ9N0pDu-00131-00060616-00061030 this one and that there is only a port AqQAQ9N0pDu-00132-00061032-00061254 surface here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00133-00061255-00062550 going to want to use this one AqQAQ9N0pDu-00134-00062551-00063311 okay so then AqQAQ9N0pDu-00135-00063312-00063966 do something like this right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00136-00063967-00064287 disables laser field i mean AqQAQ9N0pDu-00137-00064288-00064942 so far it's pretty straightforward AqQAQ9N0pDu-00138-00064944-00065215 pretty straightforward up to this point AqQAQ9N0pDu-00139-00065216-00065799 i'm sure it will get more complicated AqQAQ9N0pDu-00140-00065800-00066582 there's nothing up here but a key button AqQAQ9N0pDu-00141-00066583-00067447 oh come back here you right that turns AqQAQ9N0pDu-00142-00067448-00067759 off the fizzler AqQAQ9N0pDu-00143-00067760-00068038 so that will allow us to get back at AqQAQ9N0pDu-00144-00068039-00068199 least AqQAQ9N0pDu-00145-00068200-00068359 we could put onto there so we could AqQAQ9N0pDu-00146-00068360-00068682 potentially bring both the cubes through AqQAQ9N0pDu-00147-00068683-00068887 now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00148-00068888-00069071 maybe that will be a useful thing for us AqQAQ9N0pDu-00149-00069072-00069871 to do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00150-00069872-00069991 all right we can't do anything else at AqQAQ9N0pDu-00151-00069992-00070350 the moment from here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00152-00070351-00070943 or in here even in here so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00153-00070944-00071062 all right we're gonna have to bring the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00154-00071063-00071415 laser through from AqQAQ9N0pDu-00155-00071416-00073126 this side then AqQAQ9N0pDu-00156-00073127-00074023 the frame not deactivated i think AqQAQ9N0pDu-00157-00074024-00075119 finished respawning right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00158-00075120-00075262 uh if you want to submit maps then AqQAQ9N0pDu-00159-00075263-00075423 please do check out the um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00160-00075424-00076111 cc info and the map request commands um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00161-00076112-00076703 i don't need this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00162-00076704-00077082 okay back isn't it so maybe we do this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00163-00077083-00077406 um yeah if you want to check out those AqQAQ9N0pDu-00164-00077407-00077479 commands AqQAQ9N0pDu-00165-00077480-00077726 um we at the moment we are taking AqQAQ9N0pDu-00166-00077727-00077855 requests but i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00167-00077856-00078079 we're not playing anything new or adding AqQAQ9N0pDu-00168-00078080-00078182 to my queue AqQAQ9N0pDu-00169-00078183-00078526 as such um until i have cleared down AqQAQ9N0pDu-00170-00078527-00078623 what i have AqQAQ9N0pDu-00171-00078624-00078871 already got through there so maybe a AqQAQ9N0pDu-00172-00078872-00079055 while until i am able to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00173-00079056-00079526 get to your maps just so you are aware AqQAQ9N0pDu-00174-00079527-00079871 get to them i will try AqQAQ9N0pDu-00175-00079872-00079990 right so now we're gonna do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00176-00079991-00080223 [Music] AqQAQ9N0pDu-00177-00080224-00080415 this what difference does it make now we AqQAQ9N0pDu-00178-00080416-00080703 have AqQAQ9N0pDu-00179-00080704-00082015 this cube over here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00180-00082016-00084082 reset this up again AqQAQ9N0pDu-00181-00084083-00085206 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00182-00085207-00085631 i mean AqQAQ9N0pDu-00183-00085632-00085926 is there any what's the real point of AqQAQ9N0pDu-00184-00085927-00086111 this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00185-00086112-00086543 this is just the full reset okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00186-00086544-00086882 why would i need the full reset here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00187-00086883-00087471 though AqQAQ9N0pDu-00188-00087472-00088318 one's mind is boggled AqQAQ9N0pDu-00189-00088319-00088694 i mean that does allow me to do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00190-00088695-00088871 that i suppose and get around here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00191-00088872-00089143 without AqQAQ9N0pDu-00192-00089144-00089559 maybe what i'll do then AqQAQ9N0pDu-00193-00089560-00090671 like this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00194-00090672-00091082 we actually kept the pole there at the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00195-00091083-00091231 top AqQAQ9N0pDu-00196-00091232-00092482 maybe i need to try and go for a portal AqQAQ9N0pDu-00197-00092483-00093231 solution AqQAQ9N0pDu-00198-00093232-00093615 i mean i'm not gonna lie i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00199-00093616-00093882 just done that again i don't want to do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00200-00093883-00094231 that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00201-00094232-00094382 and if keeping a ball here is going to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00202-00094383-00094967 be important or not AqQAQ9N0pDu-00203-00094968-00097511 from here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00204-00097512-00098431 i think i need a ball at the top area AqQAQ9N0pDu-00205-00098432-00099718 honestly i don't know AqQAQ9N0pDu-00206-00099719-00099991 but i can't imagine it's too important AqQAQ9N0pDu-00207-00099992-00100647 doctors welcome along AqQAQ9N0pDu-00208-00100648-00101638 if you are well AqQAQ9N0pDu-00209-00101639-00101823 uh these just uh like a combination of AqQAQ9N0pDu-00210-00101824-00102391 people requesting different things mika AqQAQ9N0pDu-00211-00102392-00102463 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00212-00102464-00103478 and that goes there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00213-00103479-00103734 so that's all well and good but i'm AqQAQ9N0pDu-00214-00103735-00104486 instantly going to lose that portal AqQAQ9N0pDu-00215-00104488-00104639 when i go through here so i think what i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00216-00104640-00104919 need to do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00217-00104920-00105319 is i'll respawn this one AqQAQ9N0pDu-00218-00105320-00105543 we're going to put this back up here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00219-00105544-00106023 like so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00220-00106024-00106151 there's i don't have any physics when AqQAQ9N0pDu-00221-00106152-00106639 i'm no clicking so that's not the help AqQAQ9N0pDu-00222-00106640-00106815 so now we go back through here i think AqQAQ9N0pDu-00223-00106816-00106934 rather than coming through here with the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00224-00106935-00107166 cube AqQAQ9N0pDu-00225-00107167-00107375 i want to do all of this again with the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00226-00107376-00107478 laser AqQAQ9N0pDu-00228-00110683-00110815 that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00229-00110816-00111366 and then i do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00230-00111367-00111647 okay i'm gonna save that because that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00231-00111648-00111823 seems like good progress AqQAQ9N0pDu-00232-00111824-00112031 now have the ability to use the laser in AqQAQ9N0pDu-00233-00112032-00113071 the other room AqQAQ9N0pDu-00234-00113072-00113463 um uh yeah yes no me coming sometimes AqQAQ9N0pDu-00235-00113464-00113599 they're from the requests from AqQAQ9N0pDu-00236-00113600-00113910 other people um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00237-00113911-00114502 other times they are just requests from AqQAQ9N0pDu-00238-00114503-00114815 um the map maker as well so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00239-00114816-00115134 it kind of varies i guess AqQAQ9N0pDu-00240-00115135-00115671 okay so what can we do now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00241-00115672-00115999 hydrate myself i will finish my coffee AqQAQ9N0pDu-00242-00116000-00116951 just for you AqQAQ9N0pDu-00243-00116952-00117871 okay so we're gonna do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00244-00117872-00118063 okay that allows me to go through here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00245-00118064-00118710 which is interesting AqQAQ9N0pDu-00246-00118711-00119083 maybe now we want to get back the red AqQAQ9N0pDu-00247-00119083-00120247 cube AqQAQ9N0pDu-00248-00120248-00120543 i was very lucky not to lose my bottles AqQAQ9N0pDu-00249-00120544-00120743 there that would have been AqQAQ9N0pDu-00250-00120744-00121190 disaster AqQAQ9N0pDu-00251-00121191-00121614 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00252-00121615-00122151 now we have this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00253-00122152-00122519 now where what is square and what the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00254-00122520-00123390 square do there's nothing in here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00255-00123391-00123439 nothing AqQAQ9N0pDu-00256-00123440-00124239 i can see up here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00257-00124240-00124878 oh oh okay so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00258-00124879-00125463 when i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00259-00125464-00125775 when i do things here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00260-00125776-00126083 the minute this receiver here gets AqQAQ9N0pDu-00261-00126083-00126231 activated AqQAQ9N0pDu-00262-00126232-00126743 we lose AqQAQ9N0pDu-00263-00126744-00127439 here's the ability to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00264-00127440-00127854 what the hell is fc AqQAQ9N0pDu-00265-00127855-00128054 like flower child or something i got AqQAQ9N0pDu-00266-00128055-00128775 flowers on my head AqQAQ9N0pDu-00267-00128776-00129583 okay so um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00268-00129583-00129966 what i think AqQAQ9N0pDu-00269-00129967-00130239 when this laser activates that relay i'm AqQAQ9N0pDu-00270-00130240-00131683 going to lose the laser in the original AqQAQ9N0pDu-00271-00131684-00133083 room AqQAQ9N0pDu-00272-00133084-00133647 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00273-00133648-00134959 uh sure AqQAQ9N0pDu-00274-00134960-00135143 okay so that does that and that does AqQAQ9N0pDu-00275-00135144-00135302 that now we don't need AqQAQ9N0pDu-00276-00135303-00135687 that persay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00277-00135688-00136007 okay what about that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00278-00136008-00136454 i think this one AqQAQ9N0pDu-00279-00136455-00138695 put this up here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00280-00138696-00139119 i pull this a little bit too AqQAQ9N0pDu-00281-00139120-00139423 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00282-00139424-00142175 this now leads me in the final area here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00283-00142176-00142711 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00284-00142712-00143695 here i can open the exit AqQAQ9N0pDu-00285-00143696-00144223 but AqQAQ9N0pDu-00286-00144224-00146351 it's not gonna help me AqQAQ9N0pDu-00287-00146352-00146983 okay what if i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00289-00150269-00151283 [Music] AqQAQ9N0pDu-00290-00151284-00151935 um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00291-00151936-00152687 okay also in here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00292-00152688-00153375 also there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00293-00153376-00154083 i don't have a way to get back up to the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00294-00154084-00155759 top AqQAQ9N0pDu-00295-00155760-00156711 oh wait a second AqQAQ9N0pDu-00296-00156712-00157951 wait now that i've got this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00297-00157952-00158343 maybe i need to keep my portal AqQAQ9N0pDu-00298-00158344-00159683 but make my way back to the starting AqQAQ9N0pDu-00299-00159684-00161083 room AqQAQ9N0pDu-00300-00161084-00163247 hmm AqQAQ9N0pDu-00301-00163248-00163663 maybe AqQAQ9N0pDu-00302-00163664-00163783 all right doctors no worries thanks AqQAQ9N0pDu-00303-00163784-00164919 ahead thanks AqQAQ9N0pDu-00304-00164920-00167431 yes that opens that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00305-00167432-00167807 oh AqQAQ9N0pDu-00306-00167808-00168159 okay let's AqQAQ9N0pDu-00307-00168160-00168535 let's pretend AqQAQ9N0pDu-00308-00168536-00169254 let's pretend we didn't do this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00309-00169255-00169631 to revert back to a previous state AqQAQ9N0pDu-00310-00169632-00170883 what's this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00311-00170884-00171287 this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00312-00171288-00171638 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00313-00171639-00171975 we are here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00314-00171976-00172575 and we are going to change that portal AqQAQ9N0pDu-00315-00172576-00172919 there all right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00316-00172920-00173614 so from here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00317-00173615-00174271 take that one AqQAQ9N0pDu-00318-00174272-00174607 do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00319-00174608-00175366 it's on here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00320-00175367-00176023 none of these are portal dependent AqQAQ9N0pDu-00321-00176024-00176454 so now i do this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00322-00176455-00177159 a respawn blue AqQAQ9N0pDu-00323-00177160-00177883 and then blue candy through AqQAQ9N0pDu-00324-00177884-00180683 this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00325-00180684-00181631 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00326-00181632-00182083 now i could respawn AqQAQ9N0pDu-00328-00186284-00186943 maybe AqQAQ9N0pDu-00329-00186944-00187271 actually AqQAQ9N0pDu-00330-00187272-00187614 i can do one better than that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00332-00191344-00192871 i'm gonna deal with both cubes now can i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00333-00192872-00194159 you remember having [__] times AqQAQ9N0pDu-00334-00194160-00194399 don't think if i was my thought here was AqQAQ9N0pDu-00335-00194400-00194735 i could be like the other side of here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00336-00194736-00195126 i can't see but there so it wouldn't AqQAQ9N0pDu-00337-00195127-00196038 really help me would it AqQAQ9N0pDu-00338-00196039-00196487 i can open this and go through here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00339-00196488-00199119 cube would drop to there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00340-00199120-00199287 there's really much else to do here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00341-00199288-00199983 there is there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00342-00199984-00200511 apart from respawning that cube AqQAQ9N0pDu-00343-00200512-00200719 but i would kind of feel like i need to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00344-00200720-00200935 keep the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00345-00200936-00201263 laser AqQAQ9N0pDu-00346-00201264-00201487 which might keep no way of getting this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00348-00205007-00206614 that just goes to a nothingness AqQAQ9N0pDu-00349-00206615-00206831 you see now this makes me think i needed AqQAQ9N0pDu-00350-00206832-00206866 to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00351-00206867-00207358 [Music] AqQAQ9N0pDu-00352-00207359-00207775 i need the red cube as well AqQAQ9N0pDu-00353-00207776-00210082 which is the yikes AqQAQ9N0pDu-00354-00210083-00212031 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00355-00212032-00212158 well if i do that the other way around AqQAQ9N0pDu-00356-00212159-00212439 then so if i have this cube instead of AqQAQ9N0pDu-00357-00212440-00212623 the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00358-00212623-00212975 uh this one AqQAQ9N0pDu-00359-00212976-00213871 instead of the blue cube AqQAQ9N0pDu-00360-00213871-00214239 i can do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00361-00214240-00215023 i'm gonna pick this cube up from here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00362-00215023-00215431 okay maybe i maybe just cube choice then AqQAQ9N0pDu-00363-00215432-00215934 this would make a lot more sense AqQAQ9N0pDu-00364-00215935-00216342 then that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00365-00216344-00217246 through here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00366-00217248-00217455 feel like i was pushed into the laser AqQAQ9N0pDu-00367-00217456-00217831 field hashtag get my excuses in AqQAQ9N0pDu-00368-00217832-00218246 um okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00369-00218248-00219063 oh man we are a long way back AqQAQ9N0pDu-00370-00219064-00219398 so in the interest of speeding things up AqQAQ9N0pDu-00371-00219400-00219767 that's there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00372-00219767-00220582 and we were just here with this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00373-00220583-00221039 okay let's save that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00374-00221040-00221431 i'll take this through here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00375-00221432-00222919 do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00376-00222919-00223246 okay so now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00377-00223248-00223623 i actually feel like i take this one AqQAQ9N0pDu-00378-00223623-00223663 back AqQAQ9N0pDu-00379-00223664-00224198 into here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00380-00224200-00224639 then i can respawn blue AqQAQ9N0pDu-00381-00224640-00225942 purple sorry AqQAQ9N0pDu-00382-00225944-00226646 and then here i can have AqQAQ9N0pDu-00383-00226648-00226903 i want to take this one with me leave AqQAQ9N0pDu-00384-00226904-00227087 red behind so i can respawn right from AqQAQ9N0pDu-00385-00227088-00228175 this side AqQAQ9N0pDu-00386-00228176-00229694 let's do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00387-00229696-00230446 maybe i do need to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00388-00230448-00230575 need to use that panel at the back it AqQAQ9N0pDu-00389-00230576-00230758 makes sense why that was there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00390-00230759-00230910 i think i've used it for anything else AqQAQ9N0pDu-00391-00230911-00232482 in a minute AqQAQ9N0pDu-00392-00232483-00235282 hey they're the best bits AqQAQ9N0pDu-00393-00235283-00235606 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00394-00235607-00236682 oh maybe i shouldn't have done that way AqQAQ9N0pDu-00395-00236683-00237015 around AqQAQ9N0pDu-00396-00237016-00237167 maybe i should have actually done it the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00397-00237167-00238775 other way around AqQAQ9N0pDu-00398-00238776-00239087 so should then be able to refire onto AqQAQ9N0pDu-00399-00239088-00239482 that one AqQAQ9N0pDu-00400-00239483-00240575 maybe AqQAQ9N0pDu-00401-00240576-00240798 no i was right i was right i was right i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00402-00240800-00241182 was right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00403-00241183-00241375 used to be this one facing that way AqQAQ9N0pDu-00404-00241376-00241575 because then i can AqQAQ9N0pDu-00405-00241576-00241798 when this one's on here i can then get AqQAQ9N0pDu-00406-00241800-00241967 the red cube and i can point it there to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00407-00241967-00243682 then go back through to here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00408-00243683-00244455 think AqQAQ9N0pDu-00409-00244456-00244623 i've been a really unfortunate bounce if AqQAQ9N0pDu-00410-00244623-00244855 that would have um AqQAQ9N0pDu-00411-00244856-00245263 i'd have gone there AqQAQ9N0pDu-00412-00245264-00245855 okay so now i can do that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00413-00245856-00246655 actually i can do this instead AqQAQ9N0pDu-00415-00249871-00250223 okay then i do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00416-00250223-00250682 this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00417-00250683-00251103 this this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00418-00251104-00252082 that gets me this cube back AqQAQ9N0pDu-00419-00252083-00252471 okay AqQAQ9N0pDu-00420-00252471-00252967 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00421-00252967-00254039 so now we have this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00422-00254040-00256615 we can do this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00423-00256616-00257030 okay so now we're here we can afford to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00424-00257031-00257103 lose AqQAQ9N0pDu-00425-00257104-00257279 the portal here now because we can walk AqQAQ9N0pDu-00426-00257280-00258223 back through to here this is fine AqQAQ9N0pDu-00427-00258223-00258855 so what we're going to do now is AqQAQ9N0pDu-00428-00258856-00259798 open prey but i get this right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00429-00259800-00260134 i think i just saved as well AqQAQ9N0pDu-00430-00260135-00260446 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00431-00260448-00261358 we will put a portal on the floor here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00432-00261359-00261882 and then we can jump down here with this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00433-00261883-00262758 cube AqQAQ9N0pDu-00434-00262759-00263623 and we can place this here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00435-00263624-00263782 because we need to open up that fizzle AqQAQ9N0pDu-00436-00263783-00264087 right AqQAQ9N0pDu-00437-00264088-00264423 so done that we've done that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00438-00264424-00264591 i can only assume we need to then get AqQAQ9N0pDu-00439-00264592-00265655 the portal back up to here to this side AqQAQ9N0pDu-00440-00265656-00267055 then we can go back through here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00441-00267056-00268167 now i think what i'm going to do now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00442-00268168-00269527 i think i need to break this now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00443-00269528-00269751 break this leave the ball here go back AqQAQ9N0pDu-00444-00269752-00270015 through AqQAQ9N0pDu-00445-00270016-00271871 think so we broke that AqQAQ9N0pDu-00446-00271872-00272071 then why would i do that because now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00447-00272072-00272679 i've lost the ability to AqQAQ9N0pDu-00448-00272680-00274482 well just run with it for now AqQAQ9N0pDu-00449-00274483-00276247 so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00450-00276248-00277639 okay i can get this back AqQAQ9N0pDu-00451-00277640-00277982 oh i've used one cubes i use the wrong AqQAQ9N0pDu-00452-00277983-00278239 cubes AqQAQ9N0pDu-00453-00278240-00278358 the cubes are in the other positions AqQAQ9N0pDu-00454-00278359-00278679 we've solved it pretty sure AqQAQ9N0pDu-00455-00278680-00278991 i'm pretty sure AqQAQ9N0pDu-00456-00278992-00279375 we need to swap the cube soups rounds AqQAQ9N0pDu-00457-00279376-00280439 they are rock oh yes they are AqQAQ9N0pDu-00458-00280440-00280615 all will become apparent in a moment as AqQAQ9N0pDu-00459-00280616-00281639 to why that is the case AqQAQ9N0pDu-00460-00281640-00282534 okay so cubes are swapped AqQAQ9N0pDu-00461-00282535-00283047 so with cubes swapped we do AqQAQ9N0pDu-00462-00283048-00283303 break the portal that's right break the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00463-00283304-00283495 laser AqQAQ9N0pDu-00464-00283496-00283895 aim this to there then go down here and AqQAQ9N0pDu-00465-00283896-00284282 through AqQAQ9N0pDu-00466-00284283-00284406 here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00467-00284407-00284934 that opens up this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00468-00284935-00285695 that opens up this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00469-00285696-00286695 we now go through AqQAQ9N0pDu-00470-00286696-00287351 go through here AqQAQ9N0pDu-00471-00287352-00288399 and we take this cube back AqQAQ9N0pDu-00472-00288400-00289095 and we now do this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00473-00289096-00289919 this AqQAQ9N0pDu-00474-00289920-00290143 we put their cubes in their final AqQAQ9N0pDu-00475-00290144-00292079 resting spots AqQAQ9N0pDu-00476-00292080-00293327 thank you then we fling to victory AqQAQ9N0pDu-00477-00293328-00293606 oh we don't think the victory because we AqQAQ9N0pDu-00478-00293607-00294047 shoot the wrong portal AqQAQ9N0pDu-00479-00294048-00294199 we try that one again ladies and AqQAQ9N0pDu-00480-00294200-00294324 gentlemen AqQAQ9N0pDu-00481-00294325-00294695 [Laughter] AqQAQ9N0pDu-00482-00294696-00294919 yo rector mike what's going on guys but AqQAQ9N0pDu-00483-00294920-00295103 yeah there we go AqQAQ9N0pDu-00484-00295104-00295406 that's a really cool map AqQAQ9N0pDu-00485-00295407-00295639 really really cool map it's all about AqQAQ9N0pDu-00486-00295640-00295806 laser preservation throughout the AqQAQ9N0pDu-00487-00295807-00295975 entirety of it AqQAQ9N0pDu-00488-00295976-00296351 so um but yeah really really AqQAQ9N0pDu-00489-00296352-00296679 enjoyed that one for sure AqQAQ9N0pDu-00490-00296680-00297039 full shot so yeah that was an AqQAQ9N0pDu-00491-00297040-00297334 awesome map for now and um the next map AqQAQ9N0pDu-00492-00297335-00297454 in the queue is AqQAQ9N0pDu-00493-00297455-00297723 a another atom map which is AqQAQ9N0pDu-00494-00297724-00297847 self-isolation AqQAQ9N0pDu-00495-00297848-00298263 number six however AqQAQ9N0pDu-00496-00298264-00298463 looking at the time i'm going to leave AqQAQ9N0pDu-00497-00298464-00298630 that one for tomorrow so AqQAQ9N0pDu-00498-00298631-00298751 a little bit of a short stream day i AqQAQ9N0pDu-00499-00298752-00299006 apologize for starting so late AqQAQ9N0pDu-00500-00299007-00299279 but um yeah something came up and i was AqQAQ9N0pDu-00501-00299280-00299447 busy dealing with something else at work AqQAQ9N0pDu-00502-00299448-00299671 so uh yeah that's just unfortunate but AqQAQ9N0pDu-00503-00299672-00299806 we're back tomorrow 1pm AqQAQ9N0pDu-00504-00299807-00300047 bst hopefully we'll kick it off tomorrow AqQAQ9N0pDu-00505-00300048-00300303 with uh self-isolation six deliverance AqQAQ9N0pDu-00506-00300304-00300527 from atom but until then guys thank you AqQAQ9N0pDu-00507-00300528-00300719 very much tune in enjoy the rest of your AqQAQ9N0pDu-00508-00300720-00300815 day whatever you AqQAQ9N0pDu-00509-00300816-00300975 are doing and until next time i've been AqQAQ9N0pDu-00510-00300976-00301143 knocked you've been awesome take care AqQAQ9N0pDu-00511-00301144-00301363 and AqQAQ9N0pDu-00512-00301364-00301664 goodbye ArAFWk2EL6c-00000-00000007-00000311 19th century American poet John Godfrey ArAFWk2EL6c-00001-00000312-00000563 sacks is most remembered for his poem ArAFWk2EL6c-00002-00000564-00000897 the blind men and the elephant it was ArAFWk2EL6c-00003-00000898-00001098 based on his version of an ancient ArAFWk2EL6c-00004-00001099-00001386 Indian fable about six blind men who ArAFWk2EL6c-00005-00001387-00001653 were examining an elephant by touching ArAFWk2EL6c-00006-00001654-00001935 only one part of the elephant each blind ArAFWk2EL6c-00007-00001936-00002175 man arrived at a different conclusion of ArAFWk2EL6c-00008-00002176-00002412 what an elephant was like feeling the ArAFWk2EL6c-00009-00002413-00002679 huge animal side one of them said it was ArAFWk2EL6c-00010-00002680-00002784 like a wall ArAFWk2EL6c-00011-00002785-00003048 another touched its tusks and thought it ArAFWk2EL6c-00012-00003049-00003365 was like a spear holding onto its trunk ArAFWk2EL6c-00013-00003367-00003639 one blind man said the elephant was like ArAFWk2EL6c-00014-00003640-00003933 a snake touching one of its legs ArAFWk2EL6c-00015-00003934-00004238 another believed it was like a tree ArAFWk2EL6c-00016-00004239-00004515 grasping one of its ears still another ArAFWk2EL6c-00017-00004516-00004869 concluded it was like a fan grabbing its ArAFWk2EL6c-00018-00004870-00005081 tail one of the blind men thought the ArAFWk2EL6c-00019-00005082-00005394 elephant was like a rope the poem ArAFWk2EL6c-00020-00005395-00005747 concludes and so these men of in ArAFWk2EL6c-00021-00005748-00006075 descended loud and long each in his own ArAFWk2EL6c-00022-00006076-00006363 opinion exceeding stiff and strong ArAFWk2EL6c-00023-00006364-00006630 though each was partly in the right and ArAFWk2EL6c-00024-00006631-00007011 all were in the wrong each one of the ArAFWk2EL6c-00025-00007012-00007263 blind men was partially right in what he ArAFWk2EL6c-00026-00007264-00007571 experienced but ultimately wrong in his ArAFWk2EL6c-00027-00007572-00007914 conclusion together they confused their ArAFWk2EL6c-00028-00007915-00008169 limited viewpoint with the whole of ArAFWk2EL6c-00029-00008170-00008508 reality not only is this clever parable ArAFWk2EL6c-00030-00008509-00008775 amusing to read it also carries an ArAFWk2EL6c-00031-00008776-00008988 important point about the way we all ArAFWk2EL6c-00032-00008989-00009255 look at our world the part of reality ArAFWk2EL6c-00033-00009256-00009558 that we see shapes our view of what is ArAFWk2EL6c-00034-00009559-00009801 true the reality that each of us sees ArAFWk2EL6c-00035-00009802-00010056 however is often fragmented and confused ArAFWk2EL6c-00036-00010057-00010269 by the different windows of popular ArAFWk2EL6c-00037-00010270-00010578 media with so many different windows to ArAFWk2EL6c-00038-00010579-00010824 look through how do we discern the key ArAFWk2EL6c-00039-00010825-00011142 ingredients of a worldview from the dock ArAFWk2EL6c-00040-00011143-00011400 worker to the teacher of philosophy all ArAFWk2EL6c-00041-00011401-00011616 of us are trying to make sense of life ArAFWk2EL6c-00042-00011617-00011958 on the way home from a funeral or when ArAFWk2EL6c-00043-00011959-00012258 suffering a serious loss of health we ArAFWk2EL6c-00044-00012259-00012464 are often prompted to ask the why ArAFWk2EL6c-00045-00012465-00012767 questions how we answer those questions ArAFWk2EL6c-00046-00012768-00013013 is likely to reflect our personal ArAFWk2EL6c-00047-00013014-00013318 philosophy of life and our worldview ArAFWk2EL6c-00048-00013319-00013618 for example most of us would agree with ArAFWk2EL6c-00049-00013619-00013891 our five senses that an external world ArAFWk2EL6c-00050-00013891-00014146 outside of our own awareness actually ArAFWk2EL6c-00051-00014147-00014472 does exist after this admission however ArAFWk2EL6c-00052-00014474-00014743 we are apt to believe with unswerving ArAFWk2EL6c-00053-00014744-00015019 conviction that our window gives us the ArAFWk2EL6c-00054-00015019-00015213 clearest reflection of ourselves and the ArAFWk2EL6c-00055-00015215-00015505 best view of our world a worldview ArAFWk2EL6c-00056-00015506-00015808 therefore is our assumptions about what ArAFWk2EL6c-00057-00015809-00016087 makes up our world more often than not ArAFWk2EL6c-00058-00016088-00016411 world views influence us in ways that we ArAFWk2EL6c-00059-00016412-00016633 may not be conscious of in an age of ArAFWk2EL6c-00060-00016634-00016846 global communication and travel our ArAFWk2EL6c-00061-00016847-00017074 interaction with other cultures has made ArAFWk2EL6c-00062-00017075-00017305 us increasingly aware of the different ArAFWk2EL6c-00063-00017306-00017599 ways we look at our world let's see what ArAFWk2EL6c-00064-00017600-00017869 distinguishes these world views and what ArAFWk2EL6c-00065-00017870-00018085 they have in common the three great ArAFWk2EL6c-00066-00018086-00018361 monotheistic world religions are Judaism ArAFWk2EL6c-00067-00018362-00018727 Christianity and Islam together they ArAFWk2EL6c-00068-00018728-00018940 believed that God is an eternal spirit ArAFWk2EL6c-00069-00018941-00019201 who brought our material world into ArAFWk2EL6c-00070-00019202-00019453 existence and enables it to operate ArAFWk2EL6c-00071-00019454-00019780 according to natural law their shared ArAFWk2EL6c-00072-00019781-00019978 beliefs include the story of the ArAFWk2EL6c-00073-00019979-00020209 rebellion of the human race against God ArAFWk2EL6c-00074-00020210-00020509 his providential guidance of human ArAFWk2EL6c-00075-00020510-00020779 affairs his desire for reconciliation ArAFWk2EL6c-00076-00020780-00021154 and the promise of ultimate peace and ArAFWk2EL6c-00077-00021155-00021505 justice all of these monotheistic ArAFWk2EL6c-00078-00021506-00021819 systems believe in one God who exists ArAFWk2EL6c-00079-00021820-00022087 separate from but is involved with the ArAFWk2EL6c-00080-00022088-00022344 universe but despite their similarities ArAFWk2EL6c-00081-00022345-00022531 they are marked by some profound ArAFWk2EL6c-00082-00022532-00022872 differences the major beliefs of Judaism ArAFWk2EL6c-00083-00022873-00023101 are drawn from the first five books of ArAFWk2EL6c-00084-00023102-00023394 Moses often called the Pentateuch ArAFWk2EL6c-00085-00023395-00023638 members of the Jewish faith believe that ArAFWk2EL6c-00086-00023639-00023844 God has uniquely revealed himself to ArAFWk2EL6c-00087-00023845-00024138 them through Moses and the prophets ArAFWk2EL6c-00088-00024139-00024421 obedience to God's law is central to ArAFWk2EL6c-00089-00024422-00024682 their faith their hope lies in the ArAFWk2EL6c-00090-00024683-00024949 anticipation of a messiah who has not ArAFWk2EL6c-00091-00024950-00025216 yet come but will one day assure in a ArAFWk2EL6c-00092-00025217-00025440 time of world peace and righteousness ArAFWk2EL6c-00093-00025441-00025740 the second great monotheistic religion ArAFWk2EL6c-00094-00025741-00026047 is Christianity building on the Jewish ArAFWk2EL6c-00095-00026048-00026287 Scriptures Christians believe that the ArAFWk2EL6c-00096-00026288-00026533 long awaited Jewish Messiah has come in ArAFWk2EL6c-00097-00026533-00026689 the person of Jesus ArAFWk2EL6c-00098-00026689-00026992 of Nazareth his followers point to his ArAFWk2EL6c-00099-00026993-00027243 fulfillment of prophecies as well as a ArAFWk2EL6c-00100-00027244-00027607 series of very public miracles according ArAFWk2EL6c-00101-00027608-00027811 to the New Testament his mission on ArAFWk2EL6c-00102-00027812-00027990 earth was to keep the law of God ArAFWk2EL6c-00103-00027991-00028302 perfectly and then die upon a cross to ArAFWk2EL6c-00104-00028303-00028579 pay the penalty for our sin his ArAFWk2EL6c-00105-00028580-00028824 miraculous resurrection from the dead is ArAFWk2EL6c-00106-00028825-00029104 seen as a basis for providing eternal ArAFWk2EL6c-00107-00029105-00029431 life for all who believed in him just ArAFWk2EL6c-00108-00029432-00029677 prior to his supernatural ascension into ArAFWk2EL6c-00109-00029677-00029958 heaven this same Christ promised to ArAFWk2EL6c-00110-00029960-00030229 return and to rule over a new heaven and ArAFWk2EL6c-00111-00030230-00030546 earth the authoritative scriptures of ArAFWk2EL6c-00112-00030547-00030792 Christianity include the Old and New ArAFWk2EL6c-00113-00030793-00031089 Testaments Islam the third great ArAFWk2EL6c-00114-00031091-00031357 monotheistic religion claims to build a ArAFWk2EL6c-00115-00031358-00031593 pond and supersede the scriptures of ArAFWk2EL6c-00116-00031594-00031933 both Jews and Christians it's central ArAFWk2EL6c-00117-00031933-00032202 authority is the Quran which presents ArAFWk2EL6c-00118-00032203-00032449 itself as the infallible word of Allah ArAFWk2EL6c-00119-00032450-00032790 the Arabic word for God according to ArAFWk2EL6c-00120-00032791-00033070 Islam the world we see was created by ArAFWk2EL6c-00121-00033071-00033421 Allah for his own sovereign reasons like ArAFWk2EL6c-00122-00033422-00033706 Judaism and Christianity it affirms the ArAFWk2EL6c-00123-00033707-00033927 rebellion and sin of the human race and ArAFWk2EL6c-00124-00033928-00034314 the hope of an afterlife Muslims as ArAFWk2EL6c-00125-00034315-00034567 followers of Islam are called believed ArAFWk2EL6c-00126-00034568-00034810 that reaching paradise is possible if ArAFWk2EL6c-00127-00034811-00035093 one submits to the laws of Allah ArAFWk2EL6c-00128-00035094-00035383 although Islam affirms that Jesus was ArAFWk2EL6c-00129-00035384-00035464 the Messiah ArAFWk2EL6c-00130-00035465-00035715 it does not believe that he was equal to ArAFWk2EL6c-00131-00035716-00036007 God or that he died on a cross as a ArAFWk2EL6c-00132-00036008-00036292 sacrifice for our sin in the 17th ArAFWk2EL6c-00133-00036293-00036502 century the progress of science and ArAFWk2EL6c-00134-00036503-00036745 technology gave birth to a philosophy ArAFWk2EL6c-00135-00036746-00037002 that stressed the value of human reason ArAFWk2EL6c-00136-00037003-00037351 over revelation great champions of this ArAFWk2EL6c-00137-00037352-00037606 philosophy were John Locke and Voltaire ArAFWk2EL6c-00138-00037607-00037927 Sir Isaac Newton's laws of physics also ArAFWk2EL6c-00139-00037928-00038146 led to a view that some have called the ArAFWk2EL6c-00140-00038147-00038346 clockwork universe ArAFWk2EL6c-00141-00038347-00038683 deism holds that an intelligent creator ArAFWk2EL6c-00142-00038684-00038902 set up the world to operate on its own ArAFWk2EL6c-00143-00038903-00039535 without divine interference ArAFWk2EL6c-00144-00039536-00039785 many Americans honor the founding ArAFWk2EL6c-00145-00039786-00039977 fathers of the United States as ArAFWk2EL6c-00146-00039978-00040283 Christians in faith and practice but ArAFWk2EL6c-00147-00040284-00040547 some of its finest minds such as Thomas ArAFWk2EL6c-00148-00040548-00040796 Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin were ArAFWk2EL6c-00149-00040797-00041219 deists as a philosophy deism derives its ArAFWk2EL6c-00150-00041220-00041450 understanding of God from reason and ArAFWk2EL6c-00151-00041451-00041836 personal experience not from revelation ArAFWk2EL6c-00152-00041837-00042173 Jefferson like other deists rejected ArAFWk2EL6c-00153-00042174-00042449 miracles and asserted instead that God ArAFWk2EL6c-00154-00042450-00042680 does not interfere with human affairs or ArAFWk2EL6c-00155-00042681-00042995 with the laws of the universe during the ArAFWk2EL6c-00156-00042996-00043277 18th century most scientists still ArAFWk2EL6c-00157-00043278-00043523 believed in a creator as the first cause ArAFWk2EL6c-00158-00043524-00043793 of our universe but with the publication ArAFWk2EL6c-00159-00043794-00044048 of Charles Darwin's origin of the ArAFWk2EL6c-00160-00044049-00044363 species a naturalistic explanation for ArAFWk2EL6c-00161-00044364-00044636 origins was proposed the theory of ArAFWk2EL6c-00162-00044637-00044867 evolution claimed that given enough time ArAFWk2EL6c-00163-00044868-00045176 and under the right conditions simple ArAFWk2EL6c-00164-00045177-00045386 life forms would spring from nonliving ArAFWk2EL6c-00165-00045387-00045755 matter then over countless eons these ArAFWk2EL6c-00166-00045756-00046016 life forms evolved into more complex ArAFWk2EL6c-00167-00046017-00046304 ones until finally man appeared on the ArAFWk2EL6c-00168-00046305-00046643 scene as a highly developed ape with ArAFWk2EL6c-00169-00046644-00046925 this explanation many in the scientific ArAFWk2EL6c-00170-00046926-00047189 community began to replace a creator as ArAFWk2EL6c-00171-00047190-00047479 first cause with random chance ArAFWk2EL6c-00172-00047480-00047777 many concluded that matter is all that ArAFWk2EL6c-00173-00047778-00047963 exists and that the best way of ArAFWk2EL6c-00174-00047964-00048191 exploring truth is through the ArAFWk2EL6c-00175-00048192-00048452 scientific method the naturalistic ArAFWk2EL6c-00176-00048453-00048812 worldview is widely held today one who ArAFWk2EL6c-00177-00048813-00049094 has popularized this view is Carl Sagan ArAFWk2EL6c-00178-00049095-00049298 Sagan made a comment that is at the ArAFWk2EL6c-00179-00049299-00049640 heart of the naturalistic worldview the ArAFWk2EL6c-00180-00049641-00049922 cosmos is all that is or ever was or ArAFWk2EL6c-00181-00049923-00050270 ever will be struck with awe and wonder ArAFWk2EL6c-00182-00050271-00050420 at the vastness of space ArAFWk2EL6c-00183-00050421-00050759 he believed our tiny planetary home is ArAFWk2EL6c-00184-00050760-00051032 lost somewhere between immensity and ArAFWk2EL6c-00185-00051033-00051386 eternity nihilism questions the validity ArAFWk2EL6c-00186-00051387-00051782 of knowing truth and moral values if man ArAFWk2EL6c-00187-00051783-00052027 is determined by irrational forces ArAFWk2EL6c-00188-00052028-00052333 beyond his control then why trust his ArAFWk2EL6c-00189-00052334-00052652 own rationality any certainty of ArAFWk2EL6c-00190-00052653-00052879 knowledge is clouded by a former ArAFWk2EL6c-00191-00052880-00053279 non-reflective animal brain nihilists ArAFWk2EL6c-00192-00053279-00053539 believed that objective truth is at best ArAFWk2EL6c-00193-00053540-00053915 arbitrary and relativistic because of ArAFWk2EL6c-00194-00053916-00054140 this assumption they feel compelled to ArAFWk2EL6c-00195-00054141-00054374 tell others how inadequate traditional ArAFWk2EL6c-00196-00054375-00054764 ideologies are in many ways nihilists ArAFWk2EL6c-00197-00054765-00055076 our anti philosophy activists who seek ArAFWk2EL6c-00198-00055077-00055345 to debunk what others affirm a ArAFWk2EL6c-00199-00055346-00055649 nihilistic view is also skeptical about ArAFWk2EL6c-00200-00055650-00055997 moral values in the novel fathers and ArAFWk2EL6c-00201-00055998-00056063 sons ArAFWk2EL6c-00202-00056064-00056404 Ivan Turgenev roped a nihilist is a ArAFWk2EL6c-00203-00056405-00056639 person who does not bow down to any ArAFWk2EL6c-00204-00056640-00056882 authority who does not accept any ArAFWk2EL6c-00205-00056883-00057154 principle on faith however much that ArAFWk2EL6c-00206-00057155-00057473 principle may be revered the word ArAFWk2EL6c-00207-00057474-00057682 nihilism is derived from the Latin word ArAFWk2EL6c-00208-00057683-00057974 for nothing it holds that all ArAFWk2EL6c-00209-00057975-00058249 traditional values are baseless in ArAFWk2EL6c-00210-00058250-00058541 response to religion it repudiates ArAFWk2EL6c-00211-00058541-00058807 previously held morality and spiritual ArAFWk2EL6c-00212-00058808-00059123 belief when it is brought into politics ArAFWk2EL6c-00213-00059124-00059404 it favors the destruction of existing ArAFWk2EL6c-00214-00059405-00059684 traditional social institutions as means ArAFWk2EL6c-00215-00059685-00060004 of making way for improvements there are ArAFWk2EL6c-00216-00060005-00060259 various existentialist philosophies ArAFWk2EL6c-00217-00060260-00060614 whether atheistic or theistic each ArAFWk2EL6c-00218-00060615-00060832 emphasizes the meaninglessness of life ArAFWk2EL6c-00219-00060833-00061129 and the isolation of the individual ArAFWk2EL6c-00220-00061129-00061466 those who assume there is no God view ArAFWk2EL6c-00221-00061466-00061688 the objective world as absurd and ArAFWk2EL6c-00222-00061689-00061999 pointless with no overarching purpose ArAFWk2EL6c-00223-00062000-00062311 despite this grim reality the committed ArAFWk2EL6c-00224-00062312-00062540 existentialist must rebel against the ArAFWk2EL6c-00225-00062541-00062819 objective world and subjectively create ArAFWk2EL6c-00226-00062820-00063095 his own meaning when he makes personal ArAFWk2EL6c-00227-00063096-00063379 choices he is said to have authenticated ArAFWk2EL6c-00228-00063380-00063623 himself or created significance ArAFWk2EL6c-00229-00063624-00063962 subjectively that which authenticates ArAFWk2EL6c-00230-00063963-00064223 the individual is strictly a personal ArAFWk2EL6c-00231-00064224-00064504 choice an act that is meaningful to you ArAFWk2EL6c-00232-00064505-00064819 may be absurd to me some of the most ArAFWk2EL6c-00233-00064820-00065084 ancient religious texts are the Vedas ArAFWk2EL6c-00234-00065085-00065332 which comes from the sanskrit word for ArAFWk2EL6c-00235-00065333-00065657 knowledge they form the oldest sanskrit ArAFWk2EL6c-00236-00065658-00065912 literature and are the ancient hindu ArAFWk2EL6c-00237-00065913-00066218 sacred texts of India for thousands of ArAFWk2EL6c-00238-00066219-00066261 years ArAFWk2EL6c-00239-00066262-00066465 these religious writings have exerted ArAFWk2EL6c-00240-00066466-00066666 their influence primarily in the east ArAFWk2EL6c-00241-00066667-00066990 through Hinduism and Buddhism with the ArAFWk2EL6c-00242-00066991-00067182 advent of modern communication and ArAFWk2EL6c-00243-00067183-00067383 travel however their influence has ArAFWk2EL6c-00244-00067384-00067683 spread into the West a starting premise ArAFWk2EL6c-00245-00067684-00067980 of this kind of pantheism is that man's ArAFWk2EL6c-00246-00067981-00068196 spirit is part of the soul of the ArAFWk2EL6c-00247-00068197-00068514 universe God is spirit and his all that ArAFWk2EL6c-00248-00068515-00068820 exists therefore the external world we ArAFWk2EL6c-00249-00068821-00069096 experience is an illusion through ArAFWk2EL6c-00250-00069097-00069411 meditation however one can become one ArAFWk2EL6c-00251-00069412-00069702 with the universe these themes have been ArAFWk2EL6c-00252-00069703-00069951 popularized in the West by the New Age ArAFWk2EL6c-00253-00069952-00070260 movement a proponent of this view has ArAFWk2EL6c-00254-00070261-00070665 been Maharishi Mahesh Yogi born in India ArAFWk2EL6c-00255-00070666-00071013 in 1917 he became a proponent of the ArAFWk2EL6c-00256-00071014-00071210 relaxation technique called ArAFWk2EL6c-00257-00071211-00071553 Transcendental Meditation the medical ArAFWk2EL6c-00258-00071554-00071793 benefits of such practices began to ArAFWk2EL6c-00259-00071794-00071994 attract attention from clients in the ArAFWk2EL6c-00260-00071995-00072231 West The Beatles were among his ArAFWk2EL6c-00261-00072232-00072597 celebrity disciples many in the West who ArAFWk2EL6c-00262-00072598-00072780 used Transcendental Meditation ArAFWk2EL6c-00263-00072781-00073005 seem not to be fully aware of the ArAFWk2EL6c-00264-00073006-00073293 pantheistic philosophy that lies at its ArAFWk2EL6c-00265-00073294-00073638 base for this kind of pantheism the ArAFWk2EL6c-00266-00073639-00073965 ultimate reality is spirit interestingly ArAFWk2EL6c-00267-00073966-00074208 many people see the world through parts ArAFWk2EL6c-00268-00074209-00074424 and pieces of the worldviews we've just ArAFWk2EL6c-00269-00074425-00074706 described for instance some believe in ArAFWk2EL6c-00270-00074707-00074904 the scientific method is the ultimate ArAFWk2EL6c-00271-00074905-00075089 guide to truth while using ArAFWk2EL6c-00272-00075090-00075366 Transcendental Meditation a pantheistic ArAFWk2EL6c-00273-00075367-00075605 practice to relieve stress ArAFWk2EL6c-00274-00075606-00075891 others think like existentialists ArAFWk2EL6c-00275-00075892-00076122 believing that all objective values are ArAFWk2EL6c-00276-00076123-00076353 meaningless while joining a social ArAFWk2EL6c-00277-00076354-00076593 activist organization to fight for ArAFWk2EL6c-00278-00076594-00076817 social justice yet in spite of ArAFWk2EL6c-00279-00076818-00077097 inconsistencies people hold on to their ArAFWk2EL6c-00280-00077098-00077295 perception of reality with strong ArAFWk2EL6c-00281-00077296-00077676 conviction why the answer may lie in how ArAFWk2EL6c-00282-00077677-00077946 much is at stake in our own attempts to ArAFWk2EL6c-00283-00077947-00078135 answer some of life's most heartfelt ArAFWk2EL6c-00284-00078136-00078585 questions what is real Who am I where ArAFWk2EL6c-00285-00078586-00078993 did I come from why am i here what is ArAFWk2EL6c-00286-00078994-00079329 the basis for my values what does the ArAFWk2EL6c-00287-00079330-00079481 future hold ArAFWk2EL6c-00288-00079482-00079767 we will now look at how each worldview ArAFWk2EL6c-00289-00079768-00080088 answers these questions Are4KEiaMYc-00000-00000629-00001929 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00001-00001930-00003279 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00002-00003279-00003624 so Are4KEiaMYc-00004-00007529-00007727 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00005-00007728-00008435 so Are4KEiaMYc-00006-00008436-00010396 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00007-00010397-00010982 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00008-00010983-00013015 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00009-00013016-00013279 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00010-00013280-00013802 don't Are4KEiaMYc-00011-00013803-00014647 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00012-00014647-00016013 so Are4KEiaMYc-00013-00016015-00017969 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00014-00017970-00019222 [Music] Are4KEiaMYc-00015-00019223-00019431 you ArGt3ROBN4k-00000-00000050-00000586 apparently survived a function defined ArGt3ROBN4k-00001-00000587-00001399 on the Lord in Duluth event because ArGt3ROBN4k-00002-00001400-00001726 he'll help us deliver Arabic number one ArGt3ROBN4k-00003-00001727-00001984 one question ArGt3ROBN4k-00004-00001985-00002443 me ArGt3ROBN4k-00005-00002444-00003468 always ArGt3ROBN4k-00006-00003469-00003761 you're watching goAnimate movie channel ArGt3ROBN4k-00007-00003763-00004367 [Music] ArGt3ROBN4k-00008-00004368-00004782 [Music] ArGt3ROBN4k-00009-00004783-00005022 welcome to the goAnimate police station ArGt3ROBN4k-00010-00005023-00005245 how may I help you I want to become a ArGt3ROBN4k-00011-00005246-00005397 police ArGt3ROBN4k-00012-00005398-00005784 okay here you come the clubs of tumped ArGt3ROBN4k-00013-00005785-00006090 Saturday 6 June on 7 a.m. only on ArGt3ROBN4k-00014-00006091-00006237 goAnimate movie channel ArGt3ROBN4k-00015-00006238-00006570 goAnimate movie channel is now concludes ArGt3ROBN4k-00016-00006570-00006828 5 hour broadcasting for today tomorrow ArGt3ROBN4k-00017-00006829-00007269 we will sign on goodnight AuPeR-cvYlu-00000-00000012-00000321 the National Renaissance front Romanian AuPeR-cvYlu-00001-00000322-00000582 frontal Rennes Astari Nationale a FRN AuPeR-cvYlu-00002-00000583-00000813 also translated as front of national AuPeR-cvYlu-00003-00000814-00001032 regeneration front of national rebirth AuPeR-cvYlu-00004-00001033-00001254 front of national resurrection or front AuPeR-cvYlu-00005-00001255-00001443 of National Renaissance was a Romanian AuPeR-cvYlu-00006-00001444-00001739 political party created by King Carol ii AuPeR-cvYlu-00007-00001741-00002013 in 1938 as the single monopoly party of AuPeR-cvYlu-00008-00002014-00002202 government following his decision to ban AuPeR-cvYlu-00009-00002203-00002412 all other political parties and suspend AuPeR-cvYlu-00010-00002413-00002693 the 1923 constitution and the passing of AuPeR-cvYlu-00011-00002694-00003045 the 1938 constitution of romania it was AuPeR-cvYlu-00012-00003046-00003230 the party of prime ministers armand AuPeR-cvYlu-00013-00003231-00003438 Colinas coo you're gay our jizz on you AuPeR-cvYlu-00014-00003439-00003677 Constantine our Gidwani your gated AuPeR-cvYlu-00015-00003678-00003911 rescue and ion gig or to whose regimes AuPeR-cvYlu-00016-00003912-00004112 were associated with corporatism and AuPeR-cvYlu-00017-00004113-00004364 anti-semitism largely reflecting AuPeR-cvYlu-00018-00004365-00004607 Carole's own political choices the FRN AuPeR-cvYlu-00019-00004608-00004796 was the last of several attempts to AuPeR-cvYlu-00020-00004797-00004988 counter the popularity of the fascist AuPeR-cvYlu-00021-00004989-00005353 and anti-semitic Iron Guard in mid-1944 AuPeR-cvYlu-00022-00005354-00005634 ghen Ives the FRN into the more radical AuPeR-cvYlu-00023-00005635-00005861 party of the nation party Joel NAT D and AuPeR-cvYlu-00024-00005862-00006178 E or particle NAT Ian a PN designed as a AuPeR-cvYlu-00025-00006179-00006516 totalitarian Unity Party it effectively AuPeR-cvYlu-00026-00006517-00006695 ceased to function the following year AuPeR-cvYlu-00027-00006697-00006855 when the Parliament of Romania was AuPeR-cvYlu-00028-00006856-00007410 dissolved AuPeR-cvYlu-00029-00007411-00007904 topic history AuPeR-cvYlu-00030-00007905-00008245 you AuPeR-cvYlu-00031-00008246-00008752 topic context AuPeR-cvYlu-00032-00008753-00008995 the conflict between Carol - and the AuPeR-cvYlu-00033-00008996-00009175 Iron Guard became noted during the AuPeR-cvYlu-00034-00009176-00009439 election of December 1937 when the AuPeR-cvYlu-00035-00009440-00009595 monarch backed the National Liberal AuPeR-cvYlu-00036-00009596-00009862 Party PNL of incumbent premier Tata AuPeR-cvYlu-00037-00009863-00010087 rescue expecting it to carry the vote in AuPeR-cvYlu-00038-00010088-00010303 effect the result was inconclusive with AuPeR-cvYlu-00039-00010304-00010480 none of the parties receiving enough of AuPeR-cvYlu-00040-00010481-00010671 a percentage to be awarded a majority AuPeR-cvYlu-00041-00010672-00010855 bonus and with political rivalries AuPeR-cvYlu-00042-00010856-00011110 preventing any single coalition faced AuPeR-cvYlu-00043-00011111-00011305 with this outcome Carol chose to back AuPeR-cvYlu-00044-00011306-00011496 the anti-semitic National Christian AuPeR-cvYlu-00045-00011497-00011842 Party PNC of Octavian Goga and AC cuza AuPeR-cvYlu-00046-00011843-00012013 appointing Goga as the new prime AuPeR-cvYlu-00047-00012014-00012435 minister on December 26 1937 effectively AuPeR-cvYlu-00048-00012436-00012607 this led the two main traditional AuPeR-cvYlu-00049-00012608-00012865 parties the PNL in the National peasants AuPeR-cvYlu-00050-00012866-00013186 Party PN to become marginalized instead AuPeR-cvYlu-00051-00013187-00013413 the new regimes establishment caused a AuPeR-cvYlu-00052-00013415-00013621 migration of politicians from the PN AuPeR-cvYlu-00053-00013622-00013863 comprising Armin Kalina schoo who chose AuPeR-cvYlu-00054-00013865-00014059 to support the new policies and joined AuPeR-cvYlu-00055-00014060-00014296 the Goga cabinet a paramilitary grouping AuPeR-cvYlu-00056-00014297-00014482 the blue shirt at LAN CRE was AuPeR-cvYlu-00057-00014483-00014674 established as the new arm of the regime AuPeR-cvYlu-00058-00014675-00014851 and soon began acting against both AuPeR-cvYlu-00059-00014852-00015031 groups of iron guard agitators and AuPeR-cvYlu-00060-00015032-00015283 members of the Jewish community the AuPeR-cvYlu-00061-00015284-00015457 incidents had negative effects on AuPeR-cvYlu-00062-00015458-00015706 Romanian society the Jewish middle class AuPeR-cvYlu-00063-00015707-00015897 boycotted the system by withdrawing AuPeR-cvYlu-00064-00015898-00016078 their investments and refusing to pay AuPeR-cvYlu-00065-00016079-00016266 taxes to the point where the National AuPeR-cvYlu-00066-00016268-00016462 Bank of Romania declared the regime's AuPeR-cvYlu-00067-00016463-00016657 insolvency while France and the United AuPeR-cvYlu-00068-00016658-00016828 Kingdom threatened Romania with AuPeR-cvYlu-00069-00016829-00017014 sanctions and the Soviet Union withdrew AuPeR-cvYlu-00070-00017015-00017646 its embassy from Bucharest AuPeR-cvYlu-00071-00017647-00018233 topic clash with the Iron Guard AuPeR-cvYlu-00072-00018234-00018486 after an initial violent confrontation AuPeR-cvYlu-00073-00018487-00018581 with the Iron Guard AuPeR-cvYlu-00074-00018582-00018836 Goga assisted by the Polish envoy Mira AuPeR-cvYlu-00075-00018837-00019044 suave ARCA shoe ski signed a pact with AuPeR-cvYlu-00076-00019045-00019269 its leader Cornelia's Illya cadre on you AuPeR-cvYlu-00077-00019270-00019580 February 8 1938 a move which threatened AuPeR-cvYlu-00078-00019581-00019856 to topple Carol's original designs two AuPeR-cvYlu-00079-00019857-00020124 days later the PNC was deposed and the AuPeR-cvYlu-00080-00020125-00020322 monarch created a national government AuPeR-cvYlu-00081-00020323-00020447 around Myron krystia AuPeR-cvYlu-00082-00020448-00020622 patriarch of the Romanian Orthodox AuPeR-cvYlu-00083-00020623-00020861 Church backed by right-wing figures such AuPeR-cvYlu-00084-00020862-00021108 as Tata rescue Alexandra avarice gue AuPeR-cvYlu-00085-00021109-00021342 Alexandre Veidt of Avadh Nietzsche for AuPeR-cvYlu-00086-00021343-00021542 cranek and Nicolai I orga the new AuPeR-cvYlu-00087-00021543-00021711 corporatist and authoritarian AuPeR-cvYlu-00088-00021712-00021944 Constitution of Romania promulgated on AuPeR-cvYlu-00089-00021945-00022259 February 20th 1938 proclaimed stately AuPeR-cvYlu-00090-00022260-00022456 interest to be above individual ones AuPeR-cvYlu-00091-00022457-00022764 according to its text all Romanians AuPeR-cvYlu-00092-00022765-00022977 regardless of their ethnicity and their AuPeR-cvYlu-00093-00022978-00023228 religious faith were required to AuPeR-cvYlu-00094-00023229-00023502 sacrifice themselves in defending the AuPeR-cvYlu-00095-00023503-00023759 country's integrity independence and AuPeR-cvYlu-00096-00023760-00024075 dignity while it was stipulated that no AuPeR-cvYlu-00097-00024076-00024368 one can consider oneself free from civil AuPeR-cvYlu-00098-00024369-00024647 and military public or private duties on AuPeR-cvYlu-00099-00024648-00024852 the grounds of one's religious faith or AuPeR-cvYlu-00100-00024853-00025149 any other kind of faith Allah passed AuPeR-cvYlu-00101-00025150-00025415 during an April defining the defense of AuPeR-cvYlu-00102-00025416-00025680 state order restricted all other forms AuPeR-cvYlu-00103-00025681-00025881 of political association forbade AuPeR-cvYlu-00104-00025882-00026039 political chants and paramilitary AuPeR-cvYlu-00105-00026040-00026274 displays banned the press organs of AuPeR-cvYlu-00106-00026275-00026430 political parties and condemned AuPeR-cvYlu-00107-00026431-00026639 political contacts between Romanian AuPeR-cvYlu-00108-00026640-00026868 forces and outside patrons in April AuPeR-cvYlu-00109-00026869-00027054 following an orchestrated conflict AuPeR-cvYlu-00110-00027055-00027273 between I orga and cadre anew a large AuPeR-cvYlu-00111-00027274-00027477 number of Iron Guard activists including AuPeR-cvYlu-00112-00027477-00027749 cadre Anu himself was prosecuted and AuPeR-cvYlu-00113-00027750-00027948 jailed on orders from Kalina schoo the AuPeR-cvYlu-00114-00027949-00028233 Minister of Internal Affairs as Carol AuPeR-cvYlu-00115-00028233-00028395 witnessed the failure of European AuPeR-cvYlu-00116-00028395-00028614 countries to defend themselves from Nazi AuPeR-cvYlu-00117-00028614-00028814 German advances consecrated by the AuPeR-cvYlu-00118-00028815-00028995 Anschluss and the Munich Agreement AuPeR-cvYlu-00119-00028995-00029193 he met with Adolf Hitler at Berghof AuPeR-cvYlu-00120-00029194-00029540 November 24th 1938 and became convinced AuPeR-cvYlu-00121-00029541-00029814 that Romania faced a similar fate he AuPeR-cvYlu-00122-00029814-00030033 subsequently ordered the Iron Guard whom AuPeR-cvYlu-00123-00030033-00030210 he perceived as a fifth column for the AuPeR-cvYlu-00124-00030211-00030414 Germans to be decapitated during the AuPeR-cvYlu-00125-00030414-00030596 following days Kadri on new and the AuPeR-cvYlu-00126-00030597-00030779 majority of top-ranking guard AuPeR-cvYlu-00127-00030780-00031040 assassinated while secondary ones led by AuPeR-cvYlu-00128-00031041-00031245 hoary Aseema fled the country and took AuPeR-cvYlu-00129-00031245-00031427 refuge in germany where they remained AuPeR-cvYlu-00130-00031428-00031645 after the outbreak of world war AuPeR-cvYlu-00131-00031647-00031847 there they began plotting a revenge AuPeR-cvYlu-00132-00031848-00032060 against the regime's officials including AuPeR-cvYlu-00133-00032061-00032580 Carol AuPeR-cvYlu-00134-00032581-00033064 topic creation AuPeR-cvYlu-00135-00033065-00033349 the FRN itself was created as the first AuPeR-cvYlu-00136-00033350-00033556 monopoly party in Romania's history AuPeR-cvYlu-00137-00033557-00033774 through the Royal Decree of December 15 AuPeR-cvYlu-00138-00033775-00034140 1938 the legislation proclaimed that ex AuPeR-cvYlu-00139-00034141-00034351 officio all members of the Royal Council AuPeR-cvYlu-00140-00034352-00034573 were its members while all citizens over AuPeR-cvYlu-00141-00034574-00034801 the age of 20 could apply to join by law AuPeR-cvYlu-00142-00034802-00034954 people who engaged in any other AuPeR-cvYlu-00143-00034955-00035158 political activity faced being stripped AuPeR-cvYlu-00144-00035159-00035317 of their civil rights for as long as AuPeR-cvYlu-00145-00035318-00035608 five years writing at the time Colinas AuPeR-cvYlu-00146-00035609-00035926 coup defined the FRNs mainly a spiritual AuPeR-cvYlu-00147-00035927-00036220 movement proclaiming the FRNs goals of AuPeR-cvYlu-00148-00036221-00036445 re-establishing the rights of the state AuPeR-cvYlu-00149-00036446-00036799 its natural parts promoting the general AuPeR-cvYlu-00150-00036800-00036958 interests of the collectivity AuPeR-cvYlu-00151-00036959-00037300 and giving life a sense of moral value AuPeR-cvYlu-00152-00037301-00037681 in May 1939 the electoral law suffered AuPeR-cvYlu-00153-00037682-00037882 drastic changes the voting age was AuPeR-cvYlu-00154-00037883-00038110 raised to 30 voters had to be literate AuPeR-cvYlu-00155-00038111-00038265 and employed in one of three fields AuPeR-cvYlu-00156-00038266-00038506 agriculture and manual labour Commerce AuPeR-cvYlu-00157-00038507-00038718 and Industry intellectual professions AuPeR-cvYlu-00158-00038719-00038911 and new fewer precincts were drawn up AuPeR-cvYlu-00159-00038912-00039115 eleven in all standing for the ten AuPeR-cvYlu-00160-00039116-00039390 Newton Ettore in Bucharest the Senate AuPeR-cvYlu-00161-00039391-00039571 whose eligible members could only be AuPeR-cvYlu-00162-00039572-00039708 voted into office by high-ranking AuPeR-cvYlu-00163-00039709-00039927 members of corporations or guilds AuPeR-cvYlu-00164-00039928-00040123 Brussels comprised a number of members AuPeR-cvYlu-00165-00040124-00040290 for life in addition to those already AuPeR-cvYlu-00166-00040291-00040515 holding the office by the time the law AuPeR-cvYlu-00167-00040516-00040729 was adopted these were religious leaders AuPeR-cvYlu-00168-00040730-00040902 and various members of the House of AuPeR-cvYlu-00169-00040903-00041125 Hohenzollern sigmaringen a seat was AuPeR-cvYlu-00170-00041126-00041290 reserved for Mihai the heir to the AuPeR-cvYlu-00171-00041291-00041556 throne and grand voivode of Alba Iulia AuPeR-cvYlu-00172-00041557-00041776 from the date of his coming of age AuPeR-cvYlu-00173-00041777-00041958 Carole's regime has generally been AuPeR-cvYlu-00174-00041959-00042154 viewed as if at all superficially AuPeR-cvYlu-00175-00042155-00042349 fascist and endorsed by the United AuPeR-cvYlu-00176-00042350-00042562 Kingdom and France as a means to present AuPeR-cvYlu-00177-00042563-00042771 a line of defense against Nazism in the AuPeR-cvYlu-00178-00042772-00043002 Balkans the Western press held overall a AuPeR-cvYlu-00179-00043003-00043293 sympathetic view of the FRN the front AuPeR-cvYlu-00180-00043294-00043504 adopted fascist symbols in discourse AuPeR-cvYlu-00181-00043505-00043858 after January 1939 party members wore AuPeR-cvYlu-00182-00043859-00044089 uniforms navy blue or white in color AuPeR-cvYlu-00183-00044090-00044398 with various ceremonial hats the Roman AuPeR-cvYlu-00184-00044399-00044590 salute was a mandatory greeting ever AuPeR-cvYlu-00185-00044591-00044842 since the years of its existence the FRN AuPeR-cvYlu-00186-00044843-00045004 and its government have been the target AuPeR-cvYlu-00187-00045005-00045211 of ridicule and their ideology has been AuPeR-cvYlu-00188-00045212-00045546 described as operetta fascism after AuPeR-cvYlu-00189-00045547-00045805 attending a parliament session in 1939 AuPeR-cvYlu-00190-00045806-00045994 Marta by Bess Co mocked the sight of AuPeR-cvYlu-00191-00045995-00046157 uniforms AuPeR-cvYlu-00192-00046158-00046364 it is a garden of lilies and daisies a AuPeR-cvYlu-00193-00046365-00046658 colonial Parliament argot wanna looks AuPeR-cvYlu-00194-00046659-00046829 like a white elephant the old AuPeR-cvYlu-00195-00046830-00047030 politicians have thus been whitewashed AuPeR-cvYlu-00196-00047031-00047249 like fruit trees or train station water AuPeR-cvYlu-00197-00047250-00047458 closets like anything requiring AuPeR-cvYlu-00198-00047459-00048037 disinfection AuPeR-cvYlu-00199-00048038-00048642 topic political tendencies AuPeR-cvYlu-00200-00048643-00048877 ideologically the FRN took inspiration AuPeR-cvYlu-00201-00048878-00049225 from three main sources it fused message AuPeR-cvYlu-00202-00049226-00049399 is borrowed from and used against the AuPeR-cvYlu-00203-00049400-00049579 Iron Guard with those of the traditional AuPeR-cvYlu-00204-00049580-00049753 right while also stressing several AuPeR-cvYlu-00205-00049754-00050002 left-wing tenets among the far-right AuPeR-cvYlu-00206-00050003-00050173 tendencies it absorbed was the AuPeR-cvYlu-00207-00050174-00050413 small-scale fascist inspired feminist AuPeR-cvYlu-00208-00050414-00050569 and racist movement formed by AuPeR-cvYlu-00209-00050570-00050797 alexandrina Kant a casino group Berea AuPeR-cvYlu-00210-00050798-00051043 National FML or Roman the National AuPeR-cvYlu-00211-00051044-00051262 grouping of Romanian women although AuPeR-cvYlu-00212-00051263-00051472 kantakouzenos ideology remained AuPeR-cvYlu-00213-00051473-00051679 relatively influential for the following AuPeR-cvYlu-00214-00051679-00051883 years the grouping itself was dissolved AuPeR-cvYlu-00215-00051884-00052191 in 1939 the FRN continued to make use of AuPeR-cvYlu-00216-00052192-00052360 anti-semitism and appealed to AuPeR-cvYlu-00217-00052361-00052558 nationalists by promising to find an AuPeR-cvYlu-00218-00052559-00052861 answer to the Jewish Question before AuPeR-cvYlu-00219-00052862-00053164 1940 no anti-semitic law was passed but AuPeR-cvYlu-00220-00053165-00053374 as a rule Jews were denied FRN AuPeR-cvYlu-00221-00053375-00053650 membership the arbitrary measure of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00222-00053651-00053839 Octavian Goga cabinet through which AuPeR-cvYlu-00223-00053840-00054028 hundreds of thousands of Jews had been AuPeR-cvYlu-00224-00054029-00054175 stripped of their citizenship was AuPeR-cvYlu-00225-00054176-00054342 continued through a requirement that all AuPeR-cvYlu-00226-00054344-00054516 those excluded be registered as AuPeR-cvYlu-00227-00054517-00054778 foreigners members of the community were AuPeR-cvYlu-00228-00054779-00054895 encouraged to leave the country AuPeR-cvYlu-00229-00054896-00055147 nevertheless violence was reduced AuPeR-cvYlu-00230-00055148-00055366 especially since its main agents the AuPeR-cvYlu-00231-00055366-00055546 Iron Guard and the National Christian AuPeR-cvYlu-00232-00055547-00055723 Party had been outlawed the Front's AuPeR-cvYlu-00233-00055724-00055921 policies in respect to other ethnic AuPeR-cvYlu-00234-00055922-00056149 minorities as Colinas who reported aimed AuPeR-cvYlu-00235-00056150-00056458 to show the new regimes benevolence to AuPeR-cvYlu-00236-00056459-00056655 the foreign elements as long as they are AuPeR-cvYlu-00237-00056657-00056866 sincerely integrated in the life of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00238-00056866-00057226 state also according to colonist qu the AuPeR-cvYlu-00239-00057227-00057475 FRN rejected all notion of territorial AuPeR-cvYlu-00240-00057476-00057700 reshaping there are not and cannot be AuPeR-cvYlu-00241-00057701-00058041 any territorial problems in one notable AuPeR-cvYlu-00242-00058042-00058266 example Carroll chose to re-establish AuPeR-cvYlu-00243-00058267-00058426 the seat held in Parliament by the AuPeR-cvYlu-00244-00058427-00058660 Polish minority of Bukovina and awarded AuPeR-cvYlu-00245-00058661-00058903 it to Titus Sir Kowski this followed AuPeR-cvYlu-00246-00058904-00059113 intense campaigning from politicians and AuPeR-cvYlu-00247-00059114-00059287 journalists in the Republic of Poland AuPeR-cvYlu-00248-00059288-00059485 for Romania to review the centralist AuPeR-cvYlu-00249-00059486-00059779 policies set by ion nice tour in 1919 AuPeR-cvYlu-00250-00059779-00060058 notably the FRN also incorporated much AuPeR-cvYlu-00251-00060059-00060265 of the leftist tendency inside the pn AuPeR-cvYlu-00252-00060266-00060535 Colinas coup Mihal gal Maggie Anu Petra AuPeR-cvYlu-00253-00060536-00060796 Andrei Mihai raelia Caesar petrescu AuPeR-cvYlu-00254-00060797-00061009 drawing on a poplar Ennis legacy while AuPeR-cvYlu-00255-00061010-00061147 enlisting support from well-known AuPeR-cvYlu-00256-00061148-00061369 socialists such as gala galaktion AuPeR-cvYlu-00257-00061370-00061629 Yohan Flores and George Gregor vici the AuPeR-cvYlu-00258-00061630-00061822 corporatist structure which in theory AuPeR-cvYlu-00259-00061823-00061972 covered the entire remain AuPeR-cvYlu-00260-00061973-00062187 society was centered on newly founded AuPeR-cvYlu-00261-00062188-00062425 guilds overseen by flue eras and forming AuPeR-cvYlu-00262-00062426-00062587 the basis for representation in AuPeR-cvYlu-00263-00062588-00062868 Parliament a minimum wage was imposed on AuPeR-cvYlu-00264-00062869-00063051 private enterprises while a body AuPeR-cvYlu-00265-00063052-00063162 regulating leisure AuPeR-cvYlu-00266-00063163-00063426 monka Seva buna was created on the model AuPeR-cvYlu-00267-00063427-00063625 set by the Nazi strength through joy in AuPeR-cvYlu-00268-00063626-00063855 the Italian fascist Opera Nazi unallied AuPeR-cvYlu-00269-00063857-00064137 Opel Evora the organisation grouping AuPeR-cvYlu-00270-00064138-00064356 youth straw hat re had been functioning AuPeR-cvYlu-00271-00064357-00064701 since 1930 435 in addition University AuPeR-cvYlu-00272-00064702-00064887 students were enrolled in work teams and AuPeR-cvYlu-00273-00064888-00065082 required to assist in harvests and other AuPeR-cvYlu-00274-00065083-00065391 countryside projects as part of the fr AuPeR-cvYlu-00275-00065392-00065607 ends focus on modernization which had AuPeR-cvYlu-00276-00065608-00065809 imposed from top to bottom special AuPeR-cvYlu-00277-00065810-00066000 mobile teams visited villages and AuPeR-cvYlu-00278-00066001-00066660 provided hot showers for peasants AuPeR-cvYlu-00279-00066661-00067256 topic factionalism in opposition AuPeR-cvYlu-00280-00067257-00067541 while arguably most Romanian citizens AuPeR-cvYlu-00281-00067542-00067769 accepted the new political context the AuPeR-cvYlu-00282-00067770-00068042 FRN had relatively few convinced cadres AuPeR-cvYlu-00283-00068043-00068249 its upper ranks were occupied by AuPeR-cvYlu-00284-00068250-00068423 traditional politicians who were AuPeR-cvYlu-00285-00068424-00068651 popularly associated with corruption and AuPeR-cvYlu-00286-00068652-00068804 Carols and much of its membership AuPeR-cvYlu-00287-00068805-00068969 comprised civil servants whose AuPeR-cvYlu-00288-00068970-00069142 affiliation was mandatory AuPeR-cvYlu-00289-00069143-00069515 according to marta by becca among the AuPeR-cvYlu-00290-00069516-00069740 parliamentarians many have dubbed the AuPeR-cvYlu-00291-00069741-00069980 king in mud and at the smallest proof of AuPeR-cvYlu-00292-00069981-00070184 weakness on his part are ready to Dobb AuPeR-cvYlu-00293-00070185-00070490 him anew this is probably why he has AuPeR-cvYlu-00294-00070491-00070760 given them clothes that stain easily to AuPeR-cvYlu-00295-00070761-00070957 prevent them from smirking themselves AuPeR-cvYlu-00296-00070958-00071372 but who could ever stop them businessmen AuPeR-cvYlu-00297-00071373-00071579 associated with carroll continued to AuPeR-cvYlu-00298-00071580-00071747 make the bulk of their income from state AuPeR-cvYlu-00299-00071748-00071951 contracts progressively orienting AuPeR-cvYlu-00300-00071952-00072143 themselves towards the arms industry AuPeR-cvYlu-00301-00072144-00072377 Nikolay Milazzo an industrialist and AuPeR-cvYlu-00302-00072378-00072566 personal friend of Karol collected AuPeR-cvYlu-00303-00072567-00072842 profits of 300 to 1000 percent during AuPeR-cvYlu-00304-00072843-00073090 the FRN period in January to February AuPeR-cvYlu-00305-00073091-00073409 1939 a conflict erupted between Karel AuPeR-cvYlu-00306-00073410-00073583 and Nikolai I orga following the AuPeR-cvYlu-00307-00073584-00073826 latter's refusal to wear the FRN uniform AuPeR-cvYlu-00308-00073827-00074036 during public ceremony and worsened by AuPeR-cvYlu-00309-00074037-00074246 his protest against Constantine rattle AuPeR-cvYlu-00310-00074247-00074426 Eskimo truce proposal to have all AuPeR-cvYlu-00311-00074427-00074630 Romanian Academy members join the front AuPeR-cvYlu-00312-00074631-00074912 when I organs the Academy Hall to AuPeR-cvYlu-00313-00074913-00075116 publicize his opinion the king sent AuPeR-cvYlu-00314-00075117-00075293 Colonel Ernest herder onnu to end the AuPeR-cvYlu-00315-00075294-00075611 proceedings censored I order to other AuPeR-cvYlu-00316-00075612-00075815 means of making his opinions known and AuPeR-cvYlu-00317-00075816-00076010 during a seminar he held in his home AuPeR-cvYlu-00318-00076011-00076358 voiced harsh criticism of the FRN see AuPeR-cvYlu-00319-00076359-00076586 the outings of the tyrant Carole among AuPeR-cvYlu-00320-00076587-00076829 silent crowds with eyes sparkling out of AuPeR-cvYlu-00321-00076830-00077033 anger and yet the next day journals AuPeR-cvYlu-00322-00077034-00077180 announced that the sovereign was AuPeR-cvYlu-00323-00077181-00077453 acclaimed no book can be published AuPeR-cvYlu-00324-00077454-00077657 without reaching the tyrant the AuPeR-cvYlu-00325-00077658-00077876 sovereign disposes of public opinion AuPeR-cvYlu-00326-00077877-00078112 each morning as soon as he wakes up AuPeR-cvYlu-00327-00078113-00078398 there is no public opinion there is a AuPeR-cvYlu-00328-00078399-00078647 committee of public opinion coordinating AuPeR-cvYlu-00329-00078648-00078914 the wishes of the crowd raise not your AuPeR-cvYlu-00330-00078915-00079169 voice or Elsa will spy betray you a AuPeR-cvYlu-00331-00079170-00079388 plain clothes man will arrest you a AuPeR-cvYlu-00332-00079389-00079601 gendarme or a butcher will beat you up AuPeR-cvYlu-00333-00079602-00079862 savagely and occasionally in the police AuPeR-cvYlu-00334-00079863-00080075 cellars your head will be crushed or put AuPeR-cvYlu-00335-00080076-00080357 up against the wall it is as if we were AuPeR-cvYlu-00336-00080358-00080582 living under the terror of the GPU in AuPeR-cvYlu-00337-00080583-00080668 Lubyanka AuPeR-cvYlu-00338-00080669-00080861 constitutional guarantees have AuPeR-cvYlu-00339-00080862-00081122 disappeared we know a man can be AuPeR-cvYlu-00340-00081123-00081437 arrested killed individual security as a AuPeR-cvYlu-00341-00081438-00081719 trifle we have no representatives in AuPeR-cvYlu-00342-00081720-00081956 Parliament to decide our taxes and tell AuPeR-cvYlu-00343-00081957-00082185 our grievances AuPeR-cvYlu-00344-00082186-00082860 I organize our Constitution should be AuPeR-cvYlu-00345-00082861-00083073 the product of the nation relying on AuPeR-cvYlu-00346-00083074-00083282 strict principles of the soul and the AuPeR-cvYlu-00347-00083283-00083603 manifestations of our people our first AuPeR-cvYlu-00348-00083604-00083853 Constitution was created by a certain AuPeR-cvYlu-00349-00083854-00084107 Alec you constantinescu and that of last AuPeR-cvYlu-00350-00084108-00084330 February by a straight macheska AuPeR-cvYlu-00351-00084331-00084581 an idiotic jurist who only sees that AuPeR-cvYlu-00352-00084582-00084782 which is written in his manuals and that AuPeR-cvYlu-00353-00084783-00085143 which the king has told him similar AuPeR-cvYlu-00354-00085144-00085356 criticism was voiced in respect to arm AuPeR-cvYlu-00355-00085357-00085538 on calina school who had repeatedly AuPeR-cvYlu-00356-00085539-00085698 pressured him to accept wearing the AuPeR-cvYlu-00357-00085699-00085992 uniform eventually Carroll reconciled AuPeR-cvYlu-00358-00085993-00086213 with the academic and I orga even agreed AuPeR-cvYlu-00359-00086214-00086418 to wear the FRN uniform while specifying AuPeR-cvYlu-00360-00086419-00086628 that he was doing it upon the Monarchs AuPeR-cvYlu-00361-00086629-00086874 request and not for those who believe AuPeR-cvYlu-00362-00086875-00087081 themselves to be the founding figures of AuPeR-cvYlu-00363-00087082-00087447 a country unlikely reference to Colinas AuPeR-cvYlu-00364-00087448-00087648 coup the political structure continued AuPeR-cvYlu-00365-00087649-00087788 to be marked by rivalries between AuPeR-cvYlu-00366-00087789-00088074 various politicians according to argot AuPeR-cvYlu-00367-00088075-00088301 Wayuu these opposed Tata rescue to the AuPeR-cvYlu-00368-00088302-00088497 Royal Commissioner Victor i''m and II as AuPeR-cvYlu-00369-00088498-00088700 well as to a Transylvanian faction AuPeR-cvYlu-00370-00088701-00088907 formed around Alexandra vite of Avadh AuPeR-cvYlu-00371-00088908-00089132 successor to the romanian front and the AuPeR-cvYlu-00372-00089133-00089292 latter grouping to the one around AC AuPeR-cvYlu-00373-00089293-00089523 cuza emerged from the National Christian AuPeR-cvYlu-00374-00089524-00089796 Party argot wanna stress that this AuPeR-cvYlu-00375-00089797-00090030 process was similar to the era of AuPeR-cvYlu-00376-00090031-00090338 elections despite such contradictions AuPeR-cvYlu-00377-00090339-00090546 the regime did exert an attraction on AuPeR-cvYlu-00378-00090547-00090725 lower middle class people who had been AuPeR-cvYlu-00379-00090726-00090944 underrepresented in previous decades in AuPeR-cvYlu-00380-00090945-00091197 contrast with official ideology Carroll AuPeR-cvYlu-00381-00091198-00091368 allowed other opposition parties to AuPeR-cvYlu-00382-00091369-00091631 exist in all but on paper kept contacts AuPeR-cvYlu-00383-00091632-00091901 with them and in early 1940 had meetings AuPeR-cvYlu-00384-00091902-00092160 with the PNL SD nubra tianyou the pn AuPeR-cvYlu-00385-00092161-00092351 sion militia and the dissident AuPeR-cvYlu-00386-00092352-00092594 left-winger nikolai and Lupu attempting AuPeR-cvYlu-00387-00092595-00092732 to persuade each to merge their AuPeR-cvYlu-00388-00092733-00093012 groupings with the FRN reacting to the AuPeR-cvYlu-00389-00093013-00093291 collaboration between P & L & P nth he AuPeR-cvYlu-00390-00093292-00093459 offered the former a chance to form a AuPeR-cvYlu-00391-00093460-00093648 new cabinet but the offer was refused AuPeR-cvYlu-00392-00093649-00093828 following its rejection by Georg AI AuPeR-cvYlu-00393-00093829-00094118 bratty Anya according to the leading PN AuPeR-cvYlu-00394-00094119-00094305 member Johan who Dida the front AuPeR-cvYlu-00395-00094306-00094506 continued to find sympathy inside his AuPeR-cvYlu-00396-00094507-00094674 own party and some of its figures AuPeR-cvYlu-00397-00094675-00094803 including Mythili che AuPeR-cvYlu-00398-00094804-00095016 Virgil mad guru and Mihai papa vici AuPeR-cvYlu-00399-00095017-00095231 allegedly considered affiliating with it AuPeR-cvYlu-00400-00095232-00095460 in this context social opposition and AuPeR-cvYlu-00401-00095461-00095562 the labor movement were AuPeR-cvYlu-00402-00095563-00095829 insignificant having always been a minor AuPeR-cvYlu-00403-00095830-00096060 grouping the Communist Party of Romania AuPeR-cvYlu-00404-00096061-00096303 PC dr had been driven in the underground AuPeR-cvYlu-00405-00096304-00096549 by repression during the 1920s and early AuPeR-cvYlu-00406-00096550-00096789 1930s and had survived inside the AuPeR-cvYlu-00407-00096790-00096978 country by infiltrating the left wings AuPeR-cvYlu-00408-00096979-00097380 of other groupings after 1939 the pc dr AuPeR-cvYlu-00409-00097381-00097572 received an order from the Comintern to AuPeR-cvYlu-00410-00097573-00097806 attempt infiltrating the FRN at a local AuPeR-cvYlu-00411-00097807-00097998 level and attract its members to the far AuPeR-cvYlu-00412-00097999-00098265 left the main left-wing group of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00413-00098266-00098460 social democrats continued to function AuPeR-cvYlu-00414-00098461-00098667 in the same terms as other traditional AuPeR-cvYlu-00415-00098668-00098883 parties and organized several cultural AuPeR-cvYlu-00416-00098884-00099096 and social events all tolerated by the AuPeR-cvYlu-00417-00099097-00099273 regime and part of them copied or AuPeR-cvYlu-00418-00099274-00099495 irrigated at the other end of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00419-00099496-00099603 political spectrum AuPeR-cvYlu-00420-00099604-00099807 corporal Monson Torres collegian er the AuPeR-cvYlu-00421-00099808-00100026 iron guards answered to trade unions had AuPeR-cvYlu-00422-00100027-00100236 only marginal appeal and was also driven AuPeR-cvYlu-00423-00100237-00100778 underground AuPeR-cvYlu-00424-00100779-00101108 topic FRN decline and party of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00425-00101109-00101465 nation AuPeR-cvYlu-00426-00101466-00101747 the decline of the FRN came largely as a AuPeR-cvYlu-00427-00101748-00101969 result of German successes in the early AuPeR-cvYlu-00428-00101970-00102262 stages of World War two in late summer AuPeR-cvYlu-00429-00102263-00102556 1939 the Romanian public opinion was AuPeR-cvYlu-00430-00102557-00102658 shocked by news of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00431-00102659-00102880 molotov-ribbentrop pact which affected AuPeR-cvYlu-00432-00102881-00103060 an agreement between Romania's most AuPeR-cvYlu-00433-00103061-00103255 powerful adversaries and the regime AuPeR-cvYlu-00434-00103256-00103463 began preparing for war it organized AuPeR-cvYlu-00435-00103464-00103673 military training for the population AuPeR-cvYlu-00436-00103674-00103874 beginning in late August and invested AuPeR-cvYlu-00437-00103875-00104093 large sums into arms production it was AuPeR-cvYlu-00438-00104094-00104284 announced that the Romanian naval forces AuPeR-cvYlu-00439-00104285-00104477 were fitted with one vessel each month AuPeR-cvYlu-00440-00104478-00104741 these measures signified that salaries AuPeR-cvYlu-00441-00104742-00104927 of state employees fell by as much as AuPeR-cvYlu-00442-00104928-00105157 40% - which was added the toll of AuPeR-cvYlu-00443-00105158-00105436 expropriations the United Kingdom AuPeR-cvYlu-00444-00105438-00105644 significantly increased its imports from AuPeR-cvYlu-00445-00105645-00105866 Romania attempting to prevent products AuPeR-cvYlu-00446-00105867-00106052 from reaching Germany while Minister of AuPeR-cvYlu-00447-00106053-00106289 Finance me T de constantinescu imposed AuPeR-cvYlu-00448-00106290-00106478 attacks on many outgoing products AuPeR-cvYlu-00449-00106479-00106694 according to argotron you the decision AuPeR-cvYlu-00450-00106695-00106889 was approved due to the exceptional AuPeR-cvYlu-00451-00106890-00107120 times we are living through when we must AuPeR-cvYlu-00452-00107121-00107333 sacrifice all interest to save the AuPeR-cvYlu-00453-00107333-00107675 country's borders in parallel several AuPeR-cvYlu-00454-00107676-00107906 assassination attempts ordered by Horia AuPeR-cvYlu-00455-00107907-00108089 Sima from Germany were foiled by AuPeR-cvYlu-00456-00108090-00108283 cigarette Astatula we before a death AuPeR-cvYlu-00457-00108284-00108497 squad was able to murder Armand Kalina AuPeR-cvYlu-00458-00108498-00108677 schoo who had previously replaced AuPeR-cvYlu-00459-00108678-00108943 Chrystia as premier on September 21st AuPeR-cvYlu-00460-00108944-00109229 1939 at the same time AuPeR-cvYlu-00461-00109230-00109448 Romania began offering Germany a series AuPeR-cvYlu-00462-00109449-00109616 of deals hoping to dissuade its AuPeR-cvYlu-00463-00109617-00109775 hostility the latter received AuPeR-cvYlu-00464-00109776-00109979 advantageous clearing agreement while AuPeR-cvYlu-00465-00109980-00110158 the Reich's work joined Nicolae Malaka AuPeR-cvYlu-00466-00110159-00110359 in taking over the businesses of max AuPeR-cvYlu-00467-00110360-00110513 ouch net who had been arrested in AuPeR-cvYlu-00468-00110514-00110777 September the property of other Jewish AuPeR-cvYlu-00469-00110778-00111020 businessmen in the oil industry Astra AuPeR-cvYlu-00470-00111021-00111208 Romana as well as in the sugar industry AuPeR-cvYlu-00471-00111209-00111419 and in logging was taken over by the AuPeR-cvYlu-00472-00111420-00111569 state over the following months AuPeR-cvYlu-00473-00111570-00111779 eventually as Germany completed its AuPeR-cvYlu-00474-00111780-00111965 invasion of Poland and continued to AuPeR-cvYlu-00475-00111966-00112157 voice support for Hungary in relation to AuPeR-cvYlu-00476-00112158-00112360 Romanian ruled Transylvania Romania AuPeR-cvYlu-00477-00112361-00112625 conceded to German economic demands on AuPeR-cvYlu-00478-00112626-00112916 March 7 1940 the ger gated rescue AuPeR-cvYlu-00479-00112917-00113129 executive agreed to direct almost all AuPeR-cvYlu-00480-00113130-00113383 cereal and oil exports towards Berlin AuPeR-cvYlu-00481-00113383-00113651 Romania did however offer assistance to AuPeR-cvYlu-00482-00113652-00113825 polish troops fleeing their country AuPeR-cvYlu-00483-00113826-00114002 immediately after the start of Nazi AuPeR-cvYlu-00484-00114003-00114245 occupation see polish Romanian alliance AuPeR-cvYlu-00485-00114246-00114511 the country's position became even more AuPeR-cvYlu-00486-00114513-00114731 precarious after the fall of France in AuPeR-cvYlu-00487-00114732-00114806 May AuPeR-cvYlu-00488-00114807-00115007 as a direct consequence Romania AuPeR-cvYlu-00489-00115008-00115193 renounced its alliance with the United AuPeR-cvYlu-00490-00115194-00115384 Kingdom and began attempts to join the AuPeR-cvYlu-00491-00115385-00115646 axis the change in policy also resulted AuPeR-cvYlu-00492-00115647-00115868 in the reorganization of the FRN as the AuPeR-cvYlu-00493-00115869-00116216 party of the nation June 21 to the of AuPeR-cvYlu-00494-00116217-00116507 ion gigger to the PN's character was AuPeR-cvYlu-00495-00116508-00116683 significantly more fascist and AuPeR-cvYlu-00496-00116684-00116918 totalitarian than the FRN had been to AuPeR-cvYlu-00497-00116919-00117083 the point where it has been described as AuPeR-cvYlu-00498-00117083-00117341 a newly founded grouping indeed the AuPeR-cvYlu-00499-00117342-00117530 decree announcing the PN's creation AuPeR-cvYlu-00500-00117531-00117824 depicted it as a single and totalitarian AuPeR-cvYlu-00501-00117825-00118052 party under the supreme leadership of AuPeR-cvYlu-00502-00118053-00118430 His Majesty King Carol ii the party AuPeR-cvYlu-00503-00118431-00118718 restated its goalless lead in the moral AuPeR-cvYlu-00504-00118719-00118940 and material life of the Romanian nation AuPeR-cvYlu-00505-00118941-00119264 and state a lot passed during the same AuPeR-cvYlu-00506-00119265-00119531 interval criminalized activities against AuPeR-cvYlu-00507-00119532-00119800 the interests of the party of the nation AuPeR-cvYlu-00508-00119801-00120034 propaganda against the interests of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00509-00120035-00120356 party of the nation as well as publicly AuPeR-cvYlu-00510-00120357-00120653 removing destroying deteriorating out of AuPeR-cvYlu-00511-00120654-00120857 contempt or derision the party of the AuPeR-cvYlu-00512-00120858-00121141 nations badges emblems uniforms AuPeR-cvYlu-00513-00121142-00121432 manifestos or publications AuPeR-cvYlu-00514-00121433-00121721 however the FRN had been taking on a AuPeR-cvYlu-00515-00121722-00121940 more fascist character for a time before AuPeR-cvYlu-00516-00121941-00122246 then as early as 1939 ministers greeted AuPeR-cvYlu-00517-00122247-00122447 Karol with a fascist style salute AuPeR-cvYlu-00518-00122448-00122645 Karol also decided to appeal to Iron AuPeR-cvYlu-00519-00122646-00122828 Guard assistance allowed its freed AuPeR-cvYlu-00520-00122829-00123032 activists to join the p-n if they chose AuPeR-cvYlu-00521-00123033-00123383 to do so and on June 25th 1940 he signed AuPeR-cvYlu-00522-00123383-00123629 an agreement with Sima consequently AuPeR-cvYlu-00523-00123630-00123859 Seema became Minister of Culture in the AuPeR-cvYlu-00524-00123860-00124058 gigger two cabinet and two other gardens AuPeR-cvYlu-00525-00124058-00124229 were appointed to similar positions AuPeR-cvYlu-00526-00124230-00124457 Seema himself was to resign after just AuPeR-cvYlu-00527-00124458-00124742 four days the notorious anti-semite AuPeR-cvYlu-00528-00124743-00124936 Nietzsche for cranek who is sympathetic AuPeR-cvYlu-00529-00124938-00125165 to the guard was also assigned a cabinet AuPeR-cvYlu-00530-00125166-00125450 post as minister of propaganda the new AuPeR-cvYlu-00531-00125451-00125651 authorities produced the first racial AuPeR-cvYlu-00532-00125652-00125855 segregation laws based on the nuremberg AuPeR-cvYlu-00533-00125856-00126029 legislation and aimed at the jewish AuPeR-cvYlu-00534-00126030-00126101 community AuPeR-cvYlu-00535-00126102-00126310 these notably introduced the legal AuPeR-cvYlu-00536-00126311-00126593 concept of Romani desange Romanians by AuPeR-cvYlu-00537-00126594-00126886 blood as a distinct category inside the AuPeR-cvYlu-00538-00126888-00127491 body of Romanian citizens AuPeR-cvYlu-00539-00127492-00127976 topic downfall AuPeR-cvYlu-00540-00127977-00128150 in the wake of the molotov-ribbentrop AuPeR-cvYlu-00541-00128151-00128540 pact on June 26 1940 Romania was AuPeR-cvYlu-00542-00128541-00128723 presented by the Soviet Union with an AuPeR-cvYlu-00543-00128724-00128884 ultimatum regarding the session of AuPeR-cvYlu-00544-00128885-00129158 Bessarabia and northern bukovina as a AuPeR-cvYlu-00545-00129158-00129341 result Romania withdrew its AuPeR-cvYlu-00546-00129342-00129535 administration from the region leaving AuPeR-cvYlu-00547-00129536-00129841 room for Soviet annexation on July 3rd AuPeR-cvYlu-00548-00129842-00130016 after the retreat had been completed AuPeR-cvYlu-00549-00130017-00130382 Karel remarked news from Bessarabia is AuPeR-cvYlu-00550-00130383-00130676 even sadder unfortunately I was right AuPeR-cvYlu-00551-00130677-00130898 about the so-called national Renaissance AuPeR-cvYlu-00552-00130899-00131087 front as some of its leaders there AuPeR-cvYlu-00553-00131088-00131291 seemed to have converted to Bolshevism AuPeR-cvYlu-00554-00131292-00131438 and were among the first to welcome AuPeR-cvYlu-00555-00131439-00131693 Soviet troops with red flags and flowers AuPeR-cvYlu-00556-00131694-00132134 the process described by Carole is known AuPeR-cvYlu-00557-00132135-00132356 to have occurred in Soroka where FRN AuPeR-cvYlu-00558-00132357-00132560 officials the former prefect petra AuPeR-cvYlu-00559-00132561-00132812 svetla the mayor gorg a lupus coup party AuPeR-cvYlu-00560-00132813-00133040 branch leader alexandra an op and school AuPeR-cvYlu-00561-00133041-00133241 inspector petro Rikku hosted a AuPeR-cvYlu-00562-00133242-00133445 ceremonial welcome for the Red Army on AuPeR-cvYlu-00563-00133446-00133778 August 30th 1940 and fascist Italy AuPeR-cvYlu-00564-00133779-00133976 pressured Romania into signing the AuPeR-cvYlu-00565-00133977-00134153 second vienna award which assigned AuPeR-cvYlu-00566-00134154-00134354 northern transylvania to hungary which AuPeR-cvYlu-00567-00134355-00134483 also brought the german military AuPeR-cvYlu-00568-00134484-00134711 presence within hours of the oil fields AuPeR-cvYlu-00569-00134712-00134813 in profit AuPeR-cvYlu-00570-00134814-00135029 through the session of southern doe AuPeR-cvYlu-00571-00135030-00135254 brutha to bulgaria the Treaty of Craiova AuPeR-cvYlu-00572-00135255-00135473 in early September greater Romania in AuPeR-cvYlu-00573-00135474-00135629 the shape it had at the end of World War AuPeR-cvYlu-00574-00135630-00135860 one had come to an end as Hungarian AuPeR-cvYlu-00575-00135861-00136043 troops entered northern Transylvania AuPeR-cvYlu-00576-00136044-00136235 Bucharest became the scene of massive AuPeR-cvYlu-00577-00136236-00136436 public rallies which called for the p-n AuPeR-cvYlu-00578-00136437-00136616 government to be replaced with one that AuPeR-cvYlu-00579-00136617-00136748 would support the recovery of lost AuPeR-cvYlu-00580-00136749-00137066 regions the Iron Guard also maneuvered AuPeR-cvYlu-00581-00137067-00137318 into action on September 3rd it sells in AuPeR-cvYlu-00582-00137319-00137501 various cities attempted to take over AuPeR-cvYlu-00583-00137502-00137702 the administration but failed due to the AuPeR-cvYlu-00584-00137703-00137906 authority's response faced with such AuPeR-cvYlu-00585-00137907-00138107 incidents Carroll chose to reform his AuPeR-cvYlu-00586-00138108-00138302 own government and appealed to his rival AuPeR-cvYlu-00587-00138303-00138533 general Ion Antonescu to form a military AuPeR-cvYlu-00588-00138534-00138845 dictatorship in a cabinet after agreeing AuPeR-cvYlu-00589-00138846-00139034 Antonescu with support from various AuPeR-cvYlu-00590-00139035-00139256 political forces and the Romanian army AuPeR-cvYlu-00591-00139257-00139466 pressured Karol to step down and be AuPeR-cvYlu-00592-00139467-00139766 replaced with his son Mihai on September AuPeR-cvYlu-00593-00139767-00140039 6 1940 the monarch agreed to leave his AuPeR-cvYlu-00594-00140040-00140273 throne and country settling in Brazil at AuPeR-cvYlu-00595-00140274-00140543 the start of 1941 what contributed to AuPeR-cvYlu-00596-00140544-00140726 this decision was seamless support for AuPeR-cvYlu-00597-00140727-00140918 Antonescu and threat to assassinate AuPeR-cvYlu-00598-00140919-00141152 Carole eight days after Carole's AuPeR-cvYlu-00599-00141153-00141350 departure the Iron Guard joined AuPeR-cvYlu-00600-00141351-00141533 you cater antonescu in government AuPeR-cvYlu-00601-00141534-00141710 thereby establishing the national AuPeR-cvYlu-00602-00141711-00141920 legionary state in existence until the AuPeR-cvYlu-00603-00141921-00142190 Legionnaires rebellion of january 1941 AuPeR-cvYlu-00604-00142191-00142379 right after dealing with opposition AuPeR-cvYlu-00605-00142380-00142592 inside his own camp by marginalizing the AuPeR-cvYlu-00606-00142593-00142841 radical faction of ions alia Qadri Anu AuPeR-cvYlu-00607-00142842-00143036 Seema issued calls for a violent AuPeR-cvYlu-00608-00143037-00143321 reprisal against the former top FRN NPN AuPeR-cvYlu-00609-00143322-00143651 politicians on the night of November 26 AuPeR-cvYlu-00610-00143652-00144047 to 27 1940 64 political prisoners were AuPeR-cvYlu-00611-00144048-00144272 massacred in jalaja by corporal munsi AuPeR-cvYlu-00612-00144273-00144431 Torres collegian ur and iron guard AuPeR-cvYlu-00613-00144432-00144620 affiliates in the Romanian police in AuPeR-cvYlu-00614-00144621-00144821 theory as reprisal for the killing of AuPeR-cvYlu-00615-00144822-00145100 Cornelia saliyah Qadri Anu at the same AuPeR-cvYlu-00616-00145101-00145307 time three former police commissioner's AuPeR-cvYlu-00617-00145308-00145532 held under arrest in Bucharest precincts AuPeR-cvYlu-00618-00145533-00145808 were also assassinated on the evening of AuPeR-cvYlu-00619-00145809-00146078 November 27th Iron Guard members stormed AuPeR-cvYlu-00620-00146079-00146294 into the houses of Nicolae orga and the AuPeR-cvYlu-00621-00146295-00146531 piense Virgil mat guru the two were AuPeR-cvYlu-00622-00146532-00146726 kidnapped and shot earlier in the day AuPeR-cvYlu-00623-00146727-00146927 army officials intervened to save the AuPeR-cvYlu-00624-00146928-00147119 lives of former premiers Konstantin AuPeR-cvYlu-00625-00147120-00147840 argot wanna and gore Gaeta to rescue AuPeR-cvYlu-00626-00147841-00148408 topic cultural legacy AuPeR-cvYlu-00627-00148409-00148681 Carroll's regime in general and the FRN AuPeR-cvYlu-00628-00148682-00148864 period in particular were noted for AuPeR-cvYlu-00629-00148865-00149146 their large-scale cultural ventures this AuPeR-cvYlu-00630-00149147-00149347 was an integral part of Carole's designs AuPeR-cvYlu-00631-00149348-00149563 to impose himself on collective memory AuPeR-cvYlu-00632-00149564-00149752 as a new founder and a modernizing AuPeR-cvYlu-00633-00149753-00149941 monarch with a claim that Romania was AuPeR-cvYlu-00634-00149942-00150118 undergoing full development under his AuPeR-cvYlu-00635-00150119-00150412 rule Lucian boya indicated that in AuPeR-cvYlu-00636-00150413-00150628 contrast with his predecessors Carroll AuPeR-cvYlu-00637-00150629-00150865 depicted himself as a modern dynamic AuPeR-cvYlu-00638-00150866-00151108 King present in the center of all that AuPeR-cvYlu-00639-00151109-00151456 was happening in Romanian society boya AuPeR-cvYlu-00640-00151457-00151639 concluded that despite his innovative AuPeR-cvYlu-00641-00151640-00151873 stance Carroll encouraged similar praise AuPeR-cvYlu-00642-00151874-00152104 of his predecessor Carole I of Romania AuPeR-cvYlu-00643-00152105-00152329 to whom he was frequently associated in AuPeR-cvYlu-00644-00152330-00152515 iconography and cultural reference AuPeR-cvYlu-00645-00152516-00152742 notably manifested in the 1939 AuPeR-cvYlu-00646-00152743-00152968 inauguration of a massive equestrian AuPeR-cvYlu-00647-00152969-00153136 statue of the first Hohenzollern AuPeR-cvYlu-00648-00153137-00153325 sigma-ring and King crafted by Ivan AuPeR-cvYlu-00649-00153326-00153499 mestrovic and erected near the Royal AuPeR-cvYlu-00650-00153500-00153684 Palace AuPeR-cvYlu-00651-00153685-00154044 equals equals notes Av92UFG-SoI-00000-00000088-00000375 hello again it's saturday afternoon Av92UFG-SoI-00001-00000376-00000615 the Av92UFG-SoI-00002-00000616-00000847 17th of july still Av92UFG-SoI-00003-00000848-00000943 so our Av92UFG-SoI-00004-00000944-00001270 last church of the day Av92UFG-SoI-00005-00001271-00001558 is wilbury saint leonard's wilbury Av92UFG-SoI-00006-00001559-00001823 it's a stonkingly hot day we've just Av92UFG-SoI-00007-00001823-00001998 been to the Av92UFG-SoI-00008-00002000-00002167 pub Av92UFG-SoI-00009-00002168-00002271 um Av92UFG-SoI-00010-00002272-00002479 for a pint of Av92UFG-SoI-00011-00002480-00002671 lime and soda Av92UFG-SoI-00012-00002672-00002839 so this is the Av92UFG-SoI-00013-00002840-00003158 porch Av92UFG-SoI-00014-00003159-00003295 we can only get into there can't get Av92UFG-SoI-00015-00003296-00003470 into the Av92UFG-SoI-00016-00003471-00003879 church building Av92UFG-SoI-00017-00003879-00003967 um Av92UFG-SoI-00018-00003968-00004215 that's a recent sundial but it's very Av92UFG-SoI-00019-00004216-00004422 pretty nevertheless a couple of bells up Av92UFG-SoI-00020-00004423-00004559 there Av92UFG-SoI-00021-00004560-00005079 and um Av92UFG-SoI-00022-00005080-00005247 some interesting Av92UFG-SoI-00023-00005248-00005447 things on the Av92UFG-SoI-00024-00005448-00005622 church wall so there's a bit of graffiti Av92UFG-SoI-00025-00005623-00005902 there that say 1686. Av92UFG-SoI-00026-00005903-00006263 um so yeah Av92UFG-SoI-00027-00006264-00006518 so this is um Av92UFG-SoI-00028-00006519-00006870 yeah our final stop before we Av92UFG-SoI-00029-00006872-00007078 oh Av92UFG-SoI-00030-00007079-00007488 i'll see you later gopro stop recording AxrOY43o4gA-00000-00000016-00000279 hello everyone i'm andy lowe from nhl AxrOY43o4gA-00001-00000280-00000487 draft central and today we'll take a AxrOY43o4gA-00002-00000488-00000678 quick look at luke cufflink's AxrOY43o4gA-00003-00000679-00001079 performance from april 4 2021. coughlin AxrOY43o4gA-00004-00001080-00001278 is an extremely mobile pop-moving AxrOY43o4gA-00005-00001279-00001558 defenseman who showcases great instincts AxrOY43o4gA-00006-00001559-00001782 splendid poise and superb decision AxrOY43o4gA-00007-00001784-00001991 making the left and that rear guard AxrOY43o4gA-00008-00001992-00002215 stood out with his excellent reeds and AxrOY43o4gA-00009-00002216-00002399 passing accuracy and breakouts AxrOY43o4gA-00010-00002400-00002639 dissecting defenses and finding AxrOY43o4gA-00011-00002640-00002958 fantastic outlets swiftly coughlin AxrOY43o4gA-00012-00002959-00003231 enjoyed activating himself of the park AxrOY43o4gA-00013-00003232-00003511 to push the pace offer another dynamic AxrOY43o4gA-00014-00003511-00003783 outlet option or join counter attacks AxrOY43o4gA-00015-00003784-00004038 attesting for smooth forward mobility AxrOY43o4gA-00016-00004039-00004270 and thrilling instincts the cannazine AxrOY43o4gA-00017-00004271-00004527 blue liner kept an active portioning on AxrOY43o4gA-00018-00004528-00004727 the offensive cycle too crushing AxrOY43o4gA-00019-00004728-00004983 dangerous areas opening himself and AxrOY43o4gA-00020-00004984-00005206 passing lanes and walking the blue line AxrOY43o4gA-00021-00005207-00005463 with agility his excellent backward AxrOY43o4gA-00022-00005464-00005702 mobility and active stick helped him AxrOY43o4gA-00023-00005703-00005959 stay aggressive defending the rush his AxrOY43o4gA-00024-00005960-00006167 quick mind enabled him to quickly AxrOY43o4gA-00025-00006168-00006422 neutralize open rivals in dangerous AxrOY43o4gA-00026-00006423-00006687 areas and block passers to this slot AxrOY43o4gA-00027-00006688-00006870 coughlin could get knocked off the bug AxrOY43o4gA-00028-00006872-00007134 by stronger opponents and pork battles AxrOY43o4gA-00029-00007136-00007327 but with very active eyes entering AxrOY43o4gA-00030-00007328-00007614 pocketable situations he was routinely AxrOY43o4gA-00031-00007615-00007855 able to read and adapt to the forecheck AxrOY43o4gA-00032-00007856-00008087 rapidly coughlin should become a AxrOY43o4gA-00033-00008088-00008342 reliable all-around defender at the AxrOY43o4gA-00034-00008343-00008559 junior level AxrOY43o4gA-00035-00008560-00008791 thanks everyone for watching i really AxrOY43o4gA-00036-00008792-00009046 appreciate the support from each of you AxrOY43o4gA-00037-00009047-00009231 don't hesitate to share your thoughts in AxrOY43o4gA-00038-00009232-00009455 the comments below i love interacting AxrOY43o4gA-00039-00009456-00009695 with everyone i'll see you in the next AxrOY43o4gA-00040-00009696-00009865 one AxrOY43o4gA-00041-00009866-00011283 [Music] AxrOY43o4gA-00042-00011284-00011747 here you can't hide Az_HBWHys4c-00000-00000579-00000806 assalamualaikum warahmatullahi Az_HBWHys4c-00001-00000807-00001470 wabarakatuh alhamdulillah he Roble Az_HBWHys4c-00002-00001471-00001805 al-amin Oh salat wa salam ala rasulillah Az_HBWHys4c-00003-00001807-00001970 mean Az_HBWHys4c-00004-00001971-00002402 voila al ajillo sahbihi ajma'in amma Az_HBWHys4c-00005-00002403-00002468 body Az_HBWHys4c-00006-00002469-00002902 audhu billahi min ash-shaitani rajeem Az_HBWHys4c-00007-00002903-00003360 min hum Deewana fijian of see bismillah Az_HBWHys4c-00008-00003361-00004185 r-rahman r-rahim in la ilaha illa allah Az_HBWHys4c-00009-00004186-00004613 la sha Moustakas Changsha Shane Mahan Az_HBWHys4c-00010-00004614-00004874 cheetah Allah subhana Allah Jeannot Az_HBWHys4c-00011-00004875-00005466 Jeannot modesty virgin sadistic or any Az_HBWHys4c-00012-00005467-00005769 precipitation Ostrow Gautama Buddha so Az_HBWHys4c-00013-00005770-00005958 these people are poor a genie a Madurai Az_HBWHys4c-00014-00005959-00006285 mano de tal vez esto jati service Az_HBWHys4c-00015-00006286-00006536 estimate Luka llevanse a esta nabi Az_HBWHys4c-00016-00006537-00006837 muhammad salallahu alaihe salam era Az_HBWHys4c-00017-00006838-00007137 omo teacher parent origin say Mahanta Az_HBWHys4c-00018-00007138-00007427 allah subhana Allah shankazute ratio Az_HBWHys4c-00019-00007428-00007683 degree turn in July 2nd of Mashhadi Az_HBWHys4c-00020-00007684-00008438 Shapley a guacamole alhamdulillah ee is Az_HBWHys4c-00021-00008439-00009063 dima Bhojpuri saturday february Lewton Az_HBWHys4c-00022-00009064-00009612 Dean devotees watch Audrey a table Az_HBWHys4c-00023-00009613-00009969 against Emma which Allah say Allah Az_HBWHys4c-00024-00009970-00010202 subhana Allah tree watch other a program Az_HBWHys4c-00025-00010203-00010316 to keep on watching Az_HBWHys4c-00026-00010317-00010571 even a walk charitable garage in a Az_HBWHys4c-00027-00010572-00010851 denouement Allah subhana allah al rahman Az_HBWHys4c-00028-00010852-00011066 grace you do delightful action report Az_HBWHys4c-00029-00011067-00011754 alhamdulillah HJ m ik heb she a laconic Az_HBWHys4c-00030-00011755-00011949 orogeny Waluigi Az_HBWHys4c-00031-00011950-00012660 daba daba vampa beauty Jeremy stream no Az_HBWHys4c-00032-00012661-00013027 today on Bravo stream receivable Aslam a Az_HBWHys4c-00033-00013028-00013397 da ba dee da ba da da la cámara de Az_HBWHys4c-00034-00013397-00013682 chapala johnny vicious crap NAR medio de Az_HBWHys4c-00035-00013683-00013985 bajo la que se que tratar top-notch a Az_HBWHys4c-00036-00013986-00014315 hobby Abner Varsha jirachi bondo banda Az_HBWHys4c-00037-00014316-00014477 baja genderace Az_HBWHys4c-00038-00014478-00014732 target inhabited étoile dhana dhan Az_HBWHys4c-00039-00014733-00015203 Yojana non-caucasian Atalante Az_HBWHys4c-00040-00015204-00015355 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00041-00015356-00015791 all tables Noguchi mom da-da-da-da-da or Az_HBWHys4c-00042-00015791-00016118 any group of duty a Malaysian Chittagong Az_HBWHys4c-00043-00016119-00016444 Steve Carano stream a medieval Amer da Az_HBWHys4c-00044-00016445-00016667 Matta more active habitable era janitor Az_HBWHys4c-00045-00016668-00016955 traction on I am Raza Unida demos demos Az_HBWHys4c-00046-00016956-00017216 DeMarco Dana J demo D'Amato / motivated Az_HBWHys4c-00047-00017217-00017564 day anonymity Tati America's idea of Az_HBWHys4c-00048-00017565-00017852 esteem target our database rendezvous Az_HBWHys4c-00049-00017853-00018146 d'ottavio do I smell a candy be more Az_HBWHys4c-00050-00018147-00018430 macho macho na na na na Qi ask a Az_HBWHys4c-00051-00018431-00018700 Allerton oshawa cottlesloe tha even Az_HBWHys4c-00052-00018701-00018925 Parvati pay a lot honorable servant obey Az_HBWHys4c-00053-00018926-00019268 today I am a green turban equitable DJ Az_HBWHys4c-00054-00019269-00019580 Jay Carney bedevi share a low-key Apple Az_HBWHys4c-00055-00019581-00019909 iOS team talk a Dawid an enchilada a Az_HBWHys4c-00056-00019910-00020300 dark a tree Abner danau toba Davi as an Az_HBWHys4c-00057-00020301-00020508 apology doc artistically Az_HBWHys4c-00058-00020509-00020786 Allah subhana Allah Yeager abyss show Az_HBWHys4c-00059-00020787-00021140 Joe Gavazzi Streep origin as scheduie Az_HBWHys4c-00060-00021141-00021374 a skateboarder or even a fish table Az_HBWHys4c-00061-00021375-00021674 Dolce a Madera Victor Harbor Vanunu usra Az_HBWHys4c-00062-00021675-00021836 Times of India Az_HBWHys4c-00063-00021837-00022078 Judah Bushido voter encoded equivalent Az_HBWHys4c-00064-00022079-00022387 opatija daughter solitary octave our Az_HBWHys4c-00065-00022388-00022574 wrists animal Misurata Az_HBWHys4c-00066-00022575-00022881 anticipate a Travolta be a devotee from Az_HBWHys4c-00067-00022882-00023330 Pakistan Saudi man such a Makoto t price Az_HBWHys4c-00068-00023331-00023537 Harris actual diamond watch a Az_HBWHys4c-00069-00023538-00023896 eraser researcher party manoosh Talmud Az_HBWHys4c-00070-00023897-00024404 huzzah huzzah Bacolod or mati charitra Az_HBWHys4c-00071-00024405-00024782 ha ha ha watch a predominant any Hindu Az_HBWHys4c-00072-00024783-00025259 Muslim Christian tomato - mr. Jordan and Az_HBWHys4c-00073-00025260-00025466 Johnny penis @include VAR ma che Az_HBWHys4c-00074-00025467-00025829 pressure HR huzzah Dharma timber person Az_HBWHys4c-00075-00025830-00025987 can be a devotee Az_HBWHys4c-00076-00025988-00026447 sorry subdivision Cristobal oh no sorry Az_HBWHys4c-00077-00026448-00026587 Khan Dharma Az_HBWHys4c-00078-00026588-00026858 cristela we're all sorry Jerry polish on Az_HBWHys4c-00079-00026858-00027347 Tanisha biscotti are determinate aslam Az_HBWHys4c-00080-00027348-00027677 atif aslam la comida person can achieve Az_HBWHys4c-00081-00027677-00028226 a devotee prayati are predominant in do Az_HBWHys4c-00082-00028227-00028499 ism tourism da la da de Porres encourage Az_HBWHys4c-00083-00028500-00028777 a more efficient a yep showed us take a Az_HBWHys4c-00084-00028777-00029075 exhibition a lot to be shy vamos a tener Az_HBWHys4c-00085-00029076-00029324 que dar dar party van pot duty Az_HBWHys4c-00086-00029325-00029636 Anna Sergeevna Steve Allah P 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Az_HBWHys4c-00101-00033766-00034057 patthamas dopey rika-chan totally Az_HBWHys4c-00102-00034058-00034345 dominated avi yamadera adult ashati Az_HBWHys4c-00103-00034346-00034780 Bahuguna produced Oh Martin M de boville Az_HBWHys4c-00104-00034781-00035098 char-char Haddad vamos a pivot a Patek Az_HBWHys4c-00105-00035099-00035380 Todd Harbor generally de jure a Az_HBWHys4c-00106-00035381-00035742 commander adama Jarama a padded lobby Az_HBWHys4c-00107-00035743-00036048 horrible shuttle back Ishimatsu Az_HBWHys4c-00108-00036049-00036330 actor Oh Donna Gustav Arvin at the Hindu Az_HBWHys4c-00109-00036331-00036696 religion GED volunteer Akash I am Erato Az_HBWHys4c-00110-00036697-00037065 new steam continu posix laudatory rama Az_HBWHys4c-00111-00037066-00037257 dentistry on Palin Cory a modernity Az_HBWHys4c-00112-00037258-00037573 Apodaca manse cachaça De Palma de Az_HBWHys4c-00113-00037574-00037855 Majorca porta de caca de barajas cottage Az_HBWHys4c-00114-00037856-00038173 a non-profit Radice a gaudy sob I'm Az_HBWHys4c-00115-00038174-00038511 Dominic d'ottavio no podemos Bahamas for Az_HBWHys4c-00116-00038512-00039137 a voluntary Amish I am rocky apnaa apnaa Az_HBWHys4c-00117-00039138-00039296 de pavo Az_HBWHys4c-00118-00039297-00039501 verbum Domini Az_HBWHys4c-00119-00039502-00040065 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00120-00040066-00040401 Shampoo Mojave Takahama recommend a Az_HBWHys4c-00121-00040402-00040805 pardon ah dis Rama Manuel Pardo Az_HBWHys4c-00122-00040806-00041076 Jericho phenomenal day pardon opera Az_HBWHys4c-00123-00041077-00041313 Shekhar Colville Jota Veronica Eco Az_HBWHys4c-00124-00041314-00041652 savolta VAR a Tamara Tamara for Delhi Az_HBWHys4c-00125-00041653-00041913 Durbar Dina Araz jean-bob Roy Az_HBWHys4c-00126-00041914-00042259 Hamid Raghavan guru K Tangra Java Cora Az_HBWHys4c-00127-00042260-00042655 Kay now Bob own virtual Vinod Hindu Az_HBWHys4c-00128-00042656-00042847 muriatic a guru que hago baristas Cory Az_HBWHys4c-00129-00042848-00043275 given inna para llevar por el malaguena Az_HBWHys4c-00130-00043276-00043561 Andrews Opel Ampera cocorinha Toyota Az_HBWHys4c-00131-00043562-00043816 Concha Hindu ba-da-da ba-da-da boosting Az_HBWHys4c-00132-00043817-00044065 doc especially Depar gonna Cairo today Az_HBWHys4c-00133-00044066-00044335 Rodman current Oh Oh Nigel but a Az_HBWHys4c-00134-00044336-00044611 delicious una de pedreira Banja Luka Az_HBWHys4c-00135-00044612-00045079 Kovac or umrah catchy title in Arahama Az_HBWHys4c-00136-00045080-00045331 data's wagon even economists engage our Az_HBWHys4c-00137-00045332-00045636 guitar and even a cocoon of alumina Az_HBWHys4c-00138-00045637-00045904 indubitable don't watch a nominee Az_HBWHys4c-00139-00045905-00046201 shrimad bhagwad gita odin America flop Az_HBWHys4c-00140-00046202-00046537 Monte Carlo volce char about harmony Az_HBWHys4c-00141-00046538-00046774 tada mamekam sharanam vraja' Az_HBWHys4c-00142-00046775-00047047 Charlotte harem Shabazz Harman poor Az_HBWHys4c-00143-00047048-00047572 Adagio Volta mam ekam cinematic Vicki Az_HBWHys4c-00144-00047573-00048022 Shannon grow our economy stronger oh man Az_HBWHys4c-00145-00048023-00048447 admittedly Hindu Dharma pronto Az_HBWHys4c-00146-00048448-00049117 Shri Krishna total era Hindu Dada Az_HBWHys4c-00147-00049118-00049314 dervishes Az_HBWHys4c-00148-00049315-00049660 LEM Ramos Tamara porous carve a verbal Az_HBWHys4c-00149-00049661-00049966 economist teddy Sri Krishna do de Soto D Az_HBWHys4c-00150-00049967-00050266 Brahma J Omega no pedeu baddha konasana Az_HBWHys4c-00151-00050267-00050656 curry is pasta bhakti consolidate a Az_HBWHys4c-00152-00050657-00050755 piranha Az_HBWHys4c-00153-00050756-00051296 Amaru 0.080 point of view J Hindu Dodaro Az_HBWHys4c-00154-00051297-00051760 Jatin got orange October Margo me forget Az_HBWHys4c-00155-00051761-00052041 it hij Ahmadi Muslim the double arrow Az_HBWHys4c-00156-00052042-00052324 star guests on a voltage Ahana mere Az_HBWHys4c-00158-00056691-00056877 aha Az_HBWHys4c-00159-00056878-00057145 Hindu Dodaro Sarajevo negotiate a Az_HBWHys4c-00160-00057146-00057397 janitor hasta la voce di rogga Az_HBWHys4c-00161-00057398-00058050 foodarackacycle sot roger Az_HBWHys4c-00162-00058051-00058384 Madaras jahannum a Rasta during October Az_HBWHys4c-00163-00058385-00058684 courage a dome hundred-person a pleasure Az_HBWHys4c-00164-00058685-00059065 anime jabbin - belong to Hindu militias Az_HBWHys4c-00165-00059066-00059386 our esteemed a vicious vicious a hundred Az_HBWHys4c-00166-00059387-00059604 percent Adam Shango a contradiction Az_HBWHys4c-00167-00059605-00059959 Archana upon a new directive Abuja ben Az_HBWHys4c-00168-00059960-00060232 jaya prada stress fatigue moines kick Az_HBWHys4c-00169-00060233-00060535 equippable christian viscosity roger Az_HBWHys4c-00170-00060536-00060844 goodell coded apnea push new arrangement Az_HBWHys4c-00171-00060845-00061222 una de la plaza de ba ba ba or Singapore Az_HBWHys4c-00172-00061223-00061441 they cannot Christian dead horrible Az_HBWHys4c-00173-00061441-00061651 vicious there a Bible Old Testament book Az_HBWHys4c-00174-00061652-00061945 of Isaiah Joshua - I own a chain of a Az_HBWHys4c-00175-00061946-00062122 New Testament first Corinthians Monroe Az_HBWHys4c-00176-00062123-00062395 died jewelry - no - the poster director Az_HBWHys4c-00177-00062396-00062665 a guru bhakti Giotto Nick Amahl Farouk Az_HBWHys4c-00178-00062666-00062938 Nakano Giotto palace guard Nakano Joey Az_HBWHys4c-00179-00062939-00063172 bodybuilder Wanda of Nakano a bishop Az_HBWHys4c-00180-00063173-00063366 adjudicate robbery Az_HBWHys4c-00181-00063366-00063675 de nada para obtener dr. Schar de de de Az_HBWHys4c-00182-00063676-00063948 paraná wanna say vector fishes coral Az_HBWHys4c-00183-00063949-00064290 Jesus Christ Adagio cristo de to Az_HBWHys4c-00184-00064291-00064578 encourage a man says ah most Oh Papa Az_HBWHys4c-00185-00064579-00064923 Johnny Bible Christian day janitor Az_HBWHys4c-00186-00064924-00065178 dodging a vicious talk about very top or Az_HBWHys4c-00187-00065179-00065610 terminated kizomba 9 apparently a Az_HBWHys4c-00188-00065611-00065820 vicious efficacy royal bubbeleh Az_HBWHys4c-00189-00065821-00066123 a modern romantic may hundred entomology Az_HBWHys4c-00190-00066124-00066324 system will tour encourage a Amanda Az_HBWHys4c-00191-00066325-00066600 Parvati any violent Armada romantic day Az_HBWHys4c-00192-00066601-00066987 Na Nog matatini boozing sister : the Az_HBWHys4c-00193-00066988-00067287 protected Hardware new study - sang at Az_HBWHys4c-00194-00067288-00067512 Harvard own say their hundred percent Az_HBWHys4c-00195-00067513-00068294 contradiction taraji Az_HBWHys4c-00196-00068295-00068625 harmonicas - sergei valenko Az_HBWHys4c-00197-00068626-00068919 vamos limited people eligible data at Az_HBWHys4c-00198-00068920-00069150 night 800 people on Georgian era mulato Az_HBWHys4c-00199-00069151-00069324 static noise Oh Islam Az_HBWHys4c-00200-00069325-00069756 ETH a janitor destructive Abuja can Az_HBWHys4c-00201-00069757-00069896 chocolate midget jacket Az_HBWHys4c-00202-00069897-00070221 da-da-da-da-da-da da-da-da-da-da-da Az_HBWHys4c-00203-00070222-00070434 maybe who knew sarivola bishops curry as Az_HBWHys4c-00204-00070435-00070530 soon a Genoa Az_HBWHys4c-00205-00070531-00070731 I'm correct appointed national ethnical Az_HBWHys4c-00206-00070732-00070944 boutique-y John McGee averted a bootable Az_HBWHys4c-00207-00070945-00071139 action almost Tim D demonic or a Az_HBWHys4c-00208-00071140-00071373 left-handed what would a surety wishes Az_HBWHys4c-00209-00071374-00073148 for a Hindu Christian Az_HBWHys4c-00210-00073149-00073709 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00211-00073710-00074022 DTS merchants the garage amateur would Az_HBWHys4c-00212-00074023-00074520 be a first- re apna desh karthik oil Az_HBWHys4c-00213-00074521-00074778 res judicata journalist aha sorry a Az_HBWHys4c-00214-00074779-00075060 Rasta I travel on tow gherkin Gautam Az_HBWHys4c-00215-00075061-00075429 Buddha PT veteran Cardinal Richelieu ma Az_HBWHys4c-00216-00075430-00075932 la vallée de revolutionibus even R 0 by Az_HBWHys4c-00217-00075933-00076341 9 Az_HBWHys4c-00218-00076342-00076763 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00219-00076764-00077741 homina homina homina homina homina Az_HBWHys4c-00220-00077742-00078236 business occasional knowledgeable Az_HBWHys4c-00221-00078237-00078663 a mohammed abu ahmed el estado Az_HBWHys4c-00222-00078664-00079260 satadhanva cristinita la da da da da our Az_HBWHys4c-00223-00079261-00079356 anniversary Az_HBWHys4c-00224-00079357-00079770 Jesus Christ Jesus Cristo distrito hasta Az_HBWHys4c-00225-00079771-00080010 que Doha durable waterproof epitome Az_HBWHys4c-00226-00080011-00080253 density low Kristen de que eres no Az_HBWHys4c-00227-00080254-00080586 current that are suitable once with the Az_HBWHys4c-00228-00080587-00080685 chili cinema Az_HBWHys4c-00229-00080686-00081749 Valen Navi is a semi-autonomous agostina Az_HBWHys4c-00230-00081750-00082155 terminology christo.pas our poorest and Az_HBWHys4c-00231-00082156-00082251 Ariana Az_HBWHys4c-00232-00082252-00082647 jisu Cristobal Veliz electron homo Az_HBWHys4c-00233-00082648-00082985 Solana para maana proven my 800 partying Az_HBWHys4c-00234-00082986-00083346 harbour by Ahmed our mo but Janet Adama Az_HBWHys4c-00235-00083347-00083820 who the body don't totally devastated Az_HBWHys4c-00236-00083821-00084141 several medieval integrity I do Laguna Az_HBWHys4c-00237-00084142-00084378 Beach a boy becomes a shop gotta develop Az_HBWHys4c-00238-00084379-00084651 it with the guru DJ why black tea wishes Az_HBWHys4c-00239-00084652-00085056 baba is tan vicious evil um Joe Douglas Az_HBWHys4c-00240-00085057-00085374 of ba da da da da da da da da garage AJ Az_HBWHys4c-00241-00085375-00085572 would become so they went back TV says Az_HBWHys4c-00242-00085573-00085844 Jenny Bordeaux Az_HBWHys4c-00243-00085845-00086607 a didactic indeterminism by dr. Kendrick Az_HBWHys4c-00244-00086608-00086932 terminal voltage frankandrita gondry Az_HBWHys4c-00245-00086933-00087401 estar can be more official devote a thr Az_HBWHys4c-00246-00087402-00087636 grunt Oh encyclopædia Britannica Valley Az_HBWHys4c-00247-00087637-00087994 mama child PES nama choice and Rana boy Az_HBWHys4c-00248-00087995-00088722 todavía trata de la mancha Agni puja Az_HBWHys4c-00249-00088723-00089534 corto in the approach at risk establish Az_HBWHys4c-00250-00089535-00089969 complimentary dodging an English voyage Az_HBWHys4c-00251-00089970-00090168 a the discovery of India Az_HBWHys4c-00252-00090169-00090492 crystal potato daniil ishutin hindi Az_HBWHys4c-00253-00090493-00090921 english barsha hacer para la ayuda pooja Az_HBWHys4c-00254-00090922-00091311 pooja koto in an omnipotent I are a Az_HBWHys4c-00255-00091312-00091440 Hindu shop daughter Az_HBWHys4c-00256-00091441-00091997 acne Hindustan to berlin boro Az_HBWHys4c-00257-00091998-00092463 terminal window a haunted are a Az_HBWHys4c-00258-00092464-00092760 permanent annoy very Reza Durga Puja Az_HBWHys4c-00259-00092761-00093087 moon TV reporter da-da-da-da-da-da VAR Az_HBWHys4c-00260-00093088-00093417 karate our amicus chamalla Amada india Az_HBWHys4c-00261-00093418-00093762 pasta mohammad abu musa dagh body high Az_HBWHys4c-00262-00093763-00094056 school giaffone important glass fibre Az_HBWHys4c-00263-00094057-00094341 boy ideas will return Barba shaman a Az_HBWHys4c-00264-00094342-00094587 second which a garrison dunno del Cabo Az_HBWHys4c-00265-00094588-00094979 vaycay Bhaskar a para você indo para Az_HBWHys4c-00266-00094980-00095276 Gerasim no no de agua que busca de la Az_HBWHys4c-00267-00095277-00095538 rocha he new manager Az_HBWHys4c-00268-00095539-00095879 taraji Hindu eructation Kendra barman Az_HBWHys4c-00269-00095880-00096018 Vodianova Az_HBWHys4c-00270-00096019-00096249 know what we're gonna be silver déjenos Az_HBWHys4c-00271-00096250-00096570 ver una FATA prevented Harvard Rondo de Az_HBWHys4c-00272-00096571-00096855 en nueva pronto shrimad bhagwad gita Az_HBWHys4c-00273-00096856-00097131 odin watch our slope tamasha even our Az_HBWHys4c-00274-00097132-00097957 carter demacia talento watch a Az_HBWHys4c-00275-00097958-00098688 television ascetic achieve a a miracle Az_HBWHys4c-00276-00098689-00099074 Salam Jehu Tata Tata strontium legendary Az_HBWHys4c-00277-00099075-00099330 Eastern Canada be octagon direct our Az_HBWHys4c-00278-00099331-00099591 monoi mo - Roger Lamoille Az_HBWHys4c-00279-00099592-00099822 gonna be servin surgeon on a Roman Az_HBWHys4c-00280-00099823-00100065 sauropod radar Bronto Shrimad Bhagwad Az_HBWHys4c-00281-00100066-00100413 Gita odor much our Machado are a common Az_HBWHys4c-00282-00100414-00101063 trope our core team intrude eventually Az_HBWHys4c-00283-00101064-00101376 nonnative Abbate bharata Az_HBWHys4c-00284-00101377-00101805 a Bruton and Armas a today admin and Az_HBWHys4c-00285-00101806-00102282 Raja Muhammad are Anisha deunan Vina Az_HBWHys4c-00286-00102283-00102501 chachi stratum Az_HBWHys4c-00287-00102502-00102961 Dharma Sangha stopper Az_HBWHys4c-00288-00102963-00103204 [Laughter] Az_HBWHys4c-00289-00103205-00104033 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00290-00104034-00106993 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00291-00106994-00107946 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00292-00107947-00108855 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00293-00108856-00109122 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00294-00109123-00109696 baba Yaga surgery dr. Abbott our Az_HBWHys4c-00295-00109697-00110032 appetite Mohamed a promotion omae actin Az_HBWHys4c-00296-00110033-00110377 Abita profit at a messenger para cada Az_HBWHys4c-00297-00110378-00110673 vez de watchin by Quattroporte Az_HBWHys4c-00298-00110674-00111118 bharadwaja Granada Baba Baba Baba VAR Az_HBWHys4c-00299-00111119-00111493 cervando autonomous be Mons Papa Ottoman Az_HBWHys4c-00300-00111494-00111772 emoji Toby says ma de soir today her Az_HBWHys4c-00301-00111773-00112114 adversity activate a terminological Az_HBWHys4c-00302-00112115-00112474 Hindu Tata Hodgkin ricotta gonna be so Az_HBWHys4c-00303-00112475-00112525 happy Az_HBWHys4c-00304-00112526-00112915 no Jerry Bangladeshi a fursuit voice Az_HBWHys4c-00305-00112916-00113140 Jennifer which are Gannon ominous a Az_HBWHys4c-00306-00113141-00113484 Hindu ontology Hindu Dharma issue are Az_HBWHys4c-00307-00113485-00113790 Bangladesh veena Az_HBWHys4c-00308-00113791-00114060 terminate horrible sister for mobile ate Az_HBWHys4c-00309-00114061-00114367 her bouquet ago salted caramel velocity Az_HBWHys4c-00310-00114368-00114527 body Jade Az_HBWHys4c-00311-00114528-00114866 Sudama today's Kendrick Erica no sorry Az_HBWHys4c-00312-00114867-00115319 Bubba Wallace omoi know that Islam have Az_HBWHys4c-00313-00115320-00115598 elected hormone support integrity nine Az_HBWHys4c-00314-00115599-00115829 core American Recovery Act Kendrick na Az_HBWHys4c-00315-00115830-00116240 Dhin Islam it nom de mohamed el bajo la Az_HBWHys4c-00316-00116241-00116543 etiqueta de gand regulate Oh Dean Islam Az_HBWHys4c-00317-00116544-00116873 Allison American Islam mana Shanti Az_HBWHys4c-00318-00116874-00117257 samaram initiative Santa camo panelists Az_HBWHys4c-00319-00117258-00117910 lab is Platinum package a physician who Az_HBWHys4c-00320-00117911-00118355 determines Kendrick vector is tangent in Az_HBWHys4c-00321-00118356-00118646 Islam a dagger attach a a lava Az_HBWHys4c-00322-00118647-00118928 aftershock dermatome a uno deck weekend Az_HBWHys4c-00323-00118929-00119006 in Bermuda Az_HBWHys4c-00324-00119007-00119315 no article instant Kendrick no Java Az_HBWHys4c-00325-00119316-00119948 cultivar bina disre Arizona is America Az_HBWHys4c-00326-00119949-00120191 version is National Bank original Az_HBWHys4c-00327-00120192-00121011 general Islam so Dina bishop on Islam Az_HBWHys4c-00328-00121013-00121346 brahmana's son Roman strategy no Rebecca Az_HBWHys4c-00329-00121347-00121700 Kendrick no eres tan canary no an almost Az_HBWHys4c-00330-00121701-00122033 indicator is not a potent durable and Az_HBWHys4c-00331-00122033-00122315 twist and erotic novel total approach Az_HBWHys4c-00332-00122316-00122705 new Ferengi's mr. Chris Hardwick Ilana Az_HBWHys4c-00333-00122706-00122959 rhetoric on top are encouraged a both Az_HBWHys4c-00334-00122960-00123203 dirigible territories restore Gautam Az_HBWHys4c-00335-00123204-00123704 Buddha Dharma Solana Quinto Islam each Az_HBWHys4c-00336-00123705-00123985 oxygen atom atom atom a sister irritant Az_HBWHys4c-00337-00123986-00124258 in take a our vision of anatomy Islamic Az_HBWHys4c-00338-00124259-00124391 shampoo be dividend Az_HBWHys4c-00339-00124392-00124622 gracias para você Islamic so Jonah Az_HBWHys4c-00340-00124623-00125003 monster dispute a shaving take a pastor Az_HBWHys4c-00341-00125004-00125417 watchin Hindu Devaki kikunosuke moon Az_HBWHys4c-00342-00125418-00125648 delegates lambda wat da get a paper Az_HBWHys4c-00343-00125649-00125882 mache Kovalchuk economist I applied not Az_HBWHys4c-00344-00125883-00126075 all multiple encore chain one Az_HBWHys4c-00345-00126076-00126291 tuna unit of a maquette air with Az_HBWHys4c-00346-00126292-00126522 reported usually mean by AB not a Muslim Az_HBWHys4c-00347-00126523-00126726 dominated by structured this watcher Az_HBWHys4c-00348-00126727-00126981 what about your justice Souter that Az_HBWHys4c-00349-00126982-00127361 migrated to DHA unit about a tornado a Az_HBWHys4c-00350-00127363-00127755 level Amaya Bali this la sha Muslim Az_HBWHys4c-00351-00127756-00128013 political initiative Metro to this Az_HBWHys4c-00352-00128014-00128256 orchard could be legitimated movie took Az_HBWHys4c-00353-00128257-00128408 the switcher could be CJ to the Az_HBWHys4c-00354-00128409-00128658 coronation to disreputable terminus Tom Az_HBWHys4c-00355-00128658-00128916 Harvey watch the show I'm a technical Az_HBWHys4c-00356-00128917-00129093 part actor pressed navel and a paper Az_HBWHys4c-00357-00129094-00129216 mache kitchen one in a collect Az_HBWHys4c-00358-00129217-00129402 repression agree whether Giovanni Paolo Az_HBWHys4c-00359-00129403-00129693 I'm a mm Kakuma chef Nikki janam amused Az_HBWHys4c-00360-00129694-00130041 Imre Lakatos novel official story una Az_HBWHys4c-00361-00130042-00130158 never watch a generational issue Az_HBWHys4c-00362-00130158-00130422 national kapa haka tojon una volta Az_HBWHys4c-00363-00130423-00130634 o'clock part of Bashara Moton Az_HBWHys4c-00364-00130635-00130782 territorial approach of bitches are Az_HBWHys4c-00365-00130783-00131112 jealous unity ideology Jo Jo Jo pitzl Az_HBWHys4c-00366-00131113-00131403 carnival noona nine o'clock Bob Bashara Az_HBWHys4c-00367-00131404-00131769 sana he know the productivity the Az_HBWHys4c-00368-00131770-00131970 epitome developer to build a mobile Az_HBWHys4c-00369-00131971-00132174 phone educate them an amateur captain Az_HBWHys4c-00370-00132175-00132402 che guevara o'clock per table that Az_HBWHys4c-00371-00132403-00132681 didn't abuse Alicia tacky taruna promise Az_HBWHys4c-00372-00132682-00132930 I yeah cannot be that much of a higher Az_HBWHys4c-00373-00132931-00133173 pitch a to be three boys with my boys Az_HBWHys4c-00374-00133174-00133521 quatrevaux cheat ruining the whole team Az_HBWHys4c-00375-00133522-00133959 after the rapper Tommy Havel 89 una mano Az_HBWHys4c-00376-00133960-00134148 Carlton is laminated missionary Az_HBWHys4c-00377-00134149-00134388 Cristiano belén slot Aslam the DSLAM Az_HBWHys4c-00378-00134389-00134490 nation Az_HBWHys4c-00379-00134491-00134754 Gina penis Lamia share my Islam Tony Az_HBWHys4c-00380-00134755-00135036 guida pretty Romano's na Machado at Az_HBWHys4c-00381-00135037-00135219 Parramatta CBD Vedanta Az_HBWHys4c-00382-00135220-00135525 Yamaha complete karate Vishal insomnia Az_HBWHys4c-00383-00135526-00135635 share Az_HBWHys4c-00384-00135636-00135947 UST moderate Iraq Toronto Dada Dada Az_HBWHys4c-00385-00135948-00136289 manifesto ambition ominous a title Az_HBWHys4c-00386-00136290-00136520 camera app espera por la comunidad de Az_HBWHys4c-00387-00136521-00136994 barra de la systems integration a window Az_HBWHys4c-00388-00136995-00137375 debate on kendama matter what adversity Az_HBWHys4c-00389-00137376-00137633 yo hablo a turbine engine oil it Az_HBWHys4c-00390-00137634-00137903 horrible estado para normal my bus Az_HBWHys4c-00391-00137904-00138233 Restrepo dominant hormone 9 a celebrity Az_HBWHys4c-00392-00138234-00138668 declaration a quarry report revelation Az_HBWHys4c-00393-00138669-00138827 most at Harvard also a dead body Az_HBWHys4c-00394-00138828-00139264 yet our adversity reproductive s : Az_HBWHys4c-00395-00139265-00139997 one kilometer Janet Rasta Roger Delta Az_HBWHys4c-00396-00139998-00140072 China Az_HBWHys4c-00397-00140073-00140702 yeah epidermis team Munda BT Muslim la Az_HBWHys4c-00398-00140703-00141068 ilaha illa Allah Muhammad Rasul Allah Az_HBWHys4c-00399-00141069-00141557 bestow a merman mondo mondo no se habla Az_HBWHys4c-00400-00141558-00141824 de la patate shortening chart Oh Calvin Az_HBWHys4c-00401-00141825-00142165 la la la la vectorization Islamic kata Az_HBWHys4c-00402-00142166-00142364 tjuta national chain is Lama Christie Az_HBWHys4c-00403-00142365-00142783 conditioning la ilaha illallah Az_HBWHys4c-00404-00142784-00143261 tomorrow's a litera Joshua 9 man is war Az_HBWHys4c-00405-00143262-00143336 Abdo Az_HBWHys4c-00406-00143337-00143585 a vicious cult of a Christian appear Az_HBWHys4c-00407-00143586-00143825 delicious for a Hindu Dada vicious Az_HBWHys4c-00408-00143826-00144250 Coretta Scott a Dolce Az_HBWHys4c-00409-00144251-00144551 whoo-hoo-hoo-ha pollutant ella dijo Az_HBWHys4c-00410-00144552-00145064 reckless a massive ro at number AB Yahoo Az_HBWHys4c-00411-00145065-00145372 Camila Hua Hin surah Baqarah sunday Az_HBWHys4c-00412-00145373-00145676 atrocity Allah subhana Allah Tina Az_HBWHys4c-00413-00145677-00146068 kalamata academia qur'an ma'sha'allah Az_HBWHys4c-00414-00146069-00146371 window instant official Alya Az_HBWHys4c-00415-00146372-00146737 Oh Scotty Scotty are Christian Alicia's Az_HBWHys4c-00416-00146738-00147025 career Trinity Allah Sidhu token Az_HBWHys4c-00417-00147026-00147291 encourage a tranny samachar at macho a Az_HBWHys4c-00418-00147292-00147729 katralla você precisa la fatima jinnah Az_HBWHys4c-00419-00147730-00147990 many christian dervishes Vallecano Az_HBWHys4c-00420-00147991-00149083 suvarnanabha Abramovich Norman John Az_HBWHys4c-00421-00149084-00149308 Curran take ad dajjal is Esteban pari Az_HBWHys4c-00422-00149309-00149575 Giacomo steam que vamos team tracker on Az_HBWHys4c-00423-00149576-00149743 air at Lockheed Oscar Peru Az_HBWHys4c-00424-00149744-00150066 sriracha gargantuan Rocky FM rapid duty Az_HBWHys4c-00425-00150067-00150346 tag Ron Kulpa da de da de curanto voce a Az_HBWHys4c-00426-00150347-00150652 legend a Latino Allah O son Kanoa a Az_HBWHys4c-00427-00150653-00151075 calendar double untouchable a Carrera Az_HBWHys4c-00428-00151076-00151639 para tanto tanto de de cada vez esta Az_HBWHys4c-00429-00151640-00152007 noche Bible entrada da da da da da da Az_HBWHys4c-00430-00152008-00152427 hello jojoba Covina chaejin dude are Az_HBWHys4c-00431-00152428-00152731 against reckless action on shaken Az_HBWHys4c-00432-00152732-00152901 Christian days reckless Legation on Az_HBWHys4c-00433-00152902-00153247 Wattpad a horrible December said vigil Az_HBWHys4c-00434-00153248-00153607 attach a Hindu Mahasabha Bronto Shrimad Az_HBWHys4c-00435-00153608-00153673 Bhagwad Gita Az_HBWHys4c-00436-00153674-00154116 Oh Tenma tsukamoto Porsche Marvel TV she Az_HBWHys4c-00437-00154117-00154365 shot a symmetric distribution a guru Az_HBWHys4c-00438-00154366-00154711 reactionary bond o na paro rj f Az_HBWHys4c-00439-00154712-00154957 distribution apparel changeable Tom Az_HBWHys4c-00440-00154958-00155236 Hindu Doc Evelyn jab na da da da da de Az_HBWHys4c-00441-00155237-00155526 la corte obnoticus kannada jennifer Az_HBWHys4c-00442-00155527-00155769 ortega Muslim Az_HBWHys4c-00443-00155770-00156907 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00444-00156908-00158951 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00445-00158952-00159296 [Applause] Az_HBWHys4c-00446-00159297-00159909 nanananana noodle dish origin nominee Az_HBWHys4c-00447-00159910-00160383 uronic no shortage on action October by Az_HBWHys4c-00448-00160384-00160568 a famous DJ Az_HBWHys4c-00449-00160569-00161072 progression Adorama TV Manama doing Az_HBWHys4c-00450-00161073-00161748 Noddy Tiana Gustavo Lima Manisha maybe Az_HBWHys4c-00451-00161749-00162132 three children ah ah dr. d-nice Az_HBWHys4c-00452-00162133-00162555 integration DT and D 2 are teeny he Az_HBWHys4c-00453-00162556-00162807 monotony Jaeger official okay Tina Az_HBWHys4c-00454-00162808-00163110 sister Gretchen Donna possibility need Az_HBWHys4c-00455-00163111-00163335 initial reaction gonna be chef Az_HBWHys4c-00456-00163336-00163812 management a distance a module at Az_HBWHys4c-00457-00163813-00164133 Machado even surah Anam sama Choi magic Az_HBWHys4c-00458-00164134-00164397 in a box honest I have America's insha Az_HBWHys4c-00459-00164398-00164727 Allah Allison doodle DJ but use a Az_HBWHys4c-00460-00164728-00165054 Marathi wall art Tanisha gunshot Allah o Az_HBWHys4c-00461-00165055-00165249 Allah Denise man Az_HBWHys4c-00462-00165250-00165687 domestic origin teeny Argentine ocean Az_HBWHys4c-00463-00165688-00166053 per night I belong to the gay Christian Az_HBWHys4c-00464-00166054-00167595 determined to take a religion Christian Az_HBWHys4c-00465-00167596-00167907 delicious Trinity pataiiputra papa Az_HBWHys4c-00466-00167908-00168275 Quinto a DVD shadow revival a Govardhana Az_HBWHys4c-00467-00168276-00168585 Hindu Idol vicious nutribullet a normal Az_HBWHys4c-00468-00168586-00168777 good at Harbourfront of Napa Valley Az_HBWHys4c-00469-00168778-00169302 today yeah that a multi-tier Kavala 9/11 Az_HBWHys4c-00470-00169303-00169419 wishes data Az_HBWHys4c-00471-00169420-00169623 telemundo personal data valid our Az_HBWHys4c-00472-00169624-00169959 volunteer 980 pokemon eric van act Az_HBWHys4c-00473-00169960-00170373 Gautam Buddha chillin on the Apple III Az_HBWHys4c-00474-00170374-00170889 standard position Solana temporary Az_HBWHys4c-00475-00170890-00171222 monstro Preto final oddity but involving Az_HBWHys4c-00476-00171223-00171474 Yaacov agam esteem by detective of the Az_HBWHys4c-00477-00171475-00171510 child Az_HBWHys4c-00478-00171511-00172253 imam abu mohammed salameh Az_HBWHys4c-00479-00172254-00172683 german economist Ilana Gautam Buddha Az_HBWHys4c-00480-00172684-00173103 regimen Barcelona Activa by imam abu Az_HBWHys4c-00481-00173104-00173490 hanifa Shafi Malik humble HR emami John Az_HBWHys4c-00482-00173491-00173804 Melville HRE momentum economist a Az_HBWHys4c-00483-00173805-00174366 hundred percent alone t-dog Az_HBWHys4c-00484-00174367-00174633 Rock County JAMA Az_HBWHys4c-00485-00174634-00175741 [Music] Az_HBWHys4c-00486-00175742-00176278 harmony harmony Luna mutual islam arabic Az_HBWHys4c-00487-00176279-00176645 al punto has no tkh a feminist amharic Az_HBWHys4c-00488-00176646-00176864 able to marry Radha Mohan take kalimera Az_HBWHys4c-00489-00176865-00176921 Berta Az_HBWHys4c-00490-00176922-00177368 they attach a Lakota China Sea parted Az_HBWHys4c-00491-00177369-00177631 Matra bolt a bottom janeshia Habibi Az_HBWHys4c-00492-00177632-00178208 economic Romina Romina heavily data is Az_HBWHys4c-00493-00178209-00178619 shortened 1/4 para nada para mis llaves Az_HBWHys4c-00494-00178620-00178949 por imported para la a judicial Morgan Az_HBWHys4c-00495-00178950-00179132 Kariba maneuvering for a Erich Tischler Az_HBWHys4c-00496-00179133-00179527 Deborah nah Pavitra karana much a Az_HBWHys4c-00497-00179528-00179885 hallucination Ito conservatory at Medici Az_HBWHys4c-00498-00179886-00180128 Bantam no freelancer Mateen Ahmed acondo Az_HBWHys4c-00499-00180129-00180403 Alice want Amitabh allahu la la la voie Az_HBWHys4c-00500-00180404-00180848 - Tanisha Allah Jeanne Chiranjeevi ste Az_HBWHys4c-00501-00180849-00181153 betoken Solomon Sarah Pancham Oh Ahmed Az_HBWHys4c-00502-00181154-00181376 sebacean chatez Allah Vol'jin kulu Az_HBWHys4c-00503-00181377-00181640 manali a fan way up go Arabica Jalali Az_HBWHys4c-00504-00181641-00181721 wal Ikram Az_HBWHys4c-00505-00181722-00181919 hamas to each item from suitable in Az_HBWHys4c-00506-00181920-00182126 another module Rashad Az_HBWHys4c-00507-00182127-00182475 Etowah Tito Mennella John McGraw Arena Az_HBWHys4c-00508-00182476-00182860 Corvina dia premises attended Arbitron Az_HBWHys4c-00509-00182861-00183189 to sri maha Perdita Adama Dodge man from Az_HBWHys4c-00510-00183190-00183397 a team for scarab have a slipknot Az_HBWHys4c-00511-00183398-00183775 involtini mantra volce Yama Adam Az_HBWHys4c-00512-00183776-00184195 inaudible Toto Muharram hashem or Az_HBWHys4c-00513-00184196-00184589 assumer seshu shadow party promoter a Az_HBWHys4c-00514-00184590-00185028 yah mam ajam anody Roberta vicious Az_HBWHys4c-00515-00185029-00185383 koriyama Adam janeshia a janitor Bob Az_HBWHys4c-00516-00185384-00185812 Romina Siravo pop a provocative act Az_HBWHys4c-00517-00185813-00186025 estamos to partake a motif of a Az_HBWHys4c-00518-00186026-00186385 convective Yamaha Roberta vicious Az_HBWHys4c-00519-00186386-00186673 creature Oh John John McGraw arena Az_HBWHys4c-00520-00186674-00187064 Tina's amo schematic MOT pave Az_HBWHys4c-00521-00187065-00187422 aponavicius portal original encourage a Az_HBWHys4c-00522-00187423-00187684 generalization stop map take a nibble Az_HBWHys4c-00523-00187685-00188008 gnaw amongst a provocation ah-ah sanam Az_HBWHys4c-00524-00188009-00188221 re equality equality key von Frisch Az_HBWHys4c-00525-00188222-00188538 Nevada police officials call a serious Az_HBWHys4c-00526-00188539-00188898 no key impurity Az_HBWHys4c-00527-00188899-00189096 da-da-da-da-da-da melancholic a Az_HBWHys4c-00528-00189097-00189421 temperament omelet initial David are Az_HBWHys4c-00529-00189422-00189793 exotic no ship guten morgen karachi Az_HBWHys4c-00530-00189794-00189966 karachi Mottola Karachi Az_HBWHys4c-00531-00189967-00190164 von etske John McGraw encourage a G Az_HBWHys4c-00532-00190165-00190570 Khalid Sheikh Mohammed watch a shiitake Az_HBWHys4c-00533-00190571-00190810 John McGraw Maharaja when a gene is Az_HBWHys4c-00534-00190811-00191086 shareable technically John McGraw Az_HBWHys4c-00535-00191087-00191671 Yamaha Yamaha discernible John Morgan : Az_HBWHys4c-00536-00191672-00191979 Lipton Cabana Tom Honorable John McGraw Az_HBWHys4c-00537-00191980-00192201 Warren denominator in Korean initial Az_HBWHys4c-00538-00192202-00192496 hotel parina Hindu Dada Christian novel Az_HBWHys4c-00539-00192497-00192745 prosthetic Bay that our application of Az_HBWHys4c-00540-00192746-00192862 urgent personal Az_HBWHys4c-00541-00192863-00193150 Abner is Sharky John McGraw watch a Jody Az_HBWHys4c-00542-00193151-00193580 initially char nada bottom inaudible Az_HBWHys4c-00543-00193581-00194081 China harbor grant o disposable chairman Az_HBWHys4c-00544-00194082-00194401 hamdulillah Bobby Joe Caronna aspirin Az_HBWHys4c-00545-00194402-00195574 Connecticut an emigrant Az_HBWHys4c-00546-00195575-00195920 Karina novices colonize jean renoir a Az_HBWHys4c-00547-00195921-00196229 victim para esta perdido cigar Cory Az_HBWHys4c-00548-00196230-00196322 Tommy Az_HBWHys4c-00549-00196323-00196610 Salah Prabhavati today harbor Bronco Az_HBWHys4c-00550-00196611-00196889 Baba trans women summit in Atma Trimble Az_HBWHys4c-00551-00196890-00197144 save Ophir Dakota seal Hadees Machado Az_HBWHys4c-00552-00197145-00197554 Pacho Japanese Bonacci Az_HBWHys4c-00553-00197555-00197920 if numero de Letran Teavana fortune Az_HBWHys4c-00554-00197921-00198512 jaepo da a tener que ayuda marty-mart a Az_HBWHys4c-00555-00198513-00198991 rapid initial H a mission efficient aha Az_HBWHys4c-00556-00198992-00199631 terrible systematic biology Oscar Bravo Az_HBWHys4c-00557-00199632-00199991 Chae je metagenic watch a co-op Nikita Az_HBWHys4c-00558-00199992-00200216 ugh tanto de la fractured invisibility Az_HBWHys4c-00559-00200217-00200486 CT Vishal video wanted approached Az_HBWHys4c-00560-00200487-00200714 negocio de la marca de tomate Az_HBWHys4c-00561-00200715-00201050 authoritative adonijah voltage ahmad Az_HBWHys4c-00562-00201051-00201299 authority madonna cheetah Julie togepi Az_HBWHys4c-00563-00201300-00201626 charcoal a TARDIS real a petticoat Az_HBWHys4c-00564-00201627-00201890 Rebecca Ladell upon credit away at Aqaba Az_HBWHys4c-00565-00201891-00202223 trajectory cheridave astonishing Az_HBWHys4c-00566-00202224-00202436 evidence Arabic Chilton Pomona poor Az_HBWHys4c-00567-00202437-00202943 China de corazon por que buscar el gouna Az_HBWHys4c-00568-00202944-00203197 tora-chan colorado avocado chiloe Az_HBWHys4c-00569-00203198-00203531 una semana suitable channel a Buddha Az_HBWHys4c-00570-00203532-00203870 Amitabha double J that authority Az_HBWHys4c-00571-00203871-00204202 bear meat original rosemary focaccia Az_HBWHys4c-00572-00204203-00204479 terminal resolution with about etomidate Az_HBWHys4c-00573-00204480-00204871 or at near show tour of neo portal the Az_HBWHys4c-00574-00204873-00204982 only unit Az_HBWHys4c-00575-00204983-00205283 insufficient emission a portage Bugatti Az_HBWHys4c-00576-00205284-00205698 are porous material amar jawan toll sha Az_HBWHys4c-00577-00205698-00206019 Rosa Maria Barroso Navidad Toronto Az_HBWHys4c-00578-00206019-00206459 palais de gallo antibiotic a de novo Az_HBWHys4c-00579-00206460-00207041 addict a nepali samaj alonso una caja Az_HBWHys4c-00580-00207042-00207284 got a balloon una rata meter at ma Az_HBWHys4c-00581-00207285-00207542 Giudice una cerveza authority a Az_HBWHys4c-00582-00207544-00207914 serviceable generator attached a desert Az_HBWHys4c-00583-00207915-00208829 de corazon Minaj upon a muslim islam Az_HBWHys4c-00584-00208830-00209144 arabic allah islam Javed on DHA etiqueta Az_HBWHys4c-00585-00209146-00209566 de blanco' thi very negative and Az_HBWHys4c-00586-00209567-00209987 horrible canto de la Vega condom got a Az_HBWHys4c-00587-00209988-00210332 parable Torah a cigar Otto Porter Az_HBWHys4c-00588-00210333-00210546 confidant a conviction about certain Az_HBWHys4c-00589-00210546-00210856 authority nacho Prospero Az_HBWHys4c-00590-00210857-00211082 aerostat new Giudice al hamdulillah Az_HBWHys4c-00591-00211083-00211229 Marcus Aquino Az_HBWHys4c-00592-00211230-00211460 survival mode Adachi efficient ovj Az_HBWHys4c-00593-00211461-00211607 answered our contribution Az_HBWHys4c-00594-00211608-00211950 de totora tot eh eh eh by gallery all Az_HBWHys4c-00595-00211951-00212219 estimate Bupa blue label attica's del Az_HBWHys4c-00596-00212221-00212528 libya possible aha vish o de soto de que Az_HBWHys4c-00597-00212529-00212844 viene de oaxaca machi sermon Abuja grow Az_HBWHys4c-00598-00212844-00213176 dark a tree Quran at not rostow Goren Az_HBWHys4c-00599-00213177-00213494 methodology no Sal abdomen has no Az_HBWHys4c-00600-00213494-00213846 windows or cigar Courbet Aetna coronary Az_HBWHys4c-00601-00213846-00214103 meses que HUBO aqua ha para que Az_HBWHys4c-00602-00214104-00214389 antivenom a severe acne teapot a teacher Az_HBWHys4c-00603-00214390-00214617 a little chaotic a scooter Garvin Az_HBWHys4c-00604-00214617-00214869 dividend ah pardon even a Az_HBWHys4c-00605-00214869-00215214 dr. Jackie Network a gigantic where Az_HBWHys4c-00606-00215215-00215463 anyway L caster dr. Jackie nectar Az_HBWHys4c-00607-00215464-00215763 colonel volton dare granted upon of Nora Az_HBWHys4c-00608-00215764-00216032 Nora non grata Jackie nexidia current Az_HBWHys4c-00609-00216033-00216291 agenda item today at affiliate Prabha Az_HBWHys4c-00610-00216292-00216498 port on a coronary song each angle Az_HBWHys4c-00611-00216498-00216803 coronary meses de da de da de da de da Az_HBWHys4c-00612-00216804-00217128 de castro da da da da da da da da da da Az_HBWHys4c-00613-00217129-00217478 da da da da da da da nakka nakka Az_HBWHys4c-00614-00217479-00217746 michigan carotid él está más de una Az_HBWHys4c-00615-00217746-00218054 prana pepin/alma Pesci Allah subhana Az_HBWHys4c-00616-00218055-00218381 Allah to Mohammed LK hospitable abuja mo Az_HBWHys4c-00617-00218382-00218735 most indicated erotic escorting a llama Az_HBWHys4c-00618-00218736-00219048 mean attributional Esqueda be shy Renea Az_HBWHys4c-00619-00219048-00219191 klimova Az_HBWHys4c-00620-00219192-00219653 charkas wantable Yamba no enchilada Az_HBWHys4c-00621-00219654-00219842 Herrick Portugal decay for the raccoon Az_HBWHys4c-00622-00219844-00220106 initial August Michelle Portugal Az_HBWHys4c-00623-00220107-00220298 amar officially proven does detract Az_HBWHys4c-00624-00220300-00220503 Angela Abner authentic a Az_HBWHys4c-00625-00220504-00220703 enchilada it technique apology almost Az_HBWHys4c-00626-00220704-00220871 addictive auditable it happen are Az_HBWHys4c-00627-00220873-00221112 shiverin Alice Martinez Chicago vulgar Az_HBWHys4c-00628-00221113-00221342 oh allah ameen Odawa a duopoly a Az_HBWHys4c-00629-00221344-00221558 skeleton ashes column warmer Elena in Az_HBWHys4c-00630-00221559-00222560 Lalibela Az_HBWHys4c-00631-00222561-00222767 you A_oKMf6_D9Y-00000-00000112-00000655 okay so we're in bratli library and we A_oKMf6_D9Y-00001-00000656-00000983 are with hello yes I'm Harvey Sharma I'm A_oKMf6_D9Y-00002-00000984-00001279 a stem ambassador I'm running a coding A_oKMf6_D9Y-00003-00001280-00001504 Club a point from your buckaroo Club in A_oKMf6_D9Y-00004-00001505-00001784 the grassy library for students and the A_oKMf6_D9Y-00005-00001785-00002218 applause okay this this project is the A_oKMf6_D9Y-00006-00002219-00002500 market bit detector it's a toy pals new A_oKMf6_D9Y-00007-00002501-00002767 metal detector where we barely several A_oKMf6_D9Y-00008-00002768-00003097 mica bits around the library pupils and A_oKMf6_D9Y-00009-00003098-00003392 students to look fine bury them like A_oKMf6_D9Y-00010-00003393-00003647 bits and then they use the stick or that A_oKMf6_D9Y-00011-00003647-00004001 is the detector yeah go round the A_oKMf6_D9Y-00012-00004002-00004145 library and they have to go and locate A_oKMf6_D9Y-00013-00004146-00004451 the hidden like a bit so it's a sort of A_oKMf6_D9Y-00014-00004452-00004808 a treasure hunt for micro bits yes in in A_oKMf6_D9Y-00015-00004809-00005086 a library and you mentioned just a stick A_oKMf6_D9Y-00016-00005087-00005329 as well what what can we see the Cystic A_oKMf6_D9Y-00017-00005330-00005486 we have you've got two helpers they A_oKMf6_D9Y-00018-00005487-00005836 haven't yeah Johnny talk us through A_oKMf6_D9Y-00019-00005837-00006086 what's what's on the stick he's got like A_oKMf6_D9Y-00020-00006087-00006898 a bit yeah yeah again in the center of A_oKMf6_D9Y-00021-00006900-00007280 it we've got a log makes speaker yep A_oKMf6_D9Y-00022-00007281-00007495 which is cabled from the mind a bit A_oKMf6_D9Y-00023-00007497-00007958 yeah and ground free bolts and GND dip A_oKMf6_D9Y-00024-00007959-00008558 in this right okay they hold the end of A_oKMf6_D9Y-00025-00008559-00008816 the stick and then they have to scan up A_oKMf6_D9Y-00026-00008817-00009098 and down on the end of the bottom like a A_oKMf6_D9Y-00027-00009099-00009653 bit it's showing as X yeah okay but what A_oKMf6_D9Y-00028-00009654-00009889 happens when it gets close to us so the A_oKMf6_D9Y-00029-00009890-00010085 closer you get to a hidden marker there A_oKMf6_D9Y-00030-00010086-00010306 yeah we'll start going from one to two A_oKMf6_D9Y-00031-00010307-00010453 two three four A_oKMf6_D9Y-00032-00010454-00010706 yeah II think it if you display five on A_oKMf6_D9Y-00033-00010707-00011066 it right on top of the next so it's like A_oKMf6_D9Y-00034-00011067-00011460 playing hot and cold with little bit A_oKMf6_D9Y-00035-00011461-00011701 trying to put it into low A_oKMf6_D9Y-00036-00011702-00012092 yeah okay and I couldn't help but notice A_oKMf6_D9Y-00037-00012093-00012356 that you're using me and so this is A_oKMf6_D9Y-00038-00012357-00012596 working well yes it is yeah it is yeah A_oKMf6_D9Y-00039-00012597-00012946 Niall is the beater 5015 it's using the A_oKMf6_D9Y-00040-00012947-00013427 local bit project yep sixteen lines of A_oKMf6_D9Y-00041-00013428-00013658 code yep this code here is the actual A_oKMf6_D9Y-00042-00013659-00013901 detector the F goes on to the detector A_oKMf6_D9Y-00043-00013902-00014360 politic yeah again I guess A_oKMf6_D9Y-00044-00014361-00014537 forgetting we flash yet okay A_oKMf6_D9Y-00045-00014538-00014822 and then there's several other computers A_oKMf6_D9Y-00046-00014822-00015074 that's got the better temper so that A_oKMf6_D9Y-00047-00015075-00015188 yeah yeah we've got the kind of that A_oKMf6_D9Y-00048-00015188-00015368 this is like a room in the library isn't A_oKMf6_D9Y-00049-00015369-00015557 it with them with a whole suite of A_oKMf6_D9Y-00050-00015558-00017171 laptops all running new this is this is A_oKMf6_D9Y-00051-00017172-00017375 the transmitted this is the code for a A_oKMf6_D9Y-00052-00017376-00017465 micrometer A_oKMf6_D9Y-00053-00017466-00017714 yeah that's being hidden and we A_oKMf6_D9Y-00054-00017715-00018209 originally just sort of Lisa wants to A_oKMf6_D9Y-00055-00018210-00018386 bury to their flash they're an A_oKMf6_D9Y-00056-00018387-00019115 individual micro bit okay so shall we I A_oKMf6_D9Y-00057-00019116-00019328 mean you have your two helpers here no A_oKMf6_D9Y-00058-00019329-00019553 so we shall we see this in action do you A_oKMf6_D9Y-00059-00019554-00019778 want to try to go and hide a micro bit A_oKMf6_D9Y-00060-00019779-00020006 in the library and then then we'll do a A_oKMf6_D9Y-00061-00020007-00020237 kind of a kind of a Ghostbusters make it A_oKMf6_D9Y-00062-00020238-00020425 somewhere nice and obvious so we could A_oKMf6_D9Y-00063-00020426-00020899 see how it's working so off he goes A_oKMf6_D9Y-00064-00020900-00021118 there we go A_oKMf6_D9Y-00065-00021119-00021440 and he's easy switch this on yeah I A_oKMf6_D9Y-00066-00021441-00021683 could see the lights come on and he's A_oKMf6_D9Y-00067-00021684-00021853 gonna hide it someone not that we're A_oKMf6_D9Y-00068-00021854-00022094 looking or anything okay and so here we A_oKMf6_D9Y-00069-00022095-00022683 go A_oKMf6_D9Y-00070-00022684-00024041 let's say what okay okay there we go we A_oKMf6_D9Y-00071-00024042-00024266 found it and this this was done with a A_oKMf6_D9Y-00072-00024267-00024635 bunch of year sixes so that was 11 year A_oKMf6_D9Y-00073-00024636-00024914 olds and it took them about what half an A_oKMf6_D9Y-00074-00024915-00025172 hour to do the code about half an hour A_oKMf6_D9Y-00075-00025173-00026162 yeah very first time impressive yeah it A_oKMf6_D9Y-00076-00026163-00026486 was yeah we gave many structures to A_oKMf6_D9Y-00077-00026487-00026720 bury the bark of it yeah and they had a A_oKMf6_D9Y-00078-00026720-00026918 lot of fun didn't quite sure what the A_oKMf6_D9Y-00079-00026919-00027074 librarians thought of it no there'd be A_oKMf6_D9Y-00080-00027075-00027768 lots of shipping and things like that A_oKMf6_D9Y-00081-00027769-00028256 professional about it yeah I'm tastic A_oKMf6_D9Y-00082-00028257-00028448 welcome well thank you very much yeah A_oKMf6_D9Y-00083-00028449-00029000 thank you brilliant thank you AAP49v0kQFU-00000-00000168-00000359 here that country bumpkin [__] is enough AAP49v0kQFU-00001-00000360-00000582 to get us shot right there i never took AAP49v0kQFU-00002-00000583-00000815 you to be all hairstylist type [__] but AAP49v0kQFU-00003-00000816-00001087 now it's all starting to make sense AAP49v0kQFU-00004-00001088-00001527 how about you drive AAP49v0kQFU-00005-00001528-00001687 hey wasn't that [__] took the AAP49v0kQFU-00006-00001688-00001895 bike that s.a vargo's dude with the AAP49v0kQFU-00007-00001896-00002110 tattoo on his face and [__] yeah that AAP49v0kQFU-00008-00002111-00002326 was him [__] homie i don't want no AAP49v0kQFU-00009-00002327-00002526 unnecessary [__] here all right AAP49v0kQFU-00010-00002527-00002758 [__] i don't give a [__] it's a reason AAP49v0kQFU-00011-00002759-00002918 simeon pays a couple of mean looking AAP49v0kQFU-00012-00002919-00003102 [__] to come refuel this [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00013-00003103-00003583 we ain't girl scout AAP49v0kQFU-00014-00003584-00003783 yeah step up [__] of course this is AAP49v0kQFU-00015-00003784-00004047 doing real AAP49v0kQFU-00016-00004047-00004231 who else knows how to require surplus of AAP49v0kQFU-00017-00004232-00004447 paper and deficiency of brain cells he AAP49v0kQFU-00018-00004448-00004783 just put a dub down on this bike 20 g AAP49v0kQFU-00019-00004784-00005015 with a 3g note AAP49v0kQFU-00020-00005016-00005191 damn that [__] must be tricked AAP49v0kQFU-00021-00005192-00005431 out dawg man this whole setup designed AAP49v0kQFU-00022-00005432-00005583 to take drug money AAP49v0kQFU-00023-00005584-00005831 all right man look we going quiet in and AAP49v0kQFU-00024-00005832-00006086 out no [__] drama i'll try homie but AAP49v0kQFU-00025-00006087-00006286 i'm one louder AAP49v0kQFU-00026-00006287-00006439 [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00027-00006440-00006646 but i'm one loud dramatic brass crazy AAP49v0kQFU-00028-00006647-00006831 greedy [__] [__] the back type AAP49v0kQFU-00029-00006831-00007087 [__] you love me for it [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00030-00007088-00007384 yeah AAP49v0kQFU-00031-00007384-00007870 [Applause] AAP49v0kQFU-00032-00007872-00008127 that's a funny dude though it's going to AAP49v0kQFU-00033-00008128-00008303 be a shame when we get to book his ass AAP49v0kQFU-00034-00008304-00008510 and jack and fall as [__] what the [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00035-00008511-00008687 you talking about what psychotic AAP49v0kQFU-00036-00008688-00008887 [__] that's how [__] work ain't AAP49v0kQFU-00037-00008888-00009095 it you do some jobs for food develop a AAP49v0kQFU-00038-00009096-00009271 little uneasy relationship and then they AAP49v0kQFU-00039-00009272-00009455 ask you to do something above and beyond AAP49v0kQFU-00040-00009456-00009687 you fall out fools get capped and then AAP49v0kQFU-00041-00009688-00009855 you start all over again with some other AAP49v0kQFU-00042-00009856-00010142 food how the [__] you get that from that AAP49v0kQFU-00043-00010143-00010327 ain't my life dummy how about the boy AAP49v0kQFU-00044-00010328-00010559 with the eye from around the way marcus AAP49v0kQFU-00045-00010560-00010719 or something you were slanking for him AAP49v0kQFU-00046-00010720-00010895 and then he got what was coming right AAP49v0kQFU-00047-00010896-00011078 that was different that dude had it AAP49v0kQFU-00048-00011079-00011167 coming AAP49v0kQFU-00049-00011168-00011351 i don't want to clap my boy terry and AAP49v0kQFU-00050-00011352-00011542 either i like homies it's just smacks of AAP49v0kQFU-00051-00011543-00012406 the inevitable AAP49v0kQFU-00052-00012407-00012527 still AAP49v0kQFU-00053-00012528-00012655 the bike should be in one of the AAP49v0kQFU-00054-00012656-00012919 lock-ups down here chili is the story of AAP49v0kQFU-00055-00012919-00013319 your life [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00056-00013319-00013807 do as i do [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00057-00013808-00014083 i think this crazy [__] wants AAP49v0kQFU-00058-00014084-00014383 something hey what's up homie AAP49v0kQFU-00059-00014384-00014655 no wait wait away from me perfect zappo AAP49v0kQFU-00060-00014656-00014807 agents AAP49v0kQFU-00061-00014808-00014894 oh AAP49v0kQFU-00062-00014895-00015007 yeah you thought i was gonna hit your AAP49v0kQFU-00063-00015008-00015430 [__] ass son drunk ass [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00064-00015431-00016199 [__] man play it cool AAP49v0kQFU-00065-00016200-00016327 yeah that's right AAP49v0kQFU-00066-00016328-00016558 keep it moving [__] i don't like this AAP49v0kQFU-00067-00016559-00017111 [__] one bit AAP49v0kQFU-00068-00017112-00017343 hey look let's keep it smooth homie man AAP49v0kQFU-00069-00017344-00017511 your [__] the only thing that's smooth AAP49v0kQFU-00070-00017512-00017727 up in this [__] man what exactly did i AAP49v0kQFU-00071-00017728-00017903 do in the past like to deserve your AAP49v0kQFU-00072-00017904-00018158 stupid ass this is a routine lick dog AAP49v0kQFU-00073-00018159-00018414 chill do them virgos look routine this AAP49v0kQFU-00074-00018415-00018639 is a shady ass alley [__] we invest AAP49v0kQFU-00075-00018640-00018830 beauty beach we on the wrong side of AAP49v0kQFU-00076-00018831-00019030 this poochy beach you should know a AAP49v0kQFU-00077-00019031-00019327 block makes a difference hey hey hold up AAP49v0kQFU-00078-00019328-00019967 it's in one of these lock up AAP49v0kQFU-00079-00019968-00020183 man ain't this about a [__] ain't no AAP49v0kQFU-00080-00020184-00020455 [__] bike in here man no [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00081-00020456-00020686 [__] hold up amigos AAP49v0kQFU-00082-00020687-00020783 hold on AAP49v0kQFU-00083-00020784-00020943 we saw you trying to creep up in here AAP49v0kQFU-00084-00020944-00021207 man yeah you saw this [__] oh AAP49v0kQFU-00085-00021208-00021439 [__] oh [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00086-00021440-00021735 my mother [__] [__] die AAP49v0kQFU-00087-00021736-00021878 hey [__] i would've just got my ass AAP49v0kQFU-00088-00021879-00022086 beat over a [__] gun fight AAP49v0kQFU-00089-00022087-00022255 let's stop being a [__] [__] and grab AAP49v0kQFU-00090-00022256-00022991 that heat AAP49v0kQFU-00091-00022992-00024125 yes AAP49v0kQFU-00092-00024126-00025222 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00093-00025223-00026827 [__] on your left ugh AAP49v0kQFU-00094-00026829-00027967 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00095-00027968-00028958 uh AAP49v0kQFU-00096-00028960-00029598 if you don't mind dog we'll be leaving AAP49v0kQFU-00097-00029599-00029887 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00098-00029888-00030118 follow me let's get through this AAP49v0kQFU-00099-00030119-00030246 man what's a few more of these AAP49v0kQFU-00100-00030247-00031976 [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00101-00031977-00033098 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00102-00033099-00033702 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00103-00033703-00036159 they trying to mash them AAP49v0kQFU-00104-00036160-00038174 what is it AAP49v0kQFU-00105-00038175-00039710 [__] on your left AAP49v0kQFU-00106-00039711-00040502 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00107-00040503-00041246 follow me let's get this AAP49v0kQFU-00108-00041247-00041883 easier work dog AAP49v0kQFU-00109-00041884-00042815 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00110-00042816-00043159 up there shoot that [__] bust his ass AAP49v0kQFU-00111-00043160-00044167 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00112-00044168-00044358 you so trigger happy you are even blast AAP49v0kQFU-00113-00044359-00044599 a [__] milkman what AAP49v0kQFU-00114-00044600-00045446 [__] don't even like AAP49v0kQFU-00115-00045447-00046155 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00116-00046156-00046830 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00117-00046831-00047826 appreciate it AAP49v0kQFU-00118-00047827-00048799 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00119-00048800-00049315 we ain't got beef with you AAP49v0kQFU-00120-00049316-00050423 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00121-00050424-00050574 these marks don't even know what we're AAP49v0kQFU-00122-00050575-00050871 here for you just blast they people that AAP49v0kQFU-00123-00050872-00051284 might be why they irritated AAP49v0kQFU-00124-00051285-00052436 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00125-00052437-00052591 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00126-00052591-00053578 you're [__] dead AAP49v0kQFU-00127-00053579-00053863 [Music] AAP49v0kQFU-00128-00053864-00054007 i don't want to be here but that don't AAP49v0kQFU-00129-00054008-00054207 mean you gonna kill me AAP49v0kQFU-00130-00054208-00054447 you still breathing homie yeah barely AAP49v0kQFU-00131-00054448-00054799 homie AAP49v0kQFU-00132-00054800-00055023 man we only came in for a bite and that AAP49v0kQFU-00133-00055024-00055215 [__] is right there hey [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00134-00055216-00055454 come here we got your pink flip AAP49v0kQFU-00135-00055455-00055623 let's get it AAP49v0kQFU-00136-00055624-00056854 man this is [__] crazy AAP49v0kQFU-00137-00056855-00057087 you know you the designator AAP49v0kQFU-00138-00057088-00057254 you crazy [__] why would we have AAP49v0kQFU-00139-00057255-00057407 to pop all them AAP49v0kQFU-00140-00057408-00057591 you was there too correct me if i'm AAP49v0kQFU-00141-00057591-00057823 wrong but you shot more often than i did AAP49v0kQFU-00142-00057824-00058366 yeah but you started this [__] stupid AAP49v0kQFU-00143-00058367-00058942 man [__] this [__] AAP49v0kQFU-00144-00058944-00059150 man you lost him already that's a AAP49v0kQFU-00145-00059151-00059829 monster [__] bikey riding stupid AAP49v0kQFU-00146-00059830-00060150 [Applause] ADhFoL9rfzM-00000-00000030-00000861 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00001-00000863-00001853 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00002-00001854-00003794 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00004-00006962-00007083 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00005-00007084-00007354 foreign ADhFoL9rfzM-00006-00007355-00008923 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00007-00008924-00010091 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00008-00010092-00010707 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00009-00010708-00011287 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00010-00011288-00012390 for example ADhFoL9rfzM-00012-00015410-00017724 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00013-00017725-00018629 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00014-00018630-00019591 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00015-00019592-00019838 insurance company ADhFoL9rfzM-00016-00019839-00021938 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00017-00021939-00023471 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00018-00023472-00024809 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00019-00024810-00026683 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00020-00026683-00027511 foreign ADhFoL9rfzM-00021-00027512-00029320 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00022-00029320-00030688 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00023-00030689-00031193 [Laughter] ADhFoL9rfzM-00024-00031194-00032623 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00025-00032624-00033642 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00026-00033643-00035464 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00027-00035465-00036375 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00028-00036376-00038986 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00029-00038987-00039283 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00030-00039284-00040543 foreign ADhFoL9rfzM-00031-00040544-00041697 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00032-00041698-00042446 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00033-00042447-00042980 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00034-00042981-00043483 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00035-00043484-00044078 premium ADhFoL9rfzM-00036-00044079-00046649 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00037-00046650-00047683 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00038-00047684-00049083 foreign ADhFoL9rfzM-00039-00049084-00049423 foreign ADhFoL9rfzM-00040-00049424-00049927 [Music] ADhFoL9rfzM-00041-00049928-00050240 thank you AF7DZGpRv5I-00000-00000024-00000231 good evening everyone welcome to our AF7DZGpRv5I-00001-00000231-00000455 february edition of book buzz AF7DZGpRv5I-00002-00000456-00000630 and this month we are celebrating black AF7DZGpRv5I-00003-00000631-00000871 history month we'll be presenting books AF7DZGpRv5I-00004-00000872-00001103 by black authors in adult fiction adult AF7DZGpRv5I-00005-00001104-00001487 non-fiction and adult graphic novels AF7DZGpRv5I-00006-00001488-00001647 my name is betty mcdowell i'm one of the AF7DZGpRv5I-00007-00001648-00001830 adult services librarians here at the AF7DZGpRv5I-00008-00001832-00001910 library AF7DZGpRv5I-00009-00001911-00002102 and i'm joined by chermaine burleson our AF7DZGpRv5I-00010-00002103-00002326 catalog and technical services librarian AF7DZGpRv5I-00011-00002327-00002550 and meg miller who's also an adult AF7DZGpRv5I-00012-00002551-00002823 services librarian AF7DZGpRv5I-00013-00002824-00002983 just a reminder you can check out new AF7DZGpRv5I-00014-00002984-00003126 books on our catalog AF7DZGpRv5I-00015-00003127-00003399 just go to the what's hot section here AF7DZGpRv5I-00016-00003400-00003527 and go under book lists AF7DZGpRv5I-00017-00003528-00003759 and you'll see the newest books for the AF7DZGpRv5I-00018-00003760-00003831 current month AF7DZGpRv5I-00019-00003832-00004206 as well as the last month AF7DZGpRv5I-00020-00004207-00004447 and we offer the service your next reads AF7DZGpRv5I-00021-00004448-00004654 and book bundles so if you would like to AF7DZGpRv5I-00022-00004655-00004847 get personalized book recommendations or AF7DZGpRv5I-00023-00004848-00005015 if you'd like to get some surprise books AF7DZGpRv5I-00024-00005016-00005167 checked out to you you can fill out the AF7DZGpRv5I-00025-00005168-00005247 form AF7DZGpRv5I-00026-00005248-00005431 on our website just go to books and AF7DZGpRv5I-00027-00005432-00005591 media and then AF7DZGpRv5I-00028-00005592-00006063 adult book lists to access those forms AF7DZGpRv5I-00029-00006064-00006327 and just a last minute note if you are AF7DZGpRv5I-00030-00006328-00006518 completing our adult winter reading AF7DZGpRv5I-00031-00006519-00006687 challenge you have a few days to AF7DZGpRv5I-00032-00006688-00006887 get your form in and the form is on the AF7DZGpRv5I-00033-00006888-00007078 same page i just mentioned AF7DZGpRv5I-00034-00007079-00007263 you have until the end of the day on AF7DZGpRv5I-00035-00007264-00007534 february 28th to get that into us AF7DZGpRv5I-00036-00007536-00007751 and with that i'm going to hand it over AF7DZGpRv5I-00037-00007752-00007959 to sherman who is going to be going over AF7DZGpRv5I-00038-00007959-00008159 adult fiction AF7DZGpRv5I-00039-00008159-00008399 hi welcome to february book buzz my name AF7DZGpRv5I-00040-00008400-00008583 is shereen burleson and i'm the tech AF7DZGpRv5I-00041-00008584-00008774 services and cataloging librarian at AF7DZGpRv5I-00042-00008775-00008942 federal public library AF7DZGpRv5I-00043-00008943-00009142 and so we're going to get into some AF7DZGpRv5I-00044-00009143-00009255 books for AF7DZGpRv5I-00045-00009256-00009663 the month of february and beyond AF7DZGpRv5I-00046-00009664-00010006 the profits is by robert jones jr AF7DZGpRv5I-00047-00010007-00010446 this came out february 5th so it's about AF7DZGpRv5I-00048-00010447-00010855 um basically intimacy and hope AF7DZGpRv5I-00049-00010856-00011278 and refuge in humanity in humans AF7DZGpRv5I-00050-00011279-00011551 and it's kind of reminiscent people have AF7DZGpRv5I-00051-00011552-00011806 said of like tony morrison's books with AF7DZGpRv5I-00052-00011807-00012142 um the lyricism and things like that but AF7DZGpRv5I-00053-00012143-00012470 isaiah and samuel um AF7DZGpRv5I-00054-00012471-00012902 have to outsmart a slave master and AF7DZGpRv5I-00055-00012903-00013255 um basically AF7DZGpRv5I-00056-00013256-00013591 people around them who are like AF7DZGpRv5I-00057-00013591-00013838 trying to shape life for them and it's AF7DZGpRv5I-00058-00013840-00013966 not something that AF7DZGpRv5I-00059-00013968-00014207 they have necessarily wanted for AF7DZGpRv5I-00060-00014208-00014327 themselves AF7DZGpRv5I-00061-00014328-00014679 and how inheriting AF7DZGpRv5I-00062-00014680-00014935 pain and suffering and those types of AF7DZGpRv5I-00063-00014936-00014999 things AF7DZGpRv5I-00064-00015000-00015286 um can be generational but also that AF7DZGpRv5I-00065-00015287-00015483 hope and beauty and truth AF7DZGpRv5I-00066-00015484-00015830 and portraying all these AF7DZGpRv5I-00067-00015831-00016079 powers that we're instilled in us and AF7DZGpRv5I-00068-00016080-00016191 love AF7DZGpRv5I-00069-00016191-00016575 are good things and so um AF7DZGpRv5I-00070-00016576-00016879 this is about that it's a AF7DZGpRv5I-00071-00016880-00017255 another story about um the layers AF7DZGpRv5I-00072-00017256-00017575 and the intricacies of slavery AF7DZGpRv5I-00073-00017576-00017814 but it's not just about slavery it's AF7DZGpRv5I-00074-00017815-00017879 about AF7DZGpRv5I-00075-00017880-00018255 the slave themselves the people who AF7DZGpRv5I-00076-00018256-00018519 are slaves um and so this has been AF7DZGpRv5I-00077-00018520-00018701 getting good reviews AF7DZGpRv5I-00078-00018702-00018871 [Music] AF7DZGpRv5I-00079-00018872-00019271 a black buck is a satire AF7DZGpRv5I-00080-00019272-00019567 about a black salesman and like this AF7DZGpRv5I-00081-00019568-00019694 cult like AF7DZGpRv5I-00082-00019695-00020127 startup where um AF7DZGpRv5I-00083-00020128-00020367 nothing is exactly what it seems so if AF7DZGpRv5I-00084-00020368-00020567 you're a fan of sorry to bother you AF7DZGpRv5I-00085-00020568-00020791 or the wolf of wall street this is kind AF7DZGpRv5I-00086-00020792-00021030 of like a satirical representation of AF7DZGpRv5I-00087-00021031-00021127 that AF7DZGpRv5I-00088-00021128-00021503 um and what AF7DZGpRv5I-00089-00021504-00021783 the word black book actually means is um AF7DZGpRv5I-00090-00021784-00022022 it was used during slavery time for AF7DZGpRv5I-00091-00022023-00022335 the most powerful um AF7DZGpRv5I-00092-00022336-00022671 black man who is a slave um on the AF7DZGpRv5I-00093-00022672-00022783 plantation AF7DZGpRv5I-00094-00022784-00023175 and the gold standard of like AF7DZGpRv5I-00095-00023176-00023478 property which slaves were AF7DZGpRv5I-00096-00023479-00023863 and so that was the term that was used AF7DZGpRv5I-00097-00023864-00024271 um this author uses it to also explain AF7DZGpRv5I-00098-00024272-00024614 um in satire as i said AF7DZGpRv5I-00099-00024615-00024967 how um darren AF7DZGpRv5I-00100-00024968-00025255 just is doing his thing and living his AF7DZGpRv5I-00101-00025256-00025327 life AF7DZGpRv5I-00102-00025328-00025687 and how he becomes like he starts to AF7DZGpRv5I-00103-00025688-00025734 work AF7DZGpRv5I-00104-00025735-00025950 at the this startup so he becomes like AF7DZGpRv5I-00105-00025951-00026078 the star AF7DZGpRv5I-00106-00026079-00026335 employee and he's trying to get all AF7DZGpRv5I-00107-00026336-00026439 these other AF7DZGpRv5I-00108-00026439-00026718 uh young people of color to like AF7DZGpRv5I-00109-00026719-00026935 infiltrate the sales force and do all of AF7DZGpRv5I-00110-00026936-00027102 these things but there's a chain of AF7DZGpRv5I-00111-00027104-00027255 events that AF7DZGpRv5I-00112-00027256-00027614 changes what happened so it's AF7DZGpRv5I-00113-00027616-00027958 a pretty funny like skewing AF7DZGpRv5I-00114-00027960-00028262 um commentation on the workforce of AF7DZGpRv5I-00115-00028263-00028374 america AF7DZGpRv5I-00116-00028375-00028718 and it's a very very good um story AF7DZGpRv5I-00117-00028719-00028990 and that came out january 5th and it's AF7DZGpRv5I-00118-00028991-00029174 about like the AF7DZGpRv5I-00119-00029175-00029327 new vision of the american dream and AF7DZGpRv5I-00120-00029327-00029631 what that means for all of us um AF7DZGpRv5I-00121-00029632-00029958 someone borrowed someone blue is AF7DZGpRv5I-00122-00029960-00030318 um about AF7DZGpRv5I-00123-00030319-00030711 um mickey jones who she has all this AF7DZGpRv5I-00124-00030712-00031014 childhood trauma and she's AF7DZGpRv5I-00125-00031016-00031358 planning to kill herself so she reaches AF7DZGpRv5I-00126-00031360-00031567 out to this complete stranger AF7DZGpRv5I-00127-00031568-00031879 for help and the recipient AF7DZGpRv5I-00128-00031880-00032167 ends up being this author and childhood AF7DZGpRv5I-00129-00032168-00032351 sexual abuse survivor AF7DZGpRv5I-00130-00032352-00032670 crystal and she AF7DZGpRv5I-00131-00032672-00032895 is convinced that it would have ended up AF7DZGpRv5I-00132-00032896-00033095 in the spam folder anyway AF7DZGpRv5I-00133-00033096-00033551 and no big deal and so to her surprise AF7DZGpRv5I-00134-00033552-00033943 like crystal answers her back so AF7DZGpRv5I-00135-00033944-00034190 this is uh like an unexpected AF7DZGpRv5I-00136-00034191-00034383 correspondence or a rollercoaster of AF7DZGpRv5I-00137-00034384-00034535 emotions and AF7DZGpRv5I-00138-00034536-00034855 them dealing with demons and is it AF7DZGpRv5I-00139-00034856-00035135 your job to help somebody that is trying AF7DZGpRv5I-00140-00035136-00035271 to overcome something that you've AF7DZGpRv5I-00141-00035272-00035367 overcome AF7DZGpRv5I-00142-00035368-00035679 and how do you do that without AF7DZGpRv5I-00143-00035680-00035983 damaging or harming yourself and this is AF7DZGpRv5I-00144-00035984-00036095 the exploration AF7DZGpRv5I-00145-00036096-00036511 of that so this came out january 7th AF7DZGpRv5I-00146-00036512-00036830 um yellow wife um AF7DZGpRv5I-00147-00036831-00037327 is about unenslaved woman who ends up AF7DZGpRv5I-00148-00037328-00037518 in the devil's half acre which is his AF7DZGpRv5I-00149-00037519-00037743 infamous prison in virginia AF7DZGpRv5I-00150-00037744-00038062 and she ends up there and AF7DZGpRv5I-00151-00038063-00038327 when she thought she was gonna have this AF7DZGpRv5I-00152-00038328-00038487 wonderful life AF7DZGpRv5I-00153-00038488-00038911 with um her AF7DZGpRv5I-00154-00038912-00039079 basically on the plantation because the AF7DZGpRv5I-00155-00039080-00039359 master sister she's kind of like for AF7DZGpRv5I-00156-00039360-00039711 lack of a better word um she is kind of AF7DZGpRv5I-00157-00039712-00039767 like her AF7DZGpRv5I-00158-00039768-00040087 her pet or her prized possession AF7DZGpRv5I-00159-00040088-00040399 and something happens and she's no AF7DZGpRv5I-00160-00040400-00040567 longer AF7DZGpRv5I-00161-00040568-00040823 prized anymore and when she turns 18 AF7DZGpRv5I-00162-00040824-00040943 instead of AF7DZGpRv5I-00163-00040944-00041262 living her life with her true love she AF7DZGpRv5I-00164-00041263-00041479 is forced to leave the only home she's AF7DZGpRv5I-00165-00041480-00041639 ever known AF7DZGpRv5I-00166-00041640-00041902 and she finds herself in this place and AF7DZGpRv5I-00167-00041903-00042007 she has to AF7DZGpRv5I-00168-00042008-00042358 overcome cruelty and all these types of AF7DZGpRv5I-00169-00042359-00042455 things and AF7DZGpRv5I-00170-00042456-00042790 um the contradictions of the enforced AF7DZGpRv5I-00171-00042791-00043071 cruelty from jailers and other people in AF7DZGpRv5I-00172-00043072-00043262 the system and to survive AF7DZGpRv5I-00173-00043263-00043607 she has to figure out how to survive and AF7DZGpRv5I-00174-00043608-00043646 face AF7DZGpRv5I-00175-00043647-00043951 all these challenges and make the AF7DZGpRv5I-00176-00043952-00044174 ultimate sacrifice AF7DZGpRv5I-00177-00044175-00044471 and how do you do that like what does AF7DZGpRv5I-00178-00044472-00044599 that look like AF7DZGpRv5I-00179-00044600-00044902 and these are the things that um AF7DZGpRv5I-00180-00044903-00045127 a lot of people did have to think about AF7DZGpRv5I-00181-00045128-00045318 um at the time AF7DZGpRv5I-00182-00045319-00045599 and it's just an exploration of that of AF7DZGpRv5I-00183-00045600-00045718 different AF7DZGpRv5I-00184-00045719-00045902 things that happened on the plantation AF7DZGpRv5I-00185-00045903-00046087 different things that did happen AF7DZGpRv5I-00186-00046088-00046374 and the struggle and survival of that um AF7DZGpRv5I-00187-00046375-00046399 the AF7DZGpRv5I-00188-00046400-00046990 wandering sheep is um AF7DZGpRv5I-00189-00046991-00047567 it's a story about um AF7DZGpRv5I-00190-00047568-00048007 do you go with what you know AF7DZGpRv5I-00191-00048008-00048255 the flow of things or do you create AF7DZGpRv5I-00192-00048256-00048383 something that fits AF7DZGpRv5I-00193-00048384-00048623 exactly for you so this is kind of like AF7DZGpRv5I-00194-00048624-00048735 a mystery AF7DZGpRv5I-00195-00048736-00049167 or thriller type book about this family AF7DZGpRv5I-00196-00049168-00049446 and john jacques is one of the brothers AF7DZGpRv5I-00197-00049447-00049630 and he uncovers like all these hidden AF7DZGpRv5I-00198-00049631-00049751 secrets of the family AF7DZGpRv5I-00199-00049752-00049911 and he has to decide if he wants to AF7DZGpRv5I-00200-00049912-00050118 follow the sheep the herd AF7DZGpRv5I-00201-00050119-00050415 or if he wants to be like a goat and AF7DZGpRv5I-00202-00050416-00050574 forage on its own so AF7DZGpRv5I-00203-00050575-00050974 the african-american folk tale that this AF7DZGpRv5I-00204-00050975-00051366 is from is about like will you change or AF7DZGpRv5I-00205-00051367-00051607 discover your worldview on your own or AF7DZGpRv5I-00206-00051608-00051775 will you go with just what everybody AF7DZGpRv5I-00207-00051776-00051863 else is doing AF7DZGpRv5I-00208-00051864-00052111 right or wrong and not forge your own AF7DZGpRv5I-00209-00052112-00052199 path AF7DZGpRv5I-00210-00052200-00052694 so this is what this is about AF7DZGpRv5I-00211-00052695-00053007 um rod stream nail cloth AF7DZGpRv5I-00212-00053008-00053342 is afrofuturist book so afrofuturist is AF7DZGpRv5I-00213-00053344-00053519 like a contemporary AF7DZGpRv5I-00214-00053520-00053911 um genre that has come about about AF7DZGpRv5I-00215-00053912-00054335 african and african american um AF7DZGpRv5I-00216-00054336-00054638 like the future of the culture um AF7DZGpRv5I-00217-00054639-00054894 things are speculating of what's going AF7DZGpRv5I-00218-00054895-00054982 to happen AF7DZGpRv5I-00219-00054983-00055350 allegories insights beliefs in um AF7DZGpRv5I-00220-00055351-00055575 pictorial form about like what's going AF7DZGpRv5I-00221-00055576-00055726 to happen AF7DZGpRv5I-00222-00055727-00056023 with um people with cultures with the AF7DZGpRv5I-00223-00056024-00056142 diaspora AF7DZGpRv5I-00224-00056144-00056423 so um afrofuturism is one of those AF7DZGpRv5I-00225-00056424-00056671 things that does that like speculative AF7DZGpRv5I-00226-00056672-00057047 fiction but only in the sense of um AF7DZGpRv5I-00227-00057048-00057279 just fictionalizing things that people AF7DZGpRv5I-00228-00057279-00057407 like feel like AF7DZGpRv5I-00229-00057408-00057766 are actually going to happen AF7DZGpRv5I-00230-00057767-00057919 and they're really distinctive and this AF7DZGpRv5I-00231-00057920-00058103 is kind of like sci-fi AF7DZGpRv5I-00232-00058104-00058519 um as well um sort of fantasy but not as AF7DZGpRv5I-00233-00058520-00058591 much AF7DZGpRv5I-00234-00058591-00058871 but just like we're more than what we AF7DZGpRv5I-00235-00058872-00058942 believe AF7DZGpRv5I-00236-00058944-00059191 and what others believe us to be and so AF7DZGpRv5I-00237-00059191-00059438 that's where actual futurism is going is AF7DZGpRv5I-00238-00059439-00059471 in AF7DZGpRv5I-00239-00059472-00059782 like a fictionalized explanation of AF7DZGpRv5I-00240-00059783-00060142 um non-fiction explanations of just how AF7DZGpRv5I-00241-00060144-00060511 um african-american and and black and AF7DZGpRv5I-00242-00060512-00060759 african people are evolving in cultures AF7DZGpRv5I-00243-00060760-00060854 and as culture AF7DZGpRv5I-00244-00060855-00061047 and stuff like that so that's what this AF7DZGpRv5I-00245-00061048-00061279 is about um and it kind of reminds you AF7DZGpRv5I-00246-00061279-00061326 of like AF7DZGpRv5I-00247-00061327-00061687 in the vein of twilight zone or um those AF7DZGpRv5I-00248-00061688-00061815 types of shows AF7DZGpRv5I-00249-00061816-00062175 this is similar to that but with um AF7DZGpRv5I-00250-00062176-00062329 afro twist AF7DZGpRv5I-00251-00062329-00062494 [Music] AF7DZGpRv5I-00252-00062495-00062694 um blood groove is basically another AF7DZGpRv5I-00253-00062695-00062942 easy wild novel the newest one AF7DZGpRv5I-00254-00062944-00063311 and walter mosley comes back with um AF7DZGpRv5I-00255-00063312-00063606 some old friends um and some new ones AF7DZGpRv5I-00256-00063607-00063791 and this is about him AF7DZGpRv5I-00257-00063791-00064191 basically there's a case that he AF7DZGpRv5I-00258-00064191-00064519 um picked up that a white vietnam AF7DZGpRv5I-00259-00064520-00064847 veteran brought to him so this 1969 AF7DZGpRv5I-00260-00064848-00065175 and he basically AF7DZGpRv5I-00261-00065176-00065423 um him and his girlfriend the white AF7DZGpRv5I-00262-00065424-00065575 veteran's girlfriend were attacked in a AF7DZGpRv5I-00263-00065576-00065775 citrus grove in the city's outskirts so AF7DZGpRv5I-00264-00065776-00065935 he may have killed somebody AF7DZGpRv5I-00265-00065936-00066271 but the girl and his dog are missing AF7DZGpRv5I-00266-00066272-00066479 and he wants him to take on the case but AF7DZGpRv5I-00267-00066480-00066615 he realizes that AF7DZGpRv5I-00268-00066616-00066935 there's some damage that AF7DZGpRv5I-00269-00066936-00067150 this vet has gone through and they bond AF7DZGpRv5I-00270-00067151-00067238 over those AF7DZGpRv5I-00271-00067239-00067535 war experiences type thing but AF7DZGpRv5I-00272-00067536-00067615 everything AF7DZGpRv5I-00273-00067616-00067871 is not always as it seems of course in AF7DZGpRv5I-00274-00067872-00067943 mysteries AF7DZGpRv5I-00275-00067944-00068255 it's not and he's adapting to that and AF7DZGpRv5I-00276-00068256-00068471 answering questions and there's like all AF7DZGpRv5I-00277-00068472-00068687 these unsettling things that he's AF7DZGpRv5I-00278-00068688-00068838 always had to deal with that he has to AF7DZGpRv5I-00279-00068839-00069103 face and confront at this time too so AF7DZGpRv5I-00280-00069104-00069238 some old friends come back AF7DZGpRv5I-00281-00069239-00069591 to help him do that AF7DZGpRv5I-00282-00069592-00069767 um hi everyone i'm sister sweeps her AF7DZGpRv5I-00283-00069768-00069959 house AF7DZGpRv5I-00284-00069960-00070215 um this came out february 2nd as well AF7DZGpRv5I-00285-00070216-00070391 and this is about AF7DZGpRv5I-00286-00070392-00070735 um classism and AF7DZGpRv5I-00287-00070736-00071111 interconnected lives and racing class AF7DZGpRv5I-00288-00071112-00071482 in barbados and so AF7DZGpRv5I-00289-00071483-00071750 um lala's grandmother would tell her the AF7DZGpRv5I-00290-00071751-00071911 story of the one mom sister AF7DZGpRv5I-00291-00071912-00072094 and this is like this cautionary tale AF7DZGpRv5I-00292-00072095-00072255 about what happens when girls disobey AF7DZGpRv5I-00293-00072256-00072406 their mothers and go to AF7DZGpRv5I-00294-00072407-00072662 into the baxter's tunnels where like AF7DZGpRv5I-00295-00072663-00072894 everything goes down and all this stuff AF7DZGpRv5I-00296-00072895-00073182 so now that lala has grown and she has a AF7DZGpRv5I-00297-00073183-00073415 husband and all these different things AF7DZGpRv5I-00298-00073416-00073782 um her husband is kind of like a petty AF7DZGpRv5I-00299-00073783-00073894 thief AF7DZGpRv5I-00300-00073895-00074191 and all these stuff like there's a chain AF7DZGpRv5I-00301-00074192-00074319 of events with all these things that AF7DZGpRv5I-00302-00074320-00074494 happen with all these consequences that AF7DZGpRv5I-00303-00074495-00074606 happen AF7DZGpRv5I-00304-00074607-00074991 and um AF7DZGpRv5I-00305-00074992-00075367 it's just like being a woman torn AF7DZGpRv5I-00306-00075368-00075559 between like both of these worlds AF7DZGpRv5I-00307-00075560-00075791 and like you're grieving and have grief AF7DZGpRv5I-00308-00075792-00076055 and there's all this stuff that comes up AF7DZGpRv5I-00309-00076056-00076303 and like what will you risk for freedom AF7DZGpRv5I-00310-00076304-00076391 and life AF7DZGpRv5I-00311-00076392-00076582 and for some people things are like AF7DZGpRv5I-00312-00076583-00076703 black and white and AF7DZGpRv5I-00313-00076704-00077111 just clear clap but for her it's not AF7DZGpRv5I-00314-00077112-00077343 and so this is about like i said like AF7DZGpRv5I-00315-00077344-00077479 interconnected lives AF7DZGpRv5I-00316-00077480-00077687 race and classism and all these AF7DZGpRv5I-00317-00077688-00077799 different things AF7DZGpRv5I-00318-00077800-00077975 and this is happening in this resort AF7DZGpRv5I-00319-00077976-00078143 town so how AF7DZGpRv5I-00320-00078144-00078343 you know like gentrification in the AF7DZGpRv5I-00321-00078344-00078503 caribbean and like how things are AF7DZGpRv5I-00322-00078504-00078759 happening and what things come from that AF7DZGpRv5I-00323-00078760-00079087 good or bad and just a discussion of how AF7DZGpRv5I-00324-00079088-00079255 that actually affects AF7DZGpRv5I-00325-00079256-00079599 real people i'm here for you by pat AF7DZGpRv5I-00326-00079600-00079711 simmons AF7DZGpRv5I-00327-00079712-00079950 um this also came out february 2nd so AF7DZGpRv5I-00328-00079951-00080150 this is inspirational moment uh AF7DZGpRv5I-00329-00080151-00080519 romance by uh pat simmons and so AF7DZGpRv5I-00330-00080520-00080767 this is a hero and heroine who are AF7DZGpRv5I-00331-00080768-00080903 better at taking care of other people AF7DZGpRv5I-00332-00080904-00081015 than themselves AF7DZGpRv5I-00333-00081016-00081319 and so they have a crisis of faith AF7DZGpRv5I-00334-00081320-00081671 and just how to people who are AF7DZGpRv5I-00335-00081672-00081918 caregivers for other people give AF7DZGpRv5I-00336-00081919-00082135 themselves a little tlc AF7DZGpRv5I-00337-00082136-00082359 so that's basically what this is about AF7DZGpRv5I-00338-00082360-00082447 and AF7DZGpRv5I-00339-00082448-00082759 neither one of them anticipates what AF7DZGpRv5I-00340-00082760-00082991 this will mean or what's happening AF7DZGpRv5I-00341-00082992-00083231 but this is about what happens when AF7DZGpRv5I-00342-00083232-00083391 you're so good at doing everything for AF7DZGpRv5I-00343-00083392-00083582 everybody else and somebody comes along AF7DZGpRv5I-00344-00083583-00083718 and wants to do AF7DZGpRv5I-00345-00083719-00084038 the same if not more for you AF7DZGpRv5I-00346-00084039-00084238 a beverly jenkins is the queen of AF7DZGpRv5I-00347-00084239-00084518 romance um she is one of the very AF7DZGpRv5I-00348-00084519-00084879 very set established thrones queens AF7DZGpRv5I-00349-00084880-00085182 and she is writing this series called AF7DZGpRv5I-00350-00085183-00085326 the women who dare AF7DZGpRv5I-00351-00085327-00085671 so this is about um AF7DZGpRv5I-00352-00085672-00085950 a female rancher in wyoming after the AF7DZGpRv5I-00353-00085951-00086071 civil war AF7DZGpRv5I-00354-00086072-00086455 and so this reporter comes and he wants AF7DZGpRv5I-00355-00086456-00086631 to do this story about AF7DZGpRv5I-00356-00086632-00086935 doctors for his newspaper AF7DZGpRv5I-00357-00086936-00087247 back east so he comes west wyoming AF7DZGpRv5I-00358-00087248-00087575 and he thinks that this man named colton AF7DZGpRv5I-00359-00087576-00087759 lee will be like his interesting subject AF7DZGpRv5I-00360-00087760-00088006 then he meets his sister whose name is AF7DZGpRv5I-00361-00088007-00088126 spring AF7DZGpRv5I-00362-00088127-00088279 and the two of them are just attracted AF7DZGpRv5I-00363-00088280-00088471 to each other but spring AF7DZGpRv5I-00364-00088472-00088799 is not the traditional like wear dresses AF7DZGpRv5I-00365-00088800-00089118 type of cotillion ball type woman AF7DZGpRv5I-00366-00089119-00089559 and she is the exact opposite sort of AF7DZGpRv5I-00367-00089560-00089918 what um AF7DZGpRv5I-00368-00089919-00090223 this reporter is used to but they're AF7DZGpRv5I-00369-00090224-00090406 so attracted to each other and they're AF7DZGpRv5I-00370-00090407-00090615 pulled into each other AF7DZGpRv5I-00371-00090616-00091006 that the differences could it be AF7DZGpRv5I-00372-00091007-00091343 like everlasting love and unite them or AF7DZGpRv5I-00373-00091344-00091406 could it AF7DZGpRv5I-00374-00091407-00091679 possibly tear them apart and this is AF7DZGpRv5I-00375-00091680-00091879 what this is about and so this series is AF7DZGpRv5I-00376-00091880-00091975 about strong AF7DZGpRv5I-00377-00091976-00092294 black women um after the civil war AF7DZGpRv5I-00378-00092295-00092494 and their lives and loves and AF7DZGpRv5I-00379-00092495-00093015 discoveries AF7DZGpRv5I-00380-00093016-00093382 so i life after death by silver soldier AF7DZGpRv5I-00381-00093383-00093655 um she wrote the coldest winter ever and AF7DZGpRv5I-00382-00093656-00093767 so AF7DZGpRv5I-00383-00093768-00094159 uh winter went to jail and basically she AF7DZGpRv5I-00384-00094160-00094262 served her time AF7DZGpRv5I-00385-00094263-00094559 but their people who were after her and AF7DZGpRv5I-00386-00094560-00094655 vengeance AF7DZGpRv5I-00387-00094656-00094862 and bloodlust and all these types of AF7DZGpRv5I-00388-00094863-00095023 things are like happening AF7DZGpRv5I-00389-00095024-00095271 and so will she survive it could you AF7DZGpRv5I-00390-00095272-00095350 survive it AF7DZGpRv5I-00391-00095351-00095599 should she survive it because of all the AF7DZGpRv5I-00392-00095600-00095823 when you do bad things vengeance AF7DZGpRv5I-00393-00095824-00096126 um does the end justify the means so if AF7DZGpRv5I-00394-00096127-00096199 you were ever AF7DZGpRv5I-00395-00096200-00096399 a fan of the coldest one ever and the AF7DZGpRv5I-00396-00096400-00096503 character winter AF7DZGpRv5I-00397-00096504-00096774 this is a continuation of that in the AF7DZGpRv5I-00398-00096775-00096847 journey AF7DZGpRv5I-00399-00096848-00097223 that it took for her to get to the point AF7DZGpRv5I-00400-00097224-00097303 that she is AF7DZGpRv5I-00401-00097304-00097615 after she serves her time AF7DZGpRv5I-00402-00097616-00097918 um game of cones is about a black AF7DZGpRv5I-00403-00097919-00098255 ice cream owner ice cream parlor owner AF7DZGpRv5I-00404-00098256-00098391 named bronwyn AF7DZGpRv5I-00405-00098392-00098694 and this is another um the second book AF7DZGpRv5I-00406-00098695-00098871 in the mystery AF7DZGpRv5I-00407-00098872-00099247 series and so um this is set in AF7DZGpRv5I-00408-00099248-00099582 ohio in a small town in ohio and AF7DZGpRv5I-00409-00099583-00099735 all these things are happening her AF7DZGpRv5I-00410-00099736-00099943 friend gets accused of this murder of AF7DZGpRv5I-00411-00099944-00100031 this um AF7DZGpRv5I-00412-00100032-00100326 guy who comes to town and like wants to AF7DZGpRv5I-00413-00100327-00100503 you know break up small town life and AF7DZGpRv5I-00414-00100504-00100638 create this mall AF7DZGpRv5I-00415-00100639-00100823 and there's a killer on the loose and AF7DZGpRv5I-00416-00100824-00101006 also family that are trying to take over AF7DZGpRv5I-00417-00101007-00101215 the family business that was given to AF7DZGpRv5I-00418-00101216-00101262 her AF7DZGpRv5I-00419-00101263-00101399 because nobody else really wanted to AF7DZGpRv5I-00420-00101400-00101615 take it over and AF7DZGpRv5I-00421-00101616-00101974 um in the the first book AF7DZGpRv5I-00422-00101975-00102167 those things happen and she's become AF7DZGpRv5I-00423-00102168-00102326 like a more confident owner AF7DZGpRv5I-00424-00102327-00102542 but then when a family member her aunt AF7DZGpRv5I-00425-00102543-00102758 comes up and the rocky relationship AF7DZGpRv5I-00426-00102759-00102966 between the family and the creamery like AF7DZGpRv5I-00427-00102967-00103151 those things kind of come up AF7DZGpRv5I-00428-00103152-00103399 but she's gonna solve this mystery she's AF7DZGpRv5I-00429-00103400-00103582 gonna solve this murder AF7DZGpRv5I-00430-00103583-00103782 she's gonna do all of these things as AF7DZGpRv5I-00431-00103783-00103934 she does and she's just gonna keep AF7DZGpRv5I-00432-00103935-00104039 moving forward AF7DZGpRv5I-00433-00104040-00104342 and so um hopefully you'll become a fan AF7DZGpRv5I-00434-00104343-00104518 of this series like i am too AF7DZGpRv5I-00435-00104519-00104934 but this is about um that AF7DZGpRv5I-00436-00104935-00105351 the conductors um is about AF7DZGpRv5I-00437-00105352-00105639 underground railroad conductors who also AF7DZGpRv5I-00438-00105640-00105990 happen to be AF7DZGpRv5I-00439-00105991-00106310 magic basically they are AF7DZGpRv5I-00440-00106311-00106654 so this is a new voice in fantasy AF7DZGpRv5I-00441-00106655-00107015 um and the conductors basically helped AF7DZGpRv5I-00442-00107016-00107110 people AF7DZGpRv5I-00443-00107111-00107495 get to freedom up north um and they used AF7DZGpRv5I-00444-00107496-00107823 magic and also their wits to do so AF7DZGpRv5I-00445-00107824-00108151 so now the civil war is over um AF7DZGpRv5I-00446-00108152-00108390 hedy and her husband benji they settled AF7DZGpRv5I-00447-00108391-00108502 in philadelphia AF7DZGpRv5I-00448-00108503-00108695 so they're solving murders that white AF7DZGpRv5I-00449-00108696-00108878 authorities don't care about don't care AF7DZGpRv5I-00450-00108879-00108990 to solve AF7DZGpRv5I-00451-00108991-00109190 and when they find one of their friends AF7DZGpRv5I-00452-00109191-00109407 dead they bury the body and they try to AF7DZGpRv5I-00453-00109408-00109510 find answers AF7DZGpRv5I-00454-00109511-00109958 but the elite blacks of philadelphia AF7DZGpRv5I-00455-00109959-00110310 um kind of AF7DZGpRv5I-00456-00110311-00110519 make it hard for them to do that and AF7DZGpRv5I-00457-00110520-00110647 they're AF7DZGpRv5I-00458-00110648-00110815 dredging up all these things that people AF7DZGpRv5I-00459-00110816-00110951 would rather forget AF7DZGpRv5I-00460-00110952-00111199 so they have to face all these things AF7DZGpRv5I-00461-00111200-00111327 around them AF7DZGpRv5I-00462-00111328-00111663 including things about each other AF7DZGpRv5I-00463-00111664-00112007 that come up and so this is an original AF7DZGpRv5I-00464-00112008-00112110 novel AF7DZGpRv5I-00465-00112111-00112431 and um this AF7DZGpRv5I-00466-00112432-00112719 if you like speculative fiction this is AF7DZGpRv5I-00467-00112720-00112934 like a historical and cultural AF7DZGpRv5I-00468-00112935-00113254 threading into that about what would AF7DZGpRv5I-00469-00113255-00113423 happen to the conductors of the AF7DZGpRv5I-00470-00113424-00113575 underground railroad like after like AF7DZGpRv5I-00471-00113576-00113695 what do they transition AF7DZGpRv5I-00472-00113696-00113919 themselves into but it's also more than AF7DZGpRv5I-00473-00113920-00113999 that about AF7DZGpRv5I-00474-00114000-00114334 having a life after um AF7DZGpRv5I-00475-00114335-00114678 a big historical event happens or AF7DZGpRv5I-00476-00114679-00114863 something happens in your life big AF7DZGpRv5I-00477-00114864-00115007 transitions and changes AF7DZGpRv5I-00478-00115008-00115310 from being that type of person a savior AF7DZGpRv5I-00479-00115311-00115399 of people AF7DZGpRv5I-00480-00115400-00115663 or a champion and like what do you do on AF7DZGpRv5I-00481-00115664-00115751 your AF7DZGpRv5I-00482-00115752-00116063 spare time type thing um apparently AF7DZGpRv5I-00483-00116064-00116231 solve murder mysteries or AF7DZGpRv5I-00484-00116232-00116551 mysteries period but this is um a AF7DZGpRv5I-00485-00116552-00116863 debut novel that's coming out um AF7DZGpRv5I-00486-00116864-00117215 the song book of benny lemon so AF7DZGpRv5I-00487-00117216-00117502 this is a love story about two people AF7DZGpRv5I-00488-00117503-00117695 who do everything in their power like to AF7DZGpRv5I-00489-00117696-00117854 be together and this AF7DZGpRv5I-00490-00117855-00118175 um is set in new york in the 60s AF7DZGpRv5I-00491-00118176-00118495 and so there's like the mafia involved AF7DZGpRv5I-00492-00118496-00118847 and like um all these types of things AF7DZGpRv5I-00493-00118848-00118990 that are happening AF7DZGpRv5I-00494-00118991-00119383 so um there's all these issues that come AF7DZGpRv5I-00495-00119383-00119519 up about race and AF7DZGpRv5I-00496-00119520-00119847 scrutiny of like what the mob AF7DZGpRv5I-00497-00119848-00120175 means or is in this country and like AF7DZGpRv5I-00498-00120176-00120431 benny and esther are like trying to make AF7DZGpRv5I-00499-00120432-00120623 music together and do all of these AF7DZGpRv5I-00500-00120624-00120686 things AF7DZGpRv5I-00501-00120688-00120934 and like even though people may not be AF7DZGpRv5I-00502-00120935-00121190 ready for the two of them AF7DZGpRv5I-00503-00121191-00121566 they are trying to do things on and off AF7DZGpRv5I-00504-00121567-00121766 stage that matter to them AF7DZGpRv5I-00505-00121767-00121990 and for each other and a lot of people AF7DZGpRv5I-00506-00121991-00122134 have had to deal with those types of AF7DZGpRv5I-00507-00122135-00122327 things but this is AF7DZGpRv5I-00508-00122328-00122502 another story about those types of AF7DZGpRv5I-00509-00122503-00122639 things um AF7DZGpRv5I-00510-00122640-00122966 sorrow land is kind of like a fantasy AF7DZGpRv5I-00511-00122967-00123439 um contemporary type AF7DZGpRv5I-00512-00123440-00123775 fiction so vern is like seven months AF7DZGpRv5I-00513-00123776-00123847 pregnant AF7DZGpRv5I-00514-00123848-00124063 and she has to escape this strict AF7DZGpRv5I-00515-00124064-00124343 religious compound and she has her twins AF7DZGpRv5I-00516-00124344-00124599 and she's in this forest and she's AF7DZGpRv5I-00517-00124600-00124766 trying to fight this community this AF7DZGpRv5I-00518-00124767-00124966 religious community wants her to go back AF7DZGpRv5I-00519-00124967-00125214 but she also has to fight all of these AF7DZGpRv5I-00520-00125215-00125399 changes that are happening AF7DZGpRv5I-00521-00125400-00125799 and um to try to protect her family AF7DZGpRv5I-00522-00125800-00126143 um she has to face her past but also AF7DZGpRv5I-00523-00126144-00126414 um her future and all these things that AF7DZGpRv5I-00524-00126415-00126566 she's going to try to do and she tries AF7DZGpRv5I-00525-00126567-00126719 to find the truth AF7DZGpRv5I-00526-00126720-00127071 um of uncovering secrets of AF7DZGpRv5I-00527-00127072-00127239 why she fled and all these different AF7DZGpRv5I-00528-00127240-00127439 things but it's coupled with like the AF7DZGpRv5I-00529-00127440-00127710 history of america and how monsters AF7DZGpRv5I-00530-00127711-00127831 aren't just people AF7DZGpRv5I-00531-00127832-00128127 but can be nations of people and so it's AF7DZGpRv5I-00532-00128128-00128207 like this AF7DZGpRv5I-00533-00128208-00128590 seminal book that um marks the arrival AF7DZGpRv5I-00534-00128591-00128766 of like AF7DZGpRv5I-00535-00128767-00128983 a new voice in america but also what AF7DZGpRv5I-00536-00128983-00129151 america means AF7DZGpRv5I-00537-00129152-00129383 on all levels like the the good and the AF7DZGpRv5I-00538-00129383-00129486 bad but AF7DZGpRv5I-00539-00129488-00129775 it tells it in a magical realist type of AF7DZGpRv5I-00540-00129776-00129863 way AF7DZGpRv5I-00541-00129864-00130175 and that comes out may 4th AF7DZGpRv5I-00542-00130176-00130478 um dead dead girls is a debut um AF7DZGpRv5I-00543-00130479-00130831 novel from nakisa and so it's about the AF7DZGpRv5I-00544-00130832-00130958 harlem renaissance AF7DZGpRv5I-00545-00130959-00131078 and all these mysteries that are AF7DZGpRv5I-00546-00131079-00131271 involved in that and so AF7DZGpRv5I-00547-00131272-00131719 um basically AF7DZGpRv5I-00548-00131720-00132063 um louise works in this cafe and they AF7DZGpRv5I-00549-00132064-00132159 speak easy AF7DZGpRv5I-00550-00132160-00132575 in harlem and so AF7DZGpRv5I-00551-00132576-00132895 she has all of these friends AF7DZGpRv5I-00552-00132896-00133223 and she was almost um well she AF7DZGpRv5I-00553-00133224-00133343 wasn't almost she survived this AF7DZGpRv5I-00554-00133344-00133535 kidnapping when she was young AF7DZGpRv5I-00555-00133536-00133735 and she does everything to like just AF7DZGpRv5I-00556-00133736-00133863 kind of forget it and going with her AF7DZGpRv5I-00557-00133864-00133927 life AF7DZGpRv5I-00558-00133928-00134159 and just maintain like a good life but AF7DZGpRv5I-00559-00134160-00134278 people are like AF7DZGpRv5I-00560-00134279-00134535 telling her like you gotta like deal AF7DZGpRv5I-00561-00134536-00134719 with your past like maybe you want to do AF7DZGpRv5I-00562-00134720-00134751 that AF7DZGpRv5I-00563-00134752-00134966 and she kind of ignores all of that AF7DZGpRv5I-00564-00134967-00135135 until AF7DZGpRv5I-00565-00135136-00135447 like some this girl turns up dead AF7DZGpRv5I-00566-00135448-00135631 in front of the cafe where she works and AF7DZGpRv5I-00567-00135632-00135766 she's forced AF7DZGpRv5I-00568-00135767-00135943 to confront things she's been trying to AF7DZGpRv5I-00569-00135944-00136190 ignore and so when two more girls get AF7DZGpRv5I-00570-00136191-00136263 murdered AF7DZGpRv5I-00571-00136264-00136831 in the past a week like AF7DZGpRv5I-00572-00136832-00137159 she just kind of i wouldn't say ignored AF7DZGpRv5I-00573-00137160-00137359 it that's not a a good word AF7DZGpRv5I-00574-00137360-00137735 but she just like nothing to do with me AF7DZGpRv5I-00575-00137736-00137927 so when she gets an altercation with the AF7DZGpRv5I-00576-00137928-00138095 police she kind of has to AF7DZGpRv5I-00577-00138096-00138311 either help them solve it they're asking AF7DZGpRv5I-00578-00138312-00138447 for her help AF7DZGpRv5I-00579-00138448-00138623 because of the situation that she was in AF7DZGpRv5I-00580-00138624-00138759 when she was a teen AF7DZGpRv5I-00581-00138760-00139087 or she can just basically go to jail so AF7DZGpRv5I-00582-00139088-00139351 she doesn't have a choice of course she AF7DZGpRv5I-00583-00139352-00139535 decides not to AF7DZGpRv5I-00584-00139536-00139863 stay in jail and then she comes like AF7DZGpRv5I-00585-00139864-00140031 face to face with like AF7DZGpRv5I-00586-00140032-00140327 basically the serial killer who is not AF7DZGpRv5I-00587-00140328-00140471 going to stop AF7DZGpRv5I-00588-00140472-00140775 and how is she going to stop them so AF7DZGpRv5I-00589-00140776-00140895 this is the first in AF7DZGpRv5I-00590-00140896-00141319 that upcoming series island queen AF7DZGpRv5I-00591-00141320-00141559 is a historical novel based on the real AF7DZGpRv5I-00592-00141560-00141702 life of dorothy AF7DZGpRv5I-00593-00141703-00141951 karen thomas who was a free woman of AF7DZGpRv5I-00594-00141952-00142071 color AF7DZGpRv5I-00595-00142072-00142335 that rose from slavery to become one of AF7DZGpRv5I-00596-00142336-00142511 the wealthiest landowners AF7DZGpRv5I-00597-00142512-00142847 in the west indies and AF7DZGpRv5I-00598-00142848-00143183 so this is about like how she bought her AF7DZGpRv5I-00599-00143184-00143239 freedom AF7DZGpRv5I-00600-00143240-00143399 and like a fictionalized account of that AF7DZGpRv5I-00601-00143400-00143551 how she bought her freedom AF7DZGpRv5I-00602-00143552-00143983 um and AF7DZGpRv5I-00603-00143984-00144223 those types of things like the the her AF7DZGpRv5I-00604-00144224-00144295 life AF7DZGpRv5I-00605-00144296-00144495 basically and the realities of slavery AF7DZGpRv5I-00606-00144496-00144639 and colonialism AF7DZGpRv5I-00607-00144640-00144902 and working within the system to try to AF7DZGpRv5I-00608-00144903-00144990 make things AF7DZGpRv5I-00609-00144991-00145223 in the system that you're working within AF7DZGpRv5I-00610-00145224-00145366 is part of the reason AF7DZGpRv5I-00611-00145367-00145590 why you're a slave and all these things AF7DZGpRv5I-00612-00145591-00145687 that like AF7DZGpRv5I-00613-00145688-00146054 um can come up from that and so it's AF7DZGpRv5I-00614-00146055-00146159 also about like AF7DZGpRv5I-00615-00146160-00146495 women of color as well and like AF7DZGpRv5I-00616-00146496-00146726 the oppression that they have to deal AF7DZGpRv5I-00617-00146727-00146951 with in order to be successful and like AF7DZGpRv5I-00618-00146952-00147078 overcoming that AF7DZGpRv5I-00619-00147079-00147326 and so um she was a larger than life AF7DZGpRv5I-00620-00147327-00147407 woman AF7DZGpRv5I-00621-00147408-00147702 who made history in the caribbean and so AF7DZGpRv5I-00622-00147703-00147735 this AF7DZGpRv5I-00623-00147736-00148007 is just like this historical novel is AF7DZGpRv5I-00624-00148008-00148071 based on AF7DZGpRv5I-00625-00148072-00148478 basically her life um razor blade tears AF7DZGpRv5I-00626-00148479-00148887 so this is the second um book AF7DZGpRv5I-00627-00148888-00149351 that say kobe wrote about um so AF7DZGpRv5I-00628-00149352-00149599 this is about two fathers and two AF7DZGpRv5I-00629-00149600-00149895 murdered sons and vengeance AF7DZGpRv5I-00630-00149896-00150231 and what does that mean AF7DZGpRv5I-00631-00150232-00150614 and when AF7DZGpRv5I-00632-00150615-00150983 you seek vengeance like AF7DZGpRv5I-00633-00150984-00151278 could there be not just justice but like AF7DZGpRv5I-00634-00151279-00151423 even redemption AF7DZGpRv5I-00635-00151424-00151687 from your past wrongs or your sins or in AF7DZGpRv5I-00636-00151688-00151831 justifying the means AF7DZGpRv5I-00637-00151832-00152095 there's all that wrapped up in all of AF7DZGpRv5I-00638-00152096-00152159 this AF7DZGpRv5I-00639-00152160-00152439 and so this is what razor blade tears is AF7DZGpRv5I-00640-00152440-00152654 about AF7DZGpRv5I-00641-00152655-00153007 um in every mirror she's black this is a AF7DZGpRv5I-00642-00153008-00153119 novel by AF7DZGpRv5I-00643-00153120-00153639 a um well she's actually like a black AF7DZGpRv5I-00644-00153640-00153951 swedish woman and AF7DZGpRv5I-00645-00153952-00154207 she also writes this story about like AF7DZGpRv5I-00646-00154208-00154335 these three women AF7DZGpRv5I-00647-00154336-00154519 and what it means to be black women in AF7DZGpRv5I-00648-00154520-00154647 the world period AF7DZGpRv5I-00649-00154648-00154895 no matter where you are and so like AF7DZGpRv5I-00650-00154896-00155047 these black women AF7DZGpRv5I-00651-00155048-00155483 are linked to like the same white men in AF7DZGpRv5I-00652-00155484-00155647 stockholm AF7DZGpRv5I-00653-00155648-00156054 sweden and like AF7DZGpRv5I-00654-00156055-00156343 the layers of like all these things that AF7DZGpRv5I-00655-00156344-00156647 it not only means to be a black woman AF7DZGpRv5I-00656-00156648-00157007 like well what it means to be a black AF7DZGpRv5I-00657-00157008-00157111 woman anywhere AF7DZGpRv5I-00658-00157112-00157295 and the layers and the nuances of that AF7DZGpRv5I-00659-00157296-00157543 and how you're portrayed AF7DZGpRv5I-00660-00157544-00157878 um as such and so it's told through AF7DZGpRv5I-00661-00157879-00158071 these three women's perspectives AF7DZGpRv5I-00662-00158072-00158383 and so it's very fast-paced and AF7DZGpRv5I-00663-00158384-00158614 it's also a contemporary fiction and it AF7DZGpRv5I-00664-00158615-00158735 touches on AF7DZGpRv5I-00665-00158736-00159119 important social issues uh fetishization AF7DZGpRv5I-00666-00159120-00159463 racism classism tokenism and what it AF7DZGpRv5I-00667-00159464-00159526 means AF7DZGpRv5I-00668-00159527-00159726 when you're black women navigating white AF7DZGpRv5I-00669-00159727-00159926 dominated like society AF7DZGpRv5I-00670-00159927-00160190 um and it's a conversation that needs to AF7DZGpRv5I-00671-00160191-00160271 be had AF7DZGpRv5I-00672-00160272-00160599 will be had um so this is by like i said AF7DZGpRv5I-00673-00160600-00160766 a nigerian born AF7DZGpRv5I-00674-00160767-00161054 but she is a swedish citizen now and AF7DZGpRv5I-00675-00161055-00161263 speaker and a photographer AF7DZGpRv5I-00676-00161264-00161743 um and this is her first novel AF7DZGpRv5I-00677-00161744-00161943 we love to hear from you of course this AF7DZGpRv5I-00678-00161944-00162159 is my contact information um send me AF7DZGpRv5I-00679-00162160-00162326 emails about like books you're AF7DZGpRv5I-00680-00162327-00162439 interested in AF7DZGpRv5I-00681-00162440-00162631 um things that i may have not covered AF7DZGpRv5I-00682-00162632-00162807 here that you would really like AF7DZGpRv5I-00683-00162808-00163031 um always looking forward to feedback or AF7DZGpRv5I-00684-00163032-00163135 new discoveries AF7DZGpRv5I-00685-00163136-00163487 um for myself to find and so AF7DZGpRv5I-00686-00163488-00163743 please don't hesitate to contact us and AF7DZGpRv5I-00687-00163744-00163863 see if the next book was AF7DZGpRv5I-00688-00163864-00164054 bye oh hey i'm going to be sharing some AF7DZGpRv5I-00689-00164055-00164231 new nonfiction with you as well as some AF7DZGpRv5I-00690-00164232-00164366 books that are coming out in the next AF7DZGpRv5I-00691-00164367-00164471 few months AF7DZGpRv5I-00692-00164472-00164631 we're going to start with black futures AF7DZGpRv5I-00693-00164632-00164783 edited by kimberly drew AF7DZGpRv5I-00694-00164784-00164935 and jenna wortham this came out in AF7DZGpRv5I-00695-00164936-00165102 december AF7DZGpRv5I-00696-00165103-00165254 kimberly drew and jenna wortham have AF7DZGpRv5I-00697-00165255-00165431 brought together this collection of work AF7DZGpRv5I-00698-00165432-00165678 images photos essays memes dialogues AF7DZGpRv5I-00699-00165679-00165902 recipes tweets poetry and more AF7DZGpRv5I-00700-00165903-00166038 to tell the story of the radical AF7DZGpRv5I-00701-00166039-00166223 imaginative provocative and gorgeous AF7DZGpRv5I-00702-00166224-00166287 world AF7DZGpRv5I-00703-00166288-00166447 that black creators are bringing forth AF7DZGpRv5I-00704-00166448-00166663 today in answering the question of what AF7DZGpRv5I-00705-00166664-00166799 it means to be black and alive black AF7DZGpRv5I-00706-00166800-00166990 futures opens a prismatic vision of AF7DZGpRv5I-00707-00166991-00167511 possibility for every reader AF7DZGpRv5I-00708-00167512-00167678 next we have i came as a shadow and AF7DZGpRv5I-00709-00167679-00167951 autobiography by john thompson AF7DZGpRv5I-00710-00167952-00168078 john thompson was never just a AF7DZGpRv5I-00711-00168079-00168302 basketball coach and i came as a shadow AF7DZGpRv5I-00712-00168303-00168511 is categorically not just a basketball AF7DZGpRv5I-00713-00168512-00168663 autobiography AF7DZGpRv5I-00714-00168664-00168807 after three decades at the center of AF7DZGpRv5I-00715-00168808-00168983 race and sports in america the first AF7DZGpRv5I-00716-00168984-00169111 black head coach to win an AF7DZGpRv5I-00717-00169112-00169351 ncaa championship makes the private AF7DZGpRv5I-00718-00169352-00169495 public at last AF7DZGpRv5I-00719-00169496-00169631 chopped full of stories and moving AF7DZGpRv5I-00720-00169632-00169847 beyond mere stats thompson's book drives AF7DZGpRv5I-00721-00169848-00169951 us through his childhood AF7DZGpRv5I-00722-00169952-00170159 under jim crow segregation to our AF7DZGpRv5I-00723-00170160-00170407 current moment of racial reckoning AF7DZGpRv5I-00724-00170408-00170583 this is a great american story and john AF7DZGpRv5I-00725-00170584-00170766 thompson's experience sheds light on AF7DZGpRv5I-00726-00170767-00170999 many of the issues roiling our nation AF7DZGpRv5I-00727-00171000-00171238 in these pages a last gift from coach he AF7DZGpRv5I-00728-00171239-00171407 proves himself to be the elder statesman AF7DZGpRv5I-00729-00171408-00171535 whose final words AF7DZGpRv5I-00730-00171536-00171702 college basketball and the country need AF7DZGpRv5I-00731-00171703-00171926 to hear i came as a shadow is not a AF7DZGpRv5I-00732-00171927-00172126 swansfong but a bullhorn blast from one AF7DZGpRv5I-00733-00172127-00172326 of america's most prominent sons AF7DZGpRv5I-00734-00172327-00172775 huddle up AF7DZGpRv5I-00735-00172776-00173038 and next we have black first the jessie AF7DZGpRv5I-00736-00173039-00173254 carney smith AF7DZGpRv5I-00737-00173255-00173414 revelin rejoiced in the renowned and AF7DZGpRv5I-00738-00173415-00173590 lesser known barrier-breaking trail AF7DZGpRv5I-00739-00173591-00173743 blazers in all fields AF7DZGpRv5I-00740-00173744-00173983 arts entertainment business civil rights AF7DZGpRv5I-00741-00173984-00174054 education AF7DZGpRv5I-00742-00174055-00174335 government invention journalism religion AF7DZGpRv5I-00743-00174336-00174399 science AF7DZGpRv5I-00744-00174400-00174654 sports music and more learn about the AF7DZGpRv5I-00745-00174655-00174871 first african-american olympian AF7DZGpRv5I-00746-00174872-00175047 the first black pilot for a scheduled AF7DZGpRv5I-00747-00175048-00175254 commercial airline the first recorded AF7DZGpRv5I-00748-00175255-00175463 slave revolt in north america AF7DZGpRv5I-00749-00175464-00175623 the first african-american cookbook AF7DZGpRv5I-00750-00175624-00175799 writer and many many more AF7DZGpRv5I-00751-00175800-00175975 expanded updated and revised for the AF7DZGpRv5I-00752-00175976-00176166 first time in over eight years AF7DZGpRv5I-00753-00176167-00176383 black first collects more than 500 all AF7DZGpRv5I-00754-00176384-00176535 new achievements and previously AF7DZGpRv5I-00755-00176536-00176671 unearthed firsts AF7DZGpRv5I-00756-00176672-00176814 this massive tone proves that AF7DZGpRv5I-00757-00176815-00176975 african-american accomplishments are AF7DZGpRv5I-00758-00176976-00177119 wide-ranging and ongoing AF7DZGpRv5I-00759-00177120-00177278 documenting thousands of personal AF7DZGpRv5I-00760-00177279-00177871 victories and triumphs AF7DZGpRv5I-00761-00177872-00178047 next we have baseball's leading lady AF7DZGpRv5I-00762-00178048-00178247 effa manly and the rise and fall of the AF7DZGpRv5I-00763-00178248-00178495 negro leagues by andrea williams AF7DZGpRv5I-00764-00178496-00178678 before jackie robinson broke major AF7DZGpRv5I-00765-00178679-00178983 league baseball's color barrier in 1947 AF7DZGpRv5I-00766-00178984-00179143 black athletes played in the negro AF7DZGpRv5I-00767-00179144-00179319 leagues on teams coached by black AF7DZGpRv5I-00768-00179320-00179511 managers cheered on by black fans and AF7DZGpRv5I-00769-00179512-00179726 often run by black owners AF7DZGpRv5I-00770-00179727-00179871 here's a riveting true story of the AF7DZGpRv5I-00771-00179872-00180007 woman at the center of the black AF7DZGpRv5I-00772-00180008-00180207 baseball world effa manly AF7DZGpRv5I-00773-00180208-00180359 co-owner and business manager of the AF7DZGpRv5I-00774-00180360-00180614 newark eagles elegant yet gutsy she AF7DZGpRv5I-00775-00180615-00180823 cultivated a powerhouse team AF7DZGpRv5I-00776-00180824-00180975 yet just as her eagles reached their AF7DZGpRv5I-00777-00180976-00181207 pinnacle so did calls to integrate AF7DZGpRv5I-00778-00181208-00181263 baseball AF7DZGpRv5I-00779-00181264-00181414 a move that would all but extinguish the AF7DZGpRv5I-00780-00181415-00181678 negro leagues on and off the field effa AF7DZGpRv5I-00781-00181679-00181799 hated to lose AF7DZGpRv5I-00782-00181800-00181951 she had devoted her life to black AF7DZGpRv5I-00783-00181952-00182151 empowerment but in the battle for black AF7DZGpRv5I-00784-00182152-00182223 baseball AF7DZGpRv5I-00785-00182224-00182471 was the game rigged against her andrea AF7DZGpRv5I-00786-00182472-00182647 williams's baseball's leading lady is AF7DZGpRv5I-00787-00182648-00182838 the powerful true story of effa manly AF7DZGpRv5I-00788-00182839-00183031 the first and only woman inducted into AF7DZGpRv5I-00789-00183032-00183759 the national baseball hall of fame AF7DZGpRv5I-00790-00183760-00184063 next we have aftershocks a memoir young AF7DZGpRv5I-00791-00184064-00184311 nadia aluzu followed her father AF7DZGpRv5I-00792-00184312-00184526 a united nations official from europe to AF7DZGpRv5I-00793-00184527-00184663 africa and back again AF7DZGpRv5I-00794-00184664-00184831 just as she and her family settled into AF7DZGpRv5I-00795-00184832-00185014 a new home her father would tell them it AF7DZGpRv5I-00796-00185015-00185183 was time to say their goodbyes AF7DZGpRv5I-00797-00185184-00185351 the instability wrought by nadia's AF7DZGpRv5I-00798-00185352-00185559 nomadic childhood was deepened by family AF7DZGpRv5I-00799-00185560-00185695 secrets and fractures AF7DZGpRv5I-00800-00185696-00185950 both lived and inherited her armanian AF7DZGpRv5I-00801-00185951-00186126 american mother who abandoned nadia when AF7DZGpRv5I-00802-00186127-00186207 she was two AF7DZGpRv5I-00803-00186208-00186383 would periodically reappear only to AF7DZGpRv5I-00804-00186384-00186519 vanish again AF7DZGpRv5I-00805-00186520-00186726 her father aganian the great hero of her AF7DZGpRv5I-00806-00186727-00186943 life died when she was 13. AF7DZGpRv5I-00807-00186944-00187111 after his passing nadia's stepmother AF7DZGpRv5I-00808-00187112-00187278 weighed her down with a revelation that AF7DZGpRv5I-00809-00187279-00187495 was either a bombshell secret or a lie AF7DZGpRv5I-00810-00187496-00187750 rife with shaming innuendo with these AF7DZGpRv5I-00811-00187751-00187919 and other ruptures nadia arrived in new AF7DZGpRv5I-00812-00187920-00188150 york city as a young woman fleeing AF7DZGpRv5I-00813-00188151-00188366 feeling stateless motherless and AF7DZGpRv5I-00814-00188367-00188543 uncertain about her future yet eager to AF7DZGpRv5I-00815-00188544-00188735 find her own identity AF7DZGpRv5I-00816-00188736-00188919 well followed however were periods of AF7DZGpRv5I-00817-00188920-00189047 depression in which she struggled to AF7DZGpRv5I-00818-00189048-00189359 hold herself and her siblings together AF7DZGpRv5I-00819-00189360-00189566 aftershocks is the way she holds herself AF7DZGpRv5I-00820-00189567-00189687 from the wreckage of her life's AF7DZGpRv5I-00821-00189688-00189831 perpetual quaking AF7DZGpRv5I-00822-00189832-00189999 it means by which she's finally come to AF7DZGpRv5I-00823-00190000-00190183 understand that the only ground firm AF7DZGpRv5I-00824-00190184-00190350 enough to count on is the one written AF7DZGpRv5I-00825-00190351-00190911 into existence by her own hand AF7DZGpRv5I-00826-00190912-00191119 and next we have just as i am by cicely AF7DZGpRv5I-00827-00191120-00191271 tyson AF7DZGpRv5I-00828-00191272-00191431 this was released just days before AF7DZGpRv5I-00829-00191432-00191623 cicely tyson passed away AF7DZGpRv5I-00830-00191624-00191783 she was a pioneering actor who gained an AF7DZGpRv5I-00831-00191784-00191975 oscar nomination for her role as the AF7DZGpRv5I-00832-00191976-00192166 sharecropper's wife and sounder AF7DZGpRv5I-00833-00192167-00192414 and won a tony award in 2013 at the age AF7DZGpRv5I-00834-00192415-00192607 of 88 for her work in the trip to AF7DZGpRv5I-00835-00192608-00192702 bountiful AF7DZGpRv5I-00836-00192703-00192854 she won two emmys and five more AF7DZGpRv5I-00837-00192855-00193102 nominations including one just last year AF7DZGpRv5I-00838-00193103-00193287 for playing the mother of viola davis AF7DZGpRv5I-00839-00193288-00193431 character in the abc AF7DZGpRv5I-00840-00193432-00193695 drama how to get away with murder AF7DZGpRv5I-00841-00193696-00193895 instead of the typical synopsis of AF7DZGpRv5I-00842-00193896-00194078 radio description in the author's own AF7DZGpRv5I-00843-00194079-00194238 words AF7DZGpRv5I-00844-00194239-00194495 just as i am is my truth it is me plain AF7DZGpRv5I-00845-00194496-00194607 and unvarnished AF7DZGpRv5I-00846-00194608-00194807 with the glitter and garland set aside AF7DZGpRv5I-00847-00194808-00195054 in these pages i am indeed sicily AF7DZGpRv5I-00848-00195055-00195199 the actress who has been blessed to AF7DZGpRv5I-00849-00195200-00195383 grace the stage and screen for six AF7DZGpRv5I-00850-00195384-00195495 decades AF7DZGpRv5I-00851-00195496-00195671 yet i am also the church girl who once AF7DZGpRv5I-00852-00195672-00195814 rarely spoke a word AF7DZGpRv5I-00853-00195815-00195990 i am the teenager who sought solace in AF7DZGpRv5I-00854-00195991-00196150 the verses of the old hymn for which AF7DZGpRv5I-00855-00196151-00196295 this book is named AF7DZGpRv5I-00856-00196296-00196478 i am a daughter and a mother a sister AF7DZGpRv5I-00857-00196479-00196647 and a friend i am AF7DZGpRv5I-00858-00196648-00196863 an observer of human nature and the AF7DZGpRv5I-00859-00196864-00197047 dreamer of audacious dreams AF7DZGpRv5I-00860-00197048-00197383 i am a woman who is hurt as immeasurably AF7DZGpRv5I-00861-00197384-00197519 as i have loved AF7DZGpRv5I-00862-00197520-00197711 the child of god divinely guided by his AF7DZGpRv5I-00863-00197712-00197943 hand and here in my ninth decade i am a AF7DZGpRv5I-00864-00197944-00198126 woman who at long last has something AF7DZGpRv5I-00865-00198127-00198663 meaningful to say AF7DZGpRv5I-00866-00198664-00198887 next we have the devil you know a black AF7DZGpRv5I-00867-00198888-00199023 power manifesto by AF7DZGpRv5I-00868-00199024-00199383 charles m blow acclaimed columnist and AF7DZGpRv5I-00869-00199384-00199535 author charles blow never wanted to AF7DZGpRv5I-00870-00199536-00199663 write a race book AF7DZGpRv5I-00871-00199664-00199838 but his violence against black people AF7DZGpRv5I-00872-00199839-00200007 both physical and psychological AF7DZGpRv5I-00873-00200008-00200214 seemed only to increase in recent years AF7DZGpRv5I-00874-00200215-00200399 culminating in the historic pandemic and AF7DZGpRv5I-00875-00200400-00200631 protests of the summer of 2020 AF7DZGpRv5I-00876-00200632-00200783 he felt compelled to write a news story AF7DZGpRv5I-00877-00200784-00200966 for black americans AF7DZGpRv5I-00878-00200967-00201135 he envisioned a succinct AF7DZGpRv5I-00879-00201136-00201287 counterintuitive and impassioned AF7DZGpRv5I-00880-00201288-00201463 corrective to the myth that if far too AF7DZGpRv5I-00881-00201464-00201614 long governed our thinking about race AF7DZGpRv5I-00882-00201615-00201814 and geography in america AF7DZGpRv5I-00883-00201815-00201983 drawing on both political observations AF7DZGpRv5I-00884-00201984-00202199 and personal experience as a black son AF7DZGpRv5I-00885-00202200-00202295 of the south AF7DZGpRv5I-00886-00202296-00202478 charles sets out to offer a call to AF7DZGpRv5I-00887-00202479-00202654 action by which black people can finally AF7DZGpRv5I-00888-00202655-00202783 achieve equality AF7DZGpRv5I-00889-00202784-00203295 on their own terms AF7DZGpRv5I-00890-00203296-00203495 next we have the three mothers how the AF7DZGpRv5I-00891-00203496-00203687 mothers of martin luther king malcolm x AF7DZGpRv5I-00892-00203688-00203935 and james baldwin shaped the nation by AF7DZGpRv5I-00893-00203936-00204183 anna malayka tubbs AF7DZGpRv5I-00894-00204184-00204399 burtis baldwin alberta king and louise AF7DZGpRv5I-00895-00204400-00204575 little were all born at the beginning of AF7DZGpRv5I-00896-00204576-00204687 the 20th century AF7DZGpRv5I-00897-00204688-00204799 and forced to contend with the AF7DZGpRv5I-00898-00204800-00205079 prejudices of jim crow as black women AF7DZGpRv5I-00899-00205080-00205231 these three extraordinary women passed AF7DZGpRv5I-00900-00205232-00205366 their knowledge to their children with AF7DZGpRv5I-00901-00205367-00205542 the hope of helping them to survive in a AF7DZGpRv5I-00902-00205544-00205719 society that would deny their humanity AF7DZGpRv5I-00903-00205719-00205886 from the very beginning AF7DZGpRv5I-00904-00205887-00206038 from louise teaching her children about AF7DZGpRv5I-00905-00206039-00206223 their activist roots to burtis AF7DZGpRv5I-00906-00206223-00206390 encouraging james to express himself AF7DZGpRv5I-00907-00206391-00206471 through writing AF7DZGpRv5I-00908-00206471-00206662 to alberta basing all of her lessons in AF7DZGpRv5I-00909-00206663-00206838 faith and social justice AF7DZGpRv5I-00910-00206839-00206958 these women use their strength and AF7DZGpRv5I-00911-00206959-00207127 motherhood to push their children toward AF7DZGpRv5I-00912-00207128-00207206 greatness AF7DZGpRv5I-00913-00207207-00207366 all with the conviction that every human AF7DZGpRv5I-00914-00207367-00207551 being deserves dignity and respect AF7DZGpRv5I-00915-00207552-00207734 despite the rampant discrimination they AF7DZGpRv5I-00916-00207735-00207862 faced AF7DZGpRv5I-00917-00207863-00208031 these women their similarities and AF7DZGpRv5I-00918-00208032-00208255 differences as individuals and as AF7DZGpRv5I-00919-00208256-00208423 mothers represent a piece of history AF7DZGpRv5I-00920-00208423-00208623 left untold and a celebration of black AF7DZGpRv5I-00921-00208623-00209327 motherhood long overdue AF7DZGpRv5I-00922-00209328-00209542 next we have floating in a most peculiar AF7DZGpRv5I-00923-00209544-00209734 way a memoir AF7DZGpRv5I-00924-00209735-00210103 by louis churusoki the first time AF7DZGpRv5I-00925-00210104-00210310 the author realizes that he is the first AF7DZGpRv5I-00926-00210311-00210479 son of the first son AF7DZGpRv5I-00927-00210480-00210655 of a renowned religious leader of the AF7DZGpRv5I-00928-00210656-00210910 bygone african nation of biafra is an AF7DZGpRv5I-00929-00210911-00211071 uncle daddy in big auntie's strict AF7DZGpRv5I-00930-00211071-00211279 religious household in jamaica AF7DZGpRv5I-00931-00211280-00211455 where he lives with his other with other AF7DZGpRv5I-00932-00211456-00211598 abandoned children AF7DZGpRv5I-00933-00211600-00211775 a visiting african has just fallen to AF7DZGpRv5I-00934-00211776-00211958 his knees to shake him by the shoulders AF7DZGpRv5I-00935-00211959-00212294 and says is this the boy is this him AF7DZGpRv5I-00936-00212296-00212575 true sokki's emerging immersion in the AF7DZGpRv5I-00937-00212576-00212775 politics of race and belonging across AF7DZGpRv5I-00938-00212776-00212958 the landscape of the african diaspora AF7DZGpRv5I-00939-00212959-00213039 takes a turn AF7DZGpRv5I-00940-00213040-00213255 when his traumatized mother who has her AF7DZGpRv5I-00941-00213256-00213391 own extraordinary history AF7DZGpRv5I-00942-00213392-00213742 as the one time jackie o of biafra AF7DZGpRv5I-00943-00213744-00213910 finally sends for him to come live with AF7DZGpRv5I-00944-00213911-00214198 her in englewood los angeles on the eve AF7DZGpRv5I-00945-00214200-00214406 of gangster rap and the la riots AF7DZGpRv5I-00946-00214407-00214639 it's as if he's fallen to earth in this AF7DZGpRv5I-00947-00214640-00214846 world anything alien AF7DZGpRv5I-00948-00214848-00215006 definitely his secret obsession with AF7DZGpRv5I-00949-00215007-00215206 science fiction and david bowie is in AF7DZGpRv5I-00950-00215207-00215263 danger AF7DZGpRv5I-00951-00215264-00215423 and his yearning to become a black AF7DZGpRv5I-00952-00215423-00215682 american gets deeply sometimes absurdly AF7DZGpRv5I-00953-00215683-00215879 complicated ultimately it is a AF7DZGpRv5I-00954-00215880-00216055 boisterous pan-african family of AF7DZGpRv5I-00955-00216056-00216151 honorary aunts AF7DZGpRv5I-00956-00216152-00216391 uncles and cousins becomes his secret AF7DZGpRv5I-00957-00216392-00216494 society AF7DZGpRv5I-00958-00216496-00216655 teaching him the redemptive skill of AF7DZGpRv5I-00959-00216656-00216815 navigating not just blackness AF7DZGpRv5I-00960-00216816-00217606 but blackness says in his america AF7DZGpRv5I-00961-00217607-00217879 for 400 souls a community history of AF7DZGpRv5I-00962-00217880-00217982 african america AF7DZGpRv5I-00963-00217983-00218358 1619 to 2019 edited by ibrahim x kindy AF7DZGpRv5I-00964-00218359-00218551 and keisha and blaine AF7DZGpRv5I-00965-00218552-00218823 the story begins in 1619 a year before AF7DZGpRv5I-00966-00218823-00218967 the mayflower AF7DZGpRv5I-00967-00218967-00219246 when the white lion disgorges quote some AF7DZGpRv5I-00968-00219248-00219446 20 and oddny grows unquote onto the AF7DZGpRv5I-00969-00219448-00219567 shores of virginia AF7DZGpRv5I-00970-00219567-00219734 inaugurating the african presence in AF7DZGpRv5I-00971-00219735-00220006 what would become the united states it AF7DZGpRv5I-00972-00220007-00220151 takes us to the present when african AF7DZGpRv5I-00973-00220152-00220303 americans descendants of those on the AF7DZGpRv5I-00974-00220304-00220471 white lion and a thousand other roots to AF7DZGpRv5I-00975-00220471-00220575 this country AF7DZGpRv5I-00976-00220576-00220758 continue a journey defined by inhuman AF7DZGpRv5I-00977-00220759-00220934 oppression visionary struggles AF7DZGpRv5I-00978-00220935-00221094 stunning achievements and millions of AF7DZGpRv5I-00979-00221096-00221239 ordinary lives passing through AF7DZGpRv5I-00980-00221240-00221463 extraordinary history AF7DZGpRv5I-00981-00221464-00221655 400 souls is a unique one-volume AF7DZGpRv5I-00982-00221656-00221927 community history of african-americans AF7DZGpRv5I-00983-00221928-00222103 the editors have assembled 90 brilliant AF7DZGpRv5I-00984-00222104-00222271 writers each of whom takes on a AF7DZGpRv5I-00985-00222271-00222527 five-year period of that 400-year span AF7DZGpRv5I-00986-00222528-00222687 the writers explore their periods AF7DZGpRv5I-00987-00222688-00222831 through a variety of techniques AF7DZGpRv5I-00988-00222832-00222998 and they approach history from various AF7DZGpRv5I-00989-00223000-00223142 perspectives AF7DZGpRv5I-00990-00223144-00223294 this collection of diverse pieces AF7DZGpRv5I-00991-00223296-00223527 fundamentally deconstructs the idea that AF7DZGpRv5I-00992-00223528-00223751 africans in america are a monolith AF7DZGpRv5I-00993-00223752-00223919 instead it unlocks the startling range AF7DZGpRv5I-00994-00223919-00224110 of experiences and ideas that have AF7DZGpRv5I-00995-00224111-00224198 always existed AF7DZGpRv5I-00996-00224200-00224446 within the community of blackness this AF7DZGpRv5I-00997-00224448-00224606 is a history that illuminates our past AF7DZGpRv5I-00998-00224607-00224767 and gives us new ways of thinking about AF7DZGpRv5I-00999-00224767-00224855 our future AF7DZGpRv5I-01000-00224856-00225006 written by the most vital and essential AF7DZGpRv5I-01001-00225007-00225671 voices of our present AF7DZGpRv5I-01002-00225671-00225839 next we have crossing the line a AF7DZGpRv5I-01003-00225840-00225998 fearless team of brothers and the sport AF7DZGpRv5I-01004-00226000-00226167 that changed their lives forever by AF7DZGpRv5I-01005-00226167-00226391 kareem rosser AF7DZGpRv5I-01006-00226392-00226558 born and raised in west philadelphia AF7DZGpRv5I-01007-00226559-00226727 kareem thought he and his siblings would AF7DZGpRv5I-01008-00226728-00226879 always be stuck AF7DZGpRv5I-01009-00226880-00227071 in the bottom a community and AF7DZGpRv5I-01010-00227071-00227246 neighborhood devastated by poverty and AF7DZGpRv5I-01011-00227248-00227367 violence AF7DZGpRv5I-01012-00227367-00227510 riding their bicycles through philly's AF7DZGpRv5I-01013-00227511-00227694 fairmount park kareem's brothers AF7DZGpRv5I-01014-00227696-00227967 discover a barn full of horses noticing AF7DZGpRv5I-01015-00227967-00228158 the brothers fascination with her misfit AF7DZGpRv5I-01016-00228159-00228231 animals AF7DZGpRv5I-01017-00228232-00228431 leslie heiner founder of the work to AF7DZGpRv5I-01018-00228432-00228655 ride stables offers them escape AF7DZGpRv5I-01019-00228656-00228815 an after-school job in exchange for AF7DZGpRv5I-01020-00228816-00228967 writing lessons AF7DZGpRv5I-01021-00228967-00229142 what starts as an accidental discovery AF7DZGpRv5I-01022-00229144-00229319 turned into a love for horseback riding AF7DZGpRv5I-01023-00229319-00229487 that leads the rosters to discovering AF7DZGpRv5I-01024-00229488-00229663 their passion for polo AF7DZGpRv5I-01025-00229664-00229823 pursuing the sport with determination AF7DZGpRv5I-01026-00229823-00229991 and discipline kareem earns his place AF7DZGpRv5I-01027-00229992-00230191 among the typically exclusive players in AF7DZGpRv5I-01028-00230192-00230271 college AF7DZGpRv5I-01029-00230271-00230455 becoming part of the first all black AF7DZGpRv5I-01030-00230456-00230631 national interscholastic polo AF7DZGpRv5I-01031-00230632-00230782 championship team AF7DZGpRv5I-01032-00230783-00230967 all while struggling to keep his family AF7DZGpRv5I-01033-00230967-00231167 together AF7DZGpRv5I-01034-00231167-00231327 crossing the line is the story of bonds AF7DZGpRv5I-01035-00231328-00231510 and brotherhood family loyalty AF7DZGpRv5I-01036-00231511-00231671 the transformative connection between AF7DZGpRv5I-01037-00231671-00231855 man and horse and forging a better AF7DZGpRv5I-01038-00231856-00232482 future that comes from overcoming and AF7DZGpRv5I-01039-00232483-00232615 possible AF7DZGpRv5I-01040-00232616-00232855 next we have vibrate higher a rap story AF7DZGpRv5I-01041-00232856-00233039 by telepoly AF7DZGpRv5I-01042-00233040-00233198 before teleporting became a AF7DZGpRv5I-01043-00233200-00233382 world-renowned hip-hop artist he was a AF7DZGpRv5I-01044-00233383-00233463 brooklyn kid AF7DZGpRv5I-01045-00233464-00233671 who liked to cut class spit rhymes and AF7DZGpRv5I-01046-00233671-00233823 wander the streets of greenwich village AF7DZGpRv5I-01047-00233823-00234079 with a motley crew of artists rappers AF7DZGpRv5I-01048-00234080-00234279 and djs who found hip-hop more inspiring AF7DZGpRv5I-01049-00234280-00234431 than their textbooks AF7DZGpRv5I-01050-00234432-00234623 colins was the first generation to grow AF7DZGpRv5I-01051-00234623-00234831 up with hip-hop as established culture AF7DZGpRv5I-01052-00234832-00235023 a genre of music that has expanded to AF7DZGpRv5I-01053-00235023-00235231 include its own pantheon of heroes AF7DZGpRv5I-01054-00235232-00235398 rich history and politics and distinct AF7DZGpRv5I-01055-00235400-00235598 worldview AF7DZGpRv5I-01056-00235600-00235782 eventually childhood friendships turned AF7DZGpRv5I-01057-00235783-00235951 into collaborations and quickly gained AF7DZGpRv5I-01058-00235952-00236046 notoriety AF7DZGpRv5I-01059-00236048-00236255 as a rapper in his own right from AF7DZGpRv5I-01060-00236256-00236423 collaborating with some of hip-hop's AF7DZGpRv5I-01061-00236423-00236487 greatest AF7DZGpRv5I-01062-00236488-00236751 including mos deaf common kanye west AF7DZGpRv5I-01063-00236752-00236958 pharrell williams and kendrick lamar AF7DZGpRv5I-01064-00236959-00237134 to selling his books out of the oldest AF7DZGpRv5I-01065-00237135-00237358 african-american bookstore in brooklyn AF7DZGpRv5I-01066-00237359-00237534 and ultimately leaving his record label AF7DZGpRv5I-01067-00237535-00237703 and taking control of his own recording AF7DZGpRv5I-01068-00237704-00237846 career AF7DZGpRv5I-01069-00237848-00238039 quilly tells a winding always compelling AF7DZGpRv5I-01070-00238040-00238175 story of the people and events that AF7DZGpRv5I-01071-00238176-00238310 shaped his own life as well as the AF7DZGpRv5I-01072-00238311-00238479 culture of hip-hop which informs AF7DZGpRv5I-01073-00238480-00239223 american culture at large AF7DZGpRv5I-01074-00239223-00239382 next we have the black church this is AF7DZGpRv5I-01075-00239383-00239558 our story this is our song by henry AF7DZGpRv5I-01076-00239559-00239815 lewis gates jr AF7DZGpRv5I-01077-00239816-00239991 for the young henry lewis gates jr AF7DZGpRv5I-01078-00239992-00240175 growing up in a small segregated west AF7DZGpRv5I-01079-00240176-00240271 virginia town AF7DZGpRv5I-01080-00240271-00240430 the church was his family and his AF7DZGpRv5I-01081-00240431-00240639 community's true center of gravity AF7DZGpRv5I-01082-00240640-00240839 within those walls voices were lifted up AF7DZGpRv5I-01083-00240840-00241006 and sung to call forth the best in each AF7DZGpRv5I-01084-00241007-00241071 other AF7DZGpRv5I-01085-00241071-00241239 to comfort each other when times were at AF7DZGpRv5I-01086-00241240-00241415 their worst in this book AF7DZGpRv5I-01087-00241416-00241591 gates takes us from his own experience AF7DZGpRv5I-01088-00241592-00241782 onto a journey across more than 400 AF7DZGpRv5I-01089-00241783-00242046 years and spanning the entire country AF7DZGpRv5I-01090-00242048-00242215 at road's end we emerge with a new AF7DZGpRv5I-01091-00242216-00242382 understanding of the centrality of the AF7DZGpRv5I-01092-00242383-00242606 black church to the american story AF7DZGpRv5I-01093-00242607-00242823 as a cultural and political force as the AF7DZGpRv5I-01094-00242823-00242991 center of resistance to slavery and AF7DZGpRv5I-01095-00242992-00243127 white supremacy AF7DZGpRv5I-01096-00243128-00243382 as an unparalleled incubator of talent AF7DZGpRv5I-01097-00243383-00243542 and as a crucible for working through AF7DZGpRv5I-01098-00243544-00243727 the community's most important issues AF7DZGpRv5I-01099-00243728-00244071 down to today as gates brilliantly shows AF7DZGpRv5I-01100-00244071-00244215 the black church has never been one AF7DZGpRv5I-01101-00244216-00244287 thing AF7DZGpRv5I-01102-00244288-00244471 its story lies at the vital center of AF7DZGpRv5I-01103-00244471-00244623 the civil rights movement AF7DZGpRv5I-01104-00244623-00244758 and produced many of its leaders from AF7DZGpRv5I-01105-00244759-00244991 the reverend martin luther king jr on AF7DZGpRv5I-01106-00244992-00245127 but at the same time there have always AF7DZGpRv5I-01107-00245128-00245303 been churches and sects that issued a AF7DZGpRv5I-01108-00245304-00245463 more activist stance AF7DZGpRv5I-01109-00245464-00245710 even issued worldly political engagement AF7DZGpRv5I-01110-00245711-00245815 altogether AF7DZGpRv5I-01111-00245816-00245982 that tension can be felt all the way to AF7DZGpRv5I-01112-00245983-00246119 the black lives matter movement and the AF7DZGpRv5I-01113-00246119-00246246 work of today AF7DZGpRv5I-01114-00246248-00246446 still in all as a source of strength and AF7DZGpRv5I-01115-00246448-00246630 force for change the black church is at AF7DZGpRv5I-01116-00246631-00246734 the center of AF7DZGpRv5I-01117-00246735-00246894 the action at every stage of the AF7DZGpRv5I-01118-00246896-00247103 american story as this enthralling AF7DZGpRv5I-01119-00247104-00247167 history AF7DZGpRv5I-01120-00247167-00247694 makes vividly clear AF7DZGpRv5I-01121-00247696-00247879 next we have raceless in search of AF7DZGpRv5I-01122-00247880-00248055 family identity and the truth about AF7DZGpRv5I-01123-00248056-00248182 where i belong AF7DZGpRv5I-01124-00248183-00248471 by georgina lawton raised in safety AF7DZGpRv5I-01125-00248471-00248575 english suburbia AF7DZGpRv5I-01126-00248576-00248846 georgina was no stranger to homogeneity AF7DZGpRv5I-01127-00248848-00248982 her parents were white her friends were AF7DZGpRv5I-01128-00248983-00249119 white there was no reason for her to AF7DZGpRv5I-01129-00249119-00249271 think she was any different AF7DZGpRv5I-01130-00249271-00249446 but over time her brown skin and dark AF7DZGpRv5I-01131-00249448-00249630 kinky hair frequently made her a target AF7DZGpRv5I-01132-00249631-00249742 of prejudice AF7DZGpRv5I-01133-00249744-00249951 in georgina's insistently colorblind AF7DZGpRv5I-01134-00249952-00250103 household with no knowledge of her AF7DZGpRv5I-01135-00250104-00250206 differences AF7DZGpRv5I-01136-00250207-00250406 or access to black culture she lacked AF7DZGpRv5I-01137-00250407-00250567 the coordinates to make sense of who she AF7DZGpRv5I-01138-00250567-00250655 was AF7DZGpRv5I-01139-00250656-00250791 it was only after her father's death AF7DZGpRv5I-01140-00250792-00250975 that georgina began to unravel the truth AF7DZGpRv5I-01141-00250976-00251103 about her parentage AF7DZGpRv5I-01142-00251104-00251246 and the racial identity that she had AF7DZGpRv5I-01143-00251248-00251471 been denied she fled from england and AF7DZGpRv5I-01144-00251471-00251630 the turmoil of her home life to live in AF7DZGpRv5I-01145-00251631-00251830 black communities across the globe AF7DZGpRv5I-01146-00251831-00252015 and to explore her identity and what it AF7DZGpRv5I-01147-00252016-00252151 meant to live AF7DZGpRv5I-01148-00252152-00252334 in and navigate the world as a black AF7DZGpRv5I-01149-00252335-00252527 woman she spoke with psychologists AF7DZGpRv5I-01150-00252528-00252630 sociologists AF7DZGpRv5I-01151-00252631-00252798 experts in genetic testing and other AF7DZGpRv5I-01152-00252800-00253006 individuals whose experiences of racial AF7DZGpRv5I-01153-00253007-00253094 identity AF7DZGpRv5I-01154-00253096-00253271 have been fraught or questioned in hopes AF7DZGpRv5I-01155-00253271-00253398 of understanding how AF7DZGpRv5I-01156-00253400-00253703 exactly we identify ourselves racist is AF7DZGpRv5I-01157-00253704-00253927 an exploration of a fundamental question AF7DZGpRv5I-01158-00253928-00254182 what constitutes our sense of self lon AF7DZGpRv5I-01159-00254183-00254342 grapples with difficult questions about AF7DZGpRv5I-01160-00254344-00254382 love AF7DZGpRv5I-01161-00254383-00254606 shame grief and prejudice and reveals AF7DZGpRv5I-01162-00254607-00254775 the nuanced and emotional journey of AF7DZGpRv5I-01163-00254776-00255223 forming one's identity AF7DZGpRv5I-01164-00255223-00255415 next we have the disordered cosmos a AF7DZGpRv5I-01165-00255416-00255534 journey into dark matter AF7DZGpRv5I-01166-00255535-00255775 space time and dreams deferred by AF7DZGpRv5I-01167-00255776-00255855 chandra AF7DZGpRv5I-01168-00255856-00256151 prescott weinstein in the disco AF7DZGpRv5I-01169-00256152-00256319 disordered cosmos AF7DZGpRv5I-01170-00256319-00256527 dr prescott weinstein shares her love AF7DZGpRv5I-01171-00256528-00256727 for physics from the standard model of AF7DZGpRv5I-01172-00256728-00256958 particle physics and what lies beyond it AF7DZGpRv5I-01173-00256959-00257198 to the physics of melanin and skin to AF7DZGpRv5I-01174-00257200-00257351 the latest theories of dark matter AF7DZGpRv5I-01175-00257352-00257534 all with a new spin informed by history AF7DZGpRv5I-01176-00257535-00257758 politics and the wisdom of star trek AF7DZGpRv5I-01177-00257759-00257951 one of the leading physicists of her AF7DZGpRv5I-01178-00257952-00258103 generation AF7DZGpRv5I-01179-00258104-00258334 she's also one of fewer than 100 black AF7DZGpRv5I-01180-00258335-00258534 american women to earn a phd from a AF7DZGpRv5I-01181-00258535-00258694 department of physics AF7DZGpRv5I-01182-00258696-00258910 her vision of the cosmos is vibrant AF7DZGpRv5I-01183-00258911-00259087 buoyantly non-traditional and grounded AF7DZGpRv5I-01184-00259088-00259255 in black feminist traditions AF7DZGpRv5I-01185-00259256-00259406 she lays out a whole new approach to AF7DZGpRv5I-01186-00259407-00259582 science and society that begins with the AF7DZGpRv5I-01187-00259583-00259758 belief that we all have a fundamental AF7DZGpRv5I-01188-00259759-00260351 right to know and love the night sky AF7DZGpRv5I-01189-00260352-00260558 and we have black girl call home by AF7DZGpRv5I-01190-00260559-00260734 gentlemen mans AF7DZGpRv5I-01191-00260735-00260927 from spoken word poet jasmine manns AF7DZGpRv5I-01192-00260928-00261167 comes an unforgettable poetry collection AF7DZGpRv5I-01193-00261167-00261423 about race feminism and queer identity AF7DZGpRv5I-01194-00261423-00261582 with echoes of brendolin AF7DZGpRv5I-01195-00261583-00261863 brooks gwendolyn brooks and sony sanchez AF7DZGpRv5I-01196-00261864-00262006 man's rights to call herself AF7DZGpRv5I-01197-00262007-00262279 and us home each poem explores what it AF7DZGpRv5I-01198-00262280-00262358 means to be AF7DZGpRv5I-01199-00262359-00262606 a daughter of newark and america and the AF7DZGpRv5I-01200-00262607-00262663 painful AF7DZGpRv5I-01201-00262664-00262871 joyous path to adulthood as a young AF7DZGpRv5I-01202-00262872-00263006 queer black woman AF7DZGpRv5I-01203-00263007-00263182 black girl call home is a love letter to AF7DZGpRv5I-01204-00263183-00263334 the wandering black girl and a vital AF7DZGpRv5I-01205-00263335-00263527 companion to any woman on a journey to AF7DZGpRv5I-01206-00263528-00264119 find truth belonging and healing AF7DZGpRv5I-01207-00264120-00264319 next is economy hall the hidden history AF7DZGpRv5I-01208-00264320-00264495 of a free black brotherhood AF7DZGpRv5I-01209-00264496-00264782 by fatima sheikh the story begins with AF7DZGpRv5I-01210-00264783-00264967 the author's father rescuing a century's AF7DZGpRv5I-01211-00264968-00265134 worth of handwritten journals in french AF7DZGpRv5I-01212-00265135-00265358 from a trash hauler's pickup truck AF7DZGpRv5I-01213-00265359-00265575 from the journal's pages emerged one of AF7DZGpRv5I-01214-00265576-00265679 the most important AF7DZGpRv5I-01215-00265680-00265871 multi-ethnic intellectual communities in AF7DZGpRv5I-01216-00265872-00265982 the u.s south AF7DZGpRv5I-01217-00265983-00266191 educators world traveling merchants AF7DZGpRv5I-01218-00266192-00266406 soldiers tradesmen and poets AF7DZGpRv5I-01219-00266407-00266575 although louisiana law classified them AF7DZGpRv5I-01220-00266576-00266806 as men of color negroes and blacks AF7DZGpRv5I-01221-00266807-00267030 the economy brothers rejected racism and AF7DZGpRv5I-01222-00267031-00267199 colorism to fight for suffrage and AF7DZGpRv5I-01223-00267200-00267399 education rights for all AF7DZGpRv5I-01224-00267400-00267527 in the face of an oppressive white AF7DZGpRv5I-01225-00267528-00267767 society members of the society the AF7DZGpRv5I-01226-00267768-00267847 economy AF7DZGpRv5I-01227-00267848-00268167 a de assistance mutual or a society of AF7DZGpRv5I-01228-00268168-00268230 economic AF7DZGpRv5I-01229-00268231-00268455 economy and mutual assistance built a AF7DZGpRv5I-01230-00268456-00268606 community and held it together AF7DZGpRv5I-01231-00268607-00268830 through the era of slavery the civil war AF7DZGpRv5I-01232-00268831-00269087 reconstruction and jim crow terrorism AF7DZGpRv5I-01233-00269088-00269430 economy hall follows ledger bogey her AF7DZGpRv5I-01234-00269431-00269647 his family and friends through landmark AF7DZGpRv5I-01235-00269648-00269815 events from the haitian revolution to AF7DZGpRv5I-01236-00269816-00269934 the birth of jazz AF7DZGpRv5I-01237-00269935-00270087 that shaped new orleans and the united AF7DZGpRv5I-01238-00270088-00270334 states a descendant of the economy's AF7DZGpRv5I-01239-00270335-00270463 community AF7DZGpRv5I-01240-00270464-00270655 author facing sheik has constructed a AF7DZGpRv5I-01241-00270656-00270839 meticulously detailed non-fiction AF7DZGpRv5I-01242-00270840-00271623 narrative that reads like an epic novel AF7DZGpRv5I-01243-00271624-00271830 next we have we are each other's harvest AF7DZGpRv5I-01244-00271831-00272055 by natalie baziel AF7DZGpRv5I-01245-00272056-00272239 from the author of queen sugar now a AF7DZGpRv5I-01246-00272240-00272471 critically acclaimed series on AF7DZGpRv5I-01247-00272472-00272791 own directed by ava duvernay comes AF7DZGpRv5I-01248-00272792-00272975 beautiful exploration and celebration of AF7DZGpRv5I-01249-00272976-00273158 black farming in america AF7DZGpRv5I-01250-00273159-00273334 in this impressive anthology natalie AF7DZGpRv5I-01251-00273335-00273519 bazil brings together essays poems AF7DZGpRv5I-01252-00273520-00273743 photographs quotes conversations AF7DZGpRv5I-01253-00273744-00273903 and first-person stories to examine AF7DZGpRv5I-01254-00273904-00274030 black people's connection to the AF7DZGpRv5I-01255-00274031-00274127 american land AF7DZGpRv5I-01256-00274128-00274479 from emancipation to today in the 1920s AF7DZGpRv5I-01257-00274480-00274599 there were over 1 million black AF7DZGpRv5I-01258-00274600-00274951 farmers today there are just 45 000 AF7DZGpRv5I-01259-00274952-00275127 brazil explores this crisis through the AF7DZGpRv5I-01260-00275128-00275319 farmers personal experiences AF7DZGpRv5I-01261-00275320-00275455 in their own words middle age and AF7DZGpRv5I-01262-00275456-00275647 elderly black farmers explain why they AF7DZGpRv5I-01263-00275648-00275823 continue to farm despite systemic AF7DZGpRv5I-01264-00275824-00276030 discrimination and land loss AF7DZGpRv5I-01265-00276031-00276263 the returning generation young farmers AF7DZGpRv5I-01266-00276264-00276415 who are building upon the legacy of AF7DZGpRv5I-01267-00276416-00276527 their ancestors AF7DZGpRv5I-01268-00276528-00276710 talk about the challenges they face as AF7DZGpRv5I-01269-00276711-00276879 they seek to redress issues of food AF7DZGpRv5I-01270-00276880-00276934 justice AF7DZGpRv5I-01271-00276935-00277206 food sovereignty and reparations we are AF7DZGpRv5I-01272-00277207-00277367 each other's harvest elevates the voices AF7DZGpRv5I-01273-00277368-00277534 and stories of black farmers and people AF7DZGpRv5I-01274-00277535-00277623 of color AF7DZGpRv5I-01275-00277624-00277767 celebrating their perseverance and AF7DZGpRv5I-01276-00277768-00277927 resilience while spotlighting the AF7DZGpRv5I-01277-00277928-00278119 challenges they continue to face AF7DZGpRv5I-01278-00278120-00278287 luminous and eye-opening this eclectic AF7DZGpRv5I-01279-00278288-00278479 collection helps people and communities AF7DZGpRv5I-01280-00278480-00278567 of color today AF7DZGpRv5I-01281-00278568-00278782 reimagine what it means to be dedicated AF7DZGpRv5I-01282-00278783-00279239 to the soil AF7DZGpRv5I-01283-00279240-00279479 next we have a little devil in america AF7DZGpRv5I-01284-00279480-00279695 notes in praise of black performance AF7DZGpRv5I-01285-00279696-00280063 by a neath of duraki at the march on AF7DZGpRv5I-01286-00280064-00280239 washington in 1963 AF7DZGpRv5I-01287-00280240-00280471 josephine baker was 57 years old well AF7DZGpRv5I-01288-00280472-00280663 beyond her most prolific days AF7DZGpRv5I-01289-00280664-00280830 but in her speech she was in a mood to AF7DZGpRv5I-01290-00280831-00281006 consider her life her legacy her AF7DZGpRv5I-01291-00281007-00281175 departure from the country AF7DZGpRv5I-01292-00281176-00281487 she was now triumphantly returned to i AF7DZGpRv5I-01293-00281488-00281679 was a devil in other countries and i was AF7DZGpRv5I-01294-00281680-00281863 a little devil in america too she told AF7DZGpRv5I-01295-00281864-00281958 the crowd AF7DZGpRv5I-01296-00281959-00282158 inspired by these few words hanif AF7DZGpRv5I-01297-00282159-00282279 abdurakib has AF7DZGpRv5I-01298-00282280-00282439 written a profound and lasting AF7DZGpRv5I-01299-00282440-00282663 reflection on how black performance is AF7DZGpRv5I-01300-00282664-00282879 inextricably woven into the fabric of AF7DZGpRv5I-01301-00282880-00283071 american culture AF7DZGpRv5I-01302-00283072-00283223 each moment in every performance he AF7DZGpRv5I-01303-00283224-00283527 examines whether it's the 20 seconds AF7DZGpRv5I-01304-00283528-00283839 in gimme shelter in which mary clayton AF7DZGpRv5I-01305-00283840-00283958 whales AF7DZGpRv5I-01306-00283959-00284175 a school a schoolyard fist fight a dance AF7DZGpRv5I-01307-00284176-00284287 marathon AF7DZGpRv5I-01308-00284288-00284487 for the incident in a game of spades AF7DZGpRv5I-01309-00284488-00284671 right after the cards are dealt AF7DZGpRv5I-01310-00284672-00284823 has layers of resonance in black and AF7DZGpRv5I-01311-00284824-00285023 white cultures the politics of american AF7DZGpRv5I-01312-00285024-00285110 empire AF7DZGpRv5I-01313-00285111-00285310 and of duracave's own personal history AF7DZGpRv5I-01314-00285311-00285519 of love grief and performance AF7DZGpRv5I-01315-00285520-00285687 a little devil in america exalts the AF7DZGpRv5I-01316-00285688-00285839 black performance that unfolds AF7DZGpRv5I-01317-00285840-00286039 in specific moments in time and space AF7DZGpRv5I-01318-00286040-00286175 from mid-century paris AF7DZGpRv5I-01319-00286176-00286391 to the moon and back down again to a AF7DZGpRv5I-01320-00286392-00286927 cramped living room in columbus ohio AF7DZGpRv5I-01321-00286928-00287134 next we have buses are a common memoir AF7DZGpRv5I-01322-00287135-00287247 of a freedom rider AF7DZGpRv5I-01323-00287248-00287534 by charles person at 18 charles person AF7DZGpRv5I-01324-00287535-00287687 was the youngest of the original freedom AF7DZGpRv5I-01325-00287688-00287758 writers AF7DZGpRv5I-01326-00287759-00287934 this purposeful mix of black and white AF7DZGpRv5I-01327-00287935-00288071 male and female activists AF7DZGpRv5I-01328-00288072-00288247 set out to discover whether america AF7DZGpRv5I-01329-00288248-00288495 would abide by a supreme court decision AF7DZGpRv5I-01330-00288496-00288695 the world segregation unconstitutional AF7DZGpRv5I-01331-00288696-00288910 in bus depots bleeding areas restaurants AF7DZGpRv5I-01332-00288911-00288999 and rest AF7DZGpRv5I-01333-00289000-00289303 restrooms worldwide the freedom riders AF7DZGpRv5I-01334-00289304-00289430 found their answer AF7DZGpRv5I-01335-00289431-00289599 no southern states would continue to AF7DZGpRv5I-01336-00289600-00289799 disregard federal law and use violence AF7DZGpRv5I-01337-00289800-00290030 to enforce racial segregation AF7DZGpRv5I-01338-00290031-00290254 one bus was burned to a shell the second AF7DZGpRv5I-01339-00290255-00290334 what charles AF7DZGpRv5I-01340-00290335-00290591 which charles road was set upon by a mob AF7DZGpRv5I-01341-00290592-00290895 that beat the riders nearly to death AF7DZGpRv5I-01342-00290896-00291134 busses are coming provides a front row AF7DZGpRv5I-01343-00291135-00291295 view of the struggle to belong in AF7DZGpRv5I-01344-00291296-00291543 america as charles leads his colleagues AF7DZGpRv5I-01345-00291544-00291615 off the bus AF7DZGpRv5I-01346-00291616-00291799 into the station into the mob and into AF7DZGpRv5I-01347-00291800-00291999 history to help defeat segregation's AF7DZGpRv5I-01348-00292000-00292254 violent grip on african-american lives AF7DZGpRv5I-01349-00292255-00292439 it is also a challenge from a teenager AF7DZGpRv5I-01350-00292440-00292567 of a previous era AF7DZGpRv5I-01351-00292568-00292767 to the young people of today become AF7DZGpRv5I-01352-00292768-00292951 agents of transformation AF7DZGpRv5I-01353-00292952-00293191 stand firm create a more just and moral AF7DZGpRv5I-01354-00293192-00293358 country where students have a voice AF7DZGpRv5I-01355-00293359-00293527 youth can make a difference and everyone AF7DZGpRv5I-01356-00293528-00294006 belongs AF7DZGpRv5I-01357-00294007-00294158 next we have sure i'll be your back AF7DZGpRv5I-01358-00294159-00294367 black friend notes from the other side AF7DZGpRv5I-01359-00294368-00294663 of the fist bump by ben phillippe AF7DZGpRv5I-01360-00294664-00294863 in an era in which i have many black AF7DZGpRv5I-01361-00294864-00295054 friends is often a medal of wokeness AF7DZGpRv5I-01362-00295055-00295215 ben hilariously chronicles the AF7DZGpRv5I-01363-00295216-00295423 experience of being on the receiving end AF7DZGpRv5I-01364-00295424-00295639 of those fist bumps AF7DZGpRv5I-01365-00295640-00295791 ben takes his role as your new black AF7DZGpRv5I-01366-00295792-00296006 friend seriously providing original and AF7DZGpRv5I-01367-00296007-00296095 borrowed wisdom AF7DZGpRv5I-01368-00296096-00296343 on stereotypes slurs the whole swimming AF7DZGpRv5I-01369-00296344-00296415 thing AF7DZGpRv5I-01370-00296416-00296695 how much beyonce is too much beyonce AF7DZGpRv5I-01371-00296696-00296879 black girl magic affirmative action the AF7DZGpRv5I-01372-00296880-00297006 black lives matter movement AF7DZGpRv5I-01373-00297007-00297175 and other conversations you might want AF7DZGpRv5I-01374-00297176-00297439 to have with your new bbff AF7DZGpRv5I-01375-00297440-00297599 oscillating between the impulse to be AF7DZGpRv5I-01376-00297600-00297758 one of the good ones AF7DZGpRv5I-01377-00297759-00297910 and the occasional need to excuse AF7DZGpRv5I-01378-00297911-00298095 himself to the restrooms stuff his mouth AF7DZGpRv5I-01379-00298096-00298263 with toilet paper and scream AF7DZGpRv5I-01380-00298264-00298567 ben navigates his own blackness as a AF7DZGpRv5I-01381-00298568-00298734 quote-unquote oreo with too many AF7DZGpRv5I-01382-00298735-00298943 opinions for his father's liking AF7DZGpRv5I-01383-00298944-00299167 an encyclopedic knowledge of cw teen AF7DZGpRv5I-01384-00299168-00299319 dramas and a mouth you can't always AF7DZGpRv5I-01385-00299320-00299463 control AF7DZGpRv5I-01386-00299464-00299654 extremely timely sure i'll be your black AF7DZGpRv5I-01387-00299655-00299830 friend is a conversational take on AF7DZGpRv5I-01388-00299831-00300006 topics both light and heavy AF7DZGpRv5I-01389-00300007-00300215 universal and deeply personal which AF7DZGpRv5I-01390-00300216-00300391 reveals incisive truth about the need AF7DZGpRv5I-01391-00300392-00300775 for connection in all of us AF7DZGpRv5I-01392-00300776-00300982 next we have better not bitter living on AF7DZGpRv5I-01393-00300983-00301271 purpose in the pursuit of racial justice AF7DZGpRv5I-01394-00301272-00301663 by yusuf salaam they didn't know AF7DZGpRv5I-01395-00301664-00301943 who they had so begins yusuf salome's AF7DZGpRv5I-01396-00301944-00302054 telling his story AF7DZGpRv5I-01397-00302055-00302223 no one's life is the sum of the worst AF7DZGpRv5I-01398-00302224-00302399 thing that happened to them and during AF7DZGpRv5I-01399-00302400-00302599 yusuf salaam seven years of wrongful AF7DZGpRv5I-01400-00302600-00302791 incarceration as one of the central park AF7DZGpRv5I-01401-00302792-00302999 five he grew from child to man and AF7DZGpRv5I-01402-00303000-00303279 gained a spiritual perspective on life AF7DZGpRv5I-01403-00303280-00303447 better not bitter is the first time that AF7DZGpRv5I-01404-00303448-00303623 one of the now exonerated five is AF7DZGpRv5I-01405-00303624-00303806 telling his individual story in his own AF7DZGpRv5I-01406-00303807-00303895 words AF7DZGpRv5I-01407-00303896-00304151 yusuf writes his narrative growing up AF7DZGpRv5I-01408-00304152-00304358 black in central harlem in the 80s AF7DZGpRv5I-01409-00304359-00304510 being raised by a strong fierce mother AF7DZGpRv5I-01410-00304511-00304647 and grandmother his years of AF7DZGpRv5I-01411-00304648-00304767 incarceration AF7DZGpRv5I-01412-00304768-00305023 his reentry and exoneration yusuf AF7DZGpRv5I-01413-00305024-00305199 connects these stories to lessons and AF7DZGpRv5I-01414-00305200-00305351 principles he learned that gave him AF7DZGpRv5I-01415-00305352-00305447 power AF7DZGpRv5I-01416-00305448-00305630 to survive through the worst of life's AF7DZGpRv5I-01417-00305631-00305751 experiences AF7DZGpRv5I-01418-00305752-00305934 he inspires readers to accept their own AF7DZGpRv5I-01419-00305935-00306119 paths to understand their own sense of AF7DZGpRv5I-01420-00306120-00306206 purpose AF7DZGpRv5I-01421-00306207-00306391 with his intimate personal insights AF7DZGpRv5I-01422-00306392-00306575 yusuf unpacks the systems built and AF7DZGpRv5I-01423-00306576-00306710 designed for profit AF7DZGpRv5I-01424-00306711-00306847 and the oppression of black and brown AF7DZGpRv5I-01425-00306848-00307087 people he inspires readers to channel AF7DZGpRv5I-01426-00307088-00307263 their fury into action and through the AF7DZGpRv5I-01427-00307264-00307351 spiritual AF7DZGpRv5I-01428-00307352-00307510 to turn that anger and trauma into a AF7DZGpRv5I-01429-00307511-00307719 constructive force that lives alongside AF7DZGpRv5I-01430-00307720-00307967 accountability and mobilizes change AF7DZGpRv5I-01431-00307968-00308167 this memoir is an inspiring story that AF7DZGpRv5I-01432-00308168-00308327 grew out of one of the gravest AF7DZGpRv5I-01433-00308328-00308551 miscarriages of justice one that not AF7DZGpRv5I-01434-00308552-00308734 only speaks to a moment in time AF7DZGpRv5I-01435-00308735-00308951 or the rage filled present but reflects AF7DZGpRv5I-01436-00308952-00309127 a 400-year history of a nation's AF7DZGpRv5I-01437-00309128-00309358 inability to be held accountable for its AF7DZGpRv5I-01438-00309359-00309463 sins AF7DZGpRv5I-01439-00309464-00309671 yusuf salaam's message is vital for our AF7DZGpRv5I-01440-00309672-00309871 times a motivating resource for an AF7DZGpRv5I-01441-00309872-00309910 acting AF7DZGpRv5I-01442-00309911-00310110 change better not bitter has the power AF7DZGpRv5I-01443-00310111-00310295 to soothe its fire and transform AF7DZGpRv5I-01444-00310296-00310782 it is a galvanizing call to action AF7DZGpRv5I-01445-00310783-00311015 next we have footnotes the black artists AF7DZGpRv5I-01446-00311016-00311191 who wrote the rules of the great white AF7DZGpRv5I-01447-00311192-00311534 way by cassine gaines AF7DZGpRv5I-01448-00311535-00311710 for readers of hidden figures and AF7DZGpRv5I-01449-00311711-00311895 something wonderful footnotes is the AF7DZGpRv5I-01450-00311896-00312110 story of new york in the roaring 20s AF7DZGpRv5I-01451-00312111-00312310 in the very first broadway show with an AF7DZGpRv5I-01452-00312311-00312479 all black cast and creative team to AF7DZGpRv5I-01453-00312480-00312567 succeed AF7DZGpRv5I-01454-00312568-00312782 and the individual mark on our popular AF7DZGpRv5I-01455-00312783-00312871 culture AF7DZGpRv5I-01456-00312872-00313134 these pioneering performer and the AF7DZGpRv5I-01457-00313135-00313310 creators AF7DZGpRv5I-01458-00313311-00313487 sowed the seeds of the harlem jazz scene AF7DZGpRv5I-01459-00313488-00313671 and paved the way for people of color on AF7DZGpRv5I-01460-00313672-00313871 stage and screen with west side story AF7DZGpRv5I-01461-00313872-00314095 black panther and of course hamilton AF7DZGpRv5I-01462-00314096-00314279 importantly this book illuminates the AF7DZGpRv5I-01463-00314280-00314439 ways in which black people in america AF7DZGpRv5I-01464-00314440-00314582 have attained success AF7DZGpRv5I-01465-00314583-00314830 amidst the culture actively whitewashing AF7DZGpRv5I-01466-00314831-00314999 controlling or completely preventing AF7DZGpRv5I-01467-00315000-00315471 their stories from being told AF7DZGpRv5I-01468-00315472-00315758 and finally we have catherine johnson's AF7DZGpRv5I-01469-00315759-00315799 book AF7DZGpRv5I-01470-00315800-00316127 my remarkable journey a memoir AF7DZGpRv5I-01471-00316128-00316399 in 2015 at the age of 97 catherine AF7DZGpRv5I-01472-00316400-00316606 johnson became a global celebrity AF7DZGpRv5I-01473-00316607-00316782 president barack obama awarded her the AF7DZGpRv5I-01474-00316783-00316958 prestigious presidential medal of AF7DZGpRv5I-01475-00316959-00317039 freedom AF7DZGpRv5I-01476-00317040-00317239 the nation's highest civilian honor for AF7DZGpRv5I-01477-00317240-00317430 her pioneering work as a mathematician AF7DZGpRv5I-01478-00317431-00317679 on nasa's first flight into space AF7DZGpRv5I-01479-00317680-00317854 her contributions to america's space AF7DZGpRv5I-01480-00317855-00317991 program were celebrated in the AF7DZGpRv5I-01481-00317992-00318199 blockbuster and academy award nominated AF7DZGpRv5I-01482-00318200-00318367 movie hidden figures AF7DZGpRv5I-01483-00318368-00318543 in this memoir catherine shares her AF7DZGpRv5I-01484-00318544-00318671 personal journey AF7DZGpRv5I-01485-00318672-00318895 from child prodigy in the allegheny AF7DZGpRv5I-01486-00318896-00319095 mountains of west virginia to AF7DZGpRv5I-01487-00319096-00319343 nasa human computer infused with the AF7DZGpRv5I-01488-00319344-00319551 uplifting wisdom of a woman who handled AF7DZGpRv5I-01489-00319552-00319767 great fame with genuine humility AF7DZGpRv5I-01490-00319768-00319967 and great tragedy with enduring hope my AF7DZGpRv5I-01491-00319968-00320095 remarkable journey AF7DZGpRv5I-01492-00320096-00320351 journey ultimately brings into focus a AF7DZGpRv5I-01493-00320352-00320463 determined woman AF7DZGpRv5I-01494-00320464-00320623 who navigated through racial terrain AF7DZGpRv5I-01495-00320624-00320815 with soft broken grace and the AF7DZGpRv5I-01496-00320816-00320991 unrelenting grit required to make AF7DZGpRv5I-01497-00320992-00321110 history and inspire AF7DZGpRv5I-01498-00321111-00321599 future generations AF7DZGpRv5I-01499-00321600-00321871 and here are some more books that we AF7DZGpRv5I-01500-00321872-00322030 featured in our last couple of book AF7DZGpRv5I-01501-00322031-00322206 buzzes so in case you missed those you AF7DZGpRv5I-01502-00322207-00322391 may want to go back through our youtube AF7DZGpRv5I-01503-00322392-00322487 channel AF7DZGpRv5I-01504-00322488-00322830 to check those out AF7DZGpRv5I-01505-00322831-00323015 thank you so much for listening if you AF7DZGpRv5I-01506-00323016-00323223 have any questions or requests please AF7DZGpRv5I-01507-00323224-00323351 email me AF7DZGpRv5I-01508-00323352-00323658 at betty m flugerville tx.gov that's AF7DZGpRv5I-01509-00323659-00323830 p-e-t-t-e-m AF7DZGpRv5I-01510-00323831-00324239 at p-f-l-u-g-e-r-v-i-l-l-e-t-x AF7DZGpRv5I-01511-00324240-00324606 dot g-o-v hello for this month's book AF7DZGpRv5I-01512-00324607-00324767 buzz i'm going to share some titles we AF7DZGpRv5I-01513-00324768-00324975 already have in the library collection AF7DZGpRv5I-01514-00324976-00325110 some titles i've had on the list of AF7DZGpRv5I-01515-00325111-00325334 things to order and a few titles we look AF7DZGpRv5I-01516-00325335-00325503 forward to this year AF7DZGpRv5I-01517-00325504-00325654 these are books we'll be adding to the AF7DZGpRv5I-01518-00325655-00325806 adult graphic novel area of our AF7DZGpRv5I-01519-00325807-00325903 collection AF7DZGpRv5I-01520-00325904-00326079 but don't forget that if graphic novel AF7DZGpRv5I-01521-00326080-00326230 is your preferred format AF7DZGpRv5I-01522-00326231-00326439 or one you are willing to explore you AF7DZGpRv5I-01523-00326440-00326599 will find excellent titles in the AF7DZGpRv5I-01524-00326600-00326695 graphic novel AF7DZGpRv5I-01525-00326696-00326943 or juvenile graphic novel areas so don't AF7DZGpRv5I-01526-00326944-00327095 be afraid to look AF7DZGpRv5I-01527-00327096-00327279 for anyone interested one of the AF7DZGpRv5I-01528-00327280-00327503 resources i used is the black caucus of AF7DZGpRv5I-01529-00327504-00327710 the american library association AF7DZGpRv5I-01530-00327711-00327982 and graphic novel in comics round tables AF7DZGpRv5I-01531-00327983-00328215 black lives matter comics reading list AF7DZGpRv5I-01532-00328216-00328519 which does include titles for all ages AF7DZGpRv5I-01533-00328520-00328751 criteria for inclusion on the list were AF7DZGpRv5I-01534-00328752-00328927 that the title must be published AF7DZGpRv5I-01535-00328928-00329063 sequential art AF7DZGpRv5I-01536-00329064-00329223 with one or more of the following AF7DZGpRv5I-01537-00329224-00329567 elements created by a black storyteller AF7DZGpRv5I-01538-00329568-00329791 displays empathy and respect for black AF7DZGpRv5I-01539-00329792-00329910 bodies AF7DZGpRv5I-01540-00329911-00330230 introduces readers to black art people AF7DZGpRv5I-01541-00330231-00330582 history organizations and communities AF7DZGpRv5I-01542-00330583-00330782 represents black experiences both AF7DZGpRv5I-01543-00330783-00331054 domestically and throughout the world AF7DZGpRv5I-01544-00331055-00331295 showcases a diversity of artistic AF7DZGpRv5I-01545-00331296-00331430 mediums AF7DZGpRv5I-01546-00331431-00331671 includes the lived experiences of black AF7DZGpRv5I-01547-00331672-00331734 people from AF7DZGpRv5I-01548-00331735-00332023 all demographics reinforces black AF7DZGpRv5I-01549-00332024-00332191 stories of success AF7DZGpRv5I-01550-00332192-00332495 resistance endurance and love AF7DZGpRv5I-01551-00332496-00332782 employs a wide array of genres AF7DZGpRv5I-01552-00332783-00332927 demonstrates an understanding of AF7DZGpRv5I-01553-00332928-00333087 cultural nuance AF7DZGpRv5I-01554-00333088-00333239 represents independent and AF7DZGpRv5I-01555-00333240-00333454 non-traditional publishing AF7DZGpRv5I-01556-00333455-00333623 includes stories of ancient black AF7DZGpRv5I-01557-00333624-00333830 civilizations as well as black people's AF7DZGpRv5I-01558-00333831-00334110 continued existence in the future AF7DZGpRv5I-01559-00334111-00334327 improves access to authentic black AF7DZGpRv5I-01560-00334328-00334543 stories for all patrons AF7DZGpRv5I-01561-00334544-00334758 and exposes black creators to wider AF7DZGpRv5I-01562-00334759-00334934 audiences AF7DZGpRv5I-01563-00334935-00335119 i highly recommend checking out the full AF7DZGpRv5I-01564-00335120-00335319 list AF7DZGpRv5I-01565-00335320-00335510 let's get started with some books from AF7DZGpRv5I-01566-00335511-00335782 the past few years AF7DZGpRv5I-01567-00335783-00336087 first incognigro a graphic mystery out AF7DZGpRv5I-01568-00336088-00336343 february of 2018 from burger books AF7DZGpRv5I-01569-00336344-00336543 is a 10th anniversary edition of the AF7DZGpRv5I-01570-00336544-00336743 acclaimed graphic novel AF7DZGpRv5I-01571-00336744-00336999 in the early 20th century zane pinchback AF7DZGpRv5I-01572-00337000-00337223 a reporter for the new holland herald AF7DZGpRv5I-01573-00337224-00337415 is sent to investigate the arrest of his AF7DZGpRv5I-01574-00337416-00337527 own brother AF7DZGpRv5I-01575-00337528-00337671 charged with the brutal murder of a AF7DZGpRv5I-01576-00337672-00337847 white woman in mississippi AF7DZGpRv5I-01577-00337848-00338119 with the lynch mob already swarming zayn AF7DZGpRv5I-01578-00338120-00338310 whose skin color is light enough that he AF7DZGpRv5I-01579-00338311-00338439 can pass for white AF7DZGpRv5I-01580-00338440-00338678 must stay incognegro long enough to AF7DZGpRv5I-01581-00338679-00338863 uncover the truth behind the murder AF7DZGpRv5I-01582-00338864-00339103 to save his brother and himself AF7DZGpRv5I-01583-00339104-00339199 suspenseful AF7DZGpRv5I-01584-00339200-00339471 unsettling and relevant incognigro is a AF7DZGpRv5I-01585-00339472-00339639 tense graphic novel of shifting AF7DZGpRv5I-01586-00339640-00339734 identities AF7DZGpRv5I-01587-00339735-00339991 forbidden passions and secrets that run AF7DZGpRv5I-01588-00339992-00340247 far deeper than skin color AF7DZGpRv5I-01589-00340248-00340463 followed by a prequel mini-series AF7DZGpRv5I-01590-00340464-00340663 incognito renaissance AF7DZGpRv5I-01591-00340664-00341015 out in october of 2018 also from berger AF7DZGpRv5I-01592-00341016-00341230 is a page-turning thriller of racial AF7DZGpRv5I-01593-00341231-00341510 divide that explores segregation AF7DZGpRv5I-01594-00341511-00341703 secrets and self-image as our AF7DZGpRv5I-01595-00341704-00341871 race-banding protagonist AF7DZGpRv5I-01596-00341872-00342054 penetrates a world where he feels AF7DZGpRv5I-01597-00342055-00342254 stranger than ever before AF7DZGpRv5I-01598-00342255-00342447 when a black writer is found dead at a AF7DZGpRv5I-01599-00342448-00342719 scandalous interracial party in 1920s AF7DZGpRv5I-01600-00342720-00342815 new york AF7DZGpRv5I-01601-00342816-00343087 harlem's cub reporter zane pinchback is AF7DZGpRv5I-01602-00343088-00343263 the only one determined to solve the AF7DZGpRv5I-01603-00343264-00343358 murder AF7DZGpRv5I-01604-00343359-00343567 zane must go incognigro for the first AF7DZGpRv5I-01605-00343568-00343799 time using his light appearance to pass AF7DZGpRv5I-01606-00343800-00344047 as a white man to find the true killer AF7DZGpRv5I-01607-00344048-00344254 with a cryptic manuscript as his only AF7DZGpRv5I-01608-00344255-00344478 clue and a mysterious and beautiful AF7DZGpRv5I-01609-00344479-00344703 woman as his as the murderer's only AF7DZGpRv5I-01610-00344704-00344799 witness AF7DZGpRv5I-01611-00344800-00345030 zane finds himself on the hunt through AF7DZGpRv5I-01612-00345031-00345230 the dark and dangerous streets AF7DZGpRv5I-01613-00345231-00345510 of roaring twenties harlem in search for AF7DZGpRv5I-01614-00345511-00345639 justice AF7DZGpRv5I-01615-00345640-00345887 in a time when looks could kill zane's AF7DZGpRv5I-01616-00345888-00346023 skin is the only thing AF7DZGpRv5I-01617-00346024-00346399 keeping him alive next abbott AF7DZGpRv5I-01618-00346400-00346663 also out october of 2018 from boom AF7DZGpRv5I-01619-00346664-00346806 studios AF7DZGpRv5I-01620-00346807-00346999 while investigating police brutality and AF7DZGpRv5I-01621-00347000-00347239 corruption in 1970s detroit AF7DZGpRv5I-01622-00347240-00347399 journalists elena abbott uncovers AF7DZGpRv5I-01623-00347400-00347615 supernatural forces being controlled by AF7DZGpRv5I-01624-00347616-00347903 a secret society of the city's elite AF7DZGpRv5I-01625-00347904-00348071 in the uncertain social and political AF7DZGpRv5I-01626-00348072-00348319 climate of 1972 detroit AF7DZGpRv5I-01627-00348320-00348558 hard-nosed chain-smoking tabloid AF7DZGpRv5I-01628-00348559-00348751 reporter elena abbott investigates a AF7DZGpRv5I-01629-00348752-00348927 series of grisly crimes AF7DZGpRv5I-01630-00348928-00349199 that the police have ignored crime she AF7DZGpRv5I-01631-00349200-00349375 knows to be the work of dark occult AF7DZGpRv5I-01632-00349376-00349495 forces AF7DZGpRv5I-01633-00349496-00349734 forces that took her husband from her AF7DZGpRv5I-01634-00349735-00350039 forces she has sworn to destroy AF7DZGpRv5I-01635-00350040-00350223 hugo award award-nominated novelist AF7DZGpRv5I-01636-00350224-00350527 saladin ahmed and artist sami kila AF7DZGpRv5I-01637-00350528-00350727 present one-woman search for the truth AF7DZGpRv5I-01638-00350728-00350863 that destroyed her family AF7DZGpRv5I-01639-00350864-00351151 amidst an exploration of the systemic AF7DZGpRv5I-01640-00351152-00351310 societal contracts AF7DZGpRv5I-01641-00351311-00351639 that haunt our country to this day AF7DZGpRv5I-01642-00351640-00351854 here we have the banks out in december AF7DZGpRv5I-01643-00351855-00352119 of 2019 from tko studios AF7DZGpRv5I-01644-00352120-00352303 by new york times best-selling writer AF7DZGpRv5I-01645-00352304-00352591 roxane gay and artist ming doyle AF7DZGpRv5I-01646-00352592-00352775 the bank says a heist thriller about the AF7DZGpRv5I-01647-00352776-00353006 most successful thieves in chicago AF7DZGpRv5I-01648-00353007-00353271 the women of the banks family for 50 AF7DZGpRv5I-01649-00353272-00353415 years the women of the bank's family AF7DZGpRv5I-01650-00353416-00353591 have been the most successful thieves in AF7DZGpRv5I-01651-00353592-00353671 chicago AF7DZGpRv5I-01652-00353672-00353975 by following one simple rule never AF7DZGpRv5I-01653-00353976-00354254 get greedy but when the youngest bank AF7DZGpRv5I-01654-00354255-00354495 stumbles upon the heist of a lifetime AF7DZGpRv5I-01655-00354496-00354671 the potential windfall may be enough to AF7DZGpRv5I-01656-00354672-00354839 bring three generation of thieves AF7DZGpRv5I-01657-00354840-00354934 together for one AF7DZGpRv5I-01658-00354935-00355151 incredible score and the chance to AF7DZGpRv5I-01659-00355152-00355319 avenge a loved one taken too AF7DZGpRv5I-01660-00355320-00355582 soon in case you haven't heard the banks AF7DZGpRv5I-01661-00355583-00355719 is becoming a movie AF7DZGpRv5I-01662-00355720-00355991 tko studios has partnered with macro AF7DZGpRv5I-01663-00355992-00356167 whose films have garnered nine honor AF7DZGpRv5I-01664-00356168-00356399 oscar nominations and one oscar win for AF7DZGpRv5I-01665-00356400-00356527 viola davison AF7DZGpRv5I-01666-00356528-00356910 fences to produce a film adaption of AF7DZGpRv5I-01667-00356911-00357110 gay is set to write the script and will AF7DZGpRv5I-01668-00357111-00357358 also serve as executive producer AF7DZGpRv5I-01669-00357359-00357551 this is a title i've included in our AF7DZGpRv5I-01670-00357552-00357727 grant proposal for the jeanette and jim AF7DZGpRv5I-01671-00357728-00357910 larson mystery grant through the texas AF7DZGpRv5I-01672-00357911-00358247 library association AF7DZGpRv5I-01673-00358248-00358551 next the wilds also out in december of AF7DZGpRv5I-01674-00358552-00358863 2019 from black mass comics AF7DZGpRv5I-01675-00358864-00359103 after a cataclysmic plague sweeps across AF7DZGpRv5I-01676-00359104-00359175 america AF7DZGpRv5I-01677-00359176-00359343 survivors come together to form AF7DZGpRv5I-01678-00359344-00359647 city-state-like communities for safety AF7DZGpRv5I-01679-00359648-00359791 daisy walker is a runner for the AF7DZGpRv5I-01680-00359792-00360063 compound a mix of post-apocalyptic AF7DZGpRv5I-01681-00360064-00360247 postal service and black market AF7DZGpRv5I-01682-00360248-00360534 salvaging operation it's a runner's job AF7DZGpRv5I-01683-00360535-00360647 to ferry items AF7DZGpRv5I-01684-00360648-00360887 and people between settlements and on AF7DZGpRv5I-01685-00360888-00360975 occasion AF7DZGpRv5I-01686-00360976-00361158 scavenge through the ruins of the old AF7DZGpRv5I-01687-00361159-00361447 world daisy is the best there is at what AF7DZGpRv5I-01688-00361448-00361551 she does AF7DZGpRv5I-01689-00361552-00361727 out beyond the settlement walls are AF7DZGpRv5I-01690-00361728-00361927 innumerable dangers AF7DZGpRv5I-01691-00361928-00362215 feral animals crumbling structures and AF7DZGpRv5I-01692-00362216-00362367 abominations AF7DZGpRv5I-01693-00362368-00362551 those that were touched by the plague AF7DZGpRv5I-01694-00362552-00362815 and became something other AF7DZGpRv5I-01695-00362816-00363023 after a decade of surviving daisy isn't AF7DZGpRv5I-01696-00363024-00363182 phased by any of it AF7DZGpRv5I-01697-00363183-00363367 until her lover another runner named AF7DZGpRv5I-01698-00363368-00363647 heather goes missing on a job AF7DZGpRv5I-01699-00363648-00363830 desperate to find her daisy begins to AF7DZGpRv5I-01700-00363831-00363991 see that there may be little difference AF7DZGpRv5I-01701-00363992-00364199 between the world inside the walls and AF7DZGpRv5I-01702-00364200-00364391 the horrors beyond AF7DZGpRv5I-01703-00364392-00364671 from writer vita ayala and emily pearson AF7DZGpRv5I-01704-00364672-00364806 with a cover by AF7DZGpRv5I-01705-00364807-00365110 natasha alterichi comes this bold tale AF7DZGpRv5I-01706-00365111-00365406 of surviving in bleak times AF7DZGpRv5I-01707-00365407-00365734 moving into 2020 we got parable AF7DZGpRv5I-01708-00365735-00366063 of the sower in january from abrams AF7DZGpRv5I-01709-00366064-00366351 the follow-up to the number one new york AF7DZGpRv5I-01710-00366352-00366471 times bestseller AF7DZGpRv5I-01711-00366472-00366839 kindred a graphic novel adaption AF7DZGpRv5I-01712-00366840-00367039 is this graphic novel adaption of AF7DZGpRv5I-01713-00367040-00367239 octavia e butler's groundbreaking AF7DZGpRv5I-01714-00367240-00367358 dystopian novel AF7DZGpRv5I-01715-00367359-00367599 parable of the sower by damian duffy and AF7DZGpRv5I-01716-00367600-00367727 john jennings AF7DZGpRv5I-01717-00367728-00368047 the award-winning team behind kindred AF7DZGpRv5I-01718-00368048-00368263 the author portrays a searing vision of AF7DZGpRv5I-01719-00368264-00368430 america's future AF7DZGpRv5I-01720-00368431-00368710 in the year 2024 the country is marred AF7DZGpRv5I-01721-00368711-00368854 by unattended AF7DZGpRv5I-01722-00368855-00369119 environmental and economic crises that AF7DZGpRv5I-01723-00369120-00369351 lead to social chaos AF7DZGpRv5I-01724-00369352-00369558 lauren olamina a preacher's daughter AF7DZGpRv5I-01725-00369559-00369710 living in los angeles AF7DZGpRv5I-01726-00369711-00369910 is protected from danger by the walls of AF7DZGpRv5I-01727-00369911-00370095 our gated community AF7DZGpRv5I-01728-00370096-00370334 however in a night of fire and death AF7DZGpRv5I-01729-00370335-00370527 what begins as a fight for survival AF7DZGpRv5I-01730-00370528-00370806 soon leads to something much more a AF7DZGpRv5I-01731-00370807-00371054 startling vision of human destiny AF7DZGpRv5I-01732-00371055-00371391 and the birth of a new faith last in AF7DZGpRv5I-01733-00371392-00371534 this section i'd like to highlight a AF7DZGpRv5I-01734-00371535-00371743 replacement copy for this beauty AF7DZGpRv5I-01735-00371744-00371982 black comics returns first released in AF7DZGpRv5I-01736-00371983-00372143 february of 2018 AF7DZGpRv5I-01737-00372144-00372423 it got a reprint in march of 2020 by AF7DZGpRv5I-01738-00372424-00372623 magnetic press AF7DZGpRv5I-01739-00372624-00372902 in 2010 professor john jennings and dr AF7DZGpRv5I-01740-00372903-00373015 damian duffy AF7DZGpRv5I-01741-00373016-00373327 compiled and published a 176-page AF7DZGpRv5I-01742-00373328-00373543 collection of art and essays AF7DZGpRv5I-01743-00373544-00373758 celebrating the vibrant african-american AF7DZGpRv5I-01744-00373759-00374006 independent comics community black AF7DZGpRv5I-01745-00374007-00374254 comics featured over 50 contributors AF7DZGpRv5I-01746-00374255-00374415 it meant high praise throughout the AF7DZGpRv5I-01747-00374416-00374582 industry and quickly sold through its AF7DZGpRv5I-01748-00374583-00374751 respectable print run AF7DZGpRv5I-01749-00374752-00375078 despite interest and demand used copies AF7DZGpRv5I-01750-00375079-00375151 now fetch AF7DZGpRv5I-01751-00375152-00375543 60 to 150 on amazon and ebay AF7DZGpRv5I-01752-00375544-00375767 flash forward eight years the comic AF7DZGpRv5I-01753-00375768-00375999 industry has changed a lot since then AF7DZGpRv5I-01754-00376000-00376182 and the amount of african-american AF7DZGpRv5I-01755-00376183-00376447 talent continues to grow and amaze AF7DZGpRv5I-01756-00376448-00376615 while huge strides and diversity have AF7DZGpRv5I-01757-00376616-00376847 been made john and damian felt the time AF7DZGpRv5I-01758-00376848-00377006 was right for another spotlight on the AF7DZGpRv5I-01759-00377007-00377119 topic AF7DZGpRv5I-01760-00377120-00377302 rather than simply reprinting the first AF7DZGpRv5I-01761-00377303-00377527 edition considering the number of fresh AF7DZGpRv5I-01762-00377528-00377791 new voices and changes in the industry AF7DZGpRv5I-01763-00377792-00378110 a whole new volume felt necessary this AF7DZGpRv5I-01764-00378111-00378263 massive volume will be a brand new AF7DZGpRv5I-01765-00378264-00378463 milestone spotlight on the amazing AF7DZGpRv5I-01766-00378464-00378775 diversity in comics today AF7DZGpRv5I-01767-00378776-00378943 and now i'd like to highlight some AF7DZGpRv5I-01768-00378944-00379127 ongoing series AF7DZGpRv5I-01769-00379128-00379278 first two that will be familiar from AF7DZGpRv5I-01770-00379279-00379558 previous book buzzes but as a reminder AF7DZGpRv5I-01771-00379559-00379782 we have farmhand volumes one through AF7DZGpRv5I-01772-00379783-00379919 three are out now AF7DZGpRv5I-01773-00379920-00380087 from rob guillory eisner-winning AF7DZGpRv5I-01774-00380088-00380278 co-creator and artist of image AF7DZGpRv5I-01775-00380279-00380558 comics two a dark comedy about science AF7DZGpRv5I-01776-00380559-00380758 gone sinister and agriculture AF7DZGpRv5I-01777-00380759-00381182 gone apocalyptic nature is a mother AF7DZGpRv5I-01778-00381183-00381382 jedidiah jenkins is a farmer but his AF7DZGpRv5I-01779-00381383-00381599 cash crop isn't corn or soy AF7DZGpRv5I-01780-00381600-00381839 jed grows fast healing plug and play AF7DZGpRv5I-01781-00381840-00381951 human organs AF7DZGpRv5I-01782-00381952-00382199 lose a finger need a new liver he's got AF7DZGpRv5I-01783-00382200-00382319 you covered AF7DZGpRv5I-01784-00382320-00382567 unfortunately strange produce isn't the AF7DZGpRv5I-01785-00382568-00382647 only thing AF7DZGpRv5I-01786-00382648-00382967 jed's got buried deep in the soil of the AF7DZGpRv5I-01787-00382968-00383167 jenkins family farm AF7DZGpRv5I-01788-00383168-00383471 something dark has taken root and it's AF7DZGpRv5I-01789-00383472-00383815 beginning to bloom AF7DZGpRv5I-01790-00383816-00384071 and the bitterroot series vol 1 family AF7DZGpRv5I-01791-00384072-00384271 business in may of 2019 AF7DZGpRv5I-01792-00384272-00384551 introduced us to the sangiri family AF7DZGpRv5I-01793-00384552-00384710 specialize AF7DZGpRv5I-01794-00384711-00384982 in curing the souls of those infected by AF7DZGpRv5I-01795-00384983-00385087 hate AF7DZGpRv5I-01796-00385088-00385334 but those days are fading a terrible AF7DZGpRv5I-01797-00385335-00385558 tragedy has claimed most of the family AF7DZGpRv5I-01798-00385559-00385743 leaving the surviving cousins split AF7DZGpRv5I-01799-00385744-00386015 between curing monsters and killing them AF7DZGpRv5I-01800-00386016-00386199 now with a new breed of monster loose on AF7DZGpRv5I-01801-00386200-00386351 the streets of harlem AF7DZGpRv5I-01802-00386352-00386534 the family must come together or watch AF7DZGpRv5I-01803-00386535-00386887 the human race fall to untold evil AF7DZGpRv5I-01804-00386888-00387223 in volume 2 from october of 2020 AF7DZGpRv5I-01805-00387224-00387567 image comics gave AF7DZGpRv5I-01806-00387568-00387934 us more of the monster hunting AF7DZGpRv5I-01807-00387935-00388215 that has been the sangria family for AF7DZGpRv5I-01808-00388216-00388391 business for generations AF7DZGpRv5I-01809-00388392-00388663 as they battle the genu hideous AF7DZGpRv5I-01810-00388664-00388910 creatures born out of hate and racism AF7DZGpRv5I-01811-00388911-00389151 but now the family faces a different AF7DZGpRv5I-01812-00389152-00389215 threat AF7DZGpRv5I-01813-00389216-00389551 the deadly enzondo a new kind of monster AF7DZGpRv5I-01814-00389552-00389830 born out of grief and trauma with one of AF7DZGpRv5I-01815-00389831-00390047 their own turning into an enzondo and an AF7DZGpRv5I-01816-00390048-00390263 army of tortured souls on the attack in AF7DZGpRv5I-01817-00390264-00390478 1920s harlem AF7DZGpRv5I-01818-00390479-00390734 the family must once more fight again to AF7DZGpRv5I-01819-00390735-00390871 save the world AF7DZGpRv5I-01820-00390872-00391095 unless their own pain and suffering AF7DZGpRv5I-01821-00391096-00391175 transformed AF7DZGpRv5I-01822-00391176-00391502 them into monsters as well AF7DZGpRv5I-01823-00391503-00391687 and two series we've recently added AF7DZGpRv5I-01824-00391688-00391863 first up omni AF7DZGpRv5I-01825-00391864-00392215 volume 1 the doctor is in came september AF7DZGpRv5I-01826-00392216-00392423 of 2020 from h1 AF7DZGpRv5I-01827-00392424-00392654 which we have already what would you do AF7DZGpRv5I-01828-00392655-00392815 if you could think faster than the speed AF7DZGpRv5I-01829-00392816-00392910 of light AF7DZGpRv5I-01830-00392911-00393175 gifted doctor cecilia cobina was once AF7DZGpRv5I-01831-00393176-00393382 held in the highest regard by peers and AF7DZGpRv5I-01832-00393383-00393502 patients alike AF7DZGpRv5I-01833-00393503-00393654 but that was before an incident in AF7DZGpRv5I-01834-00393655-00393878 africa changed her life forever AF7DZGpRv5I-01835-00393879-00394071 now with the ability to process thoughts AF7DZGpRv5I-01836-00394072-00394230 at the speed of light she faces the AF7DZGpRv5I-01837-00394231-00394327 unimaginable AF7DZGpRv5I-01838-00394328-00394623 burden of literally having an answer for AF7DZGpRv5I-01839-00394624-00394743 everything AF7DZGpRv5I-01840-00394744-00394951 as the truth of her origin slowly comes AF7DZGpRv5I-01841-00394952-00395054 into focus AF7DZGpRv5I-01842-00395055-00395254 cecilia must overcome her fears and AF7DZGpRv5I-01843-00395255-00395463 tackle the one mystery she can't seem to AF7DZGpRv5I-01844-00395464-00395551 crack AF7DZGpRv5I-01845-00395552-00395847 the truth behind her new abilities AF7DZGpRv5I-01846-00395848-00395927 written by fan AF7DZGpRv5I-01847-00395928-00396230 favorite author devin grayson dr cecilia AF7DZGpRv5I-01848-00396231-00396406 cobbins bursts onto the scene AF7DZGpRv5I-01849-00396407-00396599 as the world's newest favorite female AF7DZGpRv5I-01850-00396600-00396839 hero AF7DZGpRv5I-01851-00396840-00397215 just earlier this month we got volume 2 AF7DZGpRv5I-01852-00397216-00397406 where a young african-american doctor AF7DZGpRv5I-01853-00397407-00397591 suddenly had the mysterious AF7DZGpRv5I-01854-00397592-00397758 suddenly and mysteriously gains AF7DZGpRv5I-01855-00397759-00397927 incredible abilities that put her at the AF7DZGpRv5I-01856-00397928-00398151 forefront of human evolution AF7DZGpRv5I-01857-00398152-00398343 dr kabina able to think at the speed of AF7DZGpRv5I-01858-00398344-00398519 light and instantly diagnose any AF7DZGpRv5I-01859-00398520-00398647 situation AF7DZGpRv5I-01860-00398648-00398863 heads an enigmatic corporation known AF7DZGpRv5I-01861-00398864-00399023 only as omni AF7DZGpRv5I-01862-00399024-00399223 giving her the resources she needs to AF7DZGpRv5I-01863-00399224-00399406 search for others like her AF7DZGpRv5I-01864-00399407-00399606 she's on a quest to learn the origin of AF7DZGpRv5I-01865-00399607-00399727 her new powers AF7DZGpRv5I-01866-00399728-00399967 but along the way discovers that the AF7DZGpRv5I-01867-00399968-00400206 fate of the entire world may rest on her AF7DZGpRv5I-01868-00400207-00400447 shoulders AF7DZGpRv5I-01869-00400448-00400727 in this series tartarus volume 1 from AF7DZGpRv5I-01870-00400728-00400934 october of 2020 AF7DZGpRv5I-01871-00400935-00401167 when circa a ruthless criminal warlord AF7DZGpRv5I-01872-00401168-00401319 escapes her prison pit AF7DZGpRv5I-01873-00401320-00401558 she unleashes a wave of destruction that AF7DZGpRv5I-01874-00401559-00401647 ripples across AF7DZGpRv5I-01875-00401648-00401895 tartarus a vital colony in an AF7DZGpRv5I-01876-00401896-00402015 everlasting galactic AF7DZGpRv5I-01877-00402016-00402327 war years later when tilda AF7DZGpRv5I-01878-00402328-00402551 a young cadet learns that she's circa's AF7DZGpRv5I-01879-00402552-00402639 daughter AF7DZGpRv5I-01880-00402640-00402823 will she continue to fight on the side AF7DZGpRv5I-01881-00402824-00402975 of galactic order AF7DZGpRv5I-01882-00402976-00403351 or reclaim her mother's dark crown AF7DZGpRv5I-01883-00403352-00403663 volume 2 will be out in may of this year AF7DZGpRv5I-01884-00403664-00403895 the stakes are turned up all the way AF7DZGpRv5I-01885-00403896-00404063 when blood enemies circa AF7DZGpRv5I-01886-00404064-00404271 and hisa are stranded together on a AF7DZGpRv5I-01887-00404272-00404502 mysterious far-off world AF7DZGpRv5I-01888-00404503-00404719 can they survive an epic journey across AF7DZGpRv5I-01889-00404720-00404871 space and time AF7DZGpRv5I-01890-00404872-00405087 fraught with pleasures and peril can AF7DZGpRv5I-01891-00405088-00405310 they survive each other AF7DZGpRv5I-01892-00405311-00405630 guest artist andrew cranky joins regular AF7DZGpRv5I-01893-00405631-00405727 artist jack t AF7DZGpRv5I-01894-00405728-00406110 cole on this high octane story arc AF7DZGpRv5I-01895-00406111-00406358 and to close out today's series here are AF7DZGpRv5I-01896-00406359-00406519 two volume twos AF7DZGpRv5I-01897-00406520-00406815 for series i've highlighted recently AF7DZGpRv5I-01898-00406816-00407030 philadelphia volume 2 will be out AF7DZGpRv5I-01899-00407031-00407327 april 6 of this year continuing the AF7DZGpRv5I-01900-00407328-00407439 critically acclaimed AF7DZGpRv5I-01901-00407440-00407647 sold out series from breakout star AF7DZGpRv5I-01902-00407648-00407775 rodney barnes AF7DZGpRv5I-01903-00407776-00408063 the writer behind such hit shows as AF7DZGpRv5I-01904-00408064-00408247 wu-tang in american saga AF7DZGpRv5I-01905-00408248-00408575 and stars american gods and the artist AF7DZGpRv5I-01906-00408576-00408678 who redefined AF7DZGpRv5I-01907-00408679-00408999 spawn jason sean alexander AF7DZGpRv5I-01908-00409000-00409239 adams's battle to reshape the united AF7DZGpRv5I-01909-00409240-00409415 states in his own twisted vision might AF7DZGpRv5I-01910-00409416-00409639 have been thwarted for now AF7DZGpRv5I-01911-00409639-00409855 giving jimmy sangster a moment of AF7DZGpRv5I-01912-00409856-00410014 respite AF7DZGpRv5I-01913-00410015-00410391 but the war for a new america rages on AF7DZGpRv5I-01914-00410392-00410614 now as abigail steps out of the shadows AF7DZGpRv5I-01915-00410615-00410759 she unleashes a new AF7DZGpRv5I-01916-00410760-00410982 violent terror upon the city some have AF7DZGpRv5I-01917-00410983-00411078 renamed AF7DZGpRv5I-01918-00411079-00411407 philadelphia but this time it's about AF7DZGpRv5I-01919-00411408-00411622 creating as widespread a web of fear AF7DZGpRv5I-01920-00411623-00411903 imaginable as she rips the beating heart AF7DZGpRv5I-01921-00411904-00412087 from the city itself AF7DZGpRv5I-01922-00412088-00412303 can jimmy stop her or will history AF7DZGpRv5I-01923-00412304-00412551 repeat and force him to meet the same AF7DZGpRv5I-01924-00412552-00412734 fate as his father AF7DZGpRv5I-01925-00412735-00412943 this title is being developed into a tv AF7DZGpRv5I-01926-00412943-00413166 series AF7DZGpRv5I-01927-00413167-00413439 and excellence vol 2 will be out in may AF7DZGpRv5I-01928-00413439-00413518 18th AF7DZGpRv5I-01929-00413519-00413855 of this year spencer dales was born into AF7DZGpRv5I-01930-00413856-00413991 a world of magic AF7DZGpRv5I-01931-00413992-00414214 his father belongs to the aegis a secret AF7DZGpRv5I-01932-00414215-00414374 society of black magicians AF7DZGpRv5I-01933-00414375-00414599 ordered by their unseen masters to AF7DZGpRv5I-01934-00414600-00414766 better the lives of others AF7DZGpRv5I-01935-00414767-00415134 of higher potential but never themselves AF7DZGpRv5I-01936-00415135-00415422 now spencer dales has one purpose tear AF7DZGpRv5I-01937-00415423-00415534 down the aegis and AF7DZGpRv5I-01938-00415535-00415807 free everyone under their protection AF7DZGpRv5I-01939-00415808-00415878 however AF7DZGpRv5I-01940-00415879-00416199 with his closest ally in prison the 10th AF7DZGpRv5I-01941-00416200-00416399 and the 10th looking to put spence in an AF7DZGpRv5I-01942-00416400-00416543 adjoining cell AF7DZGpRv5I-01943-00416543-00416830 creating a better future won't be easy AF7DZGpRv5I-01944-00416831-00417287 but it needs to happen AF7DZGpRv5I-01945-00417288-00417599 now kari randolph and brandon thomas AF7DZGpRv5I-01946-00417600-00417830 ignite a generational war in this action AF7DZGpRv5I-01947-00417831-00417966 fantasy series AF7DZGpRv5I-01948-00417967-00418207 made entirely by creators of color and AF7DZGpRv5I-01949-00418208-00418287 committed to AF7DZGpRv5I-01950-00418288-00418847 one truth above all excellence is real AF7DZGpRv5I-01951-00418847-00419199 now on to some new and notable titles AF7DZGpRv5I-01952-00419200-00419366 another title on our larson mystery AF7DZGpRv5I-01953-00419367-00419575 grant list is the question AF7DZGpRv5I-01954-00419576-00419903 the deaths of vic sage from november of AF7DZGpRv5I-01955-00419904-00420007 2020 AF7DZGpRv5I-01956-00420008-00420310 in dc comics eisner-winning writer AF7DZGpRv5I-01957-00420312-00420543 jeff lemire joins forces with the AF7DZGpRv5I-01958-00420543-00420695 legendary art team AF7DZGpRv5I-01959-00420696-00421007 of dennis cohen and bill senkowicz to AF7DZGpRv5I-01960-00421008-00421079 resurrect AF7DZGpRv5I-01961-00421080-00421422 vic sage only to destroy him all over AF7DZGpRv5I-01962-00421423-00421518 again AF7DZGpRv5I-01963-00421519-00421814 and again for years vix age has worn the AF7DZGpRv5I-01964-00421815-00421991 faceless mask of the question to clean AF7DZGpRv5I-01965-00421992-00422159 up the streets of hub city by sheer AF7DZGpRv5I-01966-00422160-00422295 force of will AF7DZGpRv5I-01967-00422296-00422518 he knows right from wrong he knows black AF7DZGpRv5I-01968-00422519-00422607 from white AF7DZGpRv5I-01969-00422608-00422799 but what happens when he is drawn into a AF7DZGpRv5I-01970-00422800-00422991 conspiracy that reaches from the heights AF7DZGpRv5I-01971-00422992-00423151 of hub city power AF7DZGpRv5I-01972-00423152-00423422 to the depths of its underground tunnels AF7DZGpRv5I-01973-00423423-00423583 what happens when things stop being AF7DZGpRv5I-01974-00423584-00423687 black and white AF7DZGpRv5I-01975-00423688-00423975 and start getting a little gray and what AF7DZGpRv5I-01976-00423976-00424103 happens when AF7DZGpRv5I-01977-00424104-00424287 in a secret chamber deep beneath the AF7DZGpRv5I-01978-00424288-00424431 city vic AF7DZGpRv5I-01979-00424432-00424687 sage meets his own end and his new AF7DZGpRv5I-01980-00424688-00424999 beginning AF7DZGpRv5I-01981-00425000-00425239 black widow black af widows and orphans AF7DZGpRv5I-01982-00425239-00425375 from december 2020 AF7DZGpRv5I-01983-00425376-00425647 in black mass comics in a world where AF7DZGpRv5I-01984-00425647-00425839 only black people have superpowers AF7DZGpRv5I-01985-00425839-00426014 what price do they fetch on the black AF7DZGpRv5I-01986-00426015-00426270 market from the pages of black AF7DZGpRv5I-01987-00426271-00426583 this new story features anasi and hud AF7DZGpRv5I-01988-00426584-00426622 rat AF7DZGpRv5I-01989-00426623-00426831 investigating a human trafficking ring AF7DZGpRv5I-01990-00426832-00427031 that will take them across the globe AF7DZGpRv5I-01991-00427032-00427239 and bring them face to face with dark AF7DZGpRv5I-01992-00427239-00427399 past of abuse AF7DZGpRv5I-01993-00427400-00428063 child soldiers and families torn apart AF7DZGpRv5I-01994-00428064-00428391 after the rain out in january from harry AF7DZGpRv5I-01995-00428392-00428414 and AF7DZGpRv5I-01996-00428415-00428735 abrams during a furious storm a young AF7DZGpRv5I-01997-00428735-00428935 woman's destiny is revealed AF7DZGpRv5I-01998-00428935-00429214 and her life is changed forever after AF7DZGpRv5I-01999-00429215-00429455 the rain is a graphic novel adaption AF7DZGpRv5I-02000-00429456-00429703 of nettie okorafor's short story on the AF7DZGpRv5I-02001-00429704-00429791 road AF7DZGpRv5I-02002-00429792-00429943 the drama takes place in a small AF7DZGpRv5I-02003-00429943-00430143 nigerian town during a violent and AF7DZGpRv5I-02004-00430143-00430318 unexpected storm AF7DZGpRv5I-02005-00430319-00430591 a nigerian-american woman named chioma AF7DZGpRv5I-02006-00430592-00430751 answers a knock at her door and is AF7DZGpRv5I-02007-00430752-00430918 horrified to see a boy AF7DZGpRv5I-02008-00430919-00431127 with a severe head wound standing at her AF7DZGpRv5I-02009-00431128-00431255 doorstep AF7DZGpRv5I-02010-00431256-00431470 he reaches for her and his touch burns AF7DZGpRv5I-02011-00431471-00431591 like fire AF7DZGpRv5I-02012-00431592-00431855 something is very wrong haunted and AF7DZGpRv5I-02013-00431856-00431943 hunted AF7DZGpRv5I-02014-00431943-00432159 chilma must embrace her heritage in AF7DZGpRv5I-02015-00432160-00432335 order to survive AF7DZGpRv5I-02016-00432335-00432575 john jennings and david brahma's graphic AF7DZGpRv5I-02017-00432576-00432839 novel collaboration uses bold art AF7DZGpRv5I-02018-00432839-00433047 and colors to powerfully tell this tale AF7DZGpRv5I-02019-00433047-00433366 of identity and destiny AF7DZGpRv5I-02020-00433367-00433703 i saw an nettie in a author event AF7DZGpRv5I-02021-00433704-00433863 recently in which she was asked if her AF7DZGpRv5I-02022-00433864-00433999 book remote control AF7DZGpRv5I-02023-00434000-00434183 could be described as both magical AF7DZGpRv5I-02024-00434184-00434303 realism and AF7DZGpRv5I-02025-00434304-00434751 african futurism she said yes but AF7DZGpRv5I-02026-00434752-00434999 magical realism can be problematic as it AF7DZGpRv5I-02027-00435000-00435222 is a label often given to non-western AF7DZGpRv5I-02028-00435223-00435318 cultures AF7DZGpRv5I-02029-00435319-00435503 labeling people's worldview as magical AF7DZGpRv5I-02030-00435504-00435759 because it's not a western world view AF7DZGpRv5I-02031-00435760-00435991 african futurism is basically science AF7DZGpRv5I-02032-00435992-00436143 fiction deeply rooted in AF7DZGpRv5I-02033-00436143-00436591 african culture politics people beliefs AF7DZGpRv5I-02034-00436592-00436847 which brings worldview not othering to AF7DZGpRv5I-02035-00436847-00437103 the mystical things of the world AF7DZGpRv5I-02036-00437104-00437335 tor published an article on this which AF7DZGpRv5I-02037-00437335-00437495 said that doesn't mean that the stories AF7DZGpRv5I-02038-00437496-00437679 have to take place explicitly on the AF7DZGpRv5I-02039-00437680-00437831 continent of africa AF7DZGpRv5I-02040-00437832-00438047 but that the themes characters and roots AF7DZGpRv5I-02041-00438047-00438255 of the story are based in africa and not AF7DZGpRv5I-02042-00438256-00438439 in america or another predominantly AF7DZGpRv5I-02043-00438439-00438631 white western culture AF7DZGpRv5I-02044-00438632-00438870 afrofuturism on the other hand is also a AF7DZGpRv5I-02045-00438871-00439055 subcategory of science fiction AF7DZGpRv5I-02046-00439056-00439222 concerning black people within the AF7DZGpRv5I-02047-00439223-00439510 diaspora that often features stories AF7DZGpRv5I-02048-00439512-00439718 from outside the continent of africa and AF7DZGpRv5I-02049-00439719-00439935 usually in colonized western societies AF7DZGpRv5I-02050-00439935-00440063 like america AF7DZGpRv5I-02051-00440064-00440399 canada in the uk in a similar vein AF7DZGpRv5I-02052-00440400-00440599 afrofuturism a movement that began in AF7DZGpRv5I-02053-00440600-00440743 the black community during the early AF7DZGpRv5I-02054-00440743-00440951 20th century as an escape from racial AF7DZGpRv5I-02055-00440952-00441055 hostility AF7DZGpRv5I-02056-00441056-00441343 economic turmoil and aggressive policing AF7DZGpRv5I-02057-00441343-00441518 is enjoying a renaissance witnessed by AF7DZGpRv5I-02058-00441519-00441679 the record-breaking successes of AF7DZGpRv5I-02059-00441680-00441855 creative projects AF7DZGpRv5I-02060-00441856-00442222 like this one we get to afrofuturist tim AF7DZGpRv5I-02061-00442223-00442287 fielder's AF7DZGpRv5I-02062-00442288-00442510 beautifully written and rendered AF7DZGpRv5I-02063-00442512-00442687 infinitum AF7DZGpRv5I-02064-00442688-00442927 which was out in january from amistad AF7DZGpRv5I-02065-00442928-00443207 which is an imprint of harpercollins AF7DZGpRv5I-02066-00443208-00443583 in infinitum king aja oba and queen lewa AF7DZGpRv5I-02067-00443584-00443822 are revered across the african continent AF7DZGpRv5I-02068-00443823-00443975 for their impressive political and AF7DZGpRv5I-02069-00443976-00444127 military skills AF7DZGpRv5I-02070-00444128-00444287 yet the future of their kingdom is in AF7DZGpRv5I-02071-00444288-00444487 jeopardy for the royal couple do not AF7DZGpRv5I-02072-00444488-00444663 have an heir of their own AF7DZGpRv5I-02073-00444664-00444863 when the king kidnaps his son born to a AF7DZGpRv5I-02074-00444864-00444983 concubine AF7DZGpRv5I-02075-00444984-00445283 obiren curses oba with the gift of AF7DZGpRv5I-02076-00445284-00445399 immortality AF7DZGpRv5I-02077-00445400-00445687 after enjoying long wonderful lives both AF7DZGpRv5I-02078-00445688-00445759 queen leewa AF7DZGpRv5I-02079-00445760-00445983 and the crown prince died naturally AF7DZGpRv5I-02080-00445984-00446263 leaving the ageless bereaved king oba AF7DZGpRv5I-02081-00446264-00446551 heartbroken and alone taking advantage AF7DZGpRv5I-02082-00446552-00446695 of oba's vulnerability AF7DZGpRv5I-02083-00446696-00446903 enemy nations rise to power and kill the AF7DZGpRv5I-02084-00446904-00447143 king or so they think AF7DZGpRv5I-02085-00447143-00447439 king ada oba survives the fatal attack AF7DZGpRv5I-02086-00447439-00447670 finally realizing the bitter fruit AF7DZGpRv5I-02087-00447671-00448087 of oberyn's curse AF7DZGpRv5I-02088-00448088-00448359 earlier this month we also got a black AF7DZGpRv5I-02089-00448360-00448414 af AF7DZGpRv5I-02090-00448415-00448695 devil's die from black mass comics this AF7DZGpRv5I-02091-00448696-00448935 latest black af collected mini series is AF7DZGpRv5I-02092-00448935-00449199 written by breakout star vita ayala AF7DZGpRv5I-02093-00449200-00449607 and rising star artist lyanna kanga AF7DZGpRv5I-02094-00449608-00449863 when a new drug called vanta hits the AF7DZGpRv5I-02095-00449864-00449959 streets AF7DZGpRv5I-02096-00449960-00450191 word is it's the hottest thing since AF7DZGpRv5I-02097-00450192-00450295 ecstasy AF7DZGpRv5I-02098-00450296-00450495 for regular people it has all the highs AF7DZGpRv5I-02099-00450496-00450647 and none of the lows of traditional AF7DZGpRv5I-02100-00450647-00450759 drugs AF7DZGpRv5I-02101-00450760-00450983 there is some fine print however for AF7DZGpRv5I-02102-00450984-00451183 empowered black folks the drug causes a AF7DZGpRv5I-02103-00451184-00451447 total and violent loss of control AF7DZGpRv5I-02104-00451447-00451679 the project sends indigo to investigate AF7DZGpRv5I-02105-00451680-00451863 and soon it becomes apparent AF7DZGpRv5I-02106-00451864-00452039 that this is more than just a new AF7DZGpRv5I-02107-00452039-00452295 designer distraction for the masses AF7DZGpRv5I-02108-00452296-00452503 indigo together with former detective AF7DZGpRv5I-02109-00452504-00452614 ellen waters AF7DZGpRv5I-02110-00452615-00452751 raced to find the source of the AF7DZGpRv5I-02111-00452752-00452951 substance poisoning their people before AF7DZGpRv5I-02112-00452952-00453103 it's too late AF7DZGpRv5I-02113-00453104-00453295 the superhero universe where only black AF7DZGpRv5I-02114-00453296-00453479 people have superpowers continues to AF7DZGpRv5I-02115-00453480-00453566 expand AF7DZGpRv5I-02116-00453567-00453751 for the first time with a new creative AF7DZGpRv5I-02117-00453752-00454159 team building onto the exciting world AF7DZGpRv5I-02118-00454160-00454310 finishing off with some titles to look AF7DZGpRv5I-02119-00454312-00454655 forward to going forward in 2021 AF7DZGpRv5I-02120-00454656-00454966 in may of this year we'll get black star AF7DZGpRv5I-02121-00454967-00455207 from abram's comics AF7DZGpRv5I-02122-00455208-00455447 stranded on an alien planet two AF7DZGpRv5I-02123-00455447-00455575 astronauts must battle AF7DZGpRv5I-02124-00455576-00455775 deadly elements and each other to AF7DZGpRv5I-02125-00455776-00455895 recover a reserve AF7DZGpRv5I-02126-00455896-00456231 shuttle built for one black star is a AF7DZGpRv5I-02127-00456232-00456470 debut graphic novel by eric anthony AF7DZGpRv5I-02128-00456471-00456543 glover AF7DZGpRv5I-02129-00456543-00456735 based on his original unproduced AF7DZGpRv5I-02130-00456735-00456847 screenplay AF7DZGpRv5I-02131-00456847-00457159 and illustrated rated by ariel AF7DZGpRv5I-02132-00457160-00457575 jonah in the future interstellar travel AF7DZGpRv5I-02133-00457576-00457831 is past its prime and sending shuttles AF7DZGpRv5I-02134-00457832-00458014 beyond our solar system AF7DZGpRv5I-02135-00458015-00458295 even for vital scientific research is a AF7DZGpRv5I-02136-00458296-00458503 life-threatening gamble AF7DZGpRv5I-02137-00458504-00458743 however in order to retrieve samples of AF7DZGpRv5I-02138-00458743-00458999 an alien flower that may hold the key to AF7DZGpRv5I-02139-00459000-00459199 saving countless lives AF7DZGpRv5I-02140-00459200-00459487 harper north and her crew of scientists AF7DZGpRv5I-02141-00459488-00459543 must AF7DZGpRv5I-02142-00459543-00459855 journey to elios a dangerous planet in AF7DZGpRv5I-02143-00459856-00460175 deep space but as they approach AF7DZGpRv5I-02144-00460176-00460383 their ship is caught in an asteroid AF7DZGpRv5I-02145-00460384-00460495 storm and AF7DZGpRv5I-02146-00460496-00460775 as it hurtles towards the surface its AF7DZGpRv5I-02147-00460776-00460847 reserve AF7DZGpRv5I-02148-00460847-00461135 shuttle detaches landing over a hundred AF7DZGpRv5I-02149-00461135-00461303 kilometers away AF7DZGpRv5I-02150-00461304-00461470 when the rest of the crew perishes in AF7DZGpRv5I-02151-00461471-00461670 the burning wreckage of the ship AF7DZGpRv5I-02152-00461671-00461870 north races towards the rescue shuttle AF7DZGpRv5I-02153-00461871-00462007 built for one AF7DZGpRv5I-02154-00462008-00462175 hoping to fulfill their mission and AF7DZGpRv5I-02155-00462176-00462510 survive but north isn't alone AF7DZGpRv5I-02156-00462512-00462710 the team's wilderness expert is still AF7DZGpRv5I-02157-00462712-00462966 alive and hell-bent on hunting north AF7DZGpRv5I-02158-00462967-00463022 down AF7DZGpRv5I-02159-00463023-00463303 and claiming the shuttle for herself now AF7DZGpRv5I-02160-00463304-00463431 north has no choice AF7DZGpRv5I-02161-00463432-00463735 but to reach the shuttle first and fast AF7DZGpRv5I-02162-00463735-00464007 the fuel is leaking her gps battery is AF7DZGpRv5I-02163-00464008-00464070 dying AF7DZGpRv5I-02164-00464071-00464303 and the planet's deadly seasonal change AF7DZGpRv5I-02165-00464304-00464422 is coming AF7DZGpRv5I-02166-00464423-00464639 as she battles the flora and fauna and AF7DZGpRv5I-02167-00464639-00464839 tries to elude her ruthless former AF7DZGpRv5I-02168-00464839-00464935 crewmate AF7DZGpRv5I-02169-00464935-00465166 north will find the cost of survival is AF7DZGpRv5I-02170-00465167-00465279 dear AF7DZGpRv5I-02171-00465280-00465687 will she be willing to pay the price AF7DZGpRv5I-02172-00465688-00466031 and in september of this year AF7DZGpRv5I-02173-00466032-00466455 we get volume 1 of malika warrior queen AF7DZGpRv5I-02174-00466456-00466863 darkhorse studios and unique studios AF7DZGpRv5I-02175-00466864-00467039 bring us this title that follows the AF7DZGpRv5I-02176-00467039-00467310 exploits of queen and military commander AF7DZGpRv5I-02177-00467312-00467583 malaika who struggles to keep the peace AF7DZGpRv5I-02178-00467584-00467727 in her ever-expanding AF7DZGpRv5I-02179-00467728-00468070 empire azaz this historical fantasy is AF7DZGpRv5I-02180-00468071-00468303 set in 15th century west africa and AF7DZGpRv5I-02181-00468304-00468639 created by an all-star team from nigeria AF7DZGpRv5I-02182-00468639-00468879 growing up as a prodigy malaika inherits AF7DZGpRv5I-02183-00468880-00469014 the crown from her father AF7DZGpRv5I-02184-00469015-00469303 in an incredibly unusual way splitting AF7DZGpRv5I-02185-00469304-00469535 the kingdom of azaz in half AF7DZGpRv5I-02186-00469535-00469783 after years of civil war maleka finally AF7DZGpRv5I-02187-00469784-00469959 unites all of his ass AF7DZGpRv5I-02188-00469960-00470159 expanding it into one of the largest AF7DZGpRv5I-02189-00470160-00470407 empires in all of west africa AF7DZGpRv5I-02190-00470408-00470591 but expansion will not come without AF7DZGpRv5I-02191-00470592-00470710 costs AF7DZGpRv5I-02192-00470712-00470999 enemies begin to rise within her council AF7DZGpRv5I-02193-00471000-00471183 and as as catches the attention of one AF7DZGpRv5I-02194-00471184-00471399 of the most feared superpowers the world AF7DZGpRv5I-02195-00471400-00471527 has ever known AF7DZGpRv5I-02196-00471528-00471839 the ming dynasty as malaika fights to AF7DZGpRv5I-02197-00471839-00472047 win the clandestine war within the walls AF7DZGpRv5I-02198-00472047-00472159 of her empire AF7DZGpRv5I-02199-00472160-00472375 she must also turn her attention to an AF7DZGpRv5I-02200-00472376-00472622 indomitable and treacherous foe AF7DZGpRv5I-02201-00472623-00473007 with plans to vanquish her entire people AF7DZGpRv5I-02202-00473008-00473310 since 2012 roya ocupe has been building AF7DZGpRv5I-02203-00473312-00473566 a universe of superheroes that spans AF7DZGpRv5I-02204-00473567-00473751 centuries centered around african AF7DZGpRv5I-02205-00473752-00474055 stories crafted by african creators AF7DZGpRv5I-02206-00474056-00474310 he says what we are trying to do over AF7DZGpRv5I-02207-00474312-00474470 the next few years is create a AF7DZGpRv5I-02208-00474471-00474679 compelling and immersive universe AF7DZGpRv5I-02209-00474680-00474999 with our own twist how well the unique AF7DZGpRv5I-02210-00475000-00475222 universe is a massive interconnected AF7DZGpRv5I-02211-00475223-00475351 universe of sci-fi AF7DZGpRv5I-02212-00475352-00475591 fantasy and superhero content spread AF7DZGpRv5I-02213-00475592-00475759 across multiple timelines AF7DZGpRv5I-02214-00475760-00475935 with stories told from an african AF7DZGpRv5I-02215-00475935-00476159 perspective is this ambitious AF7DZGpRv5I-02216-00476160-00476470 yes is it impossible not at all with AF7DZGpRv5I-02217-00476471-00476631 this monumental partnership with AF7DZGpRv5I-02218-00476632-00476822 darkhorse and the impeccable history AF7DZGpRv5I-02219-00476823-00476895 support AF7DZGpRv5I-02220-00476896-00477063 and infrastructure they bring to the AF7DZGpRv5I-02221-00477064-00477295 table we will finally be able to achieve AF7DZGpRv5I-02222-00477296-00477422 our ultimate goal AF7DZGpRv5I-02223-00477423-00477687 create for a global audience content AF7DZGpRv5I-02224-00477688-00477775 that empowers AF7DZGpRv5I-02225-00477776-00478087 african creatives and storytelling AF7DZGpRv5I-02226-00478088-00478359 and one final title to look forward to AF7DZGpRv5I-02227-00478360-00478470 the other history AF7DZGpRv5I-02228-00478471-00478718 of the dc universe will be out in AF7DZGpRv5I-02229-00478719-00478918 november of this year AF7DZGpRv5I-02230-00478919-00479127 academy award-winning screenwriter john AF7DZGpRv5I-02231-00479128-00479399 ridley examines the mythology of the dc AF7DZGpRv5I-02232-00479400-00479510 universe in this AF7DZGpRv5I-02233-00479512-00479814 compelling new graphic novel reframing AF7DZGpRv5I-02234-00479815-00480039 iconic moments of dc history AF7DZGpRv5I-02235-00480039-00480283 and charting a previously unexplored AF7DZGpRv5I-02236-00480284-00480439 socio-political thread AF7DZGpRv5I-02237-00480439-00480631 as seen through the prism of dc AF7DZGpRv5I-02238-00480632-00480887 superheroes who come from historically AF7DZGpRv5I-02239-00480888-00481103 disenfranchised groups AF7DZGpRv5I-02240-00481104-00481318 john really goes where no other has gone AF7DZGpRv5I-02241-00481319-00481431 before AF7DZGpRv5I-02242-00481432-00481631 this unique new series presents its AF7DZGpRv5I-02243-00481632-00481814 story as prose by ridley AF7DZGpRv5I-02244-00481815-00482007 married with beautiful realized color AF7DZGpRv5I-02245-00482008-00482118 illustrations AF7DZGpRv5I-02246-00482119-00482270 from a selection of exciting AF7DZGpRv5I-02247-00482271-00482503 illustrators and comic artists AF7DZGpRv5I-02248-00482504-00482766 extensively researched and masterfully AF7DZGpRv5I-02249-00482767-00482862 executed AF7DZGpRv5I-02250-00482863-00483110 the other history of the dc universe AF7DZGpRv5I-02251-00483112-00483214 promises to be AF7DZGpRv5I-02252-00483215-00483559 an experience unlike any other you may AF7DZGpRv5I-02253-00483560-00483599 think AF7DZGpRv5I-02254-00483600-00483814 you know the history of the dc universe AF7DZGpRv5I-02255-00483815-00483918 but the truth is AF7DZGpRv5I-02256-00483919-00484222 far more complex the other history of AF7DZGpRv5I-02257-00484223-00484422 the dc universe isn't about saving the AF7DZGpRv5I-02258-00484423-00484495 world AF7DZGpRv5I-02259-00484496-00484718 it's about having the strength to simply AF7DZGpRv5I-02260-00484719-00484966 be who you are AF7DZGpRv5I-02261-00484967-00485143 thank you so much for listening to me AF7DZGpRv5I-02262-00485143-00485366 and for listening to this whole AF7DZGpRv5I-02263-00485367-00485535 presentation tonight AF7DZGpRv5I-02264-00485535-00485735 we hope that you enjoyed it and that you AF7DZGpRv5I-02265-00485735-00485927 have found some titles you'll be adding AF7DZGpRv5I-02266-00485928-00486110 to your reading lists AF7DZGpRv5I-02267-00486112-00486351 check the library website for details on AF7DZGpRv5I-02268-00486352-00486479 future programs AF7DZGpRv5I-02269-00486480-00486962 and resources and books you can pick up AF7DZGpRv5I-02270-00486963-00487263 curbside AG3DffzsZik-00000-00000000-00000179 is quite important and you've you've AG3DffzsZik-00001-00000180-00000335 pulled it apart I'm going to turn to AG3DffzsZik-00002-00000336-00000557 Professor McPhee uh his opinions of AG3DffzsZik-00003-00000558-00000719 where the where the pitfalls and the AG3DffzsZik-00004-00000720-00000916 opportunities are AG3DffzsZik-00005-00000917-00001103 yeah can I just go back on the on the AG3DffzsZik-00006-00001104-00001193 data AG3DffzsZik-00007-00001194-00001447 the question about the data so the AG3DffzsZik-00008-00001448-00001823 metaverse is going to generate 100 times AG3DffzsZik-00009-00001823-00002249 more data than our current to the social AG3DffzsZik-00010-00002250-00002471 media platform so AG3DffzsZik-00011-00002472-00002758 um when I'm on LinkedIn LinkedIn owns my AG3DffzsZik-00012-00002759-00002987 data you you cannot download your entire AG3DffzsZik-00013-00002988-00003203 LinkedIn history and take it to Twitter AG3DffzsZik-00014-00003204-00003515 for example along with your uh contacts AG3DffzsZik-00015-00003515-00003725 and your digital influencer status and AG3DffzsZik-00016-00003726-00003904 all that so AG3DffzsZik-00017-00003905-00004235 um when I am on uh Twitter doesn't know AG3DffzsZik-00018-00004236-00004456 uh where in the room I am looking or AG3DffzsZik-00019-00004457-00004654 what my heart rate is or what is what's AG3DffzsZik-00020-00004655-00004913 the color of my Iris or AAA if I have a AG3DffzsZik-00021-00004914-00005170 slight Tremor in my hand and this is all AG3DffzsZik-00022-00005171-00005417 the information that is going to be uh AG3DffzsZik-00023-00005418-00005591 generated and captured by these AG3DffzsZik-00024-00005592-00005854 metaverse uh platform so big tech AG3DffzsZik-00025-00005855-00006106 companies will will have this data if we AG3DffzsZik-00026-00006107-00006334 if we if we are looking at kind of AG3DffzsZik-00027-00006335-00006545 centralized metaverse so if you think AG3DffzsZik-00028-00006545-00006719 that the social media is kind of you AG3DffzsZik-00029-00006720-00006905 know radicalized communities polarized AG3DffzsZik-00030-00006906-00007091 societies imagine what could happen in AG3DffzsZik-00031-00007092-00007360 in 3D environment of metabolas so the AG3DffzsZik-00032-00007361-00007678 idea is um of this decentralized meta AG3DffzsZik-00033-00007679-00007805 was to move AG3DffzsZik-00034-00007806-00008063 um move away from from this model to a AG3DffzsZik-00035-00008064-00008446 more stakeholder model where all parties AG3DffzsZik-00036-00008447-00008735 um have uh have equal a kind of say or AG3DffzsZik-00037-00008736-00009077 or towards the governance AG3DffzsZik-00038-00009078-00009419 um now your question about what are the AG3DffzsZik-00039-00009420-00009556 threats AG3DffzsZik-00040-00009557-00009887 to building a decentralized metaverse I AG3DffzsZik-00041-00009888-00010228 think it it depends who you ask AG3DffzsZik-00042-00010229-00010606 um centralized texts uh systems are are AG3DffzsZik-00043-00010607-00010895 a threat to decentralization uh Legacy AG3DffzsZik-00044-00010896-00011128 systems are a threat to Innovation email AG3DffzsZik-00045-00011129-00011387 was a threat to post postal mail Amazon AG3DffzsZik-00046-00011388-00011596 was a threat to physical Commerce so I AG3DffzsZik-00047-00011597-00011795 think it depends on who you ask AG3DffzsZik-00048-00011796-00012203 um we have become very used to AG3DffzsZik-00049-00012204-00012460 um trading our privacy for convenience AG3DffzsZik-00050-00012461-00012719 and we don't often think about it and I AG3DffzsZik-00051-00012720-00012887 think discussions like this and AG3DffzsZik-00052-00012888-00013037 Technologies like metaverse have AG3DffzsZik-00053-00013038-00013236 actually AG3DffzsZik-00054-00013237-00013516 waking us up to to actually think about AG3DffzsZik-00055-00013518-00013753 uh all these AG3DffzsZik-00056-00013754-00014057 challenges that we have faced in the AG3DffzsZik-00057-00014058-00014255 past and how to how to overcome them AG3DffzsZik-00058-00014256-00014616 another point I want to make is AG3DffzsZik-00059-00014618-00014875 ill-informed cynics AG3DffzsZik-00060-00014876-00015294 are a big threat to metaverse AG3DffzsZik-00061-00015295-00015671 I spend a lot of time educating policy AG3DffzsZik-00062-00015672-00016055 makers stakeholders cynics okay so not AG3DffzsZik-00063-00016056-00016288 Skeptics because Skeptics can change AG3DffzsZik-00064-00016290-00016517 their point of view when you present AG3DffzsZik-00065-00016518-00016799 them with evidence cynics won't they AG3DffzsZik-00066-00016800-00016997 never will and these are the people who AG3DffzsZik-00067-00016998-00017225 told us that blockchain is dead and AG3DffzsZik-00068-00017226-00017507 crypto is dead and nfts are over and now AG3DffzsZik-00069-00017508-00017729 metaverse is over so please don't listen AG3DffzsZik-00070-00017730-00018161 to cynics do listen to Skeptics uh hear AG3DffzsZik-00071-00018162-00018329 their point of views so see what AG3DffzsZik-00072-00018330-00018653 concerns they have because as as David AG3DffzsZik-00073-00018654-00018791 said there are there are lots of AG3DffzsZik-00074-00018792-00018929 challenges AG3DffzsZik-00075-00018930-00019127 um technical challenges accessibility AG3DffzsZik-00076-00019128-00019453 challenges uh metaverse requires AG3DffzsZik-00077-00019454-00019661 high-speed internet both in terms of AG3DffzsZik-00078-00019662-00019967 latency bandwidth there is there is a AG3DffzsZik-00079-00019968-00020147 lot of work we have to do on digital AG3DffzsZik-00080-00020148-00020333 literacy AG3DffzsZik-00081-00020334-00020650 um privacy and security is a concern AG3DffzsZik-00082-00020651-00020969 um how do we protect users privacy how AG3DffzsZik-00083-00020970-00021293 do we ensure that the data data AG3DffzsZik-00084-00021294-00021493 protection measures are there AG3DffzsZik-00085-00021494-00021767 secure identity governance is another AG3DffzsZik-00086-00021768-00022008 one some other speakers touched on that AG3DffzsZik-00087-00022009-00022258 it metaverse requires governance AG3DffzsZik-00088-00022259-00022583 structures that are that are fair uh AG3DffzsZik-00089-00022584-00022894 have to prevent any abuse protect the AG3DffzsZik-00090-00022895-00023189 rights of users and and building such AG3DffzsZik-00091-00023190-00023489 structures is challenging I think and it AG3DffzsZik-00092-00023490-00023639 requires collaboration of all AG3DffzsZik-00093-00023640-00023933 stakeholders not just the uh the AG3DffzsZik-00094-00023934-00024136 technical technicians and the and the AG3DffzsZik-00095-00024137-00024347 web developers and blockchain developers AG3DffzsZik-00096-00024348-00024593 and metaverse developers but also what I AG3DffzsZik-00097-00024594-00024875 call quadruple Helix Innovation AG3DffzsZik-00098-00024876-00025122 ecosystem so government AG3DffzsZik-00099-00025123-00025492 Enterprises society and Academia so all AG3DffzsZik-00100-00025493-00025756 of these in the quadruple Helix have to AG3DffzsZik-00101-00025757-00026056 work together now I have no issues with AG3DffzsZik-00102-00026057-00026296 the with centralized platforms creating AG3DffzsZik-00103-00026297-00026573 digital assets or or avatars or whatever AG3DffzsZik-00104-00026574-00026890 as long as they are owned and controlled AG3DffzsZik-00105-00026891-00027101 by the users and the users are able to AG3DffzsZik-00106-00027102-00027329 kind of fully monetize and and transfer AG3DffzsZik-00107-00027330-00027533 those assets in in open market what we AG3DffzsZik-00108-00027533-00027737 call self-sovereignty so I think we can AG3DffzsZik-00109-00027738-00028012 accept this as a as a trade-off at this AG3DffzsZik-00110-00028013-00028127 stage AG3DffzsZik-00111-00028127-00028337 um but yeah those are my thoughts on AG3DffzsZik-00112-00028338-00028439 that AG3DffzsZik-00113-00028439-00028661 thanks Professor it sounds like a lot of AG3DffzsZik-00114-00028662-00028955 the the focus that you you have uh that AG3DffzsZik-00115-00028956-00029140 the threats are the existing threat AG3DffzsZik-00116-00029141-00029296 actually to have two technologies as AG3DffzsZik-00117-00029297-00029483 well and the core thing about building AG3DffzsZik-00118-00029483-00029699 the web 3 metaverse appears to be for AG3DffzsZik-00119-00029700-00029920 you uh making sure that we co-build it AG3DffzsZik-00120-00029922-00030101 together with all of the stakeholders so AG3DffzsZik-00121-00030102-00030332 thank you thank AGfFntDT8mY-00000-00000060-00000371 who our host Susan Berger from the FAI AGfFntDT8mY-00002-00004735-00004941 were having some issues with audio Susan AGfFntDT8mY-00003-00004942-00005121 little while ago and we thought maybe AGfFntDT8mY-00004-00005122-00005289 they'd be rectified maybe they wouldn't AGfFntDT8mY-00005-00005290-00005574 obviously they aren't and so at this AGfFntDT8mY-00006-00005575-00005853 point I'll take over and just quickly go AGfFntDT8mY-00007-00005854-00006060 through this if you have any questions AGfFntDT8mY-00008-00006061-00006443 or need any answers from anybody in the AGfFntDT8mY-00009-00006444-00006927 c2c world please use the submit your AGfFntDT8mY-00010-00006928-00007203 question in the c2c care online AGfFntDT8mY-00011-00007204-00007398 community discussion forums and one of AGfFntDT8mY-00012-00007398-00007704 the experts will get back to you there's AGfFntDT8mY-00013-00007705-00008253 a link at the bottom of your screen as AGfFntDT8mY-00014-00008254-00008577 well you can keep up with the CDC AGfFntDT8mY-00015-00008578-00008853 community either on Facebook or you can AGfFntDT8mY-00016-00008854-00009189 follow them in there or follow along AGfFntDT8mY-00017-00009190-00009476 with our Twitter handle and there's also AGfFntDT8mY-00018-00009477-00010014 the listserv for cGCC announced it only AGfFntDT8mY-00019-00010015-00010500 comes out or gets sent out about once or AGfFntDT8mY-00020-00010501-00010734 twice a month not very often so by AGfFntDT8mY-00021-00010735-00011096 joining it you will not be spammed and AGfFntDT8mY-00022-00011097-00011442 you can feel free to contact not me AGfFntDT8mY-00023-00011443-00011639 but Susan anytime that is her email AGfFntDT8mY-00024-00011640-00012039 address there and she will respond as AGfFntDT8mY-00025-00012040-00012218 quickly as she can AGfFntDT8mY-00026-00012219-00012396 coming up we're going to be having AGfFntDT8mY-00027-00012397-00012657 another webinar on October 17th with AGfFntDT8mY-00028-00012658-00012921 what is this solving problems found in AGfFntDT8mY-00029-00012922-00013194 collection and that will be at our AGfFntDT8mY-00030-00013194-00013387 regular time AGfFntDT8mY-00031-00013388-00013613 as well in November there's going to be AGfFntDT8mY-00032-00013615-00013941 imaging and metadata and NAGPRA issues AGfFntDT8mY-00033-00013943-00014197 coming up and followed by December AGfFntDT8mY-00034-00014197-00014455 issues with ivory so you keep your eyes AGfFntDT8mY-00035-00014456-00014896 peeled on the CDC website and you'll AGfFntDT8mY-00036-00014897-00015031 receive notifications when the AGfFntDT8mY-00037-00015032-00015154 registrations are open for those AGfFntDT8mY-00038-00015155-00015493 webinars so without further delay it is AGfFntDT8mY-00039-00015494-00015880 my pleasure to pass the audio off to our AGfFntDT8mY-00040-00015881-00016084 presenter today Sherri cook Senior AGfFntDT8mY-00041-00016085-00016429 Program Manager with the AAAS LH Sherri AGfFntDT8mY-00042-00016430-00016894 go thanks Mike so much I'm very pleased AGfFntDT8mY-00043-00016895-00017086 to be here with all of you this AGfFntDT8mY-00044-00017087-00017152 afternoon AGfFntDT8mY-00045-00017153-00017383 as Mike said I am with the American AGfFntDT8mY-00046-00017384-00017623 Association for state and local history AGfFntDT8mY-00047-00017624-00017875 we are headquartered in Nashville AGfFntDT8mY-00048-00017876-00018163 Tennessee I'm actually speaking to you AGfFntDT8mY-00049-00018164-00018442 from Jefferson City Missouri where I AGfFntDT8mY-00050-00018443-00018778 telework from my weather today is AGfFntDT8mY-00051-00018779-00019171 absolutely beautiful I hope yours is too AGfFntDT8mY-00052-00019172-00019411 I look forward to talking with you about AGfFntDT8mY-00053-00019412-00019801 the steps program which I coordinate for AGfFntDT8mY-00054-00019802-00020236 a ASL H so I want to start today by AGfFntDT8mY-00055-00020237-00020542 saying that I'm going to begin by AGfFntDT8mY-00056-00020543-00020875 describing kind of the nuts and bolts of AGfFntDT8mY-00057-00020876-00021199 the steps program and then I have some AGfFntDT8mY-00058-00021200-00021366 what I think are very interesting AGfFntDT8mY-00059-00021367-00021741 examples of how steps is helping AGfFntDT8mY-00060-00021742-00022075 organizations make meaningful AGfFntDT8mY-00061-00022076-00022324 improvements to them things that are AGfFntDT8mY-00062-00022325-00022498 changing not only the way that they AGfFntDT8mY-00063-00022499-00022777 operate but how they engage with their AGfFntDT8mY-00064-00022778-00022963 communities and how they serve their AGfFntDT8mY-00065-00022964-00023224 visitors so as I said we'll start with AGfFntDT8mY-00066-00023225-00023467 the nuts and bolts feel free to post AGfFntDT8mY-00067-00023468-00023686 comments and questions in the chat box AGfFntDT8mY-00068-00023687-00024052 and either Susan or Mike will serve as AGfFntDT8mY-00069-00024053-00024219 moderator for those questions AGfFntDT8mY-00070-00024220-00024403 some of them they may ask during the AGfFntDT8mY-00071-00024404-00024658 presentation and others they may hold AGfFntDT8mY-00072-00024659-00025006 until the final Q&A session towards the AGfFntDT8mY-00073-00025007-00025222 end but I plan to leave plenty of time AGfFntDT8mY-00074-00025223-00025323 for questions AGfFntDT8mY-00075-00025324-00025651 so be thinking about anything you want AGfFntDT8mY-00076-00025652-00025972 to ask or exchange comments with your AGfFntDT8mY-00077-00025973-00026155 colleagues in the chat box there's lots AGfFntDT8mY-00078-00026156-00026311 of things we can learn from each other AGfFntDT8mY-00079-00026312-00026589 in these sessions so let's talk about AGfFntDT8mY-00080-00026589-00026764 steps AGfFntDT8mY-00081-00026764-00027061 steps actually stands for the standards AGfFntDT8mY-00082-00027062-00027247 and excellence program for history AGfFntDT8mY-00083-00027248-00027529 organizations and it is a program that's AGfFntDT8mY-00084-00027530-00027939 offered by AAAS LH and steps is a AGfFntDT8mY-00085-00027941-00028267 self-study program and it is open to any AGfFntDT8mY-00086-00028268-00028635 museum Historical Society historic house AGfFntDT8mY-00087-00028636-00028927 or related organization we have AGfFntDT8mY-00088-00028927-00029185 libraries enrolled in steps we have AGfFntDT8mY-00089-00029186-00029545 universities so we don't turn anyone AGfFntDT8mY-00090-00029545-00029721 away if they want to enroll in the AGfFntDT8mY-00091-00029722-00030025 program the only entities we do turn AGfFntDT8mY-00092-00030026-00030325 away is we don't allow individuals to AGfFntDT8mY-00093-00030326-00030662 enroll in steps it is a program for AGfFntDT8mY-00094-00030663-00030965 institutions organizations or agencies AGfFntDT8mY-00095-00030966-00031426 so it is an entry-level program that is AGfFntDT8mY-00096-00031427-00031729 intended for small and mid-sized AGfFntDT8mY-00097-00031730-00032073 organizations including all volunteer AGfFntDT8mY-00098-00032074-00032370 organizations especially those that may AGfFntDT8mY-00099-00032372-00032656 not feel ready for other assessment AGfFntDT8mY-00100-00032657-00032935 programs now larger museums and AGfFntDT8mY-00101-00032936-00033162 organizations will also find the program AGfFntDT8mY-00102-00033163-00033537 helpful so as I said everyone's invited AGfFntDT8mY-00103-00033538-00033829 to enroll in the program unlike other AGfFntDT8mY-00104-00033830-00034192 assessment programs steps does not have AGfFntDT8mY-00105-00034193-00034498 an application period and there are no AGfFntDT8mY-00106-00034499-00034798 eligibility requirements so I like to AGfFntDT8mY-00107-00034799-00035040 tell people that steps is very flexible AGfFntDT8mY-00108-00035041-00035395 especially for time constraints that AGfFntDT8mY-00109-00035396-00035683 small museums and sites have and in a AGfFntDT8mY-00110-00035684-00035865 few minutes I'll discuss some options AGfFntDT8mY-00111-00035866-00036319 for how you can approach the program to AGfFntDT8mY-00112-00036320-00036582 make it suit your needs AGfFntDT8mY-00113-00036583-00036919 so the development of steps was a AGfFntDT8mY-00114-00036920-00037336 grassroots effort by by people in the AGfFntDT8mY-00115-00037337-00037651 field and a lot of enthusiasm and AGfFntDT8mY-00116-00037652-00038200 passion was was exhibited throughout the AGfFntDT8mY-00117-00038201-00038404 four and a half years that we develop AGfFntDT8mY-00118-00038405-00038662 steps many volunteers a hundred and AGfFntDT8mY-00119-00038663-00038896 thirty-five people many of them very AGfFntDT8mY-00120-00038897-00039157 passionate about wanting to help AGfFntDT8mY-00121-00039158-00039606 especially small institutions be able to AGfFntDT8mY-00122-00039607-00039852 take part in some type of assessment AGfFntDT8mY-00123-00039853-00040147 program so there were 40s AGfFntDT8mY-00124-00040148-00040474 seven pilot sites and those ranged AGfFntDT8mY-00125-00040475-00040693 everywhere from Maine to Alaska AGfFntDT8mY-00126-00040694-00041071 California to Maryland and Mississippi AGfFntDT8mY-00127-00041072-00041278 all the way up to Minnesota so we had a AGfFntDT8mY-00128-00041279-00041740 very wide range of people from 37 states AGfFntDT8mY-00129-00041741-00041986 who took part in developing the steps AGfFntDT8mY-00130-00041987-00042460 program now steps is part of what we AGfFntDT8mY-00131-00042461-00042793 call the continuum of excellence and if AGfFntDT8mY-00132-00042794-00042988 some of you took part in last week's AGfFntDT8mY-00133-00042989-00043282 webinar with the map and the cap folks AGfFntDT8mY-00134-00043283-00043597 you probably saw this image also and you AGfFntDT8mY-00135-00043598-00043744 can see in the center of the screen AGfFntDT8mY-00136-00043745-00044176 where it says Maps steps cap and SMA AGfFntDT8mY-00137-00044177-00044434 these are all different programs that AGfFntDT8mY-00138-00044435-00044779 are available to you to help you with AGfFntDT8mY-00139-00044780-00045010 assessing your policies and practices AGfFntDT8mY-00140-00045011-00045247 and so steps is right there in the AGfFntDT8mY-00141-00045248-00045415 middle and most of these programs you AGfFntDT8mY-00142-00045416-00045700 can you can do at any time as I AGfFntDT8mY-00143-00045701-00045820 mentioned earlier you can enroll in AGfFntDT8mY-00144-00045821-00046132 steps at any time so I wanted to take a AGfFntDT8mY-00145-00046133-00046408 quick poll or actually two polls the AGfFntDT8mY-00146-00046409-00046624 first poll that I want to ask everyone AGfFntDT8mY-00147-00046625-00046963 is have you either at your current AGfFntDT8mY-00148-00046964-00047179 position or institution or a previous AGfFntDT8mY-00149-00047180-00047533 one have you participated in one of the AGfFntDT8mY-00150-00047534-00047728 continuum of excellence assessment AGfFntDT8mY-00151-00047729-00048646 programs okay so about a third of you AGfFntDT8mY-00152-00048647-00048979 have and two-thirds have not that's a AGfFntDT8mY-00153-00048980-00049159 good range so we have some folks who AGfFntDT8mY-00154-00049160-00049321 will be familiar with the material today AGfFntDT8mY-00155-00049322-00049534 or know about cap and map and other AGfFntDT8mY-00156-00049535-00049768 programs and for some of you AGfFntDT8mY-00157-00049769-00050032 these may be opportunities you'll want AGfFntDT8mY-00158-00050033-00050413 to take part in very soon thank you for AGfFntDT8mY-00159-00050414-00050617 answering that poll so the second poll AGfFntDT8mY-00160-00050618-00050881 that I want to ask very quickly is do we AGfFntDT8mY-00161-00050882-00051091 have any organizations represented today AGfFntDT8mY-00162-00051092-00051708 that are currently enrolled in steps not AGfFntDT8mY-00163-00051709-00051891 yet several of you are considering it AGfFntDT8mY-00164-00051892-00052228 okay we have several who are enrolled AGfFntDT8mY-00165-00052229-00052525 wonderful and several that are not great AGfFntDT8mY-00166-00052526-00053641 okay thank you AGfFntDT8mY-00167-00053641-00053941 so you can see from the map that's up on AGfFntDT8mY-00168-00053942-00054238 the screen we have organizations AGfFntDT8mY-00169-00054239-00054479 enrolled in steps all across the country AGfFntDT8mY-00170-00054479-00054988 in Canada and believe they're right now AGfFntDT8mY-00171-00054989-00055188 there's about nine hundred and forty AGfFntDT8mY-00172-00055189-00055415 organizations enrolled so that's a fair AGfFntDT8mY-00173-00055416-00055697 number of organizations the program was AGfFntDT8mY-00174-00055698-00056017 first introduced to the field in 2009 so AGfFntDT8mY-00175-00056019-00056303 it's been around for a few years but AGfFntDT8mY-00176-00056304-00056532 still considered fairly new and AGfFntDT8mY-00177-00056533-00056828 something that the field really has AGfFntDT8mY-00178-00056829-00057350 wanted for a long time now just a few AGfFntDT8mY-00179-00057351-00057856 things about enrolment in steps because AGfFntDT8mY-00180-00057857-00057979 I know that's probably one thing that AGfFntDT8mY-00181-00057980-00058093 people are always wondering well how AGfFntDT8mY-00182-00058094-00058310 much does this program cost and I AGfFntDT8mY-00183-00058311-00058490 mentioned that steps does not have any AGfFntDT8mY-00184-00058491-00058738 eligibility requirements or an AGfFntDT8mY-00185-00058739-00058966 application and you can enroll online AGfFntDT8mY-00186-00058967-00059249 you can do it by phone or mail there is AGfFntDT8mY-00187-00059250-00059482 a one-time fee of a hundred and AGfFntDT8mY-00188-00059483-00059725 seventy-five dollars to enroll in the AGfFntDT8mY-00189-00059726-00059992 program and that once you're enrolled AGfFntDT8mY-00190-00059994-00060173 that one-time fee you're in it for as AGfFntDT8mY-00191-00060174-00060488 long as you want to be in it you do have AGfFntDT8mY-00192-00060489-00060841 to be an AAA slh institutional member AGfFntDT8mY-00193-00060842-00061144 for at least the first year now of AGfFntDT8mY-00194-00061145-00061356 course we hope that you will continue AGfFntDT8mY-00195-00061357-00061685 continue your membership in ASL H AGfFntDT8mY-00196-00061686-00061918 because the publication's that you AGfFntDT8mY-00197-00061919-00062116 receive as part of your membership and AGfFntDT8mY-00198-00062117-00062392 the webinars you have the opportunity to AGfFntDT8mY-00199-00062394-00062699 take part in will help you with your AGfFntDT8mY-00200-00062700-00063050 work in steps but but the requirement is AGfFntDT8mY-00201-00063051-00063341 at least for the first year so with that AGfFntDT8mY-00202-00063341-00063688 steps enrollment fee you receive a copy AGfFntDT8mY-00203-00063689-00063962 of the workbook you receive AGfFntDT8mY-00204-00063963-00064207 opportunities to earn certificates and AGfFntDT8mY-00205-00064208-00064606 you receive access to the steps website AGfFntDT8mY-00206-00064607-00064867 so each of those three things I'm going AGfFntDT8mY-00207-00064869-00065147 to talk about in detail here one after AGfFntDT8mY-00208-00065148-00065459 the other so you can learn a little bit AGfFntDT8mY-00209-00065460-00065900 more about them you also receive as part AGfFntDT8mY-00210-00065901-00066088 of that enrollment fee you get national AGfFntDT8mY-00211-00066089-00066325 recognition for the certificates your AGfFntDT8mY-00212-00066326-00066563 organization earns you can AGfFntDT8mY-00213-00066564-00066833 this nice little window decal and then AGfFntDT8mY-00214-00066834-00067277 you get discounts on ASL h workshops and AGfFntDT8mY-00215-00067278-00067568 webinars technical leaflets and other AGfFntDT8mY-00216-00067569-00067931 publications so one hundred and AGfFntDT8mY-00217-00067932-00068405 seventy-five dollars one-time fee I want AGfFntDT8mY-00218-00068406-00068717 to talk first about the steps workbook AGfFntDT8mY-00219-00068718-00069038 it really is the core of the steps AGfFntDT8mY-00220-00069039-00069419 program it is an easy to use spiral AGfFntDT8mY-00221-00069420-00069689 bound book and you write in it and AGfFntDT8mY-00222-00069690-00069956 hopefully it will stay at your AGfFntDT8mY-00223-00069957-00070181 organization even through the transition AGfFntDT8mY-00224-00070182-00070451 of staff and volunteers so that there is AGfFntDT8mY-00225-00070452-00070676 a record of what your organization has AGfFntDT8mY-00226-00070677-00070931 done in the program you can see on the AGfFntDT8mY-00227-00070932-00071186 cover of the book there are six sections AGfFntDT8mY-00228-00071187-00071654 to the workbook you can enjoy address AGfFntDT8mY-00229-00071655-00071855 those sections in any order that you AGfFntDT8mY-00230-00071856-00072224 want a lot of people I've talked to they AGfFntDT8mY-00231-00072225-00072395 recommend that you start with the first AGfFntDT8mY-00232-00072396-00072695 one because it tends to lay groundwork AGfFntDT8mY-00233-00072696-00072905 for the other sections but you don't AGfFntDT8mY-00234-00072906-00073106 have to and it's one of the things about AGfFntDT8mY-00235-00073107-00073346 this program that is very flexible each AGfFntDT8mY-00236-00073347-00073703 of those sections can stand on its own AGfFntDT8mY-00237-00073704-00073901 some organizations don't have any AGfFntDT8mY-00238-00073902-00074111 historic structures and landscapes and AGfFntDT8mY-00239-00074112-00074414 so they may not have to address the AGfFntDT8mY-00240-00074415-00074609 fifth section down there and on your AGfFntDT8mY-00241-00074610-00074921 screen and that's fine we've even had AGfFntDT8mY-00242-00074922-00075140 one organization that didn't have any AGfFntDT8mY-00243-00075141-00075371 collections they were a Historical AGfFntDT8mY-00244-00075372-00075617 Society that published books and AGfFntDT8mY-00245-00075618-00075860 articles and so they were able to skip AGfFntDT8mY-00246-00075861-00076088 the collections section most AGfFntDT8mY-00247-00076089-00076406 organizations however address all six AGfFntDT8mY-00248-00076407-00076742 sections but as I mentioned the book is AGfFntDT8mY-00249-00076743-00077374 it's valuable to have as a record of AGfFntDT8mY-00250-00077375-00077723 your work in the program to pass along AGfFntDT8mY-00251-00077724-00077930 and when there's transitions in staff AGfFntDT8mY-00252-00077931-00078269 and volunteers there are also electronic AGfFntDT8mY-00253-00078270-00078449 copies of the workbook that you can AGfFntDT8mY-00254-00078450-00078773 access through the website which I'll AGfFntDT8mY-00255-00078774-00079010 talk about in just a minute but let's AGfFntDT8mY-00256-00079011-00079196 look at the table of contents for just a AGfFntDT8mY-00257-00079197-00079376 minute you can see that the first AGfFntDT8mY-00258-00079377-00079571 section after the introduction and the AGfFntDT8mY-00259-00079572-00079769 foreword there is a section on how to AGfFntDT8mY-00260-00079770-00079923 use the workbook we're AGfFntDT8mY-00261-00079924-00080073 talk a little bit about that in a few AGfFntDT8mY-00262-00080074-00080282 minutes and then it goes into each of AGfFntDT8mY-00263-00080283-00080507 those six sections and each of those AGfFntDT8mY-00264-00080508-00080813 sections has a case study it's a AGfFntDT8mY-00265-00080814-00081123 fictional story about the Middletown AGfFntDT8mY-00266-00081124-00081488 Historical Society and things that they AGfFntDT8mY-00267-00081489-00081705 come up against how they solve problems AGfFntDT8mY-00268-00081706-00081891 perhaps how they aren't able to solve AGfFntDT8mY-00269-00081892-00082140 problems and those Kate the case study AGfFntDT8mY-00270-00082141-00082374 is in each section so that your AGfFntDT8mY-00271-00082375-00082701 organization if it chooses to can use it AGfFntDT8mY-00272-00082702-00083057 for discussion it's a great way to AGfFntDT8mY-00273-00083058-00083493 discuss perhaps hot-button issues things AGfFntDT8mY-00274-00083494-00083694 that that your organization has faced AGfFntDT8mY-00275-00083695-00083940 that perhaps people have differences of AGfFntDT8mY-00276-00083941-00084168 opinion on it's a great way to kind of AGfFntDT8mY-00277-00084169-00084381 bring some topics to the surface that AGfFntDT8mY-00278-00084382-00084626 perhaps need to be discussed and then AGfFntDT8mY-00279-00084627-00084807 the section goes into the list of AGfFntDT8mY-00280-00084808-00085082 standards and then some unacceptable AGfFntDT8mY-00281-00085083-00085398 practices and then it gets into this AGfFntDT8mY-00282-00085399-00085650 self-assessment questions and what we AGfFntDT8mY-00283-00085651-00085899 call the performance indicators and I'll AGfFntDT8mY-00284-00085900-00086069 talk a little bit about those in just a AGfFntDT8mY-00285-00086070-00086400 moment each section then ends with a AGfFntDT8mY-00286-00086401-00086649 list of sample projects that you can do AGfFntDT8mY-00287-00086650-00086967 things that will help you to meet the AGfFntDT8mY-00288-00086968-00087156 performance indicators like having a AGfFntDT8mY-00289-00087157-00087546 policy perhaps on let's say rental of AGfFntDT8mY-00290-00087547-00087813 your facility or it might suggest a AGfFntDT8mY-00291-00087814-00088256 project on coming up with better key AGfFntDT8mY-00292-00088257-00088512 control of collection storage AGfFntDT8mY-00293-00088513-00088821 there's also bibliographies of resources AGfFntDT8mY-00294-00088822-00089085 and then the final part of each section AGfFntDT8mY-00295-00089086-00089406 are the certificate forms that you AGfFntDT8mY-00296-00089407-00089706 complete when you are able to check off AGfFntDT8mY-00297-00089707-00089976 annex enough boxes and we'll talk about AGfFntDT8mY-00298-00089977-00090201 those certificate forms in just a moment AGfFntDT8mY-00299-00090202-00090773 so here's a page from the workbook AGfFntDT8mY-00300-00090774-00091230 showing starting on the left with the AGfFntDT8mY-00301-00091231-00091653 standards so this is M V G stands for AGfFntDT8mY-00302-00091654-00091860 mission vision and governance that's the AGfFntDT8mY-00303-00091861-00092259 first section of the workbook and so you AGfFntDT8mY-00304-00092260-00092592 have the the standard is on the left in AGfFntDT8mY-00305-00092593-00092876 the left column and then you move over AGfFntDT8mY-00306-00092877-00093048 to the center column and that's the AGfFntDT8mY-00307-00093049-00093254 self-assessment question AGfFntDT8mY-00308-00093255-00093542 and then the column on the right these AGfFntDT8mY-00309-00093543-00093722 are the performance indicators or AGfFntDT8mY-00310-00093723-00094147 recommendations if you will so an AGfFntDT8mY-00311-00094148-00094415 institution can begin to ask these AGfFntDT8mY-00312-00094416-00094724 self-assessment questions and then check AGfFntDT8mY-00313-00094725-00095015 off the boxes for those things that it AGfFntDT8mY-00314-00095016-00095348 is already doing so these performance AGfFntDT8mY-00315-00095349-00095513 indicators that are over on the Left AGfFntDT8mY-00316-00095514-00095765 you'll notice that there's a they're in AGfFntDT8mY-00317-00095766-00096088 a three-tier format basic good and AGfFntDT8mY-00318-00096089-00096347 better and the great thing about these AGfFntDT8mY-00319-00096348-00096716 performance indicators is that first of AGfFntDT8mY-00320-00096717-00096899 all the field has never had anything AGfFntDT8mY-00321-00096900-00097049 like this before AGfFntDT8mY-00322-00097050-00097292 so steps is the first program to have AGfFntDT8mY-00323-00097293-00097523 performance indicators and they answer AGfFntDT8mY-00324-00097524-00097721 they help to answer the question for AGfFntDT8mY-00325-00097722-00098072 your organization how do we know when AGfFntDT8mY-00326-00098073-00098342 we're meeting a national standard like AGfFntDT8mY-00327-00098343-00098486 the standard that's over on the left AGfFntDT8mY-00328-00098487-00098731 side of the screen it's difficult AGfFntDT8mY-00329-00098732-00099053 sometimes to know are we meeting a AGfFntDT8mY-00330-00099054-00099226 standard are we are we doing what we're AGfFntDT8mY-00331-00099227-00099419 supposed to be doing so these AGfFntDT8mY-00332-00099420-00099806 performance indicators help you to AGfFntDT8mY-00333-00099807-00100130 measure or benchmark where you are in AGfFntDT8mY-00334-00100131-00100616 meeting a standard so the boxes that you AGfFntDT8mY-00335-00100617-00100904 can't check off yet those are AGfFntDT8mY-00336-00100905-00101360 opportunities for improvement on the AGfFntDT8mY-00337-00101361-00101540 right side of the page which you can't AGfFntDT8mY-00338-00101541-00101780 see on the screen the right side of the AGfFntDT8mY-00339-00101781-00102149 spiral bound book there are columns and AGfFntDT8mY-00340-00102150-00102449 lots of blank space where you can write AGfFntDT8mY-00341-00102450-00102832 in projects that perhaps will help you AGfFntDT8mY-00342-00102833-00103046 to meet one of the performance AGfFntDT8mY-00343-00103047-00103226 indicators that you're not able to check AGfFntDT8mY-00344-00103227-00103613 off yet so for example the good box here AGfFntDT8mY-00345-00103614-00103804 where it says the mission statement is AGfFntDT8mY-00346-00103805-00104143 easily accessible etc if you're not able AGfFntDT8mY-00347-00104144-00104434 to check that off you would go across AGfFntDT8mY-00348-00104435-00104702 the page to the right side and perhaps AGfFntDT8mY-00349-00104703-00104929 you would write in something that you AGfFntDT8mY-00350-00104930-00105160 can do that will enable you to then AGfFntDT8mY-00351-00105161-00105554 check off the box and what this does is AGfFntDT8mY-00352-00105555-00105770 when you're able to make those lists on AGfFntDT8mY-00353-00105771-00106090 the right side of your workbook you can AGfFntDT8mY-00354-00106091-00106622 then easily move those projects in AGfFntDT8mY-00355-00106623-00106936 to a long-range plan a strategic plan AGfFntDT8mY-00356-00106938-00107174 perhaps your organization just has an AGfFntDT8mY-00357-00107175-00107461 annual set of goals but you're able to AGfFntDT8mY-00358-00107463-00107836 then identify things that your AGfFntDT8mY-00359-00107838-00108533 organization needs to work on so as I AGfFntDT8mY-00360-00108533-00108914 said it's a it's a great way to begin to AGfFntDT8mY-00361-00108915-00109273 identify things that will help you to AGfFntDT8mY-00362-00109274-00109660 better meet national standards now AGfFntDT8mY-00363-00109661-00110008 certainly a a AAA slh understands that AGfFntDT8mY-00364-00110009-00110303 not every organization is going to make AGfFntDT8mY-00365-00110304-00110584 it to the better level throughout the AGfFntDT8mY-00366-00110585-00110918 whole workbook and that's okay there are AGfFntDT8mY-00367-00110919-00111125 many organizations perhaps that do not AGfFntDT8mY-00368-00111126-00111315 have the capacity level whether it's AGfFntDT8mY-00369-00111316-00111679 funding or space or what maybe they're AGfFntDT8mY-00370-00111680-00111863 in a historic building that they're not AGfFntDT8mY-00371-00111864-00112102 able to do some things and that's AGfFntDT8mY-00372-00112103-00112538 totally understandable so we often see AGfFntDT8mY-00373-00112539-00112907 organizations where they might be at the AGfFntDT8mY-00374-00112908-00113171 basic level in one section perhaps AGfFntDT8mY-00375-00113172-00113345 they're at the good level in another AGfFntDT8mY-00376-00113346-00113635 section and even there may be a section AGfFntDT8mY-00377-00113636-00113798 like audience or something that they've AGfFntDT8mY-00378-00113799-00114047 reached the better level so it's it's AGfFntDT8mY-00379-00114048-00114286 very common for organizations to pretty AGfFntDT8mY-00380-00114288-00114454 much be all over the board AGfFntDT8mY-00381-00114455-00114861 with where they are we expect that most AGfFntDT8mY-00382-00114863-00115106 organizations will be in steps at least AGfFntDT8mY-00383-00115107-00115319 five years and there's nothing wrong AGfFntDT8mY-00384-00115320-00115757 with that at all it's a great program to AGfFntDT8mY-00385-00115758-00116096 use as a refresher or a checklist and to AGfFntDT8mY-00386-00116097-00116351 work to continue to work on it and we AGfFntDT8mY-00387-00116352-00116576 understand that many small organizations AGfFntDT8mY-00388-00116577-00116873 perhaps have to set the program aside AGfFntDT8mY-00389-00116874-00117071 for a while when they have school tour AGfFntDT8mY-00390-00117072-00117293 season or they're doing a large AGfFntDT8mY-00391-00117294-00117593 fundraiser so the program is flexible AGfFntDT8mY-00392-00117594-00117938 and it is a self-paced program that you AGfFntDT8mY-00393-00117939-00118301 can work on when you're able to now of AGfFntDT8mY-00394-00118302-00118633 course that's a double-edged sword it's AGfFntDT8mY-00395-00118634-00118810 also easy to put the program down and AGfFntDT8mY-00396-00118811-00119033 then not pick it back up so you have to AGfFntDT8mY-00397-00119033-00119236 think about that also and we'll talk AGfFntDT8mY-00398-00119238-00119584 about that in a few minutes so the most AGfFntDT8mY-00399-00119585-00119723 important thing that I tell AGfFntDT8mY-00400-00119724-00119969 organizations when they enroll is AGfFntDT8mY-00401-00119970-00120337 that to put things into perspective and AGfFntDT8mY-00402-00120338-00120647 to to know that even if you're only able AGfFntDT8mY-00403-00120648-00120901 to reach the basic level in the AGfFntDT8mY-00404-00120902-00121159 beginning that shouldn't stop you from AGfFntDT8mY-00405-00121160-00121573 trying to to move up to the next levels AGfFntDT8mY-00406-00121574-00121958 but the most important thing is that at AGfFntDT8mY-00407-00121958-00122160 least you know where your organization AGfFntDT8mY-00408-00122161-00122584 stands in terms of what the expectations AGfFntDT8mY-00409-00122585-00122873 are and at least your organization knows AGfFntDT8mY-00410-00122874-00123159 that it is doing everything it can to AGfFntDT8mY-00411-00123160-00123449 meet national standards so it's kind of AGfFntDT8mY-00412-00123450-00123853 like you know you you at least know AGfFntDT8mY-00413-00123854-00124225 where you stand and there's no longer a AGfFntDT8mY-00414-00124226-00124459 question or a thing of you know we don't AGfFntDT8mY-00415-00124460-00124636 know anything about national standards AGfFntDT8mY-00416-00124638-00124753 we don't really know what we're supposed AGfFntDT8mY-00417-00124754-00125137 to be doing now you know and it really AGfFntDT8mY-00418-00125138-00125396 helps for planning and for everyone to AGfFntDT8mY-00419-00125397-00125659 understand where the organization is AGfFntDT8mY-00420-00125660-00125935 going where it would like to go so steps AGfFntDT8mY-00421-00125936-00126350 just kind of shines a light on how you AGfFntDT8mY-00422-00126351-00126559 can improve your policies and your AGfFntDT8mY-00423-00126560-00126857 practices in order to be the kind of AGfFntDT8mY-00424-00126858-00127108 organization that you envision you want AGfFntDT8mY-00425-00127109-00127564 it to be in the future so there's a AGfFntDT8mY-00426-00127565-00127670 couple of different ways you can AGfFntDT8mY-00427-00127671-00127825 approach the workbook and I want to talk AGfFntDT8mY-00428-00127826-00128164 about that right now the first way is AGfFntDT8mY-00429-00128165-00128372 kind of the traditional way that I AGfFntDT8mY-00430-00128373-00128522 talked about earlier where you can AGfFntDT8mY-00431-00128523-00128800 choose a section and work through it so AGfFntDT8mY-00432-00128801-00129044 we call that the vertical method where AGfFntDT8mY-00433-00129045-00129248 you choose perhaps like on the screen AGfFntDT8mY-00434-00129249-00129454 you see the collection standard number AGfFntDT8mY-00435-00129455-00129688 two so this is the collections section AGfFntDT8mY-00436-00129689-00129862 so you say okay we're going to work on AGfFntDT8mY-00437-00129863-00130060 collections and you start going down AGfFntDT8mY-00438-00130061-00130291 through the pages and looking at each of AGfFntDT8mY-00439-00130292-00130477 the performance indicators checking off AGfFntDT8mY-00440-00130478-00130898 boxes things like that and so you may AGfFntDT8mY-00441-00130899-00131159 decide that you want a group of folks AGfFntDT8mY-00442-00131160-00131425 from your institution to do this maybe AGfFntDT8mY-00443-00131426-00131657 it's made up of volunteers and staff if AGfFntDT8mY-00444-00131658-00131849 you have paid staff perhaps you have AGfFntDT8mY-00445-00131850-00132074 unpaid staff and volunteers or board AGfFntDT8mY-00446-00132075-00132376 members so perhaps a group of people sit AGfFntDT8mY-00447-00132377-00132571 down and begin to answer the questions AGfFntDT8mY-00448-00132572-00132889 we occasionally have organizations where AGfFntDT8mY-00449-00132890-00133136 just one person within the organization AGfFntDT8mY-00450-00133137-00133328 uses the workbook to answer AGfFntDT8mY-00451-00133329-00133644 questions you can do it either way I AGfFntDT8mY-00452-00133645-00133935 think that having a group address the AGfFntDT8mY-00453-00133936-00134291 questions presents an opportunity for AGfFntDT8mY-00454-00134292-00134513 more people within your organization to AGfFntDT8mY-00455-00134514-00134852 learn about policies and practices and AGfFntDT8mY-00456-00134853-00135125 what you can do but it's up to your AGfFntDT8mY-00457-00135126-00135333 organization but this vertical method AGfFntDT8mY-00458-00135334-00135512 means that you take one section at a AGfFntDT8mY-00459-00135513-00135771 time or if you have enough staff and AGfFntDT8mY-00460-00135772-00135906 volunteers you can do more than one AGfFntDT8mY-00461-00135907-00136085 section but really I think most AGfFntDT8mY-00462-00136086-00136373 organizations address one section at a AGfFntDT8mY-00463-00136374-00136661 time so it's pretty basic you go through AGfFntDT8mY-00464-00136662-00136857 that way now there's a second way that AGfFntDT8mY-00465-00136858-00137150 you can go through steps and that is AGfFntDT8mY-00466-00137151-00137489 what we call the horizontal method and AGfFntDT8mY-00467-00137490-00137745 that means that you're you decide that AGfFntDT8mY-00468-00137746-00138011 your organization is just going to look AGfFntDT8mY-00469-00138012-00138434 at the basic indicators across all six AGfFntDT8mY-00470-00138435-00138771 sections and once you're finished doing AGfFntDT8mY-00471-00138772-00139049 that and checking off boxes then you're AGfFntDT8mY-00472-00139050-00139250 going to go back and look at the middle AGfFntDT8mY-00473-00139251-00139510 level the good performance indicators AGfFntDT8mY-00474-00139511-00139821 through all six sections now I AGfFntDT8mY-00475-00139822-00140285 personally like this method better for AGfFntDT8mY-00476-00140286-00140537 several reasons first of all it can AGfFntDT8mY-00477-00140538-00140847 quickly elevate your organization up to AGfFntDT8mY-00478-00140848-00141096 the basic level so you've kind of met AGfFntDT8mY-00479-00141097-00141408 the basic entry point in all six AGfFntDT8mY-00480-00141409-00141756 sections and many of the performance AGfFntDT8mY-00481-00141757-00142008 indicators in the basic level are about AGfFntDT8mY-00482-00142009-00142385 awareness of things your organization is AGfFntDT8mY-00483-00142386-00142613 aware that it needs to do something that AGfFntDT8mY-00484-00142614-00142823 doesn't mean that it has achieved it it AGfFntDT8mY-00485-00142824-00143121 just means that it's aware so the basic AGfFntDT8mY-00486-00143122-00143735 level is fairly easy to achieve and what AGfFntDT8mY-00487-00143736-00144083 that does is it gives your organization AGfFntDT8mY-00488-00144084-00144460 early success it helps to motivate AGfFntDT8mY-00489-00144461-00144744 people within your organization to want AGfFntDT8mY-00490-00144745-00145450 to keep going in the program and it also AGfFntDT8mY-00491-00145451-00146070 helps you to set that foundation for the AGfFntDT8mY-00492-00146071-00146252 next level the good and better level and AGfFntDT8mY-00493-00146253-00146690 for example let's say your AGfFntDT8mY-00494-00146691-00146864 organization perhaps it doesn't have a AGfFntDT8mY-00495-00146865-00147246 collections management policy by seeing AGfFntDT8mY-00496-00147247-00147558 in the basic level that you need a AGfFntDT8mY-00497-00147559-00147761 collections management policy that's AGfFntDT8mY-00498-00147762-00148037 going to set the foundation than for AGfFntDT8mY-00499-00148038-00148238 other places in the workbook that might AGfFntDT8mY-00500-00148239-00148666 ask about that same policy this AGfFntDT8mY-00501-00148667-00149307 horizontal option also means that if you AGfFntDT8mY-00502-00149308-00149474 don't have a collections management AGfFntDT8mY-00503-00149475-00149711 policy for example and let's say you AGfFntDT8mY-00504-00149712-00149912 didn't get to the collections section AGfFntDT8mY-00505-00149913-00150309 for some time perhaps a year or two you AGfFntDT8mY-00506-00150310-00150546 would be without that policy or you AGfFntDT8mY-00507-00150547-00150744 might see it crop up in the workbook in AGfFntDT8mY-00508-00150745-00150998 other places but you wouldn't have had AGfFntDT8mY-00509-00150999-00151211 the opportunity to address it in the AGfFntDT8mY-00510-00151212-00151562 collections section yet so by looking at AGfFntDT8mY-00511-00151563-00151853 just the basic indicators across all six AGfFntDT8mY-00512-00151854-00152159 sections you're able to raise your AGfFntDT8mY-00513-00152160-00152435 organization to the point where you have AGfFntDT8mY-00514-00152436-00152813 those core documents like a mission AGfFntDT8mY-00515-00152814-00152994 statement and a collections management AGfFntDT8mY-00516-00152995-00153302 policy you have those early on in your AGfFntDT8mY-00517-00153303-00153599 steps participation and so your AGfFntDT8mY-00518-00153600-00153969 organization isn't waiting several years AGfFntDT8mY-00519-00153970-00154187 before it says oh my gosh we we need to AGfFntDT8mY-00520-00154188-00154412 have a collections management policy so AGfFntDT8mY-00521-00154413-00154715 that's why I like this method better AGfFntDT8mY-00522-00154716-00154922 than the vertical method but again as I AGfFntDT8mY-00523-00154923-00155129 said it's up to you whichever way you AGfFntDT8mY-00524-00155130-00155687 want to do it now this year we are AGfFntDT8mY-00525-00155688-00155966 embarking on a review of the workbook AGfFntDT8mY-00526-00155967-00156284 and I want to just mention this to you AGfFntDT8mY-00527-00156285-00156716 the workbook was published in 2009 so it AGfFntDT8mY-00528-00156717-00156899 is a couple of years old and there are AGfFntDT8mY-00529-00156900-00157127 things that have changed in our field so AGfFntDT8mY-00530-00157128-00157424 we are starting a review process we just AGfFntDT8mY-00531-00157425-00157700 started it this year and I do want to AGfFntDT8mY-00532-00157701-00158169 just say that even though at some point AGfFntDT8mY-00533-00158170-00158576 probably around 2019 we will have a new AGfFntDT8mY-00534-00158577-00158804 version a second edition of the workbook AGfFntDT8mY-00535-00158805-00159122 I want to reassure those organizations AGfFntDT8mY-00536-00159123-00159386 that are already enrolled and those that AGfFntDT8mY-00537-00159387-00159744 are considering enrolling that I don't AGfFntDT8mY-00538-00159745-00159902 want you to worry about oh my gosh are AGfFntDT8mY-00539-00159903-00160020 we going to have to go AGfFntDT8mY-00540-00160021-00160287 back and start over again are they going AGfFntDT8mY-00541-00160288-00160803 to make us reapply for certificates this AGfFntDT8mY-00542-00160804-00161118 seems to be a the most common question I AGfFntDT8mY-00543-00161119-00161331 get when we talk about this enhancement AGfFntDT8mY-00544-00161332-00161529 project that's going to take place and I AGfFntDT8mY-00545-00161530-00161856 just want to reassure everyone that when AGfFntDT8mY-00546-00161857-00162135 the new copy of the the new version of AGfFntDT8mY-00547-00162136-00162497 the workbook is ready you will not be AGfFntDT8mY-00548-00162498-00162797 told that you have to go back and AGfFntDT8mY-00549-00162798-00163116 reapply for certificates or go back and AGfFntDT8mY-00550-00163117-00163482 cover material that's new we will use AGfFntDT8mY-00551-00163483-00163764 both the old and the new versions of the AGfFntDT8mY-00552-00163765-00164091 workbook for at least 18 months so that AGfFntDT8mY-00553-00164092-00164667 takes you into almost 2020 to be because AGfFntDT8mY-00554-00164668-00164910 we know that so many organizations are AGfFntDT8mY-00555-00164911-00165372 using the first edition they will have AGfFntDT8mY-00556-00165373-00165504 their choice whether they want to move AGfFntDT8mY-00557-00165505-00165819 over to the second edition up until 20 AGfFntDT8mY-00558-00165820-00166074 about 20 22 is where we will go to the AGfFntDT8mY-00559-00166075-00166443 just the brand the new version and we'll AGfFntDT8mY-00560-00166444-00166737 set aside the old one but until then you AGfFntDT8mY-00561-00166738-00166911 have plenty of time to work on the AGfFntDT8mY-00562-00166912-00167136 current workbook and then continue to AGfFntDT8mY-00563-00167137-00167454 work in the current workbook as I said AGfFntDT8mY-00564-00167455-00167670 for at least 18 months after the new AGfFntDT8mY-00565-00167671-00167862 ones published so I don't want anyone to AGfFntDT8mY-00566-00167863-00168201 think that there's going to be you know AGfFntDT8mY-00567-00168202-00168387 big changes made and that they're going AGfFntDT8mY-00568-00168388-00168690 to have to all of a sudden move over to AGfFntDT8mY-00569-00168691-00168882 the new workbook so but we are trying to AGfFntDT8mY-00570-00168883-00169347 stay in tune with new things you know AGfFntDT8mY-00571-00169348-00169563 digital collections that's a huge topic AGfFntDT8mY-00572-00169564-00170034 and environmental sustainability fraud AGfFntDT8mY-00573-00170035-00170322 prevention we've got to begin to AGfFntDT8mY-00574-00170323-00170589 incorporate those topics into the steps AGfFntDT8mY-00575-00170590-00171186 program so I want to talk now about the AGfFntDT8mY-00576-00171187-00171480 steps website this is if you remember AGfFntDT8mY-00577-00171481-00171717 from that enrollment slide this is AGfFntDT8mY-00578-00171718-00172034 another benefit you receive from the AGfFntDT8mY-00579-00172035-00172350 steps fee that you pay this is a website AGfFntDT8mY-00580-00172351-00172637 that's only open to those organizations AGfFntDT8mY-00581-00172638-00173022 enrolled in steps so you receive AGfFntDT8mY-00582-00173023-00173322 unlimited access to the website AGfFntDT8mY-00583-00173323-00173546 that means that your board members AGfFntDT8mY-00584-00173547-00173883 volunteers paid and unpaid staff can all AGfFntDT8mY-00585-00173884-00174104 create their own username and password AGfFntDT8mY-00586-00174105-00174489 for the site and have access to it AGfFntDT8mY-00587-00174490-00174726 and you can see up along the top toolbar AGfFntDT8mY-00588-00174727-00175077 there are different sections there are AGfFntDT8mY-00589-00175078-00175278 discussion groups they're not real AGfFntDT8mY-00590-00175279-00175488 active but we hope that they will become AGfFntDT8mY-00591-00175489-00175715 more active there's one for every state AGfFntDT8mY-00592-00175716-00176066 and there's a steps Commons for everyone AGfFntDT8mY-00593-00176067-00176358 in the group there are announcements and AGfFntDT8mY-00594-00176359-00176802 news free webinar recordings that you AGfFntDT8mY-00595-00176803-00177270 can listen to and then in the resources AGfFntDT8mY-00596-00177271-00177623 section there are lots of different AGfFntDT8mY-00597-00177624-00178247 sample policies sample forms manuals AGfFntDT8mY-00598-00178248-00178674 links to helpful information and these AGfFntDT8mY-00599-00178675-00179034 resources are divided by the same AGfFntDT8mY-00600-00179035-00179291 sections as the workbook so if you're AGfFntDT8mY-00601-00179292-00179657 looking for I see on the screen you know AGfFntDT8mY-00602-00179658-00179937 acquisition policy there's a sample AGfFntDT8mY-00603-00179938-00180177 there from the shiloh museum if you're AGfFntDT8mY-00604-00180178-00180404 looking for a code of ethics example AGfFntDT8mY-00605-00180405-00180669 it's there there's lots of different AGfFntDT8mY-00606-00180670-00180870 resources that you can access through AGfFntDT8mY-00607-00180871-00181548 this website so let's talk for just a AGfFntDT8mY-00608-00181549-00181725 minute about the certificates I AGfFntDT8mY-00609-00181726-00181932 mentioned earlier that at the back of AGfFntDT8mY-00610-00181933-00182181 each section of the workbook are the AGfFntDT8mY-00611-00182182-00182550 forms that you fill out so once your AGfFntDT8mY-00612-00182551-00182814 organization is meeting all of the basic AGfFntDT8mY-00613-00182815-00183096 indicators in the management section for AGfFntDT8mY-00614-00183097-00183360 example you would complete the form at AGfFntDT8mY-00615-00183361-00183522 the end of the section and mail it to AGfFntDT8mY-00616-00183523-00183807 AAS LH and we will send you a bronze AGfFntDT8mY-00617-00183808-00184059 certificate and the same thing goes for AGfFntDT8mY-00618-00184060-00184251 the silver and gold AGfFntDT8mY-00619-00184252-00184790 now the certificates are earned on the AGfFntDT8mY-00620-00184791-00185412 honor system and so we don't ask you or AGfFntDT8mY-00621-00185413-00185697 do or require that you mail in copies of AGfFntDT8mY-00622-00185698-00185928 documents or policies or anything like AGfFntDT8mY-00623-00185929-00186126 that frankly we just don't have the AGfFntDT8mY-00624-00186127-00186345 staff to be able to review all of those AGfFntDT8mY-00625-00186346-00186614 things so the certificates are earned on AGfFntDT8mY-00626-00186615-00186700 the honors AGfFntDT8mY-00627-00186701-00186901 system again this is a self-study AGfFntDT8mY-00628-00186902-00187402 program and so you self-report what your AGfFntDT8mY-00629-00187403-00187747 organization has done and the AGfFntDT8mY-00630-00187748-00187954 certificates that it has earned you are AGfFntDT8mY-00631-00187955-00188242 required to have your board president or AGfFntDT8mY-00632-00188243-00188488 some other authorizing official sign AGfFntDT8mY-00633-00188489-00188785 those certificate forms and send those AGfFntDT8mY-00634-00188786-00189072 in to us but these are a great way for AGfFntDT8mY-00635-00189073-00189376 your organization to be able to let AGfFntDT8mY-00636-00189377-00189757 visitors board members your community AGfFntDT8mY-00637-00189758-00190024 know that you are taking part in a AGfFntDT8mY-00638-00190025-00190534 national program and that you have made AGfFntDT8mY-00639-00190535-00190816 progress towards meeting national AGfFntDT8mY-00640-00190817-00191235 standards they also work really well for AGfFntDT8mY-00641-00191236-00191575 as leverage when you are requesting AGfFntDT8mY-00642-00191576-00192022 funds applying for grants justifying why AGfFntDT8mY-00643-00192023-00192229 you need X number of dollars for AGfFntDT8mY-00644-00192230-00192610 equipment or new exhibits collection AGfFntDT8mY-00645-00192611-00192799 storage materials whatever it is AGfFntDT8mY-00646-00192800-00193207 so the certificates are really helpful AGfFntDT8mY-00647-00193208-00193420 and they can be a great motivator for AGfFntDT8mY-00648-00193421-00193723 your organization and for your board to AGfFntDT8mY-00649-00193724-00194095 be able to celebrate earning AGfFntDT8mY-00650-00194096-00194401 certificates and then putting them up on AGfFntDT8mY-00651-00194402-00194998 the wall to display in your facility now AGfFntDT8mY-00652-00194999-00195280 organizations that earn all six gold AGfFntDT8mY-00653-00195281-00195553 certificates or five if you don't have AGfFntDT8mY-00654-00195554-00195795 like historic structures or landscapes AGfFntDT8mY-00655-00195796-00196111 once you're able to graduate from the AGfFntDT8mY-00656-00196112-00196348 steps program with all Gold's you are AGfFntDT8mY-00657-00196349-00196777 invited to our leadership awards program AGfFntDT8mY-00658-00196778-00196993 that we have each September as part of AGfFntDT8mY-00659-00196994-00197287 our annual meeting and you get to walk AGfFntDT8mY-00660-00197288-00197619 across the stage and be recognized for AGfFntDT8mY-00661-00197620-00197935 graduating from the steps program I do AGfFntDT8mY-00662-00197936-00198220 want to mention the difference between AGfFntDT8mY-00663-00198221-00198493 these certificates either the bronze AGfFntDT8mY-00664-00198494-00198679 silver and gold or the graduation AGfFntDT8mY-00665-00198680-00198925 certificate that there is a difference AGfFntDT8mY-00666-00198926-00199152 in the steps program between a AGfFntDT8mY-00667-00199153-00199623 certificate and certification and it's AGfFntDT8mY-00668-00199624-00199909 it's it's a distinction that I think is AGfFntDT8mY-00669-00199910-00200071 important to point out AGfFntDT8mY-00670-00200072-00200305 when you receive the certificates in AGfFntDT8mY-00671-00200306-00200803 steps they are for making progress in AGfFntDT8mY-00672-00200804-00201015 the steps program it is not AGfFntDT8mY-00673-00201016-00201286 certification it is not an endorsement AGfFntDT8mY-00674-00201287-00201582 it's not a seal of approval it's like a AGfFntDT8mY-00675-00201583-00201913 correspondence course and so sometimes AGfFntDT8mY-00676-00201914-00202201 I'll see a news article come across my AGfFntDT8mY-00677-00202202-00202435 desk where someone has said that they've AGfFntDT8mY-00678-00202436-00202738 been certified by a a slh or they've AGfFntDT8mY-00679-00202739-00203086 received certification but the there is AGfFntDT8mY-00680-00203087-00203284 a big difference between a certificate AGfFntDT8mY-00681-00203285-00203572 and certification so these are progress AGfFntDT8mY-00682-00203573-00203869 certificates it's not certification it's AGfFntDT8mY-00683-00203870-00204745 not accreditation like I am does one of AGfFntDT8mY-00684-00204746-00205057 the things that we learned when we AGfFntDT8mY-00685-00205058-00205667 piloted the steps program with those 47 AGfFntDT8mY-00686-00205669-00206116 sites across the country is that many of AGfFntDT8mY-00687-00206117-00206469 those pilot sites like to work within a AGfFntDT8mY-00688-00206471-00206713 group as they're going through the steps AGfFntDT8mY-00689-00206714-00207139 program and so we encourage you to AGfFntDT8mY-00690-00207140-00207496 consider working within a group if you AGfFntDT8mY-00691-00207496-00207637 enroll in steps or if you're already AGfFntDT8mY-00692-00207638-00207967 enrolled in steps to look around and see AGfFntDT8mY-00693-00207967-00208173 if there's a group in your area if AGfFntDT8mY-00694-00208175-00208504 there's not consider joining up with a AGfFntDT8mY-00695-00208505-00208735 nearby Historical Society or other AGfFntDT8mY-00696-00208736-00209125 museum either in your same City your AGfFntDT8mY-00697-00209126-00209521 county region perhaps you're a railroad AGfFntDT8mY-00698-00209521-00209710 museum and you can find other railroad AGfFntDT8mY-00699-00209711-00209917 museums across the country to talk with AGfFntDT8mY-00700-00209917-00210262 it's that support group or community of AGfFntDT8mY-00701-00210263-00210613 practice model that offers some really AGfFntDT8mY-00702-00210614-00211059 helpful benefits like accountability AGfFntDT8mY-00703-00211060-00211363 self-study programs it's easy as I AGfFntDT8mY-00704-00211364-00211498 mentioned earlier you start AGfFntDT8mY-00705-00211498-00211698 procrastinating and you put it down and AGfFntDT8mY-00706-00211700-00211948 you don't come back to it AGfFntDT8mY-00707-00211948-00212242 so that accountability mechanism knowing AGfFntDT8mY-00708-00212242-00212386 that hey my group's going to get AGfFntDT8mY-00709-00212387-00212605 together in two months we'd better get AGfFntDT8mY-00710-00212606-00213066 going on this there's also that AGfFntDT8mY-00711-00213067-00213380 wonderful benefit of shared learning AGfFntDT8mY-00712-00213381-00213890 and networking and camaraderie we really AGfFntDT8mY-00713-00213891-00214217 believe that participation in some type AGfFntDT8mY-00714-00214217-00214490 of steps community of practice offers AGfFntDT8mY-00715-00214491-00214744 the best opportunity for organizations AGfFntDT8mY-00716-00214744-00215291 to make meaningful progress in steps and AGfFntDT8mY-00717-00215292-00215594 other self-study programs a couple of AGfFntDT8mY-00718-00215594-00216098 examples of steps groups that are out AGfFntDT8mY-00719-00216098-00216566 there in Tennessee several years ago a AGfFntDT8mY-00720-00216567-00216917 ASL H received funding from the Middle AGfFntDT8mY-00721-00216917-00217178 Tennessee Community Foundation and we AGfFntDT8mY-00722-00217179-00217451 started a steps group of five AGfFntDT8mY-00723-00217452-00217832 organizations and we were with them AGfFntDT8mY-00724-00217833-00218167 worked with them for two years and then AGfFntDT8mY-00725-00218169-00218402 the funding ran out but the group has AGfFntDT8mY-00726-00218403-00218735 continued to meet and they get together AGfFntDT8mY-00727-00218736-00218963 a couple of times a year and go to each AGfFntDT8mY-00728-00218964-00219191 other's museums and talk about their AGfFntDT8mY-00729-00219192-00219559 work and steps and so that's kind of a AGfFntDT8mY-00730-00219560-00220337 what I consider a informal type group AGfFntDT8mY-00731-00220338-00220655 they don't have any funding they each AGfFntDT8mY-00732-00220656-00220823 pay for their own way to their meetings AGfFntDT8mY-00733-00220823-00221036 and things like that so it's it's a kind AGfFntDT8mY-00734-00221037-00221332 of an informal structure for a group AGfFntDT8mY-00735-00221333-00221585 there are other groups like that around AGfFntDT8mY-00736-00221586-00221942 the country and I know freedoms frontier AGfFntDT8mY-00737-00221942-00222182 National Heritage Area in the Kansas and AGfFntDT8mY-00738-00222183-00222401 Missouri area they're starting a group AGfFntDT8mY-00739-00222402-00222803 like that there's been there's kind of AGfFntDT8mY-00740-00222804-00223058 been a group in Illinois Patricia Miller AGfFntDT8mY-00741-00223059-00223198 with the Illinois Heritage Association AGfFntDT8mY-00742-00223200-00223492 has tried to get a group together and AGfFntDT8mY-00743-00223492-00223787 and still she keeps in contact with them AGfFntDT8mY-00744-00223788-00223961 but that's another example of a very AGfFntDT8mY-00745-00223962-00224398 informal group without any funding now AGfFntDT8mY-00746-00224400-00224617 when you you can there's some other AGfFntDT8mY-00747-00224619-00225050 examples of organizations that perhaps AGfFntDT8mY-00748-00225051-00225353 are a little bit more structured in Ohio AGfFntDT8mY-00749-00225354-00225679 the Ohio history connection they have AGfFntDT8mY-00750-00225680-00226130 received AmeriCorps funding and so they AGfFntDT8mY-00751-00226131-00226508 have I believe it's eight out of the ten AGfFntDT8mY-00752-00226509-00226739 regions in Ohio have AGfFntDT8mY-00753-00226740-00226994 an AmeriCorps partner working with AGfFntDT8mY-00754-00226994-00227356 several museums to go through steps so AGfFntDT8mY-00755-00227357-00227602 that's an interesting model to look at AGfFntDT8mY-00756-00227603-00228019 in terms of AmeriCorps funding to help AGfFntDT8mY-00757-00228021-00228529 and so we we like to to watch and see AGfFntDT8mY-00758-00228530-00228769 how high Ohio is doing this and see if AGfFntDT8mY-00759-00228771-00229027 perhaps it might be replicated across AGfFntDT8mY-00760-00229028-00229306 the country there was another group in AGfFntDT8mY-00761-00229307-00229589 the state of Washington in the Seattle AGfFntDT8mY-00762-00229590-00229964 area the for culture organization AGfFntDT8mY-00763-00229965-00230194 provided funding I'm not sure if they're AGfFntDT8mY-00764-00230196-00230467 still doing it but there was funding for AGfFntDT8mY-00765-00230467-00230876 organizations in King County to get AGfFntDT8mY-00766-00230877-00231200 together and attend some workshops and I AGfFntDT8mY-00767-00231201-00231427 think for culture at one point paid for AGfFntDT8mY-00768-00231428-00231703 their enrollment in steps so that's AGfFntDT8mY-00769-00231704-00231944 another possibility AGfFntDT8mY-00770-00231944-00232192 probably the longest-running and the AGfFntDT8mY-00771-00232194-00232408 most structured steps community of AGfFntDT8mY-00772-00232409-00232715 practice is sponsored by the Connecticut AGfFntDT8mY-00773-00232716-00232951 Humanities the Connecticut League of AGfFntDT8mY-00774-00232952-00233257 history organizations in partnership AGfFntDT8mY-00775-00233258-00233458 with the Connecticut Historical Society AGfFntDT8mY-00776-00233459-00233714 and so their project is called or their AGfFntDT8mY-00777-00233715-00233998 group is called steps Connecticut and AGfFntDT8mY-00778-00234000-00234212 they actually offer professional AGfFntDT8mY-00779-00234213-00234648 development opportunities meetings AGfFntDT8mY-00780-00234650-00235006 mentors and then those organizations AGfFntDT8mY-00781-00235007-00235309 that stick with the project for two AGfFntDT8mY-00782-00235310-00235654 years they're eligible for special AGfFntDT8mY-00783-00235655-00235858 funding through Connecticut humanities AGfFntDT8mY-00784-00235859-00236216 to help them accomplish some projects AGfFntDT8mY-00785-00236217-00236398 that they've identified as priorities AGfFntDT8mY-00786-00236400-00236934 and so they really are the model for a AGfFntDT8mY-00787-00236935-00237280 highly structured steps group they've AGfFntDT8mY-00788-00237281-00237650 had great success and you can look them AGfFntDT8mY-00789-00237651-00237788 up online if you'd like steps AGfFntDT8mY-00790-00237789-00237982 Connecticut look it up through AGfFntDT8mY-00791-00237983-00238246 Connecticut humanities and and see what AGfFntDT8mY-00792-00238248-00238751 they're doing but I do want you to AGfFntDT8mY-00793-00238752-00239138 consider the benefits that you receive AGfFntDT8mY-00794-00239139-00239494 from time spent at conferences or AGfFntDT8mY-00795-00239496-00239744 workshops or webinars where you actually AGfFntDT8mY-00796-00239744-00240062 have the opportunity to gather with AGfFntDT8mY-00797-00240063-00240125 people AGfFntDT8mY-00798-00240126-00240344 from other museums and historical AGfFntDT8mY-00799-00240344-00240796 societies I always tell people that I I AGfFntDT8mY-00800-00240796-00241238 never underestimate or I tried and never AGfFntDT8mY-00801-00241239-00241571 underestimate the value of time spent AGfFntDT8mY-00802-00241571-00241850 with colleagues and the learning that AGfFntDT8mY-00803-00241851-00242210 can go on from each other so many of us AGfFntDT8mY-00804-00242211-00242417 work at sites that are isolated from AGfFntDT8mY-00805-00242417-00242719 each other either you're the lone staff AGfFntDT8mY-00806-00242721-00243035 person or there's only a handful of AGfFntDT8mY-00807-00243036-00243338 unpaid or paid folks or maybe you're AGfFntDT8mY-00808-00243339-00243769 just tied to your site because of the AGfFntDT8mY-00809-00243771-00244085 visitation or or what you have on your AGfFntDT8mY-00810-00244086-00244532 plate and it's it's very helpful to be AGfFntDT8mY-00811-00244533-00244907 able to get together with others and AGfFntDT8mY-00812-00244908-00245153 talk about issues that are common to AGfFntDT8mY-00813-00245154-00245488 your organization's concerns solutions AGfFntDT8mY-00814-00245489-00245765 and so I encourage you if you're if AGfFntDT8mY-00815-00245766-00245936 you're already enrolled in steps or AGfFntDT8mY-00816-00245937-00246176 you're considering it look around see if AGfFntDT8mY-00817-00246177-00246386 there are others in your area that are AGfFntDT8mY-00818-00246387-00246742 enrolled in steps and consider starting AGfFntDT8mY-00819-00246744-00247385 or joining a steps group so whether your AGfFntDT8mY-00820-00247386-00247592 organization works on steps within a AGfFntDT8mY-00821-00247592-00247969 group or alone it can make significant AGfFntDT8mY-00822-00247971-00248298 progress without spending a lot of money AGfFntDT8mY-00823-00248300-00248525 sometimes people tell me that they don't AGfFntDT8mY-00824-00248526-00248714 want to enroll in steps because their AGfFntDT8mY-00825-00248715-00248941 organization doesn't have any money and AGfFntDT8mY-00826-00248942-00249455 I tell them that many of the the AGfFntDT8mY-00827-00249456-00249787 performance indicators in the program AGfFntDT8mY-00828-00249788-00250100 don't have anything to do with many they AGfFntDT8mY-00829-00250101-00250492 have to do more with communication and AGfFntDT8mY-00830-00250492-00250975 consensus building than they do many AGfFntDT8mY-00831-00250976-00251261 things that you see up on the screen a AGfFntDT8mY-00832-00251262-00251542 facility rental policy emergency plan AGfFntDT8mY-00833-00251544-00251827 collections policy board orientation AGfFntDT8mY-00834-00251828-00252248 manual those cost only what's you know AGfFntDT8mY-00835-00252248-00252434 the paper that they're printed on it's AGfFntDT8mY-00836-00252435-00252806 the time and the sitting down and AGfFntDT8mY-00837-00252807-00253105 talking with other people that's what's AGfFntDT8mY-00838-00253106-00253469 what takes time in this program but it AGfFntDT8mY-00839-00253469-00253750 is well worth the time spent doing that AGfFntDT8mY-00840-00253751-00254144 I do see where someone's asking Cathleen AGfFntDT8mY-00841-00254144-00254371 ask how do we find out who else is AGfFntDT8mY-00842-00254373-00254581 completing the steps program you can AGfFntDT8mY-00843-00254582-00254828 email me or call me and I can let you AGfFntDT8mY-00844-00254829-00255200 know if you have a field service office AGfFntDT8mY-00845-00255201-00255440 in your state that's connected either AGfFntDT8mY-00846-00255441-00255617 with your status torkoal Society or AGfFntDT8mY-00847-00255617-00255958 another agency they can also contact AAS AGfFntDT8mY-00848-00255959-00256181 LH and find out but I'm happy to let you AGfFntDT8mY-00849-00256182-00256534 know and give you some pointers on who AGfFntDT8mY-00850-00256535-00257121 might be in your area so as I said AGfFntDT8mY-00851-00257123-00257369 meaningful progress without spending a AGfFntDT8mY-00852-00257369-00257702 lot of money it's easy to do in steps AGfFntDT8mY-00853-00257703-00258005 there's just lots of things that don't AGfFntDT8mY-00854-00258006-00258442 cost a lot of money now certainly you'll AGfFntDT8mY-00855-00258444-00259060 see that here's an example of what I'm AGfFntDT8mY-00856-00259061-00259316 talking about up on the screen you can AGfFntDT8mY-00857-00259317-00259469 see it's asking about the AGfFntDT8mY-00858-00259469-00259691 self-assessment question asks are there AGfFntDT8mY-00859-00259692-00260005 written procedures for acquiring AGfFntDT8mY-00860-00260006-00260288 borrowing and lending collection items AGfFntDT8mY-00861-00260289-00260509 again you can see over from the AGfFntDT8mY-00862-00260510-00260975 performance indicators this is all has AGfFntDT8mY-00863-00260976-00261405 to do with paperwork policies procedures AGfFntDT8mY-00864-00261406-00262081 not spending money now certainly there AGfFntDT8mY-00865-00262082-00262337 are things recommended in steps that do AGfFntDT8mY-00866-00262338-00262772 take some money things like acid free AGfFntDT8mY-00867-00262773-00263213 collection supplies software things like AGfFntDT8mY-00868-00263214-00263672 that but each organization has to make AGfFntDT8mY-00869-00263673-00263852 the determination you know whether AGfFntDT8mY-00870-00263853-00264026 they're able to move up to the good or AGfFntDT8mY-00871-00264027-00264344 better level if they need to spend AGfFntDT8mY-00872-00264345-00264602 funding but this is a great way to be AGfFntDT8mY-00873-00264603-00264907 able to justify if you have a grant AGfFntDT8mY-00874-00264908-00265349 program or if you need to request if you AGfFntDT8mY-00875-00265350-00265571 work for an agency where you submit AGfFntDT8mY-00876-00265572-00265871 budget requests each year this is how AGfFntDT8mY-00877-00265872-00266176 you can justify those budget requests or AGfFntDT8mY-00878-00266177-00266780 local granting foundations when you when AGfFntDT8mY-00879-00266781-00266833 you're able to AGfFntDT8mY-00880-00266834-00267034 leverage steps in your participation in AGfFntDT8mY-00881-00267035-00267239 steps with your funding request it AGfFntDT8mY-00882-00267240-00268480 justifies why you need the money so the AGfFntDT8mY-00883-00268481-00268807 work that we all do at museums and AGfFntDT8mY-00884-00268808-00269162 historic sites and historic houses it AGfFntDT8mY-00885-00269163-00269390 really is endless and I know you all AGfFntDT8mY-00886-00269391-00269519 know that too AGfFntDT8mY-00887-00269520-00269987 it is it's like it's never done but our AGfFntDT8mY-00888-00269988-00270406 energy and our resources are not limited AGfFntDT8mY-00889-00270407-00270766 and so assessment programs like steps AGfFntDT8mY-00890-00270767-00271166 are valuable tools for moving an AGfFntDT8mY-00891-00271167-00271504 organization forward because steps AGfFntDT8mY-00892-00271505-00271988 provides the structure that helps AGfFntDT8mY-00893-00271989-00272248 everyone within an organization move in AGfFntDT8mY-00894-00272249-00272390 the same direction AGfFntDT8mY-00895-00272391-00272819 toward a set of common goals and so by AGfFntDT8mY-00896-00272820-00273071 connecting your organization's planning AGfFntDT8mY-00897-00273072-00273484 and decision-making and fundraising to AGfFntDT8mY-00898-00273485-00273676 an assessment program whether it steps AGfFntDT8mY-00899-00273677-00274003 or map or cap by connecting them to a AGfFntDT8mY-00900-00274004-00274243 program and to national musuem standards AGfFntDT8mY-00901-00274244-00274606 you're able to gain credibility and as I AGfFntDT8mY-00902-00274607-00274972 said justify why you're making decisions AGfFntDT8mY-00903-00274973-00275176 why you're asking for funds why you're AGfFntDT8mY-00904-00275177-00275383 doing what you do AGfFntDT8mY-00905-00275384-00275612 funders like to know that our long-range AGfFntDT8mY-00906-00275613-00275918 plans are based on something other than AGfFntDT8mY-00907-00275919-00276271 just what we want to do and that they AGfFntDT8mY-00908-00276272-00276499 can be measured through those AGfFntDT8mY-00909-00276500-00276743 performance indicators that steps offers AGfFntDT8mY-00910-00276744-00277134 an intern we have a much easier time AGfFntDT8mY-00911-00277135-00277507 articulating our goals and our successes AGfFntDT8mY-00912-00277508-00277747 you're able to tell your community we've AGfFntDT8mY-00913-00277748-00277954 been able to do this and this and this AGfFntDT8mY-00914-00277955-00278152 and we've made all these accomplishments AGfFntDT8mY-00915-00278153-00278482 it helps your community to not only AGfFntDT8mY-00916-00278483-00278768 understand what is involved in museum AGfFntDT8mY-00917-00278769-00278963 operations but to know that you're AGfFntDT8mY-00918-00278964-00279245 making success and you are achieving AGfFntDT8mY-00919-00279246-00279508 goals that other museums around the AGfFntDT8mY-00920-00279509-00280130 country are also striving for AGfFntDT8mY-00921-00280131-00280376 but it's not uncommon as I'm sure some AGfFntDT8mY-00922-00280377-00280670 of you know for an organization to find AGfFntDT8mY-00923-00280671-00281064 itself in a rut and sometimes for many AGfFntDT8mY-00924-00281065-00281677 many years and funding or lack of it AGfFntDT8mY-00925-00281678-00282158 people lack of help and and the biggie AGfFntDT8mY-00926-00282159-00282554 lack of time the one that we all seem to AGfFntDT8mY-00927-00282555-00282956 be so stretched for these days AGfFntDT8mY-00928-00282957-00283298 longing for these things can keep an AGfFntDT8mY-00929-00283299-00283814 organization in a rut for many years and AGfFntDT8mY-00930-00283815-00284273 no doubt the vast majority of museums AGfFntDT8mY-00931-00284274-00284493 and historical societies need all three AGfFntDT8mY-00932-00284494-00284913 of these but I believe if we're willing AGfFntDT8mY-00933-00284914-00285203 to look a little bit deeper and take an AGfFntDT8mY-00934-00285204-00285455 honest look at how we operate on a day AGfFntDT8mY-00935-00285456-00285722 to day basis we might be able to find AGfFntDT8mY-00936-00285723-00286055 some solutions to at least help us AGfFntDT8mY-00937-00286056-00286556 somewhat with those things those elusive AGfFntDT8mY-00938-00286557-00286962 things that we find really difficult to AGfFntDT8mY-00939-00286963-00287258 find more of so I have a poll that I AGfFntDT8mY-00940-00287259-00287637 want to ask Mike to bring across on the AGfFntDT8mY-00941-00287638-00288015 screen just something to think about if AGfFntDT8mY-00942-00288016-00288209 you think if you believe that your AGfFntDT8mY-00943-00288210-00288588 organization is in a rut do you think it AGfFntDT8mY-00944-00288589-00288912 is due primarily to one of these things AGfFntDT8mY-00945-00288913-00289334 and I think my car that can you expand AGfFntDT8mY-00946-00289335-00289756 the poll I think it goes down further AGfFntDT8mY-00947-00289757-00290015 there we go AGfFntDT8mY-00948-00290016-00290228 hope everybody can see all of those AGfFntDT8mY-00949-00290229-00290647 things now so is it is it one of these AGfFntDT8mY-00950-00290648-00290978 lack of clear priorities or do you have AGfFntDT8mY-00951-00290979-00291770 too many cooks spoil the broth too much AGfFntDT8mY-00952-00291771-00291815 put AGfFntDT8mY-00953-00291816-00292049 little fires everyday to really look at AGfFntDT8mY-00954-00292050-00292720 the big picture any of these things AGfFntDT8mY-00955-00292721-00293059 resonate with anyone you can put your AGfFntDT8mY-00956-00293060-00293254 comments in the chat box if you want if AGfFntDT8mY-00957-00293255-00293597 you think some of these are are right on AGfFntDT8mY-00958-00293598-00294058 the mark or I think sometimes it's AGfFntDT8mY-00959-00294059-00294245 interesting if we just look a little bit AGfFntDT8mY-00960-00294246-00294401 below the surface and begin to think AGfFntDT8mY-00961-00294402-00294709 about if we don't have time to do AGfFntDT8mY-00962-00294710-00294923 anything is there a way to find more AGfFntDT8mY-00963-00294924-00295262 time do we need to really make sure AGfFntDT8mY-00964-00295263-00295892 we've got clear priorities or create a AGfFntDT8mY-00965-00295893-00296201 calendar with where we block out time so AGfFntDT8mY-00966-00296202-00296423 we're not just reacting to everything AGfFntDT8mY-00967-00296424-00296779 that comes through the front door but AGfFntDT8mY-00968-00296780-00296945 that we're actually working on big AGfFntDT8mY-00969-00296946-00297283 picture projects so something to think AGfFntDT8mY-00970-00297284-00297780 about and to think about how an AGfFntDT8mY-00971-00297781-00298025 assessment program like steps might be AGfFntDT8mY-00972-00298026-00298384 able to help you refocus and climb out AGfFntDT8mY-00973-00298385-00298684 of a row out of a rut AGfFntDT8mY-00974-00298685-00298876 I see assessment programs that they're AGfFntDT8mY-00975-00298877-00299174 like roadmaps they help us figure out AGfFntDT8mY-00976-00299175-00299680 where we are going okay you can pull AGfFntDT8mY-00977-00299681-00300347 that pole across mic so now I want to AGfFntDT8mY-00978-00300348-00300872 take a look at some organizations where AGfFntDT8mY-00979-00300873-00301159 they have been able to they found steps AGfFntDT8mY-00980-00301160-00301405 to be really helpful either in helping AGfFntDT8mY-00981-00301406-00301723 them get out of a rut or to identify AGfFntDT8mY-00982-00301724-00302201 some things that that they really want AGfFntDT8mY-00983-00302202-00302452 to do and I see where Sharon has posted AGfFntDT8mY-00984-00302453-00302689 a comment those in charge are in denial AGfFntDT8mY-00985-00302690-00302929 that the society is in a rut and a AGfFntDT8mY-00986-00302930-00303140 downhill trend so true that that does AGfFntDT8mY-00987-00303141-00303500 happen Sharon and it's it's it's hard AGfFntDT8mY-00988-00303501-00303757 and it's unfortunate that we hear about AGfFntDT8mY-00989-00303758-00304073 those situations and hopefully that will AGfFntDT8mY-00990-00304074-00304853 change for you but yes that does happen AGfFntDT8mY-00991-00304854-00304999 so let's look at a couple of AGfFntDT8mY-00992-00305000-00305363 organizations that have been able to use AGfFntDT8mY-00993-00305364-00305834 steps to make some big changes helping a AGfFntDT8mY-00994-00305835-00306029 Board of Directors learn more about AGfFntDT8mY-00995-00306030-00306314 museum operations and to focus their AGfFntDT8mY-00996-00306315-00306628 energies is one of the most valuable AGfFntDT8mY-00997-00306629-00306863 accomplishments we hear from AGfFntDT8mY-00998-00306864-00307121 participants like the Black Heritage AGfFntDT8mY-00999-00307122-00307442 Society of Washington State this is I AGfFntDT8mY-01000-00307443-00307721 believe strongly that it is one of the AGfFntDT8mY-01001-00307722-00308111 best benefits of the program that it AGfFntDT8mY-01002-00308112-00308393 helps a Board of Directors folks who AGfFntDT8mY-01003-00308394-00308870 come with great intentions but they may AGfFntDT8mY-01004-00308871-00309062 not always have a lot of information AGfFntDT8mY-01005-00309063-00309241 about how an organization like a AGfFntDT8mY-01006-00309242-00309578 Historic Site is run so this helps them AGfFntDT8mY-01007-00309579-00310025 to learn learn more about it it can help AGfFntDT8mY-01008-00310026-00310232 everyone within an organization learn AGfFntDT8mY-01009-00310233-00310604 more about it and we are hearing more AGfFntDT8mY-01010-00310605-00310796 and more like black Heritage Society AGfFntDT8mY-01011-00310797-00311216 about organizations using steps as AGfFntDT8mY-01012-00311217-00311651 leverage for funding requests and grant AGfFntDT8mY-01013-00311652-00312398 proposals the New London Public Museum AGfFntDT8mY-01014-00312399-00313007 in Wisconsin again another one Board of AGfFntDT8mY-01015-00313008-00313210 Directors has a better understanding and AGfFntDT8mY-01016-00313211-00313463 this was one of their main goals for AGfFntDT8mY-01017-00313464-00313781 joining steps we often also hear that AGfFntDT8mY-01018-00313782-00314104 strategic planning is more meaningful AGfFntDT8mY-01019-00314105-00315011 that's a big one and I like how I AGfFntDT8mY-01020-00315012-00315182 remember talking with the director of AGfFntDT8mY-01021-00315183-00315497 this museum and she told me that she AGfFntDT8mY-01022-00315498-00315779 tried to have at least some part of AGfFntDT8mY-01023-00315780-00316079 steps included in every board meeting AGfFntDT8mY-01024-00316080-00316445 whether they would go through just a few AGfFntDT8mY-01025-00316446-00316697 self-assessment questions or they would AGfFntDT8mY-01026-00316698-00316949 talk about a section she brought the AGfFntDT8mY-01027-00316950-00317480 board into the process but then as she AGfFntDT8mY-01028-00317481-00317735 said on the bullet point number four AGfFntDT8mY-01029-00317736-00318086 here for the interpretation section she AGfFntDT8mY-01030-00318087-00318370 used that with her staff AGfFntDT8mY-01031-00318371-00318670 and they took a day-long retreat and AGfFntDT8mY-01032-00318671-00318937 went through the interpretation section AGfFntDT8mY-01033-00318938-00319267 figuring out how what they needed to do AGfFntDT8mY-01034-00319268-00319681 and how they could use though the AGfFntDT8mY-01035-00319682-00319885 recommendations and interpretation AGfFntDT8mY-01036-00319886-00320247 section to change the exhibits and other AGfFntDT8mY-01037-00320248-00321094 programming within their museum grasmere AGfFntDT8mY-01038-00321095-00321577 farm at at the Nashville Zoo if you are AGfFntDT8mY-01039-00321578-00321847 affiliated with a larger entity like AGfFntDT8mY-01040-00321848-00322428 grasmere is your site can benefit from AGfFntDT8mY-01041-00322429-00322729 those folks in administration at like AGfFntDT8mY-01042-00322730-00322984 the zoo for them to gain a better AGfFntDT8mY-01043-00322985-00323640 understanding of how museums operate and AGfFntDT8mY-01044-00323641-00324175 also grasmere reports that they were AGfFntDT8mY-01045-00324176-00324597 able to use steps to help them justify AGfFntDT8mY-01046-00324598-00324910 supplies and other resources they needed AGfFntDT8mY-01047-00324911-00325278 in order to properly care for their AGfFntDT8mY-01048-00325279-00325669 their collections and manage them and so AGfFntDT8mY-01049-00325670-00326110 they were able to request and and be AGfFntDT8mY-01050-00326111-00326439 able to budget for past perfect software AGfFntDT8mY-01051-00326440-00326905 shelving acid free storage supplies and AGfFntDT8mY-01052-00326906-00327232 as she says in bullet number two they AGfFntDT8mY-01053-00327233-00327421 quickly learned the importance of having AGfFntDT8mY-01054-00327422-00327616 a collections policy which they didn't AGfFntDT8mY-01055-00327617-00327772 have they didn't have any of the AGfFntDT8mY-01056-00327773-00328063 documents like D to gift forms and so AGfFntDT8mY-01057-00328064-00328576 those were very quickly revelations to AGfFntDT8mY-01058-00328577-00328786 them that they needed to work on those AGfFntDT8mY-01059-00328787-00329734 things a County Historical Society again AGfFntDT8mY-01060-00329735-00330076 County officials learned more about AGfFntDT8mY-01061-00330077-00330307 operating museum and and those of you AGfFntDT8mY-01062-00330308-00330643 who are affiliated with city county or AGfFntDT8mY-01063-00330644-00330964 state government you know that they AGfFntDT8mY-01064-00330965-00331285 often have benchmarks and requirements AGfFntDT8mY-01065-00331286-00331711 that they want museums to meet and that AGfFntDT8mY-01066-00331712-00331897 can be difficult and in the past it was AGfFntDT8mY-01067-00331898-00332053 very difficult because there wasn't AGfFntDT8mY-01068-00332054-00332413 anything we didn't have anything that AGfFntDT8mY-01069-00332414-00332641 you could take to your county AGfFntDT8mY-01070-00332642-00332812 administrators and say okay they'll AGfFntDT8mY-01071-00332813-00333094 these are the requirements and here's AGfFntDT8mY-01072-00333095-00333310 what we're going to work on but now with AGfFntDT8mY-01073-00333311-00333544 steps we have that and so you're able to AGfFntDT8mY-01074-00333545-00333829 satisfy those requirements that AGfFntDT8mY-01075-00333830-00334222 governmental entities have that AGfFntDT8mY-01076-00334223-00334588 nonprofit museums don't have and so as AGfFntDT8mY-01077-00334589-00334954 Rob orison said from Princeville AGfFntDT8mY-01078-00334955-00335152 courthouse that they were able to do AGfFntDT8mY-01079-00335153-00335389 that with their County government and AGfFntDT8mY-01080-00335390-00335665 then as he also mentions County AGfFntDT8mY-01081-00335666-00336214 maintenance staff learned why they they AGfFntDT8mY-01082-00336215-00336439 should and shouldn't do some things when AGfFntDT8mY-01083-00336440-00336766 they were working on the the site the AGfFntDT8mY-01084-00336767-00336961 Princeville courthouse site that would AGfFntDT8mY-01085-00336962-00337195 be different from maintenance that they AGfFntDT8mY-01086-00337196-00337528 would do at other places that the county AGfFntDT8mY-01087-00337529-00337753 maintained and so this was a way to help AGfFntDT8mY-01088-00337754-00338670 train those maintenance staff and Sam AGfFntDT8mY-01089-00338671-00338977 not all certainly but there are some AGfFntDT8mY-01090-00338978-00339214 museums and sites that are interested in AGfFntDT8mY-01091-00339215-00339499 moving from steps to other assessment AGfFntDT8mY-01092-00339500-00339744 programs like accreditation and AGfFntDT8mY-01093-00339745-00339991 Darnell's chance house in Maryland this AGfFntDT8mY-01094-00339992-00340189 was one of the reasons why they enrolled AGfFntDT8mY-01095-00340190-00340462 in steps was they wanted to use it as AGfFntDT8mY-01096-00340463-00340729 preparation for moving on to the AGfFntDT8mY-01097-00340730-00340969 accreditation program all of the AGfFntDT8mY-01098-00340970-00341284 programs in the continuum of excellence AGfFntDT8mY-01099-00341285-00341599 they are aligned to make that transition AGfFntDT8mY-01100-00341600-00341941 from one program to another easier and AGfFntDT8mY-01101-00341942-00342211 so we all use pretty much the same AGfFntDT8mY-01102-00342212-00342664 standards one program is not more AGfFntDT8mY-01103-00342665-00342919 prescriptive than the other and so they AGfFntDT8mY-01104-00342920-00343732 all work really well together I want I AGfFntDT8mY-01105-00343733-00343760 want AGfFntDT8mY-01106-00343761-00343962 finish up with this last one the Essex AGfFntDT8mY-01107-00343963-00344282 Historical Society in Connecticut they AGfFntDT8mY-01108-00344283-00344541 use steps to tackle some fundamental AGfFntDT8mY-01109-00344542-00344946 issues and how many of us can say with AGfFntDT8mY-01110-00344947-00345198 confidence that our mission and vision AGfFntDT8mY-01111-00345199-00345489 statements and our bylaws our current AGfFntDT8mY-01112-00345490-00345867 are relevant and meaningful enough to AGfFntDT8mY-01113-00345868-00346181 guide our organizations and this is AGfFntDT8mY-01114-00346182-00346622 something that they are very proud of AGfFntDT8mY-01115-00346623-00347056 that they know that those documents are AGfFntDT8mY-01116-00347057-00347394 as they say the backbone for how they AGfFntDT8mY-01117-00347395-00347715 run their organization and I think you AGfFntDT8mY-01118-00347716-00347929 know that's a great accomplishment and AGfFntDT8mY-01119-00347930-00348182 then you combine it with bullet point AGfFntDT8mY-01120-00348183-00348423 number two where they now have a AGfFntDT8mY-01121-00348424-00348747 strategic plan and I think I think AGfFntDT8mY-01122-00348748-00348948 that's just wonderful AGfFntDT8mY-01123-00348949-00349484 and then again bullet point number three AGfFntDT8mY-01124-00349485-00349724 address thorny issues like deferred AGfFntDT8mY-01125-00349725-00350319 maintenance and land use go on to a AGfFntDT8mY-01126-00350320-00350514 couple of other things one of the big AGfFntDT8mY-01127-00350515-00350951 things that they had that they they AGfFntDT8mY-01128-00350952-00351131 accepted the challenge and I and I love AGfFntDT8mY-01129-00351132-00351284 this about them they accepted the AGfFntDT8mY-01130-00351285-00351506 challenge of addressing what they call AGfFntDT8mY-01131-00351507-00351650 thorny issues AGfFntDT8mY-01132-00351651-00351998 I remember reading where they said that AGfFntDT8mY-01133-00351999-00352167 they would come to board meetings and AGfFntDT8mY-01134-00352168-00352510 when the topic of space allocation arose AGfFntDT8mY-01135-00352511-00352794 they just stared at each other across AGfFntDT8mY-01136-00352795-00353102 the table they didn't even know how to AGfFntDT8mY-01137-00353103-00353555 begin the discussion because I assumed AGfFntDT8mY-01138-00353556-00353726 it was a hot-button issue or they just AGfFntDT8mY-01139-00353727-00354029 weren't even really sure what to do as I AGfFntDT8mY-01140-00354030-00354227 said up on the screen you can see where AGfFntDT8mY-01141-00354228-00354387 it says they had an empty first floor AGfFntDT8mY-01142-00354388-00354639 and another unused area but they were AGfFntDT8mY-01143-00354640-00354926 renting off state's off-site storage and AGfFntDT8mY-01144-00354927-00355218 they realized that that was just a AGfFntDT8mY-01145-00355219-00355553 little bit ridiculous and so steps AGfFntDT8mY-01146-00355554-00355832 provided them with the vehicle for AGfFntDT8mY-01147-00355833-00356309 starting that discussion about how to AGfFntDT8mY-01148-00356310-00357102 how to rectify that situation AGfFntDT8mY-01149-00357103-00357598 and then finally more space allocation AGfFntDT8mY-01150-00357599-00358072 issues I recall also where they talked AGfFntDT8mY-01151-00358073-00358501 about the decision to make major changes AGfFntDT8mY-01152-00358502-00358852 to the interpretation of the historic AGfFntDT8mY-01153-00358853-00359134 house on their property and as they say AGfFntDT8mY-01154-00359135-00359398 as they said steps gave them the AGfFntDT8mY-01155-00359399-00359615 opportunity to think creatively and AGfFntDT8mY-01156-00359616-00359870 permission to experiment and I just love AGfFntDT8mY-01157-00359871-00360446 that statement because that is important AGfFntDT8mY-01158-00360447-00360853 to be able to decide that you're going AGfFntDT8mY-01159-00360854-00361264 to use steps to think outside the box to AGfFntDT8mY-01160-00361265-00361637 come up with new ideas to try things and AGfFntDT8mY-01161-00361638-00361882 as I said some of the rooms in their AGfFntDT8mY-01162-00361883-00362125 historic house they've removed a lot of AGfFntDT8mY-01163-00362126-00362305 the things the exhibits that were in AGfFntDT8mY-01164-00362306-00362492 there for years and years and they're AGfFntDT8mY-01165-00362493-00362867 now interpreting the design and the AGfFntDT8mY-01166-00362868-00363065 architecture of those rooms what they AGfFntDT8mY-01167-00363066-00363355 call the bare bones and as I said we're AGfFntDT8mY-01168-00363356-00363679 trying it we can always undo it if we AGfFntDT8mY-01169-00363680-00363832 decide that that's not what we want to AGfFntDT8mY-01170-00363833-00364030 do but it's a new way to look at AGfFntDT8mY-01171-00364031-00364456 interpreting their historic site and I AGfFntDT8mY-01172-00364457-00364646 do want to say that Essex it's one of AGfFntDT8mY-01173-00364647-00364924 the organizations in Connecticut that AGfFntDT8mY-01174-00364925-00365144 was part of the steps Connecticut group AGfFntDT8mY-01175-00365145-00365533 so they have made a lot of progress they AGfFntDT8mY-01176-00365534-00365972 had help from a mentor and some other AGfFntDT8mY-01177-00365973-00366119 benefits from being in the steps AGfFntDT8mY-01178-00366120-00366419 Connecticut group like workshops and you AGfFntDT8mY-01179-00366420-00366682 know perhaps most importantly that AGfFntDT8mY-01180-00366683-00366971 accountability factor they knew that AGfFntDT8mY-01181-00366972-00367166 they had to keep going and to make AGfFntDT8mY-01182-00367167-00367504 progress at last check I saw where they AGfFntDT8mY-01183-00367505-00367763 had earned six bronze certificates in AGfFntDT8mY-01184-00367764-00368141 the steps program so they are well on AGfFntDT8mY-01185-00368142-00368578 their way to using steps to really I AGfFntDT8mY-01186-00368579-00369051 think propel themselves forward and AGfFntDT8mY-01187-00369052-00369452 create a future for AGfFntDT8mY-01188-00369453-00369920 their site that is ever-changing AGfFntDT8mY-01189-00369921-00370295 that will keep visitors engaged and keep AGfFntDT8mY-01190-00370296-00370814 them plugged into the possibilities of AGfFntDT8mY-01191-00370815-00371393 the future for that site so that's all I AGfFntDT8mY-01192-00371394-00371696 have in terms of my presentation I'd AGfFntDT8mY-01193-00371697-00371888 love to take questions now that you have AGfFntDT8mY-01194-00371889-00372092 about steps either nuts and bolts or AGfFntDT8mY-01195-00372093-00372892 anything else comments that you have AGfFntDT8mY-01196-00372893-00373037 yeah thank you AGfFntDT8mY-01197-00373038-00373331 sherry yeah we had a couple of comments AGfFntDT8mY-01198-00373332-00373733 from Holly from Hawaii had put in a AGfFntDT8mY-01199-00373734-00374027 comment at the beginning referring to AGfFntDT8mY-01200-00374028-00374261 the map that indicated all the various AGfFntDT8mY-01201-00374262-00374480 location and I think that that was a AGfFntDT8mY-01202-00374481-00374750 sort of a response or comment on the AGfFntDT8mY-01203-00374751-00375173 earlier question about finding out you AGfFntDT8mY-01204-00375174-00375538 know who in in their particular area was AGfFntDT8mY-01205-00375539-00375782 participating in the program but we do AGfFntDT8mY-01206-00375783-00376022 have a question here from Melanie in AGfFntDT8mY-01207-00376023-00376295 Oyster Bay and her institutions landmark AGfFntDT8mY-01208-00376296-00376439 owned by the town of Oyster Bay Long AGfFntDT8mY-01209-00376440-00376871 Island and are there any other town AGfFntDT8mY-01210-00376872-00377102 owned or state-owned institutions that AGfFntDT8mY-01211-00377103-00377501 have done steps that's a great question AGfFntDT8mY-01212-00377502-00377834 and yes there are lots and lots of town AGfFntDT8mY-01213-00377835-00378122 or state owned institutions and you're AGfFntDT8mY-01214-00378123-00378329 asking do the officials need to be AGfFntDT8mY-01215-00378330-00378653 involved in steps and no they do not now AGfFntDT8mY-01216-00378654-00379199 what you will find when you do have some AGfFntDT8mY-01217-00379200-00379412 type of governmental entity that's AGfFntDT8mY-01218-00379413-00379595 affiliated with your museum or that AGfFntDT8mY-01219-00379596-00379868 governs your museum some things may be AGfFntDT8mY-01220-00379869-00380072 different and this question comes up a AGfFntDT8mY-01221-00380073-00380477 lot so sometimes there will be a AGfFntDT8mY-01222-00380478-00380725 question in the workbook that will say AGfFntDT8mY-01223-00380726-00381026 does your organization do this or that AGfFntDT8mY-01224-00381027-00381275 or and so people call me and they say AGfFntDT8mY-01225-00381276-00381539 well but that's really something that AGfFntDT8mY-01226-00381540-00381814 our administrators at our town hall do AGfFntDT8mY-01227-00381815-00382085 we don't we are not in charge of that or AGfFntDT8mY-01228-00382086-00382334 we don't have permission to do that and AGfFntDT8mY-01229-00382335-00382628 as I tell people and that's that's fine AGfFntDT8mY-01230-00382629-00382730 that's okay AGfFntDT8mY-01231-00382731-00382838 what you can do in AGfFntDT8mY-01232-00382839-00383246 the workbook is if the person who's in AGfFntDT8mY-01233-00383247-00383431 charge of making that decision or has AGfFntDT8mY-01234-00383432-00383669 that responsibility is not the person AGfFntDT8mY-01235-00383670-00383939 for your situation just cross it out in AGfFntDT8mY-01236-00383940-00384205 the workbook and put whoever it is so AGfFntDT8mY-01237-00384206-00384451 long as you don't change the intent of AGfFntDT8mY-01238-00384452-00384719 the question or the performance AGfFntDT8mY-01239-00384720-00384985 indicator you're fine if it's if it's AGfFntDT8mY-01240-00384986-00385177 not a board president who does something AGfFntDT8mY-01241-00385178-00385447 but yet but it's a town administrator AGfFntDT8mY-01242-00385448-00385763 there is someone in your situation who AGfFntDT8mY-01243-00385764-00386048 has responsibility for that and so you AGfFntDT8mY-01244-00386049-00386417 can like I said you can just cross it AGfFntDT8mY-01245-00386418-00386894 out and write in who does this is one of AGfFntDT8mY-01246-00386895-00387010 the things that we're going to be AGfFntDT8mY-01247-00387011-00387248 looking at closely in the steps AGfFntDT8mY-01248-00387249-00387425 enhancement project that I mentioned AGfFntDT8mY-01249-00387426-00387679 earlier the review this is one thing AGfFntDT8mY-01250-00387680-00387887 that people have asked us about and we AGfFntDT8mY-01251-00387888-00388112 are going to be including some content AGfFntDT8mY-01252-00388113-00388378 and material about being part of a AGfFntDT8mY-01253-00388379-00388693 larger governmental entity but know AGfFntDT8mY-01254-00388694-00388951 Melanie that the officials do not have AGfFntDT8mY-01255-00388952-00389050 to be involved AGfFntDT8mY-01256-00389051-00389390 you can choose to involve them to AGfFntDT8mY-01257-00389391-00389785 whatever extent you want to be great AGfFntDT8mY-01258-00389786-00389914 question AGfFntDT8mY-01259-00389915-00390250 fantastic thank you sherry yes susan has AGfFntDT8mY-01260-00390251-00390484 indicated to our participants if you AGfFntDT8mY-01261-00390485-00390631 could please go ahead and complete the AGfFntDT8mY-01262-00390632-00390877 evaluation there the link is in the AGfFntDT8mY-01263-00390878-00391033 center of your screen you can go ahead AGfFntDT8mY-01264-00391034-00391381 and open that up she does appreciate AGfFntDT8mY-01265-00391382-00391582 that and actually what I'll do is I'm AGfFntDT8mY-01266-00391583-00391748 just going to move the link up to the AGfFntDT8mY-01267-00391749-00392125 top left of the screen over the FAI C AGfFntDT8mY-01268-00392126-00392363 logo that way it's not going to cover up AGfFntDT8mY-01269-00392364-00392674 Sherry's contact information and Michael AGfFntDT8mY-01270-00392675-00393263 from Atlanta is asking or commenting AGfFntDT8mY-01271-00393264-00393409 that the same is true for corporate AGfFntDT8mY-01272-00393410-00393727 museums where your department you do not AGfFntDT8mY-01273-00393728-00393931 have separate governance like a AGfFntDT8mY-01274-00393932-00394337 traditional museum board yes you're AGfFntDT8mY-01275-00394338-00394404 right Michael AGfFntDT8mY-01276-00394405-00394622 absolutely same thing with corporate AGfFntDT8mY-01277-00394623-00394799 museums a lot of things are different AGfFntDT8mY-01278-00394800-00395444 but again most most of the time the AGfFntDT8mY-01279-00395445-00395680 intent of the question can still be AGfFntDT8mY-01280-00395681-00395902 answered but you know they're they're AGfFntDT8mY-01281-00395903-00396089 certainly going to be times in the steps AGfFntDT8mY-01282-00396090-00396194 workbook where AGfFntDT8mY-01283-00396195-00396329 there will be something that does not AGfFntDT8mY-01284-00396330-00396581 apply especially to like a corporate AGfFntDT8mY-01285-00396582-00396971 Museum and so again because it's a AGfFntDT8mY-01286-00396972-00397222 self-study program you can you know you AGfFntDT8mY-01287-00397223-00397451 you have that freedom to be able to AGfFntDT8mY-01288-00397452-00397622 cross that out AGfFntDT8mY-01289-00397623-00397913 in all good conscience and say this does AGfFntDT8mY-01290-00397914-00398153 not apply to us and we see the same AGfFntDT8mY-01291-00398154-00398468 thing with university museums sometimes AGfFntDT8mY-01292-00398469-00398785 they come to us and they say well we're AGfFntDT8mY-01293-00398786-00398981 not allowed to create our own code of AGfFntDT8mY-01294-00398982-00399181 ethics we have to abide by the AGfFntDT8mY-01295-00399182-00399503 university's ethics code and we say you AGfFntDT8mY-01296-00399504-00399677 know that's fine AGfFntDT8mY-01297-00399678-00399917 although it may not it may not have AGfFntDT8mY-01298-00399918-00400229 everything in it that museum ethics AGfFntDT8mY-01299-00400230-00400499 codes typically have in it but at least AGfFntDT8mY-01300-00400500-00400694 it's a start and you can begin that AGfFntDT8mY-01301-00400695-00400930 conversation on your campus with AGfFntDT8mY-01302-00400931-00401177 university officials about some things AGfFntDT8mY-01303-00401178-00401407 that might need to be added for your AGfFntDT8mY-01304-00401408-00401804 Museum so yes there's there are AGfFntDT8mY-01305-00401805-00402133 different governance models and and AGfFntDT8mY-01306-00402134-00402296 that's one of the reasons why in the AGfFntDT8mY-01307-00402297-00402542 work in the workbook we don't say we AGfFntDT8mY-01308-00402543-00402740 don't use the term board of directors we AGfFntDT8mY-01309-00402741-00403040 use governance authority that's the term AGfFntDT8mY-01310-00403041-00403205 we use because there are different AGfFntDT8mY-01311-00403206-00403525 models and we've tried to make AGfFntDT8mY-01312-00403526-00403956 one-size-fits-all doesn't always work AGfFntDT8mY-01313-00403957-00404383 but we'll see if we can't make some AGfFntDT8mY-01314-00404384-00404605 changes in the review of the enhancement AGfFntDT8mY-01315-00404606-00404959 project I have put my contact AGfFntDT8mY-01316-00404960-00405130 information on the screen if anyone has AGfFntDT8mY-01317-00405131-00405401 questions or would like to talk with me AGfFntDT8mY-01318-00405402-00405668 please feel free to give me a call or AGfFntDT8mY-01319-00405669-00405848 email me I'm always happy to chat with AGfFntDT8mY-01320-00405849-00406233 you and talk with you about your AGfFntDT8mY-01321-00406234-00406628 organization's situation and yes if AGfFntDT8mY-01322-00406629-00406877 anybody has any additional questions AGfFntDT8mY-01323-00406878-00407255 please feel free to add them in the AGfFntDT8mY-01324-00407256-00407618 questions comments box we'll give AGfFntDT8mY-01325-00407619-00407939 another another minute or so but AGfFntDT8mY-01326-00407940-00408181 otherwise everything else is put in AH AGfFntDT8mY-01327-00408182-00408380 so Mindy is asking are there any AGfFntDT8mY-01328-00408381-00408575 comments you may have about exceptions AGfFntDT8mY-01329-00408576-00408866 regarding participation for small museum AGfFntDT8mY-01330-00408867-00409252 that documents a religious congregation AGfFntDT8mY-01331-00409253-00409580 that's a good question Mindy AGfFntDT8mY-01332-00409581-00410204 comments I have about exceptions I can't AGfFntDT8mY-01333-00410205-00410542 think of any off the top of my head AGfFntDT8mY-01334-00410543-00410689 [Music] AGfFntDT8mY-01335-00410689-00411018 there may be some and again you would be AGfFntDT8mY-01336-00411020-00411242 certainly free to cross through AGfFntDT8mY-01337-00411243-00411397 something in your workbook that says you AGfFntDT8mY-01338-00411399-00411605 know this doesn't apply to us but I AGfFntDT8mY-01339-00411606-00411922 would think that you know much of the AGfFntDT8mY-01340-00411924-00412243 collections section would apply AGfFntDT8mY-01341-00412243-00412532 management section deals with safety and AGfFntDT8mY-01342-00412533-00412979 security and and risk management and AGfFntDT8mY-01343-00412980-00413296 things all things that I'm sure that AGfFntDT8mY-01344-00413297-00413680 would apply depending on whether you AGfFntDT8mY-01345-00413681-00414157 have visitors coming in for the museum AGfFntDT8mY-01346-00414158-00414885 but certainly I think that the workbook AGfFntDT8mY-01347-00414887-00415376 the majority of the material applies to AGfFntDT8mY-01348-00415377-00416168 most situations okay Mindy is currently AGfFntDT8mY-01349-00416168-00416567 typing so we'll give her a moment to get AGfFntDT8mY-01350-00416568-00416818 her thoughts down Susan's reminding AGfFntDT8mY-01351-00416820-00417022 everyone please make sure to join us AGfFntDT8mY-01352-00417024-00417317 next month for the found in collections AGfFntDT8mY-01353-00417318-00417739 webinar and you'll find more information AGfFntDT8mY-01354-00417741-00418079 and the date for the event in the AGfFntDT8mY-01355-00418080-00418346 registration or signup form on the on AGfFntDT8mY-01356-00418347-00419204 the website and so Mindy has elaborated AGfFntDT8mY-01357-00419205-00419558 there for you Sherri oh great uh-huh yes AGfFntDT8mY-01358-00419559-00419818 if you Mindy if you want to send me an AGfFntDT8mY-01359-00419820-00420029 email I will look up and see if I can AGfFntDT8mY-01360-00420030-00420314 give you any other organizations that AGfFntDT8mY-01361-00420314-00421393 are in your area I'll look and see that AGfFntDT8mY-01362-00421393-00421807 I'd love to talk with you about steps AGfFntDT8mY-01363-00421808-00421952 okay AGfFntDT8mY-01364-00421953-00422234 well that's great well if there are no AGfFntDT8mY-01365-00422235-00422501 other questions what we'll do is just AGfFntDT8mY-01366-00422502-00422834 again lastly or one last time we'll AGfFntDT8mY-01367-00422835-00423059 remind everyone to please go ahead and AGfFntDT8mY-01368-00423060-00423362 complete the evaluation and I'd like to AGfFntDT8mY-01369-00423363-00423922 thank sherry Cooke from the ASL H for AGfFntDT8mY-01370-00423922-00424262 presenting on the steps program and I'd AGfFntDT8mY-01371-00424263-00424412 like to thank everybody for joining us AGfFntDT8mY-01372-00424413-00424682 and we will see you all again online in AGfFntDT8mY-01373-00424683-00424913 the near future so thank you very much AGfFntDT8mY-01374-00424914-00425156 everybody and this webinar is now AGfFntDT8mY-01375-00425157-00425372 adjourned AH66Wly3ip4-00000-00000003-00000206 hey everybody Tony the detail man st. AH66Wly3ip4-00001-00000206-00000463 Augustine Florida um alright went AH66Wly3ip4-00002-00000465-00000665 through some love bugs yesterday cars AH66Wly3ip4-00003-00000666-00000835 been completely coated with simek's AH66Wly3ip4-00004-00000836-00001075 ceramic coating it did have semi supreme AH66Wly3ip4-00005-00001076-00001220 shield I went ahead but the ceramic on AH66Wly3ip4-00006-00001221-00001340 it we're going to take a look at these AH66Wly3ip4-00007-00001341-00001562 love bugs see how they come off how hard AH66Wly3ip4-00008-00001563-00001759 they are to come off and so forth AH66Wly3ip4-00009-00001760-00002292 working on a s 515 or Sadie's Benz so AH66Wly3ip4-00010-00002293-00002522 here we are right here let's get a AH66Wly3ip4-00011-00002523-00002756 close-up of these things you're seeing AH66Wly3ip4-00012-00002757-00003065 them right there that's the the Mark of AH66Wly3ip4-00013-00003066-00003265 doom for your paint let's face it if you AH66Wly3ip4-00014-00003266-00003472 don't get them off of your paint and AH66Wly3ip4-00015-00003473-00003611 you'll have protection on the paint AH66Wly3ip4-00016-00003611-00003692 guess what AH66Wly3ip4-00017-00003693-00003856 how you gonna fix that you're gonna AH66Wly3ip4-00018-00003857-00004001 paint it that's what you're gonna do AH66Wly3ip4-00019-00004002-00004286 okay now here we go coming over to the AH66Wly3ip4-00020-00004287-00004658 old hose here and by the way I'm retire AH66Wly3ip4-00021-00004659-00004940 from detailing so just selling simek's AH66Wly3ip4-00022-00004941-00005516 now all right here we go let's see what AH66Wly3ip4-00023-00005517-00005675 happens to these glove box we just hit AH66Wly3ip4-00024-00005676-00007326 it with some stream of water first AH66Wly3ip4-00025-00007327-00007656 okay little water down there still see a AH66Wly3ip4-00026-00007658-00007855 little bit of bug body impacted on the AH66Wly3ip4-00027-00007856-00008398 situation let's rub it a little bit here AH66Wly3ip4-00028-00008399-00009117 we go AH66Wly3ip4-00029-00009118-00009723 and guess what no damage now you know if AH66Wly3ip4-00030-00009724-00009891 you've been around bug love bugs for a AH66Wly3ip4-00031-00009892-00010521 while that if love bugs selling your AH66Wly3ip4-00032-00010522-00010827 paint long enough you will have a hole AH66Wly3ip4-00033-00010828-00011113 in that paint and guess what no holes AH66Wly3ip4-00034-00011114-00011517 here all right not a problem clear coats AH66Wly3ip4-00035-00011518-00011670 very safe if you don't protect it you AH66Wly3ip4-00036-00011671-00011874 can get holes in it period in a story I AH66Wly3ip4-00037-00011875-00012006 know it's only a couple seasons a year AH66Wly3ip4-00038-00012007-00012210 here's the windshield let's look at this AH66Wly3ip4-00039-00012211-00012639 up here alright you can see the bugs AH66Wly3ip4-00040-00012640-00012943 here here here little water watch right AH66Wly3ip4-00041-00012944-00013835 they come off the glass super easy AH66Wly3ip4-00042-00013836-00014038 see them bugs over there see them bugs AH66Wly3ip4-00043-00014040-00014519 watch just like that boom off so there AH66Wly3ip4-00044-00014519-00014684 you have it I recommend if you don't AH66Wly3ip4-00045-00014685-00014849 have protection in your car get it done AH66Wly3ip4-00046-00014850-00015094 I you simek's there's a ton I'm on a AH66Wly3ip4-00047-00015096-00015230 market thus enemies got the best product AH66Wly3ip4-00048-00015231-00015419 alright now let's talk about this AH66Wly3ip4-00049-00015419-00015683 simek's multi-surface cleaner for the AH66Wly3ip4-00050-00015684-00015953 love bug removal makes it crazy easy AH66Wly3ip4-00051-00015954-00016619 right now there's 250 scoops like this AH66Wly3ip4-00052-00016620-00017021 is a teaspoon okay 250 scoops in there AH66Wly3ip4-00053-00017022-00017381 75 bucks that's 30 cents a quart however AH66Wly3ip4-00054-00017382-00017603 you can use a half a scoop with AH66Wly3ip4-00055-00017604-00017879 incredible freakin results is off the AH66Wly3ip4-00056-00017880-00018056 chores you can clean anything cleaning AH66Wly3ip4-00057-00018057-00018191 the carpets in the car clean the bugs AH66Wly3ip4-00058-00018192-00018371 off the car clean the seats in the car AH66Wly3ip4-00059-00018372-00018545 clean that makeup you know that makeup AH66Wly3ip4-00060-00018546-00018794 is like hardcore hardcore to get that AH66Wly3ip4-00061-00018795-00018911 stuff off of there you know what I'm AH66Wly3ip4-00062-00018912-00018986 talking about AH66Wly3ip4-00063-00018987-00019226 and this stuff is so safe wash your AH66Wly3ip4-00064-00019227-00019382 clothes with it clean your plants with AH66Wly3ip4-00065-00019383-00019556 it but let's look at this bug on this AH66Wly3ip4-00066-00019557-00019799 mirror okay this is this is a bug impact AH66Wly3ip4-00067-00019800-00020024 you Detailers know these bugs nightmare AH66Wly3ip4-00068-00020025-00020200 I'm just going to hit with the Simmons AH66Wly3ip4-00069-00020201-00020324 alright AH66Wly3ip4-00070-00020325-00020642 I put a half a scoop 32 ounce bottle all AH66Wly3ip4-00071-00020643-00021035 right wait wait wait watch it I'm not AH66Wly3ip4-00072-00021036-00021262 going to touch it AH66Wly3ip4-00073-00021263-00021653 typically sprayer always goes ALZPAv6XHv4-00000-00001008-00001135 hey dad ALZPAv6XHv4-00001-00001136-00001491 can we go to mcdonald's sure now let's ALZPAv6XHv4-00002-00001492-00002151 go ALZPAv6XHv4-00003-00002152-00002415 welcome to mcdonald's how we can i help ALZPAv6XHv4-00004-00002416-00002463 you ALZPAv6XHv4-00005-00002464-00002671 i would like to order burger juice and ALZPAv6XHv4-00006-00002672-00002895 chicken and i would like to order french ALZPAv6XHv4-00007-00002896-00002966 fries ALZPAv6XHv4-00008-00002967-00003279 happy meal chicken gravy and rice ALZPAv6XHv4-00009-00003279-00003535 and chocolate ice cream please i'm sorry ALZPAv6XHv4-00010-00003536-00003783 but there is no chocolate ice cream here ALZPAv6XHv4-00011-00003784-00004119 how about vanilla ice cream instead yes ALZPAv6XHv4-00012-00004120-00004415 i would like it oh my gosh cat plays ALZPAv6XHv4-00013-00004416-00004519 roblox ALZPAv6XHv4-00014-00004520-00004799 you behave at mcdonald's that means you ALZPAv6XHv4-00015-00004800-00005226 will get rewarded after eating ALZPAv6XHv4-00016-00005227-00005735 [Music] ALZPAv6XHv4-00017-00005736-00006038 oh my god carrot place roblox you ALZPAv6XHv4-00018-00006039-00006206 behaving at mcdonald's it means you're ALZPAv6XHv4-00019-00006207-00006556 getting reward ALZPAv6XHv4-00020-00006558-00007083 [Music] ALZPAv6XHv4-00021-00007084-00007392 thanks ALZPAv6XHv4-00022-00007393-00008414 [Music] ALZPAv6XHv4-00023-00008415-00008624 you Ap5eLz5aBYI-00000-00000158-00000449 Zaragoza officially the municipality of Ap5eLz5aBYI-00001-00000450-00000722 Zaragoza is a third class municipality Ap5eLz5aBYI-00002-00000723-00000877 in the province of Nueva Ecija Ap5eLz5aBYI-00003-00000878-00001244 Philippines according to the 2015 census Ap5eLz5aBYI-00004-00001245-00001648 it has a population of 49,000 387 people Ap5eLz5aBYI-00005-00001650-00001855 the municipality derived its name from Ap5eLz5aBYI-00006-00001857-00002105 the Zaragoza in Aragon Spain out of the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00007-00002106-00002358 colonial past Ap5eLz5aBYI-00008-00002359-00002586 it is located at the southern edge of Ap5eLz5aBYI-00009-00002587-00002826 Nueva Ecija bordering the town of La Paz Ap5eLz5aBYI-00010-00002827-00003066 thar lack which due to its proximity is Ap5eLz5aBYI-00011-00003067-00003290 more closely economically coherent with Ap5eLz5aBYI-00012-00003292-00003579 each other the newly opened Subic Clarke Ap5eLz5aBYI-00013-00003579-00003900 Tarlac Expressway SC TX ends up in La Ap5eLz5aBYI-00014-00003901-00004092 Paz where it connects to the Santa Rosa Ap5eLz5aBYI-00015-00004093-00004347 Tarlac road passing through Zaragoza and Ap5eLz5aBYI-00016-00004348-00004593 Santa Rosa going to Cabanatuan City and Ap5eLz5aBYI-00017-00004594-00004791 onto the pan philippine highway to tug Ap5eLz5aBYI-00018-00004792-00005054 agar aapke Guion Ap5eLz5aBYI-00019-00005055-00005256 Zaragoza is bounded by the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00020-00005257-00005542 municipalities of San Antonio and JN to Ap5eLz5aBYI-00021-00005543-00005797 the South Santa Rosa to its East Aliaga Ap5eLz5aBYI-00022-00005798-00005974 and Li camp to the north and La Paz Ap5eLz5aBYI-00023-00005975-00006318 Tarlac is located west Ap5eLz5aBYI-00024-00006319-00006584 the main economic resource of the people Ap5eLz5aBYI-00025-00006586-00006755 of Zaragoza is mainly agricultural Ap5eLz5aBYI-00026-00006756-00007101 mainly rice production duck raising is Ap5eLz5aBYI-00027-00007102-00007323 also a notable industry the town's Ap5eLz5aBYI-00028-00007323-00007554 public market is also the main center of Ap5eLz5aBYI-00029-00007555-00007745 commerce for a number of barren guys in Ap5eLz5aBYI-00030-00007747-00008006 the neighboring towns Ap5eLz5aBYI-00031-00008008-00008710 history founded in 1878 Zaragoza was Ap5eLz5aBYI-00032-00008711-00008917 born as barrio San Vicente upon Ap5eLz5aBYI-00033-00008918-00009124 recommendation of Don Francisco to Ap5eLz5aBYI-00034-00009125-00009418 governor solos later municipal president Ap5eLz5aBYI-00035-00009419-00009639 Cirillo Acosta moved the Town Hall Ap5eLz5aBYI-00036-00009640-00009823 building to the present site where the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00037-00009824-00010018 post office and Comelec extension Ap5eLz5aBYI-00038-00010019-00010294 offices are located Mayor Pasquale Ap5eLz5aBYI-00039-00010295-00010510 lensing and completed the building Mayor Ap5eLz5aBYI-00040-00010511-00010735 Francisco Ramirez added the Sangguniang Ap5eLz5aBYI-00041-00010736-00010969 Bayan session Hall with Plaza stage Ap5eLz5aBYI-00042-00010970-00011233 fountain and fenced the site in 1971 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00043-00011234-00011521 then mayor Lydia Pagano and improved the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00044-00011522-00011839 Town Hall in 2010 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00045-00011840-00012502 incident on February 17 2003 police Ap5eLz5aBYI-00046-00012503-00012709 filed arson and grave threats cases Ap5eLz5aBYI-00047-00012710-00012937 against a local New People's Army NPA Ap5eLz5aBYI-00048-00012938-00013165 leader kah a dream team leader of the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00049-00013166-00013429 NPA s Sande - hey Munich propaganda and Ap5eLz5aBYI-00050-00013430-00013600 five other members of the tarrlok Ap5eLz5aBYI-00051-00013601-00013753 provincial party committee with a Ap5eLz5aBYI-00052-00013754-00013987 zaragoza municipal trial court for the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00053-00013988-00014254 January 2003 attack on the globe telecom Ap5eLz5aBYI-00054-00014255-00014560 cell site on April 11th 2012 three Ap5eLz5aBYI-00055-00014561-00014791 bodies of family members pastor Fernand Ap5eLz5aBYI-00056-00014791-00015103 Edo de Guzman his wife Rosalinda and 21 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00057-00015104-00015294 year old son nori were discovered in Ap5eLz5aBYI-00058-00015295-00015588 barangay Maya Mont Zaragoza nueva ecija Ap5eLz5aBYI-00059-00015590-00015835 on Wednesday morning de Guzman was Ap5eLz5aBYI-00060-00015836-00016036 abducted by three armed men allegedly Ap5eLz5aBYI-00061-00016037-00016294 being National Bureau of Investigation Ap5eLz5aBYI-00062-00016294-00016597 NBI agents on may 19th 2012 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00063-00016598-00016804 retired police and former municipal Ap5eLz5aBYI-00064-00016805-00017068 councillor napoleon paradin 48 was Ap5eLz5aBYI-00065-00017069-00017272 gunned down by two armed men at barangay Ap5eLz5aBYI-00066-00017273-00017694 stowe rosario old Zaragoza nueva ecija Ap5eLz5aBYI-00067-00017695-00018073 July 30th 2012 the 64 kilometers Central Ap5eLz5aBYI-00068-00018074-00018310 Luzon Expressway Plex from the Hacienda Ap5eLz5aBYI-00069-00018311-00018547 Luisi - interchange of the Subic Clark Ap5eLz5aBYI-00070-00018548-00018811 tarrlok expressway stacks in thar laxity Ap5eLz5aBYI-00071-00018812-00019066 to San Jose City in Nueva Ecija will be Ap5eLz5aBYI-00072-00019067-00019327 built in two phases it will benefit Ap5eLz5aBYI-00073-00019328-00019540 Zaragoza for it will pass through parts Ap5eLz5aBYI-00074-00019541-00019774 of thar laxity and La Paz town in thar Ap5eLz5aBYI-00075-00019775-00020094 lac to Zaragoza inter alia on Saturday Ap5eLz5aBYI-00076-00020095-00020491 December 23rd 2012 nila mactal 62 the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00077-00020492-00020674 high school principal of Zaragoza Ap5eLz5aBYI-00078-00020675-00020917 National High School in Zaragoza town Ap5eLz5aBYI-00079-00020918-00021136 was shot and killed by a lone gunman at Ap5eLz5aBYI-00080-00021137-00021415 her Aliaga nueva ecija house on June 8 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00081-00021416-00021760 2012 a month before his 44th birthday fr Ap5eLz5aBYI-00082-00021761-00022042 Richmond Nilo 43 a Catholic priest who Ap5eLz5aBYI-00083-00022043-00022237 was serving his parish priest of the st. Ap5eLz5aBYI-00084-00022238-00022453 Vincent Ferrer Catholic Church was shot Ap5eLz5aBYI-00085-00022454-00022678 and killed in the nuestra senora de los Ap5eLz5aBYI-00086-00022679-00023072 Neve chapel in barangay muhammad Ap5eLz5aBYI-00087-00023073-00023478 demographics Ap5eLz5aBYI-00088-00023479-00024047 local government pursuant to the local Ap5eLz5aBYI-00089-00024048-00024200 government in the Philippines the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00090-00024201-00024360 political seat of the municipal Ap5eLz5aBYI-00091-00024361-00024558 government is located at the municipal Ap5eLz5aBYI-00092-00024559-00024792 Town Hall in the history of the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00093-00024793-00025103 Philippines 1521 to 1898 the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00094-00025104-00025311 gobernadorcillo is the chief executive Ap5eLz5aBYI-00095-00025312-00025511 who holds office in the presidencia Ap5eLz5aBYI-00096-00025512-00025946 during the American rule 1898 to 1946 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00097-00025947-00026333 history of the Philippines 1898 to 1946 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00098-00026335-00026508 the elected mayor and local officials Ap5eLz5aBYI-00099-00026508-00026762 including the appointed ones hold office Ap5eLz5aBYI-00100-00026763-00026996 at the municipal town hall the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00101-00026997-00027218 legislative and executive departments Ap5eLz5aBYI-00102-00027219-00027381 are vested in the Sangguniang Bayan Ap5eLz5aBYI-00103-00027382-00027633 session hall and municipal trial court Ap5eLz5aBYI-00104-00027633-00027935 located in the Town Hall Ap5eLz5aBYI-00105-00027936-00028195 Zaragoza z-- incumbent mayor is Lovella Ap5eLz5aBYI-00106-00028197-00028436 d Belmonte espíritu and the vice mayor Ap5eLz5aBYI-00107-00028437-00028781 Francisco L Gabriel jr. Ap5eLz5aBYI-00108-00028782-00029357 Barun guys Zaragoza is politically Ap5eLz5aBYI-00109-00029358-00029815 subdivided into 19 barren guys Ap5eLz5aBYI-00110-00029816-00030458 tourism and landmarks zaragoza x' main Ap5eLz5aBYI-00111-00030459-00030657 attractions art the welcome arch the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00112-00030658-00030885 scenic rice fields the town hall the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00113-00030886-00031139 monument of zaragoza heroes don Cirillo Ap5eLz5aBYI-00114-00031140-00031389 B Acosta elementary school and the Saint Ap5eLz5aBYI-00115-00031389-00031611 Vincent Ferrer parish church initially Ap5eLz5aBYI-00116-00031612-00031998 constructed in 18-49 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00117-00031999-00032613 st. Vincent Ferrer Parish Church the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00118-00032614-00032916 18-49 Saint Vincent Ferrer parish church Ap5eLz5aBYI-00119-00032917-00033141 belongs to the Roman Catholic Diocese of Ap5eLz5aBYI-00120-00033142-00033408 Cabanatuan dioecious it's of Cabanatuan Ap5eLz5aBYI-00121-00033409-00033645 NC suffragan of Lingayen Dagupan Ap5eLz5aBYI-00122-00033646-00033912 comprising 16 towns of southern nueva Ap5eLz5aBYI-00123-00033913-00034191 ecija Cabanatuan City fellahin City and Ap5eLz5aBYI-00124-00034192-00034416 Japan City titular Saint Nicholas of Ap5eLz5aBYI-00125-00034417-00034659 Tolentino September 10th most reverend Ap5eLz5aBYI-00126-00034660-00035019 sophrony o a bank 8 SS SVD located at Ap5eLz5aBYI-00127-00035020-00035409 población Zaragoza 3110 nueva ecija Ap5eLz5aBYI-00128-00035410-00035664 titular st. Vincent Ferrer feast his Ap5eLz5aBYI-00129-00035665-00035892 April 5th Ap5eLz5aBYI-00130-00035893-00036186 it's parish priest who's fr Mizell Oh Ap5eLz5aBYI-00131-00036187-00036441 Lirio priests in residents include Rev Ap5eLz5aBYI-00132-00036442-00036792 fr Joseph be a zircon School Director Ap5eLz5aBYI-00133-00036793-00037011 feast the feast day is April 5th on Ap5eLz5aBYI-00134-00037012-00037278 December 30th mm the renovated and Ap5eLz5aBYI-00135-00037279-00037509 rehabilitated church facade belfry Ap5eLz5aBYI-00136-00037510-00037782 baptismal font vestry rectory room of Ap5eLz5aBYI-00137-00037783-00037956 the Saints by were blessed by Bishop Ap5eLz5aBYI-00138-00037957-00038229 Sophia Guinta bales the 11th of November Ap5eLz5aBYI-00139-00038230-00038565 1990 succeeded the 25th of June 2004 Ap5eLz5aBYI-00140-00038566-00038751 died Ap5eLz5aBYI-00141-00038752-00039074 st. Vincent Ferrer is an Okie Valencian Ap5eLz5aBYI-00142-00039075-00039371 Saint Vincent Ferrer IPA Sam V some Ap5eLz5aBYI-00143-00039372-00039705 fairy the 23rd of January 1350 to the Ap5eLz5aBYI-00144-00039706-00039971 5th of April 1419 was a Valencian Ap5eLz5aBYI-00145-00039972-00040167 Dominican friar who gained acclaim as a Ap5eLz5aBYI-00146-00040168-00040433 missionary in a logician he is honored Ap5eLz5aBYI-00147-00040434-00040885 as the saint of the Catholic Church Ap5eLz5aBYI-00148-00040886-00041360 image gallery Ap5eLz5aBYI-00149-00041361-00041762 references Ap5eLz5aBYI-00150-00041763-00042300 external links philippine standard Ap5eLz5aBYI-00151-00042301-00042735 geographic code philippine census Ap5eLz5aBYI-00152-00042736-00043112 information local governance performance Ap5eLz5aBYI-00153-00043113-00043452 management system ApfC3vxEI8o-00000-00000053-00000347 there really is no one like Micah ApfC3vxEI8o-00001-00000348-00000551 Parsons in this league I don't care what ApfC3vxEI8o-00002-00000552-00000707 his stats say it's all a bunch of ApfC3vxEI8o-00003-00000708-00000935 nonsense just watch the guy move like he ApfC3vxEI8o-00004-00000936-00001139 wins right here now I don't know you ApfC3vxEI8o-00005-00001140-00001397 tell me what that is normally some ApfC3vxEI8o-00006-00001398-00001655 yellow flag should come out but now ApfC3vxEI8o-00007-00001655-00001823 Sam Howell gets chased and here comes ApfC3vxEI8o-00008-00001823-00002026 Doris Armstrong he gets the sack but ApfC3vxEI8o-00009-00002027-00002225 Micah made the play in fact he's there ApfC3vxEI8o-00010-00002226-00002542 to play right like he does and he's ApfC3vxEI8o-00011-00002543-00002681 still trying to strip the ball like ApfC3vxEI8o-00012-00002682-00003005 nobody can do what Micah Parsons can do ApfC3vxEI8o-00013-00003006-00003311 watch how quickly he wins ApfC3vxEI8o-00014-00003311-00003563 like there he is like that's a win I ApfC3vxEI8o-00015-00003564-00003677 don't care how quickly the quarterback ApfC3vxEI8o-00016-00003678-00003845 gets rid of the ball like nobody can ApfC3vxEI8o-00017-00003846-00004054 slide through a hole he's like a slug he ApfC3vxEI8o-00018-00004055-00004265 can just slide through any single hole ApfC3vxEI8o-00019-00004266-00004577 right full speed now Hal's got to make a ApfC3vxEI8o-00020-00004578-00004799 decision all right ApfC3vxEI8o-00021-00004800-00005045 somebody else gets a sack you know Sam ApfC3vxEI8o-00022-00005046-00005249 Williams gets a sack whatever Mike is ApfC3vxEI8o-00023-00005250-00005495 always there though like nobody moves ApfC3vxEI8o-00024-00005496-00005765 like this like here he goes this is only ApfC3vxEI8o-00025-00005766-00005945 Sam Howe's only interception but why ApfC3vxEI8o-00026-00005946-00006161 what's the pressure right here the back ApfC3vxEI8o-00027-00006162-00006406 the left tackle is being just pushed ApfC3vxEI8o-00028-00006408-00006581 right into the lap of Sam how he can't ApfC3vxEI8o-00029-00006581-00006748 step into the throw because Mike is ApfC3vxEI8o-00030-00006750-00006995 there and there's Malik hooker with the ApfC3vxEI8o-00031-00006995-00007205 interception okay like every one of ApfC3vxEI8o-00032-00007206-00007523 these plays is because of this guy ApfC3vxEI8o-00033-00007523-00007792 like he makes this tight end come across ApfC3vxEI8o-00034-00007793-00007996 the formation here he just makes him ApfC3vxEI8o-00035-00007997-00008273 completely whiff like ApfC3vxEI8o-00036-00008274-00008446 you don't even like take the block on it ApfC3vxEI8o-00037-00008447-00008692 just makes it whiff now here he comes ApfC3vxEI8o-00038-00008693-00008891 what does Sam Hal do he sees Micah ApfC3vxEI8o-00039-00008892-00009064 coming he feels it ApfC3vxEI8o-00040-00009065-00009214 even though the tight ends on him right ApfC3vxEI8o-00041-00009215-00009413 here like I don't know ApfC3vxEI8o-00042-00009414-00009574 I'm not sure what the tight ends are ApfC3vxEI8o-00043-00009575-00009755 doing there but like that's not a normal ApfC3vxEI8o-00044-00009756-00010001 reaction all right to the guys that are ApfC3vxEI8o-00045-00010002-00010181 blocking you it's usually a reaction to ApfC3vxEI8o-00046-00010182-00010414 somebody just grabbing you all right but ApfC3vxEI8o-00047-00010415-00010649 down goes oh Diga Zoo it takes him down ApfC3vxEI8o-00048-00010650-00010853 and you watch this right here and you go ApfC3vxEI8o-00049-00010854-00011074 okay here he is after watch how quickly ApfC3vxEI8o-00050-00011075-00011206 he wins ApfC3vxEI8o-00051-00011207-00011578 like he's there like he's right he wins ApfC3vxEI8o-00052-00011579-00011909 just that fast like nobody can really do ApfC3vxEI8o-00053-00011910-00012167 that in his holy only Mike you can and ApfC3vxEI8o-00054-00012168-00012406 where does that ball go that ball goes ApfC3vxEI8o-00055-00012407-00012701 let's see who catches this ball anybody ApfC3vxEI8o-00056-00012702-00012851 all right can we get a new ball please ApfC3vxEI8o-00057-00012852-00013096 like Mike is just ApfC3vxEI8o-00058-00013097-00013325 as big a Difference Maker is this in ApfC3vxEI8o-00059-00013326-00013493 this entire industry ApfC3vxEI8o-00060-00013494-00013790 the way they moves AR1EhlZmYrE-00000-00000022-00000322 subscribing ARcbso6upVU-00000-00000270-00000936 [Music] ARcbso6upVU-00001-00000938-00001135 hey guys welcome back to the channel my ARcbso6upVU-00002-00001136-00001291 name is Brian from Ken Martin cross ARcbso6upVU-00003-00001292-00001501 nation and for today's video we got a ARcbso6upVU-00004-00001502-00001795 very important video for today this ARcbso6upVU-00005-00001796-00002074 literally just came out in the Jaypee ARcbso6upVU-00006-00002075-00002272 version of the game it was a new update ARcbso6upVU-00007-00002273-00002437 for the main portion of the game is now ARcbso6upVU-00008-00002438-00002785 been updated to the version 3.1 version ARcbso6upVU-00009-00002786-00002995 of the game which I'm assuming will be ARcbso6upVU-00010-00002996-00003222 coming to global fairly shortly as well ARcbso6upVU-00011-00003223-00003406 but I wanted to quickly go over ARcbso6upVU-00012-00003407-00003583 everything that's new coming out in the ARcbso6upVU-00013-00003584-00003811 update especially some of these ones ARcbso6upVU-00014-00003811-00004057 because there are some things about this ARcbso6upVU-00015-00004058-00004375 new update that are just what one asked ARcbso6upVU-00016-00004376-00004611 for for such a while now for the past ARcbso6upVU-00017-00004612-00005007 few months and to will heavily change ARcbso6upVU-00018-00005008-00005299 the meta and how a bunch of setups are ARcbso6upVU-00019-00005300-00005470 at the current moment so without further ARcbso6upVU-00020-00005471-00005767 ado let's jump right into the update so ARcbso6upVU-00021-00005768-00005917 first of all this is the current update ARcbso6upVU-00022-00005918-00006057 right now is translated with google ARcbso6upVU-00023-00006058-00006250 translate luckily it's nothing too ARcbso6upVU-00024-00006251-00006522 extravagant that I can't discern from ARcbso6upVU-00025-00006523-00006787 myself ok like I don't need to go to ARcbso6upVU-00026-00006788-00006970 like agent ed or anything to like go ARcbso6upVU-00027-00006970-00007117 figure out what the heck this is talking ARcbso6upVU-00028-00007118-00007381 about so first of all they announced ARcbso6upVU-00029-00007381-00007513 right here that is updating through ARcbso6upVU-00030-00007514-00007705 version 3.1 which is OK ARcbso6upVU-00031-00007706-00007834 they also say right here that and the ARcbso6upVU-00032-00007834-00008163 main update content right there they ARcbso6upVU-00033-00008164-00008313 also stay right here and the the ARcbso6upVU-00034-00008314-00008551 translation is a little butchered but ARcbso6upVU-00035-00008552-00008652 essentially what they're trying to say ARcbso6upVU-00036-00008653-00008845 right here is that they are going to be ARcbso6upVU-00037-00008846-00009171 starting to release the product codes ARcbso6upVU-00038-00009172-00009430 for the the Starlight Keyblade that's ARcbso6upVU-00039-00009431-00009631 gonna be available within Kmart's 3 if ARcbso6upVU-00040-00009632-00009844 you've if you've completed all of the ARcbso6upVU-00041-00009845-00010033 mini-games so if you haven't already ARcbso6upVU-00042-00010034-00010221 complete your mini-games I'm assuming ARcbso6upVU-00043-00010222-00010420 that but as long as you've completed ARcbso6upVU-00044-00010421-00010638 them innoGames before q March 3 you will ARcbso6upVU-00045-00010639-00010827 be able to get your product code so so ARcbso6upVU-00046-00010828-00010948 even if you haven't completed your ARcbso6upVU-00047-00010949-00011095 product codes yet I'm assuming you still ARcbso6upVU-00048-00011096-00011266 be able to get them within the next ARcbso6upVU-00049-00011267-00011509 month or two as well now the next thing ARcbso6upVU-00050-00011510-00011652 that they mentioned and this is by far ARcbso6upVU-00051-00011653-00011812 probably going to be one of the most ARcbso6upVU-00052-00011813-00012081 important parts of this update which is ARcbso6upVU-00053-00012082-00012267 going to heavily influence the meta on ARcbso6upVU-00054-00012268-00012580 top of like the setups and stuff like ARcbso6upVU-00055-00012581-00012741 that because it's gonna the setups ARcbso6upVU-00056-00012742-00012955 nowadays are gonna go back a little bit ARcbso6upVU-00057-00012956-00013147 to what they were old-school but this ARcbso6upVU-00058-00013147-00013507 right here the cap the buff and debuff ARcbso6upVU-00059-00013508-00013894 cap has been increased from seven to 15 ARcbso6upVU-00060-00013894-00014134 so instead of having a +7 ARcbso6upVU-00061-00014135-00014380 for buffs and Eva so the max buffs for ARcbso6upVU-00062-00014381-00014613 d-bus you get off at 7 excluding the pet ARcbso6upVU-00063-00014615-00014866 skill which can give you a +1 PSM buff ARcbso6upVU-00064-00014866-00015115 as well just excluding that the cap is ARcbso6upVU-00065-00015116-00015447 now at 15 instead and this is gonna be ARcbso6upVU-00066-00015449-00015646 absolutely huge because as we're all ARcbso6upVU-00067-00015647-00015897 aware there are a bunch of metals in the ARcbso6upVU-00068-00015899-00016138 meta right now that have the upright ARcbso6upVU-00069-00016138-00016393 mechanic which overwrite anything all of ARcbso6upVU-00070-00016394-00016534 the bus and debuff said it applies to ARcbso6upVU-00071-00016535-00016846 and as of right now those are the best ARcbso6upVU-00072-00016847-00017074 metals to use just because they for the ARcbso6upVU-00073-00017075-00017230 most part most of the overripe metals ARcbso6upVU-00074-00017231-00017413 just completely max out all of the buffs ARcbso6upVU-00075-00017414-00017539 and debuffs are you're gonna be using ARcbso6upVU-00076-00017540-00017803 for now however with this new cap ARcbso6upVU-00077-00017804-00017989 increase that also means that those same ARcbso6upVU-00078-00017990-00018226 overripe metals are no longer going to ARcbso6upVU-00079-00018227-00018460 be able to get you to the full maximum ARcbso6upVU-00080-00018461-00018697 amount of buffs because they will only ARcbso6upVU-00081-00018698-00018886 limit you at 7 so you're going to need ARcbso6upVU-00082-00018887-00019102 other metals such as going back old ARcbso6upVU-00083-00019103-00019372 schools such as the original Kyrie x+ to ARcbso6upVU-00084-00019373-00019623 go past the 7 limit that we used to have ARcbso6upVU-00085-00019624-00019939 from because of override and to actually ARcbso6upVU-00086-00019940-00020188 achieve the 15 buff and debuff cap ARcbso6upVU-00087-00020189-00020347 pretty much as of right now I'm gonna ARcbso6upVU-00088-00020348-00020680 start re updating all of my meta setups ARcbso6upVU-00089-00020681-00020956 on my website as well to get ready for ARcbso6upVU-00090-00020957-00021463 the 15 cap increase so that way you guys ARcbso6upVU-00091-00021464-00021667 can get an idea as to what are currently ARcbso6upVU-00092-00021668-00021811 the best setups for each of the ARcbso6upVU-00093-00021812-00022105 keyblade's and such and will also kind ARcbso6upVU-00094-00022106-00022480 of help set the precedent for what the ARcbso6upVU-00095-00022481-00022717 type of setups are going to be starting ARcbso6upVU-00096-00022718-00022927 to look like from now on so keep an eye ARcbso6upVU-00097-00022928-00023059 on that if you happen to follow me on ARcbso6upVU-00098-00023060-00023292 twitter or discord I will be releasing ARcbso6upVU-00099-00023293-00023569 the new setups and such the new meta ARcbso6upVU-00100-00023570-00023941 setups and fairly shortly as of right ARcbso6upVU-00101-00023942-00024085 now just keep an eye on that I might ARcbso6upVU-00102-00024086-00024226 make a video discussing what the new ARcbso6upVU-00103-00024227-00024343 setups are going to be looking like and ARcbso6upVU-00104-00024344-00024637 such I'm not too sure yet we'll see but ARcbso6upVU-00105-00024638-00024859 it is a possibility now the next thing ARcbso6upVU-00106-00024860-00025000 that they're going to be updating as ARcbso6upVU-00107-00025001-00025351 well is that they're finally are gonna ARcbso6upVU-00108-00025352-00025666 be adding the option to automatically ARcbso6upVU-00109-00025667-00026080 set on your sub Schloss so no longer do ARcbso6upVU-00110-00026081-00026338 you actually have to like go one by one ARcbso6upVU-00111-00026339-00026623 manually by hand setting up your sub ARcbso6upVU-00112-00026624-00026872 slots for your sub spots on your ARcbso6upVU-00113-00026873-00027175 Keyblade ok and at the same time they ARcbso6upVU-00114-00027176-00027394 are also adding the ability and this is ARcbso6upVU-00115-00027395-00027517 something I've been really wanting a ARcbso6upVU-00116-00027518-00027829 well to actually remove a specific metal ARcbso6upVU-00117-00027830-00028087 from all of your sub shots as well so in ARcbso6upVU-00118-00028088-00028279 case any of you happen to come across ARcbso6upVU-00119-00028280-00028470 this which I'm sure quite a lot a lot of ARcbso6upVU-00120-00028472-00028737 you have you might have come across the ARcbso6upVU-00121-00028738-00029064 scenarios where because of a lot of the ARcbso6upVU-00122-00029066-00029251 banners right now come with a lot of ARcbso6upVU-00123-00029252-00029505 skills chances are you might want to ARcbso6upVU-00124-00029506-00029761 cannibalize those specific metals into ARcbso6upVU-00125-00029762-00029911 other metals so that way you can ARcbso6upVU-00126-00029912-00030156 transfer the skill on to a better metal ARcbso6upVU-00127-00030157-00030393 but the problem is if you have that ARcbso6upVU-00128-00030394-00030637 metal on sub-sites across multiple key ARcbso6upVU-00129-00030638-00030915 blades it's gonna be a real hassle to ARcbso6upVU-00130-00030916-00031156 take them off every single individual ARcbso6upVU-00131-00031157-00031342 key but especially since there's are 120 ARcbso6upVU-00132-00031343-00031660 sub slots across every single cube like ARcbso6upVU-00133-00031661-00031951 each okay so honestly I probably like ARcbso6upVU-00134-00031952-00032206 this feature more than the actual ARcbso6upVU-00135-00032207-00032392 automatically set the sub slots feature ARcbso6upVU-00136-00032393-00032539 because that's honestly that's not too ARcbso6upVU-00137-00032539-00032799 hard to like do real quick removing a ARcbso6upVU-00138-00032800-00032965 metal it takes way more time than it ARcbso6upVU-00139-00032966-00033168 does adding metals in my opinion but ARcbso6upVU-00140-00033169-00033367 regardless I appreciate the fact that we ARcbso6upVU-00141-00033368-00033607 finally have both features now and just ARcbso6upVU-00142-00033608-00033727 to kind of go along with that they also ARcbso6upVU-00143-00033728-00034018 added a function where now they finally ARcbso6upVU-00144-00034019-00034273 have like an open all button for like ARcbso6upVU-00145-00034274-00034489 Avatar boards and such or like just ARcbso6upVU-00146-00034490-00034717 boards in general if you have all of the ARcbso6upVU-00147-00034718-00034902 coins necessary to unlock all of the ARcbso6upVU-00148-00034903-00035133 nodes with an a board you can just press ARcbso6upVU-00149-00035134-00035289 the button and I'll unlock everything ARcbso6upVU-00150-00035290-00035490 for you this isn't really something ARcbso6upVU-00151-00035491-00035758 that's necessary but it I know it has ARcbso6upVU-00152-00035759-00035920 been something that I've been seeing ARcbso6upVU-00153-00035921-00036192 various people now and then requesting ARcbso6upVU-00154-00036193-00036502 for within the game now the next thing I ARcbso6upVU-00155-00036503-00036673 mentioned that they are gonna update are ARcbso6upVU-00156-00036674-00036961 the it says random fection but I'm ARcbso6upVU-00157-00036962-00037164 assuming this is the optimized function ARcbso6upVU-00158-00037165-00037507 within the game which is pretty good ARcbso6upVU-00159-00037508-00037855 whether or not the improved version is ARcbso6upVU-00160-00037856-00038056 gonna be good enough or not we'll we'll ARcbso6upVU-00161-00038057-00038314 see because as of right now for anybody ARcbso6upVU-00162-00038315-00038508 knows how to actually make setups the ARcbso6upVU-00163-00038509-00038733 optimized function is complete trash it ARcbso6upVU-00164-00038734-00038968 does not actually make a good setups at ARcbso6upVU-00165-00038969-00039183 all whatsoever for you guys all it does ARcbso6upVU-00166-00039184-00039387 is really just slap what it considers ARcbso6upVU-00167-00039388-00039736 your best metals onto slots that match ARcbso6upVU-00168-00039737-00039970 its attribute and it calls it a day it ARcbso6upVU-00169-00039971-00040210 doesn't actually make good setups for ARcbso6upVU-00170-00040211-00040395 you which is kind of part of the problem ARcbso6upVU-00171-00040396-00040633 so I'm hoping that maybe this can ARcbso6upVU-00172-00040634-00040693 actually ARcbso6upVU-00173-00040694-00040951 and make actually decent setups from now ARcbso6upVU-00174-00040952-00041227 on within the game when you use it ARcbso6upVU-00175-00041228-00041440 positive right now that remains to be ARcbso6upVU-00176-00041441-00041671 seen other or not though the last thing ARcbso6upVU-00177-00041672-00041755 that they mention that are going to ARcbso6upVU-00178-00041756-00042100 change is the application icon as far as ARcbso6upVU-00179-00042101-00042331 I'm aware I believe that the icon has ARcbso6upVU-00180-00042332-00042463 already been changed for the Jaypee ARcbso6upVU-00181-00042464-00042691 version the game I haven't seen it yet ARcbso6upVU-00182-00042692-00042877 but that's what I've heard ARcbso6upVU-00183-00042878-00043042 but either way we'll end up seeing it ARcbso6upVU-00184-00043043-00043270 for global as well if that ends up being ARcbso6upVU-00185-00043271-00043456 the case bother nap that's it for today ARcbso6upVU-00186-00043457-00043600 guys let me know what your thoughts and ARcbso6upVU-00187-00043601-00043720 opinions are in the comment section down ARcbso6upVU-00188-00043721-00044017 below I know for a fact that this ARcbso6upVU-00189-00044018-00044233 especially that is whole cap increase ARcbso6upVU-00190-00044234-00044347 because that's been something we've been ARcbso6upVU-00191-00044348-00044494 looking forward to that I've been ARcbso6upVU-00192-00044495-00044701 calling basically ever since ARcbso6upVU-00193-00044702-00044908 coyote x+ first came out I've been ARcbso6upVU-00194-00044909-00045160 calling for months and that the cap ARcbso6upVU-00195-00045161-00045373 increase was gonna happen sooner or ARcbso6upVU-00196-00045374-00045406 later ARcbso6upVU-00197-00045407-00045601 so it's been something that I've been ARcbso6upVU-00198-00045602-00045736 waiting for to happen and it finally ARcbso6upVU-00199-00045737-00045904 happened let me know what your thoughts ARcbso6upVU-00200-00045905-00046036 are about it in the comment section down ARcbso6upVU-00201-00046037-00046285 below remember I will be releasing the ARcbso6upVU-00202-00046286-00046516 new meta setups and such fairly soon so ARcbso6upVU-00203-00046517-00046729 keep an eye on that but other net if you ARcbso6upVU-00204-00046730-00046834 enjoyed the video please leave a like ARcbso6upVU-00205-00046835-00046987 subscribe and hit that boba and it's the ARcbso6upVU-00206-00046988-00047080 best way I know when I upload more ARcbso6upVU-00207-00047081-00047266 videos such as this one my name is Brian ARcbso6upVU-00208-00047267-00047419 Frank in watching incarnation and I will ARcbso6upVU-00209-00047420-00047658 see you guys in the next video peace ARcbso6upVU-00210-00047659-00049785 [Music] AUV6PknhJRM-00000-00000092-00000250 hi AUV6PknhJRM-00001-00000252-00000532 um I'm Haley uh and I'm presenting uh AUV6PknhJRM-00002-00000533-00000815 with Leah and then three of our students AUV6PknhJRM-00003-00000816-00001025 today who have been our interns on this AUV6PknhJRM-00004-00001026-00001193 project AUV6PknhJRM-00005-00001194-00001474 um and yeah as she said it's called crap AUV6PknhJRM-00006-00001475-00001667 attack and it's about gamifying AUV6PknhJRM-00007-00001668-00001968 information Literacy for and with Gen Z AUV6PknhJRM-00008-00001969-00002459 so next slide Leah AUV6PknhJRM-00009-00002460-00002681 so basically we're gonna talk about the AUV6PknhJRM-00010-00002682-00002915 video game that we're building AUV6PknhJRM-00011-00002916-00003179 um and then how it relates to AUV6PknhJRM-00012-00003180-00003497 information literacy instruction on our AUV6PknhJRM-00013-00003497-00003653 campus AUV6PknhJRM-00014-00003654-00004097 um how we plan to uh assess and then the AUV6PknhJRM-00015-00004098-00004295 concept of the game and then we're gonna AUV6PknhJRM-00016-00004296-00004588 have our interns talk about how they AUV6PknhJRM-00017-00004589-00004870 contributed and then show a prototype of AUV6PknhJRM-00018-00004871-00005170 the game all along with a discussion AUV6PknhJRM-00019-00005171-00005872 about our future plans uh next slide AUV6PknhJRM-00020-00005873-00006101 so basically AUV6PknhJRM-00021-00006102-00006460 um this idea came uh from a gamification AUV6PknhJRM-00022-00006461-00006664 class I took this summer AUV6PknhJRM-00023-00006665-00006928 um at SUNY poly and AUV6PknhJRM-00024-00006929-00007253 um thinking about how uh we can make AUV6PknhJRM-00025-00007254-00007601 information literacy like very fun AUV6PknhJRM-00026-00007602-00007870 um for students and AUV6PknhJRM-00027-00007872-00008074 um engaging AUV6PknhJRM-00028-00008075-00008428 um and to do that uh with AUV6PknhJRM-00029-00008429-00008849 um a platform or an idea that can be AUV6PknhJRM-00030-00008850-00009214 used in person and online AUV6PknhJRM-00031-00009215-00009407 um Leah will talk more but we have a lot AUV6PknhJRM-00032-00009408-00009563 of online students so we want to reach AUV6PknhJRM-00033-00009564-00009737 them as well AUV6PknhJRM-00034-00009738-00010114 um and so it was me and Leah I started AUV6PknhJRM-00035-00010115-00010283 building this myself and realized AUV6PknhJRM-00036-00010284-00010546 obviously could not do this alone and AUV6PknhJRM-00037-00010547-00010703 Leah brought all her information AUV6PknhJRM-00038-00010704-00010913 literacy AUV6PknhJRM-00039-00010914-00011146 um uh instruction because she's the AUV6PknhJRM-00040-00011147-00011410 instruction librarian on our campus as AUV6PknhJRM-00041-00011411-00011735 well as Outreach and um and then we got AUV6PknhJRM-00042-00011736-00012035 uh lucky and we got AUV6PknhJRM-00043-00012036-00012395 um three coders and one designer AUV6PknhJRM-00044-00012396-00012646 um so how that happened basically we AUV6PknhJRM-00045-00012647-00012851 have a AUV6PknhJRM-00046-00012852-00012916 um AUV6PknhJRM-00047-00012917-00013115 program on campus called the AUV6PknhJRM-00048-00013116-00013433 presidential internship and the AUV6PknhJRM-00049-00013434-00013672 president's office will pay students a AUV6PknhJRM-00050-00013673-00013925 thousand dollars a semester to work in AUV6PknhJRM-00051-00013926-00014158 different departments on campus so we AUV6PknhJRM-00052-00014159-00014351 have the idea to put in a requests for AUV6PknhJRM-00053-00014352-00014513 an intern AUV6PknhJRM-00054-00014513-00014765 um and we have a very popular game AUV6PknhJRM-00055-00014766-00015035 design program on our campus so I also AUV6PknhJRM-00056-00015036-00015307 contacted the game design AUV6PknhJRM-00057-00015308-00015497 departments and let them know what we AUV6PknhJRM-00058-00015497-00015766 were looking for and we had so much AUV6PknhJRM-00059-00015768-00015958 interest that instead one intern they AUV6PknhJRM-00060-00015959-00016258 gave us four so we were really lucky AUV6PknhJRM-00061-00016259-00016571 um and they have been wonderful as you AUV6PknhJRM-00062-00016572-00016727 will see AUV6PknhJRM-00063-00016728-00017207 um so we spent this fall we had about I AUV6PknhJRM-00064-00017208-00017519 think seven weeks after everything kind AUV6PknhJRM-00065-00017520-00017741 of worked through with the interns so we AUV6PknhJRM-00066-00017742-00017861 built AUV6PknhJRM-00067-00017862-00018047 um a prototype which we will show today AUV6PknhJRM-00068-00018048-00018407 with plans to build the full game in the AUV6PknhJRM-00069-00018408-00018493 spring AUV6PknhJRM-00070-00018494-00018779 next slide AUV6PknhJRM-00071-00018780-00019091 and I think that's you Leah AUV6PknhJRM-00072-00019092-00019439 so as Haley said I had the the task of AUV6PknhJRM-00073-00019440-00019594 making sure that the game that we were AUV6PknhJRM-00074-00019595-00019714 producing AUV6PknhJRM-00075-00019715-00019889 related to the student learning AUV6PknhJRM-00076-00019890-00020105 objectives that SUNY has for the AUV6PknhJRM-00077-00020106-00020321 framework as well as the Suny Canton AUV6PknhJRM-00078-00020322-00020464 slos AUV6PknhJRM-00079-00020465-00020747 and with the update of the framework it AUV6PknhJRM-00080-00020748-00021053 made it really easy to really focus on AUV6PknhJRM-00081-00021054-00021317 the crap test and how to evaluate AUV6PknhJRM-00082-00021318-00021539 information AUV6PknhJRM-00083-00021540-00021869 and it matches really well with our AUV6PknhJRM-00084-00021870-00022522 critical thinking SLO for Suny Canton AUV6PknhJRM-00085-00022523-00022678 and so in order to make sure we're AUV6PknhJRM-00086-00022679-00022817 hitting those AUV6PknhJRM-00087-00022818-00022997 of course we have to do the assessment AUV6PknhJRM-00088-00022998-00023369 aspect of it and that's really important AUV6PknhJRM-00089-00023370-00023585 that we wanted to really connect with AUV6PknhJRM-00090-00023586-00023861 our online students because almost half AUV6PknhJRM-00091-00023862-00024167 of our students at Suny Canton are fully AUV6PknhJRM-00092-00024168-00024413 online with a lot of asynchronous AUV6PknhJRM-00093-00024414-00024730 classes so this would allow us to reach AUV6PknhJRM-00094-00024731-00025103 out to those classes and allow them to AUV6PknhJRM-00095-00025104-00025342 have information literacy what that you AUV6PknhJRM-00096-00025343-00025661 can do with the traditional one shot but AUV6PknhJRM-00097-00025662-00025828 we can also use this with a traditional AUV6PknhJRM-00098-00025829-00025949 One-Shot AUV6PknhJRM-00099-00025950-00026158 and then we would also be using it for AUV6PknhJRM-00100-00026160-00026345 our one credit information literacy AUV6PknhJRM-00101-00026345-00026740 class which is the Ceta 101 class and so AUV6PknhJRM-00102-00026741-00026968 our plans for that is on the fifth day AUV6PknhJRM-00103-00026969-00027107 which we'll see as we go through the AUV6PknhJRM-00104-00027108-00027499 Prototype we would use a Microsoft form AUV6PknhJRM-00105-00027500-00027839 and have them apply the crap test to AUV6PknhJRM-00106-00027839-00028055 their own research that they're doing AUV6PknhJRM-00107-00028056-00028289 and this would allow us to see if using AUV6PknhJRM-00108-00028289-00028457 the game alone provided them enough AUV6PknhJRM-00109-00028458-00028714 information in order to AUV6PknhJRM-00110-00028716-00029585 do the assessment correctly AUV6PknhJRM-00111-00029586-00029920 so we went through a lot of kind of AUV6PknhJRM-00112-00029922-00030161 versions of the game AUV6PknhJRM-00113-00030162-00030223 um AUV6PknhJRM-00114-00030224-00030664 and so again we wanted to we chose to AUV6PknhJRM-00115-00030666-00030911 use crap although like some it's a AUV6PknhJRM-00116-00030912-00031151 little outdated but the reasons why we AUV6PknhJRM-00117-00031152-00031487 chose it one it's uh very catchy AUV6PknhJRM-00118-00031488-00031720 students remember it AUV6PknhJRM-00119-00031722-00032231 um to it is easy to remember and easy to AUV6PknhJRM-00120-00032232-00032512 apply to levels of a game AUV6PknhJRM-00121-00032513-00032855 um and we also thought once we built it AUV6PknhJRM-00122-00032856-00033083 with this concept that our students are AUV6PknhJRM-00123-00033084-00033274 already familiar with AUV6PknhJRM-00124-00033275-00033509 um is well known than perhaps in the AUV6PknhJRM-00125-00033510-00033718 future we could try AUV6PknhJRM-00126-00033719-00033929 um applying you know different levels AUV6PknhJRM-00127-00033930-00034271 with different other versions AUV6PknhJRM-00128-00034272-00034439 um I know like sift and other AUV6PknhJRM-00129-00034440-00034751 information literacy kind of AUV6PknhJRM-00130-00034752-00035171 um tools uh so AUV6PknhJRM-00131-00035172-00035446 as you we always wanted to move through AUV6PknhJRM-00132-00035447-00035759 the game applying different letters of AUV6PknhJRM-00133-00035760-00035927 the acronym AUV6PknhJRM-00134-00035928-00036335 um and so what we came up with is that AUV6PknhJRM-00135-00036336-00036665 um you moved through them AUV6PknhJRM-00136-00036666-00037102 um day to day so the world again this AUV6PknhJRM-00137-00037103-00037349 went through very different versions AUV6PknhJRM-00138-00037350-00037535 um but with our designer we came up with AUV6PknhJRM-00139-00037536-00037781 this sort of Deco Punk AUV6PknhJRM-00140-00037782-00038171 um dystopic world so like historically AUV6PknhJRM-00141-00038172-00038440 things have kind of and aesthetically AUV6PknhJRM-00142-00038441-00038674 things have kind of stopped AUV6PknhJRM-00143-00038675-00038896 um in the 1920s and there's a huge AUV6PknhJRM-00144-00038897-00039162 Reliance on like at this Art Deco AUV6PknhJRM-00145-00039163-00039533 aesthetic applying this to this dystopic AUV6PknhJRM-00146-00039534-00039827 world and we chose to do our own world AUV6PknhJRM-00147-00039828-00040180 instead of staying in the real world AUV6PknhJRM-00148-00040181-00040367 just so we could kind of play with it a AUV6PknhJRM-00149-00040368-00040661 little bit more and engage AUV6PknhJRM-00150-00040662-00040930 um but we also AUV6PknhJRM-00151-00040931-00041159 um a lot of our story lines are kind of AUV6PknhJRM-00152-00041160-00041489 very familiar to the new world and AUV6PknhJRM-00153-00041490-00041680 things that are real world and things AUV6PknhJRM-00154-00041681-00041843 that students will definitely have AUV6PknhJRM-00155-00041844-00042130 experience learning about so it's AUV6PknhJRM-00156-00042131-00042335 different but not too different that AUV6PknhJRM-00157-00042336-00042551 they can't make the connections between AUV6PknhJRM-00158-00042552-00042773 what they're doing and uh the AUV6PknhJRM-00159-00042774-00042971 information literacy AUV6PknhJRM-00160-00042972-00043333 um in our world so the plot of the game AUV6PknhJRM-00161-00043334-00043727 is basically that you are a fact checker AUV6PknhJRM-00162-00043728-00044177 for a rare Free Press in this um very AUV6PknhJRM-00163-00044178-00044621 controlled society and every morning you AUV6PknhJRM-00164-00044622-00045089 are you seek to prove AUV6PknhJRM-00165-00045090-00045274 um a news article that's coming across AUV6PknhJRM-00166-00045275-00045557 your desk so you have the topic and then AUV6PknhJRM-00167-00045558-00045851 you get sources and you decide depending AUV6PknhJRM-00168-00045852-00046108 on the level AUV6PknhJRM-00169-00046109-00046487 um how to understand if they are good AUV6PknhJRM-00170-00046488-00046690 sources or bad sources or what makes AUV6PknhJRM-00171-00046691-00046883 them good or bad AUV6PknhJRM-00172-00046884-00047074 um and at the end of the day you kind of AUV6PknhJRM-00173-00047075-00047362 make decision about the article that is AUV6PknhJRM-00174-00047363-00047668 going to be published and so there's two AUV6PknhJRM-00175-00047669-00047777 levels AUV6PknhJRM-00176-00047778-00048196 to each or two tasks to each round you AUV6PknhJRM-00177-00048197-00048395 have to sort AUV6PknhJRM-00178-00048396-00048635 um the resources and then you have to AUV6PknhJRM-00179-00048636-00048868 make a decision at the end and that AUV6PknhJRM-00180-00048869-00049223 decision impacts everyone in the world AUV6PknhJRM-00181-00049224-00049396 um I kind of got this AUV6PknhJRM-00182-00049397-00049630 similar plot if anyone's ever played AUV6PknhJRM-00183-00049631-00050002 play papers please which is um visas and AUV6PknhJRM-00184-00050003-00050249 you're checking Visas so AUV6PknhJRM-00185-00050250-00050405 um basically you're going through these AUV6PknhJRM-00186-00050406-00050615 things and AUV6PknhJRM-00187-00050616-00050830 um they get harder as you go and you AUV6PknhJRM-00188-00050831-00051058 have to apply more AUV6PknhJRM-00189-00051059-00051382 um critical thinking as you go AUV6PknhJRM-00190-00051383-00051487 um AUV6PknhJRM-00191-00051488-00051664 and AUV6PknhJRM-00192-00051665-00051875 yes as Leah talked about we wanted AUV6PknhJRM-00193-00051876-00052120 something that could be used online or AUV6PknhJRM-00194-00052121-00052523 in person and for a long period or a AUV6PknhJRM-00195-00052524-00052811 short period so it's kind of adaptable AUV6PknhJRM-00196-00052812-00053015 um as of right now the Prototype we have AUV6PknhJRM-00197-00053016-00053194 which you'll see AUV6PknhJRM-00198-00053195-00053459 um is about a week's AUV6PknhJRM-00199-00053460-00053704 you're doing I think I think we have AUV6PknhJRM-00200-00053705-00053932 four days right now but I mean this is AUV6PknhJRM-00201-00053933-00054113 something that could just go on and on AUV6PknhJRM-00202-00054114-00054341 and get bigger and bigger AUV6PknhJRM-00203-00054341-00054419 um AUV6PknhJRM-00204-00054420-00054737 so that is kind of the concept of the AUV6PknhJRM-00205-00054738-00054941 game I'm gonna have AUV6PknhJRM-00206-00054941-00055288 um our students our interns talk next AUV6PknhJRM-00207-00055289-00055547 about how they contributed so we're AUV6PknhJRM-00208-00055548-00055780 going to hear from three of the coders AUV6PknhJRM-00209-00055782-00055997 for the game so they'll talk about what AUV6PknhJRM-00210-00055998-00056261 they did and then AUV6PknhJRM-00211-00056262-00056441 um the one that isn't here today is the AUV6PknhJRM-00212-00056441-00056561 designer AUV6PknhJRM-00213-00056562-00056729 um so he's working on the aesthetic side AUV6PknhJRM-00214-00056729-00057041 so he hasn't uh done a lot he's done AUV6PknhJRM-00215-00057041-00057226 sketches and came up with the aesthetic AUV6PknhJRM-00216-00057227-00057509 in that but um his big task will be in AUV6PknhJRM-00217-00057510-00057671 the spring so I'm going to turn it over AUV6PknhJRM-00218-00057672-00058271 to them AUV6PknhJRM-00219-00058272-00058444 um yeah hi everyone oh go ahead Clinton AUV6PknhJRM-00220-00058445-00058732 Kyle okay yeah I was just gonna say you AUV6PknhJRM-00221-00058733-00058954 know each of us uh the three of us here AUV6PknhJRM-00222-00058955-00059153 I'm Kyle Clinton is here and Stephen is AUV6PknhJRM-00223-00059154-00059344 here we all helped build the Prototype AUV6PknhJRM-00224-00059345-00059476 um all of us contributed to the design AUV6PknhJRM-00225-00059477-00059704 of the game and helped land Haley with AUV6PknhJRM-00226-00059705-00059891 the ideas and fleshing out what they AUV6PknhJRM-00227-00059891-00060053 really want from the game AUV6PknhJRM-00228-00060054-00060244 um but each of us did go ahead and we've AUV6PknhJRM-00229-00060245-00060382 all worked on our own kind of parts of AUV6PknhJRM-00230-00060383-00060538 the game uh and we're just gonna talk AUV6PknhJRM-00231-00060539-00060629 about that and then we're gonna AUV6PknhJRM-00232-00060629-00060815 demonstrate um the Prototype that we AUV6PknhJRM-00233-00060816-00061019 have so Clayton go ahead AUV6PknhJRM-00234-00061020-00061492 yes hi uh I'm clay one of the coders I AUV6PknhJRM-00235-00061494-00061709 have the responsibility of making the AUV6PknhJRM-00236-00061710-00062015 game Loop uh so every day the player AUV6PknhJRM-00237-00062016-00062188 will have to they'll face a question AUV6PknhJRM-00238-00062189-00062441 they'll have to use information literacy AUV6PknhJRM-00239-00062441-00062932 to evaluate the sources I also had to AUV6PknhJRM-00240-00062933-00063173 implement a draggable UI so they can AUV6PknhJRM-00241-00063174-00063442 drag all the information into the AUV6PknhJRM-00242-00063444-00063682 information Slots of whether the AUV6PknhJRM-00243-00063683-00063959 resource or the source is reliable or AUV6PknhJRM-00244-00063960-00064271 unreliable and then lastly I also added AUV6PknhJRM-00245-00064272-00064411 all the information AUV6PknhJRM-00246-00064412-00064780 so uh whatever the World building was AUV6PknhJRM-00247-00064782-00064985 with like the emails and the sources AUV6PknhJRM-00248-00064986-00065176 whether it be like social media or a AUV6PknhJRM-00249-00065177-00065399 newspaper article like I just added all AUV6PknhJRM-00250-00065400-00065753 the information in the game AUV6PknhJRM-00251-00065754-00066125 right AUV6PknhJRM-00252-00066126-00066359 um and then so I worked on two major AUV6PknhJRM-00253-00066360-00066544 systems for the game the first system I AUV6PknhJRM-00254-00066545-00066779 worked on was the email system so at the AUV6PknhJRM-00255-00066780-00066929 beginning of every day the player gets AUV6PknhJRM-00256-00066930-00067061 like emails from their boss has some AUV6PknhJRM-00257-00067062-00067259 information about the day and about crap AUV6PknhJRM-00258-00067260-00067444 and about what they're going to be doing AUV6PknhJRM-00259-00067445-00067613 so they received those emails and can AUV6PknhJRM-00260-00067614-00067726 look through their inbox you know sort AUV6PknhJRM-00261-00067727-00067985 them delete them and they get uh the new AUV6PknhJRM-00262-00067986-00068141 one at the end of the day so they know AUV6PknhJRM-00263-00068142-00068350 kind of their task the other system that AUV6PknhJRM-00264-00068351-00068506 I worked on for the game is for the end AUV6PknhJRM-00265-00068507-00068693 of the day when we show the player a AUV6PknhJRM-00266-00068694-00068837 little newspaper clip that kind of gives AUV6PknhJRM-00267-00068838-00069125 them an idea of how their choices are AUV6PknhJRM-00268-00069126-00069305 influencing you know the world in the AUV6PknhJRM-00269-00069306-00069538 story and I added you know the I made a AUV6PknhJRM-00270-00069539-00069779 template for the newspaper and I added AUV6PknhJRM-00271-00069780-00069935 all the information for each day for AUV6PknhJRM-00272-00069936-00070132 each possibility thing to happen and I AUV6PknhJRM-00273-00070133-00070294 added a little animation for it to make AUV6PknhJRM-00274-00070295-00070523 it look fancy AUV6PknhJRM-00275-00070524-00070723 foreign AUV6PknhJRM-00276-00070724-00071050 I'm Stephen I worked on the Wikipedia AUV6PknhJRM-00277-00071051-00071255 for our game so obviously as you want to AUV6PknhJRM-00278-00071256-00071441 progress to the game and we learn more AUV6PknhJRM-00279-00071442-00071597 of the different uh craps and get new AUV6PknhJRM-00280-00071598-00071837 information I basically worked on having AUV6PknhJRM-00281-00071838-00072023 some of the important information saved AUV6PknhJRM-00282-00072024-00072149 so that way I'm not people could look AUV6PknhJRM-00283-00072150-00072455 back into so I basically added a way to AUV6PknhJRM-00284-00072456-00072653 I basically added a Wikipedia page that AUV6PknhJRM-00285-00072654-00072881 way um the player can like look at any AUV6PknhJRM-00286-00072882-00073031 information that they've learned in the AUV6PknhJRM-00287-00073032-00073169 previous to kind of if they forgot AUV6PknhJRM-00288-00073170-00073438 something or need uh or to help so they AUV6PknhJRM-00289-00073439-00073547 forgot something they could remember it AUV6PknhJRM-00290-00073548-00073787 and so it could also help them solve AUV6PknhJRM-00291-00073788-00073949 um uh solve the puzzle that they need to AUV6PknhJRM-00292-00073950-00074831 figure out AUV6PknhJRM-00293-00074832-00075076 awesome you guys want to show the game AUV6PknhJRM-00294-00075077-00075197 then AUV6PknhJRM-00295-00075198-00075455 or the Prototype I'm gonna stop sharing AUV6PknhJRM-00296-00075456-00076571 so you guys can share your screen AUV6PknhJRM-00297-00076572-00076961 okay I think my screen's sharing yes yep AUV6PknhJRM-00298-00076962-00077219 we can see it awesome okay so for the AUV6PknhJRM-00299-00077220-00077573 first day uh we have uh currency which AUV6PknhJRM-00300-00077574-00078029 is the first uh letter for crap and so AUV6PknhJRM-00301-00078030-00078238 when you enter the game uh before like AUV6PknhJRM-00302-00078239-00078491 the game starts or anything the player AUV6PknhJRM-00303-00078492-00078959 has to open all their emails and so AUV6PknhJRM-00304-00078960-00079361 you can uh read about the email and so AUV6PknhJRM-00305-00079362-00079511 it's pretty much just telling you about AUV6PknhJRM-00306-00079512-00079900 the game about the world uh and then as AUV6PknhJRM-00307-00079901-00080069 you can see want you to focus on AUV6PknhJRM-00308-00080070-00080215 currency of the information AUV6PknhJRM-00309-00080216-00080465 [Music] AUV6PknhJRM-00310-00080466-00080626 and then this is like an email about AUV6PknhJRM-00311-00080627-00081047 like what your position is AUV6PknhJRM-00312-00081048-00081299 and so your role is to pretty much fact AUV6PknhJRM-00313-00081300-00081419 track AUV6PknhJRM-00314-00081420-00081635 um the information that's given to you AUV6PknhJRM-00315-00081636-00082073 and so the first question is uh once I AUV6PknhJRM-00316-00082074-00082456 can't AUV6PknhJRM-00317-00082457-00082673 oh some of it's cut off but the first AUV6PknhJRM-00318-00082674-00082871 question is which candidate do you think AUV6PknhJRM-00319-00082872-00083056 is corrupt AUV6PknhJRM-00320-00083057-00083375 and so since it's currency we want to AUV6PknhJRM-00321-00083376-00083735 look at uh if the date is reliable I AUV6PknhJRM-00322-00083736-00083993 believe uh in this world the date is AUV6PknhJRM-00323-00083994-00084305 like 2030 so it's uh futuristic AUV6PknhJRM-00324-00084306-00084467 and so AUV6PknhJRM-00325-00084468-00084994 that would be unreliable AUV6PknhJRM-00326-00084995-00085337 this was recorded in 2027 so that's AUV6PknhJRM-00327-00085338-00085571 pretty reliable AUV6PknhJRM-00328-00085572-00085882 and then there's another email AUV6PknhJRM-00329-00085883-00086243 about relevancy so I've been getting AUV6PknhJRM-00330-00086244-00086441 some sources but they have they are AUV6PknhJRM-00331-00086442-00086644 coming in so fast we're not able to tell AUV6PknhJRM-00332-00086645-00086837 if they are relevant or not getting to AUV6PknhJRM-00333-00086838-00087311 the bottom of this please hope AUV6PknhJRM-00334-00087312-00087653 and so for relevancy want to see whether AUV6PknhJRM-00335-00087654-00087844 the information that's being presented AUV6PknhJRM-00336-00087845-00088085 is relevant AUV6PknhJRM-00337-00088086-00088662 so this is talking about president AUV6PknhJRM-00338-00088663-00088847 uh AUV6PknhJRM-00339-00088848-00089200 uh I don't think this is relevant AUV6PknhJRM-00340-00089201-00089344 because it's not talking about any of AUV6PknhJRM-00341-00089345-00089567 the candidates AUV6PknhJRM-00342-00089568-00089741 all right AUV6PknhJRM-00343-00089742-00090082 controls AUV6PknhJRM-00344-00090083-00090275 and this is just talking about battle so AUV6PknhJRM-00345-00090276-00090562 that's not relevant AUV6PknhJRM-00346-00090563-00090917 all right so we would like you to be AUV6PknhJRM-00347-00090918-00091156 able to participate during our little AUV6PknhJRM-00348-00091157-00091493 demo test so you can do a thumbs up if AUV6PknhJRM-00349-00091494-00091894 you think uh candidate a is corrupt or AUV6PknhJRM-00350-00091895-00092135 you can do a thumbs down if candidate B AUV6PknhJRM-00351-00092136-00092476 is corrupt so I'll wait AUV6PknhJRM-00352-00092477-00092723 there's also uh the check and the X if AUV6PknhJRM-00353-00092724-00092921 you guys just want to throw up reactions AUV6PknhJRM-00354-00092922-00093076 to tell us if you think that its AUV6PknhJRM-00355-00093077-00093215 candidate or AUV6PknhJRM-00356-00093216-00093431 I guess a check for Canada a under extra AUV6PknhJRM-00357-00093432-00093562 candidate B and the same with thumbs up AUV6PknhJRM-00358-00093563-00094750 and thumbs down AUV6PknhJRM-00359-00094751-00094912 all right so I'm seeing a thumbs down AUV6PknhJRM-00360-00094913-00095950 for candidate B AUV6PknhJRM-00361-00095951-00096229 foreign AUV6PknhJRM-00362-00096230-00096562 ing towards candidate B then it looks AUV6PknhJRM-00363-00096563-00096803 like it yeah and we'll uh we'll try and AUV6PknhJRM-00364-00096804-00096994 take a closer look for day one it's a AUV6PknhJRM-00365-00096995-00097211 little ambiguous but there should be a AUV6PknhJRM-00366-00097212-00097355 little bit clearer about what the AUV6PknhJRM-00367-00097356-00097456 answers are going to be for the other AUV6PknhJRM-00368-00097457-00098243 days I think AUV6PknhJRM-00369-00098244-00098482 so the city is saved from corruption so AUV6PknhJRM-00370-00098483-00098656 this is kind of like the newspaper it AUV6PknhJRM-00371-00098657-00098968 kind of shows whether you answered or AUV6PknhJRM-00372-00098969-00099262 got the question right I believe if you AUV6PknhJRM-00373-00099263-00099532 chose candidate a the um it would AUV6PknhJRM-00374-00099533-00099767 something else would appear for the AUV6PknhJRM-00375-00099768-00100174 result AUV6PknhJRM-00376-00100175-00100512 and then for day two AUV6PknhJRM-00377-00100513-00101050 uh the next is Authority AUV6PknhJRM-00378-00101051-00101326 and so I believe for this day uh it's AUV6PknhJRM-00379-00101327-00101615 related to like uh trial AUV6PknhJRM-00380-00101616-00102011 and so you kind of have to see whether AUV6PknhJRM-00381-00102012-00102359 the person is guilty or not so we're AUV6PknhJRM-00382-00102360-00102640 gonna have to use authority to see if AUV6PknhJRM-00383-00102641-00102940 our sources is reliable or not I think AUV6PknhJRM-00384-00102941-00103127 this one's a little bit harder AUV6PknhJRM-00385-00103128-00103408 um AUV6PknhJRM-00386-00103409-00103715 but once we add the Wikipedia uh to the AUV6PknhJRM-00387-00103716-00103960 game it would make it a lot easier AUV6PknhJRM-00388-00103961-00104351 so I'm just gonna put these uh as best AUV6PknhJRM-00389-00104352-00104699 as I could AUV6PknhJRM-00390-00104700-00106108 Facebook I mean face page group AUV6PknhJRM-00391-00106109-00107675 foreign AUV6PknhJRM-00392-00107676-00108028 so some of the information or some of AUV6PknhJRM-00393-00108029-00108173 the sources don't have like all the AUV6PknhJRM-00394-00108174-00108478 information yet we'll add it later AUV6PknhJRM-00395-00108479-00108647 but just for the Prototype we just AUV6PknhJRM-00396-00108648-00109331 wanted to add some something AUV6PknhJRM-00397-00109332-00109516 all right so AUV6PknhJRM-00398-00109517-00109813 is Buster AUV6PknhJRM-00399-00109814-00110243 custard guilty or not AUV6PknhJRM-00400-00110244-00110543 uh this one probably be a hard one but AUV6PknhJRM-00401-00110544-00110831 uh just to see thumbs up if yes thumbs AUV6PknhJRM-00402-00110832-00112751 down if no AUV6PknhJRM-00403-00112752-00113110 uh see I'm seeing one thumbs down and AUV6PknhJRM-00404-00113111-00113339 one check mark so AUV6PknhJRM-00405-00113340-00113645 um AUV6PknhJRM-00406-00113646-00114419 does anyone want to be a tiebreaker AUV6PknhJRM-00407-00114420-00114689 oh yeah two check marks AUV6PknhJRM-00408-00114690-00114995 that's your check marks AUV6PknhJRM-00409-00114996-00115775 all right I'm gonna go with yes then AUV6PknhJRM-00410-00115776-00116327 sprinkle killer remains at Large AUV6PknhJRM-00411-00116328-00116536 and so AUV6PknhJRM-00412-00116538-00116860 so he wasn't uh guilty then so it was AUV6PknhJRM-00413-00116861-00117508 someone else AUV6PknhJRM-00414-00117509-00117766 yeah uh someone said uh love the demo AUV6PknhJRM-00415-00117767-00117893 but it's hard to make a decision when AUV6PknhJRM-00416-00117894-00118013 they just see the information for an AUV6PknhJRM-00417-00118014-00118228 instant so if we could take like another AUV6PknhJRM-00418-00118229-00118390 second to like go through what each of AUV6PknhJRM-00419-00118391-00118571 the sources say AUV6PknhJRM-00420-00118572-00118781 oh yeah for sure sorry if I'm going too AUV6PknhJRM-00421-00118782-00118936 fast AUV6PknhJRM-00422-00118938-00119093 um AUV6PknhJRM-00423-00119094-00119386 so day three we're going over accuracy AUV6PknhJRM-00424-00119388-00119597 we haven't been getting tips from it AUV6PknhJRM-00425-00119598-00119878 inside source from the acid wash jeans AUV6PknhJRM-00426-00119879-00120113 Factory saying that the acid rain is AUV6PknhJRM-00427-00120114-00120352 caused by the byproduct of the gene AUV6PknhJRM-00428-00120353-00120665 making process that is escaping from the AUV6PknhJRM-00429-00120666-00120910 smoke stacks and into the river most of AUV6PknhJRM-00430-00120911-00121102 the sources are here say from social AUV6PknhJRM-00431-00121103-00121433 media accounts can you help us determine AUV6PknhJRM-00432-00121433-00121739 their accuracy AUV6PknhJRM-00433-00121740-00121852 foreign AUV6PknhJRM-00434-00121853-00122260 so this day we want to focus on uh the AUV6PknhJRM-00435-00122261-00122393 accuracy AUV6PknhJRM-00436-00122394-00122975 and so AUV6PknhJRM-00437-00122976-00123323 acid rain has been failing AUV6PknhJRM-00438-00123324-00123586 um falling in our country over for over AUV6PknhJRM-00439-00123588-00123923 30 years I've seen metal uh melt in AUV6PknhJRM-00440-00123924-00124121 front of me many times before the AUV6PknhJRM-00441-00124122-00124421 factory was turned into acid wash jeans AUV6PknhJRM-00442-00124422-00124745 Factory this is not their fault AUV6PknhJRM-00443-00124746-00125047 um AUV6PknhJRM-00444-00125048-00125386 accuracy accuracy I'm gonna just say AUV6PknhJRM-00445-00125388-00125693 this is reliable AUV6PknhJRM-00446-00125694-00125969 this is a Weather Service official alert AUV6PknhJRM-00447-00125970-00126154 please stay inside for the next eight AUV6PknhJRM-00448-00126155-00126431 hours as the Doppler radar is predicting AUV6PknhJRM-00449-00126432-00126623 a large amount of rain water with an AUV6PknhJRM-00450-00126624-00126916 extreme high acid content within the AUV6PknhJRM-00451-00126917-00127127 factory area AUV6PknhJRM-00452-00127128-00127421 um AUV6PknhJRM-00453-00127422-00127936 I'll say this is reliable I guess AUV6PknhJRM-00454-00127938-00128249 image taken from a newspaper article AUV6PknhJRM-00455-00128250-00128466 published two years ago showing the AUV6PknhJRM-00456-00128467-00128813 accumulation of waste byproduct and the AUV6PknhJRM-00457-00128814-00129433 river behind the plastic Sport Factory AUV6PknhJRM-00458-00129433-00129971 two years ago AUV6PknhJRM-00459-00129972-00130313 I'm gonna say this is unreliable AUV6PknhJRM-00460-00130314-00130733 academic article by Bob AUV6PknhJRM-00461-00130733-00130889 Lee AUV6PknhJRM-00462-00130890-00131123 five years study Across The Faculty AUV6PknhJRM-00463-00131124-00131254 system of AUV6PknhJRM-00464-00131255-00131554 oh that's a hard word to say shows that AUV6PknhJRM-00465-00131555-00131843 there has been a steady increase in AUV6PknhJRM-00466-00131844-00132154 waste bipart but going into our air and AUV6PknhJRM-00467-00132155-00132364 water systems affecting the acid content AUV6PknhJRM-00468-00132365-00132473 in the rain AUV6PknhJRM-00469-00132474-00132827 five years that's pretty long AUV6PknhJRM-00470-00132828-00133019 20 30. AUV6PknhJRM-00471-00133020-00133235 I'll say it's reliable AUV6PknhJRM-00472-00133236-00133631 all right so is the factory to blame for AUV6PknhJRM-00473-00133632-00133973 the acid rain Yes or no thumbs up thumbs AUV6PknhJRM-00474-00133974-00135137 down AUV6PknhJRM-00475-00135138-00135461 I'm seeing most of yeses and just one or AUV6PknhJRM-00476-00135462-00135749 two knows AUV6PknhJRM-00477-00135750-00136066 all right so AUV6PknhJRM-00478-00136067-00136289 was that more yeses or no's or was that AUV6PknhJRM-00479-00136290-00136523 just like the spoil uh I'm seeing more AUV6PknhJRM-00480-00136524-00136727 yeses than gnomes just taking a quick AUV6PknhJRM-00481-00136728-00136828 look AUV6PknhJRM-00482-00136829-00137063 all right AUV6PknhJRM-00483-00137064-00137225 honestly I haven't played this in a AUV6PknhJRM-00484-00137226-00137440 while so I kind of I forget which is AUV6PknhJRM-00485-00137441-00137771 correct or not so I'm hoping uh I'm AUV6PknhJRM-00486-00137772-00138377 gonna go with yes though so we'll see AUV6PknhJRM-00487-00138378-00138628 acid Gene wash Factory clothes and still AUV6PknhJRM-00488-00138629-00138893 no end to pollution and sight so it AUV6PknhJRM-00489-00138894-00139169 appears that the factory wasn't the AUV6PknhJRM-00490-00139170-00139693 cause of the pollution AUV6PknhJRM-00491-00139694-00140027 so we can just finish the presentation I AUV6PknhJRM-00492-00140028-00140159 think we have AUV6PknhJRM-00493-00140160-00140404 I think the three days are good okay AUV6PknhJRM-00494-00140405-00140669 okay AUV6PknhJRM-00495-00140670-00140897 so I think that last one oh sorry but I AUV6PknhJRM-00496-00140898-00140987 think that last one was a little AUV6PknhJRM-00497-00140988-00141178 confusing just because um I think what AUV6PknhJRM-00498-00141179-00141401 we determined is that the acid Gene AUV6PknhJRM-00499-00141402-00141545 watch Factory is partially responsible AUV6PknhJRM-00500-00141546-00141778 but it's not the only reason acid rain AUV6PknhJRM-00501-00141779-00142127 is happening AUV6PknhJRM-00502-00142128-00142433 uh so uh as you can see from our AUV6PknhJRM-00503-00142434-00142625 prototype um we're still working on it AUV6PknhJRM-00504-00142626-00142931 the interns have done an awesome job I AUV6PknhJRM-00505-00142932-00143171 think the the issue that Lee and I ran AUV6PknhJRM-00506-00143172-00143590 into was we didn't realize how much AUV6PknhJRM-00507-00143591-00143819 story building and writing the game AUV6PknhJRM-00508-00143820-00143933 would take AUV6PknhJRM-00509-00143934-00144149 um because we are doing that part AUV6PknhJRM-00510-00144150-00144311 um so you can see especially in our AUV6PknhJRM-00511-00144312-00144551 prototype our story needs a lot of work AUV6PknhJRM-00512-00144552-00144802 and especially with the continuity so AUV6PknhJRM-00513-00144803-00144977 we've actually been meeting over the AUV6PknhJRM-00514-00144978-00145240 break to kind of uh flesh it out more AUV6PknhJRM-00515-00145241-00145666 and really build it with more themes and AUV6PknhJRM-00516-00145667-00145871 um recognizable things AUV6PknhJRM-00517-00145872-00146140 um so that we're ready for the interns AUV6PknhJRM-00518-00146141-00146339 in the spring to really have it more AUV6PknhJRM-00519-00146340-00146566 cohesive on our end AUV6PknhJRM-00520-00146567-00146699 um because they're doing this awesome AUV6PknhJRM-00521-00146700-00146866 coding AUV6PknhJRM-00522-00146867-00147173 um so that's great we're also going to AUV6PknhJRM-00523-00147174-00147359 try to hopefully get one more intern AUV6PknhJRM-00524-00147360-00147628 then since we worked on the World AUV6PknhJRM-00525-00147629-00147754 building AUV6PknhJRM-00526-00147755-00148066 um to then help us do some of the AUV6PknhJRM-00527-00148067-00148307 day-to-day writing AUV6PknhJRM-00528-00148308-00148678 um but yeah the design again we're going AUV6PknhJRM-00529-00148679-00148840 to expand on that once we're working on AUV6PknhJRM-00530-00148841-00149159 the real game in the spring and then we AUV6PknhJRM-00531-00149160-00149561 hope to have it ready for classes AUV6PknhJRM-00532-00149562-00149873 um in Fall 2023 AUV6PknhJRM-00533-00149874-00149940 um AUV6PknhJRM-00534-00149941-00150347 and yeah so we're so grateful AUV6PknhJRM-00535-00150348-00150557 um for all the help and that lovely AUV6PknhJRM-00536-00150558-00150766 demonstration thank you guys you put a AUV6PknhJRM-00537-00150767-00150959 lot of work into this so I'm glad you AUV6PknhJRM-00538-00150960-00151163 got to show it off AUV6PknhJRM-00539-00151164-00151469 um and we are happy to take any AUV6PknhJRM-00540-00151470-00151714 questions now or I know there was AUV6PknhJRM-00541-00151715-00151871 probably some during the presentation as AUV6PknhJRM-00542-00151872-00152177 well AUV6PknhJRM-00543-00152178-00152357 let's see AUV6PknhJRM-00544-00152358-00152597 well future plans also include how to AUV6PknhJRM-00545-00152598-00152866 sustain it yeah so this was something AUV6PknhJRM-00546-00152867-00153059 um that was important to us and we've AUV6PknhJRM-00547-00153060-00153233 talked with our interns AUV6PknhJRM-00548-00153234-00153485 um they're building the game AUV6PknhJRM-00549-00153486-00153640 using Unity AUV6PknhJRM-00550-00153641-00153916 um and sharing it using GitHub and when AUV6PknhJRM-00551-00153917-00154085 they code it they have notes and all the AUV6PknhJRM-00552-00154086-00154469 coding so since we have a AUV6PknhJRM-00553-00154470-00154678 um you know a game design program on AUV6PknhJRM-00554-00154679-00155011 campus I think long time sustainability AUV6PknhJRM-00555-00155012-00155254 once they build it and they have all AUV6PknhJRM-00556-00155255-00155452 these notes in there AUV6PknhJRM-00557-00155453-00155675 um future students if we could have um AUV6PknhJRM-00558-00155676-00155885 interns in the future AUV6PknhJRM-00559-00155886-00156263 um we'll be able to interpret it and or AUV6PknhJRM-00560-00156264-00156545 um they can they also will sit down with AUV6PknhJRM-00561-00156546-00156766 us and they have done so so far and kind AUV6PknhJRM-00562-00156767-00157031 of walked us through what they're doing AUV6PknhJRM-00563-00157032-00157163 um AUV6PknhJRM-00564-00157164-00157457 any other questions AUV6PknhJRM-00565-00157458-00157714 uh what would be some disadvantages of AUV6PknhJRM-00566-00157715-00157937 gamification AUV6PknhJRM-00567-00157938-00158254 um it's not for everyone I actually do AUV6PknhJRM-00568-00158255-00158585 not come from a gaming background so a AUV6PknhJRM-00569-00158586-00158728 lot of this was foreign to me and that's AUV6PknhJRM-00570-00158729-00158909 why again we're so grateful for the AUV6PknhJRM-00571-00158910-00159131 student perspective and of course the AUV6PknhJRM-00572-00159132-00159407 game design student perspective AUV6PknhJRM-00573-00159408-00159551 um AUV6PknhJRM-00574-00159552-00159893 and I guess one other thing that I have AUV6PknhJRM-00575-00159894-00160001 definitely considered when we're AUV6PknhJRM-00576-00160002-00160252 building this is accessibility is it AUV6PknhJRM-00577-00160253-00160469 accessible to all students AUV6PknhJRM-00578-00160470-00160601 um so that's something we'll definitely AUV6PknhJRM-00579-00160602-00161091 expand on in the future AUV6PknhJRM-00580-00161092-00161183 [Music] AUV6PknhJRM-00581-00161184-00161401 um AUV6PknhJRM-00582-00161402-00161669 let's see AUV6PknhJRM-00583-00161670-00161819 have you thought about making your own AUV6PknhJRM-00584-00161820-00162071 IL tool to update crap AUV6PknhJRM-00585-00162072-00162352 um that's a possibility for the future I AUV6PknhJRM-00586-00162353-00162545 think we wanted something that already AUV6PknhJRM-00587-00162546-00162773 existed right now since there's so much AUV6PknhJRM-00588-00162774-00163031 work building the game we didn't want to AUV6PknhJRM-00589-00163032-00163276 also build the concept but I think AUV6PknhJRM-00590-00163277-00163523 that's something then if we get the game AUV6PknhJRM-00591-00163524-00163775 up and running that in the future if we AUV6PknhJRM-00592-00163776-00164002 wanted to change it AUV6PknhJRM-00593-00164003-00164285 um we could kind of adapt it to our AUV6PknhJRM-00594-00164286-00164549 needs AUV6PknhJRM-00595-00164550-00164825 um the template is from canva everyone's AUV6PknhJRM-00596-00164826-00165066 favorite AUV6PknhJRM-00597-00165067-00165743 uh yeah any other questions AUV6PknhJRM-00598-00165744-00165911 all right AUV6PknhJRM-00599-00165912-00166043 um well thank you so much thank you AUV6PknhJRM-00600-00166044-00166295 especially to our interns AUV6PknhJRM-00601-00166296-00166550 um yeah AVKqxr5d1wM-00000-00000071-00000295 at vision 21 we've heard from business AVKqxr5d1wM-00001-00000296-00000463 leaders practitioners AVKqxr5d1wM-00002-00000463-00000790 developers analysts and the postgres AVKqxr5d1wM-00003-00000791-00000902 community AVKqxr5d1wM-00004-00000903-00001150 one thing's for sure the next 10 years AVKqxr5d1wM-00005-00001151-00001358 won't be like the last AVKqxr5d1wM-00006-00001359-00001702 and in my view vision 21 gave me greater AVKqxr5d1wM-00007-00001703-00001863 confidence that the postgres community AVKqxr5d1wM-00008-00001864-00001975 will evolve AVKqxr5d1wM-00009-00001976-00002295 as market forces shift one certainty in AVKqxr5d1wM-00010-00002296-00002510 the technology business is that the tech AVKqxr5d1wM-00011-00002511-00002815 will come and it will go open source is AVKqxr5d1wM-00012-00002816-00002999 the engine of software innovation AVKqxr5d1wM-00013-00003000-00003166 and i'm excited to see how the community AVKqxr5d1wM-00014-00003167-00003399 responds to the challenges ahead AVKqxr5d1wM-00015-00003400-00003695 now i want to encourage you to come back AVKqxr5d1wM-00016-00003696-00003727 and AVKqxr5d1wM-00017-00003728-00003959 check out the on-demand content that AVKqxr5d1wM-00018-00003960-00004063 will be available AVKqxr5d1wM-00019-00004064-00004359 immediately following the event dig in AVKqxr5d1wM-00020-00004360-00004519 share with colleagues and engage AVKqxr5d1wM-00021-00004520-00004695 with the community it's really been our AVKqxr5d1wM-00022-00004696-00004886 pleasure to cover vision 21 and we look AVKqxr5d1wM-00023-00004887-00005054 forward to seeing you at upcoming events AVKqxr5d1wM-00024-00005055-00005102 both AVKqxr5d1wM-00025-00005103-00005359 physical and virtual this is dave AVKqxr5d1wM-00026-00005360-00005479 vellante for the cube AVKqxr5d1wM-00027-00005480-00005679 thanks for watching be well and we'll AVKqxr5d1wM-00028-00005680-00005984 see you next time AWBubzKDgk4-00000-00000000-00000137 yo what's going on everybody this is AWBubzKDgk4-00001-00000138-00000407 Mystical today they dropped some changes AWBubzKDgk4-00002-00000408-00000563 to miss Weaver so I thought I would go AWBubzKDgk4-00003-00000564-00000688 over it I was gonna add questions about AWBubzKDgk4-00004-00000689-00000875 what my thoughts on it were so here we AWBubzKDgk4-00005-00000876-00001007 are I'm trying to make this as quick as AWBubzKDgk4-00006-00001008-00001229 possible so the these are for all AWBubzKDgk4-00007-00001230-00001385 changes to miss Weaver not just PVP AWBubzKDgk4-00008-00001386-00001528 changes so all healing was increased by AWBubzKDgk4-00009-00001529-00001702 three percent I'll take it I'm not gonna AWBubzKDgk4-00010-00001703-00001852 lie any healing is good healing this AWBubzKDgk4-00011-00001853-00002009 affects fist weaving cassid healing AWBubzKDgk4-00012-00002010-00002176 anything so this is pretty good uh AWBubzKDgk4-00013-00002177-00002345 vivify healing increased by five percent AWBubzKDgk4-00014-00002346-00002489 uh AWBubzKDgk4-00015-00002490-00002626 I mean it's better than what we have now AWBubzKDgk4-00016-00002627-00002831 again they nerfed vivify on beta like AWBubzKDgk4-00017-00002832-00002963 four times and this is probably one of AWBubzKDgk4-00018-00002964-00003197 those Nerfs but still really good uh AWBubzKDgk4-00019-00003198-00003383 clouded Focus now increases healing and AWBubzKDgk4-00020-00003384-00003709 decreases Mana cost by 20 was 15 foreign AWBubzKDgk4-00021-00003710-00004001 this was it's funny The Cloud of focus AWBubzKDgk4-00022-00004002-00004235 has it's so funny the version of cloud AWBubzKDgk4-00023-00004236-00004427 Focus we have now is the version that AWBubzKDgk4-00024-00004428-00004606 cloud Focus was started with in shaolins AWBubzKDgk4-00025-00004607-00004835 and then they made this exact buff AWBubzKDgk4-00026-00004836-00005086 in shadowlands and then they reverted it AWBubzKDgk4-00027-00005087-00005249 on beta so the version we have Cloud AWBubzKDgk4-00028-00005250-00005572 focus of 15 now was a Nerf to something AWBubzKDgk4-00029-00005573-00005717 they buffed and now they're rebuffing it AWBubzKDgk4-00030-00005718-00005879 so this is the second time they've done AWBubzKDgk4-00031-00005880-00006041 the same exact buff AWBubzKDgk4-00032-00006042-00006161 um I'm not gonna complain about this AWBubzKDgk4-00033-00006162-00006454 though because I you know uh this change AWBubzKDgk4-00034-00006455-00006628 alone makes me really good it increased AWBubzKDgk4-00035-00006629-00006755 the healing of because it's stacked AWBubzKDgk4-00036-00006756-00006964 right it's 20 per stack and it Stacks AWBubzKDgk4-00037-00006965-00007109 through time so if you think about it if AWBubzKDgk4-00038-00007109-00007246 you get to Three Stacks it's a 15 AWBubzKDgk4-00039-00007247-00007541 healing increase development vibe uh AWBubzKDgk4-00040-00007542-00007828 this is a huge change I honestly do AWBubzKDgk4-00041-00007829-00007960 believe they're going to revert this or AWBubzKDgk4-00042-00007961-00008123 Nerf this at some point but peaceful AWBubzKDgk4-00043-00008123-00008255 mending now increase the healing of AWBubzKDgk4-00044-00008256-00008707 evalness and renewing this by 25 50 50 AWBubzKDgk4-00045-00008708-00008999 was 15 30. so what that means is this AWBubzKDgk4-00046-00009000-00009305 Talent right here uh peaceful mending so AWBubzKDgk4-00047-00009306-00009424 allies targeted by soothing Miss AWBubzKDgk4-00048-00009425-00009683 received 15 30 more healing from your AWBubzKDgk4-00049-00009684-00009846 envelopment and renewing missed effects AWBubzKDgk4-00050-00009847-00010217 that's great they just buffed they just AWBubzKDgk4-00051-00010218-00010385 buffed renewing missed envelopments by AWBubzKDgk4-00052-00010386-00010721 20 when I'm channeling on them on top of AWBubzKDgk4-00053-00010722-00010889 the cloud of like on top of the cloud of AWBubzKDgk4-00054-00010890-00011110 focus buff which is just it's that's AWBubzKDgk4-00055-00011111-00011423 freaking insane so I I genuinely think AWBubzKDgk4-00056-00011424-00011603 this is gonna get like nerfed or changed AWBubzKDgk4-00057-00011604-00011777 but for right now I'll I'm not gonna lie AWBubzKDgk4-00058-00011778-00011963 I'll take it that's really good um AWBubzKDgk4-00059-00011964-00012124 spinning cranking damage increased by 15 AWBubzKDgk4-00060-00012125-00012359 uh this is more of a PVE change not much AWBubzKDgk4-00061-00012360-00012545 for PVP AWBubzKDgk4-00062-00012546-00012760 um ancient accordions increase the AWBubzKDgk4-00063-00012761-00012916 chance of rising sunk increasing by five AWBubzKDgk4-00064-00012917-00013247 ten percent so that I believe is this AWBubzKDgk4-00065-00013247-00013505 right here it's for fist weaving so your AWBubzKDgk4-00066-00013506-00013661 black kick strikes three percent three AWBubzKDgk4-00067-00013662-00013816 targets and has a chance to you know AWBubzKDgk4-00068-00013818-00013949 reset the coolant Rising Sun kick so AWBubzKDgk4-00069-00013950-00014051 this is gonna be really good for fist AWBubzKDgk4-00070-00014052-00014279 weaving uh on this monk I have been only AWBubzKDgk4-00071-00014280-00014422 fist weaving and it's been a lot of fun AWBubzKDgk4-00072-00014423-00014585 a lot of damage comes from blackout AWBubzKDgk4-00073-00014586-00014819 kicks so you know in Rising Sun kick so AWBubzKDgk4-00074-00014819-00015083 any any chance any increase of resetting AWBubzKDgk4-00075-00015084-00015251 Rising Sun kick is a really good buff AWBubzKDgk4-00076-00015252-00015533 for for uh fist weaving and unless of AWBubzKDgk4-00077-00015534-00015743 Doubt increases healing damage by 40 was AWBubzKDgk4-00078-00015744-00015977 35 this is uh one of the Shay Loom's AWBubzKDgk4-00079-00015978-00016216 gift it's all right but I I don't use AWBubzKDgk4-00080-00016218-00016499 Shameless gift that much so overall AWBubzKDgk4-00081-00016500-00016744 these changes right here are really for AWBubzKDgk4-00082-00016745-00017039 they're mostly geared towards PVP right AWBubzKDgk4-00083-00017040-00017249 um you're mostly fist weaving in PVE so AWBubzKDgk4-00084-00017250-00017393 I mean maybe for raids this is really AWBubzKDgk4-00085-00017394-00017555 good obviously for raiding this is good AWBubzKDgk4-00086-00017556-00017771 and maybe this is good uh but and fist AWBubzKDgk4-00087-00017772-00017944 weaving and PVE this is good and this AWBubzKDgk4-00088-00017945-00018250 but for PVP these changes right here are AWBubzKDgk4-00089-00018251-00018425 just uh really really solid actually AWBubzKDgk4-00090-00018426-00018839 this right here is really interesting I AWBubzKDgk4-00091-00018840-00019019 think as long as the mistweaver was able AWBubzKDgk4-00092-00019020-00019247 to cast we're gonna be able to keep AWBubzKDgk4-00093-00019248-00019450 anyone alive again we're gonna have the AWBubzKDgk4-00094-00019451-00019619 same issues though where AWBubzKDgk4-00095-00019620-00019750 you know AWBubzKDgk4-00096-00019751-00019894 CC we're gonna have to get in trouble AWBubzKDgk4-00097-00019895-00020111 cc'd we can still die of course but you AWBubzKDgk4-00098-00020112-00020261 know I think the best cops can be AWBubzKDgk4-00099-00020262-00020422 playing are gonna be double Caster that AWBubzKDgk4-00100-00020423-00020597 way they soak the kicks right your Mage AWBubzKDgk4-00101-00020598-00020753 your lock your Ellie shamans Your Shadow AWBubzKDgk4-00102-00020754-00020999 priests they eat the kicks and then you AWBubzKDgk4-00103-00021000-00021100 could just free cast and keep people AWBubzKDgk4-00104-00021101-00021244 alive uh definitely we're gonna be able AWBubzKDgk4-00105-00021245-00021383 to dampen a lot harder with this because AWBubzKDgk4-00106-00021384-00021557 we also save Mana AWBubzKDgk4-00107-00021558-00021622 um AWBubzKDgk4-00108-00021623-00021767 and this is obviously just insane AWBubzKDgk4-00109-00021768-00021953 healing so again I think as long as AWBubzKDgk4-00110-00021954-00022133 we're able to Precast anyone's gonna be AWBubzKDgk4-00111-00022134-00022277 able to live and then there was a very AWBubzKDgk4-00112-00022278-00022463 interesting PVP change right down here AWBubzKDgk4-00113-00022464-00022817 miss Weaver uh healing sphere now AWBubzKDgk4-00114-00022818-00023147 triggers the dispel backlash from UA and AWBubzKDgk4-00115-00023148-00023344 vampiric touch and the healing was AWBubzKDgk4-00116-00023345-00023608 increased by 320 so that means if you AWBubzKDgk4-00117-00023609-00023927 use healing sphere to dispel UA you get AWBubzKDgk4-00118-00023928-00024227 silenced and take damage and if you use AWBubzKDgk4-00119-00024228-00024377 it to dispel vampiric touch you get AWBubzKDgk4-00120-00024378-00024749 feared not a fan of this change at all AWBubzKDgk4-00121-00024750-00024964 not even a little bit healing increased AWBubzKDgk4-00122-00024965-00025199 by 320 maybe this would be good if it AWBubzKDgk4-00123-00025200-00025319 actually did decent healing but right AWBubzKDgk4-00124-00025320-00025672 now it heals for like five maybe 10K so AWBubzKDgk4-00125-00025673-00025877 what that would just increase it to 15 AWBubzKDgk4-00126-00025877-00026128 000 healing or what 30 000 healing it's AWBubzKDgk4-00127-00026129-00026327 just not good this this will never be a AWBubzKDgk4-00128-00026327-00026620 healing uh bun and then also we have so AWBubzKDgk4-00129-00026622-00026801 many PVP talents that we need that are AWBubzKDgk4-00130-00026802-00026974 mandatory Chrysalis mandatory if we're AWBubzKDgk4-00131-00026975-00027190 casting healing peace Weaver mandatory AWBubzKDgk4-00132-00027191-00027395 zenfocus t-verse casters mandatory if AWBubzKDgk4-00133-00027395-00027574 there's a melee maybe play Zen focusing AWBubzKDgk4-00134-00027575-00027767 Eminence there's is no room AWBubzKDgk4-00135-00027768-00027995 for healing sphere and the only reason AWBubzKDgk4-00136-00027995-00028199 you played it was because you didn't AWBubzKDgk4-00137-00028200-00028451 take the the drawback of it you're not AWBubzKDgk4-00138-00028452-00028631 playing healing Sphere for the heel AWBubzKDgk4-00139-00028632-00028768 because like with all these healing AWBubzKDgk4-00140-00028769-00029008 Buffs you don't need you know an extra AWBubzKDgk4-00141-00029010-00029255 you know you don't need it but this this AWBubzKDgk4-00142-00029256-00029507 right here I don't know this I am not a AWBubzKDgk4-00143-00029508-00029639 huge fan so basically that's just AWBubzKDgk4-00144-00029639-00029807 another dead PVP Talent now maybe if AWBubzKDgk4-00145-00029808-00030095 healing sphere was a talent you know and AWBubzKDgk4-00146-00030095-00030305 not a PVB Talent it'd be cool but I AWBubzKDgk4-00147-00030306-00030611 think overall this is uh this ain't it AWBubzKDgk4-00148-00030612-00030761 they're not a fan of this change at all AWBubzKDgk4-00149-00030762-00031024 but overall I think we're we're up for AWBubzKDgk4-00150-00031025-00031193 sure I think this is these are so this AWBubzKDgk4-00151-00031194-00031396 is a big win for misweavers a lot of AWBubzKDgk4-00152-00031397-00031517 healing output AWBubzKDgk4-00153-00031518-00031685 as long as we're able to like stand AWBubzKDgk4-00154-00031686-00031870 still and free cast we'll be fine we AWBubzKDgk4-00155-00031872-00032020 still do have the same issues you know AWBubzKDgk4-00156-00032022-00032212 between CC and being interrupted but AWBubzKDgk4-00157-00032213-00032368 overall I'll take some healing Buffs AWBubzKDgk4-00158-00032369-00032512 with that said I would love to know what AWBubzKDgk4-00159-00032513-00032674 everyone else thinks uh that's just a AWBubzKDgk4-00160-00032675-00032909 quick rundown of the Buffs and and AWBubzKDgk4-00161-00032910-00033089 honestly the Nerf to a healing sphere AWBubzKDgk4-00162-00033090-00033215 I'm not a fan of really like healing AWBubzKDgk4-00163-00033216-00033371 sphere uh but that is it for me hope AWBubzKDgk4-00164-00033372-00033509 everyone's a fantastic day hope you AWBubzKDgk4-00165-00033510-00033766 enjoyed the video and I'll see you later AWBubzKDgk4-00166-00033767-00035107 [Music] AWBubzKDgk4-00167-00035108-00035431 thank you AWBubzKDgk4-00168-00035432-00035741 [Music] AXZUtOTi7YI-00000-00000003-00000299 why from Nashville Tennessee AXZUtOTi7YI-00001-00000300-00000808 it's the queue covering Kabul Co 2018 AXZUtOTi7YI-00002-00000809-00000958 brought to you by AXZUtOTi7YI-00003-00000959-00001345 CommVault welcome back to Nashville AXZUtOTi7YI-00004-00001346-00001562 Tennessee the home of hot chicken and AXZUtOTi7YI-00005-00001563-00001829 con volt Gove this week I'm Stu minimun AXZUtOTi7YI-00006-00001830-00002032 with my co-host Keith Townsend Keith AXZUtOTi7YI-00007-00002034-00002176 wasn't expecting that one I'm looking AXZUtOTi7YI-00008-00002177-00002284 forward to the hot chicken AXZUtOTi7YI-00009-00002285-00002467 absolutely and happy to welcome to the AXZUtOTi7YI-00010-00002468-00002663 program first time guess Rahul Pawar AXZUtOTi7YI-00011-00002664-00002891 who's the head of R&D research and AXZUtOTi7YI-00012-00002892-00003065 development at CommVault thank you so AXZUtOTi7YI-00013-00003066-00003215 much for joining us thanks for having me AXZUtOTi7YI-00014-00003215-00003467 on on this one all right we said like AXZUtOTi7YI-00015-00003468-00003604 the hot chicken I said we need to roll AXZUtOTi7YI-00016-00003605-00003785 up our sleeves and really get into the AXZUtOTi7YI-00017-00003786-00003953 sauce yeah of what we're talking about AXZUtOTi7YI-00018-00003954-00004138 right enough of the puns on my AXZUtOTi7YI-00019-00004139-00004316 standpoint but tell us a little bit AXZUtOTi7YI-00020-00004317-00004613 about you know R&D inside what's your AXZUtOTi7YI-00021-00004614-00004769 role what's your team what's your AXZUtOTi7YI-00022-00004770-00005129 charter so we have a team of about 650 AXZUtOTi7YI-00023-00005130-00005488 very dynamic young engineers and what my AXZUtOTi7YI-00024-00005489-00005720 role and I'm very excited about that AXZUtOTi7YI-00025-00005721-00006017 role is I get to talk with a lot of our AXZUtOTi7YI-00026-00006018-00006277 customers and partners and understand AXZUtOTi7YI-00027-00006278-00006623 their pain points and majority of my AXZUtOTi7YI-00028-00006623-00006878 research comes from what the customer is AXZUtOTi7YI-00029-00006879-00007073 really looking to do and what is hurting AXZUtOTi7YI-00030-00007073-00007384 them and trying to solve that and AXZUtOTi7YI-00031-00007386-00007573 describe and once I have a problem AXZUtOTi7YI-00032-00007575-00007976 define the team is very very intelligent AXZUtOTi7YI-00033-00007977-00008110 at solving them and they come up with AXZUtOTi7YI-00034-00008111-00008357 various ways to solve it and then AXZUtOTi7YI-00035-00008358-00008570 getting that customer satisfaction high AXZUtOTi7YI-00036-00008571-00008801 is what gives me the high and that's AXZUtOTi7YI-00037-00008802-00009044 that's really what kept me at comm wall AXZUtOTi7YI-00038-00009045-00009305 for over 17 years now yeah 17 years for AXZUtOTi7YI-00039-00009306-00009644 who I think back so 17 years ago I was AXZUtOTi7YI-00040-00009645-00009871 working for a storage company and we AXZUtOTi7YI-00041-00009872-00010067 talked about data but it was usually AXZUtOTi7YI-00042-00010068-00010319 about storing data or protecting data AXZUtOTi7YI-00043-00010320-00010471 now we're talking about how we can get AXZUtOTi7YI-00044-00010472-00010717 more value out of data one of the things AXZUtOTi7YI-00045-00010718-00010877 I was looking at coming into this show AXZUtOTi7YI-00046-00010878-00011113 is like okay you talk about the AI in AXZUtOTi7YI-00047-00011114-00011294 the ml well how does that fit into the AXZUtOTi7YI-00048-00011295-00011474 environment maybe you can explain you AXZUtOTi7YI-00049-00011475-00011723 know why is it different now in 2018 AXZUtOTi7YI-00050-00011724-00011978 what can you do now that you wouldn't AXZUtOTi7YI-00051-00011979-00012173 have been able to do 10 years or even 5 AXZUtOTi7YI-00052-00012174-00012401 years ago so still you made a good point AXZUtOTi7YI-00053-00012402-00012695 like backup especially was make a copy AXZUtOTi7YI-00054-00012696-00012944 put it on tape send it to somewhere AXZUtOTi7YI-00055-00012944-00013116 ironmountain typically AXZUtOTi7YI-00056-00013118-00013411 and that has changed now everything is AXZUtOTi7YI-00057-00013412-00013845 available online all the time and even AXZUtOTi7YI-00058-00013846-00014149 our thermostat is much smarter than what AXZUtOTi7YI-00059-00014150-00014374 it was five years back so we really are AXZUtOTi7YI-00060-00014375-00014611 expecting everybody's expecting a lot AXZUtOTi7YI-00061-00014612-00014800 more from the data that is available AXZUtOTi7YI-00062-00014801-00015022 from all the information that is there AXZUtOTi7YI-00063-00015022-00015319 and they want to make use of that so AXZUtOTi7YI-00064-00015319-00015600 backup can no longer be hey I'm backing AXZUtOTi7YI-00065-00015601-00015780 up this five servers and go figure it AXZUtOTi7YI-00066-00015781-00015819 out AXZUtOTi7YI-00067-00015820-00016284 backup is now getting tons of VMS tons AXZUtOTi7YI-00068-00016285-00016542 of new application swapping in various AXZUtOTi7YI-00069-00016543-00016792 cloud applications that are coming in so AXZUtOTi7YI-00070-00016793-00017097 the IT team is really really in the AXZUtOTi7YI-00071-00017098-00017244 middle of this data revolution and AXZUtOTi7YI-00072-00017245-00017425 getting so much of information thrown AXZUtOTi7YI-00073-00017426-00017859 their way so that data and that data is AXZUtOTi7YI-00074-00017860-00018087 the liquid go like Bob and I like to AXZUtOTi7YI-00075-00018088-00018300 call it and that has a lot of valuable AXZUtOTi7YI-00076-00018301-00018442 information it has information about AXZUtOTi7YI-00077-00018443-00018664 your patterns it has information about AXZUtOTi7YI-00078-00018665-00018874 who's accessing what files and should AXZUtOTi7YI-00079-00018875-00019158 they really be accessing it what data is AXZUtOTi7YI-00080-00019159-00019372 really really not needed and what is the AXZUtOTi7YI-00081-00019373-00019543 sensitive data that is lurking behind AXZUtOTi7YI-00082-00019544-00019839 and it could become a problem for you so AXZUtOTi7YI-00083-00019840-00020167 that data is a goldmine and the systems AXZUtOTi7YI-00084-00020168-00020355 and the hard disks have become so AXZUtOTi7YI-00085-00020356-00020614 cheaper story has become so cheaper so AXZUtOTi7YI-00086-00020615-00020856 having that data accessible all the time AXZUtOTi7YI-00087-00020857-00021231 is we take it for granted so ro I like AXZUtOTi7YI-00088-00021232-00021711 to say scale breaks things when I was a AXZUtOTi7YI-00089-00021712-00021955 young administrator I could literally AXZUtOTi7YI-00090-00021956-00022221 had a spreadsheet to keep track of my AXZUtOTi7YI-00091-00022222-00022524 tapes of where my tapes were what AXZUtOTi7YI-00092-00022525-00022815 systems were backed up so even if I lost AXZUtOTi7YI-00093-00022816-00023203 my index in my software backup product I AXZUtOTi7YI-00094-00023204-00023389 couldn't know what my tapes that now AXZUtOTi7YI-00095-00023390-00023637 with organizations with petabytes and AXZUtOTi7YI-00096-00023638-00023769 petabytes of data AXZUtOTi7YI-00097-00023770-00024211 how important is email AI to knowing AXZUtOTi7YI-00098-00024212-00024480 where your data is at and how important AXZUtOTi7YI-00099-00024481-00024736 is the index to that relationship I AXZUtOTi7YI-00100-00024737-00025014 would I really want to say that ml and AXZUtOTi7YI-00101-00025015-00025324 AI has become where deduplication was AXZUtOTi7YI-00102-00025325-00025515 five years back and pretty much AXZUtOTi7YI-00103-00025516-00025803 everybody is expecting you to have it AXZUtOTi7YI-00104-00025804-00026076 like like I said if my if my car knows AXZUtOTi7YI-00105-00026077-00026272 it if my home knows AXZUtOTi7YI-00106-00026273-00026554 my thermostat knows that even my phone AXZUtOTi7YI-00107-00026555-00026725 knows that like where I'm going like AXZUtOTi7YI-00108-00026726-00026889 every week if I travel to a certain AXZUtOTi7YI-00109-00026891-00027073 place and it knows it it is something AXZUtOTi7YI-00110-00027074-00027373 that is expected to be known and our AXZUtOTi7YI-00111-00027374-00027552 backup environment have become so AXZUtOTi7YI-00112-00027554-00027789 dynamic like this network failures and AXZUtOTi7YI-00113-00027791-00028012 there's like tons of things beyond the AXZUtOTi7YI-00114-00028013-00028231 control of the backup admin even the AXZUtOTi7YI-00115-00028232-00028435 storage admin or the DBS or the app AXZUtOTi7YI-00116-00028436-00028602 developers we are putting in there they AXZUtOTi7YI-00117-00028604-00028807 just come in place and with all of that AXZUtOTi7YI-00118-00028808-00029122 happening they really you need a system AXZUtOTi7YI-00119-00029123-00029368 that is learning from what is happening AXZUtOTi7YI-00120-00029369-00029583 and being very smart about doing stuff AXZUtOTi7YI-00121-00029585-00029914 so we learn from yesterday's failures or AXZUtOTi7YI-00122-00029914-00030136 the failures that were on the backups we AXZUtOTi7YI-00123-00030137-00030355 look at the network load that is on AXZUtOTi7YI-00124-00030356-00030541 right now the disk load that is on right AXZUtOTi7YI-00125-00030542-00030763 now and adapt our backups or backup AXZUtOTi7YI-00126-00030764-00030939 schedules accordingly so we know your SL AXZUtOTi7YI-00127-00030941-00031077 is you are trying to get an SLA of AXZUtOTi7YI-00128-00031079-00031279 certain number of hours AXZUtOTi7YI-00129-00031280-00031600 vs. minutes and based on that we AXZUtOTi7YI-00130-00031601-00031855 prioritize certain servers over others AXZUtOTi7YI-00131-00031856-00032032 or certain VMs that we see brand new AXZUtOTi7YI-00132-00032033-00032335 over other VMs and then VMs that are on AXZUtOTi7YI-00133-00032336-00032506 certain data stores over others because AXZUtOTi7YI-00134-00032507-00032686 we want to keep the load on the data AXZUtOTi7YI-00135-00032687-00032911 store ESX server or even your network AXZUtOTi7YI-00136-00032912-00033112 and the Prague's is minimum but at the AXZUtOTi7YI-00137-00033113-00033352 same time we know we are racing against AXZUtOTi7YI-00138-00033353-00033478 the clock because we want everything to AXZUtOTi7YI-00139-00033479-00033709 be backed up and even have a secondary AXZUtOTi7YI-00140-00033710-00033934 coffee and all of that so there we are AXZUtOTi7YI-00141-00033935-00034120 prioritizing and reprioritizing our AXZUtOTi7YI-00142-00034121-00034471 backups and schedules and everything one AXZUtOTi7YI-00143-00034472-00034603 of the challenges we talk about AXZUtOTi7YI-00144-00034604-00034918 automation is there's the technology and AXZUtOTi7YI-00145-00034919-00035362 then there's the people and in the open AXZUtOTi7YI-00146-00035363-00035518 of the keynote this morning that the AXZUtOTi7YI-00147-00035519-00035893 poet was using the GPS analogy yes and AXZUtOTi7YI-00148-00035894-00036097 talked about like ok you know you have AXZUtOTi7YI-00149-00036098-00036181 arrived AXZUtOTi7YI-00150-00036182-00036577 well the admins today they kind of have AXZUtOTi7YI-00151-00036578-00036868 their turf that they control versus do I AXZUtOTi7YI-00152-00036869-00037075 trust that it's doing the job and can AXZUtOTi7YI-00153-00037076-00037234 automate some of those things and I AXZUtOTi7YI-00154-00037235-00037405 shouldn't have to worry about can you AXZUtOTi7YI-00155-00037406-00037660 can you does your team get involved in AXZUtOTi7YI-00156-00037661-00037789 that dynamic because I know you listen AXZUtOTi7YI-00157-00037790-00037975 to the customer yes how do you help AXZUtOTi7YI-00158-00037976-00038170 bridge that gap and help I think of you AXZUtOTi7YI-00159-00038171-00038368 know autonomous cars we said we will AXZUtOTi7YI-00160-00038369-00038560 soon get to the point sometime hopefully AXZUtOTi7YI-00161-00038561-00038722 in the not too distant future where it's AXZUtOTi7YI-00162-00038723-00038872 not that I don't touch the computers AXZUtOTi7YI-00163-00038873-00039067 it's like really I trust them more than AXZUtOTi7YI-00164-00039068-00039361 I do the people ok so I'll tell you and AXZUtOTi7YI-00165-00039362-00039649 trust develops as you use it more like AXZUtOTi7YI-00166-00039650-00039907 there's a reason why autonomous driving AXZUtOTi7YI-00167-00039908-00040081 cars still have a steering wheel and a AXZUtOTi7YI-00168-00040082-00040405 brake because I'm not sure whether I can AXZUtOTi7YI-00169-00040406-00040648 trust it but on the other hand as time AXZUtOTi7YI-00170-00040649-00040843 passes by you really see the software in AXZUtOTi7YI-00171-00040844-00041044 action and you want to see that it's AXZUtOTi7YI-00172-00041045-00041203 really doing the smart thing and you AXZUtOTi7YI-00173-00041204-00041419 yield control to it more and more like AXZUtOTi7YI-00174-00041420-00041743 today I'm like Oh Lera so when I when I AXZUtOTi7YI-00175-00041744-00041950 have something important I make extra AXZUtOTi7YI-00176-00041951-00042238 copy voice it's my kids like they are on AXZUtOTi7YI-00177-00042239-00042418 Google file system or or cloud file AXZUtOTi7YI-00178-00042419-00042673 system they never even think about like AXZUtOTi7YI-00179-00042674-00043054 making an extra copy so same thing it's AXZUtOTi7YI-00180-00043055-00043267 gonna it's gonna happen like we do have AXZUtOTi7YI-00181-00043268-00043558 people who can take control and like AXZUtOTi7YI-00182-00043559-00043732 they can put on their priorities and all AXZUtOTi7YI-00183-00043733-00044062 of that but we are saying hey guys you AXZUtOTi7YI-00184-00044063-00044239 shouldn't be doing it we are here to AXZUtOTi7YI-00185-00044240-00044380 help you and we are going to show you AXZUtOTi7YI-00186-00044381-00044572 and in case you don't like it you can AXZUtOTi7YI-00187-00044573-00044779 always put your brake on that AXZUtOTi7YI-00188-00044780-00044962 self-driving car or the cell prank back AXZUtOTi7YI-00189-00044963-00045316 up so we be remiss if we didn't if we AXZUtOTi7YI-00190-00045317-00045667 had a researcher on the cube and we AXZUtOTi7YI-00191-00045668-00045793 didn't talk about the art of the AXZUtOTi7YI-00192-00045794-00046096 possible looking a few years ahead are AXZUtOTi7YI-00193-00046097-00046359 you gonna feel a couple of years ahead AXZUtOTi7YI-00194-00046360-00046564 if you've ever been a backup AXZUtOTi7YI-00195-00046565-00046819 administrator nothing beats bandwidth AXZUtOTi7YI-00196-00046820-00047083 the bandwidth of a station wagon full of AXZUtOTi7YI-00197-00047084-00047467 tapes however and this monitoring AXZUtOTi7YI-00198-00047468-00047734 digital transformed environment we have AXZUtOTi7YI-00199-00047735-00047995 to get data to the cloud as soon as AXZUtOTi7YI-00200-00047996-00048058 possible AXZUtOTi7YI-00201-00048059-00048349 yes what are some of the unique ways AXZUtOTi7YI-00202-00048350-00048669 convolved is tackling getting big data AXZUtOTi7YI-00203-00048670-00049021 from where it's ingested to into the AXZUtOTi7YI-00204-00049022-00049150 cloud provider so that we can take AXZUtOTi7YI-00205-00049151-00049474 advantage of stuff like AI ml based AXZUtOTi7YI-00206-00049475-00049915 workloads in Amazon or Google so one AXZUtOTi7YI-00207-00049916-00050065 thing that we have done with the cloud AXZUtOTi7YI-00208-00050066-00050380 or anything is we have always kept the AXZUtOTi7YI-00209-00050381-00050662 data independent of where it is going so AXZUtOTi7YI-00210-00050663-00050941 even if I'm taking data from on-prem to AXZUtOTi7YI-00211-00050942-00051271 a cloud provider so we will play to AXZUtOTi7YI-00212-00051272-00051508 their full strength but we will still AXZUtOTi7YI-00213-00051509-00051799 keep the data independent where in case AXZUtOTi7YI-00214-00051800-00051964 you want to move from one cloud vendor AXZUtOTi7YI-00215-00051965-00052183 to another you have that flexibility AXZUtOTi7YI-00216-00052184-00052550 with com1 as far as taking the cloud AXZUtOTi7YI-00217-00052551-00052894 it's efficiency and and using its AXZUtOTi7YI-00218-00052895-00053069 efficiency what we have done is we AXZUtOTi7YI-00219-00053070-00053332 always only send deduplicated encrypted AXZUtOTi7YI-00220-00053333-00053638 data to cloud and we have various ways AXZUtOTi7YI-00221-00053639-00053894 of consuming cloud so cloud is where AXZUtOTi7YI-00222-00053895-00054125 your storage has become so cheap that AXZUtOTi7YI-00223-00054126-00054347 you don't have to think about it in fact AXZUtOTi7YI-00224-00054348-00054655 I had a customer who got rid of their AXZUtOTi7YI-00225-00054657-00054880 whole secondary D our data center and AXZUtOTi7YI-00226-00054882-00055192 now they're using cloud as their as the AXZUtOTi7YI-00227-00055194-00055478 D our location and every three months AXZUtOTi7YI-00228-00055479-00055666 they do the D our test with comm wall AXZUtOTi7YI-00229-00055666-00055930 wherein they bring up the infrastructure AXZUtOTi7YI-00230-00055932-00056174 of machines up and it's all all scripted AXZUtOTi7YI-00231-00056175-00056312 and orchestrated they bring up the AXZUtOTi7YI-00232-00056313-00056506 infrastructure machines up followed by AXZUtOTi7YI-00233-00056507-00056755 all the VMS and the applications in a AXZUtOTi7YI-00234-00056757-00056915 certain order like database has to come AXZUtOTi7YI-00235-00056916-00057241 up before ad has to come before exchange AXZUtOTi7YI-00236-00057242-00057374 and a device has to come before web AXZUtOTi7YI-00237-00057375-00057625 server so all of that happens after that AXZUtOTi7YI-00238-00057626-00057836 their testing is done and they have SLA AXZUtOTi7YI-00239-00057837-00058025 the four hours and 24 hours on certain AXZUtOTi7YI-00240-00058026-00058241 service after all of that is then they AXZUtOTi7YI-00241-00058241-00058391 power it off they get rid of the AXZUtOTi7YI-00242-00058391-00058547 infrastructure and then they are back to AXZUtOTi7YI-00243-00058548-00058790 play paying only the storage below on AXZUtOTi7YI-00244-00058791-00058975 the cloud that's just one usage but AXZUtOTi7YI-00245-00058976-00059336 cloud has made life so flexible that I AXZUtOTi7YI-00246-00059337-00059569 don't have to think about my Rackspace AXZUtOTi7YI-00247-00059570-00059849 and where does this server go and when AXZUtOTi7YI-00248-00059850-00060067 do I order it and when does it ship if I AXZUtOTi7YI-00249-00060069-00060292 need something I experiment with it I AXZUtOTi7YI-00250-00060294-00060550 give it more memory and size and and do AXZUtOTi7YI-00251-00060551-00060850 stuff so protecting that data in cloud AXZUtOTi7YI-00252-00060851-00061109 and protein dwell is what what we do AXZUtOTi7YI-00253-00061110-00061415 have you have taken use of all that all AXZUtOTi7YI-00254-00061416-00061604 the technologies like replicating across AXZUtOTi7YI-00255-00061604-00061792 regions taking it and replicating across AXZUtOTi7YI-00256-00061794-00062129 clouds we have done all of that so let's AXZUtOTi7YI-00257-00062129-00062348 talk about the importance of metadata in AXZUtOTi7YI-00258-00062349-00062419 all of that AXZUtOTi7YI-00259-00062420-00062735 so if I have bits and pieces of data AXZUtOTi7YI-00260-00062736-00062938 distributed across cloud providers on AXZUtOTi7YI-00261-00062939-00063509 Prem how do I keep track of that data so AXZUtOTi7YI-00262-00063510-00063826 that that's where our fully index comes AXZUtOTi7YI-00263-00063827-00064054 in play keep because all is happening is AXZUtOTi7YI-00264-00064055-00064403 the data is spreading faster than than AXZUtOTi7YI-00265-00064404-00064576 than than some of the cloud growth AXZUtOTi7YI-00266-00064577-00064891 because you have read with so much of AXZUtOTi7YI-00267-00064892-00065096 copies and people have made extra copies AXZUtOTi7YI-00268-00065097-00065498 just to be see that keeping track of AXZUtOTi7YI-00269-00065499-00065705 everything and knowing what is where and AXZUtOTi7YI-00270-00065706-00065853 who has access AXZUtOTi7YI-00271-00065854-00066099 - what and people change rules or people AXZUtOTi7YI-00272-00066100-00066345 leave and who has access even after all AXZUtOTi7YI-00273-00066346-00066570 of that is done it's very vital and AXZUtOTi7YI-00274-00066571-00066813 critical for an organization to function AXZUtOTi7YI-00275-00066814-00067212 so our 4d index is keeping track of not AXZUtOTi7YI-00276-00067213-00067431 just the bare minimum of who has the AXZUtOTi7YI-00277-00067432-00067653 files and what are the files are what we AXZUtOTi7YI-00278-00067654-00067791 have done is we have worked with several AXZUtOTi7YI-00279-00067792-00068052 customers where we have allowed them to AXZUtOTi7YI-00280-00068053-00068316 insert their own custom tags a custom AXZUtOTi7YI-00281-00068317-00068526 information along with their data so AXZUtOTi7YI-00282-00068527-00068694 it's not just the file and file AXZUtOTi7YI-00283-00068695-00068981 information or the file content AXZUtOTi7YI-00284-00068982-00069321 awareness they are able to keep third AXZUtOTi7YI-00285-00069322-00069597 party extra data along with every piece AXZUtOTi7YI-00286-00069598-00069849 that is automatically queried from their AXZUtOTi7YI-00287-00069850-00070077 other databases and inserted in that in AXZUtOTi7YI-00288-00070078-00070287 that file so those are those are their AXZUtOTi7YI-00289-00070288-00070466 custom properties that are tagged along AXZUtOTi7YI-00290-00070467-00070773 yeah it's interesting you think about AXZUtOTi7YI-00291-00070774-00070977 metadata I remember you know five or ten AXZUtOTi7YI-00292-00070978-00071157 years ago we were talking about the AXZUtOTi7YI-00293-00071158-00071499 importance of metadata but it seems like AXZUtOTi7YI-00294-00071500-00071757 it's the convergence of the intelligence AXZUtOTi7YI-00295-00071758-00071982 and the AI prepared with that because it AXZUtOTi7YI-00296-00071983-00072159 used to be oh well make sure you tag AXZUtOTi7YI-00297-00072160-00072375 your files or set up your ontology or AXZUtOTi7YI-00298-00072376-00072660 things like that and now you know on our AXZUtOTi7YI-00299-00072661-00072897 phones it does a lot of that for us and AXZUtOTi7YI-00300-00072898-00073164 therefore the enterprise is following a AXZUtOTi7YI-00301-00073165-00073410 similar methodology is did we hit a AXZUtOTi7YI-00302-00073411-00073617 certain kind of tipping point recently AXZUtOTi7YI-00303-00073618-00073878 or is it just some of these technologies AXZUtOTi7YI-00304-00073879-00074124 coming together I think a lot of that AXZUtOTi7YI-00305-00074125-00074358 was in the meat making like we used to AXZUtOTi7YI-00306-00074359-00074571 have this technology called index cards AXZUtOTi7YI-00307-00074572-00074793 where we were keeping track of things AXZUtOTi7YI-00308-00074794-00074991 and whoever thinks of that right right AXZUtOTi7YI-00309-00074992-00075234 now everything is by search and that's AXZUtOTi7YI-00310-00075235-00075480 the new normal searching for your thing AXZUtOTi7YI-00311-00075481-00075744 thinking that somebody will know what AXZUtOTi7YI-00312-00075745-00075909 I'm trying to do and tell me ahead of AXZUtOTi7YI-00313-00075910-00076197 time is where the future is and and then AXZUtOTi7YI-00314-00076198-00076317 that's where that's where we are trying AXZUtOTi7YI-00315-00076318-00076455 to keep up well you're saying my kids AXZUtOTi7YI-00316-00076456-00076587 don't know the Dewey Decimal System AXZUtOTi7YI-00317-00076588-00076851 because they have Amazon and he and I AXZUtOTi7YI-00318-00076852-00077082 hope now we have a similar thing in AXZUtOTi7YI-00319-00077083-00077295 business and it really strikes to you AXZUtOTi7YI-00320-00077296-00077540 like for calculator on a Windows desktop AXZUtOTi7YI-00321-00077541-00077904 when the kids go and search on the web AXZUtOTi7YI-00322-00077905-00078117 for calculator instead of using the AXZUtOTi7YI-00323-00078118-00078294 calculator app on the desktop you really AXZUtOTi7YI-00324-00078295-00078468 know that things have changed and AXZUtOTi7YI-00325-00078469-00078693 shifted a lot so so think about that AXZUtOTi7YI-00326-00078694-00079015 change if the 4d I'm able to AXZUtOTi7YI-00327-00079016-00079350 add these custom tags to net new data AXZUtOTi7YI-00328-00079351-00079731 I'm gonna throw you a softball from a AXZUtOTi7YI-00329-00079732-00079966 use-case perspective but it's a hard AXZUtOTi7YI-00330-00079967-00080248 technical challenge is I have 20 years AXZUtOTi7YI-00331-00080249-00080515 of CommVault data that or data that I've AXZUtOTi7YI-00332-00080516-00080712 backed up with CommVault wouldn't it be AXZUtOTi7YI-00333-00080713-00081003 great if I could teacher email or AI AXZUtOTi7YI-00334-00081004-00081349 algorithm to go back and tag that data AXZUtOTi7YI-00335-00081350-00081732 based on those hi tag new data how in AXZUtOTi7YI-00336-00081733-00082026 any request for that or roadmap to add AXZUtOTi7YI-00337-00082027-00082315 that type of capability right so if you AXZUtOTi7YI-00338-00082316-00082488 are a 20 year Commonwealth veteran AXZUtOTi7YI-00339-00082489-00082687 customer first of all thank you but AXZUtOTi7YI-00340-00082688-00082912 particularly the fact that your index is AXZUtOTi7YI-00341-00082913-00083106 there and we have built on our existing AXZUtOTi7YI-00342-00083107-00083301 index and added a lot more attributes to AXZUtOTi7YI-00343-00083302-00083607 it so we already know a lot about you AXZUtOTi7YI-00344-00083608-00083935 and if you are starting to beam to our AXZUtOTi7YI-00345-00083936-00084187 cloud we know even lot more about how AXZUtOTi7YI-00346-00084188-00084337 your backups are and how much you are AXZUtOTi7YI-00347-00084338-00084600 backing up and how your licensing is and AXZUtOTi7YI-00348-00084601-00084859 what are the typical workloads and the AXZUtOTi7YI-00349-00084860-00085032 top error rates and how the health AXZUtOTi7YI-00350-00085033-00085215 conditions are and a lot of that and AXZUtOTi7YI-00351-00085216-00085488 that is even on your own server AXZUtOTi7YI-00352-00085489-00085678 dashboard you don't have to beam it to AXZUtOTi7YI-00353-00085679-00085962 any public cloud you could see it on AXZUtOTi7YI-00354-00085963-00086098 your own dashboard all those statistics AXZUtOTi7YI-00355-00086099-00086268 so we already know all of that AXZUtOTi7YI-00356-00086269-00086438 information what we have come and AXZUtOTi7YI-00357-00086439-00086682 started doing is we are inserting even AXZUtOTi7YI-00358-00086683-00086844 more and more pieces of intelligence AXZUtOTi7YI-00359-00086845-00087049 that we are finding because things have AXZUtOTi7YI-00360-00087050-00087337 changed over the last 20 years so what AXZUtOTi7YI-00361-00087338-00087565 used to be just file metadata user and AXZUtOTi7YI-00362-00087566-00087805 ackles and all of that now we have a lot AXZUtOTi7YI-00363-00087806-00088122 more attributes that the file has yeah AXZUtOTi7YI-00364-00088123-00088354 one of the biggest challenges we see is AXZUtOTi7YI-00365-00088355-00088551 you know I'm a networking person and AXZUtOTi7YI-00366-00088552-00088762 when I go to like the Cisco show this AXZUtOTi7YI-00367-00088763-00089067 year the network administrator most of AXZUtOTi7YI-00368-00089068-00089242 the network that they are responsible AXZUtOTi7YI-00369-00089243-00089536 for isn't under their purview yeah and I AXZUtOTi7YI-00370-00089537-00089712 think we have the same thing in data is AXZUtOTi7YI-00371-00089713-00089962 that a lot of the data that I concern AXZUtOTi7YI-00372-00089963-00090184 about my business it's no longer in my AXZUtOTi7YI-00373-00090185-00090369 four walls and it's spread out in so AXZUtOTi7YI-00374-00090370-00090693 many different environments opportunity AXZUtOTi7YI-00375-00090694-00091036 challenge both for us it's very exciting AXZUtOTi7YI-00376-00091037-00091437 and opportunistic for our customers and AXZUtOTi7YI-00377-00091438-00091725 on a lot of IT admins if you are dealing AXZUtOTi7YI-00378-00091726-00091921 with multiple tools to handle that kind AXZUtOTi7YI-00379-00091922-00092161 of thing it's a big challenge because AXZUtOTi7YI-00380-00092162-00092329 lot of AXZUtOTi7YI-00381-00092330-00092629 met several customers and they wouldn't AXZUtOTi7YI-00382-00092630-00092851 admit it but they know that even though AXZUtOTi7YI-00383-00092852-00093037 their company policy is not to use AXZUtOTi7YI-00384-00093038-00093274 certain clouds the people are using it AXZUtOTi7YI-00385-00093275-00093517 if the company policy is not to use some AXZUtOTi7YI-00386-00093518-00093823 dog sharing people are using it so there AXZUtOTi7YI-00387-00093824-00094030 are two ways you could look at it you AXZUtOTi7YI-00388-00094031-00094141 could forget it AXZUtOTi7YI-00389-00094142-00094495 and then risk or you could accept it and AXZUtOTi7YI-00390-00094496-00094726 analyze everything with calm water and AXZUtOTi7YI-00391-00094727-00095263 go ahead so let's talk about CommVault AXZUtOTi7YI-00392-00095264-00095446 in this ability to know where your data AXZUtOTi7YI-00393-00095447-00095737 set with a jacent technology you know AXZUtOTi7YI-00394-00095738-00095956 data protection it's about protecting AXZUtOTi7YI-00395-00095957-00096217 the data not just from like oops I lost AXZUtOTi7YI-00396-00096218-00096619 my data or even ransomware specifically AXZUtOTi7YI-00397-00096620-00096942 but security what what is the role of AXZUtOTi7YI-00398-00096943-00097564 the index or or metadata and protecting AXZUtOTi7YI-00399-00097565-00098299 your data from intruders so as part of AXZUtOTi7YI-00400-00098300-00098530 the ransomware is concerned we have AXZUtOTi7YI-00401-00098531-00098917 taken like a few things one is and you AXZUtOTi7YI-00402-00098918-00099079 are not on your ransomware protection AXZUtOTi7YI-00403-00099080-00099295 per se right what we are done is because AXZUtOTi7YI-00404-00099296-00099457 we are in there and we look at your AXZUtOTi7YI-00405-00099458-00099805 backup how often they happen and how AXZUtOTi7YI-00406-00099806-00100120 much data is changing and I just did AXZUtOTi7YI-00407-00100121-00100297 that to seasonality right here we know AXZUtOTi7YI-00408-00100298-00100486 Quadra and you have a lot of files AXZUtOTi7YI-00409-00100487-00100777 changing verses weekends and stuff and AXZUtOTi7YI-00410-00100778-00100936 how things change I just stick to AXZUtOTi7YI-00411-00100937-00101197 seasonality if we see something that is AXZUtOTi7YI-00412-00101198-00101359 out of the norm we are gonna alert you AXZUtOTi7YI-00413-00101360-00101665 and at that point you could pretty much AXZUtOTi7YI-00414-00101666-00101923 that alert is an actionable alert where AXZUtOTi7YI-00415-00101924-00102127 you could say hey I want to disable data AXZUtOTi7YI-00416-00102128-00102304 edging on this particular client or I AXZUtOTi7YI-00417-00102305-00102502 want to take away access of someone on AXZUtOTi7YI-00418-00102503-00102783 that so with even even data rest like a AXZUtOTi7YI-00419-00102784-00102973 rogue admin or an accidental admin what AXZUtOTi7YI-00420-00102974-00103321 we did is we have added almost like a to AXZUtOTi7YI-00421-00103322-00103597 signature kind of stuff so if if you if AXZUtOTi7YI-00422-00103598-00103780 somebody accidentally deletes a client AXZUtOTi7YI-00423-00103781-00104109 or a storage policy one admin won't be AXZUtOTi7YI-00424-00104110-00104347 able to do that it like the business AXZUtOTi7YI-00425-00104348-00104647 workflow says do you have authentication AXZUtOTi7YI-00426-00104648-00104842 also from stood that hey Keith is trying AXZUtOTi7YI-00427-00104843-00105046 to delete this lets to approve of it and AXZUtOTi7YI-00428-00105047-00105281 it's an email which you reply yes or no AXZUtOTi7YI-00429-00105282-00105446 and the moment it is done that it goes AXZUtOTi7YI-00430-00105447-00105679 ahead and deletes it versus if we stop AXZUtOTi7YI-00431-00105680-00105910 and oops that was an accident he didn't AXZUtOTi7YI-00432-00105911-00106183 wanted to really do it so there's that AXZUtOTi7YI-00433-00106184-00106462 aspect second thing is our own media AXZUtOTi7YI-00434-00106463-00106706 what we have done is it's completely AXZUtOTi7YI-00435-00106707-00107161 protected with our drivers we're in you AXZUtOTi7YI-00436-00107163-00107243 can't get to it AXZUtOTi7YI-00437-00107244-00107533 it only calm wall processes commodores AXZUtOTi7YI-00438-00107534-00107696 indicated processes are able to write to AXZUtOTi7YI-00439-00107697-00108074 our our media so when the customer came AXZUtOTi7YI-00440-00108075-00108259 in this morning and was talking about it AXZUtOTi7YI-00441-00108260-00108431 there all that infrastructure was AXZUtOTi7YI-00442-00108432-00108758 affected but from what we realize it's AXZUtOTi7YI-00443-00108758-00109224 because we had it secure and the AXZUtOTi7YI-00444-00109225-00109429 ransomware couldn't attack that because AXZUtOTi7YI-00445-00109430-00109574 they were they were they were simply not AXZUtOTi7YI-00446-00109575-00109735 able to write with all right well we're AXZUtOTi7YI-00447-00109736-00109868 hope who are really appreciate you AXZUtOTi7YI-00448-00109869-00110048 giving us an update look forward to AXZUtOTi7YI-00449-00110049-00110179 catching up in the future where we'll AXZUtOTi7YI-00450-00110180-00110393 see exactly where the research is is AXZUtOTi7YI-00451-00110394-00110524 going all right AXZUtOTi7YI-00452-00110525-00110708 for Keith Townsend I'm Stu minimun we'll AXZUtOTi7YI-00453-00110708-00110878 be back with lots more coverage here AXZUtOTi7YI-00454-00110879-00111068 from con volt go in Nashville Tennessee AXZUtOTi7YI-00455-00111069-00111272 thanks for watching the cube Thank You AXZUtOTi7YI-00456-00111273-00111942 Keith thank you soon thank you AXZUtOTi7YI-00457-00111943-00112249 [Music] AagZHQX_s_g-00000-00000054-00000290 Ahmedabad Rockets was one of the nine AagZHQX_s_g-00001-00000291-00000471 teams played in the defunct Indian AagZHQX_s_g-00002-00000472-00000536 Cricket League AagZHQX_s_g-00003-00000537-00000831 it was captained by former Australian AagZHQX_s_g-00004-00000832-00001094 international batsman Damien Martin the AagZHQX_s_g-00005-00001095-00001277 team represents our murder bad the AagZHQX_s_g-00006-00001278-00001584 largest city in the state of Gujarat the AagZHQX_s_g-00007-00001585-00001884 team debuted on the 9th of March 2008 in AagZHQX_s_g-00008-00001885-00002088 a twenty20 match against Chandigarh AagZHQX_s_g-00009-00002089-00002388 Lions the Indian Cricket League in its AagZHQX_s_g-00010-00002389-00002598 membership teams are now defunct due to AagZHQX_s_g-00011-00002599-00002784 lack of public interest monetary AagZHQX_s_g-00012-00002785-00002949 insufficiencies and corporate AagZHQX_s_g-00013-00002950-00003556 mismanagement AagZHQX_s_g-00014-00003557-00004334 topic former squad March 2008 roster AagZHQX_s_g-00015-00004335-00004672 this is roster for 2008 season of ICL AagZHQX_s_g-00016-00004673-00004804 for rocket ease AagZHQX_s_g-00017-00004805-00005338 Parvez disease Bhima Rao Brian Campbell AagZHQX_s_g-00018-00005339-00005849 such and dole pure Jason Gillespie Marie AagZHQX_s_g-00019-00005850-00006493 Goodwin and she Jane sumak Collier canal AagZHQX_s_g-00020-00006494-00006998 Rakesh Patel Martin Sanjeev Damien AagZHQX_s_g-00021-00006998-00007478 Martyn C retn de Saudi Sridhar in Sri AagZHQX_s_g-00022-00007479-00007524 Ram AagZHQX_s_g-00023-00007525-00008020 Heath streak Abhishek tamerica palav AagZHQX_s_g-00024-00008022-00008687 aura week Baburao Dev AagZHQX_s_g-00025-00008688-00009189 topic coach AagZHQX_s_g-00026-00009190-00009433 the coach for the Armada bad Rockets is AagZHQX_s_g-00027-00009434-00009649 John Embry former England off spin AagZHQX_s_g-00028-00009650-00010009 bowler equals equals previous AagZHQX_s_g-00029-00010010-00010275 performance AaAFeMiY9S8-00000-00000006-00000250 everybody AaAFeMiY9S8-00001-00000250-00002791 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00002-00002792-00003817 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00003-00003818-00004343 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00004-00004344-00004756 foreign AaAFeMiY9S8-00005-00004757-00006897 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00006-00006898-00007792 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00007-00007793-00007923 foreign AaAFeMiY9S8-00009-00011005-00012259 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00010-00012260-00012556 thank you AaAFeMiY9S8-00011-00012557-00013084 foreign AaAFeMiY9S8-00012-00013085-00015472 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00013-00015473-00015625 foreign AaAFeMiY9S8-00014-00015626-00016138 [Music] AaAFeMiY9S8-00015-00016138-00017748 [Music] Ab2uSs3oRxE-00000-00001008-00001229 hello students Ab2uSs3oRxE-00001-00001230-00001469 okay so today we are going to deal with Ab2uSs3oRxE-00002-00001470-00001798 the doctrine of insurable Interest so Ab2uSs3oRxE-00003-00001800-00002141 what is this insurable interest in any Ab2uSs3oRxE-00004-00002142-00002417 insurance contract the concept of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00005-00002418-00002752 insurable Interest has to be established Ab2uSs3oRxE-00006-00002753-00003071 okay so let us see in this chapter what Ab2uSs3oRxE-00007-00003072-00003238 is this insurable interest and how Ab2uSs3oRxE-00008-00003239-00003940 important it is in an insurance contract Ab2uSs3oRxE-00009-00003942-00004301 now as you can see here on the slide it Ab2uSs3oRxE-00010-00004302-00004469 says that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00011-00004470-00004751 an insurable interest is an essential Ab2uSs3oRxE-00012-00004752-00005020 element in the contract of insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00013-00005021-00005183 and Ab2uSs3oRxE-00014-00005184-00005422 to be for it to be considered valid Ab2uSs3oRxE-00015-00005423-00005783 apart from other General elements is the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00016-00005784-00006149 element of insurable Interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00017-00006150-00006365 so the fundamental principle that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00018-00006366-00006646 revolves around insurance contracts is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00019-00006647-00006923 the principle of insurable Interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00020-00006923-00007201 now in simple terms Ab2uSs3oRxE-00021-00007202-00007546 insurable interest means it is the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00022-00007547-00007792 interest that a person would have in Ab2uSs3oRxE-00023-00007793-00007877 something Ab2uSs3oRxE-00024-00007878-00008195 such as a um a property that has to be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00025-00008196-00008501 insured or a car that has to be insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00026-00008502-00008855 so the interest that a person has to you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00027-00008856-00009083 know protect that particular property Ab2uSs3oRxE-00028-00009084-00009317 and just in case something gets wrong Ab2uSs3oRxE-00029-00009318-00009599 with that property or the property is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00030-00009600-00009899 harmed then the person would suffer a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00031-00009900-00010049 loss Ab2uSs3oRxE-00032-00010050-00010313 in case the property is destroyed so Ab2uSs3oRxE-00033-00010314-00010474 this is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00034-00010475-00010751 um insurable interest that means for a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00035-00010752-00011027 insurance contract to be valid the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00036-00011028-00011309 concept of intrable Interest has to be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00037-00011310-00011441 established Ab2uSs3oRxE-00038-00011442-00011735 so thereby it says that the fundamental Ab2uSs3oRxE-00039-00011736-00012119 principle that revolves around insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00040-00012120-00012455 contracts Ab2uSs3oRxE-00041-00012456-00012880 is the principle of insurable Interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00042-00012881-00013216 so this interest specifically is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00043-00013218-00013415 pertaining to the subject matter of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00044-00013416-00013666 insurance now it implies that a specific Ab2uSs3oRxE-00045-00013668-00013966 person body or a corporate must have Ab2uSs3oRxE-00046-00013968-00014213 some interest in the subject matter of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00047-00014213-00014375 insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00048-00014376-00014608 now for example Ab2uSs3oRxE-00049-00014609-00015071 you are the car owner okay and you are Ab2uSs3oRxE-00050-00015072-00015347 investing in auto insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00051-00015347-00015677 why because you have a direct insurable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00052-00015678-00015922 interest in that vehicle you are the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00053-00015923-00016186 owner of the vehicle you desire that the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00054-00016187-00016517 vehicle is protected against accident Ab2uSs3oRxE-00055-00016518-00016877 against fire or whatever so you desire Ab2uSs3oRxE-00056-00016878-00017189 that it is protected why because you are Ab2uSs3oRxE-00057-00017190-00017555 the owner so this establishes that you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00058-00017556-00017872 have a direct injurable interest in the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00059-00017873-00018221 motor vehicle that you have insured with Ab2uSs3oRxE-00060-00018222-00018544 the insurance company so therefore to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00061-00018545-00018743 have an insurable interest in something Ab2uSs3oRxE-00062-00018744-00018994 would mean that the person seeking the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00063-00018995-00019283 insurance policy would really suffer a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00064-00019284-00019571 loss if that insured person or property Ab2uSs3oRxE-00065-00019572-00019979 were to be harmed lost or damaged Ab2uSs3oRxE-00066-00019980-00020213 furthermore the person would receive Ab2uSs3oRxE-00067-00020214-00020447 some Financial benefit from that insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00068-00020448-00020908 person or properties continued existence Ab2uSs3oRxE-00069-00020909-00021755 is it clear Ab2uSs3oRxE-00070-00021756-00022000 next is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00071-00022001-00022336 now inferring on the insurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00072-00022337-00022577 in an application for insurance or a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00073-00022578-00022961 claim helps in one prevention of random Ab2uSs3oRxE-00074-00022962-00023297 issue of insurance and two prevention of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00075-00023298-00023639 speculation of risks involved now what Ab2uSs3oRxE-00076-00023640-00024028 is the definition of insurable Interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00077-00024029-00024155 one Ab2uSs3oRxE-00078-00024156-00024461 as per Collins Dictionary or flow it Ab2uSs3oRxE-00079-00024462-00024677 says that a person has such an interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00080-00024678-00025025 in property or in life of a person if Ab2uSs3oRxE-00081-00025026-00025277 damage or destruction of the property or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00082-00025278-00025564 death of the person would expose him to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00083-00025565-00025822 a pecuniary loss or liability that means Ab2uSs3oRxE-00084-00025823-00026075 it would expose the person to a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00085-00026076-00026302 financial loss or reliability Ab2uSs3oRxE-00086-00026304-00026507 so in simple terms we would say that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00087-00026508-00026729 integerable interest is an integral part Ab2uSs3oRxE-00088-00026730-00026908 is an essential part of an insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00089-00026910-00027202 contract that means a person should have Ab2uSs3oRxE-00090-00027204-00027539 a kind of a relationship to the object Ab2uSs3oRxE-00091-00027539-00027839 or the person that is you know to be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00092-00027839-00028001 insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00093-00028002-00028162 um there has to be some kind of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00094-00028163-00028385 proprietary right or interest in a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00095-00028386-00028787 particular property and in case uh there Ab2uSs3oRxE-00096-00028788-00028985 is some damage or harm cause to that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00097-00028986-00029327 particular property that means it there Ab2uSs3oRxE-00098-00029327-00029608 would be a direct Nexus or a direct harm Ab2uSs3oRxE-00099-00029610-00029927 that would be caused to the person who Ab2uSs3oRxE-00100-00029927-00030101 is ensuring the particular property so Ab2uSs3oRxE-00101-00030102-00030407 this is insurable interest so your I Ab2uSs3oRxE-00102-00030408-00030677 remember your assignment is on this Ab2uSs3oRxE-00103-00030677-00030868 particular concept that needs to be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00104-00030869-00031151 established in the case that I had given Ab2uSs3oRxE-00105-00031152-00031331 you and so you will have to also mention Ab2uSs3oRxE-00106-00031332-00031649 the concept of interable Interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00107-00031650-00031985 so the question come comes who has an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00108-00031986-00032189 insurable interest so I gave you an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00109-00032189-00032411 example saying that you are the owner of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00110-00032412-00032581 the car Ab2uSs3oRxE-00111-00032582-00032909 you are purchasing an insurance policy Ab2uSs3oRxE-00112-00032910-00033173 and saying that ivp premium for X number Ab2uSs3oRxE-00113-00033174-00033437 of years for the protection that would Ab2uSs3oRxE-00114-00033438-00033581 be given by the insurance company Ab2uSs3oRxE-00115-00033582-00033796 against all risks and should there be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00116-00033797-00034043 any damage than the insurance company or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00117-00034044-00034324 you know indemnify the loss last time he Ab2uSs3oRxE-00118-00034325-00034499 learned about the principle of Indemnity Ab2uSs3oRxE-00119-00034500-00034673 so that it would cover the laws Ab2uSs3oRxE-00120-00034674-00034901 indemnify the loss that has occurred to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00121-00034902-00035135 the owner of the car so who has an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00122-00035136-00035302 insurable interest is a matter of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00123-00035303-00035662 question so any person or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00124-00035663-00035945 corporate body or an entity has an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00125-00035946-00036251 insurable interest in any item event or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00126-00036252-00036551 action person when the damage or loss of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00127-00036552-00036887 the object property would cause a direct Ab2uSs3oRxE-00128-00036888-00037181 Financial loss or hardship to the person Ab2uSs3oRxE-00129-00037182-00037451 who has insured the particular property Ab2uSs3oRxE-00130-00037452-00037709 or object Ab2uSs3oRxE-00131-00037710-00038051 so now generally speaking there are you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00132-00038052-00038255 know three types of risks that are Ab2uSs3oRxE-00133-00038256-00038555 insurable say liability risk personal Ab2uSs3oRxE-00134-00038556-00038885 risk and property risk and when you talk Ab2uSs3oRxE-00135-00038886-00039112 about insurable interest you could call Ab2uSs3oRxE-00136-00039113-00039424 it as contractual insurable interest or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00137-00039425-00039665 statutory insurable interest statutory Ab2uSs3oRxE-00138-00039666-00040043 means by law so Insurance therefore Ab2uSs3oRxE-00139-00040044-00040324 is inferred bearing in mind the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00140-00040325-00040661 assertment of the factor of risk Ab2uSs3oRxE-00141-00040662-00040901 I'm repeating when you're talking about Ab2uSs3oRxE-00142-00040902-00041195 insurance you're talking about covering Ab2uSs3oRxE-00143-00041196-00041483 the risk to the individual Ab2uSs3oRxE-00144-00041484-00041645 right Ab2uSs3oRxE-00145-00041646-00041867 now also we are talking about the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00146-00041868-00042161 concept of insurable Interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00147-00042162-00042449 coming back to the example I gave you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00148-00042450-00042871 you are the owner of a car Ab2uSs3oRxE-00149-00042872-00043193 you are insuring the car with the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00150-00043194-00043427 insurance company Ab2uSs3oRxE-00151-00043428-00043585 that means Ab2uSs3oRxE-00152-00043586-00044039 you are the owner of the car Ab2uSs3oRxE-00153-00044040-00044243 you are ensuring it with the insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00154-00044244-00044501 company Ab2uSs3oRxE-00155-00044502-00044723 that means you have an insurable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00156-00044724-00044999 interest in the car Ab2uSs3oRxE-00157-00045000-00045274 that implies and should there be any Ab2uSs3oRxE-00158-00045275-00045496 laws that damage to the car it would Ab2uSs3oRxE-00159-00045497-00045617 affect you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00160-00045618-00045929 it would cause your financial loss so Ab2uSs3oRxE-00161-00045930-00046187 therefore you can say that you have an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00162-00046188-00046421 insurable interest in the car Ab2uSs3oRxE-00163-00046422-00046690 there is a direct relationship between Ab2uSs3oRxE-00164-00046691-00046817 you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00165-00046818-00046973 the car Ab2uSs3oRxE-00166-00046974-00047189 and the risk Ab2uSs3oRxE-00167-00047190-00047321 right Ab2uSs3oRxE-00168-00047322-00047837 so insurance contracts normally deal Ab2uSs3oRxE-00169-00047838-00048143 with coverage of risks Ab2uSs3oRxE-00170-00048144-00048251 okay Ab2uSs3oRxE-00171-00048252-00048557 and for that the person that is the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00172-00048558-00049085 insurer must have an insurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00173-00049086-00049493 in the property object entity or a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00174-00049494-00049733 person whatever it may be depending upon Ab2uSs3oRxE-00175-00049734-00049967 the type of insurance it is that the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00176-00049968-00050249 person seeks coverage of that particular Ab2uSs3oRxE-00177-00050250-00050417 risk Ab2uSs3oRxE-00178-00050418-00050680 so now this is evaluated when during the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00179-00050681-00050836 underwriting process normally in Ab2uSs3oRxE-00180-00050837-00051052 Insurance uh you know the insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00181-00051053-00051287 company has a process called as Ab2uSs3oRxE-00182-00051288-00051473 underwriting process where they would Ab2uSs3oRxE-00183-00051474-00051730 study the subject matter of the the the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00184-00051732-00052013 object of insurance and then evaluate it Ab2uSs3oRxE-00185-00052014-00052192 and then accordingly come up with the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00186-00052194-00052451 premiums and so on so this is evaluated Ab2uSs3oRxE-00187-00052452-00052661 during the underwriting process to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00188-00052662-00052979 ensure that there is a direct Ab2uSs3oRxE-00189-00052979-00053285 relationship or a direct Nexus between Ab2uSs3oRxE-00190-00053286-00053585 the person who is ensuring the object or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00191-00053586-00053854 property whatever it may be and the sub Ab2uSs3oRxE-00192-00053855-00054287 and the subject matter of insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00193-00054288-00054557 so what would be examined here is a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00194-00054558-00054803 person who would be exposed to a loss Ab2uSs3oRxE-00195-00054804-00055097 Financial loss in case of some harm that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00196-00055098-00055247 may be caused the subject matter of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00197-00055248-00055475 insurance so insurable interest could Ab2uSs3oRxE-00198-00055476-00055804 also be deciphered among upon examining Ab2uSs3oRxE-00199-00055805-00056003 the Nexus or the relationship between Ab2uSs3oRxE-00200-00056004-00056297 the insured and the event as well as a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00201-00056298-00056488 subject matter involved and then Ab2uSs3oRxE-00202-00056489-00056729 assuming the occurrence of the event to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00203-00056729-00057004 calculatively asserting the substantial Ab2uSs3oRxE-00204-00057005-00057419 loss or injury to the insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00205-00057420-00057737 now an owner of goods or owner of goods Ab2uSs3oRxE-00206-00057738-00057929 will prime a face here or will directly Ab2uSs3oRxE-00207-00057929-00058175 have an insurable interest in the goods Ab2uSs3oRxE-00208-00058176-00058409 of the property insured however the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00209-00058410-00058654 property and or the ownership may change Ab2uSs3oRxE-00210-00058655-00058871 with the passage of time during the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00211-00058872-00059075 subsistence of the insurance contract Ab2uSs3oRxE-00212-00059076-00059363 now in such an event it gets relatively Ab2uSs3oRxE-00213-00059364-00059609 cumbersome or terrorism Ab2uSs3oRxE-00214-00059610-00059861 you know to pinpoint who the owner of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00215-00059862-00060142 the good is at the time of loss or claim Ab2uSs3oRxE-00216-00060144-00060473 so now here there is a great deal that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00217-00060474-00060737 hinges upon any subsequent contract Ab2uSs3oRxE-00218-00060738-00060982 terms pertaining to sale or even Ab2uSs3oRxE-00219-00060983-00061288 Devolution or property so therefore we Ab2uSs3oRxE-00220-00061289-00061529 could say that insurable interest is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00221-00061529-00061732 thus at the heart of all insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00222-00061733-00062080 policies connecting the insured and the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00223-00062082-00062326 owner of the policy or establishing the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00224-00062327-00062554 relationship between the insured and the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00225-00062555-00062747 owner of the policy so insurable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00226-00062748-00062987 interests can be an object or a person Ab2uSs3oRxE-00227-00062988-00063316 which if damaged or destroyed or if it Ab2uSs3oRxE-00228-00063317-00063515 expires would result in financial Ab2uSs3oRxE-00229-00063516-00063791 hardship for the one Contracting the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00230-00063791-00064066 policy or the policy holder there is an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00231-00064067-00064247 interesting case here in Lucena versus Ab2uSs3oRxE-00232-00064248-00064661 Crawford and the citation is HL 1806 Ab2uSs3oRxE-00233-00064662-00064871 there is just Justice Lawrence who Ab2uSs3oRxE-00234-00064872-00065044 observed in the case in the pursuit of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00235-00065045-00065237 advising the Lordships in that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00236-00065238-00065453 particular case he said that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00237-00065454-00065711 a man is interested in a thing to whom Ab2uSs3oRxE-00238-00065712-00065950 Advantage may arise or Prejudice happen Ab2uSs3oRxE-00239-00065951-00066275 from the circumstances which may attend Ab2uSs3oRxE-00240-00066276-00066641 to it and whom it Imports and its Ab2uSs3oRxE-00241-00066642-00066887 conditions as to safety or other quality Ab2uSs3oRxE-00242-00066888-00067156 should continue now interests that not Ab2uSs3oRxE-00243-00067157-00067469 does not necessarily imply a right to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00244-00067470-00067715 the whole or part of the thing not Ab2uSs3oRxE-00245-00067716-00067991 necessarily and exclusively that which Ab2uSs3oRxE-00246-00067992-00068255 may be the subject of probation but Ab2uSs3oRxE-00247-00068256-00068555 having some relation to or concerning Ab2uSs3oRxE-00248-00068556-00068797 the subject of the insurance which Ab2uSs3oRxE-00249-00068798-00069149 relation or concern but the happening of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00250-00069150-00069443 the perils that is the risks insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00251-00069444-00069743 against may be so affected as to produce Ab2uSs3oRxE-00252-00069744-00070055 a damaged detriment or Prejudice to the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00253-00070056-00070282 person ensuring that means there has to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00254-00070283-00070588 be some kind of a harm that is caused to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00255-00070589-00070835 the person who is seeking the insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00256-00070836-00071141 policy or who is ensuring the particular Ab2uSs3oRxE-00257-00071142-00071423 product or object or property or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00258-00071424-00071753 whatever it may be and there a man is so Ab2uSs3oRxE-00259-00071754-00071993 circumstanced with respect to matters Ab2uSs3oRxE-00260-00071994-00072317 exposed to certain risks or dangers as Ab2uSs3oRxE-00261-00072318-00072593 to have a moral certainty of advantage Ab2uSs3oRxE-00262-00072594-00072838 or benefit but for those risks or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00263-00072839-00073085 dangers he may be said to be interested Ab2uSs3oRxE-00264-00073086-00073379 in the safety of the thing Ab2uSs3oRxE-00265-00073380-00073625 to be interested in the preservation of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00266-00073626-00073925 a thing is to be so circumstanced with Ab2uSs3oRxE-00267-00073926-00074176 respect to it as to have benefit from Ab2uSs3oRxE-00268-00074177-00074411 its existence Prejudice from its Ab2uSs3oRxE-00269-00074412-00074638 destruction so the property of a thing Ab2uSs3oRxE-00270-00074639-00074885 and the interest devisable from it may Ab2uSs3oRxE-00271-00074886-00075167 be very different of the first the price Ab2uSs3oRxE-00272-00075168-00075394 is generally the measure but by interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00273-00075395-00075688 in a thing every benefit and Advantage Ab2uSs3oRxE-00274-00075689-00075971 arising out of or depending on such Ab2uSs3oRxE-00275-00075972-00076211 thing may be considered as being Ab2uSs3oRxE-00276-00076212-00076456 comprehended so this is what Justice Ab2uSs3oRxE-00277-00076457-00076744 Lawrence said he tried to establish the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00278-00076745-00077056 Nexus or the relationship between the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00279-00077057-00077297 object that is insured and the person Ab2uSs3oRxE-00280-00077298-00077512 who is ensuring that particular object Ab2uSs3oRxE-00281-00077513-00077741 or property and saying that there has to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00282-00077742-00077999 be a direct relationship between the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00283-00078000-00078275 insurer and the object that is insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00284-00078276-00078562 so much so that in case there is any Ab2uSs3oRxE-00285-00078563-00078785 harm or damage caused so the object that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00286-00078786-00079000 is insured the person who's insuring Ab2uSs3oRxE-00287-00079001-00079667 would be directly affected Ab2uSs3oRxE-00288-00079668-00079912 now in immense Insurance Company Limited Ab2uSs3oRxE-00289-00079913-00080200 and easy Parker and Company Limited Moon Ab2uSs3oRxE-00290-00080201-00080447 Acker here Ab2uSs3oRxE-00291-00080448-00080662 there was an insurance policy which was Ab2uSs3oRxE-00292-00080663-00081023 taken for a motor yacht muneka which was Ab2uSs3oRxE-00293-00081024-00081275 which actually belonged to one Mr Sharp Ab2uSs3oRxE-00294-00081276-00081605 now listen carefully this case law is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00295-00081606-00081899 important for you not only examination Ab2uSs3oRxE-00296-00081900-00082199 point of view but also for the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00297-00082200-00082450 assignment that has given to you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00298-00082451-00082721 I'm repeating this particular case law Ab2uSs3oRxE-00299-00082722-00082943 is important even for the assignment Ab2uSs3oRxE-00300-00082944-00083206 that is given to you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00301-00083207-00083488 so now in Minster insurance company's Ab2uSs3oRxE-00302-00083489-00083861 case insurance policy was taken for a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00303-00083862-00084137 motor yacht muneka which was which Ab2uSs3oRxE-00304-00084138-00084538 actually belonged to one Mr Sharp Ab2uSs3oRxE-00305-00084539-00084797 so there was a yacht Ab2uSs3oRxE-00306-00084798-00085103 that belonged to Mr Sharp Ab2uSs3oRxE-00307-00085104-00085421 but for the purpose of tax a company Ab2uSs3oRxE-00308-00085422-00085799 called Roar investments in Gibraltar was Ab2uSs3oRxE-00309-00085800-00086123 registered as the owner of muneka Ab2uSs3oRxE-00310-00086124-00086387 so Mr Sharp was then given the power of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00311-00086388-00086669 attorney by the registered company to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00312-00086670-00087011 sail and manage the The Vessel and he Ab2uSs3oRxE-00313-00087012-00087269 was also named as the assured in the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00314-00087270-00087479 contract of insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00315-00087480-00087767 so during the policy whilst the single Ab2uSs3oRxE-00316-00087768-00088025 crewmen employed on board muneka was Ab2uSs3oRxE-00317-00088026-00088288 away the yacht caught fire at her Ab2uSs3oRxE-00318-00088289-00088547 Moorings and become became a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00319-00088548-00088775 constructive total loss Ab2uSs3oRxE-00320-00088776-00089056 when the assured Mr Sharp sought to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00321-00089057-00089344 recover and claim the policy the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00322-00089345-00089747 insurers mic that is a Minster Insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00323-00089748-00090035 Company Limited declined payment on the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00324-00090036-00090437 grounds into Alia that Mr shop did not Ab2uSs3oRxE-00325-00090438-00090791 possess any insurable interest in muneka Ab2uSs3oRxE-00326-00090792-00091175 but the Court held that Mr Sharp indeed Ab2uSs3oRxE-00327-00091176-00091499 did in fact have an insurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00328-00091500-00091859 in the yacht why because it belonged to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00329-00091860-00092218 him so there was a direct Nexus Ab2uSs3oRxE-00330-00092219-00092615 established between Mr Sharp and it is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00331-00092616-00092794 said that he had an injurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00332-00092795-00093011 in the yacht Ab2uSs3oRxE-00333-00093012-00093197 so this is an important case law for you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00334-00093198-00093611 for your assignment Ab2uSs3oRxE-00335-00093612-00093923 now for an insurable interest to exist Ab2uSs3oRxE-00336-00093924-00094241 it is not always that ownership that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00337-00094242-00094553 matters but what matters is the actual Ab2uSs3oRxE-00338-00094554-00094865 link or the relationship between the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00339-00094866-00095206 insured and the risk insured against Ab2uSs3oRxE-00340-00095207-00095543 in yet another case in Berto camilleri Ab2uSs3oRxE-00341-00095544-00095944 versus Harold Bartley the Court held Ab2uSs3oRxE-00342-00095945-00096193 that for insurable interest to exist Ab2uSs3oRxE-00343-00096194-00096473 it's not necessary that there has to be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00344-00096474-00096725 absolute ownership always which is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00345-00096726-00097006 required by the existence of a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00346-00097007-00097300 relationship between the person insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00347-00097301-00097547 and the thing which could be adversely Ab2uSs3oRxE-00348-00097548-00097811 affected by The Happening of the risk Ab2uSs3oRxE-00349-00097812-00098147 insured against Ab2uSs3oRxE-00350-00098148-00098356 even this is an important case law for Ab2uSs3oRxE-00351-00098357-00098549 you for your assignment you can code Ab2uSs3oRxE-00352-00098550-00098675 this as well Ab2uSs3oRxE-00353-00098676-00098962 now talking about life insurance policy Ab2uSs3oRxE-00354-00098963-00099221 now the factor or the concept of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00355-00099222-00099412 insurable Interest would be determined Ab2uSs3oRxE-00356-00099413-00099659 at the time of purchase of the policy Ab2uSs3oRxE-00357-00099660-00099982 here the one who seeks the policy or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00358-00099983-00100181 contracts the policy must have an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00359-00100182-00100367 insurable interest in the life of the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00360-00100368-00100559 insured now in case the person Ab2uSs3oRxE-00361-00100560-00100774 Contracting the policy is not the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00362-00100775-00101009 beneficiary then the beneficiary name in Ab2uSs3oRxE-00363-00101010-00101212 the contract will have to express the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00364-00101213-00101435 Nexus between the purchaser of the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00365-00101436-00101676 policy and the beneficiary to evidence Ab2uSs3oRxE-00366-00101677-00101950 insurable interest and to prove that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00367-00101951-00102221 upon the demise of the insured the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00368-00102222-00102436 surviving person named in would be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00369-00102438-00102706 exposed to the loss Ab2uSs3oRxE-00370-00102707-00102989 so therefore in case of insurance policy Ab2uSs3oRxE-00371-00102990-00103175 the following persons could be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00372-00103176-00103510 considered to have an injurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00373-00103511-00103739 one the person who purchases the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00374-00103740-00103913 insurance policy probably for himself Ab2uSs3oRxE-00375-00103914-00104189 for his own life and two the direct Ab2uSs3oRxE-00376-00104190-00104465 dependence by blood or marriage like Ab2uSs3oRxE-00377-00104466-00104728 spouse or children grandchildren adopted Ab2uSs3oRxE-00378-00104729-00104813 children Ab2uSs3oRxE-00379-00104814-00105154 so it's not necessarily the person so in Ab2uSs3oRxE-00380-00105155-00105419 case a person you know expires so then Ab2uSs3oRxE-00381-00105420-00105586 it will go directly to the direct Ab2uSs3oRxE-00382-00105588-00105893 dependence by blood or marriage uh Ab2uSs3oRxE-00383-00105894-00106078 children grandchildren or adopted Ab2uSs3oRxE-00384-00106079-00106157 children Ab2uSs3oRxE-00385-00106158-00106402 so this is something distinct when it Ab2uSs3oRxE-00386-00106403-00106690 comes to uh you know life insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00387-00106691-00106889 policy Ab2uSs3oRxE-00388-00106890-00107178 and the question of continued existence Ab2uSs3oRxE-00389-00107179-00107501 in the case of Bachelor Turner's limited Ab2uSs3oRxE-00390-00107502-00107716 versus Middle Sea Insurance the court Ab2uSs3oRxE-00391-00107717-00107915 observed that an insurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00392-00107916-00108251 exists when the insured may be set to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00393-00108252-00108575 benefit by the continued existence of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00394-00108576-00108743 the property Ab2uSs3oRxE-00395-00108744-00109097 or life insured and will suffer a loss Ab2uSs3oRxE-00396-00109098-00109421 by reason of its damage or destruction Ab2uSs3oRxE-00397-00109422-00109799 now in case of key man life insurance or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00398-00109800-00110033 business life insurance the person who's Ab2uSs3oRxE-00399-00110033-00110284 insured who may be regarded as a key Ab2uSs3oRxE-00400-00110285-00110549 person in business and in case of sudden Ab2uSs3oRxE-00401-00110550-00110789 demise of such an individual the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00402-00110790-00111028 business may be exposed to a risk or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00403-00111029-00111358 loss therefore a business may have an Ab2uSs3oRxE-00404-00111359-00111628 insurable interest in its C suit Ab2uSs3oRxE-00405-00111629-00111833 officers Ab2uSs3oRxE-00406-00111833-00112163 talking about creditors companies Banks Ab2uSs3oRxE-00407-00112164-00112402 or loaning institutions now they may Ab2uSs3oRxE-00408-00112403-00112583 secure the debtors with a life insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00409-00112583-00112810 policy with the absolute consent from Ab2uSs3oRxE-00410-00112811-00113027 such debtors of course and the policy Ab2uSs3oRxE-00411-00113028-00113458 sought will be equal to the amount owed Ab2uSs3oRxE-00412-00113459-00113747 so therefore some of the considerations Ab2uSs3oRxE-00413-00113748-00114113 when it comes to insurable interest or Ab2uSs3oRxE-00414-00114114-00114352 talking about the nature of integerable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00415-00114353-00114539 Interest how would you determine the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00416-00114540-00114797 nature of enjoyable interest or what are Ab2uSs3oRxE-00417-00114798-00115060 the factors revolving the concept of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00418-00115061-00115277 insurable interest to one insurable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00419-00115278-00115523 interest must be capable of being Ab2uSs3oRxE-00420-00115524-00115834 legally enforced it must be lawful and Ab2uSs3oRxE-00421-00115835-00116116 not legal again you can write this point Ab2uSs3oRxE-00422-00116117-00116297 as these points as well in your Ab2uSs3oRxE-00423-00116298-00116536 assignment insurable interests must be Ab2uSs3oRxE-00424-00116538-00116825 capable of being legally enforced it Ab2uSs3oRxE-00425-00116826-00117197 must be lawful and not illegal insurable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00426-00117198-00117407 interests must not be opposed to public Ab2uSs3oRxE-00427-00117408-00117527 policy Ab2uSs3oRxE-00428-00117528-00117845 it must be capable of calculating it in Ab2uSs3oRxE-00429-00117846-00118086 pecuniary terms Ab2uSs3oRxE-00430-00118088-00118336 sentimental factors or love and Ab2uSs3oRxE-00431-00118338-00118607 affection cannot be always construed as Ab2uSs3oRxE-00432-00118608-00118781 insurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00433-00118782-00119002 now the relationship between the insured Ab2uSs3oRxE-00434-00119003-00119236 the subject matter and the policy holder Ab2uSs3oRxE-00435-00119238-00119578 is examined and not always mere Ab2uSs3oRxE-00436-00119579-00119819 ownership Ab2uSs3oRxE-00437-00119820-00120004 now the fact of insurable Interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00438-00120005-00120239 varies with the type of insurance it Ab2uSs3oRxE-00439-00120240-00120390 differs with the type of insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00440-00120391-00120634 insurable interest may be present at the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00441-00120635-00120808 time of taking the policy but they Ab2uSs3oRxE-00442-00120809-00121066 Frizzle out subsequently as in life Ab2uSs3oRxE-00443-00121067-00121295 insurance policy so therefore Ab2uSs3oRxE-00444-00121296-00121504 contractual provision to that extent Ab2uSs3oRxE-00445-00121505-00121799 must be secured as to the existence at Ab2uSs3oRxE-00446-00121800-00122021 the time of securing the policy and to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00447-00122022-00122308 be interpreted as that it may or may not Ab2uSs3oRxE-00448-00122309-00122639 exist at the time of claim example where Ab2uSs3oRxE-00449-00122640-00122795 a husband May secure a life insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00450-00122796-00123058 policy for his wife and then after some Ab2uSs3oRxE-00451-00123059-00123281 years he divorces her and then she dies Ab2uSs3oRxE-00452-00123282-00123478 so the husband will be able to claim Ab2uSs3oRxE-00453-00123479-00123754 obviously now to just in a substantiate Ab2uSs3oRxE-00454-00123755-00123928 this point let us go through the case of Ab2uSs3oRxE-00455-00123929-00124163 graphic versus Fleming so in this case Ab2uSs3oRxE-00456-00124164-00124384 Griffith and his wife each signed a Ab2uSs3oRxE-00457-00124385-00124577 proposal form for a joint life insurance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00458-00124578-00125027 policy on their lives for 500 pounds and Ab2uSs3oRxE-00459-00125028-00125201 both contributed towards the premium Ab2uSs3oRxE-00460-00125202-00125416 both the husband and wife so after the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00461-00125417-00125597 policy was taken the wife committed Ab2uSs3oRxE-00462-00125598-00125758 suicide and the husband claimed the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00463-00125759-00126010 summer should so the insurer alleged Ab2uSs3oRxE-00464-00126011-00126245 that is the insurance company they Ab2uSs3oRxE-00465-00126246-00126419 alleged that at the time of taking the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00466-00126420-00126647 policy the husband had no insurable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00467-00126648-00126995 interest in his wife's life as required Ab2uSs3oRxE-00468-00126996-00127301 by the life Assurance Act 1774. Ab2uSs3oRxE-00469-00127302-00127678 but the court through you know Justice Ab2uSs3oRxE-00470-00127679-00127931 Morgan Williams held that the husband Ab2uSs3oRxE-00471-00127932-00128152 has indeed an interest in his wife's Ab2uSs3oRxE-00472-00128153-00128434 life which ought to be presumed and that Ab2uSs3oRxE-00473-00128435-00128723 it is unnecessary to go into evidence to Ab2uSs3oRxE-00474-00128724-00129040 show any financial interest pecuniary Ab2uSs3oRxE-00475-00129041-00129281 Investments financial interest of the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00476-00129282-00129431 husband Ab2uSs3oRxE-00477-00129432-00129640 instant property insurance Marine Ab2uSs3oRxE-00478-00129641-00129845 Insurance insurable interest must exist Ab2uSs3oRxE-00479-00129846-00130110 at all times till the time of actual Ab2uSs3oRxE-00480-00130111-00130475 possession of the property Ab2uSs3oRxE-00481-00130476-00130733 so therefore what is this injurable Ab2uSs3oRxE-00482-00130733-00131195 interest so it is an interest that the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00483-00131196-00131531 ensure the the insured or a person has Ab2uSs3oRxE-00484-00131532-00131723 in something such as a particular Ab2uSs3oRxE-00485-00131724-00131933 property or probably an individual when Ab2uSs3oRxE-00486-00131934-00132137 it comes to life insurance which means Ab2uSs3oRxE-00487-00132138-00132335 that the person would suffer a loss Ab2uSs3oRxE-00488-00132336-00132587 should that property or individual in Ab2uSs3oRxE-00489-00132588-00132754 case it's a life insurance policy in the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00490-00132755-00132971 visual so in case an individual is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00491-00132972-00133252 harmed so therefore an insurance law you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00492-00133253-00133528 can only buy insurance policy for Ab2uSs3oRxE-00493-00133529-00133811 something or someone in which you have Ab2uSs3oRxE-00494-00133812-00134099 an insurable interest Ab2uSs3oRxE-00495-00134100-00134285 right Ab2uSs3oRxE-00496-00134286-00134471 I hope this concept is clear any Ab2uSs3oRxE-00497-00134472-00134645 questions Ab2uSs3oRxE-00498-00134646-00134807 please write your names in the chat box Ab2uSs3oRxE-00499-00134808-00134969 for me to just note your attendance Ab2uSs3oRxE-00500-00134970-00135557 please Ab2uSs3oRxE-00501-00135558-00137152 any questions Ab2uSs3oRxE-00502-00137153-00137513 okay okay so since you do not have any Ab2uSs3oRxE-00503-00137514-00137704 questions so we'll wind up with this Ab2uSs3oRxE-00504-00137705-00137981 class and the next class we will do Ab2uSs3oRxE-00505-00137982-00138245 chapter four Ab2uSs3oRxE-00506-00138246-00138652 get ready with your assignments Ab2uSs3oRxE-00507-00138653-00138911 um I might extend the date Ab2uSs3oRxE-00508-00138912-00139295 just by a day or two not more of course Ab2uSs3oRxE-00509-00139296-00139583 yes rubida tell me Ab2uSs3oRxE-00510-00139584-00140069 uh Ab2uSs3oRxE-00511-00140070-00140333 that's uh much interesting and there is Ab2uSs3oRxE-00512-00140334-00140633 a lot of information I feel like we Ab2uSs3oRxE-00513-00140634-00140890 could just uh pre-modified our Ab2uSs3oRxE-00514-00140891-00141304 assignment do we have this Ab2uSs3oRxE-00515-00141305-00141689 ability to modify it yeah please please Ab2uSs3oRxE-00516-00141690-00141940 please you can go ahead and modify it no Ab2uSs3oRxE-00517-00141941-00142187 problem I will extend the date for you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00518-00142188-00142451 because see my interest is also that you Ab2uSs3oRxE-00519-00142452-00142666 submit the best assignment I can extend Ab2uSs3oRxE-00520-00142667-00142889 it for you by one week Ab2uSs3oRxE-00521-00142890-00143135 okay thank you so much yeah you're Ab2uSs3oRxE-00522-00143136-00143507 welcome Ab2uSs3oRxE-00523-00143508-00143657 okay Ab2uSs3oRxE-00524-00143658-00143902 so that's it students see you next class Ab2uSs3oRxE-00525-00143903-00144347 I'll extend the assignment by one week Ab2uSs3oRxE-00526-00144348-00144443 um Ab2uSs3oRxE-00527-00144444-00144683 so I have recorded the attendance of the Ab2uSs3oRxE-00528-00144684-00144785 ramen Ab2uSs3oRxE-00529-00144786-00144950 Abdullahi ali um Ab2uSs3oRxE-00530-00144951-00145381 [Music] Ab2uSs3oRxE-00531-00145382-00145709 okay sounds good so see you next class Ab2uSs3oRxE-00532-00145710-00146039 and all the best for your assignments Ab2uSs3oRxE-00533-00146040-00146327 again I will just try to you know extend Ab2uSs3oRxE-00534-00146328-00146411 the date Ab2uSs3oRxE-00535-00146412-00146738 take care bye bye AcBMMDoQufk-00000-00000146-00001111 yes under in poor Scott different except AcBMMDoQufk-00001-00001112-00001468 after has we almost met a young but I AcBMMDoQufk-00002-00001469-00002300 don't worry gear moon harmoo risk game AcBMMDoQufk-00003-00002301-00003640 all also made us AcBMMDoQufk-00005-00031943-00032143 Oh Ae68PFZbgBy-00000-00000003-00000110 right so we have a seven minute Ae68PFZbgBy-00001-00000111-00000335 presentation and three presenters this Ae68PFZbgBy-00002-00000336-00000611 should go very well okay so we're doing Ae68PFZbgBy-00003-00000612-00000817 the mobile services across Denver and Ae68PFZbgBy-00004-00000818-00001061 we're not talking about t-mobile we're Ae68PFZbgBy-00005-00001062-00001258 not talking about sprint we're talking Ae68PFZbgBy-00006-00001259-00001495 about bringing homeless services and Ae68PFZbgBy-00007-00001496-00001798 services who are directed at engaging Ae68PFZbgBy-00008-00001800-00002039 folks on poverty to the streets and away Ae68PFZbgBy-00009-00002039-00002227 from the brick-and-mortar setting where Ae68PFZbgBy-00010-00002228-00002540 we typically deliver those so here we Ae68PFZbgBy-00011-00002541-00002750 have our lego guy and what we're talking Ae68PFZbgBy-00012-00002751-00003043 about now is what are the elements of a Ae68PFZbgBy-00013-00003044-00003199 mobile service it's easy to call Ae68PFZbgBy-00014-00003200-00003350 anything a mobile service right now Ae68PFZbgBy-00015-00003351-00003620 because of how accessible things are but Ae68PFZbgBy-00016-00003621-00003833 for this demonstration we're talking Ae68PFZbgBy-00017-00003834-00004136 about these features when the client Ae68PFZbgBy-00018-00004137-00004367 engagement happens in the community it's Ae68PFZbgBy-00019-00004368-00004561 a mobile service when there's low to Ae68PFZbgBy-00020-00004562-00004784 nobley or in nature it leverages Ae68PFZbgBy-00021-00004785-00004991 existing services and it can be a made Ae68PFZbgBy-00022-00004992-00005408 available anytime anyplace why do we do Ae68PFZbgBy-00023-00005409-00005443 this Ae68PFZbgBy-00024-00005444-00005750 it's a great action reflection cycle we Ae68PFZbgBy-00025-00005751-00005945 have to take we have to respond to Ae68PFZbgBy-00026-00005946-00006191 criticism and feedback immediately it Ae68PFZbgBy-00027-00006192-00006478 demands strong partnerships no fakers Ae68PFZbgBy-00028-00006479-00006796 and there's low entry fee to engaging in Ae68PFZbgBy-00029-00006797-00006938 mobile services we can get the laundry Ae68PFZbgBy-00030-00006939-00007133 truck on the streets for about 80 Ae68PFZbgBy-00031-00007134-00007355 thousand dollars what are some of the Ae68PFZbgBy-00032-00007356-00007564 challenges that requires dynamic Ae68PFZbgBy-00033-00007565-00007873 partnerships it's a dynamic environment Ae68PFZbgBy-00034-00007875-00008098 it's way out of our core competencies Ae68PFZbgBy-00035-00008100-00008309 that enterprises doesn't know how to Ae68PFZbgBy-00036-00008310-00008549 maintain a generator but we had to learn Ae68PFZbgBy-00037-00008550-00008846 when we bought the laundry truck and of Ae68PFZbgBy-00038-00008847-00008996 course when working in the community we Ae68PFZbgBy-00039-00008997-00009239 just can't control everything here are Ae68PFZbgBy-00040-00009240-00009416 some examples of mobile services of Ae68PFZbgBy-00041-00009417-00009571 course this is the first one that we Ae68PFZbgBy-00042-00009572-00009776 probably know the best the ice cream Ae68PFZbgBy-00043-00009777-00010001 truck but of course we have Colorado Ae68PFZbgBy-00044-00010002-00010130 Coalition for the homeless they have a Ae68PFZbgBy-00045-00010131-00010324 mobile health clinic it's an amazing Ae68PFZbgBy-00046-00010325-00010595 service we see mobile dentists out on Ae68PFZbgBy-00047-00010596-00010667 the streets Ae68PFZbgBy-00048-00010668-00010921 laaame in San Francisco has a mobile Ae68PFZbgBy-00049-00010922-00011299 shower and washer and of course we are Ae68PFZbgBy-00050-00011300-00011581 onboarding mobile showers soon what how Ae68PFZbgBy-00051-00011582-00011845 do we get to the mobile service in 2015 Ae68PFZbgBy-00052-00011846-00012067 we started asking folks on the streets Ae68PFZbgBy-00053-00012068-00012403 what do we need the answers were access Ae68PFZbgBy-00054-00012404-00012626 to showers and access to laundry so Ae68PFZbgBy-00055-00012627-00012835 that's where we got this idea was right Ae68PFZbgBy-00056-00012836-00013036 from the streets of Denver Ae68PFZbgBy-00057-00013037-00013283 what's our impact right now while we Ae68PFZbgBy-00058-00013284-00013386 were able to serve 30 Ae68PFZbgBy-00059-00013387-00013664 a day per truck it provides three Ae68PFZbgBy-00060-00013665-00013866 individuals a work opportunity to build Ae68PFZbgBy-00061-00013866-00014088 up their work skills and resiliency and Ae68PFZbgBy-00062-00014088-00014375 each truck can launder almost 3000 Ae68PFZbgBy-00063-00014376-00014714 pounds of laundry a month we could not Ae68PFZbgBy-00064-00014715-00014925 do this alone though where's Cole Cole Ae68PFZbgBy-00065-00014926-00015072 is one of our greatest partners with the Ae68PFZbgBy-00066-00015072-00015300 tiny home village we get out to the Ae68PFZbgBy-00067-00015301-00015578 Denver Public Schools once a week we're Ae68PFZbgBy-00068-00015579-00015825 at the day shelters and we're also at Ae68PFZbgBy-00069-00015826-00016074 the Denver Public Library if we offered Ae68PFZbgBy-00070-00016075-00016368 a brick-and-mortar service there's no Ae68PFZbgBy-00071-00016369-00016566 way we could have those diversity of Ae68PFZbgBy-00072-00016567-00016886 partners that we have now what is next Ae68PFZbgBy-00073-00016887-00017121 we want what we want to do next is we Ae68PFZbgBy-00074-00017122-00017316 want to leverage air cave right here too Ae68PFZbgBy-00075-00017317-00017586 we want to leverage PR i--'s so that we Ae68PFZbgBy-00076-00017587-00017750 can identify and have a relationship Ae68PFZbgBy-00077-00017751-00018111 with a PR i-- so that our partners say Ae68PFZbgBy-00078-00018112-00018366 in Longmont could get a loan from from a Ae68PFZbgBy-00079-00018367-00018792 PRI to launch their own laundry truck hi Ae68PFZbgBy-00080-00018793-00018888 I'm Margaret OSA Ae68PFZbgBy-00081-00018889-00019116 I'm from the Denver Human Services I'm Ae68PFZbgBy-00082-00019117-00019233 gonna talk to you a little bit about Ae68PFZbgBy-00083-00019234-00019475 Denver Day works this is our iconic bus Ae68PFZbgBy-00084-00019476-00019680 Network she ran for a little over a year Ae68PFZbgBy-00085-00019681-00019968 haven't we have a new van we started Ae68PFZbgBy-00086-00019969-00020136 really this journey in November of 2015 Ae68PFZbgBy-00087-00020137-00020309 the city want to take a different Ae68PFZbgBy-00088-00020310-00020462 approach to engaging those four homeless Ae68PFZbgBy-00089-00020463-00020799 unsheltered not engaging in services we Ae68PFZbgBy-00090-00020800-00021040 ended up launching about a year later Ae68PFZbgBy-00091-00021041-00021405 Denver Day works in November of 2016 we Ae68PFZbgBy-00092-00021406-00021509 were the one to do something that was Ae68PFZbgBy-00093-00021510-00021708 low barriers and employment focused our Ae68PFZbgBy-00094-00021709-00021833 model is the brown traditional Ae68PFZbgBy-00095-00021834-00022014 transitional jobs here's three other Ae68PFZbgBy-00096-00022015-00022149 examples across the country Ae68PFZbgBy-00097-00022150-00022386 an Albuquerque San Jose and in Fort Ae68PFZbgBy-00098-00022387-00022625 Worth Texas they'll employ a different Ae68PFZbgBy-00099-00022626-00022752 model ours is definitely more City Ae68PFZbgBy-00100-00022753-00022922 centered but we couldn't do this without Ae68PFZbgBy-00101-00022923-00023061 bayaud enterprises anyone else who's Ae68PFZbgBy-00102-00023062-00023340 worked with us this is a picture of our Ae68PFZbgBy-00103-00023341-00023558 crew up in Rhino on one day I'm actually Ae68PFZbgBy-00104-00023559-00023874 in that picture somewhere but you know Ae68PFZbgBy-00105-00023875-00024093 what makes this a mobile service so yes Ae68PFZbgBy-00106-00024094-00024297 we have a bus yes we're able to get Ae68PFZbgBy-00107-00024298-00024422 people out there but it's really what we Ae68PFZbgBy-00108-00024423-00024678 deliver in the field and that's the work Ae68PFZbgBy-00109-00024679-00024797 of an employment specialist helping Ae68PFZbgBy-00110-00024798-00024918 someone to get a job in an assistance Ae68PFZbgBy-00111-00024919-00025080 navigator helping someone to navigate Ae68PFZbgBy-00112-00025081-00025203 what are the other supportive services Ae68PFZbgBy-00113-00025204-00025380 that are really going to help them what Ae68PFZbgBy-00114-00025381-00025590 we offer is six hours of work seventy Ae68PFZbgBy-00115-00025591-00025692 dollars cash at the end of the day Ae68PFZbgBy-00116-00025693-00025862 breakfast and lunch in an hour again Ae68PFZbgBy-00117-00025863-00026009 with an employment specialist or an Ae68PFZbgBy-00118-00026010-00026252 insistence navigator transportation out Ae68PFZbgBy-00119-00026253-00026418 there and we actually have a non wage Ae68PFZbgBy-00120-00026419-00026607 option for those who don't have Ae68PFZbgBy-00121-00026608-00026777 documents on them Ae68PFZbgBy-00122-00026779-00026922 we have a couple of special work sites Ae68PFZbgBy-00123-00026923-00027239 in ball park and then also parks and Ae68PFZbgBy-00124-00027241-00027452 recreation now who do we meet people Ae68PFZbgBy-00125-00027454-00027657 with primarily these four issues so Ae68PFZbgBy-00126-00027658-00027843 unreliable transportation love that 52 Ae68PFZbgBy-00127-00027844-00028158 bus literal homelessness food insecurity Ae68PFZbgBy-00128-00028158-00028335 and lacking basic needs like clothing Ae68PFZbgBy-00129-00028336-00028575 not just for the job but just for for Ae68PFZbgBy-00130-00028576-00029142 daily life let's see so our our success Ae68PFZbgBy-00131-00029143-00029958 thus far has really been based on so who Ae68PFZbgBy-00132-00029958-00030249 actually we meet we haven't met all Ae68PFZbgBy-00133-00030250-00030555 3,000 homeless in in Denver but of those Ae68PFZbgBy-00134-00030556-00030969 that we have met about 20 percent I hope Ae68PFZbgBy-00135-00030970-00031127 we've engage with about 99 percent of Ae68PFZbgBy-00136-00031129-00031317 the total population about half of those Ae68PFZbgBy-00137-00031318-00031527 get placed and about 71 percent retained Ae68PFZbgBy-00138-00031527-00031932 unemployment for 90 days thanks Marcus Ae68PFZbgBy-00139-00031933-00032199 I'm David Henning her with bayaud Ae68PFZbgBy-00140-00032200-00032694 enterprises been there a long time can Ae68PFZbgBy-00141-00032695-00033045 we go back one slide oh it's impossible Ae68PFZbgBy-00142-00033046-00033396 nevermind well you got a glimpse well Ae68PFZbgBy-00143-00033397-00033690 part of our outreach we have a out has Ae68PFZbgBy-00144-00033691-00033963 17 federal contracts through a federal Ae68PFZbgBy-00145-00033964-00034166 set-aside program that was created Ae68PFZbgBy-00146-00034167-00034395 primarily for the blind after World War Ae68PFZbgBy-00147-00034396-00034943 Two and those those contracts go from Ae68PFZbgBy-00148-00034944-00035235 North Platte Nebraska to kata Springs to Ae68PFZbgBy-00149-00035236-00035526 Boulder to Aurora to Denver and we do a Ae68PFZbgBy-00150-00035527-00035772 lot of different things at federal wages Ae68PFZbgBy-00151-00035773-00036222 and federal benefits our jobs and when I Ae68PFZbgBy-00152-00036223-00036504 say that the average wage is about 17 Ae68PFZbgBy-00153-00036505-00036851 dollars an hour it's full time 40 hours Ae68PFZbgBy-00154-00036852-00037287 3/4 of our 3/4 of our workforce has to Ae68PFZbgBy-00155-00037288-00037572 be composed of individuals that have two Ae68PFZbgBy-00156-00037573-00037785 or more disabilities that make it Ae68PFZbgBy-00157-00037786-00037943 difficult for that person to work Ae68PFZbgBy-00158-00037944-00038196 otherwise we have our own site Ae68PFZbgBy-00159-00038197-00038453 supervisors who are trained both in Ae68PFZbgBy-00160-00038454-00038733 rehabilitation and and other support Ae68PFZbgBy-00161-00038734-00039039 services and our payroll is about six Ae68PFZbgBy-00162-00039040-00039336 million dollars for that program with Ae68PFZbgBy-00163-00039337-00039657 our federal contracts I could give you Ae68PFZbgBy-00164-00039658-00039852 examples but we've run out of time for Ae68PFZbgBy-00165-00039853-00039958 that Ae68PFZbgBy-00166-00039959-00040180 you you saw that same slide that we Ae68PFZbgBy-00167-00040181-00040405 showed when mr. Becker was up here with Ae68PFZbgBy-00168-00040406-00040609 the destruction of a brick and mortar Ae68PFZbgBy-00169-00040610-00040965 and as Scott said what mobile services Ae68PFZbgBy-00170-00040966-00041281 do is there they enable us to go where Ae68PFZbgBy-00171-00041282-00041629 people are and that's a big advantage Ae68PFZbgBy-00172-00041630-00041929 and they don't cost as much to put on Ae68PFZbgBy-00173-00041930-00042256 the road and yet they meet basic human Ae68PFZbgBy-00174-00042257-00042690 needs and we serve over 2,000 people a Ae68PFZbgBy-00175-00042691-00043099 year we're an Employment Program and we Ae68PFZbgBy-00176-00043100-00043420 also do housing support for about a Ae68PFZbgBy-00177-00043421-00043642 hundred and some units so that that's it Ae68PFZbgBy-00178-00043643-00043864 guys and I want a man bun just like Ae68PFZbgBy-00179-00043865-00044212 Cole's I've uh I am so damn envious of Ae68PFZbgBy-00180-00044213-00044503 that Ae68PFZbgBy-00181-00044504-00044936 [Applause] AgKxRmfWBFU-00000-00000094-00000451 Shobana hey guys I have bigger ones from AgKxRmfWBFU-00001-00000452-00000698 the other mentions and i'm here with sky AgKxRmfWBFU-00002-00000699-00000923 didn't he is not playing but hey i'm AgKxRmfWBFU-00003-00000924-00001108 playing time Clancy's Rainbow six siege AgKxRmfWBFU-00004-00001109-00001375 and we'll just press any button here I AgKxRmfWBFU-00005-00001376-00001900 don't care about that you play go away AgKxRmfWBFU-00006-00001901-00002176 what is into a situation for this first AgKxRmfWBFU-00007-00002177-00002864 video it's connecting oh I think the AgKxRmfWBFU-00008-00002865-00003238 servers went down before you know I got AgKxRmfWBFU-00009-00003239-00003661 it ok because did it did kind of take an AgKxRmfWBFU-00010-00003663-00003935 ell on us and destroy itself violent AgKxRmfWBFU-00011-00003936-00004379 game similar situations here we're AgKxRmfWBFU-00012-00004380-00004690 system to suburb extraction I guess oh AgKxRmfWBFU-00013-00004691-00005243 we're going normal I guess okay all AgKxRmfWBFU-00014-00005244-00005438 right stay round game as you can see on AgKxRmfWBFU-00015-00005439-00005872 these are very nice graphics arm so AgKxRmfWBFU-00016-00005873-00006828 let's see uh one guys go this way AgKxRmfWBFU-00017-00006829-00007586 I got a whole pack me so here's the AgKxRmfWBFU-00018-00007587-00008013 house we need to go into public anyway AgKxRmfWBFU-00019-00008014-00008421 they're all gone let's go x colon dude AgKxRmfWBFU-00020-00008422-00008739 right this major here so chicas guys AgKxRmfWBFU-00021-00008740-00009336 okay single down okay all right so does AgKxRmfWBFU-00022-00009337-00010098 every load click on scene to give mp5 AgKxRmfWBFU-00023-00010099-00010764 here are there we go no around this AgKxRmfWBFU-00024-00010765-00011346 building very nice graphics it will say AgKxRmfWBFU-00025-00011347-00011742 this is it really improved I really AgKxRmfWBFU-00026-00011743-00012210 heard that from the videos actually it AgKxRmfWBFU-00027-00012211-00012863 looks awesome uh you got shot through AgKxRmfWBFU-00028-00012864-00013894 the door ok we just um open the store AgKxRmfWBFU-00029-00013895-00014800 see our controls here AgKxRmfWBFU-00030-00014801-00015488 okay let me go Oh God here's what I I AgKxRmfWBFU-00031-00015490-00015858 hope into her name yeah the guy was AgKxRmfWBFU-00032-00015859-00016259 right there my face did he blasts you he AgKxRmfWBFU-00033-00016260-00016491 really did oh my god bless you got a AgKxRmfWBFU-00034-00016492-00016716 scary he'll then they respond has AgKxRmfWBFU-00035-00016717-00016875 another teammate which is cool kind of AgKxRmfWBFU-00036-00016876-00017211 like God what came visit this up oh yeah AgKxRmfWBFU-00037-00017212-00017652 like that and I know you could not able AgKxRmfWBFU-00038-00017653-00018230 to do in past um rainbow six games all AgKxRmfWBFU-00039-00018231-00018486 right we're just gonna go up there it's AgKxRmfWBFU-00040-00018487-00018636 the fastest you can run to it's kind of AgKxRmfWBFU-00041-00018637-00018828 annoying night vision wags the game AgKxRmfWBFU-00042-00018829-00019427 that's okay alright last game my vision AgKxRmfWBFU-00043-00019428-00019755 that's important Mabel oh do that in the AgKxRmfWBFU-00044-00019756-00020255 alkoxy blast together AgKxRmfWBFU-00045-00020256-00020989 than to ask I did great stinking be AgKxRmfWBFU-00046-00020990-00021411 free-to-play working type fighters what AgKxRmfWBFU-00047-00021412-00021700 is it type fighters is a competitive AgKxRmfWBFU-00048-00021701-00021864 multiplayer game or two players battle AgKxRmfWBFU-00049-00021865-00022099 each other using the typing skills its AgKxRmfWBFU-00050-00022100-00022321 variety of ammo so does not only AgKxRmfWBFU-00051-00022322-00022444 emphasize typing speed and correctness AgKxRmfWBFU-00052-00022445-00022852 well also also others feel like reaction AgKxRmfWBFU-00053-00022853-00022989 time sustained attention creativity AgKxRmfWBFU-00054-00022990-00023158 tactics and expanding the opponent's AgKxRmfWBFU-00055-00023159-00023425 needs a whirl I won't put it so bad no AgKxRmfWBFU-00056-00023426-00023668 it comes out tomorrow I let's make sure AgKxRmfWBFU-00057-00023669-00024094 we should get it oh no dear no lost last AgKxRmfWBFU-00058-00024095-00024858 night submission looks very quiet thank AgKxRmfWBFU-00059-00024859-00025339 you for finding me obvious raise its AgKxRmfWBFU-00060-00025340-00026260 head back transition one more time um AgKxRmfWBFU-00061-00026261-00026689 let's see alright so the enemy right out AgKxRmfWBFU-00062-00026689-00027337 here all right he's done scheme is AgKxRmfWBFU-00063-00027338-00027451 cutter is a it seems like you really AgKxRmfWBFU-00064-00027452-00027927 hard I'm a fan LOL Oh Michael yeah AgKxRmfWBFU-00065-00027928-00028039 there's a free version of the game AgKxRmfWBFU-00066-00028039-00028199 that's out right now what game AgKxRmfWBFU-00067-00028200-00028505 TIE fighters is it look there yeah AgKxRmfWBFU-00068-00028506-00028689 awesome okay let me just measure this AgKxRmfWBFU-00069-00028689-00029288 match okay oh well okay Oh Elgin I got I AgKxRmfWBFU-00070-00029289-00029708 got knife twice yes take not one blue AgKxRmfWBFU-00071-00029709-00031880 squad very realistic game Oh L hold on AgKxRmfWBFU-00072-00031881-00034394 just one minute where where oh man all AgKxRmfWBFU-00073-00034395-00034493 right how much I was talking at that AgKxRmfWBFU-00074-00034494-00035305 time that I really sped it on that music AgKxRmfWBFU-00075-00035306-00036205 copyright hunting a forgettable whatnot AgKxRmfWBFU-00076-00036206-00037052 they're just jam in lawsuits down there AgKxRmfWBFU-00077-00037053-00037467 very enjoyable game i will say yeah I AgKxRmfWBFU-00078-00037468-00037853 agree I've been the AI this whole time AgKxRmfWBFU-00079-00037854-00038133 yeah yeah yeah Derek she has been AgKxRmfWBFU-00080-00038134-00038355 playing along with me oh it is a first AgKxRmfWBFU-00081-00038356-00039066 mission ok I think that's you right AgKxRmfWBFU-00082-00039067-00039624 there I got you okay yeah i'll just AgKxRmfWBFU-00083-00039625-00040107 stick up on you okay iphone hostage okay AgKxRmfWBFU-00084-00040108-00040715 when with this guy tell him to go here AgKxRmfWBFU-00085-00040716-00040958 yeah I really feel like you actually are AgKxRmfWBFU-00086-00040959-00043218 it gotta like he's got his now oh right AgKxRmfWBFU-00087-00043219-00043368 well actually I mess up that's it guys AgKxRmfWBFU-00088-00043369-00043557 where'd that was Tom Clancy's Rainbow AgKxRmfWBFU-00089-00043558-00043815 six siege I hope you guys enjoyed this AgKxRmfWBFU-00090-00043816-00044124 video and subscribe and like and comment AgKxRmfWBFU-00091-00044125-00044950 for more if you would like magni AgKxRmfWBFU-00092-00044951-00045645 you AgKxRmfWBFU-00093-00045646-00046046 you AgKxRmfWBFU-00094-00046047-00046253 you AhHJoY-Flhy-00000-00000064-00000175 hey guys welcome to walkthrough AhHJoY-Flhy-00001-00000176-00000335 wednesday my name is jason keller AhHJoY-Flhy-00002-00000336-00000534 i'm a sales guy here for walnut ridge AhHJoY-Flhy-00003-00000535-00000719 just going to give you a quick tour of AhHJoY-Flhy-00004-00000720-00000943 the 318br it's made by AhHJoY-Flhy-00005-00000944-00001215 keystone hideout so this coach actually AhHJoY-Flhy-00006-00001216-00001350 has a power tongue jack AhHJoY-Flhy-00007-00001351-00001566 so if you don't like doing the old crank AhHJoY-Flhy-00008-00001567-00001687 style really cool AhHJoY-Flhy-00009-00001688-00001839 easy to level the coach out from the AhHJoY-Flhy-00010-00001839-00002063 time jack here AhHJoY-Flhy-00011-00002064-00002255 now another one of my favorite features AhHJoY-Flhy-00012-00002256-00002383 on this coach is it has AhHJoY-Flhy-00013-00002384-00002663 it's actually pre-wired for the side AhHJoY-Flhy-00014-00002664-00002775 marker cameras AhHJoY-Flhy-00015-00002776-00003023 really cool feature so you can see AhHJoY-Flhy-00016-00003024-00003079 around those AhHJoY-Flhy-00017-00003080-00003279 sides and even if you don't have your AhHJoY-Flhy-00018-00003279-00003390 trailer mirrors i AhHJoY-Flhy-00019-00003392-00003511 recommend having the trailer mirrors AhHJoY-Flhy-00020-00003511-00003967 though so great big pass-through storage AhHJoY-Flhy-00021-00003968-00004215 power stabilizing jacks cool features AhHJoY-Flhy-00022-00004216-00004431 you don't have to bring a drill with you AhHJoY-Flhy-00023-00004432-00004606 solid steps these guys fold into the AhHJoY-Flhy-00024-00004607-00004767 coach we'll go back in and check out the AhHJoY-Flhy-00025-00004768-00004895 coach here in a minute AhHJoY-Flhy-00026-00004896-00005159 great big power awning huge tons of AhHJoY-Flhy-00027-00005160-00005254 shade AhHJoY-Flhy-00028-00005255-00005518 outdoor speakers indoor speakers and a AhHJoY-Flhy-00029-00005519-00005567 really AhHJoY-Flhy-00030-00005568-00006015 cool led light strip AhHJoY-Flhy-00031-00006016-00006414 my favorite part the outdoor kitchen two AhHJoY-Flhy-00032-00006415-00006542 burner stove AhHJoY-Flhy-00033-00006543-00007103 nice little fridge here plenty of extra AhHJoY-Flhy-00034-00007104-00007463 oh space styrofoam and AhHJoY-Flhy-00035-00007464-00007663 extra cabinetry in the back now this AhHJoY-Flhy-00036-00007664-00007798 coach is pre-wired for AhHJoY-Flhy-00037-00007800-00008046 a backup camera in the rear and you do AhHJoY-Flhy-00038-00008047-00008263 have the rear bumper for a bike rack AhHJoY-Flhy-00039-00008264-00008535 so good stuff let's go inside i'm gonna AhHJoY-Flhy-00040-00008536-00008710 start here in the bedroom so you do have AhHJoY-Flhy-00041-00008711-00008846 a really cool laundry chute AhHJoY-Flhy-00042-00008847-00009055 it actually drops into to the AhHJoY-Flhy-00043-00009056-00009206 pass-through storage underneath AhHJoY-Flhy-00044-00009207-00009391 really cool feature and then you have AhHJoY-Flhy-00045-00009392-00009631 hanging lockers one on each side AhHJoY-Flhy-00046-00009632-00009878 plenty of hanging clothes space there AhHJoY-Flhy-00047-00009879-00010135 and then you even have AhHJoY-Flhy-00048-00010136-00010423 under the bed storage a cool feature for AhHJoY-Flhy-00049-00010424-00010535 this if you have kiddos AhHJoY-Flhy-00050-00010536-00010903 you have pocket doors so you can AhHJoY-Flhy-00051-00010904-00011078 separate well it's actually still last AhHJoY-Flhy-00052-00011079-00011238 year but you can actually AhHJoY-Flhy-00053-00011239-00011510 separate yourself from the kittens if AhHJoY-Flhy-00054-00011511-00011727 you wanted to have some privacy AhHJoY-Flhy-00055-00011728-00011974 heat ducts in the floor and you have AhHJoY-Flhy-00056-00011975-00012159 ducted ac so even if these are closed AhHJoY-Flhy-00057-00012160-00012255 you're still going to stay AhHJoY-Flhy-00058-00012256-00012559 cool and warm if you need to AhHJoY-Flhy-00059-00012560-00012863 on this back wall because the pocket AhHJoY-Flhy-00060-00012863-00013055 doors they put the seat the tv AhHJoY-Flhy-00061-00013056-00013399 bracket on the side wall so um AhHJoY-Flhy-00062-00013400-00013599 you do have to kind of put it on a AhHJoY-Flhy-00063-00013600-00013727 swivel mount there AhHJoY-Flhy-00064-00013728-00014030 you also have the living room AhHJoY-Flhy-00065-00014031-00014375 tv bracket here nice electric fireplace AhHJoY-Flhy-00066-00014376-00014422 and AhHJoY-Flhy-00067-00014423-00014607 on cold mornings this thing you just AhHJoY-Flhy-00068-00014608-00014791 turn on it's electric doesn't draw from AhHJoY-Flhy-00069-00014791-00014935 your propane so AhHJoY-Flhy-00070-00014936-00015199 saves that and this is obviously AhHJoY-Flhy-00071-00015200-00015335 satellite proof AhHJoY-Flhy-00072-00015336-00015638 satellite prepped um AhHJoY-Flhy-00073-00015640-00016071 plenty of kitchen space plenty of AhHJoY-Flhy-00074-00016072-00016343 cabinet space and you even have this AhHJoY-Flhy-00075-00016344-00016494 cool road back AhHJoY-Flhy-00076-00016495-00016799 rotovac central back system AhHJoY-Flhy-00077-00016800-00017094 very cool and a 12 volt fridge so you AhHJoY-Flhy-00078-00017095-00017143 don't AhHJoY-Flhy-00079-00017144-00017367 have a propane electric fridge in this AhHJoY-Flhy-00080-00017368-00017447 coach AhHJoY-Flhy-00081-00017448-00017750 you have a huge 12 volt fridge so AhHJoY-Flhy-00082-00017751-00017935 we're about two two and a half hours AhHJoY-Flhy-00083-00017936-00018111 south of elkhart and by the time we get AhHJoY-Flhy-00084-00018112-00018207 these guys AhHJoY-Flhy-00085-00018208-00018343 sometimes they already have ice in the AhHJoY-Flhy-00086-00018344-00018558 freezer so they will work off your truck AhHJoY-Flhy-00087-00018559-00018743 battery cool feature AhHJoY-Flhy-00088-00018744-00019143 um you do have the jackknife AhHJoY-Flhy-00089-00019144-00019447 sofa with storage underneath anywhere AhHJoY-Flhy-00090-00019448-00019575 you get extra storage it's always AhHJoY-Flhy-00091-00019576-00019671 helpful AhHJoY-Flhy-00092-00019672-00019983 booth dinette and you have storage under AhHJoY-Flhy-00093-00019984-00020127 each side there AhHJoY-Flhy-00094-00020128-00020383 plenty of extra space and this folds AhHJoY-Flhy-00095-00020384-00020591 down too bad that folds down so bad AhHJoY-Flhy-00096-00020592-00020783 great big windows awesome feature with AhHJoY-Flhy-00097-00020784-00020967 led lighting AhHJoY-Flhy-00098-00020968-00021119 it's well lit i know we don't have this AhHJoY-Flhy-00099-00021120-00021303 one lit but it is AhHJoY-Flhy-00100-00021304-00021614 it is quite nice another cool feature AhHJoY-Flhy-00101-00021615-00021919 huge pantry AhHJoY-Flhy-00102-00021920-00022135 and you have a second entrance for the AhHJoY-Flhy-00103-00022136-00022327 kiddos if you're at the beach AhHJoY-Flhy-00104-00022328-00022471 you don't want the sand to go throughout AhHJoY-Flhy-00105-00022472-00022735 the coach AhHJoY-Flhy-00106-00022736-00022999 just make them come in this door and AhHJoY-Flhy-00107-00023000-00023191 then AhHJoY-Flhy-00108-00023192-00023463 for the kids master suite bunks AhHJoY-Flhy-00109-00023464-00023542 everywhere AhHJoY-Flhy-00110-00023543-00023863 cabinets everywhere you can set up a tv AhHJoY-Flhy-00111-00023864-00023991 here and they have this cool thing it AhHJoY-Flhy-00112-00023992-00024158 folds out so you actually have you can AhHJoY-Flhy-00113-00024159-00024335 sleep two or three kiddos here AhHJoY-Flhy-00114-00024336-00024607 and then this bunk actually raises up so AhHJoY-Flhy-00115-00024608-00024775 they're gonna have AhHJoY-Flhy-00116-00024776-00025086 more space AhHJoY-Flhy-00117-00025087-00025350 or more playroom area actually my AhHJoY-Flhy-00118-00025351-00025478 in-laws they took this AhHJoY-Flhy-00119-00025479-00025622 i think they had something similar to AhHJoY-Flhy-00120-00025623-00025806 this they took that out and put a AhHJoY-Flhy-00121-00025807-00025967 pack and play in there so i mean that's AhHJoY-Flhy-00122-00025968-00026070 another feature you could do if you AhHJoY-Flhy-00123-00026072-00026167 needed to AhHJoY-Flhy-00124-00026168-00026407 so well that is my walkthrough wednesday AhHJoY-Flhy-00125-00026408-00026487 wednesday AhHJoY-Flhy-00126-00026488-00026683 uh please let me know if you have any AhHJoY-Flhy-00127-00026683-00026927 questions AhHJoY-Flhy-00128-00026927-00027681 [Music] AkbJfpR1A1u-00000-00000000-00000311 hey panda girl AkbJfpR1A1u-00001-00000312-00000582 what are you doing we want more rides AkbJfpR1A1u-00002-00000583-00000854 no i'm not going you want your money AkbJfpR1A1u-00003-00000855-00001079 then get your butt down here now that's AkbJfpR1A1u-00004-00001080-00001319 very nice but i am not going hey don't AkbJfpR1A1u-00005-00001320-00001878 you remember we need a deal AkbJfpR1A1u-00006-00001879-00002255 [Music] AkbJfpR1A1u-00007-00002256-00002479 get out of here go back to your psycho AkbJfpR1A1u-00008-00002480-00003007 mom and and your creepy temple you freak AkbJfpR1A1u-00009-00003008-00003247 is that a fact well it's nice to know AkbJfpR1A1u-00010-00003247-00003503 how you really feel AkbJfpR1A1u-00011-00003504-00005647 go get him pikachu yeah AkbJfpR1A1u-00012-00005648-00007034 foreign AkbJfpR1A1u-00013-00007036-00007431 [Music] AkbJfpR1A1u-00014-00007431-00008692 foreign AkbJfpR1A1u-00015-00008693-00009068 [Music] AkbJfpR1A1u-00016-00009069-00009193 [Applause] AkbJfpR1A1u-00017-00009194-00009639 [Music] AkbJfpR1A1u-00018-00009640-00009871 i'm sorry AkbJfpR1A1u-00019-00009872-00010190 get off of me AkbJfpR1A1u-00020-00010191-00013116 [Music] Al28xQGDoZ0-00000-00000049-00000321 the National Occupational research Al28xQGDoZ0-00001-00000322-00000605 agenda Nora is a partnership program Al28xQGDoZ0-00002-00000606-00000840 developed by the National Institute for Al28xQGDoZ0-00003-00000841-00001262 Occupational Safety and Health NIOSH the Al28xQGDoZ0-00004-00001263-00001604 program was founded in 1996 to provide a Al28xQGDoZ0-00005-00001605-00001845 framework for research collaborations Al28xQGDoZ0-00006-00001846-00002081 among universities large and small Al28xQGDoZ0-00007-00002082-00002337 businesses professional societies Al28xQGDoZ0-00008-00002338-00002573 government agencies and worker Al28xQGDoZ0-00009-00002574-00002915 organizations together these parties Al28xQGDoZ0-00010-00002916-00003129 identify issues in the field of Al28xQGDoZ0-00011-00003130-00003381 workplace safety and health that require Al28xQGDoZ0-00012-00003382-00003609 immediate attention based on the number Al28xQGDoZ0-00013-00003610-00003875 of workers affected the seriousness of Al28xQGDoZ0-00014-00003876-00004091 the hazard and the likelihood that new Al28xQGDoZ0-00015-00004092-00004325 safety information and approaches can Al28xQGDoZ0-00016-00004326-00004956 affect a change Al28xQGDoZ0-00017-00004957-00005297 topic developing the first research Al28xQGDoZ0-00018-00005298-00005726 agenda Al28xQGDoZ0-00019-00005727-00006023 dr. Linda Rosenstock was appointed Al28xQGDoZ0-00020-00006024-00006481 director of NIOSH in 1994 at that time Al28xQGDoZ0-00021-00006483-00006748 many saw the Institute as an agency that Al28xQGDoZ0-00022-00006750-00007031 yielded strong scientific research but Al28xQGDoZ0-00023-00007031-00007270 needed stronger connections to the real Al28xQGDoZ0-00024-00007272-00007591 world workforce to remedy this Al28xQGDoZ0-00025-00007592-00007865 Rosenstock sought to develop stronger Al28xQGDoZ0-00026-00007866-00008105 relationships with other organizations Al28xQGDoZ0-00027-00008106-00008420 and agencies NIOSH moved its Al28xQGDoZ0-00028-00008421-00008687 headquarters from Atlanta to Washington Al28xQGDoZ0-00029-00008688-00008935 DC where the Institute could enjoy Al28xQGDoZ0-00030-00008936-00009212 closer contact with labor and industry Al28xQGDoZ0-00031-00009213-00009641 representatives NIOS HS effort to build Al28xQGDoZ0-00032-00009642-00009887 partnerships inside and outside of the Al28xQGDoZ0-00033-00009888-00010121 government culminated in the development Al28xQGDoZ0-00034-00010122-00010360 of the National Occupational research Al28xQGDoZ0-00035-00010361-00010796 agenda to form the agenda NIOSH leaders Al28xQGDoZ0-00036-00010797-00011033 petitioned stakeholders in industry Al28xQGDoZ0-00037-00011034-00011377 labor and health care for input Al28xQGDoZ0-00038-00011378-00011629 organizations including General Motors Al28xQGDoZ0-00039-00011630-00012017 IBM mobile the United Auto Workers and Al28xQGDoZ0-00040-00012018-00012224 the American Public Health Association Al28xQGDoZ0-00041-00012225-00012598 joined NIOSH in developing the agenda Al28xQGDoZ0-00042-00012599-00012871 NIOSH side additional aid through a Al28xQGDoZ0-00043-00012872-00013127 series of public town meetings held in Al28xQGDoZ0-00044-00013128-00013541 Chicago Seattle and Boston in total Al28xQGDoZ0-00045-00013541-00013880 nearly 500 organizations and individuals Al28xQGDoZ0-00046-00013881-00014122 provided the input that resulted in the Al28xQGDoZ0-00047-00014124-00014751 research agenda Al28xQGDoZ0-00048-00014752-00015391 topic Nora in practice Al28xQGDoZ0-00049-00015391-00015760 niosh announced Norris 21 priority Al28xQGDoZ0-00050-00015761-00016213 research areas in 1996 on the strength Al28xQGDoZ0-00051-00016213-00016447 of industry support and bipartisan Al28xQGDoZ0-00052-00016448-00016684 backing Congress increased funding for Al28xQGDoZ0-00053-00016685-00016972 NIOSH and investment in Nora grew from Al28xQGDoZ0-00054-00016973-00017244 fifteen point four million dollars in Al28xQGDoZ0-00055-00017245-00017560 1996 to seventy two point three million Al28xQGDoZ0-00056-00017561-00018015 dollars in 1999 following rosen stocks Al28xQGDoZ0-00057-00018016-00018343 resignation in 2000 dr. john howard Al28xQGDoZ0-00058-00018344-00018594 continued to press and expand the nora Al28xQGDoZ0-00059-00018595-00018981 approach as NIOS H's new director Al28xQGDoZ0-00060-00018982-00019216 periodically the structure of the Al28xQGDoZ0-00061-00019217-00019474 program is evaluated and updated as Al28xQGDoZ0-00062-00019475-00019816 needed since 1996 Al28xQGDoZ0-00063-00019817-00020074 Norris projects have covered topics such Al28xQGDoZ0-00064-00020075-00020485 as slip trip and fall stf injuries green Al28xQGDoZ0-00065-00020486-00020775 tobacco sickness extended work hours Al28xQGDoZ0-00066-00020776-00021067 latex allergies vehicle and mobile Al28xQGDoZ0-00067-00021068-00021369 equipment related injury silica lung Al28xQGDoZ0-00068-00021370-00021663 cancer and respiratory disease and Al28xQGDoZ0-00069-00021664-00021875 biomechanical stress in drywall Al28xQGDoZ0-00070-00021876-00022499 installation Al28xQGDoZ0-00071-00022500-00022866 topic norris research organization Al28xQGDoZ0-00072-00022867-00023269 sectors and cross sectors Al28xQGDoZ0-00073-00023270-00023463 you Al28xQGDoZ0-00074-00023464-00023802 since 2006 the program has been Al28xQGDoZ0-00075-00023803-00024048 organized by industrial sector as Al28xQGDoZ0-00076-00024049-00024294 defined in the North American industry Al28xQGDoZ0-00077-00024295-00024645 classification system norris sector Al28xQGDoZ0-00078-00024646-00024720 councils Al28xQGDoZ0-00079-00024721-00024927 which had the research for the sector's Al28xQGDoZ0-00080-00024928-00025125 helped to implement the national Al28xQGDoZ0-00081-00025126-00025452 research agenda the accomplishments of Al28xQGDoZ0-00082-00025453-00025686 the second decade of Nora are described Al28xQGDoZ0-00083-00025687-00026002 in a report published in 2017 Al28xQGDoZ0-00084-00026004-00026339 Nora counsels consists of participants Al28xQGDoZ0-00085-00026341-00026627 from various backgrounds affiliations Al28xQGDoZ0-00086-00026629-00026886 and expertise including stakeholders Al28xQGDoZ0-00087-00026887-00027111 from universities large and small Al28xQGDoZ0-00088-00027112-00027393 businesses professional associations Al28xQGDoZ0-00089-00027394-00027633 government agencies and worker Al28xQGDoZ0-00090-00027633-00027993 organizations councils present the Al28xQGDoZ0-00091-00027994-00028202 opportunity to maximize resources Al28xQGDoZ0-00092-00028202-00028536 towards improved occupational safety and Al28xQGDoZ0-00093-00028537-00028872 health nationwide they help build close Al28xQGDoZ0-00094-00028873-00029114 partnerships among members and broader Al28xQGDoZ0-00095-00029114-00029355 collaborations between councils and Al28xQGDoZ0-00096-00029356-00029673 other organisations the resulting Al28xQGDoZ0-00097-00029674-00029883 information sharing and leveraging Al28xQGDoZ0-00098-00029883-00030087 efforts helps promote widespread Al28xQGDoZ0-00099-00030088-00030312 adoption of improved workplace practices Al28xQGDoZ0-00100-00030313-00030689 based on research results Donora Al28xQGDoZ0-00101-00030691-00031029 industry sector councils for the 2016 to Al28xQGDoZ0-00102-00031030-00031405 2020 six decade are as follows Al28xQGDoZ0-00103-00031406-00031789 agriculture forestry and fishing Al28xQGDoZ0-00104-00031789-00032155 construction health care and social Al28xQGDoZ0-00105-00032156-00032729 assistance manufacturing mining Al28xQGDoZ0-00106-00032730-00033229 oil and gas extraction public safety Al28xQGDoZ0-00107-00033230-00033721 services transportation warehousing and Al28xQGDoZ0-00108-00033722-00034111 utilities wholesale and retail trade in Al28xQGDoZ0-00109-00034112-00034414 addition NIOSH identified seven cross Al28xQGDoZ0-00110-00034415-00034646 sectors which focus on the health and Al28xQGDoZ0-00111-00034647-00034889 safety issues affecting workers within Al28xQGDoZ0-00112-00034890-00035195 each sector the current Nora health Al28xQGDoZ0-00113-00035196-00035558 outcome cross sectors include cancer Al28xQGDoZ0-00114-00035559-00035890 reproductive cardiovascular and other Al28xQGDoZ0-00115-00035891-00036265 chronic disease prevention hearing loss Al28xQGDoZ0-00116-00036266-00036692 prevention immune infectious and dermal Al28xQGDoZ0-00117-00036693-00037007 disease prevention musculoskeletal Al28xQGDoZ0-00118-00037008-00037549 health respiratory health traumatic Al28xQGDoZ0-00119-00037550-00037918 injury prevention healthy work design Al28xQGDoZ0-00120-00037919-00038421 and well-being Al28xQGDoZ0-00121-00038422-00039020 topic Noora priorities Al28xQGDoZ0-00122-00039021-00039332 to aid with goal-setting Norah uses Al28xQGDoZ0-00123-00039333-00039562 specific guidelines to determine which Al28xQGDoZ0-00124-00039563-00039815 research needs are priorities by using Al28xQGDoZ0-00125-00039816-00040133 use concepts of burden need and impact Al28xQGDoZ0-00126-00040134-00040415 criteria to write research goals that go Al28xQGDoZ0-00127-00040416-00040624 into nor a sector and cross sector Al28xQGDoZ0-00128-00040625-00040985 agendas these guidelines basically Al28xQGDoZ0-00129-00040986-00041236 address these aspects Al28xQGDoZ0-00130-00041237-00041509 number of workers at risk for illness or Al28xQGDoZ0-00131-00041510-00042045 injury severity of the hazard issue Al28xQGDoZ0-00132-00042046-00042289 probability that new information will Al28xQGDoZ0-00133-00042290-00042855 help abate the hazard Al28xQGDoZ0-00134-00042856-00043489 topic Nora results Al28xQGDoZ0-00135-00043490-00043780 every 10 years NIOSH reviews the Al28xQGDoZ0-00136-00043781-00044074 activities outcomes and impacts of work Al28xQGDoZ0-00137-00044075-00044341 completed over the past nor a decade and Al28xQGDoZ0-00138-00044342-00044502 completes a report of those Al28xQGDoZ0-00139-00044503-00044857 accomplishments the first decade report Al28xQGDoZ0-00140-00044858-00045228 evaluated contributions from 1996 to Al28xQGDoZ0-00141-00045229-00045544 2006 while the second decade report Al28xQGDoZ0-00142-00045545-00045996 reviewed activities from 2006 to 2016 Al28xQGDoZ0-00143-00045997-00046384 norris third decade will occur from 2016 Al28xQGDoZ0-00144-00046385-00047068 to 2020 six Al28xQGDoZ0-00145-00047069-00047709 topic norris symposiums Al28xQGDoZ0-00146-00047710-00047985 to ensure a continued focus on the Al28xQGDoZ0-00147-00047986-00048191 practical application of the research Al28xQGDoZ0-00148-00048192-00048554 NIOSH co-sponsored Norris symposiums in Al28xQGDoZ0-00149-00048555-00049364 1999 2003 2006 and 2008 the 2008 Nora Al28xQGDoZ0-00150-00049365-00049767 symposium public market for ideas and Al28xQGDoZ0-00151-00049768-00050142 partnerships was the first not held in Al28xQGDoZ0-00152-00050143-00050523 the Washington DC area instead it was Al28xQGDoZ0-00153-00050524-00050871 hosted in Denver reflecting NIOS H's Al28xQGDoZ0-00154-00050872-00051164 desire to expand occupational research Al28xQGDoZ0-00155-00051165-00051402 collaborations in the western United Al28xQGDoZ0-00156-00051403-00051992 States Al28xQGDoZ0-00157-00051993-00052616 topic external links Al28xQGDoZ0-00158-00052617-00052853 North American industry classification Al28xQGDoZ0-00159-00052854-00053607 system NAICS US Census Bureau Alz_t6dnrBE-00000-00000056-00000399 um brother um thank you very much for Alz_t6dnrBE-00001-00000400-00000638 sharing the insightful information i Alz_t6dnrBE-00002-00000639-00000943 hope and i wish that Alz_t6dnrBE-00003-00000944-00001199 right i hope and i wish that everyone Alz_t6dnrBE-00004-00001200-00001262 else Alz_t6dnrBE-00005-00001263-00001566 managed to absorb that information you Alz_t6dnrBE-00006-00001567-00001687 are important Alz_t6dnrBE-00007-00001688-00001863 when you're in that mirror in the Alz_t6dnrBE-00008-00001864-00002118 morning always tell yourself that listen Alz_t6dnrBE-00009-00002119-00002183 brother Alz_t6dnrBE-00010-00002184-00002342 this is how you are so important and go Alz_t6dnrBE-00011-00002343-00002575 out there and do your prayers Alz_t6dnrBE-00012-00002576-00002902 thank you very much i cannot go on and Alz_t6dnrBE-00013-00002903-00002934 on Alz_t6dnrBE-00014-00002935-00003215 just like erica badu we have brother Alz_t6dnrBE-00015-00003215-00003295 chris Alz_t6dnrBE-00016-00003296-00003527 that is patiently waiting for the Alz_t6dnrBE-00017-00003528-00003654 presentation Alz_t6dnrBE-00018-00003655-00004119 chris is another amazing food believe me Alz_t6dnrBE-00019-00004120-00004367 he works in the states in new york Alz_t6dnrBE-00020-00004368-00004519 building the what you call that Alz_t6dnrBE-00021-00004520-00004831 skyscrapers but he has billboards in the Alz_t6dnrBE-00022-00004832-00004911 sa Alz_t6dnrBE-00023-00004912-00005127 and the kicking farm and and and but Alz_t6dnrBE-00024-00005128-00005286 he'll he will tell you more Alz_t6dnrBE-00025-00005287-00005502 but what i like about him is grind Alz_t6dnrBE-00026-00005503-00005670 because sometimes we get confused we Alz_t6dnrBE-00027-00005671-00005735 think that Alz_t6dnrBE-00028-00005736-00005927 entrepreneurship is all about us rolling Alz_t6dnrBE-00029-00005928-00006054 the sleeves and Alz_t6dnrBE-00030-00006055-00006270 and getting fancier and and but it's all Alz_t6dnrBE-00031-00006271-00006399 about grinding Alz_t6dnrBE-00032-00006400-00006583 working working please brother let me Alz_t6dnrBE-00033-00006584-00006831 not notice time over to you say Alz_t6dnrBE-00034-00006831-00007367 thank you everyone to uh joining Alz_t6dnrBE-00035-00007368-00007510 thank you hello everyone my name is Alz_t6dnrBE-00036-00007511-00007742 chris um Alz_t6dnrBE-00037-00007743-00007887 i want to show you guys something real Alz_t6dnrBE-00038-00007888-00008087 quick i just want to show you Alz_t6dnrBE-00039-00008088-00008399 what we're dealing with here can you see Alz_t6dnrBE-00040-00008400-00008623 that storm outside Alz_t6dnrBE-00041-00008624-00008751 i don't know if y'all can see that but Alz_t6dnrBE-00042-00008752-00008951 that's snow Alz_t6dnrBE-00043-00008952-00009535 we're in the whoa we're in the middle of Alz_t6dnrBE-00044-00009536-00010359 a snowstorm Alz_t6dnrBE-00045-00010360-00010799 and um i would actually be at work right Alz_t6dnrBE-00046-00010800-00010831 now Alz_t6dnrBE-00047-00010832-00011071 so i would like to say thank you to the Alz_t6dnrBE-00048-00011072-00011246 speakers before me Alz_t6dnrBE-00049-00011247-00011703 um for those insightful messages um Alz_t6dnrBE-00050-00011704-00011878 i don't i still haven't quite gotten how Alz_t6dnrBE-00051-00011879-00012006 to pronounce the brother's name Alz_t6dnrBE-00052-00012007-00012342 tate i think but uh brother thank you Alz_t6dnrBE-00053-00012343-00012559 i appreciate you i appreciate you your Alz_t6dnrBE-00054-00012560-00012822 words of wisdom Alz_t6dnrBE-00055-00012823-00013102 um yes i'm gonna just share a little bit Alz_t6dnrBE-00056-00013103-00013183 with you guys Alz_t6dnrBE-00057-00013184-00013430 who i am my experience and what i'm Alz_t6dnrBE-00058-00013431-00013527 basically doing Alz_t6dnrBE-00059-00013528-00013935 um my name is chris i'm a middle class i Alz_t6dnrBE-00060-00013936-00014103 live in i live in new york Alz_t6dnrBE-00061-00014104-00014391 i'm a middle class african-american Alz_t6dnrBE-00062-00014391-00014566 that's what they call us here Alz_t6dnrBE-00063-00014568-00014903 um hard worker Alz_t6dnrBE-00064-00014904-00015286 you know um i was raised Alz_t6dnrBE-00065-00015287-00015503 with both my parents in the beginning Alz_t6dnrBE-00066-00015504-00015671 and then Alz_t6dnrBE-00067-00015672-00015966 my mother left and and and i think Alz_t6dnrBE-00068-00015968-00016158 trauma began for me Alz_t6dnrBE-00069-00016159-00016463 you know i i started indulging in Alz_t6dnrBE-00070-00016464-00016775 burglaries drug cells Alz_t6dnrBE-00071-00016776-00017030 addiction different things i went down Alz_t6dnrBE-00072-00017031-00017207 the wrong path Alz_t6dnrBE-00073-00017208-00017407 you know for a very long time in my life Alz_t6dnrBE-00074-00017408-00017630 and um Alz_t6dnrBE-00075-00017631-00017863 and and that that was a long that was a Alz_t6dnrBE-00076-00017864-00018094 long time ago but i think it's important Alz_t6dnrBE-00077-00018095-00018239 that i stress that it doesn't matter Alz_t6dnrBE-00078-00018240-00018430 where you come from it matters where Alz_t6dnrBE-00079-00018431-00018494 we're going Alz_t6dnrBE-00080-00018495-00018807 you know what i mean um so as a as a as Alz_t6dnrBE-00081-00018808-00019039 a child and as a youth Alz_t6dnrBE-00082-00019040-00019350 i've always had an infatuation with Alz_t6dnrBE-00083-00019351-00019694 africa the continent i i Alz_t6dnrBE-00084-00019695-00019943 i believe i'm a spiritual being and i Alz_t6dnrBE-00085-00019944-00020103 believe in spirituality i believe in the Alz_t6dnrBE-00086-00020104-00020207 universe Alz_t6dnrBE-00087-00020208-00020511 and whatever that power was that drew me Alz_t6dnrBE-00088-00020512-00020630 to africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00089-00020631-00020911 i lost that connection because i went Alz_t6dnrBE-00090-00020912-00021039 down the wrong path right Alz_t6dnrBE-00091-00021040-00021391 and um but it stayed in me somewhere Alz_t6dnrBE-00092-00021392-00021791 and as time went on you know and um Alz_t6dnrBE-00093-00021792-00021991 finally things started to come together Alz_t6dnrBE-00094-00021992-00022158 in my life Alz_t6dnrBE-00095-00022159-00022535 that that desire to have a connection Alz_t6dnrBE-00096-00022536-00022711 and it's not just the continent it's the Alz_t6dnrBE-00097-00022712-00022847 people it's the people Alz_t6dnrBE-00098-00022848-00023103 i i really believe well i know that Alz_t6dnrBE-00099-00023104-00023271 that's where i'm from Alz_t6dnrBE-00100-00023272-00023527 regardless of where i was born i believe Alz_t6dnrBE-00101-00023528-00023591 that the Alz_t6dnrBE-00102-00023592-00023814 the all black people originated in Alz_t6dnrBE-00103-00023815-00023911 africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00104-00023912-00024263 and i believe i'm kind of displaced Alz_t6dnrBE-00105-00024264-00024567 right i'm in the wrong place but um i'm Alz_t6dnrBE-00106-00024568-00024911 working on it to get back there um Alz_t6dnrBE-00107-00024912-00025103 so i had this i had this love of the Alz_t6dnrBE-00108-00025104-00025278 continent and the people Alz_t6dnrBE-00109-00025279-00025599 ever since i was a child and i've always Alz_t6dnrBE-00110-00025600-00025967 had an entrepreneurial spirit always Alz_t6dnrBE-00111-00025968-00026399 so those two things got lost as i was Alz_t6dnrBE-00112-00026400-00026655 coming of getting becoming an adult and Alz_t6dnrBE-00113-00026656-00026807 you know going through life's trials and Alz_t6dnrBE-00114-00026808-00026958 tribulations i lost touch with those Alz_t6dnrBE-00115-00026960-00027031 things Alz_t6dnrBE-00116-00027032-00027551 and actually maybe about three years ago Alz_t6dnrBE-00117-00027552-00027943 um four years ago when uh when my life Alz_t6dnrBE-00118-00027944-00028183 really started to become this start Alz_t6dnrBE-00119-00028183-00028374 taking shape again Alz_t6dnrBE-00120-00028375-00028614 as a productive member of society Alz_t6dnrBE-00121-00028616-00028774 huntsville Alz_t6dnrBE-00122-00028775-00029102 and um and um i started Alz_t6dnrBE-00123-00029104-00029374 my and i got in touch with my spirit my Alz_t6dnrBE-00124-00029375-00029607 dreams and my passion started to come Alz_t6dnrBE-00125-00029608-00029887 back they started to resurface so me and Alz_t6dnrBE-00126-00029888-00030046 my friend we have made a decision that Alz_t6dnrBE-00127-00030047-00030190 we were going to go to Alz_t6dnrBE-00128-00030191-00030423 we were going to go to africa we didn't Alz_t6dnrBE-00129-00030424-00030511 know where Alz_t6dnrBE-00130-00030512-00030767 we didn't know where and we was going to Alz_t6dnrBE-00131-00030768-00031031 try to establish business Alz_t6dnrBE-00132-00031032-00031383 and um he didn't come i made i made a Alz_t6dnrBE-00133-00031383-00031527 trip to south africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00134-00031527-00031702 and it's funny because the whole time i Alz_t6dnrBE-00135-00031703-00031911 was in south africa on my first trip Alz_t6dnrBE-00136-00031912-00032070 i was going up to people and i was Alz_t6dnrBE-00137-00032072-00032287 asking them if you had the opportunity Alz_t6dnrBE-00138-00032288-00032439 to start a business what would you do Alz_t6dnrBE-00139-00032439-00032574 what would you do i was just asking Alz_t6dnrBE-00140-00032575-00032774 random people what would they do Alz_t6dnrBE-00141-00032775-00033159 and um i met some people Alz_t6dnrBE-00142-00033160-00033471 who was interested in um opening a Alz_t6dnrBE-00143-00033472-00033671 restaurant and i started working with Alz_t6dnrBE-00144-00033672-00033990 them and it didn't fall through but Alz_t6dnrBE-00145-00033991-00034279 but what happened was it connected me to Alz_t6dnrBE-00146-00034280-00034446 some very special people in my life Alz_t6dnrBE-00147-00034447-00034502 today Alz_t6dnrBE-00148-00034503-00034727 it connected me into some people i love Alz_t6dnrBE-00149-00034728-00034951 it connected me to some people i trust Alz_t6dnrBE-00150-00034952-00035174 it it connected me to some people that i Alz_t6dnrBE-00151-00035175-00035327 would love to grow it Alz_t6dnrBE-00152-00035328-00035702 so my love of south africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00153-00035703-00035927 and my love of entrepreneurship started Alz_t6dnrBE-00154-00035928-00036039 coming together Alz_t6dnrBE-00155-00036040-00036327 and um i think simul mentioned it a Alz_t6dnrBE-00156-00036328-00036415 little bit so Alz_t6dnrBE-00157-00036416-00036799 we formed we formed a chicken farm Alz_t6dnrBE-00158-00036800-00037111 chicken company and you know and we also Alz_t6dnrBE-00159-00037112-00037351 formed a billboard media company a Alz_t6dnrBE-00160-00037352-00037535 billboard science structure Alz_t6dnrBE-00161-00037536-00037918 and my whole goal Alz_t6dnrBE-00162-00037919-00038279 my whole goal and vision in life is that Alz_t6dnrBE-00163-00038280-00038630 is that we and and i don't say this to Alz_t6dnrBE-00164-00038631-00038790 offend anyone else Alz_t6dnrBE-00165-00038791-00039079 but we as black people need to bridge Alz_t6dnrBE-00166-00039080-00039174 the gap Alz_t6dnrBE-00167-00039175-00039535 right cross borders unite Alz_t6dnrBE-00168-00039536-00039862 and work together to build something Alz_t6dnrBE-00169-00039863-00040255 for ourselves like Alz_t6dnrBE-00170-00040256-00040511 like i see people is that well here in Alz_t6dnrBE-00171-00040512-00040671 america i see it all the time Alz_t6dnrBE-00172-00040672-00040967 uh the black i meant much the one has Alz_t6dnrBE-00173-00040968-00041111 the same Alz_t6dnrBE-00174-00041112-00041430 same equal job but he makes more Alz_t6dnrBE-00175-00041431-00041646 women make less i see i see it all the Alz_t6dnrBE-00176-00041647-00041767 time and Alz_t6dnrBE-00177-00041768-00042039 and the complaints go unheard it's Alz_t6dnrBE-00178-00042040-00042127 unfair Alz_t6dnrBE-00179-00042128-00042335 so i don't believe in crying about the Alz_t6dnrBE-00180-00042336-00042502 unfinished i believe doing something Alz_t6dnrBE-00181-00042503-00042574 about it Alz_t6dnrBE-00182-00042575-00042815 if we own our own businesses we pay our Alz_t6dnrBE-00183-00042816-00042879 own what we Alz_t6dnrBE-00184-00042880-00043151 what they deserve to be paid like i i Alz_t6dnrBE-00185-00043152-00043190 see Alz_t6dnrBE-00186-00043191-00043535 things like Alz_t6dnrBE-00187-00043536-00043927 create create build Alz_t6dnrBE-00188-00043928-00044246 unite you know and and and uplift each Alz_t6dnrBE-00189-00044247-00044471 other like that that's my whole Alz_t6dnrBE-00190-00044472-00044767 vision so my vision in south africa you Alz_t6dnrBE-00191-00044768-00044799 know Alz_t6dnrBE-00192-00044800-00045174 if so so cebu was my first connection Alz_t6dnrBE-00193-00045175-00045423 to simu and brother and tate so boo i Alz_t6dnrBE-00194-00045424-00045487 met Alz_t6dnrBE-00195-00045488-00045671 i think it's almost going on a year ago Alz_t6dnrBE-00196-00045672-00045839 i haven't met him in person Alz_t6dnrBE-00197-00045840-00046127 but fell in love with the brother honest Alz_t6dnrBE-00198-00046128-00046283 compassionate Alz_t6dnrBE-00199-00046284-00046590 driven motivated like like all these Alz_t6dnrBE-00200-00046591-00046871 aspects that he had showed me was was Alz_t6dnrBE-00201-00046872-00047046 inspiring to me Alz_t6dnrBE-00202-00047047-00047295 and and and that's all i ever wanted was Alz_t6dnrBE-00203-00047296-00047430 to meet some people Alz_t6dnrBE-00204-00047431-00047718 that i could trust and that i could help Alz_t6dnrBE-00205-00047719-00047799 try to build Alz_t6dnrBE-00206-00047800-00048102 something right and and i've gotten hurt Alz_t6dnrBE-00207-00048103-00048183 a few times Alz_t6dnrBE-00208-00048184-00048367 you know i've gotta hurt a few times Alz_t6dnrBE-00209-00048368-00048599 everybody can't be trusted all the time Alz_t6dnrBE-00210-00048600-00048918 you know you find that out but um for Alz_t6dnrBE-00211-00048919-00049039 the most part Alz_t6dnrBE-00212-00049040-00049295 for the most part i think i'm united Alz_t6dnrBE-00213-00049296-00049423 with some really good people in south Alz_t6dnrBE-00214-00049424-00049495 africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00215-00049496-00049823 and so so my vision is because of Alz_t6dnrBE-00216-00049824-00050135 the money Alz_t6dnrBE-00217-00050136-00050574 gap you know the dollar versus the rand Alz_t6dnrBE-00218-00050575-00050839 that's that that was my vision Alz_t6dnrBE-00219-00050840-00050927 opportunity Alz_t6dnrBE-00220-00050928-00051263 so for example for example Alz_t6dnrBE-00221-00051264-00051687 to start a company in america might be Alz_t6dnrBE-00222-00051688-00051950 a dollar i can't afford that i'm a Alz_t6dnrBE-00223-00051951-00052175 middle-class working man Alz_t6dnrBE-00224-00052176-00052335 to start the same company in south Alz_t6dnrBE-00225-00052336-00052487 africa might be Alz_t6dnrBE-00226-00052488-00052807 300 000 rand i could afford that Alz_t6dnrBE-00227-00052808-00053142 you know i i acknowledge the time um i Alz_t6dnrBE-00228-00053144-00053254 could afford that so Alz_t6dnrBE-00229-00053255-00053638 so that was my niche Alz_t6dnrBE-00230-00053639-00053999 that if we can if i can convert us Alz_t6dnrBE-00231-00054000-00054303 to iran i have got Alz_t6dnrBE-00232-00054304-00054647 eight in south africa then once i create Alz_t6dnrBE-00233-00054648-00054887 once we create and we build and we Alz_t6dnrBE-00234-00054888-00055007 expand Alz_t6dnrBE-00235-00055008-00055430 we can we can offer economic opportunity Alz_t6dnrBE-00236-00055432-00055519 for others Alz_t6dnrBE-00237-00055520-00055807 to be employed to work to move up to Alz_t6dnrBE-00238-00055808-00055959 support their family Alz_t6dnrBE-00239-00055960-00056238 they can't like so so those are pretty Alz_t6dnrBE-00240-00056239-00056438 much my goals and my visions Alz_t6dnrBE-00241-00056439-00056679 and um you know of course you want to Alz_t6dnrBE-00242-00056679-00056815 make a profit too because nothing Alz_t6dnrBE-00243-00056816-00056966 survives without profit Alz_t6dnrBE-00244-00056967-00057303 you know but um it's more for the love Alz_t6dnrBE-00245-00057304-00057487 of my people Alz_t6dnrBE-00246-00057488-00057830 and um and um you know Alz_t6dnrBE-00247-00057832-00058079 that's a little bit about me like i'm Alz_t6dnrBE-00248-00058079-00058159 really Alz_t6dnrBE-00249-00058160-00058326 grateful that you guys asked me to come Alz_t6dnrBE-00250-00058327-00058463 on this platform Alz_t6dnrBE-00251-00058464-00058775 i'm so inspired man i the work that you Alz_t6dnrBE-00252-00058776-00058950 guys are doing i love it Alz_t6dnrBE-00253-00058951-00059215 i love it i wish i had the courage i Alz_t6dnrBE-00254-00059216-00059399 wish i had the courage that you guys Alz_t6dnrBE-00255-00059400-00059503 display Alz_t6dnrBE-00256-00059504-00059671 to reach out to the community and do Alz_t6dnrBE-00257-00059672-00059823 those things you know Alz_t6dnrBE-00258-00059824-00060071 we all i always believe this there's Alz_t6dnrBE-00259-00060072-00060238 different approaches Alz_t6dnrBE-00260-00060239-00060511 to get to the destination but we all Alz_t6dnrBE-00261-00060512-00060663 have to meet there Alz_t6dnrBE-00262-00060664-00060871 with every approach all of us are Alz_t6dnrBE-00263-00060872-00060999 necessary Alz_t6dnrBE-00264-00061000-00061191 all approaches are necessary and and Alz_t6dnrBE-00265-00061191-00061311 that's very Alz_t6dnrBE-00266-00061312-00061615 to me so once again i thank you guys i Alz_t6dnrBE-00267-00061616-00061742 appreciate you guys Alz_t6dnrBE-00268-00061744-00061926 and i'm just gonna sit back and listen Alz_t6dnrBE-00269-00061927-00062782 to some more good stuff thank you Alz_t6dnrBE-00270-00062783-00063015 yeah brother chris uh thank you very Alz_t6dnrBE-00271-00063016-00063142 much you know what Alz_t6dnrBE-00272-00063144-00063535 uh you you did that um effortlessly Alz_t6dnrBE-00273-00063536-00063775 easy like that but i know that you are Alz_t6dnrBE-00274-00063776-00063935 hard working man Alz_t6dnrBE-00275-00063936-00064166 when you work it's not easy like you you Alz_t6dnrBE-00276-00064167-00064271 talk but Alz_t6dnrBE-00277-00064272-00064487 um i appreciate the fact that you touch Alz_t6dnrBE-00278-00064488-00064623 base on Alz_t6dnrBE-00279-00064624-00064863 the idea of creating it's always Alz_t6dnrBE-00280-00064864-00065111 important for us to create and own Alz_t6dnrBE-00281-00065112-00065359 produce and grow you touch based on the Alz_t6dnrBE-00282-00065360-00065567 idea of us coming together Alz_t6dnrBE-00283-00065568-00065887 and i i love the idea of united more we Alz_t6dnrBE-00284-00065888-00066087 can achieve so much but Alz_t6dnrBE-00285-00066088-00066367 it's not about me talking and and and Alz_t6dnrBE-00286-00066368-00066503 who has taught me something that's Alz_t6dnrBE-00287-00066504-00066615 similar Alz_t6dnrBE-00288-00066616-00066879 you've done a lot of things so now be Alz_t6dnrBE-00289-00066880-00067063 sit back and relax and observe so thank Alz_t6dnrBE-00290-00067064-00067199 you brother chris Alz_t6dnrBE-00291-00067200-00067550 get this to magic right and uh Alz_t6dnrBE-00292-00067551-00067863 let's get back to smoo er but i don't Alz_t6dnrBE-00293-00067864-00067991 know if there's anyone who would like to Alz_t6dnrBE-00294-00067992-00068150 pose a question to chris Alz_t6dnrBE-00295-00068151-00068471 uh or a comment you you really took the Alz_t6dnrBE-00296-00068472-00068719 thought right out of my head i'm used to Alz_t6dnrBE-00297-00068720-00068894 introducing myself and there's some Alz_t6dnrBE-00298-00068895-00069079 words that follow Alz_t6dnrBE-00299-00069080-00069255 um you know but i'm looking at this Alz_t6dnrBE-00300-00069256-00069391 platform right Alz_t6dnrBE-00301-00069392-00069726 and uh i'm amazed at the Alz_t6dnrBE-00302-00069727-00070082 uh and what i will say is the ties that Alz_t6dnrBE-00303-00070083-00070287 buy and those of us who Alz_t6dnrBE-00304-00070288-00070631 understand understand so chris Alz_t6dnrBE-00305-00070632-00070887 is not only my brother he is my friend Alz_t6dnrBE-00306-00070888-00071087 he is a very good friend Alz_t6dnrBE-00307-00071088-00071423 when he talks about africa he is like a Alz_t6dnrBE-00308-00071424-00071550 little boy Alz_t6dnrBE-00309-00071551-00071894 in wonder so these dreams and Alz_t6dnrBE-00310-00071895-00072023 aspirations Alz_t6dnrBE-00311-00072024-00072247 so cebu and chris and mindy y'all know i Alz_t6dnrBE-00312-00072248-00072391 probably was trying to mute people Alz_t6dnrBE-00313-00072392-00072711 and stuff i just don't pay you no money Alz_t6dnrBE-00314-00072712-00073143 um i've met cebu Alz_t6dnrBE-00315-00073144-00073462 over a year year and a half ago and Alz_t6dnrBE-00316-00073463-00073806 maybe no year a little over a year ago Alz_t6dnrBE-00317-00073807-00074159 around this time um Alz_t6dnrBE-00318-00074160-00074447 the sister that is uh i've had the good Alz_t6dnrBE-00319-00074448-00074543 fortune of Alz_t6dnrBE-00320-00074544-00074879 speaking with brother simon noni Alz_t6dnrBE-00321-00074880-00075087 what a great presentation but brother Alz_t6dnrBE-00322-00075088-00075247 anton your uh Alz_t6dnrBE-00323-00075248-00075543 range and comfortability and uh business Alz_t6dnrBE-00324-00075544-00075599 acumen Alz_t6dnrBE-00325-00075600-00075959 especially in in a way of speaking about Alz_t6dnrBE-00326-00075960-00076047 brandon Alz_t6dnrBE-00327-00076048-00076391 um this was very insightful in education Alz_t6dnrBE-00328-00076392-00076767 when um when you guys uh Alz_t6dnrBE-00329-00076768-00077126 when cebu came to me and said that he Alz_t6dnrBE-00330-00077127-00077335 he explained the dynamic to me and what Alz_t6dnrBE-00331-00077336-00077494 was happening here with Alz_t6dnrBE-00332-00077495-00077806 the brand of you uh as you so eloquently Alz_t6dnrBE-00333-00077807-00077926 uh Alz_t6dnrBE-00334-00077927-00078271 let us know you and see more Alz_t6dnrBE-00335-00078272-00078543 only one person came to the mind so as Alz_t6dnrBE-00336-00078544-00078726 we were on this platform Alz_t6dnrBE-00337-00078727-00079047 i'm watching mindy and what i do know is Alz_t6dnrBE-00338-00079048-00079223 uh Alz_t6dnrBE-00339-00079224-00079615 she uh multitask she she lives as a Alz_t6dnrBE-00340-00079616-00079671 brand Alz_t6dnrBE-00341-00079672-00080038 uh i'm talking about work household Alz_t6dnrBE-00342-00080039-00080119 family Alz_t6dnrBE-00343-00080120-00080350 and this compassion for others and a lot Alz_t6dnrBE-00344-00080351-00080487 of the things that you did guys Alz_t6dnrBE-00345-00080488-00080606 described Alz_t6dnrBE-00346-00080607-00080903 and integrity you know appearance Alz_t6dnrBE-00347-00080904-00080991 presentation Alz_t6dnrBE-00348-00080992-00081294 poise etiquette practices so Alz_t6dnrBE-00349-00081295-00081719 i've i've watched this woman Alz_t6dnrBE-00350-00081720-00081879 navigate and manage her life like a Alz_t6dnrBE-00351-00081880-00082079 brand and so when Alz_t6dnrBE-00352-00082080-00082318 you you said when cebu asked me i only Alz_t6dnrBE-00353-00082319-00082479 had one person in my Alz_t6dnrBE-00354-00082480-00082806 you know um she's driven she's Alz_t6dnrBE-00355-00082807-00082982 she has aspirations and she's very Alz_t6dnrBE-00356-00082983-00083150 ambitious you know Alz_t6dnrBE-00357-00083151-00083447 goal oriented and educational and to Alz_t6dnrBE-00358-00083448-00083526 share on Alz_t6dnrBE-00359-00083527-00083726 the power of this virtual platform i Alz_t6dnrBE-00360-00083727-00083935 give you on my sister from the united Alz_t6dnrBE-00361-00083936-00084006 states Alz_t6dnrBE-00362-00084007-00084399 mindy mindy from kinetics Alz_t6dnrBE-00363-00084400-00084615 thank you that was an awesome Alz_t6dnrBE-00364-00084616-00085023 introduction Alz_t6dnrBE-00365-00085024-00085343 oh hello everyone um Alz_t6dnrBE-00366-00085344-00085759 as he as tone said that he asked me to Alz_t6dnrBE-00367-00085760-00086094 uh share on the power Alz_t6dnrBE-00368-00086095-00086415 right at our fingertips the power Alz_t6dnrBE-00369-00086416-00086655 we have the power right at our Alz_t6dnrBE-00370-00086656-00086767 fingertips Alz_t6dnrBE-00371-00086768-00087023 and on this virtual platform like you Alz_t6dnrBE-00372-00087024-00087167 know i didn't know kind of like what Alz_t6dnrBE-00373-00087168-00087311 avenue to come Alz_t6dnrBE-00374-00087312-00087559 you know so you know i'm just going to Alz_t6dnrBE-00375-00087560-00087806 like go where my heart tells me to Alz_t6dnrBE-00376-00087807-00088055 and i was looking at okay um some Alz_t6dnrBE-00377-00088056-00088247 articles of course and like Alz_t6dnrBE-00378-00088248-00088567 you know i i let let's Alz_t6dnrBE-00379-00088568-00088879 let me uh introduce myself um Alz_t6dnrBE-00380-00088880-00089294 i'm mindy i have uh four children Alz_t6dnrBE-00381-00089295-00089479 i live in connecticut in the united Alz_t6dnrBE-00382-00089480-00089679 states um Alz_t6dnrBE-00383-00089680-00089831 and i'm going to show you guys something Alz_t6dnrBE-00384-00089832-00089991 because i was pretty interested Alz_t6dnrBE-00385-00089992-00090223 in knowing my background and my inherent Alz_t6dnrBE-00386-00090224-00090479 and my heritage and where was i from Alz_t6dnrBE-00387-00090480-00090871 and i did an ancestry and i'm 44 Alz_t6dnrBE-00388-00090872-00091206 nigerian 19 camera Alz_t6dnrBE-00389-00091207-00091487 i didn't even know it right so i'm 50 Alz_t6dnrBE-00390-00091488-00091703 years old and i just found out that i am Alz_t6dnrBE-00391-00091704-00091894 44 Alz_t6dnrBE-00392-00091895-00092215 nigerian which you know i'm Alz_t6dnrBE-00393-00092216-00092711 honored you know i'm honored um Alz_t6dnrBE-00394-00092712-00092974 so my my portion is to talk about the Alz_t6dnrBE-00395-00092975-00093238 power of the virtual platform Alz_t6dnrBE-00396-00093239-00093415 you know and i'm just like going on Alz_t6dnrBE-00397-00093416-00093711 where like this method of communication Alz_t6dnrBE-00398-00093712-00093950 that allows multiple parties to come Alz_t6dnrBE-00399-00093951-00094055 together Alz_t6dnrBE-00400-00094056-00094471 in one place and be able to interact Alz_t6dnrBE-00401-00094472-00094767 that's what the virtual platform does Alz_t6dnrBE-00402-00094768-00094806 and i Alz_t6dnrBE-00403-00094807-00095191 i kind of like thought about the global Alz_t6dnrBE-00404-00095192-00095518 accessibility to having um Alz_t6dnrBE-00405-00095519-00095759 a virtual platform i'm in africa right Alz_t6dnrBE-00406-00095760-00095991 now Alz_t6dnrBE-00407-00095992-00096238 you know i'm in africa you know and Alz_t6dnrBE-00408-00096239-00096374 sitting here Alz_t6dnrBE-00409-00096375-00096671 kid and thank you chris because i my Alz_t6dnrBE-00410-00096672-00096887 window looks the same as yours Alz_t6dnrBE-00411-00096888-00097206 like snow covered and i'm in africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00412-00097207-00097494 you know um that's one of the edges Alz_t6dnrBE-00413-00097495-00097550 whoops Alz_t6dnrBE-00414-00097551-00097823 one minute at my airport here fella Alz_t6dnrBE-00415-00097824-00097943 [Music] Alz_t6dnrBE-00416-00097944-00098487 oh sorry Alz_t6dnrBE-00417-00098488-00098911 this is a disadvantage that happens Alz_t6dnrBE-00418-00098912-00099271 can you hear me yeah yeah we can hear Alz_t6dnrBE-00419-00099272-00099438 you loud and clear all right Alz_t6dnrBE-00420-00099439-00099711 um there are many different virtual Alz_t6dnrBE-00421-00099712-00099887 platforms and i kind of want to go Alz_t6dnrBE-00422-00099888-00100055 through a little list of what Alz_t6dnrBE-00423-00100056-00100438 you know i had came up with and it's one Alz_t6dnrBE-00424-00100439-00100679 it's i'm just going to run down a list Alz_t6dnrBE-00425-00100680-00100791 big marker Alz_t6dnrBE-00426-00100792-00100982 one that can cover over a thousand Alz_t6dnrBE-00427-00100983-00101126 people in one Alz_t6dnrBE-00428-00101127-00101447 one room one event you got go to webinar Alz_t6dnrBE-00429-00101448-00101679 you got hey summit you got hoppin Alz_t6dnrBE-00430-00101680-00101982 hoppin can hold a hundred thousand Alz_t6dnrBE-00431-00101983-00102055 people Alz_t6dnrBE-00432-00102056-00102294 you have spot me you have the zoom you Alz_t6dnrBE-00433-00102295-00102382 have Alz_t6dnrBE-00434-00102383-00102751 microsoft teams you have adobe connect Alz_t6dnrBE-00435-00102752-00102975 the skype you have the slack you have Alz_t6dnrBE-00436-00102976-00103110 google hangout Alz_t6dnrBE-00437-00103111-00103278 you have go to meetings you have Alz_t6dnrBE-00438-00103279-00103478 facetime you have google meet Alz_t6dnrBE-00439-00103479-00103823 we have amazon chime we have free Alz_t6dnrBE-00440-00103824-00104151 com conference calls join me Alz_t6dnrBE-00441-00104152-00104454 lifesize ring central meetings Alz_t6dnrBE-00442-00104455-00104775 high five and many more Alz_t6dnrBE-00443-00104776-00105231 and many more due to the pandemic Alz_t6dnrBE-00444-00105232-00105839 due to the pandemic and um Alz_t6dnrBE-00445-00105840-00106231 my daughters do it Alz_t6dnrBE-00446-00106232-00106375 my daughter's over here on the side of Alz_t6dnrBE-00447-00106376-00107015 me she's excited Alz_t6dnrBE-00448-00107016-00107247 excited about this as well we had to get Alz_t6dnrBE-00449-00107248-00107334 creative Alz_t6dnrBE-00450-00107335-00107631 um i'm i you know and i'm i don't have a Alz_t6dnrBE-00451-00107632-00107743 problem sharing Alz_t6dnrBE-00452-00107744-00108054 i'm in recovery right like i walk i have Alz_t6dnrBE-00453-00108055-00108207 kind of like a path that chris was Alz_t6dnrBE-00454-00108208-00108310 sharing about Alz_t6dnrBE-00455-00108311-00108543 you know um doing some things in the Alz_t6dnrBE-00456-00108544-00108702 past and you know having to get through Alz_t6dnrBE-00457-00108703-00108934 those hoops which i am not afraid and i Alz_t6dnrBE-00458-00108935-00109239 am not ashamed to say that today Alz_t6dnrBE-00459-00109240-00109551 i am an advocate for recovery Alz_t6dnrBE-00460-00109552-00109854 right and there's many platforms Alz_t6dnrBE-00461-00109855-00110166 um thank god that the virtual Alz_t6dnrBE-00462-00110167-00110478 came into place when it came where me i Alz_t6dnrBE-00463-00110479-00110558 had a place Alz_t6dnrBE-00464-00110559-00110975 to be able to go to virtually and get Alz_t6dnrBE-00465-00110976-00111254 my spirit get fed in order to continue Alz_t6dnrBE-00466-00111255-00111423 on a recovery path Alz_t6dnrBE-00467-00111424-00111751 right i work as a recovery coach Alz_t6dnrBE-00468-00111752-00111934 emergency department emergency Alz_t6dnrBE-00469-00111935-00112078 department recovery coach Alz_t6dnrBE-00470-00112079-00112286 so i work in 22 different hospitals in Alz_t6dnrBE-00471-00112288-00112583 connecticut and we connect people Alz_t6dnrBE-00472-00112583-00112886 with sore resources we connect people Alz_t6dnrBE-00473-00112888-00113199 to multiple pathways we connect people Alz_t6dnrBE-00474-00113200-00113407 to another way of living other than the Alz_t6dnrBE-00475-00113408-00113599 way that they were living Alz_t6dnrBE-00476-00113600-00113775 we're bringing people from the darkness Alz_t6dnrBE-00477-00113776-00113910 to the light right Alz_t6dnrBE-00478-00113911-00114134 and like i have such a passion to do Alz_t6dnrBE-00479-00114135-00114239 that right Alz_t6dnrBE-00480-00114240-00114558 and i'm gonna tell you like when Alz_t6dnrBE-00481-00114559-00114863 the pandemic hit you know we as my Alz_t6dnrBE-00482-00114864-00114999 company was more yet Alz_t6dnrBE-00483-00115000-00115295 like how are we going to navigate this Alz_t6dnrBE-00484-00115296-00115407 we can't go into the Alz_t6dnrBE-00485-00115408-00115639 emergency rooms anymore like what are we Alz_t6dnrBE-00486-00115640-00115727 going to do Alz_t6dnrBE-00487-00115728-00116071 and the virtual platform was still Alz_t6dnrBE-00488-00116072-00116399 you know that that uh allowed us Alz_t6dnrBE-00489-00116400-00116751 to be able to continue to do our job and Alz_t6dnrBE-00490-00116752-00117039 reach that population of people that Alz_t6dnrBE-00491-00117040-00117086 were Alz_t6dnrBE-00492-00117088-00117527 needing assistance you know um Alz_t6dnrBE-00493-00117528-00117823 i've no i know many people that lost Alz_t6dnrBE-00494-00117824-00117910 lives Alz_t6dnrBE-00495-00117911-00118175 countless countless lives because of the Alz_t6dnrBE-00496-00118176-00118454 pandemic in going into depression and Alz_t6dnrBE-00497-00118455-00118719 using um thank you i acknowledge the Alz_t6dnrBE-00498-00118720-00118807 time Alz_t6dnrBE-00499-00118808-00119166 and um Alz_t6dnrBE-00500-00119167-00119463 but this virtual platform is the pi Alz_t6dnrBE-00501-00119464-00119590 gives us power Alz_t6dnrBE-00502-00119591-00119927 and um it's saving lives Alz_t6dnrBE-00503-00119928-00120158 too let's get that let's get that clear Alz_t6dnrBE-00504-00120159-00120343 it's saving lives Alz_t6dnrBE-00505-00120344-00120534 and you know i'm not just talking about Alz_t6dnrBE-00506-00120535-00120823 recovery let's talk about telehealth Alz_t6dnrBE-00507-00120824-00120975 you know let's talk about like people Alz_t6dnrBE-00508-00120976-00121278 that never wanted to go to a doctor Alz_t6dnrBE-00509-00121279-00121527 and they're able to go to a doctor in Alz_t6dnrBE-00510-00121528-00121623 their home Alz_t6dnrBE-00511-00121624-00121983 their visit you know my mother she's 81 Alz_t6dnrBE-00512-00121983-00122078 years old Alz_t6dnrBE-00513-00122079-00122407 you know and i could pop in and talk Alz_t6dnrBE-00514-00122408-00122590 after and do a video conference with her Alz_t6dnrBE-00515-00122591-00122639 doctor Alz_t6dnrBE-00516-00122640-00122934 today which you know was not even they Alz_t6dnrBE-00517-00122935-00123086 weren't willing to do that before the Alz_t6dnrBE-00518-00123088-00123278 endemic but now they're able to do that Alz_t6dnrBE-00519-00123279-00123351 so this Alz_t6dnrBE-00520-00123352-00123663 resources are being opened up for others Alz_t6dnrBE-00521-00123664-00123895 like hey i've been in school i've been Alz_t6dnrBE-00522-00123896-00124078 on school online i went to university of Alz_t6dnrBE-00523-00124079-00124207 phoenix online Alz_t6dnrBE-00524-00124208-00124358 right and this is way before the Alz_t6dnrBE-00525-00124359-00124527 pandemic and it's Alz_t6dnrBE-00526-00124528-00124758 that was a virtual platform too you know Alz_t6dnrBE-00527-00124759-00124958 where you know obtain my Alz_t6dnrBE-00528-00124959-00125223 my bachelor's in december and i'm going Alz_t6dnrBE-00529-00125224-00125454 into my master's program in may Alz_t6dnrBE-00530-00125455-00125719 and i pursue my phd i'm not going to Alz_t6dnrBE-00531-00125720-00125958 stop until i get that phd Alz_t6dnrBE-00532-00125959-00126158 you know guys to be able to call me dr Alz_t6dnrBE-00533-00126159-00126351 richardson you know but this Alz_t6dnrBE-00534-00126352-00126966 is you know i'm just sharing that like Alz_t6dnrBE-00535-00126967-00127310 we can't become stagnated and stopped in Alz_t6dnrBE-00536-00127311-00127439 our tracks because Alz_t6dnrBE-00537-00127440-00127743 of that we still have to persevere and Alz_t6dnrBE-00538-00127744-00127943 we have to push forward in life Alz_t6dnrBE-00539-00127944-00128254 right and we have to adapt a just Alz_t6dnrBE-00540-00128255-00128558 in a comedy right so like if we can't Alz_t6dnrBE-00541-00128559-00128871 meet in person you know we have to go Alz_t6dnrBE-00542-00128872-00128958 another route Alz_t6dnrBE-00543-00128959-00129247 you know and when tony was uh bringing Alz_t6dnrBE-00544-00129248-00129271 up Alz_t6dnrBE-00545-00129272-00129431 the topic to me or what i was going to Alz_t6dnrBE-00546-00129432-00129695 share about what frame that Alz_t6dnrBE-00547-00129696-00130078 came to mind was adjust Alz_t6dnrBE-00548-00130079-00130423 or become left you know we have to adapt Alz_t6dnrBE-00549-00130424-00130551 to this new way Alz_t6dnrBE-00550-00130552-00130807 this is the new you know i don't think Alz_t6dnrBE-00551-00130808-00131023 after the pandemic leaves and you know Alz_t6dnrBE-00552-00131024-00131175 everything settles down into smoke Alz_t6dnrBE-00553-00131176-00131351 settles with the pandemic that Alz_t6dnrBE-00554-00131352-00131502 everyone is just going to go back to Alz_t6dnrBE-00555-00131503-00131663 in-person things Alz_t6dnrBE-00556-00131664-00132007 this is going to become a new norm Alz_t6dnrBE-00557-00132008-00132302 and we have to adjust to it and i know Alz_t6dnrBE-00558-00132303-00132439 some people that don't Alz_t6dnrBE-00559-00132440-00132863 care for it you know but Alz_t6dnrBE-00560-00132864-00133111 they're going to get left if they don't Alz_t6dnrBE-00561-00133112-00133254 get on board Alz_t6dnrBE-00562-00133255-00133463 you know we got to get on this train Alz_t6dnrBE-00563-00133464-00133631 because this is opening up Alz_t6dnrBE-00564-00133632-00133983 doors to so much Alz_t6dnrBE-00565-00133984-00134287 you know um Alz_t6dnrBE-00566-00134288-00134519 i have something else down here i'm a Alz_t6dnrBE-00567-00134520-00134647 tax preparer Alz_t6dnrBE-00568-00134648-00134959 so i do i you know i'm i i like tony Alz_t6dnrBE-00569-00134960-00135039 said man like Alz_t6dnrBE-00570-00135040-00135383 i'm an entrepreneur you know um Alz_t6dnrBE-00571-00135384-00135695 i'm goal driven you know um Alz_t6dnrBE-00572-00135696-00135966 i'm in college for a reason i want to Alz_t6dnrBE-00573-00135967-00136207 have my own tax consultant business Alz_t6dnrBE-00574-00136208-00136607 i've been doing taxes for about 15 years Alz_t6dnrBE-00575-00136608-00137039 and um my hurdles and my barriers of Alz_t6dnrBE-00576-00137040-00137223 recovery at the time Alz_t6dnrBE-00577-00137224-00137390 you know i just couldn't get it right Alz_t6dnrBE-00578-00137391-00137631 but just for today Alz_t6dnrBE-00579-00137632-00137839 you know um things are coming together Alz_t6dnrBE-00580-00137840-00138087 for me i was able to get that degree Alz_t6dnrBE-00581-00138088-00138302 i want to open up my own tax consulting Alz_t6dnrBE-00582-00138303-00138423 business Alz_t6dnrBE-00583-00138424-00138695 and um i'm well on my way with it y'all Alz_t6dnrBE-00584-00138696-00138902 you know i do a lot Alz_t6dnrBE-00585-00138903-00139295 of um my clients don't meet because of Alz_t6dnrBE-00586-00139296-00139654 the epidemic and we find that it's more Alz_t6dnrBE-00587-00139655-00139719 helpful Alz_t6dnrBE-00588-00139720-00139990 to be on a virtual platform type of Alz_t6dnrBE-00589-00139991-00140159 technology Alz_t6dnrBE-00590-00140160-00140502 in order to uh transmit forms back and Alz_t6dnrBE-00591-00140503-00140559 forth Alz_t6dnrBE-00592-00140560-00140751 i'm still able to do my job let's put it Alz_t6dnrBE-00593-00140752-00140990 that way because i had to find Alz_t6dnrBE-00594-00140991-00141343 a way to get the need met Alz_t6dnrBE-00595-00141344-00141639 you know um it's all about getting me Alz_t6dnrBE-00596-00141640-00141711 here Alz_t6dnrBE-00597-00141712-00141935 you know um regardless just like you Alz_t6dnrBE-00598-00141936-00142175 know 40 people on here Alz_t6dnrBE-00599-00142176-00142407 you know and we're getting a need met we Alz_t6dnrBE-00600-00142408-00142583 need more information Alz_t6dnrBE-00601-00142584-00142887 you know um and if you have any Alz_t6dnrBE-00602-00142888-00143063 questions about what i'm Alz_t6dnrBE-00603-00143064-00143375 you know sharing i you know you can jot Alz_t6dnrBE-00604-00143376-00143478 them in a chat or Alz_t6dnrBE-00605-00143479-00143854 ask me after this um after this meeting Alz_t6dnrBE-00606-00143855-00143966 but um Alz_t6dnrBE-00607-00143967-00144231 yeah i'm i'm a multitasker i'm i'm Alz_t6dnrBE-00608-00144232-00144375 actually Alz_t6dnrBE-00609-00144376-00144631 work remote from home until i'm called Alz_t6dnrBE-00610-00144632-00144895 into an emergency room Alz_t6dnrBE-00611-00144896-00145254 um so i got my laptop here i got my Alz_t6dnrBE-00612-00145255-00145326 phone here Alz_t6dnrBE-00613-00145327-00145607 you know and i'm connecting with people Alz_t6dnrBE-00614-00145608-00145743 that are in need Alz_t6dnrBE-00615-00145744-00146031 um i have a passion to help ones that's Alz_t6dnrBE-00616-00146032-00146199 in me Alz_t6dnrBE-00617-00146200-00146551 um i also love helping Alz_t6dnrBE-00618-00146552-00147083 the one just like me or that was me Alz_t6dnrBE-00619-00147084-00147566 um so that's what i do but i'm always uh Alz_t6dnrBE-00620-00147567-00147966 driven to do more um Alz_t6dnrBE-00621-00147967-00148343 i i guess i want to just say too that um Alz_t6dnrBE-00622-00148344-00148663 my kids you know i gotta share about my Alz_t6dnrBE-00623-00148664-00148878 best friend which is over here and she Alz_t6dnrBE-00624-00148879-00149343 probably don't want to be seen Alz_t6dnrBE-00625-00149344-00149687 and you know um the connection and like Alz_t6dnrBE-00626-00149688-00149775 she's Alz_t6dnrBE-00627-00149776-00150047 on her virtual platform here and i'm on Alz_t6dnrBE-00628-00150048-00150095 my Alz_t6dnrBE-00629-00150096-00150278 virtual platform here we share an office Alz_t6dnrBE-00630-00150279-00150471 and we have a little divider or whatever Alz_t6dnrBE-00631-00150472-00150695 you know she's 23 and we share an office Alz_t6dnrBE-00632-00150696-00150823 and like you know Alz_t6dnrBE-00633-00150824-00151014 like this is a family thing that we're Alz_t6dnrBE-00634-00151015-00151175 we're we're coming together Alz_t6dnrBE-00635-00151176-00151463 on you know different just technology Alz_t6dnrBE-00636-00151464-00151647 period and just like learning i don't Alz_t6dnrBE-00637-00151648-00151678 know Alz_t6dnrBE-00638-00151679-00151966 something guess what this 23 year old Alz_t6dnrBE-00639-00151967-00152071 does Alz_t6dnrBE-00640-00152072-00152359 i ask to ask questions i ask questions Alz_t6dnrBE-00641-00152360-00152487 and um Alz_t6dnrBE-00642-00152488-00152799 get what i need and get things done you Alz_t6dnrBE-00643-00152800-00152839 know Alz_t6dnrBE-00644-00152840-00153166 um i am truly grateful that south africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00645-00153167-00153278 asked me to come Alz_t6dnrBE-00646-00153279-00153590 and share on power of virtual Alz_t6dnrBE-00647-00153591-00153911 platforms and it's truly a blessing to Alz_t6dnrBE-00648-00153912-00153999 be here with Alz_t6dnrBE-00649-00154000-00154399 you guys and i you know um i i also do a Alz_t6dnrBE-00650-00154400-00154535 lot of support groups Alz_t6dnrBE-00651-00154536-00154854 and um helped out in that area of Alz_t6dnrBE-00652-00154855-00155183 creating um the platforms and stuff for Alz_t6dnrBE-00653-00155184-00155335 the support groups and Alz_t6dnrBE-00654-00155336-00155663 i participate in a lot of them so um Alz_t6dnrBE-00655-00155664-00155943 yeah so tony thanks i was the one for Alz_t6dnrBE-00656-00155944-00156014 the Alz_t6dnrBE-00657-00156015-00156383 for the job um and my daughter keeps Alz_t6dnrBE-00658-00156384-00156719 asking me how do you guys make jalon Alz_t6dnrBE-00659-00156720-00156759 she's Alz_t6dnrBE-00660-00156760-00156975 over here on the side bodies it's like i Alz_t6dnrBE-00661-00156976-00157119 want to know the recipe for Alz_t6dnrBE-00662-00157120-00157431 july so i i Alz_t6dnrBE-00663-00157432-00157743 i'll jump in quick recipe Alz_t6dnrBE-00664-00157744-00158054 only because because Alz_t6dnrBE-00665-00158055-00158287 jerry and sister and you got a community Alz_t6dnrBE-00666-00158288-00158535 of mostly south africans we call it Alz_t6dnrBE-00667-00158536-00158814 ipapa or pooch we don't call it jalop in Alz_t6dnrBE-00668-00158815-00158935 south africa Alz_t6dnrBE-00669-00158936-00159527 thank you thank you okay AnF_Wjg3xf4-00000-00000992-00001087 two trucks AnF_Wjg3xf4-00001-00001088-00002019 having sex two trucks having sex AnF_Wjg3xf4-00002-00002020-00002575 [Music] AnF_Wjg3xf4-00003-00002576-00003057 my muscles AnF_Wjg3xf4-00004-00003058-00004283 [Music] AnF_Wjg3xf4-00005-00004284-00005061 machines AnF_Wjg3xf4-00006-00005062-00005511 [Music] AnF_Wjg3xf4-00007-00005512-00006140 my muscles involuntarily AnF_Wjg3xf4-00008-00006141-00007083 [Music] AnF_Wjg3xf4-00009-00007084-00007633 muscles AnF_Wjg3xf4-00010-00007634-00007774 [Music] AnF_Wjg3xf4-00011-00007775-00008727 one two and three AnF_Wjg3xf4-00012-00008728-00010863 these two trucks AnF_Wjg3xf4-00013-00010864-00011295 holding AnF_Wjg3xf4-00014-00011296-00011667 passion hands passion is more than i can AnF_Wjg3xf4-00015-00011668-00011968 withstand B1EQFqmkiBE-00000-00000071-00000271 today we'll be solving the equation x B1EQFqmkiBE-00001-00000272-00000383 squared plus 8x B1EQFqmkiBE-00002-00000384-00000767 plus 25 equals zero now to solve for x B1EQFqmkiBE-00003-00000768-00000919 in this equation we'll have to use the B1EQFqmkiBE-00004-00000919-00001103 quadratic formula B1EQFqmkiBE-00005-00001104-00001391 here it is up in the right so let's plug B1EQFqmkiBE-00006-00001392-00001495 in our values B1EQFqmkiBE-00007-00001496-00001782 we get x equals negative eight plus or B1EQFqmkiBE-00008-00001784-00002023 minus the square root of eight squared B1EQFqmkiBE-00009-00002023-00002110 minus B1EQFqmkiBE-00010-00002111-00002526 four times twenty-five times one B1EQFqmkiBE-00011-00002527-00002902 divided by two times one B1EQFqmkiBE-00012-00002903-00003263 this gives us negative 8 plus or minus B1EQFqmkiBE-00013-00003264-00003415 the square root B1EQFqmkiBE-00014-00003415-00003815 of 64 minus 100 B1EQFqmkiBE-00015-00003815-00004295 all divided by 2. now 64 minus 100 is B1EQFqmkiBE-00016-00004296-00004447 negative 36 B1EQFqmkiBE-00017-00004448-00004631 this gives us the square root of a B1EQFqmkiBE-00018-00004632-00004806 negative number in our answer which we B1EQFqmkiBE-00019-00004807-00004863 can't do B1EQFqmkiBE-00020-00004864-00005175 so there are actually no solutions B1EQFqmkiBE-00021-00005176-00005367 but we can include the complex numbers B1EQFqmkiBE-00022-00005368-00005543 if we break up our square root B1EQFqmkiBE-00023-00005544-00005783 as the square root of 36 times the B1EQFqmkiBE-00024-00005784-00005991 square root of negative 1. B1EQFqmkiBE-00025-00005992-00006199 the square root of 36 is 6 and the B1EQFqmkiBE-00026-00006200-00006367 square root of negative 1 is B1EQFqmkiBE-00027-00006368-00006623 i so replacing the square root of B1EQFqmkiBE-00028-00006623-00006734 negative 36 B1EQFqmkiBE-00029-00006736-00007070 with 6 i gives us negative 8 plus or B1EQFqmkiBE-00030-00007072-00007142 minus B1EQFqmkiBE-00031-00007143-00007478 six i divided by two B1EQFqmkiBE-00032-00007479-00007646 these can be broken up into their own B1EQFqmkiBE-00033-00007647-00007863 fractions of negative eight over two B1EQFqmkiBE-00034-00007864-00008231 plus or minus six i over two B1EQFqmkiBE-00035-00008232-00008535 this gives us x equals negative four B1EQFqmkiBE-00036-00008536-00008855 plus or minus 3i so these are the B1EQFqmkiBE-00037-00008856-00009336 complex solutions to our equation B4V91Mpr0II-00000-00000032-00000247 my mom bought me those dd's of the whole B4V91Mpr0II-00001-00000248-00000430 series when i was in elementary school B4V91Mpr0II-00002-00000431-00000647 friends really had a big candy teaching B4V91Mpr0II-00003-00000648-00000759 me english B4V91Mpr0II-00004-00000760-00000927 and the show really taught me the things B4V91Mpr0II-00005-00000927-00001520 about life and true friendship B6O8WqeBdF4-00005-00078960-00081871 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00006-00081872-00084695 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00008-00090816-00091658 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00009-00091659-00093481 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00010-00093482-00094638 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00011-00094639-00095243 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00012-00095244-00096595 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00013-00096596-00097783 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00014-00097784-00100013 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00015-00100014-00102169 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00017-00106600-00108571 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00018-00108572-00109597 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00019-00109598-00111571 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00020-00111572-00112788 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00021-00112789-00114190 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00022-00114191-00115026 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00023-00115027-00116430 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00024-00116431-00118329 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00025-00118330-00119910 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00029-00168802-00169989 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00032-00185303-00187344 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00033-00187345-00188917 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00035-00197442-00200065 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00036-00200066-00201045 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00037-00201046-00201828 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00039-00208134-00210423 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00042-00284090-00285214 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00043-00285215-00285888 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00044-00285889-00286706 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00045-00286707-00288543 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00046-00288544-00289406 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00048-00294191-00296751 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00049-00296752-00297611 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00050-00297612-00299523 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00051-00299524-00300853 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00052-00300854-00302748 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00053-00302749-00305252 [Music] B6O8WqeBdF4-00054-00305253-00306461 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00000-00000128-00000347 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00001-00000348-00000758 foreign B73nmLTD7lc-00002-00000759-00001863 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00003-00001864-00003281 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00004-00003282-00003699 thank you B73nmLTD7lc-00006-00007500-00007918 foreign B73nmLTD7lc-00007-00007919-00010019 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00008-00010020-00010176 foreign B73nmLTD7lc-00010-00013481-00013894 foreign B73nmLTD7lc-00011-00013894-00014526 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00012-00014527-00016499 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00013-00016500-00016663 foreign B73nmLTD7lc-00015-00019968-00020239 foreign B73nmLTD7lc-00016-00020240-00021641 [Music] B73nmLTD7lc-00017-00021642-00022100 [Laughter] B7htClbDH5u-00000-00000003-00000257 investigative ophthalmology and visual B7htClbDH5u-00001-00000258-00000545 science iov s is an online journal B7htClbDH5u-00002-00000546-00000751 published by the Association for B7htClbDH5u-00003-00000752-00000998 research in vision and ophthalmology B7htClbDH5u-00004-00000999-00001469 arvo topic history the journal was B7htClbDH5u-00005-00001470-00001709 established as an official publication B7htClbDH5u-00006-00001710-00001930 of the Association for research in B7htClbDH5u-00007-00001932-00002134 ophthalmology later renamed the B7htClbDH5u-00008-00002135-00002381 Association for research in vision and B7htClbDH5u-00009-00002382-00002675 ophthalmology the first issue of B7htClbDH5u-00010-00002676-00002897 investigative off film ology was B7htClbDH5u-00011-00002898-00003269 published in January 1962 with Bernard B7htClbDH5u-00012-00003270-00003665 Becker MD as the executive editor the B7htClbDH5u-00013-00003665-00003884 title was changed to investigative B7htClbDH5u-00014-00003885-00004268 ophthalmology and visual science in 1977 B7htClbDH5u-00015-00004269-00004531 abstracts from the arvo annual meeting B7htClbDH5u-00016-00004532-00004742 have been published as an issue of eye B7htClbDH5u-00017-00004743-00005345 OVS since 1977 also in 1977 eye OVS was B7htClbDH5u-00018-00005346-00005606 accepted for inclusion in index Medicus B7htClbDH5u-00019-00005607-00006020 and later in MEDLINE and PubMed IO vs B7htClbDH5u-00020-00006021-00006383 was first published online in 1999 with B7htClbDH5u-00021-00006384-00006587 scan back content being made available B7htClbDH5u-00022-00006588-00007096 online in 2005 the last print issue was B7htClbDH5u-00023-00007097-00007433 published in 2009 and the journal is now B7htClbDH5u-00024-00007434-00007787 published online only in January 2016 B7htClbDH5u-00025-00007788-00008110 io vs ended its subscription program and B7htClbDH5u-00026-00008111-00008501 became open access all content is freely B7htClbDH5u-00027-00008502-00008762 available to read and content published B7htClbDH5u-00028-00008763-00009049 2016 onward is freely available for B7htClbDH5u-00029-00009050-00009266 reuse under either the Creative Commons B7htClbDH5u-00030-00009267-00009455 Attribution non-commercial no B7htClbDH5u-00031-00009456-00009698 derivatives license or Creative Commons B7htClbDH5u-00032-00009699-00010374 Attribution license B7htClbDH5u-00033-00010375-00011246 topic editors B7htClbDH5u-00034-00011247-00011800 topic see also B7htClbDH5u-00035-00011801-00012154 Journal of vision B7ch0n1Zm4A-00000-00000040-00001231 [Music] B7ch0n1Zm4A-00001-00001232-00001319 hi everyone B7ch0n1Zm4A-00002-00001320-00001558 jamie here from utah education network B7ch0n1Zm4A-00003-00001559-00001710 welcome to this episode B7ch0n1Zm4A-00004-00001711-00002047 of uen nearpod news i just wanted to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00005-00002048-00002183 give you a quick reminder B7ch0n1Zm4A-00006-00002184-00002334 that since it's the end of the school B7ch0n1Zm4A-00007-00002335-00002502 year if you are looking to take some B7ch0n1Zm4A-00008-00002503-00002758 courses to get some re-licensure credit B7ch0n1Zm4A-00009-00002759-00003071 that uen has two near pod courses B7ch0n1Zm4A-00010-00003072-00003150 available B7ch0n1Zm4A-00011-00003151-00003359 the near pod beginner and the nearpod B7ch0n1Zm4A-00012-00003360-00003486 advanced and B7ch0n1Zm4A-00013-00003488-00003783 both of these courses are available to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00014-00003784-00003879 work at your own B7ch0n1Zm4A-00015-00003879-00004215 pace and at the completion you will be B7ch0n1Zm4A-00016-00004216-00004447 not only prepared to become nearpod B7ch0n1Zm4A-00017-00004448-00004551 certified B7ch0n1Zm4A-00018-00004552-00004991 but also have one usbe credit which B7ch0n1Zm4A-00019-00004992-00005215 equals 15 re-licensure points B7ch0n1Zm4A-00020-00005216-00005518 so if you're looking for a lane change B7ch0n1Zm4A-00021-00005519-00005870 make sure you go to uen.org and click on B7ch0n1Zm4A-00022-00005871-00006070 our professional development tab B7ch0n1Zm4A-00023-00006071-00006367 to get started taking your courses now B7ch0n1Zm4A-00024-00006368-00006606 in addition to that today i want to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00025-00006608-00006887 introduce you to the immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00026-00006888-00006975 and also B7ch0n1Zm4A-00027-00006976-00007342 show you the vr field trip lesson pack B7ch0n1Zm4A-00028-00007343-00007551 let's talk first about the immersive B7ch0n1Zm4A-00029-00007552-00007670 reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00030-00007672-00007846 in order to use the immersive reader you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00031-00007847-00008014 need to turn it on in the lesson B7ch0n1Zm4A-00032-00008015-00008119 settings B7ch0n1Zm4A-00033-00008120-00008303 so click on your profile picture in the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00034-00008304-00008478 top right corner click on lesson B7ch0n1Zm4A-00035-00008479-00008671 settings and then it's the second option B7ch0n1Zm4A-00036-00008672-00008727 down B7ch0n1Zm4A-00037-00008728-00008910 it's as easy as just flipping the switch B7ch0n1Zm4A-00038-00008911-00009071 to turn it on B7ch0n1Zm4A-00039-00009072-00009295 from there the rest of the control is up B7ch0n1Zm4A-00040-00009296-00009431 to the student B7ch0n1Zm4A-00041-00009432-00009655 so in this lesson i'm in a student pace B7ch0n1Zm4A-00042-00009656-00009942 near pod and i'm on the title page B7ch0n1Zm4A-00043-00009943-00010159 and this title page was made with a B7ch0n1Zm4A-00044-00010160-00010319 third-party application B7ch0n1Zm4A-00045-00010320-00010646 um maybe canva or powerpoint maybe even B7ch0n1Zm4A-00046-00010647-00010791 google but uploaded B7ch0n1Zm4A-00047-00010792-00011038 into nearpod when this comes into B7ch0n1Zm4A-00048-00011039-00011214 nearpod from a third party B7ch0n1Zm4A-00049-00011215-00011471 it becomes an image so there's nothing B7ch0n1Zm4A-00050-00011472-00011606 on this page B7ch0n1Zm4A-00051-00011607-00011799 that the immersive reader can actually B7ch0n1Zm4A-00052-00011800-00012103 read but if i show you on the second B7ch0n1Zm4A-00053-00012104-00012359 title slide this is a title slide that's B7ch0n1Zm4A-00054-00012360-00012446 made B7ch0n1Zm4A-00055-00012447-00012703 within nearpod using the add slide B7ch0n1Zm4A-00056-00012704-00012863 option B7ch0n1Zm4A-00057-00012863-00013063 and in the right hand corner you'll see B7ch0n1Zm4A-00058-00013063-00013255 a book with an audio B7ch0n1Zm4A-00059-00013256-00013430 icon over top of it and that's the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00060-00013431-00013599 immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00061-00013600-00013775 so at this point it's up to your B7ch0n1Zm4A-00062-00013776-00013927 students to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00063-00013928-00014135 select their options to get their B7ch0n1Zm4A-00064-00014136-00014311 immersive reader set up B7ch0n1Zm4A-00065-00014312-00014479 they can just jump right in and click B7ch0n1Zm4A-00066-00014480-00014679 play but they do have some B7ch0n1Zm4A-00067-00014680-00014855 settings option down here and then some B7ch0n1Zm4A-00068-00014856-00015103 options up here in the right hand corner B7ch0n1Zm4A-00069-00015104-00015366 under voice settings they can change the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00070-00015368-00015591 speed of the voice and also select male B7ch0n1Zm4A-00071-00015591-00015838 or female in the top right hand corner B7ch0n1Zm4A-00072-00015840-00016119 they have their reading preferences B7ch0n1Zm4A-00073-00016119-00016335 and they can change the language so B7ch0n1Zm4A-00074-00016336-00016422 let's say B7ch0n1Zm4A-00075-00016423-00016599 that they would like to have the the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00076-00016600-00016791 reader read to them in french B7ch0n1Zm4A-00077-00016792-00016991 they can choose to have it changed to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00078-00016992-00017207 read by word or to change the whole B7ch0n1Zm4A-00079-00017208-00017271 document B7ch0n1Zm4A-00080-00017272-00017607 while it's reading B7ch0n1Zm4A-00081-00017608-00017894 another option are the grammar options B7ch0n1Zm4A-00082-00017895-00018079 and i'm going to switch this back to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00083-00018080-00018367 english so when it starts to read B7ch0n1Zm4A-00084-00018368-00018935 it's going to read for us in english B7ch0n1Zm4A-00085-00018936-00019335 so the grammar options you can choose to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00086-00019336-00019391 have B7ch0n1Zm4A-00087-00019392-00019630 the syllables marked on the page while B7ch0n1Zm4A-00088-00019631-00019799 the immersive reader is reading you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00089-00019800-00020119 can have your nouns highlighted or your B7ch0n1Zm4A-00090-00020120-00020358 verbs highlighted in a different color B7ch0n1Zm4A-00091-00020359-00020591 and you can actually show the labels B7ch0n1Zm4A-00092-00020592-00020703 above each of them B7ch0n1Zm4A-00093-00020704-00020927 so this little n here with the color B7ch0n1Zm4A-00094-00020928-00021014 purple B7ch0n1Zm4A-00095-00021015-00021191 lets a student know that these are the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00096-00021192-00021391 nouns and the verbs B7ch0n1Zm4A-00097-00021392-00021750 are in red with a v on top B7ch0n1Zm4A-00098-00021751-00021975 you can also change the text preference B7ch0n1Zm4A-00099-00021976-00022350 to increase the text size B7ch0n1Zm4A-00100-00022351-00022550 to increase the spacing which is already B7ch0n1Zm4A-00101-00022551-00022886 turned on B7ch0n1Zm4A-00102-00022887-00023247 to change the font or to change the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00103-00023248-00023678 entire theme B7ch0n1Zm4A-00104-00023679-00023911 so these are options that students have B7ch0n1Zm4A-00105-00023912-00024007 when they B7ch0n1Zm4A-00106-00024008-00024191 choose the immersive reader when they B7ch0n1Zm4A-00107-00024192-00024375 have it set up how they would like they B7ch0n1Zm4A-00108-00024376-00024535 click play B7ch0n1Zm4A-00109-00024536-00024814 multiple choice tests learning B7ch0n1Zm4A-00110-00024815-00024999 strategies for taking multiple choice B7ch0n1Zm4A-00111-00025000-00025199 tests B7ch0n1Zm4A-00112-00025200-00025358 and when they're done and they want to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00113-00025359-00025583 go back to the near pod slide they can B7ch0n1Zm4A-00114-00025584-00025902 click here on this back arrow B7ch0n1Zm4A-00115-00025904-00026134 so that's what a title slide would look B7ch0n1Zm4A-00116-00026135-00026367 like if you created a slide B7ch0n1Zm4A-00117-00026368-00026662 in nearpod now the immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00118-00026663-00026718 works with B7ch0n1Zm4A-00119-00026719-00027007 other options in your pod it will read B7ch0n1Zm4A-00120-00027008-00027231 anything on a draw it so this is a draw B7ch0n1Zm4A-00121-00027232-00027487 slide and here at the top we have our B7ch0n1Zm4A-00122-00027488-00027607 instructions so we'll B7ch0n1Zm4A-00123-00027608-00027735 i'm sorry it will only read the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00124-00027736-00028031 instructions not the image down below B7ch0n1Zm4A-00125-00028032-00028231 so i can click on the immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00126-00028232-00028407 and it will read the instructions B7ch0n1Zm4A-00127-00028408-00028718 and then again i can click back B7ch0n1Zm4A-00128-00028719-00028927 i can also choose to have open-ended B7ch0n1Zm4A-00129-00028927-00029087 questions read B7ch0n1Zm4A-00130-00029088-00029335 again just reading the question at the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00131-00029336-00029455 top B7ch0n1Zm4A-00132-00029456-00029783 but on a poll or a multiple choice B7ch0n1Zm4A-00133-00029783-00029870 question B7ch0n1Zm4A-00134-00029872-00030167 it will actually read the entire slide B7ch0n1Zm4A-00135-00030168-00030374 so when i click here on my B7ch0n1Zm4A-00136-00030375-00030623 immersive reader and i click play did B7ch0n1Zm4A-00137-00030624-00030823 eliminating incorrect answers help you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00138-00030824-00031062 find the answer to the question B7ch0n1Zm4A-00139-00031063-00031383 and yes i eliminated three answers so B7ch0n1Zm4A-00140-00031383-00031646 in multiple choice and poll questions it B7ch0n1Zm4A-00141-00031647-00031783 will B7ch0n1Zm4A-00142-00031783-00032423 read the question and the options B7ch0n1Zm4A-00143-00032424-00032646 last but not least we have our matching B7ch0n1Zm4A-00144-00032647-00032895 pairs so this matching pairs game was B7ch0n1Zm4A-00145-00032896-00032951 set up B7ch0n1Zm4A-00146-00032952-00033367 using images for each of the cards B7ch0n1Zm4A-00147-00033368-00033623 so it won't read each of these images B7ch0n1Zm4A-00148-00033624-00033799 but it will read B7ch0n1Zm4A-00149-00033800-00034127 the instructions however if you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00150-00034128-00034455 set up your matching pairs using text B7ch0n1Zm4A-00151-00034456-00034759 then it will read the text within the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00152-00034760-00034895 matching pairs B7ch0n1Zm4A-00153-00034896-00035199 as long as students click on the card B7ch0n1Zm4A-00154-00035200-00035479 and then they expand it without B7ch0n1Zm4A-00155-00035480-00035590 expanding it B7ch0n1Zm4A-00156-00035591-00035911 you won't be able to have it read to you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00157-00035912-00036190 but if you click expand B7ch0n1Zm4A-00158-00036191-00036495 then here's my immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00159-00036496-00036807 so in the last lesson B7ch0n1Zm4A-00160-00036808-00037087 i showed you what slides look like that B7ch0n1Zm4A-00161-00037088-00037118 were B7ch0n1Zm4A-00162-00037119-00037374 created in nearpod but the immersive B7ch0n1Zm4A-00163-00037375-00037423 reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00164-00037424-00037735 actually works really really well if B7ch0n1Zm4A-00165-00037736-00038015 you're using the google slides add-on so B7ch0n1Zm4A-00166-00038016-00038111 this is a B7ch0n1Zm4A-00167-00038112-00038367 lesson that was created in google slides B7ch0n1Zm4A-00168-00038368-00038551 and the immersive reader will actually B7ch0n1Zm4A-00169-00038552-00038590 read B7ch0n1Zm4A-00170-00038591-00038887 the majority of this text just not the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00171-00038888-00038983 image B7ch0n1Zm4A-00172-00038984-00039295 and that's a huge feature if you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00173-00039296-00039630 like using the immersive reader is to B7ch0n1Zm4A-00174-00039631-00039839 create your slides in google slides B7ch0n1Zm4A-00175-00039840-00040095 instead so all of this text on the page B7ch0n1Zm4A-00176-00040096-00040383 the immersive reader will read that also B7ch0n1Zm4A-00177-00040384-00040430 this B7ch0n1Zm4A-00178-00040431-00040655 there's an image at the top so it's not B7ch0n1Zm4A-00179-00040656-00040807 going to do anything for the image B7ch0n1Zm4A-00180-00040808-00040999 but the text down here no matter the B7ch0n1Zm4A-00181-00041000-00041207 size it is going to read that B7ch0n1Zm4A-00182-00041208-00041407 the difference is the immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00183-00041408-00041567 is not in the right hand corner where B7ch0n1Zm4A-00184-00041568-00041671 you might expect it B7ch0n1Zm4A-00185-00041672-00041911 it's actually really small over here in B7ch0n1Zm4A-00186-00041912-00042046 the left hand corner B7ch0n1Zm4A-00187-00042047-00042239 but it works the same so i click there B7ch0n1Zm4A-00188-00042240-00042383 on the immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00189-00042384-00042639 i have all of my same options here i B7ch0n1Zm4A-00190-00042640-00042902 click play B7ch0n1Zm4A-00191-00042903-00043239 statewide contract for five years B7ch0n1Zm4A-00192-00043240-00043390 and then when i want to go back to my B7ch0n1Zm4A-00193-00043391-00043630 slide i just click on the arrow button B7ch0n1Zm4A-00194-00043631-00043871 so using the google slides add-on is a B7ch0n1Zm4A-00195-00043872-00044111 great way to have the immersive reader B7ch0n1Zm4A-00196-00044112-00044462 read content slides for you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00197-00044463-00044662 in this crazy year of covid your B7ch0n1Zm4A-00198-00044663-00044839 students may have missed out B7ch0n1Zm4A-00199-00044840-00045095 on a few field trips and although near B7ch0n1Zm4A-00200-00045096-00045151 pod B7ch0n1Zm4A-00201-00045152-00045462 can't replace the bus trips and the sack B7ch0n1Zm4A-00202-00045463-00045551 lunches B7ch0n1Zm4A-00203-00045552-00045758 they do have a collection of vr field B7ch0n1Zm4A-00204-00045759-00045967 trips that your students can B7ch0n1Zm4A-00205-00045968-00046199 visit pretty much anywhere in the world B7ch0n1Zm4A-00206-00046200-00046479 so let's take a look a collection of vr B7ch0n1Zm4A-00207-00046480-00046671 field trips can be found by clicking on B7ch0n1Zm4A-00208-00046672-00046839 the nearpod library B7ch0n1Zm4A-00209-00046840-00047007 and then there's actually an icon right B7ch0n1Zm4A-00210-00047008-00047286 down here that says nearpod vr B7ch0n1Zm4A-00211-00047287-00047446 when you click on this option you'll be B7ch0n1Zm4A-00212-00047447-00047695 taken to a bunch of different B7ch0n1Zm4A-00213-00047696-00048030 vr activities that are actually lessons B7ch0n1Zm4A-00214-00048031-00048207 that are already created for you B7ch0n1Zm4A-00215-00048208-00048535 so there's college tours explorations B7ch0n1Zm4A-00216-00048536-00048879 field trips and vr ignite when you click B7ch0n1Zm4A-00217-00048880-00049055 on one of these options i can preview B7ch0n1Zm4A-00218-00049056-00049535 the bundle first B7ch0n1Zm4A-00219-00049536-00049830 and then i can select a lesson when i B7ch0n1Zm4A-00220-00049831-00049967 preview this lesson B7ch0n1Zm4A-00221-00049968-00050262 i will see that there are not only vr B7ch0n1Zm4A-00222-00050263-00050543 options B7ch0n1Zm4A-00223-00050544-00050807 but there are questions that go along B7ch0n1Zm4A-00224-00050808-00050862 with B7ch0n1Zm4A-00225-00050863-00051127 the super cool field trip once students B7ch0n1Zm4A-00226-00051128-00051214 jump in and B7ch0n1Zm4A-00227-00051215-00051446 start exploring they'll be immersed in B7ch0n1Zm4A-00228-00051447-00051590 their location B7ch0n1Zm4A-00229-00051591-00051846 and be able to scroll around as if they B7ch0n1Zm4A-00230-00051847-00051958 were there B7ch0n1Zm4A-00231-00051959-00052214 so if i decide i want to use this lesson B7ch0n1Zm4A-00232-00052215-00052471 i can click add to my lessons B7ch0n1Zm4A-00233-00052472-00052726 and then i can go see it from within my B7ch0n1Zm4A-00234-00052727-00052926 own lesson library B7ch0n1Zm4A-00235-00052927-00053111 and now i can share it with my students B7ch0n1Zm4A-00236-00053112-00053271 as a student paste or a live B7ch0n1Zm4A-00237-00053272-00053519 participation lesson B7ch0n1Zm4A-00238-00053520-00053799 so that's it for this episode of uen B7ch0n1Zm4A-00239-00053800-00053903 near pod news B7ch0n1Zm4A-00240-00053904-00054776 thanks for joining B89tVL4IK9k-00000-00000408-00000808 God rung off your life and I lost myself B89tVL4IK9k-00001-00000809-00002396 again B89tVL4IK9k-00002-00002397-00003863 [Music] B89tVL4IK9k-00003-00003864-00004181 I take you I can't give it B89tVL4IK9k-00004-00004182-00004515 away B89tVL4IK9k-00005-00004516-00006260 [Music] B89tVL4IK9k-00006-00006261-00007306 [Music] B89tVL4IK9k-00007-00007306-00009568 [Music] B89tVL4IK9k-00008-00009569-00009716 [Applause] B89tVL4IK9k-00009-00009717-00010469 [Music] B89tVL4IK9k-00010-00010470-00011681 baby B89tVL4IK9k-00011-00011682-00013793 baby B89tVL4IK9k-00012-00013794-00014057 I've already B89tVL4IK9k-00013-00014058-00014113 always B89tVL4IK9k-00014-00014115-00016566 [Music] B89tVL4IK9k-00015-00016567-00016908 [Applause] B89tVL4IK9k-00017-00020148-00020394 foreign B89tVL4IK9k-00018-00020395-00021208 [Music] B9Jz_6uf0Og-00000-00000802-00001813 [Music] B9Jz_6uf0Og-00001-00001814-00002114 first where's the narcissistic abuse and B9Jz_6uf0Og-00002-00002115-00002438 parental alienation specialist and this B9Jz_6uf0Og-00003-00002439-00002879 is part 4 of the series of impact of B9Jz_6uf0Og-00004-00002880-00003043 parental alienation and today we're B9Jz_6uf0Og-00005-00003044-00003299 going to talk about professionals now B9Jz_6uf0Og-00006-00003300-00003569 professionals can come into a parental B9Jz_6uf0Og-00007-00003570-00003860 alienation case in any number of ways it B9Jz_6uf0Og-00008-00003861-00004265 may be that they are the GP who sees the B9Jz_6uf0Og-00009-00004266-00004550 family and they may raise concerns or B9Jz_6uf0Og-00010-00004551-00004870 they may be used as part of the B9Jz_6uf0Og-00011-00004871-00005225 alienating parent plan and it could be B9Jz_6uf0Og-00012-00005226-00005399 social workers involved could be calf B9Jz_6uf0Og-00013-00005400-00005674 calf it could be mental health work B9Jz_6uf0Og-00014-00005675-00006068 judges solicitors any number of B9Jz_6uf0Og-00015-00006069-00006254 professionals to be involved including B9Jz_6uf0Og-00016-00006255-00006452 support services when the false B9Jz_6uf0Og-00017-00006453-00006758 allegations are made and what's B9Jz_6uf0Og-00018-00006759-00006934 happening at the moment is I'm hearing B9Jz_6uf0Og-00019-00006936-00007277 time and time again of how it's not B9Jz_6uf0Og-00020-00007278-00007751 being recognized and we are supporting B9Jz_6uf0Og-00021-00007752-00008027 the alienation and as a fellow B9Jz_6uf0Og-00022-00008028-00008387 professional it really pains me because B9Jz_6uf0Og-00023-00008388-00008660 this is our profession as a social B9Jz_6uf0Og-00024-00008661-00008899 worker we have a hard enough time anyway B9Jz_6uf0Og-00025-00008900-00009230 and when you're hearing stories of how B9Jz_6uf0Og-00026-00009231-00009499 social workers are leaving children in B9Jz_6uf0Og-00027-00009500-00009835 the care of abusers which is what B9Jz_6uf0Og-00028-00009836-00010060 parental alienation is it is emotional B9Jz_6uf0Og-00029-00010061-00010355 sometimes physical and sexual abuse as B9Jz_6uf0Og-00030-00010356-00010564 well and we're leaving them with these B9Jz_6uf0Og-00031-00010565-00011178 people and it really pains me because B9Jz_6uf0Og-00032-00011179-00011441 everyone's going to be slacking station B9Jz_6uf0Og-00033-00011442-00011749 workers are they do anyway well but with B9Jz_6uf0Og-00034-00011750-00011963 good reason in some of these cases and I B9Jz_6uf0Og-00035-00011964-00012041 don't say that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00036-00012042-00012269 easily I don't say that perfect and I B9Jz_6uf0Og-00037-00012270-00012587 don't say that to be controversial in B9Jz_6uf0Og-00038-00012588-00012794 any way I say it because it is one B9Jz_6uf0Og-00039-00012795-00013166 dealing with this is this the cases I'm B9Jz_6uf0Og-00040-00013166-00013553 hearing are so glaringly obvious that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00041-00013554-00013649 something isn't right B9Jz_6uf0Og-00042-00013650-00013910 and yet it's being men so I'm going to B9Jz_6uf0Og-00043-00013911-00014291 give you a few examples of teaching B9Jz_6uf0Og-00044-00014291-00014657 children's words there and then say when B9Jz_6uf0Og-00045-00014658-00014858 you're it's very difficult this is of B9Jz_6uf0Og-00046-00014859-00015005 time your strengths but if you're B9Jz_6uf0Og-00047-00015006-00015208 working on with someone on wishes and B9Jz_6uf0Og-00048-00015209-00015428 feelings you need to build rapport with B9Jz_6uf0Og-00049-00015429-00015616 these kids you need them to trust you B9Jz_6uf0Og-00050-00015618-00015863 you need to get to know them you can't B9Jz_6uf0Og-00051-00015863-00016022 just go in sit down with them and say B9Jz_6uf0Og-00052-00016022-00016238 okay what do you want because they're B9Jz_6uf0Og-00053-00016238-00016421 know me they're going to say what either B9Jz_6uf0Og-00054-00016422-00016577 they've been told to say or they're just B9Jz_6uf0Og-00055-00016578-00016747 not going to know what to say B9Jz_6uf0Og-00056-00016748-00017122 and sometimes it felt very clear on what B9Jz_6uf0Og-00057-00017123-00017291 they want that can be a warning sign and B9Jz_6uf0Og-00058-00017292-00017527 it felt because if you think about this B9Jz_6uf0Og-00059-00017528-00018097 logically a parent is been removed from B9Jz_6uf0Og-00060-00018098-00018302 their lives someone who they love and B9Jz_6uf0Og-00061-00018303-00018544 someone who's cared for them is no B9Jz_6uf0Og-00062-00018545-00018863 longer in their life if that parent had B9Jz_6uf0Og-00063-00018864-00019133 died we'd all be expecting them to have B9Jz_6uf0Og-00064-00019134-00019463 grief we'd all be expecting them to act B9Jz_6uf0Og-00065-00019464-00019684 out we would support them we would B9Jz_6uf0Og-00066-00019685-00019903 provide grief and not counselling we B9Jz_6uf0Og-00067-00019904-00020069 will provide all these different things B9Jz_6uf0Og-00068-00020070-00020366 extra support at school this is what B9Jz_6uf0Og-00069-00020367-00020621 happens in parental alienation it is a B9Jz_6uf0Og-00070-00020622-00020794 grief process that they're going to do B9Jz_6uf0Og-00071-00020795-00020987 and yet we think that they're okay B9Jz_6uf0Og-00072-00020988-00021194 because they say they are or because B9Jz_6uf0Og-00073-00021195-00021359 someone tending they've got to say that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00074-00021360-00021566 they're okay we accept that and that to B9Jz_6uf0Og-00075-00021567-00021818 me is unacceptable because we should B9Jz_6uf0Og-00076-00021819-00022097 know that they're not okay that the B9Jz_6uf0Og-00077-00022098-00022294 secure attachment has been ripped out of B9Jz_6uf0Og-00078-00022295-00022640 their lives and you're choosing to B9Jz_6uf0Og-00079-00022641-00023030 believe from one or two sessions which B9Jz_6uf0Og-00080-00023031-00023203 they could easily have been fed at what B9Jz_6uf0Og-00081-00023204-00023372 to say and we know it eases do that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00082-00023373-00023699 again we trained to know that abuses B9Jz_6uf0Og-00083-00023700-00023912 manipulate what all the people say they B9Jz_6uf0Og-00084-00023913-00024178 use fear they use reward these lots of B9Jz_6uf0Og-00085-00024179-00024453 different tactics to ensure that there B9Jz_6uf0Og-00086-00024454-00024738 critters cat and yet we're not spotting B9Jz_6uf0Og-00087-00024739-00024972 that in these cases so even if you B9Jz_6uf0Og-00088-00024973-00025136 believe everything even if you believe B9Jz_6uf0Og-00089-00025137-00025364 all the reasons that are given for their B9Jz_6uf0Og-00090-00025365-00025517 parent down on the beam you like or you B9Jz_6uf0Og-00091-00025518-00025664 believe that a child doesn't want that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00092-00025666-00025949 parent in their life you have to know B9Jz_6uf0Og-00093-00025950-00026229 that that's not normal B9Jz_6uf0Og-00094-00026230-00026448 and you have to know that they need B9Jz_6uf0Og-00095-00026449-00026667 support around that so you wouldn't just B9Jz_6uf0Og-00096-00026668-00026943 remove a child and not put support in B9Jz_6uf0Og-00097-00026944-00027276 place you wouldn't just expect a parent B9Jz_6uf0Og-00098-00027277-00027512 to die and no support to be in place so B9Jz_6uf0Og-00099-00027513-00027770 why is this any different why are we not B9Jz_6uf0Og-00100-00027770-00028056 providing the same level of support that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00101-00028057-00028323 we would in those cases that is what B9Jz_6uf0Og-00102-00028324-00028605 infuriates me it's professional suicide B9Jz_6uf0Og-00103-00028606-00028877 in a lot of cases I hope I had ones B9Jz_6uf0Og-00104-00028878-00029174 where professionals were neighbor and a B9Jz_6uf0Og-00105-00029175-00029367 bull bit ended up in relationships B9Jz_6uf0Og-00106-00029368-00029661 because the boundaries across doses did B9Jz_6uf0Og-00107-00029662-00029770 not have boundaries B9Jz_6uf0Og-00108-00029772-00030137 nothis will entry everyone exactly the B9Jz_6uf0Og-00109-00030138-00030330 same way they will manipulate they will B9Jz_6uf0Og-00110-00030331-00030527 look bond they will tell you that you're B9Jz_6uf0Og-00111-00030528-00030946 the greatest person ever flatter you be B9Jz_6uf0Og-00112-00030947-00031377 be absolutely the best person ever but B9Jz_6uf0Og-00113-00031377-00031571 then five minutes later that they can B9Jz_6uf0Og-00114-00031572-00031745 actually hate your guts if you do B9Jz_6uf0Og-00115-00031747-00031955 something that they disagree with and B9Jz_6uf0Og-00116-00031956-00032331 our profession all the other professions B9Jz_6uf0Og-00117-00032332-00032583 you're all part of this you all need to B9Jz_6uf0Og-00118-00032583-00032771 piece your pieces together you all need B9Jz_6uf0Og-00119-00032772-00032970 to talk and communicate you need to B9Jz_6uf0Og-00120-00032971-00033171 remember your child development theory B9Jz_6uf0Og-00121-00033172-00033518 you need to understand the these babies B9Jz_6uf0Og-00122-00033519-00033906 are not normal and if it was just about B9Jz_6uf0Og-00123-00033907-00034127 one place and why did they alienate all B9Jz_6uf0Og-00124-00034128-00034308 the rest of the family that doesn't make B9Jz_6uf0Og-00125-00034309-00034508 any sense do that again these are the B9Jz_6uf0Og-00126-00034509-00034689 questions you need to be asking yourself B9Jz_6uf0Og-00127-00034690-00034986 and the impact for professional that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00128-00034987-00035235 parental alienation is reputation is B9Jz_6uf0Og-00129-00035236-00035687 going down the toilet it's you read B9Jz_6uf0Og-00130-00035688-00035862 about that you read people that are B9Jz_6uf0Og-00131-00035863-00036239 being subjected friends of their nation B9Jz_6uf0Og-00132-00036240-00036590 I've just spoken to a lady who her case B9Jz_6uf0Og-00133-00036591-00036812 was astonishing and she's even had an B9Jz_6uf0Og-00134-00036813-00036920 apology from me B9Jz_6uf0Og-00135-00036921-00037204 agency because it was badly handled and B9Jz_6uf0Og-00136-00037205-00037520 we can't carry on like that aisle job is B9Jz_6uf0Og-00137-00037521-00037837 to protect children and even in the B9Jz_6uf0Og-00138-00037838-00038048 society our job is to protect children B9Jz_6uf0Og-00139-00038049-00038342 so no matter what what profession you B9Jz_6uf0Og-00140-00038343-00038662 are in if you are involved in a child's B9Jz_6uf0Og-00141-00038663-00039055 life or a family's life your role is to B9Jz_6uf0Og-00142-00039056-00039280 do what's best for that child and that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00143-00039281-00039487 should always be what's at the center in B9Jz_6uf0Og-00144-00039488-00039796 fun by making all these mistakes and by B9Jz_6uf0Og-00145-00039797-00040043 not being aware and understanding the B9Jz_6uf0Og-00146-00040044-00040355 complexities of parental alienation that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00147-00040356-00040646 we are failing children in there so B9Jz_6uf0Og-00148-00040647-00040962 let's have a discussion ask me questions B9Jz_6uf0Og-00149-00040963-00041231 tell me your feedback tell me your B9Jz_6uf0Og-00150-00041232-00041407 experiences if you're a professional B9Jz_6uf0Og-00151-00041408-00041792 what are your issues let me know I do B9Jz_6uf0Og-00152-00041793-00041999 want to help I'm not here to sleep B9Jz_6uf0Og-00153-00042000-00042236 professional I still consider myself a B9Jz_6uf0Og-00154-00042237-00042626 social worker at heart and so I'm on B9Jz_6uf0Og-00155-00042627-00042727 your side B9Jz_6uf0Og-00156-00042728-00042955 I just want you to be I don't want it to B9Jz_6uf0Og-00157-00042956-00043292 be slated I want you to be congratulated B9Jz_6uf0Og-00158-00043293-00043489 on how well you've done B9Jz_6uf0Og-00159-00043490-00043802 so do get in touch and if you are B9Jz_6uf0Og-00160-00043803-00044065 experiencing parental alienation you B9Jz_6uf0Og-00161-00044066-00044252 know you want a name or email me at B9Jz_6uf0Og-00162-00044253-00044642 inquiries at the the nurturing cage that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00163-00044643-00044833 pen at UK apologies for that B9Jz_6uf0Og-00164-00044834-00045359 beeping bye bye B9Jz_6uf0Og-00165-00045360-00045987 [Music] B9Jz_6uf0Og-00166-00045988-00046194 you Bs8mC7O3kyk-00000-00000000-00000467 PCWorld stylized PC world is a global Bs8mC7O3kyk-00001-00000468-00000739 computer magazine published monthly by Bs8mC7O3kyk-00002-00000740-00001225 IDG since 2013 it has been an Bs8mC7O3kyk-00003-00001226-00001607 online-only publication it offers advice Bs8mC7O3kyk-00004-00001607-00001955 on various aspects of PCs and related Bs8mC7O3kyk-00005-00001955-00002273 items the internet and other personal Bs8mC7O3kyk-00006-00002274-00002692 technology products and services in each Bs8mC7O3kyk-00007-00002693-00003080 publication PC world reviews and tests Bs8mC7O3kyk-00008-00003081-00003338 hardware and software products from a Bs8mC7O3kyk-00009-00003339-00003635 variety of manufacturers as well as Bs8mC7O3kyk-00010-00003636-00003931 other technology related devices such as Bs8mC7O3kyk-00011-00003932-00004265 still and video cameras audio devices Bs8mC7O3kyk-00012-00004266-00004729 and televisions the current editor of PC Bs8mC7O3kyk-00013-00004730-00005045 world as John Phillips formerly of Wired Bs8mC7O3kyk-00014-00005046-00005618 in August 2012 he replaced Steve Fox who Bs8mC7O3kyk-00015-00005619-00005884 had been editorial director since the Bs8mC7O3kyk-00016-00005885-00006256 December 2008 issue of the magazine Bs8mC7O3kyk-00017-00006257-00006584 Fox replaced the magazine's veteran Bs8mC7O3kyk-00018-00006584-00006871 editor Harry McCracken who resigned that Bs8mC7O3kyk-00019-00006872-00007114 spraying after some rocky times Bs8mC7O3kyk-00020-00007115-00007376 including quitting and being rehired Bs8mC7O3kyk-00021-00007377-00007889 over editorial control issues in 2007 PC Bs8mC7O3kyk-00022-00007890-00008128 world is published under other names Bs8mC7O3kyk-00023-00008129-00008524 such as PC Advisor and PC welt in some Bs8mC7O3kyk-00024-00008525-00009035 countries PC worlds company name as IDG Bs8mC7O3kyk-00025-00009036-00009383 consumer and SMB and it is headquartered Bs8mC7O3kyk-00026-00009384-00009764 in San Francisco some of the non-english Bs8mC7O3kyk-00027-00009765-00010145 PC world websites now redirect to other Bs8mC7O3kyk-00028-00010146-00010670 IDG sites for example PC world dot DK Bs8mC7O3kyk-00029-00010671-00011601 Denmark is now computer world dot DK Bs8mC7O3kyk-00030-00011602-00012162 topic history Bs8mC7O3kyk-00031-00012163-00012432 the publication was announced at the Bs8mC7O3kyk-00032-00012433-00012824 Comdex trade show in November 1982 and Bs8mC7O3kyk-00033-00012825-00013105 first appeared on newsstands in March Bs8mC7O3kyk-00034-00013106-00013469 1983 Felix Dennis set up personal Bs8mC7O3kyk-00035-00013470-00013758 computer world which he later sold to Bs8mC7O3kyk-00036-00013759-00013847 vnu Bs8mC7O3kyk-00037-00013848-00014121 and established Makassar which he sold Bs8mC7O3kyk-00038-00014122-00014494 to Ziff Davis publishing in the mid 80s Bs8mC7O3kyk-00039-00014495-00014868 PC Magazine was also acquired by Ziff Bs8mC7O3kyk-00040-00014869-00015150 Davis the magazine was founded by David Bs8mC7O3kyk-00041-00015151-00015462 bunnell and Sheryl Woodard and its first Bs8mC7O3kyk-00042-00015463-00015912 editor was Andrew flugel 'men pc world's Bs8mC7O3kyk-00043-00015913-00016146 magazine and website have won a number Bs8mC7O3kyk-00044-00016147-00016461 of awards from folio the american Bs8mC7O3kyk-00045-00016462-00016767 society of business publication editors Bs8mC7O3kyk-00046-00016768-00017169 men the western publications Association Bs8mC7O3kyk-00047-00017170-00017496 and other organizations it is also one Bs8mC7O3kyk-00048-00017497-00017769 of the few technology magazines to have Bs8mC7O3kyk-00049-00017770-00018005 been a finalist for a national magazine Bs8mC7O3kyk-00050-00018006-00018497 award many well-known technology writers Bs8mC7O3kyk-00051-00018498-00018837 have contributed to PC world including Bs8mC7O3kyk-00052-00018838-00019211 Steve bass daniel Tainan Christina wood Bs8mC7O3kyk-00053-00019212-00019547 Jhansi Dvorak Stephen Mane's Bs8mC7O3kyk-00054-00019548-00019925 Lincoln Specter Stewart Alsop David Bs8mC7O3kyk-00055-00019926-00020353 Corsi James a Marden and others Bs8mC7O3kyk-00056-00020354-00020664 editorial leadership has included Harry Bs8mC7O3kyk-00057-00020665-00020724 Miller Bs8mC7O3kyk-00058-00020725-00021078 Richard Landry Eric Noir Phil lemons Bs8mC7O3kyk-00059-00021079-00021450 Katherine Baskin Kevin McKean and Harry Bs8mC7O3kyk-00060-00021451-00022077 McCracken in February 1999 PC world's Bs8mC7O3kyk-00061-00022078-00022338 number of paid subscriptions reached a Bs8mC7O3kyk-00062-00022339-00022866 record of 1 million 453 at the time it Bs8mC7O3kyk-00063-00022867-00023106 was the first and only computing Bs8mC7O3kyk-00064-00023107-00023309 magazine with a monthly release Bs8mC7O3kyk-00065-00023310-00023808 scheduled to hit that mark in April 2005 Bs8mC7O3kyk-00066-00023809-00024012 the show Digital duo Bs8mC7O3kyk-00067-00024013-00024300 was slightly rebranded and relaunched as Bs8mC7O3kyk-00068-00024301-00024642 PC worlds Digital duo and ran for an Bs8mC7O3kyk-00069-00024643-00025275 additional 26 episodes as of 2006 PC Bs8mC7O3kyk-00070-00025276-00025580 worlds audited rate base of seven Bs8mC7O3kyk-00071-00025581-00025902 50,000 made at the largest circulation Bs8mC7O3kyk-00072-00025902-00026175 computing magazine in the world on the Bs8mC7O3kyk-00073-00026176-00026616 10th of July 2013 owner IDG announced Bs8mC7O3kyk-00074-00026617-00026808 that the magazine would cease its Bs8mC7O3kyk-00075-00026808-00027273 30-year print run the August 2013 issue Bs8mC7O3kyk-00076-00027274-00027597 was the last printed of the magazine PC Bs8mC7O3kyk-00077-00027598-00027888 world future issues would be digital Bs8mC7O3kyk-00078-00027889-00028486 only Bs8mC7O3kyk-00079-00028487-00029072 topic country's Bs8mC7O3kyk-00080-00029073-00029456 based in San Francisco PC world's Bs8mC7O3kyk-00081-00029457-00029695 original edition is published in the Bs8mC7O3kyk-00082-00029697-00029951 United States however it is also Bs8mC7O3kyk-00083-00029952-00030344 available in other countries 51 in total Bs8mC7O3kyk-00084-00030345-00030697 sometimes under a different name Bs8mC7O3kyk-00085-00030698-00031201 PCWorld in Albania Australia Bangladesh Bs8mC7O3kyk-00086-00031202-00031664 Bulgaria Brazil Denmark Greece Hungary Bs8mC7O3kyk-00087-00031664-00032264 India from July 2006 Kosovo New Zealand Bs8mC7O3kyk-00088-00032264-00032735 Norway Peru Philippines Poland Spain Bs8mC7O3kyk-00089-00032736-00033479 Romania Russia Turkey Vietnam Ecuador PC Bs8mC7O3kyk-00090-00033480-00033701 Advisor in Ireland and the United Bs8mC7O3kyk-00091-00033702-00033803 Kingdom Bs8mC7O3kyk-00092-00033804-00034148 another now-discontinued magazine called Bs8mC7O3kyk-00093-00034149-00034457 personal computer world and a PC world Bs8mC7O3kyk-00094-00034458-00034850 retailer neither related to the PC World Bs8mC7O3kyk-00095-00034851-00035261 magazine already exists or existed in Bs8mC7O3kyk-00096-00035262-00035467 those markets Bs8mC7O3kyk-00097-00035468-00035953 PC welt is the German language addition Bs8mC7O3kyk-00098-00035954-00036317 info computer is the Indonesian language Bs8mC7O3kyk-00099-00036318-00036839 addition computer aya is the Lithuanian Bs8mC7O3kyk-00100-00036840-00037316 language addition the joy v10 is the Bs8mC7O3kyk-00101-00037317-00037628 Vietnamese language addition also called Bs8mC7O3kyk-00102-00037629-00038258 PC world Vietnam Micro PC world is the Bs8mC7O3kyk-00103-00038259-00038702 serbian language addition mere PK is the Bs8mC7O3kyk-00104-00038703-00039369 Russian language addition Bs8mC7O3kyk-00105-00039370-00039972 topic controversy Bs8mC7O3kyk-00106-00039973-00040407 in May 2007 McCracken resigned abruptly Bs8mC7O3kyk-00107-00040408-00040760 under controversial circumstances Bs8mC7O3kyk-00108-00040761-00041081 according to sources quoted in Wired Bs8mC7O3kyk-00109-00041082-00041361 McCracken quit abruptly because the new Bs8mC7O3kyk-00110-00041362-00041796 CEO of PC world Colin Crawford tried to Bs8mC7O3kyk-00111-00041797-00042075 kill an unfavorable story about Apple Bs8mC7O3kyk-00112-00042076-00042462 and Steve Jobs Crawford responded Bs8mC7O3kyk-00113-00042463-00042750 calling media reports of McCracken's Bs8mC7O3kyk-00114-00042751-00043170 resignation inaccurate CNET later Bs8mC7O3kyk-00115-00043171-00043401 reported that McCracken had told Bs8mC7O3kyk-00116-00043402-00043755 colleagues that IDG was pressuring him Bs8mC7O3kyk-00117-00043756-00044064 to avoid stories that were critical of Bs8mC7O3kyk-00118-00044065-00044589 major advertisers on May 9th Crawford Bs8mC7O3kyk-00119-00044590-00044832 was transferred to another department Bs8mC7O3kyk-00120-00044833-00045165 and McCracken returned to PC world until Bs8mC7O3kyk-00121-00045166-00045521 his departure in 2008 Bs8mC7O3kyk-00122-00045522-00045956 you Bs8mC7O3kyk-00123-00045957-00046571 topic see also Bs8mC7O3kyk-00124-00046572-00047176 PC Magazine world bench BsmNHVpKV6c-00000-00000048-00002655 [Music] BsmNHVpKV6c-00001-00002656-00002958 hey guys it is aurigamisha and today i BsmNHVpKV6c-00002-00002959-00003142 am doing one of my BsmNHVpKV6c-00003-00003143-00003222 uh BsmNHVpKV6c-00004-00003223-00003375 natural hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00005-00003376-00003654 tutorials videos BsmNHVpKV6c-00006-00003655-00003815 come along with me BsmNHVpKV6c-00007-00003815-00003959 let's figure it out together kind of BsmNHVpKV6c-00008-00003960-00004286 videos BsmNHVpKV6c-00009-00004287-00004527 anyway guys hey it's origamisha now BsmNHVpKV6c-00010-00004528-00004799 y'all know i told y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00011-00004800-00005022 that you know we gonna go on this BsmNHVpKV6c-00012-00005023-00005254 natural hair journey together so BsmNHVpKV6c-00013-00005255-00005431 anyway BsmNHVpKV6c-00014-00005432-00005518 hey BsmNHVpKV6c-00015-00005519-00005718 so what y'all looking at BsmNHVpKV6c-00016-00005719-00005927 i already washed my hair i've got my BsmNHVpKV6c-00017-00005928-00006118 conditioner let me show y'all what i BsmNHVpKV6c-00018-00006119-00006431 used i use the shea moisture raw shea BsmNHVpKV6c-00019-00006431-00006814 butter moisture retention shampoo with BsmNHVpKV6c-00020-00006815-00007095 sea kelp and argan oil fortify and BsmNHVpKV6c-00021-00007095-00007431 restore damage transitioning hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00022-00007431-00007583 that's a whole lot BsmNHVpKV6c-00023-00007584-00007887 anyway y'all this is what i'm using BsmNHVpKV6c-00024-00007888-00008151 shea moisture BsmNHVpKV6c-00025-00008152-00008799 the light is too bright there it is BsmNHVpKV6c-00026-00008800-00009078 okay that's what i'm using the shampoo BsmNHVpKV6c-00027-00009079-00009287 and the conditioner BsmNHVpKV6c-00028-00009288-00009510 shampoo and the conditioner guys that's BsmNHVpKV6c-00029-00009511-00009710 what i'm using so i've already used it BsmNHVpKV6c-00030-00009711-00010031 let me put that away BsmNHVpKV6c-00031-00010032-00010119 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00032-00010120-00010414 i'm gonna go ahead i usually let my um BsmNHVpKV6c-00033-00010415-00010710 conditioner sit on for a little while so BsmNHVpKV6c-00034-00010711-00011031 and i also comb it through BsmNHVpKV6c-00035-00011032-00011278 and i usually have a little BsmNHVpKV6c-00036-00011279-00011559 a little breakage BsmNHVpKV6c-00037-00011560-00011710 i always have like a little couple BsmNHVpKV6c-00038-00011711-00011878 pieces that kind of fall off as i'm BsmNHVpKV6c-00039-00011879-00012031 combing through BsmNHVpKV6c-00040-00012032-00012191 it's all right BsmNHVpKV6c-00041-00012192-00012438 it's okay girls okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00042-00012439-00012606 it's okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00043-00012607-00012807 and i'm trying to get those edges back BsmNHVpKV6c-00044-00012808-00012951 that's also going to be a part of my BsmNHVpKV6c-00045-00012952-00013279 journey guys getting my edges to grow BsmNHVpKV6c-00046-00013280-00013463 you know so BsmNHVpKV6c-00047-00013463-00013655 they looking good like they starting to BsmNHVpKV6c-00048-00013656-00013815 fill in because i'm telling you i had BsmNHVpKV6c-00049-00013816-00013951 nothing here but BsmNHVpKV6c-00050-00013952-00014255 they are starting to grow BsmNHVpKV6c-00051-00014256-00014375 so i'm definitely going to be working on BsmNHVpKV6c-00052-00014376-00014599 getting my edges back thick getting them BsmNHVpKV6c-00053-00014600-00014766 edges back BsmNHVpKV6c-00054-00014768-00014951 what laces BsmNHVpKV6c-00055-00014952-00015150 it goes back so i'm just combing my BsmNHVpKV6c-00056-00015151-00015407 conditioner through and i love like when BsmNHVpKV6c-00057-00015408-00015607 i be conditioning my hair how my natural BsmNHVpKV6c-00058-00015608-00015894 curls just pop pop pop pop BsmNHVpKV6c-00059-00015895-00016063 bring it in for y'all those natural BsmNHVpKV6c-00060-00016063-00016719 curls just kind of pop out BsmNHVpKV6c-00061-00016720-00016863 i love it BsmNHVpKV6c-00062-00016864-00017086 now that my conditioner sit in for like BsmNHVpKV6c-00063-00017087-00017343 10 minutes because i ain't got all day BsmNHVpKV6c-00064-00017344-00017463 i mean BsmNHVpKV6c-00065-00017464-00017630 let's just keep it real ain't got all BsmNHVpKV6c-00066-00017631-00017758 day BsmNHVpKV6c-00067-00017759-00017919 and yeah i'll just comb it through call BsmNHVpKV6c-00068-00017920-00018143 my condition through like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00069-00018144-00018303 make sure you get in there i've already BsmNHVpKV6c-00070-00018304-00018735 like massaged it in moussage did it so BsmNHVpKV6c-00071-00018736-00019022 all right so that's that let me go ahead BsmNHVpKV6c-00072-00019023-00019311 i'm gonna go and get this washed BsmNHVpKV6c-00073-00019312-00019479 and i'll be back y'all to show y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00074-00019480-00019750 what i'm gonna do today BsmNHVpKV6c-00075-00019751-00019855 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00076-00019856-00020047 hey guys i'm back i just got through BsmNHVpKV6c-00077-00020048-00020399 washing my conditioner out BsmNHVpKV6c-00078-00020400-00020871 and we is ready to get it done BsmNHVpKV6c-00079-00020872-00021167 so today i want to do BsmNHVpKV6c-00080-00021168-00021383 some twists BsmNHVpKV6c-00081-00021384-00021591 take this thing off BsmNHVpKV6c-00082-00021592-00021975 so yeah today i want to do like some BsmNHVpKV6c-00083-00021976-00022078 like little BsmNHVpKV6c-00084-00022079-00022286 like medium twists nothing smaller i BsmNHVpKV6c-00085-00022287-00022447 ain't got all day for that BsmNHVpKV6c-00086-00022448-00022639 so we're going to do a little medium BsmNHVpKV6c-00087-00022640-00022822 twist today BsmNHVpKV6c-00088-00022823-00023047 so as y'all can see BsmNHVpKV6c-00089-00023048-00023455 freshly washed hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00090-00023456-00023599 i'm going to go ahead and put a little BsmNHVpKV6c-00091-00023600-00023783 oil on my hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00092-00023784-00024071 i've seen on youtube the lock liquid oil BsmNHVpKV6c-00093-00024072-00024278 cream method lock BsmNHVpKV6c-00094-00024279-00024519 drop roll whatever BsmNHVpKV6c-00095-00024520-00024735 uh i'm just gonna you know BsmNHVpKV6c-00096-00024736-00025039 do what how i do for my hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00097-00025040-00025230 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00098-00025231-00025327 i do BsmNHVpKV6c-00099-00025328-00025646 like the whole liquid oil and cream i do BsmNHVpKV6c-00100-00025647-00025958 like that i have used that before BsmNHVpKV6c-00101-00025960-00026143 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00102-00026144-00026462 i'm not saying i haven't BsmNHVpKV6c-00103-00026463-00026639 you know so BsmNHVpKV6c-00104-00026639-00026967 i just know that i'm going to do BsmNHVpKV6c-00105-00026968-00027343 um BsmNHVpKV6c-00106-00027344-00027487 my i mean i just washed my hair it's BsmNHVpKV6c-00107-00027488-00027670 already wet BsmNHVpKV6c-00108-00027672-00027855 but of course i'll wet it a little bit BsmNHVpKV6c-00109-00027856-00028014 more BsmNHVpKV6c-00110-00028016-00028311 so i've got my BsmNHVpKV6c-00111-00028312-00028574 spray bottle BsmNHVpKV6c-00112-00028575-00028799 my little spray bottle BsmNHVpKV6c-00113-00028800-00029014 i love this thing sprays out like mix BsmNHVpKV6c-00114-00029016-00029351 let me show you BsmNHVpKV6c-00115-00029352-00029574 i love this i just be spraying for no BsmNHVpKV6c-00116-00029575-00029846 reason sometimes BsmNHVpKV6c-00117-00029847-00029983 anyway BsmNHVpKV6c-00118-00029983-00030183 all right so and i'm going to be using BsmNHVpKV6c-00119-00030183-00030399 my lotta body BsmNHVpKV6c-00120-00030400-00030646 lotta body that's what to say ain't BsmNHVpKV6c-00121-00030647-00030943 making that up a lot of body uh coconut BsmNHVpKV6c-00122-00030944-00031214 shea oil wrapped foamy mousse BsmNHVpKV6c-00123-00031216-00031695 a lot of body BsmNHVpKV6c-00124-00031695-00031999 another body BsmNHVpKV6c-00125-00032000-00032111 it's like a BsmNHVpKV6c-00126-00032112-00032302 they use it for like wrap you know to do BsmNHVpKV6c-00127-00032303-00032487 wraps and stuff it's like a mousse but i BsmNHVpKV6c-00128-00032488-00032631 use that because it really helps with my BsmNHVpKV6c-00129-00032632-00032918 hair helps with the curls it really does BsmNHVpKV6c-00130-00032919-00033111 and i'm going to be using my maui BsmNHVpKV6c-00131-00033112-00033335 moisture hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00132-00033336-00033527 hair care curl BsmNHVpKV6c-00133-00033528-00033846 quench coconut oil curl smoothie BsmNHVpKV6c-00134-00033847-00034231 that my homegirl nicole told me about BsmNHVpKV6c-00135-00034232-00034462 so i will be using that today for the BsmNHVpKV6c-00136-00034463-00034679 first time so we gonna see how this is BsmNHVpKV6c-00137-00034680-00034807 gonna go BsmNHVpKV6c-00138-00034808-00034999 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00139-00035000-00035279 smells amazing it smells like coconuts BsmNHVpKV6c-00140-00035280-00035471 it just smells so fresh i love the smell BsmNHVpKV6c-00141-00035472-00035567 of this BsmNHVpKV6c-00142-00035568-00035887 so let me put that down that's our cream BsmNHVpKV6c-00143-00035888-00036118 we got our water for the liquid we got BsmNHVpKV6c-00144-00036119-00036246 the water BsmNHVpKV6c-00145-00036247-00036599 the butter oh we got the oil BsmNHVpKV6c-00146-00036600-00036783 oh i didn't show y'all my BsmNHVpKV6c-00147-00036784-00037246 uh y'all seen this before castor oil BsmNHVpKV6c-00148-00037247-00037479 is the home health castor oil i've shown BsmNHVpKV6c-00149-00037480-00037695 you guys that before that's the oh the BsmNHVpKV6c-00150-00037696-00038030 oil and then the c is the uh maui korean BsmNHVpKV6c-00151-00038031-00038190 boo BsmNHVpKV6c-00152-00038191-00038487 so i guess we locking BsmNHVpKV6c-00153-00038488-00038743 whatever BsmNHVpKV6c-00154-00038744-00038959 you're anyway so i just want to do like BsmNHVpKV6c-00155-00038960-00039223 some medium twists because one thing i BsmNHVpKV6c-00156-00039224-00039590 want you guys to understand is i like my BsmNHVpKV6c-00157-00039591-00039767 afro look BsmNHVpKV6c-00158-00039768-00040095 so i i mean i want it to be curlier you BsmNHVpKV6c-00159-00040096-00040302 know that's what i'm doing this time i BsmNHVpKV6c-00160-00040303-00040487 want to make my fro see i like the big BsmNHVpKV6c-00161-00040488-00040727 fro look but this time i'm gonna be BsmNHVpKV6c-00162-00040728-00041087 doing the twist so that my fro can be BsmNHVpKV6c-00163-00041088-00041358 curlier you know have some curls BsmNHVpKV6c-00164-00041359-00041590 some real curls you know BsmNHVpKV6c-00165-00041591-00041871 curls so that's what i would be doing so BsmNHVpKV6c-00166-00041872-00042095 all right i got my oil in my hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00167-00042096-00042255 i'll put a little bit more oil in my BsmNHVpKV6c-00168-00042256-00042518 hair not too much BsmNHVpKV6c-00169-00042519-00042607 but BsmNHVpKV6c-00170-00042608-00042895 put some oil in it BsmNHVpKV6c-00171-00042896-00043118 get the oil in it all right so i got the BsmNHVpKV6c-00172-00043119-00043527 oil almost washed in the oil BsmNHVpKV6c-00173-00043528-00043727 all right so BsmNHVpKV6c-00174-00043728-00043846 i'm going to go ahead and get my hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00175-00043847-00044023 sectioned off guys because i don't want BsmNHVpKV6c-00176-00044024-00044215 to make this whole half an hour video BsmNHVpKV6c-00177-00044216-00044343 because when i edit i'm going to be BsmNHVpKV6c-00178-00044344-00044574 chopping a lot of stuff out okay guys BsmNHVpKV6c-00179-00044575-00044790 i'm back i've got my hair all sectioned BsmNHVpKV6c-00180-00044791-00045062 out got my little hair clip here my BsmNHVpKV6c-00181-00045063-00045295 little pom pom right here and i got this BsmNHVpKV6c-00182-00045296-00045399 product because i'm going to go ahead BsmNHVpKV6c-00183-00045400-00045583 and do that and then i have the back and BsmNHVpKV6c-00184-00045584-00045711 the little pom pom in the background BsmNHVpKV6c-00185-00045712-00045887 don't talk about my hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00186-00045888-00046111 anyway so let's get ready BsmNHVpKV6c-00187-00046112-00046335 all right so i'm going to go ahead BsmNHVpKV6c-00188-00046336-00046543 and i'm going to section this off over BsmNHVpKV6c-00189-00046544-00046686 here BsmNHVpKV6c-00190-00046687-00046823 section this off i've already got it BsmNHVpKV6c-00191-00046824-00047079 combed out real good BsmNHVpKV6c-00192-00047080-00047295 i just want to section this off right BsmNHVpKV6c-00193-00047296-00047479 here so i can do my little BsmNHVpKV6c-00194-00047480-00047639 first little twist over here like i said BsmNHVpKV6c-00195-00047640-00047767 i'm going to be doing a medium size i'm BsmNHVpKV6c-00196-00047768-00047935 not i don't want to do the small small BsmNHVpKV6c-00197-00047936-00048127 ones BsmNHVpKV6c-00198-00048128-00048327 i'm going to do that so BsmNHVpKV6c-00199-00048328-00048758 get my little hair clip here BsmNHVpKV6c-00200-00048759-00049558 to move this out the way BsmNHVpKV6c-00201-00049559-00049895 all right y'all so let's go BsmNHVpKV6c-00202-00049896-00050199 all right so let me get lo BsmNHVpKV6c-00203-00050200-00050471 get it a little wet with my little BsmNHVpKV6c-00204-00050472-00050662 water spritzer thing BsmNHVpKV6c-00205-00050663-00050823 i know you didn't just spray me in my BsmNHVpKV6c-00206-00050824-00051039 face BsmNHVpKV6c-00207-00051040-00051335 the dish risk that that was my yeah BsmNHVpKV6c-00208-00051336-00051454 anyway BsmNHVpKV6c-00209-00051455-00051607 so all right BsmNHVpKV6c-00210-00051608-00052087 i got my hair all wet BsmNHVpKV6c-00211-00052088-00052342 got it all wet BsmNHVpKV6c-00212-00052344-00052679 and i've combed it through already so BsmNHVpKV6c-00213-00052679-00052926 i'm gonna go ahead BsmNHVpKV6c-00214-00052927-00053119 get this BsmNHVpKV6c-00215-00053120-00053342 get my love BsmNHVpKV6c-00216-00053344-00053815 my little foam on there BsmNHVpKV6c-00217-00053816-00054071 lift them and see how that foam do that BsmNHVpKV6c-00218-00054072-00054335 foam help with the curl BsmNHVpKV6c-00219-00054336-00054863 the foam helps my curl form BsmNHVpKV6c-00220-00054864-00055015 look at that BsmNHVpKV6c-00221-00055016-00055238 look at that curl BsmNHVpKV6c-00222-00055239-00055503 and they ain't even put the cream on yet BsmNHVpKV6c-00223-00055504-00055975 make sure y'all can see BsmNHVpKV6c-00224-00055976-00056223 i need to put the cream on yet and it's BsmNHVpKV6c-00225-00056224-00056423 already curly BsmNHVpKV6c-00226-00056424-00056807 already curly BsmNHVpKV6c-00227-00056808-00056991 yeah already curly and he put the cream BsmNHVpKV6c-00228-00056991-00057303 on yet BsmNHVpKV6c-00229-00057304-00057511 but i usually just foam the whole BsmNHVpKV6c-00230-00057512-00057775 section i'm just trying to show y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00231-00057776-00058015 section by section BsmNHVpKV6c-00232-00058016-00058359 all right and my maui cream BsmNHVpKV6c-00233-00058360-00058654 got my mouth cream here BsmNHVpKV6c-00234-00058655-00058823 so we can go ahead and get this all to BsmNHVpKV6c-00235-00058824-00059054 be set up let's see how this maui cream BsmNHVpKV6c-00236-00059055-00059271 gonna do for us BsmNHVpKV6c-00237-00059272-00059687 see what it do BsmNHVpKV6c-00238-00059688-00059999 and doing that and fancy y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00239-00060000-00060238 nothing fancy BsmNHVpKV6c-00240-00060239-00060871 you just i'm just going to twist it BsmNHVpKV6c-00241-00060872-00061063 make sure my twists nice and tight not BsmNHVpKV6c-00242-00061064-00061454 too tight i'm trying to pull on my hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00243-00061455-00062430 i'm a little twist BsmNHVpKV6c-00244-00062432-00062791 switch it on down like that twist it BsmNHVpKV6c-00245-00062791-00063111 and then take my finger just BsmNHVpKV6c-00246-00063112-00063503 break it down like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00247-00063504-00063854 okay that's cute oh y'all look BsmNHVpKV6c-00248-00063855-00064215 that's a cute little twist BsmNHVpKV6c-00249-00064216-00064375 don't let the shrinkage fool y'all i BsmNHVpKV6c-00250-00064376-00064487 told y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00251-00064488-00065238 i BsmNHVpKV6c-00252-00065239-00065375 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00253-00065376-00065511 you know we working on getting them BsmNHVpKV6c-00254-00065512-00065831 edges but don't worry about it BsmNHVpKV6c-00255-00065832-00066094 so all right i'm gonna show y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00256-00066095-00066294 another one how i'm doing it and then BsmNHVpKV6c-00257-00066295-00066431 i'm gonna go ahead and just get this BsmNHVpKV6c-00258-00066432-00066791 whole section you know get it done BsmNHVpKV6c-00259-00066792-00066950 all right BsmNHVpKV6c-00260-00066951-00067135 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00261-00067136-00067343 get it done BsmNHVpKV6c-00262-00067344-00067559 got a piece back there BsmNHVpKV6c-00263-00067560-00067975 all right chad BsmNHVpKV6c-00264-00067976-00068206 look at that BsmNHVpKV6c-00265-00068207-00068375 yeah i'm doing a medium twist i don't BsmNHVpKV6c-00266-00068376-00068599 want to do no big no small twists i BsmNHVpKV6c-00267-00068600-00068831 ain't trying to do no small twists i BsmNHVpKV6c-00268-00068832-00069031 just want to do the medium ones so i'm BsmNHVpKV6c-00269-00069032-00069175 gonna do another one let y'all see how i BsmNHVpKV6c-00270-00069176-00070071 do another one BsmNHVpKV6c-00271-00070072-00070247 i just made that one kind of small BsmNHVpKV6c-00272-00070248-00070615 because it was over towards the edge BsmNHVpKV6c-00273-00070616-00070759 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00274-00070760-00071238 let's get my liquid get it all wet BsmNHVpKV6c-00275-00071239-00071415 okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00276-00071416-00071543 all right i'm gonna go ahead and put my BsmNHVpKV6c-00277-00071544-00071750 cream on BsmNHVpKV6c-00278-00071751-00072511 i usually put my cream on next anyway BsmNHVpKV6c-00279-00072512-00072759 my cream BsmNHVpKV6c-00280-00072760-00073526 get that pulled through BsmNHVpKV6c-00281-00073527-00073887 and i just twist it on BsmNHVpKV6c-00282-00073888-00074182 just twisting it on i ain't doing that BsmNHVpKV6c-00283-00074183-00074367 fancy ain't doing nothing that you gotta BsmNHVpKV6c-00284-00074368-00074606 be a rocket scientist to understand none BsmNHVpKV6c-00285-00074607-00074750 of that BsmNHVpKV6c-00286-00074751-00074919 try just twisting the hair that's all BsmNHVpKV6c-00287-00074920-00075079 you're doing BsmNHVpKV6c-00288-00075080-00075287 twisting the hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00289-00075288-00075511 i take my thing and just BsmNHVpKV6c-00290-00075512-00075726 do it like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00291-00075727-00075903 oh y'all that's cute BsmNHVpKV6c-00292-00075904-00076087 that's real cute BsmNHVpKV6c-00293-00076088-00076887 real cute BsmNHVpKV6c-00294-00076888-00077062 excuse me y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00295-00077063-00077238 i'm not being letting off BsmNHVpKV6c-00296-00077239-00077526 you know fancy try just twist your hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00297-00077527-00077782 just want your hair twisted so i can BsmNHVpKV6c-00298-00077783-00078159 hold the curl that's all BsmNHVpKV6c-00299-00078160-00078862 just wanted to hold the curls BsmNHVpKV6c-00300-00078863-00079094 i ain't getting all fancy dancing but BsmNHVpKV6c-00301-00079095-00079271 y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00302-00079272-00079662 i'm just showing y'all how i do it chad BsmNHVpKV6c-00303-00079663-00079911 ain't got all day BsmNHVpKV6c-00304-00079912-00080279 just throw some twists in it BsmNHVpKV6c-00305-00080280-00080447 that's all you doing because see the BsmNHVpKV6c-00306-00080448-00080687 hair already curly BsmNHVpKV6c-00307-00080688-00081575 i'm just throwing some twists in here BsmNHVpKV6c-00308-00081576-00081855 twist it twist it BsmNHVpKV6c-00309-00081856-00082191 nothing fancy BsmNHVpKV6c-00310-00082192-00082559 just twisting it on up like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00311-00082560-00082711 just a little cute little twist on the BsmNHVpKV6c-00312-00082712-00082950 side like that y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00313-00082951-00083150 look cute little twist BsmNHVpKV6c-00314-00083151-00083343 look at that BsmNHVpKV6c-00315-00083344-00083599 look at that BsmNHVpKV6c-00316-00083600-00083815 just a little twist BsmNHVpKV6c-00317-00083816-00084159 on the side that's it so BsmNHVpKV6c-00318-00084160-00084287 i'm gonna go ahead and get it all BsmNHVpKV6c-00319-00084288-00084535 twisted up y'all y'all seen how i did my BsmNHVpKV6c-00320-00084536-00084691 little quick twist BsmNHVpKV6c-00321-00084692-00085006 and all you know BsmNHVpKV6c-00322-00085007-00085231 just twist it just put your water on BsmNHVpKV6c-00323-00085232-00085462 that put your little cream on that and BsmNHVpKV6c-00324-00085463-00085750 then um i'll get my phone and i'll just BsmNHVpKV6c-00325-00085751-00085950 put my phone on all of them BsmNHVpKV6c-00326-00085951-00086303 the mousse the lotta body so BsmNHVpKV6c-00327-00086304-00086518 nothing fancy i ain't i don't can't see BsmNHVpKV6c-00328-00086519-00086687 it all up it's just you know i get the BsmNHVpKV6c-00329-00086688-00086959 same results that's what i do so BsmNHVpKV6c-00330-00086960-00087191 i don't like to over complicate things i BsmNHVpKV6c-00331-00087192-00087350 don't like it BsmNHVpKV6c-00332-00087351-00087535 make people think it just takes so much BsmNHVpKV6c-00333-00087536-00087823 it don't just talk about me BsmNHVpKV6c-00334-00087824-00088087 okay guys i'm back i've got my hair all BsmNHVpKV6c-00335-00088088-00088415 twisted up so all twisted y'all see that BsmNHVpKV6c-00336-00088416-00088599 white that's that's just product don't BsmNHVpKV6c-00337-00088600-00088831 do it it's just product you know the BsmNHVpKV6c-00338-00088832-00089055 product that i use i got my hair all BsmNHVpKV6c-00339-00089056-00089303 twisted up BsmNHVpKV6c-00340-00089304-00089679 so and i got my a lot of body and i just BsmNHVpKV6c-00341-00089680-00089855 put a lot of body all over it my foam BsmNHVpKV6c-00342-00089856-00090015 all over it BsmNHVpKV6c-00343-00090016-00090238 to help lock in my curls BsmNHVpKV6c-00344-00090239-00090438 and then i usually just put a little get BsmNHVpKV6c-00345-00090439-00090718 a little foam BsmNHVpKV6c-00346-00090719-00091206 put on my edges like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00347-00091207-00091447 and i just BsmNHVpKV6c-00348-00091448-00092087 smooth swoop them edges around like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00349-00092088-00092318 to help my edges lay BsmNHVpKV6c-00350-00092319-00092999 when i wrap it BsmNHVpKV6c-00351-00093000-00093231 just put a little foam on the edges like BsmNHVpKV6c-00352-00093232-00093623 that BsmNHVpKV6c-00353-00093624-00093871 and i just BsmNHVpKV6c-00354-00093872-00094150 just get my edges all nice and smooth BsmNHVpKV6c-00355-00094151-00094311 with the foam BsmNHVpKV6c-00356-00094312-00094511 my lighter body BsmNHVpKV6c-00357-00094512-00094774 i like that name a lot of body BsmNHVpKV6c-00358-00094775-00094959 i guess it'll give you a lot of body oh BsmNHVpKV6c-00359-00094960-00095191 no don't like me y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00360-00095192-00095318 okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00361-00095319-00095447 all right so i know it's looking a BsmNHVpKV6c-00362-00095448-00095679 little crazy right now but BsmNHVpKV6c-00363-00095680-00095935 don't judge don't judge me BsmNHVpKV6c-00364-00095936-00096150 i'm learning BsmNHVpKV6c-00365-00096151-00096271 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00366-00096272-00096599 y'all get them edges all swooped up BsmNHVpKV6c-00367-00096600-00096871 with the phone BsmNHVpKV6c-00368-00096872-00097038 okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00369-00097039-00097223 all right so BsmNHVpKV6c-00370-00097224-00097350 i'll be seeing them girls on youtube BsmNHVpKV6c-00371-00097351-00097823 doing that BsmNHVpKV6c-00372-00097824-00098094 got my headache doing that BsmNHVpKV6c-00373-00098095-00098279 all right so my twists looking a little BsmNHVpKV6c-00374-00098280-00098438 crazy but BsmNHVpKV6c-00375-00098439-00098687 that's all right BsmNHVpKV6c-00376-00098688-00099006 we're gonna go ahead and wrap this on up BsmNHVpKV6c-00377-00099007-00099223 get this wrapped up BsmNHVpKV6c-00378-00099224-00099415 let me see what i want to do as far as BsmNHVpKV6c-00379-00099416-00099855 wrapping it i think i might BsmNHVpKV6c-00380-00099856-00100150 let me get my BsmNHVpKV6c-00381-00100151-00100447 silk scarf BsmNHVpKV6c-00382-00100448-00100679 let me go and get my silk scarf and wrap BsmNHVpKV6c-00383-00100680-00101711 it up BsmNHVpKV6c-00384-00101712-00101855 okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00385-00101856-00102878 got my silk scarf BsmNHVpKV6c-00386-00102879-00103727 wrap it up BsmNHVpKV6c-00387-00103728-00104286 i put up my little silk score like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00388-00104288-00104863 wrap it up tuck that in BsmNHVpKV6c-00389-00104864-00105143 that's all tucked in BsmNHVpKV6c-00390-00105144-00106134 put my little twist down in the back BsmNHVpKV6c-00391-00106135-00106407 and i take me a scrunchie BsmNHVpKV6c-00392-00106408-00106583 and i put the scrunchie on the back that BsmNHVpKV6c-00393-00106583-00106719 helps BsmNHVpKV6c-00394-00106720-00106990 help keep that all BsmNHVpKV6c-00395-00106991-00107190 all nice and BsmNHVpKV6c-00396-00107191-00107454 tight back there keep my scarf on all BsmNHVpKV6c-00397-00107455-00107702 night because y'all know my morning them BsmNHVpKV6c-00398-00107703-00107883 scarves be BsmNHVpKV6c-00399-00107883-00108271 off put a little twist down right there BsmNHVpKV6c-00400-00108272-00108495 oh BsmNHVpKV6c-00401-00108496-00108647 my little twist y'all see my little BsmNHVpKV6c-00402-00108648-00109015 twist right there my little curly twists BsmNHVpKV6c-00403-00109016-00109199 y'all see them so BsmNHVpKV6c-00404-00109200-00109399 all right that's my little scarf i sleep BsmNHVpKV6c-00405-00109400-00109847 on hold on BsmNHVpKV6c-00406-00109848-00110439 and then my little black silk bonnet BsmNHVpKV6c-00407-00110440-00110766 there's a whole lot to be sleeping in BsmNHVpKV6c-00408-00110767-00110902 time to be sleeping in all this stuff BsmNHVpKV6c-00409-00110903-00111415 this stuff hot BsmNHVpKV6c-00410-00111416-00111590 oh no yeah BsmNHVpKV6c-00411-00111591-00111871 got my little silk bonnet BsmNHVpKV6c-00412-00111872-00112086 got my little silk bonnet to go on there BsmNHVpKV6c-00413-00112088-00112310 like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00414-00112311-00112599 little silk bunny BsmNHVpKV6c-00415-00112600-00112847 i could do the bonnet but BsmNHVpKV6c-00416-00112848-00113007 i'm just gonna do the scarf because BsmNHVpKV6c-00417-00113008-00113183 that's hot BsmNHVpKV6c-00418-00113183-00113486 i'm hot already and i ain't even sleep BsmNHVpKV6c-00419-00113488-00113863 so anyway BsmNHVpKV6c-00420-00113864-00114023 all right y'all so BsmNHVpKV6c-00421-00114024-00114278 that's it it's all wrapped up i got it BsmNHVpKV6c-00422-00114279-00114543 all wrapped up so BsmNHVpKV6c-00423-00114544-00114751 i'll be back to show y'all you know when BsmNHVpKV6c-00424-00114752-00114990 i'm taking it down and styling it i'll BsmNHVpKV6c-00425-00114991-00115223 be back to show you all that BsmNHVpKV6c-00426-00115224-00115551 wish me luck BsmNHVpKV6c-00427-00115552-00115878 hey guys i am back and actually i just BsmNHVpKV6c-00428-00115879-00116095 recorded this makeup look so make sure BsmNHVpKV6c-00429-00116096-00116271 you guys check for that on my channel BsmNHVpKV6c-00430-00116272-00116486 this makeup look kind of like a nude BsmNHVpKV6c-00431-00116488-00116695 with a little gold and i went with the BsmNHVpKV6c-00432-00116696-00117015 blue with the lighter blue lipstick BsmNHVpKV6c-00433-00117016-00117263 yup just trying to do i'm gonna look BsmNHVpKV6c-00434-00117264-00117399 colorful you know BsmNHVpKV6c-00435-00117400-00117623 so let's get back to this natural hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00436-00117624-00117958 tutorial so BsmNHVpKV6c-00437-00117959-00118151 all right so y'all know how to twist and BsmNHVpKV6c-00438-00118152-00118399 everything so now we're ready BsmNHVpKV6c-00439-00118400-00118486 so BsmNHVpKV6c-00440-00118488-00119015 i'm gonna get some oil BsmNHVpKV6c-00441-00119016-00119295 get some my oil here BsmNHVpKV6c-00442-00119296-00119807 put some of that on my hair BsmNHVpKV6c-00443-00119808-00120031 all over my twists BsmNHVpKV6c-00444-00120032-00120366 they looking real crazy right now BsmNHVpKV6c-00445-00120367-00120702 yeah my twists are all over the blaze BsmNHVpKV6c-00446-00120703-00120951 they looking like dress right now BsmNHVpKV6c-00447-00120952-00121239 but i'm gonna go ahead and get all my BsmNHVpKV6c-00448-00121240-00121543 twists out guys and i'll be back so um BsmNHVpKV6c-00449-00121544-00121663 let me show you guys how i'm gonna be BsmNHVpKV6c-00450-00121664-00121839 doing it i'm just BsmNHVpKV6c-00451-00121840-00122183 i like to take my twist from the top BsmNHVpKV6c-00452-00122183-00122327 and just BsmNHVpKV6c-00453-00122328-00122551 unravel it just like that BsmNHVpKV6c-00454-00122552-00122727 that's how i like to do it so i mean BsmNHVpKV6c-00455-00122728-00122871 some people start at the bottom and work BsmNHVpKV6c-00456-00122872-00123031 their way to the top BsmNHVpKV6c-00457-00123032-00123247 tomato tomato potato potato however you BsmNHVpKV6c-00458-00123248-00123454 want to do it girl but i'm just showing BsmNHVpKV6c-00459-00123455-00123654 you how i do it so i like taking it from BsmNHVpKV6c-00460-00123655-00123751 the top BsmNHVpKV6c-00461-00123752-00123927 and you know taking it loose i like BsmNHVpKV6c-00462-00123928-00124063 doing that so BsmNHVpKV6c-00463-00124064-00124271 okay guys i'm back i've got all my BsmNHVpKV6c-00464-00124272-00124519 twists out BsmNHVpKV6c-00465-00124520-00124847 all my twists are out you guys can see i BsmNHVpKV6c-00466-00124848-00125143 got them all out and i kind of like BsmNHVpKV6c-00467-00125144-00125495 you know separating them a little bit BsmNHVpKV6c-00468-00125496-00125758 just kind of nicely and softly separated BsmNHVpKV6c-00469-00125759-00125895 them BsmNHVpKV6c-00470-00125896-00126199 yep looking real crazy right now but BsmNHVpKV6c-00471-00126200-00126310 that's okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00472-00126311-00126486 it all comes together BsmNHVpKV6c-00473-00126488-00126702 all right so got my afro comb already BsmNHVpKV6c-00474-00126703-00126902 all my hair y'all saw that so i got my BsmNHVpKV6c-00475-00126903-00127134 afro comb i love this afro home i love BsmNHVpKV6c-00476-00127135-00127358 it so i'm just gonna take my afro comb BsmNHVpKV6c-00477-00127359-00127502 and i'm just gonna start to lift you BsmNHVpKV6c-00478-00127503-00127783 guys see BsmNHVpKV6c-00479-00127783-00127983 just starting to lift BsmNHVpKV6c-00480-00127983-00128143 not bringing it all the way out to my BsmNHVpKV6c-00481-00128144-00128590 curls i don't want to do that BsmNHVpKV6c-00482-00128591-00128807 just at the root lifting at the root and BsmNHVpKV6c-00483-00128808-00129110 i'm pulling out a little bit BsmNHVpKV6c-00484-00129111-00129527 at a time BsmNHVpKV6c-00486-00133608-00133831 and y'all know i like mine's all big BsmNHVpKV6c-00487-00133832-00134759 like a frog BsmNHVpKV6c-00488-00134760-00134975 this one little curl right here crazed BsmNHVpKV6c-00489-00134976-00135223 child BsmNHVpKV6c-00490-00135224-00135478 you know what BsmNHVpKV6c-00491-00135479-00135790 we'll get that under control now BsmNHVpKV6c-00492-00135791-00136583 yourself under control and i try BsmNHVpKV6c-00493-00136584-00136799 i'll just BsmNHVpKV6c-00494-00136800-00137190 go all over and just lift BsmNHVpKV6c-00495-00137191-00137575 slowly take my time and just lift BsmNHVpKV6c-00496-00137576-00140135 live live BsmNHVpKV6c-00497-00140136-00140351 i love it BsmNHVpKV6c-00498-00140352-00140631 i really like the new BsmNHVpKV6c-00499-00140632-00140919 maui cream that i'm using BsmNHVpKV6c-00500-00140920-00141335 it has become my favorite over the shade BsmNHVpKV6c-00501-00141336-00141559 all right BsmNHVpKV6c-00502-00141560-00141799 so we got it looking BsmNHVpKV6c-00503-00141800-00142166 looking on natural BsmNHVpKV6c-00504-00142167-00143526 oh crazy and natural BsmNHVpKV6c-00505-00143527-00143695 just kind of play around with it a BsmNHVpKV6c-00506-00143696-00145199 little bit BsmNHVpKV6c-00507-00145200-00145431 let me get my mirror and see in the back BsmNHVpKV6c-00508-00145432-00145639 see how my back looking BsmNHVpKV6c-00509-00145640-00145887 let me see BsmNHVpKV6c-00510-00145888-00146263 okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00511-00146264-00147014 all right BsmNHVpKV6c-00512-00147015-00147263 looking good BsmNHVpKV6c-00513-00147264-00147439 kind of pick a little BsmNHVpKV6c-00514-00147440-00148807 couple spots back there BsmNHVpKV6c-00515-00148808-00150247 just kind of play around with it BsmNHVpKV6c-00516-00150248-00150711 looks good i think it looks good BsmNHVpKV6c-00517-00150712-00150847 i don't want to do too much because i BsmNHVpKV6c-00518-00150848-00151143 want to comb my curls out BsmNHVpKV6c-00519-00151144-00151478 but that looks good back there BsmNHVpKV6c-00520-00151479-00151959 okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00521-00151960-00152166 okay BsmNHVpKV6c-00522-00152167-00152543 all right that looks cute back there so BsmNHVpKV6c-00523-00152544-00152799 oh BsmNHVpKV6c-00524-00152800-00153031 she cute BsmNHVpKV6c-00525-00153032-00153239 i love it BsmNHVpKV6c-00526-00153240-00154078 she cute she cute BsmNHVpKV6c-00527-00154079-00154302 all right let's get these edges together BsmNHVpKV6c-00528-00154303-00154502 while i'm bopping around and stuff let's BsmNHVpKV6c-00529-00154503-00154735 get these edges together girl BsmNHVpKV6c-00530-00154736-00155095 get your edges together sis BsmNHVpKV6c-00531-00155096-00155311 all right and i'll be using the edge BsmNHVpKV6c-00532-00155312-00155575 booster extra strength and moisturizer BsmNHVpKV6c-00533-00155576-00155839 rich primer promate thick for thick and BsmNHVpKV6c-00534-00155840-00156119 coarse hair it's the pink edge booster BsmNHVpKV6c-00535-00156120-00156383 the pink one BsmNHVpKV6c-00536-00156384-00156647 my camera want to act right BsmNHVpKV6c-00537-00156648-00156871 there it is it's the pink pink edge BsmNHVpKV6c-00538-00156872-00157023 booster BsmNHVpKV6c-00539-00157024-00157159 and you know what i really like this BsmNHVpKV6c-00540-00157160-00157454 this is really good BsmNHVpKV6c-00541-00157455-00158135 it is really really good BsmNHVpKV6c-00542-00158136-00158687 getting them edges together BsmNHVpKV6c-00543-00158688-00158839 and i like it because like when i put it BsmNHVpKV6c-00544-00158840-00159023 on my edges it's like it gives your BsmNHVpKV6c-00545-00159024-00159366 edges like that perm straight look BsmNHVpKV6c-00546-00159367-00159719 it really does BsmNHVpKV6c-00547-00159720-00159943 felt like a little BsmNHVpKV6c-00548-00159944-00160239 build up there but that's fine BsmNHVpKV6c-00549-00160240-00160607 that'll go away BsmNHVpKV6c-00550-00160608-00160895 i'm telling you BsmNHVpKV6c-00551-00160896-00161031 see how it does BsmNHVpKV6c-00552-00161032-00161247 let me show y'all see how it does like BsmNHVpKV6c-00553-00161248-00161495 look at that that's the gel BsmNHVpKV6c-00554-00161496-00161647 see how i told you it gives your edges BsmNHVpKV6c-00555-00161648-00161926 that nice straight perm look BsmNHVpKV6c-00556-00161927-00162111 of course you know i can do the swoops BsmNHVpKV6c-00557-00162112-00162254 but BsmNHVpKV6c-00558-00162255-00162423 you guys can see where i'm going with it BsmNHVpKV6c-00559-00162424-00162726 i'm going to put one of my headbands on BsmNHVpKV6c-00560-00162727-00162990 y'all know i love my hairbands BsmNHVpKV6c-00561-00162991-00163302 i do the swoops sometimes BsmNHVpKV6c-00562-00163303-00163935 but i like wearing my headbands BsmNHVpKV6c-00563-00163936-00164247 get these edges laid BsmNHVpKV6c-00564-00164248-00164478 yes BsmNHVpKV6c-00565-00164479-00164847 get them edges like boo boo BsmNHVpKV6c-00566-00164848-00165038 mm-hmm BsmNHVpKV6c-00567-00165039-00165278 get them get your edges right boo get BsmNHVpKV6c-00568-00165279-00165566 your edges right BsmNHVpKV6c-00569-00165567-00165743 don't worry about me get your edges BsmNHVpKV6c-00570-00165744-00166151 right BsmNHVpKV6c-00571-00166152-00166390 oh look at that BsmNHVpKV6c-00572-00166391-00166663 that's what it does man it's it's i love BsmNHVpKV6c-00573-00166664-00166919 this gel BsmNHVpKV6c-00574-00166920-00167159 like look at this BsmNHVpKV6c-00575-00167160-00167551 like straight up BsmNHVpKV6c-00576-00167552-00167831 and that whiteness it goes away BsmNHVpKV6c-00577-00167832-00167999 that's that's not the gel that's just BsmNHVpKV6c-00578-00168000-00168199 like i guess like a little product build BsmNHVpKV6c-00579-00168200-00168414 up on my hair so BsmNHVpKV6c-00580-00168415-00168766 but you're real BsmNHVpKV6c-00581-00168767-00168935 oh BsmNHVpKV6c-00582-00168936-00169159 oh says you're cute BsmNHVpKV6c-00583-00169160-00169647 she cute she cute BsmNHVpKV6c-00584-00169648-00170407 look at that it's gorgeous BsmNHVpKV6c-00585-00170408-00170607 yeah i'm seeing my hair kind of you know BsmNHVpKV6c-00586-00170608-00170719 sticking out so i gotta kind of lean BsmNHVpKV6c-00587-00170720-00171143 down so y'all can see it BsmNHVpKV6c-00588-00171144-00171302 i'm telling you look at it like how it BsmNHVpKV6c-00589-00171303-00171478 makes it all straight like you just got BsmNHVpKV6c-00590-00171479-00171614 a perm BsmNHVpKV6c-00591-00171615-00171838 i love it BsmNHVpKV6c-00592-00171839-00172038 i love it now let me show you all my BsmNHVpKV6c-00593-00172039-00172335 hairband i'll put on BsmNHVpKV6c-00594-00172336-00172614 y'all know i'm extra BsmNHVpKV6c-00595-00172615-00172807 y'all already know if you don't know now BsmNHVpKV6c-00596-00172808-00173087 you know i'm extra boo BsmNHVpKV6c-00597-00173088-00173311 i'm extra i love shiny things i love BsmNHVpKV6c-00598-00173312-00173614 gold i love diamonds BsmNHVpKV6c-00599-00173615-00175126 um BsmNHVpKV6c-00600-00175127-00175343 i love my little diamond on the side i BsmNHVpKV6c-00601-00175344-00175535 can put diamond on that side too but BsmNHVpKV6c-00602-00175536-00175711 this is my size it's my good side right BsmNHVpKV6c-00603-00175712-00175847 here BsmNHVpKV6c-00604-00175848-00176599 both of my size good size how about that BsmNHVpKV6c-00605-00176600-00176807 i love that little diamond on the side BsmNHVpKV6c-00606-00176808-00177071 right there little diamond flower BsmNHVpKV6c-00607-00177072-00177566 oh BsmNHVpKV6c-00608-00177567-00177702 all right y'all BsmNHVpKV6c-00609-00177703-00177919 that's it that's all BsmNHVpKV6c-00610-00177920-00178119 this is erica misha thank you so much BsmNHVpKV6c-00611-00178120-00178295 for watching don't forget to like BsmNHVpKV6c-00612-00178296-00178487 comment and subscribe follow me on all BsmNHVpKV6c-00613-00178488-00178695 my social media erica misha and don't BsmNHVpKV6c-00614-00178696-00178902 forget guys knowledge BsmNHVpKV6c-00615-00178903-00179031 is power BsmNHVpKV6c-00616-00179032-00179190 thanks guys BsmNHVpKV6c-00617-00179191-00179491 bye Bxu0FshtkbA-00000-00000176-00000665 what is going on YouTube what is going Bxu0FshtkbA-00001-00000666-00000977 on welcome back to that ninja Marky Bxu0FshtkbA-00002-00000977-00001378 channel so today we are here with my Bxu0FshtkbA-00003-00001379-00001612 beautiful Bxu0FshtkbA-00004-00001613-00001901 damn she's beautiful beautiful Bxu0FshtkbA-00005-00001902-00002184 Gixxer 1022 Bxu0FshtkbA-00006-00002185-00002591 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00007-00002592-00003611 where did we go Bxu0FshtkbA-00008-00003611-00003899 waiting on my homeboy Bxu0FshtkbA-00009-00003900-00004133 zero gear to get here Bxu0FshtkbA-00010-00004134-00004379 probably bleaking up with a couple more Bxu0FshtkbA-00011-00004380-00004631 fellas today I'm going for a little ride Bxu0FshtkbA-00012-00004632-00004888 since it's another beautiful day out Bxu0FshtkbA-00013-00004889-00005086 here in Michigan Bxu0FshtkbA-00014-00005087-00005447 and uh link up with them down there at Bxu0FshtkbA-00015-00005448-00005747 the usual the big meet up spot in Bxu0FshtkbA-00016-00005748-00005891 Detroit Bxu0FshtkbA-00017-00005892-00006113 where everybody meet up at Bxu0FshtkbA-00018-00006114-00006520 the link and uh yeah man yeah we'll be Bxu0FshtkbA-00019-00006522-00006839 having a good ride today a little good Bxu0FshtkbA-00020-00006840-00007223 ride on while we can uh Bxu0FshtkbA-00021-00007223-00007577 damn my baby's dirty but uh Bxu0FshtkbA-00022-00007578-00007763 yeah so Bxu0FshtkbA-00023-00007764-00008063 if you new to the channel hit that like Bxu0FshtkbA-00024-00008064-00008392 subscribe and that notification Bell so Bxu0FshtkbA-00025-00008393-00008705 you won't miss anything Bxu0FshtkbA-00026-00008706-00008905 when I post it Bxu0FshtkbA-00027-00008906-00009328 and if you're returning subscriber thank Bxu0FshtkbA-00028-00009329-00009617 you so much for being with me and Bxu0FshtkbA-00029-00009618-00009755 supporting me Bxu0FshtkbA-00030-00009756-00010192 and my homeboy bone Shane garage Bxu0FshtkbA-00031-00010193-00010427 thanks for the shout out make sure you Bxu0FshtkbA-00032-00010428-00010696 go check him out on YouTube bone Shake Bxu0FshtkbA-00033-00010697-00010883 garage Bxu0FshtkbA-00034-00010884-00011314 and uh yeah just wait now just out here Bxu0FshtkbA-00035-00011315-00011419 waiting Bxu0FshtkbA-00036-00011420-00011855 bill for 50 some degree weather we'll be Bxu0FshtkbA-00037-00011856-00012088 having another 50 something degree Bxu0FshtkbA-00038-00012089-00012355 weather tomorrow Bxu0FshtkbA-00039-00012356-00012869 so I'm gonna get out as much as I can to Bxu0FshtkbA-00040-00012869-00013175 provide you all with some good quality Bxu0FshtkbA-00041-00013176-00013571 content all right and oh another shout Bxu0FshtkbA-00042-00013572-00013877 out to my homeboy suitcase spazzing Bxu0FshtkbA-00043-00013878-00014197 thanks for the Subscribe butt Bxu0FshtkbA-00044-00014197-00014572 thank you and uh bike leaving parent Bxu0FshtkbA-00045-00014573-00014947 Enterprise thank you brother for the sub Bxu0FshtkbA-00046-00014947-00015293 you know one day hopefully I get out Bxu0FshtkbA-00047-00015294-00015647 there and be as big as you guys Bxu0FshtkbA-00048-00015647-00015983 for my Riders out there for all my Bxu0FshtkbA-00049-00015984-00016127 Riders Bxu0FshtkbA-00050-00016128-00016511 I carry every time I go riding Bxu0FshtkbA-00051-00016512-00016936 and I have a nine mil Bxu0FshtkbA-00052-00016937-00017069 um Glock Bxu0FshtkbA-00053-00017070-00017465 does that carry with me and uh Bxu0FshtkbA-00054-00017466-00017675 let me know what y'all carry if y'all Bxu0FshtkbA-00055-00017676-00017999 carry comment down below and let me know Bxu0FshtkbA-00056-00018000-00018185 what y'all carry what y'all ride with Bxu0FshtkbA-00058-00021572-00023158 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00059-00023159-00023495 yeah I'll start to January Bxu0FshtkbA-00060-00023496-00025739 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00061-00025741-00026552 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00062-00026552-00027852 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00063-00027852-00029458 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00064-00029460-00029917 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00065-00029918-00030089 thank you Bxu0FshtkbA-00066-00030089-00030252 foreign Bxu0FshtkbA-00067-00030254-00033052 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00069-00037422-00038693 ah Bxu0FshtkbA-00070-00038694-00040230 a Bxu0FshtkbA-00071-00040231-00042073 Willy in them oh bad Bxu0FshtkbA-00072-00042074-00042274 as soon as everybody just leave Bxu0FshtkbA-00073-00042275-00042446 everybody want to come Bxu0FshtkbA-00074-00042447-00043517 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00075-00043518-00043751 that's nice Bxu0FshtkbA-00076-00043752-00044999 clean clean Bxu0FshtkbA-00078-00048923-00049990 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00079-00049991-00050260 good time Bxu0FshtkbA-00080-00050261-00052661 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00081-00052662-00053274 foreign Bxu0FshtkbA-00082-00053275-00054250 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00083-00054251-00054880 get it Bxu0FshtkbA-00084-00054882-00055239 only in Detroit baby Bxu0FshtkbA-00085-00055240-00056775 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00087-00060179-00060775 can't wait for the summer to finally hit Bxu0FshtkbA-00088-00060776-00061211 but we are planning Bxu0FshtkbA-00089-00061212-00061565 long road for it Bxu0FshtkbA-00090-00061566-00061859 have fun Bxu0FshtkbA-00091-00061860-00062057 and we never seen our Bxu0FshtkbA-00092-00062058-00062350 the places we've never been to before Bxu0FshtkbA-00093-00062351-00062687 which is freaking cool to me because I Bxu0FshtkbA-00094-00062688-00063035 want to get out anyway and enjoy this Bxu0FshtkbA-00095-00063036-00063347 freaking summer Bxu0FshtkbA-00096-00063348-00063623 I'm probably going to have supposed to Bxu0FshtkbA-00097-00063624-00063919 at least 10 000 miles Bxu0FshtkbA-00098-00063920-00064180 that's my plan Bxu0FshtkbA-00099-00064182-00064529 a Mario 6314 Bxu0FshtkbA-00100-00064529-00064997 so Bxu0FshtkbA-00101-00064998-00065297 my plan to put some miles on this baby Bxu0FshtkbA-00102-00065298-00065648 this summer and have fun Bxu0FshtkbA-00103-00065649-00066497 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00104-00066498-00067493 that is my plan Bxu0FshtkbA-00105-00067494-00067738 we're talking about Bxu0FshtkbA-00106-00067739-00068147 one to Toronto Canada Bxu0FshtkbA-00107-00068148-00068513 for those of you who don't live in an Bxu0FshtkbA-00108-00068514-00068705 area or never been to Canada or never Bxu0FshtkbA-00109-00068706-00068926 thought about going to Canada Canada is Bxu0FshtkbA-00110-00068927-00069226 right across the water from us Bxu0FshtkbA-00111-00069227-00069419 so it's like Bxu0FshtkbA-00112-00069420-00069749 from here to downtown Detroit maybe 10 Bxu0FshtkbA-00113-00069750-00069844 minutes Bxu0FshtkbA-00114-00069845-00070019 across the border to go you're in Bxu0FshtkbA-00115-00070020-00070282 another country which is crazy Bxu0FshtkbA-00116-00070283-00070475 now the people from New York Bxu0FshtkbA-00117-00070476-00070661 they go over there to Niagara Falls Bxu0FshtkbA-00118-00070662-00070859 areas Bxu0FshtkbA-00119-00070860-00071471 y'all would know Bxu0FshtkbA-00120-00071472-00071788 cool for that one Bxu0FshtkbA-00121-00071789-00072041 I'm gonna bring some some good content Bxu0FshtkbA-00122-00072042-00072455 for that one Bxu0FshtkbA-00123-00072456-00072593 look at this look at this look at this Bxu0FshtkbA-00124-00072594-00072719 one look at this look at this one look Bxu0FshtkbA-00125-00072720-00072863 at this Bxu0FshtkbA-00126-00072864-00073775 not even Pantry just coming on over Bxu0FshtkbA-00127-00073776-00075294 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00128-00075295-00076585 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00129-00076586-00077821 [Music] Bxu0FshtkbA-00130-00077822-00078193 I am only using what the gods gave me Bxu0FshtkbA-00131-00078194-00078754 it's all about Humanity Bxu0FshtkbA-00132-00078755-00079057 [Music] BypwI2vuI-M-00000-00000019-00000233 afternoon all it's the last day of BypwI2vuI-M-00001-00000234-00000413 February I can't say there's many BypwI2vuI-M-00002-00000413-00000607 afternoons I've spent standing in my BypwI2vuI-M-00003-00000608-00000836 kitchen in the carrot costume apologize BypwI2vuI-M-00004-00000836-00001073 Jersey guys it is a Holstein one and it BypwI2vuI-M-00005-00001074-00001237 normally only comes out at Christmas but BypwI2vuI-M-00006-00001238-00001397 I thought today on this last day of BypwI2vuI-M-00007-00001398-00001609 February I thought was really important BypwI2vuI-M-00008-00001610-00001829 to carry on celebrating milk and dairy BypwI2vuI-M-00009-00001830-00001976 products in the way that we've done all BypwI2vuI-M-00010-00001977-00002216 month positive posts tweets photos BypwI2vuI-M-00011-00002217-00002489 videos both telling the true story of BypwI2vuI-M-00012-00002490-00002879 dairy farming and celebrating just what BypwI2vuI-M-00013-00002880-00003062 it is we love about everything dairy BypwI2vuI-M-00014-00003063-00003344 baby day has been amazing some fabulous BypwI2vuI-M-00015-00003345-00003626 posts really really good interaction and BypwI2vuI-M-00016-00003627-00003878 lots of dairy farmers and even people BypwI2vuI-M-00017-00003879-00004097 who are just in the industry or who just BypwI2vuI-M-00018-00004098-00004313 love dairy products telling their story BypwI2vuI-M-00019-00004314-00004508 and talking about dairy every day we've BypwI2vuI-M-00020-00004509-00004652 also had quite a lot of rather BypwI2vuI-M-00021-00004653-00004822 interesting posts from some rather angry BypwI2vuI-M-00022-00004823-00005006 people who have opposed to dairy BypwI2vuI-M-00023-00005007-00005338 including videos clips propaganda and BypwI2vuI-M-00024-00005339-00005465 all sorts of things to air their views BypwI2vuI-M-00025-00005466-00005654 and I think the most important thing BypwI2vuI-M-00026-00005655-00005954 about Fabio dairy is to respect other BypwI2vuI-M-00027-00005955-00006179 people's views we need we may not agree BypwI2vuI-M-00028-00006180-00006388 with them but they have their right to BypwI2vuI-M-00029-00006389-00006587 that belief and I think we should all BypwI2vuI-M-00030-00006588-00006887 continue doing that as we move forward BypwI2vuI-M-00031-00006888-00007067 now having said that I'm sure that there BypwI2vuI-M-00032-00007068-00007195 were some of you out there who don't BypwI2vuI-M-00033-00007197-00007466 like dairy who may have even made videos BypwI2vuI-M-00034-00007467-00007834 or even written some really bad poems BypwI2vuI-M-00035-00007836-00008146 about me I'm so flattered and I'm sure BypwI2vuI-M-00036-00008147-00008339 you'd like to use this opportunity to BypwI2vuI-M-00037-00008340-00008528 use this video to take the Mickey a BypwI2vuI-M-00038-00008529-00008738 little bit well while you do that just BypwI2vuI-M-00039-00008739-00008924 remember there is a reason that you've BypwI2vuI-M-00040-00008925-00009253 been blocked by baby diva and it's not BypwI2vuI-M-00041-00009254-00009553 because of your rational discourse so BypwI2vuI-M-00042-00009554-00009746 anyway as I say this is part of the BypwI2vuI-M-00043-00009747-00009989 hashtag not pipe challenge but I thought BypwI2vuI-M-00044-00009990-00010184 it was rather a shame not to celebrate BypwI2vuI-M-00045-00010185-00010403 all of the fabulous dairy products that BypwI2vuI-M-00046-00010404-00010642 we all have access to every single day BypwI2vuI-M-00047-00010643-00010883 so for example we have butter on red BypwI2vuI-M-00048-00010884-00011849 here amazing source of protein essential BypwI2vuI-M-00049-00011850-00012101 fatty acids and many other nutrients BypwI2vuI-M-00050-00012102-00012238 that we all need for healthy balanced BypwI2vuI-M-00051-00012239-00012428 diet should underline I am a cancer BypwI2vuI-M-00052-00012429-00012599 survivor I enjoy a healthy balanced diet BypwI2vuI-M-00053-00012600-00012781 always have done ever since my cancer BypwI2vuI-M-00054-00012782-00012997 diagnosis 15 years ago and I'm very BypwI2vuI-M-00055-00012998-00013251 happy being healthy with me today my dad BypwI2vuI-M-00056-00013252-00013500 thank you oncologists give the best BypwI2vuI-M-00057-00013501-00013731 nutritional advice so moving on from BypwI2vuI-M-00058-00013732-00013941 butter we have cheese lots of milk you BypwI2vuI-M-00059-00013941-00014910 mozzarella we have you're good you're BypwI2vuI-M-00060-00014911-00014985 getting cheese make some really BypwI2vuI-M-00061-00014986-00015204 interesting mouthful entirely sure I'd BypwI2vuI-M-00062-00015205-00015434 recommend it it's pretty good BypwI2vuI-M-00063-00015435-00015696 never ice cream we bit of a mistake it BypwI2vuI-M-00064-00015697-00015863 is absolutely freezing cold out there BypwI2vuI-M-00065-00015863-00016155 stay warm and take care of your cows in BypwI2vuI-M-00066-00016156-00016760 the cold again chocolate and dairy BypwI2vuI-M-00067-00016761-00017594 double whammy we have cream in this form BypwI2vuI-M-00068-00017595-00017775 of these rather obscenely fabulous BypwI2vuI-M-00069-00017776-00018461 looking meringues oh thank you BypwI2vuI-M-00070-00018462-00018984 and lastly of course nice cold icicles a BypwI2vuI-M-00071-00018985-00019650 belt that's your slogan used to go so BypwI2vuI-M-00072-00019651-00019788 with that again I'd like to thank you BypwI2vuI-M-00073-00019789-00019893 all for supporting BypwI2vuI-M-00074-00019894-00020103 Febby dairy at speed of great campaign BypwI2vuI-M-00075-00020104-00020277 we've had so much fun and keep on BypwI2vuI-M-00076-00020278-00020496 enjoying milk and dairy products every BypwI2vuI-M-00077-00020497-00020565 day of the year BypwI2vuI-M-00078-00020566-00020757 dairies for every month not just for BypwI2vuI-M-00079-00020758-00021000 fabu dally BzSqeNye03u-00000-00000006-00000161 your message to the people of Palestine BzSqeNye03u-00001-00000162-00000449 they should know it's it's we feel very BzSqeNye03u-00002-00000450-00000641 shame what's going on there especially BzSqeNye03u-00003-00000642-00000893 they're doing everything in our name in BzSqeNye03u-00004-00000894-00001043 the name of Jews in the name of the BzSqeNye03u-00005-00001044-00001253 Torah in the name of God it's so BzSqeNye03u-00006-00001254-00001636 shameful we are with you you have to BzSqeNye03u-00007-00001637-00001739 know BzSqeNye03u-00008-00001739-00002099 the zionists are strong we are weak but BzSqeNye03u-00009-00002100-00002417 God is on our side at the end of the day BzSqeNye03u-00010-00002418-00002873 the Palestinian flag will be on all BzSqeNye03u-00011-00002874-00003296 Palestine from the river to the Sea BBwIEE52w1u-00000-00000312-00000543 good morning everybody well hello good BBwIEE52w1u-00001-00000544-00000671 afternoon depending on what time you're BBwIEE52w1u-00002-00000672-00000878 watching this i'm back online with the BBwIEE52w1u-00003-00000880-00001023 videos BBwIEE52w1u-00004-00001024-00001487 and so today we are talking about BBwIEE52w1u-00005-00001488-00001743 recruitment and retention BBwIEE52w1u-00006-00001744-00002039 and how important they are right now so BBwIEE52w1u-00007-00002039-00002375 unfortunately we are i find we are in a BBwIEE52w1u-00008-00002376-00002558 bit of a state of flux with what BBwIEE52w1u-00009-00002559-00002702 everybody had called the great BBwIEE52w1u-00010-00002703-00002883 resignation BBwIEE52w1u-00011-00002884-00003311 and whilst a lot of people are shifting BBwIEE52w1u-00012-00003311-00003615 majority of people are staying put BBwIEE52w1u-00013-00003615-00003822 so we're going to go through a number of BBwIEE52w1u-00014-00003823-00004063 things today how we can BBwIEE52w1u-00015-00004064-00004254 recruit our staff and in future BBwIEE52w1u-00016-00004255-00004406 workshops we're going to go through some BBwIEE52w1u-00017-00004407-00004670 retention strategies so today is purely BBwIEE52w1u-00018-00004671-00004767 about BBwIEE52w1u-00019-00004768-00004902 understanding BBwIEE52w1u-00020-00004903-00005102 the challenges that we're up against BBwIEE52w1u-00021-00005103-00005254 understanding that BBwIEE52w1u-00022-00005255-00005511 uh the barriers to recruitment and how BBwIEE52w1u-00023-00005512-00005767 we can improve our recruitment process BBwIEE52w1u-00024-00005768-00005943 so welcome aboard please leave some BBwIEE52w1u-00025-00005944-00006127 feedback in the comments below so that i BBwIEE52w1u-00026-00006128-00006254 know that you're here BBwIEE52w1u-00027-00006255-00006391 and i know that you've watched it and BBwIEE52w1u-00028-00006392-00006710 feedback is always welcome BBwIEE52w1u-00029-00006711-00006814 so BBwIEE52w1u-00030-00006815-00007134 mr uh mark benioff founder of chairman BBwIEE52w1u-00031-00007136-00007478 and co-ceo of salesforce force BBwIEE52w1u-00032-00007479-00007646 is quoted as saying BBwIEE52w1u-00033-00007647-00007870 acquiring the right talent is the most BBwIEE52w1u-00034-00007872-00008087 important key to growth BBwIEE52w1u-00035-00008088-00008335 hiring was and still is BBwIEE52w1u-00036-00008336-00008671 the most important thing we do BBwIEE52w1u-00037-00008672-00008799 and it's true BBwIEE52w1u-00038-00008800-00009014 getting the right people on board BBwIEE52w1u-00039-00009015-00009110 is BBwIEE52w1u-00040-00009111-00009455 paramount to success and it really BBwIEE52w1u-00041-00009456-00009751 underpins everything we do as a business BBwIEE52w1u-00042-00009752-00010046 i humbly believe that BBwIEE52w1u-00043-00010047-00010206 you don't grow your business your people BBwIEE52w1u-00044-00010207-00010431 grow your business for you so setting BBwIEE52w1u-00045-00010432-00010606 the tone with employing the right people BBwIEE52w1u-00046-00010607-00010846 for the right roles is key you probably BBwIEE52w1u-00047-00010847-00010991 hear that all the time especially if BBwIEE52w1u-00048-00010992-00011238 you're talking to hr people like me BBwIEE52w1u-00049-00011239-00011471 right people write roles so how do we go BBwIEE52w1u-00050-00011472-00011663 about doing that BBwIEE52w1u-00051-00011664-00011878 so recruitment becomes easier when you BBwIEE52w1u-00052-00011879-00012142 can retain staff well BBwIEE52w1u-00053-00012143-00012383 and retention BBwIEE52w1u-00054-00012384-00012623 a good recruitment process forms a part BBwIEE52w1u-00055-00012624-00012846 of your retention strategy so the two BBwIEE52w1u-00056-00012847-00013207 are intrinsically linked the two go BBwIEE52w1u-00057-00013208-00013358 well BBwIEE52w1u-00058-00013359-00013686 together because we're able to BBwIEE52w1u-00059-00013687-00013855 if if you're BBwIEE52w1u-00060-00013856-00014007 if you've got a good employee value BBwIEE52w1u-00061-00014008-00014158 proposition BBwIEE52w1u-00062-00014159-00014471 your recruitment becomes easier because BBwIEE52w1u-00063-00014472-00014686 people know about that and if they don't BBwIEE52w1u-00064-00014687-00014894 it will be very evident in the interview BBwIEE52w1u-00065-00014895-00015103 process that you're looking out for who BBwIEE52w1u-00066-00015104-00015335 to hire what you can bring to them as BBwIEE52w1u-00067-00015336-00015463 individuals BBwIEE52w1u-00068-00015463-00015655 as well not only what they can bring to BBwIEE52w1u-00069-00015656-00015871 you in the role and business BBwIEE52w1u-00070-00015872-00016007 so BBwIEE52w1u-00071-00016008-00016343 retention will increase BBwIEE52w1u-00072-00016344-00016550 when you go through that process when BBwIEE52w1u-00073-00016551-00016719 you onboard someone and you have them on BBwIEE52w1u-00074-00016720-00016883 board and BBwIEE52w1u-00075-00016884-00017158 they start to see the value proposition BBwIEE52w1u-00076-00017159-00017319 that you're BBwIEE52w1u-00077-00017320-00017399 you're BBwIEE52w1u-00078-00017400-00017607 you're holding to your people to BBwIEE52w1u-00079-00017608-00017686 so BBwIEE52w1u-00080-00017687-00018055 without further ado let's move through BBwIEE52w1u-00081-00018056-00018358 how we attract retain develop and review BBwIEE52w1u-00082-00018359-00018655 our people starting in this session with BBwIEE52w1u-00083-00018656-00018927 attraction or the recruitment process BBwIEE52w1u-00084-00018928-00019079 so i wanted to talk a little bit about BBwIEE52w1u-00085-00019080-00019383 our current times um and BBwIEE52w1u-00086-00019384-00019558 i've i've put together a number of BBwIEE52w1u-00087-00019559-00019879 surveys BBwIEE52w1u-00088-00019880-00020079 and reports that have been out over the BBwIEE52w1u-00089-00020080-00020319 last year or so uh given the current BBwIEE52w1u-00090-00020320-00020463 challenges that we've had with the BBwIEE52w1u-00091-00020464-00020719 pandemic and BBwIEE52w1u-00092-00020720-00020967 how stuff moved now we talked about the BBwIEE52w1u-00093-00020968-00021255 great resignation in a previous video BBwIEE52w1u-00094-00021256-00021399 and BBwIEE52w1u-00095-00021400-00021622 that seems very american BBwIEE52w1u-00096-00021623-00021703 and BBwIEE52w1u-00097-00021704-00021911 i don't i couldn't tell you how that's BBwIEE52w1u-00098-00021912-00022111 happening at the moment but i believe BBwIEE52w1u-00099-00022112-00022222 that we're going to see it throughout BBwIEE52w1u-00100-00022223-00022478 this year towards the end of the year BBwIEE52w1u-00101-00022479-00022575 now BBwIEE52w1u-00102-00022576-00022783 now that things are back to BBwIEE52w1u-00103-00022784-00022975 our new normal and BBwIEE52w1u-00104-00022976-00023167 i think it's important BBwIEE52w1u-00105-00023168-00023350 to note just a couple of things as we're BBwIEE52w1u-00106-00023351-00023567 going through this things that BBwIEE52w1u-00107-00023568-00023638 um BBwIEE52w1u-00108-00023639-00023783 [Music] BBwIEE52w1u-00109-00023784-00024103 this our changed world the impact that BBwIEE52w1u-00110-00024104-00024399 it's having on our people BBwIEE52w1u-00111-00024400-00024647 and how we recruit BBwIEE52w1u-00112-00024648-00024855 so current hiring trends compared to BBwIEE52w1u-00113-00024856-00025022 five years ago and that's this is within BBwIEE52w1u-00114-00025023-00025142 the last year BBwIEE52w1u-00115-00025143-00025271 50 BBwIEE52w1u-00116-00025272-00025655 longer hiring cycles what that means BBwIEE52w1u-00117-00025656-00026031 is that it's taking 50 percent longer to BBwIEE52w1u-00118-00026032-00026231 recruit people this is where our BBwIEE52w1u-00119-00026232-00026479 retention strategies come in BBwIEE52w1u-00120-00026480-00026662 down the track when we start to unpack BBwIEE52w1u-00121-00026663-00026983 those this month BBwIEE52w1u-00122-00026983-00027199 it's taking so much longer to recruit BBwIEE52w1u-00123-00027200-00027351 now i'm not a recruitment specialist but BBwIEE52w1u-00124-00027352-00027535 i do do it as a part of my role in many BBwIEE52w1u-00125-00027536-00027783 businesses and i am absolutely BBwIEE52w1u-00126-00027783-00028023 struggling in particular i'm going to BBwIEE52w1u-00127-00028024-00028255 say in finance in i.t BBwIEE52w1u-00128-00028256-00028535 in specialist compliance spaces BBwIEE52w1u-00129-00028536-00028718 or specialist areas BBwIEE52w1u-00130-00028719-00028951 even just general high-level admin BBwIEE52w1u-00131-00028952-00029183 we're finding it really hard to recruit BBwIEE52w1u-00132-00029183-00029358 the quality BBwIEE52w1u-00133-00029360-00029495 and the standard of people that we're BBwIEE52w1u-00134-00029495-00029767 expecting because one they're not moving BBwIEE52w1u-00135-00029768-00029999 two if they are moving it's because BBwIEE52w1u-00136-00030000-00030183 they've been tapped on the shoulder by a BBwIEE52w1u-00137-00030183-00030487 company that is offering them more pay BBwIEE52w1u-00138-00030488-00030735 more stability uh better employee value BBwIEE52w1u-00139-00030736-00030990 proposition all over so better work like BBwIEE52w1u-00140-00030991-00031279 balance better life work balance so you BBwIEE52w1u-00141-00031280-00031462 know there's a number of things that's BBwIEE52w1u-00142-00031463-00031639 hap that are happening BBwIEE52w1u-00143-00031639-00031887 as to why the hiring cycle is taking so BBwIEE52w1u-00144-00031888-00031983 long BBwIEE52w1u-00145-00031983-00032207 uh and this is one of the things that we BBwIEE52w1u-00146-00032208-00032502 need to when we are hiring we need to BBwIEE52w1u-00147-00032503-00032662 try and cut down as quick as possible BBwIEE52w1u-00148-00032663-00033007 because i've had people lose out BBwIEE52w1u-00149-00033008-00033087 on BBwIEE52w1u-00150-00033088-00033327 acquiring talent because they didn't BBwIEE52w1u-00151-00033328-00033559 have their contracts ready on the day BBwIEE52w1u-00152-00033560-00033846 they didn't have the right salary uh to BBwIEE52w1u-00153-00033847-00033974 meet that and they just weren't BBwIEE52w1u-00154-00033975-00034127 professional in the way that they went BBwIEE52w1u-00155-00034128-00034318 about the recruitment process BBwIEE52w1u-00156-00034319-00034518 so BBwIEE52w1u-00157-00034519-00034639 companies that are wanting the right BBwIEE52w1u-00158-00034640-00034862 staff are going to talented recruitment BBwIEE52w1u-00159-00034863-00034967 agents BBwIEE52w1u-00160-00034968-00035174 to tap people on the shoulder and say BBwIEE52w1u-00161-00035175-00035318 i've got a contract ready for you to go BBwIEE52w1u-00162-00035319-00035583 today what's your you know BBwIEE52w1u-00163-00035584-00035727 paying up to about forty thousand BBwIEE52w1u-00164-00035728-00035839 dollars more BBwIEE52w1u-00165-00035840-00036023 than what they were currently earning so BBwIEE52w1u-00166-00036024-00036223 it's really pertinent to start reviewing BBwIEE52w1u-00167-00036224-00036399 your market BBwIEE52w1u-00168-00036400-00036543 um BBwIEE52w1u-00169-00036544-00036718 salaries and where they stand in the BBwIEE52w1u-00170-00036719-00036823 market BBwIEE52w1u-00171-00036824-00037039 uh because it is really starting to make BBwIEE52w1u-00172-00037040-00037318 an impact to people um BBwIEE52w1u-00173-00037319-00037462 so that goes around that that now BBwIEE52w1u-00174-00037463-00037662 there's also a 49 BBwIEE52w1u-00175-00037663-00037918 increase in hiring costs so what does BBwIEE52w1u-00176-00037919-00038183 that mean that means that BBwIEE52w1u-00177-00038184-00038430 because it's taking so long it's it's BBwIEE52w1u-00178-00038431-00038615 it's taking longer to hire we are BBwIEE52w1u-00179-00038616-00038815 actually seeing a recruit recruitment BBwIEE52w1u-00180-00038816-00039055 fees rise across the board it's also BBwIEE52w1u-00181-00039056-00039230 take because it's taking longer that BBwIEE52w1u-00182-00039231-00039551 cost is attributed to hiring as well so BBwIEE52w1u-00183-00039552-00039735 you know it takes however many people BBwIEE52w1u-00184-00039736-00039918 within an organization BBwIEE52w1u-00185-00039919-00040015 to BBwIEE52w1u-00186-00040016-00040174 interview it's taking longer to BBwIEE52w1u-00187-00040175-00040374 interview so you know you might find BBwIEE52w1u-00188-00040375-00040479 that you're doing more interviews BBwIEE52w1u-00189-00040480-00040662 throughout the process because BBwIEE52w1u-00190-00040663-00040846 you're losing candidates along the way BBwIEE52w1u-00191-00040847-00041046 or you just haven't got that interview BBwIEE52w1u-00192-00041047-00041439 process down pat so you maybe not be BBwIEE52w1u-00193-00041440-00041718 having that selection criteria BBwIEE52w1u-00194-00041719-00042135 maybe as tight as you could BBwIEE52w1u-00195-00042136-00042399 higher entrances 38 lower productivity BBwIEE52w1u-00196-00042400-00042687 and 38 lower workforce engagement people BBwIEE52w1u-00197-00042688-00042846 aren't as engaged in work as they used BBwIEE52w1u-00198-00042847-00043071 to be and i can tell you why BBwIEE52w1u-00199-00043072-00043255 because they've had this lovely balance BBwIEE52w1u-00200-00043256-00043358 and BBwIEE52w1u-00201-00043359-00043551 it's been challenging to get you know BBwIEE52w1u-00202-00043552-00043679 motivated BBwIEE52w1u-00203-00043680-00044071 to get into things so you know BBwIEE52w1u-00204-00044072-00044271 that's been a challenge in hiring people BBwIEE52w1u-00205-00044272-00044439 aren't motivated to look BBwIEE52w1u-00206-00044440-00044655 they're not motivated to engage in in BBwIEE52w1u-00207-00044656-00044783 something else BBwIEE52w1u-00208-00044784-00045087 um and and this contravenes exactly what BBwIEE52w1u-00209-00045088-00045295 we were talking about it contradicts BBwIEE52w1u-00210-00045296-00045462 exactly what we were talking about BBwIEE52w1u-00211-00045463-00045590 previously BBwIEE52w1u-00212-00045591-00045727 in that BBwIEE52w1u-00213-00045728-00045887 there's supposedly a great resignation BBwIEE52w1u-00214-00045888-00046046 going on BBwIEE52w1u-00215-00046047-00046190 so that's that's something that i wanted BBwIEE52w1u-00216-00046191-00046383 to just put out there when we're when BBwIEE52w1u-00217-00046384-00046535 we're hiring that these are the trends BBwIEE52w1u-00218-00046536-00046783 that we're seeing um BBwIEE52w1u-00219-00046784-00047302 and and something just to take note of BBwIEE52w1u-00220-00047303-00047502 something else that's coming into play BBwIEE52w1u-00221-00047503-00047686 and probably for the first time it's BBwIEE52w1u-00222-00047687-00047918 becoming really evident that it has in a BBwIEE52w1u-00223-00047919-00048102 very very long time BBwIEE52w1u-00224-00048103-00048415 it's the multi-generational workforce BBwIEE52w1u-00225-00048416-00048535 so BBwIEE52w1u-00226-00048536-00048767 what this means is that BBwIEE52w1u-00227-00048768-00048918 we've got BBwIEE52w1u-00228-00048919-00049207 four generations of BBwIEE52w1u-00229-00049208-00049511 of beautiful humans working together BBwIEE52w1u-00230-00049512-00049735 we've got our baby boomers we've got our BBwIEE52w1u-00231-00049736-00049902 gen x's we've got our millennials and BBwIEE52w1u-00232-00049903-00050046 our gen z's BBwIEE52w1u-00233-00050047-00050383 all working together but each group has BBwIEE52w1u-00234-00050384-00050551 their own perspective and their own view BBwIEE52w1u-00235-00050552-00050767 on the world and they have a different BBwIEE52w1u-00236-00050768-00050990 expectation of their employers for their BBwIEE52w1u-00237-00050991-00051111 careers BBwIEE52w1u-00238-00051112-00051423 so how does this play out this plays out BBwIEE52w1u-00239-00051424-00051614 when we're looking to engage staff or BBwIEE52w1u-00240-00051615-00051830 employer staff BBwIEE52w1u-00241-00051832-00052087 we need to understand these things and BBwIEE52w1u-00242-00052088-00052223 how it's going to have an impact on the BBwIEE52w1u-00243-00052224-00052399 team BBwIEE52w1u-00244-00052400-00052511 and BBwIEE52w1u-00245-00052512-00052703 how that impact BBwIEE52w1u-00246-00052704-00052854 is going to go down BBwIEE52w1u-00247-00052855-00053007 in the future BBwIEE52w1u-00248-00053008-00053207 for management how that's going to work BBwIEE52w1u-00249-00053208-00053463 for management so for example BBwIEE52w1u-00250-00053464-00053623 these four generations all have BBwIEE52w1u-00251-00053624-00053919 different communication styles BBwIEE52w1u-00252-00053920-00054175 they'll all have a balancing need BBwIEE52w1u-00253-00054176-00054382 and different balancing needs of new BBwIEE52w1u-00254-00054383-00054607 ideas against the need to maintain the BBwIEE52w1u-00255-00054608-00054815 status quo so you may find the baby BBwIEE52w1u-00256-00054816-00055015 boomers are a bit more set in and i'm BBwIEE52w1u-00257-00055016-00055207 generalizing here and i don't like doing BBwIEE52w1u-00258-00055208-00055487 that this is just an example but you BBwIEE52w1u-00259-00055488-00055647 know you may find that they're sort of BBwIEE52w1u-00260-00055648-00055871 set in their way and that's the way BBwIEE52w1u-00261-00055872-00056054 let's just maintain the status quo you BBwIEE52w1u-00262-00056055-00056247 may find you know BBwIEE52w1u-00263-00056248-00056391 you've got some real entrepreneurial BBwIEE52w1u-00264-00056391-00056542 minds out there that are like oh new BBwIEE52w1u-00265-00056544-00056711 ideas let's you know let's get some new BBwIEE52w1u-00266-00056712-00056807 ideas BBwIEE52w1u-00267-00056808-00056999 in there and this can cause a conflict BBwIEE52w1u-00268-00057000-00057175 if you're working within the same team BBwIEE52w1u-00269-00057176-00057391 so understanding who you're employing BBwIEE52w1u-00270-00057391-00057599 um BBwIEE52w1u-00271-00057600-00057879 and setting up a strategy for that BBwIEE52w1u-00272-00057879-00058047 so that you can BBwIEE52w1u-00273-00058048-00058207 potentially BBwIEE52w1u-00274-00058208-00058566 have that variety of BBwIEE52w1u-00275-00058567-00058847 ideas and BBwIEE52w1u-00276-00058848-00059015 and perspectives BBwIEE52w1u-00277-00059016-00059207 is really important but BBwIEE52w1u-00278-00059208-00059503 it is something to consider because BBwIEE52w1u-00279-00059504-00059654 when you're a manager BBwIEE52w1u-00280-00059655-00059950 that manager is going to need to have to BBwIEE52w1u-00281-00059951-00060135 work with that and understand how to BBwIEE52w1u-00282-00060136-00060254 work with that and it's just another BBwIEE52w1u-00283-00060255-00060438 challenge that we're facing right now BBwIEE52w1u-00284-00060439-00060638 um these the multi-generational BBwIEE52w1u-00285-00060639-00060799 workforce has a diverse preferred BBwIEE52w1u-00286-00060800-00061038 management style so BBwIEE52w1u-00287-00061039-00061238 you know BBwIEE52w1u-00288-00061239-00061391 you could say that about anyone really BBwIEE52w1u-00289-00061391-00061550 you know everyone has a BBwIEE52w1u-00290-00061551-00061694 different preference to leadership BBwIEE52w1u-00291-00061695-00061871 styles however BBwIEE52w1u-00292-00061872-00062023 it's become more evident across the BBwIEE52w1u-00293-00062024-00062199 multi-generational workforce just the BBwIEE52w1u-00294-00062200-00062399 different types of styles that BBwIEE52w1u-00295-00062400-00062591 we need to be considering BBwIEE52w1u-00296-00062591-00062791 managing expectations for speeding BBwIEE52w1u-00297-00062791-00062911 promotions this is something that BBwIEE52w1u-00298-00062912-00063063 management will need to consider when BBwIEE52w1u-00299-00063064-00063182 hiring BBwIEE52w1u-00300-00063183-00063406 and just you know as i've BBwIEE52w1u-00301-00063407-00063550 given a great example negative BBwIEE52w1u-00302-00063551-00063879 generational stereotypes does become a BBwIEE52w1u-00303-00063879-00064103 play in the team environment that we're BBwIEE52w1u-00304-00064104-00064391 working towards so being mindful of this BBwIEE52w1u-00305-00064391-00064663 and i'm not saying dismiss any of it BBwIEE52w1u-00306-00064664-00064830 i think it's great that you can have BBwIEE52w1u-00307-00064832-00065006 such a breadth of experience in almost BBwIEE52w1u-00308-00065007-00065247 any role now it's not just BBwIEE52w1u-00309-00065248-00065526 you know the the um later generations BBwIEE52w1u-00310-00065527-00065711 being able to or the older generations BBwIEE52w1u-00311-00065712-00065838 being able to come in and give us all BBwIEE52w1u-00312-00065839-00066199 this advice and structure but there are BBwIEE52w1u-00313-00066200-00066319 people wanting to work at different BBwIEE52w1u-00314-00066320-00066479 levels in the organization and i think BBwIEE52w1u-00315-00066480-00066679 that's fantastic but it does need to be BBwIEE52w1u-00316-00066680-00066887 considered when we're thinking about our BBwIEE52w1u-00317-00066888-00067023 team and our company and who we're BBwIEE52w1u-00318-00067024-00067182 engaging BBwIEE52w1u-00319-00067183-00067759 to represent us BBwIEE52w1u-00320-00067760-00067999 so attracting talent we need to think BBwIEE52w1u-00321-00068000-00068103 about BBwIEE52w1u-00322-00068104-00068359 a goal that the business has BBwIEE52w1u-00323-00068360-00068455 um BBwIEE52w1u-00324-00068456-00068591 whether it's BBwIEE52w1u-00325-00068592-00068919 a hr strategy to be growing your people BBwIEE52w1u-00326-00068920-00069079 through the organization BBwIEE52w1u-00327-00069080-00069238 because if that's one of your goals to BBwIEE52w1u-00328-00069239-00069415 have people stay as long as possible BBwIEE52w1u-00329-00069416-00069582 then that BBwIEE52w1u-00330-00069583-00069926 that means that you may look at BBwIEE52w1u-00331-00069927-00070119 what your reward offering is BBwIEE52w1u-00332-00070120-00070279 what your um BBwIEE52w1u-00333-00070280-00070431 remuneration is BBwIEE52w1u-00334-00070432-00070567 and then BBwIEE52w1u-00335-00070568-00070719 all your development options and your BBwIEE52w1u-00336-00070720-00070887 retention strategies really come into BBwIEE52w1u-00337-00070888-00071143 play here if you're BBwIEE52w1u-00338-00071144-00071335 running a lean and new business and BBwIEE52w1u-00339-00071336-00071494 that's that's where it is it's just a BBwIEE52w1u-00340-00071495-00071662 lean business and BBwIEE52w1u-00341-00071663-00071823 i can't afford to do any more there's BBwIEE52w1u-00342-00071824-00072062 nothing else i need to do here in this BBwIEE52w1u-00343-00072063-00072303 space you have to expect some churn and BBwIEE52w1u-00344-00072304-00072462 also then you have to strategize about BBwIEE52w1u-00345-00072463-00072703 how that's going to work as well BBwIEE52w1u-00346-00072704-00072926 so it's all about part of the attracting BBwIEE52w1u-00347-00072927-00073206 talent um BBwIEE52w1u-00348-00073207-00073471 strategy is what is what are the BBwIEE52w1u-00349-00073472-00073662 individual team strategies that align BBwIEE52w1u-00350-00073663-00073847 with the business strategy BBwIEE52w1u-00351-00073848-00074031 so each team will have it whether it be BBwIEE52w1u-00352-00074032-00074238 functional whether it be you know multi BBwIEE52w1u-00353-00074239-00074343 uh BBwIEE52w1u-00354-00074344-00074638 product based whether it be you know BBwIEE52w1u-00355-00074639-00074855 regional what's the strategy for each BBwIEE52w1u-00356-00074856-00074967 team BBwIEE52w1u-00357-00074968-00075215 and is everybody clear on their goals BBwIEE52w1u-00358-00075216-00075455 and their deliverables that plays a big BBwIEE52w1u-00359-00075456-00075606 part in attracting talent because you BBwIEE52w1u-00360-00075607-00075815 want to know how you can fit these BBwIEE52w1u-00361-00075816-00076055 people in those roles BBwIEE52w1u-00362-00076056-00076279 who are you employing in what roles so BBwIEE52w1u-00363-00076280-00076382 what BBwIEE52w1u-00364-00076383-00076726 what is your ideal person in this role BBwIEE52w1u-00365-00076727-00076855 um and BBwIEE52w1u-00366-00076856-00077023 no matter how many times you try and BBwIEE52w1u-00367-00077024-00077199 articulate your ideal person for this BBwIEE52w1u-00368-00077200-00077294 role BBwIEE52w1u-00369-00077295-00077438 someone comes along and surprises you BBwIEE52w1u-00370-00077439-00077606 and it's just like i didn't know that BBwIEE52w1u-00371-00077607-00077862 you existed um BBwIEE52w1u-00372-00077863-00078079 and so that we'll talk about that in a BBwIEE52w1u-00373-00078080-00078287 moment but you know having that vision BBwIEE52w1u-00374-00078288-00078511 of well actually you're not BBwIEE52w1u-00375-00078512-00078687 my ideal person BBwIEE52w1u-00376-00078688-00078991 however i see potential are we employing BBwIEE52w1u-00377-00078992-00079199 people so that we can BBwIEE52w1u-00378-00079200-00079359 grow them BBwIEE52w1u-00379-00079360-00079535 and look at what they then offer the BBwIEE52w1u-00380-00079536-00079631 business BBwIEE52w1u-00381-00079632-00079791 and how we can then support them in BBwIEE52w1u-00382-00079792-00080119 their growth trajectory so BBwIEE52w1u-00383-00080120-00080303 we also then look at our personal BBwIEE52w1u-00384-00080304-00080535 personality versus skill versus BBwIEE52w1u-00385-00080536-00080775 experience level so you know how much BBwIEE52w1u-00386-00080776-00080943 are we factoring into personality when BBwIEE52w1u-00387-00080944-00081087 we're recruiting how much do we factor BBwIEE52w1u-00388-00081088-00081279 into skill when we're recruiting and how BBwIEE52w1u-00389-00081280-00081631 much do we factor in um for experience BBwIEE52w1u-00390-00081632-00081823 now bear in mind guys i'm not a BBwIEE52w1u-00391-00081824-00082159 recruitment specialist by any means i BBwIEE52w1u-00392-00082160-00082462 have worked in the operational space um BBwIEE52w1u-00393-00082463-00082767 in finance it hr BBwIEE52w1u-00394-00082768-00083015 basically in your national operations BBwIEE52w1u-00395-00083016-00083367 management type roles focusing on hr so BBwIEE52w1u-00396-00083368-00083575 from a business perspective this is BBwIEE52w1u-00397-00083576-00083823 where i'm coming from this is what needs BBwIEE52w1u-00398-00083824-00084087 to happen i believe to make a good BBwIEE52w1u-00399-00084088-00084343 business uh successful in attracting the BBwIEE52w1u-00400-00084344-00084535 talent that they need and these are the BBwIEE52w1u-00401-00084536-00084759 things that we factor in and it's how BBwIEE52w1u-00402-00084760-00084950 i've operated in the past and BBwIEE52w1u-00403-00084951-00085175 communicated to my my recruitment team BBwIEE52w1u-00404-00085176-00085303 having that BBwIEE52w1u-00405-00085304-00085550 that amazing bond with BBwIEE52w1u-00406-00085551-00085775 someone in recruitment that allows you BBwIEE52w1u-00407-00085776-00085887 to BBwIEE52w1u-00408-00085888-00086103 bounce ideas off each other but then BBwIEE52w1u-00409-00086104-00086311 giving them this is exactly what i'd BBwIEE52w1u-00410-00086312-00086479 like BBwIEE52w1u-00411-00086480-00086655 and they understand exactly what you BBwIEE52w1u-00412-00086656-00086831 mean to go out and help you with this if BBwIEE52w1u-00413-00086832-00087238 you don't have someone in-house to do it BBwIEE52w1u-00414-00087239-00087494 so when we look at uh talent acquisition BBwIEE52w1u-00415-00087495-00087606 um BBwIEE52w1u-00416-00087607-00087838 it's important because firing finding BBwIEE52w1u-00417-00087839-00088006 and hiring the right people's crucial BBwIEE52w1u-00418-00088007-00088223 element of an organizational's business BBwIEE52w1u-00419-00088224-00088479 plan a directly affects the company's BBwIEE52w1u-00420-00088480-00088615 future success BBwIEE52w1u-00421-00088616-00088759 because without the right employees a BBwIEE52w1u-00422-00088760-00088950 business is likely to struggle with poor BBwIEE52w1u-00423-00088951-00089215 productivity bad decision making and BBwIEE52w1u-00424-00089216-00089375 unmotivated staff BBwIEE52w1u-00425-00089376-00089582 so one of the things that that i look BBwIEE52w1u-00426-00089583-00089735 out for this is what we're talking about BBwIEE52w1u-00427-00089736-00089967 before is looking for transferable BBwIEE52w1u-00428-00089968-00090087 skills BBwIEE52w1u-00429-00090088-00090279 so rather than having someone that has BBwIEE52w1u-00430-00090280-00090575 10 years experience in this area BBwIEE52w1u-00431-00090576-00090759 for example i'm looking for i'm looking BBwIEE52w1u-00432-00090760-00090918 for hr manager and i want someone who BBwIEE52w1u-00433-00090919-00091191 has 10 10 years experience in hr BBwIEE52w1u-00434-00091192-00091471 management because i need someone BBwIEE52w1u-00435-00091472-00091671 with that level BBwIEE52w1u-00436-00091672-00091806 i guess BBwIEE52w1u-00437-00091807-00092006 one of the things we we could look at is BBwIEE52w1u-00438-00092007-00092303 looking at what transferable skills BBwIEE52w1u-00439-00092304-00092503 does this person have that could be BBwIEE52w1u-00440-00092504-00092750 utilized in this role instead so BBwIEE52w1u-00441-00092751-00092950 clarifying the goal and the outcome of BBwIEE52w1u-00442-00092951-00093159 the role BBwIEE52w1u-00443-00093160-00093231 is BBwIEE52w1u-00444-00093232-00093455 is an admin officer's job to just BBwIEE52w1u-00445-00093456-00093774 complete accurate work or do they have a BBwIEE52w1u-00446-00093775-00094031 relationship with anyone outside of the BBwIEE52w1u-00447-00094032-00094231 business within the business BBwIEE52w1u-00448-00094232-00094431 where's the priority there you know with BBwIEE52w1u-00449-00094432-00094647 that for a hr manager BBwIEE52w1u-00450-00094648-00094806 are they just doing BBwIEE52w1u-00451-00094807-00094967 the day-to-day are we looking for BBwIEE52w1u-00452-00094968-00095191 someone with BBwIEE52w1u-00453-00095192-00095479 tick-to-box compliance skills or are we BBwIEE52w1u-00454-00095480-00095726 looking for someone who has the ability BBwIEE52w1u-00455-00095727-00095991 to coach and guide people BBwIEE52w1u-00456-00095992-00096174 in the right way BBwIEE52w1u-00457-00096175-00096350 to grow the business and support BBwIEE52w1u-00458-00096351-00096543 development plans and to support support BBwIEE52w1u-00459-00096544-00096687 their careers BBwIEE52w1u-00460-00096688-00096950 so you can clearly see that you know BBwIEE52w1u-00461-00096951-00097255 experience versus skills can be BBwIEE52w1u-00462-00097256-00097350 quite BBwIEE52w1u-00463-00097351-00097447 different BBwIEE52w1u-00464-00097448-00097623 uh and you can have experience but BBwIEE52w1u-00465-00097624-00097782 understanding what type of experience BBwIEE52w1u-00466-00097783-00098055 people have when we're recruiting versus BBwIEE52w1u-00467-00098056-00098287 what skills that they do have BBwIEE52w1u-00468-00098288-00098591 that we could transfer BBwIEE52w1u-00469-00098592-00098735 so BBwIEE52w1u-00470-00098736-00098950 we need to look at uh if we want to be BBwIEE52w1u-00471-00098951-00099111 successful in looking at BBwIEE52w1u-00472-00099112-00099271 transferable skills we need to screen BBwIEE52w1u-00473-00099272-00099479 for learning capacity so as i mentioned BBwIEE52w1u-00474-00099480-00099655 before instead of looking for years of BBwIEE52w1u-00475-00099656-00099823 experience look for whether or not BBwIEE52w1u-00476-00099824-00100031 they've mentored others BBwIEE52w1u-00477-00100032-00100191 whether or not BBwIEE52w1u-00478-00100192-00100511 their results driven thinking BBwIEE52w1u-00479-00100512-00100862 shows that they're able to learn skills BBwIEE52w1u-00480-00100863-00101031 look where they've moved outside of BBwIEE52w1u-00481-00101032-00101150 their role BBwIEE52w1u-00482-00101151-00101343 and done something BBwIEE52w1u-00483-00101344-00101462 particularly BBwIEE52w1u-00484-00101463-00101694 great for them you know for the business BBwIEE52w1u-00485-00101695-00101879 that they've been in consider their BBwIEE52w1u-00486-00101880-00102118 achievements rather than BBwIEE52w1u-00487-00102119-00102282 just BBwIEE52w1u-00488-00102283-00102606 their their experience and their their BBwIEE52w1u-00489-00102607-00102847 qualifications i mean that's they need BBwIEE52w1u-00490-00102848-00103054 my main qualifications for a particular BBwIEE52w1u-00491-00103055-00103230 role but don't just settle because BBwIEE52w1u-00492-00103231-00103358 they've got the qualifications it's BBwIEE52w1u-00493-00103359-00103527 going to be great BBwIEE52w1u-00494-00103528-00103734 look for BBwIEE52w1u-00495-00103735-00104151 learning capacity BBwIEE52w1u-00496-00104152-00104310 mentored others consider their BBwIEE52w1u-00497-00104311-00104542 achievements results driven thinking BBwIEE52w1u-00498-00104543-00104647 learning BBwIEE52w1u-00499-00104648-00104830 learning skills screening for problem BBwIEE52w1u-00500-00104831-00105086 solving so tailor your questions BBwIEE52w1u-00501-00105088-00105383 just to try and BBwIEE52w1u-00502-00105383-00105543 promote BBwIEE52w1u-00503-00105544-00105751 problems that they've solved in the past BBwIEE52w1u-00504-00105752-00106015 or BBwIEE52w1u-00505-00106016-00106134 challenge them BBwIEE52w1u-00506-00106135-00106375 with a work problem of your own and ask BBwIEE52w1u-00507-00106376-00106590 them how they would solve it i have BBwIEE52w1u-00508-00106591-00106807 found this particularly BBwIEE52w1u-00509-00106808-00107095 uh useful BBwIEE52w1u-00510-00107096-00107254 when you've got a particular problem in BBwIEE52w1u-00511-00107255-00107383 mind BBwIEE52w1u-00512-00107383-00107551 and you say okay well i know this goes BBwIEE52w1u-00513-00107552-00107702 on within the business BBwIEE52w1u-00514-00107703-00107831 and just put it out there and say well BBwIEE52w1u-00515-00107832-00107983 how would you fix this how would you BBwIEE52w1u-00516-00107983-00108239 resolve this let me know BBwIEE52w1u-00517-00108240-00108486 what you would do what's your process BBwIEE52w1u-00518-00108488-00108743 that has been the difference BBwIEE52w1u-00519-00108744-00108839 in BBwIEE52w1u-00520-00108840-00109102 many a senior role that i've engaged BBwIEE52w1u-00521-00109103-00109319 on how they would BBwIEE52w1u-00522-00109320-00109527 on who would suit better BBwIEE52w1u-00523-00109528-00109686 i wanted the person who's going to think BBwIEE52w1u-00524-00109688-00109863 outside the box because this particular BBwIEE52w1u-00525-00109864-00110119 role needed someone that was going to be BBwIEE52w1u-00526-00110120-00110423 adaptable and flexible and and i know BBwIEE52w1u-00527-00110424-00110631 one of those learned those learning BBwIEE52w1u-00528-00110632-00110902 skills someone that was able to actually BBwIEE52w1u-00529-00110903-00111086 learn BBwIEE52w1u-00530-00111088-00111223 so another thing that you might look out BBwIEE52w1u-00531-00111224-00111358 for when you're looking for transferable BBwIEE52w1u-00532-00111359-00111495 skills is have they advanced their BBwIEE52w1u-00533-00111496-00111719 career in creative ways rather than BBwIEE52w1u-00534-00111720-00111863 trying climbing the traditional BBwIEE52w1u-00535-00111864-00112036 corporate ladder BBwIEE52w1u-00536-00112038-00112166 [Music] BBwIEE52w1u-00537-00112167-00112302 so BBwIEE52w1u-00538-00112303-00112463 another thing that when we're looking at BBwIEE52w1u-00539-00112464-00112558 um BBwIEE52w1u-00540-00112559-00112734 attracting talent we're looking at our BBwIEE52w1u-00541-00112735-00113007 priorities within the role so BBwIEE52w1u-00542-00113008-00113207 you look at a position description BBwIEE52w1u-00543-00113208-00113383 and you see BBwIEE52w1u-00544-00113383-00113471 you know BBwIEE52w1u-00545-00113472-00113639 a number of things are going on in your BBwIEE52w1u-00546-00113640-00113783 position description BBwIEE52w1u-00547-00113783-00114047 so businesses need to start prioritizing BBwIEE52w1u-00548-00114048-00114231 the desired attributes BBwIEE52w1u-00549-00114232-00114495 too many demands on the role and no BBwIEE52w1u-00550-00114496-00114734 clear priority BBwIEE52w1u-00551-00114735-00115095 causes someone to feel like they're not BBwIEE52w1u-00552-00115096-00115366 going to tick the boxes so they may not BBwIEE52w1u-00553-00115367-00115463 apply BBwIEE52w1u-00554-00115464-00115623 for example BBwIEE52w1u-00555-00115624-00115975 how many how many items do you have in BBwIEE52w1u-00556-00115976-00116190 the skills section BBwIEE52w1u-00557-00116191-00116583 how many items do you have in the BBwIEE52w1u-00558-00116583-00116758 um BBwIEE52w1u-00559-00116759-00117015 in the experience section how many BBwIEE52w1u-00560-00117016-00117271 how many you know how many items do you BBwIEE52w1u-00561-00117272-00117486 have does it look like a list BBwIEE52w1u-00562-00117488-00117727 that's quite large you've got 15 items BBwIEE52w1u-00563-00117728-00117854 in there looking at your industry BBwIEE52w1u-00564-00117855-00118134 experience and your employment history BBwIEE52w1u-00565-00118135-00118375 so a couple of things to consider BBwIEE52w1u-00566-00118376-00118566 we've talked about uh BBwIEE52w1u-00567-00118567-00118783 looking for transferable skills so if BBwIEE52w1u-00568-00118783-00118966 that's a priority for your business and BBwIEE52w1u-00569-00118967-00119166 i think these days it needs to be more BBwIEE52w1u-00570-00119167-00119366 of a priority but if you're looking for BBwIEE52w1u-00571-00119367-00119639 that BBwIEE52w1u-00572-00119640-00119823 narrow down on the priorities within the BBwIEE52w1u-00573-00119824-00119999 role when you're advertising for the BBwIEE52w1u-00574-00120000-00120095 wrong BBwIEE52w1u-00575-00120096-00120271 so for example BBwIEE52w1u-00576-00120272-00120483 are you looking for more industry BBwIEE52w1u-00577-00120483-00120639 experience BBwIEE52w1u-00578-00120640-00120902 i'm working in BBwIEE52w1u-00579-00120903-00121071 environmental services therefore i'm BBwIEE52w1u-00580-00121072-00121231 looking for someone with similar BBwIEE52w1u-00581-00121232-00121383 experience BBwIEE52w1u-00582-00121383-00121519 or am i looking for someone with BBwIEE52w1u-00583-00121520-00121751 functional role expertise BBwIEE52w1u-00584-00121752-00121927 which one BBwIEE52w1u-00585-00121928-00122158 is the priority there BBwIEE52w1u-00586-00122159-00122319 because you'll work that very BBwIEE52w1u-00587-00122320-00122534 differently in an ad BBwIEE52w1u-00588-00122535-00122719 look at your employment history versus BBwIEE52w1u-00589-00122720-00122910 the emerging skill stubbiness of the BBwIEE52w1u-00590-00122911-00123023 person BBwIEE52w1u-00591-00123024-00123254 how am i going to identify that which BBwIEE52w1u-00592-00123255-00123454 one's the priority i i want to see what BBwIEE52w1u-00593-00123455-00123695 they've done before versus i want to see BBwIEE52w1u-00594-00123696-00123895 how i think they'll perform here based BBwIEE52w1u-00595-00123896-00124102 on BBwIEE52w1u-00596-00124103-00124302 based on their skills that i've that i'm BBwIEE52w1u-00597-00124303-00124678 able to see in their learning ability BBwIEE52w1u-00598-00124679-00124831 what's more important in this particular BBwIEE52w1u-00599-00124832-00125086 role technical hard skills BBwIEE52w1u-00600-00125088-00125383 or soft human competency BBwIEE52w1u-00601-00125383-00125766 so you can really see that the two BBwIEE52w1u-00602-00125767-00125863 you BBwIEE52w1u-00603-00125864-00126039 the two it's really important to BBwIEE52w1u-00604-00126040-00126366 highlight the priorities for that role BBwIEE52w1u-00605-00126367-00126471 when you're BBwIEE52w1u-00606-00126472-00126663 trying to attract talent BBwIEE52w1u-00607-00126664-00126823 because when you clearly display the BBwIEE52w1u-00608-00126824-00126958 priorities of the attributes you're BBwIEE52w1u-00609-00126959-00127231 wanting you open the door to more BBwIEE52w1u-00610-00127232-00127423 opportunities to engage workers with BBwIEE52w1u-00611-00127424-00127719 transferable skills and emerging talent BBwIEE52w1u-00612-00127720-00127983 without clearly defining the priorities BBwIEE52w1u-00613-00127983-00128199 every attribute seems like a requirement BBwIEE52w1u-00614-00128200-00128478 for the role so imagine walking in as an BBwIEE52w1u-00615-00128479-00128678 accountant and i need to have worked in BBwIEE52w1u-00616-00128679-00128927 the environmental sector BBwIEE52w1u-00617-00128928-00129119 so i need to have BBwIEE52w1u-00618-00129120-00129271 i need to work BBwIEE52w1u-00619-00129272-00129414 i need to have experience in the BBwIEE52w1u-00620-00129415-00129631 industry so i need to have worked in the BBwIEE52w1u-00621-00129632-00129831 environmental sector previously but i BBwIEE52w1u-00622-00129832-00130119 need to i need to show how i've worked BBwIEE52w1u-00623-00130120-00130351 in a leadership accounting role BBwIEE52w1u-00624-00130352-00130519 my history must display that i've got BBwIEE52w1u-00625-00130520-00130734 that industry experience and i need to BBwIEE52w1u-00626-00130735-00130927 have emerging skill savviness because i BBwIEE52w1u-00627-00130928-00131014 need to BBwIEE52w1u-00628-00131015-00131231 adapt and change as the changing BBwIEE52w1u-00629-00131232-00131454 environmental sector does BBwIEE52w1u-00630-00131455-00131631 i need to have those technical skills on BBwIEE52w1u-00631-00131632-00131751 account i need to be able to do the BBwIEE52w1u-00632-00131752-00131902 monthly reports i need to be able to do BBwIEE52w1u-00633-00131903-00132063 that but i've also got a team and i need BBwIEE52w1u-00634-00132064-00132239 to have some human competency in BBwIEE52w1u-00635-00132240-00132447 managing that now when you look at that BBwIEE52w1u-00636-00132448-00132614 and spread that out without clearly BBwIEE52w1u-00637-00132615-00132783 prioritizing that BBwIEE52w1u-00638-00132784-00133023 every attribute for that role BBwIEE52w1u-00639-00133024-00133278 that i need seems like a requirement of BBwIEE52w1u-00640-00133279-00133543 the role BBwIEE52w1u-00641-00133544-00133751 that's like having that's like having BBwIEE52w1u-00642-00133752-00133975 that that list of what you want in a BBwIEE52w1u-00643-00133976-00134135 partner BBwIEE52w1u-00644-00134136-00134223 being BBwIEE52w1u-00645-00134224-00134454 30 things BBwIEE52w1u-00646-00134455-00134663 and then dismissing every partner BBwIEE52w1u-00647-00134664-00134807 potential partner because you're like BBwIEE52w1u-00648-00134808-00134990 well they don't they don't tick that box BBwIEE52w1u-00649-00134991-00135087 you know they're not going to buy me BBwIEE52w1u-00650-00135088-00135231 flowers every week BBwIEE52w1u-00651-00135232-00135502 so it's really important to pull out and BBwIEE52w1u-00652-00135503-00135678 prioritize the ones that are really BBwIEE52w1u-00653-00135679-00135902 important and cut down that list BBwIEE52w1u-00654-00135903-00136071 keep it in the back of your mind that BBwIEE52w1u-00655-00136072-00136254 that's still forming a part of the role BBwIEE52w1u-00656-00136255-00136383 but you need to understand what's more BBwIEE52w1u-00657-00136384-00136951 important BBwIEE52w1u-00658-00136952-00137087 the other thing when we're attracting BBwIEE52w1u-00659-00137088-00137390 talent this is this is becoming more and BBwIEE52w1u-00660-00137391-00137559 more important with the current BBwIEE52w1u-00661-00137560-00137751 situation we're in we're in a current a BBwIEE52w1u-00662-00137752-00137927 little bit of a skill shortage it seems BBwIEE52w1u-00663-00137928-00138151 at the moment um BBwIEE52w1u-00664-00138152-00138471 or or in security i don't i don't BBwIEE52w1u-00665-00138472-00138654 pertain to understand the current BBwIEE52w1u-00666-00138655-00138814 environment wearing but you know there BBwIEE52w1u-00667-00138815-00138951 is something going on where people are BBwIEE52w1u-00668-00138952-00139095 not wanting to move BBwIEE52w1u-00669-00139096-00139139 um BBwIEE52w1u-00670-00139140-00139271 [Music] BBwIEE52w1u-00671-00139272-00139431 right at this present BBwIEE52w1u-00672-00139432-00139671 it is very difficult engaging stuff BBwIEE52w1u-00673-00139672-00139887 uh when we're attracting talent so BBwIEE52w1u-00674-00139888-00140043 employees BBwIEE52w1u-00675-00140044-00140335 overwhelmingly split expect flexible BBwIEE52w1u-00676-00140336-00140495 options BBwIEE52w1u-00677-00140496-00140719 given what we've been through BBwIEE52w1u-00678-00140720-00140966 there's no news to that BBwIEE52w1u-00679-00140967-00141151 however BBwIEE52w1u-00680-00141152-00141463 understanding that being flexible BBwIEE52w1u-00681-00141464-00141623 in what works with your business is BBwIEE52w1u-00682-00141624-00141759 important BBwIEE52w1u-00683-00141760-00141999 for what people are looking for in a BBwIEE52w1u-00684-00142000-00142087 role BBwIEE52w1u-00685-00142088-00142254 employees want to reimagine how BBwIEE52w1u-00686-00142255-00142447 productivity is measured this is really BBwIEE52w1u-00687-00142448-00142599 important BBwIEE52w1u-00688-00142600-00142751 i believe that in the future companies BBwIEE52w1u-00689-00142752-00142975 will need to rethink how they measure BBwIEE52w1u-00690-00142976-00143183 productivity because traditional metrics BBwIEE52w1u-00691-00143184-00143326 won't work BBwIEE52w1u-00692-00143327-00143535 the views that real work can't get done BBwIEE52w1u-00693-00143536-00143671 outside the office that's not the common BBwIEE52w1u-00694-00143672-00143871 card forget that we've learned through BBwIEE52w1u-00695-00143872-00144207 that but 86 of employees said that they BBwIEE52w1u-00696-00144208-00144366 would prefer to work for a company that BBwIEE52w1u-00697-00144367-00144623 prioritizes the outcome BBwIEE52w1u-00698-00144624-00144943 over the output BBwIEE52w1u-00699-00144944-00145135 what does that mean outcome BBwIEE52w1u-00700-00145136-00145311 output BBwIEE52w1u-00701-00145312-00145566 new employees want to work for a company BBwIEE52w1u-00702-00145567-00145766 that cares less about the qualified BBwIEE52w1u-00703-00145767-00145975 output they're able to produce BBwIEE52w1u-00704-00145976-00146190 that's your number metrics BBwIEE52w1u-00705-00146191-00146383 and more about the impact they can BBwIEE52w1u-00706-00146384-00146543 deliver to the business in a holistic BBwIEE52w1u-00707-00146544-00146847 sense they want to be a part of the team BBwIEE52w1u-00708-00146848-00146966 you know if you're a part of the BBwIEE52w1u-00709-00146967-00147102 accounting team what does the accounting BBwIEE52w1u-00710-00147103-00147295 team deliver within the business BBwIEE52w1u-00711-00147296-00147511 how does it support the business if i'm BBwIEE52w1u-00712-00147512-00147831 an accounts payable clerk BBwIEE52w1u-00713-00147832-00148063 yeah i've i've ticked off my my monthly BBwIEE52w1u-00714-00148064-00148214 to-do list and yeah i'm doing them on BBwIEE52w1u-00715-00148215-00148439 time and fantastic you know BBwIEE52w1u-00716-00148440-00148575 um BBwIEE52w1u-00717-00148576-00148847 that's great that's my output but what's BBwIEE52w1u-00718-00148848-00149014 the impact and the outcome that i'm BBwIEE52w1u-00719-00149015-00149302 having because of that BBwIEE52w1u-00720-00149303-00149447 so they're things to think about in a BBwIEE52w1u-00721-00149448-00149590 holistic sense this is what the BBwIEE52w1u-00722-00149591-00149807 businesses are going to need to BBwIEE52w1u-00723-00149808-00150071 to help people feel more a part of that BBwIEE52w1u-00724-00150072-00150190 business BBwIEE52w1u-00725-00150191-00150447 and that's clearly what BBwIEE52w1u-00726-00150448-00150590 more and more individuals are looking BBwIEE52w1u-00727-00150591-00150839 for when they apply for roles within BBwIEE52w1u-00728-00150840-00150966 your organization they want to BBwIEE52w1u-00729-00150967-00151166 understand what you're about they want BBwIEE52w1u-00730-00151167-00151359 to feel a part of it they want to BBwIEE52w1u-00731-00151360-00151511 understand what their little role and BBwIEE52w1u-00732-00151512-00151766 your big business is BBwIEE52w1u-00733-00151767-00151951 so employees want to work with a diverse BBwIEE52w1u-00734-00151952-00152199 team that have a purpose BBwIEE52w1u-00735-00152200-00152431 so get on top of your mission vision and BBwIEE52w1u-00736-00152432-00152551 values BBwIEE52w1u-00737-00152552-00152743 um you know people want to work for a BBwIEE52w1u-00738-00152744-00152951 purpose and for an organization that has BBwIEE52w1u-00739-00152952-00153183 direction and clarity BBwIEE52w1u-00740-00153184-00153526 now BBwIEE52w1u-00741-00153527-00153735 i've worked in many businesses and it's BBwIEE52w1u-00742-00153736-00153902 never 100 BBwIEE52w1u-00743-00153903-00154326 there's never 100 when you've got BBwIEE52w1u-00744-00154327-00154519 vision mission values BBwIEE52w1u-00745-00154520-00154639 and BBwIEE52w1u-00746-00154640-00154726 um BBwIEE52w1u-00747-00154727-00155023 you're not quite living them BBwIEE52w1u-00748-00155024-00155199 there are you know a few growth problems BBwIEE52w1u-00749-00155200-00155359 going on over here people are leaving BBwIEE52w1u-00750-00155360-00155623 because things are changing and you know BBwIEE52w1u-00751-00155624-00155766 you're really trying to build that team BBwIEE52w1u-00752-00155767-00155943 but you know you've got to understand BBwIEE52w1u-00753-00155944-00156071 what's going on BBwIEE52w1u-00754-00156072-00156247 uh and you don't necessarily want to BBwIEE52w1u-00755-00156248-00156471 portray all of that to someone BBwIEE52w1u-00756-00156472-00156783 so someone comes into an interview BBwIEE52w1u-00757-00156784-00156975 and here's my mission vision values BBwIEE52w1u-00758-00156976-00157190 here's what we live and breathe and this BBwIEE52w1u-00759-00157191-00157287 is what BBwIEE52w1u-00760-00157288-00157375 you know BBwIEE52w1u-00761-00157376-00157535 we're doing as an organization here's BBwIEE52w1u-00762-00157536-00157759 your partner that BBwIEE52w1u-00763-00157760-00157951 what tends to happen BBwIEE52w1u-00764-00157952-00158214 is not long into the role BBwIEE52w1u-00765-00158215-00158351 you've got your six-month probation BBwIEE52w1u-00766-00158352-00158511 period now not long into the role they BBwIEE52w1u-00767-00158512-00158663 jerry on BBwIEE52w1u-00768-00158664-00159078 this is not business that i was sold BBwIEE52w1u-00769-00159079-00159263 this is not the business that i was told BBwIEE52w1u-00770-00159264-00159407 that i was going to be the perfect fit BBwIEE52w1u-00771-00159408-00159590 for and no matter how much money you BBwIEE52w1u-00772-00159591-00159823 throw at these people BBwIEE52w1u-00773-00159824-00160039 if they've come here because they BBwIEE52w1u-00774-00160040-00160175 believe in what you're doing and they BBwIEE52w1u-00775-00160176-00160366 want to be a part of that BBwIEE52w1u-00776-00160367-00160599 and you're not delivering that BBwIEE52w1u-00777-00160600-00160807 it's never going to end well BBwIEE52w1u-00778-00160808-00161078 so in the interview BBwIEE52w1u-00779-00161079-00161439 tip number one for me be honest BBwIEE52w1u-00780-00161440-00161663 be honest about where you're at BBwIEE52w1u-00781-00161664-00161790 i'm always honest about where we're at BBwIEE52w1u-00782-00161791-00161966 you know what we're growing BBwIEE52w1u-00783-00161967-00162247 we aim to be here our mission and vision BBwIEE52w1u-00784-00162248-00162390 is here and our values are here but BBwIEE52w1u-00785-00162391-00162551 realistically this is what the culture's BBwIEE52w1u-00786-00162552-00162663 like BBwIEE52w1u-00787-00162664-00162823 you know you don't have to go down all BBwIEE52w1u-00788-00162824-00163007 the dirty dark secrets going on within BBwIEE52w1u-00789-00163008-00163214 the business and all you know BBwIEE52w1u-00790-00163215-00163375 but BBwIEE52w1u-00791-00163376-00163575 you know paint a clear picture if that's BBwIEE52w1u-00792-00163576-00163775 what's going on for them BBwIEE52w1u-00793-00163776-00164023 be professional in the interview don't BBwIEE52w1u-00794-00164024-00164175 rock up on slouch you know have your BBwIEE52w1u-00795-00164176-00164351 notes ready to go BBwIEE52w1u-00796-00164352-00164519 be prepared BBwIEE52w1u-00797-00164520-00164711 have your questions have reviewed that BBwIEE52w1u-00798-00164712-00164911 person's resume have questions that are BBwIEE52w1u-00799-00164912-00165166 personal and tailored to them BBwIEE52w1u-00800-00165167-00165375 really important BBwIEE52w1u-00801-00165376-00165566 be timely don't be late BBwIEE52w1u-00802-00165567-00165719 and when you're following the process BBwIEE52w1u-00803-00165720-00165878 make sure that you're not letting people BBwIEE52w1u-00804-00165879-00166095 drag out for three weeks BBwIEE52w1u-00805-00166096-00166271 remember i said earlier that the hiring BBwIEE52w1u-00806-00166272-00166511 process is taking 50 longer it is BBwIEE52w1u-00807-00166512-00166631 however BBwIEE52w1u-00808-00166632-00166895 it can be shortened i would recommend BBwIEE52w1u-00809-00166896-00167071 getting on top of things as quickly as BBwIEE52w1u-00810-00167072-00167263 possible be prepared to make that offer BBwIEE52w1u-00811-00167264-00167487 as soon as possible BBwIEE52w1u-00812-00167488-00167654 otherwise you will have people drop out BBwIEE52w1u-00813-00167655-00167926 of the race and from experience the BBwIEE52w1u-00814-00167927-00168087 longer it takes the more conversations BBwIEE52w1u-00815-00168088-00168383 you're having BBwIEE52w1u-00816-00168384-00168495 it does BBwIEE52w1u-00817-00168496-00168695 really BBwIEE52w1u-00818-00168696-00168847 make people question whether they want BBwIEE52w1u-00819-00168848-00169071 to be involved in this because taking BBwIEE52w1u-00820-00169072-00169183 ages BBwIEE52w1u-00821-00169184-00169326 i understand you have to get the right BBwIEE52w1u-00822-00169327-00169551 people for that role BBwIEE52w1u-00823-00169552-00169719 and that is a process BBwIEE52w1u-00824-00169720-00169999 but set out your timelines very early on BBwIEE52w1u-00825-00170000-00170223 clearly explain what those timelines are BBwIEE52w1u-00826-00170224-00170438 if you can't stick to a one week BBwIEE52w1u-00827-00170439-00170631 turnaround process if you know it's BBwIEE52w1u-00828-00170632-00170847 going to take three weeks up front this BBwIEE52w1u-00829-00170848-00171038 is going to take three weeks are you BBwIEE52w1u-00830-00171039-00171247 considering other roles so that i might BBwIEE52w1u-00831-00171248-00171399 contact you BBwIEE52w1u-00832-00171400-00171607 you know or you might contact me if BBwIEE52w1u-00833-00171608-00171847 something else came up and you needed to BBwIEE52w1u-00834-00171848-00172207 push something forward i don't know but BBwIEE52w1u-00835-00172208-00172375 set expectations BBwIEE52w1u-00836-00172376-00172631 and get feedback from the role from the BBwIEE52w1u-00837-00172632-00172959 from the interview process BBwIEE52w1u-00838-00172960-00173102 so BBwIEE52w1u-00839-00173103-00173311 that is BBwIEE52w1u-00840-00173312-00173526 attracting talent BBwIEE52w1u-00841-00173527-00173678 um BBwIEE52w1u-00842-00173679-00173926 it's a it's a massive uh BBwIEE52w1u-00843-00173927-00174095 it's massive it really is because BBwIEE52w1u-00844-00174096-00174247 there's a lot to consider when we're BBwIEE52w1u-00845-00174248-00174414 trying to attract talent i think it's BBwIEE52w1u-00846-00174415-00174519 important BBwIEE52w1u-00847-00174520-00174783 to try and you know just sit down and BBwIEE52w1u-00848-00174784-00175007 and plan for your team plan for the role BBwIEE52w1u-00849-00175008-00175359 plan for how you want to BBwIEE52w1u-00850-00175360-00175575 bring this person into the role BBwIEE52w1u-00851-00175576-00175751 understand what's going on in the BBwIEE52w1u-00852-00175752-00176102 marketplace of your BBwIEE52w1u-00853-00176103-00176359 of the role as well as of your business BBwIEE52w1u-00854-00176360-00176583 prioritize prioritize your key BBwIEE52w1u-00855-00176584-00176783 attributes pick a few that are going to BBwIEE52w1u-00856-00176784-00176943 make someone stand out that's going to BBwIEE52w1u-00857-00176944-00177151 be perfect for that role and then look BBwIEE52w1u-00858-00177152-00177295 for the rest BBwIEE52w1u-00859-00177296-00177511 but advertise just a few because if BBwIEE52w1u-00860-00177512-00177671 you've got a loan there you're not going BBwIEE52w1u-00861-00177672-00177878 to have people apply BBwIEE52w1u-00862-00177879-00178143 so these are just a few tips on on BBwIEE52w1u-00863-00178144-00178375 recruitment that i hope have been BBwIEE52w1u-00864-00178376-00178614 helpful we're going to go through our BBwIEE52w1u-00865-00178615-00178863 retention and we'll start the on BBwIEE52w1u-00866-00178864-00179111 with onboarding um onboarding is a big BBwIEE52w1u-00867-00179112-00179343 one so onboarding will be our next video BBwIEE52w1u-00868-00179344-00179678 and i hope to see everybody there BBwIEE52w1u-00869-00179679-00179902 please offer feedback comments anything BBwIEE52w1u-00870-00179903-00180102 else you've noticed uh you know it's BBwIEE52w1u-00871-00180103-00180319 it's only been a short video so i BBwIEE52w1u-00872-00180320-00180623 appreciate that there's a lot to cover BBwIEE52w1u-00873-00180624-00180807 but that's what i'm here for is giving BBwIEE52w1u-00874-00180808-00181007 out short snippets of information and if BBwIEE52w1u-00875-00181008-00181175 you want more reach out that's what i'm BBwIEE52w1u-00876-00181176-00181423 here for i know plenty of uh people in BBwIEE52w1u-00877-00181424-00181671 the recruitment industry who have BBwIEE52w1u-00878-00181672-00181902 way more experience than me at this this BBwIEE52w1u-00879-00181903-00182119 is just me looking at a topic from a BBwIEE52w1u-00880-00182120-00182407 business perspective on how to attract BBwIEE52w1u-00881-00182408-00182519 talent BBwIEE52w1u-00882-00182520-00182783 for your business um i'd love to BBwIEE52w1u-00883-00182784-00182895 actually i might reach out and have an BBwIEE52w1u-00884-00182896-00183119 interview with uh recruit one of my BBwIEE52w1u-00885-00183120-00183326 beautiful recruitment professionals out BBwIEE52w1u-00886-00183327-00183438 there BBwIEE52w1u-00887-00183439-00183663 and and get their topic on it at some BBwIEE52w1u-00888-00183664-00183766 point too BBwIEE52w1u-00889-00183767-00184007 so i look forward to seeing you all in BBwIEE52w1u-00890-00184008-00184319 the recruitment and retention workshops BBwIEE52w1u-00891-00184320-00184599 uh this month BBwIEE52w1u-00892-00184600-00184799 i'm having i'm hosting a lot more videos BBwIEE52w1u-00893-00184800-00185071 so i hope to see you all on board soon BBwIEE52w1u-00894-00185072-00185564 and enjoy your fabulous week