S2BZF0UEtQu-00000-00001700-00001966 the Board of Public Utilities and has S2BZF0UEtQu-00001-00001967-00002473 for a roll call please great chairman S2BZF0UEtQu-00002-00002474-00002812 Galvin Vice Chair Nonie your board S2BZF0UEtQu-00003-00002813-00003037 member band for it your board member S2BZF0UEtQu-00004-00003038-00003385 Bannister here or remembered out or S2BZF0UEtQu-00005-00003386-00003634 remember Grable here or member Mullin S2BZF0UEtQu-00006-00003635-00004045 here thank you are there any statements S2BZF0UEtQu-00007-00004046-00004368 of abstentions by any board members S2BZF0UEtQu-00008-00004369-00004666 seeing none there are no study sessions S2BZF0UEtQu-00009-00004667-00004975 we have two sets of minutes for approval S2BZF0UEtQu-00010-00004976-00005497 from October 4th and October 18th there S2BZF0UEtQu-00011-00005498-00005692 are no amendments anyone would like to S2BZF0UEtQu-00012-00005693-00006517 offer that brings a side of 5.1 lagoona S2BZF0UEtQu-00013-00006518-00006667 treatment plant disinfectant improvement S2BZF0UEtQu-00014-00006668-00007141 project update we have two briefings S2BZF0UEtQu-00015-00007142-00007698 today one in the largest project ahead S2BZF0UEtQu-00016-00007700-00007984 of us on the wastewater side and one in S2BZF0UEtQu-00017-00007984-00008275 a very large capital program on the S2BZF0UEtQu-00018-00008276-00008632 water side so this first one is an S2BZF0UEtQu-00019-00008633-00008938 update on the UV project and I know for S2BZF0UEtQu-00020-00008939-00009253 many board members this discussion has S2BZF0UEtQu-00021-00009254-00009513 been going on for some years I would S2BZF0UEtQu-00022-00009514-00009823 suggest that that's appropriate this is S2BZF0UEtQu-00023-00009824-00010198 a very large complicated project and S2BZF0UEtQu-00024-00010199-00010671 recently miss Walton and mr. toile have S2BZF0UEtQu-00025-00010672-00010948 have really done I think tremendous S2BZF0UEtQu-00026-00010949-00011227 effort wrapping up a lot of the loose S2BZF0UEtQu-00027-00011228-00011494 ends and outstanding questions and today S2BZF0UEtQu-00028-00011495-00011703 we're confidently bringing you a S2BZF0UEtQu-00029-00011704-00011931 direction with our recommendation going S2BZF0UEtQu-00030-00011932-00012682 forward thank you S2BZF0UEtQu-00031-00012683-00012931 we are here today as director Hornstein S2BZF0UEtQu-00032-00012932-00013188 mentioned to just provide the board with S2BZF0UEtQu-00033-00013190-00013537 an update of the the work that staff has S2BZF0UEtQu-00034-00013538-00013780 been doing since we last presented on S2BZF0UEtQu-00035-00013781-00014152 this effort as the director mentioned S2BZF0UEtQu-00036-00014153-00014416 this has been a very long process and S2BZF0UEtQu-00037-00014416-00014602 kind of the synopsis that we're bringing S2BZF0UEtQu-00038-00014603-00015001 today is by no means a representation of S2BZF0UEtQu-00039-00015002-00015196 all the work and analysis that has gone S2BZF0UEtQu-00040-00015197-00015441 into making this decision it's just kind S2BZF0UEtQu-00041-00015443-00015666 of the final pieces that have brought S2BZF0UEtQu-00042-00015668-00015931 together the recommendation that we're S2BZF0UEtQu-00043-00015932-00016426 going to bring so this is kind of just S2BZF0UEtQu-00044-00016427-00016612 our project background we previously S2BZF0UEtQu-00045-00016613-00016994 disinfected with gaseous chlorine in S2BZF0UEtQu-00046-00016995-00017469 1998 we installed our UV system at 67 S2BZF0UEtQu-00047-00017470-00017950 MGD capacity in 2012 our capacity was D S2BZF0UEtQu-00048-00017951-00018499 rated by the ddw there was kind of known S2BZF0UEtQu-00049-00018500-00018772 in the industry that Trojan 4000 systems S2BZF0UEtQu-00050-00018773-00019036 one we operate had kind of not been S2BZF0UEtQu-00051-00019037-00019297 functioning or operating as originally S2BZF0UEtQu-00052-00019298-00019474 designed and so we took a look at our S2BZF0UEtQu-00053-00019475-00019914 system and did a test to see the S2BZF0UEtQu-00054-00019915-00020160 disinfection of efficacy and S2BZF0UEtQu-00055-00020161-00020389 subsequently the system was dere ated S2BZF0UEtQu-00056-00020390-00020743 which left us with a capacity deficiency S2BZF0UEtQu-00057-00020744-00021040 and so about since 2013 we've been S2BZF0UEtQu-00058-00021041-00021375 looking at how we're going to make up S2BZF0UEtQu-00059-00021376-00021940 this capacity deficiency most recently S2BZF0UEtQu-00060-00021941-00022272 we so previously we went through many S2BZF0UEtQu-00061-00022273-00022405 efforts looking at many different S2BZF0UEtQu-00062-00022406-00022615 alternatives came to kind of a S2BZF0UEtQu-00063-00022616-00022894 conclusion that we would move forward S2BZF0UEtQu-00064-00022895-00023275 with a new UV system and a supplemental S2BZF0UEtQu-00065-00023276-00023596 hypo system and most recently we've S2BZF0UEtQu-00066-00023597-00023941 looked closer at whether or not we S2BZF0UEtQu-00067-00023942-00024190 really want to move forward with just a S2BZF0UEtQu-00068-00024191-00024610 single UV system or a new UV system in S2BZF0UEtQu-00069-00024611-00024892 conjunction with a supplemental hypo S2BZF0UEtQu-00070-00024893-00025138 chlorination system we do have existing S2BZF0UEtQu-00071-00025139-00025381 chlorine contact basins at the treatment S2BZF0UEtQu-00072-00025382-00025600 plant that we previously used when we S2BZF0UEtQu-00073-00025601-00025780 disinfected with chlorine S2BZF0UEtQu-00074-00025781-00026245 would be fairly easy to retrofit those S2BZF0UEtQu-00075-00026245-00026467 and use them again for chlorine S2BZF0UEtQu-00076-00026468-00026683 disinfection so that that's where that S2BZF0UEtQu-00077-00026683-00026926 idea kind of came from so the two S2BZF0UEtQu-00078-00026927-00027082 alternatives we were considering as I S2BZF0UEtQu-00079-00027083-00027457 said just one single new UV system that S2BZF0UEtQu-00080-00027458-00027835 would be a single process about a 63 mg S2BZF0UEtQu-00081-00027836-00027987 d capacity S2BZF0UEtQu-00082-00027988-00028354 the capital costs associated with a S2BZF0UEtQu-00083-00028355-00028747 larger UV system it's higher than a S2BZF0UEtQu-00084-00028748-00028983 smaller UV system with a supplemental S2BZF0UEtQu-00085-00028985-00029364 hypo but the ongoing onm costs are less S2BZF0UEtQu-00086-00029366-00029595 because the cost to purchase chemicals S2BZF0UEtQu-00087-00029597-00029887 is more than the cost to purchase the S2BZF0UEtQu-00088-00029888-00030295 energy so the second alternative is the S2BZF0UEtQu-00089-00030295-00030505 new UV system with a supplemental hypo S2BZF0UEtQu-00090-00030506-00030742 it would be a smaller UV system and S2BZF0UEtQu-00091-00030743-00031144 capacity would be supplemented by our S2BZF0UEtQu-00092-00031145-00031287 disinfection capacity would be S2BZF0UEtQu-00093-00031288-00031624 supplemented by disinfecting with hypo S2BZF0UEtQu-00094-00031625-00031882 chlorination it would be a dual process S2BZF0UEtQu-00095-00031883-00032139 these would work in parallel it would S2BZF0UEtQu-00096-00032141-00032433 provide more capacity than just the S2BZF0UEtQu-00097-00032435-00032871 single UV system because with a hypo S2BZF0UEtQu-00098-00032872-00033226 disinfection you do get pretty pretty S2BZF0UEtQu-00099-00033227-00033502 good disinfection capacity the capital S2BZF0UEtQu-00100-00033503-00033799 cost is lower but ongoing onm costs are S2BZF0UEtQu-00101-00033800-00034258 higher so when we were wrestling with S2BZF0UEtQu-00102-00034259-00034414 determining how we were going to move S2BZF0UEtQu-00103-00034415-00034705 forward we really dove into the S2BZF0UEtQu-00104-00034706-00034996 operational considerations with how S2BZF0UEtQu-00105-00034997-00035335 would these two alternatives operate in S2BZF0UEtQu-00106-00035336-00035851 various flow uvt scenarios and with all S2BZF0UEtQu-00107-00035852-00036094 the facilities that we operate so we do S2BZF0UEtQu-00108-00036095-00036337 operate a West College facility that is S2BZF0UEtQu-00109-00036338-00036577 a wet weather divergent facility that's S2BZF0UEtQu-00110-00036578-00036790 upstream of our treatment plant so we S2BZF0UEtQu-00111-00036791-00037162 pull off high flows this impacts how we S2BZF0UEtQu-00112-00037163-00037440 disinfect at the treatment plant because S2BZF0UEtQu-00113-00037441-00037765 it means that we have to disinfect less S2BZF0UEtQu-00114-00037766-00037930 at any given time it's kind of a peak S2BZF0UEtQu-00115-00037931-00038134 shaver so we can size our disinfection S2BZF0UEtQu-00116-00038135-00038530 system smaller if we utilize the West S2BZF0UEtQu-00117-00038531-00038713 College facility so we had to take that S2BZF0UEtQu-00118-00038714-00038939 into account we S2BZF0UEtQu-00119-00038940-00039299 have in plant upstream processes a S2BZF0UEtQu-00120-00039300-00039536 treatment plant since it is a biological S2BZF0UEtQu-00121-00039537-00039802 process every tweak you make to one S2BZF0UEtQu-00122-00039803-00040067 process can affect upstream and S2BZF0UEtQu-00123-00040068-00040382 downstream processes in in various ways S2BZF0UEtQu-00124-00040383-00040595 so that was something that we really had S2BZF0UEtQu-00125-00040596-00040921 to take into account and in particular S2BZF0UEtQu-00126-00040922-00041317 for the UV system how we deal with S2BZF0UEtQu-00127-00041318-00041639 nutrient removal upstream could could be S2BZF0UEtQu-00128-00041640-00041933 impacted so I'll get into that a little S2BZF0UEtQu-00129-00041934-00042179 bit later we also looked at the S2BZF0UEtQu-00130-00042180-00042556 disinfection system operations itself so S2BZF0UEtQu-00131-00042557-00042845 operating a single system in steady S2BZF0UEtQu-00132-00042846-00043073 state under control controlled S2BZF0UEtQu-00133-00043074-00043298 conditions versus two parallel systems S2BZF0UEtQu-00134-00043299-00043460 in steady state under controlled S2BZF0UEtQu-00135-00043461-00043645 conditions how is that going to operate S2BZF0UEtQu-00136-00043646-00043927 what happens if there's an emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00137-00043928-00044152 shutdown what happens when there's S2BZF0UEtQu-00138-00044153-00044368 planned shutdowns how are we going to S2BZF0UEtQu-00139-00044369-00044596 kind of respond in all of these S2BZF0UEtQu-00140-00044597-00044774 different scenarios and what's the level S2BZF0UEtQu-00141-00044775-00045002 of effort required we thought through S2BZF0UEtQu-00142-00045003-00045506 each of those scenarios also additional S2BZF0UEtQu-00143-00045507-00045695 infrastructure that would be required in S2BZF0UEtQu-00144-00045696-00045971 each scenario so with a hypo system with S2BZF0UEtQu-00145-00045972-00046265 a dual system we would be adding pump S2BZF0UEtQu-00146-00046266-00046625 station that's more onm that's more S2BZF0UEtQu-00147-00046626-00046933 assets to maintain that's more things to S2BZF0UEtQu-00148-00046934-00047357 go wrong so really just really noodling S2BZF0UEtQu-00149-00047358-00047608 down on all the different things we S2BZF0UEtQu-00150-00047609-00047737 really need to consider from an S2BZF0UEtQu-00151-00047738-00048020 operational standpoint downstream S2BZF0UEtQu-00152-00048021-00048233 operations we're planning on installing S2BZF0UEtQu-00153-00048234-00048415 a diversion system how would our S2BZF0UEtQu-00154-00048416-00048721 diversion system coincide with a dual S2BZF0UEtQu-00155-00048722-00048935 disinfection system versus a single S2BZF0UEtQu-00156-00048936-00049214 disinfection system we also operate a S2BZF0UEtQu-00157-00049215-00049502 geyser system how would we deal with S2BZF0UEtQu-00158-00049503-00049799 different effluents in that system a S2BZF0UEtQu-00159-00049800-00050174 hypo system could help in that system as S2BZF0UEtQu-00160-00050175-00050450 we are experiencing some bio fouling or S2BZF0UEtQu-00161-00050451-00050786 growth on the inside of some of those S2BZF0UEtQu-00162-00050787-00051155 components so you know really just S2BZF0UEtQu-00163-00051156-00051374 thinking through every single process S2BZF0UEtQu-00164-00051375-00051702 our reclamation system how we would S2BZF0UEtQu-00165-00051703-00051976 manage the water in that system if we S2BZF0UEtQu-00166-00051977-00052023 have S2BZF0UEtQu-00167-00052024-00052182 chlorinated water we would have to S2BZF0UEtQu-00168-00052183-00052398 operate differently if we just have UV S2BZF0UEtQu-00169-00052399-00052613 disinfected water and then similarly S2BZF0UEtQu-00170-00052614-00052853 with our discharge if we have S2BZF0UEtQu-00171-00052854-00053187 chlorinated water it limits where and S2BZF0UEtQu-00172-00053188-00053475 how we can discharge so there really are S2BZF0UEtQu-00173-00053476-00053703 just a lot of things that we we really S2BZF0UEtQu-00174-00053704-00053919 thought through and considered in making S2BZF0UEtQu-00175-00053920-00054191 this final recommendation from an S2BZF0UEtQu-00176-00054192-00054549 operational standpoint we also looked at S2BZF0UEtQu-00177-00054550-00054851 regulatory considerations as I mentioned S2BZF0UEtQu-00178-00054852-00055062 the disinfection by-products associated S2BZF0UEtQu-00179-00055063-00055332 with chlorination we are strictly S2BZF0UEtQu-00180-00055333-00055598 regulated on our discharge of S2BZF0UEtQu-00181-00055599-00055876 disinfection by-products S2BZF0UEtQu-00182-00055877-00056267 we also are regulated on our nutrients S2BZF0UEtQu-00183-00056269-00056523 and how much nutrients we discharge to S2BZF0UEtQu-00184-00056524-00056882 the laguna and so whether or not a hypo S2BZF0UEtQu-00185-00056883-00057201 system or dis UV system would impact how S2BZF0UEtQu-00186-00057202-00057399 we were able to remove nutrients S2BZF0UEtQu-00187-00057400-00057866 upstream and in a hypo system would S2BZF0UEtQu-00188-00057866-00058323 limit how we could remove nutrients S2BZF0UEtQu-00189-00058324-00058532 upstream and take some kind of S2BZF0UEtQu-00190-00058533-00058773 beneficial ways we could do that off the S2BZF0UEtQu-00191-00058774-00058844 table S2BZF0UEtQu-00192-00058845-00059094 we also thought about the bio fouling S2BZF0UEtQu-00193-00059095-00059309 and the geysers pipeline as I mentioned S2BZF0UEtQu-00194-00059310-00059823 the regrowth in ponds there is TMDL S2BZF0UEtQu-00195-00059824-00060092 coming out for pathogens so really S2BZF0UEtQu-00196-00060094-00060378 thinking through how either system might S2BZF0UEtQu-00197-00060379-00060662 be affected by by that upcoming S2BZF0UEtQu-00198-00060663-00061029 regulations are available discharge S2BZF0UEtQu-00199-00061029-00061601 locations we currently discharge in a S2BZF0UEtQu-00200-00061602-00062046 number of locations that are after where S2BZF0UEtQu-00201-00062047-00062254 we store water in ponds and so S2BZF0UEtQu-00202-00062255-00062448 disinfection by-products S2BZF0UEtQu-00203-00062449-00062619 kind of become less of an issue at that S2BZF0UEtQu-00204-00062620-00062981 point because there's a chance for them S2BZF0UEtQu-00205-00062982-00063191 to kind of break down through through S2BZF0UEtQu-00206-00063192-00063363 the pond system and then when we S2BZF0UEtQu-00207-00063364-00063561 discharge that water we're anticipating S2BZF0UEtQu-00208-00063562-00063750 that the disinfection by-products S2BZF0UEtQu-00209-00063751-00064007 associated with typo chlorination would S2BZF0UEtQu-00210-00064008-00064236 likely not be an issue but if we were S2BZF0UEtQu-00211-00064237-00064497 ever forced to or ever found ourselves S2BZF0UEtQu-00212-00064498-00064800 in needing to discharge directly from S2BZF0UEtQu-00213-00064801-00064862 the S2BZF0UEtQu-00214-00064863-00065222 and we could find ourselves in a S2BZF0UEtQu-00215-00065223-00065372 situation where we would have to S2BZF0UEtQu-00216-00065373-00065695 dechlorinate water before discharging S2BZF0UEtQu-00217-00065696-00065954 and then our coliform compliance S2BZF0UEtQu-00218-00065955-00066242 locations with a single addition S2BZF0UEtQu-00219-00066243-00066455 disinfection system you have a single S2BZF0UEtQu-00220-00066456-00066827 point of compliance with a dual system S2BZF0UEtQu-00221-00066828-00067043 you have two points of compliance so S2BZF0UEtQu-00222-00067044-00067243 just adding a little complexity there S2BZF0UEtQu-00223-00067244-00067607 and then finally the cost considerations S2BZF0UEtQu-00224-00067608-00067907 and and really this effort wasn't S2BZF0UEtQu-00225-00067908-00068090 focused so much around the cost S2BZF0UEtQu-00226-00068091-00068381 considerations as it was really focused S2BZF0UEtQu-00227-00068382-00068663 around the operational considerations S2BZF0UEtQu-00228-00068664-00068846 and the regulatory considerations and S2BZF0UEtQu-00229-00068847-00069095 really making sure that we're installing S2BZF0UEtQu-00230-00069096-00069448 the best system for our needs S2BZF0UEtQu-00231-00069449-00069824 but of course costs are always accounted S2BZF0UEtQu-00232-00069825-00070193 for and as you can see the total capital S2BZF0UEtQu-00233-00070194-00070361 costs associated with just the S2BZF0UEtQu-00234-00070362-00070724 ultraviolet system is slightly higher S2BZF0UEtQu-00235-00070725-00071027 than with a dual system with the UV and S2BZF0UEtQu-00236-00071028-00071345 supplemental hypo combined this is S2BZF0UEtQu-00237-00071346-00071605 partly because we did account for S2BZF0UEtQu-00238-00071606-00071927 continued use of our West College pump S2BZF0UEtQu-00239-00071928-00072215 station where we divert high flows so S2BZF0UEtQu-00240-00072216-00072443 that we could kind of decrease or not be S2BZF0UEtQu-00241-00072444-00072860 so stringent on where we put the design S2BZF0UEtQu-00242-00072861-00073226 point for our new UV system and then S2BZF0UEtQu-00243-00073227-00073712 ongoing onm costs as I mentioned are S2BZF0UEtQu-00244-00073713-00074018 slightly less less for a ultraviolet S2BZF0UEtQu-00245-00074019-00074293 system as opposed to a new Youth S2BZF0UEtQu-00246-00074294-00074552 combined UV and hypo system and that has S2BZF0UEtQu-00247-00074553-00075038 to do with the cost of the chemicals so S2BZF0UEtQu-00248-00075039-00075266 after kind of going through all of all S2BZF0UEtQu-00249-00075267-00075536 of these considerations staff is S2BZF0UEtQu-00250-00075537-00075797 confident that we would recommend moving S2BZF0UEtQu-00251-00075798-00076142 forward with just a single UV system S2BZF0UEtQu-00252-00076143-00076355 full capacity that would handle all of S2BZF0UEtQu-00253-00076356-00076652 our flow it's a single process it S2BZF0UEtQu-00254-00076653-00076937 provides the most flexibility in the S2BZF0UEtQu-00255-00076938-00077197 future with respect to not having to S2BZF0UEtQu-00256-00077198-00077480 address potential disinfection S2BZF0UEtQu-00257-00077481-00077762 by-products with our ability to more S2BZF0UEtQu-00258-00077763-00077923 easily and readily S2BZF0UEtQu-00259-00077924-00078250 implement nutrient removal processes S2BZF0UEtQu-00260-00078251-00078607 upstream and the the challenges S2BZF0UEtQu-00261-00078608-00078937 associated with operating two parallel S2BZF0UEtQu-00262-00078938-00079201 disinfection systems and things that S2BZF0UEtQu-00263-00079202-00079501 could go wrong and you know starting up S2BZF0UEtQu-00264-00079502-00079735 one system partway through the season S2BZF0UEtQu-00265-00079736-00080290 just it's a very nuanced circumstance S2BZF0UEtQu-00266-00080291-00080554 that the the benefits the of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00267-00080555-00080788 additional capacity that the hypo system S2BZF0UEtQu-00268-00080789-00081378 provides just don't outweigh and also a S2BZF0UEtQu-00269-00081379-00081724 hypo system is pretty cheap to implement S2BZF0UEtQu-00270-00081725-00082046 and if at some point down the road we S2BZF0UEtQu-00271-00082047-00082393 find ourselves needing a hypo S2BZF0UEtQu-00272-00082394-00082594 chlorination for some reason we need S2BZF0UEtQu-00273-00082595-00082909 some residual disinfection in our system S2BZF0UEtQu-00274-00082910-00083228 somewhere we can always install it very S2BZF0UEtQu-00275-00083229-00083626 cheaply if and where necessary and and S2BZF0UEtQu-00276-00083627-00083794 that might not be at the plant if S2BZF0UEtQu-00277-00083795-00084136 there's an opportunity to help with the S2BZF0UEtQu-00278-00084137-00084418 regrowth in the geysers we could install S2BZF0UEtQu-00279-00084419-00084679 hypo at the point that makes the most S2BZF0UEtQu-00280-00084680-00084860 sense and maybe that's not at the plant S2BZF0UEtQu-00281-00084861-00085138 so those are kind of the reasons that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00282-00085139-00085449 came to the recommendation that were S2BZF0UEtQu-00283-00085450-00085774 moving forward with so the next steps S2BZF0UEtQu-00284-00085775-00086086 are we need to amend the current S2BZF0UEtQu-00285-00086087-00086404 contract that we hold with Carollo we S2BZF0UEtQu-00286-00086405-00086599 would bring that back to the BPU for S2BZF0UEtQu-00287-00086600-00086848 approval there's some scope that needs S2BZF0UEtQu-00288-00086849-00087118 to be adjusted based on the S2BZF0UEtQu-00289-00087119-00087325 recommendation we're making today we S2BZF0UEtQu-00290-00087326-00087572 would reengage with kelvin if you S2BZF0UEtQu-00291-00087573-00087862 remember we did enter into a MoU a S2BZF0UEtQu-00292-00087863-00088111 Memorandum of Understanding with Calgon S2BZF0UEtQu-00293-00088112-00088474 to pre-select or pre-qualified their S2BZF0UEtQu-00294-00088475-00088762 equipment for our UV system so we're S2BZF0UEtQu-00295-00088763-00089029 reading with those conversations we S2BZF0UEtQu-00296-00089030-00089254 would move into design we are S2BZF0UEtQu-00297-00089255-00089435 anticipating that this effort will need S2BZF0UEtQu-00298-00089436-00089719 to be bond funded at least partially so S2BZF0UEtQu-00299-00089720-00089911 we're planning on moving forward with S2BZF0UEtQu-00300-00089912-00090193 that then into construction and then as S2BZF0UEtQu-00301-00090194-00090538 always providing the board with updates S2BZF0UEtQu-00302-00090539-00090890 as as we move through the process kind S2BZF0UEtQu-00303-00090891-00090959 of in a parallel S2BZF0UEtQu-00304-00090960-00091337 effort staff are beginning to develop S2BZF0UEtQu-00305-00091338-00091823 upon sampling program this is a sample S2BZF0UEtQu-00306-00091824-00092137 the pathogen regrowth in our ponds and S2BZF0UEtQu-00307-00092138-00092425 then so we can kind of better understand S2BZF0UEtQu-00308-00092426-00092660 if there's hypo chlorination that could S2BZF0UEtQu-00309-00092661-00092810 help benefit that and there's also S2BZF0UEtQu-00310-00092811-00092974 parallel efforts that we need to S2BZF0UEtQu-00311-00092975-00093218 understand the pathogen regrowth in our S2BZF0UEtQu-00312-00093219-00093613 ponds anyways we are beginning to engage S2BZF0UEtQu-00313-00093614-00093907 with Calpine to better understand where S2BZF0UEtQu-00314-00093908-00094073 the regrowth is happening in their S2BZF0UEtQu-00315-00094074-00094499 system and how we might alter operations S2BZF0UEtQu-00316-00094500-00095042 to help manage some of that regrowth so S2BZF0UEtQu-00317-00095043-00095237 with that I will open it up for any S2BZF0UEtQu-00318-00095238-00095437 questions and I forgot to mention S2BZF0UEtQu-00319-00095438-00095749 Josh wall is here with me to help answer S2BZF0UEtQu-00320-00095750-00095936 any questions he is the acting deputy S2BZF0UEtQu-00321-00095937-00096803 director of sub regional operations my S2BZF0UEtQu-00322-00096804-00097211 question really I'm looking at your S2BZF0UEtQu-00323-00097212-00097487 chart 6 where the cost considerations S2BZF0UEtQu-00324-00097488-00097993 are shown and it really is this is a S2BZF0UEtQu-00325-00097994-00098296 simple chart to look at and interpret S2BZF0UEtQu-00326-00098297-00098656 but what is the foundational information S2BZF0UEtQu-00327-00098657-00098840 where did you get it S2BZF0UEtQu-00328-00098841-00099278 how exploratory are we in doing what S2BZF0UEtQu-00329-00099279-00099578 what is being recommended here do we do S2BZF0UEtQu-00330-00099579-00099746 you feel comfortable with the cost S2BZF0UEtQu-00331-00099747-00100018 figures that you've come up with so some S2BZF0UEtQu-00332-00100019-00100280 of that background I'd like to hear yeah S2BZF0UEtQu-00333-00100281-00100569 so the costs are all derived from the S2BZF0UEtQu-00334-00100570-00100855 value engineering effort that Carollo S2BZF0UEtQu-00335-00100856-00101135 did for us to kind of kick off this S2BZF0UEtQu-00336-00101136-00101390 rethinking of whether or not we wanted S2BZF0UEtQu-00337-00101391-00101642 to move forward with just a UV or a UV S2BZF0UEtQu-00338-00101643-00101956 and supplemental hypo the costs for the S2BZF0UEtQu-00339-00101957-00102382 new UV system or I believe in correct me S2BZF0UEtQu-00340-00102383-00102589 if I'm wrong were obtained directly from S2BZF0UEtQu-00341-00102590-00102940 the vendors themselves given certain S2BZF0UEtQu-00342-00102941-00103325 design parameters that will need to be S2BZF0UEtQu-00343-00103326-00103564 adjusted so those numbers are not by any S2BZF0UEtQu-00344-00103565-00103623 means S2BZF0UEtQu-00345-00103624-00103866 but you know there are good working S2BZF0UEtQu-00346-00103867-00104277 numbers the off spec diversion is S2BZF0UEtQu-00347-00104278-00104514 included there for both those numbers I S2BZF0UEtQu-00348-00104515-00104684 think have shifted slightly now that S2BZF0UEtQu-00349-00104685-00104879 we've gotten we've we've gotten into S2BZF0UEtQu-00350-00104880-00105033 design but we are moving forward with S2BZF0UEtQu-00351-00105033-00105438 that project in both scenarios and then S2BZF0UEtQu-00352-00105439-00105720 the West College pump station number is S2BZF0UEtQu-00353-00105721-00105959 from a preliminary analysis that was S2BZF0UEtQu-00354-00105960-00106136 done a number of years ago to better S2BZF0UEtQu-00355-00106138-00106446 understand what it would take to upgrade S2BZF0UEtQu-00356-00106447-00106773 that facility and then the O&M costs S2BZF0UEtQu-00357-00106774-00107202 again were developed by Carollo in kind S2BZF0UEtQu-00358-00107203-00107595 of anticipating energy use and parts S2BZF0UEtQu-00359-00107596-00107823 replacement and maintenance costs over S2BZF0UEtQu-00360-00107824-00108120 the life of the equipment and just to S2BZF0UEtQu-00361-00108121-00108284 kind of put those numbers and reference S2BZF0UEtQu-00362-00108285-00108608 our annual O&M costs associated with our S2BZF0UEtQu-00363-00108609-00108858 disinfection system currently is about S2BZF0UEtQu-00364-00108858-00109239 2.1 million so by replacing our system S2BZF0UEtQu-00365-00109240-00109527 we are saving about 1.5 million in S2BZF0UEtQu-00366-00109528-00109839 energy costs just associated with the S2BZF0UEtQu-00367-00109840-00110033 new UV equipment and the energy S2BZF0UEtQu-00368-00110034-00110418 efficiency associated with that if I S2BZF0UEtQu-00369-00110419-00110721 could just add the cost estimating that S2BZF0UEtQu-00370-00110722-00110931 went into this most recent value S2BZF0UEtQu-00371-00110932-00111335 engineering effort the numbers do track S2BZF0UEtQu-00372-00111336-00111683 a number of earlier planning efforts S2BZF0UEtQu-00373-00111684-00111860 that were done they all pretty much S2BZF0UEtQu-00374-00111861-00112074 aligned so we do have a fair degree of S2BZF0UEtQu-00375-00112075-00112769 confidence in these numbers thank you S2BZF0UEtQu-00376-00112770-00113094 forgive me as I go through my questions S2BZF0UEtQu-00377-00113095-00113298 I didn't go through I haven't been here S2BZF0UEtQu-00378-00113299-00113556 and had all the updates that you've been S2BZF0UEtQu-00379-00113557-00113786 coming forward with so I apologize in S2BZF0UEtQu-00380-00113788-00114156 advance if it's repetitive I want to S2BZF0UEtQu-00381-00114157-00114393 back up for a second to the the issue S2BZF0UEtQu-00382-00114394-00114732 about with the Trojan system where we S2BZF0UEtQu-00383-00114733-00115179 lost rating capacity all deputy S2BZF0UEtQu-00384-00115180-00115661 directors fall answer that so the system S2BZF0UEtQu-00385-00115663-00116298 was installed in 1998 with the design S2BZF0UEtQu-00386-00116299-00116456 flow of 67 million gallon S2BZF0UEtQu-00387-00116457-00116938 and providing a certain dose at that S2BZF0UEtQu-00388-00116939-00117226 time there was no regulatory requirement S2BZF0UEtQu-00389-00117227-00117424 to do a bioassay test actually prove it S2BZF0UEtQu-00390-00117425-00117600 out it was all based just on design S2BZF0UEtQu-00391-00117601-00117995 since that time the regulations have S2BZF0UEtQu-00392-00117996-00118319 changed where they require the system to S2BZF0UEtQu-00393-00118320-00118666 have a bio asset test down so it proves S2BZF0UEtQu-00394-00118667-00119018 the design concepts we were S2BZF0UEtQu-00395-00119019-00119491 grandfathered in except that we were you S2BZF0UEtQu-00396-00119492-00119815 know we were told from consultants that S2BZF0UEtQu-00397-00119816-00120124 yeah other trojan systems such as us S2BZF0UEtQu-00398-00120125-00120460 were not performing as expected and at S2BZF0UEtQu-00399-00120461-00120620 that time we decided we needed to do the S2BZF0UEtQu-00400-00120621-00120784 test to find out really what our system S2BZF0UEtQu-00401-00120785-00121114 is doing through those tests it was S2BZF0UEtQu-00402-00121115-00121527 determined that to provide the dose for S2BZF0UEtQu-00403-00121528-00121951 22 requirements the flow would have to S2BZF0UEtQu-00404-00121952-00122297 be lower too you know it's a it's a it's S2BZF0UEtQu-00405-00122298-00122479 a bit of a moving number number because S2BZF0UEtQu-00406-00122480-00122669 there's two factors and father's flow S2BZF0UEtQu-00407-00122670-00123118 and transmittance which is a factor of S2BZF0UEtQu-00408-00123119-00123424 UV radiation being absorbed by the water S2BZF0UEtQu-00409-00123425-00123652 and that can change with the quality of S2BZF0UEtQu-00410-00123653-00124121 the water but at but 43 million gallons S2BZF0UEtQu-00411-00124122-00124465 per day at a given UV t has been is the S2BZF0UEtQu-00412-00124466-00124909 rated the current reading capacity so S2BZF0UEtQu-00413-00124910-00125282 are we are we proposing bringing a new S2BZF0UEtQu-00414-00125283-00125578 improved Trojan system back through this S2BZF0UEtQu-00415-00125579-00126032 process or you know where I'm going with S2BZF0UEtQu-00416-00126033-00126224 this is this a proprietary system with S2BZF0UEtQu-00417-00126225-00126593 this Trojan system any system we've any S2BZF0UEtQu-00418-00126594-00126749 system we we purchase will be S2BZF0UEtQu-00419-00126750-00126961 proprietary we have an agreement with S2BZF0UEtQu-00420-00126962-00127408 Calgon Carbon for their system there's S2BZF0UEtQu-00421-00127408-00127793 we looked at four systems total two to S2BZF0UEtQu-00422-00127794-00128253 arrive at Calgon as being the preferred S2BZF0UEtQu-00423-00128254-00128696 manufacturer Trojan is in that mix as S2BZF0UEtQu-00424-00128697-00129010 well but it will be bright airy the S2BZF0UEtQu-00425-00129011-00129162 proprietary system there's no S2BZF0UEtQu-00426-00129163-00129433 off-the-shelf UV system that's been a S2BZF0UEtQu-00427-00129434-00129520 benefit S2BZF0UEtQu-00428-00129521-00129899 and to clarify prior to you joining the S2BZF0UEtQu-00429-00129900-00130168 board we did go through an effort of S2BZF0UEtQu-00430-00130169-00130510 selecting based on qualifications and S2BZF0UEtQu-00431-00130511-00130898 value to the city a competitive process S2BZF0UEtQu-00432-00130899-00131290 to select Calgon as the preferred vendor S2BZF0UEtQu-00433-00131291-00131534 if I could add because I think the D S2BZF0UEtQu-00434-00131535-00131876 rating issue is important that is not S2BZF0UEtQu-00435-00131877-00132221 the sole driver for moving forward with S2BZF0UEtQu-00436-00132222-00132529 this project the equipment is about 20 S2BZF0UEtQu-00437-00132530-00132776 years old by the time we do design and S2BZF0UEtQu-00438-00132777-00133028 installation there will be about 25 S2BZF0UEtQu-00439-00133029-00133388 years old it is showing its age there's S2BZF0UEtQu-00440-00133389-00133697 parts availability issue and we get S2BZF0UEtQu-00441-00133698-00133953 those incredible operational savings S2BZF0UEtQu-00442-00133954-00134261 because the new technology is much more S2BZF0UEtQu-00443-00134262-00134531 efficient in terms of the bulbs and the S2BZF0UEtQu-00444-00134532-00134984 energy they give out and so one of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00445-00134985-00135245 reasons I'm asking these first couple of S2BZF0UEtQu-00446-00135246-00135401 questions is this ability to protect S2BZF0UEtQu-00447-00135402-00135911 ourselves from a regulatory change that S2BZF0UEtQu-00448-00135912-00136238 like we experienced with this system in S2BZF0UEtQu-00449-00136239-00136457 the 90s where we bought something that S2BZF0UEtQu-00450-00136458-00136775 we expected to provide capacity at a S2BZF0UEtQu-00451-00136776-00136966 certain level and due to those S2BZF0UEtQu-00452-00136967-00137270 regulatory changes we lost capacity and S2BZF0UEtQu-00453-00137271-00137428 then we have to go out and buy more S2BZF0UEtQu-00454-00137429-00137878 equipment - or do something on our end S2BZF0UEtQu-00455-00137879-00138185 to do that and so is are there any S2BZF0UEtQu-00456-00138186-00138344 lessons learned dealing with these S2BZF0UEtQu-00457-00138345-00138602 vendors so that we can try to hook them S2BZF0UEtQu-00458-00138603-00138827 in - I don't know if any of their S2BZF0UEtQu-00459-00138828-00139043 representatives are here today but given S2BZF0UEtQu-00460-00139044-00139313 my trade secrets but is there way we can S2BZF0UEtQu-00461-00139314-00139583 hook them into this so that they can S2BZF0UEtQu-00462-00139584-00139753 assure us that they have confirmed with S2BZF0UEtQu-00463-00139754-00139952 regulators that it's going to meet a S2BZF0UEtQu-00464-00139953-00140213 certain capacity bla bla bla so that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00465-00140214-00140544 kind of know what we're buying this time S2BZF0UEtQu-00466-00140545-00141262 so regarding the regulations the we I S2BZF0UEtQu-00467-00141263-00141590 think it'd be hard to protect ourselves S2BZF0UEtQu-00468-00141591-00141746 against future regulations the one thing S2BZF0UEtQu-00469-00141747-00141953 to understand about UV disinfection is S2BZF0UEtQu-00470-00141954-00142229 that when we purchase that the system in S2BZF0UEtQu-00471-00142230-00142632 1998 it was pretty close to cutting edge S2BZF0UEtQu-00472-00142633-00142904 it was a new industry or a new S2BZF0UEtQu-00473-00142905-00143210 application for for UV disinfectant for S2BZF0UEtQu-00474-00143211-00143438 for disinfection and you know for UV S2BZF0UEtQu-00475-00143439-00143687 radiations there's a new application and S2BZF0UEtQu-00476-00143688-00144093 and the regulations have matured since S2BZF0UEtQu-00477-00144094-00144318 then as has the industry or in the third S2BZF0UEtQu-00478-00144319-00144641 generation of equipment so between that S2BZF0UEtQu-00479-00144642-00144851 and the and the testing that is done you S2BZF0UEtQu-00480-00144852-00145112 know after the after the installation of S2BZF0UEtQu-00481-00145113-00145459 the bioassay testing and the proving S2BZF0UEtQu-00482-00145460-00145799 we're in a better place today than we S2BZF0UEtQu-00483-00145800-00146102 were in 1988 with regard to that in S2BZF0UEtQu-00484-00146103-00146390 terms of being able to guarantee pricing S2BZF0UEtQu-00485-00146391-00146789 and availability and all that to you S2BZF0UEtQu-00486-00146790-00147100 I don't recall offhand if we included S2BZF0UEtQu-00487-00147101-00147509 ongoing om or parts replacements in in S2BZF0UEtQu-00488-00147510-00147870 the MOU we entered into with Calgon but S2BZF0UEtQu-00489-00147871-00148085 that's definitely something that we can S2BZF0UEtQu-00490-00148086-00148451 look to include moving forward thank you S2BZF0UEtQu-00491-00148452-00148649 for that my last couple of questions are S2BZF0UEtQu-00492-00148650-00149191 related to the hyper fluoride option and S2BZF0UEtQu-00493-00149192-00149735 any capacity to use either at the S2BZF0UEtQu-00494-00149736-00149883 treatment plant or at any remote S2BZF0UEtQu-00495-00149884-00150179 locations we we use hypo fluorination at S2BZF0UEtQu-00496-00150180-00150503 the plant for algae control we don't S2BZF0UEtQu-00497-00150504-00150812 have the capacity for disinfection at S2BZF0UEtQu-00498-00150813-00151085 this at this time we would need contact S2BZF0UEtQu-00499-00151086-00151233 time which is what the chlorine contact S2BZF0UEtQu-00500-00151234-00151553 basins could give us and also just much S2BZF0UEtQu-00501-00151554-00151913 higher much higher doses of chlorine so S2BZF0UEtQu-00502-00151914-00152321 we're not either able or required S2BZF0UEtQu-00503-00152322-00152539 to maintain any chlorine residuals in S2BZF0UEtQu-00504-00152540-00153038 our urban reuse we operate a very small S2BZF0UEtQu-00505-00153039-00153422 urban reuse system as they do chlorinate S2BZF0UEtQu-00506-00153423-00153662 at the pump at the pump station that S2BZF0UEtQu-00507-00153663-00153928 distributes that water I'm not familiar S2BZF0UEtQu-00508-00153929-00154175 with those what the requirements are for S2BZF0UEtQu-00509-00154176-00154556 that but I could find out and get back S2BZF0UEtQu-00510-00154557-00154903 to you your comment earlier in your in S2BZF0UEtQu-00511-00154904-00155231 your presentation was that if we change S2BZF0UEtQu-00512-00155232-00155440 somewhere we have flexibility to be able S2BZF0UEtQu-00513-00155441-00155759 to set up a hyper chloride situation as S2BZF0UEtQu-00514-00155760-00156125 station in an area in the system S2BZF0UEtQu-00515-00156126-00156301 somewhere if it came up down the road S2BZF0UEtQu-00516-00156302-00156695 correct that it would be additional S2BZF0UEtQu-00517-00156696-00156863 infrastructure that we should install S2BZF0UEtQu-00518-00156864-00158270 yes sure thank you other questions we S2BZF0UEtQu-00519-00158271-00158597 must make a change how long it's going S2BZF0UEtQu-00520-00158598-00158693 to take to implement these S2BZF0UEtQu-00521-00158694-00158918 recommendations so we're working on S2BZF0UEtQu-00522-00158919-00159129 incorporating that language in our S2BZF0UEtQu-00523-00159130-00159449 reporter waste discharge that's kind of S2BZF0UEtQu-00524-00159450-00159650 in the process of being negotiated right S2BZF0UEtQu-00525-00159651-00160001 now we are I don't know that we're S2BZF0UEtQu-00526-00160002-00160277 putting definite dates in there but S2BZF0UEtQu-00527-00160278-00160702 we're anticipating kind of working with S2BZF0UEtQu-00528-00160703-00160978 our financial advisors about a bond S2BZF0UEtQu-00529-00160979-00161408 issuance or bonding available in 2022 S2BZF0UEtQu-00530-00161409-00161689 for construction and then construction S2BZF0UEtQu-00531-00161690-00161977 kind of occurring after that so that's S2BZF0UEtQu-00532-00161978-00162131 kind of the timeframe and it would be S2BZF0UEtQu-00533-00162132-00162344 probably a multi-year construction that S2BZF0UEtQu-00534-00162345-00162415 would happen S2BZF0UEtQu-00535-00162416-00162652 but we are going to start moving forward S2BZF0UEtQu-00536-00162653-00162887 with design a couple years of design and S2BZF0UEtQu-00537-00162888-00163421 then funding for construction what's the S2BZF0UEtQu-00538-00163422-00163559 next event that would bring it back to S2BZF0UEtQu-00539-00163560-00163934 this board for review S2BZF0UEtQu-00540-00163935-00164135 whichever next step we have to approve S2BZF0UEtQu-00541-00164136-00164357 the review so we're working with Carollo S2BZF0UEtQu-00542-00164358-00164651 to update the scope of work that we're S2BZF0UEtQu-00543-00164652-00164862 currently in contract with them S2BZF0UEtQu-00544-00164863-00165093 though they're slight adjustments that S2BZF0UEtQu-00545-00165094-00165273 just need to be made to what we're S2BZF0UEtQu-00546-00165274-00165426 anticipating the work that they're doing S2BZF0UEtQu-00547-00165427-00165693 that amendment to that contract will be S2BZF0UEtQu-00548-00165694-00165921 brought to this board so you guys will S2BZF0UEtQu-00549-00165922-00166215 know exactly what we're asking them to S2BZF0UEtQu-00550-00166216-00166632 do for us there are no more questions S2BZF0UEtQu-00551-00166633-00166779 thank you very much for a complete S2BZF0UEtQu-00552-00166780-00167069 presentation appreciate it thank you S2BZF0UEtQu-00553-00167070-00167424 so item 5.2 emergency groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00554-00167425-00167778 program update yeah this is a update in S2BZF0UEtQu-00555-00167779-00168135 the program by director Burke and a bit S2BZF0UEtQu-00556-00168136-00168360 of a different message and the the prior S2BZF0UEtQu-00557-00168361-00168584 presentation where we're going to share S2BZF0UEtQu-00558-00168585-00168828 some of the challenges that staff has S2BZF0UEtQu-00559-00168829-00169187 had an implementation talk about some S2BZF0UEtQu-00560-00169188-00169632 new conditions that in that may drive S2BZF0UEtQu-00561-00169633-00169944 different directions and really presents S2BZF0UEtQu-00562-00169945-00170250 an opportunity for the staff and the S2BZF0UEtQu-00563-00170251-00170559 board to think about the program that S2BZF0UEtQu-00564-00170560-00170979 was developed ten years ago and now what S2BZF0UEtQu-00565-00170980-00171216 are the array of alternatives going S2BZF0UEtQu-00566-00171217-00172776 forward okay Nonie and members of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00567-00172777-00172980 board as director Hornstein mentioned S2BZF0UEtQu-00568-00172981-00173184 I'm here to give an update on the S2BZF0UEtQu-00569-00173185-00173487 emergency groundwater program and for S2BZF0UEtQu-00570-00173488-00173745 those that are relatively new to the S2BZF0UEtQu-00571-00173746-00174104 board we wanted to give a background on S2BZF0UEtQu-00572-00174105-00174483 sort of the history the city's use of S2BZF0UEtQu-00573-00174484-00174687 groundwater talk about the groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00574-00174688-00174942 master plan and sort of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00575-00174943-00175119 recommendations from the groundwater map S2BZF0UEtQu-00576-00175120-00175344 master plan which focused on trying to S2BZF0UEtQu-00577-00175345-00175541 develop emergency groundwater supply S2BZF0UEtQu-00578-00175542-00175776 remind the board of implementation S2BZF0UEtQu-00579-00175777-00176100 challenges and some considerations and S2BZF0UEtQu-00580-00176101-00176613 potential next steps so for those that S2BZF0UEtQu-00581-00176614-00176901 may not be aware prior to these known S2BZF0UEtQu-00582-00176902-00177258 county water agencies system the city S2BZF0UEtQu-00583-00177259-00177561 actually relied primarily on groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00584-00177562-00177796 for our water supply S2BZF0UEtQu-00585-00177797-00178102 as the water agency system was being S2BZF0UEtQu-00586-00178103-00178480 developed the city signed on and agreed S2BZF0UEtQu-00587-00178481-00178750 pretty much to be exclusively reliant on S2BZF0UEtQu-00588-00178751-00179074 purchased water from the water agency so S2BZF0UEtQu-00589-00179075-00179446 right now we are pretty much 95% of our S2BZF0UEtQu-00590-00179447-00179608 supply comes from the Sonoma County S2BZF0UEtQu-00591-00179609-00179862 Water Agency that we purchase from them S2BZF0UEtQu-00592-00179863-00180340 and we do have two wells on farmers Lane S2BZF0UEtQu-00593-00180341-00180703 that were previously a long time ago S2BZF0UEtQu-00594-00180704-00180907 they were our main source of supply they S2BZF0UEtQu-00595-00180908-00181072 actually were put into standby S2BZF0UEtQu-00596-00181073-00181668 conditions and then in about the early S2BZF0UEtQu-00597-00181669-00181966 2000s we recognized that we needed to S2BZF0UEtQu-00598-00181967-00182176 look at some diversification of our S2BZF0UEtQu-00599-00182177-00182476 water supply portfolio and so we worked S2BZF0UEtQu-00600-00182477-00182776 on and went through the whole process to S2BZF0UEtQu-00601-00182777-00183037 convert those wells on farmers Lane from S2BZF0UEtQu-00602-00183038-00183313 stand by to production so they are now S2BZF0UEtQu-00603-00183314-00183666 production wells that can provide up to S2BZF0UEtQu-00604-00183667-00183936 2,500 acre feet per year of water supply S2BZF0UEtQu-00605-00183937-00184354 we began using those wells in 2007 to S2BZF0UEtQu-00606-00184355-00184726 help with peak demand in the summertime S2BZF0UEtQu-00607-00184727-00185041 and that's pretty much our current water S2BZF0UEtQu-00608-00185042-00185413 supply in terms of production we also S2BZF0UEtQu-00609-00185414-00185746 have a number of wells that can provide S2BZF0UEtQu-00610-00185747-00186045 some emergency supply in particular S2BZF0UEtQu-00611-00186046-00186379 Carly and Peter Springs Wells which I S2BZF0UEtQu-00612-00186380-00186601 will talk about in a minute and then we S2BZF0UEtQu-00613-00186602-00186913 have our lead well which I'll also talk S2BZF0UEtQu-00614-00186914-00187591 about as well so going back in time as S2BZF0UEtQu-00615-00187592-00187947 far back as 1998 there was recognition S2BZF0UEtQu-00616-00187948-00188428 by this board the city needed to develop S2BZF0UEtQu-00617-00188429-00188692 additional emergency groundwater supply S2BZF0UEtQu-00618-00188693-00188872 and at that time was looking at a S2BZF0UEtQu-00619-00188873-00189130 planning number of 8.7 million gallons S2BZF0UEtQu-00620-00189131-00189390 per day of emergency groundwater supply S2BZF0UEtQu-00621-00189391-00189661 there are a number of other things that S2BZF0UEtQu-00622-00189662-00189943 happened between 1998 and when we S2BZF0UEtQu-00623-00189944-00190117 actually started working with the board S2BZF0UEtQu-00624-00190118-00190264 on the development of a groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00625-00190265-00190486 master plan including some direction and S2BZF0UEtQu-00626-00190487-00190704 resolutions about looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-00627-00190705-00190878 a number of different supplies including S2BZF0UEtQu-00628-00190879-00191383 groundwater in 2011 we started working S2BZF0UEtQu-00629-00191384-00191758 with the board on the need to develop a S2BZF0UEtQu-00630-00191759-00192043 groundwater master plan and so we S2BZF0UEtQu-00631-00192044-00192334 actually put out an RFP got a consultant S2BZF0UEtQu-00632-00192335-00192571 on board and began the development of S2BZF0UEtQu-00633-00192572-00192811 the groundwater master plan we worked S2BZF0UEtQu-00634-00192812-00193101 with the board and had seven meetings S2BZF0UEtQu-00635-00193102-00193287 with the full board and three meetings S2BZF0UEtQu-00636-00193288-00193569 with an ad hoc subcommittee of the PPU S2BZF0UEtQu-00637-00193570-00193911 to develop the master plan and it was S2BZF0UEtQu-00638-00193912-00194148 really developed to provide a strategic S2BZF0UEtQu-00639-00194149-00194475 roadmap for the city on how groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00640-00194476-00194722 resources could be most effectively used S2BZF0UEtQu-00641-00194723-00194991 well to meet existing customers needs as S2BZF0UEtQu-00642-00194992-00195234 well as potential future customers needs S2BZF0UEtQu-00643-00195235-00195498 one of the questions that the board may S2BZF0UEtQu-00644-00195499-00195891 have is you know they're in the master S2BZF0UEtQu-00645-00195892-00196132 plan we looked at initially both S2BZF0UEtQu-00646-00196133-00196420 production supply and emergency supply S2BZF0UEtQu-00647-00196421-00196779 and a decision was made to only focus on S2BZF0UEtQu-00648-00196780-00197047 emergency supply at this time because S2BZF0UEtQu-00649-00197048-00197257 when we were in the middle of developing S2BZF0UEtQu-00650-00197258-00197584 the master plan the USGS study was in S2BZF0UEtQu-00651-00197585-00197775 the middle of its development the S2BZF0UEtQu-00652-00197776-00198053 groundwater management plan that's the S2BZF0UEtQu-00653-00198054-00198295 voluntary a be 30 30 groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00654-00198296-00198477 management plan was also in the middle S2BZF0UEtQu-00655-00198478-00198757 of its development and so direction was S2BZF0UEtQu-00656-00198758-00198948 received to only focus on emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00657-00198949-00199168 groundwater supply at this time but to S2BZF0UEtQu-00658-00199169-00199381 come back at a future iteration of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00659-00199382-00199582 groundwater master plan and look at S2BZF0UEtQu-00660-00199583-00199827 production in the future so that's S2BZF0UEtQu-00661-00199828-00200032 really sort of an overview of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00662-00200033-00200226 groundwater master plan really that's S2BZF0UEtQu-00663-00200227-00200436 how we got to focusing on emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00664-00200437-00201012 supply with supply wells so in terms of S2BZF0UEtQu-00665-00201013-00201382 the analysis for the emergency supply S2BZF0UEtQu-00666-00201383-00201523 wells there were a number of things that S2BZF0UEtQu-00667-00201524-00201849 were taken into consideration and this S2BZF0UEtQu-00668-00201850-00202108 is all the assumptions were used to S2BZF0UEtQu-00669-00202109-00202357 develop a planning number for what we S2BZF0UEtQu-00670-00202358-00202534 would look to develop for emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00671-00202535-00202860 groundwater supply ranging from S2BZF0UEtQu-00672-00202861-00203061 different scenarios from a partial loss S2BZF0UEtQu-00673-00203062-00203373 of agency supply to full loss of agency S2BZF0UEtQu-00674-00203374-00203712 supply looking at a short-term outage S2BZF0UEtQu-00675-00203713-00203952 which was two days up to a long-term S2BZF0UEtQu-00676-00203953-00204049 outage S2BZF0UEtQu-00677-00204050-00204403 which was 14 days the the short-term S2BZF0UEtQu-00678-00204404-00204718 outage requires less water because we S2BZF0UEtQu-00679-00204719-00204982 were also building in the assumption S2BZF0UEtQu-00680-00204983-00205198 that we would still have some potential S2BZF0UEtQu-00681-00205198-00205402 supply from the water agency's tanks as S2BZF0UEtQu-00682-00205403-00205542 well as our tanks whereas the S2BZF0UEtQu-00683-00205544-00205801 longer-term outage has significantly S2BZF0UEtQu-00684-00205802-00206035 more need for supply because we run out S2BZF0UEtQu-00685-00206036-00206337 of that storage pretty quickly we also S2BZF0UEtQu-00686-00206338-00206661 chose a 14 day criteria because the S2BZF0UEtQu-00687-00206662-00206881 definition of an emergency groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00688-00206882-00207165 well only allows you to pump it for 15 S2BZF0UEtQu-00689-00207166-00207411 calendar days so that was sort of how we S2BZF0UEtQu-00690-00207412-00207741 came on that scenario there were a S2BZF0UEtQu-00691-00207742-00207912 number of different operational S2BZF0UEtQu-00692-00207913-00208113 considerations that were put into the S2BZF0UEtQu-00693-00208114-00208311 assumptions as well including that the S2BZF0UEtQu-00694-00208312-00208507 tanks would be half-full that pump S2BZF0UEtQu-00695-00208508-00208696 stations would be operational that we'd S2BZF0UEtQu-00696-00208696-00208989 have some pipelines operational as well S2BZF0UEtQu-00697-00208990-00209185 as the ability to pump our existing S2BZF0UEtQu-00698-00209186-00209536 wells and also that we were under an S2BZF0UEtQu-00699-00209537-00209764 assumption that wells that we would be S2BZF0UEtQu-00700-00209765-00209998 looking to bring online in the future S2BZF0UEtQu-00701-00209998-00210235 would be about 1 million gallon per day S2BZF0UEtQu-00702-00210236-00210583 which is similar to what we see at each S2BZF0UEtQu-00703-00210584-00210775 of the farmers Lane wells we actually S2BZF0UEtQu-00704-00210776-00210880 have a little bit more production S2BZF0UEtQu-00705-00210881-00211126 capacity than that and was also similar S2BZF0UEtQu-00706-00211127-00211309 in the past to what we had seen from the S2BZF0UEtQu-00707-00211310-00211600 freeway well we looked at from a S2BZF0UEtQu-00708-00211601-00211909 planning perspective both our current S2BZF0UEtQu-00709-00211910-00212125 demands and build-out conditions and S2BZF0UEtQu-00710-00212126-00212296 what those demands would be based on the S2BZF0UEtQu-00711-00212296-00212517 adopted general plan at the time and the S2BZF0UEtQu-00712-00212519-00212667 demand projections from the urban water S2BZF0UEtQu-00713-00212669-00212967 management plan and then we were looking S2BZF0UEtQu-00714-00212969-00213289 at providing health and safety water at S2BZF0UEtQu-00715-00213290-00213610 a minimum but also looking at the level S2BZF0UEtQu-00716-00213611-00213754 of service that we could potentially S2BZF0UEtQu-00717-00213755-00214000 suraƭh provides such as service to all S2BZF0UEtQu-00718-00214001-00214159 pressure zones which I'll talk about in S2BZF0UEtQu-00719-00214160-00214438 a minute to the extent we could that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00720-00214439-00214621 could try to have water to keep pump S2BZF0UEtQu-00721-00214621-00214831 stations and that we were really looking S2BZF0UEtQu-00722-00214832-00215029 to provide supply equivalent to about S2BZF0UEtQu-00723-00215030-00215475 half of what our winter water demand was S2BZF0UEtQu-00724-00215476-00215848 in terms of looking at how we could S2BZF0UEtQu-00725-00215848-00216166 potentially operate the system I do have S2BZF0UEtQu-00726-00216167-00216529 to recognize that we had a lot of help S2BZF0UEtQu-00727-00216530-00216696 from our operations folks and in S2BZF0UEtQu-00728-00216698-00216934 particular ron marin chuck was actually S2BZF0UEtQu-00729-00216935-00217029 the S2BZF0UEtQu-00730-00217030-00217329 behind this scenario of really looking S2BZF0UEtQu-00731-00217330-00217642 about how we could provide water to key S2BZF0UEtQu-00732-00217642-00217977 zones so that we could take a system S2BZF0UEtQu-00733-00217978-00218244 that has 33 pressure zones and basically S2BZF0UEtQu-00734-00218245-00218544 bring it down to seven master zones S2BZF0UEtQu-00735-00218545-00218742 where if we could get water into that S2BZF0UEtQu-00736-00218743-00218952 key pump station we could potentially S2BZF0UEtQu-00737-00218953-00219225 get water to as many customer S2BZF0UEtQu-00738-00219226-00219393 connections as possible in those zones S2BZF0UEtQu-00739-00219394-00219627 so that was also a scenario that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00740-00219628-00219807 looked at operationally about how we S2BZF0UEtQu-00741-00219808-00220035 could strategically look to get water S2BZF0UEtQu-00742-00220036-00220288 supply in those sort of whoops sorry S2BZF0UEtQu-00743-00220289-00220537 seven zones and if we were able to do S2BZF0UEtQu-00744-00220538-00220776 that could potentially then pump up in S2BZF0UEtQu-00745-00220777-00221085 between all our other pressure zones so S2BZF0UEtQu-00746-00221086-00221212 that gives you an overview and S2BZF0UEtQu-00747-00221213-00221409 background of the groundwater master S2BZF0UEtQu-00748-00221410-00221610 plan and sort of the emergency scenarios S2BZF0UEtQu-00749-00221611-00221748 and level of service that we were S2BZF0UEtQu-00750-00221749-00222217 looking at along the way we started S2BZF0UEtQu-00751-00222217-00222384 implementing the program and there were S2BZF0UEtQu-00752-00222385-00222705 a number of different challenges in S2BZF0UEtQu-00753-00222706-00222930 looking at those challenges and I'll S2BZF0UEtQu-00754-00222931-00223146 talk about that and a little bit more we S2BZF0UEtQu-00755-00223147-00223643 actually read em and scenarios would be S2BZF0UEtQu-00756-00223644-00224055 we we had worked on this with vpu ad hoc S2BZF0UEtQu-00757-00224056-00224266 to kind of relook at what those demands S2BZF0UEtQu-00758-00224267-00224590 potentially could be and we updated the S2BZF0UEtQu-00759-00224591-00225013 information based on our 2014 and 2015 S2BZF0UEtQu-00760-00225014-00225384 water demand and arrived at actually an S2BZF0UEtQu-00761-00225385-00225597 increased demand potentially that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00762-00225598-00225828 would have to develop and this was S2BZF0UEtQu-00763-00225829-00226179 shared with the board back in 2015 and S2BZF0UEtQu-00764-00226180-00226560 2016 and this was an updated amount of S2BZF0UEtQu-00765-00226561-00226762 additional groundwater mean for current S2BZF0UEtQu-00766-00226763-00227113 demands of 7.1 million gallons per day S2BZF0UEtQu-00767-00227114-00227464 and potential future demands at 12 S2BZF0UEtQu-00768-00227465-00227641 million gallons per day and again this S2BZF0UEtQu-00769-00227642-00227991 is at the 14 day outage and is also sort S2BZF0UEtQu-00770-00227992-00228195 of a planning number in terms of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00771-00228196-00228474 build-out which may change as we S2BZF0UEtQu-00772-00228475-00228637 continue to update our general plan in S2BZF0UEtQu-00773-00228638-00228978 our urban water management plan and with S2BZF0UEtQu-00774-00228979-00229179 that that sort of changed the initial S2BZF0UEtQu-00775-00229180-00229380 number of recommended emergency wells S2BZF0UEtQu-00776-00229381-00229588 that we were looking for so initially we S2BZF0UEtQu-00777-00229589-00229734 were looking for four to five in the S2BZF0UEtQu-00778-00229735-00229771 ground S2BZF0UEtQu-00779-00229771-00230014 master plan based on the updated demand S2BZF0UEtQu-00780-00230015-00230259 information it brought us to six to S2BZF0UEtQu-00781-00230260-00230491 seven currently and eleven to twelve at S2BZF0UEtQu-00782-00230492-00230767 build-out and again we were still under S2BZF0UEtQu-00783-00230767-00231016 the assumption of being able to find S2BZF0UEtQu-00784-00231017-00231481 wells of 1 million gallons per day as S2BZF0UEtQu-00785-00231482-00231694 was mentioned by director Hornstein as S2BZF0UEtQu-00786-00231694-00231916 we were going through the implementation S2BZF0UEtQu-00787-00231917-00232169 of the emergency groundwater program S2BZF0UEtQu-00788-00232171-00232692 we've had a very robust criteria for S2BZF0UEtQu-00789-00232694-00232951 trying to find potential areas where we S2BZF0UEtQu-00790-00232952-00233385 could site wells we did four different S2BZF0UEtQu-00791-00233386-00233619 well citing studies in various areas S2BZF0UEtQu-00792-00233621-00233946 throughout the city with very rigorous S2BZF0UEtQu-00793-00233948-00234196 criteria for selecting where we could S2BZF0UEtQu-00794-00234196-00234667 potentially find property where we could S2BZF0UEtQu-00795-00234667-00234904 have a well and looking and that's sort S2BZF0UEtQu-00796-00234905-00235096 of a list of some of the criteria that S2BZF0UEtQu-00797-00235096-00235423 we looked at in addition we were also S2BZF0UEtQu-00798-00235423-00235744 driven by information from where our S2BZF0UEtQu-00799-00235744-00236167 current test borings are located from S2BZF0UEtQu-00800-00236167-00236400 the sort of inception of the program in S2BZF0UEtQu-00801-00236401-00236881 1998 to present we have installed eight S2BZF0UEtQu-00802-00236882-00237073 different test moorings throughout the S2BZF0UEtQu-00803-00237073-00237262 city and they have actually been really S2BZF0UEtQu-00804-00237263-00237457 telling in some cases we found some S2BZF0UEtQu-00805-00237458-00237829 pretty ok amounts of water supply and in S2BZF0UEtQu-00806-00237830-00238039 some cases we found absolutely nothing S2BZF0UEtQu-00807-00238040-00238231 which was quite surprising but really S2BZF0UEtQu-00808-00238232-00238560 helped tell us and inform the geography S2BZF0UEtQu-00809-00238561-00238765 and I will also say a great benefit to S2BZF0UEtQu-00810-00238766-00239131 the test warnings that we did construct S2BZF0UEtQu-00811-00239132-00239296 is that we were able to share all the S2BZF0UEtQu-00812-00239296-00239566 information with the USGS and it really S2BZF0UEtQu-00813-00239567-00239925 helped them shape sort of their S2BZF0UEtQu-00814-00239926-00240229 understanding and the study that they S2BZF0UEtQu-00815-00240230-00240408 did on the Santa Rosa Plain groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00816-00240409-00240819 basin so this map here shows you the 8 S2BZF0UEtQu-00817-00240821-00240994 test points that we put in those are the S2BZF0UEtQu-00818-00240994-00241255 black dots as well as some other wells S2BZF0UEtQu-00819-00241256-00241402 that we still have where we're S2BZF0UEtQu-00820-00241403-00241654 monitoring and getting data from those S2BZF0UEtQu-00821-00241655-00242167 wells so we have had a number of S2BZF0UEtQu-00822-00242167-00242452 challenges in particular property S2BZF0UEtQu-00823-00242453-00242746 acquisition and negotiating site access S2BZF0UEtQu-00824-00242746-00242892 has been difficult S2BZF0UEtQu-00825-00242894-00243069 and I will talk about that a little bit S2BZF0UEtQu-00826-00243071-00243346 more because of that as well as the S2BZF0UEtQu-00827-00243346-00243582 information we had and looking at the S2BZF0UEtQu-00828-00243583-00243921 additional potential supply that we were S2BZF0UEtQu-00829-00243923-00244221 looking for the project team which S2BZF0UEtQu-00830-00244223-00244504 consists of staff from our operations S2BZF0UEtQu-00831-00244505-00245013 staff our planning branch as well as our S2BZF0UEtQu-00832-00245014-00245306 capital improvement project engineers S2BZF0UEtQu-00833-00245307-00245665 revisited with our consultant team what S2BZF0UEtQu-00834-00245666-00245923 we could potentially do to implement S2BZF0UEtQu-00835-00245923-00246231 this program successfully and looked at S2BZF0UEtQu-00836-00246232-00246480 various options including continuing to S2BZF0UEtQu-00837-00246481-00246805 pursue new sites looking at converting S2BZF0UEtQu-00838-00246806-00247071 existing test moorings to emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00839-00247073-00247269 wells which hadn't been considered S2BZF0UEtQu-00840-00247271-00247569 before really reinforcing at making sure S2BZF0UEtQu-00841-00247571-00247777 we're protecting our existing emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00842-00247778-00247990 supply and then looking for S2BZF0UEtQu-00843-00247991-00248242 opportunities for agreements with others S2BZF0UEtQu-00844-00248242-00248479 that may have emergency groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-00845-00248480-00248650 supplies that they're either not using S2BZF0UEtQu-00846-00248651-00248871 or superfluous and would be willing to S2BZF0UEtQu-00847-00248873-00249148 consider having some type of agreement S2BZF0UEtQu-00848-00249148-00249696 with us for those supplies in addition S2BZF0UEtQu-00849-00249698-00250000 we were also finding that the well S2BZF0UEtQu-00850-00250001-00250255 yields that we were hoping to initially S2BZF0UEtQu-00851-00250256-00250591 find such as similar to farmers Lane are S2BZF0UEtQu-00852-00250592-00250884 most likely the exception and that more S2BZF0UEtQu-00853-00250885-00251104 typical well yields are probably in the S2BZF0UEtQu-00854-00251105-00251505 350 to 450 gallons per minute which is S2BZF0UEtQu-00855-00251506-00251944 closer to like a half an mg d and mg d S2BZF0UEtQu-00856-00251944-00252255 as opposed to looking at 1 mg d and so S2BZF0UEtQu-00857-00252256-00252531 we had worked with the ad hoc S2BZF0UEtQu-00858-00252532-00252925 subcommittee to look at these ranges and S2BZF0UEtQu-00859-00252926-00253102 had brought back a sort of S2BZF0UEtQu-00860-00253103-00253323 recommendation that it could be instead S2BZF0UEtQu-00861-00253325-00253494 of looking at 10 to 12 S2BZF0UEtQu-00862-00253496-00254184 we may need 20 wells at build-out so S2BZF0UEtQu-00863-00254185-00254404 based on providing all this information S2BZF0UEtQu-00864-00254405-00254671 we received and worked with the BPU ad S2BZF0UEtQu-00865-00254671-00254926 hoc and came back to the board in 2016 S2BZF0UEtQu-00866-00254927-00255304 and decided to refocus the program and S2BZF0UEtQu-00867-00255305-00255505 receive new direction to convert the S2BZF0UEtQu-00868-00255506-00255783 tests borings to emergency wells to S2BZF0UEtQu-00869-00255784-00256097 continue to pursue property up S2BZF0UEtQu-00870-00256098-00256317 to continue to pursue additional test S2BZF0UEtQu-00871-00256317-00256556 moorings and to look at partnership S2BZF0UEtQu-00872-00256557-00257096 opportunities in terms of costs we S2BZF0UEtQu-00873-00257097-00257342 wanted to provide an update on where we S2BZF0UEtQu-00874-00257343-00257640 are with expenditures on the program so S2BZF0UEtQu-00875-00257641-00257988 since the program was put into effect to S2BZF0UEtQu-00876-00257989-00258278 date we've spent roughly eleven million S2BZF0UEtQu-00877-00258279-00258548 dollars on the program and that includes S2BZF0UEtQu-00878-00258549-00258776 the eight Tests moorings that we've put S2BZF0UEtQu-00879-00258777-00258959 in and related expenses for that S2BZF0UEtQu-00880-00258960-00259325 property acquisition etc it includes the S2BZF0UEtQu-00881-00259326-00259502 development of the groundwater master S2BZF0UEtQu-00882-00259503-00259778 plan as well as the conversion of S2BZF0UEtQu-00883-00259779-00260023 farmers Lane wells to production wells S2BZF0UEtQu-00884-00260024-00260443 in 2004-2005 timeframe S2BZF0UEtQu-00885-00260444-00260825 going forward and looking at most recent S2BZF0UEtQu-00886-00260826-00260999 costs as well as what our costs have S2BZF0UEtQu-00887-00261000-00261356 been to convert one of the test moorings S2BZF0UEtQu-00888-00261357-00261503 which I'll talk about in a moment S2BZF0UEtQu-00889-00261504-00261743 we're anticipating that we're looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-00890-00261744-00261942 between two and a half to three million S2BZF0UEtQu-00891-00261942-00262263 per emergency well and if we do need to S2BZF0UEtQu-00892-00262264-00262541 install all 20 wells it could be a S2BZF0UEtQu-00893-00262542-00262843 capital expense of 60 million dollars S2BZF0UEtQu-00894-00262844-00263171 potentially more so something that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00895-00263172-00263381 need to consider especially as we S2BZF0UEtQu-00896-00263382-00263589 continue to look at various S2BZF0UEtQu-00897-00263590-00263828 infrastructure needs and how we will be S2BZF0UEtQu-00898-00263829-00264050 competing for those limited financial S2BZF0UEtQu-00899-00264051-00264755 resources in addition we have seen that S2BZF0UEtQu-00900-00264756-00264971 the Sonoma County Water Agency has done S2BZF0UEtQu-00901-00264972-00265220 some upgrades to their aqueducts to S2BZF0UEtQu-00902-00265221-00265491 increase their seismic reliability so S2BZF0UEtQu-00903-00265492-00265740 that's reduced potential risk S2BZF0UEtQu-00904-00265741-00266003 hopefully for any kind of disruption to S2BZF0UEtQu-00905-00266004-00266369 their system and we are also going to be S2BZF0UEtQu-00906-00266370-00266660 working with the Water Agency on a S2BZF0UEtQu-00907-00266661-00266940 regional water supply resiliency study S2BZF0UEtQu-00908-00266941-00267320 that contract is tentatively looking to S2BZF0UEtQu-00909-00267321-00267647 go to their board in early next year and S2BZF0UEtQu-00910-00267648-00267881 the first phase of the work would be S2BZF0UEtQu-00911-00267882-00268145 develop modeling framework and plan of S2BZF0UEtQu-00912-00268146-00268409 action for looking at potential options S2BZF0UEtQu-00913-00268410-00268965 and regional water supply resiliency in S2BZF0UEtQu-00914-00268966-00269269 terms of where we are with convert S2BZF0UEtQu-00915-00269270-00269529 and potentially looking at new wells S2BZF0UEtQu-00916-00269530-00269835 these are a number of projects that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00917-00269836-00270019 had started under the emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00918-00270020-00270295 groundwater program I'm pleased to say S2BZF0UEtQu-00919-00270296-00270547 that a place to play is one of the tests S2BZF0UEtQu-00920-00270548-00270681 floorings that we've been looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-00921-00270682-00270909 converting we have completed the design S2BZF0UEtQu-00922-00270910-00271228 and actually the little design at the S2BZF0UEtQu-00923-00271229-00271378 bottom there is going to be sort of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00924-00271379-00271639 designed fence that would be around S2BZF0UEtQu-00925-00271640-00271851 potentially the place to play S2BZF0UEtQu-00926-00271852-00272275 groundwater well we are scheduled to go S2BZF0UEtQu-00927-00272276-00272500 to the Arts in public places committee S2BZF0UEtQu-00928-00272501-00272815 in early December next month and if we S2BZF0UEtQu-00929-00272816-00273028 get approval from them then we can move S2BZF0UEtQu-00930-00273029-00273202 forward to the City Council with a S2BZF0UEtQu-00931-00273203-00273466 master plan amendment and then could S2BZF0UEtQu-00932-00273467-00273705 potentially go out to construction to S2BZF0UEtQu-00933-00273706-00274024 convert that well to or that test boring S2BZF0UEtQu-00934-00274025-00274342 to oh well we also had a test boring at S2BZF0UEtQu-00935-00274343-00274549 madrone school and we worked with them S2BZF0UEtQu-00936-00274550-00274837 quite a bit and due to a number of S2BZF0UEtQu-00937-00274838-00275017 different changes including some changes S2BZF0UEtQu-00938-00275018-00275307 they made to their facility building a S2BZF0UEtQu-00939-00275308-00275784 new track sorry building a new track as S2BZF0UEtQu-00940-00275785-00275982 well as an athletic field they are now S2BZF0UEtQu-00941-00275983-00276187 no longer interested in working with the S2BZF0UEtQu-00942-00276188-00276649 city to have a pump station put on their S2BZF0UEtQu-00943-00276650-00277051 property and then another opportunity S2BZF0UEtQu-00944-00277052-00277273 we're continuing to have some S2BZF0UEtQu-00945-00277274-00277484 discussions with the Parks Department S2BZF0UEtQu-00946-00277485-00277816 about a number of other tests borings S2BZF0UEtQu-00947-00277817-00278047 that are on various parks facilities to S2BZF0UEtQu-00948-00278048-00278401 see if we can look to convert those S2BZF0UEtQu-00949-00278402-00278671 tests borings to emergency wells with S2BZF0UEtQu-00950-00278672-00279091 the associated pump stations we're also S2BZF0UEtQu-00951-00279092-00279453 exploring additional opportunities one S2BZF0UEtQu-00952-00279454-00279625 of the things that we have been in S2BZF0UEtQu-00953-00279626-00279826 discussions with the Parks Department is S2BZF0UEtQu-00954-00279827-00279984 is in relation to the Bennett Valley S2BZF0UEtQu-00955-00279985-00280315 Golf Course they have a need for some S2BZF0UEtQu-00956-00280316-00280618 new wealth for irrigation purposes we S2BZF0UEtQu-00957-00280619-00280924 have a need for potentially emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-00958-00280925-00281103 groundwater supply so it seems like S2BZF0UEtQu-00959-00281104-00281275 there could be a good potential S2BZF0UEtQu-00960-00281276-00281454 partnership opportunity there we're S2BZF0UEtQu-00961-00281455-00281719 exploring what that could look like and S2BZF0UEtQu-00962-00281720-00282033 if there is opportunity there we sort of S2BZF0UEtQu-00963-00282034-00282183 take next steps to identify what that S2BZF0UEtQu-00964-00282184-00282340 would be what the cost would be and S2BZF0UEtQu-00965-00282341-00282513 regulatory if there's any S2BZF0UEtQu-00966-00282514-00282680 just for us to do something of that S2BZF0UEtQu-00967-00282681-00282914 nature but it seems like if we can find S2BZF0UEtQu-00968-00282915-00283151 partnership opportunities that provide S2BZF0UEtQu-00969-00283152-00283430 mutual benefit definitely areas that S2BZF0UEtQu-00970-00283431-00283625 we're looking to target and explore S2BZF0UEtQu-00971-00283626-00283895 we also are still in the process of S2BZF0UEtQu-00972-00283896-00284142 finalizing the easement with the highway S2BZF0UEtQu-00973-00284143-00284330 site that I know cam it in front of the S2BZF0UEtQu-00974-00284331-00284750 board a bit ago a plant we have looked S2BZF0UEtQu-00975-00284751-00285131 at that site from various ways we do own S2BZF0UEtQu-00976-00285132-00285335 that site so that was appealing from S2BZF0UEtQu-00977-00285336-00285527 that perspective it makes it a little S2BZF0UEtQu-00978-00285528-00285725 easier for the property acquisition S2BZF0UEtQu-00979-00285726-00285969 challenges but that has a number of S2BZF0UEtQu-00980-00285970-00286277 constraints so we're making one last S2BZF0UEtQu-00981-00286278-00286470 look to see if there's any potential S2BZF0UEtQu-00982-00286471-00286778 opportunities for a well there but there S2BZF0UEtQu-00983-00286779-00287019 might not be just because of creeks and S2BZF0UEtQu-00984-00287020-00287210 setbacks as well as a number of other S2BZF0UEtQu-00985-00287211-00287452 site conditions that could prevent the S2BZF0UEtQu-00986-00287453-00287828 opportunity for a while and then also we S2BZF0UEtQu-00987-00287829-00288150 had done a lot of work on property that S2BZF0UEtQu-00988-00288151-00288420 we acquired on Spears Road you look at S2BZF0UEtQu-00989-00288421-00288776 putting a emergency well there we've S2BZF0UEtQu-00990-00288777-00289076 continued to have a lot of concerns and S2BZF0UEtQu-00991-00289077-00289239 questions from the residents in that S2BZF0UEtQu-00992-00289240-00289443 area we held three community meetings S2BZF0UEtQu-00993-00289444-00289794 and then of course last year with the S2BZF0UEtQu-00994-00289795-00290019 fires a number of things got postponed S2BZF0UEtQu-00995-00290020-00290231 and disrupted and our focus was S2BZF0UEtQu-00996-00290232-00290438 elsewhere so we haven't been back to S2BZF0UEtQu-00997-00290439-00290670 Spears Road but that's something that we S2BZF0UEtQu-00998-00290671-00290820 do need to sort of regroup and S2BZF0UEtQu-00999-00290821-00291032 reconsider and see how we might move S2BZF0UEtQu-01000-00291033-00291356 that forward we had committed to doing a S2BZF0UEtQu-01001-00291357-00291543 forth community meeting with the S2BZF0UEtQu-01002-00291544-00291956 residents in that area so those are all S2BZF0UEtQu-01003-00291957-00292253 the potential opportunities that we have S2BZF0UEtQu-01004-00292254-00292521 been looking at for new emergency wells S2BZF0UEtQu-01005-00292522-00292749 either test borings that we can convert S2BZF0UEtQu-01006-00292750-00293000 or properties that we have that we own S2BZF0UEtQu-01007-00293001-00293402 in terms of our current emergency supply S2BZF0UEtQu-01008-00293403-00293763 again we're looking to focus on ensuring S2BZF0UEtQu-01009-00293764-00294066 that we keep that emergency supply in S2BZF0UEtQu-01010-00294067-00294444 place we embarked upon upgrades at S2BZF0UEtQu-01011-00294445-00294731 farmers Lane well those upgrades in S2BZF0UEtQu-01012-00294732-00295001 terms of the construction for increasing S2BZF0UEtQu-01013-00295002-00295299 the production capacity S2BZF0UEtQu-01014-00295300-00295599 have been completed and so we're S2BZF0UEtQu-01015-00295600-00295938 finalizing those we have been looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-01016-00295939-00296184 a number of improvements that we have to S2BZF0UEtQu-01017-00296185-00296424 do at Karly and Peter Springs and so S2BZF0UEtQu-01018-00296425-00296781 evaluations have been completed and then S2BZF0UEtQu-01019-00296782-00297078 we would be looking to sort of have S2BZF0UEtQu-01020-00297079-00297384 projects at both of those in the in the S2BZF0UEtQu-01021-00297385-00297714 very near term in terms of leat well we S2BZF0UEtQu-01022-00297715-00297944 are still in the need to evaluate that S2BZF0UEtQu-01023-00297945-00298257 well to see what would be needed for S2BZF0UEtQu-01024-00298258-00298830 rehabilitation and so that will where S2BZF0UEtQu-01025-00298831-00299031 we're gonna complete that and see if S2BZF0UEtQu-01026-00299032-00299226 it's worthwhile for us to make those S2BZF0UEtQu-01027-00299227-00299457 improvements and have that emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-01028-00299458-00299894 supply in our portfolio collectively S2BZF0UEtQu-01029-00299895-00300177 from these wells its potential for S2BZF0UEtQu-01030-00300178-00300438 approximately 15 gallons per person per S2BZF0UEtQu-01031-00300439-00300699 day of emergency supply so that is a S2BZF0UEtQu-01032-00300700-00301188 pretty good amount of supply so in terms S2BZF0UEtQu-01033-00301189-00301629 of where we're going in next steps we S2BZF0UEtQu-01034-00301630-00302091 are suggesting that in 2019 we'd be S2BZF0UEtQu-01035-00302092-00302259 bringing some information back and S2BZF0UEtQu-01036-00302260-00302532 conduct a study session with the BPU to S2BZF0UEtQu-01037-00302533-00302754 relook at the level of service for our S2BZF0UEtQu-01038-00302755-00303156 emergency supply one of the documents S2BZF0UEtQu-01039-00303157-00303588 that we have is recommendation by FEMA S2BZF0UEtQu-01040-00303589-00303876 and EPA and the Red Cross for poor S2BZF0UEtQu-01041-00303877-00304095 emergency supply that could be as low as S2BZF0UEtQu-01042-00304096-00304427 point 5 to 5 gallons per person per day S2BZF0UEtQu-01043-00304428-00304782 I will just acknowledge and quote from S2BZF0UEtQu-01044-00304783-00305076 the document that it is looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-01045-00305077-00305337 drinking food preparation and hygiene S2BZF0UEtQu-01046-00305338-00305630 related to health and safety just for S2BZF0UEtQu-01047-00305631-00305919 residents but emergency water required S2BZF0UEtQu-01048-00305920-00306117 for firefighting hygiene and other needs S2BZF0UEtQu-01049-00306118-00306369 is beyond the scope of that document so S2BZF0UEtQu-01050-00306370-00306546 I just wanted to make that for context S2BZF0UEtQu-01051-00306547-00306744 but that is something we could look at S2BZF0UEtQu-01052-00306745-00306960 that level of service and just providing S2BZF0UEtQu-01053-00306961-00307239 for residents we have the ability to S2BZF0UEtQu-01054-00307240-00307482 utilize our existing wells and S2BZF0UEtQu-01055-00307483-00307725 continuing to reinforce that so getting S2BZF0UEtQu-01056-00307726-00307950 those rehabilitation projects S2BZF0UEtQu-01057-00307951-00308251 implemented at Karly Peter Springs S2BZF0UEtQu-01058-00308252-00308686 Elite and then seeing if it still makes S2BZF0UEtQu-01059-00308687-00309010 sense to use the amount of ground water S2BZF0UEtQu-01060-00309011-00309244 that we considered as part of the S2BZF0UEtQu-01061-00309245-00309445 development of the groundwater master S2BZF0UEtQu-01062-00309446-00309916 plan in addition really focusing on the S2BZF0UEtQu-01063-00309917-00310135 regional opportunities that could be S2BZF0UEtQu-01064-00310136-00310378 available for using existing groundwater S2BZF0UEtQu-01065-00310379-00310654 supplies such as looking at partnering S2BZF0UEtQu-01066-00310655-00310933 with local cities or exploring more S2BZF0UEtQu-01067-00310934-00311181 opportunities that might be there for S2BZF0UEtQu-01068-00311182-00311494 agricultural wells or other potential S2BZF0UEtQu-01069-00311495-00311695 wells where we could look at mutual S2BZF0UEtQu-01070-00311696-00311989 benefits such as if there's another S2BZF0UEtQu-01071-00311990-00312154 opportunity at a different golf course S2BZF0UEtQu-01072-00312155-00312604 or something like that so with that I'm S2BZF0UEtQu-01073-00312605-00312784 happy to answer any questions that you S2BZF0UEtQu-01074-00312785-00313111 may have and thank you for your time S2BZF0UEtQu-01075-00313112-00313750 thank you very much remember for first I S2BZF0UEtQu-01076-00313751-00314131 want to commend staff for taking a look S2BZF0UEtQu-01077-00314132-00314257 at this S2BZF0UEtQu-01078-00314258-00314707 and certainly the five-year kind of plan S2BZF0UEtQu-01079-00314708-00314977 that you stated miss Burke is to really S2BZF0UEtQu-01080-00314978-00315223 go back and look at it where we are I S2BZF0UEtQu-01081-00315224-00315487 think that's what we need to continue to S2BZF0UEtQu-01082-00315488-00315727 be doing that one of the things that S2BZF0UEtQu-01083-00315728-00316261 jumped off in my mind was I know many of S2BZF0UEtQu-01084-00316262-00316444 us including myself when we were S2BZF0UEtQu-01085-00316445-00316711 thinking about establishing an emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-01086-00316712-00316927 groundwater wells system we were S2BZF0UEtQu-01087-00316928-00317212 thinking of earthquake well lo and S2BZF0UEtQu-01088-00317213-00317482 behold we got a serious fire a year ago S2BZF0UEtQu-01089-00317483-00317914 which was certainly category emergency S2BZF0UEtQu-01090-00317915-00318190 but it has different repercussions than S2BZF0UEtQu-01091-00318191-00318379 an earthquake would when we were trying S2BZF0UEtQu-01092-00318380-00318529 to say how are we going to get water S2BZF0UEtQu-01093-00318530-00318763 from the west side of our community over S2BZF0UEtQu-01094-00318764-00318979 to help supply the east side of our S2BZF0UEtQu-01095-00318980-00319210 community so I think we do have to S2BZF0UEtQu-01096-00319211-00319519 continue to look at this issues and S2BZF0UEtQu-01097-00319520-00319852 adjust as conditions change or our S2BZF0UEtQu-01098-00319853-00320284 knowledge changes I was very happy to S2BZF0UEtQu-01099-00320285-00320656 see that I still want to call it the S2BZF0UEtQu-01100-00320657-00321083 Sonoma County Water Agency but I have S2BZF0UEtQu-01101-00321084-00321303 that they're looking at what's their S2BZF0UEtQu-01102-00321304-00321588 resiliency because if something really S2BZF0UEtQu-01103-00321589-00322004 serious happens in their neighborhood S2BZF0UEtQu-01104-00322005-00322269 then we don't have any water supply S2BZF0UEtQu-01105-00322270-00322503 coming from the east potentially for S2BZF0UEtQu-01106-00322504-00322808 some period of time so I think some of S2BZF0UEtQu-01107-00322809-00322950 the other things that you're doing is S2BZF0UEtQu-01108-00322951-00323169 looking at regional partnering with S2BZF0UEtQu-01109-00323170-00323520 Rotary Park egg whatever else may also S2BZF0UEtQu-01110-00323521-00323882 be very fruitful for us to look at so S2BZF0UEtQu-01111-00323883-00324120 I'm happy with the fact that you're S2BZF0UEtQu-01112-00324121-00324308 making progress about this and we're not S2BZF0UEtQu-01113-00324309-00324707 stuck going down the same road without S2BZF0UEtQu-01114-00324708-00324942 evaluating is it still the best road to S2BZF0UEtQu-01115-00324943-00324975 go down S2BZF0UEtQu-01116-00324976-00325788 so I appreciate so I remember dad said S2BZF0UEtQu-01117-00325789-00326057 if we were looking for partnerships S2BZF0UEtQu-01118-00326058-00326307 should we be looking to the county the S2BZF0UEtQu-01119-00326308-00326469 Sonoma County water that's one of our S2BZF0UEtQu-01120-00326470-00326712 partners in developing more resiliency S2BZF0UEtQu-01121-00326713-00326957 then we buy a lot of water from Sonoma S2BZF0UEtQu-01122-00326958-00327149 County water into what extent does S2BZF0UEtQu-01123-00327150-00327560 purchase impose on them obligation to S2BZF0UEtQu-01124-00327561-00327917 assist us in weathering emergencies S2BZF0UEtQu-01125-00327918-00328155 yeah I think that's a great question and S2BZF0UEtQu-01126-00328156-00328431 I think that's part of what the regional S2BZF0UEtQu-01127-00328432-00328695 resiliency water supply is gonna look at S2BZF0UEtQu-01128-00328696-00328881 it's gonna sort of develop a framework S2BZF0UEtQu-01129-00328882-00329067 and a model so that we can look at S2BZF0UEtQu-01130-00329068-00329247 different scenarios whether it's an S2BZF0UEtQu-01131-00329248-00329448 emergency scenario whether it's climate S2BZF0UEtQu-01132-00329449-00329664 change scenarios and the impacts that S2BZF0UEtQu-01133-00329665-00329834 that will potentially have on their S2BZF0UEtQu-01134-00329835-00330000 water supply and what that means and S2BZF0UEtQu-01135-00330001-00330147 where they would potentially have S2BZF0UEtQu-01136-00330148-00330438 troubles with their infrastructure and S2BZF0UEtQu-01137-00330439-00330747 and could there be opportunities for us S2BZF0UEtQu-01138-00330748-00331191 to look at developing things with groups S2BZF0UEtQu-01139-00331192-00331446 of contractors with the Water Agency etc S2BZF0UEtQu-01140-00331447-00331596 so I think all of that is going to be S2BZF0UEtQu-01141-00331597-00332394 looked at as well yeah I second all S2BZF0UEtQu-01142-00332395-00332625 these comments in terms of resiliency S2BZF0UEtQu-01143-00332626-00332997 and contingencies it seems to be who of S2BZF0UEtQu-01144-00332998-00333204 us to have as much diversity you know S2BZF0UEtQu-01145-00333205-00333378 much diversity in our portfolio as S2BZF0UEtQu-01146-00333379-00333674 possible at this moment especially S2BZF0UEtQu-01147-00333675-00334056 considering just the likelihood of more S2BZF0UEtQu-01148-00334057-00334269 massive wildfires and from what I S2BZF0UEtQu-01149-00334270-00334800 understand the the the lack of moisture S2BZF0UEtQu-01150-00334801-00335136 the continual decline in in moisture S2BZF0UEtQu-01151-00335137-00335394 content and vegetation relative to S2BZF0UEtQu-01152-00335395-00335580 temperature changes is apparently S2BZF0UEtQu-01153-00335581-00335837 exponential and so you know just S2BZF0UEtQu-01154-00335838-00336105 adapting to that through diversification S2BZF0UEtQu-01155-00336106-00336489 of it seems to be our duty to do that at S2BZF0UEtQu-01156-00336490-00336705 that's at with Lisa Michaela dr. Lisa S2BZF0UEtQu-01157-00336706-00336927 McKay Lea Pepperwood yesterday and she S2BZF0UEtQu-01158-00336928-00337101 is working with the Water Agency on S2BZF0UEtQu-01159-00337102-00337302 their Hazard Mitigation plan for Lake S2BZF0UEtQu-01160-00337303-00337536 Sonoma for instance and I know last year S2BZF0UEtQu-01161-00337537-00337701 at the watershed task force we had S2BZF0UEtQu-01162-00337702-00337902 discussed a similar sort of S2BZF0UEtQu-01163-00337903-00338097 contingencies if there were to be a S2BZF0UEtQu-01164-00338098-00338295 severe carbon contamination of any of S2BZF0UEtQu-01165-00338296-00338568 the gravel filtration system in the S2BZF0UEtQu-01166-00338569-00338913 Russian River so it does seem to me too S2BZF0UEtQu-01167-00338914-00339551 for us to have as many not just many but S2BZF0UEtQu-01168-00339552-00339861 geographically diverse locations in S2BZF0UEtQu-01169-00339862-00340092 terms of of emergency groundwater wells S2BZF0UEtQu-01170-00340093-00340362 with as many partners as possible and S2BZF0UEtQu-01171-00340363-00340515 maybe with the infrastructure in place S2BZF0UEtQu-01172-00340516-00340818 to be able to onboard that quickly I S2BZF0UEtQu-01173-00340819-00341136 just think it's you know crucial so S2BZF0UEtQu-01174-00341137-00341823 thank you thank you thank you again I S2BZF0UEtQu-01175-00341824-00342003 want to second the comments earlier S2BZF0UEtQu-01176-00342004-00342384 about the presentation how thorough and S2BZF0UEtQu-01177-00342385-00342741 obviously the staff has spent a lot of S2BZF0UEtQu-01178-00342742-00343029 time to develop this this program and S2BZF0UEtQu-01179-00343030-00343283 over the years and bring it forward S2BZF0UEtQu-01180-00343284-00343470 following up on some of the earlier S2BZF0UEtQu-01181-00343471-00343865 comments about disaster preparedness and S2BZF0UEtQu-01182-00343866-00344220 the example being the the fires a year S2BZF0UEtQu-01183-00344221-00344562 ago here where it it devastated to Santa S2BZF0UEtQu-01184-00344563-00344814 Rosa but didn't devastate runner park or S2BZF0UEtQu-01185-00344815-00345135 it didn't devastate Windsor and the S2BZF0UEtQu-01186-00345136-00345537 Sonoma Water Agency is sort of the big S2BZF0UEtQu-01187-00345538-00345735 dog in this because we're all sort of S2BZF0UEtQu-01188-00345736-00345966 connected to them in some way or another S2BZF0UEtQu-01189-00345967-00346310 and so it's part of our regional effort S2BZF0UEtQu-01190-00346311-00346728 that she described as as the resiliency S2BZF0UEtQu-01191-00346729-00346923 study is that the one that's looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-01192-00346924-00347316 the regional effort about all the S2BZF0UEtQu-01193-00347317-00347526 stakeholders coming and coming up with S2BZF0UEtQu-01194-00347527-00347834 something for the whole basin that would S2BZF0UEtQu-01195-00347835-00348078 meet all of our needs because the fact S2BZF0UEtQu-01196-00348079-00348230 that we're already have infrastructure S2BZF0UEtQu-01197-00348231-00348501 connecting us gives the ability in a S2BZF0UEtQu-01198-00348502-00348658 scenario that we just had a year ago S2BZF0UEtQu-01199-00348659-00349038 two-wheel water from runner Park all the S2BZF0UEtQu-01200-00349039-00349457 way down in Marin to meet the disaster S2BZF0UEtQu-01201-00349458-00349781 needs up here or vice versa if it got S2BZF0UEtQu-01202-00349782-00350009 for a bit if it happens again so is that S2BZF0UEtQu-01203-00350010-00350210 part of this regional effort this S2BZF0UEtQu-01204-00350211-00350418 resiliency study that you were S2BZF0UEtQu-01205-00350419-00350703 describing so so we're still putting S2BZF0UEtQu-01206-00350704-00350903 that together and working on the scope S2BZF0UEtQu-01207-00350904-00351083 and the contract would be going like I S2BZF0UEtQu-01208-00351084-00351276 said early next year but yes that is the S2BZF0UEtQu-01209-00351277-00351634 intent is to look at the water agencies S2BZF0UEtQu-01210-00351635-00351956 infrastructure and coordination with all S2BZF0UEtQu-01211-00351957-00352253 of the contractors infrastructure and do S2BZF0UEtQu-01212-00352254-00352532 some modeling work to understand where S2BZF0UEtQu-01213-00352533-00352732 there could be potential disruptions S2BZF0UEtQu-01214-00352733-00352958 what those could be what those could S2BZF0UEtQu-01215-00352959-00353156 mean and and looking at the gamut from S2BZF0UEtQu-01216-00353157-00353435 you know natural disasters that happen S2BZF0UEtQu-01217-00353436-00353670 sort of instantaneously like earthquake S2BZF0UEtQu-01218-00353671-00353862 or fire something to that effect to S2BZF0UEtQu-01219-00353863-00354096 things like climate change to really see S2BZF0UEtQu-01220-00354097-00354492 where we could look to develop potential S2BZF0UEtQu-01221-00354493-00354675 projects and and really look at the S2BZF0UEtQu-01222-00354676-00354864 modeling so it'll be a two phased S2BZF0UEtQu-01223-00354865-00355055 approach that the first will be sort of S2BZF0UEtQu-01224-00355056-00355188 putting the parameters together and what S2BZF0UEtQu-01225-00355189-00355497 we want to look at and then once all S2BZF0UEtQu-01226-00355498-00355695 that's built then it would be actually S2BZF0UEtQu-01227-00355696-00355907 running a number building the model and S2BZF0UEtQu-01228-00355908-00356214 running a number of those scenarios so S2BZF0UEtQu-01229-00356215-00356531 as that sort of discussion been taking S2BZF0UEtQu-01230-00356532-00356865 place in the water agencies sonoma S2BZF0UEtQu-01231-00356866-00357192 waters study in the last year or so so S2BZF0UEtQu-01232-00357193-00357588 we there have been a lot of discussions S2BZF0UEtQu-01233-00357589-00357768 to kind of look at more regional S2BZF0UEtQu-01234-00357769-00357935 opportunities and S2BZF0UEtQu-01235-00357936-00358478 the water agency put out an rfp and so a S2BZF0UEtQu-01236-00358479-00358737 number of the contractors sat on the S2BZF0UEtQu-01237-00358738-00359040 proposal review including santa rosa and S2BZF0UEtQu-01238-00359041-00359238 looked at the various consultant S2BZF0UEtQu-01239-00359239-00359384 proposals and what we're looking at and S2BZF0UEtQu-01240-00359385-00359627 so it's it's it's brand-new it's just S2BZF0UEtQu-01241-00359628-00359814 starting but that's what we'll be S2BZF0UEtQu-01242-00359815-00360050 looking at going forward and so how S2BZF0UEtQu-01243-00360051-00360318 those opportunities could work with and S2BZF0UEtQu-01244-00360319-00360653 potentially alleviate perhaps our need S2BZF0UEtQu-01245-00360654-00360846 to develop as much groundwater and S2BZF0UEtQu-01246-00360847-00361323 that's what we'd be looking at and my S2BZF0UEtQu-01247-00361324-00361866 last question is some years back i they S2BZF0UEtQu-01248-00361867-00362115 there was a part of a study was also on S2BZF0UEtQu-01249-00362116-00362319 ground rudder water recharge trying to S2BZF0UEtQu-01250-00362320-00362517 look at the Russian River at the excess S2BZF0UEtQu-01251-00362518-00362715 water that goes out to the ocean in the S2BZF0UEtQu-01252-00362716-00362919 wintertime and capturing some of that S2BZF0UEtQu-01253-00362920-00363120 and bringing it back and recharging S2BZF0UEtQu-01254-00363121-00363380 which may work on some of these well S2BZF0UEtQu-01255-00363381-00363554 sites that you described that we hope to S2BZF0UEtQu-01256-00363555-00363846 get a higher yield but testing has shown S2BZF0UEtQu-01257-00363847-00364047 that it isn't is that still a part of S2BZF0UEtQu-01258-00364048-00364341 what we're looking at so two different S2BZF0UEtQu-01259-00364342-00364574 things two different studies one is aqua S2BZF0UEtQu-01260-00364575-00364802 storage and recovery and so looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-01261-00364803-00364992 so those higher winter flows and seeing S2BZF0UEtQu-01262-00364993-00365142 if we can move those through the water S2BZF0UEtQu-01263-00365143-00365315 agencies infrastructure and then S2BZF0UEtQu-01264-00365316-00365622 recharge the groundwater Basin and then S2BZF0UEtQu-01265-00365623-00365814 potentially bring those slows up in S2BZF0UEtQu-01266-00365815-00365981 terms of higher demand or bring that S2BZF0UEtQu-01267-00365982-00366254 water back up so there is a pilot study S2BZF0UEtQu-01268-00366255-00366420 that is occurring as a partnership S2BZF0UEtQu-01269-00366421-00366710 between this is gonna sound funny so no S2BZF0UEtQu-01270-00366711-00366945 more water in Sonoma water no City of S2BZF0UEtQu-01271-00366946-00367137 Sonoma with the Sonoma County Water S2BZF0UEtQu-01272-00367138-00367375 Agency Sonoma water so they are S2BZF0UEtQu-01273-00367376-00367802 partnering together on a pilot study for S2BZF0UEtQu-01274-00367803-00367982 aquifer storage and recovery they built S2BZF0UEtQu-01275-00367983-00368180 the sort of regulatory framework working S2BZF0UEtQu-01276-00368181-00368322 with the regional board to look at those S2BZF0UEtQu-01277-00368323-00368613 options and so if that is successful S2BZF0UEtQu-01278-00368614-00368817 there could be potential future S2BZF0UEtQu-01279-00368818-00369143 additional options for other entities S2BZF0UEtQu-01280-00369144-00369323 including Santa Rosa and other S2BZF0UEtQu-01281-00369324-00369615 contractors they also did a study S2BZF0UEtQu-01282-00369616-00369888 looking at three different geographical S2BZF0UEtQu-01283-00369889-00370346 areas on sort of stormwater retention S2BZF0UEtQu-01284-00370347-00370598 recharge of the basin and looking at S2BZF0UEtQu-01285-00370599-00370877 opportunities for projects that could S2BZF0UEtQu-01286-00370878-00371240 provide both sort of stormwater benefit S2BZF0UEtQu-01287-00371241-00371525 in terms of slowing sinking the water S2BZF0UEtQu-01288-00371526-00371693 into the basin and groundwater recharge S2BZF0UEtQu-01289-00371694-00371959 and so those studies have also been done S2BZF0UEtQu-01290-00371960-00372251 looked at various things and I think you S2BZF0UEtQu-01291-00372252-00372452 know going forward those will also be S2BZF0UEtQu-01292-00372453-00372684 things that would help shape potentially S2BZF0UEtQu-01293-00372685-00373067 where we're looking to go with the S2BZF0UEtQu-01294-00373068-00373253 groundwater sustainability plan in S2BZF0UEtQu-01295-00373254-00373481 relation to the GSA and kind of looking S2BZF0UEtQu-01296-00373482-00373673 at the groundwater Basin so there's a S2BZF0UEtQu-01297-00373674-00373805 couple different things that are being S2BZF0UEtQu-01298-00373806-00373997 looked at and hopefully that kind of S2BZF0UEtQu-01299-00373998-00374555 type those together questions thank you S2BZF0UEtQu-01300-00374556-00374935 very much thank you we have one item on S2BZF0UEtQu-01301-00374936-00375083 the consent calendar does anybody wish S2BZF0UEtQu-01302-00375084-00375197 to remove that item from the consent S2BZF0UEtQu-01303-00375198-00375503 calendar do I have a motion to approve S2BZF0UEtQu-01304-00375504-00376134 the consent calendar moved and seconded S2BZF0UEtQu-01305-00376135-00376505 all in favor say aye aye opposed S2BZF0UEtQu-01306-00376506-00377030 abstentions thank you that brings us to S2BZF0UEtQu-01307-00377031-00377756 the riveting topic don't be scared by S2BZF0UEtQu-01308-00377757-00378101 the size of the attachments the the S2BZF0UEtQu-01309-00378102-00378409 presentation is pretty brief and clear S2BZF0UEtQu-01310-00378410-00378664 as you would expect for a refinance S2BZF0UEtQu-01311-00378665-00380353 great S2BZF0UEtQu-01312-00380354-00380640 good afternoon vice-chairman Arno nian S2BZF0UEtQu-01313-00380641-00380873 members of the boards I'm here just to S2BZF0UEtQu-01314-00380874-00381069 introduce our financial advisors who S2BZF0UEtQu-01315-00381070-00381209 will be giving the presentation for you S2BZF0UEtQu-01316-00381210-00381294 today S2BZF0UEtQu-01317-00381295-00381608 several months ago the financial S2BZF0UEtQu-01318-00381609-00381755 advisors came to us and said that S2BZF0UEtQu-01319-00381756-00381926 there's a good opportunity for us to get S2BZF0UEtQu-01320-00381927-00382181 some savings by refunding our bonds and S2BZF0UEtQu-01321-00382182-00382416 so we have been working at a fairly S2BZF0UEtQu-01322-00382417-00382695 quick pace to try to get this taken care S2BZF0UEtQu-01323-00382696-00382928 of before interest rates are rising and S2BZF0UEtQu-01324-00382929-00383198 before the end of the year and so with S2BZF0UEtQu-01325-00383199-00383463 that we have been working to gather all S2BZF0UEtQu-01326-00383464-00383721 the data that's needed for that and we S2BZF0UEtQu-01327-00383722-00384104 will be moving forward if you recommend S2BZF0UEtQu-01328-00384105-00384377 to the City Council on the 27th of S2BZF0UEtQu-01329-00384378-00384672 November and so I'm going to pass it S2BZF0UEtQu-01330-00384673-00384963 over to Sarah from pfm and she is going S2BZF0UEtQu-01331-00384964-00385194 to provide all of the presentation S2BZF0UEtQu-01332-00385195-00385727 information thank you good afternoon S2BZF0UEtQu-01333-00385728-00385952 thank you Sara Holland Becca my managing S2BZF0UEtQu-01334-00385953-00386156 director with pfm Financial Advisors and S2BZF0UEtQu-01335-00386157-00386285 we've had the pleasure of working with S2BZF0UEtQu-01336-00386286-00386487 the city for many years so it's a S2BZF0UEtQu-01337-00386488-00386865 pleasure before you again today as was S2BZF0UEtQu-01338-00386866-00387122 indicated we have been working to S2BZF0UEtQu-01339-00387123-00387329 capture what's it continues to be a very S2BZF0UEtQu-01340-00387330-00387704 favorable rate environment to take S2BZF0UEtQu-01341-00387705-00387974 advantage of an opportunity to generate S2BZF0UEtQu-01342-00387975-00388358 savings both with respect to water S2BZF0UEtQu-01343-00388359-00388604 revenue bonds that the city has S2BZF0UEtQu-01344-00388605-00388791 outstanding as well as a series of S2BZF0UEtQu-01345-00388792-00389105 wastewater revenue bonds the chart S2BZF0UEtQu-01346-00389106-00389541 before you reflects both the current S2BZF0UEtQu-01347-00389542-00389882 interest rate yield curve for the what's S2BZF0UEtQu-01348-00389883-00390090 the benchmark in the municipal market S2BZF0UEtQu-01349-00390091-00390468 the MMD index and that is the line on S2BZF0UEtQu-01350-00390469-00390707 the graph the yield curve ranging from S2BZF0UEtQu-01351-00390708-00390977 years 1 through 30 and as you can see S2BZF0UEtQu-01352-00390978-00391334 while with the recent Fed action the S2BZF0UEtQu-01353-00391335-00391547 shorter end so the one-year interest S2BZF0UEtQu-01354-00391548-00391872 rate has come up so that it's now about S2BZF0UEtQu-01355-00391873-00392201 2% long-term rates continue to be very S2BZF0UEtQu-01356-00392202-00392269 attractive S2BZF0UEtQu-01357-00392270-00392556 of just about three and a half percent S2BZF0UEtQu-01358-00392557-00392929 so there is still an opportunity to save S2BZF0UEtQu-01359-00392930-00393183 money in today's market and the S2BZF0UEtQu-01360-00393184-00393466 percentages which is the left-hand axis S2BZF0UEtQu-01361-00393467-00393694 shows the percentage of time that that S2BZF0UEtQu-01362-00393695-00393957 municipal market benchmark index the MMD S2BZF0UEtQu-01363-00393958-00394192 index has been below the rate it is S2BZF0UEtQu-01364-00394193-00394353 today so as you can see while the S2BZF0UEtQu-01365-00394354-00394635 short-term rates are about you know half S2BZF0UEtQu-01366-00394636-00394849 the time they've been lower since the S2BZF0UEtQu-01367-00394850-00395190 historic this index goes back to 1993 S2BZF0UEtQu-01368-00395191-00395556 when you get out to ten years and Beyond S2BZF0UEtQu-01369-00395557-00395788 rates really haven't been lower than S2BZF0UEtQu-01370-00395789-00396091 today you know more than thirty twenty S2BZF0UEtQu-01371-00396092-00396241 to thirty percent of the time so we're S2BZF0UEtQu-01372-00396242-00396427 still in a very favorable market from a S2BZF0UEtQu-01373-00396428-00396679 historic perspective and that creates S2BZF0UEtQu-01374-00396680-00396799 the opportunities we're going to talk S2BZF0UEtQu-01375-00396800-00396979 about to refinance and capture some S2BZF0UEtQu-01376-00396980-00397321 savings the proposed refunding S2BZF0UEtQu-01377-00397322-00397738 transaction on the water system side is S2BZF0UEtQu-01378-00397739-00398080 to refinance the outstanding series 2008 S2BZF0UEtQu-01379-00398081-00398380 water revenue bonds that will allow us S2BZF0UEtQu-01380-00398381-00398599 to achieve that service savings it's S2BZF0UEtQu-01381-00398600-00398851 about a million excuse me eleven million S2BZF0UEtQu-01382-00398852-00399001 dollars of bonds that are outstanding S2BZF0UEtQu-01383-00399002-00399178 and we would expect to be able to S2BZF0UEtQu-01384-00399179-00399451 generate about 1.2 million of net S2BZF0UEtQu-01385-00399452-00399664 present value savings which translates S2BZF0UEtQu-01386-00399665-00399807 into about a hundred and thirty-two S2BZF0UEtQu-01387-00399808-00400027 thousand of cash flow savings on an S2BZF0UEtQu-01388-00400028-00400366 annual basis part of what's generating S2BZF0UEtQu-01389-00400367-00400717 this advantageous result is the fact S2BZF0UEtQu-01390-00400718-00401002 that the investor marketplace with the S2BZF0UEtQu-01391-00401003-00401203 ratings that you carry on this debt S2BZF0UEtQu-01392-00401204-00401464 which are Double A plus from Standard S2BZF0UEtQu-01393-00401465-00401727 and Poor's and Double A - from Moody's S2BZF0UEtQu-01394-00401728-00402123 the investors no longer require S2BZF0UEtQu-01395-00402124-00402381 utilities with these strong ratings to S2BZF0UEtQu-01396-00402382-00402708 carry a reserve fund so you're able to S2BZF0UEtQu-01397-00402709-00402933 use the cash that's in the reserve fund S2BZF0UEtQu-01398-00402934-00403204 to reduce the size of the refunding S2BZF0UEtQu-01399-00403205-00403407 issuance and that helps to enhance the S2BZF0UEtQu-01400-00403408-00403785 savings which relative to the benchmark S2BZF0UEtQu-01401-00403786-00404137 in municipal finance of refinancing S2BZF0UEtQu-01402-00404138-00404374 bonds that generate at least a minimum S2BZF0UEtQu-01403-00404375-00404563 threshold of three percent savings we're S2BZF0UEtQu-01404-00404564-00404881 looking at about eleven percent S2BZF0UEtQu-01405-00404882-00405192 so that's a very favorable outcome and S2BZF0UEtQu-01406-00405193-00405508 the final maturity is still going to S2BZF0UEtQu-01407-00405509-00405829 stay the same which is September 1 of S2BZF0UEtQu-01408-00405830-00406030 twenty thirty eight and all the costs of S2BZF0UEtQu-01409-00406031-00406228 executing the transaction are taken into S2BZF0UEtQu-01410-00406229-00406594 account in estimating the savings before S2BZF0UEtQu-01411-00406595-00406807 you so in other words they're rolled S2BZF0UEtQu-01412-00406808-00406972 into what you're seeing there there's S2BZF0UEtQu-01413-00406973-00407165 not you know costs that are going to be S2BZF0UEtQu-01414-00407166-00407496 taken out of of that savings figure S2BZF0UEtQu-01415-00407497-00407908 moving on to the wastewater system we S2BZF0UEtQu-01416-00407909-00408235 have about seventeen point seven million S2BZF0UEtQu-01417-00408236-00408649 of 2007 a wastewater revenue bonds that S2BZF0UEtQu-01418-00408650-00408914 we could not refinance when we refinance S2BZF0UEtQu-01419-00408915-00409262 the rest of the 2007 a bonds in a prior S2BZF0UEtQu-01420-00409263-00409565 I think it was in 2016 and that just had S2BZF0UEtQu-01421-00409566-00409868 to do with the tax required that some S2BZF0UEtQu-01422-00409868-00410103 tax restrictions on those bonds they S2BZF0UEtQu-01423-00410104-00410335 without getting into the particulars it S2BZF0UEtQu-01424-00410336-00410533 wasn't something we had an opportunity S2BZF0UEtQu-01425-00410534-00410687 to do then but we knew we would want to S2BZF0UEtQu-01426-00410688-00410872 do it in the future and we're now back S2BZF0UEtQu-01427-00410873-00411341 to recommend refinancing the remaining S2BZF0UEtQu-01428-00411342-00411724 portion of the 2007 a bonds we expect S2BZF0UEtQu-01429-00411725-00412037 that this will generate about eight S2BZF0UEtQu-01430-00412038-00412285 hundred and fifty almost thousand of net S2BZF0UEtQu-01431-00412286-00412493 present value saving so it's not as S2BZF0UEtQu-01432-00412493-00412735 robust but it's primarily because we've S2BZF0UEtQu-01433-00412736-00412966 already refinanced the rest of those S2BZF0UEtQu-01434-00412967-00413164 those bonds that were very attractive S2BZF0UEtQu-01435-00413165-00413341 from a savings perspective but it does S2BZF0UEtQu-01436-00413342-00413584 generate about fifty four thousand on an S2BZF0UEtQu-01437-00413585-00414010 annual cash flow basis and is achieving S2BZF0UEtQu-01438-00414011-00414385 about four point eight percent savings S2BZF0UEtQu-01439-00414386-00414682 so while we're in the market and while S2BZF0UEtQu-01440-00414683-00414883 we're putting your staff through all the S2BZF0UEtQu-01441-00414884-00415051 trials and tribulations of pulling S2BZF0UEtQu-01442-00415052-00415306 together a bond financing it seemed to S2BZF0UEtQu-01443-00415307-00415697 be advantageous to to go ahead and S2BZF0UEtQu-01444-00415697-00415901 generate these savings because we do S2BZF0UEtQu-01445-00415902-00416089 know that every bit counts and there are S2BZF0UEtQu-01446-00416090-00416287 significant capital projects coming S2BZF0UEtQu-01447-00416288-00416605 forward so the better position we can S2BZF0UEtQu-01448-00416606-00416976 put the the city in to be able to S2BZF0UEtQu-01449-00416977-00417197 potentially finance those projects or S2BZF0UEtQu-01450-00417197-00417334 some portion of those projects in the S2BZF0UEtQu-01451-00417335-00417566 future seem to be the right thing to S2BZF0UEtQu-01452-00417567-00417880 suggest that you would do I would note S2BZF0UEtQu-01453-00417881-00418147 that the savings reflected here S2BZF0UEtQu-01454-00418147-00418626 assume we're in a process of seeking and S2BZF0UEtQu-01455-00418627-00418901 discussing consent some small changes to S2BZF0UEtQu-01456-00418902-00419212 the outstanding debt service surety bond S2BZF0UEtQu-01457-00419213-00419409 which is currently satisfying the S2BZF0UEtQu-01458-00419410-00419704 reserve requirement with respect to the S2BZF0UEtQu-01459-00419705-00419947 outstanding 2007 bonds in the reserve S2BZF0UEtQu-01460-00419947-00420510 fund and the bond insurer am back is we S2BZF0UEtQu-01461-00420512-00420916 expect we'll agree to certain changes to S2BZF0UEtQu-01462-00420917-00421204 the reserve surety bond language that S2BZF0UEtQu-01463-00421205-00421420 are needed to be able to effectuate this S2BZF0UEtQu-01464-00421421-00421780 transaction so we are wanted to just S2BZF0UEtQu-01465-00421781-00421891 bring your attention to the fact that S2BZF0UEtQu-01466-00421892-00422050 that's a process that's ongoing we S2BZF0UEtQu-01467-00422051-00422212 expect a favorable result we just S2BZF0UEtQu-01468-00422213-00422407 haven't gotten them to move as quickly S2BZF0UEtQu-01469-00422408-00422701 as we would have liked we do expect that S2BZF0UEtQu-01470-00422702-00423010 that will be wrapped up prior to the S2BZF0UEtQu-01471-00423010-00423493 council action on this item and if you S2BZF0UEtQu-01472-00423493-00423652 want to know more details about that S2BZF0UEtQu-01473-00423653-00423835 process Chris Lynch from Jones hall S2BZF0UEtQu-01474-00423835-00424012 who's the city's bond counsel is also S2BZF0UEtQu-01475-00424013-00424204 here and could share more details with S2BZF0UEtQu-01476-00424205-00424630 you again the final maturity on these S2BZF0UEtQu-01477-00424631-00424951 bonds is not changing these bonds do S2BZF0UEtQu-01478-00424952-00425329 mature 9:1 of 2037 and that isn't S2BZF0UEtQu-01479-00425330-00425593 changing and again the costs associated S2BZF0UEtQu-01480-00425593-00425845 with the completion of this refinancing S2BZF0UEtQu-01481-00425846-00426166 are taken into account in their savings S2BZF0UEtQu-01482-00426167-00426985 numbers that you see before you so just S2BZF0UEtQu-01483-00426985-00427270 to run through the next steps that we S2BZF0UEtQu-01484-00427271-00427614 will be taking as I mentioned should the S2BZF0UEtQu-01485-00427616-00427909 board choose to forward this to the City S2BZF0UEtQu-01486-00427910-00428134 Council we would anticipate bringing S2BZF0UEtQu-01487-00428135-00428368 both of these items to the council on S2BZF0UEtQu-01488-00428368-00428953 November 27th we have a rating call S2BZF0UEtQu-01489-00428954-00429166 scheduled with Standard & Poor's next S2BZF0UEtQu-01490-00429167-00429559 week we are only seeking one rating from S2BZF0UEtQu-01491-00429560-00429802 Standard & Poor's for each of these the S2BZF0UEtQu-01492-00429803-00429997 the enterprise's do have outstanding S2BZF0UEtQu-01493-00429997-00430171 ratings from both Standard & Poor's and S2BZF0UEtQu-01494-00430172-00430417 Moody's but given the size of these S2BZF0UEtQu-01495-00430418-00430743 transactions and the fact that the S2BZF0UEtQu-01496-00430745-00431243 market does not require multiple ratings S2BZF0UEtQu-01497-00431245-00431583 the way that it used to particularly for S2BZF0UEtQu-01498-00431584-00431760 smaller transactions like this it's S2BZF0UEtQu-01499-00431760-00431970 simply not cost-effective to pay for S2BZF0UEtQu-01500-00431971-00432189 another twenty to twenty-five thousand S2BZF0UEtQu-01501-00432189-00432441 dollar rating so investors it's very S2BZF0UEtQu-01502-00432442-00432696 common in the current market to see S2BZF0UEtQu-01503-00432697-00432930 transactions of this size and this size S2BZF0UEtQu-01504-00432931-00433143 range with a single rating from Standard S2BZF0UEtQu-01505-00433143-00433371 & Poor's and to be honest with you S2BZF0UEtQu-01506-00433372-00433506 Moody's while they don't like it they S2BZF0UEtQu-01507-00433507-00433776 understand the ratings are split and you S2BZF0UEtQu-01508-00433777-00433983 have a higher rating for a from S&P on S2BZF0UEtQu-01509-00433984-00434243 each of these credits and we've had the S2BZF0UEtQu-01510-00434245-00434388 conversation with Moody's they don't S2BZF0UEtQu-01511-00434389-00434529 take it personally and they're not gonna S2BZF0UEtQu-01512-00434530-00434730 do anything to your existing outstanding S2BZF0UEtQu-01513-00434731-00434934 rating as a result of you not seeking a S2BZF0UEtQu-01514-00434935-00435279 rating on these refunding bonds however S2BZF0UEtQu-01515-00435280-00435501 it just is an additional cost that would S2BZF0UEtQu-01516-00435502-00435864 offset you know diminish the savings so S2BZF0UEtQu-01517-00435864-00436179 it doesn't preclude a decision you might S2BZF0UEtQu-01518-00436180-00436389 make on a future transaction that might S2BZF0UEtQu-01519-00436389-00436632 be larger to go ahead and seek multiple S2BZF0UEtQu-01520-00436633-00436899 ratings again but it's just the most S2BZF0UEtQu-01521-00436900-00437208 efficient way to proceed with this these S2BZF0UEtQu-01522-00437209-00437589 transactions so with that being said we S2BZF0UEtQu-01523-00437589-00437766 would anticipate receiving that rating S2BZF0UEtQu-01524-00437767-00438039 the week of the 26th and then hope to S2BZF0UEtQu-01525-00438039-00438252 price the bonds the first week of S2BZF0UEtQu-01526-00438253-00438696 December to be closed in early January S2BZF0UEtQu-01527-00438697-00439074 and we'd be happy to respond to any S2BZF0UEtQu-01528-00439075-00439343 questions you might have great thank you S2BZF0UEtQu-01529-00439345-00439518 very much and that was the presentation S2BZF0UEtQu-01530-00439518-00440517 of those item 7.1 and 7.2 there are S2BZF0UEtQu-01531-00440518-00440868 resolutions with each item I guess we S2BZF0UEtQu-01532-00440868-00441258 should take those up individually do you S2BZF0UEtQu-01533-00441259-00441387 want me to read out the recommendation S2BZF0UEtQu-01534-00441388-00441560 first and then you can take each item S2BZF0UEtQu-01535-00441562-00441627 separately S2BZF0UEtQu-01536-00441628-00442383 sure okay so 7.1 so it is recommended by S2BZF0UEtQu-01537-00442384-00442512 the finance department and the water S2BZF0UEtQu-01538-00442513-00442671 department that the Board of Public S2BZF0UEtQu-01539-00442672-00442971 Utilities by resolution recommend that S2BZF0UEtQu-01540-00442972-00443097 the center is the City Council S2BZF0UEtQu-01541-00443097-00443283 authorized the issuance of wastewater S2BZF0UEtQu-01542-00443284-00443595 revenue refunding bonds series two zero S2BZF0UEtQu-01543-00443596-00443922 one eight a and all related actions in S2BZF0UEtQu-01544-00443922-00444094 order to redeem certain house S2BZF0UEtQu-01545-00444095-00444335 wastewater revenue bonds for debt S2BZF0UEtQu-01546-00444335-00445543 service savings further discussion for S2BZF0UEtQu-01547-00445544-00446025 this favor say aye opposed Stevie S2BZF0UEtQu-01548-00446026-00446608 so item seven point seven point two it S2BZF0UEtQu-01549-00446609-00446743 is recommended by the finance department S2BZF0UEtQu-01550-00446744-00446950 in the water department that the Board S2BZF0UEtQu-01551-00446951-00447110 of Public Utilities by resolution S2BZF0UEtQu-01552-00447110-00447308 recommend that the Santa Rosa City S2BZF0UEtQu-01553-00447309-00447587 Council authorized the issuance of water S2BZF0UEtQu-01554-00447588-00447856 revenue refunding bonds series two zero S2BZF0UEtQu-01555-00447857-00448106 one eight and all related actions in S2BZF0UEtQu-01556-00448107-00448304 order to redeem the city's outstanding S2BZF0UEtQu-01557-00448305-00448439 water revenue bonds for debt service S2BZF0UEtQu-01558-00448439-00449023 savings so moved second been moved and S2BZF0UEtQu-01559-00449024-00449344 seconded discussion all in favor say aye S2BZF0UEtQu-01560-00449345-00450373 aye opposed thank you very much we have S2BZF0UEtQu-01561-00450374-00450735 any public comments on non-agenda items S2BZF0UEtQu-01562-00450736-00450929 seeing no one rides S2BZF0UEtQu-01563-00450930-00451120 I see no referrals no written S2BZF0UEtQu-01564-00451121-00451366 communications any subcommittee reports S2BZF0UEtQu-01565-00451367-00451870 from board members seeing none any board S2BZF0UEtQu-01566-00451871-00452410 member reports and that takes us to a S2BZF0UEtQu-01567-00452411-00452606 drumroll what's our final directors S2BZF0UEtQu-01568-00452607-00453045 report I do have a few items today to S2BZF0UEtQu-01569-00453046-00453427 share with you we're gonna be meeting S2BZF0UEtQu-01570-00453428-00453831 with the AG user group on November 26 S2BZF0UEtQu-01571-00453832-00454206 based on the feedback we've received S2BZF0UEtQu-01572-00454207-00454496 from them generally and S2BZF0UEtQu-01573-00454497-00454793 the ad-hoc committee when we looked at S2BZF0UEtQu-01574-00454793-00455068 various rate structures for this meeting S2BZF0UEtQu-01575-00455070-00455239 we're going to be narrowing down and S2BZF0UEtQu-01576-00455241-00455522 focusing on a specific rate structure S2BZF0UEtQu-01577-00455522-00455834 with uniform rates no tears or the S2BZF0UEtQu-01578-00455835-00456104 allocation based rates and see how that S2BZF0UEtQu-01579-00456105-00456418 goes the City Attorney's Office is also S2BZF0UEtQu-01580-00456418-00456800 working with us in parallel on a draft S2BZF0UEtQu-01581-00456801-00457016 agreement that would be standard for all S2BZF0UEtQu-01582-00457017-00457409 users with the expectation that unlike S2BZF0UEtQu-01583-00457410-00457789 now with the rates in all of the S2BZF0UEtQu-01584-00457791-00458066 different contracts the new contract S2BZF0UEtQu-01585-00458067-00458309 would be uniform and point to a rate S2BZF0UEtQu-01586-00458310-00458693 schedule and that is beneficial for a S2BZF0UEtQu-01587-00458693-00458960 number of reasons uniformity giving S2BZF0UEtQu-01588-00458960-00459206 ability to change rates as needed during S2BZF0UEtQu-01589-00459207-00459383 the life of the contract and that sort S2BZF0UEtQu-01590-00459384-00459812 of stuff so together what we think in S2BZF0UEtQu-01591-00459813-00460093 the sense is that this you may go a bit S2BZF0UEtQu-01592-00460095-00460514 smoother than you know hope the best S2BZF0UEtQu-01593-00460514-00460700 plan for the worst but what we're S2BZF0UEtQu-01594-00460701-00460918 feeling relatively positive about the S2BZF0UEtQu-01595-00460920-00461174 direction we're going and the the level S2BZF0UEtQu-01596-00461175-00461479 of lift we're asking for those customers S2BZF0UEtQu-01597-00461480-00461989 there may be a couple other pieces we'll S2BZF0UEtQu-01598-00461991-00462332 continue to work with the customers on S2BZF0UEtQu-01599-00462333-00462818 including frost protection we've been S2BZF0UEtQu-01600-00462818-00463343 thinking about something like a fee for S2BZF0UEtQu-01601-00463343-00463688 service for frost protection because as S2BZF0UEtQu-01602-00463689-00464014 you may know when they need frost S2BZF0UEtQu-01603-00464016-00464276 protection is not the irrigation season S2BZF0UEtQu-01604-00464277-00464699 and Murphy's Law typically happens in S2BZF0UEtQu-01605-00464700-00464893 the middle of the night on a weekend not S2BZF0UEtQu-01606-00464895-00465134 necessarily but it does take quite an S2BZF0UEtQu-01607-00465135-00465547 effort and scramble from staff and the S2BZF0UEtQu-01608-00465549-00465941 benefit to the rate base is relatively S2BZF0UEtQu-01609-00465942-00466204 low because there's not much water S2BZF0UEtQu-01610-00466205-00466478 consumed or utilized for all that effort S2BZF0UEtQu-01611-00466479-00466687 but we'll be bringing S2BZF0UEtQu-01612-00466688-00466900 more of these details back to the ad hoc S2BZF0UEtQu-01613-00466901-00467397 and the full BPU and then also thinking S2BZF0UEtQu-01614-00467398-00467680 about equipment that we provide to S2BZF0UEtQu-01615-00467681-00468070 support irrigation that again is to some S2BZF0UEtQu-01616-00468071-00468424 extent a legacy issue back when we were S2BZF0UEtQu-01617-00468425-00468822 doing everything possible to support the S2BZF0UEtQu-01618-00468823-00469114 customers to use a maximum amount of S2BZF0UEtQu-01619-00469114-00469489 water and now we do find ourselves in a S2BZF0UEtQu-01620-00469489-00469845 place where some customers get equipment S2BZF0UEtQu-01621-00469846-00470112 from this some don't and moving to a S2BZF0UEtQu-01622-00470113-00470578 more uniform approach and possibly a fee S2BZF0UEtQu-01623-00470579-00470953 for service for equipment rental or us S2BZF0UEtQu-01624-00470954-00471199 providing equipment and maintaining it S2BZF0UEtQu-01625-00471200-00471703 something like that moving on an update S2BZF0UEtQu-01626-00471704-00472156 on where we are on water supply and down S2BZF0UEtQu-01627-00472157-00472320 the road miss Burke will be giving more S2BZF0UEtQu-01628-00472321-00472797 detailed updates these finally the S2BZF0UEtQu-01629-00472798-00473110 forecast does have some rain there but S2BZF0UEtQu-01630-00473110-00473353 before I get there water levels in both S2BZF0UEtQu-01631-00473354-00473650 Lake Mendocino and Lake Sonoma are in S2BZF0UEtQu-01632-00473651-00473914 very good condition with Lake Mendocino S2BZF0UEtQu-01633-00473914-00474250 at a hundred point seven percent of the S2BZF0UEtQu-01634-00474251-00474568 target water supply curve and likes to S2BZF0UEtQu-01635-00474568-00474864 nomad 76 percent of the water supply S2BZF0UEtQu-01636-00474865-00475162 pool yet we do know it's been a S2BZF0UEtQu-01637-00475163-00475435 relatively dry winter so it really S2BZF0UEtQu-01638-00475435-00475753 speaks well for our conservation efforts S2BZF0UEtQu-01639-00475754-00476053 in just our general position in water S2BZF0UEtQu-01640-00476054-00476516 supply since October first which is the S2BZF0UEtQu-01641-00476517-00476839 start of the water year we've received S2BZF0UEtQu-01642-00476839-00477058 one point two three inches of rainfall S2BZF0UEtQu-01643-00477059-00477349 compared to our average of three point S2BZF0UEtQu-01644-00477350-00477706 one four so but with the forecast it's S2BZF0UEtQu-01645-00477707-00478000 still 50 percent but over multiple days S2BZF0UEtQu-01646-00478001-00478296 we do expect that we'll get some rain S2BZF0UEtQu-01647-00478297-00478600 also wanted to share with you is you S2BZF0UEtQu-01648-00478601-00478771 probably expect with the air quality S2BZF0UEtQu-01649-00478772-00479107 there's been a lot of coordination with S2BZF0UEtQu-01650-00479108-00479664 staff in terms of limiting outside work S2BZF0UEtQu-01651-00479666-00480046 and wearing protective gear as necessary S2BZF0UEtQu-01652-00480047-00480301 so that work is continuing and of course S2BZF0UEtQu-01653-00480302-00480616 the expectation with the storm coming in S2BZF0UEtQu-01654-00480617-00481008 we'll get some dispersion of the S2BZF0UEtQu-01655-00481009-00481239 pollutant load that we're all living S2BZF0UEtQu-01656-00481241-00481689 with lastly I wanted to share that the S2BZF0UEtQu-01657-00481691-00482017 micro grade project that you've over S2BZF0UEtQu-01658-00482018-00482275 time been hearing quite a bit about and S2BZF0UEtQu-01659-00482276-00482871 it is such an attractive project is S2BZF0UEtQu-01660-00482872-00483010 struggling a bit S2BZF0UEtQu-01661-00483010-00483331 and it's probably premature for me to S2BZF0UEtQu-01662-00483332-00483631 say this I just didn't want to leave S2BZF0UEtQu-01663-00483632-00483874 without giving you the latest update and S2BZF0UEtQu-01664-00483875-00484126 letting someone else share the lesson S2BZF0UEtQu-01665-00484127-00484408 great news what we're still confident S2BZF0UEtQu-01666-00484409-00484813 it's going to move forward but the S2BZF0UEtQu-01667-00484814-00484989 confidence has decreased from a hundred S2BZF0UEtQu-01668-00484991-00485314 percent confidence in that a number of S2BZF0UEtQu-01669-00485314-00486163 issues including training overall what S2BZF0UEtQu-01670-00486164-00486343 we aren't sure if it's wherewithal or S2BZF0UEtQu-01671-00486343-00486652 relative priorities or resources but we S2BZF0UEtQu-01672-00486653-00486972 are escalating through their S2BZF0UEtQu-01673-00486974-00487222 organization to get their attention on S2BZF0UEtQu-01674-00487222-00487609 this project what's really driving it is S2BZF0UEtQu-01675-00487610-00487851 there's a fairly tight time schedule S2BZF0UEtQu-01676-00487852-00488104 from the California Energy Commission S2BZF0UEtQu-01677-00488105-00488475 grant that funded this in its entirety S2BZF0UEtQu-01678-00488476-00488851 and there's questions from them in terms S2BZF0UEtQu-01679-00488852-00489100 of can they provide another extension S2BZF0UEtQu-01680-00489101-00489379 and they're starting to question is S2BZF0UEtQu-01681-00489380-00489703 train really going to be able to do this S2BZF0UEtQu-01682-00489704-00490071 in the timeframe that they're able to S2BZF0UEtQu-01683-00490072-00490284 provide S2BZF0UEtQu-01684-00490285-00490639 not just in terms of the construction S2BZF0UEtQu-01685-00490639-00490951 and startup of this project but also in S2BZF0UEtQu-01686-00490952-00491647 terms of the inert I with PG&E that not S2BZF0UEtQu-01687-00491647-00491889 for lack of our prompting but they've S2BZF0UEtQu-01688-00491891-00492325 left for the rather last minute and PG&E S2BZF0UEtQu-01689-00492326-00492796 is not historically known as turning on S2BZF0UEtQu-01690-00492797-00493116 a dime in terms of responsiveness so S2BZF0UEtQu-01691-00493117-00493414 collectively there's just question marks S2BZF0UEtQu-01692-00493414-00493603 that I did want to share and certainly S2BZF0UEtQu-01693-00493604-00493855 staff will be providing updates as this S2BZF0UEtQu-01694-00493856-00494227 move forward personally I believe it S2BZF0UEtQu-01695-00494228-00494518 will happen it's too good of a project I S2BZF0UEtQu-01696-00494518-00494755 believe we'll be able to ratchet up the S2BZF0UEtQu-01697-00494756-00495124 attention with train with PG&E and have S2BZF0UEtQu-01698-00495125-00495397 it all come together but it is going to S2BZF0UEtQu-01699-00495397-00495649 take considerable staff attention and S2BZF0UEtQu-01700-00495650-00496239 resources to do this thank you and this S2BZF0UEtQu-01701-00496241-00496450 is your last report I just wanted to S2BZF0UEtQu-01702-00496451-00496687 express my appreciation for what's been S2BZF0UEtQu-01703-00496688-00496954 a difficult year for you and the whole S2BZF0UEtQu-01704-00496955-00497218 city but I think we've all come through S2BZF0UEtQu-01705-00497218-00497389 this together and largely for the S2BZF0UEtQu-01706-00497389-00497575 leadership and of course the rest of S2BZF0UEtQu-01707-00497576-00497758 them so the center of the water has S2BZF0UEtQu-01708-00497759-00498100 taken us through this crisis effectively S2BZF0UEtQu-01709-00498101-00498283 and wish you the best in your future S2BZF0UEtQu-01710-00498284-00498709 endeavors thank you S2BZF0UEtQu-01711-00498710-00499195 [Applause] S4mXxcwkUBy-00000-00000032-00000167 eat S4mXxcwkUBy-00001-00000168-00000351 so i got a question from a boy and he S4mXxcwkUBy-00002-00000352-00000591 goes yo just wondering uh if there are S4mXxcwkUBy-00003-00000592-00000919 any foods to inquire into my diet so i S4mXxcwkUBy-00004-00000919-00001907 don't find myself so damn hungry S4mXxcwkUBy-00005-00001907-00002423 [Music] S4mXxcwkUBy-00006-00002424-00002710 vegetables are going to be your go-to S4mXxcwkUBy-00007-00002711-00002887 even some fruits S4mXxcwkUBy-00008-00002888-00003039 but look at like these vegetable S4mXxcwkUBy-00009-00003040-00003254 platters right here S4mXxcwkUBy-00010-00003255-00003399 with the little ranch or you get some S4mXxcwkUBy-00011-00003400-00003535 with hummus S4mXxcwkUBy-00012-00003536-00003831 that is going to be your go-to why S4mXxcwkUBy-00013-00003832-00004006 because you can get a whole packet of S4mXxcwkUBy-00014-00004007-00004127 that S4mXxcwkUBy-00015-00004128-00004283 this whole S4mXxcwkUBy-00016-00004284-00004543 thing this whole thing is probably S4mXxcwkUBy-00017-00004544-00004702 actually i'm about to get one S4mXxcwkUBy-00018-00004703-00004919 it's probably like S4mXxcwkUBy-00019-00004920-00005070 50 calories S4mXxcwkUBy-00020-00005071-00005286 maximum 100 calories S4mXxcwkUBy-00021-00005287-00005599 and if you get that from anything else S4mXxcwkUBy-00022-00005600-00005775 meats carbs S4mXxcwkUBy-00023-00005776-00006031 you know fats cheese S4mXxcwkUBy-00024-00006032-00006167 you're looking at S4mXxcwkUBy-00025-00006168-00006478 that whole thing S4mXxcwkUBy-00026-00006479-00006751 perfect aisle so let's just compare S4mXxcwkUBy-00027-00006752-00006983 this 50 calories S4mXxcwkUBy-00028-00006984-00007167 with some candy S4mXxcwkUBy-00029-00007168-00007367 with some kitkats S4mXxcwkUBy-00030-00007368-00007631 i was about the same size S4mXxcwkUBy-00031-00007631-00007927 you eat some of these 11 servings times S4mXxcwkUBy-00032-00007928-00008046 140 S4mXxcwkUBy-00033-00008047-00008327 over a thousand calories S4mXxcwkUBy-00034-00008328-00008695 over a thousand calories same volume S4mXxcwkUBy-00035-00008696-00008823 same volume S4mXxcwkUBy-00036-00008824-00009071 50 to 100 calories S4mXxcwkUBy-00037-00009072-00009255 so if you don't want to be so darn S4mXxcwkUBy-00038-00009256-00009374 hungry S4mXxcwkUBy-00039-00009375-00009583 highly recommend you get vegetables S4mXxcwkUBy-00040-00009584-00009783 because it's high volume you're able to S4mXxcwkUBy-00041-00009784-00009855 get S4mXxcwkUBy-00042-00009856-00010159 fewer calories and more food and so if S4mXxcwkUBy-00043-00010160-00010303 you're trying to stay not hungry and S4mXxcwkUBy-00044-00010304-00010406 you're just trying to eat something S4mXxcwkUBy-00045-00010407-00010599 because you are hungry vegetables is S4mXxcwkUBy-00046-00010600-00010806 your go to my man thanks for asking the S4mXxcwkUBy-00047-00010807-00013719 question S4mXxcwkUBy-00048-00013719-00013928 you S56esu1fb88-00000-00000043-00000342 a free company sometimes called a great S56esu1fb88-00001-00000343-00000605 company or grande company was an army of S56esu1fb88-00002-00000606-00000849 mercenaries between the 12th and 14th S56esu1fb88-00003-00000850-00001089 centuries recruited by private employers S56esu1fb88-00004-00001090-00001437 during Wars they acted independently of S56esu1fb88-00005-00001438-00001773 any government and were thus free they S56esu1fb88-00006-00001773-00002010 regularly made a living by plunder when S56esu1fb88-00007-00002011-00002220 they were not employed in France they S56esu1fb88-00008-00002221-00002406 were the rooty a and a coursers who S56esu1fb88-00009-00002407-00002604 operated outside the highly structured S56esu1fb88-00010-00002605-00003045 law of arms the term free company is S56esu1fb88-00011-00003046-00003249 most applied to those companies of S56esu1fb88-00012-00003250-00003474 soldiers which formed after the Peace of S56esu1fb88-00013-00003475-00003654 Brittany during the Hundred Years War S56esu1fb88-00014-00003654-00003911 and were active mainly in France but it S56esu1fb88-00015-00003913-00004134 has been applied to other companies such S56esu1fb88-00016-00004135-00004347 as the Catalan company and companies S56esu1fb88-00017-00004348-00004604 that operated elsewhere such as in Italy S56esu1fb88-00018-00004605-00004931 and the Holy Roman Empire the free S56esu1fb88-00019-00004932-00005166 companies or companies of adventure have S56esu1fb88-00020-00005167-00005381 been cited as a factor as strong as S56esu1fb88-00021-00005382-00005577 plague or famine in the reduction of S56esu1fb88-00022-00005578-00005829 Siena from a glorious rival of Florence S56esu1fb88-00023-00005830-00006047 to a second-rate power during the later S56esu1fb88-00024-00006048-00006588 14th century Siena spent 290 1379 S56esu1fb88-00025-00006589-00007005 Florence between 1342 and 1399 buying S56esu1fb88-00026-00007006-00007323 off the free companies the white company S56esu1fb88-00027-00007323-00007535 of John Hawkwood probably the most S56esu1fb88-00028-00007536-00007806 famous free company was active in Italy S56esu1fb88-00029-00007806-00008558 in the latter half of the 14th century S56esu1fb88-00030-00008559-00009123 topic early history S56esu1fb88-00031-00009124-00009387 mercenary groups first appeared in the S56esu1fb88-00032-00009388-00009633 12th century when they participated in S56esu1fb88-00033-00009634-00009860 the anarchy a conflict of succession S56esu1fb88-00034-00009861-00010059 between King Stephen and the Empress S56esu1fb88-00035-00010060-00010557 Matilda between 1137 and 1153 in the S56esu1fb88-00036-00010558-00010773 eleven 80s similar groups were S56esu1fb88-00037-00010774-00010977 integrated into the armies of the King S56esu1fb88-00038-00010978-00011228 of France under philip ii of france S56esu1fb88-00039-00011229-00011517 these troops of seasoned mercenaries S56esu1fb88-00040-00011518-00011757 were organized and mobile a valuable S56esu1fb88-00041-00011758-00011967 advantage during the battles of the time S56esu1fb88-00042-00011968-00012144 and were important elements of the S56esu1fb88-00043-00012145-00012384 armies of henry ii of england and his S56esu1fb88-00044-00012385-00012635 son richard the first King John used S56esu1fb88-00045-00012636-00012831 them at the beginning of his reign when S56esu1fb88-00046-00012832-00013032 he was richer and more powerful than the S56esu1fb88-00047-00013033-00013458 King of France however in 1204 he did S56esu1fb88-00048-00013459-00013737 not pay the mercenaries philip augustus S56esu1fb88-00049-00013738-00014060 used them to overcome the Plantagenets S56esu1fb88-00050-00014061-00014271 during the Hundred Years War between S56esu1fb88-00051-00014272-00014472 England and France there were S56esu1fb88-00052-00014472-00014688 intermittent hostilities punctuated by S56esu1fb88-00053-00014688-00014952 periods of truce when soldiers would be S56esu1fb88-00054-00014953-00015252 laid off on mass in the absence of S56esu1fb88-00055-00015253-00015491 civilian skills and opportunities many S56esu1fb88-00056-00015493-00015756 especially the foreign soldiers formed S56esu1fb88-00057-00015757-00016002 armed bands known as bandhas to routier S56esu1fb88-00058-00016003-00016203 a coursers and made a living by S56esu1fb88-00059-00016204-00016397 pillaging the countryside of southern S56esu1fb88-00060-00016398-00016749 france until hostilities resumed similar S56esu1fb88-00061-00016750-00017028 events occurred in Spain and Germany by S56esu1fb88-00062-00017029-00017325 the time of the Treaty of Brittany 1360 S56esu1fb88-00063-00017326-00017508 which brought about a several years S56esu1fb88-00064-00017509-00017727 suspension of the Hundred Years War the S56esu1fb88-00065-00017728-00017955 bands had grown in size to the point S56esu1fb88-00066-00017956-00018131 where they had evolved an internal S56esu1fb88-00067-00018132-00018462 structure and adopted romantic names the S56esu1fb88-00068-00018463-00018738 tardes Venus late comers led by Seguin S56esu1fb88-00069-00018739-00018966 de vide foal ravaged burgundy and long S56esu1fb88-00070-00018967-00019197 dock and even defeated the forces of the S56esu1fb88-00071-00019198-00019406 kingdom of France at the Battle of Brene S56esu1fb88-00072-00019407-00019863 in 1362 the Catalan company formed in S56esu1fb88-00073-00019864-00020139 Spain in the early 1300s fought in the S56esu1fb88-00074-00020140-00020355 Byzantine Empire before ending up in S56esu1fb88-00075-00020356-00020541 what is now Greece and the NAV Ruiz S56esu1fb88-00076-00020542-00020805 company also formed in Spain followed S56esu1fb88-00077-00020806-00021219 them there by 1350 six free companies S56esu1fb88-00078-00021220-00021456 men-at-arms and brigands had spread S56esu1fb88-00079-00021457-00021650 throughout the country from the same to S56esu1fb88-00080-00021651-00021816 the low are engaging in unlawful S56esu1fb88-00081-00021817-00022155 activities they had especially infested S56esu1fb88-00082-00022156-00022374 the roads from Paris to Orleans charter S56esu1fb88-00083-00022375-00022485 EES Ven S56esu1fb88-00084-00022486-00023126 dome and mont RG S56esu1fb88-00085-00023127-00023650 topic brigands S56esu1fb88-00086-00023651-00023883 brigands were recruited from all nations S56esu1fb88-00087-00023884-00024136 but mainly from troops dismissed from S56esu1fb88-00088-00024137-00024343 the army of Edward the third of England S56esu1fb88-00089-00024344-00024597 after the peace treaty of Brittany on S56esu1fb88-00090-00024598-00024985 October 24th 1360 after the Treaty of S56esu1fb88-00091-00024986-00025239 Calais ratified the ceasefire of the 8th S56esu1fb88-00092-00025240-00025477 of May Edward the third had ordered the S56esu1fb88-00093-00025478-00025677 evacuation of English troops from S56esu1fb88-00094-00025679-00025940 fortresses in many parts of France S56esu1fb88-00095-00025941-00026214 one of the main brigand leaders was a S56esu1fb88-00096-00026216-00026449 Welshman named Ruffin who was enriched S56esu1fb88-00097-00026450-00026739 by robberies and became a knight these S56esu1fb88-00098-00026741-00026989 bands of brigands occupied and ransomed S56esu1fb88-00099-00026989-00027229 towns such as st. Arno Guillard --an S56esu1fb88-00100-00027230-00027517 Bonneville cloyce a tempest shatters S56esu1fb88-00101-00027518-00027799 Mont Larry pithivier and gettin a large S56esu1fb88-00102-00027800-00028075 and milli LeFort chateau Landon and Mont S56esu1fb88-00103-00028076-00028414 RG meanwhile Robert Knowles headed an S56esu1fb88-00104-00028414-00028642 Anglo Navarrese band of brigands near S56esu1fb88-00105-00028643-00028857 the borders of Normandy where he earned S56esu1fb88-00106-00028858-00029251 100,000 acres eventually the King of S56esu1fb88-00107-00029252-00029467 France sent his constable to escort S56esu1fb88-00108-00029468-00029683 these bands to Spain in order to rid S56esu1fb88-00109-00029683-00029940 France of them there they could assist S56esu1fb88-00110-00029941-00030171 Henry of trois Tamara in his ongoing S56esu1fb88-00111-00030172-00030370 feud with his half-brother Peter of S56esu1fb88-00112-00030370-00030718 Castile however after placing Henry of S56esu1fb88-00113-00030719-00030964 trasto Mara on the throne of Castile the S56esu1fb88-00114-00030964-00031139 companies returned to France S56esu1fb88-00115-00031141-00031549 one company plundered vera in 1368 and S56esu1fb88-00116-00031550-00031770 another conducted by John Cresswell and S56esu1fb88-00117-00031772-00032090 Folkman Lealman seized Chateau gonchi a S56esu1fb88-00118-00032091-00032407 the Tarte Venus were mercenaries who had S56esu1fb88-00119-00032408-00032602 been demobilized after the Treaty of S56esu1fb88-00120-00032602-00032989 Brighton ye of the 8th of May 1360 under S56esu1fb88-00121-00032990-00033202 the orders of Seguin de beautiful they S56esu1fb88-00122-00033203-00033604 raged from burgundy to long dock in 1362 S56esu1fb88-00123-00033605-00033856 in Brene they defeated Jacques de S56esu1fb88-00124-00033857-00034111 Bourbon count of Lamarque a S56esu1fb88-00125-00034112-00034396 the white company compagnia Bianca was S56esu1fb88-00126-00034397-00034624 also formed after the Treaty of Brighton S56esu1fb88-00127-00034625-00034807 ye and was under the command of John S56esu1fb88-00128-00034808-00035134 Hawkwood the Breton's and the English in S56esu1fb88-00129-00035135-00035365 Dolphin a were companies which operated S56esu1fb88-00130-00035366-00035590 from thirteen seventy four to fourteen S56esu1fb88-00131-00035591-00035785 eleven and accompanied the counts of S56esu1fb88-00132-00035786-00036015 Armagnac Turan and Dugas Glynn during S56esu1fb88-00133-00036016-00036235 their conflicts in Provence and Italy S56esu1fb88-00134-00036236-00036427 which brought about the great schism S56esu1fb88-00135-00036428-00036657 between the Pope's of Avignon and Rome S56esu1fb88-00136-00036658-00036931 one of their achievements was taking the S56esu1fb88-00137-00036932-00037237 Chateau decisions in 1381 from which S56esu1fb88-00138-00037238-00037444 they were later dislodged by booble S56esu1fb88-00139-00037445-00037686 governor of Dauphin and Marshall Clisson S56esu1fb88-00140-00037687-00037975 their leaders work will hem Camus our S56esu1fb88-00141-00037976-00038203 amore de severe act the bastard of S56esu1fb88-00142-00038204-00038514 birches on and John Brooke queers S56esu1fb88-00143-00038515-00038700 the a coursers word immobilized S56esu1fb88-00144-00038701-00038958 mercenaries who desolated France in the S56esu1fb88-00145-00038959-00039212 15th century after the Treaty of Arras S56esu1fb88-00146-00039213-00039877 in 1435 S56esu1fb88-00147-00039878-00040373 topic Italy S56esu1fb88-00148-00040374-00040655 the structure of 14th century Italy S56esu1fb88-00149-00040656-00040871 where a patchwork of rich city-states S56esu1fb88-00150-00040872-00041093 were in a state of perpetual dispute S56esu1fb88-00151-00041094-00041270 with their neighbors provided an ideal S56esu1fb88-00152-00041271-00041522 base for the later and larger mercenary S56esu1fb88-00153-00041523-00041735 groups with their complements of cavalry S56esu1fb88-00154-00041736-00041963 infantry and archers and complex S56esu1fb88-00155-00041964-00042278 internal structure predominantly made up S56esu1fb88-00156-00042279-00042524 of English Spanish and German troops S56esu1fb88-00157-00042525-00042761 they included the great company formed S56esu1fb88-00158-00042762-00042965 by the German knight werner von or S56esu1fb88-00159-00042966-00043286 slingin 1342 the compagnia de san S56esu1fb88-00160-00043287-00043547 giorgio formed by the Italian nobleman S56esu1fb88-00161-00043548-00043880 load ratio Visconti in 1339 the white S56esu1fb88-00162-00043881-00044213 company formed by Albert stirs 1360 and S56esu1fb88-00163-00044214-00044441 the compagnia delle stella of an achene S56esu1fb88-00164-00044442-00044942 OD bernardo Hannegan Baumgarten 1364 the S56esu1fb88-00165-00044943-00045119 companies made a good living by S56esu1fb88-00166-00045120-00045431 extortion siena paid the companies 37 S56esu1fb88-00167-00045432-00045632 times not to attack them or by S56esu1fb88-00168-00045633-00045860 contracting to fight on behalf of one S56esu1fb88-00169-00045861-00046169 city-state against another they came to S56esu1fb88-00170-00046170-00046391 be known in particular their leaders as S56esu1fb88-00171-00046392-00046622 condottieri from the Italian word for S56esu1fb88-00172-00046623-00046961 contractor on several occasions the S56esu1fb88-00173-00046962-00047168 companies were contracted by different S56esu1fb88-00174-00047169-00047483 states to fight each other by the mid S56esu1fb88-00175-00047484-00047741 1400s the power of the free companies S56esu1fb88-00176-00047742-00047933 had come to an end with the rise in S56esu1fb88-00177-00047934-00048188 centralized state power and military S56esu1fb88-00178-00048189-00048749 force S56esu1fb88-00179-00048750-00049720 topic list of free companies S56esu1fb88-00180-00049721-00050270 topic see also S56esu1fb88-00181-00050271-00050821 companied ordinance rooty a condottieri S56esu1fb88-00182-00050822-00051307 tarde Venus a coursers religious S56esu1fb88-00183-00051308-00051548 military orders chivalric orders of S56esu1fb88-00184-00051549-00051721 knights associated with the Catholic S56esu1fb88-00185-00051722-00051929 Church but not necessarily any S56esu1fb88-00186-00051929-00052316 particular feudal state or Kingdom S56esu1fb88-00187-00052317-00052727 Knights Templar knights hospitaller S56esu1fb88-00188-00052728-00053136 Teutonic Knights Spanish military orders S56esu1fb88-00189-00053137-00053334 who were associated with various S56esu1fb88-00190-00053335-00053745 Christian states of the Reconquista S6RJSKJt0hy-00001-00005718-00006491 [Music] S6RJSKJt0hy-00002-00006492-00006863 [Music] S6RJSKJt0hy-00003-00006864-00007295 oh S6RJSKJt0hy-00004-00007295-00009335 [Music] S6RJSKJt0hy-00005-00009336-00009543 you S9MiN6MO5Pu-00000-00000090-00000250 foreign S9MiN6MO5Pu-00002-00004002-00004314 foreign S9MiN6MO5Pu-00004-00007470-00008083 me S9MiN6MO5Pu-00005-00008084-00008953 okay still just singing Blue S9MiN6MO5Pu-00006-00008954-00010701 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00007-00010702-00011014 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00008-00011015-00011312 hopefully S9MiN6MO5Pu-00009-00011313-00012074 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00010-00012075-00014129 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00011-00014130-00014175 thank you S9MiN6MO5Pu-00012-00014176-00015475 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00013-00015476-00015772 I wish S9MiN6MO5Pu-00014-00015774-00017122 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00015-00017123-00017463 me S9MiN6MO5Pu-00016-00017464-00017929 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00017-00017930-00018850 singing Blue S9MiN6MO5Pu-00018-00018851-00019411 Cafe S9MiN6MO5Pu-00019-00019412-00020866 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00020-00020867-00021293 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00021-00021294-00021619 foreign S9MiN6MO5Pu-00022-00021620-00022819 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00023-00022820-00024022 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00024-00024023-00024272 Love About Us S9MiN6MO5Pu-00025-00024273-00025411 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00026-00025412-00026611 [Music] S9MiN6MO5Pu-00027-00026612-00026918 thank you SvzS5DyToQE-00001-00007638-00009067 [Music] SvzS5DyToQE-00002-00009068-00012048 [Music] SvzS5DyToQE-00004-00015491-00017042 [Music] SvzS5DyToQE-00006-00023644-00026085 [Music] SvzS5DyToQE-00007-00026086-00026489 [Music] SvzS5DyToQE-00008-00026489-00026695 you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00000-00000008-00000279 about it what what did you do to take SwtIRSfV3-Y-00001-00000280-00000447 this thing that seemed impossible SwtIRSfV3-Y-00002-00000448-00000695 and now it's in your life but i would SwtIRSfV3-Y-00003-00000696-00000815 argue to you that there's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00004-00000816-00001023 three fundamental steps that everybody SwtIRSfV3-Y-00005-00001024-00001191 goes through at a minimum if you took SwtIRSfV3-Y-00006-00001192-00001327 something once seen impossible it's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00007-00001328-00001366 there SwtIRSfV3-Y-00008-00001367-00001550 and if we recognize what they are you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00009-00001551-00001702 can go back to it and you know it works SwtIRSfV3-Y-00010-00001703-00001830 because you've done it before SwtIRSfV3-Y-00011-00001832-00002030 and you can apply it to anything and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00012-00002032-00002134 i've played it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00013-00002135-00002310 most of my life and by simplifying it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00014-00002311-00002423 whenever i really want to achieve SwtIRSfV3-Y-00015-00002424-00002534 something i come back to these three SwtIRSfV3-Y-00016-00002535-00002655 steps and i make it happen SwtIRSfV3-Y-00017-00002656-00002831 so the first step is tell me if this is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00018-00002832-00003079 true for you you became obsessed by it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00019-00003080-00003279 this thing you wanted you didn't just SwtIRSfV3-Y-00020-00003279-00003511 want it your hunger for it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00021-00003511-00003735 got stronger your desire for it got SwtIRSfV3-Y-00022-00003736-00003815 stronger SwtIRSfV3-Y-00023-00003815-00004095 she's smiling yes was it him good i like SwtIRSfV3-Y-00024-00004096-00004167 that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00025-00004168-00004431 lucky man but you had this hunger you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00026-00004432-00004606 had this desire but it's a hunger and a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00027-00004607-00004735 desire that wouldn't go away people SwtIRSfV3-Y-00028-00004736-00004831 always ask me SwtIRSfV3-Y-00029-00004832-00004959 one of the most common questions i'll SwtIRSfV3-Y-00030-00004960-00005175 get asked by people in the media is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00031-00005176-00005335 tony is there a common trait because you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00032-00005336-00005422 know i coach all these SwtIRSfV3-Y-00033-00005423-00005583 multi-billionaires now at this point in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00034-00005584-00005647 my life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00035-00005648-00005806 so i've got guys that have now become SwtIRSfV3-Y-00036-00005807-00005918 i've coached them but they're now my SwtIRSfV3-Y-00037-00005919-00006006 friends so SwtIRSfV3-Y-00038-00006007-00006167 people like to give you an idea mark SwtIRSfV3-Y-00039-00006168-00006367 benny officer at salesforce.com from SwtIRSfV3-Y-00040-00006368-00006439 zero SwtIRSfV3-Y-00041-00006440-00006598 and they're gonna do this year eight SwtIRSfV3-Y-00042-00006600-00006734 billion and he did it right out of one SwtIRSfV3-Y-00043-00006736-00006927 of my seminars came up and told me SwtIRSfV3-Y-00044-00006928-00007103 you convinced me i'm leaving my company SwtIRSfV3-Y-00045-00007104-00007231 i'm gonna start this business i'm gonna SwtIRSfV3-Y-00046-00007231-00007375 apply the principles you taught SwtIRSfV3-Y-00047-00007376-00007567 he said it's called salesforce.com i'm SwtIRSfV3-Y-00048-00007568-00007751 leaving oracle we're gonna do a hundred SwtIRSfV3-Y-00049-00007752-00007927 million dollars he thought that was big SwtIRSfV3-Y-00050-00007928-00008110 now they're doing eight billion SwtIRSfV3-Y-00051-00008111-00008310 but i'm coaching these people or uh to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00052-00008311-00008471 give an idea sir richard branson SwtIRSfV3-Y-00053-00008472-00008614 richard's a good friend of mine SwtIRSfV3-Y-00054-00008615-00008903 you know 400 companies he has he's just SwtIRSfV3-Y-00055-00008904-00009071 and you say what do these people have in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00056-00009072-00009255 common a steve forbes what are they all SwtIRSfV3-Y-00057-00009256-00009327 in common SwtIRSfV3-Y-00058-00009328-00009551 what they have in common is hunger a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00059-00009552-00009710 hunger that doesn't go away SwtIRSfV3-Y-00060-00009711-00009895 most people are hungry because things SwtIRSfV3-Y-00061-00009896-00010046 are uncomfortable they don't like how it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00062-00010047-00010095 is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00063-00010096-00010278 and they go to try to fix it or they SwtIRSfV3-Y-00064-00010279-00010446 lose weight to get the bikini for a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00065-00010447-00010606 month or whatever it is but the hunger SwtIRSfV3-Y-00066-00010607-00010742 doesn't last SwtIRSfV3-Y-00067-00010743-00010895 the people that are most successful in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00068-00010896-00011014 the face of the earth i think SwtIRSfV3-Y-00069-00011015-00011183 intelligence is one of the most valuable SwtIRSfV3-Y-00070-00011184-00011414 things human being can have and develop SwtIRSfV3-Y-00071-00011415-00011559 but how many of you know somebody who's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00072-00011560-00011687 incredibly smart and can't fight their SwtIRSfV3-Y-00073-00011688-00011806 way out of a paper bag SwtIRSfV3-Y-00074-00011807-00012063 right so intelligence is not enough SwtIRSfV3-Y-00075-00012064-00012214 what's going to make you maximize your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00076-00012215-00012303 ability SwtIRSfV3-Y-00077-00012304-00012510 is hunger a hunger that doesn't go away SwtIRSfV3-Y-00078-00012511-00012695 so in the area where you achieved SwtIRSfV3-Y-00079-00012696-00012974 your hunger was sustained you got hungry SwtIRSfV3-Y-00080-00012975-00013151 you got desires but you didn't let it go SwtIRSfV3-Y-00081-00013152-00013271 how many can relate to this when you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00082-00013272-00013383 think about this item SwtIRSfV3-Y-00083-00013384-00013583 this situation you were hungry you were SwtIRSfV3-Y-00084-00013584-00013727 driven you wouldn't let it go how many SwtIRSfV3-Y-00085-00013728-00013919 can relate to this say i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00086-00013919-00014127 and because you had that hunger what did SwtIRSfV3-Y-00087-00014128-00014383 it do it gave you the drive SwtIRSfV3-Y-00088-00014384-00014566 to do something which is the second step SwtIRSfV3-Y-00089-00014568-00014807 once that hunger is strong enough SwtIRSfV3-Y-00090-00014808-00015015 it'll pour you into action so step two SwtIRSfV3-Y-00091-00015016-00015279 is you got to take massive what SwtIRSfV3-Y-00092-00015280-00015479 massive write down massive action is the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00093-00015480-00015703 cure-all we all know it but we forget it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00094-00015704-00015847 people say i don't know what to do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00095-00015847-00016015 here's what you do try anything i don't SwtIRSfV3-Y-00096-00016016-00016143 know where to start throw up a rock SwtIRSfV3-Y-00097-00016144-00016319 wherever it lands start there SwtIRSfV3-Y-00098-00016319-00016486 the next person goes by go i need to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00099-00016487-00016599 talk to you you're the first person SwtIRSfV3-Y-00100-00016600-00016735 after the rock whatever it takes you can SwtIRSfV3-Y-00101-00016736-00016815 get them going SwtIRSfV3-Y-00102-00016816-00016943 but what people do is they think they SwtIRSfV3-Y-00103-00016944-00017135 have to know the answer what they really SwtIRSfV3-Y-00104-00017136-00017303 got to do is get into action SwtIRSfV3-Y-00105-00017304-00017535 but it's step two has two parts take SwtIRSfV3-Y-00106-00017536-00017663 massive action SwtIRSfV3-Y-00107-00017664-00017975 and effectively execute because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00108-00017976-00018214 if your goal was let's say to see a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00109-00018215-00018286 sunset SwtIRSfV3-Y-00110-00018287-00018511 that's your whole goal and your plan as SwtIRSfV3-Y-00111-00018512-00018727 you start taking action by running east SwtIRSfV3-Y-00112-00018728-00018927 looking for that sunset i don't give a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00113-00018928-00019111 how positive you are SwtIRSfV3-Y-00114-00019112-00019263 i don't care how much you believe i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00115-00019264-00019447 don't care how enthusiastic you are SwtIRSfV3-Y-00116-00019448-00019607 you are absolutely not going to get the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00117-00019608-00019694 result because you have the wrong SwtIRSfV3-Y-00118-00019695-00019814 strategy right SwtIRSfV3-Y-00119-00019815-00019950 so you have to effectively execute but SwtIRSfV3-Y-00120-00019951-00020150 if you take massive action SwtIRSfV3-Y-00121-00020151-00020471 and what you're trying doesn't work what SwtIRSfV3-Y-00122-00020472-00020678 should you do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00123-00020679-00020863 if you have this big goal and you're on SwtIRSfV3-Y-00124-00020864-00021007 fire for it and you're gonna make it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00125-00021008-00021071 happen SwtIRSfV3-Y-00126-00021072-00021230 and then you try something that doesn't SwtIRSfV3-Y-00127-00021231-00021494 work what should you do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00128-00021495-00021663 try something else and what if that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00129-00021664-00021886 doesn't work what should you do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00130-00021887-00022007 and what if that doesn't work what SwtIRSfV3-Y-00131-00022008-00022239 should you do come on guys if that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00132-00022240-00022478 doesn't work what should you do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00133-00022479-00022758 if that doesn't work what should you do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00134-00022759-00023047 if that doesn't work what should you do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00135-00023048-00023239 i'll give you an example how long would SwtIRSfV3-Y-00136-00023240-00023399 give your average SwtIRSfV3-Y-00137-00023400-00023671 baby your average child to learn how to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00138-00023672-00023767 walk SwtIRSfV3-Y-00139-00023768-00023863 how long would you give your average SwtIRSfV3-Y-00140-00023864-00024014 child you say hey stop you're just not a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00141-00024015-00024263 walker SwtIRSfV3-Y-00142-00024264-00024414 you go what are you crazy my kid's going SwtIRSfV3-Y-00143-00024415-00024686 to keep trying until he or she walks SwtIRSfV3-Y-00144-00024687-00024878 magic formula no one almost never in the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00145-00024879-00025022 world world walks SwtIRSfV3-Y-00146-00025023-00025286 but watch how many of you like to sing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00147-00025287-00025591 when no one's around SwtIRSfV3-Y-00148-00025592-00025783 how many sing you sound like hell let me SwtIRSfV3-Y-00149-00025783-00025943 see your hat SwtIRSfV3-Y-00150-00025944-00026102 why aren't you a singer because early in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00151-00026104-00026335 your life someone said that's horrible SwtIRSfV3-Y-00152-00026336-00026623 shut up that's terrible don't do that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00153-00026624-00026767 anymore you're not a singer and you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00154-00026768-00026799 believe SwtIRSfV3-Y-00155-00026800-00027014 them instead of keep changing your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00156-00027016-00027207 approach until you became a singer SwtIRSfV3-Y-00157-00027208-00027414 there's nothing you can't create if SwtIRSfV3-Y-00158-00027416-00027543 you're hungry enough SwtIRSfV3-Y-00159-00027544-00027695 if you take enough massive action and if SwtIRSfV3-Y-00160-00027695-00027918 you keep changing your approach until SwtIRSfV3-Y-00161-00027919-00028062 you find the way to effectively execute SwtIRSfV3-Y-00162-00028063-00028199 now there is a way to speed this up and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00163-00028200-00028358 that is to model someone SwtIRSfV3-Y-00164-00028360-00028487 who's already getting the result you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00165-00028488-00028767 want why reinvent the wheel right SwtIRSfV3-Y-00166-00028768-00028967 if you find this woman is able to have SwtIRSfV3-Y-00167-00028968-00029143 this incredible relationship with her SwtIRSfV3-Y-00168-00029144-00029199 man and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00169-00029200-00029327 she doesn't about them all the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00170-00029327-00029558 time they're in love they're passionate SwtIRSfV3-Y-00171-00029560-00029670 about for each other SwtIRSfV3-Y-00172-00029672-00029902 she's not lucky you want to find out SwtIRSfV3-Y-00173-00029904-00029999 what is she doing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00174-00030000-00030111 differently with her man than you're SwtIRSfV3-Y-00175-00030112-00030343 doing right what's he doing differently SwtIRSfV3-Y-00176-00030344-00030502 with a woman than you're doing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00177-00030503-00030639 because if you find that out you're SwtIRSfV3-Y-00178-00030639-00030839 going to find out it isn't luck there's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00179-00030839-00030983 something underneath that are and once SwtIRSfV3-Y-00180-00030983-00031127 you know what that something is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00181-00031127-00031327 and you effectively execute then you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00182-00031327-00031479 only need one more thing to achieve what SwtIRSfV3-Y-00183-00031480-00031567 you want SwtIRSfV3-Y-00184-00031568-00031862 and that's grace or some people call it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00185-00031863-00031974 god SwtIRSfV3-Y-00186-00031975-00032295 some like to call it luck but there is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00187-00032295-00032487 an amazing thing i've learned in my life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00188-00032488-00032679 the harder you work the more focused you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00189-00032680-00032815 are the more committed you are the more SwtIRSfV3-Y-00190-00032816-00032959 flexible you are SwtIRSfV3-Y-00191-00032960-00033199 the more grace tends to come to you and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00192-00033200-00033367 the more you acknowledge grace in your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00193-00033368-00033439 life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00194-00033440-00033702 that no matter how hard you and i work SwtIRSfV3-Y-00195-00033703-00033846 there's still grace that we've been born SwtIRSfV3-Y-00196-00033847-00033990 in this time in human history SwtIRSfV3-Y-00197-00033991-00034151 i mean there isn't a better time in your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00198-00034152-00034367 life or any lifetime to be an SwtIRSfV3-Y-00199-00034368-00034495 entrepreneur than there is today there's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00200-00034496-00034623 more resources available at your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00201-00034624-00034799 fingertips it's in your pocket for god's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00202-00034800-00034862 sakes SwtIRSfV3-Y-00203-00034863-00035039 than ever existed in the history of the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00204-00035040-00035167 world and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00205-00035168-00035343 it's going to change every aspect of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00206-00035344-00035446 your life and you want to be ready to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00207-00035447-00035574 take advantage of that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00208-00035575-00035718 but it's really hard to take advantage SwtIRSfV3-Y-00209-00035719-00035879 of things when you're busy not noticing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00210-00035880-00036095 all the grace that already exists SwtIRSfV3-Y-00211-00036096-00036230 i found when you acknowledge us there SwtIRSfV3-Y-00212-00036231-00036415 who can align with this who's ever felt SwtIRSfV3-Y-00213-00036416-00036559 that sense of guidance or grace in your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00214-00036560-00036607 life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00215-00036608-00036895 pretty beautiful so to achieve that's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00216-00036896-00037007 really all it takes SwtIRSfV3-Y-00217-00037008-00037143 how many of you did these three steps SwtIRSfV3-Y-00218-00037144-00037327 how many of you became obsessed about SwtIRSfV3-Y-00219-00037328-00037471 this thing you wanted and wouldn't let SwtIRSfV3-Y-00220-00037472-00037518 it go SwtIRSfV3-Y-00221-00037519-00037671 and your energy built and your desire SwtIRSfV3-Y-00222-00037672-00037895 built and then you took massive action SwtIRSfV3-Y-00223-00037896-00038039 and you know the hell you're doing but SwtIRSfV3-Y-00224-00038040-00038215 you've maybe changed enough times till SwtIRSfV3-Y-00225-00038216-00038302 you figure it out SwtIRSfV3-Y-00226-00038303-00038446 and some grace came to you and worked it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00227-00038447-00038646 out who's done this before say i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00228-00038647-00038799 then i'm here to tell you whatever's not SwtIRSfV3-Y-00229-00038800-00038951 in your life today that you want go back SwtIRSfV3-Y-00230-00038952-00039102 to those three steps SwtIRSfV3-Y-00231-00039103-00039359 as basic as that is that's all it takes SwtIRSfV3-Y-00232-00039360-00039535 and we make it so much more complex in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00233-00039536-00039687 our minds and that's why most people SwtIRSfV3-Y-00234-00039688-00039759 don't achieve SwtIRSfV3-Y-00235-00039760-00039871 they get fearful because they make it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00236-00039872-00040111 bigger than it is and you can speed it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00237-00040112-00040167 all up SwtIRSfV3-Y-00238-00040168-00040287 by doing what i've done throughout my SwtIRSfV3-Y-00239-00040288-00040543 life go find someone who is the best in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00240-00040544-00040679 the world at what they're doing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00241-00040680-00040830 and suck out of their brain whatever SwtIRSfV3-Y-00242-00040831-00041015 they know SwtIRSfV3-Y-00243-00041016-00041271 but there's a second key lesson because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00244-00041272-00041502 how many of you have ever done this SwtIRSfV3-Y-00245-00041503-00041655 how many of you have ever achieved a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00246-00041656-00041823 goal that you worked your tail off to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00247-00041824-00041927 get to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00248-00041928-00042127 and then you achieved the goal and your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00249-00042128-00042262 brain said SwtIRSfV3-Y-00250-00042263-00042590 is this all there is who's had this SwtIRSfV3-Y-00251-00042591-00042815 experience for say i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00252-00042816-00042999 isn't that a brutal experience i'd SwtIRSfV3-Y-00253-00043000-00043190 rather fail because you know if guys SwtIRSfV3-Y-00254-00043191-00043343 like you and i ladies and gentlemen in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00255-00043344-00043479 this room were to fail SwtIRSfV3-Y-00256-00043480-00043607 you don't accept failure right you just SwtIRSfV3-Y-00257-00043608-00043871 get up and try something else so SwtIRSfV3-Y-00258-00043872-00044015 failure is actually better because you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00259-00044016-00044374 could still succeed when you succeed SwtIRSfV3-Y-00260-00044375-00044583 and you're not happy now you're what i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00261-00044584-00044830 call technically screwed SwtIRSfV3-Y-00262-00044831-00045111 you really that's demoralizing because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00263-00045112-00045207 you worked your guts out and you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00264-00045208-00045430 achieved and you're still not fulfilled SwtIRSfV3-Y-00265-00045431-00045662 so the second lesson i believe is even SwtIRSfV3-Y-00266-00045663-00045839 more important in this lesson if you can SwtIRSfV3-Y-00267-00045840-00046023 take it home tonight SwtIRSfV3-Y-00268-00046024-00046151 i'm telling you will change your life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00269-00046152-00046295 more than anything else i know and i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00270-00046296-00046462 know it from 39 years of working with SwtIRSfV3-Y-00271-00046463-00046646 people including myself SwtIRSfV3-Y-00272-00046647-00046895 the second lesson is you must master the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00273-00046896-00047030 art of fulfillment SwtIRSfV3-Y-00274-00047031-00047271 the art of fulfillment and that sounds SwtIRSfV3-Y-00275-00047272-00047423 so basic doesn't it the art of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00276-00047424-00047574 fulfillment but notice i didn't say the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00277-00047575-00047735 science of fulfillment SwtIRSfV3-Y-00278-00047736-00047999 why it's not a science you know why SwtIRSfV3-Y-00279-00048000-00048079 because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00280-00048080-00048351 what's going to fulfill you my dear you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00281-00048352-00048399 and you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00282-00048400-00048567 even if your dear friends or family is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00283-00048568-00048751 not the same SwtIRSfV3-Y-00284-00048752-00048918 fulfillments and art if you want to know SwtIRSfV3-Y-00285-00048919-00049095 what fulfills people look around this SwtIRSfV3-Y-00286-00049096-00049246 earth you got to find what it is that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00287-00049247-00049351 will light you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00288-00049352-00049630 up because otherwise you achieve and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00289-00049631-00049774 you're not fulfilled as i said earlier SwtIRSfV3-Y-00290-00049775-00049958 success without fulfillment is the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00291-00049959-00050190 ultimate failure you think that if you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00292-00050191-00050327 achieve you're going to be happy SwtIRSfV3-Y-00293-00050328-00050455 and i'm here to tell you you've got to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00294-00050456-00050639 happily achieve SwtIRSfV3-Y-00295-00050640-00050807 and that sounds just like changing one SwtIRSfV3-Y-00296-00050808-00051046 word but it's a different life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00297-00051047-00051263 and in order to do that you have to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00298-00051264-00051399 decide SwtIRSfV3-Y-00299-00051400-00051582 that fulfillment is even more important SwtIRSfV3-Y-00300-00051583-00051735 than achievement and by the way you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00301-00051736-00051830 don't have to choose SwtIRSfV3-Y-00302-00051832-00052007 when you're really fulfilled you tend to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00303-00052008-00052182 achieve more but if you're going to be SwtIRSfV3-Y-00304-00052183-00052390 fulfilled by something in the future SwtIRSfV3-Y-00305-00052391-00052559 and you can't find ecstasy in this SwtIRSfV3-Y-00306-00052560-00052735 moment you won't find it in the future SwtIRSfV3-Y-00307-00052736-00052935 more money more accolades more SwtIRSfV3-Y-00308-00052936-00053166 acknowledgement more love more alcohol SwtIRSfV3-Y-00309-00053167-00053342 more sex more whatever it is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00310-00053344-00053494 it's not going to give you more ecstasy SwtIRSfV3-Y-00311-00053495-00053638 in the future if you can't find that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00312-00053639-00053799 ecstasy now SwtIRSfV3-Y-00313-00053800-00054030 it's the most important decision of your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00314-00054032-00054166 life you could make today SwtIRSfV3-Y-00315-00054167-00054326 and it could be worth the entire two SwtIRSfV3-Y-00316-00054327-00054559 days times a thousand SwtIRSfV3-Y-00317-00054560-00054750 the most important decision that i'm SwtIRSfV3-Y-00318-00054751-00054926 offering you to think about making today SwtIRSfV3-Y-00319-00054927-00055063 the most important decision in your life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00320-00055064-00055359 what would it be SwtIRSfV3-Y-00321-00055360-00055575 some would say who you're going to marry SwtIRSfV3-Y-00322-00055576-00055759 and i wouldn't disagree with that that's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00323-00055760-00055854 probably one of the most important SwtIRSfV3-Y-00324-00055855-00055935 things your life who you're going to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00325-00055936-00056175 spend time with is who you become SwtIRSfV3-Y-00326-00056176-00056342 and if you pick the wrong person life is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00327-00056344-00056542 a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00328-00056544-00056879 or you marry him or her right SwtIRSfV3-Y-00329-00056879-00057030 and if it's the right person life can be SwtIRSfV3-Y-00330-00057032-00057223 magnificent but as important as that is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00331-00057224-00057287 and i've SwtIRSfV3-Y-00332-00057288-00057423 made the wrong choice initially and the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00333-00057424-00057591 right choice for the last 17 years my SwtIRSfV3-Y-00334-00057591-00057735 wife's been the greatest gift of my life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00335-00057736-00057759 i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00336-00057760-00057982 thank god for every day but i'm telling SwtIRSfV3-Y-00337-00057983-00058111 you even more important than that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00338-00058112-00058271 decision SwtIRSfV3-Y-00339-00058272-00058454 because your husband or wife or your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00340-00058455-00058630 boyfriend or girlfriend could go away SwtIRSfV3-Y-00341-00058632-00058879 they could die they'd get cancer they SwtIRSfV3-Y-00342-00058879-00059126 could leave you they could divorce you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00343-00059127-00059319 you're not in control we all have the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00344-00059320-00059463 illusion of control SwtIRSfV3-Y-00345-00059464-00059719 we have influence not control not when SwtIRSfV3-Y-00346-00059720-00059887 it comes to other human beings SwtIRSfV3-Y-00347-00059888-00060142 the only thing we control is what we SwtIRSfV3-Y-00348-00060144-00060311 think about what we focus on what we SwtIRSfV3-Y-00349-00060312-00060550 feel and what we experience SwtIRSfV3-Y-00350-00060551-00060735 the most important decision of your life SwtIRSfV3-Y-00351-00060736-00060999 is deciding you will be happy no matter SwtIRSfV3-Y-00352-00061000-00061159 what SwtIRSfV3-Y-00353-00061160-00061471 because unless you do that you won't be SwtIRSfV3-Y-00354-00061472-00061742 and i can tell you achievement is common SwtIRSfV3-Y-00355-00061744-00061799 happiness SwtIRSfV3-Y-00356-00061800-00062079 that is sustained is not you want to be SwtIRSfV3-Y-00357-00062079-00062263 an achiever here should be your new goal SwtIRSfV3-Y-00358-00062264-00062447 to achieve the highest level of daily SwtIRSfV3-Y-00359-00062448-00062582 happiness that any human has ever SwtIRSfV3-Y-00360-00062583-00062694 experienced SwtIRSfV3-Y-00361-00062695-00062847 because if you do that you'll be the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00362-00062848-00063023 ultimate achiever you'll dwarf everyone SwtIRSfV3-Y-00363-00063024-00063119 else and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00364-00063120-00063335 you'll achieve as well so i'd like in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00365-00063336-00063479 the short time i got left to do two SwtIRSfV3-Y-00366-00063479-00063566 things with you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00367-00063567-00063750 i'd like to give you some tools more SwtIRSfV3-Y-00368-00063751-00063926 tools for changing your states you live SwtIRSfV3-Y-00369-00063927-00064054 in a beautiful state how many like to do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00370-00064055-00064271 that say i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00371-00064272-00064494 now i know many of you about 35 or 40 SwtIRSfV3-Y-00372-00064495-00064623 percent of you came here SwtIRSfV3-Y-00373-00064624-00064823 primarily with the idea of business and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00374-00064824-00064942 business opportunities SwtIRSfV3-Y-00375-00064944-00065199 so why am i talking about these items SwtIRSfV3-Y-00376-00065200-00065287 how many of you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00377-00065288-00065567 your business is like an extension of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00378-00065568-00065719 your identity SwtIRSfV3-Y-00379-00065720-00065935 let me see your hands or it's like your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00380-00065936-00066159 child how many can relate to that right SwtIRSfV3-Y-00381-00066160-00066343 and how many of you have some children SwtIRSfV3-Y-00382-00066344-00066647 that need some correction SwtIRSfV3-Y-00383-00066648-00066950 and so i do literally a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00384-00066951-00067271 five-day total immersion on business SwtIRSfV3-Y-00385-00067272-00067455 so i'm not holding back but in three SwtIRSfV3-Y-00386-00067456-00067703 hours i'd be sprinkling it but i'd like SwtIRSfV3-Y-00387-00067704-00067887 to plant just a couple seeds with you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00388-00067888-00068063 and there's a unique opportunity that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00389-00068064-00068182 i'll tell you a little more at the end SwtIRSfV3-Y-00390-00068183-00068223 that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00391-00068224-00068359 the australian government has created SwtIRSfV3-Y-00392-00068360-00068503 that if you're an australian citizen SwtIRSfV3-Y-00393-00068504-00068694 who's an australian citizen here SwtIRSfV3-Y-00394-00068695-00068943 awesome you can go through my business SwtIRSfV3-Y-00395-00068944-00069047 mastery program SwtIRSfV3-Y-00396-00069048-00069255 and my unleash the power within they're SwtIRSfV3-Y-00397-00069256-00069438 one affects your psychology one does SwtIRSfV3-Y-00398-00069439-00069615 every aspect of business my promise of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00399-00069616-00069799 the business mastery program is simple SwtIRSfV3-Y-00400-00069800-00069943 if you don't have a million dollars of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00401-00069944-00070167 value out of day one you can leave on SwtIRSfV3-Y-00402-00070168-00070271 that point you can even take your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00403-00070272-00070479 notebook with you nobody leaves SwtIRSfV3-Y-00404-00070480-00070623 i've been doing this i hope people grow SwtIRSfV3-Y-00405-00070624-00070815 their business 30 to 130 percent like SwtIRSfV3-Y-00406-00070816-00070894 clockwork SwtIRSfV3-Y-00407-00070895-00071119 and i'm talking about businesses like a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00408-00071120-00071287 company called homex the largest home SwtIRSfV3-Y-00409-00071288-00071423 builder in mexico SwtIRSfV3-Y-00410-00071424-00071567 they directly relate to us SwtIRSfV3-Y-00411-00071568-00071750 three-quarters of a billion dollars of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00412-00071751-00071959 increase in the last 24 months SwtIRSfV3-Y-00413-00071960-00072238 or a chiropractor's got two members of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00414-00072239-00072415 his staff an army of two SwtIRSfV3-Y-00415-00072416-00072543 and he's doubled his business in the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00416-00072544-00072806 last nine months right that's what i do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00417-00072807-00073079 my greatest skill and how do i do that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00418-00073080-00073231 it's like how built all these businesses SwtIRSfV3-Y-00419-00073232-00073406 but it started with one understanding SwtIRSfV3-Y-00420-00073407-00073543 that i want you to have and that's why i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00421-00073544-00073687 focus today on SwtIRSfV3-Y-00422-00073688-00073887 achievement and fulfillment because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00423-00073888-00074126 you're if you look at any business SwtIRSfV3-Y-00424-00074127-00074262 and you want to know what the chokehold SwtIRSfV3-Y-00425-00074263-00074447 is on the business's growth it's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00426-00074448-00074782 always the owner it's always the leader SwtIRSfV3-Y-00427-00074783-00074967 because the choke hold is in the form of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00428-00074968-00075231 your psychology and your skills SwtIRSfV3-Y-00429-00075232-00075494 and i would say to you jotted down 80 SwtIRSfV3-Y-00430-00075495-00075647 percent of success in business is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00431-00075648-00075799 psychology and 20 SwtIRSfV3-Y-00432-00075800-00076047 as mechanics now don't get me wrong i'm SwtIRSfV3-Y-00433-00076048-00076271 a big believer in strategies because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00434-00076272-00076447 i know one strategy can save you a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00435-00076448-00076582 decade of pain SwtIRSfV3-Y-00436-00076583-00076759 one strategy can make you a million SwtIRSfV3-Y-00437-00076760-00076959 dollars but SwtIRSfV3-Y-00438-00076960-00077135 if you have the strategy how many have SwtIRSfV3-Y-00439-00077136-00077287 had lots of strategies in the past and SwtIRSfV3-Y-00440-00077288-00077399 then not followed through SwtIRSfV3-Y-00441-00077400-00077662 who's done this before say aye that's SwtIRSfV3-Y-00442-00077663-00077806 why your psychology is the most SwtIRSfV3-Y-00443-00077807-00077950 important part SwtIRSfV3-Y-00444-00077951-00078135 so i'll give you the details at the end SwtIRSfV3-Y-00445-00078136-00078287 i won't plant the seed with you if you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00446-00078288-00078423 want to grow your business SwtIRSfV3-Y-00447-00078424-00078679 you've got to grow there is no business SwtIRSfV3-Y-00448-00078680-00078750 that's going to grow SwtIRSfV3-Y-00449-00078751-00078999 dynamically and consistently and give SwtIRSfV3-Y-00450-00079000-00079119 you huge levels of SwtIRSfV3-Y-00451-00079120-00079294 financial and emotional and spiritual SwtIRSfV3-Y-00452-00079295-00079519 rewards without you growing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00453-00079520-00079703 but you have to have a way to do it SwtIRSfV3-Y-00454-00079704-00079879 that's disciplined that gives you both SwtIRSfV3-Y-00455-00079880-00080031 the psychological change but also the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00456-00080032-00080175 skill change some people do have a great SwtIRSfV3-Y-00457-00080176-00080262 psychology SwtIRSfV3-Y-00458-00080263-00080406 but they know how to make a great SwtIRSfV3-Y-00459-00080407-00080615 product or service but they're terrible SwtIRSfV3-Y-00460-00080616-00080735 at marketing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00461-00080736-00080935 and today by the way does the best SwtIRSfV3-Y-00462-00080936-00081062 product win in the world we live in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00463-00081063-00081255 today yes or no SwtIRSfV3-Y-00464-00081256-00081535 no which product wins the best marketed SwtIRSfV3-Y-00465-00081536-00081726 product wins now long term the best SwtIRSfV3-Y-00466-00081727-00081782 product SwtIRSfV3-Y-00467-00081783-00081967 and the best marketing wins that would SwtIRSfV3-Y-00468-00081968-00082159 be in the past apple i say the past SwtIRSfV3-Y-00469-00082160-00082303 because they're slipping a bit SwtIRSfV3-Y-00470-00082304-00082438 because they've stopped innovating at SwtIRSfV3-Y-00471-00082439-00082623 the same level they used to but the SwtIRSfV3-Y-00472-00082624-00082782 bottom line is if you have SwtIRSfV3-Y-00473-00082783-00082975 incredible product or service and you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00474-00082976-00083094 have incredible marketing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00475-00083095-00083255 you're going to win but we live in a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00476-00083256-00083415 world where shitty products SwtIRSfV3-Y-00477-00083416-00083606 who's ever seen someone's a a product SwtIRSfV3-Y-00478-00083607-00083815 far inferior to your own SwtIRSfV3-Y-00479-00083816-00083999 product or service and they're making SwtIRSfV3-Y-00480-00084000-00084126 more business than you are let me see SwtIRSfV3-Y-00481-00084127-00084335 your hands here say i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00482-00084336-00084662 today is it easier to market or harder SwtIRSfV3-Y-00483-00084663-00084838 which one SwtIRSfV3-Y-00484-00084839-00085182 which one it's easier SwtIRSfV3-Y-00485-00085183-00085494 and it's cheaper but it's less effective SwtIRSfV3-Y-00486-00085495-00085782 the reason is 15 years ago i don't know SwtIRSfV3-Y-00487-00085783-00085903 what the numbers are in australia but i SwtIRSfV3-Y-00488-00085904-00086055 know what they are in the uk SwtIRSfV3-Y-00489-00086056-00086215 i know what they are in germany france SwtIRSfV3-Y-00490-00086216-00086511 and the us and it's identical numbers SwtIRSfV3-Y-00491-00086512-00086735 about 15 years ago would be 16 years ago SwtIRSfV3-Y-00492-00086736-00086855 now they did the study SwtIRSfV3-Y-00493-00086856-00087135 and they found that it took on average SwtIRSfV3-Y-00494-00087136-00087215 four SwtIRSfV3-Y-00495-00087216-00087518 exposures to a product on average before SwtIRSfV3-Y-00496-00087519-00087559 someone SwtIRSfV3-Y-00497-00087560-00087838 took action on average does anybody know SwtIRSfV3-Y-00498-00087839-00088282 what it is today meaning as of last year SwtIRSfV3-Y-00499-00088283-00088582 16. 16 exposures SwtIRSfV3-Y-00500-00088583-00088894 on average before someone responds so SwtIRSfV3-Y-00501-00088895-00089006 today SwtIRSfV3-Y-00502-00089007-00089238 it's really hard to succeed if you're in SwtIRSfV3-Y-00503-00089239-00089367 a situation where you're trying to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00504-00089368-00089447 market SwtIRSfV3-Y-00505-00089448-00089599 and what are you going to compare to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00506-00089600-00089806 today people have gigantic budgets SwtIRSfV3-Y-00507-00089807-00089918 that's why you've seen all these small SwtIRSfV3-Y-00508-00089919-00090094 businesses disappear more big businesses SwtIRSfV3-Y-00509-00090095-00090182 show up SwtIRSfV3-Y-00510-00090183-00090326 and how are you supposed to compete with SwtIRSfV3-Y-00511-00090327-00090487 that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00512-00090488-00090735 the answer is you can but you have to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00513-00090736-00090911 use a totally different tax you can't do SwtIRSfV3-Y-00514-00090912-00091047 traditional advertising SwtIRSfV3-Y-00515-00091048-00091215 you're going to have to learn to master SwtIRSfV3-Y-00516-00091216-00091406 what i teach which is how do you become SwtIRSfV3-Y-00517-00091407-00091591 the expert in the field so that people SwtIRSfV3-Y-00518-00091592-00091711 come to you because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00519-00091712-00091926 they want to understand what you know SwtIRSfV3-Y-00520-00091927-00092135 about it where people seek you SwtIRSfV3-Y-00521-00092136-00092438 out you don't advertise for them because SwtIRSfV3-Y-00522-00092439-00092582 whatever advertising you have of your SwtIRSfV3-Y-00523-00092583-00092718 small business is going to be very hard SwtIRSfV3-Y-00524-00092719-00092879 for you to compete with that SwtIRSfV3-Y-00525-00092880-00093047 and that is for every kind of product SwtIRSfV3-Y-00526-00093048-00093231 you can imagine today isn't it true SwtIRSfV3-Y-00527-00093232-00093447 so a lot of people get down and out just SwtIRSfV3-Y-00528-00093448-00093591 because they don't understand it is SwtIRSfV3-Y-00529-00093592-00093855 so easy in the world we live in today to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00530-00093856-00094023 develop a level of expertise SwtIRSfV3-Y-00531-00094024-00094191 where your marketing is not marketing SwtIRSfV3-Y-00532-00094192-00094415 it's adding value if there's one way to SwtIRSfV3-Y-00533-00094416-00094550 become wealthy in business there's only SwtIRSfV3-Y-00534-00094551-00094687 one way to stay wealthy SwtIRSfV3-Y-00535-00094688-00094862 find a way to do more for others than SwtIRSfV3-Y-00536-00094863-00095006 who SwtIRSfV3-Y-00537-00095007-00095318 then who than anyone else if you find a SwtIRSfV3-Y-00538-00095319-00095582 way to add more value than anyone else SwtIRSfV3-Y-00539-00095583-00095799 in your category you will completely SwtIRSfV3-Y-00540-00095800-00095943 dominate that marketplace SwtIRSfV3-Y-00541-00095944-00096094 and if you keep doing it and you keep SwtIRSfV3-Y-00542-00096095-00096279 innovating you keep growing you can go SwtIRSfV3-Y-00543-00096280-00096415 from a tiny little business SwtIRSfV3-Y-00544-00096416-00096550 where everyone else dominated you where SwtIRSfV3-Y-00545-00096551-00096975 you're the dominant force SwEiCcFRzdg-00000-00000056-00000708 [Music] SwEiCcFRzdg-00001-00000709-00000947 what happens if you have people add SwEiCcFRzdg-00002-00000948-00001298 fruit to their regular diet three apples SwEiCcFRzdg-00003-00001299-00001490 three pears a day is snacks between SwEiCcFRzdg-00004-00001491-00001730 meals on top of whatever else they were SwEiCcFRzdg-00005-00001730-00002042 eating fruit is low in calories but not SwEiCcFRzdg-00006-00002043-00002300 zero so if you add food two peoples died SwEiCcFRzdg-00007-00002301-00002476 even healthy foods won't they gain SwEiCcFRzdg-00008-00002477-00002830 weight no they lost a couple pounds SwEiCcFRzdg-00009-00002831-00003197 maybe it was all that fiber if you SwEiCcFRzdg-00010-00003198-00003392 remember we learned our gut bacteria can SwEiCcFRzdg-00011-00003393-00003706 create anti-obesity compounds from fiber SwEiCcFRzdg-00012-00003707-00004126 that's why they also had a cookie Group SwEiCcFRzdg-00013-00004127-00004469 three apples three pears or three SwEiCcFRzdg-00014-00004470-00004706 cookies with enough oats in them to have SwEiCcFRzdg-00015-00004707-00004927 about the same amount of fiber as the SwEiCcFRzdg-00016-00004928-00005336 fruit despite the fiber adding cookies SwEiCcFRzdg-00017-00005337-00005618 to one's diet does not lead to weight SwEiCcFRzdg-00018-00005619-00005893 loss they think the weight reducing SwEiCcFRzdg-00019-00005894-00006191 secret of fruit if it is it's low energy SwEiCcFRzdg-00020-00006192-00006356 density meaning you need a lot of food SwEiCcFRzdg-00021-00006357-00006598 for just a few calories and so fills you SwEiCcFRzdg-00022-00006600-00006964 up energy density it's a relatively new SwEiCcFRzdg-00023-00006965-00007208 concept that's been identified as an SwEiCcFRzdg-00024-00007209-00007388 important factor in body weight control SwEiCcFRzdg-00025-00007389-00007580 in both adults and in children and SwEiCcFRzdg-00026-00007581-00007883 adolescents energy density is defined as SwEiCcFRzdg-00027-00007884-00008105 the amount of calories per unit weight SwEiCcFRzdg-00028-00008106-00008402 of a food or beverage water for example SwEiCcFRzdg-00029-00008403-00008669 right provides a significant amount of SwEiCcFRzdg-00030-00008670-00009023 weight without adding calories fiber to SwEiCcFRzdg-00031-00009024-00009338 thus foods high in fiber and water are SwEiCcFRzdg-00032-00009339-00009638 generally lower in energy density on the SwEiCcFRzdg-00033-00009639-00009817 other hand because dietary fat provides SwEiCcFRzdg-00034-00009818-00009980 the greatest amount of calories per SwEiCcFRzdg-00035-00009981-00010217 weight foods high in fat are generally SwEiCcFRzdg-00036-00010218-00010598 high in energy density the CDC offers SwEiCcFRzdg-00037-00010599-00010823 some examples of high energy density SwEiCcFRzdg-00038-00010824-00011053 foods are like bacon you know lots of SwEiCcFRzdg-00039-00011054-00011353 calories in a small package a medium SwEiCcFRzdg-00040-00011354-00011560 energy density food is like a bagel and SwEiCcFRzdg-00041-00011561-00011813 a low density food typifies by fruits SwEiCcFRzdg-00042-00011814-00012131 and vegetables in general the lower the SwEiCcFRzdg-00043-00012132-00012699 better with two exceptions soda is heavy SwEiCcFRzdg-00044-00012700-00013040 so heavy that by energy density it looks SwEiCcFRzdg-00045-00013041-00013254 less harmful SwEiCcFRzdg-00046-00013255-00013488 it is and nuts have so much fat they SwEiCcFRzdg-00047-00013488-00013697 appear less healthy than they are SwEiCcFRzdg-00048-00013697-00014007 otherwise though the science supports a SwEiCcFRzdg-00049-00014008-00014199 relationship teen energy density and SwEiCcFRzdg-00050-00014200-00014415 body weight such that consuming diets SwEiCcFRzdg-00051-00014416-00014604 lower in energy density may be an SwEiCcFRzdg-00052-00014605-00014807 effective strategy for weight control SwEiCcFRzdg-00053-00014808-00015084 this is because people tend to eat a SwEiCcFRzdg-00054-00015085-00015372 consistent weight of food so when SwEiCcFRzdg-00055-00015372-00015663 there's less calories per pound calorie SwEiCcFRzdg-00056-00015663-00016011 intake is reduced a small drop in energy SwEiCcFRzdg-00057-00016012-00016254 density can lead to a small drop in SwEiCcFRzdg-00058-00016255-00016443 weight and the greater the decrease in SwEiCcFRzdg-00059-00016444-00016707 energy density the greater the weight SwEiCcFRzdg-00060-00016708-00017061 loss energy density can be reduced in a SwEiCcFRzdg-00061-00017062-00017328 variety of ways such as the addition of SwEiCcFRzdg-00062-00017329-00017580 fruits and vegetables to recipes or by SwEiCcFRzdg-00063-00017581-00017826 lowering the fat or sugar content and SwEiCcFRzdg-00064-00017827-00018024 indeed that's how we evolved eating SwEiCcFRzdg-00065-00018025-00018267 predominantly low energy density foods SwEiCcFRzdg-00066-00018268-00018474 such as fruits vegetables plants and SwEiCcFRzdg-00067-00018475-00018723 tubers starts with roots like sweet SwEiCcFRzdg-00068-00018724-00019020 potatoes the first study to emphasize SwEiCcFRzdg-00069-00019021-00019182 how fruits and vegetables could affect SwEiCcFRzdg-00070-00019183-00019338 energy density and food intake was SwEiCcFRzdg-00071-00019339-00019739 conducted more than thirty years ago SwEiCcFRzdg-00072-00019740-00019965 researchers were able to cut people's SwEiCcFRzdg-00073-00019966-00020244 caloric intake nearly in half from 3,000 SwEiCcFRzdg-00074-00020245-00020484 calories a day down to 1570 without SwEiCcFRzdg-00075-00020485-00020829 cutting portions just by substituting SwEiCcFRzdg-00076-00020830-00021084 less calorie dense foods which means SwEiCcFRzdg-00077-00021085-00021269 lots of fruits vegetables whole grains SwEiCcFRzdg-00078-00021270-00021552 and beans compared to a high energy SwEiCcFRzdg-00079-00021553-00021785 density meal with lots of meat and sugar SwEiCcFRzdg-00080-00021786-00022011 nearly half the calories but they SwEiCcFRzdg-00081-00022012-00022392 enjoyed the meals just as much they SwEiCcFRzdg-00082-00022393-00022605 tried this in Hawaii putting people on a SwEiCcFRzdg-00083-00022606-00022860 traditional Hawaiian diet with all the SwEiCcFRzdg-00084-00022861-00023109 plant foods they could eat lost an SwEiCcFRzdg-00085-00023110-00023366 average of 17 pounds in just 21 days SwEiCcFRzdg-00086-00023367-00023544 resulting in better cholesterol SwEiCcFRzdg-00087-00023545-00023712 triglycerides blood sugars and blood SwEiCcFRzdg-00088-00023713-00024162 pressure caloric intake dropped 40% but SwEiCcFRzdg-00089-00024163-00024393 not by eating less food in fact they SwEiCcFRzdg-00090-00024394-00024726 lost 17 pounds in 21 days eating more SwEiCcFRzdg-00091-00024727-00025094 food four pounds of food but because SwEiCcFRzdg-00092-00025095-00025347 plants tend to be so calorically dilute SwEiCcFRzdg-00093-00025348-00025584 one can stuff oneself without getting SwEiCcFRzdg-00094-00025585-00025830 the same kind of weight gain and the SwEiCcFRzdg-00095-00025831-00026025 energy density of foods is of interest SwEiCcFRzdg-00096-00026026-00026183 for weight management not only because SwEiCcFRzdg-00097-00026185-00026345 it allows people to eat satisfying SwEiCcFRzdg-00098-00026347-00026481 portions while limit SwEiCcFRzdg-00099-00026482-00026760 calories but also because reductions in SwEiCcFRzdg-00100-00026761-00026892 energy density are associated with SwEiCcFRzdg-00101-00026893-00027144 improved dietary quality for example SwEiCcFRzdg-00102-00027145-00027408 lower energy dense diets associated with SwEiCcFRzdg-00103-00027408-00027693 lower risk of pancreatic cancer lower SwEiCcFRzdg-00104-00027694-00027870 energy density foods tend to be SwEiCcFRzdg-00105-00027870-00028137 healthier foods so we get the best of SwEiCcFRzdg-00106-00028138-00028685 both worlds SwEiCcFRzdg-00107-00028686-00029820 [Music] SwEiCcFRzdg-00108-00029822-00030027 you Sxiy9eCfJDE-00000-00000006-00000299 ha dong so is a good-looking man with a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00001-00000300-00000509 strange ability one night while he is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00002-00000509-00000688 strolling around the streets singing to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00003-00000689-00000916 his self-composed song High hanging Sxiy9eCfJDE-00004-00000917-00001157 Metals some organ traffickers kidnap him Sxiy9eCfJDE-00005-00001158-00001366 and take him away then his body is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00006-00001367-00001660 dissected bit by bit surprisingly dong Sxiy9eCfJDE-00007-00001661-00001895 so can see everything happening despite Sxiy9eCfJDE-00008-00001896-00002134 his being almost dead after a while the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00009-00002135-00002302 surgeon takes out both of his eyes and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00010-00002303-00002525 keeps them on a tray however the pupils Sxiy9eCfJDE-00011-00002526-00002752 look as if they can still see the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00012-00002753-00002933 surgeon notices this but before he can Sxiy9eCfJDE-00013-00002934-00003160 act he receives a phone call while he is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00014-00003161-00003436 away shockingly strange tentacle-like Sxiy9eCfJDE-00015-00003438-00003677 things come out of dong so's wounds and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00016-00003678-00003947 they start healing then he comes back to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00017-00003947-00004204 life and slowly Rises up as the surgeon Sxiy9eCfJDE-00018-00004205-00004445 watches in horror dong so grabs one of Sxiy9eCfJDE-00019-00004446-00004606 his eyes and places it near his eye Sxiy9eCfJDE-00020-00004607-00004811 socket lo and behold the strange Sxiy9eCfJDE-00021-00004812-00005038 tentacle-like things pull the eye and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00022-00005039-00005254 fix it in its place dongso tries Sxiy9eCfJDE-00023-00005255-00005435 retrieving his other eye but at the same Sxiy9eCfJDE-00024-00005436-00005668 time the surgeon summons for backup so Sxiy9eCfJDE-00025-00005669-00005945 he jumps out the window and escapes next Sxiy9eCfJDE-00026-00005946-00006101 time you're having a tough day just Sxiy9eCfJDE-00027-00006102-00006359 remember pull yourself together Sxiy9eCfJDE-00028-00006360-00006563 fast forward several months a strange Sxiy9eCfJDE-00029-00006564-00006755 occurrence happens in the same city one Sxiy9eCfJDE-00030-00006756-00006934 morning a beautiful sculpture of a woman Sxiy9eCfJDE-00031-00006936-00007163 appears out of nowhere and this attracts Sxiy9eCfJDE-00032-00007164-00007360 the attention of a lot of people as they Sxiy9eCfJDE-00033-00007361-00007577 are curiously clicking pictures suddenly Sxiy9eCfJDE-00034-00007578-00007823 Blood starts dripping from it in a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00035-00007823-00007991 shocking turn of events it is revealed Sxiy9eCfJDE-00036-00007992-00008164 that the sculpture isn't made up of clay Sxiy9eCfJDE-00037-00008165-00008477 but it is instead an actual human molded Sxiy9eCfJDE-00038-00008478-00008705 to look like a statue in no time the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00039-00008706-00008921 police led by Chief Inspector Jang Wan Sxiy9eCfJDE-00040-00008922-00009083 arrive there and take the body away Sxiy9eCfJDE-00041-00009084-00009287 however even after hours of Sxiy9eCfJDE-00042-00009288-00009496 Investigation all they find is a strange Sxiy9eCfJDE-00043-00009497-00009689 mark on the body which looks like a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00044-00009690-00009899 combination of the alphabet letters P Sxiy9eCfJDE-00045-00009900-00010133 and L following this we are taken to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00046-00010134-00010342 dong so who is now living an anonymous Sxiy9eCfJDE-00047-00010343-00010523 life in the city he is wearing an eye Sxiy9eCfJDE-00048-00010524-00010721 patch to hide his missing eye and seems Sxiy9eCfJDE-00049-00010722-00010906 pretty shaken up by the incident one Sxiy9eCfJDE-00050-00010907-00011081 night while he is practicing his songs Sxiy9eCfJDE-00051-00011082-00011314 suddenly he feels a sharp pain in his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00052-00011315-00011621 eye socket and experiences a vision in Sxiy9eCfJDE-00053-00011622-00011801 it he sees a first person view of Sxiy9eCfJDE-00054-00011802-00011969 someone looking at a picture of zodiac Sxiy9eCfJDE-00055-00011970-00012185 signs on his computer one of the symbols Sxiy9eCfJDE-00056-00012186-00012424 in the picture is the pl word that was Sxiy9eCfJDE-00057-00012425-00012617 carved on the deceased girl from earlier Sxiy9eCfJDE-00058-00012618-00012815 dong so also notices an array of Sxiy9eCfJDE-00059-00012816-00013019 sketches around the person's table once Sxiy9eCfJDE-00060-00013019-00013193 his strange vision is over he deduces Sxiy9eCfJDE-00061-00013194-00013361 that he is seeing through his other eye Sxiy9eCfJDE-00062-00013362-00013558 which has been transplanted to someone Sxiy9eCfJDE-00063-00013559-00013799 else the next day as dong so is at his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00064-00013800-00014021 workplace a junkyard he notices some Sxiy9eCfJDE-00065-00014022-00014255 thugs harassing his old boss he tries to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00066-00014256-00014465 make them stop but instead gets beaten Sxiy9eCfJDE-00067-00014466-00014680 up then one of the thugs brings out a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00068-00014681-00014897 knife and swings at a dong so hoping Sxiy9eCfJDE-00069-00014897-00015077 that he will Dodge it but the ladder Sxiy9eCfJDE-00070-00015078-00015244 doesn't move a bit because of this Sxiy9eCfJDE-00071-00015245-00015491 dongso's ear gets sliced off and falls Sxiy9eCfJDE-00072-00015491-00015707 to the ground the thugs are terrified at Sxiy9eCfJDE-00073-00015708-00015875 the sight and they immediately run away Sxiy9eCfJDE-00074-00015876-00016169 and after they are gone dongso uses his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00075-00016169-00016349 mysterious ability to attach the ear Sxiy9eCfJDE-00076-00016350-00016565 back to his body meanwhile the organ Sxiy9eCfJDE-00077-00016566-00016715 traffickers are on the lookout for Sxiy9eCfJDE-00078-00016716-00016913 dongsau as his Immortal body could be Sxiy9eCfJDE-00079-00016914-00017129 worth millions Chief Inspector Zhang Sxiy9eCfJDE-00080-00017130-00017308 also notices him near the crime scenes Sxiy9eCfJDE-00081-00017309-00017465 and suspects that he is up to something Sxiy9eCfJDE-00082-00017466-00017729 that night dongso tries to drown his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00083-00017730-00017993 anxiety by immersing himself in music he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00084-00017994-00018185 grabs a guitar and attempts to play the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00085-00018186-00018400 song High hanging Metals how however Sxiy9eCfJDE-00086-00018401-00018617 since it has been a while he is unable Sxiy9eCfJDE-00087-00018618-00018844 to remember the courts so he goes to his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00088-00018845-00019000 Anonymous YouTube channel and plays the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00089-00019001-00019199 song in slow motion to grasp the chords Sxiy9eCfJDE-00090-00019200-00019391 at the same time the guy from his vision Sxiy9eCfJDE-00091-00019392-00019661 also plays the same song and as soon as Sxiy9eCfJDE-00092-00019662-00019913 he does so his eyes start hurting dongso Sxiy9eCfJDE-00093-00019914-00020129 also experiences excruciating pain in Sxiy9eCfJDE-00094-00020130-00020261 his eye fed up with the weird Sxiy9eCfJDE-00095-00020262-00020435 occurrences he decides to head to the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00096-00020436-00020591 same place where he had been abducted Sxiy9eCfJDE-00097-00020592-00020789 and look for his other eye unfortunately Sxiy9eCfJDE-00098-00020790-00020993 when he arrives at the place one of the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00099-00020994-00021179 organ traffickers immediately recognizes Sxiy9eCfJDE-00100-00021180-00021419 him and calls for backup then a lengthy Sxiy9eCfJDE-00101-00021420-00021647 Chase ensues dong so narrowly escapes Sxiy9eCfJDE-00102-00021648-00021857 and attempts to flee but just then a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00103-00021858-00022072 girl named Lisa approaches him she Sxiy9eCfJDE-00104-00022073-00022283 appears to know about his condition and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00105-00022284-00022457 slices his leg to check if the rumors Sxiy9eCfJDE-00106-00022458-00022697 are real to her surprise dongso heals Sxiy9eCfJDE-00107-00022698-00022853 his wound in the blink of an eye and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00108-00022854-00023050 escapes following this we are shown the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00109-00023051-00023230 same man from dongso's Visions going Sxiy9eCfJDE-00110-00023231-00023428 through his Sketchbook shockingly the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00111-00023429-00023567 sketches are of people who have been Sxiy9eCfJDE-00112-00023568-00023753 killed and turned into statues this Sxiy9eCfJDE-00113-00023754-00023914 proves that the person who has dog says Sxiy9eCfJDE-00114-00023915-00024125 other eye is the murderer in the next Sxiy9eCfJDE-00115-00024126-00024317 scene we are introduced to a woman named Sxiy9eCfJDE-00116-00024318-00024557 Lee rang who is heading to work on a bus Sxiy9eCfJDE-00117-00024558-00024761 along the way she gets bored and starts Sxiy9eCfJDE-00118-00024762-00024917 listening to the high hanging Metals Sxiy9eCfJDE-00119-00024918-00025114 song on YouTube which is apparently gone Sxiy9eCfJDE-00120-00025115-00025313 viral after a while she reaches her Sxiy9eCfJDE-00121-00025314-00025535 workplace and notices a large crowd Sxiy9eCfJDE-00122-00025536-00025714 outside they are staring at a human Sxiy9eCfJDE-00123-00025716-00025931 statue which turns out to be the latest Sxiy9eCfJDE-00124-00025932-00026206 murder in the city after a while Lee is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00125-00026207-00026423 with her crush and team leader Jin siop Sxiy9eCfJDE-00126-00026424-00026674 who happens to be quiet and arrogant to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00127-00026675-00026837 break the awkwardness Lee starts humming Sxiy9eCfJDE-00128-00026838-00027005 the high hanging metal song and with Sxiy9eCfJDE-00129-00027006-00027268 this Jin siop feels a sudden pain in his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00130-00027269-00027502 eye dongso also experiences the same and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00131-00027504-00027652 he starts getting a first person view Sxiy9eCfJDE-00132-00027654-00027857 through the murderer's eye he sees the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00133-00027858-00028096 woman Lee and her workplace this finally Sxiy9eCfJDE-00134-00028097-00028264 reveals that the murderer is none other Sxiy9eCfJDE-00135-00028266-00028529 than jinsiop himself we also get to know Sxiy9eCfJDE-00136-00028530-00028745 that both of dongso's eyes recognize his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00137-00028745-00028949 song so whenever it plays they start Sxiy9eCfJDE-00138-00028950-00029195 reconnecting through telepathic means at Sxiy9eCfJDE-00139-00029195-00029399 night dongso gets another Vision where Sxiy9eCfJDE-00140-00029400-00029573 he gets a better look at jinsiop's Sxiy9eCfJDE-00141-00029574-00029824 Sketchbook he sees the words corpse art Sxiy9eCfJDE-00142-00029825-00030064 and decides to look it up on Google to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00143-00030066-00030268 his horror he finds pictures of the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00144-00030269-00030490 recent murders and finally realizes that Sxiy9eCfJDE-00145-00030491-00030707 the person who has the other eye is in Sxiy9eCfJDE-00146-00030708-00030881 fact the culprit the very next morning Sxiy9eCfJDE-00147-00030882-00031085 he wastes no time and heads to the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00148-00031086-00031264 location he saw in his Visions he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00149-00031266-00031487 notices Lee and instantly recognizes her Sxiy9eCfJDE-00150-00031488-00031690 so he approaches her and inquires about Sxiy9eCfJDE-00151-00031691-00031846 the man she was with the previous day Sxiy9eCfJDE-00152-00031847-00032099 but as expected Lee believes that he is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00153-00032100-00032374 a creep and walks away now dongso has no Sxiy9eCfJDE-00154-00032375-00032549 leads because he doesn't even know what Sxiy9eCfJDE-00155-00032550-00032801 the murderer looks like so he decides to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00156-00032802-00033005 find more clues about him he goes to a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00157-00033006-00033167 horoscope specialist and asks her about Sxiy9eCfJDE-00158-00033168-00033449 the cryptic PL sign she reveals that it Sxiy9eCfJDE-00159-00033450-00033659 refers to the planet Pluto and is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00160-00033660-00033935 generally regarded as a bad Omen dong so Sxiy9eCfJDE-00161-00033936-00034109 then mentions the date of the recent two Sxiy9eCfJDE-00162-00034110-00034307 murder cases and asks if there is any Sxiy9eCfJDE-00163-00034308-00034493 connection between them the specialist Sxiy9eCfJDE-00164-00034494-00034631 points out that they are definitely Sxiy9eCfJDE-00165-00034632-00034823 connected and also explains that the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00166-00034824-00034996 next similar date is the 25th of Sxiy9eCfJDE-00167-00034997-00035290 December which is tomorrow this alarm's Sxiy9eCfJDE-00168-00035291-00035495 dog so as he realizes he forgot to buy Sxiy9eCfJDE-00169-00035496-00035674 Christmas presents and also that the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00170-00035675-00035843 next murder is going to happen the next Sxiy9eCfJDE-00171-00035844-00036046 day he wants to stop it from happening Sxiy9eCfJDE-00172-00036047-00036196 but doesn't know where to start Sxiy9eCfJDE-00173-00036197-00036443 meanwhile Lee arrives at ginsiops house Sxiy9eCfJDE-00174-00036444-00036652 and makes love with him oblivious to the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00175-00036653-00036839 fact that he is a cold-blooded killer Sxiy9eCfJDE-00176-00036840-00037049 after they are done jinsiop heads to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00177-00037050-00037235 take a shower while Lee scans through Sxiy9eCfJDE-00178-00037236-00037402 the house she comes across his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00179-00037403-00037559 Sketchbook and goes through it out of Sxiy9eCfJDE-00180-00037560-00037781 curiosity Lee is taken aback when she Sxiy9eCfJDE-00181-00037782-00037985 sees the gruesome sketches of the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00182-00037986-00038201 recently murdered victims and comes to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00183-00038202-00038446 know that her crush jinsiop is actually Sxiy9eCfJDE-00184-00038447-00038674 the killer the following day it is the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00185-00038675-00038885 25th of December and as dongso had Sxiy9eCfJDE-00186-00038886-00039107 predicted a statute corpse is found in Sxiy9eCfJDE-00187-00039108-00039352 an isolated field a huge crowd gathers Sxiy9eCfJDE-00188-00039353-00039527 and among them are the organ traffickers Sxiy9eCfJDE-00189-00039528-00039755 and inspector Jang unfortunately both Sxiy9eCfJDE-00190-00039756-00039935 the parties notice dong so and start Sxiy9eCfJDE-00191-00039936-00040121 chasing after him the organ traffickers Sxiy9eCfJDE-00192-00040122-00040307 get to him first but in the nick of time Sxiy9eCfJDE-00193-00040308-00040546 the mysterious girl from earlier Lisa Sxiy9eCfJDE-00194-00040547-00040745 arrives and knocks them out she then Sxiy9eCfJDE-00195-00040746-00040930 takes dongso to a safe place and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00196-00040931-00041140 introduces herself properly apparently Sxiy9eCfJDE-00197-00041141-00041309 she is a novelist who is currently Sxiy9eCfJDE-00198-00041310-00041524 writing an article about the connects Sxiy9eCfJDE-00199-00041525-00041729 connects are Supernatural humans like Sxiy9eCfJDE-00200-00041730-00041902 dong so who have the ability to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00201-00041903-00042112 regenerate their body parts hence making Sxiy9eCfJDE-00202-00042113-00042383 them Immortal before departing the two Sxiy9eCfJDE-00203-00042384-00042568 exchanged their numbers and promised to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00204-00042569-00042773 meet soon on the other hand a scaredly Sxiy9eCfJDE-00205-00042774-00042923 approaches one of her colleagues and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00206-00042924-00043055 tells them about what she saw in Sxiy9eCfJDE-00207-00043056-00043271 jinsiop's SketchBook later she meets Sxiy9eCfJDE-00208-00043272-00043499 jinsiop and requests to speak in private Sxiy9eCfJDE-00209-00043500-00043690 the two then head to the rooftop and Lee Sxiy9eCfJDE-00210-00043691-00043912 confronts him for being a murderer she Sxiy9eCfJDE-00211-00043913-00044062 explains that she saw all of his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00212-00044063-00044273 sketches and his elaborate evil plans Sxiy9eCfJDE-00213-00044274-00044446 her colleague is keeping an eye on them Sxiy9eCfJDE-00214-00044447-00044674 from a corner but unfortunately his cell Sxiy9eCfJDE-00215-00044675-00044861 phone rings and this blows his cover Sxiy9eCfJDE-00216-00044862-00045149 alarmed jinsiop first knocksly out and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00217-00045150-00045335 then goes after the colleague he is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00218-00045336-00045473 about to push him off the edge of the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00219-00045474-00045665 building but just then Lee's cell phone Sxiy9eCfJDE-00220-00045666-00045802 starts ringing which has the high Sxiy9eCfJDE-00221-00045803-00046018 hanging metal song as a ringtone this Sxiy9eCfJDE-00222-00046019-00046258 hurts jinsiop and at the same time dong Sxiy9eCfJDE-00223-00046259-00046499 so who is nearby gets a vision of the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00224-00046500-00046685 rooftop unfortunately before he can Sxiy9eCfJDE-00225-00046686-00046877 reach the place jinsiop Chucks the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00226-00046878-00047039 colleague from the building and kills Sxiy9eCfJDE-00227-00047040-00047308 him oh he also finishes off Lee to tie Sxiy9eCfJDE-00228-00047309-00047524 up all the Loose Ends all this time the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00229-00047525-00047735 song keeps playing and a terrified dong Sxiy9eCfJDE-00230-00047736-00047962 so Witnesses the entire incident the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00231-00047963-00048179 only clue he notices is the murderer's Sxiy9eCfJDE-00232-00048180-00048395 coat despite this he run rushes to the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00233-00048396-00048527 building by dodging numerous security Sxiy9eCfJDE-00234-00048528-00048743 checkpoints he then races to the roof Sxiy9eCfJDE-00235-00048744-00048929 but doesn't find anyone apart from Lee's Sxiy9eCfJDE-00236-00048930-00049174 lifeless body at this point the entire Sxiy9eCfJDE-00237-00049175-00049361 building is swarming with cops and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00238-00049362-00049535 panicked people because of the two Sxiy9eCfJDE-00239-00049536-00049793 murderers despite this dongso risks it Sxiy9eCfJDE-00240-00049794-00050008 all and decides to find the killer who Sxiy9eCfJDE-00241-00050009-00050212 has his eye he heads downstairs and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00242-00050213-00050321 starts searching through the department Sxiy9eCfJDE-00243-00050322-00050567 where jinsiop Works to his luck he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00244-00050568-00050717 suddenly notices a man with the same Sxiy9eCfJDE-00245-00050718-00050927 code as the murderer and goes after him Sxiy9eCfJDE-00246-00050928-00051167 soon dongso reaches the washroom and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00247-00051168-00051394 traps jinsiop inside one of the toilet Sxiy9eCfJDE-00248-00051395-00051629 stalls but unfortunately before he can Sxiy9eCfJDE-00249-00051629-00051814 take a look at his face some security Sxiy9eCfJDE-00250-00051815-00052054 Personnel arrive and take him away it Sxiy9eCfJDE-00251-00052055-00052223 turns out that the officers tracked his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00252-00052224-00052390 activities through cameras and are Sxiy9eCfJDE-00253-00052391-00052588 suspecting him of being the murderer Sxiy9eCfJDE-00254-00052589-00052792 dong so tries his best to explain that Sxiy9eCfJDE-00255-00052794-00052930 the real murderer is still in the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00256-00052932-00053104 washroom but no one listens to him Sxiy9eCfJDE-00257-00053105-00053309 fortunately the novelist Lisa again Sxiy9eCfJDE-00258-00053310-00053525 comes to his rescue and frees him in the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00259-00053526-00053699 meantime jinsiop is left in utter Sxiy9eCfJDE-00260-00053700-00053885 disbelief at how someone could have seen Sxiy9eCfJDE-00261-00053886-00054059 him committing the murders he spends Sxiy9eCfJDE-00262-00054060-00054238 hours thinking about it but doesn't come Sxiy9eCfJDE-00263-00054239-00054491 to a conclusion but when he hears the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00264-00054491-00054700 same song and experiences a sharp pain Sxiy9eCfJDE-00265-00054701-00054947 in his eyes he finally realizes that his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00266-00054948-00055126 transplanted eye is causing the problem Sxiy9eCfJDE-00267-00055127-00055319 Whoever has the other eye can see Sxiy9eCfJDE-00268-00055320-00055492 through him and experience everything Sxiy9eCfJDE-00269-00055494-00055738 that he does ah the only way to fix this Sxiy9eCfJDE-00270-00055739-00056009 is with a surgery at the ICU on the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00271-00056010-00056200 other hand dongso takes Lisa home and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00272-00056201-00056369 explains everything to her from scratch Sxiy9eCfJDE-00273-00056370-00056554 he starts from his childhood where he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00274-00056555-00056711 had fallen off a tree and broken his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00275-00056712-00056944 limbs but miraculously every bone Sxiy9eCfJDE-00276-00056945-00057142 repaired itself in seconds his friends Sxiy9eCfJDE-00277-00057144-00057329 called him a monster and even his family Sxiy9eCfJDE-00278-00057329-00057550 isolated themselves from him dong so Sxiy9eCfJDE-00279-00057551-00057707 then explains about the night where he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00280-00057708-00057947 was kidnapped by organ Harvesters he was Sxiy9eCfJDE-00281-00057948-00058180 cut open and his eyes were taken out but Sxiy9eCfJDE-00282-00058182-00058361 due to his powers he healed all the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00283-00058362-00058541 wounds and regained Consciousness he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00284-00058541-00058715 then put one of his eyes back and fled Sxiy9eCfJDE-00285-00058716-00058913 the scene before the bad guys approached Sxiy9eCfJDE-00286-00058914-00059087 him now he is having first-person Sxiy9eCfJDE-00287-00059088-00059273 visions of the person who has his other Sxiy9eCfJDE-00288-00059274-00059471 eye the person is none other than the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00289-00059472-00059669 Most Wanted murderer in the city he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00290-00059670-00059807 knows this because of the elaborate Sxiy9eCfJDE-00291-00059808-00059987 sketches and the other plans he saw in Sxiy9eCfJDE-00292-00059988-00060221 his Visions however the problem is that Sxiy9eCfJDE-00293-00060222-00060394 he still hasn't seen them murderer's Sxiy9eCfJDE-00294-00060395-00060671 face hearing all of this Lisa is taken Sxiy9eCfJDE-00295-00060672-00060887 aback but nonetheless she decides to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00296-00060888-00061066 help him she also gives him a pair of Sxiy9eCfJDE-00297-00061067-00061259 sunglasses to keep him off the radar as Sxiy9eCfJDE-00298-00061260-00061475 his iconic eye patch has become easily Sxiy9eCfJDE-00299-00061476-00061691 recognizable at night the two go to a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00300-00061691-00061823 department store to get some supplies Sxiy9eCfJDE-00301-00061824-00062057 where dong so notices his wanted poster Sxiy9eCfJDE-00302-00062058-00062261 on the wall alarmed he quickly races Sxiy9eCfJDE-00303-00062262-00062494 outside and tries running away but at Sxiy9eCfJDE-00304-00062495-00062711 the same time his eye starts hurting Sxiy9eCfJDE-00305-00062712-00062915 then he gets a vision of the killer Sxiy9eCfJDE-00306-00062916-00063119 watching his YouTube video this makes Sxiy9eCfJDE-00307-00063120-00063292 dong so realize that he can only get Sxiy9eCfJDE-00308-00063294-00063473 Visions when the killer listens to his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00309-00063474-00063700 song High hanging Metals later that Sxiy9eCfJDE-00310-00063701-00063916 night while he is brainstorming ideas to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00311-00063917-00064115 tackle the situation he again gets a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00312-00064116-00064366 vision this time he sees his own sketch Sxiy9eCfJDE-00313-00064367-00064571 being drawn by the murderer it appears Sxiy9eCfJDE-00314-00064572-00064792 as if jinsiop is trying to warn dong so Sxiy9eCfJDE-00315-00064794-00064985 to stay away from his business however Sxiy9eCfJDE-00316-00064986-00065230 in the process he accidentally shows his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00317-00065232-00065429 next targets which happen to be three Sxiy9eCfJDE-00318-00065429-00065669 school girls thongso is taken aback by Sxiy9eCfJDE-00319-00065670-00065855 what he sees and he decides to find the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00320-00065856-00066059 killer before any death occurs he knows Sxiy9eCfJDE-00321-00066060-00066215 that the entire city is on the lookout Sxiy9eCfJDE-00322-00066216-00066400 for him but at this point points he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00323-00066401-00066611 doesn't care in the final scene as dong Sxiy9eCfJDE-00324-00066612-00066844 so is out to find Clues he stumbles upon Sxiy9eCfJDE-00325-00066845-00067000 a street musician who is playing his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00326-00067001-00067276 song's cover for a moment he forgets all Sxiy9eCfJDE-00327-00067277-00067475 of his worries and gets lost in the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00328-00067476-00067643 beauty of the song that he himself Sxiy9eCfJDE-00329-00067644-00067913 created what a narcissist however dong Sxiy9eCfJDE-00330-00067914-00068123 so's happy moment is short-lived as he Sxiy9eCfJDE-00331-00068124-00068369 once again gets a vision surprisingly in Sxiy9eCfJDE-00332-00068370-00068555 it he sees himself twitching in pain Sxiy9eCfJDE-00333-00068556-00068735 this means that the Killer is watching Sxiy9eCfJDE-00334-00068736-00068938 him from nearby when dong so comes to Sxiy9eCfJDE-00335-00068939-00069149 his senses and looks around he notices a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00336-00069150-00069317 shadowy figure observing him from a Sxiy9eCfJDE-00337-00069318-00069521 nearby car dong so screams and Sxiy9eCfJDE-00338-00069522-00069694 immediately goes after him but at the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00339-00069695-00069881 same time inspector Jang and his Sxiy9eCfJDE-00340-00069882-00070073 colleagues arrive and arrest him the Sxiy9eCfJDE-00341-00070074-00070337 episode ends as a devastated dong so is Sxiy9eCfJDE-00342-00070338-00070676 taken away to the police station S-UNp81_ZRI-00000-00000000-00000130 foreign S-UNp81_ZRI-00001-00000131-00001066 [Music] S-UNp81_ZRI-00002-00001067-00001295 you're actually a sexually transmitted S-UNp81_ZRI-00003-00001296-00001573 disease you know S-UNp81_ZRI-00004-00001574-00002291 [Applause] S-UNp81_ZRI-00005-00002292-00002518 it is the basics of life you are born S-UNp81_ZRI-00006-00002519-00002800 because of that I'm saying S-UNp81_ZRI-00007-00002801-00003401 not your sexuality somebody else's S-UNp81_ZRI-00008-00003402-00003622 so uh S-UNp81_ZRI-00009-00003623-00003875 we are born out of that should we end S-UNp81_ZRI-00010-00003876-00004217 with that that's a question S-UNp81_ZRI-00011-00004218-00004643 it is not about right and wrong it is S-UNp81_ZRI-00012-00004644-00004847 not about morality S-UNp81_ZRI-00013-00004848-00005117 it is about the limited nature of what S-UNp81_ZRI-00014-00005118-00005399 it is S-UNp81_ZRI-00015-00005400-00005765 do you want to be stuck in it forever S-UNp81_ZRI-00016-00005766-00005945 or do you want to think this is all bad S-UNp81_ZRI-00017-00005946-00006209 I don't want to touch it S-UNp81_ZRI-00018-00006210-00006406 no S-UNp81_ZRI-00019-00006408-00006778 I would say S-UNp81_ZRI-00020-00006779-00007114 for at least 30 to 40 percent of the S-UNp81_ZRI-00021-00007115-00007259 human beings S-UNp81_ZRI-00022-00007259-00007505 it is only a passing thing within S-UNp81_ZRI-00023-00007506-00007606 themselves S-UNp81_ZRI-00024-00007608-00007828 but because of social culture they all S-UNp81_ZRI-00025-00007829-00008317 believe they must go in the direction S-UNp81_ZRI-00026-00008318-00008645 there may be another 30 40 for whom it's S-UNp81_ZRI-00027-00008646-00008837 very compulsive need S-UNp81_ZRI-00028-00008838-00009124 another 30 40 percent medium they're S-UNp81_ZRI-00029-00009125-00009251 like S-UNp81_ZRI-00030-00009252-00009701 they need it but not so compulsively S-UNp81_ZRI-00031-00009702-00009977 this is the nature of the population I S-UNp81_ZRI-00032-00009978-00010205 am saying this with certain absolute S-UNp81_ZRI-00033-00010206-00010474 sense of perception about this S-UNp81_ZRI-00034-00010475-00010841 not everybody is on it all the time but S-UNp81_ZRI-00035-00010842-00011033 today Society is cultivating them S-UNp81_ZRI-00036-00011034-00011296 cultivating them like this if you're not S-UNp81_ZRI-00037-00011297-00011531 it you're not no not normal S-UNp81_ZRI-00038-00011532-00011717 so S-UNp81_ZRI-00039-00011718-00012023 what you're essentially saying is S-UNp81_ZRI-00040-00012024-00012221 all the yogis of the past were not S-UNp81_ZRI-00041-00012222-00012360 normal S-UNp81_ZRI-00042-00012361-00012635 Buddha was not normal S-UNp81_ZRI-00043-00012636-00012988 nobody was normal except S-UNp81_ZRI-00044-00012989-00013372 those who are in the pornography sites S-UNp81_ZRI-00045-00013373-00013625 nobody's normal S-UNp81_ZRI-00046-00013626-00014033 no this is highly exaggerated sense of S-UNp81_ZRI-00047-00014034-00014386 physicality there is a physical body it S-UNp81_ZRI-00048-00014387-00014585 has come into existence only because of S-UNp81_ZRI-00049-00014586-00014957 somebody's sexuality isn't it S-UNp81_ZRI-00050-00014958-00015119 Zeus S-UNp81_ZRI-00051-00015119-00015371 sex is a fundamental Instinct in the S-UNp81_ZRI-00052-00015372-00015521 body is one thing S-UNp81_ZRI-00053-00015522-00015730 it's residing in your mind is another S-UNp81_ZRI-00054-00015731-00015905 thing S-UNp81_ZRI-00055-00015906-00016115 that is happening because of a certain S-UNp81_ZRI-00056-00016116-00016379 level of culture around you S-UNp81_ZRI-00057-00016380-00016625 that is happening because of somebody S-UNp81_ZRI-00058-00016626-00016805 told you it is a sin you should not S-UNp81_ZRI-00059-00016806-00017063 think about it it is just that S-UNp81_ZRI-00060-00017064-00017333 there is a dignified way of conducting S-UNp81_ZRI-00061-00017334-00017711 it for that we created institutions we S-UNp81_ZRI-00062-00017712-00017969 created a certain level of commitment S-UNp81_ZRI-00063-00017970-00018233 because S-UNp81_ZRI-00064-00018234-00018467 there is a fundamental need within a S-UNp81_ZRI-00065-00018468-00018730 human being to conduct every aspect of S-UNp81_ZRI-00066-00018731-00018941 our life with some sense of aesthetic S-UNp81_ZRI-00067-00018942-00019325 otherwise we will feel like animals S-UNp81_ZRI-00068-00019326-00019517 see we eat S-UNp81_ZRI-00069-00019518-00019763 we can eat like this S-UNp81_ZRI-00070-00019764-00019985 when you're very hungry you become like S-UNp81_ZRI-00071-00019986-00020141 an animal if you've not eaten for five S-UNp81_ZRI-00072-00020142-00020357 days you will eat like that with both S-UNp81_ZRI-00073-00020358-00020650 hands like how have you seen a how a S-UNp81_ZRI-00074-00020651-00020927 hungry dog will eat S-UNp81_ZRI-00075-00020928-00021071 like that S-UNp81_ZRI-00076-00021072-00021371 a human being also will behave like that S-UNp81_ZRI-00077-00021372-00021791 when the need becomes like that S-UNp81_ZRI-00078-00021792-00022186 now the same but now we learn to sit S-UNp81_ZRI-00079-00022187-00022835 properly when you're very hungry S-UNp81_ZRI-00080-00022836-00023004 so I know S-UNp81_ZRI-00081-00023005-00023543 [Laughter] S-UNp81_ZRI-00082-00023544-00023813 some brahmachary is showing you his lung S-UNp81_ZRI-00083-00023814-00024072 power S-UNp81_ZRI-00084-00024073-00024502 [Laughter] S-UNp81_ZRI-00085-00024503-00025211 [Music] S-UNp81_ZRI-00086-00025212-00025428 uh S-UNp81_ZRI-00087-00025429-00025672 [Laughter] S-UNp81_ZRI-00088-00025673-00025889 you would have run three ohms by the S-UNp81_ZRI-00089-00025889-00026296 time he finishes off S-UNp81_ZRI-00090-00026297-00026558 um S-UNp81_ZRI-00091-00026558-00026824 [Applause] S-UNp81_ZRI-00092-00026825-00027011 because S-UNp81_ZRI-00093-00027012-00027377 when something is very needed for you S-UNp81_ZRI-00094-00027377-00027658 just if you wait two minutes S-UNp81_ZRI-00095-00027660-00027827 you will see S-UNp81_ZRI-00096-00027827-00028187 what is compulsive becomes conscious S-UNp81_ZRI-00097-00028188-00028499 food sex S-UNp81_ZRI-00098-00028500-00028690 sleep and death S-UNp81_ZRI-00099-00028691-00028918 these are four things S-UNp81_ZRI-00100-00028919-00029231 which are compulsive S-UNp81_ZRI-00101-00029232-00029555 a human being distinguishes himself or S-UNp81_ZRI-00102-00029556-00029896 herself from animal nature just by S-UNp81_ZRI-00103-00029897-00030190 conducting these aspects of life also S-UNp81_ZRI-00104-00030191-00030383 consciously S-UNp81_ZRI-00105-00030383-00030629 that is when S-UNp81_ZRI-00106-00030630-00030827 if you do these things like any other S-UNp81_ZRI-00107-00030827-00031090 creature on the planet the moment you S-UNp81_ZRI-00108-00031091-00031312 see somebody like that you say it's like S-UNp81_ZRI-00109-00031313-00031595 animal isn't it S-UNp81_ZRI-00110-00031595-00031912 so instinctually there is a certain S-UNp81_ZRI-00111-00031913-00032117 compulsiveness S-UNp81_ZRI-00112-00032118-00032296 but you have an intelligence which can S-UNp81_ZRI-00113-00032297-00032470 make you conscious and conduct that S-UNp81_ZRI-00114-00032472-00032945 aspect of life consciously S-UNp81_ZRI-00115-00032946-00033173 if you don't do that S-UNp81_ZRI-00116-00033174-00033479 then you see every day you're hearing S-UNp81_ZRI-00117-00033480-00033749 about rapes and brutality and all kinds S-UNp81_ZRI-00118-00033750-00034055 of things it's the same desire he has S-UNp81_ZRI-00119-00034056-00034283 that any other man has S-UNp81_ZRI-00120-00034284-00034493 but you cannot conduct it in an S-UNp81_ZRI-00121-00034494-00034751 aesthetically correct way in a dignified S-UNp81_ZRI-00122-00034752-00035051 way that his compulsions overtake his S-UNp81_ZRI-00123-00035052-00035279 intelligence S-UNp81_ZRI-00124-00035280-00035746 so first thing is S-UNp81_ZRI-00125-00035747-00036023 leave this nonsense about it being a sin S-UNp81_ZRI-00126-00036024-00036317 it being wrong morality that's not the S-UNp81_ZRI-00127-00036318-00036401 point S-UNp81_ZRI-00128-00036402-00036646 the important thing to understand is the S-UNp81_ZRI-00129-00036647-00036893 limited nature of what it is there are S-UNp81_ZRI-00130-00036894-00037223 many people who cannot stop eating S-UNp81_ZRI-00131-00037224-00038002 hello S-UNp81_ZRI-00132-00038003-00038237 it's just a good thing about eating is S-UNp81_ZRI-00133-00038238-00038411 if you can't stop eating it will be S-UNp81_ZRI-00134-00038412-00038645 immediately noticed by everybody who did S-UNp81_ZRI-00135-00038646-00039090 not see you eating also S-UNp81_ZRI-00136-00039091-00039335 similarly there are some people with S-UNp81_ZRI-00137-00039336-00039521 sexuality there are some people who fall S-UNp81_ZRI-00138-00039522-00039821 asleep wherever they are S-UNp81_ZRI-00139-00039822-00040715 satsang is a good place S-UNp81_ZRI-00140-00040716-00041279 it's happening it's okay S-UNp81_ZRI-00141-00041280-00041524 so uh S-UNp81_ZRI-00142-00041525-00041807 this is the fundamental thing these S-UNp81_ZRI-00143-00041808-00042035 Basic Instincts that we have in our S-UNp81_ZRI-00144-00042036-00042185 bodies S-UNp81_ZRI-00145-00042186-00042395 of S-UNp81_ZRI-00146-00042396-00042874 food sex sleep and death when you S-UNp81_ZRI-00147-00042875-00043099 conduct these four things consciously S-UNp81_ZRI-00148-00043100-00043361 that is when you are a human being S-UNp81_ZRI-00149-00043362-00043709 including that I'm saying S-UNp81_ZRI-00150-00043710-00043924 that is when you are a genuine human S-UNp81_ZRI-00151-00043925-00044183 being otherwise it's an evolutionary S-UNp81_ZRI-00152-00044184-00044399 lapse S-UNp81_ZRI-00153-00044400-00044674 so what can I do satguru is evolution S-UNp81_ZRI-00154-00044675-00044957 no no that is the whole thing once you S-UNp81_ZRI-00155-00044958-00045130 become a human being S-UNp81_ZRI-00156-00045131-00045424 evolution is by choice S-UNp81_ZRI-00157-00045425-00045802 will you evolve or will you not S-UNp81_ZRI-00158-00045803-00046001 when you are a monkey S-UNp81_ZRI-00159-00046002-00046246 you did not choose to become human but S-UNp81_ZRI-00160-00046247-00046487 once you become a human being what kind S-UNp81_ZRI-00161-00046488-00046679 of human being do I want to be is your S-UNp81_ZRI-00162-00046680-00046912 choice S-UNp81_ZRI-00163-00046913-00047123 at a certain moment of compulsion you S-UNp81_ZRI-00164-00047124-00047327 may think I don't have choice no you S-UNp81_ZRI-00165-00047328-00047590 have choice you have not learned how to S-UNp81_ZRI-00166-00047591-00047801 exercise the choice S-UNp81_ZRI-00167-00047802-00048011 still instincts are there S-UNp81_ZRI-00168-00048012-00048352 but you can conduct it by choice not by S-UNp81_ZRI-00169-00048353-00048539 compulsion S-UNp81_ZRI-00170-00048540-00048712 that's the difference S-UNp81_ZRI-00171-00048713-00049018 all of you are born out of sex but S-UNp81_ZRI-00172-00049019-00049180 should you live for this for the rest of S-UNp81_ZRI-00173-00049181-00049474 your life this is a choice S-UNp81_ZRI-00174-00049475-00049727 this is a choice S-UNp81_ZRI-00175-00049728-00049996 it is an element of your body it is not S-UNp81_ZRI-00176-00049997-00050249 the whole of it it is an element of who S-UNp81_ZRI-00177-00050250-00050518 you are it is not the entirety of Who S-UNp81_ZRI-00178-00050519-00050723 You Are S-UNp81_ZRI-00179-00050724-00050915 essentially S-UNp81_ZRI-00180-00050916-00051238 it is a longing S-UNp81_ZRI-00181-00051239-00051466 what we long for can be transformed S-UNp81_ZRI-00182-00051467-00051664 isn't it when you are a child you are S-UNp81_ZRI-00183-00051665-00051838 longing for a peppermint S-UNp81_ZRI-00184-00051839-00052030 as you grow up you long for something S-UNp81_ZRI-00185-00052032-00052246 else right now you're a young adult S-UNp81_ZRI-00186-00052247-00052444 you're longing for something S-UNp81_ZRI-00187-00052445-00052703 but longings keep changing isn't it S-UNp81_ZRI-00188-00052704-00053069 this longing will it shame change by the S-UNp81_ZRI-00189-00053070-00053488 compulsions of time or will it change S-UNp81_ZRI-00190-00053489-00053909 by choice my conscious Choice it is not S-UNp81_ZRI-00191-00053910-00054113 about you must give up this you must S-UNp81_ZRI-00192-00054114-00054257 give up that you must become like this S-UNp81_ZRI-00193-00054258-00054497 you must become like that there are also S-UNp81_ZRI-00194-00054498-00054647 ways for that S-UNp81_ZRI-00195-00054648-00054850 that one who wants to transcend can S-UNp81_ZRI-00196-00054851-00054994 transcend S-UNp81_ZRI-00197-00054995-00055241 it is not a giving up if you transcend S-UNp81_ZRI-00198-00055241-00055487 you are free from everything S-UNp81_ZRI-00199-00055488-00055829 but the most important thing is even S-UNp81_ZRI-00200-00055829-00056003 when you're in it S-UNp81_ZRI-00201-00056004-00056321 are you a conscious choice or are you a S-UNp81_ZRI-00202-00056322-00056525 compulsive animal this is the thing S-UNp81_ZRI-00203-00056526-00056723 because the essential difference between S-UNp81_ZRI-00204-00056724-00057059 a human being an animal is their S-UNp81_ZRI-00205-00057060-00057280 instinctive reaction to life S-UNp81_ZRI-00206-00057282-00057503 we are a conscious response to life S-UNp81_ZRI-00207-00057504-00057742 exercise that S-UNp81_ZRI-00208-00057744-00057916 it's all right you don't have to feel S-UNp81_ZRI-00209-00057917-00058144 guilty you don't have to feel oh I am S-UNp81_ZRI-00210-00058145-00058337 sexually driven so I am not spiritual S-UNp81_ZRI-00211-00058338-00058594 you're driven so you can make it in the S-UNp81_ZRI-00212-00058595-00058876 spiritual process S-UNp81_ZRI-00213-00058877-00059099 instead of being driven if you become S-UNp81_ZRI-00214-00059100-00059579 the driver that is the spiritual process S-UNp81_ZRI-00215-00059579-00059800 you want to be driven by something or S-UNp81_ZRI-00216-00059801-00060016 you want to be The Driver S-UNp81_ZRI-00217-00060017-00060215 if you are the driver that is the S-UNp81_ZRI-00218-00060216-00060413 spiritual process S-UNp81_ZRI-00219-00060414-00060655 I'm just gonna S-UNp81_ZRI-00220-00060657-00061771 [Music] S-UNp81_ZRI-00221-00061772-00062076 [Music] S-UNp81_ZRI-00222-00062077-00062377 thank you S_2P210MKiI-00000-00000017-00000221 why don't you head down to pathology and S_2P210MKiI-00001-00000222-00000491 go over some slides with the pathologist S_2P210MKiI-00002-00000492-00000736 okay S_2P210MKiI-00003-00000737-00001019 knock knock hi positive margins and a S_2P210MKiI-00004-00001019-00001433 few mitotic figures oh hi my attending S_2P210MKiI-00005-00001434-00001570 wanted me to go over slides with you but S_2P210MKiI-00006-00001571-00001679 I don't want to bother you if you're S_2P210MKiI-00007-00001680-00001907 busy don't be silly nothing is more S_2P210MKiI-00008-00001907-00002092 important than you being here right now S_2P210MKiI-00009-00002093-00002255 can I get you something to drink water S_2P210MKiI-00010-00002256-00002597 coffee hot cocoa oh no no hey Marge can S_2P210MKiI-00011-00002598-00002758 we get a couple Swiss misses in here S_2P210MKiI-00012-00002759-00003083 yeah thanks please take my chair you sit S_2P210MKiI-00013-00003084-00003173 here S_2P210MKiI-00014-00003174-00003497 it it's the only chair let me give you a S_2P210MKiI-00015-00003497-00003677 warm blanket it gets a little chilly in S_2P210MKiI-00016-00003678-00004013 here well what's happening hey Tim look S_2P210MKiI-00017-00004014-00004270 who came to visit a med student what a S_2P210MKiI-00018-00004271-00004547 Mets dude didn't you say so yeah he came S_2P210MKiI-00019-00004548-00004804 down to go over some slides wow this is S_2P210MKiI-00020-00004805-00005009 great let me go cancel Grand rounds real S_2P210MKiI-00021-00005010-00005188 quick so everyone can come say hi so S_2P210MKiI-00022-00005189-00005477 what do you want to learn about uh S_2P210MKiI-00023-00005478-00005846 uh have you ever seen a basophil SAtjdds3N7k-00000-00000607-00001366 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00001-00001367-00001551 what the SAtjdds3N7k-00002-00001552-00002857 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00003-00002858-00003560 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00004-00003561-00004298 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00005-00004299-00005037 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00006-00005038-00005775 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00008-00009469-00010206 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00009-00010207-00010944 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00010-00010945-00011683 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00011-00011684-00012535 [Music] SAtjdds3N7k-00012-00012536-00012743 foreign SEuJMGfYLwU-00000-00000014-00000324 the National Center for Space Studies SEuJMGfYLwU-00001-00000325-00000661 CNES French centre national de Jude SEuJMGfYLwU-00002-00000662-00000886 spatial z' is the French government SEuJMGfYLwU-00003-00000888-00001252 Space Agency administrative Li aa public SEuJMGfYLwU-00004-00001253-00001478 administration with industrial and SEuJMGfYLwU-00005-00001479-00001829 commercial purpose its headquarters are SEuJMGfYLwU-00006-00001830-00002084 located in central Paris and it is under SEuJMGfYLwU-00007-00002085-00002302 the supervision of the French ministries SEuJMGfYLwU-00008-00002303-00002699 of Defense and research it operates from SEuJMGfYLwU-00009-00002700-00002921 the Toulouse Space Center and Guiana SEuJMGfYLwU-00010-00002922-00003188 Space Centre but also has payloads SEuJMGfYLwU-00011-00003189-00003449 launched from space centers operated by SEuJMGfYLwU-00012-00003450-00003860 other countries the president of CNES is SEuJMGfYLwU-00013-00003861-00004259 jean yves legal CNES is member of SEuJMGfYLwU-00014-00004260-00004535 institute of space it's applications and SEuJMGfYLwU-00015-00004536-00005038 technologies as of April 2018 CNES has SEuJMGfYLwU-00016-00005039-00005351 the second-largest national budget two SEuJMGfYLwU-00017-00005352-00005624 point four three eight billion euros of SEuJMGfYLwU-00018-00005625-00005911 all the world's civilian space programs SEuJMGfYLwU-00019-00005912-00007295 after only NASA topic history cnes was SEuJMGfYLwU-00020-00007295-00007523 established under President Charles de SEuJMGfYLwU-00021-00007523-00008081 Gaulle in 1961 CNES was responsible for SEuJMGfYLwU-00022-00008081-00008330 the training of French astronauts until SEuJMGfYLwU-00023-00008331-00008585 the last active CNES astronauts SEuJMGfYLwU-00024-00008586-00008867 transferred to the european space agency SEuJMGfYLwU-00025-00008868-00009371 in 2001 as of january 2015 SEuJMGfYLwU-00026-00009372-00009677 CNES is working with germany and a few SEuJMGfYLwU-00027-00009678-00009874 other governments to start a modest SEuJMGfYLwU-00028-00009875-00010096 research effort with the hope to propose SEuJMGfYLwU-00029-00010097-00010444 a LOX methane reusable launch vehicle by SEuJMGfYLwU-00030-00010445-00010844 mid-2015 if built flight testing would SEuJMGfYLwU-00031-00010845-00011098 likely not start before approximately SEuJMGfYLwU-00032-00011099-00011503 2026 the design objective is to reduce SEuJMGfYLwU-00033-00011504-00011795 both the cost and duration of reusable SEuJMGfYLwU-00034-00011796-00012038 vehicle refurbishment and is partially SEuJMGfYLwU-00035-00012039-00012266 motivated by the pressure of lower cost SEuJMGfYLwU-00036-00012267-00012448 competitive options with newer SEuJMGfYLwU-00037-00012449-00012724 technological capabilities not found in SEuJMGfYLwU-00038-00012725-00013363 the area and six SEuJMGfYLwU-00039-00013363-00014263 topic summary of major events 1947 CIEE SEuJMGfYLwU-00040-00014265-00014555 s hammer gear missile range and launch SEuJMGfYLwU-00041-00014556-00014771 facility built for the French military SEuJMGfYLwU-00042-00014772-00015632 in French Algeria 1961 CNES founded 1962 SEuJMGfYLwU-00043-00015633-00016103 first Baroness rocket launched 1964 SEuJMGfYLwU-00044-00016104-00016652 diamant launch vehicle introduced 1963 C SEuJMGfYLwU-00045-00016653-00017069 and es became the first and only space SEuJMGfYLwU-00046-00017070-00017348 agency to successfully launch a cat into SEuJMGfYLwU-00047-00017349-00017870 space 1965 first French satellite put in SEuJMGfYLwU-00048-00017871-00018635 orbit 1967 hammer gear range closed 1968 SEuJMGfYLwU-00049-00018636-00019115 Toulouse Space Center completed 1969 SEuJMGfYLwU-00050-00019116-00019570 French Guiana Space Center completed SEuJMGfYLwU-00051-00019571-00020108 1973 every Space Center completed 2014 SEuJMGfYLwU-00052-00020109-00020435 ec o RC e earth observation satellite SEuJMGfYLwU-00053-00020436-00021626 launched topic programmes CNES SEuJMGfYLwU-00054-00021627-00022061 concentrates on five areas access to SEuJMGfYLwU-00055-00022062-00022579 space civil applications of space SEuJMGfYLwU-00056-00022580-00022961 sustainable development science and SEuJMGfYLwU-00057-00022962-00023830 technology research security and defence SEuJMGfYLwU-00058-00023831-00024544 topic access to space France was the SEuJMGfYLwU-00059-00024545-00024848 third space power C Diamont to achieve SEuJMGfYLwU-00060-00024849-00025165 access to space after the USSR and USA SEuJMGfYLwU-00061-00025166-00025439 sharing technologies with Europe to SEuJMGfYLwU-00062-00025440-00025722 develop the area and launch a family SEuJMGfYLwU-00063-00025723-00025988 commercial competition in space is SEuJMGfYLwU-00064-00025989-00026239 fierce so launch services must be SEuJMGfYLwU-00065-00026241-00026579 tailored to space operators needs the SEuJMGfYLwU-00066-00026580-00026675 latest version SEuJMGfYLwU-00067-00026676-00026936 of the Ariane 5 launch vehicle can SEuJMGfYLwU-00068-00026937-00027110 launch large satellites to SEuJMGfYLwU-00069-00027111-00027358 geosynchronous orbit or perform dual SEuJMGfYLwU-00070-00027360-00027629 launches launching two full-sized SEuJMGfYLwU-00071-00027630-00027908 satellites with one rocket while the SEuJMGfYLwU-00072-00027908-00028112 other launch vehicles used for European SEuJMGfYLwU-00073-00028113-00028460 payloads and commercial satellites the SEuJMGfYLwU-00074-00028461-00028727 european italian vega and russian saw SEuJMGfYLwU-00075-00028727-00029080 used to a small and medium lift launches SEuJMGfYLwU-00076-00029081-00029918 respectively topic sustainable SEuJMGfYLwU-00077-00029919-00030524 development CNES and its partners in SEuJMGfYLwU-00078-00030525-00030824 Europe through the global monitoring for SEuJMGfYLwU-00079-00030825-00031088 Environment and Security Initiative G SEuJMGfYLwU-00080-00031089-00031402 mes and around the world have put in SEuJMGfYLwU-00081-00031404-00031645 place satellites dedicated to observing SEuJMGfYLwU-00082-00031647-00031952 the land oceans and atmosphere as well SEuJMGfYLwU-00083-00031952-00032314 as to hazard and crisis management the SEuJMGfYLwU-00084-00032316-00032558 best-known of the spot satellites flying SEuJMGfYLwU-00085-00032558-00032798 the vegetation instrument the Topix SEuJMGfYLwU-00086-00032799-00033053 Poseidon Jason one and Jason to SEuJMGfYLwU-00087-00033054-00033350 oceanography satellites the Argos system SEuJMGfYLwU-00088-00033351-00034099 in visit and apply these satellites SEuJMGfYLwU-00089-00034100-00034904 topic civil applications CNES is taking SEuJMGfYLwU-00090-00034905-00035186 part in the Galileo navigation program SEuJMGfYLwU-00091-00035187-00035420 alongside the European Union and the SEuJMGfYLwU-00092-00035421-00035849 European Space Agency ESA and in a wider SEuJMGfYLwU-00093-00035850-00036164 international context in the coast by SEuJMGfYLwU-00094-00036165-00037015 esaias at search and rescue system topic SEuJMGfYLwU-00095-00037016-00037622 security and defense the aforementioned SEuJMGfYLwU-00096-00037623-00037910 Galileo navigation program though SEuJMGfYLwU-00097-00037911-00038123 intended primarily for civilian SEuJMGfYLwU-00098-00038124-00038381 navigational use has a military purpose SEuJMGfYLwU-00099-00038382-00038660 as well like the similar American Global SEuJMGfYLwU-00100-00038661-00038981 Positioning System and Russian GL ona SS SEuJMGfYLwU-00101-00038982-00039224 satellite navigational systems in SEuJMGfYLwU-00102-00039225-00039461 addition to spot and the future Pleiades SEuJMGfYLwU-00103-00039462-00039743 satellites CNES is working for the SEuJMGfYLwU-00104-00039744-00039986 defense community as prime contractor SEuJMGfYLwU-00105-00039987-00040049 for the hill SEuJMGfYLwU-00106-00040050-00040363 Leo's photo reconnaissance satellites SEuJMGfYLwU-00107-00040364-00040646 global monitoring for environment and SEuJMGfYLwU-00108-00040647-00040979 security a joint initiative involving SEuJMGfYLwU-00109-00040980-00041323 the EU ESA and national space agencies SEuJMGfYLwU-00110-00041324-00041618 pool space resources to monitor the SEuJMGfYLwU-00111-00041619-00041788 environment and protect populations SEuJMGfYLwU-00112-00041789-00042071 though it also encompasses satellite SEuJMGfYLwU-00113-00042072-00042302 support from Armed Forces on border SEuJMGfYLwU-00114-00042303-00042515 patrol maritime security and SEuJMGfYLwU-00115-00042516-00043183 peacekeeping missions SEuJMGfYLwU-00116-00043184-00043859 topic ongoing missions Frances SEuJMGfYLwU-00117-00043860-00044090 contribution to the International Space SEuJMGfYLwU-00118-00044091-00044354 Station is giving French scientists the SEuJMGfYLwU-00119-00044355-00044561 opportunity to perform the original SEuJMGfYLwU-00120-00044562-00044818 experiments in microgravity SEuJMGfYLwU-00121-00044819-00045215 CNTs is also studying formation flying a SEuJMGfYLwU-00122-00045216-00045494 technique whereby several satellites fly SEuJMGfYLwU-00123-00045495-00045743 components of a much heavier and complex SEuJMGfYLwU-00124-00045744-00045950 instrument in a close and tightly SEuJMGfYLwU-00125-00045951-00046196 controlled configuration with satellites SEuJMGfYLwU-00126-00046197-00046537 being as close as tens of metres apart SEuJMGfYLwU-00127-00046538-00046865 CNES is studying formation flying as SEuJMGfYLwU-00128-00046866-00047063 part of the Swedish led prism art SEuJMGfYLwU-00129-00047064-00047321 project and on its own with the symbol X SEuJMGfYLwU-00130-00047322-00047663 x-ray telescope mission CNES currently SEuJMGfYLwU-00131-00047664-00047858 collaborates with other space agencies SEuJMGfYLwU-00132-00047859-00048101 on a number of projects including SEuJMGfYLwU-00133-00048102-00048395 orbital telescopes like International SEuJMGfYLwU-00134-00048396-00048638 gamma-ray astrophysics Laboratory SEuJMGfYLwU-00135-00048639-00048946 xmm-newton and Koro and space probes SEuJMGfYLwU-00136-00048947-00049165 like Mars Express Venus Express SEuJMGfYLwU-00137-00049166-00049643 cassini-huygens and Rosetta CMEs has SEuJMGfYLwU-00138-00049644-00049895 collaborated with NASA on missions like SEuJMGfYLwU-00139-00049896-00050153 the Earth observation satellite parasol SEuJMGfYLwU-00140-00050154-00050471 and the CLI PSO environment and weather SEuJMGfYLwU-00141-00050472-00050801 satellite it has also collaborated with SEuJMGfYLwU-00142-00050802-00051095 the Indian Space Agency Israel on the SEuJMGfYLwU-00143-00051096-00051329 mega tropics mission which is studying SEuJMGfYLwU-00144-00051329-00051514 the water cycle and how it has been SEuJMGfYLwU-00145-00051515-00051789 impacted by climate change SEuJMGfYLwU-00146-00051790-00052141 CNTs plays a major role in the ESA s SEuJMGfYLwU-00147-00052142-00052339 living planet program of Earth SEuJMGfYLwU-00148-00052340-00052555 observation satellites having SEuJMGfYLwU-00149-00052557-00052799 constructed the soil moisture and ocean SEuJMGfYLwU-00150-00052800-00053432 salinity satellite SEuJMGfYLwU-00151-00053433-00054366 topic UFO archive in December 2006 CNES SEuJMGfYLwU-00152-00054366-00054582 announced that it would publish its UFO SEuJMGfYLwU-00153-00054583-00054842 archive online by late January or SEuJMGfYLwU-00154-00054844-00055254 mid-february most of the 6000 reports SEuJMGfYLwU-00155-00055254-00055449 have been filed by the public and SEuJMGfYLwU-00156-00055450-00055800 airline professionals Jacques Arnold an SEuJMGfYLwU-00157-00055801-00056001 official for the French Space Agency SEuJMGfYLwU-00158-00056002-00056295 said that the data had accumulated over SEuJMGfYLwU-00159-00056296-00056601 a 30 year period and that UFO sightings SEuJMGfYLwU-00160-00056602-00056873 were often reported to the Jean de Marie SEuJMGfYLwU-00161-00056874-00057201 in the last two decades of the 20th SEuJMGfYLwU-00162-00057202-00057429 century France was the only country SEuJMGfYLwU-00163-00057429-00057732 whose government paid UFO investigators SEuJMGfYLwU-00164-00057733-00058158 employed by ce NE SS UFO section GE PA n SEuJMGfYLwU-00165-00058159-00058488 later known as SE p ra and now as GE i SEuJMGfYLwU-00166-00058489-00059148 PA n on march 22nd 2007 CNTs released SEuJMGfYLwU-00167-00059149-00059424 its UFO files to the public through its SEuJMGfYLwU-00168-00059425-00059823 website the 100,000 pages of witness SEuJMGfYLwU-00169-00059824-00060123 testimony photographs film footage and SEuJMGfYLwU-00170-00060124-00060401 audio tapes are an accumulation of over SEuJMGfYLwU-00171-00060402-00060819 1,600 sightings since 1954 and will SEuJMGfYLwU-00172-00060820-00061119 include all future UFO reports obtained SEuJMGfYLwU-00173-00061120-00061997 by the agency through its GE IPA n unit SEuJMGfYLwU-00174-00061998-00062772 topic tracking stations the CNES has SEuJMGfYLwU-00175-00062773-00063102 several tracking stations a partial list SEuJMGfYLwU-00176-00063103-00063669 follows Korou in french guiana issus oz SEuJMGfYLwU-00177-00063670-00064061 sagol 20 kilometers away from toulouse SEuJMGfYLwU-00178-00064062-00064332 Kerguelen Island French southern and SEuJMGfYLwU-00179-00064333-00064742 Antarctic lands harder Beast Hoch South SEuJMGfYLwU-00180-00064744-00065154 Africa karana Sweden for the spot SEuJMGfYLwU-00181-00065154-00066363 program topic see also French space SEuJMGfYLwU-00182-00066364-00066526 program SEuJMGfYLwU-00183-00066527-00067005 Indian Space Research Organisation list SEuJMGfYLwU-00184-00067006-00067388 of government space agencies SFGNmdHhCt8-00000-00000000-00001663 [Music] SFGNmdHhCt8-00001-00001664-00002109 [Applause] SFGNmdHhCt8-00002-00002110-00003399 [Music] SFGNmdHhCt8-00003-00003400-00003709 [Music] SFGNmdHhCt8-00004-00003710-00004278 if ready to fire me on SFGNmdHhCt8-00005-00004279-00004502 sanaya SFGNmdHhCt8-00006-00004503-00004655 [Music] SFGNmdHhCt8-00007-00004656-00005095 my man SFGNmdHhCt8-00008-00005096-00005662 you ran away with my heart again SFGNmdHhCt8-00009-00005663-00006566 love to say okay what's it SFGNmdHhCt8-00010-00006567-00006706 I said SFGNmdHhCt8-00011-00006706-00006983 ah SFGNmdHhCt8-00012-00006984-00007647 c'mon it'll be right here but she is SFGNmdHhCt8-00013-00007648-00007847 [Music] SFGNmdHhCt8-00014-00007848-00008013 fine SFGNmdHhCt8-00015-00008014-00008200 [Music] SFGNmdHhCt8-00016-00008201-00008796 was SFGNmdHhCt8-00017-00008797-00009343 you don't give ready to fire SFGNmdHhCt8-00018-00009344-00010859 [Music] SGw3ZQHPyK0-00000-00000008-00000182 hey how's it going everybody i'm andrew SGw3ZQHPyK0-00001-00000183-00000351 guy and we're back for our round SGw3ZQHPyK0-00002-00000352-00000574 six monthly finals and this month we SGw3ZQHPyK0-00003-00000575-00000678 have four SGw3ZQHPyK0-00004-00000679-00001047 newcomers let's see who advances SGw3ZQHPyK0-00005-00001048-00001183 group a was filled with a lot of SGw3ZQHPyK0-00006-00001184-00001431 familiar faces like kk mini minter SGw3ZQHPyK0-00007-00001432-00001710 and viper it was really anyone's game SGw3ZQHPyK0-00008-00001711-00001791 but SGw3ZQHPyK0-00009-00001792-00002087 viper reigns supreme once again and will SGw3ZQHPyK0-00010-00002088-00002326 be seeing him in this monthly final SGw3ZQHPyK0-00011-00002327-00002518 separated by only two spots on the SGw3ZQHPyK0-00012-00002519-00002734 leaderboard samuel besotto and morton SGw3ZQHPyK0-00013-00002735-00002942 went head to head in group b SGw3ZQHPyK0-00014-00002943-00003166 but ultimately it was besotto who SGw3ZQHPyK0-00015-00003167-00003375 secured his place in the top eighth SGw3ZQHPyK0-00016-00003376-00003647 for the fourth time this year it was SGw3ZQHPyK0-00017-00003647-00003863 group c that brought us our very first SGw3ZQHPyK0-00018-00003864-00004054 newcomer to the monthly final SGw3ZQHPyK0-00019-00004055-00004383 agony king 195 points on the leaderboard SGw3ZQHPyK0-00020-00004384-00004615 and a lot of promise for this weekend SGw3ZQHPyK0-00021-00004616-00004799 group d features two players from the SGw3ZQHPyK0-00022-00004800-00005015 top 10 on our leaderboard SGw3ZQHPyK0-00023-00005016-00005335 lucasx gamer and line but only one could SGw3ZQHPyK0-00024-00005336-00005415 advance SGw3ZQHPyK0-00025-00005416-00005670 and it's going to be lucas x gamer once SGw3ZQHPyK0-00026-00005671-00005951 again with 520 points SGw3ZQHPyK0-00027-00005952-00006311 will he be our first repeat champion SGw3ZQHPyK0-00028-00006312-00006631 groups e and f brought two newcomers to SGw3ZQHPyK0-00029-00006631-00006734 the battlefield SGw3ZQHPyK0-00030-00006736-00007078 this month mao and riker with the former SGw3ZQHPyK0-00031-00007079-00007383 beating out some top 24 global players SGw3ZQHPyK0-00032-00007384-00007623 like heyer now which one of them will SGw3ZQHPyK0-00033-00007623-00007774 have more success SGw3ZQHPyK0-00034-00007775-00008055 in this monthly final momo's back baby SGw3ZQHPyK0-00035-00008056-00008127 group g SGw3ZQHPyK0-00036-00008128-00008359 was nothing for the egyptian god to make SGw3ZQHPyK0-00037-00008360-00008455 it to another SGw3ZQHPyK0-00038-00008456-00008742 top eight this month he also sits number SGw3ZQHPyK0-00039-00008743-00008791 one SGw3ZQHPyK0-00040-00008792-00009023 on that global leaderboard and lastly SGw3ZQHPyK0-00041-00009024-00009151 from group h SGw3ZQHPyK0-00042-00009152-00009414 south korea's very own sato he SGw3ZQHPyK0-00043-00009415-00009591 eliminated wallace who was in the top SGw3ZQHPyK0-00044-00009592-00009839 eight last month to secure his spot SGw3ZQHPyK0-00045-00009840-00010110 in the sixth monthly final with half of SGw3ZQHPyK0-00046-00010111-00010167 our top SGw3ZQHPyK0-00047-00010168-00010351 eight being brand new to the monthly SGw3ZQHPyK0-00048-00010352-00010567 final will we see a familiar face SGw3ZQHPyK0-00049-00010568-00010799 or one of the newbies come out on top SGw3ZQHPyK0-00050-00010800-00010871 tune in SGw3ZQHPyK0-00051-00010872-00011542 this weekend to find out SGw3ZQHPyK0-00052-00011543-00011752 you SKf6sSYFLeU-00000-00000092-00000403 photoelectrochemical reduction of co2 is SKf6sSYFLeU-00001-00000404-00000626 a chemical process whereby carbon SKf6sSYFLeU-00002-00000627-00000910 dioxide is reduced to carbon monoxide or SKf6sSYFLeU-00003-00000911-00001129 hydrocarbons by the energy of incident SKf6sSYFLeU-00004-00001130-00001483 light this process needs to be catalyzed SKf6sSYFLeU-00005-00001484-00001726 either homogeneous Li or heterogeneous SKf6sSYFLeU-00006-00001727-00001960 Li in order to proceed and current SKf6sSYFLeU-00007-00001961-00002156 research is aimed at developing these SKf6sSYFLeU-00008-00002157-00002414 catalysts most of which a semiconducting SKf6sSYFLeU-00009-00002415-00002758 materials semiconducting catalysts SKf6sSYFLeU-00010-00002759-00002987 provide favorable electron transfer SKf6sSYFLeU-00011-00002988-00003235 kinetics the feasibility of this SKf6sSYFLeU-00012-00003236-00003485 chemical reaction was first theorized by SKf6sSYFLeU-00013-00003486-00003788 giacomo Luigi C emission an Italian SKf6sSYFLeU-00014-00003789-00004195 photo chemist already in 1912 he stated SKf6sSYFLeU-00015-00004196-00004517 that by using suitable catalyzers it SKf6sSYFLeU-00016-00004518-00004733 should be possible to transform the SKf6sSYFLeU-00017-00004734-00005020 mixture of water and carbon dioxide into SKf6sSYFLeU-00018-00005021-00005281 oxygen and methane or to cause other SKf6sSYFLeU-00019-00005282-00005777 endo energetic processes motivation for SKf6sSYFLeU-00020-00005778-00006017 research in this area is strong due to SKf6sSYFLeU-00021-00006018-00006209 the current attention to atmospheric SKf6sSYFLeU-00022-00006210-00006436 carbon dioxide as the reduction of SKf6sSYFLeU-00023-00006437-00006673 carbon dioxide would be one route for SKf6sSYFLeU-00024-00006675-00006995 removal and sequestration furthermore SKf6sSYFLeU-00025-00006995-00007231 the reduced species may prove to be a SKf6sSYFLeU-00026-00007233-00007483 valuable feedstock for other processes SKf6sSYFLeU-00027-00007484-00007802 if the incident light utilized is solar SKf6sSYFLeU-00028-00007803-00008006 in nature then this process also SKf6sSYFLeU-00029-00008006-00008237 potentially represents energy roots SKf6sSYFLeU-00030-00008238-00008492 which combine renewable energy with co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00031-00008493-00009751 reduction topic background introduction SKf6sSYFLeU-00032-00009752-00010016 semiconductor material has a bandgap and SKf6sSYFLeU-00033-00010017-00010249 generates a pair of electron and hole SKf6sSYFLeU-00034-00010250-00010474 per absorbed photon if the energy of SKf6sSYFLeU-00035-00010475-00010669 photon is higher than bandgap of SKf6sSYFLeU-00036-00010670-00010939 semiconductor this property of SKf6sSYFLeU-00037-00010940-00011149 semiconductor materials has been SKf6sSYFLeU-00038-00011150-00011351 successfully used to convert solar SKf6sSYFLeU-00039-00011352-00011558 energy into electrical energy by SKf6sSYFLeU-00040-00011559-00011992 photovoltaic devices so semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00041-00011993-00012253 electrodes can be used for co2 photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00042-00012254-00012574 electrochemical reduction how do SKf6sSYFLeU-00043-00012575-00012778 semiconductors behave when brought into SKf6sSYFLeU-00044-00012779-00013208 contact with liquid redox species when a SKf6sSYFLeU-00045-00013209-00013361 semiconductor comes SKf6sSYFLeU-00046-00013362-00013622 to contact with a liquid redox species SKf6sSYFLeU-00047-00013622-00013825 to maintain electrostatic equilibrium SKf6sSYFLeU-00048-00013826-00014096 there will be a charge transfer between SKf6sSYFLeU-00049-00014097-00014333 the semiconductor and liquid phase if SKf6sSYFLeU-00050-00014334-00014611 formal redox potential of redox species SKf6sSYFLeU-00051-00014612-00014964 lies inside semiconductor band gap at SKf6sSYFLeU-00052-00014965-00015218 thermodynamic equilibrium the Fermi SKf6sSYFLeU-00053-00015219-00015439 level of semiconductor and the formal SKf6sSYFLeU-00054-00015440-00015688 redox potential of redox species are SKf6sSYFLeU-00055-00015690-00015855 aligned at the interface between SKf6sSYFLeU-00056-00015856-00016199 semiconductor and redox species this SKf6sSYFLeU-00057-00016200-00016444 introduces a downward band bending in a SKf6sSYFLeU-00058-00016445-00016669 n-type semiconductor for n-type SKf6sSYFLeU-00059-00016670-00016780 semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00060-00016781-00017044 liquid Junction figure 1 an upward band SKf6sSYFLeU-00061-00017045-00017297 bending in a p-type semiconductor for SKf6sSYFLeU-00062-00017298-00017525 p-type semiconductor liquid Junction SKf6sSYFLeU-00063-00017526-00017858 Figure 2 this characteristic of SKf6sSYFLeU-00064-00017859-00018116 semiconductor liquid Junction is similar SKf6sSYFLeU-00065-00018117-00018338 to a rectifying semiconductor metal SKf6sSYFLeU-00066-00018339-00018680 Junction or Schottky Junction ideally to SKf6sSYFLeU-00067-00018681-00018928 get a good rectifying characteristics at SKf6sSYFLeU-00068-00018929-00019175 the semiconductor liquid interface the SKf6sSYFLeU-00069-00019176-00019430 formal redox potential must be close to SKf6sSYFLeU-00070-00019431-00019636 the valence band of the semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00071-00019637-00019900 for a n-type semiconductor and close to SKf6sSYFLeU-00072-00019901-00020078 the conduction band of the semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00073-00020079-00020411 for a p-type semiconductor the SKf6sSYFLeU-00074-00020412-00020665 semiconductor liquid Junction has one SKf6sSYFLeU-00075-00020666-00020930 advantage over rectifying semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00076-00020931-00021133 metal Junction in that the light is able SKf6sSYFLeU-00077-00021134-00021331 to travel through two semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00078-00021332-00021583 surface without much reflection whereas SKf6sSYFLeU-00079-00021584-00021800 most of the light is reflected back from SKf6sSYFLeU-00080-00021801-00022015 metal surface at semiconductor metal SKf6sSYFLeU-00081-00022016-00022397 Junction therefore semiconductor liquid SKf6sSYFLeU-00082-00022398-00022558 Junction can also be used to SKf6sSYFLeU-00083-00022559-00022783 photovoltaic devices similar to SKf6sSYFLeU-00084-00022784-00023171 solid-state PN Junction devices both in SKf6sSYFLeU-00085-00023172-00023425 type and p-type semiconductor liquid SKf6sSYFLeU-00086-00023426-00023618 Junction can be used as photovoltaic SKf6sSYFLeU-00087-00023619-00023911 devices to convert solar energy into SKf6sSYFLeU-00088-00023912-00024115 electrical energy in a cold photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00089-00024116-00024433 electrochemical cell in addition a SKf6sSYFLeU-00090-00024434-00024677 semiconductor liquid Junction could also SKf6sSYFLeU-00091-00024678-00024917 be used to directly convert solar energy SKf6sSYFLeU-00092-00024918-00025208 into chemical energy by virtue of photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00093-00025209-00025475 electrolysis at the semiconductor liquid SKf6sSYFLeU-00094-00025476-00025831 Junction wise carbon dioxide reduction SKf6sSYFLeU-00095-00025832-00026095 important the catalytic conversion of SKf6sSYFLeU-00096-00026097-00026369 co2 to liquid fuels is a critical goal SKf6sSYFLeU-00097-00026370-00026590 that would positively impact the global SKf6sSYFLeU-00098-00026591-00026665 carbon bow SKf6sSYFLeU-00099-00026666-00027089 by recycling co2 into usable fuels the SKf6sSYFLeU-00100-00027089-00027317 challenges presented here are great but SKf6sSYFLeU-00101-00027318-00027658 the potential rewards are enormous co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00102-00027659-00027943 is extremely stable molecule generally SKf6sSYFLeU-00103-00027944-00028174 produced by fossil fuel combustion and SKf6sSYFLeU-00104-00028175-00028540 respiration returning co2 to a useful SKf6sSYFLeU-00105-00028541-00028795 state by activation reduction is a SKf6sSYFLeU-00106-00028796-00029011 scientifically challenging problem SKf6sSYFLeU-00107-00029012-00029236 requiring appropriate catalysts and SKf6sSYFLeU-00108-00029237-00029504 energy input this poses several SKf6sSYFLeU-00109-00029505-00029737 fundamental challenges in chemical SKf6sSYFLeU-00110-00029738-00029955 catalysis electrochemistry SKf6sSYFLeU-00111-00029956-00030083 photochemistry SKf6sSYFLeU-00112-00030083-00030265 and semiconductor physics and SKf6sSYFLeU-00113-00030266-00031832 engineering topic principle topic wise SKf6sSYFLeU-00114-00031833-00032820 co2 reduction difficult topic SKf6sSYFLeU-00115-00032821-00033427 thermodynamic challenges thermodynamic SKf6sSYFLeU-00116-00033428-00033667 potentials for the reduction of co2 to SKf6sSYFLeU-00117-00033668-00033871 various products is given in the SKf6sSYFLeU-00118-00033872-00034732 following table vs. NH e at pH topic 7 SKf6sSYFLeU-00119-00034733-00035126 single electron reduction of co2 to co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00120-00035127-00035895 minus radical occurs at e degree minus SKf6sSYFLeU-00121-00035896-00036392 190 volts vs. NH e at pH equals 7 in an SKf6sSYFLeU-00122-00036393-00036646 aqueous solution at 25 degrees Celsius SKf6sSYFLeU-00123-00036647-00036995 under one atmosphere gas pressure the SKf6sSYFLeU-00124-00036996-00037182 reason behind the high negative SKf6sSYFLeU-00125-00037183-00037420 thermodynamically unfavorable single SKf6sSYFLeU-00126-00037421-00037708 electron reduction potential of CO 2 is SKf6sSYFLeU-00127-00037709-00037933 the large reorganization energy between SKf6sSYFLeU-00128-00037934-00038186 the linear molecule and bent radical an SKf6sSYFLeU-00129-00038187-00038545 iron proton coupled multi electron steps SKf6sSYFLeU-00130-00038546-00038792 for co2 reductions are generally more SKf6sSYFLeU-00131-00038793-00038986 favorable than single electron SKf6sSYFLeU-00132-00038987-00039208 reductions as thermodynamically more SKf6sSYFLeU-00133-00039209-00039976 stable molecules are produced equals SKf6sSYFLeU-00134-00039977-00040780 topic kinetic challenges equals SKf6sSYFLeU-00135-00040781-00040988 thermodynamically proton coupled SKf6sSYFLeU-00136-00040989-00041282 multiple electron reduction of co2 is SKf6sSYFLeU-00137-00041283-00041509 easier than single electron reduction SKf6sSYFLeU-00138-00041510-00041807 but to manage multiple proton coupled SKf6sSYFLeU-00139-00041808-00042080 multiple electron processes is a huge SKf6sSYFLeU-00140-00042081-00042374 challenge kinetically this leads to a SKf6sSYFLeU-00141-00042375-00042635 high over potential for electrochemical SKf6sSYFLeU-00142-00042636-00042857 heterogeneous reduction of co2 to SKf6sSYFLeU-00143-00042858-00043223 hydrocarbons and alcohols even further SKf6sSYFLeU-00144-00043224-00043442 heterogeneous reduction of singly SKf6sSYFLeU-00145-00043443-00043721 reduced co2 minus radical anion is SKf6sSYFLeU-00146-00043722-00043889 difficult because of repulsive SKf6sSYFLeU-00147-00043890-00044102 interaction between negatively biased SKf6sSYFLeU-00148-00044103-00044512 electrode and negatively charged anion SKf6sSYFLeU-00149-00044513-00045193 equals topic is it feasible to SKf6sSYFLeU-00150-00045194-00045496 photoelectrochemical e reduced co2 on SKf6sSYFLeU-00151-00045497-00046379 semiconductor surface equals V co2 shows SKf6sSYFLeU-00152-00046380-00046585 that in case of a p-type semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00153-00046586-00046844 liquid Junction photo generated SKf6sSYFLeU-00154-00046845-00047027 electrons are available at the SKf6sSYFLeU-00155-00047028-00047255 semiconductor liquid interface under SKf6sSYFLeU-00156-00047256-00047552 illumination the reduction of redox SKf6sSYFLeU-00157-00047553-00047740 species happens at less negative SKf6sSYFLeU-00158-00047741-00047986 potential on illuminated p-type SKf6sSYFLeU-00159-00047987-00048188 semiconductor compared to metal SKf6sSYFLeU-00160-00048189-00048401 electrode due to the band bending at SKf6sSYFLeU-00161-00048402-00048785 semiconductor liquid interface figure 3 SKf6sSYFLeU-00162-00048786-00049034 shows that thermodynamically some of the SKf6sSYFLeU-00163-00049035-00049274 proton coupled multi electron co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00164-00049275-00049502 reductions are within semi conductors SKf6sSYFLeU-00165-00049503-00049838 band gap this makes it feasible to photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00166-00049839-00050215 reduce co2 on p-type semiconductors SKf6sSYFLeU-00167-00050216-00050528 various p-type semiconductors have been SKf6sSYFLeU-00168-00050529-00050780 successfully employed for co2 photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00169-00050781-00051062 reduction including P gap P cadmium SKf6sSYFLeU-00170-00051063-00051458 telluride PC P gallium 3 arsenide P I n SKf6sSYFLeU-00171-00051459-00051860 P and P SiC kinetically however these SKf6sSYFLeU-00172-00051861-00052096 reactions are extremely slow on given SKf6sSYFLeU-00173-00052097-00052345 semiconductor surfaces this leads to SKf6sSYFLeU-00174-00052346-00052567 significant over potential for co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00175-00052569-00052784 reduction on these semiconductor SKf6sSYFLeU-00176-00052785-00053165 surfaces apart from high over potential SKf6sSYFLeU-00177-00053166-00053325 these systems have a few advantages SKf6sSYFLeU-00178-00053326-00053605 including sustainability nothing is SKf6sSYFLeU-00179-00053606-00053834 consumed in this system apart from light SKf6sSYFLeU-00180-00053835-00054067 energy direct conversion of solar energy SKf6sSYFLeU-00181-00054069-00054359 to chemical energy utilization of SKf6sSYFLeU-00182-00054360-00054580 renewable energy resource for energy SKf6sSYFLeU-00183-00054581-00054826 intensive process stability of the SKf6sSYFLeU-00184-00054827-00055099 process semiconductors are really stable SKf6sSYFLeU-00185-00055100-00055411 under illumination etc a different SKf6sSYFLeU-00186-00055412-00055621 approach for photo reduction of co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00187-00055622-00055893 involves molecular catalysts SKf6sSYFLeU-00188-00055894-00056072 photosensitizers and sacrificial SKf6sSYFLeU-00189-00056073-00056392 electron donors in this process SKf6sSYFLeU-00190-00056393-00056648 sacrificial electron donors are consumed SKf6sSYFLeU-00191-00056649-00056911 during the process and photosensitizers SKf6sSYFLeU-00192-00056912-00057091 degrade under long exposure to SKf6sSYFLeU-00193-00057092-00058378 illumination equals topic solvent effect SKf6sSYFLeU-00194-00058379-00058813 equals the photo reduction of co2 on SKf6sSYFLeU-00195-00058814-00059074 p-type semiconductor photo electrodes SKf6sSYFLeU-00196-00059075-00059291 has been achieved in both aqueous and SKf6sSYFLeU-00197-00059291-00059581 non aqueous media main difference SKf6sSYFLeU-00198-00059582-00059849 between aqueous and non aqueous media is SKf6sSYFLeU-00199-00059850-00060244 the solubility of co2 the solubility of SKf6sSYFLeU-00200-00060245-00060541 co2 in aqueous media at one atmosphere SKf6sSYFLeU-00201-00060542-00060892 of co2 is around approximately equals 35 SKf6sSYFLeU-00202-00060893-00061235 mm whereas solubility of co2 in methanol SKf6sSYFLeU-00203-00061236-00061576 is around 210 mm and in acetone I trial SKf6sSYFLeU-00204-00061577-00062524 is around 210 mm equals topic aqueous SKf6sSYFLeU-00205-00062525-00063331 media equals howlman had first shown co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00206-00063332-00063623 photo reduction to formic acid on P gap SKf6sSYFLeU-00207-00063624-00063904 as photo cathode in aqueous media in SKf6sSYFLeU-00208-00063904-00064048 1978 SKf6sSYFLeU-00209-00064049-00064361 apart from several other reports of co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00210-00064362-00064628 photo reduction on P gap there are other SKf6sSYFLeU-00211-00064629-00064928 p-type semiconductors like gallium 3 SKf6sSYFLeU-00212-00064929-00065236 arsenide P AI n P P cadmium telluride SKf6sSYFLeU-00213-00065237-00065554 and P plus P C have been successfully SKf6sSYFLeU-00214-00065555-00065897 used for photo reduction of co2 the SKf6sSYFLeU-00215-00065898-00066193 lowest potential for co2 photo reduction SKf6sSYFLeU-00216-00066194-00066551 was observed on P gap this may be due to SKf6sSYFLeU-00217-00066552-00066761 i photo voltage accepted from higher SKf6sSYFLeU-00218-00066762-00067085 bandgap P gap 2.2 electron volts SKf6sSYFLeU-00219-00067086-00067415 photocathode apart from formic acid SKf6sSYFLeU-00220-00067416-00067703 other products observed for co2 photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00221-00067704-00067976 reduction of formaldehyde methanol and SKf6sSYFLeU-00222-00067977-00068111 carbon monoxide SKf6sSYFLeU-00223-00068112-00068519 on P gap P gallium 3 arsenide and P plus SKf6sSYFLeU-00224-00068520-00068822 PC photo cathode the main product is SKf6sSYFLeU-00225-00068823-00069023 formic acid with small amount of SKf6sSYFLeU-00226-00069024-00069380 formaldehyde and methanol however for P SKf6sSYFLeU-00227-00069381-00069638 I n P and P cadmium telluride photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00228-00069639-00069932 cathode both carbon monoxide and formic SKf6sSYFLeU-00229-00069933-00070225 acid are observed in similar quantities SKf6sSYFLeU-00230-00070226-00070553 mechanism proposed by Horry based on co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00231-00070554-00070814 reduction on metal electrodes predicts SKf6sSYFLeU-00232-00070815-00071102 formation of both formic acid in case of SKf6sSYFLeU-00233-00071103-00071390 no adsorption of singly reduced co2 - SKf6sSYFLeU-00234-00071391-00071675 radical anion to the surface and carbon SKf6sSYFLeU-00235-00071676-00071945 monoxide in case of adsorption of singly SKf6sSYFLeU-00236-00071946-00072239 reduced co2 - radical anion to the SKf6sSYFLeU-00237-00072240-00072548 surface in aqueous media this same SKf6sSYFLeU-00238-00072549-00072776 mechanism can be a VOC to explain the SKf6sSYFLeU-00239-00072777-00073052 formation of mainly formic acid on P gap SKf6sSYFLeU-00240-00073053-00073421 P gallium 3 arsenide + p + p c photo SKf6sSYFLeU-00241-00073422-00073685 cathode owing to no adsorption of singly SKf6sSYFLeU-00242-00073686-00073973 reduced co2 - radical anion to the SKf6sSYFLeU-00243-00073974-00074384 surface in case of P I n P and P cadmium SKf6sSYFLeU-00244-00074385-00074618 telluride photo cathode partial SKf6sSYFLeU-00245-00074619-00074939 adsorption of co2 - radical anion leads SKf6sSYFLeU-00246-00074940-00075185 to formation of both carbon monoxide and SKf6sSYFLeU-00247-00075186-00075521 formic acid low catalytic current SKf6sSYFLeU-00248-00075522-00075773 density for co2 photo reduction and SKf6sSYFLeU-00249-00075774-00076019 competitive hydrogen generation are two SKf6sSYFLeU-00250-00076020-00076783 major drawbacks of this system equals SKf6sSYFLeU-00251-00076784-00077383 topic non aqueous media SKf6sSYFLeU-00252-00077384-00077825 equals maximum catalytic current density SKf6sSYFLeU-00253-00077826-00078041 for co2 reduction that can be achieved SKf6sSYFLeU-00254-00078042-00078302 in aqueous media is only 10 milli SKf6sSYFLeU-00255-00078303-00078650 amperes CM - 2 based solubility of co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00256-00078651-00079028 and diffusion limitations the integrated SKf6sSYFLeU-00257-00079029-00079349 maximum photo current under air mass 1.5 SKf6sSYFLeU-00258-00079350-00079556 illumination in the conventional SKf6sSYFLeU-00259-00079557-00079766 shockley-queisser limit for solar energy SKf6sSYFLeU-00260-00079767-00080201 conversion for PC 1.1 - electron volts SKf6sSYFLeU-00261-00080202-00080540 P I n P 1 point 3 electron volts peak SKf6sSYFLeU-00262-00080541-00080903 Allium 3 arsenide 1.4 electron volts and SKf6sSYFLeU-00263-00080904-00081323 P gap 2 point 3 electron volts a 40 4.0 SKf6sSYFLeU-00264-00081324-00081749 milli amperes cm - 230 7.0 milli amperes SKf6sSYFLeU-00265-00081750-00082337 cm - 230 2.5 milli amperes CM -2 and 9.0 SKf6sSYFLeU-00266-00082338-00082681 milli amperes cm - 2 respectively SKf6sSYFLeU-00267-00082682-00083033 therefore non aqueous media such as DMF SKf6sSYFLeU-00268-00083034-00083186 acetone i trial SKf6sSYFLeU-00269-00083187-00083467 methanol are explored as solvent for co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00270-00083468-00083786 electrochemical reduction in addition SKf6sSYFLeU-00271-00083787-00084035 methanol has been industrially used as a SKf6sSYFLeU-00272-00084036-00084293 physical absorber of co2 in the rector SKf6sSYFLeU-00273-00084294-00084406 Sol method SKf6sSYFLeU-00274-00084407-00084803 similarly 2 aqueous media system PC P I SKf6sSYFLeU-00275-00084804-00085166 n P P gallium 3 arsenide P gap and P SKf6sSYFLeU-00276-00085167-00085424 cadmium telluride are explored for co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00277-00085425-00085766 photo electrochemical reduction among SKf6sSYFLeU-00278-00085767-00086009 these P gap has lowest over potential SKf6sSYFLeU-00279-00086010-00086306 whereas P cadmium telluride has moderate SKf6sSYFLeU-00280-00086307-00086504 over potential but high catalytic SKf6sSYFLeU-00281-00086505-00086807 current density in DMF with 5% water SKf6sSYFLeU-00282-00086808-00087137 mixture system main product of co2 SKf6sSYFLeU-00283-00087138-00087440 reduction in non aqueous media is carbon SKf6sSYFLeU-00284-00087441-00087571 monoxide SKf6sSYFLeU-00285-00087572-00087830 competitive hydrogen generation is SKf6sSYFLeU-00286-00087831-00088133 minimized in non aqueous media proposed SKf6sSYFLeU-00287-00088134-00088457 mechanism for co2 reduction - co in non SKf6sSYFLeU-00288-00088458-00088724 aqueous media involves single electron SKf6sSYFLeU-00289-00088725-00089087 reduction of co2 to CO 2 - radical anion SKf6sSYFLeU-00290-00089088-00089306 an adsorption of radical anion to SKf6sSYFLeU-00291-00089307-00089513 surface followed by disproportionate SKf6sSYFLeU-00292-00089514-00089861 reaction between unreduced co2 in co2 - SKf6sSYFLeU-00293-00089862-00090400 radical anion to form co 32 - and co SKf6sSYFLeU-00294-00090401-00090862 equals SKf6sSYFLeU-00295-00090863-00091465 topic see also SKf6sSYFLeU-00296-00091466-00091816 equals electrochemical reduction of SKf6sSYFLeU-00297-00091817-00092064 carbon dioxide SLSREcDqP5I-00000-00000078-00002396 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00001-00002397-00003721 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00002-00003722-00004128 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00003-00004129-00004244 [Applause] SLSREcDqP5I-00004-00004245-00006947 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00005-00006948-00007676 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00006-00007677-00007756 [Applause] SLSREcDqP5I-00007-00007758-00008401 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00008-00008402-00009894 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00009-00009895-00010413 [Applause] SLSREcDqP5I-00010-00010414-00011283 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00011-00011284-00011889 so SLSREcDqP5I-00013-00019381-00020750 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00014-00020751-00021083 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00015-00021084-00021707 so SLSREcDqP5I-00016-00021708-00022228 [Applause] SLSREcDqP5I-00017-00022229-00022483 [Music] SLSREcDqP5I-00018-00022484-00023767 so SLSREcDqP5I-00019-00023768-00023976 you Sp1867_Yixg-00000-00000005-00000127 [Music] Sp1867_Yixg-00001-00000128-00000618 that's where they'll be Sp1867_Yixg-00002-00000619-00001397 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00004-00006209-00006400 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00005-00006401-00007219 [Music] Sp1867_Yixg-00006-00007220-00007412 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00007-00007413-00008190 [Music] Sp1867_Yixg-00008-00008191-00008961 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00010-00012269-00012464 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00011-00012465-00013282 [Music] Sp1867_Yixg-00012-00013283-00013475 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00013-00013476-00014765 [Music] Sp1867_Yixg-00014-00014766-00015776 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00015-00015777-00016479 [Applause] Sp1867_Yixg-00016-00016480-00016687 you SO8q3kxit9u-00000-00000286-00002682 [Music] SO8q3kxit9u-00001-00002683-00003054 hold me close till I get up time is SO8q3kxit9u-00002-00003055-00003294 barely out of side SO8q3kxit9u-00003-00003295-00003720 I don't want always with love SO8q3kxit9u-00004-00003721-00004022 the stores which she's the lead in us SO8q3kxit9u-00005-00004024-00004498 love is all will ever trust yeah no I SO8q3kxit9u-00006-00004499-00004842 don't want always what SO8q3kxit9u-00007-00004843-00005401 [Music] SO8q3kxit9u-00008-00005402-00005569 through the wastelands through the SO8q3kxit9u-00009-00005570-00005857 highways zoom a shadow through the SO8q3kxit9u-00011-00009877-00010373 I phoned away melodies we haven't played SO8q3kxit9u-00012-00010374-00010935 I don't know SO8q3kxit9u-00013-00010936-00011410 go in around these walls to create a SO8q3kxit9u-00014-00011411-00012649 song we'll go through the wastelands SO8q3kxit9u-00015-00012650-00012955 through the highways so my shadow SO8q3kxit9u-00016-00012956-00013621 through the sunrays and SO8q3kxit9u-00017-00013622-00016400 [Music] SO8q3kxit9u-00018-00016401-00017056 we'll be number if you plan to see the SO8q3kxit9u-00019-00017057-00017521 horizon turn us to flowers SO8q3kxit9u-00020-00017522-00018008 and will grow in number phew SO8q3kxit9u-00021-00018009-00018602 to see the her SO8q3kxit9u-00022-00018603-00018853 [Applause] SO8q3kxit9u-00023-00018854-00019133 we'll go SO8q3kxit9u-00024-00019134-00019144 Oh SO8q3kxit9u-00025-00019145-00020364 [Music] SO8q3kxit9u-00026-00020365-00020883 through the house and SO8q3kxit9u-00027-00020884-00022135 [Music] SO8q3kxit9u-00028-00022136-00022342 you SR4k2WJ61K8-00000-00000039-00000262 hello people of the internet welcome to SR4k2WJ61K8-00001-00000263-00000559 another random screenshots episode SR4k2WJ61K8-00002-00000560-00000790 episode 18. SR4k2WJ61K8-00003-00000791-00001023 i never thought SR4k2WJ61K8-00004-00001024-00001319 that this series would go on for 18 SR4k2WJ61K8-00005-00001320-00001495 episodes SR4k2WJ61K8-00006-00001496-00001671 let alone 11 SR4k2WJ61K8-00007-00001672-00001871 because that was my original SR4k2WJ61K8-00008-00001872-00002247 idea before reviving it from the dead SR4k2WJ61K8-00009-00002248-00002550 was i was gonna do 11 episodes SR4k2WJ61K8-00010-00002551-00002758 and be done with it because it matches SR4k2WJ61K8-00011-00002759-00003047 the name kevin horton 11 SR4k2WJ61K8-00012-00003048-00003254 but you know i decided SR4k2WJ61K8-00013-00003255-00003511 that this was a fun series so i thought SR4k2WJ61K8-00014-00003511-00003751 hey screw it i'm going to just SR4k2WJ61K8-00015-00003752-00004070 continue making series on SR4k2WJ61K8-00016-00004071-00004495 this topic or whatever you call it um SR4k2WJ61K8-00017-00004496-00004815 sorry for that spike in the audio SR4k2WJ61K8-00018-00004816-00005095 this is a loud there's a big spike in SR4k2WJ61K8-00019-00005096-00005238 audio SR4k2WJ61K8-00020-00005239-00005351 it's weird SR4k2WJ61K8-00021-00005352-00005463 anyway SR4k2WJ61K8-00022-00005464-00005799 i i one of the reasons why i'm recording SR4k2WJ61K8-00023-00005800-00006159 this audio is to avoid copyright SR4k2WJ61K8-00024-00006160-00006351 but you know that's SR4k2WJ61K8-00025-00006352-00006623 that's that's whatever it's i don't know SR4k2WJ61K8-00026-00006623-00006878 um SR4k2WJ61K8-00027-00006879-00007083 uh what to talk SR4k2WJ61K8-00028-00007084-00007359 about um SR4k2WJ61K8-00029-00007359-00007719 cara legends my minecraft channel is SR4k2WJ61K8-00030-00007720-00007846 dead SR4k2WJ61K8-00031-00007847-00008014 it's no it SR4k2WJ61K8-00032-00008015-00008471 uploads have no more value anymore SR4k2WJ61K8-00033-00008472-00008614 i'm not going to be uploading on that SR4k2WJ61K8-00034-00008615-00008807 channel anymore most likely SR4k2WJ61K8-00035-00008808-00009159 i might make a few videos but SR4k2WJ61K8-00036-00009160-00009246 no SR4k2WJ61K8-00037-00009247-00009414 i'm not counting on it SR4k2WJ61K8-00038-00009415-00009614 yeah and you should and you should not SR4k2WJ61K8-00039-00009615-00009814 either because SR4k2WJ61K8-00040-00009815-00009951 it is dead SR4k2WJ61K8-00041-00009952-00010278 it got one subscriber SR4k2WJ61K8-00042-00010279-00010606 it has 21 subscribers now which is SR4k2WJ61K8-00043-00010607-00010735 awesome SR4k2WJ61K8-00044-00010736-00010974 i should be celebrating but SR4k2WJ61K8-00045-00010975-00011283 yeah whatever that's SR4k2WJ61K8-00046-00011284-00011574 no it's a dead channel that i would be SR4k2WJ61K8-00047-00011575-00011799 celebrating with no content further to SR4k2WJ61K8-00048-00011800-00011991 introduce so SR4k2WJ61K8-00049-00011992-00012263 why bother why bother all the effort SR4k2WJ61K8-00050-00012264-00012374 just to SR4k2WJ61K8-00051-00012375-00012631 watch it die out again SR4k2WJ61K8-00052-00012632-00012879 i actually wonder how many SR4k2WJ61K8-00053-00012880-00013311 views that my last video got SR4k2WJ61K8-00054-00013312-00013391 but SR4k2WJ61K8-00055-00013391-00013615 it's for good reason SR4k2WJ61K8-00056-00013616-00013847 i quit that channel for good reason and SR4k2WJ61K8-00057-00013847-00014327 it was because of minecraft itself SR4k2WJ61K8-00058-00014328-00014463 not SR4k2WJ61K8-00059-00014463-00014855 not the not not the channel dying in SR4k2WJ61K8-00060-00014856-00015222 subscribers reviews or whatever no SR4k2WJ61K8-00061-00015223-00015527 but it's minecraft itself 1.18 recently SR4k2WJ61K8-00062-00015528-00015727 changed the generation SR4k2WJ61K8-00063-00015728-00016251 so i that's no okay bye now SU9eWyIo_DM-00000-00000077-00000355 [Laughter] SU9eWyIo_DM-00001-00000356-00000993 [Music] SU9eWyIo_DM-00002-00000994-00001741 [Music] SU9eWyIo_DM-00003-00001742-00004372 thank you SU9eWyIo_DM-00004-00004373-00005128 laughs SU9eWyIo_DM-00006-00008173-00010756 thank you SU9eWyIo_DM-00007-00010757-00011417 ain't no SU9eWyIo_DM-00008-00011418-00011638 no no no no no no no no no no no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00009-00011639-00011974 no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00010-00011975-00012119 no SU9eWyIo_DM-00011-00012120-00012463 no no no no no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00012-00012464-00012670 no no no no no no no no no no no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00013-00012671-00012802 no no no no no no no no no no no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00014-00012803-00012949 no no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00015-00012950-00013199 no no no no no no no no no no no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00016-00013200-00013708 no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00017-00013709-00014544 no no no no no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00018-00014545-00014686 no no no SU9eWyIo_DM-00019-00014687-00015000 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00000-00009888-00010151 hey SWfHtAizAIA-00001-00010152-00010399 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00002-00010400-00010645 is SWfHtAizAIA-00003-00010646-00012178 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00004-00012179-00012863 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00005-00012863-00013768 yes SWfHtAizAIA-00006-00013769-00014607 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00007-00014608-00014900 oh SWfHtAizAIA-00008-00014901-00016038 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00009-00016040-00016516 is SWfHtAizAIA-00010-00016517-00016938 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00011-00016939-00017054 [Applause] SWfHtAizAIA-00012-00017055-00017367 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00013-00017368-00017647 by the way SWfHtAizAIA-00014-00017648-00019791 [Music] SWfHtAizAIA-00015-00019792-00020000 you SX5FDeEIBVM-00000-00000352-00000582 another way that you can sign in SX5FDeEIBVM-00001-00000583-00000935 to office 365 and go to google meet SX5FDeEIBVM-00002-00000936-00001183 is if your teacher chooses to send it to SX5FDeEIBVM-00003-00001184-00001247 you SX5FDeEIBVM-00004-00001248-00001682 in your email so you would go to SX5FDeEIBVM-00005-00001684-00001798 office365.com SX5FDeEIBVM-00006-00001800-00002167 in either safari or chrome on your ipad SX5FDeEIBVM-00007-00002168-00002391 you could also do that on your SX5FDeEIBVM-00008-00002392-00002510 chromebook SX5FDeEIBVM-00009-00002511-00002883 and go to the url and type in office SX5FDeEIBVM-00010-00002884-00003142 365. you would then sign in with your SX5FDeEIBVM-00011-00003143-00003247 five and three SX5FDeEIBVM-00012-00003247-00003727 at wcps.k12.md.us SX5FDeEIBVM-00013-00003728-00004119 the password is wcps plus the student's SX5FDeEIBVM-00014-00004120-00004238 lunch code SX5FDeEIBVM-00015-00004239-00004543 and then you would sign in SX5FDeEIBVM-00016-00004544-00004759 once you sign in you're going to see SX5FDeEIBVM-00017-00004760-00004870 that your teacher SX5FDeEIBVM-00018-00004871-00005175 may have sent you the link they can SX5FDeEIBVM-00019-00005176-00005263 sometimes SX5FDeEIBVM-00020-00005264-00005511 copy a link and send it to you if they SX5FDeEIBVM-00021-00005512-00005606 choose SX5FDeEIBVM-00022-00005607-00005767 and if that's going to be the way they SX5FDeEIBVM-00023-00005768-00005967 do it you would just open up your SX5FDeEIBVM-00024-00005968-00006111 communication SX5FDeEIBVM-00025-00006112-00006446 and you would click on the link SX5FDeEIBVM-00026-00006447-00006631 you would then do the same thing that SX5FDeEIBVM-00027-00006631-00006751 was shown in the other SX5FDeEIBVM-00028-00006752-00007095 video you would go ahead and join SX5FDeEIBVM-00029-00007095-00007406 the meeting once you join the meeting SX5FDeEIBVM-00030-00007408-00007655 then you would be able to see the other SX5FDeEIBVM-00031-00007656-00007814 features we discussed SX5FDeEIBVM-00032-00007815-00008151 in the other video this is how you would SX5FDeEIBVM-00033-00008152-00008214 join SX5FDeEIBVM-00034-00008215-00008542 google meet with office 365. i hope this SX5FDeEIBVM-00035-00008543-00008784 helps SXRn0JevpnU-00000-00000222-00000898 [Music] SXRn0JevpnU-00001-00000899-00001100 the research and educational SXRn0JevpnU-00002-00001101-00001270 opportunities at the Air Force Institute SXRn0JevpnU-00003-00001271-00001450 technology are phenomenal and are SXRn0JevpnU-00004-00001451-00001607 focused on national security and SXRn0JevpnU-00005-00001607-00001971 national defense SXRn0JevpnU-00006-00001972-00002199 it's inspiring to know you are studying SXRn0JevpnU-00007-00002200-00002352 in the same place where other famous SXRn0JevpnU-00008-00002353-00002628 Africa ads like Gus Grissom and general SXRn0JevpnU-00009-00002629-00002775 Jimmy Doolittle earned their degrees SXRn0JevpnU-00010-00002776-00003024 it's great to carry on the tradition SXRn0JevpnU-00011-00003025-00003347 building on our century long heritage we SXRn0JevpnU-00012-00003348-00003629 educate America's Airmen as well as some SXRn0JevpnU-00013-00003630-00003911 of its soldiers sailors Marines and SXRn0JevpnU-00014-00003912-00004172 allied military partners to more SXRn0JevpnU-00015-00004173-00004467 effectively and innovatively deal with SXRn0JevpnU-00016-00004468-00004677 the national security challenges facing SXRn0JevpnU-00017-00004678-00004977 our country today and in the future we SXRn0JevpnU-00018-00004978-00005207 teach these great military professionals SXRn0JevpnU-00019-00005208-00005457 how to deal with some of our toughest SXRn0JevpnU-00020-00005458-00005768 most complex defense problem by thinking SXRn0JevpnU-00021-00005769-00006060 more critically logically systematically SXRn0JevpnU-00022-00006061-00006289 practically creatively and objectively SXRn0JevpnU-00023-00006290-00006534 we teach them how to take innovative SXRn0JevpnU-00024-00006534-00006813 solutions to both the flightline and the SXRn0JevpnU-00025-00006814-00007128 bottom line we instill in them a passion SXRn0JevpnU-00026-00007129-00007366 for lifelong learning SXRn0JevpnU-00027-00007367-00008031 [Music] SXRn0JevpnU-00028-00008031-00008260 effort is made up of four schools a SXRn0JevpnU-00029-00008261-00008416 civil engineer school provides SXRn0JevpnU-00030-00008417-00008596 continuing education to the civil SXRn0JevpnU-00031-00008597-00008841 engineering career field graduating over SXRn0JevpnU-00032-00008842-00009138 5500 Airmen annually the school of SXRn0JevpnU-00033-00009139-00009363 systems and logistics provides education SXRn0JevpnU-00034-00009364-00009666 consulting and research for over 20,000 SXRn0JevpnU-00035-00009667-00009862 members per year for the air force's SXRn0JevpnU-00036-00009863-00010087 acquisition contracting and logistics SXRn0JevpnU-00037-00010088-00010338 workforce the school of strategic for SXRn0JevpnU-00038-00010339-00010510 studies provides both graduate and SXRn0JevpnU-00039-00010511-00010677 professional continuing education SXRn0JevpnU-00040-00010678-00010938 related to nuclear space and cyber SXRn0JevpnU-00041-00010939-00011212 operations reaching approximately 4,000 SXRn0JevpnU-00042-00011213-00011452 professionals annually and the Graduate SXRn0JevpnU-00043-00011453-00011596 School of Engineering and management SXRn0JevpnU-00044-00011597-00011902 which includes over 750 resident masters SXRn0JevpnU-00045-00011903-00012205 and PhD students F it also manages the SXRn0JevpnU-00046-00012206-00012402 Air Force civilian institution program SXRn0JevpnU-00047-00012403-00012658 overseeing more than 2,400 medical and SXRn0JevpnU-00048-00012659-00012894 graduate students at over 400 different SXRn0JevpnU-00049-00012895-00013155 civilian institutions our diverse SXRn0JevpnU-00050-00013156-00013357 student body includes officers enlisted SXRn0JevpnU-00051-00013358-00013600 and civilian personnel from all four SXRn0JevpnU-00052-00013601-00013861 services defense industry contractors SXRn0JevpnU-00053-00013862-00014041 and international officers from 12 SXRn0JevpnU-00054-00014041-00014281 different countries our combined mission SXRn0JevpnU-00055-00014282-00014469 is to provide defense focused graduate SXRn0JevpnU-00056-00014470-00014665 and continuing education to sustain the SXRn0JevpnU-00057-00014666-00014856 technological supremacy of the United SXRn0JevpnU-00058-00014857-00015001 States military SXRn0JevpnU-00059-00015002-00015280 [Music] SXRn0JevpnU-00060-00015281-00015499 half its civil engineer school provides SXRn0JevpnU-00061-00015500-00015697 the knowledge our people need for SXRn0JevpnU-00062-00015697-00015955 success in the field F it bridges the SXRn0JevpnU-00063-00015956-00016144 gap between my engineering degree in the SXRn0JevpnU-00064-00016144-00016435 daily mission our education maximizes a SXRn0JevpnU-00065-00016436-00016638 seee force at times of limited manpower SXRn0JevpnU-00066-00016639-00016840 the school provides technical SXRn0JevpnU-00067-00016841-00017032 environmental and engineering management SXRn0JevpnU-00068-00017033-00017244 focused education through in resident SXRn0JevpnU-00069-00017245-00017449 and distance learning instruction we SXRn0JevpnU-00070-00017450-00017605 provide the initial skills training for SXRn0JevpnU-00071-00017606-00017758 all newly commissioned civil engineer SXRn0JevpnU-00072-00017759-00017997 officers and newly hired civilians in SXRn0JevpnU-00073-00017998-00018232 the civil engineer career field we SXRn0JevpnU-00074-00018233-00018421 conduct over 90 in resident on on SXRn0JevpnU-00075-00018422-00018628 location courses plus 80 distance SXRn0JevpnU-00076-00018629-00018853 learning courses serving over 2,000 SXRn0JevpnU-00077-00018854-00019018 students every year distance learning SXRn0JevpnU-00078-00019019-00019189 enables us to provide a classroom SXRn0JevpnU-00079-00019190-00019775 without walls reaching across the world SXRn0JevpnU-00080-00019776-00020025 the school of systems and logistics SXRn0JevpnU-00081-00020026-00020250 provide classes both on campus and SXRn0JevpnU-00082-00020251-00020488 through distance learning we educate Air SXRn0JevpnU-00083-00020489-00020596 Force acquisition and logistics SXRn0JevpnU-00084-00020597-00020842 professionals the people who field and SXRn0JevpnU-00085-00020843-00021142 move everything the Air Force buys we SXRn0JevpnU-00086-00021143-00021292 teach logistic concepts and SXRn0JevpnU-00087-00021293-00021480 methodologies successfully employed at SXRn0JevpnU-00088-00021481-00021703 Air Force bases like Tinker Robins and SXRn0JevpnU-00089-00021704-00021883 Hill our students learn the best SXRn0JevpnU-00090-00021884-00022153 practices in industry past ethic grads SXRn0JevpnU-00091-00022154-00022275 have put what they've learned to good SXRn0JevpnU-00092-00022276-00022591 use like reducing kc-135 aircraft depot SXRn0JevpnU-00093-00022592-00022797 maintenance from an average of 400 days SXRn0JevpnU-00094-00022798-00023429 to 120 days SXRn0JevpnU-00095-00023430-00023697 the school of strategic for studies SXRn0JevpnU-00096-00023698-00023943 manages the overall execution of space SXRn0JevpnU-00097-00023944-00024225 nuclear and cyber continuing education SXRn0JevpnU-00098-00024226-00024465 the national security space institute SXRn0JevpnU-00099-00024466-00024681 located at Peterson Air Force Base in SXRn0JevpnU-00100-00024682-00024936 Colorado provides responsive and SXRn0JevpnU-00101-00024937-00025137 relevant professional continuing SXRn0JevpnU-00102-00025138-00025401 education to the DoD's various space SXRn0JevpnU-00103-00025402-00025645 professional development programs a SXRn0JevpnU-00104-00025647-00025919 Pitts nuclear college at Kirtland Air SXRn0JevpnU-00105-00025920-00026172 Force Base in New Mexico provides a SXRn0JevpnU-00106-00026173-00026376 comprehensive nuclear professional SXRn0JevpnU-00107-00026377-00026604 continuing education program that is SXRn0JevpnU-00108-00026605-00026777 developing Airmen in the nuclear SXRn0JevpnU-00109-00026779-00027075 enterprise approximately three thousand SXRn0JevpnU-00110-00027076-00027279 nuclear professionals have attended our SXRn0JevpnU-00111-00027280-00027573 in resident nuclear courses since 2008 SXRn0JevpnU-00112-00027574-00027831 and the nuclear college has reached over SXRn0JevpnU-00113-00027832-00028020 six thousand additional personnel SXRn0JevpnU-00114-00028020-00028245 throughout the Air Force and the DoD SXRn0JevpnU-00115-00028245-00028425 through its mobile training team SXRn0JevpnU-00116-00028426-00028725 delivered courses the Air Force cyber SXRn0JevpnU-00117-00028726-00028902 space Technical Center of Excellence SXRn0JevpnU-00118-00028902-00029130 located at wright-patterson Air Force SXRn0JevpnU-00119-00029131-00029463 Base develops and maintains the cyber SXRn0JevpnU-00120-00029464-00029700 space workforce via cutting-edge SXRn0JevpnU-00121-00029701-00029925 graduate and professional continuing SXRn0JevpnU-00122-00029926-00030270 education our faculty teach and direct SXRn0JevpnU-00123-00030270-00030486 defense focused research on SXRn0JevpnU-00124-00030487-00030783 understanding and developing advanced SXRn0JevpnU-00125-00030783-00031005 cyber security related theories and SXRn0JevpnU-00126-00031006-00031352 technologies in areas such as critical SXRn0JevpnU-00127-00031354-00031571 infrastructure protection reverse SXRn0JevpnU-00128-00031572-00031871 engineering and cyber defense our goal SXRn0JevpnU-00129-00031872-00032183 is to provide relevant education to meet SXRn0JevpnU-00130-00032185-00032448 the cyberspace challenges of today and SXRn0JevpnU-00131-00032449-00033077 tomorrow SXRn0JevpnU-00132-00033078-00033261 [Music] SXRn0JevpnU-00133-00033262-00033450 every year in the School of Engineering SXRn0JevpnU-00134-00033451-00033711 and management our in residence students SXRn0JevpnU-00135-00033712-00033888 are receiving defense focused and SXRn0JevpnU-00136-00033889-00034191 research-based graduate education they SXRn0JevpnU-00137-00034192-00034392 are studying and finding solutions for SXRn0JevpnU-00138-00034393-00034551 some of the most difficult technical SXRn0JevpnU-00139-00034552-00034896 challenges facing the US military there SXRn0JevpnU-00140-00034897-00035058 are a wide range of technical degrees at SXRn0JevpnU-00141-00035059-00035286 Offutt I was selected for the operations SXRn0JevpnU-00142-00035287-00035463 research program so that I can develop SXRn0JevpnU-00143-00035464-00035690 skills to be a better analyst I SXRn0JevpnU-00144-00035691-00035907 qualified for the electrical engineering SXRn0JevpnU-00145-00035908-00036078 program and found a thesis advisor SXRn0JevpnU-00146-00036079-00036297 conducting remote sensor research now SXRn0JevpnU-00147-00036298-00036444 I'm working with the Air Force Research SXRn0JevpnU-00148-00036445-00036591 Lab in the National Air and Space SXRn0JevpnU-00149-00036592-00036825 Intelligence Center on new algorithms to SXRn0JevpnU-00150-00036826-00036948 reduce the error in geolocation SXRn0JevpnU-00151-00036949-00037218 estimates the great thing about aphid is SXRn0JevpnU-00152-00037219-00037395 how relationships with former students SXRn0JevpnU-00153-00037396-00037515 can lead to operationally relevant SXRn0JevpnU-00154-00037516-00037758 research a former student at Creech Air SXRn0JevpnU-00155-00037759-00037950 Force Base contacted me for help with a SXRn0JevpnU-00156-00037951-00038175 data analysis problem I was able to SXRn0JevpnU-00157-00038176-00038322 travel there and understand firsthand SXRn0JevpnU-00158-00038323-00038516 the problems they were trying to solve I SXRn0JevpnU-00159-00038517-00038709 incorporated their problems in the two SXRn0JevpnU-00160-00038710-00038901 of my courses my students were able to SXRn0JevpnU-00161-00038902-00039045 figure out how to reduce the time to SXRn0JevpnU-00162-00039046-00039231 complete an operational test from one SXRn0JevpnU-00163-00039232-00039447 week down to two hours resulting in a SXRn0JevpnU-00164-00039448-00039690 significant cost savings Rogers SXRn0JevpnU-00165-00039691-00039831 education in the school of engineering SXRn0JevpnU-00166-00039832-00040080 and management is unique because F it SXRn0JevpnU-00167-00040081-00040236 shares wright-patterson Air Force Base SXRn0JevpnU-00168-00040237-00040451 with the Air Force Research Laboratory SXRn0JevpnU-00169-00040452-00040632 working with the Air Force Research SXRn0JevpnU-00170-00040633-00040833 Laboratories they lead the discovery SXRn0JevpnU-00171-00040834-00041040 development and integration of airspace SXRn0JevpnU-00172-00041041-00041265 for fighting technologies our students SXRn0JevpnU-00173-00041266-00041439 have an unmatched opportunity to conduct SXRn0JevpnU-00174-00041440-00041634 cutting-edge defense focused research SXRn0JevpnU-00175-00041635-00041856 the students have a wider range of SXRn0JevpnU-00176-00041857-00042051 research problems to tackle and they SXRn0JevpnU-00177-00042052-00042222 have access to AFRL world-class SXRn0JevpnU-00178-00042223-00042480 laboratory facilities in addition to our SXRn0JevpnU-00179-00042481-00042762 own research conducted by the graduate SXRn0JevpnU-00180-00042763-00042963 schools faculty and students keeps our SXRn0JevpnU-00181-00042964-00043152 programs relevant and connected to the SXRn0JevpnU-00182-00043153-00043434 fight in the past few years affic SXRn0JevpnU-00183-00043435-00043620 conducted about 100 million dollars SXRn0JevpnU-00184-00043621-00043791 worth of externally sponsored research SXRn0JevpnU-00185-00043792-00044007 at a fraction of the cost of our SXRn0JevpnU-00186-00044008-00044244 commercial counterparts one of our SXRn0JevpnU-00187-00044245-00044469 students improved a live-fire test arena SXRn0JevpnU-00188-00044470-00044724 for a portable air defense system he SXRn0JevpnU-00189-00044725-00044895 built a simulation of the test arena SXRn0JevpnU-00190-00044896-00045063 that allowed the analysis of virtual SXRn0JevpnU-00191-00045064-00045333 missile explosions the results can be SXRn0JevpnU-00192-00045334-00045504 used to reconfigure the collection SXRn0JevpnU-00193-00045505-00045690 panels in order to collect better SXRn0JevpnU-00194-00045691-00046029 real-world test data better data leads SXRn0JevpnU-00195-00046030-00046872 to developing better systems SXRn0JevpnU-00196-00046873-00047152 there's a lot going on in effort from SXRn0JevpnU-00197-00047153-00047392 developing our acquisition logistics SXRn0JevpnU-00198-00047393-00047710 civil engineering medical nuclear cyber SXRn0JevpnU-00199-00047711-00047968 and space professionals to conducting SXRn0JevpnU-00200-00047969-00048220 mission-critical research to maintain SXRn0JevpnU-00201-00048221-00048448 our air power advantage over potential SXRn0JevpnU-00202-00048449-00048724 adversaries in support of operations SXRn0JevpnU-00203-00048725-00049048 worldwide every year we provide SXRn0JevpnU-00204-00049049-00049299 cost-effective graduate education SXRn0JevpnU-00205-00049300-00049549 cutting-edge defence focused research SXRn0JevpnU-00206-00049550-00049846 and operationally relevant continuing SXRn0JevpnU-00207-00049847-00050059 education to tens of thousands of our SXRn0JevpnU-00208-00050060-00050263 nation's most talented military and SXRn0JevpnU-00209-00050264-00050530 civilian leaders at a recent effort SXRn0JevpnU-00210-00050531-00050827 graduation General Mike Holmes commander SXRn0JevpnU-00211-00050828-00051046 of Air Combat Command said it very well SXRn0JevpnU-00212-00051047-00051313 and my humble opinion F it offers the SXRn0JevpnU-00213-00051314-00051508 best professional military education the SXRn0JevpnU-00214-00051509-00051752 Air Force has to offer a long tradition SXRn0JevpnU-00215-00051753-00052036 continuously updated means that we SXRn0JevpnU-00216-00052037-00052249 provide unique graduates that we can't SXRn0JevpnU-00217-00052250-00052770 get from any university anywhere else SXRn0JevpnU-00218-00052771-00052977 you Sbuv1GkAA-k-00000-00000285-00000711 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00001-00000712-00002747 cut them Sbuv1GkAA-k-00002-00002748-00003559 [Applause] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00003-00003560-00004283 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00004-00004284-00004486 huh Sbuv1GkAA-k-00005-00004487-00004951 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00006-00004952-00005159 i don't think you have any idea how fast Sbuv1GkAA-k-00007-00005160-00005270 i really am Sbuv1GkAA-k-00008-00005271-00006222 i'm faster Sbuv1GkAA-k-00009-00006223-00006351 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00010-00006352-00007520 here we go Sbuv1GkAA-k-00011-00007520-00008483 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00012-00008484-00009014 hey Sbuv1GkAA-k-00013-00009015-00009671 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00014-00009672-00010066 you're the last one complete the mission Sbuv1GkAA-k-00015-00010067-00010589 [Laughter] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00016-00010590-00012126 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00017-00012127-00012683 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00018-00012684-00013513 happy Sbuv1GkAA-k-00019-00013515-00014956 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00020-00014957-00015483 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00021-00015484-00016883 oh Sbuv1GkAA-k-00022-00016884-00017792 foreign Sbuv1GkAA-k-00023-00017793-00018343 [Laughter] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00024-00018344-00018558 goodbye Sbuv1GkAA-k-00025-00018559-00019147 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00026-00019148-00019210 [Applause] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00027-00019211-00019813 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00028-00019814-00020420 [Applause] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00029-00020421-00020667 [Music] Sbuv1GkAA-k-00030-00020668-00020968 foreign SdPnbJbsu2u-00000-00000288-00002575 [Music] SdPnbJbsu2u-00001-00002576-00002767 hi my name is joe ludlow SdPnbJbsu2u-00002-00002768-00002975 i'm here today representing my own SdPnbJbsu2u-00003-00002976-00003199 business which is diva SdPnbJbsu2u-00004-00003200-00003335 hair and beauty and i've got training SdPnbJbsu2u-00005-00003336-00003559 academy as well and i'm here today SdPnbJbsu2u-00006-00003560-00003727 to show you some of the techniques we do SdPnbJbsu2u-00007-00003728-00004063 when we're blow drying and also styling SdPnbJbsu2u-00008-00004064-00004247 so what we've done first thing with SdPnbJbsu2u-00009-00004248-00004367 sophie my model SdPnbJbsu2u-00010-00004368-00004638 is prep the hair first now it's really SdPnbJbsu2u-00011-00004639-00004679 really SdPnbJbsu2u-00012-00004680-00004919 important to prep the hair properly so SdPnbJbsu2u-00013-00004920-00005127 today we've started off with a purifying SdPnbJbsu2u-00014-00005128-00005206 shampoo SdPnbJbsu2u-00015-00005207-00005375 to strip out anything that was in sofa's SdPnbJbsu2u-00016-00005376-00005670 hair before i've used elevation shampoo SdPnbJbsu2u-00017-00005671-00005870 and conditioner sophia's hair is quite SdPnbJbsu2u-00018-00005871-00006134 fine so it's going to give it some extra SdPnbJbsu2u-00019-00006135-00006279 oomph SdPnbJbsu2u-00020-00006280-00006567 i've then sprayed on some protection SdPnbJbsu2u-00021-00006568-00006670 spray SdPnbJbsu2u-00022-00006672-00006870 so it's really really important to use SdPnbJbsu2u-00023-00006872-00007055 the protection spray SdPnbJbsu2u-00024-00007056-00007359 i've used fine to normal hair so i don't SdPnbJbsu2u-00025-00007359-00007510 want to overload it but like i said just SdPnbJbsu2u-00026-00007511-00007663 give it some protection SdPnbJbsu2u-00027-00007664-00007998 now we spray this onto wet hair SdPnbJbsu2u-00028-00008000-00008383 okay so many people dry the hair off SdPnbJbsu2u-00029-00008384-00008439 first SdPnbJbsu2u-00030-00008440-00008639 and then put this on to dry hair it's SdPnbJbsu2u-00031-00008640-00008919 actually put onto wet hair SdPnbJbsu2u-00032-00008920-00009327 i'm going to use a great big SdPnbJbsu2u-00033-00009328-00009614 round twist brush and we're going to get SdPnbJbsu2u-00034-00009615-00009759 loads of body SdPnbJbsu2u-00035-00009760-00009983 from that too as you can see i've SdPnbJbsu2u-00036-00009984-00010359 sectioned off into four sections SdPnbJbsu2u-00037-00010360-00010631 just because i've got a lot of hair and SdPnbJbsu2u-00038-00010632-00010719 i'm going to go SdPnbJbsu2u-00039-00010720-00012399 from the back to the front SdPnbJbsu2u-00040-00012400-00012683 so i'm just coming up now my back SdPnbJbsu2u-00041-00012684-00013007 section SdPnbJbsu2u-00042-00013008-00013175 and it's really really important to get SdPnbJbsu2u-00043-00013176-00013358 a good foundation SdPnbJbsu2u-00044-00013359-00013599 before you do any styling work so i'm SdPnbJbsu2u-00045-00013600-00013735 just going to blast off a little bit SdPnbJbsu2u-00046-00013736-00013911 first to get some of this moisture out SdPnbJbsu2u-00047-00013912-00014015 so it's stamped SdPnbJbsu2u-00048-00014016-00015105 when i start blow drying SdPnbJbsu2u-00049-00015106-00015263 [Applause] SdPnbJbsu2u-00050-00015263-00015438 so it's really important when you are SdPnbJbsu2u-00051-00015440-00015655 blow drying long hair SdPnbJbsu2u-00052-00015656-00015903 is to keep your nozzle at the hairdryer SdPnbJbsu2u-00053-00015904-00016119 pointing down so the hair's not flying SdPnbJbsu2u-00054-00016119-00016271 everywhere SdPnbJbsu2u-00055-00016272-00017086 and doesn't get knotty or tangled SdPnbJbsu2u-00056-00017087-00017279 we like to get back to basics with our SdPnbJbsu2u-00057-00017280-00017407 blow drying SdPnbJbsu2u-00058-00017408-00017599 and that's the good old-fashioned loads SdPnbJbsu2u-00059-00017600-00017735 of root volume SdPnbJbsu2u-00060-00017736-00017935 and then pulling out straighter towards SdPnbJbsu2u-00061-00017936-00018079 the ends SdPnbJbsu2u-00062-00018080-00018255 so the clients then have a really good SdPnbJbsu2u-00063-00018256-00018992 blow dry which will last them the whole SdPnbJbsu2u-00064-00018993-00019683 [Music] SdPnbJbsu2u-00065-00019684-00019847 week SdPnbJbsu2u-00066-00019848-00020127 okay so the hair is damp now and i'm SdPnbJbsu2u-00067-00020128-00020383 just going to section off SdPnbJbsu2u-00068-00020384-00020711 at the back SdPnbJbsu2u-00069-00020712-00021167 and top start taking sections SdPnbJbsu2u-00070-00021168-00021855 from the nape to the crown SdPnbJbsu2u-00071-00021856-00022063 like i said i'm going to use the big SdPnbJbsu2u-00072-00022064-00022167 twist brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00073-00022168-00022463 a ceramic one so obviously the ceramic SdPnbJbsu2u-00074-00022464-00022614 gets warm SdPnbJbsu2u-00075-00022615-00022855 and it makes the whole blow dry a lot SdPnbJbsu2u-00076-00022856-00022943 quicker as well SdPnbJbsu2u-00077-00022944-00023191 but obviously the heat forms a real nice SdPnbJbsu2u-00078-00023192-00023358 barrel shape at the root SdPnbJbsu2u-00079-00023359-00025311 and gives it loads of root volume SdPnbJbsu2u-00080-00025312-00025550 so as you can see i'm getting the brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00081-00025551-00025734 right at the root SdPnbJbsu2u-00082-00025735-00026599 and really lifting and pulling away SdPnbJbsu2u-00083-00026600-00027007 that way then we get loads of volume SdPnbJbsu2u-00084-00027008-00029483 making the style last a lot longer SdPnbJbsu2u-00085-00029483-00030535 so SdPnbJbsu2u-00086-00030536-00030679 so i'm now just going to take another SdPnbJbsu2u-00087-00030680-00031118 section and just work my way up SdPnbJbsu2u-00088-00031119-00031279 that way then because there is such a SdPnbJbsu2u-00089-00031280-00031479 lot of hair you don't get SdPnbJbsu2u-00090-00031480-00031814 in a mess and blow dry SdPnbJbsu2u-00091-00031816-00032014 and lose control of the hair that you SdPnbJbsu2u-00092-00032016-00032207 should be drying SdPnbJbsu2u-00093-00032208-00032558 so again the same technique lifting up SdPnbJbsu2u-00094-00032560-00033439 from the roots and pulling through SdPnbJbsu2u-00095-00033440-00033631 try and control the hair as much as you SdPnbJbsu2u-00096-00033632-00033855 can with the brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00097-00033856-00035287 and your hair dryer SdPnbJbsu2u-00098-00035288-00035599 so as you pull away bring your brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00099-00035600-00035639 down SdPnbJbsu2u-00100-00035640-00036039 as well so we're not lifting out so the SdPnbJbsu2u-00101-00036040-00036407 hair can't get all tangled to SdPnbJbsu2u-00102-00036408-00036767 stop the hair from SdPnbJbsu2u-00103-00036768-00038679 with long straight hair SdPnbJbsu2u-00104-00038680-00039583 i'm just twisting the very bottom SdPnbJbsu2u-00105-00039584-00039879 the secret as well is not to over dry SdPnbJbsu2u-00106-00039880-00039974 the hair SdPnbJbsu2u-00107-00039975-00040135 because obviously then it does become SdPnbJbsu2u-00108-00040136-00040359 fly away and SdPnbJbsu2u-00109-00040360-00040574 full of static and you really can't do SdPnbJbsu2u-00110-00040575-00040711 anything with it other than wash it SdPnbJbsu2u-00111-00040712-00040907 again SdPnbJbsu2u-00112-00040908-00042118 [Applause] SdPnbJbsu2u-00113-00042119-00042343 so i'm just going to turn sophie round SdPnbJbsu2u-00114-00042344-00042455 so that's our back SdPnbJbsu2u-00115-00042456-00042758 section now which has been completed and SdPnbJbsu2u-00116-00042759-00042799 it just SdPnbJbsu2u-00117-00042800-00042990 feels lovely it's got a lot of root SdPnbJbsu2u-00118-00042991-00043223 movement but it should feel really light SdPnbJbsu2u-00119-00043224-00043383 on the head as well SdPnbJbsu2u-00120-00043384-00043615 i'm now going to go on to the side SdPnbJbsu2u-00121-00043616-00044615 section SdPnbJbsu2u-00122-00044616-00044879 so again like i did on the back i'm SdPnbJbsu2u-00123-00044880-00045118 going to now just SdPnbJbsu2u-00124-00045119-00045295 blast off a little to get rid of some of SdPnbJbsu2u-00125-00045296-00045439 this moisture SdPnbJbsu2u-00126-00045440-00046135 so again i'm not blow drying forever SdPnbJbsu2u-00127-00046136-00046567 again hold your section down SdPnbJbsu2u-00128-00046568-00046974 so it doesn't fly away everywhere SdPnbJbsu2u-00129-00046975-00047183 and you're keeping control of that one SdPnbJbsu2u-00130-00047184-00047495 section SdPnbJbsu2u-00131-00047496-00047679 and not going into that back section SdPnbJbsu2u-00132-00047680-00049751 which you've just completed SdPnbJbsu2u-00133-00049752-00050086 so again writing at the root SdPnbJbsu2u-00134-00050087-00050351 and then bring your brush slowly through SdPnbJbsu2u-00135-00050352-00050790 the hair SdPnbJbsu2u-00136-00050791-00051079 just keep your brush moving and just SdPnbJbsu2u-00137-00051080-00051487 roll those ends around SdPnbJbsu2u-00138-00051488-00052782 so you start get a nice curve SdPnbJbsu2u-00139-00052783-00053399 so by using the ceramic brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00140-00053400-00053735 that heat is helping me form SdPnbJbsu2u-00141-00053736-00054845 the shape that we want SdPnbJbsu2u-00142-00054846-00055971 [Music] SdPnbJbsu2u-00143-00055972-00057111 [Applause] SdPnbJbsu2u-00144-00057112-00057894 just let it cool and then release SdPnbJbsu2u-00145-00057895-00058447 this is my last section here on the top SdPnbJbsu2u-00146-00058448-00059238 pull away SdPnbJbsu2u-00147-00059239-00060007 and dry off that section SdPnbJbsu2u-00148-00060008-00060406 slightly wrist lift at the roots SdPnbJbsu2u-00149-00060407-00062087 and pull down SdPnbJbsu2u-00150-00062088-00062423 now we have a completed side section SdPnbJbsu2u-00151-00062424-00062615 so there's no lines or anything where SdPnbJbsu2u-00152-00062616-00062775 we've sectioned off SdPnbJbsu2u-00153-00062776-00063199 but it's just lovely and sleek and shiny SdPnbJbsu2u-00154-00063200-00064482 so i'm just going to do the last section SdPnbJbsu2u-00155-00064483-00064779 now SdPnbJbsu2u-00156-00064780-00065799 [Music] SdPnbJbsu2u-00157-00065800-00065982 just to finish off i'm just taking it SdPnbJbsu2u-00158-00065983-00066167 all back SdPnbJbsu2u-00159-00066168-00066519 again using my brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00160-00066520-00067079 to get a nice smooth finish SdPnbJbsu2u-00161-00067080-00068303 i'm just going to do that fringe SdPnbJbsu2u-00162-00068304-00068615 again keep your brush moving and then SdPnbJbsu2u-00163-00068616-00069111 slowly release SdPnbJbsu2u-00164-00069112-00069743 keep the dryer on top of the brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00165-00069744-00071482 we're just controlling that one section SdPnbJbsu2u-00166-00071483-00071950 okay SdPnbJbsu2u-00167-00071951-00072294 and just slightly break it up by blowing SdPnbJbsu2u-00168-00072295-00072919 over with the dryer SdPnbJbsu2u-00169-00072920-00073103 i'm just checking now to make sure it's SdPnbJbsu2u-00170-00073104-00073375 thoroughly dried SdPnbJbsu2u-00171-00073376-00073679 if it isn't then the style will collapse SdPnbJbsu2u-00172-00073680-00073831 so it's really important to make sure SdPnbJbsu2u-00173-00073832-00074767 it's all dry every section SdPnbJbsu2u-00174-00074768-00075094 just while the brush is warm i'm just SdPnbJbsu2u-00175-00075095-00075287 going to take it through mid lengths to SdPnbJbsu2u-00176-00075288-00075423 ends SdPnbJbsu2u-00177-00075424-00075682 and just hold it just slightly at the SdPnbJbsu2u-00178-00075683-00075847 bottom SdPnbJbsu2u-00179-00075848-00076382 just to curl the ends under SdPnbJbsu2u-00180-00076383-00076694 so you get a real nice effect and you're SdPnbJbsu2u-00181-00076695-00078735 using that heat from the brush SdPnbJbsu2u-00182-00078736-00079206 just to finish off SdPnbJbsu2u-00183-00079207-00079479 so as you can see we've got a really SdPnbJbsu2u-00184-00079480-00079526 nice SdPnbJbsu2u-00185-00079527-00079879 long hair blow dry it's all really sleek SdPnbJbsu2u-00186-00079880-00080159 but with root volume it looks lovely and SdPnbJbsu2u-00187-00080160-00080343 shiny and smooth SdPnbJbsu2u-00188-00080344-00080503 and that blow dry should last for a SdPnbJbsu2u-00189-00080504-00082027 couple of days and that's the blow-dry SdPnbJbsu2u-00190-00082028-00084038 [Music] SdPnbJbsu2u-00191-00084039-00084248 you SeNB8tP0j2E-00000-00000000-00000004 [Music] SeNB8tP0j2E-00001-00000005-00000241 it's been over two years since I started SeNB8tP0j2E-00002-00000242-00000463 this channel of where I first was making SeNB8tP0j2E-00003-00000465-00000719 videos about scholarships over the years SeNB8tP0j2E-00004-00000720-00000904 people have told me the YouTube comments SeNB8tP0j2E-00005-00000905-00001145 emails and through social media that SeNB8tP0j2E-00006-00001146-00001274 thinks of my videos as well as SeNB8tP0j2E-00007-00001275-00001406 personally helping them edit their SeNB8tP0j2E-00008-00001407-00001591 scholarship essays that they were able SeNB8tP0j2E-00009-00001592-00001951 to receive $5,000 $10,000 and even full SeNB8tP0j2E-00010-00001952-00002189 ride scholarships these students came SeNB8tP0j2E-00011-00002190-00002357 from as close as where I lived in Texas SeNB8tP0j2E-00012-00002358-00002659 Arizona North Carolina so as far as SeNB8tP0j2E-00013-00002660-00002990 Nepal India Canada Australia Hong Kong SeNB8tP0j2E-00014-00002991-00003278 in the DR Congo in Africa and over time SeNB8tP0j2E-00015-00003279-00003428 I've been able to win a couple more SeNB8tP0j2E-00016-00003429-00003650 scholarships for myself however my SeNB8tP0j2E-00017-00003651-00003827 scholarship process has changed over the SeNB8tP0j2E-00018-00003828-00004118 years for my last three uploads so now SeNB8tP0j2E-00019-00004119-00004372 I'm here to share with you how I'm still SeNB8tP0j2E-00020-00004373-00004606 winning scholarships 20 so far and SeNB8tP0j2E-00021-00004607-00004970 Counting and how you too can win this is SeNB8tP0j2E-00022-00004971-00005177 a limited short series called the SeNB8tP0j2E-00023-00005178-00005329 scholarship algorithm SeNB8tP0j2E-00024-00005330-00006134 [Music] SeNB8tP0j2E-00025-00006135-00006590 this is episode chapter three of the SeNB8tP0j2E-00026-00006591-00006816 scholarship algorithm series that I'm SeNB8tP0j2E-00027-00006817-00007020 doing here and today we'll be reading SeNB8tP0j2E-00028-00007020-00007263 you all the essay that got me a SeNB8tP0j2E-00029-00007264-00007629 scholarship from Floyd Mayweather so SeNB8tP0j2E-00030-00007630-00007820 first I just want to say how I was able SeNB8tP0j2E-00031-00007822-00008055 to find this particular scholarship so I SeNB8tP0j2E-00032-00008056-00008220 just hope happen to be on Google one day SeNB8tP0j2E-00033-00008221-00008394 doing my daily research of scholarship SeNB8tP0j2E-00034-00008395-00008574 opportunities out there and I happen to SeNB8tP0j2E-00035-00008575-00008883 find this one and one of the things that SeNB8tP0j2E-00036-00008884-00008999 I did when I was looking for the SeNB8tP0j2E-00037-00009000-00009231 scholarship was that I typed in keywords SeNB8tP0j2E-00038-00009232-00009738 I typed in women journalism or women SeNB8tP0j2E-00039-00009739-00009966 media women communications because those SeNB8tP0j2E-00040-00009967-00010149 are all those different career fields SeNB8tP0j2E-00041-00010150-00010320 tie-in when it comes to finding SeNB8tP0j2E-00042-00010321-00010515 scholarship committees I'm gonna do like SeNB8tP0j2E-00043-00010516-00010788 a whole other video later on in the SeNB8tP0j2E-00044-00010789-00010992 series regarding keywords that she needs SeNB8tP0j2E-00045-00010993-00011205 to be using when it comes to narrowing SeNB8tP0j2E-00046-00011206-00011478 down finding scholarship opportunities SeNB8tP0j2E-00047-00011479-00011640 that you qualify for that you're SeNB8tP0j2E-00048-00011641-00011871 eligible for but anyways that's SeNB8tP0j2E-00049-00011872-00012057 basically what I was searching for when SeNB8tP0j2E-00050-00012058-00012213 I was looking for this specific SeNB8tP0j2E-00051-00012214-00012560 scholarship when he came up and I wrote SeNB8tP0j2E-00052-00012561-00012762 the essay to the application and I'm SeNB8tP0j2E-00053-00012763-00012916 going to share with you all right now SeNB8tP0j2E-00054-00012917-00013185 what it looks like and what it sounds SeNB8tP0j2E-00055-00013186-00013880 like okay so here is the application of SeNB8tP0j2E-00056-00013881-00014347 course it required my name address email SeNB8tP0j2E-00057-00014349-00014868 if I'm a citizen GPA major expected SeNB8tP0j2E-00058-00014869-00015105 graduation date if I was taking out any SeNB8tP0j2E-00059-00015106-00015321 loans and I said yes indicated them out SeNB8tP0j2E-00060-00015322-00015552 there and have I received any financial SeNB8tP0j2E-00061-00015553-00015897 aid and I said yes and it also asks for SeNB8tP0j2E-00062-00015897-00016032 me to list other scholarships that I SeNB8tP0j2E-00063-00016033-00016287 have received so I listed that there and SeNB8tP0j2E-00064-00016288-00016485 then in this section where it's talking SeNB8tP0j2E-00065-00016486-00016683 about extracurricular activities I SeNB8tP0j2E-00066-00016684-00016950 mentioned all the things that I have SeNB8tP0j2E-00067-00016951-00017178 done anywhere from my senior year of SeNB8tP0j2E-00068-00017179-00017568 high school up till now and then right SeNB8tP0j2E-00069-00017569-00017769 here I said please refer to the fourth SeNB8tP0j2E-00070-00017770-00018004 page for my response regarding the s SeNB8tP0j2E-00071-00018005-00018349 topic that they had with where I had to SeNB8tP0j2E-00072-00018350-00018598 give details about my career objectives SeNB8tP0j2E-00073-00018599-00018904 and goals and so also for the SeNB8tP0j2E-00074-00018905-00019257 scholarship it also required for me to SeNB8tP0j2E-00075-00019258-00019750 put in my transcript and not just two SeNB8tP0j2E-00076-00019751-00020071 but three letters of recommendation and SeNB8tP0j2E-00077-00020072-00020506 a resume now I will be doing a video SeNB8tP0j2E-00078-00020507-00020881 later on I think about how to make your SeNB8tP0j2E-00079-00020882-00021172 resume your cover letter more visually SeNB8tP0j2E-00080-00021173-00021391 compelling because of course resumes are SeNB8tP0j2E-00081-00021392-00021565 not just used for jobs or internships SeNB8tP0j2E-00082-00021566-00021843 they're also used sometimes for SeNB8tP0j2E-00083-00021844-00022087 scholarships especially for scholarships SeNB8tP0j2E-00084-00022088-00022459 that relate to your career field because SeNB8tP0j2E-00085-00022460-00022795 I'm someone evaluating a resume and I SeNB8tP0j2E-00086-00022796-00023068 see one that's just you know very plain SeNB8tP0j2E-00087-00023069-00023278 format black and white black white grey SeNB8tP0j2E-00088-00023279-00023626 I'm not going to be as convinced as SeNB8tP0j2E-00089-00023627-00023839 opposed to someone who obviously has SeNB8tP0j2E-00090-00023840-00024262 more digital graphic design skills and SeNB8tP0j2E-00091-00024263-00024415 formatting their essay and making it SeNB8tP0j2E-00092-00024416-00024643 more visually compelling anyways making SeNB8tP0j2E-00093-00024644-00024778 another video about that sometime in the SeNB8tP0j2E-00094-00024779-00024925 future so make sure to look forward to SeNB8tP0j2E-00095-00024926-00025044 that because I got a lot to say about SeNB8tP0j2E-00096-00025045-00025243 that and the site that I use to create SeNB8tP0j2E-00097-00025244-00025693 my resume what is um canva.com and the SeNB8tP0j2E-00098-00025694-00025819 great thing about that is that you can SeNB8tP0j2E-00099-00025820-00026026 make several variations of your resume SeNB8tP0j2E-00100-00026027-00026257 for example if you're having a resume SeNB8tP0j2E-00101-00026258-00026413 that's specifically for your career SeNB8tP0j2E-00102-00026414-00026668 field versus a resume specifically for a SeNB8tP0j2E-00103-00026669-00026986 part-time job or internship you can make SeNB8tP0j2E-00104-00026987-00027136 several versions and you don't have to SeNB8tP0j2E-00105-00027137-00027355 redo it every single time but anyways SeNB8tP0j2E-00106-00027356-00027631 let's go into this essay because that's SeNB8tP0j2E-00107-00027632-00027852 what you guys new year work so the SeNB8tP0j2E-00108-00027854-00027994 prompt of the essay was career SeNB8tP0j2E-00109-00027995-00028186 aspirations please tell us about your SeNB8tP0j2E-00110-00028187-00028393 career objectives and how the SeNB8tP0j2E-00111-00028394-00028579 scholarship will assist you in reaching SeNB8tP0j2E-00112-00028580-00028876 them originally I got into journalism SeNB8tP0j2E-00113-00028877-00029050 because I thought I wanted to be a news SeNB8tP0j2E-00114-00029051-00029265 reporter in anchor however now I have SeNB8tP0j2E-00115-00029266-00029458 the aspiration to do new slash show SeNB8tP0j2E-00116-00029458-00029710 producing I realized this after recently SeNB8tP0j2E-00117-00029711-00029889 finishing an 8 hour class of where SeNB8tP0j2E-00118-00029891-00030082 everyone else for upperclassmen such as SeNB8tP0j2E-00119-00030083-00030315 seniors and graduate students I was only SeNB8tP0j2E-00120-00030316-00030373 a saw SeNB8tP0j2E-00121-00030374-00030535 by the time the class was meant to SeNB8tP0j2E-00122-00030536-00030724 replicate an actual newsroom on a SeNB8tP0j2E-00123-00030725-00030993 nine-to-five workday we were expected to SeNB8tP0j2E-00124-00030994-00031198 stack the show come up with story ideas SeNB8tP0j2E-00125-00031199-00031411 for general news entertainment and SeNB8tP0j2E-00126-00031412-00031648 sports film and edit videos as well as SeNB8tP0j2E-00127-00031649-00031839 write and edit scripts and later it SeNB8tP0j2E-00128-00031841-00032107 aired on our school's cable channel the SeNB8tP0j2E-00129-00032108-00032248 class was highly demanding and stressful SeNB8tP0j2E-00130-00032249-00032433 and I felt them qualified in the SeNB8tP0j2E-00131-00032434-00032490 beginning SeNB8tP0j2E-00132-00032491-00032770 nearly dropping out of the class my SeNB8tP0j2E-00133-00032771-00032908 professor said in the beginning that SeNB8tP0j2E-00134-00032909-00033102 typically only one or two students get SeNB8tP0j2E-00135-00033103-00033415 an A in her class and those who do are SeNB8tP0j2E-00136-00033416-00033607 more than ready and qualified to work in SeNB8tP0j2E-00137-00033608-00033868 actual newsrooms needless to say after SeNB8tP0j2E-00138-00033869-00034039 putting in 10 times the amount of work SeNB8tP0j2E-00139-00034040-00034198 than others and exceeding the SeNB8tP0j2E-00140-00034199-00034417 expectations of both my professor and SeNB8tP0j2E-00141-00034418-00034696 classmates I ended up receiving the SeNB8tP0j2E-00142-00034697-00034918 highest grade the original reason why I SeNB8tP0j2E-00143-00034919-00035107 got into journalism in the first place SeNB8tP0j2E-00144-00035108-00035280 is because it gives a voice of the SeNB8tP0j2E-00145-00035281-00035502 voiceless I thought that by being SeNB8tP0j2E-00146-00035503-00035646 someone in front of the camera as a SeNB8tP0j2E-00147-00035647-00035854 reporter I would have more control over SeNB8tP0j2E-00148-00035855-00036070 how a certain message and narrative is SeNB8tP0j2E-00149-00036071-00036292 being portrayed so to lessen stereotypes SeNB8tP0j2E-00150-00036293-00036502 and inaccuracies and to provide SeNB8tP0j2E-00151-00036503-00036696 representation for those who aspire to SeNB8tP0j2E-00152-00036697-00036892 be broadcast personalities as well SeNB8tP0j2E-00153-00036893-00037108 however once I got behind the scenes and SeNB8tP0j2E-00154-00037109-00037354 saw the whole process that was when I SeNB8tP0j2E-00155-00037355-00037573 realized that the producer is the one SeNB8tP0j2E-00156-00037574-00037837 who actually in fact has a final say-so SeNB8tP0j2E-00157-00037838-00038161 and how a story is being projected and SeNB8tP0j2E-00158-00038162-00038407 if it will even be presented to the SeNB8tP0j2E-00159-00038408-00038656 public the producer has a power and SeNB8tP0j2E-00160-00038657-00038911 access to make final edits to scripts SeNB8tP0j2E-00161-00038912-00039195 and has the authority to sign stories to SeNB8tP0j2E-00162-00039196-00039361 reporters as well as adding and dropping SeNB8tP0j2E-00163-00039362-00039661 others today we live in a day and age of SeNB8tP0j2E-00164-00039662-00039930 where journalism is fun oh I didn't see SeNB8tP0j2E-00165-00039931-00040149 the thing about this essay I didn't even SeNB8tP0j2E-00166-00040150-00040374 realize it till now I had a typo in SeNB8tP0j2E-00167-00040375-00040596 there but I'm glad that they still SeNB8tP0j2E-00168-00040597-00040743 awarded me the scholarship because it SeNB8tP0j2E-00169-00040744-00040918 says today we live in a day and age of SeNB8tP0j2E-00170-00040919-00041080 where journalism is under being SeNB8tP0j2E-00171-00041081-00041430 threatened today we live in a day and SeNB8tP0j2E-00172-00041431-00041674 age of where journalism is being SeNB8tP0j2E-00173-00041675-00041929 threatened I should have omitted under I SeNB8tP0j2E-00174-00041930-00042232 think I had under in there because I was SeNB8tP0j2E-00175-00042233-00042555 going to say under attack but then I SeNB8tP0j2E-00176-00042556-00042742 decided not to but I forgot to delete SeNB8tP0j2E-00177-00042743-00043018 the word but anyways today we live in SeNB8tP0j2E-00178-00043019-00043083 the day SeNB8tP0j2E-00179-00043084-00043314 we're journalism is being threatened I SeNB8tP0j2E-00180-00043315-00043587 wanted to be one of many who are SeNB8tP0j2E-00181-00043588-00043815 responsible for regaining or instilling SeNB8tP0j2E-00182-00043816-00044037 for the first time the public's trust SeNB8tP0j2E-00183-00044038-00044265 and the media one day I see myself SeNB8tP0j2E-00184-00044266-00044466 working at major studios what major SeNB8tP0j2E-00185-00044467-00044886 networks like NBC CNN CBS or ABC in the SeNB8tP0j2E-00186-00044887-00045093 near future I want to create a black SeNB8tP0j2E-00187-00045094-00045318 news network like NBC's for the window SeNB8tP0j2E-00188-00045319-00045604 and possibly have an air on own like SeNB8tP0j2E-00189-00045605-00045823 Oprah but what are the events meant of SeNB8tP0j2E-00190-00045824-00045951 women in sports and entertainment SeNB8tP0j2E-00191-00045952-00046191 scholarship to the Floyd Mayweather SeNB8tP0j2E-00192-00046192-00046446 foundation it would greatly help assist SeNB8tP0j2E-00193-00046447-00046641 me and further pursuing my academic and SeNB8tP0j2E-00194-00046642-00046857 career endeavors with a bit less of a SeNB8tP0j2E-00195-00046858-00047142 concern on finances for my education the SeNB8tP0j2E-00196-00047143-00047295 less I have to worry about money the SeNB8tP0j2E-00197-00047296-00047508 more time I have on my hands to dedicate SeNB8tP0j2E-00198-00047509-00047742 to learning creating and seeking out SeNB8tP0j2E-00199-00047743-00047988 opportunities to polish my skills and SeNB8tP0j2E-00200-00047989-00048564 set myself up for success so that was my SeNB8tP0j2E-00201-00048565-00048795 essay sorry to interrupt my video but I SeNB8tP0j2E-00202-00048796-00048990 just wanted to say that this video that SeNB8tP0j2E-00203-00048991-00049308 you're seeing here is one of a series if SeNB8tP0j2E-00204-00049309-00049464 you want me to send you a PowerPoint PDF SeNB8tP0j2E-00205-00049465-00049746 version of this entire series rather SeNB8tP0j2E-00206-00049747-00049914 than waiting for each video to upload SeNB8tP0j2E-00207-00049915-00050154 and take notes from I can send you that SeNB8tP0j2E-00208-00050155-00050349 all you have to do is fill out this form SeNB8tP0j2E-00209-00050350-00050535 and make your payment and I will email SeNB8tP0j2E-00210-00050536-00050751 you the entire presentation that covers SeNB8tP0j2E-00211-00050752-00051045 all the video seen in this series also I SeNB8tP0j2E-00212-00051046-00051231 offer a service called scholarly of SeNB8tP0j2E-00213-00051232-00051393 where I personally help people edit SeNB8tP0j2E-00214-00051394-00051600 their scholarship essays a lot of the SeNB8tP0j2E-00215-00051601-00051738 people I work with don't have the best SeNB8tP0j2E-00216-00051739-00051927 English or grammatical skills so that's SeNB8tP0j2E-00217-00051928-00052099 where I come in and prices for that SeNB8tP0j2E-00218-00052100-00052461 start at just $25 and SeNB8tP0j2E-00219-00052462-00052638 I wanted to plug in here my GoFundMe SeNB8tP0j2E-00220-00052639-00052845 this is mainly for raising funds for SeNB8tP0j2E-00221-00052846-00053088 when I study abroad in Tokyo Japan this SeNB8tP0j2E-00222-00053089-00053283 summer but if you want to donate to help SeNB8tP0j2E-00223-00053284-00053349 with that SeNB8tP0j2E-00224-00053350-00053567 my main education expenses or just to SeNB8tP0j2E-00225-00053569-00053694 show your appreciation for what I've SeNB8tP0j2E-00226-00053695-00053850 been doing through these videos and SeNB8tP0j2E-00227-00053851-00054159 please do also you'll see on there two SeNB8tP0j2E-00228-00054160-00054336 really cool original songs I made with SeNB8tP0j2E-00229-00054337-00054609 visual videos that pay homage to mainly SeNB8tP0j2E-00230-00054610-00054813 Japanese video games and anime that SeNB8tP0j2E-00231-00054814-00054936 shaped my childhood SeNB8tP0j2E-00232-00054937-00055095 anyways all of what I mentioned may be SeNB8tP0j2E-00233-00055096-00055260 linked down in the description box down SeNB8tP0j2E-00234-00055261-00055640 below okay back to the video so SeNB8tP0j2E-00235-00055641-00055923 regarding - a some of the key takeaways SeNB8tP0j2E-00236-00055924-00056139 that I wanted to point out about this is SeNB8tP0j2E-00237-00056140-00056480 that a lot of times when I am writing SeNB8tP0j2E-00238-00056482-00056735 any of my essays I always like to use SeNB8tP0j2E-00239-00056736-00057141 hyphens I just feel like it really helps SeNB8tP0j2E-00240-00057141-00057534 with having certain phrases to really SeNB8tP0j2E-00241-00057535-00057813 stand out let's see you else SeNB8tP0j2E-00242-00057814-00058055 also within the scholarship essay I made SeNB8tP0j2E-00243-00058057-00058203 sure of course towards the end of my SeNB8tP0j2E-00244-00058204-00058428 scholarship essay the name of the SeNB8tP0j2E-00245-00058429-00058632 scholarship as well as the name of the SeNB8tP0j2E-00246-00058633-00058824 foundation over the scholarship because SeNB8tP0j2E-00247-00058825-00059010 again when it comes to writing your SeNB8tP0j2E-00248-00059011-00059163 scholarship essay you want to make it SeNB8tP0j2E-00249-00059164-00059397 sound as personalized as possible you SeNB8tP0j2E-00250-00059398-00059649 don't want to make it sound general or SeNB8tP0j2E-00251-00059650-00059865 give the person the idea that you use SeNB8tP0j2E-00252-00059866-00060063 the same exact essay for some other SeNB8tP0j2E-00253-00060064-00060266 scholarship you want it to sound as if SeNB8tP0j2E-00254-00060267-00060501 it was made and written specifically for SeNB8tP0j2E-00255-00060502-00060834 them and no one else another thing I SeNB8tP0j2E-00256-00060835-00060996 wanted it to mention was within this SeNB8tP0j2E-00257-00060997-00061284 scholarship I mentioned my trials to SeNB8tP0j2E-00258-00061285-00061458 triumph this is one of the key elements SeNB8tP0j2E-00259-00061459-00061650 that I mentioned in my old video SeNB8tP0j2E-00260-00061651-00061827 regarding how I was able to win several SeNB8tP0j2E-00261-00061828-00061962 scholarships using basically the same SeNB8tP0j2E-00262-00061963-00062178 exact essay if you wanted to check out SeNB8tP0j2E-00263-00062179-00062405 that video I also provided like an SeNB8tP0j2E-00264-00062407-00062604 outline on how you should construct your SeNB8tP0j2E-00265-00062604-00062823 essay things to include anyways what I SeNB8tP0j2E-00266-00062824-00063144 mean by trials the triumphs is that you SeNB8tP0j2E-00267-00063145-00063351 want to show personal growth you want to SeNB8tP0j2E-00268-00063352-00063699 show how you have been able to overcome SeNB8tP0j2E-00269-00063700-00063915 the challenge and in this case with this SeNB8tP0j2E-00270-00063916-00064141 essay my personal challenge was that SeNB8tP0j2E-00271-00064141-00064327 I was in this class I was like the SeNB8tP0j2E-00272-00064328-00064491 youngest person in there everyone else SeNB8tP0j2E-00273-00064492-00064723 was upperclassmen graduate students felt SeNB8tP0j2E-00274-00064724-00064966 unqualified nearly dropped out of the SeNB8tP0j2E-00275-00064966-00065239 class but then after all of that I put SeNB8tP0j2E-00276-00065240-00065413 in like ten times the amount of work SeNB8tP0j2E-00277-00065414-00065584 ethic than anyone else and ended up SeNB8tP0j2E-00278-00065585-00065773 getting like the highest grade on the SeNB8tP0j2E-00279-00065774-00065956 frontal project when it comes to SeNB8tP0j2E-00280-00065957-00066127 mentioning your trials or your triumphs SeNB8tP0j2E-00281-00066128-00066256 or anything of where it's been SeNB8tP0j2E-00282-00066257-00066403 challenging your life you don't want to SeNB8tP0j2E-00283-00066404-00066613 sound like your self pitying because I SeNB8tP0j2E-00284-00066614-00066835 think when it comes to scholarship SeNB8tP0j2E-00285-00066836-00067030 committees reading scholarship essays if SeNB8tP0j2E-00286-00067031-00067330 they read too much content that sounds SeNB8tP0j2E-00287-00067331-00067894 too self pitying - you know what was me SeNB8tP0j2E-00288-00067895-00068110 or whatever they're going to become SeNB8tP0j2E-00289-00068111-00068398 desensitized to it in a way just like SeNB8tP0j2E-00290-00068399-00068593 we've been desensitized about everything SeNB8tP0j2E-00291-00068594-00068752 that's been happening in this country SeNB8tP0j2E-00292-00068753-00069001 when it comes to essays in particular I SeNB8tP0j2E-00293-00069002-00069307 feel that as if if you're someone on the SeNB8tP0j2E-00294-00069308-00069478 scholarship committee you're probably SeNB8tP0j2E-00295-00069479-00069748 already reading dozens and hundreds of SeNB8tP0j2E-00296-00069749-00069916 essays that are constructed just like SeNB8tP0j2E-00297-00069917-00070102 that and that essay just doesn't set SeNB8tP0j2E-00298-00070103-00070420 itself apart from the other essays so if SeNB8tP0j2E-00299-00070421-00070636 you are going to mention somewhere SeNB8tP0j2E-00300-00070637-00070918 within your essay the hardships that you SeNB8tP0j2E-00301-00070919-00071137 went through you want to say along the SeNB8tP0j2E-00302-00071138-00071278 lines that even though you went through SeNB8tP0j2E-00303-00071279-00071503 that that doesn't define you as a person SeNB8tP0j2E-00304-00071504-00071653 that you have been able to overcome it SeNB8tP0j2E-00305-00071654-00071896 or you are continuing to try to overcome SeNB8tP0j2E-00306-00071897-00072118 it also another thing is that you want SeNB8tP0j2E-00307-00072119-00072454 to consider your audience in this case SeNB8tP0j2E-00308-00072455-00072679 my audience was Floyd Mayweather which I SeNB8tP0j2E-00309-00072680-00073119 would imagine is a team of people SeNB8tP0j2E-00310-00073120-00073540 related to media perhaps of several SeNB8tP0j2E-00311-00073541-00073786 other people who are black as well so I SeNB8tP0j2E-00312-00073787-00074002 made sure to mention in my essay of how SeNB8tP0j2E-00313-00074003-00074227 one of these days I want to create my SeNB8tP0j2E-00314-00074228-00074590 own black news network and it would be SeNB8tP0j2E-00315-00074591-00074901 somewhat similar to NBC's Telemundo and SeNB8tP0j2E-00316-00074902-00075337 potentially aired on owned by Oprah now SeNB8tP0j2E-00317-00075338-00075460 of course I probably wouldn't have SeNB8tP0j2E-00318-00075461-00075739 mentioned this detail of me wanting to SeNB8tP0j2E-00319-00075740-00075863 create my own SeNB8tP0j2E-00320-00075864-00076010 canoes Network I would have just said SeNB8tP0j2E-00321-00076011-00076166 news network SeNB8tP0j2E-00322-00076167-00076592 if like I was applying for I don't know SeNB8tP0j2E-00323-00076593-00077477 a scholarship from you know not not a SeNB8tP0j2E-00324-00077478-00077728 scholarship named after someone who's SeNB8tP0j2E-00325-00077729-00078005 non black because I wouldn't expect them SeNB8tP0j2E-00326-00078006-00078134 to really understand where I'm going SeNB8tP0j2E-00327-00078135-00078374 with that hey guys thank you so much for SeNB8tP0j2E-00328-00078375-00078500 watching this video if you haven't SeNB8tP0j2E-00329-00078501-00078641 already make sure to LIKE and subscribe SeNB8tP0j2E-00330-00078642-00078839 to my channel and of course share this SeNB8tP0j2E-00331-00078840-00079082 youtube series with those who are SeNB8tP0j2E-00332-00079083-00079220 looking for scholarships whether that SeNB8tP0j2E-00333-00079221-00079457 students or parents and also take the SeNB8tP0j2E-00334-00079458-00079598 time to watch the rest of the series SeNB8tP0j2E-00335-00079599-00079775 which will be uploading every tuesday SeNB8tP0j2E-00336-00079776-00080051 and friday and also if you happen to win SeNB8tP0j2E-00337-00080052-00080210 a scholarship thanks to the advice in my SeNB8tP0j2E-00338-00080211-00080381 videos then please let me know in the SeNB8tP0j2E-00339-00080382-00080639 comments down below or through email or SeNB8tP0j2E-00340-00080640-00080893 DM on one of my social media platforms SeNB8tP0j2E-00341-00080894-00081480 anyways i SeNB8tP0j2E-00342-00081481-00081687 you Sf0yHjrlxE0-00000-00000431-00001247 hey tell me Sf0yHjrlxE0-00001-00001248-00003203 [Music] Sf0yHjrlxE0-00003-00006744-00006975 [Music] Sf0yHjrlxE0-00004-00006976-00007123 hey Sf0yHjrlxE0-00005-00007123-00009038 [Music] Sf0yHjrlxE0-00007-00012145-00012983 [Music] Sf0yHjrlxE0-00008-00012984-00013299 yes Sf0yHjrlxE0-00009-00013300-00014865 [Music] Sf0yHjrlxE0-00010-00014866-00016003 [Music] Sf0yHjrlxE0-00011-00016004-00017150 [Music] Sf0yHjrlxE0-00012-00017151-00017451 bye SfDAZUerGcY-00000-00000003-00000241 by the healthy sex cell Facebook page I SfDAZUerGcY-00001-00000242-00000476 received the following question on my SfDAZUerGcY-00002-00000476-00000676 wedding night I lost my virginity to my SfDAZUerGcY-00003-00000677-00000914 husband but I did not lead it's causing SfDAZUerGcY-00004-00000915-00001214 my marriage great problems why did I not SfDAZUerGcY-00005-00001215-00001460 bleed I can understand that the SfDAZUerGcY-00006-00001461-00001676 situation is causing great especially SfDAZUerGcY-00007-00001677-00001834 the two of you and possibly your SfDAZUerGcY-00008-00001835-00002101 families many cultures place high value SfDAZUerGcY-00009-00002102-00002593 on its rigidity upon marriage SfDAZUerGcY-00010-00002594-00002884 the bleeding is caused by the tearing of SfDAZUerGcY-00011-00002885-00003187 the hymen tissue now the hymen tissue is SfDAZUerGcY-00012-00003188-00003520 located at the back or alias side of the SfDAZUerGcY-00013-00003521-00003832 vagina so it's not a flat tissue that SfDAZUerGcY-00014-00003833-00004075 covers the vagina that the penis breaks SfDAZUerGcY-00015-00004076-00004564 through this is a big misconception some SfDAZUerGcY-00016-00004565-00004699 girls are born with a high mutation SfDAZUerGcY-00017-00004700-00004993 that's very small so you can barely tear SfDAZUerGcY-00018-00004994-00005209 it you can compare it and I'm a tissue SfDAZUerGcY-00019-00005210-00005431 to earlobes they don't really have a SfDAZUerGcY-00020-00005432-00005754 function the size is very and some of SfDAZUerGcY-00021-00005755-00005944 them are attached to the head and others SfDAZUerGcY-00022-00005945-00006178 are not but biologically speaking it SfDAZUerGcY-00023-00006179-00006403 really doesn't matter SfDAZUerGcY-00024-00006404-00006681 another misconception is that you can SfDAZUerGcY-00025-00006683-00006991 lose your virginity by insertion of a SfDAZUerGcY-00026-00006992-00007261 finger use of the tampon or particularly SfDAZUerGcY-00027-00007262-00007567 wild horse penguins it's the first sign SfDAZUerGcY-00028-00007568-00007855 point of having a penis inside vagina SfDAZUerGcY-00029-00007856-00008148 intercourse that makes you produce your SfDAZUerGcY-00030-00008150-00008409 virginity SfDAZUerGcY-00031-00008410-00008668 bloodstains on wedding night sheets are SfDAZUerGcY-00032-00008669-00008956 by no means a good way to balance a SfDAZUerGcY-00033-00008957-00009124 wholeness virginity SfDAZUerGcY-00034-00009125-00009400 the only way to find out whether a SfDAZUerGcY-00035-00009401-00009721 person is a virgin is by asking him or SfDAZUerGcY-00036-00009722-00010021 her and trusting the answer love SfDAZUerGcY-00037-00010022-00010369 yourself love each other Sglrxfv3v3Q-00000-00000043-00000356 all right let's get into relative motion Sglrxfv3v3Q-00001-00000357-00000626 which is really kind of our staple of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00002-00000627-00000979 what we're going to use to so basically Sglrxfv3v3Q-00003-00000980-00001085 we're going to use for most of the rest Sglrxfv3v3Q-00004-00001086-00001352 of the class so this comes from section Sglrxfv3v3Q-00005-00001353-00001826 sixteen point five of your textbook the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00006-00001827-00002213 chapter title is or the section title is Sglrxfv3v3Q-00007-00002214-00003350 relative motion analysis : velocity Sglrxfv3v3Q-00008-00003351-00003713 we're gonna do velocity first and then Sglrxfv3v3Q-00009-00003714-00003847 after we get that figured out we'll go Sglrxfv3v3Q-00010-00003848-00004172 ahead and do acceleration we can also Sglrxfv3v3Q-00011-00004173-00004325 think that this is the first section Sglrxfv3v3Q-00012-00004326-00004547 while this I guess is the second section Sglrxfv3v3Q-00013-00004548-00004720 but we're deep we're dealing with Sglrxfv3v3Q-00014-00004721-00005506 general plane motion we also were Sglrxfv3v3Q-00015-00005507-00005754 dealing with general plane motion in Sglrxfv3v3Q-00016-00005755-00005993 16.4 we dealt with the absolute Sglrxfv3v3Q-00017-00005994-00006256 computations but things are rotating and Sglrxfv3v3Q-00018-00006257-00006731 translating and so let's start with some Sglrxfv3v3Q-00019-00006731-00006871 stuff that we already know let's talk Sglrxfv3v3Q-00020-00006872-00007941 about relative velocity Sglrxfv3v3Q-00021-00007942-00008205 and if I have a fixed point here point Sglrxfv3v3Q-00022-00008206-00008568 oh and then I have a body and there's Sglrxfv3v3Q-00023-00008569-00008904 two points on here a and B call this one Sglrxfv3v3Q-00024-00008905-00009555 B up this one over here a and then I can Sglrxfv3v3Q-00025-00009556-00009759 write position functions from this fixed Sglrxfv3v3Q-00026-00009760-00010206 point oh I can write our B in terms of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00027-00010207-00010496 oh there no one up here Sglrxfv3v3Q-00028-00010497-00011268 our a relative to point O for this first Sglrxfv3v3Q-00029-00011269-00011517 example this is fixed and then we can Sglrxfv3v3Q-00030-00011518-00012035 also draw in here a relative this is Sglrxfv3v3Q-00031-00012036-00012449 gonna be our a in terms of B or our a Sglrxfv3v3Q-00032-00012450-00012860 relative to B so we know this and we Sglrxfv3v3Q-00033-00012861-00013182 also know that we can then write that so Sglrxfv3v3Q-00034-00013183-00013512 I'll call this one here are a just to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00035-00013513-00013641 simplify my equation so I'll call this Sglrxfv3v3Q-00036-00013641-00014061 one our B I just want it's also you know Sglrxfv3v3Q-00037-00014062-00014241 be conscious of you know we could write Sglrxfv3v3Q-00038-00014241-00014433 this in terms of basically you know be Sglrxfv3v3Q-00039-00014434-00014655 relative to o or just the vector to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00040-00014656-00014943 point B if you I guess this form here is Sglrxfv3v3Q-00041-00014944-00015084 kind of assuming you know where you're Sglrxfv3v3Q-00042-00015085-00015255 starting right you assume that you know Sglrxfv3v3Q-00043-00015256-00015497 you're started at that fixed point so we Sglrxfv3v3Q-00044-00015498-00015947 can write this as our a is equal to R B Sglrxfv3v3Q-00045-00015947-00016686 plus R B wrong way our a in terms of B Sglrxfv3v3Q-00046-00016687-00017064 right this is a vector equation as a Sglrxfv3v3Q-00047-00017065-00017190 vector equation we're I'm just adding Sglrxfv3v3Q-00048-00017191-00017364 together the magnitudes right and if Sglrxfv3v3Q-00049-00017365-00017600 these are if it's two dimensional space Sglrxfv3v3Q-00050-00017601-00017775 like this is we'd have to add in all of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00051-00017776-00017952 those components and we know if we take Sglrxfv3v3Q-00052-00017953-00018557 the time derivative Sglrxfv3v3Q-00053-00018558-00019313 of this up here we end up with VA equals Sglrxfv3v3Q-00054-00019314-00020369 VB plus VA and terms of B so the first Sglrxfv3v3Q-00055-00020370-00020535 two are pretty straightforward right Sglrxfv3v3Q-00056-00020536-00020757 that's just going to be the essentially Sglrxfv3v3Q-00057-00020758-00020925 the velocity of point a and point B Sglrxfv3v3Q-00058-00020926-00021177 relative to point O but it's this add Sglrxfv3v3Q-00059-00021178-00021321 the one over here that I wanted to take Sglrxfv3v3Q-00060-00021322-00021650 a little bit deeper look at the velocity Sglrxfv3v3Q-00061-00021651-00022047 of a relative to B right keep in mind Sglrxfv3v3Q-00062-00022048-00022260 that vectors have two different things Sglrxfv3v3Q-00063-00022261-00022508 make up a vector officially three if we Sglrxfv3v3Q-00064-00022509-00022665 include the units but they have a Sglrxfv3v3Q-00065-00022666-00023049 magnitude they have a direction and then Sglrxfv3v3Q-00066-00023050-00023255 they also have units right and so units Sglrxfv3v3Q-00067-00023256-00023405 aren't a big deal right here because we Sglrxfv3v3Q-00068-00023406-00023555 can calculate the units if this was in Sglrxfv3v3Q-00069-00023556-00023678 meters and we take a time derivative Sglrxfv3v3Q-00070-00023679-00023874 will get meters per time or meters per Sglrxfv3v3Q-00071-00023875-00024465 second does the length of V a /b change Sglrxfv3v3Q-00072-00024466-00024656 does the magnitude of the velocity Sglrxfv3v3Q-00073-00024657-00025097 change to two points on the same body Sglrxfv3v3Q-00074-00025098-00025374 can they be basically moving apart is Sglrxfv3v3Q-00075-00025375-00025627 there a velocity between the two points Sglrxfv3v3Q-00076-00025628-00025917 there can't be right they're on the same Sglrxfv3v3Q-00077-00025918-00026193 fixed body she's not seeping from the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00078-00026194-00026402 same rigid body if we assume that that Sglrxfv3v3Q-00079-00026403-00026604 body is in a rubber band right they can Sglrxfv3v3Q-00080-00026605-00026789 they can stretch we can't have any Sglrxfv3v3Q-00081-00026791-00027069 change in its length so let's write that Sglrxfv3v3Q-00082-00027070-00027905 down no change in length Sglrxfv3v3Q-00083-00027906-00028193 but what about a change in direction Sglrxfv3v3Q-00084-00028194-00028485 right can't those two points if we're Sglrxfv3v3Q-00085-00028486-00028733 moving if these vectors right here just Sglrxfv3v3Q-00086-00028735-00028836 basically saying all right this body's Sglrxfv3v3Q-00087-00028837-00029079 moving in general plane motion all right Sglrxfv3v3Q-00088-00029080-00029241 these but these points can kind of move Sglrxfv3v3Q-00089-00029242-00029420 around each other as long as they stay Sglrxfv3v3Q-00090-00029422-00029673 the same distance apart they can move Sglrxfv3v3Q-00091-00029674-00029838 around each other and kind of whatever Sglrxfv3v3Q-00092-00029839-00030036 orientation however that body is moving Sglrxfv3v3Q-00093-00030037-00030300 as long as the two points stay exactly Sglrxfv3v3Q-00094-00030301-00030614 the same distance apart so there can be Sglrxfv3v3Q-00095-00030616-00032148 a change in the direction Sglrxfv3v3Q-00096-00032149-00033582 of Vav so therefore V ay B is not equal Sglrxfv3v3Q-00097-00033583-00033861 to zero right so even though the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00098-00033862-00034068 magnitude can't change the direction can Sglrxfv3v3Q-00099-00034069-00034333 change we need to take that into account Sglrxfv3v3Q-00100-00034334-00034557 let's take a look at a little physical Sglrxfv3v3Q-00101-00034558-00034730 model and then we'll write up some Sglrxfv3v3Q-00102-00034731-00036712 equations to explain the type of motion Sglrxfv3v3Q-00103-00036713-00036983 all right so if we assume that this Sglrxfv3v3Q-00104-00036984-00037120 bottom part down here that I'm putting Sglrxfv3v3Q-00105-00037121-00037342 my fingers on is like attached to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00106-00037343-00037523 something like you know solid to the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00107-00037524-00037717 earth it's not gonna move we could take Sglrxfv3v3Q-00108-00037718-00037814 a look at the rest of it and basically Sglrxfv3v3Q-00109-00037815-00038008 all the moving pins have highlighted Sglrxfv3v3Q-00110-00038009-00038264 with a little yellow disk and so as this Sglrxfv3v3Q-00111-00038265-00038545 thing moves right it all has to move Sglrxfv3v3Q-00112-00038546-00038851 together if one part of it moves the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00113-00038852-00039089 other part of it has to move as well and Sglrxfv3v3Q-00114-00039090-00039404 so it's pretty simple to think that if I Sglrxfv3v3Q-00115-00039405-00039523 take a look at this member right over Sglrxfv3v3Q-00116-00039524-00039721 here on the far side this pin right or Sglrxfv3v3Q-00117-00039722-00040015 this this link right here and if I only Sglrxfv3v3Q-00118-00040016-00040252 watch basically the the velocity if I Sglrxfv3v3Q-00119-00040253-00040402 think about the velocity of anywhere Sglrxfv3v3Q-00120-00040403-00040702 along that link it's moving around a Sglrxfv3v3Q-00121-00040703-00041227 fixed point let me do this one over here Sglrxfv3v3Q-00122-00041228-00041362 because this one doesn't move very far Sglrxfv3v3Q-00123-00041363-00041483 just cuz of the geometry of the system Sglrxfv3v3Q-00124-00041484-00041689 but this one over here as I move it Sglrxfv3v3Q-00125-00041690-00041845 around right it's just moving around Sglrxfv3v3Q-00126-00041846-00041986 this fixed point and so we could always Sglrxfv3v3Q-00127-00041987-00042170 find it the velocity at this point is Sglrxfv3v3Q-00128-00042171-00042361 going to be perpendicular to that far Sglrxfv3v3Q-00129-00042362-00042614 link okay but if we take a look at the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00130-00042615-00042865 motion here of this Center one right so Sglrxfv3v3Q-00131-00042866-00043015 the center one here will be analogous to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00132-00043016-00043280 those two points on the same body the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00133-00043281-00043645 two points never get any closer together Sglrxfv3v3Q-00134-00043646-00043976 right but the direction of them changes Sglrxfv3v3Q-00135-00043977-00044174 so let me do one more thing to this Sglrxfv3v3Q-00136-00044175-00044374 instead of assuming that this here can't Sglrxfv3v3Q-00137-00044375-00044636 move let me let me let's look at the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00138-00044637-00045026 relative motion of this link to this Sglrxfv3v3Q-00139-00045027-00045196 link right here so I'm going to hold on Sglrxfv3v3Q-00140-00045197-00045388 to this one now in order to do that I Sglrxfv3v3Q-00141-00045389-00045571 have to allow this to move because the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00142-00045572-00045911 system has to adapt but if I hold on to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00143-00045912-00046361 this other link this one now can only Sglrxfv3v3Q-00144-00046362-00046630 move basically rotating around this Sglrxfv3v3Q-00145-00046631-00046880 point right relative to the motion of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00146-00046881-00047062 this short link right here this one Sglrxfv3v3Q-00147-00047063-00047360 right here will simply rotate about that Sglrxfv3v3Q-00148-00047361-00047576 point okay so what we find is that Sglrxfv3v3Q-00149-00047577-00047782 change in direction that we talked about Sglrxfv3v3Q-00150-00047783-00048029 the distance can't change but the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00151-00048030-00048295 direction can is actually we can model Sglrxfv3v3Q-00152-00048296-00048604 it as a relative fixed axis rotation Sglrxfv3v3Q-00153-00048605-00048932 right relative to a point on the body so Sglrxfv3v3Q-00154-00048933-00049168 flipping back over to the notes if we Sglrxfv3v3Q-00155-00049169-00049387 take a look at the motion of point a Sglrxfv3v3Q-00156-00049388-00049682 relative to point B we can simply say Sglrxfv3v3Q-00157-00049683-00049949 that it's rotating around point B Sglrxfv3v3Q-00158-00049950-00050114 relative to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00159-00050115-00050261 be itself so we can find that Sglrxfv3v3Q-00160-00050262-00050534 essentially the translation of point B Sglrxfv3v3Q-00161-00050535-00050858 add to it the rotation of a around B Sglrxfv3v3Q-00162-00050859-00051076 then we can get actually the motion of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00163-00051077-00051517 point A and so the way that we write Sglrxfv3v3Q-00164-00051519-00051959 that is we can say that the velocity of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00165-00051960-00052607 a relative to B as a vector is equal to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00166-00052608-00053009 the Omega of the body we call that the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00167-00053010-00053276 Omega of I'll call it Omega a B just to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00168-00053277-00053414 reflect that that's the mega of the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00169-00053415-00053882 entire body that a and B are on crossed Sglrxfv3v3Q-00170-00053883-00054284 with the position vector of a relative Sglrxfv3v3Q-00171-00054285-00054850 to B right so now this term right here Sglrxfv3v3Q-00172-00054851-00055115 that recognizes this same term over here Sglrxfv3v3Q-00173-00055116-00055361 on the far side and so if we bring these Sglrxfv3v3Q-00174-00055362-00055709 together we can say that the velocity of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00175-00055710-00056021 point a is equal to the velocity of Sglrxfv3v3Q-00176-00056022-00056888 point B plus Omega a B crossed with our Sglrxfv3v3Q-00177-00056889-00057788 a and terms right where here is our Sglrxfv3v3Q-00178-00057789-00058045 relative velocity and it's only Sglrxfv3v3Q-00179-00058046-00058255 rotational velocity now so it's a Sglrxfv3v3Q-00180-00058257-00058532 relative rotational right about how B is Sglrxfv3v3Q-00181-00058533-00058775 rotating around a notice that there's Sglrxfv3v3Q-00182-00058776-00058958 nothing in this piece of the equation Sglrxfv3v3Q-00183-00058959-00059215 that relates things back to point O Sglrxfv3v3Q-00184-00059216-00059453 right this is only what's happening out Sglrxfv3v3Q-00185-00059454-00059639 on that body we take care of everything Sglrxfv3v3Q-00186-00059640-00059798 happening to point O and the other two Sglrxfv3v3Q-00187-00059799-00060029 terms two other points to wrap up this Sglrxfv3v3Q-00188-00060029-00060505 topic is that a and B must be on the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00189-00060507-00060754 same body this equation will not work Sglrxfv3v3Q-00190-00060755-00060914 unless they're both on the same body Sglrxfv3v3Q-00191-00060915-00061094 hence that this is only a rotational Sglrxfv3v3Q-00192-00061095-00061441 term the last point to make is that the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00193-00061442-00061694 velocity the relative velocity of either Sglrxfv3v3Q-00194-00061695-00061940 one of these points about the other Sglrxfv3v3Q-00195-00061941-00062363 point will always be perpendicular to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00196-00062364-00062669 the position vector R so the relative Sglrxfv3v3Q-00197-00062670-00062903 position vector and the relative Sglrxfv3v3Q-00198-00062904-00063116 velocity vector will always be Sglrxfv3v3Q-00199-00063116-00063341 perpendicular hence if we're able to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00200-00063341-00063521 tell the direction of the Sglrxfv3v3Q-00201-00063522-00063794 you could simply multiply the two terms Sglrxfv3v3Q-00202-00063795-00064138 your Omega and your position vector to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00203-00064139-00064310 come up with the magnitude or relative Sglrxfv3v3Q-00204-00064311-00064579 velocity but then the direction of that Sglrxfv3v3Q-00205-00064580-00064772 blood of velocity vector would have to Sglrxfv3v3Q-00206-00064773-00065063 come from the problem Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00000-00000237-00000927 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00001-00000927-00001183 hello and welcome to this video i know Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00002-00001184-00001374 this is a bit random but i decided to Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00003-00001375-00001639 book a hotel room for just myself for Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00004-00001639-00001807 the night it was honestly a bit of an Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00005-00001807-00002023 impulsive decision to come here i didn't Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00006-00002023-00002191 really have a reason to come other than Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00007-00002192-00002391 i just want to treat myself i want to Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00008-00002392-00002663 have a relaxing time enjoy myself go on Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00009-00002664-00002887 a bit of an adventure on my own i Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00010-00002888-00003087 actually got this gift card from my work Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00011-00003088-00003351 so i'm not even paying anything for this Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00012-00003352-00003575 myself i use the gift card for this and Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00013-00003576-00003759 yeah i'm in a bit of a random place this Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00014-00003760-00003959 is a small town here in the netherlands Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00015-00003960-00004183 called lissa and it's famous for being Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00016-00004184-00004406 the town that's in the area where all Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00017-00004407-00004695 the tulips are but it is june already Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00018-00004696-00004959 now which means there are no tulips i've Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00019-00004960-00005111 actually already made two different Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00020-00005112-00005375 videos about the tulips in this area so Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00021-00005376-00005518 if you're interested i made a video Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00022-00005519-00005743 about kokenhov gardens and then another Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00023-00005744-00005911 video when i visited some of the tully Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00024-00005912-00006151 fields and this cafe that was amongst Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00025-00006152-00006295 the toilet fields which was really Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00026-00006296-00006470 really cute so if you want to check it Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00027-00006472-00006742 out i'll link it up here and down below Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00028-00006743-00006975 not really sure what i'm gonna do i'm Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00029-00006976-00007151 gonna give you guys a room tour of this Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00030-00007152-00007398 place after that i'm gonna decide what Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00031-00007400-00007559 to do obviously i need to have some Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00032-00007559-00007710 dinner at some point i also want to Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00033-00007711-00007887 explore the town itself because i've Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00034-00007888-00008087 been in this area many times for the Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00035-00008088-00008335 tulips but i've never been to lisse Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00036-00008336-00008519 itself the town i don't know maybe it Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00037-00008520-00008671 has nothing to offer Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00038-00008672-00008895 we'll find out and i saw that there is Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00039-00008896-00009110 this castle called castle coconhoff Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00040-00009111-00009342 really close by so my plan is tomorrow Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00041-00009343-00009503 to visit the castle which i'm really Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00042-00009504-00009727 excited about this hotel seems really Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00043-00009728-00009895 cute it's really small it's called Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00044-00009896-00010158 boutique sweets listen Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00045-00010159-00012538 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00046-00012539-00012846 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00047-00012847-00013046 i did come here by myself but actually i Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00048-00013047-00013222 don't feel like i'm here completely Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00049-00013223-00013422 alone because i am filming a video you Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00050-00013423-00013599 guys are joining me on this adventure in Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00051-00013600-00013863 lisa so i don't feel like i'm alone Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00052-00013863-00014071 maybe that's just me going crazy but Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00053-00014072-00014255 yeah first things first let's do the Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00054-00014256-00014415 room tour Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00055-00014416-00014615 so this is what it looks like from the Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00056-00014616-00014830 entrance by the entrance i have this big Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00057-00014831-00015015 closet Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00058-00015016-00015286 the bathroom is right here Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00059-00015287-00015550 and yeah it looks really nice clean Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00060-00015551-00015638 modern Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00061-00015640-00015871 i really like the material of this sink Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00062-00015872-00016047 it looks really pretty Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00063-00016047-00016335 and there's a nice round mirror Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00064-00016336-00016447 there's Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00065-00016448-00016703 these nice looking chairs and here we Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00066-00016704-00016894 have a full body mirror Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00067-00016895-00017143 and we have this big desk i really like Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00068-00017144-00017311 the interior here i think everything Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00069-00017312-00017519 looks really pretty probably my favorite Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00070-00017520-00017775 part of this room is actually this wall Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00071-00017776-00017999 like this wall has gold like that's so Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00072-00018000-00018367 pretty i really love it here is the bed Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00073-00018368-00018535 and i have a tv Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00074-00018536-00018775 and something surprising i have my own Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00075-00018776-00018879 kitchen Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00076-00018880-00019207 or yeah a bit like a kitchen area Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00077-00019208-00019422 i have a second sink here Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00078-00019423-00019567 and then there's Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00079-00019568-00019847 some tea some coffee apparently these Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00080-00019848-00020103 were complimentary to the room Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00081-00020104-00020414 and here are some cute cups and plates Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00082-00020415-00020647 there's even proper cutlery Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00083-00020648-00020886 and here we have a fridge so i can buy Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00084-00020887-00021103 myself some snackaroos that's always Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00085-00021104-00021319 nice here's still a bit of an overview Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00086-00021320-00021783 of the whole room Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00087-00021784-00021911 i must say Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00088-00021912-00022078 it looks really nice Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00089-00022079-00022247 what do you guys think so i'm currently Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00090-00022248-00022455 trying to do a bit of a Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00091-00022456-00022671 game plan on what to do here i saw Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00092-00022672-00022886 there's a small area next to us like a Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00093-00022887-00023071 small opening full of different Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00094-00023072-00023263 restaurants and then there's also this Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00095-00023264-00023463 italian restaurant right next to this Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00096-00023464-00023703 hotel and the lady in the reception said Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00097-00023704-00023855 that apparently that's really popular Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00098-00023856-00024063 and that the food there is really good Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00099-00024064-00024263 do you guys think should i have italian Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00100-00024264-00024430 let's check the menu Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00101-00024431-00024711 it's all in dutch Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00102-00024712-00024935 so i decided to book a movie for tonight Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00103-00024936-00025111 because i saw that in the cinema nearby Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00104-00025112-00025271 they're showing the new top gun movie Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00105-00025272-00025494 which i really want to see so i think Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00106-00025495-00025734 i'm gonna start going now so i have time Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00107-00025735-00025934 i have about two hours before the movie Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00108-00025935-00026223 starts and i still need to eat something Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00109-00026224-00026383 so i think i'm gonna go and walk around Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00110-00026383-00026567 a bit and check out some of the Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00111-00026568-00026887 restaurants and find some cozy place Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00112-00026888-00028790 where to eat dinner Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00113-00028791-00030008 today Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00114-00030010-00031364 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00115-00031364-00032314 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00116-00032316-00032999 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00117-00033000-00033308 um Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00118-00033309-00034207 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00119-00034208-00034511 i did not realize that restaurant Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00120-00034512-00034743 would be so fancy i must say the food Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00121-00034744-00035007 was really good i ordered this mushroom Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00122-00035008-00035335 truffle ravioli pasta that the waiter Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00123-00035336-00035511 recommended she said it was her favorite Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00124-00035512-00035718 one so i chose that one and yeah Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00125-00035719-00035911 currently i'm trying to find myself an Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00126-00035912-00036223 albert hein aka a supermarket to buy Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00128-00040297-00041074 [Applause] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00129-00041075-00041590 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00130-00041591-00042646 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00131-00042647-00042895 i'm now heading back to the hotel after Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00132-00042896-00043102 seeing the new top gun movie and i must Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00133-00043103-00043287 say i really liked it i like the fact Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00134-00043288-00043527 that they had a lot of references from Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00135-00043528-00043783 the old movies i must admit it feels a Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00136-00043784-00044039 bit spooky walking back to the hotel in Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00137-00044040-00044167 the middle of the night and there is Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00138-00044168-00044430 literally no one here i'm all alone i Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00139-00044431-00044607 have a ride back to the hotel room Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00140-00044608-00044774 because it's already past midnight i Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00141-00044775-00045777 think i'm gonna go to bed Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00142-00045778-00047181 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00143-00047182-00047567 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00144-00047568-00047711 hmm Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00145-00047712-00047902 that's so good it's now Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00146-00047903-00048207 20 past 10 i still have 40 minutes time Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00147-00048208-00048655 i'm gonna eat this Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00148-00048656-00048895 then i'm gonna pack my stuff and i'm Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00149-00048896-00049062 afraid it's time to check out from this Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00150-00049063-00049302 beautiful room but i still have fun Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00151-00049303-00049558 things planned for today so yeah see you Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00152-00049559-00049839 soon Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00153-00049840-00052063 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00154-00052064-00052298 me Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00155-00052299-00053322 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00156-00053323-00053919 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00157-00053920-00054039 foreign Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00158-00054040-00055326 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00159-00055327-00056607 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00160-00056608-00056775 i didn't actually even know that there's Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00161-00056776-00056926 a museum here Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00162-00056927-00057126 just by the castle the castles over Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00163-00057127-00057350 there but i wanted to visit it i even Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00164-00057351-00057503 have a museum card so i could have Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00165-00057504-00057735 gotten in for free but what do you know Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00166-00057736-00057926 on thursdays is only open for school Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00167-00057927-00058142 groups and today is of course a thursday Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00168-00058144-00058326 so this was a very bad timing for me Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00169-00058327-00058479 very unlucky Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00170-00058479-00058679 but Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00171-00058679-00058919 oh well no can do if you do want to come Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00172-00058920-00059264 here make sure to not come on a thursday Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00173-00059265-00060303 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00174-00060304-00060463 i'm not sad anymore that i couldn't go Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00175-00060464-00060615 to the museum Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00176-00060616-00060823 because i found a park full of animals Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00177-00060824-00061389 instead Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00178-00061390-00063754 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00179-00063755-00064150 [Laughter] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00180-00064151-00064303 hey baby Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00181-00064304-00064423 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00182-00064424-00064729 oh you're so cute Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00183-00064729-00065916 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00184-00065917-00067238 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00185-00067239-00068959 this is Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00186-00068960-00070719 okay Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00187-00070720-00071167 [Music] Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00188-00071168-00071775 foreign Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00189-00071776-00071967 i'm really happy with my little getaway Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00190-00071968-00072167 even though it was a bit random to book Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00191-00072168-00072415 a hotel from a little town close to my Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00192-00072416-00072662 home for the night on a random wednesday Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00193-00072663-00072838 thursday night i'm gonna start heading Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00194-00072839-00073023 home hope you enjoyed this video it was Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00195-00073024-00073167 maybe a bit different from my other Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00196-00073168-00073326 videos because i'm talking maybe more Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00197-00073327-00073575 than usual i'll see you guys again in my Sg-xXv2dfYQ-00198-00073576-00073900 next adventure Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00000-00000775-00000983 and i would not make an offer for which Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00001-00000984-00001087 one we go for Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00002-00001088-00001439 but you know what gotta go for the first Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00003-00001440-00001631 guy everyone with the portrait Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00004-00001632-00002071 [Music] Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00005-00002072-00002502 are you [__] kidding me Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00006-00002503-00003007 are you [__] kidding me Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00007-00003008-00003156 the [__] Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00008-00003157-00003543 [Music] Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00009-00003544-00004669 oh my god Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00010-00004670-00005386 [Music] Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00011-00005387-00006542 [Music] Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00012-00006543-00006823 okay i honestly kind of thought that Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00013-00006823-00006951 this might have Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00014-00006952-00007110 like honestly before i went started Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00015-00007111-00007270 right during the stream i had Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00016-00007272-00007574 like a sinking feeling that some that i Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00017-00007575-00007759 was going to find a shiny before even Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00018-00007759-00007863 gotta catch Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00019-00007864-00008063 not like the pokeballs but i didn't Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00020-00008064-00008214 think it would be the first Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00021-00008215-00008623 [__] fight Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00022-00008624-00009572 oh my god Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00023-00009573-00009695 [Music] Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00024-00009696-00010745 over [__] Sjj2uMn2L3Y-00025-00010746-00011429 [Music] SjRptmjIl0Q-00000-00000200-00000495 hi thanks for checking out our work SjRptmjIl0Q-00001-00000496-00000767 i'm year 2 a machine learning engineer SjRptmjIl0Q-00002-00000768-00000911 from linkedin SjRptmjIl0Q-00003-00000911-00001111 and this paper of personalized treatment SjRptmjIl0Q-00004-00001112-00001399 selection using causal heterogeneity SjRptmjIl0Q-00005-00001400-00001791 is a joint work with my co-workers SjRptmjIl0Q-00006-00001792-00002047 as an overview i will cover those four SjRptmjIl0Q-00007-00002048-00002334 main topics today SjRptmjIl0Q-00008-00002335-00002887 to start with our motivations SjRptmjIl0Q-00009-00002888-00003142 randomized experiment is widely used in SjRptmjIl0Q-00010-00003143-00003327 the internet industry to measure the SjRptmjIl0Q-00011-00003328-00003447 metric impact SjRptmjIl0Q-00012-00003447-00003719 obtained by different treatment variants SjRptmjIl0Q-00013-00003720-00003815 such as SjRptmjIl0Q-00014-00003815-00004063 different machine learning models SjRptmjIl0Q-00015-00004064-00004238 parameter value in a recommendation SjRptmjIl0Q-00016-00004239-00004311 system SjRptmjIl0Q-00017-00004312-00004647 and ui components however SjRptmjIl0Q-00018-00004648-00004863 the effect of a given treatment can be SjRptmjIl0Q-00019-00004864-00005079 heterogeneous across the experimental SjRptmjIl0Q-00020-00005080-00005247 units SjRptmjIl0Q-00021-00005248-00005470 for example members across the world SjRptmjIl0Q-00022-00005471-00005683 might react to the same feature SjRptmjIl0Q-00023-00005684-00005959 differently SjRptmjIl0Q-00024-00005960-00006151 after conducting the experiments we SjRptmjIl0Q-00025-00006152-00006295 usually identify the treatment SjRptmjIl0Q-00026-00006296-00006375 environment SjRptmjIl0Q-00027-00006376-00006567 that performs the best in the entire SjRptmjIl0Q-00028-00006568-00006695 population and SjRptmjIl0Q-00029-00006695-00007006 ramp that variant to everyone we refer SjRptmjIl0Q-00030-00007008-00007255 this as a global allocation SjRptmjIl0Q-00031-00007256-00007406 it's clear that this might be SjRptmjIl0Q-00032-00007408-00007583 sub-optimal SjRptmjIl0Q-00033-00007584-00007759 a personalized approach for treatment SjRptmjIl0Q-00034-00007759-00008023 selection can greatly improve upon the SjRptmjIl0Q-00035-00008023-00008239 usual global selection SjRptmjIl0Q-00036-00008240-00008487 if we want to get close to the optimal SjRptmjIl0Q-00037-00008488-00008599 the choice of cohort SjRptmjIl0Q-00038-00008600-00008942 would matter hence choosing SjRptmjIl0Q-00039-00008943-00009199 this cohort wisely is one of our main SjRptmjIl0Q-00040-00009200-00009478 focus areas SjRptmjIl0Q-00041-00009479-00009678 here is a brief summary of the main SjRptmjIl0Q-00042-00009679-00009983 contribution of our paper SjRptmjIl0Q-00043-00009984-00010246 developed a general framework for SjRptmjIl0Q-00044-00010247-00010438 selecting optimal treatment variants for SjRptmjIl0Q-00045-00010439-00010551 members by SjRptmjIl0Q-00046-00010552-00010814 estimating heterogeneous causal effects SjRptmjIl0Q-00047-00010815-00010855 and SjRptmjIl0Q-00048-00010856-00011263 solving an optimization problem SjRptmjIl0Q-00049-00011264-00011519 we discuss ways to identify which among SjRptmjIl0Q-00050-00011520-00011678 the proposed techniques to be SjRptmjIl0Q-00051-00011679-00011991 chosen for a given application SjRptmjIl0Q-00052-00011992-00012214 for technical novelty will introduce a SjRptmjIl0Q-00053-00012215-00012414 new merchantry algorithm to handle SjRptmjIl0Q-00054-00012415-00012551 multiple treatments SjRptmjIl0Q-00055-00012552-00012894 and metrics would adopt a multiple SjRptmjIl0Q-00056-00012895-00013215 cooperative stochastic approximation SjRptmjIl0Q-00057-00013216-00013486 to solve multi-objective optimization SjRptmjIl0Q-00058-00013487-00013655 while considering the variance in SjRptmjIl0Q-00059-00013656-00013807 estimations SjRptmjIl0Q-00060-00013808-00014094 we do extensive simulations to show the SjRptmjIl0Q-00061-00014095-00014199 benefit of using SjRptmjIl0Q-00062-00014200-00014607 our framework for real-world application SjRptmjIl0Q-00063-00014608-00014830 we describe the infrastructure required SjRptmjIl0Q-00064-00014831-00015094 to put such a system in production SjRptmjIl0Q-00065-00015095-00015422 we show strong positive results SjRptmjIl0Q-00066-00015423-00015663 from a large scale industrial SjRptmjIl0Q-00067-00015663-00015991 application SjRptmjIl0Q-00068-00015991-00016135 now let's formulate a problem SjRptmjIl0Q-00069-00016136-00016471 mathematically SjRptmjIl0Q-00070-00016472-00016822 here is a table of notations we will use SjRptmjIl0Q-00071-00016823-00017047 throughout the paper SjRptmjIl0Q-00072-00017048-00017271 j denoted a total number of treatment SjRptmjIl0Q-00073-00017272-00017471 variants were choices SjRptmjIl0Q-00074-00017472-00017686 k denoted as total number of carrier SjRptmjIl0Q-00075-00017687-00017847 matrix SjRptmjIl0Q-00076-00017848-00018175 ci is the ice cohort gk SjRptmjIl0Q-00077-00018176-00018543 is a vectorized version of uijk SjRptmjIl0Q-00078-00018544-00018847 which is the causal effect in metric k SjRptmjIl0Q-00079-00018848-00019255 by truman warren j in cohort ci SjRptmjIl0Q-00080-00019256-00019575 mu k and sigma k squared i is the min SjRptmjIl0Q-00081-00019576-00019879 and variance of uk x SjRptmjIl0Q-00082-00019880-00020143 is the assignment vector which is also SjRptmjIl0Q-00083-00020144-00020335 the final treatment allocation SjRptmjIl0Q-00084-00020336-00020671 we want to solve for like k SjRptmjIl0Q-00085-00020672-00020886 equal to 0 denote the mean success SjRptmjIl0Q-00086-00020887-00021022 metric SjRptmjIl0Q-00087-00021023-00021247 we wish to maximize objective keeping SjRptmjIl0Q-00088-00021248-00021527 the constraint matrix at a threshold SjRptmjIl0Q-00089-00021528-00021799 formally we wish to get the optimal x SjRptmjIl0Q-00090-00021800-00021991 star by solving the following SjRptmjIl0Q-00091-00021992-00022311 objective SjRptmjIl0Q-00092-00022312-00022494 we break down the problem into two SjRptmjIl0Q-00093-00022495-00022703 states SjRptmjIl0Q-00094-00022704-00022943 first we identify member cohorts using SjRptmjIl0Q-00095-00022944-00023150 data from randomized experiment to SjRptmjIl0Q-00096-00023151-00023230 estimate SjRptmjIl0Q-00097-00023231-00023535 causal effects uk for each cohort at a SjRptmjIl0Q-00098-00023536-00023663 member level set up SjRptmjIl0Q-00099-00023664-00023894 while each member represents a cohort we SjRptmjIl0Q-00100-00023895-00024399 directly estimate individualized effects SjRptmjIl0Q-00101-00024400-00024742 at the second stage we optimally SjRptmjIl0Q-00102-00024743-00025030 allocate treatment variants x star to SjRptmjIl0Q-00103-00025031-00025207 each member cohort SjRptmjIl0Q-00104-00025208-00025767 by solving the optimization problem SjRptmjIl0Q-00105-00025768-00025911 now let's look at our proposed SjRptmjIl0Q-00106-00025912-00026206 methodology SjRptmjIl0Q-00107-00026207-00026399 aligned with the problem breakdown we SjRptmjIl0Q-00108-00026400-00026599 will discuss our framework also SjRptmjIl0Q-00109-00026600-00027007 in two stages we first begin with how we SjRptmjIl0Q-00110-00027008-00027190 can estimate heterogeneous causal SjRptmjIl0Q-00111-00027191-00027270 effects SjRptmjIl0Q-00112-00027272-00027607 at either cohort or member level SjRptmjIl0Q-00113-00027608-00027862 we then describe how we solve the SjRptmjIl0Q-00114-00027863-00028087 optimization problem to select optimum SjRptmjIl0Q-00115-00028088-00028446 treatment variants for each member SjRptmjIl0Q-00116-00028447-00028646 to start with cohort level heterogeneity SjRptmjIl0Q-00117-00028647-00028790 estimation SjRptmjIl0Q-00118-00028791-00028999 we use the recursive partitioning SjRptmjIl0Q-00119-00029000-00029111 technique from SjRptmjIl0Q-00120-00029112-00029327 outstanding and influence to identify SjRptmjIl0Q-00121-00029327-00029527 heterogeneous cohorts SjRptmjIl0Q-00122-00029527-00029774 this algorithm is usually being referred SjRptmjIl0Q-00123-00029775-00030007 as causal tree SjRptmjIl0Q-00124-00030008-00030223 it's on top of a traditional regression SjRptmjIl0Q-00125-00030224-00030414 tree while the goal is to predict SjRptmjIl0Q-00126-00030416-00030727 outcome variable y so the splenium tree SjRptmjIl0Q-00127-00030727-00030943 objective is usually mean square arrow SjRptmjIl0Q-00128-00030944-00031135 of y SjRptmjIl0Q-00129-00031136-00031367 on the other hand causal tray focus on SjRptmjIl0Q-00130-00031368-00031446 estimate SjRptmjIl0Q-00131-00031447-00031718 treatment effect tau which is defined as SjRptmjIl0Q-00132-00031719-00031839 e y one minus SjRptmjIl0Q-00133-00031839-00032158 e y zero one and zero are the treatment SjRptmjIl0Q-00134-00032160-00032318 indicator SjRptmjIl0Q-00135-00032319-00032607 the splitting tree objective is then SjRptmjIl0Q-00136-00032608-00032871 changed to the mean square arrow of tau SjRptmjIl0Q-00137-00032872-00033479 plus the variance regulator SjRptmjIl0Q-00138-00033480-00033727 however causal tree can only handle one SjRptmjIl0Q-00139-00033728-00033862 objective metric SjRptmjIl0Q-00140-00033863-00034079 and a binary treatment definition at a SjRptmjIl0Q-00141-00034080-00034262 time SjRptmjIl0Q-00142-00034263-00034479 but in the real life applications we SjRptmjIl0Q-00143-00034480-00034646 usually have multiple treatments and SjRptmjIl0Q-00144-00034647-00034727 metrics of SjRptmjIl0Q-00145-00034728-00035055 interest how can we incorporate all SjRptmjIl0Q-00146-00035056-00035199 those information SjRptmjIl0Q-00147-00035200-00035487 one option could be merging the j times SjRptmjIl0Q-00148-00035488-00035727 k plus one tree models into one single SjRptmjIl0Q-00149-00035728-00035974 cohort assignment SjRptmjIl0Q-00150-00035975-00036183 simply merging all the trees would SjRptmjIl0Q-00151-00036184-00036383 fragment the cohorts into very small SjRptmjIl0Q-00152-00036384-00036479 subsets SjRptmjIl0Q-00153-00036480-00036895 with extremely noisy estimations SjRptmjIl0Q-00154-00036896-00037207 we avoid this unwanted nose noise by SjRptmjIl0Q-00155-00037208-00037383 carefully exploiting SjRptmjIl0Q-00156-00037384-00037711 the weissin cohort homogeneity of the SjRptmjIl0Q-00157-00037712-00038118 treatment effect by algorithm 1. SjRptmjIl0Q-00158-00038119-00038318 algorithm one is the merging trees SjRptmjIl0Q-00159-00038319-00038430 technique SjRptmjIl0Q-00160-00038431-00038695 we sequentially merge the cohort sets SjRptmjIl0Q-00161-00038696-00038799 sjk SjRptmjIl0Q-00162-00038800-00039015 to obtain the following set of mutually SjRptmjIl0Q-00163-00039016-00039262 exclusive and exhaustive cohorts SjRptmjIl0Q-00164-00039263-00039607 as art for each treatment j SjRptmjIl0Q-00165-00039608-00039862 and each metric k we retain the SjRptmjIl0Q-00166-00039863-00040055 estimated treatment effect SjRptmjIl0Q-00167-00040056-00040295 and its variance from the original SjRptmjIl0Q-00168-00040296-00040423 cohort SjRptmjIl0Q-00169-00040424-00040759 since each sjk is exhaustive SjRptmjIl0Q-00170-00040760-00041062 this provides estimates for all sub SjRptmjIl0Q-00171-00041063-00041423 partitions the detailed algorithm SjRptmjIl0Q-00172-00041424-00041983 is listed on the right SjRptmjIl0Q-00173-00041984-00042118 now let's look at member level SjRptmjIl0Q-00174-00042119-00042327 hydrogenity SjRptmjIl0Q-00175-00042328-00042535 there are many method can be used to SjRptmjIl0Q-00176-00042536-00042671 estimate causal effect SjRptmjIl0Q-00177-00042672-00042990 at a member level some options are SjRptmjIl0Q-00178-00042991-00043255 causal forest which is an extension of SjRptmjIl0Q-00179-00043256-00043351 causal tree SjRptmjIl0Q-00180-00043352-00043607 which was inspired by random forest SjRptmjIl0Q-00181-00043608-00043695 algorithm SjRptmjIl0Q-00182-00043696-00043911 and used example learning to incorporate SjRptmjIl0Q-00183-00043912-00044207 zone from multiple models SjRptmjIl0Q-00184-00044208-00044471 two model approach this is a baseline SjRptmjIl0Q-00185-00044472-00044567 method SjRptmjIl0Q-00186-00044568-00044823 that models the causal effect through SjRptmjIl0Q-00187-00044824-00045039 the difference of predictive response in SjRptmjIl0Q-00188-00045040-00045446 the treatment and control models SjRptmjIl0Q-00189-00045447-00045823 with estimation obtained we can move on SjRptmjIl0Q-00190-00045824-00046143 to the optimization stage SjRptmjIl0Q-00191-00046144-00046439 to be noted the problem here is actually SjRptmjIl0Q-00192-00046440-00046567 stochastic SjRptmjIl0Q-00193-00046568-00046790 since both objective and the constraint SjRptmjIl0Q-00194-00046791-00046871 functions SjRptmjIl0Q-00195-00046872-00047102 are not deterministic but are coming SjRptmjIl0Q-00196-00047103-00047302 from a particular distribution such as SjRptmjIl0Q-00197-00047303-00047430 gaussian SjRptmjIl0Q-00198-00047431-00047683 so we can rewrite our objective as SjRptmjIl0Q-00199-00047684-00048030 follow SjRptmjIl0Q-00200-00048031-00048279 however we can also simplify the problem SjRptmjIl0Q-00201-00048280-00048518 using sample average approximation SjRptmjIl0Q-00202-00048519-00048751 we replace the stochastic of my SjRptmjIl0Q-00203-00048752-00048943 objective and constraints SjRptmjIl0Q-00204-00048944-00049230 where their empirical sample expectation SjRptmjIl0Q-00205-00049231-00049790 as follows SjRptmjIl0Q-00206-00049791-00049974 let's first look at how we resolve a SjRptmjIl0Q-00207-00049975-00050183 stochastic organization SjRptmjIl0Q-00208-00050184-00050543 we adopt multiple cooperative stochastic SjRptmjIl0Q-00209-00050544-00050815 approximation which is an iterative SjRptmjIl0Q-00210-00050816-00050895 algorithm SjRptmjIl0Q-00211-00050896-00051326 runs at runs for n steps at each step t SjRptmjIl0Q-00212-00051327-00051511 starts by estimating the constraint SjRptmjIl0Q-00213-00051512-00051646 function SjRptmjIl0Q-00214-00051647-00052190 gkt if all the estimated constraints SjRptmjIl0Q-00215-00052191-00052423 are less than a threshold the algorithm SjRptmjIl0Q-00216-00052424-00052623 choose the gradient to be the gradient SjRptmjIl0Q-00217-00052624-00052854 of the objective SjRptmjIl0Q-00218-00052855-00053079 otherwise from the set of violated SjRptmjIl0Q-00219-00053079-00053175 constraints SjRptmjIl0Q-00220-00053176-00053454 it chooses one at random and use the SjRptmjIl0Q-00221-00053455-00053815 gradient of that constraint SjRptmjIl0Q-00222-00053816-00054287 the detail algorithm is as follows SjRptmjIl0Q-00223-00054288-00054638 now let's recap we first run randomized SjRptmjIl0Q-00224-00054639-00054791 experiment to collect data across SjRptmjIl0Q-00225-00054791-00054919 various treatment SjRptmjIl0Q-00226-00054920-00055279 and metrics then we generate a cochlear SjRptmjIl0Q-00227-00055279-00055335 level SjRptmjIl0Q-00228-00055336-00055535 or member level causal effect for the SjRptmjIl0Q-00229-00055536-00055823 different parameters SjRptmjIl0Q-00230-00055824-00056079 we solve the optimization problem either SjRptmjIl0Q-00231-00056079-00056399 stochastic or deterministic SjRptmjIl0Q-00232-00056400-00056623 in the last step we return a bias SjRptmjIl0Q-00233-00056624-00056815 corrected assignment x-hat SjRptmjIl0Q-00234-00056816-00057142 by following algorithm 3. SjRptmjIl0Q-00235-00057144-00057366 algorithm 3 used bootstrap to improve SjRptmjIl0Q-00236-00057367-00057615 the bias and variance estimations SjRptmjIl0Q-00237-00057616-00057903 to check out the details in section 3.3 SjRptmjIl0Q-00238-00057904-00058535 of the paper SjRptmjIl0Q-00239-00058536-00058791 with the methodology in mind let's look SjRptmjIl0Q-00240-00058791-00059054 at the results SjRptmjIl0Q-00241-00059055-00059366 to start with simulation analysis SjRptmjIl0Q-00242-00059367-00059630 we leveraged same causal r package to SjRptmjIl0Q-00243-00059632-00059847 generate simulation data sets SjRptmjIl0Q-00244-00059848-00060535 under self-defined causal dac as follow SjRptmjIl0Q-00245-00060536-00060791 we simulate heterogeneity by introducing SjRptmjIl0Q-00246-00060791-00060982 interaction terms between SjRptmjIl0Q-00247-00060983-00061319 tremor variable aj and the heterogeneous SjRptmjIl0Q-00248-00061320-00061503 variable hm SjRptmjIl0Q-00249-00061504-00062006 on the outcome variable y k SjRptmjIl0Q-00250-00062007-00062319 to evaluate different options we have SjRptmjIl0Q-00251-00062320-00062511 we consider the normalized mean of SjRptmjIl0Q-00252-00062512-00062703 individualized treatment effect as the SjRptmjIl0Q-00253-00062704-00062799 metric SjRptmjIl0Q-00254-00062800-00063142 let's follow SjRptmjIl0Q-00255-00063144-00063391 due to time limitations i won't go into SjRptmjIl0Q-00256-00063391-00063871 the details here SjRptmjIl0Q-00257-00063872-00064230 before looking at the analysis results SjRptmjIl0Q-00258-00064232-00064559 let me introduce some notations about SjRptmjIl0Q-00259-00064560-00064638 different SjRptmjIl0Q-00260-00064639-00065111 um methods we use htst SjRptmjIl0Q-00261-00065112-00065326 denoted as a heuristic cohort level SjRptmjIl0Q-00262-00065327-00065430 solution SjRptmjIl0Q-00263-00065432-00065671 while the cohorts generated by bending SjRptmjIl0Q-00264-00065672-00065815 the heterogeneity SjRptmjIl0Q-00265-00065816-00066135 variable based on their quantile values SjRptmjIl0Q-00266-00066136-00066279 it's paired with a stochastic SjRptmjIl0Q-00267-00066280-00066447 optimization SjRptmjIl0Q-00268-00066448-00066759 as you may notice st here always stands SjRptmjIl0Q-00269-00066760-00066999 for stochastic organization and dt here SjRptmjIl0Q-00270-00067000-00067159 stands for deterministic SjRptmjIl0Q-00271-00067160-00067463 optimization we always pair stochastic SjRptmjIl0Q-00272-00067464-00067703 organization with cocoa level solutions SjRptmjIl0Q-00273-00067704-00068006 because it's much easier to estimate the SjRptmjIl0Q-00274-00068007-00068303 variance at alcohol level SjRptmjIl0Q-00275-00068304-00068519 so ct here stands for causal tree SjRptmjIl0Q-00276-00068520-00068623 algorithm SjRptmjIl0Q-00277-00068624-00068950 cf is the causal forest model tm is the SjRptmjIl0Q-00278-00068951-00069223 two motor approach SjRptmjIl0Q-00279-00069224-00069663 global is a best global allocation SjRptmjIl0Q-00280-00069664-00070231 which can serve as a baseline choice SjRptmjIl0Q-00281-00070232-00070494 now let's look at the analysis results SjRptmjIl0Q-00282-00070495-00070615 we considered SjRptmjIl0Q-00283-00070616-00070943 two main scenarios for the first SjRptmjIl0Q-00284-00070944-00071038 scenario SjRptmjIl0Q-00285-00071039-00071238 we're aligning the effect on objective SjRptmjIl0Q-00286-00071239-00071487 with that of the constraint matrix SjRptmjIl0Q-00287-00071488-00071847 when doing simulation data generation SjRptmjIl0Q-00288-00071848-00072103 in this case there exists a global best SjRptmjIl0Q-00289-00072104-00072311 allocation SjRptmjIl0Q-00290-00072312-00072511 we observe that the cohort level SjRptmjIl0Q-00291-00072512-00072775 solution with stochastic optimization SjRptmjIl0Q-00292-00072776-00073047 perform almost at a parity with the SjRptmjIl0Q-00293-00073048-00073294 oracle global best SjRptmjIl0Q-00294-00073295-00073559 however the member level estimation with SjRptmjIl0Q-00295-00073560-00073759 determinate organizations show worse SjRptmjIl0Q-00296-00073760-00073862 performance SjRptmjIl0Q-00297-00073863-00074175 due to the high variance SjRptmjIl0Q-00298-00074176-00074391 these indicate the benefit of using SjRptmjIl0Q-00299-00074392-00074847 stochastic organization SjRptmjIl0Q-00300-00074848-00075031 for the second scenario we consider a SjRptmjIl0Q-00301-00075032-00075247 more realistic case SjRptmjIl0Q-00302-00075248-00075462 the objective metrics move possibly in SjRptmjIl0Q-00303-00075463-00075615 the opposite direction to some SjRptmjIl0Q-00304-00075616-00075726 constraint matrix SjRptmjIl0Q-00305-00075727-00076071 for some treatment in this case SjRptmjIl0Q-00306-00076072-00076319 all the proposed personalized approach SjRptmjIl0Q-00307-00076320-00076406 came from SjRptmjIl0Q-00308-00076407-00076759 better than global solution and our SjRptmjIl0Q-00309-00076760-00077135 personalized solution is outperformed SjRptmjIl0Q-00310-00077136-00077479 in the heuristic solution with low SjRptmjIl0Q-00311-00077480-00077726 noise levels member level solutions SjRptmjIl0Q-00312-00077727-00077919 performs better than the copper level SjRptmjIl0Q-00313-00077920-00078047 solutions SjRptmjIl0Q-00314-00078048-00078338 along with an increase in the noise SjRptmjIl0Q-00315-00078339-00078455 ct.st SjRptmjIl0Q-00316-00078456-00078638 quickly start to catch up and can SjRptmjIl0Q-00317-00078639-00078926 outperform the member level solutions SjRptmjIl0Q-00318-00078927-00079126 this demonstrates the benefit of SjRptmjIl0Q-00319-00079127-00079303 heterogeneity estimation SjRptmjIl0Q-00320-00079304-00079679 and personalization SjRptmjIl0Q-00321-00079680-00080071 now let's look at the application of our SjRptmjIl0Q-00322-00080072-00080303 framework in notification system and SjRptmjIl0Q-00323-00080304-00080543 linking SjRptmjIl0Q-00324-00080544-00080799 notifications are important driver for SjRptmjIl0Q-00325-00080800-00081015 member visit and engagement for social SjRptmjIl0Q-00326-00081016-00081279 network SjRptmjIl0Q-00327-00081280-00081494 sending more notifications can increase SjRptmjIl0Q-00328-00081495-00081711 visits but it also has negative SjRptmjIl0Q-00329-00081712-00081887 consequence SjRptmjIl0Q-00330-00081888-00082071 it would lead to reduction in SjRptmjIl0Q-00331-00082072-00082255 click-through rate and increase in SjRptmjIl0Q-00332-00082256-00082615 members notification disabled behavior SjRptmjIl0Q-00333-00082616-00082838 the system initially had a fixed cap SjRptmjIl0Q-00334-00082839-00083038 parameter SjRptmjIl0Q-00335-00083039-00083206 which determines the maximum number of SjRptmjIl0Q-00336-00083207-00083399 notification a user can receive SjRptmjIl0Q-00337-00083400-00083703 in a 24 hour window and this parameter SjRptmjIl0Q-00338-00083704-00083735 was SjRptmjIl0Q-00339-00083736-00084094 set the same for all members SjRptmjIl0Q-00340-00084095-00084311 our goal with introducing personalized SjRptmjIl0Q-00341-00084312-00084415 volume cap SjRptmjIl0Q-00342-00084416-00084718 is to maximize visits to linking with SjRptmjIl0Q-00343-00084719-00084887 holding the constraints SjRptmjIl0Q-00344-00084888-00085679 at reasonable bounds we implemented the SjRptmjIl0Q-00345-00085680-00085967 cohort level solution ctst SjRptmjIl0Q-00346-00085968-00086294 here because we notice a high SjRptmjIl0Q-00347-00086295-00086518 noise level in notification system from SjRptmjIl0Q-00348-00086519-00086823 past experiments SjRptmjIl0Q-00349-00086824-00087126 the heuristic cap a and b are based on a SjRptmjIl0Q-00350-00087127-00087326 cohort definition while members are SjRptmjIl0Q-00351-00087327-00087526 grouped into four segments according to SjRptmjIl0Q-00352-00087527-00087711 their widget frequency SjRptmjIl0Q-00353-00087712-00087943 which is one of the most important SjRptmjIl0Q-00354-00087944-00088047 heterogeneity SjRptmjIl0Q-00355-00088048-00088550 variable we know beforehand SjRptmjIl0Q-00356-00088551-00088838 our proposed personalized cap treatment SjRptmjIl0Q-00357-00088839-00088911 showed SjRptmjIl0Q-00358-00088912-00089191 significant composite positive impact on SjRptmjIl0Q-00359-00089192-00089343 sessions SjRptmjIl0Q-00360-00089344-00089503 while the impact on the constraint SjRptmjIl0Q-00361-00089504-00089815 metrics remained within acceptable bonds SjRptmjIl0Q-00362-00089816-00090159 it also outperforms the most heuristic SjRptmjIl0Q-00363-00090160-00090735 solutions SjRptmjIl0Q-00364-00090736-00091135 so here are few notable but likely SjRptmjIl0Q-00365-00091136-00091215 impactful SjRptmjIl0Q-00366-00091216-00091503 extensions due to the time constraints i SjRptmjIl0Q-00367-00091504-00091647 won't illuminate them SjRptmjIl0Q-00368-00091648-00092094 now SjRptmjIl0Q-00369-00092095-00092343 if you're interested to reproduce our SjRptmjIl0Q-00370-00092344-00092431 solution SjRptmjIl0Q-00371-00092432-00092694 you can check out our example scripts at SjRptmjIl0Q-00372-00092695-00092735 the SjRptmjIl0Q-00373-00092736-00093262 github link here SjRptmjIl0Q-00374-00093263-00093471 here are the reference mentioned in the SjRptmjIl0Q-00375-00093472-00093759 talk for more reference please check out SjRptmjIl0Q-00376-00093760-00094062 our full paper SjRptmjIl0Q-00377-00094063-00094383 thank you SjVXBLRsj8I-00000-00000152-00000366 when you are an established company SjVXBLRsj8I-00001-00000367-00000551 internationally known and with a SjVXBLRsj8I-00002-00000552-00000782 reputation as one of the big players SjVXBLRsj8I-00003-00000783-00000991 admitting that you have a problem can be SjVXBLRsj8I-00004-00000992-00001087 hard SjVXBLRsj8I-00005-00001088-00001287 but future proofing your company by SjVXBLRsj8I-00006-00001288-00001519 adopting cutting edge pricing technology SjVXBLRsj8I-00007-00001520-00001743 and being not only a market leader but a SjVXBLRsj8I-00008-00001744-00001926 company that places the distributors SjVXBLRsj8I-00009-00001927-00002223 first through transparency fairness and SjVXBLRsj8I-00010-00002224-00002391 a deep understanding of rebates and SjVXBLRsj8I-00011-00002392-00002655 incentives then this is not a weakness SjVXBLRsj8I-00012-00002656-00003375 but a real strength SjVXBLRsj8I-00013-00003376-00003559 for modern companies like bosch SjVXBLRsj8I-00014-00003560-00003854 thermotechnic that rely on a network of SjVXBLRsj8I-00015-00003855-00004119 wholesalers and distributors to provide SjVXBLRsj8I-00016-00004120-00004367 the level of service and goods that the SjVXBLRsj8I-00017-00004368-00004654 modern consumer has come to expect SjVXBLRsj8I-00018-00004655-00004879 is essential to have a rebate-based SjVXBLRsj8I-00019-00004880-00005143 program that not only incentivizes but SjVXBLRsj8I-00020-00005144-00005295 is transparent SjVXBLRsj8I-00021-00005296-00005383 fair SjVXBLRsj8I-00022-00005384-00005527 and reliable SjVXBLRsj8I-00023-00005528-00005743 but when your rebate program turns into SjVXBLRsj8I-00024-00005744-00006038 a black box lost in excel SjVXBLRsj8I-00025-00006039-00006343 then it's time to do something SjVXBLRsj8I-00026-00006344-00006614 bosch thermotechnic based in vetler and SjVXBLRsj8I-00027-00006615-00006870 vernal germany can trace its history SjVXBLRsj8I-00028-00006872-00007214 back to 1886 with founder robert bosch SjVXBLRsj8I-00029-00007215-00007423 started his company in a stuttgart SjVXBLRsj8I-00030-00007423-00007614 backyard SjVXBLRsj8I-00031-00007615-00007823 with climate protection at the heart of SjVXBLRsj8I-00032-00007823-00008023 everything it does it offers its SjVXBLRsj8I-00033-00008023-00008271 customers throughout the world solutions SjVXBLRsj8I-00034-00008272-00008478 for their room climate domestic hot SjVXBLRsj8I-00035-00008479-00008671 water and decentralized energy SjVXBLRsj8I-00036-00008672-00008831 management needs SjVXBLRsj8I-00037-00008832-00009063 the company invests more than 117 SjVXBLRsj8I-00038-00009064-00009383 million euros a year in r d which is no SjVXBLRsj8I-00039-00009384-00009591 less than you would expect the company SjVXBLRsj8I-00040-00009592-00010206 whose slogan is invented for life SjVXBLRsj8I-00041-00010207-00010351 my name is daniel SjVXBLRsj8I-00042-00010352-00010591 i'm working for bosch since 11 years now SjVXBLRsj8I-00043-00010592-00010678 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00044-00010679-00010871 since 3 years now i'm working in the SjVXBLRsj8I-00045-00010872-00011063 role as group lead SjVXBLRsj8I-00046-00011064-00011206 team lead for SjVXBLRsj8I-00047-00011207-00011431 wholesale bonus rebate and condition SjVXBLRsj8I-00048-00011432-00011678 management and the sales operation team SjVXBLRsj8I-00049-00011679-00011846 i'm in is basically the back office for SjVXBLRsj8I-00050-00011847-00012110 our sales reps um that are providing on SjVXBLRsj8I-00051-00012111-00012406 the heating products uh in bosch german SjVXBLRsj8I-00052-00012407-00012703 market i'm dennis kleis i'm working for SjVXBLRsj8I-00053-00012704-00012983 boston's 2018 and i'm responsible for SjVXBLRsj8I-00054-00012984-00013286 the maintenance and payout of rebates so SjVXBLRsj8I-00055-00013287-00013503 we are selling to our wholesalers and SjVXBLRsj8I-00056-00013504-00013751 then to our installers so we have this SjVXBLRsj8I-00057-00013752-00013966 three-step distribution SjVXBLRsj8I-00058-00013968-00014158 and therefore i'm responsible for the SjVXBLRsj8I-00059-00014159-00014430 conditions my name is vivienne i'm 29 SjVXBLRsj8I-00060-00014431-00014638 years old and i'm an intern at bosch SjVXBLRsj8I-00061-00014640-00014927 tamo technology and i'm responsible for SjVXBLRsj8I-00062-00014928-00015207 the processing and the maintenance of SjVXBLRsj8I-00063-00015208-00015583 the rebate agreements and for the m for SjVXBLRsj8I-00064-00015584-00015750 sales activities SjVXBLRsj8I-00065-00015751-00015935 and the calculation of them and how SjVXBLRsj8I-00066-00015936-00016191 would you sum up bosch thermotechnic's SjVXBLRsj8I-00067-00016191-00016407 vision bosch thermotechnic provides SjVXBLRsj8I-00068-00016408-00016727 climate friendly heating system which SjVXBLRsj8I-00069-00016728-00016967 can be easily connected in a smart home SjVXBLRsj8I-00070-00016968-00017199 for us climate is the most important SjVXBLRsj8I-00071-00017200-00017463 driver that we see for the coming years SjVXBLRsj8I-00072-00017464-00017711 because we want to provide our customers SjVXBLRsj8I-00073-00017712-00017830 not only SjVXBLRsj8I-00074-00017831-00018039 cost efficient measures for getting the SjVXBLRsj8I-00075-00018040-00018407 warm house and warm water but also it SjVXBLRsj8I-00076-00018408-00018591 must protect the climate in the meantime SjVXBLRsj8I-00077-00018592-00018847 do you know what was the point at which SjVXBLRsj8I-00078-00018848-00019055 bosch thermotechnic realized there was a SjVXBLRsj8I-00079-00019056-00019303 problem i wanted to do something to make SjVXBLRsj8I-00080-00019304-00019567 that situation better actually this SjVXBLRsj8I-00081-00019568-00019767 software was just part of a bigger SjVXBLRsj8I-00082-00019768-00019950 project so we want to SjVXBLRsj8I-00083-00019951-00020158 improve our pricing structure and then SjVXBLRsj8I-00084-00020159-00020486 we need a software which support us to SjVXBLRsj8I-00085-00020487-00020647 do that because SjVXBLRsj8I-00086-00020648-00020935 the last years we just working with sap SjVXBLRsj8I-00087-00020936-00021143 and it was not easy to maintain the SjVXBLRsj8I-00088-00021144-00021399 conditions also have like an overview to SjVXBLRsj8I-00089-00021400-00021478 get SjVXBLRsj8I-00090-00021479-00021678 one view which customer gets rich SjVXBLRsj8I-00091-00021679-00021878 conditions and therefore we were looking SjVXBLRsj8I-00092-00021879-00022086 for software which can help us to get SjVXBLRsj8I-00093-00022087-00022303 this overview and can help us to make SjVXBLRsj8I-00094-00022304-00022527 our customers happy we were currently in SjVXBLRsj8I-00095-00022528-00022655 the face of SjVXBLRsj8I-00096-00022656-00022855 evaluating how we can SjVXBLRsj8I-00097-00022856-00023078 make better contracts with our wholesale SjVXBLRsj8I-00098-00023079-00023207 customers SjVXBLRsj8I-00099-00023208-00023303 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00100-00023304-00023614 we started studying what is not working SjVXBLRsj8I-00101-00023615-00023791 out well at the moment SjVXBLRsj8I-00102-00023792-00023958 and when we did the analysis we found SjVXBLRsj8I-00103-00023959-00024039 that SjVXBLRsj8I-00104-00024040-00024255 we had lots of things we needed to SjVXBLRsj8I-00105-00024256-00024494 calculate by hand and at the same time SjVXBLRsj8I-00106-00024495-00024686 we did not meet the custom requirements SjVXBLRsj8I-00107-00024687-00024814 and because usually they want their SjVXBLRsj8I-00108-00024815-00025014 money let's say one month SjVXBLRsj8I-00109-00025015-00025142 and latest SjVXBLRsj8I-00110-00025143-00025311 and it took us like a quarter to SjVXBLRsj8I-00111-00025312-00025471 actually make the payments because it SjVXBLRsj8I-00112-00025472-00025734 took so long to calculate it it took so SjVXBLRsj8I-00113-00025735-00025918 long to make it transferring to the SjVXBLRsj8I-00114-00025919-00026239 customer and we had lots of questions SjVXBLRsj8I-00115-00026239-00026446 because they didn't understand SjVXBLRsj8I-00116-00026447-00026695 the outcome of it and how important are SjVXBLRsj8I-00117-00026695-00026958 distributors to your business model SjVXBLRsj8I-00118-00026960-00027111 for us the distributors or the SjVXBLRsj8I-00119-00027112-00027374 wholesalers are well our main customer SjVXBLRsj8I-00120-00027375-00027511 at the end SjVXBLRsj8I-00121-00027512-00027743 and they provide our products to the SjVXBLRsj8I-00122-00027744-00028087 installers you know they are basically SjVXBLRsj8I-00123-00028088-00028311 making logistics work so that end SjVXBLRsj8I-00124-00028312-00028518 customers can actually buy the product SjVXBLRsj8I-00125-00028519-00028687 in the time they need it SjVXBLRsj8I-00126-00028688-00028799 of course SjVXBLRsj8I-00127-00028800-00028999 if the house is getting cold you need a SjVXBLRsj8I-00128-00029000-00029223 replacement urgently and that's that's a SjVXBLRsj8I-00129-00029224-00029439 common use case for us so SjVXBLRsj8I-00130-00029439-00029623 we need to have partners in the field SjVXBLRsj8I-00131-00029624-00029823 that are close to the customers they're SjVXBLRsj8I-00132-00029824-00030079 very crucial because we only sell our SjVXBLRsj8I-00133-00030080-00030199 products SjVXBLRsj8I-00134-00030200-00030470 through our wholesalers so we don't sell SjVXBLRsj8I-00135-00030472-00030695 direct to our installers we sell it over SjVXBLRsj8I-00136-00030695-00030870 our wholesalers and the wholesalers sell SjVXBLRsj8I-00137-00030872-00031055 it then of course to the installers and SjVXBLRsj8I-00138-00031056-00031287 therefore we have to provide attractive SjVXBLRsj8I-00139-00031288-00031518 conditions to our wholesalers so they SjVXBLRsj8I-00140-00031519-00031799 can make a good price for installers and SjVXBLRsj8I-00141-00031800-00031918 yes that the product should be SjVXBLRsj8I-00142-00031919-00032158 affordable for all of us to get like a SjVXBLRsj8I-00143-00032160-00032423 bosch heating system okay and how do you SjVXBLRsj8I-00144-00032424-00032567 incentivize SjVXBLRsj8I-00145-00032568-00032743 your distributors and wholesalers SjVXBLRsj8I-00146-00032744-00032927 especially we make a good conditions for SjVXBLRsj8I-00147-00032928-00032999 the SjVXBLRsj8I-00148-00033000-00033111 climate SjVXBLRsj8I-00149-00033112-00033335 neutral products so because we want to SjVXBLRsj8I-00150-00033336-00033495 motivate them to buy these kind of SjVXBLRsj8I-00151-00033496-00033823 products so then everyone can be part of SjVXBLRsj8I-00152-00033824-00034007 be a climate hero SjVXBLRsj8I-00153-00034008-00034174 and therefore we push like these SjVXBLRsj8I-00154-00034175-00034423 products for example like heat pumps SjVXBLRsj8I-00155-00034424-00034687 um which are very climate friendly and SjVXBLRsj8I-00156-00034688-00034862 so we make especially for these kinds of SjVXBLRsj8I-00157-00034863-00034990 product good conditions for our SjVXBLRsj8I-00158-00034991-00035183 wholesalers that the hoses can also make SjVXBLRsj8I-00159-00035184-00035351 good prices then SjVXBLRsj8I-00160-00035352-00035583 to end customers for example as you and SjVXBLRsj8I-00161-00035584-00035727 me that SjVXBLRsj8I-00162-00035728-00035902 i will be motivated to buy this kind of SjVXBLRsj8I-00163-00035903-00036118 products well basically the wholesalers SjVXBLRsj8I-00164-00036119-00036439 get targets based on product groups SjVXBLRsj8I-00165-00036440-00036687 or market activities they do SjVXBLRsj8I-00166-00036688-00036918 so if they sell the right products or if SjVXBLRsj8I-00167-00036919-00037111 they make the right campaigns with our SjVXBLRsj8I-00168-00037112-00037359 installers out in the field SjVXBLRsj8I-00169-00037360-00037567 then they're getting paid out the bonus SjVXBLRsj8I-00170-00037568-00037751 or also if they pay SjVXBLRsj8I-00171-00037752-00037967 in the right period of the year SjVXBLRsj8I-00172-00037968-00038118 and because we have like a seasonal SjVXBLRsj8I-00173-00038119-00038207 curve SjVXBLRsj8I-00174-00038208-00038430 and we don't want everybody to order on SjVXBLRsj8I-00175-00038431-00038735 24th of december of course so actually SjVXBLRsj8I-00176-00038736-00038951 our key account manager are going SjVXBLRsj8I-00177-00038952-00039118 out to the customers and they're SjVXBLRsj8I-00178-00039119-00039439 negotiating these conditions once a year SjVXBLRsj8I-00179-00039440-00039623 and then one contract is valid for one SjVXBLRsj8I-00180-00039624-00039871 year and then of course you have to put SjVXBLRsj8I-00181-00039872-00040071 this data in the system because bosch SjVXBLRsj8I-00182-00040072-00040271 have to build accruals right to pay out SjVXBLRsj8I-00183-00040272-00040479 the rebates at the end of the year SjVXBLRsj8I-00184-00040480-00040574 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00185-00040575-00040646 that SjVXBLRsj8I-00186-00040647-00040879 was before really difficult to do that SjVXBLRsj8I-00187-00040880-00041055 in sap because SjVXBLRsj8I-00188-00041056-00041246 the conditions are getting more and more SjVXBLRsj8I-00189-00041247-00041455 let's say heavier and not so so easy to SjVXBLRsj8I-00190-00041456-00041567 maintain SjVXBLRsj8I-00191-00041568-00041646 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00192-00041647-00041902 therefore we need a flexible structure SjVXBLRsj8I-00193-00041903-00042118 to maintain these conditions so first SjVXBLRsj8I-00194-00042119-00042311 step is the negotiation between the care SjVXBLRsj8I-00195-00042312-00042543 convention the customer and the second SjVXBLRsj8I-00196-00042544-00042727 step is then to maintain the conditions SjVXBLRsj8I-00197-00042728-00042951 to build accruals in the system and then SjVXBLRsj8I-00198-00042952-00043118 during the year we are doing the payouts SjVXBLRsj8I-00199-00043119-00043383 then how was the problem manifesting SjVXBLRsj8I-00200-00043384-00043590 itself how were the distributors feeling SjVXBLRsj8I-00201-00043591-00043727 about the problem what was the SjVXBLRsj8I-00202-00043728-00044015 relationship like basically when um the SjVXBLRsj8I-00203-00044016-00044262 guy who did all these payments before we SjVXBLRsj8I-00204-00044263-00044599 started with my group doing it SjVXBLRsj8I-00205-00044600-00044823 everybody knew the guy and the customers SjVXBLRsj8I-00206-00044824-00044990 would call us up and say okay i don't SjVXBLRsj8I-00207-00044991-00045158 understand why i'm getting the money but SjVXBLRsj8I-00208-00045159-00045335 i know this guy is doing it right you SjVXBLRsj8I-00209-00045336-00045630 know so basically it was based on the SjVXBLRsj8I-00210-00045631-00045807 personal connection that they believed SjVXBLRsj8I-00211-00045808-00045943 in the numbers SjVXBLRsj8I-00212-00045944-00046127 but they also told me they had no chance SjVXBLRsj8I-00213-00046128-00046367 to actually SjVXBLRsj8I-00214-00046368-00046599 uh calculated themselves yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00215-00046600-00046718 and we're talking millions they're SjVXBLRsj8I-00216-00046719-00046855 getting SjVXBLRsj8I-00217-00046856-00047111 so this was more built on trust but not SjVXBLRsj8I-00218-00047112-00047311 built on transparency and SjVXBLRsj8I-00219-00047312-00047527 figures and numbers that you can really SjVXBLRsj8I-00220-00047528-00047790 trace back and understand yourself and i SjVXBLRsj8I-00221-00047791-00047935 write in thinking that this man was SjVXBLRsj8I-00222-00047936-00048062 about to leave SjVXBLRsj8I-00223-00048063-00048262 exactly SjVXBLRsj8I-00224-00048263-00048558 he was close to retirement and basically SjVXBLRsj8I-00225-00048559-00048815 also many of this things how it was done SjVXBLRsj8I-00226-00048816-00048999 was just well written in his head but SjVXBLRsj8I-00227-00049000-00049083 not SjVXBLRsj8I-00228-00049084-00049311 documented and for us especially also SjVXBLRsj8I-00229-00049312-00049486 it's important to say that it's not SjVXBLRsj8I-00230-00049487-00049751 depending on the person itself yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00231-00049752-00049918 the answer that you're getting SjVXBLRsj8I-00232-00049919-00050102 so we need to have a transparent SjVXBLRsj8I-00233-00050103-00050207 solution SjVXBLRsj8I-00234-00050208-00050455 which is available 24 7 and giving the SjVXBLRsj8I-00235-00050456-00050686 same numbers every time you click on it SjVXBLRsj8I-00236-00050687-00050839 and with this kind of personal contact SjVXBLRsj8I-00237-00050840-00051095 with this one man with everything in his SjVXBLRsj8I-00238-00051096-00051375 head he's leaving before he left what SjVXBLRsj8I-00239-00051376-00051575 kind of compromises were you forced to SjVXBLRsj8I-00240-00051576-00051902 make because of this previous system SjVXBLRsj8I-00241-00051903-00052119 well the one of the biggest compromises SjVXBLRsj8I-00242-00052120-00052311 i already said was that you could not SjVXBLRsj8I-00243-00052312-00052559 really um support him doing it faster SjVXBLRsj8I-00244-00052560-00052647 yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00245-00052648-00052782 he was basically dealing the whole SjVXBLRsj8I-00246-00052783-00052950 system on his own SjVXBLRsj8I-00247-00052951-00053038 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00248-00053039-00053223 we lost a lot of time now we were not SjVXBLRsj8I-00249-00053224-00053471 able to pay in in four weeks time or SjVXBLRsj8I-00250-00053472-00053550 less SjVXBLRsj8I-00251-00053551-00053766 we were not able to change SjVXBLRsj8I-00252-00053767-00053935 contracts or make new deals with the SjVXBLRsj8I-00253-00053936-00054238 wholesale customers because we told them SjVXBLRsj8I-00254-00054239-00054430 well it would make sense to make this SjVXBLRsj8I-00255-00054432-00054591 kind of rebate but our system cannot SjVXBLRsj8I-00256-00054591-00054750 deal with it SjVXBLRsj8I-00257-00054751-00054950 so we were basically reaching the limits SjVXBLRsj8I-00258-00054951-00055150 of our own internal structure SjVXBLRsj8I-00259-00055151-00055319 and could not meet market requirements SjVXBLRsj8I-00260-00055320-00055503 at the end what was the reality was the SjVXBLRsj8I-00261-00055504-00055742 real situation in terms of time SjVXBLRsj8I-00262-00055744-00055991 and well the biggest SjVXBLRsj8I-00263-00055991-00056175 well mainly the payments take place in SjVXBLRsj8I-00264-00056176-00056350 the first uh in the beginning of the SjVXBLRsj8I-00265-00056351-00056430 year SjVXBLRsj8I-00266-00056432-00056599 and for us it took like the first SjVXBLRsj8I-00267-00056600-00056823 quarter to have everything done SjVXBLRsj8I-00268-00056824-00057007 and then in april the customer started SjVXBLRsj8I-00269-00057008-00057191 complaining that they had some questions SjVXBLRsj8I-00270-00057191-00057279 yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00271-00057279-00057454 so at the end we were not done with the SjVXBLRsj8I-00272-00057455-00057663 previous year until june or july and SjVXBLRsj8I-00273-00057664-00057935 were there any specific business related SjVXBLRsj8I-00274-00057936-00058279 kpis that you were not able to measure SjVXBLRsj8I-00275-00058279-00058535 using the previous system well we had no SjVXBLRsj8I-00276-00058536-00058735 chance to actually measure how many SjVXBLRsj8I-00277-00058736-00058942 payments we could do in SjVXBLRsj8I-00278-00058944-00059247 a certain amount of time SjVXBLRsj8I-00279-00059248-00059430 also it wasn't very transparent for us SjVXBLRsj8I-00280-00059432-00059607 how much money the customer received at SjVXBLRsj8I-00281-00059608-00059830 the end because the whole structure was SjVXBLRsj8I-00282-00059832-00060079 not really well there was no real easy SjVXBLRsj8I-00283-00060079-00060263 way to report what you paid out at the SjVXBLRsj8I-00284-00060264-00060503 end so the fact that the man was leaving SjVXBLRsj8I-00285-00060504-00060694 was the breaking point SjVXBLRsj8I-00286-00060695-00060926 but in terms of people SjVXBLRsj8I-00287-00060927-00061230 deciding that you needed to adopt SjVXBLRsj8I-00288-00061232-00061447 pricing software SjVXBLRsj8I-00289-00061448-00061735 how was that accepted amongst everybody SjVXBLRsj8I-00290-00061736-00061959 was there resistance the knowledge about SjVXBLRsj8I-00291-00061960-00062119 the system was leaving due to this SjVXBLRsj8I-00292-00062120-00062423 retirement but we also found that after SjVXBLRsj8I-00293-00062424-00062582 basically 15 years of keeping the SjVXBLRsj8I-00294-00062583-00062791 condition logic the same SjVXBLRsj8I-00295-00062791-00062982 we needed to change if you want to SjVXBLRsj8I-00296-00062983-00063271 really well make progress in the market SjVXBLRsj8I-00297-00063272-00063550 so there was a project in parallel SjVXBLRsj8I-00298-00063551-00063847 driven by the idea of how can we market SjVXBLRsj8I-00299-00063848-00064038 our products better SjVXBLRsj8I-00300-00064039-00064111 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00301-00064112-00064382 focus on new products like heat pumps SjVXBLRsj8I-00302-00064383-00064566 for example or solar thermal technology SjVXBLRsj8I-00303-00064567-00064879 which is it was not so valuable in the SjVXBLRsj8I-00304-00064879-00065015 old conditions SjVXBLRsj8I-00305-00065016-00065150 so that was also SjVXBLRsj8I-00306-00065151-00065399 the second thing we needed to change SjVXBLRsj8I-00307-00065400-00065575 and you're right SjVXBLRsj8I-00308-00065576-00065919 um there was of course resistance in SjVXBLRsj8I-00309-00065920-00066126 mainly internally and then father for SjVXBLRsj8I-00310-00066127-00066367 the sales guys because they were used to SjVXBLRsj8I-00311-00066368-00066679 the old style of doing it SjVXBLRsj8I-00312-00066680-00066775 but SjVXBLRsj8I-00313-00066776-00066991 we had we had of course a good story to SjVXBLRsj8I-00314-00066992-00067159 tell that you want to make life easier SjVXBLRsj8I-00315-00067160-00067335 afterwards yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00316-00067336-00067543 so for us the transition was mainly SjVXBLRsj8I-00317-00067544-00067806 augmented by it's getting easier more SjVXBLRsj8I-00318-00067807-00068031 transparent and faster SjVXBLRsj8I-00319-00068032-00068206 and once you've done that change SjVXBLRsj8I-00320-00068207-00068463 everybody will be happier than ever and SjVXBLRsj8I-00321-00068464-00068743 when you were choosing pricing software SjVXBLRsj8I-00322-00068744-00069015 why did you choose pricefx SjVXBLRsj8I-00323-00069016-00069206 we were looking for a partner that would SjVXBLRsj8I-00324-00069207-00069303 be SjVXBLRsj8I-00325-00069304-00069582 flexible and also SjVXBLRsj8I-00326-00069583-00069806 open-minded to basically deal with the SjVXBLRsj8I-00327-00069807-00070015 complexity that we have in the current SjVXBLRsj8I-00328-00070016-00070247 context with the customers that was the SjVXBLRsj8I-00329-00070248-00070447 most important thing and also SjVXBLRsj8I-00330-00070448-00070599 we were looking for a partner that was SjVXBLRsj8I-00331-00070600-00070711 able to SjVXBLRsj8I-00332-00070712-00071023 meet the project go live in time because SjVXBLRsj8I-00333-00071024-00071150 basically SjVXBLRsj8I-00334-00071151-00071415 you need to make it happen on the first SjVXBLRsj8I-00335-00071416-00071559 of january SjVXBLRsj8I-00336-00071560-00071719 there's only one time in the year when SjVXBLRsj8I-00337-00071720-00071926 you actually can deal with changing the SjVXBLRsj8I-00338-00071927-00072126 contract structure who was involved in SjVXBLRsj8I-00339-00072127-00072359 the project from the start SjVXBLRsj8I-00340-00072360-00072647 initially well first we involved um SjVXBLRsj8I-00341-00072648-00072855 other bosch divisions and asked SjVXBLRsj8I-00342-00072856-00073094 internally does somebody else have the SjVXBLRsj8I-00343-00073095-00073343 same problems as we did SjVXBLRsj8I-00344-00073344-00073415 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00345-00073416-00073582 we found this let's say strong SjVXBLRsj8I-00346-00073583-00073775 collaboration in exchange with SjVXBLRsj8I-00347-00073776-00073926 colleagues from other automotive SjVXBLRsj8I-00348-00073927-00074143 aftermarket because SjVXBLRsj8I-00349-00074144-00074287 it seems like they faced the same SjVXBLRsj8I-00350-00074288-00074494 problems some years ago SjVXBLRsj8I-00351-00074495-00074679 so they were involved in the kickoff and SjVXBLRsj8I-00352-00074680-00074799 of course SjVXBLRsj8I-00353-00074800-00074975 we had project lead from our wholesale SjVXBLRsj8I-00354-00074976-00075206 key account management but what was it SjVXBLRsj8I-00355-00075207-00075406 that was unique about this particular SjVXBLRsj8I-00356-00075407-00075591 project some things that they hadn't SjVXBLRsj8I-00357-00075592-00075815 faced before i think at least for us it SjVXBLRsj8I-00358-00075816-00075919 was SjVXBLRsj8I-00359-00075920-00076103 like the first time that we had really SjVXBLRsj8I-00360-00076104-00076262 involved SjVXBLRsj8I-00361-00076263-00076462 all partners in the project from very SjVXBLRsj8I-00362-00076463-00076679 beginning and also we spent a lot of SjVXBLRsj8I-00363-00076680-00076919 time with price fix to also help us to SjVXBLRsj8I-00364-00076920-00077191 understand how we can solve the problem SjVXBLRsj8I-00365-00077192-00077423 and we felt very SjVXBLRsj8I-00366-00077424-00077591 very good to see that SjVXBLRsj8I-00367-00077592-00077831 we have a partner on board that is SjVXBLRsj8I-00368-00077832-00077999 well much deeper into the topic than we SjVXBLRsj8I-00369-00078000-00078143 are actually SjVXBLRsj8I-00370-00078144-00078343 and he could give us good advice SjVXBLRsj8I-00371-00078344-00078631 on how you could solve this and how this SjVXBLRsj8I-00372-00078632-00078791 can be done you know SjVXBLRsj8I-00373-00078792-00078967 and this helped us a lot to to SjVXBLRsj8I-00374-00078968-00079150 understand that this will actually work SjVXBLRsj8I-00375-00079151-00079262 at the end SjVXBLRsj8I-00376-00079263-00079567 so how does a rebate manager help you in SjVXBLRsj8I-00377-00079568-00079791 your everyday work the reverb mentor for SjVXBLRsj8I-00378-00079792-00080111 us is the daily tool we use SjVXBLRsj8I-00379-00080112-00080335 basically to make to make the payments SjVXBLRsj8I-00380-00080336-00080575 in time and as transparent as possible SjVXBLRsj8I-00381-00080576-00080735 for the customers SjVXBLRsj8I-00382-00080736-00080838 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00383-00080839-00081038 since the introduction SjVXBLRsj8I-00384-00081039-00081287 we are we're starting to also think of SjVXBLRsj8I-00385-00081288-00081471 optimization more and more SjVXBLRsj8I-00386-00081472-00081694 and also here we made good progress SjVXBLRsj8I-00387-00081695-00081967 to see that once you trust the system SjVXBLRsj8I-00388-00081968-00082182 you can also reduce the manual checking SjVXBLRsj8I-00389-00082183-00082406 and the manual controls that we had in SjVXBLRsj8I-00390-00082407-00082559 the beginning SjVXBLRsj8I-00391-00082560-00082726 and at the end our goal is that SjVXBLRsj8I-00392-00082727-00082935 basically this thing runs like a bot you SjVXBLRsj8I-00393-00082936-00083135 know it just makes the payments based on SjVXBLRsj8I-00394-00083136-00083326 the figures you have on the system SjVXBLRsj8I-00395-00083327-00083599 and only manual cases SjVXBLRsj8I-00396-00083600-00083791 need to be treated separately SjVXBLRsj8I-00397-00083792-00083935 tell me something about the sap SjVXBLRsj8I-00398-00083936-00084175 integration how crucial is that to the SjVXBLRsj8I-00399-00084176-00084343 rebate process SjVXBLRsj8I-00400-00084344-00084599 that's work usually because of course we SjVXBLRsj8I-00401-00084600-00084879 have all our orders in sap system so the SjVXBLRsj8I-00402-00084880-00085071 smp still of course SjVXBLRsj8I-00403-00085072-00085255 is working with the orders SjVXBLRsj8I-00404-00085256-00085526 and they have to be a connection now SjVXBLRsj8I-00405-00085527-00085735 between the price of x the accruals and SjVXBLRsj8I-00406-00085736-00085926 the orders because um SjVXBLRsj8I-00407-00085927-00086103 each product the customer SjVXBLRsj8I-00408-00086104-00086223 will buy SjVXBLRsj8I-00409-00086224-00086391 and their crews have to be built on this SjVXBLRsj8I-00410-00086392-00086582 product because on each product you get SjVXBLRsj8I-00411-00086583-00086694 different SjVXBLRsj8I-00412-00086695-00086911 rebates at the end of the year right and SjVXBLRsj8I-00413-00086912-00087103 that was very crucial that sap and SjVXBLRsj8I-00414-00087104-00087271 browser fix is working together of SjVXBLRsj8I-00415-00087272-00087487 course otherwise it will not work SjVXBLRsj8I-00416-00087488-00087743 so the level of complexity would be SjVXBLRsj8I-00417-00087744-00087943 difficult to achieve if you didn't have SjVXBLRsj8I-00418-00087944-00088143 price effects and sap integrated SjVXBLRsj8I-00419-00088144-00088271 pricifix is SjVXBLRsj8I-00420-00088272-00088599 like our flexible front end we maintain SjVXBLRsj8I-00421-00088600-00088815 all the data the data is calculated the SjVXBLRsj8I-00422-00088816-00088982 rebits are calculated accruals are SjVXBLRsj8I-00423-00088983-00089111 calculated SjVXBLRsj8I-00424-00089112-00089406 and saps take the high complexity data SjVXBLRsj8I-00425-00089407-00089711 which we calculate from by x and then SjVXBLRsj8I-00426-00089712-00089999 yeah store it like an srp and just do SjVXBLRsj8I-00427-00090000-00090191 the regular things the standard process SjVXBLRsj8I-00428-00090192-00090359 builder rules and SjVXBLRsj8I-00429-00090360-00090535 create a credit memoryquest but a SjVXBLRsj8I-00430-00090536-00090831 complex calculation of rebates are in SjVXBLRsj8I-00431-00090832-00090967 price of x SjVXBLRsj8I-00432-00090968-00091111 when the project started to be SjVXBLRsj8I-00433-00091112-00091247 implemented SjVXBLRsj8I-00434-00091248-00091438 were there lots of emotions was it a lot SjVXBLRsj8I-00435-00091439-00091638 of stress was it a lot of fear or were SjVXBLRsj8I-00436-00091639-00091903 people excited about the change SjVXBLRsj8I-00437-00091904-00092103 especially yourself daniel SjVXBLRsj8I-00438-00092104-00092326 well myself and my group in sales SjVXBLRsj8I-00439-00092327-00092567 operations we were excited about doing SjVXBLRsj8I-00440-00092568-00092879 it because basically i i experienced one SjVXBLRsj8I-00441-00092880-00093031 year and let's say the old style of SjVXBLRsj8I-00442-00093032-00093262 doing it and i didn't feel very well of SjVXBLRsj8I-00443-00093263-00093559 continuing that but of course we we were SjVXBLRsj8I-00444-00093560-00093750 stressed when we found that it's taking SjVXBLRsj8I-00445-00093751-00093959 more time to implement than expected in SjVXBLRsj8I-00446-00093960-00094167 the beginning and we only had this one SjVXBLRsj8I-00447-00094168-00094359 shot for january to SjVXBLRsj8I-00448-00094360-00094574 bring it to go live yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00449-00094575-00094774 that was the stressful point here and SjVXBLRsj8I-00450-00094775-00094999 how good is the relationship with the SjVXBLRsj8I-00451-00095000-00095238 sales team in terms of the benefits that SjVXBLRsj8I-00452-00095239-00095487 they're seeing from price effects they SjVXBLRsj8I-00453-00095488-00095718 get the information more fastly from us SjVXBLRsj8I-00454-00095719-00095911 and that's the result actually and then SjVXBLRsj8I-00455-00095912-00096143 they know hey what's happened are you SjVXBLRsj8I-00456-00096144-00096294 three people more or five people more SjVXBLRsj8I-00457-00096295-00096471 and then i'm saying no we just have a SjVXBLRsj8I-00458-00096472-00096638 new software and we are now faster SjVXBLRsj8I-00459-00096639-00096799 because of that you spoke about there SjVXBLRsj8I-00460-00096800-00096974 was some resistance from the sales SjVXBLRsj8I-00461-00096975-00097167 people that were so used to the old SjVXBLRsj8I-00462-00097168-00097262 system SjVXBLRsj8I-00463-00097263-00097447 in terms of change management how did SjVXBLRsj8I-00464-00097448-00097679 you handle that for us internally the it SjVXBLRsj8I-00465-00097680-00097823 topic was easy SjVXBLRsj8I-00466-00097824-00098015 because we found very soon that it's SjVXBLRsj8I-00467-00098016-00098094 it's SjVXBLRsj8I-00468-00098095-00098287 just working much better and faster and SjVXBLRsj8I-00469-00098288-00098447 easier for us SjVXBLRsj8I-00470-00098448-00098567 then you don't need a big change SjVXBLRsj8I-00471-00098568-00098687 management SjVXBLRsj8I-00472-00098688-00098862 if the new system is making life easier SjVXBLRsj8I-00473-00098863-00098999 from first day on SjVXBLRsj8I-00474-00099000-00099262 using pricing software what benefit does SjVXBLRsj8I-00475-00099263-00099423 it bring you directly to the role that SjVXBLRsj8I-00476-00099424-00099615 you perform SjVXBLRsj8I-00477-00099616-00099999 so actually it's our daily business to SjVXBLRsj8I-00478-00100000-00100191 maintain and pay out SjVXBLRsj8I-00479-00100192-00100374 the rebates and SjVXBLRsj8I-00480-00100375-00100606 we save a lot of time and SjVXBLRsj8I-00481-00100607-00100743 we can meet the requirements of our SjVXBLRsj8I-00482-00100744-00100991 customers because it's really angry to SjVXBLRsj8I-00483-00100992-00101199 have like a customer on the phone who's SjVXBLRsj8I-00484-00101200-00101343 asking about the rebate and you say i SjVXBLRsj8I-00485-00101344-00101574 have no clue what you're talking about SjVXBLRsj8I-00486-00101575-00101862 right because i am not able to type in SjVXBLRsj8I-00487-00101863-00102071 very fast in sap customer number or SjVXBLRsj8I-00488-00102072-00102262 searching for repair types so i have to SjVXBLRsj8I-00489-00102263-00102471 look like in paper sheets or on excel SjVXBLRsj8I-00490-00102472-00102678 tables or stuff like that and with price SjVXBLRsj8I-00491-00102679-00102839 of fix i just type in the customer name SjVXBLRsj8I-00492-00102840-00103118 for example or the web name and i'm able SjVXBLRsj8I-00493-00103119-00103302 to answer this question right on the SjVXBLRsj8I-00494-00103303-00103630 phone and that's a big advantage i think SjVXBLRsj8I-00495-00103631-00103799 we have now what i SjVXBLRsj8I-00496-00103800-00103999 see is that in the last two years since SjVXBLRsj8I-00497-00104000-00104134 we have the SjVXBLRsj8I-00498-00104135-00104278 the software in place and all the SjVXBLRsj8I-00499-00104279-00104399 tooling SjVXBLRsj8I-00500-00104400-00104542 we're getting more and more questions SjVXBLRsj8I-00501-00104543-00104847 with regards to the profitability SjVXBLRsj8I-00502-00104848-00105086 and how to calculate SjVXBLRsj8I-00503-00105088-00105271 products for the future and how much SjVXBLRsj8I-00504-00105272-00105527 money we spend on which part of the of SjVXBLRsj8I-00505-00105528-00105686 the sales chain SjVXBLRsj8I-00506-00105688-00105831 so to say SjVXBLRsj8I-00507-00105832-00106078 and this is something that basically SjVXBLRsj8I-00508-00106079-00106278 comes together in our department yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00509-00106279-00106527 and naturally we now we're getting the SjVXBLRsj8I-00510-00106528-00106671 questions and we're trying to answer SjVXBLRsj8I-00511-00106672-00106895 that step by step did you have any SjVXBLRsj8I-00512-00106896-00107086 problems working with price fx during SjVXBLRsj8I-00513-00107088-00107343 the project were there any points where SjVXBLRsj8I-00514-00107344-00107558 you felt that the project wasn't going SjVXBLRsj8I-00515-00107559-00107758 the way you wanted we already spoke SjVXBLRsj8I-00516-00107759-00107919 about some of the SjVXBLRsj8I-00517-00107920-00108134 out-of-the-box uh functionality that you SjVXBLRsj8I-00518-00108135-00108415 expected well pricifix was starting so SjVXBLRsj8I-00519-00108416-00108647 so quickly on developing stuff SjVXBLRsj8I-00520-00108648-00108751 yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00521-00108752-00108983 um we were not used to it you know for SjVXBLRsj8I-00522-00108983-00109295 our internal i.t often you you have to SjVXBLRsj8I-00523-00109296-00109502 have a lot of lead time until something SjVXBLRsj8I-00524-00109503-00109710 some things are started SjVXBLRsj8I-00525-00109711-00109927 yeah and some price evicts we found that SjVXBLRsj8I-00526-00109928-00110119 if you give a first input then the next SjVXBLRsj8I-00527-00110120-00110343 day they already did some implementation SjVXBLRsj8I-00528-00110344-00110551 on that yeah and we learned the hard way SjVXBLRsj8I-00529-00110552-00110686 that you need to be very clear on what SjVXBLRsj8I-00530-00110688-00110934 you want to do otherwise you're doing it SjVXBLRsj8I-00531-00110935-00111247 twice three times four times five times SjVXBLRsj8I-00532-00111248-00111415 so for us SjVXBLRsj8I-00533-00111416-00111599 the biggest issue was that we need to SjVXBLRsj8I-00534-00111600-00111807 make our minds more clearly about what SjVXBLRsj8I-00535-00111808-00111910 we want SjVXBLRsj8I-00536-00111911-00112095 or you're getting developments that you SjVXBLRsj8I-00537-00112096-00112302 don't need at the end SjVXBLRsj8I-00538-00112303-00112431 so that was SjVXBLRsj8I-00539-00112432-00112623 one thing that we noticed here if you're SjVXBLRsj8I-00540-00112624-00112871 not working with a fixed requirement SjVXBLRsj8I-00541-00112872-00113175 sheet and just doing it on talking SjVXBLRsj8I-00542-00113176-00113302 as it's SjVXBLRsj8I-00543-00113303-00113447 well as it's SjVXBLRsj8I-00544-00113448-00113647 normal for an hr project SjVXBLRsj8I-00545-00113648-00113854 then you also run the risk of doing SjVXBLRsj8I-00546-00113855-00114047 things that you don't need at the end SjVXBLRsj8I-00547-00114048-00114310 because it's not working out or not SjVXBLRsj8I-00548-00114311-00114502 thought through SjVXBLRsj8I-00549-00114503-00114647 so that was SjVXBLRsj8I-00550-00114648-00114831 the only point where we wasted time for SjVXBLRsj8I-00551-00114832-00115047 everybody and how has this experience SjVXBLRsj8I-00552-00115048-00115351 influenced your current processes SjVXBLRsj8I-00553-00115352-00115510 well for the current processes you SjVXBLRsj8I-00554-00115511-00115758 basically adapted that we said SjVXBLRsj8I-00555-00115759-00115958 we implement less things SjVXBLRsj8I-00556-00115959-00116143 and we spent more time on refining it SjVXBLRsj8I-00557-00116144-00116334 before we actually say start working on SjVXBLRsj8I-00558-00116335-00116478 it SjVXBLRsj8I-00559-00116479-00116663 and my feeling is that we're getting SjVXBLRsj8I-00560-00116664-00116958 better every year a little bit yeah SjVXBLRsj8I-00561-00116959-00117151 that we save time for ourselves and also SjVXBLRsj8I-00562-00117152-00117327 price effects and to only bring these SjVXBLRsj8I-00563-00117328-00117543 things to life that we actually need SjVXBLRsj8I-00564-00117544-00117639 so SjVXBLRsj8I-00565-00117640-00117999 project implemented go live starting to SjVXBLRsj8I-00566-00118000-00118143 see results SjVXBLRsj8I-00567-00118144-00118463 comparing the current process SjVXBLRsj8I-00568-00118464-00118695 to what you had before SjVXBLRsj8I-00569-00118696-00118910 what are the positive changes SjVXBLRsj8I-00570-00118911-00119166 and what are the negative changes SjVXBLRsj8I-00571-00119167-00119399 well the positive changes are as SjVXBLRsj8I-00572-00119400-00119583 expected also in the beginning that we SjVXBLRsj8I-00573-00119583-00119807 save a lot of time and still can do the SjVXBLRsj8I-00574-00119808-00120015 same amount of work SjVXBLRsj8I-00575-00120016-00120263 and also we've seen a high increase of SjVXBLRsj8I-00576-00120264-00120534 contracts so we acquired new customers SjVXBLRsj8I-00577-00120535-00120814 we need to we need also to pay out and SjVXBLRsj8I-00578-00120815-00121047 this is still working faster and faster SjVXBLRsj8I-00579-00121048-00121175 every year SjVXBLRsj8I-00580-00121176-00121407 so that's positive the second thing is SjVXBLRsj8I-00581-00121408-00121719 that we have no problems to dig out SjVXBLRsj8I-00582-00121720-00121895 of the documentation why we did the SjVXBLRsj8I-00583-00121896-00122110 payments and the third thing is that of SjVXBLRsj8I-00584-00122111-00122310 course we can now we have now more time SjVXBLRsj8I-00585-00122311-00122495 to focus on improvements SjVXBLRsj8I-00586-00122496-00122766 and not only working our hours on doing SjVXBLRsj8I-00587-00122767-00123039 the daily work which is also SjVXBLRsj8I-00588-00123040-00123334 of course a benefit for the whole team SjVXBLRsj8I-00589-00123335-00123566 that's the positive sides SjVXBLRsj8I-00590-00123567-00123863 um SjVXBLRsj8I-00591-00123864-00124102 i can't think of any negative sides at SjVXBLRsj8I-00592-00124103-00124286 the moment so in terms of like SjVXBLRsj8I-00593-00124288-00124431 distributors SjVXBLRsj8I-00594-00124432-00124583 what's their reaction now how do they SjVXBLRsj8I-00595-00124583-00124734 feel with the current process are they SjVXBLRsj8I-00596-00124735-00124927 satisfied are they able to sell more SjVXBLRsj8I-00597-00124928-00125039 what are the positives they're SjVXBLRsj8I-00598-00125040-00125214 experiencing SjVXBLRsj8I-00599-00125215-00125343 the feedback we are getting from the SjVXBLRsj8I-00600-00125344-00125583 customers that they SjVXBLRsj8I-00601-00125583-00125766 now receive the payments as they would SjVXBLRsj8I-00602-00125767-00126031 have expected the whole time before SjVXBLRsj8I-00603-00126032-00126247 how would you feel if you were told that SjVXBLRsj8I-00604-00126248-00126614 you could no longer use price fx SjVXBLRsj8I-00605-00126615-00126719 i would SjVXBLRsj8I-00606-00126720-00126910 feel not very good right because then i SjVXBLRsj8I-00607-00126911-00127007 know SjVXBLRsj8I-00608-00127008-00127302 i cannot meet the customer requirements SjVXBLRsj8I-00609-00127303-00127407 again SjVXBLRsj8I-00610-00127408-00127686 because we need too much time so before SjVXBLRsj8I-00611-00127688-00128039 price of x we get every day like 20 50 SjVXBLRsj8I-00612-00128040-00128190 emails and they have to wait like two SjVXBLRsj8I-00613-00128191-00128390 weeks now with the price of software we SjVXBLRsj8I-00614-00128391-00128558 are able to answer these questions SjVXBLRsj8I-00615-00128559-00128823 within one or two days because we are SjVXBLRsj8I-00616-00128824-00129063 able to go to the system and find the SjVXBLRsj8I-00617-00129064-00129271 answer in the system right and this was SjVXBLRsj8I-00618-00129272-00129486 not possible without browser vx because SjVXBLRsj8I-00619-00129488-00129663 this data was not crunched we have no SjVXBLRsj8I-00620-00129664-00129983 dashboards in sap or stuff like that SjVXBLRsj8I-00621-00129983-00130158 and therefore SjVXBLRsj8I-00622-00130159-00130390 i would feel really sad with alternative SjVXBLRsj8I-00623-00130391-00130551 software SjVXBLRsj8I-00624-00130552-00130775 yes that's frustrating without working SjVXBLRsj8I-00625-00130776-00130951 with the software because if you know SjVXBLRsj8I-00626-00130952-00131071 you can't SjVXBLRsj8I-00627-00131072-00131207 meet the requirements of the customer SjVXBLRsj8I-00628-00131208-00131487 you're getting also angry SjVXBLRsj8I-00629-00131488-00131678 well i don't know how they would feel SjVXBLRsj8I-00630-00131679-00131871 but for us at the moment it's just not SjVXBLRsj8I-00631-00131872-00132102 possible because we cannot do our work SjVXBLRsj8I-00632-00132103-00132454 without the solution we have in place SjVXBLRsj8I-00633-00132455-00132566 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00634-00132567-00132775 i would ask them okay SjVXBLRsj8I-00635-00132776-00132975 bring me somebody who can SjVXBLRsj8I-00636-00132976-00133199 do the same thing SjVXBLRsj8I-00637-00133200-00133511 but right now yeah i cannot switch SjVXBLRsj8I-00638-00133512-00133711 so it's become an integral part of what SjVXBLRsj8I-00639-00133712-00133895 you're doing and is there anything that SjVXBLRsj8I-00640-00133896-00134047 you can currently do SjVXBLRsj8I-00641-00134048-00134223 because you have price effects that you SjVXBLRsj8I-00642-00134224-00134414 never imagined that you would be able to SjVXBLRsj8I-00643-00134415-00134495 do SjVXBLRsj8I-00644-00134496-00134719 at the initial stages of the project SjVXBLRsj8I-00645-00134720-00134887 well one thing we did not dream of in SjVXBLRsj8I-00646-00134888-00135063 the beginning was actually to make like SjVXBLRsj8I-00647-00135064-00135271 automatic payments where you only have SjVXBLRsj8I-00648-00135272-00135535 to click and you rely on the numbers SjVXBLRsj8I-00649-00135536-00135854 and the rest is done automatically SjVXBLRsj8I-00650-00135855-00136014 this is something we did not expect in SjVXBLRsj8I-00651-00136015-00136151 the beginning SjVXBLRsj8I-00652-00136152-00136359 because for us it was mainly talking SjVXBLRsj8I-00653-00136360-00136543 with the key accounts SjVXBLRsj8I-00654-00136544-00136759 trying to see if the numbers are correct SjVXBLRsj8I-00655-00136760-00136990 making a manual control and check and SjVXBLRsj8I-00656-00136991-00137190 all these things just went away after SjVXBLRsj8I-00657-00137191-00137399 one year of using it because we are SjVXBLRsj8I-00658-00137400-00137727 confident that it's just doing the job SjVXBLRsj8I-00659-00137728-00137951 so many steps in the process have been SjVXBLRsj8I-00660-00137952-00138207 automated exactly okay and for the SjVXBLRsj8I-00661-00138208-00138414 distributors and the wholesalers and SjVXBLRsj8I-00662-00138415-00138607 your customers in general SjVXBLRsj8I-00663-00138608-00138783 how do they feel that now they have a SjVXBLRsj8I-00664-00138784-00138911 system that's SjVXBLRsj8I-00665-00138912-00139183 reliable automatic and importantly SjVXBLRsj8I-00666-00139184-00139311 transparent SjVXBLRsj8I-00667-00139312-00139495 in the beginning i think they expected SjVXBLRsj8I-00668-00139496-00139671 this to be that way SjVXBLRsj8I-00669-00139672-00139823 all the time you know SjVXBLRsj8I-00670-00139824-00139983 they were just wondering why we did not SjVXBLRsj8I-00671-00139984-00140166 have this before yeah can you tell me SjVXBLRsj8I-00672-00140167-00140295 something about the benefits that you've SjVXBLRsj8I-00673-00140296-00140575 experienced from moving to the cloud SjVXBLRsj8I-00674-00140576-00140766 well actually moving to the cloud for us SjVXBLRsj8I-00675-00140767-00140919 was uh SjVXBLRsj8I-00676-00140920-00141087 driven by the fact that we were reaching SjVXBLRsj8I-00677-00141088-00141319 the boundaries with our existing SjVXBLRsj8I-00678-00141320-00141535 on-premise solution SjVXBLRsj8I-00679-00141536-00141727 we found that having more than one year SjVXBLRsj8I-00680-00141728-00141895 of data in the system everything was SjVXBLRsj8I-00681-00141896-00142095 getting slow SjVXBLRsj8I-00682-00142096-00142199 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00683-00142200-00142311 well SjVXBLRsj8I-00684-00142312-00142583 also it was very costly for us that we SjVXBLRsj8I-00685-00142584-00142871 had a well not proper sized fixed SjVXBLRsj8I-00686-00142872-00143078 solution in place SjVXBLRsj8I-00687-00143079-00143311 and for us moving to the clouds speeded SjVXBLRsj8I-00688-00143312-00143519 up processes like i think factor three SjVXBLRsj8I-00689-00143520-00143783 or four depending on what we looked at SjVXBLRsj8I-00690-00143784-00143951 and at the same time we could also save SjVXBLRsj8I-00691-00143952-00144271 a lot of money for us as a division SjVXBLRsj8I-00692-00144272-00144351 so SjVXBLRsj8I-00693-00144352-00144631 it was the best decision ever made SjVXBLRsj8I-00694-00144632-00144783 and all this SjVXBLRsj8I-00695-00144784-00144959 potential problems you've seen with data SjVXBLRsj8I-00696-00144960-00145175 security and stuff that was sorted out SjVXBLRsj8I-00697-00145176-00145326 with a clear process and at the end SjVXBLRsj8I-00698-00145327-00145487 everybody was happy SjVXBLRsj8I-00699-00145488-00145687 i experienced the SjVXBLRsj8I-00700-00145688-00145854 benefit that it is SjVXBLRsj8I-00701-00145855-00145943 much SjVXBLRsj8I-00702-00145944-00146078 faster SjVXBLRsj8I-00703-00146079-00146263 and easier to SjVXBLRsj8I-00704-00146264-00146511 make changes in the system and in the SjVXBLRsj8I-00705-00146512-00146671 calculations SjVXBLRsj8I-00706-00146672-00146766 and SjVXBLRsj8I-00707-00146767-00146966 it's more transparent in terms of SjVXBLRsj8I-00708-00146967-00147190 measurable results what would you say is SjVXBLRsj8I-00709-00147191-00147390 the most significant result you can SjVXBLRsj8I-00710-00147391-00147639 actually measure and say yes that is a SjVXBLRsj8I-00711-00147640-00147911 positive change yeah we we put in SjVXBLRsj8I-00712-00147912-00148111 beginning of the project some some key SjVXBLRsj8I-00713-00148112-00148271 figures in and said what we want to SjVXBLRsj8I-00714-00148272-00148502 achieve with that and one point was that SjVXBLRsj8I-00715-00148503-00148663 of course he wanted to SjVXBLRsj8I-00716-00148664-00148935 achieve a reduction of the process time SjVXBLRsj8I-00717-00148936-00149271 and this was working out at the end so SjVXBLRsj8I-00718-00149272-00149535 we basically reduced the time that we SjVXBLRsj8I-00719-00149536-00149823 need to a 50 of the previous SjVXBLRsj8I-00720-00149824-00150007 working hours or main days that we SjVXBLRsj8I-00721-00150008-00150183 needed SjVXBLRsj8I-00722-00150184-00150535 and now it helps us to well together to SjVXBLRsj8I-00723-00150536-00150735 actually work with the current figures SjVXBLRsj8I-00724-00150736-00150902 we have in the system SjVXBLRsj8I-00725-00150903-00151071 so even though we have much more SjVXBLRsj8I-00726-00151072-00151359 customers to deal with we still are able SjVXBLRsj8I-00727-00151360-00151526 to do this without SjVXBLRsj8I-00728-00151527-00151711 having more people in and the second SjVXBLRsj8I-00729-00151712-00151863 most important factor was that we wanted SjVXBLRsj8I-00730-00151864-00152047 to reduce the manual calculations to SjVXBLRsj8I-00731-00152048-00152239 like zero percent SjVXBLRsj8I-00732-00152240-00152463 and when we started a project like 40 of SjVXBLRsj8I-00733-00152464-00152687 the calculations were still SjVXBLRsj8I-00734-00152688-00152919 done with manual inputs SjVXBLRsj8I-00735-00152920-00153151 and we don't have this anymore SjVXBLRsj8I-00736-00153152-00153423 the time saving is one big result SjVXBLRsj8I-00737-00153424-00153566 because we SjVXBLRsj8I-00738-00153567-00153743 have now 50 SjVXBLRsj8I-00739-00153744-00153902 more time SjVXBLRsj8I-00740-00153903-00154151 when it's come to a payout rebates and SjVXBLRsj8I-00741-00154152-00154463 the second thing is the transparency SjVXBLRsj8I-00742-00154464-00154711 transparency is very good now and SjVXBLRsj8I-00743-00154712-00154951 because that is crucial SjVXBLRsj8I-00744-00154952-00155078 also when you're talking about you SjVXBLRsj8I-00745-00155079-00155295 answer the questions of our customers SjVXBLRsj8I-00746-00155296-00155471 right because if you're looking in excel SjVXBLRsj8I-00747-00155472-00155678 sheets or like in papers under your desk SjVXBLRsj8I-00748-00155679-00155839 it's difficult to answer these questions SjVXBLRsj8I-00749-00155840-00155990 right in time and SjVXBLRsj8I-00750-00155991-00156231 therefore i think these two things are SjVXBLRsj8I-00751-00156232-00156414 the most important things thinking about SjVXBLRsj8I-00752-00156415-00156599 the current situation now the system's SjVXBLRsj8I-00753-00156600-00156783 up and running what do you think you SjVXBLRsj8I-00754-00156784-00157014 could do next what would be your ideal SjVXBLRsj8I-00755-00157015-00157239 next step to make things even better SjVXBLRsj8I-00756-00157240-00157495 within bosch thermotechnic SjVXBLRsj8I-00757-00157496-00157678 well the things that we are working on SjVXBLRsj8I-00758-00157679-00157887 at the moment is of course to SjVXBLRsj8I-00759-00157888-00158014 bring SjVXBLRsj8I-00760-00158015-00158207 process steps in the system that are not SjVXBLRsj8I-00761-00158208-00158551 digitalized yet but that's for us mainly SjVXBLRsj8I-00762-00158552-00158871 approval workflows that we do by hand or SjVXBLRsj8I-00763-00158872-00159095 in different systems at the moment SjVXBLRsj8I-00764-00159096-00159326 and also one thing we did not solve yet SjVXBLRsj8I-00765-00159327-00159543 is that the contracts are still written SjVXBLRsj8I-00766-00159544-00159647 on paper SjVXBLRsj8I-00767-00159648-00159926 it's pdf it's digital but still SjVXBLRsj8I-00768-00159927-00160102 you have to translate this somehow into SjVXBLRsj8I-00769-00160103-00160311 the system and this is still SjVXBLRsj8I-00770-00160312-00160566 done by hand at the moment SjVXBLRsj8I-00771-00160567-00160726 and that's the most important step for SjVXBLRsj8I-00772-00160727-00161047 us to get even better than we are today SjVXBLRsj8I-00773-00161048-00161190 and how do you think the price effects SjVXBLRsj8I-00774-00161191-00161375 will help you achieve these goals you're SjVXBLRsj8I-00775-00161376-00161623 just learning from the past we always SjVXBLRsj8I-00776-00161624-00161814 found a way of making things work at the SjVXBLRsj8I-00777-00161815-00161983 end yeah if we thought together about SjVXBLRsj8I-00778-00161984-00162332 possible solutions SmL2cIFmiXE-00000-00000053-00000296 the all-purpose lightweight individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00001-00000297-00000494 carrying equipment Alice was a SmL2cIFmiXE-00002-00000495-00000721 load-bearing system adopted as United SmL2cIFmiXE-00003-00000722-00000968 States Army standard a on the 17th of SmL2cIFmiXE-00004-00000969-00001334 January 1973 to replace the m-19 five SmL2cIFmiXE-00005-00001335-00001679 six load carrying equipment LCE an m1 SmL2cIFmiXE-00006-00001680-00001930 nine six seven modernized load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00007-00001932-00002243 equipment mlc II although since SmL2cIFmiXE-00008-00002244-00002498 superseded by maul Alice Sierra's still SmL2cIFmiXE-00009-00002499-00002720 in some limited use in the US Army in SmL2cIFmiXE-00010-00002721-00002930 National Guard and training units as SmL2cIFmiXE-00011-00002931-00003142 well as by Navy and Air Force ground SmL2cIFmiXE-00012-00003143-00003511 units the US Marine Corps currently uses SmL2cIFmiXE-00013-00003512-00004197 Alice gear in training only SmL2cIFmiXE-00014-00004198-00004818 topic history and development SmL2cIFmiXE-00015-00004819-00005056 the all-purpose lightweight individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00016-00005057-00005259 carrying equipment as the end result of SmL2cIFmiXE-00017-00005260-00005550 the Li NCAA lightweight individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00018-00005551-00005743 clothing and equipment program that SmL2cIFmiXE-00019-00005744-00006021 began in 1965 and terminated with the SmL2cIFmiXE-00020-00006022-00006256 adoption of the Allis system on the 17th SmL2cIFmiXE-00021-00006257-00006613 of January 1973 the goal of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00022-00006614-00006805 individual equipment portion of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00023-00006806-00007089 Lincs program was to develop a SmL2cIFmiXE-00024-00007090-00007284 lightweight load carrying system in an SmL2cIFmiXE-00025-00007286-00007470 effort to lighten a combat soldiers SmL2cIFmiXE-00026-00007472-00008042 overall load SmL2cIFmiXE-00027-00008043-00008803 topic 1965 to 1967 SmL2cIFmiXE-00028-00008804-00009044 based principally on the conclusions and SmL2cIFmiXE-00029-00009045-00009253 recommendations of a study to reduce the SmL2cIFmiXE-00030-00009254-00009587 load of the infantry combat soldier 1962 SmL2cIFmiXE-00031-00009588-00009781 in a study to conserve energy of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00032-00009782-00010109 Combat Infantryman 1964 the army SmL2cIFmiXE-00033-00010110-00010301 established a quantitative material SmL2cIFmiXE-00034-00010302-00010685 requirement qmr in 1965 calling for the SmL2cIFmiXE-00035-00010686-00011071 development of Li and CLO e although the SmL2cIFmiXE-00036-00011072-00011377 development of the Lincs load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00037-00011378-00011591 equipment did not officially start until SmL2cIFmiXE-00038-00011592-00011774 after the United States Army Materiel SmL2cIFmiXE-00039-00011775-00012088 Command Technical Committee AMC TC SmL2cIFmiXE-00040-00012089-00012363 approved the project the 27th of April SmL2cIFmiXE-00041-00012364-00012644 1966 development of lightweight load SmL2cIFmiXE-00042-00012645-00012931 carrying equipment really began in 1961 SmL2cIFmiXE-00043-00012932-00013105 with the development of the lightweight SmL2cIFmiXE-00044-00013106-00013447 rucksack FSN eight four six five seven SmL2cIFmiXE-00045-00013448-00013730 eight two three two four eight made of SmL2cIFmiXE-00046-00013731-00013961 nylon fabrics in an aluminum frame which SmL2cIFmiXE-00047-00013962-00014261 weighed three pounds 1.4 kilograms as SmL2cIFmiXE-00048-00014262-00014558 compared to the 7.5 pounds three point SmL2cIFmiXE-00049-00014559-00014806 four kilograms cotton canvas duct and SmL2cIFmiXE-00050-00014807-00014986 steel item which it replaced the SmL2cIFmiXE-00051-00014987-00015191 development of this lightweight rucksack SmL2cIFmiXE-00052-00015191-00015412 led to an informal inquiry by officers SmL2cIFmiXE-00053-00015413-00015596 of the infantry community as to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00054-00015597-00015775 possibility of reducing the weight of SmL2cIFmiXE-00055-00015776-00016025 the m-19 five six load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00056-00016026-00016094 equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00057-00016094-00016439 LCE as a result of this interest the SmL2cIFmiXE-00058-00016440-00016774 army produced a set of LC e in 1962 SmL2cIFmiXE-00059-00016775-00017033 substituting available nylon materials SmL2cIFmiXE-00060-00017034-00017324 for the cotton canvas duct this set of SmL2cIFmiXE-00061-00017325-00017525 nylon load carrying equipment weighed SmL2cIFmiXE-00062-00017526-00017731 slightly more than three pounds one SmL2cIFmiXE-00063-00017732-00017990 point four kilograms as opposed to five SmL2cIFmiXE-00064-00017991-00018253 pounds two point three kilograms for the SmL2cIFmiXE-00065-00018254-00018566 cotton canvas duct items these two items SmL2cIFmiXE-00066-00018567-00018800 the lightweight rucksack and the set of SmL2cIFmiXE-00067-00018801-00019052 nylon LCE formed the basis for that SmL2cIFmiXE-00068-00019053-00019349 portion of the Lincs condit ativ SmL2cIFmiXE-00069-00019350-00019553 material requirement dealing with load SmL2cIFmiXE-00070-00019554-00019822 carrying equipment an exit to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00071-00019823-00020042 quantitative material requirement set a SmL2cIFmiXE-00072-00020043-00020267 goal of three point three pounds one SmL2cIFmiXE-00073-00020268-00020515 point five kilograms for the individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00074-00020516-00020714 load carrying equipment and three pounds SmL2cIFmiXE-00075-00020715-00020953 one point four kilograms for the SmL2cIFmiXE-00076-00020954-00021233 rucksack officials decided that the SmL2cIFmiXE-00077-00021234-00021383 design of the new load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00078-00021384-00021542 equipment would follow that of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00079-00021543-00021734 standard load carrying equipment with SmL2cIFmiXE-00080-00021735-00021971 material changes from cotton canvas duct SmL2cIFmiXE-00081-00021972-00022165 to nylon duct and replacement of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00082-00022166-00022194 Brown SmL2cIFmiXE-00083-00022195-00022394 and steel hardware with aluminum or SmL2cIFmiXE-00084-00022395-00022725 plastic items the design effort went SmL2cIFmiXE-00085-00022726-00022938 slowly due to the concentration on the SmL2cIFmiXE-00086-00022939-00023144 design and development of items to meet SmL2cIFmiXE-00087-00023145-00023316 the requirement of the Vietnam War SmL2cIFmiXE-00088-00023317-00023558 although developers initiated projects SmL2cIFmiXE-00089-00023559-00023715 investigating the feasibility of SmL2cIFmiXE-00090-00023716-00023894 replacing much of the steel and brass SmL2cIFmiXE-00091-00023895-00024141 hardware with aluminum or plastic items SmL2cIFmiXE-00092-00024142-00024585 on the 15th of March 1967 an engineering SmL2cIFmiXE-00093-00024586-00024765 concept review was held at Natick SmL2cIFmiXE-00094-00024766-00025068 Laboratories the concept approved at the SmL2cIFmiXE-00095-00025069-00025247 meeting was for an individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00096-00025248-00025455 belt to be supported by individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00097-00025456-00025668 equipment suspenders - which could be SmL2cIFmiXE-00098-00025669-00025887 attached component items such as small SmL2cIFmiXE-00099-00025888-00026136 arms ammunition cases water canteen SmL2cIFmiXE-00100-00026137-00026390 covers entrenching tool carriers field SmL2cIFmiXE-00101-00026391-00026748 first-aid dressing cases etc a field SmL2cIFmiXE-00102-00026749-00027033 pack somewhat larger than the m-19 6 1 SmL2cIFmiXE-00103-00027033-00027237 cotton canvas duct field pack was SmL2cIFmiXE-00104-00027238-00027402 proposed which could be attached for SmL2cIFmiXE-00105-00027402-00027573 carrying either on the individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00106-00027574-00027762 equipment belt at the small of the back SmL2cIFmiXE-00107-00027763-00027948 or on the shoulders attached to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00108-00027949-00028179 individual equipment belt suspenders or SmL2cIFmiXE-00109-00028180-00028392 attached to a detachable field pack SmL2cIFmiXE-00110-00028393-00028689 frame the field pack frame with shoulder SmL2cIFmiXE-00111-00028689-00028902 straps in a removable cargo shelf would SmL2cIFmiXE-00112-00028902-00029045 be designed to be worn over the SmL2cIFmiXE-00113-00029047-00029276 individual equipment belt and suspenders SmL2cIFmiXE-00114-00029277-00029544 the end result of this meeting was the SmL2cIFmiXE-00115-00029545-00029814 adoption of the nylon m 1 9 6 7 SmL2cIFmiXE-00116-00029814-00030102 modernized load carrying equipment mlc SmL2cIFmiXE-00117-00030102-00030411 ii the field pack design was rejected in SmL2cIFmiXE-00118-00030412-00030651 the end and a nylon version of the m-19 SmL2cIFmiXE-00119-00030652-00030887 6 1 field pack was produced instead SmL2cIFmiXE-00120-00030888-00031119 along with the nylon tropical rucksack SmL2cIFmiXE-00121-00031120-00032148 FSN 8 4 6 5 9 3 5 6 6 7 3 SmL2cIFmiXE-00122-00032149-00032877 topic 1968-1969 SmL2cIFmiXE-00123-00032878-00033218 even after the adoption of the MLC ii in SmL2cIFmiXE-00124-00033219-00033513 1967 developments continued under the L SmL2cIFmiXE-00125-00033514-00033921 incl OE program the MLC ii was SmL2cIFmiXE-00126-00033922-00034107 envisioned for use strictly in tropical SmL2cIFmiXE-00127-00034108-00034311 environments and the development of a SmL2cIFmiXE-00128-00034312-00034533 standard load carrying equipment system SmL2cIFmiXE-00129-00034534-00034719 to replace all load carrying equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00130-00034720-00035294 systems continued during 1968 the Lincs SmL2cIFmiXE-00131-00035295-00035532 in you'd to refine the lightweight load SmL2cIFmiXE-00132-00035533-00035850 carrying system a prototype system was SmL2cIFmiXE-00133-00035851-00036039 designed utilizing some of the existing SmL2cIFmiXE-00134-00036040-00036285 mlc ii components such as the water SmL2cIFmiXE-00135-00036286-00036504 canteen cover small arms ammunition SmL2cIFmiXE-00136-00036505-00036788 cases and filled first-aid dressing case SmL2cIFmiXE-00137-00036789-00037095 the individual equipment belt buckle was SmL2cIFmiXE-00138-00037096-00037284 replaced with a plastic version of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00139-00037285-00037461 Davis quick-release buckle and a new SmL2cIFmiXE-00140-00037462-00037704 vest combat was developed to replace the SmL2cIFmiXE-00141-00037705-00037934 individual equipment belt suspenders SmL2cIFmiXE-00142-00037935-00038214 teams developed both a small and large SmL2cIFmiXE-00143-00038215-00038433 field pack utilizing the detachable SmL2cIFmiXE-00144-00038434-00038693 field pack frame concept scrapped in SmL2cIFmiXE-00145-00038694-00039057 1967 these prototype items were SmL2cIFmiXE-00146-00039058-00039267 presented at a design characteristics SmL2cIFmiXE-00147-00039268-00039495 review and prototype system review held SmL2cIFmiXE-00148-00039496-00039761 at Natick laboratories the 26th of march SmL2cIFmiXE-00149-00039762-00040092 1968 it was recommended that an SmL2cIFmiXE-00150-00040093-00040415 engineering service test et Street be SmL2cIFmiXE-00151-00040416-00040611 carried out on this new load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00152-00040612-00040796 system design with the understanding SmL2cIFmiXE-00153-00040797-00040998 that any design changes required be SmL2cIFmiXE-00154-00040999-00041169 accomplished prior to testing and SmL2cIFmiXE-00155-00041170-00041474 without another design review in July SmL2cIFmiXE-00156-00041475-00041859 1969 test items presented at the 1968 SmL2cIFmiXE-00157-00041860-00042065 Natick meeting and manufactured by the SmL2cIFmiXE-00158-00042066-00042290 United States Army Support Center in SmL2cIFmiXE-00159-00042291-00042480 Richmond Virginia under the supervision SmL2cIFmiXE-00160-00042481-00042711 of Natick laboratories personnel were SmL2cIFmiXE-00161-00042712-00042903 sent to the United States Army infantry SmL2cIFmiXE-00162-00042904-00043317 board USA IB Fort Benning Georgia United SmL2cIFmiXE-00163-00043318-00043701 States Army tropical test center USA TTC SmL2cIFmiXE-00164-00043702-00044019 Fort Clayton Panama Canal Zone United SmL2cIFmiXE-00165-00044020-00044367 States Army Arctic test center USA ATC SmL2cIFmiXE-00166-00044368-00044634 Fort Greely Alaska and the general SmL2cIFmiXE-00167-00044635-00044982 equipment test activity G ETA Fort Lee SmL2cIFmiXE-00168-00044983-00045321 Virginia some of the test items differed SmL2cIFmiXE-00169-00045322-00045510 significantly from those presented at SmL2cIFmiXE-00170-00045511-00045861 the 1968 meeting the major changes were SmL2cIFmiXE-00171-00045862-00046257 as follows belt individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00172-00046258-00046446 the individual equipment belt was SmL2cIFmiXE-00173-00046447-00046659 changed by eliminating the center row of SmL2cIFmiXE-00174-00046660-00046845 eyelets and replacing the single end SmL2cIFmiXE-00175-00046846-00047049 hook adjustments at each end with double SmL2cIFmiXE-00176-00047050-00047250 end hook adjustments which engaged in SmL2cIFmiXE-00177-00047251-00047460 the two outside rows of eyelets for size SmL2cIFmiXE-00178-00047461-00047826 adjustment vest combat the closure SmL2cIFmiXE-00179-00047827-00048087 device is utilized originally plastic SmL2cIFmiXE-00180-00048088-00048321 snap fasteners and hook and loop pile on SmL2cIFmiXE-00181-00048322-00048498 the vest combat failed during SmL2cIFmiXE-00182-00048499-00048723 preliminary testing and were replaced by SmL2cIFmiXE-00183-00048724-00049059 plastic quick-release fasteners carrier SmL2cIFmiXE-00184-00049060-00049368 entrenching tool the m-19 six seven SmL2cIFmiXE-00185-00049369-00049563 nylon entrenching tool carrier was SmL2cIFmiXE-00186-00049564-00049779 replaced by a molded one manufactured SmL2cIFmiXE-00187-00049780-00050124 from ethylene vinyl acetate Eva case SmL2cIFmiXE-00188-00050125-00050394 field first aid dressing the field first SmL2cIFmiXE-00189-00050395-00050643 aid dressing case utilized plastic belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00190-00050644-00050811 strap keepers which replaced the SmL2cIFmiXE-00191-00050812-00051108 standard steel m-19 five six belt strap SmL2cIFmiXE-00192-00051109-00051486 keepers cover water canteen the water SmL2cIFmiXE-00193-00051487-00051729 canteen cover utilized plastic belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00194-00051729-00051915 strap keepers that replace the standard SmL2cIFmiXE-00195-00051916-00052241 steel m-19 five six belt strap keepers SmL2cIFmiXE-00196-00052242-00052452 testing of this new load carrying system SmL2cIFmiXE-00197-00052453-00052764 known as the L incl OE load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00198-00052765-00053190 equipment LCE began in july 1969 at fort SmL2cIFmiXE-00199-00053191-00053504 benning september 1969 at fort clayton SmL2cIFmiXE-00200-00053505-00053853 october 1969 at Fort Greely and November SmL2cIFmiXE-00201-00053854-00054185 1969 at Fort Lee on the 19th of July SmL2cIFmiXE-00202-00054186-00054513 1969 the infantry team composed of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00203-00054514-00054675 commanding general fort benning SmL2cIFmiXE-00204-00054676-00054837 commanding general of the infantry SmL2cIFmiXE-00205-00054838-00055095 school commanding officer of the combat SmL2cIFmiXE-00206-00055096-00055335 developments Command infantry agency and SmL2cIFmiXE-00207-00055336-00055521 the commanding officer of the infantry SmL2cIFmiXE-00208-00055522-00055728 Board met at Fort Benning to discuss SmL2cIFmiXE-00209-00055729-00055904 improvement of infantry items of SmL2cIFmiXE-00210-00055905-00056184 individual clothing and equipment they SmL2cIFmiXE-00211-00056185-00056583 invited the Lincs seee project officer SmL2cIFmiXE-00212-00056584-00056792 from Natick Laboratories to attend this SmL2cIFmiXE-00213-00056794-00056982 meeting and present the status of load SmL2cIFmiXE-00214-00056983-00057297 carrying equipment items the commanding SmL2cIFmiXE-00215-00057298-00057501 general at Fort Benning was unaware of SmL2cIFmiXE-00216-00057502-00057684 the effort underway to improve the load SmL2cIFmiXE-00217-00057685-00057870 carrying equipment as well as other SmL2cIFmiXE-00218-00057871-00058059 items of individual clothing and SmL2cIFmiXE-00219-00058060-00058491 equipment as a result of the Lincs seee SmL2cIFmiXE-00220-00058491-00058704 project officers attendance at this SmL2cIFmiXE-00221-00058704-00058884 meeting the group established a SmL2cIFmiXE-00222-00058885-00059163 noncommissioned officers and co board to SmL2cIFmiXE-00223-00059164-00059342 suggest improvements to load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00224-00059344-00059622 equipment items the NCO board reviewed SmL2cIFmiXE-00225-00059623-00059646 the SmL2cIFmiXE-00226-00059647-00059997 l incl o ELC e under test as well as the SmL2cIFmiXE-00227-00059998-00060240 MLC e being provided to troops in SmL2cIFmiXE-00228-00060241-00060420 Vietnam and arrived at characteristics SmL2cIFmiXE-00229-00060421-00060671 which they considered desirable as SmL2cIFmiXE-00230-00060672-00061077 testing of the Lincs EE continued a SmL2cIFmiXE-00231-00061078-00061287 number of failures began to occur mostly SmL2cIFmiXE-00232-00061288-00061541 to do with closure devices plastic snap SmL2cIFmiXE-00233-00061542-00061761 fasteners were still being utilized like SmL2cIFmiXE-00234-00061762-00062057 those initially utilized on mlc II items SmL2cIFmiXE-00235-00062058-00062484 by December 1969 all testing stopped for SmL2cIFmiXE-00236-00062485-00062679 re-evaluation of the components of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00237-00062679-00063307 new load carrying system SmL2cIFmiXE-00238-00063308-00064011 topic 1970-1971 SmL2cIFmiXE-00239-00064012-00064349 in January 1970 the infantry board SmL2cIFmiXE-00240-00064350-00064538 completed the evaluation of the load SmL2cIFmiXE-00241-00064539-00064779 carrying equipment and on the 17th of SmL2cIFmiXE-00242-00064779-00065048 March 1970 they held a conference at SmL2cIFmiXE-00243-00065049-00065223 Fort Benning to review the results of SmL2cIFmiXE-00244-00065224-00065519 the evaluation they discussed each item SmL2cIFmiXE-00245-00065520-00065703 evaluated and agreed as to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00246-00065704-00065924 acceptable changes to each load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00247-00065925-00066228 equipment item they also agreed that the SmL2cIFmiXE-00248-00066229-00066512 tests of the first generation Li and CLO SmL2cIFmiXE-00249-00066513-00066737 ELC II should be stopped and new items SmL2cIFmiXE-00250-00066738-00066891 be designed to reflect the SmL2cIFmiXE-00251-00066892-00067104 characteristics developed as a result of SmL2cIFmiXE-00252-00067105-00067347 the evaluations by the NCO board and SmL2cIFmiXE-00253-00067348-00067661 infantry team in a letter to United SmL2cIFmiXE-00254-00067662-00067890 States Army Materiel Command dated the SmL2cIFmiXE-00255-00067891-00068235 15th of April 1970 United States Army SmL2cIFmiXE-00256-00068236-00068438 Combat developments Command described SmL2cIFmiXE-00257-00068439-00068766 the next generation of Li and CLO ELC E SmL2cIFmiXE-00258-00068767-00068954 for service testing based on the SmL2cIFmiXE-00259-00068955-00069240 agreements of the 17th of March 1970 SmL2cIFmiXE-00260-00069241-00069473 meeting the following items were SmL2cIFmiXE-00261-00069474-00069716 recommended when modified as indicated SmL2cIFmiXE-00262-00069717-00070053 belt individual equipment design is SmL2cIFmiXE-00263-00070054-00070319 furnished for evaluation with 2/1 upper SmL2cIFmiXE-00264-00070320-00070511 and one lower rows of eyelets and SmL2cIFmiXE-00265-00070512-00070811 aluminum quick-release buckle also with SmL2cIFmiXE-00266-00070812-00071131 new clinch buckle size adjustment system SmL2cIFmiXE-00267-00071132-00071468 suspenders individual equipment belt m1 SmL2cIFmiXE-00268-00071469-00071697 nine six seven design but with single SmL2cIFmiXE-00269-00071698-00071993 support attachment strap in rear the SmL2cIFmiXE-00270-00071994-00072204 vest combat was eliminated from the SmL2cIFmiXE-00271-00072205-00072431 program due to being over complicated SmL2cIFmiXE-00272-00072432-00072773 and prone to failure carrier entrenching SmL2cIFmiXE-00273-00072774-00073011 tool molded eva version but utilizing SmL2cIFmiXE-00274-00073012-00073316 metal snap closures instead of plastic SmL2cIFmiXE-00275-00073317-00073655 case filled first-aid dressing enlarged SmL2cIFmiXE-00276-00073656-00073904 version of the m1 nine six seven design SmL2cIFmiXE-00277-00073905-00074126 capable of holding two filled first-aid SmL2cIFmiXE-00278-00074127-00074454 dressings also with metal snap closures SmL2cIFmiXE-00279-00074455-00074819 instead of plastic case small arms SmL2cIFmiXE-00280-00074820-00075098 ammunition m1 nine six seven thirty SmL2cIFmiXE-00281-00075099-00075321 round cartridge magazine design but with SmL2cIFmiXE-00282-00075322-00075534 support strap replaced with eyelet to SmL2cIFmiXE-00283-00075535-00075737 attach to individual equipment belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00284-00075738-00076055 suspenders also internal divider flaps SmL2cIFmiXE-00285-00076056-00076278 to keep cartridge magazines separated SmL2cIFmiXE-00286-00076279-00076457 and different method of attaching hand SmL2cIFmiXE-00287-00076458-00076769 grenades to the sights cover water SmL2cIFmiXE-00288-00076770-00077075 canteen m1 nine six seven design but SmL2cIFmiXE-00289-00077076-00077341 utilizing metal snap closures instead of SmL2cIFmiXE-00290-00077342-00077632 plastic also without pile lining and SmL2cIFmiXE-00291-00077633-00077812 openings at the bottom to allow for SmL2cIFmiXE-00292-00077813-00078001 drainage also proposed in the letter SmL2cIFmiXE-00293-00078002-00078196 were improved versions of the small and SmL2cIFmiXE-00294-00078197-00078450 large filled pack and filled pack frame SmL2cIFmiXE-00295-00078451-00078793 during April in June 1970 teams SmL2cIFmiXE-00296-00078794-00079018 fabricated a prototype system of load SmL2cIFmiXE-00297-00079019-00079225 carrying equipment as described in the SmL2cIFmiXE-00298-00079226-00079549 fifteenth of April 1970 letter they SmL2cIFmiXE-00299-00079550-00079738 presented this set of load carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00300-00079739-00079981 equipment to the NCO board and infantry SmL2cIFmiXE-00301-00079982-00080218 team for review at fort benning on 18 to SmL2cIFmiXE-00302-00080219-00080715 19 june 1970 on the 29th of july 1970 SmL2cIFmiXE-00303-00080716-00080899 representatives from the united states SmL2cIFmiXE-00304-00080900-00081151 army combat developments command in the SmL2cIFmiXE-00305-00081152-00081544 Lincs seee project officer met at Natick SmL2cIFmiXE-00306-00081545-00081757 laboratories and drafted a revision of SmL2cIFmiXE-00307-00081758-00082060 the Li and CLO ELC e quantitative SmL2cIFmiXE-00308-00082061-00082264 material requirement as it pertained to SmL2cIFmiXE-00309-00082265-00082444 load carrying equipment including the SmL2cIFmiXE-00310-00082445-00082680 characteristics for each individual item SmL2cIFmiXE-00311-00082681-00082984 this was based primarily on the outcome SmL2cIFmiXE-00312-00082985-00083263 of the 17th of March 1970 meeting with SmL2cIFmiXE-00313-00083264-00083698 one major exception the Lincs C II SmL2cIFmiXE-00314-00083699-00083956 Project Officer a third field pack to SmL2cIFmiXE-00315-00083957-00084247 the system this was a medium field pack SmL2cIFmiXE-00316-00084248-00084463 with a bag made from the nylon tropical SmL2cIFmiXE-00317-00084464-00084721 rucksack modified to meet the NCO board SmL2cIFmiXE-00318-00084722-00084937 requirements for a small field pack by SmL2cIFmiXE-00319-00084938-00085132 adapting it to be worn on the back with SmL2cIFmiXE-00320-00085133-00085447 or without a field pack frame on the 5th SmL2cIFmiXE-00321-00085448-00085774 of October 1970 a design characteristics SmL2cIFmiXE-00322-00085775-00085990 review and prototype system review was SmL2cIFmiXE-00323-00085991-00086203 held at Natick laboratories concerning SmL2cIFmiXE-00324-00086204-00086584 the new Li and CLO ELC II the group SmL2cIFmiXE-00325-00086585-00086767 approved quantitative material SmL2cIFmiXE-00326-00086768-00086872 requirement for the new SmL2cIFmiXE-00327-00086873-00087223 second-generation L incl OE LC e with SmL2cIFmiXE-00328-00087224-00087553 minor changes Natick laboratories SmL2cIFmiXE-00329-00087554-00087733 fabricated 15 sets of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00330-00087734-00088069 second-generation Li and CLO ELC II and SmL2cIFmiXE-00331-00088070-00088219 shipped them to Army European SmL2cIFmiXE-00332-00088220-00088570 headquarters USA re you are the 17th of SmL2cIFmiXE-00333-00088571-00088963 November 1970 for evaluation in December SmL2cIFmiXE-00334-00088964-00089263 1970 the United States Army Support SmL2cIFmiXE-00335-00089264-00089509 Center Virginia fabricated an additional SmL2cIFmiXE-00336-00089510-00089788 300 sets of the second-generation Li and SmL2cIFmiXE-00337-00089789-00090058 CLO ELC E and sent them to Natick SmL2cIFmiXE-00338-00090059-00090271 laboratories for assembly and shipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00339-00090272-00090514 to test sites SmL2cIFmiXE-00340-00090515-00090868 in August 1971 the test sets were sent SmL2cIFmiXE-00341-00090869-00091117 to Fort Benning Fort Greely Fort Devens SmL2cIFmiXE-00342-00091118-00091399 and as requested to the Marine Corps at SmL2cIFmiXE-00343-00091400-00091735 Quantico pretest inspections uncovered a SmL2cIFmiXE-00344-00091736-00091912 number of deficiencies with the field SmL2cIFmiXE-00345-00091913-00092080 packs which were returned to Natick SmL2cIFmiXE-00346-00092081-00092362 laboratories for modification the SmL2cIFmiXE-00347-00092363-00092572 modified items went back to the test SmL2cIFmiXE-00348-00092573-00092854 sites in November 1971 and the service SmL2cIFmiXE-00349-00092855-00093429 tests began SmL2cIFmiXE-00350-00093430-00094163 topic 1972-1973 SmL2cIFmiXE-00351-00094164-00094553 by March 1972 so many deficiencies and SmL2cIFmiXE-00352-00094554-00094730 shortcomings had developed in a load SmL2cIFmiXE-00353-00094731-00094919 carrying equipment that the United SmL2cIFmiXE-00354-00094920-00095159 States Army test & Evaluation command SmL2cIFmiXE-00355-00095160-00095342 requested that the test at Fort Benning SmL2cIFmiXE-00356-00095343-00095573 be suspended until test items could be SmL2cIFmiXE-00357-00095574-00095873 repaired or replaced officials held a SmL2cIFmiXE-00358-00095874-00096068 meeting at Fort Benning on the 6th of SmL2cIFmiXE-00359-00096069-00096422 April 1972 to discuss the failures in SmL2cIFmiXE-00360-00096423-00096611 their discussions they agreed that SmL2cIFmiXE-00361-00096612-00096838 Natick Laboratories would take action to SmL2cIFmiXE-00362-00096839-00097025 correct the problems so the tests could SmL2cIFmiXE-00363-00097026-00097403 resume the 9th of June 1972 most SmL2cIFmiXE-00364-00097404-00097613 deficiencies were found in field packs SmL2cIFmiXE-00365-00097614-00097850 users asked that the inner flaps on the SmL2cIFmiXE-00366-00097851-00098087 small arms ammunition cases be removed SmL2cIFmiXE-00367-00098088-00098275 as they impeded the rapid removal of SmL2cIFmiXE-00368-00098276-00098591 cartridge magazines developers replaced SmL2cIFmiXE-00369-00098592-00098825 these with simple strips of nylon fabric SmL2cIFmiXE-00370-00098826-00099035 to divide the cartridge magazines at SmL2cIFmiXE-00371-00099036-00099380 some point during 1971 the Marine Corps SmL2cIFmiXE-00372-00099381-00099548 found that the small arms ammunition SmL2cIFmiXE-00373-00099549-00099743 case with the divider flaps was SmL2cIFmiXE-00374-00099744-00099947 acceptable and initiated acceptance SmL2cIFmiXE-00375-00099948-00100369 procedures on the 31st of January 1972 SmL2cIFmiXE-00376-00100370-00100655 the army issued military specification SmL2cIFmiXE-00377-00100656-00101032 Millsy to 8 9 8 1 MC and these small SmL2cIFmiXE-00378-00101033-00101225 arms ammunition cases were typed SmL2cIFmiXE-00379-00101226-00101407 classified and assigned the federal SmL2cIFmiXE-00380-00101408-00101648 stock number eight four six five four SmL2cIFmiXE-00381-00101649-00102029 six for 208 for the defense Support SmL2cIFmiXE-00382-00102030-00102359 Agency DSA issued contracts for the item SmL2cIFmiXE-00383-00102360-00102805 for fiscal year 1973 Natick laboratories SmL2cIFmiXE-00384-00102806-00103003 completed the modifications of the test SmL2cIFmiXE-00385-00103004-00103250 items and military aircraft transported SmL2cIFmiXE-00386-00103251-00103428 them to Fort Benning the first of June SmL2cIFmiXE-00387-00103429-00103721 1972 but testing did not resume until SmL2cIFmiXE-00388-00103722-00104126 the 3rd of July 1972 testing finished SmL2cIFmiXE-00389-00104127-00104431 the 18th of August 1972 and the final SmL2cIFmiXE-00390-00104432-00104635 report was received on the 24th of SmL2cIFmiXE-00391-00104636-00105008 November 1972 as a result of the test SmL2cIFmiXE-00392-00105008-00105235 the infantry Board recommended that no SmL2cIFmiXE-00393-00105236-00105443 further development effort be expended SmL2cIFmiXE-00394-00105444-00105614 on the load carrying equipment as a SmL2cIFmiXE-00395-00105615-00106035 system on the 31st of October 1972 SmL2cIFmiXE-00396-00106036-00106274 representatives from Natick Laboratories SmL2cIFmiXE-00397-00106275-00106465 visited Fort Benning to discuss the SmL2cIFmiXE-00398-00106466-00106613 problems which appeared during the SmL2cIFmiXE-00399-00106614-00106814 testing of each item and to arrive at a SmL2cIFmiXE-00400-00106815-00107006 decision whether to continue development SmL2cIFmiXE-00401-00107007-00107279 of each item prior to these final SmL2cIFmiXE-00402-00107280-00107540 meetings the Li and CLO ELC SmL2cIFmiXE-00403-00107541-00107785 components had been typed classified and SmL2cIFmiXE-00404-00107786-00107959 assigned federal stock numbers as SmL2cIFmiXE-00405-00107960-00108374 follows belt individual equipment 8 4 6 SmL2cIFmiXE-00406-00108375-00109127 500 1 6 4 8 7 large 8 2 4 6 500 1 6 4 8 SmL2cIFmiXE-00407-00109128-00109577 8 medium carrier entrenching tool 8 4 6 SmL2cIFmiXE-00408-00109578-00110110 500 one six four seven four case field SmL2cIFmiXE-00409-00110111-00110644 first aid dressing 8 4 6 500 1 6 4 7 3 SmL2cIFmiXE-00410-00110645-00111184 case small arms ammunition 8 4 6 500 1 6 SmL2cIFmiXE-00411-00111185-00111835 4 8 to cover water canteen 8 4 6 500 1 6 SmL2cIFmiXE-00412-00111836-00112250 4 7 to suspenders individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00413-00112251-00112574 belt eight four six five zero one six SmL2cIFmiXE-00414-00112575-00112783 four seven one the three field packs SmL2cIFmiXE-00415-00112784-00113008 were also typed classified and assigned SmL2cIFmiXE-00416-00113009-00113335 federal stock numbers field pack eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00417-00113336-00113683 four six five zero one six four seven SmL2cIFmiXE-00418-00113684-00114143 nine small field pack eight four six 500 SmL2cIFmiXE-00419-00114144-00114566 one six four eight o medium field pack SmL2cIFmiXE-00420-00114567-00114914 eight four six 500 one six four eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00421-00114915-00115172 one large after the final meetings the SmL2cIFmiXE-00422-00115173-00115336 group proposed the following changes SmL2cIFmiXE-00423-00115338-00115718 prior to manufacture belt individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00424-00115719-00115964 equipment adopted but with the standard SmL2cIFmiXE-00425-00115965-00116240 buckle the test item had been equipped SmL2cIFmiXE-00426-00116241-00116458 with the Davis two piece aluminum buckle SmL2cIFmiXE-00427-00116459-00116581 which provided a quick-release SmL2cIFmiXE-00428-00116582-00116951 capability suspenders individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00429-00116952-00117211 equipment belt adopt a set of individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00430-00117213-00117416 equipment belt suspenders similar in SmL2cIFmiXE-00431-00117417-00117641 design to those tested but modified to SmL2cIFmiXE-00432-00117642-00117916 increase adjustability by four inches SmL2cIFmiXE-00433-00117917-00118333 carrier entrenching tool adopted case SmL2cIFmiXE-00434-00118334-00118583 field first aid dressing the panel SmL2cIFmiXE-00435-00118583-00118783 rejected the test item and retained the SmL2cIFmiXE-00436-00118784-00119120 m-19 six seven version the adopted SmL2cIFmiXE-00437-00119121-00119327 characteristics required that this item SmL2cIFmiXE-00438-00119328-00119543 to be of sufficient size to carry to SmL2cIFmiXE-00439-00119544-00119833 field first aid dressings the panel SmL2cIFmiXE-00440-00119834-00120065 determined that the m-19 six seven SmL2cIFmiXE-00441-00120066-00120266 version that accommodated one field SmL2cIFmiXE-00442-00120267-00120614 first aid dressing was acceptable case SmL2cIFmiXE-00443-00120615-00120905 small arms ammunition the group adopted SmL2cIFmiXE-00444-00120906-00120942 the SmL2cIFmiXE-00445-00120943-00121143 all arms ammunition case is tested SmL2cIFmiXE-00446-00121144-00121465 without the internal divider flaps SmL2cIFmiXE-00447-00121466-00121768 cover water canteen the group rejected SmL2cIFmiXE-00448-00121769-00122041 the test item and retained the m-19 six SmL2cIFmiXE-00449-00122042-00122302 seven nylon water canteen cover modified SmL2cIFmiXE-00450-00122303-00122503 by stiffening the closing flaps so that SmL2cIFmiXE-00451-00122504-00122665 they would not collapse and interfere SmL2cIFmiXE-00452-00122666-00122848 with the insertion of the water canteen SmL2cIFmiXE-00453-00122849-00123052 to enlarge the water canteen cover SmL2cIFmiXE-00454-00123053-00123238 somewhat for easier insertion and SmL2cIFmiXE-00455-00123239-00123466 extraction of the water canteen cup to SmL2cIFmiXE-00456-00123467-00123664 add a reinforcement band to the inside SmL2cIFmiXE-00457-00123665-00123844 of the water canteen cover to help SmL2cIFmiXE-00458-00123845-00124021 prevent the lip of the water canteen cup SmL2cIFmiXE-00459-00124022-00124231 from rubbing through and add a grommet SmL2cIFmiXE-00460-00124232-00124516 drain hole in the bottom as requested by SmL2cIFmiXE-00461-00124517-00124765 the NCO board the test cover was made SmL2cIFmiXE-00462-00124766-00124978 without a pile liner whose purpose was SmL2cIFmiXE-00463-00124979-00125197 to provide evaporative cooling and with SmL2cIFmiXE-00464-00125198-00125383 openings in the bottom to provide better SmL2cIFmiXE-00465-00125383-00125566 drainage and to make extraction of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00466-00125567-00125890 water canteen cup easier however the SmL2cIFmiXE-00467-00125891-00126118 test indicated that the pile liner added SmL2cIFmiXE-00468-00126119-00126313 shape to the water canteen cover and SmL2cIFmiXE-00469-00126314-00126505 kept it from collapsing completely when SmL2cIFmiXE-00470-00126506-00126703 empty making insertion of the water SmL2cIFmiXE-00471-00126704-00127030 canteen cup much easier the tests also SmL2cIFmiXE-00472-00127031-00127201 determined that the openings in the SmL2cIFmiXE-00473-00127202-00127429 bottom constituted a camouflage hazard SmL2cIFmiXE-00474-00127430-00127588 as the metal of the water canteen cup SmL2cIFmiXE-00475-00127589-00127855 bottom was exposed the group accepted SmL2cIFmiXE-00476-00127856-00128044 the medium and large field packs with SmL2cIFmiXE-00477-00128045-00128266 minor modifications but rejected the SmL2cIFmiXE-00478-00128267-00128508 small field pack as unnecessary SmL2cIFmiXE-00479-00128508-00128746 retesting of the modified medium and SmL2cIFmiXE-00480-00128747-00128958 large field packs were conducted at fort SmL2cIFmiXE-00481-00128959-00129175 benning during the 27th of November SmL2cIFmiXE-00482-00129176-00129541 through the 18th of December 1972 the SmL2cIFmiXE-00483-00129542-00129715 tests showed that the deficiencies in SmL2cIFmiXE-00484-00129716-00129877 shortcomings of the field packs SmL2cIFmiXE-00485-00129878-00130096 previously reported had been corrected SmL2cIFmiXE-00486-00130097-00130321 the formal development acceptance diva SmL2cIFmiXE-00487-00130322-00130686 review on the Lincs EE occurred at SmL2cIFmiXE-00488-00130688-00130953 Natick laboratories the 17th of January SmL2cIFmiXE-00489-00130954-00131320 1973 the panel members agreed by SmL2cIFmiXE-00490-00131321-00131548 consensus that the components be type SmL2cIFmiXE-00491-00131549-00131827 classified as standard a after SmL2cIFmiXE-00492-00131828-00132055 acceptance the individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00493-00132056-00132361 system was given the designation m1 972 SmL2cIFmiXE-00494-00132362-00132655 light weight load carrying equipment LLC SmL2cIFmiXE-00495-00132656-00133054 e the defense Support Agency DSA began SmL2cIFmiXE-00496-00133055-00133258 issuing contracts for the components of SmL2cIFmiXE-00497-00133259-00133465 the new individual equipment system for SmL2cIFmiXE-00498-00133466-00133777 fiscal year 1974 which began the 1st of SmL2cIFmiXE-00499-00133778-00134191 july 1973 after the DSA issued the SmL2cIFmiXE-00500-00134192-00134404 initial contracts the individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00501-00134405-00134565 equipment system was re-designated SmL2cIFmiXE-00502-00134566-00134779 all-purpose lightweight individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00503-00134780-00134850 carrying SmL2cIFmiXE-00504-00134851-00135039 equipment Alice and the use of year SmL2cIFmiXE-00505-00135040-00135747 model designations officially ceased SmL2cIFmiXE-00506-00135748-00136244 topic current SmL2cIFmiXE-00507-00136245-00136498 the Allis system has been phased out of SmL2cIFmiXE-00508-00136499-00136645 all active and Reserve Component SmL2cIFmiXE-00509-00136646-00136934 Lutheran Army National Guard units in SmL2cIFmiXE-00510-00136935-00137227 the Army basic and advanced individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00511-00137228-00137602 training units to include OCS ROTC and SmL2cIFmiXE-00512-00137603-00137887 USM a use the current Maul equipment in SmL2cIFmiXE-00513-00137888-00138112 the digital universal camouflage pattern SmL2cIFmiXE-00514-00138113-00138499 UCP alles was succeeded by generation SmL2cIFmiXE-00515-00138500-00138727 I'm all equipment Moll I was then SmL2cIFmiXE-00516-00138728-00138991 replaced by Moll to which unlike Moll I SmL2cIFmiXE-00517-00138992-00139216 is strictly for the Army's Army Combat SmL2cIFmiXE-00518-00139217-00139312 Uniform SmL2cIFmiXE-00519-00139313-00139587 ACU instead of the battle dress uniform SmL2cIFmiXE-00520-00139588-00140022 BDU and desert camouflage uniform DCU SmL2cIFmiXE-00521-00140023-00140374 the Navy and USAF use Allis gear for SmL2cIFmiXE-00522-00140375-00140563 ground personnel as well although the SmL2cIFmiXE-00523-00140564-00140831 USAF is phasing out Alice in favor of SmL2cIFmiXE-00524-00140832-00141148 Moll the Marine Corps still issues the SmL2cIFmiXE-00525-00141149-00141325 medium Alice pack for some radio SmL2cIFmiXE-00526-00141326-00141661 operators both it in a large variant can SmL2cIFmiXE-00527-00141662-00141940 still be found with n ROTC units who SmL2cIFmiXE-00528-00141941-00142141 trained marine officers in addition to SmL2cIFmiXE-00529-00142142-00142481 Navy officers active-duty training units SmL2cIFmiXE-00530-00142482-00142694 recruit training school of infantry SmL2cIFmiXE-00531-00142695-00142963 Officer Candidate School the basic SmL2cIFmiXE-00532-00142964-00143147 school and deployable units have SmL2cIFmiXE-00533-00143148-00143314 switched over to the new family of SmL2cIFmiXE-00534-00143315-00143587 improved load bearing equipment USMC SmL2cIFmiXE-00535-00143588-00143824 pack or the slightly older improved load SmL2cIFmiXE-00536-00143825-00144235 bearing equipment ilbe system MARSOC SmL2cIFmiXE-00537-00144236-00144470 makes extensive use of Alice or modified SmL2cIFmiXE-00538-00144471-00144715 Alice malice packs for ruck running SmL2cIFmiXE-00539-00144716-00144904 events in training assessment and SmL2cIFmiXE-00540-00144905-00145123 selection initial training course and SmL2cIFmiXE-00541-00145124-00145382 Special Operations training course pre SmL2cIFmiXE-00542-00145383-00145591 deployment evaluations and the Raider SmL2cIFmiXE-00543-00145592-00145943 games small maneuver elements which rely SmL2cIFmiXE-00544-00145944-00146108 on lightweight pack design and SmL2cIFmiXE-00545-00146109-00146326 durability still use Alice packs today SmL2cIFmiXE-00546-00146327-00146524 iranian military and law enforcement SmL2cIFmiXE-00547-00146525-00146846 still make heavy use of alice mlc and SmL2cIFmiXE-00548-00146847-00147076 LCE gear but they are switching to mall SmL2cIFmiXE-00549-00147077-00147383 equipment specifically IRGC and Army SmL2cIFmiXE-00550-00147384-00147584 Special Forces because of being more SmL2cIFmiXE-00551-00147585-00147818 modular into AI ifs for being more SmL2cIFmiXE-00552-00147819-00148404 lightweight SmL2cIFmiXE-00553-00148405-00149056 topic fighting and existence loads SmL2cIFmiXE-00554-00149057-00149329 the Allis system retains the concept of SmL2cIFmiXE-00555-00149330-00149509 separate fighting and existence loads SmL2cIFmiXE-00556-00149510-00149758 that was refined in the mid 1950s during SmL2cIFmiXE-00557-00149759-00150046 the development of the LC II the most SmL2cIFmiXE-00558-00150047-00150220 important point in the fighting and SmL2cIFmiXE-00559-00150221-00150424 existence loads concept is that an SmL2cIFmiXE-00560-00150425-00150628 infantry rifleman should carry only the SmL2cIFmiXE-00561-00150629-00150802 items necessary to complete the SmL2cIFmiXE-00562-00150803-00151081 immediate mission at hand the load an SmL2cIFmiXE-00563-00151082-00151270 infantry rifleman carries should not SmL2cIFmiXE-00564-00151271-00151435 include any other item that can be SmL2cIFmiXE-00565-00151436-00151699 carried another way because the type of SmL2cIFmiXE-00566-00151700-00151933 mission terrain and environmental SmL2cIFmiXE-00567-00151934-00152116 conditions will influence the clothing SmL2cIFmiXE-00568-00152117-00152284 and individual equipment requirements SmL2cIFmiXE-00569-00152285-00152530 the unit commander may prescribe to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00570-00152531-00152742 infantry rifleman the essential items SmL2cIFmiXE-00571-00152743-00152992 the prime purpose of the fighting and SmL2cIFmiXE-00572-00152993-00153220 existence loads concept as to lighten an SmL2cIFmiXE-00573-00153221-00153541 infantry rifleman x' load the typical SmL2cIFmiXE-00574-00153542-00153742 individual fighting load is made up of SmL2cIFmiXE-00575-00153743-00153976 essential items of clothing individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00576-00153977-00154240 equipment small arms and small arms SmL2cIFmiXE-00577-00154241-00154441 ammunition that are carried by and are SmL2cIFmiXE-00578-00154442-00154636 essential to the effectiveness of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00579-00154637-00154825 combat infantry rifleman and the SmL2cIFmiXE-00580-00154826-00155005 accomplishment of the immediate mission SmL2cIFmiXE-00581-00155006-00155194 of the unit when the infantry rifleman SmL2cIFmiXE-00582-00155195-00155482 is on foot normally these items are SmL2cIFmiXE-00583-00155483-00155692 carried on the individual equipment belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00584-00155693-00155961 and individual equipment belt suspenders SmL2cIFmiXE-00585-00155962-00156259 the typical individual existence load SmL2cIFmiXE-00586-00156260-00156466 consists of items other than those in SmL2cIFmiXE-00587-00156467-00156643 the individual fighting load which are SmL2cIFmiXE-00588-00156644-00156841 required to sustain or protect the SmL2cIFmiXE-00589-00156842-00157039 infantry rifleman which may be necessary SmL2cIFmiXE-00590-00157040-00157264 for the infantry rifleman x' increased SmL2cIFmiXE-00591-00157265-00157492 personal and environmental protection in SmL2cIFmiXE-00592-00157493-00157693 which the infantry rifleman normally SmL2cIFmiXE-00593-00157694-00157966 would not carry when possible the SmL2cIFmiXE-00594-00157967-00158182 individual existence load items are SmL2cIFmiXE-00595-00158183-00158365 transported by means other than man SmL2cIFmiXE-00596-00158366-00158653 carry otherwise both the fighting and SmL2cIFmiXE-00597-00158654-00158812 existence loads are carried by the SmL2cIFmiXE-00598-00158813-00159121 infantry rifleman individual existence SmL2cIFmiXE-00599-00159122-00159349 load items are usually carried in the SmL2cIFmiXE-00600-00159350-00159896 field pack SmL2cIFmiXE-00601-00159897-00160531 topic fighting load components SmL2cIFmiXE-00602-00160532-00160807 the Allis system fighting load comprises SmL2cIFmiXE-00603-00160808-00161173 the following components belt individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00604-00161174-00161509 equipment LC one n SN eight four six SmL2cIFmiXE-00605-00161510-00161833 five oh oh oh oh one six four eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00606-00161834-00162301 seven series carrier entrenching tool LC SmL2cIFmiXE-00607-00162302-00162667 one n SN eight four six five oh oh oh oh SmL2cIFmiXE-00608-00162668-00163102 one six four seven four case field SmL2cIFmiXE-00609-00163103-00163585 first-aid dressing LC one n SN 8 4 6 500 SmL2cIFmiXE-00610-00163586-00164059 nine three five six eight one four case SmL2cIFmiXE-00611-00164060-00164461 small arms ammunition LC one n SN eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00612-00164462-00164842 four six five oh oh oh oh one six four SmL2cIFmiXE-00613-00164843-00165370 eight to cover water canteen LC one n SN SmL2cIFmiXE-00614-00165371-00165688 eight four six five zero eight six zero SmL2cIFmiXE-00615-00165689-00166132 two five six suspenders individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00616-00166133-00166498 equipment belt LC one n SN eight four SmL2cIFmiXE-00617-00166499-00166855 six five oh oh oh oh one six four seven SmL2cIFmiXE-00618-00166856-00167140 one belt individual equipment the SmL2cIFmiXE-00619-00167141-00167365 individual equipment belt is constructed SmL2cIFmiXE-00620-00167366-00167593 of army shades seven olive drab nylon SmL2cIFmiXE-00621-00167594-00167761 webbing with black chemical finish SmL2cIFmiXE-00622-00167762-00167998 adjusting buckles keepers and a belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00623-00167999-00168283 buckle the medium-sized individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00624-00168284-00168586 equipment belt NS n eight four six five SmL2cIFmiXE-00625-00168587-00168919 oh oh oh oh one six four eight eight is SmL2cIFmiXE-00626-00168920-00169135 for soldiers with waists measuring under SmL2cIFmiXE-00627-00169136-00169468 30 inches 76 centimeters and size large SmL2cIFmiXE-00628-00169469-00169861 n SN eight four six five oh oh oh oh one SmL2cIFmiXE-00629-00169862-00170098 six four eight seven is for those with SmL2cIFmiXE-00630-00170099-00170368 waists measuring 30 inches 76 SmL2cIFmiXE-00631-00170369-00170674 centimeters or over the individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00632-00170675-00170890 equipment belt is adjusted from each end SmL2cIFmiXE-00633-00170891-00171085 by means of clamp type buckles which SmL2cIFmiXE-00634-00171086-00171295 slide on the individual equipment belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00635-00171296-00171625 when open the individual equipment items SmL2cIFmiXE-00636-00171626-00171844 are attached by interlocking belt strap SmL2cIFmiXE-00637-00171845-00172012 keepers or are hooked through eyelets SmL2cIFmiXE-00638-00172013-00172180 along the bottom of the individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00639-00172181-00172486 equipment belt the eyelets along the top SmL2cIFmiXE-00640-00172487-00172699 of the individual equipment belt are for SmL2cIFmiXE-00641-00172700-00172906 attaching the individual equipment belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00642-00172907-00173266 suspenders in 1981 the new belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00643-00173267-00173599 individual equipment LC 2 is introduced SmL2cIFmiXE-00644-00173600-00173761 with the green plastic quick-release SmL2cIFmiXE-00645-00173762-00173913 buckle and is assigned an SmL2cIFmiXE-00646-00173914-00174078 National Stock number eight four six SmL2cIFmiXE-00647-00174079-00174447 five oh one one two oh oh six seven for SmL2cIFmiXE-00648-00174448-00174711 medium and eight four six five oh one SmL2cIFmiXE-00649-00174712-00175107 one two oh oh six seven five large SmL2cIFmiXE-00650-00175108-00175413 carrier entrenching tool the entrenching SmL2cIFmiXE-00651-00175414-00175606 tool carrier is molded of Eva and the SmL2cIFmiXE-00652-00175607-00175821 top flap is secured by means of two SmL2cIFmiXE-00653-00175822-00176133 metal snap fasteners it attaches to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00654-00176134-00176349 individual equipment belt by means of SmL2cIFmiXE-00655-00176350-00176547 two belt strap keepers with interlocking SmL2cIFmiXE-00656-00176548-00176871 slides the entrenching tool carrier is SmL2cIFmiXE-00657-00176872-00177051 designed to accommodate the lightweight SmL2cIFmiXE-00658-00177052-00177336 collapsible entrenching tool hand NSN SmL2cIFmiXE-00659-00177337-00177627 five one two oh oh oh eight seven eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00660-00177628-00177960 five nine three two case filled SmL2cIFmiXE-00661-00177961-00178195 first-aid dressing the field first-aid SmL2cIFmiXE-00662-00178196-00178395 dressing case is constructed of Army SmL2cIFmiXE-00663-00178396-00178681 shade 106 olive green water repellent SmL2cIFmiXE-00664-00178682-00178993 treated seven point two five ounces 206 SmL2cIFmiXE-00665-00178994-00179313 grams nylon duck it is eight and a half SmL2cIFmiXE-00666-00179314-00179616 inches 22 centimeters long with flap SmL2cIFmiXE-00667-00179617-00179814 open approximately four and a half SmL2cIFmiXE-00668-00179815-00180138 inches 11 centimeters wide and forms a SmL2cIFmiXE-00669-00180139-00180399 four inches 10 centimeters deep pocket SmL2cIFmiXE-00670-00180400-00180687 it has a metal snap type fastener SmL2cIFmiXE-00671-00180688-00180834 closure and is attached to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00672-00180835-00181071 individual equipment belt or individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00673-00181072-00181270 equipment belt suspenders by a belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00674-00181271-00181575 strap keeper with interlocking slide the SmL2cIFmiXE-00675-00181576-00181768 field first aid dressing case is SmL2cIFmiXE-00676-00181769-00181929 designed to accommodate either the SmL2cIFmiXE-00677-00181930-00182281 dressing first-aid field NSN six five SmL2cIFmiXE-00678-00182282-00182632 100 oh one five nine four eight eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00679-00182633-00182925 three or the compass magnetic unmounted SmL2cIFmiXE-00680-00182926-00183382 NSN six six o 500 one five one five SmL2cIFmiXE-00681-00183383-00183753 three three seven case small arms SmL2cIFmiXE-00682-00183754-00183954 ammunition the small arms ammunition SmL2cIFmiXE-00683-00183955-00184185 case is designed to accommodate three SmL2cIFmiXE-00684-00184186-00184521 thirty round magazine cartridge NSN 100 SmL2cIFmiXE-00685-00184522-00184953 500 nine to one 500 for used with the SmL2cIFmiXE-00686-00184954-00185496 rifle 5.56 millimeter m16a1 it is SmL2cIFmiXE-00687-00185497-00185703 constructed of nylon duct and webbing SmL2cIFmiXE-00688-00185704-00185898 with polyester sheet stiffeners in the SmL2cIFmiXE-00689-00185899-00186108 front rear and lid of the small arms SmL2cIFmiXE-00690-00186109-00186426 ammunition case each cartridge magazine SmL2cIFmiXE-00691-00186427-00186585 is held in place by means of SmL2cIFmiXE-00692-00186586-00186786 three-quarters inch one point nine SmL2cIFmiXE-00693-00186787-00187023 centimeters wide webbing spacers which SmL2cIFmiXE-00694-00187024-00187191 cross the top of the small arms SmL2cIFmiXE-00695-00187192-00187338 ammunition SmL2cIFmiXE-00696-00187339-00187604 the lid is closed by means of a plastic SmL2cIFmiXE-00697-00187605-00187857 latch grenade carrying pockets are SmL2cIFmiXE-00698-00187858-00188070 located on each side of the small arms SmL2cIFmiXE-00699-00188071-00188259 ammunition case which are secured by SmL2cIFmiXE-00700-00188260-00188481 means of a nylon web strap and metal SmL2cIFmiXE-00701-00188482-00188769 snap fastener a tab with a metal eyelet SmL2cIFmiXE-00702-00188770-00188997 is located at the top back of the small SmL2cIFmiXE-00703-00188998-00189186 arms ammunition case to which the SmL2cIFmiXE-00704-00189187-00189408 individual equipment belt suspenders are SmL2cIFmiXE-00705-00189409-00189728 attached the small arms ammunition case SmL2cIFmiXE-00706-00189729-00189921 is attached to the individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00707-00189922-00190131 belt by belt strap keepers with SmL2cIFmiXE-00708-00190132-00190515 interlocking slides cover water canteen SmL2cIFmiXE-00709-00190516-00190770 the water canteen cover is fabricated of SmL2cIFmiXE-00710-00190771-00190991 nylon cloth and webbing and acrylic pile SmL2cIFmiXE-00711-00190992-00191313 liner material the two flap closure is SmL2cIFmiXE-00712-00191314-00191561 secured by means of metal snap fasteners SmL2cIFmiXE-00713-00191562-00191835 there is a small pocket on the front of SmL2cIFmiXE-00714-00191836-00191965 the cover for carrying water SmL2cIFmiXE-00715-00191966-00192276 purification tablets the lid of this SmL2cIFmiXE-00716-00192277-00192507 small pocket is secured by means of hook SmL2cIFmiXE-00717-00192508-00192774 and pile fastener tape the cover SmL2cIFmiXE-00718-00192775-00192963 attaches to the individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00719-00192964-00193218 belt by means of two belt strap keepers SmL2cIFmiXE-00720-00193219-00193478 with interlocking slides the water SmL2cIFmiXE-00721-00193479-00193677 canteen cover is designed to accommodate SmL2cIFmiXE-00722-00193678-00193983 the canteen water NSN eight four six SmL2cIFmiXE-00723-00193984-00194337 five zero eight eight nine three four SmL2cIFmiXE-00724-00194338-00194748 seven seven in 1975 the LC one SmL2cIFmiXE-00725-00194749-00194958 designation for the water canteen cover SmL2cIFmiXE-00726-00194959-00195203 is changed to LC 2 due to some minor SmL2cIFmiXE-00727-00195204-00195537 design changes the national stock number SmL2cIFmiXE-00728-00195538-00195906 remains the same suspenders individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00729-00195907-00196131 equipment belt the individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00730-00196132-00196371 belt suspenders are y-shaped with three SmL2cIFmiXE-00731-00196372-00196581 adjusting straps but four points of SmL2cIFmiXE-00732-00196582-00196761 attachment to the individual equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00733-00196762-00197112 belt and small arms ammunition cases the SmL2cIFmiXE-00734-00197113-00197315 shoulder straps are padded with spacer SmL2cIFmiXE-00735-00197316-00197591 cloth each shoulder strap has a web loop SmL2cIFmiXE-00736-00197592-00197778 and a non-slip buckle on each of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00737-00197779-00197952 straps in the front and one at the back SmL2cIFmiXE-00738-00197953-00198166 through which the adjusting straps pass SmL2cIFmiXE-00739-00198167-00198477 there are rectangular wire loops located SmL2cIFmiXE-00740-00198478-00198657 between the web loops and the buckles on SmL2cIFmiXE-00741-00198658-00198957 the front of the straps the 1 inch 2.5 SmL2cIFmiXE-00742-00198958-00199263 centimeters wide adjusting straps have SmL2cIFmiXE-00743-00199264-00199578 side retaining snap hooks at one end the SmL2cIFmiXE-00744-00199579-00199790 back adjusting strap has an inverted V SmL2cIFmiXE-00745-00199791-00200013 of which each end has a side retaining SmL2cIFmiXE-00746-00200014-00200295 snap hook each of the adjusting straps SmL2cIFmiXE-00747-00200296-00200544 has a loop around it made of 1 inch 2.5 SmL2cIFmiXE-00748-00200545-00200715 centimeters SmL2cIFmiXE-00749-00200716-00201120 plastic material in 1991 the individual SmL2cIFmiXE-00750-00201121-00201345 equipment belt suspenders re-designated SmL2cIFmiXE-00751-00201346-00201657 lc2 with no major modifications minor SmL2cIFmiXE-00752-00201658-00201876 modifications include the use of steel SmL2cIFmiXE-00753-00201877-00202086 instead of brass for the four side SmL2cIFmiXE-00754-00202087-00202308 retaining snap hooks and the two metal SmL2cIFmiXE-00755-00202309-00202665 loops or D rings on the front side of SmL2cIFmiXE-00756-00202666-00203264 the shoulder straps SmL2cIFmiXE-00757-00203265-00203927 topic existence load components SmL2cIFmiXE-00758-00203928-00204146 the Alice system existence load SmL2cIFmiXE-00759-00204147-00204479 comprises the following components cover SmL2cIFmiXE-00760-00204480-00204841 field pack n SN eight four six five SmL2cIFmiXE-00761-00204842-00205130 oh oh oh oh one six four seven eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00762-00205131-00205655 white field pack LC 1 medium n SN eight SmL2cIFmiXE-00763-00205656-00206027 four six five oh oh oh oh one six four SmL2cIFmiXE-00764-00206028-00206464 eight oh with liners field pack LC one SmL2cIFmiXE-00765-00206465-00206828 large n SN eight four six five oh oh oh SmL2cIFmiXE-00766-00206829-00207186 oh one six four eight one with liners SmL2cIFmiXE-00767-00207187-00207814 frame field pack LC 1 NS n 8 4 6 5 oh oh SmL2cIFmiXE-00768-00207815-00208121 oh oh one six four seven five black SmL2cIFmiXE-00769-00208121-00208711 metal shelf cargo support LC 1 NS n 8 4 SmL2cIFmiXE-00770-00208712-00209187 6 5 oh oh oh oh one six four seven six SmL2cIFmiXE-00771-00209188-00209813 strap webbing M 1 9 6 7 NS n 8 4 6 5 oh SmL2cIFmiXE-00772-00209814-00210176 oh oh oh oh one six four seven 7 cargo SmL2cIFmiXE-00773-00210177-00210833 strap strap webbing LC 1 NS n 8 4 6 500 SmL2cIFmiXE-00774-00210834-00211187 two six nine oh four eight Oh lower back SmL2cIFmiXE-00775-00211188-00211894 strap strap webbing LC 1 NS n 8 4 6 500 SmL2cIFmiXE-00776-00211894-00212396 269 four eight one waist strap strap SmL2cIFmiXE-00777-00212396-00213098 webbing LC 1 NS n 8 4 6 500 two 6900 4 8 SmL2cIFmiXE-00778-00213098-00213421 - left shoulder strap with quick release SmL2cIFmiXE-00779-00213421-00214154 strap webbing LC 1 NS n 8 4 6 500 - 6900 SmL2cIFmiXE-00780-00214155-00214442 4 8 3 right shoulder strap without quick SmL2cIFmiXE-00781-00214442-00214691 release field pack medium the field pack SmL2cIFmiXE-00782-00214692-00214910 is made of water-repellent treated nylon SmL2cIFmiXE-00783-00214911-00215198 duct and webbing spacer fabric and metal SmL2cIFmiXE-00784-00215198-00215459 hardware it can be used with or without SmL2cIFmiXE-00785-00215460-00215801 the LC 1 field pack frame the main SmL2cIFmiXE-00786-00215802-00215996 compartment closes by means of a SmL2cIFmiXE-00787-00215996-00216203 drawstring secured by a plastic cord SmL2cIFmiXE-00788-00216204-00216530 clamp a radio pocket is located against SmL2cIFmiXE-00789-00216531-00216764 the back on the inside the size of the SmL2cIFmiXE-00790-00216765-00216967 pack may be decreased for smaller loads SmL2cIFmiXE-00791-00216969-00217229 by means of three paracord ties stitch SmL2cIFmiXE-00792-00217230-00217307 to the inside SmL2cIFmiXE-00793-00217308-00217517 bottom of the pack and three metal D SmL2cIFmiXE-00794-00217517-00217703 rings located directly below the SmL2cIFmiXE-00795-00217704-00218017 internal radio pocket three pockets on SmL2cIFmiXE-00796-00218019-00218189 the outside with strap and buckle SmL2cIFmiXE-00797-00218190-00218390 adjustable closures and with snap SmL2cIFmiXE-00798-00218391-00218642 fasteners for quick access are provided SmL2cIFmiXE-00799-00218642-00218966 for miscellaneous items the top flap has SmL2cIFmiXE-00800-00218967-00219179 a pocket with a hook and pile fastener SmL2cIFmiXE-00801-00219180-00219473 tape sealed closure equipment hangars SmL2cIFmiXE-00802-00219473-00219694 are located above each outside pocket SmL2cIFmiXE-00803-00219696-00219980 and on each site drainage eyelets are SmL2cIFmiXE-00804-00219981-00220130 provided in the bottom of the main SmL2cIFmiXE-00805-00220131-00220387 compartment and the outside pockets an SmL2cIFmiXE-00806-00220388-00220628 envelope pocket is located at the top SmL2cIFmiXE-00807-00220629-00220873 back of the pack and padded with spacer SmL2cIFmiXE-00808-00220875-00221081 cloth into which the filled pack frame SmL2cIFmiXE-00809-00221082-00221267 is inserted when the filled pack is used SmL2cIFmiXE-00810-00221267-00221564 on the field pack frame buckles and SmL2cIFmiXE-00811-00221565-00221756 straps at each side near the bottom are SmL2cIFmiXE-00812-00221757-00221936 used for anchoring the filled pack to SmL2cIFmiXE-00813-00221937-00222223 the field pack frame two rectangular SmL2cIFmiXE-00814-00222225-00222425 wire loops located at the top back of SmL2cIFmiXE-00815-00222426-00222656 the field pack and d-rings on each side SmL2cIFmiXE-00816-00222657-00222848 at the bottom of the field pack are used SmL2cIFmiXE-00817-00222848-00223021 to provide shoulder strap attachment SmL2cIFmiXE-00818-00223023-00223211 when the field pack is carried without SmL2cIFmiXE-00819-00223212-00223544 the field pack frame a waterproof bag is SmL2cIFmiXE-00820-00223544-00223717 supplied for the main compartment in SmL2cIFmiXE-00821-00223719-00223904 each of the three outside pockets for SmL2cIFmiXE-00822-00223905-00224261 keeping equipment dry field pack large SmL2cIFmiXE-00823-00224262-00224477 the construction and materials in the SmL2cIFmiXE-00824-00224478-00224666 large field pack are similar to the SmL2cIFmiXE-00825-00224667-00224855 medium field pack with the differences SmL2cIFmiXE-00826-00224856-00225098 being it is much larger in size the SmL2cIFmiXE-00827-00225098-00225308 center outside pocket is larger than the SmL2cIFmiXE-00828-00225309-00225527 other two main outside pockets and the SmL2cIFmiXE-00829-00225528-00225748 addition of three small outside pockets SmL2cIFmiXE-00830-00225750-00226055 above the larger pockets the large field SmL2cIFmiXE-00831-00226056-00226313 pack must be used with the lc1 field SmL2cIFmiXE-00832-00226314-00226712 pack frame frame field pack the field SmL2cIFmiXE-00833-00226713-00226916 pack frame is used as a mount for either SmL2cIFmiXE-00834-00226917-00227135 the medium field pack or the large field SmL2cIFmiXE-00835-00227136-00227471 pack the frame when requisitioned comes SmL2cIFmiXE-00836-00227471-00227750 with all straps the frame is of aluminum SmL2cIFmiXE-00837-00227751-00228140 construction shelf cargo support the SmL2cIFmiXE-00838-00228141-00228359 cargo support shelf is used to support SmL2cIFmiXE-00839-00228360-00228626 bulky loads such as water gasoline and SmL2cIFmiXE-00840-00228627-00228946 ammunition cans field rations and radios SmL2cIFmiXE-00841-00228946-00229432 the Shelf is of aluminum construction in SmL2cIFmiXE-00842-00229433-00229673 1977 the following existence load SmL2cIFmiXE-00843-00229673-00229850 equipment items are introduced as SmL2cIFmiXE-00844-00229851-00230081 replacements after modifications due to SmL2cIFmiXE-00845-00230082-00230267 defects in the original equipments SmL2cIFmiXE-00846-00230267-00230683 design field pack LC - medium SmL2cIFmiXE-00847-00230684-00231241 SN 8 4 6 5 o 101 9 9 1 0 2 with new SmL2cIFmiXE-00848-00231242-00231685 buckles and no liners filled pack LC 2 SmL2cIFmiXE-00849-00231686-00232309 large n SN 8 4 6 5 o 101 9 9 1 o 3 with SmL2cIFmiXE-00850-00232310-00232663 new buckles and no liners frame filled SmL2cIFmiXE-00851-00232664-00233425 pack LC 2 n SN 8 4 6 5 o 107 3 8 3 to 6 SmL2cIFmiXE-00852-00233426-00233986 Green aluminum strap webbing LC 2 n SN 8 SmL2cIFmiXE-00853-00233987-00234454 4 6 5 o 107 five eight one six four SmL2cIFmiXE-00854-00234455-00234819 lower back strap and waist strap strap SmL2cIFmiXE-00855-00234821-00235288 webbing LC 2 n SN 8 four six five oh one SmL2cIFmiXE-00856-00235289-00235651 one five one two eight nine one frame SmL2cIFmiXE-00857-00235652-00236194 attaching strap strap webbing LC 2 n SN SmL2cIFmiXE-00858-00236194-00236662 eight four six five oh one o 7 8 9 - 8 - SmL2cIFmiXE-00859-00236663-00237313 right shoulder strap with quick-release SmL2cIFmiXE-00860-00237314-00237921 topic see also SmL2cIFmiXE-00861-00237923-00238219 m1910 web canvass and equipment a belt SmL2cIFmiXE-00862-00238221-00238423 and suspenders system used during World SmL2cIFmiXE-00863-00238425-00238838 War one in World War 2 m1 nine five six SmL2cIFmiXE-00864-00238839-00239069 load carrying equipment and older style SmL2cIFmiXE-00865-00239069-00239419 equipment system m1 nine six seven SmL2cIFmiXE-00866-00239421-00239656 modernized load carrying equipment or SmL2cIFmiXE-00867-00239657-00239985 mlc II and improved equipment system SmL2cIFmiXE-00868-00239986-00240266 individual integrated fighting system or SmL2cIFmiXE-00869-00240267-00240559 I ifs a modernized system and proposed SmL2cIFmiXE-00870-00240560-00240871 replacement modular lightweight load SmL2cIFmiXE-00871-00240873-00241084 carrying equipment or Maul a newer SmL2cIFmiXE-00872-00241085-00241481 modernized system used by the US Army SmL2cIFmiXE-00873-00241482-00241766 Coria hey temp X used by the Argentine SmL2cIFmiXE-00874-00241767-00242096 army improved load-bearing equipment SmL2cIFmiXE-00875-00242096-00242621 ilbe issued to USMC in the 2010s webbing SmL2cIFmiXE-00876-00242621-00242879 equipment SmbzH_lZHmE-00000-00000010-00000281 the phonology of Faroese has an SmbzH_lZHmE-00001-00000282-00000463 inventory similar to the closely related SmbzH_lZHmE-00002-00000463-00000677 Icelandic language but markedly SmbzH_lZHmE-00003-00000678-00000872 different processes differentiate the SmbzH_lZHmE-00004-00000873-00001181 two similarities include an aspiration SmbzH_lZHmE-00005-00001182-00001375 contrast in stop consonants the SmbzH_lZHmE-00006-00001376-00001570 retention of front rounded vowels and SmbzH_lZHmE-00007-00001571-00001802 vowels instead of vowel length SmbzH_lZHmE-00008-00001803-00002384 distinctions SmbzH_lZHmE-00009-00002385-00002893 topic vowels SmbzH_lZHmE-00010-00002894-00003304 why and I appear only in loanwords the SmbzH_lZHmE-00011-00003304-00003586 long mid vowels II Oh stroke Oh tend to SmbzH_lZHmE-00012-00003586-00003775 be diphthong eyes to eat till de Oh SmbzH_lZHmE-00013-00003776-00004029 stroke tilde Oh stroke Oh tilde Oh as SmbzH_lZHmE-00014-00004030-00004258 with other Germanic languages Faroese SmbzH_lZHmE-00015-00004259-00004477 has a large number of vowel phonemes by SmbzH_lZHmE-00016-00004478-00004693 one analysis long and short vowels may SmbzH_lZHmE-00017-00004694-00004947 be considered separate phonemes with 26 SmbzH_lZHmE-00018-00004948-00005242 in total vowel distribution is similar SmbzH_lZHmE-00019-00005243-00005443 to other North Germanic languages in SmbzH_lZHmE-00020-00005444-00005617 that short vowels appear in closed SmbzH_lZHmE-00021-00005618-00005815 syllables those ending and consonant SmbzH_lZHmE-00022-00005816-00006007 clusters are long consonants and long SmbzH_lZHmE-00023-00006008-00006222 vowels appearing in open syllables SmbzH_lZHmE-00024-00006223-00006486 Arneson 2011 provides the following SmbzH_lZHmE-00025-00006487-00006820 alternations Faroese avoids having a SmbzH_lZHmE-00026-00006820-00007048 hiatus between two vowels by inserting a SmbzH_lZHmE-00027-00007048-00007315 glide between them there is considerable SmbzH_lZHmE-00028-00007316-00007509 variation among dialects in the SmbzH_lZHmE-00029-00007511-00007795 pronunciation of vowels the only SmbzH_lZHmE-00030-00007795-00008034 unstressed vowels in Faroese are short a SmbzH_lZHmE-00031-00008036-00008308 these appear in inflectional endings are SmbzH_lZHmE-00032-00008309-00008683 n eg ah and before very typical are SmbzH_lZHmE-00033-00008684-00008968 endings like er IR are the dative is SmbzH_lZHmE-00034-00008969-00009379 often indicated by n abot are pata boats SmbzH_lZHmE-00035-00009380-00009799 calor k @ la you call just--are t'east SmbzH_lZHmE-00036-00009800-00010155 guests do gear - you can SmbzH_lZHmE-00037-00010156-00010443 but your potty boat gentle Tiant girls SmbzH_lZHmE-00038-00010444-00010698 Ren or n you run in some dialects SmbzH_lZHmE-00039-00010699-00010971 unstressed short is realized as o or is SmbzH_lZHmE-00040-00010972-00011220 reduced further two goes under a similar SmbzH_lZHmE-00041-00011221-00011394 reduction pattern as it varies between SmbzH_lZHmE-00042-00011395-00011735 tilde tilde so unstressed and can rhyme SmbzH_lZHmE-00043-00011736-00012014 this can cause spelling mistakes related SmbzH_lZHmE-00044-00012015-00012120 to these two vowels SmbzH_lZHmE-00045-00012121-00012321 the following table displays the SmbzH_lZHmE-00046-00012322-00012483 different realizations in different SmbzH_lZHmE-00047-00012484-00013013 dialects SmbzH_lZHmE-00048-00013013-00013521 topic skur pain SmbzH_lZHmE-00049-00013522-00013887 the so-called scre ping pique sharpening SmbzH_lZHmE-00050-00013888-00014106 is a typical phenomenon of fronting back SmbzH_lZHmE-00051-00014107-00014349 vowels before kV and monophthong izing SmbzH_lZHmE-00052-00014350-00014572 certain diphthongs before long t SmbzH_lZHmE-00053-00014574-00014766 scooping is not indicated SmbzH_lZHmE-00054-00014766-00015126 orthographically V joke van Jake van a SmbzH_lZHmE-00055-00015127-00015543 form of the name John Joe TK v cleft V SmbzH_lZHmE-00056-00015544-00015863 hoof k kv cow truck batik allah believe SmbzH_lZHmE-00057-00015865-00016266 but truly sure to lists faithless t page SmbzH_lZHmE-00058-00016266-00016694 or HT hi but hague gnam inm hide act SG SmbzH_lZHmE-00059-00016695-00017172 t newer and new em but knit me t new n n SmbzH_lZHmE-00060-00017173-00017799 at baiji pat brother t o YG g j t island SmbzH_lZHmE-00061-00017800-00018644 but onna i tainha island acc SG SmbzH_lZHmE-00062-00018645-00019168 topic consonants SmbzH_lZHmE-00063-00019169-00019480 FV are normally labiodental intervocalic SmbzH_lZHmE-00064-00019481-00019759 V is normally an approximate whereas SmbzH_lZHmE-00065-00019760-00019954 word initial V varies between an SmbzH_lZHmE-00066-00019955-00020284 approximate and a fricative V n is SmbzH_lZHmE-00067-00020285-00020620 dental and whereas tt vary between being SmbzH_lZHmE-00068-00020621-00020956 dental t t and less commonly alveolar T SmbzH_lZHmE-00069-00020957-00021429 T initial L is dental L or alveolar l SmbzH_lZHmE-00070-00021430-00021733 post vocalic L may be more of a post SmbzH_lZHmE-00071-00021734-00021997 alveolar lateral L especially after back SmbzH_lZHmE-00072-00021998-00022387 vowels TT are palato-alveolar and vary SmbzH_lZHmE-00073-00022388-00022972 between stops TT and affricates TT k k r SmbzH_lZHmE-00074-00022973-00023224 velar whereas H is glottal there are SmbzH_lZHmE-00075-00023225-00023461 several phonological processes involved SmbzH_lZHmE-00076-00023462-00023749 in Faroese including liquids are SmbzH_lZHmE-00077-00023750-00023976 divorced before voiceless consonants SmbzH_lZHmE-00078-00023977-00024226 nasals generally assume the place of SmbzH_lZHmE-00079-00024227-00024430 articulation and laryngeal settings of SmbzH_lZHmE-00080-00024431-00024700 following continents velar stops SmbzH_lZHmE-00081-00024701-00024892 palatalized to post alveolar affricate SmbzH_lZHmE-00082-00024893-00025420 before I II I J V becomes F before SmbzH_lZHmE-00083-00025421-00025719 voiceless consonants s before another SmbzH_lZHmE-00084-00025720-00026197 consonant becomes after i i i sk becomes SmbzH_lZHmE-00085-00026198-00026589 before I II III J but in morphological SmbzH_lZHmE-00086-00026591-00026845 forms often per stone word internally ie SmbzH_lZHmE-00087-00026845-00027268 L ski st. I love retroflex is itself as SmbzH_lZHmE-00088-00027269-00027436 well as following consonants in SmbzH_lZHmE-00089-00027437-00027601 consonant clusters yielding the SmbzH_lZHmE-00090-00027602-00027990 allophones while itself becomes example SmbzH_lZHmE-00091-00027991-00028249 Road pre aspirated consonants d voice SmbzH_lZHmE-00092-00028250-00028594 the Rohtak example RT RS is usually only SmbzH_lZHmE-00093-00028595-00028906 in some loanwords voiceless is usually SmbzH_lZHmE-00094-00028907-00029269 realized as pre stopping of original ll SmbzH_lZHmE-00095-00029270-00029692 2 TL and NN 2 TN intervocalic ly the SmbzH_lZHmE-00096-00029693-00029872 aspirated consonants become pre SmbzH_lZHmE-00097-00029873-00030067 aspirated unless followed by a closed SmbzH_lZHmE-00098-00030068-00030370 vowel in clusters the pre aspiration SmbzH_lZHmE-00099-00030370-00030595 merges with a preceding nasal or apical SmbzH_lZHmE-00100-00030595-00030769 approximant rendering them voiceless SmbzH_lZHmE-00101-00030770-00031372 example NT and T SmbzH_lZHmE-00102-00031373-00031995 topic omissions in consonant clusters SmbzH_lZHmE-00103-00031995-00032245 Faroese tends to omit the first or SmbzH_lZHmE-00104-00032245-00032401 second consonant in clusters of SmbzH_lZHmE-00105-00032402-00032758 different consonants F jowls F Jol's SmbzH_lZHmE-00106-00032758-00033067 mountains instead of asterisk FJ 8 Els SmbzH_lZHmE-00107-00033068-00033439 from FJ ATL nom other examples for SmbzH_lZHmE-00108-00033440-00033739 genitive Tzar barnes pants child's v8 e SmbzH_lZHmE-00109-00033740-00034195 and s van s waters helped ej2 helped SmbzH_lZHmE-00110-00034196-00034447 past SG instead of asterisk j p-- de SmbzH_lZHmE-00111-00034448-00034570 from helpa JPA SmbzH_lZHmE-00112-00034571-00034876 other examples for past forms are cig SmbzH_lZHmE-00113-00034877-00035259 dsl sailed yr k TI wrote poetry SmbzH_lZHmE-00114-00035260-00035515 homophone are filled be followed and fig SmbzH_lZHmE-00115-00035516-00035943 d cop birds with a net flow SKT will be SmbzH_lZHmE-00116-00035944-00036166 street in words of more than one SmbzH_lZHmE-00117-00036167-00036457 syllable for royce fo stroke st. Faroese SmbzH_lZHmE-00118-00036458-00036963 n SG winking face rust as st. russian n SmbzH_lZHmE-00119-00036964-00037537 SG island skit L Street Icelandic n SG k SmbzH_lZHmE-00120-00037538-00037897 st in monosyllables e and s kt k st SmbzH_lZHmE-00121-00037898-00038460 english n SG dance t talk AST danish n SmbzH_lZHmE-00122-00038461-00038992 SG friends Katie fought KS t French n SG SmbzH_lZHmE-00123-00038993-00039136 spans Katie SmbzH_lZHmE-00124-00039137-00039664 Spock ast Spanish n SG fence t sv k st SmbzH_lZHmE-00125-00039665-00040311 swedish n SG tsk tee cased german n SG SmbzH_lZHmE-00126-00040312-00040828 however t in earth's t irish n SG norse SmbzH_lZHmE-00127-00040829-00041365 katie and norwegian n SG To3HBlWvFi4-00000-00000028-00002849 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00001-00002850-00004283 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00002-00004284-00005683 so To3HBlWvFi4-00003-00005684-00007083 hmm To3HBlWvFi4-00004-00007084-00007741 oh To3HBlWvFi4-00005-00007742-00008483 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00006-00008484-00008752 hey To3HBlWvFi4-00007-00008753-00011121 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00008-00011122-00011283 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00009-00011284-00011783 so To3HBlWvFi4-00010-00011784-00013593 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00011-00013594-00015522 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00012-00015524-00017303 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00013-00017304-00019370 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00014-00019371-00021103 [Music] To3HBlWvFi4-00015-00021104-00021312 you T1oKvfR2x0A-00000-00000128-00000399 hi everyone today we're going to work on T1oKvfR2x0A-00001-00000400-00000671 an ideal gas qualitative chemistry T1oKvfR2x0A-00002-00000672-00000831 question T1oKvfR2x0A-00003-00000832-00000991 first i'm going to let you try it on T1oKvfR2x0A-00004-00000992-00001319 your own so please pause the video T1oKvfR2x0A-00005-00001320-00001527 read through it yourself and take an T1oKvfR2x0A-00006-00001528-00001751 attempt at the quiz question provided to T1oKvfR2x0A-00007-00001752-00002023 you in this video T1oKvfR2x0A-00008-00002023-00002159 did you get it T1oKvfR2x0A-00009-00002160-00002342 if you did that's great T1oKvfR2x0A-00010-00002343-00002534 and if not that's okay because we're T1oKvfR2x0A-00011-00002535-00002879 gonna work on it step by step together T1oKvfR2x0A-00012-00002880-00003118 your instructor blows up a balloon so T1oKvfR2x0A-00013-00003119-00003290 that it is filled with T1oKvfR2x0A-00014-00003292-00003751 0.55 moles of helium at 21.5 degrees T1oKvfR2x0A-00015-00003752-00003922 celsius and T1oKvfR2x0A-00016-00003923-00004303 1.00 atmospheres of pressure T1oKvfR2x0A-00017-00004304-00004635 the instructor adds an additional T1oKvfR2x0A-00018-00004636-00004959 0.50 moles of helium T1oKvfR2x0A-00019-00004960-00005270 if the pressure remains the same T1oKvfR2x0A-00020-00005271-00005663 do you expect the volume to increase or T1oKvfR2x0A-00021-00005664-00005934 decrease T1oKvfR2x0A-00022-00005935-00006199 be sure that your answer makes chemical T1oKvfR2x0A-00023-00006200-00006518 sense based on your understanding of gas T1oKvfR2x0A-00024-00006519-00006655 theory T1oKvfR2x0A-00025-00006656-00006823 you should be able to explain your T1oKvfR2x0A-00026-00006823-00007014 reasoning in clear and complete T1oKvfR2x0A-00027-00007015-00007263 statements T1oKvfR2x0A-00028-00007264-00007414 if you weren't able to start the T1oKvfR2x0A-00029-00007415-00007574 question on your own T1oKvfR2x0A-00030-00007575-00007942 i'll provide you with a strategy map T1oKvfR2x0A-00031-00007943-00008174 first let's identify all of the T1oKvfR2x0A-00032-00008175-00008319 variables T1oKvfR2x0A-00033-00008320-00008510 which are changing and which are T1oKvfR2x0A-00034-00008511-00008678 constant T1oKvfR2x0A-00035-00008679-00008903 then we'll recall the relationship T1oKvfR2x0A-00036-00008904-00009142 between the changing variables T1oKvfR2x0A-00037-00009143-00009414 to let us predict if our volume is going T1oKvfR2x0A-00038-00009415-00009671 to increase or decrease T1oKvfR2x0A-00039-00009672-00009759 after T1oKvfR2x0A-00040-00009760-00009974 more moles of helium were added to the T1oKvfR2x0A-00041-00009975-00010214 balloon T1oKvfR2x0A-00042-00010215-00010463 here i've summarized all the information T1oKvfR2x0A-00043-00010464-00010767 that the question gave us T1oKvfR2x0A-00044-00010768-00011199 our initial amount of moles of helium T1oKvfR2x0A-00045-00011200-00011283 is T1oKvfR2x0A-00046-00011284-00011438 n1 T1oKvfR2x0A-00047-00011439-00011614 our pressure T1oKvfR2x0A-00048-00011615-00011774 p1 T1oKvfR2x0A-00049-00011775-00011959 and our temperature T1oKvfR2x0A-00050-00011960-00012199 t1 T1oKvfR2x0A-00051-00012200-00012406 can you figure out which variables are T1oKvfR2x0A-00052-00012407-00012638 changing and which are constant T1oKvfR2x0A-00053-00012639-00012879 give it a try T1oKvfR2x0A-00054-00012880-00013135 did you get it T1oKvfR2x0A-00055-00013136-00013263 our n T1oKvfR2x0A-00056-00013263-00013566 amount of moles is going to be changing T1oKvfR2x0A-00057-00013568-00013935 because we've added more to the balloon T1oKvfR2x0A-00058-00013936-00014086 our pressure T1oKvfR2x0A-00059-00014087-00014327 remains the same as stated in the T1oKvfR2x0A-00060-00014328-00014438 question T1oKvfR2x0A-00061-00014440-00014766 and the temperature is also assumed to T1oKvfR2x0A-00062-00014768-00014966 stay the same T1oKvfR2x0A-00063-00014968-00015238 there's two strategies that can help us T1oKvfR2x0A-00064-00015240-00015615 come to the answer to this problem let's T1oKvfR2x0A-00065-00015616-00015807 work through the qualitative approach T1oKvfR2x0A-00066-00015808-00015975 first T1oKvfR2x0A-00067-00015976-00016222 here we're going to utilize our T1oKvfR2x0A-00068-00016223-00016615 understanding of proportionality between T1oKvfR2x0A-00069-00016616-00016967 our variables of amount of moles n and T1oKvfR2x0A-00070-00016968-00017207 volume v T1oKvfR2x0A-00071-00017208-00017519 let's start by thinking about our ideal T1oKvfR2x0A-00072-00017520-00017807 gas constant r T1oKvfR2x0A-00073-00017808-00018214 0.08206 T1oKvfR2x0A-00074-00018215-00018703 atmospheres liters per mole kelvin T1oKvfR2x0A-00075-00018704-00019022 the units translate directly to help us T1oKvfR2x0A-00076-00019023-00019367 derive the ideal gas equation T1oKvfR2x0A-00077-00019368-00019558 r equals T1oKvfR2x0A-00078-00019559-00019950 pv over n t T1oKvfR2x0A-00079-00019951-00020327 next let's rearrange for volume because T1oKvfR2x0A-00080-00020328-00020655 volume is what we're interested in T1oKvfR2x0A-00081-00020656-00020727 v T1oKvfR2x0A-00082-00020728-00021214 equals n rt over p T1oKvfR2x0A-00083-00021215-00021607 next we can rewrite this equation as a T1oKvfR2x0A-00084-00021608-00021863 proportionality T1oKvfR2x0A-00085-00021864-00022094 i've highlighted all of our constant T1oKvfR2x0A-00086-00022095-00022383 variables and we can combine them all T1oKvfR2x0A-00087-00022384-00022503 together T1oKvfR2x0A-00088-00022504-00022719 and simplify them all T1oKvfR2x0A-00089-00022720-00023071 to be represented by small k T1oKvfR2x0A-00090-00023072-00023375 based on this proportionality T1oKvfR2x0A-00091-00023376-00023663 do you expect that the volume is going T1oKvfR2x0A-00092-00023664-00023919 to increase or decrease T1oKvfR2x0A-00093-00023920-00024111 when our amount T1oKvfR2x0A-00094-00024112-00024478 has increased T1oKvfR2x0A-00095-00024479-00024719 did you get it T1oKvfR2x0A-00096-00024720-00025103 our amount is increasing T1oKvfR2x0A-00097-00025104-00025399 and because volume is directly T1oKvfR2x0A-00098-00025400-00025662 proportional to amount T1oKvfR2x0A-00099-00025663-00026022 we know that volume is also going to T1oKvfR2x0A-00100-00026023-00026279 increase T1oKvfR2x0A-00101-00026280-00026574 a quantitative approach is going to use T1oKvfR2x0A-00102-00026575-00026846 the data provided in the question T1oKvfR2x0A-00103-00026847-00027087 and a simple calculation to come to the T1oKvfR2x0A-00104-00027088-00027255 same conclusion T1oKvfR2x0A-00105-00027256-00027495 this can be very helpful for math-minded T1oKvfR2x0A-00106-00027495-00027614 students T1oKvfR2x0A-00107-00027616-00027911 also a great way to verify your T1oKvfR2x0A-00108-00027912-00028158 prediction is correct T1oKvfR2x0A-00109-00028160-00028383 again we'll start with our ideal gas T1oKvfR2x0A-00110-00028383-00028558 constant r T1oKvfR2x0A-00111-00028560-00028855 and our ideal gas equation T1oKvfR2x0A-00112-00028856-00028974 we know T1oKvfR2x0A-00113-00028975-00029118 that our r T1oKvfR2x0A-00114-00029119-00029295 is constant T1oKvfR2x0A-00115-00029295-00029783 so even if conditions change p times v T1oKvfR2x0A-00116-00029783-00029983 over n times t T1oKvfR2x0A-00117-00029983-00030246 must always equal r T1oKvfR2x0A-00118-00030247-00030487 so we can set up this changing T1oKvfR2x0A-00119-00030488-00030783 conditions equation T1oKvfR2x0A-00120-00030783-00031055 now let's cancel out our constant T1oKvfR2x0A-00121-00031056-00031446 variables pressure and temperature T1oKvfR2x0A-00122-00031447-00031662 this is going to simplify the equation T1oKvfR2x0A-00123-00031663-00031823 for us T1oKvfR2x0A-00124-00031824-00032455 to v1 over n1 equals v2 over n2 T1oKvfR2x0A-00125-00032456-00032711 we need to rearrange this equation for T1oKvfR2x0A-00126-00032712-00032862 v2 T1oKvfR2x0A-00127-00032863-00033215 the volume after an additional amount of T1oKvfR2x0A-00128-00033216-00033479 helium moles was added T1oKvfR2x0A-00129-00033480-00033727 did you get it T1oKvfR2x0A-00130-00033728-00033911 v2 equals T1oKvfR2x0A-00131-00033912-00034374 v1 times n2 over n1 T1oKvfR2x0A-00132-00034375-00034607 now we can plug in the information that T1oKvfR2x0A-00133-00034608-00034774 we're given T1oKvfR2x0A-00134-00034775-00034887 we know T1oKvfR2x0A-00135-00034888-00035190 our final and initial amount of moles of T1oKvfR2x0A-00136-00035191-00035367 helium T1oKvfR2x0A-00137-00035368-00035555 our n2 is T1oKvfR2x0A-00138-00035556-00036151 1.05 moles and our n1 is 0.55 moles T1oKvfR2x0A-00139-00036152-00036374 even though we aren't provided with the T1oKvfR2x0A-00140-00036375-00036790 initial volume we can still calculate T1oKvfR2x0A-00141-00036791-00037218 that our volume v2 is going to be T1oKvfR2x0A-00142-00037219-00037655 1.91 times greater than v1 T1oKvfR2x0A-00143-00037656-00037935 leading us to our same conclusion that T1oKvfR2x0A-00144-00037936-00038423 volume is expected to increase T1oKvfR2x0A-00145-00038424-00038695 can you explain this reasoning in clear T1oKvfR2x0A-00146-00038696-00039143 and complete statements T1oKvfR2x0A-00147-00039144-00039446 gas molecules collide with container T1oKvfR2x0A-00148-00039447-00039895 walls exerting an internal pressure T1oKvfR2x0A-00149-00039896-00040135 when more molecules are added to a T1oKvfR2x0A-00150-00040136-00040255 container T1oKvfR2x0A-00151-00040256-00040743 the frequency of collisions increase T1oKvfR2x0A-00152-00040744-00040983 if the volume of the container were T1oKvfR2x0A-00153-00040984-00041367 fixed the pressure would increase T1oKvfR2x0A-00154-00041368-00041718 but we know that the walls of a balloon T1oKvfR2x0A-00155-00041719-00041983 are flexible T1oKvfR2x0A-00156-00041984-00042390 because our balloon can expand and the T1oKvfR2x0A-00157-00042391-00042743 pressure must remain constant when more T1oKvfR2x0A-00158-00042744-00043062 molecules are added the volume will T1oKvfR2x0A-00159-00043063-00043230 increase T1oKvfR2x0A-00160-00043231-00043495 i hope that this video helped you T1oKvfR2x0A-00161-00043496-00043815 understand the process in coming to the T1oKvfR2x0A-00162-00043816-00044200 answer to this question T2opudTMYHU-00000-00000686-00001515 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00001-00001516-00003803 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00002-00003804-00004279 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00003-00004280-00004435 is T2opudTMYHU-00004-00004436-00006054 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00005-00006055-00008006 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00006-00008008-00009767 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00007-00009768-00012230 foreign T2opudTMYHU-00009-00016880-00019177 foreign T2opudTMYHU-00010-00019178-00019703 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00011-00019704-00020991 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00012-00020992-00021326 foreign T2opudTMYHU-00013-00021327-00022223 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00014-00022224-00023318 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00015-00023319-00023831 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00016-00023832-00024719 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00017-00024720-00026524 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00018-00026525-00026670 [Applause] T2opudTMYHU-00019-00026672-00027066 foreign T2opudTMYHU-00020-00027067-00027967 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00021-00027968-00029489 foreign T2opudTMYHU-00022-00029491-00031322 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00023-00031323-00032723 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00024-00032724-00034597 [Music] T2opudTMYHU-00025-00034598-00034910 [Applause] T3QMcKkIeGI-00000-00004439-00004622 i'm sorry about the microphone again i T3QMcKkIeGI-00001-00004623-00004767 did it i'm sorry T3QMcKkIeGI-00002-00004768-00004927 so sorry about this T3QMcKkIeGI-00003-00004928-00005159 i can i think you can hear now T3QMcKkIeGI-00004-00005160-00005375 i think you can hear me now T3QMcKkIeGI-00005-00005376-00005511 so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00006-00005512-00005751 yeah sorry i forgot to turn on the T3QMcKkIeGI-00007-00005752-00005934 microphone again T3QMcKkIeGI-00008-00005935-00006191 so sorry about that but i think i can T3QMcKkIeGI-00009-00006192-00006439 you can hear me now so once again thank T3QMcKkIeGI-00010-00006440-00006606 you for joining on this today's live T3QMcKkIeGI-00011-00006608-00006727 stream T3QMcKkIeGI-00012-00006728-00006903 i hope you're having a great great T3QMcKkIeGI-00013-00006904-00007110 weekend today this is the end of the T3QMcKkIeGI-00014-00007111-00007359 week this is end of the month actually T3QMcKkIeGI-00015-00007359-00007719 april so we are into may now T3QMcKkIeGI-00016-00007720-00008070 so uh yeah today i will review my trace T3QMcKkIeGI-00017-00008072-00008351 uh this is something i do every month T3QMcKkIeGI-00018-00008352-00008687 and i look back my entrees so with some T3QMcKkIeGI-00019-00008688-00008974 screenshot of my trace entries and exits T3QMcKkIeGI-00020-00008975-00009174 i will look back my place T3QMcKkIeGI-00021-00009175-00009614 in the months of april T3QMcKkIeGI-00022-00009615-00009695 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00023-00009696-00009942 yeah let me get ready quickly i'm T3QMcKkIeGI-00024-00009943-00010063 actually T3QMcKkIeGI-00025-00010064-00010271 putting up this uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00026-00010272-00010487 my own T3QMcKkIeGI-00027-00010488-00010671 place here T3QMcKkIeGI-00028-00010672-00011246 see T3QMcKkIeGI-00029-00011247-00011438 okay so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00030-00011439-00011670 the month of april was T3QMcKkIeGI-00031-00011671-00011759 um T3QMcKkIeGI-00032-00011760-00012046 was okay for me it was good i got some T3QMcKkIeGI-00033-00012047-00012191 returns T3QMcKkIeGI-00034-00012192-00012414 so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00035-00012415-00012695 yeah let me show you my trace my entries T3QMcKkIeGI-00036-00012696-00013199 and exits and everything here T3QMcKkIeGI-00037-00013200-00013599 hold on let's see right T3QMcKkIeGI-00038-00013600-00013927 april to april uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00039-00013928-00014271 fifth was my first trade euro aud okay T3QMcKkIeGI-00040-00014272-00014486 so here we go T3QMcKkIeGI-00041-00014487-00014638 okay so T3QMcKkIeGI-00042-00014640-00014903 yeah so i'm ready now so let's start T3QMcKkIeGI-00043-00014904-00015191 let me switch the screen T3QMcKkIeGI-00044-00015191-00015494 okay so um as usual T3QMcKkIeGI-00045-00015495-00015766 basically what i share in this youtube T3QMcKkIeGI-00046-00015768-00016086 is uh based on my own experience T3QMcKkIeGI-00047-00016087-00016375 as a disclaimer so if you take a trade T3QMcKkIeGI-00048-00016376-00016622 please do at your own risk T3QMcKkIeGI-00049-00016623-00016847 and also since this is life if you can T3QMcKkIeGI-00050-00016848-00017055 please follow the guidelines rules that T3QMcKkIeGI-00051-00017056-00017335 would be great T3QMcKkIeGI-00052-00017336-00017567 and recently there are so many spam T3QMcKkIeGI-00053-00017568-00017783 accounts of myself T3QMcKkIeGI-00054-00017784-00018183 in social media so in case you find T3QMcKkIeGI-00055-00018184-00018303 my accounts T3QMcKkIeGI-00056-00018304-00018543 fake accounts please be careful i have T3QMcKkIeGI-00057-00018544-00018855 no telegram no instagram no facebook and T3QMcKkIeGI-00058-00018856-00019175 i never ever send any direct messages to T3QMcKkIeGI-00059-00019176-00019519 anyone through the sns social media so T3QMcKkIeGI-00060-00019520-00019663 just be careful T3QMcKkIeGI-00061-00019664-00019935 in case you see you receive any T3QMcKkIeGI-00062-00019936-00020327 direct messages from me T3QMcKkIeGI-00063-00020328-00020478 okay so T3QMcKkIeGI-00064-00020479-00020735 yeah let me start to T3QMcKkIeGI-00065-00020736-00021014 say hi to everyone until T3QMcKkIeGI-00066-00021015-00021127 we uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00067-00021128-00021319 i until i T3QMcKkIeGI-00068-00021320-00021575 i see more people joining to get to the T3QMcKkIeGI-00069-00021576-00021750 main topic today T3QMcKkIeGI-00070-00021751-00022030 so let's see kevin slyman and stefano T3QMcKkIeGI-00071-00022031-00022230 well thank you for joining and uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00072-00022231-00022527 richard jakub iphone T3QMcKkIeGI-00073-00022528-00022743 and anna am T3QMcKkIeGI-00074-00022744-00023111 and uh chen jin and nak T3QMcKkIeGI-00075-00023112-00023286 mk rohit T3QMcKkIeGI-00076-00023287-00023511 and richard again thank you for joining T3QMcKkIeGI-00077-00023512-00023671 all right good to see you tick tock T3QMcKkIeGI-00078-00023672-00023799 marco T3QMcKkIeGI-00079-00023800-00023958 um T3QMcKkIeGI-00080-00023959-00024119 bruce walk T3QMcKkIeGI-00081-00024120-00024358 thomas good to see you T3QMcKkIeGI-00082-00024359-00024558 okay ronan T3QMcKkIeGI-00083-00024559-00024727 ronald sorry or now thank you for T3QMcKkIeGI-00084-00024728-00024942 joining also T3QMcKkIeGI-00085-00024943-00025127 oh he says i like your channel you T3QMcKkIeGI-00086-00025128-00025367 explained a lot about ichimoku currently T3QMcKkIeGI-00087-00025368-00025639 i have problem in price action on when T3QMcKkIeGI-00088-00025639-00025839 to entry okay T3QMcKkIeGI-00089-00025839-00026150 so price action is the basics overall T3QMcKkIeGI-00090-00026151-00026407 even if i use each moku i also look at T3QMcKkIeGI-00091-00026408-00026551 the price actions T3QMcKkIeGI-00092-00026552-00026683 to trade T3QMcKkIeGI-00093-00026683-00027087 though the price action is very key T3QMcKkIeGI-00094-00027088-00027279 success T3QMcKkIeGI-00095-00027280-00027607 okay augustine and uh tsam T3QMcKkIeGI-00096-00027608-00027823 antonio good to see you too T3QMcKkIeGI-00097-00027824-00028031 thanks for joining T3QMcKkIeGI-00098-00028032-00028246 all right oh you say uh your channel T3QMcKkIeGI-00099-00028247-00028495 helped me grow thank you you're welcome T3QMcKkIeGI-00100-00028495-00028702 you're welcome so basically i'm a trend T3QMcKkIeGI-00101-00028704-00028807 follower T3QMcKkIeGI-00102-00028808-00029070 so as long as you capture the trending T3QMcKkIeGI-00103-00029072-00029343 prayers trendy markets and follow it T3QMcKkIeGI-00104-00029344-00029623 then um you should be profitable in the T3QMcKkIeGI-00105-00029624-00029831 long run T3QMcKkIeGI-00106-00029832-00030087 okay well and uh bukod good to see you T3QMcKkIeGI-00107-00030088-00030270 too thank you for joining T3QMcKkIeGI-00108-00030272-00030527 yeah my weekend is so good thank you T3QMcKkIeGI-00109-00030527-00030799 yes i have been enjoying my weekend T3QMcKkIeGI-00110-00030800-00031079 today i got some calls in gts T3QMcKkIeGI-00111-00031080-00031367 and here i am so in the morning i was T3QMcKkIeGI-00112-00031368-00031646 reading books and uh studying some T3QMcKkIeGI-00113-00031647-00031799 of the materials T3QMcKkIeGI-00114-00031800-00032023 uh not about the forex trading but uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00115-00032024-00032190 some other parts T3QMcKkIeGI-00116-00032191-00032439 uh in the fields so T3QMcKkIeGI-00117-00032439-00032662 i kept myself busy T3QMcKkIeGI-00118-00032663-00032815 oh T3QMcKkIeGI-00119-00032816-00032967 yeah it's always T3QMcKkIeGI-00120-00032968-00033207 always nice to nice to read books and T3QMcKkIeGI-00121-00033208-00033431 also gain some knowledge new knowledge T3QMcKkIeGI-00122-00033432-00033615 in any areas T3QMcKkIeGI-00123-00033616-00033895 you know uh once T3QMcKkIeGI-00124-00033896-00034087 if you wanna if you want to become a T3QMcKkIeGI-00125-00034088-00034271 good trader uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00126-00034272-00034583 break even trader or non-losing twitter T3QMcKkIeGI-00127-00034584-00034902 as i states here um i recommend T3QMcKkIeGI-00128-00034903-00035102 you to read the books T3QMcKkIeGI-00129-00035103-00035479 of training related topics but also i T3QMcKkIeGI-00130-00035480-00035702 recommend also read books about T3QMcKkIeGI-00131-00035703-00036062 uh the famous let's say sports player or T3QMcKkIeGI-00132-00036063-00036295 chess player or uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00133-00036296-00036623 i would say gamblers can be also also T3QMcKkIeGI-00134-00036624-00036871 learning a lot psychology T3QMcKkIeGI-00135-00036872-00036983 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00136-00036984-00037207 i recommend you to read any sort of T3QMcKkIeGI-00137-00037208-00037423 these you know uh success or T3QMcKkIeGI-00138-00037424-00037559 professional T3QMcKkIeGI-00139-00037560-00037662 uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00140-00037663-00037974 artists or sport players books T3QMcKkIeGI-00141-00037975-00038495 so that uh you can apply into your trace T3QMcKkIeGI-00142-00038496-00038743 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-00143-00038744-00038902 so that's what i do usually on the T3QMcKkIeGI-00144-00038903-00039062 weekends T3QMcKkIeGI-00145-00039063-00039271 alright ap thank you for joining he says T3QMcKkIeGI-00146-00039272-00039479 can you explain how to decide whether to T3QMcKkIeGI-00147-00039480-00039790 take data for one hour conflicting T3QMcKkIeGI-00148-00039791-00040055 signals for example dating for our point T3QMcKkIeGI-00149-00040056-00040343 up pointing down but the one hour shows T3QMcKkIeGI-00150-00040344-00040599 ranging what should you do in that case T3QMcKkIeGI-00151-00040600-00040902 i wait for one hour to go down simply T3QMcKkIeGI-00152-00040903-00041111 and when as long as one hour is range i T3QMcKkIeGI-00153-00041112-00041367 will stay away T3QMcKkIeGI-00154-00041368-00041887 yeah i always follow the major direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00155-00041888-00042167 in the lower timeframes T3QMcKkIeGI-00156-00042168-00042479 alright tom sato and k1 will T3QMcKkIeGI-00157-00042480-00042702 uh kunda mk T3QMcKkIeGI-00158-00042703-00042879 thank you for joining also good to see T3QMcKkIeGI-00159-00042880-00043167 you T3QMcKkIeGI-00160-00043168-00043383 a price action means the candlestick T3QMcKkIeGI-00161-00043384-00043527 patterns T3QMcKkIeGI-00162-00043528-00043807 candlestick patterns and also the wave T3QMcKkIeGI-00163-00043808-00044127 wave theory and candlesticks combined is T3QMcKkIeGI-00164-00044128-00044399 a price action T3QMcKkIeGI-00165-00044400-00044623 so yeah let me go to topic today main T3QMcKkIeGI-00166-00044624-00044735 topic is T3QMcKkIeGI-00167-00044736-00045030 my trade review for the month of april T3QMcKkIeGI-00168-00045031-00045207 so let me pull up T3QMcKkIeGI-00169-00045208-00045479 the spreadsheet first T3QMcKkIeGI-00170-00045480-00045630 of my trace T3QMcKkIeGI-00171-00045631-00045879 i track all the trace on the excel T3QMcKkIeGI-00172-00045880-00046030 spreadsheet T3QMcKkIeGI-00173-00046031-00046302 and later i will also show T3QMcKkIeGI-00174-00046303-00046679 my screenshot of entries and exits T3QMcKkIeGI-00175-00046680-00046983 so okay here is T3QMcKkIeGI-00176-00046984-00047311 my trading journal can you see T3QMcKkIeGI-00177-00047312-00047511 okay let me try to fit the bit to the T3QMcKkIeGI-00178-00047512-00047639 page T3QMcKkIeGI-00179-00047640-00047846 like this so that you can see the whole T3QMcKkIeGI-00180-00047847-00047951 picture T3QMcKkIeGI-00181-00047952-00048318 like this way T3QMcKkIeGI-00182-00048319-00048446 okay T3QMcKkIeGI-00183-00048447-00048558 so um T3QMcKkIeGI-00184-00048559-00048935 i took uh i took basically nine trays T3QMcKkIeGI-00185-00048936-00049143 so every time i trade i take two T3QMcKkIeGI-00186-00049144-00049311 positions T3QMcKkIeGI-00187-00049312-00049439 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00188-00049440-00049599 in total i took T3QMcKkIeGI-00189-00049600-00049862 i took 18 positions T3QMcKkIeGI-00190-00049863-00050135 and technically i took nine trays T3QMcKkIeGI-00191-00050136-00050423 the first one i took was euro aud which T3QMcKkIeGI-00192-00050424-00050735 i took on the 5th of april and then 15th T3QMcKkIeGI-00193-00050736-00051071 of april i took a usc jpy T3QMcKkIeGI-00194-00051072-00051590 and then 21st 22nd i took jpy euro aud T3QMcKkIeGI-00195-00051591-00052007 and then euro usd pound usd i took on T3QMcKkIeGI-00196-00052008-00052358 the 26th of april and then T3QMcKkIeGI-00197-00052359-00052719 another pound usc on the 27th april T3QMcKkIeGI-00198-00052720-00053103 and 28th i took two trays uh usd jpy and T3QMcKkIeGI-00199-00053104-00053254 euro usd T3QMcKkIeGI-00200-00053255-00053559 so these are my trays i took nine trays T3QMcKkIeGI-00201-00053560-00053791 uh 18 positions T3QMcKkIeGI-00202-00053791-00053999 for the months of april T3QMcKkIeGI-00203-00054000-00054294 and as an ending result if you can uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00204-00054295-00054566 quickly look at it on the up here T3QMcKkIeGI-00205-00054567-00054830 as an ending result i have win rate of T3QMcKkIeGI-00206-00054832-00055071 27.78 T3QMcKkIeGI-00207-00055072-00055487 and my pf was 4.34 T3QMcKkIeGI-00208-00055488-00055866 and uh my max drawdown per trade was T3QMcKkIeGI-00209-00055867-00056215 0.68 so it kept less than one percent as T3QMcKkIeGI-00210-00056216-00056430 my rule T3QMcKkIeGI-00211-00056432-00056535 and uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00212-00056536-00056894 my maximum stop plus i took was 35 T3QMcKkIeGI-00213-00056895-00057207 and my average stop plus it took was 27 T3QMcKkIeGI-00214-00057208-00057303 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00215-00057304-00057607 because this is based on how based on my T3QMcKkIeGI-00216-00057608-00057719 on my T3QMcKkIeGI-00217-00057720-00057991 strategy i take the stop loss in a lower T3QMcKkIeGI-00218-00057991-00058111 time frame T3QMcKkIeGI-00219-00058112-00058359 so my stop losses are T3QMcKkIeGI-00220-00058360-00058638 usually tighter tight like this T3QMcKkIeGI-00221-00058639-00058959 in between 15 to 35 pips of stop plus i T3QMcKkIeGI-00222-00058960-00059094 take T3QMcKkIeGI-00223-00059095-00059487 and then uh my max profit i took in the T3QMcKkIeGI-00224-00059488-00059847 month of april was 97.1 pip T3QMcKkIeGI-00225-00059848-00059942 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00226-00059944-00060399 and my max loss was -25 T3QMcKkIeGI-00227-00060400-00060735 my average profit was 32 pips my average T3QMcKkIeGI-00228-00060736-00060975 loss was 10 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00229-00060976-00061582 so our multiple was 3.17 and pf was 4.34 T3QMcKkIeGI-00230-00061583-00061750 for those who T3QMcKkIeGI-00231-00061751-00061942 are not very familiar with these numbers T3QMcKkIeGI-00232-00061944-00062079 pf is T3QMcKkIeGI-00233-00062079-00062303 the gross profit divided by the growth T3QMcKkIeGI-00234-00062304-00062526 loss so basically pf means T3QMcKkIeGI-00235-00062527-00062599 the T3QMcKkIeGI-00236-00062600-00062950 the risk and reward ratio in money in T3QMcKkIeGI-00237-00062951-00063111 profits T3QMcKkIeGI-00238-00063112-00063238 in profit and loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00239-00063239-00063511 that's pf profit factor and i will make T3QMcKkIeGI-00240-00063512-00063766 sure that this one has to be above three T3QMcKkIeGI-00241-00063767-00064015 in my real trace in my life trace T3QMcKkIeGI-00242-00064016-00064271 and in back testing this should be above T3QMcKkIeGI-00243-00064272-00064582 five is my rule otherwise i won't use T3QMcKkIeGI-00244-00064583-00064726 that strategy T3QMcKkIeGI-00245-00064727-00064959 so pf4 is T3QMcKkIeGI-00246-00064960-00065206 okay for me it's not too great but it's T3QMcKkIeGI-00247-00065207-00065350 okay for me T3QMcKkIeGI-00248-00065351-00065735 and our multiple is calculated by T3QMcKkIeGI-00249-00065736-00065959 the T3QMcKkIeGI-00250-00065960-00066359 average profit and average loss in pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00251-00066360-00066463 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00252-00066464-00066726 it's a 32 pips average profit and loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00253-00066727-00067119 was 10 pips so it was 3.17 technically T3QMcKkIeGI-00254-00067120-00067463 it was 3.2 but uh yeah it's like three T3QMcKkIeGI-00255-00067464-00067759 point one seven is or multiple this is T3QMcKkIeGI-00256-00067760-00068063 uh and this is uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00257-00068064-00068279 uh yeah so that means risk and reward T3QMcKkIeGI-00258-00068280-00068494 the ratio in pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00259-00068495-00068719 risk and relationship ratio in money is T3QMcKkIeGI-00260-00068720-00068967 pf risk rate ratio in pips is our T3QMcKkIeGI-00261-00068968-00069223 multiple the both ones has to be above T3QMcKkIeGI-00262-00069224-00069343 three T3QMcKkIeGI-00263-00069344-00069543 is actually the goal T3QMcKkIeGI-00264-00069544-00069815 or uh for your uh strategy for my T3QMcKkIeGI-00265-00069816-00070182 strategy so somehow our our multiple was T3QMcKkIeGI-00266-00070183-00070463 above three which was okay T3QMcKkIeGI-00267-00070464-00070543 oh T3QMcKkIeGI-00268-00070544-00070799 as an ending result my return T3QMcKkIeGI-00269-00070800-00071023 was uh 18.2 percent T3QMcKkIeGI-00270-00071024-00071311 in april T3QMcKkIeGI-00271-00071312-00071599 so that was my trade out of out of uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00272-00071600-00071791 out of nine trades T3QMcKkIeGI-00273-00071792-00072038 my return was 18.2 T3QMcKkIeGI-00274-00072039-00072335 so uh it was roughly a good month T3QMcKkIeGI-00275-00072336-00072679 usually my average profit is 10 T3QMcKkIeGI-00276-00072680-00072879 to 11 to 13 T3QMcKkIeGI-00277-00072880-00073015 so 18 T3QMcKkIeGI-00278-00073016-00073294 is better than my average because T3QMcKkIeGI-00279-00073295-00073550 the month of april was very active we T3QMcKkIeGI-00280-00073551-00073911 had some active pairs in jpy and also uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00281-00073912-00074206 pound usd and euro pairs were also going T3QMcKkIeGI-00282-00074207-00074287 down T3QMcKkIeGI-00283-00074288-00074550 so we had some nice opportunities this T3QMcKkIeGI-00284-00074551-00074655 month T3QMcKkIeGI-00285-00074656-00074894 however as compared to the march it was T3QMcKkIeGI-00286-00074895-00075103 a bit uh tricky T3QMcKkIeGI-00287-00075104-00075335 we saw the pr we flowed the T3QMcKkIeGI-00288-00075336-00075615 the we saw the trends T3QMcKkIeGI-00289-00075616-00075831 uh like in the month of march but the T3QMcKkIeGI-00290-00075832-00076111 trend tends to reverse like jpy pairs if T3QMcKkIeGI-00291-00076112-00076238 you can remember T3QMcKkIeGI-00292-00076239-00076423 in the middle of the april it reversed T3QMcKkIeGI-00293-00076424-00076559 backwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00294-00076560-00076919 uh all the jpy jpy got so strong in the T3QMcKkIeGI-00295-00076920-00077191 mid month and all the jpi pairs went T3QMcKkIeGI-00296-00077192-00077343 backwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00297-00077344-00077582 and then euro pairs started to break the T3QMcKkIeGI-00298-00077583-00077775 support and go down T3QMcKkIeGI-00299-00077776-00078071 and pound also pound usd was also going T3QMcKkIeGI-00300-00078072-00078319 down continuously because of the strong T3QMcKkIeGI-00301-00078320-00078447 usd T3QMcKkIeGI-00302-00078448-00078694 uh pound you still was going down so it T3QMcKkIeGI-00303-00078695-00078943 was a kind of rough rough month i would T3QMcKkIeGI-00304-00078944-00079023 say T3QMcKkIeGI-00305-00079024-00079287 as compared to march T3QMcKkIeGI-00306-00079288-00079599 but still uh the trend lasted at least T3QMcKkIeGI-00307-00079600-00079823 for three or four days T3QMcKkIeGI-00308-00079824-00080215 in april so uh whenever you capture T3QMcKkIeGI-00309-00080216-00080447 the these uh you know opportunities i T3QMcKkIeGI-00310-00080448-00080567 think uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00311-00080568-00080815 everybody should be fine T3QMcKkIeGI-00312-00080816-00080887 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00313-00080888-00081215 yeah that was my monthly uh performance T3QMcKkIeGI-00314-00081216-00081311 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00315-00081312-00081567 yeah every time you see the graph T3QMcKkIeGI-00316-00081568-00081767 you have to see the end wave as i T3QMcKkIeGI-00317-00081768-00081862 mentioned T3QMcKkIeGI-00318-00081863-00082087 in your strategy like you might have T3QMcKkIeGI-00319-00082088-00082399 some small losses break even trace T3QMcKkIeGI-00320-00082400-00082750 and these uh big winners can cover their T3QMcKkIeGI-00321-00082751-00082935 previous small losses and then T3QMcKkIeGI-00322-00082936-00083150 afterwards you may have some also small T3QMcKkIeGI-00323-00083151-00083415 losses break evens but next big win can T3QMcKkIeGI-00324-00083416-00083606 cover the previous losses T3QMcKkIeGI-00325-00083607-00083838 and as a result you should see the end T3QMcKkIeGI-00326-00083839-00084038 wave bullish in this way T3QMcKkIeGI-00327-00084039-00084382 and this is the good strategy i think in T3QMcKkIeGI-00328-00084383-00084567 the long run you can make profits in T3QMcKkIeGI-00329-00084568-00084782 compound in the long run T3QMcKkIeGI-00330-00084783-00085118 so that was my performance T3QMcKkIeGI-00331-00085119-00085335 uh towards the end of the month T3QMcKkIeGI-00332-00085336-00085735 i went flat so uh i didn't win big uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00333-00085736-00085991 towards the end of the month but uh i T3QMcKkIeGI-00334-00085992-00086167 had two big winners T3QMcKkIeGI-00335-00086168-00086406 if you can break down T3QMcKkIeGI-00336-00086407-00086815 i took uh two entries uh these ones 38 T3QMcKkIeGI-00337-00086816-00086935 39 T3QMcKkIeGI-00338-00086936-00087215 and it was i took uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00339-00087216-00087606 it was a pound usd i took on the 26th of T3QMcKkIeGI-00340-00087607-00087975 april i took sell at 220 T3QMcKkIeGI-00341-00087976-00088167 utc pm T3QMcKkIeGI-00342-00088168-00088326 and uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00343-00088327-00088638 i ran one of the positions got a 68 T3QMcKkIeGI-00344-00088639-00089038 profit pips and the other one i got 62.8 T3QMcKkIeGI-00345-00089039-00089223 pips of profit T3QMcKkIeGI-00346-00089224-00089359 so that was T3QMcKkIeGI-00347-00089360-00089494 one good trade T3QMcKkIeGI-00348-00089495-00089711 and previously T3QMcKkIeGI-00349-00089712-00090103 uh these two 35 34 T3QMcKkIeGI-00350-00090104-00090303 i took a euro aud T3QMcKkIeGI-00351-00090304-00090623 on the second 22nd of april i bought it T3QMcKkIeGI-00352-00090624-00090943 at 9 10 a.m utc T3QMcKkIeGI-00353-00090944-00091182 you can actually look back the charts T3QMcKkIeGI-00354-00091183-00091518 and uh see where exactly i took that by T3QMcKkIeGI-00355-00091519-00091911 so that was the 22nd april 9 10 a.m utc T3QMcKkIeGI-00356-00091912-00092223 on euro aud i took it and one of the T3QMcKkIeGI-00357-00092224-00092455 positions i exited T3QMcKkIeGI-00358-00092456-00092694 with a 62.60.1 T3QMcKkIeGI-00359-00092695-00093062 pips and the other one i got 97 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00360-00093063-00093262 well these two were basically the big T3QMcKkIeGI-00361-00093263-00093367 winners T3QMcKkIeGI-00362-00093368-00093535 of of mine T3QMcKkIeGI-00363-00093536-00093735 the rest are basically break even the T3QMcKkIeGI-00364-00093736-00093926 win game like a T3QMcKkIeGI-00365-00093927-00094247 sorry one pips is uh it's okay pips but T3QMcKkIeGI-00366-00094248-00094535 it's not really big pips as compared to T3QMcKkIeGI-00367-00094536-00094662 these two T3QMcKkIeGI-00368-00094663-00095047 and minus nine minus 15 pips minus 17 T3QMcKkIeGI-00369-00095048-00095374 pips break evens and the last one was T3QMcKkIeGI-00370-00095375-00095606 minus 24 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00371-00095607-00095791 you know the last one was a this is the T3QMcKkIeGI-00372-00095792-00095982 one i took with the life T3QMcKkIeGI-00373-00095983-00096359 uh the uh the day before euro usd T3QMcKkIeGI-00374-00096360-00096559 uh right right towards the end of the T3QMcKkIeGI-00375-00096560-00096926 life on thursday i took euro usc cell T3QMcKkIeGI-00376-00096927-00097126 hoping that the market break support but T3QMcKkIeGI-00377-00097127-00097479 it didn't retrace backwards and i exited T3QMcKkIeGI-00378-00097480-00097918 with uh 24 pips uh in two positions T3QMcKkIeGI-00379-00097919-00098199 so that was here you can look back the T3QMcKkIeGI-00380-00098200-00098318 live stream T3QMcKkIeGI-00381-00098319-00098599 on the 28th of april and uh towards the T3QMcKkIeGI-00382-00098600-00098894 end you can see how i took that sale on T3QMcKkIeGI-00383-00098895-00099047 euro usc T3QMcKkIeGI-00384-00099048-00099391 our overall is a win so T3QMcKkIeGI-00385-00099392-00099767 yeah it was okay months for me T3QMcKkIeGI-00386-00099768-00100047 so that was my result T3QMcKkIeGI-00387-00100048-00100311 so uh yeah i'm not sure how you did how T3QMcKkIeGI-00388-00100312-00100606 you did it on the april but uh i hope T3QMcKkIeGI-00389-00100607-00101150 you at least didn't lose in april T3QMcKkIeGI-00390-00101151-00101431 okay so let me look into one by one on T3QMcKkIeGI-00391-00101432-00101582 these entries T3QMcKkIeGI-00392-00101583-00101879 so starting from the euro aud T3QMcKkIeGI-00393-00101880-00102150 on the 5th of april because i post all T3QMcKkIeGI-00394-00102151-00102367 my trades on the discord T3QMcKkIeGI-00395-00102368-00102542 in a gts T3QMcKkIeGI-00396-00102543-00102894 so here this is euro aud cell i took it T3QMcKkIeGI-00397-00102895-00103182 on the april april T3QMcKkIeGI-00398-00103183-00103415 5th 2022 T3QMcKkIeGI-00399-00103416-00103502 and T3QMcKkIeGI-00400-00103503-00103823 i put took this with a stop loss of 24 T3QMcKkIeGI-00401-00103824-00103910 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00402-00103911-00104182 confirmations again in a five minute T3QMcKkIeGI-00403-00104183-00104271 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00404-00104272-00104502 it was down trending both time frames T3QMcKkIeGI-00405-00104503-00104742 above here is one hour T3QMcKkIeGI-00406-00104743-00105015 this is one hour i'm sorry T3QMcKkIeGI-00407-00105016-00105310 yeah this is one hour this is a daily T3QMcKkIeGI-00408-00105311-00105447 time frame T3QMcKkIeGI-00409-00105448-00105743 both both time frames were going down T3QMcKkIeGI-00410-00105744-00105927 so i took i was looking for the sale T3QMcKkIeGI-00411-00105928-00106183 chance and this was exactly when i T3QMcKkIeGI-00412-00106183-00106407 opened the chart i happened to see this T3QMcKkIeGI-00413-00106408-00106734 setup it was a squeeze band T3QMcKkIeGI-00414-00106735-00106975 and a dead cross chassis and also T3QMcKkIeGI-00415-00106976-00107302 fibonacci bounce so i took cell T3QMcKkIeGI-00416-00107303-00107551 and expected the market goes bearish in T3QMcKkIeGI-00417-00107552-00107790 the wave in the five so every time i T3QMcKkIeGI-00418-00107791-00108054 entered the five minute i always expect T3QMcKkIeGI-00419-00108055-00108295 the market goes towards my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00420-00108296-00108454 otherwise T3QMcKkIeGI-00421-00108455-00108743 i will exit is my strategy T3QMcKkIeGI-00422-00108744-00108966 so this is basically how i enter every T3QMcKkIeGI-00423-00108967-00109166 time T3QMcKkIeGI-00424-00109167-00109399 every time i enter the market i look at T3QMcKkIeGI-00425-00109400-00109623 the charts in multiple time frames from T3QMcKkIeGI-00426-00109624-00109863 a daily to 30 minute T3QMcKkIeGI-00427-00109864-00110134 and then get the entry chance in the 5 T3QMcKkIeGI-00428-00110135-00110254 minute T3QMcKkIeGI-00429-00110255-00110463 sometimes i take the 15 T3QMcKkIeGI-00430-00110464-00110719 but mainly i take the 5 minute time T3QMcKkIeGI-00431-00110720-00110902 frame for the entries T3QMcKkIeGI-00432-00110903-00111078 and if you're not familiar with my T3QMcKkIeGI-00433-00111079-00111399 strategy you can come to my website T3QMcKkIeGI-00434-00111400-00111558 you can come to T3QMcKkIeGI-00435-00111559-00111823 my website from the link below and hover T3QMcKkIeGI-00436-00111824-00112158 over free download and click kts case T3QMcKkIeGI-00437-00112159-00112319 training strategy T3QMcKkIeGI-00438-00112320-00112534 and uh you can find T3QMcKkIeGI-00439-00112535-00112766 a free pdf T3QMcKkIeGI-00440-00112767-00112951 you can get the free pdf you can T3QMcKkIeGI-00441-00112952-00113110 download for free T3QMcKkIeGI-00442-00113111-00113431 and also you can find a video of T3QMcKkIeGI-00443-00113432-00113534 my T3QMcKkIeGI-00444-00113535-00113647 strategy T3QMcKkIeGI-00445-00113648-00113910 explanation introduction video T3QMcKkIeGI-00446-00113911-00114166 so if you haven't please do because T3QMcKkIeGI-00447-00114167-00114439 basically i take trace based on this T3QMcKkIeGI-00448-00114440-00114558 strategy T3QMcKkIeGI-00449-00114559-00114663 so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00450-00114664-00114823 that's how i took the T3QMcKkIeGI-00451-00114824-00115119 confirmation entry it's the cell T3QMcKkIeGI-00452-00115120-00115278 and afterwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00453-00115279-00115519 uh let's see so this was okay this was T3QMcKkIeGI-00454-00115520-00115654 uh the T3QMcKkIeGI-00455-00115655-00115878 mt5 platform T3QMcKkIeGI-00456-00115879-00115958 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00457-00115959-00116239 i analyze i do analysis on the trading T3QMcKkIeGI-00458-00116240-00116454 view because trading view looks better T3QMcKkIeGI-00459-00116455-00116583 looks clean T3QMcKkIeGI-00460-00116583-00116863 and uh it's uh it's handy on mobile T3QMcKkIeGI-00461-00116864-00117102 phone too whenever you draw the lines T3QMcKkIeGI-00462-00117103-00117366 whenever you see it alerts it also T3QMcKkIeGI-00463-00117367-00117663 synchronize in the mobile so i like this T3QMcKkIeGI-00464-00117664-00117958 mt5 doesn't synchronize but trading view T3QMcKkIeGI-00465-00117959-00118190 does synchronize so i like trading view T3QMcKkIeGI-00466-00118191-00118334 to analyze T3QMcKkIeGI-00467-00118335-00118719 and but when i trade i take the mt5 T3QMcKkIeGI-00468-00118720-00118966 because my broker cannot connect to T3QMcKkIeGI-00469-00118967-00119102 trading view T3QMcKkIeGI-00470-00119103-00119358 so this is that's why this is screenshot T3QMcKkIeGI-00471-00119359-00119775 of my entry on mt5 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00472-00119776-00120095 my entry cell was here on this blue dot T3QMcKkIeGI-00473-00120096-00120414 and my stop plus was on the yellow line T3QMcKkIeGI-00474-00120415-00120751 i took the 24 pips of stop-loss and took T3QMcKkIeGI-00475-00120752-00120951 sell here T3QMcKkIeGI-00476-00120952-00121190 and then what happened was that the T3QMcKkIeGI-00477-00121191-00121431 other market uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00478-00121432-00121583 so this was T3QMcKkIeGI-00479-00121583-00121775 still holding the position T3QMcKkIeGI-00480-00121776-00122014 after the entry the market start to T3QMcKkIeGI-00481-00122015-00122134 reverse T3QMcKkIeGI-00482-00122135-00122223 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00483-00122224-00122486 i was thinking to exit when the market T3QMcKkIeGI-00484-00122488-00122790 breaks that descending trend line T3QMcKkIeGI-00485-00122791-00122878 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00486-00122879-00123247 i think i took the entry somewhere here T3QMcKkIeGI-00487-00123248-00123486 look back T3QMcKkIeGI-00488-00123488-00123649 yeah so i took the entry T3QMcKkIeGI-00489-00123650-00123871 [Music] T3QMcKkIeGI-00490-00123872-00124302 yeah here in this candlestick T3QMcKkIeGI-00491-00124303-00124551 yeah here in this candlestick here so um T3QMcKkIeGI-00492-00124552-00124799 i was monitoring the chart and if the T3QMcKkIeGI-00493-00124800-00124983 market goes bullish T3QMcKkIeGI-00494-00124983-00125310 then i was thinking to exit T3QMcKkIeGI-00495-00125311-00125558 and then after that what happened was T3QMcKkIeGI-00496-00125559-00125895 that the market broke the support T3QMcKkIeGI-00497-00125896-00126095 so it didn't go up T3QMcKkIeGI-00498-00126096-00126334 but instead it started to go down broke T3QMcKkIeGI-00499-00126335-00126478 the support T3QMcKkIeGI-00500-00126479-00126766 so i thought that was a relief okay the T3QMcKkIeGI-00501-00126767-00126990 market is going towards my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00502-00126991-00127239 and the previous support became T3QMcKkIeGI-00503-00127240-00127551 resistance but most likely it continues T3QMcKkIeGI-00504-00127552-00127719 to go down this way T3QMcKkIeGI-00505-00127720-00127990 so i was when i see this setup in the T3QMcKkIeGI-00506-00127991-00128231 five minute i was T3QMcKkIeGI-00507-00128232-00128423 you know feeling good T3QMcKkIeGI-00508-00128424-00128510 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-00509-00128511-00128775 and then afterwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00510-00128776-00128951 the market continued to go towards my T3QMcKkIeGI-00511-00128952-00129054 direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00512-00129055-00129254 and this is a screenshot T3QMcKkIeGI-00513-00129255-00129447 where the price T3QMcKkIeGI-00514-00129448-00129678 moved down towards my position T3QMcKkIeGI-00515-00129679-00130039 towards my direction above 30 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00516-00130040-00130343 i took the screenshot and you see the T3QMcKkIeGI-00517-00130344-00130831 running profit was um 33 32.9 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00518-00130832-00131102 so this is when i set the breakeven line T3QMcKkIeGI-00519-00131103-00131359 i move the stop plus slightly below the T3QMcKkIeGI-00520-00131360-00131647 position so that it becomes break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00521-00131648-00131743 and T3QMcKkIeGI-00522-00131744-00131919 so that even if the market goes T3QMcKkIeGI-00523-00131920-00132166 backwards when i leave charts i don't T3QMcKkIeGI-00524-00132167-00132302 lose T3QMcKkIeGI-00525-00132303-00132423 so this is T3QMcKkIeGI-00526-00132424-00132695 a non-losing mindset T3QMcKkIeGI-00527-00132696-00132839 and uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00528-00132840-00133063 so once i set the break even simply i T3QMcKkIeGI-00529-00133064-00133263 leave charts for a couple of hours maybe T3QMcKkIeGI-00530-00133264-00133447 three hours four hours T3QMcKkIeGI-00531-00133448-00133583 sometimes i T3QMcKkIeGI-00532-00133584-00133814 leave chart until the end of the day T3QMcKkIeGI-00533-00133815-00134054 and see what happens afterwards because T3QMcKkIeGI-00534-00134055-00134183 i don't lose T3QMcKkIeGI-00535-00134184-00134566 so psychologically i'm very safe T3QMcKkIeGI-00536-00134567-00134799 there's a you know we always want to T3QMcKkIeGI-00537-00134800-00135095 play a break even or win game T3QMcKkIeGI-00538-00135096-00135295 and as soon as you move the stops to T3QMcKkIeGI-00539-00135296-00135575 break even that becomes break even win T3QMcKkIeGI-00540-00135576-00135847 game and you can continue to trade in T3QMcKkIeGI-00541-00135848-00136119 that way and you can make profits in the T3QMcKkIeGI-00542-00136120-00136278 long run because you don't lose T3QMcKkIeGI-00543-00136279-00136414 technically T3QMcKkIeGI-00544-00136415-00136647 so this is when i set the break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00545-00136648-00136990 it's a screenshot here T3QMcKkIeGI-00546-00136991-00137287 and then uh what happens was that the T3QMcKkIeGI-00547-00137288-00137559 okay so this is when i come back T3QMcKkIeGI-00548-00137560-00137751 a couple of hours later in the five T3QMcKkIeGI-00549-00137752-00137951 minute art still T3QMcKkIeGI-00550-00137952-00138190 uh the market went bearish i moved a T3QMcKkIeGI-00551-00138191-00138319 break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00552-00138320-00138631 and then when i come back here i i saw T3QMcKkIeGI-00553-00138632-00138878 that the market has been consecutively T3QMcKkIeGI-00554-00138879-00139199 bearish in wave there was a minor T3QMcKkIeGI-00555-00139200-00139590 minor uh descending p wave T3QMcKkIeGI-00556-00139591-00139854 and this descending p wave has been T3QMcKkIeGI-00557-00139855-00140063 broken bearish in the five T3QMcKkIeGI-00558-00140064-00140143 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00559-00140144-00140302 this was also T3QMcKkIeGI-00560-00140303-00140478 the confirmation that market is going T3QMcKkIeGI-00561-00140479-00140647 towards my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00562-00140648-00140966 so i moved i start to trail the profits T3QMcKkIeGI-00563-00140967-00141175 one of the stop losses i T3QMcKkIeGI-00564-00141176-00141399 moved it below T3QMcKkIeGI-00565-00141400-00141727 below 13 pips from my position T3QMcKkIeGI-00566-00141728-00141887 the other one i still keep it at the T3QMcKkIeGI-00567-00141888-00142054 break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00568-00142055-00142278 so i started to try all the profits and T3QMcKkIeGI-00569-00142279-00142535 this was a screenshot when i started to T3QMcKkIeGI-00570-00142536-00142719 do that T3QMcKkIeGI-00571-00142720-00142911 and then afterwards what happened was T3QMcKkIeGI-00572-00142912-00143126 that the the market went down all the T3QMcKkIeGI-00573-00143127-00143254 way T3QMcKkIeGI-00574-00143255-00143407 so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00575-00143408-00143566 yeah i was running T3QMcKkIeGI-00576-00143567-00143735 52 pips of T3QMcKkIeGI-00577-00143736-00143990 profit on these two trays T3QMcKkIeGI-00578-00143991-00144183 and uh so one T3QMcKkIeGI-00579-00144184-00144439 when i come back here i moved T3QMcKkIeGI-00580-00144440-00144695 the stop plus which was originally i T3QMcKkIeGI-00581-00144696-00145054 think was here i moved desktop T3QMcKkIeGI-00582-00145055-00145175 sl T3QMcKkIeGI-00583-00145176-00145471 to this place the most recent the second T3QMcKkIeGI-00584-00145472-00145735 previous high in a5 T3QMcKkIeGI-00585-00145736-00145975 and continuously trial T3QMcKkIeGI-00586-00145976-00146183 and the profit so i fixed T3QMcKkIeGI-00587-00146184-00146535 32 pips of profit on this screenshot but T3QMcKkIeGI-00588-00146536-00146751 the other one will keep it at the break T3QMcKkIeGI-00589-00146752-00147031 even T3QMcKkIeGI-00590-00147032-00147302 and then let's see what happens okay so T3QMcKkIeGI-00591-00147303-00147431 afterwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00592-00147432-00147726 the market reverse backwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00593-00147727-00147871 so it takes a bit T3QMcKkIeGI-00594-00147872-00148031 time okay so T3QMcKkIeGI-00595-00148032-00148214 the market reverse backwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00596-00148215-00148487 so i fixed 32 pips of profit on one T3QMcKkIeGI-00597-00148488-00148735 position but the other one still keep it T3QMcKkIeGI-00598-00148736-00149166 the break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00599-00149167-00149431 uh and then um T3QMcKkIeGI-00600-00149432-00149654 yeah and then the market went backwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00601-00149655-00149790 all the way T3QMcKkIeGI-00602-00149791-00149871 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00603-00149872-00150039 as a result T3QMcKkIeGI-00604-00150040-00150423 one of the trays i exit with a 32 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00605-00150424-00150687 in the other position i exit with a T3QMcKkIeGI-00606-00150688-00150878 break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00607-00150879-00151143 and that was my first trade T3QMcKkIeGI-00608-00151144-00151607 on the euro aud T3QMcKkIeGI-00609-00151608-00151775 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00610-00151776-00151863 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-00611-00151864-00152190 30 32 pips of profit is not that big T3QMcKkIeGI-00612-00152191-00152383 but the most important part is that i T3QMcKkIeGI-00613-00152384-00152551 don't lose T3QMcKkIeGI-00614-00152552-00152639 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00615-00152640-00152951 that was here euro aud T3QMcKkIeGI-00616-00152952-00153199 these two columns T3QMcKkIeGI-00617-00153200-00153347 i fixed um T3QMcKkIeGI-00618-00153348-00153663 31.7 pips on one of the trays the other T3QMcKkIeGI-00619-00153664-00153887 one was break even you can see the T3QMcKkIeGI-00620-00153888-00154263 result here T3QMcKkIeGI-00621-00154264-00154407 okay so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00622-00154408-00154526 yeah let me T3QMcKkIeGI-00623-00154527-00154799 quickly check all these first so uh the T3QMcKkIeGI-00624-00154800-00155199 next one i took the usd jpy by T3QMcKkIeGI-00625-00155200-00155319 i got the T3QMcKkIeGI-00626-00155320-00155559 buying here gold cross T3QMcKkIeGI-00627-00155560-00155790 band squeeze fibonacci bounce i took the T3QMcKkIeGI-00628-00155791-00156102 buy in a five minute base where i see T3QMcKkIeGI-00629-00156103-00156390 the daily charges up and 30 was up T3QMcKkIeGI-00630-00156391-00156526 hoping that the market goes up T3QMcKkIeGI-00631-00156527-00156743 continuously T3QMcKkIeGI-00632-00156744-00157078 and then i exit it with 8 pips of loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00633-00157079-00157366 because the market retraces backwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00634-00157367-00157678 reversing the wave and then uh stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00635-00157679-00157911 going back to the stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00636-00157912-00158031 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00637-00158032-00158343 yeah here T3QMcKkIeGI-00638-00158344-00158575 so my entry was here my buy was here in T3QMcKkIeGI-00639-00158576-00158766 the T3QMcKkIeGI-00640-00158767-00158943 ust jpy T3QMcKkIeGI-00641-00158944-00159190 my stop losses here T3QMcKkIeGI-00642-00159191-00159390 and i saw the market break support in T3QMcKkIeGI-00643-00159391-00159526 the five T3QMcKkIeGI-00644-00159527-00159775 and then that crossed the classics T3QMcKkIeGI-00645-00159776-00160087 and it it's buns and buns are going T3QMcKkIeGI-00646-00160088-00160295 against maze direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00647-00160296-00160647 so i just exited here T3QMcKkIeGI-00648-00160648-00160807 and it was uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00649-00160808-00161054 eight pips of loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00650-00161055-00161399 so that was uh that was my T3QMcKkIeGI-00651-00161400-00161807 uh second trade third trade was ca d jpy T3QMcKkIeGI-00652-00161808-00162087 i took uh confirmations of uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00653-00162088-00162311 higher time frames for buddhist T3QMcKkIeGI-00654-00162312-00162583 uh daily chart per hour and 30 were T3QMcKkIeGI-00655-00162584-00162895 bullish so i took the five for entry i T3QMcKkIeGI-00656-00162896-00163119 took the buy here T3QMcKkIeGI-00657-00163120-00163343 exactly here i took it by T3QMcKkIeGI-00658-00163344-00163511 and then uh the market started to T3QMcKkIeGI-00659-00163512-00163614 retrace T3QMcKkIeGI-00660-00163615-00163959 i think it was uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00661-00163960-00164231 i think it was a loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00662-00164232-00164414 yeah okay so this is i think the T3QMcKkIeGI-00663-00164415-00164583 screenshot T3QMcKkIeGI-00664-00164584-00164790 i took by here T3QMcKkIeGI-00665-00164791-00164935 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-00666-00164936-00165287 exited here on c8jpy reverse and wave T3QMcKkIeGI-00667-00165288-00165607 was confirmed against major direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00668-00165608-00165854 bandwalking against my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00669-00165855-00166078 and that crossed the classics T3QMcKkIeGI-00670-00166079-00166407 so i decided to exit my stop-loss was T3QMcKkIeGI-00671-00166408-00166590 here originally T3QMcKkIeGI-00672-00166591-00167087 so i still take like 50 or maybe 40 T3QMcKkIeGI-00673-00167088-00167399 to stop loss on this exit i always make T3QMcKkIeGI-00674-00167400-00167687 sure to exit before the price it does T3QMcKkIeGI-00675-00167688-00167831 stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00676-00167832-00167959 so um T3QMcKkIeGI-00677-00167960-00168151 yeah because stop-loss for me is like a T3QMcKkIeGI-00678-00168152-00168359 seat belt like i mentioned previously T3QMcKkIeGI-00679-00168360-00168607 like a seat belt on the highway so that T3QMcKkIeGI-00680-00168608-00168847 in case anything happens any major T3QMcKkIeGI-00681-00168848-00169031 issues happens T3QMcKkIeGI-00682-00169032-00169335 stop loss is a worst case scenario but T3QMcKkIeGI-00683-00169336-00169623 always i look for exit timing before the T3QMcKkIeGI-00684-00169624-00169823 price hit the stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00685-00169824-00170071 and this is one of the examples T3QMcKkIeGI-00686-00170072-00170278 so afterwards actually the market went T3QMcKkIeGI-00687-00170279-00170423 all the way back T3QMcKkIeGI-00688-00170424-00170647 so if i still keep the positions then i T3QMcKkIeGI-00689-00170648-00170823 will lose two percent T3QMcKkIeGI-00690-00170824-00171071 exactly on the week here and then the T3QMcKkIeGI-00691-00171072-00171287 market starts go up again T3QMcKkIeGI-00692-00171288-00171607 but i because i exit earlier timing T3QMcKkIeGI-00693-00171608-00171807 that's why my drawdowns are kept very T3QMcKkIeGI-00694-00171808-00172047 small T3QMcKkIeGI-00695-00172048-00172263 yeah i hate losses T3QMcKkIeGI-00696-00172264-00172351 and T3QMcKkIeGI-00697-00172352-00172671 everybody hates losses right so i will T3QMcKkIeGI-00698-00172672-00172966 make sure to keep the losses very small T3QMcKkIeGI-00699-00172967-00173151 like this way in the five-minute T3QMcKkIeGI-00700-00173152-00173351 databases T3QMcKkIeGI-00701-00173352-00173438 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00702-00173439-00173814 yeah so c-a-d-p-y T3QMcKkIeGI-00703-00173815-00174111 yeah that was a loss i took uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00704-00174112-00174319 15 pips of loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00705-00174320-00174671 in in this 15 pips here T3QMcKkIeGI-00706-00174672-00174902 and then the next one was euro aud i T3QMcKkIeGI-00707-00174903-00175063 took on the T3QMcKkIeGI-00708-00175064-00175326 22nd of april T3QMcKkIeGI-00709-00175327-00175638 uh yeah so by the way uh in the month of T3QMcKkIeGI-00710-00175639-00175735 april T3QMcKkIeGI-00711-00175736-00175966 i i took my T3QMcKkIeGI-00712-00175967-00176207 first half month off T3QMcKkIeGI-00713-00176208-00176519 uh still i took uh two trades and the T3QMcKkIeGI-00714-00176520-00176799 5th of april and 15th of april but T3QMcKkIeGI-00715-00176800-00176959 basically i was a bit away from the T3QMcKkIeGI-00716-00176960-00177278 charts because i i got nice profit in T3QMcKkIeGI-00717-00177279-00177375 march T3QMcKkIeGI-00718-00177376-00177471 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00719-00177472-00177743 i was almost thinking not to trade on T3QMcKkIeGI-00720-00177744-00177847 april T3QMcKkIeGI-00721-00177848-00177983 but T3QMcKkIeGI-00722-00177984-00178254 because i wanted to show my trades and T3QMcKkIeGI-00723-00178255-00178543 also i wanted to explain my strategy T3QMcKkIeGI-00724-00178544-00178838 based on my trace i decided to T3QMcKkIeGI-00725-00178839-00179271 take trace after the 21st 20s 21st T3QMcKkIeGI-00726-00179272-00179575 and then also after 21st we saw some T3QMcKkIeGI-00727-00179576-00179823 nice trends on euro paris and pound T3QMcKkIeGI-00728-00179824-00180023 paris that's why T3QMcKkIeGI-00729-00180024-00180102 i T3QMcKkIeGI-00730-00180103-00180399 decided to see charts take charts and T3QMcKkIeGI-00731-00180400-00180526 take trades T3QMcKkIeGI-00732-00180527-00180638 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00733-00180639-00180878 yeah so out of nine trades T3QMcKkIeGI-00734-00180879-00181183 six trades were done after the 21st of T3QMcKkIeGI-00735-00181184-00181335 april T3QMcKkIeGI-00736-00181336-00181519 just for your information T3QMcKkIeGI-00737-00181520-00181726 but like this i adjust a number of T3QMcKkIeGI-00738-00181727-00181943 trades depending on the performance in T3QMcKkIeGI-00739-00181944-00182126 the previous months in the previous T3QMcKkIeGI-00740-00182127-00182271 months was good T3QMcKkIeGI-00741-00182272-00182414 then i T3QMcKkIeGI-00742-00182415-00182751 want to take easy on the next months T3QMcKkIeGI-00743-00182752-00182983 sometimes i only take three trays two T3QMcKkIeGI-00744-00182984-00183071 trays T3QMcKkIeGI-00745-00183072-00183438 if previous month's result was good T3QMcKkIeGI-00746-00183439-00183695 so anyways uh so 22nd T3QMcKkIeGI-00747-00183696-00184095 of april euro aud buy i took uh stop T3QMcKkIeGI-00748-00184096-00184271 lost 31 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00749-00184272-00184607 and get entry confirmations five minutes T3QMcKkIeGI-00750-00184608-00184711 again T3QMcKkIeGI-00751-00184712-00184935 a four hour was bullish T3QMcKkIeGI-00752-00184936-00185183 one hour was also buddhist T3QMcKkIeGI-00753-00185184-00185431 i took five minute entry T3QMcKkIeGI-00754-00185432-00185663 i took the kanta trend line break T3QMcKkIeGI-00755-00185664-00185902 uh gold crossed cassix T3QMcKkIeGI-00756-00185903-00186111 and uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00757-00186112-00186207 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-00758-00186208-00186390 yeah can the trend line break i said it T3QMcKkIeGI-00759-00186391-00186535 already uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00760-00186536-00186807 band squeeze and fibonacci bounce so T3QMcKkIeGI-00761-00186808-00187054 i've got four confirmations four entry T3QMcKkIeGI-00762-00187055-00187311 confirmations to buy here so that the T3QMcKkIeGI-00763-00187312-00187478 market goes up on the brutish in the T3QMcKkIeGI-00764-00187479-00187878 wave as my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00765-00187879-00188159 so that was my entry edge T3QMcKkIeGI-00766-00188160-00188454 and then so this was a screenshot of my T3QMcKkIeGI-00767-00188455-00188671 mt5 T3QMcKkIeGI-00768-00188672-00188926 yeah i took by here T3QMcKkIeGI-00769-00188927-00189190 and then what happens was that T3QMcKkIeGI-00770-00189191-00189495 the market went towards my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00771-00189496-00189695 and towards my direction on the n-wave T3QMcKkIeGI-00772-00189696-00189823 bullish T3QMcKkIeGI-00773-00189824-00190190 so i moved the stop-loss originally the T3QMcKkIeGI-00774-00190191-00190431 stop-loss was here T3QMcKkIeGI-00775-00190432-00190566 you break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00776-00190567-00190687 above T3QMcKkIeGI-00777-00190688-00190943 the positions so that i don't lose and T3QMcKkIeGI-00778-00190944-00191207 then i left chart for a couple hours T3QMcKkIeGI-00779-00191208-00191383 afterwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00780-00191384-00191590 then what happens was T3QMcKkIeGI-00781-00191591-00191799 when i came back the chart T3QMcKkIeGI-00782-00191800-00192071 so i moved a break even here in this T3QMcKkIeGI-00783-00192072-00192287 timing T3QMcKkIeGI-00784-00192288-00192463 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-00785-00192464-00192719 i came back the chart here T3QMcKkIeGI-00786-00192720-00192887 and then found that the market go going T3QMcKkIeGI-00787-00192888-00193126 towards my direction so i moved one of T3QMcKkIeGI-00788-00193127-00193287 the stop losses T3QMcKkIeGI-00789-00193288-00193590 the most previous law in the five T3QMcKkIeGI-00790-00193591-00193735 so i fixed T3QMcKkIeGI-00791-00193736-00193935 21 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00792-00193936-00194143 in this trade in the other one at the T3QMcKkIeGI-00793-00194144-00194502 break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00794-00194503-00194743 and then let's see T3QMcKkIeGI-00795-00194744-00194999 yeah and then afterwards i came back T3QMcKkIeGI-00796-00195000-00195190 again before the life i think it was T3QMcKkIeGI-00797-00195191-00195526 before the live stream starts T3QMcKkIeGI-00798-00195527-00195695 yeah i think it was T3QMcKkIeGI-00799-00195696-00195902 i think in this one i T3QMcKkIeGI-00800-00195903-00196295 i did it when i was doing the live T3QMcKkIeGI-00801-00196296-00196678 uh yeah here 22nd april 2022 T3QMcKkIeGI-00802-00196679-00196950 live mark analysis on my entry on euro T3QMcKkIeGI-00803-00196951-00197207 aud trade so you can look back this T3QMcKkIeGI-00804-00197208-00197438 video this is in public you can look T3QMcKkIeGI-00805-00197439-00197526 back T3QMcKkIeGI-00806-00197527-00197807 and you can tell exactly how i entered T3QMcKkIeGI-00807-00197808-00197943 the market T3QMcKkIeGI-00808-00197944-00198359 uh i explained that on a 1609 T3QMcKkIeGI-00809-00198360-00198614 time times timestamp T3QMcKkIeGI-00810-00198615-00198902 so and i moved the stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00811-00198903-00199350 61 pips above the positions at 45 31 T3QMcKkIeGI-00812-00199351-00199711 on this video so you can look back and T3QMcKkIeGI-00813-00199712-00200063 study how i moved the stop to stop to 61 T3QMcKkIeGI-00814-00200064-00200231 pips so T3QMcKkIeGI-00815-00200232-00200454 i think i remember when i was talking i T3QMcKkIeGI-00816-00200455-00200735 saw this breakout when i was live i saw T3QMcKkIeGI-00817-00200736-00200871 the breakout T3QMcKkIeGI-00818-00200872-00200990 of the T3QMcKkIeGI-00819-00200991-00201207 of this resistance so i moved the T3QMcKkIeGI-00820-00201208-00201471 stop-loss i think it was here T3QMcKkIeGI-00821-00201472-00201654 i think the stop-loss was here T3QMcKkIeGI-00822-00201655-00201759 originally T3QMcKkIeGI-00823-00201760-00201966 and then i moved it to T3QMcKkIeGI-00824-00201967-00202302 the most recent low in the five year T3QMcKkIeGI-00825-00202303-00202414 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-00826-00202415-00202702 it hit the stop loss so i fixed 61 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00827-00202703-00202783 of T3QMcKkIeGI-00828-00202784-00203023 profit in this one T3QMcKkIeGI-00829-00203024-00203335 plus 61 pips on this T3QMcKkIeGI-00830-00203336-00203695 but the other one i kept it at 21 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00831-00203696-00204054 on the second stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00832-00204055-00204407 and then uh let's see T3QMcKkIeGI-00833-00204408-00204599 yeah and then i think this was before i T3QMcKkIeGI-00834-00204600-00204871 go to bed yeah before i go to bed i T3QMcKkIeGI-00835-00204871-00205134 moved the stop-loss to T3QMcKkIeGI-00836-00205135-00205423 97 pips and it will hold over the T3QMcKkIeGI-00837-00205423-00205527 weekend T3QMcKkIeGI-00838-00205528-00205806 as four-hour still shows up trend T3QMcKkIeGI-00839-00205807-00206086 yeah so this was a screenshot T3QMcKkIeGI-00840-00206087-00206271 where i oh sorry i think this was a bit T3QMcKkIeGI-00841-00206271-00206566 too small maybe you can uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00842-00206567-00207119 you can get this bigger picture T3QMcKkIeGI-00843-00207119-00207271 okay so T3QMcKkIeGI-00844-00207271-00207503 yeah before going to bed T3QMcKkIeGI-00845-00207504-00207686 i moved the stop to T3QMcKkIeGI-00846-00207687-00208094 the most recent low in the five minute T3QMcKkIeGI-00847-00208096-00208279 because higher time frame was too T3QMcKkIeGI-00848-00208280-00208414 bullish T3QMcKkIeGI-00849-00208415-00208527 but i fixed T3QMcKkIeGI-00850-00208528-00208742 97 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00851-00208744-00208927 of a profit T3QMcKkIeGI-00852-00208928-00209206 and kept it like this because if higher T3QMcKkIeGI-00853-00209207-00209503 time frame is too bullish that means T3QMcKkIeGI-00854-00209504-00209655 probability wise T3QMcKkIeGI-00855-00209656-00209855 it still goes up this way T3QMcKkIeGI-00856-00209856-00210071 it may retrace back to the previous T3QMcKkIeGI-00857-00210071-00210287 previous support in the five this was T3QMcKkIeGI-00858-00210288-00210542 also reversal previous resistance became T3QMcKkIeGI-00859-00210544-00210791 support so it may reverse back to that T3QMcKkIeGI-00860-00210792-00211094 level but still it goes up this way and T3QMcKkIeGI-00861-00211096-00211367 that's why i keep the this stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00862-00211367-00211542 slightly below T3QMcKkIeGI-00863-00211544-00211671 the T3QMcKkIeGI-00864-00211671-00211823 previous support T3QMcKkIeGI-00865-00211823-00211927 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-00866-00211928-00212142 kept it like this T3QMcKkIeGI-00867-00212144-00212398 and hoping that next day the monkey go T3QMcKkIeGI-00868-00212400-00212639 throughout my direction when i wake up T3QMcKkIeGI-00869-00212640-00212879 and i still see some running profits T3QMcKkIeGI-00870-00212880-00213167 whereas my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00871-00213167-00213351 and then let's see what happened T3QMcKkIeGI-00872-00213352-00213519 afterwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00873-00213519-00213855 was that the uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00874-00213856-00214046 let's see T3QMcKkIeGI-00875-00214048-00214382 yeah and then uh it hit my stop-loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00876-00214383-00214639 yeah i think it hit my stop-loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00877-00214640-00214798 oh i fixed T3QMcKkIeGI-00878-00214800-00215055 97 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00879-00215056-00215239 yeah on that euro T3QMcKkIeGI-00880-00215240-00215382 aud T3QMcKkIeGI-00881-00215383-00215806 yeah so you can see that result here T3QMcKkIeGI-00882-00215807-00216110 and that's why you can you can find T3QMcKkIeGI-00883-00216111-00216294 on one of the trays T3QMcKkIeGI-00884-00216296-00216534 i took uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00885-00216535-00216751 62 pips of T3QMcKkIeGI-00886-00216752-00216894 profit T3QMcKkIeGI-00887-00216896-00217255 and the other one i fixed 97 97.1 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00888-00217256-00217479 of profit T3QMcKkIeGI-00889-00217480-00217639 exit alive T3QMcKkIeGI-00890-00217640-00217806 by reverse T3QMcKkIeGI-00891-00217807-00218031 and exit on monday T3QMcKkIeGI-00892-00218032-00218198 oh yeah now i remember that it was on T3QMcKkIeGI-00893-00218200-00218342 friday T3QMcKkIeGI-00894-00218344-00218567 it was a friday night T3QMcKkIeGI-00895-00218567-00218839 i kept holding over the weekend and on T3QMcKkIeGI-00896-00218840-00219094 monday i found that the price hit the T3QMcKkIeGI-00897-00219096-00219391 stop and fixed 97 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00898-00219392-00219775 on that one T3QMcKkIeGI-00899-00219776-00219934 yeah so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00900-00219935-00220223 that's that's how i did it T3QMcKkIeGI-00901-00220223-00220455 and uh let's see let me continue uh let T3QMcKkIeGI-00902-00220456-00220631 me continue for the next 10 minutes T3QMcKkIeGI-00903-00220632-00221006 hopefully i can cover all my trays T3QMcKkIeGI-00904-00221007-00221263 next one i took the 26th T3QMcKkIeGI-00905-00221264-00221558 of april euro usd cell T3QMcKkIeGI-00906-00221559-00221839 i took these entry confirmations again T3QMcKkIeGI-00907-00221840-00222071 that gross stochastics and fibonacci T3QMcKkIeGI-00908-00222071-00222558 balance and pinbar reversal and uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00909-00222559-00222646 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-00910-00222648-00222855 yeah bandwalk so i got four T3QMcKkIeGI-00911-00222856-00222998 confirmations T3QMcKkIeGI-00912-00223000-00223279 and three in the five minute T3QMcKkIeGI-00913-00223280-00223615 and then i exited with 17 pips of T3QMcKkIeGI-00914-00223616-00223734 loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00915-00223735-00224006 this was the screenshot from mobile T3QMcKkIeGI-00916-00224007-00224310 but after the entry the market reversed T3QMcKkIeGI-00917-00224311-00224463 and the wave T3QMcKkIeGI-00918-00224464-00224782 and then okay i see gold cross happened T3QMcKkIeGI-00919-00224783-00225119 and this was my stop-loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00920-00225119-00225327 and when i found so this was i took the T3QMcKkIeGI-00921-00225328-00225719 cell here this was my cell T3QMcKkIeGI-00922-00225719-00225958 and uh when i see the bullish wave T3QMcKkIeGI-00923-00225959-00226167 against major direction against my T3QMcKkIeGI-00924-00226167-00226367 direction gold across against my T3QMcKkIeGI-00925-00226367-00226623 direction and also T3QMcKkIeGI-00926-00226623-00226879 start the bandwalk against my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00927-00226880-00227110 so when i got these three reverse T3QMcKkIeGI-00928-00227111-00227239 confirmations T3QMcKkIeGI-00929-00227240-00227510 i decided to exit before the price hit T3QMcKkIeGI-00930-00227511-00227782 the stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00931-00227783-00228046 so that was my exit timing i exited by T3QMcKkIeGI-00932-00228048-00228231 mobile T3QMcKkIeGI-00933-00228232-00228542 back then and the next one was um T3QMcKkIeGI-00934-00228544-00228815 pound usd T3QMcKkIeGI-00935-00228816-00229031 yeah and this one T3QMcKkIeGI-00936-00229032-00229294 i took the trade and the set break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00937-00229296-00229615 live okay yeah i remember this one i did T3QMcKkIeGI-00938-00229616-00229823 we did it together on the live on the T3QMcKkIeGI-00939-00229823-00230119 26th april where it says uh T3QMcKkIeGI-00940-00230119-00230431 live trade a pound uh sale and stop plus T3QMcKkIeGI-00941-00230432-00230663 the break even timing you can watch this T3QMcKkIeGI-00942-00230664-00230767 video T3QMcKkIeGI-00943-00230767-00231103 uh archive and you can exactly find how T3QMcKkIeGI-00944-00231104-00231375 i entered and said breaking before T3QMcKkIeGI-00945-00231376-00231551 ending the life T3QMcKkIeGI-00946-00231552-00231815 so i got pound usd T3QMcKkIeGI-00947-00231816-00231975 i took cell T3QMcKkIeGI-00948-00231976-00232319 uh here at uh one point two six six one T3QMcKkIeGI-00949-00232319-00232567 two at uh two T3QMcKkIeGI-00950-00232567-00232734 pm utc T3QMcKkIeGI-00951-00232735-00233191 plus at um 1.26907 T3QMcKkIeGI-00952-00233192-00233423 when i see the downtrending in the daily T3QMcKkIeGI-00953-00233423-00233655 in one hour T3QMcKkIeGI-00954-00233656-00233903 and then afterwards the market went all T3QMcKkIeGI-00955-00233904-00234087 the way down T3QMcKkIeGI-00956-00234088-00234206 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00957-00234207-00234375 when i came back the chart T3QMcKkIeGI-00958-00234376-00234655 i saw this situation so i moved one of T3QMcKkIeGI-00959-00234656-00234951 the stop losses to a below i mean above T3QMcKkIeGI-00960-00234952-00235087 sorry above the previous high in the T3QMcKkIeGI-00961-00235088-00235191 five T3QMcKkIeGI-00962-00235192-00235415 and the other one i kept at the break T3QMcKkIeGI-00963-00235416-00235534 even T3QMcKkIeGI-00964-00235535-00235606 so T3QMcKkIeGI-00965-00235607-00235919 i fixed twenty three point six of T3QMcKkIeGI-00966-00235919-00236310 six of 23.6 pips of profit T3QMcKkIeGI-00967-00236311-00236663 the other one at the break-even T3QMcKkIeGI-00968-00236664-00236927 and then afterwards T3QMcKkIeGI-00969-00236928-00237110 yeah i found the market still go toward T3QMcKkIeGI-00970-00237111-00237263 my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-00971-00237264-00237406 so um T3QMcKkIeGI-00972-00237407-00237663 when i came back next time T3QMcKkIeGI-00973-00237664-00237934 the market was here so i T3QMcKkIeGI-00974-00237935-00238158 i fixed a profit of T3QMcKkIeGI-00975-00238159-00238487 68.7 pips on one of the positions the T3QMcKkIeGI-00976-00238488-00238998 other one still kept at the break even T3QMcKkIeGI-00977-00239000-00239255 and then afterwards yeah the market T3QMcKkIeGI-00978-00239256-00239503 reverse market reverse in the five T3QMcKkIeGI-00979-00239504-00239719 minute this is all in the five minute T3QMcKkIeGI-00980-00239719-00239806 chart T3QMcKkIeGI-00981-00239807-00239967 i'm okay reverse T3QMcKkIeGI-00982-00239967-00240239 and it broke the previous high so it hit T3QMcKkIeGI-00983-00240240-00240471 my stop-loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00984-00240471-00240958 so i fixed 68 pips of stop-loss here T3QMcKkIeGI-00985-00240959-00241094 the 68 T3QMcKkIeGI-00986-00241096-00241271 and the other T3QMcKkIeGI-00987-00241271-00241567 so the other uh stop-loss i was still T3QMcKkIeGI-00988-00241567-00241758 kept at the break-even T3QMcKkIeGI-00989-00241759-00242071 so when i when i saw this breakout T3QMcKkIeGI-00990-00242071-00242263 this is when i came back the chart i saw T3QMcKkIeGI-00991-00242264-00242551 the breakout and then i moved the break T3QMcKkIeGI-00992-00242552-00242646 even T3QMcKkIeGI-00993-00242648-00242734 to T3QMcKkIeGI-00994-00242735-00243015 the most recent high in the five because T3QMcKkIeGI-00995-00243016-00243303 it was still down trending continuously T3QMcKkIeGI-00996-00243304-00243471 i was expecting the market goes down T3QMcKkIeGI-00997-00243471-00243839 continuously this way by fixed 62 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-00998-00243840-00244151 on this stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-00999-00244152-00244239 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01000-00244240-00244342 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-01001-00244344-00244430 uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01002-00244431-00244639 okay and then the market went back were T3QMcKkIeGI-01003-00244640-00244791 so sharp T3QMcKkIeGI-01004-00244792-00245039 so this is when i came back the chart i T3QMcKkIeGI-01005-00245040-00245271 found the market went back so sharply so T3QMcKkIeGI-01006-00245271-00245727 i fixed uh 60 162 pips here this was my T3QMcKkIeGI-01007-00245728-00246055 exit with a stop loss T3QMcKkIeGI-01008-00246056-00246246 and that was shown here on the T3QMcKkIeGI-01009-00246248-00246479 spreadsheet T3QMcKkIeGI-01010-00246480-00246871 um T3QMcKkIeGI-01011-00246871-00247006 yeah here T3QMcKkIeGI-01012-00247007-00247471 38 39 again i took the sell and usd 26 T3QMcKkIeGI-01013-00247471-00247751 april 220 utc T3QMcKkIeGI-01014-00247752-00247958 and the live stream public T3QMcKkIeGI-01015-00247959-00248063 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-01016-00248064-00248446 i fixed one of the trays 68.2 two pips T3QMcKkIeGI-01017-00248448-00248563 and the other one T3QMcKkIeGI-01018-00248564-00248782 52.8 pips T3QMcKkIeGI-01019-00248783-00249039 good race T3QMcKkIeGI-01020-00249040-00249294 okay and then afterwards i took another T3QMcKkIeGI-01021-00249296-00249519 trade on pound usc sale because it was T3QMcKkIeGI-01022-00249519-00249703 still down trending but this was T3QMcKkIeGI-01023-00249704-00250030 afterwards uh the market is still going T3QMcKkIeGI-01024-00250031-00250134 down T3QMcKkIeGI-01025-00250135-00250327 so i took the sale T3QMcKkIeGI-01026-00250328-00250606 and then afterwards i found that it's T3QMcKkIeGI-01027-00250607-00250863 i set the break even because the market T3QMcKkIeGI-01028-00250864-00251063 goes towards my direction T3QMcKkIeGI-01029-00251064-00251294 and then it went backwards T3QMcKkIeGI-01030-00251296-00251558 and hit the break even this was my entry T3QMcKkIeGI-01031-00251559-00251719 cell T3QMcKkIeGI-01032-00251719-00251958 this was my stop-loss T3QMcKkIeGI-01033-00251959-00252082 and this was T3QMcKkIeGI-01034-00252083-00252519 my uh oh sorry sorry this was my cell T3QMcKkIeGI-01035-00252519-00252646 okay T3QMcKkIeGI-01036-00252648-00252879 yeah so this is my cell T3QMcKkIeGI-01037-00252880-00253030 and this was my T3QMcKkIeGI-01038-00253031-00253271 this was a breaky ones here it was a T3QMcKkIeGI-01039-00253271-00253703 break even and hit the break even T3QMcKkIeGI-01040-00253704-00253879 that was my trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01041-00253880-00254342 and then the next one was usc jpy by T3QMcKkIeGI-01042-00254344-00254527 the the jpy T3QMcKkIeGI-01043-00254528-00254703 got to be active again T3QMcKkIeGI-01044-00254704-00254998 it went up again on the jp appears and i T3QMcKkIeGI-01045-00255000-00255215 found the usb jpy looked the best T3QMcKkIeGI-01046-00255216-00255398 because kumon looks good T3QMcKkIeGI-01047-00255400-00255598 too much thick and longer T3QMcKkIeGI-01048-00255600-00255791 in a daily chart it looks good as T3QMcKkIeGI-01049-00255792-00256030 compared to other jpi pairs T3QMcKkIeGI-01050-00256031-00256439 and jpy was weak and usd was very strong T3QMcKkIeGI-01051-00256440-00256558 when i was T3QMcKkIeGI-01052-00256559-00256646 here T3QMcKkIeGI-01053-00256648-00256942 that's why i took the usd jpy T3QMcKkIeGI-01054-00256944-00257094 by T3QMcKkIeGI-01055-00257096-00257263 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-01056-00257264-00257494 it went backwards afterwards T3QMcKkIeGI-01057-00257496-00257767 so after i see the n-wave bullish T3QMcKkIeGI-01058-00257767-00257846 i T3QMcKkIeGI-01059-00257848-00258175 moved the stop loss to break even T3QMcKkIeGI-01060-00258176-00258310 and then T3QMcKkIeGI-01061-00258311-00258558 soon it retraced backwards and hit my T3QMcKkIeGI-01062-00258559-00258767 break even T3QMcKkIeGI-01063-00258767-00259142 that was my break even trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01064-00259144-00259463 uh yeah in the last trade i which i took T3QMcKkIeGI-01065-00259464-00259703 the two days before at the live stream T3QMcKkIeGI-01066-00259704-00259855 it was in the live T3QMcKkIeGI-01067-00259856-00260023 i took the T3QMcKkIeGI-01068-00260023-00260246 uh euro usc cell T3QMcKkIeGI-01069-00260248-00260430 if you can remember if you are there two T3QMcKkIeGI-01070-00260431-00260679 days back uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01071-00260680-00260903 i i entered here T3QMcKkIeGI-01072-00260904-00261046 because i got this T3QMcKkIeGI-01073-00261048-00261310 chassis did cross bandwalk T3QMcKkIeGI-01074-00261311-00261679 and also a pin bar there was a pin bar T3QMcKkIeGI-01075-00261680-00261975 breakout towards major direction T3QMcKkIeGI-01076-00261976-00262310 i took sale but uh in 10 10 minutes the T3QMcKkIeGI-01077-00262311-00262534 market went backwards all the way T3QMcKkIeGI-01078-00262535-00262782 my stop loss was here this was my stop T3QMcKkIeGI-01079-00262783-00262887 loss T3QMcKkIeGI-01080-00262888-00263095 and this was my entry T3QMcKkIeGI-01081-00263096-00263487 and i exited here manually T3QMcKkIeGI-01082-00263488-00263599 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01083-00263600-00263975 right after the live stream ended T3QMcKkIeGI-01084-00263976-00264255 uh i manually exited my mobile because T3QMcKkIeGI-01085-00264256-00264543 it was going so strong against major T3QMcKkIeGI-01086-00264544-00264671 direction T3QMcKkIeGI-01087-00264672-00264887 so i managed to T3QMcKkIeGI-01088-00264888-00265103 take loss before the price hit the stop T3QMcKkIeGI-01089-00265104-00265287 loss T3QMcKkIeGI-01090-00265288-00265491 and that was ending uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01091-00265492-00265758 24.7 pips of loss T3QMcKkIeGI-01092-00265759-00265982 and that was my last trade in the month T3QMcKkIeGI-01093-00265983-00266327 of april T3QMcKkIeGI-01094-00266328-00266510 yeah so uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01095-00266511-00266719 yeah i think that was my T3QMcKkIeGI-01096-00266720-00266895 trace overall T3QMcKkIeGI-01097-00266896-00266982 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01098-00266983-00267158 yeah now let me come back to some T3QMcKkIeGI-01099-00267159-00267358 comments T3QMcKkIeGI-01100-00267359-00267543 and uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01101-00267544-00267791 yeah check discuss T3QMcKkIeGI-01102-00267792-00268055 some of these points and T3QMcKkIeGI-01103-00268056-00268367 concepts of my strategy T3QMcKkIeGI-01104-00268368-00268519 all right thanks for joining everybody T3QMcKkIeGI-01105-00268520-00268695 great to see you again T3QMcKkIeGI-01106-00268696-00268895 yeah if you liked it please press like T3QMcKkIeGI-01107-00268896-00269071 button before leave T3QMcKkIeGI-01108-00269072-00269303 please subscribe that will be great so T3QMcKkIeGI-01109-00269304-00269639 that you get notified when i do T3QMcKkIeGI-01110-00269640-00269887 the when i do these uh live streams T3QMcKkIeGI-01111-00269888-00270023 every day T3QMcKkIeGI-01112-00270024-00270479 in my youtube channel T3QMcKkIeGI-01113-00270480-00270606 okay T3QMcKkIeGI-01114-00270607-00270703 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01115-00270704-00270934 let's see T3QMcKkIeGI-01116-00270935-00271175 all right i just deleted okay yes i just T3QMcKkIeGI-01117-00271176-00271271 did T3QMcKkIeGI-01118-00271272-00271375 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01119-00271376-00271663 do not repeat the comment please T3QMcKkIeGI-01120-00271664-00271839 okay thanks for joining everybody again T3QMcKkIeGI-01121-00271840-00272063 good to see you i see some comments here T3QMcKkIeGI-01122-00272064-00272158 um T3QMcKkIeGI-01123-00272159-00272471 who he says um oh of course slymon says T3QMcKkIeGI-01124-00272472-00272639 can you recommend any T3QMcKkIeGI-01125-00272640-00272791 biography of T3QMcKkIeGI-01126-00272792-00273103 a sportsman or trader that you found T3QMcKkIeGI-01127-00273104-00273263 very helpful T3QMcKkIeGI-01128-00273264-00273671 um yeah i think i can list some so i can T3QMcKkIeGI-01129-00273672-00273975 let you know yes i will T3QMcKkIeGI-01130-00273976-00274103 make a list T3QMcKkIeGI-01131-00274104-00274510 and i'll let you know T3QMcKkIeGI-01132-00274511-00274887 yeah but i love reading these books T3QMcKkIeGI-01133-00274888-00275175 uh every time i read these sportsmans or T3QMcKkIeGI-01134-00275176-00275310 uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01135-00275311-00275591 professional players like mindset books T3QMcKkIeGI-01136-00275592-00275895 i learn something new T3QMcKkIeGI-01137-00275896-00276175 yeah one of my favorites is a T3QMcKkIeGI-01138-00276176-00276399 japanese chess T3QMcKkIeGI-01139-00276400-00276727 whose name is uh yoshiharu habu T3QMcKkIeGI-01140-00276728-00276799 but T3QMcKkIeGI-01141-00276800-00277071 i'm not sure if you can find the in T3QMcKkIeGI-01142-00277072-00277279 english book T3QMcKkIeGI-01143-00277280-00277527 i read them in japanese but i'm not sure T3QMcKkIeGI-01144-00277528-00277695 if you can re if you can find the book T3QMcKkIeGI-01145-00277696-00277823 in english T3QMcKkIeGI-01146-00277824-00278055 but if i found if i find it then i will T3QMcKkIeGI-01147-00278056-00278382 let you know T3QMcKkIeGI-01148-00278383-00278510 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01149-00278511-00278799 sometimes i feel like identical our T3QMcKkIeGI-01150-00278800-00279087 thoughts our thought process T3QMcKkIeGI-01151-00279088-00279334 for the chess and also my trading T3QMcKkIeGI-01152-00279335-00279663 mindset T3QMcKkIeGI-01153-00279664-00279910 okay oh seen james good to see you T3QMcKkIeGI-01154-00279911-00280191 welcome here and who he says hi kay the T3QMcKkIeGI-01155-00280192-00280519 trade platform that you use has no T3QMcKkIeGI-01156-00280520-00280743 commission fees um T3QMcKkIeGI-01157-00280744-00280975 there are commission fees yes i pay T3QMcKkIeGI-01158-00280976-00281239 commissions i pay spread T3QMcKkIeGI-01159-00281240-00281487 and swaps swap is not a commission i pay T3QMcKkIeGI-01160-00281488-00281975 the spread every time i enter trace T3QMcKkIeGI-01161-00281976-00282206 sci says hello okay i have sale position T3QMcKkIeGI-01162-00282207-00282439 on the eurocad and pound cad i took the T3QMcKkIeGI-01163-00282440-00282679 trade on friday i have lost in the trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01164-00282680-00283023 did i close the trade or from monday the T3QMcKkIeGI-01165-00283024-00283279 market will continue to go down um if T3QMcKkIeGI-01166-00283280-00283655 it's still flat then uh you have to exit T3QMcKkIeGI-01167-00283656-00283775 on monday T3QMcKkIeGI-01168-00283776-00284030 you have to see chart on monday open T3QMcKkIeGI-01169-00284031-00284334 and make sure to check the daily of four T3QMcKkIeGI-01170-00284335-00284615 and if daily or four are flat T3QMcKkIeGI-01171-00284616-00284758 then you have to T3QMcKkIeGI-01172-00284759-00284927 prepare to exit T3QMcKkIeGI-01173-00284928-00285143 because it may retrace back to T3QMcKkIeGI-01174-00285144-00285663 the daily or four hour kijun T3QMcKkIeGI-01175-00285664-00285879 okay ap says you mentioned in one of T3QMcKkIeGI-01176-00285880-00286127 your videos that you took you take at T3QMcKkIeGI-01177-00286128-00286327 least two trays can you explain why you T3QMcKkIeGI-01178-00286328-00286630 take two separate trays why you take at T3QMcKkIeGI-01179-00286631-00286982 different levels and it's that not more T3QMcKkIeGI-01180-00286983-00287271 likely to get stopped out and therefore T3QMcKkIeGI-01181-00287272-00287543 reducing your reward chances T3QMcKkIeGI-01182-00287544-00287767 i take two positions every time i trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01183-00287768-00287887 because T3QMcKkIeGI-01184-00287888-00288134 even if one of the trades got you know T3QMcKkIeGI-01185-00288135-00288454 take profit the other one still alive T3QMcKkIeGI-01186-00288455-00288758 and if the market is still trending T3QMcKkIeGI-01187-00288759-00288871 uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01188-00288872-00289143 when i when i exit on the one position T3QMcKkIeGI-01189-00289144-00289271 at the stop plus T3QMcKkIeGI-01190-00289272-00289358 still T3QMcKkIeGI-01191-00289359-00289727 i can still trail on the second position T3QMcKkIeGI-01192-00289728-00289815 and T3QMcKkIeGI-01193-00289816-00290175 based on back testing i compared the one T3QMcKkIeGI-01194-00290176-00290343 position two positions T3QMcKkIeGI-01195-00290344-00290567 and when i take two positions T3QMcKkIeGI-01196-00290568-00290903 my pf gets much much better T3QMcKkIeGI-01197-00290904-00291095 but when i take one position T3QMcKkIeGI-01198-00291096-00291423 then my pf was still two or three but T3QMcKkIeGI-01199-00291424-00291751 when i took two trays two positions T3QMcKkIeGI-01200-00291752-00291999 and manage the stop losses like this T3QMcKkIeGI-01201-00292000-00292119 then T3QMcKkIeGI-01202-00292120-00292479 my pf become over five and that's why i T3QMcKkIeGI-01203-00292480-00293519 take two trays T3QMcKkIeGI-01204-00293520-00293719 yep T3QMcKkIeGI-01205-00293720-00293951 vocode says a simple strategy yielding T3QMcKkIeGI-01206-00293952-00294199 great results yes that's true that's T3QMcKkIeGI-01207-00294200-00294279 true T3QMcKkIeGI-01208-00294280-00294471 now strategies doesn't have to be T3QMcKkIeGI-01209-00294472-00294599 complex T3QMcKkIeGI-01210-00294600-00294815 but rather it has to be simple T3QMcKkIeGI-01211-00294816-00295127 simple but powerful is a key to success T3QMcKkIeGI-01212-00295128-00295351 you know less is more so T3QMcKkIeGI-01213-00295352-00295543 i used to T3QMcKkIeGI-01214-00295544-00295782 many many indicators T3QMcKkIeGI-01215-00295783-00296071 now i only use ichimong cooking coil for T3QMcKkIeGI-01216-00296072-00296295 higher time frames but before i was T3QMcKkIeGI-01217-00296296-00296543 using five or six or seven T3QMcKkIeGI-01218-00296544-00296719 indicators T3QMcKkIeGI-01219-00296720-00296863 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01220-00296864-00297110 but sometimes indicators contradict on T3QMcKkIeGI-01221-00297111-00297439 directions signals and that can confuse T3QMcKkIeGI-01222-00297440-00297654 me at that time T3QMcKkIeGI-01223-00297655-00297903 so uh i found less is more in the T3QMcKkIeGI-01224-00297904-00298375 indicators and strategies T3QMcKkIeGI-01225-00298376-00298567 okay and hacks is uh thanks for your T3QMcKkIeGI-01226-00298568-00298767 strategy i'm really happy this month T3QMcKkIeGI-01227-00298768-00299006 with more than two weeks of trading i T3QMcKkIeGI-01228-00299007-00299382 made more than 15 profit that's great so T3QMcKkIeGI-01229-00299383-00299679 you start to learn how to follow and how T3QMcKkIeGI-01230-00299680-00299967 to chase a prophet in that major T3QMcKkIeGI-01231-00299968-00300191 direction T3QMcKkIeGI-01232-00300192-00300487 yeah if you become a trend follower then T3QMcKkIeGI-01233-00300488-00300767 things becomes very easy and very T3QMcKkIeGI-01234-00300768-00301134 simple T3QMcKkIeGI-01235-00301135-00301334 camaro says could you share this excel T3QMcKkIeGI-01236-00301335-00301630 sheet this spreadsheet is uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01237-00301631-00301887 for only the gts members T3QMcKkIeGI-01238-00301888-00302079 gts is my T3QMcKkIeGI-01239-00302080-00302375 uh hands-on teaching you can find the T3QMcKkIeGI-01240-00302376-00302654 display the expression on the link below T3QMcKkIeGI-01241-00302655-00302927 so uh that spreadsheets is only for the T3QMcKkIeGI-01242-00302928-00303199 ggs members because i use this for the T3QMcKkIeGI-01243-00303200-00303358 trading purpose T3QMcKkIeGI-01244-00303359-00303495 and myself T3QMcKkIeGI-01245-00303496-00303615 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01246-00303616-00303791 yeah this is for T3QMcKkIeGI-01247-00303792-00304287 the members only T3QMcKkIeGI-01248-00304288-00304495 yeah thanks for joining T3QMcKkIeGI-01249-00304496-00304806 uh mamahan says uh love your quality no T3QMcKkIeGI-01250-00304807-00304927 more T3QMcKkIeGI-01251-00304928-00305215 uh no no one does it respect you for T3QMcKkIeGI-01252-00305216-00305447 that oh you're welcome thank you for the T3QMcKkIeGI-01253-00305448-00305663 comment T3QMcKkIeGI-01254-00305664-00305879 all right thank you for joining everyone T3QMcKkIeGI-01255-00305880-00306110 i see only says hi if you take two T3QMcKkIeGI-01256-00306111-00306295 orders on one trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01257-00306296-00306510 it will be one percent risk per order or T3QMcKkIeGI-01258-00306511-00306647 two percent T3QMcKkIeGI-01259-00306648-00306951 or one uh that would be one percentage T3QMcKkIeGI-01260-00306952-00307030 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01261-00307031-00307215 when i take two trades let's say euro T3QMcKkIeGI-01262-00307216-00307391 aud T3QMcKkIeGI-01263-00307392-00307639 one of the positions i take one percent T3QMcKkIeGI-01264-00307640-00307991 and two positions i take two percent T3QMcKkIeGI-01265-00307992-00308527 so one each T3QMcKkIeGI-01266-00308528-00308815 okay uh corey says okay you are very T3QMcKkIeGI-01267-00308816-00309087 good at your job sir thank you for the T3QMcKkIeGI-01268-00309088-00309423 free knowledge oh you're welcome welcome T3QMcKkIeGI-01269-00309424-00309695 yeah because i can only share what i do T3QMcKkIeGI-01270-00309696-00309806 and T3QMcKkIeGI-01271-00309807-00310006 yeah even if i share T3QMcKkIeGI-01272-00310007-00310230 it's just fine at least as long as you T3QMcKkIeGI-01273-00310231-00310679 can learn that would be great T3QMcKkIeGI-01274-00310680-00310982 yeah let's see milot says hellos mr k T3QMcKkIeGI-01275-00310983-00311263 could you put discord link in comments T3QMcKkIeGI-01276-00311264-00311503 so we can join the group T3QMcKkIeGI-01277-00311504-00311815 the group is for the gts members only T3QMcKkIeGI-01278-00311816-00312006 so in the gts T3QMcKkIeGI-01279-00312007-00312182 i post my trace T3QMcKkIeGI-01280-00312183-00312454 every time i enter exits i pause my T3QMcKkIeGI-01281-00312455-00312871 trace in the gts T3QMcKkIeGI-01282-00312872-00313134 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01283-00313135-00313447 okay so let's see ap says cajpy was T3QMcKkIeGI-01284-00313448-00313782 conflicting on 30 shows ranging why did T3QMcKkIeGI-01285-00313783-00314023 you still take the trade 30 was actually T3QMcKkIeGI-01286-00314024-00314263 bullish when i took that trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01287-00314264-00314351 you can T3QMcKkIeGI-01288-00314352-00314647 you can technically see that uh a 30 was T3QMcKkIeGI-01289-00314648-00314758 bullish T3QMcKkIeGI-01290-00314759-00315030 let's see T3QMcKkIeGI-01291-00315031-00315287 it was all the way up here i think yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01292-00315288-00315415 this one T3QMcKkIeGI-01293-00315416-00315679 you can technically see that the T3QMcKkIeGI-01294-00315680-00315854 unseen was up T3QMcKkIeGI-01295-00315855-00316071 uncle's plan a was up T3QMcKkIeGI-01296-00316072-00316327 and uh she could spawn above candles so T3QMcKkIeGI-01297-00316328-00316623 it was bullish technically T3QMcKkIeGI-01298-00316624-00317223 on that entry T3QMcKkIeGI-01299-00317224-00317527 okay arthur says uh hi can how about T3QMcKkIeGI-01300-00317528-00317782 your plans to trade stocks yeah stock T3QMcKkIeGI-01301-00317783-00318030 markets index i was planning to trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01302-00318031-00318303 this year but looks like it's not really T3QMcKkIeGI-01303-00318304-00318519 good for me i don't see any trends in T3QMcKkIeGI-01304-00318520-00318639 the index T3QMcKkIeGI-01305-00318640-00318847 and that's why i'm away from these stock T3QMcKkIeGI-01306-00318848-00318943 trades T3QMcKkIeGI-01307-00318944-00319151 but i trade i T3QMcKkIeGI-01308-00319152-00319271 i see T3QMcKkIeGI-01309-00319272-00319487 more volatility in the forex T3QMcKkIeGI-01310-00319488-00319782 so still i am still T3QMcKkIeGI-01311-00319783-00320127 trading forex mainly T3QMcKkIeGI-01312-00320128-00320358 khalid says i like the mt4 template T3QMcKkIeGI-01313-00320359-00320599 setting can i have the template T3QMcKkIeGI-01314-00320600-00320687 uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01315-00320688-00321023 yeah i can show you the template um i T3QMcKkIeGI-01316-00321024-00321254 can make the website and maybe i can T3QMcKkIeGI-01317-00321255-00321503 show the template sure T3QMcKkIeGI-01318-00321504-00321679 yeah when i do that i will T3QMcKkIeGI-01319-00321680-00322247 let you know let you and everybody know T3QMcKkIeGI-01320-00322248-00322495 okay so let me T3QMcKkIeGI-01321-00322496-00322615 pick T3QMcKkIeGI-01322-00322616-00322847 few one or two comments T3QMcKkIeGI-01323-00322848-00323063 and then end the live T3QMcKkIeGI-01324-00323064-00323295 okay augustine says okay son what is the T3QMcKkIeGI-01325-00323296-00323591 logic behind you maintain a second stop T3QMcKkIeGI-01326-00323592-00323806 loss just above the entry but the other T3QMcKkIeGI-01327-00323807-00324095 position you adjusted the stop loss why T3QMcKkIeGI-01328-00324096-00324399 not just adjust a second stop loss up T3QMcKkIeGI-01329-00324400-00324671 secure the profit as well T3QMcKkIeGI-01330-00324672-00324967 because the market is T3QMcKkIeGI-01331-00324968-00325110 moving T3QMcKkIeGI-01332-00325111-00325206 in T3QMcKkIeGI-01333-00325207-00325351 how to say like T3QMcKkIeGI-01334-00325352-00325599 the market moves T3QMcKkIeGI-01335-00325600-00325695 uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01336-00325696-00326006 moves up and down in different T3QMcKkIeGI-01337-00326007-00326271 uh in multiple time frames T3QMcKkIeGI-01338-00326272-00326639 differently let's say even if you 5 if T3QMcKkIeGI-01339-00326640-00326863 you see 5 minute is up T3QMcKkIeGI-01340-00326864-00327158 and retrace backwards like this in 5 T3QMcKkIeGI-01341-00327159-00327382 you still may see that 30 is bullish and T3QMcKkIeGI-01342-00327383-00327558 1 hour may be bullish T3QMcKkIeGI-01343-00327559-00327751 in that case you don't want to you don't T3QMcKkIeGI-01344-00327752-00327982 want to exit because basically i'm T3QMcKkIeGI-01345-00327983-00328287 following a daily chart T3QMcKkIeGI-01346-00328288-00328478 or four hour to follow T3QMcKkIeGI-01347-00328479-00328615 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01348-00328616-00328806 even if i see the retracement i don't T3QMcKkIeGI-01349-00328807-00329015 exit on the second one but first one i T3QMcKkIeGI-01350-00329016-00329254 exit because i want to fix T3QMcKkIeGI-01351-00329255-00329391 some profit T3QMcKkIeGI-01352-00329392-00329630 because it may continue to reverse T3QMcKkIeGI-01353-00329631-00329839 but even if i continue to reverse i T3QMcKkIeGI-01354-00329840-00330247 don't lose so that's a mindset T3QMcKkIeGI-01355-00330248-00330454 so it's all based on T3QMcKkIeGI-01356-00330455-00330775 based on the non-losing mindset T3QMcKkIeGI-01357-00330776-00331230 yeah and i don't fix profit too early T3QMcKkIeGI-01358-00331231-00331478 yeah i will make sure to fix profit when T3QMcKkIeGI-01359-00331479-00331734 higher time frame becomes flat T3QMcKkIeGI-01360-00331735-00331934 if it's too bullish then i don't fix the T3QMcKkIeGI-01361-00331935-00332103 profit manually T3QMcKkIeGI-01362-00332104-00332430 i still try all the profits T3QMcKkIeGI-01363-00332431-00333191 i hope that makes sense T3QMcKkIeGI-01364-00333192-00333358 okay thanks for joining everybody great T3QMcKkIeGI-01365-00333359-00333606 to see you here T3QMcKkIeGI-01366-00333607-00333727 uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01367-00333728-00334143 are you scalping no i don't i always T3QMcKkIeGI-01368-00334144-00334367 eat a bit in between uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01369-00334368-00334695 intraday to swing trace T3QMcKkIeGI-01370-00334696-00334958 oh purified and uh purified thank you T3QMcKkIeGI-01371-00334959-00335215 for your super chat T3QMcKkIeGI-01372-00335216-00335423 it says can you explain your two entries T3QMcKkIeGI-01373-00335424-00335654 again and how do you enter with two T3QMcKkIeGI-01374-00335655-00335775 trays T3QMcKkIeGI-01375-00335776-00336087 yeah so as one of the examples uh let's T3QMcKkIeGI-01376-00336088-00336391 see so i take two entry two trace T3QMcKkIeGI-01377-00336392-00336695 entries at the same time basically T3QMcKkIeGI-01378-00336696-00336854 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01379-00336855-00337127 so like in this case usa jpy T3QMcKkIeGI-01380-00337128-00337423 it was up in the 30 in a daily T3QMcKkIeGI-01381-00337424-00337510 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01382-00337511-00337903 when i take by i literally press the buy T3QMcKkIeGI-01383-00337904-00338206 button twice on mobile and then T3QMcKkIeGI-01384-00338207-00338310 execute T3QMcKkIeGI-01385-00338311-00338519 two positions here T3QMcKkIeGI-01386-00338520-00338799 and then stop to to input the stop T3QMcKkIeGI-01387-00338800-00338975 losses here T3QMcKkIeGI-01388-00338976-00339454 two stop pluses here manually T3QMcKkIeGI-01389-00339455-00339663 yeah T3QMcKkIeGI-01390-00339664-00340023 and i move the stop losses to break even T3QMcKkIeGI-01391-00340024-00340230 and then start to trail T3QMcKkIeGI-01392-00340231-00340503 in two different timeframes T3QMcKkIeGI-01393-00340504-00340695 and then the result T3QMcKkIeGI-01394-00340696-00340967 pf would be much much better than taking T3QMcKkIeGI-01395-00340968-00341663 one single trade T3QMcKkIeGI-01396-00341664-00342015 okay so uh yeah i think uh that's it for T3QMcKkIeGI-01397-00342016-00342175 today's life T3QMcKkIeGI-01398-00342176-00342454 oh i see uh T3QMcKkIeGI-01399-00342455-00342663 navarre another um T3QMcKkIeGI-01400-00342664-00342982 dinosaur join the ichimoku basic master T3QMcKkIeGI-01401-00342983-00343263 class thank you for joining in the T3QMcKkIeGI-01402-00343264-00343399 community here T3QMcKkIeGI-01403-00343400-00343671 so there will be a ichimoku membership T3QMcKkIeGI-01404-00343672-00343919 live in about a few minutes T3QMcKkIeGI-01405-00343920-00344182 so hopefully i can see you there T3QMcKkIeGI-01406-00344183-00344334 um T3QMcKkIeGI-01407-00344335-00344478 yeah so T3QMcKkIeGI-01408-00344479-00344767 yeah that's it for today's life i hope T3QMcKkIeGI-01409-00344768-00344958 you enjoyed it T3QMcKkIeGI-01410-00344959-00345191 and it's been my honor to be able to T3QMcKkIeGI-01411-00345192-00345447 share my experience knowledge like this T3QMcKkIeGI-01412-00345448-00345719 because uh without your participation i T3QMcKkIeGI-01413-00345720-00345967 won't be able to do this every day T3QMcKkIeGI-01414-00345968-00346327 so uh again i appreciate your support T3QMcKkIeGI-01415-00346328-00346534 and i will continuously T3QMcKkIeGI-01416-00346535-00346687 do this T3QMcKkIeGI-01417-00346688-00346782 so T3QMcKkIeGI-01418-00346783-00347006 yeah i will see you in the next one T3QMcKkIeGI-01419-00347007-00347230 and until i see you T3QMcKkIeGI-01420-00347231-00347534 uh please stay healthy and stay safe T3QMcKkIeGI-01421-00347535-00347727 and stay gold T3QMcKkIeGI-01422-00347728-00347895 all right bye for now T3QMcKkIeGI-01423-00347896-00348215 matane everyone thank you and have a T3QMcKkIeGI-01424-00348216-00350982 great weekend T3QMcKkIeGI-01425-00350983-00351192 you T43GnhA1GRE-00000-00000165-00000236 [Applause] T43GnhA1GRE-00001-00000237-00000643 [Music] T43GnhA1GRE-00002-00000644-00001103 thank you T43GnhA1GRE-00003-00001104-00001411 [Applause] T43GnhA1GRE-00004-00001412-00002019 [Music] T5jsFuEsedI-00000-00000000-00000030 [Applause] T5jsFuEsedI-00001-00000031-00000265 we turn now to First Minister's T5jsFuEsedI-00002-00000266-00000398 Questions question umber one Ruth T5jsFuEsedI-00003-00000399-00000661 Jefferson Thank You presiding officer T5jsFuEsedI-00004-00000662-00000881 marking National numeracy day yesterday T5jsFuEsedI-00005-00000882-00001108 the Deputy First Minister declared that T5jsFuEsedI-00006-00001109-00001303 all of us need to have a good grasp of T5jsFuEsedI-00007-00001304-00001502 numeracy I agree T5jsFuEsedI-00008-00001503-00001768 so can the First Minister tell us how T5jsFuEsedI-00009-00001769-00002017 much has numeracy attainment improved or T5jsFuEsedI-00010-00002018-00002183 declined in our schools since she took T5jsFuEsedI-00011-00002184-00002218 office T5jsFuEsedI-00012-00002219-00002507 First Minister well I want to pay T5jsFuEsedI-00013-00002508-00002849 tribute to national numeracy initiatives T5jsFuEsedI-00014-00002850-00002957 I think the Deputy First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00015-00002958-00003127 managed to spell it correctly when he's T5jsFuEsedI-00016-00003128-00003260 promoted at this week the UK skills T5jsFuEsedI-00017-00003261-00003452 minister managed to refer to national T5jsFuEsedI-00018-00003453-00003806 number see we were anyway that that T5jsFuEsedI-00019-00003807-00004208 aside we see improving attainment across T5jsFuEsedI-00020-00004209-00004702 our skills for example for example we T5jsFuEsedI-00021-00004703-00004988 see an increasing intake in terms of T5jsFuEsedI-00022-00004989-00005177 STEM subjects generally I'm more than T5jsFuEsedI-00023-00005178-00005338 happy to provide the specific numbers on T5jsFuEsedI-00024-00005339-00005545 maths for drew Stevenson later I don't T5jsFuEsedI-00025-00005546-00005720 have them to hand right now across the T5jsFuEsedI-00026-00005721-00005920 range of subjects in our schools we're T5jsFuEsedI-00027-00005921-00006092 seeing attainment rising and of course T5jsFuEsedI-00028-00006093-00006220 we're also seeing the attainment gap T5jsFuEsedI-00029-00006221-00006397 closing and that's why we want to T5jsFuEsedI-00030-00006398-00006608 continue that progress in the months T5jsFuEsedI-00031-00006609-00006670 ahead T5jsFuEsedI-00032-00006670-00006902 I thank the First Minister for that T5jsFuEsedI-00033-00006903-00007073 answer but she won't be able to send me T5jsFuEsedI-00034-00007073-00007246 the specific numbers later because she T5jsFuEsedI-00035-00007247-00007466 can't give specific numbers and that's T5jsFuEsedI-00036-00007467-00007591 because the Deputy First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00037-00007592-00007873 cancelled the only national survey on T5jsFuEsedI-00038-00007875-00008053 numeracy standards we had which T5jsFuEsedI-00039-00008054-00008216 previously allowed us to see how things T5jsFuEsedI-00040-00008217-00008456 are going and that means as this T5jsFuEsedI-00041-00008457-00008588 Parliament's Education Committee T5jsFuEsedI-00042-00008589-00008831 declared no meaningful conclusions on T5jsFuEsedI-00043-00008832-00009005 upward or downward trends can be reached T5jsFuEsedI-00044-00009006-00009227 at a time of reform within Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00045-00009228-00009419 education so the Deputy First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00046-00009420-00009638 tells us this week there it's important T5jsFuEsedI-00047-00009639-00009839 to have a good grasp of numeracy T5jsFuEsedI-00048-00009840-00010114 standards yet under this SNP government T5jsFuEsedI-00049-00010115-00010406 we have no grasp on how those standards T5jsFuEsedI-00050-00010407-00010474 are faring T5jsFuEsedI-00051-00010475-00010624 does that strike the first minister as T5jsFuEsedI-00052-00010625-00010949 acceptable First Minister if it if it T5jsFuEsedI-00053-00010950-00011234 was true it wouldn't be acceptable but T5jsFuEsedI-00054-00011235-00011528 it's not true I mean we provide under T5jsFuEsedI-00055-00011529-00011842 the achievement of CFE levels data which T5jsFuEsedI-00056-00011843-00012049 replaced the Scottish survey of literacy T5jsFuEsedI-00057-00012050-00012131 and numeracy T5jsFuEsedI-00058-00012132-00012413 we provide more data at all levels of T5jsFuEsedI-00059-00012414-00012470 the system T5jsFuEsedI-00060-00012471-00012664 crucially to underpin improvement T5jsFuEsedI-00061-00012665-00012883 activity than we have ever done before T5jsFuEsedI-00062-00012884-00013052 and the problem with the Scottish survey T5jsFuEsedI-00063-00013053-00013287 of literacy and numeracy is the T5jsFuEsedI-00064-00013288-00013530 did not provide data at school or local T5jsFuEsedI-00065-00013531-00013680 authority level and Ruth Davidson T5jsFuEsedI-00066-00013681-00013956 doesn't have to take my word for that in T5jsFuEsedI-00067-00013957-00014138 its review of education in Scotland in T5jsFuEsedI-00068-00014140-00014505 2015 this is what the OECD said about T5jsFuEsedI-00069-00014506-00014754 that sample approach it said the late T5jsFuEsedI-00070-00014755-00014958 sampling of literacy and numeracy at the T5jsFuEsedI-00071-00014959-00015141 national level has not provided T5jsFuEsedI-00072-00015141-00015453 sufficient evidence for use in T5jsFuEsedI-00073-00015454-00015713 evaluative activities or for national T5jsFuEsedI-00074-00015715-00015968 agencies to identify areas of strength T5jsFuEsedI-00075-00015969-00016284 so that sort of a wasn't providing the T5jsFuEsedI-00076-00016285-00016518 information that we needed that's why we T5jsFuEsedI-00077-00016519-00016665 have replaced it with the achievement of T5jsFuEsedI-00078-00016666-00016932 CFE levels data and what it does provide T5jsFuEsedI-00079-00016933-00017205 the information at not just national T5jsFuEsedI-00080-00017206-00017373 level but school and local authority T5jsFuEsedI-00081-00017374-00017517 level as well I thought that's exactly T5jsFuEsedI-00082-00017518-00017637 the claim the progress and improvement T5jsFuEsedI-00083-00017638-00017784 that Reece Davidson might have welcomed T5jsFuEsedI-00084-00017785-00018342 a victim of course Minister the OECD T5jsFuEsedI-00085-00018343-00018654 said to improve ssl and it didn't see to T5jsFuEsedI-00086-00018655-00018888 cancel it and it's clear from the First T5jsFuEsedI-00087-00018889-00019035 Minister's answers that she hasn't T5jsFuEsedI-00088-00019036-00019200 actually read what the Education T5jsFuEsedI-00089-00019201-00019341 Committee had to see and the problem is T5jsFuEsedI-00090-00019342-00019653 this new assessments which we support at T5jsFuEsedI-00091-00019654-00020028 P 4 P 7 and s 3 are not comparable have T5jsFuEsedI-00092-00020029-00020343 a listen they are not comparable they T5jsFuEsedI-00093-00020344-00020577 cannot show a trend there is no baseline T5jsFuEsedI-00094-00020578-00020799 and they will take time to bed in and in T5jsFuEsedI-00095-00020800-00021084 the meantime we have no idea where their T5jsFuEsedI-00096-00021085-00021255 standards and literacy and numeracy are T5jsFuEsedI-00097-00021256-00021516 rising or falling and the committee was T5jsFuEsedI-00098-00021517-00021756 quite explicit there is a five-year gap T5jsFuEsedI-00099-00021757-00021933 in our knowledge because of the actions T5jsFuEsedI-00100-00021934-00022134 of this SMP government and the committee T5jsFuEsedI-00101-00022135-00022284 is worried that we're losing the data we T5jsFuEsedI-00102-00022285-00022542 need for Parliament and wider society to T5jsFuEsedI-00103-00022543-00022707 hold the government to account for its T5jsFuEsedI-00104-00022708-00022935 performance on education a direct court T5jsFuEsedI-00105-00022936-00023244 I share the committee's concerns doesn't T5jsFuEsedI-00106-00023245-00023442 the First Minister share it to first T5jsFuEsedI-00107-00023443-00023619 master we always pay attention to what T5jsFuEsedI-00108-00023620-00023793 committees of this Parliament see and we T5jsFuEsedI-00109-00023794-00023916 will continue to do that I just want to T5jsFuEsedI-00110-00023917-00024084 pick up the receiver since some she T5jsFuEsedI-00111-00024085-00024213 something she said there about T5jsFuEsedI-00112-00024214-00024417 assessments and primary schools she said T5jsFuEsedI-00113-00024418-00024630 very carefully that the Tories support T5jsFuEsedI-00114-00024631-00024873 them at p4 and P 7 of course they're T5jsFuEsedI-00115-00024874-00025062 admitting to see that in their manifesto T5jsFuEsedI-00116-00025063-00025278 in the 2016 election they supported them T5jsFuEsedI-00117-00025279-00025584 at p1 as well just another example of T5jsFuEsedI-00118-00025585-00025911 Ruth Davidson's no legend relief T5jsFuEsedI-00119-00025912-00026224 flip-flopping on every T5jsFuEsedI-00120-00026225-00026683 that is not there is no policies in the T5jsFuEsedI-00121-00026683-00026857 Tories and there's not an iota of T5jsFuEsedI-00122-00026858-00027205 principle either under Ruth Davidson but T5jsFuEsedI-00123-00027206-00027477 on the achievement of CFE levels data of T5jsFuEsedI-00124-00027478-00027639 course that provides a trend this is T5jsFuEsedI-00125-00027640-00027858 information that is published at school T5jsFuEsedI-00126-00027859-00028132 and local authority level each and every T5jsFuEsedI-00127-00028133-00028408 year allowing people to look at the T5jsFuEsedI-00128-00028408-00028617 trend data to look at the improvement T5jsFuEsedI-00129-00028618-00028827 where they're been made and of course to T5jsFuEsedI-00130-00028828-00028957 look at whether there are any issues T5jsFuEsedI-00131-00028958-00029254 that require to be addressed I think T5jsFuEsedI-00132-00029255-00029502 that's important progress at Ruth T5jsFuEsedI-00133-00029503-00029739 Davison said the OECD said they wanted T5jsFuEsedI-00134-00029740-00029932 improvement that is the improvement that T5jsFuEsedI-00135-00029933-00030186 we have provided to deal with the T5jsFuEsedI-00136-00030187-00030414 deficiencies in the survey of literacy T5jsFuEsedI-00137-00030415-00030624 and numeracy there's more data now but T5jsFuEsedI-00138-00030625-00030783 people performance in our schools and T5jsFuEsedI-00139-00030784-00030933 then that has ever been before and of T5jsFuEsedI-00140-00030934-00031132 course later this year we'll get the T5jsFuEsedI-00141-00031133-00031261 latest iteration of the Pisa T5jsFuEsedI-00142-00031262-00031476 International study as well so there's T5jsFuEsedI-00143-00031477-00031587 more information about skills T5jsFuEsedI-00144-00031588-00031726 performance than ever before and T5jsFuEsedI-00145-00031727-00032001 crucially what all of that shows is that T5jsFuEsedI-00146-00032002-00032196 we're making progress in raising T5jsFuEsedI-00147-00032197-00032361 attainment and closing the attainment T5jsFuEsedI-00148-00032362-00032586 gap which is maybe for truth Davidson's T5jsFuEsedI-00149-00032587-00033086 a bit disappointed about Ruth Davidson T5jsFuEsedI-00150-00033087-00033310 what the First Minister doesn't get is T5jsFuEsedI-00151-00033311-00033436 that if you're the mum of a T5jsFuEsedI-00152-00033437-00033649 seven-year-old now you're not going to T5jsFuEsedI-00153-00033650-00033782 know until your child is a teenager T5jsFuEsedI-00154-00033783-00033985 whether this country is getting any T5jsFuEsedI-00155-00033986-00034210 better at teaching maths or not and the T5jsFuEsedI-00156-00034211-00034536 reason for that that's true the reason T5jsFuEsedI-00157-00034537-00034867 for that is that the old national survey T5jsFuEsedI-00158-00034868-00035064 you might want to listen to this the old T5jsFuEsedI-00159-00035065-00035314 national survey show the standards were T5jsFuEsedI-00160-00035315-00035542 declining so that this SNP government T5jsFuEsedI-00161-00035543-00035670 got the blame and then it canceled the T5jsFuEsedI-00162-00035671-00035868 survey that's what happened and it's T5jsFuEsedI-00163-00035869-00036087 left parents without any idea as to T5jsFuEsedI-00164-00036088-00036336 whether standards are going up or down T5jsFuEsedI-00165-00036337-00036558 and here are the figures that we do know T5jsFuEsedI-00166-00036559-00036807 about Scottish skills and numeracy we've T5jsFuEsedI-00167-00036808-00037011 lost more than 400 maths teachers since T5jsFuEsedI-00168-00037012-00037261 this SNP came to office vacancies have T5jsFuEsedI-00169-00037262-00037480 gone up in the last two years and the T5jsFuEsedI-00170-00037481-00037701 last time we did measure numeracy in our T5jsFuEsedI-00171-00037702-00037896 schools we found that Scottish education T5jsFuEsedI-00172-00037897-00038080 had gone backwards under this government T5jsFuEsedI-00173-00038081-00038374 I think the parents deserve to know T5jsFuEsedI-00174-00038375-00038551 what's happening in our schools so why T5jsFuEsedI-00175-00038552-00038674 is this first minister left them in the T5jsFuEsedI-00176-00038675-00038777 dark T5jsFuEsedI-00177-00038778-00039131 first master I think he didn't deserve T5jsFuEsedI-00178-00039132-00039320 to know what's happening in the children T5jsFuEsedI-00179-00039321-00039614 skills which is why we know published at T5jsFuEsedI-00180-00039615-00039827 the data at school level because the T5jsFuEsedI-00181-00039828-00039998 reality is and maybe relativism should T5jsFuEsedI-00182-00039999-00040148 look into this just a little bit more T5jsFuEsedI-00183-00040149-00040385 closely the under the survey of literacy T5jsFuEsedI-00184-00040386-00040679 and numeracy a parent had no idea what T5jsFuEsedI-00185-00040680-00040859 was happening in their child's school T5jsFuEsedI-00186-00040860-00041150 because that survey doesn't produce any T5jsFuEsedI-00187-00041151-00041468 data at school level so it had no idea T5jsFuEsedI-00188-00041469-00041732 whether the children's school was doing T5jsFuEsedI-00189-00041733-00041906 well or doing badly that's the T5jsFuEsedI-00190-00041907-00042143 difference in the data we publish now it T5jsFuEsedI-00191-00042144-00042377 provides data not just at national level T5jsFuEsedI-00192-00042378-00042617 not just at local authority level it T5jsFuEsedI-00193-00042618-00042881 provides the data at individual school T5jsFuEsedI-00194-00042882-00043187 level so pilots actually have much more T5jsFuEsedI-00195-00043188-00043370 of an idea how their schools are doing T5jsFuEsedI-00196-00043371-00043631 than they ever have before and in terms T5jsFuEsedI-00197-00043632-00043847 of what resiliency is it going up or T5jsFuEsedI-00198-00043848-00043988 down attainment in our schools is T5jsFuEsedI-00199-00043989-00044168 improving and the attainment gap is T5jsFuEsedI-00200-00044169-00044396 causing these are the facts Ruth T5jsFuEsedI-00201-00044397-00044654 Davidson doesn't play in terms of T5jsFuEsedI-00202-00044655-00044984 teachers there are more teachers in our T5jsFuEsedI-00203-00044985-00045271 schools know than any time since 2010 T5jsFuEsedI-00204-00045272-00045446 there are more primary school teachers T5jsFuEsedI-00205-00045447-00045653 in our schools now than at any time T5jsFuEsedI-00206-00045654-00045953 since I was at Primary School that's the T5jsFuEsedI-00207-00045954-00046226 reality of the progress in our education T5jsFuEsedI-00208-00046227-00046268 system T5jsFuEsedI-00209-00046269-00046514 no wonder Ruth Davidson so furious about T5jsFuEsedI-00210-00046515-00047007 it T5jsFuEsedI-00211-00047008-00047236 thank you question number two Richard T5jsFuEsedI-00212-00047237-00047563 Leonard presiding officer this week is T5jsFuEsedI-00213-00047564-00047860 Mental Health Awareness Week and as a T5jsFuEsedI-00214-00047861-00048109 society we are increasingly open about T5jsFuEsedI-00215-00048110-00048511 an understanding of mental health but we T5jsFuEsedI-00216-00048512-00048733 must also recognize that we need to do T5jsFuEsedI-00217-00048734-00048985 much more to get our mental health T5jsFuEsedI-00218-00048986-00049276 services right especially at the point T5jsFuEsedI-00219-00049277-00049618 of crisis a year ago the government T5jsFuEsedI-00220-00049619-00049828 announced that an independent inquiry T5jsFuEsedI-00221-00049829-00050137 would look at end to end mental health T5jsFuEsedI-00222-00050138-00050473 services in Angus Dundee and Perth and T5jsFuEsedI-00223-00050474-00050785 Kinross when the then cabinet secretary T5jsFuEsedI-00224-00050786-00051016 for health announced the inquiry she T5jsFuEsedI-00225-00051017-00051325 said it is my aspiration that the T5jsFuEsedI-00226-00051326-00051586 independent inquiry will be seen as a T5jsFuEsedI-00227-00051587-00051901 force for good the inquiry needs to be T5jsFuEsedI-00228-00051902-00052249 seen as a positive thing First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00229-00052250-00052498 do you think that this aspiration is T5jsFuEsedI-00230-00052499-00052894 being met independent inquiry has T5jsFuEsedI-00231-00052895-00053215 reported yeah is an independent inquiry T5jsFuEsedI-00232-00053216-00053413 by definition therefore the Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00233-00053414-00053602 Government is not in control of the T5jsFuEsedI-00234-00053603-00053821 timing of that publication when it is T5jsFuEsedI-00235-00053822-00054091 published we will look at it closely as T5jsFuEsedI-00236-00054091-00054262 I'm sure Parliament as a whole will and T5jsFuEsedI-00237-00054263-00054475 we will implement any recommendations T5jsFuEsedI-00238-00054476-00054724 from it and we will encourage NHS board T5jsFuEsedI-00239-00054725-00055041 to do likewise Richard Leonard the right T5jsFuEsedI-00240-00055042-00055234 to raise mental health it says of course T5jsFuEsedI-00241-00055235-00055423 Mental Health Awareness Week I think T5jsFuEsedI-00242-00055424-00055554 it's important that we continue to T5jsFuEsedI-00243-00055555-00055762 tackle this stigma that we invest more T5jsFuEsedI-00244-00055763-00055939 as this government is doing in T5jsFuEsedI-00245-00055940-00056166 preventative mental health services but T5jsFuEsedI-00246-00056167-00056332 we also continue to make sure that we T5jsFuEsedI-00247-00056333-00056635 are investing in specialist care when T5jsFuEsedI-00248-00056636-00056854 people need that one of the issues for T5jsFuEsedI-00249-00056854-00057129 example and it's just an example but I'm T5jsFuEsedI-00250-00057130-00057255 Satan that because Richard Leonard has T5jsFuEsedI-00251-00057257-00057499 raised that previously with me is the T5jsFuEsedI-00252-00057500-00057826 issue of rejected referrals in the Kam's T5jsFuEsedI-00253-00057827-00058027 service rejected referrals because of T5jsFuEsedI-00254-00058028-00058210 the action we're taking are now on a T5jsFuEsedI-00255-00058211-00058491 downward trajectory that is progress but T5jsFuEsedI-00256-00058492-00058639 there is more progress to make and we T5jsFuEsedI-00257-00058640-00058944 are determined to make it rigid Leonard T5jsFuEsedI-00258-00058945-00059221 I hear what the first minister says but T5jsFuEsedI-00259-00059222-00059401 can the first minister listen to these T5jsFuEsedI-00260-00059402-00059662 words words which I heard just this T5jsFuEsedI-00261-00059663-00060037 morning nothing seems to have happened T5jsFuEsedI-00262-00060038-00060231 we're not kept T5jsFuEsedI-00263-00060232-00060632 involved it's definitely not transparent T5jsFuEsedI-00264-00060633-00060897 this is the view of Gillian Murray whose T5jsFuEsedI-00265-00060898-00061211 uncle David's suicide in October 2016 T5jsFuEsedI-00266-00061212-00061488 was one of the tragedies which led to T5jsFuEsedI-00267-00061489-00061834 this inquiry so it's clear that for the T5jsFuEsedI-00268-00061835-00062049 families involved those founding T5jsFuEsedI-00269-00062050-00062331 aspirations of the cabinet secretary are T5jsFuEsedI-00270-00062332-00062659 not being met so will the First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00271-00062660-00062957 reflect on this and will she tell us T5jsFuEsedI-00272-00062958-00063192 what she will do to restore the T5jsFuEsedI-00273-00063193-00063409 confidence of those families who have T5jsFuEsedI-00274-00063410-00063672 lost loved ones because the failures in T5jsFuEsedI-00275-00063673-00063924 the system of mental health support in T5jsFuEsedI-00276-00063925-00064181 teh sight T5jsFuEsedI-00277-00064182-00064449 firstly Richard Leonard of course we T5jsFuEsedI-00278-00064450-00064632 want to learn lessons from the T5jsFuEsedI-00279-00064633-00064866 experiences of the kind narrated by T5jsFuEsedI-00280-00064867-00064984 Richard Leonard here today and my T5jsFuEsedI-00281-00064985-00065199 sympathies are with any family who've T5jsFuEsedI-00282-00065200-00065457 had experiences of that nature but also T5jsFuEsedI-00283-00065458-00065607 said to Richard Leonard and I hope he T5jsFuEsedI-00284-00065608-00065751 takes this point seriously we T5jsFuEsedI-00285-00065752-00066040 established an independent inquiry into T5jsFuEsedI-00286-00066041-00066247 mental health services across Teesside T5jsFuEsedI-00287-00066248-00066466 and as a result of some of the cases T5jsFuEsedI-00288-00066467-00066723 that he has brought to the chamber that T5jsFuEsedI-00289-00066724-00067005 independent inquiry hasn't yet reported T5jsFuEsedI-00290-00067006-00067266 I hope it will report soon when it does T5jsFuEsedI-00291-00067267-00067500 I am sure it will be fully scrutinized T5jsFuEsedI-00292-00067501-00067684 by members across this chamber and the T5jsFuEsedI-00293-00067685-00067828 Scottish Government and the Health T5jsFuEsedI-00294-00067829-00068013 Service more generally will ensure that T5jsFuEsedI-00295-00068014-00068166 we reflect carefully on that and learn T5jsFuEsedI-00296-00068167-00068400 any lessons that it says required to be T5jsFuEsedI-00297-00068401-00068580 learned but I think it would be wrong to T5jsFuEsedI-00298-00068581-00068793 preempt the outcome of that inquiry T5jsFuEsedI-00299-00068794-00069006 particularly when as I understand it it T5jsFuEsedI-00300-00069007-00069261 is due to report eminently so I look T5jsFuEsedI-00301-00069262-00069525 forward to its publication and as I say T5jsFuEsedI-00302-00069526-00069654 given assurance that the Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00303-00069655-00069772 Government will take forward any T5jsFuEsedI-00304-00069773-00069999 recommendations that it makes Bridget T5jsFuEsedI-00305-00070000-00070254 Laird presiding officer the terms of T5jsFuEsedI-00306-00070255-00070467 reference set for this inquiries think T5jsFuEsedI-00307-00070468-00070707 that it must consider the perspective T5jsFuEsedI-00308-00070708-00071004 and give voice to families patients T5jsFuEsedI-00309-00071005-00071232 carers and others who have experience of T5jsFuEsedI-00310-00071233-00071490 suicide or involvement with mental T5jsFuEsedI-00311-00071491-00071703 health services within a sight that T5jsFuEsedI-00312-00071704-00071971 means the voice of people like Mandy T5jsFuEsedI-00313-00071972-00072261 McClaren the mother of Dale Thompson who T5jsFuEsedI-00314-00072262-00072547 tragically completed suicide in January T5jsFuEsedI-00315-00072548-00072674 2015 T5jsFuEsedI-00316-00072675-00072997 Mandy asked me this morning to ask you T5jsFuEsedI-00317-00072998-00073403 directly First Minister will you ensure T5jsFuEsedI-00318-00073404-00073615 will you ensure that the fam T5jsFuEsedI-00319-00073616-00073830 has received an advance copy of the T5jsFuEsedI-00320-00073831-00074110 interim report which is due in the next T5jsFuEsedI-00321-00074111-00074386 few weeks so will you listen to the T5jsFuEsedI-00322-00074387-00074700 voices of those families and will you do T5jsFuEsedI-00323-00074701-00074976 what you can do to help restore their T5jsFuEsedI-00324-00074977-00075360 confidence in this inquiry Christmas T5jsFuEsedI-00325-00075361-00075628 this inquiry has been layered as I know T5jsFuEsedI-00326-00075629-00075823 Richard Leonard is aware by David strike T5jsFuEsedI-00327-00075824-00076171 is an independent inquiry if the T5jsFuEsedI-00328-00076172-00076317 government was interfering in the T5jsFuEsedI-00329-00076318-00076557 conduct of that inquiry I'm sure Richard T5jsFuEsedI-00330-00076558-00076800 Leonard would be reasoning that in the T5jsFuEsedI-00331-00076801-00077082 chamber and as I understand it although T5jsFuEsedI-00332-00077083-00077238 David's trying is taking this forward T5jsFuEsedI-00333-00077239-00077451 independently David Strang has met with T5jsFuEsedI-00334-00077452-00077718 family members I think that it would T5jsFuEsedI-00335-00077719-00077937 have been expected of him it would be my T5jsFuEsedI-00336-00077938-00078225 full expectation and any inquiry of this T5jsFuEsedI-00337-00078226-00078397 nature that an advance copy of the T5jsFuEsedI-00338-00078398-00078622 report would go to lose directly T5jsFuEsedI-00339-00078623-00078865 affected I will pass that specific point T5jsFuEsedI-00340-00078866-00079113 back to David's trying but I would T5jsFuEsedI-00341-00079114-00079315 stress again this is an independent T5jsFuEsedI-00342-00079316-00079449 inquiry and it's right that the T5jsFuEsedI-00343-00079450-00079662 government allows it to be conducted T5jsFuEsedI-00344-00079663-00079962 entirely independently of government I T5jsFuEsedI-00345-00079963-00080181 would expect the report to though as I T5jsFuEsedI-00346-00080182-00080331 see I'm not in control of the timing of T5jsFuEsedI-00347-00080332-00080542 this I would expect the report to be T5jsFuEsedI-00348-00080543-00080746 published imminently and at that point T5jsFuEsedI-00349-00080747-00081030 it will be for all MSPs right across the T5jsFuEsedI-00350-00081031-00081196 chamber to look carefully at it and the T5jsFuEsedI-00351-00081197-00081391 Scottish Government it certainly will be T5jsFuEsedI-00352-00081392-00081622 doing so we have a number of T5jsFuEsedI-00353-00081623-00081811 constituency Supplementary Jackie T5jsFuEsedI-00354-00081812-00082026 Baillie to be full by Sandra white the T5jsFuEsedI-00355-00082027-00082174 First Minister may be aware that the T5jsFuEsedI-00356-00082175-00082360 provision of out of hours services in T5jsFuEsedI-00357-00082361-00082624 greater in Glasgow and Clyde continue to T5jsFuEsedI-00358-00082625-00082806 be a significant problem at the Vale of T5jsFuEsedI-00359-00082807-00083031 Leven Hospital the out of our service T5jsFuEsedI-00360-00083032-00083311 was closed 88 times last year has been T5jsFuEsedI-00361-00083312-00083544 closed 44 times in the first four months T5jsFuEsedI-00362-00083545-00083773 of this year and it was closed this T5jsFuEsedI-00363-00083774-00084018 weekend so hundreds of patients had to T5jsFuEsedI-00364-00084019-00084229 make the long journey to the reh in T5jsFuEsedI-00365-00084230-00084432 Paisley for what should be the most T5jsFuEsedI-00366-00084433-00084691 basic local provision will the First T5jsFuEsedI-00367-00084692-00084916 Minister ensure the out of our services T5jsFuEsedI-00368-00084917-00085153 are improved and retained at the Vale of T5jsFuEsedI-00369-00085154-00085447 Leven Hospital first booster it has T5jsFuEsedI-00370-00085448-00085741 always been our intention since I was T5jsFuEsedI-00371-00085742-00085911 health secretary ensure that as many T5jsFuEsedI-00372-00085912-00086092 services as possible out of errors and T5jsFuEsedI-00373-00086093-00086224 other services are retained at the Vale T5jsFuEsedI-00374-00086225-00086374 of leaving hospital the health secretary T5jsFuEsedI-00375-00086375-00086521 has advised me she's used to visit the T5jsFuEsedI-00376-00086522-00086671 Vale of leaving hospital next month and T5jsFuEsedI-00377-00086672-00086776 I'm sure T5jsFuEsedI-00378-00086777-00086978 she will have these discussions with T5jsFuEsedI-00379-00086979-00087167 staff there specifically on the issue of T5jsFuEsedI-00380-00087168-00087473 out of hours I would expect NHS gated in T5jsFuEsedI-00381-00087474-00087671 Glasgow Health Board as I would expect T5jsFuEsedI-00382-00087672-00087842 all health boards to take every measure T5jsFuEsedI-00383-00087843-00088046 possible to ensure safe and sustainable T5jsFuEsedI-00384-00088047-00088318 out of hours services I know there have T5jsFuEsedI-00385-00088319-00088624 been some issues recently at the Vale of T5jsFuEsedI-00386-00088625-00088823 Leven but I would expect the board to T5jsFuEsedI-00387-00088824-00089026 work hard to rectify those so those T5jsFuEsedI-00388-00089027-00089200 services are there locally for the T5jsFuEsedI-00389-00089201-00089287 people who need them T5jsFuEsedI-00390-00089288-00089522 santƩ white before by edward mountain T5jsFuEsedI-00391-00089523-00089626 and thank you very much presiding T5jsFuEsedI-00392-00089627-00089836 officer the First Minister will be aware T5jsFuEsedI-00393-00089837-00090043 of the issue regarding sub years as a T5jsFuEsedI-00394-00090044-00090268 chief executive of the Scottish Refugee T5jsFuEsedI-00395-00090269-00090487 Council Glasgow University which is my T5jsFuEsedI-00396-00090488-00090706 constituency and rewarding Sabae of an T5jsFuEsedI-00397-00090707-00090878 honorary Doctorate and yet the home T5jsFuEsedI-00398-00090879-00091099 officer refusing his father a visa to T5jsFuEsedI-00399-00091100-00091288 enter the UK to attend the ceremony T5jsFuEsedI-00400-00091289-00091537 which is absolutely disgraceful T5jsFuEsedI-00401-00091538-00091831 First Minister any states whatsoever the T5jsFuEsedI-00402-00091832-00092021 Scottish government can take to play T5jsFuEsedI-00403-00092022-00092212 pleasure on the UT government to ensure T5jsFuEsedI-00404-00092213-00092482 and mr. Sabinas family father can enter T5jsFuEsedI-00405-00092483-00092642 the country and attend this very T5jsFuEsedI-00406-00092643-00093184 significant ceremony here first T5jsFuEsedI-00407-00093185-00093596 for those who know Shapiro's as he they T5jsFuEsedI-00408-00093597-00093779 will know that he has made a significant T5jsFuEsedI-00409-00093780-00094061 contribution over 20 years in the UK in T5jsFuEsedI-00410-00094062-00094241 supporting refugees and communities and T5jsFuEsedI-00411-00094242-00094387 let me take the opportunity today to T5jsFuEsedI-00412-00094388-00094624 thank him for the contribution he makes T5jsFuEsedI-00413-00094625-00095162 to this country and I am T5jsFuEsedI-00414-00095163-00095384 delighted that University of Glasgow has T5jsFuEsedI-00415-00095385-00095672 also chosen to recognize that and I T5jsFuEsedI-00416-00095673-00095951 think all of us would understand that it T5jsFuEsedI-00417-00095952-00096173 is entirely natural that he would want T5jsFuEsedI-00418-00096174-00096437 to share this standing achievement with T5jsFuEsedI-00419-00096438-00096683 his father and it's quite hard I think T5jsFuEsedI-00420-00096684-00096887 for any of us to comprehend the T5jsFuEsedI-00421-00096888-00097061 disappointment that he must feel that T5jsFuEsedI-00422-00097062-00097331 his father's visa has been refused I T5jsFuEsedI-00423-00097332-00097574 think that is shameful and utterly T5jsFuEsedI-00424-00097575-00097814 inexplicable and I would call on the UK T5jsFuEsedI-00425-00097815-00097973 government to reflect very carefully on T5jsFuEsedI-00426-00097974-00098033 it T5jsFuEsedI-00427-00098034-00098231 the Community Secretary has written to T5jsFuEsedI-00428-00098232-00098384 the UK Minister for immigration to ask T5jsFuEsedI-00429-00098385-00098570 her to look into this case and I would T5jsFuEsedI-00430-00098571-00098762 reiterate that request very very T5jsFuEsedI-00431-00098763-00098911 strongly indeed today T5jsFuEsedI-00432-00098912-00099119 Edward mountain to be followed by James T5jsFuEsedI-00433-00099120-00099371 Kelly Thank You presiding officer First T5jsFuEsedI-00434-00099372-00099521 Minister given the proposed day of T5jsFuEsedI-00435-00099522-00099728 strike action by Hayao air traffic T5jsFuEsedI-00436-00099729-00099938 controllers on Thursday of next week T5jsFuEsedI-00437-00099939-00100148 can you give the chamber an update on T5jsFuEsedI-00438-00100149-00100352 the Scottish Government's contingency T5jsFuEsedI-00439-00100353-00100601 plans to minimize disruption to T5jsFuEsedI-00440-00100602-00100898 businesses families and indeed patients T5jsFuEsedI-00441-00100899-00101129 in the Highlands and Islands First T5jsFuEsedI-00442-00101130-00101498 Minister can I see how disappointing it T5jsFuEsedI-00443-00101499-00101759 is that this industrial action is taking T5jsFuEsedI-00444-00101760-00102095 place and I would appeal to both the T5jsFuEsedI-00445-00102096-00102404 employer and employees to continue to T5jsFuEsedI-00446-00102405-00102641 discuss how this can be resolved in T5jsFuEsedI-00447-00102642-00102868 order that there is no disruption to the T5jsFuEsedI-00448-00102869-00103022 travelling public it is of course for T5jsFuEsedI-00449-00103023-00103258 hire to ensure that it has contingency T5jsFuEsedI-00450-00103259-00103393 plans in place and I know they are T5jsFuEsedI-00451-00103394-00103679 working to do that and I'm sure hire T5jsFuEsedI-00452-00103680-00104011 will be very glad to engage directly T5jsFuEsedI-00453-00104013-00104213 with any interested member of parliament T5jsFuEsedI-00454-00104214-00104513 and James Kelly Thank You presiding T5jsFuEsedI-00455-00104514-00104584 officer T5jsFuEsedI-00456-00104585-00104813 data published this week by the T5jsFuEsedI-00457-00104814-00105143 University of Loughborough revealed that T5jsFuEsedI-00458-00105144-00105385 child poverty levels in Glasgow are T5jsFuEsedI-00459-00105386-00105680 running at 37% and the first minister T5jsFuEsedI-00460-00105681-00105950 saw in Glasgow surveyed constancy they T5jsFuEsedI-00461-00105951-00106240 are 46 percent the highest of any T5jsFuEsedI-00462-00106241-00106673 constancy in Scotland a time when we T5jsFuEsedI-00463-00106674-00106946 celebrate the 20th anniversary of the T5jsFuEsedI-00464-00106947-00107192 founding of the Scottish Parliament the T5jsFuEsedI-00465-00107193-00107450 fact that children are growing up and T5jsFuEsedI-00466-00107451-00107780 necklace doujins constancy 11 in poverty T5jsFuEsedI-00467-00107781-00108065 there's a damning criticism of this of T5jsFuEsedI-00468-00108066-00108376 this government all over Glasgow T5jsFuEsedI-00469-00108377-00108810 all over all over Glasgow all of the T5jsFuEsedI-00470-00108811-00109045 glass glories children are growing up T5jsFuEsedI-00471-00109046-00109381 hungry and in overcrowded houses the T5jsFuEsedI-00472-00109382-00109657 time for soft words in platitudes is T5jsFuEsedI-00473-00109658-00109738 over T5jsFuEsedI-00474-00109739-00110032 first - thought what will you do with T5jsFuEsedI-00475-00110033-00110283 the pearls at your disposal to give T5jsFuEsedI-00476-00110284-00110508 these kids some hope and left them out T5jsFuEsedI-00477-00110509-00110610 of poverty T5jsFuEsedI-00478-00110611-00111039 first minister firstly can I see the T5jsFuEsedI-00479-00111040-00111250 show poverty in Scotland just too high T5jsFuEsedI-00480-00111251-00111457 I've said that previously of course T5jsFuEsedI-00481-00111458-00111694 child poverty in Scotland is lower than T5jsFuEsedI-00482-00111695-00111951 it is in any other part of the UK but it T5jsFuEsedI-00483-00111952-00112215 is still too high that is why we are T5jsFuEsedI-00484-00112216-00112498 taking action to mitigate the impact of T5jsFuEsedI-00485-00112499-00112708 welfare cuts it's why we are providing T5jsFuEsedI-00486-00112708-00112849 more support to low income families T5jsFuEsedI-00487-00112850-00113109 through for example the best start grant T5jsFuEsedI-00488-00113110-00113293 it's why why we're tackling the root T5jsFuEsedI-00489-00113294-00113500 causes of poverty it's why we're T5jsFuEsedI-00490-00113501-00113713 investing record sums and affordable T5jsFuEsedI-00491-00113714-00113934 housing across the country and it's why T5jsFuEsedI-00492-00113935-00114111 of course we will bring forward plans T5jsFuEsedI-00493-00114113-00114414 for an Income Supplement James Kelly is T5jsFuEsedI-00494-00114415-00114601 right to raise the issue but I know that T5jsFuEsedI-00495-00114602-00114888 he wants to characterize this as a all T5jsFuEsedI-00496-00114889-00115198 somehow being the fault of the SNP T5jsFuEsedI-00497-00115199-00115551 government interestingly interestingly T5jsFuEsedI-00498-00115552-00115791 the end child poverty report that was T5jsFuEsedI-00499-00115792-00116079 published yesterday actually found that T5jsFuEsedI-00500-00116080-00116304 wills was the only part of the UK to see T5jsFuEsedI-00501-00116305-00116526 an overall increase in the percentage of T5jsFuEsedI-00502-00116527-00116802 children in poverty in the past year and T5jsFuEsedI-00503-00116803-00117033 the Welsh government said that that was T5jsFuEsedI-00504-00117034-00117301 entirely down to UK government welfare T5jsFuEsedI-00505-00117302-00117619 cuts and in particular universal credit T5jsFuEsedI-00506-00117620-00117786 so why is it that James Kelly's T5jsFuEsedI-00507-00117788-00117970 colleagues in wheels can see what the T5jsFuEsedI-00508-00117971-00118116 root causes of poverty in this country T5jsFuEsedI-00509-00118117-00118522 are but the Scottish Labour Party can it T5jsFuEsedI-00510-00118523-00118669 would fit the Scottish Labour Party T5jsFuEsedI-00511-00118670-00118945 better if they supported the work that T5jsFuEsedI-00512-00118946-00119071 this government was doing and they T5jsFuEsedI-00513-00119072-00119269 joined with this government in asking T5jsFuEsedI-00514-00119270-00119506 for all welfare policies to be devolved T5jsFuEsedI-00515-00119507-00120049 to this Parliament T5jsFuEsedI-00516-00120050-00120279 question number three Patrick Harvie T5jsFuEsedI-00517-00120280-00120523 Thank You presiding officer over a T5jsFuEsedI-00518-00120524-00120763 decade ago the first budget concession T5jsFuEsedI-00519-00120764-00120979 the greens ever won from the SNP was the T5jsFuEsedI-00520-00120980-00121236 climate challenge fund since then it's T5jsFuEsedI-00521-00121238-00121426 funded over a thousand communities T5jsFuEsedI-00522-00121427-00121681 across Scotland helping them waste less T5jsFuEsedI-00523-00121682-00121966 switch to greener transport grow food T5jsFuEsedI-00524-00121967-00122269 locally and much more we've been hearing T5jsFuEsedI-00525-00122270-00122506 of communities losing their grants and T5jsFuEsedI-00526-00122507-00122803 this morning the ferret reports the true T5jsFuEsedI-00527-00122804-00123094 scale of what's happening total funding T5jsFuEsedI-00528-00123095-00123379 at its lowest ever level funding for new T5jsFuEsedI-00529-00123380-00123670 projects slashed in half and scores of T5jsFuEsedI-00530-00123671-00123850 projects which were recommended for T5jsFuEsedI-00531-00123851-00124141 grants turned down that includes south T5jsFuEsedI-00532-00124142-00124267 seats in the First Minister's own T5jsFuEsedI-00533-00124268-00124504 constituency where three members of T5jsFuEsedI-00534-00124505-00124734 staff have been made redundant and tens T5jsFuEsedI-00535-00124735-00124935 of thousands of households and residents T5jsFuEsedI-00536-00124936-00125218 won't get the services they need know T5jsFuEsedI-00537-00125219-00125401 that the First Minister has declared a T5jsFuEsedI-00538-00125402-00125626 climate emergency why is the government T5jsFuEsedI-00539-00125627-00125920 sacking our first responders first oh T5jsFuEsedI-00540-00125921-00126333 the climate change fund is the only fund T5jsFuEsedI-00541-00126334-00126547 of its kind in the UK and I think it is T5jsFuEsedI-00542-00126548-00126865 important that that is the case there T5jsFuEsedI-00543-00126866-00127003 are always a large number of T5jsFuEsedI-00544-00127004-00127195 applications for the fund I know how T5jsFuEsedI-00545-00127196-00127335 competitive it is from the example of T5jsFuEsedI-00546-00127336-00127714 sow seeds in my own constituency 22 new T5jsFuEsedI-00547-00127715-00127935 projects were funded this year it's T5jsFuEsedI-00548-00127936-00128074 important to point out though that that T5jsFuEsedI-00549-00128075-00128374 is an addition to the 65 projects that T5jsFuEsedI-00550-00128375-00128521 were funded last year that now have a T5jsFuEsedI-00551-00128522-00128784 second year of funding and the total T5jsFuEsedI-00552-00128785-00129115 spend this year will be 8 million pounds T5jsFuEsedI-00553-00129116-00129424 the total spend across 2019 to 21 will T5jsFuEsedI-00554-00129425-00129649 be more than 9 million pounds and of T5jsFuEsedI-00555-00129650-00129844 course the climate change fund is part T5jsFuEsedI-00556-00129845-00130072 of the overall sustainable Action Fund T5jsFuEsedI-00557-00130073-00130294 which it has seen an increase in funding T5jsFuEsedI-00558-00130295-00130654 this year that said as I have stated in T5jsFuEsedI-00559-00130655-00130849 the chamber in recent weeks all of our T5jsFuEsedI-00560-00130850-00131113 policies require review in light of the T5jsFuEsedI-00561-00131114-00131233 report of the committee in climate T5jsFuEsedI-00562-00131234-00131419 change which has led us to increase our T5jsFuEsedI-00563-00131420-00131611 emissions targets and that will include T5jsFuEsedI-00564-00131612-00131764 looking at the role of climate change T5jsFuEsedI-00565-00131765-00131986 fund in supporting communities to play T5jsFuEsedI-00566-00131987-00132178 Learfield part in tackling climate T5jsFuEsedI-00567-00132179-00132355 change patrick harvie T5jsFuEsedI-00568-00132356-00132562 well the government has started a review T5jsFuEsedI-00569-00132563-00132757 of this fun but then pulled the rug from T5jsFuEsedI-00570-00132758-00132988 under people before that review is T5jsFuEsedI-00571-00132989-00133358 finished and the budget as presented to T5jsFuEsedI-00572-00133359-00133613 Parliament included funds for the scheme T5jsFuEsedI-00573-00133614-00133828 we would certainly not have approved it T5jsFuEsedI-00574-00133829-00134135 if it had set out this cut last year T5jsFuEsedI-00575-00134136-00134423 this fund helps sixty-five new projects T5jsFuEsedI-00576-00134424-00134726 across Scotland this year it's just 22 T5jsFuEsedI-00577-00134727-00135139 and 43 of them 43 projects recommended T5jsFuEsedI-00578-00135140-00135364 for approval by the independent grants T5jsFuEsedI-00579-00135365-00135589 panel have been turned down these aren't T5jsFuEsedI-00580-00135590-00135857 just numbers these are people these are T5jsFuEsedI-00581-00135858-00136073 people committed to taking climate T5jsFuEsedI-00582-00136074-00136315 action and being leaders in their T5jsFuEsedI-00583-00136316-00136544 communities projects are being abandoned T5jsFuEsedI-00584-00136545-00136820 and jobs are being lost look when the T5jsFuEsedI-00585-00136821-00137018 Greens criticized the government for T5jsFuEsedI-00586-00137019-00137246 handing cash to the fossil fuel industry T5jsFuEsedI-00587-00137247-00137491 or the arms trade the response has jobs T5jsFuEsedI-00588-00137492-00137888 jobs jobs will these jobs matter - this T5jsFuEsedI-00589-00137889-00138086 is a serious mistake will the First T5jsFuEsedI-00590-00138087-00138328 Minister step in and replace the lost T5jsFuEsedI-00591-00138329-00138500 funding for the communities that been T5jsFuEsedI-00592-00138501-00138758 affected by this cut First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00593-00138759-00138956 I do think these are important issues T5jsFuEsedI-00594-00138957-00139193 just a really a point that I think was T5jsFuEsedI-00595-00139194-00139504 lost the that the 65 projects that were T5jsFuEsedI-00596-00139505-00139745 funded last year also have funding in T5jsFuEsedI-00597-00139746-00140060 this year the 22 are over and above that T5jsFuEsedI-00598-00140061-00140261 so as I said a moment ago the total T5jsFuEsedI-00599-00140262-00140527 funding this year is 8 million pounds T5jsFuEsedI-00600-00140528-00140701 yes we have to look at all of these T5jsFuEsedI-00601-00140702-00140846 things in light of recent developments T5jsFuEsedI-00602-00140847-00141076 around climate change and I give an T5jsFuEsedI-00603-00141077-00141224 undertaking to the chamber today that T5jsFuEsedI-00604-00141225-00141466 not only in terms of the climate change T5jsFuEsedI-00605-00141467-00141695 fund or the wider sustainable action T5jsFuEsedI-00606-00141696-00141863 fund which this sits within which has T5jsFuEsedI-00607-00141864-00142076 had an increase in budget this year that T5jsFuEsedI-00608-00142077-00142232 we will look carefully at all of these T5jsFuEsedI-00609-00142233-00142400 things and so that we can be satisfied T5jsFuEsedI-00610-00142401-00142535 that we are living up to our T5jsFuEsedI-00611-00142536-00142835 responsibilities question number 4 T5jsFuEsedI-00612-00142836-00143210 Willie really this week a GP told me he T5jsFuEsedI-00613-00143211-00143474 had stopped referring patients to mental T5jsFuEsedI-00614-00143475-00143672 health services because the waiting T5jsFuEsedI-00615-00143673-00143972 times are so long or there is no T5jsFuEsedI-00616-00143973-00144235 prospect of them ever getting treated T5jsFuEsedI-00617-00144236-00144514 the first minister has promised those T5jsFuEsedI-00618-00144515-00144766 patients that they get mental health T5jsFuEsedI-00619-00144767-00145061 treatment when they need it they feel T5jsFuEsedI-00620-00145062-00145484 let down are they wrong first I think T5jsFuEsedI-00621-00145485-00145682 any patient that waits longer for T5jsFuEsedI-00622-00145683-00145931 treatment then we want them to wait then T5jsFuEsedI-00623-00145932-00146123 the target see they should wheat is T5jsFuEsedI-00624-00146124-00146363 entitled to feel very aggrieved about T5jsFuEsedI-00625-00146364-00146714 that so I would apologize to any patient T5jsFuEsedI-00626-00146715-00146897 in those circumstances in terms of T5jsFuEsedI-00627-00146898-00147113 waiting times generally Weiland Jean T5jsFuEsedI-00628-00147114-00147320 Freeman has set the suit to the chamber T5jsFuEsedI-00629-00147321-00147629 we are investing 150 million pounds to T5jsFuEsedI-00630-00147630-00147839 meet waiting times targets in terms of T5jsFuEsedI-00631-00147840-00148006 mental health we're investing T5jsFuEsedI-00632-00148007-00148204 significantly to improve mental health T5jsFuEsedI-00633-00148205-00148370 service he's not just specialist T5jsFuEsedI-00634-00148371-00148634 services but preventative and community T5jsFuEsedI-00635-00148635-00148790 services as well that's particularly T5jsFuEsedI-00636-00148791-00149009 important around Cam's children T5jsFuEsedI-00637-00149010-00149183 adolescent mental health services we T5jsFuEsedI-00638-00149184-00149401 will now see the average waiting time T5jsFuEsedI-00639-00149402-00149753 falling and as I said rejected referrals T5jsFuEsedI-00640-00149754-00150128 down so there is work still to do but we T5jsFuEsedI-00641-00150129-00150323 are investing and we are pursuing the T5jsFuEsedI-00642-00150324-00150539 policies that are better but getting the T5jsFuEsedI-00643-00150540-00150710 right treatment in place for people at T5jsFuEsedI-00644-00150711-00151136 when they need it will hear any if one T5jsFuEsedI-00645-00151137-00151406 wants could treat people faster the T5jsFuEsedI-00646-00151407-00151577 first nurse that wouldn't have thousands T5jsFuEsedI-00647-00151578-00151769 of people waiting for mental health T5jsFuEsedI-00648-00151770-00152057 services one in five people are waiting T5jsFuEsedI-00649-00152058-00152399 over 18 weeks some are waiting as long T5jsFuEsedI-00650-00152400-00152882 as two years and some never get any help T5jsFuEsedI-00651-00152883-00153116 the first minister says she takes this T5jsFuEsedI-00652-00153117-00153311 seriously but her government's mental T5jsFuEsedI-00653-00153312-00153557 health strategy was 15 months late the T5jsFuEsedI-00654-00153558-00153920 suicide strategy was 20 months late and T5jsFuEsedI-00655-00153921-00154262 it is seven hundred staff short of its T5jsFuEsedI-00656-00154263-00154666 own recruitment plan GPS accident T5jsFuEsedI-00657-00154667-00154838 emergency departments and police T5jsFuEsedI-00658-00154839-00155027 officers have to pick up the pieces T5jsFuEsedI-00659-00155028-00155297 because these patients have nowhere else T5jsFuEsedI-00660-00155298-00155696 to go in mental health week years years T5jsFuEsedI-00661-00155697-00155963 after I first asked her why are people T5jsFuEsedI-00662-00155964-00156427 still waiting so long First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00663-00156428-00156737 ready if warm words was all that people T5jsFuEsedI-00664-00156738-00156863 would be known for teammate of a point T5jsFuEsedI-00665-00156864-00157076 but we are seeing budgets increasing for T5jsFuEsedI-00666-00157077-00157247 mental health the budget for mental T5jsFuEsedI-00667-00157248-00157504 health is that no over a billion pounds T5jsFuEsedI-00668-00157505-00157763 we're seeing staffing numbers working in T5jsFuEsedI-00669-00157764-00157919 mental health not just in our health T5jsFuEsedI-00670-00157920-00158075 service but we're committed to investing T5jsFuEsedI-00671-00158076-00158234 and increase staffing in other settings T5jsFuEsedI-00672-00158235-00158453 across the country he mentions the T5jsFuEsedI-00673-00158454-00158588 mental health strategy in the suicide T5jsFuEsedI-00674-00158589-00158774 strategy I think at Willie T5jsFuEsedI-00675-00158775-00158978 Rhaenys request we took time to do T5jsFuEsedI-00676-00158979-00159188 further consultation on those strategies T5jsFuEsedI-00677-00159189-00159307 to make T5jsFuEsedI-00678-00159308-00159547 to make sure that we were taking the T5jsFuEsedI-00679-00159548-00159777 views of all stakeholders properly into T5jsFuEsedI-00680-00159778-00160006 account so we are determined to continue T5jsFuEsedI-00681-00160007-00160170 the what we're doing here to make sure T5jsFuEsedI-00682-00160171-00160471 people get access to specialist services T5jsFuEsedI-00683-00160472-00160653 when they need it but the fewer people T5jsFuEsedI-00684-00160654-00160822 need to refer to specialist services T5jsFuEsedI-00685-00160823-00160962 because we've got the community and T5jsFuEsedI-00686-00160963-00161151 preventative services in place that's T5jsFuEsedI-00687-00161152-00161335 what we are focused on and will continue T5jsFuEsedI-00688-00161336-00161489 to work on the progress we're making T5jsFuEsedI-00689-00161490-00161685 some further supplementary is the T5jsFuEsedI-00690-00161686-00161833 freshman Keith Brown to be followed by T5jsFuEsedI-00691-00161834-00162193 ingry Keith Brown the premise breaks it T5jsFuEsedI-00692-00162194-00162375 deal has been dead now for some months T5jsFuEsedI-00693-00162376-00162561 and the UK government is wasting the T5jsFuEsedI-00694-00162562-00162726 brakes extension with no meaningful T5jsFuEsedI-00695-00162727-00163009 talks having taken place any bike room T5jsFuEsedI-00696-00163010-00163176 deal struck with a Labor Party will T5jsFuEsedI-00697-00163177-00163338 leave Scotland outside the single market T5jsFuEsedI-00698-00163339-00163524 costing two thousand three hundred pound T5jsFuEsedI-00699-00163525-00163713 per person and yet the Prime Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00700-00163714-00163909 has the audacity to proclaim MPs have a T5jsFuEsedI-00701-00163910-00164112 duty to support our does the First T5jsFuEsedI-00702-00164113-00164352 Minister think that SNP MPs have a duty T5jsFuEsedI-00703-00164353-00164683 to vote to make Scotland cooler First T5jsFuEsedI-00704-00164684-00164898 Minister I don't think any MP should be T5jsFuEsedI-00705-00164899-00165126 voting to me care Scotland or the UK T5jsFuEsedI-00706-00165127-00165469 prudhoe SNP MPs will vote against the T5jsFuEsedI-00707-00165470-00165660 withdrawal agreement bill because it T5jsFuEsedI-00708-00165661-00165927 takes Scotland out of the EU against our T5jsFuEsedI-00709-00165928-00166045 well it takes his out of the single T5jsFuEsedI-00710-00166046-00166341 market against our well the fact is the T5jsFuEsedI-00711-00166342-00166497 Prime Minister is only bringing this T5jsFuEsedI-00712-00166498-00166704 withdrawal agreement bill forward to buy T5jsFuEsedI-00713-00166705-00166894 herself more time it's about preserving T5jsFuEsedI-00714-00166895-00167221 her own party who I'm not sure whose T5jsFuEsedI-00715-00167222-00167379 attempts are going to be successful it's T5jsFuEsedI-00716-00167380-00167593 not about acting in the best interest of T5jsFuEsedI-00717-00167594-00167853 the country the Tories actions and T5jsFuEsedI-00718-00167854-00168118 behavior on brakes is utterly shameful T5jsFuEsedI-00719-00168119-00168339 and I think in an electoral sense T5jsFuEsedI-00720-00168340-00168549 they're probably going to get what they T5jsFuEsedI-00721-00168550-00168801 deserve in Scotland next week at the T5jsFuEsedI-00722-00168802-00169041 European elections and people quite T5jsFuEsedI-00723-00169042-00169243 rightly it will be expressing the degree T5jsFuEsedI-00724-00169244-00169416 of anger they have at this whole T5jsFuEsedI-00725-00169417-00169768 Westminster breaks at Fiasco he agreed T5jsFuEsedI-00726-00169769-00170049 to be followed by Gillian Martin in T5jsFuEsedI-00727-00170050-00170095 green T5jsFuEsedI-00728-00170096-00170300 mmm Thank You presiding officer T5jsFuEsedI-00729-00170301-00170550 Scotland's College lecturers are on T5jsFuEsedI-00730-00170551-00170709 strike again today and they're T5jsFuEsedI-00731-00170710-00170956 demonstrating outside Parliament as we T5jsFuEsedI-00732-00170957-00171264 speak all they want is a fair T5jsFuEsedI-00733-00171265-00171498 cost-of-living pay increase and limas T5jsFuEsedI-00734-00171499-00171738 public pay policy something they have T5jsFuEsedI-00735-00171739-00171999 been denied for three years their T5jsFuEsedI-00736-00172000-00172231 employers remain intransigent determined T5jsFuEsedI-00737-00172232-00172452 to conflate this claim with the quate T5jsFuEsedI-00738-00172453-00172660 Sakura introduction of national T5jsFuEsedI-00739-00172661-00172908 pay scales well the First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00740-00172909-00173251 intervene now and get the colleges to T5jsFuEsedI-00741-00173252-00173620 agree a fair settlement and if not will T5jsFuEsedI-00742-00173621-00173853 she come out with me after FM cues and T5jsFuEsedI-00743-00173854-00174153 explained to those lecturers to their T5jsFuEsedI-00744-00174154-00174645 face why not first last time T5jsFuEsedI-00745-00174646-00174891 always kind of amazes me the number of T5jsFuEsedI-00746-00174892-00175102 times that labour members pro trade T5jsFuEsedI-00747-00175103-00175276 unionists get up in this chamber and ask T5jsFuEsedI-00748-00175277-00175477 me to intervene in national bargaining T5jsFuEsedI-00749-00175478-00175768 between employers and and trade unions I T5jsFuEsedI-00750-00175769-00176137 want to see this dispute resolved and I T5jsFuEsedI-00751-00176138-00176323 think it is deeply disappointing that T5jsFuEsedI-00752-00176324-00176524 talks didn't manage to build in the T5jsFuEsedI-00753-00176525-00176689 positive progress that has been made T5jsFuEsedI-00754-00176690-00176893 over the last few weeks that I would T5jsFuEsedI-00755-00176894-00177058 appeal to both sides to get round the T5jsFuEsedI-00756-00177059-00177262 table to stay round the table and to T5jsFuEsedI-00757-00177263-00177378 resolve this issue T5jsFuEsedI-00758-00177379-00177544 the Scottish Government of course is T5jsFuEsedI-00759-00177545-00177790 funding in fou the additional cost of T5jsFuEsedI-00760-00177791-00177964 the harmonization of pay terms and T5jsFuEsedI-00761-00177965-00178150 conditions which is around a hundred T5jsFuEsedI-00762-00178151-00178363 million pounds over three years we're T5jsFuEsedI-00763-00178364-00178543 investing heavily in Scotland's T5jsFuEsedI-00764-00178544-00178732 ecologies and I would say to the T5jsFuEsedI-00765-00178733-00178999 employers as well as the the trade T5jsFuEsedI-00766-00179000-00179239 unions but let me focus on the employers T5jsFuEsedI-00767-00179240-00179449 that all of us want to see this resolved T5jsFuEsedI-00768-00179450-00179695 and I hope it is resolved sooner rather T5jsFuEsedI-00769-00179696-00179896 than later but is the responsibility of T5jsFuEsedI-00770-00179897-00180082 those involved in national bargaining to T5jsFuEsedI-00771-00180083-00180310 reach that resolution Julian Martin T5jsFuEsedI-00772-00180311-00180556 thank you for saying the officer breaks T5jsFuEsedI-00773-00180557-00180760 it still hasn't happened and yet the T5jsFuEsedI-00774-00180761-00181000 damage has already been done today there T5jsFuEsedI-00775-00181001-00181210 were dates over for the Thomas Cook a T5jsFuEsedI-00776-00181211-00181483 travel company with 180 years of history T5jsFuEsedI-00777-00181484-00181723 and continues our going concern does T5jsFuEsedI-00778-00181724-00181897 this not demonstrate the impact of T5jsFuEsedI-00779-00181898-00182086 breaks our own ordinary families and in T5jsFuEsedI-00780-00182087-00182296 this case families looking forward to T5jsFuEsedI-00781-00182297-00182536 their well-earned holidays and why it's T5jsFuEsedI-00782-00182537-00182749 so important to show that Scotland says T5jsFuEsedI-00783-00182750-00183061 no to break sit next Thursday first T5jsFuEsedI-00784-00183062-00183326 place T5jsFuEsedI-00785-00183327-00183539 grexit is having an impact on T5jsFuEsedI-00786-00183540-00183779 individuals businesses the length the T5jsFuEsedI-00787-00183780-00183932 breadth of the country I visited Glasgow T5jsFuEsedI-00788-00183933-00184163 University yesterday to hear about the T5jsFuEsedI-00789-00184164-00184361 impact it's having on EU Nationals T5jsFuEsedI-00790-00184362-00184526 working out or studying at that T5jsFuEsedI-00791-00184527-00184772 University it's disgraceful the impact T5jsFuEsedI-00792-00184773-00184976 that it is having I think the vast T5jsFuEsedI-00793-00184977-00185150 majority of people in Scotland want to T5jsFuEsedI-00794-00185151-00185330 see an end to breaks and I named to this T5jsFuEsedI-00795-00185331-00185648 Westminster chaos so people can exercise T5jsFuEsedI-00796-00185649-00185980 that view next Thursday by voting for T5jsFuEsedI-00797-00185981-00186203 well the water supplies empty to hear me T5jsFuEsedI-00798-00186204-00186374 say this voting for the SNP to see quite T5jsFuEsedI-00799-00186375-00186569 clearly that Scotland wants to stay in T5jsFuEsedI-00800-00186570-00186775 Europe well and Scotland wants a name T5jsFuEsedI-00801-00186776-00186968 I'd rather you didn't T5jsFuEsedI-00802-00186969-00187640 I hope the First Minister will not T5jsFuEsedI-00803-00187641-00187904 encourage people to vote directly and T5jsFuEsedI-00804-00187905-00188099 can't be in the state in this chamber T5jsFuEsedI-00805-00188100-00188318 thanks change that extends to every T5jsFuEsedI-00806-00188319-00188495 member in this chamber no blatant T5jsFuEsedI-00807-00188496-00188696 electioneering please question number T5jsFuEsedI-00808-00188697-00189059 five james Dornan so as the First T5jsFuEsedI-00809-00189060-00189239 Minister how the Scottish Government is T5jsFuEsedI-00810-00189240-00189895 marking Mental Health Awareness Week T5jsFuEsedI-00811-00189896-00190193 this year's awareness week is body image T5jsFuEsedI-00812-00190194-00190439 which is an important factor in mental T5jsFuEsedI-00813-00190440-00190601 well-being mental health minister T5jsFuEsedI-00814-00190602-00190742 launched Mental Health Awareness Week at T5jsFuEsedI-00815-00190743-00190961 Glasgow Central Station where she and T5jsFuEsedI-00816-00190962-00191117 the Mental Health Foundation spoke to T5jsFuEsedI-00817-00191118-00191285 members of the public to raise awareness T5jsFuEsedI-00818-00191286-00191498 about this issue she also visited ghetto T5jsFuEsedI-00819-00191499-00191666 guiding Scotland to hear first-hand from T5jsFuEsedI-00820-00191667-00191912 ghetto gates her body image affects them T5jsFuEsedI-00821-00191913-00192128 ahead of awareness week we announced a T5jsFuEsedI-00822-00192129-00192275 new advisory group which will examine T5jsFuEsedI-00823-00192276-00192458 her body image impacts on young people's T5jsFuEsedI-00824-00192459-00192608 mental well-being the group will T5jsFuEsedI-00825-00192609-00192812 identify steps to improve support for T5jsFuEsedI-00826-00192813-00193013 young people and advice for relevant T5jsFuEsedI-00827-00193014-00193148 professionals and that will build on a T5jsFuEsedI-00828-00193149-00193298 package of measures to improve the T5jsFuEsedI-00829-00193299-00193487 mental health of young people james T5jsFuEsedI-00830-00193488-00193826 Donen thanks monster for that answered T5jsFuEsedI-00831-00193827-00193994 last week we had decided news that dr. T5jsFuEsedI-00832-00193995-00194261 deem Denis Koya had to step down from T5jsFuEsedI-00833-00194262-00194465 the comms task force due to our health T5jsFuEsedI-00834-00194466-00194642 does the First Minister agree with me T5jsFuEsedI-00835-00194643-00194777 that deniz koyu should be thanked for T5jsFuEsedI-00836-00194778-00194960 taking forward this important work and T5jsFuEsedI-00837-00194961-00195179 can show you why how the task force walk T5jsFuEsedI-00838-00195180-00195347 but we've taken forward to T5jsFuEsedI-00839-00195348-00195755 implementation well I am very sorry T5jsFuEsedI-00840-00195756-00195971 indeed due to illness dr. Dame Denis T5jsFuEsedI-00841-00195972-00196160 Koya has had to stand down as chair of T5jsFuEsedI-00842-00196161-00196277 the children young people's mental T5jsFuEsedI-00843-00196278-00196556 health task force dr Koya has shown T5jsFuEsedI-00844-00196557-00196712 exemplary dedication T5jsFuEsedI-00845-00196713-00196874 cheat of the task force to help improve T5jsFuEsedI-00846-00196875-00197006 the mental health of children and young T5jsFuEsedI-00847-00197007-00197261 people and I want to extend my thanks to T5jsFuEsedI-00848-00197262-00197435 her and said my very best wishes too T5jsFuEsedI-00849-00197436-00197633 hard and I'm sure I do that on behalf of T5jsFuEsedI-00850-00197634-00197807 the whole chamber and of course we T5jsFuEsedI-00851-00197808-00197984 established the task force jointly with T5jsFuEsedI-00852-00197985-00198233 Khosla in June 2018 to provide a T5jsFuEsedI-00853-00198234-00198446 blueprint for delivering a new approach T5jsFuEsedI-00854-00198447-00198632 dr. Khoi as work has brought the tax T5jsFuEsedI-00855-00198633-00198836 force to an advanced stage and the next T5jsFuEsedI-00856-00198837-00199067 step is working towards implementation T5jsFuEsedI-00857-00199068-00199265 as it happens the task force is meeting T5jsFuEsedI-00858-00199266-00199430 today to shape how they will take this T5jsFuEsedI-00859-00199431-00199700 important work forward annie wills to be T5jsFuEsedI-00860-00199701-00199916 followed by david stewart thank you T5jsFuEsedI-00861-00199917-00200096 firstly I would like to stress my T5jsFuEsedI-00862-00200097-00200267 support for Mental Health Awareness Week T5jsFuEsedI-00863-00200268-00200495 and it's absolutely right that mental T5jsFuEsedI-00864-00200496-00200645 health is no near the top of the T5jsFuEsedI-00865-00200646-00200737 political agenda T5jsFuEsedI-00866-00200738-00201032 however while we hear talk from the SNP T5jsFuEsedI-00867-00201033-00201254 is good realities for those who need T5jsFuEsedI-00868-00201255-00201572 support is far different the SMP pledged T5jsFuEsedI-00869-00201573-00201782 to hire an extra 800 mental health T5jsFuEsedI-00870-00201783-00202019 workers but the latest statistics show T5jsFuEsedI-00871-00202020-00202226 that only 106 have been hired in the T5jsFuEsedI-00872-00202227-00202478 last two years can the First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00873-00202479-00202691 outline what specific action her T5jsFuEsedI-00874-00202692-00202919 government take to ensure the target is T5jsFuEsedI-00875-00202920-00203210 made by the end of 2122 rather than T5jsFuEsedI-00876-00203211-00203561 being must spectacularly first we don't T5jsFuEsedI-00877-00203562-00203894 track to deliver on that target it was T5jsFuEsedI-00878-00203895-00204164 as Annie Wales has acknowledged a T5jsFuEsedI-00879-00204165-00204392 multi-year target in addition to that of T5jsFuEsedI-00880-00204393-00204590 course we have commitments to increase T5jsFuEsedI-00881-00204591-00204821 the number of school counselors 60 T5jsFuEsedI-00882-00204821-00204946 million pounds has been invested to T5jsFuEsedI-00883-00204948-00205184 support an additional 350 counsellors in T5jsFuEsedI-00884-00205185-00205376 education that the first tranche of them T5jsFuEsedI-00885-00205377-00205556 will be in place from the start of the T5jsFuEsedI-00886-00205557-00205663 2019-20 T5jsFuEsedI-00887-00205664-00205873 school year and again that commitment is T5jsFuEsedI-00888-00205875-00206071 on track to be delivered by the start of T5jsFuEsedI-00889-00206073-00206426 the 2020 2021 school year and also we've T5jsFuEsedI-00890-00206427-00206644 committed to putting an additional 250 T5jsFuEsedI-00891-00206646-00206909 school nurses in place by 2022 in the T5jsFuEsedI-00892-00206910-00207104 first tranche of 50 additional school T5jsFuEsedI-00893-00207105-00207289 nurses will be recruited in the current T5jsFuEsedI-00894-00207290-00207494 academic year so across all of these T5jsFuEsedI-00895-00207494-00207711 areas there is a real focus as I T5jsFuEsedI-00896-00207712-00207986 commented earlier and not just ensuring T5jsFuEsedI-00897-00207987-00208127 specialist services are there when T5jsFuEsedI-00898-00208128-00208273 people need them but investing in the T5jsFuEsedI-00899-00208275-00208489 kind of preventive services that T5jsFuEsedI-00900-00208490-00208717 hopefully stop at people needing those T5jsFuEsedI-00901-00208719-00208873 specialist services in the first place T5jsFuEsedI-00902-00208875-00209129 and David Stewart thank you signing off T5jsFuEsedI-00903-00209130-00209276 so the First Minister will be well aware T5jsFuEsedI-00904-00209277-00209507 that people with diabetes are twice as T5jsFuEsedI-00905-00209508-00209680 likely to experience depression T5jsFuEsedI-00906-00209681-00209867 three-quarters the people living with T5jsFuEsedI-00907-00209867-00210071 diabetes who wanted special T5jsFuEsedI-00908-00210071-00210278 mental health support couldn't get it T5jsFuEsedI-00909-00210279-00210448 what's the Scottish government doing to T5jsFuEsedI-00910-00210450-00210644 improve support for people living with T5jsFuEsedI-00911-00210644-00210848 diabetes through emotional psychological T5jsFuEsedI-00912-00210848-00211265 and mental health care as this sure is T5jsFuEsedI-00913-00211266-00211364 weird T5jsFuEsedI-00914-00211365-00211526 because I know he takes a close interest T5jsFuEsedI-00915-00211527-00211682 in this there's a range of what we're T5jsFuEsedI-00916-00211683-00211769 taking forward with the Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00917-00211769-00211934 government to help those who have T5jsFuEsedI-00918-00211935-00212096 diabetes I will ask the Mental Health T5jsFuEsedI-00919-00212096-00212306 Minister to write to him with specific T5jsFuEsedI-00920-00212307-00212507 details of how we support people with T5jsFuEsedI-00921-00212508-00212777 diabetes specifically with mental health T5jsFuEsedI-00922-00212778-00212969 challenges because as he rarely says T5jsFuEsedI-00923-00212969-00213244 that is a significant aspect of what T5jsFuEsedI-00924-00213246-00213434 diabetes patients they deal with so I'll T5jsFuEsedI-00925-00213435-00213569 ask the Mental Health Minister to T5jsFuEsedI-00926-00213569-00213683 provide that information as soon as T5jsFuEsedI-00927-00213684-00213740 possible T5jsFuEsedI-00928-00213741-00213980 question of mistakes miles breaks the T5jsFuEsedI-00929-00213981-00214106 First Minister what the Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00930-00214107-00214288 Government's responses to the Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00931-00214289-00214589 heart health fairly nurse forms of T5jsFuEsedI-00932-00214590-00214817 warning of a potential crisis in care T5jsFuEsedI-00933-00214817-00215108 delivery First Minister we are committed T5jsFuEsedI-00934-00215109-00215336 to improving prevention treatment and T5jsFuEsedI-00935-00215337-00215477 care for patients with heart disease and T5jsFuEsedI-00936-00215478-00215633 are taking a range of actions to achieve T5jsFuEsedI-00937-00215634-00215780 this through the heart disease T5jsFuEsedI-00938-00215781-00215978 improvement plan the decrease in T5jsFuEsedI-00939-00215979-00216188 mortality rates and in the number of new T5jsFuEsedI-00940-00216189-00216346 cases of coronary heart disease over the T5jsFuEsedI-00941-00216348-00216638 past decade sure that that strategy is T5jsFuEsedI-00942-00216639-00216890 having success I welcome the heart fear T5jsFuEsedI-00943-00216891-00217123 you're not forums report which makes six T5jsFuEsedI-00944-00217125-00217294 recommendations for improvements and we T5jsFuEsedI-00945-00217296-00217535 will consider these carefully with NHS T5jsFuEsedI-00946-00217536-00217769 boards since 2015 we've invested over T5jsFuEsedI-00947-00217769-00218003 2.4 million pounds a year to support NHS T5jsFuEsedI-00948-00218004-00218231 boards to provide enhanced access to T5jsFuEsedI-00949-00218232-00218392 specialist nursing services including T5jsFuEsedI-00950-00218394-00218642 cardiac Nazis and I expect NHS broads to T5jsFuEsedI-00951-00218642-00218741 ensure that people with heart failure T5jsFuEsedI-00952-00218742-00218933 have access to a range of health T5jsFuEsedI-00953-00218934-00219050 professionals to ensure appropriate T5jsFuEsedI-00954-00219051-00219209 management of their condition T5jsFuEsedI-00955-00219210-00219476 meyers-briggs Minister for the answer T5jsFuEsedI-00956-00219477-00219646 but the report notes that there's been T5jsFuEsedI-00957-00219648-00219842 little investment in specialist health T5jsFuEsedI-00958-00219842-00220046 failure failure services over the past T5jsFuEsedI-00959-00220046-00220238 six years and there's no fewer heart T5jsFuEsedI-00960-00220239-00220436 failure nurses than there were ten years T5jsFuEsedI-00961-00220437-00220712 ago nearly 46,000 people across Scotland T5jsFuEsedI-00962-00220713-00220952 are living with devastating impacts of T5jsFuEsedI-00963-00220953-00221108 heart failure so can the First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-00964-00221109-00221285 confirmed today how much the Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00965-00221286-00221456 Government will commit to investing in T5jsFuEsedI-00966-00221457-00221582 the delivery of heart failure nurse T5jsFuEsedI-00967-00221583-00221771 teams and given the progress being made T5jsFuEsedI-00968-00221771-00222014 in NHS England and Wales in both T5jsFuEsedI-00969-00222015-00222176 contributing to the national cardiac T5jsFuEsedI-00970-00222177-00222421 audit supporting data led redesign of T5jsFuEsedI-00971-00222423-00222638 service and provision will the Scottish T5jsFuEsedI-00972-00222639-00222785 Government to commit to a nationally T5jsFuEsedI-00973-00222786-00223031 addressing the lack of data support to T5jsFuEsedI-00974-00223032-00223175 design better services for patients T5jsFuEsedI-00975-00223176-00223444 first most well as I said if my T5jsFuEsedI-00976-00223446-00223708 no answer since 2015 we've invested over T5jsFuEsedI-00977-00223709-00224039 2.4 million for enhanced access to T5jsFuEsedI-00978-00224040-00224219 specialist nursing services and that T5jsFuEsedI-00979-00224219-00224371 includes cardiac narcy's I'll ask the T5jsFuEsedI-00980-00224373-00224588 health secretary Drake to miles Briggs T5jsFuEsedI-00981-00224589-00224963 with the the projected spend over the T5jsFuEsedI-00982-00224964-00225215 next few years of course that sits T5jsFuEsedI-00983-00225216-00225448 within a picture of an overall rising T5jsFuEsedI-00984-00225450-00225731 number of nurses within Scotland so T5jsFuEsedI-00985-00225732-00225890 we'll continue to invest and indeed work T5jsFuEsedI-00986-00225891-00226121 with different organisations who have T5jsFuEsedI-00987-00226121-00226267 expertise here to make sure we're T5jsFuEsedI-00988-00226269-00226466 providing the right support and services T5jsFuEsedI-00989-00226467-00226673 for patients and I think it's important T5jsFuEsedI-00990-00226673-00226787 that while there's a lot of work here T5jsFuEsedI-00991-00226788-00226988 it's though to do in the recommendations T5jsFuEsedI-00992-00226989-00227279 meet in the Scottish heart failure not T5jsFuEsedI-00993-00227280-00227491 to Fulham report are looked at carefully T5jsFuEsedI-00994-00227492-00227888 between 2008 and 2017 the mortality rate T5jsFuEsedI-00995-00227889-00228131 for coronary heart disease for all ages T5jsFuEsedI-00996-00228132-00228484 decreased by 36 percent for the under 75 T5jsFuEsedI-00997-00228485-00228808 the decrease was 33 percent so that is T5jsFuEsedI-00998-00228809-00228992 going in the right direction that T5jsFuEsedI-00999-00228992-00229130 suggest the actions that we are taking T5jsFuEsedI-01000-00229131-00229331 they are having success and will T5jsFuEsedI-01001-00229332-00229469 continue to make sure that we take that T5jsFuEsedI-01002-00229469-00229754 action and Monica Leonard thank you for T5jsFuEsedI-01003-00229755-00230008 the officer cardiologist professor at : T5jsFuEsedI-01004-00230009-00230221 Barry and recently came to Parliament to T5jsFuEsedI-01005-00230223-00230419 present his research or in women's heart T5jsFuEsedI-01006-00230421-00230644 health it was particularly on women's T5jsFuEsedI-01007-00230646-00230678 health T5jsFuEsedI-01008-00230679-00230876 his research finds that women are less T5jsFuEsedI-01009-00230877-00231104 likely than men to be properly diagnosed T5jsFuEsedI-01010-00231105-00231302 with a heart attack and twice as likely T5jsFuEsedI-01011-00231303-00231566 to die in hospital as the First Minister T5jsFuEsedI-01012-00231567-00231796 also aware that a valuable taste switch T5jsFuEsedI-01013-00231798-00232016 diagnosis small vessel heart disease T5jsFuEsedI-01014-00232017-00232112 that concession in which particular T5jsFuEsedI-01015-00232113-00232340 affects women is not routinely available T5jsFuEsedI-01016-00232341-00232625 and can she advise what the government T5jsFuEsedI-01017-00232626-00232829 is doing to improve women's heart health T5jsFuEsedI-01018-00232830-00233117 more generally First Minister L aware of T5jsFuEsedI-01019-00233117-00233260 this issue in fact the chief medical T5jsFuEsedI-01020-00233261-00233417 officer is currently looking at the T5jsFuEsedI-01021-00233417-00233569 particular issue that Monica Lane and T5jsFuEsedI-01022-00233571-00233758 raises are indeed she is a real champion T5jsFuEsedI-01023-00233759-00234058 for improvements in women's health it is T5jsFuEsedI-01024-00234059-00234254 the case that often the symptoms of T5jsFuEsedI-01025-00234255-00234482 heart attacks in women are different to T5jsFuEsedI-01026-00234483-00234704 those experienced by men but many health T5jsFuEsedI-01027-00234705-00234898 professionals will be more aware of T5jsFuEsedI-01028-00234900-00235117 those traditionally experienced by men T5jsFuEsedI-01029-00235119-00235376 and in fact a recent book published that T5jsFuEsedI-01030-00235377-00235483 I would recommend to everybody in the T5jsFuEsedI-01031-00235484-00235585 chamber Invisible Woman T5jsFuEsedI-01032-00235586-00235769 it looks at some of these issues that T5jsFuEsedI-01033-00235769-00235946 really systemize some of the T5jsFuEsedI-01034-00235946-00236134 discrimination against women in our T5jsFuEsedI-01035-00236135-00236312 society so these are important issues T5jsFuEsedI-01036-00236313-00236480 and I'll give them on a Kalinin and T5jsFuEsedI-01037-00236481-00236621 assurance that they are actively being T5jsFuEsedI-01038-00236621-00236792 looked at by the Scottish Government T5jsFuEsedI-01039-00236792-00236980 thank you very much and that concludes T5jsFuEsedI-01040-00236981-00237184 First Minister's Questions we're going T5jsFuEsedI-01041-00237185-00237401 to turn shortly to members business in T5jsFuEsedI-01042-00237402-00237559 the name of Alexander Stewart on T5jsFuEsedI-01043-00237560-00237982 community pharmacy Scotland and we will T5jsFuEsedI-01044-00237983-00238190 but we'll do some a few more still have T5jsFuEsedI-01045-00238191-00238492 a short suspension to allow members the T5jsFuEsedI-01046-00238494-00238660 public and ministers to change their T5jsFuEsedI-01047-00238661-00239023 seats a short suspension T9NaH67rdLI-00000-00000219-00000648 [Music] T9NaH67rdLI-00001-00000649-00000852 the Boys & Girls Club of the Bemidji T9NaH67rdLI-00002-00000853-00001257 area serves 600 youth annually ages 6 T9NaH67rdLI-00003-00001258-00001510 through 18 years old and we serve them T9NaH67rdLI-00004-00001511-00001752 with after-school programming and summer T9NaH67rdLI-00005-00001753-00002074 programming we focus on three key areas T9NaH67rdLI-00006-00002075-00002373 one is academic academic support T9NaH67rdLI-00007-00002374-00002641 academic enrichment and success as well T9NaH67rdLI-00008-00002642-00002858 as health healthy lifestyles and T9NaH67rdLI-00009-00002859-00003208 leadership and so everything that we do T9NaH67rdLI-00010-00003209-00003424 at the club we've got a technology room T9NaH67rdLI-00011-00003425-00003613 in an art room we have a garden and T9NaH67rdLI-00012-00003614-00003844 greenhouse all of those things wrap up T9NaH67rdLI-00013-00003845-00004036 into those three main components about T9NaH67rdLI-00014-00004036-00004242 academic health and leadership T9NaH67rdLI-00015-00004243-00004556 [Music] TrpcnFlazmQ-00000-00000558-00000736 greetings and welcome to the TrpcnFlazmQ-00001-00000737-00000971 introduction to astronomy one of the TrpcnFlazmQ-00002-00000972-00001133 things that I like to do in each of my TrpcnFlazmQ-00003-00001134-00001337 introductory astronomy classes is to TrpcnFlazmQ-00004-00001338-00001523 begin the class with the Astronomy TrpcnFlazmQ-00005-00001524-00001775 Picture of the Day from the NASA website TrpcnFlazmQ-00006-00001776-00001992 that is TrpcnFlazmQ-00007-00001993-00002417 apod.nasa.gov apod and today's picture TrpcnFlazmQ-00008-00002418-00002965 for May 6th of 2023 well it is titled TrpcnFlazmQ-00009-00002966-00003353 Twilight in a flower so what do we see TrpcnFlazmQ-00010-00003354-00003461 here TrpcnFlazmQ-00011-00003461-00003749 well here we actually see 16 different TrpcnFlazmQ-00012-00003750-00004013 images of the same portion of the sky TrpcnFlazmQ-00013-00004014-00004325 taken over the course of one evening a TrpcnFlazmQ-00014-00004326-00004547 couple of weeks ago in fact on April the TrpcnFlazmQ-00015-00004548-00005077 22nd and they were taken at starting at TrpcnFlazmQ-00016-00005078-00005447 Twilight time and going in toward the TrpcnFlazmQ-00017-00005448-00005620 evening and you can see how the sky TrpcnFlazmQ-00018-00005621-00005975 darkened over time so if you note at the TrpcnFlazmQ-00019-00005976-00006209 top and start counterclockwise you'll TrpcnFlazmQ-00020-00006210-00006413 see that the sky is relatively bright TrpcnFlazmQ-00021-00006414-00006659 we're looking shortly after the sun has TrpcnFlazmQ-00022-00006659-00006995 set but we can still see the glimmer of TrpcnFlazmQ-00023-00006995-00007313 glow Over the Horizon there as you work TrpcnFlazmQ-00024-00007314-00007546 your way around the night gets darker TrpcnFlazmQ-00025-00007547-00007756 and darker until you can see the TrpcnFlazmQ-00026-00007758-00008063 comparison with those two at the top one TrpcnFlazmQ-00027-00008064-00008273 earlier on in the night shortly after TrpcnFlazmQ-00028-00008274-00008531 Sunset and one much later when things TrpcnFlazmQ-00029-00008532-00008801 had gotten darker now it is not over a TrpcnFlazmQ-00030-00008802-00008992 tremendous amount of time we're not TrpcnFlazmQ-00031-00008993-00009281 looking over all night or anything here TrpcnFlazmQ-00032-00009282-00009551 but because we can see several bright TrpcnFlazmQ-00033-00009552-00009905 objects here and those are the moon and TrpcnFlazmQ-00034-00009906-00010151 Venus which happen to be very close to TrpcnFlazmQ-00035-00010152-00010510 the Horizon right after Sunset so they TrpcnFlazmQ-00036-00010511-00010678 would have been setting after the Sun TrpcnFlazmQ-00037-00010679-00011003 the lower down one is of course our moon TrpcnFlazmQ-00038-00011004-00011146 and we can see that's a little bit TrpcnFlazmQ-00039-00011147-00011428 brighter it was a crescent moon that day TrpcnFlazmQ-00040-00011429-00011674 but if you look look and watch as it TrpcnFlazmQ-00041-00011675-00011855 goes around you see how it spirals TrpcnFlazmQ-00042-00011856-00012137 closer and closer to the horizon TrpcnFlazmQ-00043-00012138-00012388 whereas It is Well above the rock TrpcnFlazmQ-00044-00012389-00012731 features that we see and the first image TrpcnFlazmQ-00045-00012732-00012965 as we get around to the last one it's TrpcnFlazmQ-00046-00012966-00013180 actually very close to those Rock TrpcnFlazmQ-00047-00013181-00013601 features and as it continues to set TrpcnFlazmQ-00048-00013602-00013888 the same can be said of Venus Venus is TrpcnFlazmQ-00049-00013890-00014099 higher in the sky and you can see how TrpcnFlazmQ-00050-00014100-00014272 much lower it is TrpcnFlazmQ-00051-00014273-00014513 by the time you work all the way around TrpcnFlazmQ-00052-00014513-00014885 this so it's a way to really be able to TrpcnFlazmQ-00053-00014886-00015347 see the changing of day into night and TrpcnFlazmQ-00054-00015347-00015658 watch as the sky gets darker and if TrpcnFlazmQ-00055-00015659-00015791 you've ever watched this you've been TrpcnFlazmQ-00056-00015791-00016019 able to see see this if you've watched a TrpcnFlazmQ-00057-00016019-00016247 Sunset and waited around afterwards TrpcnFlazmQ-00058-00016247-00016433 you've been able to see that the sun TrpcnFlazmQ-00059-00016434-00016685 would set below the Horizon and the sky TrpcnFlazmQ-00060-00016686-00016985 would slowly change color from the TrpcnFlazmQ-00061-00016986-00017213 brighter colors of day when there's a TrpcnFlazmQ-00062-00017214-00017471 lot of light to allow us to see color to TrpcnFlazmQ-00063-00017472-00017717 the more black and white colors that we TrpcnFlazmQ-00064-00017718-00017980 see for the night sky when it is very TrpcnFlazmQ-00065-00017981-00018293 when it gets darker so here we see those TrpcnFlazmQ-00066-00018294-00018665 in this in 16 different images that were TrpcnFlazmQ-00067-00018666-00019108 taken again on April the 22nd showing TrpcnFlazmQ-00068-00019109-00019522 this image of the same part of the sky TrpcnFlazmQ-00069-00019523-00019930 from right shortly after Sunset until a TrpcnFlazmQ-00070-00019931-00020219 little while later as we get to see the TrpcnFlazmQ-00071-00020220-00020549 moon and Venus sinking slowly closer to TrpcnFlazmQ-00072-00020550-00020686 the horizon TrpcnFlazmQ-00073-00020687-00020927 so that was our picture of the day for TrpcnFlazmQ-00074-00020928-00021221 May 6th of 2023 TrpcnFlazmQ-00075-00021222-00021527 it was titled Twilight in a flower TrpcnFlazmQ-00076-00021528-00021700 we'll be back again tomorrow for the TrpcnFlazmQ-00077-00021701-00022019 next picture preview to be the helix TrpcnFlazmQ-00078-00022020-00022207 so we'll see what that is about tomorrow TrpcnFlazmQ-00079-00022208-00022519 and until then have a great day everyone TrpcnFlazmQ-00080-00022520-00022976 and I will see you in class TrO4Wg938s4-00000-00000151-00000438 I'll socks Alan Robinson Raleigh Lloyd TrO4Wg938s4-00001-00000438-00000666 is a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor TrO4Wg938s4-00002-00000667-00000819 that has been investigated in the TrO4Wg938s4-00003-00000819-00001004 treatment of hypertension and angina TrO4Wg938s4-00004-00001005-00001224 pectoris and as a sedative in psychosis TrO4Wg938s4-00005-00001225-00001518 it was at one time approved for use in TrO4Wg938s4-00006-00001519-00001692 the United States but has since been TrO4Wg938s4-00007-00001693-00001797 discontinued TrO4Wg938s4-00008-00001798-00002000 al surak's Alan is a purified fat TrO4Wg938s4-00009-00002001-00002207 soluble extract of the root of Rawal TrO4Wg938s4-00010-00002208-00002421 fiha serpentina containing researching TrO4Wg938s4-00011-00002422-00002591 and other non adrenaline amorphous TrO4Wg938s4-00012-00002592-00003030 alkaloids TrO4Wg938s4-00013-00003031-00003331 references Tt_FdihKtgy-00000-00000094-00001660 [Music] Tt_FdihKtgy-00001-00001661-00002002 hello so we continue from where we left Tt_FdihKtgy-00002-00002003-00002176 off last time Tt_FdihKtgy-00003-00002177-00002518 we were trying to derive the Fourier Tt_FdihKtgy-00004-00002519-00002692 expansion Tt_FdihKtgy-00005-00002693-00002939 of a certain periodic function Tt_FdihKtgy-00006-00002940-00003221 cooked up out of the gaussian Tt_FdihKtgy-00007-00003222-00003497 e to the power minus t squared we took Tt_FdihKtgy-00008-00003497-00003683 the gaussian e to the power minus t Tt_FdihKtgy-00009-00003684-00003953 squared that's a rapidly decreasing Tt_FdihKtgy-00010-00003954-00004067 function Tt_FdihKtgy-00011-00004068-00004409 and we use this function to create a two Tt_FdihKtgy-00012-00004410-00004804 Pi periodic smooth function and we were Tt_FdihKtgy-00013-00004805-00005188 about to compute the Fourier series for Tt_FdihKtgy-00014-00005189-00005452 this function and use the point OS Tt_FdihKtgy-00015-00005453-00005645 convergence theorem so let us look at Tt_FdihKtgy-00016-00005646-00005956 what we are done so go to the slide we Tt_FdihKtgy-00017-00005957-00006275 look at equation 1.23 look at this Tt_FdihKtgy-00018-00006276-00006454 function f of T which is displayed in Tt_FdihKtgy-00019-00006455-00006778 equation 1.23 last time I explained to Tt_FdihKtgy-00020-00006779-00007060 you that this function is a smooth two Tt_FdihKtgy-00021-00007061-00007306 periodic function and so the Fourier Tt_FdihKtgy-00022-00007308-00007577 series will converge everywhere Tt_FdihKtgy-00023-00007578-00007828 it live in Converse uniformly but we do Tt_FdihKtgy-00024-00007829-00008051 not need that right now so we computed Tt_FdihKtgy-00025-00008052-00008164 the Tt_FdihKtgy-00026-00008165-00008489 coefficients it's an even function so Tt_FdihKtgy-00027-00008490-00008705 the sine terms will be zero so BNS will Tt_FdihKtgy-00028-00008706-00009035 be zero we computed a naught Tt_FdihKtgy-00029-00009036-00009310 and this is the calculation for a naught Tt_FdihKtgy-00030-00009311-00009737 and we found that a naught is 1 upon 2 Tt_FdihKtgy-00031-00009738-00010169 root pi and we can calculate a n's in a Tt_FdihKtgy-00032-00010170-00010439 similar fashion and it's an exercise for Tt_FdihKtgy-00033-00010440-00010745 you to compute the ANS and check that Tt_FdihKtgy-00034-00010746-00011081 the Fourier series is exactly what is Tt_FdihKtgy-00035-00011082-00011296 displayed in the slide one upon 2 root Tt_FdihKtgy-00036-00011297-00011591 pi plus 1 upon root by summation n from Tt_FdihKtgy-00037-00011592-00011783 1 to Infinity e to the power minus N Tt_FdihKtgy-00038-00011784-00012113 squared by four cosine n t so we put Tt_FdihKtgy-00039-00012114-00012317 back the definition of f of T and we Tt_FdihKtgy-00040-00012318-00012599 look at this display 1.24 summation n Tt_FdihKtgy-00041-00012600-00012863 from minus infinity to infinity x of Tt_FdihKtgy-00042-00012863-00013283 minus of t plus 2 pi n Square equal to 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00043-00013284-00013499 upon 2 root pi plus 1 upon root by Tt_FdihKtgy-00044-00013500-00013733 summation n from 1 to Infinity e to the Tt_FdihKtgy-00045-00013734-00013966 power minus N squared by four cos n t Tt_FdihKtgy-00046-00013968-00014261 equation 1.24 which is displayed in the Tt_FdihKtgy-00047-00014262-00014561 slide this is a remarkable identity Tt_FdihKtgy-00048-00014562-00014765 on the one on the left hand side you got Tt_FdihKtgy-00049-00014766-00015035 the Expo one set of exponentials and the Tt_FdihKtgy-00050-00015036-00015197 right hand side you got another set of Tt_FdihKtgy-00051-00015197-00015515 exponentials with a COS NT thrown in you Tt_FdihKtgy-00052-00015516-00015803 can put in t equal to 0 and we can see Tt_FdihKtgy-00053-00015804-00015935 what you get Tt_FdihKtgy-00054-00015936-00016247 so the more General version of this is Tt_FdihKtgy-00055-00016247-00016469 what we are now looking for and the more Tt_FdihKtgy-00056-00016470-00016619 General version of this will give you Tt_FdihKtgy-00057-00016620-00016769 what is called as a Theta function Tt_FdihKtgy-00058-00016770-00017044 identity instead of the function f of T Tt_FdihKtgy-00059-00017045-00017375 instead of 1.23 or rather in this Tt_FdihKtgy-00060-00017376-00017722 equation 1.23 you throw in a parameter Tt_FdihKtgy-00061-00017723-00017849 Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00062-00017850-00018094 you throw in a parameter Tau under the Tt_FdihKtgy-00063-00018095-00018347 exponential so you look at F of t equal Tt_FdihKtgy-00064-00018348-00018622 to summation n from minus infinity to Tt_FdihKtgy-00065-00018623-00018994 infinity x of minus Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00066-00018995-00019475 times t plus 2 pi n the whole squared Tt_FdihKtgy-00067-00019476-00019722 so that's a modified the function f Tt_FdihKtgy-00068-00019723-00020080 suitably of course the series must Tt_FdihKtgy-00069-00020081-00020219 converge Tt_FdihKtgy-00070-00020220-00020519 so the Tau if the tau is real it must be Tt_FdihKtgy-00071-00020520-00020764 real positive if it is negative then the Tt_FdihKtgy-00072-00020765-00020933 series will diverge so you want the Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00073-00020934-00021299 to be real positive or you can allow the Tt_FdihKtgy-00074-00021300-00021593 Tau to be complex but then the real part Tt_FdihKtgy-00075-00021594-00021917 should be positive okay so the Tau must Tt_FdihKtgy-00076-00021918-00022180 have positive real part Tt_FdihKtgy-00077-00022181-00022511 so if Tau has positive real part then Tt_FdihKtgy-00078-00022512-00022811 following exactly the same ideas again Tt_FdihKtgy-00079-00022812-00022978 you see this function of the left hand Tt_FdihKtgy-00080-00022979-00023219 side summation n from minus infinity to Tt_FdihKtgy-00081-00023220-00023627 infinity x of minus Tau times t plus 2 Tt_FdihKtgy-00082-00023628-00023867 pi in the whole squared that function is Tt_FdihKtgy-00083-00023868-00024100 a two Pi periodic function with respect Tt_FdihKtgy-00084-00024101-00024328 to the variable T tau is fixed Tt_FdihKtgy-00085-00024329-00024647 throughout the discussion for now tau is Tt_FdihKtgy-00086-00024648-00024767 going to be fixed you should think of Tt_FdihKtgy-00087-00024768-00024928 Tau as a parameter and you should think Tt_FdihKtgy-00088-00024929-00025199 of t as a variable with respect to T it Tt_FdihKtgy-00089-00025200-00025391 is a two-part periodic function so you Tt_FdihKtgy-00090-00025392-00025678 can go through the same steps again and Tt_FdihKtgy-00091-00025679-00026044 you can compute a naught a n's BNS again Tt_FdihKtgy-00092-00026045-00026279 it's an even function so the B ends will Tt_FdihKtgy-00093-00026280-00026585 be zero you can calculate the ANS you Tt_FdihKtgy-00094-00026586-00026908 will need the formula for the Fourier Tt_FdihKtgy-00095-00026910-00027137 transform or the gaussian that we Tt_FdihKtgy-00096-00027138-00027401 computed last time Tt_FdihKtgy-00097-00027402-00027562 that will be needed without that you Tt_FdihKtgy-00098-00027563-00027802 can't proceed so that's exactly why we Tt_FdihKtgy-00099-00027804-00028007 did that Fourier transform computation Tt_FdihKtgy-00100-00028008-00028223 the gaussian so you can prove this Tt_FdihKtgy-00101-00028224-00028618 equation 1.25 by appealing to the point Tt_FdihKtgy-00102-00028619-00028805 OS convergence theorem you find the Tt_FdihKtgy-00103-00028806-00028996 Fourier coefficients write down the Tt_FdihKtgy-00104-00028997-00029296 Fourier series and you can equate the Tt_FdihKtgy-00105-00029297-00029495 original function with its Fourier Tt_FdihKtgy-00106-00029495-00029723 series why can we do that because the Tt_FdihKtgy-00107-00029724-00029908 function whose Fourier series you are Tt_FdihKtgy-00108-00029910-00030112 trying to compute is actually very Tt_FdihKtgy-00109-00030113-00030364 smooth and we know the point OS Tt_FdihKtgy-00110-00030366-00030611 convergence theorem is true for hurdle Tt_FdihKtgy-00111-00030612-00030796 continuous to my periodic function here Tt_FdihKtgy-00112-00030797-00031055 it is much much better than the holder Tt_FdihKtgy-00113-00031056-00031361 continuity it is actually infinitely Tt_FdihKtgy-00114-00031362-00031762 differentiable so equation 1.25 is the Tt_FdihKtgy-00115-00031763-00031961 equation that we are talking about Tt_FdihKtgy-00116-00031962-00032381 in this equation to ah 1.25 let us put t Tt_FdihKtgy-00117-00032382-00032735 equal to 0 and the cosine term drops out Tt_FdihKtgy-00118-00032736-00033185 and in in place of 4 t let us put U so Tt_FdihKtgy-00119-00033186-00033431 the left hand side reads summation n Tt_FdihKtgy-00120-00033432-00033695 from minus infinity to Infinity Tt_FdihKtgy-00121-00033696-00034037 e to the power minus Pi Square N squared Tt_FdihKtgy-00122-00034038-00034331 U on the right hand side the two has Tt_FdihKtgy-00123-00034332-00034624 been taken under the radical 1 upon root Tt_FdihKtgy-00124-00034625-00034949 U Pi summation n from minus infinity to Tt_FdihKtgy-00125-00034950-00035057 Infinity Tt_FdihKtgy-00126-00035058-00035602 X of minus N squared by U equation 1.26 Tt_FdihKtgy-00127-00035603-00035927 this equation 1.26 is a very important Tt_FdihKtgy-00128-00035928-00036274 equation okay so I already told you how Tt_FdihKtgy-00129-00036275-00036689 to go about proving 1.25 and 1.26 Tt_FdihKtgy-00130-00036690-00037109 now we Define formally the Jacobi Theta Tt_FdihKtgy-00131-00037110-00037235 function Tt_FdihKtgy-00132-00037236-00037421 the literature on Theta function is very Tt_FdihKtgy-00133-00037422-00037661 vast there are several different types Tt_FdihKtgy-00134-00037662-00037967 of theta functions and so what we are Tt_FdihKtgy-00135-00037968-00038177 displayed here is usually denoted by Tt_FdihKtgy-00136-00038178-00038380 Theta or naught and so this function Tt_FdihKtgy-00137-00038381-00038652 Theta naught of Tau which is equal to Tt_FdihKtgy-00138-00038653-00038915 summation n from minus infinity to Tt_FdihKtgy-00139-00038916-00039215 Infinity e to the power minus Pi n Tt_FdihKtgy-00140-00039216-00039395 Square Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00141-00039396-00039661 where the real part of tau is positive Tt_FdihKtgy-00142-00039662-00040007 1.27 that is a displayed equation what Tt_FdihKtgy-00143-00040008-00040180 we have derived Tt_FdihKtgy-00144-00040181-00040559 what we have derived here instead of U I Tt_FdihKtgy-00145-00040560-00040865 replace U by U upon Pi if I replace U by Tt_FdihKtgy-00146-00040866-00041099 U upon by 1 Pi will cancel out of here Tt_FdihKtgy-00147-00041100-00041555 and 1 Pi will appear here and 1 upon U Tt_FdihKtgy-00148-00041556-00041830 Pi will one upon root U Pi will get Tt_FdihKtgy-00149-00041831-00042089 replacement simply 1 upon root U so the Tt_FdihKtgy-00150-00042090-00042293 equation 1.26 Tt_FdihKtgy-00151-00042294-00042605 with you replaced by U upon Pi will Tt_FdihKtgy-00152-00042606-00042893 exactly give you equation 1.28 this Tt_FdihKtgy-00153-00042894-00043199 equation 1.26 has been recast as Tt_FdihKtgy-00154-00043200-00043523 equation 1.28 this is called the Jacobi Tt_FdihKtgy-00155-00043524-00043829 Theta function identity the Theta Tt_FdihKtgy-00156-00043830-00044152 function uh I said the real part must be Tt_FdihKtgy-00157-00044153-00044405 positive and now I can think of this Tt_FdihKtgy-00158-00044406-00044668 Theta function as a function of T if I Tt_FdihKtgy-00159-00044669-00044807 think of the Theta function as a Tt_FdihKtgy-00160-00044808-00045112 function of T it is holomorphic in the Tt_FdihKtgy-00161-00045113-00045346 right half plane of course then you will Tt_FdihKtgy-00162-00045347-00045683 ask me what is the meaning of root t Tt_FdihKtgy-00163-00045684-00045977 in complex analysis when I write root Tt_FdihKtgy-00164-00045978-00046090 Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00165-00046091-00046379 I must explain which branch of the Tt_FdihKtgy-00166-00046380-00046601 square root I'm talking about and below Tt_FdihKtgy-00167-00046602-00046829 I am explaining which branch of the Tt_FdihKtgy-00168-00046830-00047051 square root I'm talking about so the Tt_FdihKtgy-00169-00047052-00047339 root Tau appearing in equation 1.28 is Tt_FdihKtgy-00170-00047340-00047602 defined as root Tau equal to square root Tt_FdihKtgy-00171-00047603-00047855 of mod Tau mod tau is a positive real Tt_FdihKtgy-00172-00047856-00048137 number and this one is a unique positive Tt_FdihKtgy-00173-00048138-00048515 square root plus X of I by 2 argument of Tt_FdihKtgy-00174-00048516-00048743 Tau Tau is in the right half plane so Tt_FdihKtgy-00175-00048744-00048946 take the principal argument the Tt_FdihKtgy-00176-00048947-00049115 principal argument means that the Tt_FdihKtgy-00177-00049116-00049246 principal argument will vary between Tt_FdihKtgy-00178-00049247-00049535 minus Pi by 2 and Pi by two so that is Tt_FdihKtgy-00179-00049536-00049835 the definition of root Tau and with this Tt_FdihKtgy-00180-00049836-00050068 prescription the Theta function that you Tt_FdihKtgy-00181-00050069-00050507 see in equation 1.27 is holomorphic in Tt_FdihKtgy-00182-00050508-00050758 the right half plane this Theta function Tt_FdihKtgy-00183-00050759-00051017 is going to play a very important role Tt_FdihKtgy-00184-00051018-00051269 in what's to come in fact it is very Tt_FdihKtgy-00185-00051270-00051551 fundamental in number Theory Tt_FdihKtgy-00186-00051552-00051857 I will give you some nice references for Tt_FdihKtgy-00187-00051858-00052049 Theta function there is a reference of Tt_FdihKtgy-00188-00052050-00052337 bellman which is very readable and very Tt_FdihKtgy-00189-00052338-00052594 beautiful account of theta function Tt_FdihKtgy-00190-00052595-00052937 now we need some information about how Tt_FdihKtgy-00191-00052938-00053249 the Theta function behaves as Tau goes Tt_FdihKtgy-00192-00053250-00053537 to infinity and how does it behave as it Tt_FdihKtgy-00193-00053538-00053794 goes to zero now look at Infinity now Tt_FdihKtgy-00194-00053795-00054154 look at equation 1.27 this you got this Tt_FdihKtgy-00195-00054155-00054449 exponential factor and as n becomes Tt_FdihKtgy-00196-00054450-00054730 larger and larger this this exponential Tt_FdihKtgy-00197-00054732-00054965 function will Decay more and more Tt_FdihKtgy-00198-00054966-00055342 and so for posit for real positive if Tt_FdihKtgy-00199-00055344-00055661 tau is real positive as you go down the Tt_FdihKtgy-00200-00055662-00055894 infinite series it is going to Decay Tt_FdihKtgy-00201-00055895-00056219 very very rapidly the only term which Tt_FdihKtgy-00202-00056220-00056471 doesn't Decay at all is when n equal to Tt_FdihKtgy-00203-00056472-00056788 0 when n equal to 0 you just get one and Tt_FdihKtgy-00204-00056789-00057041 so as Tau goes to Infinity so as Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00205-00057041-00057292 goes to Infinity the behavior of the Tt_FdihKtgy-00206-00057294-00057544 Theta function is like one it behaves Tt_FdihKtgy-00207-00057545-00057785 like one and of course I just taken the Tt_FdihKtgy-00208-00057786-00058054 first term two times exponent of minus Tt_FdihKtgy-00209-00058055-00058313 Pi Tau the others are even smaller than Tt_FdihKtgy-00210-00058314-00058571 this so I can take this two exponential Tt_FdihKtgy-00211-00058572-00058876 of minus Pi Tau outside and what will be Tt_FdihKtgy-00212-00058877-00059087 what will remain is going to be some Tt_FdihKtgy-00213-00059088-00059387 bounded thing so big O of one means the Tt_FdihKtgy-00214-00059388-00059680 stuff that I am ignoring here is bounded Tt_FdihKtgy-00215-00059682-00059969 so this is the behavior of the Theta Tt_FdihKtgy-00216-00059970-00060497 function for real Tau large real Tau as Tt_FdihKtgy-00217-00060498-00060707 Tau goes to Infinity we need it for real Tt_FdihKtgy-00218-00060708-00060971 for real Tau only we do not need it for Tt_FdihKtgy-00219-00060972-00061271 complex values of term then we also need Tt_FdihKtgy-00220-00061272-00061499 the behavior of the Theta function when Tt_FdihKtgy-00221-00061500-00061919 T is real but close to 0 as Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00222-00061920-00062209 approaches 0 plus along the real axis Tt_FdihKtgy-00223-00062210-00062530 for that you need the functional Tt_FdihKtgy-00224-00062532-00062782 equation one point to it by staring at Tt_FdihKtgy-00225-00062783-00063094 1.27 you will not be able to understand Tt_FdihKtgy-00226-00063095-00063341 the behavior of theta function near Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00227-00063341-00063599 equal to 0 because when tau is close to Tt_FdihKtgy-00228-00063600-00063857 0 what happens is that although the N Tt_FdihKtgy-00229-00063858-00064091 becomes larger and larger when Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00230-00064091-00064397 becomes indefinitely close to 0 there Tt_FdihKtgy-00231-00064398-00064600 can be some balancing between this n Tt_FdihKtgy-00232-00064601-00064816 Square the large n square and the small Tt_FdihKtgy-00233-00064817-00064949 Tau there could be some kind of Tt_FdihKtgy-00234-00064950-00065213 balancing and all the terms the infinite Tt_FdihKtgy-00235-00065214-00065465 series may actually end up contributing Tt_FdihKtgy-00236-00065466-00065813 analyzing the behavior from 1.27 is Tt_FdihKtgy-00237-00065814-00066053 going to be pretty difficult Tt_FdihKtgy-00238-00066054-00066388 but from 1.28 it is very easy because Tt_FdihKtgy-00239-00066389-00066785 when tau is close to 0 1 upon tau is Tt_FdihKtgy-00240-00066786-00067006 very very large genuine one upon term is Tt_FdihKtgy-00241-00067007-00067325 large positive real then we know the Tt_FdihKtgy-00242-00067326-00067571 then we can use the previous discussion Tt_FdihKtgy-00243-00067572-00068009 and so so consolidating we see that when Tt_FdihKtgy-00244-00068010-00068350 tau is positive and close to the origin Tt_FdihKtgy-00245-00068351-00068693 1 upon tau is very very large and so by Tt_FdihKtgy-00246-00068694-00069029 using the functional equation 1.29 and Tt_FdihKtgy-00247-00069030-00069131 the Tt_FdihKtgy-00248-00069132-00069419 previously discussed Behavior we can Tt_FdihKtgy-00249-00069420-00069629 consolidate these two discussions and we Tt_FdihKtgy-00250-00069630-00069941 can say that Theta naught of Tau behaves Tt_FdihKtgy-00251-00069942-00070247 like 1 upon root Tau plus something Tt_FdihKtgy-00252-00070248-00070450 which goes to 0 Tt_FdihKtgy-00253-00070451-00070738 very fast faster than a constant as Tau Tt_FdihKtgy-00254-00070739-00070961 goes to zero plus as Tau goes to zero Tt_FdihKtgy-00255-00070962-00071243 plus this term blows up and the second Tt_FdihKtgy-00256-00071244-00071506 term will go to zero so this is the Tt_FdihKtgy-00257-00071507-00071788 behavior of the Theta function near the Tt_FdihKtgy-00258-00071789-00072088 origin we shall need this Tt_FdihKtgy-00259-00072089-00072323 very soon because we are going to be Tt_FdihKtgy-00260-00072324-00072617 manipulating integrals and infinite Tt_FdihKtgy-00261-00072618-00073049 series involving involving these things Tt_FdihKtgy-00262-00073050-00073409 the Theta function identity 1.28 is Tt_FdihKtgy-00263-00073410-00073744 equivalent to the celebrated functional Tt_FdihKtgy-00264-00073745-00074009 equation of Riemann Tt_FdihKtgy-00265-00074010-00074297 so let us recall what is the Riemann Tt_FdihKtgy-00266-00074298-00074632 zeta function Riemann zeta function Zeta Tt_FdihKtgy-00267-00074633-00074905 Z is defined to be the infinite series Tt_FdihKtgy-00268-00074906-00075209 1.31 you see the infinite Series 1.31 in Tt_FdihKtgy-00269-00075210-00075556 the display Zeta Z equals summation n Tt_FdihKtgy-00270-00075557-00075785 from 1 to Infinity 1 upon n to the power Tt_FdihKtgy-00271-00075786-00076132 Z this series will converge when real Tt_FdihKtgy-00272-00076133-00076415 part of Z is bigger than 1 that you have Tt_FdihKtgy-00273-00076416-00076685 studied in your Elementary courses the P Tt_FdihKtgy-00274-00076686-00076943 series test as you would known as its Tt_FdihKtgy-00275-00076944-00077194 known in elementary courses so applying Tt_FdihKtgy-00276-00077195-00077411 the P series test Tt_FdihKtgy-00277-00077412-00077669 you see that Zeta Zeta Z the series Tt_FdihKtgy-00278-00077670-00077915 converges absolutely Tt_FdihKtgy-00279-00077916-00078209 when real part of Z is bigger than one Tt_FdihKtgy-00280-00078210-00078431 and it converges uniformly on compact Tt_FdihKtgy-00281-00078432-00078706 sets and so the sum function is a Tt_FdihKtgy-00282-00078707-00078994 holomorphic function in the half plane Tt_FdihKtgy-00283-00078995-00079456 real part of Z bigger than one Tt_FdihKtgy-00284-00079457-00079582 now Tt_FdihKtgy-00285-00079583-00079876 we want to extend the zeta function Tt_FdihKtgy-00286-00079877-00080081 analytically it gestures the gamma Tt_FdihKtgy-00287-00080082-00080255 function can be extended analytically Tt_FdihKtgy-00288-00080256-00080471 Strip by strip Tt_FdihKtgy-00289-00080472-00080729 by integrating by Parts the zeta Tt_FdihKtgy-00290-00080730-00080861 function can also be analytically Tt_FdihKtgy-00291-00080862-00081250 continued by converting this summation Tt_FdihKtgy-00292-00081251-00081425 into an integration Tt_FdihKtgy-00293-00081426-00081706 we will do that later and by successive Tt_FdihKtgy-00294-00081707-00081875 integration by parts I will indicate how Tt_FdihKtgy-00295-00081876-00082067 to do that and the theorem says that the Tt_FdihKtgy-00296-00082068-00082481 function Zeta Z extends analytically to Tt_FdihKtgy-00297-00082482-00082793 the complex plane minus one one is a Tt_FdihKtgy-00298-00082794-00083056 pole it's a simple pole and the residue Tt_FdihKtgy-00299-00083057-00083255 is one actually Tt_FdihKtgy-00300-00083256-00083567 and satisfies what is non-trivial is Tt_FdihKtgy-00301-00083568-00083759 that this analytic continuation of the Tt_FdihKtgy-00302-00083760-00084079 zeta function satisfies this beautiful Tt_FdihKtgy-00303-00084080-00084515 functional equation 1.32 that you got Tt_FdihKtgy-00304-00084516-00084838 gamma Z by 2 Zeta Z pi to the power Tt_FdihKtgy-00305-00084839-00085156 minus Z by two you simply replace Z by 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00306-00085157-00085265 minus Z Tt_FdihKtgy-00307-00085266-00085415 and you get the right hand so the left Tt_FdihKtgy-00308-00085416-00085523 hand side goes to the right hand side Tt_FdihKtgy-00309-00085524-00085625 the right hand side becomes the left Tt_FdihKtgy-00310-00085626-00085894 hand side under the substitution Z going Tt_FdihKtgy-00311-00085895-00086153 to 1 minus Z of course this is not going Tt_FdihKtgy-00312-00086154-00086399 to make sense when Z is 0 or when Z is 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00313-00086400-00086609 because the zeta function has a pole at Tt_FdihKtgy-00314-00086610-00086837 one so this the left hand side has a Tt_FdihKtgy-00315-00086838-00086987 pole at one the right hand side has a Tt_FdihKtgy-00316-00086988-00087173 has a pole at zero Tt_FdihKtgy-00317-00087174-00087359 so Z equal to zero and Z equal to 1 has Tt_FdihKtgy-00318-00087360-00087605 to be left out Tt_FdihKtgy-00319-00087606-00087838 and because the zeta function is Tt_FdihKtgy-00320-00087839-00088085 analytic on the complex plane minus the Tt_FdihKtgy-00321-00088086-00088511 minus one the gamma function here has a Tt_FdihKtgy-00322-00088512-00088811 pole at 0 minus 2 minus 4 etcetera I Tt_FdihKtgy-00323-00088812-00088979 mean right when you put Z equal to minus Tt_FdihKtgy-00324-00088980-00089182 two this becomes gamma minus one when Tt_FdihKtgy-00325-00089183-00089321 you put Z equal to minus four this Tt_FdihKtgy-00326-00089322-00089476 becomes gamma minus two gamma function Tt_FdihKtgy-00327-00089477-00089771 as a pole at 0 minus 1 minus two Tt_FdihKtgy-00328-00089772-00090011 etcetera so this so this pole must get Tt_FdihKtgy-00329-00090012-00090268 canceled out because right hand side Tt_FdihKtgy-00330-00090269-00090485 when you put Z equal to minus two Tt_FdihKtgy-00331-00090486-00090706 observe that this gamma Factor has a Tt_FdihKtgy-00332-00090707-00090899 problem when you put Z equal to minus Tt_FdihKtgy-00333-00090900-00091073 two this particular Factor does not seem Tt_FdihKtgy-00334-00091074-00091318 to have a problem Tt_FdihKtgy-00335-00091319-00091588 so it must be compulsively follow that Tt_FdihKtgy-00336-00091589-00091894 the zeta function must have a zero Tt_FdihKtgy-00337-00091895-00092123 at Z equal to minus two so that that 0 Tt_FdihKtgy-00338-00092124-00092368 will cancel the the pole of the gamma Tt_FdihKtgy-00339-00092369-00092459 function Tt_FdihKtgy-00340-00092460-00092705 so the zeta function has trivial zeros Tt_FdihKtgy-00341-00092706-00093029 at minus 2 minus 4 etcetera these zeros Tt_FdihKtgy-00342-00093030-00093412 cancel the poles of the gamma function Tt_FdihKtgy-00343-00093413-00093562 and of course you know the famous Tt_FdihKtgy-00344-00093563-00093881 conjecture of Riemann that other than Tt_FdihKtgy-00345-00093882-00094175 these trivial zeros the non-trivial Tt_FdihKtgy-00346-00094176-00094432 zeros the trivial zeros are minus two Tt_FdihKtgy-00347-00094433-00094588 minus four Tt_FdihKtgy-00348-00094589-00094906 etcetera and the non-trivial zeros they Tt_FdihKtgy-00349-00094907-00095129 all lie in the strip Tt_FdihKtgy-00350-00095130-00095417 they all line the strip 0 less than real Tt_FdihKtgy-00351-00095418-00095644 part of Z less than one Riemann Tt_FdihKtgy-00352-00095645-00095873 conjecture that they actually lie on the Tt_FdihKtgy-00353-00095874-00096191 line real part of Z equal to half that Tt_FdihKtgy-00354-00096192-00096538 is a famous Riemann hypothesis which Tt_FdihKtgy-00355-00096539-00096893 even today remains an open question Tt_FdihKtgy-00356-00096894-00097175 so we shall derive this celebrated Tt_FdihKtgy-00357-00097176-00097409 result of Riemann Tt_FdihKtgy-00358-00097410-00097637 from the Theta function identity that we Tt_FdihKtgy-00359-00097638-00097876 had just derived we have derived a very Tt_FdihKtgy-00360-00097877-00098112 important Theta function identity namely Tt_FdihKtgy-00361-00098113-00098621 1.28 from using 1.28 in fact this 1.28 Tt_FdihKtgy-00362-00098622-00098944 is basically the the Riemann the Tt_FdihKtgy-00363-00098945-00099118 riemann's functional equation in a very Tt_FdihKtgy-00364-00099119-00099473 different Avatar when you the this Tt_FdihKtgy-00365-00099474-00099761 a functional equation and the riemann's Tt_FdihKtgy-00366-00099762-00100067 functional equation are related via the Tt_FdihKtgy-00367-00100068-00100318 melon transform normally that's the way Tt_FdihKtgy-00368-00100319-00100594 it is expounded but we shall avoid the Tt_FdihKtgy-00369-00100595-00100841 use of melon transform completely we Tt_FdihKtgy-00370-00100842-00101015 shall directly prove Tt_FdihKtgy-00371-00101016-00101371 that how 1.28 implies Tt_FdihKtgy-00372-00101372-00101711 1.32 we shall be following this book of Tt_FdihKtgy-00373-00101712-00102035 Richard Bellman a brief introduction to Tt_FdihKtgy-00374-00102036-00102293 Theta functions which was published in Tt_FdihKtgy-00375-00102294-00102604 1961. it's an old books published more Tt_FdihKtgy-00376-00102605-00102863 than 60 years ago but it's a very Tt_FdihKtgy-00377-00102864-00103180 beautiful book very readable book and it Tt_FdihKtgy-00378-00103181-00103342 would be a marvelous Tt_FdihKtgy-00379-00103343-00103708 project to read bellman's account Tt_FdihKtgy-00380-00103709-00104015 okay so let us begin with a very very Tt_FdihKtgy-00381-00104016-00104278 simple observation let us begin with a Tt_FdihKtgy-00382-00104279-00104615 simple observation equation 1.33 one can Tt_FdihKtgy-00383-00104616-00104849 directly one can directly perform this Tt_FdihKtgy-00384-00104850-00105028 integration one can directly perform Tt_FdihKtgy-00385-00105029-00105178 this integration how to do this Tt_FdihKtgy-00386-00105179-00105586 integration put N squared Pi t equal to Tt_FdihKtgy-00387-00105588-00106015 U or rather think of Laplace transforms Tt_FdihKtgy-00388-00106016-00106319 integral 0 to Infinity e to the power Tt_FdihKtgy-00389-00106320-00106452 minus Tt_FdihKtgy-00390-00106453-00106895 Lambda t t to the power s minus 1. Tt_FdihKtgy-00391-00106896-00107093 that is a Laplace transform of t to the Tt_FdihKtgy-00392-00107094-00107297 power s minus 1. Tt_FdihKtgy-00393-00107298-00107416 do you know that the Laplace transform Tt_FdihKtgy-00394-00107417-00107602 of t to the power minus s my T to the Tt_FdihKtgy-00395-00107603-00107801 power s minus 1 is gamma function Tt_FdihKtgy-00396-00107802-00108047 divided by T to the power s Tt_FdihKtgy-00397-00108048-00108323 but T but evaluated where evaluated at Tt_FdihKtgy-00398-00108324-00108599 this parameter value so this integral Tt_FdihKtgy-00399-00108600-00108815 one point three three is readily Tt_FdihKtgy-00400-00108816-00109139 computed it is gamma s upon n to the Tt_FdihKtgy-00401-00109140-00109433 power 2 s into pi to the power s Tt_FdihKtgy-00402-00109433-00109865 or if you like put N squared Pi t equal Tt_FdihKtgy-00403-00109866-00110254 to U and you reduce this integral to a Tt_FdihKtgy-00404-00110255-00110489 gamma integral and you will get it so Tt_FdihKtgy-00405-00110490-00110657 1.33 Tt_FdihKtgy-00406-00110658-00111034 I will consider it as done Tt_FdihKtgy-00407-00111035-00111328 very Elementary now put n equal to one Tt_FdihKtgy-00408-00111329-00111557 two three etcetera and add Tt_FdihKtgy-00409-00111558-00111883 so summation n from 1 to Infinity Tt_FdihKtgy-00410-00111883-00112157 integral 0 to Infinity e to the power Tt_FdihKtgy-00411-00112158-00112390 minus N squared Pi t to the power s Tt_FdihKtgy-00412-00112391-00112619 minus 1 d t equal to gamma s is common Tt_FdihKtgy-00413-00112620-00112960 pi to the power s is common summation 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00414-00112961-00113236 upon n to the power 2 s n from 1 to Tt_FdihKtgy-00415-00113238-00113495 Infinity what is that summation exactly Tt_FdihKtgy-00416-00113496-00113693 Zeta to s Tt_FdihKtgy-00417-00113694-00113969 so when I put n equal to 1 to 3 and sum Tt_FdihKtgy-00418-00113970-00114197 I get on the right hand side gamma s Tt_FdihKtgy-00419-00114198-00114551 Zeta to s pi to the power minus s of Tt_FdihKtgy-00420-00114552-00114701 course the real part of s has to be Tt_FdihKtgy-00421-00114702-00114910 bigger than half otherwise this infinite Tt_FdihKtgy-00422-00114911-00115175 series will not converge in order to Tt_FdihKtgy-00423-00115176-00115421 make this infinite series converge it is Tt_FdihKtgy-00424-00115422-00115607 not enough to take real part Z bigger Tt_FdihKtgy-00425-00115608-00115793 than zero I am compulsively how to take Tt_FdihKtgy-00426-00115794-00116147 real part of s bigger than half Tt_FdihKtgy-00427-00116148-00116363 the other thing that you need to do is Tt_FdihKtgy-00428-00116364-00116621 the summation which was outside the Tt_FdihKtgy-00429-00116622-00116813 integral has not gone inside the Tt_FdihKtgy-00430-00116814-00117040 integral in 1.34 Tt_FdihKtgy-00431-00117041-00117328 when you exchange an in an integral and Tt_FdihKtgy-00432-00117329-00117539 an infinite series you need to justify Tt_FdihKtgy-00433-00117540-00117833 the exchange of limits you could use the Tt_FdihKtgy-00434-00117833-00118025 dominated convergence theorem from Tt_FdihKtgy-00435-00118026-00118175 measure theory if you studied the Tt_FdihKtgy-00436-00118176-00118421 dominated convergence theorem or you can Tt_FdihKtgy-00437-00118422-00118678 do some Elementary estimates and Tt_FdihKtgy-00438-00118679-00119086 whatever be your favorite way to justify Tt_FdihKtgy-00439-00119088-00119351 the exchange of two limiting operations Tt_FdihKtgy-00440-00119352-00119597 use that idea Tt_FdihKtgy-00441-00119598-00119843 and you Justified this exchange of Tt_FdihKtgy-00442-00119844-00120119 summation and integration and you can Tt_FdihKtgy-00443-00120120-00120407 take the in a summation inside so when Tt_FdihKtgy-00444-00120408-00120581 you take the summation inside you begin Tt_FdihKtgy-00445-00120582-00120893 to see the Theta function staring at you Tt_FdihKtgy-00446-00120894-00121073 it's not it is not the complete Theta Tt_FdihKtgy-00447-00121074-00121175 function this should have become the Tt_FdihKtgy-00448-00121176-00121378 Theta function of the summation goes Tt_FdihKtgy-00449-00121379-00121607 from minus infinity to plus infinity Tt_FdihKtgy-00450-00121608-00121751 if it were minus infinity to plus Tt_FdihKtgy-00451-00121752-00121889 infinity you get the complete you'll get Tt_FdihKtgy-00452-00121890-00122116 the complete Theta function you can part Tt_FdihKtgy-00453-00122117-00122357 of the Theta function okay Tt_FdihKtgy-00454-00122358-00122554 so now let us Tt_FdihKtgy-00455-00122555-00122849 see how this summation is related to the Tt_FdihKtgy-00456-00122850-00122986 Theta function Tt_FdihKtgy-00457-00122988-00123202 so summation appearing with within the Tt_FdihKtgy-00458-00123203-00123340 integral is of course related to the Tt_FdihKtgy-00459-00123341-00123604 Theta and we must invoke the functional Tt_FdihKtgy-00460-00123605-00123845 equation for the Theta function that we Tt_FdihKtgy-00461-00123846-00124031 have derived we have taken a lot of Tt_FdihKtgy-00462-00124032-00124210 trouble to derive the functional Tt_FdihKtgy-00463-00124211-00124427 equation for Theta and that has to be Tt_FdihKtgy-00464-00124428-00124649 used now first before you do any of Tt_FdihKtgy-00465-00124650-00124913 those things let us replace the two s by Tt_FdihKtgy-00466-00124914-00125183 S let us replace the two s by so this Tt_FdihKtgy-00467-00125183-00125525 will become Zeta s gamma s by 2 and so Tt_FdihKtgy-00468-00125526-00125801 on so let us do that simple change and Tt_FdihKtgy-00469-00125802-00125986 let us write let us rewrite the previous Tt_FdihKtgy-00470-00125988-00126304 equation as integral 0 to Infinity t to Tt_FdihKtgy-00471-00126305-00126640 the power s by 2 minus 1 DT gamma s by 2 Tt_FdihKtgy-00472-00126641-00126893 Zeta is pi to the power minus s by 2 Tt_FdihKtgy-00473-00126894-00127090 because I made the change of variables Tt_FdihKtgy-00474-00127091-00127319 now the real part of s is bigger than 1. Tt_FdihKtgy-00475-00127320-00127577 so what is the G of T the G of T is Tt_FdihKtgy-00476-00127578-00127828 basically this stuff that appeared under Tt_FdihKtgy-00477-00127829-00128063 the integral sign right the summation Tt_FdihKtgy-00478-00128064-00128243 that appeared under the integral sign Tt_FdihKtgy-00479-00128244-00128458 summation n from 1 to Infinity e to the Tt_FdihKtgy-00480-00128459-00128669 power minus N squared Pi T I am Tt_FdihKtgy-00481-00128670-00128878 abbreviating it as Tt_FdihKtgy-00482-00128879-00129023 GT Tt_FdihKtgy-00483-00129024-00129407 but this GT is exactly one half of theta Tt_FdihKtgy-00484-00129408-00129689 naught T minus 1 equation 1.35 you can Tt_FdihKtgy-00485-00129690-00130043 easily verify the right hand side is one Tt_FdihKtgy-00486-00130044-00130325 half of theta naught T minus one ok so Tt_FdihKtgy-00487-00130326-00130625 let us put this g t in the integral now Tt_FdihKtgy-00488-00130626-00130877 what we need to do now is to take this Tt_FdihKtgy-00489-00130878-00131123 integral from 0 to Infinity break it up Tt_FdihKtgy-00490-00131124-00131339 as an integral from 0 to 1 and an Tt_FdihKtgy-00491-00131340-00131537 integral from 1 to Infinity so integral Tt_FdihKtgy-00492-00131538-00131849 0 to 1 g t to the power s by two minus 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00493-00131850-00132209 d t plus integral one to Infinity g t to Tt_FdihKtgy-00494-00132210-00132443 the power s by 2 minus 1 d t Tt_FdihKtgy-00495-00132444-00132664 that is the right hand side gamma s by 2 Tt_FdihKtgy-00496-00132665-00132940 Zeta is pi to the power minus s by two Tt_FdihKtgy-00497-00132941-00133235 real part of Z is bigger than one Tt_FdihKtgy-00498-00133236-00133481 ok so let us proceed further Tt_FdihKtgy-00499-00133482-00133751 flag this one point two eight this is Tt_FdihKtgy-00500-00133752-00134027 the most important identity beautiful Tt_FdihKtgy-00501-00134028-00134314 identity one point to it this equation Tt_FdihKtgy-00502-00134315-00134561 has to be expressed in terms of our Tt_FdihKtgy-00503-00134562-00134837 function g t that's a very simple Tt_FdihKtgy-00504-00134838-00135143 algebra that's pure algebra and that Tt_FdihKtgy-00505-00135144-00135473 algebra will give you g t equal to minus Tt_FdihKtgy-00506-00135474-00135899 half plus one upon 2 root t plus 1 upon Tt_FdihKtgy-00507-00135900-00136114 root e g of 1 upon T so the Theta Tt_FdihKtgy-00508-00136115-00136409 function identity in terms of the new Tt_FdihKtgy-00509-00136410-00136847 function G Simply 1.38 Now substitute Tt_FdihKtgy-00510-00136848-00137140 this expression for G in the integral Tt_FdihKtgy-00511-00137141-00137351 that was there from 0 to 1. in the Tt_FdihKtgy-00512-00137352-00137627 previous in the previous page in this Tt_FdihKtgy-00513-00137628-00137843 integral the first integral from 0 to 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00514-00137844-00138178 g t to the power s by two minus one here Tt_FdihKtgy-00515-00138179-00138425 we use the expression that we had just Tt_FdihKtgy-00516-00138426-00138737 obtained this 1.38 we just put that over Tt_FdihKtgy-00517-00138738-00139019 here then what will happen we will get Tt_FdihKtgy-00518-00139020-00139385 three terms you will get t to the power Tt_FdihKtgy-00519-00139386-00139685 will get t to the power s by 2 minus 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00520-00139686-00139864 the T to the power s by 2 minus one that Tt_FdihKtgy-00521-00139865-00140057 factor is there that factor has to be Tt_FdihKtgy-00522-00140058-00140351 multiplied with minus half after that Tt_FdihKtgy-00523-00140352-00140549 you have to multiply it as 1 upon 2 root Tt_FdihKtgy-00524-00140550-00140651 T and you have to perform the Tt_FdihKtgy-00525-00140652-00140831 integration from zero to one I have Tt_FdihKtgy-00526-00140832-00140975 performed the integration from 0 to 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00527-00140976-00141227 thats that comes out to be 1 upon s into Tt_FdihKtgy-00528-00141228-00141533 s minus 1. then this particular part 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00529-00141534-00141827 upon root T already t to the power s by Tt_FdihKtgy-00530-00141828-00142066 2 minus 1 was that because 1 upon root T Tt_FdihKtgy-00531-00142067-00142247 it became t to the power s by 2 minus Tt_FdihKtgy-00532-00142248-00142504 three by two and the g of 1 upon T so Tt_FdihKtgy-00533-00142505-00142673 that's the integral the other integral Tt_FdihKtgy-00534-00142674-00142954 are not touched so far and right hand Tt_FdihKtgy-00535-00142955-00143177 side of course I have not done anything Tt_FdihKtgy-00536-00143178-00143507 now exercises show that this integral 0 Tt_FdihKtgy-00537-00143508-00143837 to 1 G of 1 upon t t to the power s by Tt_FdihKtgy-00538-00143838-00144083 two minus three by two d t is integral Tt_FdihKtgy-00539-00144084-00144466 one to Infinity g u u to the power minus Tt_FdihKtgy-00540-00144467-00144916 half minus s by 2 d u well no prices for Tt_FdihKtgy-00541-00144917-00145259 guessing I made a change of variables I Tt_FdihKtgy-00542-00145260-00145613 put 1 upon t equal to U that is what I Tt_FdihKtgy-00543-00145614-00145702 had done Tt_FdihKtgy-00544-00145703-00145907 the integral from 0 to 1 became an Tt_FdihKtgy-00545-00145908-00146254 integral from 1 to Infinity so so far Tt_FdihKtgy-00546-00146255-00146440 checking that the left hand side equal Tt_FdihKtgy-00547-00146441-00146597 to the right hand side is just a simple Tt_FdihKtgy-00548-00146598-00146921 substitution 1 upon t equal to U Tt_FdihKtgy-00549-00146922-00147287 what you need to further verify is that Tt_FdihKtgy-00550-00147288-00147635 the right hand side of 1.40 the right Tt_FdihKtgy-00551-00147636-00147952 hand side of 1.4 0 is an entire function Tt_FdihKtgy-00552-00147953-00148133 of s what your entire function of is it Tt_FdihKtgy-00553-00148134-00148366 is holomorphic throughout the complex Tt_FdihKtgy-00554-00148367-00148564 plane how do you check that this is Tt_FdihKtgy-00555-00148565-00148757 holomorphic throughout the complex plane Tt_FdihKtgy-00556-00148758-00148966 you can differentiate under the integral Tt_FdihKtgy-00557-00148967-00149195 sign as many times as you want every Tt_FdihKtgy-00558-00149196-00149351 time you differentiate with respect to S Tt_FdihKtgy-00559-00149352-00149740 you are going to pick up a log U Factor Tt_FdihKtgy-00560-00149741-00149945 no matter how many times you pick up the Tt_FdihKtgy-00561-00149946-00150227 log U Factor this integral will converge Tt_FdihKtgy-00562-00150228-00150581 it is exactly for these things that we Tt_FdihKtgy-00563-00150582-00150845 derived those two behavior of the Theta Tt_FdihKtgy-00564-00150846-00150971 function Tt_FdihKtgy-00565-00150972-00151390 these two things 1.29 and 1.30 these Tt_FdihKtgy-00566-00151391-00151552 Expressions were Tt_FdihKtgy-00567-00151553-00152087 derived exactly for such purposes Tt_FdihKtgy-00568-00152088-00152339 of proving that this right hand side is Tt_FdihKtgy-00569-00152340-00152543 an entire function the other thing that Tt_FdihKtgy-00570-00152544-00152716 we have to do is that the following Tt_FdihKtgy-00571-00152717-00153052 integral appearing in 1.39 is Tt_FdihKtgy-00572-00153053-00153328 holomorphic in the plane real part of s Tt_FdihKtgy-00573-00153329-00153652 is bigger than zero so so this is going Tt_FdihKtgy-00574-00153653-00153893 to be holomorphic on this larger half Tt_FdihKtgy-00575-00153894-00154319 plane so the left hand side of 1.39 so Tt_FdihKtgy-00576-00154320-00154564 this part we know exactly has a pole at Tt_FdihKtgy-00577-00154565-00154793 zero and it has a pole at one this Tt_FdihKtgy-00578-00154794-00155057 middle part is an entire function and Tt_FdihKtgy-00579-00155058-00155351 this third piece is holomorphic in real Tt_FdihKtgy-00580-00155352-00155663 part of s bigger than zero but the right Tt_FdihKtgy-00581-00155664-00155945 hand side was defined for real part of s Tt_FdihKtgy-00582-00155946-00156335 larger than one so this equation 1.39 Tt_FdihKtgy-00583-00156336-00156652 this important equation 1.39 has given Tt_FdihKtgy-00584-00156653-00156959 us an analytic continuation of Zeta of s Tt_FdihKtgy-00585-00156960-00157235 on the larger domain real part of is Tt_FdihKtgy-00586-00157236-00157564 bigger than zero Tt_FdihKtgy-00587-00157565-00157769 right because the left hand side makes Tt_FdihKtgy-00588-00157770-00158026 perfect sense on real part of s bigger Tt_FdihKtgy-00589-00158027-00158333 than 0 except at s equal to one except Tt_FdihKtgy-00590-00158334-00158585 at s equal to one so that is the most Tt_FdihKtgy-00591-00158586-00158866 important conclusion that the Tt_FdihKtgy-00592-00158867-00159083 that we are analytically continued the Tt_FdihKtgy-00593-00159084-00159401 zeta function on real part of s is Tt_FdihKtgy-00594-00159402-00159616 bigger than 0 okay Tt_FdihKtgy-00595-00159617-00159859 and the left hand side of this equation Tt_FdihKtgy-00596-00159860-00160145 does not change Tt_FdihKtgy-00597-00160146-00160445 doesn't change when I replace S by 1 Tt_FdihKtgy-00598-00160446-00160654 minus s if I if I substitute if I make Tt_FdihKtgy-00599-00160655-00160840 the substitution s is going to 1 minus X Tt_FdihKtgy-00600-00160841-00161285 the left hand side does not change Tt_FdihKtgy-00601-00161286-00161537 that you can check very easily Tt_FdihKtgy-00602-00161538-00161752 that I just combined the two terms that Tt_FdihKtgy-00603-00161753-00162028 appear I combine the two terms I combine Tt_FdihKtgy-00604-00162029-00162269 the two integrals that I got this one to Tt_FdihKtgy-00605-00162270-00162425 infinity and this integral from 1 to Tt_FdihKtgy-00606-00162426-00162557 Infinity I just combine them into one Tt_FdihKtgy-00607-00162558-00162863 integral and I found that I get this so Tt_FdihKtgy-00608-00162864-00163019 This left hand side of that equation Tt_FdihKtgy-00609-00163020-00163295 doesn't change under the substitution s Tt_FdihKtgy-00610-00163296-00163487 go into 1 minus s so the right hand side Tt_FdihKtgy-00611-00163488-00163763 should also not change and when I Tt_FdihKtgy-00612-00163764-00163961 replace S by 1 minus s on the right hand Tt_FdihKtgy-00613-00163962-00164278 side of 1.41 what do I get I get the Tt_FdihKtgy-00614-00164279-00164452 celebrated functional equation of Tt_FdihKtgy-00615-00164453-00164807 Bernard Riemann equation 1.42 Tt_FdihKtgy-00616-00164808-00165095 in the vertical strip between 0 and 1 I Tt_FdihKtgy-00617-00165096-00165304 have established the functional equation Tt_FdihKtgy-00618-00165305-00165725 of Bernard Riemann how to extend it for Tt_FdihKtgy-00619-00165726-00166066 the whole of complex plane minus 0 1 I Tt_FdihKtgy-00620-00166067-00166409 will explain in the next capsule I think Tt_FdihKtgy-00621-00166410-00166643 this is a very good place to stop this Tt_FdihKtgy-00622-00166644-00167042 capsule and thank you very much Tt_FdihKtgy-00623-00167043-00169686 [Music] Tt_FdihKtgy-00624-00169687-00169969 [Applause] Tt_FdihKtgy-00625-00169970-00170345 thank you Tt_FdihKtgy-00626-00170346-00170782 [Music] Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00000-00000000-00000161 going to give the floor to distinguished Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00001-00000162-00000797 representative of international idea Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00002-00000798-00000935 my dear would like to thank the Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00003-00000936-00001187 co-facilitators Ireland and Qatar Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00004-00001188-00001415 convening this consultative process Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00005-00001416-00001618 and welcomes the proposals put forward Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00006-00001619-00001817 in the elements paper leading to Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00007-00001818-00002110 political declaration in the margins of Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00008-00002111-00002459 The sdg Summit in September 2023. Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00009-00002460-00002675 the sdg summit marking the midpoint of Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00010-00002676-00002933 the 2030 agenda provides a unique Global Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00011-00002934-00003191 platform to catalyze development and Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00012-00003192-00003413 housing Changes Worldwide Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00013-00003414-00003586 International idea believes that Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00014-00003588-00003809 advancing democracy is a critical part Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00015-00003810-00004049 of the changes that need to happen to Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00016-00004050-00004361 achieve the 2030 agenda democracy Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00017-00004362-00004570 guarantees basic rights to Citizens Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00018-00004571-00004835 allowing them to actively participate in Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00019-00004836-00005056 their communities through free and fair Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00020-00005057-00005267 elections and the exercise of freedom of Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00021-00005268-00005536 expression and Association people can Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00022-00005537-00005788 debate and influence Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00023-00005789-00006004 policy making without a voice in Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00024-00006005-00006185 decision making the needs of the people Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00025-00006186-00006400 are less likely to be effectively Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00026-00006401-00006527 addressed Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00027-00006528-00006689 this is not the only reason why Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00028-00006690-00006898 democracy matters for the achievement of Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00029-00006900-00007169 the sdgs we all know that the road Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00030-00007170-00007417 towards the Fulfillment of agenda 2030 Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00031-00007418-00007709 runs through gender equality the equal Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00032-00007709-00007931 participation in all spheres of Life of Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00033-00007931-00008177 women and girls International idea has Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00034-00008178-00008423 repeatedly shown that democracy achieves Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00035-00008424-00008657 by far more gender equality than any Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00036-00008658-00008860 other political arrangement Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00037-00008861-00009059 saying that sustainable democracy is Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00038-00009060-00009328 essential for sustainable development is Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00039-00009329-00009635 not simply a normative assertion but a Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00040-00009636-00009977 dispassionate description of hard facts Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00041-00009978-00010187 even if member states of this body do Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00042-00010188-00010510 not call that Reality by name let us at Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00043-00010511-00010709 least agree that the achievement of Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00044-00010710-00011027 agenda 2030 requires promoting peaceful Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00045-00011028-00011303 and inclusive societies providing access Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00046-00011304-00011471 to justice for all and building Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00047-00011472-00011681 effective and accountable institutions Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00048-00011682-00012017 which are essential pillars of democracy Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00049-00012018-00012269 therefore at the very least we must all Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00050-00012270-00012545 agree that sdg 16 should be emphasized Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00051-00012546-00012833 in the political Declaration of the sdg Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00052-00012834-00012958 summit Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00053-00012959-00013229 measuring progress towards sdg 16 is Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00054-00013230-00013505 thus of the essence for this agenda Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00055-00013506-00013799 the sdg-16 data initiative is the Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00056-00013800-00014038 Consortium of 18 organizations that Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00057-00014040-00014286 support the open tracking of sdg 16 Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00058-00014287-00014530 provides complementary measures to Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00059-00014531-00014735 assess its progress Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00060-00014736-00015005 the sdg-16 data initiative is the Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00061-00015006-00015407 embodiment of sdg 17. it is a visible Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00062-00015408-00015611 example of the importance of forging Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00063-00015612-00015827 durable multi-stakeholder Partnerships Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00064-00015828-00016030 if we care about measuring progress Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00065-00016031-00016313 towards realizing agenda 2030 and Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00066-00016313-00016558 holding governments accountable these Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00067-00016559-00016708 Partnerships Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00068-00016709-00016930 equip governments with crucial data that Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00069-00016931-00017111 will help crafting tangible solutions Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00070-00017112-00017375 for the way forward we hope that their Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00071-00017376-00017591 importance will be explicitly recognized Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00072-00017592-00017825 in the political declaration Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00073-00017826-00018179 today agenda 2030 needs all the help and Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00074-00018180-00018455 all the creative thinking it can get the Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00075-00018456-00018683 impact of covid-19 and other current Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00076-00018684-00018917 Global shocks including climate change Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00077-00018918-00019085 and the war of aggression by Russia Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00078-00019086-00019355 against Ukraine paint a bleak picture Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00079-00019356-00019577 and pose severe challenges for its Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00080-00019578-00019858 achievement through the summit process Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00081-00019859-00020069 the global Community has a distinctive Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00082-00020070-00020350 opportunity to reassess established Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00083-00020351-00020561 systems and propose innovative solutions Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00084-00020562-00020777 to leave no one behind Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00085-00020778-00021053 next to nothing in this agenda from Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00086-00021054-00021185 tackling poverty and reducing Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00087-00021186-00021389 inequalities to confronting the climate Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00088-00021390-00021803 crisis will be achieved if sdg 16 fails Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00089-00021804-00022049 therefore we urge member states to focus Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00090-00022050-00022307 on the achievement of sdg16 as an Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00091-00022308-00022594 enabler for the attainment of all sdgs Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00092-00022595-00022817 and to consider it as a priority for Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00093-00022818-00023033 debates in the summit thank you Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00094-00023034-00023153 [Music] Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00095-00023154-00023303 I thank the distinguished representative Tv2TGO2iNYQ-00096-00023304-00023612 of international idea TwCBMf5djPc-00000-00000944-00003590 so TwCBMf5djPc-00001-00003592-00003800 you Tx41n8eSLeI-00000-00000635-00000893 welcome back guys Dalton Smith from MPI Tx41n8eSLeI-00001-00000894-00001064 productions and today I have forgotten Tx41n8eSLeI-00002-00001065-00001211 my t-shirt so I'm gonna be holding this Tx41n8eSLeI-00003-00001212-00001429 very tiny mic we're gonna be talking Tx41n8eSLeI-00004-00001430-00001598 about paddling out on your slide hand Tx41n8eSLeI-00005-00001599-00001748 board at three different kinds of breaks Tx41n8eSLeI-00006-00001748-00001939 we're gonna do Beach breaks reef breaks Tx41n8eSLeI-00007-00001941-00002165 and then either appear or an inlet so Tx41n8eSLeI-00008-00002166-00002359 right behind me we have a beach break Tx41n8eSLeI-00009-00002360-00002527 we're here in Indy Atlantic and it's Tx41n8eSLeI-00010-00002528-00002720 mostly all Beach breaks and what that Tx41n8eSLeI-00011-00002721-00002966 means is it's sand sand bottom breaks Tx41n8eSLeI-00012-00002967-00003127 pretty close to the beach really shallow Tx41n8eSLeI-00013-00003128-00003368 water it's a pretty easy paddle out it's Tx41n8eSLeI-00014-00003369-00003529 really close to shore you see a lot of Tx41n8eSLeI-00015-00003530-00003781 barrels so you know it's not necessarily Tx41n8eSLeI-00016-00003782-00004076 the best learning for everybody if it's Tx41n8eSLeI-00017-00004077-00004268 a really big crunchy day you might want Tx41n8eSLeI-00018-00004269-00004445 to go find something a little bit softer Tx41n8eSLeI-00019-00004446-00004645 so what we're gonna do is take you guys Tx41n8eSLeI-00020-00004646-00004865 to each spot and then show you how to Tx41n8eSLeI-00021-00004866-00005138 properly approach paddling out so stop Tx41n8eSLeI-00022-00005139-00005356 one beach breaks I'm gonna come up to Tx41n8eSLeI-00023-00005357-00005540 the beach visualize what I've got today Tx41n8eSLeI-00024-00005541-00005729 is pretty small but you still don't want Tx41n8eSLeI-00025-00005730-00005872 to get blasted by the first set that Tx41n8eSLeI-00026-00005873-00006145 rolls through so got some little waves Tx41n8eSLeI-00027-00006146-00006317 coming through right now I might start Tx41n8eSLeI-00028-00006318-00006457 to walk down to the water get about Tx41n8eSLeI-00029-00006458-00006605 knee-deep water and then wait for the Tx41n8eSLeI-00030-00006606-00006770 last wave once the last wave comes Tx41n8eSLeI-00031-00006770-00006889 through you start to make your way out Tx41n8eSLeI-00032-00006890-00007055 it's better to wait for the set to come Tx41n8eSLeI-00033-00007056-00007198 through before you go out instead of Tx41n8eSLeI-00034-00007200-00007348 paddling through it same thing applies Tx41n8eSLeI-00035-00007350-00007567 to the other breaks as well so as you Tx41n8eSLeI-00036-00007568-00007730 can see I've got a little set coming Tx41n8eSLeI-00037-00007731-00007916 through right now not exactly the best Tx41n8eSLeI-00038-00007917-00008333 time to go out so we'll wait for it got Tx41n8eSLeI-00039-00008334-00008489 the white water rolling through if you Tx41n8eSLeI-00040-00008490-00008609 look behind this white water Tx41n8eSLeI-00041-00008610-00008777 there's no ways behind it so this is a Tx41n8eSLeI-00042-00008778-00009010 good time to paddle out so when I get up Tx41n8eSLeI-00043-00009011-00009185 to the water put my fins on when I'm Tx41n8eSLeI-00044-00009186-00009344 right by the water I'm gonna walk Tx41n8eSLeI-00045-00009345-00009517 backwards so I'm not tripping on my fins Tx41n8eSLeI-00046-00009518-00009683 watch our old videos to see all the Tx41n8eSLeI-00047-00009684-00009830 different tips about not falling with Tx41n8eSLeI-00048-00009831-00010070 your friends and then honestly this is Tx41n8eSLeI-00049-00010071-00010208 the easiest place in the world to paddle Tx41n8eSLeI-00050-00010209-00010463 out it's 30 feet off the beach once you Tx41n8eSLeI-00051-00010464-00010546 get in the water and you're in Tx41n8eSLeI-00052-00010547-00010717 waist-deep water start to swim and Tx41n8eSLeI-00053-00010718-00010877 you're out there so for anyone that Tx41n8eSLeI-00054-00010878-00011153 missed our duck dive section basically Tx41n8eSLeI-00055-00011154-00011402 going under a wave is a duck dive I Tx41n8eSLeI-00056-00011403-00011546 don't know apparently ducks dive under Tx41n8eSLeI-00057-00011547-00011774 waves somewhere so when you're sitting Tx41n8eSLeI-00058-00011775-00011924 out in the lineup at a beach break Tx41n8eSLeI-00059-00011925-00012101 you're more than likely gonna have a Tx41n8eSLeI-00060-00012102-00012367 very big steep pitchy Tx41n8eSLeI-00061-00012368-00012598 wave it's not going to exactly be the Tx41n8eSLeI-00062-00012599-00012788 most friendly thing in the world so keep Tx41n8eSLeI-00063-00012789-00012975 that in mind you know if you're learning Tx41n8eSLeI-00064-00012976-00013369 eight-foot day at the wedge in Newport Tx41n8eSLeI-00065-00013370-00013633 is not necessarily learning conditions Tx41n8eSLeI-00066-00013634-00013916 so pay attention to the swell size and Tx41n8eSLeI-00067-00013916-00014122 then if you're unsure ask some people in Tx41n8eSLeI-00068-00014123-00014278 that area you know what's the bottom Tx41n8eSLeI-00069-00014279-00014435 look like is this a beach break is this Tx41n8eSLeI-00070-00014436-00014632 a reef break and go from there Tx41n8eSLeI-00071-00014633-00015022 that being said on small days beach Tx41n8eSLeI-00072-00015023-00015224 breaks are probably your best bet as a Tx41n8eSLeI-00073-00015225-00015524 learner and I say that because a reef Tx41n8eSLeI-00074-00015525-00015706 break you can hit the bottom and get cut Tx41n8eSLeI-00075-00015707-00016043 a pier or an inlet same thing you can Tx41n8eSLeI-00076-00016044-00016216 kind of get yourself sucked under it and Tx41n8eSLeI-00077-00016218-00016313 there's all these other things you have Tx41n8eSLeI-00078-00016313-00016490 to be aware of so if you are learning to Tx41n8eSLeI-00079-00016491-00016715 body surf I would recommend starting at Tx41n8eSLeI-00080-00016716-00017042 a beach break on a small day so you know Tx41n8eSLeI-00081-00017043-00017197 you have to play it by ear Tx41n8eSLeI-00082-00017198-00017422 whenever you see a different spot Tx41n8eSLeI-00083-00017423-00017581 because they all break differently so Tx41n8eSLeI-00084-00017582-00017761 things remember about a beach break Tx41n8eSLeI-00085-00017762-00018044 usually close to shore usually very Tx41n8eSLeI-00086-00018045-00018280 shallow nine out of ten times is going Tx41n8eSLeI-00087-00018281-00018433 to have a sand bottom which is a good Tx41n8eSLeI-00088-00018434-00018599 thing is it's safer than rock a reef and Tx41n8eSLeI-00089-00018600-00018905 you're gonna see some big old crunchy Tx41n8eSLeI-00090-00018906-00019193 barrels and that's pretty much it all Tx41n8eSLeI-00091-00019194-00019375 right guys we just drove from in the Tx41n8eSLeI-00092-00019376-00019522 Atlantic Beach up to the Cocoa Beach Tx41n8eSLeI-00093-00019523-00019759 Pier so behind me Cocoa Beach Pier this Tx41n8eSLeI-00094-00019760-00020053 is basically kind of like a beach break Tx41n8eSLeI-00095-00020054-00020237 because it's got sand bottom and it's Tx41n8eSLeI-00096-00020238-00020437 pretty close to the beach but the pier Tx41n8eSLeI-00097-00020438-00020702 affects the shape of the wave a lot so Tx41n8eSLeI-00098-00020703-00020828 that can be a good thing or it can be a Tx41n8eSLeI-00099-00020829-00021044 bad thing when it gets really big a lot Tx41n8eSLeI-00100-00021045-00021164 of people will go to piers and the Tx41n8eSLeI-00101-00021165-00021355 reasoning is because that pier is going Tx41n8eSLeI-00102-00021356-00021530 to act as a barrier that'll break the Tx41n8eSLeI-00103-00021531-00021827 wave apart so today's not gonna have Tx41n8eSLeI-00104-00021828-00021986 this particular thing about to tell you Tx41n8eSLeI-00105-00021987-00022133 about but when it's big there's this Tx41n8eSLeI-00106-00022134-00022340 thing called the conveyor belt and the Tx41n8eSLeI-00107-00022341-00022483 conveyor belt basically is when the Tx41n8eSLeI-00108-00022484-00022694 water is rushing back out if you stay I Tx41n8eSLeI-00109-00022695-00022919 don't know 15 feet and you know we're Tx41n8eSLeI-00110-00022920-00023119 closer to the pier there's water is Tx41n8eSLeI-00111-00023120-00023271 rushing out and it's a Tx41n8eSLeI-00112-00023272-00023418 the easy way for you to get out quickly Tx41n8eSLeI-00113-00023419-00023643 but it's also kind of dangerous and Tx41n8eSLeI-00114-00023644-00023796 scary if people get caught in that and Tx41n8eSLeI-00115-00023797-00023955 they're not ready for it it's you know a Tx41n8eSLeI-00116-00023956-00024081 little bit nerve-racking to have you Tx41n8eSLeI-00117-00024082-00024330 just ripped out past the pier so today Tx41n8eSLeI-00118-00024331-00024615 is relatively small and we're just going Tx41n8eSLeI-00119-00024616-00024777 to go I think either on the south side Tx41n8eSLeI-00120-00024778-00024972 of the pier or maybe end up in the north Tx41n8eSLeI-00121-00024973-00025104 side depends on what the waves look like Tx41n8eSLeI-00122-00025105-00025284 but we're gonna gauge how far out it is Tx41n8eSLeI-00123-00025285-00025467 and then we're gonna look around another Tx41n8eSLeI-00124-00025468-00025674 thing to keep in mind is that piers are Tx41n8eSLeI-00125-00025675-00025994 a house basically for fish sharks Tx41n8eSLeI-00126-00025995-00026292 stingrays you name it so be careful drag Tx41n8eSLeI-00127-00026293-00026442 their feet when you're walking and just Tx41n8eSLeI-00128-00026443-00026564 kind of be observed it and see what else Tx41n8eSLeI-00129-00026566-00026766 is out in the water with you when you're Tx41n8eSLeI-00130-00026767-00027105 body surfing at a pier or an inlet you Tx41n8eSLeI-00131-00027106-00027270 want to be really cautious about how Tx41n8eSLeI-00132-00027270-00027492 close you're actually getting to that Tx41n8eSLeI-00133-00027493-00027735 structure so if I'm surfing on the south Tx41n8eSLeI-00134-00027736-00028074 side of the pier and I go left away from Tx41n8eSLeI-00135-00028075-00028281 the pier you know that'll put me in a Tx41n8eSLeI-00136-00028282-00028455 position where I'm not gonna hit it but Tx41n8eSLeI-00137-00028456-00028698 if I go right I'm going into the pier Tx41n8eSLeI-00138-00028699-00028914 I've eventually cut a stop or I'm going Tx41n8eSLeI-00139-00028914-00029049 to slam into the pier that's covered in Tx41n8eSLeI-00140-00029050-00029214 barnacles and you can get seriously hurt Tx41n8eSLeI-00141-00029214-00029655 so you need to be careful and I've never Tx41n8eSLeI-00142-00029656-00029901 personally seen anybody shoot the pier Tx41n8eSLeI-00143-00029902-00030189 body surfing but it may be possible and Tx41n8eSLeI-00144-00030189-00030327 to shoot the pier literally needs to Tx41n8eSLeI-00145-00030327-00030483 ride a wave through the pier so Tx41n8eSLeI-00146-00030483-00030672 definitely don't try that unless you're Tx41n8eSLeI-00147-00030673-00030845 super confident and I would say an Tx41n8eSLeI-00148-00030847-00031004 advanced Rider Tx41n8eSLeI-00149-00031005-00031338 today I'm going to ride the bula again Tx41n8eSLeI-00150-00031339-00031494 same board that we were riding Tx41n8eSLeI-00151-00031495-00031820 the beach break video and when you're Tx41n8eSLeI-00152-00031822-00032010 sitting next to the pier depending on Tx41n8eSLeI-00153-00032011-00032058 the day Tx41n8eSLeI-00154-00032058-00032232 there can be a drift either to the north Tx41n8eSLeI-00155-00032233-00032483 or south whatever if the water is moving Tx41n8eSLeI-00156-00032485-00032727 in the direction of that pier you need Tx41n8eSLeI-00157-00032727-00032901 to be careful because if you're you know Tx41n8eSLeI-00158-00032902-00033258 basically downwind of the pier it'll Tx41n8eSLeI-00159-00033259-00033417 blow you into it eventually so you need Tx41n8eSLeI-00160-00033418-00033603 to be able to say yes I can you know Tx41n8eSLeI-00161-00033604-00033843 catch a wave in or get out of the way or Tx41n8eSLeI-00162-00033844-00033972 go past the pier or whatever you need to Tx41n8eSLeI-00163-00033973-00034173 do to not get stuck in the pier because Tx41n8eSLeI-00164-00034174-00034305 getting caught in the middle of those Tx41n8eSLeI-00165-00034306-00034530 pilings during a big swell it's Tx41n8eSLeI-00166-00034531-00034758 seriously scary so be aware of that be Tx41n8eSLeI-00167-00034759-00034965 aware of the water the animals fishermen Tx41n8eSLeI-00168-00034966-00035118 especially those guys that are casting Tx41n8eSLeI-00169-00035119-00035298 the lines in right next to the pier so Tx41n8eSLeI-00170-00035299-00035451 all these different factors play a role Tx41n8eSLeI-00171-00035452-00035751 when you're at either an inlet or a pier Tx41n8eSLeI-00172-00035752-00035988 or a jetty or what-have-you Tx41n8eSLeI-00173-00035989-00036276 I would say that you're gonna have Tx41n8eSLeI-00174-00036277-00036435 usually more people when you go to Tx41n8eSLeI-00175-00036436-00036603 inlets and piers kokum each pier is like Tx41n8eSLeI-00176-00036604-00036795 one of those crowded spots there is in Tx41n8eSLeI-00177-00036796-00036857 this Tx41n8eSLeI-00178-00036858-00037121 so be aware of all these things and you Tx41n8eSLeI-00179-00037122-00037244 know just kind of look around when Tx41n8eSLeI-00180-00037245-00037325 you're doing stuff and you'll have fun Tx41n8eSLeI-00181-00037326-00037553 another thing to remember at peers or Tx41n8eSLeI-00182-00037554-00037868 inlets or jetties whatever is that they Tx41n8eSLeI-00183-00037869-00038093 can have different rules for how close Tx41n8eSLeI-00184-00038094-00038309 you can be to the pier some don't allow Tx41n8eSLeI-00185-00038310-00038486 you to be within you know 100 feet of Tx41n8eSLeI-00186-00038487-00038771 the pier some only allow you to bodysurf Tx41n8eSLeI-00187-00038772-00038972 or serve or swim on one side of the pier Tx41n8eSLeI-00188-00038973-00039242 so look for signs be aware and don't eat Tx41n8eSLeI-00189-00039243-00039443 yourself in the way of anybody else that Tx41n8eSLeI-00190-00039444-00039638 is doing what they should be doing you Tx41n8eSLeI-00191-00039639-00039767 know if there's a fishing side of the Tx41n8eSLeI-00192-00039768-00040010 pier and you paddle out you're liable to Tx41n8eSLeI-00193-00040011-00040112 get hooked they're good by the way Tx41n8eSLeI-00194-00040113-00040247 keeping all of those things in mind Tx41n8eSLeI-00195-00040248-00040430 pairs can be super fun and there's a Tx41n8eSLeI-00196-00040431-00040631 little pier wedge is what we call it and Tx41n8eSLeI-00197-00040632-00040799 it's one of the funner ways around here Tx41n8eSLeI-00198-00040800-00040991 if it has the recognition so we're gonna Tx41n8eSLeI-00199-00040992-00041075 go out there and see where you can find Tx41n8eSLeI-00200-00041076-00041372 it okay guys the final stop brief slash Tx41n8eSLeI-00201-00041373-00041585 rock breaks we're at the Radisson here Tx41n8eSLeI-00202-00041586-00041765 in Satellite Beach and it's absolutely Tx41n8eSLeI-00203-00041766-00041990 dumping behind me on the beach we've got Tx41n8eSLeI-00204-00041991-00042311 a big swell and it's basically as gnarly Tx41n8eSLeI-00205-00042312-00042476 as it gets here on the shore Tx41n8eSLeI-00206-00042477-00042764 so I'm actually predicting that the rock Tx41n8eSLeI-00207-00042765-00042974 is gonna be buried for the most Tx41n8eSLeI-00208-00042975-00043124 something you want to keep in mind if Tx41n8eSLeI-00209-00043125-00043310 you go somewhere and you don't think Tx41n8eSLeI-00210-00043311-00043526 this rocks it might change the stamp to Tx41n8eSLeI-00211-00043527-00043766 move or vice versa so usually when you Tx41n8eSLeI-00212-00043767-00043838 show up here Tx41n8eSLeI-00213-00043839-00043967 the rocks are sticking up out of the Tx41n8eSLeI-00214-00043968-00044177 water but today I have a feeling we get Tx41n8eSLeI-00215-00044178-00044360 out there a lot of it's gonna be buried Tx41n8eSLeI-00216-00044361-00044555 we're gonna have pretty much the same Tx41n8eSLeI-00217-00044556-00044750 approach that we always do get our fins Tx41n8eSLeI-00218-00044751-00044933 get our board and slowly walk down to Tx41n8eSLeI-00219-00044934-00045098 the shore we're gonna be a little bit Tx41n8eSLeI-00220-00045099-00045281 more observant for paddling out we're Tx41n8eSLeI-00221-00045282-00045413 gonna look to the north look to the Tx41n8eSLeI-00222-00045414-00045608 south we're gonna see if we have any Tx41n8eSLeI-00223-00045609-00045767 rock sticking out we were looking for Tx41n8eSLeI-00224-00045768-00046085 boils boils are basically bubbles of air Tx41n8eSLeI-00225-00046086-00046298 being released underneath a rock and Tx41n8eSLeI-00226-00046299-00046490 it's a little bit confusing because Tx41n8eSLeI-00227-00046491-00046694 sometimes a big wave can barrel and Tx41n8eSLeI-00228-00046695-00046856 capture air and let it up and it looks Tx41n8eSLeI-00229-00046857-00047087 like a boil but if you see it over and Tx41n8eSLeI-00230-00047088-00047273 over in the same spot you got a rock Tx41n8eSLeI-00231-00047274-00047408 right there and you need to be aware Tx41n8eSLeI-00232-00047409-00047627 that that's going to be something that Tx41n8eSLeI-00233-00047628-00047777 you can potentially hit while you're out Tx41n8eSLeI-00234-00047778-00047996 there so let's say we've looked up and Tx41n8eSLeI-00235-00047997-00048278 down the beach we do or don't see rocks Tx41n8eSLeI-00236-00048279-00048443 if we do let's say they're you know down Tx41n8eSLeI-00237-00048444-00048590 the beach and we feel like okay this is Tx41n8eSLeI-00238-00048591-00048734 a good place to paddle out we're going Tx41n8eSLeI-00239-00048735-00048923 to get our fins slowly walk down to the Tx41n8eSLeI-00240-00048924-00049100 shoreline and then we're making our way Tx41n8eSLeI-00241-00049101-00049352 out slow take it easy Tx41n8eSLeI-00242-00049353-00049730 feel with your feet step out before you Tx41n8eSLeI-00243-00049731-00049856 because the worst thing in the world is Tx41n8eSLeI-00244-00049857-00050069 when you step and you follow through and Tx41n8eSLeI-00245-00050070-00050207 there's a rock there and it knocks you Tx41n8eSLeI-00246-00050208-00050435 down and hit by a wave I'm telling you Tx41n8eSLeI-00247-00050436-00050726 go to poop slams or kook of the day on Tx41n8eSLeI-00248-00050727-00050887 Instagram you guys will see exactly what Tx41n8eSLeI-00249-00050888-00051040 I'm talking about you don't want to make Tx41n8eSLeI-00250-00051041-00051289 those pages so at this point let's say Tx41n8eSLeI-00251-00051290-00051496 I'm out there I'm like waist deep and Tx41n8eSLeI-00252-00051497-00051662 the waves are breaking in front of me Tx41n8eSLeI-00253-00051663-00051889 I've got Rockets underneath my feet go Tx41n8eSLeI-00254-00051890-00052090 slowly I'm gonna pay attention to where Tx41n8eSLeI-00255-00052091-00052246 the waves are breaking in relation we're Tx41n8eSLeI-00256-00052247-00052487 on that you do not want to be on a super Tx41n8eSLeI-00257-00052488-00052697 shallow Rock and have a wave rape on you Tx41n8eSLeI-00258-00052698-00052901 we need a time in with the sets and that Tx41n8eSLeI-00259-00052902-00053084 applies to anywhere but this is really Tx41n8eSLeI-00260-00053085-00053257 important watch the waves and wait for Tx41n8eSLeI-00261-00053258-00053360 that break into waves Tx41n8eSLeI-00262-00053361-00053554 you've got an opening we could go make Tx41n8eSLeI-00263-00053555-00053813 it quick but don't just dive in and take Tx41n8eSLeI-00264-00053814-00054007 half of your chest off on the rocks you Tx41n8eSLeI-00265-00054008-00054173 need to make sure that when you keep Tx41n8eSLeI-00266-00054174-00054344 stepping you're not gonna have a Tx41n8eSLeI-00267-00054345-00054536 staircase of running out what I mean by Tx41n8eSLeI-00268-00054537-00054740 that is it's not necessarily a flat rock Tx41n8eSLeI-00269-00054741-00054899 all the way through sometimes there's a Tx41n8eSLeI-00270-00054900-00055061 rock and you have to step up onto Tx41n8eSLeI-00271-00055062-00055207 another rock and then up onto another Tx41n8eSLeI-00272-00055208-00055475 run in some cases you're neck deep you Tx41n8eSLeI-00273-00055476-00055657 take two steps forward and your ankle Tx41n8eSLeI-00274-00055658-00055819 deep so you could you know Tx41n8eSLeI-00275-00055820-00056066 they play it by ear for each spot but Tx41n8eSLeI-00276-00056066-00056200 more importantly you need to play it by Tx41n8eSLeI-00277-00056201-00056380 ear from each swell in the extension Tx41n8eSLeI-00278-00056381-00056512 because when we get a big swell coming Tx41n8eSLeI-00279-00056513-00056767 through the sand is not going to be the Tx41n8eSLeI-00280-00056768-00056941 same nothing is the same out here and it Tx41n8eSLeI-00281-00056942-00057140 changes every single as well what's Tx41n8eSLeI-00282-00057141-00057398 worth in the lineup generally speaking Tx41n8eSLeI-00283-00057399-00057706 you're going to be okay I have only hit Tx41n8eSLeI-00284-00057707-00057931 the bottom and hit rock a couple times Tx41n8eSLeI-00285-00057932-00058235 there's places that you can surf or body Tx41n8eSLeI-00286-00058236-00058450 surf in there are rock and it's not Tx41n8eSLeI-00287-00058451-00058573 going to be as dangerous but there's Tx41n8eSLeI-00288-00058574-00058699 places that you don't have the business Tx41n8eSLeI-00289-00058700-00058987 body surfing it's if you look and you Tx41n8eSLeI-00290-00058988-00059171 see rocks sticking up out of the water Tx41n8eSLeI-00291-00059172-00059323 and the wave is breaking right there Tx41n8eSLeI-00292-00059324-00059522 it's probably a horrible idea for you to Tx41n8eSLeI-00293-00059523-00059771 try to catch wave there so be aware be Tx41n8eSLeI-00294-00059772-00059966 smart and make the decisions on where Tx41n8eSLeI-00295-00059966-00060118 you paddle out based on what you see Tx41n8eSLeI-00296-00060119-00060313 show up at your reef break and it looks Tx41n8eSLeI-00297-00060314-00060454 just out of control there's rock Tx41n8eSLeI-00298-00060455-00060647 sticking up go down to the beach break Tx41n8eSLeI-00299-00060648-00060797 find yourself somewhere that's a little Tx41n8eSLeI-00300-00060798-00060871 bit Tx41n8eSLeI-00301-00060872-00061080 with all that being said reef breaks to Tx41n8eSLeI-00302-00061081-00061277 be so Tx41n8eSLeI-00303-00061278-00061480 the closest Shore like this where it Tx41n8eSLeI-00304-00061482-00061705 dumps around the beach or can break play Tx41n8eSLeI-00305-00061707-00061895 outside give you these beautiful day Tx41n8eSLeI-00306-00061896-00062066 frames they can barrel they can give you Tx41n8eSLeI-00307-00062066-00062305 you know air sections there's a million Tx41n8eSLeI-00308-00062307-00062441 different ways that these waves break Tx41n8eSLeI-00309-00062441-00062633 but you always have to remember that Tx41n8eSLeI-00310-00062634-00062900 underneath the water you got Tx41n8eSLeI-00311-00062901-00063071 rock and read and a lot of stuff that Tx41n8eSLeI-00312-00063072-00063332 can simply severely injure you to hit it Tx41n8eSLeI-00313-00063333-00063584 so be careful to be safe hope you guys Tx41n8eSLeI-00314-00063585-00063742 enjoy it too so last stop Tx41n8eSLeI-00315-00063744-00063884 make sure you subscribe to our channel Tx41n8eSLeI-00316-00063885-00064103 check out the previous videos for all of Tx41n8eSLeI-00317-00064104-00064253 our tutorials with slide hamboards Tx41n8eSLeI-00318-00064254-00064394 and stay tuned we've got some really Tx41n8eSLeI-00319-00064395-00064565 sick new boards to show you guys the Tx41n8eSLeI-00320-00064566-00064811 coming weeks TxAGDh0AZKg-00000-00000066-00001743 [Music] TxAGDh0AZKg-00001-00001744-00001887 all we ask for TxAGDh0AZKg-00002-00001888-00002231 is equality TxAGDh0AZKg-00003-00002232-00002718 all we ask for is safety TxAGDh0AZKg-00004-00002719-00003206 all we ask for is freedom TxAGDh0AZKg-00005-00003207-00003406 we will fight for our freedom we will TxAGDh0AZKg-00006-00003407-00003567 fight for our safety TxAGDh0AZKg-00007-00003568-00004103 and we will fight for our equality TxAGDh0AZKg-00008-00004104-00004431 we are many we are everywhere and we are TxAGDh0AZKg-00009-00004432-00004541 strong TxAGDh0AZKg-00010-00004542-00004815 [Music] TxAGDh0AZKg-00011-00004816-00005086 we can do it we can make the european TxAGDh0AZKg-00012-00005087-00005159 union TxAGDh0AZKg-00013-00005160-00005790 an lgbtiq freedom zone TxAGDh0AZKg-00014-00005791-00006175 [Music] TxAGDh0AZKg-00015-00006176-00006384 you TCqlSyN6le4-00000-00000348-00000716 we are floating 3000 feet above Spain TCqlSyN6le4-00001-00000717-00001052 here to witness an unprecedented stunt TCqlSyN6le4-00002-00001053-00001318 two years in the making and lifetime of TCqlSyN6le4-00003-00001319-00001646 training have come down to this one step TCqlSyN6le4-00004-00001647-00001979 you can feel very some pressure and some TCqlSyN6le4-00005-00001980-00002399 tension you are scared of course you are TCqlSyN6le4-00006-00002400-00002698 afraid but you need to switch off your TCqlSyN6le4-00007-00002699-00003080 brain TCqlSyN6le4-00008-00003081-00003399 they call themselves the Skyliners and TCqlSyN6le4-00009-00003400-00003603 they will attempt to walk untethered TCqlSyN6le4-00010-00003604-00003849 from one balloon to the other you start TCqlSyN6le4-00011-00003850-00004122 to feel powerful you can feel like TCqlSyN6le4-00012-00004123-00004347 invincible in those spots and that's TCqlSyN6le4-00013-00004348-00005153 very dangerous TCqlSyN6le4-00014-00005154-00005499 but staring down danger is a way of life TCqlSyN6le4-00015-00005500-00006242 for this team of French men's TCqlSyN6le4-00016-00006243-00006492 multi-talented they tempt fate whenever TCqlSyN6le4-00017-00006493-00006770 and wherever they can always pushing TCqlSyN6le4-00018-00006772-00007020 themselves and each other to go faster TCqlSyN6le4-00019-00007020-00007456 and higher TCqlSyN6le4-00020-00007458-00007730 what drives you it's a way of expressing TCqlSyN6le4-00021-00007731-00008158 yourself and expressing your freedom and TCqlSyN6le4-00022-00008159-00008429 expressing the fact that life is here TCqlSyN6le4-00023-00008430-00009068 but death is also here but the idea that TCqlSyN6le4-00024-00009069-00009365 you appreciate life more when you torch TCqlSyN6le4-00025-00009366-00009608 your biggest fears is something I'm TCqlSyN6le4-00026-00009609-00009941 having trouble getting on board with get TCqlSyN6le4-00027-00009942-00010010 moving TCqlSyN6le4-00028-00010011-00010346 well I'm I'm trying you see I am TCqlSyN6le4-00029-00010347-00010598 terrified of heights just look down in TCqlSyN6le4-00030-00010599-00010931 the valley just try face your fear I TCqlSyN6le4-00031-00010932-00011183 caught and went on credit and Freddie TCqlSyN6le4-00032-00011184-00011399 invited us to go to the summit of shaman TCqlSyN6le4-00033-00011400-00011573 II to watch them train for the balloon TCqlSyN6le4-00034-00011574-00011819 stunt I need to sit down for this TCqlSyN6le4-00035-00011820-00012077 my nerves are already getting the best TCqlSyN6le4-00036-00012078-00012731 of me so when we get to the top TCqlSyN6le4-00037-00012732-00012980 I view myself to the only place that TCqlSyN6le4-00038-00012981-00013211 seems safe I'm just gonna sit here and TCqlSyN6le4-00039-00013212-00013280 wait TCqlSyN6le4-00040-00013281-00013541 but before tanker takes flight he TCqlSyN6le4-00041-00013541-00013787 decides to take me on as a project TCqlSyN6le4-00042-00013788-00014012 sometimes you know I I have the same TCqlSyN6le4-00043-00014013-00014246 feelings I'm really really scared TCqlSyN6le4-00044-00014247-00014561 usually I'm scared of what's new but I TCqlSyN6le4-00045-00014562-00014804 know that if I overcome this fear I feel TCqlSyN6le4-00046-00014805-00015038 like floating on floating on the clouds TCqlSyN6le4-00047-00015038-00015325 how do you get to that point where you TCqlSyN6le4-00048-00015326-00015547 were pushing myself I don't know if I'm TCqlSyN6le4-00049-00015548-00015913 not brave Tancredi and Freddie are in TCqlSyN6le4-00050-00015915-00016118 fact trying something new they will TCqlSyN6le4-00051-00016119-00016307 throw themselves off the mountain and TCqlSyN6le4-00052-00016308-00016622 attempt to cross in meet air Walker TCqlSyN6le4-00053-00016623-00016991 dezong what my god will go wrong is he TCqlSyN6le4-00054-00016992-00017297 bumps into me it's like driving a car I TCqlSyN6le4-00055-00017298-00017462 mean you can have an accident anytime if TCqlSyN6le4-00056-00017463-00017939 you are not focused good luck thank you TDCjrpJZvNu-00000-00000596-00000923 the UK overseas territory of Picken TDCjrpJZvNu-00001-00000924-00001256 island is a remote speck of land lost in TDCjrpJZvNu-00002-00001257-00001760 the vastness of the Pacific there are TDCjrpJZvNu-00003-00001761-00002042 only about 50 pecan Islanders descended TDCjrpJZvNu-00004-00002043-00002252 from the mutineers who commandeered the TDCjrpJZvNu-00005-00002253-00002591 hms bounty in 1789 along with a TDCjrpJZvNu-00006-00002592-00002780 selection of Polynesians they brought TDCjrpJZvNu-00007-00002781-00003202 with them from to eating the islanders TDCjrpJZvNu-00008-00003203-00003397 have evolved their own unique traditions TDCjrpJZvNu-00009-00003398-00003731 and customs not many ships call in here TDCjrpJZvNu-00010-00003732-00004057 and when one does those ring out across TDCjrpJZvNu-00011-00004058-00004300 the island to let the Islanders know TDCjrpJZvNu-00012-00004301-00007103 they have visitors TDCjrpJZvNu-00013-00007104-00007401 the Islanders are also skilled craftsmen TDCjrpJZvNu-00014-00007402-00007698 and women I'm on my way to find Reynold TDCjrpJZvNu-00015-00007698-00008345 and NOLA Warren to see their creations TDCjrpJZvNu-00016-00008346-00008652 Reynold is a woodcarver and knows how to TDCjrpJZvNu-00017-00008653-00009446 make the best use of all the local trees TDCjrpJZvNu-00018-00009447-00009753 wow that's a nice connect it's just TDCjrpJZvNu-00019-00009754-00010230 mango tree and burl wood some of this TDCjrpJZvNu-00020-00010231-00010581 work is simply practical bring on my TDCjrpJZvNu-00021-00010582-00010809 firewood and this is the tradition it's TDCjrpJZvNu-00022-00010810-00010908 war TDCjrpJZvNu-00023-00010909-00011148 yeah traditional design it can design TDCjrpJZvNu-00024-00011149-00012306 yeah but smaller carvings like the TDCjrpJZvNu-00025-00012307-00012576 iconic HMS Bounty are for sale to TDCjrpJZvNu-00026-00012577-00012915 tourists and collectors and are a vital TDCjrpJZvNu-00027-00012916-00013296 part of the island's economy the TDCjrpJZvNu-00028-00013297-00013485 preferred wood for these comes from TDCjrpJZvNu-00029-00013486-00013797 Henderson Island some 200 kilometres TDCjrpJZvNu-00030-00013797-00014130 distant and Reynolds preferred carving TDCjrpJZvNu-00031-00014131-00014532 tools and knife and axe it's TDCjrpJZvNu-00032-00014533-00014813 extraordinary that such crude tools can TDCjrpJZvNu-00033-00014815-00015240 produce such exquisite carving and you TDCjrpJZvNu-00034-00015241-00015447 taught yourself you learnt yourself how TDCjrpJZvNu-00035-00015447-00017523 to do my grandfather TDCjrpJZvNu-00036-00017524-00017962 Island ascending the name yeah but TDCjrpJZvNu-00037-00017963-00018178 beautiful yeah that's it TDCjrpJZvNu-00038-00018179-00018472 oh come right in thank you so much TDCjrpJZvNu-00039-00018473-00018705 that's NOLA is always ready for visitors TDCjrpJZvNu-00040-00018706-00018907 would you like to drink TDCjrpJZvNu-00041-00018908-00019153 that's the tea I don't know it's gonna TDCjrpJZvNu-00042-00019154-00019530 look at you sit over there on that side TDCjrpJZvNu-00043-00019531-00019708 yes help yes sir TDCjrpJZvNu-00044-00019709-00019939 oh thank you very much help yes sir have TDCjrpJZvNu-00045-00019940-00020233 you tried to go AMA Truman don't want my TDCjrpJZvNu-00046-00020234-00020521 affair sir you're late to church Tara TDCjrpJZvNu-00047-00020522-00020611 Milazzo TDCjrpJZvNu-00048-00020612-00020854 well if that's all right if that's okay TDCjrpJZvNu-00049-00020855-00021091 oh you can taste them I don't think TDCjrpJZvNu-00050-00021092-00021253 they're go really well with sweet fine TDCjrpJZvNu-00051-00021254-00021337 okay TDCjrpJZvNu-00052-00021338-00021675 no no herself is a basket makers TDCjrpJZvNu-00053-00021676-00021964 traditional designs woven from palm TDCjrpJZvNu-00054-00021965-00022585 leaves use them like in they they were TDCjrpJZvNu-00055-00022586-00022804 starred on shelf in the kitchen how did TDCjrpJZvNu-00056-00022805-00023019 you learn this I think I had to learn in TDCjrpJZvNu-00057-00023020-00023182 when I'm young growing up my grandmother TDCjrpJZvNu-00058-00023183-00023392 taught well actually in those days it's TDCjrpJZvNu-00059-00023393-00023572 a traditional thing that you had to TDCjrpJZvNu-00060-00023573-00023878 learn how to make baby in whenever you TDCjrpJZvNu-00061-00023879-00024010 like or you don't TDCjrpJZvNu-00062-00024011-00024307 yeah you think they are after the love TDCjrpJZvNu-00063-00024308-00024529 that baskets absolutely beautiful TDCjrpJZvNu-00064-00024530-00024886 yeah this will not only what rolling TDCjrpJZvNu-00065-00024887-00025436 back the beautiful colors as well TDCjrpJZvNu-00066-00025437-00025715 Karen or how to make these I think every TDCjrpJZvNu-00067-00025716-00025889 to help to make them from coconuts TDCjrpJZvNu-00068-00025891-00026229 you can't matter unless you live if you TDCjrpJZvNu-00069-00026230-00026424 if you don't know how to make it you TDCjrpJZvNu-00070-00026425-00026589 shouldn't get married really you're TDCjrpJZvNu-00071-00026589-00026736 saying on Pitcairn Island TDCjrpJZvNu-00072-00026737-00027014 that's the coconut wrong we're never be TDCjrpJZvNu-00073-00027016-00027276 careful CL any judge I don't think it TDCjrpJZvNu-00074-00027277-00027507 would buy them part by one you one yeah TDCjrpJZvNu-00075-00027508-00027792 yeah said it great do you want one TDCjrpJZvNu-00076-00027793-00027987 I love one I'll make you one before you TDCjrpJZvNu-00077-00027988-00028098 leave ever in the air what they TDCjrpJZvNu-00078-00028099-00028308 wrongfully admitted to make all right TDCjrpJZvNu-00079-00028308-00028637 thank you very much baton harnessing TDCjrpJZvNu-00080-00028638-00028887 Pitcairn Island might seem remote to us TDCjrpJZvNu-00081-00028888-00029168 but not to Polynesians who thought TDCjrpJZvNu-00082-00029169-00029442 nothing of crossing vast distances in TDCjrpJZvNu-00083-00029443-00029826 ocean-going canoes the island had been TDCjrpJZvNu-00084-00029827-00030065 discovered long before the bounty TDCjrpJZvNu-00085-00030066-00030318 mutineers ever got here and the evidence TDCjrpJZvNu-00086-00030319-00031199 for that it's just over here TDCjrpJZvNu-00087-00031200-00031557 these strange markings are evidence of TDCjrpJZvNu-00088-00031558-00031824 Polynesians here but as of yet no one TDCjrpJZvNu-00089-00031825-00032025 has been able to decipher them and we TDCjrpJZvNu-00090-00032026-00032713 have no idea what they mean TDCjrpJZvNu-00091-00032714-00032926 the painters of these symbols TDCjrpJZvNu-00092-00032927-00033152 disappeared long before the Bounty TDCjrpJZvNu-00093-00033153-00033476 mutineers arrived and today's Islanders TDCjrpJZvNu-00094-00033477-00033752 still puzzled over their meaning but TDCjrpJZvNu-00095-00033753-00034028 does this character here is always TDCjrpJZvNu-00096-00034029-00034294 intriguing you know what does it really TDCjrpJZvNu-00097-00034295-00035009 mean even so morel de warren uses these TDCjrpJZvNu-00098-00035010-00035324 symbols in her work she paints with TDCjrpJZvNu-00099-00035325-00035627 traditional materials on tapa paper made TDCjrpJZvNu-00100-00035628-00035822 from the bark of trees this this one TDCjrpJZvNu-00101-00035823-00036071 serve a pretty good case sap is a TDCjrpJZvNu-00102-00036072-00036346 traditional form of Polynesian art TDCjrpJZvNu-00103-00036347-00036659 widespread across the Pacific in places TDCjrpJZvNu-00104-00036660-00036971 like Fiji and Samoa but it died out on TDCjrpJZvNu-00105-00036972-00037276 Picken in the middle of the 20th century TDCjrpJZvNu-00106-00037277-00037514 now myrrh elder has worked out the TDCjrpJZvNu-00107-00037515-00038027 process and has revived the art form it TDCjrpJZvNu-00108-00038028-00038390 went from me trained to use different TDCjrpJZvNu-00109-00038391-00038780 techniques in the samo and culture the TDCjrpJZvNu-00110-00038781-00039065 Fijian culture until I actually have TDCjrpJZvNu-00111-00039066-00039512 found my own really yes from my own why TDCjrpJZvNu-00112-00039513-00039899 did we stop perfect why did it stop well TDCjrpJZvNu-00113-00039900-00040253 there there was a good chance to go with TDCjrpJZvNu-00114-00040254-00040475 with the topper and unfortunately we TDCjrpJZvNu-00115-00040476-00040808 don't know the chant anymore it's the TDCjrpJZvNu-00116-00040809-00041003 era when the missionaries were coming TDCjrpJZvNu-00117-00041004-00041237 through and some of them felt it was a TDCjrpJZvNu-00118-00041238-00041564 bit unchristian things and so it you TDCjrpJZvNu-00119-00041565-00041939 know see the art of making tougher the TDCjrpJZvNu-00120-00041940-00043091 art of dancing all of that was lost it's TDCjrpJZvNu-00121-00043092-00043732 gonna come up you want to have a go sure TDCjrpJZvNu-00122-00043733-00043962 yeah TDCjrpJZvNu-00123-00043963-00045996 - just one on the yeah yeah TDCjrpJZvNu-00124-00045997-00046262 it's a bit wharfing it's bit smelly oh TDCjrpJZvNu-00125-00046263-00046748 and back then has tasted breakdown TDCjrpJZvNu-00126-00046749-00047277 and I have several pieces in here then TDCjrpJZvNu-00127-00047278-00047526 it has to be flattened out before being TDCjrpJZvNu-00128-00047527-00048723 soaked some more now it goes back for TDCjrpJZvNu-00129-00048724-00049051 another soak yeah what I'm going to do TDCjrpJZvNu-00130-00049052-00049276 is hook up some black dye using the TDCjrpJZvNu-00131-00049277-00049521 doing up the pigments for paintings are TDCjrpJZvNu-00132-00049522-00050442 also made from local plants they were TDCjrpJZvNu-00133-00050443-00050646 alright to eat but if you eat too much TDCjrpJZvNu-00134-00050647-00051087 it's a laxative get a little clean you TDCjrpJZvNu-00135-00051088-00051105 up TDCjrpJZvNu-00136-00051106-00051900 really yeah I just flicked this look by TDCjrpJZvNu-00137-00051901-00052194 just brushing it up using a palm nut TDCjrpJZvNu-00138-00052195-00052266 yeah TDCjrpJZvNu-00139-00052267-00052551 brushing it up and just mixing that with TDCjrpJZvNu-00140-00052552-00052950 a little bit of bad guy and we have this TDCjrpJZvNu-00141-00052951-00053475 beautiful pure black pube lat TDCjrpJZvNu-00142-00053476-00053761 and the results capture the enigmatic TDCjrpJZvNu-00143-00053762-00054054 symbols painted on the cliffs just a TDCjrpJZvNu-00144-00054055-00055188 short distance away TDCjrpJZvNu-00145-00055189-00055575 Picken also has its own language which TDCjrpJZvNu-00146-00055576-00055725 again can be traced back to the TDCjrpJZvNu-00147-00055726-00056091 Islanders unusual origins so where does TDCjrpJZvNu-00148-00056091-00056475 pit came the language come from it came TDCjrpJZvNu-00149-00056476-00057104 from the woman of the bounty and the TDCjrpJZvNu-00150-00057104-00057540 English men and they can't speak the TDCjrpJZvNu-00151-00057541-00057912 language of each other fluently and so TDCjrpJZvNu-00152-00057913-00058122 with them teaching the children of the TDCjrpJZvNu-00153-00058123-00058457 bounty verse for the language originated TDCjrpJZvNu-00154-00058458-00058703 from the combination of both TDCjrpJZvNu-00155-00058704-00058976 Polynesian and and English together TDCjrpJZvNu-00156-00058977-00059288 that's amazing yeah we were not allowed TDCjrpJZvNu-00157-00059289-00059480 to speak picture when we were little TDCjrpJZvNu-00158-00059482-00059871 growing up really especially in schools TDCjrpJZvNu-00159-00059872-00060317 and church and stuff like that and now TDCjrpJZvNu-00160-00060319-00060540 they employ people like me to train TDCjrpJZvNu-00161-00060541-00061094 teach picture to the kids do the kids TDCjrpJZvNu-00162-00061095-00061373 like learning it or are they yeah yeah TDCjrpJZvNu-00163-00061374-00061742 they're struggling sometimes because one TDCjrpJZvNu-00164-00061744-00062166 of their parents is um is English TDCjrpJZvNu-00165-00062166-00062669 speaking or yeah that's so cool and and TDCjrpJZvNu-00166-00062670-00062853 could you would you mind speaking a TDCjrpJZvNu-00167-00062854-00063043 little bit of pit came to each other TDCjrpJZvNu-00168-00063044-00063425 well you asked me something well if you TDCjrpJZvNu-00169-00063426-00063632 can keep talking over our clinic and TDCjrpJZvNu-00170-00063633-00063822 make us all get a photo TDCjrpJZvNu-00171-00063823-00064716 hey what does that mean Darla Tina Tina TDCjrpJZvNu-00172-00064716-00064867 oh really TDCjrpJZvNu-00173-00064869-00065196 if you keep talking for us for a long TDCjrpJZvNu-00174-00065197-00065429 time yep we'll get tired in the head TDCjrpJZvNu-00175-00065430-00066080 okay then Lisa [__] oh okay okay TDCjrpJZvNu-00176-00066081-00066338 living in such a remote part of the TDCjrpJZvNu-00177-00066339-00066668 world has its advantages particularly TDCjrpJZvNu-00178-00066669-00067508 for the younger generation TDCjrpJZvNu-00179-00067509-00067790 sortsa like as a mother on Pitcairn well TDCjrpJZvNu-00180-00067791-00068096 I think it's wonderful for the kids TDCjrpJZvNu-00181-00068097-00068219 because they get so many opportunities TDCjrpJZvNu-00182-00068220-00068594 at the kids outside don't and you know TDCjrpJZvNu-00183-00068595-00068813 you can go out and play until it was TDCjrpJZvNu-00184-00068814-00069011 dark and mum calls you and and they have TDCjrpJZvNu-00185-00069012-00069194 dinner and linger outside and players is TDCjrpJZvNu-00186-00069195-00069404 just a lot of freedom for the kids TDCjrpJZvNu-00187-00069405-00069545 that's a wonderful life for the kids TDCjrpJZvNu-00188-00069546-00069773 growing up she doesn't quite grasp the TDCjrpJZvNu-00189-00069774-00069998 concept of outside and you asked her a TDCjrpJZvNu-00190-00069999-00070238 question about New Zealand what would TDCjrpJZvNu-00191-00070239-00070427 you like to see these she just couldn't TDCjrpJZvNu-00192-00070428-00070816 get in the car TDCjrpJZvNu-00193-00070817-00071640 um what do you how do you view a city TDCjrpJZvNu-00194-00071641-00072212 lots and lots people TDCjrpJZvNu-00195-00072213-00072588 Janee the capital city unit capsules in TDCjrpJZvNu-00196-00072589-00072932 London and the whole big city guess how TDCjrpJZvNu-00197-00072933-00073485 many people in the whole city TDCjrpJZvNu-00198-00073486-00073986 yep this 11 million TDCjrpJZvNu-00199-00073987-00074532 there's a lot of people how do you feel TDCjrpJZvNu-00200-00074533-00074724 about going to a place where you don't TDCjrpJZvNu-00201-00074725-00075303 know it'll be scary shy shy just hey you TDCjrpJZvNu-00202-00075304-00075433 know after TDCjrpJZvNu-00203-00075434-00075850 when I get used TDCjrpJZvNu-00204-00075851-00076054 it's so interesting that you've grown up TDCjrpJZvNu-00205-00076055-00076491 in the maximum distance you travel from TDCjrpJZvNu-00206-00076492-00076731 is basically the distance of the island TDCjrpJZvNu-00207-00076732-00076983 which is what - Priscilla problem TDCjrpJZvNu-00208-00076984-00077199 so there's a big world out ectasy would TDCjrpJZvNu-00209-00077200-00077947 you like to come explore it TDCjrpJZvNu-00210-00077948-00078229 Pitcairn truly is an extraordinary place TDCjrpJZvNu-00211-00078230-00078625 with a unique culture but a welcoming - TDCjrpJZvNu-00212-00078626-00078949 in my brief stay I've been invited into TDCjrpJZvNu-00213-00078950-00079231 the homes of many of the Islanders and TDCjrpJZvNu-00214-00079232-00079538 made to feel like part of a family a TDCjrpJZvNu-00215-00079539-00079851 family that began when fetch a Christian TDCjrpJZvNu-00216-00079852-00080098 and his fellow mutineers landed the TDCjrpJZvNu-00217-00080099-00080341 bounty on Ethan and called this place TDCjrpJZvNu-00218-00080342-00081079 home the Britons treasure Islands book TDCjrpJZvNu-00219-00081080-00081355 explores the unique wildlife cultures TDCjrpJZvNu-00220-00081356-00081661 and history of all of the UK overseas TDCjrpJZvNu-00221-00081662-00081925 territories visit Britain's treasure TDCjrpJZvNu-00222-00081926-00082362 Islands calm for details in sincere TDCjrpJZvNu-00223-00082363-00082612 thanks to Lord Ashcroft for funding the TDCjrpJZvNu-00224-00082613-00082831 donation of one copy of the Britain's TDCjrpJZvNu-00225-00082832-00083082 treasure Islands book to every secondary TDCjrpJZvNu-00226-00083083-00083388 school across the UK and her overseas TDCjrpJZvNu-00227-00083389-00083761 territories thanks also to all TDCjrpJZvNu-00228-00083762-00084051 Kickstarter backers and all sponsors and TDCjrpJZvNu-00229-00084052-00084268 partners for making the 40 mini TDCjrpJZvNu-00230-00084269-00085133 documentaries possible TDCjrpJZvNu-00231-00085134-00085340 you TDMxFUhNOyQ-00000-00000200-00000438 payatas is a barangay located in the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00001-00000440-00000655 second district of kaisan city metro TDMxFUhNOyQ-00002-00000656-00000854 manila philippines TDMxFUhNOyQ-00003-00000855-00001054 nearby barangays are commonwealth TDMxFUhNOyQ-00004-00001055-00001462 batasan hills and bagong salangan TDMxFUhNOyQ-00005-00001463-00001830 history TDMxFUhNOyQ-00006-00001832-00002095 the name payot is derived from the word TDMxFUhNOyQ-00007-00002096-00002287 piet satos TDMxFUhNOyQ-00008-00002288-00002479 which means the soil located in the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00009-00002480-00002687 upper part of tulahan river is not good TDMxFUhNOyQ-00010-00002688-00002999 for planting rice TDMxFUhNOyQ-00011-00003000-00003206 is divided into three local government TDMxFUhNOyQ-00012-00003207-00003359 areas called barangays in the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00013-00003360-00003495 philippines TDMxFUhNOyQ-00014-00003496-00003775 they are known simply as the payadas a b TDMxFUhNOyQ-00015-00003776-00003999 c TDMxFUhNOyQ-00016-00004000-00004215 barangay 8 is the original name of TDMxFUhNOyQ-00017-00004216-00004406 peaatas TDMxFUhNOyQ-00018-00004407-00004622 is the only barangay established under TDMxFUhNOyQ-00019-00004623-00004935 judiciary rule TDMxFUhNOyQ-00020-00004936-00005367 physical features TDMxFUhNOyQ-00021-00005368-00005591 located northeast of kaisan city TDMxFUhNOyQ-00022-00005592-00005838 barangay payadas occupies a little less TDMxFUhNOyQ-00023-00005839-00005951 than 20 TDMxFUhNOyQ-00024-00005952-00006238 20 of the city's land area and has about TDMxFUhNOyQ-00025-00006239-00006334 15 TDMxFUhNOyQ-00026-00006335-00006518 15 percent of the city's total TDMxFUhNOyQ-00027-00006519-00006663 population TDMxFUhNOyQ-00028-00006664-00006855 these figures are hotly disputed by TDMxFUhNOyQ-00029-00006856-00007063 academic surveys however given that TDMxFUhNOyQ-00030-00007064-00007295 payatas is far more densely populated TDMxFUhNOyQ-00031-00007295-00007495 than the rest of kaisan city and much of TDMxFUhNOyQ-00032-00007495-00007606 manila TDMxFUhNOyQ-00033-00007608-00007895 the census says there are just under 120 TDMxFUhNOyQ-00034-00007895-00008127 000 people living in barangay payatas TDMxFUhNOyQ-00035-00008128-00008342 though academic studies suggest the real TDMxFUhNOyQ-00036-00008343-00008510 figure given that most people or TDMxFUhNOyQ-00037-00008511-00008678 squatters are therefore do not own the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00038-00008679-00008831 land they're living on and are not TDMxFUhNOyQ-00039-00008832-00009055 included in official figures is closer TDMxFUhNOyQ-00040-00009056-00009246 to five hundred thousand guyard and TDMxFUhNOyQ-00041-00009247-00009710 cadag 2009 bernardo 2004 among others TDMxFUhNOyQ-00042-00009711-00009951 payatas shares a border with la mesa dam TDMxFUhNOyQ-00043-00009952-00010183 to the north barangay bagong silangan to TDMxFUhNOyQ-00044-00010184-00010423 the east barangay bataasan hills to the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00045-00010424-00010623 south and barangay commonwealth to the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00046-00010624-00010814 west see map 1. TDMxFUhNOyQ-00047-00010815-00011038 until today about a third of the land in TDMxFUhNOyQ-00048-00011039-00011231 various parts of payatas is being TDMxFUhNOyQ-00049-00011232-00011374 claimed in disputes between the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00050-00011375-00011591 municipalities of montalban and san TDMxFUhNOyQ-00051-00011592-00011791 mateo as well as the barangays of TDMxFUhNOyQ-00052-00011792-00012127 commonwealth and fairview TDMxFUhNOyQ-00053-00012128-00012655 land area and land use TDMxFUhNOyQ-00054-00012656-00012886 payadas is characterized by a steep and TDMxFUhNOyQ-00055-00012887-00013119 sloping terrain crisscrossed by creeks TDMxFUhNOyQ-00056-00013119-00013358 rivers ravines and low-lying areas near TDMxFUhNOyQ-00057-00013359-00013535 the marikina river TDMxFUhNOyQ-00058-00013536-00013719 a fault line runs through its eastern TDMxFUhNOyQ-00059-00013719-00013958 boundary a large part of the area is TDMxFUhNOyQ-00060-00013959-00014191 classified as medium residential zone TDMxFUhNOyQ-00061-00014191-00014383 that includes housing subdivisions TDMxFUhNOyQ-00062-00014384-00014591 depressed or informal settlements and TDMxFUhNOyQ-00063-00014591-00014903 undeveloped areas TDMxFUhNOyQ-00064-00014904-00015215 covering a total land area of 774 TDMxFUhNOyQ-00065-00015216-00015471 hectares a greater portion of payatas is TDMxFUhNOyQ-00066-00015472-00015855 privately owned 681 hectares or 88 TDMxFUhNOyQ-00067-00015856-00016015 c chart 1. TDMxFUhNOyQ-00068-00016016-00016222 government-owned land which includes the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00069-00016223-00016463 four-hectare national government complex TDMxFUhNOyQ-00070-00016464-00016743 ngc and the kaisan city property covers TDMxFUhNOyQ-00071-00016744-00017071 a smaller portion 12 93 hectares of the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00072-00017072-00017239 total land area TDMxFUhNOyQ-00073-00017240-00017430 while portions of the privately owned TDMxFUhNOyQ-00074-00017431-00017591 area were already developed into TDMxFUhNOyQ-00075-00017592-00017863 residential subdivisions a vast area 80 TDMxFUhNOyQ-00076-00017864-00018119 percent has yet to be fully developed TDMxFUhNOyQ-00077-00018120-00018343 nonetheless despite the poor access and TDMxFUhNOyQ-00078-00018344-00018550 lack of services and facilities these TDMxFUhNOyQ-00079-00018551-00018767 areas continue to attract a large number TDMxFUhNOyQ-00080-00018768-00018991 of informal settlers from various areas TDMxFUhNOyQ-00081-00018992-00019286 of metro manila TDMxFUhNOyQ-00082-00019287-00019558 around the 1970s upon the initiative of TDMxFUhNOyQ-00083-00019559-00019783 a former barangay official barangay TDMxFUhNOyQ-00084-00019784-00019991 payatas was divided into two major TDMxFUhNOyQ-00085-00019992-00020263 settlement clusters area a and area b to TDMxFUhNOyQ-00086-00020264-00020519 organize the route of public vehicles TDMxFUhNOyQ-00087-00020520-00020758 each area with its large population and TDMxFUhNOyQ-00088-00020759-00020958 land area was further subdivided to TDMxFUhNOyQ-00089-00020959-00021119 allow for easier information TDMxFUhNOyQ-00090-00021120-00021319 dissemination and reporting to and from TDMxFUhNOyQ-00091-00021320-00021599 the barangay see table 1 below TDMxFUhNOyQ-00092-00021600-00021855 the larger area b is further subdivided TDMxFUhNOyQ-00093-00021856-00022135 into groups 1 to 13 and phases i to iv TDMxFUhNOyQ-00094-00022136-00022367 in looping pangako consisting of around TDMxFUhNOyQ-00095-00022368-00022591 5000 families where the poorest of the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00096-00022592-00022878 poor are located TDMxFUhNOyQ-00097-00022879-00023286 payada's dump site TDMxFUhNOyQ-00098-00023287-00023511 a distinguishing feature of payatas is TDMxFUhNOyQ-00099-00023512-00023742 the payatas dumpsite a 13-hectare TDMxFUhNOyQ-00100-00023743-00024063 garbage dump site in area b in the 1970s TDMxFUhNOyQ-00101-00024064-00024247 the area was merely a ravine that was TDMxFUhNOyQ-00102-00024248-00024455 surrounded by farming villages and rice TDMxFUhNOyQ-00103-00024456-00024575 paddies TDMxFUhNOyQ-00104-00024576-00024830 now payatas houses a 50-acre landfill TDMxFUhNOyQ-00105-00024831-00025007 which earns it the names TDMxFUhNOyQ-00106-00025008-00025230 second smoky mountain TDMxFUhNOyQ-00107-00025231-00025558 21st century smoky mountain TDMxFUhNOyQ-00108-00025559-00025750 new smoky mountain TDMxFUhNOyQ-00109-00025751-00025839 or TDMxFUhNOyQ-00110-00025839-00026070 modern day smoky mountain TDMxFUhNOyQ-00111-00026072-00026262 due to scavengers migrating from the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00112-00026263-00026551 original tondo landfill in 1995 after TDMxFUhNOyQ-00113-00026552-00026927 the latter's closure TDMxFUhNOyQ-00114-00026927-00027207 a landslide of junk on july 10 2000 TDMxFUhNOyQ-00115-00027208-00027462 killed 218 people living on the dump TDMxFUhNOyQ-00116-00027463-00027695 site and caused 300 missing persons TDMxFUhNOyQ-00117-00027695-00027862 though many first-hand accounts note TDMxFUhNOyQ-00118-00027863-00028055 that the number is far greater and much TDMxFUhNOyQ-00119-00028056-00028302 closer to 1000. peyata's dumpsite is TDMxFUhNOyQ-00120-00028304-00028495 still the largest open dump site in the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00121-00028495-00028711 philippines and was reopened only months TDMxFUhNOyQ-00122-00028712-00028935 after the 2000 disaster at the request TDMxFUhNOyQ-00123-00028936-00029127 of scavengers and other residents of the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00124-00029127-00029262 area who depend on it for their TDMxFUhNOyQ-00125-00029263-00029390 livelihood TDMxFUhNOyQ-00126-00029391-00029574 there has been some good progress at the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00127-00029575-00029831 dump site since the landslide of 2000 as TDMxFUhNOyQ-00128-00029832-00030014 the dump site has been re-sloped to a TDMxFUhNOyQ-00129-00030016-00030199 40-degree angle from its original TDMxFUhNOyQ-00130-00030200-00030423 70-degree angle while children under the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00131-00030424-00030631 age of 14 have been banned from the dump TDMxFUhNOyQ-00132-00030632-00030823 site and methane extractors remove the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00133-00030824-00031039 methane and convert it into electricity TDMxFUhNOyQ-00134-00031039-00031239 preventing the spontaneous fires which TDMxFUhNOyQ-00135-00031239-00031558 used to characterize it TDMxFUhNOyQ-00136-00031560-00031790 payatas is still a very poor area and TDMxFUhNOyQ-00137-00031791-00032014 many foundations operate in peyatas to TDMxFUhNOyQ-00138-00032016-00032190 help improve the opportunities of TDMxFUhNOyQ-00139-00032191-00032318 residents TDMxFUhNOyQ-00140-00032319-00032614 this includes notably kuso ing ama pna TDMxFUhNOyQ-00141-00032616-00032862 and the fairplay for all foundation TDMxFUhNOyQ-00142-00032863-00033062 fairplay run an alternative learning TDMxFUhNOyQ-00143-00033063-00033287 center a sports centre and a cafe to TDMxFUhNOyQ-00144-00033288-00033462 holistically develop the community TDMxFUhNOyQ-00145-00033463-00033695 through social enterprise safe spaces TDMxFUhNOyQ-00146-00033696-00033895 and quality education TDMxFUhNOyQ-00147-00033896-00034118 each program is run in part by local TDMxFUhNOyQ-00148-00034119-00034318 residents several of the football TDMxFUhNOyQ-00149-00034319-00034495 players have also represented the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00150-00034496-00034679 country in the national youth team and TDMxFUhNOyQ-00151-00034680-00034879 for team philippines in the street child TDMxFUhNOyQ-00152-00034880-00035015 world cup TDMxFUhNOyQ-00153-00035016-00035255 overall payatas football club has won TDMxFUhNOyQ-00154-00035256-00035830 more than 40 trophies between them TDMxFUhNOyQ-00155-00035831-00036223 see also TDMxFUhNOyQ-00156-00036224-00036446 the woman in the septic tank a film set TDMxFUhNOyQ-00157-00036447-00036743 at tondo dumpsite TDMxFUhNOyQ-00158-00036744-00037183 banking papelboys TDMxFUhNOyQ-00159-00037184-00037599 references TDMxFUhNOyQ-00160-00037600-00037999 further reading TDMxFUhNOyQ-00161-00038000-00038207 thoughts of maria a novel by gregory TDMxFUhNOyQ-00162-00038208-00038383 heath featuring a family living on the TDMxFUhNOyQ-00163-00038384-00038740 payout is dump TFRiptaHuHM-00000-00000064-00000391 electronegativity symbol chi is a TFRiptaHuHM-00001-00000392-00000620 chemical property that describes the TFRiptaHuHM-00002-00000621-00000853 tendency of an atom to attract a shared TFRiptaHuHM-00003-00000855-00001127 pair of electrons or electron density TFRiptaHuHM-00004-00001128-00001440 towards itself an atoms TFRiptaHuHM-00005-00001441-00001664 electronegativity is affected by both TFRiptaHuHM-00006-00001664-00001876 its atomic number and the distance at TFRiptaHuHM-00007-00001877-00002108 which its valence electrons reside from TFRiptaHuHM-00008-00002109-00002410 the charged nucleus the higher the TFRiptaHuHM-00009-00002411-00002705 Associated electronegativity number the TFRiptaHuHM-00010-00002706-00002921 more an atom or a substituent group TFRiptaHuHM-00011-00002922-00003308 attracts electrons towards itself on the TFRiptaHuHM-00012-00003309-00003590 most basic level electronegativity is TFRiptaHuHM-00013-00003590-00003802 determined by factors like the nuclear TFRiptaHuHM-00014-00003803-00004102 charge the more protons an atom has the TFRiptaHuHM-00015-00004103-00004454 more pull it will have on electrons and TFRiptaHuHM-00016-00004455-00004702 the number location of other electrons TFRiptaHuHM-00017-00004703-00004943 present in the atomic shells the more TFRiptaHuHM-00018-00004944-00005200 electrons and Adam has the farther from TFRiptaHuHM-00019-00005201-00005431 the nucleus the valence electrons will TFRiptaHuHM-00020-00005432-00005659 be and as a result the less positive TFRiptaHuHM-00021-00005660-00005950 charge they will experience both because TFRiptaHuHM-00022-00005951-00006127 of their increased distance from the TFRiptaHuHM-00023-00006128-00006356 nucleus and because the other electrons TFRiptaHuHM-00024-00006357-00006574 in the lower energy core orbitals will TFRiptaHuHM-00025-00006575-00006796 act to shield the valence electrons from TFRiptaHuHM-00026-00006797-00007133 the positively charged nucleus the TFRiptaHuHM-00027-00007134-00007406 opposite of electronegativity is electro TFRiptaHuHM-00028-00007406-00007639 positivity a measure of an elements TFRiptaHuHM-00029-00007640-00008134 ability to donate electrons the term TFRiptaHuHM-00030-00008134-00008446 electronegativity was introduced by jƶns TFRiptaHuHM-00031-00008447-00008796 jakob berzelius in 1811 TFRiptaHuHM-00032-00008797-00009003 though the concept was known even before TFRiptaHuHM-00033-00009004-00009246 that and was studied by many chemists TFRiptaHuHM-00034-00009247-00009627 including Avogadro in spite of its long TFRiptaHuHM-00035-00009628-00009838 history an accurate scale of TFRiptaHuHM-00036-00009839-00010063 electronegativity was not developed TFRiptaHuHM-00037-00010064-00010413 until 1932 when Linus Pauling proposed TFRiptaHuHM-00038-00010414-00010699 an electronegativity scale which depends TFRiptaHuHM-00039-00010700-00010933 on bond energies as a development of TFRiptaHuHM-00040-00010934-00011251 valence bond theory it has been shown to TFRiptaHuHM-00041-00011252-00011419 correlate with a number of other TFRiptaHuHM-00042-00011420-00011778 chemical properties electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00043-00011779-00012013 cannot be directly measured and must be TFRiptaHuHM-00044-00012014-00012226 calculated from other atomic or TFRiptaHuHM-00045-00012227-00012567 molecular properties several methods of TFRiptaHuHM-00046-00012568-00012792 calculation have been proposed and TFRiptaHuHM-00047-00012793-00012963 although there may be small differences TFRiptaHuHM-00048-00012964-00013205 in the numerical values of the TFRiptaHuHM-00049-00013206-00013450 electronegativity all methods show the TFRiptaHuHM-00050-00013451-00013749 same periodic trends between elements TFRiptaHuHM-00051-00013750-00014035 the most commonly used method of TFRiptaHuHM-00052-00014036-00014269 calculation is that originally proposed TFRiptaHuHM-00053-00014269-00014560 by Linus Pauling this gives a TFRiptaHuHM-00054-00014561-00014821 dimensionless quantity commonly referred TFRiptaHuHM-00055-00014822-00015052 to as the Pauling scale Chi R on a TFRiptaHuHM-00056-00015053-00015387 relative scale running from around 0.7 TFRiptaHuHM-00057-00015388-00015909 to 3.9 8 hydrogen equals 2.20 when other TFRiptaHuHM-00058-00015910-00016177 methods of calculation are used it is TFRiptaHuHM-00059-00016178-00016417 conventional although not obligatory to TFRiptaHuHM-00060-00016418-00016647 quote the results on a scale that covers TFRiptaHuHM-00061-00016648-00016909 the same range of numerical values this TFRiptaHuHM-00062-00016910-00017119 is known as an electronegativity in TFRiptaHuHM-00063-00017120-00017467 Pauling units as it is usually TFRiptaHuHM-00064-00017468-00017749 calculated electronegativity is not a TFRiptaHuHM-00065-00017750-00017986 property of an atom alone but rather a TFRiptaHuHM-00066-00017987-00018234 property of an atom in a molecule TFRiptaHuHM-00067-00018235-00018484 properties of a free atom include TFRiptaHuHM-00068-00018485-00018747 ionization energy and electron affinity TFRiptaHuHM-00069-00018748-00018996 it is to be expected that the TFRiptaHuHM-00070-00018997-00019192 electronegativity of an element will TFRiptaHuHM-00071-00019193-00019431 vary with its chemical environment but TFRiptaHuHM-00072-00019432-00019597 it is usually considered to be a TFRiptaHuHM-00073-00019598-00019846 transferable property that is to say TFRiptaHuHM-00074-00019847-00020062 that similar values will be valid in a TFRiptaHuHM-00075-00020063-00020464 variety of situations cesium is the TFRiptaHuHM-00076-00020465-00020677 least electronegative element in the TFRiptaHuHM-00077-00020678-00021055 periodic table equals 0.79 while TFRiptaHuHM-00078-00021056-00021322 fluorine is most electronegative equals TFRiptaHuHM-00079-00021323-00021717 3.9 8 francium and cesium were TFRiptaHuHM-00080-00021718-00022072 originally both assigned 0.7 cesium's TFRiptaHuHM-00081-00022073-00022147 value TFRiptaHuHM-00082-00022148-00022468 later refined to 0.79 but no TFRiptaHuHM-00083-00022469-00022705 experimental data allows a similar TFRiptaHuHM-00084-00022706-00023086 refinement for francium however francium TFRiptaHuHM-00085-00023087-00023296 Zion ization energy is known to be TFRiptaHuHM-00086-00023297-00023505 slightly higher than cesium's in TFRiptaHuHM-00087-00023506-00023694 accordance with the relativistic TFRiptaHuHM-00088-00023695-00023932 stabilization of the sevens orbital and TFRiptaHuHM-00089-00023933-00024186 this in turn implies that francium is in TFRiptaHuHM-00090-00024187-00024966 fact more electronegative than cesium TFRiptaHuHM-00091-00024967-00025290 topic electronegativities of the TFRiptaHuHM-00092-00025291-00025711 elements TFRiptaHuHM-00093-00025712-00026094 you TFRiptaHuHM-00094-00026095-00026750 topic methods of calculation TFRiptaHuHM-00095-00026751-00027102 you TFRiptaHuHM-00096-00027104-00027777 topic Pauling electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00097-00027777-00028058 palling first proposed the concept of TFRiptaHuHM-00098-00028060-00028364 electronegativity in 1932 as an TFRiptaHuHM-00099-00028366-00028536 explanation of the fact that the TFRiptaHuHM-00100-00028537-00028758 covalent bond between two different TFRiptaHuHM-00101-00028758-00028992 atoms a b is stronger than would be TFRiptaHuHM-00102-00028993-00029211 expected by taking the average of the TFRiptaHuHM-00103-00029212-00029489 strengths of the a a and B be bonds TFRiptaHuHM-00104-00029489-00029766 according to valence bond theory of TFRiptaHuHM-00105-00029767-00030000 which Pauling was a notable proponent TFRiptaHuHM-00106-00030001-00030399 this additional stabilization of the TFRiptaHuHM-00107-00030400-00030614 heteronuclear bond is due to the TFRiptaHuHM-00108-00030616-00030882 contribution of ionic canonical forms to TFRiptaHuHM-00109-00030883-00031256 the bonding the difference in TFRiptaHuHM-00110-00031257-00031512 electronegativity between atoms a and B TFRiptaHuHM-00111-00031513-00032951 is given by Chi minus Chi B equals e V TFRiptaHuHM-00112-00032952-00033157 minus TFRiptaHuHM-00113-00033158-00034604 1 2 e d a b- e d TFRiptaHuHM-00114-00034605-00034858 a TFRiptaHuHM-00115-00034859-00036062 a+ e d b b to display style chi TFRiptaHuHM-00116-00036063-00036185 underscore room TFRiptaHuHM-00117-00036186-00036533 archie underscore room B equals room F TFRiptaHuHM-00118-00036534-00037021 carat minus 1/2 SQ RTE underscore room d TFRiptaHuHM-00119-00037022-00037390 room a b ye underscore room d room TFRiptaHuHM-00120-00037391-00037762 double a-plus the underscore room d room TFRiptaHuHM-00121-00037763-00038186 BB to where the dissociation energies TFRiptaHuHM-00122-00038187-00038495 IDI of the a be a a and BB bonds are TFRiptaHuHM-00123-00038496-00038762 expressed in electron volts the factor f TFRiptaHuHM-00124-00038763-00039040 minus 1/2 being included to ensure a TFRiptaHuHM-00125-00039041-00039352 dimensionless result hence the TFRiptaHuHM-00126-00039353-00039524 difference in Pauling electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00127-00039525-00039830 between hydrogen and bromine is zero TFRiptaHuHM-00128-00039831-00040127 point seven three dissociation energies TFRiptaHuHM-00129-00040128-00040630 H bridge 3.79 electron volts HH four TFRiptaHuHM-00130-00040631-00040889 point five two electron volts Bridge TFRiptaHuHM-00131-00040890-00041260 bridge 2.00 electron volts TFRiptaHuHM-00132-00041261-00041464 as only differences in electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00133-00041465-00041787 are defined it is necessary to choose an TFRiptaHuHM-00134-00041788-00042001 arbitrary reference point in order to TFRiptaHuHM-00135-00042002-00042358 construct a scale hydrogen was chosen as TFRiptaHuHM-00136-00042359-00042649 the reference as it forms covalent bonds TFRiptaHuHM-00137-00042650-00042870 with a large variety of elements its TFRiptaHuHM-00138-00042871-00043204 electronegativity was fixed first at 2.1 TFRiptaHuHM-00139-00043205-00043596 later revised to 2.20 it is also TFRiptaHuHM-00140-00043597-00043812 necessary to decide which of the two TFRiptaHuHM-00141-00043813-00044015 elements is the more electronegative TFRiptaHuHM-00142-00044016-00044254 equivalent to choosing one of the two TFRiptaHuHM-00143-00044255-00044577 possible signs for the square root this TFRiptaHuHM-00144-00044578-00044892 is usually done using chemical intuition TFRiptaHuHM-00145-00044893-00045235 in the above example hydrogen bromide TFRiptaHuHM-00146-00045236-00045526 dissolves in water to form h plus and TFRiptaHuHM-00147-00045527-00045792 bridge minus ions so it may be assumed TFRiptaHuHM-00148-00045793-00045955 that bromine is more electronegative TFRiptaHuHM-00149-00045956-00046124 than hydrogen TFRiptaHuHM-00150-00046125-00046452 however in principle since the same TFRiptaHuHM-00151-00046453-00046701 electronegativity should be obtained for TFRiptaHuHM-00152-00046702-00046954 any two bonding compounds the data are TFRiptaHuHM-00153-00046955-00047176 in fact over determined and the signs TFRiptaHuHM-00154-00047177-00047410 are unique once a reference point is TFRiptaHuHM-00155-00047411-00047848 fixed usually for H or F to calculate TFRiptaHuHM-00156-00047849-00048108 Pauling electronegativity for an element TFRiptaHuHM-00157-00048109-00048343 it is necessary to have data on the TFRiptaHuHM-00158-00048344-00048568 dissociation energies of at least two TFRiptaHuHM-00159-00048569-00048805 types of covalent bond formed by that TFRiptaHuHM-00160-00048806-00049158 element al Allred updated Pauling's TFRiptaHuHM-00161-00049159-00049515 original values in 1961 to take account TFRiptaHuHM-00162-00049516-00049686 of the greater availability of TFRiptaHuHM-00163-00049687-00049929 thermodynamic data and it is these TFRiptaHuHM-00164-00049930-00050295 revised Pauling values of the TFRiptaHuHM-00165-00050296-00050485 electronegativity that are most often TFRiptaHuHM-00166-00050486-00050660 used TFRiptaHuHM-00167-00050661-00050891 the essential point of Pauling TFRiptaHuHM-00168-00050892-00051107 electronegativity is that there is an TFRiptaHuHM-00169-00051108-00051391 underlying quite accurate semi empirical TFRiptaHuHM-00170-00051392-00051704 formula for dissociation energies namely TFRiptaHuHM-00171-00051704-00052112 e d TFRiptaHuHM-00172-00052113-00052905 a B equals II D TFRiptaHuHM-00173-00052907-00055604 a a + e d b b2 + kai - kai b 2e v TFRiptaHuHM-00174-00055605-00055980 displaced i li underscore room d room a TFRiptaHuHM-00175-00055982-00056391 B equals e underscore room D room Double TFRiptaHuHM-00176-00056392-00056860 A + e underscore room D room BB 2 plus TFRiptaHuHM-00177-00056861-00057175 Qi underscore room at chi underscore TFRiptaHuHM-00178-00057176-00057727 room B caret to room F or sometimes a TFRiptaHuHM-00179-00057728-00058261 more accurate fit II D TFRiptaHuHM-00180-00058262-00059151 a B equals II D TFRiptaHuHM-00181-00059152-00059304 a TFRiptaHuHM-00182-00059304-00061769 a/e d b b+ 1.3 kai - kai b 2e v TFRiptaHuHM-00183-00061770-00062141 displaced i li underscore room d room a TFRiptaHuHM-00184-00062142-00062606 b equals s q RT e underscore room d room TFRiptaHuHM-00185-00062607-00063053 double a yi underscore room d room BB + TFRiptaHuHM-00186-00063054-00063450 1.3 chi underscore room chi underscore TFRiptaHuHM-00187-00063451-00063891 room b carat - room f this is an TFRiptaHuHM-00188-00063891-00064130 approximate equation but holds with good TFRiptaHuHM-00189-00064132-00064481 accuracy Pauling obtained it by noting TFRiptaHuHM-00190-00064482-00064653 that a bond can be approximately TFRiptaHuHM-00191-00064654-00064859 represented as a quantum mechanical TFRiptaHuHM-00192-00064860-00065129 superposition of a covalent bond and two TFRiptaHuHM-00193-00065130-00065519 ionic bond states the covalent energy of TFRiptaHuHM-00194-00065520-00065760 a bond is approximately by quantum TFRiptaHuHM-00195-00065761-00066030 mechanical calculations the geometric TFRiptaHuHM-00196-00066031-00066222 mean of the two energies of covalent TFRiptaHuHM-00197-00066223-00066474 bonds of the same molecules and there is TFRiptaHuHM-00198-00066475-00066644 an additional energy that comes from TFRiptaHuHM-00199-00066645-00066938 ionic factors ie polar character of the TFRiptaHuHM-00200-00066939-00067272 bond the geometric mean is approximately TFRiptaHuHM-00201-00067273-00067538 equal to the arithmetic mean which is TFRiptaHuHM-00202-00067539-00067791 applied in the first formula above when TFRiptaHuHM-00203-00067792-00068021 the energies are of the similar value eg TFRiptaHuHM-00204-00068022-00068259 except for the highly electro positive TFRiptaHuHM-00205-00068260-00068478 elements where there is a larger TFRiptaHuHM-00206-00068479-00068715 difference of two dissociation energies TFRiptaHuHM-00207-00068716-00068973 the geometric mean is more accurate and TFRiptaHuHM-00208-00068974-00069201 almost always gives a positive excess TFRiptaHuHM-00209-00069202-00069561 energy due to ionic bonding the square TFRiptaHuHM-00210-00069562-00069834 root of this excess energy Pauling notes TFRiptaHuHM-00211-00069835-00070104 is approximately additive and hence one TFRiptaHuHM-00212-00070105-00070343 can introduce the electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00213-00070344-00070698 thus it is this semi empirical formula TFRiptaHuHM-00214-00070699-00070917 for bond energy that underlies Pauling TFRiptaHuHM-00215-00070918-00071313 electronegativity concept the formulas TFRiptaHuHM-00216-00071314-00071496 are approximate but this rough TFRiptaHuHM-00217-00071497-00071754 approximation is in fact relatively good TFRiptaHuHM-00218-00071755-00071963 and gives the right intuition with the TFRiptaHuHM-00219-00071964-00072186 notion of polarity of the bond and some TFRiptaHuHM-00220-00072187-00072375 theoretical grounding in quantum TFRiptaHuHM-00221-00072376-00072619 mechanics the electro TFRiptaHuHM-00222-00072620-00072829 negativity czar then determined to best TFRiptaHuHM-00223-00072830-00073174 fit the data in more complex compounds TFRiptaHuHM-00224-00073175-00073419 there is additional error since TFRiptaHuHM-00225-00073420-00073606 electronegativity depends on the TFRiptaHuHM-00226-00073607-00073946 molecular environment of an atom also TFRiptaHuHM-00227-00073947-00074216 the energy estimate can be only used for TFRiptaHuHM-00228-00074217-00074540 single not for multiple bonds the energy TFRiptaHuHM-00229-00074541-00074771 of formation of a molecule containing TFRiptaHuHM-00230-00074772-00074998 only single bonds then can be TFRiptaHuHM-00231-00074999-00075217 approximated from an electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00232-00075218-00075491 table and depends on the constituents TFRiptaHuHM-00233-00075492-00075717 and sum of squares of differences of TFRiptaHuHM-00234-00075718-00075919 electronegativities of all pairs of TFRiptaHuHM-00235-00075920-00076253 bonded atoms such a formula for TFRiptaHuHM-00236-00076254-00076498 estimating energy typically has relative TFRiptaHuHM-00237-00076499-00076792 error of order of 10% but can be used to TFRiptaHuHM-00238-00076793-00076987 get a rough qualitative idea and TFRiptaHuHM-00239-00076988-00077653 understanding of a molecule TFRiptaHuHM-00240-00077654-00078330 topic Mulliken electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00241-00078331-00078593 Robert S Mulliken proposed that the TFRiptaHuHM-00242-00078594-00078792 arithmetic mean of the first ionization TFRiptaHuHM-00243-00078793-00079118 energy a and the electron affinity year TFRiptaHuHM-00244-00079119-00079317 should be a measure of the tendency of TFRiptaHuHM-00245-00079318-00079655 an atom to attract electrons as this TFRiptaHuHM-00246-00079656-00079868 definition is not dependent on an TFRiptaHuHM-00247-00079869-00080099 arbitrary relative scale it has also TFRiptaHuHM-00248-00080100-00080363 been termed absolute electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00249-00080364-00080612 with the units of kilojoules per mole or TFRiptaHuHM-00250-00080613-00081398 electron volts Chi equals e TFRiptaHuHM-00251-00081399-00082487 i+ e e a to display style Chi equals e TFRiptaHuHM-00252-00082488-00082799 underscore room i + e underscore room TFRiptaHuHM-00253-00082800-00083243 air - however it is more usual to use a TFRiptaHuHM-00254-00083244-00083496 linear transformation to transform these TFRiptaHuHM-00255-00083497-00083715 absolute values into values that TFRiptaHuHM-00256-00083716-00083894 resemble the more familiar palling TFRiptaHuHM-00257-00083895-00084236 values for ionization energies and TFRiptaHuHM-00258-00084237-00084524 electron affinities in electron volts TFRiptaHuHM-00259-00084525-00085240 chi equals zero point one eight seven TFRiptaHuHM-00260-00085241-00085479 II TFRiptaHuHM-00261-00085480-00086806 i+ e e a class 0.17 display style T TFRiptaHuHM-00262-00086807-00087061 equals zero point one eight seven TFRiptaHuHM-00263-00087062-00087382 yonder score room I + e underscore room TFRiptaHuHM-00264-00087383-00087802 air plus zero point one seven and fro TFRiptaHuHM-00265-00087803-00088267 energies in kilojoules per mole chi TFRiptaHuHM-00266-00088268-00089025 equals one point nine seven times ten TFRiptaHuHM-00267-00089026-00089653 minus 3e TFRiptaHuHM-00268-00089654-00090300 i+ e e TFRiptaHuHM-00269-00090301-00091049 a-plus 0.19 display style she equals one TFRiptaHuHM-00270-00091050-00091357 point nine seven times ten carat minus TFRiptaHuHM-00271-00091358-00091700 3e underscore room I plus the underscore TFRiptaHuHM-00272-00091701-00092125 room area plus zero point one nine the TFRiptaHuHM-00273-00092126-00092368 Mulliken electronegativity can only be TFRiptaHuHM-00274-00092369-00092593 calculated for an element for which the TFRiptaHuHM-00275-00092594-00092846 electron affinity is known fifty-seven TFRiptaHuHM-00276-00092847-00093331 elements as of 2006 the Mulliken TFRiptaHuHM-00277-00093332-00093542 electronegativity of an atom is TFRiptaHuHM-00278-00093543-00093755 sometimes said to be the negative of the TFRiptaHuHM-00279-00093756-00094055 chemical potential by inserting the TFRiptaHuHM-00280-00094056-00094268 energetic definitions of the ionization TFRiptaHuHM-00281-00094269-00094550 potential and electron affinity into the TFRiptaHuHM-00282-00094551-00094778 Mulliken electronegativity it is TFRiptaHuHM-00283-00094779-00094951 possible to show that the Mulliken TFRiptaHuHM-00284-00094952-00095141 chemical potential is a finite TFRiptaHuHM-00285-00095142-00095318 difference approximation of the TFRiptaHuHM-00286-00095319-00095531 electronic energy with respect to the TFRiptaHuHM-00287-00095532-00096065 number of electrons ie nu TFRiptaHuHM-00288-00096066-00096384 em you TFRiptaHuHM-00289-00096385-00096551 Elle TFRiptaHuHM-00290-00096552-00096692 Elle TFRiptaHuHM-00291-00096693-00097831 i k e n equals minus KY TFRiptaHuHM-00292-00097832-00098143 em you TFRiptaHuHM-00293-00098144-00099210 l l i k e TFRiptaHuHM-00294-00099211-00099656 - e TFRiptaHuHM-00295-00099657-00100725 i+ e e a to display style new room TFRiptaHuHM-00296-00100726-00101130 Mulliken equals G room Mulliken equals e TFRiptaHuHM-00297-00101131-00101457 underscore room i + e underscore room TFRiptaHuHM-00298-00101458-00101971 air 2 TFRiptaHuHM-00299-00101972-00102699 topic all Red Rock Oh electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00300-00102700-00102996 a Louie Allred and Eugene G Rocco TFRiptaHuHM-00301-00102997-00103251 considered that electronegativity should TFRiptaHuHM-00302-00103252-00103484 be related to the charge experienced by TFRiptaHuHM-00303-00103485-00103854 an electron on their surface of an atom TFRiptaHuHM-00304-00103855-00104097 the higher the charge per unit area of TFRiptaHuHM-00305-00104098-00104330 atomic surface the greater the tendency TFRiptaHuHM-00306-00104331-00104652 of that atom to attract electrons the TFRiptaHuHM-00307-00104653-00104888 effective nuclear charge Zeff TFRiptaHuHM-00308-00104889-00105158 experienced by valence electrons can be TFRiptaHuHM-00309-00105159-00105434 estimated using Slater's rules while the TFRiptaHuHM-00310-00105435-00105630 surface area of an atom in a molecule TFRiptaHuHM-00311-00105631-00105876 can be taken to be proportional to the TFRiptaHuHM-00312-00105877-00106290 square of the covalent radius R CoV when TFRiptaHuHM-00313-00106291-00106790 R Co V is expressed in picometers KY TFRiptaHuHM-00314-00106791-00107643 equals 3590 said e TFRiptaHuHM-00315-00107644-00107840 f TFRiptaHuHM-00316-00107841-00107997 f TFRiptaHuHM-00317-00107998-00108317 ah see TFRiptaHuHM-00318-00108318-00109451 Oh v2 plus 0.74 for display style T TFRiptaHuHM-00319-00109452-00109684 equals three thousand five hundred and TFRiptaHuHM-00320-00109685-00110003 ninety said underscore room F over R TFRiptaHuHM-00321-00110004-00111027 underscore room cough carat 2 plus O 744 TFRiptaHuHM-00322-00111028-00111407 topic Sanderson electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00323-00111408-00112044 Equalization Artie Sanderson has also TFRiptaHuHM-00324-00112045-00112299 noted the relationship between Mulliken TFRiptaHuHM-00325-00112300-00112572 electronegativity and atomic size and TFRiptaHuHM-00326-00112573-00112784 has proposed a method of calculation TFRiptaHuHM-00327-00112785-00113019 based on the reciprocal of the atomic TFRiptaHuHM-00328-00113020-00113346 volume with a knowledge of bond lengths TFRiptaHuHM-00329-00113347-00113609 Sanderson's model allows the estimation TFRiptaHuHM-00330-00113610-00113829 of bond energies in a wide range of TFRiptaHuHM-00331-00113830-00114171 compounds Sanderson's model has also TFRiptaHuHM-00332-00114172-00114380 been used to calculate molecular TFRiptaHuHM-00333-00114381-00114717 geometry s electrons energy NMR TFRiptaHuHM-00334-00114718-00114983 spin-spin constants and other parameters TFRiptaHuHM-00335-00114984-00115293 for organic compounds this work TFRiptaHuHM-00336-00115294-00115467 underlies the concept of TFRiptaHuHM-00337-00115468-00115740 electronegativity equalization which TFRiptaHuHM-00338-00115741-00115953 suggests that electrons distribute TFRiptaHuHM-00339-00115954-00116196 themselves around a molecule to minimize TFRiptaHuHM-00340-00116197-00116370 or to equalize the Mulliken TFRiptaHuHM-00341-00116371-00116703 electronegativity this behavior is TFRiptaHuHM-00342-00116704-00116907 analogous to the equalization of TFRiptaHuHM-00343-00116908-00117140 chemical potential in macroscopic TFRiptaHuHM-00344-00117141-00117416 thermodynamics TFRiptaHuHM-00345-00117417-00117764 you TFRiptaHuHM-00346-00117765-00118418 topic Allen electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00347-00118419-00118673 perhaps the simplest definition of TFRiptaHuHM-00348-00118674-00118931 electronegativity is that of Leland C TFRiptaHuHM-00349-00118932-00119141 Allen who has proposed that it is TFRiptaHuHM-00350-00119142-00119339 related to the average energy of the TFRiptaHuHM-00351-00119340-00119782 valence electrons in a free atom chi TFRiptaHuHM-00352-00119783-00120128 equals and TFRiptaHuHM-00353-00120129-00120813 s epsilon s plus TFRiptaHuHM-00354-00120814-00122069 n P epsilon P n s + TFRiptaHuHM-00355-00122070-00122529 n:p display style chi equals an TFRiptaHuHM-00356-00122530-00122841 underscore room s per epsilon underscore TFRiptaHuHM-00357-00122842-00123179 room s plus an underscore room p VAR TFRiptaHuHM-00358-00123180-00123456 epsilon underscore room P over an TFRiptaHuHM-00359-00123457-00123747 underscore room s plus an underscore TFRiptaHuHM-00360-00123748-00124152 room P where epsilon s P are the one TFRiptaHuHM-00361-00124153-00124398 electron energies of s and P electrons TFRiptaHuHM-00362-00124399-00124614 in the free atom and NS P R the number TFRiptaHuHM-00363-00124615-00124818 of s and P electrons in the valence TFRiptaHuHM-00364-00124819-00125186 shell it is usual to apply a scaling TFRiptaHuHM-00365-00125188-00125601 factor 1.75 times 10 minus 3 for TFRiptaHuHM-00366-00125602-00125793 energies expressed in kilojoules per TFRiptaHuHM-00367-00125794-00126183 mole or 0.169 for energies measured in TFRiptaHuHM-00368-00126183-00126414 electron volts to give values that are TFRiptaHuHM-00369-00126415-00126584 numerically similar to Pauling TFRiptaHuHM-00370-00126585-00126948 electronegativity 's the one electron TFRiptaHuHM-00371-00126949-00127184 energies can be determined directly from TFRiptaHuHM-00372-00127185-00127406 spectroscopic data and sir TFRiptaHuHM-00373-00127407-00127620 electronegativities calculated by this TFRiptaHuHM-00374-00127621-00127821 method as sometimes referred to as TFRiptaHuHM-00375-00127822-00128169 spectroscopic electronegativities the TFRiptaHuHM-00376-00128170-00128408 necessary data are available for almost TFRiptaHuHM-00377-00128409-00128666 all elements and this method allows the TFRiptaHuHM-00378-00128667-00128919 estimation of electronegativities for TFRiptaHuHM-00379-00128920-00129110 elements that cannot be treated by the TFRiptaHuHM-00380-00129111-00129402 other methods eg francium which has an TFRiptaHuHM-00381-00129403-00129866 allen electronegativity of 0.67 however TFRiptaHuHM-00382-00129867-00130050 it is not clear what should be TFRiptaHuHM-00383-00130051-00130281 considered to be valence electrons for TFRiptaHuHM-00384-00130282-00130508 the D and F block elements which leads TFRiptaHuHM-00385-00130509-00130684 to an ambiguity for their TFRiptaHuHM-00386-00130685-00130902 electronegativities calculated by the TFRiptaHuHM-00387-00130903-00131289 Allen method in this scale neon has the TFRiptaHuHM-00388-00131290-00131490 highest electronegativity of all TFRiptaHuHM-00389-00131491-00131790 elements followed by fluorine helium and TFRiptaHuHM-00390-00131791-00132397 oxygen TFRiptaHuHM-00391-00132398-00132708 topic correlation of electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00392-00132709-00133285 with other properties TFRiptaHuHM-00393-00133286-00133519 the wide variety of methods of TFRiptaHuHM-00394-00133520-00133791 calculation of electronegativities which TFRiptaHuHM-00395-00133792-00133989 all give results that correlate well TFRiptaHuHM-00396-00133990-00134221 with one another is one indication of TFRiptaHuHM-00397-00134222-00134415 the number of chemical properties which TFRiptaHuHM-00398-00134416-00134666 might be affected by electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00399-00134667-00134975 the most obvious application of TFRiptaHuHM-00400-00134976-00135193 electronegativities is in the discussion TFRiptaHuHM-00401-00135194-00135429 of bond polarity for which the concept TFRiptaHuHM-00402-00135430-00135793 was introduced by Pauling in general the TFRiptaHuHM-00403-00135794-00135915 greater the difference in TFRiptaHuHM-00404-00135916-00136186 electronegativity between two atoms the TFRiptaHuHM-00405-00136187-00136372 more polar the bond that will be formed TFRiptaHuHM-00406-00136373-00136566 between them with the atom having the TFRiptaHuHM-00407-00136567-00136788 higher electronegativity being at the TFRiptaHuHM-00408-00136789-00137079 negative end of the dipole Pauling TFRiptaHuHM-00409-00137080-00137383 proposed an equation to relate ionic TFRiptaHuHM-00410-00137384-00137688 character of a bond to the difference in TFRiptaHuHM-00411-00137689-00137893 electronegativity of the two atoms TFRiptaHuHM-00412-00137894-00138160 although this has fallen somewhat into TFRiptaHuHM-00413-00138161-00138544 disuse several correlations have been TFRiptaHuHM-00414-00138545-00138745 shown between infrared stretching TFRiptaHuHM-00415-00138746-00138993 frequencies of certain bonds and the TFRiptaHuHM-00416-00138994-00139171 electronegativities of the atoms TFRiptaHuHM-00417-00139172-00139404 involved however this is not surprising TFRiptaHuHM-00418-00139405-00139696 as such stretching frequencies depend in TFRiptaHuHM-00419-00139697-00139936 part on bond strength which enters into TFRiptaHuHM-00420-00139937-00140098 the calculation of Pauling TFRiptaHuHM-00421-00140099-00140451 electronegativity x' more convincing are TFRiptaHuHM-00422-00140452-00140569 the correlations between TFRiptaHuHM-00423-00140570-00140850 electronegativity and chemical shifts in TFRiptaHuHM-00424-00140851-00141145 NMR spectroscopy or isomer shifts in TFRiptaHuHM-00425-00141146-00141496 mossbauer spectroscopy see figure both TFRiptaHuHM-00426-00141497-00141702 these measurements depend on the S TFRiptaHuHM-00427-00141703-00141973 electron density at the nucleus and so TFRiptaHuHM-00428-00141974-00142164 are a good indication that the different TFRiptaHuHM-00429-00142165-00142389 measures of electronegativity really are TFRiptaHuHM-00430-00142390-00142681 describing the ability of an atom in a TFRiptaHuHM-00431-00142682-00143586 molecule to attract electrons to itself TFRiptaHuHM-00432-00143587-00144294 topic trends in electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00433-00144295-00144652 you TFRiptaHuHM-00434-00144653-00145267 topic periodic trends TFRiptaHuHM-00435-00145268-00145546 in general electronegativity increases TFRiptaHuHM-00436-00145547-00145801 on passing from left to right along a TFRiptaHuHM-00437-00145802-00146044 period and decreases on descending a TFRiptaHuHM-00438-00146045-00146103 group TFRiptaHuHM-00439-00146104-00146338 hence fluorine is the most TFRiptaHuHM-00440-00146339-00146587 electronegative of the elements not TFRiptaHuHM-00441-00146588-00146758 counting noble gases TFRiptaHuHM-00442-00146759-00146902 whereas caesium is the least TFRiptaHuHM-00443-00146903-00147106 electronegative at least of those TFRiptaHuHM-00444-00147107-00147358 elements for which substantial data is TFRiptaHuHM-00445-00147359-00147631 available this would lead one to believe TFRiptaHuHM-00446-00147632-00147892 that cesium fluoride is the compound TFRiptaHuHM-00447-00147893-00148108 whose bonding features the most ionic TFRiptaHuHM-00448-00148109-00148447 character there are some exceptions to TFRiptaHuHM-00449-00148448-00148690 this general rule gallium and germanium TFRiptaHuHM-00450-00148691-00148993 have higher electronegativities than TFRiptaHuHM-00451-00148994-00149230 aluminium and silicon respectively TFRiptaHuHM-00452-00149231-00149490 because of the d-block contraction TFRiptaHuHM-00453-00149491-00149707 elements of the fourth period TFRiptaHuHM-00454-00149708-00149917 immediately after the first row of the TFRiptaHuHM-00455-00149918-00150178 transition metals have unusually small TFRiptaHuHM-00456-00150179-00150463 atomic radii because the 3d electrons TFRiptaHuHM-00457-00150464-00150637 are not effective at shielding the TFRiptaHuHM-00458-00150638-00150871 increased nuclear charge and smaller TFRiptaHuHM-00459-00150872-00151090 atomic size correlates with higher TFRiptaHuHM-00460-00151091-00151392 electronegativity see Allred Rocko TFRiptaHuHM-00461-00151393-00151608 electronegativity Sanderson TFRiptaHuHM-00462-00151609-00151921 electronegativity above the anomalously TFRiptaHuHM-00463-00151922-00152158 high electronegativity of lead in TFRiptaHuHM-00464-00152159-00152386 particular when compared to thallium and TFRiptaHuHM-00465-00152387-00152617 bismuth appears to be an artifact of TFRiptaHuHM-00466-00152618-00152886 data selection and data availability TFRiptaHuHM-00467-00152887-00153142 methods of calculation other than the TFRiptaHuHM-00468-00153143-00153382 Pauling method show the normal periodic TFRiptaHuHM-00469-00153383-00153697 trends for these elements TFRiptaHuHM-00470-00153698-00154043 you TFRiptaHuHM-00471-00154044-00154360 topic variation of electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00472-00154361-00154926 with oxidation number TFRiptaHuHM-00473-00154927-00155196 in an organic chemistry it is common to TFRiptaHuHM-00474-00155197-00155408 consider a single value of the TFRiptaHuHM-00475-00155409-00155637 electronegativity to be valid for most TFRiptaHuHM-00476-00155638-00156051 normal situations while this approach TFRiptaHuHM-00477-00156052-00156321 has the advantage of simplicity it is TFRiptaHuHM-00478-00156322-00156540 clear that the electronegativity of an TFRiptaHuHM-00479-00156541-00156765 element is not an invariable atomic TFRiptaHuHM-00480-00156766-00157017 property and in particular increases TFRiptaHuHM-00481-00157018-00157322 with the oxidation state of the element TFRiptaHuHM-00482-00157323-00157593 Allred used the Pauling method to TFRiptaHuHM-00483-00157594-00157839 calculate separate electronegativities TFRiptaHuHM-00484-00157840-00158070 for different oxidation states of the TFRiptaHuHM-00485-00158071-00158298 handful of elements including tin and TFRiptaHuHM-00486-00158299-00158508 lead for which sufficient data was TFRiptaHuHM-00487-00158509-00158859 available however for most elements TFRiptaHuHM-00488-00158860-00159078 there are not enough different covalent TFRiptaHuHM-00489-00159079-00159261 compounds for which bond dissociation TFRiptaHuHM-00490-00159262-00159501 energies are known to make this approach TFRiptaHuHM-00491-00159502-00159807 feasible this is particularly true of TFRiptaHuHM-00492-00159808-00160076 the transition elements where quoted TFRiptaHuHM-00493-00160077-00160314 electronegativity values are usually of TFRiptaHuHM-00494-00160315-00160536 necessity averages over several TFRiptaHuHM-00495-00160537-00160767 different oxidation states and where TFRiptaHuHM-00496-00160768-00161004 trends in electronegativity are harder TFRiptaHuHM-00497-00161005-00161355 to see as a result the chemical effects TFRiptaHuHM-00498-00161356-00161577 of this increase in electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00499-00161578-00161766 can be seen both in the structures of TFRiptaHuHM-00500-00161767-00162030 oxides and halides and in the acidity of TFRiptaHuHM-00501-00162031-00162438 oxides and oxoacids hence cro3 and are TFRiptaHuHM-00502-00162439-00162705 acidic oxides with low melting points TFRiptaHuHM-00503-00162706-00163008 while CR 2 O 3 is amphoteric and TFRiptaHuHM-00504-00163009-00163302 manganese 3 oxide is a completely basic TFRiptaHuHM-00505-00163303-00163683 oxide the effect can also be clearly TFRiptaHuHM-00506-00163684-00163917 seen in the dissociation constants of TFRiptaHuHM-00507-00163918-00164268 the oxoacids of chlorine the effect is TFRiptaHuHM-00508-00164269-00164466 much larger than could be explained by TFRiptaHuHM-00509-00164467-00164700 the negative charge being shared among a TFRiptaHuHM-00510-00164701-00164946 larger number of oxygen atoms which TFRiptaHuHM-00511-00164947-00165204 would led to a difference in pKa of log TFRiptaHuHM-00512-00165205-00165717 10 1/4 equals minus 0.6 between TFRiptaHuHM-00513-00165718-00166011 hypochlorous acid and perchloric acid as TFRiptaHuHM-00514-00166012-00166281 the oxidation state of the central TFRiptaHuHM-00515-00166282-00166533 chlorine atom increases more electron TFRiptaHuHM-00516-00166534-00166764 density is drawn from the oxygen atoms TFRiptaHuHM-00517-00166765-00167022 onto the chlorine reducing the partial TFRiptaHuHM-00518-00167023-00167262 negative charge on the oxygen atoms and TFRiptaHuHM-00519-00167263-00167579 increasing the acidity TFRiptaHuHM-00520-00167580-00168013 equals TFRiptaHuHM-00521-00168014-00168341 topic electronegativity and TFRiptaHuHM-00522-00168342-00168863 hybridization scheme TFRiptaHuHM-00523-00168864-00169143 equals the electronegativity of an TFRiptaHuHM-00524-00169144-00169449 atom's depending on the hybridization of TFRiptaHuHM-00525-00169450-00169688 the orbital employed in bonding TFRiptaHuHM-00526-00169689-00169971 electrons in s orbitals are held more TFRiptaHuHM-00527-00169972-00170246 tightly than electrons in P orbitals TFRiptaHuHM-00528-00170247-00170577 hence a bond to an atom that employs an TFRiptaHuHM-00529-00170578-00170844 SP X hybrid orbital for bonding will be TFRiptaHuHM-00530-00170845-00171081 more heavily polarized to that atom when TFRiptaHuHM-00531-00171082-00171329 the hybrid orbital has more s character TFRiptaHuHM-00532-00171330-00171651 that is when electronegativities are TFRiptaHuHM-00533-00171652-00171870 compared for different hybridization TFRiptaHuHM-00534-00171871-00172121 schemes of a given element the order Chi TFRiptaHuHM-00535-00172122-00172861 sp3 equals TFRiptaHuHM-00536-00172862-00173589 topic group electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00537-00173590-00174003 equals in organic chemistry TFRiptaHuHM-00538-00174004-00174244 electronegativity is associated more TFRiptaHuHM-00539-00174245-00174442 with different functional groups than TFRiptaHuHM-00540-00174443-00174816 with individual atoms the terms group TFRiptaHuHM-00541-00174817-00175053 electronegativity and substituent TFRiptaHuHM-00542-00175054-00175287 electronegativity are used synonymously TFRiptaHuHM-00543-00175288-00175582 however it is common to distinguish TFRiptaHuHM-00544-00175583-00175777 between the inductive effect in the TFRiptaHuHM-00545-00175778-00175966 resonance effect which might be TFRiptaHuHM-00546-00175967-00176151 described as Sigma and pi TFRiptaHuHM-00547-00176152-00176467 electronegativities respectively there TFRiptaHuHM-00548-00176468-00176674 are a number of linear free energy TFRiptaHuHM-00549-00176675-00176878 relationships that have been used to TFRiptaHuHM-00550-00176879-00177106 quantify these effects of which the TFRiptaHuHM-00551-00177107-00177439 Hamet equation is the best-known kubark TFRiptaHuHM-00552-00177440-00177627 nic parameters are group TFRiptaHuHM-00553-00177628-00177814 electronegativities for use in TFRiptaHuHM-00554-00177815-00178111 organophosphorus chemistry TFRiptaHuHM-00555-00178112-00178579 equals TFRiptaHuHM-00556-00178580-00179285 topic electro positivity TFRiptaHuHM-00557-00179286-00179675 equals electro positivity is a measure TFRiptaHuHM-00558-00179676-00179852 of an element's ability to donate TFRiptaHuHM-00559-00179853-00180131 electrons and therefore form positive TFRiptaHuHM-00560-00180132-00180191 ions TFRiptaHuHM-00561-00180192-00180550 thus it is opposed to electronegativity TFRiptaHuHM-00562-00180551-00180845 mainly this is an attribute of metals TFRiptaHuHM-00563-00180846-00181091 meaning that in general the greater the TFRiptaHuHM-00564-00181092-00181279 metallic character of an element the TFRiptaHuHM-00565-00181280-00181519 greater the electro positivity TFRiptaHuHM-00566-00181520-00181799 therefore the alkali metals are most TFRiptaHuHM-00567-00181800-00182075 electropositive of all this is because TFRiptaHuHM-00568-00182076-00182261 they have a single electron in their TFRiptaHuHM-00569-00182262-00182474 outer shell and as this is relatively TFRiptaHuHM-00570-00182475-00182690 far from the nucleus of the atom TFRiptaHuHM-00571-00182691-00182963 it is easily lost in other words these TFRiptaHuHM-00572-00182964-00183218 metals have low ionization energies TFRiptaHuHM-00573-00183219-00183482 while electronegativity increases along TFRiptaHuHM-00574-00183483-00183710 periods in the periodic table and TFRiptaHuHM-00575-00183711-00183983 decreases down groups electro positivity TFRiptaHuHM-00576-00183984-00184250 decreases along periods from left to TFRiptaHuHM-00577-00184251-00185016 right and increases down groups TFRiptaHuHM-00578-00185017-00185668 topic see also TFRiptaHuHM-00579-00185669-00185867 electronegativities of the elements TFRiptaHuHM-00580-00185868-00186395 data-page chemical polarity TGAwQOQkAZy-00000-00000138-00000305 going to start off with asking the TGAwQOQkAZy-00001-00000306-00000539 question do you need a retention policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00002-00000540-00000707 now it's a general I know it seems TGAwQOQkAZy-00003-00000708-00000952 obvious to ask because we're a DMS we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00004-00000953-00001103 storing your documents do you really TGAwQOQkAZy-00005-00001104-00001307 need to have a policy into place now TGAwQOQkAZy-00006-00001308-00001516 there's no exact answer to this but you TGAwQOQkAZy-00007-00001517-00001643 can consider some of the following TGAwQOQkAZy-00008-00001644-00001895 questions first of all does the document TGAwQOQkAZy-00009-00001896-00002159 contain any personal identifying data or TGAwQOQkAZy-00010-00002160-00002483 PID if your documents do contain PID TGAwQOQkAZy-00011-00002484-00002741 then best practices recommend holding TGAwQOQkAZy-00012-00002742-00002933 documents only for as long as absolutely TGAwQOQkAZy-00013-00002934-00003203 necessary if it contains that PID and TGAwQOQkAZy-00014-00003204-00003365 the reason is because you don't want to TGAwQOQkAZy-00015-00003365-00003503 have data breaches you don't want TGAwQOQkAZy-00016-00003504-00003736 information being shared when it's not TGAwQOQkAZy-00017-00003738-00003911 uh you know not meant to be you don't TGAwQOQkAZy-00018-00003911-00004133 want to documents accessed past that TGAwQOQkAZy-00019-00004134-00004319 point in case it has that PID it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00020-00004320-00004475 always a point of vulnerability for an TGAwQOQkAZy-00021-00004476-00004654 organization and best practices TGAwQOQkAZy-00022-00004655-00004817 recommends getting rid of that as soon TGAwQOQkAZy-00023-00004818-00004919 as you can TGAwQOQkAZy-00024-00004920-00005081 the second question is is there TGAwQOQkAZy-00025-00005082-00005302 regulatory obligation to maintain the TGAwQOQkAZy-00026-00005303-00005513 documents every industry has their own TGAwQOQkAZy-00027-00005514-00005668 standards as defined by could be TGAwQOQkAZy-00028-00005669-00005861 governmental regulations could be TGAwQOQkAZy-00029-00005862-00006047 Professional Organization standards for TGAwQOQkAZy-00030-00006048-00006202 instance if you have a contract with a TGAwQOQkAZy-00031-00006203-00006383 labor union then that's a good example TGAwQOQkAZy-00032-00006384-00006569 of where they may have standards that TGAwQOQkAZy-00033-00006570-00006773 are more enforceable by contract as TGAwQOQkAZy-00034-00006773-00006989 opposed to enforceable by regulatory TGAwQOQkAZy-00035-00006990-00007127 bodies but I'd still put it under that TGAwQOQkAZy-00036-00007128-00007409 regulatory obligation category and then TGAwQOQkAZy-00037-00007409-00007517 of course there's industry best TGAwQOQkAZy-00038-00007518-00007709 practices if people say well this is TGAwQOQkAZy-00039-00007709-00007877 what we typically do in this industry TGAwQOQkAZy-00040-00007878-00008045 then when you're dealing with others in TGAwQOQkAZy-00041-00008045-00008249 that same sector it may make sense to TGAwQOQkAZy-00042-00008250-00008428 follow those same standards consider a TGAwQOQkAZy-00043-00008429-00008614 legal department for example if they TGAwQOQkAZy-00044-00008615-00008849 have a practice of holding documents for TGAwQOQkAZy-00045-00008850-00009028 for instance five years after a case is TGAwQOQkAZy-00046-00009029-00009239 closed then that becomes a standard TGAwQOQkAZy-00047-00009240-00009346 that's probably used within that TGAwQOQkAZy-00048-00009347-00009478 industry and that would be the TGAwQOQkAZy-00049-00009479-00009671 expectation moving forward so you should TGAwQOQkAZy-00050-00009672-00009839 always respect those uh those TGAwQOQkAZy-00051-00009840-00009989 obligations that are coming through and TGAwQOQkAZy-00052-00009990-00010121 make sure that whatever policy you're TGAwQOQkAZy-00053-00010122-00010349 putting into place matches and follows TGAwQOQkAZy-00054-00010350-00010595 those regulations both because you know TGAwQOQkAZy-00055-00010596-00010769 there's a legal aspect to that you want TGAwQOQkAZy-00056-00010770-00010895 to make sure that you're protected but TGAwQOQkAZy-00057-00010896-00011069 you also want to make sure that you're TGAwQOQkAZy-00058-00011070-00011327 not going you know outside of the norm TGAwQOQkAZy-00059-00011328-00011560 does the document serve an TGAwQOQkAZy-00060-00011561-00011837 organizational need or process if you're TGAwQOQkAZy-00061-00011838-00012064 not using the document do you need to TGAwQOQkAZy-00062-00012065-00012328 keep the document now there's no TGAwQOQkAZy-00063-00012329-00012556 document hoarding is a very real thing TGAwQOQkAZy-00064-00012557-00012683 when it comes to digital information TGAwQOQkAZy-00065-00012684-00013001 because digital paper or scan documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00066-00013002-00013186 or pure electronic documents can be TGAwQOQkAZy-00067-00013187-00013397 stored cheaply but they can contribute TGAwQOQkAZy-00068-00013397-00013588 to that sort of stockpiling that TGAwQOQkAZy-00069-00013590-00013738 hoarding that Gathering of all the TGAwQOQkAZy-00070-00013740-00013936 documents and again it's recommended TGAwQOQkAZy-00071-00013937-00014116 that if the document no longer serves a TGAwQOQkAZy-00072-00014118-00014303 useful purpose it should be disposed of TGAwQOQkAZy-00073-00014304-00014530 at the earliest convenience so while you TGAwQOQkAZy-00074-00014531-00014711 might need that document in 10 years TGAwQOQkAZy-00075-00014712-00014938 time is it worth storing that document TGAwQOQkAZy-00076-00014940-00015136 for the 10-year period to get to that TGAwQOQkAZy-00077-00015137-00015322 point if it's not something that TGAwQOQkAZy-00078-00015323-00015479 couldn't obviously be recreated TGAwQOQkAZy-00079-00015480-00015688 somewhere else so for example some TGAwQOQkAZy-00080-00015690-00015869 people keep these documents for research TGAwQOQkAZy-00081-00015869-00016043 but if you don't truly need to be doing TGAwQOQkAZy-00082-00016044-00016258 that operationally it may not serve a TGAwQOQkAZy-00083-00016259-00016427 benefit TGAwQOQkAZy-00084-00016428-00016667 so then let's talk about deleting which TGAwQOQkAZy-00085-00016668-00016913 is the key part of a retention policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00086-00016914-00017069 when we no longer want to retain the TGAwQOQkAZy-00087-00017070-00017200 document we're going to be deleting it TGAwQOQkAZy-00088-00017201-00017393 off the system so we want to be very TGAwQOQkAZy-00089-00017394-00017603 clear on this filehold will never delete TGAwQOQkAZy-00090-00017604-00017836 your documents without a user action or TGAwQOQkAZy-00091-00017837-00018041 a policy instructing when to delete so TGAwQOQkAZy-00092-00018042-00018172 we're going to keep your documents or TGAwQOQkAZy-00093-00018173-00018394 records in perpetuity until you ask us TGAwQOQkAZy-00094-00018395-00018544 to get rid of it and we're going to say TGAwQOQkAZy-00095-00018545-00018730 that one more time filehold will never TGAwQOQkAZy-00096-00018731-00018935 delete your documents unless you ask us TGAwQOQkAZy-00097-00018936-00019205 to so your documents are secure in the TGAwQOQkAZy-00098-00019206-00019330 system anything we're talking about here TGAwQOQkAZy-00099-00019331-00019558 for retention policies keep this in mind TGAwQOQkAZy-00100-00019559-00019793 we are talking about putting a policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00101-00019794-00019961 into place that you are choosing to do TGAwQOQkAZy-00102-00019962-00020147 it's nothing that we're going to force TGAwQOQkAZy-00103-00020148-00020386 you to do this is entirely optional TGAwQOQkAZy-00104-00020387-00020627 retention policies are enforced by TGAwQOQkAZy-00105-00020628-00020789 events now if you've not seen events TGAwQOQkAZy-00106-00020790-00020927 we're going to be looking at that in a TGAwQOQkAZy-00107-00020928-00021083 moment so we want to talk about how we TGAwQOQkAZy-00108-00021084-00021322 can use that event in order to enforce TGAwQOQkAZy-00109-00021323-00021443 the policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00110-00021444-00021677 events are template-based processes TGAwQOQkAZy-00111-00021678-00021893 applied to a schema to delete archive TGAwQOQkAZy-00112-00021894-00022127 preserve or remind so it's different it TGAwQOQkAZy-00113-00022128-00022283 depends on how you configure them as to TGAwQOQkAZy-00114-00022284-00022414 how they're going to be enacted against TGAwQOQkAZy-00115-00022415-00022553 the documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00116-00022554-00022835 only one deletion policy per schema so TGAwQOQkAZy-00117-00022836-00022997 we can't have multiple retention TGAwQOQkAZy-00118-00022998-00023225 policies on a document we need to have TGAwQOQkAZy-00119-00023226-00023500 one if you're in a situation where you TGAwQOQkAZy-00120-00023501-00023680 need to distinguish one set of retention TGAwQOQkAZy-00121-00023681-00023908 policies from another that means what TGAwQOQkAZy-00122-00023909-00024100 you need is a different schema so you TGAwQOQkAZy-00123-00024101-00024269 want to introduce a secondary schema TGAwQOQkAZy-00124-00024270-00024407 into there because that's where you're TGAwQOQkAZy-00125-00024408-00024544 going to get more of your value out of TGAwQOQkAZy-00126-00024545-00024755 it so only one deletion policy per TGAwQOQkAZy-00127-00024756-00025042 schema deletions are triggered by TGAwQOQkAZy-00128-00025043-00025192 metadata so when we're doing any of TGAwQOQkAZy-00129-00025193-00025336 these events we're going to trigger that TGAwQOQkAZy-00130-00025337-00025571 event using the metadata fields we have TGAwQOQkAZy-00131-00025572-00025750 administrative metadata such as when the TGAwQOQkAZy-00132-00025751-00025900 document was added to fileholder the TGAwQOQkAZy-00133-00025901-00026111 date last modified these are typically TGAwQOQkAZy-00134-00026112-00026267 things are going to be outside of your TGAwQOQkAZy-00135-00026268-00026458 control operationally TGAwQOQkAZy-00136-00026460-00026627 you can influence them but you can't TGAwQOQkAZy-00137-00026627-00026789 actually Define the dates you couldn't TGAwQOQkAZy-00138-00026789-00027035 go into files and say I added this data TGAwQOQkAZy-00139-00027036-00027245 on September 1st no no the date the TGAwQOQkAZy-00140-00027245-00027401 document was added on September 2nd TGAwQOQkAZy-00141-00027402-00027562 that's when it came into the system and TGAwQOQkAZy-00142-00027563-00027702 you can't actually change that TGAwQOQkAZy-00143-00027704-00027952 descriptive metadata is what we normally TGAwQOQkAZy-00144-00027954-00028102 associate with metadata that information TGAwQOQkAZy-00145-00028104-00028289 tags you want to put against it that's TGAwQOQkAZy-00146-00028289-00028474 where you're putting your information on TGAwQOQkAZy-00147-00028475-00028612 the document helps to describe and TGAwQOQkAZy-00148-00028613-00028805 Define it that's where you could put a TGAwQOQkAZy-00149-00028806-00029014 date added into the system on September TGAwQOQkAZy-00150-00029016-00029177 1 and you can control that date because TGAwQOQkAZy-00151-00029177-00029495 it's under your control TGAwQOQkAZy-00152-00029495-00029752 so how to set up a retention policy so TGAwQOQkAZy-00153-00029754-00029902 we have a few questions that you want to TGAwQOQkAZy-00154-00029904-00030095 ask internally the first question is we TGAwQOQkAZy-00155-00030095-00030287 need to identify your policy needs for TGAwQOQkAZy-00156-00030288-00030490 the document are there regulatory TGAwQOQkAZy-00157-00030491-00030683 obligations or organizational policies TGAwQOQkAZy-00158-00030683-00030881 that need to be sorry I got a typo there TGAwQOQkAZy-00159-00030882-00031085 that need to be reflected in retention TGAwQOQkAZy-00160-00031086-00031318 do you need a record of Destruction for TGAwQOQkAZy-00161-00031319-00031427 documents again something that's TGAwQOQkAZy-00162-00031427-00031612 important to consider before you move TGAwQOQkAZy-00163-00031613-00031817 down the retention path we're not going TGAwQOQkAZy-00164-00031818-00032033 to be covering records of Destruction in TGAwQOQkAZy-00165-00032033-00032218 full today I do want to say there's a TGAwQOQkAZy-00166-00032219-00032435 Mode called convert to offline documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00167-00032436-00032614 I just published a Blog on this on our TGAwQOQkAZy-00168-00032616-00032783 website so I would encourage people to TGAwQOQkAZy-00169-00032784-00032923 go to TGAwQOQkAZy-00170-00032924-00033155 www.filehold.com and take a look at our TGAwQOQkAZy-00171-00033156-00033311 blog posts under there and you'll see my TGAwQOQkAZy-00172-00033312-00033467 one on records of Destruction so that's TGAwQOQkAZy-00173-00033468-00033605 something you need there's a good TGAwQOQkAZy-00174-00033606-00033815 resource there to check out TGAwQOQkAZy-00175-00033816-00034024 second step is to identify documents or TGAwQOQkAZy-00176-00034025-00034277 record types that need the policy are TGAwQOQkAZy-00177-00034278-00034487 these unique or a shared schema if it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00178-00034488-00034685 a shared schema you may need to break TGAwQOQkAZy-00179-00034686-00034937 out that schemer to have the policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00180-00034938-00035105 apply to only some of the documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00181-00035106-00035267 remember these are Global policies TGAwQOQkAZy-00182-00035268-00035423 towards the schema so we want to make TGAwQOQkAZy-00183-00035424-00035735 sure that we're enforcing properly TGAwQOQkAZy-00184-00035736-00035861 third step is to create an event TGAwQOQkAZy-00185-00035862-00036046 template that matches the policy needs TGAwQOQkAZy-00186-00036047-00036227 you can use the appropriate metadata for TGAwQOQkAZy-00187-00036228-00036359 the trigger and of course if you don't TGAwQOQkAZy-00188-00036360-00036521 have that available you can add a TGAwQOQkAZy-00189-00036522-00036779 metadata field to create that trigger TGAwQOQkAZy-00190-00036780-00036971 fourth step is to add the event template TGAwQOQkAZy-00191-00036972-00037168 to the appropriate schema adjust the TGAwQOQkAZy-00192-00037169-00037445 metadata requirements if needed and then TGAwQOQkAZy-00193-00037446-00037643 five confirm the policy is active in the TGAwQOQkAZy-00194-00037644-00037757 version properties and we're going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00195-00037758-00037943 take a look at that in a moment today so TGAwQOQkAZy-00196-00037944-00038045 we're going to take a look and see how TGAwQOQkAZy-00197-00038046-00038290 that policy is actually being used TGAwQOQkAZy-00198-00038291-00038483 all right and with that we're going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00199-00038484-00038621 just take a look at our use case which TGAwQOQkAZy-00200-00038622-00038801 today will be talking about an invoice TGAwQOQkAZy-00201-00038802-00039101 with a retention policy of end of fiscal TGAwQOQkAZy-00202-00039102-00039293 year plus six which typically translates TGAwQOQkAZy-00203-00039294-00039496 through to seven years so if you put a TGAwQOQkAZy-00204-00039497-00039671 seven year policy on an invoice then TGAwQOQkAZy-00205-00039672-00039845 that will stay and that's appropriate TGAwQOQkAZy-00206-00039846-00040096 for Canadian and U.S uh audit laws so TGAwQOQkAZy-00207-00040097-00040252 that's why we're using that as a very TGAwQOQkAZy-00208-00040253-00040462 simple example we don't need a record of TGAwQOQkAZy-00209-00040463-00040583 instruction so this is going to be a TGAwQOQkAZy-00210-00040584-00040852 pure deletion process there's going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00211-00040853-00041068 be no shared schema in this case it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00212-00041069-00041224 going to be a unique schema only one TGAwQOQkAZy-00213-00041225-00041435 being used for invoices and the trigger TGAwQOQkAZy-00214-00041436-00041590 that we're going to use for the metadata TGAwQOQkAZy-00215-00041591-00041752 is going to be the invoice date so an TGAwQOQkAZy-00216-00041753-00041968 influenceable descriptive field of TGAwQOQkAZy-00217-00041969-00042137 metadata that we can control for the TGAwQOQkAZy-00218-00042138-00042268 documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00219-00042269-00042574 all right let's hop in and take a look TGAwQOQkAZy-00220-00042575-00042874 at my system so we are looking right now TGAwQOQkAZy-00221-00042875-00043090 at the web client and because I'm a good TGAwQOQkAZy-00222-00043091-00043199 user I'm just going to do a quick TGAwQOQkAZy-00223-00043200-00043390 refresh onto here there we go perfect TGAwQOQkAZy-00224-00043391-00043655 and I'm going to actually step away from TGAwQOQkAZy-00225-00043656-00043846 the library view of the web client we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00226-00043847-00043996 going over to the administration panel TGAwQOQkAZy-00227-00043997-00044171 now notice I'm logged in here as my TGAwQOQkAZy-00228-00044172-00044357 assistant account by the way if you have TGAwQOQkAZy-00229-00044358-00044543 an account named sysubman sysadmin TGAwQOQkAZy-00230-00044544-00044717 please change it because this is a TGAwQOQkAZy-00231-00044718-00044927 terrible name for Security's sake I only TGAwQOQkAZy-00232-00044928-00045077 do it here because I'm in a closed off TGAwQOQkAZy-00233-00045078-00045239 environment this is a test environment TGAwQOQkAZy-00234-00045240-00045467 not production so I would never have TGAwQOQkAZy-00235-00045468-00045640 that name in an actual environment okay TGAwQOQkAZy-00236-00045641-00045773 we're going to go over to our TGAwQOQkAZy-00237-00045774-00045961 Administration full Administration menu TGAwQOQkAZy-00238-00045962-00046193 and now we're going to scroll down let's TGAwQOQkAZy-00239-00046194-00046361 just clap some of our stuff here in the TGAwQOQkAZy-00240-00046362-00046462 first place I'm going to have a quick TGAwQOQkAZy-00241-00046463-00046702 stop at here system configuration TGAwQOQkAZy-00242-00046703-00046901 settings General because we want to make TGAwQOQkAZy-00243-00046902-00047093 sure that we can turn these policies on TGAwQOQkAZy-00244-00047094-00047290 now when you get filehold if you're TGAwQOQkAZy-00245-00047291-00047429 coming out of the box and you're opening TGAwQOQkAZy-00246-00047430-00047651 it up you may be looking at saying why TGAwQOQkAZy-00247-00047652-00047849 can't I get my events running and that's TGAwQOQkAZy-00248-00047850-00047986 because you have event schedule settings TGAwQOQkAZy-00249-00047987-00048179 and we need to turn them all on in this TGAwQOQkAZy-00250-00048180-00048352 case someone we really care about is TGAwQOQkAZy-00251-00048353-00048539 enable delete events but this is also TGAwQOQkAZy-00252-00048540-00048779 where we can control the creation of TGAwQOQkAZy-00253-00048780-00048983 convert to record events so take a TGAwQOQkAZy-00254-00048984-00049151 document convert it to a record so no TGAwQOQkAZy-00255-00049152-00049361 one else can make a change to it archive TGAwQOQkAZy-00256-00049362-00049535 it move it from the active Library move TGAwQOQkAZy-00257-00049536-00049762 it down into the archive section enable TGAwQOQkAZy-00258-00049763-00049949 user-defined events send a reminder TGAwQOQkAZy-00259-00049950-00050129 through to the document owner or to TGAwQOQkAZy-00260-00050130-00050327 Administration that a document needs to TGAwQOQkAZy-00261-00050328-00050495 be looked at and the one we're going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00262-00050496-00050627 be looking at today is enable delete TGAwQOQkAZy-00263-00050628-00050836 events now the reason these are grayed TGAwQOQkAZy-00264-00050837-00050999 out in my system is because I already TGAwQOQkAZy-00265-00051000-00051232 have policies that use all of these TGAwQOQkAZy-00266-00051233-00051454 functions so because I have events that TGAwQOQkAZy-00267-00051455-00051658 are in use right now I can't turn them TGAwQOQkAZy-00268-00051659-00051904 off because I'm using that function so TGAwQOQkAZy-00269-00051905-00052102 if I was to go out and turn off all my TGAwQOQkAZy-00270-00052103-00052229 events and make sure they're removed TGAwQOQkAZy-00271-00052229-00052432 from my schema I could then disable that TGAwQOQkAZy-00272-00052433-00052576 into here but we typically don't see TGAwQOQkAZy-00273-00052577-00052775 people doing that and as always remember TGAwQOQkAZy-00274-00052776-00052966 there's a help icon up here so if you TGAwQOQkAZy-00275-00052967-00053116 want to see some more information about TGAwQOQkAZy-00276-00053117-00053332 that click there it'll take us over to TGAwQOQkAZy-00277-00053333-00053513 take you over to our knowledge base you TGAwQOQkAZy-00278-00053514-00053759 can take a deeper dive into that TGAwQOQkAZy-00279-00053760-00053957 great so once we know that we can do TGAwQOQkAZy-00280-00053958-00054221 events we now want to create some event TGAwQOQkAZy-00281-00054222-00054454 meta some event templates for ourselves TGAwQOQkAZy-00282-00054455-00054604 remember that a lot of what we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00283-00054605-00054779 dealing with in filehold is template TGAwQOQkAZy-00284-00054779-00055030 based working so we create a template TGAwQOQkAZy-00285-00055032-00055199 for a schema we apply it to a document TGAwQOQkAZy-00286-00055200-00055361 we create a template for a metadata TGAwQOQkAZy-00287-00055362-00055565 field we apply it to a schema we create TGAwQOQkAZy-00288-00055566-00055757 a template for a control field such as a TGAwQOQkAZy-00289-00055758-00055961 document control number we apply it to a TGAwQOQkAZy-00290-00055962-00056123 document same thing with events we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00291-00056124-00056254 going to come over here to our events TGAwQOQkAZy-00292-00056255-00056459 and you'll see a list of my existing TGAwQOQkAZy-00293-00056460-00056609 events and you can see I've got already TGAwQOQkAZy-00294-00056610-00056771 a policy that's in place that's very TGAwQOQkAZy-00295-00056772-00056926 similar to what we want but we're going TGAwQOQkAZy-00296-00056927-00057065 to build something out custom for TGAwQOQkAZy-00297-00057066-00057238 ourselves right now so we're going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00298-00057239-00057503 start off with going to add event and TGAwQOQkAZy-00299-00057504-00057694 now we're going to give this event a TGAwQOQkAZy-00300-00057695-00057937 name for it so we're going to call this TGAwQOQkAZy-00301-00057938-00058121 webinar TGAwQOQkAZy-00302-00058122-00058457 delete F oh try spelling that right TGAwQOQkAZy-00303-00058458-00058750 after seven years so we're just going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00304-00058751-00058954 put a global seven-year policy on it TGAwQOQkAZy-00305-00058955-00059123 under the description over here again TGAwQOQkAZy-00306-00059124-00059363 you've got uh so I'm going to say for TGAwQOQkAZy-00307-00059364-00059521 webinar TGAwQOQkAZy-00308-00059522-00059813 Wednesdays and then we've got our type TGAwQOQkAZy-00309-00059814-00059992 down here which is going to allow me to TGAwQOQkAZy-00310-00059994-00060173 con what kind of event we're going to be TGAwQOQkAZy-00311-00060174-00060275 doing and we're going to be doing a TGAwQOQkAZy-00312-00060276-00060419 deletion event because we're talking TGAwQOQkAZy-00313-00060420-00060575 about retention policies we're talking TGAwQOQkAZy-00314-00060576-00060737 about getting rid of documents when TGAwQOQkAZy-00315-00060738-00060911 they're no longer needed TGAwQOQkAZy-00316-00060912-00061103 I have three fields that I can choose TGAwQOQkAZy-00317-00061104-00061288 from that's administrative metadata and TGAwQOQkAZy-00318-00061289-00061469 then I can choose a custom metadata TGAwQOQkAZy-00319-00061470-00061673 field or descriptive metadata to apply TGAwQOQkAZy-00320-00061674-00061871 against the document our first field up TGAwQOQkAZy-00321-00061872-00062080 here is a document created date when the TGAwQOQkAZy-00322-00062082-00062285 document was added into filehold that is TGAwQOQkAZy-00323-00062286-00062494 not when the document was first made so TGAwQOQkAZy-00324-00062495-00062656 we're not concerned in this case about TGAwQOQkAZy-00325-00062657-00062842 if the document came over from your TGAwQOQkAZy-00326-00062844-00062980 desktop and it's been on your desktop TGAwQOQkAZy-00327-00062982-00063173 for 11 years you're now bring it into TGAwQOQkAZy-00328-00063174-00063359 file hold to file hold it would be TGAwQOQkAZy-00329-00063360-00063515 today's date so it would have today's TGAwQOQkAZy-00330-00063516-00063688 date is the stamp onto that as soon as TGAwQOQkAZy-00331-00063689-00063838 you brought it in so we want to be TGAwQOQkAZy-00332-00063839-00063941 careful when we're using document TGAwQOQkAZy-00333-00063941-00064049 created data it's not the original TGAwQOQkAZy-00334-00064050-00064216 creation date if you did want to use TGAwQOQkAZy-00335-00064217-00064349 that that's more likely going to be a TGAwQOQkAZy-00336-00064350-00064511 custom metadata field TGAwQOQkAZy-00337-00064512-00064750 document last modified date when it was TGAwQOQkAZy-00338-00064751-00064961 last changed into the system so if you TGAwQOQkAZy-00339-00064962-00065094 have a document that's supposed to TGAwQOQkAZy-00340-00065095-00065363 delete for instance let's say it was TGAwQOQkAZy-00341-00065364-00065603 something like it was a contract you TGAwQOQkAZy-00342-00065604-00065776 want it to delete two years after it TGAwQOQkAZy-00343-00065777-00065950 expires we're going to use the date of TGAwQOQkAZy-00344-00065951-00066143 expiration for that but we're also going TGAwQOQkAZy-00345-00066144-00066317 to say when the when from when it was TGAwQOQkAZy-00346-00066318-00066503 last document was last modified so TGAwQOQkAZy-00347-00066504-00066647 someone makes adjustments to the TGAwQOQkAZy-00348-00066648-00066863 contract it's going to reset that every TGAwQOQkAZy-00349-00066864-00067073 two years and push it further down the TGAwQOQkAZy-00350-00067074-00067294 road so it's an opportunity for us to TGAwQOQkAZy-00351-00067295-00067643 keep these uh these retention policies TGAwQOQkAZy-00352-00067644-00067853 live and active and same thing with TGAwQOQkAZy-00353-00067854-00068032 metadata last modified if somebody goes TGAwQOQkAZy-00354-00068033-00068206 in to change the metadata you may want TGAwQOQkAZy-00355-00068207-00068375 to use that as a policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00356-00068376-00068597 your custom metadata field over here on TGAwQOQkAZy-00357-00068598-00068747 the other hand is exactly what we want TGAwQOQkAZy-00358-00068748-00068926 so we're going to select this because TGAwQOQkAZy-00359-00068927-00069100 the actual date that we want to use for TGAwQOQkAZy-00360-00069101-00069215 these is going to be something I've TGAwQOQkAZy-00361-00069216-00069437 already built now you can see I've got a TGAwQOQkAZy-00362-00069438-00069682 lot of date based metadata Fields so I TGAwQOQkAZy-00363-00069683-00069815 don't expect most people to have this TGAwQOQkAZy-00364-00069816-00070006 many that's what I have and I've got an TGAwQOQkAZy-00365-00070007-00070150 invoice date down here which we TGAwQOQkAZy-00366-00070151-00070313 identified earlier is going to be the TGAwQOQkAZy-00367-00070314-00070517 trigger that we want for this so our TGAwQOQkAZy-00368-00070518-00070732 policy will go against the invoice date TGAwQOQkAZy-00369-00070733-00071032 we now need to choose our period so TGAwQOQkAZy-00370-00071033-00071225 we've got some different time increments TGAwQOQkAZy-00371-00071226-00071453 over here days weeks months or years in TGAwQOQkAZy-00372-00071454-00071699 this case we want years and we want to TGAwQOQkAZy-00373-00071700-00072005 make the period of this seven years so TGAwQOQkAZy-00374-00072006-00072244 that is enough now to enact the policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00375-00072245-00072400 this means that seven years after the TGAwQOQkAZy-00376-00072401-00072587 document is added into the system it TGAwQOQkAZy-00377-00072588-00072826 will then be deleted from here as soon TGAwQOQkAZy-00378-00072827-00073037 as it's done now I can do a notification TGAwQOQkAZy-00379-00073038-00073223 on this but I want to give a word of TGAwQOQkAZy-00380-00073224-00073438 warning onto this the notification can TGAwQOQkAZy-00381-00073439-00073631 only go out to somebody who has TGAwQOQkAZy-00382-00073632-00073799 guaranteed access to the document TGAwQOQkAZy-00383-00073800-00074021 there's only two groups that have TGAwQOQkAZy-00384-00074022-00074231 guaranteed access to documents system TGAwQOQkAZy-00385-00074232-00074429 administrators and Senior your library TGAwQOQkAZy-00386-00074430-00074669 administrators so they're going to be TGAwQOQkAZy-00387-00074670-00074885 the only eligible users so even though I TGAwQOQkAZy-00388-00074886-00075112 may have a rich list of different users TGAwQOQkAZy-00389-00075113-00075347 when I if I was to ask this to send a TGAwQOQkAZy-00390-00075348-00075569 notification and go into this I'm only TGAwQOQkAZy-00391-00075570-00075815 going to get my users who have that TGAwQOQkAZy-00392-00075816-00075965 level so I've only got senior Library TGAwQOQkAZy-00393-00075966-00076211 admins and my system administrators are TGAwQOQkAZy-00394-00076212-00076421 the only groups so we often don't see TGAwQOQkAZy-00395-00076422-00076606 this notification being used unless it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00396-00076607-00076744 to a system administrator who's TGAwQOQkAZy-00397-00076745-00076925 monitoring the system and that's kind of TGAwQOQkAZy-00398-00076926-00077056 the goal for this TGAwQOQkAZy-00399-00077057-00077237 now we have some other options when it TGAwQOQkAZy-00400-00077238-00077453 comes to other categories because for TGAwQOQkAZy-00401-00077454-00077632 instance if we use the user-defined TGAwQOQkAZy-00402-00077633-00077855 field we can send that message to a TGAwQOQkAZy-00403-00077856-00078041 document owner but in this case we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00404-00078042-00078131 not going to worry about that because TGAwQOQkAZy-00405-00078132-00078269 we're keeping focused on this one TGAwQOQkAZy-00406-00078270-00078491 deletion kind of event so that's TGAwQOQkAZy-00407-00078492-00078688 satisfactory now for us to save this TGAwQOQkAZy-00408-00078689-00078929 we're going to call Save and we've now TGAwQOQkAZy-00409-00078930-00079150 made a policy so we can see the policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00410-00079151-00079349 when it was built and we've got all our TGAwQOQkAZy-00411-00079350-00079559 essential key details here perfect we'll TGAwQOQkAZy-00412-00079560-00079769 go back to our list this is where often TGAwQOQkAZy-00413-00079770-00080021 the so you can see our list over here we TGAwQOQkAZy-00414-00080022-00080249 haven't used any schema yet so our next TGAwQOQkAZy-00415-00080250-00080471 step now will be to apply this to a TGAwQOQkAZy-00416-00080472-00080759 document type so I could leave the TGAwQOQkAZy-00417-00080760-00080926 screen if I wanted to but let's just TGAwQOQkAZy-00418-00080927-00081203 head down to our document schemas and TGAwQOQkAZy-00419-00081204-00081497 we're going to go to our AP invoices TGAwQOQkAZy-00420-00081498-00081815 and then we're going to go down to our TGAwQOQkAZy-00421-00081816-00082037 event schedule so we can see down here TGAwQOQkAZy-00422-00082038-00082181 that there's no events on this there's TGAwQOQkAZy-00423-00082182-00082432 no convert to records archive delete or TGAwQOQkAZy-00424-00082433-00082582 user defined which we have never never TGAwQOQkAZy-00425-00082583-00082829 and none so we've got some options there TGAwQOQkAZy-00426-00082830-00083093 now before I apply this I want to step TGAwQOQkAZy-00427-00083094-00083261 away for a second we're going to go back TGAwQOQkAZy-00428-00083262-00083488 over to the desktop application and I'm TGAwQOQkAZy-00429-00083489-00083668 going to do a quick refresh so we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00430-00083669-00083788 going to refresh all the reason I'm TGAwQOQkAZy-00431-00083789-00083962 doing this is because I want to make TGAwQOQkAZy-00432-00083963-00084094 sure that what I'm showing you is as TGAwQOQkAZy-00433-00084095-00084244 accurate as possible so I'm just doing a TGAwQOQkAZy-00434-00084245-00084418 quick refresh in the system whenever I TGAwQOQkAZy-00435-00084419-00084544 play with my system settings I always TGAwQOQkAZy-00436-00084545-00084749 like to come back and do a refresh we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00437-00084750-00084941 going to click over here onto our TGAwQOQkAZy-00438-00084942-00085079 document and we're going to take a look TGAwQOQkAZy-00439-00085080-00085337 at its metadata and file properties TGAwQOQkAZy-00440-00085338-00085571 so here we go here's our document it has TGAwQOQkAZy-00441-00085572-00085756 its different metadata Fields including TGAwQOQkAZy-00442-00085757-00086026 its invoice date and we've got down here TGAwQOQkAZy-00443-00086027-00086194 our version property so our information TGAwQOQkAZy-00444-00086195-00086411 about this document excellent so we've TGAwQOQkAZy-00445-00086412-00086567 seen this that's what I want to double TGAwQOQkAZy-00446-00086568-00086705 check now we're going to go back into TGAwQOQkAZy-00447-00086706-00086843 the web client TGAwQOQkAZy-00448-00086844-00087088 and now we're going to apply this event TGAwQOQkAZy-00449-00087089-00087268 template that we've made so we're going TGAwQOQkAZy-00450-00087269-00087526 to go under edit and then here's where TGAwQOQkAZy-00451-00087527-00087731 we can apply these now notice our top TGAwQOQkAZy-00452-00087732-00087917 three convert to record archive and TGAwQOQkAZy-00453-00087918-00088126 delete are a drop down the reason there TGAwQOQkAZy-00454-00088127-00088288 are drop down Menus can only have one of TGAwQOQkAZy-00455-00088289-00088481 those policies I can only delete a TGAwQOQkAZy-00456-00088482-00088691 document once I can only archive it once TGAwQOQkAZy-00457-00088692-00088882 I can only convert it to a record once TGAwQOQkAZy-00458-00088883-00089200 and so for clarity we do only one of TGAwQOQkAZy-00459-00089201-00089471 those per event in the situation where TGAwQOQkAZy-00460-00089472-00089650 you may have more than one policy being TGAwQOQkAZy-00461-00089651-00089843 applied to a document could be argued TGAwQOQkAZy-00462-00089844-00090029 you need a better policy but we also TGAwQOQkAZy-00463-00090030-00090226 appreciate that sometimes it's not TGAwQOQkAZy-00464-00090227-00090412 multiple policies on a document it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00465-00090413-00090653 multiple policies on different documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00466-00090654-00090832 in which case then we'd recommend a TGAwQOQkAZy-00467-00090833-00090994 different schema so you can apply the TGAwQOQkAZy-00468-00090995-00091199 proper document to the proper dot the TGAwQOQkAZy-00469-00091200-00091421 proper retention policy to the proper TGAwQOQkAZy-00470-00091422-00091511 document TGAwQOQkAZy-00471-00091512-00091649 so we're going to go under here to TGAwQOQkAZy-00472-00091650-00091762 delete and we're going to take a look at TGAwQOQkAZy-00473-00091763-00092044 all of our eligible policies and so in TGAwQOQkAZy-00474-00092045-00092273 this case webinar delete after seven TGAwQOQkAZy-00475-00092274-00092471 years so we're going to webinar delete TGAwQOQkAZy-00476-00092472-00092656 after seven years is now put on to this TGAwQOQkAZy-00477-00092657-00092861 and I can save that TGAwQOQkAZy-00478-00092862-00093082 and we're good now the metadative field TGAwQOQkAZy-00479-00093083-00093232 used by the selected event and the event TGAwQOQkAZy-00480-00093233-00093461 schedule setup has to be read only so TGAwQOQkAZy-00481-00093462-00093676 this is a requirement that filehold has TGAwQOQkAZy-00482-00093677-00093917 a read-only date means that once it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00483-00093918-00094103 been added into the system it cannot be TGAwQOQkAZy-00484-00094104-00094355 modified further so it locks it into TGAwQOQkAZy-00485-00094356-00094535 place now an administrator can always TGAwQOQkAZy-00486-00094536-00094799 change a read-only field but users TGAwQOQkAZy-00487-00094800-00094997 cannot so in order for us to put this TGAwQOQkAZy-00488-00094998-00095249 policy into place we have to make the TGAwQOQkAZy-00489-00095250-00095471 invoice date a read-only field so we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00490-00095472-00095776 going to select that and go save and TGAwQOQkAZy-00491-00095777-00095987 we've now passed that particular test so TGAwQOQkAZy-00492-00095988-00096173 there's a quality check that happens and TGAwQOQkAZy-00493-00096174-00096299 this is one of the things I was saying TGAwQOQkAZy-00494-00096300-00096532 before in the setup period where you TGAwQOQkAZy-00495-00096533-00096706 want to double check the metadata Fields TGAwQOQkAZy-00496-00096707-00096850 have been built in a way that makes TGAwQOQkAZy-00497-00096851-00096994 sense let's go back into the edit here TGAwQOQkAZy-00498-00096995-00097168 you can see I only have one field that's TGAwQOQkAZy-00499-00097169-00097337 a read-only which is the invoice date TGAwQOQkAZy-00500-00097338-00097565 and I'm also going to take off required TGAwQOQkAZy-00501-00097566-00097774 from there just because I want to make TGAwQOQkAZy-00502-00097775-00097888 sure that's actually what we'll leave TGAwQOQkAZy-00503-00097889-00098038 required on for now that should be fine TGAwQOQkAZy-00504-00098039-00098321 so good we've saved that we're good and TGAwQOQkAZy-00505-00098322-00098512 we're going to go back to our list TGAwQOQkAZy-00506-00098513-00098747 there's our list of documents including TGAwQOQkAZy-00507-00098748-00098981 our AP invoices perfect so we've now TGAwQOQkAZy-00508-00098982-00099179 applied our policy we're going to go TGAwQOQkAZy-00509-00099180-00099443 back over to the desktop application and TGAwQOQkAZy-00510-00099444-00099605 we're going to do a refresh because I've TGAwQOQkAZy-00511-00099606-00099791 just changed my policy on the documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00512-00099792-00099971 I want to make sure this reads properly TGAwQOQkAZy-00513-00099972-00100199 so we're going to do refresh think think TGAwQOQkAZy-00514-00100200-00100391 I have a slower system pardon me for TGAwQOQkAZy-00515-00100392-00100618 that there we go we're going to click on TGAwQOQkAZy-00516-00100619-00100859 our document open up the metadata TGAwQOQkAZy-00517-00100860-00101062 and now if we scroll down we should see TGAwQOQkAZy-00518-00101063-00101231 a deletion date onto this so we didn't TGAwQOQkAZy-00519-00101232-00101417 have this before and we can see that TGAwQOQkAZy-00520-00101418-00101567 this document will delete on Saturday TGAwQOQkAZy-00521-00101568-00102035 April 21st 2029 so seven years after the TGAwQOQkAZy-00522-00102036-00102179 policy was put into place we can see TGAwQOQkAZy-00523-00102180-00102478 this document was added on April 21 2022 TGAwQOQkAZy-00524-00102479-00102701 so seven years after that the document TGAwQOQkAZy-00525-00102702-00102940 deletes itself so we've now built a TGAwQOQkAZy-00526-00102941-00103121 retention policy into this and we've TGAwQOQkAZy-00527-00103122-00103439 enforced it using that event metrics in TGAwQOQkAZy-00528-00103440-00103601 order to make sure that this comes TGAwQOQkAZy-00529-00103602-00103792 through now the nice thing about this is TGAwQOQkAZy-00530-00103793-00103960 you know this is a single document any TGAwQOQkAZy-00531-00103961-00104171 of my invoices now that match that TGAwQOQkAZy-00532-00104172-00104416 document type will have that same policy TGAwQOQkAZy-00533-00104417-00104639 into place so now I can scroll down and TGAwQOQkAZy-00534-00104640-00104794 I can see the delete date on this one is TGAwQOQkAZy-00535-00104795-00105052 2028 because I've built that into the TGAwQOQkAZy-00536-00105053-00105233 document TGAwQOQkAZy-00537-00105233-00105436 the advantage of this means I don't have TGAwQOQkAZy-00538-00105438-00105658 to worry about going back and removing TGAwQOQkAZy-00539-00105659-00105863 these documents from the system this is TGAwQOQkAZy-00540-00105864-00106115 going to happen for me now I want to TGAwQOQkAZy-00541-00106116-00106247 have one other quick word here about TGAwQOQkAZy-00542-00106248-00106678 deletion deletion is a is a sort of a TGAwQOQkAZy-00543-00106679-00106907 bit of a term of art that's used within TGAwQOQkAZy-00544-00106908-00107104 a computer system when we think about TGAwQOQkAZy-00545-00107105-00107284 deleting a piece of paper let's just TGAwQOQkAZy-00546-00107285-00107447 think about the physical medium for a TGAwQOQkAZy-00547-00107448-00107651 second if we want to delete that piece TGAwQOQkAZy-00548-00107652-00107819 of paper there's not a lot of options TGAwQOQkAZy-00549-00107820-00107951 that we have typically people do is TGAwQOQkAZy-00550-00107952-00108113 they'll Shred the document and once it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00551-00108114-00108227 shredded it's usually considered TGAwQOQkAZy-00552-00108228-00108431 destroyed now obviously there's software TGAwQOQkAZy-00553-00108432-00108551 technology now they can actually TGAwQOQkAZy-00554-00108552-00108760 reassemble shredded documents that's not TGAwQOQkAZy-00555-00108761-00108965 new but it does mean that we have to TGAwQOQkAZy-00556-00108966-00109090 have a different level of Destruction TGAwQOQkAZy-00557-00109091-00109271 depending on the kind of document that TGAwQOQkAZy-00558-00109272-00109451 we're dealing with here when we talk TGAwQOQkAZy-00559-00109452-00109660 about deleting within filehold we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00560-00109661-00109907 talking about a two-step process so TGAwQOQkAZy-00561-00109908-00110093 whenever we delete a document that TGAwQOQkAZy-00562-00110094-00110284 document will be going to what we call a TGAwQOQkAZy-00563-00110285-00110543 soft delete State now just a word of TGAwQOQkAZy-00564-00110544-00110699 explanation about this we're used to TGAwQOQkAZy-00565-00110700-00110878 sort of in a Windows world when we click TGAwQOQkAZy-00566-00110879-00111083 on a folder or an area we're actually TGAwQOQkAZy-00567-00111083-00111227 looking at the documents themselves TGAwQOQkAZy-00568-00111228-00111436 valves that's not true with file hold TGAwQOQkAZy-00569-00111438-00111658 we're using a client and the client is TGAwQOQkAZy-00570-00111659-00111833 showing us the available document so TGAwQOQkAZy-00571-00111833-00111983 it's showing us the documents that I TGAwQOQkAZy-00572-00111983-00112169 have a right to see in this folder of TGAwQOQkAZy-00573-00112170-00112313 course I'm a system admin so I see TGAwQOQkAZy-00574-00112314-00112577 everything but the point stands the idea TGAwQOQkAZy-00575-00112578-00112769 is that I'm seeing the documents that I TGAwQOQkAZy-00576-00112770-00112990 have access to if I take one of my TGAwQOQkAZy-00577-00112991-00113207 documents and I delete it so we're going TGAwQOQkAZy-00578-00113208-00113399 to right click on that and hit delete or TGAwQOQkAZy-00579-00113400-00113615 I could select my document and if I have TGAwQOQkAZy-00580-00113616-00113777 a right to delete it the delete button TGAwQOQkAZy-00581-00113778-00113897 will turn on TGAwQOQkAZy-00582-00113898-00114065 when I press delete it's going to ask me TGAwQOQkAZy-00583-00114066-00114257 if I want to delete only the specific TGAwQOQkAZy-00584-00114258-00114419 version I've selected so do you want to TGAwQOQkAZy-00585-00114420-00114557 delete the current version or the one TGAwQOQkAZy-00586-00114558-00114797 that I'd selected or do I delete all of TGAwQOQkAZy-00587-00114798-00114886 them TGAwQOQkAZy-00588-00114888-00115060 let's delete all of them and I'm going TGAwQOQkAZy-00589-00115061-00115301 to say OK and the document's no longer TGAwQOQkAZy-00590-00115302-00115445 there now if this was a Windows TGAwQOQkAZy-00591-00115446-00115601 environment I would go over to my TGAwQOQkAZy-00592-00115602-00115775 recycling bin and see the document TGAwQOQkAZy-00593-00115776-00116015 Windows actually moves the document from TGAwQOQkAZy-00594-00116016-00116236 one location to another filehold does TGAwQOQkAZy-00595-00116238-00116447 not do that we simply sever the TGAwQOQkAZy-00596-00116448-00116651 connection between that document and the TGAwQOQkAZy-00597-00116652-00116866 client so it looks like the documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00598-00116867-00117095 disappeared it hasn't it's still within TGAwQOQkAZy-00599-00117096-00117293 the server but I can't see it because TGAwQOQkAZy-00600-00117294-00117551 it's in what we call a soft delete mode TGAwQOQkAZy-00601-00117552-00117778 now if you're an administrator such as a TGAwQOQkAZy-00602-00117779-00118054 system admin I can go into the back end TGAwQOQkAZy-00603-00118055-00118247 so again we're into the web client we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00604-00118248-00118421 into the backend settings we go to TGAwQOQkAZy-00605-00118422-00118601 library management we're going to go to TGAwQOQkAZy-00606-00118602-00118840 recover documents this is effectively TGAwQOQkAZy-00607-00118841-00119075 the recycling bin that we have but in TGAwQOQkAZy-00608-00119076-00119273 this case we simply move those documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00609-00119274-00119477 over to this area and now we're going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00610-00119478-00119663 get rid of these from this we're going TGAwQOQkAZy-00611-00119664-00119897 to now restore the document that we just TGAwQOQkAZy-00612-00119898-00120028 moved over to there so we're going to TGAwQOQkAZy-00613-00120029-00120227 select our document TGAwQOQkAZy-00614-00120228-00120460 and now we're going to recover it now TGAwQOQkAZy-00615-00120461-00120628 that recovering will basically remove it TGAwQOQkAZy-00616-00120629-00120845 from that soft delete State and put it TGAwQOQkAZy-00617-00120846-00120995 back into there these documents will TGAwQOQkAZy-00618-00120996-00121228 stay in this soft delete state for as TGAwQOQkAZy-00619-00121229-00121427 long as my system allows it and we TGAwQOQkAZy-00620-00121428-00121547 control that here under Library TGAwQOQkAZy-00621-00121548-00121804 configuration settings General and TGAwQOQkAZy-00622-00121805-00121966 you'll see at the top here that there is TGAwQOQkAZy-00623-00121967-00122207 a permanent document deletion scheduling TGAwQOQkAZy-00624-00122208-00122416 I have it set to one day because it's a TGAwQOQkAZy-00625-00122417-00122584 test environment if I'm deleting it I TGAwQOQkAZy-00626-00122585-00122740 don't want it to hang around most TGAwQOQkAZy-00627-00122741-00122969 organizations will do 30 days 90 days TGAwQOQkAZy-00628-00122970-00123275 you can go up to as high as 999 days so TGAwQOQkAZy-00629-00123276-00123431 you've got a very long time if you want TGAwQOQkAZy-00630-00123432-00123634 to and that's how long the document will TGAwQOQkAZy-00631-00123635-00123869 stay in that soft delete State until it TGAwQOQkAZy-00632-00123870-00123977 permanently deletes once it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00633-00123978-00124193 permanently deleted you cannot use any TGAwQOQkAZy-00634-00124194-00124390 filehold tools to recover that document TGAwQOQkAZy-00635-00124391-00124649 now in theory a forensic software could TGAwQOQkAZy-00636-00124650-00124828 come in and recover that of course if TGAwQOQkAZy-00637-00124829-00124978 it's an older document it's a fairly TGAwQOQkAZy-00638-00124979-00125134 good chance that piece of the disk space TGAwQOQkAZy-00639-00125135-00125333 will be overwritten that document will TGAwQOQkAZy-00640-00125333-00125536 no longer be available so we want to be TGAwQOQkAZy-00641-00125538-00125675 clear when we talk about delete we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00642-00125676-00125849 not talking about a destruction State TGAwQOQkAZy-00643-00125850-00125999 we're not talking about making these TGAwQOQkAZy-00644-00126000-00126197 documents completely unrecoverable in TGAwQOQkAZy-00645-00126198-00126478 every way what we are talking about is TGAwQOQkAZy-00646-00126479-00126654 making it TGAwQOQkAZy-00647-00126655-00126958 impractical to recover the document and TGAwQOQkAZy-00648-00126959-00127193 in most organizations that meets the TGAwQOQkAZy-00649-00127194-00127378 standard for looking for for document TGAwQOQkAZy-00650-00127379-00127583 deletion that nobody can go in and TGAwQOQkAZy-00651-00127583-00127769 recover that document easily once it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00652-00127770-00128021 done yes you can go you can use a TGAwQOQkAZy-00653-00128022-00128266 specialized software and you can recover TGAwQOQkAZy-00654-00128267-00128464 a shredded document you can scan every TGAwQOQkAZy-00655-00128465-00128627 shred of that run it through the TGAwQOQkAZy-00656-00128628-00128843 software and it can reassemble it that's TGAwQOQkAZy-00657-00128844-00129010 not to say that shredding a document is TGAwQOQkAZy-00658-00129011-00129227 not considered to be a non-secure way of TGAwQOQkAZy-00659-00129228-00129443 disposing of a document it is but we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00660-00129444-00129604 talking about retention policies here we TGAwQOQkAZy-00661-00129605-00129760 want to make sure we're clear we talk TGAwQOQkAZy-00662-00129761-00130025 about deletion it is theoretically TGAwQOQkAZy-00663-00130026-00130240 possible to recover that document it's TGAwQOQkAZy-00664-00130241-00130427 just very impractical that a forensic TGAwQOQkAZy-00665-00130428-00130558 software of some kind because you can't TGAwQOQkAZy-00666-00130559-00130666 get it anymore TGAwQOQkAZy-00667-00130667-00130816 and just to finish the thought we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00668-00130817-00131051 going to go back over to our directory TGAwQOQkAZy-00669-00131052-00131213 over here TGAwQOQkAZy-00670-00131214-00131440 and there's our document recovered and TGAwQOQkAZy-00671-00131441-00131687 if I was to go into this I could right TGAwQOQkAZy-00672-00131688-00131831 click on this view the version history TGAwQOQkAZy-00673-00131832-00132059 or click on the version number and now TGAwQOQkAZy-00674-00132060-00132293 from here I could select my document go TGAwQOQkAZy-00675-00132294-00132521 to the usage of the file and we'll see TGAwQOQkAZy-00676-00132522-00132604 everything that happened there so TGAwQOQkAZy-00677-00132605-00132809 there's my scheduled for deletion and TGAwQOQkAZy-00678-00132810-00132959 there's the document recovered so we TGAwQOQkAZy-00679-00132960-00133121 consider both of those actions so I TGAwQOQkAZy-00680-00133122-00133325 deleted the document but the sysadmin TGAwQOQkAZy-00681-00133326-00133564 user that I was logged in as is when you TGAwQOQkAZy-00682-00133565-00133697 actually did the recovery for them so TGAwQOQkAZy-00683-00133698-00133883 you've got both of those stages TGAwQOQkAZy-00684-00133884-00134111 so we talk about document retention TGAwQOQkAZy-00685-00134112-00134278 policies how I'm going to keep them for TGAwQOQkAZy-00686-00134279-00134507 the default and filehold is to keep TGAwQOQkAZy-00687-00134508-00134723 everything in perpetuity it's your TGAwQOQkAZy-00688-00134724-00134927 system it's your hard drives if you want TGAwQOQkAZy-00689-00134928-00135161 to make them massively large and full of TGAwQOQkAZy-00690-00135162-00135389 documents we totally support that we're TGAwQOQkAZy-00691-00135390-00135539 not saying that you need to purge out TGAwQOQkAZy-00692-00135540-00135725 your documents but there are best TGAwQOQkAZy-00693-00135726-00135964 practices that will help you get towards TGAwQOQkAZy-00694-00135965-00136240 a cleaner uh less packed environment TGAwQOQkAZy-00695-00136241-00136414 where you simply have less documents TGAwQOQkAZy-00696-00136415-00136613 hanging around that you no longer need TGAwQOQkAZy-00697-00136614-00136898 operationally TGU2B1nvHFY-00000-00000062-00000443 says that dreams only hold meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-00001-00000444-00000784 according to their interpretation and TGU2B1nvHFY-00002-00000785-00001054 therefore people have great power to TGU2B1nvHFY-00003-00001055-00001378 not predict but cause what the dream TGU2B1nvHFY-00004-00001379-00001541 will actually portend TGU2B1nvHFY-00005-00001542-00001726 um is that still true today or was it TGU2B1nvHFY-00006-00001727-00001973 only true in MRI at times yeah the TGU2B1nvHFY-00007-00001973-00002207 principal of the gamara says that a TGU2B1nvHFY-00008-00002208-00002610 dream follows the interpretation TGU2B1nvHFY-00009-00002611-00002933 gives you dreams that can have many TGU2B1nvHFY-00010-00002934-00003197 different meanings depending on how they TGU2B1nvHFY-00011-00003198-00003365 are interpreted if they're interpreted a TGU2B1nvHFY-00012-00003365-00003629 positive way they'll be positive if TGU2B1nvHFY-00013-00003629-00003772 they're interpreted in a negative way to TGU2B1nvHFY-00014-00003773-00003935 be negative they are in fact is a whole TGU2B1nvHFY-00015-00003936-00004259 story about a body of a rava that one TGU2B1nvHFY-00016-00004260-00004463 person paid the dream interpreter and TGU2B1nvHFY-00017-00004464-00004619 got all sorts of good interpretations TGU2B1nvHFY-00018-00004620-00004883 and the other person rubber did not pay TGU2B1nvHFY-00019-00004884-00005038 the dream interpreter and had bad TGU2B1nvHFY-00020-00005039-00005327 interpretations and TGU2B1nvHFY-00021-00005328-00005543 that's the rule that however it is TGU2B1nvHFY-00022-00005544-00005704 interpreted will come out one way so the TGU2B1nvHFY-00023-00005705-00005854 question you're asking is is that TGU2B1nvHFY-00024-00005855-00006168 limited to a particular time and place TGU2B1nvHFY-00025-00006169-00006496 and would not apply today or does it TGU2B1nvHFY-00026-00006497-00006737 apply is it an eternal principle I mean TGU2B1nvHFY-00027-00006738-00006964 the pashtis of the gemara is that it is TGU2B1nvHFY-00028-00006965-00007253 something that's bookable even today and TGU2B1nvHFY-00029-00007254-00007463 this goes back to an attitude in that TGU2B1nvHFY-00030-00007464-00007667 Casitas talks a lot about TGU2B1nvHFY-00031-00007668-00007948 uh the power of your thoughts so to TGU2B1nvHFY-00032-00007950-00008117 speak to kind of change the reality TGU2B1nvHFY-00033-00008118-00008285 because that's part of it how do you TGU2B1nvHFY-00034-00008286-00008501 view something do you use something in a TGU2B1nvHFY-00035-00008502-00008717 positive way or a negative way and that TGU2B1nvHFY-00036-00008718-00009028 affects how the spiritual energy gets TGU2B1nvHFY-00037-00009029-00009173 translated TGU2B1nvHFY-00038-00009174-00009359 but there have to you know there are TGU2B1nvHFY-00039-00009360-00009533 going to be limits meaning to say it has TGU2B1nvHFY-00040-00009534-00009664 to be what's called a reasonable TGU2B1nvHFY-00041-00009665-00009928 interpretation meaning if uh God forbid TGU2B1nvHFY-00042-00009929-00010109 somebody had a dream TGU2B1nvHFY-00043-00010110-00010510 of a violent decapitation and somebody TGU2B1nvHFY-00044-00010511-00010751 said oh that means uh you're going to TGU2B1nvHFY-00045-00010752-00010901 get a promotion at work or something you TGU2B1nvHFY-00046-00010902-00011159 know it wouldn't be it wouldn't be TGU2B1nvHFY-00047-00011160-00011351 within the realm of reasonable TGU2B1nvHFY-00048-00011352-00011513 interpretation so it's only when it TGU2B1nvHFY-00049-00011514-00011753 could go both ways sometimes Hashem TGU2B1nvHFY-00050-00011754-00011999 sends you an unambiguous message that TGU2B1nvHFY-00051-00012000-00012178 can only have one meaning now the other TGU2B1nvHFY-00052-00012179-00012455 thing to keep in mind though is that all TGU2B1nvHFY-00053-00012456-00012635 of this is only referring to the part of TGU2B1nvHFY-00054-00012636-00012874 the dream that's true because I'll say TGU2B1nvHFY-00055-00012875-00013186 just as it is impossible to have any TGU2B1nvHFY-00056-00013187-00013379 grain without chaff TGU2B1nvHFY-00057-00013380-00013601 so in every dream there will be many TGU2B1nvHFY-00058-00013602-00013780 many aspects of the dream that are just TGU2B1nvHFY-00059-00013781-00014008 garbage so your whole question about TGU2B1nvHFY-00060-00014009-00014266 weather interpretation gives you a good TGU2B1nvHFY-00061-00014268-00014513 result or a bad result is only on the TGU2B1nvHFY-00062-00014513-00014729 credit of the dream that is directly TGU2B1nvHFY-00063-00014730-00014933 from God and a great deal of the dream TGU2B1nvHFY-00064-00014934-00015305 is is not from Hashem and as a result we TGU2B1nvHFY-00065-00015306-00015521 often don't know what to make of of TGU2B1nvHFY-00066-00015522-00015721 Dreams TGU2B1nvHFY-00067-00015722-00015941 you know according to the gemara if a TGU2B1nvHFY-00068-00015941-00016121 person had a what looks like a bad dream TGU2B1nvHFY-00069-00016122-00016366 and they're worried there actually is a TGU2B1nvHFY-00070-00016368-00016708 Kiev to fast uh this is called a fast of TGU2B1nvHFY-00071-00016709-00017021 a dream a Tinus Shalom and that's such TGU2B1nvHFY-00072-00017022-00017267 an important thing that even if you had TGU2B1nvHFY-00073-00017268-00017525 the dream Friday night or Thursday the TGU2B1nvHFY-00074-00017526-00018119 age you confess that even on Shabbos but TGU2B1nvHFY-00075-00018120-00018394 then you have to fast during the week TGU2B1nvHFY-00076-00018395-00018617 for the sin of fasting and Shabbos it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00077-00018618-00018917 a very strange rule you're allowed to TGU2B1nvHFY-00078-00018918-00019139 fast for a Tinus Shalom but you still TGU2B1nvHFY-00079-00019140-00019499 have to get a capora for fasting today TGU2B1nvHFY-00080-00019500-00019835 we tend not to encourage fasting TGU2B1nvHFY-00081-00019836-00020117 simply because we're a weaker generation TGU2B1nvHFY-00082-00020118-00020429 and when we fast our kavana is not as TGU2B1nvHFY-00083-00020430-00020657 good in davening in our concentration TGU2B1nvHFY-00084-00020658-00020927 and learning is not so good so we would TGU2B1nvHFY-00085-00020928-00021191 generally steer people away from fasting TGU2B1nvHFY-00086-00021192-00021364 but there is a ceremony I think the TGU2B1nvHFY-00087-00021365-00021550 article Center may have it maybe the TGU2B1nvHFY-00088-00021551-00021750 newer Edition TGU2B1nvHFY-00089-00021751-00022014 where you stand in front of Sagittarius TGU2B1nvHFY-00090-00022015-00022277 you stand in front of three people and TGU2B1nvHFY-00091-00022278-00022355 you TGU2B1nvHFY-00092-00022356-00022594 declare something that you had a dream TGU2B1nvHFY-00093-00022595-00022949 and they kind of annul the dream and TGU2B1nvHFY-00094-00022950-00023333 they matter it similarly you may recall TGU2B1nvHFY-00095-00023334-00023591 that from your hutzler its days that TGU2B1nvHFY-00096-00023592-00023741 actually it's in a city although we TGU2B1nvHFY-00097-00023742-00023878 don't we don't say it here in Erich TGU2B1nvHFY-00098-00023879-00024197 Israel that in birkas calling him uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00099-00024198-00024461 when the kohanim finish each at least TGU2B1nvHFY-00100-00024462-00024763 the first two took him TGU2B1nvHFY-00101-00024764-00025114 right so so before they say they sing TGU2B1nvHFY-00102-00025115-00025325 right uh right they sing a little bit TGU2B1nvHFY-00103-00025326-00025528 and you're supposed to say something TGU2B1nvHFY-00104-00025529-00025775 that's in the sitter and this is a TGU2B1nvHFY-00105-00025776-00025996 prayer that starts with the words ribono TGU2B1nvHFY-00106-00025997-00026320 shell Olam that is asking Hashem to turn TGU2B1nvHFY-00107-00026322-00026668 all of your dreams into good dreams and TGU2B1nvHFY-00108-00026669-00026945 that is said after the first pasok or TGU2B1nvHFY-00109-00026945-00027101 you know before the kohanan finished the TGU2B1nvHFY-00110-00027102-00027407 first pasok that is said before they TGU2B1nvHFY-00111-00027408-00027635 finish the second public for the third TGU2B1nvHFY-00112-00027636-00028037 prasuk there is another prayer but the TGU2B1nvHFY-00113-00028038-00028217 Gras says that that's not right you TGU2B1nvHFY-00114-00028218-00028355 should say the rebonish love them for TGU2B1nvHFY-00115-00028356-00028589 all three so the gemaran saita already TGU2B1nvHFY-00116-00028589-00028901 says that a segulla to turn bad dreams TGU2B1nvHFY-00117-00028902-00029249 into good dreams is to recite each Fila TGU2B1nvHFY-00118-00029250-00029440 when the kohanim were giving you Abraham TGU2B1nvHFY-00119-00029441-00029885 now inherit Israel we don't do that we TGU2B1nvHFY-00120-00029886-00030090 don't say the ribonacial of them TGU2B1nvHFY-00121-00030091-00030311 uh part of it is because we're doing TGU2B1nvHFY-00122-00030312-00030551 every day so if you're looking every day TGU2B1nvHFY-00123-00030552-00030851 you don't assume that every day somebody TGU2B1nvHFY-00124-00030852-00031102 has a bad dream but this actually TGU2B1nvHFY-00125-00031104-00031427 explains the Minogue a little bit why on TGU2B1nvHFY-00126-00031427-00031831 on yamchasef TGU2B1nvHFY-00127-00031832-00032146 reducing it's interesting you may I mean TGU2B1nvHFY-00128-00032147-00032261 some people do some people don't but TGU2B1nvHFY-00129-00032262-00032423 there is a marker because the idea would TGU2B1nvHFY-00130-00032424-00032711 be that between yamchief and yams if TGU2B1nvHFY-00131-00032712-00032890 people probably had bad dreams and TGU2B1nvHFY-00132-00032891-00033118 therefore we want to cover it there but TGU2B1nvHFY-00133-00033119-00033340 used during the week we do not say the TGU2B1nvHFY-00134-00033341-00033635 rebanish alone so if you have a bad TGU2B1nvHFY-00135-00033636-00033857 dream and you're worried about it you TGU2B1nvHFY-00136-00033858-00034121 should do the hatabas column that's in TGU2B1nvHFY-00137-00034122-00034349 the Arts growth Center yeah here's TGU2B1nvHFY-00138-00034350-00034577 ascendant can you explain that the TGU2B1nvHFY-00139-00034578-00034751 history and background of the Black TGU2B1nvHFY-00140-00034752-00034945 Hebrew Israelite movement and ideology TGU2B1nvHFY-00141-00034946-00035315 what would be an adherence status TGU2B1nvHFY-00142-00035316-00035633 yeah the question is can I explain uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00143-00035634-00035771 the history in the background of the TGU2B1nvHFY-00144-00035772-00035987 Black Hebrew ideology TGU2B1nvHFY-00145-00035988-00036202 um I I cannot fully explain I'd have to TGU2B1nvHFY-00146-00036203-00036467 research a little bit but basically this TGU2B1nvHFY-00147-00036468-00036761 is a totally different scenario than TGU2B1nvHFY-00148-00036762-00037043 other groups of black Jews such as TGU2B1nvHFY-00149-00037044-00037218 Ethiopians when you talk about let's say TGU2B1nvHFY-00150-00037219-00037511 Ethiopian Jews you are definitely TGU2B1nvHFY-00151-00037512-00037690 talking about people TGU2B1nvHFY-00152-00037691-00037937 who at least initially had Jewish TGU2B1nvHFY-00153-00037938-00038159 descent going back to their advis their TGU2B1nvHFY-00154-00038160-00038423 advis was a great great postek in the TGU2B1nvHFY-00155-00038424-00038609 time of the bay show safe and he TGU2B1nvHFY-00156-00038610-00038974 identified the Ethiopian Jews then as TGU2B1nvHFY-00157-00038975-00039173 being descendants of the tribe of done TGU2B1nvHFY-00158-00039174-00039468 from the Exile of the ten tribes now TGU2B1nvHFY-00159-00039469-00039767 whether or not they maintained that TGU2B1nvHFY-00160-00039768-00039857 status TGU2B1nvHFY-00161-00039858-00040055 or whether there was intermarriage or TGU2B1nvHFY-00162-00040056-00040187 the like that's a Hawaii question TGU2B1nvHFY-00163-00040188-00040505 meaning some say the the Ethiopian Jews TGU2B1nvHFY-00164-00040506-00040751 have to undergo a conversion TGU2B1nvHFY-00165-00040752-00040961 others say they didn't have to undergo a TGU2B1nvHFY-00166-00040962-00041123 conversion but at least when you're TGU2B1nvHFY-00167-00041124-00041339 dealing with the Ethiopian Jews you are TGU2B1nvHFY-00168-00041340-00041705 dealing with a genuine claim to Jewish TGU2B1nvHFY-00169-00041706-00042017 lineage that's one group of black Jews TGU2B1nvHFY-00170-00042018-00042196 but when you're dealing with the black TGU2B1nvHFY-00171-00042197-00042389 Hebrews and the like you're essentially TGU2B1nvHFY-00172-00042390-00042671 dealing with pseudo theories that TGU2B1nvHFY-00173-00042672-00042851 originally all the Jews were black and TGU2B1nvHFY-00174-00042852-00043024 you know Moses was black and what TGU2B1nvHFY-00175-00043025-00043435 happened was that the white uh European TGU2B1nvHFY-00176-00043436-00043702 khazars or whatever it is came in and TGU2B1nvHFY-00177-00043703-00043918 took over the religion and hijacked the TGU2B1nvHFY-00178-00043919-00044273 religion and they're not the real Jews TGU2B1nvHFY-00179-00044274-00044471 listen at that point you're dealing with TGU2B1nvHFY-00180-00044472-00044693 kind of conspiracy theories I don't want TGU2B1nvHFY-00181-00044694-00044818 to say lunatically I don't have anybody TGU2B1nvHFY-00182-00044819-00045058 lunatic but it's very very different so TGU2B1nvHFY-00183-00045059-00045257 you should not lump TGU2B1nvHFY-00184-00045258-00045611 black Jewish populations uh in the same TGU2B1nvHFY-00185-00045612-00045911 basket some have genuine authentic TGU2B1nvHFY-00186-00045912-00046258 claims to Jewish lineage others are kind TGU2B1nvHFY-00187-00046259-00046474 of anti-Semitic in the sense that the TGU2B1nvHFY-00188-00046475-00046780 white so-called white Jew is the devil TGU2B1nvHFY-00189-00046781-00047062 uh because he's not authentic and we TGU2B1nvHFY-00190-00047063-00047218 don't really give it any any Credence TGU2B1nvHFY-00191-00047219-00047411 again if you want to just get some TGU2B1nvHFY-00192-00047412-00047596 history of it I mean a place like TGU2B1nvHFY-00193-00047597-00047789 Wikipedia which would probably give you TGU2B1nvHFY-00194-00047790-00047951 a good overview TGU2B1nvHFY-00195-00047952-00048185 of that but I can look into it a little TGU2B1nvHFY-00196-00048186-00048383 bit more but as I say TGU2B1nvHFY-00197-00048384-00048635 all of these movements that claim that TGU2B1nvHFY-00198-00048636-00048874 white people are not the original Jews I TGU2B1nvHFY-00199-00048875-00049037 I think we would consider to be a TGU2B1nvHFY-00200-00049038-00049229 fraudulent claim yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-00201-00049230-00049552 so these days uh when people say they're TGU2B1nvHFY-00202-00049553-00049768 going to do something or they plan on TGU2B1nvHFY-00203-00049769-00049973 doing something it's commonplace to say TGU2B1nvHFY-00204-00049974-00050195 bleed Netter afterwards TGU2B1nvHFY-00205-00050196-00050602 um but uh is that like the idea of TGU2B1nvHFY-00206-00050603-00050723 making a Netter is a much more TGU2B1nvHFY-00207-00050724-00051112 complicated you know promise to oneself TGU2B1nvHFY-00208-00051113-00051394 or to others so like are people misusing TGU2B1nvHFY-00209-00051395-00051623 the phrase bully net right so the TGU2B1nvHFY-00210-00051624-00051742 question is again people ask me to TGU2B1nvHFY-00211-00051744-00051916 repeat the question that the common TGU2B1nvHFY-00212-00051917-00052157 phrase if you're a religious Jew you say TGU2B1nvHFY-00213-00052158-00052396 I'll meet you tomorrow at 10 o'clock and TGU2B1nvHFY-00214-00052397-00052625 you add the words Believe It Or Without TGU2B1nvHFY-00215-00052626-00052732 a vow TGU2B1nvHFY-00216-00052733-00052913 now the question will be let's say you TGU2B1nvHFY-00217-00052914-00053099 didn't say bully Netter would you be TGU2B1nvHFY-00218-00053100-00053249 bound by another so the truth of the TGU2B1nvHFY-00219-00053250-00053573 matter is you're actually 100 correct uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00220-00053574-00053699 you don't have to say believe another TGU2B1nvHFY-00221-00053700-00053944 you just have to be careful to say not TGU2B1nvHFY-00222-00053945-00054185 to make it another meaning a normal TGU2B1nvHFY-00223-00054186-00054473 statement that does not say it is a TGU2B1nvHFY-00224-00054474-00054803 nether or a shavua is not a Netter or a TGU2B1nvHFY-00225-00054804-00055037 sure so you don't need the lien Editor TGU2B1nvHFY-00226-00055038-00055361 to negate negate that however there may TGU2B1nvHFY-00227-00055362-00055576 be some exceptions so for example if you TGU2B1nvHFY-00228-00055577-00055744 make a statement if you're going to do a TGU2B1nvHFY-00229-00055745-00055882 mitzvah TGU2B1nvHFY-00230-00055883-00056038 you know I'm going to go to chakras TGU2B1nvHFY-00231-00056039-00056188 tomorrow I'm going to get up because TGU2B1nvHFY-00232-00056189-00056447 tomorrow and maybe that's where the TGU2B1nvHFY-00233-00056448-00056644 Habit started so according to that a TGU2B1nvHFY-00234-00056645-00056915 Kabbalah an acceptance to do a Mitzvah TGU2B1nvHFY-00235-00056916-00057071 might have the status of a Netter TGU2B1nvHFY-00236-00057072-00057203 immediately TGU2B1nvHFY-00237-00057204-00057491 so it could be I'm just speculating that TGU2B1nvHFY-00238-00057491-00057707 the historical origin for everybody to TGU2B1nvHFY-00239-00057708-00057863 say Berlinetta is because they heard TGU2B1nvHFY-00240-00057864-00058019 their rebaum who would say something TGU2B1nvHFY-00241-00058020-00058288 like I'll be at chakras tomorrow morning TGU2B1nvHFY-00242-00058289-00058588 bully Netter so they translated that to TGU2B1nvHFY-00243-00058589-00058830 me and I'll meet you at the pizza place TGU2B1nvHFY-00244-00058832-00059092 even though saying you're going to be a TGU2B1nvHFY-00245-00059094-00059392 chakras may require a Believer not to TGU2B1nvHFY-00246-00059394-00059615 make it a Netter saying I'll meet you at TGU2B1nvHFY-00247-00059616-00059753 the pizza place does not require a TGU2B1nvHFY-00248-00059754-00059926 Believer so I think that would be the TGU2B1nvHFY-00249-00059927-00060191 difference yeah so in order to upload to TGU2B1nvHFY-00250-00060191-00060442 a large language model AI all the Hello TGU2B1nvHFY-00251-00060444-00060575 literature including all the challenge TGU2B1nvHFY-00252-00060576-00060761 Troopers firm everything I'm sorry you TGU2B1nvHFY-00253-00060762-00060904 said somebody did it or killed it could TGU2B1nvHFY-00254-00060905-00061109 somebody if somebody would yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-00255-00061110-00061211 yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-00256-00061212-00061391 we'd be able to ask it at least the TGU2B1nvHFY-00257-00061391-00061632 basic header History questions TGU2B1nvHFY-00258-00061633-00061900 yeah so so I yeah the question would be TGU2B1nvHFY-00259-00061901-00062087 that if at the point and of course it'll TGU2B1nvHFY-00260-00062088-00062297 happen no question it'll happen at the TGU2B1nvHFY-00261-00062298-00062476 point at which all the existing TGU2B1nvHFY-00262-00062477-00062711 literature will somehow be uploaded to TGU2B1nvHFY-00263-00062712-00062957 the AI or the AI program will have TGU2B1nvHFY-00264-00062958-00063244 access to it would we be able to ask TGU2B1nvHFY-00265-00063245-00063730 shylus to AI right the artificial Rabbi TGU2B1nvHFY-00266-00063732-00064126 uh so so to speak so I'm gonna give you TGU2B1nvHFY-00267-00064127-00064294 two answers to that question one answer TGU2B1nvHFY-00268-00064295-00064565 is the is the short-term answer the TGU2B1nvHFY-00269-00064566-00064799 long-term answer is more complicated the TGU2B1nvHFY-00270-00064800-00065063 short-term answer is that there's a lot TGU2B1nvHFY-00271-00065064-00065344 more bugs in the AI chat rooms than we TGU2B1nvHFY-00272-00065345-00065513 think there are I mean it comes up with TGU2B1nvHFY-00273-00065514-00065905 sometimes mamash erroneous information TGU2B1nvHFY-00274-00065906-00066209 misattributions uh things that are you TGU2B1nvHFY-00275-00066210-00066419 know lies again I mean obviously the AI TGU2B1nvHFY-00276-00066420-00066623 itself is not lying in a conscious way TGU2B1nvHFY-00277-00066624-00066931 so at the short-term answer is right now TGU2B1nvHFY-00278-00066932-00067169 you really cannot really rely on the TGU2B1nvHFY-00279-00067170-00067355 accuracy for something as important as TGU2B1nvHFY-00280-00067356-00067606 or for anything important in life you TGU2B1nvHFY-00281-00067607-00067763 know should I get brain surgery let's TGU2B1nvHFY-00282-00067764-00067967 ask the AI you know I I wouldn't do it TGU2B1nvHFY-00283-00067968-00068261 because as a matter of fact a lot of the TGU2B1nvHFY-00284-00068262-00068459 stuff is inaccurate and I don't know TGU2B1nvHFY-00285-00068460-00068656 exactly how this works but sometimes TGU2B1nvHFY-00286-00068657-00068885 sources are made up I don't understand TGU2B1nvHFY-00287-00068886-00069215 the process I'm not a techie per se but TGU2B1nvHFY-00288-00069216-00069449 somebody showed me examples where there TGU2B1nvHFY-00289-00069450-00069653 were footnotes and sources to TGU2B1nvHFY-00290-00069654-00069935 information that didn't even exist I TGU2B1nvHFY-00291-00069936-00070235 don't know how that happens now TGU2B1nvHFY-00292-00070236-00070409 that's an easy answer I can tell you TGU2B1nvHFY-00293-00070410-00070565 right now it's just not accurate but the TGU2B1nvHFY-00294-00070566-00070750 truth is that's not a long-term answer TGU2B1nvHFY-00295-00070751-00071032 to this because the AI is going to get TGU2B1nvHFY-00296-00071033-00071188 better and better and better and it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00297-00071189-00071321 going to get more accurate you can't TGU2B1nvHFY-00298-00071322-00071621 deny it just to say it's not accurate TGU2B1nvHFY-00299-00071622-00071867 might explain why I shouldn't ask it a TGU2B1nvHFY-00300-00071868-00072029 Shyla now TGU2B1nvHFY-00301-00072030-00072475 but in 10 years or 15 years why not TGU2B1nvHFY-00302-00072476-00072706 is not here TGU2B1nvHFY-00303-00072707-00072959 so the long-term answer would have to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00304-00072960-00073259 what is the nature of sakalaka now on TGU2B1nvHFY-00305-00073260-00073438 that I might say that it may very well TGU2B1nvHFY-00306-00073439-00073721 be that AI might at some point not now TGU2B1nvHFY-00307-00073722-00073943 not now at some point may be very TGU2B1nvHFY-00308-00073944-00074159 suitable for basic questions the same TGU2B1nvHFY-00309-00074160-00074344 way that Google might be suitable for TGU2B1nvHFY-00310-00074345-00074549 basic questions I mean it's it works a TGU2B1nvHFY-00311-00074550-00074669 little differently than Google but it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00312-00074670-00074879 the same idea you know um TGU2B1nvHFY-00313-00074880-00075226 uh whatever it is uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00314-00075227-00075869 if I yeah what time is uh or uh do I uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00315-00075870-00076121 if I can't uh do all of sukita zimra TGU2B1nvHFY-00316-00076122-00076306 what is the order of what I skip TGU2B1nvHFY-00317-00076307-00076571 okay I can do a Google Search and I can TGU2B1nvHFY-00318-00076572-00076865 do an AI at some point again not now TGU2B1nvHFY-00319-00076866-00077123 but once we get into things that are TGU2B1nvHFY-00320-00077124-00077299 complicated TGU2B1nvHFY-00321-00077300-00077638 is both an art and a science it TGU2B1nvHFY-00322-00077639-00077819 evaluates information TGU2B1nvHFY-00323-00077820-00078059 but it has to apply the information to TGU2B1nvHFY-00324-00078060-00078299 new situations and that requires a TGU2B1nvHFY-00325-00078300-00078550 certain aspect of human sensitivity of TGU2B1nvHFY-00326-00078551-00078803 understanding the individual situation TGU2B1nvHFY-00327-00078804-00079000 of the one asking the question TGU2B1nvHFY-00328-00079001-00079312 and although I do have a fear that at TGU2B1nvHFY-00329-00079313-00079499 some point artificial intelligence may TGU2B1nvHFY-00330-00079500-00079667 even hit that TGU2B1nvHFY-00331-00079668-00079955 but right now many say it will never TGU2B1nvHFY-00332-00079956-00080212 reach that particular level so I would TGU2B1nvHFY-00333-00080213-00080471 be very very reluctant now of course one TGU2B1nvHFY-00334-00080472-00080681 could say well as a rabbi I have a TGU2B1nvHFY-00335-00080682-00080819 conflict of interest right of course I TGU2B1nvHFY-00336-00080820-00081011 don't want to I don't want to put rabbis TGU2B1nvHFY-00337-00081012-00081226 out of business but I think it's an TGU2B1nvHFY-00338-00081227-00081425 honest statement that there will have to TGU2B1nvHFY-00339-00081426-00081673 be a certain human subjective TGU2B1nvHFY-00340-00081674-00081982 emotional interpersonal and interactive TGU2B1nvHFY-00341-00081983-00082217 elements in fact if you think about this TGU2B1nvHFY-00342-00082218-00082375 this is a very interesting TGU2B1nvHFY-00343-00082376-00082535 analogy TGU2B1nvHFY-00344-00082536-00082750 you know people ask the question why did TGU2B1nvHFY-00345-00082751-00083032 God create a system of the written Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-00346-00083033-00083249 and the oral Torah why didn't God just TGU2B1nvHFY-00347-00083250-00083585 put everything in the book to begin with TGU2B1nvHFY-00348-00083586-00083867 right now why is there such a thing as TGU2B1nvHFY-00349-00083868-00084119 an oral law that was not written down TGU2B1nvHFY-00350-00084120-00084353 for a long time and one of the TGU2B1nvHFY-00351-00084354-00084706 explanations is that information that's TGU2B1nvHFY-00352-00084707-00085019 simply in a book TGU2B1nvHFY-00353-00085020-00085325 does not express the total TGU2B1nvHFY-00354-00085326-00085541 picture in terms of human interaction TGU2B1nvHFY-00355-00085542-00085762 when you have an oral tradition you have TGU2B1nvHFY-00356-00085763-00085955 to go to somebody and you have to TGU2B1nvHFY-00357-00085956-00086176 interact so it's very very interesting TGU2B1nvHFY-00358-00086177-00086479 that in a sense we are kind of reliving TGU2B1nvHFY-00359-00086480-00086825 the very need to distinguish the oral TGU2B1nvHFY-00360-00086826-00087011 law and the written law when you're TGU2B1nvHFY-00361-00087012-00087288 talking what can I ask AI program TGU2B1nvHFY-00362-00087289-00087611 right so um that's what I would say TGU2B1nvHFY-00363-00087612-00087761 believe but it's very complicated I I TGU2B1nvHFY-00364-00087762-00087953 think I've said already before TGU2B1nvHFY-00365-00087954-00088337 that um AI scares me a lot it scares me TGU2B1nvHFY-00366-00088338-00088487 a lot because TGU2B1nvHFY-00367-00088488-00088876 it really makes us think about what is TGU2B1nvHFY-00368-00088877-00089075 different about a human being than a TGU2B1nvHFY-00369-00089076-00089194 machine TGU2B1nvHFY-00370-00089195-00089441 you know what is the difference what is TGU2B1nvHFY-00371-00089442-00089806 unique about human thoughts and human TGU2B1nvHFY-00372-00089807-00090149 communication that is not replicable TGU2B1nvHFY-00373-00090150-00090335 and that raises some really really TGU2B1nvHFY-00374-00090336-00091331 fundamental difficult questions yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-00375-00091332-00091612 at certain times let's say I'm in uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00376-00091613-00091961 shwanna essary and prayers are coming up TGU2B1nvHFY-00377-00091962-00092068 I know there's certain things you can TGU2B1nvHFY-00378-00092069-00092273 say but throughout dominating all five TGU2B1nvHFY-00379-00092274-00092567 behind and we'll get to uh kadish and TGU2B1nvHFY-00380-00092568-00092765 during the Kadesh TGU2B1nvHFY-00381-00092766-00093076 um if I wait the whole time each time TGU2B1nvHFY-00382-00093077-00093275 Cottage comes up I'm gonna fall 30 TGU2B1nvHFY-00383-00093276-00093473 minutes 40 minutes behind something like TGU2B1nvHFY-00384-00093474-00093581 that TGU2B1nvHFY-00385-00093582-00093815 what would you recommend is the best way TGU2B1nvHFY-00386-00093816-00093943 to TGU2B1nvHFY-00387-00093944-00094271 catch up for governing get respect um TGU2B1nvHFY-00388-00094272-00094517 yeah so the question becomes uh if TGU2B1nvHFY-00389-00094518-00094715 somebody is a little slower than the TGU2B1nvHFY-00390-00094716-00094973 kahau and as a result they're they're TGU2B1nvHFY-00391-00094974-00095303 behind uh if they have to stop every TGU2B1nvHFY-00392-00095304-00095621 time akadesh is recited the best TGU2B1nvHFY-00393-00095622-00095812 procedure is actually to stop darving TGU2B1nvHFY-00394-00095813-00096011 until the kadish is finished so you're TGU2B1nvHFY-00395-00096012-00096215 answering the kaddish but the problem is TGU2B1nvHFY-00396-00096216-00096425 you're building up your deficit of how TGU2B1nvHFY-00397-00096426-00096653 far behind you are so with all of the TGU2B1nvHFY-00398-00096654-00096965 kaddishes you're really going to fall TGU2B1nvHFY-00399-00096966-00097253 very very far behind so I think under TGU2B1nvHFY-00400-00097254-00097475 those circumstances you have to be a TGU2B1nvHFY-00401-00097476-00097762 little lenient in stopping for the TGU2B1nvHFY-00402-00097763-00097955 entire recitation of kadish meaning to TGU2B1nvHFY-00403-00097956-00098231 say you will stop to answer what you TGU2B1nvHFY-00404-00098232-00098353 have to answer TGU2B1nvHFY-00405-00098354-00098615 of course you have to answer kylish or TGU2B1nvHFY-00406-00098616-00098735 if you're in a place where you're not TGU2B1nvHFY-00407-00098736-00098861 allowed to answer at least you have to TGU2B1nvHFY-00408-00098862-00099149 be quiet and have Cabana to say those TGU2B1nvHFY-00409-00099150-00099467 words but other than that I I think you TGU2B1nvHFY-00410-00099468-00099617 would have rashus TGU2B1nvHFY-00411-00099618-00099947 to continue your domining during the TGU2B1nvHFY-00412-00099948-00100187 remainder of the recitation of kadish TGU2B1nvHFY-00413-00100188-00100385 right so that's basically out of TGU2B1nvHFY-00414-00100386-00100582 necessity you would be more lenient in TGU2B1nvHFY-00415-00100583-00100956 that way TGU2B1nvHFY-00416-00100957-00101212 I believe I asked you do anything last TGU2B1nvHFY-00417-00101213-00101435 time let's say for example I'm debating TGU2B1nvHFY-00418-00101436-00101753 between job and jabi and I get like a TGU2B1nvHFY-00419-00101754-00101873 son like I don't know something in the TGU2B1nvHFY-00420-00101874-00102100 mail or something something like chances TGU2B1nvHFY-00421-00102101-00102388 up that happens to suggest on job a TGU2B1nvHFY-00422-00102389-00102647 or let's say I'm debating hypothetically TGU2B1nvHFY-00423-00102648-00102982 to have fruit a or fruit B for lunch and TGU2B1nvHFY-00424-00102983-00103216 I flip a coin the coin suggests that I TGU2B1nvHFY-00425-00103217-00103444 should have fruit AIDS therefore be or TGU2B1nvHFY-00426-00103445-00103589 even less than the being between like a TGU2B1nvHFY-00427-00103590-00103739 major decision and just keep on getting TGU2B1nvHFY-00428-00103740-00103990 like these signs that clearly suggest I TGU2B1nvHFY-00429-00103991-00104201 should go with this route over that and TGU2B1nvHFY-00430-00104202-00104536 they're like they're clear signs TGU2B1nvHFY-00431-00104538-00104842 should I take those signs TGU2B1nvHFY-00432-00104843-00105215 um into my actual decision process right TGU2B1nvHFY-00433-00105216-00105534 so the question here is what people call TGU2B1nvHFY-00434-00105535-00105778 signs or Omens TGU2B1nvHFY-00435-00105779-00106054 from heaven right you're deciding just TGU2B1nvHFY-00436-00106055-00106258 to take your example should I take job a TGU2B1nvHFY-00437-00106259-00106504 or job B and then I get like TGU2B1nvHFY-00438-00106505-00106697 advertisements or something I mentioned TGU2B1nvHFY-00439-00106698-00107002 John jab a over and over again flipping TGU2B1nvHFY-00440-00107003-00107345 a coin Omens now what's interesting is TGU2B1nvHFY-00441-00107346-00107566 the Torah generally says TGU2B1nvHFY-00442-00107567-00107758 that you're not supposed to rely on TGU2B1nvHFY-00443-00107759-00107975 Omens or signs they're considered to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00444-00107976-00108233 superstitious they might be connected to TGU2B1nvHFY-00445-00108233-00108533 to avoidazara and the gemara asks the TGU2B1nvHFY-00446-00108533-00108773 question what about Eliezer Eliezer TGU2B1nvHFY-00447-00108774-00109025 avraham's servant what did he do he set TGU2B1nvHFY-00448-00109026-00109271 up a test that the woman that says I TGU2B1nvHFY-00449-00109272-00109510 will give you and your camel's water TGU2B1nvHFY-00450-00109511-00109723 but the answer is that's very different TGU2B1nvHFY-00451-00109724-00110002 Eliezer was not operating out of Omens TGU2B1nvHFY-00452-00110003-00110207 every Eleazar was operating out of a TGU2B1nvHFY-00453-00110208-00110452 test of character meaning to say this TGU2B1nvHFY-00454-00110453-00110621 wasn't a magical thing if he would have TGU2B1nvHFY-00455-00110622-00110945 said uh the first woman I meet is the TGU2B1nvHFY-00456-00110946-00111089 one that's supposed to marry it's hooked TGU2B1nvHFY-00457-00111090-00111208 that would have been in Omen and that TGU2B1nvHFY-00458-00111209-00111478 would not be permitted but if he says TGU2B1nvHFY-00459-00111479-00111658 the woman that offers me water and my TGU2B1nvHFY-00460-00111659-00111778 camel's water TGU2B1nvHFY-00461-00111779-00112007 that's that's a logical standard that's TGU2B1nvHFY-00462-00112008-00112265 a test of loving kindness so generally TGU2B1nvHFY-00463-00112266-00112547 speaking therefore the only signs you TGU2B1nvHFY-00464-00112548-00112823 should look at are signs that that TGU2B1nvHFY-00465-00112824-00113045 pertain to the logic of the position so TGU2B1nvHFY-00466-00113046-00113297 for example if you're at masupa whether TGU2B1nvHFY-00467-00113298-00113573 to take one job or the other job and you TGU2B1nvHFY-00468-00113574-00113813 start hearing stories about how people TGU2B1nvHFY-00469-00113814-00114113 were laid off in job B and the working TGU2B1nvHFY-00470-00114114-00114281 conditions were bad but you hear good TGU2B1nvHFY-00471-00114282-00114460 things about job a TGU2B1nvHFY-00472-00114461-00114647 it might be reasonable to say that maybe TGU2B1nvHFY-00473-00114648-00114823 Hashem wants me to get this information TGU2B1nvHFY-00474-00114824-00115121 so I should use it in the evaluation of TGU2B1nvHFY-00475-00115122-00115451 my decision but it has to be related to TGU2B1nvHFY-00476-00115452-00115678 something that's logical through the TGU2B1nvHFY-00477-00115679-00115895 decision as opposed to magical one TGU2B1nvHFY-00478-00115896-00116201 should generally avoid magical thinking TGU2B1nvHFY-00479-00116202-00116369 now TGU2B1nvHFY-00480-00116370-00116554 let me give you a little example where TGU2B1nvHFY-00481-00116555-00116758 you may go the other way let's imagine TGU2B1nvHFY-00482-00116759-00116933 something like this TGU2B1nvHFY-00483-00116933-00117328 every time you try to call somebody in TGU2B1nvHFY-00484-00117329-00117454 job a TGU2B1nvHFY-00485-00117455-00117760 you get disconnected or the phone breaks TGU2B1nvHFY-00486-00117761-00118078 or your cell phone dies and you just TGU2B1nvHFY-00487-00118079-00118228 can't reach them TGU2B1nvHFY-00488-00118229-00118510 and every time you want to talk to job B TGU2B1nvHFY-00489-00118511-00118775 you reach them very easily TGU2B1nvHFY-00490-00118776-00118919 now that's a little different because TGU2B1nvHFY-00491-00118920-00119140 there I think you may have you know God TGU2B1nvHFY-00492-00119141-00119310 is kind of telling you TGU2B1nvHFY-00493-00119311-00119704 that job a is not for you but in hasidus TGU2B1nvHFY-00494-00119705-00119860 we have two traditions and that's why TGU2B1nvHFY-00495-00119861-00120052 which are two contradictory Traditions TGU2B1nvHFY-00496-00120053-00120227 which makes it impossible to know what TGU2B1nvHFY-00497-00120228-00120490 to do some say if you're having TGU2B1nvHFY-00498-00120491-00120677 difficulty getting to a that's because TGU2B1nvHFY-00499-00120678-00120893 God is telling you not for you TGU2B1nvHFY-00500-00120894-00121199 others say it's such a wonderful TGU2B1nvHFY-00501-00121200-00121510 opportunity that the powers of evil are TGU2B1nvHFY-00502-00121511-00121763 making it difficult for you to reach it TGU2B1nvHFY-00503-00121764-00121984 which means when you have two different TGU2B1nvHFY-00504-00121985-00122231 interpretations of what these signs even TGU2B1nvHFY-00505-00122232-00122489 mean does it mean Hashem is telling me TGU2B1nvHFY-00506-00122490-00122777 not for me or is it such a great TGU2B1nvHFY-00507-00122778-00123184 opportunity that uh the citrakura is TGU2B1nvHFY-00508-00123185-00123401 trying to stop me so essentially you TGU2B1nvHFY-00509-00123402-00123575 can't really rely on that you got to use TGU2B1nvHFY-00510-00123576-00123760 your your logic you got to use your TGU2B1nvHFY-00511-00123761-00124031 Seiko you got to use your establish and TGU2B1nvHFY-00512-00124032-00124258 you pray to Hashem for wisdom but TGU2B1nvHFY-00513-00124259-00124433 generally speaking you should not put a TGU2B1nvHFY-00514-00124433-00124636 lot of credence in in those signs yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-00515-00124638-00124907 here's ascendant according to Ralph TGU2B1nvHFY-00516-00124908-00125099 Moshe feinsteins that's all can I make TGU2B1nvHFY-00517-00125100-00125339 kidisha this morning just to eat shihako TGU2B1nvHFY-00518-00125340-00125501 Foods assuming I make kiddish again TGU2B1nvHFY-00519-00125502-00125771 later and have a full meal yeah so this TGU2B1nvHFY-00520-00125772-00125963 is actually a very very interesting TGU2B1nvHFY-00521-00125964-00126319 sucker of Moshe Feinstein that TGU2B1nvHFY-00522-00126320-00126640 is unbelievably great but like no other TGU2B1nvHFY-00523-00126641-00126790 postek agrees with him on this TGU2B1nvHFY-00524-00126791-00127013 particular one what is our rule over TGU2B1nvHFY-00525-00127014-00127523 here our rule over here is TGU2B1nvHFY-00526-00127524-00127954 you are only yotsay kiddish in a place TGU2B1nvHFY-00527-00127955-00128219 where you have what is called a halachic TGU2B1nvHFY-00528-00128220-00128489 meal if you don't have what is called TGU2B1nvHFY-00529-00128490-00128663 I'll Define that in a minute if you TGU2B1nvHFY-00530-00128664-00128831 don't have what is called the halachic TGU2B1nvHFY-00531-00128832-00129052 meal your kiddish is not valid TGU2B1nvHFY-00532-00129053-00129257 so a halachrich meal could be a lot of TGU2B1nvHFY-00533-00129258-00129575 things it could be you wash for hamoti TGU2B1nvHFY-00534-00129576-00129814 it could be you have a kazayas of TGU2B1nvHFY-00535-00129815-00130199 mizonos reposkin or you could drink a TGU2B1nvHFY-00536-00130200-00130481 ravias that's four ounces of wine in TGU2B1nvHFY-00537-00130482-00130625 addition to whatever you drank for TGU2B1nvHFY-00538-00130626-00130727 kiddish TGU2B1nvHFY-00539-00130728-00131027 so if you have any of those things this TGU2B1nvHFY-00540-00131028-00131254 is a halachic meal TGU2B1nvHFY-00541-00131255-00131573 and as a result your yotze kiddish so TGU2B1nvHFY-00542-00131574-00131747 when you come home and have your regular TGU2B1nvHFY-00543-00131748-00131951 meal you don't have to make Yiddish TGU2B1nvHFY-00544-00131952-00132190 again except for people who didn't hear TGU2B1nvHFY-00545-00132191-00132328 Kiddush you can make it for your wife TGU2B1nvHFY-00546-00132329-00132616 your children your guests but if TGU2B1nvHFY-00547-00132617-00132899 everybody was there and everybody had a TGU2B1nvHFY-00548-00132900-00133157 halachic meal you do not have to make TGU2B1nvHFY-00549-00133158-00133402 kiddish before you sit down and eat TGU2B1nvHFY-00550-00133403-00133835 right kiddish has to be connected to a TGU2B1nvHFY-00551-00133836-00134057 suda but a suda doesn't have to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00552-00134058-00134290 connected to kiddish I could go home and TGU2B1nvHFY-00553-00134291-00134507 have my lunch without kiddish if I was TGU2B1nvHFY-00554-00134508-00134881 yoting okay now the normal definition TGU2B1nvHFY-00555-00134882-00135281 again let me go over it either hamotzi TGU2B1nvHFY-00556-00135282-00135485 or mizonos TGU2B1nvHFY-00557-00135486-00135689 or wine TGU2B1nvHFY-00558-00135690-00135977 so that would mean that if I'm at a show TGU2B1nvHFY-00559-00135978-00136289 kiddish and I don't want to eat cake and TGU2B1nvHFY-00560-00136290-00136457 I don't want to drink a whole revenus of TGU2B1nvHFY-00561-00136458-00136631 wine and I certainly don't want to wash TGU2B1nvHFY-00562-00136632-00136852 but I would like to have gefilte fish or TGU2B1nvHFY-00563-00136853-00137159 Herring or a tuna fish or egg salad or TGU2B1nvHFY-00564-00137160-00137447 shop liver whatever it would be normally TGU2B1nvHFY-00565-00137448-00137609 we would say sorry you can't do that TGU2B1nvHFY-00566-00137610-00137861 because here's the problem you can't eat TGU2B1nvHFY-00567-00137862-00138040 until you make Kiddush TGU2B1nvHFY-00568-00138041-00138269 but the kiddish that you make when it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00569-00138270-00138425 going to be a charcoal is not a valid TGU2B1nvHFY-00570-00138426-00138659 kiddish if it's not a valid Kiddush you TGU2B1nvHFY-00571-00138660-00138845 can't eat anything TGU2B1nvHFY-00572-00138846-00139073 right so the normal sock we would say is TGU2B1nvHFY-00573-00139074-00139252 unless you're going to have misonos TGU2B1nvHFY-00574-00139253-00139481 you're not going to be or drink you know TGU2B1nvHFY-00575-00139482-00139678 reviews of wine you're not going to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00576-00139679-00139873 you'll take it to see you can't eat now TGU2B1nvHFY-00577-00139874-00140171 ramosa Feinstein was TGU2B1nvHFY-00578-00140172-00140416 a very very big finish TGU2B1nvHFY-00579-00140417-00140693 and he said that for the kiddish of TGU2B1nvHFY-00580-00140694-00140885 Shabbos Mourning TGU2B1nvHFY-00581-00140886-00141052 only show this morning TGU2B1nvHFY-00582-00141053-00141401 we have a certain cooler where you can TGU2B1nvHFY-00583-00141402-00141671 treat even other Foods even shihako TGU2B1nvHFY-00584-00141672-00142139 Foods as qualifying as meal Foods so you TGU2B1nvHFY-00585-00142140-00142402 could make the kiddish Shabbos morning TGU2B1nvHFY-00586-00142403-00142804 and be able to have shahakal TGU2B1nvHFY-00587-00142805-00143116 right tuna fish soft liver whatever it TGU2B1nvHFY-00588-00143117-00143428 is Herring whatever it would be but he TGU2B1nvHFY-00589-00143429-00143759 says under those circumstances although TGU2B1nvHFY-00590-00143760-00143975 it's a kiddish that's my tears the TGU2B1nvHFY-00591-00143976-00144149 consumption of Shaco TGU2B1nvHFY-00592-00144150-00144437 since it's not a real suda when you have TGU2B1nvHFY-00593-00144438-00144569 your suit at home you have to make TGU2B1nvHFY-00594-00144570-00144701 kiddish again now it seems from the TGU2B1nvHFY-00595-00144702-00144952 question that the questioner is aware TGU2B1nvHFY-00596-00144953-00145109 that's the way he phrased the question TGU2B1nvHFY-00597-00145110-00145343 and that is very accurate so if he's TGU2B1nvHFY-00598-00145344-00145607 asking me well it depends if he's simply TGU2B1nvHFY-00599-00145608-00145811 asked me is that what ramosha Feinstein TGU2B1nvHFY-00600-00145812-00146002 says the answer is yes TGU2B1nvHFY-00601-00146003-00146266 if he's asking me should he pass him TGU2B1nvHFY-00602-00146267-00146399 that way TGU2B1nvHFY-00603-00146400-00146621 well what can I say I mean I have I I TGU2B1nvHFY-00604-00146622-00146939 cannot tell anybody that they cannot TGU2B1nvHFY-00605-00146940-00147137 follow a Moshe Feinstein's sec I mean TGU2B1nvHFY-00606-00147138-00147383 what uh how could I even dare suggest TGU2B1nvHFY-00607-00147384-00147587 such a thing but all I can do is I can TGU2B1nvHFY-00608-00147588-00147809 report that most poskin do not agree TGU2B1nvHFY-00609-00147810-00148007 with her emotion that and most posting TGU2B1nvHFY-00610-00148008-00148343 would not agree to a Shah Cole for a kid TGU2B1nvHFY-00611-00148344-00148949 yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-00612-00148950-00149440 so um TGU2B1nvHFY-00613-00149441-00149578 fearful to find law school go to law TGU2B1nvHFY-00614-00149579-00149752 school but I know that it's so much time TGU2B1nvHFY-00615-00149753-00150011 so much work so much effort that like TGU2B1nvHFY-00616-00150012-00150239 way less time I would have her tour away TGU2B1nvHFY-00617-00150240-00150377 less time even like I would want to get TGU2B1nvHFY-00618-00150378-00150635 married yeah so is that a war they TGU2B1nvHFY-00619-00150636-00150778 sacrifice to make or should I just not TGU2B1nvHFY-00620-00150779-00151073 go that path yeah the question is uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00621-00151074-00151277 somebody wants to go to law school and TGU2B1nvHFY-00622-00151278-00151439 but they realize it's a big time TGU2B1nvHFY-00623-00151440-00151666 commitment and uh it'll affect their TGU2B1nvHFY-00624-00151667-00151913 learning a lot and even the time that TGU2B1nvHFY-00625-00151914-00152087 they would spend with their with their TGU2B1nvHFY-00626-00152088-00152285 family but they get married so the TGU2B1nvHFY-00627-00152286-00152513 question is is it worth it to go to law TGU2B1nvHFY-00628-00152514-00152831 school or is it better to find uh some TGU2B1nvHFY-00629-00152832-00153064 other alternative you know the short TGU2B1nvHFY-00630-00153065-00153209 it's hard to answer that in in the TGU2B1nvHFY-00631-00153210-00153359 abstract because it really kind of TGU2B1nvHFY-00632-00153360-00153545 depends what the alternative is meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-00633-00153546-00153911 to say quite a few professions and jobs TGU2B1nvHFY-00634-00153912-00154211 take up a tremendous amount of time and TGU2B1nvHFY-00635-00154212-00154595 and and effort so law may not be that TGU2B1nvHFY-00636-00154596-00154781 much worse than anything else and that TGU2B1nvHFY-00637-00154782-00155069 really depends but it is a freshman I TGU2B1nvHFY-00638-00155070-00155201 mean uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00639-00155202-00155537 I've mentioned many many times the uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00640-00155538-00155759 one conversation I had in my life with TGU2B1nvHFY-00641-00155760-00155933 reviakov Kaminsky was a three-hour TGU2B1nvHFY-00642-00155934-00156161 conversation my Russia shiver of TGU2B1nvHFY-00643-00156162-00156419 rudderman it was with yaakov kamineski's TGU2B1nvHFY-00644-00156420-00156664 cousin so when uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00645-00156665-00156935 I was going to go to law school my TGU2B1nvHFY-00646-00156936-00157397 Russia versus TGU2B1nvHFY-00647-00157398-00157561 so I actually had a meeting with TGU2B1nvHFY-00648-00157562-00157775 Kaminsky and uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00649-00157776-00157925 and I tell you it's quite amazing TGU2B1nvHFY-00650-00157926-00158189 because today because our godolm are so TGU2B1nvHFY-00651-00158190-00158428 overstretched your your general meeting TGU2B1nvHFY-00652-00158429-00158651 will be around five minutes or less TGU2B1nvHFY-00653-00158652-00158861 uh there if yaakov gave me hours and TGU2B1nvHFY-00654-00158862-00159190 hours I was totally totally amazed and TGU2B1nvHFY-00655-00159191-00159383 uh the one thing I remember from the TGU2B1nvHFY-00656-00159384-00159521 meeting and I said this many times to TGU2B1nvHFY-00657-00159522-00159809 forgive me for repeating it is that TGU2B1nvHFY-00658-00159810-00160126 traviaco never answered anything raviaco TGU2B1nvHFY-00659-00160127-00160433 wanted to draw the feeling from me what TGU2B1nvHFY-00660-00160434-00160649 did I think and he would bring up the TGU2B1nvHFY-00661-00160650-00160871 different possibilities and the last TGU2B1nvHFY-00662-00160872-00161081 thing he left me with was TGU2B1nvHFY-00663-00161082-00161261 that he's not going to tell me what to TGU2B1nvHFY-00664-00161262-00161531 do but whatever you do you have to TGU2B1nvHFY-00665-00161532-00161843 figure out a way to use it to serve TGU2B1nvHFY-00666-00161844-00162071 Hashem TGU2B1nvHFY-00667-00162072-00162287 um of course my Nery silverbam didn't TGU2B1nvHFY-00668-00162288-00162431 believe that that's what he told me but TGU2B1nvHFY-00669-00162432-00162647 uh yeah maybe I misunderstood but this TGU2B1nvHFY-00670-00162648-00162863 is I clearly underst my understanding TGU2B1nvHFY-00671-00162864-00163102 was that is what he told me that he was TGU2B1nvHFY-00672-00163103-00163307 not going to tell me not to do it but it TGU2B1nvHFY-00673-00163308-00163451 was up to me so TGU2B1nvHFY-00674-00163452-00163673 that's the big question meaning in my TGU2B1nvHFY-00675-00163674-00163816 own individual case I don't want to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00676-00163817-00164111 my personal matters I I think clearly TGU2B1nvHFY-00677-00164112-00164363 legal education benefited even my TGU2B1nvHFY-00678-00164364-00164681 teaching toga and the like so there are TGU2B1nvHFY-00679-00164682-00164902 many ways you can use it in a votes TGU2B1nvHFY-00680-00164903-00165173 Hashem but there is a counter argument TGU2B1nvHFY-00681-00165174-00165502 that okay you did it and you can use it TGU2B1nvHFY-00682-00165503-00165797 in a positive way but maybe there were TGU2B1nvHFY-00683-00165798-00165976 too many things you gave up TGU2B1nvHFY-00684-00165977-00166211 uh by doing this in terms of the Bittle TGU2B1nvHFY-00685-00166212-00166451 Torah and in terms of the like so you're TGU2B1nvHFY-00686-00166452-00166631 going to have to weigh it's a cost TGU2B1nvHFY-00687-00166632-00166847 benefit calculus frankly meaning you're TGU2B1nvHFY-00688-00166848-00166990 going to have to weigh the potential TGU2B1nvHFY-00689-00166991-00167128 when I say benefit I mean spiritual TGU2B1nvHFY-00690-00167129-00167459 benefit the potential spiritual benefits TGU2B1nvHFY-00691-00167460-00167783 versus the detriment to what you're what TGU2B1nvHFY-00692-00167784-00168023 you're giving up I can tell you TGU2B1nvHFY-00693-00168024-00168340 that I happen to know quite a few people TGU2B1nvHFY-00694-00168341-00168514 who did go to law school and they've TGU2B1nvHFY-00695-00168515-00168683 been and their mamish outstanding TGU2B1nvHFY-00696-00168684-00169001 binetara who will learn a large part of TGU2B1nvHFY-00697-00169002-00169193 the day and then TGU2B1nvHFY-00698-00169194-00169481 so it clearly is possible TGU2B1nvHFY-00699-00169482-00169787 to continue to grow and strike as a TGU2B1nvHFY-00700-00169788-00170087 bentura even if your your job happens to TGU2B1nvHFY-00701-00170088-00170573 be law and law school itself is not as I TGU2B1nvHFY-00702-00170574-00170687 mean I was both a teacher and a student TGU2B1nvHFY-00703-00170688-00170897 so I know from both ends it doesn't have TGU2B1nvHFY-00704-00170898-00171016 to be as TGU2B1nvHFY-00705-00171017-00171233 daunting as for some reason people like TGU2B1nvHFY-00706-00171234-00171389 to make it it's not it's not rocket TGU2B1nvHFY-00707-00171390-00171666 science and it's not Medical School even TGU2B1nvHFY-00708-00171667-00171911 in fact there's an old saying what do TGU2B1nvHFY-00709-00171912-00172078 they say the first year of law school TGU2B1nvHFY-00710-00172079-00172295 they scare you to death TGU2B1nvHFY-00711-00172296-00172504 the second year of law school they work TGU2B1nvHFY-00712-00172505-00172757 you to death and the third year of law TGU2B1nvHFY-00713-00172758-00173009 school they bore you to death that's how TGU2B1nvHFY-00714-00173010-00173357 they describe it so law school is a lot TGU2B1nvHFY-00715-00173358-00173626 scarier than it really is meaning the TGU2B1nvHFY-00716-00173627-00173951 bar the bite is I'm sorry the bark is TGU2B1nvHFY-00717-00173952-00174095 worse than the bite TGU2B1nvHFY-00718-00174096-00174431 so it's not I mean it's it's work but TGU2B1nvHFY-00719-00174432-00174616 it's not all-consuming I mean you could TGU2B1nvHFY-00720-00174617-00174881 learn for several hours a day TGU2B1nvHFY-00721-00174882-00175121 and still go to law school so I wouldn't TGU2B1nvHFY-00722-00175122-00175319 automatically discourage you if that was TGU2B1nvHFY-00723-00175320-00175661 your concern okay yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-00724-00175662-00175878 um the question is a little bit TGU2B1nvHFY-00725-00175879-00176201 convoluted but basically TGU2B1nvHFY-00726-00176202-00176693 um where do kazal get their units of me TGU2B1nvHFY-00727-00176694-00176890 like the union like TGU2B1nvHFY-00728-00176891-00177052 so let's say like you know it was TGU2B1nvHFY-00729-00177053-00177288 instituted by like let's say TGU2B1nvHFY-00730-00177289-00177611 was it replica Leo's hand that the Amma TGU2B1nvHFY-00731-00177612-00177785 is based on or is it some other TGU2B1nvHFY-00732-00177786-00178109 Universal standard and if it's based on TGU2B1nvHFY-00733-00178110-00178228 a standard TGU2B1nvHFY-00734-00178229-00178451 then that everybody agreed on at some TGU2B1nvHFY-00735-00178452-00178613 point then how did it end up that there TGU2B1nvHFY-00736-00178614-00178745 are mock Loca seam in the restroom TGU2B1nvHFY-00737-00178746-00178990 macaroni what's a tefa what's the TGU2B1nvHFY-00738-00178991-00179278 reviews et cetera Etc yeah so this gets TGU2B1nvHFY-00739-00179279-00179543 us into the very very complicated area TGU2B1nvHFY-00740-00179544-00179851 that are called Shi urim these are TGU2B1nvHFY-00741-00179852-00180107 quantitative measurements TGU2B1nvHFY-00742-00180108-00180388 uh there are measurements of volume like TGU2B1nvHFY-00743-00180389-00180640 you have to eat a kazius to be outside TGU2B1nvHFY-00744-00180641-00181114 matzah Etc you have to have a Cabeza the TGU2B1nvHFY-00745-00181115-00181421 volume of an egg for Tomas Oakland for TGU2B1nvHFY-00746-00181422-00181633 food to be able to convey ritual TGU2B1nvHFY-00747-00181634-00181873 impurity so those are volume TGU2B1nvHFY-00748-00181874-00182225 measurements and then you have length TGU2B1nvHFY-00749-00182226-00182387 and width TGU2B1nvHFY-00750-00182388-00182657 Amma by the Teva because the hands TGU2B1nvHFY-00751-00182658-00182849 breath AMA TGU2B1nvHFY-00752-00182850-00183023 Etc so you have all sorts of TGU2B1nvHFY-00753-00183024-00183209 measurements weight you have weight TGU2B1nvHFY-00754-00183210-00183316 measurements you have volume TGU2B1nvHFY-00755-00183317-00183557 measurements you have length and width TGU2B1nvHFY-00756-00183558-00183988 measurements now the gemara itself says TGU2B1nvHFY-00757-00183989-00184288 that these measurements are how local TGU2B1nvHFY-00758-00184289-00184464 emotions TGU2B1nvHFY-00759-00184465-00184621 actually TGU2B1nvHFY-00760-00184622-00184876 communicated these measurements but it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00761-00184877-00185128 not clear what that means let's take an TGU2B1nvHFY-00762-00185129-00185452 Amma we say the notion I mean let's say TGU2B1nvHFY-00763-00185453-00185728 for example rapid I'll pick one example TGU2B1nvHFY-00764-00185729-00185933 of Amos right one of the holoca TGU2B1nvHFY-00765-00185934-00186263 definitions of revision is it has to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00766-00186264-00186521 an unenclosed area that's at least 16 TGU2B1nvHFY-00767-00186522-00186838 almost wide like a road that's 16 almost TGU2B1nvHFY-00768-00186839-00187175 wide our assumption is that the idea TGU2B1nvHFY-00769-00187176-00187331 that it was just a wrap them has to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00770-00187332-00187637 16 almost wide was given to moshevina TGU2B1nvHFY-00771-00187638-00187852 and the notion of an Amma was given to TGU2B1nvHFY-00772-00187853-00188099 Moshe basinai but what does that mean TGU2B1nvHFY-00773-00188100-00188363 does that mean the actual length was TGU2B1nvHFY-00774-00188364-00188578 given to Moshe that Moshe was told it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00775-00188579-00188951 18 inches or it's 24 inches or does it TGU2B1nvHFY-00776-00188952-00189340 just mean an Amma is a she or meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-00777-00189341-00189521 certain things are measured in our TGU2B1nvHFY-00778-00189522-00189785 mouths which is defined as uh you know TGU2B1nvHFY-00779-00189786-00189973 from here to here TGU2B1nvHFY-00780-00189974-00190264 but exactly how that's going to be TGU2B1nvHFY-00781-00190265-00190414 measured would depend on rabbinic TGU2B1nvHFY-00782-00190415-00190583 interpretation for which there could be TGU2B1nvHFY-00783-00190584-00190840 a Mach Locus right right so it's not not TGU2B1nvHFY-00784-00190841-00190973 really clear because otherwise you're TGU2B1nvHFY-00785-00190974-00191116 right if something would have been a TGU2B1nvHFY-00786-00191117-00191387 buffet Russia a local emotion be seen I TGU2B1nvHFY-00787-00191388-00191633 how could there be machaloxam later on TGU2B1nvHFY-00788-00191634-00191909 but if you understand that the exact TGU2B1nvHFY-00789-00191910-00192214 measurement was not Allah TGU2B1nvHFY-00790-00192215-00192437 then you can understand it's a maclocus TGU2B1nvHFY-00791-00192438-00192749 how to interpret or measure the AMA like TGU2B1nvHFY-00792-00192750-00192935 any Mach Locus which is not a TGU2B1nvHFY-00793-00192936-00193223 contradiction to Revelation now let me TGU2B1nvHFY-00794-00193224-00193528 give you an example of how this works TGU2B1nvHFY-00795-00193529-00193726 let's take because I kazayas is probably TGU2B1nvHFY-00796-00193727-00193907 the most familiar quantitative TGU2B1nvHFY-00797-00193908-00194104 measurement because kazayas appears TGU2B1nvHFY-00798-00194105-00194281 everywhere right TGU2B1nvHFY-00799-00194282-00194537 every single Mitzvah that involves TGU2B1nvHFY-00800-00194538-00194669 eating TGU2B1nvHFY-00801-00194670-00194945 whether it's beer Casa Mazon whether TGU2B1nvHFY-00802-00194946-00195061 it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00803-00195062-00195364 whether it's matzah and matzah and TGU2B1nvHFY-00804-00195365-00195731 pesach you have to eat the volume of a TGU2B1nvHFY-00805-00195732-00195904 kezius TGU2B1nvHFY-00806-00195905-00196271 now as you know there's a very very very TGU2B1nvHFY-00807-00196272-00196487 famous cheetah TGU2B1nvHFY-00808-00196488-00196913 of the night of yahuda the rav of Prague TGU2B1nvHFY-00809-00196914-00197128 who proves from different calculations TGU2B1nvHFY-00810-00197129-00197285 in the gemara TGU2B1nvHFY-00811-00197286-00197537 that the kazayas today TGU2B1nvHFY-00812-00197538-00197843 is only half the size TGU2B1nvHFY-00813-00197844-00198137 of the kazayas in the time of the gemara TGU2B1nvHFY-00814-00198138-00198438 he proves it by different calculations TGU2B1nvHFY-00815-00198439-00198821 and therefore you have to eat two TGU2B1nvHFY-00816-00198822-00199175 causation today every time TGU2B1nvHFY-00817-00199176-00199426 you got to eat TGU2B1nvHFY-00818-00199427-00199600 now TGU2B1nvHFY-00819-00199601-00199823 whether his calculations are accurate TGU2B1nvHFY-00820-00199824-00199978 that's a big controversy some people say TGU2B1nvHFY-00821-00199979-00200237 it's all wrong okay but but but but I TGU2B1nvHFY-00822-00200238-00200393 want to focus on a different aspect of TGU2B1nvHFY-00823-00200394-00200464 it TGU2B1nvHFY-00824-00200465-00200695 let's assume the Navy hood is right TGU2B1nvHFY-00825-00200696-00200981 let's assume he's right TGU2B1nvHFY-00826-00200982-00201293 that the kazayas today TGU2B1nvHFY-00827-00201294-00201635 is only half of the kazayas TGU2B1nvHFY-00828-00201636-00201863 that it used to be let's assume he's TGU2B1nvHFY-00829-00201864-00201995 right again I'm not saying he's right TGU2B1nvHFY-00830-00201996-00202145 let's assume he's right TGU2B1nvHFY-00831-00202146-00202357 the question is TGU2B1nvHFY-00832-00202358-00202738 why would that necessarily double TGU2B1nvHFY-00833-00202739-00203033 how much you have to eat if Hashem said TGU2B1nvHFY-00834-00203034-00203237 the sheer of achima TGU2B1nvHFY-00835-00203238-00203471 is kazayas TGU2B1nvHFY-00836-00203472-00203723 so when causation were big it was a big TGU2B1nvHFY-00837-00203724-00203873 kazayas TGU2B1nvHFY-00838-00203874-00204076 when causation are small it's a small TGU2B1nvHFY-00839-00204077-00204413 cause eyes in other words the idea that TGU2B1nvHFY-00840-00204414-00204647 if the kazayas changes you got to double TGU2B1nvHFY-00841-00204648-00205096 up make sense only if Hashem didn't say TGU2B1nvHFY-00842-00205098-00205348 kezius now there's Hashem didn't put the TGU2B1nvHFY-00843-00205350-00205727 label on it Hashem said a certain size TGU2B1nvHFY-00844-00205728-00205944 the Sages TGU2B1nvHFY-00845-00205946-00206381 describe that size by saying kozayas TGU2B1nvHFY-00846-00206382-00206686 but the hawaka was a certain size TGU2B1nvHFY-00847-00206687-00206908 so if the Knight of Peter says if the TGU2B1nvHFY-00848-00206909-00207214 zasm are half you got to eat double TGU2B1nvHFY-00849-00207215-00207425 in other words that would suggests a TGU2B1nvHFY-00850-00207426-00207581 fascinating point TGU2B1nvHFY-00851-00207582-00208048 that the Surah of the of kezius was not TGU2B1nvHFY-00852-00208050-00208338 kazayas TGU2B1nvHFY-00853-00208339-00208696 ayas was a certain size you got to eat TGU2B1nvHFY-00854-00208698-00208962 this weight or this volume TGU2B1nvHFY-00855-00208963-00209303 put a label on it so if because Isom TGU2B1nvHFY-00856-00209304-00209440 change that's going to change too right TGU2B1nvHFY-00857-00209441-00209627 so it's a very complicated question it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00858-00209628-00209758 not it's not a simple question you know TGU2B1nvHFY-00859-00209759-00209975 the khazanish TGU2B1nvHFY-00860-00209976-00210239 uh wrote a whole countries TGU2B1nvHFY-00861-00210240-00210491 and she or him how do you compute she or TGU2B1nvHFY-00862-00210492-00210569 him TGU2B1nvHFY-00863-00210569-00210817 uh and the stipler his brother-in-law TGU2B1nvHFY-00864-00210817-00211025 kaneski's father the stipul was a great TGU2B1nvHFY-00865-00211026-00211271 duddle uh who also wrote fjorm and there TGU2B1nvHFY-00866-00211271-00211517 are a number of svara manchiorem even TGU2B1nvHFY-00867-00211517-00211696 today because there are many many TGU2B1nvHFY-00868-00211698-00211955 mahluxam you know it's before some that TGU2B1nvHFY-00869-00211956-00212189 the khazanish calculated all the shioram TGU2B1nvHFY-00870-00212190-00212477 at a very large amount that's why we say TGU2B1nvHFY-00871-00212478-00212705 that whenever you eat like you know a TGU2B1nvHFY-00872-00212706-00213103 whole month of her because I is TGU2B1nvHFY-00873-00213104-00213413 others had Dominica very small it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00874-00213414-00213694 recorded that in real house talmud of TGU2B1nvHFY-00875-00213696-00213839 the ground TGU2B1nvHFY-00876-00213840-00214144 how much was the kazayas of matzah TGU2B1nvHFY-00877-00214146-00214492 a kazayas of matzah covered the palm of TGU2B1nvHFY-00878-00214494-00214721 your hand TGU2B1nvHFY-00879-00214721-00214882 quite lit now again if you think about TGU2B1nvHFY-00880-00214883-00214996 it TGU2B1nvHFY-00881-00214998-00215194 things get a little crazy in terms of TGU2B1nvHFY-00882-00215196-00215315 trying to understand what's going on TGU2B1nvHFY-00883-00215316-00215675 here because the word kezius means the TGU2B1nvHFY-00884-00215676-00216023 size of an olive TGU2B1nvHFY-00885-00216023-00216275 yeah olives have big sizes olives have TGU2B1nvHFY-00886-00216276-00216551 you know different sizes but an olive is TGU2B1nvHFY-00887-00216552-00216863 not uh you know two-thirds of a matzo at TGU2B1nvHFY-00888-00216864-00216953 that point TGU2B1nvHFY-00889-00216954-00217246 so they say the Messiah in Europe was TGU2B1nvHFY-00890-00217248-00217469 that causation were very small TGU2B1nvHFY-00891-00217469-00217601 the khazanesh made different TGU2B1nvHFY-00892-00217602-00217787 calculations of course no debuted said TGU2B1nvHFY-00893-00217788-00217931 Architects them were smaller so you got TGU2B1nvHFY-00894-00217932-00218110 to double everything but even doubling TGU2B1nvHFY-00895-00218111-00218284 the shear and we eat this is more than TGU2B1nvHFY-00896-00218285-00218615 double A kazias anyway right so let's TGU2B1nvHFY-00897-00218616-00218777 assume you have to eat two guys it's TGU2B1nvHFY-00898-00218778-00219071 still not going to be as big as we go so TGU2B1nvHFY-00899-00219071-00219305 the shioram is a is a complicated area TGU2B1nvHFY-00900-00219306-00219551 that we don't have we don't have a lot TGU2B1nvHFY-00901-00219552-00219815 of a lot of clarity with and then of TGU2B1nvHFY-00902-00219816-00220031 course let me point out that you get hit TGU2B1nvHFY-00903-00220032-00220246 with a double whammy which doesn't make TGU2B1nvHFY-00904-00220248-00220384 sense because remember TGU2B1nvHFY-00905-00220385-00220601 when you have a Mitzvah to eat the TGU2B1nvHFY-00906-00220602-00220894 kazayas of matzah you have to eat the TGU2B1nvHFY-00907-00220896-00221182 kazayas of matzah in a certain amount of TGU2B1nvHFY-00908-00221183-00221351 time TGU2B1nvHFY-00909-00221352-00221548 it's not enough to eat a kazais of matzo TGU2B1nvHFY-00910-00221550-00221813 over five hours I got either kazayas of TGU2B1nvHFY-00911-00221814-00222142 matzah within a certain amount of time TGU2B1nvHFY-00912-00222144-00222365 and that certain amount of time is TGU2B1nvHFY-00913-00222366-00222658 defined as press TGU2B1nvHFY-00914-00222659-00222869 that's right in other words how long TGU2B1nvHFY-00915-00222869-00223019 would it take to eat this larger TGU2B1nvHFY-00916-00223019-00223156 quantity of food if you wouldn't be TGU2B1nvHFY-00917-00223157-00223321 stopping now TGU2B1nvHFY-00918-00223321-00223684 is measured anywhere between two minutes TGU2B1nvHFY-00919-00223685-00223925 and nine minutes TGU2B1nvHFY-00920-00223926-00224215 now think about this TGU2B1nvHFY-00921-00224216-00224627 obviously that should correlate to TGU2B1nvHFY-00922-00224628-00224842 whether your kazius is small or your TGU2B1nvHFY-00923-00224844-00225101 kazias is Big meaning if you were to map TGU2B1nvHFY-00924-00225102-00225287 out all the different opinions about the TGU2B1nvHFY-00925-00225288-00225460 size of a kazayas TGU2B1nvHFY-00926-00225461-00225665 and then map out all of the opinions TGU2B1nvHFY-00927-00225666-00225869 about TGU2B1nvHFY-00928-00225869-00226139 the way the map should work is TGU2B1nvHFY-00929-00226140-00226421 a small kazias is consumed in a lesser TGU2B1nvHFY-00930-00226421-00226703 amount of time a larger kazias is TGU2B1nvHFY-00931-00226704-00226979 consumed in a longer amount of time TGU2B1nvHFY-00932-00226980-00227260 but that's not the way humors play out TGU2B1nvHFY-00933-00227261-00227429 they will tell you TGU2B1nvHFY-00934-00227430-00227651 you know many people will tell you if TGU2B1nvHFY-00935-00227652-00227884 you want to be out say all the Deus you TGU2B1nvHFY-00936-00227885-00228173 got to eat a gigantic kazayas TGU2B1nvHFY-00937-00228173-00228534 in the smallest amount of breath TGU2B1nvHFY-00938-00228535-00228815 in two minutes TGU2B1nvHFY-00939-00228816-00229031 but that that itself is not logical TGU2B1nvHFY-00940-00229032-00229265 because whatever sheeta gave a small TGU2B1nvHFY-00941-00229266-00229655 amount for us was going with a small TGU2B1nvHFY-00942-00229656-00229882 pizzas you see what I'm saying so uh TGU2B1nvHFY-00943-00229883-00230063 we're kind of taking Hummers that are TGU2B1nvHFY-00944-00230064-00230339 inconsistent with a small amount of time TGU2B1nvHFY-00945-00230340-00230767 for us and we're macaroni huge use case TGU2B1nvHFY-00946-00230767-00231023 although it was cute um I was just TGU2B1nvHFY-00947-00231023-00231196 reading a story with the khazanesh you TGU2B1nvHFY-00948-00231198-00231358 know one of the TGU2B1nvHFY-00949-00231359-00231532 anyway so it's a little bit connected to TGU2B1nvHFY-00950-00231533-00231701 your monster much a little bit TGU2B1nvHFY-00951-00231702-00231946 um you know the khazanesh had a famous TGU2B1nvHFY-00952-00231948-00232060 meeting TGU2B1nvHFY-00953-00232061-00232277 with Ben Gurion TGU2B1nvHFY-00954-00232278-00232510 this was at during the 50s the early TGU2B1nvHFY-00955-00232511-00232691 years of the state of Israel TGU2B1nvHFY-00956-00232692-00233056 when one of the items on the agenda was TGU2B1nvHFY-00957-00233057-00233369 the compulsory drafting of women TGU2B1nvHFY-00958-00233369-00233675 either to the Army or to Sherwood Lumi TGU2B1nvHFY-00959-00233676-00233831 national service TGU2B1nvHFY-00960-00233832-00234053 and the godzillim took a unanimous TGU2B1nvHFY-00961-00234054-00234455 position that even Sherwood Lumi was TGU2B1nvHFY-00962-00234456-00234671 absolutely improper for women to go to TGU2B1nvHFY-00963-00234671-00234941 and because and they even signed a a TGU2B1nvHFY-00964-00234942-00235301 notice that said TGU2B1nvHFY-00965-00235302-00235534 you must give up your life before you TGU2B1nvHFY-00966-00235535-00235715 submit to this TGU2B1nvHFY-00967-00235716-00235973 now Ben Gurion didn't like that idea he TGU2B1nvHFY-00968-00235973-00236134 was very much he wanted to kind of TGU2B1nvHFY-00969-00236135-00236351 integrate even the religious people into TGU2B1nvHFY-00970-00236352-00236663 the society structure TGU2B1nvHFY-00971-00236664-00237119 so he requested a meeting TGU2B1nvHFY-00972-00237119-00237292 now TGU2B1nvHFY-00973-00237294-00237496 other guitars like the biscuit wouldn't TGU2B1nvHFY-00974-00237498-00237641 even look at Ben Gurion there would be TGU2B1nvHFY-00975-00237642-00237784 no way they would ever meet with him on TGU2B1nvHFY-00976-00237785-00237901 anything TGU2B1nvHFY-00977-00237902-00238265 should be agreed to meet with him TGU2B1nvHFY-00978-00238266-00238432 and that was very controversial there TGU2B1nvHFY-00979-00238433-00238553 were people who were critical of the TGU2B1nvHFY-00980-00238554-00238756 khazanage for how can you dare kind of TGU2B1nvHFY-00981-00238757-00239027 give Credence to Ben-Gurion TGU2B1nvHFY-00982-00239028-00239356 uh but Ben Gurion in fact uh their TGU2B1nvHFY-00983-00239357-00239584 abundant of you shall I am wrote a TGU2B1nvHFY-00984-00239585-00239839 confidential letter to the khazanish TGU2B1nvHFY-00985-00239840-00240094 expressing their concerns TGU2B1nvHFY-00986-00240096-00240431 and it was hand delivered by a young man TGU2B1nvHFY-00987-00240432-00240623 Daniel gross and who later became a TGU2B1nvHFY-00988-00240623-00240934 great rev but he was a young uh he was TGU2B1nvHFY-00989-00240935-00241096 an average or maybe he was even a single TGU2B1nvHFY-00990-00241098-00241415 abakar at the time and he delivered this TGU2B1nvHFY-00991-00241416-00241717 handwritten letter to the khazanesh TGU2B1nvHFY-00992-00241717-00242051 read the letter that says you know we we TGU2B1nvHFY-00993-00242052-00242260 have to express our concerns that maybe TGU2B1nvHFY-00994-00242261-00242560 you are legitimating Ben-Gurion and TGU2B1nvHFY-00995-00242561-00242737 after the khazanesh read the letter TGU2B1nvHFY-00996-00242738-00243058 Rabbi Grossman said the godogam asked me TGU2B1nvHFY-00997-00243059-00243227 that you give it back to me that you TGU2B1nvHFY-00998-00243228-00243401 shouldn't keep the letter we should take TGU2B1nvHFY-00999-00243402-00243601 it back TGU2B1nvHFY-01000-00243602-00243905 I'm very grateful to you because I was TGU2B1nvHFY-01001-00243906-00244042 worried about keeping the letter in my TGU2B1nvHFY-01002-00244044-00244163 house he said a strange thing he says TGU2B1nvHFY-01003-00244164-00244384 people are always rummaging around my TGU2B1nvHFY-01004-00244385-00244571 stuff looking for things so I'm glad TGU2B1nvHFY-01005-00244571-00244896 that you're taking the Apparently TGU2B1nvHFY-01006-00244898-00245153 says an interesting letter from or TGU2B1nvHFY-01007-00245154-00245308 something and then they would take the TGU2B1nvHFY-01008-00245309-00245458 letter their husbands actually said TGU2B1nvHFY-01009-00245459-00245717 Brook Hashem you take the letter so TGU2B1nvHFY-01010-00245717-00245987 um this is a long irrelevant segue to a TGU2B1nvHFY-01011-00245988-00246269 little humorous remark when rev Grossman TGU2B1nvHFY-01012-00246269-00246532 was returning back to shalayam to the TGU2B1nvHFY-01013-00246533-00246755 khazanesh walked him was much older the TGU2B1nvHFY-01014-00246756-00246977 khazanesh walked him in considerable TGU2B1nvHFY-01015-00246978-00247265 distance sir Grossman said reppi for the TGU2B1nvHFY-01016-00247266-00247487 irishness I just want to say that I TGU2B1nvHFY-01017-00247488-00247721 think you or you would say the mitzvah TGU2B1nvHFY-01018-00247721-00248077 Ayah even like the sheet of the Khazana TGU2B1nvHFY-01019-00248078-00248389 this is the Khazana TGU2B1nvHFY-01020-00248390-00248681 so it was kind of a little bit of a joke TGU2B1nvHFY-01021-00248682-00248855 even among the tell him that the TGU2B1nvHFY-01022-00248856-00249184 kazinish was super super mahmer and and TGU2B1nvHFY-01023-00249185-00249496 sure yeah here's another Senate what's TGU2B1nvHFY-01024-00249498-00249658 the source for having to follow the TGU2B1nvHFY-01025-00249659-00249851 rabbis from my understanding at least TGU2B1nvHFY-01026-00249852-00250458 according to the ramban Republic TGU2B1nvHFY-01027-00250459-00250756 do we hold this way is there a source TGU2B1nvHFY-01028-00250757-00250979 for following rabbi's post San Andreas TGU2B1nvHFY-01029-00250980-00251153 yeah this is a very very excellent TGU2B1nvHFY-01030-00251154-00251513 question uh we know that the Torah says TGU2B1nvHFY-01031-00251514-00251819 in Parsha showtim you shall not depart TGU2B1nvHFY-01032-00251819-00252256 Lo sauce or do not depart because from TGU2B1nvHFY-01033-00252257-00252389 anything that you're told to the right TGU2B1nvHFY-01034-00252390-00252508 or to the left TGU2B1nvHFY-01035-00252509-00252725 and this is the source of why we listen TGU2B1nvHFY-01036-00252726-00252910 to the taconos TGU2B1nvHFY-01037-00252911-00253510 and the gazeros of the that every TGU2B1nvHFY-01038-00253511-00253691 right and that's what the rambam writes TGU2B1nvHFY-01039-00253692-00253996 that if I'm over on I am over Anita TGU2B1nvHFY-01040-00253998-00254387 Raisa you must listen to the rabbis the TGU2B1nvHFY-01041-00254388-00254705 question is who are the rabbis that the TGU2B1nvHFY-01042-00254706-00254944 Torah is commanding you to listen to so TGU2B1nvHFY-01043-00254946-00255181 the questioner is actually 100 right TGU2B1nvHFY-01044-00255182-00255460 strictly speaking that pasok is TGU2B1nvHFY-01045-00255461-00255677 referring to adjudications TGU2B1nvHFY-01046-00255678-00256096 and legislation of the Sanhedrin of 71 TGU2B1nvHFY-01047-00256098-00256415 that Hashem has authorized to be the TGU2B1nvHFY-01048-00256416-00256787 final and definitive interpreter of the TGU2B1nvHFY-01049-00256788-00257177 Taurus so and and indeed in the gemara TGU2B1nvHFY-01050-00257178-00257398 itself the takanos and the gazeros of TGU2B1nvHFY-01051-00257400-00257573 the Gemar are largely the work of the TGU2B1nvHFY-01052-00257573-00257819 Sanhedrin most rabbinic laws are from TGU2B1nvHFY-01053-00257819-00258046 the Sanhedrin so yes TGU2B1nvHFY-01054-00258048-00258334 if I disobey a decision of the Sanhedrin TGU2B1nvHFY-01055-00258335-00258569 I am transgressing and this are the TGU2B1nvHFY-01056-00258569-00258923 arisah of Life saucer but now we get TGU2B1nvHFY-01057-00258923-00259169 into a problem okay but there is no TGU2B1nvHFY-01058-00259169-00259492 Sanhedrin today we have you know rabbis TGU2B1nvHFY-01059-00259494-00259679 different people who are ordained TGU2B1nvHFY-01060-00259680-00259948 greater people lesser people TGU2B1nvHFY-01061-00259950-00260171 why do I have to listen now who says I TGU2B1nvHFY-01062-00260171-00260513 have to listen to the rabbis uh it's not TGU2B1nvHFY-01063-00260514-00260705 Lisa now sometimes you'll find on wall TGU2B1nvHFY-01064-00260706-00260969 posters statement that says you're not TGU2B1nvHFY-01065-00260969-00261256 allowed to have a smartphone and anyone TGU2B1nvHFY-01066-00261257-00261460 that has a smartphone is transgressing TGU2B1nvHFY-01067-00261461-00261791 low sorcer because they're violating the TGU2B1nvHFY-01068-00261792-00261982 view of the rabbis TGU2B1nvHFY-01069-00261983-00262175 well I'm not endorsing smartphones and TGU2B1nvHFY-01070-00262176-00262379 there are problems with smartphones but TGU2B1nvHFY-01071-00262380-00262667 technically it's not likely that you're TGU2B1nvHFY-01072-00262668-00263015 over on low sauce or so the obligation TGU2B1nvHFY-01073-00263016-00263249 of listening to the rabbis TGU2B1nvHFY-01074-00263250-00263375 is TGU2B1nvHFY-01075-00263376-00263615 much more amorphous and that is simply TGU2B1nvHFY-01076-00263616-00263867 what you might call a rule of necessity TGU2B1nvHFY-01077-00263868-00264167 meaning to say the following the Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-01078-00264168-00264334 is vast TGU2B1nvHFY-01079-00264335-00264595 the Torah has many many complications TGU2B1nvHFY-01080-00264596-00264982 it's very very difficult it takes years TGU2B1nvHFY-01081-00264983-00265343 and years and years to really Master it TGU2B1nvHFY-01082-00265344-00265721 so as a result when I am in doubt TGU2B1nvHFY-01083-00265722-00266051 what Hashem wants me to do does it not TGU2B1nvHFY-01084-00266052-00266206 make sense TGU2B1nvHFY-01085-00266207-00266489 to go to the people who are more expert TGU2B1nvHFY-01086-00266490-00266615 in it meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-01087-00266616-00266958 you can't automatically point to a pasig TGU2B1nvHFY-01088-00266959-00267221 that tells you you must listen TGU2B1nvHFY-01089-00267222-00267521 but it's the same logic of going to a TGU2B1nvHFY-01090-00267522-00267791 good doctor or a good lawyer or a good TGU2B1nvHFY-01091-00267792-00267917 plumber TGU2B1nvHFY-01092-00267918-00268139 because they have the knowledge and TGU2B1nvHFY-01093-00268140-00268367 connection to the Torah to guide me in TGU2B1nvHFY-01094-00268368-00268493 the right direction TGU2B1nvHFY-01095-00268494-00268751 there would be that same type of idea so TGU2B1nvHFY-01096-00268752-00268993 you could almost call it a rule of TGU2B1nvHFY-01097-00268994-00269501 necessity and logic to go to to TGU2B1nvHFY-01098-00269502-00269734 understand what the Torah says and that TGU2B1nvHFY-01099-00269735-00269903 is why the vilnegon actually says TGU2B1nvHFY-01100-00269904-00270184 although we don't follow this in TGU2B1nvHFY-01101-00270185-00270353 practice because nobody is what feels TGU2B1nvHFY-01102-00270354-00270647 they're worthy of it the Vilma gone says TGU2B1nvHFY-01103-00270648-00270934 if you are a person TGU2B1nvHFY-01104-00270935-00271199 who truly reached the level that you can TGU2B1nvHFY-01105-00271200-00271360 pass in I don't just mean you know Mr TGU2B1nvHFY-01106-00271361-00271510 Brewer but you can make independent TGU2B1nvHFY-01107-00271511-00271793 judgments of sat you're not bound by the TGU2B1nvHFY-01108-00271794-00272021 shock you're not bound by what other TGU2B1nvHFY-01109-00272022-00272201 rabbis said even much earlier than you TGU2B1nvHFY-01110-00272202-00272423 you can make your own decisions there is TGU2B1nvHFY-01111-00272424-00272765 a concept in halacha that at a certain TGU2B1nvHFY-01112-00272766-00273179 madrega you make your own decisions now TGU2B1nvHFY-01113-00273180-00273334 maybe I shouldn't say it because it's TGU2B1nvHFY-01114-00273335-00273430 dangerous TGU2B1nvHFY-01115-00273431-00273725 the vast majority of people and I very TGU2B1nvHFY-01116-00273726-00273893 definitely include myself TGU2B1nvHFY-01117-00273894-00274115 we're not on that madrega TGU2B1nvHFY-01118-00274116-00274475 and it would be stupid and foolish TGU2B1nvHFY-01119-00274476-00274793 to assume that type of role TGU2B1nvHFY-01120-00274794-00275045 but halaja does recognize that my TGU2B1nvHFY-01121-00275046-00275249 obligation to obey rabbis other than the TGU2B1nvHFY-01122-00275250-00275597 Sanhedrin is not absolute it's simply a TGU2B1nvHFY-01123-00275598-00275830 question of deferring to people who know TGU2B1nvHFY-01124-00275831-00276101 more than me now I will say too as TGU2B1nvHFY-01125-00276102-00276341 another aspect to the answer did I TGU2B1nvHFY-01126-00276342-00276730 believe the safer does say that lysosur TGU2B1nvHFY-01127-00276731-00276982 does go beyond the Sanhedrin TGU2B1nvHFY-01128-00276983-00277210 and it Embraces what we would call TGU2B1nvHFY-01129-00277211-00277403 godole hador TGU2B1nvHFY-01130-00277404-00277660 that in every generation there are TGU2B1nvHFY-01131-00277661-00277813 goodole TGU2B1nvHFY-01132-00277814-00278080 and the godol they had are to some TGU2B1nvHFY-01133-00278081-00278441 degree also have the role of San Adrian TGU2B1nvHFY-01134-00278442-00278789 again I hear it but you understand that TGU2B1nvHFY-01135-00278790-00278963 that itself TGU2B1nvHFY-01136-00278964-00279167 creates a lot of difficulties TGU2B1nvHFY-01137-00279168-00279527 because what defines and who defines TGU2B1nvHFY-01138-00279528-00279856 what our godole adore now sometimes it's TGU2B1nvHFY-01139-00279857-00280079 up sometimes it is obvious TGU2B1nvHFY-01140-00280080-00280306 I know other times it's not so obvious TGU2B1nvHFY-01141-00280307-00280517 some people will consider this person a TGU2B1nvHFY-01142-00280518-00280871 god oh some people will will not TGU2B1nvHFY-01143-00280872-00281208 I mean there are bodies in Claudius TGU2B1nvHFY-01144-00281209-00281449 but but you know TGU2B1nvHFY-01145-00281450-00281837 who says I mean Israel has a body called TGU2B1nvHFY-01146-00281838-00281963 moeses TGU2B1nvHFY-01147-00281964-00282155 so if you're on the body your Godzilla TGU2B1nvHFY-01148-00282156-00282287 and if you're not anybody not a God I TGU2B1nvHFY-01149-00282288-00282491 mean who who gave how good of the TGU2B1nvHFY-01150-00282492-00282658 jurisdiction to decide that right so TGU2B1nvHFY-01151-00282659-00282827 labels don't really make a difference TGU2B1nvHFY-01152-00282828-00282989 the fact that you belong to a body TGU2B1nvHFY-01153-00282990-00283319 that's called godole doesn't mean that TGU2B1nvHFY-01154-00283320-00283577 you're you're regardle so it is it is TGU2B1nvHFY-01155-00283578-00283829 tricky and besides if you think about it TGU2B1nvHFY-01156-00283830-00284093 do we truly Listen to godola I mean you TGU2B1nvHFY-01157-00284094-00284308 know that's a really it's a muscle but TGU2B1nvHFY-01158-00284309-00284477 it's a difficult question if you went TGU2B1nvHFY-01159-00284478-00284680 through you know for example we tell TGU2B1nvHFY-01160-00284681-00284837 people everybody has to have a beard you TGU2B1nvHFY-01161-00284838-00284945 know um TGU2B1nvHFY-01162-00284946-00285191 a lot of people didn't have a beer you TGU2B1nvHFY-01163-00285192-00285353 know we listen to godolin when we like TGU2B1nvHFY-01164-00285354-00285508 what they say TGU2B1nvHFY-01165-00285509-00285658 and we don't listen to them we don't TGU2B1nvHFY-01166-00285659-00285779 like what they say or we find another TGU2B1nvHFY-01167-00285780-00285971 God of whatever it is TGU2B1nvHFY-01168-00285972-00286271 so it is tricky all I can say is that TGU2B1nvHFY-01169-00286272-00286565 the questionnaire is correct lysosor is TGU2B1nvHFY-01170-00286566-00286858 B icker talking about the Sanhedrin TGU2B1nvHFY-01171-00286859-00287147 and the Kiev to listen to him and post TGU2B1nvHFY-01172-00287148-00287441 him after the Sanhedrin is based on the TGU2B1nvHFY-01173-00287442-00287723 logic that they're greater than me TGU2B1nvHFY-01174-00287724-00287975 and the clinic adds the idea that TGU2B1nvHFY-01175-00287976-00288197 godotle Torah themselves Urban Malcolm TGU2B1nvHFY-01176-00288198-00288371 the son hedrin right so those are the TGU2B1nvHFY-01177-00288372-00288725 basic ideas now you could ask further is TGU2B1nvHFY-01178-00288726-00288929 there a special Kiev TGU2B1nvHFY-01179-00288930-00289291 there is a concept called Mara Da asra TGU2B1nvHFY-01180-00289292-00289571 amarita asra is somebody TGU2B1nvHFY-01181-00289572-00289787 that literally means the master of the TGU2B1nvHFY-01182-00289788-00289871 place TGU2B1nvHFY-01183-00289872-00290219 somebody who is appointed or hired TGU2B1nvHFY-01184-00290220-00290575 over a certain area so a rub of a show TGU2B1nvHFY-01185-00290576-00291041 is called maradasra or if somebody is TGU2B1nvHFY-01186-00291042-00291173 there in Europe they used to have their TGU2B1nvHFY-01187-00291174-00291539 hearing after sales so a RAV of a city TGU2B1nvHFY-01188-00291540-00291841 is called Mara Da Asura TGU2B1nvHFY-01189-00291842-00292258 is there a special Kiev on me TGU2B1nvHFY-01190-00292259-00292708 to obey the decisions of Mara Da asra he TGU2B1nvHFY-01191-00292709-00292877 may not eat he may not even be a godo TGU2B1nvHFY-01192-00292878-00293063 but he's more of the Astra and my TGU2B1nvHFY-01193-00293064-00293201 macriya TGU2B1nvHFY-01194-00293202-00293489 again it's very hard to read that into TGU2B1nvHFY-01195-00293490-00293632 lysosor TGU2B1nvHFY-01196-00293633-00293825 but some look at it as simply almost TGU2B1nvHFY-01197-00293826-00294106 like a contractual thing if you become a TGU2B1nvHFY-01198-00294107-00294263 member of a show TGU2B1nvHFY-01199-00294264-00294580 you are accepting upon yourself the TGU2B1nvHFY-01200-00294581-00294743 authority of the muradasa so that's TGU2B1nvHFY-01201-00294744-00294958 another concept of what you might call TGU2B1nvHFY-01202-00294959-00295234 voluntary Acceptance in fact there's a TGU2B1nvHFY-01203-00295235-00295432 story a very very interesting story an TGU2B1nvHFY-01204-00295433-00295673 amazing story TGU2B1nvHFY-01205-00295674-00295817 I don't remember all the details you TGU2B1nvHFY-01206-00295818-00296039 know the Vilma gone I'm sure you know TGU2B1nvHFY-01207-00296040-00296237 this but I'll I'll say it anyway was not TGU2B1nvHFY-01208-00296238-00296458 the rava vilna the villagan had no TGU2B1nvHFY-01209-00296459-00296651 official position in the city of Elm at TGU2B1nvHFY-01210-00296652-00296843 all and in fact he had to get permission TGU2B1nvHFY-01211-00296844-00297029 from the community to have his own TGU2B1nvHFY-01212-00297030-00297251 private minion in his house he was not TGU2B1nvHFY-01213-00297252-00297503 the Rubber vilna and many men hug him of TGU2B1nvHFY-01214-00297504-00297689 the garage were not the men hug him of TGU2B1nvHFY-01215-00297690-00297784 vilna TGU2B1nvHFY-01216-00297785-00298025 but he of course was very honored TGU2B1nvHFY-01217-00298026-00298277 Vilma in fact for a number of years had TGU2B1nvHFY-01218-00298278-00298445 no rub at all because there had been TGU2B1nvHFY-01219-00298446-00298745 some very bitter fights and they decided TGU2B1nvHFY-01220-00298746-00299008 they would be governed by a vadharabanim TGU2B1nvHFY-01221-00299009-00299153 a rabbinical Council of different TGU2B1nvHFY-01222-00299154-00299363 dionism in different abundant and there TGU2B1nvHFY-01223-00299364-00299560 would be no rubber villain TGU2B1nvHFY-01224-00299561-00299801 but the story and I I have to say how TGU2B1nvHFY-01225-00299802-00299969 this fits with this is that there was a TGU2B1nvHFY-01226-00299970-00300239 young fellow who was appointed to be the TGU2B1nvHFY-01227-00300240-00300503 rava vilna obviously you wouldn't be TGU2B1nvHFY-01228-00300504-00300671 rubber Vilma if you weren't the big time TGU2B1nvHFY-01229-00300672-00300875 but he was relatively Young TGU2B1nvHFY-01230-00300876-00301295 and a woman brought a chicken to him TGU2B1nvHFY-01231-00301296-00301510 uh whether it is the chicken kosher or TGU2B1nvHFY-01232-00301511-00301655 the chicken not Kosher was it properly TGU2B1nvHFY-01233-00301656-00301787 checked it TGU2B1nvHFY-01234-00301788-00302129 so the Ralph pask and it was kosher TGU2B1nvHFY-01235-00302130-00302410 so then for some crazy reason TGU2B1nvHFY-01236-00302411-00302579 she brought the chicken to the Vilma TGU2B1nvHFY-01237-00302580-00302897 Gone without telling the villagon that TGU2B1nvHFY-01238-00302898-00303058 she had asked the Rev TGU2B1nvHFY-01239-00303059-00303323 and the villagon said checking his TGU2B1nvHFY-01240-00303324-00303473 strife TGU2B1nvHFY-01241-00303474-00303665 so the woman kind of a busy body woman TGU2B1nvHFY-01242-00303666-00303851 here she goes back to the first round TGU2B1nvHFY-01243-00303852-00304084 maybe she wanted to embarrass him TGU2B1nvHFY-01244-00304085-00304282 and she says TGU2B1nvHFY-01245-00304283-00304619 the film of God says the chicken strife TGU2B1nvHFY-01246-00304620-00304949 so the Wrath turned white because in all TGU2B1nvHFY-01247-00304950-00305225 probability he probably made a mistake TGU2B1nvHFY-01248-00305226-00305417 on the other hand he's the marred the TGU2B1nvHFY-01249-00305418-00305537 asra TGU2B1nvHFY-01250-00305538-00305932 and the belief is gave him the authority TGU2B1nvHFY-01251-00305933-00306184 to pass in for the community TGU2B1nvHFY-01252-00306185-00306425 so The Story Goes he went to the Villa TGU2B1nvHFY-01253-00306426-00306551 gun TGU2B1nvHFY-01254-00306552-00306797 and he said to them on the ground it is TGU2B1nvHFY-01255-00306798-00307043 my Divine responsibility TGU2B1nvHFY-01256-00307044-00307343 to be the prosaic for this community TGU2B1nvHFY-01257-00307344-00307643 if I pass concussion you're Mercury of TGU2B1nvHFY-01258-00307644-00307865 to follow my plaque and you're not TGU2B1nvHFY-01259-00307866-00308075 allowed to pass again connected me TGU2B1nvHFY-01260-00308076-00308308 so he said to the Velma gone TGU2B1nvHFY-01261-00308309-00308584 I'm asking that you eat this chicken you TGU2B1nvHFY-01262-00308585-00308801 eat the chicken that you consider trafe TGU2B1nvHFY-01263-00308802-00309106 because the sock that I gave is that TGU2B1nvHFY-01264-00309107-00309256 it's kosher TGU2B1nvHFY-01265-00309257-00309580 what is absolutely amazing is TGU2B1nvHFY-01266-00309581-00309760 the villagon said he would eat the TGU2B1nvHFY-01267-00309761-00309971 chicken he would eat the chicken TGU2B1nvHFY-01268-00309972-00310217 and he was the Vilma gone was shaking TGU2B1nvHFY-01269-00310218-00310427 and trembling because he considered the TGU2B1nvHFY-01270-00310428-00310619 chicken trife but he also understood TGU2B1nvHFY-01271-00310620-00310919 that the halacha is to eat the chicken TGU2B1nvHFY-01272-00310920-00311243 and the story goes as he was about to TGU2B1nvHFY-01273-00311244-00311525 take put his fork in the chicken TGU2B1nvHFY-01274-00311526-00311734 the one of the candles those days they TGU2B1nvHFY-01275-00311735-00311956 used to make candles out of sheep fat TGU2B1nvHFY-01276-00311957-00312221 talo which was not not Kosher meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-01277-00312222-00312406 they got it from TGU2B1nvHFY-01278-00312407-00312569 you know they bought it in this in the TGU2B1nvHFY-01279-00312570-00312730 General Market TGU2B1nvHFY-01280-00312731-00312947 and the Tallow that fell into the TGU2B1nvHFY-01281-00312948-00313187 chicken made a tree so the last moment TGU2B1nvHFY-01282-00313188-00313534 the Vilma gone was saved from eating the TGU2B1nvHFY-01283-00313535-00313763 traf chicken now this is remarkable TGU2B1nvHFY-01284-00313764-00313960 because it was remarkable in a lot of TGU2B1nvHFY-01285-00313961-00314254 ways on one hand the vilnegon himself TGU2B1nvHFY-01286-00314255-00314410 said you don't have to listen to rabbis TGU2B1nvHFY-01287-00314411-00314645 if you're here so what so why does he TGU2B1nvHFY-01288-00314646-00314753 have to listen to a rabbi if he TGU2B1nvHFY-01289-00314754-00314939 considers it to be other and yet you see TGU2B1nvHFY-01290-00314940-00315221 that Mara dasra was a stronger type of TGU2B1nvHFY-01291-00315222-00315299 thing TGU2B1nvHFY-01292-00315300-00315497 in other words yeah I don't have to TGU2B1nvHFY-01293-00315498-00315677 follow the shohanara TGU2B1nvHFY-01294-00315678-00315965 but I have to follow the local rabbi and TGU2B1nvHFY-01295-00315966-00316108 he's actually elevating the local around TGU2B1nvHFY-01296-00316109-00316397 by above the authority of the chopinara TGU2B1nvHFY-01297-00316398-00316595 but the other thing is that the villagon TGU2B1nvHFY-01298-00316596-00316984 held mystically it actually changes do TGU2B1nvHFY-01299-00316985-00317141 you remember we have a similar story but TGU2B1nvHFY-01300-00317142-00317351 that's dealing with but it's exactly the TGU2B1nvHFY-01301-00317352-00317477 same principle TGU2B1nvHFY-01302-00317478-00317819 when Rabbi Yoshua maintains TGU2B1nvHFY-01303-00317820-00318077 that the Sanhedrin Sanctified the wrong TGU2B1nvHFY-01304-00318078-00318280 day as Rosh Hashanah TGU2B1nvHFY-01305-00318281-00318593 and Rosh Hashanah should have been later TGU2B1nvHFY-01306-00318594-00318934 Robin gamliel ordered Rabbi Yoshua TGU2B1nvHFY-01307-00318935-00319169 to come to him with his Cane and with TGU2B1nvHFY-01308-00319170-00319271 his money TGU2B1nvHFY-01309-00319272-00319558 on the day that ravioshua held was Yom TGU2B1nvHFY-01310-00319559-00319703 Kippur TGU2B1nvHFY-01311-00319704-00319871 and we sure didn't want to do it how can TGU2B1nvHFY-01312-00319872-00320075 he desecrate Yom Kippur TGU2B1nvHFY-01313-00320076-00320297 but rabi Akiva told him TGU2B1nvHFY-01314-00320298-00320530 it's not Yom Kipper just because you TGU2B1nvHFY-01315-00320531-00320734 think it should have been Yom Kippur La TGU2B1nvHFY-01316-00320735-00321034 maisa the sock is based on what this and TGU2B1nvHFY-01317-00321035-00321341 Adrian paskins and Rabbi Yoshua TGU2B1nvHFY-01318-00321342-00321682 carried on the day that he thought TGU2B1nvHFY-01319-00321683-00321919 should have been Yom Kippur and remin TGU2B1nvHFY-01320-00321920-00322277 kissed him and said you are my rebe and TGU2B1nvHFY-01321-00322278-00322445 you are my talmud TGU2B1nvHFY-01322-00322446-00322717 you are my Webbie because you accept it TGU2B1nvHFY-01323-00322718-00322973 I'm sorry you're my rebby because you're TGU2B1nvHFY-01324-00322974-00323093 greater than me TGU2B1nvHFY-01325-00323094-00323297 you are my talmud because you accepted TGU2B1nvHFY-01326-00323298-00323501 themselves so the Quran is applying that TGU2B1nvHFY-01327-00323502-00323656 even to kosher us which is actually a TGU2B1nvHFY-01328-00323657-00323830 big big finish one would have thought TGU2B1nvHFY-01329-00323831-00324113 that sugiya only applied to kirish TGU2B1nvHFY-01330-00324114-00324251 which is a separate thing the girl TGU2B1nvHFY-01331-00324252-00325253 applied it even to gosh uh yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01332-00325254-00325451 say again TGU2B1nvHFY-01333-00325452-00325739 yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01334-00325740-00325871 tea TGU2B1nvHFY-01335-00325872-00326182 I was wondering TGU2B1nvHFY-01336-00326183-00326489 yeah okay so uh yeah this comes up all TGU2B1nvHFY-01337-00326490-00326680 the time and this is I don't want to TGU2B1nvHFY-01338-00326681-00326897 call it hate mail tequila people tend to TGU2B1nvHFY-01339-00326898-00327191 be very polite so I'll give them credit TGU2B1nvHFY-01340-00327192-00327430 so uh my hate mail moniker does not TGU2B1nvHFY-01341-00327431-00327821 apply to to Kayla's Advocates uh so TGU2B1nvHFY-01342-00327822-00328006 here's the question if you're asking me TGU2B1nvHFY-01343-00328007-00328175 do you have to wear Tequilas today the TGU2B1nvHFY-01344-00328176-00328295 answer is for sure you do but the TGU2B1nvHFY-01345-00328296-00328534 question is have we identified the TGU2B1nvHFY-01346-00328535-00328871 Tequilas I mean the mitzvahs uh does not TGU2B1nvHFY-01347-00328872-00329045 is not limited to the base I make those TGU2B1nvHFY-01348-00329046-00329315 or any particular time so if we would TGU2B1nvHFY-01349-00329316-00329560 know for sure what is the answer is for TGU2B1nvHFY-01350-00329561-00329821 sure we'd have to pronounce TGU2B1nvHFY-01351-00329822-00330245 controversy is have we identified what TGU2B1nvHFY-01352-00330246-00330517 it is meaning those who wear Tequilas TGU2B1nvHFY-01353-00330518-00330856 feel that they've identified a shellfish TGU2B1nvHFY-01354-00330857-00331204 called the murix type of snail that can TGU2B1nvHFY-01355-00331205-00331499 produce a Dye when exposed to the sun TGU2B1nvHFY-01356-00331500-00331823 turns into a bluish shade and therefore TGU2B1nvHFY-01357-00331824-00332123 they feel that we have to wear Tequilas TGU2B1nvHFY-01358-00332124-00332525 today those who don't do this and most TGU2B1nvHFY-01359-00332526-00332830 most of classical does not maintain that TGU2B1nvHFY-01360-00332831-00333058 the identification is not certain enough TGU2B1nvHFY-01361-00333059-00333323 and we need to have a tradition an TGU2B1nvHFY-01362-00333324-00333587 unbroken masora as to what the feila TGU2B1nvHFY-01363-00333588-00333904 says now I've said many times that here TGU2B1nvHFY-01364-00333905-00334145 I I will be accused of being illogical TGU2B1nvHFY-01365-00334146-00334445 and irrational and I plead guilty TGU2B1nvHFY-01366-00334446-00334619 because I am illogical and irrational TGU2B1nvHFY-01367-00334620-00334882 and that is TGU2B1nvHFY-01368-00334883-00335195 I believe that if there's any doubt at TGU2B1nvHFY-01369-00335196-00335356 all if something is to fail us even if TGU2B1nvHFY-01370-00335357-00335501 you don't know for sure TGU2B1nvHFY-01371-00335502-00335669 you ought to do it simply because TGU2B1nvHFY-01372-00335670-00335932 there's no downside meaning like this if TGU2B1nvHFY-01373-00335933-00336251 I put Tequilas on my physics there are TGU2B1nvHFY-01374-00336252-00336556 two possibilities it's either genuine TGU2B1nvHFY-01375-00336557-00336869 Tequilas in which case I am fulfilling a TGU2B1nvHFY-01376-00336870-00337037 Torah commandment TGU2B1nvHFY-01377-00337038-00337439 or it's not genuine tequilas in which TGU2B1nvHFY-01378-00337440-00337769 case I simply have blue citrus TGU2B1nvHFY-01379-00337770-00338039 but balloon stitches are not puzzle TGU2B1nvHFY-01380-00338040-00338471 so what am I doing wrong what am I TGU2B1nvHFY-01381-00338472-00338603 losing TGU2B1nvHFY-01382-00338604-00338837 by Taking My Chances now if you were to TGU2B1nvHFY-01383-00338838-00339004 tell me now I understand if you were to TGU2B1nvHFY-01384-00339005-00339215 tell me blue citizens that are not TGU2B1nvHFY-01385-00339216-00339473 Tequilas possible that this is then I TGU2B1nvHFY-01386-00339474-00339604 would make an argument okay well listen TGU2B1nvHFY-01387-00339605-00339784 if I don't know if this is Tequilas I'm TGU2B1nvHFY-01388-00339785-00339880 not going to do it because maybe it's TGU2B1nvHFY-01389-00339881-00340091 going to pass on my senses but that's TGU2B1nvHFY-01390-00340092-00340210 not the case TGU2B1nvHFY-01391-00340211-00340487 if that's not the case there is no TGU2B1nvHFY-01392-00340488-00340787 downside so for people to say you TGU2B1nvHFY-01393-00340788-00341171 haven't proved to Kayla is 100 okay have TGU2B1nvHFY-01394-00341172-00341345 you proven it 80 percent TGU2B1nvHFY-01395-00341346-00341645 have you proven it 50 have you proven TGU2B1nvHFY-01396-00341646-00341830 that twenty percent have you proven it TGU2B1nvHFY-01397-00341831-00342053 ten percent TGU2B1nvHFY-01398-00342054-00342275 why not be strict TGU2B1nvHFY-01399-00342276-00342515 if there's a 10 chance TGU2B1nvHFY-01400-00342516-00342743 you're doing a Miss for the horizon TGU2B1nvHFY-01401-00342744-00343013 so again I'm going to get from the TGU2B1nvHFY-01402-00343014-00343271 anti-trailer so I I always say again I TGU2B1nvHFY-01403-00343272-00343523 try to be honest to you I always say I TGU2B1nvHFY-01404-00343524-00343697 don't understand why I don't wear TGU2B1nvHFY-01405-00343698-00344032 tehalis I don't but but again I don't TGU2B1nvHFY-01406-00344033-00344380 because Ira bam didn't and because I TGU2B1nvHFY-01407-00344381-00344656 don't see modern godola most most though TGU2B1nvHFY-01408-00344657-00344945 most Godot them are not wearing it so TGU2B1nvHFY-01409-00344946-00345245 they must know something I don't know TGU2B1nvHFY-01410-00345246-00345443 but logically TGU2B1nvHFY-01411-00345444-00345706 it seems like a very very good thing to TGU2B1nvHFY-01412-00345707-00345977 do okay but that's the issue the issue TGU2B1nvHFY-01413-00345978-00346163 basically is identification so if you're TGU2B1nvHFY-01414-00346164-00346403 asking me a technical question TGU2B1nvHFY-01415-00346404-00346637 um if you knew that something was to TGU2B1nvHFY-01416-00346638-00346756 Payless TGU2B1nvHFY-01417-00346757-00346919 would you have to wear it the answer is TGU2B1nvHFY-01418-00346920-00347051 for sure you would for sure you would TGU2B1nvHFY-01419-00347052-00347680 yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01420-00347681-00348667 I've given the opportunity TGU2B1nvHFY-01421-00348668-00350010 18 minutes TGU2B1nvHFY-01422-00350011-00350332 and finally if you have a chance to TGU2B1nvHFY-01423-00350333-00350573 complete the story about the meeting of TGU2B1nvHFY-01424-00350574-00350730 the convention TGU2B1nvHFY-01425-00350731-00350999 okay so we have three questions here TGU2B1nvHFY-01426-00351000-00351256 three unrelated questions the first TGU2B1nvHFY-01427-00351257-00351556 question is let's compare pyro and TGU2B1nvHFY-01428-00351557-00352108 Hitler and Pyro with children pyro uh TGU2B1nvHFY-01429-00352109-00352289 did not die by the splitting of the Red TGU2B1nvHFY-01430-00352290-00352480 Sea right it's interesting that pyro did TGU2B1nvHFY-01431-00352481-00352745 survive and Pyro indeed had a second TGU2B1nvHFY-01432-00352746-00353104 career as the king of ninvee in the TGU2B1nvHFY-01433-00353105-00353363 story of Jonah where he brought a whole TGU2B1nvHFY-01434-00353364-00353573 city to chuva although it may have been TGU2B1nvHFY-01435-00353574-00353753 a short live chuva but he brought all TGU2B1nvHFY-01436-00353754-00353827 city TGU2B1nvHFY-01437-00353828-00354173 had a second act of being a makarif TGU2B1nvHFY-01438-00354174-00354389 right it was almost like Orson gave pyro TGU2B1nvHFY-01439-00354390-00354701 a job you know to teach of course he was TGU2B1nvHFY-01440-00354702-00354923 teaching Goliath our non-jewish division TGU2B1nvHFY-01441-00354924-00355180 maybe we ought to start a novakite a TGU2B1nvHFY-01442-00355181-00355504 Noah division uh so pyro did have a TGU2B1nvHFY-01443-00355505-00355667 chance to do chuva and pirate took TGU2B1nvHFY-01444-00355668-00355895 advantage of it when we look at somebody TGU2B1nvHFY-01445-00355896-00356225 like Adolf Hitler imashimo TGU2B1nvHFY-01446-00356226-00356501 Hitler just died and there was no TGU2B1nvHFY-01447-00356502-00356806 possibility of of chuba so I'll give you TGU2B1nvHFY-01448-00356807-00357058 I'll give you two short answers answer TGU2B1nvHFY-01449-00357059-00357251 number one is you know you just assumed TGU2B1nvHFY-01450-00357252-00357478 in your equation pyro and Hitler are the TGU2B1nvHFY-01451-00357479-00357593 same well maybe there's a difference TGU2B1nvHFY-01452-00357594-00357832 remember the Torah says a strange thing TGU2B1nvHFY-01453-00357833-00358187 the Torah says you shall not despise an TGU2B1nvHFY-01454-00358188-00358319 Egyptian TGU2B1nvHFY-01455-00358320-00358703 For You Were Strangers in their land TGU2B1nvHFY-01456-00358704-00358978 they took care of you now that's very TGU2B1nvHFY-01457-00358979-00359195 very odd what do you mean they took care TGU2B1nvHFY-01458-00359196-00359489 of us they enslaved us TGU2B1nvHFY-01459-00359490-00359704 but apparently the concept was they they TGU2B1nvHFY-01460-00359705-00359927 still you know gave us TGU2B1nvHFY-01461-00359928-00360178 reasonable food and shelter Etc you know TGU2B1nvHFY-01462-00360179-00360347 there was something which in other words TGU2B1nvHFY-01463-00360348-00360604 I don't know but it seems from that TGU2B1nvHFY-01464-00360605-00360910 description that living in Egypt was not TGU2B1nvHFY-01465-00360911-00361175 a concentration camp uh the way that TGU2B1nvHFY-01466-00361176-00361421 Nazi Germany the way that not to Germany TGU2B1nvHFY-01467-00361422-00361691 the way Nazi Europe Europe was so that's TGU2B1nvHFY-01468-00361692-00361901 one answer the second answer is Hitler TGU2B1nvHFY-01469-00361902-00362147 committed suicide meaning to say you TGU2B1nvHFY-01470-00362148-00362423 know Hitler himself made a decision TGU2B1nvHFY-01471-00362424-00362627 that would make it impossible for him to TGU2B1nvHFY-01472-00362628-00362806 do treatment now God is not going to TGU2B1nvHFY-01473-00362807-00363004 interfere with your decisions how Kobe TGU2B1nvHFY-01474-00363005-00363221 they shamayam everything is in the hands TGU2B1nvHFY-01475-00363222-00363541 of Heaven except for year TGU2B1nvHFY-01476-00363542-00363953 Hitler made a decision to preclude the TGU2B1nvHFY-01477-00363954-00364210 possibility of any type of chuba that he TGU2B1nvHFY-01478-00364211-00364463 would ever do a third reason let me give TGU2B1nvHFY-01479-00364464-00364715 you a third reason is there was a TGU2B1nvHFY-01480-00364716-00364997 special reason to keep pyro alive TGU2B1nvHFY-01481-00364998-00365278 that would not apply to Hitler TGU2B1nvHFY-01482-00365279-00365554 pyro was an eyewitness TGU2B1nvHFY-01483-00365555-00365884 to Supernatural Miracles that happened TGU2B1nvHFY-01484-00365885-00366101 over a year TGU2B1nvHFY-01485-00366102-00366413 and as a result keeping him alive TGU2B1nvHFY-01486-00366414-00366730 he would be able to tell the um now the TGU2B1nvHFY-01487-00366731-00366880 Jewish people know it but Jewish people TGU2B1nvHFY-01488-00366881-00367025 people will say oh that's what the Jews TGU2B1nvHFY-01489-00367026-00367349 say it was important to have a non-jew a TGU2B1nvHFY-01490-00367350-00367499 hostile non-jew TGU2B1nvHFY-01491-00367500-00367882 who saw those Miracles and knew that TGU2B1nvHFY-01492-00367883-00367991 they happened TGU2B1nvHFY-01493-00367992-00368249 he would be the witness TGU2B1nvHFY-01494-00368250-00368447 to the nations of the world TGU2B1nvHFY-01495-00368448-00368603 Hitler was the opposite I mean TGU2B1nvHFY-01496-00368604-00368771 unfortunately during the Holocaust we TGU2B1nvHFY-01497-00368772-00368903 were not soccer TGU2B1nvHFY-01498-00368904-00369106 to those types of Miracles so there was TGU2B1nvHFY-01499-00369107-00369406 no particular edos that God needed TGU2B1nvHFY-01500-00369407-00369671 Hitler to give because Hitler did not TGU2B1nvHFY-01501-00369672-00369869 see any TGU2B1nvHFY-01502-00369870-00370132 unique Miracles that help the Jewish TGU2B1nvHFY-01503-00370133-00370277 people so that that I think would be the TGU2B1nvHFY-01504-00370278-00370523 difference uh your second question was TGU2B1nvHFY-01505-00370524-00370853 uh the period of time between candle TGU2B1nvHFY-01506-00370854-00371039 lighting and Shabbos TGU2B1nvHFY-01507-00371040-00371327 right in most of the places it's 18 TGU2B1nvHFY-01508-00371328-00371573 minutes until sunset TGU2B1nvHFY-01509-00371574-00371891 and you shall I am it's 40 minutes TGU2B1nvHFY-01510-00371892-00372139 Chabad has 20 minutes TGU2B1nvHFY-01511-00372140-00372419 so it's not yet Shabbos even after Luke TGU2B1nvHFY-01512-00372420-00372634 benching a woman is supposed to accept TGU2B1nvHFY-01513-00372635-00372880 Shabbos with look benching unless she TGU2B1nvHFY-01514-00372881-00373013 made it tonight unless she made a TGU2B1nvHFY-01515-00373014-00373187 condition I'm not accepting Shabbos but TGU2B1nvHFY-01516-00373188-00373613 a man is not bounds by lift benching uh TGU2B1nvHFY-01517-00373614-00373775 of accepting shamas at least if he's not TGU2B1nvHFY-01518-00373776-00373960 the one who lit so the question you're TGU2B1nvHFY-01519-00373961-00374093 asking and that's why he could drive to TGU2B1nvHFY-01520-00374094-00374297 show and everything else so the question TGU2B1nvHFY-01521-00374298-00374410 is TGU2B1nvHFY-01522-00374411-00374728 is that only with respect to things that TGU2B1nvHFY-01523-00374729-00374932 are like needed for Shabbos like last TGU2B1nvHFY-01524-00374933-00375178 minute cooking last minute vacuuming TGU2B1nvHFY-01525-00375179-00375484 driving to show or does it apply to TGU2B1nvHFY-01526-00375485-00375658 anything you know you want to watch the TGU2B1nvHFY-01527-00375659-00375949 last 15 minutes of the basketball game TGU2B1nvHFY-01528-00375950-00376217 not that that's a great era of Shabbos TGU2B1nvHFY-01529-00376218-00376493 activity uh so so the truth of the TGU2B1nvHFY-01530-00376494-00376619 matter is TGU2B1nvHFY-01531-00376620-00376945 um TGU2B1nvHFY-01532-00376946-00377153 everything is mature everything is TGU2B1nvHFY-01533-00377154-00377441 mature but it is proper to try to limit TGU2B1nvHFY-01534-00377442-00377675 yourself to those things that are needed TGU2B1nvHFY-01535-00377676-00377939 for Shabbos uh the third thing about the TGU2B1nvHFY-01536-00377940-00378239 kazanesh again um it was a very very TGU2B1nvHFY-01537-00378240-00378430 interesting meeting TGU2B1nvHFY-01538-00378431-00378863 uh and uh the story was that uh the TGU2B1nvHFY-01539-00378864-00379139 khazanish gave the famous Gomorrah about TGU2B1nvHFY-01540-00379140-00379360 if you have two wagons TGU2B1nvHFY-01541-00379361-00379547 coming from opposite directions that TGU2B1nvHFY-01542-00379548-00379721 meet at a narrow road TGU2B1nvHFY-01543-00379722-00380003 and only one can go through at a time TGU2B1nvHFY-01544-00380004-00380260 which one should yield TGU2B1nvHFY-01545-00380261-00380632 to the other one and the the gemara says TGU2B1nvHFY-01546-00380633-00380951 the wagon that is full should have TGU2B1nvHFY-01547-00380952-00381263 precedence over the wagon that is empty TGU2B1nvHFY-01548-00381264-00381556 a full wagon has right-of-way TGU2B1nvHFY-01549-00381557-00381773 over an empty wagon TGU2B1nvHFY-01550-00381774-00382097 and the Khazana said those Jews who keep TGU2B1nvHFY-01551-00382098-00382384 the Messiah of Tehran mitzvahs TGU2B1nvHFY-01552-00382385-00382637 of thousands of thousands of years we TGU2B1nvHFY-01553-00382638-00382882 are the full wagon so to Simply say that TGU2B1nvHFY-01554-00382883-00383039 you can override TGU2B1nvHFY-01555-00383040-00383189 our beliefs TGU2B1nvHFY-01556-00383190-00383441 would be of course it's a strange kind TGU2B1nvHFY-01557-00383442-00383651 of life I mean you're trying to refute TGU2B1nvHFY-01558-00383652-00383880 Ben Gurion by quoting a Gomorrah I mean TGU2B1nvHFY-01559-00383881-00384154 he doesn't acknowledge the Camaro but TGU2B1nvHFY-01560-00384155-00384395 Ben Gurion was very very offended Ben TGU2B1nvHFY-01561-00384396-00384658 Gurion was very hurt he started pounding TGU2B1nvHFY-01562-00384659-00384893 the table we are not an empty wagon you TGU2B1nvHFY-01563-00384894-00385151 know we have Zionism and liberalism and TGU2B1nvHFY-01564-00385152-00385319 commune whatever the movements were we TGU2B1nvHFY-01565-00385320-00385601 have all these great movements uh behind TGU2B1nvHFY-01566-00385602-00385853 us but TGU2B1nvHFY-01567-00385854-00386117 the meeting ended inconclusively but Ben TGU2B1nvHFY-01568-00386118-00386428 Gurion said afterwards he realizes now TGU2B1nvHFY-01569-00386429-00386627 because of the khazonish TGU2B1nvHFY-01570-00386628-00386963 that the power of the Torah Judaism TGU2B1nvHFY-01571-00386964-00387154 as small as they were then they were TGU2B1nvHFY-01572-00387155-00387430 very very not that many then uh it's a TGU2B1nvHFY-01573-00387431-00387563 power that he will not be able to TGU2B1nvHFY-01574-00387564-00387851 Vanquish he realizes that the commitment TGU2B1nvHFY-01575-00387852-00388097 to the cause is so powerful TGU2B1nvHFY-01576-00388098-00388354 that he's going to be stuck with them TGU2B1nvHFY-01577-00388355-00388925 uh yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01578-00388926-00389093 decision myself obviously nothing TGU2B1nvHFY-01579-00389094-00389428 nothing big is small matters and I'm TGU2B1nvHFY-01580-00389429-00389591 unable to ask anybody enough to make a TGU2B1nvHFY-01581-00389592-00389782 decision right away TGU2B1nvHFY-01582-00389783-00390149 um my memory is telling me to do option TGU2B1nvHFY-01583-00390150-00390323 A like option A would seem more familiar TGU2B1nvHFY-01584-00390324-00390491 point do I learned more familiar but it TGU2B1nvHFY-01585-00390492-00390767 seems illogical different situation or TGU2B1nvHFY-01586-00390768-00391049 logic is telling me option b TGU2B1nvHFY-01587-00391050-00391223 um option b is more logical but it's TGU2B1nvHFY-01588-00391224-00391408 unfamiliar or even in a more clear-cut TGU2B1nvHFY-01589-00391409-00391547 example after I'm taking a multiple TGU2B1nvHFY-01590-00391548-00391817 choice question on it on a task of two TGU2B1nvHFY-01591-00391818-00391984 options option a TGU2B1nvHFY-01592-00391985-00392141 um is more familiar to me based on what TGU2B1nvHFY-01593-00392142-00392375 I studied for the test TGU2B1nvHFY-01594-00392376-00392663 um I remember but it seems uh just a TGU2B1nvHFY-01595-00392664-00392813 little less logical or option but it TGU2B1nvHFY-01596-00392814-00393143 seems a lot seems more logical but not TGU2B1nvHFY-01597-00393144-00393358 not so familiar for me to me based on TGU2B1nvHFY-01598-00393359-00393634 why which so TGU2B1nvHFY-01599-00393635-00393863 are you describing a situation where the TGU2B1nvHFY-01600-00393864-00394127 less logical option is what you remember TGU2B1nvHFY-01601-00394128-00394397 the halacha was that you were taught it TGU2B1nvHFY-01602-00394398-00394582 seems more familiar I don't remember 100 TGU2B1nvHFY-01603-00394583-00394853 but it seems more familiar than the more TGU2B1nvHFY-01604-00394854-00394991 large box TGU2B1nvHFY-01605-00394992-00395158 you know that's a hard question meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-01606-00395159-00395303 you got to kind of have to search your TGU2B1nvHFY-01607-00395304-00395489 memory a little bit meaning to say if TGU2B1nvHFY-01608-00395490-00395651 you were taught that that's the halaka TGU2B1nvHFY-01609-00395652-00395789 that should override your own logic TGU2B1nvHFY-01610-00395790-00395989 because you were actually taught TGU2B1nvHFY-01611-00395990-00396299 if you're not really sure anymore if TGU2B1nvHFY-01612-00396300-00396575 that represented what the hell was then TGU2B1nvHFY-01613-00396576-00396743 if you have no other choice you have no TGU2B1nvHFY-01614-00396744-00396910 Rabbi you don't have access to Google TGU2B1nvHFY-01615-00396911-00397271 even or AI then you have to go with your TGU2B1nvHFY-01616-00397272-00397421 logic that's the best you can do that's TGU2B1nvHFY-01617-00397422-00397571 all I can tell you although I'll tell TGU2B1nvHFY-01618-00397572-00397810 you a story there's a passage TGU2B1nvHFY-01619-00397811-00398087 in the smart the smart is safe for me TGU2B1nvHFY-01620-00398088-00398315 everything I am it's a great commentary TGU2B1nvHFY-01621-00398316-00398615 on Haitian mishpat so the smile has a TGU2B1nvHFY-01622-00398616-00399047 little saying TGU2B1nvHFY-01623-00399048-00399334 he says what a Layman thinks is right is TGU2B1nvHFY-01624-00399335-00399497 usually the opposite of what the right TGU2B1nvHFY-01625-00399498-00399610 answer is TGU2B1nvHFY-01626-00399611-00399797 so they have a story with the rugged TGU2B1nvHFY-01627-00399798-00400001 Trevor and the Ursa mayor TGU2B1nvHFY-01628-00400002-00400193 the rugged Trevor and the arsomatic both TGU2B1nvHFY-01629-00400194-00400475 of them were the rabbanim of the town of TGU2B1nvHFY-01630-00400476-00401813 devinsk in Latvia TGU2B1nvHFY-01631-00401814-00402058 very different very close friends very TGU2B1nvHFY-01632-00402059-00402197 different personalities right the rugby TGU2B1nvHFY-01633-00402198-00402502 Trevor was stormy and fiery and Ramirez TGU2B1nvHFY-01634-00402503-00402869 was very gentle and quiet TGU2B1nvHFY-01635-00402870-00403145 um so uh TGU2B1nvHFY-01636-00403146-00403339 in fact sometimes you find TGU2B1nvHFY-01637-00403340-00403582 sometimes if somebody was bothering of TGU2B1nvHFY-01638-00403583-00403787 Mayor simra he would say to the person TGU2B1nvHFY-01639-00403788-00403954 sometimes um I think you all really TGU2B1nvHFY-01640-00403955-00404063 ought to talk to her of Jose Frozen TGU2B1nvHFY-01641-00404064-00404191 about this TGU2B1nvHFY-01642-00404192-00404404 basically sending him into the lion's TGU2B1nvHFY-01643-00404405-00404543 den over there the ruggage because the TGU2B1nvHFY-01644-00404544-00404680 records ever doesn't have the patience TGU2B1nvHFY-01645-00404681-00404854 he's gonna cut him up like a meat TGU2B1nvHFY-01646-00404855-00405078 grinder but anyway TGU2B1nvHFY-01647-00405079-00405430 uh so they once were learning together TGU2B1nvHFY-01648-00405431-00405743 and they had a Mach Locus TGU2B1nvHFY-01649-00405744-00405982 one learned shot this way one learned TGU2B1nvHFY-01650-00405983-00406097 shot this way TGU2B1nvHFY-01651-00406098-00406373 so the ruggage ever said well listen the TGU2B1nvHFY-01652-00406374-00406595 samas says whatever the balabaya says is TGU2B1nvHFY-01653-00406596-00406804 the opposite of the Torah so let's ask TGU2B1nvHFY-01654-00406805-00407002 the balabayas and whatever the opposite TGU2B1nvHFY-01655-00407003-00407249 is is the right chat TGU2B1nvHFY-01656-00407250-00407447 so they asked about the bus TGU2B1nvHFY-01657-00407448-00407621 what was his opinion TGU2B1nvHFY-01658-00407622-00407806 and the balabas said like the Ragga TGU2B1nvHFY-01659-00407807-00407941 Trevor TGU2B1nvHFY-01660-00407942-00408160 that's no good because that would mean TGU2B1nvHFY-01661-00408161-00408371 under the rugged Trevor's test that he's TGU2B1nvHFY-01662-00408372-00408665 wrong it's your mayor simply said oh you TGU2B1nvHFY-01663-00408666-00408934 see the balabaya said like you and you TGU2B1nvHFY-01664-00408935-00409228 yourself said whatever says is the TGU2B1nvHFY-01665-00409229-00409354 opposite of thus Terrors they've got to TGU2B1nvHFY-01666-00409355-00409487 be that I'm right TGU2B1nvHFY-01667-00409488-00409714 so the record Shopper said listen even a TGU2B1nvHFY-01668-00409716-00409999 balabayas has a bad day once in a while TGU2B1nvHFY-01669-00410000-00410297 sometimes he'll get around yeah I'm just TGU2B1nvHFY-01670-00410297-00410422 bringing out the story to kind of TGU2B1nvHFY-01671-00410423-00410680 illustrate that sometimes our intuitions TGU2B1nvHFY-01672-00410681-00410926 are very suspect can be full of TGU2B1nvHFY-01673-00410927-00411239 surprises by and large is a logical TGU2B1nvHFY-01674-00411239-00411334 system TGU2B1nvHFY-01675-00411335-00411634 but you know sometimes it throws you for TGU2B1nvHFY-01676-00411635-00411887 a loop so you have to be very very TGU2B1nvHFY-01677-00411888-00412139 cautious I don't understand you I mean TGU2B1nvHFY-01678-00412139-00412343 all of us have to be very cautious not TGU2B1nvHFY-01679-00412343-00412595 to Simply rely on our logic as to what TGU2B1nvHFY-01680-00412596-00412774 makes the most sense but again if you TGU2B1nvHFY-01681-00412775-00413080 don't have a choice then better to do TGU2B1nvHFY-01682-00413081-00413249 what's logical than what's not logical TGU2B1nvHFY-01683-00413250-00413368 because TGU2B1nvHFY-01684-00413369-00413626 at least more probability that you're TGU2B1nvHFY-01685-00413627-00413903 doing the right thing uh yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01686-00413904-00414047 so TGU2B1nvHFY-01687-00414047-00414305 there's some TGU2B1nvHFY-01688-00414306-00414547 fig trees you said yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01689-00414547-00414863 are we as welcoming are we allowed to uh TGU2B1nvHFY-01690-00414864-00415318 to to take the ones that fall and if so TGU2B1nvHFY-01691-00415319-00415391 um TGU2B1nvHFY-01692-00415392-00415570 I don't know if you're aware of like TGU2B1nvHFY-01693-00415571-00415703 when they were planted maybe there's a TGU2B1nvHFY-01694-00415704-00415870 plaque or something on the tree and TGU2B1nvHFY-01695-00415871-00416068 would you if we haven't had any figs TGU2B1nvHFY-01696-00416069-00416374 uh this season will be saying we take TGU2B1nvHFY-01697-00416375-00416716 true and maestros yeah yeah yeah so so TGU2B1nvHFY-01698-00416717-00416963 generally speaking as a general rule TGU2B1nvHFY-01699-00416964-00417341 when you walk by a tree even on private TGU2B1nvHFY-01700-00417342-00417689 property but the fruit has fallen off TGU2B1nvHFY-01701-00417689-00417863 the tree and it's not in the private TGU2B1nvHFY-01702-00417864-00418187 property it's on the on the street the TGU2B1nvHFY-01703-00418188-00418414 fruit is treated as Hefner TGU2B1nvHFY-01704-00418416-00418660 and if it's treated as Hefner you are TGU2B1nvHFY-01705-00418662-00418949 allowed to take the fruit and eat it TGU2B1nvHFY-01706-00418950-00419164 although with figs there's always a TGU2B1nvHFY-01707-00419166-00419387 problem of insects you know that's a TGU2B1nvHFY-01708-00419388-00419645 separate issue now so that's not a TGU2B1nvHFY-01709-00419646-00419807 problem now I'll just address each of TGU2B1nvHFY-01710-00419808-00420035 the things now what about taking off TGU2B1nvHFY-01711-00420035-00420329 truma and my sir TGU2B1nvHFY-01712-00420330-00420545 so you're lucky you get a bonus there as TGU2B1nvHFY-01713-00420546-00420910 well because generally is that anything TGU2B1nvHFY-01714-00420912-00421175 that you acquired from Healthcare TGU2B1nvHFY-01715-00421176-00421618 is exempt from truma and Miser so TGU2B1nvHFY-01716-00421619-00421870 therefore you get a double benefit that TGU2B1nvHFY-01717-00421871-00422122 you're allowed to eat to fix and you do TGU2B1nvHFY-01718-00422123-00422453 not have to take off trumos and Miser TGU2B1nvHFY-01719-00422454-00422753 now there is a problem potentially of TGU2B1nvHFY-01720-00422754-00422993 Orla right Orleans what you just said TGU2B1nvHFY-01721-00422993-00423503 and that is if these are figs that were TGU2B1nvHFY-01722-00423504-00423707 grown within three years of the tree TGU2B1nvHFY-01723-00423708-00423916 being planted then they're totally TGU2B1nvHFY-01724-00423917-00424097 forbidden and you're not allowed to eat TGU2B1nvHFY-01725-00424097-00424360 them at all so I'm not sure you know if TGU2B1nvHFY-01726-00424362-00424475 you can assume they're all or they're TGU2B1nvHFY-01727-00424476-00424739 not or usually the um there are guides TGU2B1nvHFY-01728-00424739-00424931 there are guides as to because some TGU2B1nvHFY-01729-00424932-00425129 trees don't see some trees do not TGU2B1nvHFY-01730-00425130-00425327 produce edible fruits TGU2B1nvHFY-01731-00425328-00425518 till three years have passed so there TGU2B1nvHFY-01732-00425519-00425755 are some trees in which there's never TGU2B1nvHFY-01733-00425756-00425957 because it wouldn't have produced fruit TGU2B1nvHFY-01734-00425958-00426137 so you have to check about victories I TGU2B1nvHFY-01735-00426138-00426395 honestly don't don't know yeah for the TGU2B1nvHFY-01736-00426396-00426599 sense we rely like for example on TGU2B1nvHFY-01737-00426600-00426779 Shabbos here we have somewhere someone TGU2B1nvHFY-01738-00426780-00426977 we're basically in a private domain TGU2B1nvHFY-01739-00426978-00427114 right this whole campus because someone TGU2B1nvHFY-01740-00427115-00427366 bites like a child's candle like or TGU2B1nvHFY-01741-00427367-00427747 whoever like um TGU2B1nvHFY-01742-00427747-00428068 well well well okay but but the concept TGU2B1nvHFY-01743-00428069-00428297 of private domain has different meanings TGU2B1nvHFY-01744-00428297-00428603 meaning to say uh when I said the fruit TGU2B1nvHFY-01745-00428604-00428813 on the street is Hefner I mean even if TGU2B1nvHFY-01746-00428814-00429022 it's enclosed by an Arab in a private TGU2B1nvHFY-01747-00429023-00429295 domain because people have TGU2B1nvHFY-01748-00429296-00429497 indiscriminate rights to walk through it TGU2B1nvHFY-01749-00429497-00429809 so as a result the owners are miyish to TGU2B1nvHFY-01750-00429810-00429989 give up any hope or any any connection TGU2B1nvHFY-01751-00429989-00430295 to it so even if you're technically TGU2B1nvHFY-01752-00430296-00430583 within a private domain the fruit is TGU2B1nvHFY-01753-00430584-00430709 still going to be Hefner because it's TGU2B1nvHFY-01754-00430710-00430966 not like an individual's private TGU2B1nvHFY-01755-00430967-00431213 property you see so I don't think you TGU2B1nvHFY-01756-00431214-00431393 have a you have a problem there but TGU2B1nvHFY-01757-00431393-00431537 inside of TGU2B1nvHFY-01758-00431538-00431716 inside the TGU2B1nvHFY-01759-00431717-00432349 side of the things TGU2B1nvHFY-01760-00432350-00432551 well inside a building might be TGU2B1nvHFY-01761-00432552-00432695 Healthcare depends on the circumstances TGU2B1nvHFY-01762-00432696-00433037 but but usually if somebody left fruit TGU2B1nvHFY-01763-00433038-00433210 inside of the building you know it TGU2B1nvHFY-01764-00433212-00433385 depends on the circumstances I mean if TGU2B1nvHFY-01765-00433385-00433570 you see like uh TGU2B1nvHFY-01766-00433571-00433768 something squished assuming you'd want TGU2B1nvHFY-01767-00433769-00434081 to eat some squished apple on the floor TGU2B1nvHFY-01768-00434082-00434339 of a building if you'd want to eat it TGU2B1nvHFY-01769-00434339-00434518 for some reason you can assume that it's TGU2B1nvHFY-01770-00434519-00434663 hefker TGU2B1nvHFY-01771-00434664-00434818 but on the other end if it's a whole TGU2B1nvHFY-01772-00434819-00435083 apple or a whole orange maybe somebody's TGU2B1nvHFY-01773-00435084-00435220 going to come and retrieve it you know TGU2B1nvHFY-01774-00435221-00435347 it fell out of a shopping bag and TGU2B1nvHFY-01775-00435347-00435503 they're going to go back and get it uh TGU2B1nvHFY-01776-00435504-00435707 yeah what are the issues with TGU2B1nvHFY-01777-00435708-00435997 smartphones TGU2B1nvHFY-01778-00435997-00436313 are the movements against smartphones TGU2B1nvHFY-01779-00436314-00436522 that try to take it away from place or TGU2B1nvHFY-01780-00436523-00436666 is it going too far because it seems TGU2B1nvHFY-01781-00436667-00436889 that it's causing a lot of hate amongst TGU2B1nvHFY-01782-00436889-00437027 the Jewish people and it's also I'm TGU2B1nvHFY-01783-00437028-00437116 saying a lot of people have been TGU2B1nvHFY-01784-00437117-00437260 embarrassed publicly because a lot of TGU2B1nvHFY-01785-00437262-00437501 people have been hurt because of it yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01786-00437502-00437687 even if they have a filtered phone it TGU2B1nvHFY-01787-00437688-00437825 doesn't make it enough right right right TGU2B1nvHFY-01788-00437826-00438083 right I mean listen we have to be we TGU2B1nvHFY-01789-00438084-00438245 have to be honest I mean certainly TGU2B1nvHFY-01790-00438246-00438593 smartphones are a problem uh internet TGU2B1nvHFY-01791-00438593-00438922 access is a problem uh both in terms of TGU2B1nvHFY-01792-00438923-00439199 God forbid things like pornography uh TGU2B1nvHFY-01793-00439200-00439468 dirty movies and even if you don't have TGU2B1nvHFY-01794-00439469-00439727 that the Beatles man of web surfing and TGU2B1nvHFY-01795-00439728-00439955 the like so it is a problem people get TGU2B1nvHFY-01796-00439956-00440164 addicted this is internet addiction is TGU2B1nvHFY-01797-00440165-00440429 recognized as an addiction pornography TGU2B1nvHFY-01798-00440430-00440651 pornographic addiction is recognized as TGU2B1nvHFY-01799-00440652-00441077 an addiction these are 100 problems so TGU2B1nvHFY-01800-00441078-00441329 the fact that uh within the religious TGU2B1nvHFY-01801-00441330-00441695 World we've identified problems that TGU2B1nvHFY-01802-00441696-00441983 itself is not irrational and that itself TGU2B1nvHFY-01803-00441984-00442168 is not wrong I think it's very very TGU2B1nvHFY-01804-00442169-00442499 clear that people uh should have at TGU2B1nvHFY-01805-00442500-00442703 least filters and ways at least not to TGU2B1nvHFY-01806-00442704-00443027 access the uh least desirable or the TGU2B1nvHFY-01807-00443028-00443393 most offensive parts of this now if we TGU2B1nvHFY-01808-00443393-00443675 then talk about the reactions the way TGU2B1nvHFY-01809-00443676-00443951 these things are enforced are they a TGU2B1nvHFY-01810-00443952-00444064 little bit over the top I think TGU2B1nvHFY-01811-00444065-00444445 sometimes they are the idea of riots and TGU2B1nvHFY-01812-00444446-00444713 putting people into faith and smashing TGU2B1nvHFY-01813-00444714-00444868 their phones and embarrassing them TGU2B1nvHFY-01814-00444869-00445114 publicly I would say that's not a proper TGU2B1nvHFY-01815-00445115-00445510 hanaga it's the old the old cliche of TGU2B1nvHFY-01816-00445512-00445672 two rungs don't make a right you don't TGU2B1nvHFY-01817-00445673-00445864 humiliate people you're not mavaza TGU2B1nvHFY-01818-00445865-00446087 people and in truth it's a little more TGU2B1nvHFY-01819-00446088-00446279 complicated because some people need TGU2B1nvHFY-01820-00446280-00446405 smartphones I mean I'll tell you the TGU2B1nvHFY-01821-00446406-00446609 truth it's this is an Open Secret I'm TGU2B1nvHFY-01822-00446610-00446891 not advocating it and I do not I do not TGU2B1nvHFY-01823-00446892-00447053 have a conflict of interest because I I TGU2B1nvHFY-01824-00447054-00447347 I do not have a smartphone okay I only TGU2B1nvHFY-01825-00447347-00447695 have a regular kosher phone but quite a TGU2B1nvHFY-01826-00447696-00447953 few people including I will not mention TGU2B1nvHFY-01827-00447954-00448199 names they have two phones TGU2B1nvHFY-01828-00448200-00448403 they have their kosher phone that you'll TGU2B1nvHFY-01829-00448404-00448643 see and they have their smartphone that TGU2B1nvHFY-01830-00448643-00448810 you're not going to see TGU2B1nvHFY-01831-00448812-00449014 I can assure you they're not watching TGU2B1nvHFY-01832-00449015-00449105 movies TGU2B1nvHFY-01833-00449106-00449333 on their smartphone but they need a TGU2B1nvHFY-01834-00449334-00449543 smartphone they get shyless they have to TGU2B1nvHFY-01835-00449543-00449693 have text messages TGU2B1nvHFY-01836-00449693-00449866 in other words there are reasons there TGU2B1nvHFY-01837-00449867-00450137 are uses for it so it's not that TGU2B1nvHFY-01838-00450138-00450347 something is totally evil TGU2B1nvHFY-01839-00450347-00450610 something has good uses something has TGU2B1nvHFY-01840-00450612-00450953 bad uses like anything else a car can TGU2B1nvHFY-01841-00450954-00451163 also be an instrument of Destruction and TGU2B1nvHFY-01842-00451164-00451283 death TGU2B1nvHFY-01843-00451284-00451457 some people have come out against cars TGU2B1nvHFY-01844-00451458-00451672 they said military should not drive I TGU2B1nvHFY-01845-00451673-00451859 mean there's been that not just women TGU2B1nvHFY-01846-00451860-00452039 that's an earlier one but even men men TGU2B1nvHFY-01847-00452039-00452237 shouldn't drive right okay TGU2B1nvHFY-01848-00452238-00452668 they say that Revel Joseph at one point TGU2B1nvHFY-01849-00452669-00452957 he was approached and he was asked to TGU2B1nvHFY-01850-00452958-00453220 sign a letter a ban on internet use TGU2B1nvHFY-01851-00453221-00453491 that's the ban it's not right TGU2B1nvHFY-01852-00453492-00453797 and they say he refused to sign the ban TGU2B1nvHFY-01853-00453797-00454181 because he said how can I ban something TGU2B1nvHFY-01854-00454182-00454439 which has a potential to give you Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-01855-00454439-00454757 and knowledge and the luck there are TGU2B1nvHFY-01856-00454758-00454979 good uses here how can I answer it in TGU2B1nvHFY-01857-00454980-00455129 fact they even give a little nicer this TGU2B1nvHFY-01858-00455130-00455243 way TGU2B1nvHFY-01859-00455243-00455501 the Mesa was that he had forgotten I TGU2B1nvHFY-01860-00455502-00455681 don't know one thing in his life he TGU2B1nvHFY-01861-00455682-00455897 forgot he had forgotten TGU2B1nvHFY-01862-00455897-00456113 something the night of Yehuda said in TGU2B1nvHFY-01863-00456114-00456322 one of his chuvists TGU2B1nvHFY-01864-00456323-00456581 and somebody showed him on the internet TGU2B1nvHFY-01865-00456582-00456916 where the Knight of Yehuda was TGU2B1nvHFY-01866-00456917-00457145 so it's keto he says he's mocker Tov to TGU2B1nvHFY-01867-00457146-00457283 the internet TGU2B1nvHFY-01868-00457284-00457493 because it's restored TGU2B1nvHFY-01869-00457493-00457660 something of Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-01870-00457662-00458020 that had eluded him temporarily TGU2B1nvHFY-01871-00458021-00458279 so this makes life more complicated TGU2B1nvHFY-01872-00458280-00458591 meaning to say uh it's much easier to TGU2B1nvHFY-01873-00458592-00458891 Simply say everything's awesome TGU2B1nvHFY-01874-00458892-00459083 and it's much easier although TGU2B1nvHFY-01875-00459084-00459389 irresponsible to say everything's fine TGU2B1nvHFY-01876-00459389-00459647 the short answer is some of it is good TGU2B1nvHFY-01877-00459647-00459910 some of it is bad and you've got to take TGU2B1nvHFY-01878-00459912-00460055 precautions TGU2B1nvHFY-01879-00460056-00460366 to minimize the bad and try to maximize TGU2B1nvHFY-01880-00460367-00460547 the good okay but I don't think you TGU2B1nvHFY-01881-00460547-00460751 embarrass people over this and people TGU2B1nvHFY-01882-00460752-00460901 ask me if Shyla maybe I shouldn't talk TGU2B1nvHFY-01883-00460902-00461122 about this because it's a controversial TGU2B1nvHFY-01884-00461123-00461225 Shiloh TGU2B1nvHFY-01885-00461226-00461464 Yeshiva TGU2B1nvHFY-01886-00461465-00461609 maybe I shouldn't I shouldn't really TGU2B1nvHFY-01887-00461610-00461909 said okay I'll I'll okay I'll tell you TGU2B1nvHFY-01888-00461910-00462070 this because it's unfair to me withhold TGU2B1nvHFY-01889-00462071-00462239 it once I mention it turn off the camera TGU2B1nvHFY-01890-00462239-00462364 no TGU2B1nvHFY-01891-00462365-00462797 um there are yeshivas there are yeshivas TGU2B1nvHFY-01892-00462797-00463097 that do not allow a talmud to remain in TGU2B1nvHFY-01893-00463097-00463235 the Yeshiva TGU2B1nvHFY-01894-00463235-00463403 if they have if they own a smartphone TGU2B1nvHFY-01895-00463404-00463679 there are yeshivas to say such a thing TGU2B1nvHFY-01896-00463680-00464068 did they ask you do you own a smartphone TGU2B1nvHFY-01897-00464069-00464339 if you own a smartphone unless you give TGU2B1nvHFY-01898-00464339-00464566 it to the yeshiva's office even if you TGU2B1nvHFY-01899-00464567-00464722 agree not to use it that's not good TGU2B1nvHFY-01900-00464723-00464825 enough TGU2B1nvHFY-01901-00464826-00465041 unless you give it to the yeshiva's TGU2B1nvHFY-01902-00465042-00465227 office for the entire duration of your TGU2B1nvHFY-01903-00465228-00465527 stay during this month you will not you TGU2B1nvHFY-01904-00465528-00465743 will have to leave the Yeshiva TGU2B1nvHFY-01905-00465743-00466060 so the shy was like this TGU2B1nvHFY-01906-00466062-00466264 the Shyla is TGU2B1nvHFY-01907-00466265-00466475 let's assume you're a good guy we're not TGU2B1nvHFY-01908-00466476-00466697 talking about a shirker you you learn TGU2B1nvHFY-01909-00466697-00466955 Stark you really really learn Stark TGU2B1nvHFY-01910-00466956-00467225 and you only use your smartphone TGU2B1nvHFY-01911-00467226-00467777 for what will Define as good uses TGU2B1nvHFY-01912-00467778-00468010 are you allowed to lie TGU2B1nvHFY-01913-00468012-00468245 can I lie TGU2B1nvHFY-01914-00468246-00468395 if TGU2B1nvHFY-01915-00468396-00468599 by telling the truth TGU2B1nvHFY-01916-00468600-00468910 I will be kicked out of my Malcolm Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-01917-00468912-00469145 and that may be negatively affect my TGU2B1nvHFY-01918-00469146-00469253 learning TGU2B1nvHFY-01919-00469254-00469631 can I lie TGU2B1nvHFY-01920-00469632-00469810 now there's a lot of aspects to this TGU2B1nvHFY-01921-00469812-00469918 Shyla TGU2B1nvHFY-01922-00469919-00470129 on one end you could you could describe TGU2B1nvHFY-01923-00470130-00470297 the Shyla this way TGU2B1nvHFY-01924-00470297-00470513 am I allowed to lie to be able to learn TGU2B1nvHFY-01925-00470514-00470663 Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-01926-00470664-00470933 if you ask the Shiloh that way I think TGU2B1nvHFY-01927-00470934-00471107 the answer is yes TGU2B1nvHFY-01928-00471108-00471395 if otherwise you wouldn't learn Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-01929-00471396-00471557 on the other hand TGU2B1nvHFY-01930-00471558-00471772 you can make the argument TGU2B1nvHFY-01931-00471773-00471977 if a given Yeshiva gives you a right of TGU2B1nvHFY-01932-00471978-00472139 admission TGU2B1nvHFY-01933-00472139-00472313 only if you comply with a certain TGU2B1nvHFY-01934-00472314-00472481 condition TGU2B1nvHFY-01935-00472482-00472649 and you're not complying with that TGU2B1nvHFY-01936-00472650-00472787 condition TGU2B1nvHFY-01937-00472788-00473075 then every breakfast you have in that TGU2B1nvHFY-01938-00473076-00473299 Yeshiva is stealing TGU2B1nvHFY-01939-00473300-00473470 gazella TGU2B1nvHFY-01940-00473471-00473668 and perhaps even sitting in the basement TGU2B1nvHFY-01941-00473669-00473872 which is gazella you're occupying space TGU2B1nvHFY-01942-00473873-00474053 that belongs to the Yeshiva TGU2B1nvHFY-01943-00474054-00474287 so it depends how you define it do you TGU2B1nvHFY-01944-00474288-00474616 look at this as I'm lying to learn Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-01945-00474617-00474833 or do you look at it as a gazella TGU2B1nvHFY-01946-00474834-00474953 problem TGU2B1nvHFY-01947-00474954-00475264 in which I'm literally stealing TGU2B1nvHFY-01948-00475265-00475439 it's a difficult I'm not going to tell TGU2B1nvHFY-01949-00475439-00475895 you any suck on it but I think in some TGU2B1nvHFY-01950-00475896-00476189 ways I mean I hear why yeshivas do it TGU2B1nvHFY-01951-00476189-00476555 but I think it's putting very good boys TGU2B1nvHFY-01952-00476556-00476860 in a very very excruciatingly difficult TGU2B1nvHFY-01953-00476862-00476987 situation TGU2B1nvHFY-01954-00476988-00477214 I am told TGU2B1nvHFY-01955-00477215-00477527 that many if not most of the tomidum lie TGU2B1nvHFY-01956-00477528-00477791 about it they just lie about it and they TGU2B1nvHFY-01957-00477792-00477947 say the Yeshiva knows we're lying so TGU2B1nvHFY-01958-00477947-00478120 therefore TGU2B1nvHFY-01959-00478121-00478475 but anytime a banteria is forced into a TGU2B1nvHFY-01960-00478476-00478583 lie TGU2B1nvHFY-01961-00478584-00479107 that raises very very serious shyless TGU2B1nvHFY-01962-00479108-00479357 so that's why I'm kind of against this TGU2B1nvHFY-01963-00479358-00479609 intolerant thing because it's forcing TGU2B1nvHFY-01964-00479610-00479807 people to either lie or get kicked out TGU2B1nvHFY-01965-00479808-00479981 of a Malcolm Terror now again if you're TGU2B1nvHFY-01966-00479982-00480197 talking about a guy who's not really TGU2B1nvHFY-01967-00480197-00480377 learning that much anyway and he's using TGU2B1nvHFY-01968-00480378-00480533 his smartphone all day for this and that TGU2B1nvHFY-01969-00480534-00480683 yeah so let the guy you know kick the TGU2B1nvHFY-01970-00480684-00480899 guy out you know that's fine but we're TGU2B1nvHFY-01971-00480900-00481043 talking about the nature who are very TGU2B1nvHFY-01972-00481043-00481277 very serious midnight Tyra who are put TGU2B1nvHFY-01973-00481278-00481445 to the choice of either lying or getting TGU2B1nvHFY-01974-00481446-00481685 out of the Yeshiva or giving up their TGU2B1nvHFY-01975-00481685-00481816 phone and if they have a good reason for TGU2B1nvHFY-01976-00481817-00481925 the phone you know that would be TGU2B1nvHFY-01977-00481926-00482159 difficult as well so there's a real TGU2B1nvHFY-01978-00482160-00482797 problem with this yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-01979-00482797-00483010 you think TGU2B1nvHFY-01980-00483012-00483203 yeah yeah uh that's a very good question TGU2B1nvHFY-01981-00483204-00483437 uh right we say every morning in TGU2B1nvHFY-01982-00483438-00484159 davening TGU2B1nvHFY-01983-00484160-00484468 that you gave me TGU2B1nvHFY-01984-00484469-00484805 is pure so who is the me that's what TGU2B1nvHFY-01985-00484806-00485087 you're asking it's commonly said TGU2B1nvHFY-01986-00485088-00485381 that the real person is their nashama TGU2B1nvHFY-01987-00485382-00485603 not their goof right no that's not going TGU2B1nvHFY-01988-00485604-00485741 to work here in other words you often TGU2B1nvHFY-01989-00485742-00485999 see Inspire him my Goff TGU2B1nvHFY-01990-00486000-00486197 is just a garment TGU2B1nvHFY-01991-00486197-00486472 my goof is just a robe TGU2B1nvHFY-01992-00486473-00486707 the real me TGU2B1nvHFY-01993-00486708-00486875 is my nishama TGU2B1nvHFY-01994-00486876-00487127 my spiritual Godly essence TGU2B1nvHFY-01995-00487128-00487360 that's said almost almost as a common TGU2B1nvHFY-01996-00487362-00487607 place a common idea that's what I'm TGU2B1nvHFY-01997-00487608-00487793 saying but you're a hundred percent TGU2B1nvHFY-01998-00487793-00487918 correct TGU2B1nvHFY-01999-00487919-00488201 that as beautiful as that idea is TGU2B1nvHFY-02000-00488202-00488513 it seems to be directly contradicted TGU2B1nvHFY-02001-00488514-00488855 by the davening in which I am talking TGU2B1nvHFY-02002-00488856-00489257 about Hashem giving me a nashama meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-02003-00489258-00489545 the nashama is not me me is somebody TGU2B1nvHFY-02004-00489546-00489647 else TGU2B1nvHFY-02005-00489647-00489941 so who is the me in the shamash and TGU2B1nvHFY-02006-00489942-00490085 Assateague TGU2B1nvHFY-02007-00490085-00490325 so I think the way we have to understand TGU2B1nvHFY-02008-00490326-00490660 it is the kabbalistic idea TGU2B1nvHFY-02009-00490662-00490997 that our divine souls are divided into TGU2B1nvHFY-02010-00490997-00491416 three we have nephesh ruach TGU2B1nvHFY-02011-00491417-00491566 neshama TGU2B1nvHFY-02012-00491567-00491770 the nephesh is essentially the TGU2B1nvHFY-02013-00491771-00492137 biological entity that runs our bodies TGU2B1nvHFY-02014-00492138-00492491 the ruach are our emotions and feelings TGU2B1nvHFY-02015-00492492-00492616 and Passions TGU2B1nvHFY-02016-00492617-00492899 our nishama is that Godly TGU2B1nvHFY-02017-00492900-00493120 soul that gives us intellectual TGU2B1nvHFY-02018-00493121-00493385 understanding so essentially the way we TGU2B1nvHFY-02019-00493385-00493583 would say it is it is the nephesh and TGU2B1nvHFY-02020-00493584-00493787 the ruach TGU2B1nvHFY-02021-00493788-00494305 thanking Hashem for the augmentation TGU2B1nvHFY-02022-00494306-00494525 okay I think that's it in other words so TGU2B1nvHFY-02023-00494526-00494770 so It ultimately still is the spiritual TGU2B1nvHFY-02024-00494771-00494957 essence of stalking but at different TGU2B1nvHFY-02025-00494958-00495160 levels it's not the Goof the Goof itself TGU2B1nvHFY-02026-00495162-00495487 is not a me the Goof itself has no TGU2B1nvHFY-02027-00495488-00495922 communicative abilities per se yeah when TGU2B1nvHFY-02028-00495923-00496127 we answer our main do we have to match TGU2B1nvHFY-02029-00496128-00496481 the tone of the bracha or thing that was TGU2B1nvHFY-02030-00496482-00496697 said like uh you know when there's a TGU2B1nvHFY-02031-00496697-00496877 tune usually or something or whatever oh TGU2B1nvHFY-02032-00496878-00497141 the tune I meant to say two so like if TGU2B1nvHFY-02033-00497142-00497605 we say two if we say you know it's like TGU2B1nvHFY-02034-00497606-00497825 or same thing with anyone who says TGU2B1nvHFY-02035-00497826-00498137 Cottage it's like you know you know you TGU2B1nvHFY-02036-00498138-00498370 say Amen or whatever like right is that TGU2B1nvHFY-02037-00498371-00498563 hologically like inclined yeah yeah you TGU2B1nvHFY-02038-00498564-00498749 just say the word I mean yeah so the TGU2B1nvHFY-02039-00498750-00498947 question is do you have to uh right TGU2B1nvHFY-02040-00498947-00499120 there's everything as a nussak right the TGU2B1nvHFY-02041-00499121-00499495 Kadesh of is different uh TGU2B1nvHFY-02042-00499496-00499829 I mean a lot of Balaji feeler are not TGU2B1nvHFY-02043-00499830-00499955 sensitive to it but there are TGU2B1nvHFY-02044-00499956-00500170 differences in everything so your TGU2B1nvHFY-02045-00500171-00500464 question is is should the armain match TGU2B1nvHFY-02046-00500465-00500855 the Negan of the particular bracha or TGU2B1nvHFY-02047-00500856-00501139 Kadesh that is being said TGU2B1nvHFY-02048-00501139-00501395 it's certainly not a halacha that's for TGU2B1nvHFY-02049-00501396-00501653 sure but I think it makes a lot of sense TGU2B1nvHFY-02050-00501654-00502060 because if you assume there is a TGU2B1nvHFY-02051-00502062-00502216 hashivas TGU2B1nvHFY-02052-00502217-00502420 in the nusa TGU2B1nvHFY-02053-00502421-00502643 that roshoda should be said right TGU2B1nvHFY-02054-00502643-00502759 because TGU2B1nvHFY-02055-00502760-00503116 right if it should be said that way then TGU2B1nvHFY-02056-00503117-00503357 that would be the same reason why the TGU2B1nvHFY-02057-00503358-00503525 response should be said that way because TGU2B1nvHFY-02058-00503526-00503837 it is appropriate to have a unique for TGU2B1nvHFY-02059-00503838-00504151 each of the but it's absolutely TGU2B1nvHFY-02060-00504152-00504401 requirement in that way now I thought TGU2B1nvHFY-02061-00504402-00504659 when you asked Matt in another way TGU2B1nvHFY-02062-00504660-00504820 that is TGU2B1nvHFY-02063-00504821-00505120 should you consciously TGU2B1nvHFY-02064-00505121-00505259 think TGU2B1nvHFY-02065-00505260-00505570 of what the bracha just said when you TGU2B1nvHFY-02066-00505571-00505709 say Amen TGU2B1nvHFY-02067-00505710-00506741 meaning somebody said abraha but Israel TGU2B1nvHFY-02068-00506742-00506957 you say or Main TGU2B1nvHFY-02069-00506958-00507191 what do you think when you say a main so TGU2B1nvHFY-02070-00507192-00507460 there this forum do say you should think TGU2B1nvHFY-02071-00507462-00507845 a man may it be true TGU2B1nvHFY-02072-00507846-00508060 or it is or in this case it is true TGU2B1nvHFY-02073-00508062-00508253 Hashem that you are the source of TGU2B1nvHFY-02074-00508254-00508516 healing so you actually should think TGU2B1nvHFY-02075-00508517-00508709 we don't always have the time the TGU2B1nvHFY-02076-00508710-00508895 cousins are the next brother already but TGU2B1nvHFY-02077-00508896-00509033 you actually should think about the TGU2B1nvHFY-02078-00509034-00509266 bracha that was just recited when you TGU2B1nvHFY-02079-00509267-00509495 say Amen so in that sense there is a TGU2B1nvHFY-02080-00509496-00509825 matchup that takes place yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02081-00509826-00511072 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02082-00511073-00511187 I guess TGU2B1nvHFY-02083-00511188-00511363 I'm pretty aggressive TGU2B1nvHFY-02084-00511364-00512016 pretty aggressive yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02085-00512017-00512260 and she dealt with TGU2B1nvHFY-02086-00512262-00512518 this individual in a very sharp and TGU2B1nvHFY-02087-00512519-00512687 harsh way and there was a whole court TGU2B1nvHFY-02088-00512688-00512933 case I think TGU2B1nvHFY-02089-00512934-00513035 this week TGU2B1nvHFY-02090-00513035-00513485 and the the court basically TGU2B1nvHFY-02091-00513485-00513797 um found the guilt for what for I don't TGU2B1nvHFY-02092-00513797-00514043 know exact punishment I don't know exact TGU2B1nvHFY-02093-00514043-00514349 details but this was saying this was a TGU2B1nvHFY-02094-00514350-00514655 woman police officer that abused abused TGU2B1nvHFY-02095-00514656-00515575 a man or a woman another woman okay yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02096-00515576-00516043 right but um my question was that uh TGU2B1nvHFY-02097-00516043-00516359 experience is very complicated and TGU2B1nvHFY-02098-00516360-00516527 you know especially when you're when TGU2B1nvHFY-02099-00516528-00516695 you're dealing with a very violent and TGU2B1nvHFY-02100-00516696-00516947 aggressive individual you know TGU2B1nvHFY-02101-00516947-00517139 what extent can a person who are TGU2B1nvHFY-02102-00517139-00517612 responsible for you know TGU2B1nvHFY-02103-00517613-00517762 and I guess like what does the Halal TGU2B1nvHFY-02104-00517763-00517931 have to say about that but also like for TGU2B1nvHFY-02105-00517932-00518116 them are also like it's very TGU2B1nvHFY-02106-00518117-00518309 nerve-wracking to know that that the TGU2B1nvHFY-02107-00518310-00518507 police officers themselves are held TGU2B1nvHFY-02108-00518508-00519583 being held on a very strong like uh TGU2B1nvHFY-02109-00519584-00519868 with Force because we're scared that TGU2B1nvHFY-02110-00519869-00520072 we're going to be put in jail I don't TGU2B1nvHFY-02111-00520073-00520366 know yeah yeah yeah yeah this is uh TGU2B1nvHFY-02112-00520367-00520601 generally this is a major major issue in TGU2B1nvHFY-02113-00520602-00520757 the United States if you follow the news TGU2B1nvHFY-02114-00520758-00520979 in the United States where unfortunately TGU2B1nvHFY-02115-00520980-00521170 for different reasons there seems to be TGU2B1nvHFY-02116-00521171-00521459 a lot of situations over the past TGU2B1nvHFY-02117-00521460-00521635 two or three years TGU2B1nvHFY-02118-00521635-00521957 where people get killed by policemen and TGU2B1nvHFY-02119-00521958-00522149 it seems like really outrageous why why TGU2B1nvHFY-02120-00522150-00522305 using usually blacks or whatever it is TGU2B1nvHFY-02121-00522306-00522610 they get killed and the policemen go up TGU2B1nvHFY-02122-00522612-00522916 on brutality charges but uh the police TGU2B1nvHFY-02123-00522917-00523085 community and many conservatives say TGU2B1nvHFY-02124-00523085-00523237 well wait a second here if you're gonna TGU2B1nvHFY-02125-00523238-00523637 kind of penalize policemen for doing TGU2B1nvHFY-02126-00523638-00523805 their job or even if they go a little TGU2B1nvHFY-02127-00523806-00524020 beyond their job a policeman is going to TGU2B1nvHFY-02128-00524021-00524368 be afraid to take any type of Step TGU2B1nvHFY-02129-00524369-00524585 um listen all I can say is this is a TGU2B1nvHFY-02130-00524586-00524872 very difficult issue but TGU2B1nvHFY-02131-00524873-00524975 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02132-00524976-00525257 what is necessary is proper and what is TGU2B1nvHFY-02133-00525258-00525437 beyond what is necessary is not proper TGU2B1nvHFY-02134-00525438-00525622 and obviously there has to be a certain TGU2B1nvHFY-02135-00525623-00525862 amount of leeway but when somebody is TGU2B1nvHFY-02136-00525863-00526199 absolutely over the uh the top TGU2B1nvHFY-02137-00526200-00526361 they can be punished I mean an example TGU2B1nvHFY-02138-00526362-00526511 is is road Dave let me give you an TGU2B1nvHFY-02139-00526512-00526651 example TGU2B1nvHFY-02140-00526652-00526889 if I see somebody TGU2B1nvHFY-02141-00526890-00527135 who is threatening to either kill me or TGU2B1nvHFY-02142-00527136-00527309 kill another person TGU2B1nvHFY-02143-00527310-00527561 hylacically I am allowed to not only I'm TGU2B1nvHFY-02144-00527562-00527729 allowed to there's a missile for me to TGU2B1nvHFY-02145-00527730-00527831 kill them TGU2B1nvHFY-02146-00527832-00528203 but only if that's the only way I could TGU2B1nvHFY-02147-00528204-00528364 stop them if I could stop them by TGU2B1nvHFY-02148-00528365-00528622 disabling them if I could stop them by TGU2B1nvHFY-02149-00528623-00528970 knocking them unconscious to explore TGU2B1nvHFY-02150-00528971-00529133 those alternatives TGU2B1nvHFY-02151-00529134-00529445 so if a person killed when he didn't TGU2B1nvHFY-02152-00529446-00529805 have to kill he would be a murderer but TGU2B1nvHFY-02153-00529806-00530068 we don't make him you know know for sure TGU2B1nvHFY-02154-00530069-00530333 I mean uh let's imagine a situation TGU2B1nvHFY-02155-00530334-00530579 where somebody goes over to you pulls TGU2B1nvHFY-02156-00530580-00530770 out a gun TGU2B1nvHFY-02157-00530771-00531041 and seems to be about to shoot you and TGU2B1nvHFY-02158-00531042-00531341 you take out your gun and you kill him TGU2B1nvHFY-02159-00531342-00531509 and then you discover TGU2B1nvHFY-02160-00531510-00531701 he had a fake gun it was a fake gun it TGU2B1nvHFY-02161-00531702-00531905 was a toy gun TGU2B1nvHFY-02162-00531906-00532253 so you were had you had no threat at all TGU2B1nvHFY-02163-00532254-00532553 but you thought your life was threatened TGU2B1nvHFY-02164-00532554-00532799 the din of rodaf does not depend on TGU2B1nvHFY-02165-00532800-00532966 actual threat TGU2B1nvHFY-02166-00532967-00533177 but it depends on the perception of a TGU2B1nvHFY-02167-00533178-00533266 threat TGU2B1nvHFY-02168-00533267-00533464 I had that once happened to me I I was I TGU2B1nvHFY-02169-00533465-00533657 didn't have I was scared to death I was TGU2B1nvHFY-02170-00533658-00533722 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02171-00533723-00533861 my first year of law school was walking TGU2B1nvHFY-02172-00533862-00534041 around in Boston at night or Brookline TGU2B1nvHFY-02173-00534042-00534245 at night normally a safe community TGU2B1nvHFY-02174-00534246-00534562 and some guy you know pulls out a gun at TGU2B1nvHFY-02175-00534563-00534772 me TGU2B1nvHFY-02176-00534773-00535031 you know and then he starts laughing TGU2B1nvHFY-02177-00535032-00535181 like an insane person he shows me it's a TGU2B1nvHFY-02178-00535182-00535462 toy gun isn't that funny I just told him TGU2B1nvHFY-02179-00535463-00535661 you're lucky I don't carry a gun I mean TGU2B1nvHFY-02180-00535662-00535822 if I carry the gun I could have killed TGU2B1nvHFY-02181-00535823-00535889 you TGU2B1nvHFY-02182-00535890-00536116 and I would not be guilty at all because TGU2B1nvHFY-02183-00536117-00536351 I had a reasonable threat TGU2B1nvHFY-02184-00536352-00536555 to my life even though it turned out to TGU2B1nvHFY-02185-00536556-00536789 be fake so you got to cut people's flag TGU2B1nvHFY-02186-00536790-00536987 I mean I'll give you another example TGU2B1nvHFY-02187-00536988-00537166 uh this happened a few years ago here in TGU2B1nvHFY-02188-00537167-00537329 Israel TGU2B1nvHFY-02189-00537330-00537641 um a terrorist was disabled TGU2B1nvHFY-02190-00537642-00537851 and was arrested TGU2B1nvHFY-02191-00537852-00538139 so he was no longer a threat TGU2B1nvHFY-02192-00538140-00538409 and some Soldier walked by TGU2B1nvHFY-02193-00538410-00538637 Terrace was on the ground TGU2B1nvHFY-02194-00538638-00538835 tooka took out his gun TGU2B1nvHFY-02195-00538836-00539212 and shot the guy in the head TGU2B1nvHFY-02196-00539213-00539422 now this Soldier was put up for court TGU2B1nvHFY-02197-00539423-00539681 martial because he killed somebody who TGU2B1nvHFY-02198-00539682-00539861 was no longer a threat TGU2B1nvHFY-02199-00539862-00540179 but he claims the guy was reaching for TGU2B1nvHFY-02200-00540180-00540389 someone else's gun TGU2B1nvHFY-02201-00540390-00540670 so you have to TGU2B1nvHFY-02202-00540671-00540845 take these things into account you can't TGU2B1nvHFY-02203-00540846-00541018 be so exact TGU2B1nvHFY-02204-00541019-00541241 but just because you don't know the TGU2B1nvHFY-02205-00541242-00541499 exact line doesn't mean there's not some TGU2B1nvHFY-02206-00541500-00541775 point in which you're clearly over so I TGU2B1nvHFY-02207-00541776-00541972 had to know more about the case but TGU2B1nvHFY-02208-00541973-00542164 halacha basically says if you're using TGU2B1nvHFY-02209-00542165-00542339 more Force than you have to you will be TGU2B1nvHFY-02210-00542340-00542477 liable TGU2B1nvHFY-02211-00542478-00542651 maybe another example we can think about TGU2B1nvHFY-02212-00542652-00542868 is a shelier based in TGU2B1nvHFY-02213-00542869-00543035 based in TGU2B1nvHFY-02214-00543036-00543251 is given authorization to give people TGU2B1nvHFY-02215-00543252-00543401 malkus TGU2B1nvHFY-02216-00543402-00543647 right he's the Whipper TGU2B1nvHFY-02217-00543648-00544025 uh so a person gets monkeys 39 times TGU2B1nvHFY-02218-00544026-00544277 but it mentions that if the schlier TGU2B1nvHFY-02219-00544278-00544529 based and killed somebody in the course TGU2B1nvHFY-02220-00544530-00544666 of the malkus TGU2B1nvHFY-02221-00544667-00544841 he is not liable to go to the air TGU2B1nvHFY-02222-00544842-00545116 michlet because he was doing his job TGU2B1nvHFY-02223-00545117-00545357 if he added more than he was authorized TGU2B1nvHFY-02224-00545358-00545447 to do TGU2B1nvHFY-02225-00545448-00545705 the guy only gets 39 and he gave him 40. TGU2B1nvHFY-02226-00545706-00545951 or the sack was he would only get you TGU2B1nvHFY-02227-00545952-00546227 know 21 and he gave him 22 because that TGU2B1nvHFY-02228-00546228-00546472 would kill him he is high of right so TGU2B1nvHFY-02229-00546473-00546707 you see this concept that there is a TGU2B1nvHFY-02230-00546708-00546983 notion of force beyond what is what is TGU2B1nvHFY-02231-00546984-00548081 permitted can he uh the question yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02232-00548082-00548320 younger than me and he's uh not TGU2B1nvHFY-02233-00548321-00548572 religious but but I'd like to you know TGU2B1nvHFY-02234-00548573-00548770 the column up and teach him some Toro TGU2B1nvHFY-02235-00548771-00549772 that's very nice Sam thank you TGU2B1nvHFY-02236-00549773-00550001 like could I just give him um a couple TGU2B1nvHFY-02237-00550002-00550193 of notes from your earlier shoe today or TGU2B1nvHFY-02238-00550194-00550385 would that be considered teaching Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-02239-00550386-00550789 or would I have to go through a puzzle TGU2B1nvHFY-02240-00550790-00551075 no they're they're they're they're there TGU2B1nvHFY-02241-00551076-00551303 literally is no Threshold at all meaning TGU2B1nvHFY-02242-00551304-00551585 any thought TGU2B1nvHFY-02243-00551586-00551855 that interprets or explains TGU2B1nvHFY-02244-00551856-00552131 a part of the Torah even if it's not a TGU2B1nvHFY-02245-00552132-00552293 specific possuk TGU2B1nvHFY-02246-00552294-00552659 or mimer khazal is a fulfillment of the TGU2B1nvHFY-02247-00552660-00552851 Mitzvah of Lima Torah and therefore it TGU2B1nvHFY-02248-00552852-00553085 is a fulfillment of the Mitzvah of TGU2B1nvHFY-02249-00553086-00553211 teaching Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-02250-00553212-00553318 that's what I think Mark says in TGU2B1nvHFY-02251-00553319-00553553 perkiagos right it says in percivals TGU2B1nvHFY-02252-00553554-00553762 that even if a person taught you one TGU2B1nvHFY-02253-00553763-00554087 pasok one word or one letter of Torah TGU2B1nvHFY-02254-00554088-00554435 they are your rebbe in some ways it TGU2B1nvHFY-02255-00554436-00554581 doesn't it doesn't mean all dialogue is TGU2B1nvHFY-02256-00554582-00554849 and the like so that's a wonderful thing TGU2B1nvHFY-02257-00554850-00555029 and I can tell you again from personal TGU2B1nvHFY-02258-00555030-00555359 experience that the notion that an older TGU2B1nvHFY-02259-00555360-00555629 guy in Yeshiva would take the time TGU2B1nvHFY-02260-00555630-00555916 to learn with a younger child whether TGU2B1nvHFY-02261-00555917-00556151 it's a relative or not a relative makes TGU2B1nvHFY-02262-00556152-00556414 a tremendous tremendous impact TGU2B1nvHFY-02263-00556415-00556583 on that child that's something that TGU2B1nvHFY-02264-00556584-00556877 they'll always remember and you can see TGU2B1nvHFY-02265-00556878-00557045 It'll produce really really beautiful TGU2B1nvHFY-02266-00557046-00557255 benefits in the future so I want to give TGU2B1nvHFY-02267-00557256-00557459 you a Chicago yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02268-00557460-00557585 um what are the Reps thoughts on the TGU2B1nvHFY-02269-00557586-00557843 criticism of the zohar's validity and TGU2B1nvHFY-02270-00557844-00558077 the claims that Leon might have done it TGU2B1nvHFY-02271-00558078-00558209 for his own tonight maybe he wrote it TGU2B1nvHFY-02272-00558210-00558545 and if those claims are validated in any TGU2B1nvHFY-02273-00558546-00558679 way does that really have any TGU2B1nvHFY-02274-00558680-00558911 ramifications in the lit Vicious Circle TGU2B1nvHFY-02275-00558912-00559175 yeah the issue of the Zohar of Moshe de TGU2B1nvHFY-02276-00559176-00559529 Leon uh this comes up a lot and again my TGU2B1nvHFY-02277-00559530-00559847 my correspondence have strong views TGU2B1nvHFY-02278-00559848-00560155 about all sides of this of this question TGU2B1nvHFY-02279-00560156-00560387 uh here's what I would say though I TGU2B1nvHFY-02280-00560388-00561433 would say that number one TGU2B1nvHFY-02281-00561434-00561689 therefore you know that is what we TGU2B1nvHFY-02282-00561690-00562007 accept but but I think your your second TGU2B1nvHFY-02283-00562008-00562114 point TGU2B1nvHFY-02284-00562115-00562457 uh is also a valid point and that is at TGU2B1nvHFY-02285-00562458-00562793 this point even if we were to assume TGU2B1nvHFY-02286-00562794-00563075 a REV Moshe de Leon origin let's assume TGU2B1nvHFY-02287-00563076-00563141 that TGU2B1nvHFY-02288-00563142-00563339 you're still dealing with a book that TGU2B1nvHFY-02289-00563340-00563537 has been learned and studied and TGU2B1nvHFY-02290-00563538-00564095 commented upon for more than 800 years TGU2B1nvHFY-02291-00564096-00564268 okay you're not talking about oh TGU2B1nvHFY-02292-00564269-00564443 yesterday I found the Zohar in my TGU2B1nvHFY-02293-00564444-00564605 basement you know you're talking about a TGU2B1nvHFY-02294-00564606-00564916 book that has been studied by thousands TGU2B1nvHFY-02295-00564917-00565127 if not hundreds of thousands of great TGU2B1nvHFY-02296-00565128-00565445 Sadiq so as a result TGU2B1nvHFY-02297-00565446-00565727 the ideas in the Zora are said to TGU2B1nvHFY-02298-00565728-00566014 represent spiritual truths irrespective TGU2B1nvHFY-02299-00566015-00566266 of the way those truths came into the TGU2B1nvHFY-02300-00566267-00566339 world TGU2B1nvHFY-02301-00566340-00566555 so as a result therefore I think the TGU2B1nvHFY-02302-00566556-00566699 issue of authorship TGU2B1nvHFY-02303-00566700-00566999 is a less significant issue than people TGU2B1nvHFY-02304-00567000-00567293 make it people seem to assume oh once TGU2B1nvHFY-02305-00567294-00567514 you make it Moshe de Leon then the Zoar TGU2B1nvHFY-02306-00567515-00567785 is worthless no what about the fact that TGU2B1nvHFY-02307-00567786-00567947 800 years TGU2B1nvHFY-02308-00567948-00568162 of great great Sadiq and have used the TGU2B1nvHFY-02309-00568163-00568355 Zohar as the basis for their thought TGU2B1nvHFY-02310-00568356-00568570 right so in a sense therefore I think TGU2B1nvHFY-02311-00568571-00568781 the validity of the Zohar is a TGU2B1nvHFY-02312-00568782-00569033 stand-alone validity that may not be TGU2B1nvHFY-02313-00569034-00569243 totally connected to authorship okay TGU2B1nvHFY-02314-00569244-00569405 yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02315-00569406-00569675 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02316-00569676-00569879 this may not be so Robin nowadays but TGU2B1nvHFY-02317-00569880-00569975 the next TGU2B1nvHFY-02318-00569976-00570053 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02319-00570054-00570401 seven or so years the next and the next TGU2B1nvHFY-02320-00570402-00570635 by the time like on maybe 70 or 60s TGU2B1nvHFY-02321-00570636-00570905 maybe a very significant issue yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02322-00570906-00571193 um on the topic of genetic editing TGU2B1nvHFY-02323-00571194-00571301 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02324-00571302-00571570 there's there's different types one type TGU2B1nvHFY-02325-00571571-00571949 can be that it causes permanent on Gene TGU2B1nvHFY-02326-00571950-00572105 changes to all future Offspring another TGU2B1nvHFY-02327-00572106-00572333 type is just causes a change to you yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02328-00572334-00572585 and the third thing is that this is TGU2B1nvHFY-02329-00572586-00572831 actually already been done they've used TGU2B1nvHFY-02330-00572832-00573101 super computers to create a biological TGU2B1nvHFY-02331-00573102-00573301 organism with life TGU2B1nvHFY-02332-00573302-00573611 that has not been a descendant of TGU2B1nvHFY-02333-00573612-00573785 anything that was previously living TGU2B1nvHFY-02334-00573786-00574151 beforehand like created it from scratch TGU2B1nvHFY-02335-00574152-00574361 um is that true I was not I was not TGU2B1nvHFY-02336-00574362-00574637 aware of that a few years ago TGU2B1nvHFY-02337-00574638-00574903 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02338-00574904-00575212 okay very very small organization yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02339-00575213-00575333 I had like TGU2B1nvHFY-02340-00575334-00575687 hey when living beings like this get to TGU2B1nvHFY-02341-00575688-00575807 the point where they're serious living TGU2B1nvHFY-02342-00575808-00575914 like TGU2B1nvHFY-02343-00575915-00576197 exercise whatever TGU2B1nvHFY-02344-00576198-00576479 um what's what's the dean of of Life on TGU2B1nvHFY-02345-00576480-00576664 these people of killing of or not having TGU2B1nvHFY-02346-00576665-00576941 killings like what's it you know TGU2B1nvHFY-02347-00576942-00577205 um yeah also with genetic editing TGU2B1nvHFY-02348-00577206-00577312 um TGU2B1nvHFY-02349-00577313-00577493 what are the limits that were Allah TGU2B1nvHFY-02350-00577494-00577733 allowed to do like let's say we want a TGU2B1nvHFY-02351-00577734-00577889 person wants to have kids or let's say a TGU2B1nvHFY-02352-00577890-00578099 person simply wants to make genetic TGU2B1nvHFY-02353-00578100-00578297 modifications to look better or to to TGU2B1nvHFY-02354-00578298-00578507 feel better TGU2B1nvHFY-02355-00578508-00578711 yeah yeah yeah so let me just address TGU2B1nvHFY-02356-00578712-00578957 the genetic editing issue here uh TGU2B1nvHFY-02357-00578958-00579191 genetic enhancement uh is going you know TGU2B1nvHFY-02358-00579192-00579383 is already being done and it's going to TGU2B1nvHFY-02359-00579384-00579509 get bigger and bigger and bigger and TGU2B1nvHFY-02360-00579510-00579970 bigger uh the general approach is TGU2B1nvHFY-02361-00579971-00580241 that the terror gives permission to heal TGU2B1nvHFY-02362-00580242-00580470 illness so if you're talking about TGU2B1nvHFY-02363-00580471-00580781 genetically removing Down syndrome or TGU2B1nvHFY-02364-00580782-00581068 other genetic illnesses that would be a TGU2B1nvHFY-02365-00581069-00581341 legitimate medical use of a technology TGU2B1nvHFY-02366-00581342-00581741 if you're dealing with pure enhancements TGU2B1nvHFY-02367-00581742-00581933 we have to be a little more cautious TGU2B1nvHFY-02368-00581934-00582095 because there are there are hidden TGU2B1nvHFY-02369-00582096-00582281 quests here so I think we would TGU2B1nvHFY-02370-00582282-00582539 differentiate between genetic editing to TGU2B1nvHFY-02371-00582540-00582814 get rid of down syndrome versus genetic TGU2B1nvHFY-02372-00582815-00583114 editing to have blue eyes or to have a TGU2B1nvHFY-02373-00583115-00583468 whatever it is a 300 to point IQ or or TGU2B1nvHFY-02374-00583469-00583703 or or the light now the line between TGU2B1nvHFY-02375-00583704-00584039 enhancement and Curative illness is not TGU2B1nvHFY-02376-00584040-00584362 always easy to to draw but I think that TGU2B1nvHFY-02377-00584363-00584525 would be the sense of where we where we TGU2B1nvHFY-02378-00584526-00584722 go I also want to want to make the TGU2B1nvHFY-02379-00584723-00584945 obvious point that when you're tampering TGU2B1nvHFY-02380-00584946-00585197 with God's creation there are many many TGU2B1nvHFY-02381-00585198-00585431 unintended side effects I'll just remind TGU2B1nvHFY-02382-00585432-00585766 you of the movies Jurassic Park which TGU2B1nvHFY-02383-00585767-00586079 kind of make that point and I very very TGU2B1nvHFY-02384-00586080-00586237 Vivid way TGU2B1nvHFY-02385-00586238-00586541 now uh in terms of the status of TGU2B1nvHFY-02386-00586542-00586727 artificial life I'm going to check that TGU2B1nvHFY-02387-00586728-00586961 but it would seem TGU2B1nvHFY-02388-00586962-00587201 that the closest analogy would be to the TGU2B1nvHFY-02389-00587202-00587314 Golem TGU2B1nvHFY-02390-00587315-00587579 we have we've had artificial humanoids TGU2B1nvHFY-02391-00587580-00587891 that were made and a Golem is generally TGU2B1nvHFY-02392-00587892-00588059 not considered human you could kill a TGU2B1nvHFY-02393-00588060-00588364 Golem uh you cannot count to Golem for a TGU2B1nvHFY-02394-00588365-00588629 minion you know Etc I think artificial TGU2B1nvHFY-02395-00588630-00588809 life that we create that did not result TGU2B1nvHFY-02396-00588810-00589061 from reproduction would fall under that TGU2B1nvHFY-02397-00589062-00589409 category where it gets scarier though is TGU2B1nvHFY-02398-00589410-00589631 if there's a Consciousness element here TGU2B1nvHFY-02399-00589632-00589751 meaning it's one thing to say you know TGU2B1nvHFY-02400-00589752-00589883 Golem TGU2B1nvHFY-02401-00589884-00590153 a Golem like does stuff but you can't TGU2B1nvHFY-02402-00590154-00590327 really have a conversation with a Golem TGU2B1nvHFY-02403-00590328-00590639 uh but if we ever reach I hope we don't TGU2B1nvHFY-02404-00590640-00590872 some artificial life where there's TGU2B1nvHFY-02405-00590873-00591083 mamash consciousness TGU2B1nvHFY-02406-00591084-00591395 and everything else then it's going to TGU2B1nvHFY-02407-00591396-00591557 be very very hard to say that it's not TGU2B1nvHFY-02408-00591558-00591791 human and again to go back to what we TGU2B1nvHFY-02409-00591792-00592151 started at the very beginning even ai ai TGU2B1nvHFY-02410-00592152-00592355 is certainly not life in any biological TGU2B1nvHFY-02411-00592356-00592481 way TGU2B1nvHFY-02412-00592482-00592666 but it becomes like the science fiction TGU2B1nvHFY-02413-00592667-00592841 thing about you know the computer TGU2B1nvHFY-02414-00592842-00593068 becomes a sentient TGU2B1nvHFY-02415-00593069-00593189 being TGU2B1nvHFY-02416-00593190-00593405 so there are going to be problems but I TGU2B1nvHFY-02417-00593406-00593591 think hierarchically we do not consider TGU2B1nvHFY-02418-00593592-00593753 artificial people TGU2B1nvHFY-02419-00593754-00593999 uh human they are not human therefore TGU2B1nvHFY-02420-00594000-00594143 they could be destroyed TGU2B1nvHFY-02421-00594144-00594912 as a fellow what if um TGU2B1nvHFY-02422-00594913-00595372 of the generation were to genetically TGU2B1nvHFY-02423-00595373-00595697 breathe a kid from birth TGU2B1nvHFY-02424-00595698-00595966 um that has like if I say 300 Point IQ TGU2B1nvHFY-02425-00595967-00596212 absolutely genius yeah and raise him to TGU2B1nvHFY-02426-00596213-00596453 be an absolute genius unparalleled to TGU2B1nvHFY-02427-00596454-00596789 anything ever before in Torah yeah TGU2B1nvHFY-02428-00596790-00597251 would something like that be allowed TGU2B1nvHFY-02429-00597252-00597461 I don't think we would allow it if TGU2B1nvHFY-02430-00597462-00597616 you're asking me after the fact we're TGU2B1nvHFY-02431-00597617-00597743 not going to kill the kid the kid is TGU2B1nvHFY-02432-00597744-00598025 born from a mother and as a result he is TGU2B1nvHFY-02433-00598026-00598139 fully human TGU2B1nvHFY-02434-00598140-00598372 and if he was given extraordinary TGU2B1nvHFY-02435-00598373-00598583 abilities that will create extraordinary TGU2B1nvHFY-02436-00598584-00598768 responsibilities TGU2B1nvHFY-02437-00598769-00599045 so we'll deal with it and he'll deal TGU2B1nvHFY-02438-00599046-00599231 with it but I don't think we would TGU2B1nvHFY-02439-00599232-00599375 encourage it I don't think rabbis would TGU2B1nvHFY-02440-00599376-00599705 encourage that type of tampering again I TGU2B1nvHFY-02441-00599706-00599866 mentioned before a number of times the TGU2B1nvHFY-02442-00599867-00600053 thought of rev destler about humorous TGU2B1nvHFY-02443-00600054-00600341 which I think may be relevant here and TGU2B1nvHFY-02444-00600342-00600472 that is TGU2B1nvHFY-02445-00600473-00600803 um when you try to be mahmer in one area TGU2B1nvHFY-02446-00600804-00601012 your your energies are limited and TGU2B1nvHFY-02447-00601013-00601259 you'll tend to under compensate in other TGU2B1nvHFY-02448-00601260-00601481 areas it's like a sheet or a tablecloth TGU2B1nvHFY-02449-00601482-00601714 that's too small for the table I pull it TGU2B1nvHFY-02450-00601715-00601961 here that part gets uncovered TGU2B1nvHFY-02451-00601962-00602141 I wonder I mean this is only your TGU2B1nvHFY-02452-00602142-00602405 specific example to bring a kid into the TGU2B1nvHFY-02453-00602406-00602729 world with let's say a 300 Point IQ like TGU2B1nvHFY-02454-00602730-00602903 smarter than any human being who ever TGU2B1nvHFY-02455-00602904-00603107 lived TGU2B1nvHFY-02456-00603108-00603341 you know I wonder if that's completely TGU2B1nvHFY-02457-00603342-00603509 profits TGU2B1nvHFY-02458-00603510-00603695 or there may be a lot of deficits in TGU2B1nvHFY-02459-00603696-00603922 that like who can the kid relate to TGU2B1nvHFY-02460-00603923-00604205 how will he socially fit into the world TGU2B1nvHFY-02461-00604206-00604420 will he be able to get married and be a TGU2B1nvHFY-02462-00604421-00604577 father you know there are a lot of TGU2B1nvHFY-02463-00604578-00604733 teachers here when you kind of just TGU2B1nvHFY-02464-00604734-00604985 develop one capacity without other TGU2B1nvHFY-02465-00604986-00605189 capacities being the same TGU2B1nvHFY-02466-00605190-00605470 you may have some serious dysfunction I TGU2B1nvHFY-02467-00605471-00605741 mean even now in very very limited TGU2B1nvHFY-02468-00605742-00605951 context when a kid like these kid TGU2B1nvHFY-02469-00605952-00606137 Geniuses or whatever or even a kid who TGU2B1nvHFY-02470-00606138-00606353 skips skips two grades in school TGU2B1nvHFY-02471-00606354-00606514 there may be some serious social TGU2B1nvHFY-02472-00606515-00606766 problems are you putting them in with TGU2B1nvHFY-02473-00606767-00606947 older kids whatever it is but he doesn't TGU2B1nvHFY-02474-00606948-00607072 have a chance to TGU2B1nvHFY-02475-00607073-00607241 right so you have to be careful these TGU2B1nvHFY-02476-00607242-00607457 enhancements which the mad scientist TGU2B1nvHFY-02477-00607458-00607661 wants to do are not always going to be TGU2B1nvHFY-02478-00607662-00607895 really beneficial either to the kid or TGU2B1nvHFY-02479-00607896-00608186 even to society