6l5rhY1vTL0-00000-00000030-00001028 [Music] 6l5rhY1vTL0-00001-00001029-00001503 [Applause] 6l5rhY1vTL0-00002-00001504-00001871 welcome back in the last segment we 6l5rhY1vTL0-00003-00001872-00002218 discussed how default values can be 6l5rhY1vTL0-00004-00002219-00002602 given to some parameters in a function 6l5rhY1vTL0-00005-00002603-00002954 that we are defining in the next segment 6l5rhY1vTL0-00006-00002955-00003173 we are going to discuss another feature 6l5rhY1vTL0-00007-00003174-00003467 which can make it easy we make it more 6l5rhY1vTL0-00008-00003468-00003697 convenient to write certain functions 6l5rhY1vTL0-00009-00003698-00004022 and that is the so called overloading of 6l5rhY1vTL0-00010-00004022-00004363 functions and in this segment will also 6l5rhY1vTL0-00011-00004364-00004724 conclude this entire lecture sequence so 6l5rhY1vTL0-00012-00004725-00005045 C++ allows you to define multiple 6l5rhY1vTL0-00013-00005046-00005338 functions with the same name provided 6l5rhY1vTL0-00014-00005339-00005684 they have different argument lists so 6l5rhY1vTL0-00015-00005685-00006017 the term overloading is used and perhaps 6l5rhY1vTL0-00016-00006018-00006236 we should really be saying overload the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00017-00006237-00006488 name overload in the sense that the same 6l5rhY1vTL0-00018-00006489-00006980 name means some different things and the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00019-00006981-00007226 same name can be used to refer to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00020-00007227-00007463 different functions so that's what C++ 6l5rhY1vTL0-00021-00007464-00007919 allows so suppose you want to write a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00022-00007920-00008066 function to compute the area of a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00023-00008067-00008519 graphical object okay now the name area 6l5rhY1vTL0-00024-00008520-00008917 seems like a good name and perhaps you 6l5rhY1vTL0-00025-00008918-00009203 might want to use the same name to find 6l5rhY1vTL0-00026-00009204-00009512 the area of a circle or to find the area 6l5rhY1vTL0-00027-00009513-00009584 of a rectangle 6l5rhY1vTL0-00028-00009585-00009758 after all what you are getting out is 6l5rhY1vTL0-00029-00009759-00009980 the area so why should you use a more 6l5rhY1vTL0-00030-00009981-00010314 complicated name now 6l5rhY1vTL0-00031-00010315-00010727 C++ allows you to do this I mean there 6l5rhY1vTL0-00032-00010728-00010931 is nothing there is no explicit new 6l5rhY1vTL0-00033-00010932-00011291 feature that explicit new construct that 6l5rhY1vTL0-00034-00011292-00011495 I am going to talk about you just have 6l5rhY1vTL0-00035-00011496-00011660 to do it that's all okay the only 6l5rhY1vTL0-00036-00011661-00012056 requirement is that the parameter lists 6l5rhY1vTL0-00037-00012057-00012284 should be different so long as the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00038-00012285-00012578 parameter lists are different you can do 6l5rhY1vTL0-00039-00012579-00012869 it and the parameters lists are need to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00040-00012869-00013175 be different because that's how C++ 6l5rhY1vTL0-00041-00013176-00013343 will note that the two functions 6l5rhY1vTL0-00042-00013344-00013628 actually are different otherwise if you 6l5rhY1vTL0-00043-00013629-00013952 write f of some x and there are two 6l5rhY1vTL0-00044-00013953-00014177 definitions of f of x that's not loud 6l5rhY1vTL0-00045-00014178-00014522 but if you write f of X where X is of 6l5rhY1vTL0-00046-00014522-00014953 type real and if you write f of X where 6l5rhY1vTL0-00047-00014954-00015297 X is of type int then C++ will know 6l5rhY1vTL0-00048-00015298-00015575 which function to use if you indeed have 6l5rhY1vTL0-00049-00015576-00016058 two separate functions defined so I'm 6l5rhY1vTL0-00050-00016059-00016349 going to show you this file area dot CPP 6l5rhY1vTL0-00051-00016350-00016583 in which I have written such functions 6l5rhY1vTL0-00052-00016584-00017002 and let's get to that okay so here is 6l5rhY1vTL0-00053-00017003-00017447 the first definition of area and we are 6l5rhY1vTL0-00054-00017448-00017806 having area a function area which is 6l5rhY1vTL0-00055-00017807-00018065 going to return a double and it's taking 6l5rhY1vTL0-00056-00018066-00018452 as argument a circle C so remember we 6l5rhY1vTL0-00057-00018453-00018697 said that type of the shape the name 6l5rhY1vTL0-00058-00018698-00018917 associated with the shape is that shape 6l5rhY1vTL0-00059-00018918-00019333 itself okay so you can pass that shape 6l5rhY1vTL0-00060-00019334-00019547 over here and we don't want to copy that 6l5rhY1vTL0-00061-00019548-00019805 shape and therefore we are passing the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00062-00019806-00020042 reference but whatever we are passing it 6l5rhY1vTL0-00063-00020043-00020267 has type circle and it's a reference to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00064-00020268-00020712 a circle object now inside this function 6l5rhY1vTL0-00065-00020713-00021058 we can extract the radius of that circle 6l5rhY1vTL0-00066-00021059-00021362 so there is a there is a command get 6l5rhY1vTL0-00067-00021363-00021637 radius so I can write C dot get radius 6l5rhY1vTL0-00068-00021638-00021880 and that will get me the radius of this 6l5rhY1vTL0-00069-00021881-00022199 circle and now we know that the radius 6l5rhY1vTL0-00070-00022200-00022502 of a circle is PI R squared so this is a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00071-00022503-00022944 simple cpp name so pi stands for 6l5rhY1vTL0-00072-00022945-00023290 3.141592 whatever the expansion is to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00073-00023291-00023605 some large number of decimal places and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00074-00023606-00023956 we just multiply PI by R by R and return 6l5rhY1vTL0-00075-00023957-00024280 the result so this area this function 6l5rhY1vTL0-00076-00024281-00024533 expects you to send it a circle a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00077-00024534-00024743 reference to it and it will calculate 6l5rhY1vTL0-00078-00024744-00025186 the area and return that value okay then 6l5rhY1vTL0-00079-00025187-00025421 I have an area of a rectangle so again 6l5rhY1vTL0-00080-00025422-00025667 what is expected over here is a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00081-00025668-00025906 rectangle object should come a rectangle 6l5rhY1vTL0-00082-00025907-00026117 name should come but 6l5rhY1vTL0-00083-00026118-00026336 as a graphical object but what is 6l5rhY1vTL0-00084-00026337-00026521 actually coming over here is the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00085-00026522-00026815 reference to it so this R really refers 6l5rhY1vTL0-00086-00026816-00027245 to the graphical object in the calling 6l5rhY1vTL0-00087-00027245-00027773 function okay and so a rectangle can be 6l5rhY1vTL0-00088-00027774-00028181 operated upon by a command get width so 6l5rhY1vTL0-00089-00028182-00028333 that gets the width of the rectangle and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00090-00028335-00028592 this get height will get the height of 6l5rhY1vTL0-00091-00028593-00028832 the rectangle and if you just take the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00092-00028833-00029030 product you will get the area so that's 6l5rhY1vTL0-00093-00029031-00029515 what this area does okay so in this main 6l5rhY1vTL0-00094-00029516-00029821 program I have first something which 6l5rhY1vTL0-00095-00029822-00029971 creates the canvas then I am going to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00096-00029972-00030143 create a rectangle this rectangle is 6l5rhY1vTL0-00097-00030144-00030386 centered and centered at one hundred 6l5rhY1vTL0-00098-00030387-00030868 hundred and it has width 50 height 70 6l5rhY1vTL0-00099-00030869-00031130 this circle is centered at one hundred 6l5rhY1vTL0-00100-00031131-00031424 hundred and it has radius centered as 6l5rhY1vTL0-00101-00031425-00031837 well okay now the finally I have a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00102-00031838-00032114 command which will calculate the area of 6l5rhY1vTL0-00103-00032114-00032387 the circle as well as the area of the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00104-00032388-00032642 rectangle so before proceeding further 6l5rhY1vTL0-00105-00032643-00032933 let us see if we can guess what this 6l5rhY1vTL0-00106-00032934-00033218 area should be so the radius of the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00107-00033219-00033755 circle is hundred so PI R square is 6l5rhY1vTL0-00108-00033756-00034256 going to be pi times 10,000 okay so it 6l5rhY1vTL0-00109-00034257-00034649 should be something like 34,000 109 6l5rhY1vTL0-00110-00034650-00034889 something something so okay so it should 6l5rhY1vTL0-00111-00034890-00035177 that's what it should be and the area of 6l5rhY1vTL0-00112-00035178-00035348 the rectangle will the width and height 6l5rhY1vTL0-00113-00035349-00035602 are 50 and 70 so the area should be 6l5rhY1vTL0-00114-00035603-00035908 3,500 so let's see whether that that's 6l5rhY1vTL0-00115-00035909-00036185 what the program prints so let us 6l5rhY1vTL0-00116-00036186-00036956 compile this and run it 6l5rhY1vTL0-00117-00036957-00037433 okay so indeed the program has drawn the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00118-00037434-00037757 square and a circle and this is this 6l5rhY1vTL0-00119-00037758-00038036 whole thing is a 500 by 500 canvas so it 6l5rhY1vTL0-00120-00038037-00038318 is centered at hundred hundred as you 6l5rhY1vTL0-00121-00038319-00038642 might expect and let's see what area has 6l5rhY1vTL0-00122-00038643-00038968 it printed out yes it has printed out 6l5rhY1vTL0-00123-00038969-00039224 thirty one thousand four hundred and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00124-00039225-00039550 fifteen point nine and you may see that 6l5rhY1vTL0-00125-00039551-00039851 3.14159 is the value of pi so that is 6l5rhY1vTL0-00126-00039852-00040145 just multiplied by ten thousand and the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00127-00040146-00040352 area of the rectangle has indeed been 6l5rhY1vTL0-00128-00040353-00040595 printed to be thirty-five hundred and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00129-00040596-00040862 that is correct because the width is 50 6l5rhY1vTL0-00130-00040863-00041306 and the height is seventy so let's click 6l5rhY1vTL0-00131-00041307-00041606 to construct that program so here is a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00132-00041607-00041999 quick exercise so the area function that 6l5rhY1vTL0-00133-00042000-00042458 we wrote was taking shapes as arguments 6l5rhY1vTL0-00134-00042459-00042791 okay but you can have additional area 6l5rhY1vTL0-00135-00042792-00043130 functions and you are asked here to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00136-00043131-00043346 write an area function so that if one 6l5rhY1vTL0-00137-00043347-00043697 double argument is given it should be 6l5rhY1vTL0-00138-00043698-00044096 interpreted as requesting the area of a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00139-00044097-00044468 circle with that radius okay and if two 6l5rhY1vTL0-00140-00044469-00044621 double arguments are given it should be 6l5rhY1vTL0-00141-00044622-00044969 interpreted as requesting the area of a 6l5rhY1vTL0-00142-00044970-00045260 rectangle with those site lengths okay 6l5rhY1vTL0-00143-00045261-00045596 so the code itself is not complicated 6l5rhY1vTL0-00144-00045597-00045845 but the point is that if you you can 6l5rhY1vTL0-00145-00045846-00046316 define these functions which take which 6l5rhY1vTL0-00146-00046317-00046478 have different argument lists in this 6l5rhY1vTL0-00147-00046479-00046718 case the argument list is a double and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00148-00046719-00047015 for the first one and two doubles for 6l5rhY1vTL0-00149-00047016-00047186 the second one and in fact you can have 6l5rhY1vTL0-00150-00047187-00047420 all the four functions existing at the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00151-00047421-00047798 same time because the argument for the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00152-00047799-00048314 very first one was a circle and for the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00153-00048315-00048500 second one was a rectangle and then the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00154-00048501-00048653 third one is a single double and the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00155-00048654-00048926 fourth one is two doubles so all such 6l5rhY1vTL0-00156-00048927-00049259 all four can be can be defined and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00157-00049260-00049457 depending upon what arguments you pass 6l5rhY1vTL0-00158-00049458-00049696 the appropriate function will be 6l5rhY1vTL0-00159-00049697-00049993 executed 6l5rhY1vTL0-00160-00049994-00050284 okay so that concludes this entire 6l5rhY1vTL0-00161-00050285-00050518 lecture sequence so let me make some 6l5rhY1vTL0-00162-00050519-00051085 remarks so first I should observe that 6l5rhY1vTL0-00163-00051086-00051358 it is often useful to pass functions as 6l5rhY1vTL0-00164-00051359-00051654 arguments in a function call okay and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00165-00051655-00051890 there are many examples of this so 6l5rhY1vTL0-00166-00051891-00052132 common examples are writing a single 6l5rhY1vTL0-00167-00052133-00052402 function that calculates the roots okay 6l5rhY1vTL0-00168-00052403-00052588 so I will write a single function that 6l5rhY1vTL0-00169-00052589-00053004 calculates the root and two it pass the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00170-00053005-00053229 function whose root I need so I don't 6l5rhY1vTL0-00171-00053230-00053466 have to write a separate function to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00172-00053467-00053728 calculate the root of different 6l5rhY1vTL0-00173-00053729-00053974 mathematical functions okay and this 6l5rhY1vTL0-00174-00053975-00054354 goes not only for roots but also for say 6l5rhY1vTL0-00175-00054354-00054661 numerical integrals okay or you might 6l5rhY1vTL0-00176-00054662-00054994 want to sum series so for summing series 6l5rhY1vTL0-00177-00054995-00055600 also you can you can do this and there 6l5rhY1vTL0-00178-00055601-00055846 we saw that you can you can pass 6l5rhY1vTL0-00179-00055847-00056209 functions by specifying their name or by 6l5rhY1vTL0-00180-00056210-00056550 giving the lambda expression okay and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00181-00056551-00056824 one method that I have not discussed in 6l5rhY1vTL0-00182-00056825-00057115 this lecture sequence is a C style 6l5rhY1vTL0-00183-00057116-00057417 method okay so the C language from which 6l5rhY1vTL0-00184-00057419-00057729 C++ cells originated had a different 6l5rhY1vTL0-00185-00057730-00057958 method and that method is a little bit 6l5rhY1vTL0-00186-00057959-00058189 more complicated and if you are using 6l5rhY1vTL0-00187-00058190-00058522 C++ you might as well use the nicer 6l5rhY1vTL0-00188-00058523-00058777 methods and I didn't discuss it today 6l5rhY1vTL0-00189-00058778-00058992 but for completeness it is discussed in 6l5rhY1vTL0-00190-00058994-00059302 the book though in this course you will 6l5rhY1vTL0-00191-00059303-00059725 not be expected to know it then we said 6l5rhY1vTL0-00192-00059726-00059986 that C++ allows default values for the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00193-00059987-00060322 last arguments in a function and then we 6l5rhY1vTL0-00194-00060323-00060530 also said that C plus vs. allows 6l5rhY1vTL0-00195-00060532-00060745 defining many functions with the same 6l5rhY1vTL0-00196-00060746-00060997 name provided the parameter types are 6l5rhY1vTL0-00197-00060998-00061396 different so that concludes this lecture 6l5rhY1vTL0-00198-00061397-00061696 sequence and as always I will suggest to 6l5rhY1vTL0-00199-00061697-00062107 you that please look at the chapter and 6l5rhY1vTL0-00200-00062108-00062332 the problems given at the end of the 6l5rhY1vTL0-00201-00062333-00062491 chapter and please solve them for 6l5rhY1vTL0-00202-00062491-00062798 practice thank you 6l5rhY1vTL0-00203-00062799-00063941 [Music] 6l5rhY1vTL0-00204-00063941-00064274 [Applause] 6l5rhY1vTL0-00205-00064275-00064427 [Music] 6l5rhY1vTL0-00206-00064428-00065386 [Applause] 6l5rhY1vTL0-00207-00065387-00065957 [Applause] 6l5rhY1vTL0-00208-00065958-00066421 [Music] 6neouoOcW8u-00000-00000000-00001511 [Music] 6neouoOcW8u-00001-00001512-00001550 hi 6neouoOcW8u-00002-00001551-00001726 it's lou brown one of the questions i 6neouoOcW8u-00003-00001727-00001934 get asked by real estate agents 6neouoOcW8u-00004-00001935-00002279 is that they are concerned about 6neouoOcW8u-00005-00002280-00002550 being sued they're concerned about all 6neouoOcW8u-00006-00002551-00002631 the different 6neouoOcW8u-00007-00002632-00002926 contracts that they entered in into 6neouoOcW8u-00008-00002927-00003102 throughout the week throughout the month 6neouoOcW8u-00009-00003103-00003215 throughout the year 6neouoOcW8u-00010-00003215-00003454 many different transactions that can 6neouoOcW8u-00011-00003455-00003535 come back to 6neouoOcW8u-00012-00003536-00003847 haunt you right and when they sue 6neouoOcW8u-00013-00003847-00004159 they don't just sue one person they sue 6neouoOcW8u-00014-00004160-00004399 everybody that might be involved in the 6neouoOcW8u-00015-00004400-00004470 chain 6neouoOcW8u-00016-00004471-00004695 and they know that some people will just 6neouoOcW8u-00017-00004696-00004902 pay to get out of the lawsuit and 6neouoOcW8u-00018-00004903-00005191 other people will defend the lawsuit but 6neouoOcW8u-00019-00005192-00005351 it could be very expensive 6neouoOcW8u-00020-00005352-00005702 so we make decisions to buy things like 6neouoOcW8u-00021-00005703-00005934 errors and emissions insurance 6neouoOcW8u-00022-00005935-00006206 and certainly insurance has its place 6neouoOcW8u-00023-00006207-00006391 and we know that many times 6neouoOcW8u-00024-00006392-00006727 insurance does not cover and they 6neouoOcW8u-00025-00006728-00006903 one thing we know about insurance is 6neouoOcW8u-00026-00006904-00007063 they try to figure out a way 6neouoOcW8u-00027-00007064-00007431 not to pay right so the smart person 6neouoOcW8u-00028-00007431-00007631 actually sets themselves up the right 6neouoOcW8u-00029-00007631-00007814 way in the first place 6neouoOcW8u-00030-00007815-00008174 so that they can't lose what they've got 6neouoOcW8u-00031-00008175-00008374 if there were to be a lawsuit and if 6neouoOcW8u-00032-00008375-00008535 there were to be a judgment 6neouoOcW8u-00033-00008536-00008814 now we say well we do good things and we 6neouoOcW8u-00034-00008815-00009014 do good business and therefore 6neouoOcW8u-00035-00009015-00009231 there should not be a judgment ever to 6neouoOcW8u-00036-00009232-00009406 come down the pike well 6neouoOcW8u-00037-00009407-00009639 smart people with a little bit of gray 6neouoOcW8u-00038-00009640-00009799 hair they understand 6neouoOcW8u-00039-00009800-00010110 the truth behind that that the system 6neouoOcW8u-00040-00010111-00010503 is totally flawed and that means that 6neouoOcW8u-00041-00010504-00010823 it depends on the judge's mindset on any 6neouoOcW8u-00042-00010824-00010927 given day 6neouoOcW8u-00043-00010928-00011174 it depends on the quality of your 6neouoOcW8u-00044-00011175-00011367 attorney it depends on the quality of 6neouoOcW8u-00045-00011368-00011535 the other side's attorney 6neouoOcW8u-00046-00011536-00011799 it depends on how the weather is that 6neouoOcW8u-00047-00011800-00011838 day 6neouoOcW8u-00048-00011839-00012119 there's so many things that impact a 6neouoOcW8u-00049-00012120-00012191 decision 6neouoOcW8u-00050-00012192-00012455 and an ongoing decision in a lawsuit 6neouoOcW8u-00051-00012456-00012567 process 6neouoOcW8u-00052-00012568-00012807 and we know that about fifty percent of 6neouoOcW8u-00053-00012808-00012999 the cases that we thought we would have 6neouoOcW8u-00054-00013000-00013086 won 6neouoOcW8u-00055-00013087-00013335 uh this is what attorneys have told me 6neouoOcW8u-00056-00013336-00013438 they lost 6neouoOcW8u-00057-00013440-00013615 and fifty percent of the cases they 6neouoOcW8u-00058-00013616-00013838 thought they should have lost they won 6neouoOcW8u-00059-00013840-00014094 so when you go in with that mindset 6neouoOcW8u-00060-00014095-00014222 knowing that 6neouoOcW8u-00061-00014223-00014543 we just have no idea how 6neouoOcW8u-00062-00014544-00014886 and how a lawsuit will actually turn out 6neouoOcW8u-00063-00014887-00015143 when you go in with that mindset then 6neouoOcW8u-00064-00015144-00015230 you say well 6neouoOcW8u-00065-00015231-00015438 what can i do to protect myself and the 6neouoOcW8u-00066-00015440-00015615 answer is to do something 6neouoOcW8u-00067-00015616-00015911 now that can protect you forever what's 6neouoOcW8u-00068-00015912-00015966 the now 6neouoOcW8u-00069-00015968-00016279 thing it's this thing called trusts now 6neouoOcW8u-00070-00016280-00016447 i'm a big believer 6neouoOcW8u-00071-00016448-00016703 in trusts and certainly you've heard 6neouoOcW8u-00072-00016704-00016822 about llc's 6neouoOcW8u-00073-00016823-00017167 corporations limited partnerships and 6neouoOcW8u-00074-00017168-00017494 they can have their own position but one 6neouoOcW8u-00075-00017495-00017703 of the problems with those entities is 6neouoOcW8u-00076-00017704-00017863 you're putting all your eggs 6neouoOcW8u-00077-00017864-00018175 in one basket if that basket owns 6neouoOcW8u-00078-00018176-00018407 other things and if that basket were to 6neouoOcW8u-00079-00018408-00018527 get sued 6neouoOcW8u-00080-00018528-00018767 potentially everything in that basket 6neouoOcW8u-00081-00018768-00018903 could get lost 6neouoOcW8u-00082-00018904-00019071 one of the things i loved is thing 6neouoOcW8u-00083-00019072-00019271 called land trusts 6neouoOcW8u-00084-00019272-00019494 because you put each piece of real 6neouoOcW8u-00085-00019495-00019575 estate 6neouoOcW8u-00086-00019576-00019919 in its own trust and then personal 6neouoOcW8u-00087-00019920-00020055 property trusts 6neouoOcW8u-00088-00020056-00020311 you put each piece of personal property 6neouoOcW8u-00089-00020312-00020367 in its 6neouoOcW8u-00090-00020368-00020686 own trust so for example stocks 6neouoOcW8u-00091-00020687-00021047 bonds mutual funds bank accounts 6neouoOcW8u-00092-00021048-00021350 cds c dues mobile homes 6neouoOcW8u-00093-00021351-00021527 motor homes gun collections coin 6neouoOcW8u-00094-00021528-00021671 collections each 6neouoOcW8u-00095-00021672-00021991 asset can be in its own trust 6neouoOcW8u-00096-00021992-00022263 and that is a very cool thing to do 6neouoOcW8u-00097-00022264-00022422 because what did you just do 6neouoOcW8u-00098-00022423-00022735 you divide and conquer 6neouoOcW8u-00099-00022736-00022943 anybody that wants to sue they have to 6neouoOcW8u-00100-00022944-00023167 sue that individual trust that 6neouoOcW8u-00101-00023168-00023383 individual trust would have had to 6neouoOcW8u-00102-00023384-00023686 done something wrong that can be an 6neouoOcW8u-00103-00023687-00023975 action that could be claimable in court 6neouoOcW8u-00104-00023976-00024039 so 6neouoOcW8u-00105-00024040-00024294 the cool thing is you've separated 6neouoOcW8u-00106-00024295-00024471 everything from one another 6neouoOcW8u-00107-00024472-00024703 now as a real estate agent you 6neouoOcW8u-00108-00024704-00024791 personally can 6neouoOcW8u-00109-00024792-00025094 get sued but what's interesting is 6neouoOcW8u-00110-00025095-00025391 let's say you get sued and they were god 6neouoOcW8u-00111-00025392-00025447 forbid 6neouoOcW8u-00112-00025448-00025750 able to get a judgment against you 6neouoOcW8u-00113-00025751-00026031 well here's what's so you don't own 6neouoOcW8u-00114-00026032-00026127 anything 6neouoOcW8u-00115-00026127-00026270 if you've followed what i've been 6neouoOcW8u-00116-00026272-00026455 teaching you you don't own 6neouoOcW8u-00117-00026456-00026662 anything not your bank account not 6neouoOcW8u-00118-00026663-00026799 stocks bonds mutual 6neouoOcW8u-00119-00026800-00027183 funds not vehicles nothing is owned by 6neouoOcW8u-00120-00027183-00027423 you so if they get a judgment against 6neouoOcW8u-00121-00027424-00027711 you they don't have much 6neouoOcW8u-00122-00027712-00027958 and there's a number of distinctions in 6neouoOcW8u-00123-00027960-00028151 that i would love to share something 6neouoOcW8u-00124-00028152-00028239 with you 6neouoOcW8u-00125-00028239-00028558 and that is this is my uh chapter 6neouoOcW8u-00126-00028560-00028774 on trusts that gives you some 6neouoOcW8u-00127-00028775-00029014 information it's about a 47 page 6neouoOcW8u-00128-00029016-00029214 a little download book that gives you 6neouoOcW8u-00129-00029216-00029358 some more information about this 6neouoOcW8u-00130-00029360-00029614 wonderful thing called trust and i can 6neouoOcW8u-00131-00029616-00029807 definitely help you with the 6neouoOcW8u-00132-00029808-00030158 the tools the training the technology 6neouoOcW8u-00133-00030160-00030390 the information if you wanted to do 6neouoOcW8u-00134-00030391-00030583 trust yourself for example 6neouoOcW8u-00135-00030583-00030814 we've got paperwork that you could 6neouoOcW8u-00136-00030816-00030895 complete 6neouoOcW8u-00137-00030895-00031046 and then you could take it to a local 6neouoOcW8u-00138-00031047-00031231 attorney and have them 6neouoOcW8u-00139-00031232-00031495 uh sign off review it and sign off for 6neouoOcW8u-00140-00031495-00031646 it 6neouoOcW8u-00141-00031647-00031887 on it for you and then you can use that 6neouoOcW8u-00142-00031888-00032007 from now on 6neouoOcW8u-00143-00032008-00032295 with any type of assets that you acquire 6neouoOcW8u-00144-00032295-00032487 going forward so that's certainly a 6neouoOcW8u-00145-00032488-00032607 benefit for you 6neouoOcW8u-00146-00032608-00032879 but first take a look at the book it's 6neouoOcW8u-00147-00032880-00032983 maximum 6neouoOcW8u-00148-00032984-00033318 asset shield dot com 6neouoOcW8u-00149-00033319-00033590 forward slash book just download the 6neouoOcW8u-00150-00033591-00033823 book for free there's no charge for that 6neouoOcW8u-00151-00033824-00034062 and it gives you some more insight into 6neouoOcW8u-00152-00034063-00034246 this wonderful thing called trust and 6neouoOcW8u-00153-00034247-00034423 that's what i suggest 6neouoOcW8u-00154-00034424-00034695 for a real estate agent a real estate 6neouoOcW8u-00155-00034696-00034783 broker 6neouoOcW8u-00156-00034784-00035046 a mortgage broker really any 6neouoOcW8u-00157-00035047-00035223 professional that's out there in the 6neouoOcW8u-00158-00035224-00035487 world that could get sued personally 6neouoOcW8u-00159-00035488-00035783 it makes a whole lot of sense not to own 6neouoOcW8u-00160-00035784-00035855 assets 6neouoOcW8u-00161-00035856-00036135 in your own name i'm lou brown hope to 6neouoOcW8u-00162-00036136-00036223 see you soon 6neouoOcW8u-00163-00036224-00036659 yeah baby 6neouoOcW8u-00164-00036660-00037887 [Music] 6neouoOcW8u-00165-00037888-00038033 hey 6neouoOcW8u-00166-00038034-00038340 [Music] 76iH7hWNxU0-00000-00000000-00000200 hello everybody welcome back to my 76iH7hWNxU0-00001-00000200-00000407 channel I am doing something that I 76iH7hWNxU0-00002-00000408-00000574 haven't done for a little while today 76iH7hWNxU0-00003-00000575-00000773 which I'm really excited about and I'm 76iH7hWNxU0-00004-00000774-00000983 reading some stories from the glitch in 76iH7hWNxU0-00005-00000984-00001237 the matrix subreddit I kind of want to 76iH7hWNxU0-00006-00001238-00001499 do this because obviously you've seen on 76iH7hWNxU0-00007-00001500-00001670 my channel recently I've been looking 76iH7hWNxU0-00008-00001671-00001939 into the whole Randall Notting thing 76iH7hWNxU0-00009-00001941-00002192 which is just blowing up I've been 76iH7hWNxU0-00010-00002193-00002417 Randall Notting it was weird I like 76iH7hWNxU0-00011-00002418-00002659 watching people stories about it but 76iH7hWNxU0-00012-00002660-00002879 something that's linked to Randall 76iH7hWNxU0-00013-00002880-00003170 Norton is the whole fact that apparently 76iH7hWNxU0-00014-00003171-00003370 when you get to the location that it 76iH7hWNxU0-00015-00003371-00003578 gives you you're taken out of the 76iH7hWNxU0-00016-00003579-00003863 simulation and it's like a glitch in the 76iH7hWNxU0-00017-00003864-00004124 matrix and I'm like well I really like 76iH7hWNxU0-00018-00004125-00004310 reading glitch in the matrix stories 76iH7hWNxU0-00019-00004311-00004504 anyway so it just links everything 76iH7hWNxU0-00020-00004505-00004727 together so I thought that I would read 76iH7hWNxU0-00021-00004728-00004949 a few traditional glitch in the matrix 76iH7hWNxU0-00022-00004950-00005168 stories without the Randall Nautica 76iH7hWNxU0-00023-00005169-00005450 element to it so I'm just gonna get 76iH7hWNxU0-00024-00005451-00005738 right in these are not my experiences so 76iH7hWNxU0-00025-00005739-00005959 please check out the original posts they 76iH7hWNxU0-00026-00005960-00006140 will be linked in the description box as 76iH7hWNxU0-00027-00006141-00006416 always because I found them on reddit so 76iH7hWNxU0-00028-00006417-00006758 all credit to the original posters thank 76iH7hWNxU0-00029-00006759-00006856 you 76iH7hWNxU0-00030-00006858-00007064 the first one is called a bug went 76iH7hWNxU0-00031-00007065-00007244 through my windshield and hit me in the 76iH7hWNxU0-00032-00007245-00007639 eye oh my god this just happened driving 76iH7hWNxU0-00033-00007640-00007970 my 2018 Nissan Frontier home on the 76iH7hWNxU0-00034-00007970-00008296 freeway 85 miles an hour windows up I 76iH7hWNxU0-00035-00008297-00008507 saw a speck outside which was a book 76iH7hWNxU0-00036-00008508-00008708 like a second before I went through it 76iH7hWNxU0-00037-00008709-00008909 and I expected it to explode on the 76iH7hWNxU0-00038-00008910-00009149 windshield but it literally went through 76iH7hWNxU0-00039-00009150-00009476 it and hit me in my eyeball I rubbed my 76iH7hWNxU0-00040-00009477-00009728 eye out of pen but there is yellow bug 76iH7hWNxU0-00041-00009729-00010064 guts on my shirt like a few specks at 76iH7hWNxU0-00042-00010065-00010267 this point I'm convinced the world is a 76iH7hWNxU0-00043-00010268-00010496 simulation I told my friend about what 76iH7hWNxU0-00044-00010497-00010696 just happened and they said maybe it 76iH7hWNxU0-00045-00010697-00010880 went through the vent but I don't think 76iH7hWNxU0-00046-00010881-00011056 that's possible because I'm pretty sure 76iH7hWNxU0-00047-00011057-00011303 there's a dust filter Ankara vents 76iH7hWNxU0-00048-00011304-00011560 not to mention even if it did there's no 76iH7hWNxU0-00049-00011561-00011821 way that it hit me that fast has anyone 76iH7hWNxU0-00050-00011822-00012160 seen heard or have had this happen oh my 76iH7hWNxU0-00051-00012161-00012449 god that is that is actually mad and I 76iH7hWNxU0-00052-00012450-00012592 can't think of how that could have 76iH7hWNxU0-00053-00012593-00012946 happened if they had their windows up 76iH7hWNxU0-00054-00012947-00013291 how did it do that that must be such a 76iH7hWNxU0-00055-00013293-00013382 freaky 76iH7hWNxU0-00056-00013383-00013583 like feeling as well like seeing 76iH7hWNxU0-00057-00013584-00013778 something and knowing that it's not 76iH7hWNxU0-00058-00013779-00014024 gonna hit you like when are you driving 76iH7hWNxU0-00059-00014025-00014249 cars on the motorway and things bugs 76iH7hWNxU0-00060-00014250-00014510 always hit the car just the thought of 76iH7hWNxU0-00061-00014511-00014696 like seeing one of them coming towards 76iH7hWNxU0-00062-00014697-00014927 car and not expecting it anything to 76iH7hWNxU0-00063-00014928-00015125 happen and then it hit you in the 76iH7hWNxU0-00064-00015126-00015218 eyeball 76iH7hWNxU0-00065-00015219-00015608 like what Dutch bizarre to me they 76iH7hWNxU0-00066-00015609-00015722 definitely can't have gone through the 76iH7hWNxU0-00067-00015722-00015911 vent I don't think it's probably it's 76iH7hWNxU0-00068-00015912-00016085 not possible in fact no it's not 76iH7hWNxU0-00069-00016086-00016322 possible because it would have had to 76iH7hWNxU0-00070-00016322-00016637 have gone through the vent and then hit 76iH7hWNxU0-00071-00016638-00016850 them in the eye at the same point as it 76iH7hWNxU0-00072-00016851-00017000 came through the windshield but you 76iH7hWNxU0-00073-00017001-00017300 can't guarantee that it's just too much 76iH7hWNxU0-00074-00017301-00017543 of a coincidence that he saw it and then 76iH7hWNxU0-00075-00017544-00017851 it hit him in the eye like at that speed 76iH7hWNxU0-00076-00017852-00018242 without it like getting sucked in the 76iH7hWNxU0-00077-00018243-00018365 vent and then coming up I just don't 76iH7hWNxU0-00078-00018366-00018533 think that's possible but how else can 76iH7hWNxU0-00079-00018534-00018779 you explain that that's weird to me the 76iH7hWNxU0-00080-00018780-00018962 next one is called a well known path 76iH7hWNxU0-00081-00018963-00019144 took me somewhere I'd never been before 76iH7hWNxU0-00082-00019145-00019376 a friend of mine encouraged me to post 76iH7hWNxU0-00083-00019377-00019655 this story here a couple of years ago I 76iH7hWNxU0-00084-00019656-00019877 was living in a major city I did a lot 76iH7hWNxU0-00085-00019878-00020108 of walking as you do and there was one 76iH7hWNxU0-00086-00020109-00020303 street I walked several times a week to 76iH7hWNxU0-00087-00020304-00020597 get to work it was a completely straight 76iH7hWNxU0-00088-00020598-00020837 shot from my apartment only one turn 76iH7hWNxU0-00089-00020838-00021056 from my street on to the major road that 76iH7hWNxU0-00090-00021057-00021296 took me where I was going I walked it 76iH7hWNxU0-00091-00021297-00021566 all the time almost always on the same 76iH7hWNxU0-00092-00021567-00021772 side of the road it took about 15 76iH7hWNxU0-00093-00021773-00021971 minutes and I could walk it with my eyes 76iH7hWNxU0-00094-00021972-00022367 closed now again this is a major street 76iH7hWNxU0-00095-00022368-00022646 in the city not a back alley like a 76iH7hWNxU0-00096-00022647-00022949 four-lane road one time I was walking 76iH7hWNxU0-00097-00022950-00023197 home from work in broad daylight I 76iH7hWNxU0-00098-00023198-00023402 walked on the opposite side of the world 76iH7hWNxU0-00099-00023403-00023621 the normal but I had done that a handful 76iH7hWNxU0-00100-00023622-00023813 of times before without incident 76iH7hWNxU0-00101-00023814-00024097 it was nothing out of the ordinary I was 76iH7hWNxU0-00102-00024098-00024266 listening to music and looking at my 76iH7hWNxU0-00103-00024267-00024485 phone but when I looked up I was in a 76iH7hWNxU0-00104-00024486-00024800 completely unfamiliar place like I had 76iH7hWNxU0-00105-00024801-00025072 no idea where I was I thought maybe I 76iH7hWNxU0-00106-00025073-00025235 had just never paid attention to that 76iH7hWNxU0-00107-00025236-00025528 side of the world so I kept walking but 76iH7hWNxU0-00108-00025529-00025727 things became more and more unfamiliar 76iH7hWNxU0-00109-00025727-00025927 until I finally had to admit that I was 76iH7hWNxU0-00110-00025929-00026213 lost when I opened my maps I discovered 76iH7hWNxU0-00111-00026214-00026458 that I was on the complete opposite side 76iH7hWNxU0-00112-00026460-00026776 of my town I had never been 76iH7hWNxU0-00113-00026777-00026992 we're near there before I had to catch 76iH7hWNxU0-00114-00026993-00027277 two buses a 20-minute ride in order to 76iH7hWNxU0-00115-00027277-00027627 get home to this day I have no idea what 76iH7hWNxU0-00116-00027628-00027837 happened and I have only told a handful 76iH7hWNxU0-00117-00027838-00028054 of people about the experience to avoid 76iH7hWNxU0-00118-00028055-00028170 sounding crazy 76iH7hWNxU0-00119-00028172-00028435 I walked down that road 100 more times 76iH7hWNxU0-00120-00028436-00028648 before I moved and nothing like that 76iH7hWNxU0-00121-00028649-00028843 ever happened again did I step through a 76iH7hWNxU0-00122-00028844-00029083 wormhole or something I still get chills 76iH7hWNxU0-00123-00029083-00029265 when I think about looking up and 76iH7hWNxU0-00124-00029266-00029485 finding myself lost I honestly don't 76iH7hWNxU0-00125-00029486-00029739 know how I would react if I came across 76iH7hWNxU0-00126-00029740-00030015 a wormhole but to be honest I don't know 76iH7hWNxU0-00127-00030016-00030157 if I would ever even know it was a 76iH7hWNxU0-00128-00030158-00030361 wormhole or not because I'm really 76iH7hWNxU0-00129-00030362-00030843 really bad at directions and I could get 76iH7hWNxU0-00130-00030844-00031287 lost anywhere like I'm really bad a few 76iH7hWNxU0-00131-00031288-00031657 months ago I was in town and I was on my 76iH7hWNxU0-00132-00031658-00031807 own and Tom wasn't with me I can't 76iH7hWNxU0-00133-00031808-00032152 remember where I was going but I decided 76iH7hWNxU0-00134-00032152-00032443 to walk away that I was pretty sure that 76iH7hWNxU0-00135-00032444-00032614 I knew where I was going like I'd been 76iH7hWNxU0-00136-00032614-00032932 this way a few times and it was like a 76iH7hWNxU0-00137-00032933-00033202 shortcut to get home because I'm one of 76iH7hWNxU0-00138-00033203-00033448 those people that if I'm slightly unsure 76iH7hWNxU0-00139-00033449-00033771 of where I'm going and I'm on my own I 76iH7hWNxU0-00140-00033772-00034042 will walk like a really long way around 76iH7hWNxU0-00141-00034043-00034393 if I'm confident that that's a way that 76iH7hWNxU0-00142-00034394-00034701 is the right way so rather than taking a 76iH7hWNxU0-00143-00034702-00035005 shortcut that I'm not really that sure 76iH7hWNxU0-00144-00035006-00035289 about I would rather walk like an extra 76iH7hWNxU0-00145-00035290-00035571 half an hour a really long way I used to 76iH7hWNxU0-00146-00035572-00035724 do that sometimes and then realize that 76iH7hWNxU0-00147-00035725-00036018 I was just walking like a ridiculously 76iH7hWNxU0-00148-00036019-00036223 long way when really I could have just 76iH7hWNxU0-00149-00036224-00036364 gone on this one stream but I don't 76iH7hWNxU0-00150-00036365-00036592 always like connect which is the best 76iH7hWNxU0-00151-00036593-00036799 way to go and I would rather just walk a 76iH7hWNxU0-00152-00036800-00037065 really long way just to make sure I 76iH7hWNxU0-00153-00037066-00037302 don't get lost that was a really long 76iH7hWNxU0-00154-00037303-00037537 way of describing it but I decided to 76iH7hWNxU0-00155-00037538-00037764 walk the small shortcut way because I'd 76iH7hWNxU0-00156-00037765-00037882 done it a few times and I was pretty 76iH7hWNxU0-00157-00037883-00038098 sure that I knew where I was going and I 76iH7hWNxU0-00158-00038099-00038314 started walking and I must have just 76iH7hWNxU0-00159-00038315-00038487 gone past the place that I was meant to 76iH7hWNxU0-00160-00038488-00038712 turn and I just ended up having to take 76iH7hWNxU0-00161-00038713-00038920 a really long way home because I just 76iH7hWNxU0-00162-00038921-00039180 completely gone wrong and ended up 76iH7hWNxU0-00163-00039181-00039460 somewhere really random oh I'm really 76iH7hWNxU0-00164-00039461-00039760 bad at that so I I probably just 76iH7hWNxU0-00165-00039761-00039901 wouldn't know if I'd gone through a 76iH7hWNxU0-00166-00039902-00040126 wormhole or found a worm 76iH7hWNxU0-00167-00040127-00040333 all because I'd probably just think I'd 76iH7hWNxU0-00168-00040334-00040537 gone the wrong way anyway because I just 76iH7hWNxU0-00169-00040538-00040705 do that that's really interested in 76iH7hWNxU0-00170-00040706-00040807 though a lot of people in the comments 76iH7hWNxU0-00171-00040808-00041047 have said the wormholes are a thing and 76iH7hWNxU0-00172-00041048-00041248 you do sometimes come across them it's 76iH7hWNxU0-00173-00041249-00041428 really strange and I also wonder if it's 76iH7hWNxU0-00174-00041429-00041563 something to do with the fact that they 76iH7hWNxU0-00175-00041564-00041671 went on the other side of the world 76iH7hWNxU0-00176-00041672-00041893 although they had done that handful of 76iH7hWNxU0-00177-00041894-00042151 times before so maybe it's not if that 76iH7hWNxU0-00178-00042152-00042340 would have been like the first and only 76iH7hWNxU0-00179-00042341-00042490 time they'd gone on the opposite side of 76iH7hWNxU0-00180-00042491-00042714 the world I would have been like okay 76iH7hWNxU0-00181-00042715-00043114 that's why there's something to that but 76iH7hWNxU0-00182-00043115-00043372 I'm not hundred percent sure oh my god 76iH7hWNxU0-00183-00043373-00043795 I'm so first day oh my god I love this 76iH7hWNxU0-00184-00043796-00044002 one this is called I was someone's 76iH7hWNxU0-00185-00044003-00044266 glitch in the matrix I went out parked 76iH7hWNxU0-00186-00044267-00044464 in front of a store bought a six-pack of 76iH7hWNxU0-00187-00044465-00044698 water and then went to register two 76iH7hWNxU0-00188-00044699-00044980 unpaired with change half an hour later 76iH7hWNxU0-00189-00044981-00045160 I remembered that I wouldn't be going 76iH7hWNxU0-00190-00045161-00045415 out anytime soon again so I decided to 76iH7hWNxU0-00191-00045416-00045643 buy more water and everything happened 76iH7hWNxU0-00192-00045644-00045889 in the exact same order I parked in the 76iH7hWNxU0-00193-00045890-00046237 same spot entered bought a six-pack went 76iH7hWNxU0-00194-00046238-00046450 to register two the same girl was 76iH7hWNxU0-00195-00046451-00046675 working I even paid with the same amount 76iH7hWNxU0-00196-00046676-00046915 of change in coins she looked at me with 76iH7hWNxU0-00197-00046916-00047140 a bit of horror and confusion but she 76iH7hWNxU0-00198-00047141-00047490 couldn't see me smiling under my mask 76iH7hWNxU0-00199-00047491-00047713 because you could imagine from her point 76iH7hWNxU0-00200-00047714-00047893 of view like she could write on the 76iH7hWNxU0-00201-00047894-00048031 glitch in the matrix subreddit and be 76iH7hWNxU0-00202-00048032-00048379 like I served this guy and he bought six 76iH7hWNxU0-00203-00048380-00048550 bottles of water and then paired in this 76iH7hWNxU0-00204-00048551-00048691 coins and then he came back in a half an 76iH7hWNxU0-00205-00048692-00048817 hour later and did the exact same thing 76iH7hWNxU0-00206-00048818-00049201 like that is hilarious that he thought 76iH7hWNxU0-00207-00049202-00049426 about the fact that he was someone's 76iH7hWNxU0-00208-00049427-00049714 glitch in the matrix and he probably was 76iH7hWNxU0-00209-00049715-00049882 she probably went home and told 76iH7hWNxU0-00210-00049883-00050074 everybody that the weirdest thing 76iH7hWNxU0-00211-00050075-00050326 happened to there and that is hilarious 76iH7hWNxU0-00212-00050327-00050599 this one is called we lost two hours of 76iH7hWNxU0-00213-00050600-00050911 our day and can't account for it mark my 76iH7hWNxU0-00214-00050912-00051124 husband and I decided to make a quick 76iH7hWNxU0-00215-00051125-00051328 trip to Walmart for a few things while 76iH7hWNxU0-00216-00051329-00051514 my daughter kept an eye on my son at 76iH7hWNxU0-00217-00051515-00051778 home we leave the house at 4:30 p.m. 76iH7hWNxU0-00218-00051779-00052054 make it to Walmart which is 10 minutes 76iH7hWNxU0-00219-00052054-00052305 away and spend no more than 20 minutes 76iH7hWNxU0-00220-00052307-00052530 grabbing a few items and waiting in line 76iH7hWNxU0-00221-00052532-00052741 we check out and then head back to the 76iH7hWNxU0-00222-00052741-00052984 car on our way back home we thought to 76iH7hWNxU0-00223-00052985-00053197 stop him McDonald's two minutes from 76iH7hWNxU0-00224-00053198-00053434 Walmart to grab a bite for the family I 76iH7hWNxU0-00225-00053435-00053524 was proud 76iH7hWNxU0-00226-00053525-00053797 and McDonald's was my craving we live 76iH7hWNxU0-00227-00053798-00054094 close to a military base so 5 to 6 p.m. 76iH7hWNxU0-00228-00054095-00054391 traffic can get backed up in the area to 76iH7hWNxU0-00229-00054391-00054640 our surprise the roads weren't busy and 76iH7hWNxU0-00230-00054641-00054829 it was fairly quiet at this point we 76iH7hWNxU0-00231-00054829-00055060 were confused and concerned now we're 76iH7hWNxU0-00232-00055061-00055234 wondering if something happened to where 76iH7hWNxU0-00233-00055235-00055498 people needed to seek shelter we live in 76iH7hWNxU0-00234-00055499-00055726 a town where tornadoes happen often so I 76iH7hWNxU0-00235-00055727-00055963 look at the sky for clues and noticed 76iH7hWNxU0-00236-00055964-00056146 that the Sun is close to setting but 76iH7hWNxU0-00237-00056147-00056437 nothing hinting at bad weather I tell 76iH7hWNxU0-00238-00056438-00056653 mark to look at how dark it's gotten 76iH7hWNxU0-00239-00056654-00056839 then he goes oh 76iH7hWNxU0-00240-00056840-00057136 the lights are on I look over and could 76iH7hWNxU0-00241-00057137-00057412 tell that he was thinking really hard we 76iH7hWNxU0-00242-00057413-00057520 have now pulled into McDonald's 76iH7hWNxU0-00243-00057521-00057704 drive-through where there is a line 76iH7hWNxU0-00244-00057705-00058005 still baffled I pick up my phone to call 76iH7hWNxU0-00245-00058007-00058240 my daughter and notice that the time is 76iH7hWNxU0-00246-00058241-00058542 a little after 7 p.m. I pause before 76iH7hWNxU0-00247-00058544-00058783 making the call I look at the clock in 76iH7hWNxU0-00248-00058784-00059059 the car which is a very dim to confirm 76iH7hWNxU0-00249-00059060-00059338 the time I kept repeating that something 76iH7hWNxU0-00250-00059339-00059539 was up I call my daughter and ask her 76iH7hWNxU0-00251-00059540-00059764 how long we've been gone for and she 76iH7hWNxU0-00252-00059765-00060054 says a few hours I don't make a big deal 76iH7hWNxU0-00253-00060055-00060262 of it as I don't want to freak her out 76iH7hWNxU0-00254-00060263-00060514 I rush my husband to place our order so 76iH7hWNxU0-00255-00060515-00060732 that we can get home to the kids ASAP 76iH7hWNxU0-00256-00060733-00060901 I'm now shuffling through my purse for 76iH7hWNxU0-00257-00060902-00061159 our receipt at Walmart for the timestamp 76iH7hWNxU0-00258-00061160-00061444 and as I expected it says we checked out 76iH7hWNxU0-00259-00061445-00061825 at 5:08 p.m. mark has been quiet since 76iH7hWNxU0-00260-00061826-00062079 he noticed the car lights were on we 76iH7hWNxU0-00261-00062080-00062425 pull up to the house at 7:35 p.m. it's 76iH7hWNxU0-00262-00062426-00062616 near dark and I sit in the car with my 76iH7hWNxU0-00263-00062617-00062848 door open as my husband and laws the car 76iH7hWNxU0-00264-00062849-00063057 and heads for the kids I can see our 76iH7hWNxU0-00265-00063058-00063250 front door from the driveway relieved 76iH7hWNxU0-00266-00063251-00063469 that my kids are okay but afraid to make 76iH7hWNxU0-00267-00063470-00063642 a scene because I was still freaking out 76iH7hWNxU0-00268-00063644-00063889 mentally piecing together a timeline of 76iH7hWNxU0-00269-00063890-00064107 the past two to three hours desperate to 76iH7hWNxU0-00270-00064108-00064246 make sense of what happened 76iH7hWNxU0-00271-00064247-00064491 my husband returns and we're both now 76iH7hWNxU0-00272-00064492-00064755 sitting in silence he looks at me and 76iH7hWNxU0-00273-00064757-00064992 says I don't know I'm just glad that 76iH7hWNxU0-00274-00064994-00065275 we're home this was two years ago and we 76iH7hWNxU0-00275-00065276-00065485 talk about it every now and then as we 76iH7hWNxU0-00276-00065486-00065686 did tonight I'm usually the one that 76iH7hWNxU0-00277-00065687-00065941 brings it up I just couldn't go to bed 76iH7hWNxU0-00278-00065942-00066148 so I started googling a web and it 76iH7hWNxU0-00279-00066149-00066487 brought me here a post made in 2019 a 76iH7hWNxU0-00280-00066488-00066787 year after my experience the original 76iH7hWNxU0-00281-00066788-00066865 poster 76iH7hWNxU0-00282-00066866-00067099 experienced a similar situation but most 76iH7hWNxU0-00283-00067100-00067309 people suggested that he or she may have 76iH7hWNxU0-00284-00067310-00067407 had a seizure 76iH7hWNxU0-00285-00067408-00067654 I can definitely rule out a seizure in 76iH7hWNxU0-00286-00067655-00067879 my situation that's all I know 76iH7hWNxU0-00287-00067880-00068193 that is really strange I can safely say 76iH7hWNxU0-00288-00068194-00068374 that I haven't noticed anything like 76iH7hWNxU0-00289-00068375-00068556 that like I don't think I've ever lost a 76iH7hWNxU0-00290-00068557-00068872 massive chunk of time but the fact that 76iH7hWNxU0-00291-00068873-00069067 they have the receipt that shows that 76iH7hWNxU0-00292-00069068-00069286 they were like checking out at Walmart 76iH7hWNxU0-00293-00069287-00069576 at 5:08 p.m. and then they only had like 76iH7hWNxU0-00294-00069577-00069817 a short drive to get to McDonald's and 76iH7hWNxU0-00295-00069818-00070105 then it was like 7:30 that is weird 76iH7hWNxU0-00296-00070106-00070249 somebody said in the comments that 76iH7hWNxU0-00297-00070250-00070453 apparently a lot of weird things happen 76iH7hWNxU0-00298-00070454-00070551 at Walmart 76iH7hWNxU0-00299-00070552-00070891 so maybe Walmart is the problem here 76iH7hWNxU0-00300-00070892-00071267 and they have like a weird simulation 76iH7hWNxU0-00301-00071268-00071949 thing maybe when you buy a certain set 76iH7hWNxU0-00302-00071950-00072211 of items you get taken out of the 76iH7hWNxU0-00303-00072212-00072525 simulation that's the new conspiracy 76iH7hWNxU0-00304-00072526-00072819 theory I've just started it feel free to 76iH7hWNxU0-00305-00072820-00073135 spread that I would what they bought but 76iH7hWNxU0-00306-00073136-00073342 genuinely like I have no idea how that 76iH7hWNxU0-00307-00073343-00073518 could have even happened that is really 76iH7hWNxU0-00308-00073519-00073788 weird oh my god even reading more of the 76iH7hWNxU0-00309-00073789-00073999 comments loads of people are saying that 76iH7hWNxU0-00310-00074000-00074224 when they go to Walmart they get like a 76iH7hWNxU0-00311-00074225-00074461 weird uneasy feeling and that they feel 76iH7hWNxU0-00312-00074462-00074757 a bit sick and a bit like hideki and 76iH7hWNxU0-00313-00074758-00074919 then lots of people are commenting back 76iH7hWNxU0-00314-00074920-00075249 saying like oh my god me too 76iH7hWNxU0-00315-00075250-00075546 oh my god I thought I was the only one 76iH7hWNxU0-00316-00075547-00076074 my conspiracy theory makes sense that is 76iH7hWNxU0-00317-00076075-00076291 just absolutely bizarre although 76iH7hWNxU0-00318-00076292-00076498 somebody else has got a theory that it's 76iH7hWNxU0-00319-00076499-00076792 something to do with their messing with 76iH7hWNxU0-00320-00076793-00077067 the energy of the store so that you feel 76iH7hWNxU0-00321-00077068-00077485 confused and like drained I don't know 76iH7hWNxU0-00322-00077486-00077659 why is just why would a shop need to do 76iH7hWNxU0-00323-00077660-00077860 that because that's not gonna make you 76iH7hWNxU0-00324-00077861-00078129 want to buy more it's just gonna make 76iH7hWNxU0-00325-00078130-00078249 you grumpy and then you're gonna want to 76iH7hWNxU0-00326-00078250-00078523 leave so I don't know what the reasoning 76iH7hWNxU0-00327-00078524-00078792 for that would be but apparently loads 76iH7hWNxU0-00328-00078793-00079024 of people don't like Walmart I've only 76iH7hWNxU0-00329-00079025-00079194 been to Walmart once when I went to 76iH7hWNxU0-00330-00079195-00079423 Florida a couple years ago and I kind of 76iH7hWNxU0-00331-00079424-00079648 enjoyed my Walmart experience to be 76iH7hWNxU0-00332-00079649-00080129 honest so maybe the next time I go on 76iH7hWNxU0-00333-00080130-00080242 holiday 76iH7hWNxU0-00334-00080243-00080575 I will go to Walmart and I will try out 76iH7hWNxU0-00335-00080576-00080992 my new theory and I will just see if I 76iH7hWNxU0-00336-00080993-00081340 get any weird vibes anyway that is all 76iH7hWNxU0-00337-00081341-00081501 I'm gonna read for today's video because 76iH7hWNxU0-00338-00081502-00081742 I've been talking for quite a long time 76iH7hWNxU0-00339-00081743-00081916 I think I'm really rambling in this 76iH7hWNxU0-00340-00081917-00082141 video I'm sorry about that but if you 76iH7hWNxU0-00341-00082142-00082345 enjoyed this video make sure to smash 76iH7hWNxU0-00342-00082346-00082546 the thumbs up button because I really 76iH7hWNxU0-00343-00082547-00082723 appreciate it when you do that and also 76iH7hWNxU0-00344-00082724-00082960 make sure to subscribe if you are new 76iH7hWNxU0-00345-00082961-00083134 here and have never seen me before that 76iH7hWNxU0-00346-00083135-00083329 would also mean the world to me and I 76iH7hWNxU0-00347-00083330-00084531 will see you in the next one bye 76iH7hWNxU0-00348-00084532-00084738 you 76s1t30_gvo-00000-00000008-00000279 what's up you guys this is it's real 76s1t30_gvo-00001-00000280-00000478 with jordan and demi 76s1t30_gvo-00002-00000479-00000711 how are you doing jordan i'm good jimmy 76s1t30_gvo-00003-00000712-00000983 how are you jordan is in la i'm in new 76s1t30_gvo-00004-00000984-00001254 york and today we have 76s1t30_gvo-00005-00001255-00001487 a super cool guest okay we've had 76s1t30_gvo-00006-00001488-00001839 current joys on before but today we have 76s1t30_gvo-00007-00001839-00001975 surf curse 76s1t30_gvo-00008-00001976-00002247 we have nick and jacob who are homies 76s1t30_gvo-00009-00002248-00002439 since age 13 and now they have one of 76s1t30_gvo-00010-00002440-00002695 the coolest projects that is popping off 76s1t30_gvo-00011-00002696-00002983 right now so let's welcome surf curse 76s1t30_gvo-00012-00002984-00003343 hi 76s1t30_gvo-00013-00003344-00003575 so you guys are in different parts of 76s1t30_gvo-00014-00003576-00003863 the world right or different 76s1t30_gvo-00015-00003864-00003951 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00016-00003952-00004159 about as far as we can get from each 76s1t30_gvo-00017-00004160-00004254 other 76s1t30_gvo-00018-00004255-00004470 i'm in berlin 76s1t30_gvo-00019-00004471-00004679 yeah i'm in los angeles right right 76s1t30_gvo-00020-00004680-00004767 under your 76s1t30_gvo-00021-00004768-00004983 your place jordan yeah you're right 76s1t30_gvo-00022-00004984-00005199 right beneath me 76s1t30_gvo-00023-00005200-00005438 in the basement 76s1t30_gvo-00024-00005439-00005670 that's why you might hear an echo 76s1t30_gvo-00025-00005671-00005879 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00026-00005880-00006038 you've been you've been canning peaches 76s1t30_gvo-00027-00006039-00006123 all morning 76s1t30_gvo-00028-00006124-00006327 [Laughter] 76s1t30_gvo-00029-00006328-00006527 down in the cellar 76s1t30_gvo-00030-00006528-00006614 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00031-00006615-00006831 so do you guys miss each other that's 76s1t30_gvo-00032-00006831-00007055 the big question 76s1t30_gvo-00033-00007056-00007342 yeah i do miss nick 76s1t30_gvo-00034-00007343-00007623 we haven't we haven't seen each other 76s1t30_gvo-00035-00007623-00007806 well we saw each other at the music 76s1t30_gvo-00036-00007808-00008110 video shoot but that was 76s1t30_gvo-00037-00008111-00008327 that was really about it 76s1t30_gvo-00038-00008328-00008607 yeah in the video [__] 76s1t30_gvo-00039-00008608-00008967 nick just got off of uh an american tour 76s1t30_gvo-00040-00008968-00009119 and i was like what's up dude he's like 76s1t30_gvo-00041-00009120-00009287 i just want to i just want to play elden 76s1t30_gvo-00042-00009288-00009406 ring 76s1t30_gvo-00043-00009407-00009454 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00044-00009455-00009695 [Laughter] 76s1t30_gvo-00045-00009696-00009903 hell yeah and we ended up doing a music 76s1t30_gvo-00046-00009904-00010078 video and then he's like i'm gonna go 76s1t30_gvo-00047-00010079-00010367 and then i didn't see him 76s1t30_gvo-00048-00010368-00010527 after i just played a bunch i just 76s1t30_gvo-00049-00010528-00010742 played more elden ring 76s1t30_gvo-00050-00010743-00010967 i think what we really want to know 76s1t30_gvo-00051-00010968-00011127 about the two of you is how we 76s1t30_gvo-00052-00011128-00011303 collaborate with one another 76s1t30_gvo-00053-00011304-00011542 and what is it really like in both of 76s1t30_gvo-00054-00011543-00011767 your own words working with the other 76s1t30_gvo-00055-00011768-00012031 person 76s1t30_gvo-00056-00012032-00012174 jacob 76s1t30_gvo-00057-00012175-00012414 uh originally 76s1t30_gvo-00058-00012415-00012591 the way that we would bring we would 76s1t30_gvo-00059-00012592-00012822 just bring songs to each other and be 76s1t30_gvo-00060-00012823-00013063 like hey i i had this idea 76s1t30_gvo-00061-00013063-00013303 and then we would sit down and work with 76s1t30_gvo-00062-00013304-00013599 it but um and that that's that's usually 76s1t30_gvo-00063-00013600-00013799 what we did for a while 76s1t30_gvo-00064-00013800-00014079 and um it's still it's still kind of how 76s1t30_gvo-00065-00014080-00014230 we do it but we have two more members 76s1t30_gvo-00066-00014231-00014463 who worked on this uh 76s1t30_gvo-00067-00014463-00014655 this new record 76s1t30_gvo-00068-00014656-00014879 and um 76s1t30_gvo-00069-00014880-00015063 it kind of became 76s1t30_gvo-00070-00015063-00015279 a very collaborative thing we could 76s1t30_gvo-00071-00015280-00015430 expand a little bit more on what we 76s1t30_gvo-00072-00015431-00015615 wanted to do before when we were younger 76s1t30_gvo-00073-00015616-00015847 when we would you know 76s1t30_gvo-00074-00015847-00016055 do these songs would just be guitar and 76s1t30_gvo-00075-00016056-00016415 drums and then maybe a lead line and 76s1t30_gvo-00076-00016416-00016630 we'd have a loop pedal and use that live 76s1t30_gvo-00077-00016631-00016743 and 76s1t30_gvo-00078-00016744-00017063 and now it's like okay we got like 76s1t30_gvo-00079-00017064-00017350 two incredible musicians to kind of help 76s1t30_gvo-00080-00017351-00017615 expand and flesh out things 76s1t30_gvo-00081-00017616-00017911 so it's it's now more of a collaborative 76s1t30_gvo-00082-00017912-00018039 effort between 76s1t30_gvo-00083-00018040-00018191 me nick 76s1t30_gvo-00084-00018192-00018471 our our buddies nibble cole and henry 76s1t30_gvo-00085-00018472-00018567 dylan 76s1t30_gvo-00086-00018568-00019047 and uh it's it's all made out of love 76s1t30_gvo-00087-00019048-00019303 yeah we we sat we locked ourselves in a 76s1t30_gvo-00088-00019304-00019698 room of love for like a month 76s1t30_gvo-00089-00019699-00019919 [Laughter] 76s1t30_gvo-00090-00019920-00020150 and uh 76s1t30_gvo-00091-00020151-00020350 just just um 76s1t30_gvo-00092-00020351-00020567 like jacob would bring songs to the 76s1t30_gvo-00093-00020568-00020711 table and i would bring songs to the 76s1t30_gvo-00094-00020712-00020886 table and then we would just create like 76s1t30_gvo-00095-00020887-00021143 these crazy collages of 76s1t30_gvo-00096-00021144-00021327 of rock music 76s1t30_gvo-00097-00021328-00021558 and like add 76s1t30_gvo-00098-00021559-00021743 really 76s1t30_gvo-00099-00021744-00021999 different dimensions to the songs that 76s1t30_gvo-00100-00022000-00022271 we've never had before like guitar solos 76s1t30_gvo-00101-00022272-00022422 and like 76s1t30_gvo-00102-00022423-00022814 very complicated chord structures and so 76s1t30_gvo-00103-00022815-00022943 um 76s1t30_gvo-00104-00022944-00023158 it's it's definitely evolved a lot from 76s1t30_gvo-00105-00023159-00023350 when we first started the project like 76s1t30_gvo-00106-00023351-00023486 in our basement 76s1t30_gvo-00107-00023487-00023678 like 10 years ago 76s1t30_gvo-00108-00023679-00023958 who makes the songs and like who in the 76s1t30_gvo-00109-00023959-00024158 in the team 76s1t30_gvo-00110-00024159-00024463 in this surf curse crew is like 76s1t30_gvo-00111-00024464-00024719 the problem person with mixing 76s1t30_gvo-00112-00024720-00024886 like that needs to be 76s1t30_gvo-00113-00024887-00025183 lower this needs to be higher oh my god 76s1t30_gvo-00114-00025184-00025311 well we're 76s1t30_gvo-00115-00025312-00025503 figuring that out right now 76s1t30_gvo-00116-00025504-00025718 [Laughter] 76s1t30_gvo-00117-00025719-00025862 um 76s1t30_gvo-00118-00025863-00026046 yeah because we're still mixing this 76s1t30_gvo-00119-00026047-00026255 record we actually have a new song 76s1t30_gvo-00120-00026256-00026439 coming out tomorrow but it's the only 76s1t30_gvo-00121-00026439-00026614 song on the record that's actually mixed 76s1t30_gvo-00122-00026616-00027031 and we have our producer chris cody 76s1t30_gvo-00123-00027032-00027358 who is a genius who's mixing everything 76s1t30_gvo-00124-00027360-00027687 but we've never had like uh 76s1t30_gvo-00125-00027688-00027902 the last time we mixed a record 76s1t30_gvo-00126-00027904-00028079 um it was with 76s1t30_gvo-00127-00028080-00028439 uh jarvis tavernier and and me and jacob 76s1t30_gvo-00128-00028439-00028662 just sort of laid on the floor 76s1t30_gvo-00129-00028663-00028846 of his room 76s1t30_gvo-00130-00028847-00029023 while here mixing stuff 76s1t30_gvo-00131-00029024-00029246 and we would just like yell mixing notes 76s1t30_gvo-00132-00029247-00029423 like it was kind of the craziest thing 76s1t30_gvo-00133-00029424-00029631 like we would be like just turn this 76s1t30_gvo-00134-00029632-00029831 thing up and then he would do it i don't 76s1t30_gvo-00135-00029832-00030143 think anyone does it that way um 76s1t30_gvo-00136-00030144-00030223 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00137-00030224-00030470 we just hovered around him 76s1t30_gvo-00138-00030472-00030711 there's also like our first time like 76s1t30_gvo-00139-00030712-00030943 like really paying attention to some 76s1t30_gvo-00140-00030944-00031190 sort of mixing detail 76s1t30_gvo-00141-00031191-00031479 we just like being around him 76s1t30_gvo-00142-00031480-00031655 we probably do the same thing if we had 76s1t30_gvo-00143-00031656-00031790 the free time we try to just hover 76s1t30_gvo-00144-00031791-00032014 around chris cody too 76s1t30_gvo-00145-00032016-00032174 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00146-00032175-00032455 we're trying to figure out we're we're 76s1t30_gvo-00147-00032456-00032679 trying to figure out how to mix a record 76s1t30_gvo-00148-00032680-00032959 we're now like a global operation 76s1t30_gvo-00149-00032960-00033207 that i'm i'm traveling the world and 76s1t30_gvo-00150-00033208-00033455 trying to mix this thing and then 76s1t30_gvo-00151-00033456-00033631 um 76s1t30_gvo-00152-00033632-00033862 so it's been we we don't really know an 76s1t30_gvo-00153-00033863-00034151 answer for that yet 76s1t30_gvo-00154-00034152-00034423 yeah what how has things changed 76s1t30_gvo-00155-00034424-00034574 since 76s1t30_gvo-00156-00034575-00034871 you guys are now with a major label i 76s1t30_gvo-00157-00034872-00035007 mean 76s1t30_gvo-00158-00035008-00035215 do you feel i obviously you have more 76s1t30_gvo-00159-00035216-00035439 time more resources but how has it 76s1t30_gvo-00160-00035440-00035815 changed the creation of the songs 76s1t30_gvo-00161-00035816-00036183 um the major label i mean really just uh 76s1t30_gvo-00162-00036184-00036327 gave us like 76s1t30_gvo-00163-00036328-00036623 yeah resources like more more money to 76s1t30_gvo-00164-00036624-00036918 record and like go to cool places and 76s1t30_gvo-00165-00036919-00037087 um 76s1t30_gvo-00166-00037088-00037374 maybe a bit more like clout so 76s1t30_gvo-00167-00037375-00037607 so different different like producers 76s1t30_gvo-00168-00037608-00037799 would like to work with us because it's 76s1t30_gvo-00169-00037800-00038071 like oh this is a this is part of like a 76s1t30_gvo-00170-00038072-00038230 major label thing but i don't i don't 76s1t30_gvo-00171-00038231-00038495 really know other than that it's weird 76s1t30_gvo-00172-00038496-00038727 because like i think there's like this 76s1t30_gvo-00173-00038728-00038927 oh since we're assigned like a major 76s1t30_gvo-00174-00038928-00039151 label like now we have to 76s1t30_gvo-00175-00039152-00039279 like write 76s1t30_gvo-00176-00039280-00039623 pop songs or something like that but 76s1t30_gvo-00177-00039624-00039935 i think always the the general idea of 76s1t30_gvo-00178-00039936-00040223 writing is just to always write a pop 76s1t30_gvo-00179-00040224-00040471 song like we we always have the 76s1t30_gvo-00180-00040472-00040711 intention of writing some sort of like 76s1t30_gvo-00181-00040712-00040902 ear worm or something that's going to be 76s1t30_gvo-00182-00040903-00041055 like good for 76s1t30_gvo-00183-00041056-00041230 the live audience like whenever we think 76s1t30_gvo-00184-00041231-00041383 about songwriting 76s1t30_gvo-00185-00041384-00041583 or especially for me is like 76s1t30_gvo-00186-00041584-00041767 oh what is going to make people move you 76s1t30_gvo-00187-00041768-00041927 know what can i what can i make that's 76s1t30_gvo-00188-00041928-00042111 going to get the crowd going 76s1t30_gvo-00189-00042112-00042271 and what could be something that's going 76s1t30_gvo-00190-00042272-00042415 to stick with them for the rest of the 76s1t30_gvo-00191-00042416-00042574 night or maybe the week or like they 76s1t30_gvo-00192-00042575-00042735 just come back to you for like the rest 76s1t30_gvo-00193-00042736-00042839 of their life 76s1t30_gvo-00194-00042840-00042958 or they're like 76s1t30_gvo-00195-00042959-00043295 never changed even before and after uh 76s1t30_gvo-00196-00043296-00043702 you know that 76s1t30_gvo-00197-00043703-00043879 oh i thought there was more to that 76s1t30_gvo-00198-00043880-00044079 yeah i was gonna say yeah i feel like 76s1t30_gvo-00199-00044080-00044271 i've heard that about like a band like 76s1t30_gvo-00200-00044272-00044583 nirvana who um like most people wouldn't 76s1t30_gvo-00201-00044584-00044774 consider that pop but it is a pop 76s1t30_gvo-00202-00044775-00045046 structured music and he probably 76s1t30_gvo-00203-00045047-00045207 was just every single time trying to 76s1t30_gvo-00204-00045208-00045407 make the the coolest song or the 76s1t30_gvo-00205-00045408-00045607 greatest song or the most like you know 76s1t30_gvo-00206-00045608-00045823 memorable whatever melodies that he 76s1t30_gvo-00207-00045824-00046062 could that he came up with forever 76s1t30_gvo-00208-00046063-00046255 one thing that is really funny is like 76s1t30_gvo-00209-00046256-00046574 we gave the label the demos 76s1t30_gvo-00210-00046575-00046655 and 76s1t30_gvo-00211-00046656-00046783 uh 76s1t30_gvo-00212-00046784-00047046 and then like we went into the studio 76s1t30_gvo-00213-00047047-00047215 and there's this one song where we're 76s1t30_gvo-00214-00047216-00047423 like okay we should make this like the 76s1t30_gvo-00215-00047424-00047686 pop song like this is the radio song and 76s1t30_gvo-00216-00047687-00047958 we're gonna make it like a certain way 76s1t30_gvo-00217-00047959-00048167 and when we when we sent it to them 76s1t30_gvo-00218-00048168-00048599 they're like what is this like 76s1t30_gvo-00219-00048600-00048767 they're like what the [__] is this like 76s1t30_gvo-00220-00048768-00048967 it should be more like you guys and so 76s1t30_gvo-00221-00048968-00049158 then we had to go back and record it 76s1t30_gvo-00222-00049159-00049318 like us 76s1t30_gvo-00223-00049319-00049439 um 76s1t30_gvo-00224-00049440-00049646 so i guess that's like a weird i guess 76s1t30_gvo-00225-00049647-00049862 you don't really hear that very often 76s1t30_gvo-00226-00049863-00050071 you played head games with yourself like 76s1t30_gvo-00227-00050072-00050215 you thought because you're an image we 76s1t30_gvo-00228-00050216-00050407 thought that's what they wanted radio 76s1t30_gvo-00229-00050408-00050639 friendly and then yeah yeah but they 76s1t30_gvo-00230-00050640-00050951 wanted the the punk rock 76s1t30_gvo-00231-00050952-00051055 um 76s1t30_gvo-00232-00051056-00051174 elements 76s1t30_gvo-00233-00051175-00051319 well yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00234-00051320-00051590 you're you're i mean you you kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00235-00051591-00051750 rode this wave 76s1t30_gvo-00236-00051751-00051950 from the burst of 76s1t30_gvo-00237-00051951-00052182 from the popularity of freaks 76s1t30_gvo-00238-00052183-00052311 and 76s1t30_gvo-00239-00052312-00052566 you know and that song they want more of 76s1t30_gvo-00240-00052567-00052711 that i'm assuming you know because 76s1t30_gvo-00241-00052712-00052887 that's the song that everyone and that's 76s1t30_gvo-00242-00052888-00052999 i think 76s1t30_gvo-00243-00053000-00053254 the kind of blessing and curse of 76s1t30_gvo-00244-00053255-00053647 of tick tock and stuff going viral on 76s1t30_gvo-00245-00053648-00053863 on you know an app is 76s1t30_gvo-00246-00053864-00054182 or a social media platform is that 76s1t30_gvo-00247-00054183-00054454 you have this double-edged sword of 76s1t30_gvo-00248-00054455-00054599 it's you know kind of out of your 76s1t30_gvo-00249-00054600-00054871 control but at the same time you know 76s1t30_gvo-00250-00054872-00055223 freaks wasn't made for top 40 radio but 76s1t30_gvo-00251-00055224-00055471 yet it was still popular and so it shows 76s1t30_gvo-00252-00055472-00055719 that your type of music 76s1t30_gvo-00253-00055720-00055966 has a big audience whether you mess with 76s1t30_gvo-00254-00055967-00056311 it or not you know hopefully 76s1t30_gvo-00255-00056312-00056494 we'll see that's the fun thing about 76s1t30_gvo-00256-00056495-00056807 tick tock is you you you you 76s1t30_gvo-00257-00056808-00056991 like you said we're just riding that 76s1t30_gvo-00258-00056991-00057111 wave 76s1t30_gvo-00259-00057112-00057263 of uh 76s1t30_gvo-00260-00057264-00057454 whatever the heck that is 76s1t30_gvo-00261-00057455-00057766 you know uh you have a tick tock 76s1t30_gvo-00262-00057767-00057982 i don't jacob you have a do you have a 76s1t30_gvo-00263-00057983-00058191 tick-tock 76s1t30_gvo-00264-00058191-00058335 i occasionally 76s1t30_gvo-00265-00058336-00058479 post on there i 76s1t30_gvo-00266-00058479-00058679 i just go on there and scroll and see 76s1t30_gvo-00267-00058679-00058935 what's up um 76s1t30_gvo-00268-00058936-00059142 i just like animal videos for the most 76s1t30_gvo-00269-00059144-00059319 part the thing about tik tok is just 76s1t30_gvo-00270-00059320-00059575 like i don't know how to use it 76s1t30_gvo-00271-00059576-00059815 i don't understand it and instagram is 76s1t30_gvo-00272-00059816-00059966 very simple you just upload a picture 76s1t30_gvo-00273-00059967-00060087 that's it 76s1t30_gvo-00274-00060088-00060287 what are all these extra steps 76s1t30_gvo-00275-00060288-00060463 well you gotta you gotta put a little 76s1t30_gvo-00276-00060464-00060694 you gotta put like a caption and you 76s1t30_gvo-00277-00060695-00060854 need to pick a song and you need to 76s1t30_gvo-00278-00060855-00061087 learn a dance 76s1t30_gvo-00279-00061088-00061303 and or you just need to be like really 76s1t30_gvo-00280-00061304-00061494 good at cooking 76s1t30_gvo-00281-00061495-00061735 and or have some dancing and cooking at 76s1t30_gvo-00282-00061736-00061894 the same time 76s1t30_gvo-00283-00061895-00062015 and then 76s1t30_gvo-00284-00062016-00062238 you make a video about like how to make 76s1t30_gvo-00285-00062239-00062654 a bird house 76s1t30_gvo-00286-00062655-00062782 you know 76s1t30_gvo-00287-00062783-00062991 there's just so many things 76s1t30_gvo-00288-00062991-00063175 no but going back to freaks really quick 76s1t30_gvo-00289-00063176-00063406 like what is it about that song that you 76s1t30_gvo-00290-00063407-00063806 think people attached to so much 76s1t30_gvo-00291-00063807-00064230 um 76s1t30_gvo-00292-00064232-00064482 the 76s1t30_gvo-00293-00064483-00064735 the uh sense of 76s1t30_gvo-00294-00064736-00065015 loneliness and alienation 76s1t30_gvo-00295-00065016-00065303 and also the catchy riff 76s1t30_gvo-00296-00065304-00065494 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00297-00065495-00065671 if you can make someone dance and kind 76s1t30_gvo-00298-00065672-00065855 of make them cry at the same time then 76s1t30_gvo-00299-00065856-00066038 that's accomplished yeah it's a 76s1t30_gvo-00300-00066039-00066406 combination of of uh beats per minute 76s1t30_gvo-00301-00066407-00066526 and 76s1t30_gvo-00302-00066527-00066767 and sad lyrics 76s1t30_gvo-00303-00066768-00067023 and that is that is a formula right into 76s1t30_gvo-00304-00067024-00067182 someone's soul 76s1t30_gvo-00305-00067183-00067423 since you guys aren't on tick-tock 76s1t30_gvo-00306-00067424-00067694 really to uh to the extent that a lot of 76s1t30_gvo-00307-00067695-00067806 people are 76s1t30_gvo-00308-00067807-00068031 when did you first notice 76s1t30_gvo-00309-00068032-00068287 the virality of freaks and when it was 76s1t30_gvo-00310-00068288-00068582 taking off was did someone notify you or 76s1t30_gvo-00311-00068583-00068855 how did you even know it was happening 76s1t30_gvo-00312-00068856-00069175 we sort of missed an email 76s1t30_gvo-00313-00069176-00069399 yeah we missed a few emails about it 76s1t30_gvo-00314-00069400-00069623 yeah that we're like this is this is 76s1t30_gvo-00315-00069624-00069935 really popping off and we're like okay 76s1t30_gvo-00316-00069936-00070135 and then they're like no like really 76s1t30_gvo-00317-00070136-00070423 it's it's getting crazy and then we were 76s1t30_gvo-00318-00070424-00070759 like okay and then like atlantic emailed 76s1t30_gvo-00319-00070760-00070959 us and they're like we want to sign you 76s1t30_gvo-00320-00070960-00071231 guys and we're like 76s1t30_gvo-00321-00071232-00071438 okay 76s1t30_gvo-00322-00071439-00071655 but we just didn't reply to any of these 76s1t30_gvo-00323-00071656-00071759 emails 76s1t30_gvo-00324-00071760-00071982 and then our manager was like 76s1t30_gvo-00325-00071983-00072279 what the hell are you doing like 76s1t30_gvo-00326-00072280-00072623 send me this please 76s1t30_gvo-00327-00072624-00072879 yeah well i just it just wasn't very 76s1t30_gvo-00328-00072880-00073223 real to me because i i couldn't see um 76s1t30_gvo-00329-00073224-00073367 i don't know 76s1t30_gvo-00330-00073368-00073550 it's it's it's happening in such a 76s1t30_gvo-00331-00073551-00073735 different sphere 76s1t30_gvo-00332-00073736-00074015 of of existence that the like tick tock 76s1t30_gvo-00333-00074016-00074326 world which i'm not even on or have so 76s1t30_gvo-00334-00074327-00074503 it's like my understanding of it was 76s1t30_gvo-00335-00074504-00074694 very elementary 76s1t30_gvo-00336-00074695-00074967 until until it like started changing our 76s1t30_gvo-00337-00074968-00075287 lives in a lot of ways so um that's very 76s1t30_gvo-00338-00075288-00075431 interesting 76s1t30_gvo-00339-00075432-00075655 yeah so we missed some emails that 76s1t30_gvo-00340-00075656-00075862 eventually we responded to and that's 76s1t30_gvo-00341-00075863-00076015 when we realized 76s1t30_gvo-00342-00076016-00076279 that it was a pretty crazy thing 76s1t30_gvo-00343-00076280-00076606 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00344-00076607-00076855 when you guys put together a song 76s1t30_gvo-00345-00076856-00077006 you know i don't want to get 76s1t30_gvo-00346-00077007-00077159 you can get really tedious about how 76s1t30_gvo-00347-00077160-00077350 songs are made by different brands and 76s1t30_gvo-00348-00077351-00077526 you know who writes the lyrics first and 76s1t30_gvo-00349-00077527-00077750 all stuff but i feel like 76s1t30_gvo-00350-00077751-00077975 i feel like the way that your songs 76s1t30_gvo-00351-00077976-00078238 are put together that you guy i picture 76s1t30_gvo-00352-00078239-00078471 you guys in a room just jamming out 76s1t30_gvo-00353-00078472-00078711 riffs and kind of finding grooves then 76s1t30_gvo-00354-00078712-00078903 like okay this groove sounds good this 76s1t30_gvo-00355-00078904-00079135 riff sounds good let's write lyrics for 76s1t30_gvo-00356-00079136-00079406 it is that kind of close to how it 76s1t30_gvo-00357-00079407-00079511 happens no 76s1t30_gvo-00358-00079512-00079799 actually not we we like like we said we 76s1t30_gvo-00359-00079800-00080023 bring the we bring the songs and and 76s1t30_gvo-00360-00080024-00080150 there is 76s1t30_gvo-00361-00080151-00080438 i think me and nick both just record 76s1t30_gvo-00362-00080439-00080575 demos 76s1t30_gvo-00363-00080576-00080735 and you know kind of figure it out 76s1t30_gvo-00364-00080736-00080991 either by ourselves or something like 76s1t30_gvo-00365-00080992-00081231 that and then we we bring in and we show 76s1t30_gvo-00366-00081232-00081335 it and then 76s1t30_gvo-00367-00081336-00081623 everyone kind of knows how to 76s1t30_gvo-00368-00081624-00081894 go with it it's not a lot of like 76s1t30_gvo-00369-00081895-00082159 like we do it together 76s1t30_gvo-00370-00082160-00082487 in a room so my garage band fantasy just 76s1t30_gvo-00371-00082488-00082694 isn't true well 76s1t30_gvo-00372-00082695-00082894 it depends on the song like there's some 76s1t30_gvo-00373-00082895-00083175 songs that you know we'll have demos for 76s1t30_gvo-00374-00083176-00083367 and they're just like done 76s1t30_gvo-00375-00083368-00083455 um 76s1t30_gvo-00376-00083456-00083655 but there's some stuff where it's like 76s1t30_gvo-00377-00083656-00083871 i'll just bring in like an idea 76s1t30_gvo-00378-00083872-00084071 and then we really i feel like this 76s1t30_gvo-00379-00084072-00084294 record more than anything 76s1t30_gvo-00380-00084295-00084503 me and nick sat down and like got on the 76s1t30_gvo-00381-00084504-00084694 acoustic guitars and like started going 76s1t30_gvo-00382-00084695-00084862 off on some stuff 76s1t30_gvo-00383-00084863-00085062 yeah and then we'd like bring it to the 76s1t30_gvo-00384-00085063-00085287 band and then the band would like 76s1t30_gvo-00385-00085288-00085471 you know we would like build it up and 76s1t30_gvo-00386-00085472-00085743 then add like a bridge and like 76s1t30_gvo-00387-00085744-00085959 riffs and all that stuff and then 76s1t30_gvo-00388-00085960-00086215 normally like my writing process for 76s1t30_gvo-00389-00086216-00086375 lyrics is like 76s1t30_gvo-00390-00086376-00086631 i usually just sing nonsense over and 76s1t30_gvo-00391-00086632-00086831 over again until like 76s1t30_gvo-00392-00086832-00087079 they start to sound like some words and 76s1t30_gvo-00393-00087080-00087375 then you write down the words and 76s1t30_gvo-00394-00087376-00087599 i did spend a pretty epic amount of time 76s1t30_gvo-00395-00087600-00087726 writing 76s1t30_gvo-00396-00087727-00087847 um 76s1t30_gvo-00397-00087848-00088055 some of the 76s1t30_gvo-00398-00088056-00088423 some of the songs on the album like 76s1t30_gvo-00399-00088424-00088679 going pretty like religiously over 76s1t30_gvo-00400-00088680-00088887 the song over and over again and writing 76s1t30_gvo-00401-00088888-00088991 like 76s1t30_gvo-00402-00088992-00089182 meticulous lyrics 76s1t30_gvo-00403-00089183-00089326 um 76s1t30_gvo-00404-00089327-00089631 so yeah this is the most involved i 76s1t30_gvo-00405-00089632-00089799 think we've ever been in the songwriting 76s1t30_gvo-00406-00089800-00090038 capacity sometimes like a lot of a lot 76s1t30_gvo-00407-00090039-00090255 of the older albums like the songs are a 76s1t30_gvo-00408-00090256-00090494 lot more simple 76s1t30_gvo-00409-00090495-00090599 um 76s1t30_gvo-00410-00090600-00090775 so it was like easier to write them but 76s1t30_gvo-00411-00090776-00091055 this is definitely like an evolution 76s1t30_gvo-00412-00091056-00091262 of that 76s1t30_gvo-00413-00091263-00091375 where did you guys come up with the name 76s1t30_gvo-00414-00091376-00091631 surfers like where is it because it's 76s1t30_gvo-00415-00091632-00091718 like 76s1t30_gvo-00416-00091719-00092031 we like buys 76s1t30_gvo-00417-00092032-00092262 it's kind of a weird 76s1t30_gvo-00418-00092263-00092743 maybe not that interesting of a story 76s1t30_gvo-00419-00092744-00092999 but uh it's from 76s1t30_gvo-00420-00093000-00093206 in a long story short it's from like a 76s1t30_gvo-00421-00093207-00093487 brady bunch episode where the bradys go 76s1t30_gvo-00422-00093488-00093774 surfing and there's a cursed amulet 76s1t30_gvo-00423-00093775-00093882 or 76s1t30_gvo-00424-00093883-00094143 something i don't really know the name 76s1t30_gvo-00425-00094144-00094415 the name is stuck 76s1t30_gvo-00426-00094416-00094591 we don't know we don't 76s1t30_gvo-00427-00094592-00094671 really 76s1t30_gvo-00428-00094672-00094847 we made it we made it at the height of 76s1t30_gvo-00429-00094848-00095094 like bands like best coasts and waves 76s1t30_gvo-00430-00095095-00095231 you know that's who we were listening to 76s1t30_gvo-00431-00095232-00095471 at the time so we're like west coast oh 76s1t30_gvo-00432-00095472-00095591 my god 76s1t30_gvo-00433-00095592-00095791 that was like my like 76s1t30_gvo-00434-00095792-00095943 oh my god my senior year in high school 76s1t30_gvo-00435-00095944-00096159 that was my those are some of my top 76s1t30_gvo-00436-00096160-00096374 bands oh oh yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00437-00096375-00096526 how did you find them how did you guys 76s1t30_gvo-00438-00096527-00096662 find new music i think i remember like 76s1t30_gvo-00439-00096663-00096918 just going on i used to call it gem 76s1t30_gvo-00440-00096919-00097167 searching i would go in to the depths of 76s1t30_gvo-00441-00097168-00097335 youtube 76s1t30_gvo-00442-00097336-00097438 you know what i'm talking about how you 76s1t30_gvo-00443-00097439-00097638 guys done that 76s1t30_gvo-00444-00097639-00097871 i mean my whole thing just started from 76s1t30_gvo-00445-00097872-00098118 going on pitchfork whenever it was it 76s1t30_gvo-00446-00098119-00098311 was you know they were they were just 76s1t30_gvo-00447-00098312-00098511 doing like a mix of 76s1t30_gvo-00448-00098512-00098782 everything just new 76s1t30_gvo-00449-00098783-00099103 and they always had some sort of like 76s1t30_gvo-00450-00099104-00099423 ear to like you know 76s1t30_gvo-00451-00099424-00099735 america we whenever we grew up in vegas 76s1t30_gvo-00452-00099736-00099982 like we didn't have anything to go off 76s1t30_gvo-00453-00099983-00100215 of as far as like going to a scene like 76s1t30_gvo-00454-00100216-00100462 we lived through the internet 76s1t30_gvo-00455-00100463-00100623 you know like the reason why we found 76s1t30_gvo-00456-00100624-00100862 out about los angeles 76s1t30_gvo-00457-00100863-00101103 los angeles is uh the smell 76s1t30_gvo-00458-00101104-00101303 was because 76s1t30_gvo-00459-00101304-00101487 they did like a one week 76s1t30_gvo-00460-00101488-00101703 only film thing on pitchfork where they 76s1t30_gvo-00461-00101704-00101887 would show like a music film like every 76s1t30_gvo-00462-00101888-00101974 week 76s1t30_gvo-00463-00101975-00102150 and there was one where they did a 76s1t30_gvo-00464-00102151-00102326 profile on the smell 76s1t30_gvo-00465-00102327-00102558 and i was like this is so cool it's an 76s1t30_gvo-00466-00102559-00102766 all ages venue too bad we don't have 76s1t30_gvo-00467-00102767-00102942 anything like that here 76s1t30_gvo-00468-00102943-00103134 and i would just watch that like all the 76s1t30_gvo-00469-00103135-00103351 time like everything 76s1t30_gvo-00470-00103352-00103599 like especially for me i did was just 76s1t30_gvo-00471-00103600-00103790 live through the internet and just keep 76s1t30_gvo-00472-00103791-00103982 searching going through band camp 76s1t30_gvo-00473-00103983-00104263 looking up wow bags for like surf rock 76s1t30_gvo-00474-00104264-00104502 bands looking up indy you know and 76s1t30_gvo-00475-00104503-00104718 looking up you know anything and just 76s1t30_gvo-00476-00104719-00104934 kind of like delving you know deep into 76s1t30_gvo-00477-00104935-00105134 that world 76s1t30_gvo-00478-00105135-00105399 uh yeah a lot of lot a lot of a lot of 76s1t30_gvo-00479-00105400-00105663 being influenced just you know off of my 76s1t30_gvo-00480-00105664-00105927 speakers off my computer when you guys 76s1t30_gvo-00481-00105928-00106143 were kids like middle school high school 76s1t30_gvo-00482-00106144-00106447 just growing up um 76s1t30_gvo-00483-00106448-00106615 was there a scene where you guys are 76s1t30_gvo-00484-00106616-00106743 from that you can kind of like say yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00485-00106744-00106895 i kind of like was inspired by seeing 76s1t30_gvo-00486-00106896-00107158 other bands play or no 76s1t30_gvo-00487-00107159-00107278 no 76s1t30_gvo-00488-00107279-00107502 we went to like scott shows and stuff 76s1t30_gvo-00489-00107503-00107678 but they were really bad yeah you 76s1t30_gvo-00490-00107679-00107863 couldn't 76s1t30_gvo-00491-00107864-00108023 i actually have been telling this story 76s1t30_gvo-00492-00108024-00108310 lately but like i would interview bands 76s1t30_gvo-00493-00108311-00108463 like no age 76s1t30_gvo-00494-00108464-00108686 outside of the music venue i interviewed 76s1t30_gvo-00495-00108688-00108902 one of the guys from that band health 76s1t30_gvo-00496-00108903-00109143 inside his hotel room 76s1t30_gvo-00497-00109144-00109399 what used to be the hard rock cafe 76s1t30_gvo-00498-00109400-00109678 and i just remember absolutely probably 76s1t30_gvo-00499-00109679-00109823 punishing 76s1t30_gvo-00500-00109824-00109990 these people because i was like this is 76s1t30_gvo-00501-00109991-00110302 like my one chance to to say what i want 76s1t30_gvo-00502-00110303-00110431 to say to him 76s1t30_gvo-00503-00110432-00110654 and ask them these great questions i 76s1t30_gvo-00504-00110655-00110839 want to impress them but i was like 76s1t30_gvo-00505-00110840-00110983 doing it for like my high school 76s1t30_gvo-00506-00110983-00111190 newspaper it wasn't even it wasn't even 76s1t30_gvo-00507-00111191-00111286 you know 76s1t30_gvo-00508-00111288-00111558 going on any sort of blog or anything 76s1t30_gvo-00509-00111559-00111727 and but it's just like that's kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00510-00111728-00111902 the the uh 76s1t30_gvo-00511-00111903-00112166 the lack of and also just the resentment 76s1t30_gvo-00512-00112167-00112399 we had towards our cities that we were 76s1t30_gvo-00513-00112400-00112639 living in because we did not have the 76s1t30_gvo-00514-00112640-00112910 scene that we wanted like the world was 76s1t30_gvo-00515-00112911-00113110 existing without us and we 76s1t30_gvo-00516-00113111-00113334 and we were just we wanted to be a part 76s1t30_gvo-00517-00113335-00113583 of it like so badly 76s1t30_gvo-00518-00113583-00113775 even whenever we went to we moved to 76s1t30_gvo-00519-00113776-00114031 reno and we were a part of 76s1t30_gvo-00520-00114032-00114366 like that music scene we we kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00521-00114367-00114590 we kind of saw what was happening 76s1t30_gvo-00522-00114591-00114743 even if there was an all-ages space we 76s1t30_gvo-00523-00114744-00114902 were kind of like oh there's nothing 76s1t30_gvo-00524-00114903-00115143 that's like exciting about the music 76s1t30_gvo-00525-00115144-00115327 scene like we should just write songs 76s1t30_gvo-00526-00115328-00115454 like we could probably we could probably 76s1t30_gvo-00527-00115455-00115615 do this better you know we could 76s1t30_gvo-00528-00115616-00115783 probably just like 76s1t30_gvo-00529-00115783-00115863 like 76s1t30_gvo-00530-00115864-00116063 get people moving if like we started 76s1t30_gvo-00531-00116064-00116231 making music because 76s1t30_gvo-00532-00116232-00116343 we need it 76s1t30_gvo-00533-00116344-00116502 and that's like that's kind of like how 76s1t30_gvo-00534-00116503-00116854 we even started you know just 76s1t30_gvo-00535-00116855-00117023 needing that that 76s1t30_gvo-00536-00117024-00117247 that live music needing that like you 76s1t30_gvo-00537-00117248-00117486 know that fun that we've been lacking 76s1t30_gvo-00538-00117488-00117710 like all of our years 76s1t30_gvo-00539-00117711-00117895 you mentioned that you 76s1t30_gvo-00540-00117896-00118007 had 76s1t30_gvo-00541-00118008-00118183 like comb the internet for different 76s1t30_gvo-00542-00118183-00118375 sounds and different bands and that you 76s1t30_gvo-00543-00118376-00118510 were looking for 76s1t30_gvo-00544-00118511-00118910 um you know surf surf rock sturfy bands 76s1t30_gvo-00545-00118911-00119231 so was that intentional to make surf 76s1t30_gvo-00546-00119232-00119366 curse 76s1t30_gvo-00547-00119367-00119615 regardless of the name sound kind of in 76s1t30_gvo-00548-00119616-00119878 that surf kind of in that ventures beach 76s1t30_gvo-00549-00119879-00120143 boys kind of thing but a little bit more 76s1t30_gvo-00550-00120144-00120390 obviously updated or did you just kind 76s1t30_gvo-00551-00120391-00120758 of stumble across that surf rock sound 76s1t30_gvo-00552-00120759-00120934 well we we've always thought that we 76s1t30_gvo-00553-00120935-00121190 didn't really have a surf rock sound 76s1t30_gvo-00554-00121191-00121334 um 76s1t30_gvo-00555-00121335-00121614 and joke that like 76s1t30_gvo-00556-00121615-00121814 you know everyone has been like you know 76s1t30_gvo-00557-00121815-00122278 like curse 76s1t30_gvo-00558-00122279-00122407 the 76s1t30_gvo-00559-00122408-00122623 delinquents or something i don't [__] 76s1t30_gvo-00560-00122624-00122727 know 76s1t30_gvo-00561-00122728-00122847 like 76s1t30_gvo-00562-00122848-00123063 very like yeah i mean no one would be 76s1t30_gvo-00563-00123064-00123254 like this is very 76s1t30_gvo-00564-00123255-00123831 beachy 76s1t30_gvo-00565-00123832-00124063 yeah it's kind of like the curse that we 76s1t30_gvo-00566-00124064-00124390 have now so that's the joke it's like 76s1t30_gvo-00567-00124391-00124623 the thing is is like it that was it we 76s1t30_gvo-00568-00124624-00124847 were doing we were doing like a surf 76s1t30_gvo-00569-00124848-00124990 thing for like 76s1t30_gvo-00570-00124991-00125102 the first 76s1t30_gvo-00571-00125103-00125343 year of our existence and then we kind 76s1t30_gvo-00572-00125344-00125631 of like moved out of it pretty fast 76s1t30_gvo-00573-00125632-00125831 but like the only way that we can like 76s1t30_gvo-00574-00125832-00126071 that we were ever playing shows or you 76s1t30_gvo-00575-00126072-00126254 know being associated into some sort of 76s1t30_gvo-00576-00126255-00126551 scene was always like getting you know 76s1t30_gvo-00577-00126552-00126775 locked in with other people who 76s1t30_gvo-00578-00126776-00127007 like were making 76s1t30_gvo-00579-00127008-00127143 yeah like surf 76s1t30_gvo-00580-00127144-00127295 sort of stuff or 76s1t30_gvo-00581-00127296-00127383 or 76s1t30_gvo-00582-00127383-00127663 garage rock or like whatever and it's 76s1t30_gvo-00583-00127664-00127895 like for years we've been trying to like 76s1t30_gvo-00584-00127896-00128023 you know be like 76s1t30_gvo-00585-00128024-00128214 that's cool but it's just not really 76s1t30_gvo-00586-00128215-00128302 like 76s1t30_gvo-00587-00128303-00128471 our thing anymore it would be nice to 76s1t30_gvo-00588-00128472-00128663 just you know 76s1t30_gvo-00589-00128664-00128902 we we always try to uh 76s1t30_gvo-00590-00128903-00129134 delve into whatever we're honing in on 76s1t30_gvo-00591-00129135-00129302 like around us 76s1t30_gvo-00592-00129303-00129502 in some sort of way or be inspired by 76s1t30_gvo-00593-00129503-00129710 like more 76s1t30_gvo-00594-00129711-00130014 older and and uh modern bands that are 76s1t30_gvo-00595-00130015-00130319 very interesting 76s1t30_gvo-00596-00130320-00130510 yeah because i mean there's some songs 76s1t30_gvo-00597-00130511-00130702 that are like like i was going through 76s1t30_gvo-00598-00130703-00130902 you obviously listen to your catalog to 76s1t30_gvo-00599-00130903-00131135 some of your um newer and older stuff 76s1t30_gvo-00600-00131136-00131254 last night and 76s1t30_gvo-00601-00131255-00131495 and um like the song nostalgia 76s1t30_gvo-00602-00131496-00131631 specifically 76s1t30_gvo-00603-00131632-00131871 sounds like a brian wilson composition 76s1t30_gvo-00604-00131872-00132175 the vocal sound very beach boise so 76s1t30_gvo-00605-00132176-00132454 interesting it's kind of a yeah so i was 76s1t30_gvo-00606-00132455-00132599 thinking there was kind of like a 76s1t30_gvo-00607-00132600-00132790 chicken and egg situation where like oh 76s1t30_gvo-00608-00132791-00132966 we're so so we should kind of i don't 76s1t30_gvo-00609-00132967-00133214 know so nick how do we i i really want 76s1t30_gvo-00610-00133215-00133463 to know you have these two projects 76s1t30_gvo-00611-00133464-00133695 how do we balance kind of like 76s1t30_gvo-00612-00133696-00133927 the energy between the two 76s1t30_gvo-00613-00133928-00134247 and also how do we know what song 76s1t30_gvo-00614-00134248-00134495 or what project like if you write a song 76s1t30_gvo-00615-00134496-00134878 alone which one are you going to 76s1t30_gvo-00616-00134879-00134999 are you going to have it for current 76s1t30_gvo-00617-00135000-00135102 choice 76s1t30_gvo-00618-00135103-00135295 or surf curse how do you how do you 76s1t30_gvo-00619-00135296-00135439 distinguish 76s1t30_gvo-00620-00135440-00135519 um 76s1t30_gvo-00621-00135520-00135607 well 76s1t30_gvo-00622-00135608-00135814 i would say 76s1t30_gvo-00623-00135815-00135911 i mean 76s1t30_gvo-00624-00135912-00136143 like 76s1t30_gvo-00625-00136144-00136366 it makes sense to me i don't know if it 76s1t30_gvo-00626-00136367-00136599 would make sense to anybody else 76s1t30_gvo-00627-00136600-00136783 um there have definitely been times 76s1t30_gvo-00628-00136784-00136927 where i've like brought in songs to 76s1t30_gvo-00629-00136928-00137095 jacob and he's like that's the current 76s1t30_gvo-00630-00137096-00137366 joy song or like even songs on this new 76s1t30_gvo-00631-00137367-00137551 record where he's like that should just 76s1t30_gvo-00632-00137552-00137735 be a current choice song or like it kind 76s1t30_gvo-00633-00137736-00137927 of just 76s1t30_gvo-00634-00137928-00138254 i don't know jacob you you kind of know 76s1t30_gvo-00635-00138255-00138454 yeah there's just like like you kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00636-00138455-00138590 get the vibe 76s1t30_gvo-00637-00138591-00138927 where you're yeah there's not 76s1t30_gvo-00638-00138928-00139087 there's like uh 76s1t30_gvo-00639-00139088-00139247 i think there's like a voice and a 76s1t30_gvo-00640-00139248-00139623 signature with like the surf curse stuff 76s1t30_gvo-00641-00139624-00139999 um and then there's just the absolute 76s1t30_gvo-00642-00140000-00140343 voice of of of nick like whenever nick 76s1t30_gvo-00643-00140344-00140566 brings a song that i'm like 76s1t30_gvo-00644-00140567-00140766 oh this is like a current joy song like 76s1t30_gvo-00645-00140767-00141023 it it has like 76s1t30_gvo-00646-00141024-00141278 you know it has like 76s1t30_gvo-00647-00141279-00141575 this this kind of intimacy 76s1t30_gvo-00648-00141576-00141751 that is from nick like it's 76s1t30_gvo-00649-00141752-00141983 a little too personal because like a lot 76s1t30_gvo-00650-00141984-00142302 of the surf stuff but it's too personal 76s1t30_gvo-00651-00142303-00142463 yeah yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00652-00142464-00142695 it's very it's very much like you can 76s1t30_gvo-00653-00142696-00142926 hear it like whenever especially because 76s1t30_gvo-00654-00142927-00143207 i'm a big fan of nick like i love his 76s1t30_gvo-00655-00143208-00143431 music and i'm you know i always get 76s1t30_gvo-00656-00143432-00143590 proud of him like i've 76s1t30_gvo-00657-00143591-00143814 i've been like on long rides where i'll 76s1t30_gvo-00658-00143815-00144047 i'll put on like 76s1t30_gvo-00659-00144048-00144159 old 76s1t30_gvo-00660-00144160-00144454 you know nick old demos of nyx like back 76s1t30_gvo-00661-00144455-00144735 in the day 76s1t30_gvo-00662-00144736-00144926 and i and like you know you kind of like 76s1t30_gvo-00663-00144927-00145126 it's just like i got a good sense of 76s1t30_gvo-00664-00145127-00145271 like what 76s1t30_gvo-00665-00145272-00145511 or in my opinion at least like what is 76s1t30_gvo-00666-00145512-00145775 what is him you know and i can always 76s1t30_gvo-00667-00145776-00145871 hear 76s1t30_gvo-00668-00145872-00146135 that being on the next you know the next 76s1t30_gvo-00669-00146136-00146335 record it's always like and of course 76s1t30_gvo-00670-00146336-00146535 it's always like a hit like it's always 76s1t30_gvo-00671-00146536-00146607 like 76s1t30_gvo-00672-00146608-00146790 oh yeah it's like it's a great song it 76s1t30_gvo-00673-00146791-00146951 just doesn't like 76s1t30_gvo-00674-00146952-00147190 it just doesn't like yeah sometimes like 76s1t30_gvo-00675-00147191-00147359 yeah this isn't this is this is like 76s1t30_gvo-00676-00147360-00147583 this is like a total you thing you know 76s1t30_gvo-00677-00147584-00147719 there was a new there was a song that 76s1t30_gvo-00678-00147720-00147871 was going to be 76s1t30_gvo-00679-00147872-00148087 on this record on this new surfboard 76s1t30_gvo-00680-00148088-00148175 record 76s1t30_gvo-00681-00148176-00148407 and the whole band because 76s1t30_gvo-00682-00148408-00148639 you know two of our members is also 76s1t30_gvo-00683-00148640-00148807 two of nick's members in the in the 76s1t30_gvo-00684-00148808-00148990 current joy's life band 76s1t30_gvo-00685-00148991-00149166 and they were they're even like i think 76s1t30_gvo-00686-00149167-00149278 this is a 76s1t30_gvo-00687-00149279-00149447 nick song you know i think this is like 76s1t30_gvo-00688-00149448-00149663 a current joy song 76s1t30_gvo-00689-00149664-00150159 and it just kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00690-00150160-00150366 no yeah i think yeah it's hard to 76s1t30_gvo-00691-00150367-00150519 describe 76s1t30_gvo-00692-00150520-00150735 but uh i think i think jacob kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00693-00150736-00150951 nailed it it's like two different voices 76s1t30_gvo-00694-00150952-00151039 you know 76s1t30_gvo-00695-00151040-00151311 like surf curse has such a you like 76s1t30_gvo-00696-00151312-00151599 unique voice from current joys and vice 76s1t30_gvo-00697-00151600-00151719 versa 76s1t30_gvo-00698-00151720-00151951 i actually when i heard surf curse i did 76s1t30_gvo-00699-00151952-00152223 not know it was you 76s1t30_gvo-00700-00152224-00152359 i didn't know 76s1t30_gvo-00701-00152360-00152623 and i i've been a current joy fan for 76s1t30_gvo-00702-00152624-00152735 like 76s1t30_gvo-00703-00152736-00152966 a minute now so isn't that crazy i i 76s1t30_gvo-00704-00152967-00153175 didn't know i didn't know that's good 76s1t30_gvo-00705-00153176-00153343 that's good 76s1t30_gvo-00706-00153344-00153535 yeah i had a note i was trying to like 76s1t30_gvo-00707-00153536-00153711 what how would i describe this shirt 76s1t30_gvo-00708-00153712-00154007 like i i i wrote down that i felt like 76s1t30_gvo-00709-00154008-00154239 current joy songs were a little bit more 76s1t30_gvo-00710-00154240-00154478 acidic is the word which is a very like 76s1t30_gvo-00711-00154479-00154583 very like 76s1t30_gvo-00712-00154584-00154790 music writer terminology to use but 76s1t30_gvo-00713-00154791-00154895 that's 76s1t30_gvo-00714-00154896-00155039 i don't know there's like a different 76s1t30_gvo-00715-00155040-00155231 vibe to it or something i don't know 76s1t30_gvo-00716-00155232-00155366 that's interesting 76s1t30_gvo-00717-00155367-00155583 i'm gonna i'm gonna hang on to that one 76s1t30_gvo-00718-00155584-00156199 yeah more acidic more acidic 76s1t30_gvo-00719-00156200-00156383 you did the uh 76s1t30_gvo-00720-00156384-00156551 the uh remix 76s1t30_gvo-00721-00156552-00156766 of freaks with travis barker and travis 76s1t30_gvo-00722-00156767-00156990 parker is playing drums on everyone's 76s1t30_gvo-00723-00156991-00157126 albums yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00724-00157127-00157263 songs these days 76s1t30_gvo-00725-00157264-00157463 yeah i think we've had half a dozen 76s1t30_gvo-00726-00157464-00157678 guests who have had travis parker 76s1t30_gvo-00727-00157679-00157926 uh appearances how did that get put 76s1t30_gvo-00728-00157927-00158302 together and why did you do it 76s1t30_gvo-00729-00158303-00158519 um we were trying sorry i'm like i'm 76s1t30_gvo-00730-00158520-00158623 like 76s1t30_gvo-00731-00158624-00158735 it's like 76s1t30_gvo-00732-00158736-00158895 i'm like about to play a show and i'm 76s1t30_gvo-00733-00158896-00159111 just looking at everybody who 76s1t30_gvo-00734-00159112-00159447 is coming wow 76s1t30_gvo-00735-00159448-00159654 nick is in berlin and it's 76s1t30_gvo-00736-00159655-00159751 i guess 76s1t30_gvo-00737-00159752-00159990 what like at least six or seven or 76s1t30_gvo-00738-00159991-00160278 something over there 7 30 and i have 76s1t30_gvo-00739-00160279-00160454 this little i have this little window 76s1t30_gvo-00740-00160455-00160687 that actually looks into the venue and 76s1t30_gvo-00741-00160688-00160975 everyone appears to just be sitting down 76s1t30_gvo-00742-00160976-00161111 interesting 76s1t30_gvo-00743-00161112-00161278 on the ground 76s1t30_gvo-00744-00161279-00161583 on the ground yeah oh my god 76s1t30_gvo-00745-00161584-00161751 i'm also trying to get like i'm trying 76s1t30_gvo-00746-00161752-00161983 to like find the best lighting for me 76s1t30_gvo-00747-00161984-00162143 you know 76s1t30_gvo-00748-00162144-00162854 well we're just doing this audio 76s1t30_gvo-00749-00162855-00163031 the light keeps changing and i'm like 76s1t30_gvo-00750-00163032-00163199 trying to achieve no you're good where 76s1t30_gvo-00751-00163200-00163390 wherever you wherever you got the feeds 76s1t30_gvo-00752-00163391-00163511 so the best 76s1t30_gvo-00753-00163512-00163678 it's just for me personally you know 76s1t30_gvo-00754-00163679-00163823 because i want you just because i'm 76s1t30_gvo-00755-00163824-00164278 looking at myself 76s1t30_gvo-00756-00164279-00164663 no the travis barker thing happened um 76s1t30_gvo-00757-00164664-00164854 because we were trying to get 76s1t30_gvo-00758-00164855-00165071 remixes of freaks or the label wanted to 76s1t30_gvo-00759-00165072-00165283 do like a freaks remix 76s1t30_gvo-00760-00165284-00165535 ep um 76s1t30_gvo-00761-00165536-00165847 and uh he was one of the people who 76s1t30_gvo-00762-00165848-00166126 said yes and it's awesome because 76s1t30_gvo-00763-00166127-00166343 you know blink 182 is probably my 76s1t30_gvo-00764-00166344-00166607 favorite band of all time and i've 76s1t30_gvo-00765-00166608-00166790 memorized enema of the state and can 76s1t30_gvo-00766-00166791-00167102 sing it forwards and backwards and 76s1t30_gvo-00767-00167103-00167423 yeah just uh just a cool like 76s1t30_gvo-00768-00167424-00167614 label hookup i guess 76s1t30_gvo-00769-00167615-00167847 yeah we never met the guy oh but you 76s1t30_gvo-00770-00167848-00168092 never met him so you said 76s1t30_gvo-00771-00168093-00168623 [Laughter] 76s1t30_gvo-00772-00168624-00168766 he kind of just did his own thing he 76s1t30_gvo-00773-00168767-00169007 just like recorded drums and 76s1t30_gvo-00774-00169008-00169183 just kind of his own you know 76s1t30_gvo-00775-00169184-00169383 interpretation we're like 76s1t30_gvo-00776-00169384-00169575 okay cool 76s1t30_gvo-00777-00169576-00169863 yeah did you like how the remix came out 76s1t30_gvo-00778-00169864-00170063 yeah i thought it was sick i actually 76s1t30_gvo-00779-00170064-00170231 thought like something that he did to it 76s1t30_gvo-00780-00170232-00170447 was was maybe something we should try 76s1t30_gvo-00781-00170448-00170687 live but maybe we shouldn't because then 76s1t30_gvo-00782-00170688-00170902 it's just his version 76s1t30_gvo-00783-00170903-00171095 what is the thing that you thought was 76s1t30_gvo-00784-00171096-00171199 cool 76s1t30_gvo-00785-00171200-00171423 he does like after the like i am just a 76s1t30_gvo-00786-00171424-00171695 freak he like does like a breakdown 76s1t30_gvo-00787-00171696-00171895 instead of like just going into like do 76s1t30_gvo-00788-00171896-00173535 do do do do do do it's like 76s1t30_gvo-00789-00173536-00173743 it's like a halftime thing yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00790-00173744-00173983 wow if you were to meet him in person 76s1t30_gvo-00791-00173984-00174143 what do you expect to be like like i 76s1t30_gvo-00792-00174144-00174351 mean he's like in the kardashian family 76s1t30_gvo-00793-00174352-00174438 now 76s1t30_gvo-00794-00174439-00174607 there's a lot you know he's like he went 76s1t30_gvo-00795-00174608-00174871 he really did go from blink 182 to like 76s1t30_gvo-00796-00174872-00174951 some 76s1t30_gvo-00797-00174952-00175159 hollywood he's like he's like on a whole 76s1t30_gvo-00798-00175160-00175343 nother tip yeah yeah yeah what do you 76s1t30_gvo-00799-00175344-00175471 think about that 76s1t30_gvo-00800-00175472-00175671 it would probably be chill he seems like 76s1t30_gvo-00801-00175672-00175878 a chill guy maybe that'll be you guys 76s1t30_gvo-00802-00175879-00176014 one day too 76s1t30_gvo-00803-00176015-00176214 just switch up go from pump yeah you 76s1t30_gvo-00804-00176215-00176319 know 76s1t30_gvo-00805-00176320-00176478 there'll be some kardashian out there 76s1t30_gvo-00806-00176479-00176783 for you yeah there's a few there's a few 76s1t30_gvo-00807-00176784-00176990 there's a few different questions 76s1t30_gvo-00808-00176991-00177126 there's a few kardashians let's go 76s1t30_gvo-00809-00177127-00177231 around 76s1t30_gvo-00810-00177232-00177407 this whole podcast there's there's 76s1t30_gvo-00811-00177408-00177702 plenty of famous people that can we can 76s1t30_gvo-00812-00177703-00178071 latch on to and make us more famous so 76s1t30_gvo-00813-00178072-00178311 you talk a little bit about 76s1t30_gvo-00814-00178312-00178543 yeah yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00815-00178544-00178775 yeah that's what i'm saying are you guys 76s1t30_gvo-00816-00178776-00178878 um 76s1t30_gvo-00817-00178879-00179151 do you guys like doing the party network 76s1t30_gvo-00818-00179152-00179390 like go to a party to meet this person 76s1t30_gvo-00819-00179391-00179583 kind of thing like hook that up kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00820-00179584-00179854 are you do you need to we don't really 76s1t30_gvo-00821-00179855-00180095 parties yeah we're yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00822-00180096-00180390 we're like still on the outskirts 76s1t30_gvo-00823-00180391-00180951 we're still the underdogs 76s1t30_gvo-00824-00180952-00181207 i mean i like it like that 76s1t30_gvo-00825-00181208-00181471 i think people assume like 76s1t30_gvo-00826-00181472-00181599 my friend came the other day she's a 76s1t30_gvo-00827-00181600-00181743 really big designer 76s1t30_gvo-00828-00181744-00182007 um kim chewie and she was like i don't 76s1t30_gvo-00829-00182008-00182231 know why my friends you know like she's 76s1t30_gvo-00830-00182232-00182326 like where are all my friends i'm like 76s1t30_gvo-00831-00182327-00182471 kim everyone thinks you're the busiest 76s1t30_gvo-00832-00182472-00182654 person in the world 76s1t30_gvo-00833-00182655-00182766 that's why 76s1t30_gvo-00834-00182767-00182951 she's literally dressing lizzo like on 76s1t30_gvo-00835-00182952-00183143 the daily basis i'm like 76s1t30_gvo-00836-00183144-00183238 people are just gonna think about you 76s1t30_gvo-00837-00183239-00183359 guys like you guys are like chilling 76s1t30_gvo-00838-00183360-00183671 with travis barker on a wednesday 76s1t30_gvo-00839-00183672-00183823 morning you know what i'm saying that's 76s1t30_gvo-00840-00183824-00183999 how probably people say travis on 76s1t30_gvo-00841-00184000-00184183 wednesday 76s1t30_gvo-00842-00184184-00184366 well you know what they say 76s1t30_gvo-00843-00184367-00184599 it's it's lonely at the top 76s1t30_gvo-00844-00184600-00184759 yeah yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00845-00184760-00184902 are you guys feeling that like now with 76s1t30_gvo-00846-00184903-00185135 the like success like are you guys how 76s1t30_gvo-00847-00185136-00185302 does that taking a toll on like your 76s1t30_gvo-00848-00185303-00185438 mental 76s1t30_gvo-00849-00185439-00185590 no it's great 76s1t30_gvo-00850-00185591-00185847 i think i think we've uh you know we've 76s1t30_gvo-00851-00185848-00186054 done this for so long 76s1t30_gvo-00852-00186055-00186311 and we've kind of had like 76s1t30_gvo-00853-00186312-00186471 a slow 76s1t30_gvo-00854-00186472-00186790 progression of success anyways like 76s1t30_gvo-00855-00186791-00186878 um 76s1t30_gvo-00856-00186879-00187063 over the years you know like we did this 76s1t30_gvo-00857-00187064-00187295 band for years without making any money 76s1t30_gvo-00858-00187296-00187487 and then it sort of started to become a 76s1t30_gvo-00859-00187488-00187775 career for us and then now it's like on 76s1t30_gvo-00860-00187776-00188014 a whole different level of like 76s1t30_gvo-00861-00188015-00188295 we're just really busy now or it feels 76s1t30_gvo-00862-00188296-00188519 like i i feel very busy 76s1t30_gvo-00863-00188520-00188702 i'm busy as [__] because of the two 76s1t30_gvo-00864-00188703-00188814 bands 76s1t30_gvo-00865-00188815-00188943 um 76s1t30_gvo-00866-00188944-00189199 but uh 76s1t30_gvo-00867-00189200-00189414 i think it's it's yeah that's like the 76s1t30_gvo-00868-00189415-00189590 biggest things that that's changed is we 76s1t30_gvo-00869-00189591-00189735 just have more 76s1t30_gvo-00870-00189736-00189854 work to do 76s1t30_gvo-00871-00189855-00189950 you know 76s1t30_gvo-00872-00189951-00190078 wow 76s1t30_gvo-00873-00190079-00190263 i'd like to think that our egos are in 76s1t30_gvo-00874-00190264-00190526 check but maybe maybe that's not for us 76s1t30_gvo-00875-00190527-00190926 to say 76s1t30_gvo-00876-00190927-00191199 before we uh before we end this guys 76s1t30_gvo-00877-00191200-00191414 you know you mentioned that 76s1t30_gvo-00878-00191415-00191566 the creation of music is different now 76s1t30_gvo-00879-00191567-00191678 just because 76s1t30_gvo-00880-00191679-00191895 you have more resources and stuff but 76s1t30_gvo-00881-00191896-00192126 how when you put out this album whatever 76s1t30_gvo-00882-00192127-00192271 it ends up being 76s1t30_gvo-00883-00192272-00192511 what will the sound be like compared to 76s1t30_gvo-00884-00192512-00192631 other 76s1t30_gvo-00885-00192632-00193063 uh surf surf curse albums 76s1t30_gvo-00886-00193064-00193271 i i think it's gonna be a i think it's 76s1t30_gvo-00887-00193272-00193478 gonna be a really great 76s1t30_gvo-00888-00193479-00193766 rock record like and i i mean and i mean 76s1t30_gvo-00889-00193767-00193895 it 76s1t30_gvo-00890-00193896-00194183 in a sense where it's 76s1t30_gvo-00891-00194184-00194319 i think it's going to be something that 76s1t30_gvo-00892-00194320-00194447 people are going to 76s1t30_gvo-00893-00194448-00194623 you know pick up on and think it's going 76s1t30_gvo-00894-00194624-00194735 to be 76s1t30_gvo-00895-00194736-00194895 a little different 76s1t30_gvo-00896-00194896-00195135 and exciting 76s1t30_gvo-00897-00195136-00195207 like 76s1t30_gvo-00898-00195208-00195375 in a way that's like oh [__] this is 76s1t30_gvo-00899-00195376-00195502 like what 76s1t30_gvo-00900-00195503-00195726 these guys are doing now 76s1t30_gvo-00901-00195727-00196071 and i think people can respect it and 76s1t30_gvo-00902-00196072-00196311 also at the same time be 76s1t30_gvo-00903-00196312-00196559 just as in love with it as maybe some of 76s1t30_gvo-00904-00196560-00196807 our other songs in the past 76s1t30_gvo-00905-00196808-00196911 like 76s1t30_gvo-00906-00196912-00197111 i don't know i think we're all excited 76s1t30_gvo-00907-00197112-00197302 about the record like it feels like 76s1t30_gvo-00908-00197303-00197502 we did make 76s1t30_gvo-00909-00197503-00197807 or nirvana record or like the record you 76s1t30_gvo-00910-00197808-00197990 know that's like it's like okay i can 76s1t30_gvo-00911-00197991-00198214 see this standing the test of time 76s1t30_gvo-00912-00198215-00198438 wow wow that's a big that's that yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00913-00198439-00198654 that's i you sold me that was a good 76s1t30_gvo-00914-00198655-00198883 pitch that's a good pitch oh 76s1t30_gvo-00915-00198884-00199095 good there any means of record that we 76s1t30_gvo-00916-00199096-00199263 can expect like 76s1t30_gvo-00917-00199264-00199543 so it's not surf 76s1t30_gvo-00918-00199544-00199838 at all it's not surf at all 76s1t30_gvo-00919-00199839-00199975 i don't know if there's anything that's 76s1t30_gvo-00920-00199976-00200150 like 76s1t30_gvo-00921-00200151-00200326 that's a good hit 76s1t30_gvo-00922-00200327-00200566 um would you say there's any surf songs 76s1t30_gvo-00923-00200567-00200766 on there jacob there's it 76s1t30_gvo-00924-00200767-00200990 has it definitely has like some 76s1t30_gvo-00925-00200991-00201111 fast-paced 76s1t30_gvo-00926-00201112-00201359 tempos on there 76s1t30_gvo-00927-00201360-00201526 i would say 76s1t30_gvo-00928-00201527-00201735 yeah there definitely are like like 76s1t30_gvo-00929-00201736-00202063 there's a lot of r sound on it um but 76s1t30_gvo-00930-00202064-00202295 there's also a lot of like 76s1t30_gvo-00931-00202296-00202559 of like the bands that we love like a 76s1t30_gvo-00932-00202560-00202750 lot of like rock and roll bands that we 76s1t30_gvo-00933-00202751-00202863 love 76s1t30_gvo-00934-00202864-00202999 um 76s1t30_gvo-00935-00203000-00203166 we got a lot of influence from you know 76s1t30_gvo-00936-00203167-00203463 like every time a family member on like 76s1t30_gvo-00937-00203464-00203671 thanksgiving or something or like anyone 76s1t30_gvo-00938-00203672-00203790 asks me 76s1t30_gvo-00939-00203791-00203878 if i 76s1t30_gvo-00940-00203879-00203959 do 76s1t30_gvo-00941-00203960-00204143 they're like you do i'm like i'm a 76s1t30_gvo-00942-00204144-00204335 musician and they're like what kind of 76s1t30_gvo-00943-00204336-00204654 music do you make and i just say rock 76s1t30_gvo-00944-00204655-00204990 and roll music 76s1t30_gvo-00945-00204991-00205151 that's the only way they'll understand 76s1t30_gvo-00946-00205152-00205358 it's just like the easiest thing to say 76s1t30_gvo-00947-00205359-00205719 but i feel like with this record that uh 76s1t30_gvo-00948-00205719-00206023 makes the most sense because it is truly 76s1t30_gvo-00949-00206023-00206310 like uh it's like a rock and roll record 76s1t30_gvo-00950-00206311-00206542 like there's so many influences from 76s1t30_gvo-00951-00206544-00206846 like 70s rock and roll and 90s rock and 76s1t30_gvo-00952-00206848-00206942 like 76s1t30_gvo-00953-00206944-00207038 um 76s1t30_gvo-00954-00207039-00207238 and it's kind of just like a collage of 76s1t30_gvo-00955-00207239-00207431 all those things that we love as well is 76s1t30_gvo-00956-00207432-00207510 like 76s1t30_gvo-00957-00207511-00207679 very us 76s1t30_gvo-00958-00207680-00208031 you know very much like 76s1t30_gvo-00959-00208032-00208190 sounds like 76s1t30_gvo-00960-00208191-00208406 the four of us in a room 76s1t30_gvo-00961-00208407-00208686 uh in locked in a room of love 76s1t30_gvo-00962-00208687-00209134 or whatever 76s1t30_gvo-00963-00209135-00209279 you should name the alphabet a room of 76s1t30_gvo-00964-00209280-00209846 love 76s1t30_gvo-00965-00209848-00210063 locked in a room of love 76s1t30_gvo-00966-00210064-00210310 that's fire 76s1t30_gvo-00967-00210311-00210591 all right guys we got to let you go 76s1t30_gvo-00968-00210592-00210831 i we appreciate the 76s1t30_gvo-00969-00210832-00210991 the uh 76s1t30_gvo-00970-00210992-00211319 via germany via la interview yeah and 76s1t30_gvo-00971-00211319-00211463 awesome i hope you find the stage it 76s1t30_gvo-00972-00211464-00211567 feels it looks like you're like 76s1t30_gvo-00973-00211567-00211742 searching you're like an amazed in a 76s1t30_gvo-00974-00211744-00212039 horror movie trying to find out 76s1t30_gvo-00975-00212040-00212191 i think i'm just getting restless 76s1t30_gvo-00976-00212192-00212406 because i'm in like a tiny room 76s1t30_gvo-00977-00212407-00212615 so i started pacing a little bit 76s1t30_gvo-00978-00212616-00212782 normally when i'm on my phone calls i'm 76s1t30_gvo-00979-00212783-00213119 pacing but no one can see it because 76s1t30_gvo-00980-00213119-00213358 i'm not on video but now once you guys 76s1t30_gvo-00981-00213359-00213591 told me that this wasn't being uh 76s1t30_gvo-00982-00213592-00213831 broadcasted he already started pacing 76s1t30_gvo-00983-00213832-00213903 and 76s1t30_gvo-00984-00213904-00214127 moving around a lot so that is true yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00985-00214128-00214342 you have been doing that 76s1t30_gvo-00986-00214344-00214463 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00987-00214464-00214639 it's fun though i enjoy it i'm i'm 76s1t30_gvo-00988-00214640-00214919 digging it 76s1t30_gvo-00989-00214919-00215215 we've all wanted to see you yeah um well 76s1t30_gvo-00990-00215216-00215391 thank you guys for the interview yes so 76s1t30_gvo-00991-00215392-00215606 much absolutely appreciate this is very 76s1t30_gvo-00992-00215607-00216119 nice talking to meeting you absolutely 76s1t30_gvo-00993-00216119-00216319 we definitely will 76s1t30_gvo-00994-00216319-00216606 um and uh yeah 76s1t30_gvo-00995-00216607-00216798 we'll we'll see you next time we'll see 76s1t30_gvo-00996-00216800-00216910 you next time nick we'll see you next 76s1t30_gvo-00997-00216911-00217727 time 76s1t30_gvo-00998-00217728-00217839 [Music] 76s1t30_gvo-00999-00217840-00218039 that was fun 76s1t30_gvo-01000-00218040-00218310 it was also it was fun to get like it 76s1t30_gvo-01001-00218311-00218510 was because we had current who had nick 76s1t30_gvo-01002-00218511-00218694 on ask her and joy before 76s1t30_gvo-01003-00218696-00218919 and give jacob this extra element so it 76s1t30_gvo-01004-00218919-00219055 was kind of like having a return guess 76s1t30_gvo-01005-00219056-00219271 but not really i know i was going to say 76s1t30_gvo-01006-00219271-00219423 um when when they were saying about i 76s1t30_gvo-01007-00219423-00219558 was like we'll see you for your third 76s1t30_gvo-01008-00219559-00219671 project 76s1t30_gvo-01009-00219671-00219951 yeah you know but uh i think yeah that's 76s1t30_gvo-01010-00219952-00220110 really cool and like i said i think 76s1t30_gvo-01011-00220111-00220310 jordan when we were trying to book surf 76s1t30_gvo-01012-00220311-00220439 curse 76s1t30_gvo-01013-00220440-00220663 i didn't even know like again did not 76s1t30_gvo-01014-00220664-00220775 know 76s1t30_gvo-01015-00220776-00221023 it was a nick project and i think you 76s1t30_gvo-01016-00221023-00221710 were like demi do you know yeah 76s1t30_gvo-01017-00221711-00221839 just had nick on like what do you mean 76s1t30_gvo-01018-00221840-00222023 but no this is circus like no but that's 76s1t30_gvo-01019-00222023-00222206 nick and i'm like oh 76s1t30_gvo-01020-00222207-00222358 it's funny that you're that you were 76s1t30_gvo-01021-00222359-00222479 friend that you were friends that you 76s1t30_gvo-01022-00222480-00222863 were fans of both big 76s1t30_gvo-01023-00222864-00223006 it's funny that happens i guess that is 76s1t30_gvo-01024-00223007-00223239 like a good a testament to the variety 76s1t30_gvo-01025-00223240-00223551 of the music you know that on nick's and 76s1t30_gvo-01026-00223552-00223775 that's true and it's so cool like for a 76s1t30_gvo-01027-00223776-00223855 band 76s1t30_gvo-01028-00223856-00223982 for a group like surf course like i'm 76s1t30_gvo-01029-00223983-00224151 seeing like 76s1t30_gvo-01030-00224152-00224406 everyone from like your typical like 76s1t30_gvo-01031-00224407-00224598 indie lover to 76s1t30_gvo-01032-00224600-00224798 only fans girls posting 76s1t30_gvo-01033-00224800-00225039 you know on their instagram freaks or 76s1t30_gvo-01034-00225040-00225327 like a surf curse tune it's crazy yeah 76s1t30_gvo-01035-00225328-00225471 it's so cool to see like when like an 76s1t30_gvo-01036-00225471-00225646 indie act like breaks through it's like 76s1t30_gvo-01037-00225648-00225815 a phenomenon it's like 76s1t30_gvo-01038-00225816-00225967 we love that 76s1t30_gvo-01039-00225967-00226094 you know you're making it when the only 76s1t30_gvo-01040-00226096-00226423 fans girls embrace you that is 76s1t30_gvo-01041-00226423-00226591 yeah 76s1t30_gvo-01042-00226592-00226903 all right give me that'll do it for us 76s1t30_gvo-01043-00226904-00227175 of course go to popdust.com for all of 76s1t30_gvo-01044-00227176-00227463 previous episodes youtube facebook watch 76s1t30_gvo-01045-00227464-00227863 and clips on instagram tiktok and uh all 76s1t30_gvo-01046-00227864-00228110 the major platforms apple music and 76s1t30_gvo-01047-00228111-00228294 spotify etc 76s1t30_gvo-01048-00228296-00228542 alright guys until next time we'll see 76s1t30_gvo-01049-00228544-00228798 you later 76s1t30_gvo-01050-00228798-00229696 [Music] 7u57u-H8bDc-00000-00000138-00000455 it is with great honor that I say God 7u57u-H8bDc-00001-00000456-00000659 bless America 7u57u-H8bDc-00002-00000660-00000928 let us all wish this great land a 7u57u-H8bDc-00003-00000930-00001097 healing from all the unrighteousness 7u57u-H8bDc-00004-00001098-00001366 that is that is taking place 7u57u-H8bDc-00005-00001367-00001667 my fellow Americans were in danger of a 7u57u-H8bDc-00006-00001668-00001979 third world war we as a family of one 7u57u-H8bDc-00007-00001980-00002189 truth must hear this now 7u57u-H8bDc-00008-00002190-00002465 look at this lie this deceit that 7u57u-H8bDc-00009-00002466-00002729 continues day after day can you not all 7u57u-H8bDc-00010-00002730-00002867 see this lie 7u57u-H8bDc-00011-00002868-00003052 when my son wake up 7u57u-H8bDc-00012-00003053-00003359 wake up because if we don't see this lie 7u57u-H8bDc-00013-00003360-00003670 this land will die die in its beauty 7u57u-H8bDc-00014-00003671-00003965 it's Freedom it's opportunity it's 7u57u-H8bDc-00015-00003965-00004115 supposed to be the land of the free it's 7u57u-H8bDc-00016-00004116-00004397 far from this it's a dark web 7u57u-H8bDc-00017-00004398-00004588 a dark world 7u57u-H8bDc-00018-00004589-00004852 but not for long because my friends A 7u57u-H8bDc-00019-00004853-00005002 change is coming 7u57u-H8bDc-00020-00005003-00005177 and a new light 7u57u-H8bDc-00021-00005178-00005452 will emerge we must all see this truth 7u57u-H8bDc-00022-00005453-00005741 and allow Justice to take place now you 7u57u-H8bDc-00023-00005742-00005951 see the only way we can win these 7u57u-H8bDc-00024-00005952-00006299 elections is to see the lies deceit and 7u57u-H8bDc-00025-00006300-00006689 Corruption from the left the media and 7u57u-H8bDc-00026-00006690-00006827 the unknowns 7u57u-H8bDc-00027-00006828-00007055 who know who they are 7u57u-H8bDc-00028-00007056-00007289 let us all come together and to vote for 7u57u-H8bDc-00029-00007290-00007595 True Justice for All let us pray that 7u57u-H8bDc-00030-00007595-00007883 the one president who understood truths 7u57u-H8bDc-00031-00007884-00008056 and had the best interest of the 7u57u-H8bDc-00032-00008058-00008333 American people the American dream 7u57u-H8bDc-00033-00008334-00008621 president Donald Trump 7u57u-H8bDc-00034-00008622-00008867 will return to the presidency 7u57u-H8bDc-00035-00008868-00009233 he and only he can start to swamp this 7u57u-H8bDc-00036-00009234-00009539 deceit and Injustice 7u57u-H8bDc-00037-00009540-00009887 I fellow Americans wake up 7u57u-H8bDc-00038-00009888-00010174 wake up from this bad dream and bring 7u57u-H8bDc-00039-00010175-00010528 back life Justice truth in the only land 7u57u-H8bDc-00040-00010529-00010763 that's meant for dreams of goodness the 7u57u-H8bDc-00041-00010764-00010931 land of the free America the greatest 7u57u-H8bDc-00042-00010932-00011273 land the greatest soil for mankind 7u57u-H8bDc-00043-00011274-00011483 the land where Heroes fought for their 7u57u-H8bDc-00044-00011484-00011609 truths 7u57u-H8bDc-00045-00011610-00011806 and this my friends 7u57u-H8bDc-00046-00011807-00012131 is where we must see the truth 7u57u-H8bDc-00047-00012132-00012353 allow president Trump to rebuild our 7u57u-H8bDc-00048-00012354-00012556 soil and our land 7u57u-H8bDc-00049-00012557-00012971 so we can rise to her glory 7u57u-H8bDc-00050-00012972-00013273 much love to you 7wN3OQvt05Y-00000-00000000-00002029 foreign 7wN3OQvt05Y-00001-00002030-00002297 so this is the last day of preparing 7wN3OQvt05Y-00002-00002298-00002615 Ramadan but first this is 5 a.m so let's 7wN3OQvt05Y-00003-00002616-00003107 go to the mosque first let's go 7wN3OQvt05Y-00004-00003108-00003290 thank you 7wN3OQvt05Y-00005-00003290-00003667 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00006-00003668-00003904 so today is the last day of searching 7wN3OQvt05Y-00007-00003905-00004109 Ramadan so there's a special culture in 7wN3OQvt05Y-00008-00004110-00004349 bandate it's called bugang so I will go 7wN3OQvt05Y-00009-00004350-00004481 there so I will show you about the 7wN3OQvt05Y-00010-00004482-00004745 animals beer of the last day of the 13 7wN3OQvt05Y-00011-00004746-00005467 Ramadan in Indonesia 7wN3OQvt05Y-00012-00005468-00005783 so this is look at this so this is the 7wN3OQvt05Y-00013-00005784-00006065 culture to share the beef together it's 7wN3OQvt05Y-00014-00006066-00006238 very interesting so we started like two 7wN3OQvt05Y-00015-00006239-00006478 days ago before starting Ramadan so this 7wN3OQvt05Y-00016-00006479-00006595 is called 7wN3OQvt05Y-00017-00006595-00006875 so they just sell it and share it and 7wN3OQvt05Y-00018-00006876-00007091 cook with their family and helps a 7wN3OQvt05Y-00019-00007092-00007270 delicious dinner together so that's the 7wN3OQvt05Y-00020-00007272-00007456 culture in bandate let's go to take it 7wN3OQvt05Y-00021-00007458-00007841 let's go 7wN3OQvt05Y-00022-00007842-00008110 assalamualaikum 7wN3OQvt05Y-00023-00008111-00008299 so here 7wN3OQvt05Y-00024-00008300-00008531 everyone's smiling when they look at me 7wN3OQvt05Y-00025-00008532-00010841 they always smile 7wN3OQvt05Y-00026-00010842-00010978 hungry 7wN3OQvt05Y-00027-00010979-00011383 Papa 7wN3OQvt05Y-00028-00011384-00014315 ah okay thank you so much 7wN3OQvt05Y-00029-00014316-00014722 oh 7wN3OQvt05Y-00030-00014723-00014843 okay 7wN3OQvt05Y-00031-00014844-00015469 bye 7wN3OQvt05Y-00032-00015469-00015791 so many families come here to buy the 7wN3OQvt05Y-00033-00015791-00015994 food we have usually in Korea yeah most 7wN3OQvt05Y-00034-00015995-00016205 of the people live alone so it's not 7wN3OQvt05Y-00035-00016206-00016439 common thing with a family dinner like 7wN3OQvt05Y-00036-00016440-00016650 this 7wN3OQvt05Y-00037-00016651-00016949 I'm the first guest for them I'm very 7wN3OQvt05Y-00038-00016950-00017436 honored awesome 7wN3OQvt05Y-00039-00017437-00017819 very very kind Indonesian smile is the 7wN3OQvt05Y-00040-00017820-00017993 best in the world I think the world best 7wN3OQvt05Y-00041-00017994-00018208 Beautiful Smiles in the world 7wN3OQvt05Y-00042-00018209-00018780 oh you know English 7wN3OQvt05Y-00043-00018781-00021408 okay okay 7wN3OQvt05Y-00044-00021409-00021647 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00045-00021648-00021893 why you could be the friend because 7wN3OQvt05Y-00046-00021894-00022150 Indonesians are so so kind I think so 7wN3OQvt05Y-00047-00022151-00022627 yeah so that's why I come here 7wN3OQvt05Y-00048-00022628-00022943 love you 7wN3OQvt05Y-00049-00022944-00023377 I love Indonesian so much 7wN3OQvt05Y-00050-00023378-00023675 let's go to shopping a bit because we 7wN3OQvt05Y-00051-00023676-00023914 will go to their house later so we have 7wN3OQvt05Y-00052-00023915-00024221 to buy something for food or presents 7wN3OQvt05Y-00053-00024222-00024383 right so let's go let's go are you 7wN3OQvt05Y-00054-00024384-00024557 pretty okay so I came to the mark before 7wN3OQvt05Y-00055-00024558-00024755 the Ramadan there are so many things to 7wN3OQvt05Y-00056-00024756-00024953 prepare like have to prepare the foods 7wN3OQvt05Y-00057-00024954-00025186 for iftar have the good dinner before 7wN3OQvt05Y-00058-00025187-00025385 the Ramadan so that's why many people 7wN3OQvt05Y-00059-00025386-00025631 come here shopping nice dinner and eat 7wN3OQvt05Y-00060-00025632-00025781 together that's kind of culture of 7wN3OQvt05Y-00061-00025782-00026020 Muslims of course in Indonesia too so I 7wN3OQvt05Y-00062-00026022-00026261 came here to buy some stuff to join 7wN3OQvt05Y-00063-00026262-00026537 other family who I met randomly in under 7wN3OQvt05Y-00064-00026538-00027331 Street let's go to find something 7wN3OQvt05Y-00065-00027332-00027761 Indonesia it's amazing I think there's 7wN3OQvt05Y-00066-00027762-00028120 okay oh this is tissue so the reason I 7wN3OQvt05Y-00067-00028122-00028349 buy this in Korea so we are invited as a 7wN3OQvt05Y-00068-00028350-00028523 guest we always buy the tissue this is 7wN3OQvt05Y-00069-00028524-00028655 the Korean culture I don't know other 7wN3OQvt05Y-00070-00028656-00028840 countries but it's Korean culture so 7wN3OQvt05Y-00071-00028841-00028985 that's why I buy this so don't think 7wN3OQvt05Y-00072-00028986-00029879 it's weird because I'm Korean so 7wN3OQvt05Y-00073-00029880-00030101 so I heard that Indonesia and fruits are 7wN3OQvt05Y-00074-00030102-00030281 really cheap compared to Korea and 7wN3OQvt05Y-00075-00030282-00030611 delicious oh yeah I will try we bought 7wN3OQvt05Y-00076-00030612-00030845 food so let's go to find some presents 7wN3OQvt05Y-00077-00030845-00031049 because Koreans when we are invited as a 7wN3OQvt05Y-00078-00031050-00031235 guest we have to buy something like left 7wN3OQvt05Y-00079-00031236-00031451 hand right hand heavy this is Korean 7wN3OQvt05Y-00080-00031452-00032562 style so let's go mashallah 7wN3OQvt05Y-00081-00032563-00032824 face of Korean so I think there's some 7wN3OQvt05Y-00082-00032825-00034053 Coastal Korean Cosmetics so let's go 7wN3OQvt05Y-00083-00034054-00035473 [Laughter] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00084-00035474-00035729 thank you so much 7wN3OQvt05Y-00085-00035730-00036583 come on 7wN3OQvt05Y-00086-00036584-00037351 okay 7wN3OQvt05Y-00087-00037352-00037685 this is food this is cosmetic present so 7wN3OQvt05Y-00088-00037686-00038671 let's go 7wN3OQvt05Y-00089-00038672-00041089 come on 7wN3OQvt05Y-00090-00041090-00041615 my love 7wN3OQvt05Y-00091-00041616-00042349 um 7wN3OQvt05Y-00092-00042350-00045302 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00094-00048703-00050623 come on 7wN3OQvt05Y-00095-00050624-00051264 right here 7wN3OQvt05Y-00096-00051265-00051702 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00097-00051703-00052326 [Applause] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00098-00052327-00054146 thank you 7wN3OQvt05Y-00099-00054147-00054653 [Applause] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00100-00054654-00054959 what's up 7wN3OQvt05Y-00101-00054960-00055259 wow I tried five-star hotel Indonesia 7wN3OQvt05Y-00103-00059157-00059423 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00105-00062689-00063185 come on 7wN3OQvt05Y-00106-00063186-00064338 um 7wN3OQvt05Y-00107-00064339-00064638 first time so happy 7wN3OQvt05Y-00108-00064639-00066729 I made so many good people yeah 7wN3OQvt05Y-00109-00066730-00066941 [Applause] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00110-00066942-00067037 thank you 7wN3OQvt05Y-00111-00067038-00067397 it reminds me my mom's foods and my 7wN3OQvt05Y-00112-00067398-00067594 mom's hearts 7wN3OQvt05Y-00113-00067595-00068069 oh 7wN3OQvt05Y-00114-00068070-00070333 okay 7wN3OQvt05Y-00115-00070334-00071674 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00116-00071675-00073156 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00117-00073157-00074117 Tigger 7wN3OQvt05Y-00118-00074118-00074332 so I came here for my first third hobby 7wN3OQvt05Y-00119-00074333-00074537 before Ramadan but this already started 7wN3OQvt05Y-00120-00074538-00074729 so I will yeah so let's search so I will 7wN3OQvt05Y-00121-00074730-00074797 be hurry 7wN3OQvt05Y-00122-00074798-00075244 [Applause] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00124-00082458-00083159 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00125-00083160-00083665 foreign 7wN3OQvt05Y-00127-00088704-00089625 foreign 7wN3OQvt05Y-00128-00089626-00089926 [Music] 7wN3OQvt05Y-00129-00089927-00090151 what happened 7xzD55a-Xzy-00000-00000000-00000364 recording videos to keep the production 7xzD55a-Xzy-00001-00000365-00000703 of videos as efficient as possible your 7xzD55a-Xzy-00002-00000704-00000937 main goal during recording should be to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00003-00000938-00001145 reduce the amount of time spent on 7xzD55a-Xzy-00004-00001146-00001490 editing afterwards plus there is some 7xzD55a-Xzy-00005-00001491-00001852 general advice I'd start with some 7xzD55a-Xzy-00006-00001853-00002242 technical preparation point out some 7xzD55a-Xzy-00007-00002243-00002579 issues to avoid during recording then 7xzD55a-Xzy-00008-00002580-00002825 maybe most importantly talk about some 7xzD55a-Xzy-00009-00002826-00003089 ideas of what to do during recording to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00010-00003090-00003370 be able to edit the video quickly 7xzD55a-Xzy-00011-00003371-00003670 finally there's some advice for those 7xzD55a-Xzy-00012-00003671-00004015 sitting alone in their studio first of 7xzD55a-Xzy-00013-00004017-00004226 all don't set your mobile phone to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00014-00004227-00004481 silent but set it to flight mode or 7xzD55a-Xzy-00015-00004482-00004804 switch it off otherwise an incoming call 7xzD55a-Xzy-00016-00004805-00005054 may still lead to radio frequency 7xzD55a-Xzy-00017-00005055-00005311 interference in the microphone you may 7xzD55a-Xzy-00018-00005312-00005561 already have heard that de de de de de 7xzD55a-Xzy-00019-00005562-00006002 troyes before starting every recording 7xzD55a-Xzy-00020-00006003-00006206 have a look at the volume meter of your 7xzD55a-Xzy-00021-00006207-00006503 program or of the camcorder is the voice 7xzD55a-Xzy-00022-00006504-00006871 too loud or too quiet and possibly some 7xzD55a-Xzy-00023-00006872-00007151 position has shifted ever so slightly so 7xzD55a-Xzy-00024-00007152-00007420 that suddenly you get pop noise such as 7xzD55a-Xzy-00025-00007422-00007955 this or breathing becomes audible such 7xzD55a-Xzy-00026-00007956-00008726 as this too often I thought I have 7xzD55a-Xzy-00027-00008727-00008981 created several minutes of great video 7xzD55a-Xzy-00028-00008982-00009253 only to notice afterwards that are 7xzD55a-Xzy-00029-00009254-00009496 forgot to press the record button better 7xzD55a-Xzy-00030-00009497-00009977 check when you're recording can star 7xzD55a-Xzy-00031-00009978-00010202 videos it's friendly to immediately have 7xzD55a-Xzy-00032-00010203-00010409 something on the screen to catch the 7xzD55a-Xzy-00033-00010410-00010709 viewers eyes this means that you have to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00034-00010710-00010973 start writing or drawing before you 7xzD55a-Xzy-00035-00010974-00011330 press the start button it is also 7xzD55a-Xzy-00036-00011331-00011702 friendly to not show the window frames 7xzD55a-Xzy-00037-00011703-00011992 and menus of the presentation program if 7xzD55a-Xzy-00038-00011993-00012266 you are using drawing software as a 7xzD55a-Xzy-00039-00012267-00012485 virtual whiteboard make sure to keep 7xzD55a-Xzy-00040-00012486-00012721 toolboxes out of the screen recording or 7xzD55a-Xzy-00041-00012722-00013019 even better only use keyboard shortcuts 7xzD55a-Xzy-00042-00013019-00013415 to switch between different tools 7xzD55a-Xzy-00043-00013416-00013691 there are some simple things you can do 7xzD55a-Xzy-00044-00013693-00013953 during recording to speed up editing 7xzD55a-Xzy-00045-00013954-00014219 afterwards if you are using several 7xzD55a-Xzy-00046-00014220-00014478 recordings in parallel for instance to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00047-00014479-00014633 come quarters plus a screen recording 7xzD55a-Xzy-00048-00014634-00014883 program you have a hard time getting 7xzD55a-Xzy-00049-00014884-00015165 those recordings in sync that's far 7xzD55a-Xzy-00050-00015166-00015447 easier with the device used for the 7xzD55a-Xzy-00051-00015447-00016319 movies the clapper board in a similar 7xzD55a-Xzy-00052-00016320-00016557 fashion you can draw a quick stroke on 7xzD55a-Xzy-00053-00016558-00016764 the screen and at the very same moment 7xzD55a-Xzy-00054-00016765-00016947 that you vert with a clear beginning 7xzD55a-Xzy-00055-00016948-00017697 such as B and then you can do much to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00056-00017698-00018165 help with cutting pauses are easy to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00057-00018166-00018402 find and edit out so don't hesitate to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00058-00018403-00018636 make a pause and think about what to say 7xzD55a-Xzy-00059-00018637-00019028 next pauses are also ideal for editing 7xzD55a-Xzy-00060-00019029-00019242 out mistakes don't repeat from the 7xzD55a-Xzy-00061-00019243-00019658 middle of a sentence you may use 7xzD55a-Xzy-00062-00019659-00020000 clapping or a bell to mark the go to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00063-00020001-00020444 take or a bed one such acoustic markers 7xzD55a-Xzy-00064-00020445-00020643 are easily visible in the waveform 7xzD55a-Xzy-00065-00020644-00020990 displayed for the audio track and 7xzD55a-Xzy-00066-00020991-00021318 finally make sure that you are looking 7xzD55a-Xzy-00067-00021319-00021512 into the camera for two seconds before 7xzD55a-Xzy-00068-00021513-00021897 you start to speak and 42 seconds after 7xzD55a-Xzy-00069-00021898-00022290 you have stopped speaking if you are 7xzD55a-Xzy-00070-00022291-00022536 sitting alone in the studio you tend to 7xzD55a-Xzy-00071-00022537-00022922 sound and look like that to a simple 7xzD55a-Xzy-00072-00022923-00023133 method against this is to put the 7xzD55a-Xzy-00073-00023134-00023400 drawing of a smiley or a person's photo 7xzD55a-Xzy-00074-00023401-00023721 next to the camera a far more effective 7xzD55a-Xzy-00075-00023722-00024027 method is to invite at least one person 7xzD55a-Xzy-00076-00024028-00024393 to be your life audience for best 7xzD55a-Xzy-00077-00024394-00024644 results you look at him or her while you 7xzD55a-Xzy-00078-00024645-00025058 are presenting with an audience it's 7xzD55a-Xzy-00079-00025059-00025347 easier to be a little more theatrical 7xzD55a-Xzy-00080-00025348-00025758 just as needed for the stage if you are 7xzD55a-Xzy-00081-00025758-00026075 alone you need to make sure to quote 7xzD55a-Xzy-00082-00026076-00026620 speak unfold commas periods and question 7xzD55a-Xzy-00083-00026620-00026887 marks by making pauses and by using an 7xzD55a-Xzy-00084-00026888-00027295 appropriate melody the icing on the cake 7xzD55a-Xzy-00085-00027295-00027903 is to emphasize words that deserve it 7yjd0AVoNe0-00000-00000308-00001095 [Music] 7yjd0AVoNe0-00001-00001096-00001335 welcome back everyone we're gonna work 7yjd0AVoNe0-00002-00001336-00001663 on those gold rush tickets today i have 7yjd0AVoNe0-00003-00001664-00002071 22 23 and 24. 7yjd0AVoNe0-00004-00002072-00002407 these are the tickets i got at publix 7yjd0AVoNe0-00005-00002408-00002671 we're gonna try and do these then we'll 7yjd0AVoNe0-00006-00002672-00002934 have one more video to finish with all 7yjd0AVoNe0-00007-00002935-00003199 of those tickets there were 15 7yjd0AVoNe0-00008-00003200-00003367 so half a book 7yjd0AVoNe0-00009-00003368-00003663 and i got them at publix 7yjd0AVoNe0-00010-00003664-00004303 at the counter 7yjd0AVoNe0-00011-00004304-00004454 okay 7yjd0AVoNe0-00012-00004455-00004711 those are the numbers come on scratch 7yjd0AVoNe0-00013-00004712-00004951 better than that 7yjd0AVoNe0-00014-00004952-00005151 clean it up for you 7yjd0AVoNe0-00015-00005152-00005391 put that on the counter 7yjd0AVoNe0-00016-00005392-00007487 okay 7yjd0AVoNe0-00017-00007488-00007774 oh 10 times again 7yjd0AVoNe0-00018-00007775-00008063 oh please put a big number under it they 7yjd0AVoNe0-00019-00008064-00008367 keep putting a little number 7yjd0AVoNe0-00020-00008368-00008878 i need a big number 7yjd0AVoNe0-00021-00008879-00009103 but i'm happy to see it 7yjd0AVoNe0-00022-00009104-00009319 at least we're getting symbols 7yjd0AVoNe0-00023-00009320-00009519 i remember one video i wasn't getting 7yjd0AVoNe0-00024-00009520-00010327 any symbols at all 7yjd0AVoNe0-00025-00010328-00010574 what ticket are you playing today 7yjd0AVoNe0-00026-00010575-00011510 i hope you're having fun scratching it 7yjd0AVoNe0-00027-00011511-00011831 we went out to eat i'm so full i am 7yjd0AVoNe0-00028-00011832-00011999 stuffed 7yjd0AVoNe0-00029-00012000-00012655 we had mexican 7yjd0AVoNe0-00030-00012656-00012886 oh i already scratched them all i don't 7yjd0AVoNe0-00031-00012887-00013263 see any numbers to go with that 10 times 7yjd0AVoNe0-00032-00013263-00013494 let's do the bonus boxes and we're on 7yjd0AVoNe0-00033-00013495-00014543 ticket 22. 7yjd0AVoNe0-00034-00014544-00014719 these bonus 7yjd0AVoNe0-00035-00014719-00015022 they are so tough florida does not like 7yjd0AVoNe0-00036-00015023-00015319 you to win the bonus 7yjd0AVoNe0-00037-00015319-00015550 they say no 7yjd0AVoNe0-00038-00015551-00015838 okay let's check it 7yjd0AVoNe0-00039-00015840-00016158 little zeros and of course two dollars 7yjd0AVoNe0-00040-00016159-00016415 it's a payback but i'll take it that's 7yjd0AVoNe0-00041-00016416-00016606 another one they paid me back for 7yjd0AVoNe0-00042-00016607-00016719 [Music] 7yjd0AVoNe0-00043-00016720-00017191 so that's one winner in this group 7yjd0AVoNe0-00045-00022568-00022847 i hope everyone is staying safe 7yjd0AVoNe0-00046-00022848-00023078 in all the bad weather that keeps coming 7yjd0AVoNe0-00047-00023079-00023271 through 7yjd0AVoNe0-00048-00023272-00023463 hopefully it will stop soon 7yjd0AVoNe0-00049-00023464-00023822 [Music] 7yjd0AVoNe0-00050-00023823-00024111 i hope you have a safe place to go oh 7yjd0AVoNe0-00051-00024112-00024294 look at this 7yjd0AVoNe0-00052-00024295-00025175 we got another symbol we got five times 7yjd0AVoNe0-00053-00025176-00025783 oh and we got the seven to go with it 7yjd0AVoNe0-00054-00025783-00026070 oh and we got the 14. 7yjd0AVoNe0-00055-00026072-00026279 look at that all the way on the bottom 7yjd0AVoNe0-00056-00026280-00026687 they decided to give me some matches 7yjd0AVoNe0-00057-00026688-00027055 okay let's check the bonus boxes 7yjd0AVoNe0-00058-00027056-00027423 see if they'll kick in anymore 7yjd0AVoNe0-00059-00027424-00027774 i don't see that 7yjd0AVoNe0-00060-00027775-00028079 nope it's a sammy 7yjd0AVoNe0-00061-00028080-00028351 nope 7yjd0AVoNe0-00062-00028352-00028743 nope 7yjd0AVoNe0-00063-00028744-00029046 and that's a one-off okay 7yjd0AVoNe0-00064-00029047-00029383 let's go back down see what we got 7yjd0AVoNe0-00065-00029383-00030014 we're on ticket number 23. 7yjd0AVoNe0-00066-00030016-00030487 five times five is 25 7yjd0AVoNe0-00067-00030488-00030887 oh and 10 more is 35 7yjd0AVoNe0-00068-00030888-00031295 and 14 is five more so i did that right 7yjd0AVoNe0-00069-00031295-00031535 yep 7 14 7yjd0AVoNe0-00070-00031536-00031758 and the five times 7yjd0AVoNe0-00071-00031760-00031811 all right 7yjd0AVoNe0-00072-00031812-00031983 [Music] 7yjd0AVoNe0-00073-00031983-00032295 40 dollars back on this ticket it's a 7yjd0AVoNe0-00074-00032295-00032495 double up ticket 7yjd0AVoNe0-00075-00032495-00032727 that's awesome 7yjd0AVoNe0-00076-00032727-00033079 so we still have one more to do 7yjd0AVoNe0-00077-00033080-00033471 that was two in a row winners 7yjd0AVoNe0-00078-00033472-00033799 but it's already covered these tickets 7yjd0AVoNe0-00079-00033800-00033895 okay 7yjd0AVoNe0-00080-00033896-00035407 we're on ticket number 24. 7yjd0AVoNe0-00081-00035408-00035646 let's see if i can pay attention to the 7yjd0AVoNe0-00082-00035647-00035823 numbers 7yjd0AVoNe0-00083-00035824-00036030 although there might not be one on this 7yjd0AVoNe0-00084-00036031-00036855 ticket 7yjd0AVoNe0-00085-00036856-00037151 and all that scratch and dust that's too 7yjd0AVoNe0-00086-00037152-00037446 much mess mess mess 7yjd0AVoNe0-00087-00037447-00038679 okay 7yjd0AVoNe0-00088-00038680-00040574 so 7yjd0AVoNe0-00089-00040575-00042430 24 7yjd0AVoNe0-00090-00042431-00042679 okay do you see anything matching i 7yjd0AVoNe0-00091-00042680-00042895 didn't 7yjd0AVoNe0-00092-00042896-00043111 go up and check the bonus but we already 7yjd0AVoNe0-00093-00043112-00043335 got two in a row so 7yjd0AVoNe0-00094-00043336-00044558 might not give us anything this time 7yjd0AVoNe0-00095-00044559-00044815 nope i don't think it did so that's the 7yjd0AVoNe0-00096-00044816-00045255 loser but that's all right 7yjd0AVoNe0-00097-00045256-00045535 we got back 60 out of these three 7yjd0AVoNe0-00098-00045536-00045695 tickets 7yjd0AVoNe0-00099-00045696-00045887 hope you have a great day i'll see you 7yjd0AVoNe0-00100-00045888-00046151 next time got one more video to finish 7yjd0AVoNe0-00101-00046152-00046223 up 7yjd0AVoNe0-00102-00046224-00046518 these 15 tickets in a row thank you for 7yjd0AVoNe0-00103-00046519-00046900 watching bye-bye 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00000-00000003-00000221 Joseph Theodore Moroder named the loosin 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00001-00000222-00000539 burger the 28th of May 1846 in Urdu ji 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00002-00000540-00000848 the 16th of February 1939 in ur tagine 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00003-00000849-00001031 was a painter and sculptor the most 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00004-00001032-00001229 prominent artists of the Moroder family 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00005-00001230-00001418 from the Grodin Thal in South Tirol now 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00006-00001419-00001748 the Val Gardena in Italy topic biography 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00007-00001748-00001909 topic Joseph the fourth of eight 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00008-00001910-00002120 children lost his father when he was 8 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00009-00002121-00002377 years old he was apprenticed in a wood 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00010-00002378-00002597 carving studio under Franz praneeth an 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00011-00002598-00002822 academic sculptor educated in the Munich 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00012-00002823-00003052 Academy and in his 20s Joseph started 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00013-00003053-00003344 his own studio examples of his early 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00014-00003345-00003556 activity as a sculptor are the statues 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00015-00003557-00003731 of the Maria de la rata and of the 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00016-00003732-00003920 Virgin Mary in the parish church of her 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00017-00003921-00004229 de G his first wife Anna Maria sander 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00018-00004230-00004388 died after she gave birth to their 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00019-00004389-00004709 fourth child in 1874 he married 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00020-00004710-00004879 felicitous unter plates ER who gave 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00021-00004880-00005120 birth to eleven other children she also 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00022-00005121-00005329 took care of his farm and was active as 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00023-00005330-00005606 an antiquarian 30 years old with the 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00024-00005607-00005797 support of felicitous he visited the 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00025-00005798-00006176 Academy of Munich 1876 to 1882 learn the 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00026-00006177-00006350 art of painting after he was impressed 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00027-00006351-00006556 in Vienna by the genre painting of Franz 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00028-00006558-00006760 von de Frager the dance in the mountains 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00029-00006761-00007070 his teachers in Munich were Josef K and 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00030-00007070-00007351 ABL Ludwig von lofts and theater Dietz 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00031-00007352-00007751 from 1880 to 1884 he was a pupil of de 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00032-00007752-00007970 Frager becoming close friends they took 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00033-00007970-00008153 many painting trips through the villages 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00034-00008154-00008444 of the Trentino in Munich Josef moroder 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00035-00008445-00008614 was influenced by the genre and 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00036-00008615-00008816 historical painting of Defrag ER and the 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00037-00008817-00009023 realistic idealistic painting movement 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00038-00009024-00009245 of Wilhelm legal from his numerous 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00039-00009246-00009491 sketchbooks we can see how precisely he 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00040-00009492-00009724 observed nature landscape and specially 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00041-00009725-00009956 the Tyrolean and alpine lifestyle in val 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00042-00009957-00010189 gardena many of his paintings 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00043-00010190-00010367 watercolours and sketches of in 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00044-00010368-00010610 farmhouses huts people and portraits are 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00045-00010611-00010828 testimony of a lost alpine world which 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00046-00010829-00011110 once was the 19th century to roll the 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00047-00011111-00011314 populist romantic novelist Maria 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00048-00011315-00011480 Veronica rube at sure was well 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00049-00011481-00011653 acquainted with the artist and wrote his 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00050-00011654-00011899 biography in 1930 which became a popular 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00051-00011900-00012194 novel one of his pupils was Ludwig 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00052-00012195-00012313 moroder Leonard 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00053-00012314-00012545 most of Joseph's children johann baptist 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00054-00012546-00012773 all phones joseph otto 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00055-00012774-00013094 hermann became valid sculptors his son 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00056-00013094-00013382 all phones 1882 to 1960 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00057-00013383-00013577 settled in Milwaukee where he set up a 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00058-00013578-00013766 business to sell altars for churches and 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00059-00013766-00013994 statues of saints partially produced by 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00060-00013994-00014156 him or imported from his native village 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00061-00014157-00014528 or dodgy topic exhibitions topic a major 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00062-00014529-00014866 exhibition was held in Innsbruck in 1973 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00063-00014866-00015134 Joseph moroder's watercolors were shown 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00064-00015135-00015572 in bolzano italy in 1985 in 2009 two 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00065-00015572-00015800 exhibitions in r2g and Bolzano with 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00066-00015801-00016166 respectively 120 and 100 works the 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00067-00016166-00016421 museum of Val Gardena energy exhibits 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00068-00016422-00016616 more than 30 of his oil paintings and 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00069-00016617-00016898 watercolors topic reference s topic 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00070-00016899-00017189 topic bibliography in German topic Maria 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00071-00017190-00017552 Veronica Rubin duralumin Berger der Rohe 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00072-00017553-00017765 Minh Ines Kunstler Levin's Munchen 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00073-00017766-00017966 Verloc Joseph coastal and Friedrich 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00074-00017967-00018329 busted 1930 reprint áthisá bo's'n 1980 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00075-00018330-00018659 ISBN eight eight seven oh two four three 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00076-00018660-00018914 eight four two or is B and eight eight 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00077-00018915-00019198 seven oh one four one two three three 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00078-00019199-00019472 komai t4 died drunk legging de Muro 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00079-00019473-00019751 Durst ambitious dimer oder ein alte 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00080-00019752-00019922 Latin dishes geschichte house Grodin 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00081-00019923-00020318 dolomite 'n vom 14 bazoom 20 jahrhundert 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00082-00020319-00020621 first brink Ashish de biography nan hang 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00083-00020622-00020869 be trouser - relation familiy infers 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00084-00020870-00021041 chung edited by the moroder book 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00085-00021042-00021340 committee or de g nineteen eighty pages 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00086-00021341-00021704 188 - 204 book mainly in german with 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00087-00021705-00021863 some minor parts in English Italian 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00088-00021864-00022232 Spanish and Leyden British Library LF 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00089-00022233-00022634 0.3 10.1 three four eight Sybil Karin 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00090-00022635-00022919 Moser - roller builder une die h re DARS 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00091-00022920-00023383 telling Mallory Yvonne 1830 Biss 1900 s 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00092-00023384-00023722 519 house constant to roll her 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00093-00023723-00023957 housekeeper Paul near 80 Rayner Lucas 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00094-00023958-00024209 Mathers Bakr relax installed tyrolia 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00095-00024210-00024419 Innsbruck Indra lacks installed áthisá 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00096-00024420-00024806 Bo's in 2007 ISBN nine seven eight three 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00097-00024807-00025103 seven oh two two two seven seven six 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00098-00025104-00025352 Oh ISBN nine seven eight eight eight 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00099-00025353-00025994 eight 266 409 one 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00100-00025995-00026537 topic external links 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00101-00026538-00026930 topic Joseph Moroder on Layton WP 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00102-00026931-00027139 incubator 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00103-00027139-00027508 submissions on Joseph Moroder 2009 other 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00104-00027508-00027832 painting and images drawings from Joseph 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00105-00027833-00028281 moroder's sketchbooks 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00106-00028282-00028786 topic gallery 7zi7WXoVoQ8-00107-00028787-00029080 topic 7_GXxUt1iYc-00000-00000065-00001034 whoa 7_GXxUt1iYc-00001-00001035-00001349 [Applause] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00002-00001350-00002118 Montana 7_GXxUt1iYc-00003-00002119-00002507 can you explain 7_GXxUt1iYc-00004-00002508-00003151 ready go uh this one looks like a plate 7_GXxUt1iYc-00005-00003152-00003613 it's like this 7_GXxUt1iYc-00006-00003614-00004138 we can buy this nearby Market or the 7_GXxUt1iYc-00007-00004139-00004314 sell it or the truck yeah 7_GXxUt1iYc-00008-00004315-00004663 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00009-00004664-00005263 it's a plate like plate 7_GXxUt1iYc-00010-00005264-00005867 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00011-00005868-00006074 just sell it in the truck 7_GXxUt1iYc-00012-00006075-00006256 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00013-00006257-00006338 this one 7_GXxUt1iYc-00014-00006339-00007228 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00015-00007229-00007359 okay 7_GXxUt1iYc-00016-00007361-00008134 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00017-00008136-00008279 okay 7_GXxUt1iYc-00018-00008280-00008633 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00019-00008634-00008921 this looks like a cookies 7_GXxUt1iYc-00020-00008922-00009269 kind of biscuit it's not not a crispy 7_GXxUt1iYc-00021-00009270-00009413 one but 7_GXxUt1iYc-00022-00009414-00009924 this looks like a flower 7_GXxUt1iYc-00023-00009925-00010541 okay this one is colorful Flex 7_GXxUt1iYc-00024-00010542-00010751 it's crispy one 7_GXxUt1iYc-00025-00010752-00012145 looked like a bar like a chocolate bar 7_GXxUt1iYc-00026-00012146-00012467 okay this one is a little difficult I 7_GXxUt1iYc-00027-00012468-00012599 think 7_GXxUt1iYc-00028-00012600-00012738 it's a cereal bar 7_GXxUt1iYc-00029-00012739-00012977 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00030-00012978-00014172 it includes nuts seeds beans fried rice 7_GXxUt1iYc-00031-00014173-00014447 I also don't know about this 7_GXxUt1iYc-00032-00014447-00014644 it's a chewy 7_GXxUt1iYc-00033-00014645-00014897 chewy it's chewy 7_GXxUt1iYc-00034-00014897-00015229 and I just want the sweet 7_GXxUt1iYc-00035-00015230-00015583 yup 7_GXxUt1iYc-00036-00015584-00015791 the last one 7_GXxUt1iYc-00037-00015791-00016050 it looks delicious 7_GXxUt1iYc-00038-00016051-00016224 looks like a person 7_GXxUt1iYc-00039-00016225-00016391 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00040-00016392-00016727 a bit yellow orange color and this one 7_GXxUt1iYc-00041-00016728-00017021 is very sweet 7_GXxUt1iYc-00042-00017022-00017249 yeah 7_GXxUt1iYc-00043-00017250-00017680 duplex personal like come 7_GXxUt1iYc-00044-00017681-00017904 on 7_GXxUt1iYc-00045-00017905-00019511 [Music] 7_GXxUt1iYc-00046-00019512-00019780 it's chewing chewing 7_GXxUt1iYc-00047-00019781-00020207 yeah 7_GXxUt1iYc-00048-00020208-00020558 you just look like orange 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00000-00000342-00002049 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00001-00002050-00002675 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00002-00002676-00003615 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00003-00003615-00003854 graham 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00004-00003855-00004151 what are you doing out here where's glad 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00005-00004152-00004254 to see you back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00006-00004255-00004391 we had some excitement while you were 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00007-00004392-00004591 away 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00008-00004592-00004902 i found some excitement too you first 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00009-00004903-00005054 what happened 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00010-00005055-00005231 kino went off the riften to try to take 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00011-00005232-00005422 the fort all by her lonesome so caiman 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00012-00005423-00005647 inside test went after her 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00013-00005648-00006031 she what she okay i don't know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00014-00006032-00006270 i think she's still down at the fort 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00015-00006271-00006503 zaytast is inside sleeping right now 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00016-00006504-00006814 i think inigo is in the sauna but yeah 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00017-00006815-00006942 zian came and went in 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00018-00006943-00007214 cleaned house and got kind of a stable z 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00019-00007215-00007310 came back but 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00020-00007311-00007631 caiman is still in riften stable 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00021-00007631-00007903 what you mean stable she took a sword to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00022-00007904-00008039 the face 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00023-00008040-00008510 oh no yeah if it wasn't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00024-00008511-00008759 i'd have gone with them but zaytes 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00025-00008760-00008878 doesn't know about us 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00026-00008879-00009206 i don't think ah oh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00027-00009207-00009510 right i forgot you oh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00028-00009511-00009783 yeah how'd you fare any weirdness last 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00029-00009784-00009935 night other than having a really bad 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00030-00009936-00010135 hair day 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00031-00010136-00010391 and worrying about quinoa no nothing out 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00032-00010392-00010503 of the usual 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00033-00010504-00011063 venison dinner ah i i see 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00034-00011064-00011431 so what kind of adventure did you find 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00035-00011432-00011727 well besides the vampires i've got a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00036-00011728-00011910 message for ulfric 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00037-00011911-00012223 oh mark i switched sides 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00038-00012224-00012391 julius marched an army and enforced the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00039-00012392-00012567 yell to surrender 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00040-00012568-00012886 oh silver blood yeah that figures his 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00041-00012887-00013102 brother was a coward 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00042-00013103-00013391 are you the one who you didn't see her 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00043-00013391-00013551 anything but i might have been 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00044-00013552-00013871 you killed him what no i'm the one who 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00045-00013872-00013999 cleared out the mind 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00046-00014000-00014294 didn't i tell you maybe not i'm getting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00047-00014295-00014527 old and forgetting things 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00048-00014528-00014830 i'm still young what's my excuse 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00049-00014831-00015007 all right we baron let me tell indigo 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00050-00015008-00015191 we're off to see elfric in case z wakes 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00051-00015191-00015407 up and wonders where we've gone 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00052-00015408-00015663 galbar's still in riften right i think 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00053-00015663-00015743 so 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00054-00015744-00015911 i haven't seen anyone in uniform come 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00055-00015912-00017239 north except the usual patrols 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00056-00017240-00017622 in the go yes board good spec 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00057-00017623-00017775 we're going to go report the ulfric if 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00058-00017776-00017935 they test asks 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00059-00017936-00018207 okay if you need the backup i will be in 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00060-00018208-00018319 my cell 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00061-00018320-00018727 repenting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00062-00018728-00018903 all right after we tell him i suspect 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00063-00018904-00019063 he'll send us out to get galmar in the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00064-00019064-00019294 loop 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00065-00019295-00019558 probably take the two cats as well why's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00066-00019559-00019647 that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00067-00019648-00019822 so we can escort quinoa back up here 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00068-00019823-00019991 without too much trouble 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00069-00019992-00020150 i'm guessing they haven't moved since 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00070-00020151-00020327 it's daylight out 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00071-00020328-00020614 oh true and then what you want to bet 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00072-00020615-00020758 we're going to be the ones gal mars 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00073-00020759-00020983 sends back out to the reach 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00074-00020984-00021175 no bet we've earned something of a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00075-00021176-00021350 reputation after all 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00076-00021351-00022078 we have indeed done that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00077-00022079-00022455 hail hail the gang's all here geez 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00078-00022456-00022719 no offense but you look well you look 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00079-00022720-00022943 like you've got ataxia or something 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00080-00022944-00023143 i feel like i got pummeled to death by a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00081-00023144-00023327 bear and then resurrected by an amateur 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00082-00023328-00023519 necromancer 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00083-00023520-00023814 that's pretty specific best i could come 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00084-00023815-00023894 up with 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00085-00023895-00024239 yeah i look like crap feel worse 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00086-00024240-00024567 well this might be bad news then well i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00087-00024568-00024735 mean it is bad news but the timing is 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00088-00024736-00024839 worse 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00089-00024840-00025086 what happened marcar flipped back to the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00090-00025087-00025191 imperials 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00091-00025192-00025342 someone killed the yarl's brother until 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00092-00025343-00025583 he smashed an army and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00093-00025584-00025870 damn it well now we know where fort 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00094-00025872-00026231 neugrad's reinforcements ended up 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00095-00026232-00026414 and now of course we're down the heavy 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00096-00026416-00026543 fighter 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00097-00026544-00026862 damn it i am so sorry i'm i'm an 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00098-00026863-00027151 idiot i was reckless i made a mistake i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00099-00027152-00027295 could have died 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00100-00027295-00027502 easy kenowa you didn't die and that's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00101-00027504-00027631 what matters now 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00102-00027632-00027774 we'll get you back on your feet as soon 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00103-00027775-00027951 as possible 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00104-00027952-00028262 i can't believe you all or so 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00105-00028263-00028495 none of you are angry at me for this no 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00106-00028495-00028702 of course not 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00107-00028704-00028862 maybe a little but i'm happier you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00108-00028863-00029070 survived 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00109-00029072-00029399 this is how decent people operate quinoa 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00110-00029400-00029551 with forgiveness or at least 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00111-00029552-00029702 understanding 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00112-00029704-00029927 consider if you will that your normal 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00113-00029927-00030207 isn't everyone else's normal 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00114-00030208-00030367 yeah you don't have to kick yourself 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00115-00030368-00030583 just because no one else is doing it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00116-00030583-00030974 yup what is it well damn 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00117-00030975-00031351 i thank you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00118-00031352-00031446 of course you're not going to be 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00119-00031447-00031662 fighting until your head is better 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00120-00031663-00031862 i'm more concerned about the ribs she 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00121-00031863-00031990 busted 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00122-00031991-00032318 oh bruised pretty bad i don't think it's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00123-00032319-00032446 broken though 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00124-00032447-00032590 if it means you're not breathing right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00125-00032591-00032895 it's a problem no matter how bad it is 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00126-00032896-00033143 so we are down the shield maiden but i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00127-00033144-00033207 don't know z 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00128-00033208-00033351 you and caiman took this forth with a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00129-00033352-00033718 couple of soldiers that were here right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00130-00033719-00034046 actually it was mostly him i just ride 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00131-00034047-00034207 quinoa out of the pile of bodies she 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00132-00034208-00034359 stacked up before things went bummer 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00133-00034360-00034615 java 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00134-00034616-00034999 what was that it means like 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00135-00035000-00035174 falling face down into a pile of sticky 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00136-00035175-00035311 weeds 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00137-00035312-00035607 sticky like like those things with the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00138-00035608-00035743 barbs that you have to pull off with a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00139-00035744-00035895 stick because otherwise they attach to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00140-00035896-00036062 your fingers 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00141-00036063-00036367 what what kind of weeds have they gotten 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00142-00036368-00036479 elsewhere 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00143-00036480-00036783 angry ones pretty much describes the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00144-00036784-00037143 situation perfectly if you ask me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00145-00037144-00037367 so due to my incredible lack of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00146-00037368-00037574 self-awareness and intelligence 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00147-00037575-00037951 stop doing that right sorry 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00148-00037952-00038415 we need someone we need arden 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00149-00038416-00038630 grant you feeling all right a little 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00150-00038631-00038839 shaken but not too bad 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00151-00038840-00039135 he won't fight you realize or i wouldn't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00152-00039136-00039311 make him anyway 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00153-00039312-00039495 true but he knows how to keep everyone 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00154-00039496-00039630 organized 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00155-00039631-00039783 i was gonna suggest getting him back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00156-00039784-00039999 just because he's a better strategist or 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00157-00040000-00040318 tactician or whatever than i'll ever be 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00158-00040319-00040543 strategy is big picture tactics is field 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00159-00040544-00040683 maneuvers 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00160-00040684-00041055 oh come to think of hey he's pretty good 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00161-00041056-00041167 at both 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00162-00041168-00041335 there's a lot more to being a commander 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00163-00041336-00041607 than standing at the front and shouting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00164-00041608-00041983 i wish gal mark could hear that one ow 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00165-00041984-00042271 sorry so the plan is to bring kino back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00166-00042272-00042439 home and go see if we can convince mr 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00167-00042440-00042551 archmage to stop 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00168-00042552-00042927 moping yeah that sounds about right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00169-00042928-00043118 i'll come along with whoever decides to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00170-00043119-00043255 go not 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00171-00043256-00043567 you quinoa no arguments here 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00172-00043568-00043743 i'm more than happy to sit quietly and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00173-00043744-00043990 think about what i've done for a while 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00174-00043991-00044183 i'll go with you caiman he lost his 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00175-00044184-00044343 father in the great war right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00176-00044344-00044590 well i lost a son maybe i can get 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00177-00044591-00044790 through to him somehow 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00178-00044791-00045223 oh oh no i'm so sorry 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00179-00045224-00045558 thanks i think more good see 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00180-00045559-00045830 indigo any of you coming with us if it's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00181-00045831-00045990 already saying to everyone else i would 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00182-00045991-00046239 like to sleep some more when we get back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00183-00046240-00046415 that was a lot of sprinting and fighting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00184-00046416-00046607 yesterday and my legs are still 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00185-00046608-00046943 cursing me no that sounds good to me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00186-00046944-00047062 someone's gonna have to stay back and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00187-00047063-00047207 make sure nobody tries to get into the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00188-00047208-00047358 house while you two are gone 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00189-00047359-00047639 what do you think anyone would you know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00190-00047640-00047830 i didn't until recently 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00191-00047831-00048174 but yeah maybe you two just be careful 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00192-00048175-00048367 going all right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00193-00048368-00048718 what happened well 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00194-00048719-00049046 um you have 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00195-00049047-00049351 i think you've got people after you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00196-00049352-00049727 thou more yeah that's old news 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00197-00049728-00050030 they've been looking for me since well 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00198-00050031-00050327 since i left valenwood pretty much 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00199-00050328-00050662 how'd you piss them off 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00200-00050663-00050855 ah we don't talk about whatever to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00201-00050856-00051039 remember oh right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00202-00051040-00051350 sorry if i tell you all that's where and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00203-00051351-00051582 how i lost my mother would you agree to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00204-00051583-00051766 drop the subject 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00205-00051767-00052038 the vic by the arm maker do i have to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00206-00052039-00052279 adopt every single one of you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00207-00052279-00052654 sorry glenn i'm already a grandkid 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00208-00052655-00052950 consider the subject dropped thank you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00209-00052951-00053063 kindly 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00210-00053064-00053282 you all should get moving before 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00211-00053283-00053399 nightfall 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00212-00053400-00053726 ah but you can't i'm fast 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00213-00053727-00053926 if the sun sets before you make it back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00214-00053927-00054126 i might well catch up with you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00215-00054127-00054279 i don't want her traveling at night 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00216-00054279-00054535 though why not 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00217-00054536-00054926 imperial patrols ambushes dragons wolves 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00218-00054927-00055311 trolls oh yeah trolls you do have a fun 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00219-00055312-00055407 night 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00220-00055408-00055663 alright alright good point let's go i'll 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00221-00055664-00055871 be moving kind of slow so 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00222-00055872-00056191 no zooms can do i mean if you and inigo 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00223-00056191-00056375 want to go scout ahead 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00224-00056376-00056591 then thanks for saving me from my own 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00225-00056591-00056726 hubris 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00226-00056727-00057038 both of you all of you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00227-00057039-00057359 get paid i promise i won't eat anyone 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00228-00057360-00057479 while i'm here 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00229-00057479-00057815 i'll probably sleep actually 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00230-00057816-00058111 eat oh that took me a second hey let's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00231-00058112-00058903 go 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00232-00058904-00059671 well there you are 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00233-00059672-00060054 you uh ready to go 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00234-00060055-00060399 i am if you are you didn't really have 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00235-00060400-00060550 to do the eyes thing 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00236-00060551-00060982 i know about you i know you do 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00237-00060983-00061135 how many of the people will probably 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00238-00061136-00061438 pass along the way know about me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00239-00061439-00061903 yeah that's fair 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00240-00061904-00062863 ah how do we want to do this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00241-00062864-00063415 okay scared me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00242-00063416-00064838 you're coming 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00243-00064839-00065399 everything all right yeah i'm just 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00244-00065400-00065567 trying to figure out what the best way 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00245-00065568-00066015 there might be 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00246-00066016-00066463 how good are you with the cold 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00247-00066464-00066894 well i seem to be better at it than most 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00248-00066895-00067175 all right we'll probably come up there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00249-00067176-00069167 then and swim across sounds good 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00250-00069168-00069423 wasn't too rough of a journey i take it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00251-00069424-00069511 nah 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00252-00069512-00069703 kino kept pretty quiet most of the way 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00253-00069704-00069823 back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00254-00069824-00070359 i don't really blame her 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00255-00070360-00070743 are you kidding me what uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00256-00070744-00072882 just stay back a little bit 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00257-00072883-00073550 oh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00258-00073551-00074271 hey calm down 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00259-00074272-00074623 are you calm 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00260-00074624-00074831 i'm not gonna use this axe on you i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00261-00074832-00075279 promise 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00262-00075280-00076567 you just startled me that's all 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00264-00082683-00083055 so 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00265-00083056-00083223 you know i'm gonna have to get used to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00266-00083224-00083831 what you look like 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00267-00083832-00084071 saw this shape looming out of the fog 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00268-00084072-00084206 and didn't really know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00269-00084207-00085694 if it was you or not 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00270-00085695-00086143 careful those wisps probably don't mean 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00271-00086144-00086687 nice things 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00272-00086688-00088921 yeah i know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00273-00088922-00091082 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00274-00091083-00091948 so 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00275-00091949-00092482 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00276-00092483-00092903 foreign 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00277-00092904-00093279 no you go ahead 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00278-00093280-00093838 they're long dead 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00279-00093839-00094191 not exactly my preference 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00280-00094192-00096143 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00281-00096144-00096806 yeah i see the bear 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00283-00100383-00101399 what was that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00284-00101400-00102282 lovely that guy just spat at you didn't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00285-00102283-00102529 he 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00286-00102530-00103951 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00287-00103952-00104118 yeah i wouldn't recommend eating him 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00288-00104119-00104430 either frankly 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00289-00104431-00106483 he smells a little well afflicted 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00290-00106483-00108071 hmm 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00291-00108072-00108254 you don't really have to stand here 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00293-00112083-00112471 oh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00295-00115800-00116286 jeez 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00296-00116288-00116463 you know now i'm wondering which is more 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00298-00120483-00121383 ah 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00300-00125952-00126119 yeah obviously we're not going to be 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00301-00126120-00126343 going to winterhold with you like this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00302-00126344-00126686 so we'll have to wait somewhere until 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00303-00126688-00126743 morning 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00304-00126744-00127031 unfortunately or at least whenever you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00305-00127032-00127302 turn back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00306-00127303-00128068 jeez you're tall 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00308-00133832-00134135 oh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00309-00134136-00134759 you smell arden 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00310-00134760-00135095 i don't think he's here and also that is 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00311-00135096-00135295 very very loud i'd appreciate it if you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00312-00135296-00136871 didn't do that in my ears 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00313-00136872-00137871 i think that's another afflicted 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00314-00137872-00139911 if you want to stay here for the night 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00315-00139912-00141483 i'll keep watch don't worry 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00316-00141484-00142231 jeez 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00317-00142232-00142463 are you going to stay in the stables 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00318-00142464-00142814 really 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00319-00142815-00143702 all right suit yourself 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00320-00143703-00143911 right but rooms take significantly less 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00321-00143912-00144047 concentration even if they're more 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00322-00144048-00144343 convoluted in terms of magicka weaving 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00323-00144344-00144719 well if you say so yeah let me show you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00324-00144720-00144871 i promise it'll help with your cloak 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00325-00144872-00145095 spell issue i wish that i had your 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00326-00145096-00145263 optimism 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00327-00145264-00145463 right let me explain we think a cloak 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00328-00145464-00145678 there is my man and his element 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00329-00145679-00145966 a rare and wonderful sight he seems 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00330-00145967-00146063 happy 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00331-00146064-00146390 you seem happy i think i'm not looking 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00332-00146391-00146614 forward to this conversation but 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00333-00146615-00146895 watching him work is soothing hi i know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00334-00146896-00146990 that feeling 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00335-00146991-00147151 here's hoping you to work out better 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00336-00147152-00147335 than laughter and i did 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00337-00147336-00147607 should we interrupt him i don't know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00338-00147608-00147878 that elf lady the gate said not to but 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00339-00147879-00148414 well if we stand here long enough 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00340-00148415-00148895 uh no uh that was not supposed to happen 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00341-00148896-00149231 uh oh caiman yarn vita 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00342-00149232-00149351 i'm gonna ask what you two are doing 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00343-00149352-00149575 here but i think i know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00344-00149576-00149766 yeah i realize i'm the last person you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00345-00149767-00150007 want to see right about now but 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00346-00150008-00150302 i know it's fine jizargo keep working on 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00347-00150303-00150390 your buffer space 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00348-00150391-00150519 make sure you keep the edges of the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00349-00150520-00150695 spell from fraying 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00350-00150696-00150871 you've got tremendous power but in this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00351-00150872-00151039 case it's a bit too much 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00352-00151040-00151183 i'm sure you're sick of people telling 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00353-00151184-00151447 you that but believe me i've been there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00354-00151448-00151599 keep it toned down until you have a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00355-00151600-00151775 handle on the space you need 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00356-00151776-00152023 then start working up again just go 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00357-00152024-00152175 understands 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00358-00152176-00152471 many thanks keep at it you've come a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00359-00152472-00152590 long way over the winter 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00360-00152591-00153935 you're making good progress 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00361-00153936-00154287 all right let's go talk upstairs 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00362-00154288-00154439 you know i never could have seen you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00363-00154440-00154614 teaching 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00364-00154615-00154966 he seemed so nebulously attached to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00365-00154967-00155159 reality at times 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00366-00155160-00155535 that haha very funny 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00367-00155536-00155743 i do in fact have a license and am 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00368-00155744-00155871 actually a registered master of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00369-00155872-00156014 enchantment back home 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00370-00156015-00156183 granted i'm only licensed to teach 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00371-00156184-00156559 enchanting in history back in coral 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00372-00156560-00156751 but gizago is exactly the kind of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00373-00156752-00157102 destruction student i can work with 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00374-00157103-00157351 long and storied academic career that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00375-00157352-00157447 one 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00376-00157448-00157702 which you've heard about i take it some 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00377-00157703-00157863 of it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00378-00157864-00158039 i've spared you the most boring parts 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00379-00158040-00158214 like actually writing the paper for 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00380-00158215-00158447 which i did this to my face not nearly 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00381-00158448-00158695 as exciting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00382-00158696-00158895 right so you're here to ask me to come 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00383-00158896-00159135 back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00384-00159136-00159254 actually we're here to tell you that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00385-00159255-00159431 quinoa probably lost her eye and almost 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00386-00159432-00160351 died in a battle 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00387-00160352-00160775 what she hasn't gone mad i don't think 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00388-00160776-00161047 she's just going through some stuff i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00389-00161048-00161231 have no idea what but something's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00390-00161232-00161351 gnawing at her to the point of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00391-00161352-00161502 self-destruction 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00392-00161503-00161863 not good but not mad eh you'd probably 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00393-00161864-00161999 know better than me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00394-00162000-00162135 you spent the night making sure she 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00395-00162136-00162399 wasn't concussed to the point of damage 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00396-00162400-00162631 which frankly i can only explain by 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00397-00162632-00162775 aedric intervention 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00398-00162776-00163007 and maybe quick enough application of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00399-00163008-00163287 one of zayta's beefed-up healing potions 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00400-00163288-00163647 by all rights she should not be alive 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00401-00163648-00163871 okay alright hold up i'm entirely lost 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00402-00163872-00163959 what 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00403-00163960-00164287 what happened why how 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00404-00164288-00164478 ulfrict told us to go take back riften 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00405-00164479-00164623 and that he held her personally 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00406-00164624-00164766 responsible for it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00407-00164767-00165023 so she decided on what logic i have no 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00408-00165024-00165087 idea 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00409-00165088-00165278 to go take the fort alone along with 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00410-00165279-00165535 whatever stormcloaks were down there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00411-00165536-00165766 z and i went after her obviously which 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00412-00165767-00166207 is part of the reason she's still alive 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00413-00166208-00166599 you didn't i swear by mara i did not 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00414-00166600-00166702 bite her 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00415-00166703-00167111 although you see what i mean now right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00416-00167112-00167326 meanwhile back on the topic yes we also 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00417-00167327-00167543 came to ask you to come back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00418-00167544-00167751 i realize fighting your own folks must 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00419-00167752-00167878 be hard for you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00420-00167879-00168047 i have the luxury of being on the same 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00421-00168048-00168231 side as my late son and can fight to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00422-00168232-00168375 keep those beside me safe 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00423-00168376-00168519 because any one of them could end up the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00424-00168520-00168735 way he did 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00425-00168736-00168999 and i realize you don't have that luxury 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00426-00169000-00169126 i know it's rough 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00427-00169127-00169431 i know just how rough and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00428-00169432-00169614 well now i can see how at home you are 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00429-00169615-00169759 here teaching 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00430-00169760-00170007 doing archmage things you seem like you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00431-00170008-00170166 fit in here in a way that you haven't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00432-00170167-00170343 all of the other times i've seen you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00433-00170344-00170502 other than maybe the war table back at 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00434-00170503-00170726 the house of troubles which makes me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00435-00170727-00171087 actually legitimately regret asking but 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00436-00171088-00171223 will you come back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00437-00171224-00171990 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00438-00171991-00172302 give me a minute i need to think think 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00439-00172303-00172471 or stick your head in that enchanting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00440-00172472-00172599 table again 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00441-00172600-00172902 no i mean actually think this time no 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00442-00172903-00172983 pressure 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00443-00172984-00173278 well some pressure but i can leave if no 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00444-00173279-00173502 just 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00445-00173503-00173775 think out loud seems to work better for 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00446-00173776-00173983 you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00447-00173984-00174351 true right okay i'm absolutely terrified 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00448-00174352-00174495 of fighting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00449-00174496-00174799 i'm scared of losing people hearing 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00450-00174800-00174959 about quinoa is a bit of a slap in the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00451-00174960-00175135 face i'll admit because now i'm kicking 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00452-00175136-00175278 myself over the fact that i should have 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00453-00175279-00175478 been there to step in 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00454-00175479-00175751 believe me i tried she was dead set on 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00455-00175752-00175854 that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00456-00175855-00176063 i'm also probably one of two people in 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00457-00176064-00176231 tamriel who actually knows what's going 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00458-00176232-00176326 on there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00459-00176327-00176471 we haven't talked about what i saw in 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00460-00176472-00176614 the scrolls aside from a few vague 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00461-00176615-00176735 comments here and there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00462-00176736-00176926 and that's a conversation long overdue 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00463-00176927-00177078 at this point considering 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00464-00177079-00177390 well this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00465-00177391-00177871 you read i'll tell you later or he will 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00466-00177872-00178159 i will i'm coming back with you i need 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00467-00178160-00178295 to get changed first since i'd rather 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00468-00178296-00178487 not get blood all over these robes but i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00469-00178488-00178623 am coming back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00470-00178624-00178863 i won't fight i don't think i'm quite 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00471-00178864-00179038 adjusted enough to that idea yet 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00472-00179039-00179254 but i'm going to at least come back and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00473-00179255-00179438 talk to quinoa 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00474-00179439-00179726 that was fast what changed a long 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00475-00179727-00179887 conversation with dominique during which 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00476-00179888-00180014 time she turned me into the emotional 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00477-00180015-00180223 equivalent of a dead briar heart 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00478-00180224-00180399 a healthy amount of soul-searching this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00479-00180400-00180631 time and the fact that kinowin nearly 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00480-00180632-00180719 died 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00481-00180720-00181047 take your pick dom was here 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00482-00181048-00181390 yeah briefly she left last night 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00483-00181391-00181631 which is damn she wouldn't have got 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00484-00181632-00181854 there in time either 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00485-00181855-00182119 z wave to the guard outside red water 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00486-00182120-00182199 she'll probably 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00487-00182200-00182487 assume she just missed us alright let me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00488-00182488-00182631 get my coat on and we can start heading 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00489-00182632-00182863 back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00490-00182864-00183175 time time means nothing to a man who can 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00491-00183176-00183423 summon fog 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00492-00183424-00183743 all right i've got to see you do this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00493-00183744-00183951 uh i'm just going to leave you boys 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00494-00183952-00184214 alone for a bit then meet you downstairs 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00495-00184215-00184854 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00496-00184855-00185199 on the gloves freshly enchanted 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00497-00185200-00185478 hopefully mended i just realized i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00498-00185479-00185590 probably should have put 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00499-00185591-00186071 racist fire on them oh well 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00500-00186072-00186454 hindsight right indeed 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00501-00186455-00186863 you look good i was kind of missing your 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00502-00186864-00187247 armor instead of the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00503-00187248-00187607 the bulky ones 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00504-00187608-00188063 right easy for you to say shall we 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00505-00188064-00188943 lead on 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00506-00188944-00189638 geez you've got a springy new step today 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00507-00189639-00190166 well i mean 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00508-00190167-00190783 never mind uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00509-00190784-00191135 oh lovely the fact that i can still 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00510-00191136-00191575 fluster you after however many months 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00511-00191576-00192366 don't don't don't even go there uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00512-00192367-00192790 shall we away after you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00513-00192791-00192983 it is freezing out here i'll have you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00514-00192984-00193183 know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00515-00193184-00193463 so i'll stay behind you since one of you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00516-00193464-00193695 has to summon fog and whatnot 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00517-00193696-00194071 oh right let me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00518-00194072-00194431 let me get that situated 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00519-00194432-00194838 uh fog that is not what i want 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00520-00194839-00195447 okay 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00521-00195448-00196047 there we go that should help 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00522-00196048-00196263 have some fog this is a bit thick don't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00523-00196264-00196463 you think 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00524-00196464-00196702 uh well it blocks the sun which is what 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00525-00196703-00197038 it's supposed to do so i think it's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00526-00197039-00197350 um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00527-00197351-00198575 does its job 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00528-00198576-00198935 what kind of spell is that anyway 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00529-00198936-00199295 actually it's a variation on uh an old 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00530-00199296-00199790 alien spell 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00531-00199791-00200311 really how do you know alien magic 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00532-00200312-00201023 uh well um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00533-00201024-00201195 long study uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00534-00201196-00201471 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00535-00201472-00201838 mostly having to deal with on cano 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00536-00201839-00202247 i won't press it then no uh the study is 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00537-00202248-00202623 fine i'm okay talking about that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00538-00202624-00202926 uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00539-00202927-00203159 if i ever told you yeah talk to you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00540-00203160-00203487 about 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00541-00203488-00203911 dawn magic and whatnot 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00542-00203912-00204247 uh i'm familiar with the idea 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00543-00204248-00204862 i have no idea what goes into it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00544-00204863-00205327 do hang on 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00545-00205328-00205631 yeah it smells like 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00546-00205632-00206014 where whoa right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00547-00206015-00206351 werewolf i completely forgot 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00548-00206352-00206646 and then i remembered youtube came up 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00549-00206648-00206927 this way didn't you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00550-00206928-00207382 yeah we did 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00551-00207383-00207534 okay that's what i'm smelling that's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00552-00207535-00208223 okay less worried now 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00553-00208223-00208551 uh right well done 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00554-00208552-00209255 magic right so um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00555-00209256-00209575 just gathering my thoughts uh and the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00556-00209576-00209942 mages are back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00557-00209944-00210479 the what uh did you see the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00558-00210480-00210855 the horse 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00559-00210856-00211542 no 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00560-00211544-00211719 yeah we've probably got some kind of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00561-00211719-00212134 battle mage doing battle mage things 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00562-00212135-00212310 probably over here trying to spy on all 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00563-00212311-00212671 freak as they do 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00564-00212671-00213031 don magic right so yeah on conor and i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00565-00213032-00213110 used to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00566-00213111-00213439 well on cano and seguin and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00567-00213440-00213742 loftier and i oh this is going to be 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00568-00213744-00213967 good isn't it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00569-00213967-00214282 uh well we all were on various sin 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00570-00214283-00214455 century 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00571-00214456-00214919 expeditions generally relating to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00572-00214919-00215294 uh alied ruins 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00573-00215296-00215479 geez they got the replacement out here 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00574-00215480-00215682 real quick 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00575-00215683-00216046 huh don't worry about it actually if you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00576-00216048-00216255 could put more fog in the sky that'd be 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00577-00216256-00216687 great 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00578-00216688-00217031 on it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00579-00217032-00217398 that's interesting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00580-00217400-00217791 um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00581-00217792-00218294 do we want to deal with that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00582-00218296-00218551 i wonder which one of us that person is 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00583-00218552-00218734 after 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00584-00218735-00220023 after you alright 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00585-00220023-00220519 really 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00586-00220519-00220687 how many people does it take to take 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00587-00220688-00220967 down one argonian assassin 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00588-00220967-00221287 apparently three uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00589-00221288-00221606 dark brotherhood it looks like 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00590-00221607-00221958 not dark brotherhood 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00591-00221959-00222494 don't worry about it there's some 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00592-00222496-00222687 i'm not even gonna bother with the note 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00593-00222688-00222823 there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00594-00222823-00223015 i have no idea what's going on and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00595-00223016-00223239 frankly i can't be bothered i have more 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00596-00223240-00224082 important things to worry about 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00597-00224083-00224310 what uh i don't know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00598-00224311-00224727 sometimes 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00599-00224728-00225167 sometimes cayman you duh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00600-00225167-00225606 confound me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00601-00225607-00225767 you want to get out of the way when i'm 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00602-00225767-00226031 about to fling a fireball 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00603-00226032-00226215 you want to not fling fireballs while 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00604-00226216-00226406 we're in the way 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00605-00226407-00226719 yeah that's a very good point that's a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00606-00226719-00227263 very good point 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00607-00227264-00227958 let me uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00608-00227959-00228342 what was i talking about 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00609-00228344-00228534 oh right they they tend to carry notes 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00610-00228535-00228703 nowadays to say death to the pretender 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00611-00228704-00229334 or something 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00612-00229335-00229598 you have any idea what's going on there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00613-00229600-00229863 i already told you i don't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00614-00229864-00230223 right you were talking about dawn magic 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00615-00230223-00230319 about 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00616-00230319-00230727 15 minutes ago maybe 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00617-00230728-00230991 right i was getting to that um we all 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00618-00230992-00231134 studied iliad 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00619-00231135-00231439 things that's interesting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00620-00231440-00231846 what that's doing there hello 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00621-00231848-00232623 of course you go for him 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00622-00232623-00233046 careful careful okay she's gonna 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00623-00233048-00233471 he figured it out 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00624-00233471-00233927 are you okay i'm fine barely scathed 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00625-00233928-00235023 you worry me you worry me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00626-00235023-00235279 you almost said it didn't you you almost 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00627-00235280-00235798 said what 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00628-00235800-00236127 yo i don't you can uh i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00629-00236128-00236327 you're smiling i can tell you're smiling 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00630-00236328-00236479 i don't even need to see your face to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00631-00236480-00236510 say 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00632-00236511-00236719 to tell the i need to summon the fog 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00633-00236719-00237223 again don't i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00634-00237223-00238094 you're adorable don't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00635-00238096-00238439 right so how do you do that mr dawn 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00636-00238440-00238991 magic 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00637-00238992-00239631 if your two are quite stunned flirting 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00638-00239632-00240039 he is the worst um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00639-00240040-00240206 if i could focus for five minutes that'd 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00640-00240207-00240446 be great right done magic 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00641-00240448-00240782 um so there's two 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00642-00240783-00240934 there's not a lot that's survived about 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00643-00240935-00241087 dull magic as far as i've been able to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00644-00241088-00241167 tell the only 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00645-00241167-00241551 uh the only people who actually practice 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00646-00241552-00241791 any any the only ones with any surviving 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00647-00241792-00242006 knowledge of dawn magic actually are 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00648-00242007-00242398 your people the skull which is why uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00649-00242400-00242503 lofty was on 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00650-00242504-00242863 a research team because he 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00651-00242864-00243030 knew some of the old stories and whatnot 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00652-00243031-00243182 presumably because he was married to you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00653-00243183-00243358 for a while 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00654-00243359-00243710 that does follow what kind of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00655-00243711-00244079 done magic do you think we have 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00656-00244080-00244406 uh well there's two there are 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00657-00244407-00244694 generally two kinds that are said to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00658-00244696-00244823 have 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00659-00244823-00245134 oops sorry 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00660-00245135-00245503 i got stuck in the bush it 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00661-00245504-00245775 happens to the best of us um there are 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00662-00245776-00246094 generally two surviving 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00663-00246096-00246263 uh types of magic that are considered to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00664-00246264-00246398 be dawn magic one of them is 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00665-00246400-00246663 shape-shifting that isn't tied to her 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00666-00246664-00246751 scene 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00667-00246752-00247039 and one of them is weather control a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00668-00247040-00247151 friend of mine well 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00669-00247152-00247367 an acquaintance of mine halden actually 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00670-00247367-00247542 was really really good at weather 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00671-00247544-00247942 control and he was the one who 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00672-00247944-00248271 ah take breathe take a breath 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00673-00248271-00248863 he was the one who actually um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00674-00248864-00249063 really solidified the research that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00675-00249064-00249246 allowed me to eventually figure out how 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00676-00249248-00249294 to do 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00677-00249296-00249630 this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00678-00249631-00249975 did you say holden 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00679-00249976-00250734 uh yeah why red guard 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00680-00250735-00251094 oh i didn't realize he was a friend of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00681-00251096-00251567 yours 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00682-00251567-00251982 why do you know holden 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00683-00251983-00252255 well no is a matter of semantics i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00684-00252256-00252398 suppose 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00685-00252400-00253015 we met once um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00686-00253016-00253375 you know he's dead right uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00687-00253376-00253742 yeah he died somewhere out in the sea 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00688-00253744-00253998 yeah shame that but i didn't really know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00689-00254000-00254087 him that well 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00690-00254088-00254463 so 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00691-00254464-00254894 well uh good i think 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00692-00254896-00255119 can we please get going it is freezing 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00693-00255119-00255303 this fog is very dark 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00694-00255304-00255951 and true true and we're almost back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00695-00255952-00256310 ah do we want to go over the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00696-00256311-00256655 let's just go through shall we i don't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00697-00256656-00256879 particularly feel like 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00698-00256880-00257519 taking a swim shot though it may be 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00699-00257519-00257775 through very very icy river the fog has 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00700-00257776-00257998 vanished once again 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00701-00258000-00258606 great 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00702-00258607-00258767 do you have a limit on how many times 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00703-00258767-00258927 you can do that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00704-00258928-00259191 not really also by the way speaking of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00705-00259192-00259319 dawn magic i've 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00706-00259319-00259687 considered that um shouting might 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00707-00259688-00259991 actually be another one another form of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00708-00259992-00260342 dawn magic a close relative cousin 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00709-00260344-00260687 something simply 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00710-00260688-00260846 because of the fact that she can do 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00711-00260848-00261046 things like control the weather 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00712-00261048-00261679 which i've already talked about 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00713-00261680-00262127 oh the rambles are strong with me today 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00714-00262128-00263079 good grief 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00715-00263080-00263310 pastor would you like to buy some 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00716-00263311-00263430 flowers 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00717-00263431-00263791 please miss you walked out right in 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00718-00263792-00263919 front of you scared me 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00719-00263920-00264279 i'm sure 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00720-00264280-00264558 sorry if i ran into you not much but i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00721-00264559-00264871 hope you like them 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00722-00264872-00265110 what are you doing with nightshade uh 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00723-00265111-00265239 how about that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00724-00265240-00265695 and right i've just remembered that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00725-00265696-00265934 he doesn't really do flowers because 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00726-00265935-00266082 he's a bosma 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00727-00266083-00266999 um 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00728-00267000-00267710 sure how about i'll take a red one 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00729-00267711-00267919 and wish you luck on your date again 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00730-00267920-00268030 yeah i i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00731-00268031-00268191 probably will i'm not usually in the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00732-00268192-00268430 area where 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00733-00268431-00268663 please why don't you buy a flight i did 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00734-00268664-00268815 i just wanted to know where are your 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00735-00268816-00268934 parents 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00736-00268935-00269287 they're they're dead my momma died when 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00737-00269288-00269399 i was little 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00738-00269400-00269710 i i don't remember her very well 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00739-00269711-00269975 my father was a stormcloak soldier one 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00740-00269976-00270230 day he left and didn't come back 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00741-00270231-00270599 i'm all alone i i try to sell flowers so 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00742-00270600-00270758 i can buy food 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00743-00270759-00271182 it's not much but what else can i do 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00744-00271183-00271710 ah yeah 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00745-00271711-00272015 kids go to mind of her own 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00746-00272016-00272287 i just wanted to say buy some flowers 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00747-00272288-00272399 pretty please 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00748-00272400-00272758 ah not me just wanted to say i've been 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00749-00272759-00272847 there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00750-00272848-00273134 and it gets better i promise if you're 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00751-00273135-00273310 ever in need of a place to stay that's 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00752-00273311-00273751 nice and warm and not 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00753-00273752-00274006 not full of storm cloaks and and smelly 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00754-00274007-00274191 nords and whatnot 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00755-00274192-00274503 uh we actually owned the big house right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00756-00274504-00274703 across the road from here so if you ever 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00757-00274704-00274967 want to stay there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00758-00274968-00275279 i i i think i think we'd all be in 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00759-00275280-00275606 agreement that you'd be welcome there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00760-00275607-00275999 so hang in there what's your name sophie 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00761-00276000-00276527 hanging the selfie 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00762-00276528-00276719 i didn't really know you had a soft spot 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00763-00276720-00276975 for kids 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00764-00276976-00277119 yeah it's always been kind of a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00765-00277120-00277487 conundrum actually 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00766-00277488-00277871 a personal one 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00767-00277872-00278682 really yeah i'm 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00768-00278683-00279119 hmm 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00769-00279120-00279230 i suppose it's kind of a double 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00770-00279231-00279758 conundrum now 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00771-00279759-00280423 conundrum in what way well you know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00772-00280424-00280775 i'm not exactly into women 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00773-00280776-00281482 i've always kind of wanted to be a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00774-00281483-00281671 father 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00775-00281672-00281951 you could adopt and that's why it's a 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00776-00281952-00282095 double conundrum because now 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00777-00282096-00282447 i'm a vampire not that there's anything 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00778-00282448-00282558 wrong with that but you know 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00779-00282559-00282782 it's it's not exactly the kind of life 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00780-00282783-00282927 that i would want to subject 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00781-00282928-00283495 subject a child to 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00782-00283496-00284047 i don't know how 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00783-00284048-00284399 and now there's you so i don't 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00784-00284400-00284727 really 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00785-00284728-00284919 there's that that's a conversation i'm 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00786-00284920-00285682 not ready to have frankly 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00787-00285683-00286319 understood 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00788-00286320-00286687 ah home sweet home sort of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00789-00286688-00287015 kind of 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00790-00287016-00287239 kilo was in the sauna when we left there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00791-00287240-00287375 well actually 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00792-00287376-00288047 she probably has gone to bed by now 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00793-00288048-00288254 right and you two have to go take off 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00794-00288255-00288543 for the rift don't you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00795-00288544-00289158 all right 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00796-00289159-00289503 did i say rift uh possibly 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00797-00289504-00289951 you meant reach i meant reach 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00798-00289952-00290254 that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00799-00290255-00290551 that little girl just now yeah what the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00800-00290552-00290839 father 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00801-00290840-00291047 similar story to my own but on the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00802-00291048-00291282 opposite side 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00803-00291283-00291606 and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00804-00291607-00292447 somehow i hadn't connected the fact that 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00805-00292448-00292630 that kind of thing happens to both sides 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00806-00292631-00292806 so it really doesn't matter which side i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00807-00292807-00292951 fight on 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00808-00292952-00294167 you don't have to fight not right now 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00809-00294168-00294615 um good luck in the reach if i may offer 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00810-00294616-00294887 the tiniest bit of parting advice it is 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00811-00294888-00294951 please 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00812-00294952-00295303 please please don't split your forces 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00813-00295304-00295654 i heard what happened to newgrad i 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00814-00295655-00295895 don't go i mean okay sneaking in the 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00815-00295896-00295958 back way 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00816-00295959-00296151 is all right if you have a large enough 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00817-00296152-00296295 force at the front 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00818-00296296-00296415 or if you have a large enough force 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00819-00296416-00296799 doing the sneaking that you can just 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00820-00296800-00297103 just think think rationally about this 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00821-00297104-00297167 before 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00822-00297168-00297382 you split your forces next time if there 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00823-00297383-00297551 is a next time i would highly recommend 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00824-00297552-00297687 just charging at the front 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00825-00297688-00297919 actually since everyone here is pretty 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00826-00297920-00298015 powerful and 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00827-00298016-00298334 breaking ranks or breaking lines or 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00828-00298335-00298558 whatever is something that we can all do 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00829-00298559-00298887 quite easily 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00830-00298888-00299487 uh and i i won't keep you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00831-00299488-00299799 good luck out there good luck dealing 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00832-00299800-00300167 with quinoa 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00833-00300168-00300479 yeah could you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00834-00300480-00300815 uh one more before you take off yeah 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00835-00300816-00300975 we'll see how far we can get before we 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00836-00300976-00301215 have to stop again 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00837-00301216-00302643 anything for you 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00838-00302644-00304206 [Music] 7AQMO2xvlqQ-00839-00304207-00304416 you 7B5MEVc28Uy-00000-00000000-00000225 all right 7B5MEVc28Uy-00001-00000225-00000557 [Applause] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00002-00000558-00000773 he's not happy with him and this is how 7B5MEVc28Uy-00003-00000774-00000947 the first half ended the second half has 7B5MEVc28Uy-00004-00000948-00001219 started 7B5MEVc28Uy-00005-00001220-00001523 the challenge of Kevin De bruyne thinks 7B5MEVc28Uy-00006-00001524-00001732 I'm a little bit surprised that osato 7B5MEVc28Uy-00007-00001734-00001943 the rebel now it's all kicking off 7B5MEVc28Uy-00008-00001944-00002129 involving the port modbridge you know 7B5MEVc28Uy-00009-00002130-00002474 everybody wants to come in 7B5MEVc28Uy-00010-00002475-00003052 [Applause] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00011-00003053-00004935 foreign 7B5MEVc28Uy-00012-00004936-00005335 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00013-00005336-00005627 in terms of the challenges won that 7B5MEVc28Uy-00014-00005628-00006065 really does speak to the qualities of 7B5MEVc28Uy-00015-00006066-00006870 Khan and a moment there where 7B5MEVc28Uy-00016-00006872-00007420 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00017-00007422-00008454 it is 7B5MEVc28Uy-00018-00008455-00008957 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00019-00008958-00009209 everyone which wasn't given either oh 7B5MEVc28Uy-00020-00009210-00009592 good play it's Tammy Abraham clearance 7B5MEVc28Uy-00021-00009593-00009809 to manage form the previous Manchester 7B5MEVc28Uy-00022-00009810-00010127 City goal calendar two against Chelsea 7B5MEVc28Uy-00023-00010128-00010451 and they don't get buried in the quarter 7B5MEVc28Uy-00024-00010452-00011713 ly is getting involved 7B5MEVc28Uy-00025-00011714-00012113 by Fernandina that has to be a card 7B5MEVc28Uy-00026-00012114-00012230 Alexandro 7B5MEVc28Uy-00027-00012231-00013427 [Applause] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00028-00013428-00013722 Spanish 7B5MEVc28Uy-00029-00013723-00014230 and somehow he's still got a bit of it 7B5MEVc28Uy-00030-00014231-00016789 exceptional 7B5MEVc28Uy-00031-00016790-00017513 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00032-00017514-00017729 events here let's just join us with the 7B5MEVc28Uy-00033-00017730-00018085 news at Arsenal here 7B5MEVc28Uy-00034-00018086-00018669 well there's the red card for Luke 7B5MEVc28Uy-00035-00018670-00019549 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00036-00019550-00020344 pop goes closer for the first time 7B5MEVc28Uy-00037-00020345-00020543 put it there and they're in trouble 7B5MEVc28Uy-00038-00020544-00020794 again or what a chance and Dennis has 7B5MEVc28Uy-00039-00020795-00021383 put it on his finishes Julia 7B5MEVc28Uy-00040-00021384-00022860 foreign 7B5MEVc28Uy-00042-00026304-00026657 scores 7B5MEVc28Uy-00044-00029777-00029958 [Applause] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00045-00029960-00030245 they've got a couple on the line and now 7B5MEVc28Uy-00046-00030245-00030431 the whistle is gone I think he's given 7B5MEVc28Uy-00047-00030432-00030757 it for a handful 7B5MEVc28Uy-00048-00030758-00032406 lead to a card though tomorrow 7B5MEVc28Uy-00049-00032407-00032717 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00050-00032718-00033132 foreign 7B5MEVc28Uy-00051-00033133-00034588 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00052-00034589-00035249 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00053-00035250-00036665 running on the right yeah 7B5MEVc28Uy-00054-00036666-00038181 foreign 7B5MEVc28Uy-00055-00038182-00039761 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00056-00039762-00041024 great 7B5MEVc28Uy-00057-00041025-00042652 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00058-00042653-00043174 shot 7B5MEVc28Uy-00059-00043175-00043727 let's go 7B5MEVc28Uy-00060-00043728-00043940 Linda let's go 7B5MEVc28Uy-00061-00043941-00044796 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00062-00044797-00045940 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00064-00049115-00049247 [Applause] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00065-00049248-00050490 [Music] 7B5MEVc28Uy-00066-00050491-00051540 thank you 7B5MEVc28Uy-00067-00051541-00051857 [Music] 7Cwr48ADOb4-00000-00000166-00000574 okay all right that's recording okay we 7Cwr48ADOb4-00001-00000575-00000853 found this lost treasure map over at the 7Cwr48ADOb4-00002-00000855-00001145 site of the treasure and we're gonna 7Cwr48ADOb4-00003-00001146-00001312 we're gonna go out and we're gonna find 7Cwr48ADOb4-00004-00001313-00001664 that treasure right here right now come 7Cwr48ADOb4-00005-00001664-00002084 on acid rain 7Cwr48ADOb4-00006-00002085-00002306 I brought my safety umbrella good job 7Cwr48ADOb4-00007-00002307-00003040 that's acid when you're fine reduce it 7Cwr48ADOb4-00008-00003041-00003331 we always follow the treasure map 7Cwr48ADOb4-00009-00003332-00004343 let's go this way Oh okay let's go make 7Cwr48ADOb4-00010-00004344-00005474 sure not to die can you explain we went 7Cwr48ADOb4-00011-00005475-00005717 to the abandoned Ranger tell the 7Cwr48ADOb4-00012-00005718-00005963 microphone we went today being a griever 7Cwr48ADOb4-00013-00005964-00006143 and mrs. Campbell Barry said here's a 7Cwr48ADOb4-00014-00006144-00006397 treasure map you'll you'll need it to 7Cwr48ADOb4-00015-00006398-00006641 save the world so then we're like okay 7Cwr48ADOb4-00016-00006642-00006845 so we we followed it to this 7Cwr48ADOb4-00017-00006845-00007120 specifically oh my god there's a gate 7Cwr48ADOb4-00018-00007122-00007394 how are we gonna pass this we need to 7Cwr48ADOb4-00019-00007395-00007763 get past this gate gosh dang it I 7Cwr48ADOb4-00020-00007764-00008267 figured out the puzzle we did all right 7Cwr48ADOb4-00021-00008268-00008542 all right let's go oh this is a big open 7Cwr48ADOb4-00022-00008543-00009194 field where are we gonna find the 7Cwr48ADOb4-00023-00009195-00009431 treasure I don't know 7Cwr48ADOb4-00024-00009432-00009749 oh if it needs to go the treasure map 7Cwr48ADOb4-00025-00009750-00010003 says to go this way over there oh my 7Cwr48ADOb4-00026-00010004-00011081 gosh I need aah 7Cwr48ADOb4-00027-00011082-00011363 it's been a long hike but we found this 7Cwr48ADOb4-00028-00011364-00011513 treasure my god 7Cwr48ADOb4-00029-00011514-00011967 it's the ExCom in the treasure map what 7Cwr48ADOb4-00030-00011968-00012335 we've been looking for 7Cwr48ADOb4-00031-00012336-00013019 happy Father's Day 7Cwr48ADOb4-00032-00013019-00013305 so we need to bring the box no see this 7Cwr48ADOb4-00033-00013306-00013547 is an ancient artifact together so we 7Cwr48ADOb4-00034-00013548-00014340 gotta show the people that's insane to 7Cwr48ADOb4-00035-00014341-00015013 our Father 7Cwr48ADOb4-00036-00015015-00015644 bring the evidence back you drop the map 7Cwr48ADOb4-00037-00015645-00016094 we don't hold it we got to go back to 7Cwr48ADOb4-00038-00016095-00017028 the car we got the Father's Day card for 7Cwr48ADOb4-00039-00017029-00017319 our father I see a shortcut I guess is 7Cwr48ADOb4-00040-00017320-00017811 shortcut maybe that I think it's blocked 7Cwr48ADOb4-00041-00017812-00018069 I think it's block I think I see it I 7Cwr48ADOb4-00042-00018070-00018878 think we gotta go back to the gate make 7Cwr48ADOb4-00043-00018879-00019233 sure like humble bury assigned us on 7Cwr48ADOb4-00044-00019234-00019368 this project because she knew how 7Cwr48ADOb4-00045-00019369-00019550 important this is card why they 7Cwr48ADOb4-00046-00019551-00019803 shouldn't no one can get in we don't 7Cwr48ADOb4-00047-00019804-00019980 know how much troubles in there yeah 7Cwr48ADOb4-00048-00019981-00020219 keep it safe from the world I don't know 7Cwr48ADOb4-00049-00020220-00020388 why we're survived because we didn't 7Cwr48ADOb4-00050-00020389-00021503 know what's in that house oh no my 7Cwr48ADOb4-00051-00021504-00022065 umbrella okay we have to go quick roll 7Cwr48ADOb4-00053-00026272-00026607 let's go we got the sacred treasure I 7Cwr48ADOb4-00054-00026608-00026877 can't wait to see what's inside tomorrow 7Cwr48ADOb4-00055-00026877-00027901 man I can't wait to explore let's get 7Cwr48ADOb4-00056-00027902-00028749 away from this place you're right yeah I 7Cwr48ADOb4-00057-00028750-00029101 guess we'll see you later when we get 7Cwr48ADOb4-00058-00029102-00030704 back to our base 7Cwr48ADOb4-00059-00030705-00031566 we found this 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00000-00000405-00000823 [Music] 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00001-00000824-00001007 for us the work starts well before the 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00002-00001008-00001143 storm event strikes 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00003-00001144-00001335 we have a storm center that keeps track 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00004-00001336-00001495 of the weather forecast 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00005-00001496-00001679 is where our skilled teams track 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00006-00001680-00001926 resources assign crews and identify the 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00007-00001927-00002126 hardest hit areas of the state 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00008-00002127-00002334 for less severe damage our smart grid 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00009-00002335-00002575 technology identifies where a brake is 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00010-00002576-00002734 in the distribution line 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00011-00002735-00002958 isolates it and then reroutes power 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00012-00002959-00003079 around the brake 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00013-00003080-00003254 getting power back on at your house 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00014-00003255-00003415 faster in these 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00015-00003415-00003606 uncertain times we know having clean 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00016-00003607-00003831 safe reliable and affordable energy is 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00017-00003832-00003943 more important now 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00018-00003944-00004870 than ever 7GXkDgbtJ1U-00019-00004871-00005080 you 7K721nfnZvQ-00000-00000048-00000314 the Louisiana Army National Guard is a 7K721nfnZvQ-00001-00000315-00000532 component of the United States Army in 7K721nfnZvQ-00002-00000533-00000790 the United States National Guard the 7K721nfnZvQ-00003-00000791-00000945 Constitution of the United States 7K721nfnZvQ-00004-00000946-00001190 specifically charges the National Guard 7K721nfnZvQ-00005-00001191-00001378 with dual federal and state missions 7K721nfnZvQ-00006-00001379-00001655 when not federalized the National Guard 7K721nfnZvQ-00007-00001655-00001889 as the only United States military force 7K721nfnZvQ-00008-00001889-00002095 empowered to function in a state status 7K721nfnZvQ-00009-00002096-00002348 those functions range from limited 7K721nfnZvQ-00010-00002349-00002585 actions during non-emergency situations 7K721nfnZvQ-00011-00002586-00002810 to full-scale law enforcement of martial 7K721nfnZvQ-00012-00002811-00003038 law when local law enforcement officials 7K721nfnZvQ-00013-00003039-00003350 can no longer maintain civil control the 7K721nfnZvQ-00014-00003351-00003515 National Guard may be called into 7K721nfnZvQ-00015-00003515-00003736 Federal service in response to a call by 7K721nfnZvQ-00016-00003738-00004022 the President or Congress currently 7K721nfnZvQ-00017-00004022-00004343 there are approximately 11,500 soldiers 7K721nfnZvQ-00018-00004344-00004529 serving in the Louisiana Army National 7K721nfnZvQ-00019-00004530-00004739 Guard the Louisiana National Guard 7K721nfnZvQ-00020-00004740-00005009 maintains seventy four units in 44 7K721nfnZvQ-00021-00005010-00005084 parishes 7K721nfnZvQ-00022-00005085-00005863 56 armory locations across the state 7K721nfnZvQ-00023-00005864-00006370 topic history 7K721nfnZvQ-00024-00006371-00006628 the Louisiana Army National Guard was 7K721nfnZvQ-00025-00006629-00006895 originally formed in the 18th century 7K721nfnZvQ-00026-00006895-00007108 when a militia was formed from among the 7K721nfnZvQ-00027-00007109-00007318 civilian inhabitants of colonial 7K721nfnZvQ-00028-00007319-00007570 Louisiana to assist Royal French and 7K721nfnZvQ-00029-00007570-00007806 Spanish troops in protecting the colony 7K721nfnZvQ-00030-00007808-00008070 and preserving the peace 7K721nfnZvQ-00031-00008070-00008391 the militia act of 1903 organized the 7K721nfnZvQ-00032-00008392-00008595 various state militias into the present 7K721nfnZvQ-00033-00008596-00008904 National Guard system several units of 7K721nfnZvQ-00034-00008905-00009114 the Louisiana Army National Guard were 7K721nfnZvQ-00035-00009115-00009336 activated in support of Operation Desert 7K721nfnZvQ-00036-00009337-00009666 Shield Desert Storm in 1990-1991 7K721nfnZvQ-00037-00009667-00010017 these included the 159th Mobile Army 7K721nfnZvQ-00038-00010018-00010242 surgical hospital which operated the 7K721nfnZvQ-00039-00010243-00010482 only active Hospital in southern Iraq in 7K721nfnZvQ-00040-00010483-00010680 support of the 3d armored division 7K721nfnZvQ-00041-00010681-00010842 during the ground war the eight hundred 7K721nfnZvQ-00042-00010843-00011088 twelfth medical detachment air ambulance 7K721nfnZvQ-00043-00011089-00011268 which flew multiple medevac missions 7K721nfnZvQ-00044-00011269-00011490 during the ground war the three thousand 7K721nfnZvQ-00045-00011491-00011679 six hundred seventy third maintenance 7K721nfnZvQ-00046-00011680-00011892 company which included members awarded 7K721nfnZvQ-00047-00011893-00012071 the Bronze Star for their rescue actions 7K721nfnZvQ-00048-00012072-00012279 during the Scud attacks in Dhahran and 7K721nfnZvQ-00049-00012280-00012521 the 39th Military Police Company which 7K721nfnZvQ-00050-00012522-00012710 assisted in managing the large number of 7K721nfnZvQ-00051-00012711-00013077 POW is captured the 2003 invasion of 7K721nfnZvQ-00052-00013078-00013302 Iraq saw the call-up of several units 7K721nfnZvQ-00053-00013303-00013659 including the 204th a TSG and the 1080 7K721nfnZvQ-00054-00013660-00014127 third 1084 1000 86th and 1080 seventh 7K721nfnZvQ-00055-00014128-00014322 transportation companies which upon 7K721nfnZvQ-00056-00014322-00014505 entering the theater of operation fell 7K721nfnZvQ-00057-00014506-00014661 under the command of fifth Corps during 7K721nfnZvQ-00058-00014662-00015078 2003 oh four during OIF three Operation 7K721nfnZvQ-00059-00015079-00015408 Iraqi Freedom three the 256th Infantry 7K721nfnZvQ-00060-00015409-00015683 Brigade served a combat tour during 7K721nfnZvQ-00061-00015684-00016019 2004-2005 units of the 225th Engineer 7K721nfnZvQ-00062-00016020-00016206 Brigade have been mobilized for duty in 7K721nfnZvQ-00063-00016207-00016515 both Iraq and Afghanistan additionally 7K721nfnZvQ-00064-00016516-00016750 aviation components such as the one 7K721nfnZvQ-00065-00016751-00017127 244th Aviation helicopter battalion 204 7K721nfnZvQ-00066-00017128-00017328 theatres air Operations Group and the 7K721nfnZvQ-00067-00017329-00017565 800 12th med company have served in an 7K721nfnZvQ-00068-00017566-00017817 active capacity for OIF multiple times 7K721nfnZvQ-00069-00017818-00018156 at one year intervals 165th CSS BN 7K721nfnZvQ-00070-00018157-00018650 mobilized in 2008 770 third MPBN has 7K721nfnZvQ-00071-00018651-00019011 mobilized as separate companies 159th 7K721nfnZvQ-00072-00019012-00019475 Air Guard sq DN has been mobilized 256th 7K721nfnZvQ-00073-00019476-00019731 AI BCT mobilized for a second tour to 7K721nfnZvQ-00074-00019732-00020150 Iraq on the 5th of January 2010 the 415 7K721nfnZvQ-00075-00020151-00020325 military intelligence battalion 7K721nfnZvQ-00076-00020326-00020517 mobilized for a second tour to 7K721nfnZvQ-00077-00020518-00020849 Afghanistan on the 29th of November 2010 7K721nfnZvQ-00078-00020850-00021186 after Hurricane Katrina the laa rng 7K721nfnZvQ-00079-00021187-00021405 organized Joint Task Force Gator to 7K721nfnZvQ-00080-00021406-00021450 assist 7K721nfnZvQ-00081-00021451-00022044 and relief efforts 7K721nfnZvQ-00082-00022045-00022548 topic training 7K721nfnZvQ-00083-00022549-00022828 Louisiana Army National Guard units are 7K721nfnZvQ-00084-00022829-00022981 trained and equipped as part of the 7K721nfnZvQ-00085-00022982-00023263 United States Army the same ranks and 7K721nfnZvQ-00086-00023264-00023497 insignia are used in National Guardsmen 7K721nfnZvQ-00087-00023498-00023686 are eligible to receive all United 7K721nfnZvQ-00088-00023687-00023983 States military awards the Louisiana 7K721nfnZvQ-00089-00023984-00024196 Guard also bestows a number of state 7K721nfnZvQ-00090-00024197-00024415 awards for local services rendered in ER 7K721nfnZvQ-00091-00024416-00025053 to the state of Louisiana 7K721nfnZvQ-00092-00025054-00025555 topic duties 7K721nfnZvQ-00093-00025556-00025794 National Guard units can be mobilized 7K721nfnZvQ-00094-00025795-00026022 called up at any time by presidential 7K721nfnZvQ-00095-00026023-00026197 order to supplement regular Armed Forces 7K721nfnZvQ-00096-00026198-00026419 and upon declaration of a state of 7K721nfnZvQ-00097-00026420-00026593 emergency by the governor of the state 7K721nfnZvQ-00098-00026594-00026722 in which they serve 7K721nfnZvQ-00099-00026723-00027004 unlike Army Reserve members National 7K721nfnZvQ-00100-00027005-00027177 Guard members cannot be mobilized 7K721nfnZvQ-00101-00027179-00027385 individually except through voluntary 7K721nfnZvQ-00102-00027386-00027619 transfers and temporary duty assignments 7K721nfnZvQ-00103-00027620-00027682 TDY 7K721nfnZvQ-00104-00027683-00027862 but only as part of their respective 7K721nfnZvQ-00105-00027863-00028140 units however there have also been some 7K721nfnZvQ-00106-00028141-00028339 individual activations to support 7K721nfnZvQ-00107-00028339-00029104 federal military operations 2001 7K721nfnZvQ-00108-00029105-00029749 topic service for much of the final 7K721nfnZvQ-00109-00029750-00029986 decades of the 20th century National 7K721nfnZvQ-00110-00029987-00030220 Guard personnel typically served one 7K721nfnZvQ-00111-00030220-00030514 weekend a month two weeks a year with a 7K721nfnZvQ-00112-00030514-00030727 small portion of each unit working for 7K721nfnZvQ-00113-00030727-00030993 the guard in a full-time capacity new 7K721nfnZvQ-00114-00030994-00031239 forces formation plans of the US Army 7K721nfnZvQ-00115-00031240-00031507 were announced in early 2007 modifying 7K721nfnZvQ-00116-00031508-00031855 the recent 2001 to 2006 National Guard 7K721nfnZvQ-00117-00031856-00032143 active duty call-up pace the new plan 7K721nfnZvQ-00118-00032144-00032326 will nominally anticipate that each 7K721nfnZvQ-00119-00032327-00032512 National Guard unit or National 7K721nfnZvQ-00120-00032513-00032701 Guardsman will serve one year of active 7K721nfnZvQ-00121-00032702-00032939 duty for every five years of service 7K721nfnZvQ-00122-00032940-00033217 Secretary of Defense Robert M Gates and 7K721nfnZvQ-00123-00033218-00033465 post a one-year limit to the length of 7K721nfnZvQ-00124-00033466-00033679 federal deployments for National Guard 7K721nfnZvQ-00125-00033680-00033979 soldiers call-ups by Louisiana 7K721nfnZvQ-00126-00033980-00034210 authorities for state emergencies are 7K721nfnZvQ-00127-00034211-00034873 not included in this policy 7K721nfnZvQ-00128-00034874-00035467 topic units and formations 7K721nfnZvQ-00129-00035468-00035761 joint force headquarters Louisiana jf 7K721nfnZvQ-00130-00035762-00036399 hqla 256th Infantry Brigade 225th 7K721nfnZvQ-00131-00036400-00036742 Engineer Brigade 205th Engineer 7K721nfnZvQ-00132-00036743-00037357 Battalion 527 Engineer Battalion 528 7K721nfnZvQ-00133-00037358-00037677 Engineer Battalion 769 Engineer 7K721nfnZvQ-00134-00037678-00038193 Battalion 61st troop command 139th 7K721nfnZvQ-00135-00038194-00038593 Regional Support Group 415 military 7K721nfnZvQ-00136-00038594-00038998 intelligence battalion linguist 165th 7K721nfnZvQ-00137-00038999-00039175 combat sustainment Support Battalion 7K721nfnZvQ-00138-00039176-00039667 pole 773 D Military Police Battalion 7K721nfnZvQ-00139-00039668-00040068 Camp Beauregard Pineville Louisiana the 7K721nfnZvQ-00140-00040069-00040318 773 D gets its numerical designation 7K721nfnZvQ-00141-00040319-00040662 from the world war ii 770 third tank 7K721nfnZvQ-00142-00040663-00041058 destroyer battalion of the same name 7K721nfnZvQ-00143-00041059-00041521 156 the Army Band 199th regiment 7K721nfnZvQ-00144-00041522-00041875 regional training institute 199th 7K721nfnZvQ-00145-00041876-00042306 support battalion state aviation command 7K721nfnZvQ-00146-00042307-00042636 204 theatres Air Field Operations Group 7K721nfnZvQ-00147-00042637-00043080 1st battalion 244th Aviation Regiment 7K721nfnZvQ-00148-00043081-00043365 2nd battalion 244th 7K721nfnZvQ-00149-00043366-00043880 Aviation Regiment 7K721nfnZvQ-00150-00043881-00044414 topic facilities 7K721nfnZvQ-00151-00044415-00044777 Camp Beauregard Pineville army aviation 7K721nfnZvQ-00152-00044778-00045017 support facility number two a tesslar 7K721nfnZvQ-00153-00045018-00045347 airfield Pineville Camp mindin site of 7K721nfnZvQ-00154-00045348-00045524 the deactivated Louisiana Army 7K721nfnZvQ-00155-00045525-00045729 Ammunition Plant the National Guard 7K721nfnZvQ-00156-00045730-00045954 headquarters is at Boland Hall named for 7K721nfnZvQ-00157-00045955-00046189 the late judge James II Bolin mind and 7K721nfnZvQ-00158-00046190-00046736 camp cook ball camp Villere Slidell army 7K721nfnZvQ-00159-00046737-00046976 aviation Support Facility number one at 7K721nfnZvQ-00160-00046977-00047132 Hammond North Shore Regional Airport 7K721nfnZvQ-00161-00047133-00047638 Hammond Gilles W long center Carville 7K721nfnZvQ-00162-00047639-00048282 Jackson barracks New Orleans 7K721nfnZvQ-00163-00048283-00048674 topic historic units 7K721nfnZvQ-00164-00048675-00048921 you 7K721nfnZvQ-00165-00048922-00049336 156th Infantry Regiment United States 7K721nfnZvQ-00166-00049337-00049708 199th Infantry Regiment United States 7K721nfnZvQ-00167-00049709-00050124 108th Cavalry Regiment United States 7K721nfnZvQ-00168-00050125-00050437 141st Field Artillery Regiment United 7K721nfnZvQ-00169-00050438-00050776 States 159th Mobile Army surgical 7K721nfnZvQ-00170-00050777-00051363 hospital deactivated 7K721nfnZvQ-00171-00051364-00051982 topic state Partnership Program 7K721nfnZvQ-00172-00051983-00052263 Louisiana has two countries in the SPP 7K721nfnZvQ-00173-00052264-00052590 state Partnership Program Belize joined 7K721nfnZvQ-00174-00052591-00052867 the SPP with Louisiana National Guard in 7K721nfnZvQ-00175-00052869-00053235 1996 in Haiti in 2011 both of these 7K721nfnZvQ-00176-00053236-00053397 nations fall under the area of 7K721nfnZvQ-00177-00053398-00054044 operations of SOUTHCOM 7K721nfnZvQ-00178-00054045-00054804 topic see also Louisiana State Guard 7K721nfnZvQ-00179-00054805-00055183 equals equals notes 7KXJfFiwhfM-00000-00000051-00001116 you 7KXJfFiwhfM-00001-00001117-00001381 what inspired me to help addresses 7KXJfFiwhfM-00002-00001382-00001567 because the Wellness Center is there a 7KXJfFiwhfM-00003-00001568-00001882 second home to me so belleza y wouldnt 7KXJfFiwhfM-00004-00001882-00002191 in etowah talaga sila weapon thing say 7KXJfFiwhfM-00005-00002192-00002493 hello can proceed on the almond I'm 7KXJfFiwhfM-00006-00002494-00002731 grateful and honor to be nominated by 7KXJfFiwhfM-00007-00002732-00002974 the Singapore Police Force the Singapore 7KXJfFiwhfM-00008-00002975-00003198 Police Force is a strategic partners in 7KXJfFiwhfM-00009-00003199-00003436 solving crime and it is important for 7KXJfFiwhfM-00010-00003436-00003592 the problem to support their 7KXJfFiwhfM-00011-00003593-00004243 investigations now I hope to make a 7KXJfFiwhfM-00012-00004244-00004498 difference and help others as sth 7KXJfFiwhfM-00013-00004499-00005110 patient ambassador I pushed a beauty to 7KXJfFiwhfM-00014-00005111-00005491 improve my skills during waters eat or 7KXJfFiwhfM-00015-00005492-00005737 to provide better life to my family it 7KXJfFiwhfM-00016-00005738-00005959 was tough to work and study at the same 7KXJfFiwhfM-00017-00005960-00006145 time but my daughter's inspiration for 7KXJfFiwhfM-00018-00006146-00006463 me to take on my daddy alessio peel jump 7KXJfFiwhfM-00019-00006464-00006695 on yet Atika was an issue with other 7KXJfFiwhfM-00020-00006697-00007078 small commercial catan balloon by the 7KXJfFiwhfM-00021-00007079-00007345 tannery booty cobras satella move on to 7KXJfFiwhfM-00022-00007345-00007669 feel is identical kids in higher being a 7KXJfFiwhfM-00023-00007670-00007939 retired nurse I want to contribute back 7KXJfFiwhfM-00024-00007940-00008299 to the society I'm happy to be given a 7KXJfFiwhfM-00025-00008300-00008813 second chance of thanks to SCH 7KXJfFiwhfM-00026-00008814-00009113 after completing the process a complete 7KXJfFiwhfM-00027-00009114-00009351 promoted me I have a company vehicle you 7KXJfFiwhfM-00028-00009352-00009663 provided input now I'm happy because I 7KXJfFiwhfM-00029-00009664-00010277 can provide better luck Michael 7KXJfFiwhfM-00030-00010278-00010775 Villas a jumper Billy Boris eco saving 7KXJfFiwhfM-00031-00010776-00011045 America stuck at any settler mubeen big 7KXJfFiwhfM-00032-00011046-00011396 new global Polanco pankaj Ellen I feel 7KXJfFiwhfM-00033-00011397-00011585 that public agencies should be 7KXJfFiwhfM-00034-00011586-00011813 transparent and show sincerity to 7KXJfFiwhfM-00035-00011814-00011996 improved when handling customer 7KXJfFiwhfM-00036-00011997-00012296 feedbacks also hope to see continued 7KXJfFiwhfM-00037-00012297-00012551 collaboration and cooperation between 7KXJfFiwhfM-00038-00012552-00012760 the project and various private agencies 7KXJfFiwhfM-00039-00012761-00013043 to make Singapore a safer place my motto 7KXJfFiwhfM-00040-00013044-00013313 do not give up hope on yourself is 7KXJfFiwhfM-00041-00013313-00013619 strong and think positive each and every 7KXJfFiwhfM-00042-00013619-00015279 day is a bonus to me 7KXJfFiwhfM-00043-00015280-00015486 you 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00000-00000024-00000199 welcome to this video on finding 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00001-00000200-00000399 financial planners and banks 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00002-00000400-00000638 in simply analytics the learning 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00003-00000639-00000774 objectives of this video 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00004-00000775-00000983 are as follows that you can find 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00005-00000984-00001174 businesses in simply analytics 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00006-00001175-00001439 using keywords and nyx codes that you 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00007-00001440-00001647 can export the contact information 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00008-00001648-00001895 into an excel spreadsheet if you start 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00009-00001896-00002030 your research at google 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00010-00002032-00002318 start by typing in humber libraries and 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00011-00002319-00002375 then 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00012-00002376-00002663 click on the link to go to the library 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00013-00002664-00002718 type 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00014-00002719-00002926 financial services and planning into the 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00015-00002927-00003055 discover search box 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00016-00003056-00003335 and press the find button in the search 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00017-00003336-00003422 results 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00018-00003423-00003638 click the link to financial planning and 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00019-00003639-00003831 services by caleb domsey 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00020-00003832-00003990 the links to the databases in this 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00021-00003992-00004206 research guide have special code in them 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00022-00004207-00004383 that authenticates you as a humber 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00023-00004384-00004470 student 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00024-00004471-00004670 these databases require a paid 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00025-00004671-00004895 subscription and can only be accessed by 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00026-00004896-00005031 these special links 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00027-00005032-00005375 click on the link to simply analytics 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00028-00005376-00005679 click the sign in as guest option 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00029-00005680-00005983 then press the sign in button to skip 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00030-00005984-00006063 the tour 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00031-00006064-00006359 click the x start with the location in 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00032-00006360-00006478 which you would like to look for 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00033-00006479-00006575 businesses 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00034-00006576-00006878 for example type in brampton then click 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00035-00006879-00006998 the location from the 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00036-00007000-00007287 suggested options then press the next 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00037-00007288-00007398 button 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00038-00007400-00007614 some default data variables are 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00039-00007615-00007734 suggested 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00040-00007736-00007951 there is no need to change them so press 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00041-00007952-00008278 the create project button 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00042-00008279-00008487 to search for businesses click on the 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00043-00008488-00008710 businesses icon 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00044-00008711-00008942 in the search box enter a keyword for 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00045-00008943-00009078 the type of business 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00046-00009079-00009406 for example financial planner the search 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00047-00009407-00009623 results are shown on the map using small 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00048-00009624-00009703 circles 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00049-00009704-00009983 zoom in to take a closer look click on 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00050-00009984-00010071 an orange circle 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00051-00010072-00010231 to see the business information 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00052-00010232-00010510 associated with that location 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00053-00010511-00010735 to see a list of all the businesses 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00054-00010736-00010935 change to the businesses view by 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00055-00010936-00011063 clicking on 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00056-00011064-00011359 businesses from the view menu my keyword 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00057-00011360-00011406 search 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00058-00011407-00011655 only generated a list of td financial 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00059-00011656-00011719 planners 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00060-00011720-00011919 but i know there are more businesses out 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00061-00011920-00012167 there so now i'm going to use the 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00062-00012168-00012238 advanced 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00063-00012239-00012542 search to search by nick's code nics 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00064-00012543-00012719 is an acronym that stands for north 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00065-00012720-00012871 american industrial 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00066-00012872-00013183 classification system businesses are 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00067-00013184-00013383 categorized by nick's code 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00068-00013384-00013575 so we can use the code to find all 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00069-00013576-00013855 businesses of a certain type 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00070-00013856-00014047 go back to google and search for 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00071-00014047-00014286 financial planner makes 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00072-00014287-00014679 the next code is 523930 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00073-00014680-00014903 the business category is investment 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00074-00014904-00015038 advice 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00075-00015040-00015350 back at simply analytics click on the 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00076-00015351-00015750 use advanced search from the search menu 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00077-00015751-00015950 change the first drop-down menu option 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00078-00015951-00016079 to nax 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00079-00016080-00016271 and then type the code into the empty 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00080-00016272-00016415 box 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00081-00016416-00016639 then press the search button the same 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00082-00016640-00016815 search can be done for banking 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00083-00016816-00017115 the next code for commercial banking is 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00084-00017116-00017294 522-110 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00085-00017295-00017455 use the advanced search to enter the 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00086-00017456-00017599 code 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00087-00017600-00017767 to save the list of businesses to your 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00088-00017768-00018079 computer press the export button 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00089-00018080-00018279 the default options will save an excel 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00090-00018280-00018447 file to your computer 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00091-00018448-00018686 press the export button and then press 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00092-00018687-00018863 save 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00093-00018864-00019030 when finished sign out of simply 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00094-00019031-00019239 analytics by clicking on guest 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00095-00019240-00019422 and then clicking sign out thanks for 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00096-00019423-00019607 watching this video on finding financial 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00097-00019608-00019727 planners and banks 7Mq-qa6Nxek-00098-00019728-00020048 in simply analytics 7MIN26BfNhu-00000-00000450-00001410 foreign 7MIN26BfNhu-00001-00001411-00002179 [Music] 7MIN26BfNhu-00002-00002180-00002539 memories are all surrounding Aviation 7MIN26BfNhu-00003-00002540-00002747 quite literally my first memory is 7MIN26BfNhu-00004-00002748-00002945 burning my hand on the nose of an F-18 7MIN26BfNhu-00005-00002946-00003233 Hornet after an air show a show that my 7MIN26BfNhu-00006-00003234-00003395 dad had just been a part of he was a 7MIN26BfNhu-00007-00003396-00003563 Blue Angel for two years and I was super 7MIN26BfNhu-00008-00003564-00003797 super young so just like navy base is 7MIN26BfNhu-00009-00003797-00003947 the smell of jet fuel like that whole 7MIN26BfNhu-00010-00003947-00004127 world are like all tied to my earliest 7MIN26BfNhu-00011-00004128-00004367 memories so stepping into devotion has 7MIN26BfNhu-00012-00004368-00004517 been kind of funny because it's kind of 7MIN26BfNhu-00013-00004518-00004793 taken me back into those places uh all 7MIN26BfNhu-00014-00004794-00004967 over again 7MIN26BfNhu-00015-00004968-00005143 camera 7MIN26BfNhu-00016-00005144-00005375 and action 7MIN26BfNhu-00017-00005376-00005651 when I heard about JD I I got a call and 7MIN26BfNhu-00018-00005652-00005885 they said we found our director and so 7MIN26BfNhu-00019-00005886-00006070 you're kind of on pins and needles who 7MIN26BfNhu-00020-00006071-00006245 is it who is it who is it they told me 7MIN26BfNhu-00021-00006246-00006460 about who JD is he's this young man he's 7MIN26BfNhu-00022-00006461-00006659 got great vision and then they said his 7MIN26BfNhu-00023-00006659-00006941 father was a Blue Angel angels pilot 7MIN26BfNhu-00024-00006942-00007169 and I I felt like 7MIN26BfNhu-00025-00007170-00007331 I don't know this just this weight 7MIN26BfNhu-00026-00007331-00007655 lifted because to do this movie you have 7MIN26BfNhu-00027-00007656-00007889 to have lived this story you can't take 7MIN26BfNhu-00028-00007890-00008231 a crash course in Naval Aviation in six 7MIN26BfNhu-00029-00008232-00008435 months or even by reading my book and 7MIN26BfNhu-00030-00008436-00008657 know how to make a movie this big 7MIN26BfNhu-00031-00008658-00008951 JD grew up on these bases with his 7MIN26BfNhu-00032-00008952-00009155 father he grew up talking to his dad 7MIN26BfNhu-00033-00009156-00009364 late nights at the kitchen table he 7MIN26BfNhu-00034-00009365-00009521 knows the lingo he knows the world he 7MIN26BfNhu-00035-00009522-00009796 knows the culture he knows the ethos and 7MIN26BfNhu-00036-00009797-00010006 so there's no better director on the 7MIN26BfNhu-00037-00010007-00010345 planet than that young man 7MIN26BfNhu-00038-00010346-00010660 when I first read the script I kind of 7MIN26BfNhu-00039-00010661-00010919 cried my way through reading it which is 7MIN26BfNhu-00040-00010920-00011242 um I have to say incredibly rare so it 7MIN26BfNhu-00041-00011243-00011519 wasn't just because Jesse and Tom's 7MIN26BfNhu-00042-00011520-00011813 story was so remarkable which it it is 7MIN26BfNhu-00043-00011814-00011987 on its own 7MIN26BfNhu-00044-00011988-00012155 um but then also I saw so much 7MIN26BfNhu-00045-00012156-00012383 commonality between Jessie and my dad 7MIN26BfNhu-00046-00012384-00012617 who himself was a Naval aviator 30 years 7MIN26BfNhu-00047-00012618-00012905 after Jesse so sort of at the heart of 7MIN26BfNhu-00048-00012906-00013157 making this movie you know it's been not 7MIN26BfNhu-00049-00013158-00013366 just an opportunity to sort of celebrate 7MIN26BfNhu-00050-00013368-00013697 who Jesse and Tom were but also kind of 7MIN26BfNhu-00051-00013697-00013883 get to tell my dad's story and you know 7MIN26BfNhu-00052-00013884-00014111 look as a filmmaker you always look for 7MIN26BfNhu-00053-00014112-00014285 that personal connection 7MIN26BfNhu-00054-00014286-00014447 um and I'm just really lucky that the 7MIN26BfNhu-00055-00014447-00014845 one on devotion is just so intense 7MWosJJ1wz0-00000-00000000-00000191 hello patriots this is patriot commander 7MWosJJ1wz0-00001-00000192-00000399 coming at you deep inside patriot hq 7MWosJJ1wz0-00002-00000400-00000543 with an update about something very 7MWosJJ1wz0-00003-00000544-00000663 important that happened in hollywood 7MWosJJ1wz0-00004-00000664-00000839 last night at the academy awards now i 7MWosJJ1wz0-00005-00000840-00000975 know what you're thinking absolutely 7MWosJJ1wz0-00006-00000976-00001119 nothing important happened last night in 7MWosJJ1wz0-00007-00001120-00001278 hollywood at the academy awards but 7MWosJJ1wz0-00008-00001279-00001487 that's not necessarily true there was an 7MWosJJ1wz0-00009-00001488-00001663 incident involving will smith and chris 7MWosJJ1wz0-00010-00001664-00001895 rock during the ceremony will smith got 7MWosJJ1wz0-00011-00001896-00002063 up went on stage and slapped the 7MWosJJ1wz0-00012-00002064-00002247 you-know-what out of chris rock because 7MWosJJ1wz0-00013-00002248-00002399 he didn't like a joke he told about his 7MWosJJ1wz0-00014-00002400-00002518 wife 7MWosJJ1wz0-00015-00002519-00002742 oh wow 7MWosJJ1wz0-00016-00002743-00003015 wow 7MWosJJ1wz0-00017-00003016-00003206 will smith just smack the out of me 7MWosJJ1wz0-00018-00003207-00003383 he made a quip about his wife being bald 7MWosJJ1wz0-00019-00003384-00003519 and will smith was upset because 7MWosJJ1wz0-00020-00003520-00003686 apparently jada pinkett smith suffers 7MWosJJ1wz0-00021-00003688-00003919 from alopecia and can't help it hey look 7MWosJJ1wz0-00022-00003920-00004070 i'm not this way by choice either but i 7MWosJJ1wz0-00023-00004071-00004215 don't go around slapping everybody who 7MWosJJ1wz0-00024-00004216-00004463 calls me cue ball or stupid 7MWosJJ1wz0-00025-00004464-00004583 this whole incident while it seems 7MWosJJ1wz0-00026-00004584-00004775 trivial and childish and maybe even like 7MWosJJ1wz0-00027-00004776-00004991 a publicity stunt is very important for 7MWosJJ1wz0-00028-00004992-00005206 the upcoming elections here in 2022 and 7MWosJJ1wz0-00029-00005207-00005422 2024. first of all if this was a stunt 7MWosJJ1wz0-00030-00005423-00005622 if it was fake if it was not real it 7MWosJJ1wz0-00031-00005623-00005815 just goes to show how far the left will 7MWosJJ1wz0-00032-00005816-00005975 go to create a narrative to get you to 7MWosJJ1wz0-00033-00005976-00006183 believe something for ratings it just 7MWosJJ1wz0-00034-00006184-00006406 goes to show how far they will go when 7MWosJJ1wz0-00035-00006408-00006663 it comes to creating news or events so 7MWosJJ1wz0-00036-00006664-00006839 that you'll click on their link or watch 7MWosJJ1wz0-00037-00006840-00007087 their show or get them the exposure that 7MWosJJ1wz0-00038-00007088-00007263 they want they are trying to convince 7MWosJJ1wz0-00039-00007264-00007470 you of something that's not real if this 7MWosJJ1wz0-00040-00007472-00007598 is fake and this whole thing was 7MWosJJ1wz0-00041-00007600-00007839 fabricated it's being put off as real 7MWosJJ1wz0-00042-00007840-00008087 news it's being publicized as an actual 7MWosJJ1wz0-00043-00008088-00008287 altercation during a live event you need 7MWosJJ1wz0-00044-00008288-00008431 to realize that going into an election 7MWosJJ1wz0-00045-00008432-00008631 season the fake news media seems to be 7MWosJJ1wz0-00046-00008632-00008799 ramping up their ability and honing 7MWosJJ1wz0-00047-00008800-00008991 their craft when it comes to creating 7MWosJJ1wz0-00048-00008992-00009206 propaganda now if this was real if will 7MWosJJ1wz0-00049-00009207-00009439 smith actually hit chris rock within in 7MWosJJ1wz0-00050-00009440-00009591 an attempt to teach him a lesson because 7MWosJJ1wz0-00051-00009592-00009735 he was offended by the comments he made 7MWosJJ1wz0-00052-00009736-00009846 about his wife 7MWosJJ1wz0-00053-00009847-00010110 oh wow then the hypocrisy of these 7MWosJJ1wz0-00054-00010111-00010383 hollywood elitists is on full display 7MWosJJ1wz0-00055-00010384-00010559 this is cancel culture at its finest 7MWosJJ1wz0-00056-00010560-00010719 this is the woke folk turning on each 7MWosJJ1wz0-00057-00010720-00010895 other chris rock's freedom of speech was 7MWosJJ1wz0-00058-00010896-00011135 under attack literally by will smith 7MWosJJ1wz0-00059-00011136-00011295 will smith didn't like what chris rock 7MWosJJ1wz0-00060-00011296-00011446 was saying and he retaliated 7MWosJJ1wz0-00061-00011447-00011638 not with his own words not with his own 7MWosJJ1wz0-00062-00011639-00011855 thoughts not with a healthy debate but 7MWosJJ1wz0-00063-00011856-00012046 with violence will smith has worked 7MWosJJ1wz0-00064-00012047-00012231 constantly with inner city youth to get 7MWosJJ1wz0-00065-00012232-00012391 them to move away from violence and 7MWosJJ1wz0-00066-00012392-00012631 gangs and invest in their art letting 7MWosJJ1wz0-00067-00012632-00012767 them know that their skills and their 7MWosJJ1wz0-00068-00012768-00012919 interests and their talents can set them 7MWosJJ1wz0-00069-00012919-00013102 free and now here he is on the biggest 7MWosJJ1wz0-00070-00013103-00013247 stage about to get the biggest award of 7MWosJJ1wz0-00071-00013247-00013511 his life and he is punching somebody in 7MWosJJ1wz0-00072-00013512-00013703 the face because he didn't like what he 7MWosJJ1wz0-00073-00013704-00013958 said kind of a mixed message do what i 7MWosJJ1wz0-00074-00013959-00014207 say not what i do that's the message 7MWosJJ1wz0-00075-00014208-00014415 that we usually get from the hollywood 7MWosJJ1wz0-00076-00014416-00014638 elite and the mass media also and this 7MWosJJ1wz0-00077-00014640-00014822 is very important as this event was 7MWosJJ1wz0-00078-00014823-00014958 unfolding the first thing i thought to 7MWosJJ1wz0-00079-00014959-00015166 myself is how are they gonna blame this 7MWosJJ1wz0-00080-00015168-00015447 one on donald trump well at cnn they 7MWosJJ1wz0-00081-00015447-00015622 were thinking how are we gonna blame 7MWosJJ1wz0-00082-00015623-00015815 this one on donald trump and the answer 7MWosJJ1wz0-00083-00015816-00016055 came pretty quickly from asha rangapa 7MWosJJ1wz0-00084-00016056-00016279 who tweeted the following so did like 7MWosJJ1wz0-00085-00016280-00016519 anyone walk out after that happened or 7MWosJJ1wz0-00086-00016520-00016655 are we getting an independent 7MWosJJ1wz0-00087-00016656-00016855 psychological case study on how trump 7MWosJJ1wz0-00088-00016856-00017086 got normalized this cnn reporter is 7MWosJJ1wz0-00089-00017087-00017263 alleging that donald trump normalized 7MWosJJ1wz0-00090-00017264-00017447 hatred and violence to the point where 7MWosJJ1wz0-00091-00017448-00017679 this is just totally okay and nobody 7MWosJJ1wz0-00092-00017680-00017886 walks out because they come to expect it 7MWosJJ1wz0-00093-00017887-00018055 they're gonna continue to battle donald 7MWosJJ1wz0-00094-00018056-00018239 trump because they know he's going to 7MWosJJ1wz0-00095-00018240-00018455 come back and fight for his second term 7MWosJJ1wz0-00096-00018456-00018727 in office in 2024. you've got to fight 7MWosJJ1wz0-00097-00018728-00018911 too you've got to pay attention you've 7MWosJJ1wz0-00098-00018912-00019014 got to learn what they're doing you've 7MWosJJ1wz0-00099-00019015-00019239 got to make sure that you are regularly 7MWosJJ1wz0-00100-00019240-00019455 watching the media regularly watching 7MWosJJ1wz0-00101-00019456-00019630 the left and making sure that if they're 7MWosJJ1wz0-00102-00019631-00019799 spreading fake news propaganda or 7MWosJJ1wz0-00103-00019800-00020022 misinformation you know exactly what it 7MWosJJ1wz0-00104-00020023-00020247 is and you don't fall for it best thing 7MWosJJ1wz0-00105-00020248-00020407 to do make sure you're subscribed to 7MWosJJ1wz0-00106-00020408-00020535 this channel and keep watching these 7MWosJJ1wz0-00107-00020536-00020814 videos every single day because together 7MWosJJ1wz0-00108-00020815-00021055 we are going to save the republic and 7MWosJJ1wz0-00109-00021056-00021333 have fun doing it 7MWosJJ1wz0-00110-00021334-00022505 [Music] 7NklJ2azTko-00000-00000064-00000311 this video is to show you how to prepare 7NklJ2azTko-00001-00000312-00000407 your model 7NklJ2azTko-00002-00000408-00000647 um for 3d printing or to be more exact 7NklJ2azTko-00003-00000648-00000854 to be aware of some of the flaws or some 7NklJ2azTko-00004-00000855-00000983 of the areas you can make 7NklJ2azTko-00005-00000984-00001215 that will result in your 3d printing not 7NklJ2azTko-00006-00001216-00001311 working 7NklJ2azTko-00007-00001312-00001470 now the first one again this little 7NklJ2azTko-00008-00001471-00001702 model here for a 3d printer to work it 7NklJ2azTko-00009-00001703-00001967 prints layer by layer by layer by layer 7NklJ2azTko-00010-00001968-00002095 so you have to think of it 7NklJ2azTko-00011-00002096-00002247 starting on the bottom and just doing 7NklJ2azTko-00012-00002248-00002455 small layers all the way up 7NklJ2azTko-00013-00002456-00002575 so there's some things we need to be 7NklJ2azTko-00014-00002576-00002758 aware of the first one is our little 7NklJ2azTko-00015-00002759-00002926 triangle over here the green 7NklJ2azTko-00016-00002927-00003183 this is what we call an overhang in 3d 7NklJ2azTko-00017-00003184-00003295 printing 7NklJ2azTko-00018-00003296-00003527 it means that there's actually more than 7NklJ2azTko-00019-00003528-00003670 45 degrees 7NklJ2azTko-00020-00003671-00003886 so it means that when you print it you 7NklJ2azTko-00021-00003887-00004047 have to put supports underneath because 7NklJ2azTko-00022-00004047-00004247 if it's when it's printing up here 7NklJ2azTko-00023-00004248-00004422 it's printing onto nothing the printer 7NklJ2azTko-00024-00004423-00004583 is actually under thin air and it can't 7NklJ2azTko-00025-00004584-00004647 print a 7NklJ2azTko-00026-00004648-00004975 thin air so most of your 3d programs 3d 7NklJ2azTko-00027-00004976-00005191 printing programs will actually have 7NklJ2azTko-00028-00005192-00005454 capacities to put supports in that 7NklJ2azTko-00029-00005455-00005638 allows the printer to print these kind 7NklJ2azTko-00030-00005639-00005751 of overhangs 7NklJ2azTko-00031-00005752-00006102 now if your overhang this here if this 7NklJ2azTko-00032-00006103-00006431 is uh the angle from there to here 7NklJ2azTko-00033-00006431-00006759 is less 45 degrees or less our printers 7NklJ2azTko-00034-00006759-00006895 can generally do that 7NklJ2azTko-00035-00006895-00007127 how you could do that is by this is 20 7NklJ2azTko-00036-00007128-00007198 mils this way 7NklJ2azTko-00037-00007200-00007503 so if i make that height also 7NklJ2azTko-00038-00007504-00007878 20 mils oh 7NklJ2azTko-00039-00007879-00008191 only 10 or 120 there we go 7NklJ2azTko-00040-00008192-00008495 and then if i move him down 7NklJ2azTko-00041-00008496-00008878 if i move him down so he's on the same 7NklJ2azTko-00042-00008879-00009223 part as 7NklJ2azTko-00043-00009224-00009839 our 7NklJ2azTko-00044-00009840-00010151 cube so i hold that and the cube and 7NklJ2azTko-00045-00010152-00010414 i'll use alignment to have the centers 7NklJ2azTko-00046-00010415-00010799 aligned 7NklJ2azTko-00047-00010800-00011095 i have a match in there so now this here 7NklJ2azTko-00048-00011096-00011278 is actually 45 degrees so that angle 7NklJ2azTko-00049-00011279-00011623 between here and here is 45 degrees 7NklJ2azTko-00050-00011624-00011855 um or actually between here and here is 7NklJ2azTko-00051-00011856-00012070 45 degrees if it's 45 degrees or 7NklJ2azTko-00052-00012071-00012238 less then the printer will have no 7NklJ2azTko-00053-00012239-00012423 hassle in printing that that's why with 7NklJ2azTko-00054-00012424-00012542 a circle 7NklJ2azTko-00055-00012543-00012735 because even though this is kind of more 7NklJ2azTko-00056-00012736-00012910 each little layer 7NklJ2azTko-00057-00012911-00013135 um is still putting on the other layer 7NklJ2azTko-00058-00013136-00013319 so our printers should be able to print 7NklJ2azTko-00059-00013319-00013503 pure circles it's just that the overhang 7NklJ2azTko-00060-00013504-00013622 is more than that 7NklJ2azTko-00061-00013623-00013799 more than 45 degrees that causes a 7NklJ2azTko-00062-00013800-00013975 problem now another one problem we've 7NklJ2azTko-00063-00013976-00014111 got is over here 7NklJ2azTko-00064-00014112-00014247 you have to be really careful before you 7NklJ2azTko-00065-00014247-00014494 put your model out to be 7NklJ2azTko-00066-00014495-00014711 printed to make sure that you've got no 7NklJ2azTko-00067-00014712-00014822 gaps 7NklJ2azTko-00068-00014823-00014991 because if you look here though it looks 7NklJ2azTko-00069-00014991-00015143 like it was together 7NklJ2azTko-00070-00015144-00015279 we zoom in because there's actually a 7NklJ2azTko-00071-00015280-00015471 gap between these two components 7NklJ2azTko-00072-00015472-00015566 and that means they're going to print 7NklJ2azTko-00073-00015568-00015830 separate and full to pieces 7NklJ2azTko-00074-00015831-00015991 so what we actually need to do is to 7NklJ2azTko-00075-00015991-00016103 make sure you've got that gap so you 7NklJ2azTko-00076-00016104-00016255 need to have a good look around 7NklJ2azTko-00077-00016256-00016415 i'm going to move this one in so it no 7NklJ2azTko-00078-00016416-00016615 longer has a gap i can zoom in and go 7NklJ2azTko-00079-00016616-00016791 over it and see that there is no gap 7NklJ2azTko-00080-00016792-00016847 there 7NklJ2azTko-00081-00016848-00017047 so that's all good now the last one is 7NklJ2azTko-00082-00017048-00017158 this 7NklJ2azTko-00083-00017159-00017422 is our little cone on the top up here 7NklJ2azTko-00084-00017423-00017550 now the problem is 7NklJ2azTko-00085-00017551-00017758 that entire cone is going to be standing 7NklJ2azTko-00086-00017759-00017958 on one little dot 7NklJ2azTko-00087-00017959-00018335 one little micro now the printers print 7NklJ2azTko-00088-00018336-00018399 at about 7NklJ2azTko-00089-00018400-00018639 two mils wide so the entire weight of 7NklJ2azTko-00090-00018640-00018767 this is going to be hanging over two 7NklJ2azTko-00091-00018768-00018943 mils and it just doesn't work it won't 7NklJ2azTko-00092-00018944-00019039 stand up 7NklJ2azTko-00093-00019040-00019158 so what you need to do is make sure 7NklJ2azTko-00094-00019159-00019383 there's actually overlap in places like 7NklJ2azTko-00095-00019384-00019414 this 7NklJ2azTko-00096-00019415-00019767 to provide support for your um 7NklJ2azTko-00097-00019768-00019975 for your object not to fall over so i'm 7NklJ2azTko-00098-00019976-00020247 going to take this and move him down 7NklJ2azTko-00099-00020248-00020767 and so normally that should be okay 7NklJ2azTko-00100-00020768-00020950 that kind of situation there will 7NklJ2azTko-00101-00020951-00021158 actually work because it's got a good 7NklJ2azTko-00102-00021159-00021311 basis to print on 7NklJ2azTko-00103-00021312-00021567 now again because this angle between 7NklJ2azTko-00104-00021568-00021830 here and vertical is not less than 45 7NklJ2azTko-00105-00021831-00021967 you have to worry about supports it 7NklJ2azTko-00106-00021968-00022150 should work fine so there's just things 7NklJ2azTko-00107-00022151-00022335 some things to be aware of 7NklJ2azTko-00108-00022336-00022535 before you actually export your object 7NklJ2azTko-00109-00022536-00022639 for printing 7NklJ2azTko-00110-00022640-00022903 to ensure that your printed object 7NklJ2azTko-00111-00022904-00023086 actually works out as opposed to just 7NklJ2azTko-00112-00023087-00023167 becoming 7NklJ2azTko-00113-00023168-00023720 a big ball of spaghetti there you go 7NIOLr-4iUM-00000-00000079-00000238 let's talk about naming covalent 7NIOLr-4iUM-00001-00000239-00000430 compounds get out your science notebook 7NIOLr-4iUM-00002-00000431-00000678 here's the essential question how do we 7NIOLr-4iUM-00003-00000679-00000911 write the name and chemical formula for 7NIOLr-4iUM-00004-00000911-00001239 covalent compounds 7NIOLr-4iUM-00005-00001240-00001391 let's go back and remind ourselves a 7NIOLr-4iUM-00006-00001392-00001574 little bit about ionic 7NIOLr-4iUM-00007-00001575-00001759 and compounds and let's relate them to 7NIOLr-4iUM-00008-00001760-00001967 covalent compounds you might remember 7NIOLr-4iUM-00009-00001968-00002142 that ionic compounds are typically 7NIOLr-4iUM-00010-00002143-00002399 between a metal and a non-metal and we 7NIOLr-4iUM-00011-00002400-00002623 use their predictable charges in order 7NIOLr-4iUM-00012-00002624-00002815 to write their formulas once their 7NIOLr-4iUM-00013-00002816-00003015 formulas are written we can name them 7NIOLr-4iUM-00014-00003016-00003199 typically the metal first here are 7NIOLr-4iUM-00015-00003200-00003415 examples of magnesium followed by the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00016-00003415-00003727 non-metal named chloride 7NIOLr-4iUM-00017-00003728-00003959 now covalent compounds work a little bit 7NIOLr-4iUM-00018-00003960-00004215 differently here are two examples of 7NIOLr-4iUM-00019-00004216-00004383 covalent compounds you're probably 7NIOLr-4iUM-00020-00004384-00004631 familiar with the first one co2 is 7NIOLr-4iUM-00021-00004632-00004895 carbon dioxide and the second second one 7NIOLr-4iUM-00022-00004896-00005151 co is carbon monoxide 7NIOLr-4iUM-00023-00005152-00005406 now notice between the two ionic 7NIOLr-4iUM-00024-00005407-00005663 compounds are pretty predictable their 7NIOLr-4iUM-00025-00005664-00005902 charge determines a very specific 7NIOLr-4iUM-00026-00005903-00006111 chemical formula and their names are 7NIOLr-4iUM-00027-00006112-00006270 very straightforward 7NIOLr-4iUM-00028-00006271-00006478 covalent compounds on the other hand if 7NIOLr-4iUM-00029-00006479-00006663 you notice have many possible 7NIOLr-4iUM-00030-00006664-00006983 combinations of those same two elements 7NIOLr-4iUM-00031-00006984-00007263 so how do we name them well here's the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00032-00007264-00007495 general covalent compound names and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00033-00007495-00007639 formula rule 7NIOLr-4iUM-00034-00007640-00007823 we're going to start with a prefix and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00035-00007823-00008078 then list the first element which is 7NIOLr-4iUM-00036-00008079-00008239 typically the one that's least 7NIOLr-4iUM-00037-00008240-00008463 electronegative on the periodic table or 7NIOLr-4iUM-00038-00008464-00008751 the ones more towards the left-hand side 7NIOLr-4iUM-00039-00008752-00008919 then we're going to use a prefix for the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00040-00008920-00009167 second element name that element and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00041-00009168-00009359 just like ionic compounds name it and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00042-00009360-00009567 end in an ide now this is probably going 7NIOLr-4iUM-00043-00009568-00009710 to be very confusing if this is the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00044-00009711-00009871 first time you're ever hearing this so 7NIOLr-4iUM-00045-00009872-00010023 just bear with me we'll see some 7NIOLr-4iUM-00046-00010024-00010167 examples and it will make a lot more 7NIOLr-4iUM-00047-00010168-00010446 sense let's start with those prefix the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00048-00010447-00010719 prefix just represent the number of each 7NIOLr-4iUM-00049-00010720-00010991 element in the covalent compound here's 7NIOLr-4iUM-00050-00010992-00011246 a list that's found on the back of your 7NIOLr-4iUM-00051-00011247-00011567 periodic table mono typically means one 7NIOLr-4iUM-00052-00011568-00011751 like think of like a monocle or a single 7NIOLr-4iUM-00053-00011752-00012023 eyepiece die like to divide something 7NIOLr-4iUM-00054-00012024-00012214 into two it means two 7NIOLr-4iUM-00055-00012215-00012478 try like a tricycle or a triforce is 7NIOLr-4iUM-00056-00012479-00012567 three 7NIOLr-4iUM-00057-00012568-00012735 if you ever played tetris you might 7NIOLr-4iUM-00058-00012736-00012919 recognize that all the pieces in tetris 7NIOLr-4iUM-00059-00012919-00013127 are made out of four little squares and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00060-00013128-00013303 then the rest of them might seem vaguely 7NIOLr-4iUM-00061-00013304-00013471 familiar from math class when you deal 7NIOLr-4iUM-00062-00013472-00013655 with different types of polygons like a 7NIOLr-4iUM-00063-00013656-00014030 pentagon a hexagon maybe even an octagon 7NIOLr-4iUM-00064-00014031-00014286 all right going down this list 7NIOLr-4iUM-00065-00014287-00014558 we're gonna use these as the prefix in 7NIOLr-4iUM-00066-00014559-00014847 the names so let's go ahead and see if 7NIOLr-4iUM-00067-00014847-00015103 we can practice this and see if you can 7NIOLr-4iUM-00068-00015104-00015311 understand it by applying it to various 7NIOLr-4iUM-00069-00015312-00015527 covalent compounds so let's determine 7NIOLr-4iUM-00070-00015528-00015703 the name and formula for each of these 7NIOLr-4iUM-00071-00015704-00015919 provided covalent compounds let's start 7NIOLr-4iUM-00072-00015919-00016166 with the first one so3 7NIOLr-4iUM-00073-00016168-00016383 all you need to do is name the elements 7NIOLr-4iUM-00074-00016384-00016615 in order with the prefix to determine 7NIOLr-4iUM-00075-00016616-00016735 the amount 7NIOLr-4iUM-00076-00016736-00017143 the first one is sulfur trioxide notice 7NIOLr-4iUM-00077-00017144-00017399 that we did not use mono for the first 7NIOLr-4iUM-00078-00017400-00017639 element that's typically not what we do 7NIOLr-4iUM-00079-00017640-00017903 we we sometimes never use mono at all 7NIOLr-4iUM-00080-00017904-00018055 but we never use it for the first 7NIOLr-4iUM-00081-00018056-00018263 element only for the second one so this 7NIOLr-4iUM-00082-00018264-00018535 one's called sulfur trioxide 7NIOLr-4iUM-00083-00018536-00018839 one sulfur and three oxygens how about 7NIOLr-4iUM-00084-00018840-00019022 ccl4 do you think you can figure this 7NIOLr-4iUM-00085-00019023-00019150 one out 7NIOLr-4iUM-00086-00019151-00019350 well this one's name is carbon 7NIOLr-4iUM-00087-00019351-00019719 tetrachloride again one carbon and four 7NIOLr-4iUM-00088-00019720-00019879 chlorines 7NIOLr-4iUM-00089-00019880-00020003 the next one 7NIOLr-4iUM-00090-00020004-00020335 n2o9 is dinitrogen 7NIOLr-4iUM-00091-00020336-00020599 ninoxide a little bit of a mouthful but 7NIOLr-4iUM-00092-00020600-00020863 that's how you say that monoxide so two 7NIOLr-4iUM-00093-00020864-00021078 nitrogens dinitrogen 7NIOLr-4iUM-00094-00021079-00021455 nine oxygens nano oxide 7NIOLr-4iUM-00095-00021456-00021671 all right i would pause this video right 7NIOLr-4iUM-00096-00021672-00021799 now and see if you can write the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00097-00021800-00022143 formulas for these last three 7NIOLr-4iUM-00098-00022144-00022391 did you try it yourself i hope so let's 7NIOLr-4iUM-00099-00022392-00022543 see if we can write the formulas for 7NIOLr-4iUM-00100-00022544-00022703 these last three 7NIOLr-4iUM-00101-00022704-00022958 nitrogen trichloride well i see there's 7NIOLr-4iUM-00102-00022959-00023278 just one nitrogen and tri means three so 7NIOLr-4iUM-00103-00023279-00023494 that's three chlorines 7NIOLr-4iUM-00104-00023495-00023807 all right nitrogen oxide so nitrogen 7NIOLr-4iUM-00105-00023808-00023999 oxide looks like it's just one nitrogen 7NIOLr-4iUM-00106-00024000-00024271 and one oxygen by the way this one could 7NIOLr-4iUM-00107-00024272-00024614 also be named nitrogen monoxide and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00108-00024615-00024871 that's perfectly fine too but sometimes 7NIOLr-4iUM-00109-00024872-00025078 we don't use mono either for the never 7NIOLr-4iUM-00110-00025079-00025255 for the first and sometimes not for the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00111-00025256-00025358 second 7NIOLr-4iUM-00112-00025359-00025486 all right the last one's a little bit 7NIOLr-4iUM-00113-00025487-00025639 challenging did you figure it out 7NIOLr-4iUM-00114-00025639-00025974 tetra-arsenic deck oxide that is four 7NIOLr-4iUM-00115-00025975-00026246 arsenics and ten oxygens 7NIOLr-4iUM-00116-00026247-00026439 and that's naming naming and writing the 7NIOLr-4iUM-00117-00026439-00026679 covalent compound formulas are generally 7NIOLr-4iUM-00118-00026680-00027079 pretty easy if you know the prefix 7NIOLr-4iUM-00119-00027080-00027279 now i said covalent compounds are 7NIOLr-4iUM-00120-00027280-00027495 generally pretty easy but that's mostly 7NIOLr-4iUM-00121-00027495-00027814 for those binary simple non-metal 7NIOLr-4iUM-00122-00027816-00028055 elements there are a bunch of covalent 7NIOLr-4iUM-00123-00028056-00028295 compounds that are specialized let's 7NIOLr-4iUM-00124-00028295-00028511 start with ones that i dub the ones with 7NIOLr-4iUM-00125-00028512-00028735 street names these are covalent 7NIOLr-4iUM-00126-00028736-00028990 compounds that just have had names that 7NIOLr-4iUM-00127-00028991-00029343 we've named them forever for example h2o 7NIOLr-4iUM-00128-00029344-00029607 we typically call water that stems from 7NIOLr-4iUM-00129-00029608-00029823 an old english or proto-germanic word 7NIOLr-4iUM-00130-00029824-00030127 that means wet so we've been calling h2o 7NIOLr-4iUM-00131-00030127-00030390 water forever sure we can also call it 7NIOLr-4iUM-00132-00030391-00030655 dihydrogen monoxide but we just call it 7NIOLr-4iUM-00133-00030656-00030783 water 7NIOLr-4iUM-00134-00030783-00031158 the next one is ammonia ammonia actually 7NIOLr-4iUM-00135-00031160-00031462 the name stems from the god amun an 7NIOLr-4iUM-00136-00031463-00031774 ancient egyptian god because they used 7NIOLr-4iUM-00137-00031775-00031974 this chemical when they did ancient 7NIOLr-4iUM-00138-00031975-00032287 egyptian rites honoring that god 7NIOLr-4iUM-00139-00032288-00032423 the last two might seem a little 7NIOLr-4iUM-00140-00032424-00032662 familiar we actually saw them 7NIOLr-4iUM-00141-00032663-00032879 in when we were doing ionic compounds 7NIOLr-4iUM-00142-00032880-00033135 these are polyatomic ions that have a 7NIOLr-4iUM-00143-00033136-00033374 specific charge they're kind of 7NIOLr-4iUM-00144-00033375-00033551 weird covalent compounds that have a 7NIOLr-4iUM-00145-00033552-00033695 charge that we can use in ionic 7NIOLr-4iUM-00146-00033696-00033902 compounds but they are covalent 7NIOLr-4iUM-00147-00033903-00034087 compounds in them in themselves because 7NIOLr-4iUM-00148-00034088-00034359 they're only made of nonmetal elements 7NIOLr-4iUM-00149-00034360-00034623 carbonate or co3 with a minus two charge 7NIOLr-4iUM-00150-00034624-00034935 is named such because old chemists 7NIOLr-4iUM-00151-00034936-00035239 called it that because it was some thing 7NIOLr-4iUM-00152-00035240-00035471 related to carbonic acid it was a salt 7NIOLr-4iUM-00153-00035472-00035639 of carbonic acid 7NIOLr-4iUM-00154-00035640-00035862 similarly phosphate is a salt of 7NIOLr-4iUM-00155-00035863-00036102 phosphoric acid so they have their own 7NIOLr-4iUM-00156-00036103-00036271 names respectively and that's what we've 7NIOLr-4iUM-00157-00036272-00036502 been calling them for a long time 7NIOLr-4iUM-00158-00036503-00036735 there's also a class of organic 7NIOLr-4iUM-00159-00036736-00036974 compounds here's a list of those organic 7NIOLr-4iUM-00160-00036975-00037262 compounds organic compounds are elements 7NIOLr-4iUM-00161-00037263-00037479 made with a backbone of carbon and you 7NIOLr-4iUM-00162-00037480-00037639 might notice that some of these get 7NIOLr-4iUM-00163-00037640-00037918 extremely big and long because carbon is 7NIOLr-4iUM-00164-00037919-00038199 a pretty special element there's a whole 7NIOLr-4iUM-00165-00038200-00038430 chemistry dedicated to organic compounds 7NIOLr-4iUM-00166-00038431-00038662 including naming them such as methane 7NIOLr-4iUM-00167-00038663-00039062 propane isopropanol glucose cyclohexane 7NIOLr-4iUM-00168-00039063-00039223 all of these are special organic 7NIOLr-4iUM-00169-00039224-00039390 compounds and they have their own 7NIOLr-4iUM-00170-00039391-00039551 special names 7NIOLr-4iUM-00171-00039552-00039774 the last one is acids here's some 7NIOLr-4iUM-00172-00039775-00040039 examples like hydrochloric acid sulfuric 7NIOLr-4iUM-00173-00040040-00040374 acid and acetic acid these are all 7NIOLr-4iUM-00174-00040375-00040655 acids that start with hydrogen and are 7NIOLr-4iUM-00175-00040656-00040839 just combinations of hydrogen and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00176-00040840-00041007 multiple different 7NIOLr-4iUM-00177-00041008-00041367 non-metal elements these acids are 7NIOLr-4iUM-00178-00041368-00041558 covalent compounds themselves but they 7NIOLr-4iUM-00179-00041559-00041743 have their own specialized names and 7NIOLr-4iUM-00180-00041744-00042007 their own specialized naming system 7NIOLr-4iUM-00181-00042008-00042223 by the way these names and formulas will 7NIOLr-4iUM-00182-00042224-00042430 be given to you when needed these aren't 7NIOLr-4iUM-00183-00042431-00042630 the things you need to memorize stick 7NIOLr-4iUM-00184-00042631-00042823 with those simple binary covalent 7NIOLr-4iUM-00185-00042824-00042943 compounds 7NIOLr-4iUM-00186-00042944-00043127 where you use the prefix and you'll be 7NIOLr-4iUM-00187-00043128-00043311 fine these ones will be given to you 7NIOLr-4iUM-00188-00043312-00043487 when you need them 7NIOLr-4iUM-00189-00043488-00043687 and that's it that's covalent compounds 7NIOLr-4iUM-00190-00043688-00043871 in a nutshell naming and writing their 7NIOLr-4iUM-00191-00043872-00044055 formulas this is a good time to take a 7NIOLr-4iUM-00192-00044056-00044190 moment and review them highlight those 7NIOLr-4iUM-00193-00044191-00044415 key terms ponder questions and seek 7NIOLr-4iUM-00194-00044416-00044590 answers to those questions and summarize 7NIOLr-4iUM-00195-00044591-00044799 the essential question from these slides 7NIOLr-4iUM-00196-00044800-00045124 good luck 7QCWohQ78hc-00000-00000026-00000343 Kutta cathica is the Hindi name for one 7QCWohQ78hc-00001-00000344-00000488 of the eight major forms of Indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00002-00000488-00000817 classical dance the origin of cutting is 7QCWohQ78hc-00003-00000818-00000974 traditionally attributed to the 7QCWohQ78hc-00004-00000975-00001145 travelling bards of ancient northern 7QCWohQ78hc-00005-00001146-00001300 India known as katha cars or 7QCWohQ78hc-00006-00001301-00001612 storytellers the term cutter is derived 7QCWohQ78hc-00007-00001613-00001834 from the Vedic Sanskrit word katha which 7QCWohQ78hc-00008-00001835-00002249 means story and cathica which means the 7QCWohQ78hc-00009-00002250-00002584 one who tells a story or to do with 7QCWohQ78hc-00010-00002585-00002842 stories wandering katha cars 7QCWohQ78hc-00011-00002843-00003034 communicated stories from the great 7QCWohQ78hc-00012-00003035-00003215 epics and ancient mythology through 7QCWohQ78hc-00013-00003215-00003419 dance songs and music in a manner 7QCWohQ78hc-00014-00003420-00003697 similar to early Greek theater cut it 7QCWohQ78hc-00015-00003698-00003893 dances tell various stories through 7QCWohQ78hc-00016-00003894-00004079 their hand movements and footwork but 7QCWohQ78hc-00017-00004079-00004241 most importantly through their facial 7QCWohQ78hc-00018-00004242-00004544 expressions cut occur volved during the 7QCWohQ78hc-00019-00004545-00004718 bhakti movement particularly by 7QCWohQ78hc-00020-00004719-00004916 incorporating the childhood and stories 7QCWohQ78hc-00021-00004917-00005104 of the Hindu god Krishna as well as 7QCWohQ78hc-00022-00005105-00005276 independently in the courts of North 7QCWohQ78hc-00023-00005277-00005479 Indian kingdoms cut occurs found in 7QCWohQ78hc-00024-00005480-00005741 three distinct forms called Garner's 7QCWohQ78hc-00025-00005742-00006002 named after the cities where the Kotik 7QCWohQ78hc-00026-00006003-00006245 dance tradition evolved Jaipur Banaras 7QCWohQ78hc-00027-00006246-00006503 and Lucknow while the Jaipur karana 7QCWohQ78hc-00028-00006504-00006719 focuses more on the foot movements the 7QCWohQ78hc-00029-00006720-00006946 Banaras and Lucknow Garner's focus more 7QCWohQ78hc-00030-00006947-00007163 on facial expressions and graceful hand 7QCWohQ78hc-00031-00007164-00007492 movements stylistically the Kotik dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00032-00007493-00007720 form emphasizes rhythmic foot movements 7QCWohQ78hc-00033-00007722-00007937 adorned with small bells guru and the 7QCWohQ78hc-00034-00007938-00008201 movement harmonized to the music the 7QCWohQ78hc-00035-00008202-00008387 legs and torso are generally straight 7QCWohQ78hc-00036-00008388-00008537 and the story is told through a 7QCWohQ78hc-00037-00008538-00008717 developed vocabulary based on the 7QCWohQ78hc-00038-00008718-00008917 gestures of arms and upper body movement 7QCWohQ78hc-00039-00008918-00009178 facial expressions stage movements bends 7QCWohQ78hc-00040-00009179-00009476 and turns the main focus of the dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00041-00009477-00009694 becomes the eyes and the foot movements 7QCWohQ78hc-00042-00009695-00009928 the eyes work as a medium of 7QCWohQ78hc-00043-00009929-00010148 communication of the story the dancer is 7QCWohQ78hc-00044-00010149-00010430 trying to communicate with the eyebrows 7QCWohQ78hc-00045-00010431-00010624 the dancer gives various facial 7QCWohQ78hc-00046-00010625-00010864 expressions the difference between the 7QCWohQ78hc-00047-00010865-00011027 sub traditions is the relative emphasis 7QCWohQ78hc-00048-00011028-00011246 between acting versus footwork with 7QCWohQ78hc-00049-00011247-00011449 Lucknow style emphasizing acting and 7QCWohQ78hc-00050-00011450-00011612 Jaipur style famed for its spectacular 7QCWohQ78hc-00051-00011613-00011849 footwork cut it as a performance art 7QCWohQ78hc-00052-00011850-00012010 survived and thrived as an oral 7QCWohQ78hc-00053-00012011-00012217 tradition learnt and innovated from one 7QCWohQ78hc-00054-00012218-00012392 generation to another verbally and 7QCWohQ78hc-00055-00012393-00012706 through practice it transitioned adapted 7QCWohQ78hc-00056-00012707-00012877 and integrated the tastes of the mughal 7QCWohQ78hc-00057-00012878-00013115 courts in the 16th and 17th century 7QCWohQ78hc-00058-00013116-00013330 particularly akbar was ridiculed and 7QCWohQ78hc-00059-00013331-00013385 declined 7QCWohQ78hc-00060-00013386-00013597 the colonial British era then was reborn 7QCWohQ78hc-00061-00013599-00013799 as India gained independence and sought 7QCWohQ78hc-00062-00013800-00013994 to rediscover its ancient roots and a 7QCWohQ78hc-00063-00013994-00014183 sense of national identity through the 7QCWohQ78hc-00064-00014184-00014747 Arts 7QCWohQ78hc-00065-00014749-00015468 topic etymology in nomenclature the term 7QCWohQ78hc-00066-00015469-00015699 cut Akismet Adana vedic term katha 7QCWohQ78hc-00067-00015700-00015988 Sanskrit katha which means story 7QCWohQ78hc-00068-00015990-00016365 conversation traditional tale cut across 7QCWohQ78hc-00069-00016366-00016593 to one of the major classical dance form 7QCWohQ78hc-00070-00016594-00016806 primarily found in northern India with a 7QCWohQ78hc-00071-00016807-00017019 historical influence similar to Bharata 7QCWohQ78hc-00072-00017020-00017229 Natyam in South India Odyssey in East 7QCWohQ78hc-00073-00017230-00017448 India and other major classical dances 7QCWohQ78hc-00074-00017449-00017730 found in South Asia it differs from the 7QCWohQ78hc-00075-00017731-00017937 numerous folk dance forms found in north 7QCWohQ78hc-00076-00017938-00018078 and other parts of the Indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00077-00018079-00018291 subcontinent the cuttack dances in the 7QCWohQ78hc-00078-00018292-00018510 ancient India were travelling bards and 7QCWohQ78hc-00079-00018511-00018852 Wynonna's Cathar cos or cathica cutting 7QCWohQ78hc-00080-00018853-00019038 has inspired simplified regional 7QCWohQ78hc-00081-00019039-00019260 variants such as the bar by a forum of 7QCWohQ78hc-00082-00019261-00019458 rural theatre focusing on the tales of 7QCWohQ78hc-00083-00019459-00019665 Hindu goddesses Shakti and one which 7QCWohQ78hc-00084-00019666-00019878 emerged in the medieval era is presently 7QCWohQ78hc-00085-00019879-00020115 found in Gujarat Rajasthan and Madhya 7QCWohQ78hc-00086-00020116-00020385 Pradesh another variant that emerged 7QCWohQ78hc-00087-00020386-00021037 from ancient Kartik is thumri 7QCWohQ78hc-00088-00021038-00021565 topic history 7QCWohQ78hc-00089-00021566-00021835 according to Mary Snodgrass the cut it 7QCWohQ78hc-00090-00021836-00022078 tradition of India is traceable to 400 7QCWohQ78hc-00091-00022079-00022387 BCE the earliest surviving texts with 7QCWohQ78hc-00092-00022388-00022570 Kutta Kreutz is the notches Shastra 7QCWohQ78hc-00093-00022571-00022801 attributed to sage bharata and its first 7QCWohQ78hc-00094-00022802-00022996 complete compilation is dated to between 7QCWohQ78hc-00095-00022997-00023335 200 BCE and 200 CE but estimates vary 7QCWohQ78hc-00096-00023336-00023779 between 500 BC and 500 CE the most 7QCWohQ78hc-00097-00023780-00023983 studied version of the notches Shastra 7QCWohQ78hc-00098-00023984-00024211 text consists of about 6,000 verses 7QCWohQ78hc-00099-00024212-00024568 structured into 36 chapters the text 7QCWohQ78hc-00100-00024569-00024808 states Natalya lead over describes the 7QCWohQ78hc-00101-00024809-00025066 theory of Tandava dance shiva the theory 7QCWohQ78hc-00102-00025067-00025321 of rasa of bhava expression gestures 7QCWohQ78hc-00103-00025322-00025588 acting techniques basic steps standing 7QCWohQ78hc-00104-00025589-00025783 postures all of which are part of indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00105-00025783-00026077 classical dances including cut ik dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00106-00026077-00026289 and performance arts states this ancient 7QCWohQ78hc-00107-00026291-00026533 Hindu texts are a form of expression of 7QCWohQ78hc-00108-00026533-00026752 spiritual ideas virtues in the essence 7QCWohQ78hc-00109-00026752-00026980 of scriptures the second century BC 7QCWohQ78hc-00110-00026981-00027154 panels found in Bar Hut's show the 7QCWohQ78hc-00111-00027155-00027352 dances in a vertical stance with their 7QCWohQ78hc-00112-00027352-00027526 arms positions already suggesting 7QCWohQ78hc-00113-00027527-00027805 today's cutting movements most of the 7QCWohQ78hc-00114-00027806-00028006 dances have one arm near the ear in a 7QCWohQ78hc-00115-00028007-00028336 patek hasta mudra in subsequent years 7QCWohQ78hc-00116-00028337-00028531 the hasta was lowered to the bust level 7QCWohQ78hc-00117-00028532-00028739 the term Cathar cos in the sense of 7QCWohQ78hc-00118-00028741-00029050 storytellers appears in ancient Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00119-00029051-00029362 texts such as the Mahabharata buds 7QCWohQ78hc-00120-00029363-00029650 actors dances songsters and musical 7QCWohQ78hc-00121-00029651-00029839 reciters of legends and stories are 7QCWohQ78hc-00122-00029839-00030031 mentioned hundreds of times in the Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00123-00030032-00030580 epics 7QCWohQ78hc-00124-00030581-00031158 topic bhakti movement era 7QCWohQ78hc-00125-00031158-00031551 textual studies suggest that cut ik as a 7QCWohQ78hc-00126-00031552-00031791 classical dance form likely started in 7QCWohQ78hc-00127-00031792-00032033 Banares varanasi and from there migrated 7QCWohQ78hc-00128-00032035-00032241 Northwest to Lucknow Jaipur and other 7QCWohQ78hc-00129-00032242-00032523 parts of north and northwest India the 7QCWohQ78hc-00130-00032524-00032685 Lucknow tradition of Kotik dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00131-00032686-00032871 attributes the style to a bhakti 7QCWohQ78hc-00132-00032872-00033078 movement devotee named Ishwara from the 7QCWohQ78hc-00133-00033079-00033243 handier village in Allahabad Uttar 7QCWohQ78hc-00134-00033244-00033477 Pradesh who credited Hindu god Krishna 7QCWohQ78hc-00135-00033478-00033690 appearing in his dream and asking him to 7QCWohQ78hc-00136-00033691-00033986 develop dancers a form of worship 7QCWohQ78hc-00137-00033987-00034254 Ishwara taught his descendants who in 7QCWohQ78hc-00138-00034255-00034392 turn preserved the learning and 7QCWohQ78hc-00139-00034393-00034536 developments through an oral tradition 7QCWohQ78hc-00140-00034537-00034794 over six generations ultimately yielding 7QCWohQ78hc-00141-00034795-00034965 the Lucknow version of the cuttack dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00142-00034966-00035163 a family tree that is acknowledged in 7QCWohQ78hc-00143-00035164-00035343 both Hindu and Muslim music related 7QCWohQ78hc-00144-00035344-00035550 Indian literature the evolution in 7QCWohQ78hc-00145-00035551-00035730 Cuttack dance theme during the bhakti 7QCWohQ78hc-00146-00035731-00035883 movement centered primarily around 7QCWohQ78hc-00147-00035884-00036111 divine Krishna his lover Radha and 7QCWohQ78hc-00148-00036112-00036327 milkmaids copies around legends and 7QCWohQ78hc-00149-00036328-00036510 texts such as the back of our two purana 7QCWohQ78hc-00150-00036511-00036702 found in the Vaishnavism tradition of 7QCWohQ78hc-00151-00036703-00036972 Hinduism the love between Radha and 7QCWohQ78hc-00152-00036973-00037161 Krishna became symbolism for the love 7QCWohQ78hc-00153-00037162-00037350 between Atman soul within and the 7QCWohQ78hc-00154-00037351-00037584 supreme source cosmic soul everywhere a 7QCWohQ78hc-00155-00037585-00037761 theme that dance ballet and mimetic 7QCWohQ78hc-00156-00037762-00038451 plays of cutting artists expressed 7QCWohQ78hc-00157-00038452-00039123 topic magalie era the Mughal era courts 7QCWohQ78hc-00158-00039124-00039339 and Nobles accepted cutting as a form of 7QCWohQ78hc-00159-00039340-00039515 aristocratic entertainment which 7QCWohQ78hc-00160-00039516-00039693 low-income families were willing to 7QCWohQ78hc-00161-00039694-00039761 provide 7QCWohQ78hc-00162-00039762-00040040 however the dance became more abstract 7QCWohQ78hc-00163-00040041-00040196 an erotic less as a means of 7QCWohQ78hc-00164-00040197-00040401 communication of spiritual or religious 7QCWohQ78hc-00165-00040402-00040599 ideas and in cases the dance is 7QCWohQ78hc-00166-00040600-00040808 innovated by emphasizing the eroticism 7QCWohQ78hc-00167-00040809-00041049 and sexuality the Muslim audience wanted 7QCWohQ78hc-00168-00041050-00041214 while keeping the message such as those 7QCWohQ78hc-00169-00041215-00041437 of Krishna Radha embedded in the dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00170-00041438-00041849 according to dr ID williams it should be 7QCWohQ78hc-00171-00041850-00042033 remembered that the first cut it dances 7QCWohQ78hc-00172-00042034-00042237 were after all hindus who danced for 7QCWohQ78hc-00173-00042238-00042489 mogul overlords to much outward 7QCWohQ78hc-00174-00042490-00042677 expression of religious belief was 7QCWohQ78hc-00175-00042678-00042905 without doubt undesirable it is 7QCWohQ78hc-00176-00042906-00043080 therefore reasonable to assume that the 7QCWohQ78hc-00177-00043081-00043317 wide use of abstract dancing intricate 7QCWohQ78hc-00178-00043318-00043551 bel worked at kar dazzling turns and the 7QCWohQ78hc-00179-00043552-00043782 fleeting transient glimpses of Radha and 7QCWohQ78hc-00180-00043783-00043986 Krishna in cut ocurro's both to remind 7QCWohQ78hc-00181-00043987-00044154 the dancers about their reasons for 7QCWohQ78hc-00182-00044155-00044367 dancing and gently unobtrusively to 7QCWohQ78hc-00183-00044368-00044582 deceive their courtly mogul audiences 7QCWohQ78hc-00184-00044583-00044856 perhaps tat car and to cruise formed the 7QCWohQ78hc-00185-00044857-00045124 bulk of these first dances performances 7QCWohQ78hc-00186-00045125-00045362 gradually more and more images then 7QCWohQ78hc-00187-00045363-00045635 stories of Krishna and Radha crept in 7QCWohQ78hc-00188-00045636-00045887 overtime the Kutta crepper Twyla added 7QCWohQ78hc-00189-00045888-00046112 Persian and Central Asian themes such as 7QCWohQ78hc-00190-00046113-00046329 the whirling of Sufi dance the costumes 7QCWohQ78hc-00191-00046330-00046527 replaced sarees with items that bared 7QCWohQ78hc-00192-00046528-00046727 midriff and included a transparent veil 7QCWohQ78hc-00193-00046728-00046923 of the type common with medieval harem 7QCWohQ78hc-00194-00046924-00047205 dances when the colonial european 7QCWohQ78hc-00195-00047206-00047402 officials began arriving in india the 7QCWohQ78hc-00196-00047403-00047546 cut at court entertainment they 7QCWohQ78hc-00197-00047547-00047742 witnessed was a synthesis of the ancient 7QCWohQ78hc-00198-00047743-00047924 indian tradition and central asian 7QCWohQ78hc-00199-00047925-00048123 persian dance form and the cutting dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00200-00048124-00048348 performers were called the nautch girls 7QCWohQ78hc-00201-00048349-00048614 or natch a derivative of the more 7QCWohQ78hc-00202-00048615-00049318 difficult to pronounce Sanskrit Nadia 7QCWohQ78hc-00203-00049319-00049987 topic british raj era with the spread of 7QCWohQ78hc-00204-00049988-00050186 colonial British rule in the 19th 7QCWohQ78hc-00205-00050187-00050389 century India cut it along with all 7QCWohQ78hc-00206-00050390-00050555 other classical dance forms were 7QCWohQ78hc-00207-00050556-00050739 discouraged and it severely declined 7QCWohQ78hc-00208-00050740-00050992 this was in part the result of the 7QCWohQ78hc-00209-00050993-00051217 Victorian morality of sexual repressive 7QCWohQ78hc-00210-00051219-00051386 nough salong with anglican missionaries 7QCWohQ78hc-00211-00051387-00051688 who criticized hinduism reverend james 7QCWohQ78hc-00212-00051689-00051931 long for example proposed that cut it 7QCWohQ78hc-00213-00051932-00052114 dances should forget ancient indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00214-00052115-00052339 tales and Hindu legends and substitute 7QCWohQ78hc-00215-00052340-00052531 them with European legends and Christian 7QCWohQ78hc-00216-00052532-00052787 tales missionaries recorded the 7QCWohQ78hc-00217-00052788-00052987 frustration in church missionary review 7QCWohQ78hc-00218-00052988-00053186 when they saw Hindu audiences applaud 7QCWohQ78hc-00219-00053187-00053494 and shout Ram RAM during cutting 7QCWohQ78hc-00220-00053495-00053729 performances the seductive gestures and 7QCWohQ78hc-00221-00053729-00053887 facial expressions during cutting 7QCWohQ78hc-00222-00053888-00054086 performances in temples and family 7QCWohQ78hc-00223-00054087-00054272 occasions were caricatured in the wrongs 7QCWohQ78hc-00224-00054273-00054451 of Indian womanhood published at the 7QCWohQ78hc-00225-00054452-00054694 start of the 20th century as evidence of 7QCWohQ78hc-00226-00054695-00055006 harlots debase neurotic culture slavery 7QCWohQ78hc-00227-00055007-00055312 to idols and priests tradition and 7QCWohQ78hc-00228-00055313-00055487 Christian missionaries demanded that 7QCWohQ78hc-00229-00055488-00055588 this must be stopped 7QCWohQ78hc-00230-00055589-00055906 launching the anti dance movement or 7QCWohQ78hc-00231-00055907-00056396 anti now movement in 1892 officials and 7QCWohQ78hc-00232-00056397-00056644 newspapers dehumanized the cut it dances 7QCWohQ78hc-00233-00056645-00056804 in the sources of patronage were 7QCWohQ78hc-00234-00056804-00056984 pressured to stop supporting the cut it 7QCWohQ78hc-00235-00056985-00057329 performing nautch girls also termed as 7QCWohQ78hc-00236-00057329-00057515 devadasis and tower reefs in mid 7QCWohQ78hc-00237-00057516-00057728 twentieth century literature many 7QCWohQ78hc-00238-00057729-00057913 accused the dance form as a front for 7QCWohQ78hc-00239-00057914-00058004 prostitution 7QCWohQ78hc-00240-00058004-00058154 while revivalists questioned the 7QCWohQ78hc-00241-00058154-00058322 constructed histories by the colonial 7QCWohQ78hc-00242-00058323-00058553 writers not only did missionaries and 7QCWohQ78hc-00243-00058554-00058741 colonial officials ridicule the cuttack 7QCWohQ78hc-00244-00058742-00058937 dances indian men who had been educated 7QCWohQ78hc-00245-00058938-00059165 in colonial britain and had adapted to 7QCWohQ78hc-00246-00059166-00059380 victorian prudery joined the criticism 7QCWohQ78hc-00247-00059382-00059609 states margaret walker possibly because 7QCWohQ78hc-00248-00059610-00059782 they had lost their cultural connection 7QCWohQ78hc-00249-00059783-00059956 no longer understood the underlying 7QCWohQ78hc-00250-00059957-00060161 spiritual themes behind the dance and 7QCWohQ78hc-00251-00060162-00060374 assumed this was one of their social 7QCWohQ78hc-00252-00060375-00060679 ills immoral and backward elements in 7QCWohQ78hc-00253-00060680-00060884 their heritage that they must stamp out 7QCWohQ78hc-00254-00060885-00061160 however the Hindu families continued 7QCWohQ78hc-00255-00061161-00061318 their private tutoring and kept the 7QCWohQ78hc-00256-00061319-00061537 Kutta cart alive as an oral tradition 7QCWohQ78hc-00257-00061538-00061778 cutting teachers also shifted to 7QCWohQ78hc-00258-00061779-00061973 training boys to preserve the tradition 7QCWohQ78hc-00259-00061974-00062213 as most of the 20th century ridicule had 7QCWohQ78hc-00260-00062214-00062573 been directed at Kut ik now ales cut it 7QCWohQ78hc-00261-00062574-00062700 was brought to the attention 7QCWohQ78hc-00262-00062701-00062913 of audiences outside India in the early 7QCWohQ78hc-00263-00062914-00063120 20th century through Kalka Prasad 7QCWohQ78hc-00264-00063121-00063701 Maharaj 7QCWohQ78hc-00265-00063702-00064403 topic post-colonial era the movement to 7QCWohQ78hc-00266-00064404-00064555 end the colonial era and for an 7QCWohQ78hc-00267-00064557-00064775 independent India states Walker also 7QCWohQ78hc-00268-00064776-00064979 witnessed a revival of Kutta canned more 7QCWohQ78hc-00269-00064979-00065194 broadly a cultural ferment and effort to 7QCWohQ78hc-00270-00065195-00065398 reclaim culture and rediscover history 7QCWohQ78hc-00271-00065399-00065636 the Kutta crave ival movements 7QCWohQ78hc-00272-00065637-00065792 co-developed in Muslim and Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00273-00065793-00066013 Garner's particularly by the cutting 7QCWohQ78hc-00274-00066014-00066296 misra community of these the Jaipur and 7QCWohQ78hc-00275-00066297-00066503 Lucknow sub traditions of Kotik have 7QCWohQ78hc-00276-00066504-00066815 attracted more scholarship according to 7QCWohQ78hc-00277-00066816-00067076 a BBC arts article cut occurs unique in 7QCWohQ78hc-00278-00067077-00067268 being practiced by the Muslim community 7QCWohQ78hc-00279-00067269-00067519 of the India and thus has a historical 7QCWohQ78hc-00280-00067520-00067823 link to islam farías means shake a 7QCWohQ78hc-00281-00067824-00068044 Muslim and a disciple of Pandit cheat 7QCWohQ78hc-00282-00068045-00068210 trashed ass in the Lucknow school 7QCWohQ78hc-00283-00068211-00068543 considers cut occurs a confluence of 7QCWohQ78hc-00284-00068544-00068768 Hindu and Muslim cultures and has 7QCWohQ78hc-00285-00068769-00069080 presented her performance in Pakistan in 7QCWohQ78hc-00286-00069081-00069497 contrast States BBC Naheed Siddiqui 7QCWohQ78hc-00287-00069498-00069719 settled and nurtured in the UK has a 7QCWohQ78hc-00288-00069720-00069926 hard time practicing and presenting her 7QCWohQ78hc-00289-00069927-00070109 cutting art in her birth country of 7QCWohQ78hc-00290-00070110-00070313 Pakistan while most scholars consider 7QCWohQ78hc-00291-00070314-00070511 cutting as an ancient art some such as 7QCWohQ78hc-00292-00070512-00070694 Margaret Walker suggests the modern 7QCWohQ78hc-00293-00070695-00070979 Catechism phenomenon more a form of 7QCWohQ78hc-00294-00070980-00071075 cultural revival 7QCWohQ78hc-00295-00071076-00071246 if one relies on the music related 7QCWohQ78hc-00296-00071247-00071894 Indian documents 7QCWohQ78hc-00297-00071895-00072428 topic repertoire 7QCWohQ78hc-00298-00072429-00072688 a modern Khattak in all three major sub 7QCWohQ78hc-00299-00072689-00072887 traditions called Lucknow Banaras and 7QCWohQ78hc-00300-00072888-00073142 Jaipur Styles guarana states bruno 7QCWohQ78hc-00301-00073143-00073351 nettle consists of three main sections 7QCWohQ78hc-00302-00073352-00073612 the invocation one pure abstract dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00303-00073613-00073841 recital in one expressive dance the 7QCWohQ78hc-00304-00073842-00074054 invocation vandana consists of the 7QCWohQ78hc-00305-00074055-00074237 dancer coming to stage and offering 7QCWohQ78hc-00306-00074238-00074399 respect to his or her guru and the 7QCWohQ78hc-00307-00074400-00074680 musicians on the stage if the team is 7QCWohQ78hc-00308-00074681-00074869 from the Hindu tradition the dances 7QCWohQ78hc-00309-00074870-00075065 combine facial expressions and hand 7QCWohQ78hc-00310-00075066-00075307 gestures mudra to invoke Hindu gods and 7QCWohQ78hc-00311-00075308-00075493 goddesses while a Muslim performance 7QCWohQ78hc-00312-00075494-00075682 replaced the devotional expressions with 7QCWohQ78hc-00313-00075683-00075937 a salami salutation the pure dance is 7QCWohQ78hc-00314-00075938-00076130 called RN ritter while the expressive 7QCWohQ78hc-00315-00076131-00076271 dance is called aniridia 7QCWohQ78hc-00316-00076272-00076600 a cutting performance can be solo duo or 7QCWohQ78hc-00317-00076601-00076849 team in a technical performance the 7QCWohQ78hc-00318-00076850-00077044 speed and energy the dance is exchanged 7QCWohQ78hc-00319-00077045-00077249 with the audience increases in multiples 7QCWohQ78hc-00320-00077250-00077497 that is the tempo doubles or quadruples 7QCWohQ78hc-00321-00077498-00077749 during the performance one or more of 7QCWohQ78hc-00322-00077750-00077912 the Cutty car tests may come to the 7QCWohQ78hc-00323-00077913-00078071 microphone interact with the audience 7QCWohQ78hc-00324-00078072-00078335 explain something tell an anecdote in a 7QCWohQ78hc-00325-00078336-00078505 particular language or rhythmically 7QCWohQ78hc-00326-00078506-00078743 recite a song the costumes of the dancer 7QCWohQ78hc-00327-00078744-00078953 and the facial cosmetics between a Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00328-00078954-00079150 or Muslim Cuttack dance troupe varies 7QCWohQ78hc-00329-00079151-00079409 the stage typically is bare with no 7QCWohQ78hc-00330-00079410-00079618 distracting background states Williams 7QCWohQ78hc-00331-00079619-00079847 with musicians seated on rugs downstage 7QCWohQ78hc-00332-00079848-00080056 right audiences left and if it is a 7QCWohQ78hc-00333-00080057-00080249 Hindi performance there is an image of 7QCWohQ78hc-00334-00080250-00080506 dancing Shiva Nataraja or a Ganesha on 7QCWohQ78hc-00335-00080507-00080668 the stage as left with flowers and 7QCWohQ78hc-00336-00080669-00081298 perfumed incense burning 7QCWohQ78hc-00337-00081299-00081929 topic pure dance and Ritter 7QCWohQ78hc-00338-00081930-00082166 the N Ritter performance starts off with 7QCWohQ78hc-00339-00082167-00082346 a phat sequence which is a slower 7QCWohQ78hc-00340-00082347-00082547 graceful movement of wrists neck and 7QCWohQ78hc-00341-00082548-00082868 eyebrows thereafter the dancer gradually 7QCWohQ78hc-00342-00082869-00083042 increases speed and energy while 7QCWohQ78hc-00343-00083043-00083249 completing a sequence of bol mnemonic 7QCWohQ78hc-00344-00083250-00083537 syllables in Indian tradition each ball 7QCWohQ78hc-00345-00083538-00083771 has short sections similar to technical 7QCWohQ78hc-00346-00083772-00083981 exercises in western dance traditions 7QCWohQ78hc-00347-00083982-00084157 wherein the dancer engages the audience 7QCWohQ78hc-00348-00084158-00084428 with Torah to crop our hunt Perrin and 7QCWohQ78hc-00349-00084429-00084629 others stressing footwork gestures and 7QCWohQ78hc-00350-00084630-00084935 turns each section when completed has a 7QCWohQ78hc-00351-00084936-00085193 punctuation mark usually a sharp turn of 7QCWohQ78hc-00352-00085194-00085432 the head each ankle is adorned with 7QCWohQ78hc-00353-00085433-00085685 small bells guru which may have just one 7QCWohQ78hc-00354-00085686-00085973 bell or hundreds the dances rapid 7QCWohQ78hc-00355-00085974-00086174 movements and footwork inner n retur is 7QCWohQ78hc-00356-00086175-00086360 perfectly timed to the musical beats 7QCWohQ78hc-00357-00086361-00086557 Tala and tempos and the footwork 7QCWohQ78hc-00358-00086558-00086792 sequences are called tat cars most of 7QCWohQ78hc-00359-00086793-00086972 the N Ritter performance is abstract 7QCWohQ78hc-00360-00086973-00087284 fast and rhythmic aspect of cut ik in a 7QCWohQ78hc-00361-00087285-00087482 kata Ken Ritter as with all classical 7QCWohQ78hc-00362-00087483-00087668 Indian dance forms the viewer is 7QCWohQ78hc-00363-00087669-00087872 presented with pure movement wherein the 7QCWohQ78hc-00364-00087873-00088085 emphasis is the beauty in motion form 7QCWohQ78hc-00365-00088086-00088397 speed range and pattern it aims to 7QCWohQ78hc-00366-00088398-00088610 engage the senses prakruti of the 7QCWohQ78hc-00367-00088611-00089168 audience 7QCWohQ78hc-00368-00089169-00089798 topic expressive dance meridia 7QCWohQ78hc-00369-00089799-00090071 nirisha is slower an expressive aspect 7QCWohQ78hc-00370-00090072-00090212 of cutting that attempts to communicate 7QCWohQ78hc-00371-00090213-00090476 feelings storyline particularly with 7QCWohQ78hc-00372-00090477-00090644 spiritual themes in hindu dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00373-00090645-00090998 traditions in aniridia the dance expands 7QCWohQ78hc-00374-00090999-00091201 to include words musical notes and 7QCWohQ78hc-00375-00091202-00091388 gestures to articulate a legend or 7QCWohQ78hc-00376-00091389-00091553 message it is more than sensory 7QCWohQ78hc-00377-00091554-00091784 enjoyment it aims to engage the emotions 7QCWohQ78hc-00378-00091785-00091901 and mind of the viewer the 7QCWohQ78hc-00379-00091902-00092111 expressiveness of cutting is also found 7QCWohQ78hc-00380-00092112-00092387 in other classical dances of India its 7QCWohQ78hc-00381-00092388-00092573 roots are found in the notches Shastra 7QCWohQ78hc-00382-00092574-00092846 text which defines drama in verse 6.10 7QCWohQ78hc-00383-00092847-00093056 is that which aesthetically arouses joy 7QCWohQ78hc-00384-00093057-00093238 in the spectator through the medium of 7QCWohQ78hc-00385-00093239-00093446 actors art of communication that helps 7QCWohQ78hc-00386-00093447-00093632 connect and transport the individual 7QCWohQ78hc-00387-00093633-00093850 into a super sensual in a state of being 7QCWohQ78hc-00388-00093851-00094106 the Nadia connects through abhinaya 7QCWohQ78hc-00389-00094107-00094361 literally carrying to the spectators 7QCWohQ78hc-00390-00094362-00094628 that is applying body speech mind and 7QCWohQ78hc-00391-00094629-00094862 scene wherein asserts Natya Shastra the 7QCWohQ78hc-00392-00094863-00095006 actors communicate to the audience 7QCWohQ78hc-00393-00095007-00095312 through song and music drama in this 7QCWohQ78hc-00394-00095313-00095549 ancient Sanskrit text thus is an art to 7QCWohQ78hc-00395-00095550-00095768 engage every aspect of life in order to 7QCWohQ78hc-00396-00095769-00095969 glorify and gift a state of joyful 7QCWohQ78hc-00397-00095970-00096272 consciousness according to masih another 7QCWohQ78hc-00398-00096273-00096443 important ancient text that has 7QCWohQ78hc-00399-00096444-00096629 influenced cut occurs the Apple Ayodhya 7QCWohQ78hc-00400-00096630-00096890 Panem of Nanda Kiara tilde 2nd century 7QCWohQ78hc-00401-00096891-00096917 CE 7QCWohQ78hc-00402-00096918-00097144 in cut ik abhinaya is in the form of 7QCWohQ78hc-00403-00097145-00097363 expressive gestures and pantomime set to 7QCWohQ78hc-00404-00097364-00097562 music that usually outline a legend or 7QCWohQ78hc-00405-00097563-00097801 the plot of a well-known story the 7QCWohQ78hc-00406-00097802-00098012 gestures and facial expressions convey 7QCWohQ78hc-00407-00098013-00098255 the Rast sentiment emotional taste and 7QCWohQ78hc-00408-00098256-00098543 bhava mood of the underlying story in 7QCWohQ78hc-00409-00098544-00098782 the Hindu texts on dance the Guru and 7QCWohQ78hc-00410-00098783-00098978 the artist successfully express the 7QCWohQ78hc-00411-00098979-00099179 spiritual ideas by paying attention to 7QCWohQ78hc-00412-00099180-00099401 four aspects of a performance and Jake 7QCWohQ78hc-00413-00099402-00099641 gestures and body language bachik song 7QCWohQ78hc-00414-00099642-00099881 recitation music and rhythm a higher 7QCWohQ78hc-00415-00099882-00100132 costume makeup jewelry and sattvic 7QCWohQ78hc-00416-00100133-00100351 artists mental disposition and emotional 7QCWohQ78hc-00417-00100352-00100517 connection with the story and audience 7QCWohQ78hc-00418-00100518-00100685 wherein the artists inner and outer 7QCWohQ78hc-00419-00100686-00100967 state resonates a cutting the richer 7QCWohQ78hc-00420-00100968-00101188 performance however grants flexibility 7QCWohQ78hc-00421-00101189-00101417 to the artists and invites improvisation 7QCWohQ78hc-00422-00101418-00101579 and it may not be accompanied with a 7QCWohQ78hc-00423-00101580-00101857 song or recital about the legend the 7QCWohQ78hc-00424-00101858-00102065 stories in cutted performance generally 7QCWohQ78hc-00425-00102066-00102238 tend to be about the Hindu god Krishna 7QCWohQ78hc-00426-00102239-00102497 or in some cases shiva or devi and the 7QCWohQ78hc-00427-00102498-00102682 stories come from sources such as the 7QCWohQ78hc-00428-00102683-00102919 back of outer purana or the indian epics 7QCWohQ78hc-00429-00102920-00103175 this form of expressiveness is 7QCWohQ78hc-00430-00103176-00103349 also found in thumri and persian 7QCWohQ78hc-00431-00103350-00103908 gazelles 7QCWohQ78hc-00432-00103909-00104447 topic costumes 7QCWohQ78hc-00433-00104448-00104716 the costumes vary among Kotik performers 7QCWohQ78hc-00434-00104717-00104945 and are either Hindu or Muslim the Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00435-00104946-00105158 costume for female dances has two 7QCWohQ78hc-00436-00105158-00105400 variations one is based on a sorry but 7QCWohQ78hc-00437-00105401-00105575 is worn in a style different from the 7QCWohQ78hc-00438-00105576-00105754 customary style that goes over the left 7QCWohQ78hc-00439-00105755-00106046 shoulder a Kutta cartas generally wraps 7QCWohQ78hc-00440-00106047-00106232 the sari around the waist and it hangs 7QCWohQ78hc-00441-00106233-00106537 down from the left a blouse called chole 7QCWohQ78hc-00442-00106538-00106777 covers the upper body the artist may 7QCWohQ78hc-00443-00106778-00106954 wear a scarf called or knee in some 7QCWohQ78hc-00444-00106955-00107362 places hair face ear neck hand wrist and 7QCWohQ78hc-00445-00107363-00107570 ankle jewelry typically of gold may 7QCWohQ78hc-00446-00107571-00107878 adorn the artists attic or bindi in the 7QCWohQ78hc-00447-00107879-00108125 middle of forehead is common the second 7QCWohQ78hc-00448-00108126-00108376 variation of a Hindu Kotik dancer uses a 7QCWohQ78hc-00449-00108377-00108557 long full just above the ankle 7QCWohQ78hc-00450-00108558-00108719 lightweight skirt usually with 7QCWohQ78hc-00451-00108720-00108889 embroidered border that helps highlight 7QCWohQ78hc-00452-00108890-00109199 the dance motion the skirt is contrasted 7QCWohQ78hc-00453-00109200-00109363 with a different color chole and a 7QCWohQ78hc-00454-00109364-00109564 transparent scarf typically drapes over 7QCWohQ78hc-00455-00109565-00109825 it in the dancers head jewelry is 7QCWohQ78hc-00456-00109826-00109978 typically present in the second 7QCWohQ78hc-00457-00109979-00110219 variation the Muslim costume for female 7QCWohQ78hc-00458-00110220-00110461 dancers also uses a skirt that includes 7QCWohQ78hc-00459-00110463-00110657 clothes fitting to read our pajamas and 7QCWohQ78hc-00460-00110658-00110875 sometimes a long coat covering hands in 7QCWohQ78hc-00461-00110876-00111119 the upper body the head has a cover 7QCWohQ78hc-00462-00111120-00111340 scarf and the jewelry is light the Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00463-00111341-00111541 costume for male cutting performers is 7QCWohQ78hc-00464-00111542-00111743 typically a silk dhoti draped around the 7QCWohQ78hc-00465-00111744-00111934 waist then usually covered with a silk 7QCWohQ78hc-00466-00111935-00112223 scarf tied on top the upper body may be 7QCWohQ78hc-00467-00112224-00112459 bare show the Hindu thread or be covered 7QCWohQ78hc-00468-00112460-00112753 with a loose jacket cutting male artists 7QCWohQ78hc-00469-00112754-00112963 also wear jewelry but often of stones 7QCWohQ78hc-00470-00112964-00113715 and much simpler than the female artists 7QCWohQ78hc-00471-00113716-00114290 topic Instruments 7QCWohQ78hc-00472-00114291-00114542 the ensemble of musical instruments very 7QCWohQ78hc-00473-00114543-00114749 with any cutted performer ranging from 7QCWohQ78hc-00474-00114750-00114917 two to twelve classical Indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00475-00114918-00115100 instruments or more inversions with 7QCWohQ78hc-00476-00115101-00115388 synthetic innovations the most common 7QCWohQ78hc-00477-00115389-00115585 instruments that go with cut occur tabla 7QCWohQ78hc-00478-00115586-00115796 a pair of hand drums that syncs with the 7QCWohQ78hc-00479-00115797-00116003 dancers feet rhythms sarangi or 7QCWohQ78hc-00480-00116004-00116213 harmonium with Manjeera hand cymbals 7QCWohQ78hc-00481-00116214-00116423 that meat is the TEL cycle and other 7QCWohQ78hc-00482-00116424-00116621 instruments to add effect depth and 7QCWohQ78hc-00483-00116622-00116801 structure to the expressive stage of 7QCWohQ78hc-00484-00116802-00117438 aquatic performance 7QCWohQ78hc-00485-00117439-00117983 topic gharanas 7QCWohQ78hc-00486-00117983-00118229 cutting is a diffused tradition of which 7QCWohQ78hc-00487-00118230-00118435 three gharanas schools are more well 7QCWohQ78hc-00488-00118436-00118655 known and studied Jaipur Banaras and 7QCWohQ78hc-00489-00118656-00118933 Lucknow the schools placed different 7QCWohQ78hc-00490-00118934-00119138 relative emphasis between aspects of 7QCWohQ78hc-00491-00119139-00119330 aquatic performance such as the acting 7QCWohQ78hc-00492-00119331-00119633 versus footwork the Lucknow style for 7QCWohQ78hc-00493-00119633-00119867 example emphasizes acting while Jaipur 7QCWohQ78hc-00494-00119868-00120145 style emphasizes the dance and footwork 7QCWohQ78hc-00495-00120146-00120407 traditionally the Jaipur guarana has had 7QCWohQ78hc-00496-00120408-00120608 a strong spiritual flavor covering a 7QCWohQ78hc-00497-00120608-00120839 diverse range of ideas in Vaishnavism 7QCWohQ78hc-00498-00120840-00121175 and Shaivism the Jaipur karana traces 7QCWohQ78hc-00499-00121176-00121400 its origins to Bhanu G a famed Shiva 7QCWohQ78hc-00500-00121401-00121580 tandava dancer who upon visiting 7QCWohQ78hc-00501-00121581-00121802 Vrindavan was inspired and taught not 7QCWohQ78hc-00502-00121803-00122120 very meridia Bhanu G's Grandin's lelou G 7QCWohQ78hc-00503-00122121-00122330 in can who G were similarly inspired by 7QCWohQ78hc-00504-00122331-00122576 Krishna they returned to Jaipur and 7QCWohQ78hc-00505-00122577-00122768 together they began the Jaipur ger honor 7QCWohQ78hc-00506-00122769-00123061 of cutting the Jaipur style developed 7QCWohQ78hc-00507-00123063-00123224 under the sponsorship of Rajput rulers 7QCWohQ78hc-00508-00123225-00123436 and they favored the cut ik dance with 7QCWohQ78hc-00509-00123438-00123743 Hindu religious themes in the modern era 7QCWohQ78hc-00510-00123744-00123908 this school has continued their emphasis 7QCWohQ78hc-00511-00123908-00124183 on dance and footwork with Jalal Janki 7QCWohQ78hc-00512-00124184-00124424 Prasad kundan Lal Mohan Lal and Noel 7QCWohQ78hc-00513-00124425-00124483 Kishore 7QCWohQ78hc-00514-00124484-00124700 this school is best known for its 7QCWohQ78hc-00515-00124701-00124871 systematic innovations in rhythmic 7QCWohQ78hc-00516-00124872-00125105 dancing and the use of dance movement to 7QCWohQ78hc-00517-00125106-00125209 express a story 7QCWohQ78hc-00518-00125210-00125468 the Lucknow guarana of cuttack dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00519-00125469-00125654 attributes its origins to a rural 7QCWohQ78hc-00520-00125655-00125876 Krishna devotee named Ishwara from the 7QCWohQ78hc-00521-00125877-00126083 village in southeast Uttar Pradesh who 7QCWohQ78hc-00522-00126083-00126296 aim to develop Kotik dance is a form of 7QCWohQ78hc-00523-00126297-00126575 loving devotion to Krishna this school 7QCWohQ78hc-00524-00126576-00126728 thrived after the Mughal Empire 7QCWohQ78hc-00525-00126729-00126932 collapsed when cutting artists moved 7QCWohQ78hc-00526-00126933-00127084 from Delhi to Lucknow under the 7QCWohQ78hc-00527-00127085-00127298 sponsorship of Avenue ABB's who favored 7QCWohQ78hc-00528-00127299-00127558 court dance culture in the modern era 7QCWohQ78hc-00529-00127559-00127799 the Lucknow Khurana style influences the 7QCWohQ78hc-00530-00127800-00127988 dance school in New Delhi with Shambhu 7QCWohQ78hc-00531-00127989-00128290 Maharaj Birju Maharaj and Lata Maharaj 7QCWohQ78hc-00532-00128291-00128570 cut it choreography there has developed 7QCWohQ78hc-00533-00128571-00128777 themes beyond Krishna Radha such as 7QCWohQ78hc-00534-00128778-00128942 those based on the drama works of 7QCWohQ78hc-00535-00128943-00129140 Kalidasa Shiva poverty and bhava 7QCWohQ78hc-00536-00129141-00129431 beauties Malati Madhav this school has 7QCWohQ78hc-00537-00129432-00129634 also attempted a Hindu Muslim cutting 7QCWohQ78hc-00538-00129635-00129722 fusion style 7QCWohQ78hc-00539-00129723-00129923 highlighting the court dances theme the 7QCWohQ78hc-00540-00129924-00130145 Banaras guarana is the third major style 7QCWohQ78hc-00541-00130146-00130342 traditionally believed to be the oldest 7QCWohQ78hc-00542-00130343-00130640 its history is unclear according to 7QCWohQ78hc-00543-00130641-00130871 Qatari the school started with Janaki 7QCWohQ78hc-00544-00130872-00131069 Prasad from a village nearby Khanna who 7QCWohQ78hc-00545-00131070-00131270 resettled in Varanasi but one whose 7QCWohQ78hc-00546-00131271-00131327 ancestor 7QCWohQ78hc-00547-00131328-00131639 were famed dancers and musicians janaki 7QCWohQ78hc-00548-00131640-00131843 Prasad was a dancer in a Sanskrit 7QCWohQ78hc-00549-00131844-00132014 scholar and credited with inventing the 7QCWohQ78hc-00550-00132015-00132185 bowls of cut ik which in the Manik 7QCWohQ78hc-00551-00132186-00132341 syllables within the language of this 7QCWohQ78hc-00552-00132342-00132551 classical dance of India according to 7QCWohQ78hc-00553-00132552-00132770 Nicole layman modern cut ik dances show 7QCWohQ78hc-00554-00132771-00132971 to varying degrees a fusion of the 7QCWohQ78hc-00555-00132972-00133664 styles from all three gharanas 7QCWohQ78hc-00556-00133665-00134382 topic relationship with other art forms 7QCWohQ78hc-00557-00134383-00134616 the North Indian cut it dance differs 7QCWohQ78hc-00558-00134617-00134814 from the South Indian Bharata Natyam in 7QCWohQ78hc-00559-00134815-00135015 several ways even though both have roots 7QCWohQ78hc-00560-00135016-00135336 in the Hindu texts Natya Shastra cutting 7QCWohQ78hc-00561-00135337-00135537 expressions particularly in Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00562-00135538-00135738 devotional styles are more introverted 7QCWohQ78hc-00563-00135739-00135831 and withdrawn 7QCWohQ78hc-00564-00135832-00136047 while bharata natyam is more extroverted 7QCWohQ78hc-00565-00136048-00136413 and expansive cut Akismet in a standing 7QCWohQ78hc-00566-00136414-00136602 form with legs and torso typically 7QCWohQ78hc-00567-00136603-00136728 straight while bharata natyam 7QCWohQ78hc-00568-00136729-00136992 extensively utilizes bentley form are a 7QCWohQ78hc-00569-00136993-00137190 mande half sitting position that is 7QCWohQ78hc-00570-00137191-00137367 somewhat similar to demi plie ballet 7QCWohQ78hc-00571-00137368-00137553 move cutting is also different from 7QCWohQ78hc-00572-00137554-00137733 Kathakali though both are Indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00573-00137734-00137997 classical dance traditions of story play 7QCWohQ78hc-00574-00137998-00138201 where in the stories have been 7QCWohQ78hc-00575-00138202-00138387 traditionally derived from the Hindu 7QCWohQ78hc-00576-00138388-00138702 epics and the Puranas Kathakali emerged 7QCWohQ78hc-00577-00138703-00138885 in the southwestern region of India 7QCWohQ78hc-00578-00138886-00139098 modern kerala and is distinctive in its 7QCWohQ78hc-00579-00139099-00139347 elaborate codified colorful makeup masks 7QCWohQ78hc-00580-00139348-00139674 and costumes Kathakali traditionally has 7QCWohQ78hc-00581-00139675-00139875 been troupes of predominantly male actor 7QCWohQ78hc-00582-00139876-00140112 dancers who dress up as hero heroines 7QCWohQ78hc-00583-00140113-00140451 gods goddesses demons demon s's priests 7QCWohQ78hc-00584-00140452-00140751 animals in daily life characters both 7QCWohQ78hc-00585-00140752-00140967 dance forms employ elaborate footwork 7QCWohQ78hc-00586-00140968-00141177 choreography and hand gestures but 7QCWohQ78hc-00587-00141178-00141375 Kathakali integrates south indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00588-00141376-00141579 martial arts movements such as leaps and 7QCWohQ78hc-00589-00141580-00141870 jumps both dance forms trace their roots 7QCWohQ78hc-00590-00141871-00142092 to classical Sanskrit texts but 7QCWohQ78hc-00591-00142093-00142302 Kathakali has relatively more recent 7QCWohQ78hc-00592-00142303-00142527 origins more closely follows the has the 7QCWohQ78hc-00593-00142528-00142692 lick shanna deepika texts and began 7QCWohQ78hc-00594-00142693-00142977 flourishing in the 16th century while 7QCWohQ78hc-00595-00142978-00143160 each has a different musical and dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00596-00143161-00143382 language both deploy a host of similar 7QCWohQ78hc-00597-00143383-00143583 traditional Indian musical instruments 7QCWohQ78hc-00598-00143584-00143793 according to Miriam Phillips the Indian 7QCWohQ78hc-00599-00143794-00143979 cut ik and the Spanish flamenco dance 7QCWohQ78hc-00600-00143980-00144162 share many visual rhythmic and 7QCWohQ78hc-00601-00144163-00144840 kinesthetic similarities 7QCWohQ78hc-00602-00144841-00145356 topic gallery 7QCWohQ78hc-00603-00145357-00145735 you 7QCWohQ78hc-00604-00145736-00146295 topic see also 7QCWohQ78hc-00605-00146296-00146676 list of cutting exponents equals equals 7QCWohQ78hc-00606-00146677-00146913 notes 7QHPZAEwjU4-00000-00000146-00000831 [Music] 7QHPZAEwjU4-00001-00000832-00001031 yo what's going on guys it is your boy 7QHPZAEwjU4-00002-00001032-00001183 cesar here with a video here today bring 7QHPZAEwjU4-00003-00001184-00001358 us a brand new video showcase some 7QHPZAEwjU4-00004-00001359-00001527 really cool mock-ups that you guys can 7QHPZAEwjU4-00005-00001528-00001743 use on your portfolios so you guys have 7QHPZAEwjU4-00006-00001744-00001871 noticed i'm doing a little bit portfolio 7QHPZAEwjU4-00007-00001872-00001998 reviews here and there everything we 7QHPZAEwjU4-00008-00002000-00002191 talked about like yo like mock up this 7QHPZAEwjU4-00009-00002192-00002334 mock up that but you i don't really 7QHPZAEwjU4-00010-00002335-00002510 showcase i don't think i've ever had 7QHPZAEwjU4-00011-00002511-00002750 i've had like two tutorials ever on like 7QHPZAEwjU4-00012-00002751-00002958 mockups and stuff like that so hey here 7QHPZAEwjU4-00013-00002959-00003118 we go i got you guys some really cool 7QHPZAEwjU4-00014-00003119-00003247 ones that i feel like can be basically 7QHPZAEwjU4-00015-00003247-00003463 used for like headings fillers just an 7QHPZAEwjU4-00016-00003464-00003622 overall excitement of showcasing your 7QHPZAEwjU4-00017-00003623-00003822 project and uh i think you guys are 7QHPZAEwjU4-00018-00003823-00003935 gonna love them i think it's around 10 7QHPZAEwjU4-00019-00003936-00004063 or 11 which will all be in the 7QHPZAEwjU4-00020-00004064-00004183 description down below by the way to 7QHPZAEwjU4-00021-00004184-00004375 also download but also for the record 7QHPZAEwjU4-00022-00004376-00004502 check out the sites as well there are 7QHPZAEwjU4-00023-00004503-00004679 really good awesome sites for free 7QHPZAEwjU4-00024-00004680-00004854 personal uh use and commercial use 7QHPZAEwjU4-00025-00004855-00005006 mock-ups so if you're looking for stuff 7QHPZAEwjU4-00026-00005007-00005167 for clientele just for stuff for 7QHPZAEwjU4-00027-00005168-00005351 presentation for personal use it's gonna 7QHPZAEwjU4-00028-00005352-00005551 look dope so with that being said enjoy 7QHPZAEwjU4-00029-00005552-00005711 today's video english is hard enjoy 7QHPZAEwjU4-00030-00005712-00005863 today's video 7QHPZAEwjU4-00031-00005864-00006079 enjoy today's video and i love you guys 7QHPZAEwjU4-00032-00006080-00006175 peace 7QHPZAEwjU4-00033-00006176-00006302 the first one that i have for you guys 7QHPZAEwjU4-00034-00006303-00006503 is a really cool perspective web screen 7QHPZAEwjU4-00035-00006504-00006678 mock-up that i think is also really 7QHPZAEwjU4-00036-00006679-00006839 awesome to use for layouting things like 7QHPZAEwjU4-00037-00006840-00007142 16x9 pieces simply having this be the 7QHPZAEwjU4-00038-00007143-00007287 intro heading piece to show what people 7QHPZAEwjU4-00039-00007288-00007439 are about to dive into when they first 7QHPZAEwjU4-00040-00007440-00007646 start scrolling your page or just a nice 7QHPZAEwjU4-00041-00007647-00007791 break from the layout that you went with 7QHPZAEwjU4-00042-00007792-00007934 and for the record if you guys are new 7QHPZAEwjU4-00043-00007936-00008119 to mockups this little webpage down here 7QHPZAEwjU4-00044-00008120-00008303 is referring to a smart object which 7QHPZAEwjU4-00045-00008304-00008478 mockups use to hide another project 7QHPZAEwjU4-00046-00008479-00008678 sometimes double click on this page to 7QHPZAEwjU4-00047-00008679-00008910 open up a new document page and place 7QHPZAEwjU4-00048-00008911-00009151 your design in here then go ahead and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00049-00009152-00009359 save this newly opened page and on your 7QHPZAEwjU4-00050-00009360-00009535 previous page of the mock-up it'll be 7QHPZAEwjU4-00051-00009536-00009774 fully updated super simple 7QHPZAEwjU4-00052-00009775-00010006 next would be this isometric box look 7QHPZAEwjU4-00053-00010007-00010167 simple in the example but can easily be 7QHPZAEwjU4-00054-00010168-00010342 used to lay out or conceptualize for an 7QHPZAEwjU4-00055-00010343-00010519 audience a more branding route and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00056-00010520-00010710 showcasing some color schemes with most 7QHPZAEwjU4-00057-00010711-00010863 mockups you can definitely do more than 7QHPZAEwjU4-00058-00010864-00011038 the original intent of whoever made it 7QHPZAEwjU4-00059-00011039-00011199 designing the box's theme for a grid 7QHPZAEwjU4-00060-00011200-00011374 view or just using a few boxes with the 7QHPZAEwjU4-00061-00011375-00011638 same design layouting logos colors 7QHPZAEwjU4-00062-00011639-00011823 slogans all that can be a really great 7QHPZAEwjU4-00063-00011824-00012055 way to illustrate a vision 7QHPZAEwjU4-00064-00012056-00012206 now for the last one for this category 7QHPZAEwjU4-00065-00012207-00012383 it's another isometric style grid 7QHPZAEwjU4-00066-00012384-00012519 however this one you can play with a lot 7QHPZAEwjU4-00067-00012520-00012670 more different dimensions like ig 7QHPZAEwjU4-00068-00012671-00012951 stories posters photos and still have a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00069-00012952-00013166 home for your 16x9 projects something 7QHPZAEwjU4-00070-00013168-00013279 like this for me is what i would 7QHPZAEwjU4-00071-00013280-00013438 actually end up placing like minus the 7QHPZAEwjU4-00072-00013440-00013591 background right in the middle of my 7QHPZAEwjU4-00073-00013591-00013735 project just so that i can go ahead and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00074-00013736-00013927 summarize many of the pieces or projects 7QHPZAEwjU4-00075-00013928-00014143 that someone just saw it's super clean 7QHPZAEwjU4-00076-00014144-00014311 and to the point i think all these are 7QHPZAEwjU4-00077-00014312-00014551 really good pickups 7QHPZAEwjU4-00078-00014552-00014743 alright guys so now for some showcase 7QHPZAEwjU4-00079-00014744-00014879 mockups that i think you guys should all 7QHPZAEwjU4-00080-00014880-00015103 definitely have i think everyone needs a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00081-00015104-00015294 laptop mock-up whether it's a showcase a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00082-00015295-00015479 cool website that just created or to 7QHPZAEwjU4-00083-00015480-00015647 showcase an example you created for a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00084-00015647-00015830 social media header you can also make 7QHPZAEwjU4-00085-00015831-00016063 your own quick mock-up for it right and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00086-00016063-00016319 place your design on that page then toss 7QHPZAEwjU4-00087-00016319-00016471 it on the screen mock-up just to show 7QHPZAEwjU4-00088-00016472-00016615 more of a relevance and also get a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00089-00016616-00016911 really cool client perspective 7QHPZAEwjU4-00090-00016912-00017103 and of course i need to throw a iphone 7QHPZAEwjU4-00091-00017104-00017311 mock-up in as well i'll also throw in a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00092-00017312-00017399 few more for the record in the 7QHPZAEwjU4-00093-00017400-00017519 description but i love this one 7QHPZAEwjU4-00094-00017520-00017686 personally because of perspective and it 7QHPZAEwjU4-00095-00017687-00017886 wasn't front-facing but the same premise 7QHPZAEwjU4-00096-00017887-00017999 if you want to fill your project with 7QHPZAEwjU4-00097-00018000-00018158 wallpapers or maybe like a cool little 7QHPZAEwjU4-00098-00018159-00018343 mobile app it's super easy to use and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00099-00018344-00018622 they're all really really good quality 7QHPZAEwjU4-00100-00018623-00018814 then we have this open page magazine 7QHPZAEwjU4-00101-00018815-00018991 mock-up another way to either lay out 7QHPZAEwjU4-00102-00018992-00019167 different pieces within the magazine or 7QHPZAEwjU4-00103-00019168-00019271 if you want to of course create a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00104-00019272-00019486 magazine page either way they're both 7QHPZAEwjU4-00105-00019487-00019671 very very fun concepts to bring to life 7QHPZAEwjU4-00106-00019672-00019879 a possible poster or advertiser for a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00107-00019880-00020094 company short and sweet and just easy 7QHPZAEwjU4-00108-00020095-00020255 pick up for me 7QHPZAEwjU4-00109-00020256-00020430 now this next one is a flyer mock-up 7QHPZAEwjU4-00110-00020431-00020622 with a few different perspectives i can 7QHPZAEwjU4-00111-00020623-00020791 easily see someone using this layout for 7QHPZAEwjU4-00112-00020792-00021014 a vertical format project for me i would 7QHPZAEwjU4-00113-00021015-00021175 actually take this up and rotate it a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00114-00021176-00021358 few times that way it gives the illusion 7QHPZAEwjU4-00115-00021359-00021558 of like these really cool falling pieces 7QHPZAEwjU4-00116-00021559-00021743 it could be a fun cool way to break up 7QHPZAEwjU4-00117-00021744-00021911 your project layout and introduce a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00118-00021912-00022135 really cool exciting stationary but in 7QHPZAEwjU4-00119-00022136-00022255 motion feeling i don't know if you kind 7QHPZAEwjU4-00120-00022256-00022422 of feel what i'm saying there and of 7QHPZAEwjU4-00121-00022423-00022591 course they work on their own as well 7QHPZAEwjU4-00122-00022592-00022727 even if you want to place them side by 7QHPZAEwjU4-00123-00022728-00022919 side by side it can also look very very 7QHPZAEwjU4-00124-00022920-00023063 dope so if you're looking for something 7QHPZAEwjU4-00125-00023064-00023175 to showcase some posters or 7QHPZAEwjU4-00126-00023176-00023319 advertisements this is definitely a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00127-00023320-00023550 really cool one 7QHPZAEwjU4-00128-00023551-00023719 and for the last one in the single 7QHPZAEwjU4-00129-00023720-00024022 showcase mockups is a billboard concept 7QHPZAEwjU4-00130-00024023-00024214 i see so many advertisements and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00131-00024215-00024439 branding products for esports teams this 7QHPZAEwjU4-00132-00024440-00024622 is by far one of the cleanest free 7QHPZAEwjU4-00133-00024623-00024767 billboard mockups i've seen with the 7QHPZAEwjU4-00134-00024768-00024919 textures and all that good stuff and i 7QHPZAEwjU4-00135-00024920-00025039 think it's just a mistake if you don't 7QHPZAEwjU4-00136-00025040-00025142 grab it 7QHPZAEwjU4-00137-00025143-00025278 so if you need some kind of way to spice 7QHPZAEwjU4-00138-00025279-00025399 up your next project and get some 7QHPZAEwjU4-00139-00025400-00025558 realism in there as well like real life 7QHPZAEwjU4-00140-00025559-00025718 use cases this is definitely a really 7QHPZAEwjU4-00141-00025719-00025902 cool one 7QHPZAEwjU4-00142-00025904-00026111 now for our last category we have to of 7QHPZAEwjU4-00143-00026112-00026279 course include some really cool clothing 7QHPZAEwjU4-00144-00026280-00026470 mock-ups i know a lot of you guys love 7QHPZAEwjU4-00145-00026472-00026655 apparel and love adding some merch ideas 7QHPZAEwjU4-00146-00026656-00026839 to your branding projects so here you go 7QHPZAEwjU4-00147-00026839-00026958 and just so you guys know i'm going to 7QHPZAEwjU4-00148-00026960-00027118 throw them all in one frame just so it 7QHPZAEwjU4-00149-00027119-00027367 saves us awesome time uh but i do want 7QHPZAEwjU4-00150-00027368-00027567 to mention with free mangas for a lot of 7QHPZAEwjU4-00151-00027568-00027727 clothing pieces they're labeled with 7QHPZAEwjU4-00152-00027727-00027887 colors to identify what is actually 7QHPZAEwjU4-00153-00027888-00028062 editable so in this case of the mock-ups 7QHPZAEwjU4-00154-00028063-00028231 that i gave you guys that would actually 7QHPZAEwjU4-00155-00028232-00028399 be red so if you're looking to figure 7QHPZAEwjU4-00156-00028400-00028558 out what is actually editable just look 7QHPZAEwjU4-00157-00028560-00028702 to the left and little square if it's 7QHPZAEwjU4-00158-00028704-00028831 red that's probably going to give you a 7QHPZAEwjU4-00159-00028832-00029007 better idea also if you guys ever want 7QHPZAEwjU4-00160-00029008-00029207 to see what exactly might be changing 7QHPZAEwjU4-00161-00029208-00029374 simply hold ctrl on your keyboard and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00162-00029375-00029567 select the thumbnail of the layer to see 7QHPZAEwjU4-00163-00029568-00029718 where it's actually highlighted this 7QHPZAEwjU4-00164-00029719-00029814 will give you a better understanding of 7QHPZAEwjU4-00165-00029816-00029958 what you might be changing or you what 7QHPZAEwjU4-00166-00029960-00030199 you possibly want to change next 7QHPZAEwjU4-00167-00030200-00030383 it's definitely far better than opening 7QHPZAEwjU4-00168-00030383-00030558 every single edit page just to see what 7QHPZAEwjU4-00169-00030560-00030767 you want to go ahead and change but even 7QHPZAEwjU4-00170-00030768-00030918 if you guys weren't planning on adding 7QHPZAEwjU4-00171-00030919-00031070 some really cool clothing stuff to your 7QHPZAEwjU4-00172-00031072-00031270 next project just saying these these i 7QHPZAEwjU4-00173-00031272-00031407 think are pretty cool enough to go ahead 7QHPZAEwjU4-00174-00031408-00031655 and start doing so 7QHPZAEwjU4-00175-00031656-00031831 all right guys so that is the end of the 7QHPZAEwjU4-00176-00031832-00031990 video here today so hopefully you guys 7QHPZAEwjU4-00177-00031991-00032199 did find some really cool projects or at 7QHPZAEwjU4-00178-00032200-00032318 least some really cool excuse me 7QHPZAEwjU4-00179-00032319-00032495 presentations for your projects and i 7QHPZAEwjU4-00180-00032495-00032695 hope that you guys use them and you guys 7QHPZAEwjU4-00181-00032695-00032846 actually elevate them of course now you 7QHPZAEwjU4-00182-00032847-00032983 want to have more urge to search for 7QHPZAEwjU4-00183-00032984-00033207 more cool ones um yeah that's all i got 7QHPZAEwjU4-00184-00033208-00033343 so if you guys enjoyed this video be 7QHPZAEwjU4-00185-00033344-00033502 sure to leave a like on the video of 7QHPZAEwjU4-00186-00033503-00033639 course if you guys are new you guys are 7QHPZAEwjU4-00187-00033640-00033879 subscribed i'm like here a lot uh i got 7QHPZAEwjU4-00188-00033880-00034023 a really cool tutorial coming or not 7QHPZAEwjU4-00189-00034024-00034207 tutorial video coming maybe next week or 7QHPZAEwjU4-00190-00034208-00034415 the next if it gets edited on time um 7QHPZAEwjU4-00191-00034416-00034583 but yeah i love you guys i appreciate 7QHPZAEwjU4-00192-00034584-00034702 all the support on the channel recently 7QHPZAEwjU4-00193-00034703-00034879 i just just been feeling myself and i'm 7QHPZAEwjU4-00194-00034880-00035046 feeling good you guys are making me feel 7QHPZAEwjU4-00195-00035047-00035199 good i feel like i'm getting better 7QHPZAEwjU4-00196-00035200-00035374 content and like you know it's kind of 7QHPZAEwjU4-00197-00035375-00035511 like a back and forth thing i love you 7QHPZAEwjU4-00198-00035512-00035718 guys i'll talk to you guys later so hq 7QHPZAEwjU4-00199-00035719-00036190 out says i said 7QHPZAEwjU4-00200-00036191-00036367 don't forget to keep smiling stay 7QHPZAEwjU4-00201-00036368-00036583 positive and stay freaking impressive 7QHPZAEwjU4-00202-00036584-00036783 guys i love you so very much peace and 7QHPZAEwjU4-00203-00036784-00037016 enjoy your weekend 7QHPZAEwjU4-00204-00037017-00037832 [Music] 7SIxVQjjvFE-00000-00000176-00000383 okay i'll call my 7SIxVQjjvFE-00001-00000384-00000743 arraylist as 7SIxVQjjvFE-00002-00000744-00001174 x now plug in this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00003-00001175-00001503 element 20 7SIxVQjjvFE-00004-00001504-00001879 30 30 7SIxVQjjvFE-00005-00001880-00002183 and 50. okay 7SIxVQjjvFE-00006-00002184-00002558 all right come here and show how we can 7SIxVQjjvFE-00007-00002559-00002702 print 7SIxVQjjvFE-00008-00002703-00003047 uh the element of 7SIxVQjjvFE-00009-00003048-00003447 our arraylist this is how you print you 7SIxVQjjvFE-00010-00003447-00003751 plug in the 7SIxVQjjvFE-00011-00003752-00004086 array there and the 7SIxVQjjvFE-00012-00004087-00004406 index of the element 7SIxVQjjvFE-00013-00004407-00004670 so at the moment i'm calling i say um 7SIxVQjjvFE-00014-00004671-00004879 i'm calling 7SIxVQjjvFE-00015-00004880-00005247 zero one two so if i run this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00016-00005248-00005683 okay let's save this first and upload 7SIxVQjjvFE-00017-00005684-00006263 this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00018-00006264-00006703 okay 7SIxVQjjvFE-00019-00006704-00006951 and you can see here we have our 30 7SIxVQjjvFE-00020-00006952-00007078 display there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00021-00007079-00007623 so i'm saying that within this array 7SIxVQjjvFE-00022-00007623-00007919 like let's print the index position 7SIxVQjjvFE-00023-00007920-00008095 number 7SIxVQjjvFE-00024-00008095-00008407 three which is zero one two 7SIxVQjjvFE-00025-00008408-00008646 yeah so zero one two remember i already 7SIxVQjjvFE-00026-00008647-00008742 start with zero 7SIxVQjjvFE-00027-00008743-00009110 so i'm printing zero one two number 7SIxVQjjvFE-00028-00009111-00009335 three there okay this is how you do 7SIxVQjjvFE-00029-00009336-00009446 arrays 7SIxVQjjvFE-00030-00009447-00009883 in python okay let's uh 7SIxVQjjvFE-00031-00009884-00010438 quickly 7SIxVQjjvFE-00032-00010439-00010855 add this okay 7SIxVQjjvFE-00033-00010856-00011167 then we're saying 7SIxVQjjvFE-00034-00011168-00011478 on this arrays at position zero so we 7SIxVQjjvFE-00035-00011479-00011614 want to change the value of 7SIxVQjjvFE-00036-00011615-00011846 of this array i want to change to change 7SIxVQjjvFE-00037-00011847-00011974 the values of this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00038-00011975-00012287 position there number zero 7SIxVQjjvFE-00039-00012288-00012495 i'm saying that zero instead of having 7SIxVQjjvFE-00040-00012496-00012767 ten here i'm changing to 7SIxVQjjvFE-00041-00012768-00013335 100 and here i'm saying 7SIxVQjjvFE-00042-00013336-00013671 within the position 4 0 7SIxVQjjvFE-00043-00013672-00013991 1 2 3 4 instead of having 50 7SIxVQjjvFE-00044-00013991-00014327 i'm changing the value of this array to 7SIxVQjjvFE-00045-00014328-00014671 500 okay 7SIxVQjjvFE-00046-00014672-00014999 okay come here okay i'll show another 7SIxVQjjvFE-00047-00015000-00015135 way of printing arrays with 7SIxVQjjvFE-00048-00015136-00015599 using a enhanced for loop 7SIxVQjjvFE-00049-00015600-00016030 okay so i'll call it 4 7SIxVQjjvFE-00050-00016031-00016622 let's call my array my variable t 7SIxVQjjvFE-00051-00016623-00016999 array there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00052-00017000-00017319 okay for tra 7SIxVQjjvFE-00053-00017320-00017639 in our our array 7SIxVQjjvFE-00054-00017640-00018022 x so i'm saying 7SIxVQjjvFE-00055-00018023-00018343 take these values take this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00056-00018344-00018758 array i'm saying take the value of this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00057-00018759-00018847 array 7SIxVQjjvFE-00058-00018848-00019175 that are contained in x pass them in the 7SIxVQjjvFE-00059-00019176-00019663 t array and then print them out 7SIxVQjjvFE-00060-00019664-00019879 so is another way of using enhance 7SIxVQjjvFE-00061-00019880-00020007 follow to print 7SIxVQjjvFE-00062-00020008-00020327 mre 7SIxVQjjvFE-00063-00020328-00020639 i'm saying we're printing the elements 7SIxVQjjvFE-00064-00020640-00020935 that are contained now in this array so 7SIxVQjjvFE-00065-00020936-00021263 let's print 7SIxVQjjvFE-00066-00021264-00021583 all right now you see 7SIxVQjjvFE-00067-00021584-00021894 um so we've changed the value of we've 7SIxVQjjvFE-00068-00021895-00022030 changed the values 7SIxVQjjvFE-00069-00022031-00022358 of 10 to 100 7SIxVQjjvFE-00070-00022359-00022622 and we print 20 30 40 and we've changed 7SIxVQjjvFE-00071-00022623-00022871 the element also the values of 50 7SIxVQjjvFE-00072-00022872-00023199 uh to 500 so this is how you can 7SIxVQjjvFE-00073-00023200-00023575 manipulate arrays and change its 7SIxVQjjvFE-00074-00023576-00024119 elements using follow-up using 7SIxVQjjvFE-00075-00024120-00024471 this uh uh by plugging 7SIxVQjjvFE-00076-00024472-00024807 uh values 7SIxVQjjvFE-00077-00024808-00025086 through the index position of the 7SIxVQjjvFE-00078-00025087-00025247 elements there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00079-00025248-00025575 okay so let's show another way of doing 7SIxVQjjvFE-00080-00025576-00025655 array 7SIxVQjjvFE-00081-00025656-00026046 like so of doing a and 7SIxVQjjvFE-00082-00026047-00026335 a string array so here you can also plug 7SIxVQjjvFE-00083-00026336-00026495 in there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00084-00026495-00026902 so i'm just calling this say array so x 7SIxVQjjvFE-00085-00026904-00027207 and instead of having numbers i'll have 7SIxVQjjvFE-00086-00027208-00027239 some 7SIxVQjjvFE-00087-00027239-00027599 [Music] 7SIxVQjjvFE-00088-00027600-00027823 some something else so i'm saying here 7SIxVQjjvFE-00089-00027824-00028246 we'll plug it monday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00090-00028247-00028807 okay tuesday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00091-00028808-00029483 wednesday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00092-00029483-00030814 thursday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00093-00030816-00031183 friday there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00094-00031183-00031439 so zero one two three four so we have 7SIxVQjjvFE-00095-00031439-00031567 until friday there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00096-00031568-00032055 okay now 7SIxVQjjvFE-00097-00032056-00032367 here let's change this uh 7SIxVQjjvFE-00098-00032368-00032711 let's cross this let's cross this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00099-00032712-00033023 let's just comment this 7SIxVQjjvFE-00100-00033024-00033479 all right so here i say x 7SIxVQjjvFE-00101-00033480-00033823 so to say this this array position zero 7SIxVQjjvFE-00102-00033824-00034062 so instead of having hundred there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00103-00034063-00034127 before is 7SIxVQjjvFE-00104-00034128-00034446 before we we had hundred now we need to 7SIxVQjjvFE-00105-00034447-00034495 plug 7SIxVQjjvFE-00106-00034496-00034895 something uh now i'm saying 7SIxVQjjvFE-00107-00034896-00035279 so there i'll say 7SIxVQjjvFE-00108-00035280-00035590 sunday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00109-00035591-00036111 so i'll plug sunday on monday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00110-00036112-00036439 and i'll have this values 7SIxVQjjvFE-00111-00036440-00036830 is a day here 7SIxVQjjvFE-00112-00036831-00037135 okay and i'll call this position for 7SIxVQjjvFE-00113-00037136-00037223 there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00114-00037224-00037583 right so i'm saying on uh on monday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00115-00037584-00037646 there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00116-00037647-00037983 plug sunday and on uh 7SIxVQjjvFE-00117-00037984-00038255 position four friday let's pack it a day 7SIxVQjjvFE-00118-00038256-00038551 and this round is called 7SIxVQjjvFE-00119-00038552-00038790 and you can see there sunday tuesday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00120-00038791-00038855 wednesday 7SIxVQjjvFE-00121-00038856-00039071 thursday and then we have a day we no 7SIxVQjjvFE-00122-00039072-00039167 longer have 7SIxVQjjvFE-00123-00039168-00039407 friday there and we no longer have 7SIxVQjjvFE-00124-00039408-00039502 monday there 7SIxVQjjvFE-00125-00039503-00039783 yeah so this is how you can manipulate 7SIxVQjjvFE-00126-00039784-00039887 uh 7SIxVQjjvFE-00127-00039888-00040087 arrays and you do your research about 7SIxVQjjvFE-00128-00040088-00040335 arrays basically arrays are containers 7SIxVQjjvFE-00129-00040336-00040743 that hold some datas or some information 7SIxVQjjvFE-00130-00040744-00040862 and we can use 7SIxVQjjvFE-00131-00040863-00041102 um those data as we can access those 7SIxVQjjvFE-00132-00041103-00041207 data 7SIxVQjjvFE-00133-00041208-00041511 from the arrays thank you 7SIxVQjjvFE-00134-00041512-00041751 i hope this has been useful to you thank 7SIxVQjjvFE-00135-00041752-00041968 you 7UVuLX9WTD0-00000-00000083-00002879 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00001-00002880-00003055 oh 7UVuLX9WTD0-00002-00003056-00005686 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00003-00005687-00005792 what 7UVuLX9WTD0-00004-00005793-00006231 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00005-00006232-00006554 go 7UVuLX9WTD0-00007-00010200-00011070 now 7UVuLX9WTD0-00008-00011071-00011791 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00009-00011792-00012408 um 7UVuLX9WTD0-00010-00012409-00013158 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00011-00013159-00013541 um 7UVuLX9WTD0-00012-00013541-00014375 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00013-00014376-00014569 um 7UVuLX9WTD0-00014-00014571-00015711 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00015-00015712-00016025 do 7UVuLX9WTD0-00016-00016026-00017311 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00017-00017312-00017586 oh 7UVuLX9WTD0-00018-00017587-00018903 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00019-00018904-00019189 good 7UVuLX9WTD0-00020-00019190-00019975 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00021-00019976-00020328 now 7UVuLX9WTD0-00022-00020329-00022958 [Music] 7UVuLX9WTD0-00023-00022959-00023168 you 7Yr0NOnoLsg-00000-00000532-00003503 [Applause] 7Yr0NOnoLsg-00001-00003504-00004968 [Music] 7Yr0NOnoLsg-00002-00004969-00005683 [Music] 7Yr0NOnoLsg-00003-00005684-00005928 so 7Yr0NOnoLsg-00005-00013428-00013728 devils 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00000-00000038-00001549 [Music] 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00001-00001550-00001984 you like poetry the crazy Whirlwind 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00002-00001985-00002457 blows us from the corners of my mind 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00003-00002458-00003075 [Applause] 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00004-00003076-00003317 [Music] 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00005-00003318-00003751 saw your hand there waiting for my mind 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00006-00003752-00004200 like the stars 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00007-00004201-00006532 [Music] 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00008-00006533-00007034 foreign 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00009-00007036-00008545 [Music] 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00010-00008546-00008672 [Applause] 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00011-00008673-00009257 [Music] 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00012-00009258-00010237 this is 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00013-00010238-00010471 feel your energy 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00014-00010472-00010942 when our eyes touch so familiar deep 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00015-00010943-00011401 inside like you were already mine 7Z6WxNAFGwA-00016-00011402-00011801 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00000-00000827-00001711 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00001-00001712-00002055 [Applause] 7aEShqRNJLY-00002-00002056-00002890 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00003-00002891-00003184 [Applause] 7aEShqRNJLY-00004-00003185-00003297 foreign 7aEShqRNJLY-00005-00003299-00003718 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00006-00003719-00004063 [Applause] 7aEShqRNJLY-00007-00004064-00006331 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00008-00006332-00007178 thank you 7aEShqRNJLY-00009-00007179-00007342 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00010-00007343-00007504 foreign 7aEShqRNJLY-00011-00007505-00007600 [Applause] 7aEShqRNJLY-00012-00007601-00008511 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00013-00008512-00010072 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00014-00010073-00011402 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00015-00011403-00012545 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00016-00012546-00012752 foreign 7aEShqRNJLY-00017-00012753-00013634 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00018-00013635-00014251 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00019-00014252-00016043 [Music] 7aEShqRNJLY-00020-00016044-00016633 foreign 7aEShqRNJLY-00021-00016634-00016847 [Applause] 7aEShqRNJLY-00022-00016848-00017248 foreign 7aEShqRNJLY-00023-00017249-00017974 [Applause] 7aRjZX_p7bu-00000-00000088-00000303 so today we're going to talk about do 7aRjZX_p7bu-00001-00000304-00000591 dating apps really work the dating apps 7aRjZX_p7bu-00002-00000592-00000774 the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00003-00000775-00000919 on our phone 7aRjZX_p7bu-00004-00000919-00001095 um the reason why i want to talk about 7aRjZX_p7bu-00005-00001096-00001295 this today is because i'm having some 7aRjZX_p7bu-00006-00001296-00001503 interesting new awareness 7aRjZX_p7bu-00007-00001504-00001871 around using dating apps and 7aRjZX_p7bu-00008-00001872-00002047 and i thought i'd share it with everyone 7aRjZX_p7bu-00009-00002048-00002247 today because um 7aRjZX_p7bu-00010-00002248-00002447 and i'm looking at my own patterns and 7aRjZX_p7bu-00011-00002448-00002718 my behavior with respects to online 7aRjZX_p7bu-00012-00002719-00002934 dating and you know i'm kind of in a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00013-00002935-00003158 catch-22 because in my professional 7aRjZX_p7bu-00014-00003159-00003447 capacity you know i'm i'm here talking 7aRjZX_p7bu-00015-00003447-00003670 about dating relationships all day long 7aRjZX_p7bu-00016-00003671-00004006 and unlike most men out there um 7aRjZX_p7bu-00017-00004007-00004222 and then i've been an advocate for 7aRjZX_p7bu-00018-00004223-00004543 dating apps for years because when after 7aRjZX_p7bu-00019-00004544-00004743 going through a divorce i found my well 7aRjZX_p7bu-00020-00004744-00004919 i didn't use dating apps i used dating 7aRjZX_p7bu-00021-00004920-00005191 sites after my divorce and i met some 7aRjZX_p7bu-00022-00005192-00005567 really amazing women i got to go on a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00023-00005568-00005870 lot of dates um 7aRjZX_p7bu-00024-00005871-00006031 not that that's a good thing i went on a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00025-00006032-00006247 lot of dates but i mean there was access 7aRjZX_p7bu-00026-00006248-00006431 to people there was access to an 7aRjZX_p7bu-00027-00006431-00006663 abundance amount of people and in the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00028-00006664-00006846 beginning my first couple years after my 7aRjZX_p7bu-00029-00006847-00007046 divorce i mean i had what feels like 7aRjZX_p7bu-00030-00007047-00007270 hundreds and hundreds of dates 7aRjZX_p7bu-00031-00007272-00007583 probably that number isn't too far off 7aRjZX_p7bu-00032-00007584-00007791 so there was this perception that there 7aRjZX_p7bu-00033-00007792-00008119 was all this abundance out there 7aRjZX_p7bu-00034-00008120-00008271 and the more i did it the more i did it 7aRjZX_p7bu-00035-00008272-00008423 the more i did i realized that the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00036-00008424-00008623 problem isn't the dating sites the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00037-00008624-00008855 problem was me in other words what i 7aRjZX_p7bu-00038-00008856-00009103 truly wanted was i in a healthy place to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00039-00009104-00009295 be in a relationship and the dating 7aRjZX_p7bu-00040-00009296-00009599 sites were this um addictive became an 7aRjZX_p7bu-00041-00009600-00009839 addictive thing for me now thankfully 7aRjZX_p7bu-00042-00009840-00010039 because of my addiction i i found my 7aRjZX_p7bu-00043-00010040-00010295 vocation in life so i'm very grateful 7aRjZX_p7bu-00044-00010296-00010542 for the the addiction and the dating 7aRjZX_p7bu-00045-00010543-00010863 process and the dating sites and whatnot 7aRjZX_p7bu-00046-00010864-00011142 but as i got to know myself better i 7aRjZX_p7bu-00047-00011143-00011431 realized that once the dating apps once 7aRjZX_p7bu-00048-00011432-00011727 the swipe apps were invented i became 7aRjZX_p7bu-00049-00011728-00012038 rather addicted to the process i became 7aRjZX_p7bu-00050-00012039-00012231 rather addicted to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00051-00012232-00012510 the dopamine hit when someone would 7aRjZX_p7bu-00052-00012511-00012735 swipe you and you'd match and they go 7aRjZX_p7bu-00053-00012736-00012894 and you'd stay inside yourself or at 7aRjZX_p7bu-00054-00012895-00013079 least i didn't set them inside myself oh 7aRjZX_p7bu-00055-00013080-00013319 someone likes me and then we gauge in a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00056-00013319-00013503 conversation it would fade out and it 7aRjZX_p7bu-00057-00013504-00013686 was just one disappointment after 7aRjZX_p7bu-00058-00013687-00014086 another after another 7aRjZX_p7bu-00059-00014087-00014158 so 7aRjZX_p7bu-00060-00014159-00014430 as i really leaned into 7aRjZX_p7bu-00061-00014431-00014663 what's happening both for myself and 7aRjZX_p7bu-00062-00014663-00014894 globally and i'm saying globally from 7aRjZX_p7bu-00063-00014895-00015135 the dating perspective around dating 7aRjZX_p7bu-00064-00015136-00015319 apps 7aRjZX_p7bu-00065-00015319-00015455 is that 7aRjZX_p7bu-00066-00015456-00015799 it's it's i think that swipe apps have 7aRjZX_p7bu-00067-00015800-00016055 bastardized the process 7aRjZX_p7bu-00068-00016056-00016247 at least it was at least when there was 7aRjZX_p7bu-00069-00016247-00016407 the dating sites where you used your 7aRjZX_p7bu-00070-00016408-00016647 laptop there was a lot more information 7aRjZX_p7bu-00071-00016648-00016847 there was a few more hurdles to jump 7aRjZX_p7bu-00072-00016848-00017015 through 7aRjZX_p7bu-00073-00017016-00017158 there was um 7aRjZX_p7bu-00074-00017159-00017350 you know a little few more barriers into 7aRjZX_p7bu-00075-00017351-00017535 entry there was a little bit more 7aRjZX_p7bu-00076-00017536-00017671 success 7aRjZX_p7bu-00077-00017672-00017967 and now because of dating apps i think 7aRjZX_p7bu-00078-00017968-00018230 the swiping and the the dopamine hits 7aRjZX_p7bu-00079-00018231-00018486 and the addictive process of it has made 7aRjZX_p7bu-00080-00018487-00018750 it almost incredibly incredibly 7aRjZX_p7bu-00081-00018751-00018950 difficult especially if you're swiping 7aRjZX_p7bu-00082-00018951-00019111 with people who live hundreds of miles 7aRjZX_p7bu-00083-00019112-00019319 away because there's the need to meet 7aRjZX_p7bu-00084-00019320-00019479 right away there's the need to meet 7aRjZX_p7bu-00085-00019480-00019607 right away and you haven't even 7aRjZX_p7bu-00086-00019608-00019807 developed a relationship and what i mean 7aRjZX_p7bu-00087-00019808-00019967 by relationship you haven't developed 7aRjZX_p7bu-00088-00019968-00020175 any familiarity with a person it's all 7aRjZX_p7bu-00089-00020176-00020407 about meeting meeting meeting and and 7aRjZX_p7bu-00090-00020408-00020558 god forbid when you meet and there's 7aRjZX_p7bu-00091-00020559-00020727 lust or limerence going on that could 7aRjZX_p7bu-00092-00020728-00020950 take you down a whole nother rabbit hole 7aRjZX_p7bu-00093-00020951-00021299 of of of of approaching it from an 7aRjZX_p7bu-00094-00021300-00021519 attraction-based way of dating and not a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00095-00021520-00021863 compatible based way of dating 7aRjZX_p7bu-00096-00021864-00022030 okay so i'm sharing all this with you 7aRjZX_p7bu-00097-00022031-00022286 because i'm finding myself in a position 7aRjZX_p7bu-00098-00022287-00022503 where i'm spending i still have the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00099-00022504-00022839 dating i still have my my um 7aRjZX_p7bu-00100-00022840-00023055 profile on the different apps but i've 7aRjZX_p7bu-00101-00023056-00023271 made a commitment to myself to stop 7aRjZX_p7bu-00102-00023272-00023478 looking every single day 7aRjZX_p7bu-00103-00023479-00023758 or at least i upgraded my service to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00104-00023759-00023991 those where i can look to see who swiped 7aRjZX_p7bu-00105-00023992-00024175 me and then i can make a quick 7aRjZX_p7bu-00106-00024176-00024335 determination but i'm not even sure 7aRjZX_p7bu-00107-00024336-00024494 that's healthy 7aRjZX_p7bu-00108-00024495-00024791 because i'm coming to the awareness that 7aRjZX_p7bu-00109-00024792-00025183 i so desired a relationship 7aRjZX_p7bu-00110-00025184-00025439 that i was getting in my own way trying 7aRjZX_p7bu-00111-00025440-00025678 so hard and being attached to the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00112-00025679-00025790 outcome 7aRjZX_p7bu-00113-00025791-00026014 i got and i think part of it was because 7aRjZX_p7bu-00114-00026016-00026183 because of my profession i was like i 7aRjZX_p7bu-00115-00026183-00026374 want to prove to everyone i can do it 7aRjZX_p7bu-00116-00026375-00026590 this way so i can show you 7aRjZX_p7bu-00117-00026591-00026774 even though my coaching has nothing to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00118-00026775-00026967 do with the online dating process my 7aRjZX_p7bu-00119-00026968-00027174 coaching is all about how to vet for 7aRjZX_p7bu-00120-00027175-00027470 emotional maturity how to determine who 7aRjZX_p7bu-00121-00027472-00027655 is actually capable of being in a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00122-00027656-00027862 relationship so i've really gotten good 7aRjZX_p7bu-00123-00027863-00028135 at that skill for myself and i'm 7aRjZX_p7bu-00124-00028136-00028351 grateful that i can teach that 7aRjZX_p7bu-00125-00028352-00028743 but in my own life i got i've gotten so 7aRjZX_p7bu-00126-00028744-00028943 addicted to the process and the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00127-00028944-00029223 attachment to the idea of it 7aRjZX_p7bu-00128-00029224-00029407 instead of just trusting that the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00129-00029408-00029518 universe 7aRjZX_p7bu-00130-00029519-00029807 knows exactly my desire i do not have to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00131-00029808-00030031 make any once the desire is out there 7aRjZX_p7bu-00132-00030032-00030223 the universe is going to let it expand 7aRjZX_p7bu-00133-00030224-00030446 exponentially unless i'm creating 7aRjZX_p7bu-00134-00030447-00030623 resistance and that resistance is the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00135-00030624-00030799 addiction that existence is the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00136-00030800-00031055 expectation that existence is caring 7aRjZX_p7bu-00137-00031056-00031367 about it 7aRjZX_p7bu-00138-00031368-00031679 now some people might say stop caring 7aRjZX_p7bu-00139-00031680-00031895 it's not about care it's about 7aRjZX_p7bu-00140-00031895-00032135 attachment to the outcome it's about 7aRjZX_p7bu-00141-00032136-00032351 attachment to the idea of it i don't 7aRjZX_p7bu-00142-00032352-00032623 believe in caring i i believe in just 7aRjZX_p7bu-00143-00032624-00032774 don't be you know 7aRjZX_p7bu-00144-00032775-00033159 allow yourself not to be affected by it 7aRjZX_p7bu-00145-00033160-00033374 now this is a lot easier said than done 7aRjZX_p7bu-00146-00033375-00033543 especially when you truly desire a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00147-00033544-00033687 partner 7aRjZX_p7bu-00148-00033688-00033839 which is why when i think back for the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00149-00033840-00034031 last few years that i've been single 7aRjZX_p7bu-00150-00034032-00034279 what i learned was to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00151-00034280-00034511 appreciate my own company what i learned 7aRjZX_p7bu-00152-00034512-00034727 is just the last few years i'm just like 7aRjZX_p7bu-00153-00034728-00034951 i like my own company i really enjoy my 7aRjZX_p7bu-00154-00034952-00035118 own company now does that mean that 7aRjZX_p7bu-00155-00035119-00035423 could be the danger of of being recluse 7aRjZX_p7bu-00156-00035424-00035662 no i still desire to be connected with 7aRjZX_p7bu-00157-00035663-00035911 someone and yet i'm in a space where i 7aRjZX_p7bu-00158-00035912-00036079 feel good 7aRjZX_p7bu-00159-00036080-00036302 and when you actually feel in a spin 7aRjZX_p7bu-00160-00036303-00036511 when you're in a space of just feeling 7aRjZX_p7bu-00161-00036512-00036727 good and you just feel good you just 7aRjZX_p7bu-00162-00036728-00036967 feel good you're just feeling good and i 7aRjZX_p7bu-00163-00036968-00037118 feel good and i feel good and i feel 7aRjZX_p7bu-00164-00037119-00037351 satisfied and and i'm still doing the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00165-00037352-00037527 personal development work to keep making 7aRjZX_p7bu-00166-00037528-00037671 myself a little bit better and a little 7aRjZX_p7bu-00167-00037672-00037790 bit better and when i use the word 7aRjZX_p7bu-00168-00037791-00038007 better i simply mean you know not 7aRjZX_p7bu-00169-00038008-00038271 allowing negativity to over 7aRjZX_p7bu-00170-00038272-00038527 override my emotions and just leaning 7aRjZX_p7bu-00171-00038528-00038767 into trust leaning into trust leaning 7aRjZX_p7bu-00172-00038768-00038983 into trust 7aRjZX_p7bu-00173-00038984-00039318 and so i say a prayer most every day 7aRjZX_p7bu-00174-00039319-00039527 dear god universe spirit 7aRjZX_p7bu-00175-00039528-00039662 i invite you 7aRjZX_p7bu-00176-00039663-00039902 i i put out the energy to invite my soul 7aRjZX_p7bu-00177-00039903-00040111 mate into my life my true love into my 7aRjZX_p7bu-00178-00040112-00040295 life where we can begin a partnership 7aRjZX_p7bu-00179-00040296-00040511 together where we have mutual chemistry 7aRjZX_p7bu-00180-00040512-00040687 and we have excellent communication 7aRjZX_p7bu-00181-00040688-00040879 skills with one another we banter with 7aRjZX_p7bu-00182-00040880-00041039 each other on a regular basis in a 7aRjZX_p7bu-00183-00041040-00041199 healthy happy way and we have the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00184-00041200-00041351 ability to resolve conflicts and 7aRjZX_p7bu-00185-00041352-00041535 differences with ease and we're 7aRjZX_p7bu-00186-00041536-00041735 compatible in that our lifestyles are 7aRjZX_p7bu-00187-00041736-00041974 blendable with one another and we enjoy 7aRjZX_p7bu-00188-00041975-00042127 each other's company and we can do 7aRjZX_p7bu-00189-00042128-00042439 spontaneous things with ease and we we 7aRjZX_p7bu-00190-00042440-00042639 share the same values in life and we 7aRjZX_p7bu-00191-00042640-00042918 have that emotional maturity to actually 7aRjZX_p7bu-00192-00042919-00043095 go beyond 7aRjZX_p7bu-00193-00043096-00043327 our egoic beliefs and actually leaning 7aRjZX_p7bu-00194-00043328-00043655 into more unconditional love and lastly 7aRjZX_p7bu-00195-00043656-00043855 we can build the deep roots of trust 7aRjZX_p7bu-00196-00043856-00044079 together so we can forge this healthy 7aRjZX_p7bu-00197-00044080-00044327 happy relationship together and for that 7aRjZX_p7bu-00198-00044328-00044711 or in that i invite that into my life 7aRjZX_p7bu-00199-00044712-00044927 ah 7aRjZX_p7bu-00200-00044928-00045230 so that's my invitation for you 7aRjZX_p7bu-00201-00045231-00045430 let go of the dating apps 7aRjZX_p7bu-00202-00045431-00045574 trust that the universe is going to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00203-00045575-00045799 invite someone in set that prayer work 7aRjZX_p7bu-00204-00045800-00046071 on yourself emotionally every single day 7aRjZX_p7bu-00205-00046072-00046190 and allow 7aRjZX_p7bu-00206-00046191-00046462 god universe spirit to bring that person 7aRjZX_p7bu-00207-00046463-00046623 into your life 7aRjZX_p7bu-00208-00046624-00046783 and when you're ready 7aRjZX_p7bu-00209-00046784-00046943 and oftentimes we're getting ready to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00210-00046944-00047151 get ready to get ready to quote abraham 7aRjZX_p7bu-00211-00047152-00047343 and when you're ready that person will 7aRjZX_p7bu-00212-00047344-00047462 show up 7aRjZX_p7bu-00213-00047463-00047662 god willing and if they don't maybe in 7aRjZX_p7bu-00214-00047663-00047846 the next time like lifetime that'll 7aRjZX_p7bu-00215-00047847-00048062 happen because i believe our spirit is 7aRjZX_p7bu-00216-00048063-00048255 eternal and we get to try this over and 7aRjZX_p7bu-00217-00048256-00048502 over and over again just for fun 7aRjZX_p7bu-00218-00048503-00048671 all right i'd like to hear your thoughts 7aRjZX_p7bu-00219-00048672-00048846 on this please post a comment below if 7aRjZX_p7bu-00220-00048847-00048983 this resonated with you if you have 7aRjZX_p7bu-00221-00048984-00049230 something to share certainly share uh 7aRjZX_p7bu-00222-00049231-00049462 the group uh midlife love mastery to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00223-00049463-00049723 your friends and send them to my website 7aRjZX_p7bu-00224-00049724-00049902 jonathanaslay.com have them click the 7aRjZX_p7bu-00225-00049903-00050055 group coaching button so they can join 7aRjZX_p7bu-00226-00050056-00050262 our fantastic group and i'm gonna sign 7aRjZX_p7bu-00227-00050263-00050439 off this video as i always do first off 7aRjZX_p7bu-00228-00050440-00050615 giving myself a big gigantic jonathan 7aRjZX_p7bu-00229-00050616-00050758 barrage of self-love and i'm going to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00230-00050759-00050935 reach into the camera and give you a hug 7aRjZX_p7bu-00231-00050936-00051111 of love if that's okay i'm asking you to 7aRjZX_p7bu-00232-00051112-00051294 turn to someone a pet teddy bear pillow 7aRjZX_p7bu-00233-00051295-00051463 and give enter them a hug of love 7aRjZX_p7bu-00234-00051464-00051630 because hugs are a great source of love 7aRjZX_p7bu-00235-00051632-00051799 and let's face it we could all use more 7aRjZX_p7bu-00236-00051800-00052007 love in our lives thanks a bunch bye-bye 7aRjZX_p7bu-00237-00052008-00052436 now bye bye 7fphHUDg9Fy-00000-00000000-00000245 the best way to give a pill to a dog is 7fphHUDg9Fy-00001-00000246-00000499 to open the mouth correctly make sure 7fphHUDg9Fy-00002-00000500-00000730 your dog is comfy and relaxed hold the 7fphHUDg9Fy-00003-00000731-00000902 pill in one hand with your other hand 7fphHUDg9Fy-00004-00000902-00001124 gently hold the muzzle with your thumb 7fphHUDg9Fy-00005-00001125-00001312 on one side and your fingers on the 7fphHUDg9Fy-00006-00001313-00001535 other gently squeeze until the mouth is 7fphHUDg9Fy-00007-00001536-00001763 open tilt the head back and drop the 7fphHUDg9Fy-00008-00001764-00001967 pill into the back of the throat close 7fphHUDg9Fy-00009-00001968-00002209 the mouth and keep holding it closed rub 7fphHUDg9Fy-00010-00002210-00002372 the throat to encourage swallowing 7fphHUDg9Fy-00011-00002373-00002639 praise and reward your dog after good 7fphHUDg9Fy-00012-00002640-00002911 boy 7l7tzyEFOxy-00000-00000424-00002407 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00001-00002408-00002575 good morning everybody and welcome to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00002-00002576-00002750 wake up missoula i'm your host scott 7l7tzyEFOxy-00003-00002751-00002871 ramp and i'm here to tell you about 7l7tzyEFOxy-00004-00002872-00003023 what's going on and around the city of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00005-00003024-00003238 missoula and more as we dive into the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00006-00003239-00003463 weekend um just wanting you guys to know 7l7tzyEFOxy-00007-00003464-00003663 just first and foremost is that the city 7l7tzyEFOxy-00008-00003664-00003959 of missoula did not host any kind of uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00009-00003960-00004175 meetings uh they hosted a couple of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00010-00004176-00004359 their typical committee meetings here 7l7tzyEFOxy-00011-00004360-00004622 and there um well they didn't uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00012-00004623-00004783 host their official meetings though i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00013-00004784-00004935 have no city council report for you guys 7l7tzyEFOxy-00014-00004936-00005167 in this particular episode so let's dive 7l7tzyEFOxy-00015-00005168-00005431 right in as we're going to jump right 7l7tzyEFOxy-00016-00005432-00005567 into 7l7tzyEFOxy-00017-00005568-00005831 the ukraine deal so over 3.6 million 7l7tzyEFOxy-00018-00005832-00006047 people have fled ukraine and over 10 7l7tzyEFOxy-00019-00006048-00006206 million people have been displaced in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00020-00006207-00006367 their own country this was coming out of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00021-00006368-00006542 the weekend of fighting and russian 7l7tzyEFOxy-00022-00006543-00006791 military and crawling through the cities 7l7tzyEFOxy-00023-00006792-00007055 and bombing indiscriminately and so far 7l7tzyEFOxy-00024-00007056-00007295 theater hosting 500 people was bombed 7l7tzyEFOxy-00025-00007295-00007431 but they had some underground tunnels 7l7tzyEFOxy-00026-00007431-00007591 that many folks were sheltered in but so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00027-00007592-00007687 far 7l7tzyEFOxy-00028-00007688-00007910 many uh focuses have been shifted 7l7tzyEFOxy-00029-00007911-00008167 towards maripool mario pool a city has 7l7tzyEFOxy-00030-00008168-00008399 been hit hard with russian taking major 7l7tzyEFOxy-00031-00008400-00008614 military operations at the port city the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00032-00008615-00008846 main goal as it seems like the russians 7l7tzyEFOxy-00033-00008847-00008991 military want to take the city so they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00034-00008992-00009287 can have a strategic strategic advantage 7l7tzyEFOxy-00035-00009288-00009399 on the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00036-00009400-00009695 seaside of mario port city when they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00037-00009696-00009951 annexed crimea back in 2014 there was a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00038-00009952-00010199 big chunk of land that they took 7l7tzyEFOxy-00039-00010200-00010359 along the sea and now they're basically 7l7tzyEFOxy-00040-00010360-00010614 cutting off a ukraine from the sea by 7l7tzyEFOxy-00041-00010615-00010814 taking muriel 7l7tzyEFOxy-00042-00010815-00010991 there is some speculation in what media 7l7tzyEFOxy-00043-00010992-00011271 has been saying about a stalemate so so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00044-00011272-00011431 far the whole idea of a stalemate is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00045-00011432-00011623 that like the trench warfare in world 7l7tzyEFOxy-00046-00011624-00011878 war one it's a little bit one way a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00047-00011879-00012063 little bit the other way but the killing 7l7tzyEFOxy-00048-00012064-00012270 continues so i just wanted to make that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00049-00012271-00012478 uh very clear that still mates have that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00050-00012479-00012791 tendency to kind of uh convey like oh no 7l7tzyEFOxy-00051-00012792-00013015 nothing's happening no there's a lot 7l7tzyEFOxy-00052-00013016-00013166 still happening the scariest part is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00053-00013168-00013358 that this isn't the full might of the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00054-00013359-00013583 russian military mind you uh remember 7l7tzyEFOxy-00055-00013584-00013719 they invaded a country thinking they'd 7l7tzyEFOxy-00056-00013719-00013983 be welcomed uh so dealing with that has 7l7tzyEFOxy-00057-00013984-00014230 been an issue uh the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00058-00014231-00014415 last week or so five russian generals 7l7tzyEFOxy-00059-00014416-00014686 have been killed uh have shown uh how 7l7tzyEFOxy-00060-00014687-00014879 unprepared this military operation has 7l7tzyEFOxy-00061-00014880-00015127 been thus far uh but even scary might be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00062-00015128-00015311 the thought that maybe putin set them up 7l7tzyEFOxy-00063-00015312-00015558 to fail these five generals because 7l7tzyEFOxy-00064-00015559-00015686 maybe they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00065-00015687-00015919 uh have a lot of power i don't know the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00066-00015919-00016086 the way that russians think the way that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00067-00016087-00016286 they do is like every move uh can be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00068-00016287-00016486 very calculated in everything that can 7l7tzyEFOxy-00069-00016487-00016607 be that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00070-00016608-00016855 that every failure can be turned into an 7l7tzyEFOxy-00071-00016856-00017039 opportunity for them to continue forward 7l7tzyEFOxy-00072-00017040-00017207 so there's just a lot of speculation 7l7tzyEFOxy-00073-00017208-00017399 right there and it's it's interesting 7l7tzyEFOxy-00074-00017400-00017558 that the media has been going like full 7l7tzyEFOxy-00075-00017559-00017855 cancel culture with uh putin with his 7l7tzyEFOxy-00076-00017856-00017999 calling him you know mentally 7l7tzyEFOxy-00077-00018000-00018279 incompetent inaptitude he's too old his 7l7tzyEFOxy-00078-00018280-00018479 dementia all that kind of stuff just you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00079-00018480-00018686 know pays people to attend his public 7l7tzyEFOxy-00080-00018687-00018894 display hey listen uh the worst thing 7l7tzyEFOxy-00081-00018895-00019119 you can do is underestimate someone 7l7tzyEFOxy-00082-00019120-00019255 because they can turn around and bite 7l7tzyEFOxy-00083-00019256-00019391 you in the ass and i'm sorry about the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00084-00019392-00019591 language but i've been seeing so many 7l7tzyEFOxy-00085-00019592-00019743 u.s related news 7l7tzyEFOxy-00086-00019744-00019967 posturing to the idea that the war is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00087-00019968-00020207 the only option but in fact the world is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00088-00020208-00020478 more united for peace more than anything 7l7tzyEFOxy-00089-00020479-00020678 and of course china is on the bench and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00090-00020679-00020847 i've they've been kind of playing kind 7l7tzyEFOxy-00091-00020848-00020999 of both sides they still want to stay in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00092-00021000-00021158 business with everyone because they're a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00093-00021159-00021350 big economic powerhouse and they've been 7l7tzyEFOxy-00094-00021351-00021511 exporting to many of these countries 7l7tzyEFOxy-00095-00021512-00021735 including uh russia as well and also 7l7tzyEFOxy-00096-00021736-00021894 getting a lot of military equipment and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00097-00021895-00022071 oil a lot of people depend on russia for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00098-00022072-00022214 their natural gas and a lot of different 7l7tzyEFOxy-00099-00022215-00022303 things 7l7tzyEFOxy-00100-00022304-00022478 and since they're not part of nato they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00101-00022479-00022663 don't feel the whole obligation to be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00102-00022664-00022783 like hey no 7l7tzyEFOxy-00103-00022784-00022911 no we're not going to deal with that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00104-00022912-00022999 right now 7l7tzyEFOxy-00105-00023000-00023143 so they're going to kind of just ignore 7l7tzyEFOxy-00106-00023144-00023447 the conflict and and so far the chinese 7l7tzyEFOxy-00107-00023448-00023614 news media has also been calling this an 7l7tzyEFOxy-00108-00023615-00023855 invasion not necessarily a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00109-00023856-00024094 war in ukraine just a special operation 7l7tzyEFOxy-00110-00024095-00024222 so that's the word that they have been 7l7tzyEFOxy-00111-00024223-00024447 using over there and um one of the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00112-00024448-00024678 things is uh you know in some of these 7l7tzyEFOxy-00113-00024679-00024791 countries you know they said that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00114-00024792-00024950 they're going to make humanitarian 7l7tzyEFOxy-00115-00024951-00025175 corridors but unfortunately what i'm 7l7tzyEFOxy-00116-00025176-00025391 noticing is the humanitarian corridors 7l7tzyEFOxy-00117-00025392-00025519 for a lot of these countries go right 7l7tzyEFOxy-00118-00025520-00025758 back into russia and so they want to uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00119-00025760-00025950 the ukrainians who want to get out they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00120-00025951-00026102 want to move as far away from russia as 7l7tzyEFOxy-00121-00026104-00026311 they can but the corridors have been 7l7tzyEFOxy-00122-00026312-00026511 towards russia so there's a lot of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00123-00026512-00026839 speculation and a lot of people not uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00124-00026839-00027007 so in a lot of ways there's a lot of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00125-00027008-00027255 people who are being technically held 7l7tzyEFOxy-00126-00027256-00027583 hostage by the russians as well so um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00127-00027583-00027711 let's see 7l7tzyEFOxy-00128-00027712-00027935 and like looking at it even right now 7l7tzyEFOxy-00129-00027936-00028118 like you know you have the you have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00130-00028119-00028311 different countries coming in and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00131-00028312-00028487 investing millions and billions of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00132-00028488-00028735 dollars just to keep the conflict in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00133-00028736-00028918 ukraine and so that kind of shows 7l7tzyEFOxy-00134-00028919-00029143 exactly how the world is like we're 7l7tzyEFOxy-00135-00029144-00029311 interested in peace but we're not 7l7tzyEFOxy-00136-00029312-00029495 interested in getting our hands dirty 7l7tzyEFOxy-00137-00029495-00029711 but we're going to give them the the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00138-00029712-00029974 means to protect themselves in our kind 7l7tzyEFOxy-00139-00029975-00030199 but in a way it's more just like we're 7l7tzyEFOxy-00140-00030200-00030439 paying ukraine to fight the russians for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00141-00030439-00030655 us so um i don't know that's kind of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00142-00030656-00030783 it's kind of crazy going on here but 7l7tzyEFOxy-00143-00030783-00031007 let's just move on and one of the things 7l7tzyEFOxy-00144-00031008-00031255 that are happening in america uh if you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00145-00031256-00031495 uh have been paying attention is the u.s 7l7tzyEFOxy-00146-00031495-00031695 is looking to appoint a new supreme 7l7tzyEFOxy-00147-00031695-00032046 court justice uh judge uh katanja brown 7l7tzyEFOxy-00148-00032047-00032302 jackson is otherwise known as kbj is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00149-00032303-00032495 looking to get the bump after being 7l7tzyEFOxy-00150-00032495-00032767 asked by the committee that will appoint 7l7tzyEFOxy-00151-00032768-00033031 her she's similar to justice sonia 7l7tzyEFOxy-00152-00033032-00033207 sotomayor with experience as both the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00153-00033208-00033399 trial and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00154-00033400-00033535 appeal judge 7l7tzyEFOxy-00155-00033536-00033767 dems liker and gop constituents grilter 7l7tzyEFOxy-00156-00033768-00033943 because that's just the way it is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00157-00033944-00034167 because the current powers that be uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00158-00034168-00034407 appoint a judge and the opposite powers 7l7tzyEFOxy-00159-00034408-00034695 uh that not be have a tendency to be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00160-00034696-00034887 like hey this person's terrible let's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00161-00034888-00035007 throw them under the bus let's do 7l7tzyEFOxy-00162-00035008-00035223 whatever we can and one of the things 7l7tzyEFOxy-00163-00035224-00035327 that they do 7l7tzyEFOxy-00164-00035328-00035462 especially 7l7tzyEFOxy-00165-00035463-00035615 one of the things they look into is try 7l7tzyEFOxy-00166-00035616-00035815 to pick apart every little detail and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00167-00035816-00035974 some of the things they look forward to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00168-00035975-00036143 is mostly being accused of being 7l7tzyEFOxy-00169-00036144-00036383 pro-criminal because she was a criminal 7l7tzyEFOxy-00170-00036384-00036567 defense attorney so she defends 7l7tzyEFOxy-00171-00036568-00036830 criminals and and and they really get 7l7tzyEFOxy-00172-00036831-00037167 the federal bump that she got in 2021 7l7tzyEFOxy-00173-00037168-00037399 she is 51 and is a harvard graduate and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00174-00037400-00037590 has many years of experience 7l7tzyEFOxy-00175-00037591-00037751 throughout the week critical race theory 7l7tzyEFOxy-00176-00037752-00037974 has been a cornerstone in gop reps as 7l7tzyEFOxy-00177-00037975-00038199 they've been asking jackson jackson if 7l7tzyEFOxy-00178-00038200-00038487 babies are born racist so i'm only 7l7tzyEFOxy-00179-00038488-00038623 bringing that up because both sides are 7l7tzyEFOxy-00180-00038624-00038774 pandering towards racial issues because 7l7tzyEFOxy-00181-00038775-00039030 this judge candidate happens to be black 7l7tzyEFOxy-00182-00039031-00039262 this would uh be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00183-00039263-00039567 when she politically answered as slowly 7l7tzyEFOxy-00184-00039568-00039759 dies inside so one of the things that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00185-00039760-00039990 any anyways ted cruz of texas asked the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00186-00039991-00040199 racist baby question uh i don't want to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00187-00040200-00040343 talk about the controversies being 7l7tzyEFOxy-00188-00040344-00040502 brought out 7l7tzyEFOxy-00189-00040503-00040702 of the blue and focus on the efforts she 7l7tzyEFOxy-00190-00040703-00040879 made in the past and how this woman can 7l7tzyEFOxy-00191-00040880-00041095 forge the future of the supreme court 7l7tzyEFOxy-00192-00041096-00041311 however the roe versus wade debate will 7l7tzyEFOxy-00193-00041312-00041590 not have anything to do with kbj as she 7l7tzyEFOxy-00194-00041591-00041662 is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00195-00041663-00041871 potentially confirmed later on but who 7l7tzyEFOxy-00196-00041872-00042102 knows justice stephen brenner 7l7tzyEFOxy-00197-00042103-00042318 the seat that she the person who would 7l7tzyEFOxy-00198-00042319-00042583 be appointed would take this uh the seat 7l7tzyEFOxy-00199-00042584-00042830 he was planning to retire uh the story 7l7tzyEFOxy-00200-00042831-00042999 basically leaked and he was basically 7l7tzyEFOxy-00201-00043000-00043167 like yeah i guess i'm retiring but i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00202-00043168-00043351 wanted to go off on my own terms but i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00203-00043352-00043535 guess this is the way it is so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00204-00043536-00043743 um stepping down this confirmation will 7l7tzyEFOxy-00205-00043744-00043990 basically test kpg as folks are 7l7tzyEFOxy-00206-00043991-00044190 beginning to call her uh will have to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00207-00044191-00044358 deal with playing nice while being 7l7tzyEFOxy-00208-00044359-00044567 scrutinized at every angle uh sounds 7l7tzyEFOxy-00209-00044568-00044743 like any woman addressing congress in a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00210-00044744-00044999 leadership capacity so anyways justice 7l7tzyEFOxy-00211-00045000-00045167 in other news another justice justice 7l7tzyEFOxy-00212-00045168-00045335 clarence thomas went to the hospital 7l7tzyEFOxy-00213-00045336-00045551 this week and ap has stated but will 7l7tzyEFOxy-00214-00045552-00045767 plan to come back sooner the pandemic 7l7tzyEFOxy-00215-00045768-00045911 has allowed for a lot of the supreme 7l7tzyEFOxy-00216-00045912-00046151 court justices to do remote work um and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00217-00046152-00046335 from for many officials and open the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00218-00046336-00046502 door to be able to work from anywhere 7l7tzyEFOxy-00219-00046503-00046711 respectfully of course you know they are 7l7tzyEFOxy-00220-00046712-00046862 very traditional in the supreme court so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00221-00046863-00047055 they have a tendency to want to meet in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00222-00047056-00047207 person 7l7tzyEFOxy-00223-00047208-00047343 and um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00224-00047344-00047518 you know and just a little side note as 7l7tzyEFOxy-00225-00047519-00047630 well like the supreme court never 7l7tzyEFOxy-00226-00047631-00047879 actually televises or allows cameron try 7l7tzyEFOxy-00227-00047880-00048062 the chambers as they argue and look over 7l7tzyEFOxy-00228-00048063-00048246 cases but they do release copies of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00229-00048247-00048390 their audio recording and sound bites 7l7tzyEFOxy-00230-00048391-00048558 and or arguments of their case later 7l7tzyEFOxy-00231-00048559-00048886 down the line 7l7tzyEFOxy-00232-00048887-00049015 and that's kind of what's happening in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00233-00049016-00049118 and around the world let's talk about 7l7tzyEFOxy-00234-00049119-00049295 what's happening in missoula this this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00235-00049296-00049502 past wednesday the missoula the mayor of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00236-00049503-00049735 missoula john engine spoke to a crowd at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00237-00049736-00049918 the library here in the missouri public 7l7tzyEFOxy-00238-00049919-00050102 library on wednesday and answered some 7l7tzyEFOxy-00239-00050103-00050551 questions on housing and this particular 7l7tzyEFOxy-00240-00050552-00050767 a question on rent control so this is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00241-00050768-00053359 what he had to say 7l7tzyEFOxy-00242-00053360-00053550 it screws up the marketplace in other 7l7tzyEFOxy-00243-00053551-00053863 ways right so i don't know if there's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00244-00053864-00054087 one single answer for any of this one of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00245-00054088-00054375 the things we do try to do is look at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00246-00054376-00054582 um is look at what other communities are 7l7tzyEFOxy-00247-00054583-00054830 doing steal the good ideas where we can 7l7tzyEFOxy-00248-00054832-00055094 and deploy them um also listen to good 7l7tzyEFOxy-00249-00055095-00055415 ideas you know one of the one of the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00250-00055416-00055654 i think one of the most effective things 7l7tzyEFOxy-00251-00055655-00055847 that we've been able to do 7l7tzyEFOxy-00252-00055848-00056038 is build that relationship with the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00253-00056039-00056247 folks who are actually the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00254-00056248-00056335 uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00255-00056336-00056519 the folks who are building stuff i mean 7l7tzyEFOxy-00256-00056520-00056719 they they understand that stuff on the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00257-00056720-00056950 ground all day i talked to a i talked to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00258-00056951-00057271 a developer today 7l7tzyEFOxy-00259-00057272-00057535 operating out of uh fargo north dakota 7l7tzyEFOxy-00260-00057536-00057887 and they just got they just got bids on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00261-00057888-00058223 a 200 unit project that they're they're 7l7tzyEFOxy-00262-00058224-00058359 doing in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00263-00058360-00058703 uh eastern north dakota 7l7tzyEFOxy-00264-00058704-00058871 and the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00265-00058872-00059199 the per unit 7l7tzyEFOxy-00266-00059200-00059479 pricing they had a model it was based on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00267-00059479-00059711 the last project they did 7l7tzyEFOxy-00268-00059712-00060150 the per unit pricing was 42 000 7l7tzyEFOxy-00269-00060151-00060415 uh higher than it was for a similar 7l7tzyEFOxy-00270-00060416-00060606 project that they just completed last 7l7tzyEFOxy-00271-00060607-00060982 year so that's 42 000 bucks a unit 7l7tzyEFOxy-00272-00060983-00061206 right all right so that was uh johnny 7l7tzyEFOxy-00273-00061207-00061447 and kind of reflecting on the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00274-00061448-00061526 oh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00275-00061527-00061806 yeah so let me just make sure that i'm 7l7tzyEFOxy-00276-00061807-00062047 up okay so one of the big things that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00277-00062048-00062206 they wanted to harp on is that you know 7l7tzyEFOxy-00278-00062207-00062335 construction costs are going up 7l7tzyEFOxy-00279-00062336-00062542 developers are not necessarily as 7l7tzyEFOxy-00280-00062544-00062726 incentivized and also 7l7tzyEFOxy-00281-00062727-00062919 even in missoula developers are so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00282-00062920-00063079 backed up with so many projects moving 7l7tzyEFOxy-00283-00063079-00063271 forward that you know we just don't know 7l7tzyEFOxy-00284-00063272-00063391 what's going to happen in the future and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00285-00063391-00063519 many of the questions that they were 7l7tzyEFOxy-00286-00063520-00063647 talking about is like there's a lot of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00287-00063648-00063750 signs that there might be another 7l7tzyEFOxy-00288-00063751-00063926 recession coming or we're already in a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00289-00063927-00064159 recession there's just a lot of things 7l7tzyEFOxy-00290-00064160-00064342 happening in in the world and are 7l7tzyEFOxy-00291-00064344-00064511 affecting missoula as well but this is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00292-00064512-00064630 something that's been kind of going on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00293-00064632-00064823 in as well and rent control is just an 7l7tzyEFOxy-00294-00064824-00065054 excuse to keep low-income folks in their 7l7tzyEFOxy-00295-00065055-00065311 degradated places as their landlord 7l7tzyEFOxy-00296-00065312-00065526 feels less and less concerned to field 7l7tzyEFOxy-00297-00065527-00065735 some of their tenants uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00298-00065736-00066015 complaints plumbing heating and more 7l7tzyEFOxy-00299-00066016-00066319 missoula is uh high prices for rent in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00300-00066320-00066567 in any case and you know one example is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00301-00066568-00066663 my friend 7l7tzyEFOxy-00302-00066664-00066855 he was paying 7l7tzyEFOxy-00303-00066856-00067063 500 a month for a studio apartment which 7l7tzyEFOxy-00304-00067064-00067263 sounds nice but it was originally 7l7tzyEFOxy-00305-00067264-00067391 supposed to be seven hundred dollars but 7l7tzyEFOxy-00306-00067392-00067494 they knocked down about two hundred 7l7tzyEFOxy-00307-00067495-00067735 dollars uh off the price just because 7l7tzyEFOxy-00308-00067736-00067911 his sink wouldn't work and he didn't 7l7tzyEFOxy-00309-00067912-00068111 have much uh in terms of plumbing and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00310-00068112-00068271 then after a couple months they decided 7l7tzyEFOxy-00311-00068272-00068423 to be like hey you're gonna have to pay 7l7tzyEFOxy-00312-00068424-00068582 the full seven hundred dollars like hey 7l7tzyEFOxy-00313-00068583-00068775 aren't you gonna fix my sink 7l7tzyEFOxy-00314-00068776-00068935 that's no you're gonna have to pay the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00315-00068936-00069182 700 and fix it and like that's not how 7l7tzyEFOxy-00316-00069183-00069367 it works so that's just kind of the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00317-00069368-00069575 thing that in missoula especially like 7l7tzyEFOxy-00318-00069576-00069743 you know the landlords definitely have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00319-00069744-00069959 the edge in the city of missoula with 7l7tzyEFOxy-00320-00069960-00070159 just the high demand of people wanting 7l7tzyEFOxy-00321-00070160-00070423 to live here so engine has been tired 7l7tzyEFOxy-00322-00070424-00070575 and suffering from abdominal pain for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00323-00070576-00070815 the last several months and in an mri 7l7tzyEFOxy-00324-00070816-00071047 confirmed earlier this month that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00325-00071048-00071319 followed by a biopsy that he has a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00326-00071320-00071503 carcinoma 7l7tzyEFOxy-00327-00071504-00071719 on his pancreas and cancerous tumor on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00328-00071720-00071935 his liver of course the story says 7l7tzyEFOxy-00329-00071936-00072143 pancreatic cancer in a way this is kind 7l7tzyEFOxy-00330-00072144-00072350 of adjacent to the pancreas so there is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00331-00072351-00072494 some levels to really nip this in the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00332-00072495-00072662 bud so there's a lot of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00333-00072663-00072855 hope in terms of getting this so uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00334-00072856-00072999 mayor john engine will be doing 7l7tzyEFOxy-00335-00073000-00073231 treatment and doing more talks over the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00336-00073232-00073415 course of the last wednesday of the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00337-00073416-00073599 month otherwise or the fourth wednesday 7l7tzyEFOxy-00338-00073600-00073759 of the month and the next one will be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00339-00073760-00073894 happening on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00340-00073895-00074199 april 27th which 7l7tzyEFOxy-00341-00074200-00074599 which we'll be talking about um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00342-00074600-00074799 uh homelessness so he wants to tackle 7l7tzyEFOxy-00343-00074800-00075023 homelessness this last talk was about 7l7tzyEFOxy-00344-00075024-00075319 how slit be like housing in missoula and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00345-00075320-00075447 so they're looking so if you're 7l7tzyEFOxy-00346-00075448-00075655 interested you can find those talks on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00347-00075656-00075967 mcat.org or the youtube or on youtube at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00348-00075968-00076359 mcat tv so other than that mcat has been 7l7tzyEFOxy-00349-00076360-00076591 filming around our space and the library 7l7tzyEFOxy-00350-00076592-00076775 with a bunch of those wacky kids of our 7l7tzyEFOxy-00351-00076776-00077038 spring flicks uh during our spring break 7l7tzyEFOxy-00352-00077039-00077311 camp otherwise known as spring flicks so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00353-00077312-00077543 up next we have previews of films to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00354-00077544-00077759 come for some of the parents tonight and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00355-00077760-00077991 we'll be premiering it on our youtube 7l7tzyEFOxy-00356-00077992-00078231 channel later this afternoon so you guys 7l7tzyEFOxy-00357-00078232-00078629 get a sneak peek on what to expect 7l7tzyEFOxy-00358-00078630-00080647 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00359-00080648-00081248 so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00360-00081249-00081984 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00361-00081985-00083255 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00362-00083256-00083423 how would you get that from just at the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00363-00083424-00083623 coffee place oh where's that oh it's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00364-00083624-00083862 just uh over here come on i'll show you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00365-00083863-00084231 can i come 7l7tzyEFOxy-00366-00084232-00084367 come on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00367-00084368-00085094 uh i can't walk i'm stuck in the dark 7l7tzyEFOxy-00368-00085095-00085318 i would stand for this that's why i'm 7l7tzyEFOxy-00369-00085319-00085477 always sitting 7l7tzyEFOxy-00370-00085478-00086882 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00371-00086883-00087866 yeah so close 7l7tzyEFOxy-00372-00087867-00088326 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00373-00088327-00088977 not stairs 7l7tzyEFOxy-00374-00088978-00091167 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00375-00091168-00091367 hey get off of me i've been assigned to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00376-00091368-00091735 help you i don't need no help 7l7tzyEFOxy-00377-00091736-00091926 okay i need a little bit of time yeah i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00378-00091927-00092431 think you do 7l7tzyEFOxy-00379-00092432-00092750 i don't need to help i think you do 7l7tzyEFOxy-00380-00092751-00092943 you could just stand 7l7tzyEFOxy-00381-00092944-00093260 i don't stand for standing 7l7tzyEFOxy-00382-00093261-00094518 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00383-00094519-00094703 you can stand up i believe in you you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00384-00094704-00095091 don't know what it's like to be me 7l7tzyEFOxy-00385-00095092-00095894 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00386-00095895-00096094 we're not so different you and i yeah i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00387-00096095-00096673 know me people stand 7l7tzyEFOxy-00388-00096674-00096974 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00389-00096975-00097279 you can stand i believe in you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00390-00097280-00097399 seriously 7l7tzyEFOxy-00391-00097400-00097631 yeah after all this time i'm so open i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00392-00097632-00097806 told you this a million times i won't 7l7tzyEFOxy-00393-00097807-00098118 stand for standing you have to stand i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00394-00098119-00098279 don't think i can i don't think i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00395-00098280-00099058 remember how 7l7tzyEFOxy-00396-00099059-00099920 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00397-00099921-00101479 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00398-00101480-00101711 hey guys welcome back 7l7tzyEFOxy-00399-00101712-00101943 it's time to talk about some movies and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00400-00101944-00102118 we're going to kick things off taking 7l7tzyEFOxy-00401-00102119-00102255 those off 7l7tzyEFOxy-00402-00102256-00102447 bring up my audio just a little bit not 7l7tzyEFOxy-00403-00102448-00102558 too much 7l7tzyEFOxy-00404-00102559-00102718 all right kicking things off we're 7l7tzyEFOxy-00405-00102719-00102894 kicking things off 7l7tzyEFOxy-00406-00102895-00103158 and i'm stalling as i bring this baby up 7l7tzyEFOxy-00407-00103159-00103406 it is time for the launch of the game 7l7tzyEFOxy-00408-00103407-00103647 i've been waiting for yes i am 7l7tzyEFOxy-00409-00103648-00103863 prejudging this uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00410-00103864-00103999 based on absolutely nothing but i'm 7l7tzyEFOxy-00411-00104000-00104142 saying that this is the game of the word 7l7tzyEFOxy-00412-00104143-00104375 baby just uh kirby finally all the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00413-00104376-00104551 waiting has come to an end and i will 7l7tzyEFOxy-00414-00104552-00104758 have to wait another 10 hours to play 7l7tzyEFOxy-00415-00104759-00104902 this game now 7l7tzyEFOxy-00416-00104903-00105199 enjoy this whack experience of a mario 7l7tzyEFOxy-00417-00105200-00105399 3d world mechanic 7l7tzyEFOxy-00418-00105400-00105631 from 10 years ago applied to this brand 7l7tzyEFOxy-00419-00105632-00105863 new state-of-the-art game 7l7tzyEFOxy-00420-00105864-00106134 plus this whole 7l7tzyEFOxy-00421-00106135-00106327 sucking in things to get their powers 7l7tzyEFOxy-00422-00106328-00106615 and have mouthful mode that basically 7l7tzyEFOxy-00423-00106616-00106790 means that you are cappy from mario 7l7tzyEFOxy-00424-00106791-00107007 odyssey which is a ripoff of what comes 7l7tzyEFOxy-00425-00107008-00107175 from the same company so can you really 7l7tzyEFOxy-00426-00107176-00107431 rip off the same company anyways 7l7tzyEFOxy-00427-00107432-00107654 up next we got a movie that's coming out 7l7tzyEFOxy-00428-00107655-00107766 everywhere 7l7tzyEFOxy-00429-00107767-00108063 everything no everything everywhere all 7l7tzyEFOxy-00430-00108064-00108343 at once except for missoula montana like 7l7tzyEFOxy-00431-00108344-00108558 the neverending story which ends by the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00432-00108559-00108743 way comes everything everywhere all at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00433-00108744-00108910 once in a story about a single mom and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00434-00108911-00109158 her kids get thrust into the multiverse 7l7tzyEFOxy-00435-00109159-00109439 all at once need more context basically 7l7tzyEFOxy-00436-00109440-00109647 uh this movie kind of shows that what 7l7tzyEFOxy-00437-00109648-00110007 you need to know from what i said um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00438-00110008-00110223 watch a family movie that has sci-fi 7l7tzyEFOxy-00439-00110224-00110399 elements and plenty of action from 7l7tzyEFOxy-00440-00110400-00110607 others using versions of yourself to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00441-00110608-00110790 fight back so in a way you know you have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00442-00110791-00111102 a sign twirler she uses that to fight a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00443-00111103-00111254 riot squad there's just a lot of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00444-00111255-00111407 different things going on in this movie 7l7tzyEFOxy-00445-00111408-00111599 and i think uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00446-00111600-00111743 the one thing they probably won't have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00447-00111744-00111910 is a plot just because you know it's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00448-00111911-00112102 like oh it's multiverse it's all 7l7tzyEFOxy-00449-00112103-00112343 show but no substance welcome to the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00450-00112344-00112495 welcome to hollywood 7l7tzyEFOxy-00451-00112496-00112751 up next we have the lost city or magic 7l7tzyEFOxy-00452-00112752-00113007 mike was a book follows a romantic 7l7tzyEFOxy-00453-00113008-00113207 novelist on her adventure with her cover 7l7tzyEFOxy-00454-00113208-00113447 model to find a lost city of treasure 7l7tzyEFOxy-00455-00113448-00113695 hey listen this would have been fun if 7l7tzyEFOxy-00456-00113696-00113910 it was made like in the 90s when fabio 7l7tzyEFOxy-00457-00113911-00114223 was an actual thing but anyways um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00458-00114224-00114366 you know the whole idea is that somebody 7l7tzyEFOxy-00459-00114367-00114502 gets obsessed with their book like 7l7tzyEFOxy-00460-00114503-00114678 missouri but in this case it's a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00461-00114679-00114863 philanthropist rich guy who's just like 7l7tzyEFOxy-00462-00114864-00115119 oh i'm looking for the lost city where 7l7tzyEFOxy-00463-00115120-00115231 there's probably going to be lost 7l7tzyEFOxy-00464-00115232-00115423 treasure because i'm a rich guy and so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00465-00115424-00115623 you have harry potter who plays the rich 7l7tzyEFOxy-00466-00115624-00115854 guy and sandra bullock is also in this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00467-00115855-00116023 movie as you probably 7l7tzyEFOxy-00468-00116024-00116166 kind of read in this little thing up 7l7tzyEFOxy-00469-00116167-00116551 there um but he uses what she knows in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00470-00116552-00116775 her books to help find the lost city 7l7tzyEFOxy-00471-00116776-00116919 other things happen other things blah 7l7tzyEFOxy-00472-00116920-00117102 blah and also the cover model is there 7l7tzyEFOxy-00473-00117103-00117423 to be a himbo as they call like the dumb 7l7tzyEFOxy-00474-00117424-00117654 muscle-bound you know good-looking guy 7l7tzyEFOxy-00475-00117655-00117766 basically 7l7tzyEFOxy-00476-00117767-00118054 it's a derogatory towards for a very 7l7tzyEFOxy-00477-00118055-00118390 attractive man channing tatum 7l7tzyEFOxy-00478-00118391-00118534 and they're making a movie about this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00479-00118535-00118743 i'm assuming they find the lost city and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00480-00118744-00118975 something happens and everyone and the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00481-00118976-00119143 bad guy gets what is coming to him or 7l7tzyEFOxy-00482-00119144-00119471 whatever he gets just far enough to fail 7l7tzyEFOxy-00483-00119472-00119607 that's what you can expect it's it's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00484-00119608-00119783 basically a treasure hunting movie where 7l7tzyEFOxy-00485-00119783-00119927 the bad guy never really wins and the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00486-00119928-00120110 good guys think that they don't get away 7l7tzyEFOxy-00487-00120111-00120214 with anything but then they get away 7l7tzyEFOxy-00488-00120215-00120390 which is like i had a whole knapsack of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00489-00120391-00120654 gold cool end of movie there you go i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00490-00120655-00120886 just saved you 20 bucks and then time 7l7tzyEFOxy-00491-00120888-00121127 for a speed round the duke sorry boys 7l7tzyEFOxy-00492-00121128-00121327 it's not john wayne but get the polar 7l7tzyEFOxy-00493-00121328-00121502 opposite of cowboys with british people 7l7tzyEFOxy-00494-00121503-00121710 who get thrown into adventure based on a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00495-00121711-00121919 true story 7l7tzyEFOxy-00496-00121920-00122134 so the duke is basically a painting and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00497-00122135-00122390 this guy has the painting he's a cab 7l7tzyEFOxy-00498-00122391-00122639 driver and things happen all right 7l7tzyEFOxy-00499-00122640-00122927 then we have mothering sunday 7l7tzyEFOxy-00500-00122928-00123166 more british people gather than when 7l7tzyEFOxy-00501-00123167-00123343 pubs reopened in london after the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00502-00123344-00123583 pandemic in these reviews enjoy 7l7tzyEFOxy-00503-00123583-00123719 post-world war one made in her 7l7tzyEFOxy-00504-00123720-00123966 adventures in uh indentured servitude 7l7tzyEFOxy-00505-00123967-00124231 and finding romance with people all 7l7tzyEFOxy-00506-00124232-00124447 right so those are your movies that are 7l7tzyEFOxy-00507-00124448-00124758 coming out this weekend and more i have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00508-00124759-00125014 a fun art interlude for you guys and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00509-00125015-00125386 here it is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00510-00125388-00127471 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00511-00127472-00128983 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00512-00128983-00130094 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00514-00133536-00135030 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00515-00135031-00135495 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00516-00135496-00137302 let it shine let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00517-00137303-00137654 shine let it shine and let it shine let 7l7tzyEFOxy-00518-00137655-00137824 it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00519-00137825-00138190 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00520-00138191-00138687 i'm gonna let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00521-00138688-00139383 i'm 7l7tzyEFOxy-00522-00139384-00140394 let it shine let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00523-00140395-00141366 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00524-00141367-00142376 let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00525-00142377-00143895 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00526-00143896-00144207 let it shine till jesus comes i'm gonna 7l7tzyEFOxy-00527-00144208-00144566 let it shine let it shine till jesus 7l7tzyEFOxy-00528-00144567-00144871 comes i'm gonna let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00529-00144872-00145183 let it shine until jesus comes i'm gonna 7l7tzyEFOxy-00530-00145184-00145543 let it shine let it shine let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00531-00145544-00146146 let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00532-00146147-00147078 [Music] 7l7tzyEFOxy-00533-00147079-00147407 i'm gonna let it shine let it shine let 7l7tzyEFOxy-00534-00147408-00147743 it shine let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00535-00147744-00148223 let it shine let it shine let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00536-00148224-00149647 let it shine let it shine let it shine 7l7tzyEFOxy-00537-00149648-00149902 and the last song was featuring steve 7l7tzyEFOxy-00538-00149903-00150159 glueckert former missoula art museum 7l7tzyEFOxy-00539-00150160-00150431 curator he allowed me to use his song um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00540-00150432-00150639 it is a cover of this little light of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00541-00150640-00150871 mine just so you guys know all right so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00542-00150872-00151039 let's so that's pretty much all the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00543-00151040-00151199 videos i have to show for you guys 7l7tzyEFOxy-00544-00151200-00151359 there's really not much i got to say but 7l7tzyEFOxy-00545-00151360-00151487 i'm going to kind of go over a couple 7l7tzyEFOxy-00546-00151488-00151614 things that are happening here within 7l7tzyEFOxy-00547-00151615-00151935 the library and more um things you know 7l7tzyEFOxy-00548-00151936-00152078 tiny tales and story time is a great 7l7tzyEFOxy-00549-00152079-00152207 opportunity for kids to learn some 7l7tzyEFOxy-00550-00152208-00152431 reading it is the middle of spring break 7l7tzyEFOxy-00551-00152432-00152590 honestly the library is the best place 7l7tzyEFOxy-00552-00152591-00152766 to bring a lot of kids and they have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00553-00152767-00152959 been bringing some kids here to the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00554-00152960-00153159 library not only for our spring folks 7l7tzyEFOxy-00555-00153160-00153351 camp but also other activities here at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00556-00153352-00153599 the library spectrum science discovery 7l7tzyEFOxy-00557-00153600-00153814 center uh here on the second floor the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00558-00153815-00153951 second floor is basically all the kids 7l7tzyEFOxy-00559-00153952-00154071 floor here at the miserable public 7l7tzyEFOxy-00560-00154072-00154214 library it is a great opportunity for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00561-00154215-00154431 kids to learn read and engage with each 7l7tzyEFOxy-00562-00154432-00154671 other 10 30 a.m every friday and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00563-00154672-00154871 saturday tiny tales story time great way 7l7tzyEFOxy-00564-00154872-00155007 for kids to get involved with books and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00565-00155008-00155102 reading 7l7tzyEFOxy-00566-00155103-00155359 also they have yarns and watercolor 7l7tzyEFOxy-00567-00155360-00155631 knitcraft arts and crafts all happening 7l7tzyEFOxy-00568-00155632-00155790 at noon on the fourth floor of the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00569-00155791-00155975 museum public library 7l7tzyEFOxy-00570-00155976-00156111 they also have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00571-00156112-00156319 other things mcat is having our 7l7tzyEFOxy-00572-00156320-00156511 photoshop and premiere lessons this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00573-00156512-00156743 afternoon the spots are still available 7l7tzyEFOxy-00574-00156744-00156871 if you are interested in signing up you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00575-00156872-00157119 can call us at 542-6228 7l7tzyEFOxy-00576-00157120-00157239 all right so that's kind of like a brief 7l7tzyEFOxy-00577-00157240-00157366 overview of a lot of things happening in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00578-00157367-00157478 the library i might repeat a couple 7l7tzyEFOxy-00579-00157479-00157647 things at the library as well but i'm 7l7tzyEFOxy-00580-00157648-00157775 going to jump right into some other 7l7tzyEFOxy-00581-00157776-00158039 things lifelong learning center inter 7l7tzyEFOxy-00582-00158040-00158343 introduction to into uh soldering 7l7tzyEFOxy-00583-00158344-00158583 soldering sorry soldering basic 7l7tzyEFOxy-00584-00158584-00158751 soldering uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00585-00158752-00158854 learn about 7l7tzyEFOxy-00586-00158855-00159014 uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00587-00159015-00159143 uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00588-00159144-00159302 also wow there's a lot of different 7l7tzyEFOxy-00589-00159303-00159414 there's sweat 7l7tzyEFOxy-00590-00159415-00159639 soldering butt soldering and pick 7l7tzyEFOxy-00591-00159640-00159831 soldering with the cover tips and common 7l7tzyEFOxy-00592-00159832-00160023 problems learn the skills to open up a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00593-00160024-00160199 new world of opportunities of your 7l7tzyEFOxy-00594-00160200-00160375 jewelry making so the whole idea is that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00595-00160376-00160639 you're making jewelry earrings soldering 7l7tzyEFOxy-00596-00160640-00160783 that kind of thing it's a great way for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00597-00160784-00160999 people to get their hands on the cost 7l7tzyEFOxy-00598-00161000-00161239 fee is 97 but like i said lifelong 7l7tzyEFOxy-00599-00161240-00161390 learning center is a great uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00600-00161391-00161614 educational opportunity for adults 7l7tzyEFOxy-00601-00161615-00161831 looking to jump on and get certified in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00602-00161832-00162054 different fields as they go move forward 7l7tzyEFOxy-00603-00162055-00162239 onto the next step it is a great kind of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00604-00162240-00162423 like i just want to learn just one thing 7l7tzyEFOxy-00605-00162424-00162566 i don't want to take like a whole course 7l7tzyEFOxy-00606-00162567-00162711 or anything with a bunch of other 7l7tzyEFOxy-00607-00162712-00162814 classes 7l7tzyEFOxy-00608-00162815-00163007 one class at a time is good enough for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00609-00163008-00163151 me and that's what the lifelong learning 7l7tzyEFOxy-00610-00163152-00163375 center is all about in my opinion all 7l7tzyEFOxy-00611-00163376-00163543 right recovery through writing the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00612-00163544-00163711 phoenix missoula so this is a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00613-00163712-00163935 organization in missoula that has 7l7tzyEFOxy-00614-00163936-00164159 helping people keeping 7l7tzyEFOxy-00615-00164160-00164359 keeping them sober by creating 7l7tzyEFOxy-00616-00164360-00164526 expressions through recovery through 7l7tzyEFOxy-00617-00164527-00164663 variety they used to have another shack 7l7tzyEFOxy-00618-00164664-00164766 and then they're doing at the break 7l7tzyEFOxy-00619-00164767-00165078 espresso fridays at 11 a.m it's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00620-00165079-00165238 international waffle day so if you're 7l7tzyEFOxy-00621-00165239-00165359 interested in bringing kids down to the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00622-00165360-00165502 library why not just 7l7tzyEFOxy-00623-00165503-00165623 head on over to the family's first 7l7tzyEFOxy-00624-00165624-00165831 learning lab international waffle day 7l7tzyEFOxy-00625-00165832-00166143 make a waffle craft with cupcake liners 7l7tzyEFOxy-00626-00166144-00166335 for the person in your life who loves 7l7tzyEFOxy-00627-00166336-00166463 breakfast 7l7tzyEFOxy-00628-00166464-00166647 and i'm going to do it for neal because 7l7tzyEFOxy-00629-00166648-00166887 i love that boy anyway 7l7tzyEFOxy-00630-00166888-00167078 so terrible 7l7tzyEFOxy-00631-00167079-00167238 he's not going to see this but anyways 7l7tzyEFOxy-00632-00167239-00167495 um mct i just wanted to say that they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00633-00167496-00167663 also been doing a spring break camp this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00634-00167664-00167783 week as well and they're going to be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00635-00167784-00168054 doing a representation of rumpel stilt 7l7tzyEFOxy-00636-00168055-00168319 skin their children's theater adaptation 7l7tzyEFOxy-00637-00168320-00168447 of it they're going to have a five 7l7tzyEFOxy-00638-00168448-00168671 o'clock show and a 7 p.m showing but 7l7tzyEFOxy-00639-00168672-00168807 just so you guys know they usually do 7l7tzyEFOxy-00640-00168808-00169023 like a switcheroo between casts so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00641-00169024-00169175 whoever starring in the five o'clock one 7l7tzyEFOxy-00642-00169176-00169278 will not be starring in the seven 7l7tzyEFOxy-00643-00169279-00169414 o'clock one they've done this in the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00644-00169415-00169678 past and this is a one time only event 7l7tzyEFOxy-00645-00169679-00169854 for you to enjoy 7l7tzyEFOxy-00646-00169855-00170071 so this is a missoula children's theater 7l7tzyEFOxy-00647-00170072-00170302 one of the biggest uh theater traveling 7l7tzyEFOxy-00648-00170303-00170511 theater companies across 7l7tzyEFOxy-00649-00170512-00170638 international 7l7tzyEFOxy-00650-00170639-00170919 they have they have mct in china a lot 7l7tzyEFOxy-00651-00170920-00171063 of great opportunities for this stuff as 7l7tzyEFOxy-00652-00171064-00171335 well mct do is doing it tonight 7l7tzyEFOxy-00653-00171336-00171487 four history buffs miserable public 7l7tzyEFOxy-00654-00171488-00171775 library starting at 7 00 p.m so the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00655-00171776-00171951 library is usually closed after six so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00656-00171952-00172102 they'll have entryways through the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00657-00172103-00172271 basement and they'll be leading you up 7l7tzyEFOxy-00658-00172272-00172478 to the fourth floor in the cooper room 7l7tzyEFOxy-00659-00172479-00172678 from seven to nine pm last friday of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00660-00172679-00172847 each month join guest speaker from 7l7tzyEFOxy-00661-00172848-00172999 lively and entertainment presentation of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00662-00173000-00173143 historic interest this month's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00663-00173144-00173423 presentation is looking like the enemy 7l7tzyEFOxy-00664-00173424-00173614 alien detention center era at fort 7l7tzyEFOxy-00665-00173615-00173887 missoula presented by emma shay 7l7tzyEFOxy-00666-00173888-00174047 during world war ii fort missoula was 7l7tzyEFOxy-00667-00174048-00174271 hosting an internment camp 7l7tzyEFOxy-00668-00174272-00174471 and processing many different folks to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00669-00174472-00174695 be sent to internment camps as well one 7l7tzyEFOxy-00670-00174696-00174823 of the more internment camps that they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00671-00174824-00175047 are having here is missoula housed a lot 7l7tzyEFOxy-00672-00175048-00175295 of italian internments during world war 7l7tzyEFOxy-00673-00175296-00175543 ii um so that was that was a lot of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00674-00175544-00175663 things happening as well but this was 7l7tzyEFOxy-00675-00175664-00175943 between 1941 1944 at fort missoula had 7l7tzyEFOxy-00676-00175944-00176343 1200 non-military italian men 1 000 7l7tzyEFOxy-00677-00176344-00176654 japanese resident aliens uh 23 german 7l7tzyEFOxy-00678-00176655-00176843 resident aliens and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00679-00176844-00177159 123 japanese latin and south americans 7l7tzyEFOxy-00680-00177160-00177287 in this program they will explore their 7l7tzyEFOxy-00681-00177288-00177487 experience of these men as they were 7l7tzyEFOxy-00682-00177488-00177631 held in fort missoula having their 7l7tzyEFOxy-00683-00177632-00177838 loyalty question followed by following 7l7tzyEFOxy-00684-00177839-00178078 the bombing of pearl harbor 7l7tzyEFOxy-00685-00178079-00178159 at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00686-00178160-00178343 uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00687-00178344-00178607 ogisi the woman is hosting a hip-hop 7l7tzyEFOxy-00688-00178608-00178863 group uh doing pianos at steven hoop uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00689-00178864-00179119 speakeasy dg matt at monk's bar in 7l7tzyEFOxy-00690-00179120-00179343 missoula mudslides charlie 7l7tzyEFOxy-00691-00179344-00179438 and that's for the things that are 7l7tzyEFOxy-00692-00179439-00179607 happening on your friday night if you're 7l7tzyEFOxy-00693-00179608-00179783 interested in going out and about it is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00694-00179784-00179966 the last friday of the month so next 7l7tzyEFOxy-00695-00179967-00180238 week we'll have a your first friday art 7l7tzyEFOxy-00696-00180239-00180447 guide and more so let's jump right into 7l7tzyEFOxy-00697-00180448-00180678 saturday as always saturday mcat hosts 7l7tzyEFOxy-00698-00180679-00180911 is our orientation every saturday at 10 7l7tzyEFOxy-00699-00180912-00181111 a.m but also we do it at mondays at 5 30 7l7tzyEFOxy-00700-00181112-00181366 p.m these are drop-ins no rsv 7l7tzyEFOxy-00701-00181367-00181614 rsvp required it is a great way to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00702-00181615-00181751 experience and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00703-00181752-00181895 mcat is a great resource for people who 7l7tzyEFOxy-00704-00181896-00182071 want to make movies television shows 7l7tzyEFOxy-00705-00182072-00182390 media vlogs just an opportunity to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00706-00182391-00182551 provide the technical support that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00707-00182552-00182775 people need to get their own program 7l7tzyEFOxy-00708-00182776-00183038 launched on the channel as well so i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00709-00183039-00183223 just wanted to mention that also we have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00710-00183224-00183407 our saturday drop-ins that we're going 7l7tzyEFOxy-00711-00183408-00183687 to be doing i don't know why but i i 7l7tzyEFOxy-00712-00183688-00183854 would have loved to actually take taking 7l7tzyEFOxy-00713-00183855-00184007 a break because this whole week we've 7l7tzyEFOxy-00714-00184008-00184247 had uh spring flicks but this saturday 7l7tzyEFOxy-00715-00184248-00184471 we're also having additional saturday 7l7tzyEFOxy-00716-00184472-00184671 animation for kids from one to three for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00717-00184672-00184878 kids who like stop animation all right 7l7tzyEFOxy-00718-00184879-00185014 so other things that are happening on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00719-00185015-00185183 saturday as always there's the winter 7l7tzyEFOxy-00720-00185184-00185447 market from 9am to about 1pm they have 7l7tzyEFOxy-00721-00185448-00185623 it at the southgate mall and also at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00722-00185624-00185783 orchard homes off of 3rd street and this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00723-00185784-00185935 will be going well until the end of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00724-00185936-00186135 april and may we'll start kicking off 7l7tzyEFOxy-00725-00186136-00186319 more of the farmers market you'll see a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00726-00186320-00186471 lot of like things happening in downtown 7l7tzyEFOxy-00727-00186472-00186687 missoula as we ease into the summer a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00728-00186688-00186807 lot of construction is going to be 7l7tzyEFOxy-00729-00186808-00186966 wrapping up hopefully the higgins bridge 7l7tzyEFOxy-00730-00186967-00187175 will be wrapped up by may june around 7l7tzyEFOxy-00731-00187176-00187366 that time so we're looking forward to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00732-00187367-00187526 that um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00733-00187527-00187719 purple day family's first learning lab 7l7tzyEFOxy-00734-00187720-00187919 from 12 to 3 make a purple butterfly 7l7tzyEFOxy-00735-00187920-00188143 clothespin craft learn about the color 7l7tzyEFOxy-00736-00188144-00188423 purple and it is a great way for people 7l7tzyEFOxy-00737-00188424-00188638 for kids to stop on by make some arts 7l7tzyEFOxy-00738-00188639-00188838 and crafts library is a good facilitator 7l7tzyEFOxy-00739-00188839-00188943 of that 7l7tzyEFOxy-00740-00188944-00189223 prune the moon moon randolph homestead 7l7tzyEFOxy-00741-00189224-00189359 as they're moving into the summer 7l7tzyEFOxy-00742-00189360-00189471 they're going to be doing some more 7l7tzyEFOxy-00743-00189472-00189671 tours every saturday but this is their 7l7tzyEFOxy-00744-00189672-00189831 annual prune the moon workshop where 7l7tzyEFOxy-00745-00189832-00189999 they look at the art of restoring old 7l7tzyEFOxy-00746-00190000-00190150 apple trees in the moon round of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00747-00190151-00190278 homestead 7l7tzyEFOxy-00748-00190279-00190502 some of these apple trees are well over 7l7tzyEFOxy-00749-00190503-00190807 and thirty years old and 7l7tzyEFOxy-00750-00190808-00190999 missoula missoula's moonerand of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00751-00191000-00191254 homestead was basically bought by the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00752-00191255-00191454 city of missoula and has been used for 7l7tzyEFOxy-00753-00191455-00191766 educational purposes people can actually 7l7tzyEFOxy-00754-00191767-00191990 be caretakers of the moon rand of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00755-00191991-00192166 homestead they usually have about a two 7l7tzyEFOxy-00756-00192167-00192335 to four year deal and you have to go 7l7tzyEFOxy-00757-00192336-00192495 through an application process but the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00758-00192496-00192735 whole idea is that your caretaker and as 7l7tzyEFOxy-00759-00192736-00192975 caretaker you basically get free rent to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00760-00192976-00193126 stay on this property but there's a lot 7l7tzyEFOxy-00761-00193127-00193295 of responsibility to cover this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00762-00193296-00193454 homestead 7l7tzyEFOxy-00763-00193455-00193614 which includes you know showing people 7l7tzyEFOxy-00764-00193615-00193871 around doing tours and hence the prune 7l7tzyEFOxy-00765-00193872-00194038 of the moon so you can actually find out 7l7tzyEFOxy-00766-00194039-00194263 more information about the moon random 7l7tzyEFOxy-00767-00194264-00194423 homestead and how you can get involved 7l7tzyEFOxy-00768-00194424-00194526 through the city's website 7l7tzyEFOxy-00769-00194527-00194759 ci.missoula.mt.us 7l7tzyEFOxy-00770-00194760-00194950 and as you're going into the afternoon 7l7tzyEFOxy-00771-00194951-00195287 on saturday uh library has a uh dungeons 7l7tzyEFOxy-00772-00195288-00195478 dragons guild for teenagers they usually 7l7tzyEFOxy-00773-00195479-00195638 have an adult one on friday nights at 7l7tzyEFOxy-00774-00195639-00195823 around six o'clock but this one's in the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00775-00195824-00196054 afternoon on saturdays at 3 p.m they 7l7tzyEFOxy-00776-00196055-00196263 usually do it online but they might do 7l7tzyEFOxy-00777-00196264-00196454 it here at the library at 3 p.m but you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00778-00196455-00196654 can look up the link on missoulevens.net 7l7tzyEFOxy-00779-00196655-00196902 or themselvespubliclibrary.org 7l7tzyEFOxy-00780-00196903-00197054 all right 7l7tzyEFOxy-00781-00197055-00197263 um hellgate roller girls is doing an 7l7tzyEFOxy-00782-00197264-00197463 open skate at the furnace which is their 7l7tzyEFOxy-00783-00197464-00197638 location right across from black rose 7l7tzyEFOxy-00784-00197639-00197775 and coffee company which is off of 7l7tzyEFOxy-00785-00197776-00198014 spruce just as you get to the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00786-00198015-00198207 train tracks that area they're doing a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00787-00198208-00198407 free skate and this is a great way to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00788-00198408-00198671 recruit some young girls to do some uh 7l7tzyEFOxy-00789-00198672-00198919 roller derby as well miss a and the 7l7tzyEFOxy-00790-00198920-00199150 caravan band imagination broom company 7l7tzyEFOxy-00791-00199151-00199383 uh they're hosting this soul-filled 7l7tzyEFOxy-00792-00199384-00199614 american pope fox band led by singer 7l7tzyEFOxy-00793-00199615-00199878 songwriter elena dennis 7l7tzyEFOxy-00794-00199879-00200175 damron damron sorry and an ever-changing 7l7tzyEFOxy-00795-00200176-00200471 group made up of her amazingly musical 7l7tzyEFOxy-00796-00200472-00200775 friends draftworks is also having a 7l7tzyEFOxy-00797-00200776-00201071 terrorist act uh is playing at the draft 7l7tzyEFOxy-00798-00201072-00201271 for spring company highway to helena is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00799-00201272-00201535 going to be featured at the zac tonight 7l7tzyEFOxy-00800-00201536-00201759 saturday night march 4th at the wilma is 7l7tzyEFOxy-00801-00201760-00201959 going to have some funk music 7l7tzyEFOxy-00802-00201960-00202190 uh paint and sip buffalo on black 7l7tzyEFOxy-00803-00202191-00202359 painting with a twist to 7 p.m on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00804-00202360-00202511 saturday night and then you got some 7l7tzyEFOxy-00805-00202512-00202671 karaoke at the west side lanes while you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00806-00202672-00202854 go bowling and all that stuff but i also 7l7tzyEFOxy-00807-00202855-00203007 wanted to mention that on sunday there's 7l7tzyEFOxy-00808-00203008-00203159 going to do a for those of you 7l7tzyEFOxy-00809-00203160-00203335 interested in doing some cycling 7l7tzyEFOxy-00810-00203336-00203502 starting at 9 a.m at big side brewing 7l7tzyEFOxy-00811-00203503-00203671 company just 7l7tzyEFOxy-00812-00203672-00203926 out by the airport it is a opportunity 7l7tzyEFOxy-00813-00203927-00204047 for people to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00814-00204048-00204231 bike and race so that's what's going to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00815-00204232-00204511 be happening there um 7l7tzyEFOxy-00816-00204512-00204783 let's see 7l7tzyEFOxy-00817-00204784-00204903 yeah there's really not much going on 7l7tzyEFOxy-00818-00204904-00205046 with that i wanted to wrap up my show 7l7tzyEFOxy-00819-00205048-00205214 early because we have um some kids come 7l7tzyEFOxy-00820-00205215-00205431 in for the last day of our spring flicks 7l7tzyEFOxy-00821-00205432-00205638 our spring break camp and i wanted to 7l7tzyEFOxy-00822-00205639-00205814 get some things ready and prepared so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00823-00205815-00206046 i'm gonna have to cut this 7l7tzyEFOxy-00824-00206048-00206342 episode short for you guys so 7l7tzyEFOxy-00825-00206344-00206598 lucky you so for wicked missoula i'm 7l7tzyEFOxy-00826-00206600-00207011 scott ramf take care guys 8o1M8noJj_E-00000-00000917-00001686 foreign 8o1M8noJj_E-00002-00008543-00010486 foreign 8o1M8noJj_E-00004-00016230-00017073 foreign 81guoUsQ4H0-00000-00000003-00000361 the 2017-18 season was Brighton & Hove 81guoUsQ4H0-00001-00000362-00000817 Albion 116th year in existence and first 81guoUsQ4H0-00002-00000818-00001160 season in the Premier League along with 81guoUsQ4H0-00003-00001161-00001403 competing in the Premier League the club 81guoUsQ4H0-00004-00001404-00001757 also participated in the FA Cup and EFL 81guoUsQ4H0-00005-00001757-00002117 Cup the season covered the period from 81guoUsQ4H0-00006-00002118-00002471 the first of July 2017 to the 30th of 81guoUsQ4H0-00007-00002472-00002912 June 2018 Brighton secured their Premier 81guoUsQ4H0-00008-00002913-00003164 League status for another season on the 81guoUsQ4H0-00009-00003165-00003520 4th of May 2018 by defeating Manchester 81guoUsQ4H0-00010-00003521-00004270 United won 2-0 at home 81guoUsQ4H0-00011-00004271-00005140 topic players 81guoUsQ4H0-00012-00005141-00005690 topic current squad 81guoUsQ4H0-00013-00005691-00006071 as of the 30th of January 2018 note 81guoUsQ4H0-00014-00006072-00006338 flags indicate national team as defined 81guoUsQ4H0-00015-00006339-00006658 under FIFA eligibility rules 81guoUsQ4H0-00016-00006659-00006931 players may hold more than one non-fifa 81guoUsQ4H0-00017-00006933-00007578 nationality 81guoUsQ4H0-00018-00007579-00008120 topic out on loan 81guoUsQ4H0-00019-00008120-00008420 note flags indicate national team as 81guoUsQ4H0-00020-00008421-00008770 defined under FIFA eligibility rules 81guoUsQ4H0-00021-00008771-00009044 players may hold more than one non-fifa 81guoUsQ4H0-00022-00009045-00009710 nationality 81guoUsQ4H0-00023-00009711-00010606 topic transfers 81guoUsQ4H0-00024-00010607-00011499 topic transfers in 81guoUsQ4H0-00025-00011500-00012367 topic loans in 81guoUsQ4H0-00026-00012368-00013263 topic transfers out 81guoUsQ4H0-00027-00013263-00014152 topic loans out 81guoUsQ4H0-00028-00014153-00015051 topic contracts 81guoUsQ4H0-00029-00015052-00015653 topic new contracts 81guoUsQ4H0-00030-00015654-00015919 topic pre-seasoned Brighton and Hove 81guoUsQ4H0-00031-00015920-00016183 Albion announced six pre-season 81guoUsQ4H0-00032-00016184-00016453 friendlies against Crawley Town South 81guoUsQ4H0-00033-00016454-00016811 and United Norwich City Atletico Madrid 81guoUsQ4H0-00034-00016812-00017604 Girona and Fortuna düsseldorf 81guoUsQ4H0-00035-00017605-00018519 topic competitions 81guoUsQ4H0-00036-00018520-00019370 topic premier league 81guoUsQ4H0-00037-00019371-00019880 topic league table 81guoUsQ4H0-00038-00019881-00020197 you 81guoUsQ4H0-00039-00020198-00021068 topic results summary 81guoUsQ4H0-00040-00021069-00021650 topic results by around 81guoUsQ4H0-00041-00021651-00022078 topic matches on the 14th of June 2017 81guoUsQ4H0-00042-00022079-00022372 Brighton & Hove Albion fixtures were 81guoUsQ4H0-00043-00022373-00022943 announced 81guoUsQ4H0-00044-00022944-00023478 topic FA Cup 81guoUsQ4H0-00045-00023479-00023775 in the FA cup Albion entered the 81guoUsQ4H0-00046-00023776-00024014 competition in the third round and were 81guoUsQ4H0-00047-00024015-00024421 drawn at home to Crystal Palace 81guoUsQ4H0-00048-00024422-00024764 topic EFL cup brighton & hove albion 81guoUsQ4H0-00049-00024765-00025040 entered the competition in the second 81guoUsQ4H0-00050-00025041-00025277 round and were drawn at home to barnett 81guoUsQ4H0-00051-00025278-00025708 an away trip in round three against AFC 81guoUsQ4H0-00052-00025710-00026395 Bournemouth was announced 81guoUsQ4H0-00053-00026397-00027020 topic squad statistics 81guoUsQ4H0-00054-00027020-00027758 as of the 13th of May 2018 81guoUsQ4H0-00055-00027758-00028295 topic goalscorers 81guoUsQ4H0-00056-00028295-00028677 includes all competitive matches 81guoUsQ4H0-00057-00028677-00029486 as of match played the 4th of March 2018 81guoUsQ4H0-00058-00029487-00030037 topic clean sheets 81guoUsQ4H0-00059-00030038-00030370 includes all competitive matches the 81guoUsQ4H0-00060-00030370-00030631 list is sorted alphabetically by surname 81guoUsQ4H0-00061-00030632-00031125 when total clean sheets are equal 81guoUsQ4H0-00062-00031126-00031401 correct as of matches played on the 24th 81guoUsQ4H0-00063-00031402-00032025 of February 2018 81guoUsQ4H0-00064-00032026-00032612 topic disciplinary record 81guoUsQ4H0-00065-00032613-00032880 as of matches played the 30th of 81guoUsQ4H0-00066-00032881-00033255 December 2017 83G6ktRkYVg-00000-00001051-00001345 it might look like shop class but 83G6ktRkYVg-00001-00001346-00001516 University of Vermont sophomores Nick 83G6ktRkYVg-00002-00001517-00001726 horse Meyer and Nico Santa fonti are 83G6ktRkYVg-00003-00001727-00001901 learning more than how to work with wood 83G6ktRkYVg-00004-00001902-00002159 and operate power tools they're studying 83G6ktRkYVg-00005-00002160-00002366 ancient history in an honors college 83G6ktRkYVg-00006-00002367-00002626 class called ancient inventions the 83G6ktRkYVg-00007-00002627-00002870 class is taught by Domenico Grasso vice 83G6ktRkYVg-00008-00002871-00003041 president for research and dean of the 83G6ktRkYVg-00009-00003042-00003199 graduate college at the University of 83G6ktRkYVg-00010-00003200-00003476 Vermont and an engineer by training my 83G6ktRkYVg-00011-00003477-00003701 goals were varied for the course I 83G6ktRkYVg-00012-00003702-00003944 wanted to introduce students to 83G6ktRkYVg-00013-00003945-00004195 technology in general and how technology 83G6ktRkYVg-00014-00004196-00004520 and culture intersected and that this is 83G6ktRkYVg-00015-00004521-00004826 not something new but it extends all the 83G6ktRkYVg-00016-00004827-00005216 way back to ancient times and that there 83G6ktRkYVg-00017-00005217-00005488 was a lot of creativity innovation and 83G6ktRkYVg-00018-00005489-00005858 brilliance hundreds thousands of years 83G6ktRkYVg-00019-00005859-00006143 ago to deliver these lessons grasso gave 83G6ktRkYVg-00020-00006144-00006331 lectures every week and brought in guest 83G6ktRkYVg-00021-00006332-00006532 speakers but at the heart of the course 83G6ktRkYVg-00022-00006533-00006748 was a book of illustrations so I asked 83G6ktRkYVg-00023-00006750-00006908 him to look at the book that was part of 83G6ktRkYVg-00024-00006909-00007106 the course and look at the illustrations 83G6ktRkYVg-00025-00007106-00007295 find one that excited them they worked 83G6ktRkYVg-00026-00007295-00007448 in teams and they built it there were no 83G6ktRkYVg-00027-00007448-00007631 instructions of the book and they had to 83G6ktRkYVg-00028-00007631-00007817 figure everything out themselves for a 83G6ktRkYVg-00029-00007818-00007988 group of mostly liberal arts students 83G6ktRkYVg-00030-00007989-00008213 that was no small challenge history 83G6ktRkYVg-00031-00008214-00008417 major Jonathan DeAngelis decided to 83G6ktRkYVg-00032-00008418-00008567 build a crossbow with his partner 83G6ktRkYVg-00033-00008568-00008858 anthropology nurtured Evan hailey when 83G6ktRkYVg-00034-00008859-00009023 we started to design it and I was just 83G6ktRkYVg-00035-00009024-00009178 like sitting there with a blank piece of 83G6ktRkYVg-00036-00009179-00009499 like rap papers like I have no idea 83G6ktRkYVg-00037-00009500-00009716 DeAngelis and Harrigan got over the hump 83G6ktRkYVg-00038-00009717-00009923 by downloading plans from the internet 83G6ktRkYVg-00039-00009924-00010148 and studying a real crossbow on display 83G6ktRkYVg-00040-00010149-00010361 at the fleming museum then there was the 83G6ktRkYVg-00041-00010362-00010526 small matter of how they and the other 83G6ktRkYVg-00042-00010527-00010670 students in the class would actually 83G6ktRkYVg-00043-00010671-00010874 build the devices so I knew they 83G6ktRkYVg-00044-00010875-00010973 couldn't do it the same way that the 83G6ktRkYVg-00045-00010974-00011153 ancients did it I thought I'd give them 83G6ktRkYVg-00046-00011154-00011366 a leg up allow them to use IMF where 83G6ktRkYVg-00047-00011367-00011552 they had high tech equipment and some 83G6ktRkYVg-00048-00011553-00011747 expert guidance that's UVM's 83G6ktRkYVg-00049-00011748-00011960 instrumentation and model facility on 83G6ktRkYVg-00050-00011961-00012206 East Avenue which builds custom devices 83G6ktRkYVg-00051-00012207-00012446 faculty use in their research students 83G6ktRkYVg-00052-00012447-00012665 had access both to the IMF's tools and 83G6ktRkYVg-00053-00012666-00012872 machinery and to skilled technicians 83G6ktRkYVg-00054-00012872-00013211 like Doug Gomez we want them to deal 83G6ktRkYVg-00055-00013212-00013361 with the problem first and try to come 83G6ktRkYVg-00056-00013362-00013550 up with a solution if they can't you 83G6ktRkYVg-00057-00013551-00013738 know we're there to help the students 83G6ktRkYVg-00058-00013740-00013934 chose a variety of odd and exotic 83G6ktRkYVg-00059-00013935-00014171 inventions from an ancient Roman viaduct 83G6ktRkYVg-00060-00014172-00014422 to a Baghdad battery to a ship shaker 83G6ktRkYVg-00061-00014424-00014693 for Archimedes claw horst meyer and 83G6ktRkYVg-00062-00014694-00014915 Centofanti settled on a complicated 83G6ktRkYVg-00063-00014916-00015080 contraption used by the Greeks and 83G6ktRkYVg-00064-00015081-00015329 Romans in battle called a balista half 83G6ktRkYVg-00065-00015330-00015572 crossbow and half catapult perhaps the 83G6ktRkYVg-00066-00015572-00015737 most complicated machine of the book 83G6ktRkYVg-00067-00015738-00015935 Horst Meyer worked on the base of the 83G6ktRkYVg-00068-00015936-00016109 structure and on the ramp there on 83G6ktRkYVg-00069-00016110-00016400 ancient projecta a golf ball would run 83G6ktRkYVg-00070-00016401-00016676 along as it is being fired right now 83G6ktRkYVg-00071-00016677-00016894 we're building this part right here in 83G6ktRkYVg-00072-00016895-00017069 our version it's the part that the arrow 83G6ktRkYVg-00073-00017070-00017302 sits in and 83G6ktRkYVg-00074-00017303-00017521 little dip here is going to act as the 83G6ktRkYVg-00075-00017522-00017938 thing that holds the call Santa font a 83G6ktRkYVg-00076-00017939-00018076 concentrated on the firing mechanism 83G6ktRkYVg-00077-00018077-00018379 this this caged section right here is 83G6ktRkYVg-00078-00018380-00018894 actually this over here and these ropes 83G6ktRkYVg-00079-00018895-00019080 right here when that twisted they work 83G6ktRkYVg-00080-00019081-00019402 like Springs these Paul the ball arms 83G6ktRkYVg-00081-00019403-00019783 back which is what fires the project out 83G6ktRkYVg-00082-00019784-00019957 the day before the final in class 83G6ktRkYVg-00083-00019958-00020194 presentation the moment of truth neared 83G6ktRkYVg-00084-00020195-00020404 yeah i mean i really do think it's gonna 83G6ktRkYVg-00085-00020405-00020611 work it's just a question of how well i 83G6ktRkYVg-00086-00020612-00021259 was gonna fly 10 feet 500 feet no I the 83G6ktRkYVg-00087-00021260-00021421 next day the students give their beliefs 83G6ktRkYVg-00088-00021422-00021721 start a test groan I one count down 83G6ktRkYVg-00089-00021722-00022300 three to one in earlier tests the ball 83G6ktRkYVg-00090-00022301-00022504 went further but the pressure the Rope 83G6ktRkYVg-00091-00022505-00022696 of the firing mechanism is put under 83G6ktRkYVg-00092-00022697-00022939 each test the ancients use cowhide 83G6ktRkYVg-00093-00022940-00023152 frayed and weakened it an unanticipated 83G6ktRkYVg-00094-00023153-00023455 problem in grasses mind optimum 83G6ktRkYVg-00095-00023456-00023692 performance wasn't the point anyway the 83G6ktRkYVg-00096-00023693-00023914 process was clearly as important as a 83G6ktRkYVg-00097-00023915-00024156 foul product i would say it was more 83G6ktRkYVg-00098-00024157-00024424 important than the final product and the 83G6ktRkYVg-00099-00024425-00024606 larger lessons he was after hit home 83G6ktRkYVg-00100-00024607-00024877 squarely when we started I we didn't 83G6ktRkYVg-00101-00024878-00025128 have plants we it was hard to find some 83G6ktRkYVg-00102-00025129-00025291 and we're trying to figure it out 83G6ktRkYVg-00103-00025292-00025441 looking at pictures 83G6ktRkYVg-00104-00025442-00025780 and we could it we couldn't think of it 83G6ktRkYVg-00105-00025781-00026074 and the fact that back then they don't 83G6ktRkYVg-00106-00026075-00026340 have that I couldn't do researches it 83G6ktRkYVg-00107-00026341-00026585 was kind of just from like a hands-on 83G6ktRkYVg-00108-00026586-00026799 they must have learned it all themselves 83G6ktRkYVg-00109-00026800-00027030 and trial and error and just the fact 83G6ktRkYVg-00110-00027031-00027276 that they made he's just such a massive 83G6ktRkYVg-00111-00027277-00027590 scale it's it's kind of it's to me it's 83G6ktRkYVg-00112-00027591-00027786 hot it's hard to believe wait to tell 83G6ktRkYVg-00113-00027787-00028032 you I I think there are some more 83G6ktRkYVg-00114-00028033-00028220 intelligent than we were but according 83G6ktRkYVg-00115-00028222-00028436 to Grasso just arriving at the end of 83G6ktRkYVg-00116-00028437-00028635 the semester was perhaps triumph enough 83G6ktRkYVg-00117-00028636-00028940 the concepts that they were able to take 83G6ktRkYVg-00118-00028941-00029096 something that they had never done 83G6ktRkYVg-00119-00029097-00029389 before and that they thought was totally 83G6ktRkYVg-00120-00029390-00029711 far afield from what their expertise was 83G6ktRkYVg-00121-00029712-00029912 and they were able to do it and they 83G6ktRkYVg-00122-00029913-00030114 were able to do it because they're 83G6ktRkYVg-00123-00030114-00030345 bright kids and they were dedicated and 83G6ktRkYVg-00124-00030345-00030455 they were hard-working they had the 83G6ktRkYVg-00125-00030456-00030620 right work ethic and they're willing to 83G6ktRkYVg-00126-00030621-00030824 ask questions and do it and that was 83G6ktRkYVg-00127-00030825-00031358 exciting to see 83G6ktRkYVg-00128-00031358-00031697 do you have any the arm in that grab if 83G6ktRkYVg-00129-00031698-00031891 you can attach the first 83G6ktRkYVg-00130-00031892-00032108 forearm 83G6ktRkYVg-00131-00032110-00032379 touch it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00000-00000000-00000231 been about 12 years again since i made a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00001-00000231-00000375 video the last one was 8rGLy4QNFNM-00002-00000376-00000630 almost a month ago so i'm at home alone 8rGLy4QNFNM-00003-00000631-00000782 today and i'm bored 8rGLy4QNFNM-00004-00000783-00000966 so you know what that means it's just 8rGLy4QNFNM-00005-00000967-00001166 making a video so i thought we could do 8rGLy4QNFNM-00006-00001167-00001239 like another 8rGLy4QNFNM-00007-00001240-00001527 live speed video why is this so 8rGLy4QNFNM-00008-00001528-00001663 obnoxiously loud 8rGLy4QNFNM-00009-00001664-00001918 shut up gayle okay so i thought we'd do 8rGLy4QNFNM-00010-00001919-00002071 like another live speed video 8rGLy4QNFNM-00011-00002072-00002399 i did one a while ago and it got about 8rGLy4QNFNM-00012-00002400-00002615 seven views so we're gonna try this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00013-00002616-00002815 again but um i don't really know 8rGLy4QNFNM-00014-00002816-00002983 what i want to do it might be like a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00015-00002984-00003126 two-part thing but 8rGLy4QNFNM-00016-00003127-00003270 um every time i do a two-part thing i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00017-00003271-00003511 literally forget so also i'm in a really 8rGLy4QNFNM-00018-00003511-00003727 really shitty mood today because i went 8rGLy4QNFNM-00019-00003728-00003879 to liverpool 8rGLy4QNFNM-00020-00003879-00004206 about four days ago i got a puff bar 8rGLy4QNFNM-00021-00004207-00004415 they're like a disposable vape thing and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00022-00004416-00004567 mine's already dead and i'm 8rGLy4QNFNM-00023-00004568-00004791 isolating so that's great 8rGLy4QNFNM-00024-00004792-00005070 i've got to isolate until next tuesday 8rGLy4QNFNM-00025-00005071-00005247 which is the 14th so i'm gonna miss my 8rGLy4QNFNM-00026-00005248-00005367 bestie's birthday 8rGLy4QNFNM-00027-00005368-00005583 yeah thrilled about that i built this a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00028-00005584-00005815 while ago and i really liked this so 8rGLy4QNFNM-00029-00005816-00005983 we could try and do something a bit 8rGLy4QNFNM-00030-00005984-00006183 similar ignore this this is the legacy 8rGLy4QNFNM-00031-00006184-00006375 challenge that i forgot to finish 8rGLy4QNFNM-00032-00006376-00006486 basically something i started and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00033-00006487-00006655 couldn't be asked finishing this is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00034-00006656-00006814 another legacy challenge i do like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00035-00006815-00006927 legacy challenges 8rGLy4QNFNM-00036-00006928-00007151 i kind of want to do an apartment never 8rGLy4QNFNM-00037-00007152-00007310 do apartments 8rGLy4QNFNM-00038-00007311-00007695 oh shoot we could do a beach house 8rGLy4QNFNM-00039-00007695-00007959 who the decorated this there's no 8rGLy4QNFNM-00040-00007959-00008087 decoration 8rGLy4QNFNM-00041-00008088-00008391 a sims team have hit a new low 8rGLy4QNFNM-00042-00008392-00008695 so i don't know what the vibe's gonna be 8rGLy4QNFNM-00043-00008696-00008910 right it's only a really small house so 8rGLy4QNFNM-00044-00008911-00009110 we could do like a little cottage wait 8rGLy4QNFNM-00045-00009111-00009278 no oh my god look at this wall hey 8rGLy4QNFNM-00046-00009279-00009503 that's ridiculous because i want them to 8rGLy4QNFNM-00047-00009504-00009695 i want that to be outside space but not 8rGLy4QNFNM-00048-00009696-00009863 like loads of outside space if you know 8rGLy4QNFNM-00049-00009864-00010063 what i mean hello 8rGLy4QNFNM-00050-00010064-00010238 there's some haunted ass doll on 8rGLy4QNFNM-00051-00010239-00010471 my tv um dickinson's real deal is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00052-00010472-00010678 hitting you low the is happening 8rGLy4QNFNM-00053-00010679-00011014 now do we want a second floor no 8rGLy4QNFNM-00054-00011015-00011199 we don't um well it could be like a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00055-00011200-00011391 tight no not a tiny home that's 8rGLy4QNFNM-00056-00011392-00011574 a ridiculous amount of effort so what 8rGLy4QNFNM-00057-00011575-00011727 i'm thinking is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00058-00011728-00011974 something like this and we will do a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00059-00011975-00012142 second floor because i need to get the 8rGLy4QNFNM-00060-00012143-00012270 watch time off 8rGLy4QNFNM-00061-00012271-00012446 so okay this is just a start it's not 8rGLy4QNFNM-00062-00012447-00012606 gonna look like a box forever 8rGLy4QNFNM-00063-00012607-00012935 um and then my plan is it goes like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00064-00012936-00013222 this so then we can have a little 8rGLy4QNFNM-00065-00013223-00013391 balcony 8rGLy4QNFNM-00066-00013391-00013607 that's really small and completely 8rGLy4QNFNM-00067-00013608-00013727 useless but 8rGLy4QNFNM-00068-00013728-00013894 it's all for the aesthetics isn't it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00069-00013895-00014094 what did i do in a past life why 8rGLy4QNFNM-00070-00014095-00014255 is there no roof okay well that's better 8rGLy4QNFNM-00071-00014256-00014407 of work because i'm not trying again 8rGLy4QNFNM-00072-00014408-00014711 so and then we could have like i can oh 8rGLy4QNFNM-00073-00014712-00015103 okay like no no do i like that 8rGLy4QNFNM-00074-00015104-00015311 i can't really tell if i like it or not 8rGLy4QNFNM-00075-00015312-00015471 maybe it's a bit too wide maybe that's 8rGLy4QNFNM-00076-00015472-00015550 the problem 8rGLy4QNFNM-00077-00015551-00015743 maybe it needs to be wider and more that 8rGLy4QNFNM-00078-00015744-00015943 way yeah that's it that's it that's what 8rGLy4QNFNM-00079-00015944-00015999 i want 8rGLy4QNFNM-00080-00016000-00016230 and then we have a little porch it could 8rGLy4QNFNM-00081-00016231-00016422 be like a wrap around one oh this is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00082-00016423-00016575 going to be so cute 8rGLy4QNFNM-00083-00016576-00016775 but then we're taking up like 85 percent 8rGLy4QNFNM-00084-00016776-00016919 of the lot which is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00085-00016920-00017143 exactly what i did not want to do let's 8rGLy4QNFNM-00086-00017144-00017279 have a little bump out here so it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00087-00017280-00017447 doesn't look as strange 8rGLy4QNFNM-00088-00017448-00017655 and then here we go i love doing these 8rGLy4QNFNM-00089-00017656-00017847 little things that look like this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00090-00017848-00017958 you can have one of them so it doesn't 8rGLy4QNFNM-00091-00017959-00018150 look as beige and then we could just 8rGLy4QNFNM-00092-00018151-00018343 have windows all up on this wall do i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00093-00018344-00018519 want a chimney 8rGLy4QNFNM-00094-00018520-00018703 don't know don't know i'm going to put a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00095-00018704-00018822 chimney just in case i've 8rGLy4QNFNM-00096-00018823-00018975 changed my mind ignore the way this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00097-00018976-00019135 looks with now i'll try and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00098-00019136-00019311 we'll try and do something with the roof 8rGLy4QNFNM-00099-00019312-00019535 to make it look a bit cooler 8rGLy4QNFNM-00100-00019536-00019799 have a feeling it might look though 8rGLy4QNFNM-00101-00019800-00019894 but that's okay 8rGLy4QNFNM-00102-00019895-00020143 we've got a backup plan if it does no i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00103-00020144-00020255 don't 8rGLy4QNFNM-00104-00020256-00020407 we'll have to just think of something 8rGLy4QNFNM-00105-00020408-00020630 new um 8rGLy4QNFNM-00106-00020631-00020919 chill do i like it do you know i think i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00107-00020920-00021063 like it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00108-00021064-00021303 i did not think i was gonna like this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00109-00021304-00021455 but i think i do 8rGLy4QNFNM-00110-00021456-00021775 do i my lines myself no 8rGLy4QNFNM-00111-00021776-00022047 i'm gonna say i do like it apart from 8rGLy4QNFNM-00112-00022048-00022127 this little thing 8rGLy4QNFNM-00113-00022128-00022447 here which is an easy fix kind of not 8rGLy4QNFNM-00114-00022448-00022543 really 8rGLy4QNFNM-00115-00022544-00022783 turned up the energy for this today and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00116-00022784-00022967 then here this is a little sun 8rGLy4QNFNM-00117-00022968-00023230 room or is it or is it this house is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00118-00023231-00023342 really small this needs to be like a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00119-00023343-00023622 bedroom or something 8rGLy4QNFNM-00120-00023623-00023847 and we could even do a little overhang 8rGLy4QNFNM-00121-00023848-00024086 so it doesn't look stupid 8rGLy4QNFNM-00122-00024087-00024286 but of course there's a catch 8rGLy4QNFNM-00123-00024287-00024447 with it oh well 8rGLy4QNFNM-00124-00024448-00024711 suck it up not my problem and i think i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00125-00024712-00024830 did that right 8rGLy4QNFNM-00126-00024831-00025103 now i bloody didn't what a surprise away 8rGLy4QNFNM-00127-00025104-00025303 and then we're just gonna go like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00128-00025304-00025439 it's so hard to play the sims with just 8rGLy4QNFNM-00129-00025440-00025614 one hand and then we can put some 8rGLy4QNFNM-00130-00025616-00025750 windows in 8rGLy4QNFNM-00131-00025751-00025967 oh it's gonna look so good and telling 8rGLy4QNFNM-00132-00025968-00026223 you now i was speaking like my man 8rGLy4QNFNM-00133-00026224-00026439 oh someone commented on my tick tock 8rGLy4QNFNM-00134-00026439-00026683 that's never a good thing 8rGLy4QNFNM-00135-00026683-00026990 um what wind but maybe we should decide 8rGLy4QNFNM-00136-00026991-00027231 what color i want it to be first 8rGLy4QNFNM-00137-00027232-00027439 we could do like a white one i'm 8rGLy4QNFNM-00138-00027439-00027583 thinking like this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00139-00027583-00027895 this color no not that color that's ugly 8rGLy4QNFNM-00140-00027895-00028183 like that color that's so big that's so 8rGLy4QNFNM-00141-00028183-00028255 ugly 8rGLy4QNFNM-00142-00028256-00028543 um see i didn't want it to be blue but 8rGLy4QNFNM-00143-00028544-00028687 it might have to be 8rGLy4QNFNM-00144-00028688-00028855 and no because that that could actually 8rGLy4QNFNM-00145-00028856-00029039 look really good what i've got in mind 8rGLy4QNFNM-00146-00029039-00029231 and then this part could still be the 8rGLy4QNFNM-00147-00029232-00029351 gray 8rGLy4QNFNM-00148-00029352-00029727 yeah maybe do i like it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00149-00029727-00030046 no do a shite we might have to start 8rGLy4QNFNM-00150-00030047-00030151 this again 8rGLy4QNFNM-00151-00030152-00030383 no that i'm not starting again i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00152-00030383-00030558 just don't like the roof here 8rGLy4QNFNM-00153-00030560-00030702 i think that's what the problem was i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00154-00030703-00030870 think i just didn't like the roof i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00155-00030872-00031007 might get rid of this little balcony 8rGLy4QNFNM-00156-00031008-00031174 had yeah do you know what i think this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00157-00031175-00031335 balcony was the problem 8rGLy4QNFNM-00158-00031336-00031662 or was it or was it the problem or maybe 8rGLy4QNFNM-00159-00031663-00031823 we could just go 8rGLy4QNFNM-00160-00031824-00032023 and have a little something something 8rGLy4QNFNM-00161-00032024-00032199 here just so you know it doesn't look 8rGLy4QNFNM-00162-00032200-00032311 ridiculous 8rGLy4QNFNM-00163-00032312-00032679 yeah i think um 8rGLy4QNFNM-00164-00032680-00032831 okay all right we're just gonna stick 8rGLy4QNFNM-00165-00032832-00032951 with that because i ain't got the dumb 8rGLy4QNFNM-00166-00032952-00033351 time 8rGLy4QNFNM-00167-00033352-00033502 okay well that was a waste of my 8rGLy4QNFNM-00168-00033503-00033671 time and your time but oh well you can 8rGLy4QNFNM-00169-00033672-00033815 listen to me ramble on 8rGLy4QNFNM-00170-00033816-00034062 for longer is it on you are you joking 8rGLy4QNFNM-00171-00034063-00034199 no it's not on you 8rGLy4QNFNM-00172-00034200-00034511 no plan um 8rGLy4QNFNM-00173-00034512-00034790 hmm what are we going what the hell we 8rGLy4QNFNM-00174-00034791-00034935 gonna do now beach 8rGLy4QNFNM-00175-00034936-00035374 okay i'm gonna just hmm 8rGLy4QNFNM-00176-00035375-00035543 this is interesting i've never built on 8rGLy4QNFNM-00177-00035544-00035702 this lot before okay 8rGLy4QNFNM-00178-00035703-00035902 make it a bit bigger and then we could 8rGLy4QNFNM-00179-00035903-00036015 have a little a little 8rGLy4QNFNM-00180-00036016-00036199 some these videos have just turned into 8rGLy4QNFNM-00181-00036200-00036455 me talking absolute gibberish about 8rGLy4QNFNM-00182-00036456-00036671 20 minutes i'm gonna edit this like to 8rGLy4QNFNM-00183-00036672-00036911 be like i'm on some dumb shoe 8rGLy4QNFNM-00184-00036912-00037167 oh i think i like that a lot more it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00185-00037168-00037343 it's kind of really basic but i think 8rGLy4QNFNM-00186-00037344-00037462 that's what i like about 8rGLy4QNFNM-00187-00037463-00037662 it now do i want this big balcony or a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00188-00037663-00038071 roof i reckon a roof 8rGLy4QNFNM-00189-00038072-00038287 and then here no i don't need another 8rGLy4QNFNM-00190-00038288-00038471 balcony do we do you know i really don't 8rGLy4QNFNM-00191-00038472-00038630 know at this point do i want another 8rGLy4QNFNM-00192-00038631-00038711 balcony 8rGLy4QNFNM-00193-00038712-00038927 maybe i just want something to go here i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00194-00038928-00039135 want it to be centered with everything 8rGLy4QNFNM-00195-00039136-00039423 okay not quite that big but oh up 8rGLy4QNFNM-00196-00039424-00039599 battery is getting on my tits now i only 8rGLy4QNFNM-00197-00039600-00039662 cover where 8rGLy4QNFNM-00198-00039663-00039823 hello my microphone just broke for a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00199-00039824-00039967 sudden five seconds 8rGLy4QNFNM-00200-00039968-00040374 okay and then we can try and roof it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00201-00040375-00040599 you can center break down on its way and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00202-00040600-00040751 make this one bigger so everything 8rGLy4QNFNM-00203-00040752-00040974 fits a little bit more because then we 8rGLy4QNFNM-00204-00040975-00041095 can just go like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00205-00041096-00041551 this it wasn't exactly the beach house 8rGLy4QNFNM-00206-00041552-00041662 we was going for 8rGLy4QNFNM-00207-00041663-00041983 but what can you do okay well that's one 8rGLy4QNFNM-00208-00041984-00042143 time too big now 8rGLy4QNFNM-00209-00042144-00042479 oh oh oh oh that's a better idea no idea 8rGLy4QNFNM-00210-00042480-00042662 how loud i'm being right now but i sound 8rGLy4QNFNM-00211-00042663-00042887 pretty loud in my monitor i've got 8rGLy4QNFNM-00212-00042888-00043230 bloody time 8rGLy4QNFNM-00213-00043231-00043407 and then we can just make this one tile 8rGLy4QNFNM-00214-00043408-00043687 bigger for an easier life 8rGLy4QNFNM-00215-00043688-00043958 also i'm livid with my head of you so 8rGLy4QNFNM-00216-00043959-00044118 i'll give you like a story time while i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00217-00044119-00044190 struggle 8rGLy4QNFNM-00218-00044191-00044383 so um we have this thing called 8rGLy4QNFNM-00219-00044384-00044535 microsoft team your school pro uses it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00220-00044536-00044583 as well 8rGLy4QNFNM-00221-00044584-00044823 but you can message whoever you 8rGLy4QNFNM-00222-00044824-00044895 want on it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00223-00044896-00045062 so my best mate lily tagged me in 8rGLy4QNFNM-00224-00045063-00045262 something and she was like rose gail are 8rGLy4QNFNM-00225-00045263-00045358 you doing gayle 8rGLy4QNFNM-00226-00045359-00045567 so i was like oh yes gayle how are you 8rGLy4QNFNM-00227-00045568-00045774 and and she was like i have to isolate 8rGLy4QNFNM-00228-00045775-00045862 for another 8rGLy4QNFNM-00229-00045863-00045999 like two weeks i'm not going back in 8rGLy4QNFNM-00230-00046000-00046143 school and i was like you're 8rGLy4QNFNM-00231-00046144-00046246 what i saw like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00232-00046247-00046462 all the emo depressed broken emojis and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00233-00046463-00046623 my teacher was like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00234-00046624-00046799 oh wait no there's more to it before i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00235-00046800-00047030 get onto the teacher bit and then and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00236-00047031-00047230 put some like swearing emoji faces so i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00237-00047231-00047415 was like oh girl girl girl 8rGLy4QNFNM-00238-00047416-00047711 no swearing come on get with a girl and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00239-00047712-00047895 then she was like shut up rose gayle i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00240-00047896-00048015 know what you get up to outside of 8rGLy4QNFNM-00241-00048016-00048143 school and i was like no you don't have 8rGLy4QNFNM-00242-00048144-00048230 a good christian 8rGLy4QNFNM-00243-00048231-00048430 and then um she went you're wearing one 8rGLy4QNFNM-00244-00048431-00048671 of those ginger year 11's and i was like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00245-00048672-00048983 queen and our teacher saw it wait no and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00246-00048984-00049199 then i put ginger had emojis 8rGLy4QNFNM-00247-00049200-00049415 and then lily put a penis emoji and i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00248-00049416-00049502 was like girl 8rGLy4QNFNM-00249-00049503-00049695 she's gonna grasp on us and then do you 8rGLy4QNFNM-00250-00049696-00049807 know what she bloody did 8rGLy4QNFNM-00251-00049808-00050079 she grasped on us and she put be careful 8rGLy4QNFNM-00252-00050080-00050207 what you're putting on microsoft teams 8rGLy4QNFNM-00253-00050208-00050358 because everyone can see this i was 8rGLy4QNFNM-00254-00050359-00050495 like that's kind of the point 8rGLy4QNFNM-00255-00050496-00050735 because i don't like my french teacher 8rGLy4QNFNM-00256-00050736-00050886 because yeah i'm trans 8rGLy4QNFNM-00257-00050887-00051223 and um she like she went to me once 8rGLy4QNFNM-00258-00051224-00051463 angel angel my name is not angel 8rGLy4QNFNM-00259-00051464-00051599 she kept calling me angel for like a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00260-00051600-00051782 solid five minutes because i was talking 8rGLy4QNFNM-00261-00051783-00052079 she kept going angel angel i don't know 8rGLy4QNFNM-00262-00052079-00052207 who the angel was 8rGLy4QNFNM-00263-00052208-00052375 i was not paying any attention to this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00264-00052376-00052566 hell and then she was going i call him 8rGLy4QNFNM-00265-00052567-00052750 that name didn't even bloody respond to 8rGLy4QNFNM-00266-00052751-00052799 me 8rGLy4QNFNM-00267-00052800-00052999 bless you respect me i'm not getting 8rGLy4QNFNM-00268-00053000-00053207 respect there so i was like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00269-00053208-00053526 you talking to me boo yeah and she was 8rGLy4QNFNM-00270-00053527-00053575 like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00271-00053576-00053775 yeah i'm talking to you be quiet and i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00272-00053776-00053911 was like hmm 8rGLy4QNFNM-00273-00053912-00054103 well you're going to regret that girly 8rGLy4QNFNM-00274-00054104-00054287 so and then later on my head of the year 8rGLy4QNFNM-00275-00054288-00054399 pulled me out because i like didn't go 8rGLy4QNFNM-00276-00054400-00054575 to lesson on swimsuit i can't remember 8rGLy4QNFNM-00277-00054576-00054750 and then she i was like is there 8rGLy4QNFNM-00278-00054751-00054926 anything else you want to talk about 8rGLy4QNFNM-00279-00054927-00055071 you want to talk to me about so i was 8rGLy4QNFNM-00280-00055072-00055279 like in fact how there is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00281-00055279-00055471 so my french teacher got really cheeky 8rGLy4QNFNM-00282-00055472-00055623 with me this morning 8rGLy4QNFNM-00283-00055624-00055935 so i am i didn't even shout at her which 8rGLy4QNFNM-00284-00055936-00056038 but you know what i'm very proud of 8rGLy4QNFNM-00285-00056039-00056247 myself for that but um 8rGLy4QNFNM-00286-00056248-00056430 yeah she was being a whack ass hoe so i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00287-00056432-00056591 had to tell her to stop being a whack 8rGLy4QNFNM-00288-00056591-00056638 ass hoe 8rGLy4QNFNM-00289-00056639-00056791 um and then she's like oh we'll follow 8rGLy4QNFNM-00290-00056791-00056911 that up for you but i doubt that that 8rGLy4QNFNM-00291-00056912-00057015 was the case and i was like gayle you 8rGLy4QNFNM-00292-00057016-00057135 weren't even there that was the 8rGLy4QNFNM-00293-00057136-00057359 gays be quiet girl 8rGLy4QNFNM-00294-00057360-00057582 my dog's looking at me like i'm insane 8rGLy4QNFNM-00295-00057583-00057750 don't know what lyla maybe you're right 8rGLy4QNFNM-00296-00057751-00057959 i haven't made a video in so long and i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00297-00057960-00058142 can never be asked to do it until i'm 8rGLy4QNFNM-00298-00058144-00058254 actually doing it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00299-00058255-00058454 and then i want to make a 17 hour long 8rGLy4QNFNM-00300-00058455-00058687 video my start streaming again as well 8rGLy4QNFNM-00301-00058688-00058759 to like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00302-00058760-00058959 get my talking skills up because i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00303-00058960-00059215 stutter so much it's not 8rGLy4QNFNM-00304-00059216-00059463 it's unreal it's not even cues like it's 8rGLy4QNFNM-00305-00059464-00059582 not like a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00306-00059583-00059847 small stutter it's like a stutter 8rGLy4QNFNM-00307-00059848-00059950 stutter you're like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00308-00059951-00060215 hello you okay yeah and i want to 8rGLy4QNFNM-00309-00060216-00060375 stop doing that so i'm trying to work on 8rGLy4QNFNM-00310-00060376-00060591 my talking skills by talking even more 8rGLy4QNFNM-00311-00060591-00060775 this is going to be a teeny tiny ass 8rGLy4QNFNM-00312-00060776-00060950 house and i need to put 8rGLy4QNFNM-00313-00060951-00061159 stop putting in so much effort to the 8rGLy4QNFNM-00314-00061160-00061375 exterior because my mum finally be home 8rGLy4QNFNM-00315-00061376-00061430 soon 8rGLy4QNFNM-00316-00061432-00061599 slightly bothers me how these columns 8rGLy4QNFNM-00317-00061600-00061742 are different color to the 8rGLy4QNFNM-00318-00061744-00061982 the trim thing but ah bloody now what 8rGLy4QNFNM-00319-00061983-00062175 the press is my tea ready for drinking 8rGLy4QNFNM-00320-00062176-00062430 oh it is that's a lovely surprise it's 8rGLy4QNFNM-00321-00062432-00062575 not a surprise because i bloody made it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00322-00062576-00062606 but 8rGLy4QNFNM-00323-00062607-00062815 11k it could be a star time if i tried 8rGLy4QNFNM-00324-00062816-00063023 but can't be asked i did not even put 8rGLy4QNFNM-00325-00063024-00063166 that dishwasher on why is it beeping at 8rGLy4QNFNM-00326-00063167-00063206 me 8rGLy4QNFNM-00327-00063207-00063342 if i press the wrong down button one 8rGLy4QNFNM-00328-00063344-00063526 more time i'm gonna lose my damn 8rGLy4QNFNM-00329-00063527-00063742 ah off i'll type in the whole ass 8rGLy4QNFNM-00330-00063744-00063894 cheat pack it in 8rGLy4QNFNM-00331-00063895-00064126 my microphone is like on my laptop so i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00332-00064127-00064406 can't even see what buttons i'm pressing 8rGLy4QNFNM-00333-00064407-00064575 oh well sod the column center i'm not 8rGLy4QNFNM-00334-00064576-00064750 doing it don't even need these bloody 8rGLy4QNFNM-00335-00064751-00064991 columns too much stress in my life 8rGLy4QNFNM-00336-00064991-00065166 and they cost too much it would be way 8rGLy4QNFNM-00337-00065167-00065335 cheaper without them i've been doing 8rGLy4QNFNM-00338-00065336-00065543 this for like ages oh someone rang me 8rGLy4QNFNM-00339-00065544-00065806 someone called me lauren oh god bless 8rGLy4QNFNM-00340-00065807-00065975 our lauren i do love them 8rGLy4QNFNM-00341-00065976-00066159 also i'm going to start doing camera 8rGLy4QNFNM-00342-00066160-00066319 videos because 8rGLy4QNFNM-00343-00066320-00066559 i want to embrace the trends and i feel 8rGLy4QNFNM-00344-00066560-00066719 there's not enough trans women 8rGLy4QNFNM-00345-00066720-00066919 on youtube well there is but i haven't 8rGLy4QNFNM-00346-00066920-00067031 seen them so like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00347-00067032-00067287 how do i know they exist oh the country 8rGLy4QNFNM-00348-00067288-00067359 um 8rGLy4QNFNM-00349-00067360-00067671 countryside packet out soon and i have 8rGLy4QNFNM-00350-00067672-00067871 absolutely no money to buy it with 8rGLy4QNFNM-00351-00067872-00068006 because i keep going out 8rGLy4QNFNM-00352-00068007-00068279 and buying out your hall why am i acting 8rGLy4QNFNM-00353-00068280-00068391 like i'm going to get to monetize i'm 8rGLy4QNFNM-00354-00068392-00068543 not even monetized 8rGLy4QNFNM-00355-00068544-00068687 i'm not i didn't make any videos 8rGLy4QNFNM-00356-00068688-00068838 throughout pride month that's such a 8rGLy4QNFNM-00357-00068839-00068911 shame 8rGLy4QNFNM-00358-00068912-00069087 because i had so many things planned but 8rGLy4QNFNM-00359-00069088-00069279 then i like became depressed 8rGLy4QNFNM-00360-00069280-00069559 and like developed an eating disorder do 8rGLy4QNFNM-00361-00069560-00069615 you know 8rGLy4QNFNM-00362-00069616-00069782 eating disorders i really got in the way 8rGLy4QNFNM-00363-00069783-00069999 of this youtube channel so you can just 8rGLy4QNFNM-00364-00070000-00070055 thank 8rGLy4QNFNM-00365-00070056-00070367 anna for that that's gonna that only 8rGLy4QNFNM-00366-00070368-00070494 some people are gonna get that joke and 8rGLy4QNFNM-00367-00070495-00070694 it's gonna them off i'm so sorry 8rGLy4QNFNM-00368-00070695-00070823 i feel like we should do something 8rGLy4QNFNM-00369-00070824-00070999 different here we could do like these 8rGLy4QNFNM-00370-00071000-00071182 ones ooh 8rGLy4QNFNM-00371-00071183-00071582 these are luxurious oh they are 8rGLy4QNFNM-00372-00071583-00071782 ignore me coping my tea i've 8rGLy4QNFNM-00373-00071783-00071935 been really thirsty all day but i 8rGLy4QNFNM-00374-00071936-00071991 couldn't 8rGLy4QNFNM-00375-00071992-00072159 because no one's at home to make drinks 8rGLy4QNFNM-00376-00072160-00072319 for me i have to do it myself so just 8rGLy4QNFNM-00377-00072320-00072526 i've gone thirsty what did it happen say 8rGLy4QNFNM-00378-00072527-00072655 bloody busy today 8rGLy4QNFNM-00379-00072656-00072831 i'm iceland so i'm doing like remote 8rGLy4QNFNM-00380-00072832-00073087 learning and i'm doing my gcses 8rGLy4QNFNM-00381-00073088-00073199 unfortunately 8rGLy4QNFNM-00382-00073200-00073406 and if you didn't know gcse 8rGLy4QNFNM-00383-00073407-00073511 music and art 8rGLy4QNFNM-00384-00073512-00073743 and drama it's a lot of work 8rGLy4QNFNM-00385-00073744-00073862 which i didn't realize when i was 8rGLy4QNFNM-00386-00073863-00073982 choosing it and if i knew i probably 8rGLy4QNFNM-00387-00073983-00074126 wouldn't choose it but 8rGLy4QNFNM-00388-00074127-00074311 i might change my options though because 8rGLy4QNFNM-00389-00074312-00074455 i want to do business 8rGLy4QNFNM-00390-00074456-00074623 and i wanted to do media but they said 8rGLy4QNFNM-00391-00074624-00074799 no because i never go to any of my dt 8rGLy4QNFNM-00392-00074800-00074919 lessons which like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00393-00074920-00075079 but that's irrelevant you know that was 8rGLy4QNFNM-00394-00075080-00075215 in the past i was a different person 8rGLy4QNFNM-00395-00075216-00075287 then 8rGLy4QNFNM-00396-00075288-00075519 do you know what i absolutely love life 8rGLy4QNFNM-00397-00075520-00075687 360 because now 8rGLy4QNFNM-00398-00075688-00075919 i can just look at my mum and see where 8rGLy4QNFNM-00399-00075920-00076031 she is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00400-00076032-00076182 so i know whether i need to do this 8rGLy4QNFNM-00401-00076183-00076415 faster oh she's driving 8rGLy4QNFNM-00402-00076416-00076606 girl she's running away i aim she's best 8rGLy4QNFNM-00403-00076607-00076743 frigging not be 8rGLy4QNFNM-00404-00076744-00076950 she's on her way back bloody hell right 8rGLy4QNFNM-00405-00076951-00077119 no landscaping okay we're gonna have to 8rGLy4QNFNM-00406-00077120-00077319 do this without any landscaping so it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00407-00077320-00077623 may look a bit poo but 8rGLy4QNFNM-00408-00077624-00077903 can't be asked can i where's north wales 8rGLy4QNFNM-00409-00077904-00078159 expressway is my mom supposed to be out 8rGLy4QNFNM-00410-00078160-00078479 it's been a very long time i must say 8rGLy4QNFNM-00411-00078480-00078687 do you know this stone foundation is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00412-00078688-00078871 really underrated 8rGLy4QNFNM-00413-00078872-00079094 and i feel for it i do feel for it 8rGLy4QNFNM-00414-00079095-00079206 because it's a very 8rGLy4QNFNM-00415-00079207-00079382 very good thing right let's try and do 8rGLy4QNFNM-00416-00079383-00079606 this floor plan as quickly as 8rGLy4QNFNM-00417-00079607-00079831 humanly possible to be some basic ass 8rGLy4QNFNM-00418-00079832-00079919 furnishing 8rGLy4QNFNM-00419-00079920-00080143 um why did that happen so that's gonna 8rGLy4QNFNM-00420-00080144-00080303 be the sunroom or maybe it could be like 8rGLy4QNFNM-00421-00080304-00080431 a living room 8rGLy4QNFNM-00422-00080432-00080687 it's a bit small though oh this house is 8rGLy4QNFNM-00423-00080688-00080847 way bigger than i thought 8rGLy4QNFNM-00424-00080848-00081031 sake right where are these stairs 8rGLy4QNFNM-00425-00081032-00081175 gonna go 8rGLy4QNFNM-00426-00081176-00081406 hmm they could be like right next to the 8rGLy4QNFNM-00427-00081407-00081615 front door because that's realistic 8rGLy4QNFNM-00428-00081616-00081823 that's a bit better i like them there 8rGLy4QNFNM-00429-00081824-00082006 okay anyway so i'm going to 8rGLy4QNFNM-00430-00082007-00082206 finish this another time because 8rGLy4QNFNM-00431-00082207-00082311 unfortunately 8rGLy4QNFNM-00432-00082312-00082550 um my hd has just decided to really act 8rGLy4QNFNM-00433-00082551-00082687 up and i can't focus on this video at 8rGLy4QNFNM-00434-00082688-00082735 all 8rGLy4QNFNM-00435-00082736-00082918 so thank you very much for watching if 8rGLy4QNFNM-00436-00082919-00083159 you made it to the end well done 8rGLy4QNFNM-00437-00083160-00083382 clapping for you right now so um yeah 8rGLy4QNFNM-00438-00083383-00083511 thanks for watching subscribe with your 8rGLy4QNFNM-00439-00083512-00083599 transphobic 8rGLy4QNFNM-00440-00083600-00084080 and uh thank you i love you bye-bye 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00000-00000028-00000361 frame technology ft is a language 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00001-00000362-00000449 neutral ie 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00002-00000450-00000713 processes various languages system that 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00003-00000714-00000911 manufactures custom software from 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00004-00000911-00001127 reusable machine adaptable building 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00005-00001128-00001460 blocks called frames ft is used to 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00006-00001461-00001660 reduce the time effort and air is 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00007-00001661-00001892 involved in the design construction and 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00008-00001893-00002096 evolution of large complex software 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00009-00002097-00002480 systems fundamental to ft is its ability 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00010-00002481-00002692 to stop the proliferation of similar but 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00011-00002693-00002891 subtly different components an issue 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00012-00002892-00003122 plaguing software engineering for which 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00013-00003123-00003284 programming language constructs 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00014-00003285-00003527 subroutines classes or templates 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00015-00003528-00003749 generics or adding techniques such as 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00016-00003750-00003983 macros and generators failed to provide 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00017-00003984-00004334 a practical scaleable solution a number 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00018-00004335-00004559 of implementations of ft exist 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00019-00004560-00004790 Metron fusion specializes in 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00020-00004791-00004988 constructing business software in this 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00021-00004989-00005218 proprietary art adaptive reuse 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00022-00005219-00005531 technology - is a general-purpose open 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00023-00005532-00005852 source implementation of ft Paul G 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00024-00005853-00006070 Bassett invented the first F T in order 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00025-00006071-00006275 to automate the repetitive error-prone 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00026-00006276-00006514 editing involved in adapting generated 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00027-00006515-00006731 and handwritten programs to changing 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00028-00006731-00007094 requirements and contexts a substantial 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00029-00007095-00007321 literature now exists that explains how 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00030-00007322-00007559 ft can facilitate most aspects of 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00031-00007559-00007789 software's life cycle including domain 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00032-00007790-00007959 modeling requirements gathering 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00033-00007961-00008203 architecture and design construction 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00034-00008204-00008480 testing documentation fine tuning and 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00035-00008481-00008819 evolution independent comparisons of ft 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00036-00008820-00009044 - alternative approaches confirm that 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00037-00009045-00009230 the time and resources needed to build 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00038-00009231-00009449 and maintain complex systems can be 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00039-00009450-00009794 substantially reduced one reason ft 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00040-00009795-00009989 shields programmers from software's 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00041-00009990-00010267 inherent redundancies ft has reproduced 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00042-00010268-00010481 cots object libraries from equivalent 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00043-00010482-00010748 XVII CL frame libraries that are 2/3 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00044-00010749-00010928 smaller and simpler custom business 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00045-00010929-00011183 applications are routinely specified and 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00046-00011184-00011438 maintained by net Ron fusions PC frames 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00047-00011439-00011741 that are 5% to 15% of the size of their 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00048-00011742-00012488 assembled source files top 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00049-00012489-00013052 frame's below are too informal 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00050-00013053-00013154 descriptions 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00051-00013155-00013294 followed by a more precise definition 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00052-00013296-00013706 and explanation a frame is an adaptable 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00053-00013707-00013886 component on an automated software 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00054-00013887-00014222 assembly line imagine an auto factory 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00055-00014222-00014450 where instead of having specific bumpers 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00056-00014451-00014660 fenders and other parts to suit the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00057-00014661-00014891 specifics of each car model we have just 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00058-00014891-00015125 one generic bumper one generic fender 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00059-00015126-00015452 and so on now imagine that these generic 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00060-00015453-00015629 parts could be cloned and shaped to fit 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00061-00015630-00015865 each car model as it came down the line 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00062-00015866-00016132 such a fantasy would revolutionize 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00063-00016133-00016366 manufacturing and while impossible for 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00064-00016368-00016583 physical parts this is what frames do 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00065-00016584-00016784 for software and information in general 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00066-00016785-00017198 a frame is a recipe for cooking up a 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00067-00017199-00017552 program text its instructions say how to 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00068-00017553-00017759 blend its ingredients chunks of frame 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00069-00017760-00017984 text within itself with the ingredients 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00070-00017985-00018284 from other frames the chef is a frame 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00071-00018285-00018446 processor that carries out the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00072-00018447-00018710 instructions ie the frame commands which 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00073-00018711-00018965 alter add modify delete ingredients as 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00074-00018966-00019178 necessary to suit the main recipe 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00075-00019179-00019439 formally a frame is a procedural macro 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00076-00019440-00019715 consisting of frame text 0 or more lines 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00077-00019716-00019934 of ordinary program text and frame 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00078-00019935-00020150 commands that are carried out by FTS 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00079-00020151-00020360 frame processor as it manufactures 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00080-00020361-00020675 custom programs each frame is both a 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00081-00020676-00020882 generic component in a hierarchy of 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00082-00020883-00021092 nested sub assemblies and a procedure 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00083-00021093-00021284 for integrating itself with its sub 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00084-00021285-00021536 assembly frames a recursive process that 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00085-00021537-00021761 resolves integration conflicts in favor 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00086-00021762-00022028 of higher-level sub assemblies the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00087-00022029-00022256 outputs are custom documents typically 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00088-00022257-00023003 compiled a ball source modules topic the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00089-00023004-00023609 main commands invoke a frame a procedure 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00090-00023610-00023816 call that occurs at construction time 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00091-00023817-00024044 while constructing program texts a 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00092-00024045-00024272 sign-up list of expressions to a frame 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00093-00024273-00024509 parameter a construction time variable 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00094-00024510-00024713 assignment insert frame text before 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00095-00024714-00024994 instead of or after blocks a frame text 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00096-00024995-00025183 labeled by parameter expressions 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00097-00025184-00025394 instantiate a frame parameter a 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00098-00025395-00025607 construction time expression evaluation 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00099-00025608-00025868 select frame texts for processing 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00100-00025869-00026057 a construction time case statement 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00101-00026058-00026264 iterate a-frame text while varying 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00102-00026264-00026495 certain frame parameters a construction 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00103-00026495-00026699 time while statement the processor 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00104-00026700-00026920 transforms frame text by replacing 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00105-00026922-00027122 commands with ordinary text and by 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00106-00027123-00027479 omitting ordinary text as is examples it 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00107-00027480-00027683 replaces an invoke by the result of 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00108-00027683-00027914 processing the invoked frame it replaces 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00109-00027914-00028085 an assign with nothing and an 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00110-00028086-00028307 instantiate becomes the ordinary text 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00111-00028308-00028514 resulting from evaluating the frame 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00112-00028514-00028720 parameters assigned expression which can 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00113-00028722-00028979 be a concatenation of strings arithmetic 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00114-00028980-00029689 expressions and nested frame parameters 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00115-00029689-00030370 topic component relationships invoke 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00116-00030372-00030595 sets up component relationships among 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00117-00030597-00030917 frames for example in Figure one F is 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00118-00030918-00031187 J's component and C is J sub component 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00119-00031188-00031520 of course many components may invoke the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00120-00031520-00031727 same sub component as in I and J 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00121-00031727-00031961 invoking F each constructing a different 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00122-00031962-00032267 text the overall component structure 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00123-00032268-00032468 forms a generic semi-lattice with each 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00124-00032469-00032683 frame being the root of a sub assembly 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00125-00032685-00033011 thus C is its own sub assembly F and C 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00126-00033012-00033224 are components of the F sub assembly and 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00127-00033225-00034060 jf & Co components of the J sub assembly 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00128-00034061-00034811 topic context scoping context scoping is 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00129-00034812-00035000 what distinguishes F T from other 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00130-00035001-00035207 modeling and construction systems each 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00131-00035208-00035429 frame constitutes the context into which 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00132-00035430-00035750 it integrates its sub assembly invested 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00133-00035751-00035930 sub assemblies the lower levels are 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00134-00035931-00036137 progressively more context free because 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00135-00036138-00036325 they integrate less information 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00136-00036326-00036596 integration conflicts are resolved in 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00137-00036597-00036773 favor of the most context-sensitive 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00138-00036774-00037052 frame to assign or insert a parameter it 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00139-00037053-00037274 becomes read-only to all other frames in 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00140-00037275-00037565 that frame sub assembly in figure one 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00141-00037566-00037802 frames F and C would conflict if they 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00142-00037803-00038044 assign different values to parameter P 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00143-00038045-00038440 so F overrides C ie the frame processor 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00144-00038441-00038687 ignores C's assignments to P and uses 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00145-00038688-00038965 F's values for P and F and C similarly J 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00146-00038966-00039180 can override both F and C and 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00147-00039181-00039512 so on context scoping matters because 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00148-00039513-00039699 all the adjustments needed to fit any 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00149-00039700-00039906 number of sub components to a given 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00150-00039907-00040125 context are explicit and local to that 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00151-00040126-00040452 context without context scoping such 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00152-00040453-00040617 adjustments are mostly implicit 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00153-00040618-00040830 scattered and hidden within component 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00154-00040831-00041154 variants not only do such variants tend 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00155-00041155-00041349 to proliferate causing unnecessary 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00156-00041350-00041586 redundancy and complexity but system 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00157-00041587-00041790 evolution is also unnecessarily 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00158-00041791-00042410 difficult and error-prone 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00159-00042411-00042783 topic specification frames and templates 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00160-00042784-00043467 a specification frame SPC is an entire 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00161-00043468-00043737 assemblies topmost hence most context 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00162-00043738-00044040 sensitive frame the processor starts at 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00163-00044041-00044334 an SPC such as L or M in Figure 1 in 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00164-00044335-00044540 order to manufacture a complete program 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00165-00044541-00044907 or subsystem while in principle in SPC 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00166-00044908-00045156 could customize every detail in practice 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00167-00045157-00045417 an SPC is a small fraction of its entire 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00168-00045418-00045651 assembly because most of the exceptions 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00169-00045652-00045918 and exceptions to exceptions etc have 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00170-00045919-00046115 already been handled by various sub 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00171-00046116-00046455 assembly frames given a frame library 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00172-00046456-00046734 SPC's logically entail the programs they 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00173-00046735-00046980 construct the cess pcs replace source 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00174-00046981-00047286 files as primary control points it's 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00175-00047287-00047505 routine practice to use templates to 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00176-00047506-00047777 create SPC's that create programs then 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00177-00047778-00048009 use SPC s to manage and evolve those 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00178-00048010-00048296 programs indefinitely this practice 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00179-00048297-00048504 greatly reduces the number of details 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00180-00048505-00048720 that application programmers must know 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00181-00048721-00048977 and manage it also avoids the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00182-00048978-00049209 redundancies complexities and errors 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00183-00049210-00049404 inherent in copying and editing source 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00184-00049405-00049731 text by hand debugging time shrinks as 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00185-00049732-00049971 well because most components are reused 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00186-00049972-00050283 hence pre-tested errors tend to localize 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00187-00050284-00050612 in s pcs as they are the least tested a 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00188-00050613-00050919 template is an archetypal SPC with 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00189-00050920-00051090 embedded comments explaining how to 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00190-00051091-00051399 customize it typically there is a small 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00191-00051400-00051629 number of types of programs each type 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00192-00051630-00051926 being characterized by a template by 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00193-00051927-00052139 copying and filling it in programmers 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00194-00052140-00052394 convert a template into an SPC without 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00195-00052395-00052526 having to remember what 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00196-00052527-00052685 James they need their component 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00197-00052686-00052910 relationships or what details typically 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00198-00052911-00053726 need to be customized topic frame based 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00199-00053727-00054383 domain-specific languages an F T based 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00200-00054384-00054701 domain-specific language F T DSL is a 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00201-00054702-00054944 domain-specific language whose semantics 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00202-00054945-00055163 expressed in program code have been 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00203-00055164-00055541 engineered into frames a typical F T DSL 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00204-00055541-00055751 editor translates between DSL 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00205-00055752-00055949 expressions and a frame that will adapt 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00206-00055950-00056174 the frame semantics to express program 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00207-00056175-00056414 code equivalents of the DSL expressions 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00208-00056415-00056762 an SPC sitting atop this sub assembly 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00209-00056763-00057007 can then specify in program code any 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00210-00057008-00057215 customizations in expressible in the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00211-00057216-00057529 domain-specific language thus when users 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00212-00057530-00057788 regenerate program code from altered DSL 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00213-00057789-00058037 expressions prior customizations are not 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00214-00058038-00059237 lost topic frame engineering frame 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00215-00059238-00059462 engineering applies software engineering 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00216-00059463-00059735 to a frame technology environment this 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00217-00059736-00059963 includes domain analysis designing 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00218-00059964-00060233 writing testing and Co evolving frames 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00219-00060234-00060469 along with the systems they construct 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00220-00060470-00060707 framing occurs both bottom-up and 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00221-00060708-00060962 top-down bottom-up frame engineers 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00222-00060963-00061216 typically create frames by unifying and 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00223-00061217-00061454 parameterizing groups of similar program 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00224-00061454-00061697 elements of any granularity from text 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00225-00061698-00061916 snippets to subsystems into generic 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00226-00061916-00062138 equivalents the top-down approach 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00227-00062139-00062420 combines domain expertise with iterative 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00228-00062421-00062633 prototype refinement constrained by 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00229-00062634-00062798 application and architectural 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00230-00062799-00063026 requirements corporate standards and the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00231-00063027-00063188 desire to evolve a set of reusable 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00232-00063189-00063458 assets whose return greatly exceeds the 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00233-00063459-00063779 investment reuse is measured by dividing 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00234-00063779-00063977 the total size of the frame libraries 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00235-00063978-00064169 into the total size of the resulting 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00236-00064170-00064405 construct and/or by counting individual 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00237-00064407-00064751 frame r users a mature frame library 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00238-00064752-00064958 enhances cost-effectiveness because 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00239-00064959-00065155 software project stakeholders can 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00240-00065157-00065348 restrict their attention to a systems 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00241-00065349-00065579 novelties taking the bulk of its robust 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00242-00065580-00065795 components and architecture for granted 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00243-00065796-00065903 am 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00244-00065904-00066149 your library is not static frame 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00245-00066150-00066382 engineers can using the Select command 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00246-00066383-00066605 evolved reusable frames indefinitely 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00247-00066606-00066787 meeting new requirements without 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00248-00066788-00067016 necessitating retrofits to programs 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00249-00067017-00067217 manufactured from frames previous 8t5WQ2w4bVQ-00250-00067218-00068162 versions topic footnotes 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00000-00000168-00001053 [Music] 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00001-00001054-00001357 good afternoon everyone my name is Anna 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00002-00001358-00001552 by Yahoo I'm the communications manager 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00003-00001553-00001819 of myeloma patient Europe welcome to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00004-00001820-00002067 this webinar including the AVM 2020 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00005-00002068-00002281 webinar series yes has you know our 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00006-00002282-00002470 annual general meeting was cancelled due 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00007-00002471-00002665 to the coveted break and we are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00008-00002666-00002860 delivering our educational program in a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00009-00002861-00003045 virtual way by giving our session as 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00010-00003046-00003336 webinars today's webinar is a special 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00011-00003338-00003456 because it's the first one not only 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00012-00003457-00003736 focused on the patient but also on the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00013-00003736-00003943 relatives and carers and the challenges 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00014-00003944-00004152 that they have to face around disease 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00015-00004153-00004393 this webinar will be given by ellen 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00016-00004394-00004615 waters myeloma information nurse 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00017-00004616-00004900 specialist at myeloma UK @np member in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00018-00004901-00005109 the UK and well for your information 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00019-00005110-00005364 this webinar will be recorded and will 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00020-00005365-00005514 be uploaded to the myeloma patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00021-00005515-00006501 europe website which is www.hyken.com 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00022-00006502-00006811 six to seven so the presentation will 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00023-00006812-00007081 last about 40 and 45 minutes and then I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00024-00007081-00007320 will open the session for questions in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00025-00007321-00007485 case you have any question there are two 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00026-00007486-00007742 ways to ask questions our speaker today 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00027-00007743-00007978 one of them is using the microphone in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00028-00007979-00008191 your computer as I'm doing right now so 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00029-00008192-00008377 just press the right hand button that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00030-00008378-00008566 you will see on your screen and I will 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00031-00008567-00008763 unmute you so you can ask directly your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00032-00008764-00009006 question to our speaker if you don't 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00033-00009007-00009138 want to use the microphone 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00034-00009139-00009420 another option is asking your your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00035-00009421-00009631 question in writing you will see a chat 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00036-00009632-00009826 window in your screen so you can write 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00037-00009827-00010035 your question there and I will receive 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00038-00010036-00010324 this question and I will ask those 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00039-00010325-00010531 questions to our speaker today on your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00040-00010532-00010809 behalf on behalf of myeloma patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00041-00010810-00010974 repellant I would like to thank you for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00042-00010975-00011227 your help and for being here today to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00043-00011228-00011574 give this webinar thank you very much 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00044-00011575-00011848 thank you Anna thank you and of course 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00045-00011849-00012049 I'd much rather be with you all and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00046-00012050-00012319 Amsterdam but these are unprecedented 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00047-00012320-00012676 times I'd like to thank you for inviting 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00048-00012677-00012955 me to talk today about the impact of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00049-00012956-00013249 myeloma and the amyloidosis for those 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00050-00013250-00013552 who are carers I hope everyone is safe 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00051-00013553-00013893 and everyone is well whilst my 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00052-00013894-00014230 experiences and the work of myeloma UK 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00053-00014231-00014560 is UK focused the challenges faced by 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00054-00014561-00014922 carers of course is universal so I'm 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00055-00014924-00015109 sorry if this this talk in Lutz's if 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00056-00015110-00015322 it's a little bit UK focused but but we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00057-00015322-00015555 are Woodall we're all in this together 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00058-00015556-00015937 so first of all I'm just going to move 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00059-00015938-00016216 into my next slide so first of all I'd 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00060-00016216-00016429 like to give a brief overview of the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00061-00016430-00016726 work we do at myeloma UK just in case 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00062-00016727-00016891 some of you are not familiar with the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00063-00016892-00017188 charity we have the only organisation in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00064-00017189-00017518 the UK which focuses on myeloma and it's 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00065-00017519-00017764 related conditions such as al 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00066-00017765-00018058 amyloidosis of course we work closely 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00067-00018059-00018280 with pharma companies with government 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00068-00018281-00018574 bodies to ensure best practice and to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00069-00018575-00018819 improve standards of treatment and care 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00070-00018820-00019204 we provide a range of resources and a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00071-00019205-00019485 variety of formats to inform those 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00072-00019486-00019834 access and our services and we do not 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00073-00019835-00020074 receive any government funding so we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00074-00020075-00020469 rely entirely on the generosity of our 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00075-00020470-00020698 fundraisers 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00076-00020699-00021010 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00077-00021011-00021454 sure as mentioned before there are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00078-00021455-00021700 patient advocate in works with patients 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00079-00021701-00022042 doctors pharma industry alongside our 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00080-00022043-00022291 information and support support services 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00081-00022292-00022615 and to make sure that myeloma patients 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00082-00022616-00022801 do receive the best possible treatment 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00083-00022802-00023281 and care and of course we support trials 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00084-00023282-00023478 which are innovative and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00085-00023479-00023905 patient-centered 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00086-00023906-00024275 we have three main strategic goals for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00087-00024276-00024471 each for each of the key areas within 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00088-00024472-00024689 the healthcare advocacy services 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00089-00024690-00025035 Directorate which were included in the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00090-00025036-00025250 slide above so these are to inform 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00091-00025251-00025687 educate and support to facilitate timely 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00092-00025688-00025919 diagnosis and high standards of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00093-00025920-00026302 delivering care and to improve equity 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00094-00026304-00026902 inclusiveness engagement and reach 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00095-00026904-00027222 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00096-00027223-00027492 to help us achieve these goals we also 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00097-00027493-00027774 work closely with thousands of health 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00098-00027775-00028095 care professionals our online services 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00099-00028095-00028320 and educational resources for doctors 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00100-00028320-00028500 and nurses in to support the work that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00101-00028501-00028776 we do by keeping them up-to-date with 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00102-00028777-00029094 the latest and research discovery and in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00103-00029095-00029414 treatments for myeloma our services 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00104-00029416-00029655 include developing resources for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00105-00029656-00029817 healthcare professionals and these 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00106-00029818-00030116 include the nurse learning program which 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00107-00030117-00030464 has and we also have short courses for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00108-00030466-00030873 hematologists tutorials seminars keep up 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00109-00030874-00031319 keep publications clinical guides best 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00110-00031320-00031658 nursing best practice guides medical 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00111-00031660-00031977 animations and latest news and events so 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00112-00031977-00032154 health care professionals know they can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00113-00032155-00032376 just go on to their section of our 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00114-00032377-00032639 website and be fully informed and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00115-00032641-00033027 up-to-date with the latest clinical 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00116-00033028-00033282 services excellence program but Jimmie 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00117-00033283-00033567 apparent about was established in 2015 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00118-00033568-00033906 to recognize where superior care is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00119-00033907-00034218 given to myeloma patients to share best 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00120-00034219-00034455 practice in practice initiatives and to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00121-00034456-00034686 benchmark optimum standards in myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00122-00034687-00035130 treatment today about 20 UK hospitals 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00123-00035131-00035337 have received this accreditation and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00124-00035338-00035502 there are there are many more and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00125-00035503-00035910 progress any UK hospital treating 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00126-00035911-00036215 patients is eligible to apply for cset 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00127-00036216-00036504 and participation in the program 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00128-00036505-00036663 includes completion of patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00129-00036664-00036954 experience surveys so we involve 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00130-00036955-00037203 patients we involve family members and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00131-00037204-00037458 they all have their say and making sure 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00132-00037459-00037746 that at the hospital they attained the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00133-00037747-00037920 healthcare professionals at least speak 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00134-00037921-00038403 to are delivering the best practice so 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00135-00038404-00038580 we ask for things like new patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00136-00038581-00038796 experiences whether or not the hospital 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00137-00038797-00039168 takes part in clinical trials how they 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00138-00039169-00039411 are with multidisciplinary team working 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00139-00039412-00039741 even don't you there their programs and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00140-00039742-00040119 processes for end-of-life care and of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00141-00040120-00040326 course we have an early diagnosis 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00142-00040327-00040479 steering group 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00143-00040480-00040727 as a panel of experts dedicated to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00144-00040728-00041255 identifying the major issues and making 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00145-00041256-00041451 sure that patients are diagnosed as 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00146-00041452-00041664 early as impossible as early as possible 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00147-00041665-00041964 it's imperative that patients are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00148-00041965-00042230 diagnosed early the complications caused 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00149-00042231-00042633 by myeloma and by a lamellar doses can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00150-00042634-00043001 be devastating and early diagnosis is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00151-00043002-00043392 absolutely imperative we are expanding 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00152-00043393-00043718 that early diagnosis of course to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00153-00043719-00044134 include those with al amyloidosis 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00154-00044135-00044302 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00155-00044303-00044641 so I work within the patient and carer 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00156-00044642-00044911 services department my main job is to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00157-00044912-00045100 answer a free phone helpline the myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00158-00045101-00045316 in flame which I've been doing today 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00159-00045317-00045514 I've been speaking to many patients and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00160-00045515-00045760 families today on the helpline and this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00161-00045761-00046033 also incorporates our ask the nurse 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00162-00046034-00046297 email service so I'll talk a little bit 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00163-00046298-00046561 about these services about my role and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00164-00046562-00046909 then I'll turn my focus specifically to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00165-00046910-00047134 the concerns that the killer's face and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00166-00047135-00047365 the topic of the talk today I will get 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00167-00047366-00047659 right to it I promise as well as there 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00168-00047660-00047902 are myeloma inflamed other resources for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00169-00047903-00048136 patients and carers include our in for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00170-00048137-00048484 days we have about 10 12 end bodies 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00171-00048485-00048778 every year and we always make sure that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00172-00048779-00049084 we include our sessions specifically for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00173-00049085-00049417 carers we have support groups we have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00174-00049418-00049675 online resources as well as a range of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00175-00049676-00050014 award-winning publications available to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00176-00050015-00050421 download orders hard copies 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00177-00050422-00050640 so maybe our brief from them over your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00178-00050641-00051015 overview of my rule at myeloma UK I am a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00179-00051016-00051213 registered nurse and I have been for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00180-00051214-00051477 many years and I maintain my nurse 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00181-00051478-00051708 registration but the NMC that's the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00182-00051709-00052011 nursing midwifery council when star wars 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00183-00052012-00052299 a nurse on the wards I did be in a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00184-00052300-00052491 diploma and cancer and palliative care 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00185-00052491-00052809 whilst I was working for the NHS but 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00186-00052810-00053103 I've been at myeloma you came out for 17 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00187-00053104-00053330 years more than seventeen years so all 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00188-00053332-00053661 I've done in 17 years is myeloma and al 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00189-00053662-00053751 amyloidosis 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00190-00053752-00054078 and as I said my main job is to answer 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00191-00054079-00054254 the health claim there and they and the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00192-00054255-00054678 email service as it's my main area of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00193-00054679-00054894 expertise of course I'll focus on info 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00194-00054895-00055058 lane and the email service and I've got 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00195-00055059-00055329 statistics to share with you I've got 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00196-00055329-00055560 examples I've got feedback that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00197-00055561-00055883 highlights carers concerns specifically 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00198-00055884-00056117 then I'll talk a little bit about the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00199-00056119-00056340 nature of how and why caters are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00200-00056341-00056526 affected I hope you'll find it of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00201-00056527-00056666 interest and of course I'm happy to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00202-00056667-00056847 answer any questions we have at the end 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00203-00056848-00057263 or or please feel free to interrupt me 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00204-00057264-00057594 so the myeloma inflamed is free to call 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00205-00057595-00057852 available weekdays Monday to Friday 9:00 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00206-00057853-00058179 to 5:00 we did do a pilot last year 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00207-00058179-00058466 where we extended the cerebus for a few 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00208-00058467-00058761 months to a Saturday morning and that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00209-00058762-00059025 pilot is being evaluated at the moment 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00210-00059026-00059337 so we may well extend their errors watch 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00211-00059338-00059721 the space as the same we aim to answer 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00212-00059722-00060060 at least 80% of course first time by a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00213-00060061-00060369 myeloma information specialist now I'm a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00214-00060370-00060597 mile mile for mation specialist my work 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00215-00060598-00060900 alongside Sarah and Kim and we're the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00216-00060901-00061284 three people that people will speak to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00217-00061285-00061440 when the first caller service the lie 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00218-00061441-00061704 they gave me or look at Sarah or go get 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00219-00061704-00061938 Kim and we are obviously very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00220-00061939-00062121 knowledgeable about myeloma and its 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00221-00062122-00062382 related conditions and hopefully we can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00222-00062383-00062577 answer any questions that people have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00223-00062578-00062802 and put the remainder ease that they're 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00224-00062803-00063111 not alone so we are committed to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00225-00063112-00063380 providing the best quality service to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00226-00063382-00063603 anyone who calls the infilling and uses 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00227-00063604-00063701 our email server 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00228-00063702-00064079 and this has been accredited by the help 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00229-00064079-00064427 legs partnership since 2004 whether a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00230-00064428-00064616 quality standard and you'll see the logo 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00231-00064616-00064862 they are on on this on the slide the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00232-00064863-00065057 help lanes standard which is quite 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00233-00065058-00065408 prestigious award and we've received it 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00234-00065409-00065726 since 2004 we collect a lot of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00235-00065727-00066040 statistics around calls and emails and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00236-00066041-00066389 last year's annual review of inflame and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00237-00066390-00066820 the African our service showed that all 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00238-00066821-00067192 3947 contacts almost 35 percent 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00239-00067193-00067550 described themselves as healers family 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00240-00067551-00067988 members or friends so our services are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00241-00067989-00068276 unique and tailored to - to those people 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00242-00068277-00068729 who who come to us 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00243-00068730-00068981 to look specifically at the calls to the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00244-00068982-00069236 myeloma and flame we can see from the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00245-00069237-00069674 the 2019 end of year report that the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00246-00069675-00069962 majority of service users are patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00247-00069963-00070282 and female and most callers wanted to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00248-00070283-00070571 talk about myeloma this is no surprise 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00249-00070572-00070856 as in the UK there are more than 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00250-00070857-00071048 five-and-a-half thousand cases of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00251-00071049-00071360 myeloma diagnosed every year as opposed 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00252-00071361-00071626 to between five and six hundred 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00253-00071627-00072053 diagnosis of al amyloidosis we have to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00254-00072054-00072238 be an in mind of course that the myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00255-00072239-00072538 and flame can be anonymous and it is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00256-00072539-00072809 caller led so you don't always know 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00257-00072810-00073313 who's at the other end of the Lane 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00258-00073314-00073641 now looking at the seam with regard to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00259-00073642-00074079 the emails we received for 2019 as a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00260-00074080-00074273 similar picture but with a higher 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00261-00074274-00074606 percentage of those who said identify 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00262-00074607-00075066 him as carers 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00263-00075067-00075355 we have collected information from 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00264-00075356-00075643 questionnaires about callers experiences 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00265-00075644-00075865 this is a tool that's currently being 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00266-00075866-00076201 reviewed however from this snapshot of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00267-00076202-00076480 experiences we can see that prior to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00268-00076481-00076785 make in a call service users were 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00269-00076786-00077029 overwhelmingly looking forward to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00270-00077030-00077260 finding out more but did admit to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00271-00077261-00077551 feelings of anxiety many weren't sure 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00272-00077552-00078122 what to expect but were hopeful 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00273-00078123-00078371 I'm looking at how they fail after the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00274-00078372-00078663 call which is very important 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00275-00078664-00078972 our snapshot confirms the caller's felt 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00276-00078973-00079371 more informed more confident less 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00277-00079372-00079593 anxious and less isolated 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00278-00079594-00080135 and that's what makes it all worthwhile 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00279-00080136-00080429 so the feedback we receive is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00280-00080430-00080721 consistently positive consistently 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00281-00080722-00080997 positive I've added here a selection of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00282-00080998-00081267 recent quotes from carers which we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00283-00081268-00081516 received from a variety of sources which 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00284-00081517-00081795 shows the impact the team has on service 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00285-00081796-00081858 users 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00286-00081859-00082163 I'll just read them out for you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00287-00082164-00082430 without myeloma UK I wouldn't have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00288-00082431-00082631 cooked when my husband was first 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00289-00082632-00082881 diagnosed 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00290-00082882-00083131 thank you so much to the end for lane 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00291-00083132-00083374 team who have been really professional 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00292-00083375-00083590 really helpful and supportive and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00293-00083591-00083866 answered all of my questions about how I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00294-00083867-00084114 can support my friend 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00295-00084115-00084496 honestly this is so so helpful I feel 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00296-00084497-00084682 like the whole family is just feeling a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00297-00084683-00084871 bit lost and we didn't know what to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00298-00084872-00085152 expect 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00299-00085153-00085401 I called the myeloma helpline because I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00300-00085402-00085608 thought he had been handed a death 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00301-00085609-00085854 sentence and I didn't want to show him 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00302-00085855-00086085 how frightened I was they were 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00303-00086086-00086292 remarkable and really helped me 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00304-00086293-00086523 understand that this was something that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00305-00086524-00086953 could be lived with 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00306-00086954-00087242 lovely it's really nice to receive that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00307-00087243-00087475 sort of feedback and it just makes you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00308-00087476-00087705 want to to do more 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00309-00087706-00088012 so now we'll explore how a diagnosis of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00310-00088013-00088273 myeloma or al amyloidosis can have a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00311-00088274-00088496 hugely emotional and psychological 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00312-00088497-00088841 effect on those caring for them and give 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00313-00088842-00089110 some examples of actual experiences to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00314-00089111-00089413 give you some insights 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00315-00089414-00089909 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00316-00089910-00090240 I'd like to introduce a case study from 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00317-00090241-00090447 a challenging call which we took on the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00318-00090448-00090753 myeloma inflame the influent aim the the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00319-00090754-00090969 aim is the myeloma information 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00320-00090970-00091130 specialists that I talked about earlier 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00321-00091131-00091518 we meet regularly to discuss reflect on 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00322-00091519-00091770 and learn from challenging calls and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00323-00091771-00092100 emails have a look over this case study 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00324-00092101-00092298 and at the challenges which are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00325-00092299-00092532 presented here and have a think how you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00326-00092533-00092786 might have dealt with a similar call 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00327-00092787-00093189 I'll go over it so the caller was a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00328-00093190-00093468 carer of course unfortunately her 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00329-00093469-00093738 husband had died six months previously 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00330-00093739-00094017 the patient had had several lines of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00331-00094018-00094272 treatment and had issues with relapses 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00332-00094273-00094491 and side-effects 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00333-00094492-00094713 the caller was frustrated that the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00334-00094714-00094982 doctors didn't continue the treatment 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00335-00094983-00095274 she said she wasn't ready she thought 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00336-00095275-00095565 she had more time it was a very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00337-00095566-00095838 emotional call she blames herself and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00338-00095839-00096111 she can't seem to move forward with her 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00339-00096112-00096606 grief 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00340-00096607-00096900 so the crawl was an emotive one and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00341-00096901-00097137 whilst it's important for the myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00342-00097138-00097500 information specialists to empathize to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00343-00097501-00097746 acknowledge and to show compassion 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00344-00097747-00098049 we can't let such cause affect us to the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00345-00098050-00098338 extent that we are then effective 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00346-00098339-00098632 a phone call it's tricky it doesn't give 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00347-00098633-00098839 you some of the clear signals you put 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00348-00098840-00099111 you would normally rely on like facial 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00349-00099112-00099454 expressions like body language and it 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00350-00099455-00099715 can be hard sometimes to gauge the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00351-00099716-00100053 caller's emotional state of mind 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00352-00100054-00100344 there are often silences on this type of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00353-00100345-00100626 call silences aren't necessarily a bad 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00354-00100627-00100872 thing and they can mean that the caller 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00355-00100873-00101087 is thinking about what has been said 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00356-00101088-00101373 thinking about how best to form that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00357-00101374-00101622 questions and reflecting on the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00358-00101623-00101894 situation that they are experiencing 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00359-00101895-00102222 we wouldn't be immediately jumping in to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00360-00102223-00102465 film such silences but we would be 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00361-00102466-00102702 letting the caller law that it was okay 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00362-00102703-00102959 to be silent using such terms as I'm 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00363-00102960-00103341 still here take your time 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00364-00103342-00103641 of course we can't see the patient's 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00365-00103642-00103856 nose and we haven't been looking after 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00366-00103857-00104127 the patient personally so there are big 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00367-00104128-00104298 gaps in our knowledge about the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00368-00104299-00104646 individual situation we reduce open 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00369-00104647-00104889 questions to help us gain more and say 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00370-00104890-00105176 and help us better answer the concerns 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00371-00105177-00105519 clarify issues and support and inform 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00372-00105520-00105890 the caller 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00373-00105891-00106183 but myeloma information specialists 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00374-00106184-00106388 approach on this course 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00375-00106389-00106640 this is where she summarized hers or her 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00376-00106641-00106800 approach 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00377-00106801-00107007 horrible calls are answered in a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00378-00107008-00107340 compassionate empathetic manner and we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00379-00107341-00107655 acknowledge the situation we offer 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00380-00107656-00107931 explanations about the complex nature of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00381-00107932-00108204 myeloma in order to give clarity and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00382-00108205-00108528 Tans to the callers queries we remain 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00383-00108529-00108836 objective throughout and signposts to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00384-00108838-00109092 other resources were appropriate for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00385-00109093-00109413 this type of call we would be same 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00386-00109414-00109641 person perhaps to bereavement services 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00387-00109642-00109821 like cruise 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00388-00109822-00110036 we may even signpost back to the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00389-00110038-00110301 patient's team they are best placed to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00390-00110302-00110517 answer questions about a patient's 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00391-00110518-00111057 individual circumstances sometimes this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00392-00111058-00111225 is all that is needed and they're 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00393-00111226-00111456 listening ear and be able to voice and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00394-00111457-00111816 shear anxiety often helps we have many 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00395-00111817-00112071 calls of this nature and I have to see 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00396-00112072-00112334 that mostly by the time the caller hangs 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00397-00112335-00112644 up they feel more in control and with a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00398-00112645-00112923 bit of a plan to move forward and they 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00399-00112924-00113190 always know that they can call us back 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00400-00113191-00113388 again should anything be playing on 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00401-00113389-00113971 their mind 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00402-00113972-00114210 I hope that was interesting and I've got 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00403-00114211-00114523 another key study to reflect upon and in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00404-00114524-00114804 a we whale but back to the impact 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00405-00114805-00115152 myeloma and amyloidosis has on everyone 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00406-00115153-00115694 affected focusing on the key errors 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00407-00115695-00116005 so a diagnosis of myeloma brings about 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00408-00116006-00116366 many changes it changes everything 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00409-00116367-00116639 we are often discussing with patients 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00410-00116640-00116894 and with their loved ones how their 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00411-00116895-00117136 lives are different for when a diagnosis 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00412-00117138-00117368 what they were before and there does 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00413-00117369-00117553 need to be a period of adjustment 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00414-00117554-00117766 there's almost an immediate 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00415-00117767-00118091 psychological psychological impact for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00416-00118092-00118268 all involved and of course that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00417-00118269-00118499 experience for the patient is hugely 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00418-00118500-00118751 influenced by who they have around them 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00419-00118752-00119096 supporting them the diagnosis not only 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00420-00119097-00119318 has an effect on the patient but the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00421-00119319-00119492 well-being of those close to them is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00422-00119493-00119836 also impacted it's so important to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00423-00119838-00120083 recognize and acknowledge this and have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00424-00120083-00120323 resources in place to support everyone 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00425-00120324-00120614 affected throughout this talk I will be 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00426-00120615-00120800 referring regularly to a piece of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00427-00120801-00121031 research carried out by myeloma UK 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00428-00121032-00121336 called a life in limbo which provides 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00429-00121338-00121609 key insights into issues experienced by 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00430-00121610-00121925 carers here we have two quotes taken 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00431-00121926-00122373 directly from that publication 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00432-00122374-00122520 which mirror many of the conversations 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00433-00122521-00122757 we experience via there and fillet 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00434-00122758-00123189 number asked in our service 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00435-00123190-00123426 I'll just read or two course out to you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00436-00123427-00123665 so sometimes it's like you're invisible 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00437-00123666-00123951 of course it's all about the patient but 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00438-00123952-00124161 at the same time to have a little bit of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00439-00124162-00124485 support would be nice you're trying to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00440-00124486-00124674 support them and your heart is breaking 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00441-00124675-00124924 too 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00442-00124925-00125279 livin with myeloma and al amyloidosis is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00443-00125280-00125513 therefore often extremely challenging 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00444-00125514-00125747 physically and emotionally for patients 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00445-00125748-00126068 carers and family members the study a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00446-00126069-00126353 life in limbo was conducted between May 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00447-00126354-00126736 and June 2016 and it was designed with 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00448-00126738-00126998 the NP of carers and involved a survey 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00449-00126999-00127360 of 374 carers and second stage 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00450-00127361-00127636 interviews to explore issues in more 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00451-00127638-00127908 depth 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00452-00127908-00128180 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00453-00128181-00128417 so this slide explores the changing 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00454-00128418-00128666 rules that carers find themselves having 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00455-00128667-00128959 to deal with often the first time 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00456-00128960-00129200 someone hears the word myeloma or al 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00457-00129201-00129419 amyloidosis s when they or a loved one 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00458-00129420-00129709 has been diagnosed here is find 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00459-00129710-00129863 themselves in a situation of great 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00460-00129864-00130130 change they must learn about a disease 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00461-00130131-00130418 they have likely never heard of they 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00462-00130419-00130633 must become familiar with its potential 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00463-00130634-00130958 complications with treatments and side 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00464-00130958-00131159 effects and they find themselves through 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00465-00131160-00131405 an entire world of hospital appointments 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00466-00131406-00131648 dealing with healthcare professionals 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00467-00131649-00131939 and witnessing someone they love in pain 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00468-00131940-00132299 both emotionally and physically the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00469-00132300-00132590 burden can be initially overwhelming and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00470-00132591-00132836 can cause huge turmoil effect in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00471-00132837-00133166 relationships and day-to-day life often 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00472-00133167-00133436 are served users voice anxiety around 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00473-00133437-00133649 the support they provide to their loved 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00474-00133650-00133916 one are they getting it right is there 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00475-00133917-00134144 anything else they need to do they need 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00476-00134145-00134453 to know to do and how can we help them 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00477-00134454-00134877 with this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00478-00134878-00135258 so looking at the Kira's raw doll 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00479-00135259-00135462 we know that killers are often 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00480-00135463-00135791 completely unprepared for the new doll 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00481-00135792-00135953 and which they find themselves 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00482-00135954-00136206 they account becomes clear very quickly 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00483-00136207-00136446 that the diagnosis of a loved one will 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00484-00136447-00136752 impact greatly on their everyday life 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00485-00136753-00137007 they may find that work suffers as a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00486-00137008-00137226 result or they may look at change in the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00487-00137227-00137514 prior the priorities around the patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00488-00137515-00137763 and their work life it may be that they 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00489-00137764-00137985 find themselves to be the main earner in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00490-00137986-00138278 the family social activities can be 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00491-00138279-00138657 impacted grains lost hobbies put to one 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00492-00138658-00139061 side and daily tasks can be neglected 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00493-00139062-00139374 often Kira's own health issues are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00494-00139375-00139838 ignored cleared down or overlooked 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00495-00139839-00140306 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00496-00140307-00140549 so all of this of course can be a huge 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00497-00140550-00140824 cause cause of stress and stress is a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00498-00140825-00141052 major factor when looking after someone 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00499-00141053-00141322 with myeloma or al amyloidosis 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00500-00141323-00141604 challenges which were not expected which 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00501-00141605-00141812 would unforeseen become a dominating 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00502-00141813-00142049 power of day-to-day life and of course 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00503-00142050-00142223 we know that stress can cause physical 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00504-00142224-00142559 symptoms and if a carer becomes and when 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00505-00142560-00142796 unwell then who will look after the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00506-00142797-00143101 patient the changing rules the burning 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00507-00143102-00143416 of burden of responsibility can often 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00508-00143417-00143614 have a negative effect on all the areas 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00509-00143615-00144649 of life such as described on this slide 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00510-00144650-00144908 so here are some further statistics 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00511-00144909-00145204 taken primero report a life in limbo 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00512-00145205-00145517 around the concerns reported by carers 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00513-00145518-00145730 you can read this document on our 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00514-00145731-00146099 website it is from 2016 but we do have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00515-00146100-00146420 plans to export explore further research 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00516-00146421-00146680 in this area 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00517-00146681-00146929 to carers needs are something we do take 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00518-00146930-00147190 very seriously and as an organization we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00519-00147191-00147433 will always factor them into our work 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00520-00147434-00147772 I'll just read out these stats here 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00521-00147773-00148024 so from that report we heard they're 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00522-00148025-00148222 almost three-quarters of those who 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00523-00148223-00148474 provided care and support to a relative 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00524-00148475-00148774 or friend did not see themselves as Kira 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00525-00148775-00149032 the Tam Kira is a bit of a strange one 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00526-00149033-00149262 often we'll hear people saying well I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00527-00149263-00149502 I'm not Kira Rama I'm a wife I'm a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00528-00149503-00149877 husband I'm a son I'm a daughter but you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00529-00149878-00150254 know we we would call them all carers 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00530-00150255-00150578 four out of five carers always put the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00531-00150579-00150809 needs of their relatives or friends 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00532-00150810-00151091 before their own we hear that very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00533-00151092-00151451 commonly over half of the carers often 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00534-00151452-00151643 felt that they didn't have anybody to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00535-00151644-00151983 talk to such a shame 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00536-00151984-00152350 94% of killers are emotionally impacted 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00537-00152351-00152593 and found the uncertainty to be a major 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00538-00152594-00152775 factor 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00539-00152776-00153054 and a quarter of those said in work said 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00540-00153055-00153264 that they've been unable to work or had 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00541-00153265-00153909 to retire early to care for the person 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00542-00153910-00154285 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00543-00154286-00154464 you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00544-00154465-00154761 so I'd like to explore another case 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00545-00154762-00154941 study if that's all right I do think 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00546-00154942-00155325 that sharing experiences and you know 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00547-00155326-00155541 these are absolutely invaluable these 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00548-00155542-00155775 are actual studies from actual calls or 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00549-00155776-00156027 actual emails so I do hope you find them 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00550-00156028-00156453 interesting so this was an email which 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00551-00156454-00156695 came into her ask the nurse service 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00552-00156696-00156909 initially and it was immediately 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00553-00156910-00157158 followed up by a call to the myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00554-00157159-00157479 enflame you'll see this clearly is quite 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00555-00157480-00157740 different from the previous one we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00556-00157741-00157956 talked about and it gives you an idea of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00557-00157957-00158238 the range of calls and issues we deal 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00558-00158239-00158618 with and the complexity of doors 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00559-00158619-00159027 so again how do we look and and try and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00560-00159028-00159282 think how you would address the very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00561-00159283-00159597 complex issues faced here so the email 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00562-00159598-00159927 came from Akira her husband young 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00563-00159928-00160164 husband to be diagnosed with myeloma and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00564-00160165-00160404 his forties we know that myeloma is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00565-00160405-00160626 generally diagnosed in indoors your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00566-00160627-00160914 older he was put forward for a clinical 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00567-00160915-00161235 trial the myeloma and the MU canine 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00568-00161236-00161508 high-risk clinical trial and there was a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00569-00161509-00161700 bit of confusion about the bone marrow 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00570-00161701-00161994 biopsy results and they cited genetic 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00571-00161995-00162432 risks the the status of that so the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00572-00162433-00162624 email was sent Anna and the next slide 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00573-00162625-00162927 shows you the email and our reply but 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00574-00162928-00163116 within seconds of the email being sent 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00575-00163117-00163377 she called the info line and and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00576-00163378-00163656 actually it was much easier to talk to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00577-00163657-00163836 her on the end of the line and it did 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00578-00163837-00164166 cleared up a few issues that we had been 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00579-00164167-00164510 unable to see the patient or the nose 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00580-00164511-00164713 so this was the email that was sent 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00581-00164714-00164926 immediately prior to the call and you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00582-00164927-00165460 can see it's very complex and you know 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00583-00165461-00165668 that's it this is why it's really really 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00584-00165669-00165845 important that that the myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00585-00165846-00166022 information specialist answering the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00586-00166023-00166295 helpline answering emails are really up 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00587-00166296-00166622 to date with the world of myeloma its 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00588-00166623-00166793 latest treatment and care 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00589-00166794-00167173 so we've ensured that that happens so 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00590-00167174-00167398 the lady was confused because one bone 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00591-00167399-00167626 marrow biopsy result showed their 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00592-00167627-00167921 husband had high-risk cytogenetic 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00593-00167922-00168197 abnormalities and therefore fitted the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00594-00168198-00168463 criteria for the trial and another 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00595-00168464-00168751 doctor said that no he wasn't high risk 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00596-00168752-00168973 and therefore would be on standard 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00597-00168974-00169181 treatments are not eligible for the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00598-00169182-00169476 clinical trial so she was very confused 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00599-00169477-00169765 this is my reply I've just copied you in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00600-00169766-00170125 the whole reply and taking out people's 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00601-00170126-00170700 details so that's to maintain gdpr 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00602-00170701-00170935 so 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00603-00170936-00171184 whenever we send an email from our Aston 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00604-00171185-00171397 our service we make sure that they're 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00605-00171398-00171697 reviewed by at least one other myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00606-00171698-00172012 and relation specialist and for this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00607-00172013-00172240 email I worked closely with our patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00608-00172241-00172522 advocacy team I also worked closely with 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00609-00172523-00172750 our senior scientific and knowledge 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00610-00172751-00172993 communication officer to form a response 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00611-00172994-00173239 I don't really think I could have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00612-00173240-00173494 replied to this email without that help 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00613-00173495-00173754 so I've offered some some reasons why 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00614-00173755-00173950 there was a different report but 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00615-00173951-00174124 obviously I can't seem pursued as I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00616-00174125-00174310 don't have access to the clinical notes 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00617-00174311-00174664 and I'm not looking after the patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00618-00174665-00174904 so you can see that was quite a complex 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00619-00174905-00175288 email so the challenges of this were 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00620-00175289-00175816 that clearly the service user was very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00621-00175817-00176086 well informed very knowledgeable had 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00622-00176087-00176362 done a lot of treatment and was also 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00623-00176363-00176695 extremely anxious she did see that she 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00624-00176696-00177022 was prepared to buy any treatment she 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00625-00177023-00177361 had kind of fixated on the fact that the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00626-00177362-00177733 the trial included a maintenance arm of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00627-00177734-00177958 lenalidomide and she had raised that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00628-00177959-00178174 that was the way to go for myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00629-00178175-00178381 patient so she kind of fixated on that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00630-00178382-00178672 in the UK maintenance treatment isn't 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00631-00178673-00178879 something that's routinely available as 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00632-00178880-00179152 yet so she said she was she was prepared 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00633-00179153-00179484 to buy it so it was all about managing 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00634-00179485-00179893 expectations and trying to alleviate 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00635-00179894-00180343 that anxiety and clarifying things and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00636-00180344-00180685 when when she called 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00637-00180686-00181105 I was able to determine that indeed the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00638-00181106-00181387 bone marrow biopsy had gone to two 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00639-00181388-00181753 different labs and the one that was 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00640-00181754-00181975 being read for the clinical trial was a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00641-00181976-00182302 bit more thorough and discovered 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00642-00182303-00182518 actually that the patient had another 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00643-00182519-00182770 abnormality that men he was ruled out of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00644-00182771-00183145 the clinical trial so what I had to do 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00645-00183146-00183358 in order to to be able to answer this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00646-00183359-00183604 email was look at the protocol for the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00647-00183605-00183916 clinical trial lazed with my colleagues 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00648-00183917-00184233 in inpatient advocacy and my scientific 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00649-00184234-00184633 knowledge and communications officer and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00650-00184634-00184903 then when they when the key recalled it 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00651-00184904-00185131 all became a bit clearer and it was 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00652-00185132-00185392 actually much easier 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00653-00185393-00185944 that's quite a complex one so Tyrone doc 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00654-00185945-00186244 being a killer for for someone with a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00655-00186245-00186508 rare cancer or condition does present 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00656-00186509-00186646 many challenges 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00657-00186647-00186832 here's do you need to make adjustments 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00658-00186833-00187114 and look after their own psychological 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00659-00187115-00187432 emotional and physical health but he can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00660-00187433-00187792 bring about some positives - this is my 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00661-00187793-00188068 favorite quote from our report a life in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00662-00188069-00188404 limbo and it's very very true I feel 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00663-00188405-00188616 angry that I'm not going to get the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00664-00188617-00188866 future I wanted but the hardest thing to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00665-00188867-00189115 feel is how my my life 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00666-00189116-00189586 at the moment is in limbo hope that was 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00667-00189587-00189793 of interest and I'll do my best to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00668-00189794-00190011 answer any questions that you have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00669-00190012-00190435 so please please go ahead 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00670-00190436-00190763 well thank you very much very much Ellen 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00671-00190764-00191006 for this presentation and now I will 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00672-00191007-00191252 open the floor for questions just 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00673-00191253-00191420 quickly remind you that there are two 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00674-00191421-00191597 ways to ask questions one of them is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00675-00191598-00191765 using the microphone in your computer 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00676-00191766-00192050 and as the acute to our speaker and make 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00677-00192051-00192185 sure that you click on the right-hand 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00678-00192186-00192368 button so I can amuse you before asking 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00679-00192369-00192593 your question and the other way is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00680-00192594-00192788 swimming she wants before us and you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00681-00192789-00192950 send in your question in the chat window 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00682-00192951-00193178 and I will read them for you to our 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00683-00193179-00193499 speaker today we've had some some 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00684-00193500-00193679 questions arriving during your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00685-00193680-00193829 presentation 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00686-00193830-00194132 the first one is I've read that patients 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00687-00194133-00194312 and carers have the same feelings and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00688-00194313-00194504 the same emotions around the disease but 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00689-00194505-00194702 only with different intensity in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00690-00194703-00194975 different stages of the disease but both 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00691-00194976-00195197 patient and cares feel the same anxiety 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00692-00195198-00195368 fear helplessness 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00693-00195369-00195752 do you agree absolutely that's all very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00694-00195753-00196091 true and it is a life-changing event 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00695-00196092-00196391 it's almost a bit like you know when 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00696-00196392-00196592 you're diagnosed with with something 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00697-00196593-00196799 that you've never heard of before it's a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00698-00196800-00197084 bit like post-traumatic stress and you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00699-00197085-00197470 go through your whole range of emotions 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00700-00197471-00197780 but we often we know who that they're 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00701-00197781-00198101 often the killers sometimes have a bit 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00702-00198102-00198335 of a harder job because there they make 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00703-00198336-00198578 it they take upon themselves to become 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00704-00198579-00198857 fully informed about the disease they 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00705-00198858-00199160 take upon themselves to know when the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00706-00199161-00199388 next appointment is they take upon 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00707-00199389-00199544 themselves to know what the blood 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00708-00199545-00199766 results are so they're fielding 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00709-00199767-00200129 questions from relatives supporting 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00710-00200130-00200389 their loved one and trying their best to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00711-00200390-00200861 behave as normal so true yes it is very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00712-00200862-00201191 complex and this is why it's so 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00713-00201192-00201520 important that the carers needs parents 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00714-00201521-00201809 carers psychological physical and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00715-00201810-00202118 emotional health is absolutely a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00716-00202119-00202412 priority but yes they all feel that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00717-00202413-00202862 sense of for you know foreboding really 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00718-00202863-00203031 if you like 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00719-00203032-00203301 oh thank you very much the next question 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00720-00203302-00203535 is related a bit with that one it says 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00721-00203536-00203754 in my own experience carrier I think 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00722-00203755-00203919 it's difficult to realize that you need 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00723-00203920-00204030 help too 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00724-00204031-00204201 you always think about the patient and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00725-00204202-00204426 what he or she might need and you feel 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00726-00204427-00204570 that you can have the right to complain 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00727-00204571-00204756 because you are healthy and your role is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00728-00204757-00205002 basically to support the patient in your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00729-00205003-00205241 opinion when or what symptoms can make 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00730-00205242-00205476 us realize that we need help to cope 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00731-00205477-00205833 emotionally with the situation yes no 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00732-00205834-00205923 absolutely 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00733-00205923-00206250 as mentioned earlier that is absolutely 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00734-00206251-00206553 the case and it is something that you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00735-00206554-00207048 need to be aware of carers needs I think 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00736-00207048-00207258 I think we are getting better at it I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00737-00207259-00207438 think health care professionals are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00738-00207439-00207569 getting better at it 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00739-00207571-00207794 I did speak to a lady on the health 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00740-00207796-00208067 plane once who attended with her husband 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00741-00208069-00208296 for appointments and felt completely 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00742-00208296-00208638 ignored and the the health care 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00743-00208639-00208796 professionals the doctors the nurse 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00744-00208798-00209001 specialists directed all of the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00745-00209002-00209334 questions at the patient and and she 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00746-00209335-00209601 wasn't asked anything at all but I have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00747-00209602-00209996 to say that nobody knows the patient 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00748-00209998-00210219 better than the person that's caring for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00749-00210219-00210456 them if it's a wife or a husband they 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00750-00210457-00210726 see them day in day out and they can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00751-00210727-00211083 notice subtle changes but with regards 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00752-00211084-00211419 to your own psychological well-being as 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00753-00211419-00211767 a carer I think is perfectly normal and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00754-00211767-00212103 perfectly natural to feel down to be low 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00755-00212104-00212442 in mood at times however if that is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00756-00212442-00212682 something that's prolonged if you don't 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00757-00212683-00213060 feel that it's getting better when 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00758-00213061-00213269 you're becoming informed or if you don't 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00759-00213271-00213617 feel that weeks down the line that your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00760-00213617-00214014 mood is improving then that may be time 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00761-00214015-00214275 to worry that perhaps depression is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00762-00214276-00214775 taking hold and we know that in order to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00763-00214776-00215106 to improve that and to allow you to take 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00764-00215107-00215403 more control is the best I need to do 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00765-00215404-00215667 absolutely is to become fully informed 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00766-00215667-00215967 to become knowledgeable and to know what 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00767-00215967-00216228 questions to ask of the healthcare 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00768-00216229-00216371 professionals 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00769-00216371-00216644 often a call to the info line or an 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00770-00216644-00216902 email to the ask the nurse er this is a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00771-00216903-00217313 platform for for questions at the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00772-00217314-00217471 appointment and it and it better 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00773-00217473-00217706 prepares you for that you know what to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00774-00217707-00218075 ask and that information is power but if 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00775-00218076-00218438 you do feel that you're not coming out 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00776-00218439-00218659 of that long mood I think that's the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00777-00218660-00218860 time them to think perhaps I do need a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00778-00218861-00219098 little bit more help perhaps I need to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00779-00219098-00219350 speak to our counselor a psychologist 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00780-00219351-00219610 but for me and it can be done as a team 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00781-00219611-00220001 as a family thank you very much 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00782-00220002-00220223 the next question is the you for lined 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00783-00220223-00220442 free of cost from everywhere in the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00784-00220442-00220925 world or only the UK only the UK as far 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00785-00220926-00221351 as I know yes the UK and Ireland is free 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00786-00221352-00221633 to call but of course and that's why we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00787-00221634-00221860 have our email service and that's why we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00788-00221861-00222281 have our very that if there are website 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00789-00222282-00222764 so if you want to speak to myself or 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00790-00222765-00222914 Sarah or Kim or if you have any 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00791-00222915-00223108 questions bearing in mind that we can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00792-00223109-00223315 really only speak from a UK perspective 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00793-00223316-00223582 we are not familiar with health care 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00794-00223583-00223826 systems another part of the world but if 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00795-00223827-00224021 you wanted to ask a general question we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00796-00224021-00224359 do take calls international calls we do 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00797-00224360-00224602 answer emails from international 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00798-00224603-00224921 computer or in other countries but 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00799-00224921-00225073 bearing in mind that we can really only 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00800-00225075-00225389 talk in a general sense we don't have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00801-00225390-00225737 access to notes we don't know they as I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00802-00225738-00225934 say the specifics of the health care 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00803-00225935-00226211 system in other countries really 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00804-00226212-00226427 thank you very much I have an this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00805-00226428-00226661 question that guests can have problems 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00806-00226662-00226865 at work because they need they saw days 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00807-00226866-00227063 off to go to the doctor's appointment 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00808-00227064-00227225 with with a patient or to receive 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00809-00227226-00227453 treatment to do that you need to ask for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00810-00227454-00227617 this off holiday and wait for the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00811-00227619-00227828 operator of your boss and sometimes this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00812-00227829-00228032 can be difficult how can we cope with 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00813-00228033-00228302 these problems our work with co-workers 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00814-00228303-00228469 as well our or been overwhelmed because 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00815-00228471-00228608 you spend half of your holiday in the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00816-00228609-00228994 hospital yeah that's a good one and this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00817-00228996-00229330 one that we do get asked quite regularly 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00818-00229331-00229823 as well so I think I think the key is to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00819-00229823-00230221 be open and honest from the start as we 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00820-00230223-00230516 know you know not many people have heard 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00821-00230517-00230825 of myeloma or al amyloidosis and the 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00822-00230826-00231157 chances are your your employer your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00823-00231158-00231373 occupational health department you'll 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00824-00231375-00231641 each HR department haven't heard of it 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00825-00231642-00231991 either so I think to be open and honest 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00826-00231992-00232334 from from the outset is really important 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00827-00232335-00232637 and to most employers I have to say are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00828-00232638-00233009 very good and will will take things very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00829-00233010-00233317 seriously but I know here in the UK 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00830-00233319-00233573 there is there is various bits of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00831-00233573-00233981 legislation that that people can turn to 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00832-00233982-00234155 I'm not quite sure what's available in 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00833-00234156-00234367 other parts of the world but I do think 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00834-00234369-00234596 that that you know having that open and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00835-00234596-00234836 honest conversation with your employer 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00836-00234837-00235286 with occupational health with HR is 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00837-00235287-00235877 important from the very GetGo 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00838-00235878-00236117 thank you very much next question 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00839-00236117-00236369 sometimes and scares we have to look for 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00840-00236369-00236600 clinical trials new data or new 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00841-00236601-00236863 treatment and sometimes that information 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00842-00236864-00237217 that we find is not very good and how 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00843-00237219-00237428 can we talk with the patient regarding 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00844-00237429-00237709 the lags lack of option of treatments or 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00845-00237710-00238154 bad results in new treatments I guess 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00846-00238155-00238519 it's also this question is referring if 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00847-00238521-00238901 well if the car is the person who can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00848-00238902-00239096 take care of the treatment because of 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00849-00239096-00239527 the age of the of the patient probably 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00850-00239528-00239891 okay so and one thing I always say on 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00851-00239892-00240275 the helpline is you know we when when 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00852-00240276-00240467 someone first hears the word of myeloma 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00853-00240467-00240773 or al amyloidosis they are never heard 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00854-00240773-00241028 of it before and then to be told that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00855-00241029-00241406 it's an incurable cancer and you're 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00856-00241407-00241685 going to be bombarded with lots of toxic 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00857-00241686-00241894 treatments which will have loads of side 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00858-00241896-00242254 effects that that can all be very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00859-00242255-00242596 overwhelming but then I always try and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00860-00242598-00242948 put a we age of positivity on that and I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00861-00242948-00243496 say that the research for myeloma is you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00862-00243498-00243767 know it's a very busy pipeline there are 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00863-00243767-00243986 always new things coming along there's 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00864-00243987-00244259 all this research available how you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00865-00244260-00244502 access those new treatments and that 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00866-00244503-00244846 research is I'm not sure how you would 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00867-00244848-00245113 go about it in other parts of the world 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00868-00245114-00245444 in the UK of course we have our clinical 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00869-00245444-00245726 trial tracker so patients can look at 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00870-00245727-00245984 our trial tracker on our website have a 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00871-00245985-00246251 legacy for research is available and 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00872-00246252-00246536 then speak to the hematologist so I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00873-00246537-00246800 think I think a good question an 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00874-00246801-00247042 appointment would really 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00875-00247044-00247333 is there a reason is there an 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00876-00247334-00247646 appropriate research program that that I 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00877-00247646-00247973 could take part and it's always worth 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00878-00247973-00248192 asking the question there may be 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00879-00248192-00248521 something available I made mean 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00880-00248523-00248998 traveling but and I don't know the MPE 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00881-00249000-00249227 for instance are a very good resource 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00882-00249228-00249517 for knowing european-wide what's 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00883-00249519-00249941 available I'm not sure how people would 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00884-00249942-00250154 go about that but but there is a lot 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00885-00250155-00250496 happening with new drugs would research 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00886-00250496-00250804 pipeline and myeloma so keep up to date 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00887-00250805-00251246 keep an eye on on the latest information 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00888-00251246-00251564 on various websites on on our website 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00889-00251565-00251987 for the UK of course and ask your ask 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00890-00251988-00252230 your team a skewed hematologist ask your 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00891-00252231-00252515 nurse specialist what's what's going on 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00892-00252516-00252776 for for you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00893-00252777-00253112 thank you very much the next question do 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00894-00253113-00253496 you have a support group for carers um 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00895-00253496-00254032 oh that's a good question I know it's 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00896-00254033-00254162 something that we've certainly thought 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00897-00254163-00254484 about and every single info day we have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00898-00254485-00254938 we we always have a carer session there 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00899-00254939-00255191 so I know that a few internet 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00900-00255192-00255398 international guests are attended our 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00901-00255398-00255728 London and Buddhism instance so we have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00902-00255729-00256232 a very particular session there we have 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00903-00256233-00256562 a specific path for carers which you can 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00904-00256563-00256937 download from our website and certainly 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00905-00256938-00257252 looking at a support group for Theodore 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00906-00257253-00257417 specifically is something that's very 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00907-00257417-00257710 much in the forefront of our work 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00908-00257711-00258098 whether or not it's theoria I'm afraid 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00909-00258098-00258437 I'm normal but but certainly if it's not 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00910-00258438-00258888 their legs it will be in the future 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00911-00258889-00259148 you very much that was our last question 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00912-00259148-00259383 so Thank You Ellen for for this 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00913-00259384-00259602 interesting webinar and just remind you 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00914-00259603-00259742 all that this webinar has been recorded 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00915-00259744-00260001 and will be available in the MP website 8uZ-Y826Ddg-00916-00260002-00260730 which is www.hyken.com 8v8wd6d5oEM-00000-00000029-00000329 hi friends please subscribe to amravati 8v8wd6d5oEM-00001-00000330-00000545 media and press the Bell icon for more 8v8wd6d5oEM-00002-00000546-00001242 latest updates 8v8wd6d5oEM-00005-00012217-00013579 [Music] 8v8wd6d5oEM-00006-00013580-00013880 thank you 8vevMSNF_UI-00000-00000928-00001183 herb just came back with their decision 8vevMSNF_UI-00001-00001184-00001336 which is to enforce the arbitration 8vevMSNF_UI-00002-00001337-00001648 award and reinstate officer pressure 8vevMSNF_UI-00003-00001648-00002044 this is not a surprise to me there is no 8vevMSNF_UI-00004-00002045-00002290 precedent for a case like this as noted 8vevMSNF_UI-00005-00002291-00002728 on page 18 of the herb ruling cases such 8vevMSNF_UI-00006-00002729-00002944 as this has never been tested in the 8vevMSNF_UI-00007-00002945-00003226 court and has never been adequately 8vevMSNF_UI-00008-00003227-00003535 challenged I will recommend my fellow 8vevMSNF_UI-00009-00003536-00003742 commissioners to appeal this decision 8vevMSNF_UI-00010-00003743-00004042 and take it to a quarter lock it is time 8vevMSNF_UI-00011-00004043-00004309 we test what we believe to be true that 8vevMSNF_UI-00012-00004310-00004630 it is the City Council it is the police 8vevMSNF_UI-00013-00004631-00004872 commissioner it is the chief of police 8vevMSNF_UI-00014-00004873-00005149 that managed the bureau that set the 8vevMSNF_UI-00015-00005150-00005536 codes of conduct for officer actions 8vevMSNF_UI-00016-00005537-00005785 including the use of force not the labor 8vevMSNF_UI-00017-00005786-00005995 unions and they're connected 8vevMSNF_UI-00018-00005996-00006325 institutions to reiterate what I said on 8vevMSNF_UI-00019-00006326-00006577 April twelfth 2012 in this matter as 8vevMSNF_UI-00020-00006578-00006802 police commissioner I have deep respect 8vevMSNF_UI-00021-00006803-00007017 for the often dangerous and difficult 8vevMSNF_UI-00022-00007018-00007276 work that the men and women of the port 8vevMSNF_UI-00023-00007277-00007450 and Police Bureau do and I have been 8vevMSNF_UI-00024-00007451-00007702 quick to praise their work their great 8vevMSNF_UI-00025-00007703-00008041 work even in the face of criticism I've 8vevMSNF_UI-00026-00008042-00008487 act that praise with tangible support 8vevMSNF_UI-00027-00008488-00008814 including no cuts to the sworn officer 8vevMSNF_UI-00028-00008815-00009064 positions at the bureau your training 8vevMSNF_UI-00029-00009065-00009487 center but as police commissioner I am 8vevMSNF_UI-00030-00009488-00009728 also responsible for holding accountable 8vevMSNF_UI-00031-00009729-00010060 those who fail to follow Bureau policies 8vevMSNF_UI-00032-00010061-00010492 one such policy is the is portland's 8vevMSNF_UI-00033-00010493-00010699 procedures for the acceptable use of 8vevMSNF_UI-00034-00010700-00010957 deadly force our standards for the 8vevMSNF_UI-00035-00010958-00011158 allowed use of deadly force force are 8vevMSNF_UI-00036-00011159-00011403 more restrictive than the national 8vevMSNF_UI-00037-00011404-00011659 standards and the local standards of 8vevMSNF_UI-00038-00011660-00011917 other police departments our policy and 8vevMSNF_UI-00039-00011918-00012124 training requires portman police 8vevMSNF_UI-00040-00012125-00012364 officers to use restraint when they 8vevMSNF_UI-00041-00012365-00012585 receive a call to check on a person's 8vevMSNF_UI-00042-00012586-00012877 well-being as was the case with Aaron 8vevMSNF_UI-00043-00012878-00013161 Campbell I believe fresh are violated 8vevMSNF_UI-00044-00013162-00013324 our policy and training protocols 8vevMSNF_UI-00045-00013325-00013519 regarding the allowed use of deadly 8vevMSNF_UI-00046-00013519-00013627 force 8vevMSNF_UI-00047-00013628-00013804 I promised in April that I would take 8vevMSNF_UI-00048-00013805-00014113 this case as far as I can and it's 8vevMSNF_UI-00049-00014113-00014391 important that we do so with the support 8vevMSNF_UI-00050-00014393-00014763 of my council colleagues we will have a 8vevMSNF_UI-00051-00014765-00015016 hearing a public hearing on this within 8vevMSNF_UI-00052-00015016-00015222 the next 30 days it's a council decision 8vevMSNF_UI-00053-00015224-00015444 whether or not to appeal it to the court 8vevMSNF_UI-00054-00015445-00015736 of law my recommendation will be that we 8vevMSNF_UI-00055-00015737-00016119 do appeal the ruling today to reinstate 8vevMSNF_UI-00056-00016120-00016338 officer pressure happy to answer any 8vevMSNF_UI-00057-00016340-00016507 questions and then I'll turn it over to 8vevMSNF_UI-00058-00016508-00016777 jam who will get into what exactly 8vevMSNF_UI-00059-00016778-00017062 happened in legal terms mary had some 8vevMSNF_UI-00060-00017063-00017209 time to think about this decision have 8vevMSNF_UI-00061-00017210-00017347 you had any conversations with fellow 8vevMSNF_UI-00062-00017348-00017467 commissioners you have two other 8vevMSNF_UI-00063-00017468-00017755 commissioners willing to vote I 8vevMSNF_UI-00064-00017756-00018040 definitely been conferring with my 8vevMSNF_UI-00065-00018041-00018408 colleagues on the City Council and they 8vevMSNF_UI-00066-00018409-00018787 as I said back in April that I would 8vevMSNF_UI-00067-00018788-00019087 appeal to the Court of Appeals if the 8vevMSNF_UI-00068-00019088-00019261 herb world against us and I thought that 8vevMSNF_UI-00069-00019262-00019575 they would rule against us and so I've 8vevMSNF_UI-00070-00019576-00020140 kept my counsel apprised and definitely 8vevMSNF_UI-00071-00020141-00020413 in the loop but I want them to have the 8vevMSNF_UI-00072-00020414-00020602 time over the next couple of weeks to 8vevMSNF_UI-00073-00020603-00020836 sit down on their own with our outside 8vevMSNF_UI-00074-00020837-00021160 counsel and the city attorney learn all 8vevMSNF_UI-00075-00021161-00021502 the details of this matter and come up 8vevMSNF_UI-00076-00021503-00021756 with their own decision so I don't speak 8vevMSNF_UI-00077-00021757-00021943 on their behalf when it comes to their 8vevMSNF_UI-00078-00021944-00022815 votes but I do know what I intend to do 8vevMSNF_UI-00079-00022816-00024067 of course they work for me you know in 8vevMSNF_UI-00080-00024068-00024484 the last couple of months the Portland 8vevMSNF_UI-00081-00024485-00025038 Police Union has presented a very 8vevMSNF_UI-00082-00025039-00025812 selective and distorted story about what 8vevMSNF_UI-00083-00025813-00026337 the investigation and yeah the 8vevMSNF_UI-00084-00026338-00026518 investigation into the use of force by 8vevMSNF_UI-00085-00026519-00026908 officer fresh are you all have reported 8vevMSNF_UI-00086-00026908-00027232 that we've used restraint because of the 8vevMSNF_UI-00087-00027233-00027751 various legal venues that this issue has 8vevMSNF_UI-00088-00027752-00028314 been in and because i asked the auditor 8vevMSNF_UI-00089-00028316-00028750 to do a complete review of the matter at 8vevMSNF_UI-00090-00028751-00028951 the request of the port and police union 8vevMSNF_UI-00091-00028952-00029251 I'm taking them you know at their word 8vevMSNF_UI-00092-00029252-00029383 they wanted an outside independent 8vevMSNF_UI-00093-00029383-00029595 review I'm giving them an outside 8vevMSNF_UI-00094-00029597-00029921 independent review of this entire matter 8vevMSNF_UI-00095-00029922-00030295 so there's a lot of this is a complex 8vevMSNF_UI-00096-00030295-00030477 issue you're talking about Oregon labor 8vevMSNF_UI-00097-00030478-00030799 law this is a complex process you're 8vevMSNF_UI-00098-00030800-00031233 talking about Oregon labor law and it 8vevMSNF_UI-00099-00031235-00031848 has a lot of it's very vulnerable to 8vevMSNF_UI-00100-00031849-00032068 misunderstanding and is very vulnerable 8vevMSNF_UI-00101-00032069-00032407 because of all those complexities to be 8vevMSNF_UI-00102-00032408-00032692 misconstrued we're going to continue to 8vevMSNF_UI-00103-00032693-00033220 work on the basis of keeping local 8vevMSNF_UI-00104-00033221-00033621 control maximizing the local control of 8vevMSNF_UI-00105-00033622-00033952 our local police bureau with us and that 8vevMSNF_UI-00106-00033953-00034285 in the end is what we're fighting for it 8vevMSNF_UI-00107-00034286-00034500 is rare that we win arbitrations and 8vevMSNF_UI-00108-00034501-00034798 when it comes to the use of force and 8vevMSNF_UI-00109-00034799-00035037 when the use of force is used outside a 8vevMSNF_UI-00110-00035038-00035388 protocol we need the ability to 8vevMSNF_UI-00111-00035389-00035646 implement the appropriate discipline and 8vevMSNF_UI-00112-00035647-00035901 that's what we're fighting for here 8vevMSNF_UI-00113-00035902-00036102 our ability to manage our own Police 8vevMSNF_UI-00114-00036103-00036458 Bureau on behalf of portlanders who have 8vevMSNF_UI-00115-00036459-00036690 their own set of values and they have a 8vevMSNF_UI-00116-00036691-00036870 right to have a police force that 8vevMSNF_UI-00117-00036871-00037155 reflects that and and and and a police 8vevMSNF_UI-00118-00037156-00037374 force that acts in a way that reflects 8vevMSNF_UI-00119-00037375-00038465 their values yes sir my well my 8vevMSNF_UI-00120-00038466-00038646 frustration is that I've been in this 8vevMSNF_UI-00121-00038647-00039086 building for almost I mean I've been in 8vevMSNF_UI-00122-00039087-00039255 the building I work for city government 8vevMSNF_UI-00123-00039256-00039810 for nearly 18 years and during each one 8vevMSNF_UI-00124-00039811-00040242 of these kinds of issues the same sort 8vevMSNF_UI-00125-00040243-00040761 of formula is used to try to overturn 8vevMSNF_UI-00126-00040762-00041021 what I think is the right decision that 8vevMSNF_UI-00127-00041022-00041270 was made in fresh are the right decision 8vevMSNF_UI-00128-00041271-00041693 that was made in Erickson so yeah it is 8vevMSNF_UI-00129-00041694-00042111 frustrating to have so much of what 8vevMSNF_UI-00130-00042112-00042504 should be our local control should be 8vevMSNF_UI-00131-00042505-00042762 local to have so much of our local 8vevMSNF_UI-00132-00042763-00043014 control taken away from us with these 8vevMSNF_UI-00133-00043015-00043574 arcane or miss used state labor laws 8vevMSNF_UI-00134-00043575-00043833 when after the Erickson shooting I was 8vevMSNF_UI-00135-00043834-00044268 chief of staff to Mayor very cats and we 8vevMSNF_UI-00136-00044269-00044520 went to the state legislature to get the 8vevMSNF_UI-00137-00044521-00044795 law changed so that this would stop 8vevMSNF_UI-00138-00044796-00045083 happening so we would stop losing so 8vevMSNF_UI-00139-00045084-00045445 many arbitrations when it came to 8vevMSNF_UI-00140-00045446-00045668 disciplining or considering the use of 8vevMSNF_UI-00141-00045669-00045993 deadly force by our officers and we put 8vevMSNF_UI-00142-00045994-00046260 that law in the law is is clear the 8vevMSNF_UI-00143-00046261-00046529 legislative intent of that law is clear 8vevMSNF_UI-00144-00046530-00046911 the herb did not apply it the arbitrator 8vevMSNF_UI-00145-00046912-00047157 did not apply it I give them credit for 8vevMSNF_UI-00146-00047158-00047387 the fact that they note in their own 8vevMSNF_UI-00147-00047388-00047604 report that the way they applied or 8vevMSNF_UI-00148-00047605-00047961 looked at the law has not been tested by 8vevMSNF_UI-00149-00047962-00048108 the courts and I think it's time if the 8vevMSNF_UI-00150-00048109-00048642 law if in 2004 this was the wrong law or 8vevMSNF_UI-00151-00048643-00048833 things have changed then I want the 8vevMSNF_UI-00152-00048834-00049208 courts to declare that i want the courts 8vevMSNF_UI-00153-00049209-00049260 to apply 8vevMSNF_UI-00154-00049261-00049899 no this is different and and Jim Van 8vevMSNF_UI-00155-00049900-00050071 Dyke will tell you how this is different 8vevMSNF_UI-00156-00050072-00050298 I'm going to get Jim if you make your 8vevMSNF_UI-00157-00050299-00050495 way up to the lecture and up here the 8vevMSNF_UI-00158-00050496-00051885 podium no we have 30 days to determine 8vevMSNF_UI-00159-00051886-00052200 our next steps yeah and there you know 8vevMSNF_UI-00160-00052201-00052434 if if in the end let me be really clear 8vevMSNF_UI-00161-00052435-00052665 because we've gotten pushed back on you 8vevMSNF_UI-00162-00052666-00052821 know the potential cost of this but let 8vevMSNF_UI-00163-00052822-00053051 me be really clear what we're investing 8vevMSNF_UI-00164-00053052-00053294 in what we're investing in here is to 8vevMSNF_UI-00165-00053295-00053565 have more local control of our very own 8vevMSNF_UI-00166-00053566-00053930 Police Bureau that's what we're invested 8vevMSNF_UI-00167-00053932-00054150 in so is that free no does that take 8vevMSNF_UI-00168-00054151-00054309 time and effort and patience and 8vevMSNF_UI-00169-00054310-00054551 perseverance absolutely and it is 8vevMSNF_UI-00170-00054552-00054788 totally worth it and Portlanders want us 8vevMSNF_UI-00171-00054789-00055013 to do this Jim you want to explain a 8vevMSNF_UI-00172-00055014-00055385 little bit more about what what happened 8vevMSNF_UI-00173-00055386-00055751 hi Jim Van Dyke here first of all I want 8vevMSNF_UI-00174-00055752-00055955 to thank the Employment Relations Board 8vevMSNF_UI-00175-00055957-00056129 for handling this case on an expedited 8vevMSNF_UI-00176-00056130-00056379 basis we really appreciate that and I 8vevMSNF_UI-00177-00056379-00056547 really appreciate our outside counsel 8vevMSNF_UI-00178-00056548-00056825 Howard Ruben for handling this case for 8vevMSNF_UI-00179-00056826-00057150 us that said I received a copy of the 8vevMSNF_UI-00180-00057151-00057378 decision this afternoon and have had a 8vevMSNF_UI-00181-00057379-00057542 chance to quickly look at it and I'm 8vevMSNF_UI-00182-00057544-00057932 disappointed in the result by way of 8vevMSNF_UI-00183-00057933-00058224 explanation our appeal hinged in this 8vevMSNF_UI-00184-00058225-00058466 case on the application of a statute 8vevMSNF_UI-00185-00058467-00058746 that's basically an exception to the 8vevMSNF_UI-00186-00058747-00059037 normal arbitration process the normal 8vevMSNF_UI-00187-00059038-00059282 arbitration process of course you would 8vevMSNF_UI-00188-00059283-00059463 submit matters to the arbitrator and 8vevMSNF_UI-00189-00059464-00059724 that decision would be finding would be 8vevMSNF_UI-00190-00059725-00060026 binding and it would be final regardless 8vevMSNF_UI-00191-00060027-00060246 of whether the arbitrator got the facts 8vevMSNF_UI-00192-00060247-00060447 right or wrong or got the law right or 8vevMSNF_UI-00193-00060448-00060723 wrong but this statute is an exception 8vevMSNF_UI-00194-00060724-00061019 to that process and it provides that in 8vevMSNF_UI-00195-00061020-00061263 certain circumstances were certain 8vevMSNF_UI-00196-00061264-00061544 public policy goals are paramount that 8vevMSNF_UI-00197-00061545-00061788 the arbitrator's ruling cannot be 8vevMSNF_UI-00198-00061789-00062112 allowed to stand in looking at the prior 8vevMSNF_UI-00199-00062113-00062318 herb Employment Relations Board 8vevMSNF_UI-00200-00062319-00062613 decisions on this case we thought that 8vevMSNF_UI-00201-00062614-00062640 they 8vevMSNF_UI-00202-00062641-00062859 had not properly applied the law they 8vevMSNF_UI-00203-00062860-00063228 had not applied what we thought was the 8vevMSNF_UI-00204-00063229-00063419 correct legal test and that was the 8vevMSNF_UI-00205-00063420-00063836 basis for our appeal in particular the 8vevMSNF_UI-00206-00063837-00064016 legislative history of this particular 8vevMSNF_UI-00207-00064017-00064299 statute shows that back in the 1990s 8vevMSNF_UI-00208-00064300-00064661 during the officer Erickson arbitration 8vevMSNF_UI-00209-00064662-00064991 the arbitrator had found that Officer 8vevMSNF_UI-00210-00064992-00065249 Erickson had not committed any 8vevMSNF_UI-00211-00065250-00065549 misconduct even though he had discharged 8vevMSNF_UI-00212-00065550-00065774 his weapon maybe 20 to 25 times I'm kind 8vevMSNF_UI-00213-00065775-00066072 of guessing at that number right now and 8vevMSNF_UI-00214-00066073-00066356 during the legislative session that 8vevMSNF_UI-00215-00066357-00066563 followed that by a couple of years the 8vevMSNF_UI-00216-00066564-00066855 sponsor of this bill stood up and told 8vevMSNF_UI-00217-00066856-00067088 the members of the legislature that he 8vevMSNF_UI-00218-00067089-00067416 was trying to undo that decision through 8vevMSNF_UI-00219-00067417-00067815 the introduction of this exception ok so 8vevMSNF_UI-00220-00067816-00068016 we fast forward to today we have a very 8vevMSNF_UI-00221-00068017-00068288 similar exception in which the case in 8vevMSNF_UI-00222-00068289-00068478 which the arbitrator did not find the 8vevMSNF_UI-00223-00068479-00068790 officer had committed any misconduct we 8vevMSNF_UI-00224-00068791-00069048 believe that this situation is the 8vevMSNF_UI-00225-00069049-00069312 similar to what happened back in the 90s 8vevMSNF_UI-00226-00069313-00069579 with officer Erickson we believe that is 8vevMSNF_UI-00227-00069580-00069780 the entire reason or one of the reasons 8vevMSNF_UI-00228-00069781-00070130 why this statute was adopted and with 8vevMSNF_UI-00229-00070131-00070284 all due respect to the Employment 8vevMSNF_UI-00230-00070285-00070515 Relations Board we just feel like they 8vevMSNF_UI-00231-00070516-00070809 got it wrong this time around they did 8vevMSNF_UI-00232-00070810-00071012 drop a footnote saying that their tests 8vevMSNF_UI-00233-00071013-00071262 that the tests that they have created to 8vevMSNF_UI-00234-00071263-00071448 decide whether the statute applies has 8vevMSNF_UI-00235-00071449-00071673 never been considered accepted or 8vevMSNF_UI-00236-00071674-00071904 rejected by the Oregon Court of Appeals 8vevMSNF_UI-00237-00071905-00072192 or the Oregon Supreme Court so those 8vevMSNF_UI-00238-00072193-00072354 bodies have never get gotten an 8vevMSNF_UI-00239-00072355-00072632 opportunity to take a look at this so as 8vevMSNF_UI-00240-00072633-00072855 I said we just got this decision my 8vevMSNF_UI-00241-00072856-00073110 office is in the process of reviewing it 8vevMSNF_UI-00242-00073111-00073313 will review that with outside counsel as 8vevMSNF_UI-00243-00073314-00073607 well and at that point we'll be able to 8vevMSNF_UI-00244-00073608-00073815 better make some recommendations to the 8vevMSNF_UI-00245-00073816-00074117 City Council going forward any 8vevMSNF_UI-00246-00074118-00074357 additional questions for the our city 8vevMSNF_UI-00247-00074358-00074466 attorney 8vevMSNF_UI-00248-00074467-00074697 this case stands apart from other cases 8vevMSNF_UI-00249-00074698-00074844 that have gone to the appellate court 8vevMSNF_UI-00250-00074845-00075361 and supreme court which limited 8vevMSNF_UI-00251-00075362-00075697 the arbitrator's decision 8vevMSNF_UI-00252-00075698-00075922 well because I believe those cases 8vevMSNF_UI-00253-00075923-00076090 didn't address the point that's directly 8vevMSNF_UI-00254-00076091-00076297 at issue here if you'll notice in the 8vevMSNF_UI-00255-00076298-00076450 ruling what the Employment Relations 8vevMSNF_UI-00256-00076451-00076729 Board said is this statute doesn't apply 8vevMSNF_UI-00257-00076730-00077116 if the arbitrator found that the officer 8vevMSNF_UI-00258-00077117-00077404 had not engaged in any misconduct okay 8vevMSNF_UI-00259-00077405-00077593 but that's exactly what happened in the 8vevMSNF_UI-00260-00077594-00077832 office in the officer Erickson case the 8vevMSNF_UI-00261-00077833-00078063 arbitrator found that the officer didn't 8vevMSNF_UI-00262-00078064-00078328 engage in any misconduct so when I look 8vevMSNF_UI-00263-00078329-00078531 at that legislative history and say and 8vevMSNF_UI-00264-00078532-00078843 it says that that statute isn't supposed 8vevMSNF_UI-00265-00078844-00079068 to apply in these doesn't necessarily 8vevMSNF_UI-00266-00079069-00079255 apply in these situations or I mean it 8vevMSNF_UI-00267-00079256-00079492 applies in this situation and herb 8vevMSNF_UI-00268-00079493-00079948 doesn't you know apply that legislative 8vevMSNF_UI-00269-00079949-00080169 history or recognize it or explain it 8vevMSNF_UI-00270-00080170-00080548 adequately in my view then I think that 8vevMSNF_UI-00271-00080549-00080734 creates some confusion and frankly I 8vevMSNF_UI-00272-00080735-00081130 just think they got it wrong that was 8vevMSNF_UI-00273-00081131-00081325 senator Bryant back in the 1990's and 8vevMSNF_UI-00274-00081326-00081610 and and his testimony is quoted in the 8vevMSNF_UI-00275-00081611-00081805 in the legislative history but what you 8vevMSNF_UI-00276-00081806-00082050 can't get from the from the reading is 8vevMSNF_UI-00277-00082051-00082228 that it related back to the officer 8vevMSNF_UI-00278-00082229-00082405 Erickson case it just refers to a 8vevMSNF_UI-00279-00082406-00083162 Portland case thank you other questions 8vevMSNF_UI-00280-00083163-00083566 all right thank you all very much 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00000-00000008-00000231 sense uh for hosting us and i assume i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00001-00000231-00000487 should also thank opengo hub 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00002-00000488-00000567 for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00003-00000568-00000751 physically hosting us 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00004-00000752-00001062 uh so i'm baran soka of tech freedom uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00005-00001063-00001287 joined here today by uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00006-00001288-00001495 kate dean of the us internet service 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00007-00001496-00001671 designers association 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00008-00001672-00001839 and uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00009-00001839-00002047 i i can't remember now professionally 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00010-00002048-00002239 you go by joseph 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00011-00002240-00002423 when you write it down and say justin 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00012-00002424-00002631 otherwise you just call me joe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00013-00002632-00003055 joe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00014-00003056-00003222 technology and as always with this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00015-00003223-00003383 format we have a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00016-00003384-00003599 technologist and a policy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00017-00003600-00003927 uh geek uh and i'm just here to moderate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00018-00003928-00004079 anything either of you want to say to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00019-00004079-00004247 introduce yourselves 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00020-00004248-00004486 well i mean thanks for having us this is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00021-00004487-00004767 a uh a really important topic to you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00022-00004768-00004983 know the isp industry and certainly one 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00023-00004984-00005183 that we've been working on for um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00024-00005184-00005406 over a decade at this point 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00025-00005407-00005751 uh and it's a really great topic to work 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00026-00005752-00005934 with our friends in the privacy and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00027-00005935-00006159 civil liberties arena because like many 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00028-00006160-00006351 topics we actually share the same 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00029-00006352-00006591 concerns many of the same concerns 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00030-00006592-00006727 um for this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00031-00006728-00006991 uh topic so we have been standing next 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00032-00006992-00007134 to each other finding this for a very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00033-00007136-00007342 long time so happy to have a discussion 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00034-00007343-00007542 about it today yeah and my name is joe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00035-00007543-00007734 i'm the chief technologist at cbt the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00036-00007736-00007887 center for democracy and technology 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00037-00007888-00008055 chief technologist is a ridiculous title 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00038-00008056-00008207 because they're until yesterday there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00039-00008208-00008583 only one technologist though 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00040-00008584-00008927 but as katie emphasized sometimes the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00041-00008928-00009127 the strongest coalitions we can build 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00042-00009128-00009278 come up with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00043-00009279-00009487 very diverse stakeholders 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00044-00009488-00009727 including civil society the nonprofit 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00045-00009728-00009903 sector as well as the for-profit etc 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00046-00009904-00010087 this is a great example we'll mention a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00047-00010088-00010278 couple other policy initiatives that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00048-00010279-00010503 we're working on or working against that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00049-00010504-00010855 uh that share similar characteristics 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00050-00010856-00011063 right so let's get started so get our 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00051-00011064-00011183 attention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00052-00011184-00011487 what is it what are we talking about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00053-00011488-00011638 so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00054-00011639-00011887 at a very basic level it's it's it's a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00055-00011888-00012342 mandate to keep data about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00056-00012343-00012542 a customer mandate given to a commercial 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00057-00012543-00012774 entity to keep data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00058-00012775-00012983 usually a communications provider so an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00059-00012984-00013151 internet service provider or a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00060-00013152-00013327 telecommunications provider a cell phone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00061-00013328-00013647 company or a wireline company um it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00062-00013647-00013879 often specifically for production to law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00063-00013880-00014111 enforcement entities so we want you to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00064-00014112-00014358 keep data so if something bad happens we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00065-00014359-00014455 can get 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00066-00014456-00014647 access to that data in support of an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00067-00014647-00014919 investigation 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00068-00014919-00015127 it can be a variety of things if there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00069-00015128-00015215 a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00070-00015216-00015455 they vary in scope sometimes they're you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00071-00015456-00015647 know bulk mandates all these entities 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00072-00015647-00015886 have to keep all this data sometimes 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00073-00015887-00016063 they can be what's called putting quote 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00074-00016063-00016327 tariffs targeted which means that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00075-00016328-00016543 we want you to keep data on specific 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00076-00016544-00016743 types of people or specific types of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00077-00016744-00016991 entities or specific types of data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00078-00016992-00017167 it can be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00079-00017168-00017350 metadata or data and we'll talk a little 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00080-00017351-00017535 bit more about that in a minute it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00081-00017536-00017703 often metadata so things like call 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00082-00017704-00017903 detail records you know what phone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00083-00017904-00018063 number called what other phone number at 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00084-00018064-00018199 what time 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00085-00018200-00018279 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00086-00018280-00018439 very other kind of various other kinds 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00087-00018440-00018550 of things 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00088-00018551-00018791 um and metadata writes data about data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00089-00018792-00018999 you can think about that uh in contrast 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00090-00019000-00019214 to the content of the communications the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00091-00019215-00019471 actual what's being said on the line 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00092-00019472-00019663 that's typically out of scope of these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00093-00019664-00019814 laws that's typically governed by 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00094-00019815-00020039 wiretapping statutes one where they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00095-00020040-00020294 allow law enforcement the cops to listen 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00096-00020295-00020471 in on your phone call in real time 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00097-00020472-00020607 because it's considered to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00098-00020608-00020950 particularly invasive they have to do 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00099-00020951-00021083 have a much higher 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00100-00021084-00021422 show to do that kind of stuff 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00101-00021423-00021567 so i mean when it comes to data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00102-00021568-00021775 retention mandates there's a there's a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00103-00021776-00021983 fundamental fact right communications 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00104-00021984-00022167 providers have data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00105-00022168-00022471 that law enforcement wants and they want 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00106-00022472-00022855 it for various investigative purposes 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00107-00022856-00023391 and the desire would be to off put the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00108-00023392-00023567 responsibility of holding onto that data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00109-00023568-00023847 onto the commercial provider for some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00110-00023848-00024055 period of time we've seen them range 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00111-00024056-00024327 from anywhere from like six months to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00112-00024328-00024630 two years for different you know the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00113-00024631-00024830 scope and duration and all that is very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00114-00024831-00024958 important when you talk about data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00115-00024959-00025214 retention mandates but for how long what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00116-00025215-00025439 kinds of data who's actually covered is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00117-00025440-00025606 a very big question when it comes to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00118-00025607-00025831 data retention and one that there is no 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00119-00025832-00025990 easy answer to so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00120-00025991-00026270 you know what i would say is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00121-00026272-00026518 oh i've been dealing with data retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00122-00026519-00026718 mandates since the council of europe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00123-00026719-00026918 convention on cyber crime a million 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00124-00026919-00027102 years ago which should be a little bit 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00125-00027104-00027351 there um and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00126-00027352-00027574 it's a long time it's a long time 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00127-00027575-00027927 um and i guess when people use pens 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00128-00027927-00028279 some people still use pens um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00129-00028280-00028470 but uh i guess i guess what i would say 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00130-00028472-00028687 is that in in every instance that we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00131-00028688-00028879 have looked at mandatory data retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00132-00028880-00029135 mandates we have found that there are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00133-00029136-00029423 extremely complex issues unanswerable 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00134-00029424-00029679 questions and there simply has never 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00135-00029680-00029887 been a satisfactory debate about the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00136-00029888-00030111 topic 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00137-00030112-00030199 okay 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00138-00030200-00030446 uh so what exactly is we've covered what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00139-00030447-00030695 sorts of data would be covered here uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00140-00030695-00030990 generally um what's driving these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00141-00030991-00031143 concerns 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00142-00031144-00031383 well i mean i think it's legitimate to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00143-00031383-00031631 say that for law enforcement to say that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00144-00031632-00031855 they have a role to play in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00145-00031856-00032079 investigating criminal activity and it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00146-00032080-00032183 would be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00147-00032183-00032367 incorrect for anyone to say that there 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00148-00032368-00032511 isn't criminal activity that happens 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00149-00032512-00032662 over any medium whether it be the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00150-00032663-00032935 internet or wherever um so i think we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00151-00032936-00033246 all appreciate what they are trying to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00152-00033247-00033423 try to do which is to do their jobs and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00153-00033424-00033583 investigate crime 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00154-00033584-00033831 unfortunately where we differ is um on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00155-00033832-00033999 the role of the provider 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00156-00034000-00034174 and you know what kind of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00157-00034175-00034446 responsibilities we should be taking on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00158-00034447-00034687 so that six months or two years down the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00159-00034688-00034831 road law enforcement can conduct an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00160-00034832-00034951 investigation 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00161-00034952-00035127 and for example you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00162-00035128-00035246 some of the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00163-00035247-00035471 law enforcement concerns and arrays that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00164-00035472-00035662 motivate these are things like child 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00165-00035663-00035862 pornography sex trafficking 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00166-00035863-00036151 you know truly egregious horrific crimes 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00167-00036152-00036374 um and then there's this broad category 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00168-00036375-00036583 of national security and in a national 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00169-00036584-00036807 security sense some of you may be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00170-00036808-00037007 familiar with something called the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00171-00037008-00037327 usa patriot hack section 215 metadata 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00172-00037328-00037527 database that's a lot of work 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00173-00037528-00037711 essentially 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00174-00037712-00037871 the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00175-00037872-00038102 ability previously the fbi on authority 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00176-00038103-00038295 of nsa 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00177-00038296-00038535 every 30 days asks 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00178-00038536-00038743 most if not all u.s 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00179-00038744-00038967 phone providers to provide them each day 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00180-00038968-00039111 at the end of every day 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00181-00039112-00039343 a list of every phone call that was made 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00182-00039344-00039583 on their network who who who made the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00183-00039584-00039774 call who you're calling to what time and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00184-00039775-00040055 a few other things um not entirely sure 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00185-00040056-00040255 what those other things are hopefully 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00186-00040256-00040446 it's not location because location could 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00187-00040447-00040927 be a very sensitive type of metadata um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00188-00040928-00041055 this is just to give you an idea of why 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00189-00041056-00041335 they request this they use that they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00190-00041336-00041479 claim they use that and i don't know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00191-00041480-00041727 i've never been inside to see what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00192-00041728-00041823 happens 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00193-00041824-00042071 for contact chain and this is where if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00194-00042072-00042343 you have one 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00195-00042344-00042599 terrorist or national security 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00196-00042600-00042743 investigation someone subject to a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00197-00042744-00042935 national security investigation they can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00198-00042936-00043167 say who is this person being 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00199-00043168-00043383 who is this person called who had those 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00200-00043384-00043599 people called so that for example if you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00201-00043600-00043727 have someone going through a few 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00202-00043728-00043927 different layers of redirection to make 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00203-00043928-00044190 plans via phone then eventually you can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00204-00044191-00044439 have all those people in some sort of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00205-00044440-00044735 network graph some sort of map of who's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00206-00044736-00044983 contacting this terrorist one or two or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00207-00044984-00045311 three degrees of separation um so that's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00208-00045312-00045502 contact chain they use for phone kind of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00209-00045503-00045695 metadata and that's not retention that's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00210-00045696-00045871 real time production so that's every day 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00211-00045872-00046030 they have to send this huge list of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00212-00046031-00046127 stuff 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00213-00046128-00046374 to the feds of who's calling who and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00214-00046375-00046518 who's being called 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00215-00046519-00046758 um however this brings up a really 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00216-00046759-00046895 key point that i'll jump into and we can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00217-00046896-00047046 get into more of this later 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00218-00047047-00047215 uh various groups that have looked at 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00219-00047216-00047399 this that the privacy of civil liberties 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00220-00047400-00047630 oversight boards p-clop for sure it's a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00221-00047631-00047799 funner way to say it um and the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00222-00047800-00047990 president's review group that found that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00223-00047991-00048167 basically this thing is useless it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00224-00048168-00048567 never been used to assist or aid in any 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00225-00048568-00048783 investigation which is hilarious because 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00226-00048784-00048943 they're trying to preserve it i don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00227-00048944-00049102 know why you keep something going it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00228-00049103-00049318 really expensive and that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00229-00049319-00049543 has no you killed people 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00230-00049544-00049799 well i mean i do i do think in terms of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00231-00049800-00049951 law enforcement uh enforcement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00232-00049952-00050127 investigations you know there are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00233-00050128-00050246 popular categories where this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00234-00050247-00050486 conversation of retention comes up and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00235-00050487-00050711 yes most of them have dealt with in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00236-00050712-00051102 past um child exploitation issues sex 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00237-00051103-00051414 trafficking and um national security and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00238-00051415-00051614 all of those are extremely important and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00239-00051615-00051958 have real value in in criminal you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00240-00051959-00052142 context national security context and i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00241-00052144-00052399 think we all have a very vested interest 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00242-00052400-00052566 in making sure that law enforcement has 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00243-00052567-00052791 the appropriate information to conduct 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00244-00052791-00052966 investigations in those states in that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00245-00052967-00053079 space so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00246-00053079-00053279 um from industries perspective we have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00247-00053279-00053454 taken their concerns over child 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00248-00053455-00053654 exploitation cases extremely seriously 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00249-00053655-00053766 in the last 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00250-00053767-00053982 decade and if we work very closely with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00251-00053983-00054094 the national center for missing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00252-00054095-00054271 exploited children we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00253-00054272-00054503 rode and got passed and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00254-00054504-00054726 have an entire 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00255-00054727-00054950 detailed reporting 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00256-00054951-00055191 statute that service providers report 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00257-00055191-00055287 incidents in the pirate child 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00258-00055288-00055526 pornography so it's a whole thing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00259-00055527-00055703 but as we found in dealing with law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00260-00055704-00055887 enforcement their concerns on the local 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00261-00055888-00056087 state federal and even international 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00262-00056088-00056326 levels over the last many years on these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00263-00056327-00056542 issues we just think that there are far 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00264-00056544-00056750 more targeted approaches that can be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00265-00056751-00056935 applied without just going to this data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00266-00056936-00057038 retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00267-00057039-00057166 idea 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00268-00057167-00057430 um and we think that the cost of that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00269-00057432-00057654 far outweigh the ability to do really 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00270-00057655-00057887 targeted really necessary investigations 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00271-00057888-00058126 in specific cases i think it's not only 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00272-00058127-00058271 more targeted it sounds like it's even 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00273-00058272-00058487 more effective yeah that would be a way 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00274-00058488-00058703 to say it yeah 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00275-00058704-00059063 so kate uh you and i met back in 2011 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00276-00059064-00059319 when the house was gearing up to uh to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00277-00059320-00059582 pass h.r 1981 which was 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00278-00059583-00059854 before there was sopa that's what uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00279-00059855-00060094 lamar smith was busy doing right so he 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00280-00060095-00060303 was going to push through this bill 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00281-00060304-00060526 the protecting children from online 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00282-00060527-00060854 pornographers act of 2011 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00283-00060855-00061159 that uh require data retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00284-00061160-00061326 uh companies that have internet 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00285-00061327-00061503 companies but to keep all the logs who 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00286-00061504-00061782 was using the internet exactly what time 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00287-00061783-00061926 and the idea was that it was going to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00288-00061927-00062247 help law enforcement to track down 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00289-00062248-00062423 people who were trafficking in child 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00290-00062424-00062647 pornography so let's go 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00291-00062648-00062903 to the isp and figure out exactly which 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00292-00062904-00063054 computer 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00293-00063055-00063199 all that data which 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00294-00063200-00063382 contained all the data that everyone of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00295-00063383-00063519 everyone's internet used was going to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00296-00063520-00063942 retained by uh by uh broadband companies 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00297-00063944-00064054 and then 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00298-00064055-00064166 law enforcement will be able to get 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00299-00064167-00064366 access to it with uh the mere 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00300-00064367-00064550 administrative subpoena without having 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00301-00064551-00064791 to go to a report and convince them that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00302-00064791-00065087 there was evidence of a crime 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00303-00065088-00065230 they would just issue their own subpoena 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00304-00065232-00065399 they would go get that data so that was 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00305-00065400-00065655 the fight that we had back then so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00306-00065656-00065863 you and i and others 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00307-00065864-00066119 cbt joined or proposing that uh what we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00308-00066120-00066375 call the digital draft and we had this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00309-00066376-00066679 rare moment of uh bipartisan agreement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00310-00066680-00066894 that then we saw a lot more of around 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00311-00066895-00067159 things like so uh so that all blew up 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00312-00067160-00067326 and didn't go anywhere 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00313-00067327-00067638 but this stack data retention is back 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00314-00067639-00067959 again because of uh of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00315-00067960-00068143 edward soda's revelations one of the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00316-00068144-00068326 things that has been proposed 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00317-00068327-00068535 has been to uh to say okay well if you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00318-00068536-00068711 don't like the nsa keeping all this data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00319-00068712-00068935 well let's just have the broadband 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00320-00068936-00069303 providers do it so so how do you square 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00321-00069304-00069382 those 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00322-00069383-00069526 those two things it seems like a little 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00323-00069527-00069663 disconnect 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00324-00069664-00069759 uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00325-00069760-00070182 and is it is data retention is it not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00326-00070183-00070255 you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00327-00070256-00070438 the least terrible way of dealing with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00328-00070439-00070543 the problem 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00329-00070544-00070726 i mean i think that's the uh that's one 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00330-00070727-00070879 of the arguments right like this isn't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00331-00070880-00071055 so bad but i you know the only thing i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00332-00071056-00071238 really have to say about the debate from 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00333-00071239-00071638 amanda last year on on 215 and and other 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00334-00071639-00071991 national security related debates is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00335-00071992-00072159 pretty much this you know i think it's a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00336-00072160-00072391 question for congress and it's really a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00337-00072392-00072567 question for the american public and i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00338-00072568-00072719 think we heard very loudly from the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00339-00072720-00072919 american public that they were unhappy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00340-00072920-00073167 with the idea of public policy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00341-00073168-00073431 supporting the retention of their call 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00342-00073432-00073767 records for extended periods of time so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00343-00073768-00073999 i guess just to put it in a cheeky 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00344-00074000-00074303 manner if it is not a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00345-00074304-00074543 sound public policy that congress thinks 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00346-00074544-00074711 is appropriate for the government to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00347-00074712-00074943 keep that data i don't see 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00348-00074944-00075238 necessarily how shifting that burden to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00349-00075239-00075423 the private sector is the right thing to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00350-00075424-00075599 do well i'm gonna play devil's attic in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00351-00075600-00075782 here because obviously there's you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00352-00075783-00075887 we don't have someone from the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00353-00075888-00076071 intelligence committee here today 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00354-00076072-00076215 but but they they were here they would 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00355-00076216-00076382 certainly say well look companies are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00356-00076383-00076591 already keeping this data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00357-00076592-00076815 uh so once what's the big deal we're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00358-00076816-00077111 just uh requiring that they do so just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00359-00077112-00077294 make sure that everybody keeps what most 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00360-00077295-00077431 companies are keeping 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00361-00077432-00077550 and then making sure that law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00362-00077551-00077815 enforcement can get access to it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00363-00077816-00078047 well i mean companies keep data for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00364-00078048-00078231 business purposes right and i think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00365-00078232-00078399 we've made that very clear over the many 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00366-00078400-00078559 years that we've dealt with this yes 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00367-00078560-00078831 like any company in any sector we keep 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00368-00078832-00079111 data for business purposes and of those 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00369-00079112-00079271 business purposes we might be talking 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00370-00079272-00079519 about the need to bill you or you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00371-00079520-00079782 to do audits broad detection 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00372-00079783-00079935 things of that nature anything that you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00373-00079936-00080191 would consider being necessary to render 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00374-00080192-00080343 the service to you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00375-00080344-00080559 but once that period of time is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00376-00080560-00080782 necessary for the business purpose you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00377-00080783-00080879 know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00378-00080880-00081143 is done we have absolutely no reason to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00379-00081144-00081462 have the data so any cost or any any 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00380-00081463-00081726 you know cost associated both monetary 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00381-00081727-00081959 non-monetary in terms of holding that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00382-00081960-00082079 data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00383-00082080-00082303 you know becomes you know right out of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00384-00082304-00082535 our our pockets it's right out of our 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00385-00082536-00082694 resources and it you know it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00386-00082695-00082967 completely you know enough but to what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00387-00082968-00083143 the business is doing we're businesses 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00388-00083144-00083279 you know we're in the business of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00389-00083280-00083606 providing you with productive reliable 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00390-00083607-00083750 internet service we're not in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00391-00083751-00083926 business of storing data for very long 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00392-00083927-00084775 periods of time right yeah 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00393-00084776-00084975 it's not like video like it's not like a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00394-00084976-00085182 netflix stream you know all day long 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00395-00085183-00085391 every day but it's otherwise you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00396-00085392-00085511 wouldn't keep this stuff and you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00397-00085512-00085694 wouldn't keep it in the format that the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00398-00085695-00085879 government you know is dictating you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00399-00085880-00086038 keep it so you can produce it for them 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00400-00086039-00086231 so you end up having a whole bunch of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00401-00086232-00086375 costs related to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00402-00086376-00086567 uh you know making sure you keep the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00403-00086568-00086703 right data make sure you have it in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00404-00086704-00086831 right format you have to have a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00405-00086832-00087143 processing pipeline for that data and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00406-00087144-00087271 when it when it comes down to it you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00407-00087272-00087399 know for the for the little guys you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00408-00087400-00087631 know in cbt you know we do a lot of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00409-00087632-00087791 public interests of civil liberties 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00410-00087792-00087999 advocacy we care a lot about the tinker 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00411-00088000-00088118 if we care a lot about the liberal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00412-00088119-00088294 rights 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00413-00088295-00088462 to grow up in the world 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00414-00088463-00088767 and for small and rural for small and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00415-00088768-00089079 rural isps you know this can be anywhere 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00416-00089080-00089318 to up to seven percent of the revenue to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00417-00089319-00089543 do to do the specific types of data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00418-00089544-00089694 retention that are mandated in these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00419-00089695-00089999 cases that's a lot and that can either 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00420-00090000-00090191 bankrupt or make it make the business 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00421-00090192-00090399 case for engaging in these kinds of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00422-00090400-00090559 activities just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00423-00090560-00090703 essentially evaporate that can get rid 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00424-00090704-00090967 of any any business case you have may be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00425-00090968-00091391 entirely in that sort of five 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00426-00091392-00091526 and i you know i never liked to use 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00427-00091527-00091767 costs as an excuse i i should have not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00428-00091768-00092023 gone down that road to start off because 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00429-00092024-00092238 when we talk about costs it's always 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00430-00092239-00092399 interpreted as like a dollar amount like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00431-00092400-00092526 okay well kate tell me how much it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00432-00092527-00092687 going to cost your company well it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00433-00092688-00092855 incalculable we can't actually come up 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00434-00092856-00093031 with that number because we need to look 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00435-00093032-00093247 at all the different categories of what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00436-00093248-00093406 we're being asked you know what is the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00437-00093407-00093559 scope how long do you want us to keep 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00438-00093560-00093718 the data you know what part of the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00439-00093719-00093935 business is covered and on and on and on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00440-00093936-00094159 so the costs are really monetary cost is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00441-00094160-00094335 one thing which is you know something 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00442-00094336-00094455 that could be discussed if we were 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00443-00094456-00094750 talking about a particular request but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00444-00094751-00094887 in general when it comes to data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00445-00094888-00095118 retention the cost is really there are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00446-00095119-00095350 there are intangible costs like the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00447-00095351-00095567 threat to privacy which is a very real 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00448-00095568-00095767 and serious concern for the companies 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00449-00095768-00096038 you know security concerns 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00450-00096039-00096238 using staff that are part of the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00451-00096239-00096574 business to you know build and maintain 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00452-00096575-00096862 and secure and restore this huge you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00453-00096863-00097135 know mountain of data that's all very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00454-00097136-00097262 important to us okay but the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00455-00097263-00097447 intelligence committee says 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00456-00097448-00097599 companies are already keeping it so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00457-00097600-00097750 you're already incurring the cost what's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00458-00097751-00097862 the delta 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00459-00097863-00098071 well what is it that you would have to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00460-00098072-00098303 keep or what's the additional cost 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00461-00098304-00098559 of a mandate beyond patrol you're doing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00462-00098560-00098862 it it depends on the details of demand 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00463-00098863-00099159 so if this is to the phone companies to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00464-00099160-00099335 keep call detail records 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00465-00099336-00099479 that's not a whole lot of things but if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00466-00099480-00099750 it's to like we've seen in the uk 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00467-00099751-00100023 isps to keep records of every single ip 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00468-00100024-00100150 address and if you don't know what that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00469-00100151-00100279 is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00470-00100280-00100487 um that can be a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00471-00100488-00100662 fast quantity of information because on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00472-00100663-00100791 a mobile network for example i can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00473-00100792-00100982 change once a minute and so it really 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00474-00100983-00101167 depends on some of the stuff they don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00475-00101168-00101415 keep so you can't speak about this as if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00476-00101416-00101567 it's entirely just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00477-00101568-00101750 phone records right there is a variety 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00478-00101751-00101903 of proposals 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00479-00101904-00102167 proposals for them to keep the people to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00480-00102168-00102359 produce every single url 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00481-00102360-00102582 that someone visits which they do some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00482-00102583-00102734 telecommunications providers keep for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00483-00102735-00102927 marketing related reasons which i'm not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00484-00102928-00103118 a big fan of by angels 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00485-00103119-00103247 but they're saying keep that kind of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00486-00103248-00103399 stuff and imagine how many urls you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00487-00103400-00103518 visit 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00488-00103519-00103742 i think you know it may seem 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00489-00103743-00103878 counterintuitive that this is not a lot 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00490-00103879-00104039 of data but which once you get to the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00491-00104040-00104230 specific type of data something 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00492-00104231-00104382 it could be quite a bit you're going to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00493-00104383-00104527 have to replicate it you have to store 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00494-00104528-00104663 it in a bunch of different 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00495-00104664-00104830 locations in order to make sure it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00496-00104831-00105054 available what if law enforcement says 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00497-00105055-00105190 hey we said you need to keep that and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00498-00105191-00105302 you're like look i'm sorry we had a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00499-00105303-00105495 problem we don't have it you know that's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00500-00105496-00105623 not going to be an adequate response 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00501-00105624-00105919 then we'll do penalties 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00502-00105920-00106119 so let's talk through this scenario 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00503-00106120-00106263 right so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00504-00106264-00106454 we we learned this back and forth debate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00505-00106455-00106623 over each other hr21 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00506-00106624-00106910 so right now the law in the u.s is data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00507-00106911-00107143 preservation for both companies if law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00508-00107144-00107286 enforcement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00509-00107288-00107534 comes to you and says you need to start 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00510-00107535-00107775 preserving this data on a going forward 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00511-00107776-00107958 basis 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00512-00107959-00108223 because we have a particular suspect 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00513-00108224-00108447 that we're monitoring you have a legal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00514-00108448-00108710 obligation to preserve that data that's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00515-00108711-00109039 different from data retention where you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00516-00109040-00109254 have a duty regardless to retain all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00517-00109255-00109431 data even if law enforcement doesn't ask 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00518-00109432-00109551 you for it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00519-00109552-00109727 so so the question here law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00520-00109728-00109927 enforcement's really saying this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00521-00109928-00110071 or they were saying 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00522-00110072-00110271 uh what they seem to be saying again 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00523-00110272-00110543 is that data preservation isn't enough 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00524-00110544-00110615 we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00525-00110616-00110839 it's too late in some cases 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00526-00110840-00111063 for us to go and require a company to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00527-00111064-00111263 start preserving data about a particular 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00528-00111264-00111447 user so it's that it's sort of the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00529-00111448-00111710 debate over bulk collection again 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00530-00111711-00111871 this is essentially 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00531-00111872-00112231 collect and store all data on all users 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00532-00112232-00112351 regardless of whether we tell you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00533-00112352-00112519 there's a need to do it so that we can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00534-00112520-00112671 come and just grab anything from what we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00535-00112672-00112799 want 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00536-00112800-00112919 right so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00537-00112920-00113054 i mean that's why preservation is so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00538-00113055-00113239 valuable and that's why we strongly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00539-00113240-00113431 support preservation as a way forward 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00540-00113432-00113702 because it is isn't targeted approaches 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00541-00113703-00113999 18 usc 2703 f 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00542-00114000-00114295 allows for law enforcement to contact an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00543-00114296-00114502 ecs or an rcs provider 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00544-00114503-00114886 and ask them to retain the records of a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00545-00114888-00115143 particular user for 90 days plus another 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00546-00115144-00115383 extended 90 days so for a total of 180 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00547-00115383-00115575 days that is something that has been 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00548-00115576-00115831 around for a very long time um companies 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00549-00115832-00116007 it is not without 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00550-00116008-00116127 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00551-00116128-00116358 you know an expense a cost a burden it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00552-00116359-00116575 is it's not you know exactly the easiest 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00553-00116576-00116815 thing to do however it is something that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00554-00116816-00117015 we do very frequently and are very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00555-00117016-00117143 accustomed to working with law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00556-00117144-00117495 enforcement on it during that 90 or 180 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00557-00117496-00117678 days that gives law enforcement the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00558-00117679-00117831 chance it's like it takes a picture of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00559-00117832-00117990 the account essentially and sets it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00560-00117991-00118295 aside and so they have an opportunity to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00561-00118296-00118495 go obtain the proper legal process 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00562-00118496-00118719 whatever it may be for whatever that it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00563-00118720-00118975 is that they're looking to obtain and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00564-00118976-00119199 bring it back to us and obtain the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00565-00119200-00119343 proper 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00566-00119344-00119695 you know records so that is that not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00567-00119696-00119958 only deals with a subscriber not every 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00568-00119959-00120271 one of our subscribers for you know into 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00569-00120272-00120510 future this is backwards 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00570-00120511-00120751 and it's you know one to one so we think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00571-00120752-00120902 it's a much more targeted approach it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00572-00120903-00121110 works and you know we're very used to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00573-00121111-00121223 dealing with it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00574-00121224-00121471 i have almost a philosophical objection 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00575-00121472-00121551 to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00576-00121552-00121823 the notion that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00577-00121824-00122039 just because some data record is created 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00578-00122040-00122223 and it could be useful in the future you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00579-00122224-00122439 should have to keep it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00580-00122440-00122607 that just blows my mind in the sense 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00581-00122608-00122743 that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00582-00122744-00122910 there are a lot of bad things that can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00583-00122911-00123214 happen if you end up sort of creating 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00584-00123215-00123519 indefinite trails of human activity and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00585-00123520-00123614 so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00586-00123615-00123751 this gets very similar to some of the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00587-00123752-00123878 encryption it makes for having now which 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00588-00123879-00124054 i won't go into a different different 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00589-00124055-00124278 event where um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00590-00124279-00124414 you know we need on some level to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00591-00124415-00124558 able to keep secrets from the government 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00592-00124559-00124639 good 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00593-00124640-00124831 well-meaning law-abiding citizens should 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00594-00124832-00124983 have the ability to keep secrets from 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00595-00124983-00125239 our government and and this is related 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00596-00125240-00125431 to the sort of what you're getting after 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00597-00125432-00125654 hardware um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00598-00125655-00125863 just because of a record that may be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00599-00125864-00126054 helpful to some nebulous law enforcement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00600-00126055-00126239 purpose the future is created 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00601-00126240-00126358 i don't think that's enough 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00602-00126359-00126599 justification to say that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00603-00126600-00126758 yes you should have to keep those things 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00604-00126759-00126927 and this is going to become especially 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00605-00126928-00127190 important in our ubiquitous computing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00606-00127191-00127375 future with internet of things where you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00607-00127376-00127647 have you know your very private space is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00608-00127648-00127886 woven throughout with with highly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00609-00127888-00128095 networked and computational kind of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00610-00128096-00128278 elements and if every single one of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00611-00128279-00128566 those things has has some some some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00612-00128567-00128743 mandate to preserve data for law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00613-00128744-00128958 enforcement purposes people's lives are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00614-00128959-00129054 going to change you're going to do 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00615-00129055-00129214 different things in your bedroom in your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00616-00129215-00129366 office whatever you would have done 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00617-00129367-00129575 other ones i think that that is where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00618-00129576-00129758 the hand game gets to me it may not be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00619-00129759-00129990 satisfying 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00620-00129991-00130175 uh okay so just so we're all on the same 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00621-00130176-00130358 page so you're referencing the debate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00622-00130359-00130599 over cryptography from the 1990s where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00623-00130600-00130743 the us government 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00624-00130744-00130999 originally controlled 2015 well it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00625-00131000-00131199 let's say it started in 1990s the u.s 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00626-00131200-00131423 government originally controlled 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00627-00131424-00131639 cryptography as a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00628-00131640-00131863 dual use uh potential military 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00629-00131864-00132214 technology and try to to uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00630-00132215-00132366 ban the export of that in the most 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00631-00132367-00132527 famous cases 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00632-00132528-00132759 uh through the court's bernstein case 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00633-00132760-00132911 about whether there's a firsthand right 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00634-00132912-00133143 to publish that information and i take 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00635-00133144-00133319 your point that there is a strong 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00636-00133320-00133471 parallel here that we're essentially 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00637-00133472-00133654 talking about the right to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00638-00133655-00133983 to operate uh in secret and clear where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00639-00133984-00134135 the balance is between that government 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00640-00134136-00134247 but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00641-00134248-00134414 you know you you both have a particular 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00642-00134415-00134487 view 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00643-00134488-00134711 you understand where law enforcement and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00644-00134712-00134863 national security agencies are coming 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00645-00134864-00135014 from right so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00646-00135015-00135223 i don't think the good that you get from 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00647-00135224-00135311 having 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00648-00135312-00135527 bulk retention is enough of a good 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00649-00135528-00135687 compared to the bad 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00650-00135688-00135878 that so we can talk about what what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00651-00135879-00136119 makes you so sure 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00652-00136120-00136302 well let's start with the thing i don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00653-00136303-00136478 think so yeah but let's start on the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00654-00136479-00136695 benefits from law enforcement side your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00655-00136696-00136959 your debunking benefits so the cases in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00656-00136960-00137231 which that's that would be useful 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00657-00137232-00137559 are rare and they're infrequent same 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00658-00137560-00137735 words there um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00659-00137736-00137911 they are yes particularly chilling in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00660-00137912-00138039 particularly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00661-00138040-00138351 egregious kinds of cases 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00662-00138352-00138519 in some cases they may be someone very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00663-00138520-00138678 close to you you know you may have had 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00664-00138679-00139078 an experience like that but to sort of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00665-00139079-00139214 very similar to the christian debate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00666-00139215-00139487 sort of mandate some level of insecurity 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00667-00139488-00139678 in order to achieve that i think does 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00668-00139679-00139783 does 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00669-00139784-00140102 is violence to sort of our way of life 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00670-00140103-00140295 i mean this is the thing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00671-00140296-00140439 when it comes to law enforcement they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00672-00140440-00140590 have a lot of good arguments and they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00673-00140591-00140799 have they have a very important job to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00674-00140800-00141095 do um and they are attempting to do that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00675-00141096-00141302 job and they are attempting to work with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00676-00141303-00141519 those entities that may or may not have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00677-00141520-00141743 that data so you know they're they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00678-00141744-00141999 going about it correctly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00679-00142000-00142271 um however we just differ on the fact 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00680-00142272-00142487 that you know we should be forced to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00681-00142488-00142614 hold on to the category's data for a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00682-00142615-00142799 long period of time however here's where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00683-00142800-00142975 their argument really holds a lot of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00684-00142976-00143263 water and it this is one of the areas 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00685-00143264-00143511 where we all as a you know privacy civil 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00686-00143512-00143702 liberties industry and law enforcement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00687-00143703-00143902 really need to keep working which is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00688-00143903-00144078 what do they do when they don't exactly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00689-00144079-00144302 have a particular target when they don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00690-00144303-00144495 know that it's actually me 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00691-00144496-00144871 over verizon dsl doing something bad 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00692-00144872-00145223 and that is an unsolvable problem um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00693-00145224-00145463 using something like preservation as a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00694-00145464-00145683 as a fix so how do you deal with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00695-00145684-00146007 that well i mean today on a regular 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00696-00146008-00146111 basis 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00697-00146112-00146311 yeah let's let's look today and then 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00698-00146312-00146463 what do you think the right answer is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00699-00146464-00146687 for how to how national security law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00700-00146688-00146887 enforcement agencies can deal with it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00701-00146888-00147071 better without 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00702-00147072-00147223 all of the the downsides you've been 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00703-00147224-00147526 discussing well we we need a target to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00704-00147527-00147695 be able to turn over 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00705-00147696-00147895 information right so we're going to need 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00706-00147896-00148199 an ip address an email something like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00707-00148200-00148351 that so we are going to need that what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00708-00148352-00148726 they what they argue is in you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00709-00148727-00148926 their investigative process before they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00710-00148927-00149095 have an actual target if they're seeing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00711-00149096-00149254 something over p2p i mean there's all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00712-00149255-00149414 different kinds of ways that they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00713-00149415-00149575 tracking these guys in the dark web and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00714-00149576-00149726 everything so when they don't know that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00715-00149727-00149959 it's actually our customer who lives in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00716-00149960-00150287 topeka and we have his actual address 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00717-00150288-00150502 and he logs on and logs off but it's not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00718-00150503-00150711 something as simple as garden variety is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00719-00150712-00150911 that how do they go about it and they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00720-00150912-00151190 have they have a hard job to do and they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00721-00151191-00151502 haven't absolutely correct argument 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00722-00151503-00151654 there but i just don't have a solution 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00723-00151655-00151878 for that well i would say that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00724-00151879-00151983 using 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00725-00151984-00152247 these rare very very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00726-00152248-00152423 you know things we all care about we all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00727-00152424-00152663 want to see stock and using those you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00728-00152664-00153031 know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00729-00153032-00153183 that appeals to me in the sense that i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00730-00153184-00153335 want to stop those things as much as i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00731-00153336-00153614 can to stop that maybe not this much but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00732-00153615-00153839 these their retention quickly becomes a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00733-00153840-00154039 slippery slope you know quickly become 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00734-00154040-00154254 something that was 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00735-00154255-00154519 argued for to be used in these rare 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00736-00154520-00154735 egregious cases but then used for many 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00737-00154736-00154990 more and more things and so for example 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00738-00154991-00155214 poland has a particularly crazy debt or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00739-00155215-00155359 attention law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00740-00155360-00155566 and in 2009 the polish government issued 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00741-00155567-00155807 one million requests for access to data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00742-00155808-00156087 that's about 38 requests per citizen in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00743-00156088-00156207 poland 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00744-00156208-00156399 for that and in fact they used some of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00745-00156400-00156647 this data to expose information about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00746-00156648-00156863 journalists sources so you know you can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00747-00156864-00157087 think about the same thing in terms of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00748-00157088-00157271 um you know attorney client privilege 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00749-00157272-00157439 and other kinds of things where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00750-00157440-00157663 there are things in which no record 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00751-00157664-00157863 should be created and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00752-00157864-00158095 if we go down this this this route there 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00753-00158096-00158366 will soon be very few ways and highly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00754-00158367-00158526 unusable ways 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00755-00158527-00158847 come to the next technology rising uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00756-00158848-00158959 to actually do those kinds of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00757-00158960-00159151 communications you know you have to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00758-00159152-00159319 both a tech geek and a lawyer in order 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00759-00159320-00159543 to practice law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00760-00159544-00159751 so the law enforcement agencies people 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00761-00159752-00159959 like mark smith would simply say well 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00762-00159960-00160166 we'll just make sure that data will only 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00763-00160167-00160271 be used 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00764-00160272-00160399 for a certain purpose that's what they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00765-00160400-00160623 said about hr 1981 they promised us that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00766-00160624-00160847 the data would only be used for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00767-00160848-00161143 targeting child predators and i'm here 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00768-00161144-00161326 to tell you that if we are keeping the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00769-00161327-00161511 data the data will be accessible to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00770-00161512-00161671 anyone who comes to us with legal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00771-00161672-00161959 process and that is civil and criminal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00772-00161960-00162190 investigation so we do not have the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00773-00162191-00162407 ability to say oh no that data no sorry 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00774-00162408-00162551 we're only keeping that if that involves 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00775-00162552-00162647 a child 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00776-00162648-00162783 you're a divorce case no no no 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00777-00162784-00163087 absolutely i mean you know we don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00778-00163088-00163263 definitely don't want to do that anyway 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00779-00163264-00163478 for divorce cases but anyway 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00780-00163479-00163575 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00781-00163576-00163766 but yeah we uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00782-00163767-00163926 if we have the data it will be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00783-00163927-00164207 obtainable and that is an absolute fact 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00784-00164208-00164359 that should be considered 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00785-00164360-00164495 in fact 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00786-00164496-00164687 you know it's really hard to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00787-00164688-00164926 overestimate the privacy concerns when 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00788-00164927-00165135 it comes to data retention it's one of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00789-00165136-00165278 those things where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00790-00165279-00165519 we are absolutely is passionately 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00791-00165520-00165687 concerned about the privacy and the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00792-00165688-00165943 security concerns on this issue as cdt 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00793-00165944-00166295 is and other groups and it cannot be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00794-00166296-00166575 reiterated to staff frequently enough 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00795-00166576-00166766 you know it should be the principal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00796-00166767-00167087 conversation when it comes to retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00797-00167088-00167247 but but what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00798-00167248-00167454 what exactly are you afraid of is it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00799-00167455-00167543 that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00800-00167544-00167878 once the data is there that the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00801-00167879-00168159 legal categories uh for which that data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00802-00168160-00168383 can can be accessed by law enforcement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00803-00168384-00168526 will be expanded 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00804-00168527-00168726 or is it that whatever the categories 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00805-00168727-00168823 are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00806-00168824-00169047 uh that it'll wind up in the hands of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00807-00169048-00169311 people who aren't supposed to have it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00808-00169312-00169607 well i mean for us you know it's just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00809-00169608-00169807 it's just a fact that if we have it and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00810-00169808-00170071 we receive proper process we will have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00811-00170072-00170207 to turn it over 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00812-00170208-00170447 um so you know i mean i think it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00813-00170448-00170654 probably more concern for our aclu or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00814-00170655-00170919 cet about who has access to that data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00815-00170920-00171078 but we certainly don't want to be you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00816-00171079-00171295 know discovery center for every you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00817-00171296-00171607 attorney in the country no compliance 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00818-00171608-00171887 no it is not it is not and you know we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00819-00171888-00172207 have very experienced trained staff who 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00820-00172208-00172511 work in our client centers 24 7 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00821-00172512-00172871 and their role is to expertly respond to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00822-00172872-00173126 process and in the most efficient manner 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00823-00173127-00173254 possible 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00824-00173255-00173383 so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00825-00173384-00173583 the more data that we have it does make 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00826-00173584-00173854 it more difficult for us um i have some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00827-00173855-00174126 very serious concerns about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00828-00174127-00174383 you know going if you go out too far 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00829-00174384-00174535 six eight 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00830-00174536-00174823 months you know a year two years it gets 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00831-00174824-00175023 so much harder and harder 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00832-00175024-00175199 and technology-wise you can talk about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00833-00175200-00175535 to link the actual like me on this date 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00834-00175536-00175759 and time it was me who did that one 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00835-00175760-00175999 exact thing and we would be responsible 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00836-00176000-00176207 for linking you to that activity with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00837-00176208-00176319 100 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00838-00176320-00176519 accuracy because we're talking about an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00839-00176520-00176687 issue that there's probably a criminal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00840-00176688-00176887 investigation going on so the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00841-00176888-00177143 responsibility of that and the liability 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00842-00177144-00177399 of that is extremely concerning yeah in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00843-00177400-00177566 the privacy issues you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00844-00177567-00177799 some people think and that is not a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00845-00177800-00177983 view i share sort of again with a straw 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00846-00177984-00178151 man but people in the room may think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00847-00178152-00178359 this way that security and privacy are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00848-00178360-00178535 very distinct issues and i don't think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00849-00178536-00178711 like that security 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00850-00178712-00178926 tools are the things that control your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00851-00178927-00179151 privacy interests those are the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00852-00179152-00179390 mechanisms that make sure your privacy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00853-00179391-00179623 is disrespected and is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00854-00179624-00179838 honored so to speak and there's a lot of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00855-00179839-00179926 things 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00856-00179927-00180214 it's you know i may tweak their little 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00857-00180215-00180414 but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00858-00180415-00180726 there is a collection 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00859-00180727-00180943 versus use debate embedded in all of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00860-00180944-00181143 this and what i mean by that if you've 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00861-00181144-00181399 been in the privacy policy circuit for a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00862-00181400-00181535 while you know exactly what i'm talking 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00863-00181536-00181766 about there are so many things that that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00864-00181767-00181943 can just that don't have the opportunity 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00865-00181944-00182151 to happen if you never collect a piece 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00866-00182152-00182278 of data and it's very similar to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00867-00182279-00182502 retention if you don't retain the data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00868-00182503-00182663 there's a whole host of bad things that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00869-00182664-00182902 can happen that that will never happen 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00870-00182903-00183159 so for example data breaches you know if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00871-00183160-00183287 there is a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00872-00183288-00183399 and this i don't think or in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00873-00183400-00183599 mandates at least in the u.s right now 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00874-00183600-00183759 that i'm hearing about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00875-00183760-00183935 say you have a mandate on all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00876-00183936-00184078 communications providers so not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00877-00184079-00184238 telecommunications but anyone who 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00878-00184239-00184463 facilitates some kind of communication 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00879-00184464-00184654 over the internet or whatever 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00880-00184655-00184902 that's going to reach people you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00881-00184903-00185207 two two guys or or two gals in a garage 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00882-00185208-00185375 you know creating the next app that they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00883-00185376-00185575 think is really hot stuff you know an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00884-00185576-00185814 encrypted messaging app or some sort of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00885-00185815-00185983 you know phone call after something like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00886-00185984-00186054 that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00887-00186055-00186302 those folks are not gonna have the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00888-00186303-00186535 expertise needed to secure that data to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00889-00186536-00186743 keep it secure make sure there's not a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00890-00186744-00186951 data breach of that data it could end up 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00891-00186952-00187023 in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00892-00187024-00187231 the wrong hands and everyone's calling 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00893-00187232-00187414 records could be exposed or at least the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00894-00187415-00187614 people who use that service they'll have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00895-00187615-00187759 other there'll be other mechanisms that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00896-00187760-00187935 kick into place when that happens you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00897-00187936-00188078 know to sort of punish them for not to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00898-00188079-00188214 make a good job 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00899-00188215-00188407 but fundamentally this is data that in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00900-00188408-00188526 some cases they're going to be outside 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00901-00188527-00188671 of a core business interest you did not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00902-00188672-00188878 get into business to retain this data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00903-00188879-00189038 and so food there's not going to be an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00904-00189039-00189175 incentive 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00905-00189176-00189335 protect it there's also other things 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00906-00189336-00189575 like employees we see this in health 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00907-00189576-00189863 records cases and a few others where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00908-00189864-00190007 people with privileged access to the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00909-00190008-00190207 data you know look up their friends you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00910-00190208-00190335 know their friends have been calling you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00911-00190336-00190823 know hey is my boyfriend being you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00912-00190824-00190975 it's cheating on me or whatever right 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00913-00190976-00191223 there's things that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00914-00191224-00191390 okay but joe so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00915-00191391-00191647 what you're describing um one would say 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00916-00191648-00191847 uh on the downsides of retaining the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00917-00191848-00192087 data rather than being random by the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00918-00192088-00192231 government to obtain the data so let's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00919-00192232-00192454 just assume just for the sake of clarity 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00920-00192455-00192535 here 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00921-00192536-00192711 that uh companies are already in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00922-00192712-00192950 team let's say either all this data or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00923-00192951-00193119 most of this data for some period of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00924-00193120-00193231 time 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00925-00193232-00193478 be specific what is it about the data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00926-00193479-00193863 retention that makes the situation worse 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00927-00193864-00194095 so you may start in a format 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00928-00194096-00194278 that would not be useful 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00929-00194279-00194447 you may store it in a way that mixes up 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00930-00194448-00194702 the columns in the rows you may shard it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00931-00194703-00194902 which means you keep the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00932-00194903-00195087 spectacle you keep the aggregate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00933-00195088-00195278 statistics about what people are doing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00934-00195279-00195454 for your business reasons but they are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00935-00195455-00195638 divorced from the actions of your users 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00936-00195639-00195766 people do this and they do it all the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00937-00195767-00195975 time there's really cool mechanisms for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00938-00195976-00196271 example i was describing amy a way of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00939-00196272-00196487 technically doing the 2015 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00940-00196488-00196631 uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00941-00196632-00196895 metadata matching program that doesn't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00942-00196896-00197047 require either party to share their 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00943-00197048-00197247 information with each other this is a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00944-00197248-00197390 really crazy state of the art crypto 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00945-00197391-00197559 stuff when you say either party you need 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00946-00197560-00197783 to say that the the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00947-00197784-00197926 intelligence community doesn't have to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00948-00197927-00198143 share its list of uh phone numbers of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00949-00198144-00198359 interest with you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00950-00198360-00198575 we wish you could imagine you know hey 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00951-00198576-00198711 tell us if any of these people have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00952-00198712-00198926 called anyone it would never happen but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00953-00198927-00199143 more importantly the isps would never 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00954-00199144-00199295 have to share their full 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00955-00199296-00199495 uh set of records with with the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00956-00199496-00199599 intelligence community which is what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00957-00199600-00199750 they're doing now i don't know why 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00958-00199751-00199847 they're not using some of these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00959-00199848-00200014 techniques because they're they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00960-00200015-00200207 operational they work this is something 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00961-00200208-00200375 called private set intersection which 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00962-00200376-00200535 you'll want to look it up very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00963-00200536-00200638 complicated 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00964-00200639-00200783 anyway so there's ways you can do this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00965-00200784-00200975 that may solve your business interests 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00966-00200976-00201143 but may not serve the purposes of law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00967-00201144-00201383 enforcement uh that's probably not a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00968-00201384-00201526 good direct answer to your question but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00969-00201527-00201719 it's really an important answer to the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00970-00201720-00201926 question because i mean most people will 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00971-00201927-00202102 say like i don't understand it doesn't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00972-00202103-00202247 cost that much like storage is super 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00973-00202248-00202487 cheap just keep the data but that's not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00974-00202488-00202735 at all the answer to that if you want us 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00975-00202736-00202919 to be able to retrieve the data and in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00976-00202920-00203095 the meantime you'd like us to keep it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00977-00203096-00203335 secure and we have to minimize access to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00978-00203336-00203702 the data you know just just it today 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00979-00203703-00203902 you know when it comes to how we store 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00980-00203903-00204087 data that we already keep for billing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00981-00204088-00204302 purposes and you know just to render the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00982-00204303-00204502 service itself or to find out when your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00983-00204503-00204790 phone drops you know things like that we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00984-00204791-00204871 have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00985-00204871-00204990 technical 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00986-00204991-00205327 barriers to getting to that data we have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00987-00205328-00205551 you know personnel and and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00988-00205552-00205766 administrative barriers to getting to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00989-00205767-00205951 that data and we also have physical 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00990-00205952-00206119 barriers to getting to that data and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00991-00206119-00206310 that's just for regular 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00992-00206311-00206551 you know to provide the service that you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00993-00206552-00206846 use constantly 24 7 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00994-00206848-00207055 kind of you know data if we were being 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00995-00207056-00207286 asked to store data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00996-00207287-00207431 you know i think there's a reason that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00997-00207432-00207590 the government built a building in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00998-00207591-00207790 middle of the desert we would need a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-00999-00207791-00207998 huge amount of space every single 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01000-00208000-00208238 company would need huge amounts of space 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01001-00208239-00208486 and then you would need to you know keep 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01002-00208487-00208679 it running keep it staffed i mean it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01003-00208680-00208886 just it never ends the conversation 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01004-00208887-00209062 about it never ends this is so key just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01005-00209063-00209223 to emphasize a lot of these records are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01006-00209223-00209455 kept on magnetic tape in very big 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01007-00209456-00209638 mountains you know and they're used for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01008-00209639-00209806 business purposes in a regular audit 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01009-00209807-00209991 cycle for whatever they have to do 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01010-00209992-00210310 whereas what's being asked for here is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01011-00210311-00210463 quickly respond 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01012-00210464-00210639 to this query 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01013-00210640-00210798 with records over the past 12 years 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01014-00210800-00210975 that's not a system you create for your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01015-00210976-00211110 own business purposes that's the system 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01016-00211111-00211367 you create for for specifically for this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01017-00211367-00211575 person so why should uh the national 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01018-00211576-00211806 security agency keep their own copy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01019-00211807-00211887 uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01020-00211888-00212031 that's up to congress and the american 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01021-00212032-00212239 public to make that but okay but in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01022-00212240-00212503 terms of weighing the evils here 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01023-00212504-00212687 big brother man do i have to like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01024-00212688-00213094 walk through them 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01025-00213096-00213358 so walk us through so as door number one 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01026-00213359-00213431 is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01027-00213432-00213615 the government keeps the data and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01028-00213616-00213806 promises to uh say well we're gonna do a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01029-00213807-00214015 better job of protecting it than private 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01030-00214016-00214175 company woods don't worry about that and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01031-00214176-00214398 we're gonna promise that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01032-00214400-00214519 law enforcement won't be able to get 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01033-00214519-00214655 access to this stuff because it's only 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01034-00214656-00214815 for national security purposes so that's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01035-00214816-00215071 door number one door number two is they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01036-00215071-00215239 say all right fine you don't want us to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01037-00215240-00215439 keep a copy of the data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01038-00215440-00215703 private companies already keeping it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01039-00215704-00215831 so we're just going to go to them and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01040-00215832-00216055 access it when we need to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01041-00216056-00216271 right that's store number two and then 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01042-00216271-00216479 door number three 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01043-00216480-00216623 i'm not sure what that would be you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01044-00216623-00216831 targeted preservation so yeah so let's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01045-00216832-00217015 let's walk through the house 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01046-00217016-00217127 okay so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01047-00217128-00217310 um what do you want me to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01048-00217311-00217551 watch so what's wrong what why is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01049-00217552-00217719 door number 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01050-00217719-00217919 two better than door number one okay so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01051-00217919-00218055 don't remember why is store number three 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01052-00218056-00218206 better before number two don't number 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01053-00218207-00218375 one um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01054-00218376-00218567 the all data is kept with the federal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01055-00218567-00218798 government for example and it's not used 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01056-00218800-00218967 for law enforcement purposes use only 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01057-00218967-00219215 for national speed right 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01058-00219216-00219431 door number one is essentially 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01059-00219432-00219606 bulk collection just keeping records on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01060-00219607-00219734 every citizen 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01061-00219735-00219958 99 of them are never going to do 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01062-00219959-00220079 anything illegal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01063-00220080-00220303 on principle 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01064-00220304-00220431 we're just going to fundamentally be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01065-00220432-00220575 against that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01066-00220576-00220910 are you interested in other rationales 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01067-00220911-00221142 well but i mean i'm just just i'm just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01068-00221144-00221351 playing devil's advocate here so if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01069-00221352-00221558 you've identified some of the risks so i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01070-00221559-00221727 think the cost to the private sector 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01071-00221728-00221982 data retention mandates the uh security 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01072-00221983-00222215 vulnerability that uh hackers would 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01073-00222216-00222406 target private companies to get this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01074-00222407-00222679 data that's kept in an accessible maybe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01075-00222680-00222831 it's a second database that companies 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01076-00222832-00222967 have to keep so the national security 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01077-00222967-00223182 agency could just say well we'll avoid 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01078-00223183-00223351 all those problems by keeping the data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01079-00223352-00223558 for you we'll do it more securely it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01080-00223559-00223710 will be harder to hack 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01081-00223711-00223798 than 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01082-00223800-00224094 private companies so why is that not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01083-00224096-00224375 worth the privacy risks of having the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01084-00224376-00224527 government keep all that data well i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01085-00224528-00224742 think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01086-00224744-00224991 the benefit you get has to be calculated 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01087-00224992-00225271 as well and so far we've seen no benefit 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01088-00225271-00225534 from those programs so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01089-00225535-00225742 that will be my question back to whoever 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01090-00225744-00225951 set up door number one yes and when you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01091-00225952-00226134 say no benefit i'm trying to try to draw 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01092-00226135-00226406 a specific answer the peak club and the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01093-00226407-00226646 people's presence review group that had 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01094-00226648-00226823 extremely detailed 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01095-00226823-00227031 you know top secret clearance access to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01096-00227032-00227239 these kinds of things and were 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01097-00227240-00227510 unable to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01098-00227511-00227767 things which were i'm sorry 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01099-00227767-00227887 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01100-00227888-00228079 they're unable to with their privileged 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01101-00228080-00228271 access be able to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01102-00228271-00228582 produce any benefit from these programs 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01103-00228583-00228719 that seems to be pretty stark you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01104-00228719-00228951 which unless something's hiding or i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01105-00228952-00229167 don't know why like it demystifies me to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01106-00229167-00229358 people like dianne feinstein feel the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01107-00229359-00229471 need to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01108-00229471-00229623 to continue to advocate for this when 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01109-00229623-00229863 there's no benefit it's all costs 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01110-00229864-00229967 what the hell 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01111-00229967-00230079 i don't know what to say about our 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01112-00230080-00230263 number one which is crazy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01113-00230264-00230398 and we're doing it so what do you think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01114-00230400-00230567 is is motivating 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01115-00230567-00230782 that mentality i don't know maybe it'll 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01116-00230783-00230998 be useful someday maybe that's it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01117-00231000-00232503 that very well that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01118-00232504-00232671 or not and maybe it's useful and they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01119-00232671-00232767 just not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01120-00232767-00232991 you know this is very conspiracy they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01121-00232992-00233246 not my nature but maybe it's useful that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01122-00233248-00233406 they don't want to tell you about the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01123-00233407-00233606 cases which has been useful which very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01124-00233607-00233758 well for me 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01125-00233759-00233879 that that's the problem if you're going 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01126-00233880-00234294 to have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01127-00234296-00234551 so door number two was 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01128-00234552-00234839 storing stuff with the isp 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01129-00234840-00235039 data retention there i think we've been 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01130-00235040-00235239 through that yeah 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01131-00235240-00235439 there are three 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01132-00235440-00235567 is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01133-00235567-00235742 don't do any of this or use something 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01134-00235744-00235894 that uses pretty 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01135-00235896-00236167 pretty awesome uh technical guarantees 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01136-00236167-00236382 to make sure that you only get 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01137-00236383-00236703 exactly what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01138-00236704-00236879 you want 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01139-00236880-00237055 which in this case would be things like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01140-00237056-00237215 these these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01141-00237216-00237375 are called private information retrieval 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01142-00237376-00237534 methods where no one's actually sharing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01143-00237535-00237679 anything except for the things that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01144-00237680-00237927 match and one side would never learn 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01145-00237928-00238087 what matched 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01146-00238088-00238231 if it's really useful they could do that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01147-00238232-00238358 and still get whatever utility they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01148-00238359-00238527 getting now without a lot of the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01149-00238528-00238758 problems 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01150-00238759-00238998 and if if there were a technologist from 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01151-00239000-00239151 the usa sitting here do you know what he 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01152-00239152-00239367 might say in response to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01153-00239367-00239551 nothing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01154-00239552-00239791 unfortunately i really wish they had a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01155-00239792-00239951 technical representative that could 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01156-00239952-00240175 interface externally i know most people 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01157-00240176-00240358 we're going to say that they're they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01158-00240359-00240542 they cannot talk about this stuff okay 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01159-00240544-00240631 but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01160-00240632-00240806 let's let's just suppose that we want 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01161-00240807-00241527 our boardroom 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01162-00241528-00241687 it can't be pets 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01163-00241688-00241863 um it's prohibiting them from using 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01164-00241864-00242110 these techniques 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01165-00242111-00242246 because they've probably invented it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01166-00242248-00242727 before they've 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01167-00242728-00242927 so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01168-00242928-00243134 they could say that on some level these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01169-00243135-00243382 lists are so enormous that it makes the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01170-00243383-00243710 computation times their technical 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01171-00243711-00243887 uh difficult but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01172-00243888-00244246 these are sublinear which means 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01173-00244248-00244463 it's not as if you you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01174-00244464-00244623 you know have a million records in 10 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01175-00244623-00244775 million there's not a big difference 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01176-00244776-00245006 between those two numbers 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01177-00245007-00245198 i don't know i would love to talk to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01178-00245200-00245351 that people than i say a technologist 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01179-00245352-00245510 maybe i'm just not creative enough to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01180-00245511-00245758 imagine what he would say but um i don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01181-00245759-00246039 know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01182-00246040-00246271 what about the usa lawyer 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01183-00246271-00246510 you didn't even talk about that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01184-00246511-00246639 you know i don't have much to say about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01185-00246640-00246719 them 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01186-00246719-00246879 um but when it comes to criminal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01187-00246880-00247071 investigations you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01188-00247071-00247294 the fact of the matter remains that we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01189-00247296-00247494 are required by law to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01190-00247496-00247798 respond to legal process and we do so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01191-00247800-00248023 and we would like to continue doing so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01192-00248023-00248198 in a very reliable 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01193-00248200-00248598 and secure and accurate way and doing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01194-00248600-00248775 the we have you know very elaborate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01195-00248776-00248998 processes that we put in place to do so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01196-00249000-00249167 um but if law enforcement wants an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01197-00249167-00249398 efficient and quick turnaround time from 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01198-00249400-00249591 us which is one of the other arguments 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01199-00249592-00249703 that you'll tend to hear with that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01200-00249704-00249927 retention that like we need it faster 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01201-00249928-00250151 therefore you must keep more data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01202-00250152-00250334 um and that doesn't really correlate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01203-00250335-00250575 with us because you know the more data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01204-00250576-00250742 we have the more difficult it is going 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01205-00250744-00251030 to be to retrieve that data um just for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01206-00251031-00251263 regular processing time and you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01207-00251264-00251471 just normal computer stuff that even i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01208-00251471-00251719 understand um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01209-00251719-00252046 so you know i think i think what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01210-00252048-00252215 basically i don't know if we're winding 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01211-00252216-00252375 down or anything but i mean i think the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01212-00252376-00252527 issue is that data retention is a really 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01213-00252528-00252742 popular policy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01214-00252744-00252998 issue and people see it particularly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01215-00253000-00253142 policy makers 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01216-00253144-00253398 are told by those who advocate for it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01217-00253400-00253558 that this is a really 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01218-00253559-00253823 great panacea to all of our will or our 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01219-00253823-00254063 woes and you know it's a silver bullet 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01220-00254064-00254206 all you need to do is get these guys to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01221-00254207-00254415 hold on to some data and it really it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01222-00254416-00254679 just that's not it at all it's extremely 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01223-00254680-00254894 complex we can keep talking about it for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01224-00254896-00255079 hours well i want to switch just to just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01225-00255080-00255239 earn a national angle to talk about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01226-00255240-00255367 what's going on around the world but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01227-00255367-00255542 before i do let me just just ask a few 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01228-00255544-00255727 questions here so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01229-00255728-00255830 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01230-00255831-00255982 so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01231-00255983-00256271 targeted preservation that's what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01232-00256271-00256358 you're doing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01233-00256359-00256606 so how concretely would you change the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01234-00256607-00256815 current data preservation 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01235-00256816-00257039 system well what do you think would work 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01236-00257040-00257206 better for law enforcement for national 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01237-00257207-00257439 security agencies that wouldn't have all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01238-00257440-00257510 the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01239-00257511-00257694 downside risks you've described well 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01240-00257696-00257927 first of all for preservation there 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01241-00257928-00258158 really is no downside for them they do 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01242-00258159-00258358 not have to supply us with paper they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01243-00258359-00258510 simply have to pick up the phone and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01244-00258511-00258775 call it's in the statute that way you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01245-00258776-00258903 know um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01246-00258904-00259198 and so there really is no burden on them 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01247-00259200-00259334 to be able to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01248-00259335-00259534 you know get this get targeted 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01249-00259535-00259775 information retained for 90 days they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01250-00259776-00260030 can renew for another 90 days up to 180 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01251-00260031-00260182 days i think that is a significant 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01252-00260183-00260415 period of time however there are a lot 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01253-00260416-00260598 of cases that may take longer than that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01254-00260600-00260679 so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01255-00260680-00261006 um i think informally it might not be a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01256-00261007-00261255 bad idea to consider 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01257-00261256-00261527 in in certain cases extending 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01258-00261528-00261727 preservation for up to like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01259-00261728-00261991 you know nine months as opposed to six 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01260-00261992-00262167 but that would be on like a case-by-case 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01261-00262168-00262271 basis 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01262-00262272-00262503 and just to clarify so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01263-00262504-00262751 if you get a data preservation uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01264-00262752-00262847 order 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01265-00262848-00263063 you don't just preserve that you collect 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01266-00263064-00263295 one forward if you've 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01267-00263296-00263382 that going got 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01268-00263383-00263679 period that would require a wire network 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01269-00263680-00263919 we take a snapshot of the account when 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01270-00263920-00264134 the order is received and that data is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01271-00264135-00264439 set aside and if and when they come back 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01272-00264440-00264655 with proper process we turn over the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01273-00264656-00264991 data that they request 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01274-00264992-00265175 nothing is forward going unless it's uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01275-00265176-00265327 okay but so i was actually at the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01276-00265328-00265503 opposite point which is so so what you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01277-00265504-00265719 are creating is a law the maturity have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01278-00265720-00265895 for that particular 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01279-00265896-00266134 target so it's not as if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01280-00266135-00266351 the data preservation order only works 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01281-00266352-00266455 for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01282-00266456-00266719 stuff going forward you actually you get 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01283-00266720-00266934 whatever you have in your records you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01284-00266935-00267063 have to do that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01285-00267064-00267382 yeah 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01286-00267383-00267534 so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01287-00267535-00267727 okay so so what about data security 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01288-00267728-00267903 regulation so that this ties into the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01289-00267904-00268079 larger debate about how american 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01290-00268080-00268295 companies secure their data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01291-00268296-00268487 uh if we're talking about government 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01292-00268488-00268630 tying their hands and saying they're to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01293-00268631-00268799 obtain more data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01294-00268800-00269119 uh it does seem like that might push 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01295-00269120-00269351 congress into doing something or the ftc 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01296-00269352-00269527 is being even more aggressive than it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01297-00269528-00269663 already has been 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01298-00269664-00269863 about regulating how cyber security 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01299-00269864-00270215 works so how do you see that playing out 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01300-00270216-00270430 i don't see how you can have a data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01301-00270431-00270655 retention mandate without 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01302-00270656-00270975 building up a full like regulatory 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01303-00270976-00271223 structure around how you keep that data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01304-00271224-00271399 and i know that's nothing that we would 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01305-00271400-00271558 like to see but that's something that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01306-00271559-00271719 you know a lot about and you spend a lot 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01307-00271720-00271991 of your time on and i just don't see how 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01308-00271992-00272223 there wouldn't be follow-on requirements 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01309-00272224-00272430 for if you keep the data for this long 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01310-00272431-00272599 then you have to get rid of it at x 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01311-00272600-00272767 point and then we'd have to look there 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01312-00272768-00272934 would be lots of litigation so we'd have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01313-00272935-00273095 to consider what the liability is for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01314-00273096-00273319 companies if god forbid somebody spills 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01315-00273320-00273495 a coke on a server which you know human 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01316-00273496-00273719 error does happen all the time there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01317-00273720-00274006 technical error like we we have so many 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01318-00274007-00274215 of these questions to address and i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01319-00274216-00274334 don't see how 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01320-00274335-00274471 it would not be an opportunity for the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01321-00274472-00274727 ftc at fcc to build it behold 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01322-00274728-00275087 no cdt wants comprehensive privacy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01323-00275088-00275247 regulation part of that would be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01324-00275248-00275423 security regulation so what what's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01325-00275424-00275623 what's what's bad about the scenario 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01326-00275624-00275791 cage is described i don't think there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01327-00275792-00276647 anything bad i mean so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01328-00276648-00276791 so certain companies that are going to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01329-00276792-00276927 be more likely to be subject to data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01330-00276928-00277206 retention matters now have pretty good 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01331-00277207-00277430 security practices as far as i can tell 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01332-00277431-00277630 you know they aren't the ones showing up 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01333-00277631-00277782 with massive data breaches they're like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01334-00277783-00278015 snapchat where you see an ftc complaint 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01335-00278016-00278158 where every technologist reads that and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01336-00278159-00278455 it's like omg how many ways did you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01337-00278456-00278687 screw up something where you basically 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01338-00278688-00278863 said this is private you know i mean 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01339-00278864-00279055 that there is like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01340-00279056-00279223 12 different ways in that complaint they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01341-00279224-00279430 just totally screwed up uh i think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01342-00279431-00279663 you're going to see more of that if if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01343-00279664-00279863 the people who are subject to the data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01344-00279864-00280082 retention that they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01345-00280083-00280255 are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01346-00280256-00280479 include very very small 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01347-00280480-00280639 app developers things that are not sort 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01348-00280640-00280855 of traditionally regulated so we haven't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01349-00280856-00280999 talked about this at all this was the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01350-00281000-00281303 really the big issue back in 2011 about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01351-00281304-00281479 agent 1981 which is the whack-a-mole 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01352-00281480-00281575 problem 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01353-00281576-00281806 if you don't include the little guys 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01354-00281807-00282015 what's the point exactly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01355-00282016-00282199 so you have to cover everybody for this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01356-00282200-00282382 to work because otherwise the child 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01357-00282383-00282575 pornographer or the crime syndicate or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01358-00282576-00282710 the terrorist 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01359-00282711-00282991 just start using snapchat for their 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01360-00282992-00283191 conversations or they go to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01361-00283192-00283382 you know they'll go to the most secure 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01362-00283383-00283558 medium so that's what this debate really 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01363-00283559-00283727 all comes down to and often the most 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01364-00283728-00283879 secure mediums are going to be ones that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01365-00283880-00284063 aren't firms there are open source 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01366-00284064-00284247 products that are developed by 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01367-00284248-00284463 people who have no uh organizational 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01368-00284464-00284695 affiliation that you're not going to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01369-00284696-00284910 able to that people can inspire so we'll 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01370-00284911-00285127 just be on those right good freaking 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01371-00285128-00285327 luck dude i mean this is this is so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01372-00285328-00285503 let's switch to yours i will quit my job 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01373-00285504-00285575 and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01374-00285576-00285879 there's plenty of us that will continue 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01375-00285880-00286087 so david david cameron just recently 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01376-00286088-00286223 asked whether 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01377-00286224-00286375 britain should allow 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01378-00286376-00286623 technology like snapchat that that is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01379-00286624-00286710 not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01380-00286711-00286967 subject to to normal process in britain 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01381-00286968-00287215 because the technology itself the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01382-00287216-00287447 communications are encrypted enough or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01383-00287448-00287663 not logged uh whether that should be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01384-00287664-00287879 allowed in a country like britain so so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01385-00287880-00288103 we're having this precise debate in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01386-00288104-00288303 west the funding is that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01387-00288304-00288551 presumably you could use 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01388-00288552-00288847 a ripa order in the uk 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01389-00288848-00289047 you can use this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01390-00289048-00289239 thing that requires you to modify your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01391-00289240-00289399 service to keep the records you may not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01392-00289400-00289551 keep 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01393-00289552-00289767 you can use that so i don't know if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01394-00289768-00289927 i think this may be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01395-00289928-00290087 and i don't know much about uk politics 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01396-00290088-00290247 but maybe you know leading up to an 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01397-00290248-00290471 election it may be some form of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01398-00290472-00290615 monitoring i don't know what kind of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01399-00290616-00291151 mongering fear or fish or something 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01400-00291152-00291399 and the fact is you're you you're not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01401-00291400-00291551 going to be able to remove from the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01402-00291552-00291639 world 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01403-00291640-00291815 methods of communication 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01404-00291816-00292110 that are secret you know i can develop a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01405-00292111-00292271 maybe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01406-00292272-00292534 maybe i'm a special person i can develop 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01407-00292535-00292751 ways of communicating with you you work 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01408-00292752-00292934 out right now they would not be able to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01409-00292935-00293191 crack um and people are going to expand 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01410-00293192-00293382 that and you can't do that in the u.s 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01411-00293383-00293743 freedom of speech 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01412-00293744-00293895 yeah it doesn't work either way i mean 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01413-00293896-00294103 because if you don't make the mandate 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01414-00294104-00294382 cover everyone then you have all kinds 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01415-00294383-00294543 of points where people can access the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01416-00294544-00294679 internet that they're not going to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01417-00294680-00294887 captured so why would they pay us 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01418-00294888-00295206 a monthly fee to you know have us 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01419-00295207-00295519 you know track them essentially right 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01420-00295520-00295703 um why wouldn't they use some other free 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01421-00295704-00295934 product that there is no you know that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01422-00295935-00296030 they're not covered by the man it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01423-00296031-00296215 doesn't make any sense and then 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01424-00296216-00296303 you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01425-00296304-00296495 if you there's also the other problem 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01426-00296496-00296671 which is if you just say okay well you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01427-00296672-00296863 couple companies you should do this then 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01428-00296864-00297095 you know frankly it's discriminatory and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01429-00297096-00297351 you're uh you're putting a burden on you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01430-00297352-00297615 know a handful of companies and that's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01431-00297616-00297806 really you know that really stifles 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01432-00297807-00297927 innovation and that's another 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01433-00297928-00298063 conversation we don't have to get into 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01434-00298064-00298182 today but it's a real concern when 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01435-00298183-00298343 you're dealing with technology company 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01436-00298344-00298495 and i can turn this into a confessional 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01437-00298496-00298727 really quick and say 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01438-00298728-00298854 i don't think i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01439-00298855-00299039 have a very good answer for the question 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01440-00299040-00299271 of what's the rule of law answer to get 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01441-00299272-00299471 access to communications of bandits that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01442-00299472-00299606 are using 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01443-00299607-00299806 arbitrary kinds 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01444-00299807-00300047 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01445-00300048-00300199 i don't know what that is i think on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01446-00300200-00300454 some level it's police work so if you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01447-00300455-00300654 look at the very satisfying answer if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01448-00300655-00300871 you look at the silver investigation it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01449-00300872-00301182 was extremely complicated involving 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01450-00301183-00301351 what are called mlas mutual legal 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01451-00301352-00301558 assistance treaties which allow one 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01452-00301559-00301719 country to request information from 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01453-00301720-00301854 another country that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01454-00301855-00301967 you know like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01455-00301968-00302095 normally you would use a judge in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01456-00302096-00302247 u.s you have to go through a complicated 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01457-00302248-00302399 process 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01458-00302400-00302623 involved so the silk road prosecution 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01459-00302624-00302839 you know tore and hidden services 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01460-00302840-00303015 towards it and atomizing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01461-00303016-00303151 gotta go check out torque if you don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01462-00303152-00303263 know what that if you've never heard 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01463-00303264-00303391 that before check it out it's cool way 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01464-00303392-00303534 to do things on the internet where no 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01465-00303535-00303710 one knows you're a dog sure unless you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01466-00303711-00303951 say i'm a dog 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01467-00303952-00304151 but they still wouldn't know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01468-00304152-00304415 they wouldn't know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01469-00304416-00304758 right you have to write some proof here 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01470-00304759-00304895 it's pretty hard 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01471-00304896-00305071 i don't know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01472-00305072-00305182 anyway so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01473-00305183-00305327 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01474-00305328-00305519 yeah 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01475-00305520-00305654 all right so let's just i want to take 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01476-00305655-00305791 questions from the audience just to wrap 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01477-00305792-00306023 up internationally so uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01478-00306024-00306199 we just talked about what's going on in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01479-00306200-00306375 the uk um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01480-00306376-00306623 this has been a long debate uh the uk 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01481-00306624-00306758 essentially there's there's almost no 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01482-00306759-00306975 way you can go in an urban area in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01483-00306976-00307295 uk that's not uh surveilled by close 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01484-00307296-00307758 circuit television 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01485-00307759-00308030 it's still surveillance 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01486-00308031-00308263 even if you're a dog or a sheep 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01487-00308264-00308430 still on the television 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01488-00308431-00308558 uh and then so this has changed the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01489-00308559-00308775 debate there so uh either you want to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01490-00308776-00308991 jump in on the uk or ireland or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01491-00308992-00309127 australia well sure i could talk a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01492-00309128-00309303 little bit in the sense that um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01493-00309304-00309767 the uk has had some pretty strong 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01494-00309768-00310039 access and retention laws since the 2000 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01495-00310040-00310230 2000 there was something called ripple 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01496-00310231-00310430 regulatory investigative as theater 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01497-00310431-00310551 powers act 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01498-00310552-00310695 um that basically 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01499-00310696-00310895 gives broad authority to you know not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01500-00310896-00311054 only just the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01501-00311055-00311175 uk 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01502-00311176-00311495 sort of federal government but to like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01503-00311496-00311710 strange things like the local water 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01504-00311711-00311919 board where they can get access to your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01505-00311920-00312143 actual content communications 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01506-00312144-00312334 the demand of the service provider allow 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01507-00312335-00312534 that or create the capability within 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01508-00312535-00312775 their tool which really developed me to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01509-00312776-00312991 do that stuff um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01510-00312992-00313182 curiously enough the court of justice of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01511-00313183-00313534 the european union last year 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01512-00313535-00313687 examined in this case called digital 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01513-00313688-00314071 rights in ireland examined a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01514-00314072-00314310 the eu data retention directive so every 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01515-00314311-00314495 eu member state had to come up with a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01516-00314496-00314751 law about data retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01517-00314752-00314934 and to completely invalidate it said 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01518-00314935-00315151 this is fundamentally analytical to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01519-00315152-00315358 human rights to freedom of expression 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01520-00315359-00315454 you know there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01521-00315455-00315679 very these logs you're keeping are very 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01522-00315680-00315830 sensitive records of what people do and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01523-00315831-00315958 where they go 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01524-00315959-00316191 um a number of eu states since then had 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01525-00316192-00316367 sort of taken that opportunity to just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01526-00316368-00316534 get rid of their laws like oh great we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01527-00316535-00316623 don't have to do it anymore we're not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01528-00316624-00316751 going to do it at all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01529-00316752-00316871 you guys don't have to do that service 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01530-00316872-00316975 providers 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01531-00316976-00317239 the uk actually went and amended and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01532-00317240-00317415 came up with essentially a targeted data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01533-00317416-00317599 retention statute 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01534-00317600-00317854 that is targeted in that paradigm quotes 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01535-00317855-00318215 in that they can you can demand that a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01536-00318216-00318463 whole class of people have their data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01537-00318464-00318606 retained 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01538-00318607-00318854 well how could that possibly go well it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01539-00318855-00319054 could go very well 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01540-00319055-00319282 such as i'm 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01541-00319283-00319527 not feel free to think of your own 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01542-00319528-00319775 example you're throwing me off here 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01543-00319776-00319847 uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01544-00319848-00320023 the muslim community you may say for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01545-00320024-00320343 example these people have a higher 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01546-00320344-00320454 chance of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01547-00320455-00320671 being militants or whatever and they can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01548-00320672-00321751 say 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01549-00321752-00321871 now and then something i'll describe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01550-00321872-00322063 really briefly is uk has a new data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01551-00322064-00322295 retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01552-00322296-00322495 draft bill called the counter-terrorism 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01553-00322496-00322719 and securities cst 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01554-00322720-00322999 act that is beyond crazy and i'm sorry 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01555-00323000-00323134 if you're feeling care if you have the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01556-00323135-00323375 real affinity for uk law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01557-00323376-00323471 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01558-00323472-00323799 if 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01559-00323800-00324047 in the sense that it basically 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01560-00324048-00324151 uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01561-00324152-00324271 make 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01562-00324272-00324430 communication service providers so not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01563-00324431-00324575 just internet service providers but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01564-00324576-00324743 anyone who offers a communication 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01565-00324744-00324919 service in the uk which i think can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01566-00324920-00325206 reach the small guys perhaps 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01567-00325207-00325503 you would have to record the identity 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01568-00325504-00325575 the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01569-00325576-00325758 location and i think that's geographic 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01570-00325759-00325943 locations they don't specify it there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01571-00325944-00326103 a bunch of different notions of location 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01572-00326104-00326334 you can use there and a few other things 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01573-00326335-00326543 every time they allocate an ip address 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01574-00326544-00326710 so when you turn on your mobile phone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01575-00326711-00326951 the first thing it does to be able to uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01576-00326952-00327143 communicate over the internet is it gets 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01577-00327144-00327358 from your service provider an address on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01578-00327359-00327503 the internet it's just like your phone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01579-00327504-00327695 number you know if i call your phone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01580-00327696-00327839 number it's going to hit your phone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01581-00327840-00327958 because there's only 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01582-00327959-00328119 hopefully unless you're using google 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01583-00328120-00328287 voice early there's only one phone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01584-00328288-00328479 number that corresponds to that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01585-00328480-00328615 it's very similar on the internet you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01586-00328616-00328799 have to be given an ip address internet 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01587-00328800-00328982 protocol address so that the packets 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01588-00328983-00329327 that you're asking for and sending come 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01589-00329328-00329495 and go to just one place instead of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01590-00329496-00329671 punch places at once 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01591-00329672-00329806 so every time you do that you have to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01592-00329807-00329982 record the person's identity and some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01593-00329983-00330119 things connect to the network there are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01594-00330120-00330375 no humans behind how do you even that we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01595-00330376-00330910 don't there maybe only 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01596-00330911-00331071 there are autonomous systems that can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01597-00331072-00331247 connect to the internet that don't have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01598-00331248-00331423 a human driving test because it's all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01599-00331424-00331599 the time in fact your 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01600-00331600-00331799 your wireless 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01601-00331800-00331934 access point 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01602-00331935-00332103 a very similar thing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01603-00332104-00332287 they may they have to associate that to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01604-00332288-00332423 you if your identity is being the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01605-00332424-00332623 homeowner or whatever 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01606-00332624-00332854 location like how do you it's just crazy 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01607-00332855-00333110 the systems are not built the one hey we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01608-00333111-00333287 just gave you an ipad address you tell 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01609-00333288-00333463 me who you are hey by the way where are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01610-00333464-00333639 you you know i mean you're almost gonna 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01611-00333640-00333815 have to survey folks to do that stuff 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01612-00333816-00333982 anyway we submitted a founding on that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01613-00333983-00334103 i'm happy to share it with anyone who 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01614-00334104-00334295 needs to see that it was a lot of fun to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01615-00334296-00334503 write because it was just so crazy okay 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01616-00334504-00334663 uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01617-00334664-00334863 take questions from the audience 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01618-00334864-00335071 questions from the audience 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01619-00335072-00335303 uh dogs first 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01620-00335304-00335647 anyone 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01621-00335648-00337406 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01622-00337407-00337606 we collect whatever we want and we can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01623-00337607-00337758 lose it as we please then we can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01624-00337759-00337975 disclose it as we please and it's all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01625-00337976-00338175 fine no one has any rights unless 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01626-00338176-00338343 they're harmed unless they can prove 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01627-00338344-00338551 that they're harmed in which case then 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01628-00338552-00338734 will be held accountable but otherwise 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01629-00338735-00338982 it's all fine this is a pretty common 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01630-00338983-00339087 argument 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01631-00339088-00339247 uh among some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01632-00339248-00339454 um seems to me that's the same item that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01633-00339455-00339663 the nsa is making it's okay if we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01634-00339664-00339847 collect all this data if somebody's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01635-00339848-00340047 harmed if we do something improperly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01636-00340048-00340191 either hold us accountable whether 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01637-00340192-00340439 that's possible or not remains to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01638-00340440-00340591 seen but in theory 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01639-00340592-00340767 that's true it seems to me it's the same 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01640-00340768-00341039 argument um the people in the business 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01641-00341040-00341247 community that are saying people don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01642-00341248-00341471 have any rights unless they're harmed 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01643-00341472-00341663 who are arguing against 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01644-00341664-00341927 data retention seems to me that they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01645-00341928-00342134 highly inconsistent positions i think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01646-00342135-00342319 there's some differences so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01647-00342320-00342575 for example 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01648-00342576-00342799 t-mobile appears to be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01649-00342800-00343071 a cell provider that doesn't do a lot of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01650-00343072-00343319 those things that i i'm not a people 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01651-00343320-00343519 customer but you know they claim that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01652-00343520-00343671 they do not keep 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01653-00343672-00343823 so for example verizon who am the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01654-00343824-00344023 customer 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01655-00344024-00344287 keeps precise geolocation information 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01656-00344288-00344695 every url you visit and um every place 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01657-00344696-00345023 you tap on your mobile phone and they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01658-00345024-00345175 sit you know they claim they don't share 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01659-00345176-00345343 this with other partners which is great 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01660-00345344-00345471 because i'd like to see people saying we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01661-00345472-00345606 don't do things because then we can hold 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01662-00345607-00345767 them accountable 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01663-00345768-00345903 we're doing those things 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01664-00345904-00346127 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01665-00346128-00346391 so at least in those cases you you may 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01666-00346392-00346503 have a choice as long as what's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01667-00346504-00346623 happening is really what's happening and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01668-00346624-00346743 it's hard to tell it's very hard like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01669-00346744-00346895 verizon was doing this crazy super 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01670-00346896-00347039 creepy crap anyway don't worry about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01671-00347040-00347282 that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01672-00347283-00347495 um so presumably in the business context 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01673-00347496-00347654 you could make a choice 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01674-00347655-00347734 to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01675-00347735-00347982 to to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01676-00347983-00348134 and i know some people do not have cell 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01677-00348135-00348295 phones there are some people in this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01678-00348296-00348575 group who don't know themselves 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01679-00348576-00348734 but they have made a choice to not even 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01680-00348735-00348878 make that choice and opt out of that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01681-00348879-00348967 system 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01682-00348968-00349134 i think the national security context is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01683-00349135-00349287 increasingly going to be one word 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01684-00349288-00349430 there's no way you can remove yourself 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01685-00349431-00349606 from that and it's not like you're going 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01686-00349607-00349734 to move to another country because it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01687-00349735-00349927 almost even worse because you can do 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01688-00349928-00350151 crazy things if you're not on u.s soil 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01689-00350152-00350343 do you you know they could 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01690-00350344-00350510 they don't need more they don't need any 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01691-00350511-00350775 u.s judicial process to get access to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01692-00350776-00350999 your stuff even though they have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01693-00351000-00351199 some secret court that does something 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01694-00351200-00351343 so i think that that's one big 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01695-00351344-00351534 difference 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01696-00351535-00351719 i think from the perspective of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01697-00351720-00351830 businesses 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01698-00351831-00352047 um i would say that i don't see any 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01699-00352048-00352230 inconsistent positions when it comes to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01700-00352231-00352454 data retention and frankly i've been 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01701-00352455-00352758 doing this myself since 2000 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01702-00352759-00353063 2000 and we have consistently kept the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01703-00353064-00353415 same position on data retention so um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01704-00353416-00353703 i guess what i would say is that people 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01705-00353704-00353791 are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01706-00353792-00353982 consumers of services for a variety of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01707-00353983-00354158 different reasons and businesses offer 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01708-00354159-00354351 all kinds of different services and when 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01709-00354352-00354630 you decide to participate in whatever it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01710-00354631-00354991 is that service is there are disclosures 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01711-00354992-00355134 like privacy policies in terms of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01712-00355135-00355423 service and if you choose to accept them 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01713-00355424-00355630 to participate in the service or if you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01714-00355631-00355847 choose to pay for a service then you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01715-00355848-00356006 know it's under the guidelines provided 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01716-00356007-00356151 by that company 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01717-00356152-00356310 um so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01718-00356311-00356527 i you know i think that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01719-00356528-00356678 steadfastly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01720-00356679-00356895 guarding the privacy of our users has 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01721-00356896-00357063 been something that you know we have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01722-00357064-00357367 worked very closely with people from cdt 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01723-00357368-00357591 clu and imposed a lot of really 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01724-00357592-00357791 important things on the hill over the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01725-00357792-00358023 past many many years and i don't think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01726-00358024-00358287 that my companies have it any other way 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01727-00358288-00358478 i'll speak up for double standards here 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01728-00358479-00358671 since it's not inconsistent it's double 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01729-00358672-00358887 standard and there's a reason for that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01730-00358888-00359103 t-mobile doesn't have an army 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01731-00359104-00359247 or police 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01732-00359248-00359415 right t-mobile is not going to put you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01733-00359416-00359671 in jail you can leave t-mobile 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01734-00359672-00359895 and go to some other character right 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01735-00359896-00360078 there's a big difference here this is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01736-00360079-00360271 this is this is i'll speak up as a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01737-00360272-00360382 libertarian 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01738-00360383-00360654 for for the simple idea that rights are 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01739-00360655-00360791 things that we exercise against 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01740-00360792-00360919 government 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01741-00360920-00361071 right and for very good reason because 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01742-00361072-00361247 government has a monopoly over the power 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01743-00361248-00361423 of force 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01744-00361424-00361615 and when it comes to private companies 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01745-00361616-00361839 there may be harms there may be reasons 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01746-00361840-00362006 that government should regulate them and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01747-00362007-00362158 should protect us 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01748-00362159-00362487 but uh to call those rights confuses the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01749-00362488-00362682 issue and conflates to very different 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01750-00362683-00362943 things so i don't have a problem with a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01751-00362944-00363078 double standard there but this is why i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01752-00363079-00363278 was trying to ask those questions about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01753-00363279-00363551 what what it is that's worse about uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01754-00363552-00363815 being required as a company to keep data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01755-00363816-00363975 rather than somebody keeping them in 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01756-00363976-00364143 your own 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01757-00364144-00364271 heard that there are actually some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01758-00364272-00364439 significant differences i mean there is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01759-00364440-00364606 difference in format and its 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01760-00364607-00364975 accessibility uh difference in uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01761-00364976-00365151 specifically but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01762-00365152-00365343 many people who are advocating for data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01763-00365344-00365478 retention mandates will say private 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01764-00365479-00365630 companies already retain it but in fact 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01765-00365631-00365839 part of what i took away from what joe 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01766-00365840-00365951 was describing is that what they're 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01767-00365952-00366119 really talking about is having private 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01768-00366120-00366351 companies create a second version of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01769-00366352-00366671 their database potentially or a backdoor 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01770-00366672-00366854 or some other means for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01771-00366855-00367047 the government to access it which makes 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01772-00367048-00367247 it more vulnerable which eases 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01773-00367248-00367454 government's access to it and that that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01774-00367455-00367639 could be misused for all sorts of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01775-00367640-00367767 reasons and we didn't talk about this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01776-00367768-00368078 specifically but the fact that uh nsa 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01777-00368079-00368295 employees were researching their 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01778-00368296-00368551 potential love interests it pretty 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01779-00368552-00368791 clearly demonstrates that um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01780-00368792-00368887 however 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01781-00368888-00369151 uh access controls might theory work 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01782-00369152-00369343 inside government they're clearly not 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01783-00369344-00369527 working very well how freaking creepy is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01784-00369528-00369654 that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01785-00369655-00369743 right 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01786-00369744-00369919 so and i'll confuse it even further and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01787-00369920-00370039 say that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01788-00370040-00370358 uh uh at cdt we think that it's not just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01789-00370359-00370567 about harms there are privacy interests 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01790-00370568-00370719 you have that are implicated before any 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01791-00370720-00370958 uses made after collection and so we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01792-00370959-00371615 wrote a whole paper and i'm sure 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01793-00371616-00371782 you know you could collect something and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01794-00371783-00371927 never use it have a breach you can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01795-00371928-00372039 collect something and never use it the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01796-00372040-00372158 government comes and asks for it you can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01797-00372159-00372310 collect something and never use it and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01798-00372311-00372471 an employee is snooping on stuff in the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01799-00372472-00372663 database and there's something else 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01800-00372664-00372799 oh chilling effect you know you can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01801-00372800-00372919 collect something and never use it just 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01802-00372920-00373054 the fact that you've collected could 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01803-00373055-00373182 could result in people changing their 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01804-00373183-00373415 behavior that may not be a harm but it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01805-00373416-00373534 definitely is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01806-00373535-00373687 something that would rather not happen 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01807-00373688-00373806 if you don't have to do that we don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01808-00373807-00373934 want to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01809-00373935-00374127 do that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01810-00374128-00374278 one more question 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01811-00374279-00374367 um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01812-00374368-00374582 it kind of stems from as a as a hosting 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01813-00374583-00374758 provider somebody who has that data i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01814-00374759-00374967 see two very distinct differences 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01815-00374968-00375078 between 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01816-00375079-00375215 obviously when we're talking about data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01817-00375216-00375327 retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01818-00375328-00375575 it more goes into but criminal and civil 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01819-00375576-00375782 are two very different things here and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01820-00375783-00375967 honestly being in business for since 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01821-00375968-00376247 1995 and doing this it's very cut and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01822-00376248-00376575 dry adhere to the law you get you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01823-00376576-00376758 when somebody comes in and a judge sat 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01824-00376759-00376967 down and said there is sufficient cause 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01825-00376968-00377247 for us to to to go after some data and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01826-00377248-00377415 i'm presented with a warrant i have to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01827-00377416-00377567 give that information over and it's been 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01828-00377568-00377710 looked over and it's been vetted et 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01829-00377711-00377878 cetera et cetera it's very different at 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01830-00377879-00378023 the subpoena case and of course now you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01831-00378024-00378175 go into internationally and everything 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01832-00378176-00378351 else um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01833-00378352-00378510 it's horribly different there i mean and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01834-00378511-00378678 it is from the theory of you have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01835-00378679-00378847 everything so just give us everything 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01836-00378848-00379023 and that's not how it works especially 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01837-00379024-00379158 for companies who are concerned about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01838-00379159-00379495 privacy of their data we spoke to where 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01839-00379496-00379758 this information is stored um we you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01840-00379759-00379895 said something about the small companies 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01841-00379896-00380110 we were talking about you know you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01842-00380111-00380230 if it doesn't don't if it doesn't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01843-00380231-00380382 include the little guys doesn't matter 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01844-00380383-00380606 so an association that i'm a part of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01845-00380607-00380839 represents more than you can imagine 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01846-00380840-00380982 tens of thousands of these small 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01847-00380983-00381254 companies and they don't just host local 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01848-00381255-00381391 flower shops and everything else they 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01849-00381392-00381527 host major sites like amnesty 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01850-00381528-00381782 international or even large healthcare 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01851-00381783-00382015 or organizations and so they don't have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01852-00382016-00382199 yeah exactly and so they don't have the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01853-00382200-00382439 infrastructure to be able to do some of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01854-00382440-00382582 these if you like if you will say 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01855-00382583-00382830 mandated data storage on that side but 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01856-00382831-00383063 what we do have is the exact same laws 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01857-00383064-00383191 that we've always had in place that we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01858-00383192-00383319 adhere to which is if there's a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01859-00383320-00383463 preservation order we do exactly like 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01860-00383464-00383678 you said i mean this is cut and dry 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01861-00383679-00383902 information when it comes down to it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01862-00383903-00384151 if there had to be a the information 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01863-00384152-00384310 must be stored i mean i preserve data 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01864-00384311-00384406 all the time and when i give it to them 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01865-00384407-00384567 they go what do i do with this tape i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01866-00384568-00384710 don't even know what what the disease 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01867-00384711-00384910 for you ask for the data there's the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01868-00384911-00385087 data i've complied my attorneys have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01869-00385088-00385254 said i've complied so you're right and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01870-00385255-00385382 law enforcement looks at us and says 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01871-00385383-00385558 please just don't give me a tape here's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01872-00385559-00385719 what i want you know or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01873-00385720-00385910 or whatever it is so so it is finding 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01874-00385911-00386119 that balance but i mean i think a big 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01875-00386120-00386295 issue on here is criminal versus civil 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01876-00386296-00386502 with criminals very easy i'm telling you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01877-00386503-00386751 it's it's a cut and dry issue it's i can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01878-00386752-00386958 put a dollar amount on it every day for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01879-00386959-00387230 civil it's completely different and all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01880-00387231-00387367 of the stuff that we're talking about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01881-00387368-00387639 involves so many civil agencies you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01882-00387640-00387775 that it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01883-00387776-00387934 i i don't know like you said kate what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01884-00387935-00388182 do you do where do you build this i mean 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01885-00388183-00388382 i could never i mean i could probably 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01886-00388383-00388551 pack up my company after 20 some odd 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01887-00388552-00388702 years if i had to create a mandate to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01888-00388703-00388863 store this kind of data i wouldn't be 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01889-00388864-00389023 able to do it i mean there's two there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01890-00389024-00389334 two problems with civil right one volume 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01891-00389335-00389599 but two there's no clarity yeah there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01892-00389600-00389815 absolutely no clarity just you know i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01893-00389816-00389910 mean 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01894-00389911-00390199 to be specific people invoke epa a lot 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01895-00390200-00390358 of times in store communications act 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01896-00390359-00390647 however echo's not a regulatory statute 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01897-00390648-00390854 over providers it doesn't tell us what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01898-00390855-00391110 to do and how it is a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01899-00391111-00391358 a criminal statute that tells the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01900-00391359-00391615 government under what circumstances with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01901-00391616-00391839 what pro 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01902-00391840-00392087 actual legal process they can 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01903-00392088-00392334 obtain certain categories of data from 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01904-00392335-00392551 certain kinds of providers and i think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01905-00392552-00392719 that's a huge misunderstanding a lot of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01906-00392720-00392863 the time that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01907-00392864-00393063 people think that ekba gives us a road 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01908-00393064-00393310 map for how we are to deal with civil 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01909-00393311-00393478 and that is simply not true and there 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01910-00393479-00393719 are huge variations 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01911-00393720-00393927 when it comes to providers and what is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01912-00393928-00394119 disclosed under what circumstances and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01913-00394120-00394415 it's it is legally fraught it's it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01914-00394416-00394775 there's a lot of um conflicting case law 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01915-00394776-00395023 it is a really tough area for providers 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01916-00395024-00395271 to do compliance in civil but to speak 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01917-00395272-00395399 on ecba for example i mean that was 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01918-00395400-00395663 written back in 1985 you know they had 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01919-00395664-00395839 no idea that what i'm holding in my hand 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01920-00395840-00396063 right now etc etc so when it comes down 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01921-00396064-00396239 to it you're right and then as we look 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01922-00396240-00396447 to make those things better you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01923-00396448-00396599 again the first thing that happens is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01924-00396600-00396758 you start cutting up and you start 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01925-00396759-00397030 saying okay well this doesn't apply to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01926-00397031-00397271 the latest season you're like well 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01927-00397272-00397463 okay you might just grab one on this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01928-00397464-00397606 panel 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01929-00397607-00397823 yeah exactly it's but it's that same old 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01930-00397824-00397982 thing so again where do we you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01931-00397983-00398134 where do we come to it again i think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01932-00398135-00398295 that if you talk to the people that have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01933-00398296-00398487 the data and we've already said it we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01934-00398488-00398687 want to comply we want to catch bad guys 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01935-00398688-00398943 i think if you talk too long 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01936-00398944-00399078 and if you talk to law enforcement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01937-00399079-00399295 honestly i will say this wholeheartedly 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01938-00399296-00399430 when we deal with them at this level 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01939-00399431-00399599 they don't want all the information that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01940-00399600-00399695 you're that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01941-00399696-00399895 that they're getting they want specific 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01942-00399896-00400039 information and they'll tell you flat 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01943-00400040-00400334 out they can't get to it so i mean is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01944-00400335-00400482 data retention at that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01945-00400483-00400727 level may be no needle 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01946-00400728-00401054 for sure you can still look 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01947-00401055-00401247 so a prettiest question 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01948-00401248-00401439 two ways uh one is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01949-00401440-00401663 does uh does data retention uh what do 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01950-00401664-00401895 you practice require echo reform to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01951-00401896-00402167 ensure that law enforcement can't get 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01952-00402168-00402382 such easy access to whatever data might 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01953-00402383-00402591 be required to be maintained if there is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01954-00402592-00402719 going to be some form of general 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01955-00402720-00402854 attention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01956-00402855-00403087 or to put the question a different way 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01957-00403088-00403271 is it possible that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01958-00403272-00403430 law enforcement has really been playing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01959-00403431-00403663 hardball in the senate uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01960-00403664-00403871 on on equal reform they didn't talked 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01961-00403872-00404006 about having the cargo for civil 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01962-00404007-00404206 agencies to get access to data but it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01963-00404207-00404358 not clear what else they wanted what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01964-00404359-00404591 else does it take to get echo reform to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01965-00404592-00404791 actually move and there's always been a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01966-00404792-00404910 fear that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01967-00404911-00405134 equal reform ends up getting bundled as 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01968-00405135-00405319 part of a larger package where there's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01969-00405320-00405527 some horse trading and it only finally 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01970-00405528-00405671 gets through in exchange for debt and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01971-00405672-00405767 retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01972-00405768-00405863 you know i've been in this town for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01973-00405864-00406095 three and a half years and i am amazed 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01974-00406096-00406271 at how 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01975-00406272-00406615 even when you have 270 some co-sponsors 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01976-00406616-00406815 on a bill this is the overpowers this is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01977-00406816-00407134 one of the moments of equity before 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01978-00407135-00407302 something could not happen it's a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01979-00407303-00407582 veto-approved majority and it's 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01980-00407583-00407719 i think what baron says law enforcement 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01981-00407720-00407871 has a lot to do with it yeah 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01982-00407872-00407982 well law enforcement in these 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01983-00407983-00408239 simulations too right ftc scc stepping 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01984-00408240-00408430 up and saying you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01985-00408431-00408558 we're not a criminal agency we don't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01986-00408559-00408671 have the authority of this but we want 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01987-00408672-00408839 to be able to not have to go to a judge 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01988-00408840-00409087 to get access to this stuff in the cloud 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01989-00409088-00409287 that's anything that's bogus because 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01990-00409288-00409415 yeah and just because it's there doesn't 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01991-00409416-00409543 mean you should get access to without 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01992-00409544-00409759 some sort of process and so you have 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01993-00409760-00410030 some really good questions 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01994-00410031-00410222 i mean the civil agency question when it 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01995-00410223-00410430 comes to being a hurdle for passing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01996-00410431-00410678 equity reform is a is a real one because 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01997-00410679-00410982 it has stymied the entire process um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01998-00410983-00411263 you know i think eradicating the 180-day 8wLmi3Tbsmk-01999-00411264-00411470 rule is an important thing that is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02000-00411471-00411703 generally agreed upon by all 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02001-00411704-00411903 kinds of parties but there are some 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02002-00411904-00412078 unanswered questions 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02003-00412079-00412166 about 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02004-00412167-00412399 what is content what wouldn't be content 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02005-00412400-00412574 and then there is this civil agency 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02006-00412575-00412870 question and i'm not sure that process 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02007-00412871-00412991 wise 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02008-00412992-00413143 congress will move forward on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02009-00413143-00413287 legislation until some of those 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02010-00413288-00413510 questions are answered 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02011-00413512-00413734 even with that many co-sponsors yeah i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02012-00413735-00413999 will only point out uh joe said this 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02013-00414000-00414191 very briefly i just had to point out 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02014-00414192-00414382 that appears to be the case that the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02015-00414383-00414591 federal trade commission uh which you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02016-00414592-00414766 know may people in this room look to to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02017-00414767-00414943 protect our privacy is in fact holding 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02018-00414943-00415222 up that report 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02019-00415223-00415374 so one of the few 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02020-00415375-00415639 things uh yes and in reality those 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02021-00415639-00416039 agencies do do very important um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02022-00416039-00416214 investigations but they are certain 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02023-00416215-00416566 agencies so it is it is a question that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02024-00416567-00416782 should be addressed 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02025-00416783-00416959 and it may be a question for congress to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02026-00416960-00417174 address they may need to be the ones to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02027-00417175-00417382 draw on the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02028-00417383-00417639 well that's it with courtney jones uh 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02029-00417639-00417966 any final questions for our panel 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02030-00417967-00418159 uh if not let me just ask you just to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02031-00418160-00418430 wrap things up um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02032-00418431-00418559 so what do you think what do you think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02033-00418560-00418703 is going to happen 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02034-00418704-00418847 going forward what do you what do you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02035-00418847-00418991 want 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02036-00418992-00419166 well i guess i'll just mention one thing 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02037-00419167-00419463 that hasn't come up today um you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02038-00419464-00419791 federal data retention mandates um or 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02039-00419792-00419966 something that you know we have a huge 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02040-00419967-00420191 constituency of concerned citizens who 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02041-00420192-00420399 can participate in working on those 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02042-00420400-00420614 issues but i just will point out that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02043-00420615-00420807 you know frequently and right now is the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02044-00420808-00420951 time when the states are in session we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02045-00420952-00421199 do see a lot of state bills dealing with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02046-00421200-00421399 uh mandatory data retention for service 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02047-00421400-00421591 providers on a local you know on the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02048-00421592-00421807 state level and that is 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02049-00421808-00422103 even more problematic for providers so 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02050-00422104-00422303 you know as we go from january through 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02051-00422304-00422447 june i would just say keep an eye out 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02052-00422447-00422751 for some of those and you know um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02053-00422752-00422943 and that will give you a taste of you 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02054-00422943-00423110 know the kinds of data retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02055-00423112-00423214 advantage that you'll probably see on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02056-00423215-00423351 the federal level 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02057-00423352-00423543 yeah you know i don't think 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02058-00423543-00423695 much is going to happen but i'm the 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02059-00423696-00424087 technologist 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02060-00424088-00424214 but it seems like other things have a 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02061-00424215-00424335 little bit more 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02062-00424335-00424527 moxie behind them like uh cyber 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02063-00424528-00424695 information sharing which here crap out 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02064-00424696-00424863 of me um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02065-00424864-00425063 but this is a different issue um what 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02066-00425064-00425327 i'd like to see happen is your polis to 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02067-00425328-00425503 be reintroduced with all the people that 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02068-00425504-00425683 were on it before in the past and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02069-00425684-00425863 everybody that's set for reform echo 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02070-00425864-00426103 reform sorry the email privacy act um 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02071-00426104-00426431 i'd like to see the 215 database sort of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02072-00426432-00426639 poster child of current national 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02073-00426639-00426807 security data retention 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02074-00426808-00427039 just totally eliminated or then to step 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02075-00427039-00427159 up and say here 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02076-00427160-00427270 are you know 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02077-00427271-00427463 i don't know i need something 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02078-00427464-00427735 that proves that this is useful um and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02079-00427735-00427879 it doesn't need to give away sources and 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02080-00427880-00428199 methods or put anyone in danger but we 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02081-00428200-00428359 you got it this is what how public 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02082-00428360-00428510 policy is you gotta have benefits for 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02083-00428512-00428918 for costs well uh section 215 does 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02084-00428919-00428999 it does 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02085-00429000-00429255 sunset uh at the end of 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02086-00429256-00429479 june so something's going to happen on 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02087-00429480-00429743 all these issues so we'll see uh i 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02088-00429743-00429966 suspect sometime in late may 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02089-00429967-00430310 what congress actually comes up with 8wLmi3Tbsmk-02090-00430312-00430635 god's help 8-oKnvFrVXc-00000-00000224-00000342 okay given that we 8-oKnvFrVXc-00001-00000343-00000503 have we're trying to build a feedback 8-oKnvFrVXc-00002-00000504-00000734 controller what is its goal what does it 8-oKnvFrVXc-00003-00000735-00000862 want to do 8-oKnvFrVXc-00004-00000863-00001183 so the goal of a feedback controller of 8-oKnvFrVXc-00005-00001184-00001439 actually of any control is to ensure 8-oKnvFrVXc-00006-00001440-00001487 that 8-oKnvFrVXc-00007-00001488-00001839 y equals r in other words the output 8-oKnvFrVXc-00008-00001839-00002191 y matches the reference at all times 8-oKnvFrVXc-00009-00002192-00002447 in fact we have a disturbance w so we 8-oKnvFrVXc-00010-00002448-00002542 want to say 8-oKnvFrVXc-00011-00002543-00002950 y equals r despite w 8-oKnvFrVXc-00012-00002951-00003279 that would be the ideal situation 8-oKnvFrVXc-00013-00003279-00003583 um so 8-oKnvFrVXc-00014-00003584-00003743 of course this is not going to happen 8-oKnvFrVXc-00015-00003744-00003903 all the time so let's go back to our 8-oKnvFrVXc-00016-00003904-00004111 example of the temperature controller so 8-oKnvFrVXc-00017-00004112-00004231 here is time 8-oKnvFrVXc-00018-00004232-00004519 and here is the temperature and our 8-oKnvFrVXc-00019-00004520-00004622 reference value 8-oKnvFrVXc-00020-00004623-00004895 r is this so this is r let's say 25 8-oKnvFrVXc-00021-00004896-00004975 degrees 8-oKnvFrVXc-00022-00004976-00005206 and that's r and what you're showing me 8-oKnvFrVXc-00023-00005207-00005415 is temperature which is y 8-oKnvFrVXc-00024-00005416-00005654 and what we want to do is that we want 8-oKnvFrVXc-00025-00005655-00005831 the temperature to always be at that 8-oKnvFrVXc-00026-00005832-00005959 value 8-oKnvFrVXc-00027-00005960-00006070 and we're not going to be able to 8-oKnvFrVXc-00028-00006071-00006367 achieve it but what can we achieve 8-oKnvFrVXc-00029-00006368-00006567 is that let us say that the temperature 8-oKnvFrVXc-00030-00006568-00006719 is over here and 8-oKnvFrVXc-00031-00006720-00007070 it stays here and it drops 8-oKnvFrVXc-00032-00007072-00007391 due to disturbance w then at this point 8-oKnvFrVXc-00033-00007392-00007559 obviously we're not meeting the 8-oKnvFrVXc-00034-00007559-00007910 criterion um we'd like to get back 8-oKnvFrVXc-00035-00007911-00008287 to our or close to it fairly soon 8-oKnvFrVXc-00036-00008288-00008591 and so let's say that we're within 95 8-oKnvFrVXc-00037-00008592-00008999 of the uh reference value it takes some 8-oKnvFrVXc-00038-00009000-00009151 time over here so that's called the 8-oKnvFrVXc-00039-00009152-00009271 delta t 8-oKnvFrVXc-00040-00009272-00009542 this is called the settling time this is 8-oKnvFrVXc-00041-00009543-00009655 how long 8-oKnvFrVXc-00042-00009656-00009942 it takes before the system gets back 8-oKnvFrVXc-00043-00009943-00010014 into 8-oKnvFrVXc-00044-00010015-00010342 a reasonable approximation of our 8-oKnvFrVXc-00045-00010343-00010687 design goal and then it's possible 8-oKnvFrVXc-00046-00010688-00010991 that after we enforce the control we 8-oKnvFrVXc-00047-00010992-00011159 don't actually stay there 8-oKnvFrVXc-00048-00011160-00011438 but we're slightly off and this gap over 8-oKnvFrVXc-00049-00011439-00011519 here 8-oKnvFrVXc-00050-00011520-00011742 will be the steady state error and it's 8-oKnvFrVXc-00051-00011743-00011887 possible that there will be a steady 8-oKnvFrVXc-00052-00011888-00012438 state error 8-oKnvFrVXc-00053-00012439-00012678 now we are making some effort in order 8-oKnvFrVXc-00054-00012679-00012751 to get 8-oKnvFrVXc-00055-00012752-00012902 from here to there so there's some 8-oKnvFrVXc-00056-00012903-00013079 control effort over here 8-oKnvFrVXc-00057-00013080-00013207 and an additional goal that you 8-oKnvFrVXc-00058-00013208-00013430 sometimes have is to minimize 8-oKnvFrVXc-00059-00013431-00013807 the control effort 8-oKnvFrVXc-00060-00013808-00014175 if you can't do that because typically a 8-oKnvFrVXc-00061-00014176-00014366 control effort costs you 8-oKnvFrVXc-00062-00014368-00014719 uh in energy or actually one 8-oKnvFrVXc-00063-00014719-00015055 is a monetary cost to it okay so 8-oKnvFrVXc-00064-00015056-00015358 let's compare sort of three systems uh 8-oKnvFrVXc-00065-00015359-00015663 and which have slightly different setups 8-oKnvFrVXc-00066-00015663-00015807 and see how they behave 8-oKnvFrVXc-00067-00015808-00015999 so the first system is an uncontrolled 8-oKnvFrVXc-00068-00016000-00016255 system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00069-00016256-00016607 and another system would be a 8-oKnvFrVXc-00070-00016608-00017030 feedback control system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00071-00017031-00017230 and then the other one is what you can 8-oKnvFrVXc-00072-00017231-00017463 think of as a predictive 8-oKnvFrVXc-00073-00017464-00017903 uh system predictive control system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00074-00017904-00018263 control system so in uncontrolled system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00075-00018264-00018399 so let us say we take the 8-oKnvFrVXc-00076-00018400-00018719 same graph over here so 8-oKnvFrVXc-00077-00018720-00019094 here is the temperature y and here's the 8-oKnvFrVXc-00078-00019095-00019430 time t and that's the reference over 8-oKnvFrVXc-00079-00019431-00019527 here 8-oKnvFrVXc-00080-00019528-00019758 and again as before we will start like 8-oKnvFrVXc-00081-00019759-00019847 this 8-oKnvFrVXc-00082-00019848-00020150 and we get a disturbance at this time w 8-oKnvFrVXc-00083-00020151-00020447 which was the temperature down with the 8-oKnvFrVXc-00084-00020448-00020671 uncontrolled system we're basically 8-oKnvFrVXc-00085-00020672-00020911 not going to recover because there's 8-oKnvFrVXc-00086-00020912-00021047 nothing that 8-oKnvFrVXc-00087-00021048-00021247 there's no way for the system to even 8-oKnvFrVXc-00088-00021248-00021511 know that the output does not match the 8-oKnvFrVXc-00089-00021512-00021567 input 8-oKnvFrVXc-00090-00021568-00021863 and so an uncontrolled system leads to a 8-oKnvFrVXc-00091-00021864-00022055 very large error the settling time is 8-oKnvFrVXc-00092-00022056-00022239 infinite and the steady state error 8-oKnvFrVXc-00093-00022240-00022543 can be also unbounded okay so let's try 8-oKnvFrVXc-00094-00022544-00022647 to make things a bit 8-oKnvFrVXc-00095-00022648-00022878 better in the feedback control system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00096-00022879-00023086 ideally we'd like to go have a graph 8-oKnvFrVXc-00097-00023087-00023214 that looks like that it 8-oKnvFrVXc-00098-00023215-00023486 quickly achieves its its value over here 8-oKnvFrVXc-00099-00023487-00023678 and within a fairly short period of time 8-oKnvFrVXc-00100-00023679-00023830 it achieves the right things that would 8-oKnvFrVXc-00101-00023831-00024022 be the feedback control system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00102-00024023-00024191 but we also have the possibility of 8-oKnvFrVXc-00103-00024192-00024463 building a predictive control system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00104-00024464-00024791 which says if at times if at this time 8-oKnvFrVXc-00105-00024792-00024894 over here 8-oKnvFrVXc-00106-00024895-00025039 this point over here just before the 8-oKnvFrVXc-00107-00025040-00025255 disturbance i know 8-oKnvFrVXc-00108-00025256-00025422 that there's going to be a disturbance 8-oKnvFrVXc-00109-00025423-00025639 let's say i know that somehow i've been 8-oKnvFrVXc-00110-00025639-00025855 told there's going to be a disturbance 8-oKnvFrVXc-00111-00025856-00026134 then what i can do is that i can almost 8-oKnvFrVXc-00112-00026135-00026318 immediately compensate for it quite 8-oKnvFrVXc-00113-00026319-00026374 quickly 8-oKnvFrVXc-00114-00026375-00026470 because i know this could be a 8-oKnvFrVXc-00115-00026472-00026679 disturbance and predict 8-oKnvFrVXc-00116-00026680-00026895 the disturbance and then i can get back 8-oKnvFrVXc-00117-00026895-00027031 to the right position 8-oKnvFrVXc-00118-00027032-00027158 and that would be what we would do with 8-oKnvFrVXc-00119-00027160-00027351 predictive control now 8-oKnvFrVXc-00120-00027352-00027662 predictive control requires us to in 8-oKnvFrVXc-00121-00027663-00027870 some sense know the future 8-oKnvFrVXc-00122-00027872-00028087 and it's also it need we need to know 8-oKnvFrVXc-00123-00028088-00028207 how the system behaves 8-oKnvFrVXc-00124-00028208-00028390 very accurately but if you can do these 8-oKnvFrVXc-00125-00028391-00028607 two things then we can actually build a 8-oKnvFrVXc-00126-00028608-00028695 very robust 8-oKnvFrVXc-00127-00028695-00029079 and very highly performing system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00128-00029080-00029511 and so what we need is a system model 8-oKnvFrVXc-00129-00029512-00029911 and we also need a good predictor and so 8-oKnvFrVXc-00130-00029912-00030214 there is a form of control called model 8-oKnvFrVXc-00131-00030216-00030335 predictive control 8-oKnvFrVXc-00132-00030336-00030711 or often abbreviated to npc which 8-oKnvFrVXc-00133-00030712-00030999 in fact uses these ideas of prediction 8-oKnvFrVXc-00134-00031000-00031143 and system model 8-oKnvFrVXc-00135-00031144-00031343 to build controllers and we will 8-oKnvFrVXc-00136-00031344-00031487 actually look at that in a little bit 8-oKnvFrVXc-00137-00031488-00031607 more detail 8-oKnvFrVXc-00138-00031608-00031951 later on okay so uh 8-oKnvFrVXc-00139-00031952-00032287 in the next part of this i looked into 8-oKnvFrVXc-00140-00032288-00032518 the constraints that the feedback system 8-oKnvFrVXc-00141-00032519-00032679 needs to obey 8-oKnvFrVXc-00142-00032680-00033168 when trying to do control actions 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00000-00000000-00000151 hey rockford jake here today i'm joined 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00001-00000152-00000335 by nick from the rockford area 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00002-00000336-00000543 convention and video sitters bureau 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00003-00000544-00000630 how's it going nick 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00004-00000631-00000767 it's going fantastic how are we doing 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00005-00000768-00000983 jacob doing great so behind us here we 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00006-00000984-00001174 have a backdrop of a ton of local 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00007-00001175-00001335 restaurants 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00008-00001336-00001495 that's not that's not an accident what's 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00009-00001496-00001639 going on nick it's not an accident we're 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00010-00001639-00001807 on east state street of course here in 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00011-00001807-00001998 downtown rockford we're preparing for 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00012-00002000-00002207 our first ever restaurant week here our 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00013-00002208-00002350 rockford region restaurant week put on 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00014-00002351-00002534 by go rockford uh we want to thank the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00015-00002535-00002695 city of rockford they've come on board 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00016-00002696-00002742 as a pretty 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00017-00002743-00002934 pretty big partner as well and also x 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00018-00002935-00003079 but it's our first ever restaurant week 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00019-00003080-00003247 we've got a ton of specials 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00020-00003247-00003438 across the entire county for local 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00021-00003439-00003638 restaurants and also some local shops 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00022-00003639-00003790 can get in on the mix as well but we're 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00023-00003792-00003943 really excited about it it's next monday 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00024-00003944-00004222 through sunday january 18-24 all 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00025-00004223-00004327 throughout the region 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00026-00004328-00004527 aw fantastic and so what are some of the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00027-00004528-00004647 things that are going on 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00028-00004648-00004902 to just help uh spur some awareness and 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00029-00004903-00005095 support for our local restaurant tours 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00030-00005096-00005279 here in the 815. for sure it's 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00031-00005280-00005422 it's it's definitely a big marketing 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00032-00005423-00005599 campaign for our local restaurants and 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00033-00005600-00005743 shops and we want people to go out in 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00034-00005744-00005927 order to go and get carry out next week 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00035-00005928-00006047 as much as they can 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00036-00006048-00006191 of course we've got some mitigations 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00037-00006192-00006327 related to indoor dining that we have to 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00038-00006328-00006478 adhere to so that limits what we can do 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00039-00006479-00006663 from a programming standpoint just a bit 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00040-00006664-00006846 sure but we still can support local 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00041-00006847-00007023 support our local restaurants get the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00042-00007023-00007167 message out there that they need our 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00043-00007168-00007206 local 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00044-00007208-00007383 orders they need they need to order 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00045-00007384-00007598 pizza in order tacos to go so we want to 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00046-00007600-00007774 encourage all of that next week 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00047-00007775-00007983 um as you're doing that next week the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00048-00007984-00008167 community does have an opportunity to 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00049-00008168-00008342 win up to five hundred dollars 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00050-00008343-00008542 part of a local restaurant giveaway at 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00051-00008543-00008735 the end of restaurant week 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00052-00008736-00008919 so all you got to do to participate in 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00053-00008920-00009142 that 500 gift card giveaway which again 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00054-00009143-00009271 you you pick and choose your favorite 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00055-00009272-00009478 local restaurant gift card 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00056-00009479-00009655 for the person that wins but to 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00057-00009656-00009806 participate you have to order to go 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00058-00009807-00009887 carry out 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00059-00009888-00010110 take a picture of the receipt okay email 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00060-00010111-00010223 it to us at info 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00061-00010224-00010423 go rockford.com or social go 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00062-00010424-00010559 rockford.com 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00063-00010560-00010735 of course the more times you email us 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00064-00010736-00010910 receipts the better your odds are of 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00065-00010911-00010999 winning that 500 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00066-00011000-00011159 gift cards that's just one of many many 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00067-00011160-00011319 different ideas where the community can 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00068-00011320-00011423 can get involved 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00069-00011424-00011606 fantastic and you guys are actually 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00070-00011607-00011838 hosting a special website to give people 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00071-00011839-00012038 a heads up of all the cool 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00072-00012039-00012223 events and activities and promotions 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00073-00012224-00012342 going on during restaurant week 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00074-00012343-00012487 that is a very important reminder so of 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00075-00012488-00012678 course rockford.com is our main website 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00076-00012679-00012863 but we've created go rockford.com 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00077-00012863-00012991 restaurant week and we also have a 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00078-00012991-00013143 facebook event page where we're housing 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00079-00013144-00013303 a lot of specials information 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00080-00013304-00013575 constantly if you go to go rockford.com 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00081-00013576-00013711 restaurant week now you can see the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00082-00013712-00013830 specials that are live we've got more 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00083-00013831-00013983 than 20 from local restaurants and we're 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00084-00013984-00014111 adding those as we go 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00085-00014112-00014286 nice so if you are a local restaurateur 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00086-00014287-00014415 and want to get in on the action we of 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00087-00014416-00014638 course encourage you to reach out to us 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00088-00014640-00014863 again at socialitegorockfor.com to email 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00089-00014863-00014966 us your specials we're going to 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00090-00014968-00015158 publicize those as much as we can 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00091-00015159-00015327 yeah you're going to see restaurant week 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00092-00015328-00015583 on billboards across town in print ads 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00093-00015584-00015758 and of course in in digital and social 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00094-00015759-00015919 media not only through the go rockford 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00095-00015919-00016071 channels but some some advertising 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00096-00016072-00016230 spends that we've put forth as well 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00097-00016231-00016350 very cool and i'll put links all that 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00098-00016351-00016479 stuff in the doobly-doo like above and 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00099-00016480-00016622 below so you can just like click on 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00100-00016623-00016783 through and don't have to remember urls 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00101-00016784-00017022 and type it into the address bar but uh 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00102-00017023-00017239 here in your hands spoilers right we got 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00103-00017240-00017391 something special we do have something 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00104-00017392-00017447 special 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00105-00017448-00017671 um we of course want to thank rockford 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00106-00017672-00017807 art deli for coming through with a 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00107-00017808-00017958 creative assist in aaron johnson the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00108-00017959-00018047 graphic designer 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00109-00018048-00018294 yeah um rockford art deli as many people 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00110-00018295-00018422 have known throughout the pandemic have 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00111-00018423-00018583 done the here for good campaign 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00112-00018584-00018727 and they've extended that for restaurant 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00113-00018728-00018847 week so what we have here is the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00114-00018848-00018983 official rock foodie and 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00115-00018984-00019158 we're of course all rockfordians at 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00116-00019159-00019335 heart yeah we've created the rock foodie 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00117-00019336-00019519 and t-shirt that's available for sale 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00118-00019520-00019719 at our website go rockford.com it's also 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00119-00019720-00019919 available at rockfordartdaily.com 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00120-00019920-00020119 uh 25 bucks a pop with the but the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00121-00020120-00020230 kicker is 10 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00122-00020231-00020430 per t-shirt sale will go directly toward 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00123-00020431-00020694 the ywca restaurant relief workers fund 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00124-00020695-00020847 fantastic so really excited about that 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00125-00020848-00021007 partnership and of course we cannot do 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00126-00021008-00021078 that without 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00127-00021079-00021222 jared and his staff and the team at 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00128-00021223-00021383 rockford art deli and without the 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00129-00021384-00021622 support of the ywca so please go out and 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00130-00021623-00021791 purchase this rock foodie and t-shirt 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00131-00021792-00021967 yeah awesome well thank you nick so much 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00132-00021968-00022103 for taking the time to get together and 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00133-00022104-00022150 chat 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00134-00022151-00022430 and thank you rockford for tuning in be 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00135-00022431-00022567 sure to click through all the links to 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00136-00022568-00022686 get all the info 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00137-00022687-00022894 um for the specials and events and all 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00138-00022895-00023039 the cool things going on 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00139-00023040-00023271 for restaurant week here in rockford uh 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00140-00023272-00023367 going on 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00141-00023368-00023639 um and definitely uh patreon our local 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00142-00023640-00023807 restaurants take a picture of your seat 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00143-00023808-00023991 and email it to us addresses that nick 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00144-00023992-00024119 gave you for your chance 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00145-00024120-00024278 uh to win a 500 gift card to your 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00146-00024279-00024471 favorite local restaurant here so 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00147-00024472-00024599 um big shout out to all of our business 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00148-00024600-00024719 sponsors and our backers that make 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00149-00024720-00024847 content like this possible it's because 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00150-00024848-00025007 of their support i'm able to highlight 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00151-00025008-00025191 great local uh rockford initiatives like 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00152-00025192-00025342 what the cbb has going on here with 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00153-00025343-00025503 restaurant week so big shout out to them 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00154-00025504-00025662 and we'll see you on the flip side bye 8_0j9dHpjbQ-00155-00025663-00025919 rockford 8ED84Xe2RW8-00000-00000074-00000350 this videos about the organisms is still 8ED84Xe2RW8-00001-00000351-00000539 is serious but still is serious is in 8ED84Xe2RW8-00002-00000540-00000773 the same genus as the organism bacillus 8ED84Xe2RW8-00003-00000774-00000983 anthracis or the causative agent of 8ED84Xe2RW8-00004-00000984-00001073 anthrax 8ED84Xe2RW8-00005-00001074-00001312 however this disease is a little bit 8ED84Xe2RW8-00006-00001313-00001483 less severe it basically gives you a 8ED84Xe2RW8-00007-00001484-00001714 stomach bug 8ED84Xe2RW8-00008-00001714-00002039 the Phylis serious is a grand positive 8ED84Xe2RW8-00009-00002039-00002425 rod as you can see here the rods are 8ED84Xe2RW8-00010-00002426-00002785 arranged in singles like this one or in 8ED84Xe2RW8-00011-00002786-00003080 pairs like the one I circled this is a 8ED84Xe2RW8-00012-00003081-00003299 spore forming organism 8ED84Xe2RW8-00013-00003300-00003533 remember that endospores are like little 8ED84Xe2RW8-00014-00003534-00003938 life escape pods for bacteria so 8ED84Xe2RW8-00015-00003939-00004186 basically every time you see one of 8ED84Xe2RW8-00016-00004187-00004490 these light little dots in the middle of 8ED84Xe2RW8-00017-00004491-00004784 a rod that's a spore this little end 8ED84Xe2RW8-00018-00004785-00004963 ascore contains all of the genetic 8ED84Xe2RW8-00019-00004964-00005231 information that this bacteria would 8ED84Xe2RW8-00020-00005232-00005563 need to replicate itself and spores are 8ED84Xe2RW8-00021-00005564-00005827 created when nutrients become limiting 8ED84Xe2RW8-00022-00005828-00006016 so basically it is bacteria that 8ED84Xe2RW8-00023-00006017-00006224 nutrients in this pool aren't going to 8ED84Xe2RW8-00024-00006225-00006403 last very long I'm going to create 8ED84Xe2RW8-00025-00006404-00006610 myself a little survival pack and then 8ED84Xe2RW8-00026-00006611-00006770 I'm going to bug out they're like the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00027-00006770-00006959 ultimate bacterial Preppers 8ED84Xe2RW8-00028-00006959-00007189 and then this spore lands in a more 8ED84Xe2RW8-00029-00007190-00007403 vegetative environment and can grow 8ED84Xe2RW8-00030-00007404-00007720 again creating just more gram positive 8ED84Xe2RW8-00031-00007722-00007901 rods of the bacillus cereus 8ED84Xe2RW8-00032-00007902-00008258 organism the spores are visible as you 8ED84Xe2RW8-00033-00008259-00008501 can see here the siliceous is also an 8ED84Xe2RW8-00034-00008502-00008798 obligate aerobes so it requires oxygen 8ED84Xe2RW8-00035-00008799-00009095 for growth one of the most important 8ED84Xe2RW8-00036-00009096-00009274 things to know about bacillus cereus is 8ED84Xe2RW8-00037-00009275-00009485 that it produces toxins and it's the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00038-00009486-00009721 toxins that actually make us sick and 8ED84Xe2RW8-00039-00009722-00009938 most of the time when we're thinking 8ED84Xe2RW8-00040-00009939-00010106 about bacillus cereus we're thinking 8ED84Xe2RW8-00041-00010107-00010321 about food poisoning and the most 8ED84Xe2RW8-00042-00010322-00010534 commonplace example of this comes from 8ED84Xe2RW8-00043-00010535-00010808 reheated rice so if you see a vignette 8ED84Xe2RW8-00044-00010809-00011126 that says something like student 8ED84Xe2RW8-00045-00011127-00011474 studying has food at a Chinese buffet 8ED84Xe2RW8-00046-00011475-00011853 where they were reheating rice or a 8ED84Xe2RW8-00047-00011854-00012092 Italian buffet where they were reheating 8ED84Xe2RW8-00048-00012093-00012328 pasta chances are your organism of 8ED84Xe2RW8-00049-00012329-00012581 interest here bacillus cereus is the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00050-00012582-00012725 culprit 8ED84Xe2RW8-00051-00012726-00013031 so the actual organism bacillus cereus 8ED84Xe2RW8-00052-00013032-00013304 is ubiquitous it's present virtually 8ED84Xe2RW8-00053-00013305-00013586 everywhere and almost all infections 8ED84Xe2RW8-00054-00013587-00013972 come from an environmental source as 8ED84Xe2RW8-00055-00013972-00014243 it's a spore forming organism and we 8ED84Xe2RW8-00056-00014244-00014468 know that spores are very Hardy they are 8ED84Xe2RW8-00057-00014469-00014711 not killed by boiling so the classic 8ED84Xe2RW8-00058-00014712-00014966 example of people getting sick comes 8ED84Xe2RW8-00059-00014966-00015322 from food held warm or rice held warm as 8ED84Xe2RW8-00060-00015324-00015725 it would be at say about PHA this is 8ED84Xe2RW8-00061-00015726-00015971 because while the food is health warm 8ED84Xe2RW8-00062-00015972-00016184 it's not held warm enough to kill the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00063-00016185-00016478 spores it's also not held warm enough to 8ED84Xe2RW8-00064-00016479-00016646 get rid of the toxins and it's the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00065-00016647-00016943 toxins that actually lead to disease the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00066-00016944-00017225 toxins are released as the bacteria die 8ED84Xe2RW8-00067-00017226-00017456 so while the bacteria are replicating 8ED84Xe2RW8-00068-00017457-00017672 it's fine but as they're dying they're 8ED84Xe2RW8-00069-00017673-00017855 producing their scores and they're 8ED84Xe2RW8-00070-00017856-00018146 releasing these two toxins the emetic 8ED84Xe2RW8-00071-00018147-00018554 toxins here is a heat stable proteolysis 8ED84Xe2RW8-00072-00018555-00018787 resistant and Terra toxin that is 8ED84Xe2RW8-00073-00018788-00019178 preformed in the food this is made while 8ED84Xe2RW8-00074-00019179-00019484 the food is prior to you eating it it 8ED84Xe2RW8-00075-00019485-00019697 does not require vegetative growth of 8ED84Xe2RW8-00076-00019698-00019930 the bacteria it's already in the food 8ED84Xe2RW8-00077-00019931-00020204 what happens is that when you ingest it 8ED84Xe2RW8-00078-00020205-00020465 you get nausea vomiting abdominal cramps 8ED84Xe2RW8-00079-00020466-00020627 and because it's preformed it acts 8ED84Xe2RW8-00080-00020628-00020872 really quickly causing symptoms within 8ED84Xe2RW8-00081-00020873-00021169 one to six hours of ingestion and 8ED84Xe2RW8-00082-00021170-00021397 thankfully it usually resolves pretty 8ED84Xe2RW8-00083-00021398-00021665 quickly - it'll resolve within eight to 8ED84Xe2RW8-00084-00021666-00021974 ten hours so it's a short one even if it 8ED84Xe2RW8-00085-00021975-00022058 doesn't feel great 8ED84Xe2RW8-00086-00022059-00022250 there's no associated fever because 8ED84Xe2RW8-00087-00022251-00022436 you're not having bacterial growth this 8ED84Xe2RW8-00088-00022437-00022844 is entirely taxon mediated the secondary 8ED84Xe2RW8-00089-00022845-00023024 toxin that's produced is the diarrhea 8ED84Xe2RW8-00090-00023025-00023294 toxin the final real toxin is a heat 8ED84Xe2RW8-00091-00023295-00023507 labile and Terra toxin which actually 8ED84Xe2RW8-00092-00023508-00023729 stimulates the adenylate cyclase is a 8ED84Xe2RW8-00093-00023730-00023969 cyclic cyclic A&P pathway in the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00094-00023970-00024236 intestinal epithelial cells this leads 8ED84Xe2RW8-00095-00024237-00024569 to produce to profuse watery diarrhea 8ED84Xe2RW8-00096-00024570-00025037 and this one though is not preformed so 8ED84Xe2RW8-00097-00025038-00025247 this one is going to take a while to 8ED84Xe2RW8-00098-00025248-00025586 show up with these symptoms so basically 8ED84Xe2RW8-00099-00025587-00025997 anywhere from 8 to 18 hours later you'll 8ED84Xe2RW8-00100-00025998-00026103 wind up with 8ED84Xe2RW8-00101-00026104-00026361 acute onset of profuse watery diarrhea 8ED84Xe2RW8-00102-00026362-00026632 which may or may not follow the nausea 8ED84Xe2RW8-00103-00026633-00026830 vomiting and abdominal cramps that were 8ED84Xe2RW8-00104-00026831-00027177 given to you by the emetic toxin this is 8ED84Xe2RW8-00105-00027178-00027402 associated with meat or vegetables and 8ED84Xe2RW8-00106-00027403-00027561 have not preformed as I mentioned that 8ED84Xe2RW8-00107-00027562-00027765 is produced by the bacteria after 8ED84Xe2RW8-00108-00027766-00028126 ingestion the classic example as I 8ED84Xe2RW8-00109-00028127-00028314 mentioned with this is kind of they call 8ED84Xe2RW8-00110-00028315-00028671 it the fried rice 24-hour bug no one in 8ED84Xe2RW8-00111-00028672-00028911 the morning gets sick so if you're going 8ED84Xe2RW8-00112-00028912-00029398 to a buffet and they cook the rice and 8ED84Xe2RW8-00113-00029399-00029611 made the rice and then they put it out 8ED84Xe2RW8-00114-00029612-00029818 you know they boiled it there hasn't 8ED84Xe2RW8-00115-00029819-00030093 been time for the emetic toxin to be 8ED84Xe2RW8-00116-00030094-00030298 produced so no one eating in the morning 8ED84Xe2RW8-00117-00030299-00030546 get sick but later in the day as the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00118-00030547-00030930 organisms multiply the nutrients begin 8ED84Xe2RW8-00119-00030931-00031152 to be limiting so this is your nutrient 8ED84Xe2RW8-00120-00031153-00031452 load that's now limiting as they become 8ED84Xe2RW8-00121-00031453-00031695 limiting the toxicity builds up the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00122-00031696-00031980 bacteria starts to die and at this point 8ED84Xe2RW8-00123-00031981-00032289 the toxin formation starts to come up 8ED84Xe2RW8-00124-00032290-00032520 so once the toxin formation starts to 8ED84Xe2RW8-00125-00032521-00032710 come up now the people who are eating 8ED84Xe2RW8-00126-00032711-00032986 later in the day are more likely to 8ED84Xe2RW8-00127-00032987-00033523 ingest that preformed emetic toxin the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00128-00033524-00033673 treatment is supportive to control 8ED84Xe2RW8-00129-00033674-00033887 symptoms antonov nausea medication 8ED84Xe2RW8-00130-00033888-00034123 rehydration and prevention is geared at 8ED84Xe2RW8-00131-00034124-00034295 proper food preparation and storage 8ED84Xe2RW8-00132-00034296-00034501 boiling the rice will not kill the 8ED84Xe2RW8-00133-00034502-00034677 bacterial spores they'll germinate when 8ED84Xe2RW8-00134-00034678-00034899 the rice is health warm but a too low a 8ED84Xe2RW8-00135-00034900-00035139 temperature to kill the bacteria as they 8ED84Xe2RW8-00136-00035140-00035295 grow on the rise they produce the emetic 8ED84Xe2RW8-00137-00035296-00035518 toxin so food has to be kept cold to 8ED84Xe2RW8-00138-00035519-00035692 prevent growth or kept at a high enough 8ED84Xe2RW8-00139-00035693-00035820 temperature to kill the vegetative 8ED84Xe2RW8-00140-00035821-00036111 bacterial cells when they try to grow 8ED84Xe2RW8-00141-00036112-00036355 occasionally if there is a really severe 8ED84Xe2RW8-00142-00036356-00036486 infection you might be able to give 8ED84Xe2RW8-00143-00036487-00036726 fluoroquinolones or vancomycin but you 8ED84Xe2RW8-00144-00036727-00036849 really aren't going to be treating them 8ED84Xe2RW8-00145-00036850-00037026 that's all there is to say about 8ED84Xe2RW8-00146-00037027-00037281 bacillus cereus 8HEqEQF5L8U-00000-00000176-00000515 recording good I'm just doing a quick 8HEqEQF5L8U-00001-00000516-00000833 video here I don't know if I have ever 8HEqEQF5L8U-00002-00000834-00001114 excited as big I don't know if I've ever 8HEqEQF5L8U-00003-00001115-00001387 done a video or film this one would have 8HEqEQF5L8U-00004-00001388-00001579 been when I've been mad like when we've 8HEqEQF5L8U-00005-00001580-00001847 completed a unit so I wanted to teach 8HEqEQF5L8U-00006-00001848-00001976 you guys along with me while I do a 8HEqEQF5L8U-00007-00001977-00002231 quick check to make sure things are good 8HEqEQF5L8U-00008-00002232-00002474 before we move on to the next unit and I 8HEqEQF5L8U-00009-00002475-00002597 figured I'd take you along and show you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00010-00002598-00002906 some of the things that we do and pay 8HEqEQF5L8U-00011-00002907-00003158 attention to like the screw patterns and 8HEqEQF5L8U-00012-00003159-00003353 things and you can learn things 8HEqEQF5L8U-00013-00003354-00004411 ourselves as well so yeah pay attention 8HEqEQF5L8U-00014-00004412-00006133 [Music] 8HEqEQF5L8U-00015-00006134-00006529 make sure all the corners are screwed 8HEqEQF5L8U-00016-00006530-00006827 off and like we check all the screws 8HEqEQF5L8U-00017-00006828-00007009 make sure you know just make sure you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00018-00007011-00007268 don't see any sticking out all the tops 8HEqEQF5L8U-00019-00007269-00007583 all the tops are screwed in all the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00020-00007584-00007940 bottoms are screwed in you don't screw 8HEqEQF5L8U-00021-00007941-00008207 in close to the boxes you know you keep 8HEqEQF5L8U-00022-00008208-00008357 them you know for the nightmare for 8HEqEQF5L8U-00023-00008358-00008674 chafing and you don't want like 8HEqEQF5L8U-00024-00008675-00008846 especially before you router them out 8HEqEQF5L8U-00025-00008847-00008978 you want to make sure the screwing at 8HEqEQF5L8U-00026-00008979-00009199 the screws are way far away so they 8HEqEQF5L8U-00027-00009200-00009754 don't pop out on you but yeah you know 8HEqEQF5L8U-00028-00009755-00010057 all the returns 8HEqEQF5L8U-00029-00010058-00010252 all the returns you cut back a 8HEqEQF5L8U-00030-00010253-00010525 quarter-inch right so the corner beads 8HEqEQF5L8U-00031-00010526-00010852 can go on but yeah make sure you don't 8HEqEQF5L8U-00032-00010853-00010948 miss anything 8HEqEQF5L8U-00033-00010949-00011260 you know the Ducks are all cut out the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00034-00011261-00011706 ceiling turned out beautiful what is the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00035-00011707-00012051 you you want to minimize the joints as 8HEqEQF5L8U-00036-00012052-00012403 possible but yeah this these ceilings 8HEqEQF5L8U-00037-00012404-00012865 are turning out really nice oh yeah you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00038-00012866-00013197 can see our yeah it's pretty cool man 8HEqEQF5L8U-00039-00013199-00013408 these are we've done a lot of these now 8HEqEQF5L8U-00040-00013409-00013651 so the bathrooms here there's a drop 8HEqEQF5L8U-00041-00013652-00013863 ceiling and knees so we got to make sure 8HEqEQF5L8U-00042-00013865-00013993 there's the blue boards up there they 8HEqEQF5L8U-00043-00013994-00014260 want that for their note I'll finish up 8HEqEQF5L8U-00044-00014261-00014476 there but yeah I'm just checking the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00045-00014477-00014863 ceiling and the bottoms the bottoms are 8HEqEQF5L8U-00046-00014863-00015100 you know you always miss the bottoms of 8HEqEQF5L8U-00047-00015101-00015244 tops so that's where you got to check 8HEqEQF5L8U-00048-00015244-00015361 you know make sure there's no studs 8HEqEQF5L8U-00049-00015362-00015618 missed all of our windows were pre-cut 8HEqEQF5L8U-00050-00015619-00015891 because you don't want to break the poly 8HEqEQF5L8U-00051-00015893-00016113 so you can't put the sheet on and 8HEqEQF5L8U-00052-00016115-00016252 routers about anymore so you not have to 8HEqEQF5L8U-00053-00016253-00016800 pre-cut everything which is okay but 8HEqEQF5L8U-00054-00016801-00017254 yeah let's see the main room these main 8HEqEQF5L8U-00055-00017255-00017881 rooms in late April forever yeah yeah 8HEqEQF5L8U-00056-00017882-00018049 like with all these main rooms taken 8HEqEQF5L8U-00057-00018050-00018297 forever with all the details but yeah 8HEqEQF5L8U-00058-00018298-00018418 you want to do I'll make sure all your 8HEqEQF5L8U-00059-00018419-00018631 returns are done and like I say keep so 8HEqEQF5L8U-00060-00018632-00018825 much quarter inch away from the ends you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00061-00018826-00019111 know so the corner beats below on the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00062-00019112-00019500 tapers will appreciate it right so 8HEqEQF5L8U-00063-00019501-00019917 sometimes I can be a little funky but 8HEqEQF5L8U-00064-00019918-00020365 yeah it looks good though make sure ya 8HEqEQF5L8U-00065-00020366-00020503 like when you're doing your walls 8HEqEQF5L8U-00066-00020504-00020713 anywhere you can do a stand-up to 8HEqEQF5L8U-00067-00020714-00020887 minimize a joint like this is behind a 8HEqEQF5L8U-00068-00020888-00021025 cabinet so it doesn't have to be taped 8HEqEQF5L8U-00069-00021026-00021406 great now there's no no joint across the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00070-00021407-00021640 where the plug is right or the switch 8HEqEQF5L8U-00071-00021641-00021975 sorry switches are all 48 inches right 8HEqEQF5L8U-00072-00021976-00022225 so they always end up in the bevel 8HEqEQF5L8U-00073-00022226-00022483 joints so that's a pain in the ass but 8HEqEQF5L8U-00074-00022484-00022717 like for example here right 8HEqEQF5L8U-00075-00022718-00023028 you make sure the joint lands somewhere 8HEqEQF5L8U-00076-00023029-00023289 where the joint where the tape the tea 8HEqEQF5L8U-00077-00023290-00023918 probably small yeah thanks good 8HEqEQF5L8U-00078-00023919-00024342 yeah these ceilings turned out really 8HEqEQF5L8U-00079-00024343-00024728 good you can see what I mean by figuring 8HEqEQF5L8U-00080-00024729-00025055 out your layout so that the joints are 8HEqEQF5L8U-00081-00025056-00025305 minimal right all they have here in this 8HEqEQF5L8U-00082-00025306-00025689 whole ceiling is a joint here well you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00083-00025689-00025820 know look but joint sorry they don't 8HEqEQF5L8U-00084-00025822-00026430 need one but joint there there's a butt 8HEqEQF5L8U-00085-00026431-00026615 joint like there's a little tiny one 8HEqEQF5L8U-00086-00026616-00026886 raised their great a little tiny one and 8HEqEQF5L8U-00087-00026887-00027152 then there's this one here so not much 8HEqEQF5L8U-00088-00027153-00027486 for you got butt joints at all right you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00089-00027487-00027825 want to minimize those no but yeah look 8HEqEQF5L8U-00090-00027826-00028167 at that gorgeous right another bathroom 8HEqEQF5L8U-00091-00028168-00028508 so yeah we try to get a room done right 8HEqEQF5L8U-00092-00028510-00028677 away so that we can use it as a garbage 8HEqEQF5L8U-00093-00028677-00028950 room and yeah that's the garbage for one 8HEqEQF5L8U-00094-00028951-00029285 unit drywall is cheaper than tape so you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00095-00029286-00029540 know you got in the hip of course you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00096-00029541-00030069 have strips but yeah looks good yeah big 8HEqEQF5L8U-00097-00030070-00030480 a is just Jeff finishing the this new 8HEqEQF5L8U-00098-00030481-00030756 like little mechanical room thing where 8HEqEQF5L8U-00099-00030757-00030936 the air conditioning heating goes I 8HEqEQF5L8U-00100-00030937-00031176 believe so that's fun 8HEqEQF5L8U-00101-00031177-00031545 it's the second one he's done so yeah 8HEqEQF5L8U-00102-00031545-00031848 the biggest guy the littlest unit I it's 8HEqEQF5L8U-00103-00031849-00032246 I like the enclosed areas and myself are 8HEqEQF5L8U-00104-00032247-00032730 the best but this year I think next time 8HEqEQF5L8U-00105-00032731-00032904 I'm gonna do a stand-up to get rid of 8HEqEQF5L8U-00106-00032905-00033290 that and just put the joint above the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00107-00033291-00033677 door here and then yeah so that'll 8HEqEQF5L8U-00108-00033678-00033965 eliminate that so I'll come out 48 or 8HEqEQF5L8U-00109-00033966-00034202 whatever maybe I'll cut three edges to 8HEqEQF5L8U-00110-00034203-00034425 make it a but instead of a bevel to but 8HEqEQF5L8U-00111-00034426-00034683 right abut to bevel it'll just cut it 8HEqEQF5L8U-00112-00034684-00034977 you know and so that'll be a change I'll 8HEqEQF5L8U-00113-00034978-00035250 do next time for sure 8HEqEQF5L8U-00114-00035251-00035515 I'm done one of these units in a while a 8HEqEQF5L8U-00115-00035516-00035761 actually a we're good enough the corner 8HEqEQF5L8U-00116-00035762-00036106 units for the longest time it looks good 8HEqEQF5L8U-00117-00036107-00036511 I don't see anything Aaron I don't see 8HEqEQF5L8U-00118-00036512-00036586 anything 8HEqEQF5L8U-00119-00036587-00036811 yeah you can see the ceiling same thing 8HEqEQF5L8U-00120-00036812-00037006 right what you're doing it's all double 8HEqEQF5L8U-00121-00037007-00037552 layer 5/8 see ceilings so but yeah most 8HEqEQF5L8U-00122-00037553-00037752 most of the drywall you see is 5/8 8HEqEQF5L8U-00123-00037753-00038173 there's an all 5/8 this this this this 8HEqEQF5L8U-00124-00038174-00038539 these units there's some half-inch but 8HEqEQF5L8U-00125-00038540-00039198 it's mainly 5/8 that's the unit yeah I 8HEqEQF5L8U-00126-00039199-00039814 don't know what else I can say oh yeah 8HEqEQF5L8U-00127-00039815-00040075 yeah just check your screw spacings 8HEqEQF5L8U-00128-00040076-00040447 there any like two in the field and you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00129-00040448-00041055 know but keep away from the plugs oh 8HEqEQF5L8U-00130-00041056-00041587 yeah this one is mint dude mint mint 8HEqEQF5L8U-00131-00041588-00041812 make sure there's no boxes missed and 8HEqEQF5L8U-00132-00041813-00042103 you're good to go all right on this 8HEqEQF5L8U-00133-00042104-00042271 little tiny it's like the laundry room 8HEqEQF5L8U-00134-00042272-00043171 in here so cool very good alright moving 8HEqEQF5L8U-00135-00043172-00044094 on to the next unit 8HEqEQF5L8U-00136-00044095-00044338 all right that's piece of it they've 8HEqEQF5L8U-00137-00044339-00044497 done a little walk that's about in 8HEqEQF5L8U-00138-00044498-00044899 another walk around the like the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00139-00044900-00045079 supervisor here on site will do another 8HEqEQF5L8U-00140-00045080-00045327 walkthrough make sure there's nothing 8HEqEQF5L8U-00141-00045328-00045604 and then yeah so yeah it is these the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00142-00045605-00045867 units are like double--triple-check so 8HEqEQF5L8U-00143-00045868-00046069 everything's good but 8HEqEQF5L8U-00144-00046070-00046228 yeah I don't see anything here all the 8HEqEQF5L8U-00145-00046229-00046474 screws are soft there anything is 8HEqEQF5L8U-00146-00046475-00046654 screwed up there's no missing screws so 8HEqEQF5L8U-00147-00046655-00046969 that's about it yeah if you guys have 8HEqEQF5L8U-00148-00046970-00047080 any questions make sure to leave them 8HEqEQF5L8U-00149-00047081-00047230 down the comments below and I'll get 8HEqEQF5L8U-00150-00047231-00047476 back to you as soon as I can bye for now 8HEqEQF5L8U-00151-00047477-00047750 guys 8HEqEQF5L8U-00152-00047751-00050719 [Music] 8HEqEQF5L8U-00153-00050720-00050927 [Applause] 8HEqEQF5L8U-00155-00057341-00057733 [Applause] 8HEqEQF5L8U-00157-00062015-00062338 [Applause] 8HEqEQF5L8U-00158-00062339-00064484 [Music] 8HEqEQF5L8U-00159-00064485-00064641 you 8HEqEQF5L8U-00160-00064642-00067016 [Music] 8HEqEQF5L8U-00161-00067017-00067223 you 8HarSmXSyA8-00000-00000000-00000168 hi guys welcome to show 8HarSmXSyA8-00001-00000169-00002713 [Music] 8HarSmXSyA8-00002-00002714-00003185 excellent quality the box came in a 8HarSmXSyA8-00003-00003186-00003389 little sooner than I expected so that's 8HarSmXSyA8-00004-00003390-00004166 great there's the instruction manual so 8HarSmXSyA8-00005-00004167-00004318 now I'll take everything out of the box 8HarSmXSyA8-00006-00004319-00004622 and put it together and I'll let you 8HarSmXSyA8-00007-00004623-00004841 know how difficult or easy it was to 8HarSmXSyA8-00008-00004842-00005174 assemble this I'm so excited I can't 8HarSmXSyA8-00009-00005175-00005585 wait now that I took my chair set out of 8HarSmXSyA8-00010-00005586-00005927 the box I separated all the screws the 8HarSmXSyA8-00011-00005928-00006263 washers they even give you a tool to put 8HarSmXSyA8-00012-00006264-00006605 the chairs and table together you get an 8HarSmXSyA8-00013-00006606-00007019 instructional manual looks very very 8HarSmXSyA8-00014-00007020-00007469 simple to put together so all I did was 8HarSmXSyA8-00015-00007470-00008240 separate the items so now I'll put it 8HarSmXSyA8-00016-00008241-00008521 together the chairs and table are now 8HarSmXSyA8-00017-00008522-00008810 put together it took me all about 30 8HarSmXSyA8-00018-00008811-00008909 minutes to do it 8HarSmXSyA8-00019-00008910-00009227 very simple the instructions were really 8HarSmXSyA8-00020-00009228-00009683 easy to follow you can see how nice it 8HarSmXSyA8-00021-00009684-00009955 looks in this green I love it it's such 8HarSmXSyA8-00022-00009956-00010271 a beautiful color and that table is 8HarSmXSyA8-00023-00010272-00010713 awesome you can see the nice quality 8HarSmXSyA8-00024-00010714-00010982 this type of wicker can stand the 8HarSmXSyA8-00025-00010983-00011258 elements it's more sturdy compared to 8HarSmXSyA8-00026-00011259-00011858 the tradition rattan I really love it 8HarSmXSyA8-00027-00011859-00012322 it's it's like coated very nice the nice 8HarSmXSyA8-00028-00012323-00012571 color nice vibrant color I love this 8HarSmXSyA8-00029-00012572-00013316 green excellent quality I'm so happy 8HarSmXSyA8-00030-00013316-00013760 that I got this I highly recommend 8HarSmXSyA8-00031-00013761-00013949 purchasing it cuz it's really good 8HarSmXSyA8-00032-00013950-00014658 quality I just love it out here 8HarSmXSyA8-00033-00014659-00015236 it's very comfortable durable sturdy 8HarSmXSyA8-00034-00015237-00015727 elegant the top of this table is 8HarSmXSyA8-00035-00015728-00016092 equipped with transparent glass so when 8HarSmXSyA8-00036-00016093-00016233 you're on your back porch or in your 8HarSmXSyA8-00037-00016234-00016411 back yard you can enjoy a drink with 8HarSmXSyA8-00038-00016412-00016680 friends or family and you can do it in 8HarSmXSyA8-00039-00016681-00017067 comfort and style so when you order this 8HarSmXSyA8-00040-00017068-00017862 set it includes two chairs the table the 8HarSmXSyA8-00041-00017863-00018150 cushions and the nice decorative pillows 8HarSmXSyA8-00042-00018151-00018444 I'm so happy I got it it's really 8HarSmXSyA8-00043-00018445-00018693 beautiful and you can purchase this on 8HarSmXSyA8-00044-00018694-00019337 Amazon it's sold by E&V 2016 and it's en 8HarSmXSyA8-00045-00019338-00019740 stve our 3-piece patio conversation set 8HarSmXSyA8-00046-00019741-00020180 in this green is such a vibrant color 8HarSmXSyA8-00047-00020181-00020422 it's really beautiful 8HarSmXSyA8-00048-00020423-00020692 I'm really happy with this purchase I 8HarSmXSyA8-00049-00020693-00020943 highly recommend purchasing this looks 8HarSmXSyA8-00050-00020944-00021446 beautiful on my back lanai 8HarSmXSyA8-00051-00021447-00022917 [Music] 8IifPz9rwWM-00000-00000086-00000347 we'll have a little time to delve into 8IifPz9rwWM-00001-00000348-00000559 some because as well in their discussion 8IifPz9rwWM-00002-00000560-00000824 did I want to strike out to give us a 8IifPz9rwWM-00003-00000825-00001062 little bit of perspective on the 8IifPz9rwWM-00004-00001063-00001340 experiment that world experience that 8IifPz9rwWM-00005-00001341-00001651 Novartis is kind of being are clean from 8IifPz9rwWM-00006-00001652-00002218 Washington make your acquaintance this 8IifPz9rwWM-00007-00002219-00003863 just gets us if it is here 8IifPz9rwWM-00008-00003864-00004192 good morning Thank You Quintin for 8IifPz9rwWM-00009-00004193-00004360 orgonite for organizing this a meeting 8IifPz9rwWM-00010-00004361-00004677 into inviting me I'm very privileged to 8IifPz9rwWM-00011-00004678-00004936 be here I've been working on this 8IifPz9rwWM-00012-00004937-00005139 program the malaria initiative with the 8IifPz9rwWM-00013-00005140-00005443 Novartis for well over a decade and 8IifPz9rwWM-00014-00005444-00005718 started really at the time when this was 8IifPz9rwWM-00015-00005719-00006034 actually a very marginal program it was 8IifPz9rwWM-00016-00006035-00006325 marginal at the time there was a you 8IifPz9rwWM-00017-00006326-00006541 know a groundbreaking Memorandum of 8IifPz9rwWM-00018-00006542-00006802 Understanding in place between Novartis 8IifPz9rwWM-00019-00006803-00007048 on the World Health Organization but 8IifPz9rwWM-00020-00007048-00007231 that was actually a piece of paper it 8IifPz9rwWM-00021-00007231-00007434 wasn't really something that had been 8IifPz9rwWM-00022-00007434-00007860 operationalized in any meaningful way so 8IifPz9rwWM-00023-00007861-00008245 the question is is this a best practice 8IifPz9rwWM-00024-00008246-00008760 that is scalable and replicable I put a 8IifPz9rwWM-00025-00008761-00009030 question mark really because you will 8IifPz9rwWM-00026-00009031-00009202 you will see that there are a number of 8IifPz9rwWM-00027-00009203-00009508 points that we learned across you know 8IifPz9rwWM-00028-00009509-00009787 this this journey that we as a company 8IifPz9rwWM-00029-00009788-00010089 would not be willing to replicate in 8IifPz9rwWM-00030-00010090-00010461 exactly the same way the good news is 8IifPz9rwWM-00031-00010462-00010666 that if you look at the world malaria 8IifPz9rwWM-00032-00010667-00011046 report that in the last 15 years the 8IifPz9rwWM-00033-00011047-00011280 disease burden from malaria especially 8IifPz9rwWM-00034-00011281-00011530 mortality numbers have come down 8IifPz9rwWM-00035-00011531-00011955 significantly estimates are that more 8IifPz9rwWM-00036-00011956-00012374 than six million death have been averted 8IifPz9rwWM-00037-00012375-00012825 between 2000 and 2015 and and a great 8IifPz9rwWM-00038-00012826-00013116 deal is really thanks to you know higher 8IifPz9rwWM-00039-00013118-00013291 rates of international funding as we 8IifPz9rwWM-00040-00013291-00013486 also saw was a key driver in the age 8IifPz9rwWM-00041-00013487-00013911 programs hiv/aids programs but also you 8IifPz9rwWM-00042-00013912-00014155 know the work of companies making bed 8IifPz9rwWM-00043-00014156-00014383 nets making medicines making Diagnostics 8IifPz9rwWM-00044-00014384-00014593 that has really come a long way together 8IifPz9rwWM-00045-00014594-00014788 with partners in countries to make those 8IifPz9rwWM-00046-00014788-00015253 available so for Novartis the division 8IifPz9rwWM-00047-00015254-00015679 is really to you know collaborate with 8IifPz9rwWM-00048-00015680-00015991 everybody who has that same vision to 8IifPz9rwWM-00049-00015991-00016422 end malaria for good some people say in 8IifPz9rwWM-00050-00016423-00016816 my generation depends you know which 8IifPz9rwWM-00051-00016817-00017050 perspective you still have I think this 8IifPz9rwWM-00052-00017051-00017150 sometimes more 8IifPz9rwWM-00053-00017151-00017372 and then realism but I think there's a 8IifPz9rwWM-00054-00017373-00017605 good sense of urgency that we need to 8IifPz9rwWM-00055-00017606-00017797 make this happen i make to me i need to 8IifPz9rwWM-00056-00017798-00018061 really go beyond this objective of 8IifPz9rwWM-00057-00018062-00018461 reducing controlling malaria because as 8IifPz9rwWM-00058-00018462-00018719 long as you don't eliminate it this 8IifPz9rwWM-00059-00018720-00019016 disease can be around there forever in a 8IifPz9rwWM-00060-00019017-00019364 causing death as it is today every two 8IifPz9rwWM-00061-00019365-00019763 minutes a child dies from malaria can 8IifPz9rwWM-00062-00019764-00020036 you imagine a very simple to treat 8IifPz9rwWM-00063-00020037-00020394 disease still causing so much hey work 8IifPz9rwWM-00064-00020395-00020747 we do this as a company by basically 8IifPz9rwWM-00065-00020748-00021118 pursuing four strategies it's making the 8IifPz9rwWM-00066-00021119-00021314 life-saving treatment court and 8IifPz9rwWM-00067-00021315-00021533 available in the right quantity quality 8IifPz9rwWM-00068-00021534-00021796 right packaging right formulation 8IifPz9rwWM-00069-00021797-00022127 improving access making sure that prices 8IifPz9rwWM-00070-00022128-00022359 are right and we'll talk about that 8IifPz9rwWM-00071-00022360-00022583 support of interventions with healthcare 8IifPz9rwWM-00072-00022584-00022742 workers with disease awareness programs 8IifPz9rwWM-00073-00022743-00023000 for communities for school children and 8IifPz9rwWM-00074-00023001-00023278 disease education and with an eye to 8IifPz9rwWM-00075-00023279-00023581 what is going to be needed at some point 8IifPz9rwWM-00076-00023582-00023828 in time new medicines because parasites 8IifPz9rwWM-00077-00023829-00024065 have proven to be able to outsmart any 8IifPz9rwWM-00078-00024066-00024469 drug that is being thrown at them so 8IifPz9rwWM-00079-00024470-00024758 over the years we've been quite 8IifPz9rwWM-00080-00024759-00025043 successful in many ways Novartis was the 8IifPz9rwWM-00081-00025044-00025211 very first company to come up with an 8IifPz9rwWM-00082-00025212-00025436 artemisinin-based combination therapy in 8IifPz9rwWM-00083-00025437-00025831 one single pill and I should really give 8IifPz9rwWM-00084-00025832-00026119 credit to our Chinese partners who are 8IifPz9rwWM-00085-00026120-00026426 the ones that made the invention as I 8IifPz9rwWM-00086-00026427-00026798 would say a byproduct of the Vietnam War 8IifPz9rwWM-00087-00026799-00026983 for those who are not familiar with you 8IifPz9rwWM-00088-00026984-00027252 but that was really the time when the 8IifPz9rwWM-00089-00027253-00027577 research in China to find new intimal 8IifPz9rwWM-00090-00027578-00028021 ariel's was actually kick started over 8IifPz9rwWM-00091-00028022-00028211 the years cumulative Lee we have 8IifPz9rwWM-00092-00028212-00028631 supplied well over 750 million quarter 8IifPz9rwWM-00093-00028632-00029083 treatments you know in Europe there's an 8IifPz9rwWM-00094-00029084-00029348 european championship for football 8IifPz9rwWM-00095-00029349-00029627 ongoing and just to kind of give an idea 8IifPz9rwWM-00096-00029627-00029858 of what this represents into numbers of 8IifPz9rwWM-00097-00029858-00030368 bills so 750 million treatments if you 8IifPz9rwWM-00098-00030369-00030491 put all those pill 8IifPz9rwWM-00099-00030492-00030902 next to each other on the green of a 8IifPz9rwWM-00100-00030902-00031333 football area you can fill more than 100 8IifPz9rwWM-00101-00031335-00031631 football fields and turn them from green 8IifPz9rwWM-00102-00031632-00031799 to yellow which is the color of these 8IifPz9rwWM-00103-00031800-00032095 pills or alternatively if you imagine 8IifPz9rwWM-00104-00032097-00032420 the Eiffel Tower in Paris and the amount 8IifPz9rwWM-00105-00032420-00032942 of Steel made to direct this tower these 8IifPz9rwWM-00106-00032943-00033185 pills weight three times as much as the 8IifPz9rwWM-00107-00033186-00033641 steel of the Eiffel Tower now that is 8IifPz9rwWM-00108-00033642-00033863 for today we are also having you know an 8IifPz9rwWM-00109-00033864-00034187 eye to the future with two molecules 8IifPz9rwWM-00110-00034188-00034384 currently for malaria treatment in 8IifPz9rwWM-00111-00034385-00034850 research in phase 2 and phase 2b and we 8IifPz9rwWM-00112-00034851-00035186 continue to support malaria teams in 8IifPz9rwWM-00113-00035187-00035354 ministries of health but also in the 8IifPz9rwWM-00114-00035355-00035636 indie health facilities more downstream 8IifPz9rwWM-00115-00035637-00035840 and health care system to provide 8IifPz9rwWM-00116-00035841-00036029 support with malaria diagnosis and 8IifPz9rwWM-00117-00036030-00036475 treatments a number of considerations 8IifPz9rwWM-00118-00036476-00036908 have really informed our work in the 8IifPz9rwWM-00119-00036909-00037310 malaria initiative clearly obtaining 8IifPz9rwWM-00120-00037311-00037613 marketing authorisations with well over 8IifPz9rwWM-00121-00037614-00037871 70 countries in the malaria endemic 8IifPz9rwWM-00122-00037872-00038171 world has been quite quite an 8IifPz9rwWM-00123-00038172-00038501 undertaking in some places we don't have 8IifPz9rwWM-00124-00038502-00038786 offices so we need to work through 8IifPz9rwWM-00125-00038787-00039035 different mechanisms to try and get it 8IifPz9rwWM-00126-00039036-00039506 or organized segmenting the market very 8IifPz9rwWM-00127-00039507-00039887 important we have come to realize that 8IifPz9rwWM-00128-00039888-00040148 the offering that we initially went out 8IifPz9rwWM-00129-00040149-00040513 with was it really adapted to the 8IifPz9rwWM-00130-00040514-00040766 diversity of the markets that we were 8IifPz9rwWM-00131-00040767-00041288 serving again the formulation we talked 8IifPz9rwWM-00132-00041289-00041627 about very small pills but there are 8IifPz9rwWM-00133-00041628-00041867 still too big for a baby or a young 8IifPz9rwWM-00134-00041868-00042302 child to swallow so as we launch the 8IifPz9rwWM-00135-00042303-00042581 program it took a number of years for us 8IifPz9rwWM-00136-00042582-00042746 to actually improve the formulation to 8IifPz9rwWM-00137-00042747-00043019 make it really pediatric friendly as a 8IifPz9rwWM-00138-00043020-00043238 dispersible tablet that is easy to take 8IifPz9rwWM-00139-00043239-00043520 and be likely sweet tasting unlike every 8IifPz9rwWM-00140-00043521-00043676 intamin arrow tablet which is simply 8IifPz9rwWM-00141-00043677-00043764 tasting very 8IifPz9rwWM-00142-00043765-00044168 better we also worked on packaging 8IifPz9rwWM-00143-00044169-00044496 realizing that the packaging as such is 8IifPz9rwWM-00144-00044497-00044765 actually a vehicle and can be used in 8IifPz9rwWM-00145-00044766-00044912 the dialogue between healthcare 8IifPz9rwWM-00146-00044913-00045051 professional and the patient of the 8IifPz9rwWM-00147-00045052-00045377 caregiver as a means of conveying but 8IifPz9rwWM-00148-00045378-00045627 only when and how the medicine shall be 8IifPz9rwWM-00149-00045628-00045930 taken but also why you need to comply to 8IifPz9rwWM-00150-00045931-00046168 the full three day course of treatment 8IifPz9rwWM-00151-00046169-00046458 basically explaining very pictorially 8IifPz9rwWM-00152-00046459-00046718 that you know even after two days you 8IifPz9rwWM-00153-00046719-00046968 might find yourselves you know yield 8IifPz9rwWM-00154-00046969-00047225 from malaria infection actually if you 8IifPz9rwWM-00155-00047226-00047439 analyze the blood there is most life 8IifPz9rwWM-00156-00047440-00047604 it's still going to be a few circulating 8IifPz9rwWM-00157-00047605-00047811 parasites and those ones you need to 8IifPz9rwWM-00158-00047812-00048071 take out by taking your third day of 8IifPz9rwWM-00159-00048072-00048420 dosing so very schematically we also you 8IifPz9rwWM-00160-00048421-00048576 know incorporate that into the into the 8IifPz9rwWM-00161-00048577-00048951 packaging tiered pricing a very 8IifPz9rwWM-00162-00048952-00049170 important topic I'll come to that in a 8IifPz9rwWM-00163-00049171-00049404 moment the markup in the distribution 8IifPz9rwWM-00164-00049405-00049773 chain challenging of course because 8IifPz9rwWM-00165-00049774-00049946 there's only so much that a manufacturer 8IifPz9rwWM-00166-00049947-00050154 of medicines can actually do to to 8IifPz9rwWM-00167-00050155-00050529 really influence them so here comes then 8IifPz9rwWM-00168-00050530-00050820 the the scheme that we developed you 8IifPz9rwWM-00169-00050821-00051021 know during the journey in the beginning 8IifPz9rwWM-00170-00051022-00051365 of the journey basically the pyramid was 8IifPz9rwWM-00171-00051366-00051614 much more simplified it was only you 8IifPz9rwWM-00172-00051615-00051845 know a bottom part which was what we 8IifPz9rwWM-00173-00051846-00052094 call the public sector government Latin 8IifPz9rwWM-00174-00052095-00052413 NGO and donor funded business and it was 8IifPz9rwWM-00175-00052414-00052725 the top part or the premium market where 8IifPz9rwWM-00176-00052726-00052965 perhaps three to five percent of people 8IifPz9rwWM-00177-00052966-00053192 living in malaria-endemic countries can 8IifPz9rwWM-00178-00053194-00053480 go to purchase out-of-pocket medicines 8IifPz9rwWM-00179-00053482-00053982 to treat the disease but in between we 8IifPz9rwWM-00180-00053983-00054260 didn't really have the right offering 8IifPz9rwWM-00181-00054261-00054678 and so you know it was really at some 8IifPz9rwWM-00182-00054679-00055194 point in I think when was it 2004 that 8IifPz9rwWM-00183-00055195-00055541 the institute of medicine published this 8IifPz9rwWM-00184-00055542-00056069 report buying time saving lives a 8IifPz9rwWM-00185-00056070-00056417 program to really get everybody thinking 8IifPz9rwWM-00186-00056419-00056717 how can you provide a line of a global 8IifPz9rwWM-00187-00056719-00057017 subsidy to then make medicines that are 8IifPz9rwWM-00188-00057019-00057116 being sold in 8IifPz9rwWM-00189-00057116-00057400 private sector outlets available to 8IifPz9rwWM-00190-00057401-00057722 people and very affordable prices now 8IifPz9rwWM-00191-00057723-00057986 the report has been gathering dust if 8IifPz9rwWM-00192-00057987-00058231 you will for a number of years it took 8IifPz9rwWM-00193-00058232-00058681 really until 2010 that finally an 8IifPz9rwWM-00194-00058682-00059036 experiment was launched to make end of 8IifPz9rwWM-00195-00059037-00059232 an era medicines particularly in need 8IifPz9rwWM-00196-00059233-00059437 artemisinin discrimination therapies 8IifPz9rwWM-00197-00059438-00059911 available at an affordable retail price 8IifPz9rwWM-00198-00059912-00060268 thanks to initially approximately ninety 8IifPz9rwWM-00199-00060269-00060531 percent or even ninety-five percent of 8IifPz9rwWM-00200-00060532-00060998 donor subsidies so the the mechanism was 8IifPz9rwWM-00201-00060999-00061188 heated following it was the Global Fund 8IifPz9rwWM-00202-00061189-00061916 that set aside monies to send to 8IifPz9rwWM-00203-00061916-00062249 manufacturers of these products and I 8IifPz9rwWM-00204-00062250-00062546 say ninety-five percent of the price of 8IifPz9rwWM-00205-00062547-00062869 the medicine whereas then a distributor 8IifPz9rwWM-00206-00062870-00063161 in Africa would place an order with the 8IifPz9rwWM-00207-00063162-00063526 manufacturers and would receive an 8IifPz9rwWM-00208-00063527-00063866 invoice just for five percent of the 8IifPz9rwWM-00209-00063866-00064190 cost of the medicine the idea then was 8IifPz9rwWM-00210-00064191-00064511 that the distributor in Africa was able 8IifPz9rwWM-00211-00064512-00064778 to bring in this medicine at a very low 8IifPz9rwWM-00212-00064779-00065138 cost and then pass it on into the 8IifPz9rwWM-00213-00065139-00065522 distribution chain making hopefully 8IifPz9rwWM-00214-00065523-00065842 reasonable but not too excessive margins 8IifPz9rwWM-00215-00065843-00066199 so that an Indian at the pharmacy level 8IifPz9rwWM-00216-00066200-00066463 patients could actually buy a live 8IifPz9rwWM-00217-00066464-00066617 setting into the narrow medicine which 8IifPz9rwWM-00218-00066618-00067018 had the right quality around it for you 8IifPz9rwWM-00219-00067019-00067340 know a very affordable price and so that 8IifPz9rwWM-00220-00067341-00067586 was that was started as an experiment in 8IifPz9rwWM-00221-00067587-00068044 2010 it it has worked or it has not work 8IifPz9rwWM-00222-00068045-00068237 i mean this depends on how you look at 8IifPz9rwWM-00223-00068238-00068624 it one of the shortcomings one could say 8IifPz9rwWM-00224-00068625-00068891 is that in the private sector still 8IifPz9rwWM-00225-00068892-00069280 today there is hardly any practice of 8IifPz9rwWM-00226-00069281-00069500 diagnosing first to confirm your 8IifPz9rwWM-00227-00069501-00069757 infection of malaria and then treating 8IifPz9rwWM-00228-00069758-00070063 so there is most likely quite 8IifPz9rwWM-00229-00070064-00070288 significant / treatments so that that's 8IifPz9rwWM-00230-00070289-00070385 probably one of the 8IifPz9rwWM-00231-00070386-00070732 science off of this program but it 8IifPz9rwWM-00232-00070733-00071012 allowed actually to serve kind of an 8IifPz9rwWM-00233-00071013-00071297 emerging middle class of patients that 8IifPz9rwWM-00234-00071298-00071609 would not want to seek health care in a 8IifPz9rwWM-00235-00071610-00071816 public structure where they might you 8IifPz9rwWM-00236-00071817-00072001 know have to wait in line or may not get 8IifPz9rwWM-00237-00072002-00072224 the right service or they might be 8IifPz9rwWM-00238-00072225-00072566 confronted with stock outs and here they 8IifPz9rwWM-00239-00072567-00072710 could actually pay out of pocket and 8IifPz9rwWM-00240-00072711-00073222 very in a reasonable price now this is 8IifPz9rwWM-00241-00073223-00073472 basically the overview of the of the 8IifPz9rwWM-00242-00073473-00073697 numbers of treatments that we have sold 8IifPz9rwWM-00243-00073698-00074066 of quartum over the years as i said this 8IifPz9rwWM-00244-00074067-00074237 memorandum of understanding with the WTO 8IifPz9rwWM-00245-00074238-00074575 southern 2001 there was really no 8IifPz9rwWM-00246-00074576-00074747 government at that time really 8IifPz9rwWM-00247-00074748-00075035 interested in in taking this type of 8IifPz9rwWM-00248-00075036-00075350 medicines overall there was already 8IifPz9rwWM-00249-00075351-00075625 quite significant concern about 8IifPz9rwWM-00250-00075626-00075847 treatment resistance against the older 8IifPz9rwWM-00251-00075848-00076073 treatments like foreign and sulfur 8IifPz9rwWM-00252-00076074-00076412 dioxide parama Thurman but the absence 8IifPz9rwWM-00253-00076413-00076730 of basically interest to update this 8IifPz9rwWM-00254-00076731-00076961 type of new new treatment was really 8IifPz9rwWM-00255-00076962-00077119 because there was there was no donor 8IifPz9rwWM-00256-00077120-00077399 funding for it and and so the government 8IifPz9rwWM-00257-00077400-00077615 said well you know we can't really 8IifPz9rwWM-00258-00077616-00077735 afford to change our treatment 8IifPz9rwWM-00259-00077736-00077926 guidelines even though in a country like 8IifPz9rwWM-00260-00077927-00078193 Zemlya by then you know half of the 8IifPz9rwWM-00261-00078194-00078338 pages I were treated with chlorophyll 8IifPz9rwWM-00262-00078339-00078668 coral queen didn't get a cure and went 8IifPz9rwWM-00263-00078669-00078974 either into severe malaria or or it 8IifPz9rwWM-00264-00078975-00079274 ultimately didn't really survive it so 8IifPz9rwWM-00265-00079275-00079543 it took in fact that the donor funding 8IifPz9rwWM-00266-00079544-00079790 to really propel the uptake of this type 8IifPz9rwWM-00267-00079791-00080257 of treatments the declining trend is 8IifPz9rwWM-00268-00080258-00080593 really driven by mostly the advent of 8IifPz9rwWM-00269-00080594-00080968 generic suppliers who have joined this 8IifPz9rwWM-00270-00080969-00081710 battle as of 2008 here is actually an 8IifPz9rwWM-00271-00081711-00081907 example of one of the court and packages 8IifPz9rwWM-00272-00081908-00082148 it really depends you know on the body 8IifPz9rwWM-00273-00082149-00082346 weight whether you take two pills per 8IifPz9rwWM-00274-00082347-00082730 dose or or a lesser or more but it also 8IifPz9rwWM-00275-00082731-00083074 has this this kind of you know row here 8IifPz9rwWM-00276-00083075-00083324 where you see those parasites really 8IifPz9rwWM-00277-00083325-00083516 what I was just talking about to really 8IifPz9rwWM-00278-00083517-00083688 encourage people 8IifPz9rwWM-00279-00083689-00083901 take that very last few doses because 8IifPz9rwWM-00280-00083902-00084048 this is one of the challenges with these 8IifPz9rwWM-00281-00084049-00084259 type of treatments they are so powerful 8IifPz9rwWM-00282-00084260-00084576 and so quick acting other people might 8IifPz9rwWM-00283-00084577-00084882 want to save them for an excellent to 8IifPz9rwWM-00284-00084883-00085309 save some money now coming to you know 8IifPz9rwWM-00285-00085310-00085546 some of the the key the key success 8IifPz9rwWM-00286-00085547-00085950 factors the key learnings indeed the duo 8IifPz9rwWM-00287-00085951-00086085 branding that was what we initially 8IifPz9rwWM-00288-00086086-00086313 started with you know the drug is also 8IifPz9rwWM-00289-00086314-00086613 available here in the United States by 8IifPz9rwWM-00290-00086614-00086775 the way you can buy it in small bottles 8IifPz9rwWM-00291-00086776-00087213 24 tablets for an adult dose you can buy 8IifPz9rwWM-00292-00087214-00087624 it in Australia in Europe and there the 8IifPz9rwWM-00293-00087625-00087801 pricing is is you know kind of 8IifPz9rwWM-00294-00087802-00088044 comparable to what you would take if you 8IifPz9rwWM-00295-00088045-00088338 go to malaria endemic country you know 8IifPz9rwWM-00296-00088339-00088479 if you would take it prophylactic 8IifPz9rwWM-00297-00088480-00088599 treatment whereas this is not 8IifPz9rwWM-00298-00088600-00088788 prophylactic this is more standby trip 8IifPz9rwWM-00299-00088789-00089031 and so really intended for Western 8IifPz9rwWM-00300-00089032-00089274 travelers as a safety blanket in case 8IifPz9rwWM-00301-00089275-00089475 you're somewhere and you think you have 8IifPz9rwWM-00302-00089476-00089649 malaria and there is no medical care 8IifPz9rwWM-00303-00089650-00089961 around you start treatment and you get a 8IifPz9rwWM-00304-00089962-00090393 diagnosis later the implementation of 8IifPz9rwWM-00305-00090394-00090547 the in track country differential 8IifPz9rwWM-00306-00090548-00090772 pricing proved very important we 8IifPz9rwWM-00307-00090773-00090961 actually had and some kind of still have 8IifPz9rwWM-00308-00090962-00091293 today for price points going from in our 8IifPz9rwWM-00309-00091294-00091623 public sector facilities up to the 8IifPz9rwWM-00310-00091624-00091868 different levels in the private sector I 8IifPz9rwWM-00311-00091869-00092204 personally find that it is difficult to 8IifPz9rwWM-00312-00092205-00092532 maintain those for price points 3 price 8IifPz9rwWM-00313-00092533-00092799 points are probably more logic to 8IifPz9rwWM-00314-00092800-00093328 achieve in the long term the financial 8IifPz9rwWM-00315-00093329-00093490 sustainability actually has been in a 8IifPz9rwWM-00316-00093491-00093886 huge challenge for this program I should 8IifPz9rwWM-00317-00093887-00094254 say that if you really take everything 8IifPz9rwWM-00318-00094255-00094503 into account that means also the early 8IifPz9rwWM-00319-00094504-00094907 work of research and development Wharton 8IifPz9rwWM-00320-00094908-00095134 then then the financial sustainability 8IifPz9rwWM-00321-00095135-00095416 is still there you know 5 15 16 years 8IifPz9rwWM-00322-00095417-00095821 after launch of this program if you take 8IifPz9rwWM-00323-00095822-00095982 that out and look get a 8IifPz9rwWM-00324-00095983-00096253 quarter-by-quarter we have just recently 8IifPz9rwWM-00325-00096254-00096591 actually been able to pay our own bills 8IifPz9rwWM-00326-00096592-00096882 entirely this is the point I was going 8IifPz9rwWM-00327-00096883-00097032 to make that so 8IifPz9rwWM-00328-00097033-00097248 something that you know we hadn't really 8IifPz9rwWM-00329-00097249-00097471 expected when you're starting on the 8IifPz9rwWM-00330-00097472-00097678 program and certainly as we are 8IifPz9rwWM-00331-00097679-00097984 contemplating for their new generation 8IifPz9rwWM-00332-00097985-00098250 demon aerials we will have to to 8IifPz9rwWM-00333-00098251-00098428 approach things differently in that 8IifPz9rwWM-00334-00098429-00098823 respect clearly the success factor is 8IifPz9rwWM-00335-00098824-00099115 the partnerships we would not have been 8IifPz9rwWM-00336-00099116-00099316 able to achieve what we achieved with 8IifPz9rwWM-00337-00099317-00099622 malaria program without partnerships 8IifPz9rwWM-00338-00099623-00099990 across all phases in the value chain 8IifPz9rwWM-00339-00099991-00100303 beating research and development I just 8IifPz9rwWM-00340-00100304-00100425 wanted to say that for example when we 8IifPz9rwWM-00341-00100426-00100567 improve the firm elation to treat 8IifPz9rwWM-00342-00100568-00100836 infants and children with malaria it was 8IifPz9rwWM-00343-00100837-00101128 medicines from malaria venture who gave 8IifPz9rwWM-00344-00101129-00101496 some catalytic funding but also then 8IifPz9rwWM-00345-00101497-00101748 helped senior management in our company 8IifPz9rwWM-00346-00101749-00101959 to to make the decisions okay you know 8IifPz9rwWM-00347-00101960-00102211 we go and continue to pay for 8IifPz9rwWM-00348-00102212-00102477 development even though this is not not 8IifPz9rwWM-00349-00102478-00102990 a financially attractive area now over 8IifPz9rwWM-00350-00102991-00103174 time the challenges and you've seen on 8IifPz9rwWM-00351-00103175-00103527 that pyramid we have gotten over the 8IifPz9rwWM-00352-00103528-00103734 year an explosion of the number of 8IifPz9rwWM-00353-00103735-00104055 different court and packaging because we 8IifPz9rwWM-00354-00104056-00104409 offer are serving Mary different tiers 8IifPz9rwWM-00355-00104410-00104730 in the socio-economic pyramid and then 8IifPz9rwWM-00356-00104731-00104944 you get the next kind of country 8IifPz9rwWM-00357-00104945-00105208 customization requests by for example in 8IifPz9rwWM-00358-00105208-00105513 Nigeria where the Health Authority has 8IifPz9rwWM-00359-00105514-00105763 mandated manufacturers of certain 8IifPz9rwWM-00360-00105764-00105925 classes of medicines including intimal 8IifPz9rwWM-00361-00105926-00106236 areas and antibiotics to put on a small 8IifPz9rwWM-00362-00106238-00106483 kind of code or a sticker and kind of a 8IifPz9rwWM-00363-00106483-00106665 scratch thing that you need to stretch 8IifPz9rwWM-00364-00106666-00107008 and then 12 digit number appears which 8IifPz9rwWM-00365-00107008-00107316 you can SMS toll-free and then it 8IifPz9rwWM-00366-00107317-00107581 actually helps to authenticate the 8IifPz9rwWM-00367-00107582-00107956 products that comes with the cost 8IifPz9rwWM-00368-00107957-00108261 clearly if other countries would expect 8IifPz9rwWM-00369-00108263-00108540 the same this would be no drive cost up 8IifPz9rwWM-00370-00108541-00108813 even even further it's also difficult 8IifPz9rwWM-00371-00108814-00109011 for us to kind of you know plan all 8IifPz9rwWM-00372-00109013-00109213 these different you know quantities of 8IifPz9rwWM-00373-00109214-00109491 packs you have less flexibility there 8IifPz9rwWM-00374-00109492-00109669 was a time you know when the Global Fund 8IifPz9rwWM-00375-00109670-00109897 was just starting with its malaria 8IifPz9rwWM-00376-00109898-00110229 disbursement practices you know things 8IifPz9rwWM-00377-00110230-00110383 went very slow for example 8IifPz9rwWM-00378-00110383-00110671 country one and things and a little bit 8IifPz9rwWM-00379-00110672-00110877 more you know smoothly another country 8IifPz9rwWM-00380-00110878-00111199 and so our huge stock at some point i 8IifPz9rwWM-00381-00111200-00111496 should say we had 23 million cotton 8IifPz9rwWM-00382-00111497-00111927 treatments on stock without a firm 8IifPz9rwWM-00383-00111928-00112176 purchase order behind it imagine the 8IifPz9rwWM-00384-00112177-00112306 kind of the cost in the working capital 8IifPz9rwWM-00385-00112307-00112468 on the risk of a product that only has 8IifPz9rwWM-00386-00112469-00112870 24 months of shelf life so that 8IifPz9rwWM-00387-00112871-00113056 flexibility with all those notable 8IifPz9rwWM-00388-00113057-00113332 packaging differentiation is becoming a 8IifPz9rwWM-00389-00113333-00113664 challenge for us we've also and there 8IifPz9rwWM-00390-00113665-00113901 was actually you know surprising really 8IifPz9rwWM-00391-00113902-00114181 you know seeing that product I version 8IifPz9rwWM-00392-00114182-00114513 has has become you know a bit of an 8IifPz9rwWM-00393-00114514-00114636 issue number of countries and even 8IifPz9rwWM-00394-00114638-00114891 counterfeits so we thought now we are 8IifPz9rwWM-00395-00114892-00115063 selling this you know at City 8IifPz9rwWM-00396-00115064-00115273 rock-bottom low price but even 8IifPz9rwWM-00397-00115274-00115426 counterfeiters would would move into 8IifPz9rwWM-00398-00115427-00115750 this market and try to well to get some 8IifPz9rwWM-00399-00115751-00116085 margin there so financial sustainability 8IifPz9rwWM-00400-00116086-00116458 that's for as a key consideration the 8IifPz9rwWM-00401-00116458-00116743 forecast and uncertainty you know has 8IifPz9rwWM-00402-00116744-00117033 been very huge and and has you know cost 8IifPz9rwWM-00403-00117034-00117256 a lot of concern because it's such an 8IifPz9rwWM-00404-00117257-00117474 artificial market you know ultimately 8IifPz9rwWM-00405-00117475-00117834 ninety percent of the products of the 8IifPz9rwWM-00406-00117835-00117994 quarter medicines that are being sold 8IifPz9rwWM-00407-00117995-00118302 are either one hundred percent or around 8IifPz9rwWM-00408-00118303-00118645 sixty to seventy percent donor-funded so 8IifPz9rwWM-00409-00118646-00118986 so you get a very distorted way of you 8IifPz9rwWM-00410-00118988-00119235 know off of ordering and supplying away 8IifPz9rwWM-00411-00119236-00119458 and then the question that we ask 8IifPz9rwWM-00412-00119458-00119613 ourselves is now that there is much more 8IifPz9rwWM-00413-00119614-00119814 let's say generic competition in the 8IifPz9rwWM-00414-00119815-00120102 place what do malaria programs in Africa 8IifPz9rwWM-00415-00120103-00120354 and what would what would donors you 8IifPz9rwWM-00416-00120355-00120576 know find of a value in our capacity 8IifPz9rwWM-00417-00120577-00120903 building programs that we offer no free 8IifPz9rwWM-00418-00120904-00121166 of charge alongside with the the product 8IifPz9rwWM-00419-00121167-00121464 transactions and that is actually 8IifPz9rwWM-00420-00121465-00121651 something which you know at the end of 8IifPz9rwWM-00421-00121652-00121849 the day as people say you know prices 8IifPz9rwWM-00422-00121850-00122160 king and and so those additional value 8IifPz9rwWM-00423-00122161-00122350 programs that we're doing that are 8IifPz9rwWM-00424-00122351-00122632 costing money don't get you know as much 8IifPz9rwWM-00425-00122633-00122877 of evaluation so these are just a few 8IifPz9rwWM-00426-00122878-00123033 thoughts that I would like to leave you 8IifPz9rwWM-00427-00123034-00123511 with but we remain determined to make 8IifPz9rwWM-00428-00123513-00123713 have no child shall die from malaria in 8IifPz9rwWM-00429-00123714-00124352 the future thank you thank you very much 8IifPz9rwWM-00430-00124353-00124556 hands that's terrific and so now we have 8IifPz9rwWM-00431-00124557-00124967 two potential models on the table we 8IifPz9rwWM-00432-00124968-00125492 have please person I'm we move 8Nuse0PIHJU-00000-00000189-00001315 [Music] 8Nuse0PIHJU-00001-00001316-00001718 thank you 8Nuse0PIHJU-00003-00005886-00006342 foreign 8Nuse0PIHJU-00004-00006343-00007469 [Music] 8Nuse0PIHJU-00005-00007470-00007663 foreign 8Nuse0PIHJU-00006-00007664-00009422 [Music] 8Nuse0PIHJU-00007-00009423-00010270 [Music] 8Nuse0PIHJU-00008-00010271-00011000 [Music] 8Nuse0PIHJU-00009-00011001-00012592 [Music] 8Nuse0PIHJU-00010-00012593-00012749 foreign foreign 8Nuse0PIHJU-00011-00012750-00013050 foreign 8NFmvu1lt-u-00000-00000000-00000318 hey mate how you going 8NFmvu1lt-u-00001-00000319-00000511 you you eat pork chops even though pigs 8NFmvu1lt-u-00002-00000512-00000719 suffer for them 8NFmvu1lt-u-00003-00000720-00000935 this is this is quite brutal actually 8NFmvu1lt-u-00004-00000936-00001679 this is this i know slaughterhouses 8NFmvu1lt-u-00005-00001680-00001775 it's 8NFmvu1lt-u-00006-00001776-00001926 very boring 8NFmvu1lt-u-00007-00001927-00002098 shocking 8NFmvu1lt-u-00008-00002099-00003102 [Music] 8NFmvu1lt-u-00009-00003103-00003263 so it's actually this location that i 8NFmvu1lt-u-00010-00003264-00003583 filmed um back in 2017 the best debate 8NFmvu1lt-u-00011-00003584-00003711 i've ever had 8NFmvu1lt-u-00012-00003711-00003895 and uh this place is actually blessed 8NFmvu1lt-u-00013-00003896-00004103 it's quite i've got quite some quite big 8NFmvu1lt-u-00014-00004104-00004270 videos from this place 8NFmvu1lt-u-00015-00004271-00004535 when i uh burst onto the uk activism 8NFmvu1lt-u-00016-00004536-00004751 scene back in the days let's see if we 8NFmvu1lt-u-00017-00004752-00004943 can remake it maybe she'll walk past the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00018-00004944-00005135 lady are debated again and she's vegan 8NFmvu1lt-u-00019-00005136-00005302 maybe she's an activist now 8NFmvu1lt-u-00020-00005303-00005438 look what we got here we've got hinch 8NFmvu1lt-u-00021-00005439-00005622 herbivore here oh hello got a friend 8NFmvu1lt-u-00022-00005623-00005895 here hi how are you i'm very well good 8NFmvu1lt-u-00023-00005896-00006047 to have you down my friend hench is my 8NFmvu1lt-u-00024-00006048-00006334 bodyguard today 8NFmvu1lt-u-00025-00006335-00006503 have you seen this this is a come around 8NFmvu1lt-u-00026-00006504-00006703 this side this is a pigs at a sanctuary 8NFmvu1lt-u-00027-00006704-00006975 but 8NFmvu1lt-u-00028-00006976-00007231 this is uh the dairy industry do you 8NFmvu1lt-u-00029-00007231-00007534 know much about the dairy industry 8NFmvu1lt-u-00030-00007536-00007631 no 8NFmvu1lt-u-00031-00007631-00007839 they shoot the male calf sometimes on 8NFmvu1lt-u-00032-00007840-00008046 the farm because they won't grow to 8NFmvu1lt-u-00033-00008047-00008162 produce milk 8NFmvu1lt-u-00034-00008163-00008287 [Music] 8NFmvu1lt-u-00035-00008288-00009078 it's a calf slaughterhouse 8NFmvu1lt-u-00036-00009079-00009271 you eat pork chops even though pigs 8NFmvu1lt-u-00037-00009272-00009471 suffer for them 8NFmvu1lt-u-00038-00009472-00009759 you like suffering animals 8NFmvu1lt-u-00039-00009760-00010039 you'll have a bit of suffering 8NFmvu1lt-u-00040-00010040-00010303 he's been a bay control since 1946 8NFmvu1lt-u-00041-00010304-00010495 it's probably one of uh donald watson's 8NFmvu1lt-u-00042-00010496-00010719 original bay controls and he's still 8NFmvu1lt-u-00043-00010720-00010927 still trolling yeah 8NFmvu1lt-u-00044-00010928-00011271 you're a veggie 8NFmvu1lt-u-00045-00011272-00011599 oh that's good yeah because uh 8NFmvu1lt-u-00046-00011600-00011783 the dairy cows are get a pretty hard 8NFmvu1lt-u-00047-00011784-00012023 time in the dairy industry actually 8NFmvu1lt-u-00048-00012024-00012174 and they will go to the slaughterhouse 8NFmvu1lt-u-00049-00012175-00012474 to be to be killed for 8NFmvu1lt-u-00050-00012475-00012683 beef i 8NFmvu1lt-u-00051-00012684-00012871 think i never realized they're beautiful 8NFmvu1lt-u-00052-00012872-00013022 yeah do you know much about the egg 8NFmvu1lt-u-00053-00013023-00013166 industry yeah 8NFmvu1lt-u-00054-00013168-00013366 the little hens the little little wings 8NFmvu1lt-u-00055-00013368-00013630 and then mushed into cannes 8NFmvu1lt-u-00056-00013631-00013743 chickens 8NFmvu1lt-u-00057-00013744-00013935 yeah so i do a lot of investigations 8NFmvu1lt-u-00058-00013936-00014094 myself as well so i go into the factory 8NFmvu1lt-u-00059-00014095-00014247 farms here in the uk and a lot of people 8NFmvu1lt-u-00060-00014247-00014511 don't actually believe that most of the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00061-00014512-00014703 animals come out of factory farms here 8NFmvu1lt-u-00062-00014704-00014903 because they see a lot of like this high 8NFmvu1lt-u-00063-00014904-00015103 welfare narrative that the farmers push 8NFmvu1lt-u-00064-00015104-00015271 and you'll always see these dairy cows 8NFmvu1lt-u-00065-00015272-00015415 out on the grass and you'll see like 8NFmvu1lt-u-00066-00015416-00015647 some sheep and stuff but really it's 8NFmvu1lt-u-00067-00015647-00015935 they're all enclosed uh all the chickens 8NFmvu1lt-u-00068-00015936-00016199 basically 100 of the chickens right now 8NFmvu1lt-u-00069-00016200-00016494 are all in factory farms because they 8NFmvu1lt-u-00070-00016495-00016791 can't have any fruit exactly so but even 8NFmvu1lt-u-00071-00016792-00017055 before then around 95 percent of 8NFmvu1lt-u-00072-00017056-00017286 chickens are factory farmed you know and 8NFmvu1lt-u-00073-00017287-00017536 over 90 of the pigs are factory farmed 8NFmvu1lt-u-00074-00017537-00017935 [Music] 8NFmvu1lt-u-00075-00017936-00018103 and they they do 8NFmvu1lt-u-00076-00018104-00018367 lie to people they market to people you 8NFmvu1lt-u-00077-00018368-00018494 know so when you see when you see 8NFmvu1lt-u-00078-00018495-00018679 labeling you have to imagine they're 8NFmvu1lt-u-00079-00018680-00018847 selling you like a car if i'm going to 8NFmvu1lt-u-00080-00018848-00018991 sell you a car what am i going to tell 8NFmvu1lt-u-00081-00018992-00019183 you it's an amazing car i want to sell 8NFmvu1lt-u-00082-00019184-00019343 it especially like they're getting 8NFmvu1lt-u-00083-00019344-00019583 desperate too so they tell people all of 8NFmvu1lt-u-00084-00019584-00019822 these lies about humane dairy and humane 8NFmvu1lt-u-00085-00019823-00020039 eggs and you need these nutrients and 8NFmvu1lt-u-00086-00020040-00020375 things like this 8NFmvu1lt-u-00087-00020376-00020686 what do you see 8NFmvu1lt-u-00088-00020687-00020839 these are going to ask some questions 8NFmvu1lt-u-00089-00020840-00020991 about it because they don't need to 8NFmvu1lt-u-00090-00020992-00021239 watch this and then be either upset or 8NFmvu1lt-u-00091-00021240-00021383 not ask questions so that you can 8NFmvu1lt-u-00092-00021384-00021535 understand what's happening these are 8NFmvu1lt-u-00093-00021536-00021614 the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00094-00021615-00021758 these are like the mummy hens who lay 8NFmvu1lt-u-00095-00021759-00021943 the eggs 8NFmvu1lt-u-00096-00021944-00022158 um and they get this is an enriched cage 8NFmvu1lt-u-00097-00022159-00022375 system and i've been in these places in 8NFmvu1lt-u-00098-00022376-00022558 the uk 8NFmvu1lt-u-00099-00022559-00022886 so but this is a free range shed 8NFmvu1lt-u-00100-00022887-00023207 what this is a free range shed what what 8NFmvu1lt-u-00101-00023208-00023327 i thought 8NFmvu1lt-u-00102-00023328-00023575 they could go outside they can so they 8NFmvu1lt-u-00103-00023576-00023711 what they do is they open up the sides 8NFmvu1lt-u-00104-00023712-00023935 of the sheds right and they can some can 8NFmvu1lt-u-00105-00023936-00024047 get access but you've got to imagine 8NFmvu1lt-u-00106-00024048-00024199 there's 16 000 you have their pecking 8NFmvu1lt-u-00107-00024200-00024350 order so they don't let some of the some 8NFmvu1lt-u-00108-00024351-00024463 of the hens don't let the other hands 8NFmvu1lt-u-00109-00024464-00024550 out 8NFmvu1lt-u-00110-00024551-00024735 um but it's that's not really the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00111-00024736-00024903 problem that they whether they can or 8NFmvu1lt-u-00112-00024904-00025047 can't go outdoors it's more that they're 8NFmvu1lt-u-00113-00025048-00025278 laying egg after egg after egg after egg 8NFmvu1lt-u-00114-00025279-00025422 and it sucks the nutrients out of their 8NFmvu1lt-u-00115-00025423-00025542 body 8NFmvu1lt-u-00116-00025543-00025734 so you'll see often when when you go 8NFmvu1lt-u-00117-00025735-00025918 into these sheds you'll see hens dying 8NFmvu1lt-u-00118-00025919-00026055 on the floor because they're just 8NFmvu1lt-u-00119-00026056-00026399 they're exhausted what's that 8NFmvu1lt-u-00120-00026400-00026614 this is a slaughterhouse actually this 8NFmvu1lt-u-00121-00026616-00027014 is me with a rescue hints 8NFmvu1lt-u-00122-00027016-00027327 oh now i've heard bad things about lamb 8NFmvu1lt-u-00123-00027327-00027702 yes 8NFmvu1lt-u-00124-00027704-00027895 well the dairy industry more so in the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00125-00027895-00028095 like it was saying about organic dairy 8NFmvu1lt-u-00126-00028095-00028246 so what happens they impregnate the the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00127-00028247-00028446 cows it's too 8NFmvu1lt-u-00128-00028447-00028583 crude to tell you how they do it's 8NFmvu1lt-u-00129-00028583-00028807 really perverted actually 8NFmvu1lt-u-00130-00028808-00029007 yeah and they how they remove this the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00131-00029008-00029127 males 8NFmvu1lt-u-00132-00029127-00029279 from the reason why 8NFmvu1lt-u-00133-00029280-00029483 people can produce milk they've had a 8NFmvu1lt-u-00134-00029483-00029718 baby that's what the hormones are that's 8NFmvu1lt-u-00135-00029719-00029943 why mommy was only producing milk 8NFmvu1lt-u-00136-00029944-00030158 when i was pregnant 8NFmvu1lt-u-00137-00030160-00030279 okay 8NFmvu1lt-u-00138-00030280-00030487 yeah so with their cow's the same they 8NFmvu1lt-u-00139-00030488-00030727 impregnate the cow and they do it for 8NFmvu1lt-u-00140-00030727-00030846 forcefully 8NFmvu1lt-u-00141-00030847-00031079 without the cow's consent and it's not a 8NFmvu1lt-u-00142-00031080-00031255 natural process it's the farmer doing it 8NFmvu1lt-u-00143-00031256-00031511 to the to the cow and then the cow will 8NFmvu1lt-u-00144-00031512-00031687 have the baby in her stomach for nine 8NFmvu1lt-u-00145-00031688-00031999 months like a like a human being so and 8NFmvu1lt-u-00146-00032000-00032262 then they develop a bond with this baby 8NFmvu1lt-u-00147-00032263-00032470 but immediately after birth the cough 8NFmvu1lt-u-00148-00032472-00032751 will be taken from the mother 8NFmvu1lt-u-00149-00032752-00032999 yeah so they have a maternal bond 8NFmvu1lt-u-00150-00033000-00033071 with 8NFmvu1lt-u-00151-00033072-00033231 the calf and the mother have this 8NFmvu1lt-u-00152-00033232-00033446 intense maternal bond and they're 8NFmvu1lt-u-00153-00033447-00033662 incredibly maternal animals cows and 8NFmvu1lt-u-00154-00033663-00033862 they separate them the farmers and then 8NFmvu1lt-u-00155-00033863-00034087 they give the cow the calf the the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00156-00034088-00034239 colostrum which is the first feed from 8NFmvu1lt-u-00157-00034240-00034367 the mother sometimes they let him stay 8NFmvu1lt-u-00158-00034368-00034527 with the mother to have that first feed 8NFmvu1lt-u-00159-00034528-00034655 but after that they're separated and 8NFmvu1lt-u-00160-00034656-00034846 then they put them in hutches 8NFmvu1lt-u-00161-00034847-00035031 the female cut calves will go and 8NFmvu1lt-u-00162-00035032-00035287 hutches away from their mothers this is 8NFmvu1lt-u-00163-00035288-00035455 this is quite brutal actually this is 8NFmvu1lt-u-00164-00035456-00036071 this i know slaughterhouses 8NFmvu1lt-u-00165-00036072-00036374 it's so sad 8NFmvu1lt-u-00166-00036375-00036471 it's 8NFmvu1lt-u-00167-00036472-00036887 very 8NFmvu1lt-u-00168-00036888-00037087 it's really bad 8NFmvu1lt-u-00169-00037088-00037302 it's really good that you teach your 8NFmvu1lt-u-00170-00037303-00037599 children this actually i mean 8NFmvu1lt-u-00171-00037600-00037783 yeah it's good that they know actually 8NFmvu1lt-u-00172-00037784-00038390 what goes on because 8NFmvu1lt-u-00173-00038391-00038590 but in the dairy industry as well 8NFmvu1lt-u-00174-00038591-00038718 because you guys wouldn't be eating 8NFmvu1lt-u-00175-00038719-00038927 eating lambs anyway would you but in the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00176-00038928-00039174 dairy industry so the male calves will 8NFmvu1lt-u-00177-00039175-00039351 they will either be raised for veal 8NFmvu1lt-u-00178-00039352-00039599 which is baby calf meat yeah they're 8NFmvu1lt-u-00179-00039600-00039767 going to be killed for bill or they go 8NFmvu1lt-u-00180-00039768-00039879 for beef 8NFmvu1lt-u-00181-00039880-00040055 sometimes they kill them on the farm as 8NFmvu1lt-u-00182-00040056-00040190 little babies 8NFmvu1lt-u-00183-00040191-00040335 but they'll be outlawing that by the end 8NFmvu1lt-u-00184-00040336-00040630 of this year oh really that's good 8NFmvu1lt-u-00185-00040631-00040727 just because they're outlawing it 8NFmvu1lt-u-00186-00040728-00040887 doesn't mean they're not 8NFmvu1lt-u-00187-00040888-00041055 but but they're still killing for veal 8NFmvu1lt-u-00188-00041056-00041183 calves and they're still killing them 8NFmvu1lt-u-00189-00041184-00041343 anyway 8NFmvu1lt-u-00190-00041344-00041471 all the mama cows will go to the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00191-00041472-00041735 slaughterhouse to be turned into burgers 8NFmvu1lt-u-00192-00041736-00041887 when after about it's usually about 8NFmvu1lt-u-00193-00041888-00042083 three or four cycles so three or four 8NFmvu1lt-u-00194-00042084-00042390 carvings um and taking her milk taking 8NFmvu1lt-u-00195-00042391-00042495 their milk taking their milk sometimes 8NFmvu1lt-u-00196-00042496-00042711 they can get injuries lameness mastitis 8NFmvu1lt-u-00197-00042712-00042862 which is an infection of the other where 8NFmvu1lt-u-00198-00042863-00043023 their pus goes into the milk 8NFmvu1lt-u-00199-00043024-00043227 um but then they will go to the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00200-00043228-00043487 slaughterhouse of what they want 8NFmvu1lt-u-00201-00043488-00043751 yeah their choice is children it's good 8NFmvu1lt-u-00202-00043752-00043902 this is what i say to parents as well 8NFmvu1lt-u-00203-00043903-00044174 like giving children a choice means 8NFmvu1lt-u-00204-00044175-00044318 giving them a choice saying okay the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00205-00044319-00044551 animals are killed for this 8NFmvu1lt-u-00206-00044552-00044758 do you want to eat 8NFmvu1lt-u-00207-00044759-00044839 that 8NFmvu1lt-u-00208-00044840-00045046 that was only when we were we were 8NFmvu1lt-u-00209-00045047-00045223 learning about the stone age yeah i 8NFmvu1lt-u-00210-00045224-00045567 found it quite interesting 8NFmvu1lt-u-00211-00045568-00045862 i found it interesting i did kind of 8NFmvu1lt-u-00212-00045863-00046087 feel bad but 8NFmvu1lt-u-00213-00046088-00046279 it was tasty what did you think about 8NFmvu1lt-u-00214-00046280-00046439 how do you think the fishy felt 8NFmvu1lt-u-00215-00046440-00046639 horrible how did you kill the fishy do 8NFmvu1lt-u-00216-00046640-00046911 you remember so it was already 8NFmvu1lt-u-00217-00046912-00046999 no 8NFmvu1lt-u-00218-00047000-00047183 no well obviously the person who gave it 8NFmvu1lt-u-00219-00047184-00047302 to us obviously 8NFmvu1lt-u-00220-00047303-00047479 fish them out the out the water probably 8NFmvu1lt-u-00221-00047480-00047679 killed it and then we had to rip it 8NFmvu1lt-u-00222-00047680-00047871 together so you didn't kill the fishy 8NFmvu1lt-u-00223-00047872-00048079 you just help prepare the fish 8NFmvu1lt-u-00224-00048080-00048174 okay 8NFmvu1lt-u-00225-00048175-00048327 if you think about a hook where a fish 8NFmvu1lt-u-00226-00048328-00048551 is in the ocean right and they see like 8NFmvu1lt-u-00227-00048552-00048711 food and they're actually hungry so they 8NFmvu1lt-u-00228-00048712-00048855 go and bite it and they it drags them 8NFmvu1lt-u-00229-00048856-00049030 out the ocean and they suffocate and 8NFmvu1lt-u-00230-00049031-00049239 then they die sucks because um even if 8NFmvu1lt-u-00231-00049240-00049374 you were gonna release the fish if you 8NFmvu1lt-u-00232-00049375-00049527 don't take it out properly lester were 8NFmvu1lt-u-00233-00049528-00049758 gonna die yeah because 8NFmvu1lt-u-00234-00049759-00049862 yeah because they get pulled out of 8NFmvu1lt-u-00235-00049863-00050079 their home don't they this is some uk 8NFmvu1lt-u-00236-00050080-00050295 stuff this here is happy cow it's the 8NFmvu1lt-u-00237-00050296-00050558 best app you can find a vegan when 8NFmvu1lt-u-00238-00050559-00050751 you're out anywhere it'll show you where 8NFmvu1lt-u-00239-00050752-00050886 there's vegan options vegan a whole 8NFmvu1lt-u-00240-00050887-00051335 vegan restaurant 8NFmvu1lt-u-00241-00051336-00051782 yeah i mean 8NFmvu1lt-u-00242-00051783-00051958 it's good that you're teaching your kids 8NFmvu1lt-u-00243-00051959-00052087 it's really good that you're learning 8NFmvu1lt-u-00244-00052088-00052230 actually you're going to be a lot 8NFmvu1lt-u-00245-00052232-00052358 smarter than all the kids at school 8NFmvu1lt-u-00246-00052359-00052679 actually about this 8NFmvu1lt-u-00247-00052679-00052863 it's really interesting but also kind of 8NFmvu1lt-u-00248-00052864-00053111 sad it's sad because it's happening 8NFmvu1lt-u-00249-00053112-00053287 in in the uk alone so it's over a 8NFmvu1lt-u-00250-00053288-00053494 billion animals that are and most of 8NFmvu1lt-u-00251-00053495-00053694 them are factory farmed and killed in in 8NFmvu1lt-u-00252-00053695-00053894 the world it's like 80 billion land 8NFmvu1lt-u-00253-00053895-00054054 animals and trillions of sea animals 8NFmvu1lt-u-00254-00054055-00054159 they can't even count them there's so 8NFmvu1lt-u-00255-00054160-00054350 many that get killed and there's a lot 8NFmvu1lt-u-00256-00054351-00054566 of suffering as well so 8NFmvu1lt-u-00257-00054567-00054815 but everyone has the power so no thank 8NFmvu1lt-u-00258-00054816-00054991 you i think we will try a bit more won't 8NFmvu1lt-u-00259-00054991-00055079 we 8NFmvu1lt-u-00260-00055079-00055487 i'm pretty much vegan full time 8NFmvu1lt-u-00261-00055488-00055703 i need to get over steak 8NFmvu1lt-u-00262-00055704-00055791 yeah 8NFmvu1lt-u-00263-00055791-00055959 that's fine you gotta imagine what steak 8NFmvu1lt-u-00264-00055960-00056135 is i used to eat more steak than anyone 8NFmvu1lt-u-00265-00056136-00056223 i love 8NFmvu1lt-u-00266-00056224-00056591 but now i think of steak as who was that 8NFmvu1lt-u-00267-00056591-00056711 you don't think of what you're eating 8NFmvu1lt-u-00268-00056712-00056871 don't call it that was a that was a 8NFmvu1lt-u-00269-00056872-00057038 someone they had a personality that 8NFmvu1lt-u-00270-00057039-00057159 didn't want to die 8NFmvu1lt-u-00271-00057160-00057342 and and that's a piece of their body 8NFmvu1lt-u-00272-00057344-00057959 that's what steak is 8NFmvu1lt-u-00273-00057960-00058150 thank you take care see you later 8NFmvu1lt-u-00274-00058151-00058359 appreciate it bye-bye 8NFmvu1lt-u-00275-00058360-00058503 that doesn't that really that actually 8NFmvu1lt-u-00276-00058504-00058711 rarely happens yeah where a mother's 8NFmvu1lt-u-00277-00058712-00059247 society gives consent 8NFmvu1lt-u-00278-00059248-00059375 more often than that happening would be 8NFmvu1lt-u-00279-00059376-00059494 someone saying 8NFmvu1lt-u-00280-00059495-00059766 don't show this there's kids around 8NFmvu1lt-u-00281-00059767-00059982 but uh that was which i sort of get i 8NFmvu1lt-u-00282-00059983-00060103 suppose but 8NFmvu1lt-u-00283-00060104-00060303 you know they're probably the ones that 8NFmvu1lt-u-00284-00060304-00060463 well stop stop funding that and then i 8NFmvu1lt-u-00285-00060464-00060606 won't need to keep doing this exactly 8NFmvu1lt-u-00286-00060607-00060927 that's what i say to him 8pK1EvSba5Q-00000-00000000-00000359 love yourself here all the time 8pK1EvSba5Q-00001-00000360-00000580 isn't that selfish 8pK1EvSba5Q-00002-00000581-00001079 to paraphrase Oscar Wilde selfishness is 8pK1EvSba5Q-00003-00001080-00001493 not living as one wishes to live it's 8pK1EvSba5Q-00004-00001494-00001948 asking others to live as one wishes to 8pK1EvSba5Q-00005-00001950-00002273 live in other words it's perfectly fine 8pK1EvSba5Q-00006-00002274-00002705 for you to do and live your life the way 8pK1EvSba5Q-00007-00002706-00003029 you want to do it what's not fine at all 8pK1EvSba5Q-00008-00003030-00003461 is asking other people to live according 8pK1EvSba5Q-00009-00003461-00003893 to what you want rather than giving them 8pK1EvSba5Q-00010-00003894-00004283 autonomy to live according to their own 8pK1EvSba5Q-00011-00004284-00004456 desires 8pK1EvSba5Q-00012-00004457-00004906 so why does loving yourself matter 8pK1EvSba5Q-00013-00004907-00005177 well let's take a look 8pK1EvSba5Q-00014-00005178-00005356 first of all 8pK1EvSba5Q-00015-00005357-00005579 if you don't love you 8pK1EvSba5Q-00016-00005580-00006143 why would anybody else want to love you 8pK1EvSba5Q-00017-00006144-00006425 how do you feel about yourself in fact 8pK1EvSba5Q-00018-00006426-00006577 about everything 8pK1EvSba5Q-00019-00006578-00007084 shows up real loudly real clearly in 8pK1EvSba5Q-00020-00007086-00007414 your energy field the invisible energy 8pK1EvSba5Q-00021-00007415-00007828 that goes out and shows the world well I 8pK1EvSba5Q-00022-00007829-00008189 want to be near person a and I want to 8pK1EvSba5Q-00023-00008190-00008495 avoid person B I mean I see them coming 8pK1EvSba5Q-00024-00008496-00008741 down the street and their energy is so 8pK1EvSba5Q-00025-00008742-00009089 nasty across the street so I won't have 8pK1EvSba5Q-00026-00009090-00009319 to run into them 8pK1EvSba5Q-00027-00009320-00009742 it's how you feel 8pK1EvSba5Q-00028-00009743-00009953 because the Energy's there all the time 8pK1EvSba5Q-00029-00009954-00010283 it's invisible 8pK1EvSba5Q-00030-00010284-00010606 and it's real you might call it a gut 8pK1EvSba5Q-00031-00010607-00010973 feeling and for those of us who are 8pK1EvSba5Q-00032-00010974-00011213 Clairvoyant well 8pK1EvSba5Q-00033-00011214-00011646 it's seeing the actual energy 8pK1EvSba5Q-00034-00011647-00012046 seeing the actual Aura this invisible 8pK1EvSba5Q-00035-00012047-00012496 energy is what drives your thoughts and 8pK1EvSba5Q-00036-00012497-00012905 drives your actions and basically is a 8pK1EvSba5Q-00037-00012906-00013283 reason you live your life exactly the 8pK1EvSba5Q-00038-00013284-00013541 way you do 8pK1EvSba5Q-00039-00013541-00013680 now 8pK1EvSba5Q-00040-00013681-00014033 nothing in your world can become 8pK1EvSba5Q-00041-00014034-00014165 manifest 8pK1EvSba5Q-00042-00014166-00014375 I don't care how many times you watch 8pK1EvSba5Q-00043-00014376-00014813 the secret nothing in your world will 8pK1EvSba5Q-00044-00014813-00015011 happen 8pK1EvSba5Q-00045-00015012-00015244 unless you love yourself first because 8pK1EvSba5Q-00046-00015245-00015755 you have to come from your heart because 8pK1EvSba5Q-00047-00015756-00016091 your heart's looking next to the knowing 8pK1EvSba5Q-00048-00016091-00016499 of the universe now when you're coming 8pK1EvSba5Q-00049-00016500-00016829 from your heart then what you want to do 8pK1EvSba5Q-00050-00016830-00017303 is get your frequency your energy field 8pK1EvSba5Q-00051-00017304-00017680 to be in a coherence and nice sine wave 8pK1EvSba5Q-00052-00017681-00017830 with 8pK1EvSba5Q-00053-00017831-00018233 heart first and then you can join with 8pK1EvSba5Q-00054-00018234-00018515 what's going on in your brain in your 8pK1EvSba5Q-00055-00018516-00018905 mind and it's called being incoherent so 8pK1EvSba5Q-00056-00018906-00019319 it meshes it fits together and you want 8pK1EvSba5Q-00057-00019320-00019655 both those things to happen so that you 8pK1EvSba5Q-00058-00019656-00020080 can manifest what you want in life how 8pK1EvSba5Q-00059-00020081-00020183 else 8pK1EvSba5Q-00060-00020184-00020527 to self-love show up in your life 8pK1EvSba5Q-00061-00020528-00020867 well first of all it's easy to tell 8pK1EvSba5Q-00062-00020868-00021214 someone who loves themselves they have a 8pK1EvSba5Q-00063-00021215-00021605 positive relationship with themselves 8pK1EvSba5Q-00064-00021606-00021971 there are thoughts tend to increase 8pK1EvSba5Q-00065-00021972-00022163 self-esteem 8pK1EvSba5Q-00066-00022164-00022457 they have increased confidence a high 8pK1EvSba5Q-00067-00022458-00023064 self-worth and a better healthier even 8pK1EvSba5Q-00068-00023065-00023477 comfortable perspective on everything on 8pK1EvSba5Q-00069-00023478-00024055 life on the world so all those pieces 8pK1EvSba5Q-00070-00024056-00024472 contribute to a healthy mental and 8pK1EvSba5Q-00071-00024473-00024769 physical state 8pK1EvSba5Q-00072-00024770-00025171 those attitudes and tend to Foster 8pK1EvSba5Q-00073-00025172-00025469 self-care people who love themselves 8pK1EvSba5Q-00074-00025470-00025822 they eat well not junk they're not going 8pK1EvSba5Q-00075-00025823-00026050 to be overweight they're eating food 8pK1EvSba5Q-00076-00026051-00026296 that's nourishing and they're not 8pK1EvSba5Q-00077-00026297-00026537 overeating and they're not eating when 8pK1EvSba5Q-00078-00026538-00026740 they're not hungry and they're not 8pK1EvSba5Q-00079-00026741-00027137 eating junk food they exercise in ways 8pK1EvSba5Q-00080-00027138-00027557 that are healthy not obsessive healthy 8pK1EvSba5Q-00081-00027558-00027851 they have a spiritual practice 8pK1EvSba5Q-00082-00027852-00028277 I know in my Healthcare practice for 8pK1EvSba5Q-00083-00028277-00028757 decades I find that people who do not 8pK1EvSba5Q-00084-00028758-00029057 have a spiritual practice 8pK1EvSba5Q-00085-00029058-00029429 tend to have poor health 8pK1EvSba5Q-00086-00029430-00029740 so whatever you believe in spirituality 8pK1EvSba5Q-00087-00029741-00030095 is not religion are two different things 8pK1EvSba5Q-00088-00030095-00030431 believing in a higher power knowing who 8pK1EvSba5Q-00089-00030432-00030814 you are your spirit that matters to your 8pK1EvSba5Q-00090-00030816-00030983 well-being and when you're loving 8pK1EvSba5Q-00091-00030983-00031324 yourself that's just a natural part of 8pK1EvSba5Q-00092-00031325-00031633 you loving you 8pK1EvSba5Q-00093-00031633-00032099 it'll also be getting good nourishing 8pK1EvSba5Q-00094-00032100-00032381 sleep you're giving your body a chance 8pK1EvSba5Q-00095-00032382-00032771 for the brain to shrink and all the bad 8pK1EvSba5Q-00096-00032772-00033190 toxins to clear out from your brain so 8pK1EvSba5Q-00097-00033191-00033521 you get to be healthy when you're 8pK1EvSba5Q-00098-00033522-00033929 sleeping well and sleeping long enough 8pK1EvSba5Q-00099-00033930-00034252 you'll also be engaging in activities 8pK1EvSba5Q-00100-00034253-00034661 that bring you Joy that let you feel 8pK1EvSba5Q-00101-00034662-00034805 great 8pK1EvSba5Q-00102-00034806-00035249 and you'll also be experiencing 8pK1EvSba5Q-00103-00035250-00035407 great 8pK1EvSba5Q-00104-00035408-00035789 satisfying happy relationships both 8pK1EvSba5Q-00105-00035790-00035915 personally 8pK1EvSba5Q-00106-00035916-00036281 and professionally 8pK1EvSba5Q-00107-00036282-00036551 you're more likely when you love 8pK1EvSba5Q-00108-00036552-00037007 yourself you're more likely to honor and 8pK1EvSba5Q-00109-00037008-00037223 to respect yourself 8pK1EvSba5Q-00110-00037224-00037618 you're going to keep healthy boundaries 8pK1EvSba5Q-00111-00037619-00037877 others are very unlikely to take 8pK1EvSba5Q-00112-00037878-00038068 advantage of you 8pK1EvSba5Q-00113-00038069-00038357 and on that note you're going to have 8pK1EvSba5Q-00114-00038358-00038509 successful 8pK1EvSba5Q-00115-00038510-00038939 across your life all across your world 8pK1EvSba5Q-00116-00038940-00039293 in your personal situations and your 8pK1EvSba5Q-00117-00039294-00039587 professional situations 8pK1EvSba5Q-00118-00039588-00040018 you also tend to have greater resilience 8pK1EvSba5Q-00119-00040019-00040259 you know bad things happen in 8pK1EvSba5Q-00120-00040260-00040487 everybody's lives but when you love 8pK1EvSba5Q-00121-00040488-00040696 yourself you're going to bounce back 8pK1EvSba5Q-00122-00040697-00041057 from any challenge faster 8pK1EvSba5Q-00123-00041058-00041333 than you would if you're not loving 8pK1EvSba5Q-00124-00041334-00041477 yourself 8pK1EvSba5Q-00125-00041478-00041729 now summing it all up 8pK1EvSba5Q-00126-00041730-00041909 self-love 8pK1EvSba5Q-00127-00041910-00042137 leads to happiness 8pK1EvSba5Q-00128-00042138-00042571 which in turn leads to a healthier 8pK1EvSba5Q-00129-00042572-00042995 Balanced Life as I've been teaching you 8pK1EvSba5Q-00130-00042996-00043151 for years 8pK1EvSba5Q-00131-00043152-00043602 love yourself first it's not 8pK1EvSba5Q-00132-00043603-00044245 selfish it is mandatory 8pK1EvSba5Q-00133-00044246-00044640 I thank you for joining us here today 8pK1EvSba5Q-00134-00044641-00045011 for this episode of let's get 8pK1EvSba5Q-00135-00045012-00045377 metaphysical connecting heart and mind 8pK1EvSba5Q-00136-00045378-00045695 and remember to join our Facebook group 8pK1EvSba5Q-00137-00045696-00045983 where you can make a friend or you can 8pK1EvSba5Q-00138-00045984-00046427 ask questions and see special offers and 8pK1EvSba5Q-00139-00046428-00046733 some extra posts and videos 8pK1EvSba5Q-00140-00046734-00046908 in addition 8pK1EvSba5Q-00141-00046909-00047195 appreciate your leaving a review so 8pK1EvSba5Q-00142-00047196-00047458 other people can find us and it's easy 8pK1EvSba5Q-00143-00047459-00047830 to do that on our website and all these 8pK1EvSba5Q-00144-00047831-00048130 links are in the show no 8pK1EvSba5Q-00145-00048131-00048502 the other thing I really appreciate your 8pK1EvSba5Q-00146-00048503-00048874 joining our community on patreon where 8pK1EvSba5Q-00147-00048875-00049296 you'll get extra videos extra posts and 8pK1EvSba5Q-00148-00049297-00049780 a chance to be on a live Zoom chat where 8pK1EvSba5Q-00149-00049781-00050074 you can ask anything you want and meet 8pK1EvSba5Q-00150-00050075-00050286 other people in the community 8pK1EvSba5Q-00151-00050287-00050783 over at patreon and again the link will 8pK1EvSba5Q-00152-00050784-00051077 be in the show notes now that you know 8pK1EvSba5Q-00153-00051078-00051401 why it's so very important to love 8pK1EvSba5Q-00154-00051402-00051851 yourself first it's time to discover how 8pK1EvSba5Q-00155-00051852-00052320 the exact steps for loving yourself 8pK1EvSba5Q-00156-00052321-00052753 first I created a program specifically 8pK1EvSba5Q-00157-00052754-00053350 to do that it's a five step five week 8pK1EvSba5Q-00158-00053351-00053615 program and when you go through it 8pK1EvSba5Q-00159-00053616-00054016 you're gonna change your life because as 8pK1EvSba5Q-00160-00054017-00054130 I said 8pK1EvSba5Q-00161-00054132-00054354 loving yourself first 8pK1EvSba5Q-00162-00054355-00054871 it's not selfish it is 8pK1EvSba5Q-00163-00054872-00055259 mandatory the link to contact me for 8pK1EvSba5Q-00164-00055260-00055637 more information on that is in the show 8pK1EvSba5Q-00165-00055638-00055980 notes remember 8pK1EvSba5Q-00166-00055982-00056635 enjoy that's capital i n capital j o y 8pK1EvSba5Q-00167-00056636-00056999 every moment because nothing in your 8pK1EvSba5Q-00168-00057000-00057323 life is happening out there 8pK1EvSba5Q-00169-00057324-00057694 it's all getting interpreted in here 8pK1EvSba5Q-00170-00057695-00058376 and in here I'll see you here next time 8pPfVF50E_8-00000-00000146-00000484 so we want to just propose some ideas 8pPfVF50E_8-00001-00000486-00000767 the first thing is that you have to 8pPfVF50E_8-00002-00000768-00001033 create your own system as David 8pPfVF50E_8-00003-00001034-00001427 presented before we need to be helped in 8pPfVF50E_8-00004-00001428-00001643 this work because otherwise it's too 8pPfVF50E_8-00005-00001644-00001948 much so as you see we've got the 8pPfVF50E_8-00006-00001950-00002237 circular uh system 8pPfVF50E_8-00007-00002238-00002525 um and we will see step by step uh how 8pPfVF50E_8-00008-00002526-00002908 much important is to follow or just uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00009-00002909-00003233 work with this system so first thing is 8pPfVF50E_8-00010-00003234-00003456 creation of a network in the afternoon 8pPfVF50E_8-00011-00003457-00003790 uh Marta will present more information 8pPfVF50E_8-00012-00003792-00004201 about how to create a network how work 8pPfVF50E_8-00013-00004202-00004445 in a system of network with different 8pPfVF50E_8-00014-00004446-00004752 stakeholders what we have to say is that 8pPfVF50E_8-00015-00004753-00005188 Sentry uh or Centris cannot work alone 8pPfVF50E_8-00016-00005189-00005470 it's impossible to follow all the 8pPfVF50E_8-00017-00005471-00005652 tournaments all the championship 8pPfVF50E_8-00018-00005653-00005872 to have 8pPfVF50E_8-00019-00005873-00006185 um speaking with Outlets or or sport 8pPfVF50E_8-00020-00006186-00006527 Educators and know what's going on in 8pPfVF50E_8-00021-00006528-00006934 your community so it's important you got 8pPfVF50E_8-00022-00006936-00007169 a network of stakeholders that help you 8pPfVF50E_8-00023-00007170-00007469 in having information and collecting the 8pPfVF50E_8-00024-00007470-00007853 nouns uh who are the stakeholder we are 8pPfVF50E_8-00025-00007854-00007984 looking for 8pPfVF50E_8-00026-00007986-00008357 first of all sport you hear the Lots 8pPfVF50E_8-00027-00008358-00008669 even from presentation of Carlos we want 8pPfVF50E_8-00028-00008670-00008842 to work with sport lab support 8pPfVF50E_8-00029-00008843-00009131 organizations for Federation with people 8pPfVF50E_8-00030-00009132-00009414 inside a sport World from the Grassroots 8pPfVF50E_8-00031-00009415-00009983 to uh the the professional sport so it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00032-00009984-00010324 important you contact your 8pPfVF50E_8-00033-00010325-00010392 um 8pPfVF50E_8-00034-00010393-00010555 associations 8pPfVF50E_8-00035-00010556-00010960 uh you involve directly them 8pPfVF50E_8-00036-00010961-00011219 um raising awareness and we will see 8pPfVF50E_8-00037-00011220-00011464 later how much important is 8pPfVF50E_8-00038-00011465-00011746 then you can also contact organization 8pPfVF50E_8-00039-00011747-00012028 who just work with victim of 8pPfVF50E_8-00040-00012029-00012271 discrimination migrants Community 8pPfVF50E_8-00041-00012272-00012592 Association who work with Asylum seeker 8pPfVF50E_8-00042-00012593-00012893 and ref with just lawyers for example or 8pPfVF50E_8-00043-00012894-00013225 social worker or Welcome Center 8pPfVF50E_8-00044-00013226-00013619 antivirus Center for Women or lgbtqi 8pPfVF50E_8-00045-00013619-00013955 plus people uh Association who defend 8pPfVF50E_8-00046-00013956-00014171 their rights not only anti-vironment 8pPfVF50E_8-00047-00014172-00014275 Center 8pPfVF50E_8-00048-00014276-00014513 Association who work with people with 8pPfVF50E_8-00049-00014513-00014794 disabilities these are all organization 8pPfVF50E_8-00050-00014795-00015041 that of course they don't work directly 8pPfVF50E_8-00051-00015041-00015365 in sport but sometimes they have 8pPfVF50E_8-00052-00015366-00015653 reported of people who's got problem in 8pPfVF50E_8-00053-00015654-00015911 entering in the sports team system or 8pPfVF50E_8-00054-00015912-00016175 they can find careers 8pPfVF50E_8-00055-00016176-00016511 another uh group of stakeholders are 8pPfVF50E_8-00056-00016512-00016799 local and National authorities so 8pPfVF50E_8-00057-00016800-00017033 Department of sport I'm happy that today 8pPfVF50E_8-00058-00017034-00017267 there are people who just work in 8pPfVF50E_8-00059-00017268-00017633 municipality with us who work with 8pPfVF50E_8-00060-00017634-00017915 social affair with youth youth or 8pPfVF50E_8-00061-00017916-00018155 national or local office office for 8pPfVF50E_8-00062-00018156-00018467 present preventing discrimination I know 8pPfVF50E_8-00063-00018468-00018785 that each in each country there if the 8pPfVF50E_8-00064-00018786-00019158 compulsory to have a national office 8pPfVF50E_8-00065-00019159-00019433 dealing with discrimination we got in 8pPfVF50E_8-00066-00019434-00019721 Italy and we are working also with this 8pPfVF50E_8-00067-00019722-00020033 office and normally they cop they got 8pPfVF50E_8-00068-00020034-00020429 also hot spots uh Hotline in which they 8pPfVF50E_8-00069-00020430-00020722 received this uh denounce of 8pPfVF50E_8-00070-00020723-00020993 discrimination so maybe entering in 8pPfVF50E_8-00071-00020994-00021341 contact it could be a good idea to know 8pPfVF50E_8-00072-00021342-00021713 how is the situation in your territory 8pPfVF50E_8-00073-00021714-00022078 and then uh it's important also to to 8pPfVF50E_8-00074-00022079-00022385 have University Research Center school 8pPfVF50E_8-00075-00022386-00022744 media that could be interesting also to 8pPfVF50E_8-00076-00022745-00023261 spread out our message uh in in that 8pPfVF50E_8-00077-00023262-00023513 it's important Don't Close Our Eyes in 8pPfVF50E_8-00078-00023514-00023914 front of every kind of discrimination 8pPfVF50E_8-00079-00023915-00024371 how to involve them we just set uh it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00080-00024372-00024761 important that you gave them a role uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00081-00024762-00025061 if they don't feel important they don't 8pPfVF50E_8-00082-00025062-00025450 help you how you got them the material 8pPfVF50E_8-00083-00025451-00025750 we just say with the uh with Marcus 8pPfVF50E_8-00084-00025751-00026177 before we've got our uh website so just 8pPfVF50E_8-00085-00026177-00026561 briefly uh you can find resources you 8pPfVF50E_8-00086-00026562-00026824 can find a networking action plan in 8pPfVF50E_8-00087-00026825-00027070 each translated in each language or in 8pPfVF50E_8-00088-00027072-00027311 the language of the participant of this 8pPfVF50E_8-00089-00027312-00027568 project we will do the same for the 8pPfVF50E_8-00090-00027569-00027899 other material at the end of this uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00091-00027900-00028252 seminar we will send you all the 8pPfVF50E_8-00092-00028254-00028414 um 8pPfVF50E_8-00093-00028416-00028655 um slides and all the material we will 8pPfVF50E_8-00094-00028656-00029008 try to translate as much as possible uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00095-00029010-00029255 the material in the other languages 8pPfVF50E_8-00096-00029256-00029639 uh then uh it's important you do 8pPfVF50E_8-00097-00029639-00029945 um a workout sensitization it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00098-00029945-00030173 important uh understanding the 8pPfVF50E_8-00099-00030174-00030496 phenomenon it's important you we create 8pPfVF50E_8-00100-00030497-00030911 cooperation as David said uh there's an 8pPfVF50E_8-00101-00030912-00031361 um a problem of underestimation uh of uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00102-00031362-00031655 of this problem I always remember the 8pPfVF50E_8-00103-00031656-00031918 the words of a friend of us a 8pPfVF50E_8-00104-00031919-00032296 sociologist David's father uh that in 8pPfVF50E_8-00105-00032297-00032573 the past is always said 8pPfVF50E_8-00106-00032574-00032987 um if we don't report activity uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00107-00032988-00033259 denounce about racism 8pPfVF50E_8-00108-00033260-00033635 uh we can say okay we don't have raises 8pPfVF50E_8-00109-00033636-00033857 in our country and that means that the 8pPfVF50E_8-00110-00033858-00034223 government don't take seriously the uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00111-00034224-00034433 the asking of the organization to 8pPfVF50E_8-00112-00034434-00034739 organize anti-resist events so it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00113-00034740-00034895 really important to understand the 8pPfVF50E_8-00114-00034896-00035111 situation of course if in the end we 8pPfVF50E_8-00115-00035112-00035317 discovered that we don't have any any 8pPfVF50E_8-00116-00035318-00035705 discriminatory act in our sport we are 8pPfVF50E_8-00117-00035706-00036046 very happy but as we see with the 8pPfVF50E_8-00118-00036047-00036352 statistic presented at the beginning the 8pPfVF50E_8-00119-00036353-00036605 the the the reality is not like this 8pPfVF50E_8-00120-00036606-00036929 especially after this covet pandemic 8pPfVF50E_8-00121-00036930-00037301 period uh that enlarge uh the 8pPfVF50E_8-00122-00037302-00037673 discrimination and so and see and we can 8pPfVF50E_8-00123-00037674-00038015 see how much the marginalized people are 8pPfVF50E_8-00124-00038016-00038296 more marginalized during the covet and 8pPfVF50E_8-00125-00038297-00038524 what's happened now with the terrible 8pPfVF50E_8-00126-00038525-00038843 war that we've got in our Europe where 8pPfVF50E_8-00127-00038844-00039196 uh starting again uh racism against 8pPfVF50E_8-00128-00039197-00039580 people uh about against culture with for 8pPfVF50E_8-00129-00039581-00039851 example the russophobia or the fake news 8pPfVF50E_8-00130-00039852-00040211 about one side and another uh we I don't 8pPfVF50E_8-00131-00040212-00040396 want to open a discussion on the word 8pPfVF50E_8-00132-00040397-00040762 but as usual all the work we got a were 8pPfVF50E_8-00133-00040763-00041027 in series not stop it we've got the war 8pPfVF50E_8-00134-00041028-00041251 in Palestina we can say that 8pPfVF50E_8-00135-00041252-00041633 all this kind of conflict open racism 8pPfVF50E_8-00136-00041634-00041867 against cultures 8pPfVF50E_8-00137-00041868-00042143 and in the end is just the word making 8pPfVF50E_8-00138-00042144-00042490 by government and politics so just to 8pPfVF50E_8-00139-00042491-00042790 say that we have to open our eyes and go 8pPfVF50E_8-00140-00042791-00042868 on 8pPfVF50E_8-00141-00042869-00043157 so what we ask to this stakeholder 8pPfVF50E_8-00142-00043158-00043390 helping us receiving information about 8pPfVF50E_8-00143-00043391-00043735 episodes or victim of discrimination 8pPfVF50E_8-00144-00043736-00043924 collaborating and spreading out 8pPfVF50E_8-00145-00043925-00044218 information about Central Sport and 8pPfVF50E_8-00146-00044219-00044435 collecting the denounce helping the 8pPfVF50E_8-00147-00044436-00044665 victim we will see at the end 8pPfVF50E_8-00148-00044666-00044968 participation in the evaluation of this 8pPfVF50E_8-00149-00044969-00045268 methodology this is true in particular 8pPfVF50E_8-00150-00045269-00045605 for people who will do the pilot action 8pPfVF50E_8-00151-00045606-00045995 for this um this project but in general 8pPfVF50E_8-00152-00045996-00046339 it's important when we do a project we 8pPfVF50E_8-00153-00046340-00046757 concentrate on the evaluation and insert 8pPfVF50E_8-00154-00046758-00047015 in this evaluation also all the 8pPfVF50E_8-00155-00047016-00047218 stakeholders with whom we work 8pPfVF50E_8-00156-00047219-00047473 especially when we work on 8pPfVF50E_8-00157-00047474-00047674 anti-discriminatory campaign because 8pPfVF50E_8-00158-00047675-00047933 it's important to hear different voices 8pPfVF50E_8-00159-00047934-00048268 because what we see as a promoters 8pPfVF50E_8-00160-00048269-00048574 sometimes is different for for what they 8pPfVF50E_8-00161-00048575-00048817 feel people who work with us 8pPfVF50E_8-00162-00048818-00049102 awareness campaign it's absolutely 8pPfVF50E_8-00163-00049103-00049324 important I just said I want to repeat 8pPfVF50E_8-00164-00049325-00049579 it's important to speak up against 8pPfVF50E_8-00165-00049580-00049871 discrimination Don't Close Our Eyes in 8pPfVF50E_8-00166-00049872-00050267 front any discriminatory act 8pPfVF50E_8-00167-00050268-00050758 um we hear from Carlos something and you 8pPfVF50E_8-00168-00050759-00050951 will find also in the toolkit some 8pPfVF50E_8-00169-00050952-00051370 example sometimes people try to see it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00170-00051371-00051773 a joke uh I wasn't serious I'm a woman 8pPfVF50E_8-00171-00051774-00052049 so many times and we've got also here 8pPfVF50E_8-00172-00052050-00052420 many women on board especially in in 8pPfVF50E_8-00173-00052421-00052787 football we always hear this phrase or 8pPfVF50E_8-00174-00052788-00053129 you uh you play it like a lady just to 8pPfVF50E_8-00175-00053129-00053404 say that you are not able or maybe you 8pPfVF50E_8-00176-00053405-00053692 are gay I know it's it's something that 8pPfVF50E_8-00177-00053694-00053980 it's it's not nice to hear about but 8pPfVF50E_8-00178-00053982-00054209 when you talk with people and say come 8pPfVF50E_8-00179-00054210-00054466 on this is not nice to hear they say 8pPfVF50E_8-00180-00054467-00054966 it's a joke don't worry I'm not uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00181-00054967-00055288 I'm not against women but it's just a 8pPfVF50E_8-00182-00055289-00055715 way to say this is discrimination so uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00183-00055716-00055909 of course there's a maybe a life form 8pPfVF50E_8-00184-00055910-00056237 but can provoke something because maybe 8pPfVF50E_8-00185-00056238-00056597 some people just go out from our sport 8pPfVF50E_8-00186-00056598-00056909 system 8pPfVF50E_8-00187-00056910-00057275 uh what to do uh of course it's quite 8pPfVF50E_8-00188-00057276-00057557 easy just to give you some advices uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00189-00057558-00057925 event organized by hour or 8pPfVF50E_8-00190-00057926-00058253 your organization our organization Sport 8pPfVF50E_8-00191-00058254-00058504 and cultural event local National 8pPfVF50E_8-00192-00058505-00058913 Council with our board just to also talk 8pPfVF50E_8-00193-00058914-00059135 with our sport managers and Sport 8pPfVF50E_8-00194-00059136-00059423 Educators training of our Sports 8pPfVF50E_8-00195-00059424-00059657 educator that's it it's very much 8pPfVF50E_8-00196-00059658-00060029 important but we can also participate or 8pPfVF50E_8-00197-00060029-00060226 stimulate events organized by our 8pPfVF50E_8-00198-00060227-00060515 stakeholders sport event public debates 8pPfVF50E_8-00199-00060516-00060763 lessons in school and University 8pPfVF50E_8-00200-00060764-00061097 training course for their educator also 8pPfVF50E_8-00201-00061098-00061247 social educator 8pPfVF50E_8-00202-00061248-00061541 and then of course their uh the normal 8pPfVF50E_8-00203-00061541-00061871 part that we do uh every every day is 8pPfVF50E_8-00204-00061872-00062153 working with media website and social 8pPfVF50E_8-00205-00062154-00062554 network our social network and media uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00206-00062555-00062776 that means stimulate participation in 8pPfVF50E_8-00207-00062777-00063065 group discussion and Facebook or post or 8pPfVF50E_8-00208-00063066-00063461 article in our website but also if it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00209-00063462-00063671 possible working with the so-called 8pPfVF50E_8-00210-00063672-00064063 media mainstream so radio interview TV 8pPfVF50E_8-00211-00064064-00064444 newspaper especially at local one it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00212-00064445-00064726 important they also report part of our 8pPfVF50E_8-00213-00064727-00064930 work present the century sport project 8pPfVF50E_8-00214-00064932-00065332 or just present our attention on the 8pPfVF50E_8-00215-00065333-00065617 problem of discrimination in sport 8pPfVF50E_8-00216-00065618-00065891 monitoring in the afternoon we will fix 8pPfVF50E_8-00217-00065892-00066281 our attention on how we will do our 8pPfVF50E_8-00218-00066282-00066617 monitoring role and we will present all 8pPfVF50E_8-00219-00066618-00066809 the materials and all the tools we have 8pPfVF50E_8-00220-00066810-00067032 prepared but it's important to say 8pPfVF50E_8-00221-00067033-00067481 Sentry is not a psychologist so your 8pPfVF50E_8-00222-00067482-00067894 role won't be to support the victim from 8pPfVF50E_8-00223-00067895-00068206 a psychology point of view or any other 8pPfVF50E_8-00224-00068207-00068513 role but your role is collecting the 8pPfVF50E_8-00225-00068514-00068705 information about discriminatory 8pPfVF50E_8-00226-00068706-00068932 incident uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00227-00068933-00069173 because we need to understand how deep 8pPfVF50E_8-00228-00069174-00069419 is the phenomenon in the afternoon uh 8pPfVF50E_8-00229-00069420-00069665 Michael lead Ani from Greece will also 8pPfVF50E_8-00230-00069666-00070126 present some advices how to establish 8pPfVF50E_8-00231-00070127-00070450 um an Enviro an empathical environment 8pPfVF50E_8-00232-00070451-00070817 how to talk with the victim or the 8pPfVF50E_8-00233-00070818-00071015 witnesses because of course we don't 8pPfVF50E_8-00234-00071016-00071219 concentrate our attention all your 8pPfVF50E_8-00235-00071220-00071521 victims but there are also witness can 8pPfVF50E_8-00236-00071522-00071903 give us information so that's also it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00237-00071904-00072221 very much important another things that 8pPfVF50E_8-00238-00072222-00072521 we will see in the afternoon even with 8pPfVF50E_8-00239-00072522-00072911 me I'm sorry I will talk a lot today I 8pPfVF50E_8-00240-00072912-00073235 hope I don't bore you it's the 8pPfVF50E_8-00241-00073236-00073391 evaluation 8pPfVF50E_8-00242-00073392-00073750 uh uh it's important for us to evaluate 8pPfVF50E_8-00243-00073751-00073931 the methodology 8pPfVF50E_8-00244-00073932-00074344 so uh evaluation we always said is not a 8pPfVF50E_8-00245-00074345-00074663 way to give marks as in the school uh to 8pPfVF50E_8-00246-00074664-00074999 decide what's bad what good but it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00247-00075000-00075275 important to understand analyze learn 8pPfVF50E_8-00248-00075276-00075605 maybe improve in the future change our 8pPfVF50E_8-00249-00075606-00076006 tools so we need ideas suggestion create 8pPfVF50E_8-00250-00076007-00076223 these comments and to improve the system 8pPfVF50E_8-00251-00076224-00076493 each project is always a work in 8pPfVF50E_8-00252-00076494-00076859 progress and we can say that this 8pPfVF50E_8-00253-00076860-00077219 project benefit from the mistakes we we 8pPfVF50E_8-00254-00077220-00077549 did in the past another project from the 8pPfVF50E_8-00255-00077550-00077849 experience of all the partners that are 8pPfVF50E_8-00256-00077850-00078185 in in this Consortium 8pPfVF50E_8-00257-00078186-00078431 um and so it's very much important this 8pPfVF50E_8-00258-00078432-00078737 part don't even under evaluate it it 8pPfVF50E_8-00259-00078738-00079025 won't be very long 8pPfVF50E_8-00260-00079026-00079097 um 8pPfVF50E_8-00261-00079098-00079517 helping the victim as I said we are not 8pPfVF50E_8-00262-00079518-00079925 or maybe some of us is uh but basically 8pPfVF50E_8-00263-00079926-00080206 we are not asked to be psychologists 8pPfVF50E_8-00264-00080207-00080656 Auto worker lawyer doctors but 8pPfVF50E_8-00265-00080657-00080962 um it's important we listen everybody 8pPfVF50E_8-00266-00080963-00081388 without judging our role is to collect 8pPfVF50E_8-00267-00081389-00081649 the information don't judge the person 8pPfVF50E_8-00268-00081650-00082019 and refer him or her to a specialized 8pPfVF50E_8-00269-00082020-00082373 Center uh there are many organizations 8pPfVF50E_8-00270-00082374-00082606 who work directly with picking of 8pPfVF50E_8-00271-00082607-00082925 discrimination so it's important we gave 8pPfVF50E_8-00272-00082926-00083171 them information 8pPfVF50E_8-00273-00083172-00083585 um address in some case where maybe the 8pPfVF50E_8-00274-00083586-00083867 victim is afraid or they need a specific 8pPfVF50E_8-00275-00083868-00084167 translation or specific assistance we 8pPfVF50E_8-00276-00084168-00084569 can accompany the victim and we see in 8pPfVF50E_8-00277-00084570-00084875 the end uh at this we we come back to 8pPfVF50E_8-00278-00084876-00085103 the circularity of the system 8pPfVF50E_8-00279-00085104-00085367 for helping the victim we need the 8pPfVF50E_8-00280-00085368-00085655 creation of a network 8pPfVF50E_8-00281-00085656-00085997 um and so again we are in the circle 8pPfVF50E_8-00282-00085998-00086350 this project uh it's 8pPfVF50E_8-00283-00086351-00086435 um 8pPfVF50E_8-00284-00086436-00086771 about testing this methodology 8pPfVF50E_8-00285-00086772-00087071 uh so of course we can just give 8pPfVF50E_8-00286-00087072-00087425 information to the victim and uh this 8pPfVF50E_8-00287-00087426-00087647 project ended with the collection of 8pPfVF50E_8-00288-00087648-00088025 data but collecting data means that we 8pPfVF50E_8-00289-00088026-00088337 got a material to do something more in 8pPfVF50E_8-00290-00088338-00088649 the in in the future and so establish 8pPfVF50E_8-00291-00088650-00089068 precise projects that can not solve but 8pPfVF50E_8-00292-00089069-00089261 helping to solve the problem of 8pPfVF50E_8-00293-00089262-00089650 discrimination so uh that's all for the 8pPfVF50E_8-00294-00089651-00090068 moment so thank you for your attention 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00000-00000000-00000233 nandini held manomecalize muzzle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00001-00000234-00000407 slightly upright and gazed into her 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00002-00000408-00000545 blooming eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00003-00000546-00000899 she said my kanmani it is better that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00004-00000900-00001108 you keep your secret from me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00005-00001109-00001337 it has not even been a day since you got 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00006-00001338-00001462 used to me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00007-00001463-00001655 you should tell your secret only to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00008-00001655-00001907 friends you have known for a long time 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00009-00001907-00002068 no sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00010-00002069-00002326 when I see you I feel like a long time 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00011-00002327-00002489 familiar friend 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00012-00002490-00002699 my heart urges me to tell them what I 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00013-00002700-00002891 have never told anyone 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00014-00002892-00003113 it gives me the courage to ask them what 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00015-00003114-00003304 I should not ask anyone 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00016-00003305-00003551 shut up then honey 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00017-00003552-00003761 the desert Apparition they say in the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00018-00003761-00004090 stories can it really happen sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00019-00004092-00004319 does it appear as if someone is not in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00020-00004320-00004445 front of us 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00021-00004446-00004727 sometimes it seems like that if we have 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00022-00004728-00004985 too much desire for someone His Image 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00023-00004986-00005177 seems to be there even if it is not in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00024-00005178-00005302 front of us 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00025-00005303-00005518 if we have too much hatred for someone 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00026-00005519-00005788 His Image also appears 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00027-00005789-00005981 haven't you heard the story of Maya 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00028-00005982-00006202 Conan manamakalai 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00029-00006203-00006322 why 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00030-00006323-00006556 have you even seen the play 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00031-00006558-00006875 kamsa has a lot of hatred for Krishna 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00032-00006876-00007156 so Kanda Krishna appeared everywhere 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00033-00007158-00007325 he threw away the knife and became 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00034-00007326-00007439 deluded 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00035-00007440-00007684 a Gopi called napana was very fond of 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00036-00007686-00007792 Conan 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00037-00007793-00007991 she too would appear wherever there was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00038-00007992-00008177 no image of Conan 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00039-00008178-00008374 she would embrace the pillar the tree 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00040-00008375-00008573 and the flood of the river as Conan and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00041-00008574-00008717 be disappointed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00042-00008718-00009046 oh manameco lie who is the magical Conan 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00043-00009047-00009239 who Bewitched you like that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00044-00009240-00009389 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00045-00009390-00009628 I saw him for the first time four months 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00046-00009629-00009719 ago 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00047-00009720-00010019 before that my tamayan kanamaran had 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00048-00010020-00010205 often told me about him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00049-00010206-00010505 His Image never appeared before my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00050-00010506-00010781 after seeing him once he often appeared 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00051-00010782-00010924 in my dreams 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00052-00010925-00011188 even during the day sometimes his image 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00053-00011189-00011356 stood in front of me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00054-00011357-00011488 like 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00055-00011489-00011687 didn't you see the Ethereal appearance 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00056-00011688-00011885 of that illusion yesterday 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00057-00011886-00012113 yes sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00058-00012114-00012274 how did you know 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00059-00012275-00012478 didn't someone tell you about me having 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00060-00012479-00012646 magical powers 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00061-00012647-00013013 yes they said it was true sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00062-00013013-00013294 examine yourself and find out if you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00063-00013295-00013463 want to find out who is that handsome 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00064-00013463-00013691 young man who stole your heart let me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00065-00013691-00013913 tell you with my magical power 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00066-00013913-00014249 tell me I'm too shy to say his name 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00067-00014250-00014477 nandini closed her eyes for a while and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00068-00014478-00014693 then opened them and said the lover of 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00069-00014694-00014927 Desire who stole your heart is valavera 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00070-00014928-00015113 and Van dye the van who came from the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00071-00015113-00015244 monkey Clan 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00072-00015245-00015401 isn't he 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00073-00015402-00015533 she said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00074-00015534-00015683 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00075-00015684-00015977 it's true you have magical powers 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00076-00015978-00016313 said manameca lie little girl 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00077-00016313-00016535 when you have lost your heart so far to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00078-00016536-00016775 someone why didn't you tell your tamian 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00079-00016776-00016889 about it 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00080-00016890-00017111 will I show my desire to Mad hirand 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00081-00017112-00017225 Hagar 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00082-00017226-00017435 will I bring Carrie Taylor here and make 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00083-00017436-00017585 vain efforts 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00084-00017586-00017872 will I be summoned here unnecessarily 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00085-00017873-00018029 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00086-00018030-00018335 my demand can amaran doesn't like him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00087-00018336-00018508 it's beautiful 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00088-00018509-00018815 your tamayana is going to get married 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00089-00018816-00019067 but you said Can thumaran himself told 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00090-00019068-00019330 you about van diadiva was it your 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00091-00019331-00019564 tamayana when you brought him here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00092-00019565-00019847 yes it was kanamaran who told him about 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00093-00019848-00019949 him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00094-00019950-00020200 he brought him to that place for a day 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00095-00020201-00020483 but later he changed his mind there is a 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00096-00020484-00020633 reason for that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00097-00020634-00020867 he stabbed my tamayan at tonjavurer 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00098-00020868-00021017 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00099-00021018-00021221 what if my tamayan lay wounded in your 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00100-00021222-00021335 Palace 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00101-00021336-00021544 it was only because of your loving care 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00102-00021545-00021713 that he survived 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00103-00021714-00022007 your tamayan is exaggerating what I did 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00104-00022008-00022325 if it goes away what will you do now 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00105-00022326-00022528 has the man who captivated your heart 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00106-00022529-00022805 become your tamayan's enemy like this 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00107-00022806-00023021 but you know what he's saying 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00108-00023022-00023243 if this one who 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00109-00023244-00023386 it is he 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00110-00023387-00023621 you mentioned the name a moment ago it 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00111-00023622-00023728 is he 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00112-00023729-00023908 he swears that he did not stab 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00113-00023909-00024053 kandamaran 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00114-00024054-00024257 he says that someone else had stabbed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00115-00024258-00024443 tangeaver Ford on the edge of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00116-00024444-00024700 and that he took it and saved it 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00117-00024701-00024917 when did he tell you this 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00118-00024918-00025091 just yesterday 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00119-00025092-00025307 did you see that van diadiva yesterday 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00120-00025308-00025649 didn't you say you saw his ethereal form 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00121-00025650-00025858 that's the only thing I'm confused about 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00122-00025860-00026033 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00123-00026033-00026212 I don't know if it was him I saw 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00124-00026213-00026477 yesterday or his apparition 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00125-00026477-00026635 considering what happened yesterday 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00126-00026636-00026914 everything seems like a dream 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00127-00026916-00027070 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00128-00027072-00027293 sometimes they say that when people die 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00129-00027294-00027679 their spirits come and talk is that true 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00130-00027680-00027958 voice was full of panic when she asked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00131-00027960-00028085 this question 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00132-00028086-00028307 nandini's body trembled and looked at 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00133-00028308-00028583 the top of her head somewhere yes it's 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00134-00028583-00028679 true 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00135-00028680-00028979 in apiel the ghosts of the Dead come and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00136-00028980-00029111 visit the living 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00137-00029112-00029339 if someone has killed someone by cutting 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00138-00029339-00029567 off their head sometimes only the head 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00139-00029568-00029687 comes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00140-00029688-00029987 sometimes only the body comes alone 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00141-00029988-00030214 sometimes both come separately and say 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00142-00030216-00030370 blame 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00143-00030372-00030737 did you buy it we'll ask she said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00144-00030738-00030958 then he looked at manamecoli and said in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00145-00030960-00031205 a loud voice little girl 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00146-00031206-00031462 why do you ask this question 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00147-00031463-00031661 are you afraid that something like that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00148-00031662-00031840 might happen to your lover 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00149-00031841-00032062 who has raised this suspicion in your 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00150-00032063-00032164 mind 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00151-00032166-00032296 she said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00152-00032297-00032579 there is a man possessed by this Palace 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00153-00032580-00032764 I sent for him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00154-00032766-00033035 someone beat him up last night 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00155-00033036-00033346 he was replaced by pentati devarotti she 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00156-00033347-00033449 said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00157-00033450-00033581 she 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00158-00033582-00033796 don't you believe all that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00159-00033797-00034007 I don't believe it either 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00160-00034008-00034229 if it's just Spirit form it's 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00161-00034230-00034457 Untouchable sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00162-00034458-00034690 you can't touch the spirit you can't 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00163-00034691-00034895 touch the Ethereal form 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00164-00034896-00035093 why do you ask 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00165-00035094-00035285 did you touch the one who captivated 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00166-00035286-00035537 your soul yesterday what 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00167-00035538-00035807 that is the only confusion and it seems 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00168-00035808-00036005 to have been touched but to think of 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00169-00036006-00036245 some other things is also doubtful 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00170-00036246-00036443 tell me all that happened yesterday in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00171-00036444-00036623 detail girl 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00172-00036624-00036845 I will clear your doubts 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00173-00036846-00037073 that's it sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00174-00037074-00037289 ask me if I'm wrong 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00175-00037290-00037577 said manameca lie then she said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00176-00037578-00037871 yesterday I was here about this time 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00177-00037872-00038068 I came to see that the maids had made 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00178-00038069-00038302 all the Comforts they needed here as my 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00179-00038303-00038483 tamian had told me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00180-00038484-00038759 once I was looking at my face in the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00181-00038760-00038885 Looking Glass 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00182-00038886-00039143 make yourself look at your beauty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00183-00039144-00039395 none of that sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00184-00039396-00039712 I don't know my face symbol what 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00185-00039713-00039983 what's wrong with your facial features 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00186-00039984-00040205 won't rathy and indrani and manak and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00187-00040206-00040402 irvishi be jealous of you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00188-00040403-00040601 they don't all get dust off your feet 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00189-00040602-00040762 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00190-00040763-00040985 okay okay 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00191-00040986-00041135 say it up 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00192-00041136-00041321 you were looking at your face in the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00193-00041322-00041405 mirror 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00194-00041406-00041621 then suddenly another face appeared in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00195-00041622-00041837 the mirror nearer to mine 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00196-00041838-00042071 that's your boyfriend's face 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00197-00042072-00042329 yes I was blown away 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00198-00042330-00042574 why do you want to throw it away 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00199-00042575-00042796 you said that you often see his face in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00200-00042797-00042929 your dreams 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00201-00042930-00043090 there was a little difference between 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00202-00043091-00043235 that and this 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00203-00043236-00043493 in dreams the opposite is seen at a 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00204-00043494-00043624 little distance 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00205-00043625-00043859 the same is true in space 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00206-00043860-00044051 but here it's too shy to tell from 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00207-00044052-00044165 behind 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00208-00044166-00044423 never mind you liar 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00209-00044424-00044657 it was as if he was coming to kiss me on 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00210-00044658-00044824 the cheek from behind 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00211-00044825-00045065 I was startled and looked back 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00212-00045066-00045251 no one was there 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00213-00045252-00045461 then I didn't see the face in the mirror 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00214-00045462-00045545 either 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00215-00045546-00045707 I had a doubt 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00216-00045708-00045917 didn't I open the Secret Door of the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00217-00045918-00046121 hunting Hall next to this room 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00218-00046122-00046337 yesterday the mirror was right next to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00219-00046338-00046457 that door 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00220-00046458-00046649 so I opened that door and left the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00221-00046650-00046787 hunting Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00222-00046788-00047051 it seemed that someone would peek in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00223-00047052-00047296 I thought it couldn't be like that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00224-00047297-00047501 How could an alien man have come to that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00225-00047502-00047639 hunting Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00226-00047640-00047957 however to clear my doubts I opened the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00227-00047958-00048208 door and went inside the hunting Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00228-00048209-00048418 by now nandini had begun to listen 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00229-00048419-00048533 eagerly 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00230-00048534-00048724 was that Thief hiding in the hunting 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00231-00048725-00048808 Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00232-00048809-00048983 was he caught 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00233-00048984-00049127 she asked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00234-00049128-00049465 what sister you call him a thief 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00235-00049466-00049679 a real Thief 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00236-00049680-00049865 I told you the thief who caught your 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00237-00049866-00049979 fancy 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00238-00049980-00050201 was he in the hunting Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00239-00050202-00050374 that's a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00240-00050375-00050543 he wasn't there 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00241-00050544-00050807 instead our Palace servant item and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00242-00050808-00050999 Kerry was cleaning the room 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00243-00051000-00051220 his face looked like the black face of 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00244-00051221-00051413 The Woodcutter at the door of the ironer 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00245-00051414-00051502 Temple 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00246-00051503-00051766 has anyone else come here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00247-00051767-00052037 asked he managed to say no 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00248-00052038-00052246 do you think he's lying 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00249-00052247-00052444 I don't know what it was but another man 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00250-00052445-00052666 seemed to be hiding in the hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00251-00052667-00052871 I came back to this room to let the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00252-00052872-00053044 thief reveal himself 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00253-00053045-00053225 is the theft out 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00254-00053226-00053375 listen 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00255-00053376-00053579 I came into this room and was watching 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00256-00053579-00053776 to see if I could hear any voices in the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00257-00053777-00053903 hunting Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00258-00053904-00054088 I heard voices 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00259-00054089-00054299 I heard something fall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00260-00054300-00054521 just as I was thinking about what to do 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00261-00054522-00054730 the door swung open 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00262-00054732-00055025 I hit the lamp and waited in this door 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00263-00055026-00055199 there was a round door 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00264-00055200-00055403 there is a small inner door and a figure 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00265-00055404-00055637 opens it and sees it coming in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00266-00055638-00055859 danger danger 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00267-00055860-00056129 save me said The Voice 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00268-00056129-00056344 as the voice and figure seem to be his 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00269-00056345-00056585 he helped me to come into this room and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00270-00056586-00056747 turned on the lamp 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00271-00056748-00056897 it was him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00272-00056898-00057215 manamecca lie what a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00273-00057216-00057485 isn't it like the cremated in story 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00274-00057486-00057641 ask again 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00275-00057641-00057863 my heart swelled when I saw him in my 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00276-00057864-00058175 dreams for four months my body shuddered 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00277-00058176-00058450 but I spoke to him with feigned anger 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00278-00058451-00058630 how could he sneak into that Temple 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00279-00058632-00058775 where women live 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00280-00058776-00058930 I asked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00281-00058932-00059129 he said that some people were chasing 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00282-00059129-00059273 him to kill him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00283-00059274-00059500 he was in fear of his life and he 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00284-00059501-00059735 assured me that he had no weapon 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00285-00059736-00059926 then I told my brother that he had 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00286-00059927-00060107 stabbed him in the back 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00287-00060108-00060449 he swore not at all sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00288-00060450-00060647 you will make believe too 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00289-00060648-00060911 it was believable at the time but when I 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00290-00060912-00061037 think about everything that happened 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00291-00061038-00061265 later I don't know what to believe and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00292-00061266-00061426 what not to believe 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00293-00061427-00061661 then what other Wonder happened 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00294-00061662-00061853 I didn't have the courage to do that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00295-00061854-00061942 either 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00296-00061944-00062153 if the father sees that he has entered 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00297-00062154-00062363 the gate his life will be in danger 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00298-00062364-00062494 immediately 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00299-00062495-00062711 so I told him to stay here for a while 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00300-00062712-00062879 and opened the door to see who was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00301-00062879-00063065 inside the hunting Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00302-00063066-00063265 inside there were five or six people 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00303-00063266-00063557 corner to corner along the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00304-00063558-00063785 they seemed stunned to see me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00305-00063786-00064073 seeing them like that gave me some fear 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00306-00064074-00064366 overcoming the fear I opened my mouth to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00307-00064367-00064594 summon Fury and ask who they were 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00308-00064595-00064894 Meanwhile my friend chandramati in this 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00309-00064895-00065044 room called out through another door 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00310-00065045-00065291 mother 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00311-00065291-00065476 she called and brought it 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00312-00065477-00065675 I immediately remembered that he was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00313-00065676-00065771 here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00314-00065772-00065987 I was afraid that chandramity was going 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00315-00065988-00066203 to scream after seeing him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00316-00066204-00066382 I turned back so that I could take 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00317-00066383-00066556 another look at the people inside the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00318-00066557-00066682 hunting Hall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00319-00066683-00066929 I took chandramadi 2 and came into this 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00320-00066930-00067019 room 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00321-00067020-00067241 missing him here he disappeared 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00322-00067242-00067403 mysteriously 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00323-00067404-00067600 has anyone been here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00324-00067601-00067853 I asked chandramathi and she said she 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00325-00067854-00067991 did not see it 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00326-00067992-00068231 after some more searching I went into 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00327-00068232-00068417 the hunting Hall again 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00328-00068418-00068603 there were none of the people I had seen 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00329-00068604-00068731 before 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00330-00068732-00068963 he was cleaning the room just like 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00331-00068964-00069076 before 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00332-00069077-00069244 who were the people who came here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00333-00069245-00069359 earlier 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00334-00069360-00069515 where are they now 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00335-00069516-00069688 I asked that 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00336-00069689-00069905 I tump and carry no one comes here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00337-00069906-00070061 mother 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00338-00070062-00070331 he achieved that as a single achievement 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00339-00070332-00070547 I couldn't believe his word 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00340-00070548-00070811 my friend Chandra Matteo started teasing 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00341-00070812-00070894 me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00342-00070895-00071038 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00343-00071039-00071225 there's something paranoid about you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00344-00071226-00071315 today 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00345-00071316-00071531 where there is no man there seems to be 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00346-00071532-00071729 a man she said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00347-00071730-00071921 then she informed that you all are 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00348-00071922-00072100 approaching the fort gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00349-00072101-00072347 she also said that my father asked me to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00350-00072348-00072563 come immediately to welcome them 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00351-00072564-00072850 immediately I left for the palace gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00352-00072851-00073121 in order to reach there quickly I walked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00353-00073122-00073373 in the same way as chandramity crossed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00354-00073374-00073625 two barriers climbed through Machu Petty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00355-00073626-00073817 and walked to the Upper Floor 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00356-00073818-00074081 then again I happened to see a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00357-00074082-00074285 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00358-00074286-00074465 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00359-00074466-00074663 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00360-00074664-00074909 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00361-00074910-00075143 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00362-00075144-00075371 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00363-00075372-00075593 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00364-00075594-00075761 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00365-00075762-00075971 where there is no man there seems to be 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00366-00075972-00076181 a man she said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00367-00076182-00076361 then she informed that you all are 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00368-00076362-00076547 approaching the fort gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00369-00076548-00076793 she also said that my father asked me to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00370-00076794-00077009 come immediately to welcome them 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00371-00077010-00077291 immediately I left for the palace gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00372-00077292-00077573 in order to reach there quickly I walked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00373-00077574-00077819 in the same way as chandramati crossed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00374-00077820-00078071 two barriers climbed through Machu Petty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00375-00078072-00078262 and walked to the Upper Floor 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00376-00078263-00078526 then again I happened to see a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00377-00078527-00078719 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00378-00078720-00078899 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00379-00078900-00079103 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00380-00079104-00079349 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00381-00079350-00079588 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00382-00079589-00079811 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00383-00079812-00080044 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00384-00080045-00080206 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00385-00080207-00080417 where there is no man there seems to be 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00386-00080418-00080621 a man she said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00387-00080622-00080812 then she informed that you all are 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00388-00080813-00081005 approaching the fort gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00389-00081006-00081244 she also said that my father asked me to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00390-00081245-00081455 come immediately to welcome them 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00391-00081456-00081731 immediately I left for the palace gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00392-00081732-00082006 in order to reach there quickly I walked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00393-00082007-00082253 in the same way as chandramity crossed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00394-00082254-00082505 two barriers climbed through Machu Petty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00395-00082506-00082709 and walked to the Upper Floor 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00396-00082710-00082967 then again I happened to see a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00397-00082968-00083165 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00398-00083166-00083344 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00399-00083345-00083555 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00400-00083556-00083800 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00401-00083801-00084035 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00402-00084036-00084262 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00403-00084263-00084497 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00404-00084498-00084653 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00405-00084654-00084838 then she informed that you all are 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00406-00084839-00085019 approaching the fort gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00407-00085020-00085271 she also said that my father asked me to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00408-00085272-00085487 come immediately to welcome them 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00409-00085488-00085762 immediately I left for the palace gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00410-00085763-00086038 in order to reach there quickly I walked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00411-00086039-00086285 in the same way as chandramati crossed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00412-00086286-00086543 two barriers climbed through Machu Petty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00413-00086544-00086741 and walked to the Upper Floor 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00414-00086742-00087005 then again I happened to see a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00415-00087006-00087209 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00416-00087210-00087382 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00417-00087383-00087581 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00418-00087582-00087832 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00419-00087833-00088067 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00420-00088068-00088288 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00421-00088289-00088523 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00422-00088524-00088685 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00423-00088686-00088871 then she informed that you all are 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00424-00088872-00089056 approaching the fort gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00425-00089057-00089303 she also said that my father asked me to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00426-00089304-00089512 come immediately to welcome them 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00427-00089513-00089800 immediately I left for the palace gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00428-00089801-00090071 in order to reach there quickly I walked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00429-00090072-00090323 in the same way as chandramity crossed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00430-00090324-00090575 two barriers climbed through Machu Petty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00431-00090576-00090773 and walked to the Upper Floor 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00432-00090774-00091037 then again I happen to see a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00433-00091038-00091235 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00434-00091236-00091409 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00435-00091410-00091618 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00436-00091619-00091859 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00437-00091860-00092099 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00438-00092100-00092326 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00439-00092327-00092549 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00440-00092550-00092711 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00441-00092712-00092999 immediately I left for the palace gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00442-00093000-00093268 in order to reach there quickly I walked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00443-00093269-00093521 in the same way as chandramity crossed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00444-00093522-00093773 two barriers climbed through Machu Petty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00445-00093774-00093965 and walked to the Upper Floor 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00446-00093966-00094235 then again I happen to see a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00447-00094236-00094432 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00448-00094433-00094606 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00449-00094607-00094811 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00450-00094812-00095056 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00451-00095057-00095297 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00452-00095298-00095518 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00453-00095519-00095747 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00454-00095748-00095909 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00455-00095910-00096197 immediately I left for the palace gate 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00456-00096198-00096467 in order to reach there quickly I walked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00457-00096468-00096718 in the same way as chandramati crossed 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00458-00096719-00096971 two barriers climbed through Machu Petty 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00459-00096972-00097162 and walked to the Upper Floor 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00460-00097163-00097426 then again I happen to see a miracle 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00461-00097427-00097631 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00462-00097632-00097805 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00463-00097806-00098009 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00464-00098010-00098255 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00465-00098256-00098494 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00466-00098495-00098717 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00467-00098718-00098944 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00468-00098945-00099106 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00469-00099107-00099299 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00470-00099300-00099479 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00471-00099480-00099688 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00472-00099689-00099941 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00473-00099942-00100168 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00474-00100169-00100397 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00475-00100398-00100631 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00476-00100632-00100793 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00477-00100794-00100985 the warrior of the monkey Clan was 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00478-00100986-00101165 crossing the moon Courtyard and walking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00479-00101166-00101368 along the side of the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00480-00101369-00101603 I also saw him climb over the wall by 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00481-00101604-00101849 placing a bamboo pole on the wall 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00482-00101850-00102076 it seemed so to my eyes 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00483-00102077-00102299 I'm still not sure if it's all real or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00484-00102300-00102460 just my paranoia 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00485-00102461-00102701 nandini was deep in thought 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00486-00102702-00102899 the two faces she had seen yesterday 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00487-00102900-00103090 evening among the thick trees appeared 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00488-00103091-00103325 before her Mind's Eye not far from the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00489-00103326-00103486 door of the mansion 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00490-00103488-00103690 she also knew that Horsemen had been 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00491-00103691-00103858 sent to capture them 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00492-00103859-00104140 could they possibly be caught up in this 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00493-00104141-00104423 if caught will they be brought here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00494-00104424-00104578 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00495-00104579-00104758 what do you think 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00496-00104759-00105053 hearing that manamekalai stopped nandini 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00497-00105054-00105184 from thinking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00498-00105185-00105425 nandini said me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00499-00105426-00105665 are you listening to what I feel 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00500-00105666-00105928 you seem to be infatuated well said 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00501-00105929-00106060 nandini 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00502-00106061-00106319 are you teasing like chandramity 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00503-00106320-00106486 I'm not kidding 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00504-00106488-00106763 I don't know if it's reality a dream or 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00505-00106764-00107027 paranoia seeing and speaking 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00506-00107028-00107201 how can I tell 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00507-00107202-00107404 is there some other secret way to get 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00508-00107405-00107543 out of this room 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00509-00107544-00107758 there is no other secret way that I know 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00510-00107759-00107945 of sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00511-00107946-00108119 couldn't he have gone the way you and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00512-00108120-00108299 chandramity went and climbed up the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00513-00108300-00108413 molehill 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00514-00108414-00108725 there were many maids in the way sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00515-00108726-00108947 they couldn't have been unaware 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00516-00108948-00109199 it's amazing you didn't tell your father 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00517-00109200-00109360 about all this 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00518-00109361-00109636 I didn't tell you sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00519-00109638-00109997 I'm too shy to tell my father I'm afraid 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00520-00109998-00110284 maybe if what he came here for is true 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00521-00110285-00110531 yes it's better not to tell the men 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00522-00110532-00110849 about this even if they don't understand 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00523-00110850-00111058 I am thinking whether to tell my cousin 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00524-00111059-00111166 or not 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00525-00111167-00111484 if you tell him it will be a disaster 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00526-00111485-00111713 your uncle now wants to marry you off to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00527-00111714-00111893 carry Kalin somehow 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00528-00111894-00112054 sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00529-00112055-00112321 you are the one who should help me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00530-00112322-00112558 is very loyal to you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00531-00112559-00112847 if you tell him he will listen 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00532-00112848-00113002 little girl 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00533-00113003-00113219 against the purpose of which I came here 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00534-00113220-00113452 do you ask my help 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00535-00113453-00113633 you are so wicked 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00536-00113633-00113849 even if you give up the idea of giving 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00537-00113850-00114125 yourself to Carrie kaler in marriage you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00538-00114126-00114293 know nothing of the other 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00539-00114294-00114545 how sure is he that he will love you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00540-00114546-00114845 I don't care about that sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00541-00114846-00115073 whether he likes me or not 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00542-00115074-00115283 that's how it is with women 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00543-00115283-00115565 no matter how men behave women have to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00544-00115566-00115690 die for them 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00545-00115691-00115919 let's see how your luck is 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00546-00115920-00116110 if something like yesterday happens 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00547-00116111-00116423 again you'll tell me won't you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00548-00116424-00116639 who else but you sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00549-00116640-00116854 I had a dream last night and I want to 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00550-00116855-00116963 tell you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00551-00116964-00117221 as if the Daydream was not enough did 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00552-00117222-00117425 you have another dream at night 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00553-00117426-00117569 what was it 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00554-00117570-00117749 did he come in your dream again and 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00555-00117750-00117863 cheat you 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00556-00117864-00118036 no no 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00557-00118038-00118295 it's a terrible thing to think about 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00558-00118296-00118571 they say dreams in the morning come true 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00559-00118572-00118828 is that true sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00560-00118829-00119033 tell me about the dream 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00561-00119033-00119278 the other thing is did you dream about 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00562-00119279-00119423 anyone else 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00563-00119424-00119573 about him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00564-00119574-00119849 it was as if someone was stabbing him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00565-00119850-00120095 he had no weapon in his hand 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00566-00120096-00120263 but there was a knife lying on the 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00567-00120264-00120521 ground gleaming and glittering 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00568-00120522-00120713 I jumped up and ran 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00569-00120714-00120934 I ran with the intention of stabbing him 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00570-00120935-00121049 first 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00571-00121050-00121354 as I approached his face I knew 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00572-00121355-00121607 he was my damay in kandamaran 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00573-00121608-00121816 I woke up screaming oh 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00574-00121817-00122104 my whole body was drenched in sweat 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00575-00122105-00122339 my hands and feet were shaking for a 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00576-00122340-00122447 long time 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00577-00122448-00122645 the dream was so real 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00578-00122646-00122933 maybe this will work sister 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00579-00122933-00123083 bad girl 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00580-00123083-00123323 your mind is really messed up 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00581-00123324-00123533 what happened in reality seems like a 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00582-00123533-00123623 maze 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00583-00123624-00123934 what I saw in a dream seems like reality 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00584-00123935-00124133 you've got a good friend 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00585-00124133-00124504 if I'm crazy you're one step ahead of me 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00586-00124505-00124673 said nandini 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00587-00124674-00124954 at this time chandramedy came in 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00588-00124955-00125116 they are coming 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00589-00125117-00125351 they have come across virenare in a lake 8OUIHbyFTYQ-00590-00125352-00125648 she said 8PdN3iYSnVk-00000-00000065-00000283 foreign 8PdN3iYSnVk-00002-00003461-00003581 foreign 8PdN3iYSnVk-00003-00003582-00005608 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00004-00005609-00007234 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00005-00007236-00008016 foreign 8PdN3iYSnVk-00006-00008017-00010141 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00007-00010142-00010823 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00008-00010824-00011605 foreign 8PdN3iYSnVk-00009-00011606-00013730 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00010-00013731-00014516 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00011-00014516-00014663 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00012-00014663-00014910 foreign 8PdN3iYSnVk-00013-00014911-00017579 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00014-00017580-00017605 foreign 8PdN3iYSnVk-00015-00017606-00019838 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00016-00019839-00022111 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00017-00022112-00022249 thank you 8PdN3iYSnVk-00018-00022250-00024374 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00019-00024375-00024739 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00020-00024740-00025055 thank you 8PdN3iYSnVk-00021-00025056-00025837 foreign 8PdN3iYSnVk-00022-00025838-00027963 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00023-00027964-00028505 [Music] 8PdN3iYSnVk-00024-00028506-00028806 foreign 8P3ycp3dUPu-00000-00000042-00001177 foreign 8P3ycp3dUPu-00001-00001178-00001427 and you enjoy 8P3ycp3dUPu-00002-00001428-00001660 um your time Wherever You Are 8P3ycp3dUPu-00003-00001661-00002052 today I just wanted to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00004-00002053-00002292 have a dedicated 8P3ycp3dUPu-00005-00002293-00002776 time of prayer for you and your loved 8P3ycp3dUPu-00006-00002777-00003089 ones and all of us together you know for 8P3ycp3dUPu-00007-00003090-00003370 our situations for our country and for 8P3ycp3dUPu-00008-00003371-00003833 for our own personal conditions 8P3ycp3dUPu-00009-00003834-00004097 but before I do this I wanted to just 8P3ycp3dUPu-00010-00004098-00004427 make people aware that if you're 8P3ycp3dUPu-00011-00004428-00004597 watching this video 8P3ycp3dUPu-00012-00004598-00005081 on truly Majestic .com and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00013-00005082-00005381 this is not our dedicated Ministry 8P3ycp3dUPu-00014-00005382-00005518 Channel 8P3ycp3dUPu-00015-00005519-00005825 we find our ministry channel to be 8P3ycp3dUPu-00016-00005826-00005999 honest it's very difficult to find it 8P3ycp3dUPu-00017-00006000-00006202 directly on YouTube you have to go 8P3ycp3dUPu-00018-00006203-00006745 through our website which is up here at 8P3ycp3dUPu-00019-00006745-00006901 jesusministries.com.uk 8P3ycp3dUPu-00020-00006902-00007260 and when you go there on the top 8P3ycp3dUPu-00021-00007261-00007583 bar you will see the icon of YouTube 8P3ycp3dUPu-00022-00007584-00007978 there and and when you click on that you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00023-00007979-00008255 can go directly to our Ministries 8P3ycp3dUPu-00024-00008256-00008537 a YouTube channel yeah other than that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00025-00008538-00008891 it's very very hard to say the least to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00026-00008892-00009089 find it because our YouTube our 8P3ycp3dUPu-00027-00009090-00009323 Ministries YouTube channel is struck 8P3ycp3dUPu-00028-00009324-00009895 down by gods and so we are hoping that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00029-00009896-00010342 you and and people like you will 8P3ycp3dUPu-00030-00010343-00010456 um 8P3ycp3dUPu-00031-00010457-00010787 join us again and try and help us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00032-00010788-00010942 basically to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00033-00010943-00011260 and rebuild that again 8P3ycp3dUPu-00034-00011261-00011428 in that channel 8P3ycp3dUPu-00035-00011429-00011656 by going there and subscribing and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00036-00011657-00012287 sharing it 8P3ycp3dUPu-00037-00012288-00012569 uh 8P3ycp3dUPu-00038-00012570-00012958 let me emailed me asked for prayers 8P3ycp3dUPu-00039-00012959-00013313 either by just emailing or sending 8P3ycp3dUPu-00040-00013313-00013607 messages via our Facebook 8P3ycp3dUPu-00041-00013608-00013805 page 8P3ycp3dUPu-00042-00013806-00014038 and I would like to ask you first of all 8P3ycp3dUPu-00043-00014040-00014357 if if you're sending a message through 8P3ycp3dUPu-00044-00014358-00014777 Facebook please if you can write your 8P3ycp3dUPu-00045-00014778-00014857 name 8P3ycp3dUPu-00046-00014858-00015233 don't come as a guest and maybe sign up 8P3ycp3dUPu-00047-00015234-00015551 or you know and just say your name at 8P3ycp3dUPu-00048-00015552-00015691 the end 8P3ycp3dUPu-00049-00015691-00016235 we know most of you by names and we read 8P3ycp3dUPu-00050-00016236-00016486 all the comments we might not answer all 8P3ycp3dUPu-00051-00016487-00016667 the comments we want because we won't be 8P3ycp3dUPu-00052-00016668-00016961 able to answer all the comments on our 8P3ycp3dUPu-00053-00016962-00017333 videos but we read all the comments and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00054-00017334-00017615 we know you almost 8P3ycp3dUPu-00055-00017616-00017915 um all of you my names 8P3ycp3dUPu-00056-00017916-00018136 we don't know your faces obviously but 8P3ycp3dUPu-00057-00018137-00018497 we know the ID at at least the ID names 8P3ycp3dUPu-00058-00018498-00018700 that you put on them 8P3ycp3dUPu-00059-00018701-00019097 and and so we appreciate all that now I 8P3ycp3dUPu-00060-00019098-00019300 appreciate you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00061-00019301-00019685 um welcoming me into your homes by 8P3ycp3dUPu-00062-00019686-00020117 turning this video on and listening to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00063-00020118-00020453 um the messages that I bring to you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00064-00020454-00020663 I appreciate that and I appreciate your 8P3ycp3dUPu-00065-00020664-00020986 support 8P3ycp3dUPu-00066-00020987-00021389 another thing I wanted to say is that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00067-00021390-00021658 and we will never ever 8P3ycp3dUPu-00068-00021659-00021786 ask 8P3ycp3dUPu-00069-00021787-00022289 for money so if anybody else on the our 8P3ycp3dUPu-00070-00022290-00022607 name is asking you for any 8P3ycp3dUPu-00071-00022608-00023021 monetary support it's not us or we won't 8P3ycp3dUPu-00072-00023022-00023578 do that of course we welcome any 8P3ycp3dUPu-00073-00023579-00023999 gifts but we won't go out of our ways to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00074-00024000-00024341 just make videos or emails or messages 8P3ycp3dUPu-00075-00024342-00024655 to send to people just to ask 8P3ycp3dUPu-00076-00024656-00024941 for financial 8P3ycp3dUPu-00077-00024942-00025072 support 8P3ycp3dUPu-00078-00025073-00025258 we will never do that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00079-00025259-00025547 and we've never done that so that is 8P3ycp3dUPu-00080-00025548-00025828 clear 8P3ycp3dUPu-00081-00025829-00026173 back to our own 8P3ycp3dUPu-00082-00026174-00026446 session for prayer 8P3ycp3dUPu-00083-00026447-00026681 and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00084-00026682-00026993 I wanted to start with this question if 8P3ycp3dUPu-00085-00026994-00027149 you've been 8P3ycp3dUPu-00086-00027150-00027407 fearful of anything 8P3ycp3dUPu-00087-00027408-00027652 at any point in your life 8P3ycp3dUPu-00088-00027654-00027857 if you've 8P3ycp3dUPu-00089-00027858-00028223 dreaded something to the point of death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00090-00028224-00028507 him if you've been 8P3ycp3dUPu-00091-00028508-00028877 anguished so much that is consuming your 8P3ycp3dUPu-00092-00028877-00029099 life 8P3ycp3dUPu-00093-00029100-00029243 I want 8P3ycp3dUPu-00094-00029244-00029596 you to remember that Jesus 8P3ycp3dUPu-00095-00029597-00030083 felt the same 8P3ycp3dUPu-00096-00030083-00030520 Mark 14 35 says 8P3ycp3dUPu-00097-00030522-00030767 that Jesus fell 8P3ycp3dUPu-00098-00030768-00031223 to the ground 8P3ycp3dUPu-00099-00031224-00031708 Matthew 26 verses 37-38 8P3ycp3dUPu-00100-00031710-00031943 tells us that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00101-00031944-00032231 he felt very sad 8P3ycp3dUPu-00102-00032232-00032608 and troubled to the point of death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00103-00032610-00033046 Luke chapter 22 verse 44 tells us that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00104-00033047-00033287 he was full of pain 8P3ycp3dUPu-00105-00033288-00033551 Are you full of pain 8P3ycp3dUPu-00106-00033552-00033785 are you sat and troubled 8P3ycp3dUPu-00107-00033786-00034037 to the point of death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00108-00034038-00034205 are you worried 8P3ycp3dUPu-00109-00034206-00034601 are you more than worried fearful 8P3ycp3dUPu-00110-00034602-00035023 of your life of your own situation of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00111-00035024-00035431 the the circumstances in your life 8P3ycp3dUPu-00112-00035432-00035801 or fearful of what's going to happen in 8P3ycp3dUPu-00113-00035802-00036143 the world 8P3ycp3dUPu-00114-00036144-00036377 you know they say 8P3ycp3dUPu-00115-00036378-00036485 death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00116-00036486-00036802 is the Big Brother of fear 8P3ycp3dUPu-00117-00036803-00037139 have no fear 8P3ycp3dUPu-00118-00037140-00037349 there are estimates that in the Bible 8P3ycp3dUPu-00119-00037350-00037552 itself 8P3ycp3dUPu-00120-00037553-00038202 there are about 365 or 366 times 8P3ycp3dUPu-00121-00038203-00038374 that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00122-00038375-00038530 fear not 8P3ycp3dUPu-00123-00038531-00038765 is mentioned in the Bible 8P3ycp3dUPu-00124-00038766-00039090 now I haven't counted that but I'm sure 8P3ycp3dUPu-00125-00039091-00039539 it's it's overwhelmingly 8P3ycp3dUPu-00126-00039540-00039677 mentioned 8P3ycp3dUPu-00127-00039678-00040061 throughout the Bible and I know quite a 8P3ycp3dUPu-00128-00040062-00040387 lot of them that I I can remember 8P3ycp3dUPu-00129-00040388-00040768 fear not or do not be afraid 8P3ycp3dUPu-00130-00040769-00040949 do not fear 8P3ycp3dUPu-00131-00040950-00041327 that just indicates that how much it is 8P3ycp3dUPu-00132-00041328-00041639 important for us not to fail 8P3ycp3dUPu-00133-00041640-00042023 fear of anything 8P3ycp3dUPu-00134-00042024-00042371 we talked about shadow of death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00135-00042372-00042562 we walked through the valley of the 8P3ycp3dUPu-00136-00042563-00042761 shadow of death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00137-00042762-00043096 and and we said that in the end it's a 8P3ycp3dUPu-00138-00043097-00043187 shadow 8P3ycp3dUPu-00139-00043188-00043673 it is not the real death and even then 8P3ycp3dUPu-00140-00043674-00044062 his staff and his Rod is with us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00141-00044063-00044302 he guides us and leads us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00142-00044303-00044662 and we should not fear 8P3ycp3dUPu-00143-00044663-00044968 and again at the end of the day we only 8P3ycp3dUPu-00144-00044969-00045202 have one death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00145-00045203-00045640 and we will not see the second death 8P3ycp3dUPu-00146-00045641-00045899 those who will see the second death they 8P3ycp3dUPu-00147-00045900-00046133 have to be fearful and they have to be 8P3ycp3dUPu-00148-00046134-00046505 worried 8P3ycp3dUPu-00149-00046506-00046702 do not fear 8P3ycp3dUPu-00150-00046703-00046937 whatever your circumstances whatever 8P3ycp3dUPu-00151-00046938-00047287 your pain whatever your troubles are 8P3ycp3dUPu-00152-00047288-00047608 I'm not saying that the word of God says 8P3ycp3dUPu-00153-00047609-00047951 do not fear for I Am With You 8P3ycp3dUPu-00154-00047952-00048539 I have summoned You by name you are mine 8P3ycp3dUPu-00155-00048540-00048730 I am your God 8P3ycp3dUPu-00156-00048731-00049030 and you are mine 8P3ycp3dUPu-00157-00049031-00049487 he is called you by name 8P3ycp3dUPu-00158-00049488-00049673 he knows you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00159-00049674-00049990 he knows you James he knows you Suzanne 8P3ycp3dUPu-00160-00049991-00050267 he knows you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00161-00050268-00050495 John he knows you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00162-00050496-00050843 George he knows you he knows me he knows 8P3ycp3dUPu-00163-00050844-00051077 everybody 8P3ycp3dUPu-00164-00051078-00051269 and he's 8P3ycp3dUPu-00165-00051270-00051569 very very close to us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00166-00051570-00051820 very close 8P3ycp3dUPu-00167-00051821-00052075 he's not out there 8P3ycp3dUPu-00168-00052076-00052408 somewhere far off in the sky or in 8P3ycp3dUPu-00169-00052409-00052775 Heavens they cannot be reached they 8P3ycp3dUPu-00170-00052776-00052954 cannot hear us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00171-00052955-00053219 but he is very close to us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00172-00053220-00053909 closer than our veins to our bodies 8P3ycp3dUPu-00173-00053910-00054173 closer than the apple of our eyes 8P3ycp3dUPu-00174-00054174-00054563 to us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00175-00054564-00054797 he hears us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00176-00054798-00055042 he might not answer us the way we expect 8P3ycp3dUPu-00177-00055044-00055204 or want 8P3ycp3dUPu-00178-00055205-00055325 but 8P3ycp3dUPu-00179-00055326-00056032 the answers all prayers 8P3ycp3dUPu-00180-00056033-00056309 he hears us especially because we've 8P3ycp3dUPu-00181-00056310-00056459 been made righteous through the blood of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00182-00056460-00056819 Jesus Christ 8P3ycp3dUPu-00183-00056820-00056999 and so 8P3ycp3dUPu-00184-00057000-00057275 he does listen to his children 8P3ycp3dUPu-00185-00057276-00057563 and he wants us to know that he listens 8P3ycp3dUPu-00186-00057564-00057647 to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00187-00057648-00058379 his children 8P3ycp3dUPu-00188-00058379-00058673 and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00189-00058674-00058966 Joseph 8P3ycp3dUPu-00190-00058967-00059249 Mary 8P3ycp3dUPu-00191-00059250-00059675 I want you to know that God 8P3ycp3dUPu-00192-00059676-00059926 knows you by name 8P3ycp3dUPu-00193-00059927-00060280 he knew you before you were knitted 8P3ycp3dUPu-00194-00060282-00060694 in your mother's womb 8P3ycp3dUPu-00195-00060695-00060976 think about that he knew you before we 8P3ycp3dUPu-00196-00060977-00061721 were even knitted in our mother's wombs 8P3ycp3dUPu-00197-00061722-00062009 so he cares for you and us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00198-00062010-00062291 all his children 8P3ycp3dUPu-00199-00062291-00062549 and he knows about our needs 8P3ycp3dUPu-00200-00062550-00062854 we don't need to shout we don't need to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00201-00062855-00063425 scream we don't need to use big words to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00202-00063426-00063641 impress him 8P3ycp3dUPu-00203-00063641-00064007 he says Jesus says go to your room 8P3ycp3dUPu-00204-00064008-00064361 lock the door and pray and before you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00205-00064362-00064469 ask 8P3ycp3dUPu-00206-00064470-00064687 your heavenly father 8P3ycp3dUPu-00207-00064688-00064900 he knows 8P3ycp3dUPu-00208-00064901-00065369 what you want or what you need 8P3ycp3dUPu-00209-00065370-00065699 but we are told to ask 8P3ycp3dUPu-00210-00065700-00065993 verbalize things not just to think about 8P3ycp3dUPu-00211-00065994-00066694 them verbalize them 8P3ycp3dUPu-00212-00066695-00066850 the Bible teaches us that we have to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00213-00066851-00067187 write down our vision 8P3ycp3dUPu-00214-00067188-00067475 so we can see in black and white 8P3ycp3dUPu-00215-00067476-00067811 so we can remember so we can see it and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00216-00067812-00068009 prophesy to it 8P3ycp3dUPu-00217-00068010-00068255 now prophecy is another thing I will 8P3ycp3dUPu-00218-00068256-00068549 make a video about prophecy and talk 8P3ycp3dUPu-00219-00068550-00068881 about that because there's a lot of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00220-00068882-00069167 mystical ideas that people have about 8P3ycp3dUPu-00221-00069168-00069556 prophecy and what uh Prophet should do 8P3ycp3dUPu-00222-00069557-00069803 or should look like or should sound like 8P3ycp3dUPu-00223-00069804-00070043 and so I have to make that clear to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00224-00070044-00070265 people because they don't I think 8P3ycp3dUPu-00225-00070266-00070469 majority of the 8P3ycp3dUPu-00226-00070470-00071023 and members of the body of Christ 8P3ycp3dUPu-00227-00071024-00071621 unaware of what that is and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00228-00071622-00071944 if they can have access to it or not 8P3ycp3dUPu-00229-00071945-00072173 so I will make it a different separate 8P3ycp3dUPu-00230-00072174-00072497 video about that but 8P3ycp3dUPu-00231-00072498-00072803 just going back to what we're saying you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00232-00072804-00073097 have to write down your vision 8P3ycp3dUPu-00233-00073098-00073325 don't write down your troubles 8P3ycp3dUPu-00234-00073326-00073549 leave them to God 8P3ycp3dUPu-00235-00073550-00073859 submit your troubles to God 8P3ycp3dUPu-00236-00073860-00074105 let's write down your dreams your God 8P3ycp3dUPu-00237-00074106-00074525 dreams not your small little dreams 8P3ycp3dUPu-00238-00074526-00074819 that are made out of that are created 8P3ycp3dUPu-00239-00074820-00075076 out of your own selfish desires 8P3ycp3dUPu-00240-00075077-00075263 Godly dreams 8P3ycp3dUPu-00241-00075264-00075479 Big Dreams 8P3ycp3dUPu-00242-00075480-00075815 write them down the dreams that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00243-00075816-00076175 you've always wanted to the desires that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00244-00076176-00076385 you always wanted to have 8P3ycp3dUPu-00245-00076386-00076715 the dreams that you've always dreamed in 8P3ycp3dUPu-00246-00076716-00077182 your inner being in your Deep Thoughts 8P3ycp3dUPu-00247-00077183-00077555 deep and in the depths of your heart and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00248-00077556-00077812 the depth of your heart you've always 8P3ycp3dUPu-00249-00077813-00078005 wanted those things 8P3ycp3dUPu-00250-00078006-00078185 as you always probably thought 8P3ycp3dUPu-00251-00078186-00078497 impossible 8P3ycp3dUPu-00252-00078498-00078761 but what is impossible for you it's 8P3ycp3dUPu-00253-00078762-00079211 possible for God 8P3ycp3dUPu-00254-00079212-00079429 even if it is your 8P3ycp3dUPu-00255-00079430-00079661 healing that you need 8P3ycp3dUPu-00256-00079662-00079823 the healing that you need for yourself 8P3ycp3dUPu-00257-00079824-00080147 or for your loved ones 8P3ycp3dUPu-00258-00080148-00080423 if it is a Deliverance that you need for 8P3ycp3dUPu-00259-00080424-00080711 yourself or your loved ones 8P3ycp3dUPu-00260-00080712-00080969 if it's just a Salvation that you need 8P3ycp3dUPu-00261-00080970-00081431 for you or your loved ones 8P3ycp3dUPu-00262-00081432-00081635 salvation is a gift 8P3ycp3dUPu-00263-00081636-00082019 it's there for you to receive 8P3ycp3dUPu-00264-00082020-00082847 and you can receive it by faith 8P3ycp3dUPu-00265-00082848-00083206 let me pray for you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00266-00083207-00083591 Heavenly Father 8P3ycp3dUPu-00267-00083592-00083993 we come before your throne 8P3ycp3dUPu-00268-00083994-00084197 in the spirit 8P3ycp3dUPu-00269-00084198-00084443 to the holy of holies 8P3ycp3dUPu-00270-00084444-00084659 wash us with the blood of Jesus Christ 8P3ycp3dUPu-00271-00084660-00084826 cleanses 8P3ycp3dUPu-00272-00084827-00085211 cleanse me cleanse me and my tongue 8P3ycp3dUPu-00273-00085212-00085565 by the blood of Jesus Christ and wash me 8P3ycp3dUPu-00274-00085566-00085799 from the crown of my head to the tip of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00275-00085800-00086050 my toes inside out with the blood of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00276-00086051-00086309 Jesus Christ fill us with your Holy 8P3ycp3dUPu-00277-00086310-00086405 Spirit 8P3ycp3dUPu-00278-00086406-00086609 fill us afresh with your holy spirit let 8P3ycp3dUPu-00279-00086610-00086794 everything we do 8P3ycp3dUPu-00280-00086795-00087197 and everything we say be a manifestation 8P3ycp3dUPu-00281-00087198-00087323 of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00282-00087324-00087838 the power of the holy spirit in US 8P3ycp3dUPu-00283-00087839-00088211 heal us from any 8P3ycp3dUPu-00284-00088212-00088456 thickness any diseases 8P3ycp3dUPu-00285-00088457-00088738 any ailment 8P3ycp3dUPu-00286-00088739-00088912 give us strength 8P3ycp3dUPu-00287-00088913-00089218 touches strengthen us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00288-00089219-00089435 set the hedge of protection over us and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00289-00089436-00089711 Ours our family members 8P3ycp3dUPu-00290-00089712-00089938 we have the promise of our families O 8P3ycp3dUPu-00291-00089939-00090262 Lord we pray that you give them wisdom 8P3ycp3dUPu-00292-00090263-00090575 give our loved ones the wisdom to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00293-00090576-00090821 receive salvation by faith your 8P3ycp3dUPu-00294-00090822-00091067 salvation let them have the wisdom to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00295-00091068-00091265 understand the Salvation to understand 8P3ycp3dUPu-00296-00091266-00091468 the gift of God 8P3ycp3dUPu-00297-00091469-00091691 through the blood of Jesus Christ 8P3ycp3dUPu-00298-00091692-00091979 through the only ultimate sacrifice 8P3ycp3dUPu-00299-00091980-00092518 for the mankind I receive that gladly 8P3ycp3dUPu-00300-00092519-00092926 with all their minds and Heart and souls 8P3ycp3dUPu-00301-00092927-00093250 and be safe 8P3ycp3dUPu-00302-00093251-00093461 protect us from all evil 8P3ycp3dUPu-00303-00093462-00093731 all evil that's happening in the world 8P3ycp3dUPu-00304-00093732-00094079 all evil and evil doers 8P3ycp3dUPu-00305-00094080-00094282 protect us from the old 8P3ycp3dUPu-00306-00094283-00094576 schemes of Satan and all the vials of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00307-00094577-00094811 Satan 8P3ycp3dUPu-00308-00094812-00095231 no matter what they maybe 8P3ycp3dUPu-00309-00095232-00095537 let no weapon formed against us ever 8P3ycp3dUPu-00310-00095538-00095771 prosper 8P3ycp3dUPu-00311-00095772-00096125 be it spiritual or physical 8P3ycp3dUPu-00312-00096126-00096412 cleanse us from any kind of sickness oh 8P3ycp3dUPu-00313-00096413-00096844 Lord Heal us heal our physical body 8P3ycp3dUPu-00314-00096845-00097091 from any sickness 8P3ycp3dUPu-00315-00097092-00097409 from any kind of impurity if we've 8P3ycp3dUPu-00316-00097410-00097703 received any impurity in our bodies 8P3ycp3dUPu-00317-00097704-00098021 through our own Follies 8P3ycp3dUPu-00318-00098022-00098482 through our own mistakes or by 8P3ycp3dUPu-00319-00098483-00098723 any means 8P3ycp3dUPu-00320-00098724-00098938 spiritual or physical 8P3ycp3dUPu-00321-00098939-00099149 cleanses from them all 8P3ycp3dUPu-00322-00099150-00099400 and Deliver Us from them all Deliver Us 8P3ycp3dUPu-00323-00099401-00099737 from the suppression of Satan 8P3ycp3dUPu-00324-00099738-00100043 Deliver Us from any kind of spiritual 8P3ycp3dUPu-00325-00100044-00100726 oppression 8P3ycp3dUPu-00326-00100727-00101143 we as your children cannot be possessed 8P3ycp3dUPu-00327-00101144-00101543 by any Evil series because we are filled 8P3ycp3dUPu-00328-00101544-00101797 with the Holy Spirit we're already 8P3ycp3dUPu-00329-00101798-00102124 possessed by you we belong to you and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00330-00102125-00102262 your 8P3ycp3dUPu-00331-00102263-00102466 body 8P3ycp3dUPu-00332-00102467-00102604 but 8P3ycp3dUPu-00333-00102605-00102953 if there are any afflictions 8P3ycp3dUPu-00334-00102954-00103127 oh Lord 8P3ycp3dUPu-00335-00103128-00103342 from the Devil 8P3ycp3dUPu-00336-00103343-00103636 on any of your children oh Lord 8P3ycp3dUPu-00337-00103638-00103913 deliver them from the afflictions of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00338-00103914-00104153 Satan 8P3ycp3dUPu-00339-00104154-00104489 Deliver us all from any afflictions that 8P3ycp3dUPu-00340-00104490-00104777 may have come from Satan 8P3ycp3dUPu-00341-00104778-00104963 protect us from any diabolical things 8P3ycp3dUPu-00342-00104964-00105286 that may come from Satan 8P3ycp3dUPu-00343-00105288-00105563 give us wisdom O Lord Heavenly wisdom 8P3ycp3dUPu-00344-00105564-00105928 and Earthly wisdom let us know what is 8P3ycp3dUPu-00345-00105929-00106265 right what is of you what is of the 8P3ycp3dUPu-00346-00106266-00106402 devil 8P3ycp3dUPu-00347-00106403-00106619 let us have the discernment of the 8P3ycp3dUPu-00348-00106620-00106895 spirits 8P3ycp3dUPu-00349-00106896-00107081 fill us with your Holy Spirit oh Lord 8P3ycp3dUPu-00350-00107082-00107333 and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00351-00107333-00107597 and bring up oh Lord 8P3ycp3dUPu-00352-00107598-00107854 to the powers 8P3ycp3dUPu-00353-00107855-00108058 today 8P3ycp3dUPu-00354-00108059-00108377 um ruling governments of the world 8P3ycp3dUPu-00355-00108378-00108839 Godly and just people 8P3ycp3dUPu-00356-00108840-00109181 and let them use their powers use their 8P3ycp3dUPu-00357-00109182-00109415 positions 8P3ycp3dUPu-00358-00109416-00109625 to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00359-00109626-00110140 lay down Godly rules and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00360-00110141-00110410 remove any evil rules that I've been 8P3ycp3dUPu-00361-00110411-00110531 laid there 8P3ycp3dUPu-00362-00110532-00110752 that I've been put down there 8P3ycp3dUPu-00363-00110753-00110902 for 8P3ycp3dUPu-00364-00110903-00111310 decades 8P3ycp3dUPu-00365-00111311-00111527 or recently 8P3ycp3dUPu-00366-00111528-00111875 remove all the ungodly and unjust from 8P3ycp3dUPu-00367-00111876-00112036 their power 8P3ycp3dUPu-00368-00112038-00112384 bring him down in Jesus name O Lord we 8P3ycp3dUPu-00369-00112385-00112651 come against all the principalities and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00370-00112652-00112925 rulers and Powers 8P3ycp3dUPu-00371-00112926-00113213 in the Heavenly Realms and Earthly 8P3ycp3dUPu-00372-00113214-00113327 realms 8P3ycp3dUPu-00373-00113328-00113627 and we command them to be brought down 8P3ycp3dUPu-00374-00113628-00114077 by the people by their own people 8P3ycp3dUPu-00375-00114078-00114413 and godly and just rulers 8P3ycp3dUPu-00376-00114414-00114778 to come up from amongst the people 8P3ycp3dUPu-00377-00114779-00115216 and replace those evil ones 8P3ycp3dUPu-00378-00115217-00115397 and Heavenly Father 8P3ycp3dUPu-00379-00115398-00115673 give those Godly 8P3ycp3dUPu-00380-00115674-00115816 people 8P3ycp3dUPu-00381-00115817-00116128 the wisdom the power the strength and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00382-00116129-00116236 the means 8P3ycp3dUPu-00383-00116238-00116428 to bring about 8P3ycp3dUPu-00384-00116429-00116771 Godly rules and laws and do away with 8P3ycp3dUPu-00385-00116772-00117623 all the evil laws and rules and the land 8P3ycp3dUPu-00386-00117624-00118102 heavenly father I pray for anyone under 8P3ycp3dUPu-00387-00118103-00118247 the 8P3ycp3dUPu-00388-00118248-00118649 sound of my voice 8P3ycp3dUPu-00389-00118650-00118936 if they have any physical 8P3ycp3dUPu-00390-00118938-00119086 needs 8P3ycp3dUPu-00391-00119088-00119423 that there needs to be met 8P3ycp3dUPu-00392-00119424-00119723 meet their needs 8P3ycp3dUPu-00393-00119724-00119927 meet their needs 8P3ycp3dUPu-00394-00119928-00120713 be spiritual physical or financial 8P3ycp3dUPu-00395-00120714-00121054 fill them with your Holy Spirit 8P3ycp3dUPu-00396-00121055-00121307 anoint them with your Holy Spirit 8P3ycp3dUPu-00397-00121308-00121601 and let them receive 8P3ycp3dUPu-00398-00121602-00121799 the gifts of the Holy Spirit and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00399-00121800-00121907 manifest 8P3ycp3dUPu-00400-00121908-00122021 the gift 8P3ycp3dUPu-00401-00122022-00122297 and fruits of the Holy Spirit and their 8P3ycp3dUPu-00402-00122298-00122399 lives 8P3ycp3dUPu-00403-00122400-00122675 and let all people around them see the 8P3ycp3dUPu-00404-00122676-00123136 changes happening in their lives 8P3ycp3dUPu-00405-00123138-00123310 heal their wounds 8P3ycp3dUPu-00406-00123311-00123623 emotional physical 8P3ycp3dUPu-00407-00123624-00124013 or financial wounds 8P3ycp3dUPu-00408-00124014-00124408 and heal their bodies from any kind of 8P3ycp3dUPu-00409-00124409-00124547 ailment 8P3ycp3dUPu-00410-00124548-00124757 from any kind of disease and sicknesses 8P3ycp3dUPu-00411-00124758-00125051 I command the sicknesses and diseases to 8P3ycp3dUPu-00412-00125052-00125381 get out of your body is in Jesus name 8P3ycp3dUPu-00413-00125382-00125657 out into the bottom of the oceans 8P3ycp3dUPu-00414-00125658-00126004 bound there forever never ever to return 8P3ycp3dUPu-00415-00126005-00126197 in Jesus name 8P3ycp3dUPu-00416-00126198-00126443 with the power of the Holy Spirit and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00417-00126444-00126677 the blood of Jesus Christ I command any 8P3ycp3dUPu-00418-00126678-00127090 evil spirits out of your bodies into the 8P3ycp3dUPu-00419-00127091-00127378 body of wild beasts 8P3ycp3dUPu-00420-00127379-00127678 bound there forever and never to return 8P3ycp3dUPu-00421-00127679-00128177 in Jesus name amen and amen hallelujah 8P3ycp3dUPu-00422-00128178-00128497 thank you Lord thank you for 8P3ycp3dUPu-00423-00128498-00128957 people you've sent to view this video 8P3ycp3dUPu-00424-00128958-00129184 because this video is made for those 8P3ycp3dUPu-00425-00129185-00129484 people and you have put the right words 8P3ycp3dUPu-00426-00129485-00129802 in my mouth to say to those people thank 8P3ycp3dUPu-00427-00129803-00129947 you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00428-00129948-00130084 for 8P3ycp3dUPu-00429-00130085-00130354 enabling you to do this and thank you 8P3ycp3dUPu-00430-00130355-00130954 for enabling them to watch this 8P3ycp3dUPu-00431-00130955-00131464 video 8P3ycp3dUPu-00432-00131465-00131789 may God bless you and be with you and 8P3ycp3dUPu-00433-00131790-00132023 fill your flesh with the Holy Spirit 8P3ycp3dUPu-00434-00132024-00132328 and let his holy spirit rest and abide 8P3ycp3dUPu-00435-00132329-00132551 with you forever 8P3ycp3dUPu-00436-00132552-00132713 in Jesus name 8P3ycp3dUPu-00437-00132714-00133054 tell another video and another message 8P3ycp3dUPu-00438-00133055-00133346 goodbye for me 8Pqqo-bckdc-00000-00000035-00000299 theism is broadly defined as the belief 8Pqqo-bckdc-00001-00000300-00000494 in the existence of the Supreme Being or 8Pqqo-bckdc-00002-00000495-00000763 deities in common parlance or when 8Pqqo-bckdc-00003-00000764-00000968 contrasted with deism the term often 8Pqqo-bckdc-00004-00000969-00001141 describes the classical conception of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00005-00001142-00001345 God that is found in monotheism also 8Pqqo-bckdc-00006-00001346-00001549 referred to as classical theism or gods 8Pqqo-bckdc-00007-00001550-00001814 found in polytheistic religions a belief 8Pqqo-bckdc-00008-00001814-00002002 in God or in gods without the rejection 8Pqqo-bckdc-00009-00002003-00002192 of Revelation as is characteristic of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00010-00002193-00002408 deism atheism is commonly understood as 8Pqqo-bckdc-00011-00002409-00002579 rejection of theism in the broadest 8Pqqo-bckdc-00012-00002580-00002776 sense of theism ie the rejection of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00013-00002777-00003052 belief in god or gods the claim that the 8Pqqo-bckdc-00014-00003053-00003245 existence of any deity is unknown or 8Pqqo-bckdc-00015-00003246-00004003 unknowable is agnosticism topic 8Pqqo-bckdc-00016-00004004-00004631 etymology the term theism derives from 8Pqqo-bckdc-00017-00004632-00004870 the Greek Theo's or theory meaning God 8Pqqo-bckdc-00018-00004871-00005152 the term theism was first used by Ralph 8Pqqo-bckdc-00019-00005153-00005527 Cudworth 1617 to 1688 in Cudworth 8Pqqo-bckdc-00020-00005528-00005750 definition they are strictly and 8Pqqo-bckdc-00021-00005751-00005977 properly called theists who affirm that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00022-00005978-00006109 a perfectly conscious understanding 8Pqqo-bckdc-00023-00006110-00006400 being or mind existing of itself from 8Pqqo-bckdc-00024-00006401-00006592 eternity was the cause of all other 8Pqqo-bckdc-00025-00006593-00008123 things topic types of theism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00026-00008123-00008811 topic monotheism monotheism from Greek 8Pqqo-bckdc-00027-00008812-00009012 Manos is the belief in theology that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00028-00009013-00009327 only one deity exists some modern-day 8Pqqo-bckdc-00029-00009328-00009498 monotheistic religions include 8Pqqo-bckdc-00030-00009499-00009699 Christianity Judaism Islam 8Pqqo-bckdc-00031-00009700-00009969 Bihari faith Sikhism Zoroastrianism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00032-00009970-00010029 Eckankar 8Pqqo-bckdc-00033-00010030-00010260 and some forms of Hinduism there have 8Pqqo-bckdc-00034-00010261-00010391 been many proofs of monotheism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00035-00010392-00010578 postulated by a multitude of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00036-00010579-00010737 philosophers and academics throughout 8Pqqo-bckdc-00037-00010738-00011013 history however many of these proofs are 8Pqqo-bckdc-00038-00011014-00011139 either unknown or have been 8Pqqo-bckdc-00039-00011140-00012235 misinterpreted topic polytheism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00040-00012236-00012462 polytheism is the belief that there is 8Pqqo-bckdc-00041-00012463-00012783 more than one God in practice polytheism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00042-00012784-00012954 is not just the belief that there are 8Pqqo-bckdc-00043-00012955-00013166 multiple gods it usually includes belief 8Pqqo-bckdc-00044-00013168-00013362 in the existence of a specific pantheon 8Pqqo-bckdc-00045-00013363-00013665 of distinct deities within polytheism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00046-00013666-00013974 there are hard and soft varieties hard 8Pqqo-bckdc-00047-00013975-00014160 polytheism views the gods as being 8Pqqo-bckdc-00048-00014161-00014366 distinct and separate beings an example 8Pqqo-bckdc-00049-00014368-00014508 of this would be certain schools of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00050-00014509-00014719 Hinduism as well as hell in his Moe's 8Pqqo-bckdc-00051-00014720-00015000 soft polytheism views the gods as being 8Pqqo-bckdc-00052-00015001-00015263 subsumed into a greater whole some other 8Pqqo-bckdc-00053-00015265-00015465 forms of Hinduism such as smart ISM 8Pqqo-bckdc-00054-00015466-00015672 Advaita Vedanta serve as examples of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00055-00015672-00015906 soft polytheism polytheism is also 8Pqqo-bckdc-00056-00015907-00016088 divided according to how the individual 8Pqqo-bckdc-00057-00016090-00016377 deities are regarded henotheism the 8Pqqo-bckdc-00058-00016378-00016550 viewpoint belief that there may be more 8Pqqo-bckdc-00059-00016551-00016734 than one deity but only one of them is 8Pqqo-bckdc-00060-00016735-00016822 worshipped 8Pqqo-bckdc-00061-00016823-00017103 kathan atheism the viewpoint belief that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00062-00017104-00017274 there is more than one deity but only 8Pqqo-bckdc-00063-00017275-00017460 one deity is worshipped at a time or 8Pqqo-bckdc-00064-00017461-00017619 ever and another may be worthy of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00065-00017620-00017894 worship at another time or place if they 8Pqqo-bckdc-00066-00017895-00018075 are worship one at a time then each is 8Pqqo-bckdc-00067-00018076-00018366 supreme in turn Manali tourism the 8Pqqo-bckdc-00068-00018367-00018522 belief that there may be more than one 8Pqqo-bckdc-00069-00018523-00018696 deity but that only one is worthy of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00070-00018697-00018921 being worshipped most of the modern 8Pqqo-bckdc-00071-00018922-00019116 monotheistic religions may have begun as 8Pqqo-bckdc-00072-00019117-00019296 manola trick once although this is 8Pqqo-bckdc-00073-00019297-00020072 disputed topic pantheism and panin 8Pqqo-bckdc-00074-00020073-00020484 theism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00075-00020485-00020679 pantheism the belief that the physical 8Pqqo-bckdc-00076-00020680-00020862 universe is equivalent to God and that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00077-00020863-00021030 there is no division between a creator 8Pqqo-bckdc-00078-00021031-00021309 and the substance of its creation pan 8Pqqo-bckdc-00079-00021310-00021510 and theism like pantheism the belief 8Pqqo-bckdc-00080-00021511-00021696 that the physical universe is joined to 8Pqqo-bckdc-00081-00021697-00021794 a god or gods 8Pqqo-bckdc-00082-00021795-00022059 however it also believes that the divine 8Pqqo-bckdc-00083-00022060-00022248 pervades and interpenetrates every part 8Pqqo-bckdc-00084-00022249-00022440 of the universe and also extends beyond 8Pqqo-bckdc-00085-00022441-00022562 time and space 8Pqqo-bckdc-00086-00022563-00022818 examples include most forms of vision of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00087-00022819-00022986 ism and the philosophy of Baruch Spinoza 8Pqqo-bckdc-00088-00022987-00023202 some find the distinction between these 8Pqqo-bckdc-00089-00023203-00023370 two beliefs ambiguous and unhelpful 8Pqqo-bckdc-00090-00023371-00023565 while others see it as a significant 8Pqqo-bckdc-00091-00023566-00023796 point of division pantheism may be 8Pqqo-bckdc-00092-00023797-00023985 understood a type of non-theism where 8Pqqo-bckdc-00093-00023986-00024171 the physical universe takes on some of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00094-00024172-00024345 the roles of a theistic God and other 8Pqqo-bckdc-00095-00024346-00025122 roles of God viewed as unnecessary topic 8Pqqo-bckdc-00096-00025123-00025707 deism classical deism is the belief that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00097-00025708-00025935 one god exists in created the world but 8Pqqo-bckdc-00098-00025936-00026078 that the Creator does do not alter the 8Pqqo-bckdc-00099-00026079-00026256 original plan for the universe but 8Pqqo-bckdc-00100-00026257-00026402 presides over it in the form of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00101-00026404-00026463 Providence 8Pqqo-bckdc-00102-00026464-00026643 however some classical diocese did 8Pqqo-bckdc-00103-00026644-00026811 believe in divine intervention deism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00104-00026812-00027020 typically rejects supernatural events 8Pqqo-bckdc-00105-00027022-00027239 such as prophecies miracles and divine 8Pqqo-bckdc-00106-00027241-00027417 revelations prominent in organized 8Pqqo-bckdc-00107-00027418-00027675 religion instead deism holds that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00108-00027676-00027845 religious beliefs must be founded on 8Pqqo-bckdc-00109-00027847-00028029 human reason and observed features of 8Pqqo-bckdc-00110-00028030-00028194 the natural world and that these sources 8Pqqo-bckdc-00111-00028195-00028358 reveal the existence of a Supreme Being 8Pqqo-bckdc-00112-00028360-00028698 as creator Pandi ISM the belief that God 8Pqqo-bckdc-00113-00028699-00028902 preceded the universe and created it but 8Pqqo-bckdc-00114-00028902-00029211 is now equivalent with it poly deism the 8Pqqo-bckdc-00115-00029212-00029412 belief that multiple gods exist but do 8Pqqo-bckdc-00116-00029413-00030177 not intervene in the universe topic Auto 8Pqqo-bckdc-00117-00030177-00030555 theism 8Pqqo-bckdc-00118-00030556-00030783 Auto theism is the viewpoint that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00119-00030783-00031005 whether divinity is also external or not 8Pqqo-bckdc-00120-00031006-00031208 it is inherently within oneself and that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00121-00031210-00031379 one has the ability to achieve godhood 8Pqqo-bckdc-00122-00031380-00031640 this can be in a selfless way a way 8Pqqo-bckdc-00123-00031641-00031833 following the implications of statements 8Pqqo-bckdc-00124-00031833-00032039 attributed to ethical philosophical and 8Pqqo-bckdc-00125-00032041-00032352 religious leaders such as Mahavira Auto 8Pqqo-bckdc-00126-00032352-00032577 theism can also refer to the belief that 8Pqqo-bckdc-00127-00032577-00032787 one's self is a deity within the context 8Pqqo-bckdc-00128-00032788-00033147 of subjectivism hindus use the term aham 8Pqqo-bckdc-00129-00033148-00034059 brahmasmi which means I am Brahman topic 8Pqqo-bckdc-00130-00034060-00034695 value judgment theorems youth ISM is the 8Pqqo-bckdc-00131-00034696-00034912 belief that a deity is wholly benevolent 8Pqqo-bckdc-00132-00034913-00035181 does theism is the belief that a deity 8Pqqo-bckdc-00133-00035182-00035408 is not wholly good and is possibly evil 8Pqqo-bckdc-00134-00035409-00035640 miss earthy ism is the belief that a 8Pqqo-bckdc-00135-00035641-00036362 deity exists but is wholly malicious 8Pqqo-bckdc-00136-00036363-00037215 topic see also a stoker nastika theistic 8Pqqo-bckdc-00137-00037216-00038046 evolution topic notes 8QwENak892c-00000-00000102-00001007 [Music] 8QwENak892c-00001-00001008-00001304 I've always had a passion for computing 8QwENak892c-00002-00001305-00001529 and probably college seemed like the 8QwENak892c-00003-00001530-00001728 perfect place to further my studies we 8QwENak892c-00004-00001729-00001938 go to radio stations we go to TV 8QwENak892c-00005-00001939-00002406 programs we work with people involved in 8QwENak892c-00006-00002407-00002790 the field that we want to go into you 8QwENak892c-00007-00002791-00003017 have one-on-one interaction there's no 8QwENak892c-00008-00003018-00003236 hiding there's no and if you're not 8QwENak892c-00009-00003237-00003365 there I'm going to notice that you're 8QwENak892c-00010-00003367-00003552 not there you have to show up you have 8QwENak892c-00011-00003553-00003822 to do the work and we work you know and 8QwENak892c-00012-00003822-00004032 we interact with one another and we 8QwENak892c-00013-00004033-00004218 really get stuff done and we learn and I 8QwENak892c-00014-00004219-00004416 think that is 100% the beauty of a small 8QwENak892c-00015-00004417-00004719 class we study everything things from 8QwENak892c-00016-00004720-00005138 networking in Cisco 3d design in 3dsmax 8QwENak892c-00017-00005139-00005349 and programming in languages the 8QwENak892c-00018-00005350-00005691 procedures both Java and JavaScript what 8QwENak892c-00019-00005692-00005868 I also using to give advice for my 8QwENak892c-00020-00005869-00006197 students be creative not do not give up 8QwENak892c-00021-00006198-00006506 of your own projects be aware be 8QwENak892c-00022-00006508-00006762 positively critical of society and be 8QwENak892c-00023-00006763-00008349 active participant and what was going on 8QwENak892c-00024-00008350-00008556 you 8WjELx4UoZc-00000-00000008-00000214 sounded like a beer can getting flat and 8WjELx4UoZc-00001-00000215-00000438 it just was crunchy 8WjELx4UoZc-00002-00000440-00000751 i hate to say it it was kind of cool 8WjELx4UoZc-00003-00000752-00001023 you know i mean what guy what you know 8WjELx4UoZc-00004-00001024-00001247 doesn't like you know destruction yeah 8WjELx4UoZc-00005-00001248-00001407 you know that's why we go to demolition 8WjELx4UoZc-00006-00001408-00001695 derbies but hey you know bottom line 8WjELx4UoZc-00007-00001696-00001879 that's that poor girl's new car and she 8WjELx4UoZc-00008-00001880-00002264 can't get to school now 8XfpxOzi1Go-00000-00000032-00000286 hi psych2goers and welcome back thank 8XfpxOzi1Go-00001-00000287-00000463 you so much for your love and support 8XfpxOzi1Go-00002-00000463-00000638 which enables us to present you with the 8XfpxOzi1Go-00003-00000639-00000871 varying aspects of everyday psychology 8XfpxOzi1Go-00004-00000872-00001158 so let's begin how well do you fare 8XfpxOzi1Go-00005-00001159-00001374 along the socialization scale 8XfpxOzi1Go-00006-00001375-00001574 is that your superpower or do you have 8XfpxOzi1Go-00007-00001575-00001718 other hidden talents 8XfpxOzi1Go-00008-00001719-00001879 there are many of us who have been 8XfpxOzi1Go-00009-00001880-00002023 graced with talents other than 8XfpxOzi1Go-00010-00002023-00002118 socialization 8XfpxOzi1Go-00011-00002119-00002375 and that is a-okay conversation and 8XfpxOzi1Go-00012-00002376-00002463 social cues 8XfpxOzi1Go-00013-00002464-00002671 may not come naturally but socially 8XfpxOzi1Go-00014-00002672-00002879 awkward people often excel in other 8XfpxOzi1Go-00015-00002880-00003007 areas of life 8XfpxOzi1Go-00016-00003008-00003286 besides who said awkward is a bad thing 8XfpxOzi1Go-00017-00003288-00003527 if you identify as socially awkward you 8XfpxOzi1Go-00018-00003528-00003638 are not alone 8XfpxOzi1Go-00019-00003639-00003831 here are 7 things socially awkward 8XfpxOzi1Go-00020-00003832-00004063 people are sure to relate to 8XfpxOzi1Go-00021-00004064-00004286 1. you'd rather watch the phone ring 8XfpxOzi1Go-00022-00004287-00004415 than answer it 8XfpxOzi1Go-00023-00004416-00004679 letting the phone ring itself to silence 8XfpxOzi1Go-00024-00004680-00004919 does your phone have the secret talent 8XfpxOzi1Go-00025-00004920-00005102 there are few things socially awkward 8XfpxOzi1Go-00026-00005103-00005351 people dread more than phone calls 8XfpxOzi1Go-00027-00005352-00005527 especially if you don't know who's on 8XfpxOzi1Go-00028-00005528-00005663 the other end of the line 8XfpxOzi1Go-00029-00005664-00005863 there's no way to know what to expect if 8XfpxOzi1Go-00030-00005864-00005983 you answer 8XfpxOzi1Go-00031-00005984-00006238 so many things can happen sometimes your 8XfpxOzi1Go-00032-00006239-00006302 hello 8XfpxOzi1Go-00033-00006303-00006518 comes out a little shaky or you're not 8XfpxOzi1Go-00034-00006519-00006623 sure how to tell 8XfpxOzi1Go-00035-00006623-00006823 when it's your turn to speak but the 8XfpxOzi1Go-00036-00006823-00006991 good news is you've made it through 8XfpxOzi1Go-00037-00006992-00007151 every phone call until now 8XfpxOzi1Go-00038-00007152-00007359 and you can get through the next one too 8XfpxOzi1Go-00039-00007359-00007503 phew 8XfpxOzi1Go-00040-00007504-00007774 2. being awkward isn't the same thing as 8XfpxOzi1Go-00041-00007775-00007919 being anxious 8XfpxOzi1Go-00042-00007920-00008191 the question is how to tell them apart 8XfpxOzi1Go-00043-00008192-00008231 king 8XfpxOzi1Go-00044-00008232-00008399 university explains the difference 8XfpxOzi1Go-00045-00008400-00008535 between social awkwardness 8XfpxOzi1Go-00046-00008536-00008759 and social anxiety as while social 8XfpxOzi1Go-00047-00008760-00008903 awkwardness may describe 8XfpxOzi1Go-00048-00008904-00009063 an alternative way of living in the 8XfpxOzi1Go-00049-00009064-00009287 world social anxiety is a defined 8XfpxOzi1Go-00050-00009288-00009391 medical condition 8XfpxOzi1Go-00051-00009392-00009639 that can cause severe social impairment 8XfpxOzi1Go-00052-00009640-00009774 the disorder includes 8XfpxOzi1Go-00053-00009775-00010014 physical symptoms such as flushing or a 8XfpxOzi1Go-00054-00010015-00010142 racing heart 8XfpxOzi1Go-00055-00010143-00010335 awkwardness on the other hand simply 8XfpxOzi1Go-00056-00010336-00010559 describes a way of interaction 8XfpxOzi1Go-00057-00010560-00010742 it's very possible to feel socially 8XfpxOzi1Go-00058-00010743-00010951 awkward without feeling anxious 8XfpxOzi1Go-00059-00010952-00011167 especially once you realize that being 8XfpxOzi1Go-00060-00011168-00011374 awkward isn't necessarily negative 8XfpxOzi1Go-00061-00011375-00011614 it's just different go out there and 8XfpxOzi1Go-00062-00011615-00011823 rock that awkward 8XfpxOzi1Go-00063-00011824-00012063 three your attempts at being funny don't 8XfpxOzi1Go-00064-00012064-00012214 always pan out 8XfpxOzi1Go-00065-00012215-00012359 have you ever tried your hand at 8XfpxOzi1Go-00066-00012360-00012583 cracking a joke how would you describe 8XfpxOzi1Go-00067-00012584-00012719 the response 8XfpxOzi1Go-00068-00012720-00012910 humor in particular can be hard to 8XfpxOzi1Go-00069-00012911-00013094 master even for those who don't feel 8XfpxOzi1Go-00070-00013095-00013255 awkward around others 8XfpxOzi1Go-00071-00013256-00013415 reading an audience can be tricky to 8XfpxOzi1Go-00072-00013416-00013622 navigate even in the most familiar of 8XfpxOzi1Go-00073-00013623-00013807 social situations 8XfpxOzi1Go-00074-00013808-00013999 and it takes even more skill and a bit 8XfpxOzi1Go-00075-00014000-00014255 of luck to execute a joke correctly 8XfpxOzi1Go-00076-00014256-00014471 so if you don't get a laugh right away 8XfpxOzi1Go-00077-00014472-00014558 don't worry 8XfpxOzi1Go-00078-00014559-00014863 practice makes perfect even here 8XfpxOzi1Go-00079-00014863-00015119 4. unintentional interruptions just 8XfpxOzi1Go-00080-00015119-00015222 happen 8XfpxOzi1Go-00081-00015223-00015422 can you name one of the most common 8XfpxOzi1Go-00082-00015423-00015638 cringe-worthy social slip-ups 8XfpxOzi1Go-00083-00015640-00015911 unintentional interruption the biggest 8XfpxOzi1Go-00084-00015912-00016119 miscreant in the royal court of social 8XfpxOzi1Go-00085-00016119-00016247 conversation 8XfpxOzi1Go-00086-00016247-00016439 of course you never mean to cut someone 8XfpxOzi1Go-00087-00016440-00016711 off or overpower their words with yours 8XfpxOzi1Go-00088-00016712-00016847 but when you're excited about the 8XfpxOzi1Go-00089-00016848-00017086 conversation topic and eager to jump in 8XfpxOzi1Go-00090-00017087-00017263 or perhaps you really don't want to 8XfpxOzi1Go-00091-00017264-00017422 forget what you have to say 8XfpxOzi1Go-00092-00017423-00017703 sometimes words just seem to come out if 8XfpxOzi1Go-00093-00017704-00017886 you do catch yourself interrupting 8XfpxOzi1Go-00094-00017887-00018071 don't beat yourself up for such a small 8XfpxOzi1Go-00095-00018072-00018214 blip in the conversation 8XfpxOzi1Go-00096-00018215-00018575 keep going 5. you may miss some social 8XfpxOzi1Go-00097-00018576-00018622 cues 8XfpxOzi1Go-00098-00018623-00018903 but you see things others don't in his 8XfpxOzi1Go-00099-00018904-00019047 2017 book 8XfpxOzi1Go-00100-00019048-00019255 awkward the signs of why we're socially 8XfpxOzi1Go-00101-00019256-00019447 awkward and why that's awesome 8XfpxOzi1Go-00102-00019448-00019663 author and psychology professor tai 8XfpxOzi1Go-00103-00019664-00019911 tashiro explains how social awkwardness 8XfpxOzi1Go-00104-00019912-00020079 can lead to some amazing differences 8XfpxOzi1Go-00105-00020080-00020214 between people 8XfpxOzi1Go-00106-00020215-00020414 speaking metaphorically according to 8XfpxOzi1Go-00107-00020415-00020535 inc.com 8XfpxOzi1Go-00108-00020536-00020727 non-awkward individuals typically 8XfpxOzi1Go-00109-00020728-00020878 centralize their social life 8XfpxOzi1Go-00110-00020879-00021055 while those who are awkward might be 8XfpxOzi1Go-00111-00021056-00021230 aiming a little to the side 8XfpxOzi1Go-00112-00021231-00021422 this may cause them to miss some details 8XfpxOzi1Go-00113-00021423-00021639 in social situations but they may also 8XfpxOzi1Go-00114-00021640-00021814 pick up on other things that others 8XfpxOzi1Go-00115-00021815-00021950 don't 8XfpxOzi1Go-00116-00021951-00022327 6. eye contact can get awkward fast 8XfpxOzi1Go-00117-00022328-00022519 are you familiar with the dance form 8XfpxOzi1Go-00118-00022520-00022767 called do i look away now or not 8XfpxOzi1Go-00119-00022768-00022950 do you often wonder where to look when 8XfpxOzi1Go-00120-00022951-00023078 meeting others 8XfpxOzi1Go-00121-00023079-00023303 simply knowing their eyes on you can be 8XfpxOzi1Go-00122-00023304-00023535 an extremely vulnerable feeling 8XfpxOzi1Go-00123-00023536-00023727 eye contact is sent and received 8XfpxOzi1Go-00124-00023728-00023958 differently from person to person 8XfpxOzi1Go-00125-00023959-00024214 for some it might signal respect while 8XfpxOzi1Go-00126-00024215-00024286 for others 8XfpxOzi1Go-00127-00024287-00024567 it's perceived as threatening one study 8XfpxOzi1Go-00128-00024568-00024750 found that during eye contact 8XfpxOzi1Go-00129-00024751-00024967 the subcordial region of the brain an 8XfpxOzi1Go-00130-00024968-00025183 area responsible for reading emotions in 8XfpxOzi1Go-00131-00025184-00025294 other people's faces 8XfpxOzi1Go-00132-00025295-00025567 is overstimulated which may relate to 8XfpxOzi1Go-00133-00025568-00025758 why looking someone in the eyes can feel 8XfpxOzi1Go-00134-00025760-00025943 uncomfortable 8XfpxOzi1Go-00135-00025944-00026246 7. you're unsure how to respond 8XfpxOzi1Go-00136-00026247-00026470 is making conversation a daunting task 8XfpxOzi1Go-00137-00026472-00026687 for you do you struggle to find the 8XfpxOzi1Go-00138-00026688-00026855 appropriate thing to say 8XfpxOzi1Go-00139-00026856-00027062 you know you must be extra careful to 8XfpxOzi1Go-00140-00027063-00027231 get the right message across 8XfpxOzi1Go-00141-00027232-00027383 especially with sensitive or 8XfpxOzi1Go-00142-00027383-00027567 controversial topics 8XfpxOzi1Go-00143-00027568-00027727 but whether or not your brain will let 8XfpxOzi1Go-00144-00027727-00027902 you slow down enough to find the right 8XfpxOzi1Go-00145-00027904-00027974 thing to say 8XfpxOzi1Go-00146-00027975-00028223 is another question altogether and if 8XfpxOzi1Go-00147-00028224-00028390 your mind isn't racing it might be 8XfpxOzi1Go-00148-00028391-00028518 entirely blank 8XfpxOzi1Go-00149-00028519-00028807 how frustrating even awkwardness comes 8XfpxOzi1Go-00150-00028808-00029031 from a place of good intentions though 8XfpxOzi1Go-00151-00029032-00029231 and those intentions are sure to shine 8XfpxOzi1Go-00152-00029232-00029423 through in the end if you give yourself 8XfpxOzi1Go-00153-00029424-00029623 a chance 8XfpxOzi1Go-00154-00029624-00029790 we hope we were able to give you a 8XfpxOzi1Go-00155-00029791-00029983 little insight into the inner workings 8XfpxOzi1Go-00156-00029983-00030151 of social awkwardness 8XfpxOzi1Go-00157-00030152-00030414 do any of these apply to you let us know 8XfpxOzi1Go-00158-00030416-00030558 in the comments below 8XfpxOzi1Go-00159-00030560-00030767 if you find this video helpful be sure 8XfpxOzi1Go-00160-00030768-00030958 to hit the like and subscribe button 8XfpxOzi1Go-00161-00030960-00031118 and share with your fellow socially 8XfpxOzi1Go-00162-00031119-00031343 awkwards to help them rock their social 8XfpxOzi1Go-00163-00031344-00031511 awkwardness to the nines 8XfpxOzi1Go-00164-00031512-00031872 thanks for watching 8XNPjP_JiN8-00000-00000088-00000342 hello hello good afternoon from the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00001-00000343-00000671 sunny north carolina this is elsie b 8XNPjP_JiN8-00002-00000672-00000966 berzina life and business coach and the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00003-00000967-00001262 creator of this group i'm still going to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00004-00001263-00001543 talk about the storytelling bootcamp for 8XNPjP_JiN8-00005-00001544-00001807 growth that we were 8XNPjP_JiN8-00006-00001807-00002167 conducting as a bootcamp last week 8XNPjP_JiN8-00007-00002168-00002671 i invited two team members who you also 8XNPjP_JiN8-00008-00002672-00002926 could see sharing their stories last 8XNPjP_JiN8-00009-00002927-00003286 week to join me for a conversation 8XNPjP_JiN8-00010-00003288-00003583 because they have agreed to collaborate 8XNPjP_JiN8-00011-00003584-00003847 with me within this program envision 8XNPjP_JiN8-00012-00003847-00004111 greater worth therefore without further 8XNPjP_JiN8-00013-00004112-00004647 ado i would like to invite on the screen 8XNPjP_JiN8-00014-00004648-00004935 transformation emotional transformation 8XNPjP_JiN8-00015-00004936-00005263 coach and hypnotherapist connie cruz 8XNPjP_JiN8-00016-00005264-00005631 and leadership coach scott thomas and i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00017-00005632-00005847 will ask them a couple of questions 8XNPjP_JiN8-00018-00005848-00006215 today hello scott hello connie how are 8XNPjP_JiN8-00019-00006216-00006550 you doing today hello hello 8XNPjP_JiN8-00020-00006551-00006695 doing great 8XNPjP_JiN8-00021-00006695-00006919 my first question is 8XNPjP_JiN8-00022-00006920-00007359 you remember that story crafting process 8XNPjP_JiN8-00023-00007359-00007623 the one thing maybe you can remember one 8XNPjP_JiN8-00024-00007623-00007855 thing that you learned about yourself 8XNPjP_JiN8-00025-00007856-00008103 while you were in that story crafting 8XNPjP_JiN8-00026-00008104-00008446 process so yeah i mean this was a great 8XNPjP_JiN8-00027-00008447-00008783 exercise if you will to to craft my own 8XNPjP_JiN8-00028-00008784-00008983 story and that and i know it's gonna 8XNPjP_JiN8-00029-00008984-00009206 help me for my own business so that's 8XNPjP_JiN8-00030-00009207-00009471 already for sure that's a fact for me it 8XNPjP_JiN8-00031-00009472-00009695 was really easy to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00032-00009696-00009903 to write the simple narrative the the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00033-00009904-00010135 chronological events and and explaining 8XNPjP_JiN8-00034-00010136-00010303 where i started and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00035-00010304-00010559 how i got to where i am now but i had a 8XNPjP_JiN8-00036-00010560-00010791 hard time dialing into those deeper 8XNPjP_JiN8-00037-00010792-00010999 emotions and thinking of 8XNPjP_JiN8-00038-00011000-00011238 like specific examples 8XNPjP_JiN8-00039-00011239-00011423 and how they made me feel and then to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00040-00011424-00011663 express those emotions and uh in the way 8XNPjP_JiN8-00041-00011664-00011870 that resonates with the listeners so i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00042-00011871-00012023 think um 8XNPjP_JiN8-00043-00012024-00012238 because we don't do that um 8XNPjP_JiN8-00044-00012239-00012470 you know every day so i i really 8XNPjP_JiN8-00045-00012471-00012751 appreciated the process to go like a few 8XNPjP_JiN8-00046-00012752-00013022 levels deeper than i would normally go 8XNPjP_JiN8-00047-00013023-00013215 like sharing a story or talking about 8XNPjP_JiN8-00048-00013216-00013311 myself 8XNPjP_JiN8-00049-00013312-00013479 and i think most of us are probably a 8XNPjP_JiN8-00050-00013480-00013671 little bit uncomfortable talking about 8XNPjP_JiN8-00051-00013672-00013886 ourselves right 8XNPjP_JiN8-00052-00013887-00014079 it's always much safer to stay on the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00053-00014080-00014366 surface and and um 8XNPjP_JiN8-00054-00014368-00014551 but but i learned 8XNPjP_JiN8-00055-00014552-00014799 also knowing that people mostly resonate 8XNPjP_JiN8-00056-00014800-00014958 with emotions 8XNPjP_JiN8-00057-00014959-00015255 and vulnerability i really learned that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00058-00015256-00015471 it's safe to be vulnerable especially in 8XNPjP_JiN8-00059-00015472-00015822 a wonderful community like this group 8XNPjP_JiN8-00060-00015823-00016079 and also it helps others right it helps 8XNPjP_JiN8-00061-00016080-00016238 others um 8XNPjP_JiN8-00062-00016240-00016383 to connect 8XNPjP_JiN8-00063-00016384-00016575 on a deeper level with me and what i'm 8XNPjP_JiN8-00064-00016576-00016743 presenting and it's and it would be a 8XNPjP_JiN8-00065-00016744-00016911 shame not to do that not to be 8XNPjP_JiN8-00066-00016912-00017086 vulnerable and not to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00067-00017087-00017311 give people that chance so for me the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00068-00017312-00017447 storytelling 8XNPjP_JiN8-00069-00017448-00017575 um 8XNPjP_JiN8-00070-00017576-00017783 for this boot camp was 8XNPjP_JiN8-00071-00017784-00018007 really tuning back into old stories and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00072-00018008-00018183 old feelings and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00073-00018184-00018471 and how it can help others 8XNPjP_JiN8-00074-00018472-00018647 yeah so i really loved it 8XNPjP_JiN8-00075-00018648-00019086 yeah connie it sounds like i am um 8XNPjP_JiN8-00076-00019087-00019199 i have 8XNPjP_JiN8-00077-00019200-00019430 similar feelings to how you describe i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00078-00019431-00019622 don't like to sit into 8XNPjP_JiN8-00079-00019623-00019911 into the emotions and um 8XNPjP_JiN8-00080-00019912-00020103 yes and i would like to move on how 8XNPjP_JiN8-00081-00020104-00020343 about you scott for me it was you know 8XNPjP_JiN8-00082-00020344-00020622 going through the process and really 8XNPjP_JiN8-00083-00020623-00020735 getting 8XNPjP_JiN8-00084-00020736-00020950 to accept that i can actually be more 8XNPjP_JiN8-00085-00020951-00021055 comfortable 8XNPjP_JiN8-00086-00021056-00021255 sharing the more emotional things and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00087-00021256-00021407 being a little more vulnerable and open 8XNPjP_JiN8-00088-00021408-00021639 like connie had talked about 8XNPjP_JiN8-00089-00021640-00021950 and the perspective i had on it was 8XNPjP_JiN8-00090-00021951-00022335 really just reinforcing to me that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00091-00022336-00022511 i still have a challenge and i think a 8XNPjP_JiN8-00092-00022512-00022735 lot of people have the same challenge of 8XNPjP_JiN8-00093-00022736-00023007 getting out of the normal pattern you 8XNPjP_JiN8-00094-00023008-00023158 follow so 8XNPjP_JiN8-00095-00023159-00023439 historically when i've spoken whether 8XNPjP_JiN8-00096-00023440-00023567 it's like we've talked about 8XNPjP_JiN8-00097-00023568-00023783 toastmasters or at work 8XNPjP_JiN8-00098-00023784-00023999 i'm a very fax-based person it's from a 8XNPjP_JiN8-00099-00024000-00024199 very analytical perspective it's really 8XNPjP_JiN8-00100-00024200-00024391 with the purpose of here is some 8XNPjP_JiN8-00101-00024392-00024663 information do with it what you will 8XNPjP_JiN8-00102-00024664-00024871 going through this process and this 8XNPjP_JiN8-00103-00024872-00025150 exercise really reinforced me 8XNPjP_JiN8-00104-00025151-00025230 that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00105-00025231-00025463 it's not about what i'm comfortable with 8XNPjP_JiN8-00106-00025464-00025655 it's not about what i've done before 8XNPjP_JiN8-00107-00025656-00025846 it's not about what i feel i'm really 8XNPjP_JiN8-00108-00025847-00026094 good at as far as what i'm able to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00109-00026095-00026223 present well 8XNPjP_JiN8-00110-00026224-00026455 it really has to be about 8XNPjP_JiN8-00111-00026456-00026687 what is the objective of what you're 8XNPjP_JiN8-00112-00026688-00026870 trying to do right now 8XNPjP_JiN8-00113-00026872-00027127 and how can you resonate with the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00114-00027127-00027311 particular audience you're trying to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00115-00027312-00027567 talk to for that objective 8XNPjP_JiN8-00116-00027568-00027767 so if it's a group 8XNPjP_JiN8-00117-00027768-00027967 like this group that they're really not 8XNPjP_JiN8-00118-00027968-00028143 here to hear me talk about numbers and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00119-00028144-00028262 analytics 8XNPjP_JiN8-00120-00028263-00028479 just because i do that well i can't try 8XNPjP_JiN8-00121-00028480-00028623 and take the same approach here because 8XNPjP_JiN8-00122-00028624-00028774 it's not going to be worth anything for 8XNPjP_JiN8-00123-00028775-00028999 anyone it's not going to be successful 8XNPjP_JiN8-00124-00029000-00029151 so 8XNPjP_JiN8-00125-00029152-00029383 really learning that hey you have to be 8XNPjP_JiN8-00126-00029383-00029735 able to flex and to change and do things 8XNPjP_JiN8-00127-00029736-00030062 you're uncomfortable with if that's what 8XNPjP_JiN8-00128-00030063-00030318 the current objective objective needs to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00129-00030319-00030462 have happen 8XNPjP_JiN8-00130-00030463-00030631 for it to really connect with your 8XNPjP_JiN8-00131-00030632-00030879 audience and be useful to your audience 8XNPjP_JiN8-00132-00030880-00031118 how would you determine what that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00133-00031119-00031374 audience how how to describe the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00134-00031375-00031623 audience how to know what is the story 8XNPjP_JiN8-00135-00031624-00031735 to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00136-00031736-00032046 to share with the specific audience yeah 8XNPjP_JiN8-00137-00032047-00032214 well i think you've you've really got to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00138-00032216-00032551 try and step back and put yourself in 8XNPjP_JiN8-00139-00032552-00032831 that audience members chair 8XNPjP_JiN8-00140-00032832-00033079 so take away your preconceived notions 8XNPjP_JiN8-00141-00033080-00033231 any of the background information you 8XNPjP_JiN8-00142-00033232-00033343 have on what you're trying to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00143-00033344-00033462 communicate 8XNPjP_JiN8-00144-00033463-00033662 and try and start with a blank slate of 8XNPjP_JiN8-00145-00033663-00033935 if i was on the other side of the table 8XNPjP_JiN8-00146-00033936-00034159 or the other side of the video monitor 8XNPjP_JiN8-00147-00034160-00034383 sitting at home watching 8XNPjP_JiN8-00148-00034384-00034615 what would i actually need to hear or 8XNPjP_JiN8-00149-00034616-00034774 want to hear that would help me connect 8XNPjP_JiN8-00150-00034775-00034879 with 8XNPjP_JiN8-00151-00034880-00035143 this person their message 8XNPjP_JiN8-00152-00035144-00035367 where it is we're trying to get to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00153-00035368-00035623 and really break down that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00154-00035624-00035823 that customer behavior you know most of 8XNPjP_JiN8-00155-00035824-00035974 the folks that are watching this are 8XNPjP_JiN8-00156-00035975-00036095 entrepreneurs that are trying to grow 8XNPjP_JiN8-00157-00036096-00036246 business it's the same as when you're 8XNPjP_JiN8-00158-00036247-00036407 trying to figure out your offering to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00159-00036408-00036483 your 8XNPjP_JiN8-00160-00036484-00036695 customer the story you're telling is 8XNPjP_JiN8-00161-00036696-00036935 another offering with a specific purpose 8XNPjP_JiN8-00162-00036936-00037111 so you've got to break down 8XNPjP_JiN8-00163-00037112-00037271 what does that customer want to hear 8XNPjP_JiN8-00164-00037272-00037399 need to hear 8XNPjP_JiN8-00165-00037400-00037607 have to hear 8XNPjP_JiN8-00166-00037608-00037751 in order for you to get them to where 8XNPjP_JiN8-00167-00037752-00037927 you want them to be 8XNPjP_JiN8-00168-00037928-00038167 correct just to summarize we are all 8XNPjP_JiN8-00169-00038168-00038399 human so we want human story something 8XNPjP_JiN8-00170-00038400-00038639 that is emotional that would probably 8XNPjP_JiN8-00171-00038640-00038887 resonate in the first place and then the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00172-00038888-00039127 second the title of the group which is 8XNPjP_JiN8-00173-00039128-00039383 we are all entrepreneurs or aspiring 8XNPjP_JiN8-00174-00039384-00039623 entrepreneurs so we want to know how to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00175-00039624-00039807 grow our business but also how to sell 8XNPjP_JiN8-00176-00039808-00040062 our businesses like those two things 8XNPjP_JiN8-00177-00040063-00040343 what was that thing that made you buy 8XNPjP_JiN8-00178-00040344-00040646 into this caliber collaboration with me 8XNPjP_JiN8-00179-00040647-00040839 well i do see 8XNPjP_JiN8-00180-00040840-00041095 i do see the greater vision of your 8XNPjP_JiN8-00181-00041096-00041407 of your program and of the future you 8XNPjP_JiN8-00182-00041408-00041646 are trying to create or you are creating 8XNPjP_JiN8-00183-00041647-00041895 with having building this program and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00184-00041896-00042079 offering this program so i fully believe 8XNPjP_JiN8-00185-00042080-00042287 in that and that for me 8XNPjP_JiN8-00186-00042288-00042599 um is a is a big part is the main reason 8XNPjP_JiN8-00187-00042600-00042815 for wanting to be part of it because i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00188-00042816-00043111 do see the value of it 8XNPjP_JiN8-00189-00043112-00043367 and again storytelling 8XNPjP_JiN8-00190-00043368-00043615 the storytelling part is so powerful 8XNPjP_JiN8-00191-00043616-00043823 just for conveying the right message in 8XNPjP_JiN8-00192-00043824-00043974 your in your business 8XNPjP_JiN8-00193-00043975-00044215 so that in itself is a crucial part and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00194-00044216-00044543 ilsa knows best how to teach that um but 8XNPjP_JiN8-00195-00044544-00044807 also the other parts of the program 8XNPjP_JiN8-00196-00044808-00045039 i'm just setting up your business 8XNPjP_JiN8-00197-00045040-00045351 foundation i think is is so necessary 8XNPjP_JiN8-00198-00045352-00045630 well very much necessary so important 8XNPjP_JiN8-00199-00045631-00045839 um and it should be done correctly from 8XNPjP_JiN8-00200-00045840-00046071 the beginning um in order to have a 8XNPjP_JiN8-00201-00046072-00046302 successful business so 8XNPjP_JiN8-00202-00046303-00046479 so all the pieces that the program 8XNPjP_JiN8-00203-00046480-00046655 brings together 8XNPjP_JiN8-00204-00046656-00046927 are super valuable and 8XNPjP_JiN8-00205-00046928-00047167 plus ills coaching which is out of this 8XNPjP_JiN8-00206-00047168-00047415 world i've experienced it myself of 8XNPjP_JiN8-00207-00047416-00047502 course 8XNPjP_JiN8-00208-00047503-00047783 and combined with her intuitive skills i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00209-00047784-00047990 just know i really know that this 8XNPjP_JiN8-00210-00047991-00048207 program program is going to be 8XNPjP_JiN8-00211-00048208-00048399 it's going to be a major success and it 8XNPjP_JiN8-00212-00048400-00048686 will help so many people to move forward 8XNPjP_JiN8-00213-00048687-00048871 with their dreams and i'm really 8XNPjP_JiN8-00214-00048872-00049143 grateful to be part of that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00215-00049144-00049302 i would agree with a lot of what what 8XNPjP_JiN8-00216-00049303-00049551 connie said you know i again i've 8XNPjP_JiN8-00217-00049552-00049767 coached with those well and i can attest 8XNPjP_JiN8-00218-00049768-00050023 to the impact it's had on me 8XNPjP_JiN8-00219-00050024-00050246 i know more generally having gone 8XNPjP_JiN8-00220-00050247-00050502 through over the last several years 8XNPjP_JiN8-00221-00050503-00050711 the process of spending a lot of time 8XNPjP_JiN8-00222-00050712-00050918 improving my storytelling my public 8XNPjP_JiN8-00223-00050919-00051214 speaking i know what it feels like to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00224-00051215-00051494 to go through that process and see that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00225-00051495-00051638 improvement 8XNPjP_JiN8-00226-00051639-00051887 within that one skill set and it's 8XNPjP_JiN8-00227-00051888-00052111 really gratifying and and i love the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00228-00052112-00052414 idea of helping other folks with it 8XNPjP_JiN8-00229-00052415-00052615 in one piece you know based on my 8XNPjP_JiN8-00230-00052616-00052903 history or in my my background 8XNPjP_JiN8-00231-00052904-00053126 a lot of where i've spent my time 8XNPjP_JiN8-00232-00053127-00053366 you know my previous role i had a lot of 8XNPjP_JiN8-00233-00053367-00053599 interaction with sales people and even 8XNPjP_JiN8-00234-00053600-00053838 though it was in a corporate environment 8XNPjP_JiN8-00235-00053839-00054007 they're trying to do the same thing a 8XNPjP_JiN8-00236-00054008-00054166 lot of the folks that we're going to be 8XNPjP_JiN8-00237-00054167-00054430 working with are doing you know 8XNPjP_JiN8-00238-00054432-00054575 even if you're an entrepreneur you're 8XNPjP_JiN8-00239-00054576-00054791 really trying to sell i mean that's if 8XNPjP_JiN8-00240-00054791-00054950 that's the biggest thing you're trying 8XNPjP_JiN8-00241-00054951-00055054 to do 8XNPjP_JiN8-00242-00055055-00055311 and i've seen so many people who had 8XNPjP_JiN8-00243-00055312-00055526 great value propositions great skill 8XNPjP_JiN8-00244-00055527-00055654 sets and were actually great 8XNPjP_JiN8-00245-00055655-00055830 storytellers 8XNPjP_JiN8-00246-00055832-00056054 but they didn't really fully understand 8XNPjP_JiN8-00247-00056055-00056335 the full process and we're skipping 8XNPjP_JiN8-00248-00056336-00056559 steps in the cycle 8XNPjP_JiN8-00249-00056560-00056766 so they were telling some great stories 8XNPjP_JiN8-00250-00056767-00056919 but there were stories they should be 8XNPjP_JiN8-00251-00056920-00057087 telling six months from now after 8XNPjP_JiN8-00252-00057088-00057319 they've already done some other things 8XNPjP_JiN8-00253-00057320-00057575 told some other stories and they really 8XNPjP_JiN8-00254-00057576-00057735 undercut themselves so the opportunity 8XNPjP_JiN8-00255-00057736-00057975 to help folks understand 8XNPjP_JiN8-00256-00057976-00058215 what that process is like and the steps 8XNPjP_JiN8-00257-00058216-00058526 you need to take i think there's a huge 8XNPjP_JiN8-00258-00058527-00058711 huge value to that 8XNPjP_JiN8-00259-00058712-00058871 and being able to help people through 8XNPjP_JiN8-00260-00058872-00059023 that i think is going to be immensely 8XNPjP_JiN8-00261-00059024-00059271 gratifying for me personally and hugely 8XNPjP_JiN8-00262-00059272-00059463 helpful for those folks 8XNPjP_JiN8-00263-00059464-00059647 so knowing the power of what this is 8XNPjP_JiN8-00264-00059648-00059847 going to help them accomplish yes yes i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00265-00059848-00060015 agree 8XNPjP_JiN8-00266-00060016-00060215 thank you so much scott and thank you 8XNPjP_JiN8-00267-00060216-00060471 for mentioning the processes because the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00268-00060472-00060726 systems and processes is another big 8XNPjP_JiN8-00269-00060727-00060959 block that we are going to talk about 8XNPjP_JiN8-00270-00060960-00061191 and that is the part of the program if 8XNPjP_JiN8-00271-00061191-00061479 you would like to learn more about this 8XNPjP_JiN8-00272-00061479-00061735 program please 8XNPjP_JiN8-00273-00061736-00061894 do 8XNPjP_JiN8-00274-00061895-00062175 reach out and ask questions and i will 8XNPjP_JiN8-00275-00062176-00062503 give you an email so the the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00276-00062504-00062894 email address is info lcb.com irena will 8XNPjP_JiN8-00277-00062895-00063206 be receiving and filtering those emails 8XNPjP_JiN8-00278-00063207-00063471 and putting you on the schedule 8XNPjP_JiN8-00279-00063472-00063719 to have a conversation with me 8XNPjP_JiN8-00280-00063720-00063975 and if the schedule is full probably 8XNPjP_JiN8-00281-00063976-00064175 you'll have a conversation 8XNPjP_JiN8-00282-00064176-00064438 with either scott or connie 8XNPjP_JiN8-00283-00064439-00064694 and that's basically what i would like 8XNPjP_JiN8-00284-00064695-00064799 to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00285-00064800-00065094 what i wanted to share with you today hi 8XNPjP_JiN8-00286-00065095-00065359 connie scott do you have any final words 8XNPjP_JiN8-00287-00065360-00065655 no i just want to say um thank you for 8XNPjP_JiN8-00288-00065656-00065879 putting this together it was so awesome 8XNPjP_JiN8-00289-00065880-00066206 to to be part of this boot camp and to 8XNPjP_JiN8-00290-00066207-00066494 to hopefully like bring some well i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00291-00066495-00066687 think we we all brought a certain level 8XNPjP_JiN8-00292-00066688-00066943 of value to to your audience one thing i 8XNPjP_JiN8-00293-00066944-00067159 would i would say and absolutely it's 8XNPjP_JiN8-00294-00067160-00067447 been a lot of fun fantastic experience 8XNPjP_JiN8-00295-00067448-00067599 and i would just encourage folks you 8XNPjP_JiN8-00296-00067600-00067719 know don't be 8XNPjP_JiN8-00297-00067720-00067967 intimidated when we talk about you know 8XNPjP_JiN8-00298-00067968-00068182 the the growth and the big process there 8XNPjP_JiN8-00299-00068183-00068326 are going to be some really simple 8XNPjP_JiN8-00300-00068327-00068463 things that are going to make a huge 8XNPjP_JiN8-00301-00068464-00068687 difference so take advantage of the 8XNPjP_JiN8-00302-00068688-00068975 opportunity learn the small stuff 8XNPjP_JiN8-00303-00068976-00069135 there's always going to be more growth 8XNPjP_JiN8-00304-00069136-00069350 but i think this is a great opportunity 8XNPjP_JiN8-00305-00069351-00069599 to get some of those quick easy wins 8XNPjP_JiN8-00306-00069600-00069726 that really are going to help you in 8XNPjP_JiN8-00307-00069727-00069959 your business that's exactly appreciate 8XNPjP_JiN8-00308-00069960-00070079 the opportunity 8XNPjP_JiN8-00309-00070080-00070271 thank you thank you so much and thank 8XNPjP_JiN8-00310-00070272-00070535 you for taking your time once again 8XNPjP_JiN8-00311-00070536-00071083 thank you and bye bye everyone bye