DtwOAqEdXTk-00000-00000104-00000342 hi and thank you for watching DtwOAqEdXTk-00001-00000343-00000511 this is just a quick update in which i DtwOAqEdXTk-00002-00000512-00000671 would like to point out some interesting DtwOAqEdXTk-00003-00000672-00000847 aspects that came to my attention over DtwOAqEdXTk-00004-00000848-00001015 the past two weeks DtwOAqEdXTk-00005-00001016-00001223 in the previous video i uploaded i DtwOAqEdXTk-00006-00001224-00001391 pointed out how the red horse that is DtwOAqEdXTk-00007-00001392-00001630 described in revelation 6 is also DtwOAqEdXTk-00008-00001632-00001839 mentioned in zechariah 1 DtwOAqEdXTk-00009-00001839-00002023 we have also seen how zechariah DtwOAqEdXTk-00010-00002023-00002271 describes the moment in time just before DtwOAqEdXTk-00011-00002272-00002479 the red horse receives the big sword DtwOAqEdXTk-00012-00002480-00002726 that is mentioned in revelation 6 DtwOAqEdXTk-00013-00002727-00002879 and in the description given by DtwOAqEdXTk-00014-00002880-00003071 zechariah the earth is specifically DtwOAqEdXTk-00015-00003072-00003319 mentioned to be quiet and at rest DtwOAqEdXTk-00016-00003320-00003527 so just before peace is removed from the DtwOAqEdXTk-00017-00003528-00003631 earth DtwOAqEdXTk-00018-00003632-00003775 please compare the following two DtwOAqEdXTk-00019-00003776-00003990 passages in which we would seem to be DtwOAqEdXTk-00020-00003992-00004199 shown a transition from the earth being DtwOAqEdXTk-00021-00004200-00004454 at peace to all peace being removed from DtwOAqEdXTk-00022-00004455-00004559 the earth DtwOAqEdXTk-00023-00004560-00004711 and all of this happening during the DtwOAqEdXTk-00024-00004712-00004895 time at which the red horse appears on DtwOAqEdXTk-00025-00004896-00005102 the scene DtwOAqEdXTk-00026-00005103-00005470 i saw by night and behold a man riding DtwOAqEdXTk-00027-00005471-00005702 upon a red horse DtwOAqEdXTk-00028-00005703-00005983 and he stood among the myrtle trees DtwOAqEdXTk-00029-00005984-00006270 that were in the bottom and behind him DtwOAqEdXTk-00030-00006271-00006639 there were red horses speckled and white DtwOAqEdXTk-00031-00006640-00006975 then said i o my lord what are these and DtwOAqEdXTk-00032-00006976-00007175 the angel that talked with me said unto DtwOAqEdXTk-00033-00007176-00007487 me i will show thee what these be DtwOAqEdXTk-00034-00007488-00007663 and the man that stood among the myrtle DtwOAqEdXTk-00035-00007664-00007870 trees answered and said DtwOAqEdXTk-00036-00007872-00008070 these are they whom the lord hath sent DtwOAqEdXTk-00037-00008072-00008335 to walk to and fro through the earth DtwOAqEdXTk-00038-00008336-00008510 and they answer the angel of the lord DtwOAqEdXTk-00039-00008511-00008678 that stood among the myrtle trees and DtwOAqEdXTk-00040-00008679-00008759 said DtwOAqEdXTk-00041-00008760-00008967 we have walked to and fro through the DtwOAqEdXTk-00042-00008968-00009223 earth and behold all the earth sitteth DtwOAqEdXTk-00043-00009224-00009478 still and is at rest DtwOAqEdXTk-00044-00009479-00009655 and there went out another horse that DtwOAqEdXTk-00045-00009656-00009942 was red and power was given to him that DtwOAqEdXTk-00046-00009943-00010287 sat thereon to take peace from the earth DtwOAqEdXTk-00047-00010288-00010510 and that they should kill one another DtwOAqEdXTk-00048-00010511-00010767 and there was given unto him a great DtwOAqEdXTk-00049-00010768-00010935 sword DtwOAqEdXTk-00050-00010936-00011071 there would also seem to be an DtwOAqEdXTk-00051-00011072-00011303 association with what we are shown in DtwOAqEdXTk-00052-00011304-00011559 these passages and the time of purim DtwOAqEdXTk-00053-00011560-00011751 given the connection to the myrtle trees DtwOAqEdXTk-00054-00011752-00011935 which are associated with the name of DtwOAqEdXTk-00055-00011936-00012046 ester DtwOAqEdXTk-00056-00012047-00012206 i've gone over this in the previous DtwOAqEdXTk-00057-00012207-00012423 video for those who may have missed it DtwOAqEdXTk-00058-00012424-00012574 this would also seem to be connected to DtwOAqEdXTk-00059-00012575-00012695 the events that are currently DtwOAqEdXTk-00060-00012696-00012966 transpiring between russia and ukraine DtwOAqEdXTk-00061-00012967-00013183 we have a localized war that has started DtwOAqEdXTk-00062-00013184-00013327 but the rest of the world is sitting DtwOAqEdXTk-00063-00013328-00013486 quiet and at rest DtwOAqEdXTk-00064-00013487-00013686 we are also told in zechariah that at DtwOAqEdXTk-00065-00013687-00013879 the point in which the rider on the red DtwOAqEdXTk-00066-00013880-00014143 horse is seen that the affliction has DtwOAqEdXTk-00067-00014144-00014303 been helped forward DtwOAqEdXTk-00068-00014304-00014479 i explained the meaning of this in the DtwOAqEdXTk-00069-00014480-00014711 legal case against satan where we have DtwOAqEdXTk-00070-00014712-00014983 seen how satan entered god's harvest and DtwOAqEdXTk-00071-00014984-00015158 began to steal from it before the time DtwOAqEdXTk-00072-00015159-00015422 that was appointed for him to do so DtwOAqEdXTk-00073-00015423-00015591 if you have not seen that video yet DtwOAqEdXTk-00074-00015591-00015807 please be sure to watch it as it just DtwOAqEdXTk-00075-00015808-00015999 shows us once again how our heavenly DtwOAqEdXTk-00076-00016000-00016207 father always has a plan to outsmart the DtwOAqEdXTk-00077-00016208-00016439 enemy and we should expect nothing less DtwOAqEdXTk-00078-00016440-00016591 from our heavenly father who is in DtwOAqEdXTk-00079-00016592-00016815 control of everything that happens DtwOAqEdXTk-00080-00016816-00017007 always having a plan to show us more of DtwOAqEdXTk-00081-00017008-00017143 his love DtwOAqEdXTk-00082-00017144-00017303 something that i came across over the DtwOAqEdXTk-00083-00017304-00017511 past week or two is a video that was DtwOAqEdXTk-00084-00017512-00017807 released in september of 2019 in which a DtwOAqEdXTk-00085-00017808-00017999 question is asked about what would DtwOAqEdXTk-00086-00018000-00018239 happen if a war broke out between russia DtwOAqEdXTk-00087-00018240-00018527 and the us what is interesting is that DtwOAqEdXTk-00088-00018528-00018703 the events that are now occurring DtwOAqEdXTk-00089-00018704-00018935 between ukraine and russia are described DtwOAqEdXTk-00090-00018936-00019158 quite accurately in this video even DtwOAqEdXTk-00091-00019159-00019383 though different countries are mentioned DtwOAqEdXTk-00092-00019384-00019671 in the lead up to the start of this war DtwOAqEdXTk-00093-00019672-00019839 even the dates that are mentioned in the DtwOAqEdXTk-00094-00019840-00020014 video are quite close to what actually DtwOAqEdXTk-00095-00020015-00020175 happened but what has caught my DtwOAqEdXTk-00096-00020176-00020375 attention is the time span that is given DtwOAqEdXTk-00097-00020376-00020535 in this video between the start of the DtwOAqEdXTk-00098-00020536-00020758 conflict until the time at which a DtwOAqEdXTk-00099-00020759-00020999 nuclear device is detonated specifically DtwOAqEdXTk-00100-00021000-00021143 over berlin DtwOAqEdXTk-00101-00021144-00021327 this of course is also something that we DtwOAqEdXTk-00102-00021328-00021447 have seen in several predictive DtwOAqEdXTk-00103-00021448-00021686 programming instances two of which i DtwOAqEdXTk-00104-00021687-00021894 will mention include leonard cohen's DtwOAqEdXTk-00105-00021895-00022150 song first we take manhattan and the DtwOAqEdXTk-00106-00022151-00022399 second is the movie atomic blonde DtwOAqEdXTk-00107-00022400-00022575 both of these showing us clearly that DtwOAqEdXTk-00108-00022576-00022767 berlin would be the second instance of DtwOAqEdXTk-00109-00022768-00023007 911 which would point to another major DtwOAqEdXTk-00110-00023008-00023175 false flag attack to bring about the DtwOAqEdXTk-00111-00023176-00023407 destruction of civilization DtwOAqEdXTk-00112-00023408-00023575 when connecting this to what we are DtwOAqEdXTk-00113-00023576-00023799 shown in god's word this would be the DtwOAqEdXTk-00114-00023800-00023999 point at which the great sword would be DtwOAqEdXTk-00115-00024000-00024214 handed to the rider on the red horse DtwOAqEdXTk-00116-00024215-00024367 that would then take peace from the DtwOAqEdXTk-00117-00024368-00024599 earth and to put to death vast numbers DtwOAqEdXTk-00118-00024600-00024935 of people as we read in revelation 6. DtwOAqEdXTk-00119-00024936-00025103 now the time span that is given in this DtwOAqEdXTk-00120-00025104-00025263 video from the infographic show DtwOAqEdXTk-00121-00025264-00025471 describing a possible war that breaks DtwOAqEdXTk-00122-00025472-00025678 out between russia and the west DtwOAqEdXTk-00123-00025679-00025839 from the time that it starts until the DtwOAqEdXTk-00124-00025839-00026070 bomb has dropped is 40 days DtwOAqEdXTk-00125-00026072-00026279 i see this once again as publicly quite DtwOAqEdXTk-00126-00026280-00026502 significant given that it would align DtwOAqEdXTk-00127-00026504-00026718 with the time of passover on the zydoc DtwOAqEdXTk-00128-00026719-00026839 calendar DtwOAqEdXTk-00129-00026839-00027062 when it comes to passover we have had DtwOAqEdXTk-00130-00027063-00027311 several instances in which this feast is DtwOAqEdXTk-00131-00027312-00027455 described to us DtwOAqEdXTk-00132-00027456-00027639 it is very possible that during the time DtwOAqEdXTk-00133-00027639-00027879 of adam and eve that the animal skins DtwOAqEdXTk-00134-00027880-00028055 that the lord made for him to become DtwOAqEdXTk-00135-00028056-00028279 their clothes occurred during the time DtwOAqEdXTk-00136-00028280-00028527 of passover pointing us to the fact that DtwOAqEdXTk-00137-00028527-00028711 by the shedding of blood the blood of DtwOAqEdXTk-00138-00028712-00029031 the lamb of god we would be covered then DtwOAqEdXTk-00139-00029032-00029223 we have abraham and isaac showing us DtwOAqEdXTk-00140-00029224-00029414 once again that god would provide DtwOAqEdXTk-00141-00029416-00029646 himself as the lamb to be offered DtwOAqEdXTk-00142-00029647-00029967 as we see in the words of abraham DtwOAqEdXTk-00143-00029968-00030158 and abraham said DtwOAqEdXTk-00144-00030160-00030287 my son DtwOAqEdXTk-00145-00030288-00030574 god will provide himself a lamb for a DtwOAqEdXTk-00146-00030575-00030727 burnt offering DtwOAqEdXTk-00147-00030727-00031070 so they went both of them together DtwOAqEdXTk-00148-00031072-00031287 then we have israel's exodus from egypt DtwOAqEdXTk-00149-00031288-00031495 during passover in which they had to put DtwOAqEdXTk-00150-00031495-00031758 the blood of lambs on their doorposts DtwOAqEdXTk-00151-00031760-00031918 once again pointing us to the blood of DtwOAqEdXTk-00152-00031919-00032127 the lamb of god protecting us from any DtwOAqEdXTk-00153-00032127-00032311 harm coming to us DtwOAqEdXTk-00154-00032312-00032518 then the lamb of god was crucified in DtwOAqEdXTk-00155-00032519-00032711 shitty's blood on the cross DtwOAqEdXTk-00156-00032712-00032911 also during the feast of passover two DtwOAqEdXTk-00157-00032912-00033174 thousand years ago where his blood paid DtwOAqEdXTk-00158-00033175-00033471 for our sins but not only ours also the DtwOAqEdXTk-00159-00033472-00033683 sins of the entire DtwOAqEdXTk-00160-00033684-00033967 world my little children these things DtwOAqEdXTk-00161-00033968-00034335 write i unto you that ye sin not DtwOAqEdXTk-00162-00034336-00034646 and if any man's sin we have an advocate DtwOAqEdXTk-00163-00034647-00034871 with the father jesus christ the DtwOAqEdXTk-00164-00034872-00034974 righteous DtwOAqEdXTk-00165-00034975-00035318 and he is the propitiation for our sins DtwOAqEdXTk-00166-00035319-00035646 and not for ours only but also for the DtwOAqEdXTk-00167-00035647-00035895 sins of the whole world DtwOAqEdXTk-00168-00035896-00036071 given the number of instances in which DtwOAqEdXTk-00169-00036072-00036271 the fulfillment of passover is featured DtwOAqEdXTk-00170-00036272-00036511 throughout history it stands to reason DtwOAqEdXTk-00171-00036512-00036702 that there may yet be more instances to DtwOAqEdXTk-00172-00036703-00036902 come one of which could be the rapture DtwOAqEdXTk-00173-00036903-00037039 of the church DtwOAqEdXTk-00174-00037040-00037246 coming back to the time frame associated DtwOAqEdXTk-00175-00037247-00037390 with the initial conflict that is DtwOAqEdXTk-00176-00037391-00037551 described in this video from the DtwOAqEdXTk-00177-00037552-00037807 infographic show before a nuclear device DtwOAqEdXTk-00178-00037808-00037943 is used DtwOAqEdXTk-00179-00037944-00038127 as i have stated before the time frame DtwOAqEdXTk-00180-00038128-00038367 shown in this video is 40 days or from a DtwOAqEdXTk-00181-00038368-00038567 biblical perspective a period of DtwOAqEdXTk-00182-00038568-00038687 judgment DtwOAqEdXTk-00183-00038688-00038990 and in 2022 40 days from the start of DtwOAqEdXTk-00184-00038991-00039159 the conflict which started on february DtwOAqEdXTk-00185-00039160-00039279 24th DtwOAqEdXTk-00186-00039280-00039471 just happens to bring us to the time of DtwOAqEdXTk-00187-00039472-00039759 passover on the zadar calendar or april DtwOAqEdXTk-00188-00039760-00039887 5th DtwOAqEdXTk-00189-00039888-00040127 10 days later israel will be celebrating DtwOAqEdXTk-00190-00040128-00040359 passover according to the lunar calendar DtwOAqEdXTk-00191-00040360-00040567 and one wonders then if this difference DtwOAqEdXTk-00192-00040568-00040783 of 10 days may have something to do with DtwOAqEdXTk-00193-00040784-00041030 what was written in the book of jubilees DtwOAqEdXTk-00194-00041031-00041215 where a reference to this difference is DtwOAqEdXTk-00195-00041216-00041439 found and one also wonders if these 10 DtwOAqEdXTk-00196-00041440-00041655 days may in some way be connected to the DtwOAqEdXTk-00197-00041656-00041767 10 days DtwOAqEdXTk-00198-00041768-00041990 mentioned in revelation 2 DtwOAqEdXTk-00199-00041991-00042223 or to god's promise of shortening the DtwOAqEdXTk-00200-00042224-00042439 tribulation to ensure that some flesh DtwOAqEdXTk-00201-00042440-00042607 will be saved DtwOAqEdXTk-00202-00042608-00042799 of course i have no idea if these DtwOAqEdXTk-00203-00042800-00042999 passages would apply in this manner but DtwOAqEdXTk-00204-00043000-00043167 it would be interesting to see how this DtwOAqEdXTk-00205-00043168-00043343 plays out DtwOAqEdXTk-00206-00043344-00043543 given the situation between russia and DtwOAqEdXTk-00207-00043544-00043751 ukraine and what we have been shown DtwOAqEdXTk-00208-00043752-00043943 through predictive programming DtwOAqEdXTk-00209-00043944-00044127 april and may this year could be very DtwOAqEdXTk-00210-00044128-00044318 significant if our understanding of what DtwOAqEdXTk-00211-00044319-00044527 is shared in zechariah and revelation is DtwOAqEdXTk-00212-00044528-00044646 correct DtwOAqEdXTk-00213-00044647-00044879 i think that this war and how it will DtwOAqEdXTk-00214-00044880-00045062 eventually lead to the emergence of the DtwOAqEdXTk-00215-00045063-00045279 antichrist has been shown to us in great DtwOAqEdXTk-00216-00045280-00045511 detail by our enemy in an animated music DtwOAqEdXTk-00217-00045512-00045751 video by the group disturbed which i DtwOAqEdXTk-00218-00045752-00045927 have previously discussed DtwOAqEdXTk-00219-00045928-00046118 and this video of these going back to DtwOAqEdXTk-00220-00046119-00046311 2009 DtwOAqEdXTk-00221-00046312-00046479 there there's also a more recent video DtwOAqEdXTk-00222-00046480-00046767 from them that was released in 2015 in DtwOAqEdXTk-00223-00046768-00047007 which they even showed a war involving DtwOAqEdXTk-00224-00047008-00047207 ukraine that was part of this predictive DtwOAqEdXTk-00225-00047208-00047439 programming in which they also featured DtwOAqEdXTk-00226-00047440-00047662 the media's role in instilling fear into DtwOAqEdXTk-00227-00047663-00047855 the population of the world DtwOAqEdXTk-00228-00047856-00048062 the media being associated with a form DtwOAqEdXTk-00229-00048063-00048246 resembling a virus DtwOAqEdXTk-00230-00048247-00048415 i will link both of these videos in the DtwOAqEdXTk-00231-00048416-00048599 description below because they are very DtwOAqEdXTk-00232-00048600-00048758 carefully watched for copyright DtwOAqEdXTk-00233-00048759-00048895 infringements DtwOAqEdXTk-00234-00048896-00049071 i will also link the video in which i DtwOAqEdXTk-00235-00049072-00049271 previously discussed some of this in the DtwOAqEdXTk-00236-00049272-00049511 description below from the perspective DtwOAqEdXTk-00237-00049512-00049718 of god's timepiece or the heavens i DtwOAqEdXTk-00238-00049719-00049879 would also like to reference my brother DtwOAqEdXTk-00239-00049880-00050127 in christ ken potter's video in which DtwOAqEdXTk-00240-00050128-00050351 may 16th this year is pointed out as DtwOAqEdXTk-00241-00050352-00050607 what would seem to be a watershed moment DtwOAqEdXTk-00242-00050608-00050799 there is a single lunar eclipse that is DtwOAqEdXTk-00243-00050800-00050983 positioned in the middle of multiple DtwOAqEdXTk-00244-00050984-00051167 symmetrical sets of solar and lunar DtwOAqEdXTk-00245-00051168-00051438 eclipses positioned on either side and DtwOAqEdXTk-00246-00051439-00051654 given that our heavenly father stated DtwOAqEdXTk-00247-00051655-00051902 that he created the heavenly lights to DtwOAqEdXTk-00248-00051903-00052087 serve as markers for seasons and DtwOAqEdXTk-00249-00052088-00052326 specifically for appointed times it DtwOAqEdXTk-00250-00052327-00052566 stands to reason that may 16th is of DtwOAqEdXTk-00251-00052567-00052791 special importance given how it would DtwOAqEdXTk-00252-00052791-00053015 seem to be dividing between what has DtwOAqEdXTk-00253-00053016-00053223 been and what is to come DtwOAqEdXTk-00254-00053224-00053550 my 16th also marks another period of 40 DtwOAqEdXTk-00255-00053551-00053775 days after the start of passover on the DtwOAqEdXTk-00256-00053776-00053919 zadar calendar DtwOAqEdXTk-00257-00053920-00054103 and should the rapture occur around DtwOAqEdXTk-00258-00054104-00054342 april 5th these 40 days would then mimic DtwOAqEdXTk-00259-00054344-00054607 what we saw in the case of jesus who DtwOAqEdXTk-00260-00054608-00054791 together with the 24 elders who were DtwOAqEdXTk-00261-00054791-00054942 resurrected with him and who are DtwOAqEdXTk-00262-00054944-00055175 described to us in hebrews 11 DtwOAqEdXTk-00263-00055176-00055382 represented the early reigns that fell DtwOAqEdXTk-00264-00055383-00055566 on the earth before the first outpouring DtwOAqEdXTk-00265-00055567-00055750 of the holy spirit DtwOAqEdXTk-00266-00055751-00055982 the 40 days between april 5th and may DtwOAqEdXTk-00267-00055983-00056215 16th could represent the time of the DtwOAqEdXTk-00268-00056216-00056463 latter reign as i have stated many times DtwOAqEdXTk-00269-00056464-00056623 before i am not a prophet and i am DtwOAqEdXTk-00270-00056624-00056879 simply looking at possibilities DtwOAqEdXTk-00271-00056879-00057071 the same importance regarding this date DtwOAqEdXTk-00272-00057072-00057287 would seem to feature in the ipco2 DtwOAqEdXTk-00273-00057288-00057503 animation where the rabbit which is DtwOAqEdXTk-00274-00057504-00057799 located at the position of april or may DtwOAqEdXTk-00275-00057800-00057975 on the back wall in this image would DtwOAqEdXTk-00276-00057976-00058223 seem to suggest that this is a focal DtwOAqEdXTk-00277-00058224-00058463 point also for our enemy in their plan DtwOAqEdXTk-00278-00058464-00058766 to bring into the open the antichrist DtwOAqEdXTk-00279-00058767-00058950 we also see a lunar eclipse in this DtwOAqEdXTk-00280-00058951-00059182 scene from the ipco2 animation which DtwOAqEdXTk-00281-00059183-00059494 could very well be the may 16th eclipse DtwOAqEdXTk-00282-00059495-00059654 and this scene would seem to resemble DtwOAqEdXTk-00283-00059655-00059815 part of albert pike's plan for the DtwOAqEdXTk-00284-00059816-00059999 muslim nations and the political DtwOAqEdXTk-00285-00060000-00060406 zionists to mutually destroy each other DtwOAqEdXTk-00286-00060407-00060542 we also have to remember that the DtwOAqEdXTk-00287-00060544-00060750 antichrist will not appear on the scene DtwOAqEdXTk-00288-00060751-00060959 suddenly the bible tells us about a DtwOAqEdXTk-00289-00060960-00061159 process that will lead to the antichrist DtwOAqEdXTk-00290-00061160-00061287 revelation DtwOAqEdXTk-00291-00061288-00061511 he will be one of ten nephilim kings DtwOAqEdXTk-00292-00061512-00061735 that will initially rule over the world DtwOAqEdXTk-00293-00061736-00061871 that will give their power to the DtwOAqEdXTk-00294-00061872-00062087 antichrist and only once three of them DtwOAqEdXTk-00295-00062088-00062311 have been done away with will the world DtwOAqEdXTk-00296-00062312-00062559 know who the antichrist is DtwOAqEdXTk-00297-00062560-00062766 this is described to us in both the DtwOAqEdXTk-00298-00062767-00063054 books of daniel and revelation DtwOAqEdXTk-00299-00063055-00063263 and the ten horns out of this kingdom DtwOAqEdXTk-00300-00063264-00063494 are ten kings that shall arise and DtwOAqEdXTk-00301-00063495-00063711 another shall rise after them and he DtwOAqEdXTk-00302-00063712-00063926 shall be diverse from the first and he DtwOAqEdXTk-00303-00063927-00064150 shall subdue three kings DtwOAqEdXTk-00304-00064151-00064375 and he shall speak great words against DtwOAqEdXTk-00305-00064376-00064630 the most high and shall wear out the DtwOAqEdXTk-00306-00064632-00064854 saints of the most high and think to DtwOAqEdXTk-00307-00064855-00065159 change times and laws and they shall be DtwOAqEdXTk-00308-00065160-00065511 given into his hand until a time and DtwOAqEdXTk-00309-00065512-00065879 times and the dividing of time DtwOAqEdXTk-00310-00065880-00066119 and the ten horns which thou saust are DtwOAqEdXTk-00311-00066120-00066399 ten kings which have received no kingdom DtwOAqEdXTk-00312-00066400-00066775 as yet but receive power as kings one DtwOAqEdXTk-00313-00066776-00066975 hour with the beast DtwOAqEdXTk-00314-00066976-00067231 these have one mind and shall give their DtwOAqEdXTk-00315-00067232-00067543 power and strength under the beast DtwOAqEdXTk-00316-00067544-00067815 so in the days ahead my personal view is DtwOAqEdXTk-00317-00067816-00068047 that god will soon give the rider of the DtwOAqEdXTk-00318-00068048-00068287 red horse a great sword with which many DtwOAqEdXTk-00319-00068288-00068511 will be killed and that will remove DtwOAqEdXTk-00320-00068512-00068694 peace from the earth this could happen DtwOAqEdXTk-00321-00068695-00068911 40 days after the start of the conflict DtwOAqEdXTk-00322-00068912-00069150 or later i do not know DtwOAqEdXTk-00323-00069151-00069303 i have a feeling that how this will DtwOAqEdXTk-00324-00069304-00069494 start is through the use of a single DtwOAqEdXTk-00325-00069495-00069743 nuclear device that may be detonated DtwOAqEdXTk-00326-00069744-00070015 over berlin or mecca this will then lead DtwOAqEdXTk-00327-00070016-00070206 to emergency peace talks that would be DtwOAqEdXTk-00328-00070207-00070494 aimed at preventing further escalation DtwOAqEdXTk-00329-00070495-00070735 and i specifically expect angelina jolie DtwOAqEdXTk-00330-00070736-00070959 to be the person leading this mediation DtwOAqEdXTk-00331-00070960-00071071 process DtwOAqEdXTk-00332-00071072-00071238 and if you see this happening or DtwOAqEdXTk-00333-00071239-00071526 something resembling a mediation effort DtwOAqEdXTk-00334-00071527-00071703 then you should be ready because at any DtwOAqEdXTk-00335-00071704-00071894 moment after this starts DtwOAqEdXTk-00336-00071895-00072087 the world can expect great destruction DtwOAqEdXTk-00337-00072088-00072311 to follow when they say peace and safety DtwOAqEdXTk-00338-00072312-00072575 as we are told in first thessalonians 5 DtwOAqEdXTk-00339-00072576-00072726 3 DtwOAqEdXTk-00340-00072727-00073071 for when they shall say peace and safety DtwOAqEdXTk-00341-00073072-00073367 then sudden destruction cometh upon them DtwOAqEdXTk-00342-00073368-00073671 as travail upon a woman with child DtwOAqEdXTk-00343-00073672-00073991 and they shall not escape DtwOAqEdXTk-00344-00073992-00074271 but ye brethren are not in darkness that DtwOAqEdXTk-00345-00074272-00074615 that day should overtake you as a thief DtwOAqEdXTk-00346-00074616-00074871 ye are all the children of light DtwOAqEdXTk-00347-00074872-00075087 and the children of the day DtwOAqEdXTk-00348-00075088-00075455 we are not of the night nor of darkness DtwOAqEdXTk-00349-00075456-00075767 therefore let us not sleep as do others DtwOAqEdXTk-00350-00075768-00076150 but let us watch and be sober DtwOAqEdXTk-00351-00076151-00076343 this will then also be the time at which DtwOAqEdXTk-00352-00076344-00076526 the expecting and watching church will DtwOAqEdXTk-00353-00076527-00076694 be removed from the earth and where DtwOAqEdXTk-00354-00076695-00076935 satan will have unrestricted rule over DtwOAqEdXTk-00355-00076936-00077119 the earth and those that remain on it DtwOAqEdXTk-00356-00077120-00077279 for a short time DtwOAqEdXTk-00357-00077280-00077503 and i have to add that one does not know DtwOAqEdXTk-00358-00077504-00077775 how satan's transgression of god's law DtwOAqEdXTk-00359-00077776-00077959 in which he began to mark people before DtwOAqEdXTk-00360-00077960-00078215 the appointed time frame to do so will DtwOAqEdXTk-00361-00078216-00078399 affect his ability to act without DtwOAqEdXTk-00362-00078400-00078519 restraint DtwOAqEdXTk-00363-00078520-00078735 we have no idea if satan will be allowed DtwOAqEdXTk-00364-00078736-00078982 to do as he pleases or if our heavenly DtwOAqEdXTk-00365-00078983-00079175 father will impose some restrictions on DtwOAqEdXTk-00366-00079176-00079438 him because of his transgression DtwOAqEdXTk-00367-00079439-00079638 only time will tell DtwOAqEdXTk-00368-00079639-00079815 this is just a short update on what i DtwOAqEdXTk-00369-00079816-00079982 currently see happening in the world and DtwOAqEdXTk-00370-00079983-00080191 what to watch for and i hope this DtwOAqEdXTk-00371-00080192-00080391 information will bless you as we enter DtwOAqEdXTk-00372-00080392-00080647 what i believe to be the final stretch DtwOAqEdXTk-00373-00080648-00080855 please also join my telegram channel DtwOAqEdXTk-00374-00080856-00081079 provided in a link below where i provide DtwOAqEdXTk-00375-00081080-00081326 updates much more frequently DtwOAqEdXTk-00376-00081327-00081487 finally i just want to thank from the DtwOAqEdXTk-00377-00081488-00081679 bottom of my heart all of those who have DtwOAqEdXTk-00378-00081680-00081918 supported this ministry financially and DtwOAqEdXTk-00379-00081919-00082087 who have prayed for us DtwOAqEdXTk-00380-00082088-00082271 but especially over the past few months DtwOAqEdXTk-00381-00082272-00082462 your support has been such a blessing to DtwOAqEdXTk-00382-00082463-00082759 us in very difficult financial DtwOAqEdXTk-00383-00082760-00082959 our heavenly father bless you abundantly DtwOAqEdXTk-00384-00082960-00083206 for your kindness and generosity DtwOAqEdXTk-00385-00083207-00083423 not only in this life but even more so DtwOAqEdXTk-00386-00083424-00083767 in the life eternal that is before us DtwOAqEdXTk-00387-00083768-00083943 the bible says that if you believe that DtwOAqEdXTk-00388-00083944-00084135 jesus is the son of god you will receive DtwOAqEdXTk-00389-00084136-00084262 salvation DtwOAqEdXTk-00390-00084263-00084415 have you believed in your heart and DtwOAqEdXTk-00391-00084416-00084582 confessed with your mouth for jesus is DtwOAqEdXTk-00392-00084583-00084726 the son of god DtwOAqEdXTk-00393-00084727-00084911 have you placed all of your trust in him DtwOAqEdXTk-00394-00084912-00085126 to save you from your sins DtwOAqEdXTk-00395-00085127-00085303 jesus shed his precious blood on the DtwOAqEdXTk-00396-00085304-00085550 cross to set you free from sin and your DtwOAqEdXTk-00397-00085551-00085759 sins being washed away and you becoming DtwOAqEdXTk-00398-00085760-00085950 a fellow heir with christ as a son or DtwOAqEdXTk-00399-00085951-00086206 daughter of god is a free gift to anyone DtwOAqEdXTk-00400-00086207-00086359 who will accept DtwOAqEdXTk-00401-00086360-00086511 the only way in which you can obtain DtwOAqEdXTk-00402-00086512-00086743 this gift is through faith you cannot DtwOAqEdXTk-00403-00086744-00086967 earn it and you cannot pay god back for DtwOAqEdXTk-00404-00086968-00087215 it once you have it would you not accept DtwOAqEdXTk-00405-00087216-00087471 his gift of eternal life to you today DtwOAqEdXTk-00406-00087472-00087703 while there is still time to do so DtwOAqEdXTk-00407-00087704-00087887 do not trust in your own works to save DtwOAqEdXTk-00408-00087888-00088111 you even if those works are the works DtwOAqEdXTk-00409-00088112-00088279 that you do under the anointing of the DtwOAqEdXTk-00410-00088280-00088550 holy spirit jesus will receive all the DtwOAqEdXTk-00411-00088551-00088806 glory for every person that he saved and DtwOAqEdXTk-00412-00088807-00089047 we can only offer him our gratitude and DtwOAqEdXTk-00413-00089048-00091206 worship DtwOAqEdXTk-00414-00091207-00091416 you DtP_bLSxa7Y-00002-00017808-00018015 do DtP_bLSxa7Y-00005-00032847-00033056 you DvhWA6xSeLk-00000-00000048-00000221 you know that pisses me off about DvhWA6xSeLk-00001-00000222-00001056 heartbreak DvhWA6xSeLk-00002-00001057-00002021 [Music] DvhWA6xSeLk-00003-00002022-00002301 what is up D machine today in New York DvhWA6xSeLk-00004-00002302-00002457 State I'm happy to say that it is a DvhWA6xSeLk-00005-00002458-00002739 wonderful day super warm super froggy DvhWA6xSeLk-00006-00002740-00002913 fresh we don't even need the heat on DvhWA6xSeLk-00007-00002914-00003185 today I have Jason here this is the DvhWA6xSeLk-00008-00003186-00003396 first time he's seen crush in person DvhWA6xSeLk-00009-00003397-00003536 he's been following the videos so what DvhWA6xSeLk-00010-00003537-00005127 do you think of this thing so far it DvhWA6xSeLk-00011-00005128-00005381 doesn't have 35 miles on it does it no DvhWA6xSeLk-00012-00005382-00005697 nowhere near so he hasn't heard this DvhWA6xSeLk-00013-00005698-00005934 thing because he literally just got here DvhWA6xSeLk-00014-00005935-00006084 so I'm gonna fire it up for the first DvhWA6xSeLk-00015-00006085-00006240 time and he's gonna get to hear it I DvhWA6xSeLk-00016-00006241-00006372 discovered something yesterday and I'll DvhWA6xSeLk-00017-00006373-00006648 tell you about that in this video here DvhWA6xSeLk-00018-00006648-00006855 we go DvhWA6xSeLk-00019-00006856-00007872 [Music] DvhWA6xSeLk-00020-00007873-00008200 still poppin code 35 I don't know I you DvhWA6xSeLk-00021-00008201-00008338 don't see it on the dash right now I DvhWA6xSeLk-00022-00008339-00008902 mean I turn it on and it just gives you DvhWA6xSeLk-00023-00008903-00009193 the mileage tells you the trips tells DvhWA6xSeLk-00024-00009194-00009481 you the trips the odometer what the 35 DvhWA6xSeLk-00025-00009482-00009649 didn't come back up nope to refresh your DvhWA6xSeLk-00026-00009650-00009931 plugs must have fixed that yeah so no DvhWA6xSeLk-00027-00009932-00010993 arrows EPS what does EPS now I want to DvhWA6xSeLk-00028-00010994-00011146 talk about my dirty little secret that I DvhWA6xSeLk-00029-00011147-00011326 told you last upload I would talk to you DvhWA6xSeLk-00030-00011327-00011557 about and this dirty little secret is DvhWA6xSeLk-00031-00011558-00011773 beneficial to everybody including you DvhWA6xSeLk-00032-00011774-00011910 now there's a reason why I mention that DvhWA6xSeLk-00033-00011911-00012049 10:00 yesterday and you're gonna start DvhWA6xSeLk-00034-00012050-00012217 seeing a lot of that tent in the future DvhWA6xSeLk-00035-00012218-00012415 and the reason is is because I'm going DvhWA6xSeLk-00036-00012416-00012652 to race crush crush is going to be an DvhWA6xSeLk-00037-00012653-00012894 awesome machine that is going to go DvhWA6xSeLk-00038-00012895-00013186 across the country and race so it's it's DvhWA6xSeLk-00039-00013187-00013422 extremely cool it's it's very very cool DvhWA6xSeLk-00040-00013423-00013600 we're gonna get crushed out there we're DvhWA6xSeLk-00041-00013601-00013816 gonna get Jason out there Jake Seth my DvhWA6xSeLk-00042-00013816-00014047 girlfriend me Cole we're gonna go out DvhWA6xSeLk-00043-00014047-00014287 meet you guys at the races race it up DvhWA6xSeLk-00044-00014288-00014428 come back to the tent DvhWA6xSeLk-00045-00014429-00014613 meet you guys and just have a lot of fun DvhWA6xSeLk-00046-00014615-00014772 that's what it comes down to DvhWA6xSeLk-00047-00014773-00014925 so the circus tent is going to be like a DvhWA6xSeLk-00048-00014926-00015141 small portion of my store and we're DvhWA6xSeLk-00049-00015143-00015325 gonna do like shout outs like right now DvhWA6xSeLk-00050-00015326-00015466 like I want to give out a couple shout DvhWA6xSeLk-00051-00015466-00015678 outs from yesterday so like Joseph o DvhWA6xSeLk-00052-00015679-00016063 Shaughnessy kay Bailey Tyler B Daniel M DvhWA6xSeLk-00053-00016063-00016321 Karen P and chase a you guys all have DvhWA6xSeLk-00054-00016322-00016500 division and you all support and make DvhWA6xSeLk-00055-00016501-00016644 this channel possible so thank you all DvhWA6xSeLk-00056-00016645-00016711 very much DvhWA6xSeLk-00057-00016712-00016918 that's the racing thing I think there DvhWA6xSeLk-00058-00016919-00017155 are some races in the Carolinas north DvhWA6xSeLk-00059-00017156-00017496 and south in Ohio Pennsylvania New York DvhWA6xSeLk-00060-00017497-00017824 Florida and a few other states but the DvhWA6xSeLk-00061-00017825-00017950 cool thing is is there's only a couple DvhWA6xSeLk-00062-00017951-00018228 couple races for me because UTV racing DvhWA6xSeLk-00063-00018229-00018424 is still new and it's new to me but the DvhWA6xSeLk-00064-00018425-00018580 coolest thing is is we're also going to DvhWA6xSeLk-00065-00018581-00018796 go to Jake and Seth's races so for DvhWA6xSeLk-00066-00018797-00018946 example when they go and race their dirt DvhWA6xSeLk-00067-00018947-00019186 bikes and there isn't a UTV race chances DvhWA6xSeLk-00068-00019187-00019375 are 3d machines will be there with crush DvhWA6xSeLk-00069-00019376-00019624 will possibly be there with crush to be DvhWA6xSeLk-00070-00019625-00019750 a support vehicle if you're going to DvhWA6xSeLk-00071-00019751-00019993 help people to go and pick people up to DvhWA6xSeLk-00072-00019994-00020287 just you know to Carnot's around so it's DvhWA6xSeLk-00073-00020288-00020475 all gonna be a super super exciting year DvhWA6xSeLk-00074-00020476-00020590 so I hope you guys are ready to be DvhWA6xSeLk-00075-00020591-00020769 machines and machine freaks and get DvhWA6xSeLk-00076-00020770-00020852 there and meet DvhWA6xSeLk-00077-00020853-00021029 now if you think that's cool then the DvhWA6xSeLk-00078-00021030-00021185 next thing is going to be even cooler if DvhWA6xSeLk-00079-00021186-00021422 you ride a dirt bike four-wheeler UTV DvhWA6xSeLk-00080-00021423-00021815 tractor race car figure eight car school DvhWA6xSeLk-00081-00021816-00022010 bus anything in the competitive realm DvhWA6xSeLk-00082-00022011-00022235 we've established a giveaway so when you DvhWA6xSeLk-00083-00022236-00022475 go to machine merge comm and click above DvhWA6xSeLk-00084-00022476-00022598 there a couple different choices you DvhWA6xSeLk-00085-00022599-00022871 have apparel all machine products decals DvhWA6xSeLk-00086-00022872-00023036 gear and machine give back when you DvhWA6xSeLk-00087-00023037-00023194 click the machine give back you can see DvhWA6xSeLk-00088-00023195-00023348 what I'm talking about right here so DvhWA6xSeLk-00089-00023349-00023507 basically how the give back works if you DvhWA6xSeLk-00090-00023508-00023654 like what we do here which a lot of you DvhWA6xSeLk-00091-00023655-00023924 do you can rock machine on your bike and DvhWA6xSeLk-00092-00023925-00024116 your UTV all that stuff or on yourself DvhWA6xSeLk-00093-00024117-00024350 and you just follow the rules it's like DvhWA6xSeLk-00094-00024351-00024544 submit a picture your order number and DvhWA6xSeLk-00095-00024545-00024772 your name get free details and 20% off DvhWA6xSeLk-00096-00024773-00024905 of all of your apparel no matter what DvhWA6xSeLk-00097-00024906-00025091 you buy if you buy a hat a sweatshirt a DvhWA6xSeLk-00098-00025092-00025325 t-shirt another sweatshirt you can get DvhWA6xSeLk-00099-00025326-00025565 you can get free decals up to a maximum DvhWA6xSeLk-00100-00025566-00025759 and then you get 20% off of all of your DvhWA6xSeLk-00101-00025760-00025939 merch super stoked about that DvhWA6xSeLk-00102-00025941-00026087 so let's skip to this 3d machines DvhWA6xSeLk-00103-00026088-00026331 production DvhWA6xSeLk-00104-00026332-00026918 [Music] DvhWA6xSeLk-00105-00026919-00027105 so just put a little bit of pressure on DvhWA6xSeLk-00106-00027106-00028160 it just a little bit got it there DvhWA6xSeLk-00107-00028161-00028649 yesterday after okay Trent trying to DvhWA6xSeLk-00108-00028650-00028917 vlog your chase yesterday yesterday I DvhWA6xSeLk-00109-00028918-00029130 got this machine running which is really DvhWA6xSeLk-00110-00029131-00029390 really good but then after that I end up DvhWA6xSeLk-00111-00029391-00029592 the blog and Seth came up and he's like DvhWA6xSeLk-00112-00029593-00029765 hey try to put it in the gear so I tried DvhWA6xSeLk-00113-00029766-00029880 to put it in a gear I was gonna wait for DvhWA6xSeLk-00114-00029881-00030068 you guys but Seth wanted to see it blame DvhWA6xSeLk-00115-00030069-00030348 it on Seth so I put in the gear had the DvhWA6xSeLk-00116-00030349-00030558 clutch in while the clutch went in so DvhWA6xSeLk-00117-00030558-00030798 hard like it took a lot of force to push DvhWA6xSeLk-00118-00030799-00031805 it down and Jason sees that right now so DvhWA6xSeLk-00119-00031806-00032030 so I'm like okay well hopefully it's DvhWA6xSeLk-00120-00032031-00032231 just stuck engaged or something I I DvhWA6xSeLk-00121-00032232-00032444 didn't want to be emo can email him DvhWA6xSeLk-00122-00032445-00032576 leave the tires on the ground so we DvhWA6xSeLk-00123-00032577-00032726 jacked them up so that I wouldn't go DvhWA6xSeLk-00124-00032727-00032798 through that door DvhWA6xSeLk-00125-00032799-00033230 [Music] DvhWA6xSeLk-00126-00033231-00033503 turn first-year nothing through in DvhWA6xSeLk-00127-00033504-00033770 second gear nothing through it and DvhWA6xSeLk-00128-00033771-00034031 reverse nothing this thing is not moving DvhWA6xSeLk-00129-00034032-00034157 so there's something screwed up for the DvhWA6xSeLk-00130-00034158-00034406 transmission or the master cylinder or a DvhWA6xSeLk-00131-00034407-00034720 push rod or something along the lines DvhWA6xSeLk-00132-00034721-00035003 with the clutch kind of like a brake DvhWA6xSeLk-00133-00035004-00035123 cylinder here but it's like that big DvhWA6xSeLk-00134-00035124-00035243 round and then there's a rod in the DvhWA6xSeLk-00135-00035244-00035366 center of it that pushes all the way DvhWA6xSeLk-00136-00035367-00035669 through to the transmission which is DvhWA6xSeLk-00137-00035670-00036221 right here okay we can get that off okay DvhWA6xSeLk-00138-00036222-00036521 and get to the clutch basket okay so DvhWA6xSeLk-00139-00036522-00036716 we'll take we probably want to clean a DvhWA6xSeLk-00140-00036717-00036806 lot of this up man DvhWA6xSeLk-00141-00036807-00036998 we don't want debris getting in there so DvhWA6xSeLk-00142-00036999-00037262 this this only throws this only throws DvhWA6xSeLk-00143-00037263-00037516 like maybe a quarter of an inch yeah DvhWA6xSeLk-00144-00037517-00037721 it's doing that pushing against the DvhWA6xSeLk-00145-00037722-00037904 springs on the other side of it it DvhWA6xSeLk-00146-00037905-00038078 releases the tension of the plates DvhWA6xSeLk-00147-00038079-00038339 Charlie so we'll just yeah that's easy DvhWA6xSeLk-00148-00038340-00038408 enough to do DvhWA6xSeLk-00149-00038409-00038645 that's we're gonna do I'm hoping what DvhWA6xSeLk-00150-00038646-00038810 the problem is here is that this guy DvhWA6xSeLk-00151-00038811-00039110 just burnt all those discs yeah DvhWA6xSeLk-00152-00039111-00039170 absolutely DvhWA6xSeLk-00153-00039171-00039377 yeah but either way I think our problems DvhWA6xSeLk-00154-00039378-00039482 gonna be right here in the clutch basket DvhWA6xSeLk-00155-00039483-00039677 so it looks like we're gonna tear this DvhWA6xSeLk-00156-00039678-00041206 transmission apart DvhWA6xSeLk-00157-00041207-00042091 I like circuses I also like good weather DvhWA6xSeLk-00158-00042092-00042313 and today we have that I actually have DvhWA6xSeLk-00159-00042314-00042505 my window down I haven't had my when DvhWA6xSeLk-00160-00042506-00042724 we're down in months thank you mother DvhWA6xSeLk-00161-00042725-00042807 nature DvhWA6xSeLk-00162-00042808-00042883 [Music] DvhWA6xSeLk-00164-00045960-00046163 and you like that the transmission and DvhWA6xSeLk-00165-00046164-00046318 the engine are separated DvhWA6xSeLk-00166-00046319-00046385 [Music] DvhWA6xSeLk-00167-00046386-00046926 [Applause] DvhWA6xSeLk-00168-00046927-00049423 [Music] DvhWA6xSeLk-00169-00049424-00049633 you saw the fact that we clean crush but DvhWA6xSeLk-00170-00049634-00049780 you didn't see as we went home and we DvhWA6xSeLk-00171-00049781-00050154 actually met the UPS guy perfect timing DvhWA6xSeLk-00172-00050155-00050593 and I have more yes we have more yeah DvhWA6xSeLk-00173-00050594-00050799 I'm not sure if any of you noticed but I DvhWA6xSeLk-00174-00050800-00051012 have my machine decal off my window DvhWA6xSeLk-00175-00051013-00051420 snapped it yeah it's not my windshield DvhWA6xSeLk-00176-00051421-00051639 actually cracked like all along the DvhWA6xSeLk-00177-00051640-00051804 bottom so I haven't put a new detail on DvhWA6xSeLk-00178-00051805-00051864 this one yet DvhWA6xSeLk-00179-00051865-00052036 however Jason's making the team look DvhWA6xSeLk-00180-00052037-00052471 good here's the clean compartment it's DvhWA6xSeLk-00181-00052472-00052660 looking really really good DvhWA6xSeLk-00182-00052661-00052765 this is what we're dealing with DvhWA6xSeLk-00183-00052766-00054863 transmission when I explain it to the DvhWA6xSeLk-00184-00054864-00055167 less educated people so um if you don't DvhWA6xSeLk-00185-00055169-00055294 know how a clutch works and you're young DvhWA6xSeLk-00186-00055295-00055399 and you want to learn something real DvhWA6xSeLk-00187-00055400-00055542 quick let me show you something so DvhWA6xSeLk-00188-00055544-00055798 imagine my foot is the engine okay and DvhWA6xSeLk-00189-00055799-00056086 imagine that wood is your tires now if I DvhWA6xSeLk-00190-00056087-00056241 if I'm not connected to that the wood DvhWA6xSeLk-00191-00056242-00056406 doesn't move but as soon as I put my DvhWA6xSeLk-00192-00056407-00057085 foot on there it doesn't spin either so DvhWA6xSeLk-00193-00057086-00057271 right now what's happening is my foot DvhWA6xSeLk-00194-00057272-00057424 can't touch the wheels there's a lot DvhWA6xSeLk-00195-00057425-00057516 more components to it but that's DvhWA6xSeLk-00196-00057517-00057691 basically how a clutch works I'm working DvhWA6xSeLk-00197-00057691-00057928 on removing the seat jace work Jake DvhWA6xSeLk-00198-00057929-00058260 Jason's working on iconic J did you read DvhWA6xSeLk-00199-00058261-00058491 he's he's working on the transmission DvhWA6xSeLk-00200-00058492-00058723 I'm removing the seat so I can get to DvhWA6xSeLk-00201-00058724-00058960 the transmission and help him but but I DvhWA6xSeLk-00202-00058961-00059151 go Matt can't believe Jake didn't come DvhWA6xSeLk-00203-00059152-00059391 over here before work and then what'd DvhWA6xSeLk-00204-00059392-00059829 you say Jake you better die whatever you DvhWA6xSeLk-00205-00059830-00060066 do make sure we got the DvhWA6xSeLk-00206-00060066-00061616 [Music] DwM8Yg-0FXA-00000-00000039-00000764 [Music] DwM8Yg-0FXA-00001-00000765-00001115 I mean like my muscles relax just yet DwM8Yg-0FXA-00002-00001116-00001469 not when I still have a paper that I'm DwM8Yg-0FXA-00003-00001470-00001801 forgetting nothing to hold on to there's DwM8Yg-0FXA-00004-00001802-00002174 nothing to agree window I wanna fight DwM8Yg-0FXA-00005-00002175-00002759 until I see nobody's life DwM8Yg-0FXA-00006-00002760-00003038 [Music] DwM8Yg-0FXA-00007-00003039-00003358 no fridge DwM8Yg-0FXA-00008-00003359-00003854 [Music] DwM8Yg-0FXA-00009-00003856-00004212 right now I don't have any strong DwM8Yg-0FXA-00010-00004213-00004510 subjects I can barely get poor and a DwM8Yg-0FXA-00011-00004511-00004837 traveler so tuned when I walk in I will DwM8Yg-0FXA-00012-00004838-00005158 feel that voice that stings me I know I DwM8Yg-0FXA-00013-00005159-00005374 mean the wrong red is still hurts very DwM8Yg-0FXA-00014-00005375-00005785 much I woke up on a timer on a limit on DwM8Yg-0FXA-00015-00005786-00006043 restriction and you asked me ask what DwM8Yg-0FXA-00016-00006044-00006313 things sorry but I'll never tell it was DwM8Yg-0FXA-00017-00006314-00006570 falling out of my reach Indy and I'll DwM8Yg-0FXA-00018-00006572-00006895 get nowhere and no I don't need help as DwM8Yg-0FXA-00019-00006895-00007206 it DwM8Yg-0FXA-00020-00007208-00007402 ah Christmas DwM8Yg-0FXA-00021-00007403-00007639 to Sunday DwM8Yg-0FXA-00022-00007640-00007817 what's wrong with me DwM8Yg-0FXA-00023-00007818-00008081 I just want to make DwM8Yg-0FXA-00024-00008081-00008383 as I had too much DwM8Yg-0FXA-00025-00008384-00008901 Hey hear my word as I look at that DwM8Yg-0FXA-00026-00008902-00009118 screen where's your bed DwM8Yg-0FXA-00027-00009119-00009338 I know it DwM8Yg-0FXA-00028-00009339-00009493 there's one DwM8Yg-0FXA-00029-00009494-00010033 I was feeling DwM8Yg-0FXA-00030-00010034-00010480 I don't care anymore DwM8Yg-0FXA-00031-00010481-00011627 [Music] DwM8Yg-0FXA-00032-00011628-00012128 I smile as I look off to the side a DwM8Yg-0FXA-00033-00012129-00012542 dream that I love and that I made up so DwM8Yg-0FXA-00034-00012543-00012905 safe and soft yet the colors so bright I DwM8Yg-0FXA-00035-00012906-00013313 see they're all blacks and whites now so DwM8Yg-0FXA-00036-00013313-00013574 dumb let's go on a look don't do what DwM8Yg-0FXA-00037-00013575-00013856 they all tell you and you ask me ask for DwM8Yg-0FXA-00038-00013857-00014090 things sorry but now I'll never tell DwM8Yg-0FXA-00039-00014091-00014318 I felt again gave me in again it sounds DwM8Yg-0FXA-00040-00014319-00014638 cliche is what we say begging for relief DwM8Yg-0FXA-00041-00014640-00015041 pictures indeed all please how are you DwM8Yg-0FXA-00042-00015041-00015313 Tom whispers to not sink it something DwM8Yg-0FXA-00043-00015315-00015368 isn't right DwM8Yg-0FXA-00044-00015369-00015659 please tell me what's wrong with me just DwM8Yg-0FXA-00045-00015660-00015949 want to make everybody promise DwM8Yg-0FXA-00046-00015950-00016729 much hey what do you DwM8Yg-0FXA-00047-00016730-00017211 my fee is ready but now it's normal DwM8Yg-0FXA-00048-00017212-00017730 no one to tell me hey what should I do DwM8Yg-0FXA-00049-00017731-00018105 I said I know can you hear my screams DwM8Yg-0FXA-00050-00018106-00018413 with my voice breaks and fades out DwM8Yg-0FXA-00051-00018414-00018776 My Mind's in a dream I drill away the DwM8Yg-0FXA-00052-00018777-00019007 dreams where I still had the strength to DwM8Yg-0FXA-00053-00019008-00019223 stand in there to try that's where they DwM8Yg-0FXA-00054-00019224-00019631 go then I already know your celebrity DwM8Yg-0FXA-00055-00019632-00019742 face DwM8Yg-0FXA-00056-00019743-00019997 where you're coming from to flip it up DwM8Yg-0FXA-00057-00019998-00020230 either how'd you get the better than DwM8Yg-0FXA-00058-00020231-00020492 this why can't I get this right so get DwM8Yg-0FXA-00059-00020493-00020705 Brian just do your worst DwM8Yg-0FXA-00060-00020706-00020855 I'm sorry DwM8Yg-0FXA-00061-00020856-00021889 I can't guarantee DwM8Yg-0FXA-00062-00021890-00022022 [Applause] DwM8Yg-0FXA-00063-00022023-00022593 you DwM8Yg-0FXA-00064-00022594-00022800 you Dx4yHal5Ado-00000-00000032-00000338 George Eugene uhlenbeck December 6th Dx4yHal5Ado-00001-00000339-00000717 1902 October 31st 1988 was a Dutch Dx4yHal5Ado-00002-00000718-00001192 American theoretical physicist Dx4yHal5Ado-00003-00001193-00001777 topic background in education Dx4yHal5Ado-00004-00001778-00002005 george uhlenbeck was the son of you Dx4yHal5Ado-00005-00002005-00002233 genius and anne meagher uhlenbeck he Dx4yHal5Ado-00006-00002234-00002419 attended the Hager burger school high Dx4yHal5Ado-00007-00002420-00002581 school in the hague from which he Dx4yHal5Ado-00008-00002582-00002959 graduated in 1918 subsequently entered Dx4yHal5Ado-00009-00002960-00003166 Delft University of Technology as a Dx4yHal5Ado-00010-00003167-00003429 student in chemical engineering during Dx4yHal5Ado-00011-00003430-00003607 the next year he transferred to the Dx4yHal5Ado-00012-00003608-00003822 Leiden University to study physics and Dx4yHal5Ado-00013-00003823-00004018 mathematics and he earned his bachelor's Dx4yHal5Ado-00014-00004019-00004338 degree in 1920 Dutch candidates examine Dx4yHal5Ado-00015-00004339-00004600 uhlenbeck was then admitted by ehrenfest Dx4yHal5Ado-00016-00004601-00004768 a student of Boltzmann's to the Dx4yHal5Ado-00017-00004769-00004966 Wednesday evening physics colloquium in Dx4yHal5Ado-00018-00004967-00005209 Leiden ehrenfest became the most Dx4yHal5Ado-00019-00005210-00005410 important scientific influence in his Dx4yHal5Ado-00020-00005411-00005836 life from 1922 to 1925 uhlenbeck was the Dx4yHal5Ado-00021-00005837-00005997 tutor of the younger son of the Dutch Dx4yHal5Ado-00022-00005998-00006268 ambassador in Rome while there he Dx4yHal5Ado-00023-00006269-00006429 attended lectures by tullio levi-civita Dx4yHal5Ado-00024-00006430-00006703 and Vito Volterra and met his longtime Dx4yHal5Ado-00025-00006704-00007129 friend Enrico Fermi in 1923 uhlenbeck Dx4yHal5Ado-00026-00007130-00007342 received his master's degree from Leiden Dx4yHal5Ado-00027-00007343-00007656 Dutch dr. al examine he returned to Dx4yHal5Ado-00028-00007658-00007927 Leiden in 1925 to become Aron fests Dx4yHal5Ado-00029-00007928-00008199 assistant ehrenfest assigned him to work Dx4yHal5Ado-00030-00008200-00008406 with his graduate student samuel gowns Dx4yHal5Ado-00031-00008407-00008617 MIT for a quick update on what was Dx4yHal5Ado-00032-00008618-00008917 currently happening in physics in mid Dx4yHal5Ado-00033-00008918-00009174 september 1925 uhlenbeck and goudsmit Dx4yHal5Ado-00034-00009175-00009445 introduced electron spin which posits Dx4yHal5Ado-00035-00009446-00009621 intrinsic angular momentum for the Dx4yHal5Ado-00036-00009622-00009981 electron in 1927 uhlenbeck earned his Dx4yHal5Ado-00037-00009982-00010206 PhD degree under ehrenfest with his Dx4yHal5Ado-00038-00010207-00010474 thesis titled over statistics method in Dx4yHal5Ado-00039-00010475-00010809 into theory der quanta on statistical Dx4yHal5Ado-00040-00010810-00011101 methods in the quantum theory uhlenbeck Dx4yHal5Ado-00041-00011102-00011287 Mary del Sol forced in Arnhem Dx4yHal5Ado-00042-00011288-00011664 Netherlands in August 1927 he received a Dx4yHal5Ado-00043-00011665-00011853 doctorate from the Leiden University in Dx4yHal5Ado-00044-00011854-00012280 the same year Dx4yHal5Ado-00045-00012281-00012713 topic courier Dx4yHal5Ado-00046-00012714-00013060 in 1927 uhlenbeck took a position as an Dx4yHal5Ado-00047-00013061-00013262 instructor in physics at the University Dx4yHal5Ado-00048-00013263-00013519 of Michigan in Ann Arbor Michigan he Dx4yHal5Ado-00049-00013520-00013741 stayed there until 1935 when he Dx4yHal5Ado-00050-00013743-00013972 succeeded AJ Kramer's as a professor of Dx4yHal5Ado-00051-00013974-00014243 theoretical physics in Utrecht during Dx4yHal5Ado-00052-00014244-00014438 his eight years in Ann Arbor uhlenbeck Dx4yHal5Ado-00053-00014438-00014684 organized the noted summer school in Dx4yHal5Ado-00054-00014685-00015131 theoretical physics in 1938 uhlenbeck Dx4yHal5Ado-00055-00015132-00015347 spent half a year as visiting professor Dx4yHal5Ado-00056-00015347-00015541 at Columbia University in New York City Dx4yHal5Ado-00057-00015543-00015749 and then he returned to Ann Arbor as a Dx4yHal5Ado-00058-00015750-00015947 professor of theoretical physics during Dx4yHal5Ado-00059-00015947-00016190 the next year because of the rise of Dx4yHal5Ado-00060-00016191-00016427 Nazism in Europe he and else decided to Dx4yHal5Ado-00061-00016428-00016589 leave his position in the Netherlands Dx4yHal5Ado-00062-00016590-00016877 and return to America during part of Dx4yHal5Ado-00063-00016878-00017197 World War two from 1943 through 1945 Dx4yHal5Ado-00064-00017198-00017429 uhlenbeck led a theory group at the Dx4yHal5Ado-00065-00017430-00017615 radiation laboratory in Cambridge Dx4yHal5Ado-00066-00017616-00017827 Massachusetts which was doing radar Dx4yHal5Ado-00067-00017828-00018254 research in 1945 he returned to Ann Dx4yHal5Ado-00068-00018255-00018440 Arbor where he was named the henryka Dx4yHal5Ado-00069-00018441-00018782 heart professor of physics in 1954 he Dx4yHal5Ado-00070-00018783-00019058 remained in Ann Arbor until 1960 when he Dx4yHal5Ado-00071-00019059-00019235 joined the Rockefeller Institute for Dx4yHal5Ado-00072-00019236-00019310 medical research Dx4yHal5Ado-00073-00019311-00019525 now the Rockefeller University in New Dx4yHal5Ado-00074-00019526-00019718 York City as a professor and member of Dx4yHal5Ado-00075-00019719-00020145 the Institute Dx4yHal5Ado-00076-00020146-00020783 topic retirement and death he retired in Dx4yHal5Ado-00077-00020784-00021051 1971 but he remained scientifically Dx4yHal5Ado-00078-00021052-00021405 active until the early 1980s uhlenbeck Dx4yHal5Ado-00079-00021406-00021747 died on October 31st 1988 in Boulder Dx4yHal5Ado-00080-00021748-00022328 Colorado at the age of 87 years Dx4yHal5Ado-00081-00022329-00022791 topic recognition Dx4yHal5Ado-00082-00022792-00023061 uhlenbeck received five honorary degrees Dx4yHal5Ado-00083-00023062-00023298 in addition he received the research Dx4yHal5Ado-00084-00023299-00023601 corporation award in 1953 the Oersted Dx4yHal5Ado-00085-00023602-00023808 medal of the American Association of Dx4yHal5Ado-00086-00023809-00024080 physics teachers in 1955 the Max Planck Dx4yHal5Ado-00087-00024081-00024341 medal of the German Physical Society in Dx4yHal5Ado-00088-00024342-00024597 1964 the Lorentz medal of the Royal Dx4yHal5Ado-00089-00024598-00024828 Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Dx4yHal5Ado-00090-00024829-00025151 in 1970 the National Medal of Science in Dx4yHal5Ado-00091-00025152-00025413 1977 along with gout Smith and the Wolf Dx4yHal5Ado-00092-00025414-00025737 Prize also shared with Gausman in 1979 Dx4yHal5Ado-00093-00025738-00026114 in 1951 he became member of the Royal Dx4yHal5Ado-00094-00026116-00026345 Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences Dx4yHal5Ado-00095-00026347-00026540 uhlenbeck was a friend of many of the Dx4yHal5Ado-00096-00026541-00026742 great physicists and mathematicians of Dx4yHal5Ado-00097-00026743-00026990 his era including Enrico Fermi and Oskar Dx4yHal5Ado-00098-00026991-00027339 Klein EGD Cohen a student of Yulin Dx4yHal5Ado-00099-00027339-00027377 Beck's Dx4yHal5Ado-00100-00027379-00027735 described his teacher uhlenbeck often Dx4yHal5Ado-00101-00027736-00027914 admonished me that rather than trying to Dx4yHal5Ado-00102-00027916-00028115 be original it was much more important Dx4yHal5Ado-00103-00028116-00028281 to be clear and correct and to summarize Dx4yHal5Ado-00104-00028282-00028506 critically the present status of a field Dx4yHal5Ado-00105-00028507-00028755 in the ehrenfest tradition he wisely Dx4yHal5Ado-00106-00028756-00028962 observed that what is often of lasting Dx4yHal5Ado-00107-00028963-00029136 value is not the first original Dx4yHal5Ado-00108-00029137-00029349 contribution to a problem but rather the Dx4yHal5Ado-00109-00029350-00029526 final clearly and critically written Dx4yHal5Ado-00110-00029527-00029789 survey that is certainly what he did in Dx4yHal5Ado-00111-00029791-00030083 this Brownian motion paper describing Dx4yHal5Ado-00112-00030085-00030402 Yulin Beck's work Cohen writes uhlenbeck Dx4yHal5Ado-00113-00030402-00030608 spay purrs are all relatively short and Dx4yHal5Ado-00114-00030610-00030821 stand out by their conciseness precision Dx4yHal5Ado-00115-00030822-00031026 and clarity finely honed to a deeper Dx4yHal5Ado-00116-00031027-00031218 understanding of a basic problem in Dx4yHal5Ado-00117-00031219-00031485 statistical physics they do not contain Dx4yHal5Ado-00118-00031486-00031689 long formal derivations and are almost Dx4yHal5Ado-00119-00031689-00032039 all geared to concrete problems they Dx4yHal5Ado-00120-00032041-00032268 were of a classic nobility mathematical Dx4yHal5Ado-00121-00032269-00032489 purity and clarity Dx4yHal5Ado-00122-00032491-00032682 he felt that something really original Dx4yHal5Ado-00123-00032683-00032940 one did only once like the electron spin Dx4yHal5Ado-00124-00032941-00033147 the rest of one's time once spent on Dx4yHal5Ado-00125-00033148-00033429 clarifying the basics Cohen also Dx4yHal5Ado-00126-00033430-00033594 comments on the high quality of Dx4yHal5Ado-00127-00033595-00033879 uhlenbeck ste Qing he was an inspiring Dx4yHal5Ado-00128-00033880-00034182 teacher with superbly organized and Dx4yHal5Ado-00129-00034183-00034386 extremely clear lectures he laid bare Dx4yHal5Ado-00130-00034387-00034536 for everyone to see the beautiful Dx4yHal5Ado-00131-00034537-00034761 structure of statistical mechanics based Dx4yHal5Ado-00132-00034762-00034887 on the principles of the founding Dx4yHal5Ado-00133-00034888-00035166 fathers maxwell-boltzmann and Gibbs Dx4yHal5Ado-00134-00035167-00035388 thus he transmitted to a younger Dx4yHal5Ado-00135-00035389-00035580 generation what he conceived to be the Dx4yHal5Ado-00136-00035581-00035751 essence of the past and the way to the Dx4yHal5Ado-00137-00035752-00036075 future in doing so he educated several Dx4yHal5Ado-00138-00036076-00036303 generations of physicists in statistical Dx4yHal5Ado-00139-00036304-00036471 mechanics in a style rare in this Dx4yHal5Ado-00140-00036472-00036815 century Dx4yHal5Ado-00141-00036816-00037357 topic C also Dx4yHal5Ado-00142-00037358-00037861 Orenstein uhlenbeck process Dx4yHal5Ado-00143-00037862-00038387 topic references Dx4yHal5Ado-00144-00038388-00038934 topic external links Dx4yHal5Ado-00145-00038935-00039281 kay van Berkel uhlenbeck george eugene Dx4yHal5Ado-00146-00039282-00039651 1902 1988 in viagra fish warden book van Dx4yHal5Ado-00147-00039652-00039942 Medellin O'Connor John J Dx4yHal5Ado-00148-00039943-00040244 robertson edmund f george uhlenbeck Dx4yHal5Ado-00149-00040245-00040500 mactutor history of mathematics archive Dx4yHal5Ado-00150-00040501-00040917 university of saint andrews sa gouts MIT Dx4yHal5Ado-00151-00040918-00041165 the discovery of the electron spin Dx4yHal5Ado-00152-00041166-00041421 george uhlenbeck at the mathematics Dx4yHal5Ado-00153-00041422-00041700 genealogy project DxGbkik-aUQ-00000-00000000-00000115 don't know DxGbkik-aUQ-00001-00000117-00001282 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00002-00001283-00002752 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00003-00002753-00002962 everything DxGbkik-aUQ-00004-00002963-00003917 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00005-00003918-00004095 cookies DxGbkik-aUQ-00006-00004096-00006787 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00007-00006788-00009167 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00008-00009168-00009299 Singapore DxGbkik-aUQ-00009-00009300-00010709 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00010-00010710-00011083 tomorrow DxGbkik-aUQ-00011-00011084-00011744 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00012-00011745-00013390 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00013-00013391-00014465 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00014-00014466-00014584 foreign DxGbkik-aUQ-00016-00018673-00018928 hear me DxGbkik-aUQ-00017-00018929-00020771 [Music] DxGbkik-aUQ-00018-00020772-00021236 Singapore DxGbkik-aUQ-00020-00025777-00026113 no no no no DxYiLSZou5Q-00000-00000055-00000315 and clave is a third-person 3d action DxYiLSZou5Q-00001-00000316-00000541 role-playing game by Starbreeze Studios DxYiLSZou5Q-00002-00000542-00000754 released for Microsoft Windows and Xbox DxYiLSZou5Q-00003-00000755-00001186 on July 19 2002 a GameCube version was DxYiLSZou5Q-00004-00001187-00001365 also in development but was eventually DxYiLSZou5Q-00005-00001366-00001726 cancelled in early 2003 a Wii port DxYiLSZou5Q-00006-00001727-00001972 titled end clave shadows of Twilight was DxYiLSZou5Q-00007-00001973-00002164 originally slated for the middle of June DxYiLSZou5Q-00008-00002165-00002389 2010 and was released in Europe on May DxYiLSZou5Q-00009-00002390-00002764 22nd 2012 on the fourth of October 2013 DxYiLSZou5Q-00010-00002765-00003004 the game was re-released on Steam and DxYiLSZou5Q-00011-00003005-00003145 made available on Mac and Linux DxYiLSZou5Q-00012-00003146-00003384 platforms in this game set in a medieval DxYiLSZou5Q-00013-00003385-00003597 fantasy realm players can choose to take DxYiLSZou5Q-00014-00003598-00003804 on the role of either a warrior of light DxYiLSZou5Q-00015-00003805-00004195 or a minion of darkness complete with DxYiLSZou5Q-00016-00004196-00004393 separate and unique missions reflecting DxYiLSZou5Q-00017-00004394-00005017 the nature of that decision DxYiLSZou5Q-00018-00005018-00005540 topic synopsis DxYiLSZou5Q-00019-00005541-00005877 you DxYiLSZou5Q-00020-00005878-00006311 topic plot DxYiLSZou5Q-00021-00006312-00006630 one thousand years ago the Dragon armies DxYiLSZou5Q-00022-00006631-00006831 of the Demon Lord known as vut are had DxYiLSZou5Q-00023-00006831-00007014 all but destroyed the people of selling DxYiLSZou5Q-00024-00007015-00007290 high in an act of desperation the high DxYiLSZou5Q-00025-00007291-00007476 wizards ale sundered the land and DxYiLSZou5Q-00026-00007477-00007641 created a rift around selling high DxYiLSZou5Q-00027-00007642-00007848 keeping the armies of ATAR at bay in DxYiLSZou5Q-00028-00007848-00008130 time sellin hime forgot the war and DxYiLSZou5Q-00029-00008131-00008295 forgot vut are as they went about their DxYiLSZou5Q-00030-00008296-00008589 daily affairs now the rift is closing DxYiLSZou5Q-00031-00008590-00008775 and evil threatens the land once again DxYiLSZou5Q-00032-00008776-00009078 an unlikely hero freed from prison by DxYiLSZou5Q-00033-00009079-00009291 happenstance must rise and fight for DxYiLSZou5Q-00034-00009292-00009485 light or darkness to either destroy the DxYiLSZou5Q-00035-00009486-00009675 demon king Vitara or kill the queen of DxYiLSZou5Q-00036-00009676-00010245 selling high DxYiLSZou5Q-00037-00010246-00010759 topic gameplay DxYiLSZou5Q-00038-00010760-00010930 and clave is a third-person DxYiLSZou5Q-00039-00010931-00011176 hack-and-slash role-playing game the DxYiLSZou5Q-00040-00011177-00011403 player uses medieval and magical weapons DxYiLSZou5Q-00041-00011404-00011620 to fight enemies at the beginning of DxYiLSZou5Q-00042-00011621-00011778 each mission the player chooses a DxYiLSZou5Q-00043-00011779-00012049 character to control with the character DxYiLSZou5Q-00044-00012050-00012262 selected the player selects weapons and DxYiLSZou5Q-00045-00012263-00012513 gear to equip for the mission gold is DxYiLSZou5Q-00046-00012514-00012753 required to equip all gear during each DxYiLSZou5Q-00047-00012754-00012972 mission the player collects golden gems DxYiLSZou5Q-00048-00012973-00013171 to increase the starting gold available DxYiLSZou5Q-00049-00013172-00013794 at the start of each mission DxYiLSZou5Q-00050-00013795-00014308 topic reception DxYiLSZou5Q-00051-00014309-00014527 according to game rankings the game DxYiLSZou5Q-00052-00014528-00014775 received the average score of 75 point DxYiLSZou5Q-00053-00014776-00015033 zero four percent for the PC and 70 DxYiLSZou5Q-00054-00015034-00015232 point seven eight percent for the Xbox DxYiLSZou5Q-00055-00015233-00015786 version DxYiLSZou5Q-00056-00015787-00016301 topic legacy DxYiLSZou5Q-00057-00016302-00016607 in March 2003 Starbreeze announced DxYiLSZou5Q-00058-00016608-00016664 enclaved DxYiLSZou5Q-00059-00016665-00016862 to has been in development for Xbox DxYiLSZou5Q-00060-00016863-00017201 Playstation 2 and the PC the game was DxYiLSZou5Q-00061-00017202-00017348 supposed to feature a new fighting DxYiLSZou5Q-00062-00017349-00017555 system and full motion capture with DxYiLSZou5Q-00063-00017556-00017759 single-player in both cooperative and DxYiLSZou5Q-00064-00017760-00017942 competitive multiplayer modes planned DxYiLSZou5Q-00065-00017943-00018212 the player character was Earl indoor a DxYiLSZou5Q-00066-00018213-00018428 young ancestor sorcerer apprentice and DxYiLSZou5Q-00067-00018429-00018617 his quest was to reach n clave before DxYiLSZou5Q-00068-00018618-00018875 the evil sorceress kaalia does however DxYiLSZou5Q-00069-00018876-00019088 the features were then axed and the game DxYiLSZou5Q-00070-00019089-00019283 was cancelled when star breeze got into DxYiLSZou5Q-00071-00019284-00019507 legal troubles with the publisher in DxYiLSZou5Q-00072-00019508-00019829 October 2013 n clave was re-released on DxYiLSZou5Q-00073-00019830-00020117 Steam and as of January 2017 has sold DxYiLSZou5Q-00074-00020118-00020444 approximately 1/5 million copies through DxYiLSZou5Q-00075-00020445-00020726 the steam marketplace D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00000-00000064-00000247 in this video we will find the integral D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00001-00000248-00000519 of e to the power a x plus v D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00002-00000520-00000615 so D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00003-00000616-00000839 we can let D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00004-00000840-00001231 u is equal to ax plus b D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00005-00001232-00001491 what is the power of e D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00006-00001492-00001807 so now we take the differential d u D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00007-00001807-00001991 which is equal to the derivative of v x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00008-00001992-00002095 plus v D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00009-00002096-00002367 so the derivative of ax is a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00010-00002368-00002591 and the derivative of b is zero D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00011-00002592-00002775 so the differential d u is equal to a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00012-00002776-00002879 times D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00013-00002880-00003015 d dx D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00014-00003016-00003335 now we can write D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00015-00003336-00003590 du upon a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00016-00003592-00003838 is equal to dx D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00017-00003839-00004070 so the integral of D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00018-00004071-00004375 e to the power ax plus b D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00019-00004376-00004670 with respect to x is equal to D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00020-00004671-00005006 integral of e to the power u D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00021-00005007-00005254 d u upon a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00022-00005255-00005479 we have put D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00023-00005480-00005775 u in place of a x plus b over here and D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00024-00005776-00005959 in place of dx D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00025-00005960-00006286 we will we have put du upon a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00026-00006287-00006687 now we will write this a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00027-00006688-00006959 as 1 upon a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00028-00006959-00007214 in front of integral so 1 upon a times e D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00029-00007215-00007398 to the power u D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00030-00007400-00007574 d u D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00031-00007575-00007742 we know that the integral of e to the D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00032-00007743-00008046 power u is e to the power u plus c D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00033-00008047-00008174 so we have D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00034-00008175-00008471 1 upon a times e to the power u D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00035-00008472-00008887 plus c where c is the constant D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00036-00008888-00009046 now we can write D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00037-00009047-00009191 1 upon a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00038-00009192-00009374 times e to the power D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00039-00009375-00009559 in place of u we D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00040-00009560-00009974 will put ax plus b D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00041-00009975-00010199 and plus c D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00042-00010200-00010446 so the integral of e to the power a x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00043-00010447-00010703 plus b is 1 upon a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00044-00010704-00010974 times e to the power a x plus b D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00045-00010975-00011199 plus c here c is the constant D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00046-00011200-00011478 or we can write integral of D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00047-00011479-00011623 a to the D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00048-00011624-00011927 e to the power a x plus b with respect D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00049-00011928-00012078 to x as D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00050-00012079-00012327 e to the power a x plus b D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00051-00012328-00012815 upon a plus c D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00052-00012816-00013071 so now we can write and now we can use D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00053-00013072-00013358 this integral as a formula if D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00054-00013359-00013607 we have a linear factor D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00055-00013608-00013935 as a power of e which is ax plus b D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00056-00013936-00014215 then the integral of e to the power a x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00057-00014216-00014415 plus b is equal to D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00058-00014416-00014655 e to the power ax plus b upon the D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00059-00014656-00014951 derivative of this linear factor D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00060-00014952-00015143 so the derivative of this linear factor D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00061-00015144-00015215 is D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00062-00015216-00015335 a D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00063-00015336-00015566 or simply we can write the coefficient D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00064-00015568-00015671 of x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00065-00015672-00015807 so we can D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00066-00015808-00016079 apply this formula D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00067-00016080-00016327 on this question D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00068-00016328-00016622 uh we have to find the integral of D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00069-00016623-00016894 e to the power 3x plus 4 D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00070-00016895-00017135 with respect to x so the integral of e D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00071-00017136-00017399 to the power 3 x plus 4 D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00072-00017400-00017535 is equal to D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00073-00017536-00017799 e to the power 3 x plus 4 D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00074-00017800-00017927 upon D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00075-00017928-00018207 3 which is the coefficient of x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00076-00018208-00018991 or that derivative of this linear vector D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00077-00018992-00019327 another example D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00078-00019328-00019599 of this formula is e to the power 1 D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00079-00019600-00019719 minus D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00080-00019720-00019991 6 x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00081-00019992-00020207 so the integral of e to the power 1 D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00082-00020208-00020391 minus 6 x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00083-00020392-00020575 with respect to x is D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00084-00020576-00020855 e to the power 1 minus 6 x D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00085-00020856-00020975 upon D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00086-00020976-00021278 the coefficient of x which is minus 6 D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00087-00021279-00021463 or the derivative of D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00088-00021464-00021767 1 minus x x which is also minus 6 D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00089-00021768-00021991 plus c D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00090-00021992-00022183 so here are D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00091-00022184-00022414 two examples of this formula D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00092-00022415-00022535 so we can D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00093-00022536-00022758 directly use this formula D-n2Y6NnP1Y-00094-00022759-00023212 on this type on these types of integral D-CGEZKg0pY-00000-00000039-00000279 see bullets don't have no color we use D-CGEZKg0pY-00001-00000280-00000511 we use the phrases D-CGEZKg0pY-00002-00000512-00000871 at the end to whom it may concern D-CGEZKg0pY-00003-00000872-00001095 see you don't know who you're shooting D-CGEZKg0pY-00004-00001096-00001270 at D-CGEZKg0pY-00005-00001271-00001431 most of the time you don't never see who D-CGEZKg0pY-00006-00001432-00002142 you're shooting at D-CGEZKg0pY-00007-00002143-00002542 you were in the south D-CGEZKg0pY-00008-00002543-00002783 in an outfit that didn't believe that D-CGEZKg0pY-00009-00002784-00002918 you could D-CGEZKg0pY-00010-00002919-00003222 cut it and they did everything D-CGEZKg0pY-00011-00003223-00003599 in the world to make you say that D-CGEZKg0pY-00012-00003600-00003854 i'ma quit i know i don't want this D-CGEZKg0pY-00013-00003855-00003975 marine corps D-CGEZKg0pY-00014-00003976-00004175 but we had made up our minds that we D-CGEZKg0pY-00015-00004176-00004351 wanted the marine corps D-CGEZKg0pY-00016-00004352-00004622 and that's what we did wasn't a racial D-CGEZKg0pY-00017-00004623-00004695 issue D-CGEZKg0pY-00018-00004696-00005054 you had two marine corps at that time D-CGEZKg0pY-00019-00005055-00005270 you you had the marine corps that was D-CGEZKg0pY-00020-00005271-00005383 for D-CGEZKg0pY-00021-00005384-00005663 the african-american marines and yet you D-CGEZKg0pY-00022-00005664-00005806 had the regular marine corps D-CGEZKg0pY-00023-00005807-00006183 for the regular marines we were D-CGEZKg0pY-00024-00006184-00006470 outsiders and we were trying to break D-CGEZKg0pY-00025-00006472-00006646 the color bar D-CGEZKg0pY-00026-00006647-00007014 get into the fight we did what we felt D-CGEZKg0pY-00027-00007015-00007239 was the best fighting force that the D-CGEZKg0pY-00028-00007240-00007391 united states had D-CGEZKg0pY-00029-00007392-00007583 and we wanted to prove ourselves that we D-CGEZKg0pY-00030-00007584-00007855 were good enough to be one of them D-CGEZKg0pY-00031-00007856-00008038 and that which we did D-CGEZKg0pY-00032-00008039-00008535 [Music] D-CGEZKg0pY-00033-00008536-00008751 we went out of boot camp we went through D-CGEZKg0pY-00034-00008752-00008871 a D-CGEZKg0pY-00035-00008872-00009191 ammunition demolition school D-CGEZKg0pY-00036-00009192-00009495 and then we went right into combat our D-CGEZKg0pY-00037-00009496-00009727 first battles was saipan guam and ten D-CGEZKg0pY-00038-00009728-00009806 yen D-CGEZKg0pY-00039-00009807-00010559 it took everybody's together to survive D-CGEZKg0pY-00040-00010560-00010855 commander general fmf pack holland m D-CGEZKg0pY-00041-00010856-00010903 smith D-CGEZKg0pY-00042-00010904-00011374 out of our initial baptism of D-CGEZKg0pY-00043-00011375-00011623 i became in holland med declared that we D-CGEZKg0pY-00044-00011624-00011806 were marines D-CGEZKg0pY-00045-00011807-00011999 we were fighting marines of the marine D-CGEZKg0pY-00046-00012000-00012093 corps D-CGEZKg0pY-00047-00012094-00012351 [Music] D-CGEZKg0pY-00048-00012352-00012583 in those islands we proved ourselves D-CGEZKg0pY-00049-00012584-00012742 that we were D-CGEZKg0pY-00050-00012743-00012974 just the good of fighters as the marine D-CGEZKg0pY-00051-00012975-00013091 corps had D-CGEZKg0pY-00052-00013093-00013358 [Music] D-CGEZKg0pY-00053-00013359-00013622 you know black no white that meant that D-CGEZKg0pY-00054-00013623-00013671 you D-CGEZKg0pY-00055-00013672-00014494 are a united states marine D-CGEZKg0pY-00056-00014495-00014704 you D-PdZfLS8rc-00000-00000041-00000292 stealth technology also termed D-PdZfLS8rc-00001-00000293-00000551 low-observable technology low technology D-PdZfLS8rc-00002-00000552-00000800 is a sub-discipline of military tactics D-PdZfLS8rc-00003-00000801-00001070 and passive and also active electronic D-PdZfLS8rc-00004-00001071-00001286 countermeasures which cover a range of D-PdZfLS8rc-00005-00001287-00001535 techniques used with personnel aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00006-00001536-00001916 ships submarines missiles satellites and D-PdZfLS8rc-00007-00001917-00002090 ground vehicles to make them less D-PdZfLS8rc-00008-00002091-00002143 visible D-PdZfLS8rc-00009-00002144-00002390 ideally invisible to radar infrared D-PdZfLS8rc-00010-00002391-00002758 sonar and other detection methods it D-PdZfLS8rc-00011-00002759-00003008 corresponds to military camouflage for D-PdZfLS8rc-00012-00003009-00003184 these parts of the electromagnetic D-PdZfLS8rc-00013-00003185-00003550 spectrum multi spectral camouflage D-PdZfLS8rc-00014-00003551-00003734 development of modern stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00015-00003735-00003992 technologies in the United States began D-PdZfLS8rc-00016-00003993-00004277 in 1958 where earlier attempts in D-PdZfLS8rc-00017-00004278-00004508 preventing radar tracking of its u-2 spy D-PdZfLS8rc-00018-00004509-00004795 planes during the Cold War by the Soviet D-PdZfLS8rc-00019-00004796-00005120 Union had been unsuccessful designers D-PdZfLS8rc-00020-00005121-00005342 turned to develop a particular shape for D-PdZfLS8rc-00021-00005343-00005561 planes that tended to reduce detection D-PdZfLS8rc-00022-00005562-00005795 by redirecting electromagnetic waves D-PdZfLS8rc-00023-00005796-00006191 from radars radar absorbent material was D-PdZfLS8rc-00024-00006192-00006439 also tested and made to reduce or block D-PdZfLS8rc-00025-00006440-00006673 radar signals that reflect off from the D-PdZfLS8rc-00026-00006675-00007031 surface of planes such changes to shape D-PdZfLS8rc-00027-00007031-00007259 and surface composition form stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00028-00007259-00007469 technology is currently used on the D-PdZfLS8rc-00029-00007470-00007684 Northrop Grumman b-2 spirit stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00030-00007684-00008017 bomber the concept of stealth is to D-PdZfLS8rc-00031-00008018-00008242 operate or hide without giving enemy D-PdZfLS8rc-00032-00008243-00008444 forces any indications as to the D-PdZfLS8rc-00033-00008445-00008795 presence of friendly forces this concept D-PdZfLS8rc-00034-00008796-00009044 was first explored through camouflage by D-PdZfLS8rc-00035-00009045-00009230 blending into the background visual D-PdZfLS8rc-00036-00009231-00009548 clutter as the potency of detection and D-PdZfLS8rc-00037-00009549-00009845 interception technologies radar infrared D-PdZfLS8rc-00038-00009846-00010135 search and track surface-to-air missiles D-PdZfLS8rc-00039-00010136-00010442 etc have increased over time so too has D-PdZfLS8rc-00040-00010443-00010624 the extent to which the design and D-PdZfLS8rc-00041-00010625-00010835 operation of military personnel and D-PdZfLS8rc-00042-00010836-00011088 vehicles have been affected in response D-PdZfLS8rc-00043-00011089-00011392 some military uniforms are treated with D-PdZfLS8rc-00044-00011393-00011588 chemicals to reduce their infrared D-PdZfLS8rc-00045-00011589-00012026 signature a modern stealth vehicle is D-PdZfLS8rc-00046-00012027-00012206 designed from the outset to have a D-PdZfLS8rc-00047-00012207-00012533 chosen spectral signature the degree of D-PdZfLS8rc-00048-00012534-00012745 stealth embodied in a particular design D-PdZfLS8rc-00049-00012746-00012952 is chosen according to the predicted D-PdZfLS8rc-00050-00012953-00013703 capabilities of projected threats D-PdZfLS8rc-00051-00013704-00014221 topic history D-PdZfLS8rc-00052-00014222-00014497 the concept of camouflage is known to D-PdZfLS8rc-00053-00014497-00014803 predate warfare itself hunters have been D-PdZfLS8rc-00054-00014804-00015013 using vegetation to conceal themselves D-PdZfLS8rc-00055-00015013-00015247 perhaps as long as people have been D-PdZfLS8rc-00056-00015247-00015580 hunting in England irregular units of D-PdZfLS8rc-00057-00015581-00015832 gamekeepers in the 17th century were the D-PdZfLS8rc-00058-00015833-00016072 first to adopt drab colors common in D-PdZfLS8rc-00059-00016072-00016366 16th century Irish units as a form of D-PdZfLS8rc-00060-00016366-00016606 camouflage following examples from the D-PdZfLS8rc-00061-00016607-00016960 continent during World War one the D-PdZfLS8rc-00062-00016961-00017155 germans experimented with the use of D-PdZfLS8rc-00063-00017156-00017458 sellin cellulose acetate a transparent D-PdZfLS8rc-00064-00017459-00017659 covering material in an attempt to D-PdZfLS8rc-00065-00017660-00017863 reduce the visibility of military D-PdZfLS8rc-00066-00017864-00018196 aircraft single examples of the fokker D-PdZfLS8rc-00067-00018197-00018451 III eindecker fighter monoplane the D-PdZfLS8rc-00068-00018452-00018718 albatross CI two-seat observation by D-PdZfLS8rc-00069-00018719-00018907 plane and the linker Hoffman RI D-PdZfLS8rc-00070-00018908-00019132 prototype heavy bomber were covered with D-PdZfLS8rc-00071-00019133-00019486 Selin in fact sunlight glinting from the D-PdZfLS8rc-00072-00019487-00019711 material made the aircraft even more D-PdZfLS8rc-00073-00019712-00020014 visible Selin was also found to be D-PdZfLS8rc-00074-00020015-00020227 quickly degraded both by sunlight and D-PdZfLS8rc-00075-00020228-00020455 in-flight temperature changes so the D-PdZfLS8rc-00076-00020456-00020701 attempt to make transparent aircraft was D-PdZfLS8rc-00077-00020702-00020983 not preceded with in 1916 the British D-PdZfLS8rc-00078-00020984-00021283 modified a small SS class airship for D-PdZfLS8rc-00079-00021284-00021481 the purpose of nighttime reconnaissance D-PdZfLS8rc-00080-00021482-00021747 over German lines on the Western Front D-PdZfLS8rc-00081-00021748-00021994 fitted with a silenced engine and a D-PdZfLS8rc-00082-00021995-00022207 black gas bag the craft was both D-PdZfLS8rc-00083-00022208-00022417 invisible and inaudible from the ground D-PdZfLS8rc-00084-00022418-00022627 but several nighttime flights over D-PdZfLS8rc-00085-00022628-00022846 German held territory produced little D-PdZfLS8rc-00086-00022847-00023071 useful intelligence and the idea was D-PdZfLS8rc-00087-00023072-00023325 dropped diffused lighting camouflage a D-PdZfLS8rc-00088-00023326-00023566 ship-borne form of counter illumination D-PdZfLS8rc-00089-00023567-00023785 camouflage was trialed by the Royal D-PdZfLS8rc-00090-00023786-00024297 Canadian Navy from 1941 to 1943 the D-PdZfLS8rc-00091-00024298-00024550 concept was followed up but for aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00092-00024551-00024897 by the Americans in the British in 1945 D-PdZfLS8rc-00093-00024898-00025099 a grumman Avenger with Yehudi lights D-PdZfLS8rc-00094-00025100-00025558 reached 3,000 yards 2,700 metres from a D-PdZfLS8rc-00095-00025559-00025858 ship before being sighted this ability D-PdZfLS8rc-00096-00025858-00026097 was rendered obsolete by radar the D-PdZfLS8rc-00097-00026098-00026395 u-boat u 480 may have been the first D-PdZfLS8rc-00098-00026395-00026680 stealth submarine it featured an D-PdZfLS8rc-00099-00026681-00026923 anechoic tile rubber coating one layer D-PdZfLS8rc-00100-00026924-00027154 of which contained circular air pockets D-PdZfLS8rc-00101-00027155-00027517 to defeat as dick sonar radar absorbent D-PdZfLS8rc-00102-00027518-00027619 rubber semi D-PdZfLS8rc-00103-00027620-00027835 two composite paints and materials D-PdZfLS8rc-00104-00027836-00028327 codenames some Sean Stein Fedya were D-PdZfLS8rc-00105-00028327-00028549 used by the Kriegsmarine on submarines D-PdZfLS8rc-00106-00028550-00028831 in World War two tests showed they were D-PdZfLS8rc-00107-00028832-00029083 effective in reducing radar signatures D-PdZfLS8rc-00108-00029083-00029419 at both short centimetres and long 1.5 D-PdZfLS8rc-00109-00029420-00029791 meters wavelengths in 1956 the CIA D-PdZfLS8rc-00110-00029792-00030097 initiated attempts to reduce the RCS of D-PdZfLS8rc-00111-00030098-00030427 the u-2 spy plane three systems were D-PdZfLS8rc-00112-00030427-00030691 developed trapeze a series of wires and D-PdZfLS8rc-00113-00030692-00030931 ferrite beads around the platform of the D-PdZfLS8rc-00114-00030932-00031225 aircraft a covering material with PCB D-PdZfLS8rc-00115-00031226-00031407 circuitry embedded in it and D-PdZfLS8rc-00116-00031408-00031693 radar-absorbent paint these were D-PdZfLS8rc-00117-00031694-00031894 deployed in the field on the so-called D-PdZfLS8rc-00118-00031895-00032086 Dirty Birds but results were D-PdZfLS8rc-00119-00032087-00032266 disappointing the weight dragged D-PdZfLS8rc-00120-00032267-00032488 increase was not worth any reduction in D-PdZfLS8rc-00121-00032489-00032818 detection rates more successful was the D-PdZfLS8rc-00122-00032819-00033028 application of camouflage to the D-PdZfLS8rc-00123-00033029-00033265 originally bare metal aircraft a deep D-PdZfLS8rc-00124-00033266-00033574 blue was found to be most effective the D-PdZfLS8rc-00125-00033575-00033874 weight of this cost 250 feet in max D-PdZfLS8rc-00126-00033875-00034129 altitude but made the aircraft harder to D-PdZfLS8rc-00127-00034130-00034564 spot by interceptors in 1958 the US D-PdZfLS8rc-00128-00034565-00034813 Central Intelligence Agency requested D-PdZfLS8rc-00129-00034814-00035035 funding for a reconnaissance aircraft to D-PdZfLS8rc-00130-00035036-00035284 replace the existing you to spy planes D-PdZfLS8rc-00131-00035285-00035539 and Lockheed secured contractual rights D-PdZfLS8rc-00132-00035540-00035887 to produce it Kelly Johnson and his team D-PdZfLS8rc-00133-00035888-00036115 at Lockheed skunkworks were assigned to D-PdZfLS8rc-00134-00036116-00036454 produce the a12 oxcart which operated at D-PdZfLS8rc-00135-00036455-00036787 high altitude of 70,000 to 80,000 feet D-PdZfLS8rc-00136-00036788-00037087 in speed of mach 3.2 to avoid radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00137-00037088-00037435 detection various plane shapes designed D-PdZfLS8rc-00138-00037436-00037678 to reduce radar detection were developed D-PdZfLS8rc-00139-00037679-00038107 in earlier prototypes named a12 a 11 the D-PdZfLS8rc-00140-00038108-00038338 a12 included a number of stealthy D-PdZfLS8rc-00141-00038339-00038560 features including special fuel to D-PdZfLS8rc-00142-00038561-00038743 reduce the signature of the exhaust D-PdZfLS8rc-00143-00038744-00039043 plume canted vertical stabilizers the D-PdZfLS8rc-00144-00039044-00039259 use of composite materials in key D-PdZfLS8rc-00145-00039260-00039490 locations and the overall finish in D-PdZfLS8rc-00146-00039491-00039883 radar absorbing paint in 1960 the USAF D-PdZfLS8rc-00147-00039884-00040126 reduced the radar cross-section of Orion D-PdZfLS8rc-00148-00040127-00040498 q2c fire B drone this was achieved D-PdZfLS8rc-00149-00040499-00040726 through specially designed screens over D-PdZfLS8rc-00150-00040727-00040999 the air intake radar absorbent material D-PdZfLS8rc-00151-00041000-00041170 on the fuselage and a special D-PdZfLS8rc-00152-00041171-00041488 radar-absorbing paint during the 1970s D-PdZfLS8rc-00153-00041489-00041719 the US Department of Defense launched D-PdZfLS8rc-00154-00041720-00041947 project Lockheed have blue with the aim D-PdZfLS8rc-00155-00041948-00042229 of developing a stealth fighter there D-PdZfLS8rc-00156-00042230-00042433 was fierce bidding between Lockheed and D-PdZfLS8rc-00157-00042434-00042640 Northrop to secure the multi-billion D-PdZfLS8rc-00158-00042641-00042967 dollar contract Lockheed incorporated D-PdZfLS8rc-00159-00042968-00043138 into its bid a text written by the D-PdZfLS8rc-00160-00043139-00043390 Soviet Russian physicist plot EU D-PdZfLS8rc-00161-00043391-00043741 ffensive from 1962 titled method of edge D-PdZfLS8rc-00162-00043742-00043927 waves in the physical theory of D-PdZfLS8rc-00163-00043928-00044214 diffraction Soviet radio Moscow D-PdZfLS8rc-00164-00044215-00044734 1962 in 1971 this book was translated D-PdZfLS8rc-00165-00044735-00044983 into English with the same title by US D-PdZfLS8rc-00166-00044984-00045244 Air Force foreign technology division D-PdZfLS8rc-00167-00045245-00045540 the theory played a critical role in the D-PdZfLS8rc-00168-00045541-00045825 design of American stealth aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00169-00045826-00046237 f-117 and B two equations outlined in D-PdZfLS8rc-00170-00046238-00046483 the paper quantified how a plane shape D-PdZfLS8rc-00171-00046484-00046738 would affect its detect ability by radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00172-00046739-00047137 its radar cross-section RCS this was D-PdZfLS8rc-00173-00047138-00047335 applied by Lockheed in computer D-PdZfLS8rc-00174-00047336-00047571 simulation to design a novel shape they D-PdZfLS8rc-00175-00047572-00047899 called the hopeless diamond a wordplay D-PdZfLS8rc-00176-00047900-00048163 on the Hope Diamond securing contractual D-PdZfLS8rc-00177-00048164-00048490 rights to produce the f-117 Nighthawk D-PdZfLS8rc-00178-00048491-00049030 starting in 1975 in 1977 lockheed D-PdZfLS8rc-00179-00049031-00049327 produced to 60% scale models under the D-PdZfLS8rc-00180-00049328-00049675 have blue contract the have blue program D-PdZfLS8rc-00181-00049676-00049888 was a stealth technology demonstrator D-PdZfLS8rc-00182-00049889-00050437 that lasted from 1976 to 1979 also the D-PdZfLS8rc-00183-00050438-00050640 Northrop Grumman tacit blue played a D-PdZfLS8rc-00184-00050641-00050854 part in the development of composite D-PdZfLS8rc-00185-00050855-00051090 material and curvilinear surfaces as D-PdZfLS8rc-00186-00051091-00051388 well as low observables fly-by-wire and D-PdZfLS8rc-00187-00051389-00051729 other stealth technology innovations the D-PdZfLS8rc-00188-00051730-00051942 success of have blue LED the Air Force D-PdZfLS8rc-00189-00051944-00052191 to create the senior trend program which D-PdZfLS8rc-00190-00052192-00052961 developed the f-117 D-PdZfLS8rc-00191-00052962-00053533 topic principles D-PdZfLS8rc-00192-00053534-00053845 stealth technology or low for low D-PdZfLS8rc-00193-00053846-00054160 observability is not a single technology D-PdZfLS8rc-00194-00054161-00054454 it is a combination of technologies that D-PdZfLS8rc-00195-00054454-00054694 attempt to greatly reduce the distances D-PdZfLS8rc-00196-00054695-00054898 at which a person or vehicle can be D-PdZfLS8rc-00197-00054899-00055099 detected in particular radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00198-00055100-00055315 cross-section reductions but also D-PdZfLS8rc-00199-00055316-00056116 acoustic thermal and other aspects D-PdZfLS8rc-00200-00056117-00056957 topic radar cross-section RCS reductions D-PdZfLS8rc-00201-00056958-00057200 almost since the invention of radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00202-00057201-00057413 various methods have been tried to D-PdZfLS8rc-00203-00057414-00057734 minimize detection rapid development of D-PdZfLS8rc-00204-00057735-00057959 radar during World War two led to D-PdZfLS8rc-00205-00057960-00058150 equally rapid development of numerous D-PdZfLS8rc-00206-00058151-00058412 counter radar measures during the period D-PdZfLS8rc-00207-00058413-00058649 a notable example of this was the use of D-PdZfLS8rc-00208-00058650-00058966 chaff modern methods include radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00209-00058967-00059363 jamming and deception the term stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00210-00059364-00059690 in reference to reduced radar signature D-PdZfLS8rc-00211-00059691-00059903 aircraft became popular during the late D-PdZfLS8rc-00212-00059904-00060266 80s when the Lockheed Martin f-117 D-PdZfLS8rc-00213-00060266-00060599 stealth fighter became widely known the D-PdZfLS8rc-00214-00060600-00060871 first large-scale and public use of the D-PdZfLS8rc-00215-00060872-00061321 f-117 was during the Gulf War in 1991 D-PdZfLS8rc-00216-00061322-00061726 however f-117a stealth fighters were D-PdZfLS8rc-00217-00061727-00061973 used for the first time in combat during D-PdZfLS8rc-00218-00061974-00062242 Operation just caused the United States D-PdZfLS8rc-00219-00062244-00063015 invasion of Panama in 1989 D-PdZfLS8rc-00220-00063016-00063559 topic vehicle shape D-PdZfLS8rc-00221-00063560-00063884 you D-PdZfLS8rc-00222-00063885-00064388 topic aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00223-00064389-00064664 the possibility of designing aircraft in D-PdZfLS8rc-00224-00064665-00064883 such a manner is to reduce their radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00225-00064884-00065111 cross-section was recognized in the late D-PdZfLS8rc-00226-00065112-00065399 1930s when the first radar tracking D-PdZfLS8rc-00227-00065400-00065627 systems were employed and it has been D-PdZfLS8rc-00228-00065628-00065894 known since at least the 1960s that D-PdZfLS8rc-00229-00065895-00066113 aircraft shape makes a significant D-PdZfLS8rc-00230-00066114-00066422 difference in detectability the Avro D-PdZfLS8rc-00231-00066423-00066755 Vulcan a British bomber of the 1960s had D-PdZfLS8rc-00232-00066756-00067004 a remarkably small appearance on radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00233-00067005-00067265 despite its large size and occasionally D-PdZfLS8rc-00234-00067266-00067501 disappeared from radar screens entirely D-PdZfLS8rc-00235-00067502-00067745 it is now known that it had a D-PdZfLS8rc-00236-00067746-00067997 fortuitously stealthy shape apart from D-PdZfLS8rc-00237-00067998-00068315 the vertical element of the tail despite D-PdZfLS8rc-00238-00068316-00068519 being designed before a low radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00239-00068520-00068789 cross-section RCS and other stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00240-00068790-00069017 factors were ever a consideration a D-PdZfLS8rc-00241-00069018-00069260 royal aircraft establishment technical D-PdZfLS8rc-00242-00069261-00069572 note of 1957 stated that of all the D-PdZfLS8rc-00243-00069573-00069827 aircraft so far studied the Vulcan D-PdZfLS8rc-00244-00069828-00070049 appeared by far the simplest radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00245-00070050-00070319 echoing object due to its shape only one D-PdZfLS8rc-00246-00070320-00070508 or two components contributing D-PdZfLS8rc-00247-00070509-00070751 significantly to the echo at any aspect D-PdZfLS8rc-00248-00070752-00070919 one of them being the vertical D-PdZfLS8rc-00249-00070920-00071144 stabilizer which is especially relevant D-PdZfLS8rc-00250-00071145-00071456 for side aspect RCS compared with three D-PdZfLS8rc-00251-00071457-00071750 or more on most other types while D-PdZfLS8rc-00252-00071751-00072011 writing about radar systems authors D-PdZfLS8rc-00253-00072012-00072275 Simon Kingsley and Sean Creegan singled D-PdZfLS8rc-00254-00072276-00072476 out the Vulcan shape is acting to reduce D-PdZfLS8rc-00255-00072477-00072947 the RCS in contrast the tupolev 95 D-PdZfLS8rc-00256-00072948-00073187 Russian long-range bomber nato reporting D-PdZfLS8rc-00257-00073188-00073592 name bear was conspicuous on radar it is D-PdZfLS8rc-00258-00073593-00073787 now known that propellers and jet D-PdZfLS8rc-00259-00073788-00074033 turbine blades produce a bright radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00260-00074034-00074281 image the bear has four pairs of large D-PdZfLS8rc-00261-00074282-00074549 5.6 meter diameter contra-rotating D-PdZfLS8rc-00262-00074550-00074969 propellers another important factor is D-PdZfLS8rc-00263-00074970-00075224 internal construction some stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00264-00075225-00075434 aircraft have skin that is radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00265-00075435-00075695 transparent or absorbing behind which a D-PdZfLS8rc-00266-00075696-00075976 structures termed reentrant triangles D-PdZfLS8rc-00267-00075977-00076274 radar waves penetrating the skin get D-PdZfLS8rc-00268-00076275-00076493 trapped in these structures reflecting D-PdZfLS8rc-00269-00076494-00076747 off the internal faces and losing energy D-PdZfLS8rc-00270-00076748-00077021 this method was first used on the D-PdZfLS8rc-00271-00077022-00077417 Blackbird series a-12 yf-12 a Lockheed D-PdZfLS8rc-00272-00077418-00077718 sr-71 blackbird D-PdZfLS8rc-00273-00077719-00077964 the most efficient way to reflect radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00274-00077965-00078195 waves back to the emitting radar is with D-PdZfLS8rc-00275-00078196-00078453 orthogonal metal plates forming a corner D-PdZfLS8rc-00276-00078454-00078624 reflector consisting of either a D-PdZfLS8rc-00277-00078625-00078927 dihedral two plates or a trihedral three D-PdZfLS8rc-00278-00078928-00079215 orthogonal plates this configuration D-PdZfLS8rc-00279-00079216-00079458 occurs in the tail of a conventional D-PdZfLS8rc-00280-00079459-00079641 aircraft where the vertical and D-PdZfLS8rc-00281-00079642-00079875 horizontal components of the Taylor set D-PdZfLS8rc-00282-00079876-00080211 at right angles stealth aircraft such as D-PdZfLS8rc-00283-00080212-00080529 the f-117 use a different arrangement D-PdZfLS8rc-00284-00080530-00080796 tilting the tail surfaces to reduce D-PdZfLS8rc-00285-00080797-00081029 corner reflections form between them a D-PdZfLS8rc-00286-00081030-00081324 more radical method is to eliminate the D-PdZfLS8rc-00287-00081325-00081696 tail completely as in the b-2 spirit the D-PdZfLS8rc-00288-00081697-00081960 b-2s clean low drag flying wing D-PdZfLS8rc-00289-00081961-00082158 configuration not only gives it D-PdZfLS8rc-00290-00082159-00082410 exceptional range but also reduces its D-PdZfLS8rc-00291-00082411-00082743 radar profile the flying wing design D-PdZfLS8rc-00292-00082744-00082962 most closely resembles a so called D-PdZfLS8rc-00293-00082963-00083226 infinite flat plate as vertical control D-PdZfLS8rc-00294-00083227-00083535 surfaces dramatically increase RCS the D-PdZfLS8rc-00295-00083536-00083751 perfect stealth shape as it would have D-PdZfLS8rc-00296-00083752-00084138 no angles to reflect back radar waves in D-PdZfLS8rc-00297-00084139-00084381 addition to altering the tail stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00298-00084382-00084591 design must bury the engines within the D-PdZfLS8rc-00299-00084592-00084867 wing or fuselage or in some cases where D-PdZfLS8rc-00300-00084868-00085110 stealth is applied to an extant aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00301-00085111-00085383 install baffles in the air intakes so D-PdZfLS8rc-00302-00085384-00085524 that the compressor blades are not D-PdZfLS8rc-00303-00085525-00085866 visible to radar a stealthy shape must D-PdZfLS8rc-00304-00085867-00086076 be devoid of complex bumps or D-PdZfLS8rc-00305-00086077-00086235 protrusions of any kind D-PdZfLS8rc-00306-00086236-00086460 meaning that weapons fuel tanks and D-PdZfLS8rc-00307-00086461-00086658 other stores must not be carried D-PdZfLS8rc-00308-00086659-00086985 externally any stealthy vehicle becomes D-PdZfLS8rc-00309-00086986-00087329 unsteady when a door or hatch opens D-PdZfLS8rc-00310-00087330-00087594 parallel alignment of edges or even D-PdZfLS8rc-00311-00087595-00087843 surfaces is also often used in stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00312-00087844-00088182 designs the technique involves using a D-PdZfLS8rc-00313-00088183-00088410 small number of edge all orientations in D-PdZfLS8rc-00314-00088411-00088659 the shape of the structure for example D-PdZfLS8rc-00315-00088660-00088995 on the f-22 a raptor the leading edges D-PdZfLS8rc-00316-00088996-00089193 of the wing and the tail planes are set D-PdZfLS8rc-00317-00089194-00089442 at the same angle other smaller D-PdZfLS8rc-00318-00089443-00089712 structures such as the air intake bypass D-PdZfLS8rc-00319-00089713-00089940 doors in the Air Refueling aperture also D-PdZfLS8rc-00320-00089941-00090291 use the same angles the effect of this D-PdZfLS8rc-00321-00090292-00090540 is to return a narrow radar signal in a D-PdZfLS8rc-00322-00090541-00090765 very specific direction away from the D-PdZfLS8rc-00323-00090766-00090972 radar emitter rather than returning a D-PdZfLS8rc-00324-00090973-00091102 diffuser signal did D-PdZfLS8rc-00325-00091103-00091444 at many angles the effect is sometimes D-PdZfLS8rc-00326-00091445-00091774 called glitter after the very brief D-PdZfLS8rc-00327-00091775-00091987 signal seen when the reflected beam D-PdZfLS8rc-00328-00091988-00092296 passes across a detector it can be D-PdZfLS8rc-00329-00092297-00092506 difficult for the radar operator to D-PdZfLS8rc-00330-00092507-00092716 distinguish between a glitter event and D-PdZfLS8rc-00331-00092717-00092899 a digital glitch in the processing D-PdZfLS8rc-00332-00092900-00093235 system stealth airframes sometimes D-PdZfLS8rc-00333-00093236-00093472 display distinctive serrations on some D-PdZfLS8rc-00334-00093473-00093756 exposed edges such as the engine ports D-PdZfLS8rc-00335-00093757-00094147 the yf-23 has such serrations on the D-PdZfLS8rc-00336-00094148-00094462 exhaust ports this is another example in D-PdZfLS8rc-00337-00094463-00094684 the parallel alignment of features this D-PdZfLS8rc-00338-00094685-00095041 time on the external airframe shaping D-PdZfLS8rc-00339-00095042-00095248 requirements detract greatly from an D-PdZfLS8rc-00340-00095249-00095556 aircraft's aerodynamic properties the D-PdZfLS8rc-00341-00095557-00095914 f-117 has poor aerodynamics is D-PdZfLS8rc-00342-00095915-00096154 inherently unstable and cannot be flown D-PdZfLS8rc-00343-00096155-00096501 without a fly-by-wire control system D-PdZfLS8rc-00344-00096502-00096766 similarly coating the cockpit canopy D-PdZfLS8rc-00345-00096767-00097030 with a thin film transparent conductor D-PdZfLS8rc-00346-00097031-00097282 vapor deposited gold or indium tin oxide D-PdZfLS8rc-00347-00097283-00097540 helps to reduce the aircraft's radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00348-00097541-00097786 profile because radar waves would D-PdZfLS8rc-00349-00097787-00098002 normally enter the cockpit reflect off D-PdZfLS8rc-00350-00098003-00098248 objects the inside of a cockpit has a D-PdZfLS8rc-00351-00098249-00098521 complex shape with a pilot helmet alone D-PdZfLS8rc-00352-00098522-00098779 forming a sizable return and possibly D-PdZfLS8rc-00353-00098780-00099004 return to the radar but the conductive D-PdZfLS8rc-00354-00099005-00099235 coating creates a controlled shape that D-PdZfLS8rc-00355-00099236-00099460 deflects the incoming radar waves away D-PdZfLS8rc-00356-00099461-00099742 from the radar the coating is thin D-PdZfLS8rc-00357-00099743-00099958 enough that it has no adverse effect on D-PdZfLS8rc-00358-00099959-00100526 pilot vision D-PdZfLS8rc-00359-00100527-00101016 topic ships D-PdZfLS8rc-00360-00101017-00101304 ships have also adopted similar methods D-PdZfLS8rc-00361-00101305-00101511 though the earlier arleigh burke-class D-PdZfLS8rc-00362-00101512-00101787 destroyer incorporated some signature D-PdZfLS8rc-00363-00101788-00102024 reduction features the norwegian sholde D-PdZfLS8rc-00364-00102025-00102255 class corvette was the first coastal D-PdZfLS8rc-00365-00102256-00102461 defense in the french la fayette class D-PdZfLS8rc-00366-00102463-00102681 frigate the first ocean-going stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00367-00102682-00103029 ship to enter service other examples of D-PdZfLS8rc-00368-00103030-00103278 the Taiwanese - o chang stealth corvette D-PdZfLS8rc-00369-00103279-00103578 german Saxon class frigates the Swedish D-PdZfLS8rc-00370-00103579-00103893 Visby class corvette the USS san antonio D-PdZfLS8rc-00371-00103894-00104118 amphibious transport dock and most D-PdZfLS8rc-00372-00104119-00104785 modern warship designs D-PdZfLS8rc-00373-00104786-00105315 topic materials D-PdZfLS8rc-00374-00105316-00105639 you D-PdZfLS8rc-00375-00105640-00106221 topic nonmetallic airframe D-PdZfLS8rc-00376-00106222-00106428 dielectric composites are more D-PdZfLS8rc-00377-00106429-00106626 transparent to radar whereas D-PdZfLS8rc-00378-00106627-00106858 electrically conductive materials such D-PdZfLS8rc-00379-00106858-00107100 as metals in carbon fibers reflect D-PdZfLS8rc-00380-00107101-00107323 electromagnetic energy incident on the D-PdZfLS8rc-00381-00107324-00107650 material surface composites may also D-PdZfLS8rc-00382-00107651-00107877 contain ferrite to optimize the D-PdZfLS8rc-00383-00107878-00108111 dielectric and magnetic properties of a D-PdZfLS8rc-00384-00108113-00108768 material for its application D-PdZfLS8rc-00385-00108769-00109423 topic radar-absorbing material D-PdZfLS8rc-00386-00109424-00109688 radar-absorbent material RAM often as D-PdZfLS8rc-00387-00109689-00109891 paints are used especially on the edges D-PdZfLS8rc-00388-00109892-00110254 of metal surfaces while the material and D-PdZfLS8rc-00389-00110255-00110498 thickness of Ram coatings can vary the D-PdZfLS8rc-00390-00110499-00110699 way they work is the same absorb D-PdZfLS8rc-00391-00110700-00110914 radiated energy from a ground or air D-PdZfLS8rc-00392-00110915-00111158 based radar station into the coating and D-PdZfLS8rc-00393-00111158-00111361 convert it to heat rather than reflect D-PdZfLS8rc-00394-00111363-00111668 it back current technologies include D-PdZfLS8rc-00395-00111669-00111926 dielectric composites and metal fibers D-PdZfLS8rc-00396-00111927-00112208 containing ferrite isotopes paint D-PdZfLS8rc-00397-00112208-00112411 comprises depositing pyramid-like D-PdZfLS8rc-00398-00112413-00112658 colonies on the reflecting superficies D-PdZfLS8rc-00399-00112658-00112858 with the gaps filled with ferrite based D-PdZfLS8rc-00400-00112859-00113188 Ram the pyramidal structure deflects the D-PdZfLS8rc-00401-00113189-00113426 incident radar energy in the maze of RAM D-PdZfLS8rc-00402-00113427-00113747 a commonly used material is known as D-PdZfLS8rc-00403-00113748-00114076 iron ball paint iron ball paint contains D-PdZfLS8rc-00404-00114077-00114320 microscopic iron spheres that resonate D-PdZfLS8rc-00405-00114321-00114563 in tune with incoming radio waves and D-PdZfLS8rc-00406-00114564-00114760 dissipate the majority of their energy D-PdZfLS8rc-00407-00114761-00114971 as heat leaving little to bounce back D-PdZfLS8rc-00408-00114972-00115360 two detectors FSS are planar periodic D-PdZfLS8rc-00409-00115361-00115582 structures that behave like filters to D-PdZfLS8rc-00410-00115583-00115895 electromagnetic energy the considered D-PdZfLS8rc-00411-00115896-00116104 frequency selective surfaces are D-PdZfLS8rc-00412-00116105-00116324 composed of conducting patch element D-PdZfLS8rc-00413-00116325-00116681 pasted on the ferrite layer FSS are used D-PdZfLS8rc-00414-00116682-00117389 for filtration and microwave absorption D-PdZfLS8rc-00415-00117390-00117713 topic radar stealth countermeasures and D-PdZfLS8rc-00416-00117714-00118114 limits D-PdZfLS8rc-00417-00118115-00118441 you D-PdZfLS8rc-00418-00118442-00119023 topic low-frequency radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00419-00119024-00119263 shaping offers far fewer stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00420-00119264-00119539 advantages against low-frequency radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00421-00119540-00119815 if the radar wavelength is roughly twice D-PdZfLS8rc-00422-00119816-00120046 the size of the target a half-wave D-PdZfLS8rc-00423-00120047-00120256 resonance effect can still generate a D-PdZfLS8rc-00424-00120257-00120652 significant return however low-frequency D-PdZfLS8rc-00425-00120653-00120895 radar is limited by lack of available D-PdZfLS8rc-00426-00120896-00121129 frequencies many are heavily used by D-PdZfLS8rc-00427-00121130-00121386 other systems by lack of accuracy of the D-PdZfLS8rc-00428-00121388-00121611 diffraction limited systems given their D-PdZfLS8rc-00429-00121613-00121867 long wavelengths and by the radars size D-PdZfLS8rc-00430-00121868-00122218 making it difficult to transport a long D-PdZfLS8rc-00431-00122219-00122449 wave radar may detect a target and D-PdZfLS8rc-00432-00122450-00122680 roughly locate it but not provide enough D-PdZfLS8rc-00433-00122681-00122953 information to identify it target it D-PdZfLS8rc-00434-00122954-00123175 with weapons or even to guide a fighter D-PdZfLS8rc-00435-00123176-00123705 to it D-PdZfLS8rc-00436-00123706-00124245 topic multiple emitters D-PdZfLS8rc-00437-00124246-00124503 much of the stealth comes in directions D-PdZfLS8rc-00438-00124504-00124695 different than a direct return D-PdZfLS8rc-00439-00124696-00125016 thus detection can be better achieved if D-PdZfLS8rc-00440-00125017-00125322 emitters are separate from receivers one D-PdZfLS8rc-00441-00125323-00125523 emitter separate from one receiver is D-PdZfLS8rc-00442-00125524-00125757 termed be static radar one or more D-PdZfLS8rc-00443-00125758-00125933 emitters separate from more than one D-PdZfLS8rc-00444-00125934-00126245 receiver is termed multi static radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00445-00126246-00126516 proposals exist to use reflections from D-PdZfLS8rc-00446-00126517-00126705 emitters such as civilian radio D-PdZfLS8rc-00447-00126706-00126911 transmitters including cellular D-PdZfLS8rc-00448-00126913-00127560 telephone radio towers D-PdZfLS8rc-00449-00127561-00128042 topic moore's law D-PdZfLS8rc-00450-00128043-00128300 by Moore's law the processing power D-PdZfLS8rc-00451-00128301-00128604 behind radar systems is rising over time D-PdZfLS8rc-00452-00128605-00128894 this will eventually erode the ability D-PdZfLS8rc-00453-00128895-00129606 of physical stealth to hide vehicles D-PdZfLS8rc-00454-00129607-00130179 topic ships wakes and spray D-PdZfLS8rc-00455-00130180-00130500 synthetic aperture side-scan radar can D-PdZfLS8rc-00456-00130501-00130701 be used to detect the location and D-PdZfLS8rc-00457-00130702-00130848 heading of ships from their wake D-PdZfLS8rc-00458-00130849-00131194 patterns these are detectable from orbit D-PdZfLS8rc-00459-00131195-00131451 when a ship moves through a Seaway it D-PdZfLS8rc-00460-00131452-00131679 throws up a cloud of spray which can be D-PdZfLS8rc-00461-00131680-00132340 detected by radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00462-00132341-00132912 topic acoustics D-PdZfLS8rc-00463-00132913-00133204 acoustic stealth plays a primary role in D-PdZfLS8rc-00464-00133205-00133417 submarine stealth as well as for ground D-PdZfLS8rc-00465-00133418-00133789 vehicles submarines use extensive rubber D-PdZfLS8rc-00466-00133790-00133990 mountings to isolate and avoid D-PdZfLS8rc-00467-00133991-00134185 mechanical noises that could reveal D-PdZfLS8rc-00468-00134186-00134431 locations to underwater passive sonar D-PdZfLS8rc-00469-00134432-00134794 arrays early stealth observation D-PdZfLS8rc-00470-00134795-00135025 aircraft used slow turning propellers to D-PdZfLS8rc-00471-00135026-00135321 avoid being heard by enemy troops below D-PdZfLS8rc-00472-00135322-00135625 stealth aircraft that stay subsonic can D-PdZfLS8rc-00473-00135626-00135937 avoid being tracked by sonic boom the D-PdZfLS8rc-00474-00135938-00136156 presence of supersonic and jet-powered D-PdZfLS8rc-00475-00136157-00136408 stealth aircraft such as the sr-71 D-PdZfLS8rc-00476-00136409-00136657 blackbird indicates that acoustic D-PdZfLS8rc-00477-00136658-00136885 signature is not always a major driver D-PdZfLS8rc-00478-00136886-00137113 in aircraft design as the Blackbird D-PdZfLS8rc-00479-00137114-00137353 relied more on its extremely high speed D-PdZfLS8rc-00480-00137354-00137493 and altitude D-PdZfLS8rc-00481-00137494-00137751 one possible technique for reducing D-PdZfLS8rc-00482-00137752-00138022 helicopter rotor noise is modulated D-PdZfLS8rc-00483-00138023-00138358 blade spacing standard rotor blades are D-PdZfLS8rc-00484-00138359-00138604 evenly spaced and produced greater noise D-PdZfLS8rc-00485-00138605-00138808 at a particular frequency in its D-PdZfLS8rc-00486-00138809-00139132 harmonics using varying degrees of D-PdZfLS8rc-00487-00139133-00139345 spacing between the blade spreads the D-PdZfLS8rc-00488-00139346-00139570 noise or acoustic signature of the rotor D-PdZfLS8rc-00489-00139571-00140345 over a greater range of frequencies D-PdZfLS8rc-00490-00140346-00140898 topic visibility D-PdZfLS8rc-00491-00140899-00141138 the simplest technology is visual D-PdZfLS8rc-00492-00141139-00141378 camouflage the use of paint or other D-PdZfLS8rc-00493-00141379-00141576 materials to color and break up the D-PdZfLS8rc-00494-00141577-00141915 lines of the vehicle or person most D-PdZfLS8rc-00495-00141916-00142149 stealth aircraft use matte paint and D-PdZfLS8rc-00496-00142150-00142436 dark colors and operate only at night D-PdZfLS8rc-00497-00142437-00142710 lately interest in daylight stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00498-00142711-00143013 especially by the USAF has emphasized D-PdZfLS8rc-00499-00143014-00143238 the use of gray paint in disruptive D-PdZfLS8rc-00500-00143239-00143469 schemes and it is assumed that yahoodi D-PdZfLS8rc-00501-00143470-00143670 lights could be used in the future to D-PdZfLS8rc-00502-00143671-00143880 hide the airframe against the background D-PdZfLS8rc-00503-00143881-00144144 of the sky including at night aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00504-00144145-00144399 of any color appear dark or as a sort of D-PdZfLS8rc-00505-00144400-00144780 active camouflage the original b2 design D-PdZfLS8rc-00506-00144781-00145032 had wing tanks for a contrail inhibiting D-PdZfLS8rc-00507-00145033-00145248 chemical alleged by some to be chloro D-PdZfLS8rc-00508-00145249-00145470 fluoro sulphonic acid but this was D-PdZfLS8rc-00509-00145471-00145662 replaced in the final design with a D-PdZfLS8rc-00510-00145663-00145893 contrail sensor that alerts the pilot D-PdZfLS8rc-00511-00145894-00146073 when he should change altitude and D-PdZfLS8rc-00512-00146074-00146250 mission planning also considers D-PdZfLS8rc-00513-00146251-00146460 altitudes where the probability of their D-PdZfLS8rc-00514-00146461-00146865 formation is minimized in space mirrored D-PdZfLS8rc-00515-00146866-00147069 surfaces can be employed to reflect D-PdZfLS8rc-00516-00147070-00147285 views of empty space toward known or D-PdZfLS8rc-00517-00147286-00147519 suspected observers this approach is D-PdZfLS8rc-00518-00147520-00147735 compatible with several radar stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00519-00147736-00148038 schemes careful control of the D-PdZfLS8rc-00520-00148039-00148272 orientation of the satellite relative to D-PdZfLS8rc-00521-00148273-00148500 the observers is essential and mistakes D-PdZfLS8rc-00522-00148501-00148737 can lead to detect ability enhancement D-PdZfLS8rc-00523-00148738-00149431 rather than the desired reduction D-PdZfLS8rc-00524-00149432-00149958 topic infrared D-PdZfLS8rc-00525-00149959-00150191 an exhaust plume contributes a D-PdZfLS8rc-00526-00150192-00150479 significant infrared signature one means D-PdZfLS8rc-00527-00150480-00150738 to reduce IR signature is to have a non D-PdZfLS8rc-00528-00150739-00150996 circular tailpipe a slit shape to D-PdZfLS8rc-00529-00150997-00151209 minimize the exhaust cross sectional D-PdZfLS8rc-00530-00151210-00151427 area and maximize the mixing of hot D-PdZfLS8rc-00531-00151428-00151709 exhaust with cool ambient air C Lockheed D-PdZfLS8rc-00532-00151710-00152153 f-117 nighthawk often cool air is D-PdZfLS8rc-00533-00152154-00152325 deliberately injected into the exhaust D-PdZfLS8rc-00534-00152326-00152670 flow to boost this process see Ryan a QM D-PdZfLS8rc-00535-00152671-00152964 91 Firefly and Northrop Grumman b-2 D-PdZfLS8rc-00536-00152965-00153276 spirit according to the stefan-boltzmann D-PdZfLS8rc-00537-00153277-00153554 law this results in less energy thermal D-PdZfLS8rc-00538-00153555-00153807 radiation in infrared spectrum being D-PdZfLS8rc-00539-00153808-00153999 released and thus reduces the heat D-PdZfLS8rc-00540-00154000-00154356 signature sometimes the jet exhaust is D-PdZfLS8rc-00541-00154357-00154572 vented above the wing surface to shield D-PdZfLS8rc-00542-00154573-00154776 it from observers below as in the D-PdZfLS8rc-00543-00154777-00155141 Lockheed f-117 Nighthawk and the unstuff D-PdZfLS8rc-00544-00155142-00155440 ii fairchild republic a-10 Thunderbolt 2 D-PdZfLS8rc-00545-00155441-00155760 to achieve infrared stealth the exhaust D-PdZfLS8rc-00546-00155761-00155970 gas is cooled to the temperatures where D-PdZfLS8rc-00547-00155971-00156171 the brightest wavelengths it radiates D-PdZfLS8rc-00548-00156172-00156363 are absorbed by atmospheric carbon D-PdZfLS8rc-00549-00156364-00156641 dioxide and water vapor dramatically D-PdZfLS8rc-00550-00156642-00156863 reducing the infrared visibility of the D-PdZfLS8rc-00551-00156864-00157194 exhaust plume another way to reduce the D-PdZfLS8rc-00552-00157195-00157410 exhaust temperature is to circulate D-PdZfLS8rc-00553-00157411-00157647 coolant fluid such as fuel inside the D-PdZfLS8rc-00554-00157648-00157889 exhaust pipe where the fuel tank service D-PdZfLS8rc-00555-00157890-00158109 heat sinks cooled by the flow of air D-PdZfLS8rc-00556-00158110-00158354 along the wings ground combat includes D-PdZfLS8rc-00557-00158355-00158532 the use of both active and passive D-PdZfLS8rc-00558-00158533-00158850 infrared sensors and so the USMC ground D-PdZfLS8rc-00559-00158851-00159104 combat uniform requirements document D-PdZfLS8rc-00560-00159105-00159348 specifies infrared reflective quality D-PdZfLS8rc-00561-00159349-00159946 standards D-PdZfLS8rc-00562-00159947-00160335 topic reducing radio frequency RF D-PdZfLS8rc-00563-00160336-00160804 emissions D-PdZfLS8rc-00564-00160805-00161059 in addition to reducing infrared and D-PdZfLS8rc-00565-00161060-00161266 acoustic emissions a stealth vehicle D-PdZfLS8rc-00566-00161267-00161468 must avoid radiating any other D-PdZfLS8rc-00567-00161469-00161686 detectable energy such as from onboard D-PdZfLS8rc-00568-00161687-00162016 radars communication systems or RF D-PdZfLS8rc-00569-00162017-00162358 leakage from electronics enclosures the D-PdZfLS8rc-00570-00162359-00162709 f-117 uses passive infrared and low D-PdZfLS8rc-00571-00162710-00162968 light level television sensor systems to D-PdZfLS8rc-00572-00162969-00163240 aim its weapons in the f-22 Raptor has D-PdZfLS8rc-00573-00163241-00163483 an advanced LPI radar which can D-PdZfLS8rc-00574-00163484-00163658 illuminate enemy aircraft without D-PdZfLS8rc-00575-00163659-00163864 triggering a radar warning receiver D-PdZfLS8rc-00576-00163865-00164478 response D-PdZfLS8rc-00577-00164479-00164998 topic measuring D-PdZfLS8rc-00578-00164999-00165291 the size of a targets image on radar is D-PdZfLS8rc-00579-00165292-00165513 measured by the radar cross-section or D-PdZfLS8rc-00580-00165514-00165793 RC s often represented by the symbol D-PdZfLS8rc-00581-00165794-00166040 Sigma and expressed in square meters D-PdZfLS8rc-00582-00166041-00166368 this does not equal geometric area a D-PdZfLS8rc-00583-00166369-00166660 perfectly conducting sphere of projected D-PdZfLS8rc-00584-00166661-00166953 cross-sectional area 1 square meter ie a D-PdZfLS8rc-00585-00166954-00167245 diameter of one point 1 3 meters will D-PdZfLS8rc-00586-00167246-00167494 have an RCS of 1 square meter D-PdZfLS8rc-00587-00167495-00167778 note that for radar wavelengths much D-PdZfLS8rc-00588-00167779-00168039 less than the diameter of the sphere RCS D-PdZfLS8rc-00589-00168040-00168421 is independent of frequency conversely a D-PdZfLS8rc-00590-00168422-00168706 square flat plate of area 1 square meter D-PdZfLS8rc-00591-00168707-00169014 will have an RCS of Sigma equals 4 PI a D-PdZfLS8rc-00592-00169015-00169362 2 lambda 2 where a equals area lambda D-PdZfLS8rc-00593-00169363-00169803 equals wavelength or 13,000 982 square D-PdZfLS8rc-00594-00169804-00170059 metres at ten gigahertz if the radar is D-PdZfLS8rc-00595-00170060-00170398 perpendicular to the flat surface at off D-PdZfLS8rc-00596-00170399-00170623 normal incident angles energy is D-PdZfLS8rc-00597-00170624-00170790 reflected away from the receiver D-PdZfLS8rc-00598-00170791-00171165 reducing the RCS modern stealth aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00599-00171166-00171448 are said to have an RCS comparable with D-PdZfLS8rc-00600-00171449-00171706 small birds or large insects though this D-PdZfLS8rc-00601-00171707-00171943 varies widely depending on aircraft and D-PdZfLS8rc-00602-00171944-00172369 radar if the RCS was directly related to D-PdZfLS8rc-00603-00172370-00172609 the targets cross-sectional area the D-PdZfLS8rc-00604-00172610-00172815 only way to reduce it would be to make D-PdZfLS8rc-00605-00172816-00173160 the physical profile smaller rather by D-PdZfLS8rc-00606-00173161-00173407 reflecting much of the radiation away or D-PdZfLS8rc-00607-00173408-00173640 by absorbing it the target achieves a D-PdZfLS8rc-00608-00173641-00174348 smaller radar cross-section D-PdZfLS8rc-00609-00174349-00174920 topic tactics D-PdZfLS8rc-00610-00174921-00175166 stealthy strike aircraft such as the D-PdZfLS8rc-00611-00175167-00175508 Lockheed f-117 nighthawk are usually D-PdZfLS8rc-00612-00175509-00175718 used against heavily defended enemy D-PdZfLS8rc-00613-00175719-00175892 sites such as command and control D-PdZfLS8rc-00614-00175893-00176186 centers or surface-to-air missile Sam D-PdZfLS8rc-00615-00176187-00176516 batteries enemy radar will cover the D-PdZfLS8rc-00616-00176517-00176693 airspace around these sites with D-PdZfLS8rc-00617-00176694-00176936 overlapping coverage making undetected D-PdZfLS8rc-00618-00176937-00177170 entry by conventional aircraft nearly D-PdZfLS8rc-00619-00177171-00177509 impossible stealthy aircraft can also be D-PdZfLS8rc-00620-00177510-00177752 detected but only at short ranges around D-PdZfLS8rc-00621-00177753-00178034 the radars for a stealthy aircraft there D-PdZfLS8rc-00622-00178035-00178229 are substantial gaps in the radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00623-00178230-00178300 coverage D-PdZfLS8rc-00624-00178301-00178589 thus a stealthy aircraft flying an D-PdZfLS8rc-00625-00178590-00178817 appropriate route can remain undetected D-PdZfLS8rc-00626-00178818-00179168 by radar even if a stealth aircraft is D-PdZfLS8rc-00627-00179169-00179462 detected fire control radars operating D-PdZfLS8rc-00628-00179463-00179765 in c x and qu bands cannot paint for D-PdZfLS8rc-00629-00179766-00180044 missile guidance low observable low jets D-PdZfLS8rc-00630-00180045-00180362 except at very close ranges many D-PdZfLS8rc-00631-00180363-00180608 ground-based radars exploit Doppler D-PdZfLS8rc-00632-00180609-00180878 filter to improve sensitivity to objects D-PdZfLS8rc-00633-00180879-00181121 having a radial velocity component with D-PdZfLS8rc-00634-00181122-00181427 respect to the radar mission planners D-PdZfLS8rc-00635-00181428-00181607 use their knowledge of enemy radar D-PdZfLS8rc-00636-00181608-00181853 locations in the RCS pattern of the D-PdZfLS8rc-00637-00181854-00182081 aircraft to design a flight path that D-PdZfLS8rc-00638-00182082-00182333 minimizes radial speed while presenting D-PdZfLS8rc-00639-00182334-00182588 the lowest RCS aspects of the aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00640-00182589-00182906 to the threat radar to be able to fly D-PdZfLS8rc-00641-00182907-00183293 these safe routes it is necessary to D-PdZfLS8rc-00642-00183294-00183563 understand an enemy's radar coverage see D-PdZfLS8rc-00643-00183564-00183881 electronic intelligence airborne or D-PdZfLS8rc-00644-00183882-00184238 mobile radar systems such as a WACS can D-PdZfLS8rc-00645-00184239-00184484 complicate tactical strategy for stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00646-00184485-00185088 operation D-PdZfLS8rc-00647-00185089-00185638 topic research D-PdZfLS8rc-00648-00185639-00185923 after the invention of meta surfaces the D-PdZfLS8rc-00649-00185924-00186187 conventional techniques of reducing RCS D-PdZfLS8rc-00650-00186188-00186481 have significantly been improved as D-PdZfLS8rc-00651-00186482-00186715 mentioned earlier the primary objective D-PdZfLS8rc-00652-00186716-00186903 in purpose shaping is to redirect D-PdZfLS8rc-00653-00186904-00187087 scattered waves away from the D-PdZfLS8rc-00654-00187088-00187323 backscattered direction or the source D-PdZfLS8rc-00655-00187324-00187648 however it compromises the performance D-PdZfLS8rc-00656-00187649-00187972 in terms of aerodynamics one feasible D-PdZfLS8rc-00657-00187973-00188185 solution which has extensively been D-PdZfLS8rc-00658-00188186-00188416 explored in recent time is to utilize D-PdZfLS8rc-00659-00188417-00188623 meta surfaces which can redirect D-PdZfLS8rc-00660-00188624-00188833 scattered waves without altering the D-PdZfLS8rc-00661-00188834-00189139 geometry of the target such meta D-PdZfLS8rc-00662-00189140-00189403 surfaces can primarily be classified in D-PdZfLS8rc-00663-00189404-00189631 two categories I check aboard meta D-PdZfLS8rc-00664-00189632-00189865 surfaces eat gradient index meta D-PdZfLS8rc-00665-00189866-00190231 surfaces similarly negative index meta D-PdZfLS8rc-00666-00190232-00190474 materials or artificial structures for D-PdZfLS8rc-00667-00190475-00190693 which refractive index has a negative D-PdZfLS8rc-00668-00190694-00190963 value for some frequency range such as D-PdZfLS8rc-00669-00190964-00191209 in microwave infrared or possibly D-PdZfLS8rc-00670-00191210-00191473 optical these offer another way to D-PdZfLS8rc-00671-00191474-00191635 reduce detectability D-PdZfLS8rc-00672-00191636-00191875 and may provide electromagnetic near D-PdZfLS8rc-00673-00191876-00192189 invisibility in designed wavelengths D-PdZfLS8rc-00674-00192190-00192469 plasma stealth is a phenomenon proposed D-PdZfLS8rc-00675-00192470-00192808 to use ionized gas plasma to reduce RCS D-PdZfLS8rc-00676-00192809-00193125 of vehicle's interactions between D-PdZfLS8rc-00677-00193126-00193375 electromagnetic radiation and ionized D-PdZfLS8rc-00678-00193376-00193621 gas have been studied extensively for D-PdZfLS8rc-00679-00193622-00193843 many purposes including concealing D-PdZfLS8rc-00680-00193844-00194161 vehicles from radar various methods D-PdZfLS8rc-00681-00194162-00194398 might form a layer or cloud of plasma D-PdZfLS8rc-00682-00194399-00194620 around the vehicle to deflect or absorb D-PdZfLS8rc-00683-00194621-00194914 radar from simpler electrostatic to RF D-PdZfLS8rc-00684-00194915-00195178 more complex laser discharges but these D-PdZfLS8rc-00685-00195179-00195415 may be difficult in practice several D-PdZfLS8rc-00686-00195416-00195640 technology research and development D-PdZfLS8rc-00687-00195641-00195865 efforts exist to integrate the functions D-PdZfLS8rc-00688-00195866-00196111 of aircraft flight control systems such D-PdZfLS8rc-00689-00196112-00196420 as ailerons elevators Elavon x' flaps D-PdZfLS8rc-00690-00196421-00196684 and flaperons into wings to perform the D-PdZfLS8rc-00691-00196685-00196927 aerodynamic purpose with the advantages D-PdZfLS8rc-00692-00196928-00197203 of lower RCS for stealth via simpler D-PdZfLS8rc-00693-00197204-00197390 geometries and lower complexity D-PdZfLS8rc-00694-00197391-00197662 mechanically simpler fewer or no moving D-PdZfLS8rc-00695-00197663-00197962 parts or surfaces less maintenance and D-PdZfLS8rc-00696-00197963-00198349 lower maths cost up to 50% less drag up D-PdZfLS8rc-00697-00198350-00198724 to 15% less during use and inertia for D-PdZfLS8rc-00698-00198725-00198973 faster stronger control response to D-PdZfLS8rc-00699-00198974-00199015 chain D-PdZfLS8rc-00700-00199016-00199287 vehicle orientation to reduce detection D-PdZfLS8rc-00701-00199288-00199588 two promising approaches of flexible D-PdZfLS8rc-00702-00199589-00200002 wings and fluidics inflexible wings D-PdZfLS8rc-00703-00200003-00200221 much or all of the wing surface can D-PdZfLS8rc-00704-00200222-00200413 change shape in flight to deflect D-PdZfLS8rc-00705-00200414-00200752 airflow adaptive compliant wings are a D-PdZfLS8rc-00706-00200753-00201061 military and commercial effort the x53 D-PdZfLS8rc-00707-00201062-00201343 active Aero elastic wing was a US Air D-PdZfLS8rc-00708-00201344-00201778 Force Boeing and NASA effort in fluidics D-PdZfLS8rc-00709-00201779-00202015 fluid injection is being researched for D-PdZfLS8rc-00710-00202016-00202270 use in aircraft to control direction in D-PdZfLS8rc-00711-00202271-00202573 two ways circulation control and thrust D-PdZfLS8rc-00712-00202574-00202918 vectoring in both larger more complex D-PdZfLS8rc-00713-00202919-00203161 mechanical parts are replaced by smaller D-PdZfLS8rc-00714-00203162-00203452 simpler fluidic systems in which larger D-PdZfLS8rc-00715-00203453-00203701 forces in fluids are diverted by smaller D-PdZfLS8rc-00716-00203702-00203971 jets or flows of fluid intermittently to D-PdZfLS8rc-00717-00203972-00204280 change the direction of vehicles in D-PdZfLS8rc-00718-00204281-00204535 circulation control near the trailing D-PdZfLS8rc-00719-00204536-00204793 edges of wings aircraft flight control D-PdZfLS8rc-00720-00204794-00205033 systems are replaced by slots which emit D-PdZfLS8rc-00721-00205034-00205665 fluid flows D-PdZfLS8rc-00722-00205666-00206413 topic list of stealth aircraft D-PdZfLS8rc-00723-00206414-00207169 f-117 nighthawk b-2 spirit f-22 Raptor D-PdZfLS8rc-00724-00207171-00208240 f-35 lightning ii j 2257 D-PdZfLS8rc-00725-00208241-00208857 topic list of stealth ships D-PdZfLS8rc-00726-00208858-00209227 you D-PdZfLS8rc-00727-00209228-00209788 topic see also D-PdZfLS8rc-00728-00209789-00210073 horton brothers german engineers whose D-PdZfLS8rc-00729-00210073-00210259 planes were the models for the stealth D-PdZfLS8rc-00730-00210260-00210846 bombers multispectral camouflage petty D-PdZfLS8rc-00731-00210848-00211135 offensive soviet russian physicist who D-PdZfLS8rc-00732-00211136-00211348 created much of the original theory D-PdZfLS8rc-00733-00211348-00211828 behind radar stealth radar DANxIRWbyQU-00000-00000056-00000325 Jacqueline K Barton born New York City DANxIRWbyQU-00001-00000326-00000671 NY is an American chemist she worked as DANxIRWbyQU-00002-00000672-00000844 a professor of chemistry at Hunter DANxIRWbyQU-00003-00000846-00001139 College 1982 eighty two and at Columbia DANxIRWbyQU-00004-00001140-00001499 University 1983 to 89 before joining the DANxIRWbyQU-00005-00001500-00001796 California Institute of Technology 1989 DANxIRWbyQU-00006-00001797-00002138 to the present in 1997 she became the DANxIRWbyQU-00007-00002139-00002324 Arthur and Mary Anne Heche memorial DANxIRWbyQU-00008-00002325-00002597 professor of chemistry and in 2009 the DANxIRWbyQU-00009-00002598-00002774 chair of the division of chemistry and DANxIRWbyQU-00010-00002775-00003038 chemical engineering at Caltech she DANxIRWbyQU-00011-00003039-00003235 currently as the John G Kirkwood and DANxIRWbyQU-00012-00003236-00003428 Arthur a noise professor and Norman DANxIRWbyQU-00013-00003429-00003593 Davidson leadership chair of the DANxIRWbyQU-00014-00003594-00003758 division of chemistry and chemical DANxIRWbyQU-00015-00003759-00004081 engineering barton studies the chemical DANxIRWbyQU-00016-00004082-00004304 and physical properties of DNA in their DANxIRWbyQU-00017-00004305-00004583 roles in biological activities the DANxIRWbyQU-00018-00004584-00004772 primary focus of her research is DANxIRWbyQU-00019-00004773-00004976 transverse electron transport along DANxIRWbyQU-00020-00004977-00005252 double-stranded DNA its implications in DANxIRWbyQU-00021-00005253-00005513 the biology of DNA damage and repair and DANxIRWbyQU-00022-00005514-00005720 its potential for material sciences DANxIRWbyQU-00023-00005721-00005893 applications such as targeted DANxIRWbyQU-00024-00005894-00006097 chemotherapeutic treatments for cancer DANxIRWbyQU-00025-00006098-00006361 among many other awards Barton has DANxIRWbyQU-00026-00006362-00006584 received the 2011 National Medal of DANxIRWbyQU-00027-00006584-00007126 Science and the 2015 priestly Medal DANxIRWbyQU-00028-00007127-00007653 topic education DANxIRWbyQU-00029-00007654-00007898 Jacqueline Caplan attended Riverdale DANxIRWbyQU-00030-00007900-00008091 country school for girls in Riverdale DANxIRWbyQU-00031-00008092-00008307 New York where her math teacher mrs. DANxIRWbyQU-00032-00008308-00008484 Rosenberg insisted that she be allowed DANxIRWbyQU-00033-00008485-00008778 to take calculus at the boys school her DANxIRWbyQU-00034-00008779-00008988 interest in chemistry began at Barnard DANxIRWbyQU-00035-00008989-00009171 College where she studied physical DANxIRWbyQU-00036-00009172-00009321 chemistry with Bernie Siegel DANxIRWbyQU-00037-00009322-00009603 she loved laboratory work and chemical DANxIRWbyQU-00038-00009604-00009792 transformations and found Segal and DANxIRWbyQU-00039-00009793-00010071 inspiration as a teacher during her last DANxIRWbyQU-00040-00010072-00010284 year at Barnard she married Don Barton DANxIRWbyQU-00041-00010285-00010533 receiving her BA from Barnard College as DANxIRWbyQU-00042-00010534-00010746 Jacqueline Koppelman Barton summa DANxIRWbyQU-00043-00010747-00011145 laude in 1974 she then studied in DANxIRWbyQU-00044-00011146-00011391 organic chemistry at Columbia University DANxIRWbyQU-00045-00011392-00011568 under the supervision of Stephen Jay DANxIRWbyQU-00046-00011569-00011823 Lippert while at Columbia she began DANxIRWbyQU-00047-00011824-00012060 studying transition metal complexes and DANxIRWbyQU-00048-00012061-00012210 their possible applications to DANxIRWbyQU-00049-00012211-00012507 chemotherapy she earned a PhD in DANxIRWbyQU-00050-00012508-00012828 inorganic chemistry in 1979 addressing DANxIRWbyQU-00051-00012829-00013022 the structure and chemical reactivity of DANxIRWbyQU-00052-00013023-00013197 the blue platinum complex the DANxIRWbyQU-00053-00013197-00013419 interaction of anti-tumor latinum drugs DANxIRWbyQU-00054-00013419-00013622 and Mattel intercalation reagent with DANxIRWbyQU-00055-00013623-00014025 nucleic acids DANxIRWbyQU-00056-00014026-00014594 topic career and research DANxIRWbyQU-00057-00014594-00014880 after earning her PhD from Columbia in DANxIRWbyQU-00058-00014881-00015122 1979 Barton held postdoctoral DANxIRWbyQU-00059-00015122-00015316 appointments at Bell Labs in Yale DANxIRWbyQU-00060-00015318-00015518 University where she worked with Robert DANxIRWbyQU-00061-00015519-00015797 G Schulman she used nuclear magnetic DANxIRWbyQU-00062-00015797-00016043 resonance imaging technology to examine DANxIRWbyQU-00063-00016044-00016325 the metabolism of yeast cells Barton DANxIRWbyQU-00064-00016326-00016514 became a professor of chemistry at DANxIRWbyQU-00065-00016515-00016822 Hunter College from 1980 to 82 and began DANxIRWbyQU-00066-00016823-00017030 to develop her own laboratory the Barton DANxIRWbyQU-00067-00017031-00017272 research group while at Hunter she DANxIRWbyQU-00068-00017273-00017468 studied the interactions of zinc ions DANxIRWbyQU-00069-00017469-00017732 with DNA and later of ruthenium 2 and DANxIRWbyQU-00070-00017733-00018110 cobalt 3 complexes with DNA this enabled DANxIRWbyQU-00071-00018111-00018355 her to roughly model complexes on a DNA DANxIRWbyQU-00072-00018356-00018550 helix and to begin studying the photo DANxIRWbyQU-00073-00018551-00018761 physical and photochemical properties DANxIRWbyQU-00074-00018762-00019013 related to enantiomers in the 1980s she DANxIRWbyQU-00075-00019014-00019238 moved to Columbia University where she DANxIRWbyQU-00076-00019239-00019622 taught from 1983 to 1989 she became a DANxIRWbyQU-00077-00019623-00019897 full professor in 1986 and was the first DANxIRWbyQU-00078-00019898-00020087 woman to receive tenure in the chemistry DANxIRWbyQU-00079-00020088-00020353 department at Columbia her research DANxIRWbyQU-00080-00020354-00020544 focused on the use of organolithium DANxIRWbyQU-00081-00020545-00020741 complexes to examine the physical DANxIRWbyQU-00082-00020742-00021028 structure of DNA with Nicklaus DANxIRWbyQU-00083-00021029-00021227 duro and Vijay Kumar she studied the DANxIRWbyQU-00084-00021228-00021427 interactions of ruthenium phenanthroline DANxIRWbyQU-00085-00021428-00021700 complexes in DNA and was able to design DANxIRWbyQU-00086-00021701-00021893 binding molecules targeted to specific DANxIRWbyQU-00087-00021894-00022280 DNA sequences photosensitive ruthenium DANxIRWbyQU-00088-00022281-00022472 complexes would glow brightly when they DANxIRWbyQU-00089-00022473-00022678 attach to the DNA double helix DANxIRWbyQU-00090-00022679-00022958 when rhodium complexes were attached to DANxIRWbyQU-00091-00022959-00023162 the DNA they would attract the electron DANxIRWbyQU-00092-00023163-00023483 causing the glow and turn off the effect DANxIRWbyQU-00093-00023484-00023699 during her time at columbia barton DANxIRWbyQU-00094-00023700-00023891 obtained two patents for this method of DANxIRWbyQU-00095-00023892-00024230 analyzing DNA structure in 1989 barton DANxIRWbyQU-00096-00024231-00024425 moved to Caltech where her research has DANxIRWbyQU-00097-00024426-00024746 focused on charge transport in DNA by DANxIRWbyQU-00098-00024747-00024953 using specially designed chiral metal DANxIRWbyQU-00099-00024954-00025196 complexes as probes of DNA she has been DANxIRWbyQU-00100-00025197-00025430 able to study how DNA is damaged and DANxIRWbyQU-00101-00025431-00025777 repaired in DNA based diagnostic tests DANxIRWbyQU-00102-00025778-00025972 complexes are used to determine whether DANxIRWbyQU-00103-00025973-00026300 electrons can flow across the DNA if an DANxIRWbyQU-00104-00026301-00026483 electron could not move along the DNA DANxIRWbyQU-00105-00026483-00026677 the DNA would continue to glow DANxIRWbyQU-00106-00026678-00026887 indicating that there was damage in the DANxIRWbyQU-00107-00026888-00027104 DNA genetic molecule the research that DANxIRWbyQU-00108-00027105-00027374 Barton Katherine J Murphy Megan Nunez DANxIRWbyQU-00109-00027375-00027560 and others have done at Caltech has DANxIRWbyQU-00110-00027561-00027764 supported the idea of fast long-range DANxIRWbyQU-00111-00027764-00027943 electron transfer over DNA DANxIRWbyQU-00112-00027944-00028168 challenging accepted scientific views DANxIRWbyQU-00113-00028169-00028365 and causing considerable controversy DANxIRWbyQU-00114-00028366-00028648 based on years of studies Barton and her DANxIRWbyQU-00115-00028649-00028882 group theorized that DNA operates like a DANxIRWbyQU-00116-00028883-00029065 wire supporting a type of long-range DANxIRWbyQU-00117-00029066-00029308 signaling that enables repair proteins DANxIRWbyQU-00118-00029309-00029536 to detect and correct mistakes in DNA DANxIRWbyQU-00119-00029537-00029830 this view of DNA is deeper and more DANxIRWbyQU-00120-00029831-00030073 dynamic than previous views of DNA as a DANxIRWbyQU-00121-00030074-00030274 static library understanding the DANxIRWbyQU-00122-00030275-00030508 mediation of electron transfer chemistry DANxIRWbyQU-00123-00030509-00030701 by the DNA double helix has laid a DANxIRWbyQU-00124-00030702-00030868 foundation for the development of new DANxIRWbyQU-00125-00030869-00031087 diagnostic tools and for the possible DANxIRWbyQU-00126-00031088-00031393 design of novel chemotherapeutics Barton DANxIRWbyQU-00127-00031394-00031492 Eric Hamlin DANxIRWbyQU-00128-00031493-00031705 Shaina Kelly and Mike Hill created the DANxIRWbyQU-00129-00031706-00031930 company gene ium Sciences to explore the DANxIRWbyQU-00130-00031931-00032146 development of sensitive Diagnostics for DANxIRWbyQU-00131-00032147-00032464 detecting DNA mismatches the company has DANxIRWbyQU-00132-00032465-00032701 since been acquired by BD Diagnostics DANxIRWbyQU-00133-00032702-00032954 Barton has taught more than 100 graduate DANxIRWbyQU-00134-00032955-00033161 and postdoctoral students many of whom DANxIRWbyQU-00135-00033162-00033496 are women recognized as a superb role DANxIRWbyQU-00136-00033497-00033751 model not just for young women but for DANxIRWbyQU-00137-00033752-00034082 all young scientists Barton advises DANxIRWbyQU-00138-00034083-00034321 others that the best thing that I can do DANxIRWbyQU-00139-00034322-00034561 for women in science is first to do good DANxIRWbyQU-00140-00034562-00034912 science she became the Arthur and Marion DANxIRWbyQU-00141-00034913-00035107 hand ich memorial professor of chemistry DANxIRWbyQU-00142-00035108-00035440 in 1997 she was named chair of the DANxIRWbyQU-00143-00035441-00035611 division of chemistry and chemical DANxIRWbyQU-00144-00035612-00035827 engineering of California Institute of DANxIRWbyQU-00145-00035828-00036104 Technology effective July 1st 2009 DANxIRWbyQU-00146-00036105-00036313 Barton has been a member of the board of DANxIRWbyQU-00147-00036314-00036658 Dow Chemical since 1993 she has also DANxIRWbyQU-00148-00036659-00036901 served on the Gilead Sciences scientific DANxIRWbyQU-00149-00036902-00037252 advisory board 1989 to 2008 and recently DANxIRWbyQU-00150-00037253-00037442 became a member of Gilead --zz Board of DANxIRWbyQU-00151-00037443-00037679 Directors in 1990 she married Peter DANxIRWbyQU-00152-00037680-00037912 Devan a fellow chemist and professor at DANxIRWbyQU-00153-00037913-00038129 Caltech who is also a National Medal of DANxIRWbyQU-00154-00038130-00038407 Science winner she has two children a DANxIRWbyQU-00155-00038408-00038987 daughter Elizabeth and a stepson Andrew DANxIRWbyQU-00156-00038988-00039448 topic research summary DANxIRWbyQU-00157-00039449-00039682 Barton introduced the application of DANxIRWbyQU-00158-00039683-00039883 transition metal complexes to probe DANxIRWbyQU-00159-00039884-00040080 recognition and reactions of double DANxIRWbyQU-00160-00040081-00040387 helical DNA she has designed chiral DANxIRWbyQU-00161-00040388-00040558 metal complexes which mimic the DANxIRWbyQU-00162-00040559-00040771 properties of DNA binding proteins DANxIRWbyQU-00163-00040772-00040933 allowing other researchers the DANxIRWbyQU-00164-00040934-00041096 capability to simulate and analyze DANxIRWbyQU-00165-00041097-00041386 experiments in this nature Barton DANxIRWbyQU-00166-00041387-00041611 additionally established that DNA charge DANxIRWbyQU-00167-00041612-00041818 transport chemistry is extremely DANxIRWbyQU-00168-00041819-00042018 sensitive to intervening perturbations DANxIRWbyQU-00169-00042019-00042243 in the DNA base stack as with single DANxIRWbyQU-00170-00042244-00042496 base mismatches or lesions this DANxIRWbyQU-00171-00042497-00042699 discovery has been a cornerstone for the DANxIRWbyQU-00172-00042700-00042955 development of DNA based electrochemical DANxIRWbyQU-00173-00042956-00043304 sensors DANxIRWbyQU-00174-00043305-00043864 topic Awards & honors DANxIRWbyQU-00175-00043865-00044110 Barton was awarded the National Medal of DANxIRWbyQU-00176-00044111-00044392 Science by Barack Obama in 2011 for DANxIRWbyQU-00177-00044393-00044608 discovery of a new property of the DNA DANxIRWbyQU-00178-00044609-00044845 helix long-range electron transfer and DANxIRWbyQU-00179-00044846-00045018 for showing that electron transfer DANxIRWbyQU-00180-00045019-00045217 depends upon stacking of the base pairs DANxIRWbyQU-00181-00045218-00045546 and DNA dynamics her experiments reveal DANxIRWbyQU-00182-00045547-00045790 a strategy for how DNA repair proteins DANxIRWbyQU-00183-00045791-00046021 locate DNA lesions and demonstrate a DANxIRWbyQU-00184-00046022-00046285 biological role for DNA mediated charge DANxIRWbyQU-00185-00046286-00046908 transfer quote other awards include DANxIRWbyQU-00186-00046909-00047274 topic references DANxIRWbyQU-00187-00047275-00047437 you DANxIRWbyQU-00188-00047438-00047644 you DD_exSqG_Ky-00000-00000092-00000343 hi everybody Logan's your chef here and DD_exSqG_Ky-00001-00000344-00000494 today I'll be showing you how to make a DD_exSqG_Ky-00002-00000495-00000722 recipe from Thomas Keller's book ad hoc DD_exSqG_Ky-00003-00000723-00000956 at home now pulling it or not this copy DD_exSqG_Ky-00004-00000957-00001793 is wait for it sign by chef himself now DD_exSqG_Ky-00005-00001794-00002042 this is all possible from qingcheng DD_exSqG_Ky-00006-00002043-00002275 cutlery the makers of this phenomenal DD_exSqG_Ky-00007-00002276-00002957 knife also this is a senior now oh yeah DD_exSqG_Ky-00008-00002958-00003250 and also this thing if you're on the pin DD_exSqG_Ky-00009-00003251-00003586 really cool so I'll be using this knife DD_exSqG_Ky-00010-00003588-00003944 throughout the video and with that let's DD_exSqG_Ky-00011-00003945-00004343 get started so the first step is to make DD_exSqG_Ky-00012-00004344-00004829 this product aioli now for those of you DD_exSqG_Ky-00013-00004830-00005020 who don't know a OE is just a fancy word DD_exSqG_Ky-00014-00005021-00005291 for mayonnaise now chef Thomas Keller DD_exSqG_Ky-00015-00005292-00005441 does not want us to just use mayonnaise DD_exSqG_Ky-00016-00005442-00005804 because instead we will be making our DD_exSqG_Ky-00017-00005805-00006286 own a first step yolks this is four egg DD_exSqG_Ky-00018-00006287-00007137 yolks DD_exSqG_Ky-00019-00007138-00007408 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00020-00007409-00007756 it started DD_exSqG_Ky-00021-00007758-00008012 I'm going to slowly add in my car DD_exSqG_Ky-00022-00008013-00009381 confused when this is two cups DD_exSqG_Ky-00023-00009382-00009841 everything DD_exSqG_Ky-00024-00009842-00010117 you start to see it getting a flat lot DD_exSqG_Ky-00025-00010118-00010328 lighter in color also walks walking your DD_exSqG_Ky-00026-00010329-00012341 texture DD_exSqG_Ky-00027-00012342-00012960 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00028-00012961-00013161 start to see it becoming even lighter in DD_exSqG_Ky-00029-00013162-00014563 color DD_exSqG_Ky-00030-00014563-00015733 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00031-00015734-00016188 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00032-00016190-00016412 it's kind of done on the oil so I'm DD_exSqG_Ky-00033-00016413-00016570 gonna add in my seasoning DD_exSqG_Ky-00034-00016571-00017000 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00035-00017001-00017375 that's pepper clove it assault is this DD_exSqG_Ky-00036-00017376-00017819 animal and himself DD_exSqG_Ky-00037-00017820-00018343 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00038-00018344-00018529 lemon juice is really gonna brighten up DD_exSqG_Ky-00039-00018530-00018680 the flavors DD_exSqG_Ky-00040-00018681-00018911 should have also kind of give it a much DD_exSqG_Ky-00041-00018912-00019153 better time DD_exSqG_Ky-00042-00019154-00020461 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00043-00020462-00020741 okay I'm gonna give it a little stir DD_exSqG_Ky-00044-00020742-00021569 here oh I like that texture I'm gonna DD_exSqG_Ky-00045-00021570-00021859 try and mix it up again one more time DD_exSqG_Ky-00046-00021860-00022133 but how's it you tell it really has the DD_exSqG_Ky-00047-00022134-00022448 texture of mayo beautiful really creamy DD_exSqG_Ky-00048-00022449-00023032 I'm gonna do a small taste here mm-hmm DD_exSqG_Ky-00049-00023033-00023807 really good really framing no let's mix DD_exSqG_Ky-00050-00023808-00023997 it back up DD_exSqG_Ky-00051-00023998-00024798 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00052-00024799-00025278 okay well I'm calling that done a little DD_exSqG_Ky-00053-00025279-00025479 bit of oil left over but I'm gonna use DD_exSqG_Ky-00054-00025480-00025611 that later DD_exSqG_Ky-00055-00025612-00025836 pretty sure my aioli son so you can move DD_exSqG_Ky-00056-00025837-00026100 on to the next part of the recipe it's DD_exSqG_Ky-00057-00026101-00026349 time to make the salad dressing so we're DD_exSqG_Ky-00058-00026350-00026562 gonna start with our one cup of aioli DD_exSqG_Ky-00059-00026563-00027233 which we finished making then can see DD_exSqG_Ky-00060-00027235-00027423 that I've just got a lovely lovely DD_exSqG_Ky-00061-00027424-00027705 texture really beautifully thick and DD_exSqG_Ky-00062-00027706-00028795 creamy there we go next you're going to DD_exSqG_Ky-00063-00028797-00030214 our creme fraiche this is 1/2 a cup DD_exSqG_Ky-00064-00030215-00030595 we go and then I'm going to add our half DD_exSqG_Ky-00065-00030596-00031237 cup DD_exSqG_Ky-00066-00031238-00031840 oh we're just gonna give a little mix DD_exSqG_Ky-00067-00031841-00031970 and then we're gonna add in our DD_exSqG_Ky-00068-00031970-00032233 seasoning this is our garlic pepper or DD_exSqG_Ky-00069-00032234-00032630 garlic powder onion powder it's all that DD_exSqG_Ky-00070-00032631-00033851 rain it a little mix next way now it's DD_exSqG_Ky-00071-00033852-00034018 time for fun part we're gonna add in our DD_exSqG_Ky-00072-00034019-00034318 curves I already start with some chives DD_exSqG_Ky-00073-00034319-00035830 here these are going to be oh so DD_exSqG_Ky-00074-00035831-00035911 favorite DD_exSqG_Ky-00075-00035912-00036761 so these I'm in color next we're gonna DD_exSqG_Ky-00076-00036762-00037217 take in our parsley okay firstly here DD_exSqG_Ky-00077-00037218-00037723 really the same thing DD_exSqG_Ky-00078-00037724-00040293 ah our fresh herbs are in now I'm going DD_exSqG_Ky-00079-00040294-00041320 to take my whisk here I'm gonna whisk it DD_exSqG_Ky-00080-00041321-00041646 up I'm trying to get a really good DD_exSqG_Ky-00081-00041647-00041707 texture DD_exSqG_Ky-00082-00041708-00041917 well key things with whisking just DD_exSqG_Ky-00083-00041918-00042114 really trying to use your wrists your DD_exSqG_Ky-00084-00042115-00042339 wrists and not your entire arm this way DD_exSqG_Ky-00085-00042340-00042902 you can whisk for a lot longer beautiful DD_exSqG_Ky-00086-00042903-00043774 gorgeous oh it also starts to smell DD_exSqG_Ky-00087-00043775-00043861 really good DD_exSqG_Ky-00088-00043862-00044017 now next we're gonna add in our blue DD_exSqG_Ky-00089-00044018-00044621 cheese now here I just have some cheese DD_exSqG_Ky-00090-00044622-00045049 and we're gonna crumble it I'm just kind DD_exSqG_Ky-00091-00045050-00045262 of getting a nice mouth you know this is DD_exSqG_Ky-00092-00045263-00045367 kind of one of those moments where you DD_exSqG_Ky-00093-00045368-00045556 know by taste honey my blue cheese you DD_exSqG_Ky-00094-00045557-00045781 want know some people blue cheese is DD_exSqG_Ky-00095-00045782-00046212 very strong no favorite but I tend to DD_exSqG_Ky-00096-00046213-00046285 like it a lot DD_exSqG_Ky-00097-00046286-00046842 so Madden nazma DD_exSqG_Ky-00098-00046843-00047211 broum gets his troubles supposed to be DD_exSqG_Ky-00099-00047212-00047616 portrays this is actually a point raise DD_exSqG_Ky-00100-00047617-00048117 cheese and the recipe calls for one and DD_exSqG_Ky-00101-00048118-00048336 a half cups but keep it a little bit DD_exSqG_Ky-00102-00048337-00048474 lower that seems like a lot of blue DD_exSqG_Ky-00103-00048475-00049533 cheese for me now that our salad DD_exSqG_Ky-00104-00049534-00049964 dressing oh oh so beautiful DD_exSqG_Ky-00105-00049965-00050376 now I'm gonna put this up and move on to DD_exSqG_Ky-00106-00050377-00050517 the final yeah DD_exSqG_Ky-00107-00050518-00050930 alright so I'm gonna give this a taste DD_exSqG_Ky-00108-00050931-00051393 hmm probably use some more blue cheese DD_exSqG_Ky-00109-00051394-00051519 and a little bit DD_exSqG_Ky-00110-00051520-00051741 let me juice so I'm gonna add in the DD_exSqG_Ky-00111-00051742-00052311 lemon juice and I'm gonna add in some DD_exSqG_Ky-00112-00052312-00052581 more blue cheese wasn't quite cheesy DD_exSqG_Ky-00113-00052582-00053613 enough DD_exSqG_Ky-00114-00053614-00053880 it's more than keys oh look it's blue DD_exSqG_Ky-00115-00053881-00054334 cheesy goodness mmm we're gonna whisk DD_exSqG_Ky-00116-00054335-00055511 this up DD_exSqG_Ky-00117-00055512-00056352 you're that color so pretty DD_exSqG_Ky-00118-00056353-00057219 more time here consistency just perfect DD_exSqG_Ky-00119-00057220-00058158 for salad no taste DD_exSqG_Ky-00120-00058159-00058573 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00121-00058574-00058813 that's just mmm DD_exSqG_Ky-00122-00058814-00059369 off the chain oh man that's hmm you know DD_exSqG_Ky-00123-00059370-00059522 when you get something so simple yet DD_exSqG_Ky-00124-00059523-00059729 done so well where everything is just DD_exSqG_Ky-00125-00059729-00059963 perfectly balanced together and you just DD_exSqG_Ky-00126-00059964-00060422 get that moment that's this all right so DD_exSqG_Ky-00127-00060423-00060541 now that we have our cell addressing DD_exSqG_Ky-00128-00060542-00060698 done it's finally time to plate up the DD_exSqG_Ky-00129-00060699-00060899 dish we're gonna take our iceberg DD_exSqG_Ky-00130-00060900-00061837 lettuce here go ahead is that nice nice DD_exSqG_Ky-00131-00061838-00062044 since I'm gonna move for something a bit DD_exSqG_Ky-00132-00062045-00062240 more of a Grinch I'm gonna cut him in DD_exSqG_Ky-00133-00062241-00063469 two and four again so good to see that DD_exSqG_Ky-00134-00063470-00063725 for leader and next we're going to add DD_exSqG_Ky-00135-00063726-00064112 in our bacon now this is just some just DD_exSqG_Ky-00136-00064113-00064348 bake bacon should be pretty crispy DD_exSqG_Ky-00137-00064349-00064994 sprinkle it on delicious next we're DD_exSqG_Ky-00138-00064995-00065462 going to add in our oven preserved or DD_exSqG_Ky-00139-00065463-00065900 oven-dried tomatoes so with some extra DD_exSqG_Ky-00140-00065901-00066625 time I'm a massive fan of time DD_exSqG_Ky-00141-00066626-00067138 alright next we have our croutons these DD_exSqG_Ky-00142-00067139-00067384 are our baked brioche croutons DD_exSqG_Ky-00143-00067385-00067564 you know just brioche bread turned into DD_exSqG_Ky-00144-00067565-00067785 croutons pretty simple straightforward DD_exSqG_Ky-00145-00067786-00068272 you know nothing too hard there and fine DD_exSqG_Ky-00146-00068273-00068928 the time for the bleu cheese dressing DD_exSqG_Ky-00147-00068929-00069377 ready for the drizzle DD_exSqG_Ky-00148-00069378-00069962 look at that look the beautiful flow Oh DD_exSqG_Ky-00149-00069963-00071005 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00150-00071006-00071428 [Music] DD_exSqG_Ky-00151-00071429-00071888 Kabam there you have it how to make be DD_exSqG_Ky-00152-00071889-00072368 super amazing delicious and downright DD_exSqG_Ky-00153-00072369-00072823 perfect blue cheese salad time to enjoy DD_exSqG_Ky-00154-00072824-00073190 and this is all possible by King Shan DD_exSqG_Ky-00155-00073191-00073589 cutlery the makers Oh this phenomenal DD_exSqG_Ky-00156-00073590-00073898 knife and Thomas Keller a partner of it DD_exSqG_Ky-00157-00073899-00074600 though and so you go check out ad hoc at DD_exSqG_Ky-00158-00074601-00074858 home no taste it up really good stuff DD_exSqG_Ky-00159-00074859-00074990 really enjoyed it DD_exSqG_Ky-00160-00074991-00075386 ah so that's about it one of the t DD_exSqG_Ky-00161-00075387-00075734 enjoys I'll catch you guys on the flip DD_exSqG_Ky-00162-00075735-00075938 side DFBEgxYPWEE-00000-00000008-00000819 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00001-00000821-00001519 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00002-00001520-00002558 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00003-00002559-00002739 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00004-00002740-00003231 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00005-00003232-00004147 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00006-00004148-00004551 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00007-00004552-00005603 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00008-00005604-00005806 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00009-00005807-00006005 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00010-00006006-00007934 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00011-00007936-00008232 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00012-00008233-00009233 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00013-00009234-00010169 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00014-00010170-00011369 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00015-00011370-00011670 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00016-00011671-00012203 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00017-00012204-00013055 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00018-00013056-00013266 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00019-00013266-00015583 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00020-00015584-00016161 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00021-00016162-00017039 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00022-00017040-00017150 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00023-00017151-00018519 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00024-00018520-00018731 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00025-00018732-00020588 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00026-00020589-00022411 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00027-00022412-00023808 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00028-00023809-00024603 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00029-00024604-00025964 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00030-00025966-00026246 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00031-00026247-00026420 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00032-00026420-00027407 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00033-00027408-00027836 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00034-00027837-00028231 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00035-00028232-00028442 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00036-00028443-00030470 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00037-00030470-00030590 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00038-00030591-00031183 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00039-00031183-00033130 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00040-00033131-00033763 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00041-00033764-00034544 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00042-00034545-00035335 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00043-00035336-00035452 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00044-00035453-00036607 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00045-00036608-00037681 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00046-00037682-00038559 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00047-00038560-00039060 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00048-00039061-00039598 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00049-00039599-00042143 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00050-00042144-00042985 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00051-00042986-00044126 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00052-00044127-00045672 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00053-00045673-00046351 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00054-00046352-00046631 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00055-00046632-00047540 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00056-00047541-00048132 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00057-00048133-00049066 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00058-00049067-00049873 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00059-00049874-00050862 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00060-00050863-00051698 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00061-00051699-00052079 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00062-00052079-00052592 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00063-00052594-00053729 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00064-00053730-00054775 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00065-00054776-00055352 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00066-00055353-00056726 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00067-00056727-00057014 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00068-00057015-00057735 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00069-00057736-00058422 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00070-00058423-00059103 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00071-00059104-00059662 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00072-00059663-00061237 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00073-00061238-00062348 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00074-00062349-00064230 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00075-00064232-00064959 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00076-00064960-00065035 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00077-00065036-00065346 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00078-00065347-00066554 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00079-00066555-00067382 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00080-00067383-00067648 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00081-00067649-00068334 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00082-00068335-00068877 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00083-00068878-00069656 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00084-00069657-00070182 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00085-00070183-00070259 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00086-00070260-00071663 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00087-00071664-00072204 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00088-00072205-00072982 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00089-00072983-00073156 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00090-00073157-00073680 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00091-00073681-00074327 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00092-00074328-00076984 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00093-00076985-00077621 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00094-00077622-00077788 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00095-00077789-00078083 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00096-00078084-00078578 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00097-00078579-00078701 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00098-00078702-00079408 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00099-00079409-00081216 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00100-00081217-00081647 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00101-00081648-00081901 my DFBEgxYPWEE-00102-00081902-00083087 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00103-00083088-00083536 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00105-00086976-00087104 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00107-00093319-00093514 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00109-00096600-00096867 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00110-00096868-00098262 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00111-00098263-00098382 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00113-00104600-00105653 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00114-00105654-00106919 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00115-00106920-00108070 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00116-00108071-00109321 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00117-00109322-00109783 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00118-00109783-00110732 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00119-00110733-00112343 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00120-00112344-00113924 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00121-00113925-00114479 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00122-00114480-00114953 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00124-00118333-00120611 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00125-00120613-00122329 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00126-00122330-00123383 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00127-00123383-00123594 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00128-00123595-00124975 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00129-00124976-00125314 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00130-00125315-00126184 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00131-00126185-00127705 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00132-00127706-00128983 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00133-00128983-00129181 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00134-00129182-00130519 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00135-00130520-00130827 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00136-00130828-00132383 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00137-00132384-00133035 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00138-00133036-00133735 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00139-00133736-00133979 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00140-00133980-00135131 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00141-00135132-00136054 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00142-00136055-00136348 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00143-00136349-00137760 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00144-00137761-00138332 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00145-00138333-00139063 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00146-00139064-00139226 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00147-00139227-00140783 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00148-00140784-00140978 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00149-00140979-00142790 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00150-00142791-00143611 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00151-00143612-00144383 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00152-00144384-00144740 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00153-00144741-00146071 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00154-00146072-00147609 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00155-00147610-00148173 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00156-00148174-00148807 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00157-00148808-00149138 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00158-00149139-00150141 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00159-00150142-00151790 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00160-00151791-00152123 mmm DFBEgxYPWEE-00161-00152124-00153071 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00162-00153072-00153206 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00163-00153207-00153975 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00164-00153976-00155421 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00165-00155422-00156481 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00166-00156482-00157091 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00167-00157092-00158006 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00168-00158007-00158351 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00169-00158352-00158641 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00170-00158642-00160526 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00171-00160527-00162724 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00172-00162725-00164214 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00173-00164215-00165331 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00174-00165332-00165840 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00175-00165841-00166823 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00176-00166824-00167274 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00177-00167275-00168494 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00178-00168495-00169621 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00179-00169622-00170379 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00180-00170380-00170953 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00181-00170954-00171902 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00182-00171903-00172578 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00183-00172579-00174732 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00184-00174733-00175199 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00185-00175200-00175497 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00186-00175498-00176042 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00187-00176043-00178343 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00188-00178344-00178951 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00189-00178952-00179935 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00190-00179936-00181307 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00191-00181308-00182166 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00192-00182167-00182327 my DFBEgxYPWEE-00193-00182328-00183105 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00194-00183106-00184675 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00195-00184676-00185844 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00196-00185845-00186526 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00197-00186527-00187043 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00198-00187044-00189118 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00199-00189119-00189638 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00200-00189639-00190083 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00201-00190084-00190759 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00202-00190760-00192191 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00203-00192192-00194775 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00204-00194776-00195198 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00205-00195199-00195742 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00206-00195743-00196423 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00207-00196424-00196942 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00208-00196943-00198484 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00209-00198485-00198887 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00210-00198888-00199683 bye DFBEgxYPWEE-00211-00199684-00200821 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00212-00200822-00201408 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00213-00201409-00202302 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00214-00202303-00202823 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00215-00202824-00203373 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00216-00203374-00204599 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00217-00204600-00204844 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00218-00204846-00206060 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00219-00206061-00208273 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00221-00214711-00214819 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00223-00218788-00219806 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00224-00219807-00220108 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00226-00224016-00224408 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00227-00224409-00224625 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00228-00224626-00225140 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00229-00225141-00227082 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00230-00227083-00227134 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00232-00231104-00231238 my DFBEgxYPWEE-00233-00231239-00232173 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00234-00232175-00232304 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00235-00232305-00232527 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00236-00232528-00233839 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00237-00233840-00234463 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00238-00234464-00235198 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00239-00235198-00236406 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00240-00236407-00237859 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00241-00237860-00239017 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00242-00239019-00240198 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00243-00240200-00240365 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00244-00240366-00241273 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00245-00241275-00242294 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00246-00242296-00242682 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00247-00242683-00243686 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00248-00243687-00244015 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00249-00244016-00244506 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00250-00244507-00245839 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00251-00245840-00246308 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00252-00246309-00248406 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00253-00248407-00248908 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00254-00248909-00250689 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00255-00250690-00251434 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00256-00251435-00253115 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00257-00253116-00253723 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00258-00253723-00254408 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00259-00254409-00254530 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00260-00254531-00255142 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00261-00255144-00256954 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00262-00256955-00257929 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00263-00257930-00258792 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00264-00258794-00260046 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00265-00260046-00262584 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00266-00262585-00263571 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00267-00263572-00265223 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00268-00265224-00266041 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00269-00266042-00267815 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00270-00267816-00268757 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00271-00268758-00269973 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00272-00269974-00270677 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00273-00270678-00271599 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00274-00271600-00271812 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00275-00271813-00274630 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00276-00274631-00274805 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00277-00274806-00275455 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00278-00275456-00275999 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00279-00276000-00276638 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00280-00276639-00277362 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00281-00277363-00278152 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00283-00281504-00281910 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00284-00281911-00283314 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00285-00283315-00283924 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00286-00283925-00284767 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00287-00284768-00285240 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00288-00285241-00285863 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00289-00285864-00286649 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00290-00286650-00288591 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00291-00288592-00288844 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00292-00288845-00290631 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00293-00290632-00291608 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00294-00291609-00293903 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00295-00293904-00294711 now DFBEgxYPWEE-00296-00294712-00295703 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00297-00295704-00297045 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00298-00297046-00298479 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00299-00298480-00299183 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00300-00299184-00299936 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00301-00299937-00300206 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00302-00300207-00300905 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00303-00300906-00301358 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00304-00301359-00301823 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00305-00301824-00302884 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00306-00302885-00303863 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00307-00303864-00305663 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00308-00305664-00306382 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00309-00306383-00307504 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00310-00307505-00308303 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00311-00308304-00308581 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00312-00308582-00309484 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00313-00309485-00311808 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00314-00311809-00311958 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00315-00311959-00312173 mum DFBEgxYPWEE-00316-00312174-00313002 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00317-00313003-00313399 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00318-00313400-00313982 now DFBEgxYPWEE-00319-00313983-00314447 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00320-00314448-00315145 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00321-00315146-00316063 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00322-00316064-00316902 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00323-00316903-00317764 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00324-00317765-00318863 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00325-00318864-00319316 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00326-00319317-00320265 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00327-00320266-00320903 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00328-00320904-00321249 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00329-00321250-00321831 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00330-00321832-00322540 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00331-00322541-00323515 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00332-00323516-00324406 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00333-00324407-00324548 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00334-00324549-00325039 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00335-00325040-00325408 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00336-00325409-00325451 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00337-00325452-00325751 [Laughter] DFBEgxYPWEE-00338-00325752-00326779 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00339-00326780-00328960 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00340-00328961-00329351 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00341-00329352-00329532 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00342-00329533-00330112 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00343-00330113-00331043 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00344-00331044-00331660 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00345-00331661-00333382 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00346-00333383-00333456 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00347-00333457-00334945 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00348-00334946-00335639 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00349-00335640-00335869 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00350-00335870-00336239 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00351-00336240-00336460 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00352-00336461-00338047 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00353-00338048-00338562 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00354-00338563-00339551 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00355-00339552-00339806 [Laughter] DFBEgxYPWEE-00356-00339807-00340439 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00357-00340440-00340898 here DFBEgxYPWEE-00358-00340899-00342854 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00359-00342855-00343039 my DFBEgxYPWEE-00360-00343040-00343753 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00361-00343754-00343835 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00362-00343836-00343908 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00363-00343909-00344503 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00364-00344504-00344818 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00365-00344819-00346340 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00366-00346341-00347775 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00367-00347776-00348006 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00368-00348007-00349059 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00369-00349060-00350108 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00370-00350109-00350751 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00371-00350752-00351139 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00372-00351140-00353454 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00373-00353455-00353719 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00374-00353720-00354426 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00375-00354427-00355830 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00376-00355831-00356278 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00377-00356279-00357910 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00378-00357911-00358333 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00379-00358334-00359751 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00380-00359752-00360510 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00381-00360511-00360829 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00382-00360830-00361487 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00383-00361488-00361797 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00384-00361798-00363167 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00385-00363168-00363931 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00386-00363932-00364775 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00387-00364776-00364961 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00388-00364962-00366534 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00389-00366535-00367030 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00390-00367031-00367704 my DFBEgxYPWEE-00391-00367705-00368294 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00392-00368295-00368902 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00393-00368903-00370978 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00394-00370979-00371167 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00395-00371168-00371558 my DFBEgxYPWEE-00396-00371559-00372727 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00397-00372728-00373149 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00398-00373150-00374047 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00400-00377059-00377603 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00401-00377604-00378801 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00402-00378802-00380344 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00403-00380345-00380982 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00404-00380983-00381201 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00405-00381202-00382094 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00406-00382095-00382681 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00407-00382682-00384162 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00408-00384163-00385340 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00409-00385341-00386430 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00410-00386431-00386779 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00411-00386780-00388175 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00412-00388176-00388410 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00413-00388411-00389647 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00414-00389648-00390971 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00415-00390972-00392306 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00416-00392307-00394219 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00417-00394220-00394945 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00418-00394946-00396541 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00419-00396542-00398223 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00420-00398224-00398867 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00421-00398868-00399643 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00422-00399644-00400247 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00423-00400248-00400630 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00424-00400631-00400953 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00425-00400954-00401651 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00426-00401652-00403671 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00427-00403672-00404309 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00428-00404310-00405478 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00429-00405479-00405893 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00430-00405894-00406972 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00431-00406973-00407609 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00432-00407610-00407776 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00433-00407777-00408134 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00434-00408135-00408312 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00435-00408313-00408565 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00436-00408566-00408688 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00437-00408689-00409396 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00438-00409397-00411203 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00439-00411204-00413182 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00440-00413183-00413525 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00441-00413526-00414895 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00442-00414896-00415191 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00443-00415192-00416495 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00444-00416496-00416629 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00445-00416630-00418914 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00447-00422615-00422747 now DFBEgxYPWEE-00449-00431384-00431491 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00450-00431492-00433007 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00451-00433008-00433308 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00452-00433309-00434585 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00453-00434587-00435583 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00454-00435584-00435918 foreign DFBEgxYPWEE-00455-00435918-00436907 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00456-00436908-00438058 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00457-00438059-00438935 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00458-00438935-00439308 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00459-00439309-00440720 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00460-00440721-00443070 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00461-00443071-00443912 and DFBEgxYPWEE-00463-00448318-00450600 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00464-00450601-00451359 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00465-00451360-00452383 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00466-00452384-00452709 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00467-00452710-00454279 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00468-00454280-00454927 two DFBEgxYPWEE-00469-00454928-00455422 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00470-00455423-00456174 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00471-00456175-00457103 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00472-00457104-00457693 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00473-00457693-00459575 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00474-00459576-00459804 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00475-00459805-00460396 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00476-00460397-00463022 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00477-00463024-00463543 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00478-00463543-00465118 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00479-00465120-00466018 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00480-00466018-00466679 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00481-00466680-00467138 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00482-00467139-00467747 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00484-00470767-00470964 bye DFBEgxYPWEE-00485-00470966-00472831 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00486-00472832-00473599 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00487-00473600-00476059 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00488-00476060-00476207 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00489-00476208-00476466 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00490-00476467-00477596 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00491-00477597-00478160 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00492-00478160-00479126 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00493-00479127-00480129 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00494-00480130-00481783 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00495-00481784-00482110 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00496-00482110-00483928 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00497-00483929-00485343 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00498-00485343-00486468 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00499-00486470-00487079 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00500-00487080-00487993 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00501-00487993-00488839 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00502-00488839-00489020 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00503-00489021-00490860 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00504-00490860-00492712 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00505-00492713-00494117 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00506-00494118-00494270 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00507-00494271-00495318 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00508-00495320-00495828 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00509-00495829-00496814 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00510-00496815-00497262 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00511-00497263-00498543 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00512-00498543-00499283 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00513-00499284-00500941 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00514-00500942-00502951 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00515-00502952-00504720 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00516-00504721-00505559 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00517-00505560-00506029 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00518-00506030-00508335 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00519-00508335-00508938 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00520-00508939-00509922 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00521-00509924-00511293 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00522-00511295-00511966 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00523-00511967-00512314 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00524-00512316-00513093 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00525-00513093-00515832 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00526-00515833-00516422 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00527-00516422-00517030 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00528-00517031-00519105 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00529-00519106-00519685 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00530-00519687-00520589 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00531-00520589-00520855 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00532-00520856-00522177 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00533-00522178-00524679 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00534-00524680-00525185 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00535-00525186-00525730 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00536-00525731-00526535 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00537-00526536-00526930 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00538-00526931-00528472 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00539-00528473-00529329 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00540-00529330-00530809 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00541-00530810-00531396 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00542-00531397-00532290 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00543-00532291-00532807 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00544-00532808-00533360 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00545-00533361-00536049 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00546-00536050-00536807 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00547-00536808-00536945 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00548-00536946-00538262 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00549-00538263-00539391 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00550-00539392-00539551 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00551-00539552-00542407 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00552-00542408-00542984 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00553-00542985-00544703 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00554-00544704-00544807 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00555-00544808-00547583 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00556-00547584-00547839 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00557-00547840-00548775 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00558-00548776-00550775 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00559-00550776-00550883 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00561-00554396-00554611 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00562-00554612-00557070 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00563-00557071-00557122 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00565-00561400-00562163 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00566-00562164-00562292 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00567-00562293-00562515 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00568-00562516-00563076 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00569-00563077-00563871 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00570-00563872-00565270 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00571-00565271-00565490 do DFBEgxYPWEE-00573-00568536-00569006 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00574-00569007-00571262 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00575-00571263-00572862 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00576-00572863-00573134 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00577-00573135-00574491 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00578-00574492-00576296 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00579-00576297-00578855 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00580-00578856-00579515 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00581-00579516-00580479 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00582-00580480-00580676 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00583-00580677-00581407 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00584-00581408-00581689 now DFBEgxYPWEE-00585-00581690-00582910 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00586-00582911-00583106 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00587-00583107-00583886 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00588-00583887-00584396 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00589-00584397-00584735 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00590-00584736-00586942 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00591-00586943-00587917 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00592-00587918-00588781 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00593-00588782-00589583 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00594-00589584-00590091 you DFBEgxYPWEE-00595-00590092-00592591 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00596-00592592-00593383 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00597-00593384-00595086 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00598-00595087-00596029 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00599-00596030-00597031 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00600-00597032-00597223 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00601-00597224-00598745 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00602-00598746-00599962 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00603-00599963-00600666 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00604-00600667-00602166 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00605-00602167-00602185 bye DFBEgxYPWEE-00607-00605840-00606687 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00608-00606688-00607350 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00609-00607351-00608139 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00610-00608140-00611103 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00611-00611104-00611352 huh DFBEgxYPWEE-00612-00611353-00611898 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00613-00611899-00612166 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00614-00612167-00613302 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00615-00613303-00613912 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00616-00613913-00614821 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00617-00614822-00615927 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00618-00615928-00616679 bye DFBEgxYPWEE-00619-00616680-00617670 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00620-00617671-00618449 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00621-00618450-00619191 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00622-00619192-00619979 ah DFBEgxYPWEE-00623-00619980-00620439 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00624-00620440-00620685 now DFBEgxYPWEE-00625-00620686-00621596 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00626-00621597-00623047 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00627-00623048-00624543 now DFBEgxYPWEE-00628-00624544-00624699 oh DFBEgxYPWEE-00629-00624700-00626575 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00630-00626576-00627032 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00631-00627033-00628353 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00632-00628354-00629375 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00633-00629376-00629940 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00634-00629941-00630893 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00635-00630894-00632872 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00636-00632873-00634283 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00637-00634284-00635561 yeah um DFBEgxYPWEE-00638-00635562-00636369 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00639-00636370-00637492 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00640-00637493-00637695 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00641-00637696-00637962 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00642-00637963-00638670 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00643-00638671-00639462 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00644-00639463-00641407 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00645-00641408-00642161 now DFBEgxYPWEE-00646-00642162-00642990 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00647-00642991-00643983 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00648-00643984-00644219 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00649-00644220-00645130 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00650-00645131-00646055 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00651-00646056-00646890 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00652-00646891-00647118 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00653-00647119-00647752 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00654-00647753-00648791 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00655-00648792-00648934 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00656-00648935-00650253 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00657-00650254-00651270 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00658-00651271-00651819 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00659-00651820-00652528 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00660-00652529-00652927 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00661-00652928-00653504 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00662-00653505-00654391 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00663-00654392-00655396 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00664-00655397-00656670 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00665-00656671-00657130 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00666-00657131-00658948 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00667-00658949-00659655 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00668-00659656-00660100 um DFBEgxYPWEE-00669-00660101-00661031 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00670-00661032-00661648 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00671-00661649-00662710 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00672-00662711-00663441 so DFBEgxYPWEE-00673-00663442-00664933 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00674-00664934-00665631 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00675-00665632-00665886 man DFBEgxYPWEE-00676-00665887-00667022 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00677-00667023-00667331 hey DFBEgxYPWEE-00678-00667332-00667935 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00679-00667936-00668552 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00680-00668553-00669679 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00681-00669680-00669794 uh DFBEgxYPWEE-00682-00669795-00670886 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00683-00670887-00671031 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00684-00671032-00671465 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00685-00671466-00673740 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00686-00673741-00673823 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00687-00673824-00673991 [Applause] DFBEgxYPWEE-00688-00673992-00674806 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00689-00674807-00676328 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00690-00676329-00677683 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00691-00677684-00678128 bye my DFBEgxYPWEE-00692-00678129-00680096 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00693-00680097-00680979 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00694-00680980-00682151 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00695-00682152-00682583 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00696-00682584-00683442 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00697-00683443-00684039 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00698-00684040-00684414 man DFBEgxYPWEE-00699-00684415-00684831 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00700-00684832-00684966 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00701-00684967-00685861 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00702-00685862-00687487 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00703-00687488-00687730 me DFBEgxYPWEE-00704-00687731-00688320 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00705-00688321-00689214 [Music] DFBEgxYPWEE-00706-00689215-00689423 you DGI3u_uXQnI-00000-00000017-00000250 foreign DGI3u_uXQnI-00001-00000250-00001668 [Music] DGI3u_uXQnI-00002-00001669-00001907 we have things called uh the Michigan DGI3u_uXQnI-00003-00001907-00002110 rolling stop DGI3u_uXQnI-00004-00002111-00002375 it's actually a thing yeah it's I'm not DGI3u_uXQnI-00005-00002376-00002657 proud to say it but it's a thing DGI3u_uXQnI-00006-00002658-00002879 um so stop signs is limits I mean that's DGI3u_uXQnI-00007-00002880-00002987 basically what we want to talk about DGI3u_uXQnI-00008-00002988-00003125 this morning DGI3u_uXQnI-00009-00003126-00003286 well it's morning right now yeah you DGI3u_uXQnI-00010-00003288-00003406 might be watching this video it might be DGI3u_uXQnI-00011-00003407-00003617 evening I have no idea but for us this DGI3u_uXQnI-00012-00003618-00003940 morning so uh yeah so so limits limits DGI3u_uXQnI-00013-00003942-00004241 limits limits um so behind us is us-10 DGI3u_uXQnI-00014-00004242-00004469 it's a pretty busy highway yeah um speed DGI3u_uXQnI-00015-00004470-00004738 limit 75 miles per hour and I'm happy DGI3u_uXQnI-00016-00004739-00005104 that we have that limit because uh you DGI3u_uXQnI-00017-00005105-00005236 know people don't always be that limit DGI3u_uXQnI-00018-00005237-00005561 and uh you know push 885 but if there DGI3u_uXQnI-00019-00005562-00005752 were no limits on usn or any road DGI3u_uXQnI-00020-00005753-00005975 whatsoever everything being like the DGI3u_uXQnI-00021-00005976-00006186 Autobahn DGI3u_uXQnI-00022-00006187-00006610 chaos disaster uh yeah lots of uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00023-00006611-00006863 accidents uh life flights it would just DGI3u_uXQnI-00024-00006864-00007283 be very very very bad uh limits though I DGI3u_uXQnI-00025-00007284-00007391 mean that's just part of being a DGI3u_uXQnI-00026-00007392-00007583 creature right it's part of being God's DGI3u_uXQnI-00027-00007584-00007769 creature I mean like we I mean we we DGI3u_uXQnI-00028-00007770-00007984 live within limits whether we realize it DGI3u_uXQnI-00029-00007986-00008213 or not mm-hmm uh you know I just think DGI3u_uXQnI-00030-00008214-00008405 about just like I was born in the US of DGI3u_uXQnI-00031-00008406-00008627 a mm-hmm same here I wasn't born in DGI3u_uXQnI-00032-00008628-00008974 wakanda Forever well kind of forever uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00033-00008975-00009149 you know this is the specific country DGI3u_uXQnI-00034-00009150-00009527 that I was I was born in uh and uh and DGI3u_uXQnI-00035-00009528-00009742 what other limits yeah that just are DGI3u_uXQnI-00036-00009743-00009814 just DGI3u_uXQnI-00037-00009815-00010553 there yeah I mean DGI3u_uXQnI-00038-00010554-00010631 yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00039-00010632-00010769 um and then you can get and then even DGI3u_uXQnI-00040-00010770-00010913 then you just can't just like stuff your DGI3u_uXQnI-00041-00010914-00011256 face full of Cinnabon DGI3u_uXQnI-00042-00011257-00011537 yeah I mean I love those things uh I DGI3u_uXQnI-00043-00011538-00011692 grew up eating them my mom would come DGI3u_uXQnI-00044-00011693-00011849 home from her business trips with them DGI3u_uXQnI-00045-00011850-00012010 because we didn't have you know the DGI3u_uXQnI-00046-00012011-00012160 Cinnabon like in the area so she'd get DGI3u_uXQnI-00047-00012161-00012401 them from the airport uh and I would DGI3u_uXQnI-00048-00012402-00012677 just gobble those things up oh man oh DGI3u_uXQnI-00049-00012678-00012880 man uh yeah so I can't just eat those DGI3u_uXQnI-00050-00012881-00013283 morning lunch dinner right uh you can't DGI3u_uXQnI-00051-00013284-00013480 can't do that nope don't do that please DGI3u_uXQnI-00052-00013481-00013672 so it's no more so yeah so we have DGI3u_uXQnI-00053-00013673-00013955 limits there I mean we have to eat well DGI3u_uXQnI-00054-00013956-00014015 um DGI3u_uXQnI-00055-00014016-00014188 you know and like in just I think like DGI3u_uXQnI-00056-00014190-00014416 sports like I mean my high school had a DGI3u_uXQnI-00057-00014418-00014680 has a pretty good football program and DGI3u_uXQnI-00058-00014681-00014951 uh made it states last year uh and uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00059-00014952-00015203 and so like but I was I was a tiny kid DGI3u_uXQnI-00060-00015204-00015394 in high school I was not going to play DGI3u_uXQnI-00061-00015395-00015694 football I'd be rigged out right yeah I DGI3u_uXQnI-00062-00015695-00015875 don't want to be that uh that would be DGI3u_uXQnI-00063-00015876-00016163 her I don't want to like have to ice my DGI3u_uXQnI-00064-00016163-00016475 body every single uh practice in game uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00065-00016476-00016715 so I ran cross country so I ran from DGI3u_uXQnI-00066-00016716-00016955 football to run cross country oh that DGI3u_uXQnI-00067-00016956-00017122 was that was a little bit less uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00068-00017123-00017441 -huh yeah and I'm the shortest one in my DGI3u_uXQnI-00069-00017442-00017758 family so uh a basketball career joining DGI3u_uXQnI-00070-00017759-00018005 the WN NBA you know anything like that DGI3u_uXQnI-00071-00018006-00018161 that wasn't that wasn't gonna happen DGI3u_uXQnI-00072-00018162-00018455 yeah yeah and like you're a patron right DGI3u_uXQnI-00073-00018456-00018749 a machine so we have specific families DGI3u_uXQnI-00074-00018750-00018922 that we're born into like definitely DGI3u_uXQnI-00075-00018923-00019253 that's a limit exactly I mean uh you DGI3u_uXQnI-00076-00019254-00019385 know and DGI3u_uXQnI-00077-00019386-00019685 you think of just like um DGI3u_uXQnI-00078-00019686-00020033 um just uh I mean the people I I live DGI3u_uXQnI-00079-00020034-00020327 around I live on Ireland Street so I DGI3u_uXQnI-00080-00020328-00020519 have specific neighbors I'm not a DGI3u_uXQnI-00081-00020520-00020777 neighbor uh to everyone but it's not DGI3u_uXQnI-00082-00020778-00020969 like the whole world like lives around DGI3u_uXQnI-00083-00020970-00021358 me that doesn't make sense yep yep yep DGI3u_uXQnI-00084-00021359-00021521 so so we have limits and that's what it DGI3u_uXQnI-00085-00021522-00021683 means to be a creature of God to have DGI3u_uXQnI-00086-00021684-00021880 limits really and to live within those DGI3u_uXQnI-00087-00021881-00022103 limits now we have actually Papa Adam DGI3u_uXQnI-00088-00022104-00022247 Mama Eve who learned what happens when DGI3u_uXQnI-00089-00022248-00022463 you live outside those limits it wasn't DGI3u_uXQnI-00090-00022464-00022607 good when they blow through the stop DGI3u_uXQnI-00091-00022608-00022711 sign DGI3u_uXQnI-00092-00022712-00022967 yeah probably at a moment you've given DGI3u_uXQnI-00093-00022968-00023164 the Garden of Eden their Garden home and DGI3u_uXQnI-00094-00023165-00023375 they could eat any DGI3u_uXQnI-00095-00023376-00023627 fruit from any tree in the garden except DGI3u_uXQnI-00096-00023628-00023771 for DGI3u_uXQnI-00097-00023772-00023957 the one tree the tree of the knowledge DGI3u_uXQnI-00098-00023958-00024113 of Good and Evil and what happened with DGI3u_uXQnI-00099-00024114-00024250 that DGI3u_uXQnI-00100-00024251-00024550 yeah so the serpent Satan came in and DGI3u_uXQnI-00101-00024551-00024833 tempted them to uh you know if you eat DGI3u_uXQnI-00102-00024834-00025103 this fruit you'll be like God DGI3u_uXQnI-00103-00025104-00025444 you know so God put a limit on there DGI3u_uXQnI-00104-00025445-00025793 defy that limit defy gravity and uh eat DGI3u_uXQnI-00105-00025794-00026062 that eat that fruit and what happened DGI3u_uXQnI-00106-00026063-00026267 Pastor well I mean they sank they're DGI3u_uXQnI-00107-00026268-00026483 pearly whites into that forbidden fruit DGI3u_uXQnI-00108-00026483-00026740 and now their breath reeked of forbidden DGI3u_uXQnI-00109-00026741-00026962 fruit their eyes were opened and they DGI3u_uXQnI-00110-00026963-00027370 realized uh oh yeah we have transgressed DGI3u_uXQnI-00111-00027372-00027779 we have gone past our limits we have DGI3u_uXQnI-00112-00027780-00028031 sinned we have sinned DGI3u_uXQnI-00113-00028032-00028331 and they ran from God because they were DGI3u_uXQnI-00114-00028332-00028637 like oh he's gonna get us he's gonna do DGI3u_uXQnI-00115-00028638-00029057 uh some Lightning Bolt Zeus action DGI3u_uXQnI-00116-00029058-00029339 roast us uh God found them of course DGI3u_uXQnI-00117-00029339-00029518 because I mean you can't really I'm hide DGI3u_uXQnI-00118-00029519-00029687 and seek with God I mean it's a losing DGI3u_uXQnI-00119-00029688-00029814 game DGI3u_uXQnI-00120-00029816-00030089 I mean Jonah's right too right that that DGI3u_uXQnI-00121-00030089-00030323 really didn't work for Jonah DGI3u_uXQnI-00122-00030324-00030599 um so God finds him asks where are you DGI3u_uXQnI-00123-00030600-00030845 that was our moment to confess to own up DGI3u_uXQnI-00124-00030845-00031120 to oh yeah we were trying to be God we DGI3u_uXQnI-00125-00031122-00031240 were trying to live outside our DGI3u_uXQnI-00126-00031241-00031673 creaturely limits uh but they didn't do DGI3u_uXQnI-00127-00031674-00031890 that they threw each other under the bus DGI3u_uXQnI-00128-00031891-00032214 and God didn't say oh DGI3u_uXQnI-00129-00032216-00032458 it's time to just like burn this all DGI3u_uXQnI-00130-00032460-00032711 through the ground and start over he DGI3u_uXQnI-00131-00032712-00032957 didn't do that no he did not uh he gave DGI3u_uXQnI-00132-00032958-00033167 the uh the First Gospel promise right DGI3u_uXQnI-00133-00033168-00033371 the proto-u and Galion to use fancy DGI3u_uXQnI-00134-00033372-00033574 words and DGI3u_uXQnI-00135-00033575-00033743 um the First Gospel the First Gospel DGI3u_uXQnI-00136-00033744-00034012 yeah Genesis 3 15. uh where he promised DGI3u_uXQnI-00137-00034013-00034457 a a child would be born of woman so DGI3u_uXQnI-00138-00034458-00034637 right there is Christmas already in DGI3u_uXQnI-00139-00034638-00034955 Genesis uh three right the promise of a DGI3u_uXQnI-00140-00034956-00035290 virgin birth a child a boy coming from a DGI3u_uXQnI-00141-00035291-00035537 woman who would crush the head of the DGI3u_uXQnI-00142-00035538-00035981 serpent and really uh restoring our DGI3u_uXQnI-00143-00035982-00036265 relationship with uh with God so this DGI3u_uXQnI-00144-00036266-00036521 this Union and communion that was DGI3u_uXQnI-00145-00036522-00036952 ruptured by this uh forbidden Feast will DGI3u_uXQnI-00146-00036953-00037259 be overcome your story be restored yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00147-00037260-00037637 uh by by a child born of a woman and DGI3u_uXQnI-00148-00037638-00038640 that has already occurred hasn't it DGI3u_uXQnI-00149-00038641-00039040 God enters God who uh is eternal not DGI3u_uXQnI-00150-00039041-00039346 bound by space and time he enters into DGI3u_uXQnI-00151-00039347-00039689 space and time our space and time DGI3u_uXQnI-00152-00039690-00039946 the one who DGI3u_uXQnI-00153-00039947-00040168 created everything becomes a creature DGI3u_uXQnI-00154-00040169-00040559 and uh in a very specific way being born DGI3u_uXQnI-00155-00040560-00040823 of the Virgin Mary I mean being carried DGI3u_uXQnI-00156-00040824-00041093 nine months in his mother's womb and DGI3u_uXQnI-00157-00041094-00041261 then they talk about like limiting DGI3u_uXQnI-00158-00041262-00041495 yourself yes yeah he boxes himself in DGI3u_uXQnI-00159-00041496-00041861 the womb yeah exactly yeah being born of DGI3u_uXQnI-00160-00041862-00042065 the Virgin Mary and then you know having DGI3u_uXQnI-00161-00042066-00042430 specific a specific Guardian Joseph DGI3u_uXQnI-00162-00042431-00042767 um who uh care they both care for him DGI3u_uXQnI-00163-00042768-00043139 feed him burp him yeah the diapers yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00164-00043140-00043361 the diaper deity got in diapers that is DGI3u_uXQnI-00165-00043362-00043595 that is something to think about yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00166-00043596-00043762 you know God actually having to like DGI3u_uXQnI-00167-00043763-00043949 learn his ABCs DGI3u_uXQnI-00168-00043950-00044189 and his arithmetic two plus two equals DGI3u_uXQnI-00169-00044190-00044489 four well done yeah I gotta do that math DGI3u_uXQnI-00170-00044490-00044680 that's as far as I can go I would not be DGI3u_uXQnI-00171-00044681-00044945 I would never have been a NASA uh you DGI3u_uXQnI-00172-00044946-00045173 know scientist yeah I would not be the DGI3u_uXQnI-00173-00045174-00045371 guy that's going to the moon no because DGI3u_uXQnI-00174-00045372-00045617 I I don't do math very well same here I DGI3u_uXQnI-00175-00045618-00045827 can do Biblical numbers about it seven DGI3u_uXQnI-00176-00045828-00046224 exactly 12. 40. DGI3u_uXQnI-00177-00046225-00046740 24. yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00178-00046741-00046990 I think DGI3u_uXQnI-00179-00046991-00047189 so is there Jesus in the temple boy DGI3u_uXQnI-00180-00047190-00047561 Jesus right yes yeah listening to and DGI3u_uXQnI-00181-00047562-00047890 growing in wisdom and listening to to uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00182-00047891-00048287 teachers in a specific place DGI3u_uXQnI-00183-00048288-00048490 he's a sinless boy listening to his DGI3u_uXQnI-00184-00048491-00048779 sinful parents oh man that's a big Limit DGI3u_uXQnI-00185-00048780-00049067 Oh yeah man yeah no kidding yeah talk DGI3u_uXQnI-00186-00049068-00049183 about humility DGI3u_uXQnI-00187-00049184-00049529 exactly and then as Jesus continues to DGI3u_uXQnI-00188-00049530-00049877 grow and then go into his ministry he he DGI3u_uXQnI-00189-00049878-00050158 limits himself to 12 Apostles DGI3u_uXQnI-00190-00050159-00050446 um to learn from him and to follow him DGI3u_uXQnI-00191-00050447-00050836 he um as he's walking around Galilee and DGI3u_uXQnI-00192-00050837-00051052 in the Middle East a specific place in DGI3u_uXQnI-00193-00051053-00051179 the world DGI3u_uXQnI-00194-00051180-00051407 um not just anywhere in the world DGI3u_uXQnI-00195-00051408-00051635 um he's healing people but not everyone DGI3u_uXQnI-00196-00051636-00051913 he's not healing the entire world yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00197-00051914-00052246 and then I mean he walks to Jerusalem DGI3u_uXQnI-00198-00052247-00052661 and and has the limits of Holy Week of DGI3u_uXQnI-00199-00052662-00052787 being DGI3u_uXQnI-00200-00052788-00053129 you know uh tried in a kangaroo trial DGI3u_uXQnI-00201-00053129-00053494 and bound yeah and then mocked and DGI3u_uXQnI-00202-00053495-00053735 beaten and then DGI3u_uXQnI-00203-00053736-00054076 um strip naked and stapled to the cross DGI3u_uXQnI-00204-00054077-00054316 you're dying and then that's kind of DGI3u_uXQnI-00205-00054317-00054629 limited uh yeah yeah being like uh you DGI3u_uXQnI-00206-00054629-00054707 know DGI3u_uXQnI-00207-00054708-00054913 pouted through his nails DGI3u_uXQnI-00208-00054914-00055259 came to the Cross exactly yeah popped up DGI3u_uXQnI-00209-00055260-00055469 like a scarecrow yeah I mean that's good DGI3u_uXQnI-00210-00055470-00055775 I've talked about yeah limited and then DGI3u_uXQnI-00211-00055776-00056003 placed in the I guess you could say the DGI3u_uXQnI-00212-00056004-00056194 ultimate limit in the ground please DGI3u_uXQnI-00213-00056195-00056549 placed in a grave from womb to tomb DGI3u_uXQnI-00214-00056550-00056873 shows us what it means to be human you DGI3u_uXQnI-00215-00056874-00057142 know God becoming man so that man can be DGI3u_uXQnI-00216-00057144-00057376 man because the problem in the garden is DGI3u_uXQnI-00217-00057377-00057592 man try to be God God DGI3u_uXQnI-00218-00057594-00057947 and here uh God becomes man a creature DGI3u_uXQnI-00219-00057948-00058253 so that uh he can actually live that DGI3u_uXQnI-00220-00058254-00058649 perfect life of limits for you for me DGI3u_uXQnI-00221-00058650-00058942 for Deaconess for everybody then die the DGI3u_uXQnI-00222-00058944-00059171 death we deserve to die roll those times DGI3u_uXQnI-00223-00059172-00059382 we try to live DGI3u_uXQnI-00224-00059383-00059550 limitlessly DGI3u_uXQnI-00225-00059551-00059903 lies Without Limits trying to be God you DGI3u_uXQnI-00226-00059904-00060179 know just uh you know doing whatever we DGI3u_uXQnI-00227-00060179-00060311 think DGI3u_uXQnI-00228-00060312-00060526 but do whatever we want to do yeah you DGI3u_uXQnI-00229-00060527-00060803 know Living Without Limits just blowing DGI3u_uXQnI-00230-00060804-00061054 through the stop signs yeah live as if DGI3u_uXQnI-00231-00061055-00061282 uh that did not matter and I mattered DGI3u_uXQnI-00232-00061283-00061613 most yeah as we confess yeah and DGI3u_uXQnI-00233-00061614-00061744 uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00234-00061745-00062009 um and he does that so that he can rise DGI3u_uXQnI-00235-00062010-00062303 on Easter morning so that he can open to DGI3u_uXQnI-00236-00062304-00062837 us uh really a life of Living as God's DGI3u_uXQnI-00237-00062838-00062947 creatures DGI3u_uXQnI-00238-00062948-00063263 uh you know this broken relationship now DGI3u_uXQnI-00239-00063264-00063588 restored and he fills us with his DGI3u_uXQnI-00240-00063589-00064042 unlimited love to share that unlimited DGI3u_uXQnI-00241-00064044-00064444 love in our lives that are limited yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00242-00064445-00064726 you know and in specific homes you know DGI3u_uXQnI-00243-00064727-00064963 specific congregation specific schools DGI3u_uXQnI-00244-00064964-00065206 you know where we're surrounded by you DGI3u_uXQnI-00245-00065207-00065573 know real faces uh real uh Flesh and DGI3u_uXQnI-00246-00065574-00065837 Blood people uh people who have real DGI3u_uXQnI-00247-00065838-00066143 stories real backgrounds real hurts real DGI3u_uXQnI-00248-00066144-00066682 uh Hobbies real real Joys real Sorrows DGI3u_uXQnI-00249-00066683-00067085 yeah yeah real real suffering and uh and DGI3u_uXQnI-00250-00067086-00067259 you know so I mean I think of Austin you DGI3u_uXQnI-00251-00067260-00067444 know you're not called to be Deaconess DGI3u_uXQnI-00252-00067445-00067697 to the world no I'm not called Pastor to DGI3u_uXQnI-00253-00067698-00067823 the world now there might be some DGI3u_uXQnI-00254-00067824-00068143 pastors and Degas that do that DGI3u_uXQnI-00255-00068144-00068405 but no we're called to be you know DGI3u_uXQnI-00256-00068406-00068779 pastor and Deaconess to 303 Ruth Street DGI3u_uXQnI-00257-00068780-00069131 uh you know the Saints here yeah mm-hmm DGI3u_uXQnI-00258-00069132-00069394 yeah and you're born like you were DGI3u_uXQnI-00259-00069395-00069581 saying as a shiyan born into a specific DGI3u_uXQnI-00260-00069582-00069844 family I'm born into a specific family DGI3u_uXQnI-00261-00069845-00070126 so specific parents to love and honor DGI3u_uXQnI-00262-00070127-00070361 and and pray for not everyone's my DGI3u_uXQnI-00263-00070362-00070661 parent but but Rick and Kathy are yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00264-00070662-00070967 Barb and Tom are my parents and I have a DGI3u_uXQnI-00265-00070968-00071153 baby brother who's taller than I am and DGI3u_uXQnI-00266-00071154-00071350 her baby brother's a taller than she is DGI3u_uXQnI-00267-00071351-00071638 so we have that in common yep yes we do DGI3u_uXQnI-00268-00071639-00071899 we have to look up to my baby brother DGI3u_uXQnI-00269-00071900-00072167 playing basketball with him was not that DGI3u_uXQnI-00270-00072168-00072503 was the funniest you could stuff me all DGI3u_uXQnI-00271-00072504-00072755 the time DGI3u_uXQnI-00272-00072756-00072988 action rejection DGI3u_uXQnI-00273-00072989-00073211 um yeah so so so these so our lives are DGI3u_uXQnI-00274-00073212-00073415 limited and we're to embrace that that's DGI3u_uXQnI-00275-00073416-00073613 what it means to be a creature do you DGI3u_uXQnI-00276-00073614-00073853 trust the father and to really just uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00277-00073854-00074159 just enjoy uh you know the folks he has DGI3u_uXQnI-00278-00074160-00074506 surrounded us with and to and to live in DGI3u_uXQnI-00279-00074507-00074825 those uh you know those homes and those DGI3u_uXQnI-00280-00074826-00075088 congregations those high schools uh DGI3u_uXQnI-00281-00075089-00075256 those neighborhoods where he has placed DGI3u_uXQnI-00282-00075257-00075347 us DGI3u_uXQnI-00283-00075348-00075617 um to share this unlimited love that he DGI3u_uXQnI-00284-00075618-00075773 actually shares with us in a very DGI3u_uXQnI-00285-00075774-00076031 specific place right through words water DGI3u_uXQnI-00286-00076032-00076325 Bread and Wine he uh touches us with DGI3u_uXQnI-00287-00076326-00076565 this unlimited love and Absolution he DGI3u_uXQnI-00288-00076566-00076853 washes us with this unlimited love and DGI3u_uXQnI-00289-00076854-00077135 holy baptism he stuffs Us full of this DGI3u_uXQnI-00290-00077136-00077482 unlimited love in the Lord's supper and DGI3u_uXQnI-00291-00077483-00077705 he does that so that we can now go and DGI3u_uXQnI-00292-00077706-00078112 share that unlimited love in the lives DGI3u_uXQnI-00293-00078113-00078544 that are limited mm-hmm yeah with DGI3u_uXQnI-00294-00078545-00078731 specific people like you were saying DGI3u_uXQnI-00295-00078732-00079085 yeah with names faces backstories all of DGI3u_uXQnI-00296-00079086-00079450 that yeah unlimited love yeah so so so DGI3u_uXQnI-00297-00079451-00079612 so for us you know we call this episode DGI3u_uXQnI-00298-00079613-00079805 stop signs but but now talk about this DGI3u_uXQnI-00299-00079806-00079985 unlimited unlimited love and going to DGI3u_uXQnI-00300-00079986-00080212 share it I mean really it's that now now DGI3u_uXQnI-00301-00080213-00080423 it's really like a green light yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00302-00080424-00080849 green light means go we can do it yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00303-00080850-00081035 because you know we have this uh we have DGI3u_uXQnI-00304-00081036-00081191 this guy who shares his unlimited love DGI3u_uXQnI-00305-00081192-00081431 in Christ Jesus and what it means to be DGI3u_uXQnI-00306-00081432-00081659 human is to really just to live as as DGI3u_uXQnI-00307-00081660-00081947 God's creature uh rejoicing and where DGI3u_uXQnI-00308-00081948-00082103 he's plopped us down it's really our DGI3u_uXQnI-00309-00082104-00082300 Garden of Eden you know where God has DGI3u_uXQnI-00310-00082301-00082487 plopped us down that is our our Garden DGI3u_uXQnI-00311-00082488-00082697 of Eden here in this life where we are DGI3u_uXQnI-00312-00082698-00082919 to uh to care for the needs of others DGI3u_uXQnI-00313-00082920-00083188 yeah uh to love with a love that has no DGI3u_uXQnI-00314-00083189-00083417 strings attached a love that covers a DGI3u_uXQnI-00315-00083418-00083650 multitude of sins a love that is patient DGI3u_uXQnI-00316-00083651-00084065 uh a love that doesn't uh really I love DGI3u_uXQnI-00317-00084066-00084394 that uh that uh uh expects nothing in DGI3u_uXQnI-00318-00084395-00084550 return DGI3u_uXQnI-00319-00084551-00084755 um a love uh that is for the Loveless DGI3u_uXQnI-00320-00084756-00085031 yeah you know those who are Unworthy of DGI3u_uXQnI-00321-00085032-00085385 love a love that really just uh it DGI3u_uXQnI-00322-00085386-00085582 really is for all the folks that God has DGI3u_uXQnI-00323-00085583-00085715 placed around us DGI3u_uXQnI-00324-00085716-00086050 I love that turns the other cheek a love DGI3u_uXQnI-00325-00086051-00086326 that uh really is floral yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00326-00086327-00086449 yeah exactly DGI3u_uXQnI-00327-00086450-00086693 I still think of him love to the DGI3u_uXQnI-00328-00086694-00086897 Loveless shown that they might lovely be DGI3u_uXQnI-00329-00086898-00087281 yeah yeah beautiful so children receive DGI3u_uXQnI-00330-00087282-00087569 that unlimited love as a creature God's DGI3u_uXQnI-00331-00087570-00087905 creature word water Bread and Wine and DGI3u_uXQnI-00332-00087906-00088181 and green lighted right go go and share DGI3u_uXQnI-00333-00088182-00088523 that unlimited love in your life that is DGI3u_uXQnI-00334-00088524-00088655 limited and that's okay that's what it DGI3u_uXQnI-00335-00088656-00088865 means to be a creature yeah and uh and DGI3u_uXQnI-00336-00088866-00089123 just and just just really just uh really DGI3u_uXQnI-00337-00089124-00089585 uh uh uh just enjoy uh the sharing of DGI3u_uXQnI-00338-00089586-00089771 this unlimited love with the very people DGI3u_uXQnI-00339-00089772-00090053 God has surrounded you with uh for it is DGI3u_uXQnI-00340-00090054-00090425 better to uh give than to receive right DGI3u_uXQnI-00341-00090426-00090559 yeah DGI3u_uXQnI-00342-00090560-00090844 so uh until next time DGI3u_uXQnI-00343-00090845-00091223 yep yep so good to have you yeah so glad DGI3u_uXQnI-00344-00091224-00091505 yep by his wounds we are healed yep DGI3u_uXQnI-00345-00091506-00091850 Doodles juice Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00000-00000107-00000383 hey it's Gavin here I hope you're well Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00001-00000384-00000584 and you can hear me I'm a little bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00002-00000585-00000782 late so I hope you don't mind I'm just Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00003-00000783-00001031 gonna get things up and running and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00004-00001032-00001187 we're gonna get going in about two Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00005-00001188-00001481 minutes or so maybe less so I'm just Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00006-00001482-00001639 gonna let a few people know that we are Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00007-00001639-00001993 on board and we're actually live and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00008-00001994-00002234 some people can actually join in to jump Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00009-00002235-00002429 in with us and do this button fire Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00010-00002430-00002738 workout that I've got planned for us so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00011-00002739-00003109 should be a little treat so let me get Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00012-00003110-00003704 the link and I will fire it off and see Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00013-00003704-00003872 who will there hop on board with us so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00014-00003872-00003997 if you're watching this make sure you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00015-00003998-00004129 say hello let me know what your from Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00016-00004130-00004403 how's your day let's let some light in Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00017-00004404-00004618 here it's nice a little bit dark so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00018-00004619-00004835 there we go the old British wavers not Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00019-00004836-00004994 doing as much good today it's freezing Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00020-00004995-00005600 again outside so there we go so how's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00021-00005601-00005872 your week been so far enjoying yourself Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00022-00005873-00006092 keeping up with these workouts I'm point Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00023-00006093-00006386 out there maybe you're watching the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00024-00006387-00006539 replay so if you're watching the replay Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00025-00006540-00006737 make sure you save these videos make Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00026-00006738-00006914 sure you hit that live notification so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00027-00006915-00007064 that you know when we're going live and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00028-00007065-00007339 you can hop in with us make sure you do Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00029-00007340-00007475 so these workouts because they're good Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00030-00007476-00007778 fun I promise you they are good fun all Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00031-00007779-00008177 right so I'm gonna send this off I'm Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00032-00008178-00008399 gonna get going so as I said button fire Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00033-00008400-00008666 today I let's straighten you up a little Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00034-00008667-00008810 bit you're all over the shop so we can't Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00035-00008811-00009044 have that can't we here we go that's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00036-00009045-00009545 better all right so are you ready for Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00037-00009546-00010058 this I hope so there we go should do it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00038-00010059-00010528 much nicer alright so we've got free Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00039-00010529-00010727 exercise in the main workout today okay Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00040-00010728-00011021 hip bridge Bulgarian squats and a squat Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00041-00011022-00011174 and lunge combo so that should be a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00042-00011175-00011402 whole lot of fun but first off we're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00043-00011403-00011638 gonna get you warmed up so this is the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00044-00011639-00011764 plan we're gonna stance Jack's down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00045-00011765-00011867 straight look like this were a little Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00046-00011868-00012217 hot to the side easy peasy Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00047-00012218-00012445 like so if you can't do that one you can Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00048-00012446-00012777 do the walkout versions just step step Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00049-00012778-00013066 just like so but this is what we're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00050-00013067-00013286 looking for just 30 seconds so I'm gonna Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00051-00013287-00013441 start the time off here have rough 30 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00052-00013443-00013544 seconds and we're gonna go into our Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00053-00013544-00013705 second exercise which is a bit of a sumo Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00054-00013706-00013951 squat so here we go so dropping it down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00055-00013952-00014441 get in the groove big smiles let's see Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00056-00014441-00014663 what we can do with these legs and the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00057-00014663-00014957 old buck let's get it ready here so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00058-00014958-00015086 we're gonna prime these muscles get the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00059-00015087-00015377 joints up to scratch and then get on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00060-00015378-00015619 with that main workout okay you with me Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00061-00015620-00015965 if you are give me a like say hello let Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00062-00015966-00016119 me know what you're up to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00063-00016120-00016369 alright next up we've got that sumo Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00064-00016370-00016679 squat with the leg swipe so so what's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00065-00016680-00016829 here in the middle I'm gonna bring your Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00066-00016830-00017119 leg across step squat bring it across Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00067-00017120-00017536 it's a little hip opener in there whip Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00068-00017537-00017972 it across see someone's dropped me a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00069-00017973-00018239 little comment there so I'll have a look Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00070-00018240-00018644 at that in a second can't see from here Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00071-00018645-00018947 give me a couple more of these and then Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00072-00018948-00019053 we're gonna go back on those stance Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00073-00019054-00019253 jacks Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00074-00019254-00019647 open up those hips really wide sink down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00075-00019648-00020061 into it give me one more boom alright Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00076-00020062-00020160 we're gonna go back on those Stan's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00077-00020161-00020550 jacks so here we go reaching down keep Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00078-00020551-00020607 your head up Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00079-00020608-00020747 keep your back straight up straight from Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00080-00020748-00020847 the side this is what we're looking for Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00081-00020848-00021225 right here and don't need to reach all Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00082-00021226-00021355 the way down to the floor Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00083-00021356-00021660 especially if your back it's not very Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00084-00021661-00021840 flexible maybe your hips a little bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00085-00021841-00022047 tight and you can't quite get down there Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00086-00022048-00022389 those hammies saying no no you're not Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00087-00022390-00022605 going to the floor because what happens Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00088-00022606-00022863 is the back gets out of shape and we Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00089-00022864-00023530 don't want that control the breathing Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00090-00023531-00024180 looking good so far keep with me one Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00091-00024181-00024585 more all right so I'll start it low into Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00092-00024586-00024780 squat bring it across open up the hips Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00093-00024781-00025425 down around say control your breathing Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00094-00025426-00025789 in through the nose out for the mouth Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00095-00025791-00025964 here we go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00096-00025964-00026314 it's gonna be a good one promise you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00097-00026316-00026777 okay one more of those boom alright Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00098-00026777-00027014 little stretch grab some water Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00099-00027016-00027345 I'm just gonna hop over here and pull Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00100-00027345-00027746 you up a little bit see Aggies on that's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00101-00027747-00027848 what we like Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00102-00027849-00028396 I'll let you know about that AB wheel Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00103-00028397-00028796 later on not someone actually used the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00104-00028797-00029211 AB wheel it's good but I tend to get Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00105-00029212-00029465 most my work planks bicycles or those Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00106-00029466-00029919 sorts of things all right Oh bounce Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00107-00029920-00030146 knees get pushy hips forward do these a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00108-00030147-00030371 little stretch new Balance is a little Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00109-00030372-00030720 bit shaky hold on to the wall piano Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00110-00030720-00031064 whatever you got at home Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00111-00031064-00031486 and if you're not particularly flexible Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00112-00031487-00031679 it's okay to hop down to the ground Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00113-00031680-00031933 that's absolutely fine push your hips Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00114-00031935-00032568 forward bring it down low Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00115-00032569-00032957 one way overhead I'm gonna kill one more Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00116-00032958-00033437 time backwards and forwards all right Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00117-00033438-00033821 let's get things up and rolling so we're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00118-00033822-00033964 gonna start on the floor of a hip bridge Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00119-00033965-00034402 so line on the back we've got 60 seconds Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00120-00034403-00034682 this is a primer okay so whenever you do Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00121-00034683-00034898 any but work this is definitely one that Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00122-00034899-00035168 you want to throw in we're starting now Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00123-00035169-00035420 so feet flat if you're a bit of a bigger Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00124-00035421-00035681 beginner push your hips up try to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00125-00035682-00035812 squeeze your butt cheeks for all the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00126-00035813-00035996 earth not literally squeeze them that's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00127-00035997-00036292 just a little bit weird dropping it down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00128-00036293-00036748 and out and back okay so trying to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00129-00036749-00037558 really bring them up slowly and you can Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00130-00037559-00037858 do one if you prefer as well 2030 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00131-00037859-00038114 seconds one side thirty seconds the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00132-00038115-00038435 other up to you you can really change it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00133-00038436-00038948 up a couple of reps each side pens where Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00134-00038949-00039119 you are if you really want to dig your Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00135-00039120-00039227 heels in you're gonna get a little bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00136-00039228-00039437 more of it as well hips up high trying Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00137-00039438-00039581 to get a straight line through the body Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00138-00039582-00040229 back down so today is not not really one Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00139-00040230-00040379 of those sort of hit sessions as Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00140-00040380-00040537 high-intensity workouts that we do Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00141-00040538-00040730 sometimes oh you're gonna be sweating Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00142-00040731-00041006 buckets or anything like that yeah it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00143-00041007-00041233 might be good news for you gonna give it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00144-00041234-00041582 one more time drop it down and then till Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00145-00041583-00041815 our next exercise so straight up onto Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00146-00041816-00042011 your feet I'm gonna use a little stool Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00147-00042012-00042154 here so you might want to grab a chair Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00148-00042155-00042368 you can use your sofa at home anything Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00149-00042369-00042401 like that Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00150-00042402-00042749 now Bulgarian squat they pull this back Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00151-00042750-00043096 a little bit so connection see so I've Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00152-00043097-00043286 got one foot on the top there and hop Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00153-00043287-00043499 out slightly and I'm gonna sit back into Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00154-00043500-00043633 this one so common mistakes people just Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00155-00043634-00043760 drop straight down and watch what Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00156-00043761-00043864 happens when I do that the front knee Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00157-00043865-00044008 just darts forward we don't want that to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00158-00044009-00044300 happen I'm gonna sit back so imagine the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00159-00044301-00044423 chair behind you're gonna sit back into Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00160-00044424-00044531 that chair now the back leg is there Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00161-00044532-00044726 just for the ride coming down here now Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00162-00044727-00044849 it's my back position so it's still Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00163-00044850-00044969 straight but I'm leaning forward Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00164-00044970-00045214 slightly I come up push him through the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00165-00045215-00045461 heel I'm gonna start the timer here way Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00166-00045462-00045677 off the mark on that one so I'm gonna do Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00167-00045678-00045986 one minute each side all right and once Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00168-00045987-00046100 you've got the balance you know if you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00169-00046101-00046268 bounce is a little bit iffy hold on to a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00170-00046269-00046601 chair table hand on the wall your Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00171-00046602-00046844 partner's face maybe fear you know if Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00172-00046845-00046973 they've been annoying you recently just Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00173-00046974-00047333 bang of that alright so this is what Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00174-00047334-00047479 we're looking for a slow and steady Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00175-00047480-00047708 unless you're a bit more advanced and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00176-00047709-00047918 then you can really get a bit more of a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00177-00047919-00048185 flow with it okay but make sure this bat Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00178-00048186-00048345 leg just there for the ride Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00179-00048346-00048623 pushing through the front heel notice Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00180-00048624-00048817 this front knee doesn't go past my toes Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00181-00048818-00049160 that's what you want to aim for looking Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00182-00049161-00049349 forward I'll say I'm looking at you so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00183-00049350-00049651 don't copy that idea that you've got Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00184-00049652-00049895 there your laptop you tablet have fun Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00185-00049896-00050248 whatever in front of you here we go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00186-00050249-00050498 so just start to feel the legs warming Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00187-00050499-00050735 up a touch breathe in on the way down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00188-00050736-00050893 breathe out on the way up Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00189-00050894-00051107 go four seconds left we're going to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00190-00051108-00051583 switch legs and Geoff alright switch it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00191-00051584-00051976 up kick it back hop out a touch get your Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00192-00051977-00052199 balance and when you're ready let's go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00193-00052200-00052544 sink into it push up again keep an eye Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00194-00052545-00052664 on your back position shoulders back Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00195-00052665-00053147 heads up there we go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00196-00053148-00053557 start slowly find your rhythm and then Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00197-00053558-00053776 get going now another thing that people Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00198-00053777-00053915 often do is don't go low enough on this Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00199-00053916-00054194 one so really sit back into it get that Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00200-00054195-00054517 butt working buns of steel so what we Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00201-00054519-00054679 want and fires are going to be known a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00202-00054680-00054869 little bit of work anyway but the lower Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00203-00054870-00055132 you get the more this it's gonna work Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00204-00055133-00055796 for you bring it in leave it out bring Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00205-00055797-00056129 it in we give it out fifteen seconds to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00206-00056129-00056713 go and we've got a little combo Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00207-00056714-00056960 now two ways to do the combo you can do Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00208-00056961-00057272 it a little bit more high impact a bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00209-00057273-00057754 more intense or I can do it a little bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00210-00057755-00057946 more low-key so I'm going to show you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00211-00057947-00058238 alright so this is the version I'm going Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00212-00058239-00058721 to do I'm gonna do to jump squats lunge Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00213-00058722-00059045 lunge lunge lunge I've got jumping Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00214-00059046-00059228 lunges in there 2 & 4 2 & 4 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00215-00059229-00059666 okay show you again so X 1 - that's the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00216-00059666-00059905 you want to drop straight into it so 1 2 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00217-00059907-00060344 3 4 1 2 that's what we're looking for Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00218-00060345-00060545 okay if you can't do that Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00219-00060546-00060653 then it's absolutely fine I'll show you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00220-00060654-00061157 what to do it's got 1 to stay low lunge Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00221-00061158-00061530 back come forward a bit lunge lunge Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00222-00061532-00061954 lunge so stay low look how low I am so 1 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00223-00061954-00062582 2 lunge lunge ok so still 2 and 4 that's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00224-00062583-00062840 what we're looking at all right are you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00225-00062841-00063119 ready let's do this so hopefully we're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00226-00063120-00063272 going to jump too high take my head out Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00227-00063273-00063514 there well it's 2 & 4 2 & 4 you ready Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00228-00063515-00064451 let's go so 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 I'll show Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00229-00064452-00064862 you from the side actually here 1 2 3 4 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00230-00064863-00065597 1 2 stay low 1 2 3 4 1 2 definitely Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00231-00065598-00066593 burning up into those lunges Y 2 y 2 3 4 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00232-00066594-00066859 on those lunges make sure when you land Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00233-00066860-00067085 don't lean forward and when that front Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00234-00067086-00067262 knee going too far forward okay so maybe Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00235-00067263-00067451 you can do the low key option stepping Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00236-00067452-00067882 back it's a low impact version sit on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00237-00067883-00068467 the second one back lunge lunge lunge Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00238-00068468-00068866 lunge and back up into those squat Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00239-00068867-00069415 so I see one two three and four and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00240-00069416-00069646 there we go so that's one round done Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00241-00069647-00069912 I see those combos really zap your legs Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00242-00069913-00070299 alright we're going back to the floor Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00243-00070300-00070776 straight down so we go onto the bridge Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00244-00070777-00071116 enough to get your breath back up nice Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00245-00071117-00071587 and high straight leg down from the hips Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00246-00071588-00071724 to the shoulders all that straight line Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00247-00071725-00072750 back down bring it up slowly down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00248-00072751-00072949 try thinking control your breathing Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00249-00072950-00073207 especially if you're doing more high Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00250-00073208-00073366 impact version there that we just did on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00251-00073367-00074646 the squats and lunges 20 seconds left Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00252-00074647-00074884 again trying to squeeze your butt cheeks Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00253-00074885-00075100 don't just go through the motions as you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00254-00075101-00075271 bring it up to the top really hold tight Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00255-00075272-00075561 come on buns of steel Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00256-00075562-00075766 bring them out squeeze squeeze squeeze Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00257-00075767-00075883 that down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00258-00075884-00076099 just let your butt kiss the ground last Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00259-00076100-00076627 one and down we go all right back on the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00260-00076628-00076699 bulgarians Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00261-00076700-00077203 it's a great story chair sofa remember Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00262-00077204-00077548 to balance so kick one their back I'll Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00263-00077549-00077644 give you a moment to get yourself Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00264-00077645-00077869 balanced all right then we're gonna sit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00265-00077870-00078175 back into it okay so remember pop your Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00266-00078176-00078370 hips back back legs just for the ride Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00267-00078371-00078622 all through that front leg come up Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00268-00078623-00079282 slowly control leave it out looking Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00269-00079283-00079633 strong here here we go not looking too Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00270-00079634-00079894 shabby at all this is what we want get Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00271-00079895-00080107 that rhythm it doesn't have to be too Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00272-00080108-00080518 quick I might want to put the timer on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00273-00080519-00080835 I'll knock off about 15 seconds for you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00274-00080836-00081067 if any of my old clients are watching Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00275-00081068-00081211 this they'd be like we never used to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00276-00081212-00081484 keep time Dean count reps Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00277-00081485-00081861 I still a case now I got 30 seconds to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00278-00081862-00081894 go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00279-00081895-00082188 I can't say I'm looking forward to the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00280-00082189-00082782 squat lunge combo sit back into it back Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00281-00082783-00082921 straight keep your shoulders back head Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00282-00082922-00083900 up down saw 15 seconds to go ten nine Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00283-00083901-00084735 eight seven six five four three last one Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00284-00084736-00085152 two one whoo all right shake it out a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00285-00085153-00085465 little bit give yourself a moment kick Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00286-00085466-00085755 it back find your balance get your Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00287-00085756-00085996 rhythm and hop out search so I've got Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00288-00085997-00086124 enough space to actually sit back into Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00289-00086125-00086511 this all right let's go we're down it's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00290-00086512-00086715 right through the heel make sure you're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00291-00086716-00086817 not pushing through your toes but Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00292-00086818-00087363 through the heel prove it out breathe it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00293-00087364-00087405 in Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00294-00087406-00088043 prove it out it's what we want Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00295-00088044-00088325 definitely burning up a little bit now Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00296-00088326-00088746 hope you hope you're managing at home Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00297-00088747-00088996 with this it's gonna get a little bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00298-00088997-00089499 tasty in this next round especially on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00299-00089500-00089676 these lunges and squats we're about to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00300-00089677-00090060 do so therefore any point you're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00301-00090061-00090374 struggling on this next set of exercises Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00302-00090375-00090617 give yourself that 3 second countdown Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00303-00090618-00090987 then hop back to it look for you hop Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00304-00090988-00091337 back to it so excuse that pun Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00305-00091338-00091985 eight seconds to go come on strong legs Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00306-00091986-00092444 boom relax all right this should be fun Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00307-00092445-00092844 so 2 & 4 2 & 4 you choose what you want Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00308-00092845-00093030 to do high impact version on low impact Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00309-00093031-00093366 version alright so let's do is I'm gonna Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00310-00093367-00093773 start with high so get some height Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00311-00093774-00094554 dropping down low 1 2 3 4 1 2 stay low Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00312-00094555-00094734 what Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00313-00094735-00094917 two-three-four for those of you doing Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00314-00094918-00095318 the low impact version so it's one to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00315-00095319-00096081 stay low one balance it to free again Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00316-00096082-00096207 you can hold on to someone if you need Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00317-00096208-00096576 to squat again one let's see Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00318-00096577-00097032 but down legs are definitely getting Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00319-00097033-00097644 fried stay low and then back let's go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00320-00097645-00097885 shake it out if you need to my legs are Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00321-00097886-00098099 burning up as well don't worry about it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00322-00098100-00098613 to lunch all right stepping back making Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00323-00098614-00098730 sure as you step back again the front Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00324-00098731-00099273 knee doesn't lean too far forward there Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00325-00099274-00099640 we go just finish it with a hop all Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00326-00099641-00099772 right we've got one more round I'm gonna Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00327-00099773-00099909 give you a little bit of time there Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00328-00099910-00100246 shoot those legs out and we've got Dora Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00329-00100247-00100540 free hope you're well Camila Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00330-00100541-00100647 hope you're well as well a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00331-00100648-00100836 recommendation from your friends so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00332-00100837-00101037 hopping in hopefully doing this routine Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00333-00101038-00101434 with us let's come down and by the way Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00334-00101435-00101635 if you're just tuning in and those Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00335-00101636-00101728 comments might be in the way Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00336-00101729-00101844 you can't swipe them out the way Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00337-00101845-00102024 especially as I'm lined there remember Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00338-00102025-00102261 it swipe to the side if you need to all Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00339-00102262-00102591 right so let's go one more time here we Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00340-00102592-00103059 go bring it up let them drop kiss the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00341-00103060-00103276 ground straight back up don't go through Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00342-00103277-00103597 the motions squeeze those butt cheeks up Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00343-00103598-00103802 it comes squeeze squeeze squeeze squeeze Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00344-00103803-00104572 back down here we go should be a little Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00345-00104573-00104682 bit of leg trembling going on our Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00346-00104683-00104964 imagine a little bit lactic acid sitting Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00347-00104965-00105456 in these thighs kind of grit the teeth Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00348-00105457-00105696 try and push through it that little bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00349-00105697-00106021 and remember what I said earlier if you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00350-00106022-00106227 are struggling at any point give Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00351-00106228-00106450 yourself those few seconds it's okay Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00352-00106451-00106578 little sip of water and then jump back Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00353-00106579-00106801 in that's absolutely fine but do try and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00354-00106802-00107391 push yourself give it your best effort Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00355-00107392-00107679 10 seconds to go I'm actually looking Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00356-00107680-00108000 forward to the Bulgarian squats here Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00357-00108001-00108441 three two and one Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00358-00108442-00108933 back down all right up to our feet let's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00359-00108934-00109086 go check it out a little bit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00360-00109088-00109260 Bulgarian squats so grab your stall Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00361-00109261-00109590 chair partners face if you need balance Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00362-00109591-00109734 here we go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00363-00109735-00109969 foot up on top all right sit back into Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00364-00109970-00110296 it get that balance sink push through Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00365-00110297-00110845 that heel on that front leg there we go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00366-00110846-00111591 need a strong finish now give me some Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00367-00111592-00111700 likes give me some love if you're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00368-00111701-00111785 enjoying this Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00369-00111786-00112149 even if you hate faces I don't mind Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00370-00112150-00112372 maybe it's really burning and you're Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00371-00112373-00112552 struggling you think wow Gavin I'm not Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00372-00112553-00112890 not down with this I don't mind that Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00373-00112891-00113823 come on big effort 20 seconds left Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00374-00113824-00114081 strong legs strong legs all the way Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00375-00114082-00114986 we've got this ten seconds to go four Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00376-00114988-00115678 three two one boom shake it out here we Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00377-00115679-00116239 go over side all right set it up sit Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00378-00116240-00116632 back here we go timers on shoulders back Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00379-00116633-00116968 head looking forward try and get that Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00380-00116969-00117322 butt down low sit back into it that's Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00381-00117323-00117459 where the work is as you push through Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00382-00117460-00118090 here alright remember what I said Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00383-00118091-00118222 earlier about not really getting a sweat Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00384-00118223-00118432 on well I don't know about you but I'm Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00385-00118433-00118965 getting a bit of a swirl we've got just Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00386-00118966-00119319 over 20 seconds to go come on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00387-00119320-00119595 don't try and stand too long at the top Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00388-00119596-00119978 so as you hit the top moment pause Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00389-00119979-00120225 straight back down Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00390-00120226-00120864 come on here we go ten seconds mmm Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00391-00120865-00121771 strong five four three two and one all Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00392-00121772-00122245 right shake it out here we go ha ha Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00393-00122246-00122428 dreading these ones now absolutely Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00394-00122429-00122614 dreading these let's do it together Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00395-00122615-00123031 though all right time is on 2 and 4 here Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00396-00123032-00123076 we go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00397-00123077-00124744 1 2 1 2 3 4 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 whoo yeah get Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00398-00124745-00125389 back into it Walsh 1 2 3 4 1 2 Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00399-00125390-00125683 barely getting off the ground now come Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00400-00125683-00126606 on keep pushing 30 seconds to go free oh Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00401-00126607-00127306 come on legs to me I'm struggling as Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00402-00127307-00127669 well there we go Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00403-00127670-00128071 why - 8 seconds left Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00404-00128072-00128559 here we go finish it 2 3 4 so a few Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00405-00128560-00129354 seconds get some squats in Wow okay so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00406-00129355-00129697 proper jelly legs there especially on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00407-00129698-00130231 those last two squats deep breaths well Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00408-00130232-00130353 then if you've just done that with me Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00409-00130354-00130678 I'm gonna hop over here and have a look Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00410-00130679-00131247 what's going on I think you're right Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00411-00131248-00131446 trying to push a little bit too much Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00412-00131447-00131668 there sometimes that little bit slower Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00413-00131669-00131767 keep it going Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00414-00131768-00131992 I was trying to get some height and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00415-00131993-00132214 towards the end there it was no height Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00416-00132215-00132490 in there all right what we're going to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00417-00132491-00132754 do is a little jog on the spot try and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00418-00132755-00133003 flush some of that lactic acid out in Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00419-00133004-00133111 the legs Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00420-00133112-00133417 so easy jerk Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00421-00133418-00133927 nice and steady here we go so hope you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00422-00133928-00134290 like that one that combo that squat Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00423-00134291-00134524 lunge combo that's a tough one after Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00424-00134525-00134701 you've already done the bridge and the Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00425-00134702-00135001 Bulgarian squats certainly felt that as Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00426-00135002-00135247 you can probably tell when I was doing Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00427-00135248-00135627 that one Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00428-00135628-00136009 all right few more seconds almost are to Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00429-00136010-00136441 stretch it out there you go legs are Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00430-00136442-00136495 feeling better Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00431-00136496-00136858 not too mashed there we go shake it out Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00432-00136859-00137371 ah deep breaths in through the nose out Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00433-00137372-00137946 through the mouth breathe it out alright Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00434-00137947-00138292 let's take it down low legs wide pushing Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00435-00138293-00138559 the heels into the ground push your butt Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00436-00138560-00138799 back now legs might be trembling a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00437-00138800-00139381 little bit here here we go push those Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00438-00139382-00139605 heels down lift your butt up high Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00439-00139606-00139854 reaching down towards the floor as well Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00440-00139855-00140077 just don't need to bend your back so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00441-00140078-00140215 much it's all about pushing those heels Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00442-00140216-00140695 now lifting your butt high okay take it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00443-00140696-00141163 to the side there we go hold this Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00444-00141164-00141388 position stretch yeah you know five you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00445-00141389-00141517 can go lower to the ground some people Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00446-00141518-00141823 are happy drop in here that's absolutely Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00447-00141824-00142090 fine depends where you're at with your Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00448-00142091-00142699 flexibility there we go so hope you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00449-00142700-00142903 enjoyed that one if you've not given me Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00450-00142904-00143152 a like or share yet make sure you do so Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00451-00143153-00143449 at the end of this routine say hello as Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00452-00143450-00143656 well let me know what your for of that Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00453-00143657-00143917 one so pushing the hips forward here Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00454-00143918-00144184 stretching that hip flexor go and reach Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00455-00144185-00145151 it up couple more seconds turn it round Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00456-00145152-00145427 again drop it no surprise if your legs Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00457-00145428-00145723 are all over the shop at the moment Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00458-00145724-00145949 pushing those hips forward reaching up Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00459-00145950-00146084 if you need to hold onto the wall of a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00460-00146085-00146356 chair that's absolutely fine go for it Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00461-00146357-00146555 by now if you've been following these Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00462-00146556-00146714 routines you should know that you can do Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00463-00146715-00146846 that and you don't have the copy me Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00464-00146847-00147158 exactly you can find that easier option Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00465-00147159-00147368 even if you even if I don't say an Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00466-00147369-00147608 exercise it might be more suited to you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00467-00147609-00147773 you can do you don't the copy me and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00468-00147774-00147983 absolutely ruin your body okay Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00469-00147984-00148193 it depends where you are lots of people Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00470-00148194-00148403 doing these routines live and I'm a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00471-00148404-00148691 replay and I offer the download them and Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00472-00148692-00148790 stick them on YouTube and things like Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00473-00148791-00149131 that so depends where you're at alright Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00474-00149132-00149495 kick one leg up needs to give her hips Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00475-00149496-00149747 forward you can lie down as well if you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00476-00149748-00150352 want to do it on the floor Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00477-00150353-00151136 other side Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00478-00151137-00151448 there we go shake it out now if you need Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00479-00151449-00151568 to as always a little bit more Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00480-00151569-00151667 stretching is not going to hurt and if Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00481-00151668-00151879 you've got a foam roll at home hop on Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00482-00151880-00152108 the roller really try and ease out any Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00483-00152109-00152339 knots you might have especially tomorrow Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00484-00152340-00152534 after doing that one but I hope you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00485-00152535-00152720 enjoyed that one and speaking of Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00486-00152721-00153008 tomorrow I'll be here same time doing a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00487-00153009-00153176 little ab workout am i referring a Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00488-00153177-00153392 couple of exercises just to treat you Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00489-00153393-00153713 okay so thank you for watching and I'll Dpxt0YgNDiQ-00490-00153714-00154166 see you tomorrow bye for now DQNKiVPcEZY-00000-00000139-00002665 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00001-00002666-00003456 thank you DQNKiVPcEZY-00002-00003457-00003832 foreign foreign DQNKiVPcEZY-00003-00003833-00005649 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00004-00005650-00007187 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00005-00007188-00007429 foreign DQNKiVPcEZY-00007-00010961-00011508 foreign DQNKiVPcEZY-00008-00011509-00013955 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00009-00013956-00014099 foreign DQNKiVPcEZY-00010-00014100-00015258 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00011-00015259-00015894 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00012-00015894-00018791 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00013-00018792-00019794 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00014-00019795-00020011 thank you DQNKiVPcEZY-00015-00020012-00020263 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00016-00020264-00020311 [Applause] DQNKiVPcEZY-00017-00020312-00020535 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00018-00020536-00021191 [Applause] DQNKiVPcEZY-00019-00021192-00021622 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00020-00021623-00021745 foreign DQNKiVPcEZY-00021-00021746-00021788 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00022-00021789-00023241 [Applause] DQNKiVPcEZY-00023-00023242-00023347 [Applause] DQNKiVPcEZY-00024-00023348-00023556 [Laughter] DQNKiVPcEZY-00025-00023557-00023974 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00026-00023975-00024350 [Applause] DQNKiVPcEZY-00027-00024351-00024808 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00028-00024809-00025104 foreign DQNKiVPcEZY-00029-00025105-00025943 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00030-00025944-00026581 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00031-00026582-00027898 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00032-00027899-00028031 [Music] DQNKiVPcEZY-00033-00028032-00028210 foreign DQNKiVPcEZY-00035-00031518-00031818 foreign DT8FxdeJ9tA-00000-00000021-00000281 the engineer is the name of two DT8FxdeJ9tA-00001-00000282-00000505 fictional characters in the Wildstorm DT8FxdeJ9tA-00002-00000506-00000879 universe the first engineer appeared in DT8FxdeJ9tA-00003-00000880-00001208 1997 and was created by Warren Ellis and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00004-00001209-00001547 Tom Rainey the current engineer Angela DT8FxdeJ9tA-00005-00001548-00001780 spica a member of storm watch first DT8FxdeJ9tA-00006-00001782-00002014 appears in the authority number one and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00007-00002016-00002237 was created by Warren Ellis and Bryan DT8FxdeJ9tA-00008-00002238-00002521 hitch the engineer uses nanotechnology DT8FxdeJ9tA-00009-00002522-00002873 to fly communicate with machinery create DT8FxdeJ9tA-00010-00002874-00003113 mechanical devices and to cover the body DT8FxdeJ9tA-00011-00003114-00003440 in liquid metal body armor the engineer DT8FxdeJ9tA-00012-00003440-00003740 also appears in the 2008 number of the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00013-00003740-00003979 Beast Wildstorm miniseries and the new DT8FxdeJ9tA-00014-00003980-00005254 52 topic the first engineer the engineer DT8FxdeJ9tA-00015-00005255-00005606 first appeared in the 1997 final story DT8FxdeJ9tA-00016-00005607-00005988 arc of storm watch vol 1 change or die DT8FxdeJ9tA-00017-00005989-00006356 storm watch issues hash 48 to 50 by DT8FxdeJ9tA-00018-00006357-00006689 Warren Ellis and Tom Rainey he was part DT8FxdeJ9tA-00019-00006690-00006863 of a super-powered group called the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00020-00006864-00007100 changes led by the high who wanted to DT8FxdeJ9tA-00021-00007101-00007277 change the world by removing the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00022-00007278-00007601 structure of society itself there would DT8FxdeJ9tA-00023-00007602-00007846 be no more laws no authoritarian DT8FxdeJ9tA-00024-00007847-00008189 structures no crime and no war the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00025-00008190-00008428 engineers role in this plan was to seed DT8FxdeJ9tA-00026-00008429-00008674 nanotechnological oasis across the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00027-00008675-00009062 planet these Oasis would serve as horns DT8FxdeJ9tA-00028-00009063-00009344 of Plenty providing every imaginable DT8FxdeJ9tA-00029-00009345-00009628 food product and tool anybody needed DT8FxdeJ9tA-00030-00009629-00009884 this first engineer died with the rest DT8FxdeJ9tA-00031-00009885-00010121 of the changes in issue number 50 when DT8FxdeJ9tA-00032-00010122-00010313 storm watch under the command of an DT8FxdeJ9tA-00033-00010314-00010526 increasingly maverick Henry Bendix DT8FxdeJ9tA-00034-00010527-00010730 destroyed their base with hammer strike DT8FxdeJ9tA-00035-00010731-00010934 deep sanction missiles consisting of DT8FxdeJ9tA-00036-00010935-00011164 Bioware payload and tailored acid bombs DT8FxdeJ9tA-00037-00011165-00011428 a later storm watch Ark collected as the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00038-00011429-00011669 trade paperback a finer world storm DT8FxdeJ9tA-00039-00011670-00011930 watch vol two issues hash two to four DT8FxdeJ9tA-00040-00011931-00012170 explored this engineers legacy the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00041-00012171-00012385 Nevada garden his first and sole DT8FxdeJ9tA-00042-00012386-00012641 surviving nanotech Oasis was secretly DT8FxdeJ9tA-00043-00012642-00012835 commandeered by the United States DT8FxdeJ9tA-00044-00012836-00013108 military and used for weapon creation DT8FxdeJ9tA-00045-00013109-00013388 Apollo and the Midnighter destroyed the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00046-00013390-00013566 site on behalf of storm watch and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00047-00013566-00013824 brought most of its nanotech trees into DT8FxdeJ9tA-00048-00013825-00014953 storm watch custody topic angeles Spiker DT8FxdeJ9tA-00049-00014954-00015366 in 1998 writer warren ellis brought the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00050-00015366-00015575 storm watch ongoing series to an end DT8FxdeJ9tA-00051-00015576-00015725 with the destruction of the team DT8FxdeJ9tA-00052-00015726-00015975 retaining several storm watch characters DT8FxdeJ9tA-00053-00015976-00016194 for his new wild storm series the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00054-00016194-00016461 authority the roster of the eponymous DT8FxdeJ9tA-00055-00016462-00016712 team in his new book also included DT8FxdeJ9tA-00056-00016713-00016953 successors to two members of the changes DT8FxdeJ9tA-00057-00016954-00017264 a new doctor and a new engineer the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00058-00017265-00017483 latter was introduced in issue 1 as DT8FxdeJ9tA-00059-00017484-00017774 angeles biker a Brooklyn born scientist DT8FxdeJ9tA-00060-00017775-00018050 though she had known the first engineer DT8FxdeJ9tA-00061-00018051-00018261 she had not known about his involvement DT8FxdeJ9tA-00062-00018262-00018512 in the changes until his death when her DT8FxdeJ9tA-00063-00018513-00018703 home computer filled up with his DT8FxdeJ9tA-00064-00018704-00018953 nanotechnology notes and started linking DT8FxdeJ9tA-00065-00018954-00019211 it to her work in human machine fusion DT8FxdeJ9tA-00066-00019212-00019508 she distilled an incalculable number of DT8FxdeJ9tA-00067-00019509-00019761 intelligent devices into nine pints of DT8FxdeJ9tA-00068-00019762-00019965 liquid machinery which she used to DT8FxdeJ9tA-00069-00019966-00020225 replace her blood this nanotechnology DT8FxdeJ9tA-00070-00020226-00020528 gave her extensive mechanical abilities DT8FxdeJ9tA-00071-00020529-00020780 she can cover her body with liquid metal DT8FxdeJ9tA-00072-00020781-00021000 at will fly communicate with machinery DT8FxdeJ9tA-00073-00021001-00021261 and create devices including radio DT8FxdeJ9tA-00074-00021262-00021536 telepathy bugs weaponry rocket engines DT8FxdeJ9tA-00075-00021537-00021722 replacement lungs to cope with DT8FxdeJ9tA-00076-00021723-00021924 unfamiliar atmospheres and even DT8FxdeJ9tA-00077-00021925-00022122 additional copies of herself DT8FxdeJ9tA-00078-00022123-00022430 Jenny sparks recruited her as a founding DT8FxdeJ9tA-00079-00022431-00022868 member of the authority in 2001 Mark DT8FxdeJ9tA-00080-00022869-00023105 Miller Ellis successor as the writer on DT8FxdeJ9tA-00081-00023106-00023358 the authority wrote a five issue secret DT8FxdeJ9tA-00082-00023359-00023580 history of the authority exploring the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00083-00023581-00023809 team's lives before their joining up DT8FxdeJ9tA-00084-00023810-00024034 Anji appeared in the fifth issue DT8FxdeJ9tA-00085-00024035-00024272 describing to Jenny sparks how her DT8FxdeJ9tA-00086-00024273-00024546 desire to be a scientist and later a DT8FxdeJ9tA-00087-00024547-00024849 hero arose from a childhood diet of DT8FxdeJ9tA-00088-00024850-00025315 comic books in the transfer of power DT8FxdeJ9tA-00089-00025316-00025706 storyline Spiker was replaced by machine DT8FxdeJ9tA-00090-00025707-00026012 a woman from Japan who received the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00091-00026013-00026232 nanotechnology extracted from the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00092-00026233-00026532 engineers body Spikers blood was DT8FxdeJ9tA-00093-00026533-00026726 temporarily replaced with that of a DT8FxdeJ9tA-00094-00026727-00026775 Harrow DT8FxdeJ9tA-00095-00026776-00027066 addict she was given memory implants and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00096-00027067-00027245 forced into the life of a minimum-wage DT8FxdeJ9tA-00097-00027247-00027513 worker in a 7-eleven with an abusive DT8FxdeJ9tA-00098-00027514-00027726 husband and six children all of them DT8FxdeJ9tA-00099-00027727-00027945 actors paid by the hostile government DT8FxdeJ9tA-00100-00027945-00028122 that had sanctioned the authorities DT8FxdeJ9tA-00101-00028123-00028370 overthrow until she was saved by swift DT8FxdeJ9tA-00102-00028372-00028614 Spikers deep desire for revenge on DT8FxdeJ9tA-00103-00028614-00028830 machine was thwarted when it was learned DT8FxdeJ9tA-00104-00028831-00029132 she had been killed by team mate Apollo DT8FxdeJ9tA-00105-00029133-00029376 Spica has an open on-off relationship DT8FxdeJ9tA-00106-00029377-00029682 with Jack Hawksmoor but she also slept DT8FxdeJ9tA-00107-00029683-00030006 with the doctor on one occasion she also DT8FxdeJ9tA-00108-00030007-00030239 had a brief fling with a squat hairy DT8FxdeJ9tA-00109-00030241-00030492 Mexican a type she is very attracted to DT8FxdeJ9tA-00110-00030493-00030882 she picks up in a bar it ends badly she DT8FxdeJ9tA-00111-00030883-00031122 also had a deep even if somewhat short DT8FxdeJ9tA-00112-00031123-00031370 relation with Captain Atom a universe DT8FxdeJ9tA-00113-00031372-00031611 travelling hero hailing from their DC DT8FxdeJ9tA-00114-00031612-00031929 Universe at first tasked from Jack DT8FxdeJ9tA-00115-00031930-00032154 himself to keep an eye on Captain Atom DT8FxdeJ9tA-00116-00032155-00032418 using her charms if needed to keep him DT8FxdeJ9tA-00117-00032419-00032625 close and devise a plan to bring him DT8FxdeJ9tA-00118-00032626-00032835 back home or kill him should he become a DT8FxdeJ9tA-00119-00032836-00033183 menace for the Wildstorm universe Spica DT8FxdeJ9tA-00120-00033184-00033492 unable to find his proper universe uses DT8FxdeJ9tA-00121-00033493-00033750 her nanotechnology to apparently disable DT8FxdeJ9tA-00122-00033751-00033927 the fragment of the void lodged in DT8FxdeJ9tA-00123-00033928-00034053 Captain atoms body DT8FxdeJ9tA-00124-00034054-00034242 defusing the threat posed by his DT8FxdeJ9tA-00125-00034243-00034470 survival in the wild storm universe and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00126-00034471-00034722 starts a relationship with him sharing DT8FxdeJ9tA-00127-00034723-00034932 some intimate moments and trying to mold DT8FxdeJ9tA-00128-00034933-00035175 him into the proactive hero needed by DT8FxdeJ9tA-00129-00035176-00035511 her world however upon discovering that DT8FxdeJ9tA-00130-00035512-00035733 the marker void was never purged by his DT8FxdeJ9tA-00131-00035734-00035955 system and upon finding Captain Atom DT8FxdeJ9tA-00132-00035956-00036216 embracing Nicola Hansen the current host DT8FxdeJ9tA-00133-00036217-00036474 for the void entity Angela turns against DT8FxdeJ9tA-00134-00036475-00036690 him and mixing jealousy to anger and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00135-00036691-00036968 self-righteousness attempts to slay him DT8FxdeJ9tA-00136-00036969-00037242 Captain Atom still deeply in love with DT8FxdeJ9tA-00137-00037243-00037530 her disables her powers until void is DT8FxdeJ9tA-00138-00037531-00037731 able to reboot the universe leaving DT8FxdeJ9tA-00139-00037732-00037947 Angela no memories of the events DT8FxdeJ9tA-00140-00037948-00038088 surrounding the destruction and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00141-00038089-00038355 recreation of her world and possibly no DT8FxdeJ9tA-00142-00038356-00038631 memories about Nathaniel Adam Spiker was DT8FxdeJ9tA-00143-00038632-00038868 apparently sexually assaulted during her DT8FxdeJ9tA-00144-00038869-00039102 school-age years by a renegade doctor DT8FxdeJ9tA-00145-00039103-00039294 who traveled back in time while they DT8FxdeJ9tA-00146-00039295-00039907 were fighting DT8FxdeJ9tA-00147-00039908-00040567 EPIK worlds end.the 2008 number of the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00148-00040568-00040804 beast wild storm miniseries described DT8FxdeJ9tA-00149-00040805-00041002 the devastation of Earth and set the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00150-00041003-00041248 scene for a new authority ongoing series DT8FxdeJ9tA-00151-00041249-00041473 World's End by Dan Abnett and Andy DT8FxdeJ9tA-00152-00041474-00041836 Lanning in this series the engineer hit DT8FxdeJ9tA-00153-00041837-00042076 by the same electromagnetic pulses that DT8FxdeJ9tA-00154-00042077-00042310 disabled technology on earth lost her DT8FxdeJ9tA-00155-00042311-00042621 powers she remains in the ruins of the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00156-00042622-00042823 crashed carrier jury-rigging and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00157-00042824-00043060 scavenging the last technology left and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00158-00043061-00043230 caring for a crippled Jack until DT8FxdeJ9tA-00159-00043231-00043501 discovering a small fighter craft having DT8FxdeJ9tA-00160-00043502-00043693 the same origin as the carrier which DT8FxdeJ9tA-00161-00043694-00044393 restarts and upgrades her abilities DT8FxdeJ9tA-00162-00044394-00045195 topic the new 52 in September 2011 the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00163-00045196-00045505 new 52 reboot at DC's continuity DT8FxdeJ9tA-00164-00045506-00045733 including a merging of characters from DT8FxdeJ9tA-00165-00045734-00046042 the Wildstorm universe in this new DT8FxdeJ9tA-00166-00046043-00046326 timeline Angeles pikas engineer appears DT8FxdeJ9tA-00167-00046327-00046545 as a member of the rebooted version of DT8FxdeJ9tA-00168-00046546-00046830 the storm watch team in the new storm DT8FxdeJ9tA-00169-00046831-00047037 watch the engineer is responsible for DT8FxdeJ9tA-00170-00047038-00047239 maintaining communications between DT8FxdeJ9tA-00171-00047240-00047499 members of the secretive organization as DT8FxdeJ9tA-00172-00047500-00047680 well as maintaining the eye of the storm DT8FxdeJ9tA-00173-00047681-00047893 the storm watch Space Station DT8FxdeJ9tA-00174-00047894-00048073 headquarters that is described as DT8FxdeJ9tA-00175-00048074-00048460 existing in hyperspace she has grown DT8FxdeJ9tA-00176-00048461-00048687 increasingly disgruntled with atom one's DT8FxdeJ9tA-00177-00048688-00048904 leadership and openly challenged his DT8FxdeJ9tA-00178-00048905-00049149 position saying she should be the leader DT8FxdeJ9tA-00179-00049150-00049440 she finally took charge from him during DT8FxdeJ9tA-00180-00049441-00049620 a battle against an alien threat DT8FxdeJ9tA-00181-00049621-00049849 thinking to herself that the team was DT8FxdeJ9tA-00182-00049850-00050182 falling apart but could be won again she DT8FxdeJ9tA-00183-00050183-00050427 also has a close relationship with Harry DT8FxdeJ9tA-00184-00050428-00050649 tanner a comrade who had the power to DT8FxdeJ9tA-00185-00050650-00050893 convince anyone with his lies which she DT8FxdeJ9tA-00186-00050894-00051114 believed she was taking into account in DT8FxdeJ9tA-00187-00051115-00051201 reality DT8FxdeJ9tA-00188-00051202-00051400 Harry backed her as a potential leader DT8FxdeJ9tA-00189-00051401-00051570 because he believed she could be DT8FxdeJ9tA-00190-00051571-00051804 manipulated when Harry betrays the team DT8FxdeJ9tA-00191-00051805-00051985 kidnapping the projectionists and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00192-00051986-00052233 devastating the eye of the storm Angela DT8FxdeJ9tA-00193-00052234-00052453 takes leadership and lead storm watch in DT8FxdeJ9tA-00194-00052454-00052666 to beating Harry to various caches of DT8FxdeJ9tA-00195-00052666-00053273 alien technology DT8FxdeJ9tA-00196-00053274-00053822 topic the wild storm DT8FxdeJ9tA-00197-00053823-00054067 acting as the entry character for the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00198-00054069-00054326 series Spica was screened several times DT8FxdeJ9tA-00199-00054327-00054509 for an engineering position in DT8FxdeJ9tA-00200-00054510-00054746 international operations eventually DT8FxdeJ9tA-00201-00054747-00054944 being put in charge of creating a new DT8FxdeJ9tA-00202-00054945-00055247 armor for the razor's c80 covered action DT8FxdeJ9tA-00203-00055248-00055586 team taking technology from a recovered DT8FxdeJ9tA-00204-00055587-00055802 sky watch ship she thought was of alien DT8FxdeJ9tA-00205-00055803-00055871 origin DT8FxdeJ9tA-00206-00055872-00056099 she created a much cruder version of the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00207-00056100-00056327 engineer armor which leaks from her body DT8FxdeJ9tA-00208-00056328-00056660 via holes in her skin to cover her the DT8FxdeJ9tA-00209-00056661-00056842 armor has several weapons and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00210-00056844-00057101 technological advances even allowing her DT8FxdeJ9tA-00211-00057102-00057485 to fly on some occasions however once DT8FxdeJ9tA-00212-00057486-00057713 funding became scarce she personally DT8FxdeJ9tA-00213-00057714-00057998 went to the director of IO miles Craven DT8FxdeJ9tA-00214-00057999-00058160 when he was eating out with his DT8FxdeJ9tA-00215-00058161-00058484 boyfriend Kraven was skeptical of Spiker DT8FxdeJ9tA-00216-00058485-00058703 doing everything he could to quell her DT8FxdeJ9tA-00217-00058704-00058907 questions until he noticed she was DT8FxdeJ9tA-00218-00058908-00059164 bleeding due to the armor in her skin DT8FxdeJ9tA-00219-00059165-00059477 Spica fled she later found several DT8FxdeJ9tA-00220-00059478-00059719 people looking up at the halo building DT8FxdeJ9tA-00221-00059720-00060023 suddenly jacob mallow was sent crashing DT8FxdeJ9tA-00222-00060024-00060224 out of a window caused by a failed DT8FxdeJ9tA-00223-00060225-00060491 assassination attempt by IO mercenary DT8FxdeJ9tA-00224-00060491-00060791 deathblow Spiker quickly changed into DT8FxdeJ9tA-00225-00060791-00061013 her armor and flew up to catch mallow DT8FxdeJ9tA-00226-00061014-00061373 saving him marlow saw her bleeding and DT8FxdeJ9tA-00227-00061374-00061591 offered to help her but Spiker declined DT8FxdeJ9tA-00228-00061592-00061811 the offer and fled to a safe house in DT8FxdeJ9tA-00229-00061812-00062060 Montek knowing that IO now knew of what DT8FxdeJ9tA-00230-00062061-00062369 she'd done while IO sent in their razor DT8FxdeJ9tA-00231-00062370-00062663 CAT to apprehend Spica but not before DT8FxdeJ9tA-00232-00062664-00063554 marlow sent in his own rogue CA T topic DT8FxdeJ9tA-00233-00063554-00064190 background the second engineer is based DT8FxdeJ9tA-00234-00064191-00064429 on a previous creation of warren ellis DT8FxdeJ9tA-00235-00064429-00064826 steel rain a character Ellis created DT8FxdeJ9tA-00236-00064827-00065108 with artist Gary Erskine steel rains DT8FxdeJ9tA-00237-00065109-00065357 first and only appearance was in Marvel DT8FxdeJ9tA-00238-00065358-00066044 Comics 2099 unlimited number 9 July 1995 DTERRcHT-ky-00000-00000017-00000340 in mathematics a semi hilbert space is a DTERRcHT-ky-00001-00000341-00000557 generalization of a Hilbert space in DTERRcHT-ky-00002-00000558-00000749 functional analysis in which roughly DTERRcHT-ky-00003-00000750-00000952 speaking the inner product is required DTERRcHT-ky-00004-00000953-00001154 only to be positive semi-definite rather DTERRcHT-ky-00005-00001155-00001343 than positive definite so that it gives DTERRcHT-ky-00006-00001344-00001535 rise to a seminar other than a vector DTERRcHT-ky-00007-00001536-00001925 space norm the quotient of this space by DTERRcHT-ky-00008-00001926-00002105 the kernel of this seminar ms also DTERRcHT-ky-00009-00002106-00002291 required to be a Hilbert space in the DTERRcHT-ky-00010-00002292-00002560 usual sense DTOKWlAO8Po-00000-00000053-00000206 answer DTOKWlAO8Po-00001-00000206-00001691 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00002-00001692-00002242 uh DTOKWlAO8Po-00003-00002243-00002842 Stephen DTOKWlAO8Po-00005-00006558-00007960 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00006-00007961-00009514 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00007-00009515-00011824 [Applause] DTOKWlAO8Po-00008-00011825-00012929 development DTOKWlAO8Po-00009-00012930-00014640 s DTOKWlAO8Po-00010-00014641-00016855 [Applause] DTOKWlAO8Po-00011-00016856-00017303 technical bench DTOKWlAO8Po-00012-00017304-00018617 watches DTOKWlAO8Po-00013-00018618-00021533 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00014-00021534-00022167 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00015-00022168-00023827 [Applause] DTOKWlAO8Po-00016-00023828-00023999 motor DTOKWlAO8Po-00017-00024000-00024833 ola DTOKWlAO8Po-00018-00024834-00024960 um DTOKWlAO8Po-00019-00024961-00026596 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00020-00026597-00026807 interesting DTOKWlAO8Po-00021-00026808-00028096 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00022-00028097-00029423 opus DTOKWlAO8Po-00023-00029424-00029781 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00024-00029782-00030077 [Applause] DTOKWlAO8Po-00025-00030079-00030923 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00026-00030924-00033568 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00027-00033569-00033905 playing Africa DTOKWlAO8Po-00028-00033906-00036635 um DTOKWlAO8Po-00029-00036636-00037139 exactly DTOKWlAO8Po-00031-00040307-00041711 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00032-00041712-00043840 sense DTOKWlAO8Po-00033-00043841-00044391 yes DTOKWlAO8Po-00034-00044392-00044651 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00035-00044652-00044929 I'm gonna live up DTOKWlAO8Po-00036-00044930-00046139 recording history in Africa finals DTOKWlAO8Po-00037-00046140-00048311 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00038-00048312-00049361 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00039-00049362-00050180 foreign DTOKWlAO8Po-00040-00050181-00050740 [Music] DTOKWlAO8Po-00041-00050741-00050966 foreign DUTMwVjctvA-00000-00000031-00000224 well let me say a little bit to you DUTMwVjctvA-00001-00000225-00000557 about the difference between pastors and DUTMwVjctvA-00002-00000558-00000821 leaders I think we've made them one of DUTMwVjctvA-00003-00000822-00001093 the same thing another thing they are DUTMwVjctvA-00004-00001094-00001458 most growing thriving flourishing DUTMwVjctvA-00005-00001459-00001757 organizations including churches are DUTMwVjctvA-00006-00001757-00002002 that because the person in charge is DUTMwVjctvA-00007-00002003-00002275 clearly a leader with the skills DUTMwVjctvA-00008-00002276-00002575 required to grow anything that attached DUTMwVjctvA-00009-00002576-00002837 too often in the church we call the DUTMwVjctvA-00010-00002838-00003199 person in charge a pasta and assume that DUTMwVjctvA-00011-00003200-00003370 that means that they bring everything to DUTMwVjctvA-00012-00003371-00003515 the table that's needed for an DUTMwVjctvA-00013-00003515-00003811 organization to flourish but I believe a DUTMwVjctvA-00014-00003812-00004028 lot of leaders are trapped inside a DUTMwVjctvA-00015-00004029-00004343 pastas identity and I certainly was for DUTMwVjctvA-00016-00004344-00004595 the first sort of 20 years or so of my DUTMwVjctvA-00017-00004596-00004972 time leading a local church and when the DUTMwVjctvA-00018-00004973-00005285 pasta decides to lead which requires DUTMwVjctvA-00019-00005286-00005404 them to become a little bit more DUTMwVjctvA-00020-00005405-00005777 assertive more opinionated perhaps DUTMwVjctvA-00021-00005778-00006149 controversial disruptive then people get DUTMwVjctvA-00022-00006150-00006293 upset thinking there's something wrong DUTMwVjctvA-00023-00006294-00006454 with the pasta the pasta needs a DUTMwVjctvA-00024-00006455-00006578 sabbatical or he's not being very DUTMwVjctvA-00025-00006579-00006853 pastoral and soft and the leader DUTMwVjctvA-00026-00006854-00007100 subsides the pasta comes back to the DUTMwVjctvA-00027-00007101-00007309 fore because it's unpopular to be a DUTMwVjctvA-00028-00007311-00007746 leader often in a volunteer-based DUTMwVjctvA-00029-00007747-00008009 context where people feel they're giving DUTMwVjctvA-00030-00008009-00008366 of their time voluntarily and we DUTMwVjctvA-00031-00008367-00008519 shouldn't really ask much from them DUTMwVjctvA-00032-00008520-00008753 because they're not paid staff members I DUTMwVjctvA-00033-00008754-00009035 think that fosters the gain in much of a DUTMwVjctvA-00034-00009036-00009245 church the pastas leaned towards be DUTMwVjctvA-00035-00009246-00009683 nurturing and teaching and creating kind DUTMwVjctvA-00036-00009684-00009946 of family atmosphere as a father figure DUTMwVjctvA-00037-00009947-00010174 but they are not leading and what makes DUTMwVjctvA-00038-00010175-00010358 any organization community church grow DUTMwVjctvA-00039-00010359-00010759 is not nurturing but is leading and DUTMwVjctvA-00040-00010760-00011035 pioneering and constantly keeping that DUTMwVjctvA-00041-00011036-00011321 thing moving forward so I want to say to DUTMwVjctvA-00042-00011322-00011384 you DUTMwVjctvA-00043-00011385-00011678 pastors that truck with me or listen to DUTMwVjctvA-00044-00011679-00011849 anything I talk about regarding the DUTMwVjctvA-00045-00011850-00012131 church in your role that what will make DUTMwVjctvA-00046-00012132-00012289 your church grow is not you being DUTMwVjctvA-00047-00012290-00012682 pastoral and absorbed in the care DUTMwVjctvA-00048-00012683-00012933 maintenance of the needs of the flock DUTMwVjctvA-00049-00012934-00013191 others can do that and others should be DUTMwVjctvA-00050-00013193-00013413 doing that that keep releasing you to DUTMwVjctvA-00051-00013415-00013657 get out the leadership strength that you DUTMwVjctvA-00052-00013658-00013936 have where you can clearly see what DUTMwVjctvA-00053-00013937-00014119 needs changing you can see what's DUTMwVjctvA-00054-00014119-00014368 stopping you growing you can have a mind DUTMwVjctvA-00055-00014369-00014569 for the position of people and resource DUTMwVjctvA-00056-00014569-00014911 to facilitate growth you can be around DUTMwVjctvA-00057-00014912-00015129 growth oriented environments and people DUTMwVjctvA-00058-00015130-00015469 so you grow yourself as a leader more DUTMwVjctvA-00059-00015469-00015796 than grow yourself as a pastor I think DUTMwVjctvA-00060-00015797-00015931 that's why sometimes we give the label DUTMwVjctvA-00061-00015932-00016231 pasta it becomes a misnomer because a DUTMwVjctvA-00062-00016232-00016402 lot of you listening to me now don't DUTMwVjctvA-00063-00016403-00016615 feel like a pasta you have the badge of DUTMwVjctvA-00064-00016616-00016849 one but you feel more like a leader DUTMwVjctvA-00065-00016850-00017011 there's so many things you want to do DUTMwVjctvA-00066-00017012-00017185 that you feel if you do them if you DUTMwVjctvA-00067-00017186-00017398 speak like a leader behave and think DUTMwVjctvA-00068-00017399-00017775 like a leader that the pasta part of you DUTMwVjctvA-00069-00017776-00018007 will come under threat and people will DUTMwVjctvA-00070-00018008-00018274 feel that part of you is dissipating and DUTMwVjctvA-00071-00018275-00018430 fading and I want that bit of you back DUTMwVjctvA-00072-00018431-00018760 because people want to be nurtured they DUTMwVjctvA-00073-00018761-00018879 don't really want to be led DUTMwVjctvA-00074-00018880-00019272 but I've observed that all organizations DUTMwVjctvA-00075-00019273-00019468 and we talk about the church here but DUTMwVjctvA-00076-00019469-00019716 all organizations especially the church DUTMwVjctvA-00077-00019717-00019969 that are thriving around the world are DUTMwVjctvA-00078-00019970-00020215 that because they have a leader in DUTMwVjctvA-00079-00020216-00020539 charge the leader may be called a pastor DUTMwVjctvA-00080-00020540-00020819 but trust me it is not their pastoral DUTMwVjctvA-00081-00020820-00021157 abilities or title or role that is DUTMwVjctvA-00082-00021158-00021424 bringing growth to that church it is DUTMwVjctvA-00083-00021425-00021756 their leadership abilities so pastors DUTMwVjctvA-00084-00021757-00022054 don't grow churches leaders do and I'm DUTMwVjctvA-00085-00022055-00022468 encouraging the pastor to fade and the DUTMwVjctvA-00086-00022469-00022681 leader to come to prominence one must DUTMwVjctvA-00087-00022682-00022936 decrease one must increase I'm a DUTMwVjctvA-00088-00022937-00023110 couraging the leadership gene it's come DUTMwVjctvA-00089-00023111-00023380 out the pastoral lamp and stay out and DUTMwVjctvA-00090-00023381-00023719 not go back in because if you'll do that DUTMwVjctvA-00091-00023720-00023893 and not be afraid of the kickback you DUTMwVjctvA-00092-00023894-00024238 get from being a leader and continue to DUTMwVjctvA-00093-00024239-00024421 see the value of what you bring to the DUTMwVjctvA-00094-00024422-00024583 table and how different you think are DUTMwVjctvA-00095-00024584-00024817 now different you lead and the DUTMwVjctvA-00096-00024818-00024981 difference it makes when you have a DUTMwVjctvA-00097-00024982-00025399 leadership hat on as it were then I want DUTMwVjctvA-00098-00025400-00025564 you to stay there and realize that that DUTMwVjctvA-00099-00025565-00025764 is the key to the continual thriving DUTMwVjctvA-00100-00025766-00025828 growing attached DUTMwVjctvA-00101-00025829-00026122 if you are a pasta and you are not a DUTMwVjctvA-00102-00026123-00026200 leader DUTMwVjctvA-00103-00026201-00026480 are you more a nurturer and a carer of DUTMwVjctvA-00104-00026481-00026792 the flock than a leader then you need to DUTMwVjctvA-00105-00026793-00027037 release and empower the leadership DUTMwVjctvA-00106-00027038-00027214 around you and even bring leaders from DUTMwVjctvA-00107-00027215-00027461 outside to bring the leadership that DUTMwVjctvA-00108-00027462-00027680 perhaps is not your primary strength so DUTMwVjctvA-00109-00027681-00027889 either way the church is gonna grow DUTMwVjctvA-00110-00027890-00028099 through your leadership your leadership DUTMwVjctvA-00111-00028100-00028304 or someone else's leadership so we want DUTMwVjctvA-00112-00028305-00028483 it to be you if it's not you don't DUTMwVjctvA-00113-00028484-00028676 become a cork in the bottle and a DUTMwVjctvA-00114-00028677-00028814 ceiling on the church in the DUTMwVjctvA-00115-00028814-00029074 organization if you're not a leader that DUTMwVjctvA-00116-00029075-00029258 can do what I'm saying then you can DUTMwVjctvA-00117-00029258-00029518 still be a great pasta a great pastoral DUTMwVjctvA-00118-00029519-00029786 leader as it were but make room for DUTMwVjctvA-00119-00029787-00029948 others to come through with a leadership DUTMwVjctvA-00120-00029949-00030124 gift because leadership will take that DUTMwVjctvA-00121-00030125-00030374 thing forward DVggkLbgWpY-00000-00000056-00000303 hello there kids it is i DVggkLbgWpY-00001-00000304-00000599 stray cat the one and only coming with DVggkLbgWpY-00002-00000600-00000719 another episode of DVggkLbgWpY-00003-00000720-00001039 no man's sky already when we left off DVggkLbgWpY-00004-00001040-00001366 we had an expedition out and DVggkLbgWpY-00005-00001367-00001671 unfortunately one of the ships got DVggkLbgWpY-00006-00001672-00002047 damaged on its way back i will show you DVggkLbgWpY-00007-00002048-00002391 here there we go yeah one of the ships DVggkLbgWpY-00008-00002392-00002558 has a damaged component and that's DVggkLbgWpY-00009-00002559-00002863 it's of course my best one so i'm gonna DVggkLbgWpY-00010-00002864-00003095 need to fly over to that ship DVggkLbgWpY-00011-00003096-00003375 and fix it before we send it out DVggkLbgWpY-00012-00003376-00003527 anywhere else DVggkLbgWpY-00013-00003528-00003838 but there's also the alone um amidst DVggkLbgWpY-00014-00003839-00004263 the stars wow i can talk really i can DVggkLbgWpY-00015-00004264-00004599 uh there's that that i need to do DVggkLbgWpY-00016-00004600-00005175 oh hello that's a big ship DVggkLbgWpY-00017-00005176-00005375 as a big ship that i'm sure i'm not DVggkLbgWpY-00018-00005376-00005502 gonna be able to afford DVggkLbgWpY-00019-00005503-00005743 on top of the fact that it's not my DVggkLbgWpY-00020-00005744-00005822 color scheme DVggkLbgWpY-00021-00005823-00006134 so this is good enough DVggkLbgWpY-00022-00006135-00006470 all right up we go we're gonna have to DVggkLbgWpY-00023-00006472-00006775 fly over DVggkLbgWpY-00024-00006776-00007119 to my ship that's damaged luckily DVggkLbgWpY-00025-00007120-00007527 it tends to have a nice little marker DVggkLbgWpY-00026-00007528-00007887 it tells me where the damaged chip DVggkLbgWpY-00027-00007888-00008231 is so i can go over and fix it DVggkLbgWpY-00028-00008232-00008446 now the main trick is also getting there DVggkLbgWpY-00029-00008447-00008735 while also not damaging my own ship DVggkLbgWpY-00030-00008736-00009055 because ah there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00031-00009056-00009383 all right our vessel is failing cannot DVggkLbgWpY-00032-00009384-00009591 endure long in the state help us travel DVggkLbgWpY-00033-00009592-00009910 our entity help us repair this damage DVggkLbgWpY-00034-00009911-00010231 okay inspect the damage report DVggkLbgWpY-00035-00010232-00010455 fleet auto diagnostics report internal DVggkLbgWpY-00036-00010456-00010695 damage containment systems DVggkLbgWpY-00037-00010696-00010967 failing hull integrity approaching DVggkLbgWpY-00038-00010968-00011151 failure urgent repairs needed DVggkLbgWpY-00039-00011152-00011335 mark the damaged component and i will DVggkLbgWpY-00040-00011336-00011742 walk over and fix it DVggkLbgWpY-00041-00011743-00011959 well apparently there are several DVggkLbgWpY-00042-00011960-00012310 components that are broken DVggkLbgWpY-00043-00012311-00012727 oh spaghettios pair the damaged frigate DVggkLbgWpY-00044-00012728-00012807 components DVggkLbgWpY-00045-00012808-00012999 well that should be easy some of them DVggkLbgWpY-00046-00013000-00013175 are a little further down but these ones DVggkLbgWpY-00047-00013176-00013271 are right here DVggkLbgWpY-00048-00013272-00013655 so should be quick and easy hopefully DVggkLbgWpY-00049-00013656-00013983 systems access panel requires DVggkLbgWpY-00050-00013984-00014383 15 tritium the gearing mechanism for DVggkLbgWpY-00051-00014384-00014647 this device DVggkLbgWpY-00052-00014647-00014886 the lubricant that keeps it operational DVggkLbgWpY-00053-00014887-00015063 appears to have been replaced with an DVggkLbgWpY-00054-00015063-00015215 otherworldly green DVggkLbgWpY-00055-00015216-00015471 goo and the gears are now stuck well now DVggkLbgWpY-00056-00015472-00015822 i fixed that DVggkLbgWpY-00057-00015823-00016135 and it is the same issue here i've now DVggkLbgWpY-00058-00016136-00016383 fixed DVggkLbgWpY-00059-00016384-00016758 and same issue here that i've now fixed DVggkLbgWpY-00060-00016759-00017143 beautiful um heading downwards i think DVggkLbgWpY-00061-00017144-00017575 we go this way DVggkLbgWpY-00062-00017576-00017903 uh yes that will reach that one then the DVggkLbgWpY-00063-00017904-00017991 other one is over DVggkLbgWpY-00064-00017992-00018407 there let's get this one DVggkLbgWpY-00065-00018408-00018791 damaged cargo pot oh DVggkLbgWpY-00066-00018792-00019683 same issue otherworldly green DVggkLbgWpY-00067-00019684-00019863 good DVggkLbgWpY-00068-00019864-00020175 good now never seen one of those DVggkLbgWpY-00069-00020176-00020375 actions before so i was kind of DVggkLbgWpY-00070-00020376-00020607 entranced by the movement DVggkLbgWpY-00071-00020608-00020830 all right and this would be the engine DVggkLbgWpY-00072-00020831-00021150 core itself DVggkLbgWpY-00073-00021151-00021807 all right and just more tritium DVggkLbgWpY-00074-00021808-00022255 and now it's operating DVggkLbgWpY-00075-00022256-00022919 there we go that's what you like to see DVggkLbgWpY-00076-00022920-00023230 pair the damage frigate components i DVggkLbgWpY-00077-00023231-00023335 have done so DVggkLbgWpY-00078-00023336-00023686 now it's time go back to my ship DVggkLbgWpY-00079-00023687-00024007 send this on another run hopefully one DVggkLbgWpY-00080-00024008-00024214 where it doesn't get damaged DVggkLbgWpY-00081-00024215-00024694 hopefully all right DVggkLbgWpY-00082-00024695-00025063 and we will eventually do what we see DVggkLbgWpY-00083-00025064-00025335 don't remember the thing where i said i DVggkLbgWpY-00084-00025336-00025486 wasn't going to damage my ship yeah DVggkLbgWpY-00085-00025487-00025557 about that DVggkLbgWpY-00086-00025558-00025767 [Laughter] DVggkLbgWpY-00087-00025768-00026118 i'm not good at that DVggkLbgWpY-00088-00026119-00026399 uh where's my frigate where did i DVggkLbgWpY-00089-00026400-00026543 freaking go i know i flew DVggkLbgWpY-00090-00026544-00026743 upwards to reach the ship that's about DVggkLbgWpY-00091-00026744-00026974 as far as my brain remembers DVggkLbgWpY-00092-00026975-00027390 there it is haha DVggkLbgWpY-00093-00027391-00027711 there's my capital ship DVggkLbgWpY-00094-00027712-00027927 and not necessarily the one i was aiming DVggkLbgWpY-00095-00027927-00028551 for but it works DVggkLbgWpY-00096-00028552-00029231 perfect DVggkLbgWpY-00097-00029232-00029567 get off and we get right back up DVggkLbgWpY-00098-00029568-00029958 to sending them on their next thing DVggkLbgWpY-00099-00029960-00030239 will they succeed in that thing probably DVggkLbgWpY-00100-00030239-00030455 not DVggkLbgWpY-00101-00030456-00030679 depends on how difficult that it wants DVggkLbgWpY-00102-00030680-00031102 to be DVggkLbgWpY-00103-00031103-00031390 oops not exactly what i meant to do it DVggkLbgWpY-00104-00031391-00031783 works DVggkLbgWpY-00105-00031783-00032143 all right navigator and since DVggkLbgWpY-00106-00032144-00032446 and cinestern instead of kern DVggkLbgWpY-00107-00032447-00032799 i don't know they're all DVggkLbgWpY-00108-00032800-00033190 weird words whoa that one's a long one DVggkLbgWpY-00109-00033191-00033471 and it's a low difficulty rating it DVggkLbgWpY-00110-00033472-00033711 might actually be doable DVggkLbgWpY-00111-00033712-00034159 key phrase of might DVggkLbgWpY-00112-00034160-00034374 all right it's a balanced one as well so DVggkLbgWpY-00113-00034375-00034695 i can just send everyone DVggkLbgWpY-00114-00034696-00034927 hopefully no one gets damaged again DVggkLbgWpY-00115-00034928-00035079 that'd be great DVggkLbgWpY-00116-00035080-00035343 hey and the fleet rating exceeds the DVggkLbgWpY-00117-00035344-00035527 difficulty rating which means it might DVggkLbgWpY-00118-00035528-00035662 work out DVggkLbgWpY-00119-00035663-00036167 gods i hope so DVggkLbgWpY-00120-00036168-00036415 yeah the uh as you might have remembered DVggkLbgWpY-00121-00036416-00036551 from last episode DVggkLbgWpY-00122-00036552-00036895 the fleet was sent to a mission where DVggkLbgWpY-00123-00036896-00036935 the DVggkLbgWpY-00124-00036936-00037295 difficulty ranking outpaced DVggkLbgWpY-00125-00037296-00037583 the fleet ranking and that was why the DVggkLbgWpY-00126-00037584-00037615 ship DVggkLbgWpY-00127-00037616-00038023 came back damaged so this time around DVggkLbgWpY-00128-00038024-00038423 hopefully there won't be any problems DVggkLbgWpY-00129-00038424-00038695 but with that now out of the way we will DVggkLbgWpY-00130-00038696-00038790 now DVggkLbgWpY-00131-00038791-00039030 finish up with returning to the alien DVggkLbgWpY-00132-00039031-00039283 life form and asking about artemis's DVggkLbgWpY-00133-00039284-00039951 location DVggkLbgWpY-00134-00039952-00040279 and that means we go back to DVggkLbgWpY-00135-00040280-00040639 which planet i DVggkLbgWpY-00136-00040640-00040983 think it was DVggkLbgWpY-00137-00040984-00041518 your pain zip that's what it does DVggkLbgWpY-00138-00041519-00041855 all right a quick DVggkLbgWpY-00139-00041856-00042662 fly over DVggkLbgWpY-00140-00042663-00042815 and then when we're down on the planet DVggkLbgWpY-00141-00042816-00043279 we'll check out that planetary chart DVggkLbgWpY-00142-00043280-00043527 see if there's any potential places of DVggkLbgWpY-00143-00043528-00044415 interest on this planet DVggkLbgWpY-00144-00044416-00044751 all right almost there and it has its DVggkLbgWpY-00145-00044752-00044935 own landing pad so don't need to worry DVggkLbgWpY-00146-00044936-00045271 about trying to make my own DVggkLbgWpY-00147-00045272-00045455 i see some stuff over there we might be DVggkLbgWpY-00148-00045456-00046158 able to use DVggkLbgWpY-00149-00046159-00046479 ah there's some over there too nice DVggkLbgWpY-00150-00046480-00047318 nice very very nice DVggkLbgWpY-00151-00047319-00047918 all right i need to talk to you buddy DVggkLbgWpY-00152-00047919-00048086 as i approach the life form the lights DVggkLbgWpY-00153-00048087-00048262 in its shell casing begin to brighten DVggkLbgWpY-00154-00048263-00048351 and constrict DVggkLbgWpY-00155-00048352-00048567 chattering noises issuing forth you hold DVggkLbgWpY-00156-00048568-00048783 out a scanner it is unclear if artemis's DVggkLbgWpY-00157-00048784-00049007 translator is working DVggkLbgWpY-00158-00049008-00049383 scan the corvax information exchange DVggkLbgWpY-00159-00049384-00049439 possible DVggkLbgWpY-00160-00049440-00049646 we only require a small sample of your DVggkLbgWpY-00161-00049647-00049839 organic components in a full technology DVggkLbgWpY-00162-00049840-00050135 scan DVggkLbgWpY-00163-00050136-00050462 why the lifeform becomes agitated and DVggkLbgWpY-00164-00050463-00050502 upset DVggkLbgWpY-00165-00050503-00050679 the lights on their mask starting to DVggkLbgWpY-00166-00050680-00051062 dilate and flicker DVggkLbgWpY-00167-00051063-00051446 okay the life forms shell casing begins DVggkLbgWpY-00168-00051447-00051646 to die light and flicker they attempt to DVggkLbgWpY-00169-00051647-00051863 scan my scanner but it is clear that my DVggkLbgWpY-00170-00051864-00051999 tool interferes with their DVggkLbgWpY-00171-00052000-00052311 own persist DVggkLbgWpY-00172-00052312-00052519 the life form grows increasingly DVggkLbgWpY-00173-00052520-00052615 irritated DVggkLbgWpY-00174-00052616-00052887 oops life forms chattering ends they DVggkLbgWpY-00175-00052888-00053282 stare at me with disappointment DVggkLbgWpY-00176-00053283-00053735 um say you are a traveler DVggkLbgWpY-00177-00053736-00053975 this this data is invaluable to the DVggkLbgWpY-00178-00053976-00054126 corvax convergence DVggkLbgWpY-00179-00054127-00054279 thank you traveller i will of course DVggkLbgWpY-00180-00054279-00054599 assist you give the star chart DVggkLbgWpY-00181-00054600-00054807 i ask the life form to decode the star DVggkLbgWpY-00182-00054808-00054975 chart and provide a route to artemis's DVggkLbgWpY-00183-00054976-00055182 location DVggkLbgWpY-00184-00055183-00055566 location does not exist traveler DVggkLbgWpY-00185-00055567-00055759 nothing is more tragic than a corrupted DVggkLbgWpY-00186-00055760-00056023 piece of code DVggkLbgWpY-00187-00056024-00056319 could you have made a mistake the korvax DVggkLbgWpY-00188-00056320-00056511 seems momentarily confused as if the DVggkLbgWpY-00189-00056512-00056654 concept that they could have made a DVggkLbgWpY-00190-00056655-00056926 mistake has never even been considered DVggkLbgWpY-00191-00056927-00057126 they claim their systems are infallible DVggkLbgWpY-00192-00057127-00057326 superior to the judgment of any organic DVggkLbgWpY-00193-00057327-00057415 life form DVggkLbgWpY-00194-00057416-00057991 i apologize and leave welp DVggkLbgWpY-00195-00057991-00058391 that uh that's unfortunate DVggkLbgWpY-00196-00058391-00058775 data is said to not exist DVggkLbgWpY-00197-00058776-00059150 that can't be good like at all DVggkLbgWpY-00198-00059151-00059430 like literally at all that really can't DVggkLbgWpY-00199-00059432-00059911 be good DVggkLbgWpY-00200-00059912-00060215 i mean i guess it could be worse but do DVggkLbgWpY-00201-00060216-00060294 i have DVggkLbgWpY-00202-00060295-00060606 things equipped to my exo suit DVggkLbgWpY-00203-00060607-00060919 i don't have the main thing that i need DVggkLbgWpY-00204-00060920-00061319 crap i could do it though DVggkLbgWpY-00205-00061320-00061623 i could do it DVggkLbgWpY-00206-00061624-00062023 it would be smart to do so DVggkLbgWpY-00207-00062024-00062615 yeah let's do it let's do it DVggkLbgWpY-00208-00062616-00062887 there we go much better and now let's DVggkLbgWpY-00209-00062888-00063082 plot the route from DVggkLbgWpY-00210-00063083-00063815 that see where it sends me DVggkLbgWpY-00211-00063816-00064230 alien monolith detected DVggkLbgWpY-00212-00064232-00064823 it's not that far away either DVggkLbgWpY-00213-00064824-00065015 it's really not that far away it's DVggkLbgWpY-00214-00065016-00065311 really close by DVggkLbgWpY-00215-00065312-00065655 cool all right DVggkLbgWpY-00216-00065656-00065999 well with that DVggkLbgWpY-00217-00066000-00066687 in mind let's go DVggkLbgWpY-00218-00066688-00066903 all right we're actually was to my left DVggkLbgWpY-00219-00066904-00067238 i'm an idiot there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00220-00067239-00067359 there's the thing that i was going to DVggkLbgWpY-00221-00067360-00067543 pick up too DVggkLbgWpY-00222-00067544-00068111 so i'll just land right here around here DVggkLbgWpY-00223-00068112-00068479 there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00224-00068480-00068823 this should be good enough for both DVggkLbgWpY-00225-00068824-00069159 now with that thing i just installed DVggkLbgWpY-00226-00069160-00069399 i should be able to collect oh wow DVggkLbgWpY-00227-00069400-00070082 there's a lot more of them than i DVggkLbgWpY-00228-00070083-00070238 thought DVggkLbgWpY-00229-00070239-00070894 all right DVggkLbgWpY-00230-00070895-00071238 you had a feeling it would do that DVggkLbgWpY-00231-00071239-00071447 all right get your skin out of the way DVggkLbgWpY-00232-00071448-00071543 get it done DVggkLbgWpY-00233-00071544-00071862 there we go thank you DVggkLbgWpY-00234-00071863-00071999 now that you're done with that i'm DVggkLbgWpY-00235-00072000-00072303 moving on DVggkLbgWpY-00236-00072304-00072750 all right DVggkLbgWpY-00237-00072751-00073223 yeah yeah yeah i know DVggkLbgWpY-00238-00073224-00073415 all right now to get a whole bunch of DVggkLbgWpY-00239-00073416-00073631 these DVggkLbgWpY-00240-00073632-00073806 which you all will understand why in a DVggkLbgWpY-00241-00073807-00074023 second this is solar vines DVggkLbgWpY-00242-00074024-00074431 it gives me selenium this DVggkLbgWpY-00243-00074432-00075038 is a very useful agricultural product DVggkLbgWpY-00244-00075039-00075367 in its base form it isn't sold for very DVggkLbgWpY-00245-00075368-00075575 much DVggkLbgWpY-00246-00075576-00075975 but in the future oh in the future DVggkLbgWpY-00247-00075976-00076279 when i'm making things making very DVggkLbgWpY-00248-00076280-00076679 valuable things to make lots of money DVggkLbgWpY-00249-00076680-00076967 it's going to be very useful so it is DVggkLbgWpY-00250-00076968-00077159 important that i have a whole lot of it DVggkLbgWpY-00251-00077160-00077535 well hello you are certainly a DVggkLbgWpY-00252-00077536-00078199 thing all right DVggkLbgWpY-00253-00078200-00078487 okay i'm just going to collect all of DVggkLbgWpY-00254-00078488-00078526 them DVggkLbgWpY-00255-00078527-00078903 here DVggkLbgWpY-00256-00078904-00079228 the way DVggkLbgWpY-00257-00079229-00079350 [Music] DVggkLbgWpY-00258-00079351-00079687 the way they uh wiggle around after DVggkLbgWpY-00259-00079688-00080415 you've collected DVggkLbgWpY-00260-00080416-00080623 the way they wiggle around afterwards is DVggkLbgWpY-00261-00080624-00080943 always so funny to me DVggkLbgWpY-00262-00080944-00081119 luckily they don't get annoyed if you're DVggkLbgWpY-00263-00081120-00081431 just grabbing agricultural products DVggkLbgWpY-00264-00081432-00081679 it's only if you're mining that the uh DVggkLbgWpY-00265-00081680-00081887 sentinels get annoyed DVggkLbgWpY-00266-00081888-00082215 which is nice very nice DVggkLbgWpY-00267-00082216-00082623 and semi-predictable DVggkLbgWpY-00268-00082624-00082894 nah i swear i collected some of these DVggkLbgWpY-00269-00082895-00082975 already DVggkLbgWpY-00270-00082976-00083175 i could swear i collected some of these DVggkLbgWpY-00271-00083176-00083287 already DVggkLbgWpY-00272-00083288-00083591 i mean hey i'll take more there's no DVggkLbgWpY-00273-00083592-00083726 reason to not collect DVggkLbgWpY-00274-00083727-00084047 war but DVggkLbgWpY-00275-00084048-00084287 i'm just i'm just so sure i didn't miss DVggkLbgWpY-00276-00084288-00084526 any but my first sweep DVggkLbgWpY-00277-00084527-00084847 oh well DVggkLbgWpY-00278-00084848-00085167 oh come on let me actually get the thing DVggkLbgWpY-00279-00085168-00085487 there we go there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00280-00085488-00085911 cool DVggkLbgWpY-00281-00085912-00086255 yep and there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00282-00086256-00086606 one last one i think out of all of them DVggkLbgWpY-00283-00086607-00087031 yeah just the one last one hello DVggkLbgWpY-00284-00087032-00087359 didn't see you big frog thing DVggkLbgWpY-00285-00087360-00087726 there we go oh i dropped a whole bunch DVggkLbgWpY-00286-00087727-00087911 of frames i apologize wherever that DVggkLbgWpY-00287-00087912-00088591 frame drop was DVggkLbgWpY-00288-00088592-00088911 all right we now we head DVggkLbgWpY-00289-00088912-00089543 over to where that thing is DVggkLbgWpY-00290-00089544-00089887 you know what gonna mine a couple of DVggkLbgWpY-00291-00089888-00090406 these DVggkLbgWpY-00292-00090407-00090903 because i could use the phosphorus later DVggkLbgWpY-00293-00090904-00091326 plus the ferrite dust is always useful DVggkLbgWpY-00294-00091327-00091687 be useful forever literally DVggkLbgWpY-00295-00091688-00092103 forever DVggkLbgWpY-00296-00092104-00092455 unidentified one DVggkLbgWpY-00297-00092456-00093006 pure ferrite in phosphorus even better DVggkLbgWpY-00298-00093007-00093311 ferrite is a very very DVggkLbgWpY-00299-00093312-00094055 very useful thing DVggkLbgWpY-00300-00094056-00094374 it is impossible to understate just how DVggkLbgWpY-00301-00094375-00094550 useful it is DVggkLbgWpY-00302-00094551-00095503 it is extremely useful DVggkLbgWpY-00303-00095504-00095782 so there is always reason to collect it DVggkLbgWpY-00304-00095783-00095879 always DVggkLbgWpY-00305-00095880-00096703 literally always DVggkLbgWpY-00306-00096704-00097135 there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00307-00097136-00097687 and i'll call that good DVggkLbgWpY-00308-00097688-00098150 i use my ship to DVggkLbgWpY-00309-00098151-00098518 deal with my hazard protection DVggkLbgWpY-00310-00098519-00099550 jump right in let it recharge DVggkLbgWpY-00311-00099551-00100223 and good DVggkLbgWpY-00312-00100224-00100543 and we will run right over here DVggkLbgWpY-00313-00100544-00100882 if that's not before we collect all of DVggkLbgWpY-00314-00100883-00101126 this DVggkLbgWpY-00315-00101127-00101311 there's no reason not to it's right DVggkLbgWpY-00316-00101312-00101750 there DVggkLbgWpY-00317-00101751-00102038 okay i had a feeling they would do that DVggkLbgWpY-00318-00102039-00102223 luckily i was done before they scanned DVggkLbgWpY-00319-00102224-00102350 me DVggkLbgWpY-00320-00102351-00102990 hello bye-bye oh DVggkLbgWpY-00321-00102991-00103247 they're always annoying bastards always DVggkLbgWpY-00322-00103248-00103439 annoying bastards oh DVggkLbgWpY-00323-00103440-00103982 this one's a big one that has carpet DVggkLbgWpY-00324-00103983-00104399 well how could i turn that one down DVggkLbgWpY-00325-00104400-00104806 cool all right DVggkLbgWpY-00326-00104807-00105119 this is a big old honking monolith they DVggkLbgWpY-00327-00105120-00105471 were right on that one DVggkLbgWpY-00328-00105472-00106015 all right corvex word for butt DVggkLbgWpY-00329-00106016-00106415 booty okay DVggkLbgWpY-00330-00106416-00106999 kovacs corvax word for do DVggkLbgWpY-00331-00107000-00107383 atlas DVggkLbgWpY-00332-00107383-00107727 interesting journey milestone achieved DVggkLbgWpY-00333-00107728-00108478 polyglot learned 80 words yay DVggkLbgWpY-00334-00108479-00109319 and collect all of these DVggkLbgWpY-00335-00109320-00109631 get some of these as well and then we DVggkLbgWpY-00336-00109632-00109839 start to melt this thing down DVggkLbgWpY-00337-00109840-00110551 there we go quickly as we possibly could DVggkLbgWpY-00338-00110552-00110815 oops and overheated that was bound to DVggkLbgWpY-00339-00110816-00111223 happen honestly DVggkLbgWpY-00340-00111224-00111631 all right DVggkLbgWpY-00341-00111632-00112086 this is a lot of stuff honestly DVggkLbgWpY-00342-00112088-00112334 i don't see why not when it comes to DVggkLbgWpY-00343-00112335-00112502 mining it all up DVggkLbgWpY-00344-00112503-00112831 might as well DVggkLbgWpY-00345-00112832-00113143 all right the more DVggkLbgWpY-00346-00113144-00113334 supplies i have now the less i need to DVggkLbgWpY-00347-00113335-00114166 collect in the future DVggkLbgWpY-00348-00114167-00114415 there we go and overheated again i DVggkLbgWpY-00349-00114416-00114495 figured DVggkLbgWpY-00350-00114496-00114751 i figured it would alright now that i've DVggkLbgWpY-00351-00114752-00114919 done that DVggkLbgWpY-00352-00114920-00115102 let's actually see what this monolith is DVggkLbgWpY-00353-00115103-00115486 about DVggkLbgWpY-00354-00115488-00115775 corvax echoes will blank the traveler DVggkLbgWpY-00355-00115776-00115951 corvax echoes will DVggkLbgWpY-00356-00115952-00116407 blank the traveler's technology that DVggkLbgWpY-00357-00116408-00116743 word is repeated so it's the same word DVggkLbgWpY-00358-00116744-00117047 i wonder what it means DVggkLbgWpY-00359-00117048-00117383 tiny floating tedrahedrons emerge from DVggkLbgWpY-00360-00117383-00117590 the planet surfaces around me DVggkLbgWpY-00361-00117591-00117734 i try to wave them away with my DVggkLbgWpY-00362-00117735-00117886 multi-tool but each time they swarm DVggkLbgWpY-00363-00117888-00117975 closer to it DVggkLbgWpY-00364-00117976-00118247 as if attracted to it somehow i raised DVggkLbgWpY-00365-00118248-00118415 my multi-tool and they shimmer blue as DVggkLbgWpY-00366-00118416-00118566 they dart this way and that DVggkLbgWpY-00367-00118567-00118766 closer and closer they are within DVggkLbgWpY-00368-00118767-00118951 touching distance of my multi-tool DVggkLbgWpY-00369-00118952-00119302 they make one's final surge DVggkLbgWpY-00370-00119303-00119671 let them in my multi-tool glows bright DVggkLbgWpY-00371-00119672-00119758 blue DVggkLbgWpY-00372-00119759-00119983 the color spread seeping up my arm with DVggkLbgWpY-00373-00119983-00120190 a sudden surge the electric glow reaches DVggkLbgWpY-00374-00120191-00120254 my brain DVggkLbgWpY-00375-00120255-00120654 i pass out i awake reality is restored DVggkLbgWpY-00376-00120655-00120839 i find myself in possession of a new DVggkLbgWpY-00377-00120840-00121119 piece of multi-tool technology DVggkLbgWpY-00378-00121120-00121502 a blaze javelin DVggkLbgWpY-00379-00121503-00121686 an aggressive weapon attachment for the DVggkLbgWpY-00380-00121688-00121886 multi-tool access fire mode by pressing DVggkLbgWpY-00381-00121888-00122047 y and fire weapon with DVggkLbgWpY-00382-00122048-00122383 rt obviously the blaze javelin delivers DVggkLbgWpY-00383-00122383-00122623 instantaneous damage on targets DVggkLbgWpY-00384-00122624-00122886 plasma charge process creates an ionized DVggkLbgWpY-00385-00122888-00123151 gas arc to propel projectiles at great DVggkLbgWpY-00386-00123152-00123231 speed DVggkLbgWpY-00387-00123232-00123454 user will perceive destructive results DVggkLbgWpY-00388-00123455-00123599 simultaneously to the pull of the DVggkLbgWpY-00389-00123600-00123799 trigger DVggkLbgWpY-00390-00123800-00124478 interesting interesting DVggkLbgWpY-00391-00124479-00124695 i don't need to install it though that's DVggkLbgWpY-00392-00124696-00124990 for sure DVggkLbgWpY-00393-00124991-00125158 because i don't have room i don't have DVggkLbgWpY-00394-00125159-00125310 any extra slots DVggkLbgWpY-00395-00125311-00125710 for it so we'll just go without DVggkLbgWpY-00396-00125711-00126127 a more that some more of these DVggkLbgWpY-00397-00126128-00126502 always nice perfect DVggkLbgWpY-00398-00126503-00127183 and DVggkLbgWpY-00399-00127183-00127702 warp cell for my ship DVggkLbgWpY-00400-00127703-00128014 i could use getting more chromatic metal DVggkLbgWpY-00401-00128015-00128390 i could use getting more of it DVggkLbgWpY-00402-00128391-00128623 i just noticed i missed one of those DVggkLbgWpY-00403-00128624-00128895 that was silly of me DVggkLbgWpY-00404-00128896-00129775 huh DVggkLbgWpY-00405-00129776-00130254 i could always use more pure ferrite DVggkLbgWpY-00406-00130255-00130663 because pure ferrite is a very useful DVggkLbgWpY-00407-00130664-00131063 thing for later on DVggkLbgWpY-00408-00131064-00131383 for late game stuff DVggkLbgWpY-00409-00131384-00131671 i'm assuming i don't know i don't know DVggkLbgWpY-00410-00131672-00131751 exactly DVggkLbgWpY-00411-00131752-00132071 i just know that a lot of big cool DVggkLbgWpY-00412-00132072-00132119 things DVggkLbgWpY-00413-00132120-00132463 use pure ferrite DVggkLbgWpY-00414-00132464-00133039 that's all i know DVggkLbgWpY-00415-00133040-00133327 oh didn't mean you didn't mind that much DVggkLbgWpY-00416-00133328-00133407 of that thing DVggkLbgWpY-00417-00133408-00133783 oh well DVggkLbgWpY-00418-00133784-00134127 and pop goes the weasel DVggkLbgWpY-00419-00134128-00134431 all right i think i've gotten DVggkLbgWpY-00420-00134432-00134751 everything i really need here DVggkLbgWpY-00421-00134752-00135575 that mind i get out of here DVggkLbgWpY-00422-00135576-00135854 and we head to my ship which is actually DVggkLbgWpY-00423-00135855-00135951 over here DVggkLbgWpY-00424-00135952-00136502 i'm an idiot i am a DVggkLbgWpY-00425-00136503-00136959 i am the idiot DVggkLbgWpY-00426-00136960-00137583 i am the buffoon DVggkLbgWpY-00427-00137584-00137951 i am the pincher pendejo okay DVggkLbgWpY-00428-00137952-00138335 i'm gonna stop DVggkLbgWpY-00429-00138336-00138799 i'm going to stop DVggkLbgWpY-00430-00138800-00139054 this okay that's already a thing i know DVggkLbgWpY-00431-00139055-00139183 okay cool DVggkLbgWpY-00432-00139184-00139383 those things over there though i'm just DVggkLbgWpY-00433-00139384-00139583 making sure if that was a texture issue DVggkLbgWpY-00434-00139584-00139647 or DVggkLbgWpY-00435-00139648-00139887 they're actually new okay it was a DVggkLbgWpY-00436-00139888-00140135 texture issue because those are DVggkLbgWpY-00437-00140136-00140454 what i recognize the other things to be DVggkLbgWpY-00438-00140455-00140895 so yep i think i've gotten DVggkLbgWpY-00439-00140896-00141223 almost everything so far DVggkLbgWpY-00440-00141224-00141614 when it comes to scanning things DVggkLbgWpY-00441-00141615-00141927 i could use more dihydropain DVggkLbgWpY-00442-00141928-00142883 i could always use more dihydrogen DVggkLbgWpY-00443-00142884-00143111 okay DVggkLbgWpY-00444-00143112-00144283 there we go there we go perfect DVggkLbgWpY-00445-00144284-00144607 cool and with that up DVggkLbgWpY-00446-00144608-00144926 i almost got all of it apparently missed DVggkLbgWpY-00447-00144927-00145207 some behind the big honking rock DVggkLbgWpY-00448-00145208-00145614 but it's fine i'll just drill it DVggkLbgWpY-00449-00145615-00146247 so it doesn't obscure vision ever again DVggkLbgWpY-00450-00146248-00146559 i laughed into my canis my can of energy DVggkLbgWpY-00451-00146560-00146623 drink DVggkLbgWpY-00452-00146624-00147214 son of them DVggkLbgWpY-00453-00147215-00147663 it takes less of these there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00454-00147664-00148663 then we'll just mine this down DVggkLbgWpY-00455-00148664-00149287 there we go perfect DVggkLbgWpY-00456-00149288-00149559 actually now i'm thinking about it with DVggkLbgWpY-00457-00149560-00149847 all these creatures running around DVggkLbgWpY-00458-00149848-00150207 this one was native to this sort of DVggkLbgWpY-00459-00150208-00150535 planet DVggkLbgWpY-00460-00150536-00150871 all right DVggkLbgWpY-00461-00150872-00151423 let's summon them DVggkLbgWpY-00462-00151424-00151799 hello big pizza how you doing DVggkLbgWpY-00463-00151800-00152183 excited best friend oh yay DVggkLbgWpY-00464-00152184-00152511 oh you're so fluffy so big fluffy and DVggkLbgWpY-00465-00152512-00152607 cute DVggkLbgWpY-00466-00152608-00153054 all right induce an egg DVggkLbgWpY-00467-00153055-00153623 i can induce an egg DVggkLbgWpY-00468-00153624-00154119 look have grown egg smark smart pita DVggkLbgWpY-00469-00154120-00154535 oh that's awesome DVggkLbgWpY-00470-00154536-00154990 viable egg well i'll take that for sure DVggkLbgWpY-00471-00154991-00155351 feeling hungry oh no hungry DVggkLbgWpY-00472-00155352-00155559 let's give you some creature pellets huh DVggkLbgWpY-00473-00155560-00155919 there we go that gets you all full DVggkLbgWpY-00474-00155920-00156343 cool DVggkLbgWpY-00475-00156344-00156663 just making sure that i understand the DVggkLbgWpY-00476-00156664-00157031 native life out here DVggkLbgWpY-00477-00157032-00157431 oh boy it is getting a little low DVggkLbgWpY-00478-00157432-00157887 my uh hazard protection DVggkLbgWpY-00479-00157888-00158471 bye suit friend bye pizza DVggkLbgWpY-00480-00158472-00158863 gonna get back in my ship real fast DVggkLbgWpY-00481-00158864-00159375 really really really fast DVggkLbgWpY-00482-00159376-00159919 all right here we go perfect DVggkLbgWpY-00483-00159920-00160263 now let's recharge my actually not my DVggkLbgWpY-00484-00160264-00160471 hazard protection let's recharge my DVggkLbgWpY-00485-00160472-00160863 life support there we go companion egg DVggkLbgWpY-00486-00160864-00161095 which will be ready to hatch in another DVggkLbgWpY-00487-00161096-00161175 day DVggkLbgWpY-00488-00161176-00161526 cool DVggkLbgWpY-00489-00161527-00161759 whoops that went to my ship for some DVggkLbgWpY-00490-00161760-00161951 reason DVggkLbgWpY-00491-00161952-00162447 all right well DVggkLbgWpY-00492-00162448-00162799 i can't do anything until i get that DVggkLbgWpY-00493-00162800-00163119 one cool thing what DVggkLbgWpY-00494-00163120-00163439 i i put peta DVggkLbgWpY-00495-00163440-00163687 in my inventory right then was this the DVggkLbgWpY-00496-00163688-00163759 planet DVggkLbgWpY-00497-00163760-00164010 was this a planet where peta came from DVggkLbgWpY-00498-00164011-00164143 [Music] DVggkLbgWpY-00499-00164144-00164407 i guess it was i'll be damned all right DVggkLbgWpY-00500-00164408-00164526 cool DVggkLbgWpY-00501-00164527-00164902 anyway we're done here DVggkLbgWpY-00502-00164903-00165775 time to move on DVggkLbgWpY-00503-00165776-00166087 i don't need that in my log i'm DVggkLbgWpY-00504-00166088-00166326 getting rid of it don't need that there DVggkLbgWpY-00505-00166327-00166487 we go DVggkLbgWpY-00506-00166488-00166847 construct a storage container huh DVggkLbgWpY-00507-00166848-00167031 i guess i kind of have to to continue DVggkLbgWpY-00508-00167032-00167295 that on at all DVggkLbgWpY-00509-00167296-00167599 okay where is my base DVggkLbgWpY-00510-00167600-00168047 anyway it's over there i guess it is DVggkLbgWpY-00511-00168048-00168575 oh jesus frequency from artemis DVggkLbgWpY-00512-00168576-00168895 there you are DVggkLbgWpY-00513-00168896-00169119 i found a high ground i think when you DVggkLbgWpY-00514-00169120-00169319 arrive i'll fire my multi-tool into the DVggkLbgWpY-00515-00169320-00169383 air to DVggkLbgWpY-00516-00169384-00169735 mark my location what's wrong DVggkLbgWpY-00517-00169736-00170038 why aren't you saying anything DVggkLbgWpY-00518-00170039-00170214 tell autonomous what happened that DVggkLbgWpY-00519-00170215-00170351 someone told me the DVggkLbgWpY-00520-00170352-00170678 space that you told me exists DVggkLbgWpY-00521-00170679-00170999 does not exist i tell artemis DVggkLbgWpY-00522-00171000-00171183 the locals could not decipher their star DVggkLbgWpY-00523-00171184-00171407 chart the alien even went so far as to DVggkLbgWpY-00524-00171408-00171854 claim those stars did not exist DVggkLbgWpY-00525-00171855-00172071 that's impossible i can't have traveled DVggkLbgWpY-00526-00172072-00172263 that far from charted space DVggkLbgWpY-00527-00172264-00172566 you found my ship DVggkLbgWpY-00528-00172567-00172871 how did you get there as i speak the DVggkLbgWpY-00529-00172872-00173087 line begins to crackle with interference DVggkLbgWpY-00530-00173088-00173447 artemis looks up at the stars in panic DVggkLbgWpY-00531-00173448-00173719 the stars they've altered since i've DVggkLbgWpY-00532-00173720-00173854 made the chart DVggkLbgWpY-00533-00173855-00174247 blinked out how is this possible DVggkLbgWpY-00534-00174248-00174463 what's happening to me i need to get out DVggkLbgWpY-00535-00174464-00174775 of here i need to DVggkLbgWpY-00536-00174776-00175083 it is quiet at first but it is there DVggkLbgWpY-00537-00175084-00175199 unmistakable DVggkLbgWpY-00538-00175200-00175390 growing steadily louder with each DVggkLbgWpY-00539-00175391-00175519 passing moment DVggkLbgWpY-00540-00175520-00175790 a sound beneath their words a sound as DVggkLbgWpY-00541-00175791-00176502 if glass could scream DVggkLbgWpY-00542-00176503-00176799 try to comfort artemis i guess i try to DVggkLbgWpY-00543-00176800-00176999 comfort artemis but my words feel DVggkLbgWpY-00544-00177000-00177151 strangely hollow DVggkLbgWpY-00545-00177152-00177431 i can do nothing artemis speaks to me DVggkLbgWpY-00546-00177432-00177726 again DVggkLbgWpY-00547-00177727-00177902 i discovered the glyphs for a portal DVggkLbgWpY-00548-00177903-00178183 traveler a gateway between worlds DVggkLbgWpY-00549-00178184-00178343 i thought it would lead me to another of DVggkLbgWpY-00550-00178344-00178535 our kind but now DVggkLbgWpY-00551-00178536-00178951 i don't even know if the voice was real DVggkLbgWpY-00552-00178952-00179151 the pathway collapsed while i was still DVggkLbgWpY-00553-00179152-00179390 inside i found this place in the DVggkLbgWpY-00554-00179391-00179535 darkness DVggkLbgWpY-00555-00179536-00179951 i thought perhaps it was a planet DVggkLbgWpY-00556-00179952-00180295 i was so wrong i i could DVggkLbgWpY-00557-00180296-00180683 see their faces i DVggkLbgWpY-00558-00180684-00180990 there there are seeds of glass within DVggkLbgWpY-00559-00180991-00181119 there DVggkLbgWpY-00560-00181120-00181423 ask for the glyphs they're gone my data DVggkLbgWpY-00561-00181424-00181831 fragmented and DVggkLbgWpY-00562-00181832-00182102 i just wanted to discover worlds i DVggkLbgWpY-00563-00182103-00182335 wanted to find other travelers DVggkLbgWpY-00564-00182336-00182647 i didn't DVggkLbgWpY-00565-00182648-00183087 16. DVggkLbgWpY-00566-00183088-00183390 warn your face it please DVggkLbgWpY-00567-00183391-00183823 not yet i'm not DVggkLbgWpY-00568-00183824-00184054 the signal cuts off as it crackles into DVggkLbgWpY-00569-00184055-00184199 oblivion i heard a name through the DVggkLbgWpY-00570-00184200-00184319 static DVggkLbgWpY-00571-00184320-00184607 apollo register the id a frequency for DVggkLbgWpY-00572-00184608-00184726 apollo has been added to my DVggkLbgWpY-00573-00184727-00184959 holoterminist contacts DVggkLbgWpY-00574-00184960-00185102 well i guess we'll have to go to a DVggkLbgWpY-00575-00185103-00185238 hollow terminus and figure out who the DVggkLbgWpY-00576-00185239-00185495 this apollo is DVggkLbgWpY-00577-00185496-00185687 bringing news of artemis's signal lost DVggkLbgWpY-00578-00185688-00185887 to nada DVggkLbgWpY-00579-00185888-00186214 well i could do that too unsafe DVggkLbgWpY-00580-00186215-00186311 trajectory DVggkLbgWpY-00581-00186312-00186671 oh well DVggkLbgWpY-00582-00186672-00186799 interesting that that happened right DVggkLbgWpY-00583-00186800-00187487 then considering DVggkLbgWpY-00584-00187488-00187799 all right well um DVggkLbgWpY-00585-00187800-00188238 recruitable frigate DVggkLbgWpY-00586-00188239-00188407 okay greetings traveler do you seek to DVggkLbgWpY-00587-00188408-00188583 expand your fleet well i'm pretty sure i DVggkLbgWpY-00588-00188584-00188687 can't afford you DVggkLbgWpY-00589-00188688-00188999 but i'll check yeah i'm right i can't DVggkLbgWpY-00590-00189000-00189223 afford you for DVggkLbgWpY-00591-00189224-00189638 god's damn DVggkLbgWpY-00592-00189639-00189838 be nice if i could i could use more DVggkLbgWpY-00593-00189839-00189966 ships but i just DVggkLbgWpY-00594-00189967-00190271 i just don't have the money don't have DVggkLbgWpY-00595-00190272-00190895 the money nor the capacity DVggkLbgWpY-00596-00190896-00191883 okay i meant to go here DVggkLbgWpY-00597-00191884-00192302 okay head back to the base DVggkLbgWpY-00598-00192303-00192638 and we'll build a storage DVggkLbgWpY-00599-00192639-00192975 container DVggkLbgWpY-00600-00192976-00193614 oh boy oh boy okay DVggkLbgWpY-00601-00193615-00193807 that was a little too close it was a DVggkLbgWpY-00602-00193808-00194454 little too close DVggkLbgWpY-00603-00194455-00194814 all right well DVggkLbgWpY-00604-00194815-00195159 could have been worse DVggkLbgWpY-00605-00195160-00195414 could have been much worse considering DVggkLbgWpY-00606-00195415-00195631 ancient ruins DVggkLbgWpY-00607-00195632-00195878 how are these ancient ruins i made this DVggkLbgWpY-00608-00195879-00196023 damn place DVggkLbgWpY-00609-00196024-00196254 god damn it why do you keep saying it's DVggkLbgWpY-00610-00196255-00196438 ancient ruins DVggkLbgWpY-00611-00196439-00196671 all right it doesn't matter doesn't DVggkLbgWpY-00612-00196672-00197007 matter DVggkLbgWpY-00613-00197008-00197871 um storage container there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00614-00197872-00198159 jesus it is massive i'm gonna find a DVggkLbgWpY-00615-00198160-00198359 place to put it is DVggkLbgWpY-00616-00198360-00198726 pretty hard um DVggkLbgWpY-00617-00198727-00199119 maybe here next to the base DVggkLbgWpY-00618-00199120-00199431 perhaps definitely changing the color of DVggkLbgWpY-00619-00199432-00199519 it DVggkLbgWpY-00620-00199520-00200087 so it matches the rest of it there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00621-00200088-00200487 we did the construction tata DVggkLbgWpY-00622-00200488-00200687 although i also need to power it up DVggkLbgWpY-00623-00200688-00201126 apparently because that makes sense DVggkLbgWpY-00624-00201127-00201343 okay industrial i don't have any DVggkLbgWpY-00625-00201344-00201583 industrial uses for anything so DVggkLbgWpY-00626-00201584-00202014 as well just do this there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00627-00202015-00202319 get it powered up DVggkLbgWpY-00628-00202320-00202743 it's a storage container oh DVggkLbgWpY-00629-00202744-00202966 provides me access to the stuff that i DVggkLbgWpY-00630-00202967-00203183 have on the DVggkLbgWpY-00631-00203184-00203526 ah DVggkLbgWpY-00632-00203527-00203887 okay all right DVggkLbgWpY-00633-00203888-00204175 that ain't too bad now if only i could DVggkLbgWpY-00634-00204176-00204326 access the other storage containers DVggkLbgWpY-00635-00204327-00204775 that'd be great DVggkLbgWpY-00636-00204776-00204966 all right so that's why it needs power DVggkLbgWpY-00637-00204967-00205119 because it basically DVggkLbgWpY-00638-00205119-00205782 acts as a DVggkLbgWpY-00639-00205783-00205982 like a bag of holding of sorts i guess DVggkLbgWpY-00640-00205983-00206127 is the only way my brain wants to DVggkLbgWpY-00641-00206528-00206910 call it it's a bag of holding that can DVggkLbgWpY-00642-00206911-00206942 be DVggkLbgWpY-00643-00206944-00207255 accessed from my frigate and now here DVggkLbgWpY-00644-00207256-00207542 and wherever i build marked zero ones DVggkLbgWpY-00645-00207544-00207734 like this DVggkLbgWpY-00646-00207735-00208142 interesting very interesting DVggkLbgWpY-00647-00208144-00208682 no wonder it requires power all right DVggkLbgWpY-00648-00208683-00208975 okay is there a way i can just like DVggkLbgWpY-00649-00208976-00209286 fix coloration on this DVggkLbgWpY-00650-00209287-00209646 because boy oh boy DVggkLbgWpY-00651-00209648-00209982 why is why is this whole place like DVggkLbgWpY-00652-00209983-00210158 falling apart DVggkLbgWpY-00653-00210159-00210391 leave it for like a few seconds just DVggkLbgWpY-00654-00210392-00210646 like a few seconds DVggkLbgWpY-00655-00210648-00211063 man okay outpost signal detection DVggkLbgWpY-00656-00211064-00211406 locate nearby structures i could do that DVggkLbgWpY-00657-00211407-00211623 but i don't see the point so we won't do DVggkLbgWpY-00658-00211623-00211863 that DVggkLbgWpY-00659-00211864-00212342 okay DVggkLbgWpY-00660-00212344-00212671 oh there is some dihydrogen here though DVggkLbgWpY-00661-00212671-00213439 no reason to turn down that DVggkLbgWpY-00662-00213440-00213806 now well i have an opportunity to get it DVggkLbgWpY-00663-00213807-00214023 and get some of this because carbon and DVggkLbgWpY-00664-00214023-00214423 oxygen is always very useful DVggkLbgWpY-00665-00214423-00214758 cool what is this what is this DVggkLbgWpY-00666-00214759-00215103 cobalt how much cobalt do i DVggkLbgWpY-00667-00215104-00215446 have DVggkLbgWpY-00668-00215448-00215855 i could use more DVggkLbgWpY-00669-00215856-00216079 all right especially since this is so DVggkLbgWpY-00670-00216080-00217679 close by DVggkLbgWpY-00671-00217680-00217855 okay all right let's back up a little DVggkLbgWpY-00672-00217856-00218046 bit huh DVggkLbgWpY-00673-00218048-00218375 all right just getting DVggkLbgWpY-00674-00218376-00218567 all of this without getting too much of DVggkLbgWpY-00675-00218567-00218742 other things that i don't want DVggkLbgWpY-00676-00218744-00218919 it's gonna be a little difficult but i DVggkLbgWpY-00677-00218919-00219542 can probably manage it DVggkLbgWpY-00678-00219544-00219910 maybe maybe being the key phrase DVggkLbgWpY-00679-00219911-00220982 all right okay DVggkLbgWpY-00680-00220983-00221423 oh i ended up going so far down i found DVggkLbgWpY-00681-00221423-00221623 another source of cobalt DVggkLbgWpY-00682-00221623-00222391 okay interesting DVggkLbgWpY-00683-00222392-00222806 very interesting DVggkLbgWpY-00684-00222807-00223015 i did manage to find another source of DVggkLbgWpY-00685-00223016-00223406 cobalt while doing this DVggkLbgWpY-00686-00223407-00224398 well oh geez oh boy DVggkLbgWpY-00687-00224400-00224575 getting it all is going to be a pain but DVggkLbgWpY-00688-00224576-00225110 i should be able to manage it i think DVggkLbgWpY-00689-00225111-00225382 oh and also leads down into a cave DVggkLbgWpY-00690-00225383-00225567 system which makes it a little easier to DVggkLbgWpY-00691-00225567-00226382 try and mine from DVggkLbgWpY-00692-00226383-00227103 all right DVggkLbgWpY-00693-00227104-00227351 plus gives me a lot of silicate powder DVggkLbgWpY-00694-00227352-00227487 or whatever it's called DVggkLbgWpY-00695-00227488-00227942 silicate yeah silica powder i was right DVggkLbgWpY-00696-00227944-00228246 sometimes i'm right who'da thunk it DVggkLbgWpY-00697-00228248-00228919 i sure didn't all right um DVggkLbgWpY-00698-00228919-00229198 yeah that i think pretty much all of it DVggkLbgWpY-00699-00229200-00229279 well DVggkLbgWpY-00700-00229280-00230310 i say that as i think i see it find one DVggkLbgWpY-00701-00230311-00230639 okay i think we're good DVggkLbgWpY-00702-00230640-00231015 we're as good as we're gonna get DVggkLbgWpY-00703-00231016-00231463 and these are go bald DVggkLbgWpY-00704-00231464-00231775 cobalt carbon and DVggkLbgWpY-00705-00231776-00232142 sulfuring interesting DVggkLbgWpY-00706-00232144-00232482 oops that's not what i wanted i wanted DVggkLbgWpY-00707-00232483-00233055 this DVggkLbgWpY-00708-00233056-00233175 didn't realize there was another one DVggkLbgWpY-00709-00233176-00233375 behind it okay DVggkLbgWpY-00710-00233376-00233639 gonna be mining a little bit getting DVggkLbgWpY-00711-00233640-00234431 some cobalt which is always good DVggkLbgWpY-00712-00234432-00234903 all right get that out the way DVggkLbgWpY-00713-00234904-00235903 and yeah DVggkLbgWpY-00714-00235904-00236263 might as well might as well DVggkLbgWpY-00715-00236264-00236682 because a lot of it is still coming out DVggkLbgWpY-00716-00236683-00237119 so DVggkLbgWpY-00717-00237119-00237294 if i'm still getting more of it out of DVggkLbgWpY-00718-00237296-00237446 the mining process then DVggkLbgWpY-00719-00237448-00237663 it's still there even if it doesn't want DVggkLbgWpY-00720-00237664-00237791 to show DVggkLbgWpY-00721-00237792-00238342 quite exactly DVggkLbgWpY-00722-00238344-00238687 there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00723-00238688-00238991 cool all right i think i'm done here DVggkLbgWpY-00724-00238992-00239351 get out of here DVggkLbgWpY-00725-00239352-00239639 also let's get rid of this little DVggkLbgWpY-00726-00239640-00239710 hanging DVggkLbgWpY-00727-00239711-00240151 bit here cool DVggkLbgWpY-00728-00240152-00240271 oh boy getting out of here is going to DVggkLbgWpY-00729-00240271-00240463 be difficult already DVggkLbgWpY-00730-00240464-00241015 okay nice DVggkLbgWpY-00731-00241016-00241367 let's recharge that with a little bit of DVggkLbgWpY-00732-00241367-00241542 silicate DVggkLbgWpY-00733-00241544-00241727 just fine because i'm still going to be DVggkLbgWpY-00734-00241728-00242119 holding on to a ton DVggkLbgWpY-00735-00242119-00242423 i need more magnetized ferrite need a DVggkLbgWpY-00736-00242423-00242927 lot more in fact DVggkLbgWpY-00737-00242928-00243510 that is pure ferrite okay DVggkLbgWpY-00738-00243511-00244358 makes it a little easier DVggkLbgWpY-00739-00244359-00244687 find mining on this planet just to be DVggkLbgWpY-00740-00244688-00245082 far easier because there's less DVggkLbgWpY-00741-00245083-00245342 issues i mean yeah there's the DVggkLbgWpY-00742-00245344-00245463 occasional DVggkLbgWpY-00743-00245464-00245815 you know hungry angry predator DVggkLbgWpY-00744-00245816-00246110 but those are few and far between DVggkLbgWpY-00745-00246111-00246382 periphenium deposit DVggkLbgWpY-00746-00246383-00246751 extremely close even DVggkLbgWpY-00747-00246752-00247039 well i mean it's right there come see my DVggkLbgWpY-00748-00247040-00247294 knot DVggkLbgWpY-00749-00247296-00247767 ow this is also giving me more night DVggkLbgWpY-00750-00247767-00248087 well i mean as long as i don't have to DVggkLbgWpY-00751-00248088-00248239 kill things to get more light it's DVggkLbgWpY-00752-00248240-00248551 probably a good thing DVggkLbgWpY-00753-00248552-00248758 all right i'm gonna have to make sure i DVggkLbgWpY-00754-00248759-00248910 have the bolt caster on because i'm DVggkLbgWpY-00755-00248911-00249094 pretty sure these guys will be angry DVggkLbgWpY-00756-00249096-00249403 yes they will all right well DVggkLbgWpY-00757-00249404-00249655 [Music] DVggkLbgWpY-00758-00249656-00249982 no bye sorry i DVggkLbgWpY-00759-00249983-00250246 didn't want to have to kill you but you DVggkLbgWpY-00760-00250248-00250303 all DVggkLbgWpY-00761-00250304-00250703 made me have to can't let you DVggkLbgWpY-00762-00250704-00250958 go ahead and kill me it's not a good DVggkLbgWpY-00763-00250959-00251094 thing to be doing DVggkLbgWpY-00764-00251096-00251294 all right let's check my cargo salvage DVggkLbgWpY-00765-00251296-00251710 data okay DVggkLbgWpY-00766-00251711-00251919 let's just grab all the paraffinium DVggkLbgWpY-00767-00251919-00252991 while i can DVggkLbgWpY-00768-00252992-00254071 there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00769-00254071-00254575 all right and then there's that DVggkLbgWpY-00770-00254576-00255175 that and i think DVggkLbgWpY-00771-00255176-00256030 he breaks thing DVggkLbgWpY-00772-00256031-00256215 yeah i think i'm done i think i'm done DVggkLbgWpY-00773-00256216-00256423 mining it cool DVggkLbgWpY-00774-00256423-00256623 the fact that these guys don't fall down DVggkLbgWpY-00775-00256623-00256855 anymore it's a little funny to me DVggkLbgWpY-00776-00256856-00257206 oh they're fuzzy oh now i feel kind of DVggkLbgWpY-00777-00257207-00257334 bad DVggkLbgWpY-00778-00257335-00257582 well this one isn't but that one is a DVggkLbgWpY-00779-00257583-00257846 little weird DVggkLbgWpY-00780-00257848-00258223 it's a weird dichotomy DVggkLbgWpY-00781-00258223-00258375 difference between the fuzzy ones and DVggkLbgWpY-00782-00258376-00258671 then the ones that are DVggkLbgWpY-00783-00258671-00259239 scaly i don't know i really don't know DVggkLbgWpY-00784-00259240-00259542 interesting anyway well we're done with DVggkLbgWpY-00785-00259544-00259710 that DVggkLbgWpY-00786-00259711-00260110 and i feel it is time to head out DVggkLbgWpY-00787-00260111-00260463 to head over to the anomaly DVggkLbgWpY-00788-00260464-00260767 and see what nada has to say nada and DVggkLbgWpY-00789-00260767-00261023 polo i guess DVggkLbgWpY-00790-00261023-00261951 so we will go ahead and do that DVggkLbgWpY-00791-00261952-00262119 but in the meantime i'll see if i can DVggkLbgWpY-00792-00262119-00262310 drop off any of my other stuff DVggkLbgWpY-00793-00262311-00262703 which probably could yeah there we go DVggkLbgWpY-00794-00262704-00263282 griffinium goes right in and we're good DVggkLbgWpY-00795-00263283-00263527 nice DVggkLbgWpY-00796-00263528-00263830 all right skylark of the skies or other DVggkLbgWpY-00797-00263831-00264071 of the stars DVggkLbgWpY-00798-00264072-00264430 and DVggkLbgWpY-00799-00264431-00264879 what oh DVggkLbgWpY-00800-00264880-00265167 it's apparently a humming sack just over DVggkLbgWpY-00801-00265168-00265239 there DVggkLbgWpY-00802-00265240-00265679 underground DVggkLbgWpY-00803-00265680-00266015 it's fine DVggkLbgWpY-00804-00266016-00266543 no real need to DVggkLbgWpY-00805-00266544-00267406 he will fly away though DVggkLbgWpY-00806-00267407-00267623 all right we will head over to the DVggkLbgWpY-00807-00267624-00268882 anomaly DVggkLbgWpY-00808-00268883-00269103 perfect DVggkLbgWpY-00809-00269104-00269471 oh geez i almost didn't see it DVggkLbgWpY-00810-00269472-00269751 kind of ends up blending into the uh DVggkLbgWpY-00811-00269752-00269910 background DVggkLbgWpY-00812-00269911-00270367 color DVggkLbgWpY-00813-00270368-00270751 all right DVggkLbgWpY-00814-00270752-00271143 we will get DVggkLbgWpY-00815-00271144-00271695 there we go initiating landing sequence DVggkLbgWpY-00816-00271696-00272030 perfect DVggkLbgWpY-00817-00272031-00272463 do you have significant salvage data DVggkLbgWpY-00818-00272464-00272934 always very nice oh okay DVggkLbgWpY-00819-00272935-00273158 i always get to see some cool ships of DVggkLbgWpY-00820-00273159-00273543 people who are in the anomaly DVggkLbgWpY-00821-00273544-00273775 staking taking damage from starship fire DVggkLbgWpY-00822-00273776-00273927 what DVggkLbgWpY-00823-00273928-00274279 what what DVggkLbgWpY-00824-00274280-00274575 what you shouldn't be able to fire while DVggkLbgWpY-00825-00274576-00274599 you're DVggkLbgWpY-00826-00274600-00275430 in here it's crazy oh the egg sequencer DVggkLbgWpY-00827-00275431-00275815 death by ship combat DVggkLbgWpY-00828-00275816-00276206 how did how'd that happen DVggkLbgWpY-00829-00276207-00276847 why'd that happen that's weird DVggkLbgWpY-00830-00276848-00277519 that is weird whoa DVggkLbgWpY-00831-00277520-00277687 i think i'm witnessing something weird DVggkLbgWpY-00832-00277688-00278158 going on DVggkLbgWpY-00833-00278159-00278319 yeah i'm pretty sure i'm witnessing DVggkLbgWpY-00834-00278320-00278487 something weird going on DVggkLbgWpY-00835-00278488-00278767 not sure what you think about it well DVggkLbgWpY-00836-00278768-00278967 here we are at the x sequencer DVggkLbgWpY-00837-00278968-00279191 we can actually alter our companion egg DVggkLbgWpY-00838-00279192-00279447 before hatches DVggkLbgWpY-00839-00279448-00280751 but i don't know what we'll do um DVggkLbgWpY-00840-00280752-00281134 die injector DVggkLbgWpY-00841-00281135-00281482 i don't know what that would do DVggkLbgWpY-00842-00281483-00281895 personality DVggkLbgWpY-00843-00281896-00282167 decreasing helpfulness decreasing no i DVggkLbgWpY-00844-00282168-00282271 don't want that DVggkLbgWpY-00845-00282272-00282855 wow DVggkLbgWpY-00846-00282856-00283239 no i don't want that either DVggkLbgWpY-00847-00283240-00283806 uh oxygen did that do it no DVggkLbgWpY-00848-00283807-00284119 i wanted to be helpful gods damn it DVggkLbgWpY-00849-00284120-00284906 how do i make it more helpful oh DVggkLbgWpY-00850-00284907-00285439 dihydrogen perhaps yes DVggkLbgWpY-00851-00285440-00285823 well that increases the independence oh DVggkLbgWpY-00852-00285824-00286503 not necessarily what i want DVggkLbgWpY-00853-00286504-00286967 i don't want to use chromatic metal um DVggkLbgWpY-00854-00286968-00287287 scaly meats no okay DVggkLbgWpY-00855-00287288-00287654 but putting that there coloring unstable DVggkLbgWpY-00856-00287655-00287847 no DVggkLbgWpY-00857-00287848-00288158 anatomy unstable no DVggkLbgWpY-00858-00288159-00288479 you have a decrease it's weird how would DVggkLbgWpY-00859-00288480-00288503 i DVggkLbgWpY-00860-00288504-00289030 increase it no DVggkLbgWpY-00861-00289031-00289351 how do i increase it DVggkLbgWpY-00862-00289352-00289695 oh damn it DVggkLbgWpY-00863-00289696-00290054 uh duck damn it damn oh oxygen will do DVggkLbgWpY-00864-00290055-00290079 it DVggkLbgWpY-00865-00290080-00290327 well that makes sense okay cool we'll go DVggkLbgWpY-00866-00290328-00290495 with that DVggkLbgWpY-00867-00290496-00290895 um DVggkLbgWpY-00868-00290896-00292382 that decreases the helpfulness DVggkLbgWpY-00869-00292383-00292799 decrease the gentleness DVggkLbgWpY-00870-00292800-00293303 i don't know what i want to do DVggkLbgWpY-00871-00293304-00293606 okay DVggkLbgWpY-00872-00293607-00294054 um selenium DVggkLbgWpY-00873-00294055-00294271 increases their independence that's not DVggkLbgWpY-00874-00294272-00294679 what i want either DVggkLbgWpY-00875-00294680-00295351 boy DVggkLbgWpY-00876-00295352-00295558 let's just increase their uh weight and DVggkLbgWpY-00877-00295559-00295751 height that seems good DVggkLbgWpY-00878-00295752-00296110 that seems good enough DVggkLbgWpY-00879-00296111-00296806 adjust it a little bit DVggkLbgWpY-00880-00296807-00297182 ow scans indicate the being within has DVggkLbgWpY-00881-00297183-00297430 the genetic potential to be very large DVggkLbgWpY-00882-00297431-00297879 and gentle DVggkLbgWpY-00883-00297880-00298423 interesting interesting DVggkLbgWpY-00884-00298424-00298695 genetic material oh we'll put that over DVggkLbgWpY-00885-00298696-00298839 there DVggkLbgWpY-00886-00298840-00299167 how much oxygen did i end up using DVggkLbgWpY-00887-00299168-00299551 oh pretty much all of my spare extra DVggkLbgWpY-00888-00299552-00299863 welp okay well DVggkLbgWpY-00889-00299864-00300071 uh i'm gonna end the episode here right DVggkLbgWpY-00890-00300072-00300343 now and then we're gonna move on DVggkLbgWpY-00891-00300344-00300647 to uh spending my salvage data DVggkLbgWpY-00892-00300648-00300982 on something good i'm sure hopefully DVggkLbgWpY-00893-00300983-00301287 and then we'll talk to not after that so DVggkLbgWpY-00894-00301288-00301415 thank you all so much for watching click DVggkLbgWpY-00895-00301416-00301519 subscribe button if you like these DVggkLbgWpY-00896-00301520-00301639 videos and you want to see more click DVggkLbgWpY-00897-00301640-00301727 the like button if you like this DVggkLbgWpY-00898-00301728-00301830 particular video DVggkLbgWpY-00899-00301831-00301958 and sharing comments we can bring more DVggkLbgWpY-00900-00301959-00302095 people into this community we can talk DVggkLbgWpY-00901-00302096-00302191 about the games we're playing together DVggkLbgWpY-00902-00302192-00302287 and i will see you all DVggkLbgWpY-00903-00302288-00302454 in the next episode this has been the DVggkLbgWpY-00904-00302455-00302606 one the only stray cat DVggkLbgWpY-00905-00302607-00302991 playing games and trying our damnedest DVggkLbgWpY-00906-00302992-00303063 to DVggkLbgWpY-00907-00303064-00303510 finally get artemis and apparently DVggkLbgWpY-00908-00303511-00303695 artemis is in a system that doesn't DVggkLbgWpY-00909-00303696-00303951 exist in a place that doesn't exist DVggkLbgWpY-00910-00303952-00304182 none of it makes sense so we're going to DVggkLbgWpY-00911-00304183-00304367 try our damn just to try and make that DVggkLbgWpY-00912-00304368-00304734 make sense here's hoping we can DVggkLbgWpY-00913-00304735-00305080 for you DXhbJ52T5cQ-00000-00000024-00000238 make a date with reverend dr ebenezer DXhbJ52T5cQ-00001-00000239-00000526 mark way at 6 00 a.m from monday to DXhbJ52T5cQ-00002-00000527-00000847 saturday on graphic online via facebook DXhbJ52T5cQ-00003-00000848-00001135 and youtube as he expounds on matters of DXhbJ52T5cQ-00004-00001136-00001343 faith graphic online DXhbJ52T5cQ-00005-00001344-00001543 truth and accuracy DXhbJ52T5cQ-00006-00001544-00001916 every day DXhbJ52T5cQ-00007-00001917-00002687 [Music] DXhbJ52T5cQ-00008-00002688-00002879 hello this is reverend doctor ben is a DXhbJ52T5cQ-00009-00002880-00003039 marquee of livingstreams international DXhbJ52T5cQ-00010-00003040-00003199 bringing you writers of faith with DXhbJ52T5cQ-00011-00003200-00003359 graphic online DXhbJ52T5cQ-00012-00003360-00003543 this morning i'd like to capture my DXhbJ52T5cQ-00013-00003544-00003790 thoughts with a very funny one DXhbJ52T5cQ-00014-00003792-00004047 blind defense lawyers blind defense DXhbJ52T5cQ-00015-00004047-00004303 lawyers imagine i imagine i mean you're DXhbJ52T5cQ-00016-00004304-00004431 going to cut and then your defense DXhbJ52T5cQ-00017-00004432-00004638 lawyer can't read he can i mean he can't DXhbJ52T5cQ-00018-00004639-00004822 write he just DXhbJ52T5cQ-00019-00004823-00005006 that would be a very terrifying listen DXhbJ52T5cQ-00020-00005007-00005167 and i'm sure if you go to approach such DXhbJ52T5cQ-00021-00005168-00005486 a lawyer you might unless his brilliance DXhbJ52T5cQ-00022-00005487-00005679 the noise of his brilliance precedes him DXhbJ52T5cQ-00023-00005680-00005863 you might think twice about it DXhbJ52T5cQ-00024-00005864-00006111 but here's the interesting thing for me DXhbJ52T5cQ-00025-00006112-00006254 you remember the story of the man the DXhbJ52T5cQ-00026-00006255-00006454 blind man that jesus healed DXhbJ52T5cQ-00027-00006455-00006646 and after jesus had healed him that the DXhbJ52T5cQ-00028-00006647-00006855 pharisees on the side sees this is the DXhbJ52T5cQ-00029-00006856-00007110 side you see and the fire i see people DXhbJ52T5cQ-00030-00007111-00007278 you know pharisees and services that's DXhbJ52T5cQ-00031-00007279-00007478 just for laughter come over to the blind DXhbJ52T5cQ-00032-00007479-00007670 man and say now that man DXhbJ52T5cQ-00033-00007672-00007870 what he was doing he didn't do it from DXhbJ52T5cQ-00034-00007872-00007967 god DXhbJ52T5cQ-00035-00007968-00008119 it was not of god DXhbJ52T5cQ-00036-00008120-00008374 and so you have to denounce him and and DXhbJ52T5cQ-00037-00008375-00008542 and then the blind man raised up a DXhbJ52T5cQ-00038-00008543-00008710 spirited defense DXhbJ52T5cQ-00039-00008711-00008919 and the defense of the blind man was DXhbJ52T5cQ-00040-00008920-00009142 hanging in three days DXhbJ52T5cQ-00041-00009143-00009391 first of all was this yesterday DXhbJ52T5cQ-00042-00009392-00009614 first of all the the blind man's DXhbJ52T5cQ-00043-00009615-00009846 reference yesterday he said listen DXhbJ52T5cQ-00044-00009847-00010231 i once was blind so that was yesterday DXhbJ52T5cQ-00045-00010232-00010446 so listen i am coming from a place i DXhbJ52T5cQ-00046-00010447-00010678 have been through some things yesterday DXhbJ52T5cQ-00047-00010679-00010831 i have been through tears i've been DXhbJ52T5cQ-00048-00010832-00011006 through pain i've been through adversity DXhbJ52T5cQ-00049-00011007-00011206 i've been through shape i'm a blind man DXhbJ52T5cQ-00050-00011207-00011478 i was begging yesterday my yesterday DXhbJ52T5cQ-00051-00011479-00011614 wasn't the best DXhbJ52T5cQ-00052-00011615-00011806 so that blind man stood in three days he DXhbJ52T5cQ-00053-00011807-00012135 said i referred to my yesterday i once DXhbJ52T5cQ-00054-00012136-00012223 was DXhbJ52T5cQ-00055-00012224-00012319 blind DXhbJ52T5cQ-00056-00012320-00012535 he referred to his yesterday i'm coming DXhbJ52T5cQ-00057-00012536-00012646 from somewhere i'm not just an DXhbJ52T5cQ-00058-00012647-00012935 apparition but just just just happen DXhbJ52T5cQ-00059-00012936-00013127 something i'm coming from somewhere i DXhbJ52T5cQ-00060-00013128-00013383 have a yesterday i have a history and my DXhbJ52T5cQ-00061-00013384-00013566 yesterday's history was not the best DXhbJ52T5cQ-00062-00013568-00013822 something was not right something didn't DXhbJ52T5cQ-00063-00013823-00014063 didn't pan out right i was a failure or DXhbJ52T5cQ-00064-00014063-00014230 something i don't know something didn't DXhbJ52T5cQ-00065-00014231-00014471 just add up something made me eat the DXhbJ52T5cQ-00066-00014472-00014775 bread of shame yesterday DXhbJ52T5cQ-00067-00014776-00015094 then i said but today i can see DXhbJ52T5cQ-00068-00015095-00015319 so the blind man's defense for jesus the DXhbJ52T5cQ-00069-00015319-00015479 spirit of defense of the blind man was DXhbJ52T5cQ-00070-00015480-00015703 like where were you when i was yesterday DXhbJ52T5cQ-00071-00015704-00015807 i'm DXhbJ52T5cQ-00072-00015808-00016015 do you know where i'm coming from i once DXhbJ52T5cQ-00073-00016016-00016319 was blind but he said but now DXhbJ52T5cQ-00074-00016319-00016511 so he's standing he's standing in his DXhbJ52T5cQ-00075-00016512-00016719 door looked at this yesterday see how DXhbJ52T5cQ-00076-00016720-00016879 far he had come DXhbJ52T5cQ-00077-00016880-00017111 see his progression i progress from DXhbJ52T5cQ-00078-00017112-00017422 blindness to sight i progress from loss DXhbJ52T5cQ-00079-00017423-00017783 to to to profit i progress from shame to DXhbJ52T5cQ-00080-00017784-00017886 success DXhbJ52T5cQ-00081-00017887-00018103 i progress from somewhere i'm coming DXhbJ52T5cQ-00082-00018104-00018319 from somewhere and my yesterday wasn't DXhbJ52T5cQ-00083-00018320-00018550 the best but today DXhbJ52T5cQ-00084-00018551-00018814 and he said listen somebody DXhbJ52T5cQ-00085-00018815-00018983 did something for me he brought me out DXhbJ52T5cQ-00086-00018984-00019214 of my that night of yesterday he brought DXhbJ52T5cQ-00087-00019215-00019430 me out of my pain of yesterday he DXhbJ52T5cQ-00088-00019431-00019647 brought me out of this thing i know the DXhbJ52T5cQ-00089-00019648-00019822 man i met yeah DXhbJ52T5cQ-00090-00019823-00019950 look here DXhbJ52T5cQ-00091-00019951-00020183 today i'm a different person DXhbJ52T5cQ-00092-00020184-00020414 and as a result of that he looked at his DXhbJ52T5cQ-00093-00020415-00020647 past you know and then stood in his DXhbJ52T5cQ-00094-00020648-00020855 presence and said i'll defend him DXhbJ52T5cQ-00095-00020856-00020975 tomorrow DXhbJ52T5cQ-00096-00020976-00021319 and began to and began to defend jesus DXhbJ52T5cQ-00097-00021320-00021686 and he said listen i once was blind DXhbJ52T5cQ-00098-00021687-00021799 but now DXhbJ52T5cQ-00099-00021800-00021991 i see DXhbJ52T5cQ-00100-00021992-00022199 and this man is not a demon DXhbJ52T5cQ-00101-00022200-00022439 this man is not a bad man DXhbJ52T5cQ-00102-00022440-00022703 this man is not who you say he is DXhbJ52T5cQ-00103-00022704-00022878 because look at one DXhbJ52T5cQ-00104-00022879-00023030 is it possible that sometimes there are DXhbJ52T5cQ-00105-00023031-00023263 people who might have been DXhbJ52T5cQ-00106-00023264-00023519 who god might have used to transform our DXhbJ52T5cQ-00107-00023520-00023678 body yesterdays DXhbJ52T5cQ-00108-00023679-00023942 into into into very pleasant today's our DXhbJ52T5cQ-00109-00023943-00024119 painful yesterdays into pleasant two DXhbJ52T5cQ-00110-00024120-00024222 days DXhbJ52T5cQ-00111-00024223-00024383 and those people DXhbJ52T5cQ-00112-00024384-00024471 you know DXhbJ52T5cQ-00113-00024472-00024686 now all of a sudden people come telling DXhbJ52T5cQ-00114-00024687-00024871 us they're bad people DXhbJ52T5cQ-00115-00024872-00025230 and sometimes we're running away from DXhbJ52T5cQ-00116-00025231-00025350 like peter DXhbJ52T5cQ-00117-00025351-00025494 peters yesterday was a yesterday of DXhbJ52T5cQ-00118-00025495-00025614 failure DXhbJ52T5cQ-00119-00025616-00025783 but he was standing in this today when DXhbJ52T5cQ-00120-00025783-00025974 people said do you know the man he said DXhbJ52T5cQ-00121-00025975-00026118 i don't know him DXhbJ52T5cQ-00122-00026119-00026311 he denounced jesus not because of DXhbJ52T5cQ-00123-00026312-00026639 anything but he denounced jesus DXhbJ52T5cQ-00124-00026639-00026943 because of fear blind man defense DXhbJ52T5cQ-00125-00026944-00027183 lawyers DXhbJ52T5cQ-00126-00027183-00027479 sometimes we need blind people DXhbJ52T5cQ-00127-00027480-00027670 to defend us DXhbJ52T5cQ-00128-00027672-00027927 we need people who would recognize what DXhbJ52T5cQ-00129-00027927-00028174 we have been to them before and not add DXhbJ52T5cQ-00130-00028175-00028431 to the cacophony of accusation DXhbJ52T5cQ-00131-00028432-00028631 that goes around DXhbJ52T5cQ-00132-00028632-00028855 and not add to the noise of condemnation DXhbJ52T5cQ-00133-00028856-00029079 that goes around DXhbJ52T5cQ-00134-00029080-00029214 and not add DXhbJ52T5cQ-00135-00029216-00029351 to all the DXhbJ52T5cQ-00136-00029352-00029695 all the all the arrows and dots DXhbJ52T5cQ-00137-00029695-00029951 of of wicked tongues DXhbJ52T5cQ-00138-00029952-00030335 the blind man said i once was blind DXhbJ52T5cQ-00139-00030336-00030511 but now i see DXhbJ52T5cQ-00140-00030512-00030670 i think maybe we need blind defense DXhbJ52T5cQ-00141-00030672-00030799 lawyers DXhbJ52T5cQ-00142-00030800-00031095 they might speak better for us DXhbJ52T5cQ-00143-00031095-00031302 than people who forget DXhbJ52T5cQ-00144-00031303-00031567 what has been done for them DXhbJ52T5cQ-00145-00031568-00031790 blind defense lawyers DXhbJ52T5cQ-00146-00031791-00031895 well DXhbJ52T5cQ-00147-00031895-00032087 it's your choice DXhbJ52T5cQ-00148-00032088-00032935 see you later DXhbJ52T5cQ-00149-00032936-00033144 you DXUrrmETNly-00000-00000042-00000533 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00001-00000534-00000722 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00002-00000723-00000960 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00003-00000961-00001737 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00004-00001738-00002681 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00005-00002682-00002763 thank you DXUrrmETNly-00006-00002764-00003233 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00007-00003234-00003433 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00008-00003434-00003846 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00009-00003847-00003896 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00010-00003897-00005107 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00011-00005108-00005124 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00012-00005125-00006400 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00013-00006401-00006634 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00014-00006634-00009129 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00015-00009130-00009147 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00016-00009148-00009608 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00017-00009609-00009901 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00018-00009902-00011046 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00019-00011047-00011515 thank you DXUrrmETNly-00020-00011516-00012031 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00021-00012032-00012194 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00022-00012195-00012598 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00023-00012599-00012726 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00024-00012727-00012910 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00025-00012911-00014522 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00026-00014524-00014536 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00027-00014537-00015352 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00028-00015353-00015591 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00029-00015591-00016066 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00030-00016068-00016725 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00032-00020022-00020107 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00033-00020108-00020656 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00034-00020657-00021343 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00035-00021344-00023075 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00036-00023076-00023963 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00037-00023964-00024993 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00038-00024994-00026370 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00039-00026372-00026866 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00040-00026867-00027929 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00041-00027930-00028564 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00042-00028564-00028845 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00043-00028847-00030205 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00044-00030206-00030940 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00045-00030941-00031756 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00046-00031757-00034151 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00047-00034152-00034341 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00048-00034342-00037235 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00049-00037236-00037314 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00050-00037315-00037509 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00051-00037510-00037877 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00052-00037878-00038021 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00053-00038022-00038047 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00054-00038048-00040471 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00055-00040472-00040785 [Laughter] DXUrrmETNly-00056-00040786-00041105 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00057-00041106-00041314 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00058-00041315-00042040 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00059-00042041-00042065 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00060-00042066-00042485 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00061-00042486-00042552 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00062-00042553-00043619 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00063-00043620-00043622 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00064-00043623-00043926 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00065-00043927-00044345 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00066-00044346-00044908 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00068-00048483-00048743 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00069-00048744-00051564 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00070-00051565-00051979 I'm overheating DXUrrmETNly-00071-00051979-00052471 can hardly sleep at night DXUrrmETNly-00072-00052472-00052897 doing crazy dreaming DXUrrmETNly-00073-00052898-00054149 you're the reason why DXUrrmETNly-00074-00054150-00054259 don't DXUrrmETNly-00075-00054260-00054584 try to save me DXUrrmETNly-00076-00054585-00056242 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00077-00056244-00056369 yes DXUrrmETNly-00078-00056370-00057825 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00079-00057826-00059657 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00080-00059658-00059917 foreign DXUrrmETNly-00081-00059919-00062823 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00082-00062824-00063187 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00083-00063188-00063700 some days DXUrrmETNly-00084-00063701-00065731 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00085-00065732-00065948 loving emotions DXUrrmETNly-00086-00065949-00066162 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00087-00066163-00069065 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00088-00069066-00070205 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00089-00070206-00071233 yes DXUrrmETNly-00090-00071234-00072521 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00091-00072522-00073849 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00092-00073850-00076589 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00093-00076590-00076716 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00094-00076717-00078283 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00095-00078284-00078425 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00096-00078426-00079374 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00097-00079375-00079806 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00098-00079807-00080596 thank you foreign DXUrrmETNly-00099-00080597-00082801 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00100-00082802-00082943 [Applause] DXUrrmETNly-00101-00082944-00084877 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00102-00084878-00085438 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00103-00085439-00085944 [Music] DXUrrmETNly-00104-00085945-00086165 thank you DXUrrmETNly-00105-00086166-00086432 this is DYyxMMHKqAM-00000-00000097-00000473 hey yo Chico's and chicas it's Kitty and DYyxMMHKqAM-00001-00000474-00000611 I'm making this little announcement DYyxMMHKqAM-00002-00000612-00000853 videos let you guys know I'm taking a DYyxMMHKqAM-00003-00000855-00001190 week break it's just I'm taking a break DYyxMMHKqAM-00004-00001191-00001427 this week because I have some things DYyxMMHKqAM-00005-00001428-00001732 that I have to do I have some creative DYyxMMHKqAM-00006-00001734-00002099 things going on right now and I can't DYyxMMHKqAM-00007-00002100-00002317 really tell you guys what it is yet but DYyxMMHKqAM-00008-00002318-00002480 just know that I'll be back next week DYyxMMHKqAM-00009-00002481-00003023 making more videos and I really hope you DYyxMMHKqAM-00010-00003024-00003340 guys like what I'm creating right now DYyxMMHKqAM-00011-00003340-00003743 like my creative juices are flowing and DYyxMMHKqAM-00012-00003744-00004067 I feel really good about it and I think DYyxMMHKqAM-00013-00004068-00004497 that you guys like what I've made and DYyxMMHKqAM-00014-00004498-00004784 I'm going to say that you will most DYyxMMHKqAM-00015-00004785-00005069 likely see what I have done next week DYyxMMHKqAM-00016-00005070-00005309 because that's when my videos will be DYyxMMHKqAM-00017-00005310-00005518 back in effect I'll be making more DYyxMMHKqAM-00018-00005519-00005836 videos I'm not sure what I'll do but I DYyxMMHKqAM-00019-00005837-00006176 will be making more videos next week so DYyxMMHKqAM-00020-00006177-00006514 look forward to that and that's pretty DYyxMMHKqAM-00021-00006515-00006656 much it just want to make a little DYyxMMHKqAM-00022-00006656-00006806 announcement telling you guys and I'm DYyxMMHKqAM-00023-00006806-00007112 taking this week just to create some DYyxMMHKqAM-00024-00007113-00007562 stuff and yeah so thank you guys so much DYyxMMHKqAM-00025-00007563-00007787 for listening it's been kidding say DYyxMMHKqAM-00026-00007788-00007948 something all bones and I will see you DYyxMMHKqAM-00027-00007950-00008513 guys in the next video thanks Db2EhE4Dkac-00000-00000000-00000329 hello everybody and welcome along to the Db2EhE4Dkac-00001-00000330-00000461 big finale Db2EhE4Dkac-00002-00000462-00000719 of two play Korean is the title decider Db2EhE4Dkac-00003-00000720-00001025 for season two I have got a very good Db2EhE4Dkac-00004-00001026-00001247 chance of winning the championship today Db2EhE4Dkac-00005-00001248-00001420 this was not supposed to be the case Db2EhE4Dkac-00006-00001421-00001618 this season uh we're supposed to be back Db2EhE4Dkac-00007-00001619-00001763 Market teams who weren't back marker Db2EhE4Dkac-00008-00001764-00002152 teams somehow I frauded my way to Db2EhE4Dkac-00009-00002153-00002381 Leading the championship with just one Db2EhE4Dkac-00010-00002382-00002584 race weekend to go and it's a Sprint Db2EhE4Dkac-00011-00002585-00002945 race two races and the championship will Db2EhE4Dkac-00012-00002946-00003293 be decided today can we get a dub Ben is Db2EhE4Dkac-00013-00003294-00003443 not in Championship Kardashian which Db2EhE4Dkac-00014-00003444-00003617 means he'll be doing everything he can Db2EhE4Dkac-00015-00003618-00003856 to stop me hopefully he keeps it nice Db2EhE4Dkac-00016-00003857-00004103 and fair but uh guys this wasn't Db2EhE4Dkac-00017-00004104-00004229 supposed to happen this season it wasn't Db2EhE4Dkac-00018-00004230-00004456 supposed to be this deep things just got Db2EhE4Dkac-00019-00004457-00004654 deep let's get into it what sports did Db2EhE4Dkac-00020-00004655-00004786 you gonna be you ready for this it's Db2EhE4Dkac-00021-00004787-00004895 good it's gonna be bottomed here Db2EhE4Dkac-00022-00004896-00005201 guarantee that we're championship Db2EhE4Dkac-00023-00005202-00005513 yes oh a bit of script don't worry if I Db2EhE4Dkac-00024-00005514-00005722 do my chat has already uh advised me Db2EhE4Dkac-00025-00005723-00005872 just to take out the clock turn one and Db2EhE4Dkac-00026-00005873-00006109 be done with it good Db2EhE4Dkac-00027-00006110-00006431 you and your chat would lose their heads Db2EhE4Dkac-00028-00006431-00006631 if I did that Db2EhE4Dkac-00029-00006631-00006887 I reckon we just disqualify you from the Db2EhE4Dkac-00030-00006888-00007067 champion yeah like last season very good Db2EhE4Dkac-00031-00007068-00007295 yeah cool anyway let's have a look look Db2EhE4Dkac-00032-00007295-00007528 at the season shall we one two three Db2EhE4Dkac-00033-00007529-00007775 four six wins it is that deep this Db2EhE4Dkac-00034-00007776-00008009 season it appears all right the thing is Db2EhE4Dkac-00035-00008009-00008177 I install more Talent upgrades this Db2EhE4Dkac-00036-00008178-00008392 season that's what's really helped me Db2EhE4Dkac-00037-00008393-00008713 [Laughter] Db2EhE4Dkac-00038-00008714-00009035 very good uh Constructors unfortunately Db2EhE4Dkac-00039-00009036-00009389 you sealed that last race yeah you're Db2EhE4Dkac-00040-00009390-00009617 second and fourth alpha alpha tari Db2EhE4Dkac-00041-00009618-00009773 meanwhile from Mayo it's called zero Db2EhE4Dkac-00042-00009774-00009953 which is annoying but we should still be Db2EhE4Dkac-00043-00009954-00010127 Alpine hopefully right any upgrades for Db2EhE4Dkac-00044-00010128-00010295 today Db2EhE4Dkac-00045-00010296-00010487 I've got two oh I got a major break Db2EhE4Dkac-00046-00010488-00010756 upgrade not a massive breaking circuit Db2EhE4Dkac-00047-00010757-00010942 really is it don't have one we have even Db2EhE4Dkac-00048-00010943-00011092 that not really it's a trail breaking Db2EhE4Dkac-00049-00011093-00011338 one so like yeah I'm gonna say whatever Db2EhE4Dkac-00050-00011339-00011585 resource points I can okay good plan Db2EhE4Dkac-00051-00011586-00011849 okay I'm ready to go then see you in Db2EhE4Dkac-00052-00011850-00012085 Alpha Tower next season then Db2EhE4Dkac-00053-00012086-00012442 come on game last upgrade you ready for Db2EhE4Dkac-00054-00012443-00013024 some acting guys Db2EhE4Dkac-00055-00013025-00013385 she was successful oh good which was Db2EhE4Dkac-00056-00013386-00013636 failure never mind mine went on I did I Db2EhE4Dkac-00057-00013637-00013744 did tell Chad to prepare for some Db2EhE4Dkac-00058-00013745-00014015 terrible acting no acting requireds ah Db2EhE4Dkac-00059-00014016-00014219 there's nothing I can do there's no mind Db2EhE4Dkac-00060-00014219-00014465 games at all I'll just stay in my own Db2EhE4Dkac-00061-00014466-00014716 lane yeah yes please you stay in your Db2EhE4Dkac-00062-00014718-00014993 lane firmly all right we're the first oh Db2EhE4Dkac-00063-00014994-00015175 no weather I bet you're upset about that Db2EhE4Dkac-00064-00015176-00015888 oh dear oh okay Db2EhE4Dkac-00065-00015890-00016157 come to be the second best car I've just Db2EhE4Dkac-00066-00016158-00016349 snuck up to third as well but when Clara Db2EhE4Dkac-00067-00016350-00016475 though is being better than the chart Db2EhE4Dkac-00068-00016476-00016661 aren't they so I feel efficiency upgrade Db2EhE4Dkac-00069-00016662-00016907 for you is going to be here massive at Db2EhE4Dkac-00070-00016908-00017063 the start of the race you're gonna have Db2EhE4Dkac-00071-00017064-00017200 a super heavy car at the end of the Db2EhE4Dkac-00072-00017201-00017508 Grand Prix yeah well relatively yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00073-00017509-00017807 nice low difficulty for you today you Db2EhE4Dkac-00074-00017808-00018133 only have to beat me now Db2EhE4Dkac-00075-00018134-00018335 can't wait for you to get beaten by Db2EhE4Dkac-00076-00018336-00018515 gasly again Db2EhE4Dkac-00077-00018516-00018761 very good come on it's the first dry lap Db2EhE4Dkac-00078-00018762-00018977 of this car of the day let's just Db2EhE4Dkac-00079-00018978-00019139 get up to speed last time we have to Db2EhE4Dkac-00080-00019140-00019258 take an engine change during quality Db2EhE4Dkac-00081-00019259-00019493 just gently get up to speed build up to Db2EhE4Dkac-00082-00019494-00019858 it that's got a nice solid Banker Db2EhE4Dkac-00083-00019859-00020057 a bit of a snap that's okay just Db2EhE4Dkac-00084-00020058-00020141 trying to learn a little bit throttle Db2EhE4Dkac-00085-00020142-00020249 look what I thought you said at the Db2EhE4Dkac-00086-00020250-00020411 bottom look all over the place as you Db2EhE4Dkac-00087-00020412-00020591 fall at the moment Lando takes it off Db2EhE4Dkac-00088-00020592-00020693 him Db2EhE4Dkac-00089-00020694-00020903 that's too deep see if we do two laps in Db2EhE4Dkac-00090-00020904-00021119 a row not a terrible app not a good one Db2EhE4Dkac-00091-00021120-00021233 either we're gonna run out of your ass Db2EhE4Dkac-00092-00021234-00021539 Ben goes top like does he know he Db2EhE4Dkac-00093-00021540-00021755 doesn't he was fourth for half a second Db2EhE4Dkac-00094-00021756-00021929 to his teammate a couple there I was low Db2EhE4Dkac-00095-00021930-00022121 very good Db2EhE4Dkac-00096-00022122-00022408 you go behind Ben Db2EhE4Dkac-00097-00022409-00022583 oh look at the snap over the curb there Db2EhE4Dkac-00098-00022584-00022721 the car did not like being on that curb Db2EhE4Dkac-00099-00022722-00022841 one of the arrest though ready to Db2EhE4Dkac-00100-00022842-00022978 complete this lap and we'll just run out Db2EhE4Dkac-00101-00022979-00023086 for the line there's not a lot of point Db2EhE4Dkac-00102-00023087-00023314 we'll lose so much time ten for two not Db2EhE4Dkac-00103-00023315-00023483 great from us there behind burning by Db2EhE4Dkac-00104-00023484-00023669 about a tenth so it wasn't a great lap Db2EhE4Dkac-00105-00023670-00023843 I'm not too upset with that Ben so much Db2EhE4Dkac-00106-00023844-00023980 quicker with the straight you joking Db2EhE4Dkac-00107-00023981-00024191 yeah I want to calm down so we said Db2EhE4Dkac-00108-00024192-00024317 they're really low this this race mate Db2EhE4Dkac-00109-00024318-00024521 we both clearly forgot to put our ax on Db2EhE4Dkac-00110-00024522-00024677 very good where's Leslie Cloud please Db2EhE4Dkac-00111-00024678-00024922 why is he in P2 get down from that Db2EhE4Dkac-00112-00024923-00025121 o'clock all right come on guys it looks Db2EhE4Dkac-00113-00025122-00025235 like AI is a little bit high for this Db2EhE4Dkac-00114-00025236-00025450 race we can maybe if I have a sec with a Db2EhE4Dkac-00115-00025451-00025577 very good lap list so close though I Db2EhE4Dkac-00116-00025578-00025727 don't know let's just for now just Db2EhE4Dkac-00117-00025727-00026027 getting the best lap we can Db2EhE4Dkac-00118-00026027-00026212 better through there we'll gain all the Db2EhE4Dkac-00119-00026213-00026296 way down this straight with the slightly Db2EhE4Dkac-00120-00026297-00026711 low wings Db2EhE4Dkac-00121-00026712-00027107 nice Db2EhE4Dkac-00122-00027108-00027323 we're going a bit like that Db2EhE4Dkac-00123-00027324-00027581 I should be touched deep Db2EhE4Dkac-00124-00027582-00027737 knows the chunks begin here did hit the Db2EhE4Dkac-00125-00027738-00027952 car but Db2EhE4Dkac-00126-00027954-00028151 Ah that's poor there was more to be Db2EhE4Dkac-00127-00028152-00028240 going through there for sure I didn't Db2EhE4Dkac-00128-00028241-00028468 find the tent this laptop is for Db2EhE4Dkac-00129-00028469-00028751 I'm fifty two tents only give us like Db2EhE4Dkac-00130-00028752-00028949 P11 I think we go aggress for the setup Db2EhE4Dkac-00131-00028950-00029105 then guys I mean I mean that we can't Db2EhE4Dkac-00132-00029106-00029267 I'll cook low on those actually because Db2EhE4Dkac-00133-00029268-00029393 that'll allow us to push a bit more and Db2EhE4Dkac-00134-00029394-00029614 we go up on the suspension that's that Db2EhE4Dkac-00135-00029616-00029867 it will rotate a lot but if we if we can Db2EhE4Dkac-00136-00029868-00030089 if we can wrestle it around with that Db2EhE4Dkac-00137-00030089-00030274 we'll be quick we've got to go Db2EhE4Dkac-00138-00030275-00030424 aggressive here this this is not working Db2EhE4Dkac-00139-00030425-00030599 out for us right now got the new tires Db2EhE4Dkac-00140-00030600-00030749 on feels as low as the game will let me Db2EhE4Dkac-00141-00030750-00030899 five kilos it's important for our Db2EhE4Dkac-00142-00030900-00031085 Championship p15 right now is not good Db2EhE4Dkac-00143-00031086-00031307 we need to find some time ideally half a Db2EhE4Dkac-00144-00031308-00031468 second if we can we'll see what we can Db2EhE4Dkac-00145-00031469-00031739 do we'll send Db2EhE4Dkac-00146-00031739-00031920 wait a little early actually Db2EhE4Dkac-00147-00031922-00032164 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00148-00032166-00032308 perhaps take a lot of curb there those Db2EhE4Dkac-00149-00032310-00032614 try make up for it Db2EhE4Dkac-00150-00032616-00032752 okay I'm actually gonna back off Db2EhE4Dkac-00151-00032753-00032927 definitely a little bit a little bit Db2EhE4Dkac-00152-00032928-00033118 rotating with the setup we've gone for Db2EhE4Dkac-00153-00033119-00033311 but hopefully be okay right it's the Db2EhE4Dkac-00154-00033312-00033760 last chance guys Db2EhE4Dkac-00155-00033761-00033937 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00156-00033938-00034121 maybe a little bit cautious through Db2EhE4Dkac-00157-00034122-00034240 there just trying to get across on the Db2EhE4Dkac-00158-00034241-00034781 exit a little bit Db2EhE4Dkac-00159-00034782-00034955 and not the best of exit sending in Db2EhE4Dkac-00160-00034956-00035074 there but quite hard but it's okay we're Db2EhE4Dkac-00161-00035075-00035169 still up Db2EhE4Dkac-00162-00035170-00035340 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00163-00035341-00035662 not bad this is as good as we can do you Db2EhE4Dkac-00164-00035663-00035981 think final turn Db2EhE4Dkac-00165-00035982-00036161 foreign Db2EhE4Dkac-00166-00036162-00036490 guys Db2EhE4Dkac-00167-00036491-00036677 three tenths foul is as much as I could Db2EhE4Dkac-00168-00036678-00036862 do today with aib what they are we could Db2EhE4Dkac-00169-00036863-00037055 do no more today Db2EhE4Dkac-00170-00037056-00037187 it's not gonna be a good position though Db2EhE4Dkac-00171-00037188-00037474 it is p14 oh Db2EhE4Dkac-00172-00037475-00037709 that's all there was today 16 the last Db2EhE4Dkac-00173-00037710-00038002 time I checked on you 14th I found three Db2EhE4Dkac-00174-00038003-00038243 tenths did a good lap but I just could Db2EhE4Dkac-00175-00038244-00038446 not match the AI today where's my team Db2EhE4Dkac-00176-00038447-00038687 happened third is he alright are you all Db2EhE4Dkac-00177-00038688-00038879 right mate oh the clock took pole of Db2EhE4Dkac-00178-00038880-00039071 course he did very good someone's Db2EhE4Dkac-00179-00039072-00039217 feeling the pressure of a championship Db2EhE4Dkac-00180-00039218-00039485 no it was that was a good lap that was Db2EhE4Dkac-00181-00039486-00039695 that was my Pace feeling the pressure of Db2EhE4Dkac-00182-00039696-00039952 a legit Championship I'm not feeling Db2EhE4Dkac-00183-00039953-00040085 great from this position regardless to Db2EhE4Dkac-00184-00040086-00040290 AI level unless we get on to about 50. Db2EhE4Dkac-00185-00040291-00040517 [Laughter] Db2EhE4Dkac-00186-00040518-00040721 um all right there you go 104 get in Db2EhE4Dkac-00187-00040722-00040859 love to see shuttle club with the word Db2EhE4Dkac-00188-00040860-00040990 penalty next Tuesday and I bet you're Db2EhE4Dkac-00189-00040991-00041089 very happy Db2EhE4Dkac-00190-00041090-00041687 please no no unfortunately not Db2EhE4Dkac-00191-00041688-00041885 17.3 kilos Db2EhE4Dkac-00192-00041886-00042118 bang on that's how many I've got that's Db2EhE4Dkac-00193-00042119-00042335 it how many laps does that does your say Db2EhE4Dkac-00194-00042336-00042709 that can do 12.8 minus 14.6 Db2EhE4Dkac-00195-00042710-00042983 you got fuel efficiency stuff you have Db2EhE4Dkac-00196-00042984-00043187 only one more than you soft start pretty Db2EhE4Dkac-00197-00043188-00043367 fast on here yeah they do medium don't Db2EhE4Dkac-00198-00043368-00043505 compound the problem Precious on there Db2EhE4Dkac-00199-00043506-00043685 never go mediums medium for sure yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00200-00043686-00043807 okay okay Db2EhE4Dkac-00201-00043808-00044218 it says 76 tire wear by lap 11. I don't Db2EhE4Dkac-00202-00044219-00044357 look at that number I always look at the Db2EhE4Dkac-00203-00044358-00044633 main chart yeah mine's a 75. nice Tire Db2EhE4Dkac-00204-00044634-00045017 upgrades one percent huge yeah I think Db2EhE4Dkac-00205-00045018-00045208 mediums I think this allows to attack to Db2EhE4Dkac-00206-00045209-00045346 the end of the race we have got no on Db2EhE4Dkac-00207-00045347-00045508 the wings I'm hoping that'll help us oh Db2EhE4Dkac-00208-00045509-00045707 he's got mediums what we're gonna be Db2EhE4Dkac-00209-00045708-00045887 fine he made my mind up was realizing Db2EhE4Dkac-00210-00045888-00046030 that DRS doesn't get enabled till that Db2EhE4Dkac-00211-00046031-00046205 three and the soft would already be 25 Db2EhE4Dkac-00212-00046206-00046402 more on lap three Db2EhE4Dkac-00213-00046403-00046662 as if my teammates up in third Db2EhE4Dkac-00214-00046663-00046924 right team orders go take out the clerk Db2EhE4Dkac-00215-00046925-00047249 what a day to get good oh yeah he's Db2EhE4Dkac-00216-00047250-00047461 gonna beat me as he take points off me Db2EhE4Dkac-00217-00047462-00047833 God's sake that'll be no pressure Db2EhE4Dkac-00218-00047834-00048089 I think you need another nervous we mate Db2EhE4Dkac-00219-00048090-00048245 I think I might do actually maybe Db2EhE4Dkac-00220-00048246-00048365 between the races I'll go get another Db2EhE4Dkac-00221-00048366-00048623 sweet simulation damage as well yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00222-00048624-00048833 same damage let's restart all that good Db2EhE4Dkac-00223-00048834-00049051 stuff no win the race Db2EhE4Dkac-00224-00049052-00049986 it very good good luck come on Db2EhE4Dkac-00225-00049987-00050285 yeah it works better off the line free Db2EhE4Dkac-00226-00050286-00050746 wide everyone be three wide Db2EhE4Dkac-00227-00050747-00050958 but for some reason Db2EhE4Dkac-00228-00050959-00051101 [Applause] Db2EhE4Dkac-00229-00051102-00051437 you saw him rehearse that uh Db2EhE4Dkac-00230-00051438-00051688 uh what the hell why is Norris just Db2EhE4Dkac-00231-00051689-00052023 nerfed you I know mate that's ridiculous Db2EhE4Dkac-00232-00052024-00052204 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00233-00052205-00052390 oh good I did move around a bit of Db2EhE4Dkac-00234-00052391-00052692 breaking today Db2EhE4Dkac-00235-00052694-00053038 no so it Slams on the break or the exit Db2EhE4Dkac-00236-00053039-00053159 I lost like two three possessions Db2EhE4Dkac-00237-00053160-00053435 because of that about down to 60. Db2EhE4Dkac-00238-00053436-00053653 what the stars Db2EhE4Dkac-00239-00053654-00053850 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00240-00053851-00054130 that is the worst that is the absolute Db2EhE4Dkac-00241-00054132-00054608 worst oh my word Alex you are in trouble Db2EhE4Dkac-00242-00054609-00054738 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00243-00054739-00055092 [Applause] Db2EhE4Dkac-00244-00055094-00055361 no bit of contact but we get through I Db2EhE4Dkac-00245-00055362-00055480 think it's just a bit of cypod floor Db2EhE4Dkac-00246-00055482-00055673 damage so it's not too bad so they're Db2EhE4Dkac-00247-00055674-00055811 just slamming on the brakes on the exit Db2EhE4Dkac-00248-00055812-00055937 because Ben was on the side and that was Db2EhE4Dkac-00249-00055938-00056171 the worst yeah I sort of tried to follow Db2EhE4Dkac-00250-00056172-00056315 up the inside a little bit there's a car Db2EhE4Dkac-00251-00056316-00056423 there so that one was on me really Db2EhE4Dkac-00252-00056424-00056609 almost got you as well for start you Db2EhE4Dkac-00253-00056610-00056711 didn't have the best did you don't get Db2EhE4Dkac-00254-00056712-00056837 any damage on the McLaren just telling Db2EhE4Dkac-00255-00056838-00057076 everyone you I took to the grass Norris Db2EhE4Dkac-00256-00057077-00057473 had it in for me yeah I don't know what Db2EhE4Dkac-00257-00057474-00057682 his problem was yeah I literally had a Db2EhE4Dkac-00258-00057683-00057797 perfect view of it he just turned over Db2EhE4Dkac-00259-00057798-00058182 on you for no reason okay Db2EhE4Dkac-00260-00058183-00058369 yes please Db2EhE4Dkac-00261-00058370-00058582 at least the clerk's not leading that's Db2EhE4Dkac-00262-00058583-00058907 something yeah before I get second in Db2EhE4Dkac-00263-00058908-00059225 this race you will be level on points Db2EhE4Dkac-00264-00059226-00059441 heading into the Grand Prix yes we will Db2EhE4Dkac-00265-00059441-00059699 very good but let's fast up the race you Db2EhE4Dkac-00266-00059700-00059819 can set up some drama we'll keep an eye Db2EhE4Dkac-00267-00059820-00059975 on the mini map I wonder if the floor Db2EhE4Dkac-00268-00059976-00060100 damage is costing us straight line speed Db2EhE4Dkac-00269-00060101-00060244 maybe because Db2EhE4Dkac-00270-00060245-00060425 well surprisingly not really gaining on Db2EhE4Dkac-00271-00060426-00060532 straw in that straight it's about having Db2EhE4Dkac-00272-00060533-00060773 super low wings so I'll get DRS I just Db2EhE4Dkac-00273-00060774-00060875 gotta just got to try and do what we can Db2EhE4Dkac-00274-00060876-00061013 do I'm pretty sure AI is still too high Db2EhE4Dkac-00275-00061014-00061211 we've got the third best car guys we Db2EhE4Dkac-00276-00061212-00061450 shouldn't be struggling in 14th away Db2EhE4Dkac-00277-00061451-00061651 some Oda Db2EhE4Dkac-00278-00061652-00061859 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00279-00061860-00062194 oh my God so slow Db2EhE4Dkac-00280-00062195-00062530 decided to let him go and he just ah Db2EhE4Dkac-00281-00062532-00062680 ah I think it's Ben's got a faster car Db2EhE4Dkac-00282-00062682-00062873 so he's he's happier I genuinely don't Db2EhE4Dkac-00283-00062874-00063023 think I'm doing a lot wrong here I think Db2EhE4Dkac-00284-00063024-00063161 you can say oh it's just too high Ben 10 Db2EhE4Dkac-00285-00063162-00063299 because four because my teammates seems Db2EhE4Dkac-00286-00063300-00063354 to have some damage Db2EhE4Dkac-00287-00063355-00063703 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00288-00063704-00063971 ten apparently wait he doesn't say he's Db2EhE4Dkac-00289-00063972-00064109 got damage but he's falling back through Db2EhE4Dkac-00290-00064110-00064253 the pack and that's just causing some Db2EhE4Dkac-00291-00064254-00064438 drama that bends on Ben still with AI Db2EhE4Dkac-00292-00064439-00064642 wish me wish me luck could be to Bent to Db2EhE4Dkac-00293-00064644-00064969 lower the AI after this race Db2EhE4Dkac-00294-00064970-00065219 that's great you've got a quicker car my Db2EhE4Dkac-00295-00065220-00065350 own hope is that Charlotte Clark retires Db2EhE4Dkac-00296-00065351-00065459 on the feature that's literally my only Db2EhE4Dkac-00297-00065460-00065638 hope win the championship which is I Db2EhE4Dkac-00298-00065639-00065759 start by sweating the seasons let's hope Db2EhE4Dkac-00299-00065760-00065926 Ben's a bit more reasonable than that Db2EhE4Dkac-00300-00065927-00066088 and allows us to lower the AI after this Db2EhE4Dkac-00301-00066089-00066376 race car ahead get ready to use DRS the Db2EhE4Dkac-00302-00066377-00066509 Straw's gone deep very good welcome Db2EhE4Dkac-00303-00066510-00066688 Bernard behind him you'd love to see it Db2EhE4Dkac-00304-00066689-00066875 I actually take the stroll drops out of Db2EhE4Dkac-00305-00066876-00067000 DMS range Db2EhE4Dkac-00306-00067001-00067193 she might do because Sarah seems quite a Db2EhE4Dkac-00307-00067194-00067343 lot faster than stroll did you get the Db2EhE4Dkac-00308-00067344-00067469 RS Db2EhE4Dkac-00309-00067470-00067661 no he doesn't huge okay all right we Db2EhE4Dkac-00310-00067662-00067787 gotta get strong we gotta get 14 guys Db2EhE4Dkac-00311-00067788-00067882 it's gonna be our good position for Db2EhE4Dkac-00312-00067883-00068044 tomorrow we gotta do what we can now see Db2EhE4Dkac-00313-00068045-00068315 he's doing 1086 Ben's doing what about Db2EhE4Dkac-00314-00068316-00068531 six as well weird isn't it Db2EhE4Dkac-00315-00068532-00068669 I don't think I missed anything though Db2EhE4Dkac-00316-00068670-00068813 that's the floor damage is effective we Db2EhE4Dkac-00317-00068814-00068915 will never realized but it doesn't Db2EhE4Dkac-00318-00068916-00069053 normally doesn't normally really affect Db2EhE4Dkac-00319-00069054-00069197 the pace much at all and that's quite Db2EhE4Dkac-00320-00069198-00069317 straight on the stroll let's just make Db2EhE4Dkac-00321-00069318-00069536 sure we get him this is important Db2EhE4Dkac-00322-00069537-00069913 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00323-00069914-00070156 it's not possible don't ever take my Db2EhE4Dkac-00324-00070157-00070421 teammate I think as much yet is Alonzo Db2EhE4Dkac-00325-00070422-00070582 have an issue there gives you an extra Db2EhE4Dkac-00326-00070583-00070667 position Db2EhE4Dkac-00327-00070668-00070888 s involved with that and as much again a Db2EhE4Dkac-00328-00070889-00071081 few maybe the car is just horrible but Db2EhE4Dkac-00329-00071082-00071200 it's just weird how my team managed to Db2EhE4Dkac-00330-00071201-00071405 qualify well but race pace Db2EhE4Dkac-00331-00071406-00071513 he's dropping back through the pack Db2EhE4Dkac-00332-00071514-00071681 massively as Ben unfortunately is making Db2EhE4Dkac-00333-00071682-00071831 progress he probably wouldn't want to Db2EhE4Dkac-00334-00071832-00071993 change the AI I can't stand where he's Db2EhE4Dkac-00335-00071994-00072532 coming from but 14 for me guys Db2EhE4Dkac-00336-00072533-00072688 did we go back quicker than that I think Db2EhE4Dkac-00337-00072689-00072947 we did well I'm 6K slower than bad in Db2EhE4Dkac-00338-00072948-00073273 the straights we have a dead Lock okay Db2EhE4Dkac-00339-00073274-00073511 well you're not lucky so you get Dragon Db2EhE4Dkac-00340-00073512-00073747 full damage maybe yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00341-00073748-00074063 I guess they said put up AI I'm saying Db2EhE4Dkac-00342-00074064-00074326 same AI all right well what did you Db2EhE4Dkac-00343-00074327-00074488 think like you were making some progress Db2EhE4Dkac-00344-00074489-00074650 there but Galaxy was a decent way ahead Db2EhE4Dkac-00345-00074651-00074855 of you on progress but it was very hard Db2EhE4Dkac-00346-00074856-00075167 I would say one click less yeah that was Db2EhE4Dkac-00347-00075168-00075317 my original recommendation for this race Db2EhE4Dkac-00348-00075318-00075544 if nobody scores points today no no Db2EhE4Dkac-00349-00075545-00075700 sorry if me or Clark don't score any Db2EhE4Dkac-00350-00075701-00075899 points today I win a championship no Db2EhE4Dkac-00351-00075900-00076013 matter what even if Hamilton gets the Db2EhE4Dkac-00352-00076014-00076181 win with fastest lap he'd then be level Db2EhE4Dkac-00353-00076182-00076456 on points with us 200 each but on count Db2EhE4Dkac-00354-00076457-00076631 back I'd win so he's praying for either Db2EhE4Dkac-00355-00076632-00076817 a grid penalty or an issue for Charlotte Db2EhE4Dkac-00356-00076818-00076955 Clark for me because I think if he Db2EhE4Dkac-00357-00076956-00077081 doesn't have that and he starts to race Db2EhE4Dkac-00358-00077082-00077497 P2 it's GG's Hamilton Pole Db2EhE4Dkac-00359-00077498-00077932 ah he's there that's gay he's there he Db2EhE4Dkac-00360-00077933-00078112 has the five for this one and my Db2EhE4Dkac-00361-00078113-00078238 teammate with a penalty Brilliance maybe Db2EhE4Dkac-00362-00078239-00078376 his engine was just absolutely murdered Db2EhE4Dkac-00363-00078377-00078538 in that last one honestly I don't care Db2EhE4Dkac-00364-00078539-00078647 we're out if I'm ahead of the clerk I Db2EhE4Dkac-00365-00078648-00078737 win the championship that's all that Db2EhE4Dkac-00366-00078738-00078875 matters today no soft beat and that's it Db2EhE4Dkac-00367-00078876-00079091 soft beating finish I could even go I Db2EhE4Dkac-00368-00079092-00079288 could even go soft hard come on Db2EhE4Dkac-00369-00079289-00079928 brilliant Db2EhE4Dkac-00370-00079929-00080669 [Laughter] Db2EhE4Dkac-00371-00080670-00080926 I'll think about going soft to just get Db2EhE4Dkac-00372-00080927-00081088 somewhere near the clerk and then boxing Db2EhE4Dkac-00373-00081089-00081293 really early undercut him and then if he Db2EhE4Dkac-00374-00081294-00081455 comes out behind me when he boxes just Db2EhE4Dkac-00375-00081456-00081647 park the bus just absolutely park the Db2EhE4Dkac-00376-00081648-00081779 bus Nothing Else Matters Pace doesn't Db2EhE4Dkac-00377-00081780-00081965 matter on paper that sounds like a Db2EhE4Dkac-00378-00081966-00082199 pretty good strategy actually bloody Db2EhE4Dkac-00379-00082200-00082338 hell Db2EhE4Dkac-00380-00082339-00082685 all right here we go no idea if maybe Db2EhE4Dkac-00381-00082686-00082900 that's gonna work nobody has to be Db2EhE4Dkac-00382-00082901-00083038 something different if I get medium hard Db2EhE4Dkac-00383-00083039-00083321 I don't think I can do it your race is Db2EhE4Dkac-00384-00083322-00083494 instantly over if you go backwards on Db2EhE4Dkac-00385-00083495-00083687 those tires it is or I get damaged early Db2EhE4Dkac-00386-00083688-00083861 yeah it is it is but I've got to try Db2EhE4Dkac-00387-00083862-00084082 something okay right guys we've gone for Db2EhE4Dkac-00388-00084083-00084256 it it's aggressive Db2EhE4Dkac-00389-00084257-00084371 fresh Db2EhE4Dkac-00390-00084372-00084682 finale then the one with me I am I am Db2EhE4Dkac-00391-00084683-00084844 because I've got no Pace the one with Db2EhE4Dkac-00392-00084845-00085049 you I was quick I was like okay Db2EhE4Dkac-00393-00085050-00085223 we we could do this add confidence I've Db2EhE4Dkac-00394-00085224-00085361 got a confidence that's what's stressing Db2EhE4Dkac-00395-00085362-00085588 me out all right good luck I am more Db2EhE4Dkac-00396-00085589-00085697 nervous about this than one last year Db2EhE4Dkac-00397-00085698-00085915 very good Db2EhE4Dkac-00398-00085916-00086141 killer guys we need to get started these Db2EhE4Dkac-00399-00086142-00086807 soft Db2EhE4Dkac-00400-00086808-00087031 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00401-00087032-00087550 not a bad start you can say I Db2EhE4Dkac-00402-00087551-00087725 thought I could be Saturday there but uh Db2EhE4Dkac-00403-00087726-00087994 why do you tell them to me Db2EhE4Dkac-00404-00087995-00088211 uh snuck on the outside of that because Db2EhE4Dkac-00405-00088212-00088403 I don't mind Db2EhE4Dkac-00406-00088404-00088576 a strong side back the exactly Martin's Db2EhE4Dkac-00407-00088577-00088744 again very good oh my God why are we Db2EhE4Dkac-00408-00088745-00089267 slowing astray Db2EhE4Dkac-00409-00089268-00089581 it's gonna be Reuben I think he's gonna Db2EhE4Dkac-00410-00089582-00089788 [Applause] Db2EhE4Dkac-00411-00089789-00089999 try to squeeze him but I failed I could Db2EhE4Dkac-00412-00090000-00090296 have been seller nice here maybe Db2EhE4Dkac-00413-00090297-00090600 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00414-00090601-00090850 no it's not bunch of so I can't send on Db2EhE4Dkac-00415-00090851-00091184 him Ben standing on somebody else Db2EhE4Dkac-00416-00091185-00091426 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00417-00091427-00091775 oh my God huge huge huge that's p8 Db2EhE4Dkac-00418-00091776-00091912 the clock's still in peaked him as well Db2EhE4Dkac-00419-00091913-00092123 but we lost a decent chunks there uh Db2EhE4Dkac-00420-00092124-00092532 adjust that path it was close Db2EhE4Dkac-00421-00092533-00092806 brilliant oh Ferrari in the pits those Db2EhE4Dkac-00422-00092807-00092941 are the Williams Db2EhE4Dkac-00423-00092942-00093403 he's the emperor saying he's too weak Db2EhE4Dkac-00424-00093404-00093611 suddenly we're about a second a lap see Db2EhE4Dkac-00425-00093612-00093844 you later ggs I've got no damage for now Db2EhE4Dkac-00426-00093845-00094006 at least that's good the undercut is Db2EhE4Dkac-00427-00094007-00094181 still possible though realistically the Db2EhE4Dkac-00428-00094182-00094271 fields playing this pack will probably Db2EhE4Dkac-00429-00094272-00094475 be too big for that but we will see we Db2EhE4Dkac-00430-00094476-00095106 will see Db2EhE4Dkac-00431-00095107-00095326 these guys really on these softs but we Db2EhE4Dkac-00432-00095327-00095506 know we well we think our car hasn't got Db2EhE4Dkac-00433-00095507-00095603 great pace Db2EhE4Dkac-00434-00095604-00096071 look how quick Ben is in the straight Db2EhE4Dkac-00435-00096072-00096209 love to go through with it but I just Db2EhE4Dkac-00436-00096210-00096467 can't I'm not not close enough big old Db2EhE4Dkac-00437-00096468-00096700 dive bomb fluffy stuff you can turn into Db2EhE4Dkac-00438-00096701-00096838 you as well which is nice of him team Db2EhE4Dkac-00439-00096839-00097032 orders Db2EhE4Dkac-00440-00097033-00097253 this is your biggest test here mate Db2EhE4Dkac-00441-00097254-00097444 you've got the two quickest cars in a Db2EhE4Dkac-00442-00097445-00097582 straight line ahead of you yeah very Db2EhE4Dkac-00443-00097583-00097865 helpful very good you'll move those top Db2EhE4Dkac-00444-00097866-00098141 two that pace is very tasty making life Db2EhE4Dkac-00445-00098142-00098303 a bit different ah they're running away Db2EhE4Dkac-00446-00098304-00098465 I needed to battle a bit if they battle Db2EhE4Dkac-00447-00098466-00098729 a bit yeah love it live but about four Db2EhE4Dkac-00448-00098730-00098885 seconds back from them right now oh but Db2EhE4Dkac-00449-00098886-00099017 these are close come on now a little Db2EhE4Dkac-00450-00099018-00099185 battle guys I need you I need to use a Db2EhE4Dkac-00451-00099186-00099388 battle I deliver whoopsie poster gazzy Db2EhE4Dkac-00452-00099389-00099479 now but I'm gonna get him Db2EhE4Dkac-00453-00099480-00099724 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00454-00099725-00099935 those brown pants does he go for it oh Db2EhE4Dkac-00455-00099936-00100156 damage for gasly what the hell is he Db2EhE4Dkac-00456-00100157-00100379 doing you're damaged you're right I'm Db2EhE4Dkac-00457-00100380-00100482 all right Db2EhE4Dkac-00458-00100483-00100715 no he's not he's in the bin not gonna Db2EhE4Dkac-00459-00100716-00100811 try and get Ben guys he's quicker than Db2EhE4Dkac-00460-00100812-00100949 me there's no point he doesn't have to Db2EhE4Dkac-00461-00100950-00101105 be gained by trying to challenge Ben I'm Db2EhE4Dkac-00462-00101106-00101249 gonna lose more time all right what do Db2EhE4Dkac-00463-00101250-00101387 we do guys we try and stretch it for a Db2EhE4Dkac-00464-00101388-00101609 soft medium or do we go soft hard what Db2EhE4Dkac-00465-00101610-00101844 do you think by the way Db2EhE4Dkac-00466-00101845-00102265 it's Tara go too don't know yet okay Db2EhE4Dkac-00467-00102266-00102575 I think I can still win this race yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00468-00102576-00102773 you probably can I wanted to be super Db2EhE4Dkac-00469-00102774-00103260 close to my box oh hello yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00470-00103261-00103553 shall I so kind of you sir we are being Db2EhE4Dkac-00471-00103554-00103660 held up by this Ferrari though Db2EhE4Dkac-00472-00103661-00103882 collectively if that Ferrari had Db2EhE4Dkac-00473-00103883-00104027 Charlotte Clark just in front of it I'd Db2EhE4Dkac-00474-00104028-00104266 be loving life right now undercut is Db2EhE4Dkac-00475-00104267-00104428 absolutely on but how far he is he's Db2EhE4Dkac-00476-00104429-00104621 about four seconds away Db2EhE4Dkac-00477-00104622-00104836 fit I love you a bit much mediums Db2EhE4Dkac-00478-00104838-00105101 mediums mediums by the pole how long do Db2EhE4Dkac-00479-00105102-00105190 you have to go to get mediums though Db2EhE4Dkac-00480-00105191-00105304 because don't forget the lately box Db2EhE4Dkac-00481-00105305-00105454 unless we're undercut we get I might Db2EhE4Dkac-00482-00105455-00105647 lose DRS here the suit of the loose DMS Db2EhE4Dkac-00483-00105648-00105766 guys unboxing Db2EhE4Dkac-00484-00105767-00105928 at the moment it'd be hard if we can go Db2EhE4Dkac-00485-00105929-00106060 a bit longer maybe we could try mediums Db2EhE4Dkac-00486-00106061-00106336 gonna lose our dear smite Db2EhE4Dkac-00487-00106338-00106660 no I did just by a couple of hundreds ah Db2EhE4Dkac-00488-00106661-00106810 two hundredths away from getting it damn Db2EhE4Dkac-00489-00106811-00106931 you Db2EhE4Dkac-00490-00106932-00107057 I think I think you blocked the slap Db2EhE4Dkac-00491-00107058-00107177 guys there we undercut go for hearts Db2EhE4Dkac-00492-00107178-00107369 undercut did you get DRS down the start Db2EhE4Dkac-00493-00107370-00107531 finish straight yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00494-00107532-00108001 wow okay are you out of battery yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00495-00108002-00108275 go up to 5.4 that's not undercutful is Db2EhE4Dkac-00496-00108276-00108436 it so right you got for mediums I'm Db2EhE4Dkac-00497-00108438-00108634 gonna stay out guys go for mediums Db2EhE4Dkac-00498-00108635-00108707 because Db2EhE4Dkac-00499-00108708-00108947 that's the undercutable 5.4 Db2EhE4Dkac-00500-00108948-00109108 there's no way nobody guys none of this Db2EhE4Dkac-00501-00109109-00109265 matters automasters Charlotte I don't Db2EhE4Dkac-00502-00109266-00109445 care what's going on ahead re-box the Db2EhE4Dkac-00503-00109446-00109607 slap and camigo medium is now to the end Db2EhE4Dkac-00504-00109608-00109781 could be worth it maybe Db2EhE4Dkac-00505-00109782-00109919 I'm gonna go for it we're gonna go for Db2EhE4Dkac-00506-00109920-00110045 it we've got to try it might be a bit Db2EhE4Dkac-00507-00110046-00110183 early it might be a bit early but we got Db2EhE4Dkac-00508-00110183-00110327 we gotta try something guys we're losing Db2EhE4Dkac-00509-00110328-00110428 to which time Charlotte o'clock now Db2EhE4Dkac-00510-00110429-00110554 should be in clearer hopefully we've had Db2EhE4Dkac-00511-00110555-00110771 the Alpine at least enough stop by the Db2EhE4Dkac-00512-00110772-00110897 boys Db2EhE4Dkac-00513-00110898-00111113 yeah nice clear air five seconds though Db2EhE4Dkac-00514-00111114-00111293 I that started the castle Db2EhE4Dkac-00515-00111294-00111473 just didn't have the pace I tell them Db2EhE4Dkac-00516-00111474-00111816 that is in the bud from quality onwards Db2EhE4Dkac-00517-00111817-00112097 in ah look at the battle in the head Db2EhE4Dkac-00518-00112098-00112258 that's going to compromise me heavily Db2EhE4Dkac-00519-00112259-00112421 you get some proper clear air that's not Db2EhE4Dkac-00520-00112422-00112571 gonna be the case it's not what we Db2EhE4Dkac-00521-00112572-00112767 needed guys side by side in front Db2EhE4Dkac-00522-00112768-00113501 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00523-00113502-00113807 oh of course get off me oh my God I hate Db2EhE4Dkac-00524-00113808-00114028 them so much I did try to squeeze them Db2EhE4Dkac-00525-00114029-00114178 out a bit but Betsy's gonna do it I Db2EhE4Dkac-00526-00114179-00114299 could never do it we'll see if that Db2EhE4Dkac-00527-00114300-00114449 affects my pace Db2EhE4Dkac-00528-00114450-00114965 we've got to measure it now at least Db2EhE4Dkac-00529-00114966-00115276 the fast boat that we need to Db2EhE4Dkac-00530-00115277-00115660 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00531-00115661-00115775 please don't hit me no they didn't Db2EhE4Dkac-00532-00115776-00115966 lovely right that was pretty good Db2EhE4Dkac-00533-00115967-00116284 that was pretty good all in all Db2EhE4Dkac-00534-00116285-00116458 not silly the straight line let's try Db2EhE4Dkac-00535-00116459-00116584 and get a better exit but I have to get Db2EhE4Dkac-00536-00116585-00116716 past some ACP we just have took four Db2EhE4Dkac-00537-00116717-00116854 cards in a lap guys we have to do that Db2EhE4Dkac-00538-00116855-00116999 we're just not getting side by side Db2EhE4Dkac-00539-00117000-00117125 they're so frustrating bedding now Db2EhE4Dkac-00540-00117126-00117383 everyone be undercut by me clearly there Db2EhE4Dkac-00541-00117383-00117563 he is I'm taking no risk today he knows Db2EhE4Dkac-00542-00117564-00117778 he's got the pace I'll do a 1092 leaders Db2EhE4Dkac-00543-00117779-00117947 doing 10-0 so I'm getting eight tenths a Db2EhE4Dkac-00544-00117948-00118121 lot under the pluck oh no Hamilton box Db2EhE4Dkac-00545-00118122-00118571 it's working now yes yes he is I mean Db2EhE4Dkac-00546-00118572-00118690 I'll take some overtakes as I said it Db2EhE4Dkac-00547-00118691-00118828 may help myself as a late safety car Db2EhE4Dkac-00548-00118829-00119015 looks like we are gonna get past them Db2EhE4Dkac-00549-00119016-00119249 just Db2EhE4Dkac-00550-00119250-00119404 very close Db2EhE4Dkac-00551-00119405-00119627 that's as quick and straight so well Db2EhE4Dkac-00552-00119628-00119801 that was close I thought it was hello Db2EhE4Dkac-00553-00119802-00120119 mate g'day those tires are going to be Db2EhE4Dkac-00554-00120120-00120263 pretty knackered at the end well let's Db2EhE4Dkac-00555-00120264-00120443 try something tonight at the moment the Db2EhE4Dkac-00556-00120444-00120569 clerk's having the perfect race just Db2EhE4Dkac-00557-00120570-00120790 refusing to battle Hamilton I've lost a Db2EhE4Dkac-00558-00120791-00121140 lot of time actually go Db2EhE4Dkac-00559-00121141-00121397 he was caught behind sent us that she Db2EhE4Dkac-00560-00121398-00121552 may be it's aggressive but we have to Db2EhE4Dkac-00561-00121553-00121715 try something guys see if it helps oh Db2EhE4Dkac-00562-00121716-00121840 it's got a bit of floor damage I have to Db2EhE4Dkac-00563-00121841-00122015 make four overtakes in a lap feels right Db2EhE4Dkac-00564-00122016-00122243 there full damage as well okay I was Db2EhE4Dkac-00565-00122244-00122465 making a nice easy pass on I think it Db2EhE4Dkac-00566-00122466-00122608 might have been bevel Db2EhE4Dkac-00567-00122609-00122831 and he just turned in on me turn one I Db2EhE4Dkac-00568-00122832-00123052 gave him so much Motors to see me coming Db2EhE4Dkac-00569-00123053-00123269 and he's still just it's too classic Db2EhE4Dkac-00570-00123270-00123551 with AI on this track Db2EhE4Dkac-00571-00123552-00123766 ah try to break late break too late Db2EhE4Dkac-00572-00123767-00123977 stuff not going up to me now as well for Db2EhE4Dkac-00573-00123978-00124102 some reason our cars are mudded today Db2EhE4Dkac-00574-00124103-00124325 teammates doing nine fives what am I Db2EhE4Dkac-00575-00124326-00124475 doing instead of PB actually for a nine Db2EhE4Dkac-00576-00124476-00124631 five sorry margin will be still a better Db2EhE4Dkac-00577-00124632-00124769 he's definitely quicker than us Db2EhE4Dkac-00578-00124770-00124913 when you stick with him because the DRS Db2EhE4Dkac-00579-00124914-00125099 clerks I caught back up to Hamilton you Db2EhE4Dkac-00580-00125100-00125201 never know what's gonna happen it's not Db2EhE4Dkac-00581-00125202-00125302 impossible so we can have some drama Db2EhE4Dkac-00582-00125303-00125471 simulation damage this is not over still Db2EhE4Dkac-00583-00125472-00125639 someone's enclosing a bit now I'm not Db2EhE4Dkac-00584-00125640-00125777 sure where his face has gone look Db2EhE4Dkac-00585-00125778-00125878 outside because he's got deer wrestling Db2EhE4Dkac-00586-00125879-00126125 better oh no no I'm worried me there I Db2EhE4Dkac-00587-00126126-00126239 thought I wonder about the sliders right Db2EhE4Dkac-00588-00126240-00126395 about drop it out of your S range we're Db2EhE4Dkac-00589-00126396-00126625 having a pretty decent race Db2EhE4Dkac-00590-00126626-00126815 gonna turn on them Db2EhE4Dkac-00591-00126816-00127090 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00592-00127091-00127291 foreign Db2EhE4Dkac-00593-00127292-00128069 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00594-00128070-00130495 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00595-00130496-00130786 on track now there has to be a safety Db2EhE4Dkac-00596-00130788-00131051 car there has to be a mistake or Db2EhE4Dkac-00597-00131052-00131207 something it's not impossible his engine Db2EhE4Dkac-00598-00131208-00131393 should be quite worn we'll see he's Db2EhE4Dkac-00599-00131394-00131573 gotta keep my head I mean if I can't be Db2EhE4Dkac-00600-00131574-00131687 in the class I'll take second place Db2EhE4Dkac-00601-00131688-00131885 prize beating Ben should have been a lot Db2EhE4Dkac-00602-00131886-00132077 to better go now Db2EhE4Dkac-00603-00132078-00132647 stop a bit close to me as well Db2EhE4Dkac-00604-00132648-00132833 I'll defending from Ben how many laps Db2EhE4Dkac-00605-00132834-00133049 can you keep that up how much EOS you Db2EhE4Dkac-00606-00133050-00133372 got 30 oh and another couple laps then Db2EhE4Dkac-00607-00133373-00133687 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00608-00133688-00133973 I'm in the mud he just defensive stuff Db2EhE4Dkac-00609-00133974-00134069 but then what the difference where I Db2EhE4Dkac-00610-00134070-00134171 normally do you realize last decade is Db2EhE4Dkac-00611-00134172-00134275 covered but he couldn't defend it Db2EhE4Dkac-00612-00134276-00134477 suspect's super late stop and being side Db2EhE4Dkac-00613-00134478-00134735 by side mate actually worked all right Db2EhE4Dkac-00614-00134736-00135252 your lunch Db2EhE4Dkac-00615-00135253-00135473 spicy front row seats for this I've Db2EhE4Dkac-00616-00135474-00135766 enjoyed this a lot what's he doing Db2EhE4Dkac-00617-00135767-00136085 normal AI things uh here we go I'm Db2EhE4Dkac-00618-00136086-00136727 coming as well Db2EhE4Dkac-00619-00136728-00136973 oh now you're in trouble battery's low Db2EhE4Dkac-00620-00136974-00137189 the fires are dead you're trying to be Db2EhE4Dkac-00621-00137190-00137287 me Db2EhE4Dkac-00622-00137288-00137549 well I'll take second place prize of Db2EhE4Dkac-00623-00137550-00137728 beating you in this race card around Db2EhE4Dkac-00624-00137729-00137902 about the clerk all right now he can Db2EhE4Dkac-00625-00137903-00138185 attack you for a change ah dearest train Db2EhE4Dkac-00626-00138186-00138347 I'm chilling Db2EhE4Dkac-00627-00138348-00138575 wow there is powerful hello Db2EhE4Dkac-00628-00138576-00139078 friends Db2EhE4Dkac-00629-00139079-00139235 it's not a scare bad really it's all Db2EhE4Dkac-00630-00139236-00139463 about the second place prize being Ben Db2EhE4Dkac-00631-00139464-00139645 Daly again Db2EhE4Dkac-00632-00139646-00139871 is he Db2EhE4Dkac-00633-00139872-00140111 yeah you look like chilling completely Db2EhE4Dkac-00634-00140112-00140309 chill that famous chill wheel spin Db2EhE4Dkac-00635-00140310-00140569 everyone gets Db2EhE4Dkac-00636-00140570-00140904 I couldn't be more perfectly timed Db2EhE4Dkac-00637-00140905-00141202 the same as it was before the floor Db2EhE4Dkac-00638-00141203-00141377 damage that's been since I should Db2EhE4Dkac-00639-00141378-00141545 probably do could do a keeping it clean Db2EhE4Dkac-00640-00141546-00141719 just to be chill because if the clerk Db2EhE4Dkac-00641-00141720-00141940 has wing damage and boxes Db2EhE4Dkac-00642-00141941-00142175 he will still be in the points I'm not Db2EhE4Dkac-00643-00142176-00142295 really trying to overtake you in the Db2EhE4Dkac-00644-00142296-00142493 moment I'm worried about Perez mainly Db2EhE4Dkac-00645-00142494-00142643 but I still always keep accidentally Db2EhE4Dkac-00646-00142644-00142821 doing it so it's better Db2EhE4Dkac-00647-00142822-00143543 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00648-00143544-00143723 it's prayers I'm worried about battle Db2EhE4Dkac-00649-00143724-00143927 sorry oh am I right in a minute I might Db2EhE4Dkac-00650-00143928-00144052 just happen just to get better with a Db2EhE4Dkac-00651-00144053-00144514 bit Db2EhE4Dkac-00652-00144515-00144793 almost a car's whip if we round up Db2EhE4Dkac-00653-00144794-00145019 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00654-00145020-00145139 we'll start there probably reacting to Db2EhE4Dkac-00655-00145140-00145252 it but again I'd rather overeat than Db2EhE4Dkac-00656-00145253-00145523 under react I am running out of the RS Db2EhE4Dkac-00657-00145524-00145902 I don't believe you Db2EhE4Dkac-00658-00145903-00146177 make them Panic make them Panic I'm only Db2EhE4Dkac-00659-00146178-00146387 sticking with him because DRS Db2EhE4Dkac-00660-00146388-00146525 I do think it's the better strategy Db2EhE4Dkac-00661-00146526-00146663 though I've got to say actually leader Db2EhE4Dkac-00662-00146664-00146807 did battle the leaders battled we Db2EhE4Dkac-00663-00146808-00147011 started starting now I need to make room Db2EhE4Dkac-00664-00147012-00147166 quite quickly on Ben so I don't know if Db2EhE4Dkac-00665-00147167-00147304 they've battled as such but they Db2EhE4Dkac-00666-00147305-00147509 definitely have swap positions Db2EhE4Dkac-00667-00147510-00147659 and if they do that Db2EhE4Dkac-00668-00147660-00147839 you never know you never know if you get Db2EhE4Dkac-00669-00147840-00148001 swing damage you never know let me know Db2EhE4Dkac-00670-00148002-00148163 Ben's ears charge guys and chat if you Db2EhE4Dkac-00671-00148164-00148343 also watch History I assuming he's got Db2EhE4Dkac-00672-00148344-00148654 quite healthy us charge 93 yeah I'm Db2EhE4Dkac-00673-00148655-00148781 pretty buggered now Db2EhE4Dkac-00674-00148782-00148931 they're not too bad this is definitely Db2EhE4Dkac-00675-00148932-00149104 the best strap soft medium unfortunately Db2EhE4Dkac-00676-00149105-00149302 the clerk got past Hamilton cleanly and Db2EhE4Dkac-00677-00149303-00149471 is now just running away so that's GG's Db2EhE4Dkac-00678-00149472-00149602 for that unless he has an engine oh wow Db2EhE4Dkac-00679-00149603-00149807 engine retirement Db2EhE4Dkac-00680-00149808-00150040 right guys I guess probably just trying Db2EhE4Dkac-00681-00150041-00150214 to solve it before to be honest that's Db2EhE4Dkac-00682-00150215-00150335 not what you want to hear but Ben Db2EhE4Dkac-00683-00150336-00150551 apparently recharging ERS yet still can Db2EhE4Dkac-00684-00150552-00150707 simply quickly view this straight should Db2EhE4Dkac-00685-00150708-00150827 have tapped a bit earlier when I had the Db2EhE4Dkac-00686-00150828-00151073 capability to do so abided my time a Db2EhE4Dkac-00687-00151074-00151175 little bit too much Db2EhE4Dkac-00688-00151176-00151373 with hindsight the fact I'm stuck with Db2EhE4Dkac-00689-00151374-00151499 Ben honestly with this weekend I'm Db2EhE4Dkac-00690-00151500-00151678 buzzing with that I really am not Db2EhE4Dkac-00691-00151679-00151759 perfect Db2EhE4Dkac-00692-00151760-00152099 is that Glock moment on this last lap I Db2EhE4Dkac-00693-00152100-00152297 am I am immediately they're all race Db2EhE4Dkac-00694-00152298-00152678 unfortunately oh tires are 41 Db2EhE4Dkac-00695-00152679-00153354 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00696-00153355-00153652 66. it's all right though Db2EhE4Dkac-00697-00153653-00153839 the fact I've stuck in DRS range of you Db2EhE4Dkac-00698-00153840-00154061 I kind of gave up mid race Db2EhE4Dkac-00699-00154062-00154193 yeah I should have attached you without Db2EhE4Dkac-00700-00154194-00154402 the chance what I should have done Db2EhE4Dkac-00701-00154403-00154745 and there it is the championship very Db2EhE4Dkac-00702-00154746-00154847 good Db2EhE4Dkac-00703-00154848-00155213 very good win for Alex kill him on F1 Db2EhE4Dkac-00704-00155214-00155507 22. can I click on to B4 it's gonna be Db2EhE4Dkac-00705-00155508-00155572 close Db2EhE4Dkac-00706-00155573-00156583 [Music] Db2EhE4Dkac-00707-00156584-00156869 yeah it must have been very close it was Db2EhE4Dkac-00708-00156870-00157061 side by side of the line let's see what Db2EhE4Dkac-00709-00157062-00157259 that Gap was very good let's skip that I Db2EhE4Dkac-00710-00157260-00157661 can't even skip that oh that's beautiful Db2EhE4Dkac-00711-00157662-00157895 very good sure you're really upset for Db2EhE4Dkac-00712-00157896-00158125 me you really careful about it Db2EhE4Dkac-00713-00158126-00158464 there we go guys it's not that deep it Db2EhE4Dkac-00714-00158465-00158783 never yeah well it will be deep Db2EhE4Dkac-00715-00158784-00158928 ly Db2EhE4Dkac-00716-00158929-00159143 but you're right it's now it's now it's Db2EhE4Dkac-00717-00159144-00159293 no longer that D it's not a deep anymore Db2EhE4Dkac-00718-00159294-00159563 it's fine the second and fourth in the Db2EhE4Dkac-00719-00159564-00159659 standings I don't think it's where we Db2EhE4Dkac-00720-00159660-00159809 imagined being the end of the season Db2EhE4Dkac-00721-00159810-00159940 well I don't think we imagine being able Db2EhE4Dkac-00722-00159941-00160102 to out develop them actually did we no Db2EhE4Dkac-00723-00160103-00160378 no no it was we were on low resource Db2EhE4Dkac-00724-00160379-00160576 rate they were on high like the odds Db2EhE4Dkac-00725-00160577-00160751 were stacked against us we gave them Db2EhE4Dkac-00726-00160752-00160907 every fans we could have and we still Db2EhE4Dkac-00727-00160908-00161207 closing down uh well when's f123 better Db2EhE4Dkac-00728-00161208-00161501 be well when was f122 like end of June Db2EhE4Dkac-00729-00161502-00161771 end of July so we say middle of June Db2EhE4Dkac-00730-00161772-00162173 that's one two three four five six seven Db2EhE4Dkac-00731-00162174-00162389 eight weeks we've got cheeky little 10 Db2EhE4Dkac-00732-00162390-00162652 racer yeah I reckon 10 Race season what Db2EhE4Dkac-00733-00162653-00162833 are your thoughts on rounding out the Db2EhE4Dkac-00734-00162834-00163090 game both going to Williams uh yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00735-00163091-00163289 definitely I'm definitely Keen oh we Db2EhE4Dkac-00736-00163290-00163499 could go back to Aston Martin who we Db2EhE4Dkac-00737-00163500-00163654 started the game with as teammates their Db2EhE4Dkac-00738-00163655-00163804 second slowest oh there's definitely no Db2EhE4Dkac-00739-00163805-00163966 chance we're going Aston Martin in the Db2EhE4Dkac-00740-00163967-00164285 in f123 no yeah they're too quick yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00741-00164286-00164435 return to where we started and try it Db2EhE4Dkac-00742-00164436-00164531 out to see if we can see our whole Db2EhE4Dkac-00743-00164532-00164699 season's teammates I don't think we ever Db2EhE4Dkac-00744-00164700-00165037 done that no Db2EhE4Dkac-00745-00165038-00165323 at a team so let's see how that goes I Db2EhE4Dkac-00746-00165324-00165509 do accidentally most of the time but yes Db2EhE4Dkac-00747-00165510-00165713 it does happen fine you want to do next Db2EhE4Dkac-00748-00165714-00165952 week yeah I think we should just in case Db2EhE4Dkac-00749-00165953-00166090 because there's like we're out of time Db2EhE4Dkac-00750-00166091-00166349 events and things this time of year yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00751-00166350-00166625 Fair Point all right Monday that is it Db2EhE4Dkac-00752-00166626-00166804 the plan is Monday and I'll let you know Db2EhE4Dkac-00753-00166805-00166990 if anything changes oh good it's very Db2EhE4Dkac-00754-00166991-00167111 good that's just what the viewers want Db2EhE4Dkac-00755-00167112-00167278 to hear yeah brilliant very good all Db2EhE4Dkac-00756-00167279-00167507 right that day Monday hey Db2EhE4Dkac-00757-00167508-00167675 I got I think I got about 50 more subs Db2EhE4Dkac-00758-00167676-00167854 than you all right P anyway see you Db2EhE4Dkac-00759-00167855-00168054 about date Db2EhE4Dkac-00760-00168055-00168340 anyway guys thanks so much show me today Db2EhE4Dkac-00761-00168341-00168431 um yeah Db2EhE4Dkac-00762-00168432-00168581 not the fairy tale finish we wanted Db2EhE4Dkac-00763-00168582-00168754 today at all it is what it is guys I'm Db2EhE4Dkac-00764-00168755-00168904 disappointed but as I said we weren't Db2EhE4Dkac-00765-00168905-00169073 supposed to be there so uh it is what it Db2EhE4Dkac-00766-00169074-00169204 is another season though we're gonna do Db2EhE4Dkac-00767-00169205-00169402 another season one more season f122 Db2EhE4Dkac-00768-00169403-00169678 hopefully f123 is better we'll start Db2EhE4Dkac-00769-00169679-00169889 again next week no break no rest for the Db2EhE4Dkac-00770-00169890-00170009 wicked Monday it's gonna be the next Db2EhE4Dkac-00771-00170010-00170152 episode of two player career just a 10 Db2EhE4Dkac-00772-00170153-00170411 Race season the plan is to go back to Db2EhE4Dkac-00773-00170412-00170543 the team that we started this game in Db2EhE4Dkac-00774-00170544-00170699 Aston Martin and finish out the whole Db2EhE4Dkac-00775-00170700-00170878 season's teammates make it a wholesome Db2EhE4Dkac-00776-00170879-00171040 season maybe that's what we call it this Db2EhE4Dkac-00777-00171041-00171209 season was not that deep maybe next Db2EhE4Dkac-00778-00171210-00171383 season is the wholesome season we'll do Db2EhE4Dkac-00779-00171384-00171644 it with count for Williams Dbs3m4ZsVtI-00000-00000048-00000247 hey give me the hot dog Dbs3m4ZsVtI-00001-00000248-00000551 give me the hot dog hey give me the hot Dbs3m4ZsVtI-00002-00000552-00000807 dog give me the hot dog Dbs3m4ZsVtI-00003-00000808-00001095 hey give me the hot dog give me the hot Dbs3m4ZsVtI-00004-00001096-00001183 dog Dbs3m4ZsVtI-00005-00001184-00001575 just give it a hot dog DcmaXbZLlFM-00000-00000308-00000839 [Music] DcmaXbZLlFM-00001-00000840-00001477 [Music] DcmaXbZLlFM-00002-00001478-00002191 [Music] DcmaXbZLlFM-00003-00002192-00002600 time DcmaXbZLlFM-00004-00002601-00004631 [Music] DcmaXbZLlFM-00005-00004632-00005638 [Music] DcmaXbZLlFM-00006-00005639-00007330 [Music] DcmaXbZLlFM-00007-00007331-00007774 [Music] DcmaXbZLlFM-00008-00007775-00007984 you DdzLiZm44S0-00000-00000000-00000494 good is it afternoon everyone DdzLiZm44S0-00001-00000495-00000740 I'm glad to be here to be a part of this DdzLiZm44S0-00002-00000741-00001303 actually uh I I opened to join the other DdzLiZm44S0-00003-00001304-00001556 presentations that I think boomba made DdzLiZm44S0-00004-00001557-00001964 and Zachary I'm I couldn't for both of DdzLiZm44S0-00005-00001964-00002201 him I'm sorry for whom was presentation DdzLiZm44S0-00006-00002202-00002600 I think I had a class around that time DdzLiZm44S0-00007-00002601-00002888 so I couldn't attend but I'm so DdzLiZm44S0-00008-00002889-00003533 passionate about open access and I look DdzLiZm44S0-00009-00003534-00003811 you know I look forward to see to a time DdzLiZm44S0-00010-00003812-00004403 when open access will be successful in DdzLiZm44S0-00011-00004404-00004763 Zambia you know I think this is globally DdzLiZm44S0-00012-00004764-00005293 this is has been taken as a major DdzLiZm44S0-00013-00005294-00005593 alternative to the traditional way of DdzLiZm44S0-00014-00005594-00005872 advancing scientific output of scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00015-00005873-00006508 output here so so something that I hope DdzLiZm44S0-00016-00006509-00006814 will become successful in Zambia now in DdzLiZm44S0-00017-00006815-00007042 if you look at other countries even just DdzLiZm44S0-00018-00007043-00007285 Africa you realize that almost every DdzLiZm44S0-00019-00007286-00007616 academic and research institution has an DdzLiZm44S0-00020-00007617-00007895 IR of some sort you know so for them to DdzLiZm44S0-00021-00007895-00008371 showcase what they're doing and this I DdzLiZm44S0-00022-00008372-00008735 hope in the next few years you know it DdzLiZm44S0-00023-00008736-00008951 will be the situation in Zambia where DdzLiZm44S0-00024-00008952-00009358 every University every college every DdzLiZm44S0-00025-00009359-00009776 scientific research institution like DdzLiZm44S0-00026-00009777-00009833 sorry DdzLiZm44S0-00027-00009834-00010187 nice and malaria research all of them in DdzLiZm44S0-00028-00010188-00010477 a way should have their own IRAs and DdzLiZm44S0-00029-00010478-00010756 showcasing what what they are doing yeah DdzLiZm44S0-00030-00010757-00011567 so the the title of my talk is scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00031-00011568-00011951 communication through IRS and so forth I DdzLiZm44S0-00032-00011952-00012038 mean really DdzLiZm44S0-00033-00012039-00012356 I'm just looking at scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00034-00012357-00012563 communications through IRS and so far DdzLiZm44S0-00035-00012564-00013144 ivy and I are as I have I am major one DdzLiZm44S0-00036-00013145-00013232 of a major DdzLiZm44S0-00037-00013233-00013565 the open-access publishing so the other DdzLiZm44S0-00038-00013566-00013928 one being the open access journal system DdzLiZm44S0-00039-00013929-00014341 so oh sure just briefly how that's DdzLiZm44S0-00040-00014343-00014797 quality communication is made up of the DdzLiZm44S0-00041-00014799-00015032 open access method and the traditional DdzLiZm44S0-00042-00015033-00015241 method conventional method that DdzLiZm44S0-00043-00015241-00015538 scientific works were were shared and DdzLiZm44S0-00044-00015540-00015911 then with advancement in technology came DdzLiZm44S0-00045-00015912-00016241 open access and one of the major ways DdzLiZm44S0-00046-00016241-00016403 that open access is being implemented DdzLiZm44S0-00047-00016404-00016547 exchange through institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00048-00016548-00016715 repositories and one of the major ways DdzLiZm44S0-00049-00016716-00017000 that institutional repositories are DdzLiZm44S0-00050-00017001-00017303 being successful now working is through DdzLiZm44S0-00051-00017304-00017531 the practice of self archiving so look DdzLiZm44S0-00052-00017532-00017999 at those things so you know by DdzLiZm44S0-00053-00018000-00018502 definition DdzLiZm44S0-00054-00018503-00018844 lamia a definition scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00055-00018845-00019010 communication is simply the process of DdzLiZm44S0-00056-00019011-00019178 disseminating and publishing research DdzLiZm44S0-00057-00019179-00019505 findings of academic and academics and DdzLiZm44S0-00058-00019506-00019667 researchers so that the generated DdzLiZm44S0-00059-00019668-00019907 academic contents are made available to DdzLiZm44S0-00060-00019908-00020272 the global academic communities and to DdzLiZm44S0-00061-00020273-00020422 everyone else that we'll be able to DdzLiZm44S0-00062-00020423-00020744 access the publication's of the research DdzLiZm44S0-00063-00020745-00021394 findings you know and so traditionally DdzLiZm44S0-00064-00021395-00021772 okay the scholarly communication process DdzLiZm44S0-00065-00021773-00022235 for the findings to be considered DdzLiZm44S0-00066-00022236-00022814 authentic and real and for the producers DdzLiZm44S0-00067-00022815-00022985 of those scientific works to really DdzLiZm44S0-00068-00022986-00023150 benefit their processes are involved DdzLiZm44S0-00069-00023151-00023525 it's as xcolor communication process is DdzLiZm44S0-00070-00023526-00023912 made up of four to five components all DdzLiZm44S0-00071-00023913-00024091 right and the first one being DdzLiZm44S0-00072-00024092-00024305 registration the second one is DdzLiZm44S0-00073-00024306-00024533 certification rnase archiving on and DdzLiZm44S0-00074-00024534-00024944 rewarding and one of them major things DdzLiZm44S0-00075-00024945-00025397 that open access and IRS has done DdzLiZm44S0-00076-00025398-00025678 they've they've really impacted the DdzLiZm44S0-00077-00025679-00026036 issue of craving and rewarding okay DdzLiZm44S0-00078-00026037-00026261 traditionally when you think rewarding DdzLiZm44S0-00079-00026262-00026507 and thinking you you write a book and DdzLiZm44S0-00080-00026508-00026564 you DdzLiZm44S0-00081-00026564-00027152 okay and you know their stories too DdzLiZm44S0-00082-00027152-00027533 scientific works being thought and DdzLiZm44S0-00083-00027533-00027758 people making money you know and not DdzLiZm44S0-00084-00027758-00027871 really DdzLiZm44S0-00085-00027872-00028052 most people be disappointed you right DdzLiZm44S0-00086-00028052-00028217 and then you realize I'm not making as DdzLiZm44S0-00087-00028218-00028508 much money but with the coming of DdzLiZm44S0-00088-00028508-00028846 technology rewarding for for academics DdzLiZm44S0-00089-00028847-00029087 and and scientists it happens in a DdzLiZm44S0-00090-00029088-00029362 different way now and one way of DdzLiZm44S0-00091-00029363-00029606 rewarding for academics and and DdzLiZm44S0-00092-00029607-00030037 scientists is through recognition okay DdzLiZm44S0-00093-00030038-00030308 so we write something you you put it DdzLiZm44S0-00094-00030308-00030512 online people read it they see what DdzLiZm44S0-00095-00030513-00030575 you're doing DdzLiZm44S0-00096-00030576-00030779 then when there's some projects to be DdzLiZm44S0-00097-00030780-00031093 done the CEO John did this let's call on DdzLiZm44S0-00098-00031094-00031315 John then sorry what thing you know what DdzLiZm44S0-00099-00031316-00031489 happens in directly rather than selling DdzLiZm44S0-00100-00031491-00032027 but it happens because of impact I don't DdzLiZm44S0-00101-00032027-00032393 know if that makes sense so in the form DdzLiZm44S0-00102-00032394-00032689 of dito he had a component registration DdzLiZm44S0-00103-00032691-00033196 simply means you know it allows for DdzLiZm44S0-00104-00033197-00033371 claims of precedents for scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00105-00033372-00033614 finding so how important is a work that DdzLiZm44S0-00106-00033615-00033860 is being done okay wanted to awake the DdzLiZm44S0-00107-00033861-00034067 peer review and all these other things DdzLiZm44S0-00108-00034068-00034400 any about this way is actually important DdzLiZm44S0-00109-00034401-00034820 to be published a certification really DdzLiZm44S0-00110-00034821-00035195 certification is about validating the DdzLiZm44S0-00111-00035196-00035518 work okay this is authentic work it DdzLiZm44S0-00112-00035519-00035579 wasn't DdzLiZm44S0-00113-00035580-00035876 copy paste things like that okay so it DdzLiZm44S0-00114-00035877-00036014 goes through a peer-review process DdzLiZm44S0-00115-00036015-00036454 awareness so you market it okay you DdzLiZm44S0-00116-00036455-00036721 provide means for the academic community DdzLiZm44S0-00117-00036722-00037061 to access from access today to what is DdzLiZm44S0-00118-00037062-00037352 being produced and then archiving is DdzLiZm44S0-00119-00037353-00037631 preserving it over a period of time so DdzLiZm44S0-00120-00037632-00038002 you preserve it you and and libraries DdzLiZm44S0-00121-00038003-00038165 have done different things to preserve DdzLiZm44S0-00122-00038166-00038417 okay before technology really boomed and DdzLiZm44S0-00123-00038418-00038873 a lot of libraries and places where they DdzLiZm44S0-00124-00038874-00039104 kept setting type of of material such DdzLiZm44S0-00125-00039105-00039337 they are used a certain way and they are DdzLiZm44S0-00126-00039338-00039402 preserved DdzLiZm44S0-00127-00039403-00039576 but with the coming of technology no DdzLiZm44S0-00128-00039577-00039750 preservation is done through digital DdzLiZm44S0-00129-00039751-00040128 preservation another point of discussion DdzLiZm44S0-00130-00040129-00040442 on his own then rewatching mostly in DdzLiZm44S0-00131-00040443-00040904 monetary terms but now it has come with DdzLiZm44S0-00132-00040905-00041313 open access rewarding is in the form of DdzLiZm44S0-00133-00041314-00041723 impact okay impact readership h-index DdzLiZm44S0-00134-00041724-00041961 you really get into the academics you DdzLiZm44S0-00135-00041962-00042240 realize this is very important okay this DdzLiZm44S0-00136-00042241-00042426 thing of being recognized the work being DdzLiZm44S0-00137-00042427-00042909 really being cited alright so this is DdzLiZm44S0-00138-00042910-00043311 the conventional way that scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00139-00043312-00043593 communication is really looked at okay DdzLiZm44S0-00140-00043594-00043983 and for it to really be seen as DdzLiZm44S0-00141-00043984-00044292 authentic way of communicating DdzLiZm44S0-00142-00044293-00044577 scientific works it has in a way it has DdzLiZm44S0-00143-00044578-00044840 to go through these processes that I've DdzLiZm44S0-00144-00044841-00045440 just talked about right now in as much DdzLiZm44S0-00145-00045441-00045735 as scientific works who go through those DdzLiZm44S0-00146-00045736-00046044 processes then you know channels really DdzLiZm44S0-00147-00046045-00046565 that are used to advance what is being DdzLiZm44S0-00148-00046566-00046914 published and some of a meta channels DdzLiZm44S0-00149-00046915-00047223 that I use that when a research is done DdzLiZm44S0-00150-00047224-00047799 an article is an article is taken out of DdzLiZm44S0-00151-00047800-00048051 that huge research that was done and DdzLiZm44S0-00152-00048052-00048204 then the article is published in an DdzLiZm44S0-00153-00048205-00048399 academic journal so this is one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00154-00048400-00048606 channels conference proceedings the go DdzLiZm44S0-00155-00048607-00048818 to conferences to look at what people DdzLiZm44S0-00156-00048819-00049137 are researching and be able to find out DdzLiZm44S0-00157-00049138-00049415 what they are actually researching then DdzLiZm44S0-00158-00049416-00049608 their research monographs okay their DdzLiZm44S0-00159-00049609-00049815 book chapters are being done research DdzLiZm44S0-00160-00049816-00050073 reports so these are channels that are DdzLiZm44S0-00161-00050074-00050493 used to produce to produce research okay DdzLiZm44S0-00162-00050494-00050757 to do to channel or communicate research DdzLiZm44S0-00163-00050758-00051087 and the research process or the DdzLiZm44S0-00164-00051088-00051317 production of the research work who in a DdzLiZm44S0-00165-00051319-00051683 way generally who involve there will be DdzLiZm44S0-00166-00051684-00051871 someone who write it there are editors DdzLiZm44S0-00167-00051872-00052145 who do the peer reviewing in there DdzLiZm44S0-00168-00052146-00052415 publishers will publish it and the DdzLiZm44S0-00169-00052416-00052610 funding organizations DdzLiZm44S0-00170-00052611-00052963 library staff and they're all these DdzLiZm44S0-00171-00052964-00053213 people that are involved in producing DdzLiZm44S0-00172-00053214-00053579 awake and then it is communicated in one DdzLiZm44S0-00173-00053579-00053837 of these ways so an academic journal of DdzLiZm44S0-00174-00053838-00054086 editors okay someone writes they are DdzLiZm44S0-00175-00054087-00054269 editors of is it an editorial committee DdzLiZm44S0-00176-00054270-00054554 same with a conference proceedings there DdzLiZm44S0-00177-00054554-00054899 is an editorial committee monograph the DdzLiZm44S0-00178-00054900-00055223 editorial committees economic with all DdzLiZm44S0-00179-00055224-00055417 these processes and the traditional way DdzLiZm44S0-00180-00055419-00055630 of communicating scholarly works one of DdzLiZm44S0-00181-00055632-00055906 the things that happened was that the DdzLiZm44S0-00182-00055907-00056429 major benefit us of the traditional way DdzLiZm44S0-00183-00056429-00056626 of communicating scholarly works web DdzLiZm44S0-00184-00056627-00057196 publishers okay when authors write and DdzLiZm44S0-00185-00057197-00057601 publishers get their hands on other DdzLiZm44S0-00186-00057602-00057803 academic journals or conference DdzLiZm44S0-00187-00057804-00058051 proceedings or books it turned out that DdzLiZm44S0-00188-00058052-00058388 authors would give them rights to DdzLiZm44S0-00189-00058389-00058634 publish as and when publishers do the DdzLiZm44S0-00190-00058635-00059066 the process the wake the publishers DdzLiZm44S0-00191-00059066-00059540 would gain more from simply you know DdzLiZm44S0-00192-00059541-00060029 organizing it and working around it DdzLiZm44S0-00193-00060029-00060343 ratchets finally put out there okay and DdzLiZm44S0-00194-00060344-00060587 the you know the scientific ward and the DdzLiZm44S0-00195-00060588-00060785 academic codes kind of like realized DdzLiZm44S0-00196-00060786-00061228 this and and you know started thinking DdzLiZm44S0-00197-00061229-00061591 we've got to find a way okay of ensuring DdzLiZm44S0-00198-00061592-00062372 that the the process happens in a way DdzLiZm44S0-00199-00062373-00062605 that is fair okay the reason why DdzLiZm44S0-00200-00062607-00062879 academics write in a lot of ways is so DdzLiZm44S0-00201-00062879-00063238 that they influence policy so that they DdzLiZm44S0-00202-00063239-00063463 help the society so that people just DdzLiZm44S0-00203-00063464-00063638 read their works if you really ask them DdzLiZm44S0-00204-00063639-00063866 most academics would be happy if people DdzLiZm44S0-00205-00063866-00064154 read what what they were writing but why DdzLiZm44S0-00206-00064154-00064460 should publishers really have so much of DdzLiZm44S0-00207-00064461-00064810 an influence on this okay so way DdzLiZm44S0-00208-00064811-00065075 regardless of the method that you you of DdzLiZm44S0-00209-00065076-00065503 communicating you choose here or sorry DdzLiZm44S0-00210-00065504-00065735 but regardless of the method that you DdzLiZm44S0-00211-00065736-00065944 choose here you not research DdzLiZm44S0-00212-00065945-00066430 it can be you the wave can finally be DdzLiZm44S0-00213-00066431-00066658 put out using the traditional method and DdzLiZm44S0-00214-00066659-00066835 the traditional method in a way DdzLiZm44S0-00215-00066836-00067282 benefited publishes more okay and for DdzLiZm44S0-00216-00067283-00067708 libraries or students or users to have DdzLiZm44S0-00217-00067709-00068032 access to those resources they have to DdzLiZm44S0-00218-00068033-00068248 pay so there were the access barriers DdzLiZm44S0-00219-00068249-00068443 you know it's where you're writing you DdzLiZm44S0-00220-00068444-00068719 you you you assignment we are working on DdzLiZm44S0-00221-00068720-00069234 a report and you find this really nice DdzLiZm44S0-00222-00069235-00069505 title that relates to what you're DdzLiZm44S0-00223-00069506-00069673 working on the moment you want to open DdzLiZm44S0-00224-00069674-00069898 it and you have to log in so access DdzLiZm44S0-00225-00069899-00070447 barriers and pay Wars and mostly most of DdzLiZm44S0-00226-00070448-00070720 us when we hit a point where we have to DdzLiZm44S0-00227-00070721-00070978 login we just forget about that at you DdzLiZm44S0-00228-00070979-00071380 know and it meant that universities of DdzLiZm44S0-00229-00071381-00071710 special libraries almost organizations DdzLiZm44S0-00230-00071711-00072043 paid a lot of money to have access to DdzLiZm44S0-00231-00072044-00072373 the work that researchers did and hoped DdzLiZm44S0-00232-00072374-00072646 that people would access for free okay DdzLiZm44S0-00233-00072647-00073075 and because of that came the open access DdzLiZm44S0-00234-00073076-00073303 movement you know so the open access DdzLiZm44S0-00235-00073304-00073570 movement researchers can produce DdzLiZm44S0-00236-00073571-00074214 research and deposit it in an IRA and DdzLiZm44S0-00237-00074215-00074634 within a minute the public is able to DdzLiZm44S0-00238-00074635-00074926 have access to that and so the two major DdzLiZm44S0-00239-00074927-00075244 ways of having free easy access to DdzLiZm44S0-00240-00075245-00075565 scholarly publications is through what DdzLiZm44S0-00241-00075566-00075733 is known as good open access and green DdzLiZm44S0-00242-00075734-00076105 open access I'll explain first in in the DdzLiZm44S0-00243-00076106-00076327 in the next few slides so this is this DdzLiZm44S0-00244-00076328-00076579 is kind of like the scenario you know DdzLiZm44S0-00245-00076580-00076948 this is what happened scientific works DdzLiZm44S0-00246-00076949-00077224 are being produced mostly most of a DdzLiZm44S0-00247-00077225-00077557 scientific research that is being done DdzLiZm44S0-00248-00077558-00077746 is either funded by funding DdzLiZm44S0-00249-00077747-00077986 organizations a world bank funding DdzLiZm44S0-00250-00077987-00078247 organizations of like us or UNESCO or DdzLiZm44S0-00251-00078248-00078535 the government okay and if you think DdzLiZm44S0-00252-00078536-00078685 about the government funding research DdzLiZm44S0-00253-00078686-00078946 you are really talking about taxpayers DdzLiZm44S0-00254-00078947-00079135 funding research so this is how DdzLiZm44S0-00255-00079136-00079344 difficult this DdzLiZm44S0-00256-00079345-00079844 method was I as a taxpayer funds DdzLiZm44S0-00257-00079845-00080139 research undertaking in the recent us do DdzLiZm44S0-00258-00080140-00080310 their research they produced research DdzLiZm44S0-00259-00080311-00080592 and then at the point where I'm supposed DdzLiZm44S0-00260-00080593-00080904 to read it again I have to pay so one of DdzLiZm44S0-00261-00080905-00081159 the things was that users were more like DdzLiZm44S0-00262-00081160-00081513 paying twice for one thing you find DdzLiZm44S0-00263-00081514-00081726 research through payment of tax but you DdzLiZm44S0-00264-00081727-00082092 also pay to read you what you actually DdzLiZm44S0-00265-00082093-00082476 funded so because of that the DdzLiZm44S0-00266-00082477-00082650 traditional method was proving to be DdzLiZm44S0-00267-00082651-00082749 more expensive DdzLiZm44S0-00268-00082750-00083067 hence Kim the open access method all DdzLiZm44S0-00269-00083068-00083373 right this is what I was talking up so DdzLiZm44S0-00270-00083374-00083613 all these people are involved in the DdzLiZm44S0-00271-00083614-00084057 production of scientific works but the DdzLiZm44S0-00272-00084058-00084243 publishers were getting more out of it DdzLiZm44S0-00273-00084244-00084327 okay DdzLiZm44S0-00274-00084328-00084525 and in a way they were not doing as much DdzLiZm44S0-00275-00084526-00084732 you know if you really think about DdzLiZm44S0-00276-00084733-00084888 having the most important thing about DdzLiZm44S0-00277-00084889-00085245 scientific works is that it's being in DdzLiZm44S0-00278-00085246-00085527 the lab for hours it's going out to DdzLiZm44S0-00279-00085528-00085797 collect data and make sense of it and DdzLiZm44S0-00280-00085798-00085926 then you give it to a publisher to DdzLiZm44S0-00281-00085927-00086190 publish and then they get more so it's DdzLiZm44S0-00282-00086191-00086538 logical that it kind of like wasn't fair DdzLiZm44S0-00283-00086539-00086901 you know and we needed a way of making DdzLiZm44S0-00284-00086902-00087732 it fair all right so because of that DdzLiZm44S0-00285-00087733-00088224 there was Beth of open access and this DdzLiZm44S0-00286-00088225-00088644 is what open access means and this is DdzLiZm44S0-00287-00088645-00088986 what in this situation open access came DdzLiZm44S0-00288-00088987-00089283 up as an alternative to the traditional DdzLiZm44S0-00289-00089284-00089640 method which is expensive and which was DdzLiZm44S0-00290-00089641-00090267 benefiting publishers more than the DdzLiZm44S0-00291-00090268-00090531 writers themselves as well as libraries DdzLiZm44S0-00292-00090532-00090930 that provide for easy access to the DdzLiZm44S0-00293-00090931-00091191 scholarly works that scientists so what DdzLiZm44S0-00294-00091192-00091404 is open access I know I know you've DdzLiZm44S0-00295-00091405-00091659 really discussed this and and by now we DdzLiZm44S0-00296-00091660-00091961 know what it is but it's simply free and DdzLiZm44S0-00297-00091962-00092175 unbridled access to scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00298-00092176-00092358 information so open access aims to DdzLiZm44S0-00299-00092359-00092400 provide DdzLiZm44S0-00300-00092401-00092649 users with information and then come DdzLiZm44S0-00301-00092650-00092859 back by the motive of financial gain or DdzLiZm44S0-00302-00092860-00093195 profit okay so it's wags are being done DdzLiZm44S0-00303-00093196-00093438 let's give them out for free for the DdzLiZm44S0-00304-00093439-00093854 betterment of society okay if if if DdzLiZm44S0-00305-00093855-00094035 universities are producing information DdzLiZm44S0-00306-00094036-00094326 and policymakers can have easy free DdzLiZm44S0-00307-00094327-00094554 access to eat then the society to do it DdzLiZm44S0-00308-00094555-00094839 okay unusually open access literature is DdzLiZm44S0-00309-00094840-00095127 mostly digital form its online is free DdzLiZm44S0-00310-00095128-00095358 of charge and it's free of most DdzLiZm44S0-00311-00095359-00095598 copyright and licensing restrictions one DdzLiZm44S0-00312-00095599-00095835 of the things of sin with open access DdzLiZm44S0-00313-00095836-00096225 literature and students or academics DdzLiZm44S0-00314-00096226-00096449 worldwide have seen this has a problem DdzLiZm44S0-00315-00096450-00096899 the problem has been on copyright let me DdzLiZm44S0-00316-00096900-00097191 my experience with my students for DdzLiZm44S0-00317-00097192-00097530 example you find that distinguishing DdzLiZm44S0-00318-00097531-00097983 between copy-paste and making sense of DdzLiZm44S0-00319-00097984-00098172 what has been written and writing them DdzLiZm44S0-00320-00098173-00098481 in their own writing the information and DdzLiZm44S0-00321-00098482-00098577 they are always thought that don't DdzLiZm44S0-00322-00098578-00098793 infringe most students don't don't DdzLiZm44S0-00323-00098794-00099048 understand okay I've given usually my DdzLiZm44S0-00324-00099049-00099381 policies and I don't think I am eh to DdzLiZm44S0-00325-00099382-00099552 familiarize myself with invest police DdzLiZm44S0-00326-00099553-00099858 when when a student is copying and DdzLiZm44S0-00327-00099859-00100233 pasting you are infringing on the rights DdzLiZm44S0-00328-00100234-00100503 of an author and so what I do I give DdzLiZm44S0-00329-00100504-00100788 students a zero and I explain why I'm DdzLiZm44S0-00330-00100789-00100986 giving them a zero and then I ask them DdzLiZm44S0-00331-00100987-00101367 to do the work again the reason I do DdzLiZm44S0-00332-00101368-00101565 that is what they really understand this DdzLiZm44S0-00333-00101566-00101868 open access and and copyright thing all DdzLiZm44S0-00334-00101869-00101907 right DdzLiZm44S0-00335-00101908-00102234 so if my Wake is going to be put online DdzLiZm44S0-00336-00102235-00102546 such as accessed online one of the ways DdzLiZm44S0-00337-00102547-00103031 I will be you treat me well as an author DdzLiZm44S0-00338-00103032-00103469 is don't pretend that you've produced DdzLiZm44S0-00339-00103470-00103728 something authentic when you have DdzLiZm44S0-00340-00103729-00103899 actually just copied and pasted what DdzLiZm44S0-00341-00103900-00104126 someone else did and this is where as DdzLiZm44S0-00342-00104127-00104439 advocates of open access in academic DdzLiZm44S0-00343-00104440-00104843 institutions we need to pay extra DdzLiZm44S0-00344-00104844-00105209 attention all right so most universities DdzLiZm44S0-00345-00105210-00105588 in the West and even in neighboring DdzLiZm44S0-00346-00105589-00105681 country DdzLiZm44S0-00347-00105682-00105897 even in Zambia now a lot of universities DdzLiZm44S0-00348-00105898-00106181 that's why they're investing in DdzLiZm44S0-00349-00106182-00106524 plagiarism software's okay because this DdzLiZm44S0-00350-00106525-00106685 is free information out there but we've DdzLiZm44S0-00351-00106686-00106896 got to learn how to use it right so that DdzLiZm44S0-00352-00106897-00107129 we don't even fringe on on on the rights DdzLiZm44S0-00353-00107130-00107525 off of the people that wrote so one I DdzLiZm44S0-00354-00107526-00107774 thought I should emphasize that all DdzLiZm44S0-00355-00107775-00108074 right so now when when you look at the DdzLiZm44S0-00356-00108075-00108284 components of the scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00357-00108285-00108645 communication process and how open DdzLiZm44S0-00358-00108646-00109085 access through IRS operates these are DdzLiZm44S0-00359-00109086-00109313 some of it to differences that have been DdzLiZm44S0-00360-00109314-00109647 pointed out in the literature in the DdzLiZm44S0-00361-00109648-00109903 traditional method of publishing DdzLiZm44S0-00362-00109904-00110315 registration is done right awareness is DdzLiZm44S0-00363-00110316-00110654 done right certification is done right DdzLiZm44S0-00364-00110655-00110936 but one of the major weaknesses of the DdzLiZm44S0-00365-00110937-00111195 traditional way of communicating DdzLiZm44S0-00366-00111196-00111536 scientific works is through is the DdzLiZm44S0-00367-00111537-00111854 archiving aspect okay because a lot of DdzLiZm44S0-00368-00111855-00112149 it to come in the form of books and a DdzLiZm44S0-00369-00112150-00112521 lot of it who won't be online DdzLiZm44S0-00370-00112522-00112853 okay so cause libraries will have to do DdzLiZm44S0-00371-00112854-00113090 by journals and then the journals are DdzLiZm44S0-00372-00113091-00113496 shipped okay archiving is one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00373-00113497-00113633 major weaknesses of the traditional DdzLiZm44S0-00374-00113634-00113907 methods okay and this is one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00375-00113908-00114185 major strengths of open access DdzLiZm44S0-00376-00114186-00114479 publishing and through IRS because with DdzLiZm44S0-00377-00114480-00114747 IRS were working with E is shown DdzLiZm44S0-00378-00114748-00115139 positives and different systems are DdzLiZm44S0-00379-00115140-00115403 there okay so this displays a lot and DdzLiZm44S0-00380-00115404-00115745 these systems are very good with DdzLiZm44S0-00381-00115746-00115949 ensuring digital archiving and DdzLiZm44S0-00382-00115950-00116324 preservation of scientific works okay DdzLiZm44S0-00383-00116325-00116813 but the one of the major problems that DdzLiZm44S0-00384-00116814-00117164 open access through IRS has has heart is DdzLiZm44S0-00385-00117165-00117357 the issue of certification issues of DdzLiZm44S0-00386-00117358-00117635 often authenticity with regards to what DdzLiZm44S0-00387-00117636-00117924 is being put out there okay one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00388-00117925-00118356 arguments is that if if if people can DdzLiZm44S0-00389-00118357-00118801 produce works and the deposit they mean DdzLiZm44S0-00390-00118802-00119179 student positive then even poor awakes DdzLiZm44S0-00391-00119180-00119296 will be put in institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00392-00119297-00119458 repositories even works that have not DdzLiZm44S0-00393-00119458-00119797 been have not gone through peer review DdzLiZm44S0-00394-00119798-00120139 processes will be put in IR s yes okay DdzLiZm44S0-00395-00120140-00120384 that can be a problem if we don't have a DdzLiZm44S0-00396-00120385-00120667 proper mechanism of checking and this is DdzLiZm44S0-00397-00120668-00120949 some something you should as as as a DdzLiZm44S0-00398-00120950-00121195 group were discussing this thing this is DdzLiZm44S0-00399-00121196-00121450 something we need to look at so here is DdzLiZm44S0-00400-00121451-00121732 how open access answers this these DdzLiZm44S0-00401-00121733-00122029 issues of interconnectedness alright so DdzLiZm44S0-00402-00122030-00122310 if for example one is copying you're DdzLiZm44S0-00403-00122311-00122581 copying pasting and we use plagiarism DdzLiZm44S0-00404-00122582-00122791 checkers will be able to detect that you DdzLiZm44S0-00405-00122792-00123118 have sorry checking so one way that's DdzLiZm44S0-00406-00123119-00123541 how that's an indirect way of checking DdzLiZm44S0-00407-00123542-00123721 the authenticity of the work that is DdzLiZm44S0-00408-00123722-00123928 being done so you throw awake in an AHA DdzLiZm44S0-00409-00123929-00124341 and someone can check it against DdzLiZm44S0-00410-00124342-00124600 plagiarism and can find that that one DdzLiZm44S0-00411-00124601-00125128 but another way is institutional poster DdzLiZm44S0-00412-00125129-00125484 is also follow the the mechanisms of the DdzLiZm44S0-00413-00125485-00125665 traditional methods and this here is how DdzLiZm44S0-00414-00125666-00125880 they do it DdzLiZm44S0-00415-00125881-00126274 for me to put my conference for sitting DdzLiZm44S0-00416-00126275-00126613 in an IR it will have gone through the DdzLiZm44S0-00417-00126614-00126880 peer review process of that particular DdzLiZm44S0-00418-00126881-00127096 conference so if I had attended computer DdzLiZm44S0-00419-00127097-00127333 science conference on digital DdzLiZm44S0-00420-00127333-00127615 repositories right I write a paper I DdzLiZm44S0-00421-00127616-00128122 send it the the editorial team will have DdzLiZm44S0-00422-00128123-00128299 done peer review so by the time I'm DdzLiZm44S0-00423-00128300-00128539 putting it in the IR it will have been DdzLiZm44S0-00424-00128540-00128875 it's authentic okay that one it's the DdzLiZm44S0-00425-00128876-00129055 same with articles if I write an article DdzLiZm44S0-00426-00129056-00129307 to a departmental jono to an DdzLiZm44S0-00427-00129308-00129442 international journal each will have DdzLiZm44S0-00428-00129443-00129691 been reviewed by the time I'm putting it DdzLiZm44S0-00429-00129692-00129996 in the IR these there are aspects of DdzLiZm44S0-00430-00129997-00130335 authentication so so these are usually DdzLiZm44S0-00431-00130336-00130588 the two major differences but issues of DdzLiZm44S0-00432-00130589-00130824 certification and authentication for DdzLiZm44S0-00433-00130825-00131203 works putting the IR is actually met in DdzLiZm44S0-00434-00131204-00131545 that a lot of works that are put in the DdzLiZm44S0-00435-00131546-00131887 Iowa of gone through the methods of DdzLiZm44S0-00436-00131888-00132278 checking for authenticity all right DdzLiZm44S0-00437-00132279-00133035 so then I said they're two ways of open DdzLiZm44S0-00438-00133036-00133083 access DdzLiZm44S0-00439-00133084-00133248 okay they're two methods of popping DdzLiZm44S0-00440-00133249-00133693 access and the first one is known as DdzLiZm44S0-00441-00133694-00134064 good open access okay so this what you DdzLiZm44S0-00442-00134065-00134277 call good open access and green open DdzLiZm44S0-00443-00134278-00134569 access okay how just share briefly about DdzLiZm44S0-00444-00134570-00134794 gold open access good open access is DdzLiZm44S0-00445-00134795-00135081 also called the business model all right DdzLiZm44S0-00446-00135082-00135299 it's also called the business model and DdzLiZm44S0-00447-00135300-00135694 one of the things that publishers did DdzLiZm44S0-00448-00135695-00135969 when they realized how that open access DdzLiZm44S0-00449-00135970-00136156 could push them out of business was to DdzLiZm44S0-00450-00136157-00136456 embrace the good open access model now DdzLiZm44S0-00451-00136457-00136760 this is how good open access is done DdzLiZm44S0-00452-00136761-00137368 with good open access authors pay what DdzLiZm44S0-00453-00137369-00137532 are known as a pieces article processing DdzLiZm44S0-00454-00137533-00137994 charges to to a journal system all right DdzLiZm44S0-00455-00137995-00138369 and then the awake is published there so DdzLiZm44S0-00456-00138370-00138781 good open access is also known as the DdzLiZm44S0-00457-00138782-00139101 journal open access journal system okay DdzLiZm44S0-00458-00139102-00139557 so and also write awake and then your DdzLiZm44S0-00459-00139558-00139773 work is accepted in in a journal then DdzLiZm44S0-00460-00139774-00140133 you pay an APC article processing charge DdzLiZm44S0-00461-00140134-00140673 okay now most authentic John on journals DdzLiZm44S0-00462-00140674-00141048 that use a good model wave article DdzLiZm44S0-00463-00141049-00141319 processing charges for authors okay they DdzLiZm44S0-00464-00141320-00141714 waive it okay because they are looking DdzLiZm44S0-00465-00141715-00141891 at the quality of the work that is DdzLiZm44S0-00466-00141892-00142290 coming so they either pay for it and DdzLiZm44S0-00467-00142291-00142704 have other extra extra strings attached DdzLiZm44S0-00468-00142705-00142863 to an article so instead of maybe DdzLiZm44S0-00469-00142864-00143097 publishing it immediately they will say DdzLiZm44S0-00470-00143098-00143301 they will put an embargo period to DdzLiZm44S0-00471-00143302-00143520 publish it maybe after six months or DdzLiZm44S0-00472-00143521-00143682 after one year then your work will DdzLiZm44S0-00473-00143683-00143982 become open access okay now one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00474-00143983-00144291 weaknesses of the good model is it has DdzLiZm44S0-00475-00144292-00144534 brought about predatory predatory DdzLiZm44S0-00476-00144535-00144840 journals okay so some some guys out DdzLiZm44S0-00477-00144841-00145098 there have come together put up a DdzLiZm44S0-00478-00145099-00145353 journal system and they make people pay DdzLiZm44S0-00479-00145354-00145440 so you pay five DdzLiZm44S0-00480-00145441-00145689 gotcha they process they pretend to DdzLiZm44S0-00481-00145690-00145983 process your work and boom it's DdzLiZm44S0-00482-00145984-00146276 published okay so one of the weaknesses DdzLiZm44S0-00483-00146277-00146520 one of the things that has emerged DdzLiZm44S0-00484-00146521-00146829 because of the good model now the focus DdzLiZm44S0-00485-00146830-00147170 of my talk is a dream of open access DdzLiZm44S0-00486-00147171-00147528 model the green open access way or route DdzLiZm44S0-00487-00147529-00147798 is also known as the self archiving rod DdzLiZm44S0-00488-00147799-00148005 or the institutional repositories now DdzLiZm44S0-00489-00148006-00148245 Green has a lot of the green open access DdzLiZm44S0-00490-00148246-00148694 model has a role as a lot of channels of DdzLiZm44S0-00491-00148695-00149001 implementing open access okay and but DdzLiZm44S0-00492-00149002-00149184 one of the major ones is institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00493-00149185-00149336 repositories but there are other DdzLiZm44S0-00494-00149337-00149658 trackers out there for example research DdzLiZm44S0-00495-00149659-00150090 gate academia.edu Mandela dot-com okay DdzLiZm44S0-00496-00150091-00150540 all those are operating in the green DdzLiZm44S0-00497-00150541-00150897 model because it is you the author whose DdzLiZm44S0-00498-00150898-00151098 depositing your work they're here hiding DdzLiZm44S0-00499-00151099-00151392 Oh some of some people have personal DdzLiZm44S0-00500-00151393-00151470 websites DdzLiZm44S0-00501-00151471-00151707 okay and you deposit you put your work DdzLiZm44S0-00502-00151708-00152043 out there but the major way or the green DdzLiZm44S0-00503-00152044-00152331 open access route is institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00504-00152332-00152622 repositories and the encouragement of DdzLiZm44S0-00505-00152623-00153008 sofa carving all right DdzLiZm44S0-00506-00153009-00153483 I'll skip that so one of the one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00507-00153484-00153687 weaknesses I think already took the part DdzLiZm44S0-00508-00153688-00153834 is one of the weaknesses of the DdzLiZm44S0-00509-00153835-00154104 traditional ways of scholarly DdzLiZm44S0-00510-00154105-00154401 communication is what is known as a DdzLiZm44S0-00511-00154402-00154566 serious crisis Oh Kevin DdzLiZm44S0-00512-00154567-00155024 and because institution that too by DdzLiZm44S0-00513-00155025-00155262 institutions were struggling to afford DdzLiZm44S0-00514-00155263-00155684 to buy and so access to the current and DdzLiZm44S0-00515-00155685-00156018 quality work became a problem okay why DdzLiZm44S0-00516-00156019-00156234 because prices were going high budget DdzLiZm44S0-00517-00156235-00156519 cuts talked about budget cuts in a DdzLiZm44S0-00518-00156520-00156941 country like Zambia now in 2020 in July DdzLiZm44S0-00519-00156942-00157260 okay how much funding goes towards your DdzLiZm44S0-00520-00157261-00157398 library if you work in the library DdzLiZm44S0-00521-00157399-00157698 okay almost every sector is struggling DdzLiZm44S0-00522-00157699-00158076 and then talk about subscribing to to em DdzLiZm44S0-00523-00158077-00158367 to a journal system I have to pay and so DdzLiZm44S0-00524-00158368-00158630 this the old system they DdzLiZm44S0-00525-00158631-00158812 national system the traditional system DdzLiZm44S0-00526-00158813-00159271 led to the serious crisis all right DdzLiZm44S0-00527-00159272-00159599 and so it's had a lot of problems I DdzLiZm44S0-00528-00159600-00160004 won't really focus on the serious crisis DdzLiZm44S0-00529-00160005-00160184 so people could not afford to pay people DdzLiZm44S0-00530-00160185-00160364 could not afford to subscribe and so DdzLiZm44S0-00531-00160365-00160568 access became unfair okay so DdzLiZm44S0-00532-00160569-00160763 universities that managed to subscribe DdzLiZm44S0-00533-00160764-00161081 like their students seeing quality works DdzLiZm44S0-00534-00161082-00161303 and those that could not address their DdzLiZm44S0-00535-00161304-00161528 students and stuff not being able to DdzLiZm44S0-00536-00161529-00161731 really have access to the best DdzLiZm44S0-00537-00161732-00162161 information resources and so again my DdzLiZm44S0-00538-00162162-00162365 this chart explains the serious crisis DdzLiZm44S0-00539-00162366-00162647 here this is an example vein investing DdzLiZm44S0-00540-00162648-00163004 the years okay as prices of journals in DdzLiZm44S0-00541-00163005-00163478 the blue we're going high funding toward DdzLiZm44S0-00542-00163479-00163691 the library was this low and this is a DdzLiZm44S0-00543-00163692-00163901 problem almost everywhere okay DdzLiZm44S0-00544-00163902-00164288 Jona prices go up funding is really low DdzLiZm44S0-00545-00164289-00164738 right so because of the problem of the DdzLiZm44S0-00546-00164739-00165008 sea rose crisis came up in axis okay DdzLiZm44S0-00547-00165009-00165236 came open access and the major form of DdzLiZm44S0-00548-00165237-00165548 open access good and green one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00549-00165549-00165683 ones that we are really talking about DdzLiZm44S0-00550-00165684-00165878 and the one mishit encouraged in Zambia DdzLiZm44S0-00551-00165879-00166349 stream of images okay now because of the DdzLiZm44S0-00552-00166350-00166619 realization of good and green open DdzLiZm44S0-00553-00166620-00166766 access in Zambia he has some of the DdzLiZm44S0-00554-00166767-00167111 things that are happening and these are DdzLiZm44S0-00555-00167112-00167318 some of the observations of met at DdzLiZm44S0-00556-00167319-00167585 invest of Zambia for example in my DdzLiZm44S0-00557-00167586-00167780 school the school of education very DdzLiZm44S0-00558-00167781-00168197 interesting scenario a light on can add DdzLiZm44S0-00559-00168198-00168617 some some points to this there on the on DdzLiZm44S0-00560-00168618-00168959 the good aspect the number of open DdzLiZm44S0-00561-00168960-00169085 access journals that are being DdzLiZm44S0-00562-00169086-00169343 established in in in our school at the DdzLiZm44S0-00563-00169344-00169457 invest of them but in a lot of DdzLiZm44S0-00564-00169458-00169742 universities because we've realized this DdzLiZm44S0-00565-00169743-00169997 one of the ways that research that is DdzLiZm44S0-00566-00169998-00170234 being done by locos can be put out there DdzLiZm44S0-00567-00170235-00170423 okay DdzLiZm44S0-00568-00170424-00170660 so a lot of people that I've talked DdzLiZm44S0-00569-00170661-00170846 about don't even realize that this is DdzLiZm44S0-00570-00170847-00171044 actually what they are doing okay so DdzLiZm44S0-00571-00171045-00171224 this a mushrooming of open access DdzLiZm44S0-00572-00171225-00171599 journals and good and bad quality can be DdzLiZm44S0-00573-00171600-00171745 can be worked on DdzLiZm44S0-00574-00171746-00171900 [Music] DdzLiZm44S0-00575-00171901-00172188 and then a lot of researchers are seeing DdzLiZm44S0-00576-00172189-00172494 oh honey I can have my work published in DdzLiZm44S0-00577-00172495-00172752 these open access journals okay DdzLiZm44S0-00578-00172753-00173072 and I've observed the realization that DdzLiZm44S0-00579-00173073-00173397 most researchers would rather have the DdzLiZm44S0-00580-00173398-00173853 awake online scene like this has become DdzLiZm44S0-00581-00173854-00174126 a very important thing now my work DdzLiZm44S0-00582-00174127-00174291 should be on and my work should be seen DdzLiZm44S0-00583-00174292-00174537 and hopefully sighted okay and many DdzLiZm44S0-00584-00174538-00175035 departments are operating open access DdzLiZm44S0-00585-00175036-00175443 journals the green rocks the I don't DdzLiZm44S0-00586-00175444-00175590 know if I should say increasing number I DdzLiZm44S0-00587-00175591-00175827 are as globally there's an increasing DdzLiZm44S0-00588-00175828-00176253 number of ir a--'s in zambia I don't DdzLiZm44S0-00589-00176254-00176505 know if the word increasing is a good DdzLiZm44S0-00590-00176506-00176940 word because so far I know a few people DdzLiZm44S0-00591-00176941-00177150 that are really doing this DdzLiZm44S0-00592-00177151-00177355 okay so then this one does an ir a-- DdzLiZm44S0-00593-00177356-00177476 [Music] DdzLiZm44S0-00594-00177477-00177801 zika's is they just established and I DdzLiZm44S0-00595-00177802-00178209 are good story CP you have the issue is DdzLiZm44S0-00596-00178210-00178434 how good is it operating I've not looked DdzLiZm44S0-00597-00178435-00178764 at it lately marushin visit established DdzLiZm44S0-00598-00178765-00179061 one I had a conversation with one of the DdzLiZm44S0-00599-00179062-00179547 guys there a few months ago so this is a DdzLiZm44S0-00600-00179548-00179739 realization that open access is one of DdzLiZm44S0-00601-00179740-00179949 our ways and if the poster is an DdzLiZm44S0-00602-00179950-00180399 important so these then at least the DdzLiZm44S0-00603-00180400-00180654 numbers going up at least okay in Zambia DdzLiZm44S0-00604-00180655-00181011 and then many people are practicing DdzLiZm44S0-00605-00181012-00181230 suffocating when I speak from the invest DdzLiZm44S0-00606-00181231-00181419 of Zambia's perspective like from our DdzLiZm44S0-00607-00181420-00181647 school the number of people for example DdzLiZm44S0-00608-00181648-00182028 that are asking me how how they can put DdzLiZm44S0-00609-00182029-00182466 the awake online in the invest ir but DdzLiZm44S0-00610-00182467-00182739 also in other repositories like research DdzLiZm44S0-00611-00182740-00182931 get a number of people are doing that is DdzLiZm44S0-00612-00182932-00183459 very high now okay and you know there DdzLiZm44S0-00613-00183460-00183966 are subject repositories where maybe a DdzLiZm44S0-00614-00183967-00184125 poster that specifically duties DdzLiZm44S0-00615-00184126-00184485 agriculture science okay I hope that to DdzLiZm44S0-00616-00184486-00184671 come in JAMA these are some of the extra DdzLiZm44S0-00617-00184672-00184910 things that we'll have to do so this is DdzLiZm44S0-00618-00184911-00185220 the scenario now a lot of people are DdzLiZm44S0-00619-00185221-00185787 do you know or other is resist yeah I DdzLiZm44S0-00620-00185788-00185973 just wanted to mention that the DdzLiZm44S0-00621-00185974-00186171 Department of Labor information science DdzLiZm44S0-00622-00186172-00186387 does have the subject repository I mean DdzLiZm44S0-00623-00186388-00186684 it's work in progress but it is there we DdzLiZm44S0-00624-00186685-00186966 must have dumped dumped us where output DdzLiZm44S0-00625-00186967-00187187 generated by a faculty staff but also DdzLiZm44S0-00626-00187188-00187479 caps on projects or 48 projects that are DdzLiZm44S0-00627-00187480-00187898 that are produced by families today DdzLiZm44S0-00628-00187899-00188172 thank you kindly kindly also talk about DdzLiZm44S0-00629-00188173-00188523 just them the the open access journals DdzLiZm44S0-00630-00188524-00188916 in in in the school I I had done I had DdzLiZm44S0-00631-00188917-00189117 someone someone was asking for numbers DdzLiZm44S0-00632-00189118-00189351 really wanting the journal to be to go DdzLiZm44S0-00633-00189352-00189624 online just the number also departments DdzLiZm44S0-00634-00189625-00189818 in the school are having their journals DdzLiZm44S0-00635-00189819-00190158 proof provide open access and resources DdzLiZm44S0-00636-00190159-00190341 and I don't know if you can add DdzLiZm44S0-00637-00190342-00190644 something that oh yeah I mean I knew so DdzLiZm44S0-00638-00190645-00190880 far as rooms is concerned with we seen DdzLiZm44S0-00639-00190881-00191187 rather rapid increase in the number of DdzLiZm44S0-00640-00191188-00191358 online journals that are being set up I DdzLiZm44S0-00641-00191359-00191583 think like abomination people realize DdzLiZm44S0-00642-00191584-00191862 that the doing away with print based DdzLiZm44S0-00643-00191863-00192057 journals is the way to go for starters DdzLiZm44S0-00644-00192058-00192300 you are cutting down on cost you don't DdzLiZm44S0-00645-00192301-00192450 have to spend any money now or this DdzLiZm44S0-00646-00192451-00192633 little mind that you have to the money DdzLiZm44S0-00647-00192634-00192855 that you have to spend on an online DdzLiZm44S0-00648-00192856-00193233 journal is magnitudes no other than what DdzLiZm44S0-00649-00193234-00193596 you spend on on previous jobs so so yeah DdzLiZm44S0-00650-00193597-00193905 this is the week we have I think for the DdzLiZm44S0-00651-00193906-00194085 first time in the history also probably DdzLiZm44S0-00652-00194086-00194265 have the largest number of DdzLiZm44S0-00653-00194266-00194571 domain-specific journals now that of DdzLiZm44S0-00654-00194572-00194871 Education alone probably has the close DdzLiZm44S0-00655-00194872-00195254 to it does and Africa's in journals I DdzLiZm44S0-00656-00195255-00195522 mean I was going to leave this intruder DdzLiZm44S0-00657-00195523-00195627 in the may be a topic of discussion DdzLiZm44S0-00658-00195628-00196559 other and this idea of you know order DdzLiZm44S0-00659-00196560-00196782 story about what's happening with our DdzLiZm44S0-00660-00196783-00196923 but mental DdzLiZm44S0-00661-00196924-00197229 Joe know it's contagious so that like DdzLiZm44S0-00662-00197230-00197421 this John this is the issue with that DdzLiZm44S0-00663-00197422-00197661 because it's a it's completely free DdzLiZm44S0-00664-00197662-00197877 right so if there's nothing like people DdzLiZm44S0-00665-00197878-00198138 painful so-called pieces right a person DdzLiZm44S0-00666-00198139-00198501 fees what happened is a very recently we DdzLiZm44S0-00667-00198502-00198606 needed to DdzLiZm44S0-00668-00198607-00198926 make a subscription for an ISSN number DdzLiZm44S0-00669-00198927-00199181 because people not paying money to DdzLiZm44S0-00670-00199182-00199431 everyone in the department or the DdzLiZm44S0-00671-00199432-00199623 lecturers had to we have to put sausage DdzLiZm44S0-00672-00199624-00199821 from the next phase to you know so these DdzLiZm44S0-00673-00199822-00200085 are things to think about you are going DdzLiZm44S0-00674-00200086-00200274 on and quite alright but this is still DdzLiZm44S0-00675-00200275-00200541 money that needs to be spaniard thank DdzLiZm44S0-00676-00200542-00200772 you I'm glad you brought that up and DdzLiZm44S0-00677-00200773-00201138 also how how do we for example how do we DdzLiZm44S0-00678-00201139-00201528 tell an author that pay pay something DdzLiZm44S0-00679-00201529-00201915 and this to think that we don't put them DdzLiZm44S0-00680-00201916-00202149 in a position where they think I am DdzLiZm44S0-00681-00202150-00202466 am I being duped oh I'm paying for my DdzLiZm44S0-00682-00202467-00202691 work to be worked on because that's what DdzLiZm44S0-00683-00202692-00202995 predatory journals do you know how can DdzLiZm44S0-00684-00202996-00203337 they should we continue is with us as a DdzLiZm44S0-00685-00203338-00203595 department contributing something oh we DdzLiZm44S0-00686-00203596-00203939 can still introduce some form of an APC DdzLiZm44S0-00687-00203940-00204276 so the beauty with our department is we DdzLiZm44S0-00688-00204277-00204653 are fortunate in that we have the DdzLiZm44S0-00689-00204654-00204903 expertise that you would need to ensure DdzLiZm44S0-00690-00204904-00205166 that the journal runs smoothly DdzLiZm44S0-00691-00205167-00205271 I mean there are people that have DdzLiZm44S0-00692-00205273-00205460 technical expertise there are people DdzLiZm44S0-00693-00205461-00205586 that are knowledgeable when it comes to DdzLiZm44S0-00694-00205587-00205929 archiving and so we don't necessarily DdzLiZm44S0-00695-00205930-00206205 need to hire a dedicated human resource DdzLiZm44S0-00696-00206206-00206537 to over see that whole process we can do DdzLiZm44S0-00697-00206538-00206748 that on our own but then the situation DdzLiZm44S0-00698-00206748-00207003 changes when you know the journal is DdzLiZm44S0-00699-00207004-00207276 overseen by an entity that is unable to DdzLiZm44S0-00700-00207277-00207525 issue a decree the platform non-smooth DdzLiZm44S0-00701-00207526-00207842 so I classic example there's a journal DdzLiZm44S0-00702-00207844-00208233 called the zombie ICT Jonah right but DdzLiZm44S0-00703-00208234-00208503 don't know authors must pay a hundred DdzLiZm44S0-00704-00208504-00208809 dollars right so just pasted the link so DdzLiZm44S0-00705-00208810-00208991 these are different models are out there DdzLiZm44S0-00706-00208992-00209321 what does that just about the really DdzLiZm44S0-00707-00209323-00209510 things to think about as you're thinking DdzLiZm44S0-00708-00209511-00209744 about open access publishing DdzLiZm44S0-00709-00209746-00210180 yeah thank you thank you so much before DdzLiZm44S0-00710-00210181-00210446 I continue is there any other question DdzLiZm44S0-00711-00210448-00210794 maybe that I can we can quickly look up DdzLiZm44S0-00712-00210796-00211010 before I think I'm remaining with them DdzLiZm44S0-00713-00211011-00211389 with a few points to make manam be done DdzLiZm44S0-00714-00211390-00211977 anything I just proceed all right DdzLiZm44S0-00715-00211978-00212364 so this is a situation a number of open DdzLiZm44S0-00716-00212365-00212828 access journals are as being introduced DdzLiZm44S0-00717-00212829-00213321 is doing yeah yeah I just want education DdzLiZm44S0-00718-00213321-00213623 on the research process you talked about DdzLiZm44S0-00719-00213623-00213788 okay DdzLiZm44S0-00720-00213789-00214089 yeah way exactly this process supposed DdzLiZm44S0-00721-00214090-00214404 to take place is it at the institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00722-00214405-00215037 level or they publish as oh okay so you DdzLiZm44S0-00723-00215038-00215226 mean the different components of a DdzLiZm44S0-00724-00215227-00215523 scholarly communication process yes all DdzLiZm44S0-00725-00215523-00216104 right so it's um when when your work is DdzLiZm44S0-00726-00216105-00216477 um it's been done okay when when you're DdzLiZm44S0-00727-00216478-00216746 publishing your work and you're sending DdzLiZm44S0-00728-00216748-00217044 your work to a journal right you send it DdzLiZm44S0-00729-00217044-00217401 there then that process begins DdzLiZm44S0-00730-00217402-00217646 immediately all those processes that I DdzLiZm44S0-00731-00217648-00217887 listed begin so if you are publishing DdzLiZm44S0-00732-00217888-00218184 your work with all the press the moment DdzLiZm44S0-00733-00218185-00218481 you submit in the background those DdzLiZm44S0-00734-00218482-00218736 processes are going again actually DdzLiZm44S0-00735-00218737-00219117 taking place yeah so my answer then to DdzLiZm44S0-00736-00219117-00219437 that is you know institutional level DdzLiZm44S0-00737-00219438-00219825 because ultimately the new wake will you DdzLiZm44S0-00738-00219826-00220116 have to get an ISSN number but for June DdzLiZm44S0-00739-00220117-00220353 usually it's a journal that one that DdzLiZm44S0-00740-00220354-00220563 particular tab so the second standard DdzLiZm44S0-00741-00220564-00220919 they're actually actually followed yeah DdzLiZm44S0-00742-00220919-00221217 so it's pretty much just a way of DdzLiZm44S0-00743-00221217-00221475 authenticating what is being put out DdzLiZm44S0-00744-00221476-00221889 there and eventually when a work has DdzLiZm44S0-00745-00221890-00222212 been produced then it has to be DdzLiZm44S0-00746-00222213-00222537 traditionally sort and then the writer DdzLiZm44S0-00747-00222538-00222900 gets a cut and the publisher gets a cut DdzLiZm44S0-00748-00222901-00223131 eventually okay but now we realize DdzLiZm44S0-00749-00223132-00223326 actually a lot of writers in the DdzLiZm44S0-00750-00223327-00223575 epidemic don't even want those cuts what DdzLiZm44S0-00751-00223576-00223844 they want move is for them to for people DdzLiZm44S0-00752-00223846-00224348 to know that James Peary is actually an DdzLiZm44S0-00753-00224350-00224573 archivist he can do this archival work DdzLiZm44S0-00754-00224575-00224819 because of these things are online DdzLiZm44S0-00755-00224821-00225117 yeah so it's it's these are processes in DdzLiZm44S0-00756-00225117-00225552 the background check please DdzLiZm44S0-00757-00225553-00226971 or any other or I continue okay so this DdzLiZm44S0-00758-00226973-00227179 is a picture in in Zambia like this is DdzLiZm44S0-00759-00227180-00227346 what is happening open access journals a DdzLiZm44S0-00760-00227348-00227811 lot of people so far carving a picture DdzLiZm44S0-00761-00227812-00228301 picture worldwide is not very good and DdzLiZm44S0-00762-00228302-00228589 I'm I think I don't know like on must DdzLiZm44S0-00763-00228590-00228838 have look a pity must have talked about DdzLiZm44S0-00764-00228839-00229144 some of these things in class is one of DdzLiZm44S0-00765-00229144-00229204 others DdzLiZm44S0-00766-00229205-00229504 I like it when him if he he shows the DdzLiZm44S0-00767-00229505-00229810 situation so I've seen him talk about DdzLiZm44S0-00768-00229811-00230101 this from Troy he's talked about it in DdzLiZm44S0-00769-00230102-00230494 ins up in Zambia the situation is not DdzLiZm44S0-00770-00230494-00230746 good with regards to institution on DdzLiZm44S0-00771-00230746-00231294 posters okay the registry of open access DdzLiZm44S0-00772-00231296-00231673 repositories as of 2019 early 2019 I DdzLiZm44S0-00773-00231673-00231829 checked the owner poster that was DdzLiZm44S0-00774-00231830-00232051 visible or that was registered there was DdzLiZm44S0-00775-00232052-00232309 the investor Sam I don't know I don't DdzLiZm44S0-00776-00232310-00232534 know if the Seekers by now as the under DdzLiZm44S0-00777-00232535-00232698 registration so have not looked at this DdzLiZm44S0-00778-00232700-00233059 and that tells me that you know the DdzLiZm44S0-00779-00233060-00233239 picture is still not very good there's a DdzLiZm44S0-00780-00233240-00233527 lot of good we have to do and push this DdzLiZm44S0-00781-00233528-00233940 agenda all of us to ensure that IRS DdzLiZm44S0-00782-00233941-00234256 become a big thing in in our country DdzLiZm44S0-00783-00234257-00234742 okay so the only one I think I got this DdzLiZm44S0-00784-00234742-00235006 in 2018 okay this was last updated in DdzLiZm44S0-00785-00235007-00235294 2018 and in 2018 throughs only showing DdzLiZm44S0-00786-00235294-00235615 the investor exam and in 2018 those an DdzLiZm44S0-00787-00235616-00235771 ir ends at CBU DdzLiZm44S0-00788-00235771-00235971 that was not doing very well and even DdzLiZm44S0-00789-00235973-00236365 this the Zambia I are in my opinion can DdzLiZm44S0-00790-00236366-00236641 do way better than it is doing okay so DdzLiZm44S0-00791-00236642-00236878 the picture in our country is not good DdzLiZm44S0-00792-00236879-00237133 and so we need a nursing of people that DdzLiZm44S0-00793-00237134-00237352 can really jumper this this particular DdzLiZm44S0-00794-00237353-00237637 idea you know this is a baby that all of DdzLiZm44S0-00795-00237638-00237808 us should put our hands together and run DdzLiZm44S0-00796-00237809-00238258 me OK in 2020 with a mushrooming of DdzLiZm44S0-00797-00238259-00238504 universities in Zaandam cannot have one DdzLiZm44S0-00798-00238505-00238569 ir a-- DdzLiZm44S0-00799-00238571-00238694 registered DdzLiZm44S0-00800-00238694-00239083 okay so not a very nice picture look at DdzLiZm44S0-00801-00239084-00239430 Zimbabwe look at Zimbabwe I don't know DdzLiZm44S0-00802-00239431-00239710 just if you look it's nice isn't it you DdzLiZm44S0-00803-00239711-00239923 can see 1 2 3 4 as long as it goes DdzLiZm44S0-00804-00239925-00240116 beyond 5 you're happy with your country DdzLiZm44S0-00805-00240117-00240401 isn't it let's we've got to do something DdzLiZm44S0-00806-00240402-00240598 like like that definitely there's seven DdzLiZm44S0-00807-00240600-00240914 public universities in Zambia now and if DdzLiZm44S0-00808-00240915-00241081 we are serious with open access and DdzLiZm44S0-00809-00241082-00241250 serious with institutional repositories DdzLiZm44S0-00810-00241251-00241555 we should be able to have seven IRS at DdzLiZm44S0-00811-00241556-00242158 least then the major two private DdzLiZm44S0-00812-00242159-00242332 universities one two three four so she DdzLiZm44S0-00813-00242333-00242423 should have DdzLiZm44S0-00814-00242423-00242656 isn't it so that's that's my take on DdzLiZm44S0-00815-00242657-00243077 that so the picture is not nice okay and DdzLiZm44S0-00816-00243078-00243256 if I can just quickly chip in because it DdzLiZm44S0-00817-00243257-00243389 turns out the total what other is DdzLiZm44S0-00818-00243390-00243566 talking about right now links to what is DdzLiZm44S0-00819-00243567-00243778 that having was discussing marketing DdzLiZm44S0-00820-00243779-00244112 right so you you have to explicitly do DdzLiZm44S0-00821-00244113-00244328 the marketing yourself so the repository DdzLiZm44S0-00822-00244329-00244507 of open access repositories eraldo DdzLiZm44S0-00823-00244508-00244712 different stories not only platform DdzLiZm44S0-00824-00244713-00244871 where you can expose your your DdzLiZm44S0-00825-00244871-00245189 repository there a number such places DdzLiZm44S0-00826-00245190-00245419 but what you have to do as a library DdzLiZm44S0-00827-00245421-00245639 while the institution is there has to be DdzLiZm44S0-00828-00245640-00245951 an explicit initiative to look at all DdzLiZm44S0-00829-00245952-00246094 these different things which is why DdzLiZm44S0-00830-00246096-00246398 black areas talk was really emphasizing DdzLiZm44S0-00831-00246398-00246667 on the importance of marketing your IR DdzLiZm44S0-00832-00246667-00246900 yeah thank you DdzLiZm44S0-00833-00246901-00247071 [Music] DdzLiZm44S0-00834-00247073-00247585 so with that said what is sofa guiding DdzLiZm44S0-00835-00247586-00247988 now and as a student of at whatever DdzLiZm44S0-00836-00247989-00248158 level as a student or as a member of DdzLiZm44S0-00837-00248159-00248291 staff this is something you want to DdzLiZm44S0-00838-00248292-00248537 embrace immediately I think that's how DdzLiZm44S0-00839-00248538-00249050 our look at it okay self arriving simply DdzLiZm44S0-00840-00249051-00249381 the practice of depositing your DdzLiZm44S0-00841-00249382-00249859 publications online so that they can be DdzLiZm44S0-00842-00249860-00250453 seen okay so two major media is not not DdzLiZm44S0-00843-00250454-00250673 really different to major in to two DdzLiZm44S0-00844-00250673-00250909 major reason born of a sofa craving this DdzLiZm44S0-00845-00250910-00251494 is just the author posting his or her DdzLiZm44S0-00846-00251496-00252101 work online without publisher mediation DdzLiZm44S0-00847-00252102-00252460 so you you publish in your satchel is DdzLiZm44S0-00848-00252461-00252871 John oh okay I can get that wig that I DdzLiZm44S0-00849-00252873-00253076 published in that is John and put it on DdzLiZm44S0-00850-00253077-00253340 research kit and put it in the under eye DdzLiZm44S0-00851-00253341-00253894 are okay and put it so that chances of DdzLiZm44S0-00852-00253896-00254191 it being read and exist I increased DdzLiZm44S0-00853-00254192-00254485 anumana this institutional so far Kevin DdzLiZm44S0-00854-00254486-00254746 something but institutional sofa camping DdzLiZm44S0-00855-00254748-00255140 alludes to the institution doing the DdzLiZm44S0-00856-00255141-00255371 work Ellie Ellie years of my DdzLiZm44S0-00857-00255371-00255571 introduction to the invest example I are DdzLiZm44S0-00858-00255573-00255859 they were practicing institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00859-00255860-00256262 suffocating because they I are a staff DdzLiZm44S0-00860-00256263-00256534 we're doing the archiving okay and I DdzLiZm44S0-00861-00256535-00256756 think they do practicing practice it now DdzLiZm44S0-00862-00256757-00256930 and a lot of universities practice it DdzLiZm44S0-00863-00256931-00257179 because students who submit their DdzLiZm44S0-00864-00257180-00257560 dissertations and members of staff in DdzLiZm44S0-00865-00257561-00257813 the library of the IRL today they're DdzLiZm44S0-00866-00257814-00258094 archiving okay so so far carving really DdzLiZm44S0-00867-00258096-00258365 refers to the active posting articles DdzLiZm44S0-00868-00258366-00258633 dissertations and any other scientific DdzLiZm44S0-00869-00258634-00258962 publications online alright what are DdzLiZm44S0-00870-00258963-00259102 some other things that you can put in DdzLiZm44S0-00871-00259103-00259396 the IR a lot of things quick works you DdzLiZm44S0-00872-00259398-00259571 can put what is known as a print print DdzLiZm44S0-00873-00259571-00259923 and a post print so the print print DdzLiZm44S0-00874-00259925-00260373 refers to a work that you've probably DdzLiZm44S0-00875-00260375-00260816 maybe submitted to a conference has been DdzLiZm44S0-00876-00260817-00261181 accepted and they asked you to make DdzLiZm44S0-00877-00261182-00261457 changes okay so you've weapon changes DdzLiZm44S0-00878-00261458-00261778 and that thing that you has not been DdzLiZm44S0-00879-00261779-00262025 published you put it there because when DdzLiZm44S0-00880-00262026-00262276 it comes published to me to be something DdzLiZm44S0-00881-00262277-00262432 similar but different DdzLiZm44S0-00882-00262433-00262708 okay post print is what has been DdzLiZm44S0-00883-00262709-00262973 published now okay so they've published DdzLiZm44S0-00884-00262974-00263383 it you can still get and and and and put DdzLiZm44S0-00885-00263384-00263573 it now this is where you also want to DdzLiZm44S0-00886-00263574-00263849 just be clear about copyright the DdzLiZm44S0-00887-00263850-00264017 copyrights you are giving out when you DdzLiZm44S0-00888-00264018-00264317 are publishing some way okay before you DdzLiZm44S0-00889-00264318-00264535 publish read and understand what what DdzLiZm44S0-00890-00264536-00264770 what is the attack on of an axis okay DdzLiZm44S0-00891-00264771-00264998 one of the questions that a lot of the DdzLiZm44S0-00892-00264999-00265193 then the open access week we have in DdzLiZm44S0-00893-00265194-00265459 2018 one of the people from DdzLiZm44S0-00894-00265460-00265726 and the Natural Sciences asked me I have DdzLiZm44S0-00895-00265727-00265879 a lot of work published and I don't DdzLiZm44S0-00896-00265880-00266120 understand the copyright okay so he DdzLiZm44S0-00897-00266121-00266332 actually said you know what young man DdzLiZm44S0-00898-00266333-00266533 come let's go to my office every tree is DdzLiZm44S0-00899-00266534-00266731 of it and instead let me look up a lot DdzLiZm44S0-00900-00266732-00266902 of things that published and I have I DdzLiZm44S0-00901-00266903-00267175 don't understand what I give up DdzLiZm44S0-00902-00267176-00267427 so some of the things you can do as a DdzLiZm44S0-00903-00267428-00267716 proactive library we find out for DdzLiZm44S0-00904-00267717-00267965 example behalf of stuff begin to find DdzLiZm44S0-00905-00267966-00268166 out some of the major publishers okay DdzLiZm44S0-00906-00268167-00268439 and then they'll tell you oh you realize DdzLiZm44S0-00907-00268440-00268680 that a lot of all publishers will have DdzLiZm44S0-00908-00268681-00268897 accepted and embraced open access DdzLiZm44S0-00909-00268898-00269203 publishing and it that to be fine for DdzLiZm44S0-00910-00269204-00269447 the works to be put online okay so you DdzLiZm44S0-00911-00269448-00269623 can put conference papers you can put DdzLiZm44S0-00912-00269624-00270030 book chapters you can put reports DdzLiZm44S0-00913-00270031-00270426 dissertations photographs so as you see DdzLiZm44S0-00914-00270427-00270757 you can put a look but this also goes DdzLiZm44S0-00915-00270758-00271172 with the policy of the institution so in DdzLiZm44S0-00916-00271173-00271388 policy can a very strictly can restrict DdzLiZm44S0-00917-00271389-00271772 okay you can only put ABCD all right so DdzLiZm44S0-00918-00271773-00272149 as you think about establishing an IR oh DdzLiZm44S0-00919-00272150-00272299 when you get a job DdzLiZm44S0-00920-00272300-00272597 where you be working with them I are one DdzLiZm44S0-00921-00272598-00272734 of the things you quickly want to look DdzLiZm44S0-00922-00272735-00273253 at is what we our library put I'm in DdzLiZm44S0-00923-00273254-00273403 touch with a librarian at the Zambia DdzLiZm44S0-00924-00273404-00273587 cultural Research Institute and one of DdzLiZm44S0-00925-00273588-00273826 the things we talk about is how they're DdzLiZm44S0-00926-00273827-00274006 thinking how can we manage the data that DdzLiZm44S0-00927-00274007-00274459 our researchers produce and I every time DdzLiZm44S0-00928-00274460-00274852 my hands is the moment you have a policy DdzLiZm44S0-00929-00274853-00275087 and having discussed with your DdzLiZm44S0-00930-00275088-00275291 researchers you know exactly what you DdzLiZm44S0-00931-00275292-00275428 want to keep on what you'd want to keep DdzLiZm44S0-00932-00275429-00275860 and researchers we it be easy for DdzLiZm44S0-00933-00275861-00276280 researchers to follow a policy so come DdzLiZm44S0-00934-00276281-00276443 up with the police and decide what you DdzLiZm44S0-00935-00276444-00276869 keep and what you want so they're a lot DdzLiZm44S0-00936-00276870-00277135 of pain I won't really dwell on this I DdzLiZm44S0-00937-00277136-00277319 know this has been talked about there DdzLiZm44S0-00938-00277320-00277633 are a lot of benefits that come with DdzLiZm44S0-00939-00277634-00277924 having an IR okay benefits to the DdzLiZm44S0-00940-00277925-00278109 researcher benefits to the institution DdzLiZm44S0-00941-00278110-00278312 benefits to the community DdzLiZm44S0-00942-00278313-00278690 okay so there are all these benefits DdzLiZm44S0-00943-00278691-00278799 that and DdzLiZm44S0-00944-00278800-00279267 and Alec looked at timber around too DdzLiZm44S0-00945-00279268-00279474 much on this okay so for the researcher DdzLiZm44S0-00946-00279475-00279735 this impact and then the researcher also DdzLiZm44S0-00947-00279736-00280052 has easy access to other resources now I DdzLiZm44S0-00948-00280053-00280479 as a researcher I can easily write an DdzLiZm44S0-00949-00280480-00280815 article or do a presentation on DdzLiZm44S0-00950-00280816-00281108 institutional repositories because DdzLiZm44S0-00951-00281109-00281421 there's a lot of open access resources DdzLiZm44S0-00952-00281422-00281628 that I can rely on to prepare whatever DdzLiZm44S0-00953-00281629-00282048 I'm trying to do okay and the DdzLiZm44S0-00954-00282049-00282279 institution is known because you DdzLiZm44S0-00955-00282280-00282606 disseminate more information okay you DdzLiZm44S0-00956-00282607-00282861 make an impact the profile of a DdzLiZm44S0-00957-00282862-00283131 university is known okay but you also DdzLiZm44S0-00958-00283132-00283476 keep information assets of a university DdzLiZm44S0-00959-00283477-00283833 and that is very important so in DdzLiZm44S0-00960-00283834-00284190 University was established in 1964 on DdzLiZm44S0-00961-00284191-00284457 that last one of the things with boast DdzLiZm44S0-00962-00284458-00284691 about how well have we kept the DdzLiZm44S0-00963-00284692-00285003 information assets if we add an IRA from DdzLiZm44S0-00964-00285004-00285255 that van would keep and so now we begin DdzLiZm44S0-00965-00285256-00285621 to talk digitization you know but one of DdzLiZm44S0-00966-00285622-00285981 the major ways but going forward h-he DdzLiZm44S0-00967-00285982-00286298 everyday is introducing something okay DdzLiZm44S0-00968-00286299-00286581 accreditation standards what what Robert DdzLiZm44S0-00969-00286582-00286734 I want to tell you something DdzLiZm44S0-00970-00286735-00287028 our speak like a prophet soon very soon DdzLiZm44S0-00971-00287029-00287427 I don't know when one of the things the DdzLiZm44S0-00972-00287428-00287610 higher education authority to be talking DdzLiZm44S0-00973-00287611-00287781 about for libraries will be the presence DdzLiZm44S0-00974-00287782-00288210 of an ayah I don't know when but soon DdzLiZm44S0-00975-00288211-00288366 we'll be talking about it okay at the DdzLiZm44S0-00976-00288367-00288609 university have an IR or have an art DdzLiZm44S0-00977-00288610-00288903 department they know soon soon it might DdzLiZm44S0-00978-00288904-00289299 take five years but this would be the DdzLiZm44S0-00979-00289300-00289743 way to go okay and light on talked about DdzLiZm44S0-00980-00289744-00290031 reduction of costs if you have an IR and DdzLiZm44S0-00981-00290032-00290355 a lot of other universities use them do DdzLiZm44S0-00982-00290356-00290682 you realize that white channel DdzLiZm44S0-00983-00290683-00291006 subscription fees to journals are DdzLiZm44S0-00984-00291007-00291293 required to pay when they are cheaper DdzLiZm44S0-00985-00291294-00291918 options okay so information is freely DdzLiZm44S0-00986-00291919-00292179 out there now what are some of you DdzLiZm44S0-00987-00292180-00292350 job concerns that come with self DdzLiZm44S0-00988-00292351-00292494 archiving and using institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00989-00292495-00292877 repositories number one quality control DdzLiZm44S0-00990-00292878-00293322 many of argue that poor and bad wigs DdzLiZm44S0-00991-00293323-00293553 will end up in the institutional DdzLiZm44S0-00992-00293554-00294027 repository because it's the author it's DdzLiZm44S0-00993-00294028-00294439 you that just deposits the waking Bay in DdzLiZm44S0-00994-00294440-00294978 the IR so I talked about those Adam the DdzLiZm44S0-00995-00294979-00295227 method of most week that will end up in DdzLiZm44S0-00996-00295228-00295540 the IR dissertations the your supervisor DdzLiZm44S0-00997-00295541-00295816 look at it conference paper you have DdzLiZm44S0-00998-00295817-00296151 presented it at a conference German DdzLiZm44S0-00999-00296152-00296735 artico you love published in a journal DdzLiZm44S0-01000-00296736-00297088 in a journal or sometime the lecture DdzLiZm44S0-01001-00297089-00297316 notes can be put in the IR you are not DdzLiZm44S0-01002-00297317-00297538 the only ones we are not the only one DdzLiZm44S0-01003-00297539-00297753 some courses are core torch isn't it so DdzLiZm44S0-01004-00297754-00297948 in fact that you and some of the other DdzLiZm44S0-01005-00297949-00298218 colleagues look at courses and you and DdzLiZm44S0-01006-00298219-00298666 so quality in a way brings itself ok but DdzLiZm44S0-01007-00298667-00298893 also have a policy determine what should DdzLiZm44S0-01008-00298894-00299256 and what children one of the other DdzLiZm44S0-01009-00299257-00299464 problems with IR one of a common concern DdzLiZm44S0-01010-00299465-00299685 for most people is the intellectual DdzLiZm44S0-01011-00299686-00299866 property rights copyright DdzLiZm44S0-01012-00299867-00300102 so publishers usually when you make an DdzLiZm44S0-01013-00300103-00300309 agreement with a publisher ok for DdzLiZm44S0-01014-00300310-00300624 example there's AI di Globo or some of DdzLiZm44S0-01015-00300625-00300924 these other big publishers you kind of DdzLiZm44S0-01016-00300925-00301248 like get the right okay so they've been DdzLiZm44S0-01017-00301249-00301485 transferred for how long haven't been DdzLiZm44S0-01018-00301486-00301704 transferred after how long can does my DdzLiZm44S0-01019-00301705-00302007 wake become mine okay am I able to have DdzLiZm44S0-01020-00302008-00302250 an agreement or discussion with the DdzLiZm44S0-01021-00302251-00302579 publisher sorta understand exactly I DdzLiZm44S0-01022-00302580-00302954 understand exactly what I should do with DdzLiZm44S0-01023-00302955-00303347 with the articles okay I remember we we DdzLiZm44S0-01024-00303348-00303999 publish to an article in Kenya and none DdzLiZm44S0-01025-00304000-00304237 of us even read about the publishers DdzLiZm44S0-01026-00304238-00304452 requirements we have got a chopped and DdzLiZm44S0-01027-00304453-00304692 put it online and after some days that DdzLiZm44S0-01028-00304693-00304956 are thinking we've got to really read DdzLiZm44S0-01029-00304957-00305220 and understand this book chapter what it DdzLiZm44S0-01030-00305221-00305507 means to put this particular thing only DdzLiZm44S0-01031-00305508-00305763 you want to think really because a lot DdzLiZm44S0-01032-00305764-00306018 of authors think if I put it I put my DdzLiZm44S0-01033-00306019-00306179 wig online maybe amber netting DdzLiZm44S0-01034-00306180-00306452 publishers right and often times we find DdzLiZm44S0-01035-00306453-00306656 that publishers won't even ask words ask DdzLiZm44S0-01036-00306657-00307046 you about it I don't know okay so also DdzLiZm44S0-01037-00307047-00307314 you want to look at your own situation DdzLiZm44S0-01038-00307315-00307502 alright you want to look at your own see DdzLiZm44S0-01039-00307503-00308107 also worry that people plagiarize it DdzLiZm44S0-01040-00308108-00308384 okay that's why universities are DdzLiZm44S0-01041-00308385-00308817 investing and preterism assistant one of DdzLiZm44S0-01042-00308818-00309095 the major arguments from the the people DdzLiZm44S0-01043-00309096-00309363 that are so ugly so much about the DdzLiZm44S0-01044-00309364-00309632 traditional method is that so far having DdzLiZm44S0-01045-00309633-00309821 undermined the tried and tested method DdzLiZm44S0-01046-00309822-00310060 of publishing okay DdzLiZm44S0-01047-00310061-00310406 how you know you write something and DdzLiZm44S0-01048-00310407-00310682 then you put it online okay but that is DdzLiZm44S0-01049-00310683-00310995 the argument I was making a lot of the DdzLiZm44S0-01050-00310996-00311228 things that will end up in the IR would DdzLiZm44S0-01051-00311229-00311477 have gone through the same process that DdzLiZm44S0-01052-00311478-00311984 the traditional method do you publish in DdzLiZm44S0-01053-00311985-00312398 a journal and then you get your attic DdzLiZm44S0-01054-00312399-00312800 and you put it online okay a lot of DdzLiZm44S0-01055-00312801-00312950 researchers who complain that I don't I DdzLiZm44S0-01056-00312951-00313170 don't have the time to do so I DdzLiZm44S0-01057-00313171-00313358 don't have the time to so that's DdzLiZm44S0-01058-00313359-00313598 why it's important that as an DdzLiZm44S0-01059-00313599-00313835 institutional library adopt DdzLiZm44S0-01060-00313836-00314053 [Music] DdzLiZm44S0-01061-00314054-00314303 institutional self archiving do it for DdzLiZm44S0-01062-00314304-00314501 for the researchers because they're DdzLiZm44S0-01063-00314502-00314795 complaining about this see all right DdzLiZm44S0-01064-00314796-00315322 so recently we did a study that DdzLiZm44S0-01065-00315323-00315537 hopefully will be published in one of DdzLiZm44S0-01066-00315538-00315980 the journals at unser and we looked at DdzLiZm44S0-01067-00315981-00316279 what has some of the challenges that DdzLiZm44S0-01068-00316280-00316556 members of staff face with regards to DdzLiZm44S0-01069-00316557-00316685 academia work DdzLiZm44S0-01070-00316686-00316893 it was interesting that a number of them DdzLiZm44S0-01071-00316894-00317163 that are time time constraints you know DdzLiZm44S0-01072-00317164-00317279 I don't have time to do this there's DdzLiZm44S0-01073-00317280-00317558 enough time to do this time was a DdzLiZm44S0-01074-00317559-00318045 problem I had a few who realize that I DdzLiZm44S0-01075-00318046-00318543 have an idea I have hoped people self a DdzLiZm44S0-01076-00318544-00318827 kabukiman zero I've got this number what DdzLiZm44S0-01077-00318828-00318896 caused you DdzLiZm44S0-01078-00318897-00319239 you do this for me and that's why I am DdzLiZm44S0-01079-00319240-00319566 Pro and for the idea that is the IR DdzLiZm44S0-01080-00319567-00319890 Department can go round as people bring DdzLiZm44S0-01081-00319891-00320154 and who do it for you and mr. Zulu has DdzLiZm44S0-01082-00320155-00320409 done that example mr. su knows that DdzLiZm44S0-01083-00320410-00320576 actually sometimes going around DdzLiZm44S0-01084-00320577-00320826 departments sitting down on people's DdzLiZm44S0-01085-00320827-00321135 digs discs and archiving on their behalf DdzLiZm44S0-01086-00321136-00321342 one of the other problems lack of DdzLiZm44S0-01087-00321343-00321618 technical skills on on sofa kind wingman DdzLiZm44S0-01088-00321619-00321903 using the ir a-- okay and and this is DdzLiZm44S0-01089-00321904-00322125 this is known because we come from DdzLiZm44S0-01090-00322126-00322353 different backgrounds okay there's some DdzLiZm44S0-01091-00322354-00322965 people who are scared of a month yeah so DdzLiZm44S0-01092-00322966-00323610 they just won't do it others are doing DdzLiZm44S0-01093-00323611-00323835 enough to help us I've had these DdzLiZm44S0-01094-00323836-00324186 arguments okay and people were openly DdzLiZm44S0-01095-00324187-00324333 saying the library is not doing enough DdzLiZm44S0-01096-00324334-00324828 to support to help us do sofa carving I DdzLiZm44S0-01097-00324829-00325086 just don't understand this open-access DdzLiZm44S0-01098-00325087-00325341 thing and so far I really could you DdzLiZm44S0-01099-00325342-00325752 explain and that's what that man when he DdzLiZm44S0-01100-00325753-00325923 had open access week it was very DdzLiZm44S0-01101-00325924-00326061 interesting that when we had their DdzLiZm44S0-01102-00326062-00326325 launch the the day off of launching he DdzLiZm44S0-01103-00326326-00326613 came and after I explained something he DdzLiZm44S0-01104-00326614-00326850 said hey Aman come let's let's go to my DdzLiZm44S0-01105-00326851-00327018 office explain this thing to me it was DdzLiZm44S0-01106-00327019-00327258 it was very interesting I don't really DdzLiZm44S0-01107-00327259-00327516 understand this open access thing okay DdzLiZm44S0-01108-00327517-00327693 and this so you mean I can put DdzLiZm44S0-01109-00327694-00328077 my wig out there and there's also just a DdzLiZm44S0-01110-00328078-00328269 lot of regret for some of it DdzLiZm44S0-01111-00328270-00328629 elderly people I know who they say I DdzLiZm44S0-01112-00328630-00328898 wish I started practicing so far Kaiping DdzLiZm44S0-01113-00328899-00329250 5-10 years ago my story would have been DdzLiZm44S0-01114-00329251-00329307 different DdzLiZm44S0-01115-00329308-00329604 yeah I've heard that you know so people DdzLiZm44S0-01116-00329605-00329919 just didn't know and this is also just a DdzLiZm44S0-01117-00329920-00330288 fear of our violet publisher copyright DdzLiZm44S0-01118-00330289-00330603 okay so one of the things you want to do DdzLiZm44S0-01119-00330604-00330915 as as as a knowledgeable person explain DdzLiZm44S0-01120-00330916-00331425 this publisher copyright explain okay is DdzLiZm44S0-01121-00331426-00331632 it possible we can can we contact your DdzLiZm44S0-01122-00331633-00331701 publisher DdzLiZm44S0-01123-00331702-00331940 okay write them an email I'm thinking of DdzLiZm44S0-01124-00331941-00332163 putting my work online DdzLiZm44S0-01125-00332164-00332325 freaky night and you'll find that the DdzLiZm44S0-01126-00332326-00332562 publishers don't even care about it okay DdzLiZm44S0-01127-00332563-00333414 then Phil who my wake I don't think this DdzLiZm44S0-01128-00333415-00333767 should even come about okay Sophia of DdzLiZm44S0-01129-00333768-00334183 but you work getting pleasure I saw in DdzLiZm44S0-01130-00334184-00334743 in a nutshell what what my presentation DdzLiZm44S0-01131-00334744-00334974 was really about there is this DdzLiZm44S0-01132-00334975-00335145 traditional way of communicating DdzLiZm44S0-01133-00335146-00335477 scientific or scholarly works okay that DdzLiZm44S0-01134-00335478-00335759 has been used for years and they say DdzLiZm44S0-01135-00335760-00335984 change sometimes difficult to embrace DdzLiZm44S0-01136-00335985-00336195 and then came technology and came open DdzLiZm44S0-01137-00336196-00336434 access it came so far having came DdzLiZm44S0-01138-00336435-00336910 institutional repositories that offer a DdzLiZm44S0-01139-00336911-00337473 quick efficient and cheaper alternative DdzLiZm44S0-01140-00337474-00337670 for communicating scholarly works and DdzLiZm44S0-01141-00337671-00338112 it's one for us information computer DdzLiZm44S0-01142-00338113-00338558 scientists this is one area that can can DdzLiZm44S0-01143-00338559-00338715 showcase our relevance DdzLiZm44S0-01144-00338716-00338984 I know developing apps and what is doing DdzLiZm44S0-01145-00338985-00339224 that but this is an area that is still DdzLiZm44S0-01146-00339225-00339710 you know requires exploration and we DdzLiZm44S0-01147-00339711-00340004 should jump right into it yourself so DdzLiZm44S0-01148-00340005-00340376 this is the end of my presentation on DdzLiZm44S0-01149-00340377-00340572 one of the last things that you want to DdzLiZm44S0-01150-00340573-00340856 do to really promote self archiving and DdzLiZm44S0-01151-00340857-00341043 use of an institutional repositories DdzLiZm44S0-01152-00341044-00341225 develop policies and mandates I'm glad DdzLiZm44S0-01153-00341226-00341558 mr. Bostick was talking about the police DdzLiZm44S0-01154-00341559-00341849 at moons are being successful I asked DdzLiZm44S0-01155-00341850-00342018 him one question though I said for what DdzLiZm44S0-01156-00342019-00342206 is your next plan you know what is the DdzLiZm44S0-01157-00342207-00342484 next thing you're doing you know so like DdzLiZm44S0-01158-00342485-00342950 what's the next thing it does gone DdzLiZm44S0-01159-00342951-00343229 Trussell the next thing is let's market DdzLiZm44S0-01160-00343230-00343559 it let's we can have a we can go for a DdzLiZm44S0-01161-00343560-00343876 public meeting so that lecturers DdzLiZm44S0-01162-00343877-00344225 researchers know what is expected of DdzLiZm44S0-01163-00344226-00344520 them based on what the policy says now DdzLiZm44S0-01164-00344521-00344800 here and here's an example of a mandate DdzLiZm44S0-01165-00344801-00345104 one of the institutions in the years DdzLiZm44S0-01166-00345105-00345543 okay so you can make a mandate DdzLiZm44S0-01167-00345544-00345809 that goes something like from this time DdzLiZm44S0-01168-00345810-00346258 okay from 22 mm so all's I can say from DdzLiZm44S0-01169-00346259-00346794 2002 2020 anyone employed at the invest DdzLiZm44S0-01170-00346795-00347006 exam Bay and publishes an article based DdzLiZm44S0-01171-00347007-00347295 on research funded by the invest exam be DdzLiZm44S0-01172-00347296-00347616 of the Cassie invest OC be masks DdzLiZm44S0-01173-00347617-00347933 deposited okay must deposit the final DdzLiZm44S0-01174-00347934-00348246 vision the peer-reviewed manuscript to DdzLiZm44S0-01175-00348247-00348453 the is sure positive DdzLiZm44S0-01176-00348454-00348678 okay so that it can be freely obsessed DdzLiZm44S0-01177-00348679-00348959 so for this institution they use PubMed DdzLiZm44S0-01178-00348960-00349207 Central all right all right so I I DdzLiZm44S0-01179-00349208-00349575 strongly suggest if the policy direction DdzLiZm44S0-01180-00349576-00349859 and a mandate it's easier food for DdzLiZm44S0-01181-00349860-00350037 members of tough to follow because n DdzLiZm44S0-01182-00350038-00350313 know that there's something that they DdzLiZm44S0-01183-00350314-00350448 need there they're supposed to work with DdzLiZm44S0-01184-00350449-00350735 yeah so thank you so much that's really DdzLiZm44S0-01185-00350736-00351299 what I wanted to discuss and talk about DdzLiZm44S0-01186-00351300-00351771 alright thank you so much I'm bill for DdzLiZm44S0-01187-00351772-00352113 that very insightful talk really DdzLiZm44S0-01188-00352114-00352416 interesting here's to hoping it helps to DdzLiZm44S0-01189-00352417-00352548 put certain things that we've talked DdzLiZm44S0-01190-00352549-00352788 about in the perspective and especially DdzLiZm44S0-01191-00352789-00352923 some of the things already discussed it DdzLiZm44S0-01192-00352924-00353247 before us today and on Monday also those DdzLiZm44S0-01193-00353248-00353379 are those of you that were probably DdzLiZm44S0-01194-00353380-00353664 paying pay attention to to Zachary's DdzLiZm44S0-01195-00353665-00353967 talk who remember that he he said that DdzLiZm44S0-01196-00353968-00354162 one of the things they do as a DdzLiZm44S0-01197-00354163-00354407 department before they upload what other DdzLiZm44S0-01198-00354408-00354642 this mission creep print or post prints DdzLiZm44S0-01199-00354643-00354965 is the user a website is called DdzLiZm44S0-01200-00354966-00355355 pepperoni on right and what it does is DdzLiZm44S0-01201-00355356-00355655 it provides you with a quick way of DdzLiZm44S0-01202-00355656-00355923 trying to figure out whether or not the DdzLiZm44S0-01203-00355924-00356159 publishers put that particular clip into DdzLiZm44S0-01204-00356160-00356415 post print I'm giving you access to DdzLiZm44S0-01205-00356416-00356606 archive that content onto your DdzLiZm44S0-01206-00356607-00356814 institutional repository right so so DdzLiZm44S0-01207-00356815-00356928 many different things that I've talked DdzLiZm44S0-01208-00356929-00357140 about you know interesting things about DdzLiZm44S0-01209-00357141-00357642 various open access models right god DdzLiZm44S0-01210-00357643-00357930 this is green I'm interesting enough he DdzLiZm44S0-01211-00357931-00358146 also raised the issue of quality I DdzLiZm44S0-01212-00358147-00358323 remember having a conversation of had DdzLiZm44S0-01213-00358324-00358460 this conversation with Zachary and I DdzLiZm44S0-01214-00358461-00358743 believe at the other on why the owners DdzLiZm44S0-01215-00358744-00358940 decided to pause on applauded DdzLiZm44S0-01216-00358941-00359162 student capstone project reports if you DdzLiZm44S0-01217-00359163-00359309 check on the owner website you realize DdzLiZm44S0-01218-00359310-00359687 that the last final year project report DdzLiZm44S0-01219-00359688-00359888 you know was reported fourth years of DdzLiZm44S0-01220-00359889-00360083 fifty years in engineering we produced DdzLiZm44S0-01221-00360084-00360260 the last one I think was uploaded in DdzLiZm44S0-01222-00360261-00360536 2015 so these conversations to do with DdzLiZm44S0-01223-00360537-00360767 the quality of output that you're DdzLiZm44S0-01224-00360768-00361178 exposing on the IR and so we invite DdzLiZm44S0-01225-00361179-00361643 questions please feel free and ask away DdzLiZm44S0-01226-00361644-00361886 thank you DfH1i401BCM-00000-00000008-00000191 i do not understand how people are not DfH1i401BCM-00001-00000192-00000407 afraid of spiders like it has eight legs DfH1i401BCM-00002-00000408-00000607 and like twenty thousand eyes DfH1i401BCM-00003-00000608-00000774 i saw a spider in my room you think i'm DfH1i401BCM-00004-00000775-00000935 gonna sleep in there and nope i'm moving DfH1i401BCM-00005-00000936-00001280 to japan konichiwa DhmkUHeyCkY-00000-00000107-00000346 foreign DhmkUHeyCkY-00001-00000347-00003247 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00002-00003247-00003683 maybe surrounded by a million people I DhmkUHeyCkY-00003-00003684-00003929 still feel all alone DhmkUHeyCkY-00004-00003929-00004301 just wanna go home DhmkUHeyCkY-00005-00004302-00004681 I miss you you know DhmkUHeyCkY-00006-00004682-00005253 and I've been keeping all the letters DhmkUHeyCkY-00007-00005254-00005795 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00008-00005796-00006204 I'm fine baby how are you DhmkUHeyCkY-00009-00006205-00006617 but I would send them but I know that DhmkUHeyCkY-00010-00006618-00006886 it's just not enough DhmkUHeyCkY-00011-00006887-00007087 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00012-00007088-00007161 [Applause] DhmkUHeyCkY-00013-00007162-00007834 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00014-00007836-00008208 foreign DhmkUHeyCkY-00015-00008209-00010126 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00016-00010127-00010651 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00017-00010652-00011014 come on DhmkUHeyCkY-00018-00011015-00011471 and I feel just like I'm living someone DhmkUHeyCkY-00019-00011472-00011683 else's life DhmkUHeyCkY-00020-00011684-00012067 it's like I just tapped outside DhmkUHeyCkY-00021-00012068-00012824 when everything was going right DhmkUHeyCkY-00022-00012825-00013561 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00023-00013562-00013801 but you always DhmkUHeyCkY-00024-00013802-00014062 believed in me DhmkUHeyCkY-00025-00014063-00014081 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00026-00014082-00014311 [Applause] DhmkUHeyCkY-00027-00014312-00014657 another winter day has come and gone DhmkUHeyCkY-00028-00014658-00015058 away and even Paris and Rome and I wanna DhmkUHeyCkY-00029-00015059-00015166 go home DhmkUHeyCkY-00030-00015168-00015397 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00031-00015397-00015816 go home DhmkUHeyCkY-00032-00015818-00016229 and I'm surrounded by a million people I DhmkUHeyCkY-00033-00016230-00017131 I still feel alone don't let me go home DhmkUHeyCkY-00034-00017132-00017689 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00035-00017690-00017825 [Applause] DhmkUHeyCkY-00036-00017826-00017856 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00037-00017857-00018211 [Applause] DhmkUHeyCkY-00038-00018212-00018761 baby I'm done DhmkUHeyCkY-00039-00018762-00019347 let me go home DhmkUHeyCkY-00040-00019348-00019967 [Music] DhmkUHeyCkY-00041-00019968-00020514 I'll be home tonight DhmkUHeyCkY-00042-00020515-00020939 I'm coming back DhmkUHeyCkY-00043-00020940-00021391 home DhmkUHeyCkY-00044-00021392-00021569 thank you DhmkUHeyCkY-00045-00021570-00022627 [Music] DirpzWUS-bk-00000-00000003-00000233 so everyone my name is Tegan welcome DirpzWUS-bk-00001-00000234-00000422 back to sandy rights so I've mentioned DirpzWUS-bk-00002-00000423-00000566 in the few videos now that I'm working DirpzWUS-bk-00003-00000567-00000853 on the little story and today I'm gonna DirpzWUS-bk-00004-00000855-00000965 be doing the working progress DirpzWUS-bk-00005-00000966-00001193 tag to tell you more about that story DirpzWUS-bk-00006-00001194-00001558 let's begin what is the working title of DirpzWUS-bk-00007-00001559-00001871 your book the working title and more DirpzWUS-bk-00008-00001872-00002054 than likely the final title is paper DirpzWUS-bk-00009-00002055-00002339 forests where did the idea come from DirpzWUS-bk-00010-00002340-00002758 fear book so the storyline is based on DirpzWUS-bk-00011-00002759-00002959 the paper Kingdom which is the DirpzWUS-bk-00012-00002960-00003217 unreleased v My Chemical Romance album DirpzWUS-bk-00013-00003218-00003734 and Jedi sit Jared Gerard in merits DirpzWUS-bk-00014-00003735-00004240 Gerard's but I'm very British so Jared DirpzWUS-bk-00015-00004241-00004697 anyway he described the album as a DirpzWUS-bk-00016-00004698-00004895 concept record about a group of parents DirpzWUS-bk-00017-00004896-00005047 in a support group because they've all DirpzWUS-bk-00018-00005048-00005195 lost their children in a horrible way DirpzWUS-bk-00019-00005196-00005563 and that I desk with me evidence I heard DirpzWUS-bk-00020-00005564-00005765 it and then the story started to build DirpzWUS-bk-00021-00005766-00006038 itself also I remember seeing a prompt DirpzWUS-bk-00022-00006039-00006256 on Pinterest that's what they did where DirpzWUS-bk-00023-00006257-00006439 all the characters are like cat pee in DirpzWUS-bk-00024-00006440-00006803 the afterlife and the big issue is that DirpzWUS-bk-00025-00006804-00006959 everyone's being brought to life again DirpzWUS-bk-00026-00006959-00007283 and that's another idea that stuck in my DirpzWUS-bk-00027-00007284-00007559 head and they added to the my come grab DirpzWUS-bk-00028-00007559-00007817 a table and then this story just DirpzWUS-bk-00029-00007818-00008138 flourished what genre it does your book DirpzWUS-bk-00030-00008139-00008495 fall under so I looked on like the DirpzWUS-bk-00031-00008496-00008702 Amazon categories to see what I would DirpzWUS-bk-00032-00008703-00008846 put it under because I buting the DirpzWUS-bk-00033-00008847-00009224 breakdown is up piece and a breakdown DirpzWUS-bk-00034-00009225-00009753 comes under romance contemporary I think DirpzWUS-bk-00035-00009754-00009953 so I looked and I'm going to see what DirpzWUS-bk-00036-00009954-00010127 paper for circle under when I'm pretty DirpzWUS-bk-00037-00010128-00010378 sure it's fantasy contemporary or DirpzWUS-bk-00038-00010379-00010667 romance fantasy I won't put it in the DirpzWUS-bk-00039-00010668-00010973 gay LGBT category those categories are DirpzWUS-bk-00040-00010974-00011203 usually full of like a lot of erotica DirpzWUS-bk-00041-00011204-00011528 and NSFW stuff I didn't want to put this DirpzWUS-bk-00042-00011529-00011960 like nice why a thing in with order like DirpzWUS-bk-00043-00011961-00012512 the smut but it is a gay LGBT story I'm DirpzWUS-bk-00044-00012513-00012785 just not categorizing it as app which DirpzWUS-bk-00045-00012786-00012985 actors would you choose to play in your DirpzWUS-bk-00046-00012986-00013126 movie rendition DirpzWUS-bk-00047-00013127-00013330 now for about this brief leaks or DirpzWUS-bk-00048-00013331-00013459 scrolling few Pinterest to get like DirpzWUS-bk-00049-00013460-00013663 pictures for mood boards or closures I DirpzWUS-bk-00050-00013663-00013941 looked right the UM character DirpzWUS-bk-00051-00013943-00014386 inspiration attacks but I never really DirpzWUS-bk-00052-00014387-00014707 had specific actors in mind well as DirpzWUS-bk-00053-00014708-00014896 making my paper force board I found DirpzWUS-bk-00054-00014897-00015121 Matthew levain he was someone who's very DirpzWUS-bk-00055-00015122-00015355 similar to the August in my mind but DirpzWUS-bk-00056-00015356-00015472 other than that there's been you know DirpzWUS-bk-00057-00015472-00015816 one what is the one sentence synopsis of DirpzWUS-bk-00058-00015818-00016258 your book well I need to like draft it a DirpzWUS-bk-00059-00016259-00016456 little more so it can be either beaten DirpzWUS-bk-00060-00016457-00016645 to break down wall which has you know DirpzWUS-bk-00061-00016646-00016990 plot character goal but at the moment DirpzWUS-bk-00062-00016991-00017221 it's just when children and teenagers DirpzWUS-bk-00063-00017222-00017368 are on the brink of death the souls DirpzWUS-bk-00064-00017369-00017578 visit at personal heaven before moving DirpzWUS-bk-00065-00017579-00017848 on to their final resting place which is DirpzWUS-bk-00066-00017849-00017968 like putting it nicely DirpzWUS-bk-00067-00017969-00018184 I believe well your book be DirpzWUS-bk-00068-00018185-00018373 self-published or represented by an DirpzWUS-bk-00069-00018374-00018655 agency so just like I do have beaten the DirpzWUS-bk-00070-00018656-00018826 breakdown I'm going to self-publish it DirpzWUS-bk-00071-00018827-00019054 so I have it for creative control over DirpzWUS-bk-00072-00019055-00019201 the appearance and the content and DirpzWUS-bk-00073-00019202-00019441 everything well up however within like a DirpzWUS-bk-00074-00019442-00019690 few months publication I'll probably be DirpzWUS-bk-00075-00019691-00019888 like querying agents for the chance of DirpzWUS-bk-00076-00019889-00020152 being represented by an agency a final DirpzWUS-bk-00077-00020153-00020341 question how long did it take you to DirpzWUS-bk-00078-00020342-00020515 write the first draft of your manuscript DirpzWUS-bk-00079-00020516-00020812 as this is the work in progress tack the DirpzWUS-bk-00080-00020813-00021016 first draft is still a work in progress DirpzWUS-bk-00081-00021017-00021313 but I wrote the prologue like so long DirpzWUS-bk-00082-00021314-00021520 ago like probably while are still DirpzWUS-bk-00083-00021521-00021739 writing butan breakdown and I can't DirpzWUS-bk-00084-00021740-00022129 remember exactly when it was my Betty DirpzWUS-bk-00085-00022130-00022363 read the prologue I stuck it in my DirpzWUS-bk-00086-00022364-00022594 folder of my work documents I get left DirpzWUS-bk-00087-00022595-00023038 to die until around camp nano 2017 I DirpzWUS-bk-00088-00023039-00023161 thought you know what that's an DirpzWUS-bk-00089-00023162-00023410 interesting idea let's work a bit and DirpzWUS-bk-00090-00023411-00023722 now it's going to be my next book so in DirpzWUS-bk-00091-00023723-00023854 the comments below tell me a little bit DirpzWUS-bk-00092-00023855-00024079 about your work in progress I hope you DirpzWUS-bk-00093-00024080-00024235 enjoyed this video and I always see you DirpzWUS-bk-00094-00024236-00024535 next time bye DmakEDi041g-00000-00000000-00000030 [Music] DmakEDi041g-00001-00000031-00000391 activists more like supremacists DmakEDi041g-00002-00000392-00000749 feminists more like violence DmakEDi041g-00003-00000750-00001050 sexist fascist ableist meanders DmakEDi041g-00004-00001051-00001320 cynical egotistical hypocritical DmakEDi041g-00005-00001321-00001684 megalomaniacal diabolical bestness you DmakEDi041g-00006-00001685-00001901 mess with my boys we'll mess you the DmakEDi041g-00007-00001902-00002017 hell off DmakEDi041g-00008-00002018-00002407 Sigma Squad represent DmakEDi041g-00009-00002408-00002687 now it's beat your all-starred in French DmakEDi041g-00010-00002688-00002902 come at me you mother truckers think DmakEDi041g-00011-00002903-00003166 you're Garden lunch come at me all my DmakEDi041g-00012-00003167-00003475 [__] straight Gardens DmakEDi041g-00013-00003476-00003785 down for the whole world to see now it's DmakEDi041g-00014-00003786-00003967 beef y'all starting DmakEDi041g-00015-00003968-00004315 you mother truckers think DmakEDi041g-00016-00004316-00004735 all my [__] straight Gardens DmakEDi041g-00017-00004736-00005111 down for the whole world to see summer DmakEDi041g-00018-00005112-00005320 year I can stupid for the thrill of it DmakEDi041g-00019-00005321-00005572 why the hell should I have to listen to DmakEDi041g-00020-00005573-00005818 a hypocrite start a fight with me I get DmakEDi041g-00021-00005819-00006065 wild finner make you tap hit your wasp DmakEDi041g-00022-00006066-00006256 back in self-defense you can't tell me DmakEDi041g-00023-00006257-00006514 Crop beat down only cause killing folks DmakEDi041g-00024-00006515-00006719 ain't my style if you gang up on me then DmakEDi041g-00025-00006720-00006995 like crew comes in a while throw yard to DmakEDi041g-00026-00006995-00007192 the ground no rape cause I ain't to know DmakEDi041g-00027-00007193-00007396 that but if you get difficult and you DmakEDi041g-00028-00007397-00007637 can make me use my gut blaming all your DmakEDi041g-00029-00007638-00007919 crimes on us your B2 face you be doing DmakEDi041g-00030-00007920-00008219 crying too bra is your key lace Twisters DmakEDi041g-00031-00008220-00008507 because you try to get off the hook now DmakEDi041g-00032-00008508-00008735 we're not allowed to fight back not in DmakEDi041g-00033-00008736-00008981 my book try that crap on us you can get DmakEDi041g-00034-00008982-00009178 it in our second pound you mother DmakEDi041g-00035-00009179-00009455 truckers who are Hulk like I reckon no DmakEDi041g-00036-00009456-00009653 surprise if your husband throw you out DmakEDi041g-00037-00009654-00009892 there because that watch your get for DmakEDi041g-00038-00009893-00010114 abusing your spouse now it's beef you DmakEDi041g-00039-00010115-00010355 all started wench come at me you mother DmakEDi041g-00040-00010356-00010585 truckers think DmakEDi041g-00041-00010586-00010889 all my [__] straight Garden lunch come DmakEDi041g-00042-00010890-00011105 at me We Gonna Leave You winches down DmakEDi041g-00043-00011106-00011345 for the whole world to see now it's beef DmakEDi041g-00044-00011346-00011596 you all started wench come at me you DmakEDi041g-00045-00011597-00011838 mother truckers DmakEDi041g-00046-00011839-00012142 all my [__] straight Garden lunch come DmakEDi041g-00047-00012143-00012401 at me we gonna eat you winches down for DmakEDi041g-00048-00012402-00012695 the whole world to see mirrors that's DmakEDi041g-00049-00012696-00013049 what you nib you hit me first hit say DmakEDi041g-00050-00013050-00013361 hit back to see aiming for my boss I DmakEDi041g-00051-00013362-00013558 might show the new theme imma kick you DmakEDi041g-00052-00013559-00013738 in the nuke then I'll hear your little DmakEDi041g-00053-00013740-00013979 stream you touch one I was saying it's DmakEDi041g-00054-00013980-00014165 all I will see you touching we got our DmakEDi041g-00055-00014166-00014375 weapons on us [__] we be double DmakEDi041g-00056-00014376-00014597 dutching stunting on your ass we might DmakEDi041g-00057-00014597-00014843 give you Jose punching try to get back DmakEDi041g-00058-00014844-00015077 up then your heads are for the crunchy DmakEDi041g-00059-00015078-00015419 enthusiastic cause she rated one husband DmakEDi041g-00060-00015419-00015653 beating slacks face the ditch never see DmakEDi041g-00061-00015654-00015863 the sun trying to normalize kitty man DmakEDi041g-00062-00015863-00016066 someone tell me why all your hitting DmakEDi041g-00063-00016068-00016271 Mandy then who's this and I hope you die DmakEDi041g-00064-00016272-00016541 look at your imprison looking crappy a DmakEDi041g-00065-00016542-00016757 lot in yourself maybe there's been a DmakEDi041g-00066-00016758-00016991 survey harsher sentence down in hell so DmakEDi041g-00067-00016992-00017189 you better think twice and change your DmakEDi041g-00068-00017190-00017435 ways otherwise you can all be on our DmakEDi041g-00069-00017436-00017693 record of slaves now it's video starting DmakEDi041g-00070-00017694-00017939 wench come at me you mother truckers DmakEDi041g-00071-00017940-00018233 think you're charging come at me all my DmakEDi041g-00072-00018234-00018455 [__] straight Garden lunch come at me DmakEDi041g-00073-00018456-00018707 we got a few winches down for the whole DmakEDi041g-00074-00018708-00018917 world to see now it's beef y'all DmakEDi041g-00075-00018918-00019027 starting DmakEDi041g-00076-00019028-00019241 you mother truckers think you're DmakEDi041g-00077-00019242-00019541 starting me all my [__] straight DmakEDi041g-00078-00019542-00019811 Garden lunch come at me We Gonna Leave DmakEDi041g-00079-00019812-00020027 You winches down for the whole world to DmakEDi041g-00080-00020028-00020563 see DmakEDi041g-00081-00020564-00020880 represents DmakEDi041g-00082-00020881-00021172 you stupid women of this day and age try DmakEDi041g-00083-00021173-00021389 to push as hard as y'all can to make DmakEDi041g-00084-00021390-00021605 sure men continue to be oppressed by DmakEDi041g-00085-00021606-00021976 your toxic femininity foreign DmakEDi041g-00086-00021977-00024041 [Music] DmakEDi041g-00087-00024042-00025061 death by Hellfire DmakEDi041g-00088-00025062-00025235 foreign DmakEDi041g-00089-00025236-00025658 [Music] Dn0sWYfLRTo-00000-00000183-00000327 in this video we'll look at how we can Dn0sWYfLRTo-00001-00000328-00000438 add a driver Dn0sWYfLRTo-00002-00000440-00000615 to the eclipse project in order to Dn0sWYfLRTo-00003-00000616-00000919 connect to our database Dn0sWYfLRTo-00004-00000919-00001095 we'll understand what a software driver Dn0sWYfLRTo-00005-00001096-00001270 is Dn0sWYfLRTo-00006-00001271-00001535 you'll learn how to import the driver Dn0sWYfLRTo-00007-00001536-00001679 and you'll learn how to add the driver Dn0sWYfLRTo-00008-00001680-00002047 to the project library Dn0sWYfLRTo-00009-00002048-00002207 first some important terms that you'll Dn0sWYfLRTo-00010-00002208-00002334 need to know to understand what we're Dn0sWYfLRTo-00011-00002335-00002479 doing Dn0sWYfLRTo-00012-00002480-00002718 a driver is a form of middleware Dn0sWYfLRTo-00013-00002719-00002863 software that comes in between Dn0sWYfLRTo-00014-00002864-00003118 other technologies it's used to connect Dn0sWYfLRTo-00015-00003119-00003311 one technology to another Dn0sWYfLRTo-00016-00003311-00003447 you can think of it as a kind of Dn0sWYfLRTo-00017-00003447-00003654 translator that translates commands sent Dn0sWYfLRTo-00018-00003655-00003775 from one technology Dn0sWYfLRTo-00019-00003776-00003943 to commands that can be understood by Dn0sWYfLRTo-00020-00003944-00004175 another technology Dn0sWYfLRTo-00021-00004176-00004375 another important term is that of a jar Dn0sWYfLRTo-00022-00004376-00004486 file Dn0sWYfLRTo-00023-00004487-00004815 jar stands for java archive this is a Dn0sWYfLRTo-00024-00004816-00004951 file that aggregates Dn0sWYfLRTo-00025-00004952-00005167 a library of java classes in a Dn0sWYfLRTo-00026-00005168-00005351 compressed format Dn0sWYfLRTo-00027-00005352-00005583 so we can incorporate java classes that Dn0sWYfLRTo-00028-00005584-00005679 are generally not Dn0sWYfLRTo-00029-00005680-00005902 included in a project by importing and Dn0sWYfLRTo-00030-00005903-00006327 adding a jar file to our project library Dn0sWYfLRTo-00031-00006328-00006503 let's see how we'll do that in eclipse Dn0sWYfLRTo-00032-00006504-00006646 here i have our database Dn0sWYfLRTo-00033-00006647-00007078 demo project open to include the driver Dn0sWYfLRTo-00034-00007079-00007231 first we'll import the driver so that Dn0sWYfLRTo-00035-00007231-00007439 its file is actually a part of our Dn0sWYfLRTo-00036-00007440-00007639 project this is necessary if we're ever Dn0sWYfLRTo-00037-00007640-00007806 going to move the project around on our Dn0sWYfLRTo-00038-00007808-00007887 storage Dn0sWYfLRTo-00039-00007888-00008159 the driver will move along with it then Dn0sWYfLRTo-00040-00008159-00008214 second Dn0sWYfLRTo-00041-00008215-00008446 we're going to add the driver as a Dn0sWYfLRTo-00042-00008447-00008735 library to our project Dn0sWYfLRTo-00043-00008736-00008927 for the first part let's find a Dn0sWYfLRTo-00044-00008928-00009063 convenient place to put it Dn0sWYfLRTo-00045-00009064-00009255 one nice place to put it in a web Dn0sWYfLRTo-00046-00009256-00009574 project is inside of our web content Dn0sWYfLRTo-00047-00009575-00009831 in the web imp folder there's a folder Dn0sWYfLRTo-00048-00009832-00010006 you'll find called lib Dn0sWYfLRTo-00049-00010007-00010263 right click on the live folder from the Dn0sWYfLRTo-00050-00010264-00010510 pop-up menu choose import Dn0sWYfLRTo-00051-00010511-00010751 and in the import dialog choose file Dn0sWYfLRTo-00052-00010752-00010999 system Dn0sWYfLRTo-00053-00011000-00011167 we need to specify the directory in Dn0sWYfLRTo-00054-00011168-00011335 which we're going to find our file Dn0sWYfLRTo-00055-00011336-00011719 so select browse search your hard drive Dn0sWYfLRTo-00056-00011720-00011878 for the location where you stored your Dn0sWYfLRTo-00057-00011879-00012078 downloaded driver file Dn0sWYfLRTo-00058-00012079-00012342 for mine i chose my sql and i put it in Dn0sWYfLRTo-00059-00012343-00012614 a folder called my sql files Dn0sWYfLRTo-00060-00012615-00012807 i can expand that a little bit and i see Dn0sWYfLRTo-00061-00012808-00012983 in that i have another folder called Dn0sWYfLRTo-00062-00012984-00013127 mysql connector Dn0sWYfLRTo-00063-00013128-00013303 that's where i put it you'll just have Dn0sWYfLRTo-00064-00013304-00013471 to remember where yours is located Dn0sWYfLRTo-00065-00013472-00013775 and select open in the left frame Dn0sWYfLRTo-00066-00013776-00013991 you see the directory that you selected Dn0sWYfLRTo-00067-00013991-00014222 i'm going to select that Dn0sWYfLRTo-00068-00014223-00014407 in the right frame of the dialog you'll Dn0sWYfLRTo-00069-00014408-00014638 notice all of the files are selected Dn0sWYfLRTo-00070-00014640-00014815 i currently just want the mysql Dn0sWYfLRTo-00071-00014816-00015030 connector jar file Dn0sWYfLRTo-00072-00015031-00015255 so i'm going to deselect everything Dn0sWYfLRTo-00073-00015256-00015607 that's not that file Dn0sWYfLRTo-00074-00015608-00015766 double check some of the others notice Dn0sWYfLRTo-00075-00015768-00015975 it's going into database demo web Dn0sWYfLRTo-00076-00015976-00016038 content Dn0sWYfLRTo-00077-00016040-00016350 web imp live folder Dn0sWYfLRTo-00078-00016351-00016719 and select finish Dn0sWYfLRTo-00079-00016720-00016958 if you expand the live folder you'll now Dn0sWYfLRTo-00080-00016959-00017479 see that the jar file is included Dn0sWYfLRTo-00081-00017480-00017622 the second thing that we need to do is Dn0sWYfLRTo-00082-00017623-00017847 to make sure our project recognizes Dn0sWYfLRTo-00083-00017848-00018135 the library stored in the jar file as Dn0sWYfLRTo-00084-00018136-00018399 one of the components of this project Dn0sWYfLRTo-00085-00018400-00018583 right click on the project name in the Dn0sWYfLRTo-00086-00018584-00018814 project explorer window Dn0sWYfLRTo-00087-00018815-00019030 and select build path we're going to Dn0sWYfLRTo-00088-00019031-00019271 configure the build path Dn0sWYfLRTo-00089-00019272-00019535 in the properties for the database demo Dn0sWYfLRTo-00090-00019536-00019663 dialog box Dn0sWYfLRTo-00091-00019664-00019863 be sure that the libraries button is Dn0sWYfLRTo-00092-00019864-00020039 selected so that we see the libraries Dn0sWYfLRTo-00093-00020040-00020135 that are included Dn0sWYfLRTo-00094-00020136-00020335 in a dynamic web project we generally Dn0sWYfLRTo-00095-00020336-00020550 have the libraries included here Dn0sWYfLRTo-00096-00020551-00020839 we want to add a jar file so we're going Dn0sWYfLRTo-00097-00020840-00021007 to choose add jars Dn0sWYfLRTo-00098-00021008-00021222 you may think that we would add external Dn0sWYfLRTo-00099-00021223-00021439 jars these are for things that are not Dn0sWYfLRTo-00100-00021440-00021727 included in our particular project may Dn0sWYfLRTo-00101-00021728-00021886 be useful if you do not actually Dn0sWYfLRTo-00102-00021887-00022158 import the jar file to your project as Dn0sWYfLRTo-00103-00022159-00022335 we did in step one Dn0sWYfLRTo-00104-00022336-00022655 we're going to select add jars notice Dn0sWYfLRTo-00105-00022656-00022783 that database demo Dn0sWYfLRTo-00106-00022784-00023078 my project is currently selected here Dn0sWYfLRTo-00107-00023079-00023199 let's expand that Dn0sWYfLRTo-00108-00023200-00023503 until we actually find the jar file that Dn0sWYfLRTo-00109-00023504-00023767 we imported Dn0sWYfLRTo-00110-00023768-00024111 and select that okay Dn0sWYfLRTo-00111-00024112-00024271 we now notice that that has been added Dn0sWYfLRTo-00112-00024272-00024503 to our libraries Dn0sWYfLRTo-00113-00024504-00024863 and select ok at this point Dn0sWYfLRTo-00114-00024864-00025047 the database driver has been added to Dn0sWYfLRTo-00115-00025048-00025239 our project it has been Dn0sWYfLRTo-00116-00025240-00025439 loaded so that it's recognizable by the Dn0sWYfLRTo-00117-00025440-00025670 project and we should be good to go to Dn0sWYfLRTo-00118-00025672-00026031 create a database connected application Dn0sWYfLRTo-00119-00026032-00026302 in this video you learned what a Dn0sWYfLRTo-00120-00026304-00026527 software driver is Dn0sWYfLRTo-00121-00026527-00026702 you learned how to import the driver Dn0sWYfLRTo-00122-00026704-00026911 into your eclipse project Dn0sWYfLRTo-00123-00026912-00027046 and you also learned how to add the Dn0sWYfLRTo-00124-00027047-00027462 driver to your project library Dn0sWYfLRTo-00125-00027463-00028095 this has been a piercy production DnGGsA9Tfj8-00000-00000032-00002871 hey DnGGsA9Tfj8-00001-00002872-00003142 get tasty galos all new hot sauce inside DnGGsA9Tfj8-00002-00003143-00003507 or on the side EoXxNwiTD-u-00000-00003686-00004283 [Music] EoXxNwiTD-u-00001-00004284-00004783 so EoXxNwiTD-u-00002-00004784-00004951 we have now taken the panamera even EoXxNwiTD-u-00003-00004952-00005143 further in terms of performance EoXxNwiTD-u-00004-00005144-00005495 comfort and design our goal is EoXxNwiTD-u-00005-00005496-00005767 always to be the best in class and in EoXxNwiTD-u-00006-00005768-00006031 the area of sportiness in particular EoXxNwiTD-u-00007-00006032-00006334 the new panamera turbo s with 630ps EoXxNwiTD-u-00008-00006335-00006510 represents a significant leap in EoXxNwiTD-u-00009-00006511-00006655 performance EoXxNwiTD-u-00010-00006656-00006863 for greater comfort the chassis now has EoXxNwiTD-u-00011-00006864-00006983 a new setup among EoXxNwiTD-u-00012-00006984-00007206 other things this increases cornering EoXxNwiTD-u-00013-00007208-00007342 stability for example EoXxNwiTD-u-00014-00007343-00007527 and we have sharpened the design once EoXxNwiTD-u-00015-00007528-00007710 more in very specific areas EoXxNwiTD-u-00016-00007711-00008078 with great effect with the panamera 4se EoXxNwiTD-u-00017-00008079-00008310 hybrid we are extending the model range EoXxNwiTD-u-00018-00008311-00008510 with an additional powerful hybrid EoXxNwiTD-u-00019-00008511-00008839 variant EoXxNwiTD-u-00020-00008840-00009087 at porsche we combine electric mobility EoXxNwiTD-u-00021-00009088-00009263 with performance EoXxNwiTD-u-00022-00009264-00009519 that is what our customers expect the EoXxNwiTD-u-00023-00009520-00009719 battery is now much more powerful than EoXxNwiTD-u-00024-00009720-00009895 in previous hybrid models EoXxNwiTD-u-00025-00009896-00010055 this allows us to achieve a EoXxNwiTD-u-00026-00010056-00010255 significantly higher purely electric EoXxNwiTD-u-00027-00010256-00010310 range EoXxNwiTD-u-00028-00010311-00010619 with an increase of up to 30 percent by EoXxNwiTD-u-00029-00010620-00010735 2025 EoXxNwiTD-u-00030-00010736-00010983 it is likely that every second porsche EoXxNwiTD-u-00031-00010984-00011151 will leave the production line with an EoXxNwiTD-u-00032-00011152-00011478 electric or hybrid drive and i am quite EoXxNwiTD-u-00033-00011479-00011638 sure that this will include a large EoXxNwiTD-u-00034-00011639-00011942 number of panamera models EoXxNwiTD-u-00035-00011943-00012135 thank you mr bluma for these insights EoXxNwiTD-u-00036-00012136-00012303 what do you personally like most about EoXxNwiTD-u-00037-00012304-00012478 the panamera EoXxNwiTD-u-00038-00012479-00012638 first of all i like the aesthetics of EoXxNwiTD-u-00039-00012639-00012799 the vehicle and then of course its EoXxNwiTD-u-00040-00012800-00012919 versatility EoXxNwiTD-u-00041-00012919-00013215 and on longer journeys in particular i EoXxNwiTD-u-00042-00013216-00013438 really appreciate the comfort it offers EoXxNwiTD-u-00043-00013440-00013694 then there is its sportiness naturally EoXxNwiTD-u-00044-00013695-00013911 the panamera would not be a porsche EoXxNwiTD-u-00045-00013912-00014175 if it did not have such driving dynamics EoXxNwiTD-u-00046-00014176-00014255 and that is EoXxNwiTD-u-00047-00014256-00014391 always something that we make EoXxNwiTD-u-00048-00014391-00014607 particularly measurable at porsche EoXxNwiTD-u-00049-00014608-00014863 our test driver lars khan recently drove EoXxNwiTD-u-00050-00014863-00015007 the car at the nurburgring EoXxNwiTD-u-00051-00015008-00015255 and showed what the new panamera is EoXxNwiTD-u-00052-00015256-00015612 capable of EoXxNwiTD-u-00053-00015613-00016503 [Music] EoXxNwiTD-u-00054-00016504-00018886 [Music] EoXxNwiTD-u-00055-00018887-00019055 we have sharpened the product identity EoXxNwiTD-u-00056-00019056-00019207 of the new panamera with some very EoXxNwiTD-u-00057-00019208-00019350 specific design measures EoXxNwiTD-u-00058-00019351-00019607 these include a new front end new colors EoXxNwiTD-u-00059-00019608-00019885 new wheels and a new taillight module EoXxNwiTD-u-00060-00019886-00021271 [Music] EoXxNwiTD-u-00061-00021272-00021463 almost all the new panamera models will EoXxNwiTD-u-00062-00021464-00021655 receive the sport design front end EoXxNwiTD-u-00063-00021656-00021919 apart from the turbo s on the turbo s EoXxNwiTD-u-00064-00021920-00022078 its identifying features have been EoXxNwiTD-u-00065-00022079-00022391 emphasized even more EoXxNwiTD-u-00066-00022392-00022614 its side air intakes have a much more EoXxNwiTD-u-00067-00022615-00022719 striking design EoXxNwiTD-u-00068-00022720-00022950 and its center air intake is also more EoXxNwiTD-u-00069-00022951-00023094 pronounced EoXxNwiTD-u-00070-00023095-00023303 and without doubt the most obvious and EoXxNwiTD-u-00071-00023304-00023414 eye-catching feature EoXxNwiTD-u-00072-00023415-00023614 is the front light module which we can EoXxNwiTD-u-00073-00023615-00023839 see here EoXxNwiTD-u-00074-00023840-00023967 these front lights have a very EoXxNwiTD-u-00075-00023968-00024158 distinctive basic design element EoXxNwiTD-u-00076-00024159-00024494 namely this interrupted c another very EoXxNwiTD-u-00077-00024495-00024647 attractive feature of these lights is EoXxNwiTD-u-00078-00024648-00024686 that EoXxNwiTD-u-00079-00024687-00024886 the closer you get the more you can see EoXxNwiTD-u-00080-00024887-00025007 of the details that have been EoXxNwiTD-u-00081-00025008-00025286 incorporated EoXxNwiTD-u-00082-00025287-00025478 the design plays with the lines we have EoXxNwiTD-u-00083-00025479-00025622 here which are frosted EoXxNwiTD-u-00084-00025623-00025870 and also partly create a crystalline EoXxNwiTD-u-00085-00025872-00026231 glass-like appearance EoXxNwiTD-u-00086-00026232-00026462 very high quality very solid glass EoXxNwiTD-u-00087-00026463-00026727 bodies that is premium for me EoXxNwiTD-u-00088-00026727-00026911 as you approach the car you discover a EoXxNwiTD-u-00089-00026912-00027095 new detail with every step EoXxNwiTD-u-00090-00027095-00027246 which simply creates a feeling of EoXxNwiTD-u-00091-00027247-00027518 pleasure EoXxNwiTD-u-00092-00027519-00027695 we have designed three new wheels for EoXxNwiTD-u-00093-00027695-00027846 the new panamera EoXxNwiTD-u-00094-00027847-00028039 this is the new turbo wheel one of the EoXxNwiTD-u-00095-00028039-00028223 10 different wheel designs you can now EoXxNwiTD-u-00096-00028224-00028302 choose from EoXxNwiTD-u-00097-00028304-00028495 we've also redesigned the diffuser on EoXxNwiTD-u-00098-00028495-00028623 the rear apron EoXxNwiTD-u-00099-00028624-00028862 it is now much sportier and indeed more EoXxNwiTD-u-00100-00028863-00029158 distinctive than on the last generation EoXxNwiTD-u-00101-00029160-00029343 at the rear the highlight is without EoXxNwiTD-u-00102-00029344-00029543 doubt the new taillight module EoXxNwiTD-u-00103-00029544-00029735 we now have a continuous light strip EoXxNwiTD-u-00104-00029736-00029911 across the entire width of the luggage EoXxNwiTD-u-00105-00029912-00030023 compartment lid EoXxNwiTD-u-00106-00030024-00030231 there is no longer a separation joint in EoXxNwiTD-u-00107-00030232-00030423 the middle and with the new exterior EoXxNwiTD-u-00108-00030424-00030567 contours which have become EoXxNwiTD-u-00109-00030568-00030735 much more elegant we have greatly EoXxNwiTD-u-00110-00030736-00030918 enhanced the integration of the car in EoXxNwiTD-u-00111-00030919-00031095 the current product range EoXxNwiTD-u-00112-00031095-00031279 from further away we have a very clear EoXxNwiTD-u-00113-00031280-00031479 graphic appearance there are these fine EoXxNwiTD-u-00114-00031480-00031567 brush strokes EoXxNwiTD-u-00115-00031568-00031774 these black lines which we have extended EoXxNwiTD-u-00116-00031775-00031967 here into the outer areas EoXxNwiTD-u-00117-00031968-00032143 alongside the brand identity that we EoXxNwiTD-u-00118-00032144-00032270 create with the light strip EoXxNwiTD-u-00119-00032272-00032502 we can also see the product identity of EoXxNwiTD-u-00120-00032503-00032631 the new panamera EoXxNwiTD-u-00121-00032632-00032783 this is something that immediately EoXxNwiTD-u-00122-00032784-00033015 catches the eye it can only be the EoXxNwiTD-u-00123-00033016-00033111 panamera EoXxNwiTD-u-00124-00033112-00033287 it cannot be any other model from EoXxNwiTD-u-00125-00033288-00033415 porsche EoXxNwiTD-u-00126-00033416-00033590 in the same way as we did with the front EoXxNwiTD-u-00127-00033591-00033767 light we have also paid attention to EoXxNwiTD-u-00128-00033768-00033959 creating a solid glass look for the tail EoXxNwiTD-u-00129-00033960-00034071 light EoXxNwiTD-u-00130-00034072-00034255 in other words we have ensured that this EoXxNwiTD-u-00131-00034256-00034431 elegant solid glass material EoXxNwiTD-u-00132-00034432-00034702 is reflected in the geometry this can be EoXxNwiTD-u-00133-00034703-00034943 seen very clearly in these distortions EoXxNwiTD-u-00134-00034944-00035190 reflections that pass through it is EoXxNwiTD-u-00135-00035191-00035374 similar to when you swirl a beautiful EoXxNwiTD-u-00136-00035375-00035511 glass of red wine EoXxNwiTD-u-00137-00035512-00035687 it is something very refined very EoXxNwiTD-u-00138-00035688-00035918 elegant and something that i think is an EoXxNwiTD-u-00139-00035919-00036055 excellent match for this class of EoXxNwiTD-u-00140-00036056-00036190 vehicle EoXxNwiTD-u-00141-00036191-00036399 the turn indicator consists of this main EoXxNwiTD-u-00142-00036400-00036599 function this powerful strip here at the EoXxNwiTD-u-00143-00036600-00036830 top EoXxNwiTD-u-00144-00036831-00037127 and a trim with aura lines we have come EoXxNwiTD-u-00145-00037128-00037302 up with something new for porsche EoXxNwiTD-u-00146-00037303-00037462 exclusive manufacture a EoXxNwiTD-u-00147-00037463-00037630 three-dimensional dot pattern is EoXxNwiTD-u-00148-00037631-00037718 available here EoXxNwiTD-u-00149-00037719-00038023 which we have named this gives the EoXxNwiTD-u-00150-00038024-00038215 entire light a completely different EoXxNwiTD-u-00151-00038216-00038407 detail look EoXxNwiTD-u-00152-00038408-00038574 the most eye-catching detail of the EoXxNwiTD-u-00153-00038575-00038790 exclusive light is without doubt EoXxNwiTD-u-00154-00038791-00039062 the different design of the light cover EoXxNwiTD-u-00155-00039063-00039246 we have taken out the red component and EoXxNwiTD-u-00156-00039247-00039415 have incorporated a darkened EoXxNwiTD-u-00157-00039416-00039662 smoke element this creates a look that EoXxNwiTD-u-00158-00039663-00040199 is typical of our exclusive lights EoXxNwiTD-u-00159-00040200-00040423 another feature is the coming home and EoXxNwiTD-u-00160-00040424-00040599 leaving home function EoXxNwiTD-u-00161-00040600-00040774 in other words we have an animation in EoXxNwiTD-u-00162-00040775-00040974 the taillight as part of this exclusive EoXxNwiTD-u-00163-00040975-00041271 light EoXxNwiTD-u-00164-00041272-00041471 the interior of the new panamera builds EoXxNwiTD-u-00165-00041472-00041735 on the architecture of its predecessor EoXxNwiTD-u-00166-00041736-00042071 tidy classic elegant there are new EoXxNwiTD-u-00167-00042072-00042295 equipment variants and we also have a EoXxNwiTD-u-00168-00042296-00042462 new generation of multi-function EoXxNwiTD-u-00169-00042463-00042711 steering wheels in the car EoXxNwiTD-u-00170-00042712-00042951 these are inspired by motorsports EoXxNwiTD-u-00171-00042952-00043095 lightweight construction EoXxNwiTD-u-00172-00043096-00043295 a very large number of cutouts and EoXxNwiTD-u-00173-00043296-00043551 wonderful technical details EoXxNwiTD-u-00174-00043552-00043743 for the sport chrono package there is a EoXxNwiTD-u-00175-00043744-00043902 clock by porsche design EoXxNwiTD-u-00176-00043903-00044079 which references the porsche design EoXxNwiTD-u-00177-00044080-00044462 sports chronographs from the 1970s EoXxNwiTD-u-00178-00044463-00044767 black look metal hands super luminova EoXxNwiTD-u-00179-00044768-00044871 coating EoXxNwiTD-u-00180-00044872-00045143 we have a true chronograph look here EoXxNwiTD-u-00182-00048952-00049159 you E15YQkKVFeM-00000-00000000-00000377 Edwards rail car company 1997 to 2008 E15YQkKVFeM-00001-00000378-00000576 was located in Montgomery Alabama E15YQkKVFeM-00002-00000577-00000808 specializing in the manufacture of self E15YQkKVFeM-00003-00000809-00000986 propelled rail cars patterned after E15YQkKVFeM-00004-00000986-00001208 original Edwards designs dating from the E15YQkKVFeM-00005-00001209-00001558 mid 1920s Edwards also restored and E15YQkKVFeM-00006-00001559-00001734 manufactured other types of rail cars E15YQkKVFeM-00007-00001735-00002068 including streetcars rebirth of the E15YQkKVFeM-00008-00002069-00002348 Edwards company came in the fall of 1997 E15YQkKVFeM-00009-00002349-00002564 when vintage rail consultant Stephen E15YQkKVFeM-00010-00002565-00002785 Toriko saw and rode on his first Edwards E15YQkKVFeM-00011-00002786-00003308 car an XC B&Q model 25 2008 was the last E15YQkKVFeM-00012-00003309-00003485 year of manufacturing at the Montgomery E15YQkKVFeM-00013-00003486-00003815 facility as of the 12th of January o8 E15YQkKVFeM-00014-00003815-00004063 Edwards railcar no longer manufacturers E15YQkKVFeM-00015-00004064-00004291 rail cars at the Montgomery facility E15YQkKVFeM-00016-00004292-00004531 current plans are to relocate to the E15YQkKVFeM-00017-00004532-00004745 original Edwards facility in Sanford E15YQkKVFeM-00018-00004746-00005361 North Carolina E15YQkKVFeM-00019-00005362-00005916 topic rail cars E15YQkKVFeM-00020-00005917-00006141 the standard Edwards railcar was E15YQkKVFeM-00021-00006142-00006336 designed and recommended for branch line E15YQkKVFeM-00022-00006337-00006545 service where traffic requirements are E15YQkKVFeM-00023-00006547-00006702 within its capacity for high-speed E15YQkKVFeM-00024-00006703-00006939 operation on road beds where the grades E15YQkKVFeM-00025-00006940-00007076 are not too severe E15YQkKVFeM-00026-00007077-00007334 three types of propulsion systems E15YQkKVFeM-00027-00007336-00007626 mechanical diesel electrical hydrostatic E15YQkKVFeM-00028-00007627-00007881 driven were available the mechanically E15YQkKVFeM-00029-00007881-00008084 driven car employs the use of engine E15YQkKVFeM-00030-00008086-00008331 transmission final drive gear box with E15YQkKVFeM-00031-00008332-00008541 sprockets and chains to deliver power to E15YQkKVFeM-00032-00008542-00008817 the driving wheels cars equipped with E15YQkKVFeM-00033-00008818-00009003 electric propulsion have an engine which E15YQkKVFeM-00034-00009004-00009174 turns a generator for providing E15YQkKVFeM-00035-00009175-00009431 electricity for the traction motors E15YQkKVFeM-00036-00009432-00009645 hydrostatic propulsion employs the use E15YQkKVFeM-00037-00009646-00009864 of diesel engine to power a hydraulic E15YQkKVFeM-00038-00009865-00010083 pump which supplies pressurized fluid to E15YQkKVFeM-00039-00010084-00010365 two 100hp hydraulic motors on the front E15YQkKVFeM-00040-00010366-00010545 truck in place of the final drive E15YQkKVFeM-00041-00010546-00010770 gearbox as per the mechanical setup for E15YQkKVFeM-00042-00010771-00011407 the standard model 20 E15YQkKVFeM-00043-00011408-00011959 topic streetcars E15YQkKVFeM-00044-00011960-00012232 Edwards railcar company manufactured E15YQkKVFeM-00045-00012233-00012460 several streetcars to a modified peter E15YQkKVFeM-00046-00012461-00013112 witt streetcar design E15YQkKVFeM-00047-00013113-00013728 topic restoration services E15YQkKVFeM-00048-00013729-00013944 Edwards railcar was awarded a contract E15YQkKVFeM-00049-00013944-00014163 to facilitate some aspects of the E15YQkKVFeM-00050-00014163-00014361 restoration of John Ringling z-- private E15YQkKVFeM-00051-00014362-00014447 business car E15YQkKVFeM-00052-00014448-00014681 the Wisconsin originally built by E15YQkKVFeM-00053-00014682-00014939 Pullman in 1905 it was used by the E15YQkKVFeM-00054-00014940-00015116 Ringling family for travel with the E15YQkKVFeM-00055-00015118-00015408 circus the Wisconsin is on display at E15YQkKVFeM-00056-00015409-00015594 the John and Mabel Ringling Museum of E15YQkKVFeM-00057-00015594-00016279 Art in Sarasota Florida E15YQkKVFeM-00058-00016280-00016814 topic see also E15YQkKVFeM-00059-00016815-00017330 Doodlebug E15YQkKVFeM-00060-00017331-00017908 topic external links E15YQkKVFeM-00061-00017909-00018115 you E1AP31v_qXE-00001-00006019-00007083 [Music] E1AP31v_qXE-00002-00007084-00007223 oh E1AP31v_qXE-00004-00011163-00011577 [Applause] E1AP31v_qXE-00006-00021084-00021212 so E1AP31v_qXE-00007-00021213-00021979 [Music] E1AP31v_qXE-00008-00021980-00023883 [Music] E1AP31v_qXE-00009-00023884-00024058 hmm E1AP31v_qXE-00010-00024059-00027033 [Music] E1AP31v_qXE-00011-00027035-00027448 [Applause] E1AP31v_qXE-00012-00027449-00029483 [Music] E1AP31v_qXE-00013-00029483-00029794 so E1AP31v_qXE-00015-00035084-00035300 do E1AP31v_qXE-00016-00035301-00036483 [Music] E1AP31v_qXE-00017-00036484-00036846 do E1AP31v_qXE-00018-00036847-00037056 you E35OP0l9Qdo-00000-00000082-00001495 [Music] E35OP0l9Qdo-00001-00001496-00001718 hello ladies and gentlemen this is E35OP0l9Qdo-00002-00001719-00001982 horror shadow E35OP0l9Qdo-00003-00001984-00002552 hi E35OP0l9Qdo-00004-00002553-00002734 [Laughter] E35OP0l9Qdo-00005-00002735-00002950 here and i just wanted to give you guys E35OP0l9Qdo-00006-00002951-00003158 a quick update on recent events this E35OP0l9Qdo-00007-00003159-00003383 year which i might do as separate videos E35OP0l9Qdo-00008-00003384-00003615 possibly but to start things off so far E35OP0l9Qdo-00009-00003615-00003822 i've been playing a lot of vr chat E35OP0l9Qdo-00010-00003823-00004015 recently and have met many amazing E35OP0l9Qdo-00011-00004015-00004295 people on vr chat and discord E35OP0l9Qdo-00012-00004296-00004511 so last night i was playing vr chat E35OP0l9Qdo-00013-00004512-00004702 hanging out with a friend called shade E35OP0l9Qdo-00014-00004703-00004999 foxy and three-tailed kitsune at one E35OP0l9Qdo-00015-00005000-00005199 point shade told me a furry twitch E35OP0l9Qdo-00016-00005200-00005422 streamer by the name of aki the anubian E35OP0l9Qdo-00017-00005423-00005663 nomad is online and has his statue set E35OP0l9Qdo-00018-00005664-00005967 to play aka the joinable option so we E35OP0l9Qdo-00019-00005968-00006159 joined and the moment i stepped into the E35OP0l9Qdo-00020-00006160-00006391 world i was so nervous my hands were E35OP0l9Qdo-00021-00006392-00006663 shaking and my heart was pounding so i E35OP0l9Qdo-00022-00006664-00006878 walked up to the main stage a bit away E35OP0l9Qdo-00023-00006879-00007127 from the big crowd and lo and behold aki E35OP0l9Qdo-00024-00007128-00007367 the anubian hopkin came up to me and E35OP0l9Qdo-00025-00007368-00007623 said hello to me and was so nice to me E35OP0l9Qdo-00026-00007623-00007863 unfortunately at the time i could use my E35OP0l9Qdo-00027-00007864-00008078 mic to speak to him due to the time zone E35OP0l9Qdo-00028-00008079-00008342 i'm in but i enjoyed every moment of it E35OP0l9Qdo-00029-00008343-00008551 as i am talking you'll see some footage E35OP0l9Qdo-00030-00008552-00008759 from two or more of my favorite videos E35OP0l9Qdo-00031-00008760-00008959 from another furry called alfa ryu E35OP0l9Qdo-00032-00008960-00009199 gaming who is the rainbow fox looking E35OP0l9Qdo-00033-00009200-00009303 character E35OP0l9Qdo-00034-00009304-00009551 first time i was introduced to ryu's E35OP0l9Qdo-00035-00009552-00009791 videos and aki was in ryu's social E35OP0l9Qdo-00036-00009792-00010023 anxiety video which i have watched so E35OP0l9Qdo-00037-00010024-00010295 many times because of how helpful it is E35OP0l9Qdo-00038-00010296-00010495 people who make these types of content E35OP0l9Qdo-00039-00010496-00010735 and stuff there's something about them E35OP0l9Qdo-00040-00010736-00010983 they don't just feel lonely all the time E35OP0l9Qdo-00041-00010984-00011231 they create and bond with others making E35OP0l9Qdo-00042-00011232-00011438 people's lives worth living E35OP0l9Qdo-00043-00011439-00011655 the world needs more good people in the E35OP0l9Qdo-00044-00011656-00011903 world on that note i think i'm gonna end E35OP0l9Qdo-00045-00011904-00012167 the video there links to alpha ryu's E35OP0l9Qdo-00046-00012168-00012319 channel and aki's twitch in the E35OP0l9Qdo-00047-00012320-00012510 description if you would like to support E35OP0l9Qdo-00048-00012511-00012687 those beautiful beings E35OP0l9Qdo-00049-00012688-00012958 my name is horror shadow99 and i hope E35OP0l9Qdo-00050-00012959-00013215 you have a furtastic day thanks for E35OP0l9Qdo-00051-00013216-00013743 watching E35OP0l9Qdo-00052-00013744-00014030 it is a wonderful life please could you E35OP0l9Qdo-00053-00014031-00014351 kiss my name when the music's over turn E35OP0l9Qdo-00054-00014352-00014671 off the light it was such a sweet time E35OP0l9Qdo-00055-00014672-00014879 could you pray for me my friend it's E35OP0l9Qdo-00056-00014880-00015111 starting over time E35OP0l9Qdo-00057-00015112-00015407 take over the night take over the blue E35OP0l9Qdo-00058-00015408-00016615 time if E35OP0l9Qdo-00059-00016616-00016974 and that's called jazz E35OP0l9Qdo-00060-00016975-00018647 [Music] E35OP0l9Qdo-00061-00018648-00018856 you E5hXcygNHlU-00000-00000448-00000615 when someone finds out that i am an E5hXcygNHlU-00001-00000616-00000847 economist i am often asked if i have any E5hXcygNHlU-00002-00000848-00001047 investment tips or perhaps a sense of E5hXcygNHlU-00003-00001048-00001199 whether the economy is heading in the E5hXcygNHlU-00004-00001200-00001807 right direction E5hXcygNHlU-00005-00001807-00001959 these are important questions but E5hXcygNHlU-00006-00001960-00002159 economics as a field of study addresses E5hXcygNHlU-00007-00002160-00002375 a much broader set of issues E5hXcygNHlU-00008-00002376-00002615 what binds all of economics is the focus E5hXcygNHlU-00009-00002616-00002863 on how society allocates its scarce E5hXcygNHlU-00010-00002864-00003142 resources its physical capital E5hXcygNHlU-00011-00003143-00003406 technology knowledge labor land and E5hXcygNHlU-00012-00003407-00003670 natural resources to achieve its needs E5hXcygNHlU-00013-00003671-00003815 and wants E5hXcygNHlU-00014-00003815-00004038 perhaps the central concept of economics E5hXcygNHlU-00015-00004039-00004222 is opportunity cost E5hXcygNHlU-00016-00004223-00004415 which is to say that we can't have and E5hXcygNHlU-00017-00004416-00004567 do everything E5hXcygNHlU-00018-00004568-00004759 as a result we must make difficult E5hXcygNHlU-00019-00004760-00004959 decisions where we forego certain E5hXcygNHlU-00020-00004960-00005167 opportunities so that we can take E5hXcygNHlU-00021-00005168-00005399 advantage of others E5hXcygNHlU-00022-00005400-00005575 for example at nc state you are E5hXcygNHlU-00023-00005576-00005767 investing in yourself and your future E5hXcygNHlU-00024-00005768-00006031 career by pursuing a college degree E5hXcygNHlU-00025-00006032-00006238 in the process you are foregoing wages E5hXcygNHlU-00026-00006239-00006414 that you could earn right now if you had E5hXcygNHlU-00027-00006415-00006678 a full-time wage paying job E5hXcygNHlU-00028-00006679-00006934 this reality implies an opportunity cost E5hXcygNHlU-00029-00006936-00007223 or trade-off on the one hand investing E5hXcygNHlU-00030-00007223-00007406 in your future career by going to E5hXcygNHlU-00031-00007408-00007703 college versus on the other working and E5hXcygNHlU-00032-00007704-00007895 earning income today E5hXcygNHlU-00033-00007895-00008095 at its core these are the types of E5hXcygNHlU-00034-00008095-00008871 decisions that economists study E5hXcygNHlU-00035-00008872-00009039 in the united states and most of the E5hXcygNHlU-00036-00009040-00009263 world economic activities are organized E5hXcygNHlU-00037-00009264-00009478 around free and competitive markets E5hXcygNHlU-00038-00009479-00009631 what this means is that buyers and E5hXcygNHlU-00039-00009632-00009806 sellers are free to exchange goods and E5hXcygNHlU-00040-00009807-00009991 services at prices that reflect their E5hXcygNHlU-00041-00009992-00010214 relative scarcity and what people are E5hXcygNHlU-00042-00010215-00010383 willing to pay for them E5hXcygNHlU-00043-00010384-00010559 if there are lots of buyers and sellers E5hXcygNHlU-00044-00010560-00010727 and everyone has good information about E5hXcygNHlU-00045-00010728-00010878 the characteristics of goods being E5hXcygNHlU-00046-00010879-00010983 traded E5hXcygNHlU-00047-00010984-00011214 economists generally agree that markets E5hXcygNHlU-00048-00011215-00011383 are an appealing mechanism for E5hXcygNHlU-00049-00011384-00011623 organizing economic activity they E5hXcygNHlU-00050-00011624-00011863 encourage inputs like labor and capital E5hXcygNHlU-00051-00011864-00012070 to produce the goods in highest demand E5hXcygNHlU-00052-00012071-00012319 by society and they allocate goods to E5hXcygNHlU-00053-00012320-00012527 those who value them the most E5hXcygNHlU-00054-00012528-00012735 but having said this markets are not E5hXcygNHlU-00055-00012736-00012871 perfect E5hXcygNHlU-00056-00012872-00013071 for example many people might have E5hXcygNHlU-00057-00013072-00013271 concerns about how market economies E5hXcygNHlU-00058-00013272-00013511 distribute goods and services across the E5hXcygNHlU-00059-00013512-00013719 population with perhaps some groups E5hXcygNHlU-00060-00013719-00013999 receiving too few resources and others E5hXcygNHlU-00061-00014000-00014294 receiving too many this is of course a E5hXcygNHlU-00062-00014295-00014511 value judgment and depends fundamentally E5hXcygNHlU-00063-00014512-00014743 on one's sense of justice E5hXcygNHlU-00064-00014744-00014935 another concern which i want to focus on E5hXcygNHlU-00065-00014936-00015255 here is that markets may not be complete E5hXcygNHlU-00066-00015256-00015447 what i mean by this is that firms who E5hXcygNHlU-00067-00015447-00015663 produce goods and services may not bear E5hXcygNHlU-00068-00015663-00015879 the full cost of production and E5hXcygNHlU-00069-00015880-00016143 consumers who buy goods and services may E5hXcygNHlU-00070-00016144-00016311 not capture the full benefits of E5hXcygNHlU-00071-00016312-00016599 consuming those goods and services E5hXcygNHlU-00072-00016600-00016815 for example steel mills might emit E5hXcygNHlU-00073-00016816-00017055 pollution that negatively affects local E5hXcygNHlU-00074-00017056-00017175 residents E5hXcygNHlU-00075-00017176-00017391 our farmers might apply fertilizer on E5hXcygNHlU-00076-00017392-00017711 their lands that when it rains runs off E5hXcygNHlU-00077-00017712-00017886 into neighboring streams and generates E5hXcygNHlU-00078-00017887-00018047 negative impacts for downstream E5hXcygNHlU-00079-00018048-00018183 communities E5hXcygNHlU-00080-00018184-00018399 on the consumer side of the economy E5hXcygNHlU-00081-00018400-00018622 secondhand smoke from cigarettes can E5hXcygNHlU-00082-00018623-00018822 generate negative consequences for those E5hXcygNHlU-00083-00018823-00019007 in a confined space E5hXcygNHlU-00084-00019008-00019247 and more positively you're getting a E5hXcygNHlU-00085-00019248-00019439 vaccine not only protects yourself from E5hXcygNHlU-00086-00019440-00019671 getting sick but it also reduces the E5hXcygNHlU-00087-00019672-00019847 chance that everyone around you gets E5hXcygNHlU-00088-00019848-00020022 sick too E5hXcygNHlU-00089-00020023-00020271 in all of these cases what you see E5hXcygNHlU-00090-00020272-00020519 happening is that economic agents E5hXcygNHlU-00091-00020520-00020775 whether firms or consumers are not E5hXcygNHlU-00092-00020776-00020975 bearing the full cost or capturing the E5hXcygNHlU-00093-00020976-00021255 full benefits of their actions in this E5hXcygNHlU-00094-00021256-00021519 way there are unintended third-party E5hXcygNHlU-00095-00021520-00021799 effects or what economists refer to as E5hXcygNHlU-00096-00021800-00021950 externalities E5hXcygNHlU-00097-00021951-00022183 at play that undermine the effectiveness E5hXcygNHlU-00098-00022184-00022358 of markets to allocate goods and E5hXcygNHlU-00099-00022359-00022678 services in a desirable way E5hXcygNHlU-00100-00022679-00022878 you can see this in places like ohio E5hXcygNHlU-00101-00022879-00023143 where i grew up the cuyahoga river in E5hXcygNHlU-00102-00023144-00023311 cleveland was so polluted from E5hXcygNHlU-00103-00023312-00023630 industrial waste in the late 1960s that E5hXcygNHlU-00104-00023631-00023878 it literally caught on fire and the E5hXcygNHlU-00105-00023879-00024150 maumee river near toledo is so polluted E5hXcygNHlU-00106-00024151-00024430 from agricultural runoff today that it E5hXcygNHlU-00107-00024431-00024632 often reeks from algal blooms E5hXcygNHlU-00108-00024633-00024775 [Music] E5hXcygNHlU-00109-00024776-00024999 perhaps the most significant externality E5hXcygNHlU-00110-00025000-00025199 society currently faces is climate E5hXcygNHlU-00111-00025200-00025286 change E5hXcygNHlU-00112-00025287-00025463 when i turn on the air conditioner in my E5hXcygNHlU-00113-00025464-00025734 house or drive my car to work i use E5hXcygNHlU-00114-00025735-00025999 fossil fuels like coal and oil that when E5hXcygNHlU-00115-00026000-00026118 combusted E5hXcygNHlU-00116-00026119-00026295 release greenhouse gases into the E5hXcygNHlU-00117-00026295-00026431 atmosphere E5hXcygNHlU-00118-00026432-00026599 in a small way these emissions E5hXcygNHlU-00119-00026600-00026814 contribute to climate change which has E5hXcygNHlU-00120-00026816-00027014 negative consequences for the natural E5hXcygNHlU-00121-00027016-00027295 environment and the economy E5hXcygNHlU-00122-00027295-00027535 if i am honest i must concede that i do E5hXcygNHlU-00123-00027536-00027711 not fully account for these impacts E5hXcygNHlU-00124-00027712-00027895 because they are often experienced by E5hXcygNHlU-00125-00027895-00028023 others E5hXcygNHlU-00126-00028024-00028223 in this way my actions are generating E5hXcygNHlU-00127-00028224-00028431 third-party effects and because i don't E5hXcygNHlU-00128-00028432-00028623 fully account for these effects when E5hXcygNHlU-00129-00028624-00028831 going about my daily life E5hXcygNHlU-00130-00028832-00029055 i end up using my air conditioner and E5hXcygNHlU-00131-00029056-00029270 car too intensively E5hXcygNHlU-00132-00029272-00029470 this is a textbook case of a negative E5hXcygNHlU-00133-00029472-00029718 externality and the overuse of goods and E5hXcygNHlU-00134-00029719-00029927 services that generate carbon emissions E5hXcygNHlU-00135-00029927-00030270 is exactly what economists would predict E5hXcygNHlU-00136-00030272-00030470 two factors make the climate problem E5hXcygNHlU-00137-00030472-00030655 especially daunting E5hXcygNHlU-00138-00030656-00030846 first the effects of greenhouse gas E5hXcygNHlU-00139-00030847-00031135 emissions are truly global in scale E5hXcygNHlU-00140-00031136-00031318 the climate does not care whether E5hXcygNHlU-00141-00031319-00031502 greenhouse gas emissions come from north E5hXcygNHlU-00142-00031503-00031774 carolina or china or africa E5hXcygNHlU-00143-00031775-00032014 they all mix uniformly in the atmosphere E5hXcygNHlU-00144-00032016-00032223 and generate consequences for the entire E5hXcygNHlU-00145-00032224-00032367 planet E5hXcygNHlU-00146-00032368-00032551 second greenhouse gas emissions can E5hXcygNHlU-00147-00032552-00032727 endure in the atmosphere for over a E5hXcygNHlU-00148-00032727-00032911 century implying that the emissions we E5hXcygNHlU-00149-00032912-00033079 release today have impacts for E5hXcygNHlU-00150-00033080-00033279 generations to come E5hXcygNHlU-00151-00033280-00033471 for these reasons climate change has E5hXcygNHlU-00152-00033472-00033662 been referred to as the mother of all E5hXcygNHlU-00153-00033663-00033927 environmental problems and tackling it E5hXcygNHlU-00154-00033928-00034143 will require a global and long-term E5hXcygNHlU-00155-00034144-00034250 response E5hXcygNHlU-00156-00034251-00034495 [Music] E5hXcygNHlU-00157-00034496-00034687 so what do economists recommend we do in E5hXcygNHlU-00158-00034688-00034918 response to the climate challenge E5hXcygNHlU-00159-00034919-00035111 one of the key insights from economics E5hXcygNHlU-00160-00035112-00035287 is that firms and households need to E5hXcygNHlU-00161-00035288-00035479 bear the full cost of their actions for E5hXcygNHlU-00162-00035480-00035727 markets to generate desirable or in E5hXcygNHlU-00163-00035728-00036046 economics jargon efficient outcomes E5hXcygNHlU-00164-00036047-00036262 a tax on carbon emissions would in E5hXcygNHlU-00165-00036263-00036551 principle accomplish this by taxing the E5hXcygNHlU-00166-00036552-00036695 goods and services that generate E5hXcygNHlU-00167-00036696-00036879 greenhouse gas emissions based on their E5hXcygNHlU-00168-00036880-00037046 emissions intensity E5hXcygNHlU-00169-00037047-00037279 a carbon tax would send a market signal E5hXcygNHlU-00170-00037280-00037559 to firms and households that incentivize E5hXcygNHlU-00171-00037560-00037735 them to reduce their use of goods and E5hXcygNHlU-00172-00037736-00038046 services that damage the global climate E5hXcygNHlU-00173-00038047-00038255 in the process carbon emissions would E5hXcygNHlU-00174-00038256-00038518 decline and the third party and E5hXcygNHlU-00175-00038519-00038695 environmental impacts of those emissions E5hXcygNHlU-00176-00038696-00038895 would also decline E5hXcygNHlU-00177-00038896-00039087 other interventions designed to reduce E5hXcygNHlU-00178-00039088-00039262 carbon emissions include regulations E5hXcygNHlU-00179-00039263-00039427 that force firms to adopt E5hXcygNHlU-00180-00039428-00039671 one-size-fits-all practices regardless E5hXcygNHlU-00181-00039672-00039862 of cost or the firm's unique E5hXcygNHlU-00182-00039863-00040039 circumstances E5hXcygNHlU-00183-00040040-00040215 economists have shown that the total E5hXcygNHlU-00184-00040216-00040407 cost to society in terms of lost E5hXcygNHlU-00185-00040408-00040623 economic output and household welfare E5hXcygNHlU-00186-00040624-00040875 are less with a carbon tax E5hXcygNHlU-00187-00040876-00041055 [Music] E5hXcygNHlU-00188-00041056-00041255 having said this it's worth pointing out E5hXcygNHlU-00189-00041256-00041462 that with any proposed tax there are E5hXcygNHlU-00190-00041463-00041646 thorny issues E5hXcygNHlU-00191-00041647-00041911 what is the appropriate tax rate E5hXcygNHlU-00192-00041912-00042135 what do we do with the tax revenue what E5hXcygNHlU-00193-00042136-00042302 if the tax results in business is E5hXcygNHlU-00194-00042303-00042599 shutting down will attacks on u.s firms E5hXcygNHlU-00195-00042600-00042807 put them at a disadvantage relative to E5hXcygNHlU-00196-00042808-00043030 their foreign competitors and what about E5hXcygNHlU-00197-00043031-00043239 the distributional impacts of taxes E5hXcygNHlU-00198-00043240-00043535 especially on low-income people E5hXcygNHlU-00199-00043536-00043695 these are all important questions that E5hXcygNHlU-00200-00043696-00043902 academic economists like myself address E5hXcygNHlU-00201-00043903-00044087 through our research and outreach and E5hXcygNHlU-00202-00044088-00044279 without going into details let me say E5hXcygNHlU-00203-00044280-00044471 that several clever answers to these E5hXcygNHlU-00204-00044472-00044623 difficult questions have been put E5hXcygNHlU-00205-00044624-00044807 forward E5hXcygNHlU-00206-00044808-00044999 and finally let me be clear that we E5hXcygNHlU-00207-00045000-00045183 should not think of a carbon tax as the E5hXcygNHlU-00208-00045184-00045455 only policy solution to climate change E5hXcygNHlU-00209-00045456-00045646 another aspect of the climate challenge E5hXcygNHlU-00210-00045647-00045815 involves developing game-changing E5hXcygNHlU-00211-00045816-00046015 technologies that radically reduce the E5hXcygNHlU-00212-00046016-00046262 cost of energy production and the carbon E5hXcygNHlU-00213-00046263-00046511 intensity of transport agriculture and E5hXcygNHlU-00214-00046512-00046695 other economic sectors E5hXcygNHlU-00215-00046696-00046871 because these breakthroughs often E5hXcygNHlU-00216-00046872-00047055 benefit not just the individual firms E5hXcygNHlU-00217-00047056-00047286 who invest in them but society at large E5hXcygNHlU-00218-00047287-00047502 as the technologies diffuse throughout E5hXcygNHlU-00219-00047503-00047735 the economy there is a tendency for E5hXcygNHlU-00220-00047736-00047943 firms to under-invest because they don't E5hXcygNHlU-00221-00047944-00048143 directly profit from the spillover E5hXcygNHlU-00222-00048144-00048415 benefits that other firms capture E5hXcygNHlU-00223-00048416-00048583 in this way we have a positive E5hXcygNHlU-00224-00048584-00048871 externality or third-party benefits that E5hXcygNHlU-00225-00048872-00049286 investing firms don't take into account E5hXcygNHlU-00226-00049287-00049511 this is where institutions like nc state E5hXcygNHlU-00227-00049512-00049735 can play an important role by now i E5hXcygNHlU-00228-00049736-00049918 trust you have heard that nc state is a E5hXcygNHlU-00229-00049919-00050151 place where we both faculty and students E5hXcygNHlU-00230-00050152-00050374 think and do in practice that means E5hXcygNHlU-00231-00050375-00050535 developing new technologies that are E5hXcygNHlU-00232-00050536-00050774 less energy intensive and more resilient E5hXcygNHlU-00233-00050775-00050943 to climate change E5hXcygNHlU-00234-00050944-00051143 that means transforming our largely E5hXcygNHlU-00235-00051144-00051358 fossil fuel-based energy sector into one E5hXcygNHlU-00236-00051359-00051511 that is more reliant on renewable E5hXcygNHlU-00237-00051512-00051775 technologies like wind and solar E5hXcygNHlU-00238-00051776-00051966 that means developing new agricultural E5hXcygNHlU-00239-00051967-00052158 practices that have a smaller carbon E5hXcygNHlU-00240-00052159-00052366 footprint but continue to feed a growing E5hXcygNHlU-00241-00052367-00052575 population E5hXcygNHlU-00242-00052576-00052799 to achieve these breakthroughs sustained E5hXcygNHlU-00243-00052800-00053023 public investments will be required and E5hXcygNHlU-00244-00053024-00053175 this is where the government revenue E5hXcygNHlU-00245-00053176-00053511 from a carbon tax might come in handy E5hXcygNHlU-00246-00053512-00053719 is that something you would support a E5hXcygNHlU-00247-00053720-00053942 carbon tax that finances game-changing E5hXcygNHlU-00248-00053944-00054166 technologies even if it means you pay E5hXcygNHlU-00249-00054167-00054391 more to cool your home charge your phone E5hXcygNHlU-00250-00054391-00054663 fill up your car and buy groceries E5hXcygNHlU-00251-00054664-00054838 that is something you and the rest of E5hXcygNHlU-00252-00054839-00055064 society will have to decide E5hXcygNHlU-00253-00055065-00056165 [Music] E6vWIuMbypI-00000-00000053-00000353 Catiline aadheenam Catala is a Western E6vWIuMbypI-00001-00000354-00000553 Romance language derived from vulgar E6vWIuMbypI-00002-00000554-00000709 latin and named after the medieval E6vWIuMbypI-00003-00000710-00000883 Principality of Catalonia in E6vWIuMbypI-00004-00000884-00001160 northeastern modern Spain it is the only E6vWIuMbypI-00005-00001161-00001385 official language of Andorra and a co E6vWIuMbypI-00006-00001386-00001547 official language of the Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00007-00001548-00001784 autonomous communities of Catalonia the E6vWIuMbypI-00008-00001785-00001993 balearic islands and Valencia where the E6vWIuMbypI-00009-00001994-00002255 language is known as Valencian it also E6vWIuMbypI-00010-00002256-00002498 has semi official status in the Italian E6vWIuMbypI-00011-00002499-00002809 commune of alghero it is also spoken in E6vWIuMbypI-00012-00002810-00003001 the eastern strip of Aragon in some E6vWIuMbypI-00013-00003002-00003184 villages of region of Murcia called E6vWIuMbypI-00014-00003185-00003386 Karki and in the pyrenees orion towns E6vWIuMbypI-00015-00003386-00003674 department of france these territories E6vWIuMbypI-00016-00003675-00003875 are often called pesos Catalans or E6vWIuMbypI-00017-00003876-00004304 Catalan countries Catalan evolved from E6vWIuMbypI-00018-00004305-00004504 vulgar latin in the Middle Ages around E6vWIuMbypI-00019-00004505-00004751 the eastern Pyrenees 19th century Spain E6vWIuMbypI-00020-00004752-00004927 saw a Catalan literary revival E6vWIuMbypI-00021-00004928-00005467 culminating in the early 1900s E6vWIuMbypI-00022-00005468-00006081 topic etymology and pronunciation E6vWIuMbypI-00023-00006082-00006316 the word Catalan is derived from the E6vWIuMbypI-00024-00006317-00006562 territorial name of Catalonia itself of E6vWIuMbypI-00025-00006563-00006841 disputed etymology the main theory E6vWIuMbypI-00026-00006842-00007051 suggests that Catalunya Latin Gavi E6vWIuMbypI-00027-00007052-00007252 ellonija derives from the name go Thea E6vWIuMbypI-00028-00007253-00007552 or gal via land of the Goths since the E6vWIuMbypI-00029-00007553-00007783 origins of the Catalan counts lords and E6vWIuMbypI-00030-00007784-00007930 people were found in the march of gothia E6vWIuMbypI-00031-00007931-00008152 when Scotland Goethe LAN dia Goethe E6vWIuMbypI-00032-00008153-00008359 Alania Catalonia theoretically derived E6vWIuMbypI-00033-00008360-00008563 in English the term referring to a E6vWIuMbypI-00034-00008564-00008788 person first appears in the mid 14th E6vWIuMbypI-00035-00008789-00009031 century as Catalina followed in the 15th E6vWIuMbypI-00036-00009032-00009304 century as catellena from French it is E6vWIuMbypI-00037-00009305-00009534 attested a language named since at least E6vWIuMbypI-00038-00009535-00009919 1652 Catalan can be pronounced as or the E6vWIuMbypI-00039-00009920-00010099 ending them is pronounced Kaitlyn in the E6vWIuMbypI-00040-00010100-00010345 Eastern Catalan dialects and Catalan in E6vWIuMbypI-00041-00010346-00010612 the western dialects in the Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00042-00010613-00010879 community the term Valencia Valencia is E6vWIuMbypI-00043-00010880-00011145 frequently used instead the names E6vWIuMbypI-00044-00011146-00011569 Catalan and Valencian are two names for E6vWIuMbypI-00045-00011570-00011821 the same language see also status of E6vWIuMbypI-00046-00011822-00012300 Valencian below E6vWIuMbypI-00047-00012301-00012725 pick history E6vWIuMbypI-00048-00012726-00013219 topic Middle Ages E6vWIuMbypI-00049-00013219-00013491 by the 9th century Catalan had evolved E6vWIuMbypI-00050-00013493-00013680 from vulgar latin on both sides of the E6vWIuMbypI-00051-00013681-00013872 eastern end of the pyrenees as well as E6vWIuMbypI-00052-00013873-00014071 the territories of the roman province of E6vWIuMbypI-00053-00014072-00014353 hispania tarraconensis to the south from E6vWIuMbypI-00054-00014354-00014560 the 8th century onwards the Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00055-00014561-00014722 counts extended their territory E6vWIuMbypI-00056-00014722-00014919 southwards and westwards at the expense E6vWIuMbypI-00057-00014920-00015094 of the Muslims bringing their language E6vWIuMbypI-00058-00015094-00015330 with them this process was given E6vWIuMbypI-00059-00015331-00015532 definitive impetus with the separation E6vWIuMbypI-00060-00015533-00015703 of the county of Barcelona from the E6vWIuMbypI-00061-00015704-00016015 Carolingian Empire in 988 in the 11th E6vWIuMbypI-00062-00016016-00016240 century documents written in macaron de E6vWIuMbypI-00063-00016241-00016441 gladden begin to show Catalan elements E6vWIuMbypI-00064-00016442-00016636 with texts written almost completely in E6vWIuMbypI-00065-00016637-00016963 romance appearing by 1080 old Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00066-00016964-00017167 shared many features with gallo-romance E6vWIuMbypI-00067-00017168-00017410 diverging from old occitan between the E6vWIuMbypI-00068-00017411-00017665 11th and 14th centuries during the 11th E6vWIuMbypI-00069-00017666-00017872 and 12th centuries the Catalan rulers E6vWIuMbypI-00070-00017873-00018046 expanded up to north of the Ebro River E6vWIuMbypI-00071-00018047-00018274 and in the 13th century they conquered E6vWIuMbypI-00072-00018275-00018460 the land of Valencia and the Balearic E6vWIuMbypI-00073-00018461-00018511 Islands E6vWIuMbypI-00074-00018512-00018793 the city of alghero in Sardinia was E6vWIuMbypI-00075-00018794-00019021 repopulated with Catalan speakers in the E6vWIuMbypI-00076-00019022-00019315 14th century the language also reached E6vWIuMbypI-00077-00019316-00019552 Murcia which became spanish-speaking in E6vWIuMbypI-00078-00019553-00019759 the 15th century in the low Middle Ages E6vWIuMbypI-00079-00019760-00019956 Catalan went through a golden age E6vWIuMbypI-00080-00019957-00020172 reaching a peak of maturity and cultural E6vWIuMbypI-00081-00020173-00020449 richness examples include the work of E6vWIuMbypI-00082-00020450-00020764 Majorcan polymath Ramon rule 12 32 to E6vWIuMbypI-00083-00020765-00021115 1315 the four great chronicles 13th 14th E6vWIuMbypI-00084-00021116-00021316 centuries and the Valencian school of E6vWIuMbypI-00085-00021317-00021568 poetry culminating in osseous March 13 E6vWIuMbypI-00086-00021569-00022024 97 to 1459 by the 15th century the city E6vWIuMbypI-00087-00022025-00022165 of Valencia had become the E6vWIuMbypI-00088-00022166-00022342 socio-cultural center of the crown of E6vWIuMbypI-00089-00022343-00022558 Aragon and Catalan was present all over E6vWIuMbypI-00090-00022559-00022813 the Mediterranean world during this E6vWIuMbypI-00091-00022814-00023047 period the Royal Chancery propagated a E6vWIuMbypI-00092-00023048-00023344 highly standardized language Catalan was E6vWIuMbypI-00093-00023345-00023544 widely used as an official language in E6vWIuMbypI-00094-00023545-00023778 Sicily until the 15th century and in E6vWIuMbypI-00095-00023779-00024055 Sardinia until the seventeen during this E6vWIuMbypI-00096-00024056-00024250 period the language was what cost to E6vWIuMbypI-00097-00024251-00024447 Carreras terms one of the great E6vWIuMbypI-00098-00024448-00024780 languages of medieval Europe Marter ELLs E6vWIuMbypI-00099-00024781-00025021 outstanding novel of chivalry Toronto E6vWIuMbypI-00100-00025022-00025287 Blanc 1490 shows a transition from E6vWIuMbypI-00101-00025288-00025492 medieval to renaissance values something E6vWIuMbypI-00102-00025493-00025777 that can also be seen in meshes work the E6vWIuMbypI-00103-00025777-00025987 first book produced with movable type in E6vWIuMbypI-00104-00025988-00026184 the Iberian Peninsula was printed in E6vWIuMbypI-00105-00026185-00026512 Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00106-00026513-00027027 topic start of the modern era E6vWIuMbypI-00107-00027029-00027299 with the union of the Crown's of Castile E6vWIuMbypI-00108-00027300-00027587 and Aragon 1479 the use of Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00109-00027588-00027812 gradually became more prestigious and E6vWIuMbypI-00110-00027813-00027958 marked the start of the decline of the E6vWIuMbypI-00111-00027960-00028229 Catalan starting in the 16th century E6vWIuMbypI-00112-00028230-00028424 Catalan literature came under the E6vWIuMbypI-00113-00028425-00028625 influence of Spanish and the urban and E6vWIuMbypI-00114-00028626-00028841 literary classes became bilingual with E6vWIuMbypI-00115-00028842-00029138 the Treaty of the Pyrenees 1659 Spain E6vWIuMbypI-00116-00029139-00029342 ceded the northern part of Catalonia to E6vWIuMbypI-00117-00029343-00029555 France and soon thereafter the local E6vWIuMbypI-00118-00029556-00029726 cattle and varieties came under the E6vWIuMbypI-00119-00029727-00030008 influence of French which in 1700 became E6vWIuMbypI-00120-00030008-00030212 the sole official language of the region E6vWIuMbypI-00121-00030213-00030494 shortly after the French Revolution 1789 E6vWIuMbypI-00122-00030495-00030710 the French first republic prohibited E6vWIuMbypI-00123-00030711-00030860 official use of and enacted E6vWIuMbypI-00124-00030861-00031037 discriminating policies against the E6vWIuMbypI-00125-00031038-00031258 regional languages of France such as E6vWIuMbypI-00126-00031260-00031505 cattle an Alsatian bread and occitan E6vWIuMbypI-00127-00031506-00031918 Flemish and Basque E6vWIuMbypI-00128-00031919-00032547 topic France 19th to 20th centuries E6vWIuMbypI-00129-00032548-00032835 following the French capture of Algeria E6vWIuMbypI-00130-00032836-00033118 1833 that region saw several waves of E6vWIuMbypI-00131-00033119-00033400 catalan-speaking settlers people from E6vWIuMbypI-00132-00033401-00033601 the Spanish alikat province settled E6vWIuMbypI-00133-00033602-00033805 around or on whereas Algiers received E6vWIuMbypI-00134-00033806-00034015 emigration from northern Catalonia and E6vWIuMbypI-00135-00034016-00034273 menorca their speech was known as pachu E6vWIuMbypI-00136-00034274-00034558 it by 1911 the number of Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00137-00034559-00034882 speakers was around 100,000 after the E6vWIuMbypI-00138-00034883-00035080 declaration of independence of Algeria E6vWIuMbypI-00139-00035081-00035419 in 1962 almost all the Catalan speakers E6vWIuMbypI-00140-00035420-00035635 fled to northern Catalonia as plaintiff E6vWIuMbypI-00141-00035636-00035842 ours or alacant nowadays France E6vWIuMbypI-00142-00035843-00036052 recognises only French as an official E6vWIuMbypI-00143-00036053-00036316 language nevertheless on the 10th of E6vWIuMbypI-00144-00036317-00036595 December 2007 the General Council of the E6vWIuMbypI-00145-00036596-00036781 Pyrenees orientalis officially E6vWIuMbypI-00146-00036782-00036955 recognized Catalan as one of the E6vWIuMbypI-00147-00036956-00037153 languages of the department and seeks to E6vWIuMbypI-00148-00037154-00037324 further promote it in public life and E6vWIuMbypI-00149-00037325-00037706 education E6vWIuMbypI-00150-00037707-00038334 topic Spain 18th to 20th centuries E6vWIuMbypI-00151-00038335-00038583 the decline of Catalan continued in the E6vWIuMbypI-00152-00038584-00038868 16th and 17th centuries the defeat of E6vWIuMbypI-00153-00038869-00039090 the pro Hamburg coalition in the war of E6vWIuMbypI-00154-00039091-00039405 Spanish Succession 1714 initiated a E6vWIuMbypI-00155-00039406-00039570 series of laws which among other E6vWIuMbypI-00156-00039571-00039801 centralizing measures imposed the use of E6vWIuMbypI-00157-00039802-00040032 Spanish in legal documentation all over E6vWIuMbypI-00158-00040033-00040371 Spain in parallel however the 19th E6vWIuMbypI-00159-00040372-00040599 century saw a Catalan literary revival E6vWIuMbypI-00160-00040600-00040815 reneik Senka which has continued up to E6vWIuMbypI-00161-00040816-00041100 the present day this period starts with E6vWIuMbypI-00162-00041101-00041358 air blows owed to the homeland 1833 E6vWIuMbypI-00163-00041359-00041517 followed in the second half of the E6vWIuMbypI-00164-00041518-00041655 nineteenth century in the early E6vWIuMbypI-00165-00041656-00041841 twentieth by the work of verdaguer E6vWIuMbypI-00166-00041842-00042153 poetry or realist novel and Gamera drama E6vWIuMbypI-00167-00042154-00042420 in the 19th century the region of Karki E6vWIuMbypI-00168-00042421-00042579 in the province of Murcia was E6vWIuMbypI-00169-00042580-00042795 repopulated with Catalan speakers from E6vWIuMbypI-00170-00042796-00043047 the land of Valencia the second Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00171-00043048-00043452 Republic 1931 to 1939 saw a brief period E6vWIuMbypI-00172-00043453-00043647 of tolerance with most restrictions E6vWIuMbypI-00173-00043648-00043812 against Catalan being lifted E6vWIuMbypI-00174-00043813-00044097 despite orthographic standardization in E6vWIuMbypI-00175-00044098-00044343 1913 and the official status of the E6vWIuMbypI-00176-00044344-00044508 language during the second Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00177-00044509-00044820 Republic 1931 to 39 the Francoist E6vWIuMbypI-00178-00044821-00045024 dictatorship banned the use of Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00179-00045025-00045150 in schools and in the public E6vWIuMbypI-00180-00045151-00045790 administration between 1939 and 1975 E6vWIuMbypI-00181-00045791-00046251 topic present day E6vWIuMbypI-00182-00046252-00046489 since the Spanish transition to E6vWIuMbypI-00183-00046490-00046924 democracy 1975 to 1982 Catalan has been E6vWIuMbypI-00184-00046925-00047115 institutionalize Aidid as an official E6vWIuMbypI-00185-00047116-00047308 language language of education and E6vWIuMbypI-00186-00047309-00047521 language of mass media all of which have E6vWIuMbypI-00187-00047522-00047775 contributed to its increased prestige in E6vWIuMbypI-00188-00047776-00048031 Catalonia there is an unparalleled large E6vWIuMbypI-00189-00048032-00048244 bilingual European non-state speech E6vWIuMbypI-00190-00048245-00048517 community the teaching of Catalan is E6vWIuMbypI-00191-00048518-00048712 mandatory in all schools but it is E6vWIuMbypI-00192-00048713-00048919 possible to use Spanish for studying in E6vWIuMbypI-00193-00048920-00049156 the public education system of Catalonia E6vWIuMbypI-00194-00049157-00049333 in two situations if the teacher E6vWIuMbypI-00195-00049334-00049507 assigned to a class chooses to use E6vWIuMbypI-00196-00049508-00049671 Spanish or during the learning process E6vWIuMbypI-00197-00049672-00049876 of one or more recently arrived E6vWIuMbypI-00198-00049877-00050137 immigrant students there is also some E6vWIuMbypI-00199-00050138-00050356 intergenerational shift towards catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00200-00050357-00050536 according to the statistical institute E6vWIuMbypI-00201-00050537-00050821 of catalonia in 2013 the catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00202-00050822-00051004 language is the second most commonly E6vWIuMbypI-00203-00051005-00051235 used in catalonia after Spanish as a E6vWIuMbypI-00204-00051236-00051535 native or self-defining language 7% of E6vWIuMbypI-00205-00051536-00051751 the population self identifies with both E6vWIuMbypI-00206-00051752-00052089 catalan and spanish equally 36.4% with E6vWIuMbypI-00207-00052090-00052600 Catalan and 47.5% only Spanish in 2003 E6vWIuMbypI-00208-00052601-00052816 the same studies concluded no language E6vWIuMbypI-00209-00052816-00052966 preference for self-identification E6vWIuMbypI-00210-00052966-00053241 within the population above 15 years old E6vWIuMbypI-00211-00053242-00053470 five percent self-identified with both E6vWIuMbypI-00212-00053471-00053923 languages 44.3% with Catalan and 47.5 E6vWIuMbypI-00213-00053924-00054207 with Spanish in order to promote use of E6vWIuMbypI-00214-00054208-00054432 Catalan the generalitat de catalunya E6vWIuMbypI-00215-00054433-00054630 Catalonia's official autonomous E6vWIuMbypI-00216-00054632-00054799 government spends part of its annual E6vWIuMbypI-00217-00054800-00054997 budget on the promotion of the use of E6vWIuMbypI-00218-00054998-00055186 Catalan in Catalonia and in other E6vWIuMbypI-00219-00055187-00055411 territories in Andorra Catalan has E6vWIuMbypI-00220-00055412-00055607 always been the sole official language E6vWIuMbypI-00221-00055608-00055904 since the promulgation of the 1993 E6vWIuMbypI-00222-00055905-00056146 Constitution several policies favoring E6vWIuMbypI-00223-00056147-00056382 Catalan have been enforced like catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00224-00056383-00056602 medium education on the other hand there E6vWIuMbypI-00225-00056603-00056797 are several language shift processes E6vWIuMbypI-00226-00056798-00057052 currently taking place in the northern E6vWIuMbypI-00227-00057053-00057286 catalonia area of france catalan has E6vWIuMbypI-00228-00057287-00057466 followed the same trend as the other E6vWIuMbypI-00229-00057466-00057685 minority languages of france with most E6vWIuMbypI-00230-00057686-00057904 of its native speakers being 60 or older E6vWIuMbypI-00231-00057904-00058251 as of 2004 catalan has studied as a E6vWIuMbypI-00232-00058252-00058462 foreign language by 30 percent of the E6vWIuMbypI-00233-00058463-00058762 primary education students and by 15% of E6vWIuMbypI-00234-00058763-00059053 the secondary the cultural association E6vWIuMbypI-00235-00059054-00059232 lebra's ola promotes a network of E6vWIuMbypI-00236-00059233-00059487 community run schools engaged in catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00237-00059488-00059811 language immersion programs in Alicante E6vWIuMbypI-00238-00059812-00060022 province Catalan is being replaced by E6vWIuMbypI-00239-00060023-00060316 Spanish and in alghero by Italian there E6vWIuMbypI-00240-00060316-00060490 are also well ingrained diglossic E6vWIuMbypI-00241-00060491-00060675 attitudes against catalan in the E6vWIuMbypI-00242-00060676-00060888 Valencian community ibiza and to a E6vWIuMbypI-00243-00060889-00061056 lesser extent in the rest of the E6vWIuMbypI-00244-00061057-00061460 Balearic Islands E6vWIuMbypI-00245-00061461-00061762 topic classification and relationship E6vWIuMbypI-00246-00061763-00062255 with other Romance languages E6vWIuMbypI-00247-00062257-00062516 the ascription of Catalan to the exciton E6vWIuMbypI-00248-00062517-00062705 Oh romance branch of gallo Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00249-00062707-00062937 languages as not shared by all linguists E6vWIuMbypI-00250-00062938-00063138 and follow gist s-- particularly among E6vWIuMbypI-00251-00063139-00063390 Spanish ones such as Ramon Menendez Pete E6vWIuMbypI-00252-00063391-00063716 all according to pure Beck its specific E6vWIuMbypI-00253-00063717-00064011 classification as as follows Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00254-00064012-00064382 languages at a low Western languages E6vWIuMbypI-00255-00064383-00064788 Western Romance languages Gallo Iberian E6vWIuMbypI-00256-00064789-00065094 languages gallo Romance languages E6vWIuMbypI-00257-00065095-00065319 alternatively classified as Iberian E6vWIuMbypI-00258-00065320-00065622 Romance language oxi tanto Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00259-00065623-00065853 languages alternatively classified as E6vWIuMbypI-00260-00065854-00066144 East Iberian language Catalan language E6vWIuMbypI-00261-00066145-00066336 Catalan bears varying degrees of E6vWIuMbypI-00262-00066337-00066561 similarity to the linguistic varieties E6vWIuMbypI-00263-00066562-00066759 subsumed under the cover term occitan E6vWIuMbypI-00264-00066760-00066948 language see also differences between E6vWIuMbypI-00265-00066949-00067194 occitan and catalan and gallo Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00266-00067195-00067500 languages thus as it should be expected E6vWIuMbypI-00267-00067501-00067728 from closely related languages Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00268-00067729-00067914 today shares many traits with other E6vWIuMbypI-00269-00067915-00068305 Romance languages E6vWIuMbypI-00270-00068306-00068578 topic relationship with other Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00271-00068579-00068965 languages E6vWIuMbypI-00272-00068966-00069217 Catalan shares many traits with the E6vWIuMbypI-00273-00069218-00069388 other neighboring Romance languages E6vWIuMbypI-00274-00069389-00069694 Italian Sardinian occitan and Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00275-00069695-00069979 however despite being spoken mostly on E6vWIuMbypI-00276-00069980-00070219 the Iberian Peninsula Catalan has marked E6vWIuMbypI-00277-00070220-00070402 differences with the Iberian Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00278-00070403-00070642 group Spanish and Portuguese in terms of E6vWIuMbypI-00279-00070643-00070843 pronunciation grammar and especially E6vWIuMbypI-00280-00070844-00071098 vocabulary showing instead its closest E6vWIuMbypI-00281-00071099-00071287 affinity with Occitan and to a lesser E6vWIuMbypI-00282-00071288-00071473 extent gallo-romance French E6vWIuMbypI-00283-00071474-00071767 franco-provençal gallo Italian according E6vWIuMbypI-00284-00071768-00071932 to ethnologue the lexical similarity E6vWIuMbypI-00285-00071933-00072157 between Catalan and other Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00286-00072158-00072556 languages as 87% with Italian 85% with E6vWIuMbypI-00287-00072557-00072891 Portuguese and Spanish 76% with lateen E6vWIuMbypI-00288-00072892-00073305 75% with Sardinian and 73% with Romanian E6vWIuMbypI-00289-00073306-00073522 during much of its history and E6vWIuMbypI-00290-00073523-00073672 especially during the Francoist E6vWIuMbypI-00291-00073673-00074074 dictatorship 1939 to 1975 the Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00292-00074075-00074290 language was ridiculed as a mere dialect E6vWIuMbypI-00293-00074291-00074590 of Spanish this view based on political E6vWIuMbypI-00294-00074591-00074821 and ideological considerations has no E6vWIuMbypI-00295-00074822-00075130 linguistic validity Spanish and Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00296-00075131-00075298 have important differences in their E6vWIuMbypI-00297-00075299-00075538 sound systems lexicon and grammatical E6vWIuMbypI-00298-00075539-00075700 features placing the language and E6vWIuMbypI-00299-00075701-00075919 features closer to Occitan and French E6vWIuMbypI-00300-00075920-00076108 there is evidence that at least from the E6vWIuMbypI-00301-00076109-00076357 second century AD the vocabulary and E6vWIuMbypI-00302-00076358-00076570 phonology of Roman tarraconensis was E6vWIuMbypI-00303-00076571-00076708 different from the rest of Roman E6vWIuMbypI-00304-00076709-00077032 Hispania differentiation arose generally E6vWIuMbypI-00305-00077033-00077191 because Spanish asturian and E6vWIuMbypI-00306-00077192-00077371 galician-portuguese share certain E6vWIuMbypI-00307-00077372-00077569 peripheral are key isms Spanish share E6vWIuMbypI-00308-00077570-00077776 veer aster and and Portuguese fervor E6vWIuMbypI-00309-00077777-00078034 versus Catalan bullier Occitan bullier E6vWIuMbypI-00310-00078035-00078388 to boil an innovatory regionalisms SP E6vWIuMbypI-00311-00078389-00078643 novillo asked new value vs. cat Torrell E6vWIuMbypI-00312-00078644-00078985 OC torille bullock while catalan has a E6vWIuMbypI-00313-00078986-00079180 shared history with the Western Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00314-00079181-00079438 innovative core especially occitan like E6vWIuMbypI-00315-00079439-00079651 all Romance languages Catalan has a E6vWIuMbypI-00316-00079652-00079849 handful of native words which are rare E6vWIuMbypI-00317-00079850-00080157 are only found in Catalan these include E6vWIuMbypI-00318-00080158-00080479 verbs configuring to fasten transfix E6vWIuMbypI-00319-00080480-00080707 greater than configure to compose right E6vWIuMbypI-00320-00080708-00080902 Upton gemma nair greater than konjam an E6vWIuMbypI-00321-00080903-00081139 art to combine conjugate 2x some nadare E6vWIuMbypI-00322-00081140-00081352 greater than de shaandaar ir to wake E6vWIuMbypI-00323-00081353-00081580 awaken den sorry that they can crowd E6vWIuMbypI-00324-00081581-00081772 together greater than desert to save E6vWIuMbypI-00325-00081773-00082000 keep ignore a greater than nur art to E6vWIuMbypI-00326-00082001-00082204 miss yearn pine for in de guerre to E6vWIuMbypI-00327-00082205-00082347 investigate track grey E6vWIuMbypI-00328-00082348-00082551 than old cattle Annanagar to incite E6vWIuMbypI-00329-00082552-00082824 induce OD air greater than ocat you E6vWIuMbypI-00330-00082825-00083055 heart to exhaust fatigue Pacific air E6vWIuMbypI-00331-00083056-00083220 greater than a pav eager to appease E6vWIuMbypI-00332-00083221-00083472 mollify repudiate greater than rebut jar E6vWIuMbypI-00333-00083473-00083760 to reject refuse nouns E6vWIuMbypI-00334-00083761-00083994 risa greater than Brisa pumice buddha E6vWIuMbypI-00335-00083995-00084165 greater than boga read miss Katara E6vWIuMbypI-00336-00084166-00084414 greater than cat earned guitar congest a E6vWIuMbypI-00337-00084415-00084558 greater than congest a snowdrift E6vWIuMbypI-00338-00084559-00084774 delirium greater than de l'air ardour E6vWIuMbypI-00339-00084775-00084966 passion Fred - greater than free you E6vWIuMbypI-00340-00084967-00085209 break labem greater than lla you E6vWIuMbypI-00341-00085210-00085422 avalanche or a greater than Vora edge E6vWIuMbypI-00342-00085423-00085647 border mistress greater than pester you E6vWIuMbypI-00343-00085648-00085884 fish species prune up live coal greater E6vWIuMbypI-00344-00085885-00086109 than s / nut spark tarde shanem greater E6vWIuMbypI-00345-00086110-00086316 than tar Dow greater than tarde or Adam E6vWIuMbypI-00346-00086317-00086481 the Gothic superstrate produced E6vWIuMbypI-00347-00086482-00086661 different outcomes in Spanish and E6vWIuMbypI-00348-00086662-00087030 Catalan for example Catalan Fang mud and E6vWIuMbypI-00349-00087031-00087372 Ross tear to roast of Germanic origin E6vWIuMbypI-00350-00087373-00087690 contrasts with Spanish loto and asar of E6vWIuMbypI-00351-00087691-00087915 Latin origin whereas Catalan Filosa E6vWIuMbypI-00352-00087916-00088278 spinning wheel and Templar temple of E6vWIuMbypI-00353-00088279-00088569 Latin origin contrast with Spanish Ruka E6vWIuMbypI-00354-00088570-00088797 and sein of Germanic origin the same E6vWIuMbypI-00355-00088798-00089049 happens with Arabic loanwords thus E6vWIuMbypI-00356-00089050-00089352 cattle an Alfa BIA large earthenware jar E6vWIuMbypI-00357-00089353-00089694 and rajala tile of Arabic origin E6vWIuMbypI-00358-00089695-00089988 contrast with Spanish Taniya and Teja of E6vWIuMbypI-00359-00089989-00090246 Latin origin whereas Catalan Dali oil E6vWIuMbypI-00360-00090247-00090591 and Oliva olive of Latin origin E6vWIuMbypI-00361-00090592-00090801 contrasts with Spanish asada and E6vWIuMbypI-00362-00090802-00091080 aceituna however the Arabic element in E6vWIuMbypI-00363-00091081-00091227 Spanish has generally much more E6vWIuMbypI-00364-00091228-00091470 prevalent situated between two large E6vWIuMbypI-00365-00091471-00091716 linguistic blocks Iberian romance and E6vWIuMbypI-00366-00091717-00091938 gallo-romance Catalan has many unique E6vWIuMbypI-00367-00091939-00092226 lexical choices such as nur to miss E6vWIuMbypI-00368-00092227-00092517 somebody a pav eager to come somebody E6vWIuMbypI-00369-00092518-00093179 down and rebut jar reject E6vWIuMbypI-00370-00093180-00093768 topic geographic distribution E6vWIuMbypI-00371-00093769-00094382 topic catalan-speaking territories E6vWIuMbypI-00372-00094383-00094536 traditionally catalan-speaking E6vWIuMbypI-00373-00094537-00094761 territories are sometimes called the E6vWIuMbypI-00374-00094762-00095001 pesos Catalans catalan countries a E6vWIuMbypI-00375-00095002-00095223 denomination based on cultural affinity E6vWIuMbypI-00376-00095224-00095427 and common heritage that has also had a E6vWIuMbypI-00377-00095428-00095646 subsequent political interpretation but E6vWIuMbypI-00378-00095647-00095874 no official status various E6vWIuMbypI-00379-00095875-00096075 interpretations of the term may include E6vWIuMbypI-00380-00096076-00096568 some or all of these regions E6vWIuMbypI-00381-00096569-00097043 topic number of speakers E6vWIuMbypI-00382-00097044-00097259 the number of people known to be fluent E6vWIuMbypI-00383-00097260-00097444 in Catalan varies depending on the E6vWIuMbypI-00384-00097445-00097801 sources used a 2004 study did not count E6vWIuMbypI-00385-00097802-00097975 the total number of speakers but E6vWIuMbypI-00386-00097976-00098194 estimated a total of nine to nine point E6vWIuMbypI-00387-00098195-00098390 five million by matching the percentage E6vWIuMbypI-00388-00098391-00098569 of speakers to the population of each E6vWIuMbypI-00389-00098570-00098885 area where Catalan is spoken the website E6vWIuMbypI-00390-00098886-00099053 of the generalitat de catalunya E6vWIuMbypI-00391-00099054-00099296 estimated that as of 2004 there were E6vWIuMbypI-00392-00099297-00099560 nine million 118 thousand eight hundred E6vWIuMbypI-00393-00099561-00099832 eighty-two speakers of Catalan these E6vWIuMbypI-00394-00099833-00100042 figures only reflect potential speakers E6vWIuMbypI-00395-00100043-00100253 today it is the native language of only E6vWIuMbypI-00396-00100254-00100454 thirty five point six percent of the E6vWIuMbypI-00397-00100455-00100693 catalan population according to E6vWIuMbypI-00398-00100694-00100906 ethnologue Catalan had four million E6vWIuMbypI-00399-00100907-00101125 native speakers in five million second E6vWIuMbypI-00400-00101126-00101429 language speakers in 2012 the most E6vWIuMbypI-00401-00101430-00101648 important social characteristic of the E6vWIuMbypI-00402-00101649-00101855 Catalan language is that all the areas E6vWIuMbypI-00403-00101856-00102023 where it is spoken are bilingual in E6vWIuMbypI-00404-00102024-00102179 practice together with the French E6vWIuMbypI-00405-00102180-00102394 language in Roussillon with Italian in E6vWIuMbypI-00406-00102395-00102592 alghero with Spanish and French and E6vWIuMbypI-00407-00102593-00102788 Andorra and with Spanish in the rest of E6vWIuMbypI-00408-00102789-00103088 the territories one-carat the number of E6vWIuMbypI-00409-00103089-00103294 people who understand Catalan includes E6vWIuMbypI-00410-00103295-00103615 those who can speak it to carat figures E6vWIuMbypI-00411-00103616-00103823 relate to all self-declared capable E6vWIuMbypI-00412-00103824-00104271 speakers not just native speakers E6vWIuMbypI-00413-00104272-00104759 topic level of knowledge E6vWIuMbypI-00414-00104760-00105042 percent of the population 15 years old E6vWIuMbypI-00415-00105043-00105353 and older E6vWIuMbypI-00416-00105354-00105835 topic social use E6vWIuMbypI-00417-00105836-00106118 percent of the population 15 years old E6vWIuMbypI-00418-00106119-00106477 and older E6vWIuMbypI-00419-00106478-00106961 topic native language E6vWIuMbypI-00420-00106963-00107477 topic phonology E6vWIuMbypI-00421-00107478-00107741 cattle and phonology varies by dialect E6vWIuMbypI-00422-00107742-00108081 notable features include marked contrast E6vWIuMbypI-00423-00108082-00108374 of the vowel pairs II and O as in other E6vWIuMbypI-00424-00108375-00108566 Western Romance languages other than E6vWIuMbypI-00425-00108567-00108881 Spanish lack of diphthong ization of E6vWIuMbypI-00426-00108882-00109121 Latin short e o as in Galician and E6vWIuMbypI-00427-00109122-00109373 Portuguese but unlike French Spanish or E6vWIuMbypI-00428-00109374-00109649 Italian abundance of diphthongs E6vWIuMbypI-00429-00109650-00109835 containing with as in Galician and E6vWIuMbypI-00430-00109836-00110066 Portuguese in contrast to other Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00431-00110067-00110331 languages Catalan has many monosyllabic E6vWIuMbypI-00432-00110332-00110486 words and these may end in a wide E6vWIuMbypI-00433-00110487-00110699 variety of consonants including some E6vWIuMbypI-00434-00110700-00111005 consonant clusters additionally catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00435-00111006-00111449 has final obstinance of such couplets as E6vWIuMbypI-00436-00111450-00111850 amic male friend vs. amiga female friend E6vWIuMbypI-00437-00111851-00112100 central Catalan pronunciation is E6vWIuMbypI-00438-00112101-00112247 considered to be standard for the E6vWIuMbypI-00439-00112248-00112466 language the descriptions below are E6vWIuMbypI-00440-00112467-00112673 mostly representative of this variety E6vWIuMbypI-00441-00112674-00112838 for the differences in pronunciation E6vWIuMbypI-00442-00112839-00113087 between the different dialects see the E6vWIuMbypI-00443-00113088-00113306 section on pronunciation of dialects in E6vWIuMbypI-00444-00113307-00113724 this article E6vWIuMbypI-00445-00113725-00114193 topic vowels E6vWIuMbypI-00446-00114194-00114448 Catalan has inherited the typical vowel E6vWIuMbypI-00447-00114449-00114643 system of vulgar latin with seven E6vWIuMbypI-00448-00114644-00114931 stressed phonemes ie I owe you a common E6vWIuMbypI-00449-00114932-00115132 feature in Western Romance except E6vWIuMbypI-00450-00115133-00115461 Spanish Balearic also has instances of E6vWIuMbypI-00451-00115463-00115678 stressed dialects differ in the E6vWIuMbypI-00452-00115679-00115864 different degrees of vowel reduction and E6vWIuMbypI-00453-00115865-00116092 the incidence of the pair E in central E6vWIuMbypI-00454-00116093-00116356 Catalan unstressed vowels reduced at 3 a E6vWIuMbypI-00455-00116357-00116658 greater than o you greater than you I E6vWIuMbypI-00456-00116659-00116977 remains distinct the other dialects have E6vWIuMbypI-00457-00116978-00117214 different vowel reduction processes see E6vWIuMbypI-00458-00117215-00117430 the section pronunciation of dialects in E6vWIuMbypI-00459-00117431-00117765 this article E6vWIuMbypI-00460-00117766-00118247 topic consonants E6vWIuMbypI-00461-00118248-00118490 the consonant system of Catalan is E6vWIuMbypI-00462-00118491-00118664 rather conservative as is the case with E6vWIuMbypI-00463-00118665-00119027 most modern Western Romance languages el E6vWIuMbypI-00464-00119028-00119260 has a velar eyes dalla phone in syllable E6vWIuMbypI-00465-00119261-00119455 coda position in most dialects E6vWIuMbypI-00466-00119456-00119765 however el is veal Erised irrespective E6vWIuMbypI-00467-00119766-00119954 of position in Eastern dialects like E6vWIuMbypI-00468-00119955-00120299 Majorcan and standard Eastern Catalan V E6vWIuMbypI-00469-00120300-00120557 occurs in Balearic al Gary's standard E6vWIuMbypI-00470-00120558-00120743 Valencian and some areas in southern E6vWIuMbypI-00471-00120744-00120992 Catalonia it has merged with be E6vWIuMbypI-00472-00120993-00121313 elsewhere voiced obstruents undergo E6vWIuMbypI-00473-00121314-00121526 final obstacle E6vWIuMbypI-00474-00121527-00121963 than P D greater than T greater than K E6vWIuMbypI-00475-00121964-00122219 voiced stops become Li knighted to E6vWIuMbypI-00476-00122220-00122423 approximants in syllable on sets after E6vWIuMbypI-00477-00122424-00122681 continuance B greater than beta D E6vWIuMbypI-00478-00122682-00122920 greater than greater than E6vWIuMbypI-00479-00122921-00123194 exceptions include D after lateral E6vWIuMbypI-00480-00123195-00123521 consonants and B after F in coda E6vWIuMbypI-00481-00123522-00123725 position these sounds are realized as E6vWIuMbypI-00482-00123726-00123950 stops except in some Valencian dialects E6vWIuMbypI-00483-00123951-00124193 where they are Li knighted there is some E6vWIuMbypI-00484-00124194-00124373 confusion in the literature about the E6vWIuMbypI-00485-00124374-00124666 precise phonetic characteristics of TD E6vWIuMbypI-00486-00124667-00124964 some sources describe them as post E6vWIuMbypI-00487-00124965-00125356 alveolar others as back alveolo-palatal E6vWIuMbypI-00488-00125357-00125630 implying that the characters TD would be E6vWIuMbypI-00489-00125631-00125884 more accurate however in all literature E6vWIuMbypI-00490-00125885-00126085 only the characters for palato-alveolar E6vWIuMbypI-00491-00126086-00126305 affricates and fricatives are used even E6vWIuMbypI-00492-00126306-00126460 when the same sources used for other E6vWIuMbypI-00493-00126461-00126776 languages like polish and chinese the E6vWIuMbypI-00494-00126777-00126956 distribution of the two row dicks are E6vWIuMbypI-00495-00126957-00127233 and closely parallels that of Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00496-00127234-00127510 between vowels the two contrasts but E6vWIuMbypI-00497-00127511-00127646 they are otherwise in complimentary E6vWIuMbypI-00498-00127647-00127865 distribution in the onset of the first E6vWIuMbypI-00499-00127866-00128090 syllable in a word R appears unless E6vWIuMbypI-00500-00128091-00128402 preceded by a consonant dialects vary in E6vWIuMbypI-00501-00128403-00128582 regards to Rohtak sin the coda with E6vWIuMbypI-00502-00128583-00128798 Western Catalan generally featuring and E6vWIuMbypI-00503-00128799-00129032 central Catalan dialects featuring a E6vWIuMbypI-00504-00129033-00129245 weekly trill R unless it precedes a E6vWIuMbypI-00505-00129246-00129443 vowel initial word in the same prasada E6vWIuMbypI-00506-00129444-00129811 qunit in which case appears in careful E6vWIuMbypI-00507-00129813-00130105 speech and per metre L may be geminated E6vWIuMbypI-00508-00130106-00130451 geminated may also occur some analyze E6vWIuMbypI-00509-00130452-00130658 intervocalic R as the result of E6vWIuMbypI-00510-00130658-00130853 germination of a single Rohtak phoneme E6vWIuMbypI-00511-00130854-00131120 this is similar to the common analysis E6vWIuMbypI-00512-00131121-00131589 of Spanish and Portuguese rotecks E6vWIuMbypI-00513-00131590-00132172 topic phonological evolution E6vWIuMbypI-00514-00132173-00132740 topic sociolinguistics E6vWIuMbypI-00515-00132741-00133019 cattle and sociolinguistics studies the E6vWIuMbypI-00516-00133020-00133229 situation of Catalan in the world and E6vWIuMbypI-00517-00133230-00133373 the different varieties that this E6vWIuMbypI-00518-00133374-00133652 language presence it is a sub-discipline E6vWIuMbypI-00519-00133653-00133865 of catalan philology and other affine E6vWIuMbypI-00520-00133866-00134094 studies and has an objective to analyze E6vWIuMbypI-00521-00134095-00134258 the relation between the catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00522-00134259-00134435 language the speakers and the closed E6vWIuMbypI-00523-00134436-00134612 reality including the one of other E6vWIuMbypI-00524-00134613-00135032 languages in contact E6vWIuMbypI-00525-00135033-00135633 topic preferential subjects of study E6vWIuMbypI-00526-00135634-00135979 dialects of Catalan variations of E6vWIuMbypI-00527-00135980-00136237 Catalan by class gender profession age E6vWIuMbypI-00528-00136238-00136540 and level of studies process of E6vWIuMbypI-00529-00136541-00136832 linguistic normalization relations E6vWIuMbypI-00530-00136833-00137109 between Catalan and Spanish or French E6vWIuMbypI-00531-00137110-00137338 perception on the language of Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00532-00137339-00137641 speakers and non speakers presence of E6vWIuMbypI-00533-00137642-00137884 Catalan in several fields tagging public E6vWIuMbypI-00534-00137885-00138373 function media professional sectors E6vWIuMbypI-00535-00138374-00138919 topic dialects E6vWIuMbypI-00536-00138920-00139367 topic overview E6vWIuMbypI-00537-00139368-00139556 the dialects of the Catalan language E6vWIuMbypI-00538-00139557-00139850 feature a relative uniformity especially E6vWIuMbypI-00539-00139851-00140054 when compared to other Romance languages E6vWIuMbypI-00540-00140055-00140300 both in terms of vocabulary semantics E6vWIuMbypI-00541-00140301-00140681 syntax morphology and phonology mutual E6vWIuMbypI-00542-00140682-00140927 intelligibility between dialects is very E6vWIuMbypI-00543-00140928-00141274 high estimates ranging from 90% to 95% E6vWIuMbypI-00544-00141275-00141553 the only exception is the isolated E6vWIuMbypI-00545-00141554-00141821 idiosyncratic al Gary's dialect Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00546-00141822-00142037 is split in two major dialectal blocks E6vWIuMbypI-00547-00142038-00142361 Eastern Catalan and Western Catalan the E6vWIuMbypI-00548-00142362-00142547 main difference lies in the treatment of E6vWIuMbypI-00549-00142548-00142775 unstressed ie which have merged to in E6vWIuMbypI-00550-00142776-00142970 Eastern dialects but which remain E6vWIuMbypI-00551-00142971-00143231 distinct as I and II in western dialects E6vWIuMbypI-00552-00143232-00143486 there are a few other differences in E6vWIuMbypI-00553-00143487-00143702 pronunciation verbal morphology and E6vWIuMbypI-00554-00143703-00143981 vocabulary Western Catalan comprises the E6vWIuMbypI-00555-00143982-00144194 two dialects of northwestern Catalan and E6vWIuMbypI-00556-00144195-00144434 Valencian the eastern bloc comprises E6vWIuMbypI-00557-00144435-00144707 four dialects central Catalan Balearic E6vWIuMbypI-00558-00144708-00145046 broselow na z & algorri z-- each dialect E6vWIuMbypI-00559-00145047-00145259 can be further subdivided in several sub E6vWIuMbypI-00560-00145260-00145735 dialects the terms Catalan and Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00561-00145736-00145976 respectively used in Catalonia and the E6vWIuMbypI-00562-00145977-00146198 Valencian community are two varieties of E6vWIuMbypI-00563-00146199-00146426 the same language there are two E6vWIuMbypI-00564-00146427-00146654 institutions regulating the two standard E6vWIuMbypI-00565-00146655-00146849 varieties the institute of catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00566-00146850-00147071 studies in Catalonia and the Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00567-00147072-00147236 academy of the language in the Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00568-00147237-00147599 community central Catalan is considered E6vWIuMbypI-00569-00147600-00147764 the standard pronunciation of the E6vWIuMbypI-00570-00147765-00147929 language and has the highest number of E6vWIuMbypI-00571-00147930-00148208 speakers it is spoken in the densely E6vWIuMbypI-00572-00148209-00148379 populated regions of the Barcelona E6vWIuMbypI-00573-00148380-00148562 province the eastern half of the E6vWIuMbypI-00574-00148563-00148754 province of Tarragona and most of the E6vWIuMbypI-00575-00148755-00148952 province of Girona Catalan has an E6vWIuMbypI-00576-00148953-00149216 inflectional grammar nouns have two E6vWIuMbypI-00577-00149217-00149423 genders masculine feminine and two E6vWIuMbypI-00578-00149424-00149681 numbers singular plural pronouns E6vWIuMbypI-00579-00149682-00149846 additionally can have a neuter gender E6vWIuMbypI-00580-00149847-00150071 and some are also inflected for case and E6vWIuMbypI-00581-00150072-00150254 politeness and can be combined in very E6vWIuMbypI-00582-00150255-00150560 complex ways verbs are split in several E6vWIuMbypI-00583-00150561-00150731 paradigms and are inflected for person E6vWIuMbypI-00584-00150732-00151097 number tense aspect mood and gender in E6vWIuMbypI-00585-00151098-00151361 terms of pronunciation Catalan has many E6vWIuMbypI-00586-00151362-00151541 words ending in a wide variety of E6vWIuMbypI-00587-00151542-00151745 consonants and some consonant clusters E6vWIuMbypI-00588-00151746-00151946 in contrast with many other Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00589-00151947-00152296 languages E6vWIuMbypI-00590-00152297-00152799 topic pronunciation E6vWIuMbypI-00591-00152800-00153251 topic vowels E6vWIuMbypI-00592-00153252-00153506 Catalan has inherited the typical vowel E6vWIuMbypI-00593-00153507-00153704 system of vulgar latin with seven E6vWIuMbypI-00594-00153705-00153989 stressed phonemes see I owe you a common E6vWIuMbypI-00595-00153990-00154187 feature in Western Romance except E6vWIuMbypI-00596-00154188-00154516 Spanish Balearic has also instances of E6vWIuMbypI-00597-00154517-00154733 stressed dialects differ in the E6vWIuMbypI-00598-00154734-00154919 different degrees of vowel reduction and E6vWIuMbypI-00599-00154920-00155141 the incidence of the pair E in Eastern E6vWIuMbypI-00600-00155142-00155375 Catalan except Majorcan unstressed E6vWIuMbypI-00601-00155376-00155714 vowels reduced to 3 a greater than o you E6vWIuMbypI-00602-00155715-00155969 greater than you I remains distinct E6vWIuMbypI-00603-00155970-00156248 there are a few instances of unreduced e E6vWIuMbypI-00604-00156249-00156575 o in some words al Garry's has lowered E6vWIuMbypI-00605-00156576-00156935 to up in Majorcan unstressed vowels E6vWIuMbypI-00606-00156936-00157166 reduced to 4 a II follow the Eastern E6vWIuMbypI-00607-00157167-00157382 Catalan reduction pattern however o E6vWIuMbypI-00608-00157383-00157670 reduced to O with you remaining distinct E6vWIuMbypI-00609-00157671-00157922 as in Western Catalan in Western Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00610-00157923-00158201 unstressed vowels reduced to 5 e greater E6vWIuMbypI-00611-00158202-00158513 than e o greater than oh oh I remain E6vWIuMbypI-00612-00158514-00158753 distinct this reduction pattern E6vWIuMbypI-00613-00158754-00158987 inherited from pro to romance is also E6vWIuMbypI-00614-00158988-00159260 found in Italian and Portuguese some E6vWIuMbypI-00615-00159261-00159434 western dialects present further E6vWIuMbypI-00616-00159435-00159653 reduction or vowel harmony in some cases E6vWIuMbypI-00617-00159654-00159926 Central Western and Balearic differ in E6vWIuMbypI-00618-00159927-00160191 the lexical incidents of stressed e and E6vWIuMbypI-00619-00160192-00160481 usually words with in central Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00620-00160482-00160736 correspond to in Balearic and E in E6vWIuMbypI-00621-00160737-00161051 western Catalan words with E in Bali E6vWIuMbypI-00622-00161052-00161312 Eric almost always have e in central and E6vWIuMbypI-00623-00161313-00161561 western Catalan as well as a result E6vWIuMbypI-00624-00161562-00161753 central Catalan has a much higher E6vWIuMbypI-00625-00161754-00162174 incidence of E6vWIuMbypI-00626-00162175-00162598 topic consonants E6vWIuMbypI-00627-00162599-00163089 topic morphology E6vWIuMbypI-00628-00163090-00163393 Western Catalan in verbs the ending for E6vWIuMbypI-00629-00163394-00163621 first person present indicative is e in E6vWIuMbypI-00630-00163622-00163822 verbs of the first conjugation and in E6vWIuMbypI-00631-00163823-00163951 verbs of the second and third E6vWIuMbypI-00632-00163952-00164137 conjugations in most of the Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00633-00164138-00164407 community or Oh in all verb conjugations E6vWIuMbypI-00634-00164408-00164605 in the northern Valencian community and E6vWIuMbypI-00635-00164606-00164878 Western Catalonia eg parle t'aime cent E6vWIuMbypI-00636-00164879-00165055 Valencian parlo Timo E6vWIuMbypI-00637-00165056-00165382 sento northwestern Catalan Eastern E6vWIuMbypI-00638-00165383-00165601 Catalan in verbs the ending for first E6vWIuMbypI-00639-00165602-00165841 person present indicative as though I or E6vWIuMbypI-00640-00165842-00166264 in all conjugations eg parlo central E6vWIuMbypI-00641-00166265-00166519 parle Balearic and parley northern all E6vWIuMbypI-00642-00166520-00166891 meaning I speak Western Catalan in verbs E6vWIuMbypI-00643-00166892-00167191 the inchoate of endings are is CI x 0 x E6vWIuMbypI-00644-00167192-00167605 x and iske eastern catalan in verbs the E6vWIuMbypI-00645-00167606-00167866 inchoate of endings are AI x 0 e IX E6vWIuMbypI-00646-00167867-00168286 Ickes and eix i western catalan in nouns E6vWIuMbypI-00647-00168287-00168493 and adjectives maintenance of n of E6vWIuMbypI-00648-00168494-00168736 medieval plurals in proparoxytone words E6vWIuMbypI-00649-00168737-00168937 eg homens men Jovan's E6vWIuMbypI-00650-00168938-00169249 youth Eastern Catalan in nouns and E6vWIuMbypI-00651-00169250-00169507 adjectives loss of n of medieval plurals E6vWIuMbypI-00652-00169508-00169771 in proper oxi tone words eg homes men E6vWIuMbypI-00653-00169772-00170159 Jove's youth E6vWIuMbypI-00654-00170160-00170667 topic vocabulary E6vWIuMbypI-00655-00170668-00170931 despite its relative lexical unity the E6vWIuMbypI-00656-00170932-00171108 two dialectal blocks of cattle an E6vWIuMbypI-00657-00171109-00171276 Eastern and Western shows some E6vWIuMbypI-00658-00171277-00171579 differences in word choices any lexical E6vWIuMbypI-00659-00171580-00171759 divergence within any of the two groups E6vWIuMbypI-00660-00171760-00172047 can be explained as an AR key ISM also E6vWIuMbypI-00661-00172048-00172263 usually central Catalan acts as an E6vWIuMbypI-00662-00172264-00172652 innovative element E6vWIuMbypI-00663-00172653-00172999 topic standards E6vWIuMbypI-00664-00173000-00173167 you E6vWIuMbypI-00665-00173168-00173446 standard Catalan virtually accepted by E6vWIuMbypI-00666-00173447-00173674 all speakers is mostly based on Eastern E6vWIuMbypI-00667-00173675-00173848 Catalan which is the most widely used E6vWIuMbypI-00668-00173849-00174157 dialect nevertheless the standards of E6vWIuMbypI-00669-00174158-00174325 the Valencian community in the Bali E6vWIuMbypI-00670-00174326-00174574 erics admit alternative forms mostly E6vWIuMbypI-00671-00174575-00174766 traditional ones which are not current E6vWIuMbypI-00672-00174767-00174964 in eastern Catalonia the most notable E6vWIuMbypI-00673-00174965-00175165 difference between both standards assam E6vWIuMbypI-00674-00175166-00175432 tanuki accentuation for instance Francis E6vWIuMbypI-00675-00175433-00175803 angles ie see France A's an glaze AVL E6vWIuMbypI-00676-00175804-00176122 nevertheless AVL's standard keeps the E6vWIuMbypI-00677-00176123-00176347 grave accent egrave while pronouncing it E6vWIuMbypI-00678-00176348-00176590 as e rather than in some words like K E6vWIuMbypI-00679-00176591-00176890 what or Valencia other divergences E6vWIuMbypI-00680-00176891-00177181 include the use of TL AVL in some words E6vWIuMbypI-00681-00177182-00177415 instead of T ll like in a metla Amma E6vWIuMbypI-00682-00177416-00177661 Thea almond a spotless battle ax back E6vWIuMbypI-00683-00177662-00177874 the use of a lighted demonstrative zest E6vWIuMbypI-00684-00177875-00178168 a this e is see that in the same level E6vWIuMbypI-00685-00178169-00178417 is reinforced once a quest a quakes or E6vWIuMbypI-00686-00178418-00178633 the use of many verbal forms common in E6vWIuMbypI-00687-00178634-00178822 Valencian and some of these common in E6vWIuMbypI-00688-00178823-00179023 the rest of Western Catalan - like E6vWIuMbypI-00689-00179024-00179194 subjunctive mood or inchoate of E6vWIuMbypI-00690-00179195-00179404 conjugation enix at the same level as E6vWIuMbypI-00691-00179405-00179671 AIX or the priority use of e morpheme in E6vWIuMbypI-00692-00179672-00179857 first-person singular in present E6vWIuMbypI-00693-00179858-00180112 indicative are verbs Jo compre instead E6vWIuMbypI-00694-00180113-00180454 of Jo compro I buy in the balearic E6vWIuMbypI-00695-00180455-00180739 islands IEC standard is used but adapted E6vWIuMbypI-00696-00180740-00180895 for the Balearic dialect by the E6vWIuMbypI-00697-00180896-00181099 University of the Balearic Islands is E6vWIuMbypI-00698-00181100-00181381 fill illogical section in this way for E6vWIuMbypI-00699-00181382-00181624 instance IEC says it is correct writing E6vWIuMbypI-00700-00181625-00181849 can't amanda m-- we sing but the E6vWIuMbypI-00701-00181850-00182059 university says that the priority form E6vWIuMbypI-00702-00182060-00182260 in the balearic islands must be kantam E6vWIuMbypI-00703-00182261-00182524 in all fields another feature of the E6vWIuMbypI-00704-00182525-00182728 Balearic standard as the non ending in E6vWIuMbypI-00705-00182729-00182884 the first person singular present E6vWIuMbypI-00706-00182885-00183202 indicative Jo kampar I by Joe Tim I fear E6vWIuMbypI-00707-00183203-00183607 Jo dorm I sleep in alghero the IEC has E6vWIuMbypI-00708-00183608-00183781 adapted its standard to the algorri E6vWIuMbypI-00709-00183782-00184075 dialect in this standard one can find E6vWIuMbypI-00710-00184076-00184255 among other features the definite E6vWIuMbypI-00711-00184256-00184474 article low instead of L special E6vWIuMbypI-00712-00184475-00184648 possessive pronouns and determinants E6vWIuMbypI-00713-00184649-00185056 lamia mine low su la sua his/her no tou E6vWIuMbypI-00714-00185057-00185371 LaToya yours and so on the use of V V in E6vWIuMbypI-00715-00185372-00185584 the imperfect tense in all conjugations E6vWIuMbypI-00716-00185585-00185857 can tava crash eva leg eva the use of E6vWIuMbypI-00717-00185858-00186094 many archaic words usual words in al E6vWIuMbypI-00718-00186095-00186310 gary's Manko instead of many's less E6vWIuMbypI-00719-00186311-00186559 kalki you instead of algún some E6vWIuMbypI-00720-00186560-00186793 cual koala in stead of Quin kina which E6vWIuMbypI-00721-00186794-00187000 and so on and the adaptation of weak E6vWIuMbypI-00722-00187001-00187345 pronouns in 2011 the Aragon EES E6vWIuMbypI-00723-00187346-00187540 government passed a decree approving the E6vWIuMbypI-00724-00187541-00187735 statutes of a new language regulator of E6vWIuMbypI-00725-00187736-00187948 Catalan in la franja the so called E6vWIuMbypI-00726-00187949-00188182 catalan-speaking areas of Aragon as E6vWIuMbypI-00727-00188183-00188470 originally provided for by law 10 2009 E6vWIuMbypI-00728-00188471-00188722 the new entity designated as academia E6vWIuMbypI-00729-00188723-00188929 Aragon ASA del catalá shall allow E6vWIuMbypI-00730-00188930-00189172 facultative education in Catalan and a E6vWIuMbypI-00731-00189173-00189331 standardization of the Catalan language E6vWIuMbypI-00732-00189332-00189749 in la franca E6vWIuMbypI-00733-00189750-00190319 topic status of Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00734-00190320-00190569 valencian is classified as a Western E6vWIuMbypI-00735-00190570-00190746 dialect along with the northwestern E6vWIuMbypI-00736-00190747-00190974 varieties spoken in Western Catalonia E6vWIuMbypI-00737-00190975-00191175 provinces of Lleida and the western half E6vWIuMbypI-00738-00191176-00191253 of Tarragona E6vWIuMbypI-00739-00191254-00191496 the various forms of Catalan and E6vWIuMbypI-00740-00191497-00191673 Valencian are mutually intelligible E6vWIuMbypI-00741-00191674-00192036 ranging from 90% to 95% linguists E6vWIuMbypI-00742-00192037-00192254 including Valencian scholars deal with E6vWIuMbypI-00743-00192255-00192429 Catalan and Valencian is the same E6vWIuMbypI-00744-00192430-00192723 language the official regulating body of E6vWIuMbypI-00745-00192724-00192873 the language of the Valencian community E6vWIuMbypI-00746-00192874-00193104 the Valencian academy of language E6vWIuMbypI-00747-00193105-00193401 acadèmia valenciana de la lengua AVL E6vWIuMbypI-00748-00193402-00193593 declares the linguistic unity between E6vWIuMbypI-00749-00193594-00193979 Valencian and Catalan varieties the AVL E6vWIuMbypI-00750-00193980-00194190 created by the Valencian Parliament is E6vWIuMbypI-00751-00194191-00194366 in charge of dictating the official E6vWIuMbypI-00752-00194367-00194571 rules governing the use of Valencian and E6vWIuMbypI-00753-00194572-00194745 its standard is based on the norms of E6vWIuMbypI-00754-00194746-00195057 Costello normas de Costello currently E6vWIuMbypI-00755-00195058-00195282 everyone who writes in Valencian uses E6vWIuMbypI-00756-00195283-00195465 this standard except the Royal Academy E6vWIuMbypI-00757-00195466-00195744 of Valencian culture academia de cultura E6vWIuMbypI-00758-00195745-00195834 Valenciana E6vWIuMbypI-00759-00195835-00196079 are a CV which uses four Valencian and E6vWIuMbypI-00760-00196080-00196350 independent standard despite the E6vWIuMbypI-00761-00196351-00196541 position of the official organisations E6vWIuMbypI-00762-00196542-00196806 an opinion poll carried out between 2001 E6vWIuMbypI-00763-00196807-00197066 and 2004 showed that the majority of the E6vWIuMbypI-00764-00197067-00197268 Valencian people consider Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00765-00197269-00197532 different from Catalan this position is E6vWIuMbypI-00766-00197533-00197691 promoted by people who do not use E6vWIuMbypI-00767-00197692-00198009 Valencian regularly furthermore the data E6vWIuMbypI-00768-00198010-00198201 indicates that younger generations E6vWIuMbypI-00769-00198202-00198393 educated in Valencian are much less E6vWIuMbypI-00770-00198394-00198690 likely to hold these views a minority of E6vWIuMbypI-00771-00198691-00198897 Valencian scholars active in fields E6vWIuMbypI-00772-00198898-00199068 other than linguistics defends the E6vWIuMbypI-00773-00199069-00199239 position of the Royal Academy of E6vWIuMbypI-00774-00199240-00199476 Valencian culture academia de cultura E6vWIuMbypI-00775-00199477-00199569 Valenciana E6vWIuMbypI-00776-00199570-00199824 are a CV which uses for Valencian a E6vWIuMbypI-00777-00199825-00200037 standard independent from Catalan this E6vWIuMbypI-00778-00200038-00200214 clash of opinions has sparked much E6vWIuMbypI-00779-00200215-00200490 controversy for example during the E6vWIuMbypI-00780-00200491-00200703 drafting of the European Constitution in E6vWIuMbypI-00781-00200704-00200966 2004 the Spanish government supplied the E6vWIuMbypI-00782-00200967-00201186 EU with translations of the text into E6vWIuMbypI-00783-00201187-00201369 Basque Galician Catalan and Valencian E6vWIuMbypI-00784-00201370-00201918 but the latter two were identical E6vWIuMbypI-00785-00201919-00202452 topic vocabulary E6vWIuMbypI-00786-00202453-00202957 topic word choices E6vWIuMbypI-00787-00202958-00203221 despite its relative lexical unity the E6vWIuMbypI-00788-00203222-00203397 two dialectal blocks of cattle an E6vWIuMbypI-00789-00203398-00203565 Eastern and Western show some E6vWIuMbypI-00790-00203566-00203869 differences in word choices any lexical E6vWIuMbypI-00791-00203870-00204051 divergence within any of the two groups E6vWIuMbypI-00792-00204052-00204334 can be explained as anarchie ISM also E6vWIuMbypI-00793-00204335-00204552 usually central Catalan acts as an E6vWIuMbypI-00794-00204553-00204757 innovative element literary Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00795-00204758-00204925 allows the use of words from different E6vWIuMbypI-00796-00204926-00205167 dialects except those of very restricted E6vWIuMbypI-00797-00205169-00205458 use however from the 19th century E6vWIuMbypI-00798-00205459-00205611 onwards there has been a tendency E6vWIuMbypI-00799-00205612-00205806 towards favoring words of northern E6vWIuMbypI-00800-00205807-00206026 dialects to the detriment of others even E6vWIuMbypI-00801-00206027-00206154 though nowadays there is a greater E6vWIuMbypI-00802-00206155-00206536 freedom of choice E6vWIuMbypI-00803-00206537-00207058 topic latin and greek loanwords E6vWIuMbypI-00804-00207059-00207367 like other languages Catalan has a large E6vWIuMbypI-00805-00207369-00207546 list of loanwords from Greek and Latin E6vWIuMbypI-00806-00207548-00207857 this process started very early and one E6vWIuMbypI-00807-00207858-00208055 can find such examples in Ramon lols E6vWIuMbypI-00808-00208056-00208376 work in the 14th and 15th centuries E6vWIuMbypI-00809-00208377-00208565 Catalan had a far greater number of E6vWIuMbypI-00810-00208566-00208792 Greco Latin loanwords than other Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00811-00208794-00209036 languages as is attested for example in E6vWIuMbypI-00812-00209037-00209264 Roy's de karela's writings the E6vWIuMbypI-00813-00209265-00209507 incorporation of learned or bookish E6vWIuMbypI-00814-00209508-00209729 words from its own ancestor language E6vWIuMbypI-00815-00209730-00209996 Latin into Catalan is arguably another E6vWIuMbypI-00816-00209996-00210173 form of lexical borrowing through the E6vWIuMbypI-00817-00210173-00210335 influence of written language in the E6vWIuMbypI-00818-00210336-00210508 liturgical language of the church E6vWIuMbypI-00819-00210509-00210746 throughout the Middle Ages and into the E6vWIuMbypI-00820-00210746-00210938 early modern period most literate E6vWIuMbypI-00821-00210939-00211151 Catalan speakers were also literate in E6vWIuMbypI-00822-00211152-00211364 Latin and thus they easily adopted Latin E6vWIuMbypI-00823-00211365-00211583 words into their writing and eventually E6vWIuMbypI-00824-00211584-00212067 speech in Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00825-00212067-00212521 topic word formation E6vWIuMbypI-00826-00212521-00212794 the process of morphological derivation E6vWIuMbypI-00827-00212794-00213025 in Catalan follows the same principles E6vWIuMbypI-00828-00213026-00213210 as the other Romance languages where E6vWIuMbypI-00829-00213211-00213471 agglutination is common many times E6vWIuMbypI-00830-00213473-00213664 several affixes are appended to a E6vWIuMbypI-00831-00213665-00213855 pre-existing lexeme and some sound E6vWIuMbypI-00832-00213856-00214021 alternations can occur for example E6vWIuMbypI-00833-00214021-00214351 electric electric electrical versus E6vWIuMbypI-00834-00214352-00214551 electricity at alkylate receipt at E6vWIuMbypI-00835-00214552-00214801 prefixes are usually appended to verbs E6vWIuMbypI-00836-00214802-00215119 as in previewer for c there is greater E6vWIuMbypI-00837-00215119-00215314 regularity in the process of word E6vWIuMbypI-00838-00215315-00215437 compounding where one can find E6vWIuMbypI-00839-00215438-00215650 compounded words formed much like those E6vWIuMbypI-00840-00215651-00216096 in English E6vWIuMbypI-00841-00216096-00216621 topic writing system E6vWIuMbypI-00842-00216623-00216887 Catalan uses the Latin script with some E6vWIuMbypI-00843-00216888-00217169 added symbols and digraphs the Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00844-00217169-00217382 orthography is systematic and largely E6vWIuMbypI-00845-00217383-00217667 phonological II based standardisation of E6vWIuMbypI-00846-00217667-00217873 Catalan was among the topics discussed E6vWIuMbypI-00847-00217875-00218051 during the first international congress E6vWIuMbypI-00848-00218052-00218237 of the catalan language held in E6vWIuMbypI-00849-00218238-00218639 barcelona October 1906 subsequently the E6vWIuMbypI-00850-00218640-00218837 fill illogical section of the Institute E6vWIuMbypI-00851-00218838-00219134 destinies Catalans IEC founded in 1911 E6vWIuMbypI-00852-00219135-00219373 published the normies orthography 'kz in E6vWIuMbypI-00853-00219375-00219644 1913 under the direction of antony maria E6vWIuMbypI-00854-00219644-00219998 alq over and Pompeyo Fabri in 1932 E6vWIuMbypI-00855-00219998-00220154 Valencian writers and intellectuals E6vWIuMbypI-00856-00220155-00220421 gathered in castelló de la plana to make E6vWIuMbypI-00857-00220421-00220592 a formal adoption of the so called E6vWIuMbypI-00858-00220592-00220802 Norma's de Costello a set of guidelines E6vWIuMbypI-00859-00220803-00221036 following Pompeu Fabra x' catalan E6vWIuMbypI-00860-00221037-00221421 language norms E6vWIuMbypI-00861-00221423-00221919 topic grammar E6vWIuMbypI-00862-00221921-00222156 the grammar of Catalan is similar to E6vWIuMbypI-00863-00222157-00222431 other Romance languages features include E6vWIuMbypI-00864-00222432-00222755 use of definite and indefinite articles E6vWIuMbypI-00865-00222756-00223098 nouns adjectives pronouns and articles E6vWIuMbypI-00866-00223100-00223303 are inflected for gender masculine and E6vWIuMbypI-00867-00223304-00223503 feminine and number singular and plural E6vWIuMbypI-00868-00223504-00223789 there is no case inflection except in E6vWIuMbypI-00869-00223790-00224113 pronouns verbs are highly inflected for E6vWIuMbypI-00870-00224114-00224373 person number tense aspect and mood E6vWIuMbypI-00871-00224375-00224644 including a subjunctive there are no E6vWIuMbypI-00872-00224644-00224973 modal auxiliaries word order is freer E6vWIuMbypI-00873-00224975-00225333 than in English E6vWIuMbypI-00874-00225334-00225901 topic gender and number inflection E6vWIuMbypI-00875-00225902-00226141 engender inflection the most notable E6vWIuMbypI-00876-00226142-00226315 feature as compared to Portuguese E6vWIuMbypI-00877-00226316-00226525 Spanish or Italian the loss of the E6vWIuMbypI-00878-00226526-00226816 typical masculine Suffolk so thus the E6vWIuMbypI-00879-00226817-00227046 alternates of Oh a has been replaced by E6vWIuMbypI-00880-00227048-00227292 Oh a there are only a few exceptions E6vWIuMbypI-00881-00227294-00227683 like minsu Mensa scarce many not E6vWIuMbypI-00882-00227684-00227890 completely predictable morphological E6vWIuMbypI-00883-00227891-00228232 alternations may occur such as African E6vWIuMbypI-00884-00228233-00228719 boy boja insane versus League ledya ugly E6vWIuMbypI-00885-00228721-00229207 loss of n P la plana flat vs. según SE E6vWIuMbypI-00886-00229208-00229769 gonna 2nd final obstinate san Tita felt E6vWIuMbypI-00887-00229771-00230203 vs dick Dida said Catalan has few supply E6vWIuMbypI-00888-00230204-00230428 of couplets like Italian and Spanish and E6vWIuMbypI-00889-00230429-00230721 unlike French thus Catalan has noise E6vWIuMbypI-00890-00230723-00231319 neue boy girl and golf Galina pen E6vWIuMbypI-00891-00231319-00231583 whereas French has Garcon V and coke E6vWIuMbypI-00892-00231584-00231769 pool there is a tendency to abandon E6vWIuMbypI-00893-00231769-00231948 traditionally gender and variable E6vWIuMbypI-00894-00231950-00232123 adjectives in favor of marked ones E6vWIuMbypI-00895-00232123-00232339 something prevalent in occitan and E6vWIuMbypI-00896-00232340-00232644 French thus one can find Bullock Belinda E6vWIuMbypI-00897-00232646-00232879 boiling in contrast with traditional E6vWIuMbypI-00898-00232880-00233131 Bullock bülent as in the other Western E6vWIuMbypI-00899-00233132-00233329 Romance languages the main plural E6vWIuMbypI-00900-00233330-00233533 expression as the suffix s which may E6vWIuMbypI-00901-00233534-00233764 create morphological alternation similar E6vWIuMbypI-00902-00233765-00233956 to the ones found in gender inflection E6vWIuMbypI-00903-00233957-00234262 albeit more rarely the most important E6vWIuMbypI-00904-00234263-00234469 one is the addition of o before certain E6vWIuMbypI-00905-00234469-00234684 consonant groups a phonetic phenomenon E6vWIuMbypI-00906-00234685-00234883 that does not affect feminine forms L E6vWIuMbypI-00907-00234884-00235267 poles else pulses the pulse the pulses E6vWIuMbypI-00908-00235267-00235687 versus loopholes less poles the dust the E6vWIuMbypI-00909-00235688-00236108 dusts E6vWIuMbypI-00910-00236109-00236596 topic determiners E6vWIuMbypI-00911-00236596-00236815 the inflection of determinative zazz E6vWIuMbypI-00912-00236816-00237021 complex especially because of the high E6vWIuMbypI-00913-00237023-00237223 number of elisions but is similar to the E6vWIuMbypI-00914-00237223-00237498 neighboring languages Catalan has more E6vWIuMbypI-00915-00237500-00237730 contractions of preposition + article E6vWIuMbypI-00916-00237731-00238015 than Spanish like Del's of + the plural E6vWIuMbypI-00917-00238016-00238294 but not as many as Italian which has E6vWIuMbypI-00918-00238294-00238617 Sewell call know etc central Catalan has E6vWIuMbypI-00919-00238619-00238819 abandoned almost completely unstressed E6vWIuMbypI-00920-00238819-00239053 possessives Mon etc in favour of E6vWIuMbypI-00921-00239054-00239263 constructions of article + stressed E6vWIuMbypI-00922-00239264-00239592 forms el meu etc a feature shared with E6vWIuMbypI-00923-00239594-00239921 Italian E6vWIuMbypI-00924-00239921-00240454 topic personal pronouns E6vWIuMbypI-00925-00240455-00240703 the morphology of cattle and personal E6vWIuMbypI-00926-00240704-00240910 pronouns as complex especially in E6vWIuMbypI-00927-00240911-00241146 unstressed forms which are numerous 13 E6vWIuMbypI-00928-00241148-00241392 distinct forms compared to 11 in Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00929-00241394-00241669 or 9 in Italian features include the E6vWIuMbypI-00930-00241669-00241848 gender-neutral hoe and the great degree E6vWIuMbypI-00931-00241850-00242014 of freedom when combining different E6vWIuMbypI-00932-00242015-00242292 unstressed pronouns 65 combinations E6vWIuMbypI-00933-00242294-00242563 Catalan pronouns exhibit TV distinction E6vWIuMbypI-00934-00242564-00242758 like all other Romance languages and E6vWIuMbypI-00935-00242759-00242977 most European languages but not modern E6vWIuMbypI-00936-00242978-00243262 English this feature implies the use of E6vWIuMbypI-00937-00243263-00243427 a different set of second person E6vWIuMbypI-00938-00243428-00243757 pronouns for formality this flexibility E6vWIuMbypI-00939-00243758-00243976 allows Catalan to use extra position E6vWIuMbypI-00940-00243977-00244173 extensively much more than French or E6vWIuMbypI-00941-00244175-00244221 Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00942-00244223-00244489 thus Catalan can have mahai Rica E6vWIuMbypI-00943-00244490-00244689 Mandarin they recommended me to him E6vWIuMbypI-00944-00244690-00244987 whereas in French one must say ILS E6vWIuMbypI-00945-00244988-00245134 Marieke Mandel lui E6vWIuMbypI-00946-00245135-00245421 and Spanish me recommend R into L this E6vWIuMbypI-00947-00245423-00245598 allows the placement of almost any E6vWIuMbypI-00948-00245600-00245809 nominal term as a sentence topic without E6vWIuMbypI-00949-00245810-00246010 having to use so often the passive voice E6vWIuMbypI-00950-00246011-00246256 as in French or English or identifying E6vWIuMbypI-00951-00246257-00246463 the direct object with a preposition as E6vWIuMbypI-00952-00246464-00246878 in Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-00953-00246879-00247260 topic verbs E6vWIuMbypI-00954-00247261-00247546 like all the romance languages cattle E6vWIuMbypI-00955-00247546-00247746 and verbal inflection is more complex E6vWIuMbypI-00956-00247748-00247990 than the nominal suffix ation is E6vWIuMbypI-00957-00247991-00248077 omnipresent E6vWIuMbypI-00958-00248078-00248287 whereas morphological alternations play E6vWIuMbypI-00959-00248288-00248548 a secondary role vowel alternans azar E6vWIuMbypI-00960-00248548-00248748 active as well as in fixation and so E6vWIuMbypI-00961-00248750-00248946 pleasing however these are not as E6vWIuMbypI-00962-00248948-00249144 productive as in Spanish and are mostly E6vWIuMbypI-00963-00249146-00249369 restricted to irregular verbs the cattle E6vWIuMbypI-00964-00249371-00249598 and verbal system is basically common to E6vWIuMbypI-00965-00249598-00249798 all Western Romance except that most E6vWIuMbypI-00966-00249800-00249982 dialects have replaced the synthetic E6vWIuMbypI-00967-00249983-00250165 indicative perfect with a periphrastic E6vWIuMbypI-00968-00250166-00250534 form of an R to go + infinitive cattle E6vWIuMbypI-00969-00250535-00250741 and verbs are traditionally divided into E6vWIuMbypI-00970-00250742-00250948 three conjugations with vowel themes AE E6vWIuMbypI-00971-00250948-00251194 ight the last two being split into two E6vWIuMbypI-00972-00251194-00251271 subtypes E6vWIuMbypI-00973-00251271-00251509 however this division is mostly E6vWIuMbypI-00974-00251510-00251782 theoretical only the first conjugation E6vWIuMbypI-00975-00251783-00252094 is nowadays productive with about 3,500 E6vWIuMbypI-00976-00252094-00252289 common verbs whereas the third the E6vWIuMbypI-00977-00252290-00252550 subtype of server with about 700 common E6vWIuMbypI-00978-00252551-00252819 verbs is semi productive the verbs of E6vWIuMbypI-00979-00252821-00252994 the second conjugation are fewer than E6vWIuMbypI-00980-00252994-00253248 100 and it is not possible to create new E6vWIuMbypI-00981-00253250-00253687 ones except by compounding E6vWIuMbypI-00982-00253688-00254182 topic syntax E6vWIuMbypI-00983-00254183-00254414 the grammar of Catalan follows the E6vWIuMbypI-00984-00254415-00254578 general pattern of Western Romance E6vWIuMbypI-00985-00254579-00254860 languages the primary word order a E6vWIuMbypI-00986-00254861-00255007 subject verb object E6vWIuMbypI-00987-00255008-00255252 however word order is very flexible E6vWIuMbypI-00988-00255253-00255523 commonly verb subject constructions are E6vWIuMbypI-00989-00255524-00255788 used to achieve a semantic effect the E6vWIuMbypI-00990-00255789-00255976 sentence the train has arrived could be E6vWIuMbypI-00991-00255977-00256204 translated as ha Arriba el tren or el E6vWIuMbypI-00992-00256205-00256504 tren hari 'but both sentences means the E6vWIuMbypI-00993-00256505-00256712 train has arrived but the former puts a E6vWIuMbypI-00994-00256713-00256903 focus on the train while the latter puts E6vWIuMbypI-00995-00256904-00257146 a focus on the arrival this subtle E6vWIuMbypI-00996-00257147-00257317 distinction is described as what you E6vWIuMbypI-00997-00257318-00257452 might say while waiting in the station E6vWIuMbypI-00998-00257453-00257635 versus what you might say on the train E6vWIuMbypI-00999-00257636-00257845 topic Catalan names in Spain every E6vWIuMbypI-01000-00257846-00258089 person officially has two surnames one E6vWIuMbypI-01001-00258090-00258250 of which is the father's first surname E6vWIuMbypI-01002-00258251-00258397 and the other is the mothers first E6vWIuMbypI-01003-00258398-00258634 surname the law contemplates the E6vWIuMbypI-01004-00258635-00258844 possibility of joining both surnames E6vWIuMbypI-01005-00258845-00259150 with the Catalan conjunction I end topic E6vWIuMbypI-01006-00259151-00259372 sample text selected texts from Manuel E6vWIuMbypI-01007-00259373-00259688 de Pedro lows 1970 novel on a more for E6vWIuMbypI-01008-00259689-00259923 receipted a love affair outside the city E6vWIuMbypI-01009-00259924-00260203 topic loanwords in Catalan and English E6vWIuMbypI-01010-00260204-00260462 topics see also topic references topic E6vWIuMbypI-01011-00260463-00260674 bibliography dick taemin sobre el s-- E6vWIuMbypI-01012-00260675-00260941 principes i criterias per al la defensa E6vWIuMbypI-01013-00260942-00261172 de la denomination island ITAT del E6vWIuMbypI-01014-00261173-00261391 Valencia in Catalan acadèmia valenciana E6vWIuMbypI-01015-00261392-00261742 de la lengua the 9th of February 2005 E6vWIuMbypI-01016-00261743-00261943 Bonet Eulalia Mascaro E6vWIuMbypI-01017-00261944-00262303 Joan 1997 on the representation of E6vWIuMbypI-01018-00262304-00262562 contrasting Road X in Martinez Gil E6vWIuMbypI-01019-00262563-00262924 Fernando Morales front alfonso issues in E6vWIuMbypI-01020-00262925-00263101 the phonology and morphology of the E6vWIuMbypI-01021-00263102-00263359 major Iberian languages georgetown E6vWIuMbypI-01022-00263360-00263674 university press ISBN nine seven eight E6vWIuMbypI-01023-00263675-00263941 oh eight seven eight four oh six four E6vWIuMbypI-01024-00263942-00264370 seven Oh Britain a Scott 2011 Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-01025-00264371-00264512 dictionary in phrasebook E6vWIuMbypI-01026-00264513-00264844 New York Hippocrene books ISBN nine E6vWIuMbypI-01027-00264845-00265060 seven eight oh seven eight one eight one E6vWIuMbypI-01028-00265061-00265509 two five eight Oh brig era Geordi 2008 E6vWIuMbypI-01029-00265510-00265810 historia interna del Catalan lexico E6vWIuMbypI-01030-00265811-00266074 formación de palabras y phraseology ax E6vWIuMbypI-01031-00266075-00266278 in Ernst Gerhardt E6vWIuMbypI-01032-00266279-00266581 Roman dish Sprott gesh three Berlin New E6vWIuMbypI-01033-00266582-00267075 York Walter de Gruyter pp 3 o 4 5 3 o5 v E6vWIuMbypI-01034-00267076-00267466 Burk Ulrich Ralph 1900 a history of E6vWIuMbypI-01035-00267467-00267551 Spain from the E6vWIuMbypI-01036-00267552-00267734 earliest times to the death of Ferdinand E6vWIuMbypI-01037-00267735-00268252 the Catholic Longman's Green & Co P 154 E6vWIuMbypI-01038-00268253-00268523 carbonell Joan F L history E6vWIuMbypI-01039-00268524-00268922 Joaquim 1992 Catalan Journal of the E6vWIuMbypI-01040-00268923-00269267 International Phonetic Association 22 1 E6vWIuMbypI-01041-00269268-00269630 to 250 3 boy ten point one zero one E6vWIuMbypI-01042-00269631-00270083 seven soo to five 100 300 oo four six E6vWIuMbypI-01043-00270084-00270169 one eight E6vWIuMbypI-01044-00270170-00270449 carbonelle Joan F L history E6vWIuMbypI-01045-00270450-00270839 Joaquim 1999 Catalan handbook of the E6vWIuMbypI-01046-00270840-00271058 International Phonetic Association a E6vWIuMbypI-01047-00271059-00271250 guide to the usage of the International E6vWIuMbypI-01048-00271251-00271529 phonetic alphabet Cambridge Cambridge E6vWIuMbypI-01049-00271530-00271655 University Press E6vWIuMbypI-01050-00271656-00272201 pp 61 to 65 is B and O five to one six E6vWIuMbypI-01051-00272202-00272513 three seven five one one Collins English E6vWIuMbypI-01052-00272514-00272725 dictionary Harper Collins publishers E6vWIuMbypI-01053-00272726-00273077 1991 is B and ooo E6vWIuMbypI-01054-00273078-00273346 four three three two eight six five E6vWIuMbypI-01055-00273347-00273791 Cologne Germany 93 alexa catalogued E6vWIuMbypI-01056-00273792-00274079 insula romania biblioteca linguistica E6vWIuMbypI-01057-00274080-00274331 catalana valencia universitat de E6vWIuMbypI-01058-00274332-00274408 valència E6vWIuMbypI-01059-00274409-00274688 ISBN eight four three seven zero one E6vWIuMbypI-01060-00274689-00275042 three two seven five Kosta Carreras Joan E6vWIuMbypI-01061-00275043-00275435 Yates Allen 2009 the architect of modern E6vWIuMbypI-01062-00275436-00275722 Catalan selected writings Pompeu Fabra E6vWIuMbypI-01063-00275723-00276212 1868 to 1948 institute des 2ds Catalans E6vWIuMbypI-01064-00276213-00276461 and Universitat Pompeu Fabra and John E6vWIuMbypI-01065-00276462-00276995 Benjamin's BV PP 6 to 7 ISBN nine seven E6vWIuMbypI-01066-00276996-00277217 eight nine zero two seven two three two E6vWIuMbypI-01067-00277218-00277654 six four nine Fabra Pompeo 1926 E6vWIuMbypI-01068-00277655-00277957 gramática catalana in catalan 4th ed E6vWIuMbypI-01069-00277958-00278240 barcelona institute desk duties Catalans E6vWIuMbypI-01070-00278241-00278651 Feldhausen Ingo 2010 sentential form and E6vWIuMbypI-01071-00278652-00278879 personick structure of Catalan John E6vWIuMbypI-01072-00278880-00279227 Benjamin's BV ISBN nine seven eight nine E6vWIuMbypI-01073-00279228-00279488 oh two seven two five five five one E6vWIuMbypI-01074-00279489-00279737 eight ferret ER at all E6vWIuMbypI-01075-00279738-00280148 1973 cattle law encyclopedia Catalan of E6vWIuMbypI-01076-00280149-00280537 Ullom 4 in Catalan 1977 corrected ed E6vWIuMbypI-01077-00280538-00280899 Barcelona encyclopedia catalana Peep E6vWIuMbypI-01078-00280900-00281425 628 to 639 ISBN eight four eight five E6vWIuMbypI-01079-00281426-00281813 one nine four oh four seven Diego Rosa E6vWIuMbypI-01080-00281814-00281905 sons E6vWIuMbypI-01081-00281906-00282274 Juan Carlos 2001 diccionario had called E6vWIuMbypI-01082-00282275-00282641 del color in Spanish a call ISBN nine E6vWIuMbypI-01083-00282642-00282890 seven eight eight four four six zero one E6vWIuMbypI-01084-00282891-00283180 oh eight three eight Garcia venero E6vWIuMbypI-01085-00283181-00283551 Maximian Oh the seventh of July 2006 E6vWIuMbypI-01086-00283552-00283849 historia del nationalism Oh Catalan to a E6vWIuMbypI-01087-00283850-00284248 edición egg nacio now retrieved the 25th E6vWIuMbypI-01088-00284249-00284710 of April 2010 go Philip Babcock edy 1993 E6vWIuMbypI-01089-00284711-00284864 Webster's third new international E6vWIuMbypI-01090-00284865-00285310 dictionary Miriam Webster inc ISBN three E6vWIuMbypI-01091-00285311-00285603 eight to nine oh five to nine to eight E6vWIuMbypI-01092-00285604-00286040 keno Enric 1999 else funda doors del E6vWIuMbypI-01093-00286041-00286268 regna de Valencia repla Beaumont and E6vWIuMbypI-01094-00286269-00286498 Trump anemia I languaje Valencia E6vWIuMbypI-01095-00286499-00286919 medieval Valencia tres I Katra is B and E6vWIuMbypI-01096-00286920-00287138 eight billion four hundred seventy five E6vWIuMbypI-01097-00287139-00287318 million twenty five thousand nine E6vWIuMbypI-01098-00287319-00287554 hundred nineteen who all day E6vWIuMbypI-01099-00287555-00288220 Jose 1992 Catalan route Lidge P 368 ISBN E6vWIuMbypI-01100-00288221-00288470 nine seven eight oh four one five oh E6vWIuMbypI-01101-00288471-00288601 five four nine eight E6vWIuMbypI-01102-00288602-00289091 Oh John Jakob 1925 problèmes dizzy E6vWIuMbypI-01103-00289092-00289297 ography linguistique Roman in French E6vWIuMbypI-01104-00289298-00289669 Paris review de linguistique Roman PP E6vWIuMbypI-01105-00289670-00290294 181 to 182 Coria cough Yuri 2001 atlas E6vWIuMbypI-01106-00290295-00290639 of Romance languages Moscow lado Mikkel E6vWIuMbypI-01107-00290640-00290990 Angel 2011 twenty six the independent E6vWIuMbypI-01108-00290991-00291178 standardisation of Valencia from E6vWIuMbypI-01109-00291179-00291399 official use to underground resistance E6vWIuMbypI-01110-00291400-00291676 handbook of language and ethnic identity E6vWIuMbypI-01111-00291677-00291871 the success/failure continuum in E6vWIuMbypI-01112-00291872-00292070 language and ethnic identity efforts E6vWIuMbypI-01113-00292071-00292354 volume to New York Oxford University E6vWIuMbypI-01114-00292355-00292449 Press E6vWIuMbypI-01115-00292450-00293093 pp 336 to 348 ISBN nine seven eight oh E6vWIuMbypI-01116-00293094-00293377 one nine five three nine two four five E6vWIuMbypI-01117-00293378-00293867 six Lloret Maria Rosa April 2003 the E6vWIuMbypI-01118-00293868-00294103 phonological role of paradigms the case E6vWIuMbypI-01119-00294104-00294263 of insular Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-01120-00294264-00294473 written at Amsterdam in Philadelphia in E6vWIuMbypI-01121-00294474-00294800 auger Julie Clements je Clancy Vance E6vWIuMbypI-01122-00294801-00295103 Barbara contemporary approaches to E6vWIuMbypI-01123-00295104-00295337 romance linguistics selected papers from E6vWIuMbypI-01124-00295338-00295589 the 33rd linguistic symposium on Romance E6vWIuMbypI-01125-00295590-00295940 languages language 83 Bloomington E6vWIuMbypI-01126-00295941-00296414 Indiana John Benjamin's P 278 joy ten E6vWIuMbypI-01127-00296415-00296648 point one three five three land point E6vWIuMbypI-01128-00296649-00296909 two zero zero seven point zero zero nine E6vWIuMbypI-01129-00296910-00297311 eight Marfa knee Marta 2002 else minore E6vWIuMbypI-01130-00297312-00297581 Quinn's dog area in Catalan Barcelona E6vWIuMbypI-01131-00297582-00297911 Abba dia de Montserrat ISBN eight four E6vWIuMbypI-01132-00297912-00298231 eight four one five three six six five E6vWIuMbypI-01133-00298232-00298619 Melchior Vasanta branch Adel Albert 2002 E6vWIuMbypI-01134-00298620-00298961 el Catalan una lengua de europa para E6vWIuMbypI-01135-00298962-00299243 compartir in Spanish Bella Terra E6vWIuMbypI-01136-00299244-00299656 Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona P 71 E6vWIuMbypI-01137-00299657-00299957 ISBN eight four four nine two two nine E6vWIuMbypI-01138-00299958-00300526 nine one mall Francesc to be 2006 1958 E6vWIuMbypI-01139-00300527-00300815 gramática historic Ekaterina in cattle E6vWIuMbypI-01140-00300816-00301052 and cattle an IDI universitat de E6vWIuMbypI-01141-00301053-00301153 valència E6vWIuMbypI-01142-00301154-00301511 p-47 ISBN nine seven eight eight four E6vWIuMbypI-01143-00301512-00301801 three seven zero six four one two three E6vWIuMbypI-01144-00301802-00302213 Moran Josef 1994 tree balls de E6vWIuMbypI-01145-00302214-00302414 linguistique a historic a Catalan ax in E6vWIuMbypI-01146-00302415-00302702 catalan barcelona publications de la E6vWIuMbypI-01147-00302703-00303185 bahia de monster at PP 55 to 93 ISBN E6vWIuMbypI-01148-00303186-00303458 date for seven eight two six five six E6vWIuMbypI-01149-00303459-00303950 eight six Moran Josef 2004 a studious de E6vWIuMbypI-01150-00303951-00304148 historia de la llengua catalana in E6vWIuMbypI-01151-00304149-00304439 catalan barcelona publications de la E6vWIuMbypI-01152-00304440-00304910 bahía de monserrate pp 37 to 38 is B and E6vWIuMbypI-01153-00304911-00305189 eight four eight four one five six seven E6vWIuMbypI-01154-00305190-00305287 two nine E6vWIuMbypI-01155-00305288-00305720 Paget J 2003 systemic contrasts in E6vWIuMbypI-01156-00305721-00305836 catalan Roddick's E6vWIuMbypI-01157-00305837-00306074 University of California Santa Cruz E6vWIuMbypI-01158-00306075-00306475 equals to reek essence Daniel 1993 E6vWIuMbypI-01159-00306476-00306767 phonetically phonology ax encyclopedia E6vWIuMbypI-01160-00306768-00307073 catalana recast ins Daniel von Tavella E6vWIuMbypI-01161-00307074-00307435 Geordi Polaris Maria dolars 1995 E6vWIuMbypI-01162-00307436-00307625 valorization degree E6vWIuMbypI-01163-00307626-00307877 and co articulatory resistance 4l in E6vWIuMbypI-01164-00307878-00308174 Catalan and German Journal of phonetics E6vWIuMbypI-01165-00308175-00309065 23 1 288 doy 10.10 1 6 soo 9 5 4 4 709 5 E6vWIuMbypI-01166-00309066-00309578 800 3 1x recasts ins Daniel 1996 E6vWIuMbypI-01167-00309579-00309851 phonetic a descriptive Adel català a E6vWIuMbypI-01168-00309852-00310043 seda character it's a co de la E6vWIuMbypI-01169-00310044-00310313 pronunciate del vocalize me IL consonant E6vWIuMbypI-01170-00310314-00310724 is me catalá AL sigl XX 2nd ed barcelona E6vWIuMbypI-01171-00310725-00311212 institute destinies Catalans pp 75 to 76 E6vWIuMbypI-01172-00311213-00311747 128 to 129 ISBN nine trillion seven E6vWIuMbypI-01173-00311748-00311915 hundred eighty eight billion four E6vWIuMbypI-01174-00311916-00312089 hundred seventy two million eight E6vWIuMbypI-01175-00312090-00312382 hundred thirty three thousand 128 E6vWIuMbypI-01176-00312383-00312722 recasts ins daniel polaris maria dollars E6vWIuMbypI-01177-00312723-00313031 two thousand one della phonetic allah E6vWIuMbypI-01178-00313032-00313208 phonology ax less consonants i E6vWIuMbypI-01179-00313209-00313486 assimilations consonant eeks del Catala E6vWIuMbypI-01180-00313487-00313847 barcelona editorial arial ISBN nine E6vWIuMbypI-01181-00313848-00314096 seven eight eight four three four four E6vWIuMbypI-01182-00314097-00314405 two eight eight four three recast ins E6vWIuMbypI-01183-00314406-00314813 daniel espinosa aina 2005 articulatory E6vWIuMbypI-01184-00314814-00315010 positional and co articulatory E6vWIuMbypI-01185-00315011-00315266 characteristics for clear l and dark l E6vWIuMbypI-01186-00315267-00315505 evidence from two cattle and dialects E6vWIuMbypI-01187-00315506-00315749 Journal of the International Phonetic E6vWIuMbypI-01188-00315750-00316211 Association 35 one 120 joy ten point one E6vWIuMbypI-01189-00316212-00316643 zero one seven soo to five 100 300 500 E6vWIuMbypI-01190-00316644-00316952 one eight seven eight rique asin's E6vWIuMbypI-01191-00316953-00317354 daniel espinosa aina 2007 an electro E6vWIuMbypI-01192-00317355-00317561 Palais de Graaff akin acoustic study of E6vWIuMbypI-01193-00317562-00317759 affricates and fricatives in to cattle E6vWIuMbypI-01194-00317760-00317975 and dialects Journal of the E6vWIuMbypI-01195-00317976-00318346 International Phonetic Association 37 to E6vWIuMbypI-01196-00318347-00318782 145 joy ten point one zero one seven soo E6vWIuMbypI-01197-00318783-00319201 to five 100 300 600 to eight to nine E6vWIuMbypI-01198-00319202-00319706 Ricker Mardi de 1964 Volume one historia E6vWIuMbypI-01199-00319707-00319945 de la literatura catalana in Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-01200-00319946-00320320 Barcelona Ariel Russell gebet Paul Edie E6vWIuMbypI-01201-00320321-00320708 1965 media eval Catalan linguistic texts E6vWIuMbypI-01202-00320709-00320999 dolphin book co limited Oxford E6vWIuMbypI-01203-00321000-00321353 Schlosser Raynard 2005 die Roman ition E6vWIuMbypI-01204-00321354-00321740 sprechen Munich CH back Swan michael E6vWIuMbypI-01205-00321741-00322046 2001 learner english a teacher's guide E6vWIuMbypI-01206-00322047-00322247 to interference and other problems E6vWIuMbypI-01207-00322248-00322588 volume 1 cambridge university press ISBN E6vWIuMbypI-01208-00322589-00322847 nine trillion seven hundred eighty E6vWIuMbypI-01209-00322848-00323132 billion 521 million seven hundred E6vWIuMbypI-01210-00323133-00323324 seventy nine thousand three hundred E6vWIuMbypI-01211-00323325-00323798 ninety five thomas Earl W 1962 the E6vWIuMbypI-01212-00323799-00324128 resurgence of catalan Hispania 45 one E6vWIuMbypI-01213-00324129-00324416 forty three to eight doy ten point two E6vWIuMbypI-01214-00324417-00324590 three zero seven three hundred E6vWIuMbypI-01215-00324591-00324746 thirty-seven thousand five hundred E6vWIuMbypI-01216-00324747-00325091 twenty three JSTOR three hundred E6vWIuMbypI-01217-00325092-00325250 thirty-seven thousand five hundred E6vWIuMbypI-01218-00325251-00325678 twenty three wheeler max W 1979 E6vWIuMbypI-01219-00325679-00325996 phonology of cattle an Oxford blackwell E6vWIuMbypI-01220-00325997-00326327 ISBN nine seven eight oh six three one E6vWIuMbypI-01221-00326328-00326699 one one six two one nine wheeler max E6vWIuMbypI-01222-00326700-00327215 Yeates Alan doles nicolau 1999 Catalan a E6vWIuMbypI-01223-00327216-00327484 comprehensive grammar London route Lynch E6vWIuMbypI-01224-00327485-00327910 wheeler Max 2003 five Catalan the E6vWIuMbypI-01225-00327911-00328279 romance languages London route lage PP E6vWIuMbypI-01226-00328280-00328769 172 208 is B and O four one five one six E6vWIuMbypI-01227-00328770-00329255 four one seven six wheeler max 2005 the E6vWIuMbypI-01228-00329256-00329519 phonology of Catalan Oxford Oxford E6vWIuMbypI-01229-00329520-00329969 University Press P 54 ISBN nine seven E6vWIuMbypI-01230-00329970-00330232 eight oh one nine nine two five eight E6vWIuMbypI-01231-00330233-00330664 one four seven wheeler Max 2006 E6vWIuMbypI-01232-00330665-00330910 encyclopedia of language and linguistics E6vWIuMbypI-01233-00330911-00331289 wheeler max 2010 Catalan concise E6vWIuMbypI-01234-00331290-00331532 encyclopedia of languages of the world E6vWIuMbypI-01235-00331533-00332209 Oxford Elsevier pp 188 to 192 ISBN nine E6vWIuMbypI-01236-00332210-00332576 seven 800 808 seven seven seven four E6vWIuMbypI-01237-00332577-00332744 seven bene E6vWIuMbypI-01238-00332745-00333101 Joan 1997 bridges digwydd tardes Arn E6vWIuMbypI-01239-00333102-00333518 Senor de caballo 1080 to 1095 home Naja E6vWIuMbypI-01240-00333519-00333815 Arthur Terry Barcelona publications de E6vWIuMbypI-01241-00333816-00334148 la bahía de monserrate PP 9 to 18 E6vWIuMbypI-01242-00334149-00334376 ISBN 8 for seven E6vWIuMbypI-01243-00334377-00334700 eight two six eight nine four four Veni E6vWIuMbypI-01244-00334701-00335081 Joan 2007 petite Atlas linguistic del E6vWIuMbypI-01245-00335082-00335384 Dominica de la one and two Barcelona E6vWIuMbypI-01246-00335385-00335582 Institute des 2ds Catalans E6vWIuMbypI-01247-00335583-00335993 P 51 ISBN nine seven eight eight four E6vWIuMbypI-01248-00335994-00336218 seven two eight three nine four two E6vWIuMbypI-01249-00336219-00336551 seven topic external links catalan E6vWIuMbypI-01250-00336552-00336740 language at curly institutions can E6vWIuMbypI-01251-00336741-00336944 sourceip for a long normal it's a Geo E6vWIuMbypI-01252-00336945-00337139 linguistica Institute des two T's E6vWIuMbypI-01253-00337140-00337376 Catalans acadèmia valenciana de la E6vWIuMbypI-01254-00337377-00337553 lengua secret area de política E6vWIuMbypI-01255-00337554-00337757 linguistic Adela generalitat de E6vWIuMbypI-01256-00337758-00337912 catalunya about the Catalan language E6vWIuMbypI-01257-00337913-00338195 gramática de la llengua catalana Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-01258-00338196-00338432 grammar verbs dot cat Catalan verb E6vWIuMbypI-01259-00338433-00338621 conjugations with online trainers E6vWIuMbypI-01260-00338622-00338822 Catalan and its dialects monolingual E6vWIuMbypI-01261-00338823-00339038 dictionary dictionary de la llengua E6vWIuMbypI-01262-00339039-00339254 catalana from the Institute Destiny's E6vWIuMbypI-01263-00339255-00339473 Catalans gran dictionary de la llengua E6vWIuMbypI-01264-00339474-00339713 catalana from encyclopedia catalana E6vWIuMbypI-01265-00339714-00339989 dictionary catalá valencia ballet Ardell E6vWIuMbypI-01266-00339990-00340241 cover I'm all dictionary Valencia online E6vWIuMbypI-01267-00340242-00340421 dictionary inverse de la llengua E6vWIuMbypI-01268-00340422-00340649 catalana dictionary of catalan words E6vWIuMbypI-01269-00340650-00340835 spelled backwards bilingual and E6vWIuMbypI-01270-00340836-00341057 multilingual dictionaries dictionary de E6vWIuMbypI-01271-00341058-00341249 la llengua catalana multi-lane from E6vWIuMbypI-01272-00341250-00341507 encyclopedia catalana catalan left-right E6vWIuMbypI-01273-00341508-00341723 arrow english french german and spanish E6vWIuMbypI-01274-00341724-00342020 DAC co open source collaborative E6vWIuMbypI-01275-00342021-00342188 dictionary catalan english E6vWIuMbypI-01276-00342189-00342410 Webster's online dictionary the rosetta E6vWIuMbypI-01277-00342411-00342668 edition catalan english optima Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-01278-00342669-00342860 language consults dictionary and E6vWIuMbypI-01279-00342861-00343045 thesaurus of generalitat of catalonia E6vWIuMbypI-01280-00343046-00343313 automated translation systems traductor E6vWIuMbypI-01281-00343314-00343568 automated online translations of text E6vWIuMbypI-01282-00343569-00343772 and webpages catalan left/right arrow E6vWIuMbypI-01283-00343773-00343967 English French and Spanish E6vWIuMbypI-01284-00343968-00344216 Suchitra automated online translations E6vWIuMbypI-01285-00344217-00344483 of text and webpages catalan spanish a E6vWIuMbypI-01286-00344484-00344735 per diem org a per diem free software E6vWIuMbypI-01287-00344736-00344984 translates text documents or web pages E6vWIuMbypI-01288-00344985-00345227 online or offline between Catalan and E6vWIuMbypI-01289-00345228-00345560 erinyes English Esperanto French occitan E6vWIuMbypI-01290-00345561-00345802 Portuguese and Spanish translate Google E6vWIuMbypI-01291-00345803-00346130 come online translations Catalan English E6vWIuMbypI-01292-00346131-00346343 and other languages phrase books Catalan E6vWIuMbypI-01293-00346344-00346571 phrase book on wikivoyage basic cattle E6vWIuMbypI-01294-00346572-00346778 and phrases with audio catalan language E6vWIuMbypI-01295-00346779-00347015 with audio learning resources cattle and E6vWIuMbypI-01296-00347016-00347255 Swadesh list of basic vocabulary words E6vWIuMbypI-01297-00347256-00347486 from wiktionary Swadesh list appendix E6vWIuMbypI-01298-00347487-00347681 inter cat tea set of electronic E6vWIuMbypI-01299-00347682-00347759 resources E6vWIuMbypI-01300-00347760-00347927 for learning the Catalan language and E6vWIuMbypI-01301-00347928-00348131 culture learn Catalan an introduction E6vWIuMbypI-01302-00348132-00348347 for the catalonia bound traveller online E6vWIuMbypI-01303-00348348-00348565 Catalan resource Catalan language online E6vWIuMbypI-01304-00348566-00349013 encyclopedia encyclopedia catalana E7muJtr5RcA-00000-00000012-00000209 all right I know this episode is late E7muJtr5RcA-00001-00000210-00000449 usually we make the episodes available E7muJtr5RcA-00002-00000450-00000857 every Friday 6 a.m but here I am 10 a.m E7muJtr5RcA-00003-00000858-00001127 on a Friday recording today's episode E7muJtr5RcA-00004-00001128-00001457 and usually we I make it a point of E7muJtr5RcA-00005-00001458-00001739 being punctual because one of the things E7muJtr5RcA-00006-00001739-00001967 I've noticed about content creation is E7muJtr5RcA-00007-00001968-00002351 that you have to be regular and it's E7muJtr5RcA-00008-00002352-00002549 easy to fall off the horse once you say E7muJtr5RcA-00009-00002550-00002818 oh I can let one episode go I can be a E7muJtr5RcA-00010-00002819-00003166 little bit late I can take a day off and E7muJtr5RcA-00011-00003167-00003436 it doesn't work like that or and you E7muJtr5RcA-00012-00003438-00003688 know I do try to keep a consistent work E7muJtr5RcA-00013-00003689-00003940 ethic so even though I do have a good E7muJtr5RcA-00014-00003942-00004288 excuse slash reason I usually record on E7muJtr5RcA-00015-00004289-00004643 a Thursday but yesterday Holy Thursday I E7muJtr5RcA-00016-00004644-00004817 was out most of the day doing personal E7muJtr5RcA-00017-00004818-00005045 deliveries and you can check out the E7muJtr5RcA-00018-00005046-00005249 live Drive stream of that on our YouTube E7muJtr5RcA-00019-00005250-00005483 channel but you know I got home and I E7muJtr5RcA-00020-00005484-00005813 was really kind of beat out but E7muJtr5RcA-00021-00005814-00006011 Again The Show Must Go On and we do have E7muJtr5RcA-00022-00006012-00006286 some interesting news this Holy Week E7muJtr5RcA-00023-00006287-00006503 long weekend and I hope you're having a E7muJtr5RcA-00024-00006504-00006748 good time wherever and whenever you're E7muJtr5RcA-00025-00006750-00006923 listening to this jumping right in with E7muJtr5RcA-00026-00006923-00007313 Hardware news AMD 7800 X 3D just E7muJtr5RcA-00027-00007314-00007601 released and just to give a quick E7muJtr5RcA-00028-00007602-00007906 backtrack the x3d tag means that they E7muJtr5RcA-00029-00007908-00008170 added additional cash and all of the E7muJtr5RcA-00030-00008172-00008363 tech googly dook aside bottom line for E7muJtr5RcA-00031-00008364-00008609 this technology is that it allows faster E7muJtr5RcA-00032-00008610-00008885 performance usually in single core E7muJtr5RcA-00033-00008886-00009233 applications I.E gaming so in particular E7muJtr5RcA-00034-00009234-00009478 the x3d series has been good for all E7muJtr5RcA-00035-00009479-00009635 sorts of things they started it with the E7muJtr5RcA-00036-00009636-00009964 5000 series but in particular they serve E7muJtr5RcA-00037-00009965-00010378 as very good CPUs for running games now E7muJtr5RcA-00038-00010379-00010549 AMD has already come out with the E7muJtr5RcA-00039-00010550-00010835 7950x3d which is our most expensive and E7muJtr5RcA-00040-00010836-00011159 now the and the 7900x3d is also out now E7muJtr5RcA-00041-00011160-00011374 but reviews about those first two CPUs E7muJtr5RcA-00042-00011375-00011549 have been mixed yes the performance is E7muJtr5RcA-00043-00011550-00011806 good but the price is also quite High E7muJtr5RcA-00044-00011807-00012083 and you're not seeing the superlative E7muJtr5RcA-00045-00012084-00012305 performance that you're expecting to see E7muJtr5RcA-00046-00012306-00012599 from an x3d CPU at least for gaming for E7muJtr5RcA-00047-00012600-00012929 single core applications but the earlier E7muJtr5RcA-00048-00012930-00013211 views of the 7800x3d do appear to be E7muJtr5RcA-00049-00013212-00013486 quite promising in part because of the E7muJtr5RcA-00050-00013487-00013708 way the chip was designed apparently E7muJtr5RcA-00051-00013709-00014147 only one shiplet was added to enable or E7muJtr5RcA-00052-00014147-00014471 to get that the additional 3D cache for E7muJtr5RcA-00053-00014472-00014705 this particular CPU the two more E7muJtr5RcA-00054-00014706-00014957 expensive CPUs in the line used E7muJtr5RcA-00055-00014958-00015293 additional chiplets and apparently that E7muJtr5RcA-00056-00015294-00015557 creates inefficiencies between shifting E7muJtr5RcA-00057-00015558-00015869 between the 3D cache and the non-3d E7muJtr5RcA-00058-00015869-00016127 cache so the single chiplet design for E7muJtr5RcA-00059-00016128-00016480 the 7800 X 3D allows it to be more E7muJtr5RcA-00060-00016481-00016733 efficient in processing instructions E7muJtr5RcA-00061-00016734-00017021 which may be why it handles games better E7muJtr5RcA-00062-00017022-00017308 and it is cheaper than the first two E7muJtr5RcA-00063-00017309-00017507 generations or sorry the first two chips E7muJtr5RcA-00064-00017508-00017758 above it and I I mentioned this not E7muJtr5RcA-00065-00017759-00017999 because a lot of of people are probably E7muJtr5RcA-00066-00018000-00018155 thinking of upgrading a lot of people E7muJtr5RcA-00067-00018156-00018371 have already settled into their gaming E7muJtr5RcA-00068-00018372-00018653 rigs but it's interesting to point out E7muJtr5RcA-00069-00018654-00018977 that at least for gaming you don't E7muJtr5RcA-00070-00018978-00019169 really need to get the top of the line E7muJtr5RcA-00071-00019170-00019433 when it comes to CPUs a lot of people E7muJtr5RcA-00072-00019434-00019721 with a budget just assume that oh the E7muJtr5RcA-00073-00019722-00020057 most expensive CPU for Intel is 3900k E7muJtr5RcA-00074-00020058-00020377 and I want that or for AMD it's a E7muJtr5RcA-00075-00020378-00020711 7950x3d yes you are getting additional E7muJtr5RcA-00076-00020712-00020980 performance but particularly for games E7muJtr5RcA-00077-00020981-00021221 you don't need a lot of cores and E7muJtr5RcA-00078-00021222-00021413 threads which is what you're paying for E7muJtr5RcA-00079-00021414-00021683 with those more expensive CPUs so while E7muJtr5RcA-00080-00021684-00021964 your games will run great on those CPUs E7muJtr5RcA-00081-00021965-00022289 price to Performance you're not gaining E7muJtr5RcA-00082-00022290-00022511 a whole lot more compare it if you have E7muJtr5RcA-00083-00022512-00022855 gone with sale 13700k for example E7muJtr5RcA-00084-00022856-00023158 and these multi-core E7muJtr5RcA-00085-00023159-00023453 CPUs are really meant for a lot of E7muJtr5RcA-00086-00023454-00023669 multitasking if you're doing heavy E7muJtr5RcA-00087-00023670-00023855 rendering and things like that so there E7muJtr5RcA-00088-00023856-00024022 are specific use cases where you would E7muJtr5RcA-00089-00024023-00024449 want multi-core CPUs but gaming isn't E7muJtr5RcA-00090-00024450-00024617 really one of them E7muJtr5RcA-00091-00024618-00024827 so if you're making a gaming rig on a E7muJtr5RcA-00092-00024828-00024989 budget do keep that in mind that you E7muJtr5RcA-00093-00024990-00025186 don't automatically need to jump to the E7muJtr5RcA-00094-00025187-00025463 latest and greatest CPU E7muJtr5RcA-00095-00025464-00025762 and the 7800 x3d while being a bit E7muJtr5RcA-00096-00025763-00026039 pricier than some other CPUs is E7muJtr5RcA-00097-00026039-00026308 definitely a lot cheaper than the 7900 E7muJtr5RcA-00098-00026310-00026681 x3d and the 7950 x3d so that's something E7muJtr5RcA-00099-00026682-00026962 to keep in mind that you do need to look E7muJtr5RcA-00100-00026963-00027233 at the single core performance more if E7muJtr5RcA-00101-00027233-00027479 you're getting a gaming rig compared to E7muJtr5RcA-00102-00027480-00027701 some other use cases that you might have E7muJtr5RcA-00103-00027702-00027935 and speaking of gaming one game that E7muJtr5RcA-00104-00027936-00028079 doesn't really need a lot of horsepower E7muJtr5RcA-00105-00028080-00028390 to run is Dota 2 but it certainly runs E7muJtr5RcA-00106-00028391-00028781 on drama and we have a Thai player 23 E7muJtr5RcA-00107-00028782-00029039 Savage uh he may recently made a E7muJtr5RcA-00108-00029039-00029327 statement saying that Filipinos spread E7muJtr5RcA-00109-00029327-00029512 like cancer I guess in gaming E7muJtr5RcA-00110-00029513-00029855 communities and DOTA in general and well E7muJtr5RcA-00111-00029856-00030137 this type player was a bit annoyed E7muJtr5RcA-00112-00030138-00030520 because he was streaming a game and he E7muJtr5RcA-00113-00030522-00030731 felt that somebody was stream sniping E7muJtr5RcA-00114-00030732-00030935 him now back in the day when I was E7muJtr5RcA-00115-00030936-00031174 playing games like way back when we used E7muJtr5RcA-00116-00031175-00031457 to call that comes at from Comsat from E7muJtr5RcA-00117-00031458-00031679 from Starcraft 1 it was a Terran ability E7muJtr5RcA-00118-00031680-00031852 which you added to your command center E7muJtr5RcA-00119-00031854-00032014 basically you could reveal parts of the E7muJtr5RcA-00120-00032016-00032296 map but since we were playing IRL in a E7muJtr5RcA-00121-00032297-00032737 Land Cafe Comsat just meant like E7muJtr5RcA-00122-00032738-00032911 position E7muJtr5RcA-00123-00032912-00033143 what units he had and things like that E7muJtr5RcA-00124-00033144-00033377 so stream sniping is basically Comsat E7muJtr5RcA-00125-00033378-00033731 but online so you're playing a match but E7muJtr5RcA-00126-00033732-00033935 you're watching the other players stream E7muJtr5RcA-00127-00033936-00034090 so you know what he's doing you know E7muJtr5RcA-00128-00034091-00034265 what abilities he has what items and E7muJtr5RcA-00129-00034266-00034552 things like that so 23 Savage got upset E7muJtr5RcA-00130-00034553-00034751 when he thought an opposing player was E7muJtr5RcA-00131-00034752-00035146 stream sniping him and then it came to I E7muJtr5RcA-00132-00035147-00035302 don't know I guess he suspected the E7muJtr5RcA-00133-00035303-00035507 stream sniper was Filipino and so there E7muJtr5RcA-00134-00035508-00035896 was a he mentioned on his in the in the E7muJtr5RcA-00135-00035897-00036071 Stream which I guess was recorded on E7muJtr5RcA-00136-00036072-00036227 YouTube which has been set to private E7muJtr5RcA-00137-00036228-00036424 now I think based on the news report E7muJtr5RcA-00138-00036425-00036629 he said that Filipinos spread like E7muJtr5RcA-00139-00036630-00036839 cancer and if I were to manage a team E7muJtr5RcA-00140-00036840-00037024 and choose players I will only allow one E7muJtr5RcA-00141-00037025-00037235 Filipino player in my team at most E7muJtr5RcA-00142-00037236-00037565 interesting to me that we are well E7muJtr5RcA-00143-00037566-00037811 number one it it's a little interesting E7muJtr5RcA-00144-00037812-00038015 to me that Filipinos are considered E7muJtr5RcA-00145-00038016-00038212 quite toxic online and this is a E7muJtr5RcA-00146-00038213-00038417 constant theme and refrain that I've E7muJtr5RcA-00147-00038418-00038549 heard from E7muJtr5RcA-00148-00038550-00038765 people that I've interviewed we've done E7muJtr5RcA-00149-00038766-00038974 YouTube videos YouTube collaborations E7muJtr5RcA-00150-00038975-00039185 with other Tech YouTubers from other E7muJtr5RcA-00151-00039186-00039490 Asian countries Singapore Malaysia E7muJtr5RcA-00152-00039491-00039946 Thailand as well and this is one YouTube E7muJtr5RcA-00153-00039947-00040246 video he I think it's by uh Pinoy he E7muJtr5RcA-00154-00040247-00040468 goes to Singapore where they were having E7muJtr5RcA-00155-00040469-00040679 the DOTA finals just recently and then E7muJtr5RcA-00156-00040680-00040996 he interviews people and E7muJtr5RcA-00157-00040997-00041321 like what the challenge was say E7muJtr5RcA-00158-00041322-00041561 something or you know what would you E7muJtr5RcA-00159-00041562-00041921 chat or say online in-game uh that would E7muJtr5RcA-00160-00041922-00042124 show that you're a Filipino player but E7muJtr5RcA-00161-00042125-00042239 without saying that you're a Filipino E7muJtr5RcA-00162-00042240-00042424 player and like even other nationalities E7muJtr5RcA-00163-00042425-00043111 knew like our curse words E7muJtr5RcA-00164-00043112-00043439 it's just like it it's interesting to me E7muJtr5RcA-00165-00043440-00043930 how universally pervasive we have become E7muJtr5RcA-00166-00043931-00044224 or rather the image of us has become of E7muJtr5RcA-00167-00044225-00044501 being this very aggressive not just E7muJtr5RcA-00168-00044502-00044645 in-game but also in the way we E7muJtr5RcA-00169-00044646-00044902 communicate players and it's even more E7muJtr5RcA-00170-00044903-00045077 interesting doubly interesting to me E7muJtr5RcA-00171-00045078-00045340 that Filipinos we E7muJtr5RcA-00172-00045341-00045671 run with it like we don't we don't deny E7muJtr5RcA-00173-00045672-00045893 that we're like this in fact based on E7muJtr5RcA-00174-00045894-00046180 the comments to 23 Savage they're like a E7muJtr5RcA-00175-00046181-00046343 lot of Filipinos agreed they're like E7muJtr5RcA-00176-00046344-00046552 yeah well that that's us that's what we E7muJtr5RcA-00177-00046553-00046685 do E7muJtr5RcA-00178-00046686-00046739 um E7muJtr5RcA-00179-00046740-00046924 and they weren't offended they were like E7muJtr5RcA-00180-00046925-00047158 yeah we're really kind of I mean a lot E7muJtr5RcA-00181-00047159-00047417 of Filipinos agreed with him with his E7muJtr5RcA-00182-00047418-00047621 description that we are cancer I mean E7muJtr5RcA-00183-00047622-00047879 that we're this very kind of Agro again E7muJtr5RcA-00184-00047880-00048161 not just as a playing style but as a E7muJtr5RcA-00185-00048162-00048365 teammate a very toxic kind of teammate E7muJtr5RcA-00186-00048366-00048568 that will berate you that will E7muJtr5RcA-00187-00048569-00048802 constantly get in your face about not E7muJtr5RcA-00188-00048803-00049007 doing the right thing and it's E7muJtr5RcA-00189-00049008-00049240 interesting to me that we E7muJtr5RcA-00190-00049241-00049505 yeah just just let that go that we admit E7muJtr5RcA-00191-00049506-00049829 that this is our national identity as if E7muJtr5RcA-00192-00049830-00050195 nationalities had a gaming identity that E7muJtr5RcA-00193-00050196-00050362 would be the Filipino player in a E7muJtr5RcA-00194-00050363-00050746 nutshell very toxic as a teammate and E7muJtr5RcA-00195-00050747-00051046 from a sociological point of view not to E7muJtr5RcA-00196-00051047-00051244 get too heavy but I'm always fascinated E7muJtr5RcA-00197-00051245-00051544 by these kind of analyzes of like you E7muJtr5RcA-00198-00051545-00051719 know cultures like this because it's E7muJtr5RcA-00199-00051720-00051994 reacting to this this traumatic event E7muJtr5RcA-00200-00051995-00052187 you know in the niche in the nation's E7muJtr5RcA-00201-00052188-00052541 history we have a lot of literature even E7muJtr5RcA-00202-00052541-00052726 discussing whether the Philippines is a E7muJtr5RcA-00203-00052727-00052997 proper Nation because we were born out E7muJtr5RcA-00204-00052998-00053321 of we weren't United previously before E7muJtr5RcA-00205-00053322-00053500 we were colonized you know we were a E7muJtr5RcA-00206-00053501-00053704 bunch of islands all happy doing our own E7muJtr5RcA-00207-00053705-00053957 thing and then suddenly this political E7muJtr5RcA-00208-00053958-00054221 unit was forced on us by someone from E7muJtr5RcA-00209-00054222-00054473 outside and while it had hundreds of E7muJtr5RcA-00210-00054474-00054661 years of history behind this kind of E7muJtr5RcA-00211-00054662-00054947 idea that this group of islands are one E7muJtr5RcA-00212-00054948-00055042 unit E7muJtr5RcA-00213-00055044-00055223 that didn't E7muJtr5RcA-00214-00055224-00055600 you know prepare us for Independence as E7muJtr5RcA-00215-00055601-00055853 it were or so it was the Spanish the E7muJtr5RcA-00216-00055854-00055985 Americans and then briefly the Japanese E7muJtr5RcA-00217-00055986-00056261 and all of that time the political unit E7muJtr5RcA-00218-00056262-00056482 was always just this thing foisted from E7muJtr5RcA-00219-00056483-00056885 outside and we're even now we can see E7muJtr5RcA-00220-00056886-00057130 that we're very regionalistic rather E7muJtr5RcA-00221-00057132-00057353 than nationalistic and so all of these E7muJtr5RcA-00222-00057354-00057526 kind of cultural things E7muJtr5RcA-00223-00057527-00057766 coming into play at least for for our E7muJtr5RcA-00224-00057767-00058163 country and it's been you know I find it E7muJtr5RcA-00225-00058164-00058469 fascinating that as a national identity E7muJtr5RcA-00226-00058470-00058787 as Gamers our gaming identity would be E7muJtr5RcA-00227-00058788-00059021 this very toxic kind of character which E7muJtr5RcA-00228-00059022-00059309 we have embraced we don't shy away from E7muJtr5RcA-00229-00059310-00059669 that uh image of us and it's it's become E7muJtr5RcA-00230-00059670-00059885 so much so that I'm kind of thinking of E7muJtr5RcA-00231-00059886-00060035 making a video out of it or like a E7muJtr5RcA-00232-00060036-00060199 long-form podcast really kind of E7muJtr5RcA-00233-00060200-00060676 exploring where the the origins of this E7muJtr5RcA-00234-00060677-00061013 toxic Filipino gaming identity uh and E7muJtr5RcA-00235-00061014-00061330 why yeah what does that reveal about us E7muJtr5RcA-00236-00061332-00061637 as players as a nation as a culture as a E7muJtr5RcA-00237-00061638-00061732 society E7muJtr5RcA-00238-00061733-00061937 shifting from sort of local flavor to E7muJtr5RcA-00239-00061938-00062188 more international news the U.S E7muJtr5RcA-00240-00062189-00062447 Department of Justice filed a Anti-Trust E7muJtr5RcA-00241-00062448-00062800 suit against Activision claiming that E7muJtr5RcA-00242-00062801-00063047 they came out with the E7muJtr5RcA-00243-00063048-00063197 they came up with rules for the E7muJtr5RcA-00244-00063198-00063394 OverWatch League this was like way back E7muJtr5RcA-00245-00063395-00063592 like a couple of years ago where they E7muJtr5RcA-00246-00063594-00063988 put salary caps on players and and the E7muJtr5RcA-00247-00063989-00064313 usdoj took that as an Anti-Trust action E7muJtr5RcA-00248-00064314-00064541 or basically you have a monopoly and E7muJtr5RcA-00249-00064541-00064738 you're abusing that Monopoly to the E7muJtr5RcA-00250-00064739-00065059 detriment of other players or other E7muJtr5RcA-00251-00065060-00065315 competitors in your space and I'm kind E7muJtr5RcA-00252-00065316-00065543 of blank on the legal details or the the E7muJtr5RcA-00253-00065544-00065711 legal details aren't very clear to me E7muJtr5RcA-00254-00065712-00065963 I've just find it weird that something E7muJtr5RcA-00255-00065964-00066173 like this would get filed because a lot E7muJtr5RcA-00256-00066174-00066329 of the professional sports have those E7muJtr5RcA-00257-00066330-00066473 kind of salary caps and you hear about E7muJtr5RcA-00258-00066474-00066659 it all the time when people talk about E7muJtr5RcA-00259-00066660-00066982 the NBA where oh well this team has to E7muJtr5RcA-00260-00066983-00067156 trade this guy because they're over the E7muJtr5RcA-00261-00067157-00067379 salary cap although at least in the NBA E7muJtr5RcA-00262-00067380-00067594 to my understanding you can go over the E7muJtr5RcA-00263-00067595-00067847 salary cap but you get taxed perhaps the E7muJtr5RcA-00264-00067848-00068063 problem with the OverWatch rules was E7muJtr5RcA-00265-00068064-00068225 that it was a hard cap like you can't E7muJtr5RcA-00266-00068226-00068513 earn more than a hundred thousand a year E7muJtr5RcA-00267-00068514-00068765 or a month or something or whatever so E7muJtr5RcA-00268-00068766-00068938 it was a hard cap compared to a soft cap E7muJtr5RcA-00269-00068939-00069113 where you have to pay more three tax E7muJtr5RcA-00270-00069114-00069413 which is how I think it is in the NBA E7muJtr5RcA-00271-00069414-00069688 and it was a bit weird because they E7muJtr5RcA-00272-00069689-00070079 filed the suit like the doj filed the E7muJtr5RcA-00273-00070080-00070187 suit E7muJtr5RcA-00274-00070188-00070373 on a certain day and then a couple of E7muJtr5RcA-00275-00070374-00070565 days later they already came out with a E7muJtr5RcA-00276-00070566-00070703 statement saying that the thing had been E7muJtr5RcA-00277-00070704-00071053 settled so the so activation had already E7muJtr5RcA-00278-00071054-00071309 you know proposed a plan to the judge E7muJtr5RcA-00279-00071310-00071585 where both part you know the court needs E7muJtr5RcA-00280-00071586-00071788 to approve the plan but then the charges E7muJtr5RcA-00281-00071789-00071975 or that particular suit would get E7muJtr5RcA-00282-00071976-00072215 dropped it was very quick it was a very E7muJtr5RcA-00283-00072216-00072376 quick resolution to this of course E7muJtr5RcA-00284-00072377-00072599 activation has more Anti-Trust issues E7muJtr5RcA-00285-00072600-00072935 with their Microsoft wants to purchase E7muJtr5RcA-00286-00072936-00073153 them and a lot of E7muJtr5RcA-00287-00073154-00073306 Anti-Trust E7muJtr5RcA-00288-00073307-00073523 bodies around the world not just in the E7muJtr5RcA-00289-00073524-00073763 US are looking into that proposed E7muJtr5RcA-00290-00073764-00073859 purchase E7muJtr5RcA-00291-00073860-00074050 but I just bring this up because it E7muJtr5RcA-00292-00074051-00074243 really it really brings home how big E7muJtr5RcA-00293-00074244-00074519 gaming has become I mean you know again E7muJtr5RcA-00294-00074520-00074747 you know when when if you have been E7muJtr5RcA-00295-00074748-00074999 gaming for a long time you would never E7muJtr5RcA-00296-00075000-00075226 have thought that our hobby would come E7muJtr5RcA-00297-00075227-00075605 would become this big Juggernaut where E7muJtr5RcA-00298-00075606-00075838 you have the government the U.S E7muJtr5RcA-00299-00075839-00076037 government stepping in and saying that E7muJtr5RcA-00300-00076038-00076294 oh you know one Publisher's actions are E7muJtr5RcA-00301-00076295-00076493 Anti-Trust I mean you think antitrust E7muJtr5RcA-00302-00076494-00076715 you think the big Telco companies in the E7muJtr5RcA-00303-00076716-00076931 States before the big oil companies in E7muJtr5RcA-00304-00076932-00077105 the States before here in the E7muJtr5RcA-00305-00077106-00077375 Philippines we have a small but very E7muJtr5RcA-00306-00077376-00077669 thriving Anti-Trust practice as it were E7muJtr5RcA-00307-00077670-00077909 a lot of the big companies because we do E7muJtr5RcA-00308-00077910-00078088 have a new law in place not new right E7muJtr5RcA-00309-00078089-00078341 but relatively new uh the Philippine E7muJtr5RcA-00310-00078342-00078562 competition commission which needs to E7muJtr5RcA-00311-00078563-00078767 sign off on this big trade big E7muJtr5RcA-00312-00078768-00079019 Acquisitions and things like that so it E7muJtr5RcA-00313-00079020-00079300 is a big practice Market E7muJtr5RcA-00314-00079301-00079450 here in the Philippines as well as E7muJtr5RcA-00315-00079451-00079732 abroad but who knew that gaming would E7muJtr5RcA-00316-00079733-00079979 grow to such an extent that it would E7muJtr5RcA-00317-00079980-00080182 become or there would be antitrust E7muJtr5RcA-00318-00080183-00080350 issues involved E7muJtr5RcA-00319-00080351-00080585 and just my two cents a little bit I do E7muJtr5RcA-00320-00080586-00080975 miss gaming when it was less of a jug or E7muJtr5RcA-00321-00080976-00081179 not I mean gaming now is everywhere you E7muJtr5RcA-00322-00081180-00081359 see it in the advertisements you see it E7muJtr5RcA-00323-00081360-00081562 in the hype for the new games and you E7muJtr5RcA-00324-00081563-00081706 see it in the number of people right I E7muJtr5RcA-00325-00081707-00081923 mean you have so many people playing all E7muJtr5RcA-00326-00081924-00082067 kinds of different games and I love the E7muJtr5RcA-00327-00082068-00082253 diversity like diversity in the sense E7muJtr5RcA-00328-00082254-00082517 that we have so many games available to E7muJtr5RcA-00329-00082518-00082888 us now but because it has become so big E7muJtr5RcA-00330-00082889-00083112 the industry has become so large E7muJtr5RcA-00331-00083113-00083447 uh a certain kind of like ironically the E7muJtr5RcA-00332-00083448-00083693 types of games that I just mentioned you E7muJtr5RcA-00333-00083694-00083843 know we have so many games available now E7muJtr5RcA-00334-00083844-00084065 for choosing but a lot of the genres I E7muJtr5RcA-00335-00084066-00084275 grew up with are effectively dead or E7muJtr5RcA-00336-00084276-00084538 effectively they they don't gain they E7muJtr5RcA-00337-00084539-00084838 aren't mainstream now so we don't see a E7muJtr5RcA-00338-00084839-00084965 lot of releases for them talking about E7muJtr5RcA-00339-00084966-00085156 adventure games talking about Simulator E7muJtr5RcA-00340-00085157-00085505 games I mean yes you do see releases but E7muJtr5RcA-00341-00085506-00085817 not like back in the day and also this E7muJtr5RcA-00342-00085818-00085985 kind of like the gaming culture has E7muJtr5RcA-00343-00085986-00086206 really changed I mean going back to the E7muJtr5RcA-00344-00086207-00086512 report on 23 Savage and even just like E7muJtr5RcA-00345-00086513-00086735 it's so big now that governments are E7muJtr5RcA-00346-00086736-00086921 looking into the Anti-Trust dimension of E7muJtr5RcA-00347-00086922-00087155 it gaming back then I mean yes you could E7muJtr5RcA-00348-00087156-00087299 have a toxic teammate and of course E7muJtr5RcA-00349-00087300-00087653 Trash Talk was part of it but it wasn't E7muJtr5RcA-00350-00087654-00087947 this kind of big intense like in your E7muJtr5RcA-00351-00087948-00088132 face E7muJtr5RcA-00352-00088133-00088306 or at least you know when when I played E7muJtr5RcA-00353-00088307-00088505 and I usually played with friends in in E7muJtr5RcA-00354-00088506-00088762 real life it wasn't like it was still E7muJtr5RcA-00355-00088763-00089038 kind of enjoyable which I think maybe E7muJtr5RcA-00356-00089039-00089212 some of the Joy gets leeched out when E7muJtr5RcA-00357-00089213-00089429 you go online and you get screamed out E7muJtr5RcA-00358-00089430-00089609 by a total stranger E7muJtr5RcA-00359-00089610-00089873 and you know there's all sorts of other E7muJtr5RcA-00360-00089874-00090065 things coming into play now with gaming E7muJtr5RcA-00361-00090066-00090173 there's like E7muJtr5RcA-00362-00090174-00090538 identity politics and just outside all E7muJtr5RcA-00363-00090539-00090718 kinds of other politics that don't E7muJtr5RcA-00364-00090719-00091061 really have to do with just playing a E7muJtr5RcA-00365-00091062-00091276 game like you can't play a game in a E7muJtr5RcA-00366-00091277-00091511 vacuum anymore E7muJtr5RcA-00367-00091512-00091699 um I guess this is just an old man's E7muJtr5RcA-00368-00091700-00091967 kind of complaint that things are E7muJtr5RcA-00369-00091968-00092206 simpler back then and I know all old men E7muJtr5RcA-00370-00092207-00092362 feel like that I mean that's a Trope E7muJtr5RcA-00371-00092363-00092794 since Hector no not Hector Nestor Nestor E7muJtr5RcA-00372-00092795-00092938 from The Iliad I think Nestor from The E7muJtr5RcA-00373-00092939-00093125 Iliad is the old guy who's just E7muJtr5RcA-00374-00093126-00093497 basically oh back in the day and I I had E7muJtr5RcA-00375-00093498-00093682 a recent conversation with a friend just E7muJtr5RcA-00376-00093683-00093899 yesterday where we we were doing our own E7muJtr5RcA-00377-00093900-00094061 versions of oh back in the day because E7muJtr5RcA-00378-00094062-00094282 we are feeling our age E7muJtr5RcA-00379-00094283-00094450 um it was a bit simpler you know you E7muJtr5RcA-00380-00094451-00094732 didn't have it was just a start of at E7muJtr5RcA-00381-00094733-00094888 least when I started playing you got E7muJtr5RcA-00382-00094889-00095087 your gaming news for magazines and the E7muJtr5RcA-00383-00095088-00095297 reviews were like substantial reviews E7muJtr5RcA-00384-00095298-00095512 they weren't just like comedians trying E7muJtr5RcA-00385-00095513-00095735 to be funny and using games as a medium E7muJtr5RcA-00386-00095736-00095926 nothing wrong with that but E7muJtr5RcA-00387-00095927-00096137 again it has become the overwhelming E7muJtr5RcA-00388-00096138-00096394 type of gaming related content you have E7muJtr5RcA-00389-00096395-00096756 streamers which would be funny and like E7muJtr5RcA-00390-00096757-00097079 the the art of picking apart a game but E7muJtr5RcA-00391-00097080-00097349 not to be just negative so that you can E7muJtr5RcA-00392-00097350-00097553 get views but rather it's like I really E7muJtr5RcA-00393-00097554-00097829 care about gaming and I'd like to see E7muJtr5RcA-00394-00097830-00098021 games succeed and this is not a good E7muJtr5RcA-00395-00098022-00098197 game for me because one two three bang E7muJtr5RcA-00396-00098198-00098447 uh you know the Heyday computer gaming E7muJtr5RcA-00397-00098448-00098837 world or Electro egm I think was it E7muJtr5RcA-00398-00098838-00098993 Electro gaming monthly or something like E7muJtr5RcA-00399-00098994-00099191 that I mean I remember egm more for the E7muJtr5RcA-00400-00099192-00099521 for the the initials rather than the E7muJtr5RcA-00401-00099522-00099868 actual name but I mean I do still game I E7muJtr5RcA-00402-00099869-00100067 do still enjoy games but there's a lot E7muJtr5RcA-00403-00100068-00100391 of the culture now that I really can't E7muJtr5RcA-00404-00100392-00100643 wrap my head around and a part of me E7muJtr5RcA-00405-00100644-00101011 does miss the old timey why me kind of E7muJtr5RcA-00406-00101012-00101321 insulated world of Gaming E7muJtr5RcA-00407-00101322-00101512 but with that said I hope you're E7muJtr5RcA-00408-00101513-00101687 enjoying the games that you're playing E7muJtr5RcA-00409-00101688-00101885 this for the weekend or whenever you're E7muJtr5RcA-00410-00101886-00102131 listening to this thank you so much for E7muJtr5RcA-00411-00102132-00102281 joining us for another episode of tech E7muJtr5RcA-00412-00102282-00102527 show but friendly our or the podcast E7muJtr5RcA-00413-00102528-00102744 from Hardware sugar this has been Anton E7muJtr5RcA-00414-00102745-00103049 your host mostly usually for this show E7muJtr5RcA-00415-00103050-00103282 and sometimes on our Hardware Sugar E7muJtr5RcA-00416-00103283-00103468 YouTube Channel please do check us out E7muJtr5RcA-00417-00103469-00103630 on YouTube and please do leave us a E7muJtr5RcA-00418-00103631-00103936 review on Apple podcast or wherever it's E7muJtr5RcA-00419-00103938-00104086 possible to review this podcast because E7muJtr5RcA-00420-00104088-00104278 I'd really like to get some feedback E7muJtr5RcA-00421-00104279-00104518 whether up or down on what you guys are E7muJtr5RcA-00422-00104519-00104753 enjoying thanks so much until next E7muJtr5RcA-00423-00104754-00105050 Friday have a good week E88XsJVID-u-00000-00000000-00000142 hi guys it's Dave here with tactical E88XsJVID-u-00001-00000143-00000329 Hive and in today's video we're going to E88XsJVID-u-00002-00000330-00000509 talk about the five most common setups E88XsJVID-u-00003-00000509-00000653 for a two-point sling on your rifle that E88XsJVID-u-00004-00000654-00000871 you should probably need to know E88XsJVID-u-00005-00000872-00001698 [Music] E88XsJVID-u-00006-00001700-00002568 [Music] E88XsJVID-u-00007-00002569-00002789 this video today guys is brought to you E88XsJVID-u-00008-00002790-00002968 by tacpak they're a subscription service E88XsJVID-u-00009-00002969-00003251 that specialize in survival EDC and E88XsJVID-u-00010-00003252-00003436 tactical gear so check them out on the E88XsJVID-u-00011-00003438-00003617 link below and now let's get to the E88XsJVID-u-00012-00003618-00003790 content all right guys hey again we're E88XsJVID-u-00013-00003792-00003922 going to talk about the five common E88XsJVID-u-00014-00003923-00004175 sling setups uh that you know you should E88XsJVID-u-00015-00004176-00004361 know this is for a two-point sling setup E88XsJVID-u-00016-00004362-00004595 and this is a my everyday rifle that I E88XsJVID-u-00017-00004596-00004751 use here the first configuration I have E88XsJVID-u-00018-00004752-00005033 it set up in is uh with the sling stowed E88XsJVID-u-00019-00005034-00005243 so if you're doing low Vis something out E88XsJVID-u-00020-00005244-00005375 of the vehicle or you're coming in and E88XsJVID-u-00021-00005376-00005513 out of vehicles like that you don't want E88XsJVID-u-00022-00005514-00005722 the sling being caught in gear as you're E88XsJVID-u-00023-00005723-00005938 trying to bail out so you keep it stowed E88XsJVID-u-00024-00005939-00006083 just do it with simple retainer bands E88XsJVID-u-00025-00006084-00006245 You Pull It to the back when I do this E88XsJVID-u-00026-00006246-00006352 setup like this there's a couple E88XsJVID-u-00027-00006353-00006514 different ways to do it you can run E88XsJVID-u-00028-00006515-00006731 multiple retainer bands I like just one E88XsJVID-u-00029-00006731-00006892 and I can pull it back and tuck it in E88XsJVID-u-00030-00006893-00007067 here under my sling it stays nice and E88XsJVID-u-00031-00007068-00007253 tight to the gun and it gives me one E88XsJVID-u-00032-00007254-00007439 point so when I bail out of whatever E88XsJVID-u-00033-00007440-00007606 vehicle I'm going to access this weapon E88XsJVID-u-00034-00007608-00007781 system I need this link quickly I can E88XsJVID-u-00035-00007781-00007913 just grab this tab which I grab all of E88XsJVID-u-00036-00007914-00008081 them anyway and it just pops right out E88XsJVID-u-00037-00008081-00008381 it's out and throw it on and I can go to E88XsJVID-u-00038-00008382-00008614 work from there right so that's number E88XsJVID-u-00039-00008615-00008842 one number two I like to run multiple E88XsJVID-u-00040-00008843-00009131 multiple points uh for my my quick E88XsJVID-u-00041-00009132-00009371 detach on my rifle and the reason I do E88XsJVID-u-00042-00009372-00009599 that if I need more to room in my sling E88XsJVID-u-00043-00009600-00009821 especially if I have a lot of kit on or E88XsJVID-u-00044-00009822-00010019 I've got an excess backpacks or E88XsJVID-u-00045-00010020-00010217 something like that that's required me E88XsJVID-u-00046-00010218-00010414 to add more space I can move the sling E88XsJVID-u-00047-00010415-00010613 up and it gives me more room my gun will E88XsJVID-u-00048-00010614-00010828 now hang lower and as my kitten my E88XsJVID-u-00049-00010829-00010937 backpack and everything gets in here E88XsJVID-u-00050-00010938-00011177 it's easier for me to operate the E88XsJVID-u-00051-00011178-00011338 disadvantage to having a slings it up E88XsJVID-u-00052-00011339-00011524 this way though is as I build as I build E88XsJVID-u-00053-00011525-00011656 a shooting position E88XsJVID-u-00054-00011657-00011938 with this sling set up it doesn't do as E88XsJVID-u-00055-00011939-00012088 well of a job as it can to help E88XsJVID-u-00056-00012089-00012353 stabilize my recoil management and get E88XsJVID-u-00057-00012354-00012677 back on target so to do that I move my E88XsJVID-u-00058-00012678-00012899 sling to the farthest most point E88XsJVID-u-00059-00012900-00013169 now when I do this and I shoot my I put E88XsJVID-u-00060-00013169-00013415 my non-firing hand through the sling as E88XsJVID-u-00061-00013416-00013666 I build my position here like this my E88XsJVID-u-00062-00013668-00013822 hand comes under the sling what's E88XsJVID-u-00063-00013823-00014086 already in my it's already in my C cup E88XsJVID-u-00064-00014087-00014303 like where I normally shoot anyway and I E88XsJVID-u-00065-00014304-00014488 can tighten it right here and manage E88XsJVID-u-00066-00014490-00014705 recoil really really well to build a E88XsJVID-u-00067-00014706-00014903 solid shooting position and platform E88XsJVID-u-00068-00014904-00015113 it drives everything right into where my E88XsJVID-u-00069-00015113-00015299 lights and lasers are anyway which is a E88XsJVID-u-00070-00015300-00015479 good you know some guys use the some E88XsJVID-u-00071-00015480-00015653 type of device at the bottom a grip a E88XsJVID-u-00072-00015654-00015808 trigger you know a finger stop or E88XsJVID-u-00073-00015809-00015911 something like that E88XsJVID-u-00074-00015912-00016091 um I use my sling instead having it like E88XsJVID-u-00075-00016091-00016258 this also nice thing about it is I can E88XsJVID-u-00076-00016259-00016450 get it out of the way so back when I was E88XsJVID-u-00077-00016451-00016661 active you know if you're fast roping if E88XsJVID-u-00078-00016662-00016835 you're climbing if you're using ladders E88XsJVID-u-00079-00016836-00017015 if you're doing non-combatants like that E88XsJVID-u-00080-00017016-00017267 you need to get this out of the way so I E88XsJVID-u-00081-00017268-00017477 can push it off the side E88XsJVID-u-00082-00017478-00017639 now I can fast rope I can do everything E88XsJVID-u-00083-00017640-00017950 I need to do right here and not have a E88XsJVID-u-00084-00017951-00018136 sling bouncing or gun bouncing back and E88XsJVID-u-00085-00018137-00018589 forth in between E88XsJVID-u-00086-00018590-00019344 where's your kit oh [__] E88XsJVID-u-00087-00019345-00019553 like I was saying in the video earlier E88XsJVID-u-00088-00019554-00019661 there are times you don't want your E88XsJVID-u-00089-00019662-00019786 rifle in front of you you need to clear E88XsJVID-u-00090-00019787-00019919 it out of the way so you can deal with E88XsJVID-u-00091-00019920-00020158 things around you combatants casualties E88XsJVID-u-00092-00020159-00020369 ladders just things you got to do like E88XsJVID-u-00093-00020370-00020663 door where's my ball at man E88XsJVID-u-00094-00020664-00020950 yes E88XsJVID-u-00095-00020951-00021714 one more E88XsJVID-u-00096-00021715-00022078 I'm not a big proponent me personally of E88XsJVID-u-00097-00022079-00022228 changing hands left shoulder right E88XsJVID-u-00098-00022229-00022361 shoulders just not something I've ever E88XsJVID-u-00099-00022362-00022594 done I see the I see the purpose for it E88XsJVID-u-00100-00022595-00022744 I understand the Tactical relevance for E88XsJVID-u-00101-00022745-00022925 it just me personally it's nothing that E88XsJVID-u-00102-00022926-00023117 I've ever really trained to do or really E88XsJVID-u-00103-00023118-00023447 ever employed in my service but with E88XsJVID-u-00104-00023448-00023644 this two-point sling like this you'll E88XsJVID-u-00105-00023645-00023878 find that you're limited by switching E88XsJVID-u-00106-00023879-00024071 shoulders wearing it the way it's set E88XsJVID-u-00107-00024072-00024299 right now so in order to do that I will E88XsJVID-u-00108-00024300-00024544 drop my shoulder out of the gun and wear E88XsJVID-u-00109-00024545-00024658 it around my neck and from this point E88XsJVID-u-00110-00024659-00025049 here now I can change hands if I need to E88XsJVID-u-00111-00025050-00025369 quickly and go back into my sling just E88XsJVID-u-00112-00025370-00025667 my own personal pet peeve I've never E88XsJVID-u-00113-00025668-00025822 liked when guys wear a sling like this E88XsJVID-u-00114-00025823-00026068 around their neck and uh E88XsJVID-u-00115-00026069-00026279 the biggest reason is if you're in a E88XsJVID-u-00116-00026280-00026512 confined space area and someone gets a E88XsJVID-u-00117-00026513-00026657 hold of your rifle as you're moving E88XsJVID-u-00118-00026658-00026885 through that confined space now I've E88XsJVID-u-00119-00026886-00027040 basically taken and put a leash around E88XsJVID-u-00120-00027041-00027245 my neck and anywhere you drag this rifle E88XsJVID-u-00121-00027245-00027514 I'm going to go so putting my arm E88XsJVID-u-00122-00027516-00027695 through here again now if you grab the E88XsJVID-u-00123-00027695-00027808 rifle you're going to get the show E88XsJVID-u-00124-00027810-00028055 bought the ticket get the show last one E88XsJVID-u-00125-00028056-00028217 is over over your back and we talked E88XsJVID-u-00126-00028218-00028331 about fast roping or doing E88XsJVID-u-00127-00028332-00028523 non-combatants or even casualties or E88XsJVID-u-00128-00028524-00028667 whatever and just pushing out of the way E88XsJVID-u-00129-00028668-00028901 here that works great if you're on a E88XsJVID-u-00130-00028902-00029008 climb team or you're climbing up E88XsJVID-u-00131-00029010-00029183 especially if you're the lead guy you E88XsJVID-u-00132-00029183-00029308 don't want to be the bottom guy on a E88XsJVID-u-00133-00029310-00029531 ladder staring at a guy's rifle climbing E88XsJVID-u-00134-00029532-00029735 up a ladder right so you can just put E88XsJVID-u-00135-00029736-00029902 over your shoulder like this that lead E88XsJVID-u-00136-00029904-00030217 guys rifle is pointed up you know E88XsJVID-u-00137-00030218-00030502 that lead guy's rifles pointed up and uh E88XsJVID-u-00138-00030504-00030689 you're not you're not pointing at the E88XsJVID-u-00139-00030689-00030845 face of your teammate behind you E88XsJVID-u-00140-00030845-00031085 climbing up the ladder again not E88XsJVID-u-00141-00031086-00031205 something I've ever done a whole lot of E88XsJVID-u-00142-00031206-00031355 I've never done a whole lot of high E88XsJVID-u-00143-00031356-00031529 level you know Urban climbing most of E88XsJVID-u-00144-00031530-00031768 it's just been ladders and walls you E88XsJVID-u-00145-00031769-00031943 know which is very different when it E88XsJVID-u-00146-00031944-00032062 comes to setting your sleep on your E88XsJVID-u-00147-00032063-00032195 rifle there's some things to consider E88XsJVID-u-00148-00032195-00032464 right again I run two attachment points E88XsJVID-u-00149-00032466-00032717 so I can get more sling if I need it E88XsJVID-u-00150-00032718-00032867 less sling if I don't need it depending E88XsJVID-u-00151-00032868-00033029 on how my kid and what environment I'm E88XsJVID-u-00152-00033030-00033227 operating in but a big thing for me and E88XsJVID-u-00153-00033228-00033395 this is a sticking point for me is on E88XsJVID-u-00154-00033396-00033605 the back of the rifle I want my sling at E88XsJVID-u-00155-00033606-00033862 the top and the reason is you've if you E88XsJVID-u-00156-00033863-00034151 look at a standard AR-15 or M4 sling E88XsJVID-u-00157-00034152-00034301 they usually have a sling keeper right E88XsJVID-u-00158-00034302-00034433 here at the bottom and that sling E88XsJVID-u-00159-00034434-00034649 attaches right here well if I build a E88XsJVID-u-00160-00034650-00034840 position and this is at the bottom and I E88XsJVID-u-00161-00034841-00035118 make it tight what will happen E88XsJVID-u-00162-00035119-00035446 let's play a little make-believe here if E88XsJVID-u-00163-00035447-00035633 this is at the bottom like this E88XsJVID-u-00164-00035634-00035801 you can see when I build my position I E88XsJVID-u-00165-00035802-00036046 make it tight it pulls that out of E88XsJVID-u-00166-00036047-00036359 position so it decreases my capacity to E88XsJVID-u-00167-00036360-00036617 manage recoil and stay on target by E88XsJVID-u-00168-00036618-00036833 putting it up top like this now when I E88XsJVID-u-00169-00036834-00037031 build the same piece I have a 90 degree E88XsJVID-u-00170-00037032-00037240 Bend right there that locks it into my E88XsJVID-u-00171-00037241-00037409 shoulder pocket you know and it doesn't E88XsJVID-u-00172-00037410-00037577 move anywhere it's nice and tight so E88XsJVID-u-00173-00037578-00037852 that's to me that's a crucial setup E88XsJVID-u-00174-00037853-00038087 piece for setting up your sling that E88XsJVID-u-00175-00038088-00038267 should not be overlooked some other E88XsJVID-u-00176-00038268-00038440 considerations again with sling setup E88XsJVID-u-00177-00038441-00038549 and there's a lot of different slings E88XsJVID-u-00178-00038550-00038680 out there there's some great companies E88XsJVID-u-00179-00038681-00038855 that make some great gear me personally E88XsJVID-u-00180-00038856-00039023 the ones that I like the most are ones E88XsJVID-u-00181-00039024-00039161 that have some type of Bungee in them E88XsJVID-u-00182-00039162-00039377 there's new ones out now that instead of E88XsJVID-u-00183-00039378-00039515 having this round bungee it's a flat E88XsJVID-u-00184-00039516-00039701 bungee and they're really nice to E88XsJVID-u-00185-00039702-00039868 operate with the reason I like the E88XsJVID-u-00186-00039869-00040067 bungee is really believe it or not as E88XsJVID-u-00187-00040068-00040174 you're walking and you're patrolling E88XsJVID-u-00188-00040175-00040349 those little suck those little micro E88XsJVID-u-00189-00040350-00040577 shocks when you're walking on your traps E88XsJVID-u-00190-00040578-00040762 over time degradate your overall E88XsJVID-u-00191-00040763-00041015 performance so having that just E88XsJVID-u-00192-00041016-00041189 just that little bit of relief and not E88XsJVID-u-00193-00041190-00041374 having that solid snap across your traps E88XsJVID-u-00194-00041375-00041543 when you're walking is perfect it does E88XsJVID-u-00195-00041544-00041651 help too if you're pushing out and E88XsJVID-u-00196-00041652-00041801 pulling back in it just helps lock the E88XsJVID-u-00197-00041802-00042065 gun down for me I like the the lockdown E88XsJVID-u-00198-00042066-00042245 buckles right here and the ones I like E88XsJVID-u-00199-00042246-00042455 are solid buckles with no springs E88XsJVID-u-00200-00042456-00042593 there's a bunch of them out there but E88XsJVID-u-00201-00042594-00042802 I've had Springs fail me in the past and E88XsJVID-u-00202-00042803-00042989 I've had them slip on me with these E88XsJVID-u-00203-00042990-00043168 solid buckles when I really want to E88XsJVID-u-00204-00043169-00043396 tighten down it's right there and it's E88XsJVID-u-00205-00043397-00043655 rock solid and it's less you know less E88XsJVID-u-00206-00043656-00043811 moving parts means less chance for E88XsJVID-u-00207-00043812-00044027 something to fail me E88XsJVID-u-00208-00044028-00044218 um but that's just the things I like in E88XsJVID-u-00209-00044219-00044345 the sling E88XsJVID-u-00210-00044346-00044645 so if you like the setup or you have E88XsJVID-u-00211-00044646-00044777 your own setup you want to talk about or E88XsJVID-u-00212-00044778-00044962 show us please tell me if you like this E88XsJVID-u-00213-00044963-00045208 type of content please hit the button E88XsJVID-u-00214-00045209-00045473 like And subscribe and share it and uh E88XsJVID-u-00215-00045474-00045635 thanks for watching appreciate you guys E88XsJVID-u-00216-00045636-00045884 shoot happy E9GiY-eY4-I-00000-00000071-00000487 i worked for about 10 years of my life E9GiY-eY4-I-00001-00000488-00000807 in areas of extreme poverty E9GiY-eY4-I-00002-00000808-00001079 in the sierras and the jungle in urban E9GiY-eY4-I-00003-00001080-00001166 areas E9GiY-eY4-I-00004-00001167-00001814 in different parts of latin america and E9GiY-eY4-I-00005-00001816-00002151 at the beginning of that period i was E9GiY-eY4-I-00006-00002152-00002318 one day in a E9GiY-eY4-I-00007-00002319-00002639 indian village in the sierra E9GiY-eY4-I-00008-00002640-00003063 in peru it was an ugly day it had been E9GiY-eY4-I-00009-00003064-00003118 raining E9GiY-eY4-I-00010-00003119-00003431 all the time and and there i was E9GiY-eY4-I-00011-00003432-00003727 standing in the slum E9GiY-eY4-I-00012-00003728-00004031 and uh across me another guy E9GiY-eY4-I-00013-00004032-00004438 also standing in in not in the mud E9GiY-eY4-I-00014-00004439-00004767 in the in in the mud and E9GiY-eY4-I-00015-00004768-00004927 well we looked at each other and this E9GiY-eY4-I-00016-00004928-00005151 was a short guy E9GiY-eY4-I-00017-00005152-00005543 sin hungry jobless five kids E9GiY-eY4-I-00018-00005544-00005854 a wife and a grandmother E9GiY-eY4-I-00019-00005855-00006199 and i was a fine economist from berkeley E9GiY-eY4-I-00020-00006200-00006422 teaching in berkeley having taught in E9GiY-eY4-I-00021-00006423-00006663 berkeley and so on E9GiY-eY4-I-00022-00006664-00006910 and when we were looking at each other E9GiY-eY4-I-00023-00006911-00007087 and then E9GiY-eY4-I-00024-00007088-00007398 suddenly i realized that i had nothing E9GiY-eY4-I-00025-00007400-00007470 coherent E9GiY-eY4-I-00026-00007472-00007695 to say to that man in those E9GiY-eY4-I-00027-00007695-00007878 circumstances E9GiY-eY4-I-00028-00007879-00008151 that my whole language as an economist E9GiY-eY4-I-00029-00008152-00008263 you know was E9GiY-eY4-I-00030-00008264-00008591 absolutely useless should i tell him E9GiY-eY4-I-00031-00008592-00008783 that he should be happy because the gdp E9GiY-eY4-I-00032-00008784-00008983 had grown five percent or something E9GiY-eY4-I-00033-00008984-00009206 everything was absurd E9GiY-eY4-I-00034-00009207-00009446 so i discovered that i had no language E9GiY-eY4-I-00035-00009447-00009606 in that environment and that we had to E9GiY-eY4-I-00036-00009607-00009814 invent a new language E9GiY-eY4-I-00037-00009815-00010255 and that's the origin of the metaphor of E9GiY-eY4-I-00038-00010256-00010495 barefoot economics which concretely E9GiY-eY4-I-00039-00010496-00010599 means E9GiY-eY4-I-00040-00010600-00010863 that is the economics that an economist E9GiY-eY4-I-00041-00010864-00010959 who dares E9GiY-eY4-I-00042-00010960-00011319 to step into the mat must practice E9GiY-eY4-I-00043-00011320-00011806 the point is you know that economists E9GiY-eY4-I-00044-00011807-00012174 study and analyze poverty in the nice E9GiY-eY4-I-00045-00012175-00012542 offices have all the statistics E9GiY-eY4-I-00046-00012543-00012767 make all the models and are convinced E9GiY-eY4-I-00047-00012768-00012951 that they know everything that you can E9GiY-eY4-I-00048-00012952-00013102 know about poverty E9GiY-eY4-I-00049-00013103-00013351 but they don't understand poverty and E9GiY-eY4-I-00050-00013352-00013494 that's the big problem E9GiY-eY4-I-00051-00013495-00013847 and that's why poverty is still there E9GiY-eY4-I-00052-00013847-00014083 and that changed my life as an economist E9GiY-eY4-I-00053-00014084-00014255 completely E9GiY-eY4-I-00054-00014256-00014622 i invented a language that E9GiY-eY4-I-00055-00014623-00014943 is coherent with those E9GiY-eY4-I-00056-00014944-00015191 situations and conditions and what is E9GiY-eY4-I-00057-00015191-00015375 that language how do you E9GiY-eY4-I-00058-00015376-00015686 apply economics or have those situations E9GiY-eY4-I-00059-00015687-00016079 explain economics changing E9GiY-eY4-I-00060-00016080-00016238 look the thing is much deeper i mean E9GiY-eY4-I-00061-00016240-00016471 it's not like like like a recipe E9GiY-eY4-I-00062-00016472-00016791 typical of someone in your country E9GiY-eY4-I-00063-00016792-00017119 15 lessons or satisfaction guaranteed or E9GiY-eY4-I-00064-00017120-00017286 your money back E9GiY-eY4-I-00065-00017287-00017503 that's not your point the point is much E9GiY-eY4-I-00066-00017504-00017615 deeper you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00067-00017616-00017943 i would let me put it this way E9GiY-eY4-I-00068-00017944-00018094 we have reached a point in our E9GiY-eY4-I-00069-00018095-00018279 revolution in which we know a lot E9GiY-eY4-I-00070-00018280-00018543 we know a hell of a lot but we E9GiY-eY4-I-00071-00018544-00018935 understand very little E9GiY-eY4-I-00072-00018936-00019207 never in human history has been such an E9GiY-eY4-I-00073-00019208-00019414 accumulation of knowledge E9GiY-eY4-I-00074-00019415-00019750 like in the last 100 years look how we E9GiY-eY4-I-00075-00019751-00019894 are E9GiY-eY4-I-00076-00019895-00020143 what was that knowledge for what did we E9GiY-eY4-I-00077-00020144-00020358 do with it E9GiY-eY4-I-00078-00020359-00020567 and the point is that knowledge alone is E9GiY-eY4-I-00079-00020568-00020799 not enough that we lack understanding E9GiY-eY4-I-00080-00020800-00020958 and the difference between knowledge and E9GiY-eY4-I-00081-00020959-00021183 understanding E9GiY-eY4-I-00082-00021184-00021543 can give it as an example let us assume E9GiY-eY4-I-00083-00021544-00021711 that you have studied everything that E9GiY-eY4-I-00084-00021712-00021871 you can study E9GiY-eY4-I-00085-00021872-00022127 from a theological sociological E9GiY-eY4-I-00086-00022128-00022358 anthropological biological and even E9GiY-eY4-I-00087-00022359-00022486 biochemical E9GiY-eY4-I-00088-00022487-00022758 point of view of a human phenomenon E9GiY-eY4-I-00089-00022759-00022799 called E9GiY-eY4-I-00090-00022800-00023135 love so the result is that you will know E9GiY-eY4-I-00091-00023136-00023247 everything that E9GiY-eY4-I-00092-00023248-00023558 you can know about love but E9GiY-eY4-I-00093-00023559-00023742 sooner or later you will realize that E9GiY-eY4-I-00094-00023743-00023935 you will never understand love unless E9GiY-eY4-I-00095-00023936-00024271 you fall in love E9GiY-eY4-I-00096-00024272-00024439 what does that mean that you can only E9GiY-eY4-I-00097-00024440-00024630 attempt to understand that of which you E9GiY-eY4-I-00098-00024631-00024830 become a part E9GiY-eY4-I-00099-00024831-00025150 if we fall in love as the latin E9GiY-eY4-I-00100-00025151-00025631 song says we are much more than two E9GiY-eY4-I-00101-00025632-00025974 when you belong you understand E9GiY-eY4-I-00102-00025975-00026183 when you're separated you can accumulate E9GiY-eY4-I-00103-00026183-00026318 knowledge and that's this E9GiY-eY4-I-00104-00026319-00026683 has been the function of science now E9GiY-eY4-I-00105-00026683-00027070 sciences divided into E9GiY-eY4-I-00106-00027072-00027543 parts but understanding is holistic E9GiY-eY4-I-00107-00027544-00027839 and that happens with poverty i E9GiY-eY4-I-00108-00027839-00028127 understood poverty because i was there E9GiY-eY4-I-00109-00028127-00028351 i lived with them i ate with them i E9GiY-eY4-I-00110-00028352-00028495 slept with them you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00111-00028495-00028983 etc and then you begin to learn E9GiY-eY4-I-00112-00028983-00029287 that in that environment E9GiY-eY4-I-00113-00029288-00029639 there are different values um different E9GiY-eY4-I-00114-00029639-00029767 principles E9GiY-eY4-I-00115-00029768-00030007 from compared to those from where you E9GiY-eY4-I-00116-00030008-00030158 are coming E9GiY-eY4-I-00117-00030160-00030327 and that you can learn an enormous E9GiY-eY4-I-00118-00030327-00030599 amount of fantastic things among poverty E9GiY-eY4-I-00119-00030600-00030807 what i have learned from the poor is E9GiY-eY4-I-00120-00030808-00030927 much more than i learned in the E9GiY-eY4-I-00121-00030927-00031262 universities E9GiY-eY4-I-00122-00031263-00031462 but very few people have that experience E9GiY-eY4-I-00123-00031463-00031823 you see they look it from the outside E9GiY-eY4-I-00124-00031824-00032214 instead of living it from the inside E9GiY-eY4-I-00125-00032216-00032518 and you learn extraordinary things E9GiY-eY4-I-00126-00032519-00032727 the first thing you know that people who E9GiY-eY4-I-00127-00032727-00032855 want to work E9GiY-eY4-I-00128-00032856-00033199 in order to overcome poverty and don't E9GiY-eY4-I-00129-00033200-00033390 know E9GiY-eY4-I-00130-00033391-00033683 is that in poverty there is an enormous E9GiY-eY4-I-00131-00033684-00033839 creativity E9GiY-eY4-I-00132-00033840-00034015 you cannot be an idiot if you want to E9GiY-eY4-I-00133-00034016-00034231 survive E9GiY-eY4-I-00134-00034232-00034374 every minute you have to be thinking E9GiY-eY4-I-00135-00034375-00034535 what next what do i know E9GiY-eY4-I-00136-00034536-00034855 what trick can i do here what is that so E9GiY-eY4-I-00137-00034856-00035215 your creativity is constant E9GiY-eY4-I-00138-00035216-00035399 in addition i mean that is combined you E9GiY-eY4-I-00139-00035400-00035551 know with E9GiY-eY4-I-00140-00035552-00035935 networks of cooperation mutual aid you E9GiY-eY4-I-00141-00035936-00035967 know E9GiY-eY4-I-00142-00035968-00036390 and all sort of extraordinary things E9GiY-eY4-I-00143-00036391-00036615 which you no longer find in our dominant E9GiY-eY4-I-00144-00036616-00036735 society E9GiY-eY4-I-00145-00036736-00037030 which is individualistic greedy E9GiY-eY4-I-00146-00037031-00037135 egoistical E9GiY-eY4-I-00147-00037136-00037455 et cetera it's just the opposite of that E9GiY-eY4-I-00148-00037456-00037543 you find E9GiY-eY4-I-00149-00037544-00037959 there and it's sometimes so shocking E9GiY-eY4-I-00150-00037960-00038279 that you may find people much happier in E9GiY-eY4-I-00151-00038280-00038439 poverty than what you would find you E9GiY-eY4-I-00152-00038440-00038846 know in your own environment E9GiY-eY4-I-00153-00038847-00039023 which also means you know that poverty E9GiY-eY4-I-00154-00039024-00039311 is not just a question of money E9GiY-eY4-I-00155-00039312-00039551 it's a much more complex thing how do E9GiY-eY4-I-00156-00039552-00039799 you travel between the worlds E9GiY-eY4-I-00157-00039800-00040143 and when you're E9GiY-eY4-I-00158-00040144-00040359 living in the communities where you've E9GiY-eY4-I-00159-00040360-00040559 learned so much E9GiY-eY4-I-00160-00040560-00040967 what do those communities people in E9GiY-eY4-I-00161-00040968-00041127 those communities ask you E9GiY-eY4-I-00162-00041128-00041518 want to know from you E9GiY-eY4-I-00163-00041519-00041743 yeah it may surprise you i mean they are E9GiY-eY4-I-00164-00041744-00042079 not so interested in us we are E9GiY-eY4-I-00165-00042080-00042430 we overestimate ourselves E9GiY-eY4-I-00166-00042431-00042630 and we believe you know that they want E9GiY-eY4-I-00167-00042631-00042887 to be like us E9GiY-eY4-I-00168-00042888-00043111 and even more when we go there you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00169-00043112-00043327 we believe that they must E9GiY-eY4-I-00170-00043328-00043535 they will overcome their problems when E9GiY-eY4-I-00171-00043536-00043646 they look as much E9GiY-eY4-I-00172-00043647-00044007 as possible as we look they must be like E9GiY-eY4-I-00173-00044008-00044335 us and that's nonsense see i can give E9GiY-eY4-I-00174-00044336-00044374 you E9GiY-eY4-I-00175-00044375-00044695 i could give you lots of examples for E9GiY-eY4-I-00176-00044696-00044983 instance E9GiY-eY4-I-00177-00044984-00045358 um what was the name of the E9GiY-eY4-I-00178-00045359-00045583 program in the time when the time of of E9GiY-eY4-I-00179-00045584-00045702 uh E9GiY-eY4-I-00180-00045703-00045958 of kennedy when young people went you E9GiY-eY4-I-00181-00045959-00046111 know to all the peace corps E9GiY-eY4-I-00182-00046112-00046399 the peace corps okay yeah i was many E9GiY-eY4-I-00183-00046400-00046646 times and i i even E9GiY-eY4-I-00184-00046647-00046918 taught peace corps groups you know in E9GiY-eY4-I-00185-00046919-00047118 california and so on and then i found E9GiY-eY4-I-00186-00047119-00047246 them you know in the field when i was E9GiY-eY4-I-00187-00047247-00047335 there E9GiY-eY4-I-00188-00047336-00047630 lovely young people you know i mean very E9GiY-eY4-I-00189-00047631-00047830 well intentioned you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00190-00047831-00048158 and situations like this well there you E9GiY-eY4-I-00191-00048159-00048255 have a E9GiY-eY4-I-00192-00048256-00048902 a woman you know making a poncho E9GiY-eY4-I-00193-00048903-00049143 but with another machine i mean instead E9GiY-eY4-I-00194-00049144-00049327 of making E9GiY-eY4-I-00195-00049328-00049551 two ponchos in one week i mean she could E9GiY-eY4-I-00196-00049552-00049727 make E9GiY-eY4-I-00197-00049728-00049951 20 points you know so no we will bring E9GiY-eY4-I-00198-00049952-00050030 you E9GiY-eY4-I-00199-00050031-00050518 a much better thing around okay E9GiY-eY4-I-00200-00050519-00050735 they bring it in you know and come back E9GiY-eY4-I-00201-00050736-00050918 a few months later you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00202-00050919-00051270 to see a huge production of this woman E9GiY-eY4-I-00203-00051271-00051558 and how are you i'm fine how do you like E9GiY-eY4-I-00204-00051559-00051742 the machine oh very nice E9GiY-eY4-I-00205-00051744-00051975 and how many ponchos are you making well E9GiY-eY4-I-00206-00051976-00052142 two punches a week E9GiY-eY4-I-00207-00052144-00052294 but what do you mean you could make much E9GiY-eY4-I-00208-00052295-00052519 well but i don't need to make more E9GiY-eY4-I-00209-00052520-00052847 but why do you make just two well E9GiY-eY4-I-00210-00052848-00053054 what is the machine then for well i make E9GiY-eY4-I-00211-00053055-00053254 two but now i have much more time to be E9GiY-eY4-I-00212-00053255-00053703 with my friends and with my kids E9GiY-eY4-I-00213-00053704-00053942 in our environment you know you have to E9GiY-eY4-I-00214-00053944-00054071 do more and more E9GiY-eY4-I-00215-00054072-00054407 and more and more now E9GiY-eY4-I-00216-00054408-00054807 there instead of making more E9GiY-eY4-I-00217-00054808-00055142 they have more time to enjoy themselves E9GiY-eY4-I-00218-00055144-00055479 to have a nice relationship with E9GiY-eY4-I-00219-00055479-00055894 the friends with family etc you see E9GiY-eY4-I-00220-00055895-00056279 lovely values which we have lost E9GiY-eY4-I-00221-00056279-00056559 what do you think we need to change oh E9GiY-eY4-I-00222-00056560-00056607 almost E9GiY-eY4-I-00223-00056608-00056950 everything we are simply E9GiY-eY4-I-00224-00056951-00057303 dramatically stupid we act E9GiY-eY4-I-00225-00057304-00057550 systematically against the evidences we E9GiY-eY4-I-00226-00057551-00057694 have E9GiY-eY4-I-00227-00057695-00057894 we know everything that should not be E9GiY-eY4-I-00228-00057895-00058119 done there's nobody that doesn't know E9GiY-eY4-I-00229-00058120-00058247 that E9GiY-eY4-I-00230-00058248-00058454 particularly the big politicians know E9GiY-eY4-I-00231-00058455-00058599 exactly what should not E9GiY-eY4-I-00232-00058600-00059054 be done yet they do it E9GiY-eY4-I-00233-00059055-00059407 now how do you change that i don't know E9GiY-eY4-I-00234-00059408-00059630 i don't have the recipe E9GiY-eY4-I-00235-00059632-00059999 but that's the way it is and that is the E9GiY-eY4-I-00236-00060000-00060247 definition of stupidity the stupid act E9GiY-eY4-I-00237-00060248-00060415 is the act you commit against the E9GiY-eY4-I-00238-00060416-00060630 evidences you have E9GiY-eY4-I-00239-00060632-00060799 don't go through this alley because it's E9GiY-eY4-I-00240-00060800-00060959 very dark and there's a hole in it and E9GiY-eY4-I-00241-00060960-00061087 you may fall in ah no E9GiY-eY4-I-00242-00061088-00061279 don't worry and you weren't boom and you E9GiY-eY4-I-00243-00061279-00061559 followed it that's stupid E9GiY-eY4-I-00244-00061560-00061726 and that is our situation today in the E9GiY-eY4-I-00245-00061727-00061879 world E9GiY-eY4-I-00246-00061879-00062279 after what happened since october 2008 E9GiY-eY4-I-00247-00062279-00062487 i mean elementary you would think well i E9GiY-eY4-I-00248-00062488-00062647 know that now they're going to E9GiY-eY4-I-00249-00062648-00062863 to change i mean they see that the model E9GiY-eY4-I-00250-00062864-00062966 is E9GiY-eY4-I-00251-00062967-00063247 not working the model is even poisonous E9GiY-eY4-I-00252-00063248-00063366 you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00253-00063367-00063606 dramatically poisonous and what is the E9GiY-eY4-I-00254-00063607-00063742 result and what happened in the last E9GiY-eY4-I-00255-00063744-00063894 meaning of the european meeting of the E9GiY-eY4-I-00256-00063895-00064030 european union E9GiY-eY4-I-00257-00064032-00064271 there are more fundamentalists now than E9GiY-eY4-I-00258-00064272-00064566 before E9GiY-eY4-I-00259-00064567-00064871 so the only thing you know that E9GiY-eY4-I-00260-00064872-00065071 you can be sure of that the next crisis E9GiY-eY4-I-00261-00065072-00065254 is coming and it will be twice E9GiY-eY4-I-00262-00065255-00065494 as much as this one and for that one E9GiY-eY4-I-00263-00065495-00065726 there won't be enough money anymore E9GiY-eY4-I-00264-00065727-00066038 so that will be it and that is the E9GiY-eY4-I-00265-00066039-00066223 consequence of systematical E9GiY-eY4-I-00266-00066224-00066631 human stupidity now why the hell E9GiY-eY4-I-00267-00066632-00066975 are they so afraid to change when they E9GiY-eY4-I-00268-00066976-00067282 know that this is an absolute E9GiY-eY4-I-00269-00067283-00067511 collision E9GiY-eY4-I-00270-00067512-00067671 and instead of breaking i mean they're E9GiY-eY4-I-00271-00067672-00068087 accelerating E9GiY-eY4-I-00272-00068088-00068263 i don't have a recipe against that but E9GiY-eY4-I-00273-00068264-00068415 i'm i'm very E9GiY-eY4-I-00274-00068416-00068631 i'm very afraid to know that what is E9GiY-eY4-I-00275-00068632-00068750 still coming E9GiY-eY4-I-00276-00068751-00069079 what do you think needs to change E9GiY-eY4-I-00277-00069080-00069247 you're saying it's obvious but what do E9GiY-eY4-I-00278-00069248-00069391 you think needs to happen that they're E9GiY-eY4-I-00279-00069392-00069455 avoiding E9GiY-eY4-I-00280-00069456-00069623 well to begin with a completely new E9GiY-eY4-I-00281-00069624-00069815 concept of economics E9GiY-eY4-I-00282-00069816-00070182 this economy is crazy and poisonous E9GiY-eY4-I-00283-00070183-00070479 i am an economist and i've been fighting E9GiY-eY4-I-00284-00070480-00070679 against the economy that is taught E9GiY-eY4-I-00285-00070680-00070847 the way it is being taught and being E9GiY-eY4-I-00286-00070848-00071031 practiced i have been fighting it for E9GiY-eY4-I-00287-00071032-00071150 almost 40 years E9GiY-eY4-I-00288-00071151-00071487 of my life because it's an absurd E9GiY-eY4-I-00289-00071488-00071662 economy that has nothing to do with the E9GiY-eY4-I-00290-00071663-00071703 real E9GiY-eY4-I-00291-00071704-00072062 with real life it's all fabrications E9GiY-eY4-I-00292-00072063-00072343 no if the model doesn't work it's not E9GiY-eY4-I-00293-00072344-00072511 because the model is wrong but because E9GiY-eY4-I-00294-00072512-00072694 reality plays foul tricks E9GiY-eY4-I-00295-00072695-00072926 and reality is there to be domesticated E9GiY-eY4-I-00296-00072927-00073143 you know and E9GiY-eY4-I-00297-00073144-00073431 and become the model that is the that is E9GiY-eY4-I-00298-00073432-00073559 the attitude E9GiY-eY4-I-00299-00073560-00073871 and the systematic in addition E9GiY-eY4-I-00300-00073872-00074031 what is the economy that is being taught E9GiY-eY4-I-00301-00074032-00074359 in the universities today everywhere E9GiY-eY4-I-00302-00074360-00074631 neoclassical economics neoliberalism is E9GiY-eY4-I-00303-00074632-00074743 an offspring of E9GiY-eY4-I-00304-00074744-00074982 neoclassical economics and neoclassical E9GiY-eY4-I-00305-00074983-00075294 economics is 19th century E9GiY-eY4-I-00306-00075295-00075487 so we are supposed to solve problems of E9GiY-eY4-I-00307-00075488-00075791 the 21st century that have no precedent E9GiY-eY4-I-00308-00075792-00076143 were theories of the 19th century E9GiY-eY4-I-00309-00076144-00076350 we no longer have a physics of the 19th E9GiY-eY4-I-00310-00076351-00076615 century not a biology not an engineering E9GiY-eY4-I-00311-00076616-00076903 no nothing the only thing in which we E9GiY-eY4-I-00312-00076904-00076999 stopped E9GiY-eY4-I-00313-00077000-00077223 in this 19th century is in the concept E9GiY-eY4-I-00314-00077224-00077350 of economics E9GiY-eY4-I-00315-00077351-00077855 i mean and that is elementally absurd E9GiY-eY4-I-00316-00077856-00078262 and the main journals and everything you E9GiY-eY4-I-00317-00078263-00078482 know i mean no no that's the way it must E9GiY-eY4-I-00318-00078483-00078606 be E9GiY-eY4-I-00319-00078607-00078838 so to avoid another catastrophe E9GiY-eY4-I-00320-00078839-00078926 collision E9GiY-eY4-I-00321-00078927-00079238 if you were in charge if what would you E9GiY-eY4-I-00322-00079239-00079399 say has to happen E9GiY-eY4-I-00323-00079400-00079631 well first of all well i would E9GiY-eY4-I-00324-00079632-00079999 dramatically change E9GiY-eY4-I-00325-00080000-00080135 for me the problem begins in the E9GiY-eY4-I-00326-00080136-00080335 university the university is for me the E9GiY-eY4-I-00327-00080336-00080519 main responsible for this E9GiY-eY4-I-00328-00080520-00080694 the university today has become an E9GiY-eY4-I-00329-00080695-00080831 accomplice E9GiY-eY4-I-00330-00080832-00080999 of maintaining a world which we don't E9GiY-eY4-I-00331-00081000-00081255 want E9GiY-eY4-I-00332-00081256-00081447 because if if if you don't teach E9GiY-eY4-I-00333-00081448-00081623 something different to the economies E9GiY-eY4-I-00334-00081624-00081694 well E9GiY-eY4-I-00335-00081695-00081838 how the hell are you going to change it E9GiY-eY4-I-00336-00081839-00082087 when there are professionals you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00337-00082088-00082447 working it's impossible E9GiY-eY4-I-00338-00082448-00082799 when i studied economics E9GiY-eY4-I-00339-00082800-00083071 in the early 50s it was totally E9GiY-eY4-I-00340-00083072-00083271 different E9GiY-eY4-I-00341-00083272-00083518 we had some fundamental courses like E9GiY-eY4-I-00342-00083519-00083638 economic history E9GiY-eY4-I-00343-00083639-00083838 history of economic thought those E9GiY-eY4-I-00344-00083839-00084015 courses don't exist in the curriculum E9GiY-eY4-I-00345-00084016-00084182 anymore you don't have to know the E9GiY-eY4-I-00346-00084183-00084271 history E9GiY-eY4-I-00347-00084272-00084662 it's not necessary it's not necessary E9GiY-eY4-I-00348-00084663-00084823 that you know what E9GiY-eY4-I-00349-00084824-00085038 previous economists ever thought that's E9GiY-eY4-I-00350-00085039-00085391 not necessary you don't need it E9GiY-eY4-I-00351-00085392-00085606 i mean that's even stupid arrogance you E9GiY-eY4-I-00352-00085607-00085735 know E9GiY-eY4-I-00353-00085736-00086167 now we know for sure this is it forever E9GiY-eY4-I-00354-00086168-00086438 no then it ceases to be a discipline it E9GiY-eY4-I-00355-00086439-00086606 ceases to be a science and it becomes a E9GiY-eY4-I-00356-00086607-00086806 religion E9GiY-eY4-I-00357-00086807-00086935 and that is what economics and E9GiY-eY4-I-00358-00086936-00087206 neoliberal economics is is today E9GiY-eY4-I-00359-00087207-00087543 so first of all we need cultural E9GiY-eY4-I-00360-00087544-00087782 economists again E9GiY-eY4-I-00361-00087783-00088006 who know the history where they come E9GiY-eY4-I-00362-00088007-00088215 from how the ideas originated E9GiY-eY4-I-00363-00088216-00088559 who did they dwat and so on and so on E9GiY-eY4-I-00364-00088560-00088871 second an economics now that E9GiY-eY4-I-00365-00088872-00089215 understands itself very clearly as a E9GiY-eY4-I-00366-00089216-00089438 subsystem of a larger system that is E9GiY-eY4-I-00367-00089439-00089703 finite the biosphere E9GiY-eY4-I-00368-00089704-00089847 hence economic growth as an E9GiY-eY4-I-00369-00089848-00090079 impossibility E9GiY-eY4-I-00370-00090080-00090343 and third a system that understands that E9GiY-eY4-I-00371-00090344-00090462 it cannot function E9GiY-eY4-I-00372-00090463-00090782 without the services of ecosystems and E9GiY-eY4-I-00373-00090783-00090855 economies E9GiY-eY4-I-00374-00090856-00091079 know nothing about ecosystems they don't E9GiY-eY4-I-00375-00091080-00091323 know nothing about E9GiY-eY4-I-00376-00091324-00091911 thermodynamics you know nothing about E9GiY-eY4-I-00377-00091912-00092111 biodiversity or anything i mean they're E9GiY-eY4-I-00378-00092112-00092326 totally ignorant in that respect E9GiY-eY4-I-00379-00092327-00092543 you know and i don't see what hermit E9GiY-eY4-I-00380-00092544-00092711 would do you know to an economist to E9GiY-eY4-I-00381-00092712-00092879 know that if the beast would disappear E9GiY-eY4-I-00382-00092880-00093126 he would disappear as well E9GiY-eY4-I-00383-00093127-00093279 because there wouldn't be food anymore E9GiY-eY4-I-00384-00093280-00093455 but he doesn't know that E9GiY-eY4-I-00385-00093456-00093791 no that we depend absolutely from nature E9GiY-eY4-I-00386-00093792-00093862 but for E9GiY-eY4-I-00387-00093863-00094079 these economies we have nature is a E9GiY-eY4-I-00388-00094080-00094294 subsystem of the economy E9GiY-eY4-I-00389-00094295-00094782 i mean it's it's absolutely crazy E9GiY-eY4-I-00390-00094783-00095047 and then in addition you know bring E9GiY-eY4-I-00391-00095048-00095126 consumption E9GiY-eY4-I-00392-00095127-00095438 closer to production and E9GiY-eY4-I-00393-00095439-00095694 i live in the south of chile in the deep E9GiY-eY4-I-00394-00095695-00095838 south E9GiY-eY4-I-00395-00095839-00096182 and that area is a my fantastic area E9GiY-eY4-I-00396-00096183-00096447 now in milk products and what have you E9GiY-eY4-I-00397-00096448-00096559 top E9GiY-eY4-I-00398-00096560-00096823 technologically like the maximum you E9GiY-eY4-I-00399-00096824-00097031 know E9GiY-eY4-I-00400-00097032-00097279 i was a few months ago in in a hotel E9GiY-eY4-I-00401-00097280-00097415 there in the south E9GiY-eY4-I-00402-00097416-00097735 for breakfast and these little butter E9GiY-eY4-I-00403-00097736-00097959 things you know i get around E9GiY-eY4-I-00404-00097960-00098262 butter from new zealand i mean E9GiY-eY4-I-00405-00098263-00098615 if that isn't crazy you know and E9GiY-eY4-I-00406-00098616-00098823 why why because economists don't know E9GiY-eY4-I-00407-00098824-00099150 how to calculate really costs you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00408-00099151-00099503 to bring batter from 20 000 kilometers E9GiY-eY4-I-00409-00099504-00099703 to a place where you make the best E9GiY-eY4-I-00410-00099704-00099950 batter E9GiY-eY4-I-00411-00099951-00100223 under the argument that it was cheaper E9GiY-eY4-I-00412-00100224-00100455 it's a colossal stupidity E9GiY-eY4-I-00413-00100456-00100567 because they don't take into E9GiY-eY4-I-00414-00100568-00100726 consideration what's it what is the E9GiY-eY4-I-00415-00100727-00100847 impact of 20 E9GiY-eY4-I-00416-00100848-00101087 000 kilometers of transport what is the E9GiY-eY4-I-00417-00101088-00101255 impact on the environment of that E9GiY-eY4-I-00418-00101256-00101399 transportation you know and all the E9GiY-eY4-I-00419-00101400-00101543 things and in addition i mean it's E9GiY-eY4-I-00420-00101544-00101759 similar because it's subsidized E9GiY-eY4-I-00421-00101760-00101999 so it's clearly cases in which the E9GiY-eY4-I-00422-00102000-00102303 prices never tell the truth E9GiY-eY4-I-00423-00102304-00102471 it's all tricks you know and those E9GiY-eY4-I-00424-00102472-00102878 tricks do colossal harms E9GiY-eY4-I-00425-00102879-00103166 and if you bring consumption closer to E9GiY-eY4-I-00426-00103167-00103302 production E9GiY-eY4-I-00427-00103303-00103551 you will eat better you will have better E9GiY-eY4-I-00428-00103552-00103671 food you know and E9GiY-eY4-I-00429-00103672-00103863 everything you will know where it comes E9GiY-eY4-I-00430-00103864-00104078 from we may even know the person who E9GiY-eY4-I-00431-00104079-00104278 produces it E9GiY-eY4-I-00432-00104279-00104534 you humanize this thing you know but the E9GiY-eY4-I-00433-00104535-00104590 way E9GiY-eY4-I-00434-00104591-00104727 the economy is practiced today is E9GiY-eY4-I-00435-00104728-00104975 totally dehumanized E9GiY-eY4-I-00436-00104976-00105175 you don't think the earth will force E9GiY-eY4-I-00437-00105176-00105358 this different way of thinking E9GiY-eY4-I-00438-00105359-00105575 that we're reaching the end oh well yes E9GiY-eY4-I-00439-00105576-00105663 yes E9GiY-eY4-I-00440-00105664-00105999 i believe you know that well there are E9GiY-eY4-I-00441-00106000-00106102 some E9GiY-eY4-I-00442-00106103-00106319 important scientists that already are E9GiY-eY4-I-00443-00106320-00106415 saying and believe E9GiY-eY4-I-00444-00106416-00106743 i i have not reached that point yet E9GiY-eY4-I-00445-00106744-00107247 but some believe you know and state that E9GiY-eY4-I-00446-00107248-00107631 it's definite we are finished E9GiY-eY4-I-00447-00107632-00107934 we are finished in a few more decades i E9GiY-eY4-I-00448-00107935-00108223 mean there will be no humanity anymore E9GiY-eY4-I-00449-00108224-00108399 i don't think we have reached that point E9GiY-eY4-I-00450-00108400-00108583 but i believe E9GiY-eY4-I-00451-00108583-00108751 that we are pretty close to it others E9GiY-eY4-I-00452-00108752-00108951 say that we already crossed E9GiY-eY4-I-00453-00108952-00109295 the irreversible and if you look at E9GiY-eY4-I-00454-00109296-00109478 what is happening everywhere i mean it's E9GiY-eY4-I-00455-00109479-00109734 it's quite frightening E9GiY-eY4-I-00456-00109735-00109951 how the amount of catastrophes are E9GiY-eY4-I-00457-00109952-00110207 increasing all over the place E9GiY-eY4-I-00458-00110208-00110478 you know in all manifestations storms E9GiY-eY4-I-00459-00110479-00110639 earthquakes you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00460-00110640-00110975 volcanoes erupting i mean the amount of E9GiY-eY4-I-00461-00110976-00111295 events is growing dramatically i mean E9GiY-eY4-I-00462-00111296-00111663 it's really frightening E9GiY-eY4-I-00463-00111664-00111951 can't we continue with the same so what E9GiY-eY4-I-00464-00111952-00112102 gives you hope E9GiY-eY4-I-00465-00112103-00112351 and all of this that indicates you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00466-00112352-00112447 our E9GiY-eY4-I-00467-00112448-00112871 direct roadmap to catastrophe E9GiY-eY4-I-00468-00112872-00113383 what is the countervailing force E9GiY-eY4-I-00469-00113383-00113710 i don't know i don't know it's only E9GiY-eY4-I-00470-00113711-00113927 hopes you know that E9GiY-eY4-I-00471-00113928-00114134 but even those hopes are sort of E9GiY-eY4-I-00472-00114135-00114343 dramatic i believe that if something is E9GiY-eY4-I-00473-00114344-00114495 really going to change E9GiY-eY4-I-00474-00114496-00114686 there is still something much more E9GiY-eY4-I-00475-00114688-00114895 dramatic to happen E9GiY-eY4-I-00476-00114896-00115239 unfortunately and then there may come a E9GiY-eY4-I-00477-00115240-00115351 reaction E9GiY-eY4-I-00478-00115352-00115831 ah well now now we have to change E9GiY-eY4-I-00479-00115832-00116043 who knows there's so much talk about E9GiY-eY4-I-00480-00116044-00116158 2012 E9GiY-eY4-I-00481-00116159-00116502 no from the maya calendar and all that E9GiY-eY4-I-00482-00116503-00116966 2012 the 21st of december of 2012 you E9GiY-eY4-I-00483-00116967-00117047 know E9GiY-eY4-I-00484-00117048-00117231 colossal things are going to happen i E9GiY-eY4-I-00485-00117232-00117478 don't know what they all may be but E9GiY-eY4-I-00486-00117479-00117671 probably something really colossal E9GiY-eY4-I-00487-00117672-00118015 happens you know and we begin a new era E9GiY-eY4-I-00488-00118016-00118207 a bit more enlightened you know than E9GiY-eY4-I-00489-00118208-00118486 this one E9GiY-eY4-I-00490-00118488-00118623 what have you learned that gives you E9GiY-eY4-I-00491-00118624-00118831 hope in the poor communities that you've E9GiY-eY4-I-00492-00118832-00118902 worked in E9GiY-eY4-I-00493-00118903-00119183 and lived in solidarity of people you E9GiY-eY4-I-00494-00119183-00119439 know respect for the others E9GiY-eY4-I-00495-00119440-00119783 mutual aid no greed i mean that is a E9GiY-eY4-I-00496-00119783-00120071 value that is absent in in poverty E9GiY-eY4-I-00497-00120072-00120207 and you would be inclined to like that E9GiY-eY4-I-00498-00120208-00120527 that that it should be E9GiY-eY4-I-00499-00120528-00120823 more there than elsewhere you know that E9GiY-eY4-I-00500-00120824-00120975 greed should be of people who have E9GiY-eY4-I-00501-00120976-00121023 nothing E9GiY-eY4-I-00502-00121024-00121399 no quite the contrary the more you have E9GiY-eY4-I-00503-00121400-00121534 the more greedy you become E9GiY-eY4-I-00504-00121535-00121839 you know and all this E9GiY-eY4-I-00505-00121840-00122190 this crisis is the product of greed E9GiY-eY4-I-00506-00122191-00122439 greed is the dominant value today in the E9GiY-eY4-I-00507-00122440-00122734 world E9GiY-eY4-I-00508-00122735-00123078 and as long as that persists well E9GiY-eY4-I-00509-00123079-00123375 we're done and if you're teaching young E9GiY-eY4-I-00510-00123376-00123614 economists the principles you would E9GiY-eY4-I-00511-00123615-00123719 teach them E9GiY-eY4-I-00512-00123720-00124014 um what they the principles you know of E9GiY-eY4-I-00513-00124015-00124119 an economics E9GiY-eY4-I-00514-00124120-00124575 how it should be are based E9GiY-eY4-I-00515-00124576-00124783 in five postulates and one fundamental E9GiY-eY4-I-00516-00124783-00125071 value principle E9GiY-eY4-I-00517-00125072-00125366 one the economy is to serve the people E9GiY-eY4-I-00518-00125367-00125807 and not the people to serve the economy E9GiY-eY4-I-00519-00125808-00126014 two development is about people and not E9GiY-eY4-I-00520-00126015-00126366 about objects E9GiY-eY4-I-00521-00126367-00126583 three growth is not the same as E9GiY-eY4-I-00522-00126583-00126702 development E9GiY-eY4-I-00523-00126703-00126886 and development does not necessarily E9GiY-eY4-I-00524-00126888-00127231 require growth E9GiY-eY4-I-00525-00127232-00127495 four no economy is possible in the E9GiY-eY4-I-00526-00127496-00127854 absence of ecosystem services E9GiY-eY4-I-00527-00127855-00128127 five the economy is a subsystem of a E9GiY-eY4-I-00528-00128128-00128351 larger finite system the biosphere E9GiY-eY4-I-00529-00128352-00128719 hence permanent growth is impossible E9GiY-eY4-I-00530-00128720-00128927 and the fundamental value to sustain a E9GiY-eY4-I-00531-00128928-00129063 new economy E9GiY-eY4-I-00532-00129064-00129302 should be that no economic interest E9GiY-eY4-I-00533-00129303-00129375 under no E9GiY-eY4-I-00534-00129376-00129575 circumstance can be above the reverence E9GiY-eY4-I-00535-00129576-00129799 of life E9GiY-eY4-I-00536-00129800-00130207 explain that further nothing can be more E9GiY-eY4-I-00537-00130208-00130558 important than life and i say E9GiY-eY4-I-00538-00130559-00130871 life not human beings because E9GiY-eY4-I-00539-00130872-00131199 for me the center is the miracle of life E9GiY-eY4-I-00540-00131200-00131683 in all its manifestations E9GiY-eY4-I-00541-00131684-00131959 but if there is an economic interest i E9GiY-eY4-I-00542-00131960-00132311 mean you forget about life E9GiY-eY4-I-00543-00132312-00132559 not only of other living beings but even E9GiY-eY4-I-00544-00132560-00132887 of human beings E9GiY-eY4-I-00545-00132888-00133223 and if you go through that list one E9GiY-eY4-I-00546-00133224-00133407 after the other what we have today is E9GiY-eY4-I-00547-00133408-00133743 exactly the opposite E9GiY-eY4-I-00548-00133744-00134031 go back to three growth and development E9GiY-eY4-I-00549-00134032-00134271 explain that further E9GiY-eY4-I-00550-00134272-00134654 growth is a quantitative E9GiY-eY4-I-00551-00134655-00134983 accumulation E9GiY-eY4-I-00552-00134984-00135390 development is the the liberation E9GiY-eY4-I-00553-00135391-00135823 of creative possibilities E9GiY-eY4-I-00554-00135824-00136111 every living system in nature grows up E9GiY-eY4-I-00555-00136112-00136311 to a certain point and stops growing you E9GiY-eY4-I-00556-00136312-00136478 are not growing anymore E9GiY-eY4-I-00557-00136479-00136766 no he know me but we continue developing E9GiY-eY4-I-00558-00136767-00136847 ourselves E9GiY-eY4-I-00559-00136848-00137014 otherwise we wouldn't be dialoguing here E9GiY-eY4-I-00560-00137015-00137166 now E9GiY-eY4-I-00561-00137167-00137375 so development has no limits gross house E9GiY-eY4-I-00562-00137376-00137551 limits E9GiY-eY4-I-00563-00137552-00137735 and that is a very big thing now that E9GiY-eY4-I-00564-00137736-00137871 economists and politicians don't E9GiY-eY4-I-00565-00137872-00138071 understand they are obsessed E9GiY-eY4-I-00566-00138072-00138287 with the fetish of growth of economic E9GiY-eY4-I-00567-00138288-00138471 growth E9GiY-eY4-I-00568-00138472-00138814 and i even worked in E9GiY-eY4-I-00569-00138815-00139063 several decades many studies have been E9GiY-eY4-I-00570-00139064-00139135 done E9GiY-eY4-I-00571-00139136-00139471 i'm the author of a famous E9GiY-eY4-I-00572-00139472-00139878 hypothesis the threshold hypothesis um E9GiY-eY4-I-00573-00139879-00140190 which says that in every society there E9GiY-eY4-I-00574-00140191-00140319 is a period E9GiY-eY4-I-00575-00140320-00140566 in which economic growth conventionally E9GiY-eY4-I-00576-00140567-00140687 understood and E9GiY-eY4-I-00577-00140688-00140831 brings about an improvement of the E9GiY-eY4-I-00578-00140832-00141151 quality of life but only up to a point E9GiY-eY4-I-00579-00141152-00141383 the threshold point beyond which if E9GiY-eY4-I-00580-00141384-00141543 there is more growth E9GiY-eY4-I-00581-00141544-00141887 quality of life begins to decline E9GiY-eY4-I-00582-00141888-00142031 and that is the situation in which we E9GiY-eY4-I-00583-00142032-00142223 are now i mean your country's the most E9GiY-eY4-I-00584-00142224-00142678 dramatic example that you can find E9GiY-eY4-I-00585-00142679-00142863 i have gone as far as said and this is a E9GiY-eY4-I-00586-00142864-00143047 chapter of a book E9GiY-eY4-I-00587-00143048-00143295 a mind that is published next month in E9GiY-eY4-I-00588-00143296-00143439 in england E9GiY-eY4-I-00589-00143440-00143719 the title of which is economics unmasked E9GiY-eY4-I-00590-00143720-00143807 you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00591-00143808-00144039 there is a chapter called the united E9GiY-eY4-I-00592-00144040-00144335 states an underdeveloping nation E9GiY-eY4-I-00593-00144336-00144566 which is a new category we have E9GiY-eY4-I-00594-00144567-00144678 developed E9GiY-eY4-I-00595-00144679-00144878 underdeveloped and developing now you E9GiY-eY4-I-00596-00144879-00145078 have under developing E9GiY-eY4-I-00597-00145079-00145319 and your country is an example in which E9GiY-eY4-I-00598-00145320-00145535 the one percent of the americans you E9GiY-eY4-I-00599-00145536-00145663 know are doing better and better and E9GiY-eY4-I-00600-00145664-00145702 better E9GiY-eY4-I-00601-00145703-00146078 the 99 is going down E9GiY-eY4-I-00602-00146079-00146414 in in all sorts of manifestations E9GiY-eY4-I-00603-00146415-00146671 people living in in their cars now and E9GiY-eY4-I-00604-00146672-00146854 sleeping in their cars you know parked E9GiY-eY4-I-00605-00146855-00147023 in front of the house that used to be E9GiY-eY4-I-00606-00147024-00147143 the house E9GiY-eY4-I-00607-00147144-00147407 thousands of people in there millions of E9GiY-eY4-I-00608-00147408-00147647 people you know have lost us and E9GiY-eY4-I-00609-00147648-00147999 but the speculators E9GiY-eY4-I-00610-00148000-00148239 that brought about the whole mess well E9GiY-eY4-I-00611-00148240-00148526 they are fantastically well lost E9GiY-eY4-I-00612-00148527-00148863 no problem no problem E9GiY-eY4-I-00613-00148864-00149143 so how would you turn that around well i E9GiY-eY4-I-00614-00149144-00149302 don't know how to turn it around i mean E9GiY-eY4-I-00615-00149303-00149519 it will turn around itself you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00616-00149520-00149831 in catastrophic manners i mean E9GiY-eY4-I-00617-00149832-00150295 i don't understand how there isn't E9GiY-eY4-I-00618-00150296-00150454 millions of people can all of a sudden E9GiY-eY4-I-00619-00150455-00150623 go out in the street in the united E9GiY-eY4-I-00620-00150624-00150783 states and begin destroying things i E9GiY-eY4-I-00621-00150784-00150878 don't know E9GiY-eY4-I-00622-00150879-00151223 that may perfectly happen no E9GiY-eY4-I-00623-00151224-00151478 the situation is absolutely dramatic E9GiY-eY4-I-00624-00151479-00151702 absolutely dramatic E9GiY-eY4-I-00625-00151703-00151878 and it has supposed to be the most E9GiY-eY4-I-00626-00151879-00152039 powerful country in the world you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00627-00152040-00152095 and so on E9GiY-eY4-I-00628-00152096-00152254 and even in those conditions they E9GiY-eY4-I-00629-00152255-00152526 continue with those stupid wars you know E9GiY-eY4-I-00630-00152527-00152743 and spend more more more millions and E9GiY-eY4-I-00631-00152744-00153007 trillions E9GiY-eY4-I-00632-00153008-00153302 13 trillion dollars for the speculators E9GiY-eY4-I-00633-00153303-00153335 not E9GiY-eY4-I-00634-00153336-00153526 one cent for the people who lost their E9GiY-eY4-I-00635-00153527-00153735 homes E9GiY-eY4-I-00636-00153736-00153935 i mean what kind of kind of logic is E9GiY-eY4-I-00637-00153936-00154167 that ErOQ9iltFs4-00000-00000026-00000302 mark cook bread also known as schrock ErOQ9iltFs4-00001-00000303-00000674 Cubs rqe EQ Mishra or saj bread Arabic ErOQ9iltFs4-00002-00000675-00000914 Merc you croque-monsieur caged bees acid ErOQ9iltFs4-00003-00000915-00001079 caged bees our cake is a type of ErOQ9iltFs4-00004-00001080-00001265 unleavened flat bread common in the ErOQ9iltFs4-00005-00001266-00001378 countries of the Levant ErOQ9iltFs4-00006-00001379-00001655 it is baked on a domed or convex metal ErOQ9iltFs4-00007-00001655-00001967 griddle known as saj it is usually large ErOQ9iltFs4-00008-00001968-00002201 about 60 centimetres in diameter and ErOQ9iltFs4-00009-00002202-00002485 thin almost translucent the dough is ErOQ9iltFs4-00010-00002486-00002672 unleavened and usually made with only ErOQ9iltFs4-00011-00002673-00002917 flour water and salt and after being ErOQ9iltFs4-00012-00002918-00003125 rested and divided into round portions ErOQ9iltFs4-00013-00003126-00003308 flattened and spread across a round ErOQ9iltFs4-00014-00003309-00003494 cushion until it is paper-thin then ErOQ9iltFs4-00015-00003495-00003622 flipped onto the saj ErOQ9iltFs4-00016-00003623-00003865 it is often folded and put in bags ErOQ9iltFs4-00017-00003867-00004103 before being sold it is commonly ErOQ9iltFs4-00018-00004104-00004288 compared to pita bread which is known in ErOQ9iltFs4-00019-00004289-00004486 Mediterranean cuisine although it is ErOQ9iltFs4-00020-00004487-00005111 much larger and thinner ErOQ9iltFs4-00021-00005112-00005624 topic gallery ErOQ9iltFs4-00022-00005625-00006017 equals equals see also ErX2dRQXSbU-00000-00001000-00001207 all right hey everybody my name is erin ErX2dRQXSbU-00001-00001208-00001415 atkinson and i'm here today with jeremy ErX2dRQXSbU-00002-00001416-00001630 ward for board realty services he is the ErX2dRQXSbU-00003-00001632-00001902 broker owner of the company um we just ErX2dRQXSbU-00004-00001903-00002151 wanted to get on here and talk about uh ErX2dRQXSbU-00005-00002152-00002326 you know like you know what the market ErX2dRQXSbU-00006-00002327-00002518 trends are currently like where are we ErX2dRQXSbU-00007-00002519-00002750 going to forecast them going and you ErX2dRQXSbU-00008-00002751-00002918 know what is the best thing for you to ErX2dRQXSbU-00009-00002919-00003175 do with in the real estate market so i'm ErX2dRQXSbU-00010-00003176-00003399 going to let him take over and how do ErX2dRQXSbU-00011-00003400-00003615 you think the market is right now thanks ErX2dRQXSbU-00012-00003615-00003870 for having me on today erin um the ErX2dRQXSbU-00013-00003871-00004103 market has been crazy as we all know ErX2dRQXSbU-00014-00004104-00004327 over the last two or three years ErX2dRQXSbU-00015-00004328-00004599 we have suffered with low inventory but ErX2dRQXSbU-00016-00004600-00004815 we've been blessed with really low ErX2dRQXSbU-00017-00004816-00005054 interest rates which is you know part of ErX2dRQXSbU-00018-00005055-00005247 the the problem right we've got such ErX2dRQXSbU-00019-00005248-00005479 great rates everybody's jumping in the ErX2dRQXSbU-00020-00005480-00005759 inventory is being absorbed very quickly ErX2dRQXSbU-00021-00005760-00005927 it's not a fact that we don't have ErX2dRQXSbU-00022-00005928-00006127 inventory it's just coming on the market ErX2dRQXSbU-00023-00006128-00006422 and going to sew status real quick ErX2dRQXSbU-00024-00006423-00006623 so a lot of time a lot of people's been ErX2dRQXSbU-00025-00006623-00006823 asking me like when's the best time to ErX2dRQXSbU-00026-00006823-00007046 sell my house jeremy like when is it you ErX2dRQXSbU-00027-00007047-00007191 know the best time when are we gonna be ErX2dRQXSbU-00028-00007192-00007351 at the top ErX2dRQXSbU-00029-00007352-00007583 um there's a couple things going into ErX2dRQXSbU-00030-00007584-00007774 play right now ErX2dRQXSbU-00031-00007775-00007974 i don't think we're at the top ErX2dRQXSbU-00032-00007975-00008207 i don't see any like going up and then ErX2dRQXSbU-00033-00008208-00008391 crashing or nothing like that we're kind ErX2dRQXSbU-00034-00008392-00008542 of coming into a more of a balanced ErX2dRQXSbU-00035-00008543-00008742 market right now aaron ErX2dRQXSbU-00036-00008743-00008895 we've got a couple things that are ErX2dRQXSbU-00037-00008896-00009055 playing into that ErX2dRQXSbU-00038-00009056-00009278 the market uh is still ErX2dRQXSbU-00039-00009279-00009535 really a seller's market we have like ErX2dRQXSbU-00040-00009536-00009727 less than a month's inventory still ErX2dRQXSbU-00041-00009728-00009910 which is about i think last time i ErX2dRQXSbU-00042-00009911-00010159 checked we were between 550 and 600 ErX2dRQXSbU-00043-00010160-00010246 homes ErX2dRQXSbU-00044-00010247-00010519 well that that's actually up from ErX2dRQXSbU-00045-00010520-00010799 december only was like 350 to 400 homes ErX2dRQXSbU-00046-00010800-00010983 i've been saying since october last year ErX2dRQXSbU-00047-00010984-00011167 that first year we're going to have a ErX2dRQXSbU-00048-00011168-00011342 little bit of a correction ErX2dRQXSbU-00049-00011343-00011471 interest rates are going to start to ErX2dRQXSbU-00050-00011472-00011583 come up ErX2dRQXSbU-00051-00011584-00011742 uh inventory still going to be start ErX2dRQXSbU-00052-00011743-00011927 coming to the market and so far that's ErX2dRQXSbU-00053-00011928-00012095 what we've seen ErX2dRQXSbU-00054-00012096-00012270 but it is going to be more of a healthy ErX2dRQXSbU-00055-00012271-00012374 market ErX2dRQXSbU-00056-00012375-00012646 for buyers and sellers so the buyers out ErX2dRQXSbU-00057-00012647-00012774 there are still getting really good ErX2dRQXSbU-00058-00012775-00012999 rates more inventories coming on the ErX2dRQXSbU-00059-00013000-00013207 market so they have more choices ErX2dRQXSbU-00060-00013208-00013358 for the sellers ErX2dRQXSbU-00061-00013359-00013551 you've got more competition coming in ErX2dRQXSbU-00062-00013552-00013663 the market ErX2dRQXSbU-00063-00013663-00013943 and it's starting to kind of level out ErX2dRQXSbU-00064-00013944-00014175 that we're not seeing the increases that ErX2dRQXSbU-00065-00014176-00014399 we had seen in the past uh you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00066-00014400-00014622 there was going up 20 and 30 percent now ErX2dRQXSbU-00067-00014623-00014791 we're going to see more like a seven to ErX2dRQXSbU-00068-00014791-00014919 maybe 15 ErX2dRQXSbU-00069-00014919-00015055 in our area ErX2dRQXSbU-00070-00015056-00015238 uh of increase so ErX2dRQXSbU-00071-00015240-00015447 really right now is the best time to buy ErX2dRQXSbU-00072-00015447-00015663 and sell it's it's it's just we're at a ErX2dRQXSbU-00073-00015663-00015871 hinge point in the market where you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00074-00015872-00015991 there's going to be a little bit more ErX2dRQXSbU-00075-00015991-00016175 inventory for the buyers ErX2dRQXSbU-00076-00016176-00016366 which helps the sellers out too because ErX2dRQXSbU-00077-00016368-00016558 when they sell their home obviously they ErX2dRQXSbU-00078-00016559-00016711 need inventory when they come into the ErX2dRQXSbU-00079-00016712-00016894 buying spot so ErX2dRQXSbU-00080-00016895-00017167 i think like if i was a seller right now ErX2dRQXSbU-00081-00017168-00017343 i would look at it as a great time to ErX2dRQXSbU-00082-00017344-00017503 sell ErX2dRQXSbU-00083-00017504-00017791 i'm gonna have less competition i got uh ErX2dRQXSbU-00084-00017792-00018014 tons of buyers out there and you know i ErX2dRQXSbU-00085-00018015-00018283 can still go find the house once i sell ErX2dRQXSbU-00086-00018284-00018550 mine so with the inventory coming to the ErX2dRQXSbU-00087-00018551-00018694 market do you find that there's a lot ErX2dRQXSbU-00088-00018695-00018950 more new construction or resales ErX2dRQXSbU-00089-00018951-00019150 right now new construction is leading ErX2dRQXSbU-00090-00019151-00019286 the sales ErX2dRQXSbU-00091-00019287-00019511 there is a lot of resale but it's based ErX2dRQXSbU-00092-00019512-00019735 on how many homes are being built ErX2dRQXSbU-00093-00019736-00019950 obviously providing more inventory so ErX2dRQXSbU-00094-00019951-00020111 those guys feel comfortable with selling ErX2dRQXSbU-00095-00020112-00020230 their house and maybe buying a new ErX2dRQXSbU-00096-00020231-00020471 construction home new construction right ErX2dRQXSbU-00097-00020472-00020711 now is probably your best bet ErX2dRQXSbU-00098-00020712-00020878 uh if you're looking to buy something ErX2dRQXSbU-00099-00020879-00021047 with the rates the way they are you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00100-00021048-00021247 we've got 100 financing a lot of these ErX2dRQXSbU-00101-00021248-00021407 new constructions ErX2dRQXSbU-00102-00021408-00021583 uh you just get an opportunity to buy a ErX2dRQXSbU-00103-00021584-00021719 maintenance-free home that you're not ErX2dRQXSbU-00104-00021720-00021847 gonna have to worry about for the next ErX2dRQXSbU-00105-00021848-00022094 10 years you kind of know when when it's ErX2dRQXSbU-00106-00022095-00022303 going to be ready uh if you make an ErX2dRQXSbU-00107-00022304-00022471 offer on a house you know that you have ErX2dRQXSbU-00108-00022472-00022750 a certain close date and when you get ErX2dRQXSbU-00109-00022751-00022967 closer to the end of that you know you ErX2dRQXSbU-00110-00022968-00023175 can always put your home on the market ErX2dRQXSbU-00111-00023176-00023335 where you can sell it right before you ErX2dRQXSbU-00112-00023336-00023486 close on your new one ErX2dRQXSbU-00113-00023487-00023742 so yeah the new construction has been a ErX2dRQXSbU-00114-00023743-00023830 great ErX2dRQXSbU-00115-00023831-00024014 it's been a big part of our inventory i ErX2dRQXSbU-00116-00024015-00024191 know that with our opinions a big ErX2dRQXSbU-00117-00024192-00024375 majority of it is new construction right ErX2dRQXSbU-00118-00024376-00024463 now ErX2dRQXSbU-00119-00024464-00024630 now if somebody were to go with a new ErX2dRQXSbU-00120-00024631-00024894 construction route um are you seeing ErX2dRQXSbU-00121-00024895-00025063 that it's taking a lot more time for the ErX2dRQXSbU-00122-00025064-00025335 homes to be built or is it certain that ErX2dRQXSbU-00123-00025336-00025550 their times start getting shorter time ErX2dRQXSbU-00124-00025551-00025783 well you know last the last couple years ErX2dRQXSbU-00125-00025783-00025967 we had coveted something that we had ErX2dRQXSbU-00126-00025968-00026167 never experienced before as builders and ErX2dRQXSbU-00127-00026168-00026270 agents ErX2dRQXSbU-00128-00026272-00026487 and it really threw us for a loop when ErX2dRQXSbU-00129-00026488-00026695 it comes to deadlines and being able to ErX2dRQXSbU-00130-00026695-00026943 get some materials on time and be able ErX2dRQXSbU-00131-00026944-00027111 to finish on time we went from being ErX2dRQXSbU-00132-00027112-00027270 able to build spec homes in three to ErX2dRQXSbU-00133-00027272-00027383 four months ErX2dRQXSbU-00134-00027383-00027631 to take in six months to a year an ErX2dRQXSbU-00135-00027632-00027855 average of about eight nine months now ErX2dRQXSbU-00136-00027856-00028135 moving forward into 2022 i think the ErX2dRQXSbU-00137-00028136-00028351 builders have reacted to that they've ErX2dRQXSbU-00138-00028352-00028599 done a little bit more upfront planning ErX2dRQXSbU-00139-00028600-00028790 we're actually putting the houses you ErX2dRQXSbU-00140-00028791-00029031 know uh getting them built to the stage ErX2dRQXSbU-00141-00029032-00029167 and at least having the cabinets and ErX2dRQXSbU-00142-00029168-00029383 flooring in before we even list them ErX2dRQXSbU-00143-00029383-00029583 that way that the clients don't have to ErX2dRQXSbU-00144-00029583-00029727 sit there and worry about you know when ErX2dRQXSbU-00145-00029727-00029951 the home's going to be ready you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00146-00029952-00030255 when when should i put my house for sale ErX2dRQXSbU-00147-00030256-00030399 we're getting these things closer to the ErX2dRQXSbU-00148-00030400-00030543 finish line before we list them and ErX2dRQXSbU-00149-00030544-00030751 there's several factors is you know we ErX2dRQXSbU-00150-00030752-00030911 want to make sure that we've got all the ErX2dRQXSbU-00151-00030912-00031087 materials that we need everything's on ErX2dRQXSbU-00152-00031088-00031255 order we've received it ErX2dRQXSbU-00153-00031256-00031446 we know what the pricing is going to be ErX2dRQXSbU-00154-00031447-00031718 because in the past few years we made a ErX2dRQXSbU-00155-00031719-00031983 bid a house and by the time we get done ErX2dRQXSbU-00156-00031983-00032151 with it the materials have jumped 20 and ErX2dRQXSbU-00157-00032152-00032318 30 and now we're having to go back to a ErX2dRQXSbU-00158-00032319-00032583 client say look your 200 000 our house ErX2dRQXSbU-00159-00032583-00032871 is now 230 000 nobody wants to to get ErX2dRQXSbU-00160-00032872-00033031 that message right ErX2dRQXSbU-00161-00033032-00033102 so ErX2dRQXSbU-00162-00033103-00033239 i think the builders have done a good ErX2dRQXSbU-00163-00033240-00033415 job they basically said let's get them ErX2dRQXSbU-00164-00033416-00033590 pretty well built and make sure that ErX2dRQXSbU-00165-00033591-00033815 we've got all the inventory on hand and ErX2dRQXSbU-00166-00033816-00034062 then we can give these clients a solid ErX2dRQXSbU-00167-00034063-00034174 price ErX2dRQXSbU-00168-00034175-00034399 on their new construction home so i know ErX2dRQXSbU-00169-00034400-00034567 aaron you've got several and jeff and ErX2dRQXSbU-00170-00034568-00034767 that was kind of what we did with it was ErX2dRQXSbU-00171-00034768-00034974 yeah we waited till they got almost done ErX2dRQXSbU-00172-00034975-00035174 before he was able to list them ErX2dRQXSbU-00173-00035175-00035462 yeah just seems like a lot less stress ErX2dRQXSbU-00174-00035463-00035711 and a lot more certainty in the deal for ErX2dRQXSbU-00175-00035712-00035935 your clients yeah i know a lot of buyers ErX2dRQXSbU-00176-00035936-00036159 really appreciated knowing timelines and ErX2dRQXSbU-00177-00036160-00036311 that's waiting that long you know just ErX2dRQXSbU-00178-00036312-00036383 to ErX2dRQXSbU-00179-00036384-00036551 be able to make sure that they know how ErX2dRQXSbU-00180-00036552-00036855 to time you know their move sure ErX2dRQXSbU-00181-00036856-00037095 yeah so yeah and then um they're going ErX2dRQXSbU-00182-00037096-00037367 back to like the inventory and you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00183-00037368-00037615 now is a good time to sell how long ErX2dRQXSbU-00184-00037616-00037855 do you think that that is still gonna be ErX2dRQXSbU-00185-00037856-00038118 a seller's market uh i think we'll be on ErX2dRQXSbU-00186-00038119-00038390 a seller's market for another you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00187-00038391-00038623 year year and a half maybe two years ErX2dRQXSbU-00188-00038624-00038911 it's just simple supply and demand we've ErX2dRQXSbU-00189-00038912-00038999 got ErX2dRQXSbU-00190-00039000-00039183 you know the baby boomers are still out ErX2dRQXSbU-00191-00039184-00039367 there in our population that's a huge ErX2dRQXSbU-00192-00039368-00039583 population and the millennials are the ErX2dRQXSbU-00193-00039584-00039767 largest population that we've ever seen ErX2dRQXSbU-00194-00039768-00039983 in the united states and all these guys ErX2dRQXSbU-00195-00039984-00040199 are trying to get into homes and you ErX2dRQXSbU-00196-00040200-00040383 know one of the big factors is we didn't ErX2dRQXSbU-00197-00040384-00040711 build a a huge number of homes the last ErX2dRQXSbU-00198-00040712-00040846 10 years you know when when the ErX2dRQXSbU-00199-00040847-00041023 recession happened building pretty much ErX2dRQXSbU-00200-00041024-00041158 come to a stop ErX2dRQXSbU-00201-00041159-00041374 and but people were still having kids ErX2dRQXSbU-00202-00041375-00041574 people were getting married graduating ErX2dRQXSbU-00203-00041575-00041807 from college all the short sales and the ErX2dRQXSbU-00204-00041808-00042046 foreclosures have been us you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00205-00042047-00042158 bought up ErX2dRQXSbU-00206-00042159-00042399 uh they may be you know second homes ErX2dRQXSbU-00207-00042400-00042574 they may be rental homes that sort of ErX2dRQXSbU-00208-00042575-00042767 thing but basically we're just short ErX2dRQXSbU-00209-00042768-00043039 homes and that's just a simple ErX2dRQXSbU-00210-00043040-00043271 supply and demand that i believe will be ErX2dRQXSbU-00211-00043272-00043423 in a seller's market for another ErX2dRQXSbU-00212-00043424-00043679 probably two years you brought up a good ErX2dRQXSbU-00213-00043680-00043774 um ErX2dRQXSbU-00214-00043775-00043958 topic like foreclosures ErX2dRQXSbU-00215-00043959-00044118 i know a lot of people are wanting to ErX2dRQXSbU-00216-00044119-00044374 flip homes like these days and do you ErX2dRQXSbU-00217-00044375-00044558 see a lot of foreclosures come into the ErX2dRQXSbU-00218-00044559-00044662 market ErX2dRQXSbU-00219-00044663-00044902 in the next year and a half no i used to ErX2dRQXSbU-00220-00044903-00045174 list a lot of uh foreclosures and had ErX2dRQXSbU-00221-00045175-00045358 several asset managers i stay in touch ErX2dRQXSbU-00222-00045359-00045518 with you know and i've got people across ErX2dRQXSbU-00223-00045519-00045727 the country i've talked to as well ErX2dRQXSbU-00224-00045728-00045927 and there's just not a pipeline for ErX2dRQXSbU-00225-00045928-00046143 foreclosures right now so ErX2dRQXSbU-00226-00046144-00046295 we did have you know a lot of people ErX2dRQXSbU-00227-00046296-00046502 were expecting after colvin after this ErX2dRQXSbU-00228-00046503-00046662 mediations where the government stepped ErX2dRQXSbU-00229-00046663-00046846 in and said hey you don't have to ErX2dRQXSbU-00230-00046847-00047007 make payments for the next six months ErX2dRQXSbU-00231-00047008-00047167 but that at the end of six months you ErX2dRQXSbU-00232-00047168-00047311 got to get us caught up you know with ErX2dRQXSbU-00233-00047312-00047502 the lenders and everybody was like well ErX2dRQXSbU-00234-00047503-00047630 that's not going to be able to happen ErX2dRQXSbU-00235-00047631-00047718 you know a lot of people are going to ErX2dRQXSbU-00236-00047719-00047927 lose homes and i have listed a few homes ErX2dRQXSbU-00237-00047928-00048143 that were in that situation but here's ErX2dRQXSbU-00238-00048144-00048239 the thing ErX2dRQXSbU-00239-00048240-00048495 the homes never make it to the auction ErX2dRQXSbU-00240-00048496-00048662 block they never make it to the share ErX2dRQXSbU-00241-00048663-00048935 cell because there's so much equity in ErX2dRQXSbU-00242-00048936-00049095 the homes right now ErX2dRQXSbU-00243-00049096-00049286 then and rather than lose the home they ErX2dRQXSbU-00244-00049287-00049423 just put it on the market and they get ErX2dRQXSbU-00245-00049424-00049574 top dollar for it ErX2dRQXSbU-00246-00049575-00049727 and then they restructure and buy ErX2dRQXSbU-00247-00049728-00049911 something maybe downsize ErX2dRQXSbU-00248-00049912-00050023 so ErX2dRQXSbU-00249-00050024-00050271 we're not seeing you know i'm calling on ErX2dRQXSbU-00250-00050272-00050415 asset managers and see if they have ErX2dRQXSbU-00251-00050416-00050630 anything in their pipeline and they just ErX2dRQXSbU-00252-00050631-00050855 really don't there are going to be some ErX2dRQXSbU-00253-00050856-00051030 foreclosures you'll see through you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00254-00051031-00051199 fannie mae and these big companies ErX2dRQXSbU-00255-00051200-00051358 that's taking in millions of loans so ErX2dRQXSbU-00256-00051359-00051654 there is going to be that percentage ErX2dRQXSbU-00257-00051655-00051894 but it's nothing like what we've seen in ErX2dRQXSbU-00258-00051895-00052254 l.a you know 08 was a was a market where ErX2dRQXSbU-00259-00052255-00052519 uh we were really lending money out to ErX2dRQXSbU-00260-00052520-00052726 people that weren't solid ErX2dRQXSbU-00261-00052727-00053015 it wasn't the the buyers fault they they ErX2dRQXSbU-00262-00053016-00053215 qualified for the the system and the ErX2dRQXSbU-00263-00053216-00053447 loan that they were given and then you ErX2dRQXSbU-00264-00053448-00053638 know things slowed down but ErX2dRQXSbU-00265-00053639-00053871 i can tell you aaron as you know when a ErX2dRQXSbU-00266-00053872-00054054 lender sits down with you as a buyer ErX2dRQXSbU-00267-00054055-00054319 like you're taking all your information ErX2dRQXSbU-00268-00054320-00054454 you're going to have to be on your job ErX2dRQXSbU-00269-00054455-00054630 for a few years you're going to have to ErX2dRQXSbU-00270-00054632-00054791 have all these things never want to go ErX2dRQXSbU-00271-00054791-00054982 back through it again and you know we ErX2dRQXSbU-00272-00054983-00055182 always have like that ErX2dRQXSbU-00273-00055183-00055375 right before closing they miss something ErX2dRQXSbU-00274-00055376-00055559 they got to check it right ErX2dRQXSbU-00275-00055560-00055926 so these buyers have been screened so ErX2dRQXSbU-00276-00055927-00056103 strong like ErX2dRQXSbU-00277-00056104-00056319 it's crazy to get a loan i hydrated i ErX2dRQXSbU-00278-00056320-00056679 buy houses for investments too ErX2dRQXSbU-00279-00056679-00056942 uh you know i'm my my information's on ErX2dRQXSbU-00280-00056944-00057263 the on the bank's desk at all times ErX2dRQXSbU-00281-00057264-00057519 um as a you know buying you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00282-00057520-00057711 i build new homes and all kinds of ErX2dRQXSbU-00283-00057712-00057823 things but ErX2dRQXSbU-00284-00057824-00057991 they still you know they still ask me a ErX2dRQXSbU-00285-00057991-00058142 lot of questions that they probably ErX2dRQXSbU-00286-00058144-00058263 didn't ask ErX2dRQXSbU-00287-00058264-00058463 you know prior to oa so they've learned ErX2dRQXSbU-00288-00058464-00058647 a lot i've talked to the banks i was ErX2dRQXSbU-00289-00058648-00058775 speaking with the president of bank of ErX2dRQXSbU-00290-00058776-00058903 america and he said we learned a lot ErX2dRQXSbU-00291-00058904-00059030 from the last crash we're not going to ErX2dRQXSbU-00292-00059032-00059279 do that again and the way we handle it ErX2dRQXSbU-00293-00059279-00059454 is not just go foreclose on everybody ErX2dRQXSbU-00294-00059455-00059638 again like they don't want to sit on ErX2dRQXSbU-00295-00059639-00059782 that inventory ErX2dRQXSbU-00296-00059783-00060047 so it just again the supply and demand ErX2dRQXSbU-00297-00060048-00060175 you know aaron if i hear you're ErX2dRQXSbU-00298-00060176-00060366 struggling as your neighbors say on a ErX2dRQXSbU-00299-00060367-00060487 payment or something i'm probably going ErX2dRQXSbU-00300-00060488-00060630 to come to you and say hey my son's ErX2dRQXSbU-00301-00060632-00060830 looking for a house why don't i just you ErX2dRQXSbU-00302-00060832-00060999 know sell him your house it never gets ErX2dRQXSbU-00303-00061000-00061319 the poor ErX2dRQXSbU-00304-00061320-00061542 um yeah i know like i purchased a home ErX2dRQXSbU-00305-00061544-00061726 back in july and ErX2dRQXSbU-00306-00061727-00061950 being self-employed i had to have ErX2dRQXSbU-00307-00061951-00062199 two years of my tax returns and plus ErX2dRQXSbU-00308-00062200-00062350 like right before closing i had to show ErX2dRQXSbU-00309-00062351-00062623 that i still had income coming in so the ErX2dRQXSbU-00310-00062624-00062791 requirements are ErX2dRQXSbU-00311-00062791-00062894 so much ErX2dRQXSbU-00312-00062895-00063030 different than what they were like i ErX2dRQXSbU-00313-00063032-00063135 know ErX2dRQXSbU-00314-00063136-00063326 all you had to have was a ErX2dRQXSbU-00315-00063327-00063550 700 credit score and a bank account and ErX2dRQXSbU-00316-00063551-00063766 you didn't get a home back in 2008 so ErX2dRQXSbU-00317-00063767-00063959 yeah um ErX2dRQXSbU-00318-00063960-00064215 and and we closed them in 15 days you ErX2dRQXSbU-00319-00064216-00064382 know they weren't underwrited to the ErX2dRQXSbU-00320-00064383-00064535 point where they are now where it's ErX2dRQXSbU-00321-00064536-00064694 taking 30 days ErX2dRQXSbU-00322-00064695-00064871 you know they're really doing their ErX2dRQXSbU-00323-00064872-00065047 their homework on the buyers and making ErX2dRQXSbU-00324-00065048-00065263 sure it's a solid investment ErX2dRQXSbU-00325-00065264-00065415 you know one of the things i think that ErX2dRQXSbU-00326-00065416-00065599 just shows the ErX2dRQXSbU-00327-00065600-00065767 the increase in housing you had a new ErX2dRQXSbU-00328-00065768-00066038 construction home built in yeah and from ErX2dRQXSbU-00329-00066039-00066255 the time that you made your offer to the ErX2dRQXSbU-00330-00066256-00066423 time you closed the appraisal come in ErX2dRQXSbU-00331-00066424-00066550 quite a bit higher than what you paid ErX2dRQXSbU-00332-00066551-00066855 for it right yes so like even today say ErX2dRQXSbU-00333-00066856-00067038 if you were to lose you know lose your ErX2dRQXSbU-00334-00067039-00067167 income source ErX2dRQXSbU-00335-00067168-00067311 you could turn around sell that house ErX2dRQXSbU-00336-00067312-00067511 for a profit i would think ErX2dRQXSbU-00337-00067512-00067687 yeah and that's with new construction ErX2dRQXSbU-00338-00067688-00067879 and that one isn't even wasn't really a ErX2dRQXSbU-00339-00067880-00068199 thing back in 2005 and six like ErX2dRQXSbU-00340-00068200-00068343 it was just you know everybody were ErX2dRQXSbU-00341-00068344-00068526 buying houses but the market wasn't ErX2dRQXSbU-00342-00068527-00068782 going crazy in appreciation like it is ErX2dRQXSbU-00343-00068783-00068871 now ErX2dRQXSbU-00344-00068872-00069119 and the the appreciation is driven by ErX2dRQXSbU-00345-00069120-00069350 supply and demand and a low interest ErX2dRQXSbU-00346-00069351-00069438 rate ErX2dRQXSbU-00347-00069439-00069655 so it's a different it's a different ErX2dRQXSbU-00348-00069656-00069871 game i know myself i keep you know a ErX2dRQXSbU-00349-00069872-00069999 couple years ago i kept thinking i'm ErX2dRQXSbU-00350-00070000-00070150 gonna stack up cash and wait for this ErX2dRQXSbU-00351-00070151-00070335 foreclosure thing to hit ErX2dRQXSbU-00352-00070336-00070503 i don't see it happening i just ErX2dRQXSbU-00353-00070504-00070679 everybody i'm talking to ErX2dRQXSbU-00354-00070680-00070911 all the experts i listen to ErX2dRQXSbU-00355-00070912-00071087 that there's no there's no cliff ErX2dRQXSbU-00356-00071088-00071311 anywhere soon ErX2dRQXSbU-00357-00071312-00071406 awesome ErX2dRQXSbU-00358-00071407-00071559 all right well thank you so much for ErX2dRQXSbU-00359-00071560-00071711 taking the time out of your day today ErX2dRQXSbU-00360-00071712-00071855 and you know ErX2dRQXSbU-00361-00071856-00072071 share all your knowledge with everyone ErX2dRQXSbU-00362-00072072-00072247 as a broker and as you as an agent you ErX2dRQXSbU-00363-00072248-00072359 know you guys you're probably gonna have ErX2dRQXSbU-00364-00072360-00072615 a lot more questions and aaron and i be ErX2dRQXSbU-00365-00072616-00072887 glad to answer questions one on one uh ErX2dRQXSbU-00366-00072888-00072991 aaron won't you give them your ErX2dRQXSbU-00367-00072992-00073119 information ErX2dRQXSbU-00368-00073120-00073294 all right so you can reach me and you ErX2dRQXSbU-00369-00073295-00073494 can call or text my number is ErX2dRQXSbU-00370-00073495-00073911 502-709-0502 ErX2dRQXSbU-00371-00073912-00074047 and ErX2dRQXSbU-00372-00074048-00074191 yeah i'd be happy to answer any ErX2dRQXSbU-00373-00074192-00074350 questions you might have ErX2dRQXSbU-00374-00074351-00074494 i'm saying ErX2dRQXSbU-00375-00074495-00074943 my name is jeremy ward 812-987-4048 ErX2dRQXSbU-00376-00074944-00075175 you can find me on facebook instagram ErX2dRQXSbU-00377-00075176-00075335 wardrealty ErX2dRQXSbU-00378-00075336-00075591 be glad to answer any questions and also ErX2dRQXSbU-00379-00075592-00075855 we can back it up with graphs and ErX2dRQXSbU-00380-00075856-00076055 you know the numbers we got a lot of ErX2dRQXSbU-00381-00076056-00076287 sources where we get our information so ErX2dRQXSbU-00382-00076288-00076462 be glad to share those with you ErX2dRQXSbU-00383-00076463-00076694 sometimes the it helps to have the ErX2dRQXSbU-00384-00076695-00076894 actual numbers just not just talking to ErX2dRQXSbU-00385-00076895-00077135 a person in real estate right so i think ErX2dRQXSbU-00386-00077136-00077326 the biggest issue that we're ErX2dRQXSbU-00387-00077327-00077462 um ErX2dRQXSbU-00388-00077463-00077671 struggling with in our market as buyers ErX2dRQXSbU-00389-00077672-00077838 and sellers is certainty ErX2dRQXSbU-00390-00077839-00078015 the buyers and sellers are just not ErX2dRQXSbU-00391-00078016-00078247 certain right now what they need to do ErX2dRQXSbU-00392-00078248-00078431 and i feel like aaron that's our job is ErX2dRQXSbU-00393-00078432-00078655 providing some certainty provide them ErX2dRQXSbU-00394-00078656-00078887 the best uh most up-to-date information ErX2dRQXSbU-00395-00078888-00079143 that we can so they can make a really ErX2dRQXSbU-00396-00079144-00079375 responsible wise decision on what works ErX2dRQXSbU-00397-00079376-00079559 best for them whether it is ErX2dRQXSbU-00398-00079560-00079759 holding off and save saving cash to ErX2dRQXSbU-00399-00079760-00079991 maybe there is a foreclo closure wave in ErX2dRQXSbU-00400-00079992-00080238 five ten years who knows or maybe it's ErX2dRQXSbU-00401-00080239-00080406 better to take advantage of a low ErX2dRQXSbU-00402-00080407-00080606 interest rate and 100 financing right ErX2dRQXSbU-00403-00080607-00080694 now ErX2dRQXSbU-00404-00080695-00080879 and just kind of beat out the inflation ErX2dRQXSbU-00405-00080880-00081087 go ahead and get something bought ErX2dRQXSbU-00406-00081088-00081359 before it becomes more expensive and get ErX2dRQXSbU-00407-00081360-00081655 in a rate that's lower like they are now ErX2dRQXSbU-00408-00081656-00081823 before they start to go up to five and ErX2dRQXSbU-00409-00081824-00082023 six percent because when i bought my ErX2dRQXSbU-00410-00082024-00082175 first house it was eight percent that ErX2dRQXSbU-00411-00082176-00082438 was mostly a good rate i never imagined ErX2dRQXSbU-00412-00082439-00082575 that i would be buying a home or ErX2dRQXSbU-00413-00082576-00082806 refinancing two and a half percent so ErX2dRQXSbU-00414-00082807-00083015 them days are kind of in the past i ErX2dRQXSbU-00415-00083016-00083094 think ErX2dRQXSbU-00416-00083095-00083311 uh the the the government's gonna have ErX2dRQXSbU-00417-00083312-00083487 to raise interest rates to kind of hedge ErX2dRQXSbU-00418-00083488-00083711 off this inflation and thank god aaron ErX2dRQXSbU-00419-00083712-00083847 real estate's the best hedge for ErX2dRQXSbU-00420-00083848-00084087 inflation or to protect yourself from ErX2dRQXSbU-00421-00084088-00084326 inflation so anyway i won't be so ErX2dRQXSbU-00422-00084327-00084511 long-winded and i appreciate you guys ErX2dRQXSbU-00423-00084512-00084847 tuning in and we'll see you soon bye ErX2dRQXSbU-00424-00084848-00085490 [Music]