rygfmmBVU9u-00000-00000000-00002135 foreign rygfmmBVU9u-00001-00002136-00004849 [Music] rygfmmBVU9u-00002-00004850-00005219 thank you rygfmmBVU9u-00003-00005220-00005765 [Music] rygfmmBVU9u-00004-00005766-00006019 foreign rygfmmBVU9u-00005-00006020-00007183 [Music] rygfmmBVU9u-00006-00007184-00007686 thank you rygfmmBVU9u-00007-00007687-00008038 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00000-00000096-00002144 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00001-00002145-00003097 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00002-00003098-00004120 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00003-00004121-00004283 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00004-00004284-00004449 food ryeVXUpp_uy-00005-00004450-00006194 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00006-00006195-00006203 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00007-00006204-00006864 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00008-00006865-00007813 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00009-00007814-00008228 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00010-00008229-00008903 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00011-00008904-00009883 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00012-00009884-00010014 uh ryeVXUpp_uy-00013-00010015-00011283 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00014-00011284-00011399 um ryeVXUpp_uy-00015-00011400-00013443 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00016-00013444-00014083 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00017-00014084-00014394 so ryeVXUpp_uy-00018-00014394-00015483 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00019-00015484-00015894 boom ryeVXUpp_uy-00020-00015896-00016883 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00021-00016884-00017490 uh ryeVXUpp_uy-00022-00017491-00017500 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00023-00017501-00018161 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00024-00018162-00019110 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00025-00019111-00019526 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00026-00019527-00019683 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00027-00019684-00020199 so ryeVXUpp_uy-00028-00020200-00021083 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00029-00021084-00021311 um ryeVXUpp_uy-00030-00021312-00023983 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00031-00023984-00024740 you ryeVXUpp_uy-00032-00024741-00025691 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00033-00025692-00026714 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00034-00026714-00028083 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00035-00028083-00028789 wow ryeVXUpp_uy-00036-00028789-00028798 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00037-00028799-00029455 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00038-00029456-00030407 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00039-00030408-00030883 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00040-00030883-00031495 so ryeVXUpp_uy-00041-00031497-00032170 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00042-00032170-00033683 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00043-00033684-00033985 um ryeVXUpp_uy-00044-00033986-00036037 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00045-00036038-00036988 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00046-00036989-00038011 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00047-00038012-00039283 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00048-00039284-00039450 wow ryeVXUpp_uy-00049-00039451-00040084 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00050-00040085-00040095 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00051-00040096-00040755 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00052-00040756-00041704 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00053-00041705-00042120 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00054-00042121-00042793 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00055-00042794-00043483 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00056-00043484-00045283 woo um ryeVXUpp_uy-00057-00045284-00047334 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00058-00047335-00047683 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00059-00047684-00048285 so ryeVXUpp_uy-00060-00048286-00049308 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00061-00049309-00050483 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00062-00050484-00050747 oh ryeVXUpp_uy-00063-00050748-00051380 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00064-00051382-00051391 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00065-00051392-00052052 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00066-00052053-00053001 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00067-00053002-00053282 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00068-00053283-00053416 so ryeVXUpp_uy-00069-00053417-00054090 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00070-00054091-00054765 [Applause] ryeVXUpp_uy-00071-00054766-00056082 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00072-00056083-00056579 um ryeVXUpp_uy-00073-00056579-00057482 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00074-00057483-00058630 uh ryeVXUpp_uy-00075-00058632-00059582 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00076-00059583-00059982 [Music] ryeVXUpp_uy-00077-00059983-00060191 you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00000-00000048-00000999 [Music] r-YbmKSmNuQ-00001-00001000-00001191 welcome to mit supply chain frontiers r-YbmKSmNuQ-00002-00001192-00001358 from the mit center for transportation r-YbmKSmNuQ-00003-00001359-00001566 and logistics each episode features r-YbmKSmNuQ-00004-00001567-00001759 center researchers and staff or experts r-YbmKSmNuQ-00005-00001760-00001887 from the field for in-depth r-YbmKSmNuQ-00006-00001888-00002118 conversations about business education r-YbmKSmNuQ-00007-00002119-00002247 and beyond r-YbmKSmNuQ-00008-00002248-00002447 today center director professor yossi r-YbmKSmNuQ-00009-00002448-00002615 sheffie speaks with paul grenadillo r-YbmKSmNuQ-00010-00002616-00002791 senior vice president of global supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00011-00002792-00002934 chain at moderna r-YbmKSmNuQ-00012-00002935-00003134 excerpted from the mit scale network r-YbmKSmNuQ-00013-00003135-00003335 winter speaker series yossi and paul r-YbmKSmNuQ-00014-00003336-00003519 respond to a variety of questions about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00015-00003520-00003735 managing complex and constrained supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00016-00003736-00003967 chains during exceptional times take it r-YbmKSmNuQ-00017-00003968-00004165 away yossi r-YbmKSmNuQ-00018-00004166-00004702 [Music] r-YbmKSmNuQ-00019-00004703-00005231 welcome paul r-YbmKSmNuQ-00020-00005232-00005302 the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00021-00005303-00005591 the ability to quickly adopt production r-YbmKSmNuQ-00022-00005592-00005959 line to changing demand is one key to uh r-YbmKSmNuQ-00023-00005960-00006199 to moderna success how do you ensure r-YbmKSmNuQ-00024-00006200-00006446 that the supporting supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00025-00006447-00006703 and many links and the sourcing demand r-YbmKSmNuQ-00026-00006704-00006967 planning is agile enough to keep up with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00027-00006968-00007134 the uh r-YbmKSmNuQ-00028-00007136-00007391 really amazing flexibility of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00029-00007392-00007567 manufacturing process r-YbmKSmNuQ-00030-00007568-00007831 well i'll take us back a little bit into r-YbmKSmNuQ-00031-00007831-00008191 into 2020 as the pandemic started to uh r-YbmKSmNuQ-00032-00008192-00008335 to unfold r-YbmKSmNuQ-00033-00008336-00008407 we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00034-00008408-00008703 initially set a target amount of doses r-YbmKSmNuQ-00035-00008704-00008846 that we wanted to produce and this was r-YbmKSmNuQ-00036-00008847-00009063 us as a small company saying how can we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00037-00009064-00009287 contribute what is what we can set as a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00038-00009288-00009527 an initial milestone and so we set a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00039-00009528-00009759 milestone of 100 million doses which at r-YbmKSmNuQ-00040-00009760-00010039 the at that point in time seemed like r-YbmKSmNuQ-00041-00010040-00010127 a lot r-YbmKSmNuQ-00042-00010128-00010271 i mean we had probably in our company's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00043-00010272-00010455 history produced tens of thousands of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00044-00010456-00010742 doses over 10 years as in clinical r-YbmKSmNuQ-00045-00010743-00010935 programs so this was a very very r-YbmKSmNuQ-00046-00010936-00011167 significant statement and so with that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00047-00011168-00011399 assumption we started looking first at r-YbmKSmNuQ-00048-00011400-00011583 okay we need to figure out which r-YbmKSmNuQ-00049-00011584-00011719 supplies we need where are we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00050-00011720-00011878 constrained how do we then work with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00051-00011879-00012095 those constrained suppliers r-YbmKSmNuQ-00052-00012096-00012359 to understand their capabilities to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00053-00012360-00012527 scale up scale out r-YbmKSmNuQ-00054-00012528-00012751 get cmos to help them in producing more r-YbmKSmNuQ-00055-00012752-00012991 more of the critical supplies we had and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00056-00012991-00013263 it has been an incremental journey since r-YbmKSmNuQ-00057-00013263-00013399 that point in time at the beginning of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00058-00013400-00013679 2020 probably up until r-YbmKSmNuQ-00059-00013680-00013943 around the middle of 2021 when we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00060-00013944-00014158 probably had the last significant push r-YbmKSmNuQ-00061-00014159-00014471 to get to the types of volumes per year r-YbmKSmNuQ-00062-00014472-00014583 that would match the production r-YbmKSmNuQ-00063-00014584-00014822 capabilities that we brought online r-YbmKSmNuQ-00064-00014823-00014999 what's your production capability now r-YbmKSmNuQ-00065-00015000-00015230 how many are you making so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00066-00015231-00015430 our production capability as we go into r-YbmKSmNuQ-00067-00015431-00015711 2022 as an example is is between two and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00068-00015712-00015999 three billion doses of capacity r-YbmKSmNuQ-00069-00016000-00016215 last year we we distributed a little bit r-YbmKSmNuQ-00070-00016216-00016383 over 800 million r-YbmKSmNuQ-00071-00016384-00016599 pretty remarkable considering r-YbmKSmNuQ-00072-00016600-00016879 september or october of 2020 our high r-YbmKSmNuQ-00073-00016880-00017111 case scenarios were in the 400 r-YbmKSmNuQ-00074-00017112-00017358 to 500 million dose range so so we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00075-00017359-00017558 really really surpassed what we even had r-YbmKSmNuQ-00076-00017559-00017807 set out as our and our goals even in the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00077-00017808-00017958 fall last year r-YbmKSmNuQ-00078-00017959-00018271 okay 2020. the obvious question r-YbmKSmNuQ-00079-00018272-00018535 how do you do it how can one scale r-YbmKSmNuQ-00080-00018536-00018719 because this is not r-YbmKSmNuQ-00081-00018720-00018935 software development this is making r-YbmKSmNuQ-00082-00018936-00019183 something real yeah yeah are you scared r-YbmKSmNuQ-00083-00019184-00019335 yeah so there was a it was definitely a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00084-00019336-00019727 lot of uh a lot of team uh team sport in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00085-00019728-00019975 this the first thing as i was describing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00086-00019976-00020119 me and my team were really really r-YbmKSmNuQ-00087-00020120-00020335 focused on the sourcing aspects of this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00088-00020336-00020503 and knowing the types of materials the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00089-00020504-00020703 quantities that we needed r-YbmKSmNuQ-00090-00020704-00020886 our technical teams at the same time r-YbmKSmNuQ-00091-00020887-00021158 were saying how do we go from the scale r-YbmKSmNuQ-00092-00021159-00021447 that we have today to the 20-fold scale r-YbmKSmNuQ-00093-00021448-00021591 that we're now using r-YbmKSmNuQ-00094-00021592-00021886 in production and where do we then find r-YbmKSmNuQ-00095-00021887-00022094 our partners who can help with that so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00096-00022095-00022278 we partnered with with lanza with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00097-00022279-00022383 catalan r-YbmKSmNuQ-00098-00022384-00022486 with other r-YbmKSmNuQ-00099-00022487-00022647 cmos around the world r-YbmKSmNuQ-00100-00022648-00022927 who have helped us to then r-YbmKSmNuQ-00101-00022928-00023111 expand our capabilities outside of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00102-00023112-00023327 four walls of moderna now all that being r-YbmKSmNuQ-00103-00023328-00023535 said we did have the advantage of having r-YbmKSmNuQ-00104-00023536-00023750 a clinical manufacturing site in norwood r-YbmKSmNuQ-00105-00023751-00023975 massachusetts so not too far from here r-YbmKSmNuQ-00106-00023976-00024183 uh which is where we did our initial r-YbmKSmNuQ-00107-00024184-00024422 phase one phase two and phase three r-YbmKSmNuQ-00108-00024423-00024758 production of covet 19 vaccine but also r-YbmKSmNuQ-00109-00024759-00024886 we're able to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00110-00024887-00025063 repurpose a lot of that facility to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00111-00025064-00025207 become a commercial manufacturing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00112-00025208-00025335 facility and so that's then where we're r-YbmKSmNuQ-00113-00025336-00025550 doing the majority of our drug substance r-YbmKSmNuQ-00114-00025551-00025774 production for the u.s market anyway and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00115-00025775-00025990 are now starting to supply to many more r-YbmKSmNuQ-00116-00025991-00026190 markets from here in addition to what r-YbmKSmNuQ-00117-00026191-00026414 we've brought online in switzerland for r-YbmKSmNuQ-00118-00026416-00026590 the majority of our international drug r-YbmKSmNuQ-00119-00026591-00026683 substance r-YbmKSmNuQ-00120-00026683-00026846 manufacturing some people may not r-YbmKSmNuQ-00121-00026847-00027199 realize what the field is to make the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00122-00027200-00027439 small facility that's used for research r-YbmKSmNuQ-00123-00027439-00027670 to become a production facility this had r-YbmKSmNuQ-00124-00027672-00027887 to be planned years in advance that's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00125-00027888-00028014 right r-YbmKSmNuQ-00126-00028016-00028199 there was another difficulty because at r-YbmKSmNuQ-00127-00028200-00028407 the time that you were think you were r-YbmKSmNuQ-00128-00028408-00028646 developing or modern was developing the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00129-00028647-00028862 vaccine there were 130 r-YbmKSmNuQ-00130-00028863-00029046 other companies that developed a vaccine r-YbmKSmNuQ-00131-00029047-00029167 there were companies that developed r-YbmKSmNuQ-00132-00029168-00029414 being pharmaceutical they all needed a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00133-00029416-00029574 lot of the same stuff r-YbmKSmNuQ-00134-00029575-00029695 right so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00135-00029695-00029935 how did you get your stuff as opposed to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00136-00029936-00030070 others so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00137-00030072-00030327 there were certainly places in which we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00138-00030327-00030623 overlapped in supply needs from many of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00139-00030624-00030823 the other companies and some of it did r-YbmKSmNuQ-00140-00030824-00031039 have to do with covet other other places r-YbmKSmNuQ-00141-00031039-00031214 that simply had to do with other r-YbmKSmNuQ-00142-00031216-00031462 life-saving medication which did put the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00143-00031463-00031679 suppliers in a very challenging position r-YbmKSmNuQ-00144-00031680-00031902 of needing to figure out how do we set r-YbmKSmNuQ-00145-00031903-00032151 the right priorities for the world r-YbmKSmNuQ-00146-00032152-00032343 in the types of materials that are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00147-00032344-00032607 needed for program a versus program b r-YbmKSmNuQ-00148-00032608-00032799 now the us government certainly at that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00149-00032800-00033015 point in time with a lot of our us-based r-YbmKSmNuQ-00150-00033016-00033271 suppliers anyway was certainly helping r-YbmKSmNuQ-00151-00033272-00033383 to set r-YbmKSmNuQ-00152-00033384-00033662 clarity in which contracts for the us r-YbmKSmNuQ-00153-00033663-00033911 government were priorities versus others r-YbmKSmNuQ-00154-00033912-00034143 and did help i think in ensuring that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00155-00034144-00034246 the right r-YbmKSmNuQ-00156-00034247-00034462 quantities of materials were allocated r-YbmKSmNuQ-00157-00034463-00034631 based on the importance of of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00158-00034632-00034831 different programs and the and the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00159-00034832-00035062 perceived probability of success and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00160-00035063-00035231 what one of the amazing thing is the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00161-00035232-00035471 united states at the time operated like r-YbmKSmNuQ-00162-00035472-00035743 a vc i mean they were putting money even r-YbmKSmNuQ-00163-00035744-00035951 when they were not which to me was one r-YbmKSmNuQ-00164-00035952-00036143 of the was the amazing thing about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00165-00036144-00036359 operation world speed for sure i mean r-YbmKSmNuQ-00166-00036360-00036551 moderna got r-YbmKSmNuQ-00167-00036552-00036783 right yeah i mean that certainly funded r-YbmKSmNuQ-00168-00036784-00037079 the development of covet 19 vaccine and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00169-00037080-00037302 at least some of the production r-YbmKSmNuQ-00170-00037303-00037479 equipment that we use to scale up the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00171-00037480-00037646 facilities r-YbmKSmNuQ-00172-00037647-00037855 another question that also some of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00173-00037856-00038087 students ask how is the pandemic r-YbmKSmNuQ-00174-00038088-00038343 reshaped business relationship both r-YbmKSmNuQ-00175-00038344-00038615 internally within the company with your r-YbmKSmNuQ-00176-00038616-00038887 function with others as well as with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00177-00038888-00039287 competitors suppliers government r-YbmKSmNuQ-00178-00039288-00039590 particularly for moderna dramatically so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00179-00039591-00039799 my team at the beginning of 2020 as an r-YbmKSmNuQ-00180-00039800-00040223 example was 23 people uh we're now 135 r-YbmKSmNuQ-00181-00040224-00040302 so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00182-00040303-00040574 you know in in addition to just the the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00183-00040575-00040807 the the obvious of producing vaccines r-YbmKSmNuQ-00184-00040808-00040974 scaling up vaccine there has been a lot r-YbmKSmNuQ-00185-00040975-00041215 of of team building r-YbmKSmNuQ-00186-00041216-00041430 talent acquisition i'll call it as well r-YbmKSmNuQ-00187-00041431-00041527 as r-YbmKSmNuQ-00188-00041528-00041727 expanding and shifting how we are even r-YbmKSmNuQ-00189-00041728-00041830 organized r-YbmKSmNuQ-00190-00041831-00042015 within the team we obviously didn't have r-YbmKSmNuQ-00191-00042016-00042174 nearly as many functions and teams r-YbmKSmNuQ-00192-00042175-00042311 within supply chain when we first r-YbmKSmNuQ-00193-00042312-00042590 started we now have people in in five or r-YbmKSmNuQ-00194-00042591-00042767 six countries globally r-YbmKSmNuQ-00195-00042768-00042990 managing between our cmos our country r-YbmKSmNuQ-00196-00042991-00043111 supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00197-00043112-00043335 and our global supply chain activities r-YbmKSmNuQ-00198-00043336-00043462 and then our relationships within the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00199-00043463-00043711 company we didn't have commercial at the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00200-00043712-00043862 beginning of 2020 that was not a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00201-00043863-00044079 function we had as as moderna we we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00202-00044080-00044215 didn't have that yet r-YbmKSmNuQ-00203-00044216-00044358 so that has been a relationship that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00204-00044359-00044567 we've had to build and foster as our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00205-00044568-00044743 commercial colleagues have joined the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00206-00044744-00044927 company over the past year and a half r-YbmKSmNuQ-00207-00044928-00045071 and that has been very good because in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00208-00045072-00045246 many ways obviously with 23 people r-YbmKSmNuQ-00209-00045247-00045399 supply chain was very very small at that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00210-00045400-00045615 time so we've really grown up together r-YbmKSmNuQ-00211-00045616-00045799 as we built these these two key r-YbmKSmNuQ-00212-00045800-00045927 functions r-YbmKSmNuQ-00213-00045928-00046143 to have the capability that we need to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00214-00046144-00046230 start r-YbmKSmNuQ-00215-00046231-00046439 interacting with governments and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00216-00046440-00046655 uh and supplying product r-YbmKSmNuQ-00217-00046656-00046911 the uh the relationship with supplier r-YbmKSmNuQ-00218-00046912-00047135 has really changed from r-YbmKSmNuQ-00219-00047136-00047374 us as a customer supplier as r-YbmKSmNuQ-00220-00047375-00047558 a supplier that is r-YbmKSmNuQ-00221-00047559-00047767 a big box somewhere that you order stuff r-YbmKSmNuQ-00222-00047768-00048015 from to partnership and obviously as i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00223-00048016-00048215 was discussing in terms of the type of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00224-00048216-00048430 scale up and changes and quantities that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00225-00048431-00048655 we needed from our suppliers the need to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00226-00048656-00048830 get very integrated in our planning r-YbmKSmNuQ-00227-00048831-00049023 assumptions the quantities that we need r-YbmKSmNuQ-00228-00049024-00049255 the phasing the changes required the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00229-00049256-00049518 touch points has really changed so we we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00230-00049519-00049702 have weekly touch points still with all r-YbmKSmNuQ-00231-00049703-00049918 of our critical suppliers in a couple r-YbmKSmNuQ-00232-00049919-00050102 cases we still have executive r-YbmKSmNuQ-00233-00050103-00050327 discussions on bi-weekly basis to make r-YbmKSmNuQ-00234-00050328-00050486 sure that we're really keeping a pulse r-YbmKSmNuQ-00235-00050487-00050679 on what's going on that we need to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00236-00050680-00050879 understand so that we can react and be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00237-00050880-00051294 on in sync on the upcoming changes r-YbmKSmNuQ-00238-00051295-00051542 looking back over the last two years r-YbmKSmNuQ-00239-00051544-00051726 what are the most striking lessons you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00240-00051727-00051870 have learned as a supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00241-00051871-00052038 professional how does this experience r-YbmKSmNuQ-00242-00052039-00052294 help prepare you for future challenges r-YbmKSmNuQ-00243-00052295-00052519 uh yeah so this this has been this has r-YbmKSmNuQ-00244-00052520-00052735 been pretty uh pretty amazing so i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00245-00052736-00052966 really had had a career in uh in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00246-00052967-00053142 production planning process improvement r-YbmKSmNuQ-00247-00053144-00053342 and supply planning and coming to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00248-00053344-00053526 moderna was kind of a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00249-00053527-00053638 leap r-YbmKSmNuQ-00250-00053639-00053799 it was something fresh and new and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00251-00053800-00053935 something that i was hoping i could grow r-YbmKSmNuQ-00252-00053936-00054150 into as the company grew i could grow as r-YbmKSmNuQ-00253-00054151-00054350 a supply chain professional as well that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00254-00054351-00054511 all just happened a lot faster than i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00255-00054512-00054638 expected r-YbmKSmNuQ-00256-00054639-00054871 by several years so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00257-00054872-00055079 um so actually you mentioned the the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00258-00055079-00055223 harvard program that i was doing i was r-YbmKSmNuQ-00259-00055224-00055430 doing that right up until r-YbmKSmNuQ-00260-00055432-00055711 march of the um of the pandemic r-YbmKSmNuQ-00261-00055712-00055911 so i came out of this this executive r-YbmKSmNuQ-00262-00055912-00056030 program r-YbmKSmNuQ-00263-00056032-00056254 and went directly into the pandemic so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00264-00056255-00056471 that was a nice little warm-up lap r-YbmKSmNuQ-00265-00056472-00056750 of case studies and prepping for r-YbmKSmNuQ-00266-00056751-00057094 uh uh for for for group studies and and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00267-00057095-00057375 uh and lectures to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00268-00057376-00057526 real world r-YbmKSmNuQ-00269-00057527-00057742 global situation how do we how do we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00270-00057744-00057903 assess when we started the pandemic it r-YbmKSmNuQ-00271-00057904-00057982 was r-YbmKSmNuQ-00272-00057983-00058135 our initial r-YbmKSmNuQ-00273-00058136-00058319 concerns were we need to make sure that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00274-00058320-00058494 our materials that we do have source r-YbmKSmNuQ-00275-00058495-00058694 from china are secure because we were r-YbmKSmNuQ-00276-00058695-00059023 worried about border shutdowns or or or r-YbmKSmNuQ-00277-00059024-00059175 workforce issues that they would have r-YbmKSmNuQ-00278-00059176-00059342 that could lead to supply shortages for r-YbmKSmNuQ-00279-00059344-00059550 us so that quickly turned into we're r-YbmKSmNuQ-00280-00059551-00059719 actually going after creating a vaccine r-YbmKSmNuQ-00281-00059720-00059911 and we go on on a whole different r-YbmKSmNuQ-00282-00059912-00060142 journey so i've had the opportunity over r-YbmKSmNuQ-00283-00060144-00060350 the past year and a half to really get r-YbmKSmNuQ-00284-00060351-00060535 much more introduction to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00285-00060536-00060735 commercial supply chain to contract r-YbmKSmNuQ-00286-00060736-00060982 management to global distribution cold r-YbmKSmNuQ-00287-00060983-00061238 chain management leadership r-YbmKSmNuQ-00288-00061239-00061454 at a whole different level so all of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00289-00061455-00061654 these things i think have been a very r-YbmKSmNuQ-00290-00061655-00061759 obvious r-YbmKSmNuQ-00291-00061760-00062054 business acumen improvement for me r-YbmKSmNuQ-00292-00062055-00062294 and helped me then in decision making r-YbmKSmNuQ-00293-00062295-00062463 connecting dots r-YbmKSmNuQ-00294-00062464-00062638 and being able to lead the supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00295-00062639-00062926 function with more confidence it's been r-YbmKSmNuQ-00296-00062927-00063175 you know very very you know concentrated r-YbmKSmNuQ-00297-00063176-00063311 effort of something that most people r-YbmKSmNuQ-00298-00063312-00063447 would probably need r-YbmKSmNuQ-00299-00063448-00063694 10 years to have experience r-YbmKSmNuQ-00300-00063695-00063854 across that many different aspects of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00301-00063855-00064119 supply chain yeah one can one can hope r-YbmKSmNuQ-00302-00064120-00064279 that it's once in a lifetime that we are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00303-00064279-00064711 not going to have too many of those r-YbmKSmNuQ-00304-00064712-00064887 the pandemic and what we see now r-YbmKSmNuQ-00305-00064888-00065054 highlighted a lot of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00306-00065055-00065294 stuff shortages in general how can the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00307-00065295-00065494 supply chain professional competing with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00308-00065495-00065679 every other professional r-YbmKSmNuQ-00309-00065680-00065894 get the talent that it needs to keep to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00310-00065895-00066087 keep growing and it looks like it will r-YbmKSmNuQ-00311-00066088-00066231 keep growing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00312-00066232-00066471 yeah it has been problematic and and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00313-00066472-00066623 partially if nothing else if you think r-YbmKSmNuQ-00314-00066624-00066711 about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00315-00066712-00066911 i needed to hire around 100 r-YbmKSmNuQ-00316-00066912-00067055 professionals r-YbmKSmNuQ-00317-00067056-00067143 from r-YbmKSmNuQ-00318-00067144-00067359 experienced backgrounds because i didn't r-YbmKSmNuQ-00319-00067360-00067559 really have time to to train r-YbmKSmNuQ-00320-00067560-00067663 and go through r-YbmKSmNuQ-00321-00067664-00067887 the basic programs like you may in a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00322-00067888-00068031 normal situation r-YbmKSmNuQ-00323-00068032-00068231 luckily for our international r-YbmKSmNuQ-00324-00068232-00068431 headquarters in switzerland there has r-YbmKSmNuQ-00325-00068432-00068615 been more of an abundance of available r-YbmKSmNuQ-00326-00068616-00068782 talent because of downsizing of other r-YbmKSmNuQ-00327-00068783-00068982 pharmaceutical companies in that region r-YbmKSmNuQ-00328-00068983-00069143 switzerland lots of pharmaceutical r-YbmKSmNuQ-00329-00069144-00069319 companies and there's a lot of very very r-YbmKSmNuQ-00330-00069320-00069535 capable people who have multi-market r-YbmKSmNuQ-00331-00069536-00069750 experience and i was able to really tap r-YbmKSmNuQ-00332-00069751-00069991 into my previous teams that i had worked r-YbmKSmNuQ-00333-00069992-00070182 with or who had worked for me when i was r-YbmKSmNuQ-00334-00070183-00070335 working in switzerland so that was very r-YbmKSmNuQ-00335-00070336-00070591 helpful in the us it was a lot harder to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00336-00070592-00070679 find r-YbmKSmNuQ-00337-00070680-00071006 one capable individuals who were in the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00338-00071007-00071238 boston area already or willing to move r-YbmKSmNuQ-00339-00071239-00071399 and obviously moving during the pandemic r-YbmKSmNuQ-00340-00071400-00071535 is even harder than moving in a normal r-YbmKSmNuQ-00341-00071536-00071750 situation and so that created issues and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00342-00071751-00071982 we've had to find that balance between r-YbmKSmNuQ-00343-00071983-00072231 how much remote work are we willing to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00344-00072232-00072423 accept to make sure we get talent fast r-YbmKSmNuQ-00345-00072424-00072615 and now versus what are we willing to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00346-00072616-00072782 wait for for critical positions that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00347-00072783-00072975 need to be local but in general i do r-YbmKSmNuQ-00348-00072976-00073159 think that there is a growing need to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00349-00073160-00073350 continue to create more supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00350-00073351-00073606 capability globally so i think certainly r-YbmKSmNuQ-00351-00073607-00073823 since i went to university i think i've r-YbmKSmNuQ-00352-00073824-00073999 seen a big increase in the number of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00353-00074000-00074167 supply chain programs yes that are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00354-00074168-00074326 available that wasn't something that i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00355-00074327-00074455 think was uh r-YbmKSmNuQ-00356-00074456-00074679 as prevalent at that time and i think r-YbmKSmNuQ-00357-00074680-00074831 between that and you know i mentioned r-YbmKSmNuQ-00358-00074832-00075031 people now know what supply chain is i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00359-00075032-00075311 hope that that also then gets more r-YbmKSmNuQ-00360-00075312-00075503 students interested in what is supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00361-00075504-00075711 chain is their career potential for me r-YbmKSmNuQ-00362-00075712-00075894 here i'd say that most of my team that i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00363-00075895-00076103 have today does not have supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00364-00076104-00076294 degrees they have degrees in engineering r-YbmKSmNuQ-00365-00076295-00076479 and management in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00366-00076480-00076719 in science and have like i have in some r-YbmKSmNuQ-00367-00076720-00076894 ways stumbled their way into supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00368-00076895-00077103 chain and really fell in love with it r-YbmKSmNuQ-00369-00077104-00077287 and stuck with it and so that's that's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00370-00077288-00077438 great and i think we want to continue r-YbmKSmNuQ-00371-00077439-00077559 that type of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00372-00077560-00077791 of capability but more people coming out r-YbmKSmNuQ-00373-00077792-00078015 of university understanding r-YbmKSmNuQ-00374-00078016-00078199 you know the the key supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00375-00078200-00078462 principles and able to jump into analyst r-YbmKSmNuQ-00376-00078463-00078679 roles planner roles would really be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00377-00078680-00078975 super helpful as we continue well i i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00378-00078976-00079119 told these guys that they are entering r-YbmKSmNuQ-00379-00079120-00079326 the profession one of the best times r-YbmKSmNuQ-00380-00079327-00079550 ever r-YbmKSmNuQ-00381-00079551-00079726 we talked about the change supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00382-00079727-00079903 just a kind of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00383-00079904-00079982 up r-YbmKSmNuQ-00384-00079983-00080238 go back i have a colleague in civil r-YbmKSmNuQ-00385-00080239-00080382 engineering who does earthwork r-YbmKSmNuQ-00386-00080383-00080526 engineering r-YbmKSmNuQ-00387-00080527-00080679 every time there's an earthquake he's in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00388-00080680-00080871 high demand r-YbmKSmNuQ-00389-00080872-00081262 six months later nobody knows his name r-YbmKSmNuQ-00390-00081263-00081406 the question is what will happen to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00391-00081407-00081543 supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00392-00081544-00081782 supply chain you know the shortage at r-YbmKSmNuQ-00393-00081783-00081943 one point will ease r-YbmKSmNuQ-00394-00081944-00082118 you know prices will r-YbmKSmNuQ-00395-00082119-00082455 stabilize or get into equilibrium r-YbmKSmNuQ-00396-00082456-00082687 are people gonna go back to say r-YbmKSmNuQ-00397-00082688-00083038 what is supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00398-00083039-00083382 i hope not as uh r-YbmKSmNuQ-00399-00083383-00083511 at least so i don't have to answer the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00400-00083512-00083671 question of what does that mean when i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00401-00083672-00083782 meet people r-YbmKSmNuQ-00402-00083783-00084047 but uh i don't think it will or at least r-YbmKSmNuQ-00403-00084048-00084287 not for quite some time i i see i think r-YbmKSmNuQ-00404-00084288-00084415 that's hard to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00405-00084416-00084559 hard to fathom i think that this has r-YbmKSmNuQ-00406-00084560-00084775 gotten so ingrained into people's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00407-00084776-00084967 minds of what supply chain is i saw r-YbmKSmNuQ-00408-00084968-00085150 something i think at the end of last r-YbmKSmNuQ-00409-00085151-00085311 year that was you know 10 words that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00410-00085312-00085415 need to be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00411-00085416-00085671 you know removed and forgotten r-YbmKSmNuQ-00412-00085672-00085871 after 2021 and one of them was supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00413-00085872-00085959 chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00414-00085960-00086199 which i had some bittersweet feelings on r-YbmKSmNuQ-00415-00086200-00086335 that just with the experiences that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00416-00086336-00086494 we've all been through r-YbmKSmNuQ-00417-00086495-00086655 but i do think it speaks to the fact r-YbmKSmNuQ-00418-00086656-00086887 that people do know now what supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00419-00086888-00087111 chain is they're more in tune with the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00420-00087112-00087318 fact that there are disruptions both r-YbmKSmNuQ-00421-00087319-00087543 simply in distribution but also deeper r-YbmKSmNuQ-00422-00087544-00087750 to that in terms of manufacturing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00423-00087751-00087967 capacities as well as material raw r-YbmKSmNuQ-00424-00087968-00088167 material shortages that are creating r-YbmKSmNuQ-00425-00088168-00088350 issues that are that are affecting us r-YbmKSmNuQ-00426-00088351-00088591 from everything from food to consumer r-YbmKSmNuQ-00427-00088592-00088750 electronics and automotives and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00428-00088751-00088887 everything that we're seeing on a daily r-YbmKSmNuQ-00429-00088888-00089006 basis r-YbmKSmNuQ-00430-00089007-00089159 yeah r-YbmKSmNuQ-00431-00089160-00089375 let me go back to some of the students r-YbmKSmNuQ-00432-00089376-00089567 question you guys voted on some r-YbmKSmNuQ-00433-00089568-00089735 questions this is some interesting r-YbmKSmNuQ-00434-00089736-00089894 questions r-YbmKSmNuQ-00435-00089895-00090062 how did you manage the stress of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00436-00090063-00090231 supply chain team member during the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00437-00090232-00090526 pandemic is it still a challenge um r-YbmKSmNuQ-00438-00090527-00090750 because you're just building the team r-YbmKSmNuQ-00439-00090751-00091015 yeah r-YbmKSmNuQ-00440-00091016-00091206 yeah i think i would answer that as a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00441-00091207-00091367 teammate and as a friend r-YbmKSmNuQ-00442-00091368-00091559 probably more than anything so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00443-00091560-00091711 many of the people who joined my team r-YbmKSmNuQ-00444-00091712-00091847 particularly at the beginning were r-YbmKSmNuQ-00445-00091848-00091967 people that i had worked with in the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00446-00091968-00092062 past r-YbmKSmNuQ-00447-00092063-00092318 and so along with simply having you know r-YbmKSmNuQ-00448-00092319-00092543 new team members new employees i had new r-YbmKSmNuQ-00449-00092544-00092671 you know i had people that i had brought r-YbmKSmNuQ-00450-00092672-00092871 in from my life that i felt like oh my r-YbmKSmNuQ-00451-00092872-00093103 gosh i've i've sucked you into this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00452-00093104-00093359 chaos into this this intense r-YbmKSmNuQ-00453-00093360-00093535 intense stress that we're that we're r-YbmKSmNuQ-00454-00093536-00093806 dealing with but we have been working so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00455-00093807-00094062 collaboratively and connected together r-YbmKSmNuQ-00456-00094063-00094294 on a daily basis over the past two years r-YbmKSmNuQ-00457-00094295-00094487 that there's not long stretches of time r-YbmKSmNuQ-00458-00094488-00094606 where we don't hear from each other and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00459-00094607-00094759 it's just go do your work and leave me r-YbmKSmNuQ-00460-00094760-00094999 alone so i think this team approach to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00461-00095000-00095150 everything has really been what we've r-YbmKSmNuQ-00462-00095151-00095279 rallied around r-YbmKSmNuQ-00463-00095280-00095447 along with the fact that as you can r-YbmKSmNuQ-00464-00095448-00095623 imagine we have such a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00465-00095624-00095862 clear consistent single mission right r-YbmKSmNuQ-00466-00095863-00096094 now to help fight the pandemic and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00467-00096095-00096335 knowing knowing how that is in invading r-YbmKSmNuQ-00468-00096336-00096550 our lives for all of us r-YbmKSmNuQ-00469-00096551-00096735 it's very clear for us of why we are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00470-00096736-00096926 doing what we're doing so that helps r-YbmKSmNuQ-00471-00096927-00097143 particularly in those moments when r-YbmKSmNuQ-00472-00097144-00097350 you are overwhelmed there are so many r-YbmKSmNuQ-00473-00097351-00097550 different priorities to deal with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00474-00097551-00097743 fire's burning left right and center and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00475-00097744-00097926 trying to figure out how do i how do i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00476-00097927-00098126 deal with this and this is all bubbling r-YbmKSmNuQ-00477-00098127-00098287 up and it's 5 p.m r-YbmKSmNuQ-00478-00098288-00098462 and i've got you know i've got other r-YbmKSmNuQ-00479-00098463-00098615 things i want i want to be able to do r-YbmKSmNuQ-00480-00098616-00098774 that i'm going to have to just sacrifice r-YbmKSmNuQ-00481-00098775-00098950 for now r-YbmKSmNuQ-00482-00098951-00099094 thank you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00483-00099095-00099279 with limited manufacturing throughput r-YbmKSmNuQ-00484-00099280-00099503 and the high vaccine demand r-YbmKSmNuQ-00485-00099504-00099694 how was your decision to prioritize the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00486-00099695-00100006 supply chain to different countries r-YbmKSmNuQ-00487-00100007-00100271 so it's really been based on as r-YbmKSmNuQ-00488-00100272-00100511 contracts have been signed on the timing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00489-00100512-00100735 of when those contracts uh were signed r-YbmKSmNuQ-00490-00100736-00100926 in the phasing of of the supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00491-00100927-00101143 agreement those those are really the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00492-00101144-00101311 primary reasons and so that has just r-YbmKSmNuQ-00493-00101312-00101526 slowly stacked up over time that's been r-YbmKSmNuQ-00494-00101527-00101855 the primary uh primary driver obviously r-YbmKSmNuQ-00495-00101856-00102079 there's a there's a couple huge players r-YbmKSmNuQ-00496-00102080-00102287 in the world that are that were steering r-YbmKSmNuQ-00497-00102288-00102439 things from the beginning as we talked r-YbmKSmNuQ-00498-00102440-00102694 the us government obviously had a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00499-00102695-00102927 defense rated contract for our supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00500-00102928-00103078 that we had to prioritize and that's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00501-00103079-00103366 really what enabled a huge amount of our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00502-00103367-00103582 of our manufacturing capability r-YbmKSmNuQ-00503-00103583-00103823 that we've been able to to bring online r-YbmKSmNuQ-00504-00103824-00103990 it's really been based around our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00505-00103991-00104278 contracts and the phasing of that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00506-00104279-00104423 thanks r-YbmKSmNuQ-00507-00104424-00104599 how do you manage the complexity of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00508-00104600-00104823 international supply chain in the world r-YbmKSmNuQ-00509-00104824-00104975 with the demand for international r-YbmKSmNuQ-00510-00104976-00105247 freight become a big challenge r-YbmKSmNuQ-00511-00105248-00105439 right now we have r-YbmKSmNuQ-00512-00105440-00105551 one a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00513-00105552-00105878 a capability to and an appetite to to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00514-00105879-00106054 spend on freight so we are willing to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00515-00106055-00106223 pay those premiums to make sure that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00516-00106224-00106375 we're moving our product and getting it r-YbmKSmNuQ-00517-00106376-00106654 to where it needs to go quickly but then r-YbmKSmNuQ-00518-00106655-00106943 secondly we're getting priority so you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00519-00106944-00107134 know the the what we were talking about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00520-00107135-00107295 in terms of the disruptions that we've r-YbmKSmNuQ-00521-00107296-00107478 seen across the supply chain we have r-YbmKSmNuQ-00522-00107479-00107678 probably seen the opposite of that in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00523-00107679-00107863 many ways we've we've gotten more supply r-YbmKSmNuQ-00524-00107864-00108078 we've gotten more priority that's not r-YbmKSmNuQ-00525-00108079-00108247 something that's going to last forever r-YbmKSmNuQ-00526-00108248-00108431 this will normalize for us and we're r-YbmKSmNuQ-00527-00108432-00108566 going to have to compete in the normal r-YbmKSmNuQ-00528-00108567-00108751 ways in the future but but there has r-YbmKSmNuQ-00529-00108752-00108966 been a i think in particular we saw this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00530-00108967-00109183 in 2020 a global r-YbmKSmNuQ-00531-00109183-00109423 response to knowing this is our priority r-YbmKSmNuQ-00532-00109424-00109575 we all need to figure out how to do this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00533-00109576-00109710 together and this is somewhere that we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00534-00109711-00109975 want to make sure we we partner r-YbmKSmNuQ-00535-00109976-00110215 to find mutual solutions and so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00536-00110216-00110390 it's been amazing to see the you know r-YbmKSmNuQ-00537-00110391-00110583 the reach outs that we had from r-YbmKSmNuQ-00538-00110583-00110727 for many of the freight companies in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00539-00110728-00110975 2020 of saying we've got our plane r-YbmKSmNuQ-00540-00110976-00111143 standing by you let us know anything you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00541-00111144-00111375 need that kind of reach out from from r-YbmKSmNuQ-00542-00111376-00111607 executives and so that really enabled us r-YbmKSmNuQ-00543-00111608-00111766 to to have a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00544-00111767-00111927 really the priority service that we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00545-00111928-00112023 needed r-YbmKSmNuQ-00546-00112024-00112454 but that's it's a short-term thing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00547-00112455-00112719 how does moderna faces the supply of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00548-00112720-00112927 other two vaccine is competition is r-YbmKSmNuQ-00549-00112928-00113151 complementary a rival where the other r-YbmKSmNuQ-00550-00113152-00113351 vaccine didn't reach r-YbmKSmNuQ-00551-00113352-00113495 how do you deal with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00552-00113496-00113686 with your friends r-YbmKSmNuQ-00553-00113688-00113783 yeah r-YbmKSmNuQ-00554-00113783-00114054 it's probably both complementary and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00555-00114055-00114295 competition we certainly know within our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00556-00114296-00114543 manufacturing capacities that we don't r-YbmKSmNuQ-00557-00114544-00114790 have enough product capacity to be able r-YbmKSmNuQ-00558-00114791-00114983 to serve the whole world so you know r-YbmKSmNuQ-00559-00114983-00115199 there's there's certainly room for for r-YbmKSmNuQ-00560-00115200-00115423 more than one you know vaccine supplier r-YbmKSmNuQ-00561-00115424-00115631 in this space but we certainly from our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00562-00115632-00115831 own perspective want to be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00563-00115832-00116143 seen as as the preferred choice and so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00564-00116144-00116271 there are things i think that obviously r-YbmKSmNuQ-00565-00116272-00116407 from a scientific perspective we're r-YbmKSmNuQ-00566-00116408-00117023 trying to do to differentiate ourselves r-YbmKSmNuQ-00567-00117024-00117215 as with so many unknown concerns the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00568-00117216-00117478 pandemic how does modena addressing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00569-00117479-00117663 product life cycle management for the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00570-00117664-00117983 covet vaccine boy that's a near and dear r-YbmKSmNuQ-00571-00117983-00118215 topic for me right now r-YbmKSmNuQ-00572-00118216-00118302 so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00573-00118303-00118454 that that's played out in a number of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00574-00118455-00118647 different ways so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00575-00118648-00118895 as we have expanded our manufacturing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00576-00118896-00119158 footprint from a single site r-YbmKSmNuQ-00577-00119159-00119471 to what is now probably around 14 sites r-YbmKSmNuQ-00578-00119472-00119695 between drug substance and drug product r-YbmKSmNuQ-00579-00119696-00119895 that plus different lines that we need r-YbmKSmNuQ-00580-00119896-00120039 to register different r-YbmKSmNuQ-00581-00120040-00120231 secondary sourced materials that we've r-YbmKSmNuQ-00582-00120232-00120407 needed to register it's created a huge r-YbmKSmNuQ-00583-00120408-00120631 amount of life cycle management that we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00584-00120632-00120919 have to manage on a on a daily basis r-YbmKSmNuQ-00585-00120920-00121086 uh the other thing that we think about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00586-00121088-00121271 as we look into the future and that we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00587-00121272-00121527 even worked on last year is the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00588-00121528-00121783 potential for variance so we've we've r-YbmKSmNuQ-00589-00121783-00121919 you know made public that we're working r-YbmKSmNuQ-00590-00121920-00122190 on a omicron specific variant this is r-YbmKSmNuQ-00591-00122191-00122375 similar to what we had done about a year r-YbmKSmNuQ-00592-00122376-00122590 ago with beta then a few months after r-YbmKSmNuQ-00593-00122591-00122775 that for delta as well r-YbmKSmNuQ-00594-00122776-00122958 and so those ones didn't necessarily r-YbmKSmNuQ-00595-00122959-00123166 come to market but there were a lot of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00596-00123167-00123334 activities in the background planning r-YbmKSmNuQ-00597-00123335-00123551 for what would dual supply look like r-YbmKSmNuQ-00598-00123552-00123766 what would a transition be if we were to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00599-00123767-00124023 introduce a delta specific variant and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00600-00124024-00124247 so we're constantly doing scenario r-YbmKSmNuQ-00601-00124248-00124486 planning and evaluation of what life r-YbmKSmNuQ-00602-00124488-00124647 cycle events would need to happen and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00603-00124648-00124799 what the phasing is that we would need r-YbmKSmNuQ-00604-00124800-00124983 to have to bring these onto our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00605-00124983-00125110 different production r-YbmKSmNuQ-00606-00125111-00125302 lines and then the impact on our end r-YbmKSmNuQ-00607-00125303-00125575 customers of when are we expecting r-YbmKSmNuQ-00608-00125576-00125766 registration approvals so that we can r-YbmKSmNuQ-00609-00125767-00126014 plan for launches and supply so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00610-00126015-00126183 what's tricky is that there are so many r-YbmKSmNuQ-00611-00126183-00126407 different alternate realities that could r-YbmKSmNuQ-00612-00126408-00126551 play out in the future for us that we're r-YbmKSmNuQ-00613-00126552-00126758 having to manage at the same time and we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00614-00126759-00126934 don't know exactly how we're going to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00615-00126935-00127143 move forward and part of it if we think r-YbmKSmNuQ-00616-00127144-00127239 about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00617-00127240-00127439 if omicron wouldn't have come about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00618-00127440-00127575 would we still be talking more about r-YbmKSmNuQ-00619-00127576-00127702 delta r-YbmKSmNuQ-00620-00127703-00127902 so we could be still be talking about is r-YbmKSmNuQ-00621-00127903-00128086 there a need to bring a delta specific r-YbmKSmNuQ-00622-00128088-00128295 variant so what's what's after omicron r-YbmKSmNuQ-00623-00128296-00128486 so there's there's this constant you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00624-00128488-00128607 know change that's happening in the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00625-00128608-00128839 environment outside of our company that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00626-00128840-00129039 we cannot control that we have to react r-YbmKSmNuQ-00627-00129040-00129327 to and see how we how we continue to uh r-YbmKSmNuQ-00628-00129328-00129647 to maneuver r-YbmKSmNuQ-00629-00129648-00129827 how has the management of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00630-00129828-00130063 non-covet-related product been impacted r-YbmKSmNuQ-00631-00130064-00130334 both by kovi and the resource allocation r-YbmKSmNuQ-00632-00130335-00130519 for vaccine development r-YbmKSmNuQ-00633-00130520-00130671 because you were working on other stuff r-YbmKSmNuQ-00634-00130672-00130878 before calling right well the company r-YbmKSmNuQ-00635-00130879-00131151 has grown dramatically so i think at r-YbmKSmNuQ-00636-00131152-00131390 first certainly in 2020 there was some r-YbmKSmNuQ-00637-00131391-00131647 um there certainly was some delay and an r-YbmKSmNuQ-00638-00131648-00131839 impact to our other programs r-YbmKSmNuQ-00639-00131840-00132054 but over the course of time we've we've r-YbmKSmNuQ-00640-00132055-00132199 grown i think from r-YbmKSmNuQ-00641-00132200-00132535 800 to 2800 people in total as a company r-YbmKSmNuQ-00642-00132536-00132695 in the past r-YbmKSmNuQ-00643-00132696-00132927 year and a half two years so through r-YbmKSmNuQ-00644-00132928-00133166 that we've also added to our clinical r-YbmKSmNuQ-00645-00133167-00133423 team so that they have more r-YbmKSmNuQ-00646-00133424-00133614 self-sustained capabilities and are not r-YbmKSmNuQ-00647-00133615-00133831 as reliant on on those of us who have r-YbmKSmNuQ-00648-00133832-00133999 been around longer r-YbmKSmNuQ-00649-00134000-00134190 and we are continuing with that we we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00650-00134191-00134351 now have a you know at least from a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00651-00134352-00134566 manufacturing perspective we have a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00652-00134567-00134759 separate clinical site r-YbmKSmNuQ-00653-00134760-00134943 that we're that we're managing separate r-YbmKSmNuQ-00654-00134944-00135078 from our commercial so that we can make r-YbmKSmNuQ-00655-00135079-00135207 sure that we've got the right focus on r-YbmKSmNuQ-00656-00135208-00135383 our clinical programs r-YbmKSmNuQ-00657-00135384-00135735 okay how does moderna ensure that their r-YbmKSmNuQ-00658-00135736-00135935 office-based supply chain workers are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00659-00135936-00136151 not disconnected from the reality of the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00660-00136152-00136399 factory or the warehouse workers r-YbmKSmNuQ-00661-00136400-00136583 probably the same way that all of us r-YbmKSmNuQ-00662-00136584-00136790 have kept in touch with our friends our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00663-00136791-00137039 loved ones etc over the past two years r-YbmKSmNuQ-00664-00137040-00137278 of of video calls r-YbmKSmNuQ-00665-00137279-00137527 so a lot of our office employees you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00666-00137528-00137775 know one partial partially remote uh but r-YbmKSmNuQ-00667-00137776-00138014 then secondly even you know here who are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00668-00138015-00138278 are locally based there's often days r-YbmKSmNuQ-00669-00138279-00138471 when when people are staying home and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00670-00138472-00138671 certainly right now we're in a mode that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00671-00138672-00138847 we're we're having people stay home for r-YbmKSmNuQ-00672-00138848-00139111 the for the time being who can who don't r-YbmKSmNuQ-00673-00139112-00139359 need to be physically uh in production r-YbmKSmNuQ-00674-00139360-00139663 or in our uh logistics centers and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00675-00139664-00139823 you know part of that is for protection r-YbmKSmNuQ-00676-00139824-00140071 but about what we've had uh what i would r-YbmKSmNuQ-00677-00140072-00140335 describe as you know cameras on r-YbmKSmNuQ-00678-00140336-00140527 environment from the beginning in our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00679-00140528-00140678 you know teams meetings and our webex r-YbmKSmNuQ-00680-00140679-00140871 meetings to make sure that people are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00681-00140872-00140999 being plugged in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00682-00141000-00141143 but we've had to do r-YbmKSmNuQ-00683-00141144-00141327 you know interviews this way we've had r-YbmKSmNuQ-00684-00141328-00141599 to do onboarding town halls you know r-YbmKSmNuQ-00685-00141600-00141751 something like this we've we've been r-YbmKSmNuQ-00686-00141752-00141990 doing more more virtually so people have r-YbmKSmNuQ-00687-00141991-00142214 become very accustomed to that uh r-YbmKSmNuQ-00688-00142215-00142390 luckily that has that has been able to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00689-00142391-00142599 pay off um is there a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00690-00142600-00142831 a detriment to not being able to be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00691-00142832-00143087 physically on the floor yes that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00692-00143088-00143302 certainly is the case in some ways but i r-YbmKSmNuQ-00693-00143303-00143447 think that the the manufacturing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00694-00143448-00143719 management is also dealing with the same r-YbmKSmNuQ-00695-00143720-00143959 environment so it's not like we are the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00696-00143960-00144126 outsiders to something else that's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00697-00144127-00144375 happening so we're all recognizing the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00698-00144376-00144575 need that communication needs to be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00699-00144576-00144766 deliberate that that we need to stay r-YbmKSmNuQ-00700-00144767-00144935 connected and that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00701-00144936-00145087 you know face to face even if it's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00702-00145088-00145414 virtual is really really important r-YbmKSmNuQ-00703-00145415-00145543 okay r-YbmKSmNuQ-00704-00145544-00145759 what is something that looking back you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00705-00145760-00145887 would have done r-YbmKSmNuQ-00706-00145888-00146078 differently over the last couple of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00707-00146079-00146799 years r-YbmKSmNuQ-00708-00146800-00146951 i suppose in some ways it's a good thing r-YbmKSmNuQ-00709-00146952-00147207 that i have to think about this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00710-00147208-00147311 um r-YbmKSmNuQ-00711-00147312-00147471 that that means i haven't done anything r-YbmKSmNuQ-00712-00147472-00147735 so bonehead big mistakes r-YbmKSmNuQ-00713-00147736-00147863 that i regret r-YbmKSmNuQ-00714-00147864-00148087 i i think i i think the thing that is is r-YbmKSmNuQ-00715-00148088-00148439 maybe most on my mind is the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00716-00148440-00148847 controls and uh earlier startup of our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00717-00148848-00149102 lifecycle management activities so this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00718-00149103-00149239 is something that was we were going r-YbmKSmNuQ-00719-00149240-00149423 through 2020 r-YbmKSmNuQ-00720-00149424-00149583 and the initial r-YbmKSmNuQ-00721-00149584-00149783 launch of the product was really not so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00722-00149784-00149926 much in our minds we were thinking we've r-YbmKSmNuQ-00723-00149927-00150126 got one thing we got to get done let's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00724-00150127-00150295 get this to market r-YbmKSmNuQ-00725-00150296-00150502 and obviously we have had a very r-YbmKSmNuQ-00726-00150503-00150735 simplistic approach if we have one label r-YbmKSmNuQ-00727-00150736-00150854 for the u.s r-YbmKSmNuQ-00728-00150855-00151087 and we have an international label for r-YbmKSmNuQ-00729-00151088-00151254 the rest of the world and we don't have r-YbmKSmNuQ-00730-00151255-00151431 country-specific artwork we've done r-YbmKSmNuQ-00731-00151432-00151559 things very r-YbmKSmNuQ-00732-00151560-00151759 very plain very simplistic very much r-YbmKSmNuQ-00733-00151760-00151951 focused on efficiencies r-YbmKSmNuQ-00734-00151952-00152199 on on getting as much supply as possible r-YbmKSmNuQ-00735-00152200-00152478 as we have started to get then into more r-YbmKSmNuQ-00736-00152479-00152671 real world and reality r-YbmKSmNuQ-00737-00152672-00152839 the more this is coming the more that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00738-00152840-00153071 complexity is starting to create a wave r-YbmKSmNuQ-00739-00153072-00153287 of activities that we need to deal with r-YbmKSmNuQ-00740-00153288-00153590 um and i would say that we we have a lot r-YbmKSmNuQ-00741-00153591-00153799 of work in front of us to stabilize that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00742-00153800-00153966 life cycle management so i wish i would r-YbmKSmNuQ-00743-00153967-00154119 have started on that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00744-00154120-00154375 much earlier and recognized those risks r-YbmKSmNuQ-00745-00154376-00154551 that were coming in front of us but at r-YbmKSmNuQ-00746-00154552-00154759 the same time you know i to protect r-YbmKSmNuQ-00747-00154760-00154919 myself a little bit when we were you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00748-00154920-00155119 know in 2020 in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00749-00155120-00155359 in q4 even we didn't know if what we r-YbmKSmNuQ-00750-00155360-00155607 were doing was a 100 million hump to the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00751-00155608-00155823 us government and that was it we were r-YbmKSmNuQ-00752-00155824-00155983 done um we didn't know what was r-YbmKSmNuQ-00753-00155984-00156159 happening with the pandemic we didn't r-YbmKSmNuQ-00754-00156160-00156263 know what would happen with other r-YbmKSmNuQ-00755-00156264-00156502 vaccine makers so there are things that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00756-00156503-00156590 were r-YbmKSmNuQ-00757-00156591-00156902 were not uh were not known to us at the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00758-00156903-00157135 time and we as a company obviously did r-YbmKSmNuQ-00759-00157136-00157319 not want to over invest r-YbmKSmNuQ-00760-00157320-00157511 beyond what we needed for that moment in r-YbmKSmNuQ-00761-00157512-00157711 time not knowing if this was going to be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00762-00157712-00157935 a long-term commercial activity for us r-YbmKSmNuQ-00763-00157936-00158151 or a short-term thing and then we went r-YbmKSmNuQ-00764-00158152-00158390 back to being a clinical company until r-YbmKSmNuQ-00765-00158391-00158599 the next thing came so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00766-00158600-00158839 it's hard to know yeah r-YbmKSmNuQ-00767-00158840-00159054 the question repeats some of the things r-YbmKSmNuQ-00768-00159055-00159263 what was the biggest bottleneck in the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00769-00159264-00159639 in the vaccine manufacturing effort r-YbmKSmNuQ-00770-00159640-00159871 it has uh it's funny i've put together a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00771-00159872-00160063 slide at the end of last year r-YbmKSmNuQ-00772-00160064-00160143 um r-YbmKSmNuQ-00773-00160144-00160478 uh for for my my team's town hall that r-YbmKSmNuQ-00774-00160479-00160687 talked about this a little bit it's it's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00775-00160688-00160863 changed over time so it started r-YbmKSmNuQ-00776-00160864-00161087 initially being the raw materials there r-YbmKSmNuQ-00777-00161088-00161239 were some where we thought we were going r-YbmKSmNuQ-00778-00161240-00161383 to be constrained by r-YbmKSmNuQ-00779-00161384-00161478 20 r-YbmKSmNuQ-00780-00161479-00161735 or to only 20 percent of the full 100 r-YbmKSmNuQ-00781-00161736-00161895 that we needed and so that was probably r-YbmKSmNuQ-00782-00161896-00162047 the biggest thing that we overcame and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00783-00162048-00162263 that was a custom material that we were r-YbmKSmNuQ-00784-00162264-00162414 having produced r-YbmKSmNuQ-00785-00162415-00162663 then it shifted really to uh to drug r-YbmKSmNuQ-00786-00162664-00162839 substance production and so this is our r-YbmKSmNuQ-00787-00162840-00163087 internal capabilities uh then it shifted r-YbmKSmNuQ-00788-00163088-00163247 to our drug product r-YbmKSmNuQ-00789-00163248-00163407 then it shifted to our quality control r-YbmKSmNuQ-00790-00163408-00163639 laboratories and then it shifted to most r-YbmKSmNuQ-00791-00163640-00163895 recently our our distribution r-YbmKSmNuQ-00792-00163896-00164063 at the end of last year so it's really r-YbmKSmNuQ-00793-00164064-00164278 been kind of a progression of working r-YbmKSmNuQ-00794-00164279-00164454 the bottleneck through the supply chain r-YbmKSmNuQ-00795-00164455-00164702 to the end of the process r-YbmKSmNuQ-00796-00164703-00164990 assuming that the new normal is the r-YbmKSmNuQ-00797-00164991-00165231 emergence of new variants r-YbmKSmNuQ-00798-00165232-00165487 and you need to continuously produce r-YbmKSmNuQ-00799-00165488-00165831 new formulation of the mrna vaccines r-YbmKSmNuQ-00800-00165832-00166054 how do this scenario will change what r-YbmKSmNuQ-00801-00166055-00166311 you do and what you work on r-YbmKSmNuQ-00802-00166312-00166511 sure well first i think there's a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00803-00166512-00166702 probably a big difference between r-YbmKSmNuQ-00804-00166703-00166951 new variants presenting themselves more r-YbmKSmNuQ-00805-00166952-00167199 like we would see with flu and not being r-YbmKSmNuQ-00806-00167200-00167487 such a dramatic pandemic scenario like r-YbmKSmNuQ-00807-00167488-00167687 we're facing right now r-YbmKSmNuQ-00808-00167688-00167959 so if the if the if the severity starts r-YbmKSmNuQ-00809-00167960-00168223 to become more manageable and this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00810-00168224-00168463 starts to be treated more like a cold or r-YbmKSmNuQ-00811-00168464-00168759 like the flu then updating to new r-YbmKSmNuQ-00812-00168760-00168983 variants will be an ongoing course of r-YbmKSmNuQ-00813-00168984-00169126 business but hopefully something that is r-YbmKSmNuQ-00814-00169127-00169383 in the background and that public are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00815-00169384-00169590 not really needing to worry about in any r-YbmKSmNuQ-00816-00169591-00169735 sort of way r-YbmKSmNuQ-00817-00169736-00169902 on a daily basis it's just like going to r-YbmKSmNuQ-00818-00169903-00170038 get your flu vaccine you don't think r-YbmKSmNuQ-00819-00170039-00170207 about oh have they got this strand and r-YbmKSmNuQ-00820-00170208-00170463 that strand prepared for this year r-YbmKSmNuQ-00821-00170464-00170663 so so i think that that's that's one r-YbmKSmNuQ-00822-00170664-00170831 that's one scenario if there's a r-YbmKSmNuQ-00823-00170832-00171023 scenario in which you know kovid r-YbmKSmNuQ-00824-00171024-00171166 continues to be r-YbmKSmNuQ-00825-00171167-00171366 as severe and problematic as we are r-YbmKSmNuQ-00826-00171367-00171559 seeing in the last two years i think r-YbmKSmNuQ-00827-00171560-00171735 that's obviously a very different public r-YbmKSmNuQ-00828-00171736-00171926 health health issue that we would need r-YbmKSmNuQ-00829-00171927-00172095 to face but i don't sense that that's r-YbmKSmNuQ-00830-00172096-00172375 the general thinking of public health r-YbmKSmNuQ-00831-00172376-00172566 experts r-YbmKSmNuQ-00832-00172567-00172695 yeah r-YbmKSmNuQ-00833-00172696-00172966 okay guys i'd like to thank paul very r-YbmKSmNuQ-00834-00172967-00173214 much and appreciate him coming here so r-YbmKSmNuQ-00835-00173215-00173388 please join me r-YbmKSmNuQ-00836-00173389-00174249 [Applause] r-YbmKSmNuQ-00837-00174250-00174903 [Music] r-YbmKSmNuQ-00838-00174904-00175326 [Music] r-YbmKSmNuQ-00839-00175327-00175454 all right everyone thank you for r-YbmKSmNuQ-00840-00175455-00175614 listening i hope you've enjoyed this r-YbmKSmNuQ-00841-00175615-00175847 edition of mit supply chain frontiers my r-YbmKSmNuQ-00842-00175848-00176014 name is arthur growl communications r-YbmKSmNuQ-00843-00176015-00176199 officer for the center and i invite you r-YbmKSmNuQ-00844-00176200-00176511 to visit us anytime at ctl.mit.edu r-YbmKSmNuQ-00845-00176512-00176719 or search for mit supply chain frontiers r-YbmKSmNuQ-00846-00176720-00176895 on your favorite listening platform r-YbmKSmNuQ-00847-00176896-00177260 until next time r_ujbuBHwyE-00000-00000000-00000306 Oh r_ujbuBHwyE-00001-00000307-00000979 topic early music to the 17th century r_ujbuBHwyE-00002-00000980-00001453 topic plainsong r_ujbuBHwyE-00003-00001454-00001741 plainsong also known as plain gent and r_ujbuBHwyE-00004-00001742-00001966 more specifically Gregorian Ambrose n' r_ujbuBHwyE-00005-00001967-00002191 and Gallic enchants refer generally to a r_ujbuBHwyE-00006-00002192-00002428 style of monophonic unaccompanied early r_ujbuBHwyE-00007-00002429-00002635 Christian singing performed by monks and r_ujbuBHwyE-00008-00002636-00002815 developed in the Roman Catholic Church r_ujbuBHwyE-00009-00002816-00003156 mainly during the period 800-1000 the r_ujbuBHwyE-00010-00003157-00003394 differences may be marginal or even r_ujbuBHwyE-00011-00003395-00003679 great in some cases these differences r_ujbuBHwyE-00012-00003679-00003883 reflect the great ethnic cultural and r_ujbuBHwyE-00013-00003884-00004099 linguistic diversity that existed after r_ujbuBHwyE-00014-00004100-00004272 the fall of the Roman Empire on the r_ujbuBHwyE-00015-00004273-00004549 Italian peninsula different monastic r_ujbuBHwyE-00016-00004550-00004717 traditions arose within the Roman r_ujbuBHwyE-00017-00004718-00004906 Catholic Church throughout Italy but at r_ujbuBHwyE-00018-00004907-00005100 different places and at different times r_ujbuBHwyE-00019-00005101-00005383 even a musical non specialist can hear r_ujbuBHwyE-00020-00005384-00005566 the difference for example between the r_ujbuBHwyE-00021-00005567-00005743 straightforward tone production in the r_ujbuBHwyE-00022-00005744-00005941 ambos enchants from Milan and the chants r_ujbuBHwyE-00023-00005942-00006172 from benevento which display a distinct r_ujbuBHwyE-00024-00006173-00006456 Eastern ornamental quiver in the voice r_ujbuBHwyE-00025-00006457-00006664 reflecting the vocal traditions of the r_ujbuBHwyE-00026-00006665-00006948 Greek Orthodox Church yet in spite of r_ujbuBHwyE-00027-00006950-00007123 the differences the similarities are r_ujbuBHwyE-00028-00007123-00007441 great in any event the formal Gregorian r_ujbuBHwyE-00029-00007442-00007627 chant was imposed throughout Italy by r_ujbuBHwyE-00030-00007628-00007864 1100 although the music of Greeks rites r_ujbuBHwyE-00031-00007865-00008053 continued to be heard at various places r_ujbuBHwyE-00032-00008054-00008251 on the peninsula especially in those r_ujbuBHwyE-00033-00008252-00008464 places which Byzantium had once held r_ujbuBHwyE-00034-00008465-00008646 such as Ravenna or in the southern r_ujbuBHwyE-00035-00008647-00008827 peninsula which had been a refuge for r_ujbuBHwyE-00036-00008828-00009003 those Greeks fleeing the great Byzantine r_ujbuBHwyE-00037-00009004-00009232 iconoclast controversies before the year r_ujbuBHwyE-00038-00009233-00009556 1000 obviously where Greek rites were r_ujbuBHwyE-00039-00009557-00009730 practiced the chants were sung in the r_ujbuBHwyE-00040-00009731-00009934 Greek language and not in Latin as they r_ujbuBHwyE-00041-00009935-00010378 were in the Roman Catholic liturgy r_ujbuBHwyE-00042-00010379-00010927 topic music of the trecento r_ujbuBHwyE-00043-00010928-00011323 the trecento from about 1300 to 1420 was r_ujbuBHwyE-00044-00011324-00011536 a period of vigorous activity in Italy r_ujbuBHwyE-00045-00011537-00011692 in the arts including painting r_ujbuBHwyE-00046-00011693-00012004 architecture literature and music the r_ujbuBHwyE-00047-00012005-00012205 music of the trecento pioneered new r_ujbuBHwyE-00048-00012206-00012403 forms of expression especially in r_ujbuBHwyE-00049-00012404-00012571 secular song and in the use of r_ujbuBHwyE-00050-00012572-00012846 vernacular language Italian in these r_ujbuBHwyE-00051-00012847-00013063 regards the music of the trecento may r_ujbuBHwyE-00052-00013063-00013252 seem more to be a Renaissance phenomenon r_ujbuBHwyE-00053-00013253-00013483 however the predominant musical language r_ujbuBHwyE-00054-00013484-00013675 was more closely related to that of the r_ujbuBHwyE-00055-00013676-00013882 late Middle Ages and musicologists r_ujbuBHwyE-00056-00013883-00014088 generally classify the trecento as the r_ujbuBHwyE-00057-00014090-00014515 end of the medieval era r_ujbuBHwyE-00058-00014516-00015136 topic secular music secular music before r_ujbuBHwyE-00059-00015137-00015388 the Year 1500 was largely the work of r_ujbuBHwyE-00060-00015388-00015691 junglers troubadours and mimes this was r_ujbuBHwyE-00061-00015691-00015877 the age of the great vernacular ization r_ujbuBHwyE-00062-00015878-00016113 of language in Italy indeed throughout r_ujbuBHwyE-00063-00016115-00016312 Europe that as people started to write r_ujbuBHwyE-00064-00016313-00016507 and sing songs in their native language r_ujbuBHwyE-00065-00016508-00016624 which was not Latin r_ujbuBHwyE-00066-00016625-00016753 but whatever brand of vernacular r_ujbuBHwyE-00067-00016754-00016972 medieval mio Latin was spoken in their r_ujbuBHwyE-00068-00016973-00017026 area r_ujbuBHwyE-00069-00017027-00017275 thus Dante showed with the Divine Comedy r_ujbuBHwyE-00070-00017276-00017545 in 1300 that the common language his was r_ujbuBHwyE-00071-00017546-00017965 called Tuscan and not Italian until as r_ujbuBHwyE-00072-00017966-00018154 late as the 18th century could be a r_ujbuBHwyE-00073-00018155-00018430 vehicle for fine literature logically r_ujbuBHwyE-00074-00018431-00018631 that extended to the lyrics of the songs r_ujbuBHwyE-00075-00018632-00018916 that people sang two points are worth r_ujbuBHwyE-00076-00018917-00019114 mentioning in this regard one we know r_ujbuBHwyE-00077-00019115-00019300 much more about the words of songs than r_ujbuBHwyE-00078-00019301-00019456 we know about the actual sound of the r_ujbuBHwyE-00079-00019457-00019714 music words were written down with much r_ujbuBHwyE-00080-00019715-00020002 more ease than melodies were notated see r_ujbuBHwyE-00081-00020003-00020239 musical notation thus we know that there r_ujbuBHwyE-00082-00020240-00020431 was a vibrant troubadour tradition in r_ujbuBHwyE-00083-00020432-00020611 the 12th century in the provence in r_ujbuBHwyE-00084-00020612-00020758 their language and we know that one r_ujbuBHwyE-00085-00020759-00020935 thousand miles away on the island of r_ujbuBHwyE-00086-00020936-00021088 Sicily there was also a vibrant r_ujbuBHwyE-00087-00021089-00021286 troubadour tradition at the Hohenstaufen r_ujbuBHwyE-00088-00021287-00021538 court of frederick ii songs sung in the r_ujbuBHwyE-00089-00021539-00021700 dialect of the people very much r_ujbuBHwyE-00090-00021701-00021928 influenced for example by arabic but it r_ujbuBHwyE-00091-00021929-00022126 is conjecture as to exactly what either r_ujbuBHwyE-00092-00022127-00022363 one sounded like we only know that r_ujbuBHwyE-00093-00022364-00022624 southern French folk music today sounds r_ujbuBHwyE-00094-00022625-00022807 quite a bit different from Sicilian folk r_ujbuBHwyE-00095-00022808-00023113 music since folk music is relatively r_ujbuBHwyE-00096-00023114-00023308 conservative in that it resists rapid r_ujbuBHwyE-00097-00023309-00023506 change we may assume that at least some r_ujbuBHwyE-00098-00023507-00023689 of the obvious differences in melody r_ujbuBHwyE-00099-00023690-00023908 scales an approach to vocalizing that r_ujbuBHwyE-00100-00023909-00024157 exists now existed then the r_ujbuBHwyE-00101-00024158-00024397 call-and-response nature of much popular r_ujbuBHwyE-00102-00024398-00024634 choral singing in the Middle Ages that r_ujbuBHwyE-00103-00024635-00024844 as a soloist singing a line that is then r_ujbuBHwyE-00104-00024845-00025066 answered by a group found its way into r_ujbuBHwyE-00105-00025067-00025237 medieval church music as a way of r_ujbuBHwyE-00106-00025238-00025375 involving all members of the r_ujbuBHwyE-00107-00025376-00025681 congregation the complicated polyphony r_ujbuBHwyE-00108-00025682-00025888 z' of what is called the ARS Nova began r_ujbuBHwyE-00109-00025889-00026131 to be heard in the 14th century in 15th r_ujbuBHwyE-00110-00026132-00026377 century popular items such as madrigals r_ujbuBHwyE-00111-00026377-00026577 employed increasing dense overlays of r_ujbuBHwyE-00112-00026579-00026773 different melodies sung at the same time r_ujbuBHwyE-00113-00026774-00026947 the point being to create an interwoven r_ujbuBHwyE-00114-00026948-00027193 and euphonious texture of sound this is r_ujbuBHwyE-00115-00027194-00027379 not the same as harmony the sounding of r_ujbuBHwyE-00116-00027380-00027574 many notes together in order to form a r_ujbuBHwyE-00117-00027575-00027866 chord that is a later invention r_ujbuBHwyE-00118-00027867-00028043 the less the move from the monophonic r_ujbuBHwyE-00119-00028044-00028189 sounds of chance to the many r_ujbuBHwyE-00120-00028191-00028412 simultaneous melodies of polyphony does r_ujbuBHwyE-00121-00028413-00028604 represent a revolution in our musical r_ujbuBHwyE-00122-00028605-00028811 perceptions to wit you can have more one r_ujbuBHwyE-00123-00028812-00028985 thing sounding at the same time and r_ujbuBHwyE-00124-00028986-00029492 still find it pleasant to listen to r_ujbuBHwyE-00125-00029493-00029923 topic the Renaissance r_ujbuBHwyE-00126-00029924-00030162 most people do not think of music when r_ujbuBHwyE-00127-00030163-00030349 they hear the term Renaissance yet in r_ujbuBHwyE-00128-00030350-00030564 the same sense that architects painters r_ujbuBHwyE-00129-00030566-00030787 and sculptors of the 16th century were r_ujbuBHwyE-00130-00030788-00030943 paying tribute to the newly rediscovered r_ujbuBHwyE-00131-00030944-00031192 values of classical Greece poets and r_ujbuBHwyE-00132-00031193-00031395 musicians of that period attempted to do r_ujbuBHwyE-00133-00031397-00031711 the same thing the years between 1500 r_ujbuBHwyE-00134-00031712-00031939 and 1600 are the most revolutionary r_ujbuBHwyE-00135-00031939-00032196 period in European musical history it is r_ujbuBHwyE-00136-00032197-00032352 the century in which harmony was r_ujbuBHwyE-00137-00032353-00032548 developed in the century that gave birth r_ujbuBHwyE-00138-00032549-00032839 to opera these two developments are r_ujbuBHwyE-00139-00032840-00033040 connected readers will have noted the r_ujbuBHwyE-00140-00033041-00033211 move from the monophony of Gregorian r_ujbuBHwyE-00141-00033212-00033430 chants to the complicated policies of r_ujbuBHwyE-00142-00033431-00033610 madrigals and other music of the few r_ujbuBHwyE-00143-00033611-00033946 centuries before 1500 the next shift in r_ujbuBHwyE-00144-00033947-00034137 musical perception involves a less r_ujbuBHwyE-00145-00034138-00034348 common term homophony that is the r_ujbuBHwyE-00146-00034349-00034507 sounding of a harmonic chord or r_ujbuBHwyE-00147-00034508-00034702 progression of chords not meant to stand r_ujbuBHwyE-00148-00034703-00034896 out but which support an obvious melody r_ujbuBHwyE-00149-00034897-00035257 on top of the harmony the desire perhaps r_ujbuBHwyE-00150-00035258-00035514 need for homophonic music arose from a r_ujbuBHwyE-00151-00035515-00035755 number of factors first there was a r_ujbuBHwyE-00152-00035756-00035932 rejection of overly complicated r_ujbuBHwyE-00153-00035933-00036118 polyphony of many different melodies r_ujbuBHwyE-00154-00036119-00036301 running at the same time second a r_ujbuBHwyE-00155-00036302-00036502 general new musical aesthetic of the r_ujbuBHwyE-00156-00036503-00036682 period best summed up in the words of r_ujbuBHwyE-00157-00036683-00036955 Leonardo da Vinci in 1500 who said that r_ujbuBHwyE-00158-00036956-00037231 music was the simultaneous conjunction r_ujbuBHwyE-00159-00037232-00037515 of proportional parts that is the r_ujbuBHwyE-00160-00037516-00037693 sounding together of notes based on r_ujbuBHwyE-00161-00037694-00037890 simple arithmetic rations such as r_ujbuBHwyE-00162-00037891-00038101 two-to-one which produces the sound of r_ujbuBHwyE-00163-00038102-00038320 an octave 3 to 2 which produces the r_ujbuBHwyE-00164-00038321-00038554 sound of 5th and 5 to 4 which produces r_ujbuBHwyE-00165-00038555-00038818 the sound of a major third thus if you r_ujbuBHwyE-00166-00038819-00039226 generate notes at 400 600 800 and 1000 r_ujbuBHwyE-00167-00039227-00039418 cycles per second you have all the notes r_ujbuBHwyE-00168-00039419-00039595 of the simplest and most harmonious r_ujbuBHwyE-00169-00039596-00039907 sound in our music the major chord it r_ujbuBHwyE-00170-00039908-00040135 really is that simple see musical r_ujbuBHwyE-00171-00040136-00040320 acoustics third on the list of factors r_ujbuBHwyE-00172-00040321-00040579 that make the 16th century so important r_ujbuBHwyE-00173-00040580-00040749 was the Renaissance desire to tell a r_ujbuBHwyE-00174-00040750-00040983 story to put people up on a small stage r_ujbuBHwyE-00175-00040984-00041158 and have them sing songs about Greek r_ujbuBHwyE-00176-00041159-00041410 mythology the tale of Orpheus for r_ujbuBHwyE-00177-00041411-00041656 example that is difficult to do if r_ujbuBHwyE-00178-00041657-00041842 everyone is singing a melody at the same r_ujbuBHwyE-00179-00041843-00042012 time thus polyphony gave way to r_ujbuBHwyE-00180-00042013-00042252 homophony an early opera consisted of r_ujbuBHwyE-00181-00042253-00042460 relatively simple melodies with texts r_ujbuBHwyE-00182-00042461-00042685 about Greek mythology sung in Italian r_ujbuBHwyE-00183-00042686-00042893 and supported by simple harmonies the r_ujbuBHwyE-00184-00042894-00043111 important city in Italy in this r_ujbuBHwyE-00185-00043112-00043308 development of music in the sixteen r_ujbuBHwyE-00186-00043309-00043581 century was Florence see also Florentine r_ujbuBHwyE-00187-00043582-00043875 Camerata Vincenzo Galilei Jacopo peri r_ujbuBHwyE-00188-00043876-00044143 Palestrina Arcangelo Corelli r_ujbuBHwyE-00189-00044144-00044406 besides Florence two other Italian r_ujbuBHwyE-00190-00044407-00044577 cities are particularly worthy of r_ujbuBHwyE-00191-00044578-00044886 mention in the period around 1600 there r_ujbuBHwyE-00192-00044887-00045015 is somewhat of a friendly rivalry r_ujbuBHwyE-00193-00045016-00045243 between advocates of the two cities as r_ujbuBHwyE-00194-00045244-00045414 to which one is more important in the r_ujbuBHwyE-00195-00045415-00045603 history of the development of music in r_ujbuBHwyE-00196-00045604-00045900 Italy then is justly claims its place as r_ujbuBHwyE-00197-00045901-00046074 the birthplace of commercial opera r_ujbuBHwyE-00198-00046075-00046268 Naples points to its own history of r_ujbuBHwyE-00199-00046269-00046473 church-sponsored music conservatories r_ujbuBHwyE-00200-00046474-00046725 institutions that developed into feeder r_ujbuBHwyE-00201-00046726-00046989 systems providing composers and r_ujbuBHwyE-00202-00046990-00047193 performing musicians for much musical r_ujbuBHwyE-00203-00047194-00047396 life in Italy and indeed Europe as a r_ujbuBHwyE-00204-00047397-00047649 whole see also music of Venice and music r_ujbuBHwyE-00205-00047650-00048027 of Naples r_ujbuBHwyE-00206-00048028-00048562 topic seventeenth-century r_ujbuBHwyE-00207-00048563-00048908 the period from about 1600 to 1750 r_ujbuBHwyE-00208-00048909-00049135 encompasses the Baroque era of music r_ujbuBHwyE-00209-00049136-00049390 many important things happened in this r_ujbuBHwyE-00210-00049391-00049636 period one was a return to the melodic r_ujbuBHwyE-00211-00049637-00049786 complexities of polyphony r_ujbuBHwyE-00212-00049787-00049982 however the melodies ran within a modern r_ujbuBHwyE-00213-00049983-00050212 established system of harmony based on r_ujbuBHwyE-00214-00050213-00050411 chords and major and minor scales r_ujbuBHwyE-00215-00050412-00050665 this latter element is an extension of r_ujbuBHwyE-00216-00050666-00050876 the concept of homophonic music and r_ujbuBHwyE-00217-00050877-00051040 allowed melodic complexity of any r_ujbuBHwyE-00218-00051041-00051232 variants to rise to dominance over the r_ujbuBHwyE-00219-00051233-00051490 importance of texts the struggle for r_ujbuBHwyE-00220-00051491-00051688 dominance between text and music goes r_ujbuBHwyE-00221-00051689-00051871 back to the music of the Greeks and is r_ujbuBHwyE-00222-00051872-00052075 still going on in all forms of European r_ujbuBHwyE-00223-00052076-00052246 art music and popular music r_ujbuBHwyE-00224-00052247-00052501 this new dominance of melody within r_ujbuBHwyE-00225-00052502-00052715 harmony at the expense of texts led to r_ujbuBHwyE-00226-00052716-00052888 great changes including the expansion r_ujbuBHwyE-00227-00052889-00053138 and invention of instrumental resources r_ujbuBHwyE-00228-00053139-00053305 of the orchestra the keyboard was r_ujbuBHwyE-00229-00053307-00053516 extended in both directions the making r_ujbuBHwyE-00230-00053516-00053660 of instruments such as those by r_ujbuBHwyE-00231-00053661-00053885 Stradivarius became a great industry in r_ujbuBHwyE-00232-00053886-00054094 Cremona and instrumental music started r_ujbuBHwyE-00233-00054095-00054355 to develop as a separate track quite r_ujbuBHwyE-00234-00054357-00054505 apart from the traditional role of r_ujbuBHwyE-00235-00054507-00054661 accompanying the human voice r_ujbuBHwyE-00236-00054662-00054892 instrumental forms include such things r_ujbuBHwyE-00237-00054894-00055160 as the sonata and few well-known and r_ujbuBHwyE-00238-00055161-00055361 influential musical figures from this r_ujbuBHwyE-00239-00055362-00055606 time period in Italy include Alessandro r_ujbuBHwyE-00240-00055607-00055799 Scarlatti and Antonio Vivaldi r_ujbuBHwyE-00241-00055800-00055993 representing the importance of Naples r_ujbuBHwyE-00242-00055994-00056174 and Venice respectively within this r_ujbuBHwyE-00243-00056175-00056495 period r_ujbuBHwyE-00244-00056496-00056990 topic eighteenth-century r_ujbuBHwyE-00245-00056991-00057257 from the early eighteenth century to the r_ujbuBHwyE-00246-00057258-00057443 end of that century encompasses what r_ujbuBHwyE-00247-00057444-00057762 historians call classical music note r_ujbuBHwyE-00248-00057763-00058055 that this use of the term classical does r_ujbuBHwyE-00249-00058057-00058266 not correspond to what none historians r_ujbuBHwyE-00250-00058266-00058529 mean when they say classical music that r_ujbuBHwyE-00251-00058530-00058832 is all opera and symphonic music as r_ujbuBHwyE-00252-00058833-00059219 opposed to popular music the term r_ujbuBHwyE-00253-00059220-00059531 classical is appropriate for this period r_ujbuBHwyE-00254-00059532-00059673 of music in that it marks the r_ujbuBHwyE-00255-00059674-00059912 standardization of musical forms such as r_ujbuBHwyE-00256-00059913-00060200 the symphony in concerto thus the term r_ujbuBHwyE-00257-00060201-00060488 classical is used in the Renaissance r_ujbuBHwyE-00258-00060489-00060704 sense of classical Greek philosophy r_ujbuBHwyE-00259-00060704-00060972 platonic form the idea that things such r_ujbuBHwyE-00260-00060973-00061229 as Beauty exist eternally as ideals and r_ujbuBHwyE-00261-00061230-00061479 that the artists job in this case the r_ujbuBHwyE-00262-00061479-00061762 composer's job is put form on that ideal r_ujbuBHwyE-00263-00061763-00062051 thus we have for example a symphony r_ujbuBHwyE-00264-00062052-00062255 formalized as a standard work in four r_ujbuBHwyE-00265-00062257-00062596 movements for orchestra and so forth r_ujbuBHwyE-00266-00062597-00062823 the physical plant for composition and r_ujbuBHwyE-00267-00062824-00063039 performance of music in Italy advanced r_ujbuBHwyE-00268-00063040-00063294 greatly during this century it has the r_ujbuBHwyE-00269-00063295-00063483 period in which the great opera houses r_ujbuBHwyE-00270-00063484-00063714 in Naples in Milano were built the san r_ujbuBHwyE-00271-00063715-00063951 carlo theatre and la scala respectively r_ujbuBHwyE-00272-00063952-00064233 it is the age as well of the rise to r_ujbuBHwyE-00273-00064234-00064452 prominence of the Neapolitan and then r_ujbuBHwyE-00274-00064453-00064824 Italian comic opera important to is r_ujbuBHwyE-00275-00064825-00064992 refining of some sense of balance r_ujbuBHwyE-00276-00064993-00065244 between text and music and opera largely r_ujbuBHwyE-00277-00065245-00065492 through the librettos of Modesto Co r_ujbuBHwyE-00278-00065493-00065742 important Italian composer's in this r_ujbuBHwyE-00279-00065743-00065934 century are Alessandro Scarlatti r_ujbuBHwyE-00280-00065935-00066198 Domenico Scarlatti Benedetto Marcello r_ujbuBHwyE-00281-00066199-00066474 Giovanni Battista Peugeot Lisi Nicola r_ujbuBHwyE-00282-00066475-00066744 picky me giovanni paisiello luigi ba r_ujbuBHwyE-00283-00066745-00066990 Carini Domenico simmer OSA and Luigi r_ujbuBHwyE-00284-00066991-00067277 Cherubini it is also the age in which r_ujbuBHwyE-00285-00067278-00067635 Italian music became international so to r_ujbuBHwyE-00286-00067636-00067806 speak with many of these Italian r_ujbuBHwyE-00287-00067807-00068264 composer's beginning to work abroad r_ujbuBHwyE-00288-00068265-00068792 topic nineteenth century r_ujbuBHwyE-00289-00068793-00069044 this is the century of romanticism in r_ujbuBHwyE-00290-00069045-00069313 European literature art and music r_ujbuBHwyE-00291-00069314-00069557 romanticism in music is marked by many r_ujbuBHwyE-00292-00069558-00069737 of the same characteristics that define r_ujbuBHwyE-00293-00069738-00069926 that century's literature and painting r_ujbuBHwyE-00294-00069927-00070121 less attention to the formalities of r_ujbuBHwyE-00295-00070122-00070349 classicism more involvement of human r_ujbuBHwyE-00296-00070350-00070562 passions such as love heroism courage r_ujbuBHwyE-00297-00070563-00070862 freedom etc all of which is a direct r_ujbuBHwyE-00298-00070863-00071039 outgrowth of the humanism of the French r_ujbuBHwyE-00299-00071040-00071131 enlightenment r_ujbuBHwyE-00300-00071132-00071369 Italian opera tends to forsake the r_ujbuBHwyE-00301-00071370-00071564 lightheartedness of the comic opera for r_ujbuBHwyE-00302-00071565-00071774 the more serious fare of Italian lyric r_ujbuBHwyE-00303-00071775-00072005 romantic 'some although the ever-popular r_ujbuBHwyE-00304-00072006-00072224 Rossini is certainly an exception to r_ujbuBHwyE-00305-00072225-00072431 that Italian music of the 19th century r_ujbuBHwyE-00306-00072432-00072635 is dominated at the beginning by the r_ujbuBHwyE-00307-00072636-00072734 likes of Bellini r_ujbuBHwyE-00308-00072735-00072962 dönitz Eddy and then of course for the r_ujbuBHwyE-00309-00072963-00073196 last 50 years of the century by Giuseppe r_ujbuBHwyE-00310-00073197-00073403 Verdi the greatest musical icon in r_ujbuBHwyE-00311-00073404-00073694 Italian history it is also the time of r_ujbuBHwyE-00312-00073695-00073883 the early career of Giacomo Puccini r_ujbuBHwyE-00313-00073884-00074096 perhaps the greatest composer of pure r_ujbuBHwyE-00314-00074097-00074303 melody in the history of Italian music r_ujbuBHwyE-00315-00074304-00074585 and certainly the last one Puccini is r_ujbuBHwyE-00316-00074586-00074765 the bridge to the age of the new music r_ujbuBHwyE-00317-00074766-00075224 of the 20th century r_ujbuBHwyE-00318-00075225-00075851 topic 20th century romanticism in all r_ujbuBHwyE-00319-00075852-00076061 European music certainly held on through r_ujbuBHwyE-00320-00076062-00076343 the turn of century in Italy the music r_ujbuBHwyE-00321-00076344-00076523 of Verdi and Puccini continued to r_ujbuBHwyE-00322-00076524-00076760 dominate for a number of years other r_ujbuBHwyE-00323-00076761-00077040 Italian romantic composers at least r_ujbuBHwyE-00324-00077041-00077252 composers who continued to compose in r_ujbuBHwyE-00325-00077253-00077459 the tonal traditions of Western music as r_ujbuBHwyE-00326-00077460-00077627 opposed to the new a tonality and r_ujbuBHwyE-00327-00077628-00077837 dissonance --is of post-world War one r_ujbuBHwyE-00328-00077838-00078171 Europe composers who made it into the r_ujbuBHwyE-00329-00078172-00078410 20th century include Arrigo Bowie dough r_ujbuBHwyE-00330-00078411-00078655 Ruggiero lien Cavallo Pietro Mascagni r_ujbuBHwyE-00331-00078656-00078971 Francesco cilia and on Torino Respighi r_ujbuBHwyE-00332-00078972-00079247 yet it was inevitable that Italian r_ujbuBHwyE-00333-00079248-00079430 composers would respond to the fading r_ujbuBHwyE-00334-00079431-00079637 values of romanticism and the cynicism r_ujbuBHwyE-00335-00079638-00079850 provoked in many European artistic r_ujbuBHwyE-00336-00079851-00080069 quarters by such things as World War one r_ujbuBHwyE-00337-00080070-00080303 and such cultural scientific phenomena r_ujbuBHwyE-00338-00080304-00080519 as psychoanalysis in which at least r_ujbuBHwyE-00339-00080520-00080768 according to Robert Louis Stevenson all r_ujbuBHwyE-00340-00080769-00080981 men have secret thoughts that would r_ujbuBHwyE-00341-00080982-00081332 shame hell romanticism in spite of its r_ujbuBHwyE-00342-00081333-00081527 lingering popularity with opera goers r_ujbuBHwyE-00343-00081528-00081760 died in the First World War r_ujbuBHwyE-00344-00081761-00082052 romantic music in Italy however cannot r_ujbuBHwyE-00345-00082053-00082199 be said to have died under its own r_ujbuBHwyE-00346-00082200-00082382 weight as one might say of the over long r_ujbuBHwyE-00347-00082383-00082574 and over orchestrated works of the late r_ujbuBHwyE-00348-00082575-00082790 romantic music in Germany that gave way r_ujbuBHwyE-00349-00082791-00083078 to minimalist music but abstraction and r_ujbuBHwyE-00350-00083079-00083390 a tonality and simply difficult music r_ujbuBHwyE-00351-00083391-00083576 did come to Italy after the death of r_ujbuBHwyE-00352-00083577-00083636 Puccini r_ujbuBHwyE-00353-00083637-00083871 among the most important Italian names r_ujbuBHwyE-00354-00083872-00084098 in twentieth-century music are Luciano r_ujbuBHwyE-00355-00084099-00084359 Berio Luigi dalla Pecola and go Fredo r_ujbuBHwyE-00356-00084360-00084826 Petra see r_ujbuBHwyE-00357-00084827-00085309 topic notes r_ujbuBHwyE-00358-00085310-00085516 you rA9Si9EsoEk-00000-00000046-00000302 welcome to the video water well flooding rA9Si9EsoEk-00001-00000303-00000542 what do you do from the national rA9Si9EsoEk-00002-00000543-00001154 groundwater Association what do you do rA9Si9EsoEk-00003-00001155-00001493 if your well floods first arrange for an rA9Si9EsoEk-00004-00001494-00001735 alternative source of water such as rA9Si9EsoEk-00005-00001736-00002092 bottled water note boiling water for two rA9Si9EsoEk-00006-00002093-00002345 to three minutes can kill bacteria but rA9Si9EsoEk-00007-00002346-00002575 may not be effective against other types rA9Si9EsoEk-00008-00002576-00002795 of contamination such as chemical rA9Si9EsoEk-00009-00002796-00003383 contamination second call a water well rA9Si9EsoEk-00010-00003384-00003588 system professional for an assessment rA9Si9EsoEk-00011-00003589-00003917 note this could take some time if many rA9Si9EsoEk-00012-00003918-00004163 wells have been flooded in an area but rA9Si9EsoEk-00013-00004164-00004420 as the next slide indicates recovery rA9Si9EsoEk-00014-00004421-00004872 from well flooding may require this rA9Si9EsoEk-00015-00004873-00005204 third do not attempt to service your own rA9Si9EsoEk-00016-00005205-00005438 well due to safety risk including rA9Si9EsoEk-00017-00005439-00005647 electrocution and the potential to rA9Si9EsoEk-00018-00005648-00005984 create more damage note think twice rA9Si9EsoEk-00019-00005985-00006184 about drinking water from a flooded well rA9Si9EsoEk-00020-00006185-00006484 until the well has been cleaned service rA9Si9EsoEk-00021-00006484-00007163 disinfected and tested safe well rA9Si9EsoEk-00022-00007164-00007331 disinfection and well cleaning after rA9Si9EsoEk-00023-00007331-00007709 flooding even under normal circumstances rA9Si9EsoEk-00024-00007709-00007952 proper disinfection of a water well can rA9Si9EsoEk-00025-00007953-00008467 be difficult for the untrained the rA9Si9EsoEk-00026-00008468-00008692 proper type and amount of disinfectant rA9Si9EsoEk-00027-00008693-00008928 its distributions through the system rA9Si9EsoEk-00028-00008929-00009188 contact time with the water and well rA9Si9EsoEk-00029-00009189-00009455 components and the wells cleanliness can rA9Si9EsoEk-00030-00009456-00009649 impact the effectiveness of well rA9Si9EsoEk-00031-00009650-00010246 disinfection when a well is flooded rA9Si9EsoEk-00032-00010247-00010445 disinfection can become even more rA9Si9EsoEk-00033-00010446-00010774 problematic flooding often introduces rA9Si9EsoEk-00034-00010775-00011027 organic matter into wells which can rA9Si9EsoEk-00035-00011028-00011276 react with disinfectants to create rA9Si9EsoEk-00036-00011277-00011474 disinfection byproducts that are rA9Si9EsoEk-00037-00011475-00012074 considered a health risk debris rA9Si9EsoEk-00038-00012075-00012338 sometimes enters a well when inundated rA9Si9EsoEk-00039-00012339-00012551 with floodwater this can require a rA9Si9EsoEk-00040-00012552-00012770 thorough cleaning of the well to remove rA9Si9EsoEk-00041-00012771-00012991 any debris that could be hazardous or rA9Si9EsoEk-00042-00012992-00013202 create an environment that harbors rA9Si9EsoEk-00043-00013203-00013654 bacteria rA9Si9EsoEk-00044-00013655-00013961 floodwaters can pick up substances that rA9Si9EsoEk-00045-00013962-00014191 have spilled such as chemicals from rA9Si9EsoEk-00046-00014193-00014549 storage bins or tanks extensive pumping rA9Si9EsoEk-00047-00014550-00014788 of the well and aquifer may be required rA9Si9EsoEk-00048-00014790-00015428 to eliminate contamination question rA9Si9EsoEk-00049-00015429-00015659 before drinking water from a flooded rA9Si9EsoEk-00050-00015660-00016001 well you should a shock chlorinate the rA9Si9EsoEk-00051-00016002-00016382 well be boil the water until the well is rA9Si9EsoEk-00052-00016383-00016724 cleaned serviced disinfected and tested rA9Si9EsoEk-00053-00016725-00017135 safe sea drink bottled water only until rA9Si9EsoEk-00054-00017136-00017432 the well is cleaned serviced disinfected rA9Si9EsoEk-00055-00017433-00017885 and tested safe ordy boil water or use rA9Si9EsoEk-00056-00017886-00018124 bottled water depending on the type of rA9Si9EsoEk-00057-00018125-00018577 contamination in the water rA9Si9EsoEk-00058-00018578-00018962 the answer is d boiling water for two to rA9Si9EsoEk-00059-00018963-00019178 three minutes will kill bacteria but it rA9Si9EsoEk-00060-00019179-00019358 may not be effective against other types rA9Si9EsoEk-00061-00019359-00019577 of contamination such as chemical rA9Si9EsoEk-00062-00019578-00020315 contamination question the way to know rA9Si9EsoEk-00063-00020316-00020500 that the effects of well flooding have rA9Si9EsoEk-00064-00020501-00020729 been eliminated is when pumped water is rA9Si9EsoEk-00065-00020730-00020963 clear and the well system has been rA9Si9EsoEk-00066-00020964-00021553 chlorinated true or false rA9Si9EsoEk-00067-00021554-00021755 the answer is false rA9Si9EsoEk-00068-00021756-00022064 when pumping the well until the water is rA9Si9EsoEk-00069-00022065-00022262 clear and chlorinating the well can be rA9Si9EsoEk-00070-00022263-00022508 good steps they may not eliminate all rA9Si9EsoEk-00071-00022509-00022778 the effects of flooding flood waters rA9Si9EsoEk-00072-00022779-00023018 also can penetrate the aquifer thus rA9Si9EsoEk-00073-00023019-00023240 requiring sufficient pumping to remove rA9Si9EsoEk-00074-00023241-00023491 this contaminated water from the aquifer rA9Si9EsoEk-00075-00023492-00023840 also a disinfectant such as chlorine can rA9Si9EsoEk-00076-00023841-00024068 be effective against bacteria but not rA9Si9EsoEk-00077-00024069-00024224 effective against certain other rA9Si9EsoEk-00078-00024225-00024416 pollutants such as chemical rA9Si9EsoEk-00079-00024417-00024778 contamination water testing is needed to rA9Si9EsoEk-00080-00024779-00024968 determine what contaminants are in the rA9Si9EsoEk-00081-00024969-00025199 water so proper steps can be taken to rA9Si9EsoEk-00082-00025200-00025835 make the water safe for drinking rA9Si9EsoEk-00083-00025836-00026085 well disinfection and well cleaning rA9Si9EsoEk-00084-00026086-00026361 after flooding flooded well should be rA9Si9EsoEk-00085-00026362-00026577 tested periodically after the well has rA9Si9EsoEk-00086-00026577-00026922 been restored follow-up testing can rA9Si9EsoEk-00087-00026923-00027186 detect the reappearance of any residual rA9Si9EsoEk-00088-00027187-00027429 contamination that was not completely rA9Si9EsoEk-00089-00027430-00028145 removed conclusion it is recommended rA9Si9EsoEk-00090-00028147-00028338 that after your well has been flooded rA9Si9EsoEk-00091-00028339-00028572 have a qualified water wealth system rA9Si9EsoEk-00092-00028573-00028985 professional inspect service clean and rA9Si9EsoEk-00093-00028986-00029702 disinfect your well system what can I do rA9Si9EsoEk-00094-00029704-00029983 to protect my well from flooding the rA9Si9EsoEk-00095-00029985-00030216 first step is to assess the rA9Si9EsoEk-00096-00030217-00030652 vulnerability of your well system rA9Si9EsoEk-00097-00030654-00030897 depending on the area or even the rA9Si9EsoEk-00098-00030898-00031131 specific spot where your well is located rA9Si9EsoEk-00099-00031132-00031437 flooding could threaten the quality of rA9Si9EsoEk-00100-00031438-00031737 your water supply or the condition of rA9Si9EsoEk-00101-00031738-00032394 your well system three considerations in rA9Si9EsoEk-00102-00032395-00032625 assessing the vulnerability of a well rA9Si9EsoEk-00103-00032626-00033000 system to flooding are one where the rA9Si9EsoEk-00104-00033001-00033372 wellhead is located to how the well is rA9Si9EsoEk-00105-00033373-00033714 constructed and three the condition of rA9Si9EsoEk-00106-00033715-00034305 the wellhead if the wellhead is located rA9Si9EsoEk-00107-00034306-00034557 up and away from the water flow rather rA9Si9EsoEk-00108-00034558-00034833 than in a low-lying area the chances of rA9Si9EsoEk-00109-00034834-00035019 surface water pooling around the rA9Si9EsoEk-00110-00035020-00035256 wellhead or topping the well cap are rA9Si9EsoEk-00111-00035257-00035943 lessened a well is less vulnerable to rA9Si9EsoEk-00112-00035944-00036135 flooding if the top of the well casing rA9Si9EsoEk-00113-00036136-00036458 is finished above the high water level rA9Si9EsoEk-00114-00036459-00036795 this minimizes the chances of flood rA9Si9EsoEk-00115-00036796-00036990 waters topping the well casing and rA9Si9EsoEk-00116-00036991-00037224 entering the well through the vent in rA9Si9EsoEk-00117-00037225-00037725 the well cap rA9Si9EsoEk-00118-00037726-00038047 special grout went properly installed in rA9Si9EsoEk-00119-00038048-00038224 the space between the outside of the rA9Si9EsoEk-00120-00038225-00038398 well casing and the inside of the rA9Si9EsoEk-00121-00038399-00038659 drilled hole can prevent surface water rA9Si9EsoEk-00122-00038660-00039478 from infiltrating the well condition of rA9Si9EsoEk-00123-00039479-00039751 the well deterioration of the well rA9Si9EsoEk-00124-00039752-00040057 casing grout or surface seals could rA9Si9EsoEk-00125-00040058-00040252 provide an entry point for flood water rA9Si9EsoEk-00126-00040253-00040570 into a well a well that is properly rA9Si9EsoEk-00127-00040571-00040879 maintained can minimize or eliminate the rA9Si9EsoEk-00128-00040880-00041682 Wells vulnerability to flooding question rA9Si9EsoEk-00129-00041683-00041946 whether your well is located on high rA9Si9EsoEk-00130-00041947-00042139 ground or low ground determines how rA9Si9EsoEk-00131-00042140-00042469 vulnerable your well is to flooding true rA9Si9EsoEk-00132-00042470-00043279 or false the answer is false a well can rA9Si9EsoEk-00133-00043280-00043507 be located on high ground on a piece of rA9Si9EsoEk-00134-00043508-00043765 property but if the well casing is below rA9Si9EsoEk-00135-00043766-00044002 the high-water mark or if there are rA9Si9EsoEk-00136-00044003-00044250 deficient surface seals in the wellhead rA9Si9EsoEk-00137-00044251-00044530 the well still could be vulnerable to rA9Si9EsoEk-00138-00044531-00044964 flooding rA9Si9EsoEk-00139-00044965-00045295 question common points of entry for rA9Si9EsoEk-00140-00045296-00045529 flood water into a poorly maintained rA9Si9EsoEk-00141-00045530-00046062 well include a deficient a grout seal B rA9Si9EsoEk-00142-00046063-00046726 well cap C well casing D none of the rA9Si9EsoEk-00143-00046727-00046765 above rA9Si9EsoEk-00144-00046766-00047768 e all of the above and F a and B only rA9Si9EsoEk-00145-00047769-00048047 the answer is all of the above the grout rA9Si9EsoEk-00146-00048048-00048349 seal the well cap and the well casing rA9Si9EsoEk-00147-00048350-00048703 all sanitary seals are intended to keep rA9Si9EsoEk-00148-00048704-00048971 contaminants out of the well and the rA9Si9EsoEk-00149-00048972-00049652 well water for more information about rA9Si9EsoEk-00150-00049653-00050044 water wells and water quality visit rA9Si9EsoEk-00151-00050045-00051121 ww-well Ono RG rA9Si9EsoEk-00152-00051122-00051328 you rBdRYAYOYc0-00000-00000039-00000318 welcome back to rebecca's travels rBdRYAYOYc0-00001-00000319-00000487 or if you're watching my lifestyle rBdRYAYOYc0-00002-00000488-00000647 channel welcome back to rBdRYAYOYc0-00003-00000648-00000919 rebecca's lifestyle channel today i'm rBdRYAYOYc0-00004-00000919-00001087 going to be doing rBdRYAYOYc0-00005-00001088-00001462 my brand new exciting travel rBdRYAYOYc0-00006-00001463-00001823 and lifestyle channels improvements rBdRYAYOYc0-00007-00001823-00002142 and updates and more rBdRYAYOYc0-00008-00002143-00002463 so let's fire away rBdRYAYOYc0-00009-00002464-00002950 now before we fire away just one thing rBdRYAYOYc0-00010-00002951-00003183 you subscribe to my channel it's the red rBdRYAYOYc0-00011-00003184-00003367 and white subscription button rBdRYAYOYc0-00012-00003368-00003638 also click the notification bell i rBdRYAYOYc0-00013-00003639-00003703 upload rBdRYAYOYc0-00014-00003704-00004006 at least five times a week rBdRYAYOYc0-00015-00004007-00004359 and every time i upload you'll receive a rBdRYAYOYc0-00016-00004360-00004599 notification that i've uploaded rBdRYAYOYc0-00017-00004600-00004902 a travel or lifestyle rBdRYAYOYc0-00018-00004903-00005263 vlog and as for the improvement rBdRYAYOYc0-00019-00005264-00005679 so once i get to 2000 subscribers rBdRYAYOYc0-00020-00005680-00006015 on my travel channel i will be doing rBdRYAYOYc0-00021-00006016-00006359 q and a's vlogs on rBdRYAYOYc0-00022-00006360-00006687 my lifestyle channel and travel channel rBdRYAYOYc0-00023-00006688-00007083 and my travel channel has currently rBdRYAYOYc0-00024-00007084-00007398 1500 subscribers rBdRYAYOYc0-00025-00007400-00007727 so i really want to get it up to 2000 rBdRYAYOYc0-00026-00007728-00007895 subscribers rBdRYAYOYc0-00027-00007895-00008207 as soon as possible and i'm really rBdRYAYOYc0-00028-00008208-00008303 grateful rBdRYAYOYc0-00029-00008304-00009199 uh for all the 1521 subscribers rBdRYAYOYc0-00030-00009200-00009542 and any of you can also subscribe to my rBdRYAYOYc0-00031-00009543-00009623 live rBdRYAYOYc0-00032-00009624-00010039 style channel for free as well and rBdRYAYOYc0-00033-00010040-00010327 and i'm really grateful for everybody rBdRYAYOYc0-00034-00010328-00010567 that's viewed and subscribed to my rBdRYAYOYc0-00035-00010568-00010783 channel rBdRYAYOYc0-00036-00010784-00011078 at both my travel and my lifestyle rBdRYAYOYc0-00037-00011079-00011167 channel rBdRYAYOYc0-00038-00011168-00011495 and again i will also rBdRYAYOYc0-00039-00011496-00011935 uh be doing live chats for free as well rBdRYAYOYc0-00040-00011936-00012287 once i get to 2 000 subscribers on my rBdRYAYOYc0-00041-00012288-00012623 travel channel rBdRYAYOYc0-00042-00012624-00012927 and um rBdRYAYOYc0-00043-00012928-00013175 that'll make it even more exciting and rBdRYAYOYc0-00044-00013176-00013311 interesting rBdRYAYOYc0-00045-00013312-00013575 for yourself and myself as well because rBdRYAYOYc0-00046-00013576-00013663 i love rBdRYAYOYc0-00047-00013663-00014127 talking about travel and lifestyle rBdRYAYOYc0-00048-00014128-00014503 and so um rBdRYAYOYc0-00049-00014504-00014830 updates and are next week's rBdRYAYOYc0-00050-00014831-00015271 um travel videos and they'll also be rBdRYAYOYc0-00051-00015272-00015503 available on my lifestyle channel as rBdRYAYOYc0-00052-00015504-00015663 well these rBdRYAYOYc0-00053-00015663-00015991 which is going to be monday and rBdRYAYOYc0-00054-00015991-00016407 top 10 exciting travel news rBdRYAYOYc0-00055-00016408-00016783 destination well rBdRYAYOYc0-00056-00016784-00017094 sorry top 10 exciting travel news rBdRYAYOYc0-00057-00017095-00017363 worldwide part 3 rBdRYAYOYc0-00058-00017364-00017703 2021 tuesday upcoming travel rBdRYAYOYc0-00059-00017704-00017879 destinations uk rBdRYAYOYc0-00060-00017880-00018191 part 5 2021 rBdRYAYOYc0-00061-00018192-00018455 when we are going to be allowed to rBdRYAYOYc0-00062-00018456-00018519 travel rBdRYAYOYc0-00063-00018520-00018950 that that is um again rBdRYAYOYc0-00064-00018951-00019263 for leisure reasons and um rBdRYAYOYc0-00065-00019264-00019630 wednesday again top exciting places to rBdRYAYOYc0-00066-00019631-00019727 visit rBdRYAYOYc0-00067-00019728-00020055 worldwide 2021 part rBdRYAYOYc0-00068-00020056-00020511 one also um i'm going to be doing top 10 rBdRYAYOYc0-00069-00020512-00020863 exciting travel news worldwide part rBdRYAYOYc0-00070-00020864-00021358 4 on thursday and that is 2021 this year rBdRYAYOYc0-00071-00021359-00021711 and friday is going to be my travel rBdRYAYOYc0-00072-00021712-00022150 and lifestyle improvements and updates rBdRYAYOYc0-00073-00022151-00022471 and so rBdRYAYOYc0-00074-00022472-00022878 in the meantime i wish um rBdRYAYOYc0-00075-00022879-00023230 everybody uh stays in with me rBdRYAYOYc0-00076-00023231-00023671 um again watch um my other rBdRYAYOYc0-00077-00023672-00024007 travel and lifestyle playlist rBdRYAYOYc0-00078-00024008-00024486 videos and rBdRYAYOYc0-00079-00024487-00025022 everybody stays safe and rBdRYAYOYc0-00080-00025023-00025511 hopefully we'll be able to get out of rBdRYAYOYc0-00081-00025512-00025870 this pandemic as soon as possible rBdRYAYOYc0-00082-00025872-00026190 and i'll let you know when we can rBdRYAYOYc0-00083-00026191-00026518 start traveling again for leisure rBdRYAYOYc0-00084-00026519-00026662 purposes rBdRYAYOYc0-00085-00026663-00027135 and holidays so thank you for watching rBdRYAYOYc0-00086-00027136-00027407 all of you subscribers and viewers mean rBdRYAYOYc0-00087-00027408-00027527 the world to me rBdRYAYOYc0-00088-00027527-00027879 and thank you and bye for now thank you rBdRYAYOYc0-00089-00027880-00028183 bye and i'll see you monday at 6 30. rBdRYAYOYc0-00090-00028183-00028568 thank you bye rDkn5XTZTaU-00000-00000138-00000359 welcome to another video rDkn5XTZTaU-00001-00000360-00000574 this is probably as far as I can rDkn5XTZTaU-00002-00000575-00000875 remember my first win in English as you rDkn5XTZTaU-00003-00000876-00001120 can probably notice I'm here to improve rDkn5XTZTaU-00004-00001121-00001277 my English speech rDkn5XTZTaU-00005-00001278-00001589 I hope it's understandable rDkn5XTZTaU-00006-00001590-00001889 this video I bring you a news my first rDkn5XTZTaU-00007-00001889-00002183 contribution for the math community rDkn5XTZTaU-00008-00002184-00002425 oh it's not really a groundbreaking rDkn5XTZTaU-00009-00002426-00002710 contribution it's not something that rDkn5XTZTaU-00010-00002711-00002963 will change math or solve known problems rDkn5XTZTaU-00011-00002964-00003281 such as Hyman hypothesis RP versus NP rDkn5XTZTaU-00012-00003282-00003599 problem however any contributions to rDkn5XTZTaU-00013-00003600-00003947 math is relevant math is made of pieces rDkn5XTZTaU-00014-00003947-00004199 one idea from here another idea from rDkn5XTZTaU-00015-00004200-00004577 there and so on I hope maybe maybe my rDkn5XTZTaU-00016-00004578-00004786 contribution will contribute to a new rDkn5XTZTaU-00017-00004787-00005152 idea or even an idea for a solution to rDkn5XTZTaU-00018-00005153-00005375 these famous problems rDkn5XTZTaU-00019-00005376-00005620 in order to talk about this contribution rDkn5XTZTaU-00020-00005621-00005867 I will need to contextualize firstly rDkn5XTZTaU-00021-00005868-00006167 about the Fibonacci sequence many of you rDkn5XTZTaU-00022-00006168-00006352 probably know what the Fibonacci rDkn5XTZTaU-00023-00006353-00006605 sequences is starting from two numbers rDkn5XTZTaU-00024-00006606-00006898 one and one the next terms in the rDkn5XTZTaU-00025-00006900-00007120 sequence are the sum of the previous two rDkn5XTZTaU-00026-00007122-00007642 terms in that way we get 1 1 2 3 5 8 13 rDkn5XTZTaU-00027-00007643-00007978 21 and so on rDkn5XTZTaU-00028-00007979-00008278 there are other fibonacci-like sequences rDkn5XTZTaU-00029-00008279-00008560 such as Lucas numbers a sequence that rDkn5XTZTaU-00030-00008561-00008764 has the exact same logic behind rDkn5XTZTaU-00031-00008765-00009035 Fibonacci but instead of starting from rDkn5XTZTaU-00032-00009036-00009323 one and one the local sequence starts rDkn5XTZTaU-00033-00009324-00009664 from two and one in this exact order the rDkn5XTZTaU-00034-00009665-00009796 order matters rDkn5XTZTaU-00035-00009797-00010109 the third term will be two plus one rDkn5XTZTaU-00036-00010110-00010421 equals three the fourth term will be one rDkn5XTZTaU-00037-00010422-00010805 plus three equals four and so on the rDkn5XTZTaU-00038-00010806-00011056 terms of this sequence will result in 2 rDkn5XTZTaU-00039-00011057-00012031 1 3 4 7 11 18 29 47 76 and so on rDkn5XTZTaU-00040-00012032-00012359 then there are ideas such as Keith rDkn5XTZTaU-00041-00012360-00012706 numbers Keith numbers are numbers that rDkn5XTZTaU-00042-00012707-00012905 are present in a sequence that starts rDkn5XTZTaU-00043-00012906-00013180 with their own digits as the first terms rDkn5XTZTaU-00044-00013181-00013451 of the sequence and progresses at the rDkn5XTZTaU-00045-00013452-00013775 sum of the previous K terms where K is rDkn5XTZTaU-00046-00013776-00014021 the count of digits of that number for rDkn5XTZTaU-00047-00014022-00014435 example 14 14 has a digits one and four rDkn5XTZTaU-00048-00014436-00014788 so we start the sequence as one four the rDkn5XTZTaU-00049-00014790-00015083 next term will be 1 plus 4 equals five rDkn5XTZTaU-00050-00015084-00015521 then next four plus five equals nine the rDkn5XTZTaU-00051-00015522-00015893 next five plus nine equals fourteen see rDkn5XTZTaU-00052-00015894-00016258 we reached 14. the number that we start rDkn5XTZTaU-00053-00016259-00016739 with so 14 is a keyf number because 14 rDkn5XTZTaU-00054-00016740-00016991 appears on this sequence rDkn5XTZTaU-00055-00016992-00017422 let's bring another example 15 15 has a rDkn5XTZTaU-00056-00017423-00017717 digits 1 and 5 so we start the sequence rDkn5XTZTaU-00057-00017718-00017999 as one five the next term will be one rDkn5XTZTaU-00058-00018000-00018394 plus five equals six the next five plus rDkn5XTZTaU-00059-00018395-00019063 six equals eleven the next 6 plus 11 rDkn5XTZTaU-00060-00019064-00019403 17. we reached a number greater than rDkn5XTZTaU-00061-00019404-00019936 fifteen so never reach 15 so 15 is not a rDkn5XTZTaU-00062-00019937-00020171 key number rDkn5XTZTaU-00063-00020172-00020422 let's contact slides about other thing rDkn5XTZTaU-00064-00020423-00020693 the online encyclopedia of integer rDkn5XTZTaU-00065-00020694-00020963 sequences as an implies it's an online rDkn5XTZTaU-00066-00020964-00021193 math database of sequences of numbers rDkn5XTZTaU-00067-00021194-00021514 famous sequences are there such as prime rDkn5XTZTaU-00068-00021515-00021844 numbers natural positive numbers verbs rDkn5XTZTaU-00069-00021845-00022186 of two parts of 10 Fibonacci numbers rDkn5XTZTaU-00070-00022187-00022571 look as numbers and keyf numbers the rDkn5XTZTaU-00071-00022572-00022883 oais was founded by a mathematician rDkn5XTZTaU-00072-00022884-00023303 named new islone in 1964. it's currently rDkn5XTZTaU-00073-00023304-00023567 a house for hundreds of thousands of rDkn5XTZTaU-00074-00023568-00023867 sequences from anywhere rDkn5XTZTaU-00075-00023868-00024167 anyone interested in math can contribute rDkn5XTZTaU-00076-00024168-00024389 there and so did I rDkn5XTZTaU-00077-00024390-00024628 let's get back to the idea of Keith rDkn5XTZTaU-00078-00024629-00024977 numbers we saw how to make the sequences rDkn5XTZTaU-00079-00024978-00025283 that can determine if a number N is a rDkn5XTZTaU-00080-00025284-00025571 key number or not we start from the rDkn5XTZTaU-00081-00025572-00025967 individual K digits of that number n and rDkn5XTZTaU-00082-00025968-00026200 for the next terms we send the previous rDkn5XTZTaU-00083-00026201-00026662 K terms in this sequence until we reach rDkn5XTZTaU-00084-00026663-00026987 the number and itself rDkn5XTZTaU-00085-00026988-00027346 for non-chief numbers logically we can't rDkn5XTZTaU-00086-00027347-00027635 reach n itself however we will rDkn5XTZTaU-00087-00027636-00027857 eventually get a number greater than n rDkn5XTZTaU-00088-00027858-00028174 an inflection point of the sequence my rDkn5XTZTaU-00089-00028175-00028505 idea was what if we send all the terms rDkn5XTZTaU-00090-00028506-00028751 of that sequence for each of the N rDkn5XTZTaU-00091-00028752-00028990 positive natural numbers what would we rDkn5XTZTaU-00092-00028991-00029099 get rDkn5XTZTaU-00093-00029100-00029435 let's start with n equals 10. 10 has the rDkn5XTZTaU-00094-00029436-00029735 digits 1 and 0 spoiler it's not Keith rDkn5XTZTaU-00095-00029736-00029831 number rDkn5XTZTaU-00096-00029832-00030095 starting from the first two terms one rDkn5XTZTaU-00097-00030095-00030358 and zero let's determine the next terms rDkn5XTZTaU-00098-00030360-00030685 of this sequence 1 plus 0 equals one rDkn5XTZTaU-00099-00030686-00031079 zero plus one equals one again one plus rDkn5XTZTaU-00100-00031080-00031277 one equals two rDkn5XTZTaU-00101-00031277-00031552 one plus two equals three two plus three rDkn5XTZTaU-00102-00031554-00031774 equals five look we're getting a rDkn5XTZTaU-00103-00031775-00031943 Fibonacci here rDkn5XTZTaU-00104-00031944-00032320 well sort of Fibonacci as it started rDkn5XTZTaU-00105-00032322-00032758 from one and zero eventually we reach 13 rDkn5XTZTaU-00106-00032760-00033118 the seventh term of Fibonacci in the rDkn5XTZTaU-00107-00033119-00033401 sequence however rDkn5XTZTaU-00108-00033402-00033652 it will be the ninth term so the rDkn5XTZTaU-00109-00033653-00033952 sequence will have nine terms in total rDkn5XTZTaU-00110-00033953-00034349 the complete sequence is one zero one rDkn5XTZTaU-00111-00034350-00034967 one two three five eight thirteen rDkn5XTZTaU-00112-00034968-00035459 now let's send these terms one plus zero rDkn5XTZTaU-00113-00035460-00035657 plus one plus one plus two plus three rDkn5XTZTaU-00114-00035658-00035837 plus five plus eight plus thirteen rDkn5XTZTaU-00115-00035838-00036179 equals 34. rDkn5XTZTaU-00116-00036180-00036551 let's take a Keef number 14. the rDkn5XTZTaU-00117-00036552-00036887 sequence we formed earlier is one four rDkn5XTZTaU-00118-00036888-00037168 five nine fourteen rDkn5XTZTaU-00119-00037169-00037499 a sequence with five terms rDkn5XTZTaU-00120-00037500-00037907 let's send out these terms one plus four rDkn5XTZTaU-00121-00037908-00038273 plus five plus nine plus fourteen equals rDkn5XTZTaU-00122-00038274-00038512 33. rDkn5XTZTaU-00123-00038513-00038830 we can do the same for any positive rDkn5XTZTaU-00124-00038831-00039035 natural number and we will get rDkn5XTZTaU-00125-00039036-00039383 interesting numbers that's what I did rDkn5XTZTaU-00126-00039384-00039773 notice how numbers below 10 results in rDkn5XTZTaU-00127-00039774-00040085 the number itself because they're kinda rDkn5XTZTaU-00128-00040086-00040499 of Keith number by definition numbers is rDkn5XTZTaU-00129-00040500-00040865 smaller than 10 aren't included in the rDkn5XTZTaU-00130-00040866-00041123 concept of keyf numbers so does my rDkn5XTZTaU-00131-00041124-00041279 sequence rDkn5XTZTaU-00132-00041280-00041839 is starting from then the persons are 34 rDkn5XTZTaU-00133-00041840-00043145 33 32 44 33 40 47 54 61 39 68 and so on rDkn5XTZTaU-00134-00043146-00043459 the full sequence can be seen at rDkn5XTZTaU-00135-00043460-00044189 oais.org under the ID a361759 rDkn5XTZTaU-00136-00044190-00044723 described as the sum of B of I where the rDkn5XTZTaU-00137-00044724-00045133 first B terms are all K digits of n rDkn5XTZTaU-00138-00045134-00045515 followed by Keith license of the rDkn5XTZTaU-00139-00045516-00045935 previous K digits until B of I is rDkn5XTZTaU-00140-00045936-00046295 greater or equal to n Well the rDkn5XTZTaU-00141-00046296-00046552 description looks a bit complicated but rDkn5XTZTaU-00142-00046553-00046846 I hope this video made it easy to rDkn5XTZTaU-00143-00046847-00046996 understand rDkn5XTZTaU-00144-00046997-00047279 there's even a ruby code that I created rDkn5XTZTaU-00145-00047280-00047608 in order to generate a formation Sun of rDkn5XTZTaU-00146-00047609-00048052 any n positive integer I'm a developer I rDkn5XTZTaU-00147-00048053-00048227 know a bunch of programming languages rDkn5XTZTaU-00148-00048228-00048562 and in a daily basis I generally use rDkn5XTZTaU-00149-00048563-00049127 JavaScript node.js and PHP however rebi rDkn5XTZTaU-00150-00049128-00049367 seemed the best rDkn5XTZTaU-00151-00049368-00049649 to this problem as Robbie results in a rDkn5XTZTaU-00152-00049650-00049895 more compact code that order languages rDkn5XTZTaU-00153-00049896-00050218 couldn't afford without third libraries rDkn5XTZTaU-00154-00050219-00050602 such as numpy and low Dash rDkn5XTZTaU-00155-00050603-00051065 I publish my sequence on March 23rd and rDkn5XTZTaU-00156-00051066-00051461 it got approved yesterday March 26th rDkn5XTZTaU-00157-00051462-00051808 after some modifications from me and rDkn5XTZTaU-00158-00051809-00052187 other fellow collaborators at oais that rDkn5XTZTaU-00159-00052188-00052426 helped me improve the details of the rDkn5XTZTaU-00160-00052427-00052763 sequence I would like to thank maicho rDkn5XTZTaU-00161-00052764-00053254 Marcos Andrew Hall royd John's cornfield rDkn5XTZTaU-00162-00053255-00053632 and news loan yeah the founder of oeiis rDkn5XTZTaU-00163-00053633-00054221 himself for the help thanks rDkn5XTZTaU-00164-00054222-00054425 that's all for the video I hope you rDkn5XTZTaU-00165-00054426-00054659 liked it and mainly I hope you rDkn5XTZTaU-00166-00054660-00054976 understood it greetings from Brazil at rDkn5XTZTaU-00167-00054977-00055255 the operas movie rDrqdcctMVc-00000-00000176-00000335 ah rDrqdcctMVc-00001-00000336-00000534 so glad to be back rDrqdcctMVc-00002-00000535-00000847 hello game choiro welcome back oh hey rDrqdcctMVc-00003-00000848-00001070 podcast adam rDrqdcctMVc-00004-00001071-00001454 and also man congratulations on your rDrqdcctMVc-00005-00001455-00001695 podcast would not to me uttar your 10th rDrqdcctMVc-00006-00001696-00001839 to guess rDrqdcctMVc-00007-00001839-00001942 thank you rDrqdcctMVc-00008-00001943-00002102 hey man do you want to play heads and rDrqdcctMVc-00009-00002103-00002367 tails sure i would like to play rDrqdcctMVc-00010-00002368-00002695 a game of heads and tails i pick tail rDrqdcctMVc-00011-00002696-00003286 i pick heads all right rDrqdcctMVc-00012-00003288-00003383 ah rDrqdcctMVc-00013-00003384-00003775 see i told you man i never lose rDrqdcctMVc-00014-00003776-00003951 well mr winner rDrqdcctMVc-00015-00003952-00004206 you got to do the intro for the video rDrqdcctMVc-00016-00004207-00004447 since you haven't been here for a while rDrqdcctMVc-00017-00004448-00004791 see you around good night rDrqdcctMVc-00018-00004792-00005047 all right gg rDrqdcctMVc-00019-00005048-00005206 well everyone rDrqdcctMVc-00020-00005207-00005399 please enjoy rDrqdcctMVc-00021-00005400-00005615 my the 14 rDrqdcctMVc-00022-00005616-00006302 report of heads see you there rDrqdcctMVc-00023-00006303-00006655 once again i am home rDrqdcctMVc-00024-00006656-00006983 and here's another video rDrqdcctMVc-00025-00006984-00009246 for your pc rDrqdcctMVc-00026-00009247-00009399 as you can see rDrqdcctMVc-00027-00009400-00009567 thank you all rDrqdcctMVc-00028-00009568-00009831 for giving me to 100 sub rDrqdcctMVc-00029-00009832-00010039 once again thank you for not only rDrqdcctMVc-00030-00010040-00010278 watching my previous video rDrqdcctMVc-00031-00010279-00010638 but along with my scs video rDrqdcctMVc-00032-00010639-00010767 and also rDrqdcctMVc-00033-00010768-00011135 my last podcast episode with natsume rDrqdcctMVc-00034-00011136-00011283 utta as rDrqdcctMVc-00035-00011284-00011719 well for today's topic we are back with rDrqdcctMVc-00036-00011720-00012127 the 14th japanese report of rDrqdcctMVc-00037-00012128-00012270 heads rDrqdcctMVc-00038-00012271-00012542 of their own story that i could tell the rDrqdcctMVc-00039-00012543-00012846 best way i can along with explaining one rDrqdcctMVc-00040-00012847-00013102 okay rock as well rDrqdcctMVc-00041-00013103-00013430 as usual i'm going to speak in english rDrqdcctMVc-00042-00013431-00013758 in japanese but for this video i'm gonna rDrqdcctMVc-00043-00013759-00014175 also add two more subtitles of german rDrqdcctMVc-00044-00014176-00014351 and korean rDrqdcctMVc-00045-00014352-00014655 along with of course the japanese in rDrqdcctMVc-00046-00014656-00015015 english subtitles too so as usual rDrqdcctMVc-00047-00015016-00015638 let's start the game rDrqdcctMVc-00048-00015640-00015966 we're gonna start off with our leader rDrqdcctMVc-00049-00015968-00016135 for heads rDrqdcctMVc-00050-00016136-00016279 takura rDrqdcctMVc-00051-00016280-00016422 yuhara rDrqdcctMVc-00052-00016423-00016863 born in 1988 june the 22nd from osaka rDrqdcctMVc-00053-00016864-00017022 prefecture rDrqdcctMVc-00054-00017023-00017383 er moguichi city japan rDrqdcctMVc-00055-00017384-00017711 the second member is named toru rDrqdcctMVc-00056-00017712-00017991 yamashita born in the winter of the same rDrqdcctMVc-00057-00017992-00018071 year rDrqdcctMVc-00058-00018072-00018503 as the same city as japan like takura rDrqdcctMVc-00059-00018504-00018863 on december the 7th in osaka the third rDrqdcctMVc-00060-00018864-00019063 to last member is rDrqdcctMVc-00061-00019064-00019511 kohei nakamura born in 1989 september rDrqdcctMVc-00062-00019512-00019775 the 17th rDrqdcctMVc-00063-00019776-00019927 last member rDrqdcctMVc-00064-00019928-00020494 is ryoto obama born in the same place as rDrqdcctMVc-00065-00020495-00020791 two of the members from osaka rDrqdcctMVc-00066-00020792-00020863 but rDrqdcctMVc-00067-00020864-00021175 a few days earlier than kohei on rDrqdcctMVc-00068-00021176-00021383 september the 4th rDrqdcctMVc-00069-00021384-00021543 they've all met rDrqdcctMVc-00070-00021544-00021807 each other in a school called rDrqdcctMVc-00071-00021808-00022294 cala's vocal and dance school from 1996. rDrqdcctMVc-00072-00022295-00022550 in the next year they won teens music rDrqdcctMVc-00073-00022551-00022735 festival rDrqdcctMVc-00074-00022736-00023007 from that point this is where victor rDrqdcctMVc-00075-00023008-00023150 entertainment rDrqdcctMVc-00076-00023151-00023422 stepped in and signed them and this is rDrqdcctMVc-00077-00023423-00023758 where we're going to move into our next rDrqdcctMVc-00078-00023759-00023878 chapter rDrqdcctMVc-00079-00023879-00024039 for their rDrqdcctMVc-00080-00024040-00024671 discography rDrqdcctMVc-00081-00024672-00024863 the first single to start off this rDrqdcctMVc-00082-00024864-00025199 chapter is called scream rDrqdcctMVc-00083-00025200-00025430 released in the start of the millennium rDrqdcctMVc-00084-00025431-00025790 of july the 26th in 2000 rDrqdcctMVc-00085-00025791-00026158 the second single was a decision of good rDrqdcctMVc-00086-00026160-00026518 or bad was decided in the same year of rDrqdcctMVc-00087-00026519-00026887 the 22nd of september rDrqdcctMVc-00088-00026888-00027046 the third single rDrqdcctMVc-00089-00027047-00027423 is what we all want a perfect land found rDrqdcctMVc-00090-00027424-00027790 on march the 23rd of 2001 rDrqdcctMVc-00091-00027791-00028199 progressive form is the fourth single of rDrqdcctMVc-00092-00028200-00028374 shinkoke rDrqdcctMVc-00093-00028375-00028783 updated in the 25th of july of the same rDrqdcctMVc-00094-00028783-00028895 year rDrqdcctMVc-00095-00028895-00029174 the second to last single is rDrqdcctMVc-00096-00029175-00029255 rey rDrqdcctMVc-00097-00029256-00029446 of courtesy rDrqdcctMVc-00098-00029447-00029839 gave thanks into the new years of 2002 rDrqdcctMVc-00099-00029839-00030095 january the 23rd rDrqdcctMVc-00100-00030095-00030462 last single is a cover of rDrqdcctMVc-00101-00030463-00030711 moto harusano rDrqdcctMVc-00102-00030712-00030862 someday rDrqdcctMVc-00103-00030863-00031199 released on wednesday in the same year rDrqdcctMVc-00104-00031200-00031455 of july the 24th rDrqdcctMVc-00105-00031456-00031751 last thing to mention for this chapter rDrqdcctMVc-00106-00031752-00032023 is that their first and only album rDrqdcctMVc-00107-00032024-00032127 called rDrqdcctMVc-00108-00032127-00032311 mike master rDrqdcctMVc-00109-00032312-00032511 handed their last mic rDrqdcctMVc-00110-00032512-00032862 in the 21st of february rDrqdcctMVc-00111-00032863-00033127 of once again in the same year and rDrqdcctMVc-00112-00033128-00033302 released rDrqdcctMVc-00113-00033303-00033662 all the songs before their last single rDrqdcctMVc-00114-00033663-00033959 but hopefully someday is in rDrqdcctMVc-00115-00033960-00034246 that first album specifically rDrqdcctMVc-00116-00034247-00034543 i believe their popularity rDrqdcctMVc-00117-00034544-00034646 and rDrqdcctMVc-00118-00034647-00034951 group has been from that point all the rDrqdcctMVc-00119-00034952-00035271 way to 2005 and the reason why is rDrqdcctMVc-00120-00035272-00035702 because this is where ryota and toru are rDrqdcctMVc-00121-00035703-00036055 in a new band which we will get to now rDrqdcctMVc-00122-00036056-00036135 know rDrqdcctMVc-00123-00036136-00036839 into the next chapter rDrqdcctMVc-00124-00036840-00037151 toru and ryota made a group that is rDrqdcctMVc-00125-00037152-00037551 still around to this day called one okay rDrqdcctMVc-00126-00037552-00037974 rock aka one o'clock along with rDrqdcctMVc-00127-00037975-00038215 takashiro morichi rDrqdcctMVc-00128-00038216-00038446 and tomoya ganki rDrqdcctMVc-00129-00038447-00038567 originally rDrqdcctMVc-00130-00038568-00038887 there were two other manavers but due to rDrqdcctMVc-00131-00038888-00039199 their bad behavior they were kicked out rDrqdcctMVc-00132-00039200-00039455 of the group before their fourth album rDrqdcctMVc-00133-00039456-00039807 was released in 2009 rDrqdcctMVc-00134-00039808-00039967 speaking of which rDrqdcctMVc-00135-00039968-00040143 i will go over rDrqdcctMVc-00136-00040144-00040430 their nine albums along with singles the rDrqdcctMVc-00137-00040431-00040695 best way i can but before we get to that rDrqdcctMVc-00138-00040696-00041023 we got to introduce the two new members rDrqdcctMVc-00139-00041024-00041527 taka the leader aka takashiro morichi rDrqdcctMVc-00140-00041528-00041911 born in april the 17th of 1988 rDrqdcctMVc-00141-00041912-00042311 previously in johnny's junior since 2001 rDrqdcctMVc-00142-00042312-00042535 and was in a group called news until rDrqdcctMVc-00143-00042536-00042718 2006 rDrqdcctMVc-00144-00042719-00043127 and from tokyo japan rDrqdcctMVc-00145-00043128-00043523 lastly tomoya kanki born in rDrqdcctMVc-00146-00043524-00043855 1987 june the 27th rDrqdcctMVc-00147-00043856-00044230 hugo prefecture and he is the drummer rDrqdcctMVc-00148-00044231-00044518 toru and ryota's rDrqdcctMVc-00149-00044519-00044607 role rDrqdcctMVc-00150-00044608-00044918 is they are the bases and now on to rDrqdcctMVc-00151-00044919-00045223 their discography their first album with rDrqdcctMVc-00152-00045224-00045607 three singles called and translated rDrqdcctMVc-00153-00045608-00046071 as living in zetta cool bayou a luxury rDrqdcctMVc-00154-00046072-00046174 stick rDrqdcctMVc-00155-00046175-00046502 began their living on the 21st of rDrqdcctMVc-00156-00046503-00046735 november 2007 rDrqdcctMVc-00157-00046736-00047102 on amuse inc records and made it to the rDrqdcctMVc-00158-00047103-00047190 gold rDrqdcctMVc-00159-00047191-00047430 15th place rDrqdcctMVc-00160-00047431-00047702 their first single was holding it all rDrqdcctMVc-00161-00047703-00047983 inside called nahi rDrqdcctMVc-00162-00047984-00048390 sinshiro kept on the 48th place nine rDrqdcctMVc-00163-00048391-00048758 times and finally let out on the 25th of rDrqdcctMVc-00164-00048759-00048943 april rDrqdcctMVc-00165-00048944-00049118 the second single rDrqdcctMVc-00166-00049119-00049462 was absolutely a you menu man dropped rDrqdcctMVc-00167-00049463-00049830 upon the 25th of july and woke up on the rDrqdcctMVc-00168-00049831-00050190 4th third place six times in a row rDrqdcctMVc-00169-00050191-00050511 their third single from their first rDrqdcctMVc-00170-00050512-00050646 album is rDrqdcctMVc-00171-00050647-00050774 etc rDrqdcctMVc-00172-00050775-00051143 and it reached the 29th place four time rDrqdcctMVc-00173-00051144-00051502 and was released on october the 24th the rDrqdcctMVc-00174-00051503-00051854 second album called beam of light shot rDrqdcctMVc-00175-00051855-00052158 its beam to the 17th place rDrqdcctMVc-00176-00052159-00052375 sixth time on may the rDrqdcctMVc-00177-00052376-00052854 28th 2008 also their first but not last rDrqdcctMVc-00178-00052855-00053126 album made it to america rDrqdcctMVc-00179-00053127-00053447 but not really their own american album rDrqdcctMVc-00180-00053448-00053694 ranking it to the fourth out of five rDrqdcctMVc-00181-00053695-00053847 stars rDrqdcctMVc-00182-00053848-00054230 their third album is a kanjo effect rDrqdcctMVc-00183-00054232-00054591 release its spirits of emotions on the rDrqdcctMVc-00184-00054591-00054871 september the 12th of the same year rDrqdcctMVc-00185-00054872-00055182 while making it into the golden rDrqdcctMVc-00186-00055183-00055335 thirteenth place rDrqdcctMVc-00187-00055336-00055471 along with rDrqdcctMVc-00188-00055472-00055807 five and a half stars in the us rDrqdcctMVc-00189-00055808-00056119 their fourth single translated as heart rDrqdcctMVc-00190-00056120-00056447 love from cupid became an ending theme rDrqdcctMVc-00191-00056448-00056759 for the comedy variety show called aviva rDrqdcctMVc-00192-00056760-00056966 gadan rDrqdcctMVc-00193-00056967-00057207 in the same year they rDrqdcctMVc-00194-00057208-00057519 have their first live video tour called rDrqdcctMVc-00195-00057520-00057847 world shredder placed on the 60th on the rDrqdcctMVc-00196-00057848-00058230 ocon chart and performed in the shibuya rDrqdcctMVc-00197-00058232-00058359 club rDrqdcctMVc-00198-00058360-00058494 quarter rDrqdcctMVc-00199-00058495-00058759 their sixth year was the four rDrqdcctMVc-00200-00058760-00059142 remaining members of taka toru rDrqdcctMVc-00201-00059144-00059407 ryota and tomoya rDrqdcctMVc-00202-00059408-00059703 with the release of their fourth album rDrqdcctMVc-00203-00059704-00060054 niche syndrome diagnosed on the 9th of rDrqdcctMVc-00204-00060055-00060454 june 2010 and made it to the platinum of rDrqdcctMVc-00205-00060455-00060766 the fourth and third place too with one rDrqdcctMVc-00206-00060767-00060894 single rDrqdcctMVc-00207-00060895-00061182 the fifth single kazen rDrqdcctMVc-00208-00061183-00061535 kanku dreamer a perfect sensation rDrqdcctMVc-00209-00061536-00061847 dreamer dreamt on the february the 3rd rDrqdcctMVc-00210-00061848-00062166 in that same year while waking up to the rDrqdcctMVc-00211-00062167-00062438 40th and 9th place rDrqdcctMVc-00212-00062439-00062694 they did a 10-year version for the rDrqdcctMVc-00213-00062695-00062966 stay-at-home performance while having a rDrqdcctMVc-00214-00062967-00063342 dvd version released on the 28th rDrqdcctMVc-00215-00063344-00063615 of april rDrqdcctMVc-00216-00063616-00063903 wherever you are made it to the fourth rDrqdcctMVc-00217-00063904-00064119 place even though rDrqdcctMVc-00218-00064120-00064550 it's the single was never released rDrqdcctMVc-00219-00064551-00064926 their fifth album is called the zankyo rDrqdcctMVc-00220-00064927-00065287 reference echoed the fifth of october rDrqdcctMVc-00221-00065288-00065438 2011 rDrqdcctMVc-00222-00065439-00065711 and made it to the second gold place rDrqdcctMVc-00223-00065712-00065935 with four singles rDrqdcctMVc-00224-00065936-00066223 the sixth through eighth singles of the rDrqdcctMVc-00225-00066224-00066375 answer is near rDrqdcctMVc-00226-00066376-00066799 remake and not and no scared all made it rDrqdcctMVc-00227-00066800-00066975 to the sixth place rDrqdcctMVc-00228-00066976-00067238 and no scare was used for the intro for rDrqdcctMVc-00229-00067239-00067471 the psp game called rDrqdcctMVc-00230-00067472-00067591 black rDrqdcctMVc-00231-00067592-00067679 star rDrqdcctMVc-00232-00067680-00067975 rocker rock shooter rDrqdcctMVc-00233-00067976-00068087 lastly rDrqdcctMVc-00234-00068088-00068263 the knife single rDrqdcctMVc-00235-00068264-00068887 chaos myth released on the 8th of 2000 rDrqdcctMVc-00236-00068888-00069206 made it to the 88th place on the chart rDrqdcctMVc-00237-00069207-00069494 their sixth album equation rDrqdcctMVc-00238-00069495-00069679 jean said rDrqdcctMVc-00239-00069680-00069982 x boku equals rDrqdcctMVc-00240-00069983-00070326 life times me equals rock rDrqdcctMVc-00241-00070327-00070655 while winning the fourth golden award rDrqdcctMVc-00242-00070656-00070959 second place released on march the 6th rDrqdcctMVc-00243-00070960-00071167 2013 rDrqdcctMVc-00244-00071168-00071567 with this also where they went on their rDrqdcctMVc-00245-00071568-00071871 first international tour with f five rDrqdcctMVc-00246-00071872-00072215 singles and voice was dedicated to the rDrqdcctMVc-00247-00072216-00072438 collaboration of their late rDrqdcctMVc-00248-00072439-00072935 great mem member lee vocalist k rDrqdcctMVc-00249-00072936-00073150 from the band rDrqdcctMVc-00250-00073151-00073438 pay money to my pain rDrqdcctMVc-00251-00073439-00073750 in the in the beginning is the 10th rDrqdcctMVc-00252-00073751-00074079 single released on august the 22nd of rDrqdcctMVc-00253-00074080-00074255 2012 rDrqdcctMVc-00254-00074256-00074543 starting winning the gold fifth golden rDrqdcctMVc-00255-00074544-00074638 place rDrqdcctMVc-00256-00074639-00074847 and made it into the first live rDrqdcctMVc-00257-00074848-00075255 adaptation of the movie samurai x aka rDrqdcctMVc-00258-00075256-00075575 roni kitchen and also done a 10-year rDrqdcctMVc-00259-00075576-00076006 version of that song too the 12 and 13 rDrqdcctMVc-00260-00076007-00076279 single of deeper and deeper and nothing rDrqdcctMVc-00261-00076280-00076582 helped helped out in the second place rDrqdcctMVc-00262-00076583-00076847 while making it into the new year of rDrqdcctMVc-00263-00076848-00077238 january the 9th 2013 and deeper and rDrqdcctMVc-00264-00077239-00077335 deeper rDrqdcctMVc-00265-00077336-00077647 made it into their first cm of suzuki rDrqdcctMVc-00266-00077648-00077806 cars rDrqdcctMVc-00267-00077807-00078143 the fourth single clock strike struck on rDrqdcctMVc-00268-00078144-00078479 the 24th of february and made it into rDrqdcctMVc-00269-00078480-00078767 the 27th place rDrqdcctMVc-00270-00078768-00079231 and the same as made it into the 52nd rDrqdcctMVc-00271-00079232-00079359 place rDrqdcctMVc-00272-00079360-00079711 the seventh album 35 won the first rDrqdcctMVc-00273-00079712-00080119 platinum of japan and the us charts well rDrqdcctMVc-00274-00080120-00080503 this is their very first us album from rDrqdcctMVc-00275-00080504-00080743 warner brothers record released in rDrqdcctMVc-00276-00080744-00081143 february in september of 2015 rDrqdcctMVc-00277-00081144-00081326 with six singles rDrqdcctMVc-00278-00081327-00081759 and the 16th and 17th single of mighty rDrqdcctMVc-00279-00081760-00082047 long fall and decision rDrqdcctMVc-00280-00082048-00082199 both won rDrqdcctMVc-00281-00082200-00082535 second place of july the 30th rDrqdcctMVc-00282-00082536-00082775 of 2014. rDrqdcctMVc-00283-00082776-00083055 18th single cried out rDrqdcctMVc-00284-00083056-00083559 was cried on february 11 of 2015 and won rDrqdcctMVc-00285-00083560-00084038 the 15th place the last the 19th single rDrqdcctMVc-00286-00084039-00084375 last dance lasted on september the 25th rDrqdcctMVc-00287-00084376-00084631 and won the 93rd place rDrqdcctMVc-00288-00084632-00084943 20th single the way back went back on rDrqdcctMVc-00289-00084944-00085103 october rDrqdcctMVc-00290-00085104-00085503 the 2nd and won the 6th place rDrqdcctMVc-00291-00085504-00085759 lastly the 15th single rDrqdcctMVc-00292-00085760-00086023 heartache february 3rd rDrqdcctMVc-00293-00086024-00086303 made it into the 43rd place rDrqdcctMVc-00294-00086304-00086535 and put on the third movie of the rDrqdcctMVc-00295-00086536-00086918 soundtrack of samurai x rDrqdcctMVc-00296-00086919-00087215 the second to last chapter rDrqdcctMVc-00297-00087216-00087615 for this album is called ambition rDrqdcctMVc-00298-00087616-00088047 came out on the new year of 2017 january rDrqdcctMVc-00299-00088048-00088311 won the platinum of the first rDrqdcctMVc-00300-00088312-00088455 and fourth place rDrqdcctMVc-00301-00088456-00088791 and have eight singles rDrqdcctMVc-00302-00088792-00089055 their 21st single rDrqdcctMVc-00303-00089056-00089415 always coming back came back on the 11th rDrqdcctMVc-00304-00089416-00089631 march 2016 rDrqdcctMVc-00305-00089632-00089975 a return to the ninth place rDrqdcctMVc-00306-00089976-00090279 the 22nd single is taking off on the rDrqdcctMVc-00307-00090280-00090582 september 16th and landed on the fourth rDrqdcctMVc-00308-00090583-00090694 place rDrqdcctMVc-00309-00090695-00090894 23rd single rDrqdcctMVc-00310-00090895-00091215 bedroom warfare released on november the rDrqdcctMVc-00311-00091216-00091511 18th and won 20th place rDrqdcctMVc-00312-00091512-00091975 24th single i was king was crowned the rDrqdcctMVc-00313-00091976-00092303 26th place and became the president of rDrqdcctMVc-00314-00092304-00092535 the 15th of december rDrqdcctMVc-00315-00092536-00092918 27th single we are became the name of rDrqdcctMVc-00316-00092919-00093294 the new year of 2017 rDrqdcctMVc-00317-00093295-00093711 january the 9th and won the fourth place rDrqdcctMVc-00318-00093712-00093982 28th single listing featuring aval rDrqdcctMVc-00319-00093983-00094391 levine won 93rd place and the 27th rDrqdcctMVc-00320-00094392-00094574 single of take rDrqdcctMVc-00321-00094575-00094847 what you want featuring five second of rDrqdcctMVc-00322-00094848-00095006 summer rDrqdcctMVc-00323-00095007-00095135 took rDrqdcctMVc-00324-00095136-00095350 to 57 rDrqdcctMVc-00325-00095351-00095750 44th and 30th place on the charts the rDrqdcctMVc-00326-00095751-00095999 last album for this chapter is their rDrqdcctMVc-00327-00096000-00096423 current one current knife album called rDrqdcctMVc-00328-00096424-00096687 the eye of the storm also becoming their rDrqdcctMVc-00329-00096688-00096855 third album rDrqdcctMVc-00330-00096856-00097111 in america their third rDrqdcctMVc-00331-00097112-00097279 american album rDrqdcctMVc-00332-00097280-00097438 it caught the win rDrqdcctMVc-00333-00097439-00097823 of february the 13th 2019 rDrqdcctMVc-00334-00097824-00098206 while going platinum into the first rDrqdcctMVc-00335-00098207-00098518 place along with three singles rDrqdcctMVc-00336-00098519-00098743 the 29th single is rDrqdcctMVc-00337-00098744-00099159 change for the february the 16th 2018 on rDrqdcctMVc-00338-00099160-00099326 the sixth place rDrqdcctMVc-00339-00099327-00099679 the 30th single standout fit in standing rDrqdcctMVc-00340-00099680-00099974 out on november the 2nd and fit onto the rDrqdcctMVc-00341-00099975-00100118 9th place rDrqdcctMVc-00342-00100119-00100447 the 31st single wasted night released on rDrqdcctMVc-00343-00100448-00100735 the 1st of february 2019 rDrqdcctMVc-00344-00100736-00100943 and placed on the 6th place on the rDrqdcctMVc-00345-00100944-00101047 charts rDrqdcctMVc-00346-00101048-00101262 the last song i really want to get to rDrqdcctMVc-00347-00101263-00101494 before we get to the second to last rDrqdcctMVc-00348-00101495-00101847 chapter of this video is renegade it rDrqdcctMVc-00349-00101848-00102135 became the soundtrack for the fourth rDrqdcctMVc-00350-00102136-00102423 rarony kenshin movie while winning the rDrqdcctMVc-00351-00102424-00102647 first place storming rDrqdcctMVc-00352-00102648-00103086 on the 16th of april of 2021 rDrqdcctMVc-00353-00103088-00103263 and now everybody rDrqdcctMVc-00354-00103264-00103558 this is where we're going to get to of rDrqdcctMVc-00355-00103559-00103702 why rDrqdcctMVc-00356-00103703-00104039 i like one okay rock rDrqdcctMVc-00357-00104040-00104166 and rDrqdcctMVc-00358-00104167-00104782 heads rDrqdcctMVc-00359-00104783-00105031 my favorite thing i like about both of rDrqdcctMVc-00360-00105032-00105327 these group is isn't there a lot of rDrqdcctMVc-00361-00105328-00105551 their interview taka said rDrqdcctMVc-00362-00105552-00105815 our music is about growing up and we're rDrqdcctMVc-00363-00105816-00105958 growing with you rDrqdcctMVc-00364-00105959-00106207 and he is absolutely right rDrqdcctMVc-00365-00106208-00106319 this rDrqdcctMVc-00366-00106320-00106671 is now going to be the 14th time i speak rDrqdcctMVc-00367-00106672-00106910 in japanese on how i first rDrqdcctMVc-00368-00106911-00109286 listened to the group rDrqdcctMVc-00370-00113424-00113702 the renegade promotion video rDrqdcctMVc-00371-00113703-00114215 the boss invader episode 902 rDrqdcctMVc-00372-00114216-00114663 she she i my send the star rDrqdcctMVc-00373-00114664-00114886 demo rDrqdcctMVc-00374-00114888-00116286 she rDrqdcctMVc-00375-00116288-00117647 the rDrqdcctMVc-00376-00117648-00119078 the rDrqdcctMVc-00377-00119079-00120463 the rDrqdcctMVc-00378-00120464-00121895 uh rDrqdcctMVc-00379-00121896-00122023 anna rDrqdcctMVc-00380-00122024-00122734 heads and one okay rDrqdcctMVc-00381-00122735-00123134 on july the 26th i declared to celebrate rDrqdcctMVc-00382-00123135-00123558 heads and one okay rock day rDrqdcctMVc-00383-00123559-00123658 happy rDrqdcctMVc-00384-00123659-00124351 22nd and 17th anniversary rDrqdcctMVc-00385-00124352-00124502 ego there rDrqdcctMVc-00386-00124503-00124878 hanashimasa rDrqdcctMVc-00387-00124879-00125095 another thing i like to add rDrqdcctMVc-00388-00125096-00125423 for my favorite moments of heads is rDrqdcctMVc-00389-00125424-00125799 they were on a show called translated as rDrqdcctMVc-00390-00125800-00126295 legendary onopu euro hall in 2001 one of rDrqdcctMVc-00391-00126296-00126495 their favorite idols that they wanted to rDrqdcctMVc-00392-00126496-00126895 be around with is morning musume which rDrqdcctMVc-00393-00126896-00127158 they got to be around the next year rDrqdcctMVc-00394-00127159-00127423 it was a halloween episode of from the rDrqdcctMVc-00395-00127424-00127654 show called musics rDrqdcctMVc-00396-00127655-00127814 in 2002 rDrqdcctMVc-00397-00127815-00128183 where they reacted to an unknown lyric rDrqdcctMVc-00398-00128183-00128534 of sweet sweet sweet from the group rDrqdcctMVc-00399-00128535-00128734 dreams come true while looking at a rDrqdcctMVc-00400-00128735-00128895 movie where rDrqdcctMVc-00401-00128896-00129047 a taxi driver rDrqdcctMVc-00402-00129048-00129423 had a warm crawling on his shirt rDrqdcctMVc-00403-00129424-00129758 it is worth mentioning that toru also rDrqdcctMVc-00404-00129759-00130063 got to collab with his idol named dragon rDrqdcctMVc-00405-00130064-00130247 ash rDrqdcctMVc-00406-00130248-00130551 perfect land and progressive form music rDrqdcctMVc-00407-00130552-00130902 video is what i really believe it's the rDrqdcctMVc-00408-00130903-00131287 concept of coneheads if they had rDrqdcctMVc-00409-00131288-00131383 more rDrqdcctMVc-00410-00131384-00131663 cousins or kids they get to travel to rDrqdcctMVc-00411-00131664-00131919 america and i believe both of these rDrqdcctMVc-00412-00131920-00132039 films rDrqdcctMVc-00413-00132040-00132231 these videos rDrqdcctMVc-00414-00132232-00132527 were filmed in hawaii please let me know rDrqdcctMVc-00415-00132528-00132878 in the comments section if it's not rDrqdcctMVc-00416-00132879-00133111 i definitely would like to compare this rDrqdcctMVc-00417-00133112-00133311 group to rDrqdcctMVc-00418-00133312-00133711 the kid and teenager version of the pump rDrqdcctMVc-00419-00133712-00133902 and rip slime since they are very rDrqdcctMVc-00420-00133903-00134239 similar to their rapping and dancing rDrqdcctMVc-00421-00134240-00134454 in the u.s they would definitely they rDrqdcctMVc-00422-00134455-00134743 would be similar to the rap group the rDrqdcctMVc-00423-00134744-00135159 wasco's of being the teenager version of rDrqdcctMVc-00424-00135160-00135343 the fair side rDrqdcctMVc-00425-00135344-00135623 fun fact is that one of the members from rDrqdcctMVc-00426-00135624-00135883 the fair side named fatlib rDrqdcctMVc-00427-00135884-00136190 collaborated with the wasco for song and rDrqdcctMVc-00428-00136191-00136335 video called rDrqdcctMVc-00429-00136336-00136607 dream and imaginate rDrqdcctMVc-00430-00136608-00136863 the group was so rare is that the videos rDrqdcctMVc-00431-00136864-00137119 that i've shown you for heads is all i rDrqdcctMVc-00432-00137120-00137359 could actually find rDrqdcctMVc-00433-00137360-00137495 this group rDrqdcctMVc-00434-00137496-00137614 was also rDrqdcctMVc-00435-00137615-00137999 compared to folder as for one ok rock rDrqdcctMVc-00436-00138000-00138223 they really reminded me of the next rDrqdcctMVc-00437-00138224-00138543 generation of x japan as for american rDrqdcctMVc-00438-00138544-00138683 rock bands rDrqdcctMVc-00439-00138684-00139087 they they remind me of linkin park rDrqdcctMVc-00440-00139088-00139254 simple plan rDrqdcctMVc-00441-00139255-00139383 and rDrqdcctMVc-00442-00139384-00139575 good charlotte it's very hard to rDrqdcctMVc-00443-00139576-00139878 pinpoint my favorite song from one okay rDrqdcctMVc-00444-00139879-00140151 rock as far as head because i really rDrqdcctMVc-00445-00140152-00140414 believe all their songs is good rDrqdcctMVc-00446-00140415-00140575 you know for heads i haven't really rDrqdcctMVc-00447-00140576-00140790 listened to all their songs but rDrqdcctMVc-00448-00140791-00141190 they all work together as a team as well rDrqdcctMVc-00449-00141191-00141414 i know at this point you are all rDrqdcctMVc-00450-00141415-00141702 thinking why is this chapter called rDrqdcctMVc-00451-00141703-00141854 reunion rDrqdcctMVc-00452-00141855-00141951 well rDrqdcctMVc-00453-00141952-00142095 even though rDrqdcctMVc-00454-00142096-00142351 the members themselves are one ok rock rDrqdcctMVc-00455-00142352-00142678 didn't really announce a reunion rDrqdcctMVc-00456-00142679-00142983 i would sure like for them to have one rDrqdcctMVc-00457-00142984-00143151 let me explain rDrqdcctMVc-00458-00143152-00143351 takara rDrqdcctMVc-00459-00143352-00143654 the leader of heads is still alive by rDrqdcctMVc-00460-00143655-00143902 doing stage performance along with rDrqdcctMVc-00461-00143903-00144054 acting too rDrqdcctMVc-00462-00144055-00144183 but i wish rDrqdcctMVc-00463-00144184-00144439 i had the information of what happened rDrqdcctMVc-00464-00144440-00144566 to kohei rDrqdcctMVc-00465-00144567-00144766 i definitely want to believe he's still rDrqdcctMVc-00466-00144767-00145054 alive too even though he hasn't been rDrqdcctMVc-00467-00145055-00145351 in a scene for a while rDrqdcctMVc-00468-00145352-00145623 on that note i would like for them to rDrqdcctMVc-00469-00145624-00145839 have a concert where they would have rDrqdcctMVc-00470-00145840-00145935 heads rDrqdcctMVc-00471-00145936-00146271 one okay rock and a news concert at the rDrqdcctMVc-00472-00146272-00146526 same time not just for kohei rDrqdcctMVc-00473-00146527-00146847 but just to give a reunion tour of how rDrqdcctMVc-00474-00146848-00147126 they all began their journey rDrqdcctMVc-00475-00147127-00147247 maybe rDrqdcctMVc-00476-00147248-00147375 someday rDrqdcctMVc-00477-00147376-00147566 it'll happen rDrqdcctMVc-00478-00147567-00147823 i hope you all enjoying my report of rDrqdcctMVc-00479-00147824-00148166 heads and one okay rock rDrqdcctMVc-00480-00148167-00148463 and now we're going to get to the shout rDrqdcctMVc-00481-00148464-00148959 outs rDrqdcctMVc-00482-00148960-00149207 this shout out we're going to start off rDrqdcctMVc-00483-00149208-00149319 with rDrqdcctMVc-00484-00149320-00149743 one okay rock equals heads of rDrqdcctMVc-00485-00149744-00149833 takura rDrqdcctMVc-00486-00149834-00150778 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00487-00150779-00151039 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00488-00151040-00151407 as for the shout outs we have rDrqdcctMVc-00489-00151408-00151623 from my last podcast rDrqdcctMVc-00490-00151624-00151919 not to me uttar rDrqdcctMVc-00491-00151920-00152190 relagion rDrqdcctMVc-00492-00152191-00152551 dj olivia from instagram rDrqdcctMVc-00493-00152552-00152783 spirit rDrqdcctMVc-00494-00152784-00153054 gu knox rDrqdcctMVc-00495-00153055-00153263 cali rDrqdcctMVc-00496-00153264-00153478 z rDrqdcctMVc-00497-00153479-00153726 robert shane burns rDrqdcctMVc-00498-00153727-00154014 carmen and quentin rDrqdcctMVc-00499-00154015-00154383 disneyland resort ambassador rDrqdcctMVc-00500-00154384-00154623 siko vivo rDrqdcctMVc-00501-00154624-00154807 j ryder rDrqdcctMVc-00502-00154808-00155023 splash mclean rDrqdcctMVc-00503-00155024-00155231 fritz the frog rDrqdcctMVc-00504-00155232-00155535 splashdown waterpark rDrqdcctMVc-00505-00155536-00155854 and mr from jeopardy and also on that rDrqdcctMVc-00506-00155855-00156207 note i'm going to have the chuggineer rDrqdcctMVc-00507-00156208-00156366 and also rDrqdcctMVc-00508-00156367-00156663 this guy right here rDrqdcctMVc-00509-00156664-00156814 well rDrqdcctMVc-00510-00156815-00157047 thank you all for watching my 14th rDrqdcctMVc-00511-00157048-00157151 report rDrqdcctMVc-00512-00157152-00157447 of heads along with one okay rock coming rDrqdcctMVc-00513-00157448-00157766 up next is the 15th japanese report of rDrqdcctMVc-00514-00157767-00157983 color which means rDrqdcctMVc-00515-00157984-00158231 i got to do rDrqdcctMVc-00516-00158232-00158335 this rDrqdcctMVc-00517-00158336-00158559 but i will change it back rDrqdcctMVc-00518-00158560-00158966 once the next video comes back so rDrqdcctMVc-00519-00158967-00159319 along with that i have my 18th episode rDrqdcctMVc-00520-00159320-00159535 report of my podcast rDrqdcctMVc-00521-00159536-00159702 and so rDrqdcctMVc-00522-00159703-00159990 i am going to see you all later rDrqdcctMVc-00523-00159991-00160126 goodbye rDrqdcctMVc-00524-00160127-00160321 the time has been fine rDrqdcctMVc-00525-00160322-00160566 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00526-00160567-00162711 but once again i got to ride rDrqdcctMVc-00527-00162712-00163807 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00528-00163808-00164071 i'll try to record rDrqdcctMVc-00529-00164072-00164390 hello my name is edo4 and this is the rDrqdcctMVc-00530-00164391-00164911 podcast channel swag rDrqdcctMVc-00531-00164912-00165663 once again rDrqdcctMVc-00532-00165664-00165946 wait rDrqdcctMVc-00533-00165947-00167631 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00534-00167632-00167848 dream upon rDrqdcctMVc-00535-00167849-00168643 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00536-00168644-00169271 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00537-00169272-00169383 thank you rDrqdcctMVc-00538-00169384-00169559 hey man do you want to rDrqdcctMVc-00539-00169560-00170726 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00540-00170727-00170844 ah rDrqdcctMVc-00541-00170845-00172038 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00542-00172039-00172287 wait rDrqdcctMVc-00543-00172288-00172670 i'm rDrqdcctMVc-00544-00172671-00173583 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00545-00173584-00173946 oh rDrqdcctMVc-00546-00173947-00174702 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00547-00174703-00175069 is rDrqdcctMVc-00548-00175070-00176335 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00549-00176336-00176924 ah rDrqdcctMVc-00550-00176925-00177539 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00551-00177540-00178990 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00552-00178991-00179159 hello everyone rDrqdcctMVc-00553-00179160-00179943 and this is podcast episode rDrqdcctMVc-00554-00179944-00180536 the time has been fine rDrqdcctMVc-00555-00180537-00181151 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00556-00181152-00181911 [Music] rDrqdcctMVc-00557-00181912-00182324 let's start the game rG0G5VRaIDU-00000-00000000-00000280 foreign rG0G5VRaIDU-00001-00000281-00001147 [Music] rG0G5VRaIDU-00002-00001148-00001616 oh well what's two dollars that's why rHPDPjz_YBM-00000-00000005-00000320 the cognition and brain sciences unit is rHPDPjz_YBM-00001-00000321-00000515 a branch of the UK Medical Research rHPDPjz_YBM-00002-00000516-00000827 Council based in Cambridge England the rHPDPjz_YBM-00003-00000827-00001024 cbsyou is a Center for cognitive rHPDPjz_YBM-00004-00001025-00001216 neuroscience with a mission to improve rHPDPjz_YBM-00005-00001217-00001418 human health by understanding and rHPDPjz_YBM-00006-00001419-00001618 enhancing cognition and behavior in rHPDPjz_YBM-00007-00001619-00001916 health disease and disorder it is one of rHPDPjz_YBM-00008-00001917-00002087 the largest and most long-lasting rHPDPjz_YBM-00009-00002088-00002255 contributors to the development of rHPDPjz_YBM-00010-00002256-00002573 psychological theory and practice the rHPDPjz_YBM-00011-00002574-00002807 cbsyou has its own magnetic resonance rHPDPjz_YBM-00012-00002808-00003164 imaging MRI 3t scanner on site as well rHPDPjz_YBM-00013-00003165-00003449 as a 306 channel magneto encephalography rHPDPjz_YBM-00014-00003450-00003715 Meg system and a 128 channel rHPDPjz_YBM-00015-00003717-00004033 electroencephalography EEG laboratory rHPDPjz_YBM-00016-00004034-00004372 the cbsyou has close links to clinical rHPDPjz_YBM-00017-00004373-00004595 neuroscience research in the University rHPDPjz_YBM-00018-00004596-00004954 of Cambridge Medical School over 140 rHPDPjz_YBM-00019-00004955-00005183 scientists students and support staff rHPDPjz_YBM-00020-00005184-00005399 work in research areas such as memory rHPDPjz_YBM-00021-00005400-00005645 attention emotion speech and language rHPDPjz_YBM-00022-00005646-00005891 development and aging computational rHPDPjz_YBM-00023-00005892-00006170 modeling and neuroscience methods with rHPDPjz_YBM-00024-00006171-00006403 dedicated facilities available on site rHPDPjz_YBM-00025-00006404-00006608 the unit has particular strengths in the rHPDPjz_YBM-00026-00006609-00006806 application of neuroimaging techniques rHPDPjz_YBM-00027-00006806-00006956 in the context of well-developed rHPDPjz_YBM-00028-00006956-00007592 neurocognitive theory rHPDPjz_YBM-00029-00007593-00008091 topic history rHPDPjz_YBM-00030-00008092-00008414 the unit was established in 1944 as the rHPDPjz_YBM-00031-00008415-00008838 MRC Applied Psychology unit in June 2001 rHPDPjz_YBM-00032-00008839-00009054 the history of modern biomedicine rHPDPjz_YBM-00033-00009055-00009270 research group held a witness seminar to rHPDPjz_YBM-00034-00009271-00009468 gather information on the unit's history rHPDPjz_YBM-00035-00009469-00009798 on the 1st of July 2017 the CBU was rHPDPjz_YBM-00036-00009799-00010028 merged with the University of Cambridge rHPDPjz_YBM-00037-00010029-00010271 coming under the clinical school the rHPDPjz_YBM-00038-00010272-00010452 unit is still funded by the British rHPDPjz_YBM-00039-00010453-00010662 government through Research Council's UK rHPDPjz_YBM-00040-00010663-00010830 but is managed and maintained by rHPDPjz_YBM-00041-00010831-00011445 Cambridge University rHPDPjz_YBM-00042-00011446-00011996 topic list of directors rHPDPjz_YBM-00043-00011997-00012403 Kenneth Craig 1944-1945 rHPDPjz_YBM-00044-00012404-00012927 Frederic Bartlett 1945 to 1951 rHPDPjz_YBM-00045-00012928-00013283 Norman Mackworth 1951 to 1958 rHPDPjz_YBM-00046-00013284-00013838 Donald Broadbent 1958 to 1970 for Alan rHPDPjz_YBM-00047-00013840-00014210 Baddeley 1974 to 1997 rHPDPjz_YBM-00048-00014211-00014684 William muslin Wilson 1997 to 2010 rHPDPjz_YBM-00049-00014685-00015074 Susan Gothic Oh 2011 to 2018 rHPDPjz_YBM-00050-00015075-00015548 Matthew Lambourn Ralph 2018 rIwHBwZEpCk-00000-00000104-00000311 you've looked at your query and now rIwHBwZEpCk-00001-00000312-00000478 you're making decisions on what should rIwHBwZEpCk-00002-00000479-00000759 be weeded i'll show you how to create a rIwHBwZEpCk-00003-00000760-00001023 separate spreadsheet of titles to weed rIwHBwZEpCk-00004-00001024-00001319 to do this let's create a new worksheet rIwHBwZEpCk-00005-00001320-00001558 click on the insert worksheet button at rIwHBwZEpCk-00006-00001559-00001734 the bottom rIwHBwZEpCk-00007-00001735-00001942 first i'm going to rename my worksheet rIwHBwZEpCk-00008-00001943-00002183 simply right click on the tab rIwHBwZEpCk-00009-00002184-00002423 and click rename and type in the new rIwHBwZEpCk-00010-00002424-00003175 name rIwHBwZEpCk-00011-00003176-00003390 next i'm going to copy and paste the top rIwHBwZEpCk-00012-00003392-00003615 row from the original sheet so that i rIwHBwZEpCk-00013-00003615-00003815 remember what each column is rIwHBwZEpCk-00014-00003815-00004031 to do this hover your mouse over the rIwHBwZEpCk-00015-00004032-00004406 sidebar until it turns into an arrow and rIwHBwZEpCk-00016-00004407-00004767 then right click and select copy rIwHBwZEpCk-00017-00004768-00004983 then click on the weed sheet rIwHBwZEpCk-00018-00004984-00005222 hover over the sidebar of the top row rIwHBwZEpCk-00019-00005223-00005486 then right click and select rIwHBwZEpCk-00020-00005487-00005751 paste rIwHBwZEpCk-00021-00005752-00005943 now i'm ready to transfer over the rIwHBwZEpCk-00022-00005944-00006327 titles that i think should be weeded rIwHBwZEpCk-00023-00006328-00006575 hover your mouse over the sidebar rIwHBwZEpCk-00024-00006576-00006814 then right click and this time select rIwHBwZEpCk-00025-00006815-00007046 cut rIwHBwZEpCk-00026-00007047-00007319 then click on the weed sheet hover over rIwHBwZEpCk-00027-00007320-00007551 the sidebar of the top row rIwHBwZEpCk-00028-00007552-00008134 then right click and select paste rIwHBwZEpCk-00029-00008136-00008414 when you go back to the original sheet rIwHBwZEpCk-00030-00008415-00008559 you'll see rIwHBwZEpCk-00031-00008560-00008710 an empty row rIwHBwZEpCk-00032-00008711-00008991 where the title was you can delete it rIwHBwZEpCk-00033-00008992-00009183 by right-clicking the sidebar and rIwHBwZEpCk-00034-00009184-00009532 clicking delete rKbCDzdjOSM-00000-00000051-00000383 the Australian Institute of Physics was rKbCDzdjOSM-00001-00000384-00000791 established in 1963 when it replaced the rKbCDzdjOSM-00002-00000792-00000998 Australian branch of the British rKbCDzdjOSM-00003-00000999-00001418 Institute of Physics based in London the rKbCDzdjOSM-00004-00001419-00001673 purpose of the Institute as to further rKbCDzdjOSM-00005-00001673-00001873 promote the development and application rKbCDzdjOSM-00006-00001875-00002180 of the science of physics as well as rKbCDzdjOSM-00007-00002181-00002607 providing support to physicists the AIP rKbCDzdjOSM-00008-00002608-00002864 publishes Australian physics rKbCDzdjOSM-00009-00002865-00003676 issn 1036 - 3831 since 1963 rKbCDzdjOSM-00010-00003677-00004058 every two years the Institute organizes rKbCDzdjOSM-00011-00004059-00004318 a national Congress the latest being rKbCDzdjOSM-00012-00004319-00004693 held in December 2014 at the Australian rKbCDzdjOSM-00013-00004694-00005479 National University in Canberra rKbCDzdjOSM-00014-00005480-00006084 topic organization rKbCDzdjOSM-00015-00006085-00006397 the Institute has branches in each of rKbCDzdjOSM-00016-00006398-00006676 the six Australian states and topical rKbCDzdjOSM-00017-00006677-00006970 groups in the following areas rKbCDzdjOSM-00018-00006972-00007381 atomic physics and molecular physics rKbCDzdjOSM-00019-00007383-00007677 condensed matter physics and materials rKbCDzdjOSM-00020-00007678-00007848 physics rKbCDzdjOSM-00021-00007850-00008223 nuclear physics and particle physics rKbCDzdjOSM-00022-00008224-00008667 physics education quantum information rKbCDzdjOSM-00023-00008668-00009100 concepts and quantum coherence solar rKbCDzdjOSM-00024-00009101-00009391 physics terrestrial physics and space rKbCDzdjOSM-00025-00009392-00009937 physics theoretical physics women in rKbCDzdjOSM-00026-00009938-00010452 physics rKbCDzdjOSM-00027-00010453-00010842 topic presidents rKbCDzdjOSM-00028-00010843-00011041 you rKbCDzdjOSM-00029-00011042-00011386 you rKbCDzdjOSM-00030-00011387-00011952 topic Awards rKbCDzdjOSM-00031-00011953-00012252 the brag gold medal for excellence in rKbCDzdjOSM-00032-00012253-00012648 physics has been awarded since 1992 for rKbCDzdjOSM-00033-00012649-00012981 the best PhD thesis by a student from an rKbCDzdjOSM-00034-00012982-00013238 Australian University and to commemorate rKbCDzdjOSM-00035-00013240-00013547 sir Lawrence Bragg in front on the medal rKbCDzdjOSM-00036-00013549-00013830 and his father Sir William Henry Bragg rKbCDzdjOSM-00037-00013831-00014100 who both played a significant part in rKbCDzdjOSM-00038-00014101-00014502 physics education in Australia winners rKbCDzdjOSM-00039-00014503-00015055 so far rKbCDzdjOSM-00040-00015056-00015469 topic honorary Fellows of the Australian rKbCDzdjOSM-00041-00015470-00016141 Institute of Physics partial list rKbCDzdjOSM-00042-00016143-00016360 David Booth rKbCDzdjOSM-00043-00016361-00016933 Gordon Chapman Robert Crompton John rKbCDzdjOSM-00044-00016934-00017500 Robert de later Robert Dulberg Oh Jeff rKbCDzdjOSM-00045-00017501-00017646 Forrest rKbCDzdjOSM-00046-00017647-00017899 Michael gorrik rKbCDzdjOSM-00047-00017900-00018139 Tony Klein rKbCDzdjOSM-00048-00018140-00018507 GC Lowenthal a.m. rKbCDzdjOSM-00049-00018508-00019183 Arthur page Brian Schmidt John Simmons rKbCDzdjOSM-00050-00019184-00019815 Gertrude Thompson rKbCDzdjOSM-00051-00019816-00020143 topic fellows of the Australian rKbCDzdjOSM-00052-00020144-00020800 Institute of Physics partial list rKbCDzdjOSM-00053-00020801-00021127 Ronald Ernest HSN rKbCDzdjOSM-00054-00021128-00021709 Hans a batch or fly ball dick Murray rKbCDzdjOSM-00055-00021710-00022374 bachelor Robert Dulberg Oh Sean Cadogan rKbCDzdjOSM-00056-00022375-00022791 John Robert de later rKbCDzdjOSM-00057-00022792-00023025 a Duarte rKbCDzdjOSM-00058-00023026-00023224 mingu rKbCDzdjOSM-00059-00023225-00023732 Arthur Robert hog Rodney Jory rKbCDzdjOSM-00060-00023733-00024176 Barry Luther Davies Bruce harreld John rKbCDzdjOSM-00061-00024177-00024974 McKellar Tonya Monroe Brian J or James a rKbCDzdjOSM-00062-00024975-00025144 Piper rKbCDzdjOSM-00063-00025145-00025681 Arthur W prior John Clive ward rKbCDzdjOSM-00064-00025682-00026732 Charles n Watson Monroe John White rKbCDzdjOSM-00065-00026733-00027331 topic see also rKbCDzdjOSM-00066-00027332-00027697 official website rKcjaArnvqg-00000-00000208-00001759 [Music] rKcjaArnvqg-00001-00001760-00002123 so we are currently on the way to rKcjaArnvqg-00002-00002124-00002396 off-the-wall we do not have a lie rKcjaArnvqg-00003-00002397-00002765 because today is mommy and daddy day rKcjaArnvqg-00004-00002766-00003299 whoa easy Austin's mom is in town so she rKcjaArnvqg-00005-00003300-00003560 is watching Ella and I love sleeping rKcjaArnvqg-00006-00003561-00003961 over sleepover so yeah it's gonna be a rKcjaArnvqg-00007-00003962-00004279 crazy day we are going wild I'm just rKcjaArnvqg-00008-00004280-00004409 kidding so we're supposed to go to the rKcjaArnvqg-00009-00004410-00004936 beach but let me sunny South Florida rKcjaArnvqg-00010-00004937-00005216 so just our luck right when we wanted to rKcjaArnvqg-00011-00005217-00005425 go to the beach and have some fun and rKcjaArnvqg-00012-00005426-00005843 rock on we couldn't because it is rKcjaArnvqg-00013-00005844-00006029 raining so instead we're gonna do rKcjaArnvqg-00014-00006030-00006134 something inside we're gonna go to rKcjaArnvqg-00015-00006135-00006299 off-the-wall like I just said and then rKcjaArnvqg-00016-00006300-00006470 we're gonna finish off at Dave & rKcjaArnvqg-00017-00006470-00006668 Buster's rKcjaArnvqg-00018-00006669-00007181 yeah I said rock on we're gonna rock on rKcjaArnvqg-00019-00007181-00007391 I'll be rocking back yeah we're gonna rKcjaArnvqg-00020-00007392-00007628 rock on anyways so we're gonna rock on rKcjaArnvqg-00021-00007629-00008050 another way we made it to up the wall rKcjaArnvqg-00022-00008051-00008432 alright guys so we're jumping alright rKcjaArnvqg-00023-00008433-00008675 Marcia do it do it do it for YouTube do rKcjaArnvqg-00024-00008676-00008795 for you - what do you do what you're rKcjaArnvqg-00025-00008796-00008885 gonna be already gonna do what are you rKcjaArnvqg-00026-00008886-00008986 gonna do rKcjaArnvqg-00027-00008987-00009239 that's it real quick alright right so rKcjaArnvqg-00028-00009240-00009338 what are gonna do what are you gonna do rKcjaArnvqg-00029-00009339-00009590 what you gonna do Oh on the width of rKcjaArnvqg-00030-00009591-00009971 Jean with the Jean what are you gonna do rKcjaArnvqg-00031-00009972-00010049 what are you gonna do what are you gonna rKcjaArnvqg-00032-00010050-00010298 do you got a shower out y'all with the rKcjaArnvqg-00033-00010299-00010523 leggings what are you gonna do what are rKcjaArnvqg-00034-00010524-00010733 you gonna do what are you gonna do we rKcjaArnvqg-00035-00010734-00010895 got competition over here what you got rKcjaArnvqg-00036-00010896-00011078 to split bro you're gonna you're gonna rKcjaArnvqg-00037-00011079-00012632 land in a split Oh slam flunk log we out rKcjaArnvqg-00038-00012633-00012977 here off the wall you know what I'm rKcjaArnvqg-00039-00012978-00013382 saying me and my dogs we out here rKcjaArnvqg-00040-00013383-00014788 repping repping the US rKcjaArnvqg-00041-00014790-00015294 okay but that's a somersault right it's rKcjaArnvqg-00042-00015294-00015364 up front rKcjaArnvqg-00043-00015365-00015695 wow you gotta just do it just do it dude rKcjaArnvqg-00044-00015696-00015842 go go go go go rKcjaArnvqg-00045-00015843-00016241 you're trying to shine and in this rKcjaArnvqg-00046-00016243-00017050 moment she knew she messed up rKcjaArnvqg-00047-00017051-00018573 [Laughter] rKcjaArnvqg-00048-00018574-00019200 [Music] rKcjaArnvqg-00049-00019201-00020244 Oh rKcjaArnvqg-00050-00020245-00023136 [Music] rKcjaArnvqg-00052-00026522-00026785 [Music] rKcjaArnvqg-00053-00026786-00026955 all right so my buddy Richie said they rKcjaArnvqg-00054-00026956-00027455 get a thousand on the first day rKcjaArnvqg-00055-00027456-00028832 7,000 on the first try stay tuned rKcjaArnvqg-00056-00028833-00030633 [Music] rKcjaArnvqg-00057-00030633-00032019 [Music] rKcjaArnvqg-00058-00032020-00032531 [Music] rKcjaArnvqg-00059-00032532-00032785 [Music] rN53q12v40U-00000-00000000-00000726 new york business license rN53q12v40U-00001-00000727-00000943 to look up a business in ny you can rN53q12v40U-00002-00000944-00001119 utilize the corporation and business rN53q12v40U-00003-00001120-00001942 entity database online search website rN53q12v40U-00004-00001943-00002110 the tool will help you find the business rN53q12v40U-00005-00002111-00002318 entity in new york by entering rN53q12v40U-00006-00002319-00002487 the business name rN53q12v40U-00007-00002488-00002631 status type rN53q12v40U-00008-00002632-00002758 search type rN53q12v40U-00009-00002759-00003431 and click on the search button rN53q12v40U-00010-00003432-00003638 to establish your business in new york rN53q12v40U-00011-00003639-00003767 you should know that there are states rN53q12v40U-00012-00003768-00004519 that follow local and federal regulation rN53q12v40U-00013-00004520-00004686 the obligation of holding a business rN53q12v40U-00014-00004687-00004870 license will be based on your location rN53q12v40U-00015-00004871-00005527 and the type of work you do rN53q12v40U-00016-00005528-00005679 if one of the following professions rN53q12v40U-00017-00005680-00005863 slash occupations are in the scope of rN53q12v40U-00018-00005864-00006031 your work you should obtain a state rN53q12v40U-00019-00006032-00006159 license rN53q12v40U-00020-00006160-00006318 athletic trainers rN53q12v40U-00021-00006319-00006478 home inspectors rN53q12v40U-00022-00006479-00006670 real estate brokers rN53q12v40U-00023-00006672-00006791 barbers rN53q12v40U-00024-00006792-00007214 cosmetologists rN53q12v40U-00025-00007215-00007455 before applying for any type of license rN53q12v40U-00026-00007456-00007614 the legal entity of your business should rN53q12v40U-00027-00007615-00008199 be established rN53q12v40U-00028-00008200-00008374 the key steps below will help you rN53q12v40U-00029-00008375-00008551 understand the process of registering rN53q12v40U-00030-00008552-00008727 your business in ny rN53q12v40U-00031-00008728-00008967 choose a unique name for your business rN53q12v40U-00032-00008968-00009710 determine your business structure rN53q12v40U-00033-00009711-00009887 your business can be rN53q12v40U-00034-00009888-00010174 llc corporation rN53q12v40U-00035-00010175-00010727 partnership rN53q12v40U-00036-00010728-00010942 appoint a registered agent rN53q12v40U-00037-00010943-00011127 file the documents to form your business rN53q12v40U-00038-00011128-00011246 structure rN53q12v40U-00039-00011247-00011503 obtain a federal line from the irs rN53q12v40U-00040-00011504-00011719 purchase insurance policy rN53q12v40U-00041-00011720-00011910 register for sales tax certificate of rN53q12v40U-00042-00011911-00012551 authority rN53q12v40U-00043-00012552-00012751 before applying for a license head to rN53q12v40U-00044-00012752-00012935 your local municipality to check the rN53q12v40U-00045-00012936-00013743 rules amp regulations of licensure rN53q12v40U-00046-00013744-00013911 here are several cities in the state rN53q12v40U-00047-00013912-00014135 that have licensing requirements rN53q12v40U-00048-00014136-00014927 new york city business license rN53q12v40U-00049-00014928-00015127 to start your business in new york city rN53q12v40U-00050-00015128-00015279 you may need to obtain a business rN53q12v40U-00051-00015280-00015815 license rN53q12v40U-00052-00015816-00015999 businesses should apply for a license if rN53q12v40U-00053-00016000-00016222 the scope of their work includes rN53q12v40U-00054-00016223-00016375 car washes rN53q12v40U-00055-00016376-00016511 locksmiths rN53q12v40U-00056-00016512-00016639 co-trucks rN53q12v40U-00057-00016640-00017327 or home improvement construction rN53q12v40U-00058-00017328-00017519 buffalo business license rN53q12v40U-00059-00017520-00017719 the buffalo office of licenses issues rN53q12v40U-00060-00017720-00018047 several licenses to businesses such as rN53q12v40U-00061-00018048-00018175 caterers rN53q12v40U-00062-00018176-00018327 pawn brokers rN53q12v40U-00063-00018328-00018455 bakers rN53q12v40U-00064-00018456-00018614 landscapers rN53q12v40U-00065-00018615-00018972 collection agencies rNMc41pWLCU-00000-00000408-00000713 good morning my name is Pastor Tom rNMc41pWLCU-00001-00000714-00000904 Stefan I was the pastor I am the pastor rNMc41pWLCU-00002-00000905-00001150 at Monte Vista Presbyterian Church rNMc41pWLCU-00003-00001151-00001403 Pastor in which you know candesouk have rNMc41pWLCU-00004-00001404-00001673 been attending and deeply grateful to rNMc41pWLCU-00005-00001673-00001810 know them rNMc41pWLCU-00006-00001811-00002141 I have a sense of camaraderie where they rNMc41pWLCU-00007-00002142-00002326 Suk was born and his dad was a rNMc41pWLCU-00008-00002327-00002591 presbyterian pastor and the last church rNMc41pWLCU-00009-00002592-00002873 he went to was a Presbyterian church so rNMc41pWLCU-00010-00002874-00003155 there is a connection to that let us rNMc41pWLCU-00011-00003156-00003395 begin with words of scripture rNMc41pWLCU-00012-00003396-00003599 Jesus said I am the resurrection and the rNMc41pWLCU-00013-00003600-00003665 life rNMc41pWLCU-00014-00003665-00003881 those who believe in me shall live even rNMc41pWLCU-00015-00003882-00004090 though they die and whoever lives and rNMc41pWLCU-00016-00004092-00004391 Believes In Me shall never die rNMc41pWLCU-00017-00004392-00004606 Jesus said I am the res I am the Alpha rNMc41pWLCU-00018-00004607-00004835 and the Omega the beginning and the end rNMc41pWLCU-00019-00004836-00005033 the first and the last rNMc41pWLCU-00020-00005034-00005386 I die to behold I Am Alive forevermore I rNMc41pWLCU-00021-00005387-00005633 have the keys of death and Hades rNMc41pWLCU-00022-00005634-00005999 because I live you will live also rNMc41pWLCU-00023-00006000-00006185 when teaching his disciples on the rNMc41pWLCU-00024-00006186-00006467 mountain Jesus said blessed are the poor rNMc41pWLCU-00025-00006468-00006646 in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of rNMc41pWLCU-00026-00006647-00006742 heaven rNMc41pWLCU-00027-00006743-00007031 blessed are those who mourn for they rNMc41pWLCU-00028-00007031-00007187 shall be comforted rNMc41pWLCU-00029-00007188-00007414 and blessed are the meek for they shall rNMc41pWLCU-00030-00007415-00007691 inherit the earth rNMc41pWLCU-00031-00007692-00007925 let us pray rNMc41pWLCU-00032-00007926-00008153 holy and gracious God lord of life and rNMc41pWLCU-00033-00008154-00008387 death you have made us in your image and rNMc41pWLCU-00034-00008388-00008603 you hold us in your care rNMc41pWLCU-00035-00008604-00008951 we thank you for the life of desucsa rNMc41pWLCU-00036-00008952-00009124 for the gift of his life for the love rNMc41pWLCU-00037-00009125-00009395 and the mercy he has received from you rNMc41pWLCU-00038-00009396-00009713 we also thank you for the deep love that rNMc41pWLCU-00039-00009714-00010013 he had for both family and for friends rNMc41pWLCU-00040-00010014-00010210 we ask that you will be each member of rNMc41pWLCU-00041-00010211-00010396 his family and friends here today those rNMc41pWLCU-00042-00010397-00010655 on Zoom as we mourn and grieve and rNMc41pWLCU-00043-00010656-00010828 celebrate his life rNMc41pWLCU-00044-00010829-00011128 we do pray a special blessing on you rNMc41pWLCU-00045-00011129-00011249 Nook rNMc41pWLCU-00046-00011250-00011483 we ask that your spirit of comfort and rNMc41pWLCU-00047-00011484-00011674 confidence in your provision will cover rNMc41pWLCU-00048-00011675-00012005 her today as we celebrate the love of rNMc41pWLCU-00049-00012006-00012167 her life rNMc41pWLCU-00050-00012168-00012323 thank you for the love that you have rNMc41pWLCU-00051-00012324-00012605 shown us in your mercy and Grace rNMc41pWLCU-00052-00012606-00012815 and we ask of that mercy and Grace would rNMc41pWLCU-00053-00012816-00012977 cover us this morning rNMc41pWLCU-00054-00012978-00013157 we ask these things in your precious rNMc41pWLCU-00055-00013158-00013235 name rNMc41pWLCU-00056-00013236-00013522 amen rNMc41pWLCU-00057-00013523-00013703 husband rNMc41pWLCU-00058-00013704-00013853 father rNMc41pWLCU-00059-00013854-00014230 grandfather Uncle scholar colleague rNMc41pWLCU-00060-00014231-00014447 friend rNMc41pWLCU-00061-00014447-00014830 fisherman rNMc41pWLCU-00062-00014831-00015071 and a sense of humor rNMc41pWLCU-00063-00015072-00015269 that was dry rNMc41pWLCU-00064-00015269-00015479 and yet meaningful rNMc41pWLCU-00065-00015480-00015677 someday I'll tell you the story of the rNMc41pWLCU-00066-00015678-00016049 joke he played on me after church rNMc41pWLCU-00067-00016050-00016258 but before we do that we are here to rNMc41pWLCU-00068-00016259-00016366 receive rNMc41pWLCU-00069-00016368-00016630 both the comfort and the blessing that rNMc41pWLCU-00070-00016631-00016805 comes with hearing the words of rNMc41pWLCU-00071-00016806-00017003 scripture that have been comforting rNMc41pWLCU-00072-00017004-00017411 people literally for thousands of years rNMc41pWLCU-00073-00017412-00017561 the words of scripture I'm about to read rNMc41pWLCU-00074-00017562-00017908 right now come from the psalm psalm 23. rNMc41pWLCU-00075-00017909-00018203 in my imagination I imagine de souk rNMc41pWLCU-00076-00018204-00018377 learning this Psalm at a young age with rNMc41pWLCU-00077-00018378-00018515 his father rNMc41pWLCU-00078-00018516-00018725 a pastor who wanted him to know the rNMc41pWLCU-00079-00018726-00018880 scriptures rNMc41pWLCU-00080-00018881-00019175 Psalm 23 says this the Lord is my rNMc41pWLCU-00081-00019176-00019457 shepherd I shall not want. rNMc41pWLCU-00082-00019458-00019672 he makes me lie down in Green Pastures rNMc41pWLCU-00083-00019673-00019943 he leads me beside the Quiet Waters he rNMc41pWLCU-00084-00019944-00020135 restores my soul rNMc41pWLCU-00085-00020136-00020344 he leads me in Paths of righteousness rNMc41pWLCU-00086-00020345-00020543 for his name's sake rNMc41pWLCU-00087-00020544-00020747 and even though I walk through the rNMc41pWLCU-00088-00020748-00020963 valley of the shadow of death rNMc41pWLCU-00089-00020964-00021389 I will fear no evil for you are with me rNMc41pWLCU-00090-00021390-00021694 Your Rod and your staff they comfort me rNMc41pWLCU-00091-00021695-00021929 you prepare a table before me in the rNMc41pWLCU-00092-00021930-00022175 presence of my enemies you anoint my rNMc41pWLCU-00093-00022176-00022439 head with oil and my cup overflows rNMc41pWLCU-00094-00022440-00022672 surely goodness and mercy will follow me rNMc41pWLCU-00095-00022673-00022943 all the days of my life and I will dwell rNMc41pWLCU-00096-00022944-00023380 in the house of the Lord forever rNMc41pWLCU-00097-00023381-00023561 those were some of the final words that rNMc41pWLCU-00098-00023562-00023789 I shared with desuc as we were together rNMc41pWLCU-00099-00023790-00024089 with eunuch and Kevin in the hospital rNMc41pWLCU-00100-00024090-00024286 and this sound that we're hearing right rNMc41pWLCU-00101-00024287-00024472 now seems appropriate because we have rNMc41pWLCU-00102-00024473-00024677 the sounds of the hospitals beeping as rNMc41pWLCU-00103-00024678-00024767 well rNMc41pWLCU-00104-00024768-00025180 as we heard the song and prayed over him rNMc41pWLCU-00105-00025181-00025367 My Hope Is that today you will rNMc41pWLCU-00106-00025368-00025547 experience the Deep comfort that God has rNMc41pWLCU-00107-00025548-00025840 and we will remember that final line of rNMc41pWLCU-00108-00025841-00026020 the song surely goodness of Mercy will rNMc41pWLCU-00109-00026022-00026194 follow me all the days of my life as I rNMc41pWLCU-00110-00026195-00026399 dwell in the house of the Lord forever rNMc41pWLCU-00111-00026400-00026567 one of the things we are celebrating rNMc41pWLCU-00112-00026568-00026668 today rNMc41pWLCU-00113-00026669-00026945 is not simply desuc's life here on Earth rNMc41pWLCU-00114-00026945-00027293 but his life today in heaven rNMc41pWLCU-00115-00027294-00027533 that the mercy and grace of God has rNMc41pWLCU-00116-00027533-00027683 followed him rNMc41pWLCU-00117-00027683-00027887 even to that final day in which he rNMc41pWLCU-00118-00027888-00028174 passed from this life to the next rNMc41pWLCU-00119-00028175-00028373 another verse of scripture that simply rNMc41pWLCU-00120-00028374-00028570 talks about the seasons of Our Lives rNMc41pWLCU-00121-00028572-00028781 comes from the book of Ecclesiastes in rNMc41pWLCU-00122-00028782-00029002 the Hebrew scriptures the Old Testament rNMc41pWLCU-00123-00029004-00029333 this was written by a man who was rNMc41pWLCU-00124-00029333-00029579 at the end of his life and he was rNMc41pWLCU-00125-00029580-00029855 looking back on what life is so rNMc41pWLCU-00126-00029856-00030107 Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verses 1 to 11 in rNMc41pWLCU-00127-00030108-00030364 fact Ecclesiastes means the preacher and rNMc41pWLCU-00128-00030366-00030623 this is what the preacher says rNMc41pWLCU-00129-00030624-00030790 there is a time for everything and a rNMc41pWLCU-00130-00030791-00031067 season for every activity under heaven rNMc41pWLCU-00131-00031068-00031402 a time to be born and a time to die a rNMc41pWLCU-00132-00031404-00031685 time to plant and a time to uproot A rNMc41pWLCU-00133-00031686-00032002 Time to Kill and a time to heal a time rNMc41pWLCU-00134-00032004-00032290 to tear down and a time to build rNMc41pWLCU-00135-00032291-00032567 a time to weep and a time to laugh a rNMc41pWLCU-00136-00032568-00032909 time to mourn and a time to dance a time rNMc41pWLCU-00137-00032910-00033089 to scatter stones and a time to gather rNMc41pWLCU-00138-00033090-00033365 them a time to embrace and a time to rNMc41pWLCU-00139-00033366-00033629 infring from embracing a time to search rNMc41pWLCU-00140-00033630-00033827 and a time to give up a time to keep and rNMc41pWLCU-00141-00033828-00034085 a time to throw away a time to tear and rNMc41pWLCU-00142-00034086-00034361 a time to men a time to be silent and a rNMc41pWLCU-00143-00034362-00034487 time to speak rNMc41pWLCU-00144-00034488-00034805 a time to love and a time to hate a time rNMc41pWLCU-00145-00034806-00034931 for war rNMc41pWLCU-00146-00034932-00035159 and a Time For Peace rNMc41pWLCU-00147-00035160-00035405 what does the worker gain from his toil rNMc41pWLCU-00148-00035406-00035633 I have seen the burden that God has rNMc41pWLCU-00149-00035634-00035801 placed on all people rNMc41pWLCU-00150-00035802-00036173 and God has made everything beautiful in rNMc41pWLCU-00151-00036174-00036479 its time rNMc41pWLCU-00152-00036480-00036712 you're about to hear rNMc41pWLCU-00153-00036713-00037012 the story and reflections of desuc's rNMc41pWLCU-00154-00037013-00037121 life rNMc41pWLCU-00155-00037122-00037283 and as you hear the stories and rNMc41pWLCU-00156-00037284-00037739 Reflections we we overlay this time with rNMc41pWLCU-00157-00037740-00037990 that scripture because what you'll see rNMc41pWLCU-00158-00037991-00038207 in what is true for every life is there rNMc41pWLCU-00159-00038208-00038435 are seasons in our lives there are rNMc41pWLCU-00160-00038436-00038639 seasons in which we experience profound rNMc41pWLCU-00161-00038640-00038777 Joy rNMc41pWLCU-00162-00038778-00038993 and deep sorrow rNMc41pWLCU-00163-00038994-00039251 as we look at his life there are seasons rNMc41pWLCU-00164-00039252-00039593 of war and seasons of peace rNMc41pWLCU-00165-00039594-00039899 there are seasons of deep grief and rNMc41pWLCU-00166-00039900-00040102 seasons of deep Joy rNMc41pWLCU-00167-00040103-00040252 and so you're going to hear that first rNMc41pWLCU-00168-00040253-00040529 from his son one of his sons Maurice so rNMc41pWLCU-00169-00040530-00040661 Maurice is going to come forward and rNMc41pWLCU-00170-00040662-00040871 share some and then after that rNMc41pWLCU-00171-00040872-00041080 Dr Hong is going to come forward and rNMc41pWLCU-00172-00041081-00041261 then following that his son seven and rNMc41pWLCU-00173-00041262-00041399 his granddaughter Gwen are going to come rNMc41pWLCU-00174-00041400-00041590 forward so Maurice if you're sure about rNMc41pWLCU-00175-00041591-00041783 your father rNMc41pWLCU-00176-00041784-00042035 okay rNMc41pWLCU-00177-00042036-00042899 thank you Pastor Tom rNMc41pWLCU-00178-00042900-00043145 to all of you here in person and those rNMc41pWLCU-00179-00043146-00043396 attending virtually I want to extend my rNMc41pWLCU-00180-00043397-00043643 warmest and deepest welcome rNMc41pWLCU-00181-00043644-00043901 on behalf of our entire family thank you rNMc41pWLCU-00182-00043902-00044068 for taking the time rNMc41pWLCU-00183-00044069-00044321 to share in this celebration of my Dad's rNMc41pWLCU-00184-00044322-00044446 life rNMc41pWLCU-00185-00044447-00044657 it is a remarkable thing rNMc41pWLCU-00186-00044658-00044945 to have lived on this Earth for 91 years rNMc41pWLCU-00187-00044946-00045167 and to have had the Good Fortune to live rNMc41pWLCU-00188-00045168-00045412 a life that has had such a great impact rNMc41pWLCU-00189-00045413-00045646 on so many other persons rNMc41pWLCU-00190-00045647-00045833 to live a life of letters rNMc41pWLCU-00191-00045834-00046090 and to be surrounded by those persons rNMc41pWLCU-00192-00046091-00046211 who loved him rNMc41pWLCU-00193-00046212-00046552 and that is what my dad did rNMc41pWLCU-00194-00046553-00046846 a few weeks ago my mom in asking me to rNMc41pWLCU-00195-00046847-00047087 speak today asked that I talk about my rNMc41pWLCU-00196-00047088-00047207 dad's work rNMc41pWLCU-00197-00047208-00047537 and how integral that was to his life rNMc41pWLCU-00198-00047538-00047867 the 32nd chapter of his autobiography is rNMc41pWLCU-00199-00047868-00048149 entitled Anything is Possible rNMc41pWLCU-00200-00048150-00048371 and that is what is striking about his rNMc41pWLCU-00201-00048372-00048539 story rNMc41pWLCU-00202-00048540-00048821 in so many instances in his life my dad rNMc41pWLCU-00203-00048822-00049085 lived by this phrase and in doing so rNMc41pWLCU-00204-00049086-00049295 showed great courage rNMc41pWLCU-00205-00049296-00049474 perhaps this is one of his greatest rNMc41pWLCU-00206-00049475-00049702 legacies this courage rNMc41pWLCU-00207-00049703-00049949 not only in the academic sense but in rNMc41pWLCU-00208-00049950-00050273 the living of life rNMc41pWLCU-00209-00050274-00050662 my dad was born in Manchuria in 1930 on rNMc41pWLCU-00210-00050663-00050908 November 27th the youngest of eight rNMc41pWLCU-00211-00050909-00051269 children the son of an ordained minister rNMc41pWLCU-00212-00051270-00051502 and raised in a devout family rNMc41pWLCU-00213-00051503-00051796 at 16 years of age he traveled with his rNMc41pWLCU-00214-00051797-00051875 dad rNMc41pWLCU-00215-00051876-00052199 to Seoul during a conflict arising from rNMc41pWLCU-00216-00052200-00052451 the fall of the Japanese Occupation rNMc41pWLCU-00217-00052452-00052613 from his young life rNMc41pWLCU-00218-00052614-00052853 my dad lived through political turmoil rNMc41pWLCU-00219-00052854-00053057 and War rNMc41pWLCU-00220-00053058-00053291 the flight from North Korea to Seoul was rNMc41pWLCU-00221-00053291-00053513 brought on by the destabilization caused rNMc41pWLCU-00222-00053514-00053741 by a transition to Chinese Communist rNMc41pWLCU-00223-00053741-00053987 Rule and once in Seoul he fled once rNMc41pWLCU-00224-00053988-00054185 again to Busan due to the advancing rNMc41pWLCU-00225-00054186-00054629 North Korean army and civil war in Korea rNMc41pWLCU-00226-00054629-00054869 the travels from China to Busan were the rNMc41pWLCU-00227-00054870-00055282 stuff of action movies rNMc41pWLCU-00228-00055283-00055487 it was under the cover of night crossing rNMc41pWLCU-00229-00055488-00055661 the Han River with the Han River Bridge rNMc41pWLCU-00230-00055662-00055882 destroyed and North Korean soldiers rNMc41pWLCU-00231-00055883-00056069 shooting over their heads rNMc41pWLCU-00232-00056070-00056316 once in Busan his fluency in English rNMc41pWLCU-00233-00056317-00056530 translated into working with the US rNMc41pWLCU-00234-00056532-00056644 Military rNMc41pWLCU-00235-00056645-00057125 and in 1952 he came to the United States rNMc41pWLCU-00236-00057126-00057341 when he arrived in the U.S he continued rNMc41pWLCU-00237-00057341-00057515 his studies in political science and rNMc41pWLCU-00238-00057516-00057671 Korean politics and sign of Soviet rNMc41pWLCU-00239-00057672-00058000 studies he attended TCU and got his rNMc41pWLCU-00240-00058001-00058169 masters from Indiana University and his rNMc41pWLCU-00241-00058170-00058385 PhD from Colombia he taught as a rNMc41pWLCU-00242-00058386-00058594 professor at the University of Houston rNMc41pWLCU-00243-00058595-00058925 from 1965 to 71 and then at the rNMc41pWLCU-00244-00058926-00059459 University of Hawaii until 1995. rNMc41pWLCU-00245-00059460-00059716 most notably in 1972 he founded and rNMc41pWLCU-00246-00059717-00059879 became the director of the center for rNMc41pWLCU-00247-00059879-00060035 Korean studies rNMc41pWLCU-00248-00060036-00060304 he had this vision of recognizing Korea rNMc41pWLCU-00249-00060305-00060497 as an important study in the academic rNMc41pWLCU-00250-00060498-00060730 world both politically and economically rNMc41pWLCU-00251-00060732-00061037 and to recognize its importance on the rNMc41pWLCU-00252-00061038-00061192 world stage rNMc41pWLCU-00253-00061194-00061438 in 1972 this is before the growth of rNMc41pWLCU-00254-00061439-00061685 Korea as an economic force on the world rNMc41pWLCU-00255-00061686-00061787 stage rNMc41pWLCU-00256-00061788-00062159 as a as a global automobile manufacturer rNMc41pWLCU-00257-00062160-00062321 and Global Commerce rNMc41pWLCU-00258-00062322-00062621 of an exporter of Korean culture video rNMc41pWLCU-00259-00062622-00062800 and design Graphics it was before all of rNMc41pWLCU-00260-00062801-00062921 that rNMc41pWLCU-00261-00062922-00063179 through the programs he sponsored rNMc41pWLCU-00262-00063179-00063382 trips to North Korea and Scholars he rNMc41pWLCU-00263-00063383-00063491 supported rNMc41pWLCU-00264-00063491-00063730 he focused on the importance of Korea rNMc41pWLCU-00265-00063732-00063959 the role of North Korea and the rNMc41pWLCU-00266-00063960-00064169 political ramifications of a divided rNMc41pWLCU-00267-00064170-00064265 nation rNMc41pWLCU-00268-00064266-00064535 on its political future rNMc41pWLCU-00269-00064536-00064744 I know this task involved things with rNMc41pWLCU-00270-00064745-00064859 which he was not particularly rNMc41pWLCU-00271-00064860-00065009 comfortable including for example rNMc41pWLCU-00272-00065010-00065149 fundraising rNMc41pWLCU-00273-00065150-00065416 uh I don't think asking for money was a rNMc41pWLCU-00274-00065417-00065809 forte of his it involved a lot of travel rNMc41pWLCU-00275-00065810-00066137 and a lot of time away from family rNMc41pWLCU-00276-00066138-00066323 and through it all the center for Korean rNMc41pWLCU-00277-00066324-00066581 studies was withstood the test of time rNMc41pWLCU-00278-00066582-00066773 recently celebrating its 50th rNMc41pWLCU-00279-00066774-00067073 anniversary just a few days after he rNMc41pWLCU-00280-00067074-00067349 passed away rNMc41pWLCU-00281-00067350-00067547 in thinking about all the energy and rNMc41pWLCU-00282-00067548-00067787 passion that he brought to these events rNMc41pWLCU-00283-00067788-00067949 I think about the chapter of the book rNMc41pWLCU-00284-00067950-00068200 entitled Anything is Possible rNMc41pWLCU-00285-00068201-00068393 because these events speak to Great rNMc41pWLCU-00286-00068394-00068626 courage and like so many stories of rNMc41pWLCU-00287-00068627-00068831 persons who came to the United States rNMc41pWLCU-00288-00068832-00069143 it is a particularly American story with rNMc41pWLCU-00289-00069144-00069388 a particularly American ethic rNMc41pWLCU-00290-00069389-00069605 this is fitting because my dad really rNMc41pWLCU-00291-00069606-00069809 did embrace the United States and its rNMc41pWLCU-00292-00069810-00069911 values rNMc41pWLCU-00293-00069912-00070138 I look at the Eternal optimism and rNMc41pWLCU-00294-00070139-00070331 courage that my dad brought to all of rNMc41pWLCU-00295-00070332-00070547 these tasks notwithstanding the many rNMc41pWLCU-00296-00070548-00070738 challenges that he faced rNMc41pWLCU-00297-00070739-00070991 it's quite inspirational rNMc41pWLCU-00298-00070992-00071219 it is the story of continuing to move rNMc41pWLCU-00299-00071220-00071459 forward notwithstanding War rNMc41pWLCU-00300-00071460-00071656 Refugee status rNMc41pWLCU-00301-00071657-00071873 separation from family rNMc41pWLCU-00302-00071874-00072076 communist intolerance toward religious rNMc41pWLCU-00303-00072077-00072161 faith rNMc41pWLCU-00304-00072162-00072443 change in cultures the hardships of rNMc41pWLCU-00305-00072444-00072676 raising young children rNMc41pWLCU-00306-00072677-00072844 moving frequently in different areas in rNMc41pWLCU-00307-00072845-00073049 the United States from Texas to the rNMc41pWLCU-00308-00073050-00073379 Midwest to New York to Hawaii and racial rNMc41pWLCU-00309-00073380-00073594 intolerance first is a Korean boy living rNMc41pWLCU-00310-00073595-00073931 in China than as a young Korean man rNMc41pWLCU-00311-00073932-00074141 living in the United States rNMc41pWLCU-00312-00074142-00074375 challenges are all things that we can rNMc41pWLCU-00313-00074376-00074699 all relate to we Face them in every day rNMc41pWLCU-00314-00074700-00074897 big challenges will come rNMc41pWLCU-00315-00074898-00075137 but so many challenges can be inspiring rNMc41pWLCU-00316-00075138-00075359 or they can be crushing rNMc41pWLCU-00317-00075360-00075682 and courage LED my dad to live a life of rNMc41pWLCU-00318-00075683-00075994 the former rather than the latter rNMc41pWLCU-00319-00075995-00076211 I like to tell my own children Daphne rNMc41pWLCU-00320-00076212-00076361 Kate and Charlotte the challenges are rNMc41pWLCU-00321-00076362-00076541 things that all of us face with rNMc41pWLCU-00322-00076542-00076643 certainty rNMc41pWLCU-00323-00076644-00076882 in this life and in the end they are a rNMc41pWLCU-00324-00076883-00077050 privilege rNMc41pWLCU-00325-00077051-00077297 pressure is a privilege rNMc41pWLCU-00326-00077298-00077537 challenges are a privilege because only rNMc41pWLCU-00327-00077538-00077693 through these challenges rNMc41pWLCU-00328-00077694-00077921 do you have an opportunity to become the rNMc41pWLCU-00329-00077922-00078011 person rNMc41pWLCU-00330-00078012-00078275 you have the potential to be rNMc41pWLCU-00331-00078276-00078544 in that way my Dad's life was very very rNMc41pWLCU-00332-00078545-00078779 inspiring rNMc41pWLCU-00333-00078780-00079006 over the past few weeks I have received rNMc41pWLCU-00334-00079007-00079259 many countless emails and voicemails rNMc41pWLCU-00335-00079260-00079415 from around the world from former rNMc41pWLCU-00336-00079416-00079644 students and colleagues professors rNMc41pWLCU-00337-00079645-00079888 journalists and Friends rNMc41pWLCU-00338-00079889-00080050 they have all asked me to Bear witness rNMc41pWLCU-00339-00080051-00080231 today to how grateful rNMc41pWLCU-00340-00080232-00080423 they are for the many things my dad did rNMc41pWLCU-00341-00080424-00080626 for them helping guide them educate them rNMc41pWLCU-00342-00080627-00080819 and Mentor them through their own rNMc41pWLCU-00343-00080820-00081053 academic and personal successes and rNMc41pWLCU-00344-00081054-00081269 Journeys rNMc41pWLCU-00345-00081270-00081449 many of these notes however talk about rNMc41pWLCU-00346-00081450-00081635 his warmth and kindness and generosity rNMc41pWLCU-00347-00081636-00081761 of spirit rNMc41pWLCU-00348-00081762-00082006 and as you might expect although the rNMc41pWLCU-00349-00082007-00082181 writers may not remember every specific rNMc41pWLCU-00350-00082182-00082367 substantive detail of their interactions rNMc41pWLCU-00351-00082368-00082456 with him rNMc41pWLCU-00352-00082457-00082661 they remember his willingness to share rNMc41pWLCU-00353-00082662-00082811 his ideas rNMc41pWLCU-00354-00082812-00082997 his objectivity rNMc41pWLCU-00355-00082998-00083176 and his willingness to spend time with rNMc41pWLCU-00356-00083177-00083255 them rNMc41pWLCU-00357-00083256-00083543 and grow academic understanding rNMc41pWLCU-00358-00083544-00084065 of a subject area so near to his heart rNMc41pWLCU-00359-00084066-00084311 I've really saved the most important rNMc41pWLCU-00360-00084312-00084497 part of my remarks however for the end rNMc41pWLCU-00361-00084498-00084749 of this because at the end I firmly rNMc41pWLCU-00362-00084750-00084881 believe rNMc41pWLCU-00363-00084882-00085138 person is not his or her job rNMc41pWLCU-00364-00085139-00085361 that we stand separate and apart from rNMc41pWLCU-00365-00085362-00085553 professional identity rNMc41pWLCU-00366-00085554-00085841 and that at least in my opinion the rNMc41pWLCU-00367-00085842-00086069 merger of personhood and career can be a rNMc41pWLCU-00368-00086070-00086194 mistake rNMc41pWLCU-00369-00086195-00086387 so let me talk about his most important rNMc41pWLCU-00370-00086388-00086579 merger for a moment rNMc41pWLCU-00371-00086580-00086837 and clearly what was his wisest move he rNMc41pWLCU-00372-00086838-00087179 married my mom in October of 1960. rNMc41pWLCU-00373-00087180-00087449 at the time of his passing my mom and he rNMc41pWLCU-00374-00087450-00087743 had been married for 62 years rNMc41pWLCU-00375-00087744-00088085 she has her own story equally courageous rNMc41pWLCU-00376-00088086-00088373 and storied of her transition to the rNMc41pWLCU-00377-00088374-00088511 United States rNMc41pWLCU-00378-00088512-00088847 to where she's sitting here today rNMc41pWLCU-00379-00088848-00089147 he left a lasting imprint on his family rNMc41pWLCU-00380-00089148-00089441 much of his optimism and anything is rNMc41pWLCU-00381-00089442-00089747 possible Spirit was in fact the spirit I rNMc41pWLCU-00382-00089748-00089873 grew up in rNMc41pWLCU-00383-00089874-00090100 my parents sent me off to Colombia in rNMc41pWLCU-00384-00090101-00090323 New York City after having grown up in rNMc41pWLCU-00385-00090324-00090682 Hawaii at the age of 16. because well rNMc41pWLCU-00386-00090683-00090905 anything was possible rNMc41pWLCU-00387-00090906-00091085 it was a difficult transition and rNMc41pWLCU-00388-00091086-00091181 stressful rNMc41pWLCU-00389-00091182-00091625 but it was always surrounded by optimism rNMc41pWLCU-00390-00091626-00091782 he embraced the American Spirit rNMc41pWLCU-00391-00091783-00091997 interestingly he didn't really expend rNMc41pWLCU-00392-00091998-00092218 any effort in having me or my brother rNMc41pWLCU-00393-00092219-00092429 speak Korean at home rNMc41pWLCU-00394-00092430-00092641 rather focusing on us speaking English rNMc41pWLCU-00395-00092642-00092968 he had often said that he wanted us to rNMc41pWLCU-00396-00092969-00093293 learn to speak English truly fluently as rNMc41pWLCU-00397-00093294-00093653 any child who was born here did rNMc41pWLCU-00398-00093654-00093923 he was always very supportive of rNMc41pWLCU-00399-00093924-00094150 Julie my lovely wife rNMc41pWLCU-00400-00094151-00094343 who is not Korean rNMc41pWLCU-00401-00094344-00094487 before rNMc41pWLCU-00402-00094488-00094829 long after our marriage rNMc41pWLCU-00403-00094830-00095141 the wedding ceremony excuse me and to rNMc41pWLCU-00404-00095142-00095429 the very day he passed rNMc41pWLCU-00405-00095430-00095626 although I must admit there was a time rNMc41pWLCU-00406-00095627-00095771 when rNMc41pWLCU-00407-00095772-00095999 uh I've got to say that there was time rNMc41pWLCU-00408-00096000-00096118 when I think my parents were trying to rNMc41pWLCU-00409-00096119-00096323 work out some kind of arranged marriage rNMc41pWLCU-00410-00096324-00096629 scheme I would get these booklets of rNMc41pWLCU-00411-00096630-00096826 young Korean women they all played the rNMc41pWLCU-00412-00096827-00097126 violin by the way but um that's the rNMc41pWLCU-00413-00097127-00097403 story for another day rNMc41pWLCU-00414-00097404-00097618 I I remember his Embrace of this rNMc41pWLCU-00415-00097619-00097787 particularly American ethic occurred rNMc41pWLCU-00416-00097788-00097918 notwithstanding some of his early rNMc41pWLCU-00417-00097919-00098111 experiences in the United States rNMc41pWLCU-00418-00098112-00098249 when I first joined the justice rNMc41pWLCU-00419-00098250-00098393 department in the Civil Rights Division rNMc41pWLCU-00420-00098394-00098561 I remember him telling me how when he rNMc41pWLCU-00421-00098562-00098812 was a young man at TCU bathrooms were rNMc41pWLCU-00422-00098813-00099094 still segregated between white and rNMc41pWLCU-00423-00099095-00099382 colored and he simply did not know which rNMc41pWLCU-00424-00099383-00099629 bathroom to use in that instance he rNMc41pWLCU-00425-00099630-00099779 talked about it as if you were mystified rNMc41pWLCU-00426-00099780-00100031 by it I think because the ugliness rNMc41pWLCU-00427-00100032-00100247 behind that division was so contrary to rNMc41pWLCU-00428-00100248-00100679 his naturally war and enveloping spirit rNMc41pWLCU-00429-00100680-00100871 my Dad loved music rNMc41pWLCU-00430-00100872-00101200 I have often said my God rNMc41pWLCU-00431-00101201-00101447 where would we be without music rNMc41pWLCU-00432-00101448-00101687 but certainly his love of music was a rNMc41pWLCU-00433-00101688-00101855 Bedrock of my own feelings for it he rNMc41pWLCU-00434-00101856-00102011 played the French horn and then the rNMc41pWLCU-00435-00102012-00102131 trumpet rNMc41pWLCU-00436-00102132-00102323 he played the trumpet in particular with rNMc41pWLCU-00437-00102324-00102401 a rNMc41pWLCU-00438-00102402-00102766 with a fervor that again had an overly rNMc41pWLCU-00439-00102767-00103006 optimistic view of his particular skill rNMc41pWLCU-00440-00103007-00103121 with that instrument rNMc41pWLCU-00441-00103122-00103342 but he also played the piano and with a rNMc41pWLCU-00442-00103343-00103606 bit more fluency he was remarkable that rNMc41pWLCU-00443-00103607-00103810 he did so well with it never having been rNMc41pWLCU-00444-00103811-00103949 formally taught rNMc41pWLCU-00445-00103950-00104140 at all he taught himself how to read rNMc41pWLCU-00446-00104141-00104339 music for the piano and taught himself rNMc41pWLCU-00447-00104340-00104501 to play it rNMc41pWLCU-00448-00104502-00104656 I wonder what would have happened if he rNMc41pWLCU-00449-00104657-00104849 had instruction as a young child I rNMc41pWLCU-00450-00104850-00105095 remember as a young child the holidays rNMc41pWLCU-00451-00105096-00105245 were always filled rNMc41pWLCU-00452-00105246-00105466 with him playing Christmas carols on the rNMc41pWLCU-00453-00105467-00105793 piano rNMc41pWLCU-00454-00105794-00106121 my Dad loved the outdoors and perhaps rNMc41pWLCU-00455-00106122-00106384 above all he loved to go fishing he rNMc41pWLCU-00456-00106385-00106528 seemed very much rNMc41pWLCU-00457-00106529-00106781 at peace in nature rNMc41pWLCU-00458-00106782-00107063 as children our vacations were largely rNMc41pWLCU-00459-00107064-00107219 centered around camping and fishing rNMc41pWLCU-00460-00107220-00107573 often in Canada which is a retrospect a rNMc41pWLCU-00461-00107574-00107728 strange place to go when you grow up in rNMc41pWLCU-00462-00107729-00107836 Hawaii rNMc41pWLCU-00463-00107838-00108023 for vacation rNMc41pWLCU-00464-00108024-00108245 but I recall the moments rNMc41pWLCU-00465-00108246-00108484 when we would be in these large pine rNMc41pWLCU-00466-00108485-00108749 forests amongst the northern Shield rNMc41pWLCU-00467-00108750-00109060 Lakes in the morning and he would look rNMc41pWLCU-00468-00109061-00109301 up at a pink sky rNMc41pWLCU-00469-00109302-00109565 as the sun rose in remark rNMc41pWLCU-00470-00109566-00109913 this this is the Almighty rNMc41pWLCU-00471-00109914-00110128 I think he felt the presence of God in rNMc41pWLCU-00472-00110129-00110483 the outdoors rNMc41pWLCU-00473-00110483-00110789 perhaps above all he loved his family rNMc41pWLCU-00474-00110790-00111077 was a devoted husband to my mom rNMc41pWLCU-00475-00111078-00111227 they spent all of their time together rNMc41pWLCU-00476-00111228-00111443 sharing their lives in the best ways rNMc41pWLCU-00477-00111444-00111589 possible rNMc41pWLCU-00478-00111590-00111875 my dad and mom moved to California to be rNMc41pWLCU-00479-00111876-00112234 closer to his children my brother and me rNMc41pWLCU-00480-00112235-00112636 and his grandchildren in 2003. rNMc41pWLCU-00481-00112638-00112931 over the past almost 20 years he has rNMc41pWLCU-00482-00112932-00113147 watched and participated actively in the rNMc41pWLCU-00483-00113148-00113351 raising of his grandkids rNMc41pWLCU-00484-00113352-00113549 Daphne Kate and Charlotte rNMc41pWLCU-00485-00113550-00113843 Tyler Gwen and Alex rNMc41pWLCU-00486-00113844-00114004 there are countless memories of these rNMc41pWLCU-00487-00114005-00114239 times but perhaps I will share with you rNMc41pWLCU-00488-00114240-00114365 one moment rNMc41pWLCU-00489-00114366-00114616 that I recall rNMc41pWLCU-00490-00114617-00114815 four years when our daughters were rNMc41pWLCU-00491-00114816-00115051 little rNMc41pWLCU-00492-00115052-00115325 and until very recently of course we rNMc41pWLCU-00493-00115326-00115504 would travel to spend Christmas with my rNMc41pWLCU-00494-00115505-00115834 parents at their home in Thousand Oaks rNMc41pWLCU-00495-00115835-00116069 and I would get them to hide underneath rNMc41pWLCU-00496-00116070-00116302 the piano and my brother would dress up rNMc41pWLCU-00497-00116303-00116495 as Santa Claus and he would bring in a rNMc41pWLCU-00498-00116496-00116747 big pile of presents and and we had a rNMc41pWLCU-00499-00116748-00116897 bit of theater rNMc41pWLCU-00500-00116898-00117184 that kept the belief in Santa going for rNMc41pWLCU-00501-00117185-00117533 a long long time rNMc41pWLCU-00502-00117533-00117784 I remember my dad getting ready for this rNMc41pWLCU-00503-00117785-00118019 annual bit of stagecraft rNMc41pWLCU-00504-00118020-00118252 and what he would always do is he would rNMc41pWLCU-00505-00118253-00118528 place a plate of cookies on the table rNMc41pWLCU-00506-00118529-00118708 next to the tree rNMc41pWLCU-00507-00118709-00119069 and I remember one evening there he was rNMc41pWLCU-00508-00119070-00119297 with the kids upstairs still rNMc41pWLCU-00509-00119298-00119525 with his Santa hat on rNMc41pWLCU-00510-00119526-00119831 in a red sweater under the glow of the rNMc41pWLCU-00511-00119832-00120119 holiday lights with a plate of cookies rNMc41pWLCU-00512-00120120-00120749 my goodness the real Santa was there rNMc41pWLCU-00513-00120750-00121078 I will leave you with one lasting memory rNMc41pWLCU-00514-00121079-00121319 in 2006 rNMc41pWLCU-00515-00121320-00121625 I traveled to Korea with my dad and my rNMc41pWLCU-00516-00121626-00121931 mom and we visited the great gravesite rNMc41pWLCU-00517-00121932-00122189 of my father's father rNMc41pWLCU-00518-00122190-00122639 it was in a it is in a public park uh it rNMc41pWLCU-00519-00122640-00122908 was a piece of ground that was later rNMc41pWLCU-00520-00122909-00123119 transitioned to a public park but the rNMc41pWLCU-00521-00123120-00123352 grave sites were maintained there and as rNMc41pWLCU-00522-00123353-00123557 long as the persons associated with the rNMc41pWLCU-00523-00123558-00123833 grave site maintained it the Korean rNMc41pWLCU-00524-00123833-00123977 government allowed you to keep the rNMc41pWLCU-00525-00123978-00124216 gravesite there so one of the reasons we rNMc41pWLCU-00526-00124217-00124534 went was to maintain that gravesite rNMc41pWLCU-00527-00124535-00124840 it was a it was a long and arduous walk rNMc41pWLCU-00528-00124841-00125008 up a mountain rNMc41pWLCU-00529-00125009-00125410 and I remember my dad looking at his rNMc41pWLCU-00530-00125411-00125608 father's gravesite rNMc41pWLCU-00531-00125609-00125945 and reflecting upon his childhood rNMc41pWLCU-00532-00125946-00126143 it was fall rNMc41pWLCU-00533-00126144-00126334 the leaves were rNMc41pWLCU-00534-00126335-00126610 brown and gold and they were falling on rNMc41pWLCU-00535-00126611-00126754 the ground rNMc41pWLCU-00536-00126755-00126971 I remember him talking about the passage rNMc41pWLCU-00537-00126972-00127258 of time rNMc41pWLCU-00538-00127259-00127552 and how things change in life rNMc41pWLCU-00539-00127553-00127769 and he said at this time now many years rNMc41pWLCU-00540-00127770-00127943 ago rNMc41pWLCU-00541-00127944-00128308 I hope you remember me when I am gone rNMc41pWLCU-00542-00128309-00128543 and I remember assuring him rNMc41pWLCU-00543-00128544-00128723 that everyone would rNMc41pWLCU-00544-00128724-00128945 and we will rNMc41pWLCU-00545-00128946-00129707 thank you rNMc41pWLCU-00546-00129708-00130066 thank you Maurice rNMc41pWLCU-00547-00130067-00130331 fitting tribute for your father rNMc41pWLCU-00548-00130332-00132352 Dr Hong if you like to come forward rNMc41pWLCU-00549-00132353-00133963 foreign rNMc41pWLCU-00550-00133964-00134231 's funeral rNMc41pWLCU-00551-00134232-00134645 I first met Professor saw in 1980. rNMc41pWLCU-00552-00134646-00134902 back then I was your graduate student at rNMc41pWLCU-00553-00134903-00135071 Johnson University rNMc41pWLCU-00554-00135072-00135437 and the Korean Marine Corps captain rNMc41pWLCU-00555-00135438-00135749 at the time during one special rNMc41pWLCU-00556-00135750-00135925 lecture rNMc41pWLCU-00557-00135926-00136273 maybe the Dead rNMc41pWLCU-00558-00136274-00136552 Zone was in fact rNMc41pWLCU-00559-00136553-00136823 liar not fake rNMc41pWLCU-00560-00136824-00137201 we had been led to believe rNMc41pWLCU-00561-00137202-00137525 it is Sensational liberation rNMc41pWLCU-00562-00137526-00137675 however rNMc41pWLCU-00563-00137676-00137999 due to the authoritarian government at rNMc41pWLCU-00564-00138000-00138190 the time even if this information was rNMc41pWLCU-00565-00138191-00138281 true rNMc41pWLCU-00566-00138282-00138719 it could not be disclosed publicly rNMc41pWLCU-00567-00138720-00138916 I was very impressed rNMc41pWLCU-00568-00138917-00139295 with previous Source courage conviction rNMc41pWLCU-00569-00139296-00139559 and conscience rNMc41pWLCU-00570-00139560-00139702 after I left rNMc41pWLCU-00571-00139703-00139990 activity I came to study in the state rNMc41pWLCU-00572-00139991-00140561 and met producer saw again in 1986. rNMc41pWLCU-00573-00140562-00140771 after taking his cautious rNMc41pWLCU-00574-00140772-00141016 my positive of impression of praise the rNMc41pWLCU-00575-00141017-00141269 soul was reaffirmed rNMc41pWLCU-00576-00141270-00141563 with his academic fashion rNMc41pWLCU-00577-00141564-00141937 dedication objectivity rationality rNMc41pWLCU-00578-00141938-00142264 consistency as a political scientist rNMc41pWLCU-00579-00142265-00142385 however rNMc41pWLCU-00580-00142386-00142673 due to the fact that Professor was so rNMc41pWLCU-00581-00142674-00142978 meticulous and was known for having one rNMc41pWLCU-00582-00142979-00143347 exemplary personality many students rNMc41pWLCU-00583-00143348-00143704 hesitated to ask him to be their faculty rNMc41pWLCU-00584-00143705-00143849 advisor rNMc41pWLCU-00585-00143850-00144028 taking a risk rNMc41pWLCU-00586-00144029-00144202 I asked him rNMc41pWLCU-00587-00144203-00144407 to be my advisor rNMc41pWLCU-00588-00144408-00144797 what did it for me he ordered and I rNMc41pWLCU-00589-00144798-00145078 became the first student to receive a rNMc41pWLCU-00590-00145079-00145199 PhD rNMc41pWLCU-00591-00145200-00145577 under his guidance after that many rNMc41pWLCU-00592-00145578-00145859 students were running up for his rNMc41pWLCU-00593-00145860-00146033 services rNMc41pWLCU-00594-00146034-00146302 he led my doctoral agitation with rNMc41pWLCU-00595-00146303-00146428 excellence rNMc41pWLCU-00596-00146429-00146783 although I was not good at English he rNMc41pWLCU-00597-00146784-00147161 never belittled or patronized me but rNMc41pWLCU-00598-00147162-00147425 instead he guided me you know gentle rNMc41pWLCU-00599-00147426-00147797 warm and kind of manner rNMc41pWLCU-00600-00147798-00148090 I never saw his angry expression rNMc41pWLCU-00601-00148091-00148252 not once rNMc41pWLCU-00602-00148253-00148583 when I was exhausted and struggling he rNMc41pWLCU-00603-00148584-00148816 encouraged me by giving hope that rNMc41pWLCU-00604-00148817-00149083 someday rNMc41pWLCU-00605-00149084-00149339 would surely come rNMc41pWLCU-00606-00149340-00149719 with his smile he always made a student rNMc41pWLCU-00607-00149720-00150125 feel comfortable he was a true teacher rNMc41pWLCU-00608-00150126-00150485 who treaties his student as cherished rNMc41pWLCU-00609-00150486-00150628 individuals rNMc41pWLCU-00610-00150629-00151109 many students admired such a professor rNMc41pWLCU-00611-00151110-00151451 what I am today is saying to his love rNMc41pWLCU-00612-00151452-00151745 advice and concern rNMc41pWLCU-00613-00151746-00152093 he was my best teacher in my life rNMc41pWLCU-00614-00152094-00152387 he has been my role model as your credit rNMc41pWLCU-00615-00152388-00152519 scholar rNMc41pWLCU-00616-00152520-00152807 I was so happy to be his student rNMc41pWLCU-00617-00152808-00153190 however I did not say thank you to rNMc41pWLCU-00618-00153191-00153425 Professor so rNMc41pWLCU-00619-00153426-00153647 in his lifetime rNMc41pWLCU-00620-00153648-00153790 issues rNMc41pWLCU-00621-00153791-00154031 such little and sorrow rNMc41pWLCU-00622-00154032-00154289 that I have to express rNMc41pWLCU-00623-00154290-00154463 my Essential rNMc41pWLCU-00624-00154464-00155183 credit tooth here today rNMc41pWLCU-00625-00155184-00155513 we have lost a world-class color rNMc41pWLCU-00626-00155514-00155885 in the study of North Korean obvious and rNMc41pWLCU-00627-00155886-00156076 communist movement on the Korean rNMc41pWLCU-00628-00156077-00156197 peninsula rNMc41pWLCU-00629-00156198-00156413 to lose professor rNMc41pWLCU-00630-00156414-00156814 is to lose on academic treasure rNMc41pWLCU-00631-00156815-00157211 he passed away but his ultimate will rNMc41pWLCU-00632-00157212-00157637 shine brightly for a long time rNMc41pWLCU-00633-00157638-00158009 no one will be able to take his place rNMc41pWLCU-00634-00158010-00158416 I convey my deepest condolence to the rNMc41pWLCU-00635-00158417-00158537 family rNMc41pWLCU-00636-00158538-00158921 Dear Professor saw I pray that you will rNMc41pWLCU-00637-00158922-00159166 eternally rest in peace rNMc41pWLCU-00638-00159167-00159389 you'll never be forgotten rNMc41pWLCU-00639-00159390-00159761 I love you I respect you and thank you rNMc41pWLCU-00640-00159762-00162064 so much everything thanks rNMc41pWLCU-00641-00162065-00162383 Dr Hong thank you so much for not simply rNMc41pWLCU-00642-00162384-00162635 expressing your gratitude rNMc41pWLCU-00643-00162636-00162802 from Professor saw rNMc41pWLCU-00644-00162803-00163001 but also representing all the students rNMc41pWLCU-00645-00163002-00163216 and colleagues that he's had through the rNMc41pWLCU-00646-00163217-00163331 years rNMc41pWLCU-00647-00163332-00163576 you stand as a representative to that rNMc41pWLCU-00648-00163577-00163757 and it was very heartful thank you thank rNMc41pWLCU-00649-00163758-00163949 you for that rNMc41pWLCU-00650-00163950-00164207 and now rNMc41pWLCU-00651-00164208-00164447 professor says daesuke's son is going to rNMc41pWLCU-00652-00164448-00164675 come forward Kevin and also his rNMc41pWLCU-00653-00164676-00165301 granddaughter Gwen rNMc41pWLCU-00654-00165302-00165539 thank you Pastor Tom rNMc41pWLCU-00655-00165540-00165797 um I'm first going to read something rNMc41pWLCU-00656-00165798-00165976 that was written by his friend and rNMc41pWLCU-00657-00165977-00166337 colleague chejin Lee he asked me to read rNMc41pWLCU-00658-00166338-00166661 it today so this is part of the the rNMc41pWLCU-00659-00166662-00166931 eulogy that he wrote for my father rNMc41pWLCU-00660-00166932-00167281 uh he writes the date September 13th rNMc41pWLCU-00661-00167282-00167585 2022 was one of the most sorrowful days rNMc41pWLCU-00662-00167586-00167897 in my life because Dr day six uh an rNMc41pWLCU-00663-00167898-00168101 outstanding scholar whom I greatly rNMc41pWLCU-00664-00168102-00168352 respected suddenly passed away at the rNMc41pWLCU-00665-00168353-00168575 age of 90 in California rNMc41pWLCU-00666-00168576-00168814 in addition to being a wonderful and rNMc41pWLCU-00667-00168815-00169085 supportive colleague for me Dr saw was a rNMc41pWLCU-00668-00169086-00169307 towering leader in the community of rNMc41pWLCU-00669-00169308-00169469 Korean studies not only in the United rNMc41pWLCU-00670-00169470-00169847 States but also all over the world among rNMc41pWLCU-00671-00169848-00170099 his many scholarly Publications on Asian rNMc41pWLCU-00672-00170100-00170363 Affairs and international relations he rNMc41pWLCU-00673-00170364-00170513 was especially admired for his classic rNMc41pWLCU-00674-00170514-00170776 books the Korean communist movement and rNMc41pWLCU-00675-00170777-00171035 Kim il-sung the North Korean leader rNMc41pWLCU-00676-00171036-00171304 his meticulous research and multilingual rNMc41pWLCU-00677-00171305-00171707 ability Superior analysis and reasonable rNMc41pWLCU-00678-00171708-00171964 balance judgment set a lofty standard rNMc41pWLCU-00679-00171965-00172216 for other Scholars to emulate moreover rNMc41pWLCU-00680-00172217-00172433 he was a legendary and imaginative rNMc41pWLCU-00681-00172434-00172613 Pioneer in managing the center for rNMc41pWLCU-00682-00172614-00172816 Korean studies at the University of rNMc41pWLCU-00683-00172817-00173104 Hawaii as its founding director Dr sub rNMc41pWLCU-00684-00173105-00173333 played a critical role in completing the rNMc41pWLCU-00685-00173334-00173483 construction of the colorful and rNMc41pWLCU-00686-00173484-00173825 Majestic building that houses the center rNMc41pWLCU-00687-00173826-00174047 as patterned after a Korean Imperial rNMc41pWLCU-00688-00174048-00174323 Palace it symbolizes the importance of rNMc41pWLCU-00689-00174324-00174563 Korean studies on campus and Beyond rNMc41pWLCU-00690-00174564-00174814 he sponsored a variety of academic rNMc41pWLCU-00691-00174815-00175157 events and educated many students he rNMc41pWLCU-00692-00175158-00175361 also supported the publication of an rNMc41pWLCU-00693-00175362-00175637 influential Journal Korean studies at rNMc41pWLCU-00694-00175638-00175721 the center rNMc41pWLCU-00695-00175722-00175997 as of the center's 50th anniversary is rNMc41pWLCU-00696-00175998-00176237 celebrated as the center's 50th rNMc41pWLCU-00697-00176238-00176375 anniversary is celebrated at the rNMc41pWLCU-00698-00176376-00176669 University of Hawaii in 2022 I'm sure rNMc41pWLCU-00699-00176670-00176866 the doctor says lasting contributions rNMc41pWLCU-00700-00176867-00177101 are duly noted rNMc41pWLCU-00701-00177102-00177364 Dr so was a role model for me and a rNMc41pWLCU-00702-00177365-00177563 mentor for my research and Publications rNMc41pWLCU-00703-00177564-00177826 no other person was more dedicated to rNMc41pWLCU-00704-00177827-00178049 enhancing my scholarly activities than rNMc41pWLCU-00705-00178050-00178349 he was I feel so much indebted to his rNMc41pWLCU-00706-00178350-00178573 wise advice and productive cooperation rNMc41pWLCU-00707-00178574-00178787 it was my pleasure to have lunch rNMc41pWLCU-00708-00178788-00179038 meetings with him and his erudite and rNMc41pWLCU-00709-00179039-00179338 graceful wife at Koreatown restaurant a rNMc41pWLCU-00710-00179339-00179519 couple of times a year over the past two rNMc41pWLCU-00711-00179520-00179878 decades except for the covid-19 era rNMc41pWLCU-00712-00179879-00180059 he was generous in answering my rNMc41pWLCU-00713-00180060-00180221 questions and providing constructured rNMc41pWLCU-00714-00180222-00180449 suggestions for me he was appreciative rNMc41pWLCU-00715-00180450-00180797 of the tender care provided by MRSA he rNMc41pWLCU-00716-00180798-00180904 is proud of the professional rNMc41pWLCU-00717-00180905-00181138 accomplishments of his two sons Maurice rNMc41pWLCU-00718-00181139-00181264 and Kevin rNMc41pWLCU-00719-00181265-00181445 yet he made a clear distinction between rNMc41pWLCU-00720-00181446-00181726 private and public matters he maintained rNMc41pWLCU-00721-00181727-00181925 a high degree of integrity and honesty rNMc41pWLCU-00722-00181926-00182249 he is gone but his illustrious Legacy rNMc41pWLCU-00723-00182250-00182416 will live on forever rNMc41pWLCU-00724-00182417-00182614 I will continue to cherish the fond rNMc41pWLCU-00725-00182615-00182866 memory of extraordinary extraordinary rNMc41pWLCU-00726-00182867-00183040 professional and personal relationship I rNMc41pWLCU-00727-00183041-00183352 enjoyed with Dr desexa for a long time I rNMc41pWLCU-00728-00183353-00183647 pray for him to rest in peace I offer my rNMc41pWLCU-00729-00183648-00183893 sincere condolences to Mrs sum race and rNMc41pWLCU-00730-00183894-00184049 Kevin and other members of their rNMc41pWLCU-00731-00184050-00184301 extended families rNMc41pWLCU-00732-00184302-00184709 uh that was from Dr Chechen Lee and now rNMc41pWLCU-00733-00184710-00184990 I'm going to ask my daughter Glenn to rNMc41pWLCU-00734-00184991-00185171 come up and read something she wrote for rNMc41pWLCU-00735-00185172-00186185 her grandfather rNMc41pWLCU-00736-00186186-00186490 Dear Heart of a g you were taken from rNMc41pWLCU-00737-00186491-00186713 our family too soon and I want you to rNMc41pWLCU-00738-00186714-00186893 know how much I miss you and think of rNMc41pWLCU-00739-00186894-00187181 you every second of every day rNMc41pWLCU-00740-00187182-00187397 I want to make you proud and I hope one rNMc41pWLCU-00741-00187398-00187588 day I can live up to your glory rNMc41pWLCU-00742-00187589-00187769 I more than likely won't become a rNMc41pWLCU-00743-00187770-00187937 scholar like you but I'll get as close rNMc41pWLCU-00744-00187938-00188104 to that as I can rNMc41pWLCU-00745-00188105-00188321 it's because of you that I work hard in rNMc41pWLCU-00746-00188322-00188519 and out of school strive to be the best rNMc41pWLCU-00747-00188520-00188807 version of myself and have faith in God rNMc41pWLCU-00748-00188808-00189004 I hope you know how much I admire you rNMc41pWLCU-00749-00189005-00189185 and your ability to love like no one's rNMc41pWLCU-00750-00189186-00189299 watching rNMc41pWLCU-00751-00189300-00189461 I wish we could have done more rNMc41pWLCU-00752-00189462-00189659 experienced more and adventured more rNMc41pWLCU-00753-00189660-00189875 together just the two of us rNMc41pWLCU-00754-00189876-00190054 though you were stolen from us before rNMc41pWLCU-00755-00190055-00190331 any of us were even close to ready I rNMc41pWLCU-00756-00190332-00190564 feel your presence in my life every day rNMc41pWLCU-00757-00190565-00190763 when I'm having a bad day or something rNMc41pWLCU-00758-00190764-00190954 goes wrong I think of what you would rNMc41pWLCU-00759-00190955-00191140 want me to do in that moment and what rNMc41pWLCU-00760-00191141-00191302 would make you proud rNMc41pWLCU-00761-00191303-00191549 every time I step into Harmony's empty rNMc41pWLCU-00762-00191550-00191849 empty house I hope I hope to see you rNMc41pWLCU-00763-00191850-00192052 sitting in your big gray chair rNMc41pWLCU-00764-00192053-00192275 every time I hope that this is all just rNMc41pWLCU-00765-00192276-00192485 a bad dream and that none of this is rNMc41pWLCU-00766-00192486-00192581 real rNMc41pWLCU-00767-00192582-00192833 there there are a million things I want rNMc41pWLCU-00768-00192834-00192983 to tell you and share with you but rNMc41pWLCU-00769-00192984-00193145 there's not enough time in the world for rNMc41pWLCU-00770-00193146-00193343 us to laugh at them all rNMc41pWLCU-00771-00193344-00193576 we'll have to wait until God reunites Us rNMc41pWLCU-00772-00193577-00193769 in heaven and by then we'll have an rNMc41pWLCU-00773-00193770-00193937 eternity to spend together rNMc41pWLCU-00774-00193938-00194152 I hope you know how loved you are and rNMc41pWLCU-00775-00194153-00194351 how much you've impacted my life rNMc41pWLCU-00776-00194352-00194507 there are things that you did for me rNMc41pWLCU-00777-00194508-00194825 that will stay with me forever rNMc41pWLCU-00778-00194826-00195028 you always have a very special place in rNMc41pWLCU-00779-00195029-00195202 my heart that I'll cherish until the end rNMc41pWLCU-00780-00195203-00196157 of time I love you forever rNMc41pWLCU-00781-00196158-00196463 uh when I look at my father's life rNMc41pWLCU-00782-00196464-00196528 um rNMc41pWLCU-00783-00196529-00196751 I I think it's it was more than just a rNMc41pWLCU-00784-00196752-00197045 good life or a long life or a life well rNMc41pWLCU-00785-00197046-00197249 lived rNMc41pWLCU-00786-00197250-00197476 um it really was an incredible journey rNMc41pWLCU-00787-00197477-00197776 and in that Journey there are all these rNMc41pWLCU-00788-00197777-00198004 different stories so in in preparation rNMc41pWLCU-00789-00198005-00198275 for uh this service rNMc41pWLCU-00790-00198276-00198395 um you know I spent a lot of time going rNMc41pWLCU-00791-00198396-00198664 through his pictures and old videos and rNMc41pWLCU-00792-00198665-00199043 reading uh about his his early life rNMc41pWLCU-00793-00199044-00199295 and they're just all these different rNMc41pWLCU-00794-00199296-00199757 beats to his his life story that um that rNMc41pWLCU-00795-00199758-00199913 I thought were were interesting there's rNMc41pWLCU-00796-00199914-00200195 the the immigration story and you know rNMc41pWLCU-00797-00200196-00200416 the struggle in immigrating from really rNMc41pWLCU-00798-00200417-00200635 the North Korean border with China rNMc41pWLCU-00799-00200636-00200838 during war rNMc41pWLCU-00800-00200839-00201071 and coming to the United States with rNMc41pWLCU-00801-00201072-00201250 thirty dollars in his pocket on a rNMc41pWLCU-00802-00201251-00201526 student visa and bringing my mom over rNMc41pWLCU-00803-00201527-00201875 and all the setbacks and struggles and rNMc41pWLCU-00804-00201876-00202090 having to do without rNMc41pWLCU-00805-00202091-00202504 um during that that part of his life and rNMc41pWLCU-00806-00202505-00202726 luck and and you know all the times that rNMc41pWLCU-00807-00202727-00202949 he got lucky and and all the things that rNMc41pWLCU-00808-00202950-00203243 went just right so he could be in the rNMc41pWLCU-00809-00203244-00203488 United States but it that that in and of rNMc41pWLCU-00810-00203489-00203669 itself I think is an amazing story and rNMc41pWLCU-00811-00203670-00203963 and you know maybe that is a story one rNMc41pWLCU-00812-00203964-00204185 story of somebody's life but but there rNMc41pWLCU-00813-00204186-00204407 are many many more so uh you know rNMc41pWLCU-00814-00204408-00204557 there's also the distinguished scholar rNMc41pWLCU-00815-00204558-00204851 story which is is uh what what we've rNMc41pWLCU-00816-00204852-00205019 heard a lot about today rNMc41pWLCU-00817-00205019-00205103 um rNMc41pWLCU-00818-00205104-00205510 how he came to the United States as a rNMc41pWLCU-00819-00205511-00205798 you know really with just as a kid with rNMc41pWLCU-00820-00205800-00206008 a bunch of ideas and a love and a rNMc41pWLCU-00821-00206009-00206448 passion for uh knowledge and and really rNMc41pWLCU-00822-00206450-00206723 with the thought of the reunification of rNMc41pWLCU-00823-00206723-00207034 Korea because the country that he grew rNMc41pWLCU-00824-00207035-00207232 up in was torn apart by War rNMc41pWLCU-00825-00207233-00207371 so rNMc41pWLCU-00826-00207371-00207490 um rNMc41pWLCU-00827-00207491-00207646 I think the interesting thing about my rNMc41pWLCU-00828-00207648-00207910 dad and you know I I arguably have rNMc41pWLCU-00829-00207911-00208181 inherited it is that he was he was very rNMc41pWLCU-00830-00208182-00208457 irreverent about a lot of his ideas and rNMc41pWLCU-00831-00208458-00208558 thinking rNMc41pWLCU-00832-00208559-00208882 um even his academic thought and rNMc41pWLCU-00833-00208883-00209231 actually had quite a bit of uh he was a rNMc41pWLCU-00834-00209232-00209471 rebel and almost I would say almost a rNMc41pWLCU-00835-00209471-00209681 contempt for doing things or thinking rNMc41pWLCU-00836-00209682-00209848 about things the way that everyone else rNMc41pWLCU-00837-00209850-00210013 did rNMc41pWLCU-00838-00210014-00210419 and that starting from nothing it earned rNMc41pWLCU-00839-00210419-00210701 him this recognition and success as a rNMc41pWLCU-00840-00210702-00210923 scholar around the world in many rNMc41pWLCU-00841-00210923-00211156 different disciplines so there's that rNMc41pWLCU-00842-00211157-00211319 story rNMc41pWLCU-00843-00211319-00211481 there's also the center for Korean rNMc41pWLCU-00844-00211482-00211642 studies story which I think is is rNMc41pWLCU-00845-00211644-00211937 amazing in and of itself which is that rNMc41pWLCU-00846-00211938-00212206 you know he he was a professor at the rNMc41pWLCU-00847-00212207-00212405 University of Houston and got this rNMc41pWLCU-00848-00212406-00212656 invitation to study at the University of rNMc41pWLCU-00849-00212657-00213005 Hawaii and and created uh rNMc41pWLCU-00850-00213006-00213179 you know this the center for Korean rNMc41pWLCU-00851-00213180-00213484 studies really as an idea with with a rNMc41pWLCU-00852-00213485-00213739 friend of his to create the center for rNMc41pWLCU-00853-00213740-00214121 Korean studies and Korean Affairs and rNMc41pWLCU-00854-00214121-00214282 that I think would have been incredible rNMc41pWLCU-00855-00214283-00214534 in and of itself but he created and rNMc41pWLCU-00856-00214535-00214673 built this rNMc41pWLCU-00857-00214673-00214956 Korean palace in the middle of the uh rNMc41pWLCU-00858-00214957-00215273 campus which is uh if you ever have the rNMc41pWLCU-00859-00215273-00215410 chance to go to Hawaii it's it's rNMc41pWLCU-00860-00215411-00215617 actually quite spectacular it's actually rNMc41pWLCU-00861-00215617-00215992 a Korean palace in the middle of uh of a rNMc41pWLCU-00862-00215994-00216256 public university in Hawaii rNMc41pWLCU-00863-00216257-00216460 um and you know in in his book he talks rNMc41pWLCU-00864-00216461-00216610 about the fact that rNMc41pWLCU-00865-00216611-00216929 he he did that so that the university rNMc41pWLCU-00866-00216930-00217241 would not repurpose the building for rNMc41pWLCU-00867-00217242-00217451 some other use that it would always be rNMc41pWLCU-00868-00217452-00217667 used for Korean studies because they're rNMc41pWLCU-00869-00217667-00217853 not going to tear it down because it's rNMc41pWLCU-00870-00217854-00218044 so beautiful and they're not going to rNMc41pWLCU-00871-00218046-00218225 put you know the biology Department in rNMc41pWLCU-00872-00218226-00218387 it because it looks like a Korean palace rNMc41pWLCU-00873-00218388-00218687 so uh but I think the the amazing thing rNMc41pWLCU-00874-00218688-00218929 about the center for Korean studies was rNMc41pWLCU-00875-00218930-00219215 the fundraising part of it because I rNMc41pWLCU-00876-00219216-00219371 mean all of us in our family realize rNMc41pWLCU-00877-00219371-00219713 that my dad uh you know it may be his rNMc41pWLCU-00878-00219714-00219960 blind spot was business and making money rNMc41pWLCU-00879-00219961-00220301 and he raised an incredible amount of rNMc41pWLCU-00880-00220302-00220421 money rNMc41pWLCU-00881-00220421-00220703 um amongst the government colleagues and rNMc41pWLCU-00882-00220704-00220806 other people rNMc41pWLCU-00883-00220807-00221098 to get that building built and actually rNMc41pWLCU-00884-00221100-00221387 uh you know lining up the resources to rNMc41pWLCU-00885-00221388-00221539 actually build it rNMc41pWLCU-00886-00221540-00221831 so you know that that I think in and of rNMc41pWLCU-00887-00221832-00222101 itself is a is a huge accomplishment and rNMc41pWLCU-00888-00222102-00222419 and really the the the story of his rNMc41pWLCU-00889-00222419-00222598 really the the thrust of his rNMc41pWLCU-00890-00222600-00222787 professional life rNMc41pWLCU-00891-00222788-00223096 there's also the story of our family and rNMc41pWLCU-00892-00223098-00223277 you know what what my brother made rNMc41pWLCU-00893-00223278-00223619 reference to is is a lot of time that we rNMc41pWLCU-00894-00223619-00223823 spent together as a family and when I rNMc41pWLCU-00895-00223823-00224201 say family first is the foursome with rNMc41pWLCU-00896-00224202-00224446 you know just the four of us my mom and rNMc41pWLCU-00897-00224448-00224771 dad and and my brother and I rNMc41pWLCU-00898-00224771-00225005 um we spent most of our time Outdoors rNMc41pWLCU-00899-00225006-00225358 you know and and I think about that in rNMc41pWLCU-00900-00225359-00225629 the context of my family and why my rNMc41pWLCU-00901-00225630-00225846 family I spent so much time Outdoors rNMc41pWLCU-00902-00225848-00226115 it's because I grew up spending so much rNMc41pWLCU-00903-00226116-00226481 time Outdoors fishing and and being rNMc41pWLCU-00904-00226482-00226789 together and enjoying that time together rNMc41pWLCU-00905-00226790-00227255 but despite or not despite but but even rNMc41pWLCU-00906-00227256-00227441 considering all my dad's professional rNMc41pWLCU-00907-00227442-00227663 successes I think the thing that made rNMc41pWLCU-00908-00227664-00227819 him the most proud and the most happy rNMc41pWLCU-00909-00227819-00227992 was his family rNMc41pWLCU-00910-00227994-00228137 um rNMc41pWLCU-00911-00228138-00228473 uh as as our both of our families grew rNMc41pWLCU-00912-00228473-00228965 you know I think he was so happy uh and rNMc41pWLCU-00913-00228966-00229217 and in some ways it almost took him from rNMc41pWLCU-00914-00229217-00229475 the that that laser focus he had on his rNMc41pWLCU-00915-00229476-00229792 career and on on you know politics and rNMc41pWLCU-00916-00229794-00230039 and his academic work it almost pulled rNMc41pWLCU-00917-00230040-00230225 him away from it I could see it with rNMc41pWLCU-00918-00230226-00230458 with every one of our children I mean rNMc41pWLCU-00919-00230459-00230717 when Tyler was born he you know he rNMc41pWLCU-00920-00230717-00231005 finally had a grandson and he was you rNMc41pWLCU-00921-00231006-00231232 know so happy about that rNMc41pWLCU-00922-00231233-00231442 um and you know he just had such a rNMc41pWLCU-00923-00231444-00231677 special bond with Gwen rNMc41pWLCU-00924-00231678-00231917 um and it's it's no secret how much she rNMc41pWLCU-00925-00231917-00232067 adored Anne rNMc41pWLCU-00926-00232067-00232342 um and and who's happy to have a Korean rNMc41pWLCU-00927-00232344-00232565 daughter-in-law and and you know someone rNMc41pWLCU-00928-00232566-00232781 who could cook Korean food for him and rNMc41pWLCU-00929-00232782-00233069 and was so focused on his happiness and rNMc41pWLCU-00930-00233069-00233332 his health and well-being I remember the rNMc41pWLCU-00931-00233333-00233560 first time he saw Alex in the in the rNMc41pWLCU-00932-00233561-00233789 hospital he held her and he looked at me rNMc41pWLCU-00933-00233790-00236206 and said pure happiness rNMc41pWLCU-00934-00236207-00236417 but it's his family that was a legacy of rNMc41pWLCU-00935-00236417-00236992 his life rNMc41pWLCU-00936-00236994-00237521 but there's also one story rNMc41pWLCU-00937-00237521-00238241 [Music] rNMc41pWLCU-00938-00238242-00238475 that that doesn't get told very often rNMc41pWLCU-00939-00238476-00238727 and that's the story of his Lifelong rNMc41pWLCU-00940-00238728-00239455 Love Fair with his wife my mom rNMc41pWLCU-00941-00239456-00239765 and I didn't really understand it until rNMc41pWLCU-00942-00239766-00240298 I went through all of his old pictures rNMc41pWLCU-00943-00240300-00240605 and I could see in his old pictures with rNMc41pWLCU-00944-00240606-00240946 my mom rNMc41pWLCU-00945-00240948-00241217 how much they loved each other rNMc41pWLCU-00946-00241217-00241481 I mean if there's a video on the rNMc41pWLCU-00947-00241482-00242519 obituary website rNMc41pWLCU-00948-00242519-00242698 and you can see in the pictures how much rNMc41pWLCU-00949-00242700-00243053 they love each other rNMc41pWLCU-00950-00243054-00243287 the old pictures rNMc41pWLCU-00951-00243288-00243701 and the new pictures rNMc41pWLCU-00952-00243702-00243910 and it's that Bond rNMc41pWLCU-00953-00243911-00244301 that's kept our family together rNMc41pWLCU-00954-00244302-00244608 and it's that Bond rNMc41pWLCU-00955-00244609-00245158 that allowed my dad to be successful rNMc41pWLCU-00956-00245159-00245381 and it's also that bond that helped my rNMc41pWLCU-00957-00245382-00245651 mom take care of my dad rNMc41pWLCU-00958-00245652-00246460 to the very end rNMc41pWLCU-00959-00246461-00246653 in the end the the one thing and the rNMc41pWLCU-00960-00246654-00246856 only thing my dad kept saying to me you rNMc41pWLCU-00961-00246857-00246971 know he said it to me over and over rNMc41pWLCU-00962-00246971-00247282 again is take care of Mom and I will and rNMc41pWLCU-00963-00247283-00247644 I understand why now rNMc41pWLCU-00964-00247646-00247896 foreign rNMc41pWLCU-00965-00247898-00248394 time deciding what to say today and rNMc41pWLCU-00966-00248396-00248644 for those of you know my friends are rNMc41pWLCU-00967-00248646-00248944 here and they know that that's a unusual rNMc41pWLCU-00968-00248946-00249082 for me rNMc41pWLCU-00969-00249083-00249323 um I'm usually not at a loss for things rNMc41pWLCU-00970-00249323-00249658 to say but I think the reality is I just rNMc41pWLCU-00971-00249659-00250019 am not ready for death to go rNMc41pWLCU-00972-00250019-00250810 so I'd like to be able to say rNMc41pWLCU-00973-00250811-00251113 that death is a part of life or rNMc41pWLCU-00974-00251114-00251405 the beauty of life is that it's you know rNMc41pWLCU-00975-00251406-00251644 it ends you know and reassure yourself rNMc41pWLCU-00976-00251646-00251881 but rNMc41pWLCU-00977-00251882-00252394 I'm just not there yet rNMc41pWLCU-00978-00252396-00252592 particularly during kova in the last rNMc41pWLCU-00979-00252594-00252791 couple of years I spent a lot of time rNMc41pWLCU-00980-00252792-00252971 with my dad going to doctor's rNMc41pWLCU-00981-00252971-00253132 appointments like a lot of emergency rNMc41pWLCU-00982-00253133-00253319 room visits a lot of doctor's rNMc41pWLCU-00983-00253319-00253805 appointments and lab tests and rNMc41pWLCU-00984-00253806-00253996 we took a lot of Drives together during rNMc41pWLCU-00985-00253998-00254123 covid rNMc41pWLCU-00986-00254123-00254327 um just we drive around and you know rNMc41pWLCU-00987-00254328-00254537 sometimes go to be to lunch out outside rNMc41pWLCU-00988-00254538-00254825 someplace and I'm so thankful for the rNMc41pWLCU-00989-00254826-00255203 time that we're able to spend together rNMc41pWLCU-00990-00255204-00255532 because I think he got to know me more rNMc41pWLCU-00991-00255533-00255755 as a person rNMc41pWLCU-00992-00255756-00256342 and I got to know him more as a person rNMc41pWLCU-00993-00256344-00256721 in my relationship with my dad the rNMc41pWLCU-00994-00256721-00257027 I think that the greatest gift amongst rNMc41pWLCU-00995-00257028-00257260 all the gifts that you know he gave to rNMc41pWLCU-00996-00257261-00257627 me was he always used to say to me rNMc41pWLCU-00997-00257628-00257927 Kevin it's gonna be okay rNMc41pWLCU-00998-00257928-00258251 don't worry like almost in an irritated rNMc41pWLCU-00999-00258252-00258592 voice like like you know it's gonna be rNMc41pWLCU-01000-00258594-00258869 okay like quit knock it off rNMc41pWLCU-01001-00258869-00259121 and it got through me through so many uh rNMc41pWLCU-01002-00259121-00259367 of the calamities of of my life which rNMc41pWLCU-01003-00259367-00259625 you all know that there have been many rNMc41pWLCU-01004-00259626-00259696 um rNMc41pWLCU-01005-00259698-00260056 but it always helped me get through and rNMc41pWLCU-01006-00260057-00260179 um rNMc41pWLCU-01007-00260180-00260921 I wish he was here to say that to me now rNMc41pWLCU-01008-00260921-00261125 but he always used to say to me rNMc41pWLCU-01009-00261126-00261329 or ask me and I thought it was such a rNMc41pWLCU-01010-00261330-00261473 stupid question to use always used to rNMc41pWLCU-01011-00261473-00261653 ask me rNMc41pWLCU-01012-00261654-00261880 Hey Kevin we're Pals right rNMc41pWLCU-01013-00261881-00262271 or fouls and I'm like we're not palsy or rNMc41pWLCU-01014-00262272-00262367 my dad rNMc41pWLCU-01015-00262368-00262613 but then eventually over time I mean rNMc41pWLCU-01016-00262614-00262810 this started like 10 years ago so over rNMc41pWLCU-01017-00262811-00262997 time I would eventually say to him yes rNMc41pWLCU-01018-00262998-00263465 we're Pals dead so Dad yes we're Pals rNMc41pWLCU-01019-00263466-00263825 um and I love you and I'll always miss rNMc41pWLCU-01020-00263826-00264767 you rNMc41pWLCU-01021-00264768-00264995 thank you Kevin rNMc41pWLCU-01022-00264996-00265234 three words for honoring your father rNMc41pWLCU-01023-00265235-00265541 your pal rNMc41pWLCU-01024-00265542-00266003 let's pray rNMc41pWLCU-01025-00266004-00266429 gracious God it is with deep gratitude rNMc41pWLCU-01026-00266430-00266747 and with deep humility rNMc41pWLCU-01027-00266748-00266945 that we thank you rNMc41pWLCU-01028-00266946-00267371 for providing they Suk rNMc41pWLCU-01029-00267372-00267629 into this life in the manner in which he rNMc41pWLCU-01030-00267630-00267899 touched people rNMc41pWLCU-01031-00267900-00268145 Lord it is an amazing story it's an rNMc41pWLCU-01032-00268146-00268330 adventure rNMc41pWLCU-01033-00268331-00268643 from Manchuria to being the youngest of rNMc41pWLCU-01034-00268644-00268751 seven rNMc41pWLCU-01035-00268752-00268967 to California rNMc41pWLCU-01036-00268968-00269329 God you have blessed him in many ways rNMc41pWLCU-01037-00269330-00269645 God we want to thank you for his almost rNMc41pWLCU-01038-00269646-00270143 61 62 years of marriage with eunuch rNMc41pWLCU-01039-00270144-00270305 from that moment when they first met rNMc41pWLCU-01040-00270306-00270484 when they were studying English together rNMc41pWLCU-01041-00270485-00270665 in Korea rNMc41pWLCU-01042-00270666-00270845 to the final time they had together in rNMc41pWLCU-01043-00270846-00271037 the hospital rNMc41pWLCU-01044-00271038-00271180 we thank you that you've watched over rNMc41pWLCU-01045-00271181-00271330 them rNMc41pWLCU-01046-00271331-00271606 I suppose just share they shared a love rNMc41pWLCU-01047-00271607-00271937 affair that lasted a lifetime rNMc41pWLCU-01048-00271938-00272213 one with mutual respect and caring for rNMc41pWLCU-01049-00272214-00272332 each other rNMc41pWLCU-01050-00272333-00272543 one in which they were able to create a rNMc41pWLCU-01051-00272544-00272687 family rNMc41pWLCU-01052-00272688-00272939 in which there was a home rNMc41pWLCU-01053-00272940-00273191 so God we do thank you for their family rNMc41pWLCU-01054-00273192-00273365 thank you God for what they've been able rNMc41pWLCU-01055-00273366-00273515 to do together rNMc41pWLCU-01056-00273516-00273695 and God we thank you for the just the rNMc41pWLCU-01057-00273696-00274025 many ways you have touched and provided rNMc41pWLCU-01058-00274026-00274295 for people through his life rNMc41pWLCU-01059-00274296-00274469 thank you God that there is such a rNMc41pWLCU-01060-00274470-00274793 promise right now that his life is not rNMc41pWLCU-01061-00274794-00274901 over rNMc41pWLCU-01062-00274902-00275308 in some ways it is simply beginning rNMc41pWLCU-01063-00275309-00275519 in his love with you and in his life rNMc41pWLCU-01064-00275520-00275963 with you rNMc41pWLCU-01065-00275964-00276143 so I want to share rNMc41pWLCU-01066-00276144-00276406 two passages of scripture rNMc41pWLCU-01067-00276407-00276599 that have been on my heart as I've been rNMc41pWLCU-01068-00276600-00276856 thinking about today and and desuc and rNMc41pWLCU-01069-00276857-00277067 the first one has to do with his life rNMc41pWLCU-01070-00277068-00277265 here and the second one has to do with rNMc41pWLCU-01071-00277266-00277456 his life in eternity rNMc41pWLCU-01072-00277457-00277679 in terms of his life here rNMc41pWLCU-01073-00277680-00277949 leaning into but with both Maurice and rNMc41pWLCU-01074-00277950-00278165 Kevin shared about their father rNMc41pWLCU-01075-00278166-00278380 this scripture comes from the book of rNMc41pWLCU-01076-00278381-00278573 Romans in the New Testament chapter 8 rNMc41pWLCU-01077-00278574-00278860 verse 28 it says this and we know that rNMc41pWLCU-01078-00278861-00279130 in all things God works for good rNMc41pWLCU-01079-00279131-00279323 for those who left him who have been rNMc41pWLCU-01080-00279324-00279539 called according to his purpose rNMc41pWLCU-01081-00279540-00279725 I'm gonna say that one more time we know rNMc41pWLCU-01082-00279726-00279934 that in all things God works together rNMc41pWLCU-01083-00279935-00280067 for good rNMc41pWLCU-01084-00280068-00280403 for those who are called and are loved rNMc41pWLCU-01085-00280404-00280679 according to his purpose rNMc41pWLCU-01086-00280680-00280901 I was honored I was having rNMc41pWLCU-01087-00280902-00281153 um coffee with eunuch and desook at rNMc41pWLCU-01088-00281154-00281249 their house rNMc41pWLCU-01089-00281250-00281434 and um rNMc41pWLCU-01090-00281435-00281632 I always struggled with do I call him rNMc41pWLCU-01091-00281633-00281884 day soup or Dr Sarah rNMc41pWLCU-01092-00281885-00282106 I wanted to call him day suit because of rNMc41pWLCU-01093-00282107-00282269 who he was with his family I wanted to rNMc41pWLCU-01094-00282270-00282484 call him Dr Seth because of my profound rNMc41pWLCU-01095-00282485-00282779 respect for who he was so I might switch rNMc41pWLCU-01096-00282780-00282958 back and forth right now rNMc41pWLCU-01097-00282959-00283265 but told me he had written a book about rNMc41pWLCU-01098-00283266-00283517 his life and it was wasn't written for rNMc41pWLCU-01099-00283518-00283697 publication it wasn't for all the papers rNMc41pWLCU-01100-00283698-00283901 in Korea and America to read it wasn't rNMc41pWLCU-01101-00283902-00284195 for anyone else except for his family rNMc41pWLCU-01102-00284196-00284656 and then he offered me a copy rNMc41pWLCU-01103-00284657-00285017 profoundly meaningful to me personally rNMc41pWLCU-01104-00285018-00285305 and I went home immediately and read it rNMc41pWLCU-01105-00285306-00285599 and then today and yesterday I felt like rNMc41pWLCU-01106-00285600-00285755 I was one of those college students rNMc41pWLCU-01107-00285756-00286151 reading it again to remember his life rNMc41pWLCU-01108-00286152-00286408 and what I found as I read his book was rNMc41pWLCU-01109-00286409-00286619 the truth of this passage we know that rNMc41pWLCU-01110-00286620-00286817 in all things God works together for the rNMc41pWLCU-01111-00286818-00287008 good for those that left America rNMc41pWLCU-01112-00287009-00287237 according to his purpose because when rNMc41pWLCU-01113-00287238-00287513 you look at his life you see God's rNMc41pWLCU-01114-00287514-00287849 invisible hand watching over him in fact rNMc41pWLCU-01115-00287850-00288101 that's what he says in this book which rNMc41pWLCU-01116-00288102-00288245 isn't for the public but since we're rNMc41pWLCU-01117-00288246-00288406 family here let me share some of his rNMc41pWLCU-01118-00288407-00288787 words with what happened in his life rNMc41pWLCU-01119-00288788-00289043 we mentioned he has eight kids in the rNMc41pWLCU-01120-00289044-00289295 book he talks about how their his rNMc41pWLCU-01121-00289296-00289523 parents they had a girl then a boy a rNMc41pWLCU-01122-00289524-00289793 girl then a boy a girl then a boy a girl rNMc41pWLCU-01123-00289794-00290069 then daesouk rNMc41pWLCU-01124-00290070-00290308 it was it was that order and as he rNMc41pWLCU-01125-00290309-00290471 reflected on this again these are the rNMc41pWLCU-01126-00290472-00290687 words of Dr sa he writes rNMc41pWLCU-01127-00290688-00290884 I have often wondered whether there was rNMc41pWLCU-01128-00290885-00291143 divine guidance or Providence at work rNMc41pWLCU-01129-00291144-00291334 with my father for having so many rNMc41pWLCU-01130-00291335-00291617 children in such an orderly fashion rNMc41pWLCU-01131-00291618-00291815 children were considered the source of rNMc41pWLCU-01132-00291816-00292151 happiness and blessing from the Almighty rNMc41pWLCU-01133-00292152-00292355 and what you see is he walks through his rNMc41pWLCU-01134-00292356-00292577 life he always has these couple phrases rNMc41pWLCU-01135-00292578-00292751 just right in the middle of a paragraph rNMc41pWLCU-01136-00292752-00292984 talking about how the almighty has rNMc41pWLCU-01137-00292985-00293165 watched over him even as he reflected rNMc41pWLCU-01138-00293166-00293387 when he was reflecting on his life rNMc41pWLCU-01139-00293388-00293584 growing up with a presbyterian pastor rNMc41pWLCU-01140-00293585-00293771 this is what he wrote rNMc41pWLCU-01141-00293772-00294017 my father deployed strict Christian rNMc41pWLCU-01142-00294018-00294269 family rules for his children rNMc41pWLCU-01143-00294270-00294503 we had to attend church services of rNMc41pWLCU-01144-00294504-00294808 course but we also had to participate in rNMc41pWLCU-01145-00294809-00294995 Bible study sessions once or twice a rNMc41pWLCU-01146-00294996-00295210 week in order to keep the Sabbath day rNMc41pWLCU-01147-00295211-00295451 holy we were not allowed to enter and to rNMc41pWLCU-01148-00295452-00295763 bind or selling any kind of any kind on rNMc41pWLCU-01149-00295764-00295865 Sunday rNMc41pWLCU-01150-00295866-00296171 so they had a very strict you got to go rNMc41pWLCU-01151-00296172-00296380 to church you got to participate in rNMc41pWLCU-01152-00296381-00296663 Bible studies and I would imagine as you rNMc41pWLCU-01153-00296664-00296867 said Kevin and as you talked about your rNMc41pWLCU-01154-00296868-00297151 father he had a bit of a rNMc41pWLCU-01155-00297152-00297430 rebellious streak in him to say this in rNMc41pWLCU-01156-00297431-00297665 fact I think it is out of as a biography rNMc41pWLCU-01157-00297666-00297887 he says when he got his dissertation you rNMc41pWLCU-01158-00297888-00298175 had to be confident or courageous and rNMc41pWLCU-01159-00298176-00298373 audacious rNMc41pWLCU-01160-00298374-00298637 and then he said I was quite audacious rNMc41pWLCU-01161-00298638-00298823 which I think leans into exactly what rNMc41pWLCU-01162-00298824-00299063 you were saying that's just who he was rNMc41pWLCU-01163-00299064-00299279 and so I can imagine kind of growing up rNMc41pWLCU-01164-00299280-00299513 in his family learning all the rNMc41pWLCU-01165-00299514-00299680 scriptures from his father and following rNMc41pWLCU-01166-00299681-00299951 all that he had for him in fact as you rNMc41pWLCU-01167-00299952-00300305 mentioned his music when the uh when the rNMc41pWLCU-01168-00300306-00300575 Communists invaded when the Communists rNMc41pWLCU-01169-00300576-00300803 invaded Soul where they were living he rNMc41pWLCU-01170-00300804-00301030 talked about spending two days and two rNMc41pWLCU-01171-00301031-00301475 nights digging a hole under his house rNMc41pWLCU-01172-00301476-00301649 listen to what he wrote this is what he rNMc41pWLCU-01173-00301650-00301877 said he said I dug a large hole rNMc41pWLCU-01174-00301878-00302123 underneath our house a hole large enough rNMc41pWLCU-01175-00302124-00302423 to provide shelter for my father and a rNMc41pWLCU-01176-00302424-00302680 few valuable possessions we owned such rNMc41pWLCU-01177-00302681-00303071 as a sewing machine and a small wind rNMc41pWLCU-01178-00303072-00303353 pedal organ I used to play rNMc41pWLCU-01179-00303354-00303532 I used to play this organ by playing rNMc41pWLCU-01180-00303533-00303730 church hymnals and I could not imagine a rNMc41pWLCU-01181-00303731-00303875 North Korean communist soldiers rNMc41pWLCU-01182-00303876-00304210 confiscating it and Hauling it away rNMc41pWLCU-01183-00304211-00304505 so he digs a hole when the Communists rNMc41pWLCU-01184-00304506-00304679 are coming in rNMc41pWLCU-01185-00304680-00304871 place for his father a sewing machine rNMc41pWLCU-01186-00304872-00305039 and rNMc41pWLCU-01187-00305040-00305284 a wind pedal organ rNMc41pWLCU-01188-00305285-00305525 in which he learned the hymns of the rNMc41pWLCU-01189-00305526-00305651 church rNMc41pWLCU-01190-00305652-00305945 somehow that his faith was connected all rNMc41pWLCU-01191-00305946-00306089 things worked together for the good for rNMc41pWLCU-01192-00306090-00306275 those who love God and are called rNMc41pWLCU-01193-00306276-00306473 according to his purpose rNMc41pWLCU-01194-00306474-00306658 one of the one of the moments in his rNMc41pWLCU-01195-00306659-00306904 book where he talks about this Divine rNMc41pWLCU-01196-00306905-00307127 Providence this invisible hand is what rNMc41pWLCU-01197-00307128-00307313 what was mentioned as you heard his rNMc41pWLCU-01198-00307314-00307423 story rNMc41pWLCU-01199-00307424-00307679 he wanted to get a job as an interpreter rNMc41pWLCU-01200-00307680-00308077 when the troops were coming into Korea rNMc41pWLCU-01201-00308078-00308308 and this is this is what he said about rNMc41pWLCU-01202-00308309-00308519 that in order to be an interpreter you rNMc41pWLCU-01203-00308520-00308758 had to take a test a written test and an rNMc41pWLCU-01204-00308759-00308867 oral test rNMc41pWLCU-01205-00308868-00309143 listen to how he describes why he passed rNMc41pWLCU-01206-00309144-00309334 this test and got the job as an rNMc41pWLCU-01207-00309335-00309629 interpreter he wrote this fortunately I rNMc41pWLCU-01208-00309630-00309815 received the highest score let me rNMc41pWLCU-01209-00309816-00310001 interrupt myself throughout this place rNMc41pWLCU-01210-00310002-00310277 he receives the highest scores on many rNMc41pWLCU-01211-00310278-00310429 of the places in which he studied rNMc41pWLCU-01212-00310430-00310660 fortunately I received the highest score rNMc41pWLCU-01213-00310661-00310889 and now listen to this humility not rNMc41pWLCU-01214-00310890-00311158 because I was the best applicant rNMc41pWLCU-01215-00311159-00311423 but because the examination came from a rNMc41pWLCU-01216-00311424-00311651 story I had read in Reader's Digest rNMc41pWLCU-01217-00311652-00311879 Magazine in preparation for a college rNMc41pWLCU-01218-00311880-00312215 entrance exam it was a biblical story of rNMc41pWLCU-01219-00312216-00312443 the land of milk and honey my rNMc41pWLCU-01220-00312444-00312629 familiarity with the substance of the rNMc41pWLCU-01221-00312630-00312832 story helped me to pass both the written rNMc41pWLCU-01222-00312833-00313115 and the oral examinations rNMc41pWLCU-01223-00313116-00313373 those Bible studies he was forced to go rNMc41pWLCU-01224-00313374-00313630 to as a child rNMc41pWLCU-01225-00313631-00313960 prepared him to pass his test to be an rNMc41pWLCU-01226-00313961-00314153 interpreter rNMc41pWLCU-01227-00314154-00314351 the invisible hand of God all things rNMc41pWLCU-01228-00314352-00314495 worked together for the good for those rNMc41pWLCU-01229-00314496-00314651 that love God and are called according rNMc41pWLCU-01230-00314652-00314945 to his purpose in the meeting of Yoon rNMc41pWLCU-01231-00314946-00315197 Oak and his love that began when they rNMc41pWLCU-01232-00315198-00315437 met to study English and he made a rNMc41pWLCU-01233-00315438-00315629 promise to her that he will bring her to rNMc41pWLCU-01234-00315630-00315815 America not knowing now and I love that rNMc41pWLCU-01235-00315816-00316127 chapter was it chapter 32. all things rNMc41pWLCU-01236-00316128-00316295 are possible if you put your mind to it rNMc41pWLCU-01237-00316296-00316451 and that's what he eventually provided rNMc41pWLCU-01238-00316452-00316606 for her rNMc41pWLCU-01239-00316607-00316829 um and then uh he just continued to rNMc41pWLCU-01240-00316830-00317093 recognize the blessings 1964 was a big rNMc41pWLCU-01241-00317094-00317341 year for him rNMc41pWLCU-01242-00317342-00317647 1964 marked that when you remember rNMc41pWLCU-01243-00317648-00317884 desucsa because he said it was a big rNMc41pWLCU-01244-00317885-00318191 year it was a year he had his first son rNMc41pWLCU-01245-00318192-00318341 Maurice was born rNMc41pWLCU-01246-00318342-00318587 it was the year he completed his rNMc41pWLCU-01247-00318588-00318725 dissertation rNMc41pWLCU-01248-00318726-00318869 all that work rNMc41pWLCU-01249-00318870-00319408 and it was the year he got an Oldsmobile rNMc41pWLCU-01250-00319409-00319708 he his son a dissertation and an rNMc41pWLCU-01251-00319709-00319841 Oldsmobile rNMc41pWLCU-01252-00319842-00320032 he worked as he worked in the car rNMc41pWLCU-01253-00320033-00320206 industry for a little bit selling cars rNMc41pWLCU-01254-00320207-00320351 and he always thought the Oldsmobile was rNMc41pWLCU-01255-00320352-00320584 the best possible and that was the year rNMc41pWLCU-01256-00320585-00320758 that that happened for him rNMc41pWLCU-01257-00320759-00320956 all things worked together for the good rNMc41pWLCU-01258-00320957-00321106 for those that loved God and are called rNMc41pWLCU-01259-00321107-00321295 according to his purpose day success rNMc41pWLCU-01260-00321296-00321665 experience the invisible hand of God rNMc41pWLCU-01261-00321666-00322025 as a man of Faith he was rNMc41pWLCU-01262-00322026-00322234 not embarrassed to talk about his faith rNMc41pWLCU-01263-00322235-00322403 I'll share one story he shared with me rNMc41pWLCU-01264-00322404-00322619 he and I were having coffee rNMc41pWLCU-01265-00322620-00322871 I wanted to know him he and we were rNMc41pWLCU-01266-00322872-00323110 having coffee in Starbucks and he goes rNMc41pWLCU-01267-00323111-00323267 uh Pastor Tom I have to tell you this rNMc41pWLCU-01268-00323268-00323489 story I wish I could do his voice rNMc41pWLCU-01269-00323490-00323656 because I love his voice but I can't so rNMc41pWLCU-01270-00323657-00323879 I won't Pastor Tom I have to tell you rNMc41pWLCU-01271-00323880-00324065 this story on one of the times I was rNMc41pWLCU-01272-00324066-00324293 flying through the Soviet Union going to rNMc41pWLCU-01273-00324294-00324508 Korea he would be there and he was rNMc41pWLCU-01274-00324509-00324658 meeting with doing all of his study rNMc41pWLCU-01275-00324659-00324821 doing all of his work to to discover rNMc41pWLCU-01276-00324822-00325073 communism he was talking to a Soviet rNMc41pWLCU-01277-00325074-00325243 official rNMc41pWLCU-01278-00325244-00325477 government building rNMc41pWLCU-01279-00325478-00325691 biblical paintings paintings from the rNMc41pWLCU-01280-00325692-00325889 Old Testament in the life of Jesus and rNMc41pWLCU-01281-00325890-00326008 there were these paintings on the wall rNMc41pWLCU-01282-00326009-00326297 and this Soviet official was very proud rNMc41pWLCU-01283-00326298-00326543 he was telling Dr Suh about these rNMc41pWLCU-01284-00326544-00326729 wonderful beautiful works of art that we rNMc41pWLCU-01285-00326730-00326993 have in the Soviet Union and Dr Seth rNMc41pWLCU-01286-00326994-00327160 said he'll return to the Soviet official rNMc41pWLCU-01287-00327161-00327280 and said rNMc41pWLCU-01288-00327281-00327682 do you know the stories behind the rNMc41pWLCU-01289-00327683-00327863 paintings rNMc41pWLCU-01290-00327864-00328019 and the Soviet official was someone rNMc41pWLCU-01291-00328020-00328223 embarrassed and said no I don't rNMc41pWLCU-01292-00328224-00328565 Dr sa always being Dr SAS said I rNMc41pWLCU-01293-00328566-00328823 challenge you as a scholar rNMc41pWLCU-01294-00328824-00329177 learn the stories behind the paintings rNMc41pWLCU-01295-00329178-00329393 and I and I've already told me that rNMc41pWLCU-01296-00329394-00329663 story I thought Dr Cell was somewhat of rNMc41pWLCU-01297-00329664-00329827 an evangelist in a scholarly rNMc41pWLCU-01298-00329828-00330089 non-confrontational kind of way rNMc41pWLCU-01299-00330090-00330280 learn the stories rNMc41pWLCU-01300-00330281-00330551 learn the stories behind the paintings rNMc41pWLCU-01301-00330552-00330923 all things work together for the good rNMc41pWLCU-01302-00330924-00331103 for those that love God and are called rNMc41pWLCU-01303-00331104-00331408 according to his purpose his life rNMc41pWLCU-01304-00331409-00331595 demonstrates the invisible the rNMc41pWLCU-01305-00331596-00331834 providential hand of God rNMc41pWLCU-01306-00331835-00332015 the second verse I want to share with rNMc41pWLCU-01307-00332016-00332087 you rNMc41pWLCU-01308-00332088-00332279 it comes from The Book of John chapter rNMc41pWLCU-01309-00332280-00332627 14. rNMc41pWLCU-01310-00332628-00332951 it talks about preparing a home rNMc41pWLCU-01311-00332952-00333160 now before I read this I want us to rNMc41pWLCU-01312-00333161-00333310 remember his life as you've already rNMc41pWLCU-01313-00333311-00333575 heard today rNMc41pWLCU-01314-00333576-00333863 he was ran out of his home rNMc41pWLCU-01315-00333864-00334139 then he was ran out of his next home rNMc41pWLCU-01316-00334140-00334367 and then he came to this country looking rNMc41pWLCU-01317-00334368-00334577 for a home rNMc41pWLCU-01318-00334578-00334882 and he found that home with eunuch rNMc41pWLCU-01319-00334883-00335087 whether it was Chicago or New York rNMc41pWLCU-01320-00335088-00335387 whether it was Texas or Hawaii rNMc41pWLCU-01321-00335388-00335801 whether it was dos fientos California rNMc41pWLCU-01322-00335802-00336215 he found a home with her rNMc41pWLCU-01323-00336216-00336677 and God had preparing a home for him rNMc41pWLCU-01324-00336678-00336923 from the very beginning of Eternity rNMc41pWLCU-01325-00336924-00337115 so on that day rNMc41pWLCU-01326-00337116-00337408 when day Su went from this life to the rNMc41pWLCU-01327-00337409-00337775 next he entered into a home that had rNMc41pWLCU-01328-00337776-00338015 already been prepared for him rNMc41pWLCU-01329-00338016-00338171 all things worked together for the good rNMc41pWLCU-01330-00338172-00338291 for those that love God and called rNMc41pWLCU-01331-00338292-00338543 according to his purpose this is the rNMc41pWLCU-01332-00338544-00338789 ultimate good in his life listen to this rNMc41pWLCU-01333-00338790-00339071 from John chapter 14 verses 1 to 6. rNMc41pWLCU-01334-00339072-00339293 it says do not let your hearts be rNMc41pWLCU-01335-00339294-00339406 troubled rNMc41pWLCU-01336-00339407-00339725 trust in God this is Jesus talking trust rNMc41pWLCU-01337-00339726-00339869 also in me rNMc41pWLCU-01338-00339870-00340175 in my father's house are many rooms if rNMc41pWLCU-01339-00340176-00340379 it were not so I would not have told you rNMc41pWLCU-01340-00340380-00340643 I am going there to prepare a place for rNMc41pWLCU-01341-00340644-00340727 you rNMc41pWLCU-01342-00340728-00340960 and if I go and prepare a place for you rNMc41pWLCU-01343-00340961-00341165 I will come back and take you to be with rNMc41pWLCU-01344-00341166-00341513 me that you may also be where I am and rNMc41pWLCU-01345-00341514-00341639 you know the place to where I'm going rNMc41pWLCU-01346-00341640-00341897 Thomas one of his disciples said Lord we rNMc41pWLCU-01347-00341898-00342041 don't know where you're going so how can rNMc41pWLCU-01348-00342042-00342239 we know the way and Jesus answered I am rNMc41pWLCU-01349-00342240-00342491 the way and the truth and the life rNMc41pWLCU-01350-00342492-00343217 and I'll come to the father through me rNMc41pWLCU-01351-00343218-00343649 on that day rNMc41pWLCU-01352-00343650-00344129 in which day Sook rNMc41pWLCU-01353-00344130-00344567 went from this life to the next rNMc41pWLCU-01354-00344568-00344860 in heaven he received rNMc41pWLCU-01355-00344861-00345227 a welcome home rNMc41pWLCU-01356-00345228-00345503 a home that can never be destroyed rNMc41pWLCU-01357-00345504-00345856 A Home of love and Eternity rNMc41pWLCU-01358-00345857-00346115 a home in which we gather together as rNMc41pWLCU-01359-00346116-00346223 family rNMc41pWLCU-01360-00346224-00346529 in the body of Christ rNMc41pWLCU-01361-00346530-00346715 on that day rNMc41pWLCU-01362-00346716-00346973 when he went from this life rNMc41pWLCU-01363-00346974-00347489 to the next rNMc41pWLCU-01364-00347490-00347965 he received his Eternal Father rNMc41pWLCU-01365-00347966-00348221 he received that rNMc41pWLCU-01366-00348222-00348473 and that is the grace that we can find rNMc41pWLCU-01367-00348474-00348760 deep comfort in today rNMc41pWLCU-01368-00348761-00349019 as we miss him and as we long for him as rNMc41pWLCU-01369-00349020-00349180 there's a part of us that isn't ready rNMc41pWLCU-01370-00349181-00349384 yet to go for him to be gone has been rNMc41pWLCU-01371-00349385-00349679 shared there is this profound truth and rNMc41pWLCU-01372-00349680-00350003 Gwen you said it you set it right in the rNMc41pWLCU-01373-00350004-00350171 middle of everything that you read there rNMc41pWLCU-01374-00350172-00350447 will be a day when you're with him again rNMc41pWLCU-01375-00350448-00350651 and that that sets that promise that rNMc41pWLCU-01376-00350652-00350969 promise is so absolutely true rNMc41pWLCU-01377-00350970-00351173 so with that in mind we're going to say rNMc41pWLCU-01378-00351174-00351329 the Lord's Prayer and then I'll say a rNMc41pWLCU-01379-00351330-00351569 final prayer and before our service ends rNMc41pWLCU-01380-00351570-00351749 and I would invite you I would just rNMc41pWLCU-01381-00351750-00351958 invite you to reflect on the fact that rNMc41pWLCU-01382-00351959-00352156 as we pray rNMc41pWLCU-01383-00352157-00352367 mercy and Grace has followed him all the rNMc41pWLCU-01384-00352368-00352541 days of his life and he does dwell in rNMc41pWLCU-01385-00352542-00352763 the house of the Lord forever rNMc41pWLCU-01386-00352764-00353032 so let's pray the prayer rNMc41pWLCU-01387-00353033-00353399 The Lord's Prayer in honor of both who rNMc41pWLCU-01388-00353400-00353669 Jesus is and I I would also say in honor rNMc41pWLCU-01389-00353670-00353806 of his father rNMc41pWLCU-01390-00353807-00354137 president Pastor who who held for him rNMc41pWLCU-01391-00354138-00354419 such a deep love for all of you rNMc41pWLCU-01392-00354420-00354569 let's pray rNMc41pWLCU-01393-00354570-00354701 Our Father rNMc41pWLCU-01394-00354702-00355049 who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name rNMc41pWLCU-01395-00355050-00355408 thy kingdom come thy will be done on rNMc41pWLCU-01396-00355409-00355715 Earth as it is in heaven give us this rNMc41pWLCU-01397-00355716-00355991 day our daily bread and forgive us our rNMc41pWLCU-01398-00355992-00356267 debts as we forgive our debtors rNMc41pWLCU-01399-00356268-00356501 and lead us not to temptation but rNMc41pWLCU-01400-00356502-00356747 Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the rNMc41pWLCU-01401-00356748-00356999 kingdom and the power and the glory rNMc41pWLCU-01402-00357000-00357143 forever rNMc41pWLCU-01403-00357144-00357413 Lord we thank you for the life of rNMc41pWLCU-01404-00357414-00357587 desucsa rNMc41pWLCU-01405-00357588-00357797 thank you for receiving him into your rNMc41pWLCU-01406-00357798-00358078 Care thank you for your hand of love and rNMc41pWLCU-01407-00358079-00358247 grace that has followed him his whole rNMc41pWLCU-01408-00358248-00358541 life and thank you for now the fact that rNMc41pWLCU-01409-00358542-00358853 he is resting with you in eternity rNMc41pWLCU-01410-00358854-00359069 we pray a special blessing as we rNMc41pWLCU-01411-00359070-00359291 continue God that you would be with each rNMc41pWLCU-01412-00359292-00359453 of the family members your holy spirit rNMc41pWLCU-01413-00359454-00359627 will bless them keep them watch over rNMc41pWLCU-01414-00359628-00359878 them meet them in their place of grief rNMc41pWLCU-01415-00359879-00360101 and meet them in their place of comfort rNMc41pWLCU-01416-00360102-00360334 fill them with your love and your grace rNMc41pWLCU-01417-00360335-00360551 and just thank you for watching each of rNMc41pWLCU-01418-00360552-00360784 them and Lord we thank you again for the rNMc41pWLCU-01419-00360785-00361103 the magnitude of his life rNMc41pWLCU-01420-00361104-00361469 the magnitude of his impact in the world rNMc41pWLCU-01421-00361470-00361763 and as was already shared the magnitude rNMc41pWLCU-01422-00361764-00362080 of love that he had with his family rNMc41pWLCU-01423-00362081-00362273 we ask all these things rNMc41pWLCU-01424-00362274-00362458 in your son's name rNMc41pWLCU-01425-00362459-00363065 amen rNMc41pWLCU-01426-00363066-00363239 right now if you want to come forward rNMc41pWLCU-01427-00363240-00363508 right now we're going to move into uh rNMc41pWLCU-01428-00363509-00363682 reception rNMc41pWLCU-01429-00363683-00363832 um I want to just be super clear you're rNMc41pWLCU-01430-00363833-00363947 going to hear it again from the folks rNMc41pWLCU-01431-00363948-00364156 after the reception there's going to be rNMc41pWLCU-01432-00364157-00364439 a gravesite service and the gravesite rNMc41pWLCU-01433-00364440-00364703 service is for immediate family in rNMc41pWLCU-01434-00364704-00364865 particular for them to have a chance to rNMc41pWLCU-01435-00364866-00365656 be together that's great rNMc41pWLCU-01436-00365657-00365867 ladies and gentlemen does this does rNMc41pWLCU-01437-00365868-00366065 conclude our Chapel service we will be rNMc41pWLCU-01438-00366066-00366245 having a reception and the family would rNMc41pWLCU-01439-00366246-00366382 like to invite you we'll be right next rNMc41pWLCU-01440-00366383-00366545 door to the chapel and we'll have people rNMc41pWLCU-01441-00366546-00366995 directing you where to go thank you rNMc41pWLCU-01442-00366996-00367390 foreign rNMc41pWLCU-01443-00367391-00368530 [Music] rNMc41pWLCU-01444-00368531-00369345 [Music] rNMc41pWLCU-01445-00369346-00370421 [Music] rNMc41pWLCU-01446-00370422-00370615 location rNMc41pWLCU-01447-00370616-00371418 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00000-00000045-00001791 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00001-00001792-00001923 hmm rNP2JoheKJM-00002-00001923-00003514 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00003-00003515-00003763 [Applause] rNP2JoheKJM-00004-00003764-00004944 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00005-00004945-00005034 [Applause] rNP2JoheKJM-00006-00005035-00006726 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00007-00006727-00007719 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00008-00007720-00007920 so rNP2JoheKJM-00009-00007920-00007968 [Applause] rNP2JoheKJM-00010-00007969-00008195 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00011-00008196-00008213 [Applause] rNP2JoheKJM-00012-00008214-00010742 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00013-00010743-00011609 so rNP2JoheKJM-00015-00014778-00015060 [Applause] rNP2JoheKJM-00016-00015061-00016527 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00017-00016528-00017098 so rNP2JoheKJM-00018-00017099-00017567 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00019-00017568-00018247 so rNP2JoheKJM-00020-00018248-00019971 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00021-00019972-00020183 [Music] rNP2JoheKJM-00022-00020184-00020392 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00000-00000014-00000437 the Institute sup biotech to Paris sup rR4Cx605ZEy-00001-00000438-00000907 biotech or is BP English Paris higher rR4Cx605ZEy-00002-00000908-00001178 biotechnology Institute is a French rR4Cx605ZEy-00003-00001179-00001489 private engineering school created in rR4Cx605ZEy-00004-00001490-00001968 2003 located in village if near Paris rR4Cx605ZEy-00005-00001969-00002309 sup biotech is specialized in the field rR4Cx605ZEy-00006-00002310-00002701 of biotechnology the school delivers a rR4Cx605ZEy-00007-00002702-00003043 five-year program split in two parts the rR4Cx605ZEy-00008-00003044-00003299 first three years correspond to a rR4Cx605ZEy-00009-00003300-00003626 bachelor's degree in biotechnology in rR4Cx605ZEy-00010-00003627-00003890 the last two years two master's degree rR4Cx605ZEy-00011-00003890-00004443 in biotechnology rR4Cx605ZEy-00012-00004444-00004604 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00013-00004605-00004962 topic history rR4Cx605ZEy-00014-00004963-00005159 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00015-00005160-00005654 sup biotech was created in 2003 by Ionis rR4Cx605ZEy-00016-00005655-00005972 education group it provides middle rR4Cx605ZEy-00017-00005973-00006385 management for biotechnology industry rR4Cx605ZEy-00018-00006386-00006681 biotechnology industries belong mainly rR4Cx605ZEy-00019-00006681-00006989 to Health innovation food or environment rR4Cx605ZEy-00020-00006990-00007424 on the 11th of January 2012 the degree rR4Cx605ZEy-00021-00007425-00007649 delivered by the university was rR4Cx605ZEy-00022-00007650-00008151 recognized level one by C n CP the same rR4Cx605ZEy-00023-00008152-00008480 year on the 21st of February the rR4Cx605ZEy-00024-00008481-00008774 university was labeled by the industries rR4Cx605ZEy-00025-00008775-00009321 at agro ressources IAR cluster since the rR4Cx605ZEy-00026-00009322-00009728 8th of January 2015 the university is rR4Cx605ZEy-00027-00009729-00009984 recognized by the French Ministry of rR4Cx605ZEy-00028-00009985-00010418 National Education the 6th of December rR4Cx605ZEy-00029-00010419-00010799 2016 sup biotech is recognized by the rR4Cx605ZEy-00030-00010800-00011449 Commission des titres dion ginny a rR4Cx605ZEy-00031-00011450-00011614 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00032-00011615-00012229 topic administration rR4Cx605ZEy-00033-00012230-00012569 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00034-00012570-00012919 topic governance rR4Cx605ZEy-00035-00012919-00013099 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00036-00013100-00013496 sup biotech is owned by Ionis Education rR4Cx605ZEy-00037-00013497-00013805 Group making marks Elam as the president rR4Cx605ZEy-00038-00013806-00014168 of the University he is assisted by a rR4Cx605ZEy-00039-00014169-00014483 director rR4Cx605ZEy-00040-00014484-00014730 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00041-00014731-00015238 topic director rR4Cx605ZEy-00042-00015238-00015599 since the creation of the University the rR4Cx605ZEy-00043-00015600-00015899 director has been Vanessa Pro who has a rR4Cx605ZEy-00044-00015900-00016157 doctorate in biochemistry from the rR4Cx605ZEy-00045-00016158-00016823 University of Technology of campaign rR4Cx605ZEy-00046-00016824-00016987 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00047-00016988-00017645 topic teaching and research rR4Cx605ZEy-00048-00017646-00017983 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00049-00017984-00018853 topic curriculum rR4Cx605ZEy-00050-00018854-00019542 topic Bachelor in biotechnology rR4Cx605ZEy-00051-00019543-00019860 first cycle of three years including a rR4Cx605ZEy-00052-00019861-00020133 clasp pray parrot hua rocks grandes rR4Cx605ZEy-00053-00020134-00020428 écoles of two years and one year of rR4Cx605ZEy-00054-00020429-00020658 professionalization with a three-month rR4Cx605ZEy-00055-00020659-00021047 internship during the third year a trip rR4Cx605ZEy-00056-00021048-00021350 abroad in a partner university education rR4Cx605ZEy-00057-00021351-00021755 as compulsory rR4Cx605ZEy-00058-00021756-00021987 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00059-00021988-00022668 topic master in biotechnology rR4Cx605ZEy-00060-00022669-00022992 conned two-year cycle which includes the rR4Cx605ZEy-00061-00022993-00023247 fourth and fifth year with the choice of rR4Cx605ZEy-00062-00023248-00023556 a specialization research development rR4Cx605ZEy-00063-00023557-00023865 production processes or marketing sales rR4Cx605ZEy-00064-00023866-00024285 engineer students also makes the choice rR4Cx605ZEy-00065-00024286-00024626 of an option health medicine environment rR4Cx605ZEy-00066-00024627-00024867 cosmetics food industry or rR4Cx605ZEy-00067-00024868-00025296 bioinformatics during this cycle two rR4Cx605ZEy-00068-00025297-00025539 internship four and six months are rR4Cx605ZEy-00069-00025540-00025952 compulsory sup biotech has signed in rR4Cx605ZEy-00070-00025954-00026280 January 2011 a partnership with the rR4Cx605ZEy-00071-00026281-00026670 Cancer Institute Gustav Roux see the rR4Cx605ZEy-00072-00026670-00026949 majority of the courses in this cycle rR4Cx605ZEy-00073-00026950-00027198 are given in English rR4Cx605ZEy-00074-00027199-00027516 in the final year students who wish can rR4Cx605ZEy-00075-00027517-00027813 prepare in parallel and MBA at the rR4Cx605ZEy-00076-00027814-00028176 Institut supérieur de gestion a master rR4Cx605ZEy-00077-00028177-00028518 at Ionis STM a master in basic research rR4Cx605ZEy-00078-00028519-00028926 at the University of Avery Valdez son or rR4Cx605ZEy-00079-00028927-00029232 at the Ecole Prix de Haute's etudes or rR4Cx605ZEy-00080-00029233-00029510 also a double degree with a partnership rR4Cx605ZEy-00081-00029511-00029925 university abroad in addition the school rR4Cx605ZEy-00082-00029926-00030162 has a partnership with the Ecole rR4Cx605ZEy-00083-00030163-00030450 Centrale Paris allowing to fifth year rR4Cx605ZEy-00084-00030451-00030747 students to follow in parallel a master rR4Cx605ZEy-00085-00030748-00030987 space she Alice a in biomedical rR4Cx605ZEy-00086-00030988-00031408 engineering data rR4Cx605ZEy-00087-00031408-00031655 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00088-00031656-00032120 topic international partners rR4Cx605ZEy-00089-00032120-00032308 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00090-00032308-00032602 sup biotech has partnership with rR4Cx605ZEy-00091-00032602-00032940 universities abroad including Tunisia rR4Cx605ZEy-00092-00032941-00033229 private university University of rR4Cx605ZEy-00093-00033230-00033487 California at San Diego rR4Cx605ZEy-00094-00033488-00033760 université de Montreal Monterey rR4Cx605ZEy-00095-00033761-00034033 Institute of Technology and higher rR4Cx605ZEy-00096-00034034-00034459 education University of Essex University rR4Cx605ZEy-00097-00034460-00034850 of Sussex in United Kingdom rR4Cx605ZEy-00098-00034851-00035053 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00099-00035054-00035300 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00100-00035301-00035935 topic research activities rR4Cx605ZEy-00101-00035936-00036290 sup biotech has opened a bioinformatics rR4Cx605ZEy-00102-00036291-00036679 laboratory in September 2010 called bio rR4Cx605ZEy-00103-00036680-00036999 information research laboratory which rR4Cx605ZEy-00104-00037000-00037264 purpose as the research at the interface rR4Cx605ZEy-00105-00037265-00037593 between computing and biotechnology and rR4Cx605ZEy-00106-00037594-00038080 also a cellular models laboratory in May rR4Cx605ZEy-00107-00038081-00038464 2012 the university has inaugurated a rR4Cx605ZEy-00108-00038465-00038724 new bio production laboratory rR4Cx605ZEy-00109-00038725-00039085 it has also a partnership with Pistor rR4Cx605ZEy-00110-00039086-00039509 Institute rR4Cx605ZEy-00111-00039510-00039670 you rR4Cx605ZEy-00112-00039671-00040315 topic notable alumni rR4Cx605ZEy-00113-00040316-00040748 Cyprien verso 2013 crew of the Hawaii rR4Cx605ZEy-00114-00040749-00041068 space exploration analog and simulation rR4Cx605ZEy-00115-00041069-00041417 IV and station leader of the fourteenth rR4Cx605ZEy-00116-00041418-00041689 winter over at Concordia station rR4Cx605ZEy-00117-00041690-00041990 Antarctica rb9OCL4K580-00000-00000002-00000227 entrepreneurship has always been part of rb9OCL4K580-00001-00000228-00000488 the region's DNA but five years ago the rb9OCL4K580-00002-00000488-00000680 growth of the ecosystem started to rb9OCL4K580-00003-00000681-00000904 significantly accelerate when a few risk rb9OCL4K580-00004-00000905-00001103 takers took a leap that challenged the rb9OCL4K580-00005-00001104-00001433 conventional genotype of success at an rb9OCL4K580-00006-00001434-00001609 early stage the community started rb9OCL4K580-00007-00001610-00001801 building strong ties and witnessed a rb9OCL4K580-00008-00001802-00002092 massive growth and ever since that leap rb9OCL4K580-00009-00002093-00002363 Mina's ecosystem showed a significant rb9OCL4K580-00010-00002364-00002677 growth in fact within the last five rb9OCL4K580-00011-00002678-00002840 years the number of supporting rb9OCL4K580-00012-00002841-00003142 institutions and initiatives grew 2.5 rb9OCL4K580-00013-00003143-00003476 times bigger larger VC funds and rb9OCL4K580-00014-00003477-00003653 accelerators have been popping up across rb9OCL4K580-00015-00003654-00003970 the region even though the meanest rb9OCL4K580-00016-00003971-00004160 startup ecosystem is still rather young rb9OCL4K580-00017-00004161-00004391 it already has remarkable stories of rb9OCL4K580-00018-00004392-00004570 success like the story of the startup rb9OCL4K580-00019-00004571-00004874 Kareem it started with an idea in 2012 rb9OCL4K580-00020-00004875-00005027 and then they managed to get off the rb9OCL4K580-00021-00005028-00005206 ground after forging a deal with rb9OCL4K580-00022-00005207-00005534 McKinsey there is also kuwait's Talabot rb9OCL4K580-00023-00005535-00005791 they've taken over 8 million orders rb9OCL4K580-00024-00005792-00006125 let's not forget souq.com they are now rb9OCL4K580-00025-00006126-00006311 the region's leading e-commerce site rb9OCL4K580-00026-00006312-00006520 attracting over 10 million unique rb9OCL4K580-00027-00006522-00006812 visitors a month and employing 3,000 rb9OCL4K580-00028-00006813-00007100 people there are many other startups in rb9OCL4K580-00029-00007101-00007292 mena that have grown substantially in rb9OCL4K580-00030-00007293-00007664 value in recent years unfortunately they rb9OCL4K580-00031-00007665-00007864 still face challenges that stop them rb9OCL4K580-00032-00007865-00008134 from taking the quantum leap these rb9OCL4K580-00033-00008136-00008348 include generating revenues finding rb9OCL4K580-00034-00008349-00008585 talent accessing markets and obtaining rb9OCL4K580-00035-00008586-00008992 investment alone we can only achieve so rb9OCL4K580-00036-00008993-00009323 much so how can we keep building on the rb9OCL4K580-00037-00009324-00009587 momentum rb9OCL4K580-00038-00009588-00009793 you rbc9-BnVls4-00000-00000346-00000902 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00001-00000902-00002175 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00002-00002176-00002552 so rbc9-BnVls4-00003-00002553-00003447 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00004-00003447-00003603 so rbc9-BnVls4-00005-00003604-00006567 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00006-00006568-00007327 so rbc9-BnVls4-00007-00007328-00009039 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00008-00009040-00009345 so rbc9-BnVls4-00009-00009346-00010545 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00010-00010546-00011078 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00011-00011079-00011421 this rbc9-BnVls4-00012-00011422-00013294 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00013-00013295-00013441 do rbc9-BnVls4-00014-00013441-00014985 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00015-00014986-00015563 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00017-00018831-00018998 so rbc9-BnVls4-00019-00023135-00024232 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00020-00024233-00025870 [Music] rbc9-BnVls4-00021-00025872-00026079 you rfzj2d7CILY-00000-00000104-00000713 how can I earn from chapped rfzj2d7CILY-00001-00000714-00000911 there are a few ways to potentially earn rfzj2d7CILY-00002-00000911-00001219 money using chat rfzj2d7CILY-00003-00001220-00001639 developing chat Bots rfzj2d7CILY-00004-00001639-00001901 you can use chapter to build chat Bots rfzj2d7CILY-00005-00001902-00002117 for various Industries rfzj2d7CILY-00006-00002118-00002417 such as customer service e-commerce or rfzj2d7CILY-00007-00002418-00002639 entertainment and sell the services to rfzj2d7CILY-00008-00002640-00003034 businesses or consumers rfzj2d7CILY-00009-00003035-00003228 providing language services rfzj2d7CILY-00010-00003229-00003479 [Music] rfzj2d7CILY-00011-00003479-00003653 you can offer language related services rfzj2d7CILY-00012-00003654-00004006 using chat such as content creation data rfzj2d7CILY-00013-00004007-00004283 analysis or language translation to rfzj2d7CILY-00014-00004284-00004717 businesses or individuals rfzj2d7CILY-00015-00004718-00005245 creating educational content rfzj2d7CILY-00016-00005246-00005554 you can create educational content such rfzj2d7CILY-00017-00005555-00005765 as tutorials or courses that teach rfzj2d7CILY-00018-00005766-00005945 others how to use chat and sell the rfzj2d7CILY-00019-00005946-00006116 content online rfzj2d7CILY-00020-00006117-00006347 [Music] rfzj2d7CILY-00021-00006348-00006598 offering Consulting Services rfzj2d7CILY-00022-00006600-00006977 [Music] rfzj2d7CILY-00023-00006978-00007217 offer your expertise in using chat and a rfzj2d7CILY-00024-00007218-00007384 technology to help businesses and rfzj2d7CILY-00025-00007386-00007564 individuals improve their use of the rfzj2d7CILY-00026-00007565-00007665 technology rfzj2d7CILY-00027-00007666-00007903 [Music] rfzj2d7CILY-00028-00007904-00008134 it's important to note that to be rfzj2d7CILY-00029-00008136-00008345 successful in any of these Ventures you rfzj2d7CILY-00030-00008346-00008489 need to have a deep understanding of rfzj2d7CILY-00031-00008490-00008705 chat and the eye industry as well as rfzj2d7CILY-00032-00008706-00008877 strong marketing and business skills rfzj2d7CILY-00033-00008878-00009295 [Music] rh70w2JmJ84-00000-00000000-00000257 [Applause] rh70w2JmJ84-00001-00000258-00000563 I got time man I got time mad man rh70w2JmJ84-00002-00000564-00000844 I'm tired of this [__] my wife get on my rh70w2JmJ84-00003-00000846-00001012 [__] nerves 25 years man me we rh70w2JmJ84-00004-00001013-00001204 had an argument before we walked out rh70w2JmJ84-00005-00001205-00001391 here man on the plane we arguing rh70w2JmJ84-00006-00001392-00001528 [__] short [__] [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00007-00001529-00001709 about right about right here rh70w2JmJ84-00008-00001710-00002273 you know rh70w2JmJ84-00009-00002274-00002417 it'll be talking all the [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00010-00002418-00002591 time all the time talking won't tell me rh70w2JmJ84-00011-00002592-00002765 what to do all [__] time grown dog rh70w2JmJ84-00012-00002766-00002981 and don't get on the wrong plane where rh70w2JmJ84-00013-00002982-00003197 you going St Louis rh70w2JmJ84-00014-00003198-00003383 what are you going after that rh70w2JmJ84-00015-00003384-00003575 Milwaukee rh70w2JmJ84-00016-00003576-00003767 where you going after that rh70w2JmJ84-00017-00003768-00004043 home rh70w2JmJ84-00018-00004044-00004270 what time rh70w2JmJ84-00019-00004271-00004529 12. rh70w2JmJ84-00020-00004530-00004691 that's the time you're playing land rh70w2JmJ84-00021-00004692-00004812 maybe maybe rh70w2JmJ84-00022-00004813-00004972 [Music] rh70w2JmJ84-00023-00004973-00005302 I'll be here when the [__] I get here rh70w2JmJ84-00024-00005303-00005495 I ain't calling a [__] I'd be willing rh70w2JmJ84-00025-00005496-00005668 to call her [__] you know rh70w2JmJ84-00026-00005669-00005930 the [__] makes me sick you know rh70w2JmJ84-00027-00005931-00006484 [Applause] rh70w2JmJ84-00028-00006486-00006683 look out for me man look I don't look rh70w2JmJ84-00029-00006684-00006827 out for him look out for him cause rh70w2JmJ84-00030-00006828-00007060 she'll sneak up on me you know I mean rh70w2JmJ84-00031-00007061-00007234 short ass always want to get in your rh70w2JmJ84-00032-00007236-00007360 face you ever had an argument with your rh70w2JmJ84-00033-00007361-00007517 woman man and don't speak to you for two rh70w2JmJ84-00034-00007518-00007613 weeks rh70w2JmJ84-00035-00007614-00007823 that's [__] up rh70w2JmJ84-00036-00007823-00007984 I'd rather move some furniture I'd rh70w2JmJ84-00037-00007986-00008110 rather have a Miss on the [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00038-00008111-00008392 standing I'd rather have a humble rh70w2JmJ84-00039-00008393-00008555 you don't speak to me for two weeks I rh70w2JmJ84-00040-00008556-00008717 don't know what's on your mind rh70w2JmJ84-00041-00008718-00009035 I can't trust you rh70w2JmJ84-00042-00009036-00009160 how you want me to sleep to a rh70w2JmJ84-00043-00009161-00009328 [__] I can't trust rh70w2JmJ84-00044-00009329-00009514 and she ain't saying [__] to me in two rh70w2JmJ84-00045-00009515-00009628 weeks rh70w2JmJ84-00046-00009629-00009839 she got up man I got up she got out of rh70w2JmJ84-00047-00009840-00010427 bed I got the [__] out of bed you know rh70w2JmJ84-00048-00010428-00010631 I ain't no fool rh70w2JmJ84-00049-00010632-00010920 she pissed I pissed I stood in line rh70w2JmJ84-00050-00010921-00011038 [Applause] rh70w2JmJ84-00051-00011039-00011245 she went downstairs I went downstairs rh70w2JmJ84-00052-00011246-00011501 because when you hear that draw and the rh70w2JmJ84-00053-00011502-00011753 Civil War be rattling and [__] get your rh70w2JmJ84-00054-00011754-00011914 legs ass out of bed see what the [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00055-00011915-00012053 going on rh70w2JmJ84-00056-00012054-00012221 she'll cut you and say she fell on you rh70w2JmJ84-00057-00012222-00012346 you don't know what the [__] a woman do rh70w2JmJ84-00058-00012347-00012556 man rh70w2JmJ84-00059-00012557-00012857 I fell on you a fell on me live rh70w2JmJ84-00060-00012858-00013049 she went downstairs I kept my pistol rh70w2JmJ84-00061-00013050-00013241 with my [__] that [__] you know rh70w2JmJ84-00062-00013241-00013433 I'm not [__] I'm telling you before rh70w2JmJ84-00063-00013434-00013577 you read about it in jail I'm telling rh70w2JmJ84-00064-00013578-00013816 you now man rh70w2JmJ84-00065-00013818-00014075 I ain't no foolish he gonna kill me rh70w2JmJ84-00066-00014076-00014219 she gonna walk up and put your hand rh70w2JmJ84-00067-00014219-00014375 behind your back phone I said what you rh70w2JmJ84-00068-00014376-00014651 got in your [__] hand rh70w2JmJ84-00069-00014652-00014830 ain't no kitchen upstairs ain't no rh70w2JmJ84-00070-00014831-00014993 kitchen upstairs rh70w2JmJ84-00071-00014994-00015155 big ass knife in your [__] hey rh70w2JmJ84-00072-00015156-00015251 where the [__] you get ready to cut rh70w2JmJ84-00073-00015252-00015418 ain't no chicken up here huh rh70w2JmJ84-00074-00015419-00015569 [Applause] rh70w2JmJ84-00075-00015569-00015851 and she walked up on myself rh70w2JmJ84-00076-00015852-00016450 if I pull my hand back gonna be troubled rh70w2JmJ84-00077-00016451-00016715 so be trouble rh70w2JmJ84-00078-00016716-00016877 [__] that rh70w2JmJ84-00079-00016878-00017147 the women a trip see women got coochie rh70w2JmJ84-00080-00017148-00017369 [__] [__] man excuse my friends we're rh70w2JmJ84-00081-00017370-00017513 all grown ahead though defending [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00082-00017514-00017741 you [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00083-00017742-00017908 see women got [__] that's a powerful rh70w2JmJ84-00084-00017909-00018113 thing boy see when they got [__] they rh70w2JmJ84-00085-00018114-00018263 know you want it rh70w2JmJ84-00086-00018264-00018443 how you gonna hold all two we got the rh70w2JmJ84-00087-00018444-00018593 two weeks of arguing and not speaker you rh70w2JmJ84-00088-00018594-00018767 want some bless them if you're a real rh70w2JmJ84-00089-00018768-00018965 man you want I know I do rh70w2JmJ84-00090-00018966-00019139 after three days I'm thinking about it rh70w2JmJ84-00091-00019140-00019216 you know rh70w2JmJ84-00092-00019217-00019691 [Applause] rh70w2JmJ84-00093-00019692-00019925 two weeks I want some [__] but I can't rh70w2JmJ84-00094-00019926-00020111 let her know that rh70w2JmJ84-00095-00020112-00020291 you know how you be mad y'all don't talk rh70w2JmJ84-00096-00020292-00020471 and you be in the house and she walking rh70w2JmJ84-00097-00020472-00020614 down the hall you coming down the hall rh70w2JmJ84-00098-00020615-00020783 and you don't want to touch y'all scoop rh70w2JmJ84-00099-00020784-00021011 by each other and [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00100-00021012-00021185 then you're laying in the bed your leg rh70w2JmJ84-00101-00021186-00021389 touch her leg she'll scoot all the way rh70w2JmJ84-00102-00021390-00021653 the [__] over in ain't getting no rest rh70w2JmJ84-00103-00021654-00021869 no her back hurt like a [__] you rh70w2JmJ84-00104-00021870-00021941 know rh70w2JmJ84-00105-00021942-00022193 she laying on her side you know rh70w2JmJ84-00106-00022194-00022433 short some of my [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00107-00022434-00022625 you know I ain't lying rh70w2JmJ84-00108-00022626-00022828 then two weeks go by you know you don't rh70w2JmJ84-00109-00022829-00023027 want to make up to her because if you do rh70w2JmJ84-00110-00023028-00023194 you the pump rh70w2JmJ84-00111-00023195-00023393 I'm sitting there looking at TV she rh70w2JmJ84-00112-00023394-00023555 gonna come walking in the living room rh70w2JmJ84-00113-00023556-00023843 with some old ragged ass panties on rh70w2JmJ84-00114-00023844-00024185 with a big ass hole right here rh70w2JmJ84-00115-00024186-00024412 you know rh70w2JmJ84-00116-00024413-00025091 [Applause] rh70w2JmJ84-00117-00025092-00025367 you've seen the TV Guide rh70w2JmJ84-00118-00025368-00025588 oh here it is rh70w2JmJ84-00119-00025589-00026093 [Applause] rh70w2JmJ84-00120-00026094-00026255 she gonna bend over like her tongue rh70w2JmJ84-00121-00026256-00026374 sticking that look at that you know what rh70w2JmJ84-00122-00026375-00026446 I mean rh70w2JmJ84-00123-00026447-00026651 man now your dick so hard it's leaking rh70w2JmJ84-00124-00026652-00027029 you know rh70w2JmJ84-00125-00027030-00027868 puss coming out that [__] rh70w2JmJ84-00126-00027869-00028079 that's that's your that's your I Wanna rh70w2JmJ84-00127-00028080-00028414 [__] look you ever had I Wanna [__] look rh70w2JmJ84-00128-00028414-00028941 [Applause] rhQU5Z1UeY4-00000-00000000-00000161 hey guys today I'm bringing you these rhQU5Z1UeY4-00001-00000162-00000413 lemon Chia cheesecake muffins and I rhQU5Z1UeY4-00002-00000413-00000586 don't know about you but I'm obsessed rhQU5Z1UeY4-00003-00000587-00000770 with cheesecake and not only do these rhQU5Z1UeY4-00004-00000771-00001019 muffins taste amazing they're also super rhQU5Z1UeY4-00005-00001019-00001310 high in protein low in carbs and have no rhQU5Z1UeY4-00006-00001311-00001532 added sugar I love using the cheer rhQU5Z1UeY4-00007-00001533-00001739 co-chair seeds instead of poppy seeds rhQU5Z1UeY4-00008-00001739-00001991 because they add extra protein fiber and rhQU5Z1UeY4-00009-00001992-00002222 healthy fats from the Omega threes they rhQU5Z1UeY4-00010-00002223-00002443 make a great breakfast or snack option rhQU5Z1UeY4-00011-00002444-00002650 on the go in these day called gold lunch rhQU5Z1UeY4-00012-00002651-00002855 boxes which not only keep your food rhQU5Z1UeY4-00013-00002856-00003071 fresher for longer but they also are rhQU5Z1UeY4-00014-00003072-00003240 completely League through rhQU5Z1UeY4-00015-00003242-00004199 [Music] rhQU5Z1UeY4-00016-00004200-00004942 [Music] rhQU5Z1UeY4-00017-00004943-00007729 [Music] rj9HhA_v3uo-00000-00000162-00001239 [Music] rj9HhA_v3uo-00001-00001240-00001487 you actually thought you could defeat me rj9HhA_v3uo-00002-00001488-00001725 by rj9HhA_v3uo-00003-00001726-00002342 [Music] rj9HhA_v3uo-00004-00002343-00002599 hey guys it's supersonicrange and today rj9HhA_v3uo-00005-00002600-00002742 we're going to be doing an in-depth rj9HhA_v3uo-00006-00002743-00002934 analysis rj9HhA_v3uo-00007-00002935-00003110 on the next chapter well like this was rj9HhA_v3uo-00008-00003111-00003247 like uh rj9HhA_v3uo-00009-00003247-00003590 trailer free and it's looking so epic so rj9HhA_v3uo-00010-00003592-00003911 let's get right into it as soon as this rj9HhA_v3uo-00011-00003911-00003990 like rj9HhA_v3uo-00012-00003992-00004191 as soon as the trailer starts off it rj9HhA_v3uo-00013-00004192-00004311 starts off with like rj9HhA_v3uo-00014-00004312-00004502 sonic powering up and it comes up with rj9HhA_v3uo-00015-00004503-00004743 light so what this probably means is rj9HhA_v3uo-00016-00004744-00004775 that rj9HhA_v3uo-00017-00004776-00005022 sonic's the light and obviously he has rj9HhA_v3uo-00018-00005023-00005127 to protect rj9HhA_v3uo-00019-00005128-00005447 it and protect it from super do uh rj9HhA_v3uo-00020-00005448-00005511 there's more rj9HhA_v3uo-00021-00005512-00005735 fighting scenes from the previous one so rj9HhA_v3uo-00022-00005736-00005870 this is probably just from the previous rj9HhA_v3uo-00023-00005871-00005975 trailer rj9HhA_v3uo-00024-00005976-00006238 so nothing interesting here but the next rj9HhA_v3uo-00025-00006239-00006478 bit is more interesting rj9HhA_v3uo-00026-00006479-00006663 it goes to the next animation with rj9HhA_v3uo-00027-00006664-00006839 shadow fighting super do rj9HhA_v3uo-00028-00006840-00007031 this is actually not quite animations rj9HhA_v3uo-00029-00007031-00007151 from another animator rj9HhA_v3uo-00030-00007152-00007295 but he quit a long time ago but he's rj9HhA_v3uo-00031-00007295-00007510 still working with koi and then this bit rj9HhA_v3uo-00032-00007511-00007791 has dark so i believe that these two rj9HhA_v3uo-00033-00007792-00007951 bits like when he's saying light and rj9HhA_v3uo-00034-00007952-00008014 dark rj9HhA_v3uo-00035-00008015-00008335 this could mean like two endings like uh rj9HhA_v3uo-00036-00008336-00008527 if you fail to beat super dude you're rj9HhA_v3uo-00037-00008528-00008687 like rj9HhA_v3uo-00038-00008688-00008927 uh have someone getting beaten down out rj9HhA_v3uo-00039-00008928-00009063 of his hyper form rj9HhA_v3uo-00040-00009064-00009367 and then you get the bad ending and if rj9HhA_v3uo-00041-00009368-00009527 sonic still needs hyper form you'll get rj9HhA_v3uo-00042-00009528-00009735 the good ending and you have rj9HhA_v3uo-00043-00009736-00010006 super dune super during his new body and rj9HhA_v3uo-00044-00010007-00010071 stuff rj9HhA_v3uo-00045-00010072-00010246 like he has this new form and he powers rj9HhA_v3uo-00046-00010247-00010431 up with the chaos emeralds rj9HhA_v3uo-00047-00010432-00010623 from way before thanks to all the rj9HhA_v3uo-00048-00010624-00010742 creators here rj9HhA_v3uo-00049-00010743-00011014 and right here it has a cut scene where rj9HhA_v3uo-00050-00011015-00011151 hypersonics are staring at him rj9HhA_v3uo-00051-00011152-00011319 and then super dude powers up to his rj9HhA_v3uo-00052-00011320-00011471 ultimate form rj9HhA_v3uo-00053-00011472-00011695 it's it's like a dark sonic in a way but rj9HhA_v3uo-00054-00011696-00011791 it's just rj9HhA_v3uo-00055-00011792-00012023 dark sonic i guess but then subaru rj9HhA_v3uo-00056-00012024-00012214 fights against hypersonic rj9HhA_v3uo-00057-00012215-00012510 and it turns he's just getting pulted rj9HhA_v3uo-00058-00012511-00012638 but luckily rj9HhA_v3uo-00059-00012639-00012822 shadow has a plan but we don't know what rj9HhA_v3uo-00060-00012823-00013055 this plan is but he's saying that um rj9HhA_v3uo-00061-00013056-00013294 knights and knuckles is they're already rj9HhA_v3uo-00062-00013295-00013391 too late rj9HhA_v3uo-00063-00013391-00013638 so i think this is what it means this is rj9HhA_v3uo-00064-00013640-00013758 going to be ultimate battle rj9HhA_v3uo-00065-00013759-00013903 and i have no idea what this has in rj9HhA_v3uo-00066-00013904-00014158 stock so i can't wait to watch it rj9HhA_v3uo-00067-00014159-00014311 uh make sure you watch my playthrough of rj9HhA_v3uo-00068-00014312-00014471 this it's probably gonna come out later rj9HhA_v3uo-00069-00014472-00014727 oh by the way thanks for 845 views on rj9HhA_v3uo-00070-00014728-00014999 episode 10 when he was making the demo rj9HhA_v3uo-00071-00015000-00015207 i can't wait for this to come out and rj9HhA_v3uo-00072-00015208-00015383 i'm so bloody excited rj9HhA_v3uo-00073-00015384-00015575 thank you guys so much for watching make rj9HhA_v3uo-00074-00015576-00015727 sure you support him rj9HhA_v3uo-00075-00015728-00015886 and support all the other creators that rj9HhA_v3uo-00076-00015887-00017127 are working so hard to do this rj9HhA_v3uo-00077-00017128-00017336 i rky3jcvzUG4-00000-00000056-00001391 it's now fixed then rky3jcvzUG4-00001-00001392-00003102 let me tested this rky3jcvzUG4-00002-00003103-00003695 let's test it rky3jcvzUG4-00003-00003696-00005683 oh see rky3jcvzUG4-00004-00005684-00005870 foreign rky3jcvzUG4-00005-00005871-00006439 it's what rky3jcvzUG4-00006-00006440-00006704 like rkUANPo-eXI-00000-00000049-00000324 Pollan is a first-person sci-fi mystery rkUANPo-eXI-00001-00000325-00000534 exploration video game developed by rkUANPo-eXI-00002-00000535-00000732 Finnish company minefield games for rkUANPo-eXI-00003-00000733-00001019 Microsoft Windows Paul and is playable rkUANPo-eXI-00004-00001021-00001236 on regular monitors an oculus rift rkUANPo-eXI-00005-00001237-00001475 virtual reality headsets beta and will rkUANPo-eXI-00006-00001476-00001737 be playable on HTC vive the game takes rkUANPo-eXI-00007-00001738-00001907 place in an alternate timeline of rkUANPo-eXI-00008-00001908-00002102 humanity's history on a research base rkUANPo-eXI-00009-00002103-00002297 called station m found on Saturn's rkUANPo-eXI-00010-00002298-00002580 largest moon Titan the gameplay centers rkUANPo-eXI-00011-00002581-00002771 around semi linear first-person rkUANPo-eXI-00012-00002772-00002933 exploration allowing the player to rkUANPo-eXI-00013-00002934-00003134 discover the story through puzzles and rkUANPo-eXI-00014-00003135-00003815 interacting with the objects around them rkUANPo-eXI-00015-00003817-00004331 topic gameplay rkUANPo-eXI-00016-00004332-00004572 in pollen the player assumes the role of rkUANPo-eXI-00017-00004573-00004815 arama industries employee who is sent to rkUANPo-eXI-00018-00004816-00005016 Titan to replace a missing crew member rkUANPo-eXI-00019-00005017-00005217 on station M just before entering the rkUANPo-eXI-00020-00005218-00005418 base the player loses all contact with rkUANPo-eXI-00021-00005419-00005586 the research team and must enter the rkUANPo-eXI-00022-00005587-00005850 station in search of answers the player rkUANPo-eXI-00023-00005851-00006027 will have to examine everything in their rkUANPo-eXI-00024-00006028-00006231 environment listen to audio tapes as rkUANPo-eXI-00025-00006232-00006425 well as solve puzzles to advance through rkUANPo-eXI-00026-00006426-00006710 the story station M contains several rkUANPo-eXI-00027-00006711-00006879 areas for the player to explore rkUANPo-eXI-00028-00006880-00007095 including the landing pad crew quarters rkUANPo-eXI-00029-00007095-00007380 cargo bay laboratory comm station and rkUANPo-eXI-00030-00007381-00007964 generator room rkUANPo-eXI-00031-00007965-00008455 topic setting rkUANPo-eXI-00032-00008456-00008701 the game is set in an alternate reality rkUANPo-eXI-00033-00008702-00008887 where manned exploration of the solar rkUANPo-eXI-00034-00008888-00009058 system is happening at a rapid pace rkUANPo-eXI-00035-00009059-00009334 however computers are between 10 and 20 rkUANPo-eXI-00036-00009335-00009478 years behind what they are at the same rkUANPo-eXI-00037-00009479-00009699 time in our world the point of rkUANPo-eXI-00038-00009700-00009985 divergence is in 1963 when John F rkUANPo-eXI-00039-00009986-00010171 Kennedy survives an assassination rkUANPo-eXI-00040-00010172-00010420 attempt the US and USSR eventually rkUANPo-eXI-00041-00010421-00010702 aligned Rama Industries is founded by rkUANPo-eXI-00042-00010703-00010839 the governments of several nations rkUANPo-eXI-00043-00010840-00011046 becoming the main space company in rkUANPo-eXI-00044-00011047-00011614 existence rkUANPo-eXI-00045-00011615-00012132 topic development rkUANPo-eXI-00046-00012133-00012402 paulin's development began in late 2013 rkUANPo-eXI-00047-00012403-00012636 with the unity 4 engine and was later rkUANPo-eXI-00048-00012637-00012882 ported to the unity 5 engine the rkUANPo-eXI-00049-00012883-00013091 development team consisted initially of rkUANPo-eXI-00050-00013093-00013341 5 team members the game was announced in rkUANPo-eXI-00051-00013341-00013578 August 2014 accompanied by an teaser rkUANPo-eXI-00052-00013579-00013916 trailer in October 2015 the first rkUANPo-eXI-00053-00013918-00014141 gameplay trailer was released on October rkUANPo-eXI-00054-00014143-00014441 5th 2015 Paulin was posted on Steam and rkUANPo-eXI-00055-00014443-00014760 after getting 86% yes votes within 36 rkUANPo-eXI-00056-00014761-00014799 hours rkUANPo-eXI-00057-00014800-00014988 it was greenlit by the community two rkUANPo-eXI-00058-00014988-00015247 days later on the 7th of October 2015 rkUANPo-eXI-00059-00015249-00015540 after receiving a significant amount of rkUANPo-eXI-00060-00015541-00015794 press coverage s1cUnSEJhfY-00000-00000011-00000676 louis vuitton o una cosa que pasa the s1cUnSEJhfY-00001-00000677-00001298 name of hockey called here window washer s1cUnSEJhfY-00002-00001299-00002339 swanepoel the Palean moschino video Bob s1cUnSEJhfY-00003-00002340-00002792 Ojeda video for musica de you doing okay s1cUnSEJhfY-00004-00002793-00003062 no se que Bonita por la llamada you to s1cUnSEJhfY-00005-00003063-00003317 put it nothing after limited public ID s1cUnSEJhfY-00006-00003318-00003572 Molly but there's no longer a s1cUnSEJhfY-00007-00003572-00004076 multilingual then there's a kick it open s1cUnSEJhfY-00008-00004077-00005765 it in my way cuarto para no relation no s1cUnSEJhfY-00009-00005766-00005920 malicious on table for good by the s1cUnSEJhfY-00010-00005921-00006775 rounded letting go Cass a risk it on one s1cUnSEJhfY-00011-00006776-00008017 key water okay important come on enter s1cUnSEJhfY-00012-00008018-00008374 key recommending contrary she can okay s1cUnSEJhfY-00013-00008375-00009266 now my editor gender IV tashieka put in s1cUnSEJhfY-00014-00009267-00010346 water not hello cuando puedas por volver s1cUnSEJhfY-00015-00010347-00011195 a full of a movie governor hello y SE s1cUnSEJhfY-00016-00011196-00011617 passe from here love Ashton's if you see s1cUnSEJhfY-00017-00011618-00012395 past what Hannah allowed I 1015 go out s1cUnSEJhfY-00018-00012396-00012535 in the wreck up ahead of a valency s1cUnSEJhfY-00019-00012536-00012706 control s1cUnSEJhfY-00020-00012707-00013057 I seek a columnist at and get one in the s1cUnSEJhfY-00021-00013058-00013486 phone a bow chica no today sadita one s1cUnSEJhfY-00022-00013487-00013866 sec a like if this internet and of s1cUnSEJhfY-00023-00013866-00014266 automarketer I am through code bash at s1cUnSEJhfY-00024-00014266-00015088 all bajale do it is the keel video super s1cUnSEJhfY-00025-00015088-00015369 trofeo the other he'll provide a public s1cUnSEJhfY-00026-00015370-00015693 oh cool to share chicken coop you know s1cUnSEJhfY-00027-00015694-00016162 the meaning place a better number you s1cUnSEJhfY-00028-00016163-00017440 wanna make the water number e tambien s1cUnSEJhfY-00029-00017441-00017968 tail come here a second signal s1cUnSEJhfY-00030-00017969-00018343 game money bro the sky stock sake no s1cUnSEJhfY-00031-00018344-00018722 salen por lo tanto tienes que sólo para s1cUnSEJhfY-00032-00018723-00019182 tu lo tienes que poner descripción ESO s1cUnSEJhfY-00033-00019183-00019462 but there's a fellow impression to video s1cUnSEJhfY-00034-00019463-00019975 y lo cambia put our city desk editor if s1cUnSEJhfY-00035-00019976-00020242 you have musica loss tax nope addressing s1cUnSEJhfY-00036-00020243-00020593 you know Nikita famosa can take away the s1cUnSEJhfY-00037-00020594-00020791 gear decide if allocation the winter s1cUnSEJhfY-00038-00020792-00021097 poder hacer lo de and come on out and s1cUnSEJhfY-00039-00021098-00021378 all opposed upon a time yes station s1cUnSEJhfY-00040-00021379-00022036 media tutorial on tutorial de adios s35jgj52vVU-00000-00000065-00000457 Samsung electro-mechanics SEM Korean s35jgj52vVU-00001-00000458-00000688 Samsung Gyeonggi as a multinational s35jgj52vVU-00002-00000689-00000904 electronic component company s35jgj52vVU-00003-00000905-00001237 headquartered in Suwon gyeonggi-do South s35jgj52vVU-00004-00001238-00001673 Korea it has the flagship subsidiary of s35jgj52vVU-00005-00001673-00002014 the Samsung Group Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00006-00002016-00002354 electro-mechanics sansheng ing English s35jgj52vVU-00007-00002355-00002645 Samsung electro-mechanics is a South s35jgj52vVU-00008-00002646-00002921 Korean electronic subsidiary of the s35jgj52vVU-00009-00002922-00003170 Samsung Group that manufactures s35jgj52vVU-00010-00003171-00003556 electronics components the company s35jgj52vVU-00011-00003557-00003861 produces chip parts such as mlcc's s35jgj52vVU-00012-00003862-00004190 printed circuit boards camera modules s35jgj52vVU-00013-00004191-00004481 Network modules and semiconductor s35jgj52vVU-00014-00004482-00004991 substrates established in 1973 as s35jgj52vVU-00015-00004992-00005302 Samsung sanyo parts the name was changed s35jgj52vVU-00016-00005303-00005593 to Samsung electric parts the following s35jgj52vVU-00017-00005594-00005761 year s35jgj52vVU-00018-00005762-00006037 the name was again changed to Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00019-00006038-00006447 Electronics parts in 1977 and then to s35jgj52vVU-00020-00006448-00006956 Samsung electro-mechanics in 1987 s35jgj52vVU-00021-00006956-00007211 the company is headquartered in Suwon s35jgj52vVU-00022-00007212-00007453 South Korea with additional s35jgj52vVU-00023-00007454-00007733 manufacturing facilities in se-young and s35jgj52vVU-00024-00007734-00008173 busan the company recorded revenues of s35jgj52vVU-00025-00008175-00008441 six point three three trillion Korean s35jgj52vVU-00026-00008442-00008696 Won and twenty four point four billion s35jgj52vVU-00027-00008697-00009589 Korean Won in profits for 2016 s35jgj52vVU-00028-00009590-00010170 topic products s35jgj52vVU-00029-00010171-00010719 ml/cc multi-layer ceramic capacitor s35jgj52vVU-00030-00010720-00011648 camera modules rigid flex PCBs s35jgj52vVU-00031-00011649-00012345 topic domestic worksite Korea s35jgj52vVU-00032-00012346-00012859 HQ and Suwon planned 150 Mae Young road s35jgj52vVU-00033-00012860-00013326 young tongu Suwon City Gyeonggi province s35jgj52vVU-00034-00013327-00013858 443 to 743 Korea say young plant 25 s35jgj52vVU-00035-00013859-00014265 Samsung Road Yin dong meiyan se-young s35jgj52vVU-00036-00014266-00014926 339 to 702 Korea Busan plant 114 Noxon s35jgj52vVU-00037-00014927-00014977 Sanya s35jgj52vVU-00038-00014978-00015574 Jung road gang co GU Busan 618 to 270 s35jgj52vVU-00039-00015575-00015931 Korea Seoul office 27 Stone Florida s35jgj52vVU-00040-00015932-00016467 Samsung Co Co tower 13 22 10 Co co2 dong s35jgj52vVU-00041-00016468-00017242 seocho-gu seoul 137 to 857 korea topic s35jgj52vVU-00042-00017243-00017515 overseas plan dong-gwon Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00043-00017516-00017857 electro-mechanics co limited henking s35jgj52vVU-00044-00017858-00018181 Management Area Leal boot town dong-gwon s35jgj52vVU-00045-00018182-00018529 city wing dong province China Tianjin s35jgj52vVU-00046-00018530-00018934 Samsung electro-mechanics co limited 27 s35jgj52vVU-00047-00018935-00019281 hi Nia Chang Road Chen Jien China s35jgj52vVU-00048-00019282-00019731 300,000 210 Gao Shing Samsung hi-tech s35jgj52vVU-00049-00019732-00020061 electro-mechanics gen gen coal limited s35jgj52vVU-00050-00020062-00020485 number one wiesen road micro electronics s35jgj52vVU-00051-00020486-00020619 industrial park s35jgj52vVU-00052-00020620-00020896 she Ching dist jen-jen three hundred s35jgj52vVU-00053-00020897-00021175 thousand three hundred eighty five China s35jgj52vVU-00054-00021176-00021472 Kanchan Samsung electro-mechanics co s35jgj52vVU-00055-00021473-00021937 limited 788 nanhee Road Kanchan int s35jgj52vVU-00056-00021938-00022309 development zone Jang su China Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00057-00022310-00022696 electro-mechanics Philippines Corp block s35jgj52vVU-00058-00022697-00022918 number five calamba premier s35jgj52vVU-00059-00022919-00023208 international park barangay batino s35jgj52vVU-00060-00023209-00023563 Calamba Laguna the Philippines Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00061-00023564-00023883 electro-mechanics thailand co limited s35jgj52vVU-00062-00023884-00024478 well grow industrialists 893 mu 5 t bong s35jgj52vVU-00063-00024479-00024852 saw Mac a Bangkok Hong Chacho in South s35jgj52vVU-00064-00024853-00025209 24,000 180 Thailand Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00065-00025210-00025618 electro-mechanics Vietnam co limited s35jgj52vVU-00066-00025619-00025963 yen been industrial zone dong ten ward s35jgj52vVU-00067-00025964-00026355 Fei yen district Thai Nguyen province s35jgj52vVU-00068-00026356-00026992 250,000 Vietnam s35jgj52vVU-00069-00026993-00027557 topic governance s35jgj52vVU-00070-00027558-00027908 as of January 2018 Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00071-00027908-00028183 electro-mechanics Board of Directors as s35jgj52vVU-00072-00028184-00028465 composed of three internal directors and s35jgj52vVU-00073-00028466-00028708 four outside directors and there are s35jgj52vVU-00074-00028709-00028961 five subcommittees within the board of s35jgj52vVU-00075-00028962-00029251 director these committees are the s35jgj52vVU-00076-00029252-00029495 compensation committee management s35jgj52vVU-00077-00029495-00029723 committee audit committee outside s35jgj52vVU-00078-00029724-00029971 director nomination committee and the s35jgj52vVU-00079-00029972-00030208 internal trading committee seven s35jgj52vVU-00080-00030209-00030511 currently an outside director as serving s35jgj52vVU-00081-00030512-00030749 as chairman of the board for Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00082-00030750-00031470 electro-mechanics eight s35jgj52vVU-00083-00031472-00031955 topic environment management s35jgj52vVU-00084-00031956-00032155 you s35jgj52vVU-00085-00032156-00032483 you s35jgj52vVU-00086-00032483-00033080 topic greenhouse gas s35jgj52vVU-00087-00033081-00033446 in the results of the evaluation of CDP s35jgj52vVU-00088-00033447-00033719 Carbon Disclosure Project Korea s35jgj52vVU-00089-00033720-00033944 committee in 2016 s35jgj52vVU-00090-00033945-00034196 Samsung electro-mechanics has been s35jgj52vVU-00091-00034197-00034568 selected in CDP Korea Hall of Fame for s35jgj52vVU-00092-00034569-00035401 three consecutive years in 2014 s35jgj52vVU-00093-00035402-00035918 topic energy s35jgj52vVU-00094-00035919-00036189 in the thirty-fourth energy-saving s35jgj52vVU-00095-00036190-00036464 promotion conference awarding a prize to s35jgj52vVU-00096-00036465-00036645 person who contributed to the s35jgj52vVU-00097-00036646-00036882 improvement of energy efficiency and s35jgj52vVU-00098-00036883-00037161 overcoming the power supply crisis kai s35jgj52vVU-00099-00037162-00037436 Joon Choi CEO of Samsung s35jgj52vVU-00100-00037437-00037698 electro-mechanics was awarded the cyber s35jgj52vVU-00101-00037699-00038060 tower Industry metal with best honor s35jgj52vVU-00102-00038061-00038401 in 2005 Samsung electro-mechanics s35jgj52vVU-00103-00038402-00038723 started to provide free artificial joint s35jgj52vVU-00104-00038724-00039020 surgery for low-income families as part s35jgj52vVU-00105-00039021-00039283 of the company's medical support policy s35jgj52vVU-00106-00039284-00039514 and as of 2016 s35jgj52vVU-00107-00039515-00039883 514 beneficiaries from gyeonggi-do s35jgj52vVU-00108-00039884-00040162 chungcheong-do and gangwon-do regions s35jgj52vVU-00109-00040163-00040511 underwent the procedure since 2006 a s35jgj52vVU-00110-00040512-00040757 badminton tournament for disabled as s35jgj52vVU-00111-00040758-00041108 regularly held annually and about 3,000 s35jgj52vVU-00112-00041109-00041377 people including the players supporters s35jgj52vVU-00113-00041378-00041674 and volunteer service teams participate s35jgj52vVU-00114-00041675-00042139 from 16 cities around the country since s35jgj52vVU-00115-00042140-00042502 2008 the national music competition for s35jgj52vVU-00116-00042503-00042689 handicapped students in which s35jgj52vVU-00117-00042690-00042952 individuals or groups of students with s35jgj52vVU-00118-00042953-00043217 developmental disabilities visual s35jgj52vVU-00119-00043218-00043483 impairment or physical disabilities can s35jgj52vVU-00120-00043484-00043751 participate and compete is being hosted s35jgj52vVU-00121-00043752-00044224 along with tjb Daejeon TV in 2013 s35jgj52vVU-00122-00044225-00044515 Samsung electro-mechanics founded an s35jgj52vVU-00123-00044516-00044908 orchestra hello tsimko composed of 35 s35jgj52vVU-00124-00044909-00045139 children and teenage members with s35jgj52vVU-00125-00045140-00045505 disabilities they recently held their s35jgj52vVU-00126-00045506-00045881 first regular concert s3qAIeJG7TQ-00000-00000000-00000293 so a few videos back I made a video s3qAIeJG7TQ-00001-00000294-00000503 where I talked about the number one s3qAIeJG7TQ-00002-00000504-00000749 product from 10 different brands at the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00003-00000750-00001007 drugstore and you all seem to love that s3qAIeJG7TQ-00004-00001008-00001247 idea so what I'm gonna do is I'm going s3qAIeJG7TQ-00005-00001248-00001391 to kind of make it into a little Series s3qAIeJG7TQ-00006-00001392-00001577 where we can go through the highest s3qAIeJG7TQ-00007-00001578-00001834 products of each brand we'll switch up s3qAIeJG7TQ-00008-00001835-00002063 the brands each time we'll find out what s3qAIeJG7TQ-00009-00002064-00002284 the very best are and what I absolutely s3qAIeJG7TQ-00010-00002285-00002483 love and you can see whether or not s3qAIeJG7TQ-00011-00002484-00002633 there's something that you might like s3qAIeJG7TQ-00012-00002634-00002875 too s3qAIeJG7TQ-00013-00002876-00003137 we always do talk about what I have on I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00014-00003138-00003293 have a beautiful red sweater on it's s3qAIeJG7TQ-00015-00003294-00003472 kind of cut a little bit low sweater can s3qAIeJG7TQ-00016-00003473-00003653 actually be turned to the back so this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00017-00003654-00003911 can be your back detail I would probably s3qAIeJG7TQ-00018-00003911-00004103 suggest that you wore tank top s3qAIeJG7TQ-00019-00004104-00004277 underneath it if you are very modest s3qAIeJG7TQ-00020-00004278-00004469 because this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00021-00004470-00004619 um is a little bit lower than even I'm s3qAIeJG7TQ-00022-00004620-00004811 comfortable with and you know I don't s3qAIeJG7TQ-00023-00004812-00005027 mind that very much but a little bit s3qAIeJG7TQ-00024-00005028-00005170 more the sweater is very comfortable s3qAIeJG7TQ-00025-00005171-00005404 comes down to around the butt and then I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00026-00005405-00005597 did pair some cute little necklaces with s3qAIeJG7TQ-00027-00005598-00005818 it that came in a set little heart and a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00028-00005819-00006083 little bar and then I also did pair some s3qAIeJG7TQ-00029-00006084-00006329 very pretty dangle rhinestone and gold s3qAIeJG7TQ-00030-00006330-00006569 earrings with them as well that I just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00031-00006570-00006737 thought went so good together if you're s3qAIeJG7TQ-00032-00006738-00006875 wondering about any of the makeup the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00033-00006876-00007078 fingernail polish the Rings any of that s3qAIeJG7TQ-00034-00007079-00007289 that will all be listed and linked below s3qAIeJG7TQ-00035-00007290-00007595 for you so that you can know that I also s3qAIeJG7TQ-00036-00007595-00007805 link things in a numbering system One s3qAIeJG7TQ-00037-00007806-00008045 Forever many we get through today next s3qAIeJG7TQ-00038-00008045-00008242 to whatever I'm talking about they'll be s3qAIeJG7TQ-00039-00008243-00008387 the number of it and then you can go s3qAIeJG7TQ-00040-00008388-00008578 down into the description box and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00041-00008579-00008728 there'll be a link next to it with all s3qAIeJG7TQ-00042-00008729-00008867 the information and you can show shop s3qAIeJG7TQ-00043-00008868-00009095 that way if you'd like to alright let's s3qAIeJG7TQ-00044-00009096-00009335 get into these 10 products all right the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00045-00009336-00009569 first brand is colourpop and really I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00046-00009570-00009796 could do video after video on colourpop s3qAIeJG7TQ-00047-00009797-00010019 because I think that they have so many s3qAIeJG7TQ-00048-00010020-00010210 number one products but I wanted to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00049-00010211-00010421 share with you this fill no filter s3qAIeJG7TQ-00050-00010422-00010642 primer that I have been using from them s3qAIeJG7TQ-00051-00010643-00010901 this primer is a lovely primer for s3qAIeJG7TQ-00052-00010902-00011242 anybody that has that dry to normal type s3qAIeJG7TQ-00053-00011243-00011477 skin because I've noticed this since the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00054-00011478-00011824 heat came on my skin is super dry this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00055-00011825-00012119 year and I feel like I'm needing a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00056-00012120-00012310 little bit of extra hydration so this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00057-00012311-00012437 goes on with that little bit of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00058-00012438-00012617 hydration but then it does what it's s3qAIeJG7TQ-00059-00012618-00012869 supposed to which is smoothing out any s3qAIeJG7TQ-00060-00012869-00013102 texture any pores that you have on your s3qAIeJG7TQ-00061-00013103-00013319 skin and also creating a barrier between s3qAIeJG7TQ-00062-00013319-00013516 your foundation and your moisturizer so s3qAIeJG7TQ-00063-00013518-00013685 your foundation doesn't disappear during s3qAIeJG7TQ-00064-00013686-00013822 the day if you're wondering what to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00065-00013823-00014135 compare it to it's a lot lighter than s3qAIeJG7TQ-00066-00014136-00014429 the Nyx marshmallow primer it's a little s3qAIeJG7TQ-00067-00014430-00014638 bit lighter than the touch of but not by s3qAIeJG7TQ-00068-00014640-00014891 much so it's a little bit lighter primer s3qAIeJG7TQ-00069-00014891-00015107 I'm really enjoying it this winter wet s3qAIeJG7TQ-00070-00015108-00015263 and wild is a company that we did not s3qAIeJG7TQ-00071-00015263-00015497 talk about last time for me wet and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00072-00015497-00015755 Wild's number one product will always be s3qAIeJG7TQ-00073-00015756-00016013 the photo Focus foundations now I think s3qAIeJG7TQ-00074-00016013-00016175 that putting The Dewy and the mat s3qAIeJG7TQ-00075-00016176-00016361 together is just perfection and that's s3qAIeJG7TQ-00076-00016362-00016565 what I've done today I put this on with s3qAIeJG7TQ-00077-00016566-00016744 the brush and I put the little paddle s3qAIeJG7TQ-00078-00016745-00016972 that you get inside of here I just put s3qAIeJG7TQ-00079-00016973-00017249 one Swatch of each of it onto that brush s3qAIeJG7TQ-00080-00017250-00017399 and then I mixed them together with the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00081-00017400-00017686 brush as I was putting it on my face and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00082-00017687-00017950 this is so pretty I feel like this is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00083-00017951-00018161 probably one of the prettiest high-end s3qAIeJG7TQ-00084-00018162-00018353 foundations in a little bitty drugstore s3qAIeJG7TQ-00085-00018354-00018647 bottle so many times drugstore can be s3qAIeJG7TQ-00086-00018648-00018869 every bit as good personally when you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00087-00018870-00019085 get a foundation like this and it lasts s3qAIeJG7TQ-00088-00019086-00019289 all day and it doesn't show texture and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00089-00019290-00019463 you get that beautiful coverage and you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00090-00019464-00019708 can get The Dewy or the matte personally s3qAIeJG7TQ-00091-00019709-00020027 I feel like it absolutely is and so s3qAIeJG7TQ-00092-00020028-00020225 these two I've worn for years and years s3qAIeJG7TQ-00093-00020226-00020489 and I think that if you mix them s3qAIeJG7TQ-00094-00020490-00020650 together you might even like them better s3qAIeJG7TQ-00095-00020651-00020885 if you just have one or the other but s3qAIeJG7TQ-00096-00020886-00021011 they're really really awesome s3qAIeJG7TQ-00097-00021012-00021208 foundations last time we talked about s3qAIeJG7TQ-00098-00021209-00021389 Catrice and I talked about their true s3qAIeJG7TQ-00099-00021390-00021653 skin Foundation which I think is one of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00100-00021654-00021875 the most beautiful hydrating foundations s3qAIeJG7TQ-00101-00021876-00022127 that I have seen in a long time but this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00102-00022128-00022264 time we're going to talk about their s3qAIeJG7TQ-00103-00022265-00022571 hydrating concealer which I think is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00104-00022572-00022799 every bit as beautiful as that s3qAIeJG7TQ-00105-00022800-00023033 Foundation is this has that same s3qAIeJG7TQ-00106-00023034-00023308 hydration effect but the coverage is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00107-00023309-00023657 just phenomenal no caking no settling s3qAIeJG7TQ-00108-00023658-00023855 into fine lines now I know when you see s3qAIeJG7TQ-00109-00023856-00024100 me in this clip of putting on the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00110-00024101-00024257 concealer you're going to think oh my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00111-00024258-00024413 gosh what's she doing she's got so much s3qAIeJG7TQ-00112-00024414-00024635 on I will leave a video down below where s3qAIeJG7TQ-00113-00024636-00024977 you can look at how I actually do my my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00114-00024978-00025175 concealer it's completely different than s3qAIeJG7TQ-00115-00025176-00025330 what we're taught to right now it just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00116-00025331-00025606 works for me and it might work for you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00117-00025607-00025793 too but I know that this is kind of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00118-00025794-00025972 Shell Shocked for everybody that sees me s3qAIeJG7TQ-00119-00025973-00026206 put so much concealer on at once but it s3qAIeJG7TQ-00120-00026207-00026429 works I feel like this concealer again s3qAIeJG7TQ-00121-00026430-00026723 should be held up to high end or luxury s3qAIeJG7TQ-00122-00026724-00027058 standards because as it is such a nice s3qAIeJG7TQ-00123-00027060-00027299 concealer in the way that it covers and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00124-00027300-00027533 sets down on the under eyes and doesn't s3qAIeJG7TQ-00125-00027533-00027820 move it's just beautiful give it a try s3qAIeJG7TQ-00126-00027822-00028049 it's very inexpensive I think you might s3qAIeJG7TQ-00127-00028050-00028229 really love it next we're going to talk s3qAIeJG7TQ-00128-00028230-00028420 about an eyeshadow primer now I really s3qAIeJG7TQ-00129-00028422-00028655 have only used two eyeshadow primers I'm s3qAIeJG7TQ-00130-00028656-00028805 in the process of trying just about s3qAIeJG7TQ-00131-00028806-00028990 every eyeshadow primer I can get my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00132-00028991-00029207 hands on because I always end up s3qAIeJG7TQ-00133-00029208-00029423 comparing them to the Anastasia Beverly s3qAIeJG7TQ-00134-00029424-00029657 Hills eyeshadow primer which has been my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00135-00029658-00029896 Holy Grail for years however when I did s3qAIeJG7TQ-00136-00029897-00030155 run across this one from Jason Wu this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00137-00030156-00030508 is the prime I I felt like this is every s3qAIeJG7TQ-00138-00030510-00030814 bit as good and it really does the same s3qAIeJG7TQ-00139-00030816-00031114 things which is give a base to your s3qAIeJG7TQ-00140-00031116-00031427 eyeshadow that cancels out all of the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00141-00031427-00031643 redness that you have on your eyelid s3qAIeJG7TQ-00142-00031644-00031924 that's my number one thing and then of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00143-00031925-00032183 course to make that eyeshadow look more s3qAIeJG7TQ-00144-00032183-00032417 vibrant because you're putting on a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00145-00032418-00032633 little bit lighter of a color and the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00146-00032633-00032783 other thing that it really does is it s3qAIeJG7TQ-00147-00032784-00033035 just grips onto the primer for the whole s3qAIeJG7TQ-00148-00033036-00033202 entire day and you're going to love your s3qAIeJG7TQ-00149-00033203-00033359 eyeshadow so much more than if you just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00150-00033360-00033640 do a clear one I feel like an eyeshadow s3qAIeJG7TQ-00151-00033641-00033874 can be so much prettier and more vibrant s3qAIeJG7TQ-00152-00033875-00034079 if you choose something that's going to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00153-00034080-00034229 cancel out the redness that's on your s3qAIeJG7TQ-00154-00034230-00034462 eyes and this one does that job also the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00155-00034463-00034709 Wonder sticks from NYX now I will say s3qAIeJG7TQ-00156-00034710-00034918 one thing about this these have a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00157-00034919-00035159 tendency to come out very easy meaning s3qAIeJG7TQ-00158-00035160-00035387 that that bullet will come out and I'm s3qAIeJG7TQ-00159-00035388-00035590 not real happy about that however if s3qAIeJG7TQ-00160-00035591-00035831 you're really so inclined just take a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00161-00035832-00035968 lighter or something and heat up the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00162-00035969-00036131 bottom of it put it back down in there s3qAIeJG7TQ-00163-00036132-00036340 it's going to grip again I love the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00164-00036341-00036527 highlighter on this I think that it's a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00165-00036528-00036749 very pretty highlighter it's not intense s3qAIeJG7TQ-00166-00036750-00036977 which I like too so if you wanted to put s3qAIeJG7TQ-00167-00036978-00037139 it on your inner eye or if you just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00168-00037140-00037349 wanted to wear it all over your eye for s3qAIeJG7TQ-00169-00037350-00037540 a day for a very simple look you could s3qAIeJG7TQ-00170-00037541-00037811 do that it's very pretty and it Blends s3qAIeJG7TQ-00171-00037812-00038081 out very easy it just is very creamy and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00172-00038082-00038315 I like it very much and then of course s3qAIeJG7TQ-00173-00038316-00038524 the bullet that's on the other end I've s3qAIeJG7TQ-00174-00038525-00038746 actually used a lot of this one that is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00175-00038747-00039112 the Contour now on your hand it looks a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00176-00039113-00039418 lot more of a muddy Contour than it is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00177-00039419-00039617 actually when it gets kind of blurred s3qAIeJG7TQ-00178-00039618-00039887 out on your face and Blended out it gets s3qAIeJG7TQ-00179-00039888-00040301 to be just for me more of a bronzer so I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00180-00040302-00040493 wouldn't consider this too much of a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00181-00040494-00040811 contour because I like a very very muddy s3qAIeJG7TQ-00182-00040812-00041074 Contour but this one does a good job of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00183-00041075-00041290 being able to do both like today I did s3qAIeJG7TQ-00184-00041291-00041495 use it to go up in my hairline to cut s3qAIeJG7TQ-00185-00041496-00041674 out the gels and to cut out the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00186-00041675-00041849 cheekbones I've actually used this in s3qAIeJG7TQ-00187-00041850-00042011 conjunction with the other side which is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00188-00042012-00042233 the highlighter across my eyes for a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00189-00042234-00042443 little bit of eye shadow this is creamy s3qAIeJG7TQ-00190-00042444-00042718 it lasts a long time on your skin I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00191-00042719-00042887 really love what they've done with these s3qAIeJG7TQ-00192-00042888-00043102 sticks for blush today I actually chose s3qAIeJG7TQ-00193-00043103-00043409 these two Palladio stick blushes now s3qAIeJG7TQ-00194-00043410-00043667 Palladio is not a brand that you can get s3qAIeJG7TQ-00195-00043668-00043901 in a drugstore very much anymore so you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00196-00043902-00044051 have to order these online whether you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00197-00044052-00044237 order them from Amazon or somewhere else s3qAIeJG7TQ-00198-00044238-00044549 but they are so pretty and they to me s3qAIeJG7TQ-00199-00044550-00044717 act so much like the hood of beauty s3qAIeJG7TQ-00200-00044718-00045101 stick blushes hers all are a little bit s3qAIeJG7TQ-00201-00045102-00045383 glowy however this one that I have right s3qAIeJG7TQ-00202-00045384-00045587 here this is a little bit more on a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00203-00045588-00045929 satin color to it and then the other one s3qAIeJG7TQ-00204-00045930-00046240 that I have is the glowy product so you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00205-00046241-00046427 can get the glowy just like the Huda s3qAIeJG7TQ-00206-00046428-00046696 Beauty I feel like this feels just like s3qAIeJG7TQ-00207-00046697-00046990 that it has the same texture as it it s3qAIeJG7TQ-00208-00046991-00047267 does this beautiful blending when you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00209-00047268-00047495 get it onto a brush or anything else I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00210-00047496-00047752 actually always usually put things onto s3qAIeJG7TQ-00211-00047753-00047980 a brush and then use a brush to blend s3qAIeJG7TQ-00212-00047981-00048239 out I just have a lot more success and a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00213-00048240-00048449 lot more control that way but these are s3qAIeJG7TQ-00214-00048450-00048652 pretty foolproof if you're wanting to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00215-00048653-00048905 maybe layer the one that doesn't have a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00216-00048906-00049067 lot of Sheen in it with the one that s3qAIeJG7TQ-00217-00049068-00049312 does have the sheen on top and get a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00218-00049313-00049511 beautiful kind of glow on your cheeks I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00219-00049512-00049751 think that would be so pretty they feel s3qAIeJG7TQ-00220-00049752-00049985 very high end and very Luxe and I do s3qAIeJG7TQ-00221-00049986-00050249 feel like these to me are they're in s3qAIeJG7TQ-00222-00050250-00050471 their top five for sure of products s3qAIeJG7TQ-00223-00050472-00050645 these are really beautiful and I think s3qAIeJG7TQ-00224-00050646-00050843 you'll love them I also been talking for s3qAIeJG7TQ-00225-00050844-00051095 very long time about the Physicians s3qAIeJG7TQ-00226-00051096-00051419 Formula Rose all day set and glow s3qAIeJG7TQ-00227-00051420-00051742 powders not necessarily so much for the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00228-00051744-00051994 glow part because the glow part that you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00229-00051995-00052258 have in here in this Pan part that lifts s3qAIeJG7TQ-00230-00052259-00052559 up is kind of almost a Vaseline product s3qAIeJG7TQ-00231-00052560-00052853 and even though it's pretty and yes it s3qAIeJG7TQ-00232-00052854-00053080 would give you a glow it's a little bit s3qAIeJG7TQ-00233-00053082-00053399 sticky and I don't really like that on s3qAIeJG7TQ-00234-00053400-00053609 my cheeks even when I'm looking for a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00235-00053610-00053794 pretty glow I want something that's s3qAIeJG7TQ-00236-00053795-00053987 going to either be a cream that sets s3qAIeJG7TQ-00237-00053988-00054154 down or I want something that's going to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00238-00054155-00054425 be a powder that sets down anyway but s3qAIeJG7TQ-00239-00054426-00054688 this powder itself even though it looks s3qAIeJG7TQ-00240-00054689-00054959 very glowy on my finger and it looks s3qAIeJG7TQ-00241-00054960-00055223 very glowy in the pan I've used this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00242-00055224-00055438 powder today to set underneath my eyes s3qAIeJG7TQ-00243-00055439-00055726 to go across my cheeks and in the middle s3qAIeJG7TQ-00244-00055727-00056050 of my face to give just an extra oomph s3qAIeJG7TQ-00245-00056051-00056182 so this isn't a powder that you're going s3qAIeJG7TQ-00246-00056183-00056369 to use and then you're going to go oh my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00247-00056370-00056669 goodness I'm so glowy unless you overdo s3qAIeJG7TQ-00248-00056670-00056926 it but if you go light on this and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00249-00056927-00057088 you're strategic in where you put it s3qAIeJG7TQ-00250-00057089-00057292 it's not setting down your makeup with s3qAIeJG7TQ-00251-00057294-00057515 it but definitely using it as a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00252-00057516-00057682 finishing powder I think that you're s3qAIeJG7TQ-00253-00057683-00057892 going to absolutely love this and then s3qAIeJG7TQ-00254-00057894-00058175 from Neutrogena very recently a lot of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00255-00058176-00058300 you were telling me about different s3qAIeJG7TQ-00256-00058301-00058504 Neutrogena products and I have to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00257-00058505-00058679 confess that I have never been a really s3qAIeJG7TQ-00258-00058679-00058973 big fan of Neutrogena but when I found s3qAIeJG7TQ-00259-00058974-00059219 this spray and their one primer that I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00260-00059220-00059435 showed in a previous video last week s3qAIeJG7TQ-00261-00059436-00059723 this is the radiant setting spray from s3qAIeJG7TQ-00262-00059724-00059987 them when I found this spray this spray s3qAIeJG7TQ-00263-00059988-00060269 is different it's very unique I feel s3qAIeJG7TQ-00264-00060270-00060419 like I'm getting this very beautiful s3qAIeJG7TQ-00265-00060420-00060742 Radiance or this very beautiful ethereal s3qAIeJG7TQ-00266-00060744-00061013 look without getting a glow or a shine s3qAIeJG7TQ-00267-00061014-00061247 or something looks greasy it's nothing s3qAIeJG7TQ-00268-00061248-00061492 like that I like this sprayer on it the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00269-00061494-00061763 mister on it is very fine and very nice s3qAIeJG7TQ-00270-00061764-00061985 and I just really have been enjoying s3qAIeJG7TQ-00271-00061986-00062225 this what I do with this is I will spray s3qAIeJG7TQ-00272-00062226-00062429 this on the back of my hand get my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00273-00062429-00062663 beauty sponge and then set my under eyes s3qAIeJG7TQ-00274-00062664-00062957 and that little bit of radio is also s3qAIeJG7TQ-00275-00062958-00063215 helping this under eye area not to look s3qAIeJG7TQ-00276-00063216-00063437 so dried out and like you're the Crypt s3qAIeJG7TQ-00277-00063438-00063730 Keeper I have been very vocal about my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00278-00063732-00063976 top three setting sprays being very s3qAIeJG7TQ-00279-00063977-00064180 high-end Charlotte Tilbury benefit and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00280-00064182-00064463 the new Mac one but this one could hold s3qAIeJG7TQ-00281-00064464-00064691 its own in there very easily and I do s3qAIeJG7TQ-00282-00064691-00064847 reach for it every bit as much as I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00283-00064848-00065044 reach for those so I guess I have top s3qAIeJG7TQ-00284-00065045-00065249 four setting sprays this is a beautiful s3qAIeJG7TQ-00285-00065250-00065416 setting spray I think you're gonna love s3qAIeJG7TQ-00286-00065417-00065567 it if you give it a try all right gonna s3qAIeJG7TQ-00287-00065568-00065735 get the Spectacles on for this part of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00288-00065736-00065999 the video I am a huge Revlon fan my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00289-00066000-00066161 number one product that I've always s3qAIeJG7TQ-00290-00066162-00066455 loved from Revlon has been their s3qAIeJG7TQ-00291-00066456-00066761 foundation and these lipsticks their s3qAIeJG7TQ-00292-00066762-00067144 lipsticks are so beautiful I feel like s3qAIeJG7TQ-00293-00067145-00067349 these lipsticks could very easily hold s3qAIeJG7TQ-00294-00067350-00067625 their ground with Charlotte Tilbury and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00295-00067626-00067871 Natasha denona Pat McGrath they're just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00296-00067872-00068099 beautiful lipsticks so let me just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00297-00068100-00068321 Swatch a few of them for you this one is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00298-00068322-00068609 called champagne on ice this is a one s3qAIeJG7TQ-00299-00068610-00068806 that has a pearl in it it has more of a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00300-00068807-00069071 peach color to it the next one is called s3qAIeJG7TQ-00301-00069072-00069473 Primrose this one has been touted as a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00302-00069474-00069773 dupe for Mac snob and I recently talked s3qAIeJG7TQ-00303-00069774-00069953 about one of maybelline's that was a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00304-00069954-00070241 dupe for that as well the next one is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00305-00070242-00070469 called blushing mob this is a beautiful s3qAIeJG7TQ-00306-00070470-00070775 kind of a mid-toned pink color that I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00307-00070776-00071050 think is so pretty and really would look s3qAIeJG7TQ-00308-00071051-00071338 beautiful on many different women and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00309-00071339-00071519 then the next one is actually the one s3qAIeJG7TQ-00310-00071520-00071729 that I have on and this one is called s3qAIeJG7TQ-00311-00071730-00071950 Barrett all this is just one of those s3qAIeJG7TQ-00312-00071951-00072215 nude colors that with paired with just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00313-00072216-00072473 about any lip liner you're gonna love it s3qAIeJG7TQ-00314-00072474-00072647 it's just so pretty I'll actually put a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00315-00072648-00072803 little bit more on right now so you can s3qAIeJG7TQ-00316-00072804-00073049 see just a little bit beautiful formula s3qAIeJG7TQ-00317-00073050-00073367 so silky so creamy and I just love the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00318-00073368-00073637 way that they wear very hot now I'm s3qAIeJG7TQ-00319-00073638-00073811 hoping that all of these will be s3qAIeJG7TQ-00320-00073812-00074032 available because you know I've had some s3qAIeJG7TQ-00321-00074033-00074267 of these for a long time and some of s3qAIeJG7TQ-00322-00074268-00074500 them might have been discontinued most s3qAIeJG7TQ-00323-00074501-00074687 of these are going to be a very satin s3qAIeJG7TQ-00324-00074688-00074903 lipstick not a matte lipstick stick this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00325-00074904-00075121 one is called pink in the afternoon s3qAIeJG7TQ-00326-00075122-00075503 beautiful just a bright like a spring s3qAIeJG7TQ-00327-00075504-00075761 colored pink that would go either way if s3qAIeJG7TQ-00328-00075762-00076006 you're warm or cool or neutral and then s3qAIeJG7TQ-00329-00076007-00076259 this one is called blushed and this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00330-00076260-00076600 again is says it's a pearl one and this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00331-00076601-00076847 one is very much like that last one just s3qAIeJG7TQ-00332-00076848-00077026 got a little bit of pearl in it and then s3qAIeJG7TQ-00333-00077027-00077159 the last one that I'm going to show you s3qAIeJG7TQ-00334-00077160-00077465 is my only mat and this one is called s3qAIeJG7TQ-00335-00077466-00077776 make it Pink and this one is definitely s3qAIeJG7TQ-00336-00077777-00078035 a cool tone pink that you would want to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00337-00078036-00078281 wear that personally I want to wear with s3qAIeJG7TQ-00338-00078282-00078544 a lip liner it's just one of those very s3qAIeJG7TQ-00339-00078545-00078749 beautiful Springtime colors that I love s3qAIeJG7TQ-00340-00078750-00079085 so much so Revlon definitely has a s3qAIeJG7TQ-00341-00079086-00079325 fantastic lipstick formula and I think s3qAIeJG7TQ-00342-00079326-00079541 if you see a color that you like you'll s3qAIeJG7TQ-00343-00079542-00079744 love the formula and give it a try the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00344-00079745-00079931 last company that I have on our list to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00345-00079932-00080153 talk about is Essence and I feel like s3qAIeJG7TQ-00346-00080154-00080417 Essence is one of those Hit or Miss s3qAIeJG7TQ-00347-00080418-00080573 companies they have some really really s3qAIeJG7TQ-00348-00080574-00080735 good products and then they have a lot s3qAIeJG7TQ-00349-00080736-00081017 of Duds but I did a whole entire video s3qAIeJG7TQ-00350-00081018-00081203 on this and if you've been around my my s3qAIeJG7TQ-00351-00081204-00081443 channel very long this is no surprise to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00352-00081444-00081712 you how I feel about this mascara this s3qAIeJG7TQ-00353-00081713-00082097 is the essence 24 bold volume mascara I s3qAIeJG7TQ-00354-00082098-00082294 have likened this many times to the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00355-00082295-00082517 benefit they're Real mascara the wand is s3qAIeJG7TQ-00356-00082518-00082697 a little bit different than that wand s3qAIeJG7TQ-00357-00082698-00082931 but it's still a silicone bristle brush s3qAIeJG7TQ-00358-00082932-00083303 and I love this this defines the lashes s3qAIeJG7TQ-00359-00083304-00083675 fans them out and lengthens them so s3qAIeJG7TQ-00360-00083676-00083843 beautifully it also catches the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00361-00083844-00084011 underneath lashes you can definitely s3qAIeJG7TQ-00362-00084012-00084317 build on it and get several coats on but s3qAIeJG7TQ-00363-00084318-00084562 it really makes very long beautiful s3qAIeJG7TQ-00364-00084563-00084905 lashes and since my lashes are so light s3qAIeJG7TQ-00365-00084906-00085121 colored or blonde it's very important to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00366-00085122-00085331 catch every single lash and I feel like s3qAIeJG7TQ-00367-00085332-00085571 that's what this one does and for me it s3qAIeJG7TQ-00368-00085572-00085793 doesn't smudge or flake or anything like s3qAIeJG7TQ-00369-00085794-00086015 that it's just a beautiful mascara that s3qAIeJG7TQ-00370-00086016-00086231 lasts all day and gives me great length s3qAIeJG7TQ-00371-00086232-00086482 volume and holds a curl so that is the s3qAIeJG7TQ-00372-00086483-00086843 last one of the top 10 favorite products s3qAIeJG7TQ-00373-00086844-00087191 from 10 drugstore Brands there are tons s3qAIeJG7TQ-00374-00087192-00087376 of different products that I love so s3qAIeJG7TQ-00375-00087377-00087526 much from each brand I think this will s3qAIeJG7TQ-00376-00087527-00087694 be a great series for us to continue to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00377-00087695-00087826 go into I think that you're going to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00378-00087827-00088055 really enjoy it it's a great way to s3qAIeJG7TQ-00379-00088056-00088247 Showcase what is the best from each s3qAIeJG7TQ-00380-00088248-00088493 brand and for us to be able to compare s3qAIeJG7TQ-00381-00088494-00088703 notes so definitely if there's anything s3qAIeJG7TQ-00382-00088704-00088900 in these brands that you think are s3qAIeJG7TQ-00383-00088901-00089129 really great products that you love so s3qAIeJG7TQ-00384-00089130-00089285 much let us know down in the comment s3qAIeJG7TQ-00385-00089286-00089447 section so that we can all hear about s3qAIeJG7TQ-00386-00089448-00089621 that that's always something that we s3qAIeJG7TQ-00387-00089622-00089797 love to discuss is what's our favorite s3qAIeJG7TQ-00388-00089798-00090035 so thanks so much for being with me s3qAIeJG7TQ-00389-00090036-00090262 today I always appreciate you more than s3qAIeJG7TQ-00390-00090263-00090479 you know hope everybody is happy healthy s3qAIeJG7TQ-00391-00090480-00090706 doing great take care of yourselves and s3qAIeJG7TQ-00392-00090707-00090838 I'll catch you all in my next video s3qAIeJG7TQ-00393-00090839-00091085 goodbye my friends s3qAIeJG7TQ-00394-00091086-00091386 foreign s545HV-twJc-00000-00000111-00000462 live from Miami Florida s545HV-twJc-00001-00000463-00000876 it's the cube covering IBM's data and AI s545HV-twJc-00002-00000877-00001524 forums to you by IBM we're back in Miami s545HV-twJc-00003-00001525-00001692 welcome everybody watching the cube the s545HV-twJc-00004-00001693-00001874 leader in live tech coverage we're here s545HV-twJc-00005-00001875-00002108 at the IBM data and a fun I for moi what s545HV-twJc-00006-00002109-00002318 are they 1700 customers a lot of s545HV-twJc-00007-00002319-00002540 hands-on labs sessions what used to be s545HV-twJc-00008-00002541-00002745 the IBM analytics university is sort of s545HV-twJc-00009-00002746-00002942 morphed into this event now you see the s545HV-twJc-00010-00002943-00003215 buzz is going on at least the Galleon is s545HV-twJc-00011-00003216-00003339 here she's the vice president of global s545HV-twJc-00012-00003340-00003615 sales for IBM data in AI welcome to the s545HV-twJc-00013-00003615-00004028 cube thank you so this event is buzzin s545HV-twJc-00014-00004029-00004286 double from last year almost and s545HV-twJc-00015-00004287-00004500 congratulations well thank you very much s545HV-twJc-00016-00004501-00004722 we have cont lots of countries s545HV-twJc-00017-00004723-00004985 represented here we have customers from s545HV-twJc-00018-00004986-00005235 small to large every industry s545HV-twJc-00019-00005236-00005526 represented and it's all I can see a s545HV-twJc-00020-00005527-00005709 marked difference in the conversations s545HV-twJc-00021-00005710-00006069 in just a year around how customers want s545HV-twJc-00022-00006070-00006273 to figure out how to embark on this s545HV-twJc-00023-00006274-00006521 journey to AI so so why do they come s545HV-twJc-00024-00006522-00006741 here what's the what's the primary s545HV-twJc-00025-00006742-00007073 motivation well I think one I be s545HV-twJc-00026-00007074-00007367 recognized as the leader in AI and we s545HV-twJc-00027-00007368-00007598 just came out in the IDC survey as the s545HV-twJc-00028-00007599-00007845 three time you know leader recognized s545HV-twJc-00029-00007845-00008198 leader in AI and when they come here s545HV-twJc-00030-00008199-00008433 they know they're going to hear from s545HV-twJc-00031-00008434-00008658 other clients who have embarked on s545HV-twJc-00032-00008659-00008924 similar journeys they know they're going s545HV-twJc-00033-00008925-00009273 to have access to experts hands-on labs s545HV-twJc-00034-00009274-00009788 and we bring our entire IBM team that's s545HV-twJc-00035-00009789-00010170 focused on data and AI to this event so s545HV-twJc-00036-00010171-00010577 it's intimate its high skilled its s545HV-twJc-00037-00010578-00010908 high-energy and they are learning a ton s545HV-twJc-00038-00010909-00011135 while they're here a lot of content and s545HV-twJc-00039-00011136-00011412 you're educating but you're also trying s545HV-twJc-00040-00011413-00011526 to inspire people s545HV-twJc-00041-00011527-00011780 I mean raise a head it's a hub this s545HV-twJc-00042-00011781-00011996 morning he wrote this book but he's this s545HV-twJc-00043-00011997-00012333 extreme yeah extreme extreme like ultra s545HV-twJc-00044-00012334-00012602 marathoner which I thought was a great s545HV-twJc-00045-00012603-00012894 talk this morning and then you didn't I s545HV-twJc-00046-00012894-00013061 thought a good job of sort of connecting s545HV-twJc-00047-00013062-00013325 you know his talk of anything's possible s545HV-twJc-00048-00013326-00013432 too s545HV-twJc-00049-00013433-00013694 right now bringing AI into the equation s545HV-twJc-00050-00013696-00013951 what are you hearing from customers in s545HV-twJc-00051-00013952-00014152 terms of what they want to make possible s545HV-twJc-00052-00014153-00014422 and what's that conversation like in the s545HV-twJc-00053-00014422-00014666 field well it's interesting because s545HV-twJc-00054-00014668-00014994 there is a huge recognition that every s545HV-twJc-00055-00014996-00015154 client that I talk to you and they all s545HV-twJc-00056-00015155-00015346 want to understand this that they have s545HV-twJc-00057-00015347-00015607 to be transforming their businesses on s545HV-twJc-00058-00015608-00015913 this journey to AI so they all recognize s545HV-twJc-00059-00015913-00016135 that they need to start now s545HV-twJc-00060-00016136-00016381 what I find what I talk to clients is s545HV-twJc-00061-00016382-00016504 that they're all coming in at different s545HV-twJc-00062-00016505-00016828 entry points there's a maturity curve so s545HV-twJc-00063-00016829-00017179 some are figuring out you know how do I s545HV-twJc-00064-00017180-00017386 move away from just Excel spreadsheets s545HV-twJc-00065-00017387-00017554 I'm still running my business on Excel s545HV-twJc-00066-00017555-00017869 right and these are no banks in major s545HV-twJc-00067-00017870-00018109 countries that are operating on Excel s545HV-twJc-00068-00018110-00018301 spreadsheets and they're looking at s545HV-twJc-00069-00018302-00018595 niche competitors you know digital banks s545HV-twJc-00070-00018596-00018811 that are entering the scene and if they s545HV-twJc-00071-00018812-00018991 don't change the way they operate s545HV-twJc-00072-00018992-00019303 they're not going to survive so a lot of s545HV-twJc-00073-00019304-00019453 companies are coming in knowing that s545HV-twJc-00074-00019454-00019639 they're low on the maturity curve and s545HV-twJc-00075-00019640-00019882 they better do something to move up that s545HV-twJc-00076-00019883-00020131 curve pretty fast some are in almost the s545HV-twJc-00077-00020132-00020397 second turn of the crank where they've s545HV-twJc-00078-00020398-00020677 invested in a lot of the AI technologies s545HV-twJc-00079-00020678-00020911 they'd built data science platforms and s545HV-twJc-00080-00020912-00021136 now they're figuring out how do they get s545HV-twJc-00081-00021137-00021334 that next Rev of productivity s545HV-twJc-00082-00021335-00021544 improvement how do they come out with s545HV-twJc-00083-00021545-00021754 that next business idea that's going to s545HV-twJc-00084-00021755-00021994 give them that competitive advantage so s545HV-twJc-00085-00021995-00022372 what I find is every client is embarking s545HV-twJc-00086-00022373-00022639 on this journey which is a big s545HV-twJc-00087-00022640-00022819 difference where I think we were even a s545HV-twJc-00088-00022820-00023083 year 18 months ago where they were sort s545HV-twJc-00089-00023084-00023329 of just okay this is interesting now s545HV-twJc-00090-00023330-00023697 they're I better do something so you're s545HV-twJc-00091-00023698-00023887 a resource you know as the head of s545HV-twJc-00092-00023888-00024100 global sales for this group so when you s545HV-twJc-00093-00024101-00024294 talk to customers that are immature if I s545HV-twJc-00094-00024295-00024511 hear you're right they're saying help us s545HV-twJc-00095-00024512-00024700 get started because we're gonna fall s545HV-twJc-00096-00024701-00024793 behind s545HV-twJc-00097-00024794-00024964 we're inefficient right now we're s545HV-twJc-00098-00024965-00025207 drowning in spreadsheets data our data s545HV-twJc-00099-00025208-00025500 quality is not where it needs to be help s545HV-twJc-00100-00025501-00025699 where do we start what do you tell them s545HV-twJc-00101-00025700-00026103 well one we have a formula that s545HV-twJc-00102-00026104-00026461 we've proven works with clients we bring s545HV-twJc-00103-00026462-00026823 them in to our garages where we will do s545HV-twJc-00104-00026824-00027208 design thinking architectural workshops s545HV-twJc-00105-00027208-00027568 and we figure out a use case because s545HV-twJc-00106-00027569-00027823 what we try not to do with our clients s545HV-twJc-00107-00027824-00028192 is boil the ocean we want them to have s545HV-twJc-00108-00028193-00028386 something that they can prove success s545HV-twJc-00109-00028387-00028749 around very quickly create that minimal s545HV-twJc-00110-00028750-00029011 Viable Product bring it back to the s545HV-twJc-00111-00029012-00029179 business so that the business can see oh s545HV-twJc-00112-00029180-00029571 I understand and then evolve that use s545HV-twJc-00113-00029572-00029770 case so we will bring technical s545HV-twJc-00114-00029770-00030024 specialists we will bring folks that are s545HV-twJc-00115-00030025-00030304 our own data scientists to these garage s545HV-twJc-00116-00030305-00030505 environments and we will work with them s545HV-twJc-00117-00030506-00030737 on building out this first use case s545HV-twJc-00118-00030738-00030939 explaining the garage a little bit more s545HV-twJc-00119-00030940-00031105 is that there's a sort of centers of s545HV-twJc-00120-00031106-00031320 excellence around the world or how do I s545HV-twJc-00121-00031321-00031564 tap them as a customer is it is it a s545HV-twJc-00122-00031564-00031737 freebie is it for pay is it like the s545HV-twJc-00123-00031738-00031896 data science elite team how does it all s545HV-twJc-00124-00031897-00032089 work well it is there are a number of s545HV-twJc-00125-00032089-00032436 physical locations and it's open to all s545HV-twJc-00126-00032437-00032868 clients we have created these with Co s545HV-twJc-00127-00032869-00033085 leadership from across the entire IBM s545HV-twJc-00128-00033086-00033460 company so our services organization our s545HV-twJc-00129-00033461-00033736 cloud a cognitive organization all play s545HV-twJc-00130-00033737-00034002 a role in these garages so we have a s545HV-twJc-00131-00034003-00034302 formal structure where a team can engage s545HV-twJc-00132-00034303-00034549 through a request process into the s545HV-twJc-00133-00034550-00034905 garages we will to help them define the s545HV-twJc-00134-00034906-00035112 use case they want to bring into the s545HV-twJc-00135-00035113-00035395 garage we will bring them in for a s545HV-twJc-00136-00035396-00035707 period of time and provide the resources s545HV-twJc-00137-00035708-00035940 and capabilities and skills and that's s545HV-twJc-00138-00035941-00036165 not charged to the client so we're s545HV-twJc-00139-00036166-00036321 trying to get them started s545HV-twJc-00140-00036322-00036583 now that they'll take that back to their s545HV-twJc-00141-00036584-00036886 company and then they will look at s545HV-twJc-00142-00036887-00037086 follow-on opportunities and those may s545HV-twJc-00143-00037087-00037245 you know work out to be different s545HV-twJc-00144-00037246-00037464 services opportunities as they move s545HV-twJc-00145-00037465-00037683 forward but we're on that get started s545HV-twJc-00146-00037684-00037962 phase yeah you're a for-profit company s545HV-twJc-00147-00037963-00038158 so it's a it's great to have a loss s545HV-twJc-00148-00038159-00038364 leader but the line outside the door at s545HV-twJc-00149-00038365-00038614 the garage must be huge for people that s545HV-twJc-00150-00038615-00038880 want to get in how are you managing the s545HV-twJc-00151-00038881-00038956 demand s545HV-twJc-00152-00038957-00039187 well we're increasing obviously our s545HV-twJc-00153-00039188-00039291 capacity of s545HV-twJc-00154-00039292-00039636 Raja's and we're still making customers s545HV-twJc-00155-00039637-00039947 aware of the garages so there's still s545HV-twJc-00156-00039948-00040194 because it's a commitment on their side s545HV-twJc-00157-00040195-00040341 like they just can't come in and kick s545HV-twJc-00158-00040342-00040578 the tires we ask them to bring their s545HV-twJc-00159-00040579-00040785 line of business along with their s545HV-twJc-00160-00040786-00041073 technical teams into the garages because s545HV-twJc-00161-00041074-00041343 that's where you get the best product s545HV-twJc-00162-00041344-00041487 coming out of it when you know you've s545HV-twJc-00163-00041488-00041640 got something that's going to solve a s545HV-twJc-00164-00041641-00041862 business problem but you have to have s545HV-twJc-00165-00041863-00042102 buy-in from both sides I want to ask you s545HV-twJc-00166-00042103-00042357 about the AI ladder you know Rob Thomas s545HV-twJc-00167-00042358-00042525 has been using this construct for a s545HV-twJc-00168-00042526-00042717 while it didn't just come out of thin s545HV-twJc-00169-00042718-00042858 air I'm sure there was a lot of customer s545HV-twJc-00170-00042859-00043050 important a lot of debate about what s545HV-twJc-00171-00043051-00043269 should be on the ladder when I first s545HV-twJc-00172-00043270-00043458 heard of the day aisle and it was it was s545HV-twJc-00173-00043459-00043782 data in ia analytics ml and a I sort of s545HV-twJc-00174-00043783-00044031 the building the technical or technology s545HV-twJc-00175-00044032-00044196 building blocks has now become verbs s545HV-twJc-00176-00044197-00044445 which I love which is collect organize s545HV-twJc-00177-00044446-00044637 analyze and infuse which is all about s545HV-twJc-00178-00044638-00044919 operationalizing ins and scaling how is s545HV-twJc-00179-00044920-00045333 that resonating with customers and how s545HV-twJc-00180-00045334-00045528 do they fit into that methodology or a s545HV-twJc-00181-00045529-00045828 framework well I'll tell you I use that s545HV-twJc-00182-00045829-00046140 framework with every single client and I s545HV-twJc-00183-00046141-00046496 described that there is a set of steps s545HV-twJc-00184-00046497-00046806 you know obviously to the latter that s545HV-twJc-00185-00046807-00047187 every customer has to embark upon and it s545HV-twJc-00186-00047188-00047400 starts with some very basic principles s545HV-twJc-00187-00047401-00047589 and as soon as you start with the very s545HV-twJc-00188-00047590-00047943 basic principles every client is like of s545HV-twJc-00189-00047944-00048171 course like that seems so obvious that s545HV-twJc-00190-00048172-00048531 first and foremost you have to date as s545HV-twJc-00191-00048532-00049005 the foundation right ai is not created s545HV-twJc-00192-00049006-00049254 out of you know someone in a back room s545HV-twJc-00193-00049255-00049571 at the foundation to AI is is s545HV-twJc-00194-00049572-00049956 information and data yet every customer s545HV-twJc-00195-00049957-00050244 every customer struggles with that data s545HV-twJc-00196-00050245-00050499 is coming from multiple systems multiple s545HV-twJc-00197-00050500-00050769 sources that they can't get to the data s545HV-twJc-00198-00050770-00050961 fast enough they're shipping data around s545HV-twJc-00199-00050962-00051276 an organization it's it's not managed s545HV-twJc-00200-00051277-00051617 and yet they know that in five years the s545HV-twJc-00201-00051619-00051834 data they think they need today is going s545HV-twJc-00202-00051835-00051948 to be completely s545HV-twJc-00203-00051949-00052246 it could be 12 months but certainly in s545HV-twJc-00204-00052247-00052600 the future so how do you build out an s545HV-twJc-00205-00052601-00052894 architecture that allows them to build s545HV-twJc-00206-00052895-00053241 that now but have the agility to grow as s545HV-twJc-00207-00053242-00053452 the requirements change you start with s545HV-twJc-00208-00053453-00053698 that basic discussion and they're like s545HV-twJc-00209-00053699-00053794 well of course s545HV-twJc-00210-00053795-00054064 so that's collect and then you bring it s545HV-twJc-00211-00054065-00054286 up and you talk about how do you govern s545HV-twJc-00212-00054287-00054469 that data how do you know where that s545HV-twJc-00213-00054470-00054745 data originated who is the owner how do s545HV-twJc-00214-00054746-00054919 you know what that data means what s545HV-twJc-00215-00054920-00055045 system did it come from s545HV-twJc-00216-00055046-00055254 what do you know who has access to it s545HV-twJc-00217-00055255-00055467 how do you create that set of governed s545HV-twJc-00218-00055469-00055714 data oh well of course every client s545HV-twJc-00219-00055715-00055951 recognizes they have that set of issues s545HV-twJc-00220-00055952-00056236 so I could continue working my way up s545HV-twJc-00221-00056237-00056452 the ladder and every client realizes s545HV-twJc-00222-00056453-00056815 that ok I'm here's where I am today what s545HV-twJc-00223-00056816-00057016 you just painted for me is absolutely s545HV-twJc-00224-00057016-00057342 what I need to focus on and address now s545HV-twJc-00225-00057344-00057727 help me get from A to B so I'm really s545HV-twJc-00226-00057728-00057862 interested in this discussion because it s545HV-twJc-00227-00057863-00058051 sounds like you're a very disciplined s545HV-twJc-00228-00058052-00058219 sales leader so you said you use the s545HV-twJc-00229-00058220-00058450 ladder with virtually every client and I s545HV-twJc-00230-00058451-00058687 presume your sales teams use the ladder s545HV-twJc-00231-00058688-00058929 so you train your salespeople how to s545HV-twJc-00232-00058930-00059259 converse the ladder and then the other s545HV-twJc-00233-00059260-00059440 observation I'd love your thoughts on s545HV-twJc-00234-00059441-00059674 this is every step of the ladder has s545HV-twJc-00235-00059675-00059950 these questions so you're asking s545HV-twJc-00236-00059951-00060282 customers questions and I'm sure it s545HV-twJc-00237-00060283-00060661 catalyzes conversation yeah the answers s545HV-twJc-00238-00060662-00060940 to which you have solutions presumably s545HV-twJc-00239-00060941-00061072 from any of them but I wonder if you s545HV-twJc-00240-00061073-00061153 could talk about that s545HV-twJc-00241-00061154-00061348 let me talk about the ladder and how s545HV-twJc-00242-00061349-00061465 we're using it with our sales force s545HV-twJc-00243-00061466-00061813 because it was a unifying approach not s545HV-twJc-00244-00061814-00062110 just within our own team our data and AI s545HV-twJc-00245-00062111-00062419 team but outside of data AI because not s545HV-twJc-00246-00062420-00062602 only did we explain it to clients this s545HV-twJc-00247-00062603-00062887 way but to the rest of IBM our business s545HV-twJc-00248-00062888-00063154 partners our whole ecosystem so unifying s545HV-twJc-00249-00063154-00063400 in that we started every single s545HV-twJc-00250-00063401-00063640 conversation and with our sales team on s545HV-twJc-00251-00063641-00063895 enabling them on how do they talk to s545HV-twJc-00252-00063896-00064297 their clients our materials our use s545HV-twJc-00253-00064298-00064391 cases s545HV-twJc-00254-00064392-00064817 our references our marketing campaigns s545HV-twJc-00255-00064819-00065103 we tied everything to this unified s545HV-twJc-00256-00065104-00065411 approach and it's made a huge difference s545HV-twJc-00257-00065412-00065784 in how we communicate our value to s545HV-twJc-00258-00065785-00066312 clients and explain this journey to AI s545HV-twJc-00259-00066313-00066651 in in comprehensive steps that everyone s545HV-twJc-00260-00066652-00066972 could understand and relate to love it s545HV-twJc-00261-00066973-00067278 how is the portfolio evolving to map s545HV-twJc-00262-00067279-00067437 into that framework and what can we s545HV-twJc-00263-00067438-00067641 expect going forward what can you share s545HV-twJc-00264-00067642-00067961 with us Alisa well the other amazing s545HV-twJc-00265-00067962-00068238 feat I'll call it that we produced s545HV-twJc-00266-00068239-00068526 around this is I'll talk to a client and s545HV-twJc-00267-00068527-00068738 I'll describe these capabilities and s545HV-twJc-00268-00068739-00069044 then I will say to a customer you don't s545HV-twJc-00269-00069045-00069285 have to do every one of these things s545HV-twJc-00270-00069286-00069534 that I've just described but you can s545HV-twJc-00271-00069535-00069786 implement what you need when you need it s545HV-twJc-00272-00069787-00070071 because we have built all of this into a s545HV-twJc-00273-00070072-00070401 unified platform called cloud pack for s545HV-twJc-00274-00070402-00070728 data and it's a modern data platform s545HV-twJc-00275-00070729-00070980 it's built on an open infrastructure s545HV-twJc-00276-00070981-00071271 built on RedHat open shipped so that you s545HV-twJc-00277-00071272-00071507 can run it on your own premises as a s545HV-twJc-00278-00071508-00071739 private cloud or on public clouds s545HV-twJc-00279-00071740-00072126 whether that be IBM or Amazon or Azure s545HV-twJc-00280-00072127-00072384 it allows you to have a framework a s545HV-twJc-00281-00072385-00072707 platform built on this open modern s545HV-twJc-00282-00072708-00072966 infrastructure with access to all these s545HV-twJc-00283-00072967-00073179 capabilities I've just described as s545HV-twJc-00284-00073180-00073526 services and you decide completely open s545HV-twJc-00285-00073527-00073773 what services you need to deploy when s545HV-twJc-00286-00073774-00074082 you grow the platform as you need it and s545HV-twJc-00287-00074083-00074490 oh by the way if you don't have the Red s545HV-twJc-00288-00074491-00074799 Hat open shift environment setup will s545HV-twJc-00289-00074800-00075075 package that in a system and I will role s545HV-twJc-00290-00075076-00075356 in this system to you and allow you to s545HV-twJc-00291-00075357-00075636 have access to the capabilities in hours s545HV-twJc-00292-00075637-00075834 how's the Red Hat conversation going I s545HV-twJc-00293-00075835-00076005 would imagine a lot of the traditional s545HV-twJc-00294-00076006-00076221 IBM customers were stoked they just s545HV-twJc-00295-00076222-00076392 picked up Red Hat you know a very s545HV-twJc-00296-00076393-00076688 innovative company open-source mindset s545HV-twJc-00297-00076689-00076953 at the same time I would imagine a lot s545HV-twJc-00298-00076954-00077166 of Red Hat customers saying is IBM s545HV-twJc-00299-00077167-00077369 really gonna let them keep their culture s545HV-twJc-00300-00077370-00077553 how is the conversation going in the s545HV-twJc-00301-00077554-00077719 field well I will tell you we've been in s545HV-twJc-00302-00077720-00077959 a hundred percent consistent in terms of s545HV-twJc-00303-00077960-00078193 everything that you heard Ginny and s545HV-twJc-00304-00078194-00078375 Arvind Krishna talk about in the fact s545HV-twJc-00305-00078376-00078576 that we are going to maintain their s545HV-twJc-00306-00078577-00078784 culture keep them as that separate s545HV-twJc-00307-00078785-00078912 entity inside of IBM s545HV-twJc-00308-00078913-00079131 it's absolutely perpetrated throughout s545HV-twJc-00309-00079132-00079435 the entire IBM company we've a lot to s545HV-twJc-00310-00079436-00079707 learn from from them as I'm sure they s545HV-twJc-00311-00079708-00080037 have to learn from us but it truly is s545HV-twJc-00312-00080038-00080299 operating and I see it in the clients s545HV-twJc-00313-00080300-00080490 and I'm working with as a real win-win s545HV-twJc-00314-00080491-00080887 if you had to take one thing away from s545HV-twJc-00315-00080888-00081093 this event that you want customers to s545HV-twJc-00316-00081094-00081534 remember what would it be start now s545HV-twJc-00317-00081535-00081853 because if you don't begin on this s545HV-twJc-00318-00081854-00082171 journey to AI you will find yourselves s545HV-twJc-00319-00082172-00082360 you know fighting against new s545HV-twJc-00320-00082361-00082792 competitors increasing costs you know s545HV-twJc-00321-00082793-00083028 you have to improve productivity every s545HV-twJc-00322-00083029-00083311 client is embarking on this journey to s545HV-twJc-00323-00083312-00083662 AI start now and when you know you were s545HV-twJc-00324-00083663-00084051 talking about the maturity model and and s545HV-twJc-00325-00084052-00084400 one of those levels was folks that had s545HV-twJc-00326-00084401-00084618 started already and he wanted to get to s545HV-twJc-00327-00084619-00084855 the next level when you go into those s545HV-twJc-00328-00084856-00085326 clients do you discern a different sort s545HV-twJc-00329-00085327-00085471 of attitude we've started we're down the s545HV-twJc-00330-00085472-00085642 path do they have more of a spring in s545HV-twJc-00331-00085643-00085771 their step are they like chomping at the s545HV-twJc-00332-00085772-00086059 bit to really go faster and extend their s545HV-twJc-00333-00086060-00086161 lead relative to the competition s545HV-twJc-00334-00086162-00086491 competition what's the dynamic like in s545HV-twJc-00335-00086492-00086728 those accounts that's a great question s545HV-twJc-00336-00086729-00086919 because I was with the client this s545HV-twJc-00337-00086920-00087442 afternoon a large manufacturer of goods s545HV-twJc-00338-00087443-00087712 and they are at this turning point where s545HV-twJc-00339-00087713-00088036 they did kind of phase one they s545HV-twJc-00340-00088037-00088336 implemented cloud pack for data and they s545HV-twJc-00341-00088337-00088516 did it to just join some of their s545HV-twJc-00342-00088517-00088786 disparate systems now that I mean I s545HV-twJc-00343-00088787-00089005 barely got a word in because he was so s545HV-twJc-00344-00089006-00089191 excited because he's like now what I'm s545HV-twJc-00345-00089192-00089307 going to do is I'm gonna figure out s545HV-twJc-00346-00089308-00089538 where my factory should go based on s545HV-twJc-00347-00089539-00089746 where my products are selling so he's s545HV-twJc-00348-00089747-00089819 now s545HV-twJc-00349-00089820-00090008 looking at how he can change his whole s545HV-twJc-00350-00090009-00090260 distribution process as a result of s545HV-twJc-00351-00090261-00090401 getting access to this data and s545HV-twJc-00352-00090402-00090743 analytics that he never had before and I s545HV-twJc-00353-00090744-00090941 was like okay well just tell me how I s545HV-twJc-00354-00090942-00091385 can help you and he was like so this was s545HV-twJc-00355-00091386-00091553 the big kickoff day I know yesterday s545HV-twJc-00356-00091554-00091823 there was sort of deep learning hands-on s545HV-twJc-00357-00091824-00091886 stuff s545HV-twJc-00358-00091887-00092156 big big keynotes today we're only here s545HV-twJc-00359-00092157-00092285 for one day what are we gonna miss s545HV-twJc-00360-00092286-00092438 what's what's happened tomorrow well s545HV-twJc-00361-00092439-00092699 it's a bit of a repeat of today so we'll s545HV-twJc-00362-00092700-00092912 have another keynote tomorrow from this s545HV-twJc-00363-00092913-00093248 Beth Smith who runs our Watson business s545HV-twJc-00364-00093249-00093560 for IBM will have more hands-on labs we s545HV-twJc-00365-00093561-00093755 have a lot of customer presentations s545HV-twJc-00366-00093756-00093863 where they're sharing their best s545HV-twJc-00367-00093864-00094292 practices lots of fun where do you want s545HV-twJc-00368-00094293-00094469 to see this event go and what kind of s545HV-twJc-00369-00094470-00094715 what's next in IBM event land well the s545HV-twJc-00370-00094716-00095093 feedback from last year this year says s545HV-twJc-00371-00095094-00095236 we have to do this again s545HV-twJc-00372-00095237-00095540 next year it's it's it will be bigger s545HV-twJc-00373-00095541-00095867 because I think this year proves that s545HV-twJc-00374-00095868-00096065 it's already doubled and we'll probably s545HV-twJc-00375-00096066-00096449 see a similar dynamic so I fully expect s545HV-twJc-00376-00096450-00096689 us to be here well maybe not here we're s545HV-twJc-00377-00096690-00097013 sorted out growing this hotel but doing s545HV-twJc-00378-00097014-00097223 this event again next year s545HV-twJc-00379-00097224-00097559 hey I machine learning automation I'll s545HV-twJc-00380-00097560-00097712 throw in cloud these are the hottest s545HV-twJc-00381-00097713-00097928 topics going at least thanks very much s545HV-twJc-00382-00097929-00098066 for coming on the cube is great to have s545HV-twJc-00383-00098067-00098351 you thank you for watching everybody s545HV-twJc-00384-00098352-00098582 that's a wrap from Miami go to Silicon s545HV-twJc-00385-00098583-00098837 angle comm check out all the news of the s545HV-twJc-00386-00098838-00099023 cube net is where you'll find all these s545HV-twJc-00387-00099024-00099278 videos and follow the the twitter s545HV-twJc-00388-00099279-00099677 handles at the cube at the cube 365 I'm s545HV-twJc-00389-00099678-00099842 Dave Volante we're out we'll see you s545HV-twJc-00390-00099843-00100076 next time s5PQ2cczWzE-00000-00000104-00000383 good morning s5PQ2cczWzE-00001-00000384-00000767 i look like a rich set mom s5PQ2cczWzE-00002-00000768-00001111 we are back baby happy new year i feel s5PQ2cczWzE-00003-00001112-00001366 like it's been a very very long time s5PQ2cczWzE-00004-00001367-00001663 little update for you guys s5PQ2cczWzE-00005-00001664-00002079 we're married s5PQ2cczWzE-00006-00002080-00002399 no we're not oh sorry no we're not why s5PQ2cczWzE-00007-00002400-00002631 is my camp it's still foggy guys what is s5PQ2cczWzE-00008-00002632-00002823 going on you thought this would change s5PQ2cczWzE-00009-00002824-00003047 in 2020 2021 s5PQ2cczWzE-00010-00003048-00003254 i don't know the dates oh no it's the s5PQ2cczWzE-00011-00003255-00003543 sun clear it's not me okay s5PQ2cczWzE-00012-00003544-00003975 little update um i didn't vlog s5PQ2cczWzE-00013-00003976-00004279 since about christmas because we had s5PQ2cczWzE-00014-00004280-00004479 the bid s5PQ2cczWzE-00015-00004480-00004775 all of us even jay jay did not get it s5PQ2cczWzE-00016-00004776-00004983 last time but he wasn't invincible this s5PQ2cczWzE-00017-00004984-00005279 time he let up on his happy drink yeah s5PQ2cczWzE-00018-00005280-00005447 someone hasn't been drinking alcohol and s5PQ2cczWzE-00019-00005448-00005575 all of a sudden i got the vids so s5PQ2cczWzE-00020-00005576-00006095 spoiler alert i'm not a doctor s5PQ2cczWzE-00021-00006096-00006254 i'm starting to think that he's right i s5PQ2cczWzE-00022-00006255-00006518 am right we all have that willow had it s5PQ2cczWzE-00023-00006519-00006614 um s5PQ2cczWzE-00024-00006615-00006775 but you all had omnichrome so it wasn't s5PQ2cczWzE-00025-00006776-00007303 yeah we had oh mario we had omarion s5PQ2cczWzE-00026-00007304-00007759 and willow had it and you got served s5PQ2cczWzE-00027-00007759-00008087 so yeah that's just why we have been off s5PQ2cczWzE-00028-00008088-00008295 and it's not like we were you know even s5PQ2cczWzE-00029-00008296-00008463 doing anything i did just go back to s5PQ2cczWzE-00030-00008464-00008719 work so we don't know who brought it in s5PQ2cczWzE-00031-00008720-00008942 the house we know it wasn't jay s5PQ2cczWzE-00032-00008943-00009255 i mean s5PQ2cczWzE-00033-00009256-00009542 um yeah but we're all good s5PQ2cczWzE-00034-00009543-00009742 willow had a spiking temp but we're you s5PQ2cczWzE-00035-00009743-00009831 know s5PQ2cczWzE-00036-00009832-00010119 we got it yeah now we're just we're s5PQ2cczWzE-00037-00010120-00010367 browsing around town but we are s5PQ2cczWzE-00038-00010368-00010614 apartment shopping today because we want s5PQ2cczWzE-00039-00010615-00010925 new in 2020 too s5PQ2cczWzE-00040-00010926-00011263 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00041-00011264-00011535 i hate myself i gotta go s5PQ2cczWzE-00042-00011536-00011678 pretty good size room probably about s5PQ2cczWzE-00043-00011679-00011887 what we have now maybe a little bigger s5PQ2cczWzE-00044-00011888-00012095 the closet is amazing it's not really s5PQ2cczWzE-00045-00012096-00012255 granite s5PQ2cczWzE-00046-00012256-00012553 oh it's like the ones s5PQ2cczWzE-00047-00012554-00012663 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00048-00012664-00012838 yeah these are definitely older s5PQ2cczWzE-00049-00012839-00013079 for sure but i like this little room s5PQ2cczWzE-00050-00013080-00013366 area but with two bedrooms you know yeah s5PQ2cczWzE-00051-00013368-00013766 these rooms are big babe s5PQ2cczWzE-00052-00013768-00013958 so these are gp appliances they're a s5PQ2cczWzE-00053-00013959-00014222 little bit shittier s5PQ2cczWzE-00054-00014223-00014358 that's a kenmore so they're mix and s5PQ2cczWzE-00055-00014359-00014479 match s5PQ2cczWzE-00056-00014480-00014783 okay s5PQ2cczWzE-00057-00014784-00015146 all right here's the dishwasher s5PQ2cczWzE-00058-00015147-00015463 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00059-00015463-00015647 yeah this gives us s5PQ2cczWzE-00060-00015647-00016110 a lot of space s5PQ2cczWzE-00061-00016111-00016319 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00062-00016319-00016511 yeah look i mean it's not horrible but s5PQ2cczWzE-00063-00016512-00016686 you can tell from the shower itself but s5PQ2cczWzE-00064-00016687-00017233 you know they're a little older yeah s5PQ2cczWzE-00065-00017234-00018047 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00066-00018048-00018375 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00067-00018376-00018535 yeah the other closets really oh that's s5PQ2cczWzE-00068-00018536-00018822 massive different from the other one s5PQ2cczWzE-00069-00018823-00019079 cool s5PQ2cczWzE-00070-00019080-00019527 yeah s5PQ2cczWzE-00071-00019528-00019647 this is a cute little this could be s5PQ2cczWzE-00072-00019648-00020022 willow's little play area s5PQ2cczWzE-00073-00020023-00020178 uh you don't get one of those s5PQ2cczWzE-00074-00020179-00020391 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00075-00020392-00021103 potential s5PQ2cczWzE-00076-00021104-00021255 know what i mean i'm yeah big advocate s5PQ2cczWzE-00077-00021256-00021503 of that s5PQ2cczWzE-00078-00021504-00021694 he's complaining s5PQ2cczWzE-00079-00021695-00022608 what if we take this room guys s5PQ2cczWzE-00080-00022609-00022822 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00081-00022823-00023063 so s5PQ2cczWzE-00082-00023064-00024911 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00083-00024912-00025303 it is the next morning s5PQ2cczWzE-00084-00025304-00025463 beans here s5PQ2cczWzE-00085-00025464-00025758 this time i've got crystal driving s5PQ2cczWzE-00086-00025760-00025983 whipping that hope as usual s5PQ2cczWzE-00087-00025983-00026270 i want to go get some food s5PQ2cczWzE-00088-00026272-00026414 jay's s5PQ2cczWzE-00089-00026416-00026783 running errands to wash his car s5PQ2cczWzE-00090-00026783-00027031 it's been so long your hair looks crazy s5PQ2cczWzE-00091-00027032-00027223 but say hello s5PQ2cczWzE-00092-00027224-00027718 say hello s5PQ2cczWzE-00093-00027719-00027862 look at the legs the legs are kicking s5PQ2cczWzE-00094-00027863-00028327 this means i have text messages no s5PQ2cczWzE-00095-00028327-00028462 no i thought it was too and then jay s5PQ2cczWzE-00096-00028463-00028687 told me it wasn't oh s5PQ2cczWzE-00097-00028688-00028807 i'm trying to tell her and she's telling s5PQ2cczWzE-00098-00028808-00028943 me no s5PQ2cczWzE-00099-00028944-00029295 we're going to go get food s5PQ2cczWzE-00100-00029295-00029487 let me get off this camera we just got s5PQ2cczWzE-00101-00029488-00029774 home bien is over there playing in her s5PQ2cczWzE-00102-00029775-00029911 little s5PQ2cczWzE-00103-00029912-00030118 toy corner s5PQ2cczWzE-00104-00030119-00030327 daddy's here with his friends s5PQ2cczWzE-00105-00030327-00030639 and i'm about to edit a video s5PQ2cczWzE-00106-00030639-00030927 i know it's been a long time s5PQ2cczWzE-00107-00030927-00031295 it's coming s5PQ2cczWzE-00108-00031295-00031470 also if anyone knows how to get my s5PQ2cczWzE-00109-00031472-00031623 macbook to work please let me know s5PQ2cczWzE-00110-00031624-00031823 because i've been using j's s5PQ2cczWzE-00111-00031824-00032087 mine broke almost like a year ago s5PQ2cczWzE-00112-00032088-00032358 i don't know what to s5PQ2cczWzE-00113-00032360-00032511 i'm do try to get it to work today s5PQ2cczWzE-00114-00032512-00032735 because i miss it yeah i don't score as s5PQ2cczWzE-00115-00032736-00032862 much of this guy and he's technically a s5PQ2cczWzE-00116-00032863-00033095 better school refresher i don't get it s5PQ2cczWzE-00117-00033096-00033190 oh s5PQ2cczWzE-00118-00033191-00033431 she's on her way to mama s5PQ2cczWzE-00119-00033432-00033870 i like when you take me for a walk s5PQ2cczWzE-00120-00033871-00034062 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00121-00034063-00034279 oh probably in the vlog here because we s5PQ2cczWzE-00122-00034280-00034415 don't really have much going on today so s5PQ2cczWzE-00123-00034416-00034655 i'm not gonna pretend like we do s5PQ2cczWzE-00124-00034656-00034935 um it's been really stormy and gloomy s5PQ2cczWzE-00125-00034936-00035327 today you okay so s5PQ2cczWzE-00126-00035328-00035574 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00127-00035575-00035767 yeah maybe i'll do something with these s5PQ2cczWzE-00128-00035768-00035951 eyebrows s5PQ2cczWzE-00129-00035952-00036127 probably not though and yeah i know s5PQ2cczWzE-00130-00036128-00036279 euphoria comes out tonight if anyone s5PQ2cczWzE-00131-00036280-00036439 else watches it for you s5PQ2cczWzE-00132-00036440-00036543 oh s5PQ2cczWzE-00133-00036544-00036743 diamond's calling me anyways that is it s5PQ2cczWzE-00134-00036744-00036862 for today's video and i will see you s5PQ2cczWzE-00135-00036863-00037017 guys s5PQ2cczWzE-00136-00037018-00038487 [Music] s5PQ2cczWzE-00137-00038488-00038610 bye s5PQ2cczWzE-00138-00038611-00038843 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00000-00001207-00003765 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00001-00003767-00004479 I want to tell you about one man today a s6G1euKt6pE-00002-00004480-00004795 man that is very courageous a man named s6G1euKt6pE-00003-00004796-00004881 Gao Zhisheng s6G1euKt6pE-00004-00004882-00005104 and I want to tell you about him because s6G1euKt6pE-00005-00005105-00005368 it is so important for me to do so he s6G1euKt6pE-00006-00005369-00005754 represents what China could be a China s6G1euKt6pE-00007-00005755-00006031 which has democracy human rights the s6G1euKt6pE-00008-00006032-00006111 rule of law s6G1euKt6pE-00009-00006112-00006484 he has Kindle a light of hope for many s6G1euKt6pE-00010-00006484-00006883 people were suffering under this white s6G1euKt6pE-00011-00006884-00007102 terror ultra-humanite country mother s6G1euKt6pE-00012-00007103-00007723 mysamma for facial paternity is that she s6G1euKt6pE-00013-00007723-00008338 truly ocean God's hand up is a youthful s6G1euKt6pE-00014-00008339-00008482 Oracle Kota s6G1euKt6pE-00015-00008483-00009014 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00016-00009015-00009292 no Super Bowl our initial national s6G1euKt6pE-00017-00009293-00009699 origin Obama when the nuances of boyo s6G1euKt6pE-00018-00009700-00010142 Georgia gentle bah-bah-bah Trudeau to s6G1euKt6pE-00019-00010143-00010648 move a body out on the road equation s6G1euKt6pE-00020-00010649-00010933 kind of a Barack Obama fool either you s6G1euKt6pE-00021-00010934-00011902 should always wear the new s6G1euKt6pE-00022-00011903-00012730 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00023-00012731-00013144 in a cave carved out of the loss plateau s6G1euKt6pE-00024-00013145-00013457 with no electricity and no clock to tell s6G1euKt6pE-00025-00013458-00013819 time this was where gauja Xiang was born s6G1euKt6pE-00026-00013820-00014165 and raised when he was 11 years old his s6G1euKt6pE-00027-00014166-00014305 father passed away s6G1euKt6pE-00028-00014306-00014566 Gao and his younger brother had to go s6G1euKt6pE-00029-00014568-00014777 off to work so that the family could s6G1euKt6pE-00030-00014778-00014941 repay the debts from his father's s6G1euKt6pE-00031-00014943-00015368 medical expenses s6G1euKt6pE-00032-00015369-00015600 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00033-00015601-00016119 in 1980 cow was 15 years old he and his s6G1euKt6pE-00034-00016120-00016303 younger brother were working in a coal s6G1euKt6pE-00035-00016304-00016584 mine in one lane hundreds of miles from s6G1euKt6pE-00036-00016585-00016936 home as often happens in Chinese mines s6G1euKt6pE-00037-00016937-00017334 one day part of the tunnel collapsed it s6G1euKt6pE-00038-00017335-00017642 crushed GAO's brothers lake and broke it s6G1euKt6pE-00039-00017643-00017970 the boss fired both brothers and refused s6G1euKt6pE-00040-00017971-00018274 to pay them a sense for their work Gao s6G1euKt6pE-00041-00018275-00018570 left carrying his brother on his back s6G1euKt6pE-00042-00018571-00019157 and wondering where life would take them s6G1euKt6pE-00043-00019158-00019394 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00044-00019395-00019672 Gao eventually enrolled in the army s6G1euKt6pE-00045-00019673-00019922 having heard that soldiers were well fed s6G1euKt6pE-00046-00019923-00020187 after spending three years working in s6G1euKt6pE-00047-00020188-00020422 the cafeteria he was discharged and s6G1euKt6pE-00048-00020423-00020674 decided to live in Kashgar in ancient s6G1euKt6pE-00049-00020675-00021072 but remote city in northwest China here s6G1euKt6pE-00050-00021073-00021261 in the living selling vegetables from a s6G1euKt6pE-00051-00021262-00021687 street cart then one day an old piece of s6G1euKt6pE-00052-00021688-00022086 newspaper changed his life used to show s6G1euKt6pE-00053-00022087-00022449 unity vampa electronics children depend s6G1euKt6pE-00054-00022450-00022740 on baba attention at high casual virtues s6G1euKt6pE-00055-00022741-00023089 about Patricia bar short our weather s6G1euKt6pE-00056-00023090-00023328 dordoni and to make sure your show minor s6G1euKt6pE-00057-00023329-00023640 issue our consolation arts your culture s6G1euKt6pE-00058-00023641-00023944 so Jeff are you not having either Fuji s6G1euKt6pE-00059-00023945-00024403 I can tell you who know do you - maybe s6G1euKt6pE-00060-00024404-00025372 you should've cut you go made this s6G1euKt6pE-00061-00025373-00025582 statement to the intermediate court in s6G1euKt6pE-00062-00025583-00025858 Dandong a small town in north eastern s6G1euKt6pE-00063-00025858-00026122 China's downing province he was s6G1euKt6pE-00064-00026123-00026427 representing Zhu ye a young boy who had s6G1euKt6pE-00065-00026429-00026577 been the victim of medical malpractice s6G1euKt6pE-00066-00026579-00026762 and gone deaf s6G1euKt6pE-00067-00026763-00027055 after studying hard on his own and with s6G1euKt6pE-00068-00027056-00027331 only three years of formal schooling GAO s6G1euKt6pE-00069-00027332-00027537 had passed the bar exam three years s6G1euKt6pE-00070-00027538-00027807 earlier and was now a licensed attorney s6G1euKt6pE-00071-00027808-00028102 at a time when pro bono legal help was s6G1euKt6pE-00072-00028102-00028342 unheard of in China Gao became known s6G1euKt6pE-00073-00028343-00028549 nationwide for providing free legal s6G1euKt6pE-00074-00028550-00028807 services to child victims of medical s6G1euKt6pE-00075-00028808-00030114 malpractice suit Akashi tarnish LIUNA s6G1euKt6pE-00076-00030114-00030408 cha me chief Almir origin he that was s6G1euKt6pE-00077-00030410-00030844 familiar - whoo - whoo yo - Hana we sure s6G1euKt6pE-00078-00030845-00031099 do appreciate to Roku agenda and your s6G1euKt6pE-00079-00031100-00031446 audio he did not have a motion we also s6G1euKt6pE-00080-00031447-00031657 have a low bein an organ I don't see how s6G1euKt6pE-00081-00031658-00031833 there you go yeah yelling Allah Tala s6G1euKt6pE-00082-00031835-00032163 bang OSHA got really mad huh ball s6G1euKt6pE-00083-00032164-00032662 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00084-00032663-00032999 woman yeah yeah Mourinho I was either s6G1euKt6pE-00085-00033000-00033623 Union was really bad man a woman so yes s6G1euKt6pE-00086-00033624-00033746 when you go to bed yeah whooping s6G1euKt6pE-00087-00033747-00033854 anatolyevich earlier in the year for s6G1euKt6pE-00088-00033855-00034064 sure when I just was so quick you need s6G1euKt6pE-00089-00034065-00034604 stitches in the back all right now see s6G1euKt6pE-00090-00034605-00034787 if an actual question what occurs you're s6G1euKt6pE-00091-00034788-00035066 not vegetarian thank you sweetie s6G1euKt6pE-00092-00035067-00035327 material actual to the school Carly the s6G1euKt6pE-00093-00035328-00035675 question I usually would you sure what s6G1euKt6pE-00094-00035676-00035900 you should cut our the question - how s6G1euKt6pE-00095-00035901-00036794 was a question in 2000 gal and his s6G1euKt6pE-00096-00036795-00037139 family moved to Beijing a year later he s6G1euKt6pE-00097-00037140-00037328 was named one of China's top ten lawyers s6G1euKt6pE-00098-00037329-00037547 in a national legal debate competition s6G1euKt6pE-00099-00037548-00037807 sponsored by the Ministry of Justice s6G1euKt6pE-00100-00037808-00038203 soon after Gao founded his own law firm s6G1euKt6pE-00101-00038204-00038537 despite these successes something didn't s6G1euKt6pE-00102-00038538-00038599 feel right s6G1euKt6pE-00103-00038600-00039203 he was a huge OPA one giant elephant s6G1euKt6pE-00104-00039204-00039407 elephant head that will identify him s6G1euKt6pE-00105-00039408-00039680 alone he would have what you cannot see s6G1euKt6pE-00106-00039681-00040106 Pocoyo Mishima ROH the ends are there so s6G1euKt6pE-00107-00040107-00040364 that you - our condo don't work we s6G1euKt6pE-00108-00040365-00040592 cannot see at all what you know can you s6G1euKt6pE-00109-00040593-00040695 show me now s6G1euKt6pE-00110-00040696-00041112 Boresha clerk had open eyes open - sunda s6G1euKt6pE-00111-00041113-00041418 guru buddha shocked when i know i redeem s6G1euKt6pE-00112-00041419-00041691 a rotten a chain here toda detention s6G1euKt6pE-00113-00041692-00042123 Oakland ahead 1 Xena Mojo Jojo dodging s6G1euKt6pE-00114-00042124-00042450 the water Richard ah Sammy Hagar and s6G1euKt6pE-00115-00042451-00042504 satrughna s6G1euKt6pE-00116-00042505-00042828 KO made me go down from the antenna s6G1euKt6pE-00117-00042829-00043032 kyutora love fish hunter education hey s6G1euKt6pE-00118-00043033-00043338 dr. Schaack Angelina so we don't show s6G1euKt6pE-00119-00043339-00043608 fish hunter poodle lady fishermen are s6G1euKt6pE-00120-00043609-00043833 Roman well you should say milled so hard s6G1euKt6pE-00121-00043834-00044001 David had a solution get dushala s6G1euKt6pE-00122-00044002-00044391 gematria hamdulillah so it had 300 s6G1euKt6pE-00123-00044392-00044501 Indian food s6G1euKt6pE-00124-00044502-00044737 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00125-00044738-00045020 knowing well the dangers of following s6G1euKt6pE-00126-00045021-00045268 such a path Gaucho's to work more on s6G1euKt6pE-00127-00045269-00045449 defending the rights of people who had s6G1euKt6pE-00128-00045450-00045637 been treated unjustly by the government s6G1euKt6pE-00129-00045638-00045817 in some cases s6G1euKt6pE-00130-00045818-00046004 he tried seeking compensation for s6G1euKt6pE-00131-00046005-00046315 victims of forced demolitions but in the s6G1euKt6pE-00132-00046316-00046502 country where the Chinese Communist s6G1euKt6pE-00133-00046503-00046754 Party who controls the courts he lost s6G1euKt6pE-00134-00046755-00046973 all of the cases of this kind because s6G1euKt6pE-00135-00046974-00047180 they touched on the vested interests of s6G1euKt6pE-00136-00047181-00047371 powerful government officials and s6G1euKt6pE-00137-00047372-00048035 businessmen in July 2004 Gao and fellow s6G1euKt6pE-00138-00048036-00048274 attorney Jo Jo who began working on a s6G1euKt6pE-00139-00048275-00048530 case in GAO's hometown of you leaned in s6G1euKt6pE-00140-00048531-00048842 Shaanxi province the government took s6G1euKt6pE-00141-00048843-00049033 over the oil fields that were run by s6G1euKt6pE-00142-00049034-00049326 small investors with little compensation s6G1euKt6pE-00143-00049327-00049657 over 60,000 investors suffered losses s6G1euKt6pE-00144-00049658-00049965 many of them falling into severe debt a s6G1euKt6pE-00145-00049966-00050264 few dared to stand up and defend their s6G1euKt6pE-00146-00050265-00050555 rights by suing the local government but s6G1euKt6pE-00147-00050556-00050770 they were detained by police and some of s6G1euKt6pE-00148-00050771-00051074 them were sentenced to prison attorney s6G1euKt6pE-00149-00051075-00051275 Jo Jo who who tried to represent them s6G1euKt6pE-00150-00051276-00051580 was also detained he was eventually s6G1euKt6pE-00151-00051582-00051829 released after GAO's relentless efforts s6G1euKt6pE-00152-00051830-00052238 to rescue his colleague many of the s6G1euKt6pE-00153-00052239-00052407 people who staffed the courts s6G1euKt6pE-00154-00052408-00052628 prosecutor's office the legal profession s6G1euKt6pE-00155-00052629-00053111 and academic work and lawyers that's s6G1euKt6pE-00156-00053112-00053438 that I think they know that they're s6G1euKt6pE-00157-00053439-00053806 losing the struggle to make China more a s6G1euKt6pE-00158-00053807-00054116 country under law than a country simply s6G1euKt6pE-00159-00054116-00054347 using law when it's convenient for the s6G1euKt6pE-00160-00054348-00054963 leaders repression or economic activity s6G1euKt6pE-00161-00054964-00055194 the depressing realities he encountered s6G1euKt6pE-00162-00055195-00055437 and the stubborn unfairness of the s6G1euKt6pE-00163-00055438-00055751 Chinese judicial system often gave GAO a s6G1euKt6pE-00164-00055752-00056124 sense of sadness and helplessness at s6G1euKt6pE-00165-00056125-00056247 times he considered switching s6G1euKt6pE-00166-00056248-00056550 professions but then he found he s6G1euKt6pE-00167-00056551-00056700 couldn't turn his back on the people s6G1euKt6pE-00168-00056701-00056989 coming to him in desperate need of help s6G1euKt6pE-00169-00056990-00058507 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00170-00058508-00059778 you can you talk to the shoes at the end s6G1euKt6pE-00171-00059779-00060147 of November 2004 relatives of flung way s6G1euKt6pE-00172-00060148-00060455 a resident of sure judge Wong and Hebei s6G1euKt6pE-00173-00060457-00060747 province sent GAO's office a request for s6G1euKt6pE-00174-00060748-00060969 representation Hong ways of Falun Gong s6G1euKt6pE-00175-00060970-00061113 practitioner and actually was one of the s6G1euKt6pE-00176-00061114-00061299 first phone Gong cases that colleges s6G1euKt6pE-00177-00061300-00061596 shall talk he was just a simple ordinary s6G1euKt6pE-00178-00061597-00061829 Chinese man who happened to practice s6G1euKt6pE-00179-00061830-00062028 Falun Gong and one day was dropping his s6G1euKt6pE-00180-00062029-00062231 child off at kindergarten and all of a s6G1euKt6pE-00181-00062232-00062507 sudden four thugs came out and abducted s6G1euKt6pE-00182-00062508-00062657 him and they took him to a detention s6G1euKt6pE-00183-00062658-00062804 centre and then sent him two or three s6G1euKt6pE-00184-00062805-00063017 years in the labor camp and he had no s6G1euKt6pE-00185-00063019-00063297 trial he had no chance to appeal and he s6G1euKt6pE-00186-00063298-00063453 hadn't really committed any crime the s6G1euKt6pE-00187-00063454-00063638 only reason he was sent there was s6G1euKt6pE-00188-00063639-00063813 because the authorities found out that s6G1euKt6pE-00189-00063814-00064130 he practice Falun Gong Falun Gong is a s6G1euKt6pE-00190-00064132-00064341 meditation practice that combines s6G1euKt6pE-00191-00064341-00064556 physical exercises with spiritual s6G1euKt6pE-00192-00064557-00064929 teachings in the 1990s it spread by word s6G1euKt6pE-00193-00064929-00065180 of mouth in Chinese society as people s6G1euKt6pE-00194-00065182-00065379 experienced health benefits and other s6G1euKt6pE-00195-00065379-00065594 positive impacts of the practice on s6G1euKt6pE-00196-00065595-00065951 their lives by 1999 it had attracted s6G1euKt6pE-00197-00065952-00066356 over 70 million Chinese at that point s6G1euKt6pE-00198-00066357-00066626 the Communist Party with its intolerance s6G1euKt6pE-00199-00066627-00066869 of independent pot and civil society s6G1euKt6pE-00200-00066870-00067086 groups began to view Falun Gong s6G1euKt6pE-00201-00067087-00067367 popularity as a threat to its power s6G1euKt6pE-00202-00067368-00067619 party leaders banned the practice and s6G1euKt6pE-00203-00067620-00067860 unleashed a brutal and systematic s6G1euKt6pE-00204-00067861-00068080 campaign to stamp it out s6G1euKt6pE-00205-00068081-00068410 the felon Gong are by far the most s6G1euKt6pE-00206-00068411-00068593 victimized group in China according to s6G1euKt6pE-00207-00068594-00068719 the UN Rapporteur on torture they s6G1euKt6pE-00208-00068720-00068902 represent two-thirds the torture victims s6G1euKt6pE-00209-00068903-00069058 in China and the next largest group or s6G1euKt6pE-00210-00069059-00069226 the weavers are at 11% and everybody s6G1euKt6pE-00211-00069227-00069478 else's single digit the aura is well by s6G1euKt6pE-00212-00069479-00069643 far the largest group in arbitrary s6G1euKt6pE-00213-00069644-00069886 detention in eerie education through s6G1euKt6pE-00214-00069887-00070060 labor counseling as Gao tried to s6G1euKt6pE-00215-00070061-00070276 represent one way and file for a s6G1euKt6pE-00216-00070277-00070522 judicial review he discovered that the s6G1euKt6pE-00217-00070523-00070756 regime had blocked all avenues of legal s6G1euKt6pE-00218-00070757-00070930 appeal for people who practice Falun s6G1euKt6pE-00219-00070931-00071278 Gong left with no alternative he wrote s6G1euKt6pE-00220-00071279-00071551 an open letter to Wu bang whoa chairman s6G1euKt6pE-00221-00071552-00071680 of the Standing Committee of the s6G1euKt6pE-00222-00071681-00071941 National People's Congress describing s6G1euKt6pE-00223-00071942-00072225 his encounters with several judges an s6G1euKt6pE-00224-00072226-00072459 administrative judge by the name of miao s6G1euKt6pE-00225-00072460-00072787 examined the documents and said we have s6G1euKt6pE-00226-00072788-00073015 received orders from above indicating s6G1euKt6pE-00227-00073016-00073276 that when it comes to phenom gong no s6G1euKt6pE-00228-00073277-00073573 case can be accepted and no document can s6G1euKt6pE-00229-00073574-00073924 be issued a judge who they called the s6G1euKt6pE-00230-00073925-00074200 presiding judge came in the judge s6G1euKt6pE-00231-00074201-00074509 pointed at us and said you are probably s6G1euKt6pE-00232-00074510-00074734 not party members and you probably s6G1euKt6pE-00233-00074735-00074899 haven't studied the directives of the s6G1euKt6pE-00234-00074900-00075148 National Congress are you aware that s6G1euKt6pE-00235-00075149-00075349 lawyers aren't allowed to take cases s6G1euKt6pE-00236-00075350-00075667 like this the court belongs to the s6G1euKt6pE-00237-00075668-00075973 Chinese Communist Party and so do the s6G1euKt6pE-00238-00075974-00076258 laws there are currently orders from s6G1euKt6pE-00239-00076259-00076495 above to reject these cases and that's s6G1euKt6pE-00240-00076496-00076768 the end of it go talk to whoever you s6G1euKt6pE-00241-00076769-00077008 like and go file your case wherever you s6G1euKt6pE-00242-00077009-00077470 like we don't care at the time there s6G1euKt6pE-00243-00077471-00077656 were very few lawyers who dared to s6G1euKt6pE-00244-00077657-00077845 represent Falun Gong practitioners s6G1euKt6pE-00245-00077846-00077995 openly in China s6G1euKt6pE-00246-00077996-00078301 other than Gao another renowned attorney s6G1euKt6pE-00247-00078302-00078664 who did so was go quoting because of s6G1euKt6pE-00248-00078665-00078934 that was licensed to practice law was s6G1euKt6pE-00249-00078935-00079159 revoked he was placed under tight s6G1euKt6pE-00250-00079160-00079371 surveillance and harassed by the police s6G1euKt6pE-00251-00079372-00079639 eventually he was forced into exile s6G1euKt6pE-00252-00079640-00080227 overseas I'm guessing you guys would see s6G1euKt6pE-00253-00080228-00080494 and I Hagerstown Quang Huy Chien liner s6G1euKt6pE-00254-00080495-00080776 should be told on Pannonian twitching s6G1euKt6pE-00255-00080777-00081093 you might have a salty water and co2 for s6G1euKt6pE-00257-00086872-00088242 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00258-00088243-00088716 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00260-00091763-00092076 turbulent one for gal in May he traveled s6G1euKt6pE-00261-00092077-00092293 back and forth to Shaanxi to rescue s6G1euKt6pE-00262-00092294-00092524 attorney Jo Jo who who was arrested for s6G1euKt6pE-00263-00092525-00092854 investigating the oilfields case in July s6G1euKt6pE-00264-00092855-00093100 he provided free legal assistance to s6G1euKt6pE-00265-00093101-00093388 scijoy wah a Christian pastor in Beijing s6G1euKt6pE-00266-00093389-00093663 Tsai had been arrested for printing and s6G1euKt6pE-00267-00093664-00093871 giving Bibles to house church members s6G1euKt6pE-00268-00093872-00094097 also in July bill s6G1euKt6pE-00269-00094098-00094363 jin-tae sure in Guangdong province tried s6G1euKt6pE-00270-00094364-00094580 to recall their local officials based on s6G1euKt6pE-00271-00094581-00094772 China's law for organizing village s6G1euKt6pE-00272-00094773-00095012 committees the authorities responded s6G1euKt6pE-00273-00095013-00095099 with riot police s6G1euKt6pE-00274-00095100-00095356 violet beatings and arrests of protest s6G1euKt6pE-00275-00095357-00095656 leaders grow facial an activist s6G1euKt6pE-00276-00095657-00095846 assisting the villagers was also s6G1euKt6pE-00277-00095847-00096130 arrested and Gao took his case pro bono s6G1euKt6pE-00278-00096131-00096434 then in October cow travelled to s6G1euKt6pE-00279-00096435-00096650 Shandong province he interviewed dozens s6G1euKt6pE-00280-00096651-00096887 of Falun Gong practitioners who had been s6G1euKt6pE-00281-00096888-00097229 persecuted by the regime on October 18th s6G1euKt6pE-00282-00097230-00097456 he published an open letter to China's s6G1euKt6pE-00283-00097457-00097737 top leaders who Jintao and Wen Jiabao s6G1euKt6pE-00284-00097738-00097937 relaying the findings of his s6G1euKt6pE-00285-00097938-00098194 investigation and calling on them to end s6G1euKt6pE-00286-00098195-00098828 the campaign against Falun Gong in this s6G1euKt6pE-00287-00098829-00098984 year please don't harder than it was s6G1euKt6pE-00288-00098985-00099374 what was any money I can work on your s6G1euKt6pE-00289-00099375-00099635 solid sugar the only girl you yell and s6G1euKt6pE-00290-00099636-00099815 yell surprise and Punk for the people s6G1euKt6pE-00291-00099816-00099973 here and all the different she tells him s6G1euKt6pE-00292-00099974-00100190 they all suppose I was a conscientious s6G1euKt6pE-00293-00100191-00100511 Jim Harmon later on they also do what s6G1euKt6pE-00294-00100512-00101173 will hear that I was here the luigia s6G1euKt6pE-00295-00101174-00101522 within days the regime security agents s6G1euKt6pE-00296-00101523-00102071 turn their attention to go through all s6G1euKt6pE-00297-00102072-00102374 of the vision Johan Johan Enoch also was s6G1euKt6pE-00298-00102375-00102553 he counters and she's not of the notice s6G1euKt6pE-00299-00102554-00102733 yeah would you not agree now yeah what's s6G1euKt6pE-00300-00102734-00102769 up s6G1euKt6pE-00301-00102770-00102991 also neither husband and Adi sounds you s6G1euKt6pE-00302-00102992-00103116 made it go so mature s6G1euKt6pE-00303-00103117-00103352 and what would your question about sugar s6G1euKt6pE-00304-00103353-00103633 dinky doos there are thousands here but s6G1euKt6pE-00305-00103634-00103763 he also has a sound here there's a s6G1euKt6pE-00306-00103764-00104048 warm-up a Tae Yong you show you that way s6G1euKt6pE-00307-00104049-00104264 who me interracial violence s6G1euKt6pE-00308-00104265-00104479 omotchama Co you can talk amongst each s6G1euKt6pE-00309-00104480-00104853 other John Hawkins our health you Sasha s6G1euKt6pE-00310-00104854-00105119 OC issue how i'ma tell you what depends s6G1euKt6pE-00311-00105120-00105383 on you from Helen Archer has showed our s6G1euKt6pE-00312-00105383-00105705 the back wall showed our yarmulke s6G1euKt6pE-00313-00105706-00105964 fifteen days after Gao published the s6G1euKt6pE-00314-00105965-00106222 open letter came the next blow the s6G1euKt6pE-00315-00106223-00106461 Justice Department in Beijing forced his s6G1euKt6pE-00316-00106463-00106582 law firm to close s6G1euKt6pE-00317-00106583-00106927 later that month dr. Manfred Novick at s6G1euKt6pE-00318-00106928-00107098 the time the United Nations Special s6G1euKt6pE-00319-00107099-00107392 Rapporteur on torture visited China at s6G1euKt6pE-00320-00107393-00107605 the invitation of the Chinese government s6G1euKt6pE-00321-00107606-00107815 on November 20th s6G1euKt6pE-00322-00107816-00108031 he met with Gao and experienced s6G1euKt6pE-00323-00108032-00108289 firsthand the workings of China's secret s6G1euKt6pE-00324-00108290-00108349 police s6G1euKt6pE-00325-00108350-00108643 we met in this in this Western and it s6G1euKt6pE-00326-00108644-00108885 was amazing that the Western was fairly s6G1euKt6pE-00327-00108886-00109177 the normal Chinese West one was s6G1euKt6pE-00328-00109178-00109764 lunchtime and on the table next to me s6G1euKt6pE-00329-00109765-00110065 intelligence agents were sitting they s6G1euKt6pE-00330-00110066-00110530 were trying to to monitor us it was a s6G1euKt6pE-00331-00110531-00110818 distant micro to try to follow our s6G1euKt6pE-00332-00110819-00111169 conversation and what I did is that I s6G1euKt6pE-00333-00111170-00111483 when I saw that I took my mobile phone s6G1euKt6pE-00334-00111484-00111856 and I made a photo of this person this s6G1euKt6pE-00335-00111857-00112039 intelligence agent he was sitting there s6G1euKt6pE-00336-00112040-00112366 with a woman and he was getting s6G1euKt6pE-00337-00112367-00112798 extremely agitated he was jumping up is s6G1euKt6pE-00338-00112799-00113014 it why do you take a photo of me but I s6G1euKt6pE-00339-00113015-00113170 took the photo in the same moment when s6G1euKt6pE-00340-00113171-00113431 he took a photo of us so I have to photo s6G1euKt6pE-00341-00113432-00113782 still so it is I documented he took a s6G1euKt6pE-00342-00113783-00113977 photo of us so I said why are you taking s6G1euKt6pE-00343-00113978-00114166 photos of us so he made a big fuss about s6G1euKt6pE-00344-00114167-00114415 it he he was he yelling in the s6G1euKt6pE-00345-00114416-00114670 restaurant he was coming in and saying s6G1euKt6pE-00346-00114671-00114889 that I should give him my camera and he s6G1euKt6pE-00347-00114890-00115345 would destroy the film etc so and then s6G1euKt6pE-00348-00115346-00115586 this was really and then we said sorry s6G1euKt6pE-00349-00115588-00115875 I'm not giving you anything but please s6G1euKt6pE-00350-00115876-00116293 don't disturb our meeting but he s6G1euKt6pE-00351-00116294-00116460 continued to do so and there were other s6G1euKt6pE-00352-00116461-00116692 intelligence people coming and finally s6G1euKt6pE-00353-00116693-00116932 we were kind of fleeing from this s6G1euKt6pE-00354-00116933-00117297 restaurant and when we were walking s6G1euKt6pE-00355-00117298-00117625 through this whole shopping mall as I s6G1euKt6pE-00356-00117626-00117781 saw I don't know how many of those s6G1euKt6pE-00357-00117782-00118120 intelligence people that was a difficult s6G1euKt6pE-00358-00118121-00118471 experience but I was deeply deeply s6G1euKt6pE-00359-00118472-00118860 impressed by the courage of Gao Zhisheng s6G1euKt6pE-00360-00118861-00119018 he was s6G1euKt6pE-00361-00119019-00119333 not at all even in this main incident we s6G1euKt6pE-00362-00119333-00119546 had in his restaurant he never he s6G1euKt6pE-00363-00119547-00119843 remained very calm he tried to calm the s6G1euKt6pE-00364-00119844-00120150 intelligence guy down but he he was s6G1euKt6pE-00365-00120151-00120490 extremely courageous individual and he s6G1euKt6pE-00366-00120491-00120806 would not now change the information s6G1euKt6pE-00367-00120807-00121031 that he would provide me with so he was s6G1euKt6pE-00368-00121032-00121324 very very open and told me whatever he s6G1euKt6pE-00369-00121325-00121588 felt was important in order to assist my s6G1euKt6pE-00370-00121589-00121801 mission of investigating torture in s6G1euKt6pE-00371-00121802-00122156 China in contrast to the harsh reaction s6G1euKt6pE-00372-00122157-00122416 from the Beijing authorities GAO's open s6G1euKt6pE-00373-00122417-00122618 letter received an enthusiastic response s6G1euKt6pE-00374-00122619-00122831 from ordinary citizens across the s6G1euKt6pE-00375-00122832-00123061 country persecuted Falun Gong s6G1euKt6pE-00376-00123062-00123308 practitioners wrote letters inviting him s6G1euKt6pE-00377-00123308-00123533 to their areas to learn more about their s6G1euKt6pE-00378-00123533-00123874 situation on November 29th together with s6G1euKt6pE-00379-00123875-00124102 his friend Joe Kobe ow a journalism s6G1euKt6pE-00380-00124103-00124366 professor from Peking University Gao s6G1euKt6pE-00381-00124367-00124558 successfully shook off the secret police s6G1euKt6pE-00382-00124559-00124810 that were following him the pair then s6G1euKt6pE-00383-00124811-00125048 traveled to Shandong dal Ning and s6G1euKt6pE-00384-00125049-00125383 Jillian provinces they conducted a 17 s6G1euKt6pE-00385-00125384-00125677 day long fact-finding investigation into s6G1euKt6pE-00386-00125678-00125875 the persecution of Falun Gong by the s6G1euKt6pE-00387-00125876-00126208 Chinese Communist Party on December 12th s6G1euKt6pE-00388-00126209-00126451 in a cold room in cheung chiu-hung city s6G1euKt6pE-00389-00126452-00126760 of Jilin province GAO wrote another open s6G1euKt6pE-00390-00126761-00127033 letter to who Jintao and Wen Jiabao the s6G1euKt6pE-00391-00127034-00127199 leaders of the communist regime s6G1euKt6pE-00392-00127200-00128757 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00393-00128758-00129322 in 1900 he wanted a stable peshawar s6G1euKt6pE-00394-00129323-00129819 reasonable for Thomas don't a new s6G1euKt6pE-00395-00129820-00130091 sufficient reachable it was conceived s6G1euKt6pE-00396-00130092-00130368 her pronunciations repeated reported s6G1euKt6pE-00397-00130369-00130712 some city in the body but I'm sure Greek s6G1euKt6pE-00398-00130713-00130879 in the table for him s6G1euKt6pE-00399-00130880-00131125 it's beyond them with all those who shot s6G1euKt6pE-00400-00131126-00131473 Daniel he took that what he lead on what s6G1euKt6pE-00401-00131474-00131923 they were given a unique 800 beautiful s6G1euKt6pE-00402-00131924-00132493 hope we didn't down mr. who mr. wen and s6G1euKt6pE-00403-00132494-00132916 all fellow Chinese it is time for s6G1euKt6pE-00404-00132917-00133186 everyone of us to take a good hard look s6G1euKt6pE-00405-00133187-00133569 at ourselves in the history of the world s6G1euKt6pE-00406-00133570-00133816 never has such a huge group of people s6G1euKt6pE-00407-00133817-00134104 suffered such severe and long-term s6G1euKt6pE-00408-00134105-00134485 persecution during peacetime simply on s6G1euKt6pE-00409-00134486-00134866 account of their faith this disaster has s6G1euKt6pE-00410-00134867-00135112 cost thousands of precious innocent s6G1euKt6pE-00411-00135113-00135343 people their lives and has deprived s6G1euKt6pE-00412-00135344-00135666 hundreds of thousands of their freedom s6G1euKt6pE-00413-00135667-00135951 this utterly inhumane persecution has s6G1euKt6pE-00414-00135952-00136164 caused over 100 million Falun Gong s6G1euKt6pE-00415-00136165-00136424 followers and their families to suffer s6G1euKt6pE-00416-00136425-00136623 how absurd s6G1euKt6pE-00417-00136624-00137052 treacherous and immoral this is it is an s6G1euKt6pE-00418-00137053-00137291 onslaught against the Chinese people s6G1euKt6pE-00419-00137292-00137604 civilization itself and the very moral s6G1euKt6pE-00420-00137605-00137896 fabric of the world I would like to s6G1euKt6pE-00421-00137897-00138157 stress that if this evil crime does not s6G1euKt6pE-00422-00138158-00138501 stop than the day and Chinese society is s6G1euKt6pE-00423-00138502-00139444 stable and harmonious will never come s6G1euKt6pE-00424-00139445-00139729 the day after publishing the open letter s6G1euKt6pE-00425-00139730-00140009 Gao also published a statement declaring s6G1euKt6pE-00426-00140010-00140198 his withdrawal from the Communist Party s6G1euKt6pE-00427-00140199-00140462 and the Epoch Times an independent s6G1euKt6pE-00428-00140463-00140665 Chinese newspaper based in the United s6G1euKt6pE-00429-00140666-00141472 States he called it the day of my life s6G1euKt6pE-00430-00141473-00142389 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00431-00142390-00142786 you forgot about what we mean to treat s6G1euKt6pE-00432-00142787-00143084 relationship the MOU was clearly in s6G1euKt6pE-00433-00143085-00143314 about would he delicious the belly part s6G1euKt6pE-00434-00143315-00143566 ordination shows were our producer s6G1euKt6pE-00435-00143567-00143776 Iranian that I eat in the shop to show s6G1euKt6pE-00436-00143777-00144337 what a human being would be conscious s6G1euKt6pE-00437-00144338-00144604 now speaking out for Falun Gong and s6G1euKt6pE-00438-00144605-00144788 withdrawing from the Communist Party s6G1euKt6pE-00439-00144789-00144998 touched the party's most sensitive s6G1euKt6pE-00440-00144999-00145327 nerves the regime reacted with tighter s6G1euKt6pE-00441-00145328-00145826 surveillance and ever increasing threats s6G1euKt6pE-00442-00145827-00147557 - downside I don't male-pattern are you s6G1euKt6pE-00443-00147558-00148193 gonna pay - up kinda digger Sodom brawny s6G1euKt6pE-00444-00148194-00149570 kind of 11 days later cow was driving s6G1euKt6pE-00445-00149571-00149779 home and there were very few cars on the s6G1euKt6pE-00446-00149780-00150038 road suddenly the car in front of him s6G1euKt6pE-00447-00150039-00150206 whose license plates were covered with s6G1euKt6pE-00448-00150207-00150548 newspaper came to a halt cow almost s6G1euKt6pE-00449-00150549-00150725 crashed into the back of that car s6G1euKt6pE-00450-00150726-00150896 but slammed on the brakes just in time s6G1euKt6pE-00451-00150897-00151181 he got out of his car and tried to check s6G1euKt6pE-00452-00151182-00151340 the license plate at the front of the s6G1euKt6pE-00453-00151341-00151622 car he'd almost hit the driver then s6G1euKt6pE-00454-00151623-00151787 suddenly hit the gas and tried to run s6G1euKt6pE-00455-00151788-00151844 him over s6G1euKt6pE-00456-00151845-00152069 cow quickly jumped into a nearby s6G1euKt6pE-00457-00152070-00152423 flowerbed to escape as the car drove s6G1euKt6pE-00458-00152424-00152750 away its license plate was exposed it s6G1euKt6pE-00459-00152751-00153221 read capital e b8 233 at that moment he s6G1euKt6pE-00460-00153222-00153328 realized something s6G1euKt6pE-00461-00153329-00153626 this was the same number as one of the s6G1euKt6pE-00462-00153627-00153791 secret police cars that had been s6G1euKt6pE-00463-00153792-00154224 following him for the past few weeks s6G1euKt6pE-00464-00154225-00154560 book me into Gaza homeboy a crime order s6G1euKt6pE-00465-00154561-00154956 from Ayodhya because of my tongue if I s6G1euKt6pE-00466-00154957-00155354 cut down easily transferable across a s6G1euKt6pE-00467-00155355-00155723 punk ocean research shoot off reason I s6G1euKt6pE-00468-00155724-00156748 able to division you need content on Eli s6G1euKt6pE-00469-00156749-00157253 who shall go home we can tease apart s6G1euKt6pE-00470-00157254-00157662 like what are you thank you s6G1euKt6pE-00471-00157663-00158463 we should partner to protest the s6G1euKt6pE-00472-00158464-00158661 Communist Party's growing suppression of s6G1euKt6pE-00473-00158662-00158964 civil rights activists guile initiated a s6G1euKt6pE-00474-00158965-00159242 hunger strike movement in early 2006 s6G1euKt6pE-00475-00159243-00159558 each day a different set of people would s6G1euKt6pE-00476-00159559-00159855 fast for 24 hours with the hunger strike s6G1euKt6pE-00477-00159856-00160133 rotating daily from group to group s6G1euKt6pE-00478-00160134-00160383 Chinese people from all over the world s6G1euKt6pE-00479-00160384-00160925 followed this entire allegation but s6G1euKt6pE-00480-00160926-00161345 unfortunately I don't bother a lot about s6G1euKt6pE-00481-00161346-00162408 Indonesia I mean I shall hide in Asia s6G1euKt6pE-00482-00162409-00162894 Oh yummy unfortunately Santa killed on s6G1euKt6pE-00483-00162895-00163125 the scene so she and equality we s6G1euKt6pE-00484-00163126-00163350 generated a channel records under the s6G1euKt6pE-00485-00163351-00163578 causes and how many Christianity to s6G1euKt6pE-00486-00163579-00163641 Ganesha s6G1euKt6pE-00487-00163642-00163953 komyoji ordinances but he was someone s6G1euKt6pE-00488-00163954-00163998 different s6G1euKt6pE-00489-00163999-00164223 he was another league of activists or s6G1euKt6pE-00490-00164224-00164328 League of dissident s6G1euKt6pE-00491-00164329-00164499 someone was really able to bring s6G1euKt6pE-00492-00164500-00164727 together people from different walks of s6G1euKt6pE-00493-00164728-00164949 life and unify the activist community s6G1euKt6pE-00494-00164950-00165237 around him and I think that that's s6G1euKt6pE-00495-00165238-00165435 exactly what the Chinese government sees s6G1euKt6pE-00496-00165436-00165576 too and that's why they're so afraid of s6G1euKt6pE-00497-00165577-00165689 him s6G1euKt6pE-00498-00165690-00165959 with constant police harassment making s6G1euKt6pE-00499-00165960-00166163 it impossible to live a normal life s6G1euKt6pE-00500-00166164-00166511 Gao left home in March 2006 and traveled s6G1euKt6pE-00501-00166512-00166817 around China for six months wherever he s6G1euKt6pE-00502-00166818-00167021 went people would approach him to s6G1euKt6pE-00503-00167022-00167221 express their support and admiration s6G1euKt6pE-00504-00167222-00167456 ignoring the risk of punishment by the s6G1euKt6pE-00505-00167457-00167719 secret police who were never far behind s6G1euKt6pE-00506-00167720-00168068 on April 15th Gao and a friend arrived s6G1euKt6pE-00507-00168069-00168284 in Chengdu the capital of search one s6G1euKt6pE-00508-00168285-00168542 province in the southwest several s6G1euKt6pE-00509-00168543-00169223 supporters were waiting for them to even s6G1euKt6pE-00510-00169224-00169441 panto a faction of sushi for this video s6G1euKt6pE-00511-00169442-00169571 asian asian s6G1euKt6pE-00512-00169572-00169871 Chandrakala commercial each other food s6G1euKt6pE-00513-00169872-00170213 is a partial sum but this fundamentally s6G1euKt6pE-00514-00170214-00170525 father's form I hope you'll Kentucky s6G1euKt6pE-00515-00170526-00170843 hosting this may sue Grandpa Louisa : s6G1euKt6pE-00516-00170844-00171125 the juicy food you should put it on him s6G1euKt6pE-00517-00171126-00171440 go on to be Yona well you can want you s6G1euKt6pE-00518-00171441-00171671 to be Prabhu decide that produced on s6G1euKt6pE-00519-00171672-00171878 your show here choreographers otaku s6G1euKt6pE-00520-00171879-00172148 kilowatt hospital quarantine au from s6G1euKt6pE-00521-00172149-00172340 what I mention is Australia's hardening s6G1euKt6pE-00522-00172341-00172514 a powerful Superman I thought a candy s6G1euKt6pE-00523-00172515-00172862 glass the economy economy but what you s6G1euKt6pE-00524-00172863-00173036 thought honorable told about the Obama s6G1euKt6pE-00525-00173037-00173339 yogya daughter Speaker I move to suspend s6G1euKt6pE-00526-00173340-00173570 the rules and agree to the resolution s6G1euKt6pE-00527-00173571-00173779 h.con.res 365 meanwhile s6G1euKt6pE-00528-00173780-00174011 recognition of GAO's work and courage s6G1euKt6pE-00529-00174012-00174263 was also brewing outside chimes d5 s6G1euKt6pE-00530-00174264-00174461 concurrent resolution urging the s6G1euKt6pE-00531-00174462-00174701 government of China to reinstate all s6G1euKt6pE-00532-00174702-00175046 licenses of Gallagher Xiang and his law s6G1euKt6pE-00533-00175047-00175328 firm removal lawyers like gouging Chang s6G1euKt6pE-00534-00175329-00175568 who dare to follow the law and represent s6G1euKt6pE-00535-00175569-00175916 clients are harassed threatened beaten s6G1euKt6pE-00536-00175917-00176258 for bid low moral courage and imprison s6G1euKt6pE-00537-00176259-00176554 is a rarer commodity than bravery in s6G1euKt6pE-00538-00176555-00176948 battle or great intelligence yet it is s6G1euKt6pE-00539-00176949-00177323 the one essential vital quality for s6G1euKt6pE-00540-00177324-00177710 those who seek to change the world which s6G1euKt6pE-00541-00177711-00177962 yields most painfully to change s6G1euKt6pE-00542-00177963-00178322 end quote madam Speaker Chinese human s6G1euKt6pE-00543-00178323-00178787 rights lawyer Gouger Shang is precisely s6G1euKt6pE-00544-00178788-00179045 the type of individual s6G1euKt6pE-00545-00179046-00179315 Robert Kennedy had in mind 40 years ago s6G1euKt6pE-00546-00179316-00179723 in Capetown two months later on June 4th s6G1euKt6pE-00547-00179724-00180053 2006 European Parliament vice president s6G1euKt6pE-00548-00180054-00180395 Edward Macmillan Scott called Gao we s6G1euKt6pE-00549-00180396-00180617 spoke for four hours about the situation s6G1euKt6pE-00550-00180618-00180938 in China his own perceptions of the s6G1euKt6pE-00551-00180939-00181136 persecution of Falun Gong which he'd s6G1euKt6pE-00552-00181137-00181381 investigated the year before s6G1euKt6pE-00553-00181382-00181783 bearing in mind he's a Christian he s6G1euKt6pE-00554-00181784-00182183 shared some thoughts with me about his s6G1euKt6pE-00555-00182184-00182600 own religious feelings and about the s6G1euKt6pE-00556-00182601-00182918 future of China I asked whether he was s6G1euKt6pE-00557-00182919-00183347 aware that by having contact with me he s6G1euKt6pE-00558-00183348-00183538 was exposing himself to risk and he said s6G1euKt6pE-00559-00183539-00183797 he was aware of the risk and I think s6G1euKt6pE-00560-00183798-00183941 what it shows is the extraordinary s6G1euKt6pE-00561-00183942-00184094 courage of people who know exactly what s6G1euKt6pE-00562-00184095-00184418 the regime can do back in China Gao was s6G1euKt6pE-00563-00184419-00184643 in Shandong Province visiting his sister s6G1euKt6pE-00564-00184644-00184853 and brother-in-law who was dying of s6G1euKt6pE-00565-00184854-00184994 cancer s6G1euKt6pE-00566-00184995-00185375 it was August 15th 2006 more than 10 s6G1euKt6pE-00567-00185376-00185585 months since secret police had started s6G1euKt6pE-00568-00185586-00185990 following him that day police broke in s6G1euKt6pE-00569-00185991-00186187 and took him away s6G1euKt6pE-00570-00186188-00186908 sharp on sofa last year shambles s6G1euKt6pE-00571-00186909-00187202 Tom truly okay you tell tower are in a s6G1euKt6pE-00572-00187203-00187444 shop s6G1euKt6pE-00573-00187445-00187943 Campbell should dr. what you shambles of s6G1euKt6pE-00574-00187944-00188354 the shemitah she'll cheer towards the s6G1euKt6pE-00575-00188355-00188819 camera than you cha-ching don't bother s6G1euKt6pE-00576-00188820-00188941 sumption s6G1euKt6pE-00577-00188942-00189226 tour should study enough we teach our s6G1euKt6pE-00578-00189227-00189649 bomber chick about using Aikido s6G1euKt6pE-00579-00189650-00189895 well Tim doesn't wrinkle s6G1euKt6pE-00580-00189896-00190588 wait you know this in the total Kasia s6G1euKt6pE-00581-00190589-00190910 almost at the same time GAO's family in s6G1euKt6pE-00582-00190911-00191609 Beijing was also ambushed I'm constantly s6G1euKt6pE-00583-00191610-00191867 fatty and may your heart you bungling s6G1euKt6pE-00584-00191868-00192002 generally if I didn't leave their s6G1euKt6pE-00585-00192003-00192179 fringes your mama was gonna be fine all s6G1euKt6pE-00586-00192180-00192203 right s6G1euKt6pE-00587-00192204-00192398 I'm Jeff when you should come over to s6G1euKt6pE-00588-00192399-00192728 wash times without touch about what the s6G1euKt6pE-00589-00192729-00192926 show your shoulder bother y'all should s6G1euKt6pE-00590-00192927-00193136 go short she's joking add solar that's s6G1euKt6pE-00591-00193137-00193358 all I really should go out here I was s6G1euKt6pE-00592-00193359-00193595 like ahhhh what's up ahhhh s6G1euKt6pE-00593-00193596-00193862 I hope she paid for saw her money pushy s6G1euKt6pE-00594-00193863-00194204 parents on your dad well Josh are low on s6G1euKt6pE-00595-00194205-00194516 your eyelid or sang gonna Pamela hi s6G1euKt6pE-00596-00194517-00194816 manager don't I don't know both you such s6G1euKt6pE-00597-00194817-00195038 a little [__] aren't you food from what s6G1euKt6pE-00598-00195039-00195251 is that you what you're actually quite a s6G1euKt6pE-00599-00195252-00195482 suitable Ally home you don't Rajesh how s6G1euKt6pE-00600-00195483-00196061 it is to deliver now all eager power the s6G1euKt6pE-00601-00196062-00196400 tow Philippe chili home shusui the you s6G1euKt6pE-00602-00196401-00196729 want your there 70 mark transition s6G1euKt6pE-00603-00196730-00197033 challenge attorney hope our port of this s6G1euKt6pE-00604-00197034-00197113 high Homer s6G1euKt6pE-00605-00197114-00197429 yeah good and you decide or no tables s6G1euKt6pE-00606-00197430-00197757 right you roll with a dish s6G1euKt6pE-00607-00197758-00198500 we say ho Joker sure Molly engine Nagar s6G1euKt6pE-00608-00198501-00198810 want your dad use a Yeti Romano tease s6G1euKt6pE-00609-00198811-00199163 her talk about told how you taught you s6G1euKt6pE-00610-00199164-00199439 hold on still barefoot and wearing only s6G1euKt6pE-00611-00199440-00199731 a pair of shorts gal was forced into a s6G1euKt6pE-00612-00199732-00199968 police car a black hood covering his s6G1euKt6pE-00613-00199969-00200225 head his shirt had been torn to pieces s6G1euKt6pE-00614-00200226-00200634 by police they drove for nine hours s6G1euKt6pE-00615-00200635-00200900 taking him back to Beijing and to the s6G1euKt6pE-00616-00200901-00201200 city's number two detention center as s6G1euKt6pE-00617-00201201-00201432 soon as they arrived gal was taken to an s6G1euKt6pE-00618-00201433-00201710 interrogation room he was shackled to a s6G1euKt6pE-00619-00201711-00201914 chair and two strong beams of light s6G1euKt6pE-00620-00201915-00202223 shone into his face he was no longer s6G1euKt6pE-00621-00202224-00202565 addressed by his name from then on he s6G1euKt6pE-00622-00202566-00203017 was called eight one five s6G1euKt6pE-00623-00203018-00203513 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00624-00203514-00203870 never darkest moment ability Mia they s6G1euKt6pE-00625-00203871-00204554 are nine yes kimochi me should be severe s6G1euKt6pE-00626-00204555-00205061 the confirmation trataba de Tahoe to s6G1euKt6pE-00627-00205062-00205405 tell Katie and I always do to viola s6G1euKt6pE-00628-00205406-00205746 here's a riddle what are you a child s6G1euKt6pE-00629-00205746-00206111 anima Jean can't reach any how will you s6G1euKt6pE-00630-00206112-00206619 control Oh Madonna Obama s6G1euKt6pE-00631-00206619-00206805 what for were you idiot leaders in China s6G1euKt6pE-00632-00206806-00207098 initiative our doctrine has further Yama s6G1euKt6pE-00633-00207100-00207303 or any English that proved unable but s6G1euKt6pE-00634-00207304-00207566 others for jihad he punched a birth s6G1euKt6pE-00635-00207567-00207965 chart our so the elderly Emir ha toot s6G1euKt6pE-00636-00207966-00208187 really [__] even introduce you to s6G1euKt6pE-00637-00208188-00209042 Tony Darwin we are sure the idea of duty s6G1euKt6pE-00638-00209044-00209582 to abortion you should sit yeah s6G1euKt6pE-00639-00209583-00209927 war showed me the chief amputation yeah s6G1euKt6pE-00640-00209928-00210434 honey how would she - here take a s6G1euKt6pE-00641-00210435-00210548 culture of a doctor s6G1euKt6pE-00642-00210550-00211223 they yell me sinto jolly - champion cows s6G1euKt6pE-00643-00211225-00211451 home in Beijing was searched thoroughly s6G1euKt6pE-00644-00211452-00211757 the police took away all the electronic s6G1euKt6pE-00645-00211758-00212048 equipment cell phones documents and s6G1euKt6pE-00646-00212050-00212271 deposit books for accessing their bank s6G1euKt6pE-00647-00212271-00212335 account s6G1euKt6pE-00648-00212336-00212562 they left the family with only a s6G1euKt6pE-00649-00212563-00212858 television set and 300 Chinese yen in s6G1euKt6pE-00650-00212859-00213284 cash about $40 a team of policemen then s6G1euKt6pE-00651-00213285-00213498 moved into their apartment to monitor s6G1euKt6pE-00652-00213498-00213692 his wife and two children around the s6G1euKt6pE-00653-00213694-00214041 clock the kids were 13 and 2 years old s6G1euKt6pE-00654-00214042-00214238 at the time s6G1euKt6pE-00655-00214239-00214646 remind me of reunion show - Raja jaja do s6G1euKt6pE-00656-00214648-00215004 you know future come tapasya ah John's s6G1euKt6pE-00657-00215005-00215253 old elephant elemental oil ginger murder s6G1euKt6pE-00658-00215254-00215459 Kyra fondling me funny looks like the s6G1euKt6pE-00659-00215460-00215754 teacher John Rochon she's all she's all s6G1euKt6pE-00660-00215755-00215882 you show me finish s6G1euKt6pE-00661-00215883-00216071 she's all she wrote um do you know yeah s6G1euKt6pE-00662-00216073-00216328 you know the country s6G1euKt6pE-00663-00216329-00216598 the attack on Gao and his acquaintances s6G1euKt6pE-00664-00216599-00216817 was a carefully choreographed plan s6G1euKt6pE-00665-00216818-00217204 executed nationwide on the same day Gao s6G1euKt6pE-00666-00217205-00217465 was abducted police officers surrounded s6G1euKt6pE-00667-00217466-00217639 the homes of his relatives in his s6G1euKt6pE-00668-00217640-00217873 hometown in Shaanxi while dozens of s6G1euKt6pE-00669-00217874-00218068 suspicious people began following his s6G1euKt6pE-00670-00218069-00218244 in-laws in Shenzhen s6G1euKt6pE-00671-00218245-00218557 within days of GAO's abduction numerous s6G1euKt6pE-00672-00218558-00218779 fellow human rights advocates who had s6G1euKt6pE-00673-00218780-00218965 joined the hunger strike movement why s6G1euKt6pE-00674-00218966-00219172 they put under house arrest were taken s6G1euKt6pE-00675-00219173-00219682 away by police in Hong Kong s6G1euKt6pE-00676-00219683-00219958 unidentified thugs beat albert ho a s6G1euKt6pE-00677-00219959-00220153 member of the Legislative Council an s6G1euKt6pE-00678-00220154-00220372 ardent advocate for the hunger strike s6G1euKt6pE-00679-00220373-00220597 Gao initiated causing him to be s6G1euKt6pE-00680-00220598-00220693 hospitalized s6G1euKt6pE-00681-00220694-00220993 within a month civil rights activists s6G1euKt6pE-00682-00220994-00221284 Coface song from guangdong writer lee s6G1euKt6pE-00683-00221285-00221542 Hong from Jochem and Chinese Democracy s6G1euKt6pE-00684-00221543-00221833 party member Chun Chiu Ching were all s6G1euKt6pE-00685-00221834-00222160 arrested at the detention center s6G1euKt6pE-00686-00222161-00222397 Gao was deprived of sleep for four or s6G1euKt6pE-00687-00222398-00222724 five days at any given moment he would s6G1euKt6pE-00688-00222725-00222871 either be forced to sit on a hard s6G1euKt6pE-00689-00222872-00223120 surface or be chained to an iron chair s6G1euKt6pE-00690-00223121-00223351 and interrogated with strong light beams s6G1euKt6pE-00691-00223352-00223690 in his face to protest the mistreatment s6G1euKt6pE-00692-00223691-00224065 guy went on a hunger strike after three s6G1euKt6pE-00693-00224066-00224302 days an interrogator whose last name was s6G1euKt6pE-00694-00224303-00225787 Hsiao came to see him for the situation s6G1euKt6pE-00695-00225788-00226465 they are work any taller than me what is s6G1euKt6pE-00696-00226466-00226693 that this industry good you will see the s6G1euKt6pE-00697-00226694-00227131 chance if I need your shirt I apologized s6G1euKt6pE-00698-00227132-00228144 in shivakalin Russia he came on a s6G1euKt6pE-00699-00228145-00228643 meat-eater dah-dah-dah what's in the s6G1euKt6pE-00700-00228644-00229185 highway you you what your tongue - 20 s6G1euKt6pE-00701-00229186-00229986 we need to turn chosen would you win s6G1euKt6pE-00702-00229987-00230451 that one teacher sure no wonder she's a s6G1euKt6pE-00703-00230452-00230706 hydra from that go quickly tunnel closer s6G1euKt6pE-00704-00230707-00230783 each other s6G1euKt6pE-00705-00230784-00231375 melon here one of our teachers October 6 s6G1euKt6pE-00706-00231376-00231671 was the mid-autumn festival that year it s6G1euKt6pE-00707-00231673-00231900 was the 53rd day since cow had been s6G1euKt6pE-00708-00231901-00231969 abducted s6G1euKt6pE-00709-00231969-00232394 it was also Gong husband a that day the s6G1euKt6pE-00710-00232396-00232632 Beijing Public Security Bureau brought s6G1euKt6pE-00711-00232633-00232863 gung ho to the detention center to see s6G1euKt6pE-00712-00232864-00233136 Gao it was the first time they had met s6G1euKt6pE-00713-00233137-00233294 since he had been taken away s6G1euKt6pE-00714-00233294-00233565 the police had put a lot of pressure on s6G1euKt6pE-00715-00233566-00233983 Gong ha to persuade Gao to surrender s6G1euKt6pE-00716-00233984-00234501 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00717-00234502-00234777 little coterie booty linear drum on our s6G1euKt6pE-00718-00234778-00235113 hands s6G1euKt6pE-00719-00235114-00235291 hey muchacho s6G1euKt6pE-00720-00235292-00236105 without a doubt - hm I'm undercover s6G1euKt6pE-00721-00236106-00236377 that was her phone was she on down there s6G1euKt6pE-00722-00236378-00236909 so that passion true condition didn't s6G1euKt6pE-00723-00236910-00237391 come from the chaff was sleep oh they s6G1euKt6pE-00724-00237392-00237684 don't run to the meter that I would have s6G1euKt6pE-00725-00237685-00238152 even made when I put you over 200k how s6G1euKt6pE-00726-00238153-00238569 Donna behula well pushers were talking s6G1euKt6pE-00727-00238571-00238942 when I was about who what you don't s6G1euKt6pE-00728-00238942-00239377 touch me about Chile and she'll go what s6G1euKt6pE-00729-00239378-00240087 you need it for Marty a live organism s6G1euKt6pE-00730-00240088-00240948 fortunately for only $2 Heiser Sheila s6G1euKt6pE-00731-00240950-00241182 travel study tour show me out on a s6G1euKt6pE-00732-00241183-00241929 national force in a person who is s6G1euKt6pE-00733-00241930-00242358 Oedipus article whoo-hoo aconitine - s6G1euKt6pE-00734-00242359-00242973 away from the subject first of all watch s6G1euKt6pE-00735-00242975-00243598 vanilla you tell when you are me Joe s6G1euKt6pE-00736-00243598-00243771 so Neil that s6G1euKt6pE-00737-00243771-00244026 you shouldn't be awesome sure Moodle s6G1euKt6pE-00738-00244027-00244310 Piazza chihuaha s6G1euKt6pE-00739-00244311-00244731 Horizonte chrimbus warm years on your s6G1euKt6pE-00740-00244732-00245151 husk one can question me or what for s6G1euKt6pE-00741-00245152-00245342 local charter components I need to s6G1euKt6pE-00742-00245344-00245658 figure your tradition or needed sweet s6G1euKt6pE-00743-00245659-00245852 isn't it s6G1euKt6pE-00744-00245853-00246066 you should because of the food chain s6G1euKt6pE-00745-00246067-00246344 thing in the job he forgot we were s6G1euKt6pE-00746-00246346-00246588 watching you may want something that you s6G1euKt6pE-00747-00246589-00247196 want you in cash ring a new house s6G1euKt6pE-00748-00247198-00247965 Jimmy the pallet we need up aliens on s6G1euKt6pE-00749-00247966-00248571 her car for addition you can have a flow s6G1euKt6pE-00750-00248571-00248909 African Obama leadership or treating s6G1euKt6pE-00751-00248910-00249794 heart on Omaha buses Jadhav Presidium s6G1euKt6pE-00752-00249796-00249923 knowledge you have a slow time as s6G1euKt6pE-00753-00249925-00250457 everyone who didn't watch a month later s6G1euKt6pE-00754-00250458-00250698 the situation took a turn for the worse s6G1euKt6pE-00755-00250698-00251013 on the morning of November 14th the s6G1euKt6pE-00756-00251014-00251219 secret police were following Dong Ha s6G1euKt6pE-00757-00251221-00251471 beat her up on the street after she s6G1euKt6pE-00758-00251473-00251669 asked them to stay a little further away s6G1euKt6pE-00759-00251669-00251973 when she got home she called huija a s6G1euKt6pE-00760-00251973-00252228 Beijing activist and close friend and s6G1euKt6pE-00761-00252229-00254301 told him what had happened at the s6G1euKt6pE-00762-00254302-00254412 detention center s6G1euKt6pE-00763-00254413-00254642 Gao was informed of the attack s6G1euKt6pE-00764-00254644-00254891 that night he refused to have dinner s6G1euKt6pE-00765-00254892-00255131 then he asked to meet with the s6G1euKt6pE-00766-00255132-00255785 interrogators that's it s6G1euKt6pE-00767-00255786-00256496 I got you a fool s6G1euKt6pE-00768-00256496-00257407 well for one and offer me the cheapest - s6G1euKt6pE-00769-00257408-00257573 today are finito s6G1euKt6pE-00770-00257575-00257930 Who am I even chicken - that I would say s6G1euKt6pE-00771-00257931-00258173 myself you wanna push ah ah s6G1euKt6pE-00772-00258173-00258821 show me what we want s6G1euKt6pE-00773-00258821-00259034 what should she do she pay when I s6G1euKt6pE-00774-00259035-00259994 thought she achieves report oh hello s6G1euKt6pE-00775-00259996-00260380 achieve not sure s6G1euKt6pE-00776-00260381-00260727 wait how did she enjoy whatever dancing s6G1euKt6pE-00777-00260728-00260915 with you what's your education s6G1euKt6pE-00778-00260916-00261573 what's it - push - I have an agenda to s6G1euKt6pE-00779-00261573-00262002 her you Father you can chew in shape s6G1euKt6pE-00780-00262003-00262334 though she found her car food 24 as you s6G1euKt6pE-00781-00262335-00262920 can my chain kane'ohe bay was also s6G1euKt6pE-00782-00262921-00263333 telephone either who delusional mind on s6G1euKt6pE-00783-00263334-00264614 a note or for my daughters s6G1euKt6pE-00784-00264615-00265247 harder to clean who live with her be s6G1euKt6pE-00785-00265248-00265892 future informant each ambush method or s6G1euKt6pE-00786-00265893-00266296 from now on achieve the healthy oliseh s6G1euKt6pE-00787-00266297-00266709 Mumuni tactical indeed on me Luca s6G1euKt6pE-00788-00266710-00267065 touching while chihuahua cheese health s6G1euKt6pE-00789-00267066-00267544 whistle yeah buddy s6G1euKt6pE-00790-00267545-00268169 well Kylie wants it hard s6G1euKt6pE-00791-00268170-00268619 Shawna in order to get back 5,000 UN of s6G1euKt6pE-00792-00268620-00268834 his confiscated money for his wife and s6G1euKt6pE-00793-00268835-00269101 children to live on GAO began writing a s6G1euKt6pE-00794-00269102-00269410 repentance statement within a week half s6G1euKt6pE-00795-00269411-00269755 of his hair turned gray still the s6G1euKt6pE-00796-00269756-00269923 authorities were not satisfied with his s6G1euKt6pE-00797-00269924-00270048 statement s6G1euKt6pE-00798-00270049-00272122 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00799-00272123-00272668 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00800-00272669-00273463 - yeah when they say the Coco temple s6G1euKt6pE-00801-00273464-00274792 yeah what about you s6G1euKt6pE-00802-00274793-00275232 beatings sleep deprivation interrogation s6G1euKt6pE-00803-00275233-00275494 humiliation and being chained in a s6G1euKt6pE-00804-00275495-00275725 painful position for five hundred and s6G1euKt6pE-00805-00275726-00275995 ninety hours could not break GAO's will s6G1euKt6pE-00806-00275996-00276283 but he couldn't stand to see his family s6G1euKt6pE-00807-00276284-00276406 being tormented s6G1euKt6pE-00808-00276407-00277401 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00809-00277402-00277875 ha ha ha ha Chelsea soccer club or you s6G1euKt6pE-00810-00277876-00278919 know what's important Artie okay comet s6G1euKt6pE-00811-00278920-00279249 even even a union of the children being s6G1euKt6pE-00812-00279250-00279713 the policy yeah okay Lisa s6G1euKt6pE-00813-00279714-00280239 Tolman the sharpie don't gonna share s6G1euKt6pE-00814-00280240-00280437 tremendous unity on the universal s6G1euKt6pE-00815-00280438-00281448 knowledge what such a trade on sure push s6G1euKt6pE-00816-00281449-00281700 need online chat I am yes that s6G1euKt6pE-00817-00281701-00282285 retrievable is here tellurium gosh s6G1euKt6pE-00818-00282286-00283122 untrue Holly on December 12th 2006 gal s6G1euKt6pE-00819-00283123-00283365 was tried in secret at Beijing number s6G1euKt6pE-00820-00283366-00283556 one Intermediate People's Court s6G1euKt6pE-00821-00283557-00283866 his family was not notified and his s6G1euKt6pE-00822-00283867-00284190 defense attorney was not present he was s6G1euKt6pE-00823-00284191-00284463 found guilty of subversion and given a s6G1euKt6pE-00824-00284464-00284697 suspended 3-year sentence with five s6G1euKt6pE-00825-00284698-00284831 years probation s6G1euKt6pE-00826-00284832-00285264 ten days later Gao was released he had s6G1euKt6pE-00827-00285265-00285554 been in custody for over four months s6G1euKt6pE-00828-00285555-00285875 it was a bittersweet family reunion at s6G1euKt6pE-00829-00285876-00286157 the suggestion of his daughter gaga s6G1euKt6pE-00830-00286158-00286379 the family drove to a restaurant to s6G1euKt6pE-00831-00286380-00286814 celebrate nacho nacho SOPA de una s6G1euKt6pE-00832-00286815-00287147 muchacha de soto de agua de que una y s6G1euKt6pE-00833-00287148-00287426 know me Bobby I don't own a tndhe track s6G1euKt6pE-00834-00287427-00287468 aiya s6G1euKt6pE-00835-00287469-00288016 no yada Jeanie Allah Masha Allah s6G1euKt6pE-00836-00288017-00288338 da-da-da-da-da-da-da Patricia Aruba 1000 s6G1euKt6pE-00837-00288339-00288754 runs I told me what you see on the s6G1euKt6pE-00838-00288755-00289016 interchange the carambola it's a mulatto s6G1euKt6pE-00839-00289017-00289447 musician Joe Gallo jiu-jitsu Fahad s6G1euKt6pE-00840-00289448-00289865 Jamaat Ronda few children tell or energy s6G1euKt6pE-00841-00289866-00290063 you have to meet you meet our s6G1euKt6pE-00842-00290064-00290342 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00843-00290343-00290607 pokémon Charmander puto - what your s6G1euKt6pE-00844-00290608-00290849 hearts on fire - none - and oh god you s6G1euKt6pE-00845-00290850-00291090 don't reform the a be thoughtful is you s6G1euKt6pE-00846-00291091-00291201 my children oh sure s6G1euKt6pE-00847-00291202-00291579 Papa Sumitra bah bahah this is like a s6G1euKt6pE-00848-00291580-00291783 chain you can't watch Allah you're hot s6G1euKt6pE-00849-00291784-00292020 you're hot too much shorter then the s6G1euKt6pE-00850-00292021-00292143 coldest room tone for the courtroom by s6G1euKt6pE-00851-00292144-00292299 the children from calling for them s6G1euKt6pE-00852-00292300-00292581 Sudha bhai there is of course Allah to s6G1euKt6pE-00853-00292582-00293274 see an acacia acacia tuition - yeah only s6G1euKt6pE-00854-00293275-00293513 on occasion you want me maybe than that s6G1euKt6pE-00855-00293514-00293793 maybe an inside she show the judge you s6G1euKt6pE-00856-00293794-00294042 are poor Holly should the Egyptology of s6G1euKt6pE-00857-00294043-00294426 the courts Allah surely Allah the God s6G1euKt6pE-00858-00294427-00294654 sure the bathroom s6G1euKt6pE-00859-00294655-00294903 father I see location they never wore s6G1euKt6pE-00860-00294904-00295395 Horus a few days after he returned home s6G1euKt6pE-00861-00295396-00295685 GAO was abducted again and forcefully s6G1euKt6pE-00862-00295686-00296001 removed from Beijing he was held s6G1euKt6pE-00863-00296002-00296189 incommunicado s6G1euKt6pE-00864-00296190-00296448 meanwhile the repentance statement was s6G1euKt6pE-00865-00296449-00296652 publicized and drew different reactions s6G1euKt6pE-00866-00296653-00296928 and speculation including disappointment s6G1euKt6pE-00867-00296929-00297312 from those who read it yet as Chinese s6G1euKt6pE-00868-00297313-00297588 New Year approached in February 2007 s6G1euKt6pE-00869-00297589-00297886 many people still sent their greetings s6G1euKt6pE-00870-00297887-00298897 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00871-00298898-00299485 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00872-00299486-00300348 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00873-00300349-00300942 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00874-00300943-00301587 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00875-00301588-00301941 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00876-00301942-00302341 in April 2007 Gao was released and s6G1euKt6pE-00877-00302342-00302638 returned home to Beijing on April 6th s6G1euKt6pE-00878-00302639-00302875 his friend who Jah received a phone call s6G1euKt6pE-00879-00302876-00303175 from him this was the first time the two s6G1euKt6pE-00880-00303176-00303382 had spoken since cow was abducted in s6G1euKt6pE-00881-00303383-00303676 August of the previous year during his s6G1euKt6pE-00882-00303677-00303931 conversation with huija GAO read out a s6G1euKt6pE-00883-00303932-00304120 letter he had written to who and his s6G1euKt6pE-00884-00304121-00304390 wife sons in yen a well-known blogger in s6G1euKt6pE-00885-00304391-00304621 which he described in detail the abuse s6G1euKt6pE-00886-00304622-00305637 he was subjected to in detention okay s6G1euKt6pE-00887-00305638-00306346 postulates you got to me on the low shot s6G1euKt6pE-00888-00306347-00306613 huh show me you were finding your s6G1euKt6pE-00889-00306614-00307573 doctrine yeah hammer tape how truly s6G1euKt6pE-00890-00307574-00307891 different she was i eating lunch oh s6G1euKt6pE-00891-00307892-00308104 you're going along with them and I teach s6G1euKt6pE-00892-00308105-00308755 you what you can or can't tell the judge s6G1euKt6pE-00893-00308756-00309081 without the show channel are the ransom s6G1euKt6pE-00894-00309082-00309385 when all the tornado me-dasu don't for s6G1euKt6pE-00895-00309386-00310143 7:30 yeah wait yeah that's enough time s6G1euKt6pE-00896-00310144-00310882 don't kill won't find the shotgun so he s6G1euKt6pE-00897-00310883-00311503 thought well even as GAO was under s6G1euKt6pE-00898-00311504-00311719 constant surveillance and forced to give s6G1euKt6pE-00899-00311720-00311971 up his legal defense work his influence s6G1euKt6pE-00900-00311972-00312235 was still being felt other lawyers s6G1euKt6pE-00901-00312236-00312433 courageously picked up where he left off s6G1euKt6pE-00902-00312434-00312628 trying to defend Falun Gong s6G1euKt6pE-00903-00312629-00312867 practitioners in court s6G1euKt6pE-00904-00312868-00313289 at the end of April 2007 insured Josh s6G1euKt6pE-00905-00313290-00313735 Wong a city 400 miles from Beijing six s6G1euKt6pE-00906-00313736-00313933 lawyers disregarded the regime's threats s6G1euKt6pE-00907-00313934-00314173 and presented the historic defense of s6G1euKt6pE-00908-00314174-00314374 freedom of religion before a Chinese s6G1euKt6pE-00909-00314375-00314767 Court they defended Wong bowl and her s6G1euKt6pE-00910-00314768-00314977 parents who were being put on trial for s6G1euKt6pE-00911-00314978-00315220 practicing Falun Gong and distributing s6G1euKt6pE-00912-00315221-00315394 information about the human rights s6G1euKt6pE-00913-00315395-00315721 abuses suffered by practitioners this s6G1euKt6pE-00914-00315722-00315919 was the first time the Chinese lawyers s6G1euKt6pE-00915-00315920-00316144 had overcome the obstacles set by the s6G1euKt6pE-00916-00316145-00316381 Communist Party and argued against the s6G1euKt6pE-00917-00316382-00316618 unlawful persecution of Falun Gong in s6G1euKt6pE-00918-00316619-00316921 court Wang bol and her parents were s6G1euKt6pE-00919-00316922-00317074 ultimately sentenced to prison s6G1euKt6pE-00920-00317075-00317359 despite the lawyers efforts but a path s6G1euKt6pE-00921-00317360-00317671 had been opened since then dozens of s6G1euKt6pE-00922-00317672-00317840 Chinese lawyers have pleaded the s6G1euKt6pE-00923-00317841-00318082 innocence of Falun Gong practitioners in s6G1euKt6pE-00924-00318083-00318416 court in any society there are always s6G1euKt6pE-00925-00318417-00318727 some people good people and they are s6G1euKt6pE-00926-00318728-00319177 willing to sacrifice for other people's s6G1euKt6pE-00927-00319178-00319474 all the people's interest or their s6G1euKt6pE-00928-00319475-00319900 justice so but in many cases especially s6G1euKt6pE-00929-00319901-00320387 in China they need to find a direction s6G1euKt6pE-00930-00320388-00320734 or a way to do that and I think God so s6G1euKt6pE-00931-00320735-00321196 soon set up an example and point out in s6G1euKt6pE-00932-00321197-00321688 Chinese society the most injustice is s6G1euKt6pE-00933-00321689-00321991 the persecution of Falun Gong so if we s6G1euKt6pE-00934-00321992-00322309 want to bring justice to the society you s6G1euKt6pE-00935-00322310-00322739 have to face Falun Gong issue meanwhile s6G1euKt6pE-00936-00322740-00323114 in July 2007 a reporter from New Tong s6G1euKt6pE-00937-00323115-00323344 dynasty television an independent s6G1euKt6pE-00938-00323345-00323533 Chinese station based in the United s6G1euKt6pE-00939-00323534-00323833 States took a risk and visited Gao at s6G1euKt6pE-00940-00323834-00324007 his home s6G1euKt6pE-00941-00324008-00324211 see that full file you find the port for s6G1euKt6pE-00942-00324212-00324825 what their several Thomas you are softly s6G1euKt6pE-00943-00324826-00325090 it's okay for you point out this is your s6G1euKt6pE-00944-00325091-00326113 bushel full volley mother we solution so s6G1euKt6pE-00945-00326114-00326962 yes I people keep on just for without s6G1euKt6pE-00946-00326963-00327298 you either us over was that cool honey s6G1euKt6pE-00947-00327299-00327598 martini a day without yesterday Sunday s6G1euKt6pE-00948-00327599-00328480 down yesterday just receive a cell s6G1euKt6pE-00949-00328481-00328783 containing nutrition cheerful pop what s6G1euKt6pE-00950-00328784-00329622 you for what we need it for protection s6G1euKt6pE-00951-00329623-00330372 how did you waited for 100 available s6G1euKt6pE-00952-00330373-00330667 from the footage one can see a gal with s6G1euKt6pE-00953-00330668-00330915 more smiles and restored confidence s6G1euKt6pE-00954-00330916-00331159 every day besides helping with the s6G1euKt6pE-00955-00331160-00331459 housework he focused on reading thinking s6G1euKt6pE-00956-00331460-00331575 and writing s6G1euKt6pE-00957-00331576-00333037 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00958-00333038-00333208 what's your answer s6G1euKt6pE-00959-00333209-00333978 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-00960-00333979-00334408 on September 8th 2007 Gao published a s6G1euKt6pE-00961-00334409-00334602 declaration in the epoch times s6G1euKt6pE-00962-00334603-00334855 nullifying his repentant statement and s6G1euKt6pE-00963-00334856-00335098 rejecting all of the communist regimes s6G1euKt6pE-00964-00335099-00335389 charges against him two weeks later s6G1euKt6pE-00965-00335390-00335656 GAO's open letter to the US Congress was s6G1euKt6pE-00966-00335657-00336100 published today as we approach the s6G1euKt6pE-00967-00336101-00336394 Beijing Olympic Games I ask you to pay s6G1euKt6pE-00968-00336395-00336583 attention to the ongoing human rights s6G1euKt6pE-00969-00336584-00336895 disaster in China and wish you to s6G1euKt6pE-00970-00336896-00337135 forward my appeal to the whole world s6G1euKt6pE-00971-00337136-00337522 I ask you to seriously consider the s6G1euKt6pE-00972-00337523-00337903 outlook of morality justice and humanity s6G1euKt6pE-00973-00337904-00338269 for today's mankind as well as to what s6G1euKt6pE-00974-00338270-00338491 extent such values are undermined in s6G1euKt6pE-00975-00338492-00338689 China s6G1euKt6pE-00976-00338690-00338887 in a world where the mainstream s6G1euKt6pE-00977-00338888-00339148 political forces valued profit above s6G1euKt6pE-00978-00339149-00339451 everything else where morality is s6G1euKt6pE-00979-00339452-00339826 sneered at we tried in vain to urge the s6G1euKt6pE-00980-00339827-00339979 International Olympic Committee to s6G1euKt6pE-00981-00339980-00340480 perform its duties but still I choose to s6G1euKt6pE-00982-00340481-00340660 express myself in a way that has almost s6G1euKt6pE-00983-00340661-00340885 led to the annihilation of my whole s6G1euKt6pE-00984-00340886-00341251 family I choose to present to the s6G1euKt6pE-00985-00341252-00341434 international community what is s6G1euKt6pE-00986-00341435-00341725 happening in China the vivid scenes s6G1euKt6pE-00987-00341726-00341917 going on in parallel with the s6G1euKt6pE-00988-00341918-00342199 preparations for the Olympic Games but s6G1euKt6pE-00989-00342200-00342436 that are totally against the Olympic s6G1euKt6pE-00990-00342437-00342679 spirit s6G1euKt6pE-00991-00342680-00342931 though at this moment people are busy s6G1euKt6pE-00992-00342932-00343177 congratulating themselves on what they s6G1euKt6pE-00993-00343178-00343369 have gained from the coming Olympic s6G1euKt6pE-00994-00343370-00343795 Games I choose to do so despite the s6G1euKt6pE-00995-00343796-00344122 danger may bring to myself because I s6G1euKt6pE-00996-00344123-00344341 consider it my obligation as a human s6G1euKt6pE-00997-00344342-00345200 being and as a Chinese person s6G1euKt6pE-00998-00345201-00345459 but GAO's appeal may have come too late s6G1euKt6pE-00999-00345460-00345779 on September 6th as he was drafting this s6G1euKt6pE-01000-00345780-00345958 open letter during the asia-pacific s6G1euKt6pE-01001-00345959-00346208 Economic Cooperation meeting in Sydney s6G1euKt6pE-01002-00346209-00346355 who Jintao s6G1euKt6pE-01003-00346356-00346523 the chinese communist party general s6G1euKt6pE-01004-00346524-00346778 secretary invited u.s. president george s6G1euKt6pE-01005-00346779-00347035 w bush to come to Beijing to watch the s6G1euKt6pE-01006-00347036-00347273 Olympic Games Bush accepted the s6G1euKt6pE-01007-00347274-00348770 invitation for writing his open letter s6G1euKt6pE-01008-00348771-00349076 to the US Congress Gao was again s6G1euKt6pE-01009-00349077-00349373 abducted by the police his head covered s6G1euKt6pE-01010-00349374-00349660 in a black hood he was taken to a secret s6G1euKt6pE-01011-00349661-00350035 place more than two months later he s6G1euKt6pE-01012-00350036-00350270 returned home with scars and s6G1euKt6pE-01013-00350271-00350840 deteriorated health at first Gao didn't s6G1euKt6pE-01014-00350841-00351109 want to talk about his ordeal but at his s6G1euKt6pE-01015-00351110-00351365 wife's urging he eventually wrote out an s6G1euKt6pE-01016-00351366-00351584 account of what had happened to him in s6G1euKt6pE-01017-00351585-00352094 custody four men with electric batons s6G1euKt6pE-01018-00352095-00352325 began beating my head and all over my s6G1euKt6pE-01019-00352326-00352500 body s6G1euKt6pE-01020-00352501-00352743 nothing but the noise of the beating and s6G1euKt6pE-01021-00352744-00353126 my anxious breathing could be heard I s6G1euKt6pE-01022-00353127-00353478 was beaten so badly that my whole body s6G1euKt6pE-01023-00353479-00353868 began shaking uncontrollably I was s6G1euKt6pE-01024-00353869-00354057 shouted at by a guy whom I later learned s6G1euKt6pE-01025-00354058-00354420 was named Wong all my clothes were s6G1euKt6pE-01026-00354421-00354749 pulled off and I was totally naked s6G1euKt6pE-01027-00354750-00355032 the electric shock batons were put all s6G1euKt6pE-01028-00355033-00355449 over me and my whole body my heart lungs s6G1euKt6pE-01029-00355450-00355818 and muscles began jumping under my skin s6G1euKt6pE-01030-00355819-00356211 uncontrollably I was writhing in the s6G1euKt6pE-01031-00356212-00356673 ground in pain trying to crawl away Wong s6G1euKt6pE-01032-00356674-00356958 then shocked me in my genitals my s6G1euKt6pE-01033-00356959-00357237 begging them to stop only returned s6G1euKt6pE-01034-00357238-00357845 laughing and more unbelievable torture s6G1euKt6pE-01035-00357846-00358149 this torture continued until around noon s6G1euKt6pE-01036-00358150-00358452 on the third day I don't know where I s6G1euKt6pE-01037-00358453-00358790 got the strength to endure but somehow I s6G1euKt6pE-01038-00358791-00359033 struggled to get away from their grasp s6G1euKt6pE-01039-00359034-00359309 shouting the names of my two children s6G1euKt6pE-01040-00359310-00359688 Jinyu and googa I hit my head on the s6G1euKt6pE-01041-00359689-00360024 edge of the table my voice calling my s6G1euKt6pE-01042-00360025-00360318 children's names was chilling it was s6G1euKt6pE-01043-00360319-00360945 extremely sad remote and unfamiliar but s6G1euKt6pE-01044-00360946-00361220 my suicide attempt did not succeed I s6G1euKt6pE-01045-00361221-00361716 thank Almighty God for this it is he who s6G1euKt6pE-01046-00361717-00362063 rescued me s6G1euKt6pE-01047-00362064-00362367 cows eyes were bleeding after he banged s6G1euKt6pE-01048-00362368-00362718 his head he fell to the floor but even s6G1euKt6pE-01049-00362719-00362964 then the secret police didn't stop their s6G1euKt6pE-01050-00362965-00363240 brutality they kept beating and shocking s6G1euKt6pE-01051-00363241-00363531 him with electric batons they inserted s6G1euKt6pE-01052-00363532-00363888 bamboo pins into his genitals in endless s6G1euKt6pE-01053-00363889-00364074 pain and under tremendous pressure from s6G1euKt6pE-01054-00364075-00364386 his interrogators GAO was forced to make s6G1euKt6pE-01055-00364387-00364605 up stories about having had affairs with s6G1euKt6pE-01056-00364606-00365028 four women after returning home he tried s6G1euKt6pE-01057-00365029-00365346 to get back to a normal life but leaving s6G1euKt6pE-01058-00365347-00366089 the torture behind wasn't so simple s6G1euKt6pE-01059-00366090-00366535 fuuuck and Solomon had Italian should I s6G1euKt6pE-01060-00366536-00367097 wait for my our chief achiever to tell s6G1euKt6pE-01061-00367098-00367573 you hello aria go girl our dietary s6G1euKt6pE-01062-00367574-00367718 chakra bar s6G1euKt6pE-01063-00367719-00368134 what's the be installed on I draw little s6G1euKt6pE-01064-00368135-00368345 Charlotte yeah more awesome the hell you s6G1euKt6pE-01065-00368346-00368551 a poet Lu Xiang wrong and they don't s6G1euKt6pE-01066-00368552-00368888 have you know to know what your birth s6G1euKt6pE-01067-00368889-00369221 volume potentiometer children well the s6G1euKt6pE-01068-00369222-00369385 single push in the answer s6G1euKt6pE-01069-00369386-00369623 well they see me become here children s6G1euKt6pE-01070-00369624-00371579 you mean not even cultures s6G1euKt6pE-01071-00371580-00373786 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-01072-00373787-00374562 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-01073-00374563-00374718 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-01074-00374719-00374962 although GAO and his family were s6G1euKt6pE-01075-00374963-00375121 struggling and forced to live in s6G1euKt6pE-01076-00375122-00375331 isolation they had not been forgotten s6G1euKt6pE-01077-00375332-00375646 his courage and fight for justice were s6G1euKt6pE-01078-00375647-00375814 being widely recognized by the s6G1euKt6pE-01079-00375815-00376140 international community cauchy's said he s6G1euKt6pE-01080-00376141-00376495 represented in 2007 Gao was granted the s6G1euKt6pE-01081-00376496-00376702 Bruno Kreisky Human Rights Award in s6G1euKt6pE-01082-00376703-00376882 Austria the early on that if he could s6G1euKt6pE-01083-00376883-00377107 personally and it in the courageous s6G1euKt6pE-01084-00377108-00377377 advocacy award by fellow lawyers at the s6G1euKt6pE-01085-00377378-00377622 American Board of trial advocates in s6G1euKt6pE-01086-00377623-00377920 2008 he was nominated for the Nobel s6G1euKt6pE-01087-00377921-00378385 Peace Prize with the 2008 Beijing s6G1euKt6pE-01088-00378386-00378640 Olympics approaching the entire country s6G1euKt6pE-01089-00378641-00378961 was in a tense atmosphere in the name of s6G1euKt6pE-01090-00378962-00379213 so-called safety precautions the regime s6G1euKt6pE-01091-00379214-00379438 arrested tens of thousands of innocent s6G1euKt6pE-01092-00379439-00379732 people especially activists petitioners s6G1euKt6pE-01093-00379733-00380059 and Falun Gong practitioners while s6G1euKt6pE-01094-00380060-00380248 foreign dignitaries were enjoying the s6G1euKt6pE-01095-00380249-00380359 games in Beijing s6G1euKt6pE-01096-00380360-00380717 GAO's family was forced out of the city s6G1euKt6pE-01097-00380718-00381265 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-01098-00381266-00381496 [Applause] s6G1euKt6pE-01099-00381497-00381711 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-01100-00381712-00381999 as the splendid fireworks from the s6G1euKt6pE-01101-00382000-00382281 Beijing Olympics East GAO's daughter s6G1euKt6pE-01102-00382282-00382548 Gaga found herself unable to go to s6G1euKt6pE-01103-00382549-00382848 school she was denied admission by s6G1euKt6pE-01104-00382849-00383022 multiple high schools because of her s6G1euKt6pE-01105-00383023-00383331 father's activism this sent the girl s6G1euKt6pE-01106-00383332-00383468 into despair s6G1euKt6pE-01107-00383469-00383774 Guga who is 15 years old at the time s6G1euKt6pE-01108-00383775-00384036 started harming herself and even s6G1euKt6pE-01110-00387243-00387483 exhausted by years of harassment and s6G1euKt6pE-01111-00387484-00387714 surveillance Ganga and her two children s6G1euKt6pE-01112-00387715-00387963 managed to escape the secret police and s6G1euKt6pE-01113-00387964-00388257 flee to Thailand then the United States s6G1euKt6pE-01114-00388258-00388674 a month later in the middle of Chinese s6G1euKt6pE-01115-00388675-00388974 New Year GAO was abducted again by s6G1euKt6pE-01116-00388975-00389175 secret police while visiting his s6G1euKt6pE-01117-00389176-00389835 hometown in Shaanxi province as word of s6G1euKt6pE-01118-00389836-00390081 GAO's abduction spread the international s6G1euKt6pE-01119-00390082-00390306 community galvanized to call on the s6G1euKt6pE-01120-00390307-00390567 Chinese government to release him well s6G1euKt6pE-01121-00390568-00390846 let me take this opportunity to again s6G1euKt6pE-01122-00390847-00391128 urge the Chinese government to ensure s6G1euKt6pE-01123-00391129-00391338 that Gao Zhisheng is immediately s6G1euKt6pE-01124-00391339-00391665 released from custody and to clarify the s6G1euKt6pE-01125-00391666-00391917 details surrounding his case and his s6G1euKt6pE-01126-00391918-00392175 whereabouts pomodoro pesky kid who s6G1euKt6pE-01127-00392176-00392442 caught Newsday motions problem panna Zhi s6G1euKt6pE-01128-00392443-00392730 Cheng ah geez bragging investment was a s6G1euKt6pE-01129-00392731-00393174 key scare Doheny ago Mesa Papa to Easton s6G1euKt6pE-01130-00393175-00393417 was dravya we need to find a way to s6G1euKt6pE-01131-00393418-00393645 convince the Chinese government to tell s6G1euKt6pE-01132-00393646-00393957 us what has happened to mr. Gao what had s6G1euKt6pE-01133-00393958-00394146 they done with him how do they justify s6G1euKt6pE-01134-00394147-00394389 it and when when when will they tell us s6G1euKt6pE-01135-00394390-00394581 that they will release this man to be s6G1euKt6pE-01136-00394582-00394818 with his family and begin to Accord s6G1euKt6pE-01137-00394819-00395013 people like mr. Gao and others s6G1euKt6pE-01138-00395014-00395193 stand up for the rights of others the s6G1euKt6pE-01139-00395194-00395405 same human rights that we would expect s6G1euKt6pE-01140-00395406-00395726 them to be given thanks to this pressure s6G1euKt6pE-01141-00395727-00396185 Gow resurfaced on March 28 2010 after s6G1euKt6pE-01142-00396186-00396363 more than a year in custody without a s6G1euKt6pE-01143-00396364-00396677 word a couple of days later bill s6G1euKt6pE-01144-00396678-00396912 Schiller from the Toronto Star visited s6G1euKt6pE-01145-00396913-00397235 Gao at his Beijing apartment in his s6G1euKt6pE-01146-00397236-00397515 article Schiller wrote looking thinner s6G1euKt6pE-01147-00397516-00397818 but unbroken GAO said he was standing s6G1euKt6pE-01148-00397819-00397989 down from his role as a leading s6G1euKt6pE-01149-00397990-00398244 dissident but he was not walking away s6G1euKt6pE-01150-00398245-00398612 from his basic principles GAO said s6G1euKt6pE-01151-00398613-00398988 undoubtedly I'll be giving up a role but s6G1euKt6pE-01152-00398989-00399227 giving up a role doesn't mean giving up s6G1euKt6pE-01153-00399228-00399690 one's fundamental point of view within s6G1euKt6pE-01154-00399691-00400154 days Gao disappeared again nine months s6G1euKt6pE-01155-00400155-00400491 later in January 2011 The Associated s6G1euKt6pE-01156-00400492-00400703 Press published an exclusive interview s6G1euKt6pE-01157-00400704-00400934 they had conducted with Gao during his s6G1euKt6pE-01158-00400935-00401309 short period of resurfacing in it Gao s6G1euKt6pE-01159-00401310-00401504 described the torture and beatings s6G1euKt6pE-01160-00401505-00401697 during the year he had gone missing as s6G1euKt6pE-01161-00401698-00402039 the worst he had ever endured by s6G1euKt6pE-01162-00402040-00402260 granting the interview he was violating s6G1euKt6pE-01163-00402261-00402473 the conditions set by the authorities s6G1euKt6pE-01164-00402474-00402734 but he told the journalists that if he s6G1euKt6pE-01165-00402735-00402935 disappeared again the report could be s6G1euKt6pE-01166-00402936-00403478 published not long after the Associated s6G1euKt6pE-01167-00403479-00403778 Press report came out an article that s6G1euKt6pE-01168-00403779-00403971 Gao himself had written two years s6G1euKt6pE-01169-00403972-00404225 earlier titled speaking from my heart s6G1euKt6pE-01170-00404226-00404568 was published Dong Ha had smuggled it s6G1euKt6pE-01171-00404569-00404804 out when she left China but she s6G1euKt6pE-01172-00404805-00405056 misplaced it during the journey two s6G1euKt6pE-01173-00405057-00405372 years later it was finally found in the s6G1euKt6pE-01174-00405373-00405618 article Gao once again speaks out s6G1euKt6pE-01175-00405619-00405792 against the suffering of the Chinese s6G1euKt6pE-01176-00405793-00405953 people at the hands of a ruthless s6G1euKt6pE-01177-00405954-00406218 communist regime while calling for more s6G1euKt6pE-01178-00406219-00406454 international help for fellow democracy s6G1euKt6pE-01179-00406455-00406713 and human rights activists s6G1euKt6pE-01180-00406714-00407118 at the end gal writes the publication of s6G1euKt6pE-01181-00407119-00407330 this article will cause me to be s6G1euKt6pE-01182-00407331-00407646 kidnapped again kidnappings are part of s6G1euKt6pE-01183-00407647-00407946 my normal living now if it comes again s6G1euKt6pE-01184-00407947-00408407 then let it come my experience of garden s6G1euKt6pE-01185-00408408-00408602 Shang was that he stood up for justice s6G1euKt6pE-01186-00408603-00408845 in the rule of law which was admirable s6G1euKt6pE-01187-00408846-00409170 he was persecuted for it which was s6G1euKt6pE-01188-00409171-00409526 deplorable but what was striking was s6G1euKt6pE-01189-00409527-00409737 that he stood his ground as the s6G1euKt6pE-01190-00409738-00409907 persecution continued ated and s6G1euKt6pE-01191-00409908-00409991 accelerated s6G1euKt6pE-01192-00409992-00410274 he couldn't help but know that as he was s6G1euKt6pE-01193-00410275-00410547 standing up for human rights that he was s6G1euKt6pE-01194-00410547-00410787 going to be persecuted for it but he did s6G1euKt6pE-01195-00410788-00411207 it anyways to me well I hope never to be s6G1euKt6pE-01196-00411208-00411434 in a situation like the gochujang found s6G1euKt6pE-01197-00411435-00411816 himself but if I were I would hope to s6G1euKt6pE-01198-00411817-00412001 behave the way he did s6G1euKt6pE-01199-00412002-00412747 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-01200-00412749-00414239 yeah s6G1euKt6pE-01201-00414241-00417205 [Music] s6G1euKt6pE-01203-00429422-00429629 you s8EEBt-0n08-00000-00000064-00000383 we lost our son forever s8EEBt-0n08-00001-00000384-00000695 no it was snook he seduced our son to s8EEBt-0n08-00002-00000696-00001143 the dark side s8EEBt-0n08-00003-00001144-00001702 like palpatine seduced my father s8EEBt-0n08-00004-00001703-00003183 and like plagueis seduced palpatine s8EEBt-0n08-00005-00003184-00003607 oh muy i love you s8H8RMrj1NM-00000-00000631-00001070 hey y'all s8H8RMrj1NM-00001-00001071-00001262 playing some netrunner s8H8RMrj1NM-00002-00001263-00001491 uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00003-00001492-00001839 oops oh come on s8H8RMrj1NM-00004-00001839-00002455 we want to play runner actually s8H8RMrj1NM-00005-00002456-00003583 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00006-00003584-00003775 i got this uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00007-00003776-00004015 ddos max list s8H8RMrj1NM-00008-00004015-00004206 that i've been playing with and i just s8H8RMrj1NM-00009-00004207-00004511 made a few changes to it so i'm not sure s8H8RMrj1NM-00010-00004512-00004815 how well it's going to perform s8H8RMrj1NM-00011-00004816-00005006 if we have a pause we'll take a look at s8H8RMrj1NM-00012-00005007-00005847 the deck list s8H8RMrj1NM-00013-00005848-00006422 um so this looks like a s8H8RMrj1NM-00014-00006423-00006655 this looks like a certain mulligan s8H8RMrj1NM-00015-00006656-00006823 with no money s8H8RMrj1NM-00016-00006823-00007031 and then we mulligan into two econ cards s8H8RMrj1NM-00017-00007031-00007351 that's good um s8H8RMrj1NM-00018-00007352-00007478 nbn s8H8RMrj1NM-00019-00007479-00007846 always scares me s8H8RMrj1NM-00020-00007847-00008031 we'll see what happens here s8H8RMrj1NM-00021-00008031-00008295 i'll only spend a click s8H8RMrj1NM-00022-00008296-00008510 to get credits so that's like perfectly s8H8RMrj1NM-00023-00008511-00008678 fine s8H8RMrj1NM-00024-00008679-00008935 we will s8H8RMrj1NM-00025-00008936-00009119 draw s8H8RMrj1NM-00026-00009120-00009391 oh sweet s8H8RMrj1NM-00027-00009392-00009671 and career fair for s8H8RMrj1NM-00028-00009672-00009935 daily cass s8H8RMrj1NM-00029-00009936-00010271 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00030-00010272-00010406 sure gamble s8H8RMrj1NM-00031-00010407-00010655 a simple thing s8H8RMrj1NM-00032-00010656-00010927 so we're just getting all the money s8H8RMrj1NM-00033-00010928-00011214 uh we lost imp and katie s8H8RMrj1NM-00034-00011215-00011519 and the self mill s8H8RMrj1NM-00035-00011520-00011999 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00036-00012000-00012270 draw install on a remote gain of credit s8H8RMrj1NM-00037-00012271-00012495 okay s8H8RMrj1NM-00038-00012496-00012655 is there anything i really worry about s8H8RMrj1NM-00039-00012656-00012838 face checking against nbn i guess s8H8RMrj1NM-00040-00012839-00013030 architect is like s8H8RMrj1NM-00041-00013031-00013343 super bad news s8H8RMrj1NM-00042-00013344-00013783 um we lost medium and grimoire s8H8RMrj1NM-00043-00013784-00014083 but we got a clone s8H8RMrj1NM-00044-00014084-00014503 chip um s8H8RMrj1NM-00045-00014504-00014743 let's draw s8H8RMrj1NM-00046-00014744-00015007 more money s8H8RMrj1NM-00047-00015008-00015151 so we will s8H8RMrj1NM-00048-00015152-00015311 install s8H8RMrj1NM-00049-00015312-00015455 install s8H8RMrj1NM-00050-00015456-00015919 take money s8H8RMrj1NM-00051-00015919-00016607 okay um s8H8RMrj1NM-00052-00016608-00016871 probably gotta check that remote out s8H8RMrj1NM-00053-00016872-00017103 he's iced up everything he's installed s8H8RMrj1NM-00054-00017104-00017479 two things in the remote hmm s8H8RMrj1NM-00055-00017480-00017830 that seems suspicious s8H8RMrj1NM-00056-00017831-00018063 let's see what we got here we got yog in s8H8RMrj1NM-00057-00018064-00018239 there s8H8RMrj1NM-00058-00018240-00018814 uh um plenty of money s8H8RMrj1NM-00059-00018815-00019222 if it's wrap around we're in trouble s8H8RMrj1NM-00060-00019223-00019735 i say we check out this remote s8H8RMrj1NM-00061-00019736-00019958 um really no idea what's going on here i s8H8RMrj1NM-00062-00019959-00020222 assume it's like s8H8RMrj1NM-00063-00020223-00022327 okay so let's do yogg then s8H8RMrj1NM-00064-00022328-00022807 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00065-00022808-00023158 hmm he should have run the ash trace s8H8RMrj1NM-00066-00023159-00023375 uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00067-00023376-00023550 yeah we can afford to trash now even if s8H8RMrj1NM-00068-00023551-00023883 it's in napd s8H8RMrj1NM-00069-00023884-00024047 yeah s8H8RMrj1NM-00070-00024048-00024327 let's take money s8H8RMrj1NM-00071-00024328-00024663 and then run s8H8RMrj1NM-00072-00024664-00024919 r d s8H8RMrj1NM-00073-00024920-00025022 now s8H8RMrj1NM-00074-00025023-00026039 corp is below architect range so s8H8RMrj1NM-00075-00026039-00026695 okay so he's not boosting lose click s8H8RMrj1NM-00076-00026695-00026846 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00077-00026847-00026943 i s8H8RMrj1NM-00078-00026944-00027239 want to keep my click so that i can run s8H8RMrj1NM-00079-00027239-00028558 on each cue i think s8H8RMrj1NM-00080-00028560-00028990 okay s8H8RMrj1NM-00081-00028991-00029143 let's just hope this isn't a pop-up s8H8RMrj1NM-00082-00029144-00029774 window s8H8RMrj1NM-00083-00029775-00029902 yay s8H8RMrj1NM-00084-00029904-00030079 we got an agenda out of it is that the s8H8RMrj1NM-00085-00030080-00030223 three pointer s8H8RMrj1NM-00086-00030224-00030383 word s8H8RMrj1NM-00087-00030383-00030687 okay so that worked out real well s8H8RMrj1NM-00088-00030688-00031087 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00089-00031088-00031343 shipment s8H8RMrj1NM-00090-00031344-00031670 ah miss click s8H8RMrj1NM-00091-00031672-00031918 yeah i was like um s8H8RMrj1NM-00092-00031919-00032190 advanceable ice or something shipment s8H8RMrj1NM-00093-00032191-00032374 can you even use shipment on advanced s8H8RMrj1NM-00094-00032375-00032487 volumes s8H8RMrj1NM-00095-00032488-00032959 okay so s8H8RMrj1NM-00096-00032960-00033318 that looked quite good for us s8H8RMrj1NM-00097-00033319-00033671 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00098-00033672-00034207 let's do money s8H8RMrj1NM-00099-00034208-00034318 mimic s8H8RMrj1NM-00100-00034319-00034462 run s8H8RMrj1NM-00101-00034463-00035639 hq s8H8RMrj1NM-00102-00035640-00035839 hedge fund s8H8RMrj1NM-00103-00035840-00035983 do we want to run again do we want to s8H8RMrj1NM-00104-00035984-00036215 get some money or do we want to parasite s8H8RMrj1NM-00105-00036216-00036535 something s8H8RMrj1NM-00106-00036536-00038551 i kind of want a parasite viper s8H8RMrj1NM-00107-00038552-00038735 nice s8H8RMrj1NM-00108-00038736-00038959 okay we've really got him backpedaling s8H8RMrj1NM-00109-00038960-00039246 pretty bad here s8H8RMrj1NM-00110-00039247-00041030 let's take more money and hit r d s8H8RMrj1NM-00111-00041031-00041295 sweep speak okay s8H8RMrj1NM-00112-00041296-00041535 um we can check hq but then we won't be s8H8RMrj1NM-00113-00041536-00041790 able to liberate it s8H8RMrj1NM-00114-00041791-00042102 uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00115-00042103-00042439 i kind of feel like stabilizing here so s8H8RMrj1NM-00116-00042440-00043158 let's do that s8H8RMrj1NM-00117-00043159-00043423 you might inject next turn s8H8RMrj1NM-00118-00043424-00043623 now that we have s8H8RMrj1NM-00119-00043624-00043999 most of our breaker sweep here s8H8RMrj1NM-00120-00044000-00045630 that looks pretty good s8H8RMrj1NM-00121-00045631-00045846 yeah let's inject first and see what we s8H8RMrj1NM-00122-00045847-00046095 get s8H8RMrj1NM-00123-00046096-00046471 um so we did lose corroder s8H8RMrj1NM-00124-00046472-00047046 we got a bunch of money s8H8RMrj1NM-00125-00047047-00047199 let's s8H8RMrj1NM-00126-00047200-00047911 get rid of jackson s8H8RMrj1NM-00127-00047912-00049311 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00128-00049312-00049751 uh let's see what influences we've seen s8H8RMrj1NM-00129-00049752-00049927 i feel like s8H8RMrj1NM-00130-00049928-00050151 if caduceus is there s8H8RMrj1NM-00131-00050152-00050295 we're not really worried about a meat s8H8RMrj1NM-00132-00050296-00050527 damage kill so i'm not too concerned s8H8RMrj1NM-00133-00050528-00051039 with plastering s8H8RMrj1NM-00134-00051040-00051399 okay s8H8RMrj1NM-00135-00051400-00052511 so what could that be s8H8RMrj1NM-00136-00052512-00052694 should we throw down david and take a s8H8RMrj1NM-00137-00052695-00053079 look it's wraparound we can get through s8H8RMrj1NM-00138-00053079-00053215 or s8H8RMrj1NM-00139-00053216-00053535 what are our other options here s8H8RMrj1NM-00140-00053536-00054023 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00141-00054024-00054279 let's do money s8H8RMrj1NM-00142-00054279-00054479 david s8H8RMrj1NM-00143-00054479-00056094 run s8H8RMrj1NM-00144-00056095-00056279 i think it is a wraparound that's what s8H8RMrj1NM-00145-00056279-00057479 he's saying s8H8RMrj1NM-00146-00057479-00057766 yeah so s8H8RMrj1NM-00147-00057767-00058703 um okay so now we're way ahead um s8H8RMrj1NM-00148-00058704-00058879 let's just s8H8RMrj1NM-00149-00058879-00061382 make sure that we have enough money s8H8RMrj1NM-00150-00061383-00061503 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00151-00061504-00061711 they're right um you know it's it seems s8H8RMrj1NM-00152-00061712-00061911 like it's a pretty rough s8H8RMrj1NM-00153-00061912-00062175 yep just kind of like give up on that s8H8RMrj1NM-00154-00062176-00062287 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00155-00062288-00062615 um let's see s8H8RMrj1NM-00156-00062616-00062791 okay so i think what we're going to try s8H8RMrj1NM-00157-00062791-00063030 to do here is set up a brutal medium dig s8H8RMrj1NM-00158-00063032-00063359 to finish off the game s8H8RMrj1NM-00159-00063360-00063542 involving s8H8RMrj1NM-00160-00063544-00063694 laying down s8H8RMrj1NM-00161-00063695-00063982 net ready s8H8RMrj1NM-00162-00063983-00064071 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00163-00064072-00064526 hammering r d s8H8RMrj1NM-00164-00064527-00064838 but should we do that right now and i s8H8RMrj1NM-00165-00064839-00065006 the whole idea of this deck is around s8H8RMrj1NM-00166-00065007-00065247 ddos so where are our ddos at we haven't s8H8RMrj1NM-00167-00065248-00065487 seen either of them s8H8RMrj1NM-00168-00065488-00065775 um okay so let's wait and see if we can s8H8RMrj1NM-00169-00065776-00067055 get ddos to show up s8H8RMrj1NM-00170-00067056-00067263 all the money s8H8RMrj1NM-00171-00067264-00067350 so s8H8RMrj1NM-00172-00067351-00067775 i'm thinking r d ice might be toll booth s8H8RMrj1NM-00173-00067776-00068031 uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00174-00068032-00068199 that would be rough is there anything s8H8RMrj1NM-00175-00068200-00068535 we're afraid of at this point s8H8RMrj1NM-00176-00068536-00068991 uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00177-00068992-00069543 okay s8H8RMrj1NM-00178-00069544-00069975 ooh we just got prorotor all right s8H8RMrj1NM-00179-00069976-00070126 i think we s8H8RMrj1NM-00180-00070127-00070326 put up a whole bunch of r d pressure s8H8RMrj1NM-00181-00070327-00072375 here s8H8RMrj1NM-00182-00072376-00072606 ah only gonna get two medium runs in s8H8RMrj1NM-00183-00072607-00073799 though s8H8RMrj1NM-00184-00073800-00074687 gosh this is a hard decision s8H8RMrj1NM-00185-00074688-00074806 let's not s8H8RMrj1NM-00186-00074807-00074982 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00187-00074983-00075647 instead let's s8H8RMrj1NM-00188-00075648-00076575 that ready s8H8RMrj1NM-00189-00076576-00076694 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00190-00076695-00076855 run s8H8RMrj1NM-00191-00076856-00077087 r d s8H8RMrj1NM-00192-00077088-00077415 put net ready on s8H8RMrj1NM-00193-00077416-00077703 mimic just in case um obviously we don't s8H8RMrj1NM-00194-00077704-00078038 know what this is so s8H8RMrj1NM-00195-00078039-00078159 flare s8H8RMrj1NM-00196-00078160-00078382 okay s8H8RMrj1NM-00197-00078383-00079543 just break with david s8H8RMrj1NM-00198-00079544-00079735 puts s8H8RMrj1NM-00199-00079736-00079982 puts our opponent below agenda scoring s8H8RMrj1NM-00200-00079983-00080206 range too s8H8RMrj1NM-00201-00080207-00080606 which is really good for us s8H8RMrj1NM-00202-00080607-00081006 we could use a legwork here s8H8RMrj1NM-00203-00081007-00081271 that might close out the game s8H8RMrj1NM-00204-00081272-00081631 we can hit r d one more time s8H8RMrj1NM-00205-00081632-00081879 which i don't mind s8H8RMrj1NM-00206-00081880-00082135 r d is so cheap right now s8H8RMrj1NM-00207-00082136-00082326 uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00208-00082327-00082519 so is leg work though s8H8RMrj1NM-00209-00082520-00082847 let's uh draw s8H8RMrj1NM-00210-00082848-00082950 oof s8H8RMrj1NM-00211-00082951-00083111 god s8H8RMrj1NM-00212-00083112-00083303 and s8H8RMrj1NM-00213-00083304-00084382 legwork s8H8RMrj1NM-00214-00084383-00084662 i think s8H8RMrj1NM-00215-00084663-00084775 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00216-00084776-00084950 they've drawn oh there we go there's the s8H8RMrj1NM-00217-00084951-00086255 game s8H8RMrj1NM-00218-00086256-00086462 um yeah i felt like they had drawn s8H8RMrj1NM-00219-00086463-00086606 enough i felt like this might even be a s8H8RMrj1NM-00220-00086607-00088543 bluff especially with the uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00221-00088544-00088711 yeah i felt like that might be a bluff s8H8RMrj1NM-00222-00088712-00088855 um s8H8RMrj1NM-00223-00088856-00089215 they're saying they only had one uh s8H8RMrj1NM-00224-00089216-00089471 one and we were really well set up to do s8H8RMrj1NM-00225-00089472-00089679 some kind of medium dig maybe s8H8RMrj1NM-00226-00089680-00089838 flare is rough s8H8RMrj1NM-00227-00089839-00090031 we you know you can only get by it s8H8RMrj1NM-00228-00090032-00090303 basically as many david counters as we s8H8RMrj1NM-00229-00090304-00090415 have s8H8RMrj1NM-00230-00090416-00090662 but um yeah perform pretty well s8H8RMrj1NM-00231-00090663-00090982 this is the decklist s8H8RMrj1NM-00232-00090983-00091071 it's s8H8RMrj1NM-00233-00091072-00091271 not really an aggressive max it's s8H8RMrj1NM-00234-00091272-00091471 actually meant to kind of sit back and s8H8RMrj1NM-00235-00091472-00091735 set up a big medium dig with s8H8RMrj1NM-00236-00091736-00092062 ddos which is the idea behind the deck s8H8RMrj1NM-00237-00092063-00092382 it has lots of money s8H8RMrj1NM-00238-00092383-00092591 some viruses and stuff i actually just s8H8RMrj1NM-00239-00092592-00092838 recently changed i did minus two data s8H8RMrj1NM-00240-00092839-00093118 sucker plus one david plus one corroder s8H8RMrj1NM-00241-00093119-00093318 because i found that i had a really s8H8RMrj1NM-00242-00093319-00093591 small suite of breakers and i was having s8H8RMrj1NM-00243-00093592-00093791 trouble finding them s8H8RMrj1NM-00244-00093792-00094062 and parasite is still good and sort of a s8H8RMrj1NM-00245-00094063-00094406 long game oriented deck because you can s8H8RMrj1NM-00246-00094407-00094575 test the waters a little bit and burn s8H8RMrj1NM-00247-00094576-00094718 stuff down s8H8RMrj1NM-00248-00094719-00095103 like we did with um viper in that game s8H8RMrj1NM-00249-00095104-00095350 i got some career fairs in there got net s8H8RMrj1NM-00250-00095351-00095511 ready eyes s8H8RMrj1NM-00251-00095512-00095726 yeah so s8H8RMrj1NM-00252-00095727-00095950 nothing nothing too crazy definitely s8H8RMrj1NM-00253-00095951-00096055 kind of the s8H8RMrj1NM-00254-00096056-00096350 the good stuff max shell s8H8RMrj1NM-00255-00096351-00096615 but ddos has been pretty cool it's great s8H8RMrj1NM-00256-00096616-00096903 that you can lay it down and get s8H8RMrj1NM-00257-00096904-00097087 in a good turn four s8H8RMrj1NM-00258-00097088-00097326 r d runs in s8H8RMrj1NM-00259-00097327-00097526 using clone chip to bring back medium in s8H8RMrj1NM-00260-00097527-00097806 real time and trashing ddos in real time s8H8RMrj1NM-00261-00097807-00098023 so you can basically just do all r d s8H8RMrj1NM-00262-00098024-00098294 runs if you time things right s8H8RMrj1NM-00263-00098295-00098518 really really cool card that i haven't s8H8RMrj1NM-00264-00098519-00098679 seen played much so that's kind of the s8H8RMrj1NM-00265-00098680-00098806 idea behind this s8H8RMrj1NM-00266-00098807-00099175 anyways thanks for watching s9RaECNbPHQ-00000-00000088-00000247 tell me why supporting united way is s9RaECNbPHQ-00001-00000248-00000623 important to you and to to cargill s9RaECNbPHQ-00002-00000624-00000831 well united way does things that we s9RaECNbPHQ-00003-00000832-00001150 cannot they're a connector so cargill s9RaECNbPHQ-00004-00001151-00001319 wouldn't be able to reach s9RaECNbPHQ-00005-00001320-00001599 as deep as what united way can uh the s9RaECNbPHQ-00006-00001600-00001718 other thing that s9RaECNbPHQ-00007-00001719-00001942 so impressed with united way is s9RaECNbPHQ-00008-00001943-00002095 just the knowledge s9RaECNbPHQ-00009-00002096-00002391 that they have of the community and s9RaECNbPHQ-00010-00002392-00002631 they know what's going on they know who s9RaECNbPHQ-00011-00002632-00002847 to to go to s9RaECNbPHQ-00012-00002848-00003087 and who is in the most need so s9RaECNbPHQ-00013-00003088-00003295 yeah when kristen and i were talking we s9RaECNbPHQ-00014-00003296-00003527 were trying to figure out what is the s9RaECNbPHQ-00015-00003528-00003838 best area that we could help with our 75 s9RaECNbPHQ-00016-00003839-00004079 000 donation and we just started talking s9RaECNbPHQ-00017-00004079-00004431 about who cargill partners with s9RaECNbPHQ-00018-00004432-00004606 and the farmers was an area that says s9RaECNbPHQ-00019-00004607-00004759 hey you know what they're probably an s9RaECNbPHQ-00020-00004760-00004919 underreached s9RaECNbPHQ-00021-00004920-00005167 part of the population that has the most s9RaECNbPHQ-00022-00005168-00005359 amount of damage when you start thinking s9RaECNbPHQ-00023-00005360-00005551 about the crops s9RaECNbPHQ-00024-00005552-00005815 their equipment their houses things like s9RaECNbPHQ-00025-00005816-00006006 that we knew that there was going to be s9RaECNbPHQ-00026-00006007-00006215 a need out there so s9RaECNbPHQ-00027-00006216-00006414 united way did an outstanding job really s9RaECNbPHQ-00028-00006415-00006606 connecting with the s9RaECNbPHQ-00029-00006608-00006870 iowa state youth extension services s9RaECNbPHQ-00030-00006872-00007119 group to come up with the program and s9RaECNbPHQ-00031-00007120-00007342 i've heard nothing but positive results s9RaECNbPHQ-00032-00007343-00007843 from it and really good feedback s9XwTDoJaM0-00000-00000053-00000371 the fairchild dornier three to eight je s9XwTDoJaM0-00001-00000372-00000686 t as a commuter airliner based upon the s9XwTDoJaM0-00002-00000687-00001148 turboprop-powered Dornier 328 the four s9XwTDoJaM0-00003-00001149-00001472 to eight je t was a proposed stretched s9XwTDoJaM0-00004-00001473-00001642 variant s9XwTDoJaM0-00005-00001643-00001989 the 328 was designed and placed into s9XwTDoJaM0-00006-00001991-00002197 initial production by the German s9XwTDoJaM0-00007-00002198-00002535 aerospace firm Dornier left fart GmbH s9XwTDoJaM0-00008-00002536-00002881 but in 1996 that firm was acquired by s9XwTDoJaM0-00009-00002882-00003135 the United States aerospace company s9XwTDoJaM0-00010-00003136-00003450 Fairchild aircraft the resulting s9XwTDoJaM0-00011-00003451-00003718 corporation named fairchild dornier s9XwTDoJaM0-00012-00003719-00004018 continued the production of the 328 s9XwTDoJaM0-00013-00004019-00004272 family in over faffing - germany s9XwTDoJaM0-00014-00004273-00004554 conducted sales from san antonio texas s9XwTDoJaM0-00015-00004555-00004822 and supported the product line from both s9XwTDoJaM0-00016-00004823-00005447 locations s9XwTDoJaM0-00017-00005448-00006077 topic design and development s9XwTDoJaM0-00018-00006078-00006347 due to public perception of noise and s9XwTDoJaM0-00019-00006348-00006608 reliability issues with turboprops s9XwTDoJaM0-00020-00006609-00006845 fairchild dornier developed the turbo s9XwTDoJaM0-00021-00006845-00007388 fan based 328 to 300 or 3 to 8 je t of s9XwTDoJaM0-00022-00007389-00007883 which 83 were sold the 3 to 8 je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00023-00007884-00008123 prototype rolled out on the 6th of s9XwTDoJaM0-00024-00008123-00008510 december 1997 at Ober faffing - Germany s9XwTDoJaM0-00025-00008511-00008738 and made its first flight there on the s9XwTDoJaM0-00026-00008739-00009308 20th of January 1998 the 3 to 8 je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00027-00009309-00009602 utilized the same cabin arrangement as s9XwTDoJaM0-00028-00009603-00010060 the 328 fairchild dornier also began s9XwTDoJaM0-00029-00010061-00010394 development of the stretched 4 to 8 je T s9XwTDoJaM0-00030-00010395-00010946 a 44 seat version of the 3 to 8 je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00031-00010947-00011177 the declining commercial success of the s9XwTDoJaM0-00032-00011178-00011495 three to eight je t meant that fairchild s9XwTDoJaM0-00033-00011496-00011735 dornier was unable to finance the s9XwTDoJaM0-00034-00011736-00012066 development of further models the three s9XwTDoJaM0-00035-00012067-00012374 to eight je t was therefore the last s9XwTDoJaM0-00036-00012375-00012627 commercial aircraft to be produced by s9XwTDoJaM0-00037-00012628-00012852 the former Dornier business before it s9XwTDoJaM0-00038-00012853-00013608 became insolvent in 2002 s9XwTDoJaM0-00039-00013609-00014188 topic Dornier aftermath s9XwTDoJaM0-00040-00014190-00014516 following door nears insolvency f craft s9XwTDoJaM0-00041-00014516-00014875 aviation of virginia acquired the 328 s9XwTDoJaM0-00042-00014876-00015219 program in march 2003 s9XwTDoJaM0-00043-00015220-00015703 this included the designs 18300 28 jets s9XwTDoJaM0-00044-00015704-00015963 in various stages of assembly and the s9XwTDoJaM0-00045-00015965-00016325 development work on the 4 to 8 je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00046-00016326-00016614 after the sale of these airplanes ab s9XwTDoJaM0-00047-00016615-00016900 craft negotiated with its suppliers to s9XwTDoJaM0-00048-00016901-00017139 resume production due to low profit s9XwTDoJaM0-00049-00017140-00017481 expectations for its other projects it s9XwTDoJaM0-00050-00017482-00017803 delivered its first three to eight je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00051-00017804-00018327 in 2004 F craft filed for bankruptcy in s9XwTDoJaM0-00052-00018328-00018703 2005 the resulting firm was acquired by s9XwTDoJaM0-00053-00018704-00018984 private equity investors and reformed as s9XwTDoJaM0-00054-00018985-00019237 m7 aerospace s9XwTDoJaM0-00055-00019238-00019825 in June 2006 328 support services GmbH s9XwTDoJaM0-00056-00019826-00020128 acquired the three to eight je T type s9XwTDoJaM0-00057-00020129-00020301 certificate s9XwTDoJaM0-00058-00020302-00020577 it did not resume manufacturing but s9XwTDoJaM0-00059-00020578-00020799 provides maintenance repair and overhaul s9XwTDoJaM0-00060-00020800-00021183 services to the 330 in service fleet in s9XwTDoJaM0-00061-00021184-00021393 February 2015 s9XwTDoJaM0-00062-00021394-00021663 us engineering company Sierra Nevada s9XwTDoJaM0-00063-00021664-00022008 Corporation acquired 328 support s9XwTDoJaM0-00064-00022009-00022494 services gmbh shortly thereafter sierra s9XwTDoJaM0-00065-00022495-00022773 nevadas owner turkish american engineer s9XwTDoJaM0-00066-00022774-00023019 Fadi Osman established a private s9XwTDoJaM0-00067-00023020-00023271 corporation named oz jet heavy silic s9XwTDoJaM0-00068-00023272-00023544 technology Larry AAS a Technopark of s9XwTDoJaM0-00069-00023545-00023817 Bilkent University Ankara and signed a s9XwTDoJaM0-00070-00023818-00024027 Memorandum of Understanding with the s9XwTDoJaM0-00071-00024028-00024267 Transportation Ministry of Turkey in s9XwTDoJaM0-00072-00024268-00024729 order to manufacture the 328 at Ankara s9XwTDoJaM0-00073-00024730-00025065 in June 2015 the Turkish government s9XwTDoJaM0-00074-00025066-00025602 launched the Turkish TR 328 and trj 328 s9XwTDoJaM0-00075-00025602-00025913 regional aircraft project a modernized s9XwTDoJaM0-00076-00025914-00026370 328 328 jet with either turboprops or s9XwTDoJaM0-00077-00026370-00026736 Jets it could be followed by the larger s9XwTDoJaM0-00078-00026737-00027314 TR 628 drj 628 while first flight was s9XwTDoJaM0-00079-00027316-00027666 anticipated in 2019 turkey abandoned the s9XwTDoJaM0-00080-00027667-00027981 program in October 2017 facing s9XwTDoJaM0-00081-00027982-00028398 increasing costs believing in the sub 40 s9XwTDoJaM0-00082-00028399-00028664 seat market Sierra Nevada Corporation s9XwTDoJaM0-00083-00028666-00029061 and 328 support services GmbH are s9XwTDoJaM0-00084-00029062-00029295 searching for other means to revive the s9XwTDoJaM0-00085-00029295-00029526 aircraft hoping to follow through by the s9XwTDoJaM0-00086-00029527-00030386 end of 2017 or early 2018 s9XwTDoJaM0-00087-00030387-00030752 topic variants s9XwTDoJaM0-00088-00030754-00030920 you s9XwTDoJaM0-00089-00030922-00031358 three to eight je t turbofan-powered s9XwTDoJaM0-00090-00031358-00032037 variant formerly the 328 to 304 to 8 je s9XwTDoJaM0-00091-00032038-00032517 T a 44 seat derivative that was under s9XwTDoJaM0-00092-00032518-00032718 development at the time of the collapse s9XwTDoJaM0-00093-00032719-00033108 of fairchild dornier Lockheed Martin the s9XwTDoJaM0-00094-00033109-00033411 10th 55 advanced composite cargo s9XwTDoJaM0-00095-00033412-00034011 aircraft a CCA a Dornier 328 J with its s9XwTDoJaM0-00096-00034012-00034284 mid after salat and empennage replaced s9XwTDoJaM0-00097-00034285-00034635 with advanced composite materials the s9XwTDoJaM0-00098-00034636-00034956 ACCA as a Lockheed Martin demonstrator s9XwTDoJaM0-00099-00034957-00035190 two advanced composite usage on s9XwTDoJaM0-00100-00035191-00035453 next-generation tactical air mobility s9XwTDoJaM0-00101-00035454-00035730 transports for the US air force research s9XwTDoJaM0-00102-00035731-00036377 laboratory s9XwTDoJaM0-00103-00036378-00036929 topic operators s9XwTDoJaM0-00104-00036930-00037430 in July 2018 a total of 32 Dornier 3 to s9XwTDoJaM0-00105-00037431-00037721 8 j ET aircraft remained in airline s9XwTDoJaM0-00106-00037722-00038099 service the only operators remaining our s9XwTDoJaM0-00107-00038100-00038396 son heir of Scandinavia with 16 aircraft s9XwTDoJaM0-00108-00038397-00038608 and keylime air with seven aircraft s9XwTDoJaM0-00109-00038609-00038881 ultimate jet charters with nine aircraft s9XwTDoJaM0-00110-00038882-00039185 including one or more in taos air livery s9XwTDoJaM0-00111-00039186-00039416 with flights from Austin and Dallas to s9XwTDoJaM0-00112-00039417-00039725 Taos New Mexico past airline operators s9XwTDoJaM0-00113-00039726-00040034 in the u.s. include Skyway airlines a s9XwTDoJaM0-00114-00040035-00040238 feeder airline for Midwest Airlines s9XwTDoJaM0-00115-00040239-00040577 which flew twelve three to eight je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00116-00040578-00040859 aircraft and Great Plains Airlines for s9XwTDoJaM0-00117-00040860-00041288 three to eight je t aircraft Skyway s9XwTDoJaM0-00118-00041289-00041555 Midwest and Great Plains are no longer s9XwTDoJaM0-00119-00041556-00041873 in existence Atlantic Coast Airlines s9XwTDoJaM0-00120-00041874-00042215 operated over thirty three to eight je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00121-00042216-00042461 aircraft as part of its Delta Connection s9XwTDoJaM0-00122-00042462-00042887 service from 2000 until 2005 when Delta s9XwTDoJaM0-00123-00042888-00043157 Airlines and Atlantic Coast terminated s9XwTDoJaM0-00124-00043158-00043343 their agreement with the arrival of s9XwTDoJaM0-00125-00043344-00043643 Airbus a319s into the rebranded s9XwTDoJaM0-00126-00043644-00044020 independence air fleet s9XwTDoJaM0-00127-00044021-00044230 topic minor operators pratt & whitney s9XwTDoJaM0-00128-00044231-00044521 canada owns and operates one door near s9XwTDoJaM0-00129-00044522-00044862 three to eight je t registry number see s9XwTDoJaM0-00130-00044863-00045215 gcp w between its Montreal and Toronto s9XwTDoJaM0-00131-00045216-00045562 facilities as an employee shuttle it s9XwTDoJaM0-00132-00045563-00045840 primarily flies between Toronto Pearson s9XwTDoJaM0-00133-00045841-00046186 International Airport see YYZ and s9XwTDoJaM0-00134-00046187-00046471 Montreal st. Hubert Lynn Gale Airport s9XwTDoJaM0-00135-00046472-00047148 cyh you s9XwTDoJaM0-00136-00047149-00047774 topic accidents and incidents s9XwTDoJaM0-00137-00047775-00048179 On June 3rd 2006 a packed private air s9XwTDoJaM0-00138-00048180-00048545 charters fairchild dornier 3 to 8 je t s9XwTDoJaM0-00139-00048546-00048914 over an runway 34r at Manassas Regional s9XwTDoJaM0-00140-00048915-00049136 Airport and stopped on a road near the s9XwTDoJaM0-00141-00049137-00049484 airport none of the eight passengers and s9XwTDoJaM0-00142-00049485-00049694 crew were injured in the incident but s9XwTDoJaM0-00143-00049695-00049889 the damage to the aircraft was s9XwTDoJaM0-00144-00049890-00050191 substantial s9XwTDoJaM0-00145-00050192-00050632 topic specifications Dornier 328 to 300 s9XwTDoJaM0-00146-00050633-00050845 jet data from general characteristics s9XwTDoJaM0-00147-00050846-00051130 crew three two pilots plus flight s9XwTDoJaM0-00148-00051131-00051460 attendant capacity 30 to 33 passengers s9XwTDoJaM0-00149-00051461-00052075 max payload 3266 kilograms 7,200 pounds s9XwTDoJaM0-00150-00052076-00052576 length 21 point 1 1 meters 69 feet 3 in s9XwTDoJaM0-00151-00052577-00052852 wingspan 20 point nine eight meters s9XwTDoJaM0-00152-00052853-00053221 sixty eight feet ten in height seven s9XwTDoJaM0-00153-00053222-00053572 point two four meters 23 feet 9 in wing s9XwTDoJaM0-00154-00053573-00053979 area forty point o square meters 431 s9XwTDoJaM0-00155-00053980-00054255 square feet empty weight nine thousand s9XwTDoJaM0-00156-00054257-00054484 four hundred twenty kilograms twenty s9XwTDoJaM0-00157-00054485-00054654 thousand seven hundred sixty eight s9XwTDoJaM0-00158-00054655-00054928 pounds max takeoff weight fifteen s9XwTDoJaM0-00159-00054929-00055204 thousand six hundred 60 kilograms thirty s9XwTDoJaM0-00160-00055204-00055435 four thousand five hundred twenty four s9XwTDoJaM0-00161-00055436-00055504 pounds s9XwTDoJaM0-00162-00055504-00055738 power plant two times pratt & whitney s9XwTDoJaM0-00163-00055739-00056398 canada pw 306 be 26 nine kilonewtons six s9XwTDoJaM0-00164-00056399-00056623 thousand lbf thrust each performance s9XwTDoJaM0-00165-00056624-00057250 maximum speed 750 km/h four hundred s9XwTDoJaM0-00166-00057251-00057441 sixty six miles per hour s9XwTDoJaM0-00167-00057441-00057907 405 KN range three thousand seven s9XwTDoJaM0-00168-00057908-00058320 hundred five kilometres 2300 two miles s9XwTDoJaM0-00169-00058321-00058692 2001 nmi with optional long-range fuel s9XwTDoJaM0-00170-00058694-00059141 tank service ceiling 11,000 meters s9XwTDoJaM0-00171-00059142-00059714 35,000 feet s9XwTDoJaM0-00172-00059715-00060516 topic see also related development s9XwTDoJaM0-00173-00060517-00061257 Dornier 328 fairchild dornier 4 - 8 j et s9XwTDoJaM0-00174-00061258-00061709 lockheed martin the 10th 55 fairchild s9XwTDoJaM0-00175-00061710-00062029 dornier 728 family aircraft of s9XwTDoJaM0-00176-00062030-00062355 comparable role configuration and era s9XwTDoJaM0-00177-00062357-00062775 bombardier crj200 s9XwTDoJaM0-00178-00062776-00063494 embraer ERJ 135 related lists list of s9XwTDoJaM0-00179-00063495-00063798 jet airliners sqnlI02Mkig-00000-00000011-00000413 the astrophysics data system ads is an sqnlI02Mkig-00001-00000413-00000649 online database of over 8 million sqnlI02Mkig-00002-00000650-00000910 astronomy and physics papers from both sqnlI02Mkig-00003-00000911-00001141 peer-reviewed and non peer-reviewed sqnlI02Mkig-00004-00001142-00001514 sources abstracts are available free sqnlI02Mkig-00005-00001515-00001820 online for almost all articles and full sqnlI02Mkig-00006-00001821-00002042 scanned articles are available in sqnlI02Mkig-00007-00002043-00002306 graphics interchange format gif and sqnlI02Mkig-00008-00002307-00002650 Portable Document format PDF for older sqnlI02Mkig-00009-00002651-00002954 articles it was developed by the sqnlI02Mkig-00010-00002955-00003133 National Aeronautics and Space sqnlI02Mkig-00011-00003134-00003470 Administration NASA and is managed by sqnlI02Mkig-00012-00003471-00003695 the harvard-smithsonian Center for sqnlI02Mkig-00013-00003696-00004145 Astrophysics adds is a powerful research sqnlI02Mkig-00014-00004146-00004442 tool and has had a significant impact on sqnlI02Mkig-00015-00004443-00004672 the efficiency of astronomical research sqnlI02Mkig-00016-00004673-00005177 since it was launched in 1992 literature sqnlI02Mkig-00017-00005178-00005384 searches that previously would have sqnlI02Mkig-00018-00005385-00005663 taken days or weeks can now be carried sqnlI02Mkig-00019-00005664-00005938 out in seconds via the ads search engine sqnlI02Mkig-00020-00005939-00006170 which is custom-built for astronomical sqnlI02Mkig-00021-00006171-00006520 needs studies have found that the sqnlI02Mkig-00022-00006522-00006752 benefit to astronomy of the ads is sqnlI02Mkig-00023-00006753-00007019 equivalent to several hundred million US sqnlI02Mkig-00024-00007020-00007241 dollars annually and the system is sqnlI02Mkig-00025-00007242-00007478 estimated to have tripled the readership sqnlI02Mkig-00026-00007479-00007771 of astronomical journals use of ads is sqnlI02Mkig-00027-00007772-00007974 almost universal among astronomers sqnlI02Mkig-00028-00007975-00008264 worldwide and therefore adds usage sqnlI02Mkig-00029-00008265-00008521 statistics can be used to analyze global sqnlI02Mkig-00030-00008522-00008896 trends in astronomical research these sqnlI02Mkig-00031-00008897-00009131 studies have revealed that the amount of sqnlI02Mkig-00032-00009132-00009374 research in astronomer carries out is sqnlI02Mkig-00033-00009375-00009617 related to the per capita gross domestic sqnlI02Mkig-00034-00009618-00009949 product GDP of the country in which sqnlI02Mkig-00035-00009950-00010202 he/she is based and that the number of sqnlI02Mkig-00036-00010203-00010474 astronomers in a country is proportional sqnlI02Mkig-00037-00010475-00010769 to the GDP of that country so the total sqnlI02Mkig-00038-00010770-00011035 amount of research done in a country is sqnlI02Mkig-00039-00011036-00011281 proportional to the square of its GDP sqnlI02Mkig-00040-00011282-00012624 divided by its population topic history sqnlI02Mkig-00041-00012625-00012858 for many years a growing problem in sqnlI02Mkig-00042-00012859-00013088 astronomical research as in other sqnlI02Mkig-00043-00013089-00013332 academic disciplines was that the number sqnlI02Mkig-00044-00013333-00013553 of papers published in the major sqnlI02Mkig-00045-00013554-00013803 astronomical journals was increasing sqnlI02Mkig-00046-00013804-00014061 steadily meaning astronomers were able sqnlI02Mkig-00047-00014062-00014271 to read less and less of the latest sqnlI02Mkig-00048-00014272-00014675 research findings during the 1980s sqnlI02Mkig-00049-00014676-00014882 astronomers saw that the nascent sqnlI02Mkig-00050-00014883-00015141 technologies which formed the basis of sqnlI02Mkig-00051-00015141-00015393 the Internet could eventually be used to sqnlI02Mkig-00052-00015394-00015651 build an electronic indexing system of sqnlI02Mkig-00053-00015652-00015924 astronomical research papers which would sqnlI02Mkig-00054-00015925-00016163 allow astronomers to keep abreast of a sqnlI02Mkig-00055-00016165-00016431 much greater range of research the first sqnlI02Mkig-00056-00016432-00016665 suggestion of a database of journal sqnlI02Mkig-00057-00016666-00016905 paper abstracts was made at a conference sqnlI02Mkig-00058-00016906-00017238 on astronomy from large databases held sqnlI02Mkig-00059-00017239-00017757 in Garching bei Munchen in 1987 initial sqnlI02Mkig-00060-00017758-00017991 development of an electronic system for sqnlI02Mkig-00061-00017992-00018297 accessing Astrophysical abstracts took sqnlI02Mkig-00062-00018298-00018596 place during the following two years in sqnlI02Mkig-00063-00018597-00018903 1991 discussions took place on how to sqnlI02Mkig-00064-00018904-00019253 integrate ads with the si MB ad database sqnlI02Mkig-00065-00019254-00019508 containing all available catalog sqnlI02Mkig-00066-00019509-00019749 designations for objects outside the sqnlI02Mkig-00067-00019750-00020034 solar system to create a system where sqnlI02Mkig-00068-00020035-00020244 astronomers could search for all the sqnlI02Mkig-00069-00020245-00020511 papers written about a given object an sqnlI02Mkig-00070-00020512-00020771 initial version of ads with a database sqnlI02Mkig-00071-00020772-00021114 consisting of 40 papers was created as a sqnlI02Mkig-00072-00021115-00021456 proof of concept in 1988 and the ads sqnlI02Mkig-00073-00021457-00021744 database was successfully connected with sqnlI02Mkig-00074-00021745-00022078 the si MB ad database in the summer of sqnlI02Mkig-00075-00022079-00022533 1993 the creator's believe this was the sqnlI02Mkig-00076-00022534-00022755 first use of the internet to allow sqnlI02Mkig-00077-00022756-00023039 simultaneous querying of transatlantic sqnlI02Mkig-00078-00023040-00023583 scientific databases until 1994 the sqnlI02Mkig-00079-00023584-00023847 service was available via proprietary sqnlI02Mkig-00080-00023848-00024102 network software but it was transferred sqnlI02Mkig-00081-00024103-00024356 to the nasan World Wide Web early that sqnlI02Mkig-00082-00024357-00024696 year the number of users of the service sqnlI02Mkig-00083-00024697-00024950 quadrupled in the five weeks following sqnlI02Mkig-00084-00024951-00025172 the introduction of the ads web-based sqnlI02Mkig-00085-00025173-00025482 service at first the journal articles sqnlI02Mkig-00086-00025483-00025749 available via ads were scanned bitmaps sqnlI02Mkig-00087-00025750-00025992 created from the paper journals sqnlI02Mkig-00088-00025993-00026358 but from 1995 onwards the Astrophysical sqnlI02Mkig-00089-00026358-00026580 Journal began to publish an online sqnlI02Mkig-00090-00026581-00026846 edition soon followed by the other main sqnlI02Mkig-00091-00026847-00027057 journals such as astronomy and sqnlI02Mkig-00092-00027058-00027314 astrophysics and the Monthly Notices of sqnlI02Mkig-00093-00027316-00027652 the Royal Astronomical Society adds sqnlI02Mkig-00094-00027653-00027912 provided links to these electronic sqnlI02Mkig-00095-00027913-00028130 editions from their first appearance sqnlI02Mkig-00096-00028131-00028593 since about 1995 the number of ads users sqnlI02Mkig-00097-00028594-00028968 has doubled roughly every two years ads sqnlI02Mkig-00098-00028969-00029221 now has agreements with almost all sqnlI02Mkig-00099-00029222-00029468 astronomical journals who supply sqnlI02Mkig-00100-00029469-00029856 abstracts scanned articles from as far sqnlI02Mkig-00101-00029857-00030120 back as the early 19th century are sqnlI02Mkig-00102-00030120-00030365 available via the service which now sqnlI02Mkig-00103-00030366-00030740 contains over 8 million documents the sqnlI02Mkig-00104-00030741-00031052 service is distributed worldwide with 12 sqnlI02Mkig-00105-00031053-00031323 mirror sites in 12 countries on five sqnlI02Mkig-00106-00031324-00031512 continents with the database sqnlI02Mkig-00107-00031513-00031793 synchronized by means of weekly updates sqnlI02Mkig-00108-00031794-00031920 using rsync sqnlI02Mkig-00109-00031920-00032199 a mirroring utility which allows updates sqnlI02Mkig-00110-00032200-00032430 to only the portions of the database sqnlI02Mkig-00111-00032431-00032768 which have changed all updates are sqnlI02Mkig-00112-00032769-00032996 triggered centrally but they initiate sqnlI02Mkig-00113-00032997-00033329 scripts at the mirror sites which pull sqnlI02Mkig-00114-00033330-00034112 updated data from the main ads servers sqnlI02Mkig-00115-00034113-00034836 topic data in the system papers are sqnlI02Mkig-00116-00034837-00035064 indexed within the database by their sqnlI02Mkig-00117-00035065-00035318 bibliographic record containing the sqnlI02Mkig-00118-00035319-00035493 details of the journal they were sqnlI02Mkig-00119-00035494-00035742 published in and various associated sqnlI02Mkig-00120-00035743-00036093 metadata such as author lists references sqnlI02Mkig-00121-00036094-00036498 and citations originally this data was sqnlI02Mkig-00122-00036499-00036758 stored in ASCII format but eventually sqnlI02Mkig-00123-00036759-00036999 the limitations of this encouraged the sqnlI02Mkig-00124-00037000-00037254 database maintain us to migrate all sqnlI02Mkig-00125-00037255-00037574 records to an XML extensible markup sqnlI02Mkig-00126-00037575-00038012 language format in 2000 bibliographic sqnlI02Mkig-00127-00038013-00038264 records are now stored as an XML element sqnlI02Mkig-00128-00038265-00038526 with sub elements for the various sqnlI02Mkig-00129-00038527-00038768 metadata since the advent of online sqnlI02Mkig-00130-00038769-00039045 editions of journals abstracts are sqnlI02Mkig-00131-00039046-00039258 loaded into the ads on or before the sqnlI02Mkig-00132-00039259-00039362 publication sqnlI02Mkig-00133-00039363-00039587 date of articles with the full journal sqnlI02Mkig-00134-00039588-00039971 text available to subscribers older sqnlI02Mkig-00135-00039972-00040202 articles have been scanned and an sqnlI02Mkig-00136-00040203-00040464 abstract is created using optical sqnlI02Mkig-00137-00040465-00040814 character recognition software scanned sqnlI02Mkig-00138-00040815-00041168 articles from before about 1995 are sqnlI02Mkig-00139-00041169-00041457 usually available free by agreement with sqnlI02Mkig-00140-00041458-00041720 the journal publishers scanned articles sqnlI02Mkig-00141-00041721-00042008 are stored in TIFF format at both medium sqnlI02Mkig-00142-00042009-00042365 and high resolution the TIFF files are sqnlI02Mkig-00143-00042366-00042636 converted on demand into gif files for sqnlI02Mkig-00144-00042637-00042951 on-screen viewing and PDF for postscript sqnlI02Mkig-00145-00042952-00043301 files for printing the generated files sqnlI02Mkig-00146-00043302-00043551 are then cached to eliminate needlessly sqnlI02Mkig-00147-00043552-00043805 frequent regenerations for popular sqnlI02Mkig-00148-00043806-00044367 articles as of 2000 ads contained 250 sqnlI02Mkig-00149-00044368-00044664 gigabytes of scans which consisted of 1 sqnlI02Mkig-00150-00044665-00045011 million 128 thousand nine hundred and sqnlI02Mkig-00151-00045012-00045308 fifty five article pages comprising one sqnlI02Mkig-00152-00045309-00045648 hundred and thirty-eight thousand 789 sqnlI02Mkig-00153-00045649-00046251 articles by 2005 this had grown to 650 sqnlI02Mkig-00154-00046252-00046502 gigabytes and is expected to grow sqnlI02Mkig-00155-00046503-00046779 further to about nine hundred gigabytes sqnlI02Mkig-00156-00046780-00047276 by 2007 no further information has been sqnlI02Mkig-00157-00047277-00047618 published the database initially sqnlI02Mkig-00158-00047619-00047930 contained only astronomical references sqnlI02Mkig-00159-00047931-00048195 but has now grown to incorporate three sqnlI02Mkig-00160-00048196-00048645 databases covering astronomy including sqnlI02Mkig-00161-00048646-00048905 planetary sciences and solar physics sqnlI02Mkig-00162-00048906-00049177 references physics including sqnlI02Mkig-00163-00049178-00049402 instrumentation and Geosciences sqnlI02Mkig-00164-00049403-00049670 references as well as preprints of sqnlI02Mkig-00165-00049671-00050004 scientific papers from arc sieve the sqnlI02Mkig-00166-00050005-00050280 astronomy database is by far the most sqnlI02Mkig-00167-00050281-00050520 advanced in its use accounts for about sqnlI02Mkig-00168-00050521-00050765 eighty-five percent of the total ads sqnlI02Mkig-00169-00050766-00051105 usage articles are assigned to the sqnlI02Mkig-00170-00051106-00051332 different databases according to the sqnlI02Mkig-00171-00051333-00051557 subject rather than the journal they are sqnlI02Mkig-00172-00051558-00051813 published in so that articles from any sqnlI02Mkig-00173-00051814-00052046 one journal might appear in all three sqnlI02Mkig-00174-00052047-00052446 subject databases the separation of the sqnlI02Mkig-00175-00052447-00052682 databases allows searching in each sqnlI02Mkig-00176-00052683-00052751 discipline sqnlI02Mkig-00177-00052752-00052976 to be tailored so that words can sqnlI02Mkig-00178-00052977-00053190 automatically be given different weight sqnlI02Mkig-00179-00053191-00053454 functions in different database searches sqnlI02Mkig-00180-00053454-00053687 depending on how common they are in the sqnlI02Mkig-00181-00053688-00053930 relevant field data in the preprint sqnlI02Mkig-00182-00053931-00054200 archive is updated daily from the arcs sqnlI02Mkig-00183-00054201-00054455 of the main repository of physics and sqnlI02Mkig-00184-00054456-00054782 astronomy preprints the advent of sqnlI02Mkig-00185-00054783-00055055 preprint servers has like ads had a sqnlI02Mkig-00186-00055056-00055290 significant impact on the rate of sqnlI02Mkig-00187-00055291-00055556 astronomical research as papers are sqnlI02Mkig-00188-00055557-00055769 often made available from preprint sqnlI02Mkig-00189-00055770-00055988 servers weeks or months before they are sqnlI02Mkig-00190-00055989-00056261 published in the journals the sqnlI02Mkig-00191-00056262-00056531 incorporation of preprints from the arcs sqnlI02Mkig-00192-00056532-00056801 of into ads means that the search engine sqnlI02Mkig-00193-00056802-00056979 can return the most current research sqnlI02Mkig-00194-00056979-00057303 available with the caveat that preprints sqnlI02Mkig-00195-00057304-00057510 may not have been peer-reviewed or sqnlI02Mkig-00196-00057511-00057755 proofread to the required standard for sqnlI02Mkig-00197-00057756-00058161 publication in the main journals ad SS sqnlI02Mkig-00198-00058162-00058371 database links preprints with sqnlI02Mkig-00199-00058372-00058637 subsequently published articles wherever sqnlI02Mkig-00200-00058638-00058929 possible so that citation and reference sqnlI02Mkig-00201-00058929-00059136 searches will return links to the sqnlI02Mkig-00202-00059137-00059361 journal article where the preprint was sqnlI02Mkig-00203-00059362-00060624 cited topic software and hardware the sqnlI02Mkig-00204-00060625-00060851 software runs on a system that was sqnlI02Mkig-00205-00060852-00061118 written specifically for it allowing for sqnlI02Mkig-00206-00061119-00061398 extensive customization for astronomical sqnlI02Mkig-00207-00061399-00061613 needs that would not have been possible sqnlI02Mkig-00208-00061614-00061924 with general-purpose database software sqnlI02Mkig-00209-00061925-00062192 the scripts are designed to be as sqnlI02Mkig-00210-00062193-00062474 platform independent as possible given sqnlI02Mkig-00211-00062475-00062687 the need to facilitate mirroring on sqnlI02Mkig-00212-00062688-00062910 different systems around the world sqnlI02Mkig-00213-00062911-00063131 although the growing use of Linux is the sqnlI02Mkig-00214-00063132-00063354 operating system of choice within sqnlI02Mkig-00215-00063354-00063599 astronomy has led to increasing sqnlI02Mkig-00216-00063600-00063794 optimization of the scripts for sqnlI02Mkig-00217-00063795-00064016 installation on that platform sqnlI02Mkig-00218-00064017-00064266 the main ad server is located at the sqnlI02Mkig-00219-00064266-00064461 harvard-smithsonian Center for sqnlI02Mkig-00220-00064462-00064686 Astrophysics in Cambridge Massachusetts sqnlI02Mkig-00221-00064687-00065172 and is a dual 64-bit x86 Intel server sqnlI02Mkig-00222-00065173-00065579 with two quad core 3.0 gigahertz CPUs sqnlI02Mkig-00223-00065580-00065876 and 32 gigabytes of RAM running the sqnlI02Mkig-00224-00065877-00066123 CentOS 5.4 Linux 2 sqnlI02Mkig-00225-00066124-00066459 tribution mirrors are located in Brazil sqnlI02Mkig-00226-00066460-00066813 China Chile France Germany India sqnlI02Mkig-00227-00066814-00067196 Indonesia Japan Russia South Korea sqnlI02Mkig-00228-00067197-00068093 United Kingdom and the Ukraine topic sqnlI02Mkig-00229-00068094-00068715 indexing ads currently receives sqnlI02Mkig-00230-00068716-00068982 abstracts or tables of contents from sqnlI02Mkig-00231-00068983-00069411 almost 200 journal sources the service sqnlI02Mkig-00232-00069412-00069678 may receive data referring to the same sqnlI02Mkig-00233-00069679-00069909 article from multiple sources and sqnlI02Mkig-00234-00069910-00070179 creates one bibliographic reference sqnlI02Mkig-00235-00070180-00070422 based on the most accurate data from sqnlI02Mkig-00236-00070423-00070763 each source the common use of tex and sqnlI02Mkig-00237-00070764-00071082 latex by almost all scientific journals sqnlI02Mkig-00238-00071083-00071376 greatly facilitates the incorporation of sqnlI02Mkig-00239-00071377-00071661 bibliographic data into the system in a sqnlI02Mkig-00240-00071662-00071997 standardized format and importing HTML sqnlI02Mkig-00241-00071998-00072312 coded web-based articles is also simple sqnlI02Mkig-00242-00072313-00072710 ads utilizes Perl scripts for importing sqnlI02Mkig-00243-00072711-00072919 processing and standardizing sqnlI02Mkig-00244-00072920-00073167 bibliographic data the apparently sqnlI02Mkig-00245-00073168-00073434 mundane task of converting author names sqnlI02Mkig-00246-00073435-00073740 into a standard surname initial format sqnlI02Mkig-00247-00073741-00073982 is actually one of the more difficult to sqnlI02Mkig-00248-00073983-00074217 automate due to the wide variety of sqnlI02Mkig-00249-00074218-00074484 naming conventions around the world and sqnlI02Mkig-00250-00074485-00074726 the possibility that a given name such sqnlI02Mkig-00251-00074727-00074981 as Davis could be a first name middle sqnlI02Mkig-00252-00074982-00075356 name or surname the accurate conversion sqnlI02Mkig-00253-00075357-00075588 of names requires a detailed knowledge sqnlI02Mkig-00254-00075589-00075806 of the names of authors active in sqnlI02Mkig-00255-00075807-00076038 astronomy and adds maintains an sqnlI02Mkig-00256-00076039-00076326 extensive database of author names which sqnlI02Mkig-00257-00076327-00076581 is also used in searching the database sqnlI02Mkig-00258-00076582-00077057 see below for electronic articles a list sqnlI02Mkig-00259-00077058-00077282 of the references given at the end of sqnlI02Mkig-00260-00077283-00077634 the article is easily extracted for sqnlI02Mkig-00261-00077635-00077913 scanned articles reference extraction sqnlI02Mkig-00262-00077914-00078309 relies on OCR the reference database can sqnlI02Mkig-00263-00078310-00078713 then be inverted to list the citations sqnlI02Mkig-00264-00078714-00079082 for each paper in the database citation sqnlI02Mkig-00265-00079083-00079299 lists have been used in the past to sqnlI02Mkig-00266-00079300-00079512 identify popular Artic sqnlI02Mkig-00267-00079513-00079785 missing from the database mostly these sqnlI02Mkig-00268-00079786-00080148 were from before 1975 and have now been sqnlI02Mkig-00269-00080149-00081387 added to the system topic coverage the sqnlI02Mkig-00270-00081388-00081654 database now contains over 8 million sqnlI02Mkig-00271-00081655-00081951 articles in the cases of the major sqnlI02Mkig-00272-00081952-00082230 journals of astronomy Astrophysical sqnlI02Mkig-00273-00082231-00082527 Journal astronomical journal astronomy sqnlI02Mkig-00274-00082528-00082665 and astrophysics sqnlI02Mkig-00275-00082666-00082896 publications of the Astronomical Society sqnlI02Mkig-00276-00082897-00083157 of the Pacific and the Monthly Notices sqnlI02Mkig-00277-00083158-00083435 of the Royal Astronomical Society sqnlI02Mkig-00278-00083436-00083724 coverage is complete with all issues sqnlI02Mkig-00279-00083725-00083981 indexed from number 1 to the present sqnlI02Mkig-00280-00083982-00084246 these journals account for about sqnlI02Mkig-00281-00084247-00084498 two-thirds of the papers in the database sqnlI02Mkig-00282-00084499-00084744 with the rest consisting of papers sqnlI02Mkig-00283-00084745-00085011 published in over 100 other journals sqnlI02Mkig-00284-00085012-00085224 from around the world as well as in sqnlI02Mkig-00285-00085225-00085452 conference proceedings while the sqnlI02Mkig-00286-00085453-00085725 database contains the complete contents sqnlI02Mkig-00287-00085726-00085962 of all the major journals and many minor sqnlI02Mkig-00288-00085963-00086250 ones as well its coverage of references sqnlI02Mkig-00289-00086251-00086597 and citations is much less complete sqnlI02Mkig-00290-00086598-00086862 references in an citations of articles sqnlI02Mkig-00291-00086863-00087102 in the major journals are fairly sqnlI02Mkig-00292-00087103-00087171 complete sqnlI02Mkig-00293-00087172-00087488 but references such as private sqnlI02Mkig-00294-00087489-00088055 communication in press or in preparation sqnlI02Mkig-00295-00088056-00088362 cannot be matched and author errors in sqnlI02Mkig-00296-00088363-00088602 reference listings also introduce sqnlI02Mkig-00297-00088603-00089010 potential errors astronomical papers may sqnlI02Mkig-00298-00089011-00089262 cite and be cited by articles in sqnlI02Mkig-00299-00089263-00089520 journals which fall outside the scope of sqnlI02Mkig-00300-00089521-00089826 ads such as chemistry mathematics or sqnlI02Mkig-00301-00089827-00091034 biology journals topic search engine sqnlI02Mkig-00302-00091035-00091335 since its inception the ads has sqnlI02Mkig-00303-00091336-00091611 developed a highly complex search engine sqnlI02Mkig-00304-00091612-00091830 to query the abstract and object sqnlI02Mkig-00305-00091831-00092154 databases the search engine is sqnlI02Mkig-00306-00092155-00092415 tailor-made for searching astronomical sqnlI02Mkig-00307-00092416-00092655 abstracts and the engine and its user sqnlI02Mkig-00308-00092656-00092922 interface assume that the user is well sqnlI02Mkig-00309-00092923-00093132 versed in astronomy and able to sqnlI02Mkig-00310-00093133-00093345 interpret search results which are sqnlI02Mkig-00311-00093346-00093564 designed to return more than just the sqnlI02Mkig-00312-00093565-00093939 most relevant papers the database can be sqnlI02Mkig-00313-00093940-00094236 queried for author names astronomical sqnlI02Mkig-00314-00094237-00094545 object names title words and words in sqnlI02Mkig-00315-00094546-00094794 the abstract text and results can be sqnlI02Mkig-00316-00094795-00094995 filtered according to a number of sqnlI02Mkig-00317-00094996-00095355 criteria it works by first gathering sqnlI02Mkig-00318-00095356-00095655 synonyms and simplifying search terms as sqnlI02Mkig-00319-00095656-00095933 described above and then generating an sqnlI02Mkig-00320-00095934-00096306 inverted file which is a list of all the sqnlI02Mkig-00321-00096307-00096654 documents matching each search term the sqnlI02Mkig-00322-00096655-00096948 user selected logic and filters are then sqnlI02Mkig-00323-00096949-00097158 applied to this inverted list to sqnlI02Mkig-00324-00097159-00097992 generate the final search results topic sqnlI02Mkig-00325-00097993-00098676 author name queries the system indexes sqnlI02Mkig-00326-00098677-00098949 author names by surname and initials and sqnlI02Mkig-00327-00098950-00099222 accounts for the possible variations in sqnlI02Mkig-00328-00099223-00099447 spelling of names using a list of sqnlI02Mkig-00329-00099448-00099834 variations this is common in the case of sqnlI02Mkig-00330-00099835-00100095 names including accents such as umlauts sqnlI02Mkig-00331-00100096-00100359 and transliterations from arabic or sqnlI02Mkig-00332-00100360-00100743 Cyrillic script an example of an entry sqnlI02Mkig-00333-00100744-00101187 in the author synonym list is a FA na s sqnlI02Mkig-00334-00101188-00102134 je v v a farness f v a farness EF v a FA sqnlI02Mkig-00335-00102135-00103274 naa CVV AFA na s ye v v FN z f v AFA NSE sqnlI02Mkig-00336-00103275-00104456 v v topic object name searches the sqnlI02Mkig-00337-00104457-00104693 capability to search for papers on sqnlI02Mkig-00338-00104694-00104986 specific astronomical objects is one of sqnlI02Mkig-00339-00104988-00105407 AD s as most powerful tools the system sqnlI02Mkig-00340-00105408-00105830 uses data from the si MB ad the NASA IPA sqnlI02Mkig-00341-00105831-00106106 C extra galactic database the sqnlI02Mkig-00342-00106107-00106324 International Astronomical Union sqnlI02Mkig-00343-00106325-00106546 circulars and the lunar and planetary sqnlI02Mkig-00344-00106547-00106904 Institute to identify papers referring sqnlI02Mkig-00345-00106905-00107158 to a given object and can also search by sqnlI02Mkig-00346-00107159-00107465 object position listing papers which sqnlI02Mkig-00347-00107466-00107732 concern objects within a 10 arc minute sqnlI02Mkig-00348-00107733-00107972 radius of our given right Ascension and sqnlI02Mkig-00349-00107973-00108278 declination these databases combine the sqnlI02Mkig-00350-00108279-00108542 many catalog designations an object sqnlI02Mkig-00351-00108543-00108755 might have so that a search for the sqnlI02Mkig-00352-00108756-00109013 Pleiades will also find papers which sqnlI02Mkig-00353-00109014-00109292 list the famous open cluster in Taurus sqnlI02Mkig-00354-00109293-00109489 under any of its other catalog sqnlI02Mkig-00355-00109490-00109814 designations or popular names such as M sqnlI02Mkig-00356-00109815-00110789 45 the seven sisters or millat 22 topic sqnlI02Mkig-00357-00110790-00111458 title and abstract searches the search sqnlI02Mkig-00358-00111458-00111731 engine first filters search terms in sqnlI02Mkig-00359-00111732-00112097 several ways an M followed by a space or sqnlI02Mkig-00360-00112098-00112439 - has the space or - removed so that sqnlI02Mkig-00361-00112440-00112727 searching for Messier catalog objects is sqnlI02Mkig-00362-00112728-00113156 simplified and a user input of M 45 M 45 sqnlI02Mkig-00363-00113157-00113504 or M 45 all result in the same query sqnlI02Mkig-00364-00113505-00113630 being executed sqnlI02Mkig-00365-00113631-00113981 similarly NGC designations and common sqnlI02Mkig-00366-00113982-00114248 search terms such as shoemaker-levy and sqnlI02Mkig-00367-00114249-00114565 t Towery are stripped of spaces sqnlI02Mkig-00368-00114566-00114859 unimportant words such as @ oor and sqnlI02Mkig-00369-00114860-00115073 tourist ripped out although in some sqnlI02Mkig-00370-00115074-00115384 cases case sensitivity is maintained so sqnlI02Mkig-00371-00115385-00115502 that while in the sqnlI02Mkig-00372-00115503-00115814 ignored and is converted to end rhyme sqnlI02Mkig-00373-00115815-00116324 day and her is converted to Hercules but sqnlI02Mkig-00374-00116325-00117421 her is ignored topic synonym replacement sqnlI02Mkig-00375-00117422-00117695 once search terms have been pre sqnlI02Mkig-00376-00117696-00117971 processed the database is queried with sqnlI02Mkig-00377-00117972-00118199 the revised search term as well as sqnlI02Mkig-00378-00118200-00118538 synonyms for it as well as simple sqnlI02Mkig-00379-00118539-00118759 synonym replacement such as searching sqnlI02Mkig-00380-00118760-00119048 for both plural and singular forms adds sqnlI02Mkig-00381-00119049-00119297 also searches for a large number of sqnlI02Mkig-00382-00119298-00119681 specifically astronomical synonyms for sqnlI02Mkig-00383-00119682-00119975 example spectrograph and spectroscope sqnlI02Mkig-00384-00119976-00120227 have basically the same meaning and in sqnlI02Mkig-00385-00120228-00120506 an astronomical context metallicity and sqnlI02Mkig-00386-00120507-00120905 abundance are also synonymous a DSS sqnlI02Mkig-00387-00120906-00121178 synonym list was created manually by sqnlI02Mkig-00388-00121179-00121373 grouping the list of words in the sqnlI02Mkig-00389-00121374-00121619 database according to similar meanings sqnlI02Mkig-00390-00121620-00121865 as well as English language synonyms sqnlI02Mkig-00391-00121866-00122093 adds also searches for English sqnlI02Mkig-00392-00122094-00122369 translations of foreign search terms and sqnlI02Mkig-00393-00122370-00122611 vice-versa so that a search for the sqnlI02Mkig-00394-00122613-00122879 French word Soleil retrieves references sqnlI02Mkig-00395-00122880-00123133 to Sun and papers in languages other sqnlI02Mkig-00396-00123134-00123395 than English can be returned by English sqnlI02Mkig-00397-00123396-00123824 search terms synonym replacement can be sqnlI02Mkig-00398-00123825-00124108 disabled if required so that a rare term sqnlI02Mkig-00399-00124109-00124352 which is a synonym of a much more common sqnlI02Mkig-00400-00124353-00124631 term such as date line rather than date sqnlI02Mkig-00401-00124632-00125441 can be searched for specifically topic sqnlI02Mkig-00402-00125442-00125881 selection sqnlI02Mkig-00403-00125882-00126206 the search engine allows selection logic sqnlI02Mkig-00404-00126207-00126552 both within fields and between fields sqnlI02Mkig-00405-00126553-00126845 search terms in each field can be sqnlI02Mkig-00406-00126846-00127148 combined with o R and simple logic or sqnlI02Mkig-00407-00127149-00127378 boolean logic and the user can specify sqnlI02Mkig-00408-00127379-00127646 which fields must be matched in the sqnlI02Mkig-00409-00127647-00127970 search results this allows complex sqnlI02Mkig-00410-00127971-00128270 searches to be built for example the sqnlI02Mkig-00411-00128271-00128508 user could search for papers concerning sqnlI02Mkig-00412-00128509-00129245 NGC 6543 o r NGC 7009 with the paper sqnlI02Mkig-00413-00129246-00129511 titles containing radio so our velocity sqnlI02Mkig-00414-00129513-00130297 and not abundant so our temperature sqnlI02Mkig-00415-00130298-00131018 topic result filtering search results sqnlI02Mkig-00416-00131019-00131234 can be filtered according to a number of sqnlI02Mkig-00417-00131235-00131566 criteria including specifying a range of sqnlI02Mkig-00418-00131567-00132103 years such as 1945 to 1975 2000 to the sqnlI02Mkig-00419-00132104-00132478 present day or before 1900 and what type sqnlI02Mkig-00420-00132479-00132731 of journal the article appears in non sqnlI02Mkig-00421-00132732-00132944 peer-reviewed articles such as sqnlI02Mkig-00422-00132945-00133208 conference proceedings can be excluded sqnlI02Mkig-00423-00133209-00133496 or specifically searched for or specific sqnlI02Mkig-00424-00133497-00133757 journals can be included in or excluded sqnlI02Mkig-00425-00133758-00134950 from the search topic search results sqnlI02Mkig-00426-00134951-00135236 although it was conceived as a means of sqnlI02Mkig-00427-00135237-00135487 accessing abstracts and papers ads sqnlI02Mkig-00428-00135488-00135727 provides a substantial amount of sqnlI02Mkig-00429-00135728-00135979 ancillary information along with search sqnlI02Mkig-00430-00135980-00136414 results for each abstract returned links sqnlI02Mkig-00431-00136415-00136627 are provided to other papers in the sqnlI02Mkig-00432-00136628-00136874 database which are referenced and which sqnlI02Mkig-00433-00136875-00137144 cite the paper and a link is provided to sqnlI02Mkig-00434-00137145-00137539 a preprint where one exists the system sqnlI02Mkig-00435-00137540-00137803 also generates a link to also read sqnlI02Mkig-00436-00137804-00138064 articles that is those which have been sqnlI02Mkig-00437-00138065-00138325 most commonly accessed by those reading sqnlI02Mkig-00438-00138326-00138671 the article in this way and adds user sqnlI02Mkig-00439-00138672-00138998 can determine which papers are of most sqnlI02Mkig-00440-00138999-00139208 two astronomers who are interested in sqnlI02Mkig-00441-00139209-00139457 the subject of a given paper also sqnlI02Mkig-00442-00139458-00139793 returned a links to the si MB ad and/or sqnlI02Mkig-00443-00139794-00140075 NASA extra galactic database object sqnlI02Mkig-00444-00140076-00140377 named databases via which a user can sqnlI02Mkig-00445-00140378-00140636 quickly find out basic observational sqnlI02Mkig-00446-00140637-00140897 data about the objects analyzed in a sqnlI02Mkig-00447-00140898-00141161 paper and find further papers on those sqnlI02Mkig-00448-00141162-00142472 objects topic impact on astronomy ads is sqnlI02Mkig-00449-00142473-00142733 almost universally used as a research sqnlI02Mkig-00450-00142734-00142966 tool among astronomers and there are sqnlI02Mkig-00451-00142967-00143191 several studies that have estimated sqnlI02Mkig-00452-00143192-00143440 quantitatively how much more efficient sqnlI02Mkig-00453-00143441-00143702 ads has made astronomy one estimated sqnlI02Mkig-00454-00143703-00143939 that adds increased the efficiency of sqnlI02Mkig-00455-00143940-00144200 astronomical research by three hundred sqnlI02Mkig-00456-00144201-00144449 and thirty three full-time equivalent sqnlI02Mkig-00457-00144450-00144683 research years per year and another sqnlI02Mkig-00458-00144684-00144979 found that in 2002 its effect was sqnlI02Mkig-00459-00144980-00145187 equivalent to seven hundred and thirty sqnlI02Mkig-00460-00145188-00145448 six full-time researchers or all the sqnlI02Mkig-00461-00145449-00145720 astronomical research done in France sqnlI02Mkig-00462-00145721-00146045 adds has allowed literature searches sqnlI02Mkig-00463-00146046-00146306 that would previously have taken days or sqnlI02Mkig-00464-00146307-00146543 weeks to carry out to be completed in sqnlI02Mkig-00465-00146544-00146831 seconds and it is estimated that ads has sqnlI02Mkig-00466-00146832-00147062 increased the readership and use of the sqnlI02Mkig-00467-00147063-00147332 astronomical literature by a factor of sqnlI02Mkig-00468-00147333-00147565 about three since its inception in sqnlI02Mkig-00469-00147566-00147821 monetary terms this increase in sqnlI02Mkig-00470-00147822-00148064 efficiency represents a considerable sqnlI02Mkig-00471-00148065-00148448 amount there are about 12,000 active sqnlI02Mkig-00472-00148449-00148739 astronomical researchers worldwide so sqnlI02Mkig-00473-00148740-00148966 ads is the equivalent of about five sqnlI02Mkig-00474-00148967-00149198 percent of the working population of sqnlI02Mkig-00475-00149199-00149549 astronomers the global astronomical sqnlI02Mkig-00476-00149550-00149824 research budget is estimated at between sqnlI02Mkig-00477-00149825-00150182 4000 and 5000 million United States sqnlI02Mkig-00478-00150183-00150488 dollars so the value of ads to astronomy sqnlI02Mkig-00479-00150489-00150935 would be about 200 - 250 million United sqnlI02Mkig-00480-00150936-00151289 States dollars annually its operating sqnlI02Mkig-00481-00151290-00151511 budget is a small fraction of this sqnlI02Mkig-00482-00151512-00151772 amount the great importance of ads to sqnlI02Mkig-00483-00151773-00152021 astronomers has been recognized by the sqnlI02Mkig-00484-00152022-00152279 United Nations the generalists sqnlI02Mkig-00485-00152280-00152537 of which has commended ads on its work sqnlI02Mkig-00486-00152538-00152789 and success particularly noting its sqnlI02Mkig-00487-00152790-00152982 importance to astronomers in the sqnlI02Mkig-00488-00152983-00153222 developing world in reports of the sqnlI02Mkig-00489-00153223-00153456 United Nations Committee on the peaceful sqnlI02Mkig-00490-00153457-00153977 uses of outer space a 2002 report by a sqnlI02Mkig-00491-00153978-00154206 visiting committee to the Center for sqnlI02Mkig-00492-00154207-00154475 Astrophysics meanwhile said that the sqnlI02Mkig-00493-00154476-00154809 service had revolutionized the use of sqnlI02Mkig-00494-00154810-00155123 the astronomical literature and was sqnlI02Mkig-00495-00155124-00155450 probably the most valuable single sqnlI02Mkig-00496-00155451-00155760 contribution to astronomy research that sqnlI02Mkig-00497-00155761-00156797 the CFA has made in its lifetime topic sqnlI02Mkig-00498-00156798-00157448 sociological studies using ads because sqnlI02Mkig-00499-00157449-00157710 it is used almost universally by sqnlI02Mkig-00500-00157711-00157937 astronomers ads can reveal much about sqnlI02Mkig-00501-00157938-00158264 how astronomical research is distributed sqnlI02Mkig-00502-00158265-00158627 around the world most users access the sqnlI02Mkig-00503-00158628-00158834 system from Institutes of higher sqnlI02Mkig-00504-00158835-00159164 education whose IP address can easily be sqnlI02Mkig-00505-00159165-00159338 used to determine the user's sqnlI02Mkig-00506-00159339-00159720 geographical location studies reveal sqnlI02Mkig-00507-00159721-00159981 that the highest per capita users of ads sqnlI02Mkig-00508-00159982-00160170 are France and Netherlands based sqnlI02Mkig-00509-00160171-00160410 astronomers and while more developed sqnlI02Mkig-00510-00160411-00160748 countries measured by GDP per capita use sqnlI02Mkig-00511-00160749-00160973 the system more than less developed sqnlI02Mkig-00512-00160974-00161249 countries the relationship between GDP sqnlI02Mkig-00513-00161250-00161682 per capita and ads use is not linear the sqnlI02Mkig-00514-00161683-00161951 range of ads usage per capita far sqnlI02Mkig-00515-00161952-00162282 exceeds the range of GDP per capita and sqnlI02Mkig-00516-00162283-00162543 basic research carried out in a country sqnlI02Mkig-00517-00162544-00162878 as measured by ads usage has been found sqnlI02Mkig-00518-00162879-00163088 to be proportional to the square of the sqnlI02Mkig-00519-00163089-00163412 country's GDP divided by its population sqnlI02Mkig-00520-00163413-00163758 ads usage statistics also suggest that sqnlI02Mkig-00521-00163759-00163935 astronomers in more developed countries sqnlI02Mkig-00522-00163936-00164216 tend to be more productive than those in sqnlI02Mkig-00523-00164217-00164552 less developed countries the amount of sqnlI02Mkig-00524-00164553-00164769 basic research carried out is sqnlI02Mkig-00525-00164770-00164927 proportional to the number of sqnlI02Mkig-00526-00164928-00165198 astronomers in a country multiplied by sqnlI02Mkig-00527-00165199-00165574 the GDP per capita statistic sqnlI02Mkig-00528-00165575-00165862 also imply that astronomers in European sqnlI02Mkig-00529-00165863-00166135 cultures carry out about three times as sqnlI02Mkig-00530-00166136-00166414 much research as those in Asian cultures sqnlI02Mkig-00531-00166415-00166693 perhaps suggesting cultural differences sqnlI02Mkig-00532-00166694-00166876 in the importance attached to sqnlI02Mkig-00533-00166877-00167170 astronomical research adds has also been sqnlI02Mkig-00534-00167171-00167413 used to show that the fraction of single sqnlI02Mkig-00535-00167414-00167652 author astronomy papers has decreased sqnlI02Mkig-00536-00167653-00168010 substantially since 1975 and that sqnlI02Mkig-00537-00168011-00168279 astronomical papers with more than 50 sqnlI02Mkig-00538-00168280-00168527 authors have become more common since sqnlI02Mkig-00539-00168528-00169273 1990 topic sqnlI02Mkig-00540-00169274-00170314 see also bit code inspire hip NASA IPA sqnlI02Mkig-00541-00170315-00170770 see extra galactic database Ned NASA sqnlI02Mkig-00542-00170771-00171489 planetary data system PDS pubmed si MBA sqnlI02Mkig-00543-00171490-00172090 D Michael J Kurtz sswFEecX8bI-00000-00000225-00001491 [Music] sswFEecX8bI-00001-00001492-00002005 um sswFEecX8bI-00003-00008484-00008682 hey sswFEecX8bI-00005-00015484-00016058 me sswFEecX8bI-00006-00016059-00016883 [Music] sswFEecX8bI-00007-00016884-00017023 okay sswFEecX8bI-00008-00017024-00019683 [Music] sswFEecX8bI-00009-00019684-00019785 me sswFEecX8bI-00010-00019786-00021083 [Music] sswFEecX8bI-00011-00021084-00021373 down sswFEecX8bI-00012-00021374-00022367 [Music] sswFEecX8bI-00013-00022368-00025283 [Music] sswFEecX8bI-00014-00025284-00025439 so sswFEecX8bI-00016-00030883-00031433 hey sswFEecX8bI-00018-00037884-00038359 do sswFEecX8bI-00019-00038360-00038568 you svwCYrvXtPY-00000-00000021-00000407 a window as an opening with glass in a svwCYrvXtPY-00001-00000408-00000751 wall door roof or vehicle that allows svwCYrvXtPY-00002-00000752-00001095 the passage of light sound and air svwCYrvXtPY-00003-00001096-00001466 modern windows are usually glazed or svwCYrvXtPY-00004-00001467-00001721 covered in some other transparent or svwCYrvXtPY-00005-00001722-00002030 translucent material a sash set in a svwCYrvXtPY-00006-00002030-00002321 frame in the opening the sash and frame svwCYrvXtPY-00007-00002322-00002705 are also referred to as a window many svwCYrvXtPY-00008-00002706-00002990 glazed windows may be opened to allow svwCYrvXtPY-00009-00002991-00003302 ventilation or closed to exclude svwCYrvXtPY-00010-00003303-00003670 inclement weather windows often have a svwCYrvXtPY-00011-00003671-00003953 latch or similar mechanism to lock the svwCYrvXtPY-00012-00003954-00004211 window shut or to hold it open by svwCYrvXtPY-00013-00004212-00004440 various amounts svwCYrvXtPY-00014-00004441-00004785 types include the eyebrow window fixed svwCYrvXtPY-00015-00004786-00005099 windows single hung and double-hung sash svwCYrvXtPY-00016-00005100-00005493 windows horizontal sliding sash windows svwCYrvXtPY-00017-00005494-00005865 casement windows awning windows hopper svwCYrvXtPY-00018-00005866-00006210 windows tilt and slide windows often svwCYrvXtPY-00019-00006211-00006591 door sized tilt and turn windows transom svwCYrvXtPY-00020-00006592-00006954 windows side light windows jealousy or svwCYrvXtPY-00021-00006955-00007220 louvered windows clerestory windows svwCYrvXtPY-00022-00007220-00007683 skylights roof windows roof lanterns bay svwCYrvXtPY-00023-00007684-00008039 windows Oriole windows thermal or svwCYrvXtPY-00024-00008040-00008384 Diocletian windows picture windows svwCYrvXtPY-00025-00008385-00008715 emergency exit windows stained glass svwCYrvXtPY-00026-00008716-00009093 windows French windows panel windows and svwCYrvXtPY-00027-00009094-00009471 double and triple paned windows svwCYrvXtPY-00028-00009472-00009745 the Romans were the first known to use svwCYrvXtPY-00029-00009746-00010089 glass for windows a technology likely svwCYrvXtPY-00030-00010090-00010359 first produced in Roman Egypt in svwCYrvXtPY-00031-00010360-00010985 Alexandria CA 100 AD paper windows were svwCYrvXtPY-00032-00010986-00011266 economical and widely used in ancient svwCYrvXtPY-00033-00011267-00011749 China Korea and Japan in England glass svwCYrvXtPY-00034-00011750-00012058 became common in the windows of ordinary svwCYrvXtPY-00035-00012059-00012420 homes only in the early 17th century svwCYrvXtPY-00036-00012421-00012682 whereas windows made up of panes of svwCYrvXtPY-00037-00012683-00012958 flattened animal horn were used as early svwCYrvXtPY-00038-00012959-00013425 as the 14th century in the 19th century svwCYrvXtPY-00039-00013426-00013572 American West svwCYrvXtPY-00040-00013573-00013869 greased paper windows came to be used by svwCYrvXtPY-00041-00013870-00014203 itinerant groups modern style svwCYrvXtPY-00042-00014204-00014536 floor-to-ceiling windows became possible svwCYrvXtPY-00043-00014537-00014788 only after the Industrial plate glass svwCYrvXtPY-00044-00014788-00015656 making processes were fully perfected svwCYrvXtPY-00045-00015657-00016244 topic etymology svwCYrvXtPY-00046-00016244-00016505 the english-language word window svwCYrvXtPY-00047-00016506-00016822 originates from the old norse vin Doga svwCYrvXtPY-00048-00016823-00017452 from vend our wind and a UGA i IE wind i svwCYrvXtPY-00049-00017453-00017867 in norwegian nynorsk and icelandic the svwCYrvXtPY-00050-00017868-00018125 old norse form has survived to this day svwCYrvXtPY-00051-00018126-00018485 in icelandic only as a less used word svwCYrvXtPY-00052-00018486-00018890 for a type of small open window not svwCYrvXtPY-00053-00018891-00019175 strictly a synonym for gluggy the svwCYrvXtPY-00054-00019176-00019514 Icelandic word for window in Swedish the svwCYrvXtPY-00055-00019515-00019796 word vin Doga remains as a term for a svwCYrvXtPY-00056-00019797-00020047 hole through the roof of a hut and in svwCYrvXtPY-00057-00020048-00020347 the Danish language Bindu and Norwegian svwCYrvXtPY-00058-00020348-00020728 bokmål Vindu the direct link to I as svwCYrvXtPY-00059-00020729-00021164 lost just like for window the Danish but svwCYrvXtPY-00060-00021165-00021472 not the bokmal word is pronounced fairly svwCYrvXtPY-00061-00021473-00021723 similarly to window svwCYrvXtPY-00062-00021724-00022048 window is first recorded in the early svwCYrvXtPY-00063-00022049-00022360 13th century and originally referred to svwCYrvXtPY-00064-00022361-00022762 an unglazed hole in a roof window svwCYrvXtPY-00065-00022763-00023047 replaced the old english girl which svwCYrvXtPY-00066-00023048-00023374 literally means eye hole and eegah do svwCYrvXtPY-00067-00023375-00023782 rue i door many germanic languages svwCYrvXtPY-00068-00023783-00024130 however adopted the Latin word finestra svwCYrvXtPY-00069-00024131-00024430 to describe a window with glass such a svwCYrvXtPY-00070-00024431-00024745 standard Swedish monster or German svwCYrvXtPY-00071-00024746-00025156 Fenster the use of window in English as svwCYrvXtPY-00072-00025157-00025392 probably because of the Scandinavian svwCYrvXtPY-00073-00025393-00025687 influence on the English language by svwCYrvXtPY-00074-00025688-00025997 means of loanwords during the Viking Age svwCYrvXtPY-00075-00025998-00026364 in English the word finessed er was used svwCYrvXtPY-00076-00026366-00026802 as a parallel until the mid 18th century svwCYrvXtPY-00077-00026802-00027079 fenestration is still used to describe svwCYrvXtPY-00078-00027080-00027325 the arrangement of windows within a svwCYrvXtPY-00079-00027326-00027679 facade as well as defenestration meaning svwCYrvXtPY-00080-00027680-00028436 to throw something out of a window svwCYrvXtPY-00081-00028437-00028982 topic history svwCYrvXtPY-00082-00028983-00029337 in the 13th century BC the earliest svwCYrvXtPY-00083-00029338-00029693 windows were unglazed openings in a roof svwCYrvXtPY-00084-00029694-00030046 to admit light during the day later svwCYrvXtPY-00085-00030047-00030337 windows were covered with animal hide svwCYrvXtPY-00086-00030338-00030749 cloth or wood shutters that could be svwCYrvXtPY-00087-00030750-00031124 opened and closed came next overtime svwCYrvXtPY-00088-00031125-00031430 windows were built that both protected svwCYrvXtPY-00089-00031431-00031667 the inhabitants from the elements and svwCYrvXtPY-00090-00031668-00031964 transmitted light using multiple small svwCYrvXtPY-00091-00031964-00032270 pieces of translucent material such as svwCYrvXtPY-00092-00032270-00032573 flattened pieces of translucent animal svwCYrvXtPY-00093-00032574-00032927 horn thin slices of marble for example svwCYrvXtPY-00094-00032928-00033242 feng kite or pieces of glass set in svwCYrvXtPY-00095-00033243-00033646 frameworks of wood iron or lead in the svwCYrvXtPY-00096-00033647-00033733 Far East svwCYrvXtPY-00097-00033734-00034072 paper was used to fill windows svwCYrvXtPY-00098-00034073-00034369 the Romans were the first known to use svwCYrvXtPY-00099-00034370-00034711 glass for windows a technology likely svwCYrvXtPY-00100-00034712-00035166 first produced in Roman Egypt namely in svwCYrvXtPY-00101-00035167-00035725 Alexandria CA 100 AD cast glass windows svwCYrvXtPY-00102-00035726-00036016 albeit with poor optical properties svwCYrvXtPY-00103-00036017-00036304 began to appear but these were small svwCYrvXtPY-00104-00036305-00036589 thick productions little more than blown svwCYrvXtPY-00105-00036590-00036937 glass jars cylindrical shapes flattened svwCYrvXtPY-00106-00036938-00037219 out into sheets with circular striation svwCYrvXtPY-00107-00037220-00037558 patterns throughout it would be over a svwCYrvXtPY-00108-00037559-00037872 millennium before a window glass became svwCYrvXtPY-00109-00037873-00038092 transparent enough to see through svwCYrvXtPY-00110-00038093-00038435 clearly as we think of it now svwCYrvXtPY-00111-00038436-00038705 over the centuries techniques were svwCYrvXtPY-00112-00038706-00038971 developed to shear through one side of a svwCYrvXtPY-00113-00038972-00039248 blown glass cylinder and produce thinner svwCYrvXtPY-00114-00039249-00039520 rectangular window panes from the same svwCYrvXtPY-00115-00039521-00039908 amount of glass material this gave rise svwCYrvXtPY-00116-00039909-00040283 to tall narrow windows usually separated svwCYrvXtPY-00117-00040284-00040593 by a vertical support called emollient svwCYrvXtPY-00118-00040594-00040930 moly and glass windows were the windows svwCYrvXtPY-00119-00040931-00041221 of choice among European well-to-do svwCYrvXtPY-00120-00041222-00041555 whereas paper windows were economical svwCYrvXtPY-00121-00041556-00041876 and widely used in ancient China Korea svwCYrvXtPY-00122-00041877-00042352 and Japan in England glass became common svwCYrvXtPY-00123-00042353-00042664 in the windows of ordinary homes only in svwCYrvXtPY-00124-00042665-00042880 the early 17th century svwCYrvXtPY-00125-00042881-00043154 whereas windows made up of panes of svwCYrvXtPY-00126-00043155-00043433 flattened animal horn were used as early svwCYrvXtPY-00127-00043434-00043751 as the 14th century modern style svwCYrvXtPY-00128-00043752-00044086 floor-to-ceiling windows became possible svwCYrvXtPY-00129-00044087-00044348 only after the Industrial plate glass svwCYrvXtPY-00130-00044349-00044761 making processes were perfected modern svwCYrvXtPY-00131-00044762-00045037 windows are usually filled with glass svwCYrvXtPY-00132-00045038-00045906 although a few are transparent plastic svwCYrvXtPY-00133-00045907-00046461 topic types svwCYrvXtPY-00134-00046462-00046802 you svwCYrvXtPY-00135-00046803-00047342 topic cross svwCYrvXtPY-00136-00047343-00047630 a cross window as a rectangular window svwCYrvXtPY-00137-00047631-00047960 usually divided into four lights by svwCYrvXtPY-00138-00047961-00048245 emollient and transom that form a Latin svwCYrvXtPY-00139-00048246-00048415 cross svwCYrvXtPY-00140-00048416-00048824 you svwCYrvXtPY-00141-00048825-00049344 topic eyebrow svwCYrvXtPY-00142-00049345-00049677 the term eyebrow window is used in two svwCYrvXtPY-00143-00049678-00050049 ways a curved top window in a wall or in svwCYrvXtPY-00144-00050050-00050301 an eyebrow dormer and a row of small svwCYrvXtPY-00145-00050302-00050592 windows usually under the front eaves svwCYrvXtPY-00146-00050593-00050835 such as the James Laura house in svwCYrvXtPY-00147-00050836-00051449 Pennsylvania svwCYrvXtPY-00148-00051450-00051963 topic fixed svwCYrvXtPY-00149-00051964-00052296 a fixed window as a window that cannot svwCYrvXtPY-00150-00052297-00052587 be opened whose function is limited to svwCYrvXtPY-00151-00052588-00052829 allowing light to enter unlike a none svwCYrvXtPY-00152-00052830-00053225 fixed window which can open and close svwCYrvXtPY-00153-00053226-00053460 clerestory windows in church svwCYrvXtPY-00154-00053461-00053826 architecture are often fixed transom svwCYrvXtPY-00155-00053827-00054171 windows may be fixed or operable this svwCYrvXtPY-00156-00054172-00054422 type of window is used in situations svwCYrvXtPY-00157-00054423-00054789 where light or vision alone as needed as svwCYrvXtPY-00158-00054790-00055065 no ventilation is possible in such svwCYrvXtPY-00159-00055066-00055359 windows without the use of trickle vents svwCYrvXtPY-00160-00055360-00056027 or over glass vents svwCYrvXtPY-00161-00056028-00056654 topic single hung sash svwCYrvXtPY-00162-00056655-00056994 a single hung sash window as a window svwCYrvXtPY-00163-00056995-00057257 that has one sash that is movable svwCYrvXtPY-00164-00057258-00057525 usually the bottom one and the other svwCYrvXtPY-00165-00057526-00057891 fixed this is the earlier form of svwCYrvXtPY-00166-00057891-00058738 sliding sash window and is also cheaper svwCYrvXtPY-00167-00058739-00059344 topic double-hung sash svwCYrvXtPY-00168-00059345-00059662 a sash window as the traditional style svwCYrvXtPY-00169-00059663-00059979 of window in the United Kingdom and many svwCYrvXtPY-00170-00059980-00060190 other places that were formerly svwCYrvXtPY-00171-00060191-00060532 colonized by the UK with two parts svwCYrvXtPY-00172-00060533-00060865 sashes that overlap slightly and slide svwCYrvXtPY-00173-00060866-00061237 up and down inside the frame the two svwCYrvXtPY-00174-00061238-00061537 parts are not necessarily the same size svwCYrvXtPY-00175-00061538-00061864 where the upper sash is smaller shorter svwCYrvXtPY-00176-00061865-00062248 it is termed a cottage window currently svwCYrvXtPY-00177-00062249-00062563 most new double-hung sash windows use svwCYrvXtPY-00178-00062564-00062833 spring balances to support the sashes svwCYrvXtPY-00179-00062834-00063169 but traditionally counterweights held in svwCYrvXtPY-00180-00063170-00063451 boxes on either side of the window were svwCYrvXtPY-00181-00063452-00063823 used these were and are attached to the svwCYrvXtPY-00182-00063824-00064099 sashes using pulleys of either braided svwCYrvXtPY-00183-00064100-00064546 cord or later purpose made chain three svwCYrvXtPY-00184-00064547-00064822 types of spring balances are called a svwCYrvXtPY-00185-00064823-00065152 tape or clock spring balance channel or svwCYrvXtPY-00186-00065153-00065479 block-and-tackle balance and a spiral or svwCYrvXtPY-00187-00065479-00065706 tube balance svwCYrvXtPY-00188-00065707-00065959 double-hung sash windows were svwCYrvXtPY-00189-00065960-00066228 traditionally often fitted with shutters svwCYrvXtPY-00190-00066229-00066590 sash windows can be fitted with simplex svwCYrvXtPY-00191-00066591-00066859 hinges that let the window be locked svwCYrvXtPY-00192-00066860-00067162 into hinges on one side while the rope svwCYrvXtPY-00193-00067163-00067510 on the other side has detached so the svwCYrvXtPY-00194-00067511-00067804 window can be opened for fire escape or svwCYrvXtPY-00195-00067805-00068391 cleaning svwCYrvXtPY-00196-00068392-00068916 topic fold up svwCYrvXtPY-00197-00068917-00069315 a fold-up has to equal sashes similar to svwCYrvXtPY-00198-00069316-00069612 a standard double hung but folds upward svwCYrvXtPY-00199-00069613-00069867 allowing air to pass through nearly the svwCYrvXtPY-00200-00069868-00070191 full frame opening the window is svwCYrvXtPY-00201-00070192-00070494 balanced using either Springs or counter svwCYrvXtPY-00202-00070495-00070887 balances similar to a double hung the svwCYrvXtPY-00203-00070888-00071144 sashes can be either offset to simulate svwCYrvXtPY-00204-00071145-00071568 a double hung or inline the inline svwCYrvXtPY-00205-00071569-00071856 versions can be made to fold inward or svwCYrvXtPY-00206-00071857-00072162 outward the inward swinging fold-up svwCYrvXtPY-00207-00072163-00072471 windows can have fixed screens while the svwCYrvXtPY-00208-00072472-00072753 outward swinging ones require moveable svwCYrvXtPY-00209-00072754-00073143 screens the windows are typically used svwCYrvXtPY-00210-00073144-00073428 for screen rooms kitchen passed throughs svwCYrvXtPY-00211-00073429-00074114 or for egress svwCYrvXtPY-00212-00074115-00074798 topic horizontal sliding sash svwCYrvXtPY-00213-00074799-00075200 a horizontal sliding sash window has two svwCYrvXtPY-00214-00075201-00075538 or more sashes that overlap slightly but svwCYrvXtPY-00215-00075539-00075905 slide horizontally within the frame in svwCYrvXtPY-00216-00075906-00076187 the UK these are sometimes called svwCYrvXtPY-00217-00076188-00076478 Yorkshire sash windows presumably svwCYrvXtPY-00218-00076479-00076736 because of their traditional use in that svwCYrvXtPY-00219-00076737-00076906 County svwCYrvXtPY-00220-00076907-00077313 you svwCYrvXtPY-00221-00077314-00077842 Topic casement svwCYrvXtPY-00222-00077843-00078145 a casement window as a window with a svwCYrvXtPY-00223-00078146-00078448 hinged sash that swings in or out like a svwCYrvXtPY-00224-00078449-00078790 door comprising either a side hung top svwCYrvXtPY-00225-00078791-00079270 hung also called awning window see below svwCYrvXtPY-00226-00079271-00079613 or occasionally bottom hung sash or a svwCYrvXtPY-00227-00079614-00079825 combination of these types svwCYrvXtPY-00228-00079826-00080119 sometimes with fixed panels on one or svwCYrvXtPY-00229-00080120-00080544 more sides of the sash in the USA svwCYrvXtPY-00230-00080545-00080818 these are usually opened using a crank svwCYrvXtPY-00231-00080819-00081109 but in parts of Europe they tend to use svwCYrvXtPY-00232-00081110-00081400 projection friction stays and española svwCYrvXtPY-00233-00081401-00081826 locking formerly plane hinges were used svwCYrvXtPY-00234-00081827-00082165 with a casement stay handing applies to svwCYrvXtPY-00235-00082166-00082444 casement windows to determine direction svwCYrvXtPY-00236-00082445-00082713 of swing a casement window may be svwCYrvXtPY-00237-00082714-00083110 left-handed right-handed or double the svwCYrvXtPY-00238-00083111-00083407 casement window as the dominant type now svwCYrvXtPY-00239-00083408-00083734 found in modern buildings in the UK and svwCYrvXtPY-00240-00083735-00084411 many other parts of Europe svwCYrvXtPY-00241-00084412-00084597 topic earning svwCYrvXtPY-00242-00084598-00084884 [Music] svwCYrvXtPY-00243-00084885-00085199 an awning window as a casement window svwCYrvXtPY-00244-00085200-00085511 that is hung horizontally hinged on top svwCYrvXtPY-00245-00085512-00085810 so that it swings outward like an awning svwCYrvXtPY-00246-00085811-00086112 in addition to be used independently svwCYrvXtPY-00247-00086113-00086431 they can be stacked several in one svwCYrvXtPY-00248-00086432-00086746 opening or combined with fixed glass svwCYrvXtPY-00249-00086747-00087055 they are particularly useful for svwCYrvXtPY-00250-00087056-00087590 ventilation svwCYrvXtPY-00251-00087591-00088072 Topic Harper svwCYrvXtPY-00252-00088073-00088390 a hopper window as a bottom pivoting svwCYrvXtPY-00253-00088391-00088653 casement window that opens by tilting svwCYrvXtPY-00254-00088654-00089481 vertically typically to the inside svwCYrvXtPY-00255-00089482-00089967 topic pivot svwCYrvXtPY-00256-00089968-00090315 a pivot window as a window hung on one svwCYrvXtPY-00257-00090316-00090531 hinge on each of two opposite sides svwCYrvXtPY-00258-00090532-00090855 which allows the window to revolve when svwCYrvXtPY-00259-00090856-00091257 opened the hinges may be mounted top and svwCYrvXtPY-00260-00091258-00091536 bottom vertically pivoted or at each svwCYrvXtPY-00261-00091537-00091935 jamb horizontally pivoted the window svwCYrvXtPY-00262-00091936-00092187 will usually open initially to a svwCYrvXtPY-00263-00092188-00092472 restricted position for ventilation and svwCYrvXtPY-00264-00092473-00092778 once released fully reverse and lock svwCYrvXtPY-00265-00092779-00093101 again for safe cleaning from inside svwCYrvXtPY-00266-00093102-00093407 modern pivot hinges incorporate a svwCYrvXtPY-00267-00093408-00093699 friction device to hold the window open svwCYrvXtPY-00268-00093700-00093918 against its own weight and may have svwCYrvXtPY-00269-00093919-00094182 restriction and reversed locking built svwCYrvXtPY-00270-00094183-00094617 in in the UK where this type of window svwCYrvXtPY-00271-00094618-00094887 is most common they were extensively svwCYrvXtPY-00272-00094888-00095693 installed in high-rise social housing svwCYrvXtPY-00273-00095694-00096285 topic tilt and slide svwCYrvXtPY-00274-00096286-00096669 a tilt and slide window as a window more svwCYrvXtPY-00275-00096670-00096975 usually a door sized window where the svwCYrvXtPY-00276-00096976-00097248 sash tilts inwards at the top and then svwCYrvXtPY-00277-00097249-00097530 slides horizontally behind the fixed svwCYrvXtPY-00278-00097531-00097683 pane svwCYrvXtPY-00279-00097684-00098066 you svwCYrvXtPY-00280-00098067-00098624 topic tilt and turn svwCYrvXtPY-00281-00098625-00098945 a tilt and turn window can both tilt svwCYrvXtPY-00282-00098946-00099254 inwards at the top or open inwards from svwCYrvXtPY-00283-00099255-00099599 hinges at the side this is the most svwCYrvXtPY-00284-00099600-00099896 common type of window in Germany its svwCYrvXtPY-00285-00099897-00100268 country of origin it is also widespread svwCYrvXtPY-00286-00100269-00100601 in many other European countries svwCYrvXtPY-00287-00100602-00100949 in Europe it is usual for these to be of svwCYrvXtPY-00288-00100950-00101462 the turn first type ie when the handle svwCYrvXtPY-00289-00101463-00101720 is turned to ninety degrees the window svwCYrvXtPY-00290-00101721-00102086 opens in the side hung mode with the svwCYrvXtPY-00291-00102087-00102455 handle turned to 180 degrees the window svwCYrvXtPY-00292-00102456-00102893 opens in bottom hung mode most usually svwCYrvXtPY-00293-00102894-00103274 in the UK the windows will be tilt first svwCYrvXtPY-00294-00103275-00103664 ie bottom hung at 90 degrees for svwCYrvXtPY-00295-00103665-00104042 ventilation and side hung at 180 degrees svwCYrvXtPY-00296-00104043-00104303 for cleaning the outer face of the glass svwCYrvXtPY-00297-00104304-00104584 from inside the building svwCYrvXtPY-00298-00104585-00105000 you svwCYrvXtPY-00299-00105001-00105526 Topic transom svwCYrvXtPY-00300-00105527-00105841 a window above a door in an exterior svwCYrvXtPY-00301-00105842-00106183 door the transom window is often fixed svwCYrvXtPY-00302-00106183-00106465 in an interior door it can open either svwCYrvXtPY-00303-00106466-00106843 by hinges at top or bottom or rotate on svwCYrvXtPY-00304-00106844-00107227 hinges it provided ventilation before svwCYrvXtPY-00305-00107228-00107488 forced air heating and cooling a svwCYrvXtPY-00306-00107489-00107821 fan-shaped transom is known as a fan svwCYrvXtPY-00307-00107822-00108621 light especially in the British Isles svwCYrvXtPY-00308-00108622-00109179 topic side light svwCYrvXtPY-00309-00109180-00109503 windows beside a door or window are svwCYrvXtPY-00310-00109504-00109827 called side wing and margen lights and svwCYrvXtPY-00311-00109828-00110469 flanking windows svwCYrvXtPY-00312-00110470-00111069 topic jealousy window svwCYrvXtPY-00313-00111070-00111389 also known as a louvered window the svwCYrvXtPY-00314-00111390-00111665 jalousie window consists of parallel svwCYrvXtPY-00315-00111666-00112001 slats of glass or acrylic that open and svwCYrvXtPY-00316-00112002-00112313 close like a venetian blind usually svwCYrvXtPY-00317-00112314-00112688 using a crank or a lever they are used svwCYrvXtPY-00318-00112689-00113009 extensively in tropical architecture a svwCYrvXtPY-00319-00113010-00113333 jalousie door as a door with a jalousie svwCYrvXtPY-00320-00113334-00113905 window svwCYrvXtPY-00321-00113906-00114450 topic clear story svwCYrvXtPY-00322-00114451-00114816 a clerestory window as a window set in a svwCYrvXtPY-00323-00114817-00115107 roof structure or high in a wall used svwCYrvXtPY-00324-00115108-00115733 for daylighting svwCYrvXtPY-00325-00115733-00116273 topic skylight svwCYrvXtPY-00326-00116274-00116618 a skylight as a window built into a roof svwCYrvXtPY-00327-00116619-00116990 structure this type of window allows for svwCYrvXtPY-00328-00116991-00117681 natural daylight and moonlight svwCYrvXtPY-00329-00117682-00118178 topic roof svwCYrvXtPY-00330-00118179-00118460 a sloped window used for daylighting svwCYrvXtPY-00331-00118461-00118883 built into a roof structure it is one of svwCYrvXtPY-00332-00118884-00119145 the few windows that could be used as an svwCYrvXtPY-00333-00119146-00119579 exit larger roof windows meet building svwCYrvXtPY-00334-00119580-00120323 codes for emergency evacuation svwCYrvXtPY-00335-00120324-00120893 topic roof Lantern svwCYrvXtPY-00336-00120894-00121213 a roof Lantern as a multi paned glass svwCYrvXtPY-00337-00121214-00121514 structure resembling a small building svwCYrvXtPY-00338-00121515-00121864 built on a roof for day or moonlight svwCYrvXtPY-00339-00121865-00122189 sometimes includes an additional clear svwCYrvXtPY-00340-00122190-00122988 story may also be called a cupola svwCYrvXtPY-00341-00122989-00123474 topic BAE svwCYrvXtPY-00342-00123475-00123822 a bay window as a multi panel window svwCYrvXtPY-00343-00123823-00124077 with at least three panels set at svwCYrvXtPY-00344-00124078-00124332 different angles to create a protrusion svwCYrvXtPY-00345-00124333-00124976 from the wall line svwCYrvXtPY-00346-00124977-00125295 topic Oriol svwCYrvXtPY-00347-00125296-00125460 you svwCYrvXtPY-00348-00125461-00125778 this form of bay window most often svwCYrvXtPY-00349-00125779-00126043 appears in Tudor style houses and svwCYrvXtPY-00350-00126044-00126408 monasteries it projects from the wall svwCYrvXtPY-00351-00126409-00126740 and does not extend to the ground svwCYrvXtPY-00352-00126741-00127000 originally a form of porch svwCYrvXtPY-00353-00127001-00127264 they are often supported by brackets or svwCYrvXtPY-00354-00127265-00127853 corbels svwCYrvXtPY-00355-00127854-00128367 topic thermal svwCYrvXtPY-00356-00128368-00128763 thermal or Diocletian windows are large svwCYrvXtPY-00357-00128764-00129117 semicircular windows or niches which are svwCYrvXtPY-00358-00129118-00129438 usually divided into three lights window svwCYrvXtPY-00359-00129439-00129792 compartments buy two mo Lian's the svwCYrvXtPY-00360-00129793-00130077 central compartment is often wider than svwCYrvXtPY-00361-00130078-00130864 the two side lights on either side of it svwCYrvXtPY-00362-00130865-00131375 topic picture svwCYrvXtPY-00363-00131376-00131726 a picture window is a large fixed window svwCYrvXtPY-00364-00131727-00132035 in a wall typically without glazing bars svwCYrvXtPY-00365-00132036-00132377 or glazed with only perfunctory glazing svwCYrvXtPY-00366-00132378-00132755 bars near the edge of the window picture svwCYrvXtPY-00367-00132756-00133082 windows provide an unimpeded view as if svwCYrvXtPY-00368-00133083-00133731 framing a picture svwCYrvXtPY-00369-00133732-00134306 topic multi light svwCYrvXtPY-00370-00134307-00134645 a multi light window as a window glazed svwCYrvXtPY-00371-00134646-00134966 with small panes of glass separated by svwCYrvXtPY-00372-00134967-00135290 wooden or lead glazing bars or muntins svwCYrvXtPY-00373-00135291-00135596 arranged in a decorative glazing pattern svwCYrvXtPY-00374-00135597-00135817 often dictated by the building's svwCYrvXtPY-00375-00135818-00136205 architectural style due to the historic svwCYrvXtPY-00376-00136206-00136469 unavailability of large panes of glass svwCYrvXtPY-00377-00136470-00136841 the multi lit or lattice window was the svwCYrvXtPY-00378-00136842-00137102 most common window style until the svwCYrvXtPY-00379-00137103-00137372 beginning of the 20th century and is svwCYrvXtPY-00380-00137373-00137756 still used in traditional architecture svwCYrvXtPY-00381-00137757-00138173 you svwCYrvXtPY-00382-00138174-00138864 topic emergency exit egress svwCYrvXtPY-00383-00138865-00139246 an emergency exit window as a window big svwCYrvXtPY-00384-00139247-00139524 enough and low enough so that occupants svwCYrvXtPY-00385-00139525-00139749 can escape through the opening in an svwCYrvXtPY-00386-00139750-00140139 emergency such as a fire in many svwCYrvXtPY-00387-00140140-00140460 countries exact specifications for svwCYrvXtPY-00388-00140461-00140770 emergency windows in bedrooms are given svwCYrvXtPY-00389-00140771-00141171 in many building codes specifications svwCYrvXtPY-00390-00141172-00141474 for such windows may also allow for the svwCYrvXtPY-00391-00141475-00141885 entrance of emergency rescuers vehicles svwCYrvXtPY-00392-00141886-00142219 such as buses and aircraft frequently svwCYrvXtPY-00393-00142220-00143032 have emergency exit windows as well svwCYrvXtPY-00394-00143033-00143606 topic stained glass svwCYrvXtPY-00395-00143607-00143906 a stained-glass window as a window svwCYrvXtPY-00396-00143907-00144199 composed of pieces of colored glass svwCYrvXtPY-00397-00144200-00144490 transparent translucent or opaque svwCYrvXtPY-00398-00144491-00144916 frequently portraying persons or scenes svwCYrvXtPY-00399-00144917-00145226 typically the glass in these windows is svwCYrvXtPY-00400-00145227-00145631 separated by lead glazing bars stained svwCYrvXtPY-00401-00145632-00145967 glass windows were popular in Victorian svwCYrvXtPY-00402-00145968-00146258 houses and some right Ian houses and are svwCYrvXtPY-00403-00146259-00147003 especially common in churches svwCYrvXtPY-00404-00147004-00147523 topic French svwCYrvXtPY-00405-00147524-00147871 a French door has two rows of upright svwCYrvXtPY-00406-00147872-00148219 rectangular glass panes lights extending svwCYrvXtPY-00407-00148220-00148465 its full length and two of these doors svwCYrvXtPY-00408-00148466-00148732 on an exterior wall and without svwCYrvXtPY-00409-00148733-00148993 emollient separating them that open svwCYrvXtPY-00410-00148994-00149224 outward with opposing hinges to a svwCYrvXtPY-00411-00149225-00149506 terrace or porch are referred to as a svwCYrvXtPY-00412-00149507-00149899 French window sometimes these are set in svwCYrvXtPY-00413-00149900-00150187 pairs are multiples thereof along the svwCYrvXtPY-00414-00150188-00150502 exterior wall of a very large room but svwCYrvXtPY-00415-00150503-00150772 often one French window is placed svwCYrvXtPY-00416-00150773-00151045 centrally in a typically sized room svwCYrvXtPY-00417-00151046-00151312 perhaps among other fixed windows svwCYrvXtPY-00418-00151313-00151704 flanking the feature French windows are svwCYrvXtPY-00419-00151705-00151984 known as port fenetre in France and svwCYrvXtPY-00420-00151985-00152278 porta finestra in Italy and frequently svwCYrvXtPY-00421-00152279-00153009 are used in modern houses svwCYrvXtPY-00422-00153010-00153602 topic double-paned svwCYrvXtPY-00423-00153603-00153895 double-paned windows have two parallel svwCYrvXtPY-00424-00153896-00154264 panes slabs of glass with a separation svwCYrvXtPY-00425-00154265-00154551 of typically about one centimeter this svwCYrvXtPY-00426-00154552-00154831 space is permanently sealed and filled svwCYrvXtPY-00427-00154832-00155107 at the time of manufacture with dry air svwCYrvXtPY-00428-00155108-00155551 or other dry nonreactive gas such svwCYrvXtPY-00429-00155552-00155848 windows provide a marked improvement in svwCYrvXtPY-00430-00155849-00156126 thermal insulation and usually in svwCYrvXtPY-00431-00156127-00156400 acoustic insulation as well and are svwCYrvXtPY-00432-00156401-00156673 resistant to fogging and frosting caused svwCYrvXtPY-00433-00156674-00157002 by temperature differential they are svwCYrvXtPY-00434-00157003-00157254 widely used for residential and svwCYrvXtPY-00435-00157255-00157510 commercial construction in in temperate svwCYrvXtPY-00436-00157511-00157906 climates triple paned windows have been svwCYrvXtPY-00437-00157907-00158158 commercially manufactured and marketed svwCYrvXtPY-00438-00158159-00158466 with claims of additional benefit but svwCYrvXtPY-00439-00158467-00158826 have not become common in the UK svwCYrvXtPY-00440-00158827-00159085 double-paned and triple paned are svwCYrvXtPY-00441-00159086-00159382 referred to as double glazing and triple svwCYrvXtPY-00442-00159383-00159960 glazing svwCYrvXtPY-00443-00159961-00160571 topic hexagonal window svwCYrvXtPY-00444-00160572-00160931 a hexagonal window as a hexagon shaped svwCYrvXtPY-00445-00160932-00161249 window resembling a B cell or crystal svwCYrvXtPY-00446-00161250-00161602 lattice of graphite the window can be svwCYrvXtPY-00447-00161603-00161962 vertically or horizontally oriented open svwCYrvXtPY-00448-00161963-00162079 a bowl or dead svwCYrvXtPY-00449-00162080-00162466 it can also be regular or elongate li svwCYrvXtPY-00450-00162467-00162840 shaped and can have a separator mullion svwCYrvXtPY-00451-00162841-00163157 typically the cellular window is used svwCYrvXtPY-00452-00163158-00163414 for an attic or as a decorative feature svwCYrvXtPY-00453-00163415-00163741 but it can also be a major architectural svwCYrvXtPY-00454-00163742-00163982 element to provide the natural lighting svwCYrvXtPY-00455-00163983-00164677 inside buildings svwCYrvXtPY-00456-00164678-00164870 topic terms svwCYrvXtPY-00457-00164871-00165230 [Music] svwCYrvXtPY-00458-00165231-00165746 n 12000 519 as the European standard svwCYrvXtPY-00459-00165747-00166040 that describes windows terms officially svwCYrvXtPY-00460-00166041-00166357 used in EU Member States svwCYrvXtPY-00461-00166358-00166863 the main terms are light or light is the svwCYrvXtPY-00462-00166864-00167148 area between the outer parts of a window svwCYrvXtPY-00463-00167149-00167521 transom sill and jams usually filled svwCYrvXtPY-00464-00167522-00167908 with a glass pane multiple panes are svwCYrvXtPY-00465-00167909-00168177 divided by Mullins when load-bearing svwCYrvXtPY-00466-00168178-00168452 muntins when not svwCYrvXtPY-00467-00168453-00168779 latus light as a compound windowpane svwCYrvXtPY-00468-00168780-00169082 made up of small pieces of glass held svwCYrvXtPY-00469-00169083-00169334 together in a lattice svwCYrvXtPY-00470-00169335-00169712 fixed window as a unit of one non-moving svwCYrvXtPY-00471-00169713-00170053 light the term single light double light svwCYrvXtPY-00472-00170054-00170374 etc refer to the number of these glass svwCYrvXtPY-00473-00170375-00170866 panes in a window sash unit as a window svwCYrvXtPY-00474-00170867-00171154 consisting of at least one sliding glass svwCYrvXtPY-00475-00171155-00171458 component typically composed of two svwCYrvXtPY-00476-00171459-00171801 lights known as a double light svwCYrvXtPY-00477-00171802-00172106 replacement window in the United States svwCYrvXtPY-00478-00172107-00172409 means a framed window designed to slip svwCYrvXtPY-00479-00172410-00172682 inside the original window frame from svwCYrvXtPY-00480-00172683-00172949 the inside after the old sashes are svwCYrvXtPY-00481-00172950-00173353 removed in Europe it usually means a svwCYrvXtPY-00482-00173354-00173609 complete window including a replacement svwCYrvXtPY-00483-00173610-00173847 outer frame svwCYrvXtPY-00484-00173848-00174147 new construction window in the u.s. svwCYrvXtPY-00485-00174148-00174453 means a window with a nailing fin that svwCYrvXtPY-00486-00174454-00174708 is inserted into a rough opening from svwCYrvXtPY-00487-00174709-00175002 the outside before applying siding and svwCYrvXtPY-00488-00175003-00175347 inside trim a nailing fin as a svwCYrvXtPY-00489-00175348-00175608 projection on the outer frame of the svwCYrvXtPY-00490-00175609-00175896 window in the same plane as the glazing svwCYrvXtPY-00491-00175897-00176184 which overlaps the prepared opening and svwCYrvXtPY-00492-00176185-00176532 can thus be nailed into place in the UK svwCYrvXtPY-00493-00176533-00176847 and mainland Europe windows in new build svwCYrvXtPY-00494-00176848-00177132 houses are usually fixed with long svwCYrvXtPY-00495-00177133-00177474 screws into expanding plastic plugs in svwCYrvXtPY-00496-00177475-00177822 the brickwork a gap of up to 13 svwCYrvXtPY-00497-00177823-00178098 millimeters is left around all four svwCYrvXtPY-00498-00178099-00178355 sides and filled with expanding svwCYrvXtPY-00499-00178356-00178746 polyurethane foam this makes the window svwCYrvXtPY-00500-00178747-00179007 fixing weatherproof but allows for svwCYrvXtPY-00501-00179008-00179310 expansion due to heat lintel as a beam svwCYrvXtPY-00502-00179311-00179625 over the top of a window also known as a svwCYrvXtPY-00503-00179626-00179801 transom svwCYrvXtPY-00504-00179802-00180123 windowsill as the bottom piece in a svwCYrvXtPY-00505-00180124-00180492 window frame windowsills slant outward svwCYrvXtPY-00506-00180493-00180789 to drain water away from the inside of svwCYrvXtPY-00507-00180790-00180974 the building svwCYrvXtPY-00508-00180975-00181302 secondary glazing is an additional frame svwCYrvXtPY-00509-00181303-00181524 applied to the inside of an existing svwCYrvXtPY-00510-00181525-00181956 frame usually used unprotected or listed svwCYrvXtPY-00511-00181957-00182214 buildings to achieve higher levels of svwCYrvXtPY-00512-00182215-00182486 thermal and sound insulation without svwCYrvXtPY-00513-00182487-00182807 compromising the look of the building svwCYrvXtPY-00514-00182808-00183096 decorative millwork is the molding svwCYrvXtPY-00515-00183097-00183423 cornices and lintels often decorating svwCYrvXtPY-00516-00183424-00184165 the surrounding edges of the window svwCYrvXtPY-00517-00184166-00184693 topic labeling svwCYrvXtPY-00518-00184694-00185085 the United States and FRC window label svwCYrvXtPY-00519-00185086-00185460 lists the following terms thermal svwCYrvXtPY-00520-00185461-00185806 transmittance you factor best values are svwCYrvXtPY-00521-00185807-00186563 around you 0.15 equal to 0.8 with m2k svwCYrvXtPY-00522-00186564-00186987 solar heat gain coefficient SHGC svwCYrvXtPY-00523-00186988-00187350 ratio of solar heat infrared passing svwCYrvXtPY-00524-00187351-00187707 through the glass to incident solar heat svwCYrvXtPY-00525-00187708-00188112 visible transmittance VT ratio of svwCYrvXtPY-00526-00188113-00188364 transmitted visible light divided by svwCYrvXtPY-00527-00188365-00188808 incident visible light air leakage owl svwCYrvXtPY-00528-00188809-00189123 measured in cubic foot per minute per svwCYrvXtPY-00529-00189124-00189399 linear foot of crack between sash and svwCYrvXtPY-00530-00189400-00189873 frame condensation resistance CR svwCYrvXtPY-00531-00189874-00190231 measured between 1 and 100 the higher svwCYrvXtPY-00532-00190232-00190519 the number the higher the resistance of svwCYrvXtPY-00533-00190520-00190758 the formation of condensation the svwCYrvXtPY-00534-00190759-00191319 European harmonized standard hen 14350 svwCYrvXtPY-00535-00191320-00191688 1-1 which deals with doors and windows svwCYrvXtPY-00536-00191689-00192118 defines 23 characteristics divided into svwCYrvXtPY-00537-00192119-00192474 essential and non-essential to other svwCYrvXtPY-00538-00192475-00192769 preliminary European norms that are svwCYrvXtPY-00539-00192770-00193011 under development deal with internal svwCYrvXtPY-00540-00193012-00193681 pedestrian doors pren 14350 1-2 smoke svwCYrvXtPY-00541-00193682-00193986 and fire resisting doors and open Abul svwCYrvXtPY-00542-00193987-00194863 windows prints 16,000 34 svwCYrvXtPY-00543-00194864-00195258 topic construction svwCYrvXtPY-00544-00195259-00195447 you svwCYrvXtPY-00545-00195448-00195762 windows can be a significant source of svwCYrvXtPY-00546-00195763-00196101 heat transfer therefore insulated svwCYrvXtPY-00547-00196102-00196368 glazing units consist of two or more svwCYrvXtPY-00548-00196369-00197207 panes to reduce the transfer of heat svwCYrvXtPY-00549-00197208-00197639 topic grids are muntins svwCYrvXtPY-00550-00197640-00197813 you svwCYrvXtPY-00551-00197814-00198086 these are the pieces of framing that svwCYrvXtPY-00552-00198087-00198359 separate a larger window into smaller svwCYrvXtPY-00553-00198360-00198815 panes in older windows large panes of svwCYrvXtPY-00554-00198816-00199124 glass were quite expensive so muntins svwCYrvXtPY-00555-00199125-00199547 let smaller panes fill a larger space in svwCYrvXtPY-00556-00199548-00199850 modern windows light-colored muntins svwCYrvXtPY-00557-00199851-00200123 still provide a useful function by svwCYrvXtPY-00558-00200124-00200324 reflecting some of the light going svwCYrvXtPY-00559-00200325-00200564 through the window making the window svwCYrvXtPY-00560-00200565-00200876 itself a source of diffuse light instead svwCYrvXtPY-00561-00200877-00201131 of just the surfaces and objects svwCYrvXtPY-00562-00201132-00201431 illuminated within the room by svwCYrvXtPY-00563-00201432-00201722 increasing the indirect illumination of svwCYrvXtPY-00564-00201723-00202052 surfaces near the window muntins tend to svwCYrvXtPY-00565-00202053-00202315 brighten the area immediately around a svwCYrvXtPY-00566-00202316-00202571 window and reduce the contrast of svwCYrvXtPY-00567-00202572-00203247 shadows within the room svwCYrvXtPY-00568-00203248-00204018 topic frame and sash construction frames svwCYrvXtPY-00569-00204019-00204294 and sashes can be made of the following svwCYrvXtPY-00570-00204295-00204816 materials PVC and fiberglass frames svwCYrvXtPY-00571-00204817-00205107 perform well in accelerated weathering svwCYrvXtPY-00572-00205108-00205557 tests because PVC is not as strong as svwCYrvXtPY-00573-00205558-00205950 other materials some PVC frames are svwCYrvXtPY-00574-00205951-00206205 reinforced with metal or composite svwCYrvXtPY-00575-00206206-00206475 materials to improve their structural svwCYrvXtPY-00576-00206476-00206632 strength svwCYrvXtPY-00577-00206633-00206944 modern aluminium window frames are svwCYrvXtPY-00578-00206944-00207211 typically separated by a thermal break svwCYrvXtPY-00579-00207212-00207471 made of a glass fiber reinforced svwCYrvXtPY-00580-00207473-00207928 polyamide with a 34 millimeters thermal svwCYrvXtPY-00581-00207929-00208237 insulation profile it is possible to svwCYrvXtPY-00582-00208238-00208630 reach UF equals one point 3w per square svwCYrvXtPY-00583-00208631-00209019 meter K for a metal window this greatly svwCYrvXtPY-00584-00209021-00209298 increases thermal resistance while svwCYrvXtPY-00585-00209300-00209515 retaining virtually all of the svwCYrvXtPY-00586-00209516-00209769 structural strength composites also svwCYrvXtPY-00587-00209771-00210100 known as hybrid windows are start since svwCYrvXtPY-00588-00210101-00210478 early 1998 and combine materials like svwCYrvXtPY-00589-00210479-00210862 aluminium plus PVC or wood to obtain svwCYrvXtPY-00590-00210863-00211117 aesthetics of one material with the svwCYrvXtPY-00591-00211117-00211434 functional benefits of another svwCYrvXtPY-00592-00211435-00211859 a special class of PVC window frames svwCYrvXtPY-00593-00211860-00212192 uPVC windows Eames became widespread svwCYrvXtPY-00594-00212194-00212553 since the late 20th century particularly svwCYrvXtPY-00595-00212554-00212916 in Europe there were 80 3.5 million svwCYrvXtPY-00596-00212917-00213300 installed by 1998 with numbers still svwCYrvXtPY-00597-00213301-00214007 growing as of 2012 svwCYrvXtPY-00598-00214008-00214619 topic glazing and filling svwCYrvXtPY-00599-00214621-00214982 low-emissivity coded pains reduce heat svwCYrvXtPY-00600-00214983-00215330 transfer by radiation which depending on svwCYrvXtPY-00601-00215331-00215637 which surfaces coated helps prevent heat svwCYrvXtPY-00602-00215638-00215984 loss in cold climates or heat gains in svwCYrvXtPY-00603-00215985-00216417 warm climates high thermal resistance svwCYrvXtPY-00604-00216417-00216750 can be obtained by evacuating or filling svwCYrvXtPY-00605-00216751-00217041 the insulated glazing units with gases svwCYrvXtPY-00606-00217042-00217392 such as argon or Krypton which reduces svwCYrvXtPY-00607-00217392-00217646 conductive heat transfer due to their svwCYrvXtPY-00608-00217648-00218037 low thermal conductivity performance of svwCYrvXtPY-00609-00218038-00218354 such units depends on good window seals svwCYrvXtPY-00610-00218355-00218640 and meticulous frame construction to svwCYrvXtPY-00611-00218641-00218867 prevent entry of air and loss of svwCYrvXtPY-00612-00218869-00219053 efficiency svwCYrvXtPY-00613-00219054-00219353 modern double pane and triple pane svwCYrvXtPY-00614-00219354-00219692 windows often include one or more LOI svwCYrvXtPY-00615-00219692-00219977 coatings to reduce the windows you svwCYrvXtPY-00616-00219978-00220348 factor its insulation value specifically svwCYrvXtPY-00617-00220350-00220769 its rate of heat loss in general soft svwCYrvXtPY-00618-00220769-00221096 coat low e coatings tend to result in a svwCYrvXtPY-00619-00221096-00221498 lower solar heat gain coefficient SHGC svwCYrvXtPY-00620-00221498-00221875 than hard coat low e coatings svwCYrvXtPY-00621-00221876-00222210 modern windows are usually glazed with svwCYrvXtPY-00622-00222211-00222534 one large sheet of glass per sash while svwCYrvXtPY-00623-00222535-00222802 windows in the past were glazed with svwCYrvXtPY-00624-00222803-00223126 multiple panes separated by glazing bars svwCYrvXtPY-00625-00223127-00223467 or muntins due to the unavailability of svwCYrvXtPY-00626-00223469-00223903 large sheets of glass today glazing bars svwCYrvXtPY-00627-00223904-00224230 tend to be decorative separating windows svwCYrvXtPY-00628-00224231-00224469 into small panes of glass svwCYrvXtPY-00629-00224471-00224716 even though larger panes of glass are svwCYrvXtPY-00630-00224717-00224958 available generally in a pattern svwCYrvXtPY-00631-00224959-00225259 dictated by the architectural style at svwCYrvXtPY-00632-00225260-00225669 use glazing bars are typically wooden svwCYrvXtPY-00633-00225671-00225934 but occasionally lead glazing bars svwCYrvXtPY-00634-00225935-00226225 soldered in place are used for more svwCYrvXtPY-00635-00226226-00226941 intricate glazing patterns svwCYrvXtPY-00636-00226942-00227619 topic other construction details svwCYrvXtPY-00637-00227621-00227904 many windows have moveable window svwCYrvXtPY-00638-00227905-00228204 coverings such as blinds or curtains to svwCYrvXtPY-00639-00228205-00228405 keep out light provide additional svwCYrvXtPY-00640-00228406-00228807 insulation or ensure privacy svwCYrvXtPY-00641-00228808-00229171 windows allow natural light to enter but svwCYrvXtPY-00642-00229171-00229432 too much can have negative effects such svwCYrvXtPY-00643-00229433-00229786 as glare and heat gain additionally svwCYrvXtPY-00644-00229787-00230061 while windows let the user see outside svwCYrvXtPY-00645-00230062-00230365 there must be a way to maintain privacy svwCYrvXtPY-00646-00230366-00230803 on in the inside window coverings are svwCYrvXtPY-00647-00230804-00231034 practical accommodations for these svwCYrvXtPY-00648-00231035-00231606 issues svwCYrvXtPY-00649-00231607-00232248 topic impact of the Sun svwCYrvXtPY-00650-00232250-00232590 you svwCYrvXtPY-00651-00232591-00233244 topic son incidence angle svwCYrvXtPY-00652-00233244-00233542 historically windows are designed with svwCYrvXtPY-00653-00233542-00233842 surfaces parallel to vertical building svwCYrvXtPY-00654-00233842-00234273 walls such a design allows considerable svwCYrvXtPY-00655-00234275-00234577 solar light and heat penetration due to svwCYrvXtPY-00656-00234578-00234834 the most commonly occurring incidents of svwCYrvXtPY-00657-00234835-00235177 Sun angles in passive solar building svwCYrvXtPY-00658-00235178-00235525 design and extended eave as typically svwCYrvXtPY-00659-00235526-00235755 used to control the amount of solar svwCYrvXtPY-00660-00235756-00236094 light and heat entering the windows svwCYrvXtPY-00661-00236094-00236435 an alternative method as to calculate an svwCYrvXtPY-00662-00236436-00236688 optimum window mounting angle that svwCYrvXtPY-00663-00236689-00236884 accounts for Summer Sun load svwCYrvXtPY-00664-00236885-00237162 minimization with consideration of svwCYrvXtPY-00665-00237163-00237501 actual latitude of the building this svwCYrvXtPY-00666-00237502-00237837 process has been implemented for example svwCYrvXtPY-00667-00237838-00238127 in the Dakin building in Brisbane svwCYrvXtPY-00668-00238128-00238433 California in which most of the svwCYrvXtPY-00669-00238434-00238665 fenestration is designed to reflect svwCYrvXtPY-00670-00238666-00238971 summer heat load and help prevent summer svwCYrvXtPY-00671-00238971-00239309 interior over illumination and glare by svwCYrvXtPY-00672-00239310-00239613 canting windows to nearly a 45 degree svwCYrvXtPY-00673-00239614-00240212 angle svwCYrvXtPY-00674-00240213-00240989 topic solar window photovoltaic windows svwCYrvXtPY-00675-00240990-00241276 not only provide a clear view and svwCYrvXtPY-00676-00241277-00241544 illuminate rooms but also convert svwCYrvXtPY-00677-00241544-00241840 sunlight to electricity for the building svwCYrvXtPY-00678-00241841-00242237 in most cases translucent photovoltaic svwCYrvXtPY-00679-00242238-00242881 cells are used svwCYrvXtPY-00680-00242882-00243462 topic passive solar svwCYrvXtPY-00681-00243463-00243797 passive solar windows allow light and svwCYrvXtPY-00682-00243798-00244058 solar energy into a building while svwCYrvXtPY-00683-00244059-00244421 minimizing air leakage and heat loss svwCYrvXtPY-00684-00244421-00244724 properly positioning these windows in svwCYrvXtPY-00685-00244725-00245153 relation to Sun wind and landscape while svwCYrvXtPY-00686-00245154-00245417 properly shading them to limit excess svwCYrvXtPY-00687-00245419-00245712 heat gain in summer and shoulder seasons svwCYrvXtPY-00688-00245713-00245984 and providing thermal mass to absorb svwCYrvXtPY-00689-00245985-00246267 energy during the day and release it svwCYrvXtPY-00690-00246267-00246532 when temperatures cool at night svwCYrvXtPY-00691-00246533-00246934 increases comfort and energy efficiency svwCYrvXtPY-00692-00246935-00247217 properly designed in climates with svwCYrvXtPY-00693-00247219-00247517 adequate solar gain these can even be a svwCYrvXtPY-00694-00247519-00248292 building's primary heating system svwCYrvXtPY-00695-00248292-00248821 topic coverings svwCYrvXtPY-00696-00248823-00249142 a window covering as a shade or screen svwCYrvXtPY-00697-00249144-00249542 that provides multiple functions some svwCYrvXtPY-00698-00249542-00249827 coverings such as drapes and blinds svwCYrvXtPY-00699-00249828-00250202 provide occupants with privacy some svwCYrvXtPY-00700-00250203-00250514 window coverings control solar heat gain svwCYrvXtPY-00701-00250515-00250796 and glare there are external shading svwCYrvXtPY-00702-00250796-00251209 devices and internal shading devices loi svwCYrvXtPY-00703-00251210-00251542 window film is a low cost alternative to svwCYrvXtPY-00704-00251544-00251896 window replacement to transform existing svwCYrvXtPY-00705-00251898-00252159 poorly insulating windows into svwCYrvXtPY-00706-00252160-00252508 energy-efficient windows for high-rise svwCYrvXtPY-00707-00252509-00252812 buildings smart glass can provide an svwCYrvXtPY-00708-00252813-00253391 alternative svwCYrvXtPY-00709-00253392-00253938 topic gallery svwCYrvXtPY-00710-00253939-00254400 equals equals see also svVERROOJak-00001-00004540-00005677 [Music] svVERROOJak-00002-00005678-00006362 [Music] svVERROOJak-00003-00006363-00006954 [Music] svVERROOJak-00004-00006955-00007551 [Music] svVERROOJak-00005-00007552-00008279 so svVERROOJak-00007-00013556-00014693 [Music] svVERROOJak-00008-00014694-00015379 [Music] svVERROOJak-00009-00015380-00015971 [Music] svVERROOJak-00010-00015972-00018143 [Music] svVERROOJak-00011-00018144-00018351 you swj0x7L5zQ8-00000-00000376-00000471 oh swj0x7L5zQ8-00001-00000472-00001123 my god swj0x7L5zQ8-00002-00001124-00001751 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00003-00001752-00002115 now swj0x7L5zQ8-00004-00002116-00003087 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00005-00003088-00003122 nice swj0x7L5zQ8-00006-00003123-00003935 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00007-00003936-00004502 nice swj0x7L5zQ8-00008-00004503-00005470 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00009-00005471-00005911 hello swj0x7L5zQ8-00010-00005912-00006563 easy swj0x7L5zQ8-00011-00006564-00007342 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00012-00007343-00007463 what swj0x7L5zQ8-00013-00007464-00007851 are you serious swj0x7L5zQ8-00014-00007852-00008376 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00015-00008377-00009142 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00016-00009143-00009264 huh swj0x7L5zQ8-00017-00009265-00010478 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00018-00010479-00010921 oh swj0x7L5zQ8-00019-00010922-00012615 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00020-00012616-00012958 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00021-00012959-00013737 huh swj0x7L5zQ8-00022-00013738-00015199 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00023-00015200-00016015 hello swj0x7L5zQ8-00024-00016016-00016396 okay swj0x7L5zQ8-00025-00016397-00016522 [Applause] swj0x7L5zQ8-00026-00016523-00016752 [Music] swj0x7L5zQ8-00027-00016753-00017143 [Applause] swj0x7L5zQ8-00028-00017144-00017330 nice shot swj0x7L5zQ8-00029-00017331-00017903 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00000-00001208-00001454 welcome to our small and beautiful sz__R9yjAXQ-00002-00006984-00007919 is sz__R9yjAXQ-00003-00007920-00008103 life sz__R9yjAXQ-00004-00008104-00008367 is not about making money sz__R9yjAXQ-00005-00008368-00008542 it's about sz__R9yjAXQ-00006-00008543-00008708 protecting the earth sz__R9yjAXQ-00007-00008709-00008855 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00008-00008856-00009335 getting minutes out of life sz__R9yjAXQ-00009-00009336-00009574 and ensuring that in the way you live sz__R9yjAXQ-00010-00009575-00009951 your life sz__R9yjAXQ-00011-00009952-00010367 you are personally responsible sz__R9yjAXQ-00012-00010368-00010707 for reducing environmental pressure sz__R9yjAXQ-00013-00010708-00012342 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00014-00012343-00012678 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00019-00030912-00032135 livelihood award sz__R9yjAXQ-00020-00032136-00032383 for placing women and ecology at the sz__R9yjAXQ-00021-00032383-00032799 heart of modern development of discourse sz__R9yjAXQ-00022-00032800-00032987 por situar a las sz__R9yjAXQ-00023-00032988-00033143 mujeres sz__R9yjAXQ-00024-00033144-00033423 en el corazon del moderno discurso de sz__R9yjAXQ-00025-00033424-00033679 desarroyo sz__R9yjAXQ-00027-00036955-00037823 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00028-00037824-00038255 thanks for being as you are sz__R9yjAXQ-00029-00038256-00038723 gracias puerto testimony vital sz__R9yjAXQ-00030-00038724-00039107 portugues nosotros sz__R9yjAXQ-00031-00039108-00039887 es la palabras sz__R9yjAXQ-00032-00039888-00040079 thank you very much for that very sz__R9yjAXQ-00033-00040080-00040270 generous introduction sz__R9yjAXQ-00034-00040271-00040423 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00035-00040424-00040527 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00036-00040528-00040687 coming to sz__R9yjAXQ-00037-00040688-00040918 this tiny place sz__R9yjAXQ-00038-00040919-00041199 is part of my love sz__R9yjAXQ-00039-00041200-00041335 for sz__R9yjAXQ-00040-00041336-00041574 tiny things sz__R9yjAXQ-00041-00041575-00041751 because sz__R9yjAXQ-00042-00041752-00041879 i believe sz__R9yjAXQ-00043-00041880-00042055 it's the small sz__R9yjAXQ-00044-00042056-00042185 that creates hope sz__R9yjAXQ-00045-00042186-00042374 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00046-00042375-00042639 it's the large and the big sz__R9yjAXQ-00047-00042640-00043007 that has created the destruction sz__R9yjAXQ-00048-00043008-00043302 that has created the despair sz__R9yjAXQ-00049-00043303-00043727 and that has created the crisis which sz__R9yjAXQ-00050-00043728-00043799 we sz__R9yjAXQ-00051-00043800-00044462 collectively face as humanity sz__R9yjAXQ-00052-00044463-00044679 i don't think there's any crisis left to sz__R9yjAXQ-00053-00044680-00044974 be created sz__R9yjAXQ-00054-00044975-00045487 we have a massive economic crisis sz__R9yjAXQ-00055-00045488-00045871 this grand image of limitless financial sz__R9yjAXQ-00056-00045872-00046102 growth of money making money making sz__R9yjAXQ-00057-00046103-00046302 money sz__R9yjAXQ-00058-00046303-00046718 it burst last september sz__R9yjAXQ-00059-00046719-00046895 there's a limit to how much you can live sz__R9yjAXQ-00060-00046896-00047193 in a fictitious world sz__R9yjAXQ-00061-00047194-00047383 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00062-00047384-00047495 that sz__R9yjAXQ-00063-00047496-00047918 economy of global finance was 70 times sz__R9yjAXQ-00064-00047919-00048015 bigger sz__R9yjAXQ-00065-00048016-00048207 than the economy of real goods and sz__R9yjAXQ-00066-00048208-00048446 services sz__R9yjAXQ-00067-00048447-00048735 and money is supposed to command sz__R9yjAXQ-00068-00048736-00048871 real resources sz__R9yjAXQ-00069-00048872-00049079 it's merely a promise sz__R9yjAXQ-00070-00049080-00049495 to say i give you this much and that has sz__R9yjAXQ-00071-00049496-00049807 access to so much resources sz__R9yjAXQ-00072-00049808-00050062 but if the money in the world becomes 70 sz__R9yjAXQ-00073-00050063-00050239 times more than the resources in the sz__R9yjAXQ-00074-00050240-00050358 world sz__R9yjAXQ-00075-00050359-00050743 then an inevitable consequence is first sz__R9yjAXQ-00076-00050744-00050967 those who control that money will steal sz__R9yjAXQ-00077-00050968-00051207 the resources of the poor sz__R9yjAXQ-00078-00051208-00051511 and at the end of it their own game will sz__R9yjAXQ-00079-00051512-00051750 come tumbling sz__R9yjAXQ-00080-00051751-00052054 just as much as humpty dumpty who sat on sz__R9yjAXQ-00081-00052055-00052175 a wall sz__R9yjAXQ-00082-00052176-00052423 and humpty dumpty had a great fall and sz__R9yjAXQ-00083-00052424-00052630 all the king's horses and all the king's sz__R9yjAXQ-00084-00052632-00052887 men couldn't put humpty dumpty together sz__R9yjAXQ-00085-00052888-00052975 again sz__R9yjAXQ-00086-00052976-00053207 now all the king's men are trying very sz__R9yjAXQ-00087-00053208-00053566 hard to give bailouts to banks sz__R9yjAXQ-00088-00053567-00054030 to general motors and it's not working sz__R9yjAXQ-00089-00054032-00054126 because sz__R9yjAXQ-00090-00054127-00054682 you cannot rebuild a fictitious world sz__R9yjAXQ-00091-00054683-00055038 another crisis of course sz__R9yjAXQ-00092-00055039-00055479 is the ecological crisis sz__R9yjAXQ-00093-00055479-00055879 also linked to two problems sz__R9yjAXQ-00094-00055879-00056079 that's intrinsic to the current way the sz__R9yjAXQ-00095-00056079-00056535 economy is organized sz__R9yjAXQ-00096-00056536-00056687 the first sz__R9yjAXQ-00097-00056688-00056879 is that sz__R9yjAXQ-00098-00056879-00057094 you basically have more finance than sz__R9yjAXQ-00099-00057095-00057335 resources in the world sz__R9yjAXQ-00100-00057336-00057607 and you are promoting more use of those sz__R9yjAXQ-00101-00057608-00057887 resources than the earth can sustain sz__R9yjAXQ-00102-00057888-00058150 so you will pump more carbon dioxide sz__R9yjAXQ-00103-00058151-00058326 into the air sz__R9yjAXQ-00104-00058327-00058559 and thank goodness there people like you sz__R9yjAXQ-00105-00058560-00058726 to create some sz__R9yjAXQ-00106-00058727-00058999 level of solution sz__R9yjAXQ-00107-00059000-00059319 but the second very very deep issue sz__R9yjAXQ-00108-00059320-00059582 is the separation sz__R9yjAXQ-00109-00059583-00059950 of the economy from ecology sz__R9yjAXQ-00110-00059951-00060263 both economy and ecology have the same sz__R9yjAXQ-00111-00060264-00060479 roots sz__R9yjAXQ-00112-00060479-00060694 and the roots are house sz__R9yjAXQ-00113-00060695-00060879 household sz__R9yjAXQ-00114-00060879-00061175 ecology is supposed to be the science of sz__R9yjAXQ-00115-00061176-00061391 the household sz__R9yjAXQ-00116-00061391-00061615 and economy is supposed to be the sz__R9yjAXQ-00117-00061616-00062047 management of the household sz__R9yjAXQ-00118-00062048-00062279 and right now the management has worked sz__R9yjAXQ-00119-00062279-00062654 against the science of the household sz__R9yjAXQ-00120-00062655-00062854 and it has worked against the sz__R9yjAXQ-00121-00062855-00063023 householders sz__R9yjAXQ-00122-00063024-00063247 its worst worked against those who have sz__R9yjAXQ-00123-00063248-00063423 cared sz__R9yjAXQ-00124-00063424-00063535 um sz__R9yjAXQ-00125-00063536-00063750 against the women against the small sz__R9yjAXQ-00126-00063751-00064079 peasant against the small producer sz__R9yjAXQ-00127-00064079-00064294 against the protectors as you said of sz__R9yjAXQ-00128-00064295-00064503 the soil and the seed and the water and sz__R9yjAXQ-00129-00064504-00064806 the egg sz__R9yjAXQ-00130-00064807-00065271 of course you have a food crisis sz__R9yjAXQ-00131-00065272-00065519 last year was the year the world woke up sz__R9yjAXQ-00132-00065520-00065863 to it with 40 countries having food sz__R9yjAXQ-00133-00065864-00066238 riots sz__R9yjAXQ-00134-00066239-00066494 and the food crisis has many faces one sz__R9yjAXQ-00135-00066495-00066903 face is the starving child sz__R9yjAXQ-00136-00066904-00067111 and africa sz__R9yjAXQ-00137-00067112-00067294 used to be the face of the starving sz__R9yjAXQ-00138-00067295-00067479 child sz__R9yjAXQ-00139-00067480-00067847 but within the last 15 years sz__R9yjAXQ-00140-00067848-00068159 of the globalized economy sz__R9yjAXQ-00141-00068160-00068335 india has become sz__R9yjAXQ-00142-00068336-00068543 the country with the largest number of sz__R9yjAXQ-00143-00068544-00068911 hungry children sz__R9yjAXQ-00144-00068912-00069159 a quarter of the world's hungry people sz__R9yjAXQ-00145-00069160-00069463 are now in india and we have in the sz__R9yjAXQ-00146-00069464-00069735 search for high economic growth we have sz__R9yjAXQ-00147-00069736-00069950 beaten africa sz__R9yjAXQ-00148-00069951-00070031 in sz__R9yjAXQ-00149-00070032-00070303 creating hunger sz__R9yjAXQ-00150-00070304-00070487 but there are other aspects to the food sz__R9yjAXQ-00151-00070488-00070687 crisis sz__R9yjAXQ-00152-00070688-00070863 i believe one of those aspects of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00153-00070864-00071023 food crisis sz__R9yjAXQ-00154-00071024-00071287 are the new diseases related sz__R9yjAXQ-00155-00071288-00071519 to industrial food sz__R9yjAXQ-00156-00071520-00071735 to eating things that were never meant sz__R9yjAXQ-00157-00071736-00072031 to be eaten sz__R9yjAXQ-00158-00072032-00072271 the global food industry sz__R9yjAXQ-00159-00072272-00072575 is making trillions sz__R9yjAXQ-00160-00072576-00072823 out of feeding us artificial foods sz__R9yjAXQ-00161-00072824-00073182 synthetic food false food sz__R9yjAXQ-00162-00073183-00073423 and creating the diseases sz__R9yjAXQ-00163-00073424-00073799 of obesity of diabetes of sz__R9yjAXQ-00164-00073800-00074182 in children attention deficit disorder sz__R9yjAXQ-00165-00074183-00074399 you look at all the diseases of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00166-00074400-00074647 world that are called lifestyle diseases sz__R9yjAXQ-00167-00074648-00074799 they are actually they should be called sz__R9yjAXQ-00168-00074800-00075062 food industry diseases sz__R9yjAXQ-00169-00075063-00075215 they've been created by the food sz__R9yjAXQ-00170-00075216-00075420 industry sz__R9yjAXQ-00171-00075421-00075887 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00172-00075888-00076119 i also see the monopoly on the food sz__R9yjAXQ-00173-00076120-00076449 supply as part of the food crisis sz__R9yjAXQ-00174-00076450-00076694 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00175-00076695-00076950 if five companies of the world control sz__R9yjAXQ-00176-00076951-00077206 the seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00177-00077207-00077455 and if five companies control the trade sz__R9yjAXQ-00178-00077456-00077735 in food sz__R9yjAXQ-00179-00077736-00078023 and five country companies control the sz__R9yjAXQ-00180-00078024-00078294 processing of food sz__R9yjAXQ-00181-00078295-00078511 that is not democracy because every one sz__R9yjAXQ-00182-00078512-00078858 of us is capable of producing food sz__R9yjAXQ-00183-00078859-00078999 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00184-00079000-00079215 every one of us is capable of processing sz__R9yjAXQ-00185-00079216-00079311 food sz__R9yjAXQ-00186-00079312-00079631 you don't need a nestle sz__R9yjAXQ-00187-00079632-00079869 to give us our daily noodles sz__R9yjAXQ-00188-00079870-00080159 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00189-00080160-00080375 and i get depressed when i come to sz__R9yjAXQ-00190-00080376-00080599 europe and no matter where i am there's sz__R9yjAXQ-00191-00080600-00080799 only sz__R9yjAXQ-00192-00080800-00081103 how do you pronounce it sz__R9yjAXQ-00193-00081104-00081438 with synthetic yogurt sz__R9yjAXQ-00194-00081439-00081623 you know we set yogurt in our kitchens sz__R9yjAXQ-00195-00081624-00081871 every day sz__R9yjAXQ-00196-00081872-00082191 it's totally doable sz__R9yjAXQ-00197-00082192-00082415 i even used to make my own yogurt when i sz__R9yjAXQ-00198-00082416-00082703 studied in north america sz__R9yjAXQ-00199-00082704-00082959 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00200-00082960-00083159 you don't need a company as big as sz__R9yjAXQ-00201-00083160-00083703 danone to make your daily yogurt sz__R9yjAXQ-00202-00083704-00083903 you don't need a company like monsanto sz__R9yjAXQ-00203-00083904-00084279 to provide seeds to the world sz__R9yjAXQ-00204-00084280-00084718 in any case they're not improving seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00205-00084719-00085087 they're destroying seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00206-00085088-00085438 this the word for seed in india sz__R9yjAXQ-00207-00085439-00085718 is bija sz__R9yjAXQ-00208-00085719-00086071 bija means that from which life arises sz__R9yjAXQ-00209-00086072-00086623 and renews itself forever on its own sz__R9yjAXQ-00210-00086624-00086791 you have a seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00211-00086792-00087062 you saw it next year and for thousands sz__R9yjAXQ-00212-00087063-00087326 of years that same seed can give you sz__R9yjAXQ-00213-00087327-00087879 food sz__R9yjAXQ-00214-00087880-00088423 that's how farmers have bred their seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00215-00088424-00088647 when when we sow the seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00216-00088648-00088982 we have so many ceremonies sz__R9yjAXQ-00217-00088983-00089271 and a common prayer across india that sz__R9yjAXQ-00218-00089272-00089503 peasants will say sz__R9yjAXQ-00219-00089504-00089591 is sz__R9yjAXQ-00220-00089592-00090003 may the seed be exhaustless sz__R9yjAXQ-00221-00090004-00090447 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00222-00090448-00090823 let it constantly renew itself sz__R9yjAXQ-00223-00090824-00091062 now the giant companies found that a sz__R9yjAXQ-00224-00091063-00091535 problem sz__R9yjAXQ-00225-00091536-00091750 the renewal of seed is the renewal of sz__R9yjAXQ-00226-00091751-00091982 life sz__R9yjAXQ-00227-00091983-00092182 and therefore they had to stop seed from sz__R9yjAXQ-00228-00092183-00092494 renewing itself sz__R9yjAXQ-00229-00092495-00092687 and the three instruments they created sz__R9yjAXQ-00230-00092688-00092799 to do that sz__R9yjAXQ-00231-00092800-00093062 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00232-00093063-00093247 the first instrument sz__R9yjAXQ-00233-00093248-00093494 was legal sz__R9yjAXQ-00234-00093495-00093855 and that is called patenting sz__R9yjAXQ-00235-00093856-00094023 if you have a patent on something you sz__R9yjAXQ-00236-00094024-00094287 can prevent anyone else from having that sz__R9yjAXQ-00237-00094288-00094606 patented product sz__R9yjAXQ-00238-00094607-00094950 but seed is not an invention sz__R9yjAXQ-00239-00094951-00095135 and a patent on seed is totally sz__R9yjAXQ-00240-00095136-00095455 illegitimate sz__R9yjAXQ-00241-00095456-00095791 seed has been created by evolution and sz__R9yjAXQ-00242-00095792-00096231 improved by farmers sz__R9yjAXQ-00243-00096232-00096655 it is the common heritage of communities sz__R9yjAXQ-00244-00096656-00097103 countries and humanity sz__R9yjAXQ-00245-00097104-00097231 the second sz__R9yjAXQ-00246-00097232-00097406 way in which seed has been made sz__R9yjAXQ-00247-00097407-00097655 non-renewable sz__R9yjAXQ-00248-00097656-00098006 is biological sz__R9yjAXQ-00249-00098007-00098118 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00250-00098119-00098262 and for this sz__R9yjAXQ-00251-00098263-00098462 mainly the hybrid seeds are created sz__R9yjAXQ-00252-00098463-00098718 which do not breed true so farmers must sz__R9yjAXQ-00253-00098719-00099255 go buy seed every year sz__R9yjAXQ-00254-00099256-00099431 but the worst is sz__R9yjAXQ-00255-00099432-00099959 genetically engineered terminator seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00256-00099960-00100126 designed to sz__R9yjAXQ-00257-00100127-00100526 create sterile seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00258-00100527-00100750 at the time when the embryo in the seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00259-00100751-00101062 is forming sz__R9yjAXQ-00260-00101063-00101350 the genetic engineering releases a sz__R9yjAXQ-00261-00101351-00101759 lethal toxin that kills the embryo sz__R9yjAXQ-00262-00101760-00102006 so a farmer can grow a crop and never sz__R9yjAXQ-00263-00102007-00102671 sow that crop again for next year's seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00264-00102672-00102871 i personally believe sz__R9yjAXQ-00265-00102872-00103254 this is a crime against nature sz__R9yjAXQ-00266-00103255-00103615 it's a crime against farmers sz__R9yjAXQ-00267-00103616-00103894 we are at bioterra and most of you who sz__R9yjAXQ-00268-00103895-00104110 are aware of good eating sz__R9yjAXQ-00269-00104111-00104302 know that germinated food is very sz__R9yjAXQ-00270-00104303-00104502 healthy sz__R9yjAXQ-00271-00104503-00104830 can you imagine the value of food if it sz__R9yjAXQ-00272-00104831-00105199 cannot germinate sz__R9yjAXQ-00273-00105200-00105399 if you can take alpha alpha and it'll sz__R9yjAXQ-00274-00105400-00105663 never germinate you can take moong dal sz__R9yjAXQ-00275-00105664-00105934 and it'll never germinate sz__R9yjAXQ-00276-00105935-00106751 food if seed is dead food is dead sz__R9yjAXQ-00277-00106752-00106878 and of course sz__R9yjAXQ-00278-00106879-00107207 an economy that has given us sz__R9yjAXQ-00279-00107208-00107334 so much sz__R9yjAXQ-00280-00107335-00107766 violence against nature sz__R9yjAXQ-00281-00107767-00108343 and so much violence against people sz__R9yjAXQ-00282-00108344-00108558 will create a political crisis it will sz__R9yjAXQ-00283-00108559-00108719 create an economic sz__R9yjAXQ-00284-00108720-00108878 a social crisis it will create a sz__R9yjAXQ-00285-00108879-00109215 cultural crisis sz__R9yjAXQ-00286-00109216-00109486 the political crisis is quite evident i sz__R9yjAXQ-00287-00109488-00110166 know today is european elections sz__R9yjAXQ-00288-00110167-00110390 and i was reading in the newspaper on my sz__R9yjAXQ-00289-00110391-00110702 travel over yesterday sz__R9yjAXQ-00290-00110703-00110878 that um sz__R9yjAXQ-00291-00110879-00111127 20 years ago two-thirds of europe used sz__R9yjAXQ-00292-00111128-00111366 to vote for european elections sz__R9yjAXQ-00293-00111367-00111543 and this election only one-third of sz__R9yjAXQ-00294-00111544-00111815 europeans will vote sz__R9yjAXQ-00295-00111816-00111983 which means people will get elected sz__R9yjAXQ-00296-00111983-00112534 without real representation sz__R9yjAXQ-00297-00112535-00112775 in india we've had new elections we've sz__R9yjAXQ-00298-00112776-00113023 had the government brought back to power sz__R9yjAXQ-00299-00113024-00113615 on the basis of 15 percent vote sz__R9yjAXQ-00300-00113616-00113839 so we have a huge sz__R9yjAXQ-00301-00113840-00114047 political crisis that representative sz__R9yjAXQ-00302-00114048-00114231 democracy sz__R9yjAXQ-00303-00114232-00114686 has stopped being representative sz__R9yjAXQ-00304-00114688-00115134 it has stopped being democratic sz__R9yjAXQ-00305-00115135-00115334 it has stopped being democratic because sz__R9yjAXQ-00306-00115335-00115663 instead of being by the people sz__R9yjAXQ-00307-00115664-00115839 of the people sz__R9yjAXQ-00308-00115840-00116071 for the people sz__R9yjAXQ-00309-00116072-00116351 it has become by the corporations of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00310-00116352-00116702 corporations for the corporations sz__R9yjAXQ-00311-00116703-00117063 and quite clearly just as the financial sz__R9yjAXQ-00312-00117064-00117358 bubble burst this political bubble will sz__R9yjAXQ-00313-00117359-00117831 burst in the next few years sz__R9yjAXQ-00314-00117832-00118015 and we as citizens need to be fully sz__R9yjAXQ-00315-00118016-00118127 aware sz__R9yjAXQ-00316-00118128-00118415 that we have to be already sz__R9yjAXQ-00317-00118416-00118663 sowing the seeds of another way of sz__R9yjAXQ-00318-00118664-00118983 organizing ourselves politically sz__R9yjAXQ-00319-00118983-00119086 so that sz__R9yjAXQ-00320-00119088-00119407 the decisions that we want made sz__R9yjAXQ-00321-00119408-00119527 have a way of sz__R9yjAXQ-00322-00119528-00119854 coming into being sz__R9yjAXQ-00323-00119855-00120086 there's a social crisis related to this sz__R9yjAXQ-00324-00120088-00120527 in disenchantment sz__R9yjAXQ-00325-00120528-00120983 there's a cultural crisis related to it sz__R9yjAXQ-00326-00120983-00121158 and very often the sz__R9yjAXQ-00327-00121159-00121358 growth of terrorism sz__R9yjAXQ-00328-00121359-00121543 of extremism sz__R9yjAXQ-00329-00121544-00121886 of religious fundamentalism sz__R9yjAXQ-00330-00121888-00122278 are treated as disconnected from all sz__R9yjAXQ-00331-00122279-00122702 these processes sz__R9yjAXQ-00332-00122703-00123263 but they have a very deep connection sz__R9yjAXQ-00333-00123264-00123734 in 1984 i wrote a book sz__R9yjAXQ-00334-00123735-00124031 that connected the violence of punjab sz__R9yjAXQ-00335-00124032-00124439 that killed 30 000 people sz__R9yjAXQ-00336-00124440-00124751 to the green revolution sz__R9yjAXQ-00337-00124752-00124983 now all the popular narrative was this sz__R9yjAXQ-00338-00124983-00125478 was about religious conflict sz__R9yjAXQ-00339-00125479-00125623 there was no religious conflict in sz__R9yjAXQ-00340-00125624-00125895 punjab sz__R9yjAXQ-00341-00125896-00126110 but there was a conflict over rivers sz__R9yjAXQ-00342-00126111-00126366 there was a conflict over the price of sz__R9yjAXQ-00343-00126367-00126495 grain sz__R9yjAXQ-00344-00126496-00126686 there was a conflict over the dying sz__R9yjAXQ-00345-00126688-00126843 soils sz__R9yjAXQ-00346-00126844-00127071 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00347-00127072-00127151 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00348-00127152-00127471 basically what's emerged as religious sz__R9yjAXQ-00349-00127472-00127654 what emerged as extremism was the sz__R9yjAXQ-00350-00127655-00128095 discontent really of the farmers sz__R9yjAXQ-00351-00128096-00128495 and it was mutated into a religious sz__R9yjAXQ-00352-00128496-00128719 conflict sz__R9yjAXQ-00353-00128720-00128934 if you look around the world so much of sz__R9yjAXQ-00354-00128935-00129143 what is today called conflict between sz__R9yjAXQ-00355-00129144-00129399 cultures sz__R9yjAXQ-00356-00129400-00129654 which samuel huntington famously called sz__R9yjAXQ-00357-00129655-00130151 the clash of civilizations sz__R9yjAXQ-00358-00130152-00130286 is actually sz__R9yjAXQ-00359-00130288-00130647 conflicts over resources conflicts over sz__R9yjAXQ-00360-00130648-00130814 development models sz__R9yjAXQ-00361-00130815-00131007 conflicts over sz__R9yjAXQ-00362-00131008-00131214 having your fair share sz__R9yjAXQ-00363-00131215-00131543 in production sz__R9yjAXQ-00364-00131544-00131799 even therefore is not about christians sz__R9yjAXQ-00365-00131800-00132031 and muslims sz__R9yjAXQ-00366-00132032-00132223 it's about declining resources and a sz__R9yjAXQ-00367-00132224-00132566 destroyed agriculture sz__R9yjAXQ-00368-00132567-00132823 and if we do not take care then every sz__R9yjAXQ-00369-00132824-00133095 area of the world will sz__R9yjAXQ-00370-00133096-00133335 you know become like we have watched the sz__R9yjAXQ-00371-00133336-00133495 swath valley sz__R9yjAXQ-00372-00133496-00133719 in pakistan sz__R9yjAXQ-00373-00133720-00134063 or the tamil tigers of sri lanka sz__R9yjAXQ-00374-00134064-00134319 or even the rwandan genocide had its sz__R9yjAXQ-00375-00134320-00134414 roots sz__R9yjAXQ-00376-00134415-00134895 in economic systems sz__R9yjAXQ-00377-00134896-00135190 and all these crises that seem to be sz__R9yjAXQ-00378-00135191-00135766 different crises have one route sz__R9yjAXQ-00379-00135767-00136014 and that common route is that we are now sz__R9yjAXQ-00380-00136015-00136287 living on the planet as if we were not sz__R9yjAXQ-00381-00136288-00136623 part of the biosphere sz__R9yjAXQ-00382-00136624-00137119 as if we are not part of an earth family sz__R9yjAXQ-00383-00137120-00137383 and that's why we must move beyond sz__R9yjAXQ-00384-00137384-00137775 failed economies failed politics fails sz__R9yjAXQ-00385-00137776-00137990 social cultural models sz__R9yjAXQ-00386-00137991-00138063 to sz__R9yjAXQ-00387-00138064-00138407 living systems sz__R9yjAXQ-00388-00138408-00138678 the globalization model that till last sz__R9yjAXQ-00389-00138679-00138839 year sz__R9yjAXQ-00390-00138840-00139111 was presented to us as sz__R9yjAXQ-00391-00139112-00139575 something which had no alternative sz__R9yjAXQ-00392-00139576-00139863 tony blair had said it sz__R9yjAXQ-00393-00139864-00140039 bill clinton had said it they had said sz__R9yjAXQ-00394-00140040-00140390 there is no alternative to globalization sz__R9yjAXQ-00395-00140391-00140719 this is the only system sz__R9yjAXQ-00396-00140720-00140983 and we'd had a brilliant american who sz__R9yjAXQ-00397-00140984-00141151 even wrote a book called the end of sz__R9yjAXQ-00398-00141152-00141281 history sz__R9yjAXQ-00399-00141282-00141551 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00400-00141552-00141790 after 1989 when the berlin wall sz__R9yjAXQ-00401-00141791-00141983 collapsed he said now there's an end to sz__R9yjAXQ-00402-00141984-00142278 history from now onwards markets will sz__R9yjAXQ-00403-00142279-00142543 rule sz__R9yjAXQ-00404-00142544-00142695 well the markets aren't able to hold sz__R9yjAXQ-00405-00142696-00143095 themselves up anymore how can they rule sz__R9yjAXQ-00406-00143096-00143319 but the global markets sz__R9yjAXQ-00407-00143320-00143487 that was packaged into the word sz__R9yjAXQ-00408-00143488-00143807 globalization sz__R9yjAXQ-00409-00143808-00144239 made a lot number of shifts sz__R9yjAXQ-00410-00144240-00144551 the first shift was it shifted us from sz__R9yjAXQ-00411-00144552-00144814 being members of the earth community sz__R9yjAXQ-00412-00144815-00144999 to being shoppers in a global sz__R9yjAXQ-00413-00145000-00145711 supermarket sz__R9yjAXQ-00414-00145712-00146075 it transformed ecosystems species sz__R9yjAXQ-00415-00146076-00146271 biodiversity sz__R9yjAXQ-00416-00146272-00146526 into being mere commodities to be bought sz__R9yjAXQ-00417-00146527-00146919 and sold and traded sz__R9yjAXQ-00418-00146920-00147271 it transformed what was common sz__R9yjAXQ-00419-00147272-00147390 to all sz__R9yjAXQ-00420-00147391-00147535 life sz__R9yjAXQ-00421-00147536-00148023 the air the water the biodiversity sz__R9yjAXQ-00422-00148024-00148287 into private property sz__R9yjAXQ-00423-00148288-00148495 and for this they even crafted an sz__R9yjAXQ-00424-00148496-00148823 international agreement sz__R9yjAXQ-00425-00148824-00149087 which has a very big complicated name sz__R9yjAXQ-00426-00149088-00149166 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00427-00149167-00149390 you know every time something is devious sz__R9yjAXQ-00428-00149391-00149535 is done they need to create very sz__R9yjAXQ-00429-00149536-00150143 complicated names sz__R9yjAXQ-00430-00150144-00150343 the name of this treaty which is meant sz__R9yjAXQ-00431-00150344-00150695 to privately own life on earth is called sz__R9yjAXQ-00432-00150696-00151135 the trade related intellectual property sz__R9yjAXQ-00433-00151136-00151447 rights agreement of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00434-00151448-00152199 world trade organization sz__R9yjAXQ-00435-00152200-00152390 they should have written one line the sz__R9yjAXQ-00436-00152391-00152671 treaty to allow monsanto to own life on sz__R9yjAXQ-00437-00152672-00153159 earth sz__R9yjAXQ-00438-00153160-00153478 because monsanto has gone on record sz__R9yjAXQ-00439-00153479-00153735 to say in writing this agreement they sz__R9yjAXQ-00440-00153736-00153919 were the patient sz__R9yjAXQ-00441-00153920-00154126 the diagnostician sz__R9yjAXQ-00442-00154127-00154759 and the fi and the physician all in one sz__R9yjAXQ-00443-00154760-00154847 they sz__R9yjAXQ-00444-00154848-00155054 identified the problem sz__R9yjAXQ-00445-00155055-00155231 and the problem was that farmers save sz__R9yjAXQ-00446-00155232-00155575 seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00447-00155576-00155831 and they found a solution sz__R9yjAXQ-00448-00155832-00156039 and the solution was that farmers should sz__R9yjAXQ-00449-00156040-00156566 be made criminals for saving seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00450-00156567-00156775 but that is criminalizing our highest sz__R9yjAXQ-00451-00156776-00157247 duty to the earth sz__R9yjAXQ-00452-00157248-00157454 and it's criminalizing our highest duty sz__R9yjAXQ-00453-00157455-00157926 to future generations sz__R9yjAXQ-00454-00157927-00158190 because every society has said you must sz__R9yjAXQ-00455-00158191-00158335 save seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00456-00158336-00158614 to allow seed to be destroyed sz__R9yjAXQ-00457-00158615-00159047 is equal to genocide sz__R9yjAXQ-00458-00159048-00159247 in the mountain areas in the himalaya sz__R9yjAXQ-00459-00159248-00159639 where i come from sz__R9yjAXQ-00460-00159640-00160087 you know in the 19th century the british sz__R9yjAXQ-00461-00160088-00160319 had been involved in a battle in that sz__R9yjAXQ-00462-00160320-00160623 area sz__R9yjAXQ-00463-00160624-00160887 and they found that people had died of sz__R9yjAXQ-00464-00160888-00161126 hunger but they had not touched the seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00465-00161127-00161254 baskets sz__R9yjAXQ-00466-00161255-00161502 the seed baskets were full sz__R9yjAXQ-00467-00161503-00161966 but people had died of hunger sz__R9yjAXQ-00468-00161967-00162159 because for the future they had to leave sz__R9yjAXQ-00469-00162160-00162463 the seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00470-00162464-00162759 and that is why when i first came across sz__R9yjAXQ-00471-00162760-00162935 this agreement sz__R9yjAXQ-00472-00162936-00163159 of seed patenting sz__R9yjAXQ-00473-00163160-00163526 in 1987 sz__R9yjAXQ-00474-00163527-00163743 that's when i decided i would start sz__R9yjAXQ-00475-00163744-00163883 saving sz__R9yjAXQ-00476-00163884-00164238 seeds and i would fight every law that sz__R9yjAXQ-00477-00164239-00164654 makes it illegal to save seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00478-00164655-00164878 and as you mentioned i have drawn a lot sz__R9yjAXQ-00479-00164879-00165295 of inspiration from gandhi sz__R9yjAXQ-00480-00165296-00165631 both in saving seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00481-00165632-00165807 because you know when the british ruled sz__R9yjAXQ-00482-00165808-00165911 us sz__R9yjAXQ-00483-00165912-00166207 and they were refusing to go sz__R9yjAXQ-00484-00166208-00166375 gandhi pulled out a little spinning sz__R9yjAXQ-00485-00166376-00166575 wheel sz__R9yjAXQ-00486-00166576-00167238 and he asked every indian to spin sz__R9yjAXQ-00487-00167239-00167407 and when people said how do you think sz__R9yjAXQ-00488-00167408-00167614 you can deal with the cannonballs of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00489-00167615-00167783 empire sz__R9yjAXQ-00490-00167784-00168014 through little pieces of wood sz__R9yjAXQ-00491-00168015-00168247 held together sz__R9yjAXQ-00492-00168248-00168454 and he said it's precisely because the sz__R9yjAXQ-00493-00168455-00168766 spinning wheel is so small sz__R9yjAXQ-00494-00168767-00168951 that it can be in the hands of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00495-00168952-00169143 poorest woman sz__R9yjAXQ-00496-00169144-00169526 and be operated in the smallest hut sz__R9yjAXQ-00497-00169527-00169726 that is why it is powerful because sz__R9yjAXQ-00498-00169727-00170231 millions can participate in freedom sz__R9yjAXQ-00499-00170232-00170478 and i took inspiration from that and sz__R9yjAXQ-00500-00170479-00170647 made the seed the spinning wheel of sz__R9yjAXQ-00501-00170648-00171047 today sz__R9yjAXQ-00502-00171048-00171263 that to the extent we have our seed we sz__R9yjAXQ-00503-00171264-00171407 save our seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00504-00171408-00171583 to that extent sz__R9yjAXQ-00505-00171584-00172031 we can say no to the monsanto empire sz__R9yjAXQ-00506-00172032-00172399 of patents on life gmos sz__R9yjAXQ-00507-00172400-00172838 and the criminalization of farmers sz__R9yjAXQ-00508-00172839-00173087 the second inspiration we have taken sz__R9yjAXQ-00509-00173088-00173295 from gandhi sz__R9yjAXQ-00510-00173296-00173638 is the inspiration to be able to say no sz__R9yjAXQ-00511-00173639-00174166 to unjust law sz__R9yjAXQ-00512-00174167-00174414 it's a hundred years this year when sz__R9yjAXQ-00513-00174415-00174711 gandhi first practiced what he called sz__R9yjAXQ-00514-00174712-00175063 the fight for truth satya grey sz__R9yjAXQ-00515-00175064-00175719 satya sz__R9yjAXQ-00516-00175720-00176054 fighting against false law unjust law sz__R9yjAXQ-00517-00176055-00176214 according to him sz__R9yjAXQ-00518-00176215-00176687 was an ethical duty sz__R9yjAXQ-00519-00176688-00176943 and in south africa he fought against sz__R9yjAXQ-00520-00176944-00177135 apartheid sz__R9yjAXQ-00521-00177136-00177423 based on race sz__R9yjAXQ-00522-00177424-00177678 he and other indians sz__R9yjAXQ-00523-00177679-00177975 refused to wear the identity tags sz__R9yjAXQ-00524-00177976-00178143 according to race sz__R9yjAXQ-00525-00178144-00178366 they said we are one people sz__R9yjAXQ-00526-00178367-00178751 we will not be divided according to race sz__R9yjAXQ-00527-00178752-00179038 and then when he came back to india sz__R9yjAXQ-00528-00179039-00179438 to fight for india's freedom sz__R9yjAXQ-00529-00179439-00179695 he practiced many sz__R9yjAXQ-00530-00179696-00179847 satyagrahas sz__R9yjAXQ-00531-00179848-00180254 two of the most powerful sz__R9yjAXQ-00532-00180255-00180359 were sz__R9yjAXQ-00533-00180360-00180583 one was sz__R9yjAXQ-00534-00180584-00180766 when the british used to force us to sz__R9yjAXQ-00535-00180767-00181102 grow indigo for die sz__R9yjAXQ-00536-00181103-00181359 and the farmers presents who grew it sz__R9yjAXQ-00537-00181360-00181495 were starving sz__R9yjAXQ-00538-00181496-00181711 they were not allowed to grow food every sz__R9yjAXQ-00539-00181712-00182102 inch had to grow indigo sz__R9yjAXQ-00540-00182103-00182351 and gandhi started a non-cooperation and sz__R9yjAXQ-00541-00182352-00182463 said sz__R9yjAXQ-00542-00182464-00182654 we will no more grow indigo we will grow sz__R9yjAXQ-00543-00182655-00183007 our own food sz__R9yjAXQ-00544-00183008-00183302 another you might be much more popular sz__R9yjAXQ-00545-00183303-00183566 much more aware of was the salt sz__R9yjAXQ-00546-00183567-00183863 satyagraha sz__R9yjAXQ-00547-00183864-00184054 when the british to make more money to sz__R9yjAXQ-00548-00184055-00184326 buy more weapons to shoot more indians sz__R9yjAXQ-00549-00184327-00184863 said we will monopolize the salt sz__R9yjAXQ-00550-00184864-00185047 and in the tropics you need a lot of sz__R9yjAXQ-00551-00185048-00185207 salt because sz__R9yjAXQ-00552-00185208-00185463 you lose a lot of salt sz__R9yjAXQ-00553-00185464-00185807 so salt is vital to our life sz__R9yjAXQ-00554-00185808-00186071 and when the british made the salt laws sz__R9yjAXQ-00555-00186072-00186366 gandhi walk to the beach sz__R9yjAXQ-00556-00186367-00186663 picked up the salt and on the sea sz__R9yjAXQ-00557-00186664-00186775 and said sz__R9yjAXQ-00558-00186776-00187014 nature gives it for free sz__R9yjAXQ-00559-00187015-00187431 we need it for our survival sz__R9yjAXQ-00560-00187432-00187735 we will continue to make our salt we are sz__R9yjAXQ-00561-00187736-00188199 forced to disobey your salt laws sz__R9yjAXQ-00562-00188200-00188414 and we've taken inspiration from that to sz__R9yjAXQ-00563-00188415-00188559 do what we call sz__R9yjAXQ-00564-00188560-00189119 beej satyagraha the seed satyagraha sz__R9yjAXQ-00565-00189120-00189335 every time the government tries to bring sz__R9yjAXQ-00566-00189336-00189454 a law sz__R9yjAXQ-00567-00189455-00189663 that makes it illegal for farmers to sz__R9yjAXQ-00568-00189664-00189966 save seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00569-00189967-00190126 we mobilize sz__R9yjAXQ-00570-00190127-00190390 across the country sz__R9yjAXQ-00571-00190391-00190735 and tell the government that just like sz__R9yjAXQ-00572-00190736-00190975 gandhi said sz__R9yjAXQ-00573-00190976-00191207 salt is our birthright sz__R9yjAXQ-00574-00191208-00191438 seed is our birthright sz__R9yjAXQ-00575-00191439-00191647 and we will continue to save our seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00576-00191648-00191831 and share our seeds and we will never sz__R9yjAXQ-00577-00191832-00192031 allow this to be turned into a criminal sz__R9yjAXQ-00578-00192032-00192278 act and i'm happy to say three times sz__R9yjAXQ-00579-00192279-00192590 over we have blocked government laws sz__R9yjAXQ-00580-00192591-00192766 that would have made it illegal for sz__R9yjAXQ-00581-00192767-00193054 farmers to have their own seat sz__R9yjAXQ-00582-00193055-00193319 and we'll continue to do this sz__R9yjAXQ-00583-00193320-00193647 as long as it is required sz__R9yjAXQ-00584-00193648-00193831 i hope it will not be required for too sz__R9yjAXQ-00585-00193832-00194038 long sz__R9yjAXQ-00586-00194039-00194247 and that it will be recognized that the sz__R9yjAXQ-00587-00194248-00194390 crime sz__R9yjAXQ-00588-00194391-00194838 is not of the farmer who saves seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00589-00194839-00195038 the crime is of the corporations with sz__R9yjAXQ-00590-00195039-00195519 exterminate seed and the farmer too sz__R9yjAXQ-00591-00195520-00195814 because seed monopolies sz__R9yjAXQ-00592-00195815-00196087 you know might not show too much sz__R9yjAXQ-00593-00196088-00196414 at the level of the consumer sz__R9yjAXQ-00594-00196415-00196526 though if sz__R9yjAXQ-00595-00196527-00196695 if you're sensitive to taste you'll sz__R9yjAXQ-00596-00196696-00196887 realize then sz__R9yjAXQ-00597-00196888-00197031 you know sz__R9yjAXQ-00598-00197032-00197231 the corn doesn't taste like the corn sz__R9yjAXQ-00599-00197232-00197407 used to taste sz__R9yjAXQ-00600-00197408-00197566 and the bread isn't the same as the sz__R9yjAXQ-00601-00197567-00197814 bread used to be sz__R9yjAXQ-00602-00197815-00197999 and definitely sz__R9yjAXQ-00603-00198000-00198143 that soya sz__R9yjAXQ-00604-00198144-00198487 gmo soya cannot be sz__R9yjAXQ-00605-00198488-00199031 like the non-gmo soya sz__R9yjAXQ-00606-00199032-00199231 for the farmer sz__R9yjAXQ-00607-00199232-00199543 the monopoly on seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00608-00199544-00200087 has literally meant a genocide sz__R9yjAXQ-00609-00200088-00200519 monsanto came into india in 1997 sz__R9yjAXQ-00610-00200520-00200687 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00611-00200688-00200911 in the first year of their selling seeds sz__R9yjAXQ-00612-00200912-00201295 that could not reproduce sz__R9yjAXQ-00613-00201296-00201807 farmers suicide started sz__R9yjAXQ-00614-00201808-00201990 since then sz__R9yjAXQ-00615-00201991-00202199 we have as a movement sz__R9yjAXQ-00616-00202200-00202719 monitored these suicides sz__R9yjAXQ-00617-00202720-00202926 and according to the government's data sz__R9yjAXQ-00618-00202927-00203295 not just us sz__R9yjAXQ-00619-00203296-00203559 since 97 there have been sz__R9yjAXQ-00620-00203560-00204119 200 000 farmers suicides sz__R9yjAXQ-00621-00204120-00204302 now every farmer who's committing sz__R9yjAXQ-00622-00204303-00204559 suicide sz__R9yjAXQ-00623-00204560-00205062 is leaving behind a widow and children sz__R9yjAXQ-00624-00205063-00205223 and every farmer who's committing sz__R9yjAXQ-00625-00205223-00205423 suicide sz__R9yjAXQ-00626-00205423-00205694 is the most distressed face of a farming sz__R9yjAXQ-00627-00205696-00206190 community that is in despair sz__R9yjAXQ-00628-00206191-00206438 and across the world farming communities sz__R9yjAXQ-00629-00206439-00206782 are in despair sz__R9yjAXQ-00630-00206783-00206942 because we have sz__R9yjAXQ-00631-00206944-00207406 a suicidal economy in place sz__R9yjAXQ-00632-00207407-00207846 it's a suicidal economy which sz__R9yjAXQ-00633-00207848-00208103 makes the farmer spend more than the sz__R9yjAXQ-00634-00208104-00208503 farmer can ever earn sz__R9yjAXQ-00635-00208504-00208919 in india in the cotton area sz__R9yjAXQ-00636-00208919-00209134 the costs of production have gone up 10 sz__R9yjAXQ-00637-00209135-00209275 times sz__R9yjAXQ-00638-00209276-00209455 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00639-00209456-00209558 and the sz__R9yjAXQ-00640-00209559-00209742 earnings of the farmers have dropped to sz__R9yjAXQ-00641-00209744-00210023 one third sz__R9yjAXQ-00642-00210023-00210223 but it would be the same for a sheep sz__R9yjAXQ-00643-00210223-00210439 farmer in the basque country sz__R9yjAXQ-00644-00210440-00210687 it would be the same for a farmer sz__R9yjAXQ-00645-00210688-00210903 anywhere in europe sz__R9yjAXQ-00646-00210904-00211079 anywhere in america sz__R9yjAXQ-00647-00211080-00211223 that the costs of production are sz__R9yjAXQ-00648-00211223-00211463 shooting up sz__R9yjAXQ-00649-00211464-00211934 the earnings of the farmers are dropping sz__R9yjAXQ-00650-00211935-00212182 and the farmers always made to sz__R9yjAXQ-00651-00212183-00212423 feel it's their inadequacy sz__R9yjAXQ-00652-00212423-00212631 that it was their fault that they could sz__R9yjAXQ-00653-00212632-00213087 not be competitive as as it said sz__R9yjAXQ-00654-00213088-00213319 but the system is designed to destroy sz__R9yjAXQ-00655-00213319-00213719 small farmers sz__R9yjAXQ-00656-00213719-00213951 and without small farmers we cannot sz__R9yjAXQ-00657-00213952-00214351 conserve sz__R9yjAXQ-00658-00214352-00214551 for me a small farmer is not just a sz__R9yjAXQ-00659-00214552-00214839 producer of food sz__R9yjAXQ-00660-00214840-00215303 the small farmer is the keeper of seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00661-00215304-00215510 the small farmer is the conservative sz__R9yjAXQ-00662-00215511-00215798 water sz__R9yjAXQ-00663-00215800-00216031 small farmer who's doing ecological sz__R9yjAXQ-00664-00216032-00216687 agriculture is a builder of soil sz__R9yjAXQ-00665-00216688-00216855 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00666-00216856-00217191 i would say that the small farmers who sz__R9yjAXQ-00667-00217192-00217431 are organic and biological sz__R9yjAXQ-00668-00217432-00217710 are today the biggest hope for solving sz__R9yjAXQ-00669-00217711-00218087 the climate problem sz__R9yjAXQ-00670-00218088-00218479 i have recently written a book sz__R9yjAXQ-00671-00218480-00218903 called soil not oil sz__R9yjAXQ-00672-00218904-00219087 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00673-00219088-00219423 while writing the book sz__R9yjAXQ-00674-00219423-00219663 my research showed that at least 40 sz__R9yjAXQ-00675-00219664-00219879 percent sz__R9yjAXQ-00676-00219880-00220334 of the problem of greenhouse gases sz__R9yjAXQ-00677-00220335-00220615 is related to industrial globalized sz__R9yjAXQ-00678-00220616-00220877 systems of food production sz__R9yjAXQ-00679-00220878-00221071 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00680-00221071-00221319 when you pump synthetic fertilizers into sz__R9yjAXQ-00681-00221319-00221598 the soil you pump nitrogen oxides into sz__R9yjAXQ-00682-00221600-00221998 the air sz__R9yjAXQ-00683-00222000-00222275 and nitrogen oxide is sz__R9yjAXQ-00684-00222276-00222567 300 times more destructive of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00685-00222567-00223094 climate than even carbon dioxide sz__R9yjAXQ-00686-00223096-00223455 every time you imprison animals sz__R9yjAXQ-00687-00223456-00223703 into factory farms sz__R9yjAXQ-00688-00223704-00223991 of the kind that led to the swine flu sz__R9yjAXQ-00689-00223992-00224134 from mexico sz__R9yjAXQ-00690-00224135-00224623 the smithfield plant sz__R9yjAXQ-00691-00224623-00224863 those factory farms are major sources of sz__R9yjAXQ-00692-00224864-00225319 methane sz__R9yjAXQ-00693-00225319-00225631 you can't live next to a factory farm sz__R9yjAXQ-00694-00225632-00225927 it's impossible stink is so bad sz__R9yjAXQ-00695-00225928-00226303 and that's thing comes from meeting sz__R9yjAXQ-00696-00226304-00226551 and of course with all the packaging and sz__R9yjAXQ-00697-00226552-00226775 all the transport sz__R9yjAXQ-00698-00226776-00226991 you are adding a lot of carbon dioxide sz__R9yjAXQ-00699-00226992-00227494 to the air by the use of fossil fuels sz__R9yjAXQ-00700-00227496-00227846 the danish government a few years ago sz__R9yjAXQ-00701-00227848-00227967 had sz__R9yjAXQ-00702-00227967-00228158 had done a study that showed that for sz__R9yjAXQ-00703-00228159-00228334 every kilogram sz__R9yjAXQ-00704-00228335-00228839 of unnecessary trade in food sz__R9yjAXQ-00705-00228840-00229094 there's 10 kilograms of co2 emissions sz__R9yjAXQ-00706-00229096-00229342 into the air sz__R9yjAXQ-00707-00229344-00229558 and that's why sz__R9yjAXQ-00708-00229559-00229782 building economies sz__R9yjAXQ-00709-00229783-00230039 that are local becomes a very important sz__R9yjAXQ-00710-00230040-00230175 part sz__R9yjAXQ-00711-00230176-00230319 of course there are certain things that sz__R9yjAXQ-00712-00230319-00230439 you can't sz__R9yjAXQ-00713-00230440-00230734 grow locally sz__R9yjAXQ-00714-00230735-00230919 for example in the basque country you sz__R9yjAXQ-00715-00230919-00231255 could not grow cotton sz__R9yjAXQ-00716-00231256-00231598 you cannot grow the spices sz__R9yjAXQ-00717-00231600-00231815 uh you cannot grow the coffee and the sz__R9yjAXQ-00718-00231816-00231991 tea sz__R9yjAXQ-00719-00231992-00232303 but these are all things that are sz__R9yjAXQ-00720-00232304-00232455 needed sz__R9yjAXQ-00721-00232456-00232831 in lesser volume sz__R9yjAXQ-00722-00232832-00233223 the crazy situation is when sz__R9yjAXQ-00723-00233223-00233558 spain sends all of its organic produce sz__R9yjAXQ-00724-00233559-00233823 off to somewhere else sz__R9yjAXQ-00725-00233823-00234134 and at breakfast i picked up every fruit sz__R9yjAXQ-00726-00234135-00234367 and i put it back because it was all sz__R9yjAXQ-00727-00234367-00234791 from chile sz__R9yjAXQ-00728-00234792-00235015 why should sz__R9yjAXQ-00729-00235016-00235398 some place so far away sz__R9yjAXQ-00730-00235400-00235671 beyond the atlantic on the pacific in sz__R9yjAXQ-00731-00235671-00235991 the southernmost tip of latin america sz__R9yjAXQ-00732-00235992-00236182 be the source of feeding the basque sz__R9yjAXQ-00733-00236183-00236446 country which has the tremendous climate sz__R9yjAXQ-00734-00236448-00236742 for food growing sz__R9yjAXQ-00735-00236744-00237023 and of course vegetables and fruits sz__R9yjAXQ-00736-00237023-00237223 are about the worst because they need sz__R9yjAXQ-00737-00237223-00237606 refrigeration sz__R9yjAXQ-00738-00237607-00237975 they need to be flown by air sz__R9yjAXQ-00739-00237976-00238334 if you work out a per unit footprint sz__R9yjAXQ-00740-00238335-00238534 of the transport of fruits and sz__R9yjAXQ-00741-00238535-00238967 vegetables worldwide sz__R9yjAXQ-00742-00238967-00239151 it's much bigger sz__R9yjAXQ-00743-00239152-00239503 than any other product sz__R9yjAXQ-00744-00239504-00239894 and fresh vegetables in fact sz__R9yjAXQ-00745-00239896-00240151 taste best grow best sz__R9yjAXQ-00746-00240152-00240551 locally sz__R9yjAXQ-00747-00240552-00241063 but the problem of the supermarket logic sz__R9yjAXQ-00748-00241064-00241303 is it allows five companies to control a sz__R9yjAXQ-00749-00241304-00241623 sector sz__R9yjAXQ-00750-00241623-00241830 those five companies go to where they sz__R9yjAXQ-00751-00241831-00242246 can produce most cheaply sz__R9yjAXQ-00752-00242248-00242527 and cheapness in the global marketplace sz__R9yjAXQ-00753-00242528-00242719 is based on exploiting nature and sz__R9yjAXQ-00754-00242719-00243367 exploiting labor sz__R9yjAXQ-00755-00243367-00243542 exploiting nature sz__R9yjAXQ-00756-00243544-00243679 means sz__R9yjAXQ-00757-00243680-00243998 you grow beans and lettuce sz__R9yjAXQ-00758-00244000-00244423 in the rift valley in africa sz__R9yjAXQ-00759-00244423-00244623 and you leave a drought for the people sz__R9yjAXQ-00760-00244623-00244946 there sz__R9yjAXQ-00761-00244948-00245110 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00762-00245111-00245279 and for the people who are losing their sz__R9yjAXQ-00763-00245280-00245519 land and their water sz__R9yjAXQ-00764-00245519-00245719 they will fight sz__R9yjAXQ-00765-00245719-00245967 that is why the tribes are killing them sz__R9yjAXQ-00766-00245967-00246255 each other in the rift valley sz__R9yjAXQ-00767-00246256-00246575 those ethnic conflicts of kenya sz__R9yjAXQ-00768-00246576-00246879 are connected to the global marketing sz__R9yjAXQ-00769-00246880-00247303 of cheap food sz__R9yjAXQ-00770-00247304-00247655 and sustainable agriculture is not just sz__R9yjAXQ-00771-00247656-00248015 a sustainability solution sz__R9yjAXQ-00772-00248016-00248382 it's also a peace solution sz__R9yjAXQ-00773-00248383-00248806 because our challenge now sz__R9yjAXQ-00774-00248807-00249063 is to transform this system sz__R9yjAXQ-00775-00249064-00249294 of exploiting more resources and sz__R9yjAXQ-00776-00249296-00249791 exploiting more of the third world sz__R9yjAXQ-00777-00249792-00250023 into giving more to nature and giving sz__R9yjAXQ-00778-00250023-00250430 more back to the producer sz__R9yjAXQ-00779-00250431-00250679 but that also means that the shift that sz__R9yjAXQ-00780-00250680-00250863 was made sz__R9yjAXQ-00781-00250864-00251215 of transforming us as humans sz__R9yjAXQ-00782-00251216-00251303 from sz__R9yjAXQ-00783-00251304-00251446 people who sz__R9yjAXQ-00784-00251448-00251806 are producers who have needs sz__R9yjAXQ-00785-00251807-00252082 into mere consumers in a global sz__R9yjAXQ-00786-00252083-00252454 supermarket that we must change that sz__R9yjAXQ-00787-00252455-00252679 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00788-00252680-00252887 one of the things i've totally enjoyed sz__R9yjAXQ-00789-00252888-00253134 at bioterra sz__R9yjAXQ-00790-00253135-00253694 is watching the wonderful babies go by sz__R9yjAXQ-00791-00253696-00253863 but i also know sz__R9yjAXQ-00792-00253864-00254246 that babies are a new market sz__R9yjAXQ-00793-00254248-00254519 from before they can walk and talk that sz__R9yjAXQ-00794-00254519-00254998 they are targeted with advertising sz__R9yjAXQ-00795-00255000-00255215 and the minds of our future generations sz__R9yjAXQ-00796-00255216-00255427 are being stolen sz__R9yjAXQ-00797-00255428-00255671 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00798-00255671-00255991 going beyond consumerism as i i believe sz__R9yjAXQ-00799-00255992-00256206 one of the most tragic radical changes sz__R9yjAXQ-00800-00256207-00256623 we can make sz__R9yjAXQ-00801-00256623-00256910 and to say no say no to say no to sz__R9yjAXQ-00802-00256911-00257319 predatory consumerism sz__R9yjAXQ-00803-00257319-00257503 is something we don't need governments sz__R9yjAXQ-00804-00257504-00257767 for we can do make those choices in our sz__R9yjAXQ-00805-00257767-00258087 everyday lives sz__R9yjAXQ-00806-00258088-00258334 but the wonderful thing is the sz__R9yjAXQ-00807-00258335-00258558 more we lower our consumption in sz__R9yjAXQ-00808-00258559-00258846 throughput sz__R9yjAXQ-00809-00258848-00259055 the more we elevate sz__R9yjAXQ-00810-00259056-00259375 our quality of life sz__R9yjAXQ-00811-00259376-00259655 so to consume less actually means to sz__R9yjAXQ-00812-00259656-00259879 have a better life sz__R9yjAXQ-00813-00259880-00260455 with higher quality sz__R9yjAXQ-00814-00260456-00260615 you know i've grown up in a country sz__R9yjAXQ-00815-00260616-00261023 where you could mend everything sz__R9yjAXQ-00816-00261023-00261255 and i look at today's throwaway culture sz__R9yjAXQ-00817-00261256-00261767 and i find how wasteful it is sz__R9yjAXQ-00818-00261767-00261975 you know including the fact that every sz__R9yjAXQ-00819-00261976-00262215 time we have to drink a glass of water i sz__R9yjAXQ-00820-00262216-00262415 don't know how much of nature sz__R9yjAXQ-00821-00262416-00262751 we have already exploited sz__R9yjAXQ-00822-00262752-00262951 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00823-00262952-00263127 this happens because sz__R9yjAXQ-00824-00263128-00263463 there's someone who can make money sz__R9yjAXQ-00825-00263464-00263599 and they sz__R9yjAXQ-00826-00263600-00263782 they make us trade sz__R9yjAXQ-00827-00263783-00264375 away are caring for carelessness sz__R9yjAXQ-00828-00264376-00264591 we have become complicit in the sz__R9yjAXQ-00829-00264592-00265175 destruction of the planet sz__R9yjAXQ-00830-00265176-00265630 because we've given up two values sz__R9yjAXQ-00831-00265631-00265943 one is the value of caring sz__R9yjAXQ-00832-00265944-00266358 but caring means effort sz__R9yjAXQ-00833-00266359-00266775 caring means patience sz__R9yjAXQ-00834-00266776-00266991 caring means sz__R9yjAXQ-00835-00266992-00267255 having public faucets in an exhibition sz__R9yjAXQ-00836-00267256-00267391 hall like this sz__R9yjAXQ-00837-00267392-00267975 and making sure everyone can drink water sz__R9yjAXQ-00838-00267976-00268167 and you know we've substituted it with sz__R9yjAXQ-00839-00268168-00268319 the k sz__R9yjAXQ-00840-00268320-00268551 we call it convenience but how can it be sz__R9yjAXQ-00841-00268552-00268727 convenient if we are eating our own sz__R9yjAXQ-00842-00268728-00269151 future sz__R9yjAXQ-00843-00269152-00269423 it is highly inconvenient to put your sz__R9yjAXQ-00844-00269424-00269606 own species at risk sz__R9yjAXQ-00845-00269607-00269871 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00846-00269872-00270110 so i do not call it convenience i call sz__R9yjAXQ-00847-00270111-00270695 it carelessness sz__R9yjAXQ-00848-00270696-00270903 and carelessness has become the biggest sz__R9yjAXQ-00849-00270904-00271263 marketing strategy sz__R9yjAXQ-00850-00271264-00271479 farmer is told why do you bother to make sz__R9yjAXQ-00851-00271480-00271623 compost sz__R9yjAXQ-00852-00271624-00271991 spray urea why do you bother with mixed sz__R9yjAXQ-00853-00271992-00272310 cultivation spray pesticide sz__R9yjAXQ-00854-00272311-00272823 farmers ask to be careless sz__R9yjAXQ-00855-00272824-00273039 we are asked to be careless why bother sz__R9yjAXQ-00856-00273040-00273255 to build a local farmers market where sz__R9yjAXQ-00857-00273256-00273510 you know what you're buying sz__R9yjAXQ-00858-00273511-00273710 go to the supermarket and buy what you sz__R9yjAXQ-00859-00273711-00273879 don't know sz__R9yjAXQ-00860-00273880-00274095 you're buying you have no idea where it sz__R9yjAXQ-00861-00274096-00274367 came from what is in it what will it do sz__R9yjAXQ-00862-00274368-00274767 to your health sz__R9yjAXQ-00863-00274768-00274951 the second value that we have been sz__R9yjAXQ-00864-00274952-00275295 forced to give up sz__R9yjAXQ-00865-00275296-00275743 is the value of solidarity sz__R9yjAXQ-00866-00275744-00276191 solidarity is connection sz__R9yjAXQ-00867-00276192-00276399 is to realize our relationship with each sz__R9yjAXQ-00868-00276400-00276623 other sz__R9yjAXQ-00869-00276624-00277023 solidarity with other species sz__R9yjAXQ-00870-00277024-00277191 is to know our relationship with other sz__R9yjAXQ-00871-00277192-00277495 species sz__R9yjAXQ-00872-00277496-00277751 our solidarity with trees sz__R9yjAXQ-00873-00277752-00277958 is to know that we depend on trees for sz__R9yjAXQ-00874-00277959-00278391 the oxygen we breathe sz__R9yjAXQ-00875-00278392-00278743 solidarity with the third world sz__R9yjAXQ-00876-00278744-00279023 means recognizing we are all part of one sz__R9yjAXQ-00877-00279024-00279263 earth family sz__R9yjAXQ-00878-00279264-00279630 one universal human family sz__R9yjAXQ-00879-00279631-00279830 we might have different colored hair and sz__R9yjAXQ-00880-00279831-00279991 different colored eyes and different sz__R9yjAXQ-00881-00279992-00280119 colored skin sz__R9yjAXQ-00882-00280120-00280399 we might speak different tongues as we sz__R9yjAXQ-00883-00280400-00280671 are sz__R9yjAXQ-00884-00280672-00280775 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00885-00280776-00281127 that does not divide us enough sz__R9yjAXQ-00886-00281128-00281255 it sz__R9yjAXQ-00887-00281256-00281727 beyond it we are all human sz__R9yjAXQ-00888-00281728-00281991 and beyond that we are all children of sz__R9yjAXQ-00889-00281992-00282247 the earth sz__R9yjAXQ-00890-00282248-00282479 that is why i talk of building an earth sz__R9yjAXQ-00891-00282480-00282903 democracy sz__R9yjAXQ-00892-00282904-00283151 for me earth's democracy is about sz__R9yjAXQ-00893-00283152-00283430 transforming killing economies into sz__R9yjAXQ-00894-00283431-00283791 living economies sz__R9yjAXQ-00895-00283792-00284015 the current economy is killing the earth sz__R9yjAXQ-00896-00284016-00284282 killing the farmers killing our sz__R9yjAXQ-00897-00284283-00284439 health sz__R9yjAXQ-00898-00284440-00284854 we could have an agriculture sz__R9yjAXQ-00899-00284855-00285087 that protects the earth protects the sz__R9yjAXQ-00900-00285088-00285254 farmers sz__R9yjAXQ-00901-00285255-00285654 and protects our health sz__R9yjAXQ-00902-00285655-00285863 in fact sz__R9yjAXQ-00903-00285864-00286071 one of the stalls in sz__R9yjAXQ-00904-00286072-00286510 bioterra is of navdanya sz__R9yjAXQ-00905-00286511-00286710 navdanya is the movement i started in sz__R9yjAXQ-00906-00286711-00286982 87. sz__R9yjAXQ-00907-00286983-00287182 and it means both nine seats for sz__R9yjAXQ-00908-00287183-00287415 diversity as well as the new gift for sz__R9yjAXQ-00909-00287416-00287685 solidarity sz__R9yjAXQ-00910-00287686-00287863 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00911-00287864-00287943 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00912-00287944-00288239 recently once the suicides became too sz__R9yjAXQ-00913-00288240-00288734 many sz__R9yjAXQ-00914-00288735-00288975 i just felt it wasn't enough to count sz__R9yjAXQ-00915-00288976-00289367 how many farmers had died sz__R9yjAXQ-00916-00289368-00289634 that wasn't enough solidarity sz__R9yjAXQ-00917-00289635-00289815 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00918-00289816-00289991 that we had to do something to stop the sz__R9yjAXQ-00919-00289992-00290334 suicides sz__R9yjAXQ-00920-00290335-00290510 so i took a pilgrimage through these sz__R9yjAXQ-00921-00290511-00290743 suicide areas we call them the suicide sz__R9yjAXQ-00922-00290744-00290975 belt because they are all the bt cotton sz__R9yjAXQ-00923-00290976-00291479 monsanto gm cotton area sz__R9yjAXQ-00924-00291480-00291663 and again and again the farmer said our sz__R9yjAXQ-00925-00291664-00292087 old seed is gone we don't have our seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00926-00292088-00292287 so the first thing we did was bring them sz__R9yjAXQ-00927-00292288-00292591 seed sz__R9yjAXQ-00928-00292592-00292982 seeds of freedom and seeds of hope sz__R9yjAXQ-00929-00292983-00293199 seeds they could save and get out of the sz__R9yjAXQ-00930-00293200-00293463 debt trap sz__R9yjAXQ-00931-00293464-00294063 we gave them training in organic farming sz__R9yjAXQ-00932-00294064-00294239 and out of that came this amazing sz__R9yjAXQ-00933-00294240-00294623 organic cotton sz__R9yjAXQ-00934-00294624-00294847 normally navdanya has worked on organic sz__R9yjAXQ-00935-00294848-00295169 food we haven't worked on fibers sz__R9yjAXQ-00936-00295170-00295439 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00937-00295440-00295734 but once the farmers had started to grow sz__R9yjAXQ-00938-00295735-00295919 organic cotton they wanted our help in sz__R9yjAXQ-00939-00295920-00296182 fair trade and marketing with at sz__R9yjAXQ-00940-00296183-00296575 adequate prices sz__R9yjAXQ-00941-00296576-00296799 so we decided to go into fibers of sz__R9yjAXQ-00942-00296800-00297054 freedom sz__R9yjAXQ-00943-00297055-00297254 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00944-00297255-00297599 and for us fibers of freedom sz__R9yjAXQ-00945-00297600-00297799 means for the farmer freedom from debt sz__R9yjAXQ-00946-00297800-00298254 and suicide sz__R9yjAXQ-00947-00298255-00298695 it means freedom from gmos sz__R9yjAXQ-00948-00298696-00298991 for the consumer it means freedom from sz__R9yjAXQ-00949-00298992-00299567 the toxic cotton that bt cotton is sz__R9yjAXQ-00950-00299568-00299967 but it also is freedom from being part sz__R9yjAXQ-00951-00299968-00300254 of a destructive economy sz__R9yjAXQ-00952-00300255-00300487 it's freedom to be part of a living sz__R9yjAXQ-00953-00300488-00300863 economy sz__R9yjAXQ-00954-00300864-00301119 so i do hope some of you will go down sz__R9yjAXQ-00955-00301120-00301479 to the stall and meet my colleagues and sz__R9yjAXQ-00956-00301480-00301671 talk to them about how we have built sz__R9yjAXQ-00957-00301672-00302271 this fibers of freedom movement sz__R9yjAXQ-00958-00302272-00302615 if in the last 20 years sz__R9yjAXQ-00959-00302616-00302815 the turnout for the european elections sz__R9yjAXQ-00960-00302816-00303167 have has dropped sz__R9yjAXQ-00961-00303168-00303551 by one-third sz__R9yjAXQ-00962-00303552-00303727 in another ten years no one will be sz__R9yjAXQ-00963-00303728-00304182 going out to vote sz__R9yjAXQ-00964-00304183-00304391 that kind of false democracy is now a sz__R9yjAXQ-00965-00304392-00304830 dead democracy sz__R9yjAXQ-00966-00304831-00305110 so in place of the killing economies we sz__R9yjAXQ-00967-00305111-00305314 need living economies sz__R9yjAXQ-00968-00305315-00305534 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00969-00305535-00305839 in cape in place of the dead democracy sz__R9yjAXQ-00970-00305840-00306023 we need living democracy sz__R9yjAXQ-00971-00306024-00306199 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-00972-00306200-00306375 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00973-00306376-00306575 again it's not the case sz__R9yjAXQ-00974-00306576-00306775 that failed leaders are going to sz__R9yjAXQ-00975-00306776-00307054 suddenly wake up one day and say here is sz__R9yjAXQ-00976-00307055-00307279 how we reorganize society sz__R9yjAXQ-00977-00307280-00307687 to be more democratic sz__R9yjAXQ-00978-00307688-00307951 we will have to create these ideas and sz__R9yjAXQ-00979-00307952-00308239 these practices sz__R9yjAXQ-00980-00308240-00308439 the way we've been doing it in india is sz__R9yjAXQ-00981-00308440-00308703 village by village sz__R9yjAXQ-00982-00308704-00309071 creating freedom zones sz__R9yjAXQ-00983-00309072-00309271 and in these freedom zones the community sz__R9yjAXQ-00984-00309272-00309519 decides how they will sz__R9yjAXQ-00985-00309520-00309743 live in order to not destroy their sz__R9yjAXQ-00986-00309744-00309863 natural sz__R9yjAXQ-00987-00309864-00310167 resources sz__R9yjAXQ-00988-00310168-00310519 how they will protect the biodiversity sz__R9yjAXQ-00989-00310520-00310671 the water sz__R9yjAXQ-00990-00310672-00310823 the soil sz__R9yjAXQ-00991-00310824-00311223 and their livelihoods sz__R9yjAXQ-00992-00311224-00311343 and sz__R9yjAXQ-00993-00311344-00311703 part of this has helped us sz__R9yjAXQ-00994-00311704-00312167 create gmo free zones in india sz__R9yjAXQ-00995-00312168-00312351 like there are gmo free regions in sz__R9yjAXQ-00996-00312352-00312575 europe sz__R9yjAXQ-00997-00312576-00312758 and i know the basque country is part of sz__R9yjAXQ-00998-00312759-00312999 a gmo free region sz__R9yjAXQ-00999-00313000-00313158 and i know the basque country in fact sz__R9yjAXQ-01000-00313159-00313751 chairs the gmo free network of europe sz__R9yjAXQ-01001-00313752-00313895 and it would be good for the basque sz__R9yjAXQ-01002-00313896-00314015 country sz__R9yjAXQ-01003-00314016-00314263 to lead the rest of spain into becoming sz__R9yjAXQ-01004-00314264-00314703 gmo free sz__R9yjAXQ-01005-00314704-00315006 we also need to create sz__R9yjAXQ-01006-00315007-00315310 living cultures sz__R9yjAXQ-01007-00315311-00315558 in the last few years sz__R9yjAXQ-01008-00315559-00316006 we have been repeatedly taught sz__R9yjAXQ-01009-00316007-00316239 that someone who is not exactly like us sz__R9yjAXQ-01010-00316240-00316373 is our enemy sz__R9yjAXQ-01011-00316374-00316671 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-01012-00316672-00316887 and samuel huntington who wrote about sz__R9yjAXQ-01013-00316888-00317303 the clash of civilizations sz__R9yjAXQ-01014-00317304-00317663 said something i do not understand sz__R9yjAXQ-01015-00317664-00317775 he said sz__R9yjAXQ-01016-00317776-00317999 you cannot know who you are till you sz__R9yjAXQ-01017-00318000-00318503 know who you hate sz__R9yjAXQ-01018-00318504-00319119 i know who i am through whom i love sz__R9yjAXQ-01019-00319120-00319375 it's relationships of solidarity that sz__R9yjAXQ-01020-00319376-00319767 define the person sz__R9yjAXQ-01021-00319768-00319843 not sz__R9yjAXQ-01022-00319844-00320415 non-relationships of hate and fear sz__R9yjAXQ-01023-00320416-00320727 and this culture of fear this culture of sz__R9yjAXQ-01024-00320728-00320958 hate sz__R9yjAXQ-01025-00320959-00321463 is also stealing our humanity sz__R9yjAXQ-01026-00321464-00321671 it is a troubled soul sz__R9yjAXQ-01027-00321672-00321991 who goes to sleep sz__R9yjAXQ-01028-00321992-00322671 afraid of all the diversity around them sz__R9yjAXQ-01029-00322672-00323015 diversity is our strength sz__R9yjAXQ-01030-00323016-00323182 ecologically sz__R9yjAXQ-01031-00323183-00323358 it is our strength at the biological sz__R9yjAXQ-01032-00323359-00323695 level sz__R9yjAXQ-01033-00323696-00323895 socially and culturally it is our sz__R9yjAXQ-01034-00323896-00324023 strength sz__R9yjAXQ-01035-00324024-00324215 because it reminds us of our common sz__R9yjAXQ-01036-00324216-00324519 humanity sz__R9yjAXQ-01037-00324520-00324727 we are going to face more challenges sz__R9yjAXQ-01038-00324728-00324839 around sz__R9yjAXQ-01039-00324840-00325382 learning how to be earth citizens sz__R9yjAXQ-01040-00325383-00325743 and respecting each other sz__R9yjAXQ-01041-00325744-00326471 in spite of superficial differences sz__R9yjAXQ-01042-00326472-00326558 but sz__R9yjAXQ-01043-00326559-00326758 that basically is going to be our sz__R9yjAXQ-01044-00326759-00327182 strength now sz__R9yjAXQ-01045-00327183-00327399 you know when gandhi was building the sz__R9yjAXQ-01046-00327400-00327510 kind of sz__R9yjAXQ-01047-00327511-00328006 india he wanted to see sz__R9yjAXQ-01048-00328007-00328399 he had talked about how every person sz__R9yjAXQ-01049-00328400-00328758 would be the center of the universe sz__R9yjAXQ-01050-00328759-00329082 how every village would be center of the sz__R9yjAXQ-01051-00329083-00329495 world and how these ever expanding sz__R9yjAXQ-01052-00329496-00329687 but never ascending sz__R9yjAXQ-01053-00329688-00329878 circles sz__R9yjAXQ-01054-00329879-00330310 of oceanic inclusion sz__R9yjAXQ-01055-00330311-00330567 would create sz__R9yjAXQ-01056-00330568-00330791 a global community built sz__R9yjAXQ-01057-00330792-00331039 on the person the individual the sz__R9yjAXQ-01058-00331040-00331534 community the region and the country sz__R9yjAXQ-01059-00331535-00331839 we need to do the same sz__R9yjAXQ-01060-00331840-00332319 in terms of how we build our economies sz__R9yjAXQ-01061-00332320-00332510 right now as i mentioned we have this sz__R9yjAXQ-01062-00332511-00332751 crazy situation sz__R9yjAXQ-01063-00332752-00333206 where the top of the pyramid sz__R9yjAXQ-01064-00333207-00333591 has become too inflated sz__R9yjAXQ-01065-00333592-00333767 and it is eating into the bottom of the sz__R9yjAXQ-01066-00333768-00334103 pyramid sz__R9yjAXQ-01067-00334104-00334278 it is eating into the bottom of the sz__R9yjAXQ-01068-00334279-00334767 pyramid in terms of nature's economy sz__R9yjAXQ-01069-00334768-00334982 it is eating into the bottom of the sz__R9yjAXQ-01070-00334983-00335247 pyramid in terms of people's economies sz__R9yjAXQ-01071-00335248-00335519 the people's ability to create produce sz__R9yjAXQ-01072-00335520-00335871 and make things sz__R9yjAXQ-01073-00335872-00336182 you cannot have an upside down sz__R9yjAXQ-01074-00336183-00336663 pyramid stable sz__R9yjAXQ-01075-00336664-00336895 just as much as you cannot have sz__R9yjAXQ-01076-00336896-00337287 buildings like this sz__R9yjAXQ-01077-00337288-00337487 with just roofs and no walls and no sz__R9yjAXQ-01078-00337488-00338000 foundations sz__R9yjAXQ-01079-00338001-00338254 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-01080-00338255-00338487 both in terms of politics and in terms sz__R9yjAXQ-01081-00338488-00338695 of economics sz__R9yjAXQ-01082-00338696-00339030 we are building buildings sz__R9yjAXQ-01083-00339031-00339247 with only roofs by sz__R9yjAXQ-01084-00339248-00339382 pulling out the stones from the sz__R9yjAXQ-01085-00339383-00339489 foundation sz__R9yjAXQ-01086-00339490-00339878 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-01087-00339879-00340334 it is now in our hands sz__R9yjAXQ-01088-00340335-00340575 to lay those building blocks of the sz__R9yjAXQ-01089-00340576-00341110 foundation again sz__R9yjAXQ-01090-00341111-00341639 some of this work is ecological sz__R9yjAXQ-01091-00341640-00342006 most of this work is social sz__R9yjAXQ-01092-00342007-00342247 a little bit of this work sz__R9yjAXQ-01093-00342248-00342541 will be international solidarity sz__R9yjAXQ-01094-00342542-00342830 [Music] sz__R9yjAXQ-01095-00342831-00343087 but if we cannot rebuild our ecosystems sz__R9yjAXQ-01096-00343088-00343495 and if we cannot rebuild our communities sz__R9yjAXQ-01097-00343496-00343734 we will not be able to build the bridge sz__R9yjAXQ-01098-00343735-00344127 to our own future sz__R9yjAXQ-01099-00344128-00344391 i know we are capable of doing these sz__R9yjAXQ-01100-00344392-00344527 small things sz__R9yjAXQ-01101-00344528-00344847 that make a big difference sz__R9yjAXQ-01102-00344848-00345063 that's what i've tried to do that's what sz__R9yjAXQ-01103-00345064-00345343 i hope everyone will try to do once sz__R9yjAXQ-01104-00345344-00345599 again i'm very happy to be here with you sz__R9yjAXQ-01105-00345600-00345875 at bioterra sz__R9yjAXQ-01106-00345876-00346975 [Applause] sz__R9yjAXQ-01107-00346976-00347183 you sAxJ9OzKkIy-00000-00000082-00000424 hi there this is teacher man I've been sAxJ9OzKkIy-00001-00000425-00000634 teaching online for more than 10 years sAxJ9OzKkIy-00002-00000635-00000979 now I am here to help you become a sAxJ9OzKkIy-00003-00000980-00001204 better speaker of the English language sAxJ9OzKkIy-00004-00001205-00001495 and can definitely help you enhance your sAxJ9OzKkIy-00005-00001496-00001785 skills in English pronunciation sAxJ9OzKkIy-00006-00001786-00002197 listening speaking reading vocabulary sAxJ9OzKkIy-00007-00002198-00002612 and even writing I am a graduate of the sAxJ9OzKkIy-00008-00002613-00002893 University of Santo Tomas and my major sAxJ9OzKkIy-00009-00002894-00003226 was Asian Studies I'm also a licensed sAxJ9OzKkIy-00010-00003227-00003536 teacher and I used to teach in a public sAxJ9OzKkIy-00011-00003536-00003856 school where I handled social studies sAxJ9OzKkIy-00012-00003857-00004195 classes of high school students on my sAxJ9OzKkIy-00013-00004196-00004572 free time I enjoy reading sleeping sAxJ9OzKkIy-00014-00004573-00004910 shopping and browsing the Internet sAxJ9OzKkIy-00015-00004911-00005174 I also love to write I like writing sAxJ9OzKkIy-00016-00005175-00005552 blogs news stories articles and essays I sAxJ9OzKkIy-00017-00005553-00005849 also like to travel I've been to sAxJ9OzKkIy-00018-00005850-00006347 Indonesia Malaysia Singapore Taiwan Hong sAxJ9OzKkIy-00019-00006348-00006806 Kong Cambodia and India sBrCZ6lbJs8-00000-00000000-00000551 foreign sBrCZ6lbJs8-00001-00000552-00001410 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00002-00001411-00002568 [Applause] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00003-00002569-00003179 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00004-00003180-00003440 foreign sBrCZ6lbJs8-00005-00003442-00005877 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00006-00005878-00007889 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00007-00007890-00008147 alone sBrCZ6lbJs8-00008-00008148-00010081 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00009-00010082-00010392 oh yeah sBrCZ6lbJs8-00010-00010393-00012420 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00011-00012421-00012874 thank you sBrCZ6lbJs8-00012-00012875-00015532 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00013-00015533-00017371 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00014-00017372-00017693 just think sBrCZ6lbJs8-00015-00017694-00018172 myself right sBrCZ6lbJs8-00016-00018173-00018550 now sBrCZ6lbJs8-00017-00018551-00019467 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00018-00019468-00021655 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00019-00021656-00021922 we're so late right now we're late for sBrCZ6lbJs8-00020-00021923-00022247 like 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 15 15 sBrCZ6lbJs8-00021-00022248-00022469 minutes because of this painting less sBrCZ6lbJs8-00022-00022470-00022721 dressing it's a less stressful week but sBrCZ6lbJs8-00023-00022722-00022878 a lot of stress tomorrow sBrCZ6lbJs8-00024-00022879-00023147 pronunciation is really cool so you do sBrCZ6lbJs8-00025-00023148-00023357 need to look forward for people who can sBrCZ6lbJs8-00026-00023358-00023604 be a bit more sBrCZ6lbJs8-00027-00023605-00024035 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00028-00024036-00024427 right now sBrCZ6lbJs8-00029-00024428-00025528 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00030-00025529-00026152 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00031-00026154-00027523 okay sBrCZ6lbJs8-00032-00027524-00027827 you know last week I went here well I sBrCZ6lbJs8-00033-00027827-00028043 forgot to bring my passport so I had to sBrCZ6lbJs8-00034-00028044-00028355 go back in and I was like oh sBrCZ6lbJs8-00035-00028356-00028792 oh sBrCZ6lbJs8-00036-00028793-00029537 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00037-00029538-00029952 foreign sBrCZ6lbJs8-00038-00029952-00030562 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00039-00030563-00032573 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00040-00032574-00033298 together sBrCZ6lbJs8-00041-00033299-00034104 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00043-00037716-00039246 foreign sBrCZ6lbJs8-00044-00039247-00041039 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00045-00041040-00041778 foreign sBrCZ6lbJs8-00046-00041779-00042282 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00047-00042283-00044966 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00048-00044967-00045343 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00049-00045344-00045580 I think I'm going to solve for my second sBrCZ6lbJs8-00050-00045581-00045802 assignment right now because it's really sBrCZ6lbJs8-00051-00045803-00046012 hard for me I don't know why but maybe sBrCZ6lbJs8-00052-00046013-00046151 it's just me who don't know anything sBrCZ6lbJs8-00053-00046152-00046451 about it sBrCZ6lbJs8-00054-00046452-00046690 maybe me in the future would be like oh sBrCZ6lbJs8-00055-00046691-00046961 that's so easy but like sBrCZ6lbJs8-00056-00046962-00047212 I'm stroking right now I don't think I sBrCZ6lbJs8-00057-00047213-00047411 am suitable for a computer science major sBrCZ6lbJs8-00058-00047412-00047568 so sBrCZ6lbJs8-00059-00047569-00048005 I need to stop I need to take my time sBrCZ6lbJs8-00060-00048006-00048365 to take a rest I think sBrCZ6lbJs8-00061-00048366-00048799 which I am not really proud I am sBrCZ6lbJs8-00062-00048800-00049018 where to start even gonna start with sBrCZ6lbJs8-00063-00049019-00049283 that first because it's easy not the sBrCZ6lbJs8-00064-00049284-00049480 easiest thing but the first thing I can sBrCZ6lbJs8-00065-00049481-00050298 do so far sBrCZ6lbJs8-00066-00050299-00051630 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00067-00051632-00051940 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00068-00051941-00052357 thank you sBrCZ6lbJs8-00069-00052358-00053629 thank you sBrCZ6lbJs8-00070-00053630-00053904 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00071-00053905-00054197 that's currently 10 p.m and I really sBrCZ6lbJs8-00072-00054198-00054426 like to know if I was here sBrCZ6lbJs8-00073-00054427-00054719 I'm on my way home right now and I just sBrCZ6lbJs8-00074-00054720-00054899 realized there's something going on in sBrCZ6lbJs8-00075-00054900-00055097 front of me not sure what is it but it's sBrCZ6lbJs8-00076-00055098-00055255 not even less stressful sBrCZ6lbJs8-00077-00055257-00056526 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00078-00056527-00056759 thank you sBrCZ6lbJs8-00079-00056760-00057004 the weather is so unpredictable it can sBrCZ6lbJs8-00080-00057005-00057209 be hot in one hour and there's gonna be sBrCZ6lbJs8-00081-00057210-00057473 rain in the next hours so that's sBrCZ6lbJs8-00082-00057474-00057787 literally crazy wearing this for today's sBrCZ6lbJs8-00083-00057788-00058101 OOTD with a jacket sBrCZ6lbJs8-00084-00058102-00058847 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00085-00058848-00059196 foreign sBrCZ6lbJs8-00087-00063098-00063337 thank you sBrCZ6lbJs8-00088-00063338-00064465 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00089-00064466-00064608 thank you sBrCZ6lbJs8-00091-00067783-00068307 thank you sBrCZ6lbJs8-00092-00068308-00070385 [Music] sBrCZ6lbJs8-00093-00070386-00070865 foreign sBrCZ6lbJs8-00094-00070866-00071138 foreign sCdxIBSEbDY-00000-00000024-00000375 after four whole years sCdxIBSEbDY-00001-00000376-00000678 and many accidents sCdxIBSEbDY-00002-00000679-00000983 doki doki literature club finally has an sCdxIBSEbDY-00003-00000984-00001491 update called doki doki literature club sCdxIBSEbDY-00004-00001492-00001782 plus sCdxIBSEbDY-00005-00001784-00001972 [Applause] sCdxIBSEbDY-00006-00001973-00002972 [Music] sCdxIBSEbDY-00007-00002973-00004095 [Music] sCdxIBSEbDY-00008-00004096-00004304 you sCEd_PNGG2k-00000-00000000-00001122 [Music] sCEd_PNGG2k-00001-00001123-00001168 [Applause] sCEd_PNGG2k-00002-00001169-00004047 [Music] sCEd_PNGG2k-00003-00004049-00004257 [Applause] sCEd_PNGG2k-00004-00004258-00005313 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00000-00001985-00002351 hey guys happy February 13th I'm with sDYQeyhrrnE-00001-00002352-00002699 Ryan back in Atlanta or the day and then sDYQeyhrrnE-00002-00002700-00003085 we're gonna go back to our hair back I sDYQeyhrrnE-00003-00003086-00003608 really knew nobody that one class she sDYQeyhrrnE-00004-00003609-00004001 had ten shoots to go to shall be fun I sDYQeyhrrnE-00005-00004002-00004349 was just gonna skip she wanted my good sDYQeyhrrnE-00006-00004350-00004768 Athens she she complains every time when sDYQeyhrrnE-00007-00004769-00005045 she hits it no I fell in love and then sDYQeyhrrnE-00008-00005046-00005234 the last like couple of times it's just sDYQeyhrrnE-00009-00005235-00005408 been really bad weather and then I fell sDYQeyhrrnE-00010-00005409-00005543 out of love again cuz I was like you sDYQeyhrrnE-00011-00005544-00005801 know what did you try oh I know sDYQeyhrrnE-00012-00005802-00005996 I hope she come to rains there's a sDYQeyhrrnE-00013-00005997-00006208 rebate a month straight and it sucks sDYQeyhrrnE-00014-00006209-00006503 anyways we are right now I not Lana sDYQeyhrrnE-00015-00006504-00006748 we're gonna go to this coffee shop that sDYQeyhrrnE-00016-00006750-00007028 Ryan just discovered sDYQeyhrrnE-00017-00007029-00007213 it's called chrome yellow I went to at sDYQeyhrrnE-00018-00007214-00007408 this Sunday with my friend sDYQeyhrrnE-00019-00007409-00008301 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00020-00008302-00008594 [Applause] sDYQeyhrrnE-00021-00008595-00008735 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00022-00008736-00009019 turkey and cheese poppin sDYQeyhrrnE-00023-00009020-00009765 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00024-00009766-00011874 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00025-00011875-00012482 in my hand so to check it appears water sDYQeyhrrnE-00026-00012483-00014241 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00027-00014241-00014484 coffee shop is cool but she didn't like sDYQeyhrrnE-00028-00014485-00014706 the cold brew coffee it was so gross sDYQeyhrrnE-00029-00014707-00014905 didn't have any creamer in it but it sDYQeyhrrnE-00030-00014906-00015247 takes we had enough I can put it in sDYQeyhrrnE-00031-00015247-00015609 there all right I mean Russia little sDYQeyhrrnE-00032-00015610-00016041 drink creamer in their coffees is pretty sDYQeyhrrnE-00033-00016043-00016369 good very cute cool in a weird area sDYQeyhrrnE-00034-00016369-00016719 right yeah gentrifying it was like a sDYQeyhrrnE-00035-00016720-00016914 hundred thousand dollar house across sDYQeyhrrnE-00036-00016915-00017394 from like little like and now we're at sDYQeyhrrnE-00037-00017395-00017634 Linux and I told her since her underwear sDYQeyhrrnE-00038-00017635-00017800 so nasty that we could get her new ones sDYQeyhrrnE-00039-00017801-00018136 we're on pens day I literally have the sDYQeyhrrnE-00040-00018137-00018553 same underwear for like so long yeah and sDYQeyhrrnE-00041-00018554-00018739 they just I mean Victoria's Secret sDYQeyhrrnE-00042-00018740-00019000 underwear doesn't really hold up that sDYQeyhrrnE-00043-00019001-00019261 well let me know if there's any really sDYQeyhrrnE-00044-00019262-00019414 great underwear brands that you guys sDYQeyhrrnE-00045-00019415-00019642 like I mean I'm not really looking to sDYQeyhrrnE-00046-00019643-00019809 spend like super crazy amount of money sDYQeyhrrnE-00047-00019810-00020167 but I also do need to invest in some sDYQeyhrrnE-00048-00020168-00020343 good underwear that will like you know sDYQeyhrrnE-00049-00020344-00020683 ask me awhile but let's see what they sDYQeyhrrnE-00050-00020684-00020827 have sometimes I don't even like their sDYQeyhrrnE-00051-00020828-00020994 styles and like their color so I'm like sDYQeyhrrnE-00052-00020995-00021334 a I'll just get it sDYQeyhrrnE-00053-00021335-00021697 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00054-00021698-00022817 what's the point so when you like sDYQeyhrrnE-00055-00022818-00023224 yeah sDYQeyhrrnE-00056-00023225-00023870 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00057-00023871-00024114 just finish the billing mix no one sDYQeyhrrnE-00058-00024115-00025518 bought anything so funds so Brian just sDYQeyhrrnE-00059-00025519-00025727 got a beer at the st. Regis and now sDYQeyhrrnE-00060-00025729-00025970 we're gonna head to our reservation who sDYQeyhrrnE-00061-00025972-00026232 decided to treat ourselves because you sDYQeyhrrnE-00062-00026233-00026439 know exciting things are happening and sDYQeyhrrnE-00063-00026439-00026670 Valentine's Day is tomorrow so we're sDYQeyhrrnE-00064-00026670-00026892 celebrating a little bit early I'm going sDYQeyhrrnE-00065-00026893-00027099 to be in a really long time ones last sDYQeyhrrnE-00066-00027100-00027537 time away with your dad no Center yeah I sDYQeyhrrnE-00067-00027538-00028023 heard that over hey Matsu hey that was sDYQeyhrrnE-00068-00028024-00028399 like June but it's uh sDYQeyhrrnE-00069-00028400-00028617 I'm excited because I haven't had sushi sDYQeyhrrnE-00070-00028618-00028787 in a while I was trying to like save sDYQeyhrrnE-00071-00028788-00029021 myself for this so I could get really sDYQeyhrrnE-00072-00029022-00029318 really excited so I'll try to show you sDYQeyhrrnE-00073-00029319-00030390 guys sDYQeyhrrnE-00074-00030391-00030987 right sDYQeyhrrnE-00075-00030988-00031992 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00076-00031993-00032320 hey guy I'm talking very 14th it is sDYQeyhrrnE-00077-00032321-00032579 Valentine's Day so happy Valentine's Day sDYQeyhrrnE-00078-00032580-00033754 Ryan surprised me with raspberry jam sDYQeyhrrnE-00079-00033755-00033982 it's over so it's bigger than I thought sDYQeyhrrnE-00080-00033983-00034307 I can remember I don't care bigger one sDYQeyhrrnE-00081-00034308-00034642 but you want me to give me a sharpener sDYQeyhrrnE-00082-00034643-00036364 it's crap not ones in that drying so sDYQeyhrrnE-00083-00036365-00036811 Valentine's date night last night so I sDYQeyhrrnE-00084-00036812-00036967 think tonight I really want to bake sDYQeyhrrnE-00085-00036968-00038265 cookies and then maybe see a movie sDYQeyhrrnE-00086-00038266-00039169 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00087-00039170-00039539 it's currently 528 and Ryan odd class sDYQeyhrrnE-00088-00039540-00039755 pretty much all day today so he just sDYQeyhrrnE-00089-00039756-00039893 dropped me off out of Starbucks and I sDYQeyhrrnE-00090-00039894-00040067 did some work there and then after that sDYQeyhrrnE-00091-00040068-00040298 we walked around downtown Athens for a sDYQeyhrrnE-00092-00040299-00040535 little bit and I'm really interested in sDYQeyhrrnE-00093-00040536-00040772 getting like a really good banty like a sDYQeyhrrnE-00094-00040773-00041039 flowy comfortable one not like the stiff sDYQeyhrrnE-00095-00041040-00041624 ones you know a banty it's like Lynyrd sDYQeyhrrnE-00096-00041625-00042116 Skynyrd or queen ER so band and you're sDYQeyhrrnE-00097-00042117-00042521 saying banty no home band to you anyways sDYQeyhrrnE-00098-00042522-00042755 so I want one of those um let me know if sDYQeyhrrnE-00099-00042756-00042893 you guys have ever had like a really sDYQeyhrrnE-00100-00042894-00043094 soft comfortable like flowy one like sDYQeyhrrnE-00101-00043095-00043748 oversized one yea polyester I thought sDYQeyhrrnE-00102-00043749-00043949 that this door dynamite downtown Athens sDYQeyhrrnE-00103-00043950-00044138 would have them but they don't really sDYQeyhrrnE-00104-00044139-00044321 have that much everything was so sDYQeyhrrnE-00105-00044322-00044663 overpriced yeah really really overpriced sDYQeyhrrnE-00106-00044664-00044825 we never vlog about this austenite I sDYQeyhrrnE-00107-00044826-00045062 don't know why we didn't yeah but when sDYQeyhrrnE-00108-00045063-00045260 we at we ride halfway through dinner sDYQeyhrrnE-00109-00045261-00045596 yeah and like I saw people at the front sDYQeyhrrnE-00110-00045597-00045785 door I mean yeah that looks like this sDYQeyhrrnE-00111-00045786-00045878 went to school with sDYQeyhrrnE-00112-00045879-00046103 but like freddy freeman sat down at the sDYQeyhrrnE-00113-00046104-00046301 table across from me and i was like what sDYQeyhrrnE-00114-00046302-00046502 the heck and it was like i don't sDYQeyhrrnE-00115-00046503-00046697 remember his name I looked at the roster sDYQeyhrrnE-00116-00046698-00046844 I would know it but it's like two other sDYQeyhrrnE-00117-00046845-00047180 starters for the Braves and then one guy sDYQeyhrrnE-00118-00047181-00047405 it was on the starter and they have to sDYQeyhrrnE-00119-00047406-00047624 see it open like no one else is coming sDYQeyhrrnE-00120-00047625-00048032 and then Ryan Howard comes in like the sDYQeyhrrnE-00121-00048033-00048173 Hall of Fame player for the Phillies sDYQeyhrrnE-00122-00048174-00048380 come since it's not next to him I'm just sDYQeyhrrnE-00123-00048381-00048554 like soon they like starstruck and eat sDYQeyhrrnE-00124-00048555-00048689 my dinner if I keep like staring at him sDYQeyhrrnE-00125-00048690-00048878 it's funny cuz like Ryan literally told sDYQeyhrrnE-00126-00048879-00049025 me like right when they came out in the sDYQeyhrrnE-00127-00049026-00049205 door he was like those guys are famous I sDYQeyhrrnE-00128-00049206-00049355 was like how do you know like and sDYQeyhrrnE-00129-00049356-00049577 especially when you're an Emmy because sDYQeyhrrnE-00130-00049578-00049805 it means like one of the top rated sushi sDYQeyhrrnE-00131-00049806-00049889 places not Lena sDYQeyhrrnE-00132-00049890-00050081 so like famous people go there i sat sDYQeyhrrnE-00133-00050082-00050270 next to Nicolas Cage one time like no sDYQeyhrrnE-00134-00050271-00050471 joke so like you know famous people are sDYQeyhrrnE-00135-00050472-00050675 probably gonna be there so when when he sDYQeyhrrnE-00136-00050676-00050879 says I was like I mean like I wasn't sDYQeyhrrnE-00137-00050880-00051086 even like downing it at all I was like sDYQeyhrrnE-00138-00051087-00051215 yeah they're probably famous I have no sDYQeyhrrnE-00139-00051216-00051371 idea who they are but Freddie freemen sDYQeyhrrnE-00140-00051372-00051658 like I kind of like remember in his face sDYQeyhrrnE-00141-00051659-00051889 this is a very distinct like I would sDYQeyhrrnE-00142-00051890-00052144 yeah there's also huge you had to be sDYQeyhrrnE-00143-00052145-00052288 like six sex he's like really big guy sDYQeyhrrnE-00144-00052289-00052535 mmm but you know he looks famous I like sDYQeyhrrnE-00145-00052536-00052697 you could smell I'm like their cologne sDYQeyhrrnE-00146-00052698-00052891 like expensive Cologne it's like a table sDYQeyhrrnE-00147-00052892-00052991 over mm-hmm sDYQeyhrrnE-00148-00052991-00053212 no I like me nice watches on and like sDYQeyhrrnE-00149-00053213-00053723 t-shirt yeah so I had my starstruck sDYQeyhrrnE-00150-00053724-00054062 moment of my own because I like just got sDYQeyhrrnE-00151-00054063-00054335 into football like when did I get into sDYQeyhrrnE-00152-00054336-00054659 it it was like the last Peach Bowl when sDYQeyhrrnE-00153-00054660-00054821 when you see up onto the Peach Bowl sDYQeyhrrnE-00154-00054822-00055254 I like finally got into football and so sDYQeyhrrnE-00155-00055255-00055576 one day at my sorority meal plan in my sDYQeyhrrnE-00156-00055577-00055928 Kappa Delta house where I reside I was sDYQeyhrrnE-00157-00055929-00056123 like sitting down chillin like eating sDYQeyhrrnE-00158-00056124-00056291 like you know looking like a hobo as sDYQeyhrrnE-00159-00056291-00056824 usual and then Shakima Griffin walks in sDYQeyhrrnE-00160-00056825-00057266 okay no no big deal I mean it is a big sDYQeyhrrnE-00161-00057266-00057560 deal he's so he's so cool he's super sDYQeyhrrnE-00162-00057561-00057763 famous now and he's in like every ad sDYQeyhrrnE-00163-00057764-00058351 ever now you know he seems really nice sDYQeyhrrnE-00164-00058352-00058511 I didn't talk to him at all because I sDYQeyhrrnE-00165-00058512-00058709 was just like like I didn't want to sDYQeyhrrnE-00166-00058710-00058898 bother him because he came to my sDYQeyhrrnE-00167-00058899-00059096 sorority house to eat so I didn't want sDYQeyhrrnE-00168-00059097-00059285 to like be like oh my god can I get a sDYQeyhrrnE-00169-00059286-00059443 picture with you you know that's kind of sDYQeyhrrnE-00170-00059444-00059636 weird and I didn't want him to feel like sDYQeyhrrnE-00171-00059637-00059863 he could never like come back so I sDYQeyhrrnE-00172-00059864-00060049 didn't get a picture but just know that sDYQeyhrrnE-00173-00060050-00060229 I almost pissed myself because I was sDYQeyhrrnE-00174-00060230-00060388 like this is so cool I'm sitting next to sDYQeyhrrnE-00175-00060389-00060592 shaking Griffin right it was a long way sDYQeyhrrnE-00176-00060593-00060805 to get home he's trying to show me sDYQeyhrrnE-00177-00060806-00060955 around campus but like we got stuck in sDYQeyhrrnE-00178-00060956-00061216 really bad traffic no this is where we sDYQeyhrrnE-00179-00061217-00061391 were sitting when I turn someone who's sDYQeyhrrnE-00180-00061391-00062222 got traffic 30 minutes our plans were to sDYQeyhrrnE-00181-00062223-00062413 see a movie but I'll early can't pick sDYQeyhrrnE-00182-00062414-00062699 it's between miss Bala because I love sDYQeyhrrnE-00183-00062700-00062909 Jane the virgin it's to Jane the virgin sDYQeyhrrnE-00184-00062910-00063059 girl and it's pretty much she goes out sDYQeyhrrnE-00185-00063060-00063185 to a nightclub and this she gets sDYQeyhrrnE-00186-00063186-00063461 kidnapped and then she's what her head sDYQeyhrrnE-00187-00063462-00063824 no every movie is like she hits her head sDYQeyhrrnE-00188-00063825-00063976 and like something happened isn't it sDYQeyhrrnE-00189-00063977-00064150 romantic was the other one and then what sDYQeyhrrnE-00190-00064151-00064318 men think is the other one and like sDYQeyhrrnE-00191-00064319-00064513 there's something like a Freaky Friday sDYQeyhrrnE-00192-00064514-00064804 moment like this girl sips tea this girl sDYQeyhrrnE-00193-00064805-00064915 hits her head sDYQeyhrrnE-00194-00064916-00065082 and I feel pretty movie she hits her sDYQeyhrrnE-00195-00065083-00065256 head I'm like can you guys come up with sDYQeyhrrnE-00196-00065257-00065442 something a little bit different like I sDYQeyhrrnE-00197-00065444-00065655 don't get it but anyways I still want to sDYQeyhrrnE-00198-00065656-00065818 see the movies so I'm having a hard time sDYQeyhrrnE-00199-00065819-00065971 choosing which movie I want to see so sDYQeyhrrnE-00200-00065972-00066172 you might just go get like a red box sDYQeyhrrnE-00201-00066173-00066379 movie and do movie night at home and sDYQeyhrrnE-00202-00066380-00066561 then go watch a movie in the theaters sDYQeyhrrnE-00203-00066562-00066762 tomorrow ok great and we're going to do sDYQeyhrrnE-00204-00066763-00066922 keep this night so we decided to get sDYQeyhrrnE-00205-00066923-00067111 some wine and I'm thinking who's here sDYQeyhrrnE-00206-00067112-00068376 but don't know if I can afford anything sDYQeyhrrnE-00207-00068377-00068674 even better so let me know if you guys sDYQeyhrrnE-00208-00068675-00068842 have any recommendations for like really sDYQeyhrrnE-00209-00068843-00069344 sweet wines that are cheap sDYQeyhrrnE-00210-00069345-00070408 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00211-00070409-00070655 going to Peppino's Ryan has always sDYQeyhrrnE-00212-00070656-00070886 talked about how good it is so she had sDYQeyhrrnE-00213-00070887-00071021 some thick-ass across with gross sDYQeyhrrnE-00214-00071022-00071162 toppings for me no thank you sDYQeyhrrnE-00215-00071163-00071671 we all have our preferences okay sDYQeyhrrnE-00216-00071672-00071824 [Applause] sDYQeyhrrnE-00217-00071825-00072016 you thought it was gonna be you got so sDYQeyhrrnE-00218-00072017-00072598 it's not on breadstick I swear and sDYQeyhrrnE-00219-00072599-00072996 conference to order you don't want them sDYQeyhrrnE-00220-00072997-00073273 hey guys happy February 15th it's sDYQeyhrrnE-00221-00073274-00073639 currently 217 and we are going to shoot sDYQeyhrrnE-00222-00073640-00073927 for allergy provisions and last resort sDYQeyhrrnE-00223-00073928-00074149 girl you guys watch like any of my blogs sDYQeyhrrnE-00224-00074150-00074364 that I've been at and I started shooting sDYQeyhrrnE-00225-00074365-00074743 for these two places and I reached out sDYQeyhrrnE-00226-00074744-00074893 to the girl again and she wanted more sDYQeyhrrnE-00227-00074894-00075181 pics so I'm very excited because food sDYQeyhrrnE-00228-00075182-00075355 troops are like super fun like you get sDYQeyhrrnE-00229-00075356-00075496 to like Sarah food and make him look sDYQeyhrrnE-00230-00075497-00075883 really really pretty and shame for an sDYQeyhrrnE-00231-00075884-00076703 interview morning yeah sDYQeyhrrnE-00232-00076704-00077043 what's your favorite scent I like that sDYQeyhrrnE-00233-00077044-00077685 one looks pretty no I haven't eaten sDYQeyhrrnE-00234-00077686-00077778 anything all day sDYQeyhrrnE-00235-00077779-00078096 what time is it sDYQeyhrrnE-00236-00078097-00078324 today I'm using the 24 to 70 millimeter sDYQeyhrrnE-00237-00078325-00078584 lens with the Canon 70d sDYQeyhrrnE-00238-00078585-00078990 I would release which my lens up every sDYQeyhrrnE-00239-00078991-00079143 single time I take these pictures but sDYQeyhrrnE-00240-00079144-00079416 they turn out good so so we just got sDYQeyhrrnE-00241-00079417-00079635 down in our food shoot and we got some sDYQeyhrrnE-00242-00079636-00079827 food to take home so really excited sDYQeyhrrnE-00243-00079828-00080081 about that sDYQeyhrrnE-00244-00080082-00080352 yeah and I've never seen it that busy sDYQeyhrrnE-00245-00080353-00080502 cuz we usually go in the middle of the sDYQeyhrrnE-00246-00080503-00080856 day so it's not as packed because I sDYQeyhrrnE-00247-00080857-00080988 don't even think they're like open then sDYQeyhrrnE-00248-00080989-00081309 anyways it was literally crazy there's sDYQeyhrrnE-00249-00081310-00081666 wine I mean there's a lined exceeded is sDYQeyhrrnE-00250-00081667-00082041 extending anniversary crazy so I mean sDYQeyhrrnE-00251-00082042-00082230 it's really it's really famous I mean I sDYQeyhrrnE-00252-00082231-00082344 remember in high school I heard about sDYQeyhrrnE-00253-00082345-00082545 the last resort one girl just messaged sDYQeyhrrnE-00254-00082546-00082713 me on Instagram it's just like oh my god sDYQeyhrrnE-00255-00082714-00083070 I think messaging you gave me good luck sDYQeyhrrnE-00256-00083071-00083256 because she just got accepted me yeah sDYQeyhrrnE-00257-00083257-00083577 it's just so exciting that people watch sDYQeyhrrnE-00258-00083578-00083859 my videos about UCF and I want to go sDYQeyhrrnE-00259-00083860-00084045 there and like literally apply because sDYQeyhrrnE-00260-00084046-00084201 of my video I'm not trying to be cocky sDYQeyhrrnE-00261-00084202-00084387 or anything but it just makes me so so sDYQeyhrrnE-00262-00084388-00084543 happy because I want to show you guys sDYQeyhrrnE-00263-00084544-00084840 how great UCF is so it warms I hurt so sDYQeyhrrnE-00264-00084841-00084981 much when people say it's their top sDYQeyhrrnE-00265-00084982-00085338 school and actually get in so congrats sDYQeyhrrnE-00266-00085339-00085659 to all the people that got into UCF this sDYQeyhrrnE-00267-00085660-00085830 year it's literally gonna go by sDYQeyhrrnE-00268-00085831-00086115 extremely fast I was just looking at my sDYQeyhrrnE-00269-00086116-00086331 time hop I think two days ago and I saw sDYQeyhrrnE-00270-00086332-00086589 a video of me pressing my like sDYQeyhrrnE-00271-00086590-00086871 acceptance online and I was like damn sDYQeyhrrnE-00272-00086872-00087051 that's insane that was I was like four sDYQeyhrrnE-00273-00087052-00087243 years ago doesn't it feel like it was sDYQeyhrrnE-00274-00087244-00087447 four years ago but also it doesn't yes sDYQeyhrrnE-00275-00087448-00087752 yes that seems like half my lifetime sDYQeyhrrnE-00276-00087753-00088107 like into like college yeah it also sDYQeyhrrnE-00277-00088108-00088230 feels like family where I got to sDYQeyhrrnE-00278-00088231-00088470 graduate yeah I mean honestly I think sDYQeyhrrnE-00279-00088471-00088824 high school felt like way longer but I sDYQeyhrrnE-00280-00088825-00089163 mean yeah I don't know it just flew by sDYQeyhrrnE-00281-00089164-00089433 so enjoy about loss hey y'all happy sDYQeyhrrnE-00282-00089434-00089559 February 16 sDYQeyhrrnE-00283-00089560-00090063 we are going to the Athens Art Museum sDYQeyhrrnE-00284-00090064-00090315 yeah UGA Art Museum it's such a pretty sDYQeyhrrnE-00285-00090316-00090522 day out we did get like a late start sDYQeyhrrnE-00286-00090523-00090666 just because we wanted to sleep in a sDYQeyhrrnE-00287-00090667-00090732 little bit sDYQeyhrrnE-00288-00090733-00091146 stairs never end everyone know it sDYQeyhrrnE-00289-00091147-00091473 George's life swapping the tribes here sDYQeyhrrnE-00290-00091474-00091983 master for a while sDYQeyhrrnE-00291-00091984-00092986 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00292-00092987-00093268 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00293-00093269-00093436 it's gonna make the most of the sunny sDYQeyhrrnE-00294-00093437-00093732 day we came to the Botanical Gardens sDYQeyhrrnE-00295-00093733-00093987 what's it the Athens Botanical Gardens I sDYQeyhrrnE-00296-00093988-00094581 guess what really well I guess that Lana sDYQeyhrrnE-00297-00094582-00094830 has its own but yeah we're just near the sDYQeyhrrnE-00298-00094831-00095126 these flowers taking some pics sDYQeyhrrnE-00299-00095127-00095706 so I would say salt day when she's just sDYQeyhrrnE-00300-00095707-00095928 been feeling really creative today sDYQeyhrrnE-00301-00095929-00096747 killing it at the ends - hubby game Wow sDYQeyhrrnE-00302-00096748-00097026 good morning guys happy February 17th sDYQeyhrrnE-00303-00097027-00097449 today is super gloomy kind of cold like sDYQeyhrrnE-00304-00097450-00097603 I don't know where it's been so nice sDYQeyhrrnE-00305-00097604-00097869 here and of course my last day it's sDYQeyhrrnE-00306-00097870-00098041 rainy but like you know what I'll take sDYQeyhrrnE-00307-00098042-00098086 it sDYQeyhrrnE-00308-00098087-00098347 I've had a lot of sunny days so I'm sDYQeyhrrnE-00309-00098348-00098517 happy about that we're actually going to sDYQeyhrrnE-00310-00098518-00098773 another food shoot for allergy sDYQeyhrrnE-00311-00098774-00098941 provisions we're gonna do their brunch sDYQeyhrrnE-00312-00098942-00099199 items so I'm really excited because I've sDYQeyhrrnE-00313-00099200-00099361 never seen their brunch honestly I sDYQeyhrrnE-00314-00099362-00099507 didn't even know they had a brunch so sDYQeyhrrnE-00315-00099508-00099754 I'm excited to shoot them and just see sDYQeyhrrnE-00316-00099755-00099937 what they have after that I'm hoping to sDYQeyhrrnE-00317-00099938-00100119 go to a coffee shop just because I kind sDYQeyhrrnE-00318-00100120-00100291 of want to get some work done and then sDYQeyhrrnE-00319-00100292-00100447 later today I'm doing a shoot with Brook sDYQeyhrrnE-00320-00100448-00100660 Michiyo so that's kind of more like sDYQeyhrrnE-00321-00100661-00100919 lifestyle shot so I'm pumped about that sDYQeyhrrnE-00322-00100920-00101238 hopefully the weather is like ok the sDYQeyhrrnE-00323-00101239-00101374 shoot is I was thinking it'd be like sDYQeyhrrnE-00324-00101375-00101647 more of an outdoor shoot but I bet sDYQeyhrrnE-00325-00101648-00101824 there's like a lot of you like indoor sDYQeyhrrnE-00326-00101825-00102024 places so hopefully that goes well sDYQeyhrrnE-00327-00102025-00102199 especially like with the weather and sDYQeyhrrnE-00328-00102200-00104769 what it is looking like now sDYQeyhrrnE-00329-00104770-00105035 we just got done with the shoe and we sDYQeyhrrnE-00330-00105036-00105236 got so much food from it we're so sDYQeyhrrnE-00331-00105238-00105438 excited because it's French food to sDYQeyhrrnE-00332-00105439-00106122 french toast no no no no we're I'm sDYQeyhrrnE-00333-00106123-00106248 really blessed to have this opportunity sDYQeyhrrnE-00334-00106249-00106554 here in Athens because I get to like you sDYQeyhrrnE-00335-00106555-00106733 know do what I love and make a little sDYQeyhrrnE-00336-00106734-00106968 money while on vacation while seeing bay sDYQeyhrrnE-00337-00106969-00107340 so it works out the one win I don't feel sDYQeyhrrnE-00338-00107341-00107478 like super lazy because I feel like I'm sDYQeyhrrnE-00339-00107479-00107757 doing something that is going to you sDYQeyhrrnE-00340-00107758-00107847 know help me in the future sDYQeyhrrnE-00341-00107848-00108126 Ryan helps a lot my caring or like sDYQeyhrrnE-00342-00108127-00108318 holding up the reflector for me because sDYQeyhrrnE-00343-00108319-00108560 since it is really gloomy outside the sDYQeyhrrnE-00344-00108561-00108870 light that we usually work with wasn't sDYQeyhrrnE-00345-00108871-00109065 as bright so there was like a lot of sDYQeyhrrnE-00346-00109066-00109329 shadows it just wasn't like you know it sDYQeyhrrnE-00347-00109330-00109680 wasn't perfect so luckily I had my sDYQeyhrrnE-00348-00109681-00109923 reflector I literally brought like three sDYQeyhrrnE-00349-00109924-00110148 bags this time he'll Pat and take all my sDYQeyhrrnE-00350-00110149-00110517 camera stuff back here so a little bit sDYQeyhrrnE-00351-00110518-00110636 open over-packer sDYQeyhrrnE-00352-00110638-00110820 well actually I'm always an over-packer sDYQeyhrrnE-00353-00110821-00111320 but this time it was a whole difference sDYQeyhrrnE-00354-00111321-00111648 it's currently three and we are going to sDYQeyhrrnE-00355-00111649-00111900 1,000 faces because I'm meeting Brooke sDYQeyhrrnE-00356-00111901-00112095 there at four and I have like a little sDYQeyhrrnE-00357-00112096-00112245 bit of work to do I want to upload those sDYQeyhrrnE-00358-00112246-00112407 pictures that I took this morning so I sDYQeyhrrnE-00359-00112408-00112521 thought might as well just do a little sDYQeyhrrnE-00360-00112522-00112824 work before the shoot and Ryan's here sDYQeyhrrnE-00361-00112825-00113060 with me it's gonna take a test while sDYQeyhrrnE-00362-00113061-00113271 we're there I'm very blessed because the sDYQeyhrrnE-00363-00113272-00113403 weather app told me it was gonna be sDYQeyhrrnE-00364-00113404-00113576 raining really really bad this whole day sDYQeyhrrnE-00365-00113577-00113847 but it's like bit just like sprinkling sDYQeyhrrnE-00366-00113848-00114059 just a super glue in but like I can do sDYQeyhrrnE-00367-00114060-00114213 that I just can't do like you know sDYQeyhrrnE-00368-00114214-00114393 torrential downpour it's looking great sDYQeyhrrnE-00369-00114394-00115467 so far so hopefully this shoot goes well sDYQeyhrrnE-00370-00115468-00115698 [Music] sDYQeyhrrnE-00371-00115699-00115977 we just took fixed and we wrapped our sDYQeyhrrnE-00372-00115978-00116170 shoe they were they really turned out sDYQeyhrrnE-00373-00116171-00116395 great like honestly this yes this sDYQeyhrrnE-00374-00116396-00116640 weather sucked but they just kind of got sDYQeyhrrnE-00375-00116641-00116851 a push through it and really saying sDYQeyhrrnE-00376-00116852-00117102 thank you so much super fun day and I'll sDYQeyhrrnE-00377-00117103-00117247 try to like add some pictures here so sDYQeyhrrnE-00378-00117248-00117513 you guys can see them but also follow my sDYQeyhrrnE-00379-00117514-00117649 photography account if you want to see sDYQeyhrrnE-00380-00117650-00117793 more definitely yeah sDYQeyhrrnE-00382-00121713-00121989 hey guys happy Monday days the day that sDYQeyhrrnE-00383-00121990-00122309 I leave Athens and Georgia and go back sDYQeyhrrnE-00384-00122310-00122391 to college sDYQeyhrrnE-00385-00122392-00123078 it also means I'm leaving Ryan I was sDYQeyhrrnE-00386-00123079-00123252 trying to think like if I put anything sDYQeyhrrnE-00387-00123253-00123533 new in my suitcase because I was right sDYQeyhrrnE-00388-00123534-00123758 at 49 pounds when I came here with my sDYQeyhrrnE-00389-00123759-00123978 suitcase so I'm hoping that it's not sDYQeyhrrnE-00390-00123979-00124176 over but I don't think I like got sDYQeyhrrnE-00391-00124177-00124419 anything or put anything new in it so sDYQeyhrrnE-00392-00124420-00124650 I'm hoping I won't have to like deal sDYQeyhrrnE-00393-00124651-00124808 with thaks like it's just the most sDYQeyhrrnE-00394-00124809-00124934 embarrassing thing when you have to like sDYQeyhrrnE-00395-00124935-00125130 open up your suitcase and like move sDYQeyhrrnE-00396-00125131-00125304 things around into other bags but sDYQeyhrrnE-00397-00125305-00125514 thankfully I have two other bags but sDYQeyhrrnE-00398-00125515-00125790 they're you know not the most empty so sDYQeyhrrnE-00399-00125791-00125994 yeah hopefully I don't have to deal with sDYQeyhrrnE-00400-00125995-00126236 that it's a one and a half hour ride to sDYQeyhrrnE-00401-00126238-00126468 the airport from Athens so really being sDYQeyhrrnE-00402-00126469-00126809 at we're looking at almost 11:00 it's sDYQeyhrrnE-00403-00126810-00126951 kind of weird because I usually always sDYQeyhrrnE-00404-00126952-00127317 have a morning flight or like not not sDYQeyhrrnE-00405-00127318-00127470 always a night flight but usually a sDYQeyhrrnE-00406-00127471-00127722 morning flight but this flight is like sDYQeyhrrnE-00407-00127723-00127905 in the middle of the day so that's like sDYQeyhrrnE-00408-00127906-00128100 a weird time to just have like it's like sDYQeyhrrnE-00409-00128101-00128285 I don't know you can't like make much of sDYQeyhrrnE-00410-00128286-00129500 the day if that makes sense sDYQeyhrrnE-00411-00129501-00131024 [Music] sE4ap_9Wd6U-00000-00000053-00000331 in formal or ad-hoc romanization zuv sE4ap_9Wd6U-00001-00000332-00000493 Cyrillic have been in use since the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00002-00000494-00000718 early days of electronic communications sE4ap_9Wd6U-00003-00000719-00000936 starting from early email and bulletin sE4ap_9Wd6U-00004-00000938-00001200 board systems their use faded with the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00005-00001201-00001387 advances in the Russian internet that sE4ap_9Wd6U-00006-00001388-00001599 made support of Cyrillic script standard sE4ap_9Wd6U-00007-00001600-00001795 but resurfaced with the proliferation of sE4ap_9Wd6U-00008-00001796-00002047 instant messaging SMS and mobile phone sE4ap_9Wd6U-00009-00002048-00002653 messaging in Russia sE4ap_9Wd6U-00010-00002654-00003173 topic development sE4ap_9Wd6U-00011-00003174-00003406 due to its informal character there was sE4ap_9Wd6U-00012-00003407-00003620 neither a well-established standard nor sE4ap_9Wd6U-00013-00003621-00003899 a common name in the early days of email sE4ap_9Wd6U-00014-00003900-00004250 the humorous term Vleck encoding russian sE4ap_9Wd6U-00015-00004251-00004636 korabl epic or ville epic coder of sE4ap_9Wd6U-00016-00004637-00004843 Kavala piak was sometimes used more sE4ap_9Wd6U-00017-00004844-00005147 recently the term translate emerge to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00018-00005148-00005360 indiscriminately refer to both programs sE4ap_9Wd6U-00019-00005361-00005543 that transliterate Cyrillic and other sE4ap_9Wd6U-00020-00005544-00005779 non-latin alphabets into Latin as well sE4ap_9Wd6U-00021-00005780-00005975 as the result of such transliteration sE4ap_9Wd6U-00022-00005976-00006232 the word is an abbreviation of the term sE4ap_9Wd6U-00023-00006233-00006445 transliteration and most probably it's sE4ap_9Wd6U-00024-00006447-00006702 usage originated in several places an sE4ap_9Wd6U-00025-00006703-00007066 example of early translate is the DOS sE4ap_9Wd6U-00026-00007067-00007304 program translate by Jan lab annouce key sE4ap_9Wd6U-00027-00007305-00007487 which runs from the command prompt to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00028-00007488-00007688 convert a Cyrillic file to a Latin one sE4ap_9Wd6U-00029-00007689-00007941 using a specified transliteration table sE4ap_9Wd6U-00030-00007942-00008188 there are two basic varieties of sE4ap_9Wd6U-00031-00008189-00008444 romanization of Russian transliterations sE4ap_9Wd6U-00032-00008445-00008609 and leet speak type of rendering of sE4ap_9Wd6U-00033-00008610-00008860 Russian text the latter one is often sE4ap_9Wd6U-00034-00008861-00009074 heavily saturated with common English sE4ap_9Wd6U-00035-00009075-00009251 words which are often much shorter than sE4ap_9Wd6U-00036-00009252-00009455 the corresponding Russian ones and is sE4ap_9Wd6U-00037-00009456-00009638 sometimes referred to as wrong glish or sE4ap_9Wd6U-00038-00009639-00010198 Russell ish sE4ap_9Wd6U-00039-00010199-00010473 topic translate sE4ap_9Wd6U-00040-00010474-00010711 you sE4ap_9Wd6U-00041-00010712-00010910 translate as a method of encoding sE4ap_9Wd6U-00042-00010911-00011156 Cyrillic letters with Latin ones the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00043-00011157-00011381 term is derived from transliteration the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00044-00011382-00011558 system of replacing letters of one sE4ap_9Wd6U-00045-00011559-00011752 alphabet with letters of another sE4ap_9Wd6U-00046-00011753-00012017 translate found its way into web forums sE4ap_9Wd6U-00047-00012018-00012265 chats messengers emails sE4ap_9Wd6U-00048-00012266-00012596 MMORPGs and other network games some sE4ap_9Wd6U-00049-00012597-00012791 Cyrillic websites had a translate sE4ap_9Wd6U-00050-00012792-00013001 version for cases of encoding problems sE4ap_9Wd6U-00051-00013002-00013313 as computer and network technologies sE4ap_9Wd6U-00052-00013313-00013484 developed support for the Cyrillic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00053-00013485-00013716 script translate fell into disrepute sE4ap_9Wd6U-00054-00013718-00013979 sometimes translate users were ignored sE4ap_9Wd6U-00055-00013980-00014162 or even banned in Cyrillic using sE4ap_9Wd6U-00056-00014163-00014477 communities Translate received its last sE4ap_9Wd6U-00057-00014478-00014666 development impulse with the increasing sE4ap_9Wd6U-00058-00014666-00014840 availability of mobile phones in sE4ap_9Wd6U-00059-00014841-00015134 Cyrillic using countries at first the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00060-00015135-00015356 situation was the same as with computers sE4ap_9Wd6U-00061-00015357-00015557 neither mobile phones nor mobile network sE4ap_9Wd6U-00062-00015558-00015821 operators supported Cyrillic although sE4ap_9Wd6U-00063-00015822-00016034 mobile phone technology now supports sE4ap_9Wd6U-00064-00016035-00016219 Unicode including all variants of sE4ap_9Wd6U-00065-00016220-00016475 Cyrillic alphabets a single SMS in sE4ap_9Wd6U-00066-00016476-00016694 Unicode is limited to 70 characters sE4ap_9Wd6U-00067-00016695-00016930 whereas a laminate SMS can have up to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00068-00016931-00017294 160 characters if a message exceeds the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00069-00017295-00017453 character limit it is split into sE4ap_9Wd6U-00070-00017454-00017729 multiple parts that makes message is sE4ap_9Wd6U-00071-00017730-00017941 written in Cyrillic more expensive sE4ap_9Wd6U-00072-00017942-00018308 sometimes why you yo ye-yah service sE4ap_9Wd6U-00073-00018309-00018659 transliteration for je u ee lately a sE4ap_9Wd6U-00074-00018660-00018844 more aggressive form of Translate sE4ap_9Wd6U-00075-00018845-00019064 appeared its identifying characteristic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00076-00019065-00019247 being the use of numbers to substitute sE4ap_9Wd6U-00077-00019248-00019511 some of the letters for example for sE4ap_9Wd6U-00078-00019512-00019853 reads as CH and is used to translate sE4ap_9Wd6U-00079-00019854-00020171 letter C from the transliteration of the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00080-00020172-00020621 word for in Russian chat I see tire or sE4ap_9Wd6U-00081-00020622-00020800 arguably the appearance of the letter sE4ap_9Wd6U-00082-00020801-00020978 similar to that of for in Arabic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00083-00020979-00021269 numerals also a number can substitute sE4ap_9Wd6U-00084-00021270-00021593 its whole name as part of a word sov 7 sE4ap_9Wd6U-00085-00021594-00022225 for silvus m completely or posmode 3 for sE4ap_9Wd6U-00086-00022226-00022513 PA's ma tree have a look sE4ap_9Wd6U-00087-00022514-00022735 imperative sE4ap_9Wd6U-00088-00022736-00022927 translate as often so distorted that sE4ap_9Wd6U-00089-00022928-00023125 native speakers have trouble reading it sE4ap_9Wd6U-00090-00023126-00023389 the use of translate is forbidden on sE4ap_9Wd6U-00091-00023390-00023593 many internet forums Russia and other sE4ap_9Wd6U-00092-00023594-00023854 former Soviet republics adopted the ISO sE4ap_9Wd6U-00093-00023855-00024088 9 transliteration standard for official sE4ap_9Wd6U-00094-00024089-00024478 use under the designation 7.7 9 - 2000 sE4ap_9Wd6U-00095-00024479-00024889 replacing the old Soviet GOST 16,800 76 sE4ap_9Wd6U-00096-00024890-00025473 - 71 sE4ap_9Wd6U-00097-00025474-00026047 topic translate in Bulgaria sE4ap_9Wd6U-00098-00026048-00026296 a modified version of translate called sE4ap_9Wd6U-00099-00026297-00026518 shloka visa or miming Itza is used sE4ap_9Wd6U-00100-00026519-00026807 widely on the internet in Bulgaria it is sE4ap_9Wd6U-00101-00026808-00027020 similar to Russian Translate except for sE4ap_9Wd6U-00102-00027020-00027265 the following differences can be sE4ap_9Wd6U-00103-00027266-00027536 transliterated as a u and y and rarely sE4ap_9Wd6U-00104-00027537-00027893 as one o is usually transliterated as q sE4ap_9Wd6U-00105-00027894-00028232 but Yaya can be seen c is transliterated sE4ap_9Wd6U-00106-00028233-00028661 as either 4 or CH c is transliterated as sE4ap_9Wd6U-00107-00028662-00029074 either TS or c z is transliterated as j sE4ap_9Wd6U-00108-00029075-00029426 some times V U is transliterated as sE4ap_9Wd6U-00109-00029427-00029708 either you you or you J is sE4ap_9Wd6U-00110-00029708-00030104 transliterated as either i yr j s is sE4ap_9Wd6U-00111-00030105-00030467 transliterated as 6 or shish v is mostly sE4ap_9Wd6U-00112-00030468-00030733 transliterated as v but w has been seen sE4ap_9Wd6U-00113-00030734-00030899 due to the placement of the letter on sE4ap_9Wd6U-00114-00030900-00031070 the bulgarian traditional phonetic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00115-00031070-00031844 keyboard s is transliterated as sh t sE4ap_9Wd6U-00116-00031845-00032367 topic Ville epoch encoding sE4ap_9Wd6U-00117-00032368-00032668 for the language civil epic vil epic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00118-00032669-00032890 encoding Russian could Rockville epic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00119-00032891-00033268 coder aapke Ville epic Orla tanaka lit sE4ap_9Wd6U-00120-00033269-00033470 tanaka is a slang term for rendering the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00121-00033471-00033626 letters of the Cyrillic script with sE4ap_9Wd6U-00122-00033627-00033711 Latin ones sE4ap_9Wd6U-00123-00033712-00033995 unlike translate in which characters are sE4ap_9Wd6U-00124-00033996-00034186 replaced to sound the same in Valletta sE4ap_9Wd6U-00125-00034187-00034387 characters can be replaced to look or sE4ap_9Wd6U-00126-00034388-00034935 sound the same sE4ap_9Wd6U-00127-00034936-00035446 topic etymology sE4ap_9Wd6U-00128-00035447-00035683 the name Valletta kin coding comes from sE4ap_9Wd6U-00129-00035684-00035876 the constructed language Ville epoch for sE4ap_9Wd6U-00130-00035877-00035955 two reasons sE4ap_9Wd6U-00131-00035956-00036220 Cyrillic text written in this way looks sE4ap_9Wd6U-00132-00036221-00036445 strange and often funny just as Avila sE4ap_9Wd6U-00133-00036446-00036727 poq language text may appear at the same sE4ap_9Wd6U-00134-00036728-00037054 time the word Ville epic Ville epic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00135-00037055-00037321 Ville epic vallah piak Volia piak in sE4ap_9Wd6U-00136-00037322-00037535 russian itself sounds funny to russian sE4ap_9Wd6U-00137-00037536-00037829 years so the name stuck the term was sE4ap_9Wd6U-00138-00037830-00038029 popularized by its use in the first sE4ap_9Wd6U-00139-00038030-00038311 Soviet commercially-available uucp and sE4ap_9Wd6U-00140-00038312-00038680 tcp/ip network re LC om a typical sE4ap_9Wd6U-00141-00038681-00038885 networking software package included sE4ap_9Wd6U-00142-00038886-00039055 Cyrillic koi 8 - Valetta sE4ap_9Wd6U-00143-00039056-00039268 transcoding utilities called Tove all sE4ap_9Wd6U-00144-00039269-00039487 and Fromme vol originally implemented by sE4ap_9Wd6U-00145-00039488-00039686 Vadim Antonov making it the likely sE4ap_9Wd6U-00146-00039687-00039871 origin of the usage of Olympic as sE4ap_9Wd6U-00147-00039872-00040490 applied to Cyrillic encoding sE4ap_9Wd6U-00148-00040491-00040928 topic history sE4ap_9Wd6U-00149-00040929-00041220 the Lepik and translate have been in use sE4ap_9Wd6U-00150-00041221-00041390 since the early days of the internet to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00151-00041391-00041612 write email messages and other texts in sE4ap_9Wd6U-00152-00041613-00041793 Russian where the support of Cyrillic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00153-00041794-00041985 fonts was limited either the sender did sE4ap_9Wd6U-00154-00041986-00042140 not have a keyboard with Cyrillic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00155-00042141-00042293 letters or the receiver did not sE4ap_9Wd6U-00156-00042294-00042510 necessarily have Cyrillic screen fonts sE4ap_9Wd6U-00157-00042511-00042783 in the early days the situation was sE4ap_9Wd6U-00158-00042784-00042968 aggravated by a number of mutually sE4ap_9Wd6U-00159-00042969-00043173 incompatible computer and coatings for sE4ap_9Wd6U-00160-00043174-00043343 the Cyrillic script so that the sender sE4ap_9Wd6U-00161-00043344-00043518 and receiver were not guaranteed to have sE4ap_9Wd6U-00162-00043519-00043779 the same one also the seven bit sE4ap_9Wd6U-00163-00043780-00043986 character encoding of the early days was sE4ap_9Wd6U-00164-00043987-00044265 an additional hindrance some Russian sE4ap_9Wd6U-00165-00044266-00044457 email providers even included Ville sE4ap_9Wd6U-00166-00044458-00044634 epoch encoding in the list of available sE4ap_9Wd6U-00167-00044635-00044962 options for the emails routed abroad eg sE4ap_9Wd6U-00168-00044963-00045465 mime base64 mime quoted-printable Ville sE4ap_9Wd6U-00169-00045466-00045801 epic Guin code by the late 90s the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00170-00045802-00045965 encoding problem had been almost sE4ap_9Wd6U-00171-00045966-00046185 completely resolved due to increasing sE4ap_9Wd6U-00172-00046186-00046407 support from software manufacturers and sE4ap_9Wd6U-00173-00046408-00046671 Internet service providers Ville epic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00174-00046672-00046905 still maintains a level of use for SMS sE4ap_9Wd6U-00175-00046906-00047118 text messages because it is possible to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00176-00047119-00047367 fit more characters in a latinized SMS sE4ap_9Wd6U-00177-00047368-00047633 message than a Unicode one it is also sE4ap_9Wd6U-00178-00047634-00047862 used in computer games that do not allow sE4ap_9Wd6U-00179-00047863-00048075 Cyrillic text in chat particularly sE4ap_9Wd6U-00180-00048076-00048625 counter-strike sE4ap_9Wd6U-00181-00048626-00049118 topic rules sE4ap_9Wd6U-00182-00049119-00049358 the Lepik often replaces Cyrillic sE4ap_9Wd6U-00183-00049359-00049562 letters with Latin ones in order to look sE4ap_9Wd6U-00184-00049563-00049781 the same or at least similar as typed or sE4ap_9Wd6U-00185-00049782-00050132 handwritten Cyrillic letters replace the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00186-00050133-00050687 same letters AE k mt o capitalized when sE4ap_9Wd6U-00187-00050688-00050933 necessary for closer resemblance k k sE4ap_9Wd6U-00188-00050934-00051251 better than k mm better than m TT better sE4ap_9Wd6U-00189-00051252-00051482 than t which looks exactly like em in sE4ap_9Wd6U-00190-00051483-00051782 handwritten Cyrillic replace similar sE4ap_9Wd6U-00191-00051783-00052037 looking letters VB gr handwritten sE4ap_9Wd6U-00192-00052038-00052415 resemblance Z 3 LJ or the lastest again sE4ap_9Wd6U-00193-00052416-00052610 handwritten resemblance an npn sE4ap_9Wd6U-00194-00052611-00053099 handwritten resemblance RP SC u y HX c 4 sE4ap_9Wd6U-00195-00053100-00053479 AR i and this may vary replace all other sE4ap_9Wd6U-00196-00053480-00053702 non obvious hard to represent characters sE4ap_9Wd6U-00197-00053703-00053941 using leet any combination of Latin sE4ap_9Wd6U-00198-00053942-00054154 letters numbers or punctuation that sE4ap_9Wd6U-00199-00054155-00054332 might bear a passing resemblance to the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00200-00054333-00054512 Cyrillic letter in question there are sE4ap_9Wd6U-00201-00054513-00054655 many options for each letter sE4ap_9Wd6U-00202-00054657-00054965 for example letter s can be encoded in sE4ap_9Wd6U-00203-00054966-00055319 more than 15 different ways examples Z sE4ap_9Wd6U-00204-00055320-00055622 asterisk s ll i underscore a and so on sE4ap_9Wd6U-00205-00055623-00055883 the choice for each letter depends on sE4ap_9Wd6U-00206-00055884-00056066 the Preferences of the individual user sE4ap_9Wd6U-00207-00056066-00056287 encoding depends on the language as well sE4ap_9Wd6U-00208-00056288-00056585 for example ukrainian users have their sE4ap_9Wd6U-00209-00056586-00056783 own traditions distinct from the russian sE4ap_9Wd6U-00210-00056784-00057295 ones sE4ap_9Wd6U-00211-00057296-00057757 topic table sE4ap_9Wd6U-00212-00057758-00058098 you sE4ap_9Wd6U-00213-00058099-00058570 topic example sE4ap_9Wd6U-00214-00058571-00058933 so vets ki-suh Cyrillic Soviet Union sE4ap_9Wd6U-00215-00058934-00059264 Quebec clue cobalt 3 hypo iodide vole sE4ap_9Wd6U-00216-00059265-00060067 epic so vet ski Soyuz transliteration sE4ap_9Wd6U-00217-00060069-00060653 topic russian chat alphabet sE4ap_9Wd6U-00218-00060654-00060914 the Russian chat alphabet is a fast to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00219-00060915-00061129 type mix of translate in Valletta being sE4ap_9Wd6U-00220-00061130-00061307 translate mostly but giving the option sE4ap_9Wd6U-00221-00061308-00061526 to replace some two or three character sE4ap_9Wd6U-00222-00061527-00061697 transliterations with shorter one sE4ap_9Wd6U-00223-00061698-00061886 character counterparts from Vleck sE4ap_9Wd6U-00224-00061887-00062183 this speeds up typing however in some sE4ap_9Wd6U-00225-00062184-00062429 cases characters may be Valletta encoded sE4ap_9Wd6U-00226-00062429-00062633 making text appear incorrectly and sE4ap_9Wd6U-00227-00062634-00062810 therefore be harder or impossible to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00228-00062811-00063062 read in russia and countries where sE4ap_9Wd6U-00229-00063063-00063275 russian is used regularly to communicate sE4ap_9Wd6U-00230-00063276-00063485 via mobile phone and chat room it is sE4ap_9Wd6U-00231-00063486-00063679 used as an alternate and free style of sE4ap_9Wd6U-00232-00063680-00063953 transliteration it also works around the sE4ap_9Wd6U-00233-00063954-00064202 limitations of programs and/or devices sE4ap_9Wd6U-00234-00064203-00064358 where a Cyrillic keyboard is not sE4ap_9Wd6U-00235-00064359-00064673 available within Russia one reason to sE4ap_9Wd6U-00236-00064674-00064907 use transliteration for Russian text is sE4ap_9Wd6U-00237-00064908-00065087 that mobile characters allow for more sE4ap_9Wd6U-00238-00065088-00065300 Latin characters than Cyrillic ones / sE4ap_9Wd6U-00239-00065301-00065558 SMS Latin and capital Greek letters are sE4ap_9Wd6U-00240-00065559-00065792 covered by the gsm 7-bit alphabet sE4ap_9Wd6U-00241-00065793-00066098 allowing up to 160 such characters in a sE4ap_9Wd6U-00242-00066099-00066278 message while Cyrillic letters are not sE4ap_9Wd6U-00243-00066279-00066542 requiring a 16-bit encoding that limits sE4ap_9Wd6U-00244-00066543-00066851 messages to 70 characters in this case sE4ap_9Wd6U-00245-00066852-00067064 the focus is of course on getting one sE4ap_9Wd6U-00246-00067065-00067295 Latin character of which there are 26 sE4ap_9Wd6U-00247-00067296-00067481 for each Cyrillic character of which sE4ap_9Wd6U-00248-00067482-00067706 there are 33 in Russian and additional sE4ap_9Wd6U-00249-00067707-00067874 characters in Ukrainian and other sE4ap_9Wd6U-00250-00067875-00068168 languages using Cyrillic script only sE4ap_9Wd6U-00251-00068169-00068357 those used for Russian are exemplified sE4ap_9Wd6U-00252-00068358-00068660 here where variants are given the first sE4ap_9Wd6U-00253-00068661-00068849 is most common and the last is less sE4ap_9Wd6U-00254-00068850-00069035 common although trends change quickly sE4ap_9Wd6U-00255-00069036-00069323 and differ from person to person lack of sE4ap_9Wd6U-00256-00069324-00069527 standardization as the biggest weakness sE4ap_9Wd6U-00257-00069528-00069728 of this informal transliterations as sE4ap_9Wd6U-00258-00069729-00069917 different styles contradict each other sE4ap_9Wd6U-00259-00069918-00070067 and can make reading slower than sE4ap_9Wd6U-00260-00070068-00070632 necessary sE4ap_9Wd6U-00261-00070633-00071209 topic see also sE4ap_9Wd6U-00262-00071210-00071609 transliteration Russian chat alphabet sE4ap_9Wd6U-00263-00071610-00071924 romanization of Russian Arabic chat sE4ap_9Wd6U-00264-00071925-00072347 alphabet romanization of Ukrainian fo sE4ap_9Wd6U-00265-00072348-00073022 Cyrillic the reverse eg a USS IAI moji sE4ap_9Wd6U-00266-00073023-00073388 baked Greek leche sE_VMsHKxpI-00000-00000054-00000354 foreign sG4zK80C-Qc-00000-00000039-00000295 today the debut episode of the members sG4zK80C-Qc-00001-00000296-00000519 only podcast we introduce the show and sG4zK80C-Qc-00002-00000520-00000703 talk about where we're hoping to take sG4zK80C-Qc-00003-00000704-00000927 things in the future sG4zK80C-Qc-00004-00000927-00001150 not only that we do our first mobster sG4zK80C-Qc-00005-00001151-00001343 biography where we cover the life and sG4zK80C-Qc-00006-00001344-00001582 times of tommy gagliano one of the most sG4zK80C-Qc-00007-00001583-00001775 low-key and mysterious mobsters in the sG4zK80C-Qc-00008-00001776-00002007 history of kozanostra and a founding sG4zK80C-Qc-00009-00002007-00002255 godfather of the american mafia as we sG4zK80C-Qc-00010-00002256-00002758 know it today sG4zK80C-Qc-00011-00002759-00002983 the legends of the american mafia are sG4zK80C-Qc-00012-00002984-00003158 woven into the fabric of american sG4zK80C-Qc-00013-00003159-00003383 society and pop culture sG4zK80C-Qc-00014-00003384-00003559 we've all seen the movies or heard the sG4zK80C-Qc-00015-00003560-00003719 stories of the men of this secret sG4zK80C-Qc-00016-00003720-00004079 society they are stories of family power sG4zK80C-Qc-00017-00004079-00004486 wealth respect greed betrayal violence sG4zK80C-Qc-00018-00004487-00004679 murder and mayhem sG4zK80C-Qc-00019-00004680-00004863 while the golden age of the mob may be sG4zK80C-Qc-00020-00004864-00005127 over the stories have become lore and sG4zK80C-Qc-00021-00005128-00005591 the names remain as infamous as ever sG4zK80C-Qc-00022-00005592-00005822 you're listening to the members only sG4zK80C-Qc-00023-00005823-00006095 podcast hosted by history buff and mob sG4zK80C-Qc-00024-00006096-00006351 aficionado jacob stoops sG4zK80C-Qc-00025-00006352-00006559 he tells the true crime biographies of sG4zK80C-Qc-00026-00006559-00006814 real life monsters and dives deep into sG4zK80C-Qc-00027-00006815-00007119 the plots subplots and real facts behind sG4zK80C-Qc-00028-00007120-00007246 cosa nostra sG4zK80C-Qc-00029-00007247-00007431 as well as popular mob films and sG4zK80C-Qc-00030-00007431-00007687 television shows sG4zK80C-Qc-00031-00007688-00008695 viewer discretion is advised sG4zK80C-Qc-00032-00008696-00008863 hello everyone and welcome to the sG4zK80C-Qc-00033-00008864-00009095 inaugural episode of the members only sG4zK80C-Qc-00034-00009096-00009335 podcast a podcast about the american sG4zK80C-Qc-00035-00009336-00009606 mafia as well as portrayals of the mob sG4zK80C-Qc-00036-00009607-00009935 in movies and tv i am your host jacob sG4zK80C-Qc-00037-00009936-00010167 stoops and i'm a history buff and mob sG4zK80C-Qc-00038-00010168-00010399 aficionado let me just start by putting sG4zK80C-Qc-00039-00010400-00010663 this out there i am in no way nor have i sG4zK80C-Qc-00040-00010664-00010887 ever been associated with organized sG4zK80C-Qc-00041-00010888-00010983 crime sG4zK80C-Qc-00042-00010984-00011199 i'm just a guy who number one has a sG4zK80C-Qc-00043-00011200-00011455 passion for history number two who finds sG4zK80C-Qc-00044-00011456-00011655 the mob in that culture endlessly sG4zK80C-Qc-00045-00011656-00011831 fascinating and number three who has sG4zK80C-Qc-00046-00011832-00012095 studied the american mafia for about 15 sG4zK80C-Qc-00047-00012096-00012367 years not only that i've got a creative sG4zK80C-Qc-00048-00012368-00012574 itch and i'm always working on side sG4zK80C-Qc-00049-00012575-00012742 projects and i've decided that it could sG4zK80C-Qc-00050-00012743-00012958 be kind of fun to bring my passion and sG4zK80C-Qc-00051-00012959-00013158 interest in the mob to life through the sG4zK80C-Qc-00052-00013159-00013343 creation of this podcast and also my sG4zK80C-Qc-00053-00013344-00013575 youtube channel as this is a brand new sG4zK80C-Qc-00054-00013576-00013751 podcast let me give you an idea of what sG4zK80C-Qc-00055-00013752-00013958 you can expect in the coming weeks and sG4zK80C-Qc-00056-00013959-00014158 months my goal is to do a mix of mob sG4zK80C-Qc-00057-00014159-00014375 biographies mixed with mob movie and sG4zK80C-Qc-00058-00014376-00014630 television reviews as well as q and a's sG4zK80C-Qc-00059-00014631-00014855 and maybe even reaction videos focused sG4zK80C-Qc-00060-00014856-00015143 on breaking down popular mob content sG4zK80C-Qc-00061-00015144-00015366 between real life and hollywood there is sG4zK80C-Qc-00062-00015368-00015599 no shortage of amazing mob stories to sG4zK80C-Qc-00063-00015600-00015879 tell and my goal is not just to talk sG4zK80C-Qc-00064-00015880-00016079 about the guys you know the carlo sG4zK80C-Qc-00065-00016080-00016303 gambinos the tony acardos the john sG4zK80C-Qc-00066-00016304-00016535 gotti's everybody is doing or has done sG4zK80C-Qc-00067-00016536-00016743 that my focus will be on telling the sG4zK80C-Qc-00068-00016744-00016975 stories of lesser known or just less sG4zK80C-Qc-00069-00016976-00017167 famous mobsters and to give you the sG4zK80C-Qc-00070-00017168-00017375 background detail behind your favorite sG4zK80C-Qc-00071-00017376-00017630 mob genre movies and shows of course sG4zK80C-Qc-00072-00017631-00017791 there's going to be no way around some sG4zK80C-Qc-00073-00017792-00017983 of the bigger players but especially sG4zK80C-Qc-00074-00017984-00018167 when i'm talking about the real mob the sG4zK80C-Qc-00075-00018168-00018430 big names will likely not always be the sG4zK80C-Qc-00076-00018431-00018679 primary protagonist in my story sG4zK80C-Qc-00077-00018680-00018863 if that sounds like something you'd be sG4zK80C-Qc-00078-00018864-00019143 interested in i'd be in your debt so to sG4zK80C-Qc-00079-00019144-00019383 speak if you'd subscribe to my youtube sG4zK80C-Qc-00080-00019384-00019519 channel follow me on twitter and sG4zK80C-Qc-00081-00019520-00019735 facebook or listen to me wherever you sG4zK80C-Qc-00082-00019736-00019894 get your podcasts sG4zK80C-Qc-00083-00019895-00020103 additionally i'll be starting a patreon sG4zK80C-Qc-00084-00020104-00020263 channel soon for those that would like sG4zK80C-Qc-00085-00020264-00020463 to donate to the show so that i can keep sG4zK80C-Qc-00086-00020464-00020639 producing content sG4zK80C-Qc-00087-00020640-00020911 and now without further ado sG4zK80C-Qc-00088-00020912-00021078 let's get started with our first mobster sG4zK80C-Qc-00089-00021079-00021260 biography sG4zK80C-Qc-00090-00021261-00022047 [Music] sG4zK80C-Qc-00091-00022048-00022303 i know i'd go sG4zK80C-Qc-00092-00022304-00022503 here's something the average movie fan sG4zK80C-Qc-00093-00022504-00022814 may not know in the 1990 mob classic sG4zK80C-Qc-00094-00022815-00023047 goodfellas the movie is primarily based sG4zK80C-Qc-00095-00023048-00023294 around a crew in which of the five sG4zK80C-Qc-00096-00023295-00023439 families sG4zK80C-Qc-00097-00023440-00023707 i'll give you a minute sG4zK80C-Qc-00098-00023708-00024022 [Music] sG4zK80C-Qc-00099-00024023-00024247 if you guess the gambinos who get a sG4zK80C-Qc-00100-00024248-00024407 one-line mention after one of their sG4zK80C-Qc-00101-00024408-00024655 members billy batz is whacked you'd be sG4zK80C-Qc-00102-00024656-00024736 dead wrong sG4zK80C-Qc-00103-00024737-00024886 [Music] sG4zK80C-Qc-00104-00024887-00025094 it's actually the lucchese family being sG4zK80C-Qc-00105-00025095-00025319 represented and specifically the focus sG4zK80C-Qc-00106-00025320-00025591 is on the paul vario crew paul cicero in sG4zK80C-Qc-00107-00025592-00025783 the film who was at the time a very sG4zK80C-Qc-00108-00025783-00025990 powerful kappa regime and which included sG4zK80C-Qc-00109-00025991-00026174 of course henry hill played by ray sG4zK80C-Qc-00110-00026175-00026399 liotta and jimmy burke jimmy conway in sG4zK80C-Qc-00111-00026400-00026599 the film and portrayed by the great sG4zK80C-Qc-00112-00026600-00026862 robert de niro the movie covers this sG4zK80C-Qc-00113-00026863-00027062 lucchese crew during the time period sG4zK80C-Qc-00114-00027063-00027302 between the late 1950s and the early sG4zK80C-Qc-00115-00027304-00027470 1980s sG4zK80C-Qc-00116-00027472-00027751 but of course the family wasn't always sG4zK80C-Qc-00117-00027752-00027974 called the lucasy family it was sG4zK80C-Qc-00118-00027975-00028270 originally headed by one mr gatayano sG4zK80C-Qc-00119-00028272-00028551 tommy gagliano and was only renamed sG4zK80C-Qc-00120-00028552-00028790 later and this is who we'll be talking sG4zK80C-Qc-00121-00028791-00028967 about today sG4zK80C-Qc-00122-00028968-00029190 it's kind of ironic that in my first sG4zK80C-Qc-00123-00029191-00029446 episode i decided to choose the mob boss sG4zK80C-Qc-00124-00029447-00029607 of which there is probably the least sG4zK80C-Qc-00125-00029608-00029831 amount of available information but i sG4zK80C-Qc-00126-00029832-00030046 thought what the hell why not start with sG4zK80C-Qc-00127-00030047-00030295 the challenge so here it goes sG4zK80C-Qc-00128-00030295-00030935 hope you like it sG4zK80C-Qc-00129-00030936-00031462 or will i go from rags to return sG4zK80C-Qc-00130-00031463-00031790 gatayano tommy gagliano was the original sG4zK80C-Qc-00131-00031791-00032007 boss of what the u.s federal authorities sG4zK80C-Qc-00132-00032008-00032214 would later designate as the lucasie sG4zK80C-Qc-00133-00032216-00032439 crime family one of the five families of sG4zK80C-Qc-00134-00032439-00032687 new york city he was probably the lowest sG4zK80C-Qc-00135-00032688-00032887 profile boss in the history of the sG4zK80C-Qc-00136-00032888-00033135 american coza nostra and presided over sG4zK80C-Qc-00137-00033136-00033390 the family for over two decades his sG4zK80C-Qc-00138-00033391-00033599 successor was his longtime lieutenant sG4zK80C-Qc-00139-00033600-00033774 underboss and the family's current sG4zK80C-Qc-00140-00033775-00034055 namesake won tommy three finger brown sG4zK80C-Qc-00141-00034056-00034223 lucasy sG4zK80C-Qc-00142-00034224-00034439 as it has been said if the primary sG4zK80C-Qc-00143-00034440-00034655 ingredients for being a successful koza sG4zK80C-Qc-00144-00034656-00034887 nostra boss are keeping a low profile sG4zK80C-Qc-00145-00034888-00035055 avoiding arrests shunning media sG4zK80C-Qc-00146-00035056-00035287 publicity and longevity then you'd be sG4zK80C-Qc-00147-00035288-00035479 hard-pressed to find someone with a more sG4zK80C-Qc-00148-00035480-00035711 impressive tenure than tommy gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00149-00035712-00035935 gagliano is one of the biggest enigmas sG4zK80C-Qc-00150-00035936-00036183 ever in the american mob in fact there sG4zK80C-Qc-00151-00036184-00036415 is hardly any information about him at sG4zK80C-Qc-00152-00036416-00036599 all especially after he became his sG4zK80C-Qc-00153-00036600-00036799 family's first godfather sG4zK80C-Qc-00154-00036800-00037062 in my research instances where he is sG4zK80C-Qc-00155-00037063-00037295 mentioned typically talk about his role sG4zK80C-Qc-00156-00037296-00037535 in the castella morazzi war and his sG4zK80C-Qc-00157-00037536-00037839 selection as the family's boss in 1931 sG4zK80C-Qc-00158-00037840-00038071 but after that most information dries up sG4zK80C-Qc-00159-00038072-00038287 until his death 20 years later sG4zK80C-Qc-00160-00038288-00038574 after 1931 the only exceptions to this sG4zK80C-Qc-00161-00038575-00038743 would be when he takes a pinch and does sG4zK80C-Qc-00162-00038744-00038935 a small bit of jail time and when he sG4zK80C-Qc-00163-00038936-00039167 attends future mob rat joe valachi's sG4zK80C-Qc-00164-00039168-00039518 wedding on september 18 1932 after that sG4zK80C-Qc-00165-00039519-00039711 he has not heard from until his death sG4zK80C-Qc-00166-00039712-00039974 and get this even his actual death date sG4zK80C-Qc-00167-00039975-00040262 has been disputed even for the time sG4zK80C-Qc-00168-00040263-00040479 being this low key was damn near sG4zK80C-Qc-00169-00040480-00040775 impossible and actually quite impressive sG4zK80C-Qc-00170-00040776-00041551 [Music] sG4zK80C-Qc-00171-00041552-00041815 let's go back to tommy's early life sG4zK80C-Qc-00172-00041816-00042079 gataiano tommy gagliano was born on may sG4zK80C-Qc-00173-00042080-00042423 29 1883 in the long time mob stronghold sG4zK80C-Qc-00174-00042424-00042655 of corleone sicily sG4zK80C-Qc-00175-00042656-00042911 side fact this is the same city that sG4zK80C-Qc-00176-00042912-00043127 vito corleone the great don played by sG4zK80C-Qc-00177-00043128-00043358 marlon brando in the godfather takes as sG4zK80C-Qc-00178-00043359-00043623 his surname upon arriving in america sG4zK80C-Qc-00179-00043624-00043935 anyhow back to gagliano tommy was said sG4zK80C-Qc-00180-00043936-00044271 to be born to luciano gagliano and lucia sG4zK80C-Qc-00181-00044272-00044487 oliveira however there is some sG4zK80C-Qc-00182-00044488-00044655 information that suggests that his sG4zK80C-Qc-00183-00044656-00044895 father is actually angelo gagliano who sG4zK80C-Qc-00184-00044896-00045158 was a former capoh in the sicilian mafia sG4zK80C-Qc-00185-00045159-00045415 in corleone however records show that sG4zK80C-Qc-00186-00045416-00045718 angela did not marry until 1902 and sG4zK80C-Qc-00187-00045719-00046062 tommy was born in 1883 so unless he was sG4zK80C-Qc-00188-00046063-00046239 born out of wedlock it's likely that sG4zK80C-Qc-00189-00046240-00046511 luciano was his real father there's not sG4zK80C-Qc-00190-00046512-00046679 much known about his parents or his sG4zK80C-Qc-00191-00046680-00046943 early life but in 1905 my research sG4zK80C-Qc-00192-00046944-00047151 showed that he emigrated to new york sG4zK80C-Qc-00193-00047152-00047399 city where he settled in east harlem and sG4zK80C-Qc-00194-00047400-00047607 found work in a feed store sG4zK80C-Qc-00195-00047608-00047839 some reports say that he was naturalized sG4zK80C-Qc-00196-00047840-00048095 as a citizen in 1915 and other records sG4zK80C-Qc-00197-00048096-00048286 show that he applied for a passport in sG4zK80C-Qc-00198-00048287-00048567 january 19 2020 in order to travel sG4zK80C-Qc-00199-00048568-00048671 abroad sG4zK80C-Qc-00200-00048672-00049030 interestingly mariano marsalisi a known sG4zK80C-Qc-00201-00049031-00049286 associate and future lucasi crime family sG4zK80C-Qc-00202-00049287-00049551 soldier is the identifying witness on sG4zK80C-Qc-00203-00049552-00049823 his application tommy's desired uses for sG4zK80C-Qc-00204-00049824-00050023 the passport included visiting his sG4zK80C-Qc-00205-00050024-00050279 mother in italy on his passport his sG4zK80C-Qc-00206-00050280-00050583 occupation was listed as hey straw grain sG4zK80C-Qc-00207-00050584-00050895 while his address is listed as 2097 sG4zK80C-Qc-00208-00050896-00051135 first avenue new york city he is sG4zK80C-Qc-00209-00051136-00051342 subsequently seen on the passenger sG4zK80C-Qc-00210-00051344-00051614 manifest of the ss presidente wilson sG4zK80C-Qc-00211-00051615-00051854 sailing from palermo and arriving in new sG4zK80C-Qc-00212-00051855-00052223 york on april 20th 1920. in the early sG4zK80C-Qc-00213-00052224-00052526 1920s he married juspina josephine sG4zK80C-Qc-00214-00052527-00052830 pomilla who was also from corleone a sG4zK80C-Qc-00215-00052832-00053038 margin note on his baptismal record sG4zK80C-Qc-00216-00053039-00053238 verified that this marriage occurred in sG4zK80C-Qc-00217-00053239-00053550 new york at the church of saint lucia on sG4zK80C-Qc-00218-00053551-00053975 october 23rd 1921. joe valachi provides sG4zK80C-Qc-00219-00053976-00054150 the only physical glimpse we have of sG4zK80C-Qc-00220-00054151-00054423 gagliano according to valacci tommy was sG4zK80C-Qc-00221-00054424-00054679 a big tall guy a little bald he looked sG4zK80C-Qc-00222-00054679-00054903 like a businessman valachi first met sG4zK80C-Qc-00223-00054904-00055094 gagliano when using his talents as a sG4zK80C-Qc-00224-00055095-00055294 bouncer he worked over some people who sG4zK80C-Qc-00225-00055295-00055454 were creating problems in the building sG4zK80C-Qc-00226-00055455-00055735 unions valachi claims he refused to take sG4zK80C-Qc-00227-00055736-00055942 money from gagliano for the work because sG4zK80C-Qc-00228-00055944-00056175 he wanted to be perceived as a friend sG4zK80C-Qc-00229-00056176-00056454 instead of a goon for hire this decision sG4zK80C-Qc-00230-00056455-00057550 would serve valachi well over his career sG4zK80C-Qc-00231-00057551-00057750 while not much is known about his early sG4zK80C-Qc-00232-00057751-00057935 life and crime at some point in the late sG4zK80C-Qc-00233-00057936-00058175 teens and early 1920s gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00234-00058176-00058366 officially joins the criminal underworld sG4zK80C-Qc-00235-00058367-00058526 and becomes an associate of the crime sG4zK80C-Qc-00236-00058527-00058775 family now known as the genovese family sG4zK80C-Qc-00237-00058776-00059015 which was at the time headed by giuseppe sG4zK80C-Qc-00238-00059016-00059238 joe morello also known as the clutch sG4zK80C-Qc-00239-00059239-00059463 hand based in east harlem sG4zK80C-Qc-00240-00059464-00059671 but at some point gagliano decides to sG4zK80C-Qc-00241-00059672-00059830 move his interest to the bronx and sG4zK80C-Qc-00242-00059832-00060038 partners with his brother-in-law nunzio sG4zK80C-Qc-00243-00060039-00060230 pomilla in the lathing and hoisting sG4zK80C-Qc-00244-00060232-00060479 business he appears to use this business sG4zK80C-Qc-00245-00060479-00060687 as a front and began working for another sG4zK80C-Qc-00246-00060688-00060935 new york family headed by bronx-based sG4zK80C-Qc-00247-00060936-00061247 gangster gataiano tommy rayna who had sG4zK80C-Qc-00248-00061248-00061511 been a former morello captain sG4zK80C-Qc-00249-00061512-00061687 tommy would eventually work his way up sG4zK80C-Qc-00250-00061688-00061847 to the role of underboss and would serve sG4zK80C-Qc-00251-00061848-00062071 as one of reyna's top lieutenants sG4zK80C-Qc-00252-00062072-00062311 gagliano along with tommy three finger sG4zK80C-Qc-00253-00062312-00062606 brown lucasy and stefano steve rondelli sG4zK80C-Qc-00254-00062607-00062791 were viewed as the most powerful members sG4zK80C-Qc-00255-00062791-00063038 of the reina family at the time sG4zK80C-Qc-00256-00063039-00063254 tommy reina like gagliano hailed from sG4zK80C-Qc-00257-00063255-00063503 corleone and was about the same age he sG4zK80C-Qc-00258-00063504-00063775 had a monopoly over icebox distribution sG4zK80C-Qc-00259-00063776-00063926 rackets and controlled most of the sG4zK80C-Qc-00260-00063927-00064159 criminal enterprises in the bronx his sG4zK80C-Qc-00261-00064160-00064415 borgata also had operations in east sG4zK80C-Qc-00262-00064416-00064703 harlem and by the late 1920s the reina sG4zK80C-Qc-00263-00064704-00064887 and morello families were most sG4zK80C-Qc-00264-00064888-00065094 definitely enemies sG4zK80C-Qc-00265-00065095-00065415 gagliano and antonio monforte organized sG4zK80C-Qc-00266-00065416-00065631 the plasters information bureau in the sG4zK80C-Qc-00267-00065632-00065911 bronx during april 1928 sG4zK80C-Qc-00268-00065912-00066159 local contractors who refused to join sG4zK80C-Qc-00269-00066160-00066423 the association and paid dues were soon sG4zK80C-Qc-00270-00066424-00066687 visited by a strong armed goon squad sG4zK80C-Qc-00271-00066688-00067023 by 1929 the two partners established the sG4zK80C-Qc-00272-00067024-00067247 united lathing company and hired michael sG4zK80C-Qc-00273-00067248-00067503 mccloskey the czar of the lathers union sG4zK80C-Qc-00274-00067504-00067671 to help them gain a foothold in that sG4zK80C-Qc-00275-00067672-00067759 trade sG4zK80C-Qc-00276-00067760-00068047 a 1932 treasury department probe sG4zK80C-Qc-00277-00068048-00068231 revealed that almost half a million sG4zK80C-Qc-00278-00068232-00068399 dollars had been extorted from the sG4zK80C-Qc-00279-00068400-00068550 industry that year sG4zK80C-Qc-00280-00068551-00068799 gagliano was convicted on tax evasion a sG4zK80C-Qc-00281-00068800-00068991 fairly successful way to nail big sG4zK80C-Qc-00282-00068992-00069206 mobsters at the time and handed a sG4zK80C-Qc-00283-00069207-00069463 sentence of 15 months given that al sG4zK80C-Qc-00284-00069464-00069735 capone got 11 years which was a stiff sG4zK80C-Qc-00285-00069736-00070031 sentence for the similar charges it goes sG4zK80C-Qc-00286-00070032-00070326 to show just how low-key gagliano was to sG4zK80C-Qc-00287-00070327-00070575 only do about 15 months sG4zK80C-Qc-00288-00070576-00070806 though sicilian gagliano did not take sG4zK80C-Qc-00289-00070807-00070999 part in the cleveland statler hotel sG4zK80C-Qc-00290-00071000-00071262 meeting in december 1928 which was sG4zK80C-Qc-00291-00071263-00071519 alleged to be a meeting of the yunioni sG4zK80C-Qc-00292-00071520-00071655 siciliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00293-00071656-00071879 his future fellow family leaders vincent sG4zK80C-Qc-00294-00071880-00072135 mangano and joseph perfacci were two of sG4zK80C-Qc-00295-00072136-00072423 23 men arrested after the handiwork of a sG4zK80C-Qc-00296-00072424-00072631 cleveland patrolman on a foot patrol sG4zK80C-Qc-00297-00072632-00072806 exposed the gathering sG4zK80C-Qc-00298-00072807-00073023 gagliano did not attend the atlantic sG4zK80C-Qc-00299-00073024-00073382 city conference held in may 1929 either sG4zK80C-Qc-00300-00073383-00073567 little is known about the reason for the sG4zK80C-Qc-00301-00073568-00073838 hotel statler meeting david crichley in sG4zK80C-Qc-00302-00073839-00074047 his book the origin of organized crime sG4zK80C-Qc-00303-00074048-00074231 in america believes the goal was to sG4zK80C-Qc-00304-00074232-00074438 discuss the killing of brooklyn mafia sG4zK80C-Qc-00305-00074439-00074711 boss salvatore d aquila and additional sG4zK80C-Qc-00306-00074712-00074935 assassinations in chicago sG4zK80C-Qc-00307-00074936-00075175 chicago police believed it was merely a sG4zK80C-Qc-00308-00075176-00075382 meeting of captains of industry to elect sG4zK80C-Qc-00309-00075383-00075711 a successor to union siciliano president sG4zK80C-Qc-00310-00075712-00075943 tony lombardo who had been killed three sG4zK80C-Qc-00311-00075944-00076255 months earlier of course the 1929 sG4zK80C-Qc-00312-00076256-00076438 atlantic city conference one of the sG4zK80C-Qc-00313-00076439-00076623 largest gatherings ever the mob sG4zK80C-Qc-00314-00076624-00076831 underworld was a meeting among top sG4zK80C-Qc-00315-00076832-00077071 mafiosi of the time to discuss how to sG4zK80C-Qc-00316-00077072-00077238 react to the saint valentine's day sG4zK80C-Qc-00317-00077239-00077471 massacre as well as to determine the sG4zK80C-Qc-00318-00077472-00077606 future direction of the criminal sG4zK80C-Qc-00319-00077607-00077791 underworld in light of the violent sG4zK80C-Qc-00320-00077792-00078015 bootleg wars going on in new york city sG4zK80C-Qc-00321-00078016-00078271 and chicago the need to diversify income sG4zK80C-Qc-00322-00078272-00078415 streams with the coming end of sG4zK80C-Qc-00323-00078416-00078655 prohibition and reorganization and sG4zK80C-Qc-00324-00078656-00078879 consolidation of the underworld into a sG4zK80C-Qc-00325-00078880-00079143 national crime syndicate at the time sG4zK80C-Qc-00326-00079144-00079399 there was a much larger conflict brewing sG4zK80C-Qc-00327-00079400-00079575 which would come to be known as the sG4zK80C-Qc-00328-00079576-00080631 castello moraisi war sG4zK80C-Qc-00329-00080632-00080879 during the late 1920s a bitter gang sG4zK80C-Qc-00330-00080880-00081126 rivalry arose in new york between joseph sG4zK80C-Qc-00331-00081127-00081367 joe the boss mazzaria the most powerful sG4zK80C-Qc-00332-00081368-00081591 mobster in new york and salvatore sG4zK80C-Qc-00333-00081592-00081855 maranzano head of the castella moraisi sG4zK80C-Qc-00334-00081856-00082199 sicilian clan who had arrived in 1925 on sG4zK80C-Qc-00335-00082200-00082438 orders from vito cassio pharaoh in a bid sG4zK80C-Qc-00336-00082439-00082631 to take over the mafia in the united sG4zK80C-Qc-00337-00082632-00082718 states sG4zK80C-Qc-00338-00082719-00082950 the entire new york mob was either at sG4zK80C-Qc-00339-00082951-00083238 war or on the verge of it mazzaria and sG4zK80C-Qc-00340-00083239-00083438 marazzano were each attempting to take sG4zK80C-Qc-00341-00083439-00083631 control of the underworld each with the sG4zK80C-Qc-00342-00083632-00083815 support of various street gangs and sG4zK80C-Qc-00343-00083816-00083982 mafia contingents sG4zK80C-Qc-00344-00083983-00084182 for the time being mazaria was the sG4zK80C-Qc-00345-00084183-00084447 stronger of the two and as a result the sG4zK80C-Qc-00346-00084448-00084687 closer to achieving the goal of total sG4zK80C-Qc-00347-00084688-00084862 underworld supremacy sG4zK80C-Qc-00348-00084863-00085047 at some point we'll do a separate show sG4zK80C-Qc-00349-00085048-00085326 on the castella morazi war but before we sG4zK80C-Qc-00350-00085327-00085511 jump into the tactical points of the sG4zK80C-Qc-00351-00085512-00085735 conflict it's important to note that the sG4zK80C-Qc-00352-00085736-00086006 early structure of what would eventually sG4zK80C-Qc-00353-00086007-00086231 become the five families was already sG4zK80C-Qc-00354-00086232-00086399 somewhat in place sG4zK80C-Qc-00355-00086400-00086631 in joseph bonanno's a man of honor he sG4zK80C-Qc-00356-00086632-00086871 introduces us to the early families and sG4zK80C-Qc-00357-00086872-00087182 explains that the five family operations sG4zK80C-Qc-00358-00087183-00087443 were clearly in place to maranzano's sG4zK80C-Qc-00359-00087444-00087718 post-castellamorezi war setup sG4zK80C-Qc-00360-00087719-00087911 in new york city there were five sG4zK80C-Qc-00361-00087912-00088191 families which had formed spontaneously sG4zK80C-Qc-00362-00088192-00088447 as sicilian immigrants settled there the sG4zK80C-Qc-00363-00088448-00088662 number five was not preordained it just sG4zK80C-Qc-00364-00088663-00088918 worked out that way the dominant early sG4zK80C-Qc-00365-00088919-00089223 family was that of joe mazzaria at one sG4zK80C-Qc-00366-00089224-00089447 time or another this family included sG4zK80C-Qc-00367-00089448-00089735 peter morello charlie luciano joe adonis sG4zK80C-Qc-00368-00089736-00089967 frank costello and augie paisano to sG4zK80C-Qc-00369-00089968-00090215 mention a few the second major family sG4zK80C-Qc-00370-00090216-00090503 was headed by al moneo his real name in sG4zK80C-Qc-00371-00090504-00090782 italian was manfredi an avowed ally of sG4zK80C-Qc-00372-00090783-00091087 mazzarias this clan included tata sG4zK80C-Qc-00373-00091088-00091382 chariccio jo trainer vincent mangano sG4zK80C-Qc-00374-00091383-00091687 frank scalise and albert anastasia sG4zK80C-Qc-00375-00091688-00091894 these families had interests in both sG4zK80C-Qc-00376-00091895-00092199 manhattan and brooklyn the bronx however sG4zK80C-Qc-00377-00092200-00092447 was the domain of the third family that sG4zK80C-Qc-00378-00092448-00092750 headed by tom reyna in this family were sG4zK80C-Qc-00379-00092751-00093023 such men as gatayano tommy gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00380-00093024-00093279 tommy lucasy and steve rondelli the sG4zK80C-Qc-00381-00093280-00093503 fourth family was headed by joe perfacci sG4zK80C-Qc-00382-00093504-00093774 and his right-hand man joe magliocco the sG4zK80C-Qc-00383-00093775-00093879 fifth family was the castella sG4zK80C-Qc-00384-00093880-00094111 castellamorazi clan of brooklyn and sG4zK80C-Qc-00385-00094112-00094359 manhattan for clarification's sake the sG4zK80C-Qc-00386-00094360-00094567 mazaria borgata would eventually become sG4zK80C-Qc-00387-00094568-00094750 the modern-day genovese family the sG4zK80C-Qc-00388-00094751-00094974 mineos would become the gambinos the sG4zK80C-Qc-00389-00094975-00095199 reinas would become the lucasies the sG4zK80C-Qc-00390-00095200-00095431 prefaces would become the columbos and sG4zK80C-Qc-00391-00095432-00095662 the castella moraisi clan becomes the sG4zK80C-Qc-00392-00095663-00095903 bonanno family sG4zK80C-Qc-00393-00095904-00096062 back to the war sG4zK80C-Qc-00394-00096063-00096279 in early nineteen thirty the castella sG4zK80C-Qc-00395-00096280-00096494 moraisi war began in new york city and sG4zK80C-Qc-00396-00096495-00096694 took its name from the sicilian coastal sG4zK80C-Qc-00397-00096695-00097006 town of castellamorezi delgalfo from sG4zK80C-Qc-00398-00097007-00097223 this small town in sicily a clanish sG4zK80C-Qc-00399-00097224-00097406 group of mobsters came to the united sG4zK80C-Qc-00400-00097407-00097606 states and spread to satellite cities sG4zK80C-Qc-00401-00097607-00097871 like buffalo chicago and detroit but sG4zK80C-Qc-00402-00097872-00098118 were closely tied to a rising new york sG4zK80C-Qc-00403-00098119-00098438 city gang chieftain salvatore maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00404-00098439-00098647 as previously mentioned maranzano comes sG4zK80C-Qc-00405-00098648-00098926 to new york in 1925 on orders from don sG4zK80C-Qc-00406-00098927-00099215 video cassio ferro in a bid to take over sG4zK80C-Qc-00407-00099216-00099438 the mafia in the united states sG4zK80C-Qc-00408-00099439-00099623 on the opposite side you have the much sG4zK80C-Qc-00409-00099624-00099823 more powerful giuseppe joe the boss sG4zK80C-Qc-00410-00099824-00100143 mazzaria he was at the time the closest sG4zK80C-Qc-00411-00100144-00100374 thing to a boss of all bosses and this sG4zK80C-Qc-00412-00100375-00100615 was the driving force behind the war the sG4zK80C-Qc-00413-00100616-00100847 need for dominance and control over all sG4zK80C-Qc-00414-00100848-00101126 families the root of this was money but sG4zK80C-Qc-00415-00101127-00101326 in part it was also due to vanity sG4zK80C-Qc-00416-00101327-00101582 arrogance and pride in the end the war sG4zK80C-Qc-00417-00101583-00101782 lasted some fourteen months and took sG4zK80C-Qc-00418-00101783-00101999 dozens of lives the spark that sG4zK80C-Qc-00419-00102000-00102191 officially started the castellan-moraisi sG4zK80C-Qc-00420-00102192-00102430 war was the murder of gotzayano tommy sG4zK80C-Qc-00421-00102431-00102734 reina gagliano's boss the eventual mob sG4zK80C-Qc-00422-00102735-00102975 turncoat joe valachi claims tommy reino sG4zK80C-Qc-00423-00102976-00103158 was murdered after he resisted the sG4zK80C-Qc-00424-00103159-00103423 efforts of mazzaria to muscle in on his sG4zK80C-Qc-00425-00103424-00103615 ice distribution business sG4zK80C-Qc-00426-00103616-00103790 this was in the years before electric sG4zK80C-Qc-00427-00103791-00103990 refrigeration which made it a very sG4zK80C-Qc-00428-00103991-00104223 lucrative racket at the time sG4zK80C-Qc-00429-00104224-00104454 in public reyna had formed an alliance sG4zK80C-Qc-00430-00104455-00104710 with mazzaria who had absorbed into his sG4zK80C-Qc-00431-00104711-00104919 now powerful organization the remnants sG4zK80C-Qc-00432-00104920-00105175 of the much weakened morello family sG4zK80C-Qc-00433-00105176-00105383 in private tom reyna expressed sG4zK80C-Qc-00434-00105383-00105623 admiration for maranzano the only one sG4zK80C-Qc-00435-00105624-00105815 who had the balls to stand up to joe the sG4zK80C-Qc-00436-00105816-00106078 boss an informant within reyna's family sG4zK80C-Qc-00437-00106079-00106263 relayed these sentiments to reyna's sG4zK80C-Qc-00438-00106264-00106551 paisano from corleone peter morello and sG4zK80C-Qc-00439-00106552-00106815 morello reported it to massaria sG4zK80C-Qc-00440-00106816-00107039 massaria learned of reina's betrayal and sG4zK80C-Qc-00441-00107040-00107295 ordered charles lucky luciano to arrange sG4zK80C-Qc-00442-00107296-00107431 reina's murder sG4zK80C-Qc-00443-00107432-00107639 according to bonanno reyna was a fence sG4zK80C-Qc-00444-00107640-00107831 straddler in the pending bitterness sG4zK80C-Qc-00445-00107832-00108102 going on between maceria and maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00446-00108103-00108358 but in private admired the latter sG4zK80C-Qc-00447-00108359-00108599 when word of this got back to massaria sG4zK80C-Qc-00448-00108600-00108815 lieutenant peter the clutch hand morello sG4zK80C-Qc-00449-00108816-00109015 joe the boss took action sG4zK80C-Qc-00450-00109016-00109327 now here's where it gets interesting sG4zK80C-Qc-00451-00109328-00109534 to call the castella moraisi war a sG4zK80C-Qc-00452-00109535-00109719 two-sided affair is a massive sG4zK80C-Qc-00453-00109720-00109871 oversimplification sG4zK80C-Qc-00454-00109872-00110007 while it's true that the battle was sG4zK80C-Qc-00455-00110008-00110239 primarily between joe macaria's faction sG4zK80C-Qc-00456-00110240-00110431 and salvatore maranzano's sicilian sG4zK80C-Qc-00457-00110432-00110663 faction there was a third group at play sG4zK80C-Qc-00458-00110664-00110886 beneath it all the young turks led by sG4zK80C-Qc-00459-00110888-00111143 charles lucky luciano and aided by meyer sG4zK80C-Qc-00460-00111144-00111415 lansky benjamin bugsy siegel and others sG4zK80C-Qc-00461-00111416-00111571 who were beginning to feel sG4zK80C-Qc-00462-00111572-00111783 disenfranchised by the old world sG4zK80C-Qc-00463-00111783-00112071 mustache pete's a derogatory slang named sG4zK80C-Qc-00464-00112072-00112271 for gangsters who were set in the old sG4zK80C-Qc-00465-00112272-00112495 ways of not trusting any non-sicilian sG4zK80C-Qc-00466-00112496-00112790 and prioritizing prejudice against other sG4zK80C-Qc-00467-00112791-00113031 ethnicities over making money in the sG4zK80C-Qc-00468-00113032-00113319 background the young turks were secretly sG4zK80C-Qc-00469-00113320-00113543 conspiring to defeat both sides and sG4zK80C-Qc-00470-00113544-00113702 often played both sides against the sG4zK80C-Qc-00471-00113703-00113999 middle to weaken both massaria and sG4zK80C-Qc-00472-00114000-00114175 maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00473-00114176-00114439 reyna was an important mazaria partner sG4zK80C-Qc-00474-00114440-00114743 albeit not an enthusiastic one he was sG4zK80C-Qc-00475-00114744-00114983 casting friendly eyes towards maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00476-00114983-00115190 especially after massaria began sG4zK80C-Qc-00477-00115191-00115486 pressuring him for a cut of his rackets sG4zK80C-Qc-00478-00115488-00115702 through allies serving under reina sG4zK80C-Qc-00479-00115703-00115990 especially tom gagliano and tommy lucasi sG4zK80C-Qc-00480-00115991-00116283 luciano himself also allied with sG4zK80C-Qc-00481-00116283-00116583 massaria learned of the massaria plans sG4zK80C-Qc-00482-00116583-00116775 to assassinate marazzano's supporters sG4zK80C-Qc-00483-00116776-00117047 joe perfacci and joe bonanno sG4zK80C-Qc-00484-00117048-00117271 since luciano was counting on perfacci sG4zK80C-Qc-00485-00117272-00117486 and bonanno in this future national sG4zK80C-Qc-00486-00117488-00117671 crime syndicate he wanted to prevent sG4zK80C-Qc-00487-00117672-00117934 their deaths and equally he did not want sG4zK80C-Qc-00488-00117935-00118175 reina to defect to maranzano since that sG4zK80C-Qc-00489-00118176-00118390 might tilt the contest too much in the sG4zK80C-Qc-00490-00118391-00118647 latter's favor therefore the luciano sG4zK80C-Qc-00491-00118648-00118902 forces decided reina had to be killed in sG4zK80C-Qc-00492-00118903-00119110 his so-called the last testament of sG4zK80C-Qc-00493-00119111-00119351 lucky luciano he claims i really hated sG4zK80C-Qc-00494-00119352-00119575 to knock off tom reyna and none of my sG4zK80C-Qc-00495-00119576-00119799 guys really wanted to either reina was a sG4zK80C-Qc-00496-00119800-00120071 man of his word he had culture and he sG4zK80C-Qc-00497-00120072-00120295 was a very honorable italian sG4zK80C-Qc-00498-00120296-00120527 this need not be taken as pure gospel sG4zK80C-Qc-00499-00120528-00120695 luciano gained the allegiance of sG4zK80C-Qc-00500-00120696-00120951 gagliano and lucasy by promising them sG4zK80C-Qc-00501-00120952-00121127 the reina empire sG4zK80C-Qc-00502-00121128-00121351 say what you will about the authenticity sG4zK80C-Qc-00503-00121352-00121558 of that book but it certainly adds some sG4zK80C-Qc-00504-00121559-00121758 potential color and intrigue to the sG4zK80C-Qc-00505-00121759-00121910 situation sG4zK80C-Qc-00506-00121911-00122086 on the wednesday night of his murder sG4zK80C-Qc-00507-00122088-00122478 february 26 1930 reyna as he did once sG4zK80C-Qc-00508-00122479-00122686 every week had dinner at his aunt's home sG4zK80C-Qc-00509-00122688-00122934 on sheridan avenue in the bronx sG4zK80C-Qc-00510-00122935-00123102 some have speculated that he was sG4zK80C-Qc-00511-00123103-00123358 actually leaving his mistress's house sG4zK80C-Qc-00512-00123359-00123607 when reina left the house future mob sG4zK80C-Qc-00513-00123608-00123871 powerhouse veto genovese at the time a sG4zK80C-Qc-00514-00123872-00124110 luciano underling was waiting sG4zK80C-Qc-00515-00124111-00124302 reina was surprised to see him but sG4zK80C-Qc-00516-00124303-00124519 started to wave his hand at geneves as sG4zK80C-Qc-00517-00124520-00124814 he did vito blew his [__] head off sG4zK80C-Qc-00518-00124815-00125078 with this sawed-off shotgun sG4zK80C-Qc-00519-00125079-00125358 vito and some say a second hitman left a sG4zK80C-Qc-00520-00125359-00125631 weapon under a parked car and escaped on sG4zK80C-Qc-00521-00125632-00125914 rayna's body police found a handgun and sG4zK80C-Qc-00522-00125915-00126263 804 dollars in cash if you've done any sG4zK80C-Qc-00523-00126264-00126495 research on veto genovese this is early sG4zK80C-Qc-00524-00126496-00126799 vintage veto for sure he was absolutely sG4zK80C-Qc-00525-00126800-00127047 a feared hitter so to speak sG4zK80C-Qc-00526-00127048-00127263 the murder of reyna was to be the spark sG4zK80C-Qc-00527-00127264-00127495 that lit the fuse and led to all-out war sG4zK80C-Qc-00528-00127496-00127831 between maceria and maranzano forces sG4zK80C-Qc-00529-00127832-00128110 side fact velachi would later marry sG4zK80C-Qc-00530-00128111-00128343 reina's daughter and as we mentioned sG4zK80C-Qc-00531-00128344-00128575 gagliano attends this wedding which goes sG4zK80C-Qc-00532-00128576-00128871 to show how fleeting the mob life is sG4zK80C-Qc-00533-00128872-00129078 given that he more than likely set up sG4zK80C-Qc-00534-00129079-00129423 the bride's father to be murdered sG4zK80C-Qc-00535-00129424-00129590 think about that sG4zK80C-Qc-00536-00129591-00129790 it's at this point that all hell breaks sG4zK80C-Qc-00537-00129791-00129999 loose and both sides really begin going sG4zK80C-Qc-00538-00130000-00130247 after each other bodies begin dropping sG4zK80C-Qc-00539-00130248-00130471 and even luciano nearly gets killed in sG4zK80C-Qc-00540-00130472-00130719 the conflict gagliano is right in the sG4zK80C-Qc-00541-00130720-00130871 thick of it all sG4zK80C-Qc-00542-00130872-00131127 so after tom reyna is assassinated joe sG4zK80C-Qc-00543-00131128-00131319 the boss decides to make a move that sG4zK80C-Qc-00544-00131320-00131502 will end up coming back to haunt him sG4zK80C-Qc-00545-00131503-00131614 later on sG4zK80C-Qc-00546-00131615-00131831 as he had done in a separate issue with sG4zK80C-Qc-00547-00131832-00132095 detroit masseria quickly backed one of sG4zK80C-Qc-00548-00132096-00132287 his own supporters to take charge of the sG4zK80C-Qc-00549-00132288-00132575 family in this case massaria endorsed sG4zK80C-Qc-00550-00132576-00132871 joe pinzolo to become the new godfather sG4zK80C-Qc-00551-00132872-00133047 of the reina family sG4zK80C-Qc-00552-00133048-00133271 here's a little background color on joe sG4zK80C-Qc-00553-00133272-00133390 pinzolo sG4zK80C-Qc-00554-00133391-00133647 charles lucky luciano who was seldom shy sG4zK80C-Qc-00555-00133648-00133863 about commenting on people he disliked sG4zK80C-Qc-00556-00133864-00134166 provides this opinion on the man sG4zK80C-Qc-00557-00134167-00134414 as big as [__] as masseria was he didn't sG4zK80C-Qc-00558-00134415-00134687 hold a candle to pin solo that guy was sG4zK80C-Qc-00559-00134688-00134935 fatter uglier and dirtier than maceria sG4zK80C-Qc-00560-00134936-00135127 was on the worst day when the old sG4zK80C-Qc-00561-00135128-00135319 bastard didn't take a bath which was sG4zK80C-Qc-00562-00135320-00135495 most of the time sG4zK80C-Qc-00563-00135496-00135719 word has it that gagliano wasn't a fan sG4zK80C-Qc-00564-00135720-00135951 of pinzolo or his personal hygiene sG4zK80C-Qc-00565-00135952-00136111 habits either sG4zK80C-Qc-00566-00136112-00136263 and it's this move that triggers sG4zK80C-Qc-00567-00136264-00136478 gagliano to form a splinter group within sG4zK80C-Qc-00568-00136479-00136751 the reyna family in open opposition to sG4zK80C-Qc-00569-00136752-00137031 maseriya and pinzolo gagliano's group sG4zK80C-Qc-00570-00137032-00137278 attracted tommy lucasy steve rondello sG4zK80C-Qc-00571-00137279-00137527 johnny de caro as well as dominic the sG4zK80C-Qc-00572-00137528-00137799 gap petrilli a friend of alachi's who sG4zK80C-Qc-00573-00137800-00137999 informed him that pinzola was not long sG4zK80C-Qc-00574-00138000-00138151 for this world sG4zK80C-Qc-00575-00138152-00138351 at this point things are beginning to go sG4zK80C-Qc-00576-00138352-00138575 very wrong for joe the boss as he loses sG4zK80C-Qc-00577-00138576-00138854 his top man giuseppe morello sG4zK80C-Qc-00578-00138855-00139078 according to joe bonanno maranzano used sG4zK80C-Qc-00579-00139079-00139390 to say that if we hope to win the war we sG4zK80C-Qc-00580-00139391-00139599 should get to joe morello before the old sG4zK80C-Qc-00581-00139600-00139863 fox stop following his daily routines as sG4zK80C-Qc-00582-00139864-00140127 maranzano had already stopped doing once sG4zK80C-Qc-00583-00140128-00140319 morello went undercover the old man sG4zK80C-Qc-00584-00140320-00140527 could exist forever on a diet of hard sG4zK80C-Qc-00585-00140528-00140751 bread cheese and onions we would never sG4zK80C-Qc-00586-00140752-00140863 find him sG4zK80C-Qc-00587-00140864-00141054 morello never got a chance to go on such sG4zK80C-Qc-00588-00141055-00141247 a severe diet he went to his harlem sG4zK80C-Qc-00589-00141248-00141439 office as usual one morning along with sG4zK80C-Qc-00590-00141440-00141654 two of his men all three were shot to sG4zK80C-Qc-00591-00141655-00141935 death massaria had lost his best man in sG4zK80C-Qc-00592-00141936-00142143 the brains of his outfit the clutch hand sG4zK80C-Qc-00593-00142144-00142287 was gone sG4zK80C-Qc-00594-00142288-00142639 and then on september 9 1930 joe pinzola sG4zK80C-Qc-00595-00142640-00142878 was murdered in an office leased by sG4zK80C-Qc-00596-00142879-00143119 tommy lucasy in the brokaw building on sG4zK80C-Qc-00597-00143120-00143407 broadway pinzolo was lured to the office sG4zK80C-Qc-00598-00143408-00143607 and then shot five times sG4zK80C-Qc-00599-00143608-00143807 there are two versions of who murdered sG4zK80C-Qc-00600-00143808-00144183 pinzola velachi claims girolamo bobby sG4zK80C-Qc-00601-00144184-00144478 doyle santucci killed him while luciano sG4zK80C-Qc-00602-00144479-00144726 says it was dominic petrilli neither man sG4zK80C-Qc-00603-00144727-00144975 was arrested instead lucasy was indicted sG4zK80C-Qc-00604-00144976-00145166 but the charges were dropped due to lack sG4zK80C-Qc-00605-00145167-00145463 of evidence to replace panzolo massaria sG4zK80C-Qc-00606-00145464-00145654 appointed gagliano as head of the reina sG4zK80C-Qc-00607-00145655-00145902 gang it is believed that by this point sG4zK80C-Qc-00608-00145903-00146143 gagliano and lucasy formed a secret sG4zK80C-Qc-00609-00146144-00146326 alliance with maranzano while still sG4zK80C-Qc-00610-00146327-00146631 professing loyalty to massaria after the sG4zK80C-Qc-00611-00146632-00146854 death of peter morello maceria went into sG4zK80C-Qc-00612-00146855-00147078 hiding nothing had gone right for him by sG4zK80C-Qc-00613-00147079-00147287 this point in the war he was on a losing sG4zK80C-Qc-00614-00147288-00147535 streak so to speak he had lost morello sG4zK80C-Qc-00615-00147536-00147702 which was followed by the loss of joe sG4zK80C-Qc-00616-00147703-00147975 pinzolo the man massaria had supported sG4zK80C-Qc-00617-00147976-00148135 to head the reign of family after the sG4zK80C-Qc-00618-00148136-00148343 slaying of tom reyna unbeknownst to sG4zK80C-Qc-00619-00148344-00148526 massaria people within the reign of sG4zK80C-Qc-00620-00148527-00148719 family are the ones who eliminated sG4zK80C-Qc-00621-00148720-00148990 pinzolo the reina family could no longer sG4zK80C-Qc-00622-00148991-00149247 be counted on to aid maceria but he just sG4zK80C-Qc-00623-00149248-00149471 didn't know it yet gagliano was to sG4zK80C-Qc-00624-00149472-00149687 become a secret financier of the sG4zK80C-Qc-00625-00149688-00149919 castella morazzi war through his united sG4zK80C-Qc-00626-00149920-00150047 lathing company sG4zK80C-Qc-00627-00150048-00150247 according to joe valachi gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00628-00150248-00150414 supplied most of the funds for sG4zK80C-Qc-00629-00150415-00150671 maranzano's struggle against massaria sG4zK80C-Qc-00630-00150672-00150919 the estimate of gagliano's support is sG4zK80C-Qc-00631-00150920-00151239 around 140 to 150 000 sG4zK80C-Qc-00632-00151240-00151423 more than 2 million dollars in today's sG4zK80C-Qc-00633-00151424-00151623 money it's safe to say that without this sG4zK80C-Qc-00634-00151624-00151831 type of financial backing the war likely sG4zK80C-Qc-00635-00151832-00152143 ends quickly and in favor of maceria sG4zK80C-Qc-00636-00152144-00152319 it's at this point where things really sG4zK80C-Qc-00637-00152320-00152502 start to become a blowout in favor of sG4zK80C-Qc-00638-00152503-00152639 maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00639-00152640-00152983 on november 5th 1930 two more massaria sG4zK80C-Qc-00640-00152984-00153199 loyalists steve ferrigno and alfred sG4zK80C-Qc-00641-00153200-00153478 mineo were assassinated the gangsters sG4zK80C-Qc-00642-00153479-00153654 were mowed down in front of an apartment sG4zK80C-Qc-00643-00153655-00153926 house on pelham parkway in the bronx sG4zK80C-Qc-00644-00153927-00154119 this is the work that results in joe sG4zK80C-Qc-00645-00154120-00154302 valachi getting his button and becoming sG4zK80C-Qc-00646-00154303-00154535 a made member of the mafia velachi sG4zK80C-Qc-00647-00154536-00154719 claims he was one of three gang members sG4zK80C-Qc-00648-00154720-00154951 initiated in a home 90 miles north of sG4zK80C-Qc-00649-00154952-00155199 new york city the ceremony took place in sG4zK80C-Qc-00650-00155200-00155439 a room in front of approximately 40 men sG4zK80C-Qc-00651-00155440-00155599 velachi claims that during the sG4zK80C-Qc-00652-00155600-00155807 initiation right joe banana was named sG4zK80C-Qc-00653-00155808-00156054 his godfather and was to be responsible sG4zK80C-Qc-00654-00156055-00156343 for him not surprisingly bonanno insists sG4zK80C-Qc-00655-00156344-00156535 he had never met nor spoke to joe sG4zK80C-Qc-00656-00156536-00156839 valachi however he claims that after the sG4zK80C-Qc-00657-00156840-00157054 ferrigno and mineo slayings that the sG4zK80C-Qc-00658-00157055-00157326 maranzano forces and gagliano's men held sG4zK80C-Qc-00659-00157327-00157575 a week-long celebration in late december sG4zK80C-Qc-00660-00157576-00157878 1930 near hyde park new york according sG4zK80C-Qc-00661-00157879-00158078 to a man of honor we celebrated our sG4zK80C-Qc-00662-00158079-00158278 latest victory and the end of another sG4zK80C-Qc-00663-00158279-00158471 year with a week-long party around sG4zK80C-Qc-00664-00158472-00158663 christmas time at a farm in upstate new sG4zK80C-Qc-00665-00158664-00158902 york near hyde park in addition to sG4zK80C-Qc-00666-00158903-00159087 maranzano and his personal staff the sG4zK80C-Qc-00667-00159088-00159335 party was attended by stefano magadino sG4zK80C-Qc-00668-00159336-00159566 and some of his men from buffalo by jose sG4zK80C-Qc-00669-00159567-00159766 riley and some of his men from detroit sG4zK80C-Qc-00670-00159767-00160078 by gatiano gagliano together with lucasy sG4zK80C-Qc-00671-00160079-00160271 and some of his men from the bronx by sG4zK80C-Qc-00672-00160272-00160511 other leaders from brooklyn and even by sG4zK80C-Qc-00673-00160512-00160702 some early defectors from the moneo sG4zK80C-Qc-00674-00160703-00160895 family such as frank scalise and joe sG4zK80C-Qc-00675-00160896-00161151 traynor as the war continued massaria sG4zK80C-Qc-00676-00161152-00161326 began suffering more defeats and he sG4zK80C-Qc-00677-00161327-00161678 defections the problem is he's in hiding sG4zK80C-Qc-00678-00161679-00161902 with a heavy entourage of bodyguards and sG4zK80C-Qc-00679-00161903-00162095 in a position where nobody can get to sG4zK80C-Qc-00680-00162096-00162326 him the only way to get to him was to sG4zK80C-Qc-00681-00162327-00162614 lure him out somehow or get a defection sG4zK80C-Qc-00682-00162615-00162895 from within which is just what happens sG4zK80C-Qc-00683-00162896-00163119 on april fifteenth nineteen thirty one sG4zK80C-Qc-00684-00163120-00163351 the castella moraisi war officially came sG4zK80C-Qc-00685-00163352-00163551 to an end when maceria was murdered in a sG4zK80C-Qc-00686-00163552-00163743 coney island restaurant after being set sG4zK80C-Qc-00687-00163744-00163999 up by his underling the great charles sG4zK80C-Qc-00688-00164000-00164271 lucky luciano the shooters are said to sG4zK80C-Qc-00689-00164272-00164463 have been albert anastasia veto sG4zK80C-Qc-00690-00164464-00164751 genevieves joe adonis and benjamin bugsy sG4zK80C-Qc-00691-00164752-00164966 siegel who along with luciano had made a sG4zK80C-Qc-00692-00164967-00165166 deal with maranzano guaranteeing their sG4zK80C-Qc-00693-00165167-00165399 power if they switch sides and killed sG4zK80C-Qc-00694-00165400-00165543 their own boss sG4zK80C-Qc-00695-00165544-00165735 a month after the killing maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00696-00165736-00165902 called a grand meeting said to be sG4zK80C-Qc-00697-00165903-00166119 attended by four to five hundred members sG4zK80C-Qc-00698-00166120-00166390 of the italian and sicilian underworld sG4zK80C-Qc-00699-00166391-00166599 it's at this meeting the five family sG4zK80C-Qc-00700-00166600-00166887 leaders were designated by maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00701-00166888-00167095 lucky luciano would lead what would sG4zK80C-Qc-00702-00167096-00167351 become the genovese family gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00703-00167352-00167502 would lead what would eventually become sG4zK80C-Qc-00704-00167503-00167807 the lucasie family joe perfacci for the sG4zK80C-Qc-00705-00167808-00168038 columbos maranzano would lead the sG4zK80C-Qc-00706-00168039-00168302 bonannos and frank scalise would be sG4zK80C-Qc-00707-00168303-00168535 named the boss of what would become the sG4zK80C-Qc-00708-00168536-00168695 gambinos sG4zK80C-Qc-00709-00168696-00168926 all would answer to and pay tribute to sG4zK80C-Qc-00710-00168927-00169143 maranzano who decided to designate sG4zK80C-Qc-00711-00169144-00169447 himself as the capo de tutacapi or boss sG4zK80C-Qc-00712-00169448-00169559 of bosses sG4zK80C-Qc-00713-00169560-00169766 this setup lasted just a few months as sG4zK80C-Qc-00714-00169767-00169943 there were suspicions both on the part sG4zK80C-Qc-00715-00169944-00170214 of luciano and maranzano of the other sG4zK80C-Qc-00716-00170215-00170526 party luciano was furious that maranzano sG4zK80C-Qc-00717-00170527-00170743 who he finally realized may have been sG4zK80C-Qc-00718-00170744-00170975 even more backwards than maceria in his sG4zK80C-Qc-00719-00170976-00171175 thinking would declare himself boss of sG4zK80C-Qc-00720-00171176-00171295 bosses sG4zK80C-Qc-00721-00171296-00171526 on the other side maranzano didn't fully sG4zK80C-Qc-00722-00171527-00171766 trust anyone who wasn't from his village sG4zK80C-Qc-00723-00171767-00172007 in sicily and had many prejudices sG4zK80C-Qc-00724-00172008-00172238 against working with non-italians he sG4zK80C-Qc-00725-00172239-00172487 trusted luciano least of all and even sG4zK80C-Qc-00726-00172488-00172759 planned to murder him and even went so sG4zK80C-Qc-00727-00172760-00173007 far as to hire famed hitman vincent mad sG4zK80C-Qc-00728-00173008-00173311 dog call to do the job voluciano struck sG4zK80C-Qc-00729-00173312-00173414 first sG4zK80C-Qc-00730-00173415-00173743 on september 10 1931 luciano sent a sG4zK80C-Qc-00731-00173744-00173966 group of jewish mobsters to maranzano's sG4zK80C-Qc-00732-00173967-00174183 offices posing as government agents sG4zK80C-Qc-00733-00174184-00174471 along with tommy lucasi luciano recounts sG4zK80C-Qc-00734-00174472-00174623 that on the afternoon of the murder sG4zK80C-Qc-00735-00174624-00174871 lucasi went to maranzano's office saying sG4zK80C-Qc-00736-00174872-00175095 he had a vital matter to discuss at tom sG4zK80C-Qc-00737-00175096-00175287 gagliano's request sG4zK80C-Qc-00738-00175288-00175511 luciano was actually striking first sG4zK80C-Qc-00739-00175512-00175775 before hired killer vincent mad dog call sG4zK80C-Qc-00740-00175776-00175966 could execute a maranzano prepared sG4zK80C-Qc-00741-00175967-00176166 hitless that had luciano's name at the sG4zK80C-Qc-00742-00176167-00176487 top in all probability lucasi was there sG4zK80C-Qc-00743-00176488-00176719 to finger maranzano for the hitman which sG4zK80C-Qc-00744-00176720-00176814 he did sG4zK80C-Qc-00745-00176815-00177038 with his bodyguards disarmed the hitman sG4zK80C-Qc-00746-00177039-00177278 stabbed and shot maranzano to death sG4zK80C-Qc-00747-00177279-00177551 right in his office during this period sG4zK80C-Qc-00748-00177552-00177751 of massive instability within the sG4zK80C-Qc-00749-00177752-00178023 underworld gagliano remained firmly in sG4zK80C-Qc-00750-00178024-00178247 control of the old reina gang sG4zK80C-Qc-00751-00178248-00178423 after the murder velachi who had been sG4zK80C-Qc-00752-00178424-00178647 working as maranzano's driver went into sG4zK80C-Qc-00753-00178648-00178878 hiding in the reina family's attic he sG4zK80C-Qc-00754-00178879-00179151 eventually met with gagliano and lucasy sG4zK80C-Qc-00755-00179152-00179335 who after determining where valachi's sG4zK80C-Qc-00756-00179336-00179575 loyalties were asked him to join their sG4zK80C-Qc-00757-00179576-00179678 family sG4zK80C-Qc-00758-00179679-00179902 however after conferring with petrilli sG4zK80C-Qc-00759-00179903-00180183 velachi decided to go with veto genovese sG4zK80C-Qc-00760-00180184-00181407 in the luciano family sG4zK80C-Qc-00761-00181408-00181583 in the wake of the maranzano murder sG4zK80C-Qc-00762-00181584-00181807 luciano kept the same five-family sG4zK80C-Qc-00763-00181808-00181999 structure as practical but made a few sG4zK80C-Qc-00764-00182000-00182175 key modifications sG4zK80C-Qc-00765-00182176-00182359 first he got rid of the title of boss of sG4zK80C-Qc-00766-00182360-00182647 bosses though he was clearly considered sG4zK80C-Qc-00767-00182648-00182814 first among equals sG4zK80C-Qc-00768-00182815-00183047 second he created the commission in sG4zK80C-Qc-00769-00183048-00183247 which each of the bosses of the five sG4zK80C-Qc-00770-00183248-00183423 families as well as a handful of other sG4zK80C-Qc-00771-00183424-00183631 families around the country would handle sG4zK80C-Qc-00772-00183632-00183854 disputes between various families before sG4zK80C-Qc-00773-00183855-00184102 things devolved into bloody gang wars sG4zK80C-Qc-00774-00184103-00184335 they established at this same time the sG4zK80C-Qc-00775-00184336-00184559 national syndicate installed the sG4zK80C-Qc-00776-00184560-00184735 governing rules with all the major sG4zK80C-Qc-00777-00184736-00184911 authority flowing back to the main sG4zK80C-Qc-00778-00184912-00185095 commission in new york sG4zK80C-Qc-00779-00185096-00185311 again jovenano's shares from a man of sG4zK80C-Qc-00780-00185312-00185551 honor once again the leaders of my world sG4zK80C-Qc-00781-00185552-00185743 realigned and repositioned themselves sG4zK80C-Qc-00782-00185744-00185990 according to the new political reality sG4zK80C-Qc-00783-00185991-00186223 charlie lucky's star was on the rise sG4zK80C-Qc-00784-00186224-00186447 stefano's star seemed undiminished and sG4zK80C-Qc-00785-00186448-00186719 perhaps even enhanced scalise's star sG4zK80C-Qc-00786-00186720-00186943 fell scalise had been too close a sG4zK80C-Qc-00787-00186944-00187247 supporter to maranzano with lucky's rise sG4zK80C-Qc-00788-00187248-00187519 to power scalise became a liability to sG4zK80C-Qc-00789-00187520-00187663 his family which didn't want to sG4zK80C-Qc-00790-00187664-00187926 antagonize the powerful luciano and his sG4zK80C-Qc-00791-00187927-00188199 cohorts scalise was replaced as father sG4zK80C-Qc-00792-00188200-00188454 by vincent mangano therefore the five sG4zK80C-Qc-00793-00188455-00188687 new york families and the fathers were sG4zK80C-Qc-00794-00188688-00189023 luciano gagliano profaci mangano and me sG4zK80C-Qc-00795-00189024-00189311 i was a newborn star it is at this point sG4zK80C-Qc-00796-00189312-00189535 when gagliano becomes the first modern sG4zK80C-Qc-00797-00189536-00189807 boss of the gagliano family named in his sG4zK80C-Qc-00798-00189808-00190135 honor with tommy lucasy as his underboss sG4zK80C-Qc-00799-00190136-00190399 as a boss gagliano also became a sG4zK80C-Qc-00800-00190400-00190647 founding member of the commission it is sG4zK80C-Qc-00801-00190648-00190863 here that information about gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00802-00190864-00191038 becomes very sparse sG4zK80C-Qc-00803-00191039-00191214 with the exception of attending the sG4zK80C-Qc-00804-00191215-00191478 velocity wedding in 1932 he isn't sG4zK80C-Qc-00805-00191479-00191671 mentioned again until his death in the sG4zK80C-Qc-00806-00191672-00191966 early 1950s however there are still sG4zK80C-Qc-00807-00191967-00192159 things that we can ascertain about his sG4zK80C-Qc-00808-00192160-00192438 successful 20-year reign as boss sG4zK80C-Qc-00809-00192439-00192663 even after the castella morazzi war sG4zK80C-Qc-00810-00192664-00192823 ended there was still quite a bit of sG4zK80C-Qc-00811-00192824-00193047 turmoil in the underworld during the sG4zK80C-Qc-00812-00193048-00193247 subsequent decades after the war tommy sG4zK80C-Qc-00813-00193248-00193447 gagliano steered his family through a sG4zK80C-Qc-00814-00193448-00193614 period of high tension and shifting sG4zK80C-Qc-00815-00193615-00193854 alliances between the five families sG4zK80C-Qc-00816-00193855-00194183 in 1936 luciano was sent to prison and sG4zK80C-Qc-00817-00194184-00194526 then in 1946 deported to italy with sG4zK80C-Qc-00818-00194527-00194726 luciano's absence power on the sG4zK80C-Qc-00819-00194727-00194926 commission was held by an alliance of sG4zK80C-Qc-00820-00194927-00195190 bosses vincent mangano joe bonanno sG4zK80C-Qc-00821-00195191-00195454 stefano magadino and joe profacci sG4zK80C-Qc-00822-00195455-00195678 gagliano had to be very careful in the sG4zK80C-Qc-00823-00195679-00195887 face of this alliance and was keen to sG4zK80C-Qc-00824-00195888-00196078 keep a low profile while furthering the sG4zK80C-Qc-00825-00196079-00196302 business interests of his section of sG4zK80C-Qc-00826-00196303-00196463 kozanostra sG4zK80C-Qc-00827-00196464-00196726 throughout the 1930s and 1940s tommy sG4zK80C-Qc-00828-00196727-00196966 gagliano and tommy lucasy led the family sG4zK80C-Qc-00829-00196967-00197166 into areas of business that were very sG4zK80C-Qc-00830-00197167-00197366 profitable they worked within the sG4zK80C-Qc-00831-00197367-00197566 clothing and trucking industries as well sG4zK80C-Qc-00832-00197567-00197823 as industries such as gasoline rationing sG4zK80C-Qc-00833-00197824-00198038 meat and black market sugar sG4zK80C-Qc-00834-00198039-00198231 gagliano realized that staying out of sG4zK80C-Qc-00835-00198232-00198463 the picture was best for business almost sG4zK80C-Qc-00836-00198464-00198726 never seen in public gagliano stayed at sG4zK80C-Qc-00837-00198727-00198966 home most of the time gagliano passed sG4zK80C-Qc-00838-00198967-00199126 his orders to his soldiers through sG4zK80C-Qc-00839-00199127-00199383 lucasy and other people in his close sG4zK80C-Qc-00840-00199384-00199614 circle that he trusted it can be said sG4zK80C-Qc-00841-00199615-00199814 that gagliano perfected the use of sG4zK80C-Qc-00842-00199815-00200031 proxies and buffers in order to insulate sG4zK80C-Qc-00843-00200032-00200326 himself from law enforcement scrutiny sG4zK80C-Qc-00844-00200327-00200543 as previously mentioned he did this so sG4zK80C-Qc-00845-00200544-00200811 well that he only took a single pinch in sG4zK80C-Qc-00846-00200812-00201175 1932 for income tax evasion and only did sG4zK80C-Qc-00847-00201176-00201390 around 15 months in prison sG4zK80C-Qc-00848-00201391-00201614 tommy lucasi who would become the second sG4zK80C-Qc-00849-00201615-00201807 family boss and who is the modern sG4zK80C-Qc-00850-00201808-00202038 family's namesake was a much more sG4zK80C-Qc-00851-00202039-00202238 prominent figure and someone who was sG4zK80C-Qc-00852-00202239-00202478 more known to be in the public's eye sG4zK80C-Qc-00853-00202479-00202726 however his boss friend and mentor sG4zK80C-Qc-00854-00202727-00202975 gagliano was so rarely out in the public sG4zK80C-Qc-00855-00202976-00203159 that his whereabouts were entirely sG4zK80C-Qc-00856-00203160-00203511 unknown from 1951 to 1953. sG4zK80C-Qc-00857-00203512-00203726 it is this early secrecy and privacy sG4zK80C-Qc-00858-00203727-00203902 that was the key to the success of the sG4zK80C-Qc-00859-00203903-00204183 lucasy crime family in the early years sG4zK80C-Qc-00860-00204184-00204414 by the 1980s the luchese family had sG4zK80C-Qc-00861-00204415-00204631 grown into a behemoth making billions of sG4zK80C-Qc-00862-00204632-00204846 dollars per year but none of that would sG4zK80C-Qc-00863-00204848-00205023 have been possible without the likes of sG4zK80C-Qc-00864-00205023-00205319 criminal masterminds such as gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00865-00205319-00205558 the ultimate sign of just how mysterious sG4zK80C-Qc-00866-00205559-00205886 gagliano was is this nobody is actually sG4zK80C-Qc-00867-00205887-00206038 sure when he died sG4zK80C-Qc-00868-00206039-00206375 in 1951 tommy lucasy stated during the sG4zK80C-Qc-00869-00206376-00206566 senate hearings on organized crime that sG4zK80C-Qc-00870-00206567-00207014 gagliano died on february 16 1951 sG4zK80C-Qc-00871-00207015-00207246 however some historians actually believe sG4zK80C-Qc-00872-00207248-00207527 gagliano died in 1953 sG4zK80C-Qc-00873-00207528-00207719 it has been speculated that gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00874-00207719-00207990 retired in 1951 and turned leadership sG4zK80C-Qc-00875-00207991-00208238 over to lucasy but kept this information sG4zK80C-Qc-00876-00208239-00208462 secret to prevent law enforcement or sG4zK80C-Qc-00877-00208463-00208679 media scrutiny however there is no sG4zK80C-Qc-00878-00208680-00208927 concrete evidence to support this theory sG4zK80C-Qc-00879-00208928-00209151 according to joseph felachi gagliano sG4zK80C-Qc-00880-00209152-00209551 died of natural causes in 1953 the cause sG4zK80C-Qc-00881-00209552-00209767 of death was said to either be heart sG4zK80C-Qc-00882-00209767-00209991 condition or cancer sG4zK80C-Qc-00883-00209992-00210119 nobody's sure sG4zK80C-Qc-00884-00210119-00210367 you can see gagliano portrayed in pop sG4zK80C-Qc-00885-00210367-00210598 culture he's mentioned in the velachi sG4zK80C-Qc-00886-00210600-00210910 papers in 1972 starring charles bronson sG4zK80C-Qc-00887-00210911-00211127 when salvatore maranzano played by sG4zK80C-Qc-00888-00211128-00211351 joseph wiseman announces the bosses of sG4zK80C-Qc-00889-00211352-00211631 the five families he also sees a small sG4zK80C-Qc-00890-00211632-00211855 mention in boardwalk empire's last sG4zK80C-Qc-00891-00211856-00212198 episode entitled el dorado in 2014. sG4zK80C-Qc-00892-00212200-00212406 gagliano is played by salvatore in sG4zK80C-Qc-00893-00212407-00212519 zarillo sG4zK80C-Qc-00894-00212519-00212734 he has a small speaking role in his sG4zK80C-Qc-00895-00212735-00212887 scene sitting at the table as lucky sG4zK80C-Qc-00896-00212888-00213071 luciano gathers the country's most sG4zK80C-Qc-00897-00213071-00213263 powerful crime bosses and forms the sG4zK80C-Qc-00898-00213264-00213567 commission tommy gagliano is interred at sG4zK80C-Qc-00899-00213567-00213815 a private mausoleum in woodlawn cemetery sG4zK80C-Qc-00900-00213816-00213967 bronx new york sG4zK80C-Qc-00901-00213967-00214198 so that's it our first gangster sG4zK80C-Qc-00902-00214200-00214342 biography sG4zK80C-Qc-00903-00214344-00214534 if you like this episode and would like sG4zK80C-Qc-00904-00214535-00214742 to see me do more gangster biographies sG4zK80C-Qc-00905-00214744-00214919 let me know in the comments below and of sG4zK80C-Qc-00906-00214919-00215063 course don't forget to like and sG4zK80C-Qc-00907-00215064-00215310 subscribe my channel on youtube or feel sG4zK80C-Qc-00908-00215311-00215503 free to listen wherever you get your sG4zK80C-Qc-00909-00215504-00215791 podcasts also be on the lookout for my sG4zK80C-Qc-00910-00215792-00215991 upcoming patreon page sG4zK80C-Qc-00911-00215992-00216175 until next time sG4zK80C-Qc-00912-00216176-00216871 grazie sG4zK80C-Qc-00913-00216871-00217039 thank you for listening to the members sG4zK80C-Qc-00914-00217040-00217255 only podcast if you're watching on sG4zK80C-Qc-00915-00217256-00217503 youtube please hit like and subscribe to sG4zK80C-Qc-00916-00217504-00217655 help the channel grow sG4zK80C-Qc-00917-00217656-00217839 you can also listen anywhere you get sG4zK80C-Qc-00918-00217840-00217991 your podcasts sG4zK80C-Qc-00919-00217992-00218158 until next time sG4zK80C-Qc-00920-00218159-00219527 don't forget to keep your mouth shut sG4zK80C-Qc-00921-00219528-00219735 you sJRoUv6g-dc-00000-00000035-00000196 if you'd like to interact please like sJRoUv6g-dc-00001-00000197-00000377 please share Please Subscribe and I'm sJRoUv6g-dc-00002-00000378-00000473 going to do that now because I don't sJRoUv6g-dc-00003-00000474-00000574 know otherwise sJRoUv6g-dc-00004-00000575-00000784 I don't know I'm enjoying myself are you sJRoUv6g-dc-00005-00000785-00000989 enjoying it I don't know sJRoUv6g-dc-00006-00000990-00001379 I'm gonna play anyway here we go sJRoUv6g-dc-00007-00001380-00001876 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00008-00001877-00002063 scourge of Worlds this is a Dungeons and sJRoUv6g-dc-00009-00002064-00002249 Dragons Choose Your Own Adventure and sJRoUv6g-dc-00010-00002250-00002495 here is what the back says their Quest sJRoUv6g-dc-00011-00002496-00002813 becomes your adventure long ago in a sJRoUv6g-dc-00012-00002814-00003034 land ravaged by Strife an ancient race sJRoUv6g-dc-00013-00003035-00003293 of Mages crafted the Ultimate Weapon to sJRoUv6g-dc-00014-00003294-00003575 destroy their enemies and end all wars sJRoUv6g-dc-00015-00003576-00003736 if I mispronounce anything it's because sJRoUv6g-dc-00016-00003738-00003929 I don't know DND well enough to know sJRoUv6g-dc-00017-00003929-00004036 these sJRoUv6g-dc-00018-00004037-00004343 they called it the Eric's orthian the sJRoUv6g-dc-00019-00004344-00004613 scourge of Worlds hidden safely for sJRoUv6g-dc-00020-00004614-00004793 hundreds of years The Scourge is now sJRoUv6g-dc-00021-00004794-00004985 sought by a new swarm of Darkness sJRoUv6g-dc-00022-00004986-00005231 threatening to unleash its secrets sJRoUv6g-dc-00023-00005232-00005502 to save the world three Fearless Heroes sJRoUv6g-dc-00024-00005503-00005854 regdar the human Warrior Lita the Rogue sJRoUv6g-dc-00025-00005855-00005956 halfling sJRoUv6g-dc-00026-00005957-00006281 and meali the elf wizard must embark on sJRoUv6g-dc-00027-00006282-00006472 a treacherous Quest and choose between sJRoUv6g-dc-00028-00006473-00006833 honor and evil between life and death sJRoUv6g-dc-00029-00006834-00007073 but the choice is not theirs sJRoUv6g-dc-00030-00007073-00007337 it is yours sJRoUv6g-dc-00031-00007338-00007606 well mine as the tail unfolds you are sJRoUv6g-dc-00032-00007608-00007781 presented with a series of dilemmas and sJRoUv6g-dc-00033-00007781-00007967 must decide the best course of action sJRoUv6g-dc-00034-00007968-00008237 but beware for each path is fraught with sJRoUv6g-dc-00035-00008238-00008483 angels and wraiths Druid Guardians sJRoUv6g-dc-00036-00008484-00008783 demonic beholders and bloodthirsty Orcs sJRoUv6g-dc-00037-00008784-00009073 with over 200 unique story combinations sJRoUv6g-dc-00038-00009074-00009310 this interactive computer animated sJRoUv6g-dc-00039-00009311-00009556 fantasy delivers a DVD experience like sJRoUv6g-dc-00040-00009557-00009773 no other sJRoUv6g-dc-00041-00009774-00010037 four alternate outcomes sJRoUv6g-dc-00042-00010038-00010246 Limitless Adventure sJRoUv6g-dc-00043-00010247-00010433 we're only going to do one I'm not going sJRoUv6g-dc-00044-00010434-00010631 to try to get all this that I'm just sJRoUv6g-dc-00045-00010632-00011009 gonna do one the fate of the world rests sJRoUv6g-dc-00046-00011010-00011314 in my hands sJRoUv6g-dc-00047-00011315-00011609 I considered splitting this up sJRoUv6g-dc-00048-00011610-00011813 and into small parts and getting sJRoUv6g-dc-00049-00011814-00012046 feedback but since I don't get feedback sJRoUv6g-dc-00050-00012047-00012209 on this channel and I just want to see sJRoUv6g-dc-00051-00012210-00012413 if I can I'm sorry if you wanted to sJRoUv6g-dc-00052-00012414-00012581 interact sJRoUv6g-dc-00053-00012582-00012785 if you'd like to interact please like sJRoUv6g-dc-00054-00012786-00013072 please share Please Subscribe I'm I'm sJRoUv6g-dc-00055-00013073-00013222 gonna do that now because I don't know sJRoUv6g-dc-00056-00013223-00013397 otherwise sJRoUv6g-dc-00057-00013397-00013522 I don't know sJRoUv6g-dc-00058-00013523-00013751 I'm enjoying myself are you enjoying it sJRoUv6g-dc-00059-00013752-00014015 I don't know sJRoUv6g-dc-00060-00014016-00014219 I'm gonna play anyway here we go let's sJRoUv6g-dc-00061-00014219-00014363 see what this looks like I don't know sJRoUv6g-dc-00062-00014363-00014747 how this is gonna work but we'll just sJRoUv6g-dc-00063-00014747-00015280 let's just see what I have to do here sJRoUv6g-dc-00064-00015281-00015461 wow you get the time bar on the bottom sJRoUv6g-dc-00065-00015462-00015605 do you want that sJRoUv6g-dc-00066-00015606-00015916 let me get rid of that give me a second sJRoUv6g-dc-00067-00015918-00016169 wait audio setup sJRoUv6g-dc-00068-00016169-00016336 let's get those closed captioned if sJRoUv6g-dc-00069-00016337-00016553 they're there oh sJRoUv6g-dc-00070-00016554-00016853 hope sJRoUv6g-dc-00071-00016854-00016991 please sJRoUv6g-dc-00072-00016992-00017380 how sJRoUv6g-dc-00073-00017381-00017549 now sJRoUv6g-dc-00074-00017550-00017753 well if you wanted to read that I didn't sJRoUv6g-dc-00075-00017754-00018022 even bother just sJRoUv6g-dc-00076-00018023-00018149 all right sJRoUv6g-dc-00077-00018150-00018358 well I guess there's no subtitle sJRoUv6g-dc-00078-00018359-00018683 situation I apologize hopefully sJRoUv6g-dc-00079-00018684-00019229 hopefully YouTube pulls through for us sJRoUv6g-dc-00080-00019230-00019469 you are about to experience DVD and this sJRoUv6g-dc-00081-00019470-00019721 DVD contains over 990 unique stories sJRoUv6g-dc-00082-00019722-00019913 explore the entire DVD to discover the sJRoUv6g-dc-00083-00019914-00020093 four exciting alternate endings I'm glad sJRoUv6g-dc-00084-00020094-00020297 I read it that fast also the DVD back sJRoUv6g-dc-00085-00020298-00020843 said 200. sJRoUv6g-dc-00086-00020844-00021522 foreign sJRoUv6g-dc-00087-00021523-00021844 cratch pictures presents I don't know sJRoUv6g-dc-00088-00021845-00022786 why I'm saying it like that I'm sorry sJRoUv6g-dc-00089-00022787-00023003 so it's like reboot oh my gosh I think sJRoUv6g-dc-00090-00023004-00023147 it does kind of look like reboot sJRoUv6g-dc-00091-00023148-00023308 actually if you can't handle that I'm sJRoUv6g-dc-00092-00023309-00023555 sorry this is old sJRoUv6g-dc-00093-00023556-00024305 ah sJRoUv6g-dc-00094-00024306-00024563 are these my people sJRoUv6g-dc-00095-00024564-00024886 I don't think so sJRoUv6g-dc-00096-00024887-00025108 I don't remember any of this okay is sJRoUv6g-dc-00097-00025109-00025300 that discouraged sJRoUv6g-dc-00098-00025301-00025505 is that a Sims thing sJRoUv6g-dc-00099-00025506-00025739 it looks like a Sims sJRoUv6g-dc-00100-00025739-00026339 sorry sJRoUv6g-dc-00101-00026339-00026573 oh I have to sorry gotta make sure I get sJRoUv6g-dc-00102-00026574-00027289 here done sJRoUv6g-dc-00103-00027289-00027533 hi this music made me think of dark sJRoUv6g-dc-00104-00027533-00027724 cloud there's tons of games that have sJRoUv6g-dc-00105-00027725-00027899 stuff like this but sJRoUv6g-dc-00106-00027900-00028240 too many references I love that you know sJRoUv6g-dc-00107-00028241-00028385 the beginning of dark cloud one day I'm sJRoUv6g-dc-00108-00028386-00028577 just gonna play that sJRoUv6g-dc-00109-00028577-00028799 I love it so much it's long but I love sJRoUv6g-dc-00110-00028800-00028973 it I don't know why sJRoUv6g-dc-00111-00028974-00029279 I wanted to learn that dance I never did sJRoUv6g-dc-00112-00029280-00029446 if you don't know what I'm talking about sJRoUv6g-dc-00113-00029447-00030305 I'm just rambling okay sJRoUv6g-dc-00114-00030306-00030587 is that ceiling the scourge sJRoUv6g-dc-00115-00030588-00031558 is this kind of like Fifth Element sJRoUv6g-dc-00116-00031560-00031996 seal it up sJRoUv6g-dc-00117-00031997-00032549 uh Dungeons and Dragons Adventure sJRoUv6g-dc-00118-00032550-00033167 I hope I don't screw it up sJRoUv6g-dc-00119-00033168-00033352 I should make my son singing in the sJRoUv6g-dc-00120-00033353-00033496 background if that picks up I'm sure it sJRoUv6g-dc-00121-00033497-00033743 really adds sJRoUv6g-dc-00122-00033744-00034415 are you Red what was it ragdar sJRoUv6g-dc-00123-00034416-00034583 are you ragdar you don't have two other sJRoUv6g-dc-00124-00034584-00034859 people with you though sJRoUv6g-dc-00125-00034860-00035045 again sJRoUv6g-dc-00126-00035046-00035255 you should know when you're beaten sJRoUv6g-dc-00127-00035256-00035621 through it sJRoUv6g-dc-00128-00035622-00036599 oh wait sJRoUv6g-dc-00129-00036600-00036851 oh okay sJRoUv6g-dc-00130-00036852-00037055 rock monster or just sJRoUv6g-dc-00131-00037056-00037205 oh yeah sJRoUv6g-dc-00132-00037206-00037343 thing sJRoUv6g-dc-00133-00037344-00037673 probably has a name sJRoUv6g-dc-00134-00037674-00038051 oh sJRoUv6g-dc-00135-00038052-00038296 can you cast lightning on himself sJRoUv6g-dc-00136-00038297-00038465 isn't that like usually what works sJRoUv6g-dc-00137-00038466-00038662 against sJRoUv6g-dc-00138-00038663-00039143 mimics depends on the game sJRoUv6g-dc-00139-00039144-00039509 I'm glad there's no quick time sJRoUv6g-dc-00140-00039510-00039689 okay so that's happening and I don't sJRoUv6g-dc-00141-00039690-00039827 know why sJRoUv6g-dc-00142-00039828-00040259 these are my people sJRoUv6g-dc-00143-00040260-00040780 foreign sJRoUv6g-dc-00144-00040781-00041039 oh do I have an option to like not get sJRoUv6g-dc-00145-00041040-00041146 involved sJRoUv6g-dc-00146-00041147-00041756 is that type of thing let's see sJRoUv6g-dc-00147-00041757-00042083 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00148-00042084-00042257 we don't know why he was coming here sJRoUv6g-dc-00149-00042258-00042929 anyway sJRoUv6g-dc-00150-00042930-00043115 okay so he beat that thing this guy's sJRoUv6g-dc-00151-00043116-00043415 like hmm oh he's doing the York he was sJRoUv6g-dc-00152-00043416-00044111 doing The Deadly Premonition wasn't he sJRoUv6g-dc-00153-00044112-00044296 I totally forgot all this and this thing sJRoUv6g-dc-00154-00044297-00044518 is just like fun also it's reminding me sJRoUv6g-dc-00155-00044519-00045335 of what is it reminding me of sJRoUv6g-dc-00156-00045336-00045593 or somebody somebody's sJRoUv6g-dc-00157-00045594-00045773 suit and big hero 6. I don't know what sJRoUv6g-dc-00158-00045774-00046512 it's reminding me of sJRoUv6g-dc-00159-00046513-00046762 also I don't even have the option to say sJRoUv6g-dc-00160-00046763-00047015 I don't want to get involved sJRoUv6g-dc-00161-00047016-00047202 we're just involved sJRoUv6g-dc-00162-00047203-00047915 in the car sJRoUv6g-dc-00163-00047916-00048155 guys it's mostly we're watching and then sJRoUv6g-dc-00164-00048156-00048574 we pick some stuff sJRoUv6g-dc-00165-00048575-00048899 you're wounded just sit still you don't sJRoUv6g-dc-00166-00048900-00049115 even know drink this sJRoUv6g-dc-00167-00049116-00049295 maybe they do maybe I don't know sJRoUv6g-dc-00168-00049296-00049421 something sJRoUv6g-dc-00169-00049422-00049715 I wasn't looking forward to facing that sJRoUv6g-dc-00170-00049716-00049996 thing again you're lucky you won the sJRoUv6g-dc-00171-00049997-00050371 first time old man rapture sJRoUv6g-dc-00172-00050372-00050705 oh he knows him let me introduce Linda sJRoUv6g-dc-00173-00050706-00051107 and Miley that Delight for your arrival sJRoUv6g-dc-00174-00051108-00051346 what are you doing here we've been sJRoUv6g-dc-00175-00051347-00051599 following you your temple hired us to sJRoUv6g-dc-00176-00051600-00051802 find they said you swiped a map or sJRoUv6g-dc-00177-00051803-00051982 something sJRoUv6g-dc-00178-00051983-00052192 I had no choice sJRoUv6g-dc-00179-00052194-00052426 the elders are well-meaning but sJRoUv6g-dc-00180-00052427-00052726 misguided go on sJRoUv6g-dc-00181-00052727-00052930 I have a vision sJRoUv6g-dc-00182-00052932-00053200 an apparition calling herself ariadne sJRoUv6g-dc-00183-00053201-00053416 appeared to me mariadne sJRoUv6g-dc-00184-00053417-00053788 she was a messenger from my God an angel sJRoUv6g-dc-00185-00053789-00054238 yes an angel sJRoUv6g-dc-00186-00054239-00054497 she showed me the map and told me that sJRoUv6g-dc-00187-00054498-00054713 it led to the Eric sorthian sJRoUv6g-dc-00188-00054714-00054923 it sounds Luis sJRoUv6g-dc-00189-00054924-00055204 it is a Wonder truly sJRoUv6g-dc-00190-00055205-00055409 an ancient device with the power to sJRoUv6g-dc-00191-00055410-00055582 purify evil sJRoUv6g-dc-00192-00055583-00055966 I must find it for all of our sakes well sJRoUv6g-dc-00193-00055967-00056153 that's nice but we're bringing you back sJRoUv6g-dc-00194-00056154-00056411 to greyhawk so we can get paid you sJRoUv6g-dc-00195-00056412-00056621 should return the map and explain your sJRoUv6g-dc-00196-00056622-00057082 actions sJRoUv6g-dc-00197-00057083-00057382 if those years we fought together meant sJRoUv6g-dc-00198-00057383-00057491 anything sJRoUv6g-dc-00199-00057491-00057803 you'll let me complete my quest sJRoUv6g-dc-00200-00057804-00058066 there is much good to come of this I sJRoUv6g-dc-00201-00058067-00058229 swear sJRoUv6g-dc-00202-00058229-00058600 oh boy did I mention that we get paid sJRoUv6g-dc-00203-00058601-00058871 options coming up sJRoUv6g-dc-00204-00058872-00059171 oh boy what do I do help my friend get sJRoUv6g-dc-00205-00059172-00059329 paid sJRoUv6g-dc-00206-00059329-00060569 apprehend him or let him go oh no sJRoUv6g-dc-00207-00060570-00060713 what if he's just going to get sJRoUv6g-dc-00208-00060714-00060869 discouraged to be more powerful just sJRoUv6g-dc-00209-00060870-00061037 because I know him sJRoUv6g-dc-00210-00061038-00061211 doesn't mean I know that his intentions sJRoUv6g-dc-00211-00061212-00061373 are good sometimes people are faced with sJRoUv6g-dc-00212-00061374-00061492 power and they just make the wrong sJRoUv6g-dc-00213-00061494-00061876 choice sJRoUv6g-dc-00214-00061877-00062092 someone's going to disagree with me sJRoUv6g-dc-00215-00062094-00062237 I'm sorry sJRoUv6g-dc-00216-00062238-00062416 there are some situations when I just sJRoUv6g-dc-00217-00062417-00062657 like no I'm just gonna pretend I didn't sJRoUv6g-dc-00218-00062658-00062932 see that but look this is a game in this sJRoUv6g-dc-00219-00062933-00063113 situation I need to get paid and I'm sJRoUv6g-dc-00220-00063114-00063382 just like I don't know man sJRoUv6g-dc-00221-00063383-00063737 I don't know the elders maybe they know sJRoUv6g-dc-00222-00063738-00064259 unless the elders are sJRoUv6g-dc-00223-00064260-00064499 what if sJRoUv6g-dc-00224-00064500-00064763 I might be thinking too far ahead I sJRoUv6g-dc-00225-00064764-00064913 really don't remember what if the elders sJRoUv6g-dc-00226-00064914-00065063 know that I know him so they're sJRoUv6g-dc-00227-00065064-00065225 expecting me to let him go so that way sJRoUv6g-dc-00228-00065226-00065392 he'll lead us to it wouldn't that be sJRoUv6g-dc-00229-00065394-00065741 pretty interesting sJRoUv6g-dc-00230-00065742-00065921 that would be good I hate it when I come sJRoUv6g-dc-00231-00065922-00066029 up with something and that's not what it sJRoUv6g-dc-00232-00066030-00066293 is and I'm like oh I like my idea better sJRoUv6g-dc-00233-00066294-00066443 is it conceit maybe it's a little sJRoUv6g-dc-00234-00066444-00066659 conceit I don't want to say it is sJRoUv6g-dc-00235-00066660-00066821 because it just sounds bad but you know sJRoUv6g-dc-00236-00066822-00067138 what sometimes you like your idea better sJRoUv6g-dc-00237-00067139-00067349 you're allowed sJRoUv6g-dc-00238-00067350-00067541 let you go yo I want to see if this is sJRoUv6g-dc-00239-00067542-00067775 true you better get going old man sJRoUv6g-dc-00240-00067776-00068021 before someone else catches up to you oh sJRoUv6g-dc-00241-00068022-00068231 boy you're letting me go we're letting sJRoUv6g-dc-00242-00068232-00068615 him go yeah how can we let him go if we sJRoUv6g-dc-00243-00068616-00068903 never found him in the first place sJRoUv6g-dc-00244-00068904-00069256 you're still a good man radar am I speed sJRoUv6g-dc-00245-00069257-00069461 Baratheon we'll see sJRoUv6g-dc-00246-00069462-00069659 I have ulterior motives although the sJRoUv6g-dc-00247-00069660-00069856 game doesn't know perfect good gold sJRoUv6g-dc-00248-00069857-00070079 you're throwing away and you didn't sJRoUv6g-dc-00249-00070080-00070288 consult us before you let him go you're sJRoUv6g-dc-00250-00070289-00070493 right I didn't I'll make it up to you sJRoUv6g-dc-00251-00070494-00070559 later sJRoUv6g-dc-00252-00070560-00070961 promise sJRoUv6g-dc-00253-00070962-00072311 drink sJRoUv6g-dc-00254-00072312-00072485 he's not gonna be he's not gonna like sJRoUv6g-dc-00255-00072486-00072713 that at all because he's like wait sJRoUv6g-dc-00256-00072714-00072856 so you followed and you didn't even sJRoUv6g-dc-00257-00072857-00073061 apprehend him sJRoUv6g-dc-00258-00073062-00073697 so what the hell why did you help him sJRoUv6g-dc-00259-00073698-00073937 that means you're on his side I found my sJRoUv6g-dc-00260-00073938-00074141 enemy I don't know I'm this is probably sJRoUv6g-dc-00261-00074142-00074285 completely wrong I probably made the sJRoUv6g-dc-00262-00074286-00074411 wrong choice but we'll just see how sJRoUv6g-dc-00263-00074412-00074621 interesting it gets sJRoUv6g-dc-00264-00074622-00074776 maybe this will be a much shorter game sJRoUv6g-dc-00265-00074777-00074944 than I think it's plus or minus 90 sJRoUv6g-dc-00266-00074945-00075856 minutes sJRoUv6g-dc-00267-00075857-00076043 okay I remember there was a Tavern sJRoUv6g-dc-00268-00076044-00077443 situation sJRoUv6g-dc-00269-00077444-00077711 we came all this way to capture the guy sJRoUv6g-dc-00270-00077712-00078023 and you just let him walk yes why did we sJRoUv6g-dc-00271-00078024-00078437 let Baratheon go I have my reasons sJRoUv6g-dc-00272-00078438-00078731 I owe Baratheon my life I have a sJRoUv6g-dc-00273-00078732-00078976 different reason when I was young I sJRoUv6g-dc-00274-00078977-00079217 lived in the streets of greyhawk I was sJRoUv6g-dc-00275-00079218-00079493 broke hungry and willing to fight anyone sJRoUv6g-dc-00276-00079494-00079906 for money sJRoUv6g-dc-00277-00079907-00080194 a local Lord hired me for his bodyguard sJRoUv6g-dc-00278-00080195-00080453 it was a good deal until I found out he sJRoUv6g-dc-00279-00080454-00080638 was an extortionist sJRoUv6g-dc-00280-00080639-00080819 I quit the job sJRoUv6g-dc-00281-00080820-00081029 but he wanted to make sure I didn't tell sJRoUv6g-dc-00282-00081030-00081250 anyone his Dirty Little Secret sJRoUv6g-dc-00283-00081251-00081635 I thought I was finished then sJRoUv6g-dc-00284-00081636-00082012 he taught me to read and write sJRoUv6g-dc-00285-00082013-00082385 how to handle a weapon sJRoUv6g-dc-00286-00082386-00082606 discipline sJRoUv6g-dc-00287-00082607-00082811 he always wanted to make a priest out of sJRoUv6g-dc-00288-00082812-00083405 me but it wasn't my destiny a priest sJRoUv6g-dc-00289-00083406-00083626 I became an adventurer I'm trying to sJRoUv6g-dc-00290-00083627-00083861 store details Church hierarchy sJRoUv6g-dc-00291-00083862-00084185 always wanted to repay Baratheon he sJRoUv6g-dc-00292-00084186-00084376 saved my life by lifting me out of the sJRoUv6g-dc-00293-00084377-00084487 gutter sJRoUv6g-dc-00294-00084488-00084850 he gave me a purpose and he's throwing sJRoUv6g-dc-00295-00084851-00085006 grass into the church so we think he's a sJRoUv6g-dc-00296-00085007-00085241 good guy sJRoUv6g-dc-00297-00085242-00085403 let's throw us off sJRoUv6g-dc-00298-00085404-00085643 oh that's right guys sJRoUv6g-dc-00299-00085644-00085925 are gold and by my calculations no gold sJRoUv6g-dc-00300-00085926-00086394 no room for the night sJRoUv6g-dc-00301-00086395-00086669 I feel like I remember this option I sJRoUv6g-dc-00302-00086670-00087341 have an option to steal or something sJRoUv6g-dc-00303-00087342-00087688 or something unless you let me rectify sJRoUv6g-dc-00304-00087689-00088300 the situation yeah sJRoUv6g-dc-00305-00088301-00088882 maybe I should handle this sJRoUv6g-dc-00306-00088883-00089297 idea or ragdar's idea sJRoUv6g-dc-00307-00089298-00089531 I don't know what their ideas are but it sJRoUv6g-dc-00308-00089532-00089729 looks like she's sJRoUv6g-dc-00309-00089730-00090311 because she's a rogue wait right sJRoUv6g-dc-00310-00090312-00090712 she's a rogue halfling sJRoUv6g-dc-00311-00090713-00091091 and Miley is an elf wizard sJRoUv6g-dc-00312-00091092-00091397 I feel like Miley knows better sJRoUv6g-dc-00313-00091398-00091625 I'm gonna go with ragdar's idea I'm just sJRoUv6g-dc-00314-00091626-00091799 gonna go a little ragdar and see what sJRoUv6g-dc-00315-00091800-00091943 happens sJRoUv6g-dc-00316-00091944-00092111 that way if I ever do play this again sJRoUv6g-dc-00317-00092112-00092321 maybe I'll remember better sJRoUv6g-dc-00318-00092322-00092687 my options sJRoUv6g-dc-00319-00092688-00093250 I don't forget this you never know sorry sJRoUv6g-dc-00320-00093251-00093425 yeah sJRoUv6g-dc-00321-00093426-00093605 that's right I probably should have done sJRoUv6g-dc-00322-00093606-00093894 letter sJRoUv6g-dc-00323-00093895-00094582 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00324-00094583-00095332 I'll snap your spindly arm in two sJRoUv6g-dc-00325-00095333-00095585 ready it's just a bad move I was born sJRoUv6g-dc-00326-00095586-00095688 ready sJRoUv6g-dc-00327-00095689-00096779 thank goodness this is not a qte sJRoUv6g-dc-00328-00096780-00097309 are they gonna cheat sJRoUv6g-dc-00329-00097310-00097637 than you sJRoUv6g-dc-00330-00097638-00098081 oh loses we're broke sJRoUv6g-dc-00331-00098082-00098375 wizard sJRoUv6g-dc-00332-00098376-00098518 got it sJRoUv6g-dc-00333-00098519-00098747 you're mine sJRoUv6g-dc-00334-00098748-00098987 she's cheating those are gauntlets of sJRoUv6g-dc-00335-00098988-00099329 ogre power regdar will lose sJRoUv6g-dc-00336-00099330-00099768 you want to do something about it sJRoUv6g-dc-00337-00099769-00100012 no man sJRoUv6g-dc-00338-00100013-00100187 I thought we were gonna cheat I'm glad sJRoUv6g-dc-00339-00100188-00100379 we didn't cheat sJRoUv6g-dc-00340-00100380-00100918 we're uncheating sJRoUv6g-dc-00341-00100919-00101488 we uncheated sJRoUv6g-dc-00342-00101489-00101711 hey there's no way I could have lost I sJRoUv6g-dc-00343-00101712-00102011 was cheating sJRoUv6g-dc-00344-00102012-00102203 you were cheating sJRoUv6g-dc-00345-00102204-00102521 this is leveling the plane sJRoUv6g-dc-00346-00102522-00102730 I'm gonna smash yourself this looks sJRoUv6g-dc-00347-00102731-00103240 familiar I think we did this sJRoUv6g-dc-00348-00103241-00103768 go to sleep for now sJRoUv6g-dc-00349-00103769-00104147 oh my God I want a voice sJRoUv6g-dc-00350-00104148-00104308 like you said sJRoUv6g-dc-00351-00104309-00104554 Baron Square where I suggest we retire sJRoUv6g-dc-00352-00104555-00104789 we caused enough trouble for one night sJRoUv6g-dc-00353-00104790-00105136 oh things were just getting good however sJRoUv6g-dc-00354-00105138-00105407 however that sJRoUv6g-dc-00355-00105408-00105545 that sJRoUv6g-dc-00356-00105546-00105869 identifies sJRoUv6g-dc-00357-00105870-00106097 their voice is interesting I wouldn't sJRoUv6g-dc-00358-00106098-00106943 have expected it sJRoUv6g-dc-00359-00106944-00107099 I don't know if that was a good move we sJRoUv6g-dc-00360-00107100-00107645 have enemies now sJRoUv6g-dc-00361-00107646-00107831 sometimes I tune out hopefully I don't sJRoUv6g-dc-00362-00107832-00107981 tune out too much sJRoUv6g-dc-00363-00107982-00108586 too busy thinking about my son oh sJRoUv6g-dc-00364-00108588-00108973 you bad aren't you sJRoUv6g-dc-00365-00108974-00109169 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00366-00109170-00109258 I don't I don't sJRoUv6g-dc-00367-00109259-00109415 remember I don't remember sJRoUv6g-dc-00368-00109416-00109751 I'm too busy thinking of reboot now sJRoUv6g-dc-00369-00109752-00109936 oh can we see through his eyes can you sJRoUv6g-dc-00370-00109938-00110231 see where he is sJRoUv6g-dc-00371-00110232-00110465 a tree there's a wolf sJRoUv6g-dc-00372-00110466-00110669 why is it always a wolf what's up with sJRoUv6g-dc-00373-00110670-00110969 me in games with Wolves sJRoUv6g-dc-00374-00110970-00111502 are these like dire wolves sJRoUv6g-dc-00375-00111503-00111760 there's something sJRoUv6g-dc-00376-00111761-00111977 oh did he not make it did we send him to sJRoUv6g-dc-00377-00111978-00112745 his death sJRoUv6g-dc-00378-00112746-00114071 oh boy sJRoUv6g-dc-00379-00114072-00114407 all right girl get it together is it sJRoUv6g-dc-00380-00114408-00114952 worth waking them up for a bad dream yes sJRoUv6g-dc-00381-00114953-00115199 absolutely I already know my answer come sJRoUv6g-dc-00382-00115200-00115366 on give me the option wake them up wake sJRoUv6g-dc-00383-00115367-00115558 them up wake them up wake them up give sJRoUv6g-dc-00384-00115559-00115925 it to me wake them up sJRoUv6g-dc-00385-00115926-00116152 wake them up wake them up wake them I'm sJRoUv6g-dc-00386-00116153-00116297 sorry for that DVD thing on the bottom sJRoUv6g-dc-00387-00116298-00116525 it's probably a setting I haven't used a sJRoUv6g-dc-00388-00116526-00116740 DVD in such a whole time I think your sJRoUv6g-dc-00389-00116741-00117178 friend is in trouble sJRoUv6g-dc-00390-00117179-00117443 how do you know sJRoUv6g-dc-00391-00117444-00117713 there was this woman sJRoUv6g-dc-00392-00117714-00118054 she was in the room and she she showed sJRoUv6g-dc-00393-00118055-00118493 me Baratheon and he was being attacked sJRoUv6g-dc-00394-00118494-00118721 who was this woman sJRoUv6g-dc-00395-00118722-00118889 it's me sJRoUv6g-dc-00396-00118890-00119116 she was floating beautiful sJRoUv6g-dc-00397-00119117-00119873 she looked special sJRoUv6g-dc-00398-00119874-00120251 we should check it out sJRoUv6g-dc-00399-00120252-00120599 should also are you Canadian I don't sJRoUv6g-dc-00400-00120600-00120845 know where she came from all I know is sJRoUv6g-dc-00401-00120846-00121007 that I saw regdar's friend in trouble sJRoUv6g-dc-00402-00121008-00123019 and I think we should help sJRoUv6g-dc-00403-00123020-00123389 I hate when they give them those noises sJRoUv6g-dc-00404-00123390-00123671 like give them an otherworldly noise not sJRoUv6g-dc-00405-00123672-00123881 something that sounds like a puppy or a sJRoUv6g-dc-00406-00123882-00124108 doggy please sJRoUv6g-dc-00407-00124109-00124433 I don't want to feel bad sJRoUv6g-dc-00408-00124433-00125047 okay bye still sJRoUv6g-dc-00409-00125048-00125586 loopy sJRoUv6g-dc-00410-00125588-00126502 I'm gonna repeat that sJRoUv6g-dc-00411-00126503-00127197 foreign sJRoUv6g-dc-00412-00127198-00129136 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00413-00129138-00129658 why are you trying to kill Baratheon sJRoUv6g-dc-00414-00129659-00129904 that old fool has no idea what he's sJRoUv6g-dc-00415-00129905-00130186 doing the Eric's authian is a terrible sJRoUv6g-dc-00416-00130188-00130504 evil and he must not but that's a fact sJRoUv6g-dc-00417-00130505-00130793 we must go Baratheon will be out of the sJRoUv6g-dc-00418-00130794-00131093 woods soon sJRoUv6g-dc-00419-00131094-00131771 interfere again and I will kill you sJRoUv6g-dc-00420-00131772-00132766 I'm already hearing voices sJRoUv6g-dc-00421-00132767-00133343 oat this guy I I believe he's Canadian sJRoUv6g-dc-00422-00133344-00134611 join rain or going alone sJRoUv6g-dc-00423-00134612-00134789 uh sJRoUv6g-dc-00424-00134790-00134969 he says he doesn't trust them so we're sJRoUv6g-dc-00425-00134970-00135221 gonna go with Baratheon I mean we do sJRoUv6g-dc-00426-00135222-00135466 this alone this guy it's the only way to sJRoUv6g-dc-00427-00135467-00135652 save Baratheon and how do you plan on sJRoUv6g-dc-00428-00135653-00135887 doing that only The Druids have any idea sJRoUv6g-dc-00429-00135888-00136223 where he's headed not sure sJRoUv6g-dc-00430-00136224-00136481 before he left the Redwood so the sJRoUv6g-dc-00431-00136482-00136673 fastest way out of here is an Old Road sJRoUv6g-dc-00432-00136674-00136997 leading Southwest if I were Baratheon sJRoUv6g-dc-00433-00136998-00137297 that's the route I'd be taking sJRoUv6g-dc-00434-00137298-00137614 you're amazing Lyda can I have that in sJRoUv6g-dc-00435-00137615-00137975 writing uh no let's move because I I sJRoUv6g-dc-00436-00137976-00138347 don't really know how to write sJRoUv6g-dc-00437-00138348-00138623 unless you just want my name sJRoUv6g-dc-00438-00138624-00138809 kidding he probably writes just five sJRoUv6g-dc-00439-00138810-00138995 isn't it don't they have the matter sJRoUv6g-dc-00440-00138996-00139271 right sJRoUv6g-dc-00441-00139272-00139564 well I'm assuming he's he's more he's sJRoUv6g-dc-00442-00139565-00139745 something sJRoUv6g-dc-00443-00139746-00140404 maybe he doesn't he's a human work sJRoUv6g-dc-00444-00140405-00140728 almost sounds like thank you hurry up sJRoUv6g-dc-00445-00140729-00141161 what's her name from Mass Effect sJRoUv6g-dc-00446-00141162-00141466 you know what I'm talking about sJRoUv6g-dc-00447-00141467-00141833 Shepherd I can't do her voice sJRoUv6g-dc-00448-00141834-00142078 probably not her it just reminded me of sJRoUv6g-dc-00449-00142079-00142252 her a little without an without the same sJRoUv6g-dc-00450-00142253-00142816 accent sJRoUv6g-dc-00451-00142817-00142997 oh goody sJRoUv6g-dc-00452-00142998-00143207 works sJRoUv6g-dc-00453-00143208-00143428 after it works right sJRoUv6g-dc-00454-00143429-00143675 I totally didn't hear something so we're sJRoUv6g-dc-00455-00143676-00143885 going sJRoUv6g-dc-00456-00143886-00144154 oh no are you sure Baratheon came this sJRoUv6g-dc-00457-00144155-00144352 way sure I'm sure sJRoUv6g-dc-00458-00144353-00144514 the blood sJRoUv6g-dc-00459-00144515-00145007 you didn't see it no I saw it yeah sJRoUv6g-dc-00460-00145008-00145211 you know I don't have to leave one of sJRoUv6g-dc-00461-00145212-00145339 you could always sJRoUv6g-dc-00462-00145340-00145799 yeah I saw it from a while away guys sJRoUv6g-dc-00463-00145800-00146087 is it not blurred sJRoUv6g-dc-00464-00146088-00146309 it's blood sJRoUv6g-dc-00465-00146310-00146681 pork blood oh right here sJRoUv6g-dc-00466-00146682-00146890 no kidding sJRoUv6g-dc-00467-00146891-00147145 what if Baratheon was amished by Orcs sJRoUv6g-dc-00468-00147146-00147359 Baratheon could have handled a few Orcs sJRoUv6g-dc-00469-00147360-00147527 let's keep going it might have been more sJRoUv6g-dc-00470-00147528-00147947 than a few what if they overwhelmed him sJRoUv6g-dc-00471-00147948-00148235 I only saw a few sJRoUv6g-dc-00472-00148236-00148816 but who knows maybe they called sJRoUv6g-dc-00473-00148817-00149069 he he can handle those Orcs I'm not sJRoUv6g-dc-00474-00149070-00149333 gonna go after them sJRoUv6g-dc-00475-00149334-00149551 no way sJRoUv6g-dc-00476-00149552-00149890 I told you already that's my decision sJRoUv6g-dc-00477-00149891-00150119 he thinks they're delicious we shouldn't sJRoUv6g-dc-00478-00150120-00150989 just leave sJRoUv6g-dc-00479-00150990-00151169 he's Miley sJRoUv6g-dc-00480-00151170-00151354 what do you think we are babysitters sJRoUv6g-dc-00481-00151355-00151535 come on Miley I don't sound anything sJRoUv6g-dc-00482-00151536-00152254 like this guy sJRoUv6g-dc-00483-00152255-00153102 okay sJRoUv6g-dc-00484-00153103-00153269 yeah yeah sJRoUv6g-dc-00485-00153270-00153521 reboot season five Bob comes out sJRoUv6g-dc-00486-00153522-00154564 was there five sJRoUv6g-dc-00487-00154565-00154931 by the way funny that he sJRoUv6g-dc-00488-00154932-00155159 wow he's like Dad joke Central what was sJRoUv6g-dc-00489-00155160-00155861 that sJRoUv6g-dc-00490-00155862-00156059 why is he becoming why did he become a sJRoUv6g-dc-00491-00156060-00156604 dad is he going nuts because of the Sun sJRoUv6g-dc-00492-00156605-00156785 is that what we're meant to believe is sJRoUv6g-dc-00493-00156786-00156947 this a problem are they gonna die here sJRoUv6g-dc-00494-00156948-00157402 did I make the bad choice sJRoUv6g-dc-00495-00157403-00157595 what does your Wizarding do can it get sJRoUv6g-dc-00496-00157596-00158033 us water sJRoUv6g-dc-00497-00158034-00158314 started sounding like creepy like Desert sJRoUv6g-dc-00498-00158315-00158543 Music like well you're gonna that's it sJRoUv6g-dc-00499-00158544-00158699 it's going sJRoUv6g-dc-00500-00158700-00159226 to do you know sJRoUv6g-dc-00501-00159227-00159545 a soul Fortress probably been abandoned sJRoUv6g-dc-00502-00159546-00159809 for centuries that's cool well sJRoUv6g-dc-00503-00159810-00160031 it's the first structure we've seen for sJRoUv6g-dc-00504-00160032-00160152 leagues sJRoUv6g-dc-00505-00160153-00160433 Baratheon must have gone there I only sJRoUv6g-dc-00506-00160434-00160828 hope you're right and it is abandoned sJRoUv6g-dc-00507-00160829-00161021 she had a little sassy pants moments sJRoUv6g-dc-00508-00161022-00161104 there though sJRoUv6g-dc-00509-00161105-00161351 geez are you okay can you hand can you sJRoUv6g-dc-00510-00161352-00161975 handle this sJRoUv6g-dc-00511-00161976-00162178 try and hook up with sJRoUv6g-dc-00512-00162179-00162328 two yards in my sJRoUv6g-dc-00513-00162329-00162785 crew too sJRoUv6g-dc-00514-00162786-00163007 can we help sJRoUv6g-dc-00515-00163008-00163247 no sJRoUv6g-dc-00516-00163248-00163597 healing is difficult here this desert sJRoUv6g-dc-00517-00163598-00164026 devours life what happened sJRoUv6g-dc-00518-00164027-00164321 and his Guardian sJRoUv6g-dc-00519-00164322-00164820 Guardian sJRoUv6g-dc-00520-00164821-00164963 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00521-00164964-00167369 what the lady sJRoUv6g-dc-00522-00167370-00167585 I'm thoroughly gonna screw everything up sJRoUv6g-dc-00523-00167586-00168425 I have no idea sJRoUv6g-dc-00524-00168426-00168743 this Fortress does not like visitors sJRoUv6g-dc-00525-00168744-00169145 really what was your first clue sJRoUv6g-dc-00526-00169146-00169307 looks like these Wards have been broken sJRoUv6g-dc-00527-00169308-00169447 rib cage sJRoUv6g-dc-00528-00169448-00169757 bones it's cool sJRoUv6g-dc-00529-00169758-00170021 it's cool design sJRoUv6g-dc-00530-00170022-00170345 three sJRoUv6g-dc-00531-00170346-00170609 centuries ago there was a war between sJRoUv6g-dc-00532-00170610-00170837 two great Empires sJRoUv6g-dc-00533-00170838-00171173 the back lunish and the soul sJRoUv6g-dc-00534-00171174-00171478 to win this war the soul created a sJRoUv6g-dc-00535-00171479-00171719 weapon to destroy their enemies sJRoUv6g-dc-00536-00171720-00172061 it was called the Eric's orthian sJRoUv6g-dc-00537-00172062-00172331 a scourge of worlds sJRoUv6g-dc-00538-00172332-00172690 but then the twin cataclysm came and sJRoUv6g-dc-00539-00172691-00172943 both Empires were destroyed before the sJRoUv6g-dc-00540-00172944-00173381 weapon could be used sJRoUv6g-dc-00541-00173382-00173621 it doesn't say what the scores of Worlds sJRoUv6g-dc-00542-00173622-00173735 is sJRoUv6g-dc-00543-00173736-00174035 just that it was hidden away sJRoUv6g-dc-00544-00174036-00174485 protected by three tests sJRoUv6g-dc-00545-00174486-00174676 key sJRoUv6g-dc-00546-00174677-00174947 Guardian sJRoUv6g-dc-00547-00174948-00175228 part of those seeking it what does that sJRoUv6g-dc-00548-00175229-00175601 mean I don't know looks like the Druid sJRoUv6g-dc-00549-00175602-00175888 was right I know offensive guy but I sJRoUv6g-dc-00550-00175889-00176081 think your buddy is crazy enough to use sJRoUv6g-dc-00551-00176082-00176531 this thing sJRoUv6g-dc-00552-00176532-00177107 come on sJRoUv6g-dc-00553-00177108-00177526 hmm sJRoUv6g-dc-00554-00177527-00177935 is he about to hit it sJRoUv6g-dc-00555-00177936-00178066 is that what's happening right now he's sJRoUv6g-dc-00556-00178067-00178601 like right there sJRoUv6g-dc-00557-00178602-00178907 I just I'm so sJRoUv6g-dc-00558-00178908-00180035 I have no idea what I've done wrong sJRoUv6g-dc-00559-00180036-00180335 test birthday just sJRoUv6g-dc-00560-00180336-00180581 face hugger I mean sJRoUv6g-dc-00561-00180582-00180781 put it back sJRoUv6g-dc-00562-00180782-00181187 ragdar I thought I'd lost you come we sJRoUv6g-dc-00563-00181188-00181433 can complete my quest together sJRoUv6g-dc-00564-00181434-00181852 I said put the key back sJRoUv6g-dc-00565-00181853-00182104 we know the Eric's orthian is a weapon sJRoUv6g-dc-00566-00182105-00182428 and we can't let you use it sJRoUv6g-dc-00567-00182429-00182759 don't make me kill you sJRoUv6g-dc-00568-00182760-00183125 you will not stop me not when I am so sJRoUv6g-dc-00569-00183126-00183388 close sJRoUv6g-dc-00570-00183389-00183743 I don't want to kill you rhaegar sJRoUv6g-dc-00571-00183744-00185038 we do what we must sJRoUv6g-dc-00572-00185039-00185213 no bargaining we're just we're gonna sJRoUv6g-dc-00573-00185214-00185764 have to kill you sJRoUv6g-dc-00574-00185765-00186604 come on there halfling sJRoUv6g-dc-00575-00186605-00186809 uh sJRoUv6g-dc-00576-00186810-00187216 she looks like it's her sJRoUv6g-dc-00577-00187217-00187993 I do that too much sJRoUv6g-dc-00578-00187994-00189209 yeah I knew I didn't like it sJRoUv6g-dc-00579-00189210-00189695 she's not nice sJRoUv6g-dc-00580-00189696-00189845 for protection sJRoUv6g-dc-00581-00189846-00190493 I'm not singing it sJRoUv6g-dc-00582-00190494-00191045 something Unholy sJRoUv6g-dc-00583-00191046-00191393 cast spell reason with ariadne or attack sJRoUv6g-dc-00584-00191394-00191602 ariadne sJRoUv6g-dc-00585-00191603-00192269 she is Unholy um sJRoUv6g-dc-00586-00192270-00192604 there's no reasoning with her sJRoUv6g-dc-00587-00192605-00192814 if we cast a spell she's gonna fight if sJRoUv6g-dc-00588-00192815-00192959 we attack she's gonna fight it maybe sJRoUv6g-dc-00589-00192960-00193187 reasoning will just make her do oh and sJRoUv6g-dc-00590-00193188-00193349 knock us over and then we just can sJRoUv6g-dc-00591-00193350-00193528 continue sJRoUv6g-dc-00592-00193529-00193745 that's my reasoning sJRoUv6g-dc-00593-00193746-00193925 to reason I don't know if it's a good sJRoUv6g-dc-00594-00193926-00194207 one someone out there is like sJRoUv6g-dc-00595-00194208-00194525 this slow motion like to my Doom would sJRoUv6g-dc-00596-00194526-00194629 just zoom in sJRoUv6g-dc-00597-00194630-00195514 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00598-00195515-00195725 I'm sure this is all a misunderstander I sJRoUv6g-dc-00599-00195726-00195851 don't think so that's not why I'm going sJRoUv6g-dc-00600-00195852-00196145 this way sJRoUv6g-dc-00601-00196146-00197201 hey I hope you don't die sJRoUv6g-dc-00602-00197202-00197463 oh sJRoUv6g-dc-00603-00197464-00197783 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00604-00197784-00198226 oh I didn't think it's like that sJRoUv6g-dc-00605-00198227-00198923 wow sJRoUv6g-dc-00606-00198924-00199187 oh oh I'm assuming that was stabby it sJRoUv6g-dc-00607-00199188-00199426 was a little different but sJRoUv6g-dc-00608-00199427-00199757 oh I just failed miserably sJRoUv6g-dc-00609-00199758-00202090 I was hoping she just kind of swaps away sJRoUv6g-dc-00610-00202091-00202325 your choice has led to the end of this sJRoUv6g-dc-00611-00202326-00202571 past press enter to continue the sJRoUv6g-dc-00612-00202572-00202804 adventure sJRoUv6g-dc-00613-00202805-00203123 oh my gosh sJRoUv6g-dc-00614-00203124-00203459 all right all right all right sJRoUv6g-dc-00615-00203460-00203633 we'll continue sJRoUv6g-dc-00616-00203634-00203897 in another video thank you for watching sJRoUv6g-dc-00617-00203898-00204173 and I'm sorry sJRoUv6g-dc-00618-00204174-00204910 look out for part two thanks sJRoUv6g-dc-00619-00204911-00205419 Maybe sJRoUv6g-dc-00620-00205421-00205925 [Music] sJRoUv6g-dc-00621-00205926-00206220 foreign sJRoUv6g-dc-00622-00206221-00206549 [Music]